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"an", "▁as", "▁the", "▁man", "aging", "▁director", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Const", "ruction", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Phys", "ical", "▁construction", "▁work", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁started", "▁on", "▁", "1", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁problems", "▁experienced", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Kol", "k", "ata", "▁Metro", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁badly", "▁delayed", "▁and", "▁", "1", "2", "▁times", "▁over", "▁budget", "▁due", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁political", "▁med", "d", "ling", "▁,", "▁technical", "▁problems", "▁and", "▁b", "ureau", "cr", "atic", "▁del", "ays", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁DM", "RC", "▁is", "▁a", "▁special", "▁purpose", "▁organisation", "▁v", "ested", "▁with", "▁great", "▁aut", "onomy", "▁and", "▁powers", "▁to", "▁execute", "▁this", "▁gig", "antic", "▁project", "▁involving", "▁many", "▁technical", "▁complex", "ities", "▁,", "▁under", "▁a", "▁difficult", "▁urban", "▁environment", "▁and", "▁within", "▁a", "▁very", "▁limited", "▁time", "▁frame", "▁.", "▁DM", "RC", "▁was", "▁given", "▁full", "▁powers", "▁to", "▁h", "ire", "▁people", "▁,", "▁decide", "▁on", "▁tend", "ers", "▁and", "▁control", "▁funds", "▁.", "▁The", "▁DM", "RC", "▁then", "▁consult", "ed", "▁the", "▁Hong", "▁Kong", "▁M", "TR", "C", "▁on", "▁rapid", "▁trans", "it", "▁operation", "▁and", "▁construction", "▁techniques", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁construction", "▁proceeded", "▁smooth", "ly", "▁,", "▁except", "▁for", "▁one", "▁major", "▁disag", "re", "ement", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁where", "▁the", "▁Ministry", "▁of", "▁Rail", "ways", "▁forced", "▁the", "▁system", "▁to", "▁use", "▁broad", "▁gauge", "▁despite", "▁the", "▁DM", "RC", "▁'", "s", "▁preference", "▁for", "▁standard", "▁gauge", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁first", "▁elev", "ated", "▁line", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁was", "▁inaugur", "ated", "▁by", "▁At", "al", "▁Bi", "h", "ari", "▁V", "aj", "pay", "ee", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁of", "▁India", "▁,", "▁on", "▁", "2", "4", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁&", "▁the", "▁first", "▁under", "ground", "▁line", "▁was", "▁inaugur", "ated", "▁by", "▁Dr", "▁Man", "m", "oh", "an", "▁Singh", "▁on", "▁", "2", "0", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁,", "▁and", "▁thus", "▁,", "▁it", "▁became", "▁the", "▁second", "▁under", "ground", "▁rapid", "▁trans", "it", "▁system", "▁in", "▁India", "▁,", "▁after", "▁the", "▁Kol", "k", "ata", "▁Metro", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁under", "ground", "▁section", "▁of", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁was", "▁V", "ish", "wa", "▁Vid", "yal", "aya", "▁-", "▁K", "ash", "m", "ere", "▁Gate", "▁section", "▁which", "▁included", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁km", "▁tunnel", "▁&", "▁", "4", "▁stations", "▁namely", "▁V", "ish", "wa", "▁Vid", "yal", "aya", "▁,", "▁Vid", "han", "▁Sab", "ha", "▁,", "▁Civil", "▁L", "ines", "▁&", "▁K", "ash", "m", "ere", "▁Gate", "▁station", "▁.", "▁This", "▁project", "▁was", "▁constructed", "▁by", "▁K", "um", "ag", "ai", "▁@", 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atenary . Planning for the metro started in 1984 , when the Delhi Development Authority and the Urban Arts Commission came up with a proposal for developing a multi @-@ modal transport system for the city . Delhi Metro Rail Corporation ( DMRC ) was incorporated in May 1995 , construction started in 1998 , and the first section , on the Red Line , opened in 2002 . The development of network was divided into phases , Phase I containing 3 lines was completed by 2006 and Phase II in 2011 . Phase III is scheduled for completion by 2016 . Phase IV has been approved by the Delhi government , awaiting cabinet approval , to be completed by 2020 . Rapid MetroRail Gurgaon which opened in 2013 , whilst linked to Delhi Metro by the Yellow Line is a separate metro system ( with a different owner / operator than the Delhi Metro ) , although tokens and cards from the Delhi Metro can be used in its network . = = History = = = = = Background = = = The concept of a mass rapid transit for New Delhi first emerged from a traffic and travel characteristics study which was carried out in the city in 1969 . Over the next several years , many official committees by a variety of government departments were commissioned to examine issues related to technology , route alignment , and governmental jurisdiction . In 1984 , the Delhi Development Authority and the Urban Arts Commission came up with a proposal for developing a multi @-@ modal transport system , which would consist of constructing three underground mass rapid transit corridors as well augmenting the city 's existing suburban railway and road transport networks . While extensive technical studies and the raising of finance for the project were in progress , the city expanded significantly resulting in a twofold rise in population and a fivefold rise in the number of vehicles between 1981 and 1998 . Consequently , traffic congestion and pollution soared , as an increasing number of commuters took to private vehicles with the existing bus system unable to bear the load . An attempt at privatising the bus transport system in 1992 merely compounded the problem , with inexperienced operators plying poorly maintained , noisy and polluting buses on lengthy routes , resulting in long waiting times , unreliable service , extreme overcrowding , unqualified drivers , speeding and reckless driving . To rectify the situation , the Government of India and the Government of Delhi jointly set up a company called the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation ( DMRC ) on 3 May 1995 , with E. Sreedharan as the managing director . = = = Construction = = = Physical construction work on the Delhi Metro started on 1 October 1998 . After the previous problems experienced by the Kolkata Metro , which was badly delayed and 12 times over budget due to " political meddling , technical problems and bureaucratic delays " , DMRC is a special purpose organisation vested with great autonomy and powers to execute this gigantic project involving many technical complexities , under a difficult urban environment and within a very limited time frame . DMRC was given full powers to hire people , decide on tenders and control funds . The DMRC then consulted the Hong Kong MTRC on rapid transit operation and construction techniques . As a result , construction proceeded smoothly , except for one major disagreement in 2000 , where the Ministry of Railways forced the system to use broad gauge despite the DMRC 's preference for standard gauge . The first elevated line of the Delhi Metro was inaugurated by Atal Bihari Vajpayee , the Prime Minister of India , on 24 December 2002 & the first underground line was inaugurated by Dr Manmohan Singh on 20 December 2004 , and thus , it became the second underground rapid transit system in India , after the Kolkata Metro . The first underground section of Delhi Metro was Vishwa Vidyalaya - Kashmere Gate section which included 4 @.@ 5 km tunnel & 4 stations namely Vishwa Vidyalaya , Vidhan Sabha , Civil Lines & Kashmere Gate station . This project was constructed by Kumagai @-@ Skanska @-@ HCC @-@ Itochu JV or KSHI @-@ JV , a joint venture between Kumagai Gumi , Skanska , Hindustan Const
[ "ruction", "▁Company", "▁&", "▁I", "to", "ch", "u", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁first", "▁phase", "▁of", "▁the", "▁project", "▁was", "▁completed", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁on", "▁budget", "▁and", "▁almost", "▁three", "▁years", "▁ahead", "▁of", "▁schedule", "▁,", "▁an", "▁achiev", "ement", "▁described", "▁by", "▁Business", "▁Week", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁nothing", "▁short", "▁of", "▁a", "▁mi", "racle", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Const", "ruction", "▁acc", "idents", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁", "1", "9", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁a", "▁gir", "der", "▁launch", "er", "▁and", "▁a", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁overhead", "▁Blue", "▁Line", "▁extension", "▁under", "▁construction", "▁in", "▁La", "x", "mi", "▁Nag", "ar", "▁,", "▁East", "▁Del", "hi", "▁col", "lapsed", "▁and", "▁fell", "▁on", "▁passing", "▁vehicles", "▁under", "ne", "ath", "▁.", "▁Work", "ers", "▁were", "▁using", "▁a", "▁c", "rane", "▁to", "▁lift", "▁a", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", 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"▁km", "▁(", "▁", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁is", "▁under", "ground", "▁and", "▁", "5", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "3", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁surface", "▁or", "▁elev", "ated", "▁.", "▁The", "▁inaug", "uration", "▁of", "▁the", "▁D", "w", "ark", "a", "▁–", "▁Bar", "akh", "amba", "▁Road", "▁cor", "rid", "or", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Blue", "▁Line", "▁marked", "▁the", "▁completion", "▁of", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁I", "▁on", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁.", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁II", "▁of", "▁the", "▁network", "▁compr", "ises", "▁", "1", "2", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "7", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁of", "▁route", "▁length", "▁and", "▁", "8", "5", "▁stations", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁fully", "▁completed", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁first", "▁section", "▁opened", "▁in", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁and", "▁the", "▁last", "▁line", "▁opened", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁III", "▁(", "▁", "1", "4", "0", "▁km", "▁,", "▁", "6", "9", "▁stations", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁IV", "▁(", "▁", "1", "0", "6", "▁km", "▁,", "▁", "5", "1", "▁stations", "▁)", "▁are", "▁planned", "▁to", "▁be", "▁completed", "▁by", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁and", "▁", "2", "0", "2", "0", "▁respectively", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁network", "▁sp", "anning", "▁", "4", "3", "6", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "2", "7", "1", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁by", "▁then", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Current", "▁routes", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁As", "▁of", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁completion", "▁of", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁I", "▁,", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁II", "▁and", "▁the", "▁beginning", "▁of", "▁operations", "▁on", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁III", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁network", "▁compr", "ises", "▁five", "▁col", "oured", "▁lines", "▁(", "▁plus", "▁the", "▁Airport", "▁Express", "▁line", "▁)", "▁,", "▁serving", "▁", "1", "5", "4", "▁met", "ro", "▁stations", "▁(", "▁with", "▁", "6", "▁more", "▁stations", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Airport", "▁Express", "▁line", "▁,", "▁for", "▁a", "▁total", "▁of", "▁", "1", "6", "0", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁operating", "▁on", "▁a", "▁total", "▁route", "▁length", "▁of", "▁", "2", "1", "3", "▁kilometres", "▁(", "▁", "1", "3", "2", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Red", "▁Line", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Red", "▁Line", "▁was", "▁first", "▁line", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Metro", "▁to", "▁be", "▁opened", "▁and", "▁connect", "s", "▁R", "ith", "ala", "▁in", "▁the", "▁west", "▁to", "▁D", "il", "sh", "ad", "▁Garden", "▁in", "▁the", "▁east", "▁,", "▁covering", "▁a", "▁distance", "▁of", "▁", "2", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "9", "▁kilometres", "▁(", "▁", "1", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "9", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁partly", "▁elev", "ated", "▁and", "▁partly", "▁at", "▁grade", "▁,", "▁and", "▁cross", "es", "▁the", "▁Yam", "una", "▁River", "▁between", "▁K", "ash", "m", "ere", "▁Gate", "▁and", "▁Sh", "ast", "ri", "▁Park", "▁stations", "▁.", "▁The", "▁inaug", "uration", "▁of", "▁the", "▁first", "▁stretch", "▁between", "▁Shah", "d", "ara", "▁and", "▁T", "is", "▁Haz", "ari", "▁on", "▁", "2", "4", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁caused", "▁the", "▁ticket", "ing", "▁system", "▁to", "▁collapse", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁line", "▁being", "▁crow", "ded", "▁to", "▁four", "▁times", "▁its", "▁capacity", "▁by", "▁citizens", "▁eager", "▁to", "▁have", "▁a", "▁ride", "▁.", "▁Sub", "sequ", "ent", "▁sections", "▁were", "▁inaugur", "ated", "▁from", "▁T", "is", "▁Haz", "ari", "▁–", "▁Tr", "in", "agar", "▁(", "▁later", "▁renamed", "▁Ind", "er", "lo", "k", "▁)", "▁on", "▁", "4", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁,", "▁Ind", "er", "lo", "k", "▁–", "▁R", "ith", "ala", "▁on", "▁", "3", "1", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Shah", "d", "ara", "▁–", "▁D", "il", "sh", "ad", "▁Garden", "▁on", "▁", "4", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁.", "▁The", "▁red", "▁line", "▁has", "▁two", "▁inter", "change", "▁stations", "▁,", "▁the", "▁first", "▁K", "ash", "m", "ere", "▁Gate", "▁with", "▁the", "▁yellow", "▁line", "▁and", "▁the", "▁second", "▁Ind", "er", "lo", "k", "▁with", "▁the", "▁green", "▁line", ".", "Start", "ing", "▁from", "▁", "2", "4", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁six", "▁coach", "▁trains", "▁will", "▁be", "▁induct", "ed", "▁in", "▁a", "▁ph", "ased", "▁manner", "▁in", "▁red", "▁line", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Y", "ellow", "▁Line", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Y", "ellow", "▁Line", "▁was", "▁the", "▁second", "▁line" ]
ruction Company & Itochu . The first phase of the project was completed in 2006 , on budget and almost three years ahead of schedule , an achievement described by Business Week as " nothing short of a miracle " . = = = Construction accidents = = = On 19 October 2008 , a girder launcher and a part of the overhead Blue Line extension under construction in Laxmi Nagar , East Delhi collapsed and fell on passing vehicles underneath . Workers were using a crane to lift a 400 @-@ tonne concrete span of the bridge when the launcher collapsed along with a 34 @-@ metre ( 112 ft ) long span of the bridge on top of a Blueline bus killing the driver and a labourer . On 12 July 2009 , a section of bridge collapsed while it was being erected at Zamrudpur , near East of Kailash , on the Central Secretariat – Badarpur corridor . Six people died and 15 were injured . The following day , on 13 July 2009 , a crane that was removing the debris collapsed , and with a bowling pin effect collapsed two other nearby cranes , injuring six . On 22 July 2009 , worker at Ashok Park Metro station was killed when a steel beam fell on him . Over a hundred people , including 93 workers , have died since work on the metro began in 1998 . = = Network = = The Delhi Metro is being built in phases . Phase I completed 58 stations and 65 @.@ 0 km ( 40 @.@ 4 mi ) of route length , of which 13 @.@ 0 km ( 8 @.@ 1 mi ) is underground and 52 @.@ 1 km ( 32 @.@ 4 mi ) surface or elevated . The inauguration of the Dwarka – Barakhamba Road corridor of the Blue Line marked the completion of Phase I on October 2006 . Phase II of the network comprises 124 @.@ 6 km ( 77 @.@ 4 mi ) of route length and 85 stations , and is fully completed , with the first section opened in June 2008 and the last line opened in August 2011 . Phase III ( 140 km , 69 stations ) and Phase IV ( 106 km , 51 stations ) are planned to be completed by 2016 and 2020 respectively , with the network spanning 436 km ( 271 mi ) by then . = = = Current routes = = = As of November 2015 , with the completion of Phase I , Phase II and the beginning of operations on Phase III , the Delhi Metro network comprises five coloured lines ( plus the Airport Express line ) , serving 154 metro stations ( with 6 more stations on the Airport Express line , for a total of 160 ) , and operating on a total route length of 213 kilometres ( 132 mi ) . = = = = Red Line = = = = The Red Line was first line of the Metro to be opened and connects Rithala in the west to Dilshad Garden in the east , covering a distance of 25 @.@ 09 kilometres ( 15 @.@ 59 mi ) . It is partly elevated and partly at grade , and crosses the Yamuna River between Kashmere Gate and Shastri Park stations . The inauguration of the first stretch between Shahdara and Tis Hazari on 24 December 2002 caused the ticketing system to collapse due to the line being crowded to four times its capacity by citizens eager to have a ride . Subsequent sections were inaugurated from Tis Hazari – Trinagar ( later renamed Inderlok ) on 4 October 2003 , Inderlok – Rithala on 31 March 2004 , and Shahdara – Dilshad Garden on 4 June 2008 . The red line has two interchange stations , the first Kashmere Gate with the yellow line and the second Inderlok with the green line.Starting from 24 November 2013 six coach trains will be inducted in a phased manner in red line . = = = = Yellow Line = = = = The Yellow Line was the second line
[ "▁of", "▁the", "▁Metro", "▁and", "▁was", "▁the", "▁first", "▁under", "ground", "▁line", "▁to", "▁be", "▁opened", "▁.", "▁It", "▁runs", "▁for", "▁", "4", "9", "▁kilometres", "▁(", "▁", "3", "0", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁from", "▁north", "▁to", "▁south", "▁and", "▁connect", "s", "▁Sam", "ay", "pur", "▁Bad", "li", "▁with", "▁H", "U", "DA", "▁City", "▁Centre", "▁in", "▁G", "urg", "a", "on", "▁.", "▁The", "▁northern", "▁and", "▁southern", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁the", "▁line", "▁are", "▁elev", "ated", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁central", "▁section", "▁passes", "▁through", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁most", "▁con", "g", "ested", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁Del", "hi", "▁is", "▁under", "ground", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁section", "▁between", "▁V", "ish", "wa", "▁Vid", "yal", "aya", "▁and", "▁K", "ash", "m", "ere", "▁Gate", "▁(", "▁built", "▁by", "▁K", "um", "ag", "ai", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Sk", "anska", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁H", "CC", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁I", "to", "ch", "u", "▁J", "oint", "▁Vent", "ure", "▁)", "▁opened", "▁on", "▁", "2", "0", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁subsequent", "▁sections", "▁of", "▁K", "ash", "m", "ere", "▁Gate", "▁–", "▁Central", "▁Secret", "ariat", "▁opened", "▁on", "▁", "3", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁and", "▁V", "ish", "wa", "▁Vid", "yal", "aya", "▁–", "▁Jah", "ang", "ir", "p", "uri", "▁on", "▁", "4", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁.", "▁This", "▁line", "▁also", "▁poss", "esses", "▁the", "▁country", "▁'", "s", "▁deep", "est", "▁Metro", "▁station", "▁(", "▁the", "▁second", "▁deep", "est", "▁met", "ro", "▁station", "▁in", "▁the", "▁world", "▁)", "▁at", "▁Ch", "aw", "ri", "▁B", "az", "aar", "▁,", "▁situated", "▁", "3", "0", "▁metres", "▁(", "▁", "9", "8", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁below", "▁ground", "▁level", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "2", "1", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁an", "▁additional", "▁stretch", "▁from", "▁Q", "ut", "ub", "▁Min", "ar", "▁to", "▁H", "U", "DA", "▁City", "▁Centre", "▁was", "▁opened", "▁,", "▁initially", "▁operating", "▁separately", "▁from", "▁the", "▁main", "▁line", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁Ch", "hat", "arp", "ur", "▁station", "▁on", "▁this", "▁line", "▁opened", "▁on", "▁", "2", "6", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁Due", "▁to", "▁delay", "▁in", "▁acqu", "iring", "▁the", "▁land", "▁for", "▁construct", "ing", "▁the", "▁station", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁constructed", "▁using", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁fabric", "ated", "▁structures", "▁in", "▁a", "▁record", "▁time", "▁of", "▁nine", "▁months", "▁and", "▁is", "▁the", "▁only", "▁station", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Del", "hi", "▁met", "ro", "▁network", "▁to", "▁be", "▁made", "▁completely", "▁of", "▁steel", "▁.", "▁The", "▁connecting", "▁link", "▁between", "▁Central", "▁Secret", "ariat", "▁and", "▁Q", "ut", "ub", "▁Min", "ar", "▁opened", "▁on", "▁", "3", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁re", "▁on", "▁", "1", "0", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁the", "▁line", "▁was", "▁further", "▁extended", "▁between", "▁Jah", "ang", "ir", "p", "uri", "▁and", "▁Sam", "ay", "pur", "▁Bad", "li", "▁in", "▁Out", "er", "▁Del", "hi", "▁.", "▁Inter", "changes", "▁are", "▁available", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Red", "▁Line", "▁and", "▁K", "ash", "m", "ere", "▁Gate", "▁I", "SB", "T", "▁at", "▁K", "ash", "m", "ere", "▁Gate", "▁station", "▁,", "▁Blue", "▁Line", "▁at", "▁Raj", "iv", "▁Ch", "ow", "k", "▁Station", "▁,", "▁V", "io", "let", "▁Line", "▁at", "▁Central", "▁Secret", "ariat", "▁,", "▁Airport", "▁Express", "▁(", "▁Orange", "▁)", "▁Line", "▁at", "▁New", "▁Del", "hi", "▁,", "▁Rap", "id", "▁Metro", "R", "ail", "▁G", "urg", "a", "on", "▁at", "▁S", "ik", "and", "arp", "ur", "▁and", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁Rail", "ways", "▁network", "▁at", "▁Ch", "and", "ni", "▁ch", "ow", "k", "▁Del", "hi", "▁J", "unction", "▁Railway", "▁station", "▁and", "▁New", "▁Del", "hi", "▁New", "▁Del", "hi", "▁railway", "▁stations", "▁.", "▁Y", "ellow", "▁line", "▁is", "▁the", "▁first", "▁line", "▁of", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁which", "▁has", "▁ph", "ased", "▁out", "▁all", "▁four", "▁coach", "▁trains", "▁with", "▁six", "▁and", "▁eight", "▁coach", "▁configuration", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Metro", "▁Museum", "▁at", "▁Pat", "el", "▁Ch", "ow", "k", "▁Metro", "▁station", "▁is", "▁a", "▁collection", "▁of", "▁display", "▁pan", "els", "▁,", "▁historical", "▁photograph", "s", "▁and", "▁exhib", "its", "▁,", "▁trac", "ing", "▁the", "▁gen", "esis", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁.", "▁The", "▁museum", "▁was", "▁opened", "▁on", "▁", "1", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Blue", "▁Line", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Blue", "▁Line", "▁was", "▁the", "▁third", "▁line", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Metro", "▁to", "▁be", "▁opened", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁first", "▁to", "▁connect", "▁areas", "▁outside", "▁Del", "hi", "▁.", "▁Main", "ly", "▁elev", "ated", "▁and", "▁partly", "▁under", "ground", "▁,", "▁it", "▁connect", "s", "▁D", "w", "ark", "a", "▁Sub", "▁City", "▁in", "▁the", "▁west", "▁with", "▁the", "▁satellite", "▁city", "▁of", "▁No", "ida", "▁in", "▁the", "▁east", "▁,", "▁covering", "▁a", "▁distance", "▁of", "▁", "4", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁kilometres", "▁(", "▁", "2", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁section", "▁of", "▁this", "▁line", "▁between", "▁D", "w", "ark", "a", "▁and", "▁Bar", "akh", "amba", "▁Road", "▁was", "▁inaugur", "ated", "▁on", "▁", "1", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁and", "▁subsequent", "▁sections", "▁opened", "▁between", "▁D", "w", "ark", "a", "▁–", "▁D", "w", "ark", "a", "▁S", "ector", "▁", "9", "▁on", "▁", "1", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁Bar", "akh", "amba", "▁Road", "▁–", "▁Ind", "ra", "pr", "as", "tha", "▁on", "▁", "1", "1", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁Ind", "ra", "pr", "as", "tha", "▁–", "▁Yam", "una", "▁Bank", "▁on", "▁", "1", "0", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁Yam", "una", "▁Bank", "▁–", "▁No", "ida", "▁City", "▁Centre", "▁on", "▁", "1", "2", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁and", "▁D", "w", "ark", "a", "▁S", "ector", "▁", "9", "▁–", "▁D", "w", "ark", "a", "▁S", "ector", "▁", "2", "1", "▁on", "▁", "3", "0", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁This", "▁line", "▁cross", "es", "▁the", "▁Yam", "una", "▁River", "▁between", "▁Ind", "ra", "pr", "as", "tha", "▁and", "▁Yam", "una", "▁Bank", "▁stations", "▁,", "▁and", "▁has", "▁India", "▁'", "s", "▁second", "▁extr", "ados", "ed", "▁bridge", "▁across", "▁the", "▁Northern", "▁Rail", "ways", "▁main", "lines", "▁near", "▁Prag", "ati", "▁Ma", "idan", "▁.", "▁A", "▁branch", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Blue", "▁line", "▁,", "▁inaugur", "ated", "▁on", "▁", "8", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁takes", "▁off", "▁from", "▁Yam", "una", "▁Bank", "▁station", "▁and", "▁runs", "▁for", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "5", "▁kilometres", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "8", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁up", "▁to", "▁An", "and", "▁V", "ih", "ar", "▁in", "▁east", "▁Del", "hi", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁further", "▁extended", "▁up", "▁to", "▁Va", "ish", "ali", "▁which", "▁was", "▁opened", "▁to", "▁public", "▁on", "▁", "1", "4", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁A", "▁small", "▁stretch", "▁of", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "6", "▁kilometres", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "1", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁from", "▁D", "w", "ark", "a", "▁S", "ector", "▁", "9", "▁to", "▁D", "w", "ark", "a", "▁S", "ector", "▁", "2", "1", "▁was", "▁inaugur", "ated", "▁on", "▁", "3", "0", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁Inter", "changes", "▁are", "▁available", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Y", "ellow", "▁Line", "▁at", "▁Raj", "iv", "▁Ch", "ow", "k", "▁station", "▁,", "▁Green", "▁line" ]
of the Metro and was the first underground line to be opened . It runs for 49 kilometres ( 30 mi ) from north to south and connects Samaypur Badli with HUDA City Centre in Gurgaon . The northern and southern parts of the line are elevated , while the central section passes through some of the most congested parts of Delhi is underground . The first section between Vishwa Vidyalaya and Kashmere Gate ( built by Kumagai @-@ Skanska @-@ HCC @-@ Itochu Joint Venture ) opened on 20 December 2004 , and the subsequent sections of Kashmere Gate – Central Secretariat opened on 3 July 2005 , and Vishwa Vidyalaya – Jahangirpuri on 4 February 2009 . This line also possesses the country 's deepest Metro station ( the second deepest metro station in the world ) at Chawri Bazaar , situated 30 metres ( 98 ft ) below ground level . On 21 June 2010 , an additional stretch from Qutub Minar to HUDA City Centre was opened , initially operating separately from the main line . However , Chhatarpur station on this line opened on 26 August 2010 . Due to delay in acquiring the land for constructing the station , it was constructed using pre @-@ fabricated structures in a record time of nine months and is the only station in the Delhi metro network to be made completely of steel . The connecting link between Central Secretariat and Qutub Minar opened on 3 September 2010 @.@ re on 10 November 2015 , the line was further extended between Jahangirpuri and Samaypur Badli in Outer Delhi . Interchanges are available with the Red Line and Kashmere Gate ISBT at Kashmere Gate station , Blue Line at Rajiv Chowk Station , Violet Line at Central Secretariat , Airport Express ( Orange ) Line at New Delhi , Rapid MetroRail Gurgaon at Sikandarpur and with the Indian Railways network at Chandni chowk Delhi Junction Railway station and New Delhi New Delhi railway stations . Yellow line is the first line of Delhi Metro which has phased out all four coach trains with six and eight coach configuration . The Metro Museum at Patel Chowk Metro station is a collection of display panels , historical photographs and exhibits , tracing the genesis of the Delhi Metro . The museum was opened on 1 January 2009 . = = = = Blue Line = = = = The Blue Line was the third line of the Metro to be opened , and the first to connect areas outside Delhi . Mainly elevated and partly underground , it connects Dwarka Sub City in the west with the satellite city of Noida in the east , covering a distance of 47 @.@ 4 kilometres ( 29 @.@ 5 mi ) . The first section of this line between Dwarka and Barakhamba Road was inaugurated on 1 January 2006 , and subsequent sections opened between Dwarka – Dwarka Sector 9 on 1 April 2006 , Barakhamba Road – Indraprastha on 11 November 2006 , Indraprastha – Yamuna Bank on 10 May 2009 , Yamuna Bank – Noida City Centre on 12 November 2009 , and Dwarka Sector 9 – Dwarka Sector 21 on 30 October 2010 . This line crosses the Yamuna River between Indraprastha and Yamuna Bank stations , and has India 's second extradosed bridge across the Northern Railways mainlines near Pragati Maidan . A branch of the Blue line , inaugurated on 8 January 2010 , takes off from Yamuna Bank station and runs for 6 @.@ 25 kilometres ( 3 @.@ 88 mi ) up to Anand Vihar in east Delhi . It was further extended up to Vaishali which was opened to public on 14 July 2011 . A small stretch of 2 @.@ 76 kilometres ( 1 @.@ 71 mi ) from Dwarka Sector 9 to Dwarka Sector 21 was inaugurated on 30 October 2010 . Interchanges are available with the Yellow Line at Rajiv Chowk station , Green line
