1 value
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Wow, that is remarkable.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
American dream destroyed. Very sad, very emotional. You’ve lost perspective, Cuddy. You’ve stopped looking at this as a doctor. You’re acting like someone who shoved somebody off their roof. You want to make things right? Too bad. Nothing’s ever right.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Stop that man! Fits all the symptoms.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
A yellow light does not mean stop. It was, at the most, 20% my fault. Since insurance companies automatically put 100% of the fault on the rear-ender, my little lie was actually an effort to achieve an outcome closer to the truth. And it would have worked, too, if it weren't for those meddling kids.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Thanks for playing along.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Whoa! There you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Uh, listen, you said I had to cut one of my people if I didn’t give that speech about your drug, and in fairness to your point of view, my speech really wasn’t the one you had in mind, so I’ve cut Cameron. Now we’re all squared away, right?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Does seem kind of cruel doesn't it?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
If you're going to kiss his ass to protect your ass, at least wait until he's had a good idea. It's a symptom of him being a charlatan. He's a second-rate magician with a mysterious illness, why wouldn't he predict his own death? If he's wrong, we all forget it, if he's right, he goes out a legend.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I don't want that. But we'd be foolish not to plan ahead. A: my firing Chase was the only reason you left two years ago, B: when the full horror of his homicide hits you, your marriage will blow up. And the only obstacle to you working here will be gone. Or maybe I skipped a couple of letters.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Those idiots. How many times am I going to have to send them through sensitivity training?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
We can all applaud the doctor who's willing to break all the rules. But the real hero is the unsung doctor, toiling in anonymity, because he broke the rules without getting caught.Not kidding.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Yeah, it was all my fault. Look, you got a choice. You can either tell the truth. Or you can keep up this lie.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You do realise that the point of metaphors is to scare people from doing things by telling them that something much scarier is going to happen than what will really happen? God I wish I had a metaphor to explain that better. Go back to the game. Don't worry, I'm not going to get eaten by witches.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
We'll always have Fresno. I'm no good at being noble but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of two little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that. Now, now, here's looking at you. Damn.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I forgot. You guys talk. Look, no offense to either of you, but dinner with your mom? Come on, I'd have to act like a decent human being , and you know what a strain that puts on me. And you , ever since you broke up with Sam, you've done nothing but mope and whine. It's an unbelievable bummer.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
If this was about getting the story out there, then yeah. Of course, if this is actually about something else. Maybe you feeling you need to make some grand, stupid gesture. You need to be a hero. Well, then, yeah, sorry. I did screw it up.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
My strategy's not completely working. All four of them want to work for me, but all four of them have reasons why they don't want to work for me. How do I get them to take one from column A and none from column B? Right. Right, by not saying anything, you're saying that the answer is inside me.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Blah, blah, blah, blah. You get the idea.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
There’s no such thing! It’s always ugly, always. You can live with dignity, we can’t die with it.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
They just care about themselves more. Which is not an unreasonable position. Trying to maximize the tissue you save also maximizes the chances of something going wrong. Which means you’ve gotta be extra careful. Which is such a pain in the ass.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I don't need you to cover my ass!
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Gee, that's a great idea.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You ask a question. I rule out two possibilities and you’re satisfied? That means you don’t want an answer. You just wanted to know there wasn’t a particular answer. Either you were worried that she wanted back on my team, or you were worried that she wanted back on me.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I'm not gonna go out and get hammered because a woman I'm not even with is moving in with someone. That'd be pathetic. To hell with this. When I first came to you, I told you that I wanted to be happy, and I followed your advice. And instead, I'm just miserable. How is this working for me?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I need to know.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
But you know you're not. You need people to see how independent you are, how well you're coping. So they won't see the lost, hurt little girl. Because that's not what you see. You see someone who did something terrible. Who deserves to suffer. Who doesn't deserve to live. What did you do?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Well, that’s a bit of an overreaction, wouldn’t you say? It’s almost like you’re scared that it might be true.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
That would be the ideal.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You’re here because you haven’t found it. Have you looked really, really hard?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Shut up. You've been doing this for years. Don't worry, it's probably not your fault.You saw all the attention she got while you were left alone, ignored, and it really, seriously screwed you up.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
That's not her lying, that's the chart lying. Which doesn't make sense.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Oh, right. Guess I'm here for Wilson. Obviously you didn't tell me that Cuddy was moving in with Lucas 'cause you were protecting me. Which is odd since I told you that I'm fine with their relationship. So obviously, you question one of those assumptions or you have an issue with logic.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I'm saying you're being an idiot. But I don't have time to talk you out of your religion so I'm stuck with giving you a technicality that will let you justify doing the right thing.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