[ "▁at", "▁Kir", "ti", "▁Nag", "ar", "▁,", "▁V", "io", "let", "▁line", "▁at", "▁Mand", "i", "▁House", "▁,", "▁Airport", "▁Express", "▁(", "▁Orange", "▁)", "▁line", "▁at", "▁D", "w", "ark", "a", "▁S", "ector", "▁", "2", "1", "▁and", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁Rail", "ways", "▁network", "▁and", "▁Inter", "state", "▁Bus", "▁Station", "▁(", "▁I", "SB", "T", "▁)", "▁at", "▁An", "and", "▁V", "ih", "ar", "▁station", "▁,", "▁which", "▁connect", "s", "▁with", "▁An", "and", "▁V", "ih", "ar", "▁Railway", "▁Terminal", "▁and", "▁An", "and", "▁V", "ih", "ar", "▁I", "SB", "T", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Green", "▁Line", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Open", "ed", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁Green", "▁Line", "▁(", "▁Line", "▁", "4", "▁)", "▁is", "▁the", "▁fifth", "▁line", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁network", "▁and", "▁the", "▁first", "▁line", "▁on", "▁standard", "▁gauge", "▁,", "▁as", "▁opposed", "▁to", "▁previous", "▁broad", "▁gauge", "▁lines", "▁.", "▁It", "▁runs", "▁between", "▁Ind", "er", "lo", "k", "▁(", "▁station", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Red", "▁Line", "▁)", "▁and", "▁M", "und", "ka", "▁with", "▁a", "▁branch", "▁line", "▁connecting", "▁the", "▁line", "▁'", "s", "▁Ash", "ok", "▁Park", "▁Main", "▁station", "▁with", "▁Kir", "ti", "▁Nag", "ar", "▁station", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Blue", "▁Line", "▁.", "▁The", "▁completely", "▁elev", "ated", "▁line", "▁,", "▁built", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁II", "▁of", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁runs", "▁mostly", "▁along", "▁the", "▁busy", "▁N", "H", "▁", "1", "0", "▁route", "▁in", "▁West", "▁Del", "hi", "▁.", "▁The", "▁line", "▁consists", "▁of", "▁", "1", "7", "▁stations", "▁including", "▁an", "▁inter", "change", "▁station", "▁covering", "▁a", "▁total", "▁length", "▁of", "▁", "1", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "6", "▁km", ".", "This", "▁line", "▁also", "▁has", "▁the", "▁country", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁standard", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gauge", "▁maintenance", "▁dep", "ot", "▁at", "▁M", "und", "ka", "▁.", "▁The", "▁line", "▁was", "▁opened", "▁in", "▁two", "▁stages", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁", "1", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁km", "▁Ind", "er", "lo", "k", "▁–", "▁M", "und", "ka", "▁section", "▁opening", "▁on", "▁", "3", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁[", "▁", "1", "▁]", "▁and", "▁the", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁km", "▁Kir", "ti", "▁Nag", "ar", "▁–", "▁Ash", "ok", "▁Park", "▁Main", "▁branch", "▁line", "▁on", "▁", "2", "7", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "6", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁in", "▁a", "▁step", "▁that", "▁will", "▁improve", "▁comm", "uting", "▁in", "▁National", "▁Capital", "▁Region", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Union", "▁government", "▁has", "▁approved", "▁extension", "▁of", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁from", "▁M", "und", "ka", "▁to", "▁Bah", "ad", "urg", "ar", "h", "▁in", "▁H", "ary", "ana", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "1", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "8", "▁km", "▁met", "ro", "▁stretch", "▁will", "▁have", "▁seven", "▁stations", "▁at", "▁M", "und", "ka", "▁Indust", "rial", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁G", "he", "v", "ra", "▁,", "▁T", "ik", "ri", "▁Kal", "an", "▁,", "▁T", "ik", "ri", "▁Border", "▁,", "▁Modern", "▁Indust", "rial", "▁Est", "ate", "▁,", "▁Bah", "ad", "urg", "ar", "h", "▁Bus", "▁Stand", "▁and", "▁City", "▁Park", "▁between", "▁M", "und", "ka", "▁and", "▁Bah", "ad", "urg", "ar", "h", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁V", "io", "let", "▁Line", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁V", "io", "let", "▁Line", "▁is", "▁the", "▁most", "▁recent", "▁line", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Metro", "▁to", "▁be", "▁opened", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁second", "▁standard", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gauge", "▁cor", "rid", "or", "▁after", "▁the", "▁Green", "▁Line", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "3", "7", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "2", "3", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁long", "▁line", "▁connect", "s", "▁Esc", "ort", "s", "▁M", "uj", "esar", "▁in", "▁Far", "id", "abad", "▁to", "▁I", "TO", "▁,", "▁with", "▁", "2", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "1", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁being", "▁overhead", "▁and", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁under", "ground", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁section", "▁between", "▁Central", "▁Secret", "ariat", "▁and", "▁Sar", "ita", "▁V", "ih", "ar", "▁was", "▁inaugur", "ated", "▁on", "▁", "3", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁just", "▁hours", "▁before", "▁the", "▁inaug", "ural", "▁ceremony", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁Commonwealth", "▁Games", "▁,", "▁and", "▁connect", "s", "▁the", "▁J", "aw", "ah", "ar", "l", "al", "▁Ne", "h", "ru", "▁Stadium", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁the", "▁ven", "ue", "▁for", "▁the", "▁opening", "▁and", "▁closing", "▁cer", "emon", "ies", "▁of", "▁the", "▁event", "▁.", "▁Comple", "ted", "▁in", "▁just", "▁", "4", "1", "▁months", "▁,", "▁it", "▁includes", "▁a", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁m", "▁(", "▁", "3", "3", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁long", "▁bridge", "▁over", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁Rail", "ways", "▁main", "lines", "▁and", "▁a", "▁", "1", "6", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁m", "▁(", "▁", "5", "5", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁long", "▁cable", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁stayed", "▁bridge", "▁across", "▁an", "▁oper", "ational", "▁road", "▁fly", "over", "▁,", "▁and", "▁connect", "s", "▁several", "▁hosp", "it", "als", "▁,", "▁tour", "ist", "▁attra", "ctions", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁major", "▁industrial", "▁estate", "▁along", "▁its", "▁route", "▁.", "▁Services", "▁are", "▁provided", "▁at", "▁intervals", "▁of", "▁", "5", "▁min", "▁.", "▁An", "▁inter", "change", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Y", "ellow", "▁Line", "▁is", "▁available", "▁at", "▁Central", "▁Secret", "ariat", "▁through", "▁an", "▁integrated", "▁conc", "ourse", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "1", "4", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁the", "▁remaining", "▁portion", "▁from", "▁Sar", "ita", "▁V", "ih", "ar", "▁to", "▁Bad", "arp", "ur", "▁was", "▁opened", "▁for", "▁commercial", "▁service", "▁,", "▁adding", "▁three", "▁new", "▁stations", "▁to", "▁the", "▁network", "▁and", "▁mark", "ing", "▁the", "▁completion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁line", "▁.", "▁The", "▁section", "▁between", "▁Mand", "i", "▁House", "▁and", "▁Central", "▁Secret", "ariat", "▁,", "▁was", "▁opened", "▁on", "▁", "2", "6", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁.", "▁After", "▁that", "▁a", "▁", "9", "7", "1", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁met", "re", "▁section", "▁between", "▁I", "TO", "▁and", "▁Mand", "i", "▁House", "▁was", "▁opened", "▁on", "▁", "8", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁.", "▁The", "▁latest", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁the", "▁line", "▁,", "▁an", "▁", "1", "4", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁extension", "▁south", "wards", "▁till", "▁Esc", "ort", "s", "▁M", "uj", "esar", "▁in", "▁Far", "id", "abad", "▁was", "▁inaugur", "ated", "▁by", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁Nar", "endra", "▁Mod", "i", "▁on", "▁", "6", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁.", "▁All", "▁the", "▁nine", "▁Metro", "▁stations", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bad", "arp", "ur", "▁–", "▁Esc", "ort", "s", "▁M", "uj", "esar", "▁(", "▁Far", "id", "abad", "▁)", "▁section", "▁of", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁'", "s", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁", "3", "▁,", "▁have", "▁been", "▁awarded", "▁the", "▁highest", "▁possible", "▁rating", "▁(", "▁plat", "in", "um", "▁)", "▁for", "▁ad", "her", "ence", "▁to", "▁green", "▁building", "▁norm", "s", "▁,", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁Green", "▁Building", "▁Council", "▁(", "▁I", "G", "BC", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁has", "▁de", "vised", "▁a", "▁rating", "▁mechanism", "▁for", "▁Metro", "▁stations", "▁and", "▁buildings", "▁on", "▁a", "▁scale", "▁of", "▁plat", "in", "um", "▁,", "▁gold", "▁,", "▁silver", "▁etc", ".", "▁for", "▁following", "▁the", "▁green", "▁building", "▁specific", "ations", "▁.", "▁The", "▁awards", "▁for", "▁these", "▁stations", "▁were", "▁given", "▁to", "▁DM", "RC", "▁'", "s", "▁man", "aging", "▁director", "▁,", "▁Dr", ".", "▁M", "angu", "▁Singh" ]
at Kirti Nagar , Violet line at Mandi House , Airport Express ( Orange ) line at Dwarka Sector 21 and with the Indian Railways network and Interstate Bus Station ( ISBT ) at Anand Vihar station , which connects with Anand Vihar Railway Terminal and Anand Vihar ISBT . = = = = Green Line = = = = Opened in 2010 , Green Line ( Line 4 ) is the fifth line of the Delhi Metro network and the first line on standard gauge , as opposed to previous broad gauge lines . It runs between Inderlok ( station on the Red Line ) and Mundka with a branch line connecting the line 's Ashok Park Main station with Kirti Nagar station on the Blue Line . The completely elevated line , built as part of the Phase @-@ II of Delhi Metro runs mostly along the busy NH 10 route in West Delhi . The line consists of 17 stations including an interchange station covering a total length of 18 @.@ 46 km.This line also has the country 's first standard @-@ gauge maintenance depot at Mundka . The line was opened in two stages , with the 15 @.@ 1 km Inderlok – Mundka section opening on 3 April 2010 [ 1 ] and the 3 @.@ 5 km Kirti Nagar – Ashok Park Main branch line on 27 August 2011 . On 6 August 2012 , in a step that will improve commuting in National Capital Region , the Union government has approved extension of Delhi Metro from Mundka to Bahadurgarh in Haryana . The 11 @.@ 18 km metro stretch will have seven stations at Mundka Industrial Area , Ghevra , Tikri Kalan , Tikri Border , Modern Industrial Estate , Bahadurgarh Bus Stand and City Park between Mundka and Bahadurgarh . = = = = Violet Line = = = = The Violet Line is the most recent line of the Metro to be opened , and the second standard @-@ gauge corridor after the Green Line . The 37 km ( 23 mi ) long line connects Escorts Mujesar in Faridabad to ITO , with 22 @.@ 8 km ( 14 @.@ 2 mi ) being overhead and the rest underground . The first section between Central Secretariat and Sarita Vihar was inaugurated on 3 October 2010 , just hours before the inaugural ceremony of the 2010 Commonwealth Games , and connects the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium , which was the venue for the opening and closing ceremonies of the event . Completed in just 41 months , it includes a 100 m ( 330 ft ) long bridge over the Indian Railways mainlines and a 167 @.@ 5 m ( 550 ft ) long cable @-@ stayed bridge across an operational road flyover , and connects several hospitals , tourist attractions , and a major industrial estate along its route . Services are provided at intervals of 5 min . An interchange with the Yellow Line is available at Central Secretariat through an integrated concourse . On 14 January 2011 , the remaining portion from Sarita Vihar to Badarpur was opened for commercial service , adding three new stations to the network and marking the completion of the line . The section between Mandi House and Central Secretariat , was opened on 26 June 2014 . After that a 971 @-@ metre section between ITO and Mandi House was opened on 8 June 2015 . The latest addition to the line , an 14 km ( 8 @.@ 7 mi ) extension southwards till Escorts Mujesar in Faridabad was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 6 September 2015 . All the nine Metro stations of the Badarpur – Escorts Mujesar ( Faridabad ) section of Delhi Metro 's Phase 3 , have been awarded the highest possible rating ( platinum ) for adherence to green building norms , by the Indian Green Building Council ( IGBC ) , which has devised a rating mechanism for Metro stations and buildings on a scale of platinum , gold , silver etc. for following the green building specifications . The awards for these stations were given to DMRC 's managing director , Dr. Mangu Singh
[ "▁by", "▁Dr", ".", "▁P", "▁C", "▁J", "ain", "▁,", "▁Chair", "person", "▁,", "▁I", "G", "BC", "▁in", "▁the", "▁presence", "▁of", "▁DM", "RC", "▁'", "s", "▁direct", "ors", "▁and", "▁senior", "▁officials", "▁on", "▁", "1", "0", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁.", "▁Currently", "▁the", "▁Far", "id", "abad", "▁cor", "rid", "or", "▁of", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁V", "io", "let", "▁Line", "▁is", "▁the", "▁longest", "▁met", "ro", "▁cor", "rid", "or", "▁outside", "▁of", "▁Del", "hi", "▁,", "▁consisting", "▁of", "▁", "9", "▁stations", "▁and", "▁the", "▁total", "▁length", "▁of", "▁cor", "rid", "or", "▁being", "▁", "1", "4", "▁km", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Airport", "▁Express", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Airport", "▁Express", "▁line", "▁runs", "▁for", "▁", "2", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "1", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁from", "▁New", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Railway", "▁Station", "▁to", "▁D", "w", "ark", "a", "▁S", "ector", "▁", "2", "1", "▁,", "▁linking", "▁the", "▁Ind", "ira", "▁Gand", "hi", "▁International", "▁Airport", "▁.", "▁The", "▁line", "▁was", "▁operated", "▁by", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Airport", "▁Metro", "▁Express", "▁P", "vt", ".", "▁Limited", "▁(", "▁DA", "ME", "L", "▁)", "▁,", "▁a", "▁subs", "idi", "ary", "▁of", "▁Rel", "iance", "▁In", "frastr", "ucture", "▁,", "▁the", "▁con", "cess", "ion", "aire", "▁of", "▁the", "▁line", "▁till", "▁", "3", "0", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁and", "▁is", "▁now", "▁being", "▁operated", "▁by", "▁DM", "RC", "▁.", "▁The", "▁line", "▁was", "▁constructed", "▁at", "▁a", "▁cost", "▁of", "▁", "₹", "▁", "5", "7", "▁billion", "▁(", "▁US", "▁$", "▁", "8", "5", "0", "▁million", "▁)", "▁,", "▁of", "▁which", "▁Rel", "iance", "▁In", "frastr", "ucture", "▁inv", "ested", "▁", "₹", "▁", "2", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "5", "▁billion", "▁(", "▁US", "▁$", "▁", "4", "3", "0", "▁million", "▁)", "▁and", "▁will", "▁pay", "▁fe", "es", "▁on", "▁a", "▁re", "venue", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁share", "▁model", "▁.", "▁The", "▁line", "▁has", "▁six", "▁stations", "▁(", "▁D", "ha", "ula", "▁K", "uan", "▁and", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Aer", "ocity", "▁became", "▁oper", "ational", "▁on", "▁", "1", "5", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁)", "▁,", "▁with", "▁some", "▁featuring", "▁check", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁facilities", "▁,", "▁par", "king", "▁,", "▁and", "▁e", "ater", "ies", "▁.", "▁Rol", "ling", "▁stock", "▁consists", "▁of", "▁six", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁coach", "▁trains", "▁operating", "▁at", "▁intervals", "▁of", "▁ten", "▁minutes", "▁and", "▁having", "▁a", "▁maximum", "▁speed", "▁of", "▁", "1", "3", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "8", "4", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Origin", "ally", "▁scheduled", "▁to", "▁open", "▁before", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁Commonwealth", "▁Games", "▁,", "▁the", "▁line", "▁failed", "▁to", "▁obtain", "▁the", "▁mand", "atory", "▁safety", "▁clear", "ance", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁opened", "▁on", "▁", "2", "4", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁after", "▁a", "▁delay", "▁of", "▁around", "▁", "5", "▁months", "▁.", "▁After", "▁", "1", "6", "▁months", "▁of", "▁comm", "enc", "ement", "▁of", "▁operations", "▁,", "▁the", "▁line", "▁was", "▁shut", "▁down", "▁for", "▁rep", "airs", "▁of", "▁the", "▁vi", "ad", "uct", "s", "▁on", "▁", "8", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁The", "▁line", "▁re", "open", "ed", "▁on", "▁", "2", "2", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "2", "7", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁Rel", "iance", "▁In", "frastr", "ucture", "▁Ltd", "▁int", "im", "ated", "▁DM", "RC", "▁that", "▁they", "▁are", "▁unable", "▁to", "▁operate", "▁the", "▁line", "▁beyond", "▁", "3", "0", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁Following", "▁this", "▁DM", "RC", "▁took", "▁over", "▁operations", "▁of", "▁Airport", "▁Express", "▁line", "▁from", "▁", "1", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁with", "▁an", "▁Oper", "ations", "▁and", "▁Main", "ten", "ance", "▁team", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁officials", "▁to", "▁handle", "▁the", "▁line", "▁.", "▁In", "▁Jan", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁DM", "RC", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁Airport", "▁Metro", "▁has", "▁recorded", "▁about", "▁", "3", "0", "▁per", "▁cent", "▁rise", "▁in", "▁its", "▁rid", "ership", "▁following", "▁the", "▁fare", "▁reduction", "▁of", "▁up", "▁to", "▁", "4", "0", "▁per", "▁cent", "▁in", "▁July", "▁last", "▁year", "▁On", "▁", "1", "4", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁DM", "RC", "▁announced", "▁to", "▁reduce", "▁far", "es", "▁even", "▁further", "▁to", "▁improve", "▁the", "▁rid", "ership", "▁of", "▁the", "▁line", "▁,", "▁the", "▁new", "▁fare", "▁structure", "▁will", "▁have", "▁maximum", "▁fare", "▁of", "▁R", "s", "▁", "6", "0", "▁and", "▁minimum", "▁of", "▁R", "s", "▁", "1", "0", "▁instead", "▁of", "▁R", "s", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁and", "▁R", "s", "▁", "2", "0", "▁charged", "▁earlier", "▁,", "▁a", "▁reduction", "▁of", "▁about", "▁", "4", "0", "▁%", "▁.", "▁DM", "RC", "▁has", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁this", "▁was", "▁done", "▁to", "▁reduce", "▁the", "▁crow", "ding", "▁on", "▁Blue", "▁line", "▁,", "▁diver", "ting", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁D", "w", "ark", "a", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁bound", "▁passengers", "▁to", "▁Airport", "▁Express", "▁Line", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁under", "util", "ised", "▁and", "▁faster", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Blue", "▁Line", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Pl", "anned", "▁extensions", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁was", "▁planned", "▁to", "▁be", "▁built", "▁in", "▁phases", "▁spread", "▁over", "▁around", "▁", "2", "0", "▁years", "▁as", "▁with", "▁each", "▁phase", "▁having", "▁a", "▁target", "▁of", "▁five", "▁years", "▁and", "▁end", "▁of", "▁one", "▁phase", "▁mark", "ing", "▁the", "▁beginning", "▁of", "▁another", "▁.", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁I", "▁(", "▁", "6", "5", "▁km", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁II", "▁(", "▁", "1", "2", "5", "▁km", "▁)", "▁were", "▁completed", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁and", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁III", "▁and", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁IV", "▁are", "▁scheduled", "▁for", "▁completion", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁and", "▁", "2", "0", "2", "1", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁.", "▁Work", "▁on", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁III", "▁started", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁while", "▁planning", "▁for", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁IV", "▁has", "▁begun", "▁.", "▁Ex", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁chief", "▁of", "▁DM", "RC", "▁hint", "ed", "▁that", "▁by", "▁the", "▁time", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁IV", "▁is", "▁completed", "▁,", "▁the", "▁city", "▁will", "▁need", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁V", "▁to", "▁co", "pe", "▁with", "▁rising", "▁population", "▁and", "▁transport", "▁needs", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁III", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁dead", "line", "▁for", "▁completion", "▁of", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁", "3", "▁is", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁.", "▁Out", "▁of", "▁", "2", "▁new", "▁lines", "▁and", "▁", "1", "1", "▁route", "▁extensions", "▁proposed", "▁for", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁III", "▁,", "▁cabinet", "▁appro", "val", "s", "▁have", "▁been", "▁obtained", "▁for", "▁", "2", "▁new", "▁lines", "▁and", "▁", "1", "0", "▁route", "▁extensions", "▁tot", "alling", "▁", "1", "6", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "7", "▁km", "▁,", "▁with", "▁an", "▁estimated", "▁cost", "▁of", "▁", "₹", "▁", "3", "5", "0", "▁billion", "▁(", "▁US", "▁$", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁billion", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Const", "ruction", "▁has", "▁already", "▁begun", "▁on", "▁many", "▁of", "▁these", "▁.", "▁In", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁the", "▁Del", "hi", "▁L", "t", ".", "▁Governor", "▁gave", "▁appro", "val", "▁for", "▁two", "▁further", "▁extensions", "▁.", "▁All", "▁the", "▁approved", "▁lines", "▁are", "▁:" ]
by Dr. P C Jain , Chairperson , IGBC in the presence of DMRC 's directors and senior officials on 10 September 2015 . Currently the Faridabad corridor of Delhi Metro Violet Line is the longest metro corridor outside of Delhi , consisting of 9 stations and the total length of corridor being 14 km . = = = = Airport Express = = = = The Airport Express line runs for 22 @.@ 7 km ( 14 @.@ 1 mi ) from New Delhi Railway Station to Dwarka Sector 21 , linking the Indira Gandhi International Airport . The line was operated by Delhi Airport Metro Express Pvt. Limited ( DAMEL ) , a subsidiary of Reliance Infrastructure , the concessionaire of the line till 30 June 2013 and is now being operated by DMRC . The line was constructed at a cost of ₹ 57 billion ( US $ 850 million ) , of which Reliance Infrastructure invested ₹ 28 @.@ 85 billion ( US $ 430 million ) and will pay fees on a revenue @-@ share model . The line has six stations ( Dhaula Kuan and Delhi Aerocity became operational on 15 August 2011 ) , with some featuring check @-@ in facilities , parking , and eateries . Rolling stock consists of six @-@ coach trains operating at intervals of ten minutes and having a maximum speed of 135 km / h ( 84 mph ) . Originally scheduled to open before the 2010 Commonwealth Games , the line failed to obtain the mandatory safety clearance , and was opened on 24 February 2011 , after a delay of around 5 months . After 16 months of commencement of operations , the line was shut down for repairs of the viaducts on 8 July 2012 . The line reopened on 22 January 2013 . On 27 June 2013 Reliance Infrastructure Ltd intimated DMRC that they are unable to operate the line beyond 30 June 2013 . Following this DMRC took over operations of Airport Express line from 1 July 2013 with an Operations and Maintenance team of 100 officials to handle the line . In Jan 2015 , DMRC reported that Airport Metro has recorded about 30 per cent rise in its ridership following the fare reduction of up to 40 per cent in July last year On 14 September 2015 DMRC announced to reduce fares even further to improve the ridership of the line , the new fare structure will have maximum fare of Rs 60 and minimum of Rs 10 instead of Rs 100 and Rs 20 charged earlier , a reduction of about 40 % . DMRC has stated that this was done to reduce the crowding on Blue line , diverting some of the Dwarka @-@ bound passengers to Airport Express Line , which is underutilised and faster compared to the Blue Line . = = = Planned extensions = = = Delhi Metro was planned to be built in phases spread over around 20 years as with each phase having a target of five years and end of one phase marking the beginning of another . Phase I ( 65 km ) and Phase II ( 125 km ) were completed in 2006 and 2011 , respectively , and Phase III and Phase IV are scheduled for completion in 2016 and 2021 , respectively . Work on Phase III started in 2011 while planning for Phase IV has begun . Ex @-@ chief of DMRC hinted that by the time Phase IV is completed , the city will need Phase V to cope with rising population and transport needs . = = = = Phase III = = = = The deadline for completion of Phase 3 is 2016 . Out of 2 new lines and 11 route extensions proposed for Phase III , cabinet approvals have been obtained for 2 new lines and 10 route extensions totalling 167 @.@ 27 km , with an estimated cost of ₹ 350 billion ( US $ 5 @.@ 2 billion ) . Construction has already begun on many of these . In April 2014 the Delhi Lt. Governor gave approval for two further extensions . All the approved lines are :
[ "▁.", "▁", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁III", "▁will", "▁have", "▁", "2", "8", "▁under", "ground", "▁stations", "▁covering", "▁", "4", "1", "▁km", "▁.", "▁More", "▁than", "▁", "2", "0", "▁tunnel", "▁b", "oring", "▁machines", "▁are", "▁expected", "▁to", "▁be", "▁simultaneously", "▁used", "▁during", "▁construction", "▁of", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁III", "▁.", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁is", "▁expecting", "▁a", "▁rid", "ership", "▁of", "▁", "4", "▁million", "▁after", "▁completion", "▁of", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁III", "▁.", "▁DM", "RC", "▁has", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁use", "▁communication", "▁based", "▁train", "▁control", "▁(", "▁C", "B", "TC", "▁)", "▁for", "▁sign", "alling", "▁which", "▁will", "▁allow", "▁trains", "▁to", "▁run", "▁at", "▁a", "▁short", "▁head", "way", "▁of", "▁", "9", "0", "▁seconds", "▁.", "▁Keep", "ing", "▁this", "▁in", "▁mind", "▁and", "▁other", "▁constraints", "▁,", "▁DM", "RC", "▁changed", "▁its", "▁decision", "▁to", "▁build", "▁", "9", "▁car", "▁long", "▁stations", "▁for", "▁new", "▁lines", "▁and", "▁instead", "▁opt", "ing", "▁for", "▁shorter", "▁stations", "▁which", "▁can", "▁accommod", "ate", "▁", "6", "▁car", "▁trains", "▁.", "▁", "▁For", "▁the", "▁first", "▁time", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁will", "▁construct", "▁ring", "▁lines", "▁in", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁III", "▁.", "▁Till", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁II", "▁,", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁focused", "▁on", "▁expand", "ing", "▁the", "▁reach", "▁of", "▁met", "ro", "▁and", "▁thus", "▁built", "▁long", "▁radial", "▁lines", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁in", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁III", "▁,", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁is", "▁aim", "ing", "▁to", "▁inter", "connect", "▁existing", "▁lines", "▁by", "▁ring", "▁lines", "▁to", "▁improve", "▁connect", "ivity", "▁.", "▁This", "▁will", "▁not", "▁only", "▁help", "▁in", "▁reducing", "▁distances", "▁but", "▁will", "▁also", "▁rel", "ieve", "▁radial", "▁lines", "▁of", "▁some", "▁con", "g", "estion", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁IV", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁IV", "▁has", 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"▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁will", "▁also", "▁inter", "change", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁at", "▁S", "ik", "and", "arp", "ur", "▁station", "▁on", "▁Y", "ellow", "▁line", "▁.", "▁For", "▁the", "▁year", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁No", "ida", "▁development", "▁Author", "ity", "▁has", "▁allocated", "▁R", "s", "▁", "5", "▁billion", "▁for", "▁Metro", "▁extension", "▁,", "▁with", "▁City", "▁Centre", "▁Metro", "▁line", "▁being", "▁extended", "▁till", "▁the", "▁crossing", "▁of", "▁S", "ector", "▁", "7", "1", "▁and", "▁", "7", "2", "▁.", "▁After", "▁phase", "▁", "4", "▁,", "▁del", "hi", "▁met", "ro", "▁will", "▁focus", "▁on", "▁phase", "▁", "5", "▁covering", "▁outer", "▁region", "▁of", "▁del", "hi", "▁.", "▁And", "▁phase", "▁", "6", "▁,", "▁", "7", "▁and", "▁many", "▁more", "▁plan", "▁according", "▁it", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Fin", "ances", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Sum", "mary", "▁financi", "als", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁table", "▁below", "▁is", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁–", "▁", "1", "5", "▁Ann", "ual", "▁Report", "▁.", "▁", "▁E", "BIT", "DA", "▁stands", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁E", "arn", "ings", "▁before", "▁Interest", "▁Tax", "es", "▁De", "pre", "ci", "ation", "▁&", "▁Am", "ort", "ization", "▁\"", "▁", "▁E", "B", "T", "▁stands", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁E", "arn", "ings", "▁Before", "▁Tax", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Of", "▁note", "▁,", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁has", "▁been", "▁operating", "▁with", "▁a", "▁loss", "▁on", "▁an", "▁E", "B", "T", "▁basis", "▁for", "▁the", "▁past", "▁few", "▁years", "▁.", "▁E", "BIT", "DA", "▁margin", "▁decl", "ined", "▁from", "▁", "7", "3", "▁%", "▁in", "▁F", "is", "cal", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁to", "▁", "3", "5", "▁%", "▁in", "▁F", "is" ]
. Phase III will have 28 underground stations covering 41 km . More than 20 tunnel boring machines are expected to be simultaneously used during construction of Phase III . Delhi Metro is expecting a ridership of 4 million after completion of Phase III . DMRC has decided to use communication based train control ( CBTC ) for signalling which will allow trains to run at a short headway of 90 seconds . Keeping this in mind and other constraints , DMRC changed its decision to build 9 car long stations for new lines and instead opting for shorter stations which can accommodate 6 car trains . For the first time Delhi Metro will construct ring lines in Phase III . Till Phase II , Delhi Metro focused on expanding the reach of metro and thus built long radial lines . However , in Phase III , Delhi Metro is aiming to interconnect existing lines by ring lines to improve connectivity . This will not only help in reducing distances but will also relieve radial lines of some congestion . = = = = Phase IV = = = = Phase IV has a 2021 deadline , and tentatively includes further extensions to Sonia Vihar , Burari , Mukundpur , Reola Khanpur , Palam , Najafgarh , Narela , Ghazipur , Noida sector 62 , extensions of Violet line , Green line , Line 8 , having a total length of over 100 km . There might be some changes in plan before actual construction starts on these lines . Delhi metro phase 4 got delhi government approval awaiting union cabinet approval . The proposed corridors : Rithala Narela ( 21 @.@ 73 km ) Inderlok Indraprastha ( 12 @.@ 57 km ) Tughlakabad Terminal 1 ( 22 @.@ 20 km ) Lajpat Nagar Saket G @-@ Block ( 7 @.@ 96 km ) Janakpuri ( west ) RK Ashram ( 28 @.@ 92 km ) Mukundpur Maujpur ( 12 @.@ 54 km ) Along with that the haryana government planning a metro corridor between gurgaon and faridabad . As well as gurgaon will soon see a multiple extension of rapid metro and delhi metro . Some of are a metro corridor between dwarka to iffco chowk line , A new mutiple lines covering old and new gurgaon region like gurgaon railway station and bus stand and various sectors like sector 10 , basai chowk , farrukhnagar connecting dwarka expressway metro line etc , yellow line extension from huda city centre to manesar via rajiv chowk ( gurgaon ) interchanging with old gurgaon metro line , connecting with delhi regional rapid rail system ( delhi gurgaon alwar corridor ) , pod taxi system . Dwarka expressway metro line . As well as plans have been mooted to construct a new line from Noida Sector 62 to Greater Noida which will intersect Indraprastha – Noida Sector 32 line . The Ghaziabad Development Authority is planning to extend Delhi Metro lines deeper into Ghaziabad through extension of the Blue Line from Vaishali to Mehrauli via Indirapuram . The independently operated Gurgaon Metro , opened in November 2013 , will also interchange with the Delhi Metro at Sikandarpur station on Yellow line . For the year 2012 – 13 , Noida development Authority has allocated Rs 5 billion for Metro extension , with City Centre Metro line being extended till the crossing of Sector 71 and 72 . After phase 4 , delhi metro will focus on phase 5 covering outer region of delhi . And phase 6 , 7 and many more plan according it . = = Finances = = = = = Summary financials = = = The table below is based on the 2014 – 15 Annual Report . EBITDA stands for " Earnings before Interest Taxes Depreciation & Amortization " EBT stands for " Earnings Before Tax " Of note , Delhi Metro has been operating with a loss on an EBT basis for the past few years . EBITDA margin declined from 73 % in Fiscal 2007 to 35 % in Fis
[ "cal", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁.", "▁That", "▁said", "▁,", "▁Deb", "t", "▁to", "▁Equ", "ity", "▁improved", "▁from", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "3", "▁in", "▁F", "Y", "0", "7", "▁to", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "5", "▁in", "▁F", "Y", "1", "5", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Fund", "ing", "▁and", "▁capital", "isation", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁DM", "RC", "▁is", "▁owned", "▁equally", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Del", "hi", "▁government", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Government", "▁of", "▁India", "▁.", "▁As", "▁of", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁total", "▁deb", "t", "▁stood", "▁at", "▁", "₹", "▁", "2", "4", "6", "▁billion", "▁(", "▁US", "▁$", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "▁billion", "▁)", "▁,", "▁while", "▁equ", "ity", "▁capital", "▁was", "▁", "₹", "▁", "2", "1", "4", "▁billion", "▁(", "▁US", "▁$", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁billion", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Cost", "▁of", "▁the", "▁deb", "t", "▁is", "▁", "0", "▁%", "▁for", "▁G", "ov", "t", "▁of", "▁India", "▁and", "▁Del", "hi", 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"▁deployed", "▁to", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁law", "▁and", "▁order", "▁issues", "▁in", "▁the", "▁system", "▁,", "▁in", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁metal", "▁detect", "ors", "▁,", "▁X", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ray", "▁b", "agg", "age", "▁ins", "pection", "▁systems", "▁,", "▁and", "▁dog", "▁squad", "s", "▁which", "▁are", "▁used", "▁to", "▁secure", "▁the", "▁system", "▁.", "▁About", "▁", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁C", "CT", "V", "▁cam", "eras", "▁have", "▁been", "▁installed", "▁,", "▁which", "▁cover", "▁every", "▁no", "ok", "▁and", "▁corner", "▁of", "▁each", "▁Metro", "▁station", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁of", "▁the", "▁under", "ground", "▁stations", "▁has", "▁about", "▁", "4", "5", "▁to", "▁", "5", "0", "▁cam", "eras", "▁installed", "▁while", "▁the", "▁elev", "ated", "▁stations", "▁have", "▁about", "▁", "1", "6", "▁to", "▁", "2", "0", "▁cam", "eras", "▁each", "▁.", "▁The", "▁monitoring", "▁of", "▁these", "▁cam", "eras", "▁is", "▁done", "▁by", "▁the", "▁C", "IS", "F", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁in", "▁charge", "▁of", "▁security", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Metro", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁Rail", "▁Corporation", "▁.", "▁Inter", "com", "s", "▁are", "▁provided", "▁in", "▁each", "▁train", "▁car", "▁for", "▁emer", "gency", "▁communication", "▁between", "▁the", "▁passengers", "▁and", "▁the", "▁train", "▁operator", "▁.", "▁Period", "ic", "▁security", "▁dr", "ills", "▁are", "▁carried", "▁out", "▁at", "▁stations", "▁and", "▁on", "▁trains", "▁to", "▁ensure", "▁prepared", "ness", "▁of", "▁security", "▁ag", "encies", "▁in", "▁emer", "gency", "▁situations", "▁.", "▁DM", "RC", "▁is", "▁also", "▁looking", "▁at", "▁raising", "▁the", "▁station", "▁walls", "▁and", "▁rail", "ings", "▁for", "▁the", "▁safety", "▁of", "▁passengers", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁T", "icket", "ing", "▁and", "▁re", "charge", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁For", "▁the", "▁convenience", "▁of", "▁customers", "▁,", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁commut", "ers", "▁have", "▁three", "▁choices", "▁for", "▁ticket", "▁purchase", "▁.", "▁The", "▁R", "F", "ID", "▁tokens", "▁are", "▁valid", "▁only", "▁for", "▁a", "▁single", "▁journey", "▁on", "▁the", "▁day", "▁of", "▁purchase", "▁and", "▁the", "▁value", "▁depends", "▁on", "▁the", "▁distance", "▁travel", "led", "▁,", "▁with", "▁far", "es", "▁for", "▁a", "▁single", "▁journey", "▁r", "anging", "▁from", "▁", "₹", "▁", "8", "▁(", "▁", "1", "2", "▁", "¢", "▁US", "▁)", "▁to", "▁", "₹", "▁", "3", "0", "▁(", "▁", "4", "5", "▁", "¢", "▁US", "▁)", "▁.", "▁F", "ares", "▁are", "▁calculated", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁origin", "▁and", "▁destination", "▁stations", "▁using", "▁a", "▁fare", "▁chart", "▁.", "▁A", "▁common", "▁ticket", "ing", "▁facility", "▁for", "▁commut", "ers", "▁trav", "elling", "▁on", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Transport", "▁Corporation", "▁(", "▁D", "TC", "▁)", "▁bus", "es", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Metro", "▁was", "▁introduced", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁Tra", "vel", "▁cards", "▁are", "▁available", "▁for", "▁longer", "▁dur", "ations", "▁and", "▁are", "▁most", "▁convenient", "▁for", "▁frequent", "▁commut", "ers", "▁.", "▁They", "▁are", "▁valid", "▁for", "▁one", "▁year", "▁from", "▁the" ]
cal 2015 . That said , Debt to Equity improved from 1 @.@ 43 in FY07 to 1 @.@ 15 in FY15 . = = = Funding and capitalisation = = = DMRC is owned equally by the Delhi government and the Government of India . As of March 2015 , total debt stood at ₹ 246 billion ( US $ 3 @.@ 7 billion ) , while equity capital was ₹ 214 billion ( US $ 3 @.@ 2 billion ) . Cost of the debt is 0 % for Govt of India and Delhi government loans , and between 0 @.@ 01 % and 2 @.@ 3 % for Japan International Cooperation Agency loans . Of the equity capital , ₹ 163 billion ( US $ 2 @.@ 4 billion ) is paid @-@ up capital and rest is reserves and surplus . = = Operations = = Trains operate at a frequency of one to two minutes to five to ten minutes between 05 : 00 and 00 : 00 , depending upon the peak and off @-@ peak hours . Trains operating within the network typically travel at speed up to 50 km / h ( 31 mph ) , and stop for about 20 seconds at each station . Automated station announcements are recorded in Hindi and English . Many stations have services such as ATMs , food outlets , cafés , convenience stores and mobile recharge . Eating , drinking , smoking and chewing of gum are prohibited in the entire system . The Metro also has a sophisticated fire alarm system for advance warning in emergencies , and fire retardant material is used in trains as well as on the premises of stations . Navigation information is available on Google Transit . Since October 2010 , the first coach of every train is reserved for women . However , last coaches are also reserved when the train changes tracks at the terminal stations in the Red , Green and Violet Lines . To make travelling by metro a smoother experience , Delhi Metro has launched its own official app for smartphone users , ( iPhone and Android ) that will provide information on various facilities like nearest metro station , fare , parking availability , tourist spots near metro stations , security and emergency helpline numbers . = = = Security = = = Security on the Delhi Metro is handled by the Central Industrial Security Force ( CISF ) , who have been guarding the system ever since they took over from the Delhi Police in 2007 . Closed @-@ circuit cameras are used to monitor trains and stations , and feed from these is monitored by both the CISF and Delhi Metro authorities at their respective control rooms . Over 3500 CISF personnel have been deployed to deal with law and order issues in the system , in addition to metal detectors , X @-@ ray baggage inspection systems , and dog squads which are used to secure the system . About 5 @,@ 200 CCTV cameras have been installed , which cover every nook and corner of each Metro station . Each of the underground stations has about 45 to 50 cameras installed while the elevated stations have about 16 to 20 cameras each . The monitoring of these cameras is done by the CISF , which is in charge of security of the Metro , as well as the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation . Intercoms are provided in each train car for emergency communication between the passengers and the train operator . Periodic security drills are carried out at stations and on trains to ensure preparedness of security agencies in emergency situations . DMRC is also looking at raising the station walls and railings for the safety of passengers . = = = Ticketing and recharge = = = For the convenience of customers , Delhi Metro commuters have three choices for ticket purchase . The RFID tokens are valid only for a single journey on the day of purchase and the value depends on the distance travelled , with fares for a single journey ranging from ₹ 8 ( 12 ¢ US ) to ₹ 30 ( 45 ¢ US ) . Fares are calculated based on the origin and destination stations using a fare chart . A common ticketing facility for commuters travelling on Delhi Transport Corporation ( DTC ) buses and the Metro was introduced in 2011 . Travel cards are available for longer durations and are most convenient for frequent commuters . They are valid for one year from the
[ "▁date", "▁of", "▁purchase", "▁or", "▁the", "▁date", "▁of", "▁last", "▁re", "charge", "▁,", "▁and", "▁are", "▁available", "▁in", "▁denomin", "ations", "▁of", "▁", "₹", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁(", "▁US", "▁$", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "0", "▁)", "▁to", "▁", "₹", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁(", "▁US", "▁$", "▁", "1", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "0", "▁)", "▁.", "▁A", "▁", "1", "0", "▁%", "▁disc", "ount", "▁is", "▁given", "▁on", "▁all", "▁travel", "▁made", "▁on", "▁it", "▁.", "▁A", "▁depos", "it", "▁of", "▁", "₹", "▁", "5", "0", "▁(", "▁", "7", "4", "▁", "¢", "▁US", "▁)", "▁needs", "▁to", "▁be", "▁made", "▁to", "▁buy", "▁a", "▁new", "▁card", "▁which", "▁is", "▁ref", "und", "able", "▁on", "▁the", "▁return", "▁of", "▁the", "▁card", "▁any", "▁time", "▁before", "▁its", "▁exp", "iry", "▁if", "▁the", "▁card", "▁is", "▁not", "▁phys", "ically", "▁dam", "aged", "▁.", "▁Tour", "ist", "▁cards", "▁can", "▁be", "▁used", "▁for", "▁un", "limited", "▁travel", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁network", "▁over", "▁short", "▁periods", "▁of", "▁time", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁two", "▁kinds", "▁of", "▁tour", "ist", "▁cards", "▁valid", "▁for", "▁one", "▁and", "▁three", "▁days", "▁respectively", "▁.", "▁The", "▁cost", "▁of", "▁a", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁card", "▁is", "▁", "₹", "▁", "1", "5", "0", "▁(", "▁US", "▁$", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "0", "▁)", "▁and", "▁that", "▁of", "▁a", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁card", "▁is", "▁", "₹", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "▁(", "▁US", "▁$", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "0", "▁)", "▁,", "▁besides", "▁a", "▁ref", "und", "able", "▁depos", "it", "▁of", "▁", "₹", "▁", "5", "0", "▁(", "▁", "7", "4", "▁", "¢", "▁US", "▁)", "▁that", "▁must", "▁be", "▁paid", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁of", "▁purch", "asing", "▁the", "▁card", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁new", "▁regime", "▁,", "▁the", "▁maximum", "▁perm", "iss", "ible", "▁time", "▁limit", "▁for", "▁stay", "▁within", "▁the", "▁Metro", "▁system", "▁–", "▁", "1", "7", "0", "▁minutes", "▁at", "▁present", "▁–", "▁will", "▁now", "▁be", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "▁minutes", "▁for", "▁those", "▁bu", "ying", "▁tick", "ets", "▁of", "▁R", "s", "▁.", "▁", "2", "3", "▁or", "▁above", "▁,", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁minutes", "▁for", "▁tick", "ets", "▁cost", "ing", "▁R", "s", "▁.", "▁", "1", "9", "▁–", "▁", "2", "3", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "6", "5", "▁minutes", "▁for", "▁tick", "ets", "▁up", "▁to", "▁R", "s", "▁.", "▁", "1", "8", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Problem", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁As", "▁the", "▁network", "▁has", "▁expanded", "▁,", "▁high", "▁rid", "ership", "▁in", "▁new", "▁trains", "▁have", "▁led", "▁to", "▁increasing", "▁instances", "▁of", "▁over", "c", "row", "ding", "▁and", "▁del", "ays", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁.", "▁To", "▁alle", "vi", "ate", "▁the", "▁problem", "▁,", "▁", "8", "▁coach", "▁trains", "▁have", "▁been", "▁introduced", "▁in", "▁Y", "ellow", "▁line", "▁and", "▁Blue", "▁line", "▁and", "▁an", "▁increase", "▁in", 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"2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁the", "▁rid", "ership", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Airport", "▁Express", "▁had", "▁almost", "▁double", "d", "▁in", "▁the", "▁past", "▁year", "▁to", "▁almost", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁passengers", "▁per", "▁month", "▁now", "▁,", "▁as", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁just", "▁above", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁at", "▁the", "▁beginning", "▁of", "▁the", "▁calendar", "▁year", "▁.", "▁Currently", "▁,", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁has", "▁about", "▁", "2", "2", "0", "▁trains", "▁of", "▁four", "▁,", "▁six", "▁and", "▁eight", "▁coach", "es", "▁tot", "alling", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "9", "0", "▁coach", "es", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁further", "▁planning", "▁to", "▁add", "▁", "4", "2", "1", "▁more", "▁coach", "es", "▁on", "▁the", "▁existing", "▁route", "▁before", "▁the", "▁completion", "▁of", "▁phase", "▁", "3", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁financial", "▁year", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁DM", "RC", "▁on", "▁an", "▁average", "▁pressed", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "8", "3", "▁coach", "es", "▁in", "▁an", "▁hour", "▁(", "▁during", "▁peak", "▁hour", "▁)", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁number", "▁was", "▁", "8", "1", "9", "▁.", "▁On", "▁an", "▁average", "▁trains", "▁make", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "8", "8", "0", "▁tri", "ps", "▁per", "▁day", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁In", "frastr", "ucture", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Rol", "ling", "▁Stock", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Metro", "▁uses", "▁rolling", "▁stock", "▁of", "▁two", "▁different", "▁gau", "ges", "▁.", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁I", "▁lines", "▁use", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "7", "6", "▁mm", "▁(", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "9", "9", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁broad", "▁gauge", "▁rolling", "▁stock", "▁,", "▁while", "▁three", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁II", "▁lines", "▁use", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "4", "3", "5", "▁mm", "▁(", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "0", "8", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁standard", "▁gauge", "▁rolling", "▁stock", "▁.", "▁Tra", "ins", "▁are", "▁maintained", "▁at", "▁seven", "▁dep", "ots", "▁at", "▁K", "hy", "ber", "▁Pass", "▁and", "▁Sultan", "pur", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Y", "ellow", "▁Line", "▁,", "▁M", "und", "ka", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Green", "▁Line", "▁,", "▁Naj", "af", "gar", "h", "▁and", "▁Yam", "una", "▁Bank", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Blue", "▁Line", "▁,", "▁Sh", "ast", "ri", "▁Park", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Red", "▁Line", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Sar", "ita", "▁V", "ih", "ar", "▁for", "▁the", "▁V", "io" ]
date of purchase or the date of last recharge , and are available in denominations of ₹ 200 ( US $ 3 @.@ 00 ) to ₹ 1 @,@ 000 ( US $ 14 @.@ 90 ) . A 10 % discount is given on all travel made on it . A deposit of ₹ 50 ( 74 ¢ US ) needs to be made to buy a new card which is refundable on the return of the card any time before its expiry if the card is not physically damaged . Tourist cards can be used for unlimited travel on the Delhi Metro network over short periods of time . There are two kinds of tourist cards valid for one and three days respectively . The cost of a one @-@ day card is ₹ 150 ( US $ 2 @.@ 20 ) and that of a three @-@ day card is ₹ 300 ( US $ 4 @.@ 50 ) , besides a refundable deposit of ₹ 50 ( 74 ¢ US ) that must be paid at the time of purchasing the card . According to new regime , the maximum permissible time limit for stay within the Metro system – 170 minutes at present – will now be 180 minutes for those buying tickets of Rs . 23 or above , 100 minutes for tickets costing Rs . 19 – 23 , and 65 minutes for tickets up to Rs . 18 . = = = Problems = = = As the network has expanded , high ridership in new trains have led to increasing instances of overcrowding and delays on the Delhi Metro . To alleviate the problem , 8 coach trains have been introduced in Yellow line and Blue line and an increase in the frequency of trains has been proposed . Infrequent , overcrowded and erratic feeder bus services connecting stations to nearby localities have also been reported as an area of concern . = = = Ridership = = = Delhi Metro has been registering a continuous increase in ridership since its inception . When Metro services were introduced in 2002 , the average ridership was 80 @,@ 000 passengers per day . As of 2015 , daily ridership has risen to 2 @.@ 6 million , with the latest ridership record set on 28 August 2015 . On 4 August 2014 daily ridership crossed the 2 @.@ 7 million figure . Since then the highest ridership has kept on surpassing the previous best , compelling metro authorities to keep increasing the services on busy routes . Most recent Delhi Metro daily ridership record of 3 @.@ 175 million passengers was reached on the eve of the Rakshabandhan ( 28 August 2015 ) , when commuters poured in large numbers throughout the day . On 25 December 2014 , it was reported that the ridership of the Airport Express had almost doubled in the past year to almost 600 @,@ 000 passengers per month now , as compared to just above 300 @,@ 000 at the beginning of the calendar year . Currently , Delhi Metro has about 220 trains of four , six and eight coaches totalling 1 @,@ 290 coaches . It is further planning to add 421 more coaches on the existing route before the completion of phase 3 . During the financial year 2015 , DMRC on an average pressed 1 @,@ 083 coaches in an hour ( during peak hour ) , in 2012 – 13 , the number was 819 . On an average trains make 2 @,@ 880 trips per day . = = Infrastructure = = = = = Rolling Stock = = = The Metro uses rolling stock of two different gauges . Phase I lines use 1 @,@ 676 mm ( 5 @.@ 499 ft ) broad gauge rolling stock , while three Phase II lines use 1 @,@ 435 mm ( 4 @.@ 708 ft ) standard gauge rolling stock . Trains are maintained at seven depots at Khyber Pass and Sultanpur for the Yellow Line , Mundka for the Green Line , Najafgarh and Yamuna Bank for the Blue Line , Shastri Park for the Red Line , and Sarita Vihar for the Vio
[ "let", "▁Line", "▁.", "▁Mag", "lev", "▁trains", "▁were", "▁initially", "▁considered", "▁for", "▁some", "▁lines", "▁of", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁", "3", "▁,", "▁but", "▁DM", "RC", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁continue", "▁with", "▁conventional", "▁rail", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Broad", "▁gauge", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁rolling", "▁stock", "▁is", "▁manufact", "ured", "▁by", "▁two", "▁major", "▁supp", "liers", "▁.", "▁For", "▁the", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁I", "▁,", "▁the", "▁rolling", "▁stock", "▁was", "▁supplied", "▁by", "▁a", "▁cons", "ort", "ium", "▁of", "▁companies", "▁compr", "ising", "▁Hy", "und", "ai", "▁Rot", "em", "▁,", "▁M", "its", "ub", "ishi", "▁Corporation", "▁,", "▁and", "▁M", "EL", "CO", ".", "The", "▁coach", "es", "▁have", "▁a", "▁very", "▁similar", "▁look", "▁to", "▁M", "TR", "▁Rot", "em", "▁EM", "U", "▁,", "▁except", "▁with", "▁only", "▁", "4", "▁doors", "▁and", "▁use", "▁sl", "iding", "▁doors", "▁.", "▁The", "▁coach", "es", "▁were", "▁initially", "▁built", "▁in", "▁South", "▁Korea", "▁by", "▁R", "OT", "EM", "▁,", "▁then", "▁in", "▁Bang", "al", "ore", "▁by", "▁BE", "ML", "▁through", "▁a", "▁technology", "▁transfer", "▁arrangement", "▁.", "▁These", "▁trains", "▁consist", "▁of", "▁four", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁met", "re", "▁(", "▁", "1", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁wide", "▁st", "ain", "less", "▁steel", "▁light", "weight", "▁coach", "es", "▁with", "▁vest", "ib", "ules", "▁perm", "itting", "▁movement", "▁throughout", "▁their", "▁length", "▁and", "▁can", "▁carry", "▁up", "▁to", "▁", "1", "5", "0", "0", "▁passengers", "▁,", "▁with", "▁", "5", "0", "▁se", "ated", "▁and", "▁", "3", "3", "0", "▁standing", "▁passengers", "▁per", "▁coach", "▁.", "▁The", "▁coach", "es", "▁are", "▁fully", "▁air", "▁condition", "ed", "▁,", "▁equ", "ipped", "▁with", "▁automatic", "▁doors", "▁,", "▁micro", "processor", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁controlled", "▁bra", "kes", "▁and", "▁secondary", "▁air", "▁susp", "ension", "▁,", "▁and", "▁are", "▁capable", "▁of", "▁maintain", "ing", "▁an", "▁average", "▁speed", "▁of", "▁", "3", "2", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁over", "▁a", "▁distance", "▁of", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "8", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁system", "▁is", "▁extens", "ible", "▁up", "▁to", "▁eight", "▁coach", "es", "▁,", "▁and", "▁platforms", "▁have", "▁been", "▁designed", "▁accordingly", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁rolling", "▁stock", "▁for", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁II", "▁is", "▁being", "▁supplied", "▁by", "▁Bomb", "ard", "ier", "▁Transport", "ation", "▁,", "▁which", "▁has", "▁received", "▁an", "▁order", "▁for", "▁", "6", "1", "4", "▁cars", "▁worth", "▁approximately", "▁US", "▁$", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁billion", "▁.", "▁While", "▁initial", "▁trains", "▁were", "▁made", "▁in", "▁G", "ör", "l", "itz", "▁,", "▁Germany", "▁and", "▁Sweden", "▁,", "▁the", "▁remainder", "▁will", "▁be", "▁built", "▁at", "▁Bomb", "ard", "ier", "▁'", "s", "▁factory", "▁in", "▁Sav", "li", "▁,", "▁near", "▁V", "ad", "od", "ara", "▁.", "▁These", "▁trains", "▁are", "▁a", "▁mix", "▁of", "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁car", "▁and", "▁six", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁car", "▁consists", "▁,", "▁capable", "▁of", "▁accommod", "ating", "▁", "1", "1", "7", "8", "▁and", "▁", "1", "7", "9", "2", "▁commut", "ers", "▁per", "▁train", "▁respectively", "▁.", "▁The", "▁coach", "es", "▁possess", "▁several", "▁improved", "▁features", "▁like", "▁Cl", "osed", "▁Circ", "uit", "▁Television", "▁(", "▁C", "CT", "V", "▁)", "▁cam", "eras", "▁with", "▁eight", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hour", "▁backup", "▁for", "▁added", "▁security", "▁,", "▁charg", "ing", "▁points", "▁in", "▁all", "▁coach", "es", "▁for", "▁cell", "▁ph", "ones", "▁and", "▁la", "pt", "ops", "▁,", "▁improved", "▁air", "▁condition", "ing", "▁to", "▁provide", "▁a", "▁temperature", "▁of", "▁", "2", "5", "▁degrees", "▁Cel", "si", "us", "▁even", "▁in", "▁pack", "ed", "▁conditions", "▁and", "▁he", "aters", "▁for", "▁winter", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Standard", "▁gauge", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁standard", "▁gauge", "▁rolling", "▁stock", "▁is", "▁manufact", "ured", "▁by", "▁BE", "ML", "▁at", "▁its", "▁factory", "▁in", "▁Bang", "al", "ore", "▁.", "▁The", "▁trains", "▁are", "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁car", "▁consists", "▁with", "▁a", "▁capacity", "▁of", "▁", "1", "5", "0", "6", "▁commut", "ers", "▁per", "▁train", "▁,", "▁accommod", "ating", "▁", "5", "0", "▁se", "ated", "▁and", "▁", "2", "9", "2", "▁standing", "▁passengers", "▁in", "▁each", "▁coach", "▁.", "▁These", "▁trains", "▁will", "▁have", "▁C", "CT", "V", "▁cam", "eras", "▁in", "▁and", "▁outside", "▁the", "▁coach", "es", "▁,", "▁power", "▁supply", "▁connections", "▁inside", "▁coach", "es", "▁to", "▁charge", "▁mob", "iles", "▁and", "▁la", "pt", "ops", "▁,", "▁better", "▁hum", "id", "ity", "▁control", "▁,", "▁micro", "processor", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁controlled", "▁disc", "▁bra", "kes", "▁,", "▁and", "▁will", "▁be", "▁capable", "▁of", "▁maintain", "ing", "▁an", "▁average", "▁speed", "▁of", "▁", "3", "4", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "2", "1", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁over", "▁a", "▁distance", "▁of", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "8", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Airport", "▁Express", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁E", "ight", "▁", "6", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁car", "▁trains", "▁supplied", "▁by", "▁C", "AF", "▁Be", "as", "ain", "▁were", "▁imported", "▁from", "▁Spain", "▁.", "▁C", "AF", "▁held", "▁", "5", "▁%", "▁equ", "ity", "▁in", "▁the", "▁DA", "ME", "▁project", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Rel", "iance", "▁In", "frastr", "ucture", "▁held", "▁the", "▁remaining", "▁", "9", "5", "▁%", "▁before", "▁DM", "RC", "▁took", "▁over", "▁the", "▁operations", "▁.", "▁The", "▁trains", "▁on", "▁this", "▁line", "▁are", "▁of", "▁a", "▁prem", "ium", "▁standard", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁the", "▁existing", "▁met", "ro", "▁trains", "▁and", "▁have", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁built", "▁noise", "▁reduction", "▁and", "▁p", "added", "▁fabric", "▁seats", "▁.", "▁The", "▁coach", "es", "▁are", "▁equ", "ipped", "▁with", "▁L", "CD", "▁screens", "▁for", "▁entertain", "ment", "▁of", "▁the", "▁passengers", "▁and", "▁also", "▁provide", "▁flight", "▁information", "▁for", "▁convenience", "▁of", "▁air", "▁trav", "ellers", "▁.", "▁The", "▁trains", "▁are", "▁fitted", "▁with", "▁an", "▁event", "▁rec", "order", "▁which", "▁can", "▁with", "stand", "▁high", "▁levels", "▁of", "▁temperature", "▁and", "▁impact", "▁and", "▁the", "▁whe", "els", "▁have", "▁fl", "ange", "▁lub", "ric", "ation", "▁system", "▁for", "▁less", "▁noise", "▁and", "▁better", "▁r", "iding", "▁comfort", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Sign", "alling", "▁and", "▁Tele", "communic", "ation", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁uses", "▁cab", "▁sign", "alling", "▁along", "▁with", "▁a", "▁central", "ised", "▁automatic", "▁train", "▁control", "▁system", "▁consisting", "▁of", "▁automatic", "▁train", "▁operation", "▁,", "▁Autom", "atic", "▁Train", "▁Prote", "ction", "▁and", "▁automatic", "▁train", "▁sign", "alling", "▁modules", "▁.", "▁A", "▁", "3", "8", "0", "▁M", "Hz", "▁digital", "▁tr", "unk", "ed", "▁T", "ET", "RA", "▁radio", "▁communication", "▁system", "▁from", "▁Motor", "ola", "▁is", "▁used", "▁on", "▁all", "▁lines", "▁to", "▁carry", "▁both", "▁voice", "▁and", "▁data", "▁information", "▁.", "▁For", "▁Blue", "▁Line", "▁S", "iem", "ens", "▁Transport", "ation", "▁Systems", "▁has", "▁supplied", "▁the", "▁electronic", "▁inter", "lock", "ing", "▁S", "icas", "▁,", "▁the", "▁operation", "▁control", "▁system", "▁V", "icos", "▁O", "C", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁and", "▁the", "▁autom", "ation", "▁control", "▁system", "▁L", "Z", "B", "▁", "7", "0", "0", "▁M", ".", "▁An", "▁integrated", "▁system", "▁compr", "ising", "▁optical", "▁fib", "re", "▁cable", "▁,", "▁on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁train", "▁radio", "▁,", "▁C", "CT", "V", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁central", "ised", "▁clock", "▁and", "▁public", "▁address", "▁system", "▁is", "▁used", "▁for", "▁tele", "communic", "ation", "▁during", "▁train", "▁operations", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁emer", "gen", "cies", "▁.", "▁For", "▁Red", "▁and", "▁Y", "ellow", "▁lines", "▁AL", "ST", "OM", "▁has", "▁supplied", "▁sign" ]
let Line . Maglev trains were initially considered for some lines of Phase 3 , but DMRC decided to continue with conventional rail in August 2012 . = = = = Broad gauge = = = = The rolling stock is manufactured by two major suppliers . For the Phase I , the rolling stock was supplied by a consortium of companies comprising Hyundai Rotem , Mitsubishi Corporation , and MELCO.The coaches have a very similar look to MTR Rotem EMU , except with only 4 doors and use sliding doors . The coaches were initially built in South Korea by ROTEM , then in Bangalore by BEML through a technology transfer arrangement . These trains consist of four 3 @.@ 2 @-@ metre ( 10 ft ) wide stainless steel lightweight coaches with vestibules permitting movement throughout their length and can carry up to 1500 passengers , with 50 seated and 330 standing passengers per coach . The coaches are fully air conditioned , equipped with automatic doors , microprocessor @-@ controlled brakes and secondary air suspension , and are capable of maintaining an average speed of 32 km / h ( 20 mph ) over a distance of 1 @.@ 1 km ( 0 @.@ 68 mi ) . The system is extensible up to eight coaches , and platforms have been designed accordingly . The rolling stock for Phase II is being supplied by Bombardier Transportation , which has received an order for 614 cars worth approximately US $ 1 @.@ 1 billion . While initial trains were made in Görlitz , Germany and Sweden , the remainder will be built at Bombardier 's factory in Savli , near Vadodara . These trains are a mix of four @-@ car and six @-@ car consists , capable of accommodating 1178 and 1792 commuters per train respectively . The coaches possess several improved features like Closed Circuit Television ( CCTV ) cameras with eight @-@ hour backup for added security , charging points in all coaches for cell phones and laptops , improved air conditioning to provide a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius even in packed conditions and heaters for winter . = = = = Standard gauge = = = = The standard gauge rolling stock is manufactured by BEML at its factory in Bangalore . The trains are four @-@ car consists with a capacity of 1506 commuters per train , accommodating 50 seated and 292 standing passengers in each coach . These trains will have CCTV cameras in and outside the coaches , power supply connections inside coaches to charge mobiles and laptops , better humidity control , microprocessor @-@ controlled disc brakes , and will be capable of maintaining an average speed of 34 km / h ( 21 mph ) over a distance of 1 @.@ 1 km ( 0 @.@ 68 mi ) . = = = = Airport Express = = = = Eight 6 @-@ car trains supplied by CAF Beasain were imported from Spain . CAF held 5 % equity in the DAME project , and Reliance Infrastructure held the remaining 95 % before DMRC took over the operations . The trains on this line are of a premium standard compared to the existing metro trains and have in @-@ built noise reduction and padded fabric seats . The coaches are equipped with LCD screens for entertainment of the passengers and also provide flight information for convenience of air travellers . The trains are fitted with an event recorder which can withstand high levels of temperature and impact and the wheels have flange lubrication system for less noise and better riding comfort . = = = Signalling and Telecommunication = = = The Delhi Metro uses cab signalling along with a centralised automatic train control system consisting of automatic train operation , Automatic Train Protection and automatic train signalling modules . A 380 MHz digital trunked TETRA radio communication system from Motorola is used on all lines to carry both voice and data information . For Blue Line Siemens Transportation Systems has supplied the electronic interlocking Sicas , the operation control system Vicos OC 500 and the automation control system LZB 700 M. An integrated system comprising optical fibre cable , on @-@ train radio , CCTV , and a centralised clock and public address system is used for telecommunication during train operations as well as emergencies . For Red and Yellow lines ALSTOM has supplied sign