They had no reason to dig any deeper.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I’m afraid the cause of your problem could be staring us right in the face. Actually I guess I’m the one doing the staring. Of course I can’t be sure, I’d like to consult a colleague. He’s actually somewhat of an expert in these matters.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I want hourly checks because when he does go blind he won't be able to tell us. We'll use the data to construct a timeline so we'll see how far behind on Joe he is.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You're defined by your work. But you kept seeing doctors, kept missing time. Couldn't focus. Maybe you made a huge mistake.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Oh, who the hell does? Tragedies happen.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
That’s right. I’m subjecting a 12-year-old to a battery of dangerous and evasive tests to avoid being bored. Okay, maybe I would do that, but I’m not.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Any other differences? Actually, technically, right now, Chase is here. But that’s because I called him, and you didn’t know that. And it’s irrelevant to my point. Which is… You and Chase are over.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Great theory. It's a ridiculous test. You can't give a standard balance test to a champion bull rider. If you're gonna test Superman's strength, you need a bigger barbell. Find one, make him lift it, then call me and tell me how high it got. And tell Cuddy that spying is for cowards.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You're right. I am. But my damaged, depressed, drug-addled judgment is still better than yours. So you can either have security arrest me and my team, or you can get the hell out of my way.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Either you left it behind on purpose, or by mistake. The only reason you'd leave it behind intentionally, is if it no longer meant anything to you. But since it was a gift from your mom, that would mean you had a fight with her. But since you don't talk to ghosts, that's unlikely.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
She doesn't know me. In fact she doesn't know anything except what you tell her. And you told her that you were never going to give me that space, didn't you? Just tell me - do you at least feel a little guilty? If you want to teach me lessons, don't make commitments you can't keep.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You guys ready? Now is the time you stare at me, in slack-jawed amazement.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
How am I supposed to know how best to utilize that team if I don't know everything about them? Say that Van Gogh turns out to have neurosyphilis, and our last vial of penicillin is in a storeroom at the end of a 20-mile hallway with a two-foot high ceiling.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You were wrong.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Separately, they're better than you. Together, they're morons.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I have to be here, so I figured I'd punch up the stakes in the first act. And if we tell them first, then they can hide something that we need to know in order to figure out what's wrong with them.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Can we forget my vices and get back to my virtues?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I know. The eye doesn't think. The brain thinks, which means if the thinking's wrong, the brain's wrong. Which means it's spread to the brain, which means it's too late for us to remove the eye. Which means we're gonna have to remove your whole head. Don't worry. It doesn't hurt.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
See, this is what's screwed up here. You're not sure that this is the right call, but you are sure that this is what you want to tell her. And that scares you because your motives aren't medical.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
That's what they said. But it's there. Which means no way head trauma did this.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
True. Could just be her MO.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You think they're going to give a crap if I know their names?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Either the drugs are the answer, or the drugs are a coincidence. If it's one, we have to find a better way to detox him. If it's two, we have to know which symptoms are withdrawal-related before we can formulate a diagnosis. Which means we have to find a better way to detox him.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I know why she's mad. What I need to know is how to make her un-mad.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I’ll do it. Let the master show you how it’s done.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Gotta go. People dying. Whole circle of life thing.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
At what point does a person endlessly lecturing someone make him a jerk? First tongue kiss, an 8 on the happiness scale. Your child being snatched back from the brink of death, that's a 10. They're clocking in at a very tepid 6.5 because they know what they have to go back to.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Nope, but the wall between Wilson's office and this one is thinner than you think; which means we need to stop talking about what a pathetic loser he is.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Oh, uh, just in case I need them, where exactly will Dr. Foreman be keeping my balls? If you want to keep your jobs, that never happened. The only way to get the cat burglar is to catch him in the act.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
No. I was trying to find something I could set at eleven without blowing out my eardrums.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
What's the medical term? Upset. These 25-year-old females are usually completely rational. They're rocks. Really. My theory seems to be supported by the fact that she swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills. Get her a shrink. And I need some shut-eye.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
It’s the diagnostic equivalent of a two-for-one sale.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Which means it was never a symptom. We take that off the table.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Yeah, yeah, yeah, save it, we’re busy.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