[ "alling", "▁system", "▁and", "▁for", "▁line", "▁Green", "▁and", "▁Vo", "ile", "t", "▁Bomb", "ard", "ier", "▁Transport", "ation", "▁has", "▁supplied", "▁C", "ITY", "F", "LO", "▁", "3", "5", "0", "▁sign", "alling", "▁system", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Airport", "▁Express", "▁line", "▁has", "▁introduced", "▁Wi", "Fi", "▁services", "▁at", "▁all", "▁stations", "▁along", "▁the", "▁route", "▁on", "▁", "1", "3", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁Connect", "ivity", "▁inside", "▁met", "ro", "▁trains", "▁trav", "elling", "▁on", "▁the", "▁route", "▁is", "▁expected", "▁in", "▁the", "▁future", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Wi", "Fi", "▁service", "▁is", "▁provided", "▁by", "▁You", "▁Broad", "band", "▁.", "▁A", "▁fully", "▁autom", "ated", "▁,", "▁operator", "less", "▁train", "▁system", "▁has", "▁been", "▁offered", "▁to", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁by", "▁the", "▁French", "▁defence", "▁and", "▁civil", "ian", "▁techn", "ologies", "▁major", "▁Th", "ales", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Environment", "al", "▁Imp", "act", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁has", "▁won", "▁awards", "▁from", "▁v", "ip", "ul", "▁environment", "ally", "▁friendly", "▁practices", "▁from", "▁organis", "ations", "▁including", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Nations", "▁,", "▁R", "IN", "A", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁International", "▁Organ", "ization", "▁for", "▁Standard", "ization", "▁,", "▁becoming", "▁the", "▁second", "▁met", "ro", "▁in", "▁the", "▁world", "▁,", "▁after", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁City", "▁Sub", "way", "▁,", "▁to", "▁be", "▁ISO", "▁", "1", "4", "0", "0", "1", "▁cert", "ified", "▁for", "▁environment", "ally", "▁friendly", "▁construction", "▁.", "▁Most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Metro", "▁stations", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Blue", "▁Line", "▁conduct", "▁rain", "water", "▁har", "vest", "ing", "▁as", "▁an", "▁environmental", "▁protection", "▁measure", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁also", "▁the", "▁first", "▁railway", "▁project", "▁in", "▁the", "▁world", "▁to", "▁ear", "n", "▁carbon", "▁cred", "its", "▁after", "▁being", "▁registered", "▁with", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Nations", "▁under", "▁the", "▁C", "lean", "▁Development", "▁Mechan", "ism", "▁,", "▁and", "▁has", "▁so", "▁far", "▁earned", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁carbon", "▁cred", "its", "▁by", "▁saving", "▁energy", "▁through", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁reg", "ener", "ative", "▁bra", "king", "▁systems", "▁on", "▁its", "▁trains", "▁.", "▁To", "▁reduce", "▁its", "▁dependence", "▁on", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁renew", "able", "▁sources", "▁of", "▁energy", "▁,", "▁DM", "RC", "▁is", "▁looking", "▁forward", "▁to", "▁har", "ness", "▁solar", "▁energy", "▁and", "▁install", "▁solar", "▁pan", "els", "▁at", "▁the", "▁K", "ark", "ardo", "oma", "▁,", "▁No", "ida", "▁S", "ector", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "1", "▁,", "▁An", "and", "▁V", "ih", "ar", "▁and", "▁Prag", "ati", "▁Ma", "idan", "▁Metro", "▁stations", "▁and", "▁DM", "RC", "▁'", "s", "▁resident", "ial", "▁complex", "▁at", "▁P", "ush", "p", "▁V", "ih", "ar", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Metro", "▁has", "▁been", "▁promoted", "▁as", "▁an", "▁integral", "▁part", "▁of", "▁community", "▁infrastr", "ucture", "▁,", "▁and", "▁community", "▁art", "work", "▁dep", "ict", "ing", "▁the", "▁local", "▁way", "▁of", "▁life", "▁has", "▁been", "▁put", "▁on", "▁display", "▁at", "▁stations", "▁.", "▁Stud", "ents", "▁of", "▁local", "▁art", "▁colleg", "es", "▁have", "▁also", "▁designed", "▁decor", "ative", "▁mur", "als", "▁at", "▁Metro", "▁stations", "▁,", "▁while", "▁pill", "ars", "▁of", "▁the", "▁vi", "ad", "uct", "▁on", "▁some", "▁elev", "ated", "▁sections", "▁have", "▁been", "▁decor", "ated", "▁with", "▁m", "osa", "ic", "▁mur", "als", "▁created", "▁by", "▁local", "▁school", "children", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Metro", "▁station", "▁at", "▁IN", "A", "▁Col", "ony", "▁has", "▁a", "▁gallery", "▁show", "c", "asing", "▁art", "work", "▁and", "▁hand", "ic", "raft", "s", "▁from", "▁across", "▁India", "▁,", "▁while", "▁all", "▁stations", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Central", "▁Secret", "ariat", "▁–", "▁Q", "ut", "ub", "▁Min", "ar", "▁section", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Y", "ellow", "▁Line", "▁have", "▁pan", "els", "▁installed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁monument", "al", "▁architect", "ural", "▁her", "itage", "▁of", "▁Del", "hi", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Nobel", "▁Memorial", "▁Wall", "▁at", "▁Raj", "iv", "▁Ch", "ow", "k", "▁has", "▁port", "ra", "its", "▁of", "▁the", "▁seven", "▁Nobel", "▁La", "ure", "ates", "▁from", "▁India", "▁:", "▁Rab", "ind", "ran", "ath", "▁Tag", "ore", "▁,", "▁CV", "▁Ram", "an", "▁,", "▁H", "arg", "ob", "ind", "▁K", "hor", "ana", "▁,", "▁Mother", "▁Ter", "esa", "▁,", "▁Sub", "rah", "man", "yan", "▁Ch", "andr", "ase", "k", "har", "▁,", "▁Am", "art", "ya", "▁Sen", "▁and", "▁V", "enk", "at", "ram", "an", "▁Ram", "ak", "r", "ish", "nan", "▁and", "▁provide", "▁details", "▁about", "▁their", "▁contribution", "▁to", "▁society", "▁and", "▁a", "▁panel", "▁each", "▁on", "▁Alfred", "▁Nobel", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Nobel", "▁P", "riz", "es", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁episode", "▁", "8", "▁of", "▁the", "▁American", "▁television", "▁anth", "ology", "▁series", "▁The", "▁Tw", "il", "ight", "▁Zone", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁adapted", "▁from", "▁a", "▁short", "▁story", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Lyn", "n", "▁Ven", "able", "▁(", "▁pen", "▁name", "▁of", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁Ven", "able", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁short", "▁story", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁the", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "3", "▁edition", "▁of", "▁the", "▁science", "▁fiction", "▁magazine", "▁If", "▁:", "▁World", "s", "▁of", "▁Science", "▁F", "iction", "▁about", "▁seven", "▁years", "▁before", "▁the", "▁television", "▁episode", "▁first", "▁a", "ired", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁\"", "▁became", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁most", "▁famous", "▁episodes", "▁of", "▁the", "▁original", "▁Tw", "il", "ight", "▁Zone", "▁and", "▁has", "▁been", "▁frequently", "▁par", "od", "ied", "▁since", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁story", "▁of", "▁a", "▁man", "▁who", "▁see", "ks", "▁salv", "ation", "▁in", "▁the", "▁rub", "ble", "▁of", "▁a", "▁ru", "ined", "▁world", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁tells", "▁of", "▁Henry", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁/", "▁", "ˈ", "bi", "ː", "m", "ɪ", "s", "▁/", "▁,", "▁played", "▁by", "▁Burg", "ess", "▁Mer", "ed", "ith", "▁,", "▁who", "▁lov", "es", "▁books", "▁,", "▁yet", "▁is", "▁surrounded", "▁by", "▁those", "▁who", "▁would", "▁prevent", "▁him", "▁from", "▁reading", "▁them", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁follows", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁through", "▁the", "▁post", "▁ap", "oc", "aly", "ptic", "▁world", "▁,", "▁touch", "ing", "▁on", "▁such", "▁social", "▁issues", "▁as", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁intellectual", "ism", "▁,", "▁the", "▁d", "angers", "▁of", "▁reli", "ance", "▁upon", "▁technology", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁difference", "▁between", "▁al", "on", "eness", "▁(", "▁sol", "itude", "▁)", "▁and", "▁l", "onel", "iness", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Open", "ing", "▁narr", "ation", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Plot", "▁summary", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Hen", "pe", "ck", "ed", "▁,", "▁far", "▁sight", "ed", "▁bank", "▁tell", "er", "▁and", "▁av", "id", "▁book", "w", "orm", "▁Henry", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁(", "▁Mer", "ed", "ith", "▁)", "▁works", "▁at", "▁his", "▁window", "▁in", "▁a", "▁bank", "▁,", "▁while", "▁reading", "▁David", "▁Co", "pper", "field", "▁,", "▁which", "▁causes", "▁him", "▁to", "▁short", "change", "▁an", "▁anno", "yed", "▁customer", "▁.", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁'", "s", "▁angry", "▁b", "oss", "▁(", "▁Taylor", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁later", "▁his", "▁nag", "ging", "▁wife", "▁(", "▁de", "W", "it", "▁)", "▁,", "▁both", "▁comp", "lain", "▁to", "▁him", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "tes", "▁far", "▁too", "▁much", "▁time", "▁reading", "▁\"", "▁dog", "ger", "el", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁cruel", "▁jo", "ke", "▁,", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁asks", "▁him", "▁to", "▁read", "▁poetry", "▁from", "▁one", "▁of", "▁his", "▁books", "▁to", "▁her", "▁;", "▁he", "▁eager", "ly", "▁oblig", "es", "▁,", "▁only", "▁to", "▁find", "▁that", "▁she", "▁has", "▁in", "ked", "▁over", "▁the", "▁text", "▁on", "▁every", "▁page", "▁,", "▁obsc", "uring", "▁the", "▁words", "▁.", "▁Second", "s", "▁later", "▁,", "▁she", "▁dest", "ro", "ys", "▁the", "▁book", "▁by", "▁ri", "pping", "▁the", "▁pages", "▁from", "▁it", "▁much", "▁to", "▁Henry", "▁'", "s", "▁dis", "may", "▁." ]
alling system and for line Green and Voilet Bombardier Transportation has supplied CITYFLO 350 signalling system . The Airport Express line has introduced WiFi services at all stations along the route on 13 January 2012 . Connectivity inside metro trains travelling on the route is expected in the future . The WiFi service is provided by You Broadband . A fully automated , operatorless train system has been offered to Delhi Metro by the French defence and civilian technologies major Thales . = = Environmental Impact = = The Delhi Metro has won awards from vipul environmentally friendly practices from organisations including the United Nations , RINA , and the International Organization for Standardization , becoming the second metro in the world , after the New York City Subway , to be ISO 14001 certified for environmentally friendly construction . Most of the Metro stations on the Blue Line conduct rainwater harvesting as an environmental protection measure . It is also the first railway project in the world to earn carbon credits after being registered with the United Nations under the Clean Development Mechanism , and has so far earned 400 @,@ 000 carbon credits by saving energy through the use of regenerative braking systems on its trains . To reduce its dependence on non @-@ renewable sources of energy , DMRC is looking forward to harness solar energy and install solar panels at the Karkardooma , Noida Sector @-@ 21 , Anand Vihar and Pragati Maidan Metro stations and DMRC 's residential complex at Pushp Vihar . The Metro has been promoted as an integral part of community infrastructure , and community artwork depicting the local way of life has been put on display at stations . Students of local art colleges have also designed decorative murals at Metro stations , while pillars of the viaduct on some elevated sections have been decorated with mosaic murals created by local schoolchildren . The Metro station at INA Colony has a gallery showcasing artwork and handicrafts from across India , while all stations on the Central Secretariat – Qutub Minar section of the Yellow Line have panels installed on the monumental architectural heritage of Delhi . The Nobel Memorial Wall at Rajiv Chowk has portraits of the seven Nobel Laureates from India : Rabindranath Tagore , CV Raman , Hargobind Khorana , Mother Teresa , Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar , Amartya Sen and Venkatraman Ramakrishnan and provide details about their contribution to society and a panel each on Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Prizes . = Time Enough at Last = " Time Enough at Last " is episode 8 of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone . The episode was adapted from a short story written by Lynn Venable ( pen name of Marilyn Venable ) . The short story appeared in the January 1953 edition of the science fiction magazine If : Worlds of Science Fiction about seven years before the television episode first aired . " Time Enough at Last " became one of the most famous episodes of the original Twilight Zone and has been frequently parodied since . It is " the story of a man who seeks salvation in the rubble of a ruined world " and tells of Henry Bemis / ˈbiːmɪs / , played by Burgess Meredith , who loves books , yet is surrounded by those who would prevent him from reading them . The episode follows Bemis through the post apocalyptic world , touching on such social issues as anti @-@ intellectualism , the dangers of reliance upon technology , and the difference between aloneness ( solitude ) and loneliness . = = Opening narration = = = = Plot summary = = Henpecked , far sighted bank teller and avid bookworm Henry Bemis ( Meredith ) works at his window in a bank , while reading David Copperfield , which causes him to shortchange an annoyed customer . Bemis 's angry boss ( Taylor ) , and later his nagging wife ( deWit ) , both complain to him that he wastes far too much time reading " doggerel " . As a cruel joke , his wife asks him to read poetry from one of his books to her ; he eagerly obliges , only to find that she has inked over the text on every page , obscuring the words . Seconds later , she destroys the book by ripping the pages from it much to Henry 's dismay .
[ "▁", "▁The", "▁next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁as", "▁usual", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁takes", "▁his", "▁l", "unch", "▁break", "▁in", "▁the", "▁bank", "▁'", "s", "▁v", "ault", "▁,", "▁where", "▁his", "▁reading", "▁will", "▁not", "▁be", "▁dist", "urbed", "▁.", "▁M", "om", "ents", "▁after", "▁he", "▁sees", "▁a", "▁newspaper", "▁head", "line", "▁,", "▁which", "▁reads", "▁\"", "▁H", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Bomb", "▁Cap", "able", "▁of", "▁Total", "▁Dest", "ruction", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁an", "▁enorm", "ous", "▁explos", "ion", "▁outside", "▁the", "▁bank", "▁viol", "ently", "▁sh", "akes", "▁the", "▁v", "ault", "▁,", "▁knock", "ing", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁un", "cons", "cious", "▁.", "▁After", "▁reg", "aining", "▁conscious", "ness", "▁and", "▁recover", "ing", "▁the", "▁thick", "▁glass", "es", "▁required", "▁for", "▁him", "▁to", "▁see", "▁,", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁emer", "ges", "▁from", "▁the", "▁v", "ault", "▁to", "▁find", "▁the", "▁bank", "▁demol", "ished", "▁and", "▁everyone", "▁in", "▁it", "▁dead", "▁.", "▁Le", "aving", "▁the", "▁bank", "▁,", "▁he", "▁sees", "▁that", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁city", "▁has", "▁been", "▁destroyed", "▁,", "▁and", "▁real", "izes", "▁that", "▁a", "▁nuclear", "▁war", "▁has", "▁dev", "ast", "ated", "▁the", "▁Earth", "▁,", "▁but", "▁that", "▁his", "▁being", "▁in", "▁the", "▁v", "ault", "▁has", "▁saved", "▁him", "▁.", "▁", "▁F", "inding", "▁himself", "▁totally", "▁alone", "▁in", "▁a", "▁sh", "atter", "ed", "▁world", "▁with", "▁food", "▁to", "▁last", "▁him", "▁a", "▁lifetime", "▁but", "▁no", "▁one", "▁to", "▁share", "▁it", "▁with", "▁,", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁succ", "umb", "s", "▁to", "▁desp", "air", "▁.", "▁As", "▁he", "▁prepar", "es", "▁to", "▁commit", "▁suic", "ide", "▁using", "▁a", "▁revol", "ver", "▁he", "▁has", "▁found", "▁,", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁sees", "▁the", "▁ru", "ins", "▁of", "▁the", "▁public", "▁library", "▁in", "▁the", "▁distance", "▁.", "▁Investig", "ating", "▁,", "▁he", "▁finds", "▁that", "▁the", "▁books", "▁are", "▁still", "▁int", "act", "▁and", "▁readable", "▁;", "▁all", "▁the", "▁books", "▁he", "▁could", "▁ever", "▁hope", "▁for", "▁are", "▁his", "▁for", "▁the", "▁reading", "▁,", "▁and", "▁(", "▁as", "▁he", "▁gaz", "es", "▁upon", "▁a", "▁huge", "▁fallen", "▁face", "▁of", "▁a", "▁clock", "▁)", "▁lear", "ns", "▁that", "▁he", "▁has", "▁all", "▁the", "▁time", "▁in", "▁the", "▁world", "▁to", "▁read", "▁them", "▁without", "▁inter", "ruption", "▁.", "▁", "▁His", "▁desp", "air", "▁gone", "▁,", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁content", "edly", "▁sorts", "▁the", "▁books", "▁he", "▁looks", "▁forward", "▁to", "▁reading", "▁for", "▁years", "▁to", "▁come", "▁.", "▁Just", "▁as", "▁he", "▁b", "ends", "▁down", "▁to", "▁pick", "▁up", "▁the", "▁first", "▁book", "▁,", "▁he", "▁st", "umb", "les", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁glass", "es", "▁fall", "▁off", "▁and", "▁sh", "atter", "▁.", "▁In", "▁shock", "▁,", "▁he", "▁pick", "s", "▁up", "▁the", "▁broken", "▁remains", "▁of", "▁the", "▁glass", "es", "▁he", "▁is", "▁virt", "ually", "▁blind", "▁without", "▁,", "▁and", "▁says", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁That", "▁'", "s", "▁not", "▁fair", "▁.", "▁That", "▁'", "s", "▁not", "▁fair", "▁at", "▁all", "▁.", "▁There", "▁was", "▁time", "▁now", "▁.", "▁There", "▁was", "▁—", "▁was", "▁all", "▁the", "▁time", "▁I", "▁needed", "▁…", "▁!", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁not", "▁fair", "▁!", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁not", "▁fair", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁burst", "s", "▁into", "▁tears", "▁,", "▁surrounded", "▁by", "▁books", "▁he", "▁now", "▁can", "▁never", "▁read", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cl", "osing", "▁narr", "ation", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁first", "▁episodes", "▁written", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Tw", "il", "ight", "▁Zone", "▁.", "▁It", "▁introduced", "▁Burg", "ess", "▁Mer", "ed", "ith", "▁to", "▁the", "▁series", "▁;", "▁he", "▁went", "▁on", "▁to", "▁star", "▁in", "▁three", "▁more", "▁episodes", "▁,", "▁being", "▁introduced", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁no", "▁stranger", "▁to", "▁The", "▁Tw", "il", "ight", "▁Zone", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁prom", "ot", "ional", "▁sp", "ots", "▁for", "▁season", "▁two", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Ob", "sole", "te", "▁Man", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁narr", "ated", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "3", "▁film", "▁Tw", "il", "ight", "▁Zone", "▁:", "▁The", "▁Movie", "▁,", "▁which", "▁made", "▁reference", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁\"", "▁during", "▁its", "▁opening", "▁sequence", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁characters", "▁discuss", "ing", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁in", "▁detail", "▁.", "▁", "▁Foot", "age", "▁of", "▁the", "▁exterior", "▁steps", "▁of", "▁the", "▁library", "▁was", "▁fil", "med", "▁several", "▁months", "▁after", "▁production", "▁had", "▁been", "▁completed", "▁.", "▁These", "▁steps", "▁can", "▁also", "▁be", "▁seen", "▁on", "▁the", "▁exterior", "▁of", "▁an", "▁E", "lo", "i", "▁public", "▁building", "▁in", "▁M", "GM", "▁'", "s", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "▁version", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Time", "▁Machine", "▁.", "▁John", "▁Bra", "hm", "▁was", "▁nominated", "▁for", "▁a", "▁Direct", "ors", "▁Gu", "ild", "▁award", "▁for", "▁his", "▁work", "▁on", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁.", "▁The", "▁book", "▁that", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁was", "▁reading", "▁in", "▁the", "▁v", "ault", "▁and", "▁that", "▁f", "li", "ps", "▁open", "▁when", "▁the", "▁bomb", "▁expl", "odes", "▁is", "▁A", "▁History", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Life", "▁and", "▁Vo", "y", "ages", "▁of", "▁Christopher", "▁Columb", "us", "▁by", "▁Washington", "▁Ir", "ving", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Th", "emes", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Although", "▁the", "▁overrid", "ing", "▁message", "▁may", "▁seem", "▁to", "▁be", "▁\"", "▁careful", "▁what", "▁you", "▁wish", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁there", "▁are", "▁other", "▁them", "es", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁as", "▁well", "▁.", "▁Param", "ount", "▁among", "▁these", "▁is", "▁the", "▁question", "▁of", "▁sol", "itude", "▁versus", "▁l", "onel", "iness", "▁,", "▁as", "▁emb", "od", "ied", "▁by", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁'", "▁moment", "▁of", "▁near", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁suic", "ide", "▁.", "▁Additionally", "▁,", "▁the", "▁port", "ray", "al", "▁of", "▁soci", "etal", "▁att", "itudes", "▁towards", "▁books", "▁speak", "s", "▁to", "▁the", "▁contemporary", "▁decl", "ine", "▁of", "▁traditional", "▁literature", "▁and", "▁how", "▁,", "▁given", "▁enough", "▁time", "▁,", "▁reading", "▁may", "▁become", "▁a", "▁re", "lic", "▁of", "▁the", "▁past", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁same", "▁time", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ending", "▁\"", "▁pun", "ishes", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁for", "▁his", "▁ant", "iso", "cial", "▁behavior", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁greatest", "▁desire", "▁is", "▁th", "wart", "ed", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Rod", "▁Ser", "ling", "▁'", "s", "▁con", "cluding", "▁statement", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁-", "▁that", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁has", "▁become", "▁\"", "▁just", "▁a", "▁fragment", "▁of", "▁what", "▁man", "▁has", "▁de", "eded", "▁to", "▁himself", "▁\"", "▁-", "▁all", "udes", "▁to", "▁Robert", "▁Burn", "s", "▁'", "▁Sc", "ots", "▁language", "▁poem", "▁\"", "▁To", "▁a", "▁Mouse", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁", "1", "7", "8", "5", "▁,", "▁for", "▁which", "▁John", "▁Stein", "beck", "▁'", "s", "▁book", "▁,", "▁Of", "▁M", "ice", "▁and", "▁Men", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "8", "▁)", "▁,", "▁was", "▁also", "▁named", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁poem", "▁con", "cludes", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁best", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁laid", "▁schemes", "▁o", "▁'", "▁m", "ice", "▁an", "▁men", "▁/", "▁Gang", "▁a", "ft", "▁ag", "ley", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁translation", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁O", "ften", "▁go", "▁aw", "ry", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁Although", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁\"", "▁implies", "▁that", "▁nuclear", "▁war", "fare", "▁has", "▁destroyed", "▁human", "ity", "▁,", "▁film", "▁critic", "▁Andrew", "▁S", "arr", "is", "▁notes", "▁that", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁'", "s", "▁necessarily", "▁un", "real", "istic", "▁format", "▁may", "▁have", "▁been", "▁what", "▁allowed", "▁its", "▁production", "▁to", "▁commence", "▁:", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁era", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Internet", "▁and", "▁e", "Book", "s", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ir", "ony", "▁dep", "icted", "▁in", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁\"", "▁has", "▁an", "▁information", "▁age", "▁counter", "part", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁West", "on", "▁O", "ch", "se", "▁of" ]
The next day , as usual , Henry takes his lunch break in the bank 's vault , where his reading will not be disturbed . Moments after he sees a newspaper headline , which reads " H @-@ Bomb Capable of Total Destruction " , an enormous explosion outside the bank violently shakes the vault , knocking Bemis unconscious . After regaining consciousness and recovering the thick glasses required for him to see , Bemis emerges from the vault to find the bank demolished and everyone in it dead . Leaving the bank , he sees that the entire city has been destroyed , and realizes that a nuclear war has devastated the Earth , but that his being in the vault has saved him . Finding himself totally alone in a shattered world with food to last him a lifetime but no one to share it with , Bemis succumbs to despair . As he prepares to commit suicide using a revolver he has found , Bemis sees the ruins of the public library in the distance . Investigating , he finds that the books are still intact and readable ; all the books he could ever hope for are his for the reading , and ( as he gazes upon a huge fallen face of a clock ) learns that he has all the time in the world to read them without interruption . His despair gone , Bemis contentedly sorts the books he looks forward to reading for years to come . Just as he bends down to pick up the first book , he stumbles , and his glasses fall off and shatter . In shock , he picks up the broken remains of the glasses he is virtually blind without , and says , " That 's not fair . That 's not fair at all . There was time now . There was — was all the time I needed … ! It 's not fair ! It 's not fair ! " and bursts into tears , surrounded by books he now can never read . = = Closing narration = = = = Production = = " Time Enough at Last " was one of the first episodes written for The Twilight Zone . It introduced Burgess Meredith to the series ; he went on to star in three more episodes , being introduced as " no stranger to The Twilight Zone " in promotional spots for season two 's " The Obsolete Man " . He also narrated for the 1983 film Twilight Zone : The Movie , which made reference to " Time Enough at Last " during its opening sequence , with the characters discussing the episode in detail . Footage of the exterior steps of the library was filmed several months after production had been completed . These steps can also be seen on the exterior of an Eloi public building in MGM 's 1960 version of The Time Machine . John Brahm was nominated for a Directors Guild award for his work on the episode . The book that Bemis was reading in the vault and that flips open when the bomb explodes is A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus by Washington Irving . = = Themes = = Although the overriding message may seem to be " careful what you wish for " , there are other themes throughout the episode as well . Paramount among these is the question of solitude versus loneliness , as embodied by Bemis ' moment of near @-@ suicide . Additionally , the portrayal of societal attitudes towards books speaks to the contemporary decline of traditional literature and how , given enough time , reading may become a relic of the past . At the same time , the ending " punishes Bemis for his antisocial behavior , and his greatest desire is thwarted . " Rod Serling 's concluding statement in the episode - that Bemis has become " just a fragment of what man has deeded to himself " - alludes to Robert Burns ' Scots language poem " To a Mouse " ( 1785 , for which John Steinbeck 's book , Of Mice and Men ( 1938 ) , was also named ) . The poem concludes : " The best @-@ laid schemes o ' mice an men / Gang aft agley " ( translation : " Often go awry " ) . Although " Time Enough at Last " implies that nuclear warfare has destroyed humanity , film critic Andrew Sarris notes that the episode 's necessarily unrealistic format may have been what allowed its production to commence : In the era of the Internet and eBooks , the irony depicted in " Time Enough at Last " has an information age counterpart , according to Weston Ochse of
[ "▁Story", "t", "ellers", "▁Un", "pl", "ug", "ged", "▁.", "▁As", "▁O", "ch", "se", "▁points", "▁out", "▁,", "▁when", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁becomes", "▁the", "▁last", "▁person", "▁on", "▁Earth", "▁,", "▁he", "▁finally", "▁has", "▁time", "▁to", "▁read", "▁,", "▁with", "▁all", "▁his", "▁books", "▁at", "▁his", "▁f", "ing", "ert", "ips", "▁and", "▁the", "▁only", "▁imped", "iment", "▁is", "▁technology", "▁when", "▁his", "▁medium", "▁for", "▁accessing", "▁them", "▁—", "▁his", "▁glass", "es", "▁—", "▁breaks", "▁.", "▁In", "▁a", "▁hypoth", "et", "ical", "▁world", "▁where", "▁all", "▁books", "▁are", "▁published", "▁electron", "ically", "▁,", "▁O", "ch", "se", "▁obser", "ves", "▁,", "▁readers", "▁would", "▁be", "▁\"", "▁only", "▁a", "▁light", "ning", "▁strike", "▁,", "▁a", "▁fault", "y", "▁switch", "▁,", "▁a", "▁sleep", "y", "▁work", "man", "▁or", "▁a", "▁natural", "▁dis", "aster", "▁away", "▁from", "▁becoming", "▁Henry", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁at", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁world", "▁\"", "▁—", "▁that", "▁is", "▁,", "▁a", "▁power", "▁out", "age", "▁has", "▁the", "▁potential", "▁to", "▁give", "▁them", "▁time", "▁to", "▁read", "▁,", "▁yet", "▁like", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁,", "▁they", "▁too", "▁would", "▁lose", "▁their", "▁medium", "▁for", "▁accessing", "▁their", "▁books", "▁—", "▁namely", "▁the", "▁computer", "▁.", "▁This", "▁anal", "ogy", "▁has", "▁been", "▁taken", "▁further", "▁by", "▁those", "▁who", "▁suggest", "▁that", "▁today", "▁'", "s", "▁technology", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dependent", "▁world", "▁,", "▁where", "▁books", "▁have", "▁become", "▁pass", "é", "▁(", "▁c", "f", "▁.", "▁Brad", "bury", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Ped", "est", "rian", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁,", "▁could", "▁render", "▁an", "▁out", "age", "▁both", "▁a", "▁liber", "ator", "▁and", "▁an", "▁execution", "er", "▁:", "▁As", "▁the", "▁gateway", "▁to", "▁both", "▁work", "▁and", "▁entertain", "ment", "▁(", "▁be", "▁it", "▁a", "▁computer", "▁,", "▁video", "▁games", "▁or", "▁television", "▁)", "▁,", "▁removing", "▁electric", "ity", "▁from", "▁the", "▁equation", "▁presents", "▁Henry", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁'", "▁heaven", "▁but", "▁modern", "▁society", "▁'", "s", "▁hell", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Similar", "▁episodes", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Tw", "il", "ight", "▁Zone", "▁often", "▁expl", "ored", "▁similar", "▁them", "es", "▁throughout", "▁its", "▁run", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁\"", "▁has", "▁strong", "▁them", "atic", "▁t", "ies", "▁to", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁other", "▁episodes", "▁in", "▁the", "▁series", "▁,", "▁starting", "▁with", "▁that", "▁of", "▁isol", "ation", "▁,", "▁first", "▁expl", "ored", "▁in", "▁the", "▁series", "▁pilot", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Where", "▁Is", "▁Every", "body", "▁?", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁also", "▁a", "▁prominent", "▁theme", "▁in", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁episode", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁L", "on", "ely", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Additionally", "▁,", "▁in", "▁a", "▁plot", "▁very", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁that", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Mind", "▁and", "▁the", "▁M", "atter", "▁\"", "▁tells", "▁of", "▁a", "▁man", "▁who", "▁uses", "▁his", "▁mind", "▁to", "▁er", "ase", "▁human", "ity", "▁,", "▁only", "▁to", "▁find", "▁that", "▁existence", "▁without", "▁other", "▁people", "▁is", "▁un", "b", "ear", "able", "▁.", "▁The", "▁notion", "▁of", "▁being", "▁an", "▁out", "s", "ider", "▁,", "▁lost", "▁in", "▁a", "▁sea", "▁of", "▁conform", "ity", "▁,", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁most", "▁common", "▁them", "es", "▁of", "▁the", "▁series", "▁.", "▁", "▁Other", "▁them", "atic", "▁elements", "▁in", "▁this", "▁episode", "▁can", "▁be", "▁found", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁series", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Ob", "sole", "te", "▁Man", "▁\"", "▁takes", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁'", "s", "▁literary", "▁sub", "text", "▁—", "▁the", "▁notion", "▁that", "▁reading", "▁may", "▁eventually", "▁be", "▁considered", "▁\"", "▁ob", "sole", "te", "▁\"", "▁—", "▁to", "▁an", "▁extreme", "▁:", "▁The", "▁state", "▁has", 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"▁success", "▁in", "▁its", "▁initial", "▁air", "ing", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁became", "▁an", "▁instant", "▁classic", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁It", "▁\"", "▁remains", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁best", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁remembered", "▁and", "▁best", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁loved", "▁episodes", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Tw", "il", "ight", "▁Zone", "▁\"", "▁according", "▁to", "▁Marc", "▁Z", "ic", "ree", "▁,", "▁author", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Tw", "il", "ight", "▁Zone", "▁Comp", "an", "ion", "▁.", "▁When", "▁a", "▁poll", "▁asked", "▁readers", "▁of", "▁Tw", "il", "ight", "▁Zone", "▁Magazine", "▁which", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁the", "▁series", "▁they", "▁remembered", "▁the", "▁most", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁the", "▁most", "▁frequent", "▁response", "▁,", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁To", "▁Ser", "ve", "▁Man", "▁\"", "▁coming", "▁in", "▁a", "▁distant", "▁second", "▁.", "▁In", "▁TV", "▁Land", "▁'", "s", "▁presentation", "▁of", "▁TV", "▁Guide", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁Most", "▁Mem", "or", "able", "▁M", "om", "ents", "▁in", "▁Television", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁ranked", "▁at", "▁#", "▁", "2", "5", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁an", "▁interview", "▁years", "▁after", "▁this", "▁episode", "▁a", "ired", "▁,", "▁Ser", "ling", "▁c", "ited", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁his", "▁two", "▁favor", "ites", "▁from", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁series", "▁.", "▁(", "▁The", "▁other", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Inv", "aders", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Ag", "nes", "▁Moore", "head", "▁.", "▁)", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁In", "▁popular", "▁culture", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Many", "▁elements", "▁of", "▁American", "▁popular", "▁culture", "▁frequently", "▁pay", "▁hom", "age", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Am", "usement", "▁park", "▁attra", "ctions", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Tw", "il", "ight", "▁Zone", "▁Tower", "▁of", "▁T", "error", "▁,", "▁a", "▁theme", "▁park", "▁ride", "▁at", "▁Disney", "▁'", "s", "▁Hollywood", "▁Studios", "▁and", "▁Disney", "▁California", "▁Advent", "ure", "▁Park", "▁,", "▁displays", "▁a", "▁rep", "lica", "▁of", "▁Henry", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁'", "▁broken", "▁glass", "es", "▁in", "▁the", "▁lo", "bb", "y", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁,", "▁while", "▁they", "▁are", "▁indeed", "▁reading", "▁glass", "es", "▁,", "▁Burg", "ess", "▁Mer", "ed", "ith", "▁we", "ars", "▁them", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁episode", "▁to", "▁make", "▁B", "em", "is", "▁look", "▁more", "▁book", "ish", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Comics", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁com", "ic", "▁book", "▁version", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁,", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁Comics", "▁,", "▁published", "▁a", "▁story", "▁called", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Last", "▁F", "at", "▁Man", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁based", "▁partially", "▁on", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁includes", "▁a", "▁short", "▁scene", "▁where", "▁H", "omer", "▁Sim", "pson", "▁sho", "os", "▁a", "▁bes", "pect", "ac", "led", "▁man", "▁who", "▁is", "▁reading", "▁a", "▁book", "▁out", "▁of", "▁a", "▁nuclear", "▁b", "unker", "▁so", "▁he", "▁can", "▁eat", "▁in", "▁it", "▁,", "▁un", "int", "ention", "ally", "▁taking", "▁shelter" ]
Storytellers Unplugged . As Ochse points out , when Bemis becomes the last person on Earth , he finally has time to read , with all his books at his fingertips and the only impediment is technology when his medium for accessing them — his glasses — breaks . In a hypothetical world where all books are published electronically , Ochse observes , readers would be " only a lightning strike , a faulty switch , a sleepy workman or a natural disaster away from becoming Henry Bemis at the end of the world " — that is , a power outage has the potential to give them time to read , yet like Bemis , they too would lose their medium for accessing their books — namely the computer . This analogy has been taken further by those who suggest that today 's technology @-@ dependent world , where books have become passé ( cf . Bradbury 's " The Pedestrian " ) , could render an outage both a liberator and an executioner : As the gateway to both work and entertainment ( be it a computer , video games or television ) , removing electricity from the equation presents Henry Bemis ' heaven but modern society 's hell . = = = Similar episodes = = = The Twilight Zone often explored similar themes throughout its run . " Time Enough at Last " has strong thematic ties to a number of other episodes in the series , starting with that of isolation , first explored in the series pilot , " Where Is Everybody ? " . It is also a prominent theme in the previous episode " The Lonely " . Additionally , in a plot very similar to that of " Time " , " The Mind and the Matter " tells of a man who uses his mind to erase humanity , only to find that existence without other people is unbearable . The notion of being an outsider , lost in a sea of conformity , was one of the most common themes of the series . Other thematic elements in this episode can be found throughout the series , as well . " The Obsolete Man " takes the episode 's literary subtext — the notion that reading may eventually be considered " obsolete " — to an extreme : The state has declared books obsolete and a librarian ( also played by Meredith ) finds himself on trial for his own obsolescence . This notion , akin to Ray Bradbury 's short story " The Pedestrian " ( 1951 ) , is also alluded to in the episode " Number 12 Looks Just Like You " , in which a perfect and equal world contradictorily considers works like those of Shakespeare " smut " . = = Impact = = = = = Critical and fan favorite = = = " Time Enough at Last " was a ratings success in its initial airing and " became an instant classic " . It " remains one of the best @-@ remembered and best @-@ loved episodes of The Twilight Zone " according to Marc Zicree , author of The Twilight Zone Companion . When a poll asked readers of Twilight Zone Magazine which episode of the series they remembered the most , " Time Enough at Last " was the most frequent response , with " To Serve Man " coming in a distant second . In TV Land 's presentation of TV Guide 's " 100 Most Memorable Moments in Television " , " Time Enough at Last " was ranked at # 25 . In an interview years after this episode aired , Serling cited " Time Enough at Last " as one of his two favorites from the entire series . ( The other episode was " The Invaders " , with Agnes Moorehead . ) = = = In popular culture = = = Many elements of American popular culture frequently pay homage to " Time Enough at Last " . = = = = Amusement park attractions = = = = The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror , a theme park ride at Disney 's Hollywood Studios and Disney California Adventure Park , displays a replica of Henry Bemis ' broken glasses in the lobby . It is noted that , while they are indeed reading glasses , Burgess Meredith wears them the entire episode to make Bemis look more bookish . = = = Comics = = = The comic book version of The Simpsons , Simpsons Comics , published a story called " The Last Fat Man " , based partially on " Time Enough at Last " , and includes a short scene where Homer Simpson shoos a bespectacled man who is reading a book out of a nuclear bunker so he can eat in it , unintentionally taking shelter
[ "▁in", "▁it", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Film", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁Tw", "il", "ight", "▁Zone", "▁:", "▁The", "▁Movie", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "3", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Albert", "▁Bro", "oks", "▁rec", "ount", "s", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁to", "▁Dan", "▁A", "yk", "ro", "yd", "▁as", "▁they", "▁drive", "▁along", "▁an", "▁empty", "▁stretch", "▁of", "▁highway", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁This", "▁thing", "▁fre", "aked", "▁me", "▁out", "▁when", "▁I", "▁was", "▁", "7", "▁years", "▁old", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁says", "▁Bro", "oks", "▁'", "▁character", "▁,", "▁adding", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁bought", "▁another", "▁pair", "▁of", "▁glass", "es", "▁just", "▁in", "▁case", "▁that", "▁would", "▁happen", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁'", "s", "▁title", "▁was", "▁borrow", "ed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁independent", "▁film", "▁about", "▁a", "▁man", "▁who", "▁tries", "▁to", "▁escape", "▁an", "▁office", "▁building", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁official", "▁website", "▁listed", "▁the", "▁web", "master", "▁'", "s", "▁e", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁mail", "▁alias", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁rod", "ser", "ling", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁P", "ix", "ar", "▁movie", "▁W", "ALL", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁E", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁takes", "▁place", "▁in", "▁a", "▁des", "olate", "▁future", "▁,", "▁also", "▁contains", "▁a", "▁scene", "▁in", "▁which", "▁a", "▁pair", "▁of", "▁broken", "▁glass", "es", "▁can", "▁be", "▁seen", "▁in", "▁the", "▁for", "eground", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Games", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁PC", "▁game", "▁Fall", "out", "▁T", "act", "ics", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁)", "▁includes", "▁a", "▁li", "br", "arian", "▁in", "▁a", "▁des", "olate", "▁world", "▁who", "▁wants", "▁the", "▁player", "▁to", "▁find", "▁his", "▁missing", "▁glass", "es", "▁so", "▁he", "▁can", "▁read", "▁his", "▁books", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Music", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁'", "s", "▁title", "▁was", "▁borrow", "ed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁song", "▁on", "▁The", "▁Fall", "▁'", "s", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁album", "▁Code", "▁:", "▁Self", "ish", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁)", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Television", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁There", "▁are", "▁numerous", "▁,", "▁notable", "▁television", "▁spo", "of", "s", "▁of", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁.", "▁Ex", "amples", "▁include", "▁:", "▁", "▁Stephen", "▁Col", "bert", "▁'", "s", "▁A", "▁Col", "bert", "▁Christmas", "▁:", "▁The", "▁Great", "est", "▁G", "ift", "▁of", "▁All", "▁!", "▁(", "▁in", "▁the", "▁DVD", "▁'", "s", "▁second", "▁alternative", "▁ending", "▁)", "▁", "▁Family", "▁Guy", "▁(", "▁at", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁", "2", "▁episode", "▁\"", "▁W", "asted", "▁Tal", "ent", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁", "▁Fut", "ur", "ama", "▁(", "▁during", "▁an", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Sc", "ary", "▁Do", "or", "▁\"", "▁[", "▁a", "▁Tw", "il", "ight", "▁Zone", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁style", "▁TV", "▁show", "▁that", "▁air", "s", "▁in", "▁the", "▁year", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "0", "▁]", "▁on", "▁\"", "▁A", "▁Head", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Pol", "ls", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁", "▁S", "pon", "ge", "Bob", "▁Square", "P", "ants", "▁", "▁The", "▁Advent", "ures", "▁of", "▁Jimmy", "▁Ne", "ut", "ron", "▁:", "▁Boy", "▁Gen", "ius", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁Return", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Nan", "ob", "ots", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁", "▁The", "▁D", "rew", "▁Care", "y", "▁Show", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁Y", "2", "K", "▁You", "▁'", "re", "▁OK", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁", "▁Epis", "odes", "▁of", "▁other", "▁television", "▁shows", "▁that", "▁refer", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁En", "ough", "▁at", "▁Last", "▁\"", "▁include", "▁:", "▁", "▁The", "▁Modern", "▁Family", "▁episode", "▁\"", "▁Airport", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁\"", "▁references", "▁\"", "▁Time", "▁\"", "▁when", "▁the", "▁screen", "▁on", "▁Jay", "▁'", "s", "▁electronic", "▁reader", "▁gets", "▁broken", "▁.", "▁Jay", "▁pour", "s", "▁the", "▁broken", "▁glass", "▁to", "▁the", "▁floor", "▁while", "▁saying", "▁\"", "▁Not", "▁fair", "▁.", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁not", 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in it . = = = Film = = = In Twilight Zone : The Movie ( 1983 ) , Albert Brooks recounts the episode to Dan Aykroyd as they drive along an empty stretch of highway . " This thing freaked me out when I was 7 years old , " says Brooks ' character , adding : " I bought another pair of glasses just in case that would happen . " The episode 's title was borrowed by a 2004 independent film about a man who tries to escape an office building . The film 's official website listed the webmaster 's e @-@ mail alias as " rodserling " . The Pixar movie WALL @-@ E ( 2008 ) , which takes place in a desolate future , also contains a scene in which a pair of broken glasses can be seen in the foreground . = = = Games = = = The PC game Fallout Tactics ( 2001 ) includes a librarian in a desolate world who wants the player to find his missing glasses so he can read his books . = = = Music = = = The episode 's title was borrowed by a song on The Fall 's 1992 album Code : Selfish ( 1992 ) = = = Television = = = There are numerous , notable television spoofs of the episode . Examples include : Stephen Colbert 's A Colbert Christmas : The Greatest Gift of All ! ( in the DVD 's second alternative ending ) Family Guy ( at the end of the season 2 episode " Wasted Talent " ) Futurama ( during an episode of " The Scary Door " [ a Twilight Zone @-@ style TV show that airs in the year 3000 ] on " A Head in the Polls " ) SpongeBob SquarePants The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron : Boy Genius ( " Return of the Nanobots " ) The Drew Carey Show ( " Y2K You 're OK " ) Episodes of other television shows that refer to " Time Enough at Last " include : The Modern Family episode " Airport 2010 " references " Time " when the screen on Jay 's electronic reader gets broken . Jay pours the broken glass to the floor while saying " Not fair . It 's not fair " . Episode 12 of Revolution , titled " Ghosts " , has Jim Hudson 's character who goes by the name of Henry Bemis . Henry ( Jim ) has become the town librarian , until Miles convinces him to help the rebels and go back to his real name . The line , " Seconds , minutes , hours , they crawl by on hands and knees " was referenced to in The Powerpuff Girls Season 2 episode , " Speed Demon " , where the villain , HIM , torments the Powerpuff Girls before revealing that they have unknowingly arrived 50 years into the future , landing in a Townsville that HIM now controls . " The HΩmega Man " segment of The Simpsons episode " Treehouse of Horror VIII " features Homer , who accidentally survives by hiding in a nuclear bunker and comes out to discover that he is apparently the last person alive . In the season 14 episode of The Simpsons , " Strong Arms of the Ma , " a postman is accidentally trapped under a car in front of the Simpson house . He intends to read The Twilight Zone Magazine but discovers that his glasses were broken in the accident and says , " That 's not fair ! " , while the Twilight Zone main @-@ theme music is heard in the background . The sitcom Two and a Half Men made references to it when the character Alan has a nervous breakdown in a bookstore . This episode was mentioned in the CBS drama series , Under the Dome 's third season . = = Adaptations = = " Time Enough at Last " has been released in numerous formats over the years . In 1988 it was available on VHS as part of a Twilight Zone collector 's edition . Two releases were made in 1998 and 1999 , as part of a more widely available two @-@ episodes @-@ per @-@ tape release scheme . Although similar individual multi @-@ episode DVDs were released , it is now exclusively available as part of The Twilight Zone – The Definitive Edition , the first volume of which was released December 24 , 2
[ "0", "0", "4", "▁.", "▁In", "cluded", "▁is", "▁an", "▁audio", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁only", "▁interview", "▁with", "▁Burg", "ess", "▁Mer", "ed", "ith", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁the", "▁clip", "▁of", "▁The", "▁D", "rew", "▁Care", "y", "▁Show", "▁'", "s", "▁par", "ody", "▁of", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁story", "▁which", "▁inspired", "▁it", "▁has", "▁been", "▁released", "▁in", "▁e", "Book", "▁and", "▁MP", "3", "▁form", "▁,", "▁capital", "izing", "▁on", "▁the", "▁success", "▁of", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Fal", "con", "▁Picture", "▁Group", "▁produced", "▁a", "▁series", "▁of", "▁radio", "▁dram", "as", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁series", "▁—", "▁stating", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁many", "▁radio", "▁series", "▁were", "▁turned", "▁into", "▁television", "▁series", "▁–", "▁so", "▁why", "▁not", "▁the", "▁reverse", "▁?", "▁\"", "▁—", "▁which", "▁were", "▁broadcast", "▁on", "▁about", "▁", "2", "0", 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"al", "▁,", "▁depending", "▁on", "▁the", "▁head", "▁Fred", "▁is", "▁equ", "ipped", "▁with", "▁.", "▁These", "▁attacks", "▁include", "▁comb", "os", "▁,", "▁head", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁specific", "▁counter", "att", "acks", "▁,", "▁and", "▁r", "anged", "▁attacks", "▁.", "▁During", "▁a", "▁counter", "att", "ack", "▁,", "▁the", "▁player", "▁can", "▁complete", "▁a", "▁Quick", "▁Time", "▁Event", "▁to", "▁instantly", "▁kill", "▁an", "▁enemy", "▁by", "▁removing", "▁its", "▁head", "▁,", "▁which", "▁gives", "▁Fred", "▁\"", "▁R", "age", "▁\"", "▁points", "▁.", "▁R", "age", "▁energy", "▁builds", "▁up", "▁over", "▁time", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁player", "▁can", "▁use", "▁it", "▁to", "▁un", "le", "ash", "▁powerful", "▁attacks", "▁on", "▁multiple", "▁fo", "es", "▁.", "▁De", "aling", "▁a", "▁large", "▁amount", "▁of", "▁damage", "▁to", "▁an", "▁oppon", "ent", "▁will", "▁st", "un", "▁them", "▁,", "▁during", "▁which", "▁time", "▁Fred", "▁can", "▁remove", "▁their", "▁head", "▁.", "▁Collect", "ed", "▁heads", "▁can", "▁be", "▁trad", "ed", "▁at", "▁\"", "▁Head", "▁Sh", "ops", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁a", "▁us", "able", "▁version", "▁.", "▁", "▁There", "▁are", "▁several", "▁types", "▁of", "▁environmental", "▁puzz", "les", "▁that", "▁the", "▁player", "▁has", "▁to", "▁solve", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁progress", "▁through", "▁the", "▁game", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁one" ]
004 . Included is an audio @-@ only interview with Burgess Meredith as well as the clip of The Drew Carey Show 's parody of the episode . The story which inspired it has been released in eBook and MP3 form , capitalizing on the success of the episode . In 2003 , the Falcon Picture Group produced a series of radio dramas based on the series — stating , " In the 1950s many radio series were turned into television series – so why not the reverse ? " — which were broadcast on about 200 stations through the USA ; " Time " was included in volume six . In 2005 , " Time " became one of the first Twilight Zone episodes offered for download via Google Video and later on sites such as = Dead Head Fred = Dead Head Fred ( Japanese : デッドヘッドフレッド ~ 首なし探偵の悪夢 ~ , Hepburn : Deddo Heddo Fureddo ~ Kubinashi Tantei no Akumu ~ ) is a horror @-@ themed action @-@ adventure video game for the PlayStation Portable , developed by Vicious Cycle Software and published by D3 Publisher . It was released in North America on August 28 , 2007 and is powered by Vicious Cycle 's proprietary Vicious Engine . It features a premise that is a combination of 1940s @-@ style noir and contemporary horror , dubbed " twisted noir " by the design team . The game is a single @-@ player experience whose title character , Fred Neuman , is a private investigator with the ability to switch heads . Fred has recently been murdered and decapitated , and has few memories of the events leading to his death . The plot follows Fred as he pieces together the clues of his murder and tries to get revenge on the man who killed him . Unlike many action game heroes , Fred has no conventional weapons — he relies solely on the powers available to him from the severed heads of fallen enemies . The game received generally positive reviews , with reviewers mentioning its dark humor and noir @-@ inspired motif as high points . It received criticism for its controls and lack of combat depth . In 2008 , it won the Writers Guild of America 's first @-@ ever award for video game writing . = = Gameplay = = Dead Head Fred is a third @-@ person action @-@ adventure game that incorporates a variety of gameplay styles , including combat , platforming , and puzzles . The core gameplay of Dead Head Fred revolves around Fred 's missing head and his ability to " switch " heads by defeating certain enemies , decapitating them , and collecting their heads ( referred to as " headhunting " ) . As Fred explores the city of Hope Falls , he can collect an assortment of heads , each of which has unique abilities . Examples include the Stone Idol head , which Fred can use as a battering ram , and the Corpse head , which can be used to suck up and spit out water , gasoline , and other materials . Fred uses these heads to navigate the city of Hope Falls , and certain parts of the city are not accessible until certain heads are found . The high level of radiation in Hope Falls has led to a proliferation of grossly mutated worms , which the player can collect and use to upgrade Fred 's heads and temporarily increase his fighting abilities , among other benefits . Also collectible are money and special items , which can be earned by defeating enemies or completing various side @-@ missions . There are several minigames unrelated to the plot , such as pinball and fishing , scattered around the city . In combat , players have several attacks at their disposal , depending on the head Fred is equipped with . These attacks include combos , head @-@ specific counterattacks , and ranged attacks . During a counterattack , the player can complete a Quick Time Event to instantly kill an enemy by removing its head , which gives Fred " Rage " points . Rage energy builds up over time , and the player can use it to unleash powerful attacks on multiple foes . Dealing a large amount of damage to an opponent will stun them , during which time Fred can remove their head . Collected heads can be traded at " Head Shops " for a usable version . There are several types of environmental puzzles that the player has to solve in order to progress through the game . Each one
[ "▁requires", "▁a", "▁specific", "▁head", "▁—", "▁the", "▁B", "one", "▁head", "▁gives", "▁Fred", "▁sharp", "▁cla", "ws", "▁which", "▁allow", "▁him", "▁to", "▁clim", "b", "▁on", "▁the", "▁sides", "▁of", "▁buildings", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁S", "hr", "un", "ken", "▁head", "▁decre", "ases", "▁his", "▁size", "▁dram", "atically", "▁and", "▁lets", "▁him", "▁navigate", "▁platform", "ing", "▁levels", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁a", "▁saw", "▁mill", "▁.", "▁There", "▁is", "▁also", "▁a", "▁man", "ne", "quin", "▁head", "▁that", "▁Fred", "▁must", "▁use", "▁to", "▁social", "ize", "▁with", "▁the", "▁residents", "▁of", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁,", "▁because", "▁they", "▁are", "▁ter", "r", "ified", "▁of", "▁his", "▁other", "▁heads", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁nine", "▁available", "▁heads", "▁,", "▁seven", "▁of", "▁which", "▁are", "▁suitable", "▁for", "▁combat", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Plot", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Setting", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Dead", "▁Head", "▁Fred", "▁takes", "▁place", "▁in", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁,", "▁New", "▁Jersey", "▁,", "▁a", "▁once", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁prosper", "ous", "▁area", "▁based", "▁on", "▁American", "▁cities", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁The", "▁city", "▁has", "▁stead", "ily", "▁fallen", "▁from", "▁grace", "▁since", "▁a", "▁business", "▁mog", "ul", "▁named", "▁U", "ly", "ss", "es", "▁Pitt", "▁began", "▁accum", "ulating", "▁power", "▁.", "▁Pitt", "▁has", "▁a", "▁background", "▁of", "▁pet", "ty", "▁crime", "▁,", "▁and", "▁there", "▁are", "▁alleg", "ations", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁somehow", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁the", "▁disapp", "earance", "▁of", "▁Vin", "ni", "▁Ross", "ini", "▁,", "▁an", "▁influ", "ential", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁business", "man", "▁.", "▁Pitt", "▁'", "s", "▁new", "▁\"", "▁N", "uk", "ular", "▁Plant", "▁\"", "▁has", "▁recently", "▁finished", "▁construction", "▁and", "▁has", "▁caused", "▁a", "▁high", "▁level", "▁of", "▁radiation", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁,", "▁leading", "▁to", "▁strange", "▁phen", "omena", "▁like", "▁mut", "ated", "▁wild", "life", "▁and", "▁und", "ead", "▁mon", "sters", "▁.", "▁", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁is", "▁composed", "▁of", "▁several", "▁areas", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁that", "▁Fred", "▁has", "▁access", "▁to", "▁is", "▁Dr", ".", "▁Ste", "iner", "▁'", "s", "▁castle", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ancest", "ral", "▁home", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ste", "iner", "▁family", "▁where", "▁Fred", "▁has", "▁been", "▁res", "ur", "rect", "ed", "▁.", "▁Out", "side", "▁of", "▁the", "▁castle", "▁is", "▁a", "▁large", "▁c", "emetery", "▁that", "▁borders", "▁the", "▁for", "ested", "▁area", "▁of", "▁C", "ree", "py", "▁H", "ollow", "▁.", "▁In", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁proper", "▁are", "▁the", "▁urban", "▁areas", "▁of", "▁Dow", "nt", "own", "▁,", "▁U", "pt", "own", "▁,", "▁Old", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁and", "▁Z", "omb", "iet", "own", "▁.", "▁Dow", "nt", "own", "▁is", "▁the", "▁home", "▁of", "▁Pitt", "▁'", "s", "▁headquarters", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Fred", "▁'", "s", "▁office", "▁is", "▁found", "▁in", "▁Old", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁.", "▁Z", "omb", "iet", "own", "▁,", "▁as", "▁its", "▁name", "▁suggests", "▁,", "▁is", "▁over", "run", "▁with", "▁z", "omb", "ies", "▁and", "▁most", "▁of", "▁its", "▁residents", "▁have", "▁fled", "▁the", "▁neighborhood", "▁or", "▁bar", "ric", "aded", "▁themselves", "▁in", "▁their", "▁homes", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁other", "▁rural", "▁areas", "▁border", "▁the", "▁city", "▁:", "▁Fre", "ak", "▁Far", "ms", "▁,", "▁where", "▁Fred", "▁own", "s", "▁a", "▁small", "▁cabin", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Bo", "on", "ies", "▁,", "▁a", "▁highly", "▁ir", "rad", "i", "ated", "▁area", "▁where", "▁the", "▁N", "uk", "ular", "▁Re", "actor", "▁has", "▁been", "▁built", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁area", "▁contains", "▁several", "▁tele", "por", "ters", "▁in", "▁the", "▁form", "▁of", "▁se", "wer", "▁man", "hol", "es", "▁,", "▁which", "▁Fred", "▁can", "▁use", "▁to", "▁quickly", "▁move", "▁from", "▁one", "▁area", "▁of", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁to", "▁another", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Char", "acters", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁protagon", "ist", "▁of", "▁Dead", "▁Head", "▁Fred", "▁is", "▁Fred", "▁Ne", "uman", "▁(", "▁vo", "iced", "▁by", "▁John", "▁C", ".", "▁McG", "in", "ley", "▁)", "▁,", "▁a", "▁private", "▁detect", "ive", "▁.", "▁Fred", "▁is", "▁the", "▁only", "▁play", "able", "▁character", "▁,", "▁but", "▁since", "▁each", "▁head", "▁gives", "▁him", "▁a", "▁different", "▁set", "▁of", "▁anim", "ations", "▁,", "▁he", "▁could", "▁be", "▁considered", "▁nine", "▁separate", "▁characters", "▁.", "▁As", "▁he", "▁does", "▁not", "▁have", "▁a", "▁proper", "▁face", "▁,", "▁Fred", "▁'", "s", "▁m", "ood", "▁is", "▁port", "rayed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁tone", "▁of", "▁his", "▁voice", "▁and", "▁by", "▁face", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁like", "▁expressions", "▁formed", "▁by", "▁his", "▁eyes", "▁and", "▁front", "al", "▁lo", "bes", "▁.", "▁Fred", "▁has", "▁a", "▁wis", "ec", "rack", "ing", "▁,", "▁sar", "cast", "ic", "▁person", "ality", "▁and", "▁occasionally", "▁breaks", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁wall", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁he", "ck", "ling", "▁the", "▁player", "▁when", "▁he", "▁dies", "▁.", "▁U", "ly", "ss", "es", "▁Pitt", "▁(", "▁Jon", "▁Pol", "ito", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁game", "▁'", "s", "▁primary", "▁ant", "agon", "ist", "▁,", "▁is", "▁a", "▁small", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁h", "ood", "l", "um", "▁turned", "▁ra", "ck", "ete", "er", "▁.", "▁Pitt", "▁emp", "lo", "ys", "▁many", "▁hen", "ch", "men", "▁throughout", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁,", "▁the", "▁most", "▁prominent", "▁of", "▁which", "▁is", "▁his", "▁lieutenant", "▁Le", "fty", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁right", "▁leg", "▁has", "▁been", "▁am", "put", "ated", "▁and", "▁replaced", "▁with", "▁a", "▁tom", "my", "gun", "▁.", "▁Fred", "▁makes", "▁several", "▁al", "lies", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁game", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Dr", ".", "▁Ste", "iner", "▁,", "▁who", "▁res", "ur", "rect", "ed", "▁him", "▁,", "▁his", "▁girl", "friend", "▁Jean", "ne", "▁Ross", "ini", "▁(", "▁K", "ari", "▁Wahl", "gren", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁former", "▁partner", "▁Ben", "ny", "▁Sal", "azar", "▁.", "▁Fred", "▁'", "s", "▁enemies", "▁are", "▁generally", "▁employees", "▁of", "▁Pitt", "▁,", "▁like", "▁the", "▁ske", "let", "al", "▁\"", "▁b", "one", "▁th", "ugs", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁or", "▁cre", "atures", "▁created", "▁by", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁'", "▁radiation", "▁,", "▁like", "▁z", "omb", "ies", "▁and", "▁animated", "▁sc", "are", "c", "rows", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Story", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁game", "▁begins", "▁with", "▁Fred", "▁w", "aking", "▁up", "▁in", "▁the", "▁castle", "▁of", "▁a", "▁Dr", ".", "▁Fre", "id", "rich", "▁Ste", "iner", "▁,", "▁an", "▁employee", "▁of", "▁U", "ly", "ss", "es", "▁Pitt", "▁.", "▁Fred", "▁soon", "▁lear", "ns", "▁that", "▁he", "▁has", "▁been", "▁murder", "ed", "▁and", "▁subsequently", "▁res", "ur", "rect", "ed", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁head", "▁is", "▁missing", "▁.", "▁In", "▁its", "▁place", "▁is", "▁a", "▁liquid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁filled", "▁jar", "▁that", "▁contains", "▁his", "▁brain", "▁and", "▁eyes", "▁.", "▁Ste", "iner", "▁explains", "▁that", "▁Fred", "▁is", "▁a", "▁private", "▁detect", "ive", "▁who", "▁had", "▁been", "▁investig", "ating", "▁Pitt", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Pitt", "▁had", "▁discovered", "▁that", "▁Fred", "▁was", "▁on", "▁to", "▁him", "▁and", "▁had", "▁him", "▁murder", "ed", "▁.", "▁Many", "▁of", "▁Fred", "▁'", "s", "▁mem", "ories", "▁are", "▁missing", "▁as", "▁a", "▁result", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tra", "uma", "▁to", "▁his", "▁brain", "▁,", "▁and", "▁before", "▁Ste", "iner", "▁can", "▁explain", "▁further", "▁,", "▁Pitt", "▁and", "▁several", "▁of", "▁his", "▁hen", "ch", "men", "▁arrive", "▁.", "▁As", "▁Fred", "▁h", "ides", "▁in", "▁Ste", "iner", "▁'", "s", "▁lab", "▁,", "▁Pitt", "▁'", "s", "▁th", "ugs", "▁app", "reh", "end", "▁Ste", "iner", "▁and", "▁announ", "ce", "▁that", "▁he", "▁is", "▁to", "▁be", "▁taken", "▁to", "▁the", "▁H", "ors", "eman", "▁,", "▁a", "▁min", "ion", "▁of", "▁Pitt", "▁'", "s", "▁who", "▁res", "ides", "▁in", "▁C", "ree", "py", "▁H", "ollow", "▁.", "▁", "▁Fred", "▁leaves", "▁Ste", "iner", "▁'", "s", "▁castle", "▁and", "▁meets", "▁a", "▁blue", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sk", "inned", "▁h", "unch", "back", "▁in", "▁the", "▁c", "emetery", "▁outside", "▁.", "▁The" ]