That’s what I love about you mob guys: so tolerant of others, so accepting. Only way he was coming out was way, way out. Lose the tattoos, change his name, move to another town… how’s a guy like him going to do that? Witness protection. It’s not just for witnesses any more.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Let's work from the tenuous assumption that we're not idiots who've spent days examining a heart up, down, sideways – declaring it healthy just a few hours before it basically shut down. So we need to think about causes in places you didn't look.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Well this sucks. Either it's a symptom or it's completely irrelevant. Either way we have to waste half a day figuring out which.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
The first file wasn't my fault. The explanation for that is that people drop things.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I'm not doing this at all. If there were something to be done, I would have done it in the year he spent dying.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Choose your poison. Chase, if you prefer pounding Aussie beers and commiserating over the suckiness of divorce. Masters, if you want nervous energy, flash cards, and obnoxious pieces of arcane trivia. Foreman, if you need to be berated by a humorless hard-ass.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
See, that is exactly the kind of brilliance that sounds deep, but you can say that about any person who doesn't pine for the social approval of everyone he meets, which you were cleverly able to deduce about me by not being a moron. Next time tell God to be more specific.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I want all the records on miracle woman. Every test, every treatment she's ever had, every question she's ever answered.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
No. And you’ll do it again. To a lot of people, this would be a once-in-a-lifetime kind of mistake.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I think you got her in because of your usual Messiah complex. I think you messed with the appointment schedule because of your "I like to have sex" complex. I checked the logs. You moved her. False hope being quite the aphrodisiac.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
This whole thing is an overreaction. He'll be a happy hypocrite again in no time.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Which is why I don't want you back on the team. Now that you're out of the picture, he's better than ever, which is going to make me less miserable than ever, which is why neither of us gives a damn how, when, or on what island in the Bahamas you want to get from it all.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Another pop quiz. How many idiot doctors does it take to switch an I.V.?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
That's because you're more gullible than I am. For instance, I don't believe that you called off your open marriage. I believe your wife called it off, and you called off telling her that you weren't calling it off. A guy doesn't just throw a golden ticket in the trash.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Don't think you can disgust me into pulling him off you.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
That's cuz you guys haven't scared him enough. Crush all hope.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Look, I checked her records. The results are all over the map. There's only one constant.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
The answer to any of these questions, if yes, assume you're right. If the answer's no, assume you're right.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I'm almost always eventually right. You have no way of knowing when 'eventually' is. Every time I've had an epiphany on this one you guys were right on board. No challenges, nothing to explain. No offense, but either you guys are getting smarter or I'm getting dumber.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
All of them. Which means that none of them said anything that I have to worry about. Your need to be needed is so strong that you give people what they want, what they need, what they think they need.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
No, nothing like that. I’m guessing he figured if you're both frigid, no harm no foul. You should have gotten him the sweater.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Believe me, I’d much rather be with your better half. And by better half, of course, I mean the one who struck out Sammy Sosa on three pitches and talks a lot less. But I thought I would talk to you first, and alone.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Maybe if he'd been a better father, I'd be a better son. But I am what I am because of him, for better or for worse.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Trust me, she doesn’t want to hear it from me.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
She invited me. She didn't know if she should. She was trying to figure out if I really have changed or if I’m still the same old S.O.B. I've always been. But she always gave me a chance. 832 chances. And I used up every one of them. 832's her limit. Make a note.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
As I always like to say, it's better to be a helpful Helen than a negative Nelly. So while you're cooking up some ideas of your own, allow me to present theory 2.0 of why Chase hired you. Dr. Kelly, meet your doppelganger. Oh, no. Hold on a second.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Yes, it really happened. I take cases that other doctors fail to diagnose, which is why I only take one at a time.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You moron! It’s one thing for you not to notice, but if your wife hasn’t picked up on the fact that her husband has changed color, she’s just not paying attention.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Of course, but all that told us was what they said happened.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Saying there appears to be clotting, is like saying there appears to be a traffic jam up ahead. Is it a ten-car pileup? Or just a really slow bus in the center lane, and if it is a bus is it a thrombotic bus, or an embolic bus? Think I pushed that metaphor too far.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Unfortunately, his brother's like a bad doubles partner. The guy just takes up space, gets in the way. Clancy's body thinks that he's going to put away the easy winners, but his brother just keeps swatting the balls into the net. We've got to get him off the court.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
It made me think. You only snap on one subject: losing people. So I went back to the intel. It's true there's only one doctor named Gonzalez at New York Mercy, but there's a Javier Gonzalez who's a nurse in the psych ward. And who could you lose who'd end up there?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Two mysteries, cool. Theories? Did I come in too soon? Okay, I’m gonna take another lap. And I want three new ideas by the time I come back. One of them's got to be not stupid.