requires a specific head — the Bone head gives Fred sharp claws which allow him to climb on the sides of buildings , while the Shrunken head decreases his size dramatically and lets him navigate platforming levels , such as a saw mill . There is also a mannequin head that Fred must use to socialize with the residents of Hope Falls , because they are terrified of his other heads . There are nine available heads , seven of which are suitable for combat . = = Plot = = = = = Setting = = = Dead Head Fred takes place in Hope Falls , New Jersey , a once @-@ prosperous area based on American cities in the 1940s . The city has steadily fallen from grace since a business mogul named Ulysses Pitt began accumulating power . Pitt has a background of petty crime , and there are allegations that he was somehow responsible for the disappearance of Vinni Rossini , an influential Hope Falls businessman . Pitt 's new " Nukular Plant " has recently finished construction and has caused a high level of radiation in the city , leading to strange phenomena like mutated wildlife and undead monsters . Hope Falls is composed of several areas . The first that Fred has access to is Dr. Steiner 's castle , the ancestral home of the Steiner family where Fred has been resurrected . Outside of the castle is a large cemetery that borders the forested area of Creepy Hollow . In Hope Falls proper are the urban areas of Downtown , Uptown , Old Hope Falls and Zombietown . Downtown is the home of Pitt 's headquarters , and Fred 's office is found in Old Hope Falls . Zombietown , as its name suggests , is overrun with zombies and most of its residents have fled the neighborhood or barricaded themselves in their homes . Two other rural areas border the city : Freak Farms , where Fred owns a small cabin , and the Boonies , a highly irradiated area where the Nukular Reactor has been built . Each area contains several teleporters in the form of sewer manholes , which Fred can use to quickly move from one area of Hope Falls to another . = = = Characters = = = The protagonist of Dead Head Fred is Fred Neuman ( voiced by John C. McGinley ) , a private detective . Fred is the only playable character , but since each head gives him a different set of animations , he could be considered nine separate characters . As he does not have a proper face , Fred 's mood is portrayed by the tone of his voice and by face @-@ like expressions formed by his eyes and frontal lobes . Fred has a wisecracking , sarcastic personality and occasionally breaks the fourth wall , such as heckling the player when he dies . Ulysses Pitt ( Jon Polito ) , the game 's primary antagonist , is a small @-@ time hoodlum turned racketeer . Pitt employs many henchmen throughout Hope Falls , the most prominent of which is his lieutenant Lefty , whose right leg has been amputated and replaced with a tommygun . Fred makes several allies throughout the game , including Dr. Steiner , who resurrected him , his girlfriend Jeanne Rossini ( Kari Wahlgren ) , and his former partner Benny Salazar . Fred 's enemies are generally employees of Pitt , like the skeletal " bone thugs " , or creatures created by Hope Falls ' radiation , like zombies and animated scarecrows . = = = Story = = = The game begins with Fred waking up in the castle of a Dr. Freidrich Steiner , an employee of Ulysses Pitt . Fred soon learns that he has been murdered and subsequently resurrected , and his head is missing . In its place is a liquid @-@ filled jar that contains his brain and eyes . Steiner explains that Fred is a private detective who had been investigating Pitt , but Pitt had discovered that Fred was on to him and had him murdered . Many of Fred 's memories are missing as a result of the trauma to his brain , and before Steiner can explain further , Pitt and several of his henchmen arrive . As Fred hides in Steiner 's lab , Pitt 's thugs apprehend Steiner and announce that he is to be taken to the Horseman , a minion of Pitt 's who resides in Creepy Hollow . Fred leaves Steiner 's castle and meets a blue @-@ skinned hunchback in the cemetery outside . The
[ "▁h", "unch", "back", "▁introdu", "ces", "▁himself", "▁as", "▁Sam", "▁Sp", "ade", "▁,", "▁a", "▁gra", "ved", "igger", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁head", "▁merchant", "▁\"", "▁who", "▁can", "▁help", "▁Fred", "▁by", "▁providing", "▁him", "▁with", "▁quality", "▁inter", "change", "able", "▁heads", "▁.", "▁Fred", "▁continues", "▁to", "▁C", "ree", "py", "▁H", "ollow", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁defe", "ats", "▁the", "▁H", "ors", "eman", "▁and", "▁res", "c", "ues", "▁Dr", ".", "▁Ste", "iner", "▁.", "▁Ste", "iner", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁has", "▁little", "▁information", "▁regarding", "▁Fred", "▁'", "s", "▁investigation", "▁and", "▁suggests", "▁that", "▁he", "▁question", "▁the", "▁residents", "▁of", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁to", "▁learn", "▁more", "▁about", "▁his", "▁dem", "ise", "▁.", "▁Fred", "▁begins", "▁expl", "oring", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁,", "▁meeting", "▁many", "▁strange", "▁personal", "ities", "▁along", "▁the", "▁way", "▁.", "▁He", "▁re", "connect", "s", "▁with", "▁his", "▁old", "▁girl", "friend", "▁Jean", "ne", "▁,", "▁who", "▁is", "▁the", "▁daughter", "▁of", "▁a", "▁prominent", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁citiz", "en", "▁,", "▁Vin", "ni", "▁Ross", "ini", "▁.", "▁Fred", "▁lear", "ns", "▁that", "▁Mr", ".", "▁Ross", "ini", "▁had", "▁been", "▁reported", "▁missing", "▁by", "▁Jean", "ne", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Jean", "ne", "▁had", "▁subsequently", "▁h", "ired", "▁Fred", "▁to", "▁find", "▁him", "▁.", "▁Fred", "▁had", "▁eventually", "▁followed", "▁the", "▁trail", "▁to", "▁Pitt", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁b", "rib", "ed", "▁Fred", "▁'", "s", "▁partner", "▁,", "▁Ben", "ny", "▁Sal", "azar", "▁,", "▁into", "▁bet", "ray", "ing", "▁him", "▁.", "▁Fred", "▁was", "▁prompt", "ly", "▁caught", "▁by", "▁Pitt", "▁'", "s", "▁hen", "ch", "men", "▁and", "▁shot", "▁to", "▁death", "▁by", "▁his", "▁right", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hand", "▁man", "▁,", "▁Le", "fty", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ar", "med", "▁with", "▁the", "▁knowledge", "▁of", "▁his", "▁death", "▁and", "▁the", "▁events", "▁leading", "▁up", "▁to", "▁it", "▁,", "▁Fred", "▁continues", "▁his", "▁investigation", "▁and", "▁re", "co", "vers", "▁a", "▁vide", "ot", "ape", "▁of", "▁Vin", "ni", "▁Ross", "ini", "▁'", "s", "▁murder", "▁that", "▁inc", "rimin", "ates", "▁Pitt", "▁.", "▁Pitt", "▁lear", "ns", "▁that", "▁Fred", "▁is", "▁still", "▁\"", "▁alive", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁kid", "n", "aps", "▁Jean", "ne", "▁to", "▁use", "▁as", "▁le", "verage", "▁against", "▁him", "▁.", "▁Fred", "▁confront", "s", "▁the", "▁mob", "ster", "▁at", "▁his", "▁headquarters", "▁after", "▁shut", "ting", "▁down", "▁the", "▁center", "pie", "ce", "▁of", "▁the", "▁his", "▁criminal", "▁enter", "prise", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Pitt", "▁N", "uk", "ular", "▁Plant", "▁,", "▁and", "▁defe", "ating", "▁Le", "fty", "▁.", "▁Le", "fty", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁was", "▁exposed", "▁to", "▁nuclear", "▁waste", "▁during", "▁the", "▁fight", "▁and", "▁subsequently", "▁mut", "ated", "▁into", "▁a", "▁huge", "▁be", "ast", "▁who", "▁comes", "▁to", "▁Pitt", "▁'", "s", "▁aid", "▁in", "▁the", "▁game", "▁'", "s", "▁final", "▁battle", "▁.", "▁Fred", "▁ultimately", "▁defe", "ats", "▁both", "▁Pitt", "▁and", "▁Le", "fty", "▁at", "op", "▁the", "▁Pitt", "▁Building", "▁.", "▁Pitt", "▁is", "▁killed", "▁during", "▁the", "▁battle", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Le", "fty", "▁man", "ages", "▁to", "▁escape", "▁and", "▁retre", "ats", "▁to", "▁the", "▁remains", "▁of", "▁the", "▁N", "uk", "ular", "▁Plant", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁battle", "▁,", "▁Fred", "▁'", "s", "▁head", "▁,", "▁which", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁Jean", "ne", "▁,", "▁had", "▁been", "▁held", "▁host", "age", "▁by", "▁Pitt", "▁,", "▁is", "▁shown", "▁t", "umb", "ling", "▁into", "▁an", "▁open", "▁man", "hole", "▁near", "▁the", "▁Pitt", "▁Building", "▁,", "▁un", "be", "known", "st", "▁to", "▁Fred", "▁.", "▁The", "▁final", "▁scene", "▁of", "▁the", "▁game", "▁shows", "▁Fred", "▁and", "▁Jean", "ne", "▁having", "▁dinner", "▁at", "▁a", "▁restaurant", "▁to", "▁celebr", "ate", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Fred", "▁l", "ament", "ing", "▁the", "▁loss", "▁of", "▁his", "▁head", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Development", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ge", "o", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Dead", "▁Head", "▁Fred", "▁uses", "▁the", "▁V", "icious", "▁Engine", "▁,", "▁a", "▁game", "▁engine", "▁created", "▁and", "▁maintained", "▁by", "▁game", "▁design", "▁company", "▁V", "icious", "▁Cy", "cle", "▁Software", "▁.", "▁Consider", "ed", "▁\"", "▁middle", "ware", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁the", "▁video", "▁game", "▁industry", "▁,", "▁the", "▁engine", "▁was", "▁designed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁simple", "▁set", "▁of", "▁creation", "▁tools", "▁that", "▁could", "▁be", "▁used", "▁across", "▁multiple", "▁cons", "oles", "▁.", "▁The", "▁game", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁conce", "ived", "▁as", "▁a", "▁platform", "▁game", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁character", "▁\"", "▁Ge", "o", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁V", "icious", "▁Cy", "cle", "▁'", "s", "▁president", "▁,", "▁Eric", "▁Pet", "erson", "▁,", "▁and", "▁some", "▁of", "▁his", "▁staff", "▁developed", "▁a", "▁concept", "ual", "▁world", "▁called", "▁\"", "▁Prime", "▁\"", "▁where", "▁Ge", "o", "▁lived", "▁.", "▁Ge", "o", "▁had", "▁the", "▁ability", "▁to", "▁switch", "▁his", "▁head", "▁between", "▁several", "▁different", "▁shapes", "▁(", "▁a", "▁cube", "▁,", "▁sphere", "▁,", "▁cyl", "inder", "▁,", "▁and", "▁py", "ram", "id", "▁)", "▁that", "▁would", "▁help", "▁him", "▁solve", "▁puzz", "les", "▁,", "▁fight", "▁,", "▁and", "▁move", "▁around", "▁Prime", "▁in", "▁his", "▁quest", "▁to", "▁stop", "▁the", "▁evil", "▁King", "▁Rh", "omb", "us", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁trying", "▁to", "▁destroy", "▁Prime", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁of", "▁Ge", "o", "▁'", "s", "▁sh", "aped", "▁heads", "▁had", "▁unique", "▁properties", "▁that", "▁gave", "▁him", "▁different", "▁ab", "ilities", "▁—", "▁the", "▁sphere", "▁head", "▁allowed", "▁him", "▁to", "▁roll", "▁around", "▁very", "▁quickly", "▁,", "▁for", "▁example", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Ge", "o", "▁concept", "▁was", "▁described", "▁by", "▁the", "▁development", "▁team", "▁as", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁other", "▁platform", "▁games", "▁like", "▁Ray", "man", "▁or", "▁Sp", "y", "ro", "▁,", "▁and", "▁ske", "wed", "▁towards", "▁a", "▁younger", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁When", "▁the", "▁concept", "▁was", "▁complete", "▁,", "▁the", "▁development", "▁team", "▁presented", "▁it", "▁to", "▁several", "▁publish", "ers", "▁,", "▁who", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁they", "▁liked", "▁the", "▁idea", "▁but", "▁its", "▁geometry", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁core", "▁too", "▁strongly", "▁res", "emble", "d", "▁\"", "▁ed", "ut", "ain", "ment", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁they", "▁were", "▁interested", "▁in", "▁developing", "▁a", "▁more", "▁ed", "gy", "▁,", "▁adult", "▁prem", "ise", "▁.", "▁The", "▁N", "intendo", "▁Game", "C", "ube", "▁had", "▁been", "▁an", "▁early", "▁choice", "▁for", "▁hosting", "▁the", "▁game", "▁before", "▁the", "▁P", "SP", "▁was", "▁chosen", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁No", "ir", "▁setting", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁V", "icious", "▁Cy", "cle", "▁went", "▁back", "▁to", "▁the", "▁drawing", "▁board", "▁and", "▁produced", "▁a", "▁new", "▁concept", "▁that", "▁they", "▁felt", "▁was", "▁dark", "er", "▁and", "▁better", "▁su", "ited", "▁to", "▁an", "▁older", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁The", "▁\"", "▁head", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁switching", "▁\"", "▁game", "▁mechan", "ic", "▁had", "▁been", "▁pra", "ised", "▁by", "▁the", "▁potential", "▁publish", "ers", "▁and", "▁was", "▁kept", "▁,", "▁but", "▁this", "▁time", "▁the", "▁cart", "oon", "ish", "▁,", "▁child", "like", "▁Ge", "o", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁by", "▁an", "▁angry", "▁,", "▁ven", "ge", "ful", "▁private", "▁detect", "ive", "▁named", "▁Fred", "▁Ne", "uman", "▁.", "▁The", "▁world", "▁of", "▁Prime", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁with", "▁the", "▁ble", "ak", "▁,", "▁film", "▁no", "ir", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁es", "que", "▁city", "▁of", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁,", "▁where", "▁Fred", "▁would", "▁seek", "▁reven", "ge", "▁against", "▁those", "▁who", "▁had", "▁wrong", "ed", "▁him", "▁.", "▁V", "icious", "▁Cy", "cle", "▁presented", "▁the", "▁new", "▁project", "▁to", "▁Sony", "▁,", "▁who", "▁prompt", "ly", "▁approved", "▁the", "▁game", "▁for", "▁the", "▁P", "SP", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁it", "▁not", "▁having", "▁secured", "▁a", "▁publish", "er", "▁.", "▁Short", "ly", "▁afterwards", "▁,", "▁the", "▁project", "▁was", "▁picked", "▁up", "▁by", "▁D", "3", "Pub", "lish", "er", "▁.", "▁", "▁V", "icious", "▁Cy", "cle", "▁then", "▁submitted", "▁the", "▁concept", "▁to", "▁art", "▁company", "▁Mass", "ive", "▁Black", "▁Studios", "▁to", "▁develop", "▁initial", "▁character", "▁sketch", "es", "▁.", "▁Mass", "ive", "▁Black", "▁'", "s", "▁artists" ]
hunchback introduces himself as Sam Spade , a gravedigger and " head merchant " who can help Fred by providing him with quality interchangeable heads . Fred continues to Creepy Hollow , where he defeats the Horseman and rescues Dr. Steiner . Steiner , however , has little information regarding Fred 's investigation and suggests that he question the residents of Hope Falls to learn more about his demise . Fred begins exploring Hope Falls , meeting many strange personalities along the way . He reconnects with his old girlfriend Jeanne , who is the daughter of a prominent Hope Falls citizen , Vinni Rossini . Fred learns that Mr. Rossini had been reported missing by Jeanne , and Jeanne had subsequently hired Fred to find him . Fred had eventually followed the trail to Pitt , who had bribed Fred 's partner , Benny Salazar , into betraying him . Fred was promptly caught by Pitt 's henchmen and shot to death by his right @-@ hand man , Lefty . Armed with the knowledge of his death and the events leading up to it , Fred continues his investigation and recovers a videotape of Vinni Rossini 's murder that incriminates Pitt . Pitt learns that Fred is still " alive " and kidnaps Jeanne to use as leverage against him . Fred confronts the mobster at his headquarters after shutting down the centerpiece of the his criminal enterprise , the Pitt Nukular Plant , and defeating Lefty . Lefty , however , was exposed to nuclear waste during the fight and subsequently mutated into a huge beast who comes to Pitt 's aid in the game 's final battle . Fred ultimately defeats both Pitt and Lefty atop the Pitt Building . Pitt is killed during the battle , but Lefty manages to escape and retreats to the remains of the Nukular Plant . After the battle , Fred 's head , which , along with Jeanne , had been held hostage by Pitt , is shown tumbling into an open manhole near the Pitt Building , unbeknownst to Fred . The final scene of the game shows Fred and Jeanne having dinner at a restaurant to celebrate , with Fred lamenting the loss of his head . = = Development = = = = = Geo = = = Dead Head Fred uses the Vicious Engine , a game engine created and maintained by game design company Vicious Cycle Software . Considered " middleware " in the video game industry , the engine was designed as a simple set of creation tools that could be used across multiple consoles . The game was originally conceived as a platform game based on the character " Geo . " Vicious Cycle 's president , Eric Peterson , and some of his staff developed a conceptual world called " Prime " where Geo lived . Geo had the ability to switch his head between several different shapes ( a cube , sphere , cylinder , and pyramid ) that would help him solve puzzles , fight , and move around Prime in his quest to stop the evil King Rhombus , who was trying to destroy Prime . Each of Geo 's shaped heads had unique properties that gave him different abilities — the sphere head allowed him to roll around very quickly , for example . The Geo concept was described by the development team as similar to other platform games like Rayman or Spyro , and skewed towards a younger audience . When the concept was complete , the development team presented it to several publishers , who stated that they liked the idea but its geometry @-@ based core too strongly resembled " edutainment " , and that they were interested in developing a more edgy , adult premise . The Nintendo GameCube had been an early choice for hosting the game before the PSP was chosen . = = = Noir setting = = = Vicious Cycle went back to the drawing board and produced a new concept that they felt was darker and better suited to an older audience . The " head @-@ switching " game mechanic had been praised by the potential publishers and was kept , but this time the cartoonish , childlike Geo was replaced by an angry , vengeful private detective named Fred Neuman . The world of Prime was replaced with the bleak , film noir @-@ esque city of Hope Falls , where Fred would seek revenge against those who had wronged him . Vicious Cycle presented the new project to Sony , who promptly approved the game for the PSP , despite it not having secured a publisher . Shortly afterwards , the project was picked up by D3Publisher . Vicious Cycle then submitted the concept to art company Massive Black Studios to develop initial character sketches . Massive Black 's artists
[ "▁were", "▁allowed", "▁to", "▁use", "▁their", "▁imagination", "▁while", "▁developing", "▁Fred", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁one", "▁st", "ip", "ulation", "▁V", "icious", "▁Cy", "cle", "▁made", "▁from", "▁the", "▁beginning", "▁was", "▁Fred", "▁'", "s", "▁head", "▁—", "▁the", "▁developers", "▁wanted", "▁it", "▁to", "▁be", "▁a", "▁liquid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁filled", "▁jar", "▁with", "▁the", "▁detect", "ive", "▁'", "s", "▁brain", "▁and", "▁eyes", "▁floating", "▁around", "▁inside", "▁.", "▁Mass", "ive", "▁Black", "▁came", "▁up", "▁with", "▁several", "▁different", "▁versions", "▁of", "▁Fred", "▁,", "▁including", "▁some", "▁with", "▁guns", "▁,", "▁which", "▁lead", "▁designer", "▁Adam", "▁C", "og", "an", "▁had", "▁already", "▁decided", "▁the", "▁game", "▁would", "▁not", "▁include", "▁.", "▁After", "▁receiving", "▁the", "▁sketch", "es", "▁,", "▁V", "icious", "▁Cy", "cle", "▁chose", "▁several", "▁that", "▁port", "rayed", "▁Fred", "▁with", "▁a", "▁squ", "at", "▁,", "▁child", "like", "▁appearance", "▁that", "▁retained", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁youth", "ful", "▁focus", "▁of", "▁the", "▁scra", "pped", "▁Ge", "o", "▁project", "▁.", "▁The", "▁publish", "er", "▁,", "▁D", "3", "▁,", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁present", "▁all", "▁of", "▁the", "▁concept", "▁art", "▁to", "▁a", "▁test", "▁group", "▁.", "▁To", "▁the", "▁developers", "▁'", "▁surprise", "▁,", "▁the", "▁test", "▁group", "▁was", "▁much", "▁more", "▁interested", "▁in", "▁a", "▁dark", "er", "▁,", "▁more", "▁int", "im", "id", "ating", "▁port", "ray", "al", "▁of", "▁Fred", "▁than", "▁the", "▁cart", "oon", "ish", "▁,", "▁play", "ful", "▁look", "▁they", "▁had", "▁chosen", "▁.", "▁The", "▁developers", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁flesh", "▁out", "▁the", "▁concept", "▁and", "▁took", "▁the", "▁chosen", "▁sketch", "es", "▁back", "▁to", "▁Mass", "ive", "▁Black", "▁.", "▁This", "▁time", "▁the", "▁art", "▁came", "▁back", "▁dark", "er", "▁,", "▁with", "▁similar", "ities", "▁to", "▁D", "irty", "▁Harry", "▁and", "▁The", "▁Matrix", "▁and", "▁The", "▁Ev", 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"▁,", "▁theme", "▁,", "▁and", "▁story", "▁to", "▁give", "▁it", "▁a", "▁dark", "▁,", "▁yet", "▁hum", "orous", "▁quality", "▁.", "▁H", "iring", "▁a", "▁Hollywood", "▁screen", "writer", "▁to", "▁create", "▁the", "▁script", "▁was", "▁proposed", "▁,", "▁but", "▁ultimately", "▁V", "icious", "▁Cy", "cle", "▁designer", "▁Dave", "▁Ell", "is", "▁was", "▁given", "▁the", "▁task", "▁of", "▁writing", "▁the", "▁game", "▁'", "s", "▁cut", "sc", "enes", "▁and", "▁voice", "over", "▁script", "▁,", "▁while", "▁C", "og", "an", "▁focused", "▁on", "▁the", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁game", "▁dialog", "▁.", "▁Ell", "is", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁several", "▁no", "ir", "▁films", "▁for", "▁insp", "iration", "▁,", "▁especially", "▁Miller", "▁'", "s", "▁Cross", "ing", "▁and", "▁Who", "▁F", "ram", "ed", "▁Roger", "▁Rab", "bit", "▁During", "▁this", "▁time", "▁,", "▁Eric", "▁Pet", "erson", "▁cast", "▁several", "▁voice", "▁actors", "▁,", "▁including", "▁John", "▁C", ".", "▁McG", "in", "ley", "▁from", "▁the", "▁TV", "▁show", "▁Sc", "r", "ubs", "▁and", "▁Jon", "▁Pol", "ito", "▁from", "▁the", "▁a", "for", "ement", "ioned", "▁Miller", "▁'", "s", "▁Cross", "ing", "▁.", "▁McG", "in", "ley", "▁was", "▁cast", "▁as", "▁Fred", "▁because", "▁of", "▁his", "▁Sc", "r", "ubs", "▁character", "▁'", "s", "▁s", "arc", "asm", "▁and", "▁wit", "▁,", "▁while", "▁Pol", "ito", "▁was", "▁cast", "▁in", "▁the", "▁role", "▁of", "▁mob", "▁b", "oss", "▁U", "ly", "ss", "es", "▁Pitt", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁very", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁his", "▁role", "▁of", "▁Johnny", "▁Cas", "par", "▁in", "▁Miller", "▁'", "s", "▁Cross", "ing", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁development", "▁team", "▁then", "▁set", "▁about", "▁recording", "▁the", "▁game", "▁'", "s", "▁dialog", "▁,", "▁which", "▁proved", "▁to", "▁be", "▁challeng", "ing", "▁because", "▁of", "▁V", "icious", "▁Cy", "cle", "▁'", "s", "▁location", "▁on", "▁the", "▁East", "▁Coast", "▁.", "▁All", "▁of", "▁the", "▁record", "ings", "▁were", "▁done", "▁over", "▁the", "▁phone", "▁at", "▁a", "▁studio", "▁in", "▁Hollywood", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁this", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁that", "▁Fred", "▁alone", "▁had", "▁over", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "0", "▁lines", "▁of", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁game", "▁dialog", "▁,", "▁the", "▁recording", "▁went", "▁smooth", "ly", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁exception", "▁of", "▁one", "▁un", "ident", "ified", "▁actor", "▁who", "▁walked", "▁out", "▁in", "▁the", "▁middle", "▁of", "▁a", "▁session", "▁.", "▁The", "▁original", "▁script", "▁had", "▁only", "▁one", "▁instance", "▁of", "▁the", "▁word", "▁\"", "▁f", "uck", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁but", "▁several", "▁recording", "▁sessions", "▁with", "▁McG", "in", "ley", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁a", "▁great", "▁deal", "▁of", "▁color", "ful", "▁impro", "vis", "ation", "▁.", "▁The", "▁design", "▁team", "▁liked", "▁the", "▁record", "ings", "▁and", "▁the", "▁script", "▁was", "▁modified", "▁to", "▁permit", "▁McG", "in", "ley", "▁and", "▁other", "▁actors", "▁to", "▁cur", "se", "▁more", "▁.", "▁McG", "in", "ley", "▁focused", "▁on", "▁port", "ray", "ing", "▁Fred", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁p", "iss", "ed", "▁off", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁having", "▁a", "▁chip", "▁on", "▁his", "▁shoulder", "▁\"", "▁because", "▁his", "▁head", "▁was", "▁missing", "▁.", "▁", "▁\"", "▁No", "▁,", "▁this", "▁gu", "y", "▁was", "▁unique", "▁because", "▁,", "▁well", "▁…", "▁his", "▁head", "▁was", "▁gone", "▁!", "▁With", "▁him", "▁,", "▁you", "▁could", "▁really", "▁just", "▁open", "▁up", "▁your", "▁imagination", "▁and", "▁roll", "▁out", "▁a", "▁caval", "cade", "▁of", "▁ecc", "ent" ]
were allowed to use their imagination while developing Fred , but the one stipulation Vicious Cycle made from the beginning was Fred 's head — the developers wanted it to be a liquid @-@ filled jar with the detective 's brain and eyes floating around inside . Massive Black came up with several different versions of Fred , including some with guns , which lead designer Adam Cogan had already decided the game would not include . After receiving the sketches , Vicious Cycle chose several that portrayed Fred with a squat , childlike appearance that retained some of the youthful focus of the scrapped Geo project . The publisher , D3 , decided to present all of the concept art to a test group . To the developers ' surprise , the test group was much more interested in a darker , more intimidating portrayal of Fred than the cartoonish , playful look they had chosen . The developers decided to flesh out the concept and took the chosen sketches back to Massive Black . This time the art came back darker , with similarities to Dirty Harry and The Matrix and The Evil Dead , and a Norman Rockwell @-@ inspired look that would influence the game 's art style towards a more violent theme . = = = Further testing = = = D3 provided the development team with more focus groups , and as a result , the game slowly incorporated more combat and less platforming and puzzles . Fred 's combat capabilities were revamped to give him more attacks , counterattacks and combinations . D3 also gave Vicious Cycle more time to develop the game , with the hope of receiving better reviews and potentially turning Dead Head Fred into a franchise . The delay pushed back the game 's release from January to August 2007 . D3Publisher bought Vicious Cycle two months before the game 's release , but the company 's headquarters remained in North Carolina and the staff was retained . = = Audio = = = = = Soundtrack = = = The music of Dead Head Fred was composed by Rod Abernethy and Jason Graves and recorded at Abernethy 's studio , Rednote Audio . Abernethy and Graves had worked on previous games by Vicious Cycle , like Curious George . The composers were interested in developing a sound for Dead Head Fred that was retro @-@ futuristic , and borrowed from other death @-@ themed pieces like Stubbs the Zombie and Beetlejuice . The development team did not have any substantial ideas for the game 's music beyond the theme and mood of Hope Falls , giving the composers free rein on the soundtrack 's direction . = = = Voice work = = = A crucial area of development was the formation of the game 's mood , theme , and story to give it a dark , yet humorous quality . Hiring a Hollywood screenwriter to create the script was proposed , but ultimately Vicious Cycle designer Dave Ellis was given the task of writing the game 's cutscenes and voiceover script , while Cogan focused on the in @-@ game dialog . Ellis referred to several noir films for inspiration , especially Miller 's Crossing and Who Framed Roger Rabbit During this time , Eric Peterson cast several voice actors , including John C. McGinley from the TV show Scrubs and Jon Polito from the aforementioned Miller 's Crossing . McGinley was cast as Fred because of his Scrubs character 's sarcasm and wit , while Polito was cast in the role of mob boss Ulysses Pitt , which was very similar to his role of Johnny Caspar in Miller 's Crossing . The development team then set about recording the game 's dialog , which proved to be challenging because of Vicious Cycle 's location on the East Coast . All of the recordings were done over the phone at a studio in Hollywood . Despite this , and the fact that Fred alone had over 1000 lines of in @-@ game dialog , the recording went smoothly , with the exception of one unidentified actor who walked out in the middle of a session . The original script had only one instance of the word " fuck " , but several recording sessions with McGinley resulted in a great deal of colorful improvisation . The design team liked the recordings and the script was modified to permit McGinley and other actors to curse more . McGinley focused on portraying Fred as " pissed off " and " having a chip on his shoulder " because his head was missing . " No , this guy was unique because , well … his head was gone ! With him , you could really just open up your imagination and roll out a cavalcade of eccent
[ "ric", "ities", "▁and", "▁see", "▁what", "▁makes", "▁sense", "▁to", "▁you", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁pretty", "▁much", "▁unlike", "▁anything", "▁I", "▁’", "▁ve", "▁ever", "▁done", "▁before", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Prom", "otion", "▁and", "▁release", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Dead", "▁Head", "▁Fred", "▁was", "▁first", "▁announced", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Electron", "ics", "▁Entertainment", "▁Ex", "po", "▁(", "▁E", "3", "▁)", "▁video", "▁game", "▁convention", "▁in", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁where", "▁a", "▁tra", "iler", "▁was", "▁shown", "▁to", "▁the", "▁public", "▁.", "▁Following", "▁this", "▁,", "▁little", "▁was", "▁heard", "▁about", "▁the", "▁game", "▁until", "▁C", "og", "an", "▁started", "▁a", "▁developer", "▁di", "ary", "▁on", "▁V", "icious", "▁Cy", "cle", "▁'", "s", "▁website", "▁in", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁Three", "▁di", "ary", "▁entries", "▁were", "▁written", "▁by", "▁C", "og", "an", "▁and", "▁Ell", "is", "▁,", "▁which", "▁provided", "▁details", "▁about", "▁the", "▁game", "▁'", "s", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁production", "▁concept", "ual", "ization", "▁and", "▁voice", "▁work", "▁.", "▁In", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁D", "3", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁John", "▁C", ".", "▁McG", "in", "ley", "▁would", "▁be", "▁vo", "icing", "▁Fred", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁next", "▁month", "▁the", "▁company", "▁issued", "▁a", "▁press", "▁release", "▁stating", "▁that", "▁the", "▁game", "▁was", "▁finished", "▁and", "▁ready", "▁for", "▁mass", "▁production", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁game", "▁was", "▁delayed", "▁,", "▁allowing", "▁D", "3", "▁Publish", "er", "▁to", "▁show", "▁it", "▁at", "▁E", "3", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁eventually", "▁released", "▁on", "▁August", "▁", "2", "8", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁in", "▁North", "▁America", "▁after", "▁nearly", "▁two", "▁years", "▁of", "▁development", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁October", "▁", "2", "6", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁,", "▁November", "▁", "2", "▁in", "▁Australia", "▁,", "▁and", "▁March", "▁", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁in", "▁Japan", "▁.", "▁In", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁D", "3", "▁reduced", "▁the", "▁price", "▁of", "▁the", "▁game", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁it", "▁was", "▁made", "▁available", "▁for", "▁download", "▁on", "▁Sony", "▁'", "s", "▁Play", "Station", "▁Network", "▁.", "▁The", "▁sound", "track", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁i", "T", "unes", "▁by", "▁L", "akes", "h", "ore", "▁Records", "▁on", "▁September", "▁", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Future", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Dead", "▁Head", "▁Fred", "▁was", "▁designed", "▁specifically", "▁for", "▁the", "▁P", "SP", "▁,", "▁and", "▁V", "icious", "▁Cy", "cle", "▁intended", "▁it", "▁to", "▁be", "▁their", "▁\"", "▁flags", "hip", "▁\"", "▁title", "▁for", "▁the", "▁system", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁game", "▁'", "s", "▁design", "ers", "▁have", 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"▁\"", "▁w", "ack", "y", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁silly", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Hope", "▁F", "alls", "▁,", "▁especially", "▁the", "▁area", "▁of", "▁C", "ree", "py", "▁H", "ollow", "▁,", "▁was", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁the", "▁work", "▁of", "▁Tim", "▁Bur", "ton", "▁.", "▁Dead", "▁Head", "▁Fred", "▁'", "s", "▁graphics", "▁were", "▁warm", "ly", "▁received", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Game", "S", "py", "▁not", "ing", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁game", "▁looks", "▁simply", "▁phenomen", "al", "▁on", "▁the", "▁P", "SP", "▁screen", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁P", "ocket", "▁G", "amer", "▁UK", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁graph", "ically", "▁the", "▁game", "▁won", "▁'", "t", "▁blow", "▁your", "▁head", "▁off", "▁but", "▁it", "▁is", "▁und", "eni", "ably", "▁sty", "lish", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁P", "ocket", "▁G", "amer", "▁also", "▁felt", "▁that", "▁the", "▁game", "▁'", "s", "▁level", "▁design", "▁,", "▁with", "▁its", "▁emphas", "is", "▁on", "▁changing", "▁heads", "▁to", "▁solve", "▁environmental", "▁puzz", "les", "▁,", "▁made", "▁up", "▁for", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁medi", "oc", "re", "▁combat", "▁system", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁character", "▁design", "▁was", "▁pra", "ised", "▁;", "▁Game", "S", "py", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁Fred", "▁is", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁most", "▁interesting", "▁and", "▁entertain", "ing", "▁characters", "▁to", "▁ever", "▁hit", "▁g", "aming", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁Game", "Zone", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁Fred", "▁’", "▁s", "▁fre", "ak", "ish", "▁form", "▁is", "▁like", "▁looking", "▁at", "▁a", "▁car", "▁crash", "▁…", "▁you", "▁really", "▁don", "▁’", "▁t", "▁want", "▁to", "▁st", "are", "▁but", "▁you", "▁just", "▁can", "▁’", "▁t", "▁help", "▁it", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁The", "▁voice", "▁acting", "▁,", "▁in", "▁particular", "▁John", "▁C", ".", "▁McG", "in", "ley", "▁'", "s", "▁port", "ray", "al", "▁of", "▁Fred", "▁,", "▁was", "▁widely", "▁pra", "ised", "▁,", "▁as", "▁was", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁game", "▁'", "s", "▁audio", "▁.", "▁Game", "Zone", "▁'", "s", "▁Natal", "ie", "▁Rom", "ano", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁There", "▁’", "▁s", "▁also", "▁some", "▁great", "▁music", "▁in", "▁the", "▁game", "▁and", "▁the", "▁sound", "▁effects", "▁are", "▁...", "▁wonder", "fully", "▁detailed", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁sound", "▁for", "▁the", "▁title" ]
ricities and see what makes sense to you . It was pretty much unlike anything I ’ ve ever done before . " = = Promotion and release = = Dead Head Fred was first announced at the Electronics Entertainment Expo ( E3 ) video game convention in May 2006 , where a trailer was shown to the public . Following this , little was heard about the game until Cogan started a developer diary on Vicious Cycle 's website in March 2007 . Three diary entries were written by Cogan and Ellis , which provided details about the game 's pre @-@ production conceptualization and voice work . In May 2007 , D3 announced that John C. McGinley would be voicing Fred , and the next month the company issued a press release stating that the game was finished and ready for mass production . However , the game was delayed , allowing D3 Publisher to show it at E3 2007 . It was eventually released on August 28 , 2007 in North America after nearly two years of development . It was released on October 26 in Europe , November 2 in Australia , and March 19 , 2008 in Japan . In December 2007 , D3 reduced the price of the game , and in October 2008 it was made available for download on Sony 's PlayStation Network . The soundtrack was released on iTunes by Lakeshore Records on September 18 , 2007 . = = = Future = = = Dead Head Fred was designed specifically for the PSP , and Vicious Cycle intended it to be their " flagship " title for the system . However , the game 's designers have hinted that the game could potentially be ported to the PlayStation Network or Xbox Live Arcade with a few months ' work . As of March 2009 , D3Publisher has announced a sequel , but the designers have stated that subsequent titles were discussed during the game 's development . John C. McGinley has expressed interest in reprising Fred . Namco Bandai Games ( the parent of D3 ) were impressed with the game and wanted to publish the sequel because they ' wanted ' to test out Vicious Cycle 's Gameplay on the PSP . = = Reception = = Dead Head Fred received generally favorable reviews from critics . The game 's writing and dialogue were considered the main strengths of the game , with GameSpy 's reviewer stating that " In the vast sea of PSP titles , Dead Head Fred stands ' head and shoulders ' above the rest . " IGN said " The tale of revenge in a dark world is twisted [ and ] unapologetically humorous " . Other publications were not as impressed , however , with one reviewer stating " ... the overused profanity just makes it feel like it 's been designed by teenagers desperately trying to be edgy . " The game 's supernatural themes elicited comparisons to The Darkness and Grim Fandango . GamesRadar included it in their list of the 100 most overlooked games of its generation . Editor Jason Fanelli felt that PSP games often lacked creativity and that Dead Head Fred was the exception . Many reviewers were pleased with the game 's premise and setting , variously describing it as " weird " , " wacky " and " silly " . Hope Falls , especially the area of Creepy Hollow , was compared to the work of Tim Burton . Dead Head Fred 's graphics were warmly received , with GameSpy noting " The game looks simply phenomenal on the PSP screen . " Pocket Gamer UK said " graphically the game won 't blow your head off but it is undeniably stylish . " Pocket Gamer also felt that the game 's level design , with its emphasis on changing heads to solve environmental puzzles , made up for the " mediocre combat system " . The character design was praised ; GameSpy said " Fred is one of the most interesting and entertaining characters to ever hit gaming , " and GameZone said " Fred ’ s freakish form is like looking at a car crash … you really don ’ t want to stare but you just can ’ t help it . " The voice acting , in particular John C. McGinley 's portrayal of Fred , was widely praised , as was the rest of the game 's audio . GameZone 's Natalie Romano said " There ’ s also some great music in the game and the sound effects are ... wonderfully detailed " . " The sound for the title
[ "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁is", "▁fant", "astic", "▁.", "▁The", "▁majority", "▁of", "▁it", "▁is", "▁centered", "▁around", "▁the", "▁voice", "▁acting", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁anch", "ored", "▁by", "▁John", "▁C", ".", "▁McG", "in", "ley", "▁of", "▁Sc", "r", "ubs", "▁and", "▁Office", "▁Space", "▁fame", "▁.", "▁McG", "in", "ley", "▁expert", "ly", "▁brings", "▁his", "▁dry", "▁,", "▁sar", "cast", "ic", "▁delivery", "▁to", "▁Fred", "▁'", "s", "▁lines", "▁and", "▁consist", "ently", "▁del", "ivers", "▁hum", "orous", "▁lines", "▁across", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁game", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁The", "▁foc", "al", "▁point", "▁of", "▁review", "ers", "▁'", "▁criticism", "▁was", "▁Dead", "▁Head", "▁Fred", "▁'", "s", "▁game", "play", "▁,", "▁specifically", "▁the", "▁combat", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁generally", "▁considered", "▁ted", "ious", "▁and", "▁repet", "itive", "▁.", "▁Australia", "▁'", "s", "▁P", "AL", "▁G", "aming", "▁Network", "▁described", "▁the", "▁combat", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁poor", "est", "▁elements", "▁of", "▁the", "▁game", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Game", "▁Inform", "er", "▁called", "▁the", "▁combat", "▁mechan", "ics", "▁\"", "▁awful", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁performance", "▁of", "▁the", "▁camera", "▁was", "▁also", "▁critic", "ized", "▁,", "▁with", "▁I", "GN", "▁not", "ing", "▁\"", "▁Consider", "ing", "▁that", "▁the", "▁camera", "▁will", "▁sometimes", "▁choose", "▁some", "▁hor", "rible", "▁angles", "▁for", "▁you", "▁in", "▁battle", "▁or", "▁during", "▁puzz", "les", "▁,", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁anno", "ying", "▁to", "▁have", "▁to", "▁fight", "▁it", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁mut", "ants", "▁that", "▁want", "▁you", "▁dead", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Game", "Zone", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁just", "▁wish", "▁the", "▁camera", "▁wouldn", "▁’", "▁t", "▁be", "▁such", "▁a", "▁h", "ind", "rance", "▁sometimes", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Review", "ers", "▁were", "▁also", "▁unh", "appy", "▁with", "▁Dead", "▁Head", "▁Fred", "▁'", "s", "▁loading", "▁times", "▁;", "▁Euro", "g", "amer", "▁considered", "▁them", "▁\"", "▁excess", "ively", "▁high", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁I", "GN", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁only", "▁down", "side", "▁that", "▁cro", "ps", "▁up", "▁when", "▁it", "▁comes", "▁to", "▁the", "▁visual", "s", "▁are", "▁the", "▁contin", "ual", "▁loading", "▁times", "▁on", "▁just", "▁about", "▁every", "▁single", "▁area", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Awards", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Dead", "▁Head", "▁Fred", "▁was", "▁nominated", "▁for", "▁several", "▁awards", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁Writ", "ers", "▁Gu", "ild", "▁of", "▁America", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁award", "▁for", "▁video", "▁game", "▁writing", "▁,", "▁which", "▁it", "▁won", "▁.", "▁During", "▁E", "3", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁the", "▁game", "▁was", "▁nominated", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Best", "▁of", "▁E", "3", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁:", "▁Best", "▁Hand", "h", "eld", "▁Game", "▁award", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Game", "▁Crit", "ics", "▁Awards", "▁,", "▁a", "▁group", "▁of", "▁prominent", "▁media", 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"▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁before", "▁a", "▁Michigan", "▁home", "▁game", "▁against", "▁North", "western", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Michigan", "▁Football", "▁Leg", "end", "▁program", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁life", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁W", "ister", "t", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁born", "▁in", "▁Chicago", "▁,", "▁Illinois", "▁,", "▁was", "▁from", "▁a", "▁Lith", "uan", "ian", "▁family", "▁.", "▁His", "▁father", "▁,", "▁Kaz", "imer", "▁W", "ister", "t", "▁,", "▁was", "▁a", "▁Spanish", "▁–", "▁American", "▁War", "▁veter", "an", "▁who", "▁was", "▁later", "▁killed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁line", "▁of", "▁duty", "▁while", "▁working", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Chicago", "▁Police", "▁Department", "▁.", "▁The", "▁story", "▁of", "▁the", "▁W", "ister", "t", "▁brothers", "▁at", "▁Michigan", "▁began", "▁when", "▁White", "y", "▁'", "s", "▁Carl", "▁Sch", "urz", "▁High", "▁School", "▁class", "mate", "▁John", "▁K", "ow", "al", "ik", "▁was", "▁invited", "▁to", "▁visit", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁Michigan", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁White", "y", "▁W", "ister", "t", "▁had", "▁a", "▁factory", "▁job", "▁where", "▁he", "▁was", "▁involved", "▁with", "▁building", "▁Maj", "estic", "▁rad", "ios", "▁.", "▁K", "ow", "al", "ik", "▁took", "▁White", "y", "▁with", "▁him", "▁on", "▁his", "▁visit", "▁to", "▁Ann", "▁Ar", "bor", "▁,", "▁and", "▁according", "▁to", "▁Al", "vin", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁that", "▁'", "s", "▁how", "▁it", "▁started", "▁:", "▁the", "▁W", "ister", "ts", "▁of", "▁Michigan", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁College", "▁football", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁After", "▁gradu", "ating", "▁from", "▁For", "eman", "▁High", "▁School", "▁,", "▁W", "ister", "t", "▁became", "▁the", "▁second", "▁of", "▁the", "▁W", "ister", "t", "▁brothers", "▁to", "▁play", "▁for", "▁Michigan", "▁where", "▁he", "▁wore", "▁number", "▁", "1", "1", "▁like", "▁his", "▁brothers", "▁and", "▁played", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "2", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁a", "▁cons", "ensus", "▁All", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁American", "▁and", "▁team", "▁M", "VP", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "2", "▁.", "▁He", "▁played", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁East", "▁–", "▁West", "▁S", "hr", "ine", "▁Game", "▁.", "▁He", "▁is", "▁well", "▁remembered", "▁,", "▁among", "▁other", "▁things", "▁,", "▁for", "▁his", "▁explo", "its" ]
, however , is fantastic . The majority of it is centered around the voice acting , which is anchored by John C. McGinley of Scrubs and Office Space fame . McGinley expertly brings his dry , sarcastic delivery to Fred 's lines and consistently delivers humorous lines across the entire game . " The focal point of reviewers ' criticism was Dead Head Fred 's gameplay , specifically the combat . It was generally considered tedious and repetitive . Australia 's PAL Gaming Network described the combat as " one of the poorest elements of the game " , and Game Informer called the combat mechanics " awful " . The performance of the camera was also criticized , with IGN noting " Considering that the camera will sometimes choose some horrible angles for you in battle or during puzzles , it 's annoying to have to fight it as well as mutants that want you dead . " GameZone said " I just wish the camera wouldn ’ t be such a hindrance sometimes . " Reviewers were also unhappy with Dead Head Fred 's loading times ; Eurogamer considered them " excessively high " , and IGN said " The only downside that crops up when it comes to the visuals are the continual loading times on just about every single area . " = = = Awards = = = Dead Head Fred was nominated for several awards , including the Writers Guild of America 's first award for video game writing , which it won . During E3 2007 , the game was nominated for the Best of E3 2007 : Best Handheld Game award by the Game Critics Awards , a group of prominent media journalists . Dead Head Fred lost to The Legend of Zelda : Phantom Hourglass for the Nintendo DS , but was notable for being the only new intellectual property nominated in the handheld category . The audio was nominated for two awards at the Game Audio Network Guild 's 6th annual ceremony , Best Soundtrack of the Year and Best Handheld Audio . Dead Head Fred lost to BioShock and Syphon Filter : Logan 's Shadow , respectively . = Al Wistert = Albert Alexander " Ox " Wistert ( December 28 , 1920 – March 5 , 2016 ) was an All @-@ Pro American football tackle in the National Football League ( NFL ) for the Philadelphia Eagles . He played his entire nine @-@ year NFL career for the Eagles and became their team captain . He was named to play in the NFL 's first Pro Bowl as an Eagle . During most of Wistert 's career there were no football All @-@ star games , although he was named to the league All @-@ Pro team eight times . Wistert played college football at the University of Michigan . He is one of the three brothers — along with Whitey and Alvin — who were named All @-@ American tackles at Michigan and later inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame . He was the first Michigan alumnus to be selected to the National Football League Pro Bowl . The Wistert brothers all wore jersey No. 11 at Michigan and are among the seven players who have had their numbers retired by the Michigan Wolverines football program . Their number will be put back into circulation starting on November 10 , 2012 before a Michigan home game against Northwestern as part of the Michigan Football Legend program . = = Early life = = Wistert , who was born in Chicago , Illinois , was from a Lithuanian family . His father , Kazimer Wistert , was a Spanish – American War veteran who was later killed in the line of duty while working for the Chicago Police Department . The story of the Wistert brothers at Michigan began when Whitey 's Carl Schurz High School classmate John Kowalik was invited to visit the University of Michigan . At the time , Whitey Wistert had a factory job where he was involved with building Majestic radios . Kowalik took Whitey with him on his visit to Ann Arbor , and according to Alvin , " that 's how it started : the Wisterts of Michigan . " = = College football = = After graduating from Foreman High School , Wistert became the second of the Wistert brothers to play for Michigan where he wore number 11 like his brothers and played from 1940 to 1942 . He was a consensus All @-@ American and team MVP in 1942 . He played in the 1943 East – West Shrine Game . He is well remembered , among other things , for his exploits
[ "▁in", "▁a", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "2", "▁game", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Notre", "▁D", "ame", "▁Fight", "ing", "▁Irish", "▁football", "▁team", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁was", "▁induct", "ed", "▁into", "▁the", "▁College", "▁Football", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "8", "▁,", "▁one", "▁year", "▁after", "▁his", "▁brother", "▁Francis", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "1", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁named", "▁to", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁Michigan", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Honor", "▁in", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁class", "▁of", "▁induct", "ees", "▁alongside", "▁his", "▁brothers", "▁.", "▁Only", "▁five", "▁Michigan", "▁football", "▁players", "▁earned", "▁this", "▁honor", "▁before", "▁him", "▁.", "▁", "▁Michigan", "▁posted", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "▁–", "▁", "5", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁record", "▁during", "▁W", "ister", "t", "▁'", "s", "▁three", "▁years", "▁on", "▁the", "▁team", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁team", "▁'", "s", "▁only", "▁loss", "▁in", "▁its", 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"▁about", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "3", "▁of", "▁his", "▁career", "▁games", "▁.", "▁His", "▁is", "▁one", "▁of", "▁only", "▁seven", "▁retired", "▁E", "ag", "les", "▁Jer", "se", "ys", "▁.", "▁W", "ister", "t", "▁l", "ament", "ed", "▁not", "▁having", "▁been", "▁en", "sh", "r", "ined", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Professional", "▁Football", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁and", "▁on", "▁Philadelphia", "▁E", "ag", "les", "▁Honor", "▁Roll", "▁:", "▁", "▁W", "ister", "t", "▁was", "▁induct", "ed", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Philadelphia", "▁E", "ag", "les", "▁Honor", "▁Roll", "▁on", "▁September", "▁", "2", "9", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁along", "▁with", "▁Rand", "all", "▁C", "unning", "ham", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁named", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Pro", "▁Football", "▁Research", "ers", "▁Association", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Very", "▁Good", "▁in", "▁the", "▁association", "▁'", "s", "▁inaug", "ural", "▁HO", "V", "G", "▁class", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Later", "▁life", "▁and", "▁family", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁After", "▁football", "▁W", "ister", "t", "▁became", "▁a", "▁successful", "▁life", "▁ins", "urance", "▁sales", "man", "▁.", "▁He", "▁sold", "▁ins", "urance", "▁for", "▁", "4", "0", "▁years", "▁.", "▁Among", "▁the", "▁places", "▁he", "▁has", "▁lived", "▁since", "▁ret", "irement", "▁are", "▁California", "▁and", "▁Gr", "ants", "▁Pass", "▁,", "▁Oregon", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁married", "▁to", "▁his", "▁late", "▁wife", "▁Ell", "ie", "▁for", "▁", "6", "1", "▁years", "▁and", "▁has", "▁three", "▁daughters", "▁(", "▁Pam", "▁,", "▁D", "ian", "na", "▁and", "▁Kath", "y", "▁)", "▁and", "▁three", "▁grand", "children", "▁.", "▁At", "▁one", "▁point", "▁he", "▁was", "▁both", "▁co", "aching", "▁football", "▁at", "▁R", "ivers", "ide", "▁High", "▁School", "▁in", "▁R", "ivers", "ide", "▁Township", "▁,", "▁New", "▁Jersey", "▁and", "▁playing", "▁profession", "ally", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁brother", "▁Al", "vin", "▁,", "▁their", "▁father", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁born", "▁Cas", "mir", "▁V", "ister", "t", "us", "▁and", "▁he", "▁Ang", "lic", "ized", "▁it", "▁when", "▁he", "▁came", "▁to", "▁America", "▁to", "▁W", "ister", "t", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁W", "ister", "t", "▁died", "▁on", "▁March", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁in", "▁Gr", "ants", "▁Pass", "▁,", "▁Oregon", "▁at", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁", "9", "5", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁English", "▁:", "▁If", "▁I", "▁Once", "▁)", "▁is", "▁a", "▁song", "▁recorded", "▁by", "▁American", "▁recording", "▁artist", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁for", "▁her", "▁fourth", "▁studio", "▁album", "▁,", "▁Am", "or", "▁Pro", "hib", "ido", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁)", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁written", "▁by", "▁P", "ete", "▁Ast", "ud", "illo", "▁and", "▁produced", "▁by", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁'", "s", "▁brother", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁producer", "▁A", ".", "B", ".", "▁Quint", "an", "illa", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁a", "▁mar", "ia", "chi", "▁fusion", "▁song", "▁and", "▁draw", "s", "▁influence", "▁from", "▁c", "umb" ]
in a 1942 game against the Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team , and he was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1968 , one year after his brother Francis . In 1981 , he was named to the University of Michigan Hall of Honor in the fourth class of inductees alongside his brothers . Only five Michigan football players earned this honor before him . Michigan posted a 20 – 5 – 1 record during Wistert 's three years on the team . In 1940 , the team 's only loss in its eight @-@ game season was to the eventual national champion Minnesota Golden Gophers football . The Wolverines followed that season with 6 – 1 – 1 and 7 – 3 marks in the next two years . Wistert served as captain of the College All @-@ star team that beat the Sammy Baugh @-@ led National Football League champion Washington Redskins , 27 – 7 , in Chicago . He was the only one of the three brothers not to play on a national championship squad at Michigan . = = Professional football = = After being drafted in the fifth round by the Philadelphia Eagles and signing for $ 3800 ( $ 51 @,@ 965 today ) , he encountered animosity from veteran players for having signed such a large contract ( though they thought he signed for $ 4500 ) . He earned All @-@ Pro honors in eight ( five by consensus ) of his nine seasons . As a two @-@ way player , he played his entire nine @-@ year career for the Philadelphia Eagles ( who operated as a merged team with the Pittsburgh Steelers for one season during World War II . ) The National Football League had no All @-@ Star games between 1943 and 1950 . Thus , although Wistert was a perennial All @-@ Pro selection , it is difficult to compare him to more modern players who are often measured by Pro Bowl invitations . He served as Eagles captain for five consecutive seasons , from 1946 to 1950 , and was named All @-@ Pro in each season . In Wistert 's next to last season he was selected to the first Pro Bowl . In his final season , he recovered three fumbles . The Eagles won the 1948 and 1949 National Football League Championships with Wistert . These were the only consecutive National Football League champions to win by shutout . His number 70 was retired by the Eagles in 1952 . According to his College Football Hall of Fame biography , during his career he started every game the Eagles played except for the 1950 season opener against the Cleveland Browns . However , according to other statistical databases he only started about 2 / 3 of his career games . His is one of only seven retired Eagles Jerseys . Wistert lamented not having been enshrined in the Professional Football Hall of Fame and on Philadelphia Eagles Honor Roll : Wistert was inducted into the Philadelphia Eagles Honor Roll on September 29 , 2009 along with Randall Cunningham . In 2003 , he was named to the Pro Football Researchers Association Hall of Very Good in the association 's inaugural HOVG class . = = Later life and family = = After football Wistert became a successful life insurance salesman . He sold insurance for 40 years . Among the places he has lived since retirement are California and Grants Pass , Oregon . He was married to his late wife Ellie for 61 years and has three daughters ( Pam , Dianna and Kathy ) and three grandchildren . At one point he was both coaching football at Riverside High School in Riverside Township , New Jersey and playing professionally . According to brother Alvin , their father " was born Casmir Vistertus and he Anglicized it when he came to America to Wistert . " Wistert died on March 5 , 2016 in Grants Pass , Oregon at the age of 95 . = Si Una Vez = " Si Una Vez " ( English : If I Once ) is a song recorded by American recording artist Selena for her fourth studio album , Amor Prohibido ( 1994 ) . It was written by Pete Astudillo and produced by Selena 's brother @-@ producer A.B. Quintanilla . " Si Una Vez " is a mariachi fusion song and draws influence from cumb
[ "ia", "▁and", "▁Latin", "▁dance", "▁music", "▁.", "▁L", "yr", "ically", "▁,", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁questions", "▁why", "▁she", "▁ever", "▁fell", "▁in", "▁love", "▁with", "▁an", "▁ab", "us", "ive", "▁partner", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁she", "▁will", "▁never", "▁repeat", "▁her", "▁mistakes", "▁.", "▁The", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁suggest", "▁un", "re", "qu", "ited", "▁love", "▁and", "▁female", "▁emp", "ower", "ment", "▁.", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁received", "▁positive", "▁reviews", "▁from", "▁music", "▁critics", "▁who", "▁found", "▁the", "▁song", "▁to", "▁have", "▁show", "case", "▁the", "▁singer", "▁'", "s", "▁vocal", "▁ab", "ilities", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Broadcast", "▁Music", "▁Inc", ".", "▁recognized", "▁it", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Single", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Year", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁B", "MI", "▁Pop", "▁Awards", "▁.", "▁Many", "▁mus", "icians", "▁have", "▁since", "▁recorded", "▁the", "▁song", "▁and", "▁released", "▁it", "▁on", "▁their", "▁respective", "▁albums", "▁including", "▁Mexican", "▁mar", "ia", "chi", "▁singer", "▁A", "lic", "ia", "▁Villa", "real", "▁,", "▁American", "▁reg", "ga", "eton", "▁perform", "er", "▁I", "vy", "▁Queen", "▁,", "▁American", "▁ind", "ie", "▁rock", "▁band", "▁Girl", "▁in", "▁a", "▁Com", "a", "▁,", "▁and", "▁American", "▁s", "als", "a", "▁singer", "▁Mann", "y", "▁Manuel", "▁.", "▁The", "▁latter", "▁'", "s", "▁version", "▁pe", "aked", "▁at", "▁number", "▁one", "▁on", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁Billboard", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Songs", "▁chart", "▁,", "▁and", "▁ended", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁as", "▁the", "▁four", "teenth", "▁most", "▁successful", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁tropical", "▁song", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Background", "▁and", "▁composition", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁y", "▁Los", "▁D", "inos", "▁backup", "▁dan", "cer", "▁and", "▁vocal", "ist", "▁P", "ete", "▁Ast", "ud", "illo", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁was", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁'", "s", "▁brother", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁producer", "▁A", ".", "B", ".", "▁Quint", "an", "illa", "▁who", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁Argent", "ine", "▁music", "ian", "▁B", "eb", "u", "▁Sil", "v", "etti", "▁,", "▁served", "▁as", "▁produ", "cers", "▁.", "▁Key", "board", "ist", "▁of", "▁the", "▁group", "▁,", "▁R", "icky", "▁V", "ela", "▁ret", "old", "▁in", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁interview", "▁how", "▁the", "▁band", "▁h", "ired", "▁a", "▁professional", "▁tr", "ump", "ist", "▁to", "▁record", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁the", "▁song", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁a", "▁Spanish", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁language", "▁mar", "ia", "chi", "▁fusion", "▁track", "▁with", "▁influ", "ences", "▁of", "▁c", "umb", "ia", "▁and", "▁Latin", "▁dance", "▁music", "▁.", "▁Author", "▁Deb", "or", "ah", "▁P", "are", "de", "z", "▁called", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁having", "▁punk", "▁music", "▁undert", "ones", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁,", "▁A", ".", "B", ".", "▁spoke", "▁on", "▁how", "▁Am", "or", "▁Pro", "hib", "ido", "▁was", "▁experimental", "▁music", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁heavy", "▁and", "▁commented", "▁on", "▁how", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁an", "▁example", "▁of", "▁his", "▁ideas", "▁of", "▁keeping", "▁the", "▁band", "▁'", "s", "▁image", "▁modern", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁makes", "▁use", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Gu", "it", "arr", "ón", "▁guitar", "▁under", "▁a", "▁c", "umb", "ia", "▁beat", "▁.", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁written", "▁in", "▁the", "▁key", "▁of", "▁D", "▁minor", "▁and", "▁is", "▁played", "▁in", "▁a", "▁moder", "ate", "▁gro", "ove", "▁of", "▁", "8", "4", "▁be", "ats", "▁per", "▁minute", "▁.", "▁It", "▁incorpor", "ates", "▁music", "▁from", "▁several", "▁musical", "▁instruments", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁piano", "▁and", "▁guitar", "▁.", "▁L", "yr", "ically", "▁,", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁rem", "in", "isc", "ences", "▁her", "▁failed", "▁relationship", "▁and", "▁w", "onders", "▁why", "▁she", "▁ever", "▁fell", "▁in", "▁love", "▁with", "▁an", "▁ab", "us", "ive", "▁partner", "▁who", "▁bet", "rayed", "▁and", "▁left", "▁her", "▁,", "▁v", "ow", "ing", "▁to", "▁never", "▁allow", "▁a", "▁man", "▁like", "▁that", "▁back", "▁into", "▁her", "▁life", "▁.", "▁The", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁suggest", "▁un", "re", "qu", "ited", "▁love", "▁and", "▁female", "▁emp", "ower", "ment", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Crit", "ical", "▁reception", "▁and", "▁legacy", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁named", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Latin", "▁Times", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁top", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ten", "▁best", "▁k", "ara", "oke", "▁songs", "▁s", "ung", "▁in", "▁Spanish", "▁.", "▁Writing", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Latin", "▁Times", "▁,", "▁Maria", "▁Val", "de", "z", "▁called", "▁the", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁fun", "▁\"", "▁especially", "▁when", "▁running", "▁into", "▁your", "▁former", "▁partner", "▁at", "▁a", "▁k", "ara", "oke", "▁party", "▁and", "▁found", "▁the", "▁track", "▁to", "▁show", "cases", "▁a", "▁singer", "▁'", "s", "▁vocal", "▁ab", "ilities", "▁.", "▁Texas", "▁Public", "▁Radio", "▁'", "s", "▁Nathan", "▁C", "one", "▁,", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁reson", "ates", "▁best", "▁\"", "▁with", "▁South", "▁Texas", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Entertainment", "▁Week", "ly", "▁contrib", "utor", "▁David", "▁Brow", "ne", "▁,", "▁commented", "▁on", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁'", "s", "▁vocals", "▁as", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁thro", "ated", "▁,", "▁war", "bling", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁that", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁rec", "alls", "▁L", "yd", "ia", "▁M", "endo", "za", "▁,", "▁conjunto", "▁'", "s", "▁leading", "▁lady", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁A", "▁New", "▁University", "▁writer", "▁found", "▁the", "▁recording", "▁to", "▁have", "▁\"", "▁show", "case", "▁[", "▁the", "▁singer", "▁'", "s", "▁]", "▁passion", "▁with", "▁her", "▁vocals", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁performed", "▁the", "▁song", "▁on", "▁her", "▁final", "▁performance", "▁on", "▁March", "▁", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁during", "▁the", "▁Cal", "le", "▁O", "cho", "▁Festival", "▁in", "▁Miami", "▁,", "▁which", "▁attract", "ed", "▁over", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁fans", "▁.", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁was", "▁shot", "▁and", "▁killed", "▁by", "▁Y", "ol", "anda", "▁S", "ald", "í", "var", "▁,", "▁her", "▁friend", "▁and", "▁former", "▁manager", "▁of", "▁the", "▁singer", "▁'", "s", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁Et", "c", ".", "▁cl", "othing", "▁bout", "iques", "▁,", "▁on", "▁March", "▁", "3", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁.", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁of", "▁the", "▁song", "▁during", "▁her", "▁Houston", "▁Ast", "rod", "ome", "▁concert", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁,", "▁was", "▁em", "ulated", "▁by", "▁Jenn", "ifer", "▁L", "ope", "z", "▁as", "▁her", "▁role", "▁as", "▁the", "▁singer", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁bi", "op", "ic", "▁film", "▁about", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁considered", "▁by", "▁Billboard", "▁magazine", "▁to", "▁be", "▁one", "▁of", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁'", "s", "▁signature", "▁songs", "▁.", "▁Terra", "▁named", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁most", "▁famous", "▁works", "▁\"", "▁along", "▁with", "▁her", "▁other", "▁songs", "▁\"", "▁El", "▁Ch", "ico", "▁del", "▁A", "part", "amento", "▁", "5", "1", "2", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Am", "or", "▁Pro", "hib", "ido", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁F", "otos", "▁y", "▁Rec", "u", "erd", "os", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Broadcast", "▁Music", "▁,", "▁Inc", "▁.", "▁(", "▁B", "MI", "▁)", "▁recognized", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁at", "▁the", "▁B", "MI", "▁Pop", "▁Music", "▁Awards", "▁as", "▁Single", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Year", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Co", "vers", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Mexican", "▁singer", "▁Mary", "▁Bo", "qu", "itas", "▁recorded", "▁the", "▁song", "▁for", "▁the", "▁t", "ribute" ]
ia and Latin dance music . Lyrically , Selena questions why she ever fell in love with an abusive partner , saying she will never repeat her mistakes . The lyrics suggest unrequited love and female empowerment . " Si Una Vez " received positive reviews from music critics who found the song to have showcase the singer 's vocal abilities . The Broadcast Music Inc. recognized it as the Single of the Year at the 1996 BMI Pop Awards . Many musicians have since recorded the song and released it on their respective albums including Mexican mariachi singer Alicia Villareal , American reggaeton performer Ivy Queen , American indie rock band Girl in a Coma , and American salsa singer Manny Manuel . The latter 's version peaked at number one on the United States Billboard Tropical Songs chart , and ended 1995 as the fourteenth most successful U.S. tropical song . = = Background and composition = = " Si Una Vez " was written by Selena y Los Dinos backup dancer and vocalist Pete Astudillo . The song was co @-@ written by Selena 's brother @-@ producer A.B. Quintanilla who , along with Argentine musician Bebu Silvetti , served as producers . Keyboardist of the group , Ricky Vela retold in a 2002 interview how the band hired a professional trumpist to record parts of the song . " Si Una Vez " is a Spanish @-@ language mariachi fusion track with influences of cumbia and Latin dance music . Author Deborah Paredez called " Si Una Vez " as having punk music undertones . In 2002 , A.B. spoke on how Amor Prohibido was experimental music @-@ heavy and commented on how " Si Una Vez " was an example of his ideas of keeping the band 's image modern . The song makes use of the Guitarrón guitar under a cumbia beat . " Si Una Vez " is written in the key of D minor and is played in a moderate groove of 84 beats per minute . It incorporates music from several musical instruments , including the piano and guitar . Lyrically , Selena reminiscences her failed relationship and wonders why she ever fell in love with an abusive partner who betrayed and left her , vowing to never allow a man like that back into her life . The lyrics suggest unrequited love and female empowerment . = = Critical reception and legacy = = " Si Una Vez " was named by the Latin Times as one of the top @-@ ten best karaoke songs sung in Spanish . Writing for the Latin Times , Maria Valdez called the song " fun " especially when running into your former partner at a karaoke party and found the track to showcases a singer 's vocal abilities . Texas Public Radio 's Nathan Cone , said " the song " resonates best " with South Texas " . Entertainment Weekly contributor David Browne , commented on Selena 's vocals as being " full @-@ throated , warbling " and that it " recalls Lydia Mendoza , conjunto 's leading lady . " A New University writer found the recording to have " showcase [ the singer 's ] passion with her vocals . " Selena performed the song on her final performance on March 19 , 1995 during the Calle Ocho Festival in Miami , which attracted over 100 @,@ 000 fans . Selena was shot and killed by Yolanda Saldívar , her friend and former manager of the singer 's Selena Etc. clothing boutiques , on March 31 , 1995 . Selena 's performance of the song during her Houston Astrodome concert on February 26 , 1995 , was emulated by Jennifer Lopez as her role as the singer for the 1997 biopic film about Selena . " Si Una Vez " is considered by Billboard magazine to be one of Selena 's signature songs . Terra named " Si Una Vez " as one of Selena 's " most famous works " along with her other songs " El Chico del Apartamento 512 " , " Amor Prohibido " and " Fotos y Recuerdos " . The Broadcast Music , Inc . ( BMI ) recognized " Si Una Vez " at the BMI Pop Music Awards as Single of the Year in 1996 . = = Covers = = Mexican singer Mary Boquitas recorded the song for the tribute
[ "▁album", "▁Mexico", "▁Rec", "uer", "da", "▁a", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Mexican", "▁mar", "ia", "chi", "▁singer", "▁A", "lic", "ia", "▁Villa", "real", "▁performed", "▁and", "▁recorded", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁the", "▁live", "▁tele", "vised", "▁t", "ribute", "▁concert", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁¡", "▁VI", "VE", "▁!", "▁in", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁.", "▁American", "▁reg", "ga", "eton", "▁singer", "▁I", "vy", "▁Queen", "▁covered", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁her", "▁fifth", "▁studio", "▁album", "▁Flash", "back", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁)", "▁.", "▁She", "▁said", "▁in", "▁an", "▁interview", "▁how", "▁she", "▁felt", "▁\"", "▁hon", "ored", "▁to", "▁be", "▁able", "▁to", "▁cover", "▁one", "▁of", "▁Sel", "ena", "▁'", "s", "▁songs", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁I", "vy", "▁Queen", "▁chose", "▁to", "▁cover", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁finding", "▁it", "▁to", "▁be", "▁ident", "ifiable", "▁to", 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"▁All", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Star", "z", "▁performed", "▁their", "▁version", "▁of", "▁the", "▁song", "▁during", "▁their", "▁tour", "▁for", "▁La", "▁V", "ida", "▁De", "▁Un", "▁Gen", "io", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁)", "▁in", "▁Boliv", "ia", "▁.", "▁Colomb", "ian", "▁singer", "▁K", "ali", "▁U", "ch", "is", "▁performed", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁S", "X", "SW", "▁festival", "▁.", "▁V", "ibe", "▁magazine", "▁found", "▁U", "ch", "is", "▁'", "▁performance", "▁to", "▁have", "▁given", "▁them", "▁\"", "▁sh", "ivers", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Mann", "y", "▁Manuel", "▁version", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁American", "▁mer", "eng", "ue", "▁music", "ian", "▁Mann", "y", "▁Manuel", "▁covered", "▁the", "▁song", "▁on", "▁his", "▁debut", "▁album", "▁,", "▁El", "▁Rey", "▁de", "▁Cor", "az", "ones", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁five", "▁singles", "▁released", "▁from", "▁the", "▁album", "▁,", "▁\"", 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"▁.", "▁In", "▁its", "▁fourth", "▁week", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁jump", "ed", "▁to", "▁number", "▁", "1", "8", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Hot", "▁Latin", "▁Songs", "▁chart", "▁,", "▁while", "▁over", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Songs", "▁chart", "▁the", "▁song", "▁rose", "▁to", "▁number", "▁three", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁increased", "▁air", "play", "▁sp", "ins", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁fell", "▁to", "▁number", "▁", "2", "0", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Hot", "▁Latin", "▁Songs", "▁chart", "▁.", "▁On", "▁November", "▁", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Si", "▁Una", "▁V", "ez", "▁\"", "▁pe", "aked", "▁at", "▁number", "▁one", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Songs", "▁chart", "▁for", "▁one", "▁week", "▁,", "▁re", "ec", "iving", "▁air", "play", "▁hon", "ors", "▁that", "▁week", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Chart", "▁performance", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cred", "its", "▁and", "▁personnel", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁All", "▁cred", "its", "▁were", "▁taken", "▁from", "▁the", "▁album", "▁'", "s", "▁l", "iner", "▁notes", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁S", "ick", "le", "fin", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁sick", "le", "fin", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁,", "▁or", "▁sh", "ar", "pt", "ooth", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁(", "▁Neg", "ap", "r", "ion", "▁ac", "ut", "id", "ens", "▁)", "▁,", "▁is", "▁a", "▁species", "▁of", "▁requ", "iem", "▁sh", "ark", "▁belonging", "▁to", "▁the", "▁family", "▁C", "archar", "hin", "idae", "▁,", "▁widely", "▁distributed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁tropical", "▁waters", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ind", "o", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Pacific", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁closely", "▁related", "▁to", "▁the", "▁better", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁known", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁(", "▁N", ".", "▁bre", "vi", "ro", "str", "is", "▁)", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Amer", "icas", "▁;", "▁the", "▁two", "▁species", "▁are", "▁almost", "▁identical", "▁in", "▁appearance", "▁,", "▁both", "▁being", "▁st", "out", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁bod", "ied", "▁sh", "arks", "▁with", "▁broad", "▁heads", "▁,", "▁two", "▁d", "ors", "al", "▁fins", "▁of", "▁nearly", "▁equal", "▁size", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁plain", "▁yellow", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁t", "ing", "ed", "▁color", "ation", "▁.", "▁As", "▁its", "▁common", "▁name", "▁suggests", "▁,", "▁the", "▁sick", "le", "fin", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁diff", "ers", "▁from", "▁its", "▁American", "▁counter", "part", "▁in", "▁having", "▁more", "▁fal", "c", "ate", "▁(", "▁sick", "le", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sh", "aped", "▁)", "▁fins", "▁.", "▁This", "▁large", "▁species", "▁grows", "▁up", "▁to", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁m", "▁(", "▁", "1", "2", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁long", "▁.", "▁It", "▁generally", "▁inhab", "its", "▁water", "▁less", "▁than", "▁", "9", "2", "▁m", "▁(", "▁", "3", "0", "2", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁deep", "▁in", "▁a", "▁variety", "▁of", "▁habit", "ats", "▁,", "▁from", "▁mang", "ro", "ve", "▁est", "u", "aries", "▁to", "▁cor", "al", "▁re", "ef", "s", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁slow", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁moving", "▁pred", "ator", "▁feed", "ing", "▁mainly", "▁on", "▁b", "ony", "▁fish", "es", "▁,", "▁the", "▁sick", "le", "fin", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁s", "eld", "om", "▁travel", "s", "▁long", "▁distances", "▁and", "▁many", "▁individuals", "▁can", "▁be", "▁found", "▁year", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁round", "▁at", "▁certain", "▁locations", "▁.", "▁Like", "▁other", "▁members", "▁of", "▁its", "▁family", "▁,", "▁this", "▁species", "▁is", "▁viv", "ip", "ar", "ous", "▁,", "▁with", "▁females", "▁giving", "▁birth", "▁to", "▁no", "▁more", "▁than", "▁", "1", "3", "▁pu", "ps", "▁every", "▁other", "▁year", "▁,", "▁following", "▁a", "▁gest", "ation", "▁period", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "1", "▁months", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁they", "▁are", "▁potentially", "▁dangerous", "▁to", "▁humans", "▁and", "▁known", "▁to", "▁respond", "▁vig", "or" ]
album Mexico Recuerda a Selena ( 2005 ) . Mexican mariachi singer Alicia Villareal performed and recorded " Si Una Vez " for the live televised tribute concert Selena ¡ VIVE ! in April 2005 . American reggaeton singer Ivy Queen covered " Si Una Vez " for her fifth studio album Flashback ( 2005 ) . She said in an interview how she felt " honored to be able to cover one of Selena 's songs " . Ivy Queen chose to cover " Si Una Vez " finding it to be identifiable to her and because of the song 's message which the singer stood for . Jonathan Widran of AllMusic called her versions a " reggaetón @-@ ed up twist " . In 2010 , indie rock group Girl in a Coma recorded a punk cover of " Si Una Vez " . The group decided to record the song because it was their favorite recordings of Selena . Girl in a Coma performed the song live during the 2010 Tejano Music Awards as a homage to Selena . In April 2011 , A.B. ' s band Kumbia All @-@ Starz performed their version of the song during their tour for La Vida De Un Genio ( 2010 ) in Bolivia . Colombian singer Kali Uchis performed " Si Una Vez " at the 2015 SXSW festival . Vibe magazine found Uchis ' performance to have given them " shivers " . = = = Manny Manuel version = = = American merengue musician Manny Manuel covered the song on his debut album , El Rey de Corazones ( 1995 ) . Out of the five singles released from the album , " Si Una Vez " was Manuel 's most successful single off of the El Rey de Corazones album . The song debuted at number 29 on the United States Billboard Hot Latin Tracks and number three on the U.S. Tropical Songs chart . The following week , " Si Una Vez " rose to numbers 22 and two on the Hot Latin Songs and Tropical Songs chart , respectively . On October 14 , 1995 , the track climbed to number 21 on the Hot Latin Songs chart , while it fell to number four on the Tropical Songs chart . In its fourth week , " Si Una Vez " jumped to number 18 on the Hot Latin Songs chart , while over at the Tropical Songs chart the song rose to number three . Despite increased airplay spins , " Si Una Vez " fell to number 20 on the Hot Latin Songs chart . On November 11 , 1995 , " Si Una Vez " peaked at number one on the Tropical Songs chart for one week , reeciving airplay honors that week . = = = = Chart performance = = = = = = Credits and personnel = = All credits were taken from the album 's liner notes . = Sicklefin lemon shark = The sicklefin lemon shark , or sharptooth lemon shark ( Negaprion acutidens ) , is a species of requiem shark belonging to the family Carcharhinidae , widely distributed in the tropical waters of the Indo @-@ Pacific . It is closely related to the better @-@ known lemon shark ( N. brevirostris ) of the Americas ; the two species are almost identical in appearance , both being stout @-@ bodied sharks with broad heads , two dorsal fins of nearly equal size , and a plain yellow @-@ tinged coloration . As its common name suggests , the sicklefin lemon shark differs from its American counterpart in having more falcate ( sickle @-@ shaped ) fins . This large species grows up to 3 @.@ 8 m ( 12 ft ) long . It generally inhabits water less than 92 m ( 302 ft ) deep in a variety of habitats , from mangrove estuaries to coral reefs . A slow @-@ moving predator feeding mainly on bony fishes , the sicklefin lemon shark seldom travels long distances and many individuals can be found year @-@ round at certain locations . Like other members of its family , this species is viviparous , with females giving birth to no more than 13 pups every other year , following a gestation period of 10 – 11 months . Although they are potentially dangerous to humans and known to respond vigor
[ "ously", "▁to", "▁any", "▁prov", "ocation", "▁,", "▁under", "▁normal", "▁circumstances", "▁,", "▁sick", "le", "fin", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "arks", "▁are", "▁c", "aut", "ious", "▁and", "▁tend", "▁to", "▁retre", "at", "▁if", "▁approached", "▁.", "▁The", "▁IU", "CN", "▁has", "▁ass", "essed", "▁this", "▁species", "▁as", "▁V", "ul", "ner", "able", "▁;", "▁its", "▁low", "▁re", "product", "ive", "▁product", "ivity", "▁and", "▁rate", "▁of", "▁movement", "▁limits", "▁the", "▁capacity", "▁of", "▁de", "ple", "ted", "▁stock", "s", "▁to", "▁recover", "▁.", "▁Off", "▁India", "▁and", "▁S", "out", "heast", "▁Asia", "▁,", "▁this", "▁species", "▁has", "▁been", "▁sever", "ely", "▁de", "ple", "ted", "▁or", "▁ext", "ir", "p", "ated", "▁by", "▁un", "reg", "ulated", "▁explo", "itation", "▁for", "▁its", "▁meat", "▁,", "▁fins", "▁,", "▁and", "▁li", "ver", "▁oil", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Tax", "onomy", "▁and", "▁ph", "y", "log", "eny", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁sick", "le", "fin", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", 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"▁\"", "▁sharp", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁dens", "▁meaning", "▁\"", "▁teeth", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁sick", "le", "fin", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁may", "▁also", "▁be", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁broad", "fin", "▁sh", "ark", "▁,", "▁Indian", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁,", "▁Ind", "o", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Pacific", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁,", "▁or", "▁simply", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁.", "▁", "▁Based", "▁on", "▁mic", "ros", "at", "ellite", "▁DNA", "▁evidence", "▁,", "▁the", "▁sick", "le", "fin", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁is", "▁thought", "▁to", "▁have", "▁diver", "ged", "▁from", "▁its", "▁sister", "▁species", "▁N", ".", "▁bre", "vi", "ro", "str", "is", "▁", "1", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "▁million", "▁years", "▁ago", "▁,", "▁when", "▁the", "▁closure", "▁of", "▁the", "▁T", "eth", "ys", "▁Sea", "▁separated", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "arks", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁Ocean", "▁from", "▁those", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Atlantic", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ancest", "ral", "▁le", "mon", 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"▁depth", "▁of", "▁", "9", "2", "▁m", "▁(", "▁", "3", "0", "2", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁.", "▁This", "▁species", "▁fav", "ors", "▁still", "▁,", "▁mur", "ky", "▁waters", "▁and", "▁is", "▁most", "▁common", "▁in", "▁b", "ays", "▁,", "▁est", "u", "aries", "▁,", "▁and", "▁l", "ago", "ons", "▁,", "▁and", "▁over", "▁sand", "y", "▁fl", "ats", "▁and", "▁outer", "▁re", "ef", "s", "▁.", "▁Sometimes", "▁,", "▁an", "▁individual", "▁may", "▁vent", "ure", "▁into", "▁open", "▁water", "▁;", "▁one", "▁was", "▁fil", "med", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "1", "▁document", "ary", "▁Blue", "▁Water", "▁,", "▁White", "▁Death", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁vic", "inity", "▁of", "▁a", "▁s", "perm", "▁wh", "ale", "▁(", "▁Ph", "y", "set", "er", "▁macro", "ce", "phal", "us", "▁)", "▁car", "c", "ass", "▁.", "▁Ju", "ven", "ile", "▁sick", "le", "fin", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "arks", "▁are", "▁often", "▁found", "▁on", "▁re", "ef", "▁fl", "ats", "▁or", "▁around", "▁mang", "ro", "ves", "▁,", "▁in", "▁water", "▁so", "▁shall", "ow", "▁that", "▁their", "▁d", "ors", "al", "▁fins", "▁are", "▁exposed", "▁.", "▁In", "▁Her", "ald", "▁B", "ight", "▁off", "▁Western", "▁Australia", "▁,", "▁a", "▁known", "▁nur", "ser", "y", "▁,", "▁ju", "ven", "ile", "▁sick", "le", "fin", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "arks", "▁frequent", "▁open", "▁areas", "▁and", "▁mang", "ro", "ves", "▁in", "▁water", "▁under", "▁", "3", "▁m", "▁(", "▁", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁deep", "▁,", "▁but", "▁not", "▁areas", "▁covered", "▁by", "▁the", "▁se", "agr", "ass", "▁Pos", "id", "onia", "▁austral", "is", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Description", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁sick", "le", "fin", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁has", "▁a", "▁robust", "▁,", "▁stock", "y", "▁body", "▁and", "▁a", "▁short", "▁,", "▁broad", "▁head", "▁.", "▁The", "▁sn", "out", "▁is", "▁rounded", "▁or", "▁almost", "▁w", "edge", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sh", "aped", "▁,", "▁with", "▁small", "▁nost", "r", "ils", "▁bearing", "▁tri" ]
ously to any provocation , under normal circumstances , sicklefin lemon sharks are cautious and tend to retreat if approached . The IUCN has assessed this species as Vulnerable ; its low reproductive productivity and rate of movement limits the capacity of depleted stocks to recover . Off India and Southeast Asia , this species has been severely depleted or extirpated by unregulated exploitation for its meat , fins , and liver oil . = = Taxonomy and phylogeny = = The sicklefin lemon shark was first described as Carcharias acutidens by German naturalist Eduard Rüppell , in the 1837 Fische des Rothen Meeres ( Fishes of the Red Sea ) . In 1940 , Australian ichthyologist Gilbert Percy Whitley moved this species to his newly formed genus Negaprion . The type specimen , designated in 1960 , is a 68 @-@ cm @-@ long individual caught in the Red Sea off Jeddah , Saudi Arabia . The specific epithet acutidens is derived from the Latin acutus meaning " sharp " , and dens meaning " teeth " . The sicklefin lemon shark may also be referred to as broadfin shark , Indian lemon shark , Indo @-@ Pacific lemon shark , or simply lemon shark . Based on microsatellite DNA evidence , the sicklefin lemon shark is thought to have diverged from its sister species N. brevirostris 10 – 14 million years ago , when the closure of the Tethys Sea separated lemon sharks in the Indian Ocean from those in the Atlantic . The ancestral lemon shark species may have been N. eurybathrodon , the fossilized teeth of which occur in both the United States and Pakistan . Morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest that Negaprion is grouped with the whitetip reef shark ( Triaenodon ) and the sliteye shark ( Loxodon ) in occupying an intermediate position on the carcharhinid evolutionary tree , between the most basal genera ( Galeocerdo , Rhizoprionodon , and Scoliodon ) and the most derived ( Carcharhinus and Sphyrna ) . = = Distribution and habitat = = The range of the sicklefin lemon shark extends from South Africa to the Red Sea ( including Mauritius , the Seychelles , and Madagascar ) , continuing eastward along the coast of the Indian subcontinent to Southeast Asia , extending as far north as Taiwan and the Philippines , and as far south as New Guinea and northern Australia . This species is also found around numerous Pacific islands , including New Caledonia , Palau , the Marshall Islands , the Solomon Islands , Fiji , Vanuatu , and French Polynesia . This species likely colonized the central Pacific by infrequently " hopping " from one island to the next . Significant levels of genetic differentiation between sicklefin lemon sharks in Australia and French Polynesia , 750 km ( 470 mi ) apart , suggest that little intermingling occurs between regional subpopulations . An inhabitant of coastal continental and insular shelves , the sicklefin lemon shark occurs from the intertidal zone to a depth of 92 m ( 302 ft ) . This species favors still , murky waters and is most common in bays , estuaries , and lagoons , and over sandy flats and outer reefs . Sometimes , an individual may venture into open water ; one was filmed in the 1971 documentary Blue Water , White Death , in the vicinity of a sperm whale ( Physeter macrocephalus ) carcass . Juvenile sicklefin lemon sharks are often found on reef flats or around mangroves , in water so shallow that their dorsal fins are exposed . In Herald Bight off Western Australia , a known nursery , juvenile sicklefin lemon sharks frequent open areas and mangroves in water under 3 m ( 9 @.@ 8 ft ) deep , but not areas covered by the seagrass Posidonia australis . = = Description = = The sicklefin lemon shark has a robust , stocky body and a short , broad head . The snout is rounded or almost wedge @-@ shaped , with small nostrils bearing tri
[ "angular", "▁f", "laps", "▁of", "▁skin", "▁in", "▁front", "▁.", "▁The", "▁eyes", "▁are", "▁small", "▁,", "▁with", "▁no", "▁sp", "ira", "cles", "▁.", "▁Short", "▁fur", "rows", "▁are", "▁present", "▁at", "▁the", "▁corners", "▁of", "▁the", "▁mouth", "▁.", "▁Th", "ir", "teen", "▁to", "▁", "1", "6", "▁(", "▁usually", "▁", "1", "4", "▁)", "▁to", "oth", "▁rows", "▁occur", "▁on", "▁either", "▁side", "▁of", "▁both", "▁j", "aws", "▁,", "▁not", "▁including", "▁the", "▁tiny", "▁teeth", "▁at", "▁the", "▁sym", "ph", "ysis", "▁(", "▁the", "▁j", "aw", "▁mid", "line", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁upper", "▁teeth", "▁have", "▁a", "▁large", "▁c", "us", "p", "▁rising", "▁from", "▁a", "▁broad", "▁base", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁not", "ch", "▁on", "▁each", "▁side", "▁;", "▁these", "▁teeth", "▁become", "▁increasing", "ly", "▁ang", "led", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁corners", "▁of", "▁the", "▁mouth", "▁.", "▁The", "▁lower", "▁teeth", "▁res", "emble", "▁the", "▁upper", "▁teeth", "▁,", "▁but", "▁are", "▁nar", "ro", "wer", 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"ained", "▁by", "▁a", "▁pla", "cent", "al", "▁connection", "▁formed", "▁from", "▁their", "▁de", "ple", "ted", "▁y", "olk", "▁sac", "s", "▁.", "▁Fem", "ales", "▁give", "▁birth", "▁to", "▁one", "▁to", "▁", "1", "3", "▁(", "▁usually", "▁six", "▁to", "▁", "1", "2", "▁)", "▁pu", "ps", "▁every", "▁other", "▁year", "▁in", "▁shall", "ow", "▁nur", "ser", "y", "▁areas", "▁,", "▁following", "▁a", "▁gest", "ation", "▁period", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "1", "▁months", "▁.", "▁Un", "like", "▁in", "▁the", "▁American", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁,", "▁cant", "▁evidence", "▁indicates", "▁this", "▁species", "▁is", "▁phil", "op", "at", "ric", "▁(", "▁returns", "▁to", "▁the", "▁site", "▁of", "▁their", "▁birth", "▁to", "▁reproduce", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Part", "ur", "ition", "▁occurs", "▁in", "▁October", "▁or", "▁November", "▁at", "▁Mad", "agas", "car", "▁and", "▁Ald", "ab", "ra", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁January", "▁at", "▁French", "▁Pol" ]
angular flaps of skin in front . The eyes are small , with no spiracles . Short furrows are present at the corners of the mouth . Thirteen to 16 ( usually 14 ) tooth rows occur on either side of both jaws , not including the tiny teeth at the symphysis ( the jaw midline ) . The upper teeth have a large cusp rising from a broad base , with a notch on each side ; these teeth become increasingly angled towards the corners of the mouth . The lower teeth resemble the upper teeth , but are narrower and more erect . The teeth of sharks over 1 @.@ 4 m ( 4 @.@ 6 ft ) long are finely serrated . The fins ( especially the dorsal , pectoral , and pelvics ) of the sicklefin lemon shark are more falcate ( sickle @-@ shaped ) than those of the otherwise very similar American lemon shark . The first dorsal fin is positioned closer to the pelvic than the pectoral fins . The second dorsal fin , nearly equal to the first in size , is located over or slightly forward of the anal fin . No ridge is seen between the dorsal fins . The pectoral fins are long and broad , originating below the space between the third and fourth gill slits . The anal fin has a strong notch in the rear margin . The precaudal pit ( a cavity just forward of the caudal fin ) is oriented longitudinally . The large dermal denticles are overlapping and bear three to five horizontal ridges each . The coloration is a plain yellowish brown or gray above and lighter below , with more yellow on the fins . This species attains a maximum known length of 3 @.@ 8 m ( 12 ft ) , though it typically does not exceed 3 @.@ 1 m ( 10 ft ) . = = Biology and ecology = = A sluggish species , the sicklefin lemon shark is usually seen cruising sedately just above the sea bottom or lying still on it , as unlike most requiem sharks , it is capable of actively pumping water over its gills . However , it will approach the surface in pursuit of food . This shark seldom undertakes long @-@ distance movements . A study at Aldabra Atoll in the Seychelles found , of the tagged sharks that were later recaptured , over 90 % were still within 2 km ( 1 @.@ 2 mi ) of their initial tagging location . Another study at Moorea in French Polynesia found that some of the local sharks were year @-@ round residents of the island , while others were more transitory and visited only occasionally . Over 90 % of the sicklefin lemon shark 's diet consists of bottom- and shore @-@ dwelling teleosts , including herring , mullets , mackerel , silversides , needlefish , smelt @-@ whitings , porgies , sea catfish , triggerfish , parrotfish , and porcupinefish . Occasionally , they may also take cephalopods and crustaceans , and older individuals have been known to consume stingrays and guitarfish . This species may be preyed upon by larger sharks . Known parasites include the tapeworms Paraorygmatobothrium arnoldi , Pseudogrillotia spratti , Phoreiobothrium perilocrocodilus , and Platybothrium jondoeorum . Sicklefin lemon sharks have been documented resting on the bottom and eliciting cleanings by bluestreak cleaner wrasses ( Labroides dimidiatus ) , during which they may open their mouths and stop respiring for as long as 150 seconds to give the wrasses access to their mouths and gills . As with other members of its family , the sicklefin lemon shark is viviparous ; the developing embryos are sustained by a placental connection formed from their depleted yolk sacs . Females give birth to one to 13 ( usually six to 12 ) pups every other year in shallow nursery areas , following a gestation period of 10 – 11 months . Unlike in the American lemon shark , cant evidence indicates this species is philopatric ( returns to the site of their birth to reproduce ) . Parturition occurs in October or November at Madagascar and Aldabra , and in January at French Pol
[ "yn", "esia", "▁;", "▁ov", "ulation", "▁and", "▁m", "ating", "▁for", "▁non", "pre", "gn", "ant", "▁females", "▁takes", "▁place", "▁at", "▁around", "▁the", "▁same", "▁time", "▁.", "▁The", "▁emb", "ry", "os", "▁develop", "▁a", "▁pla", "cent", "a", "▁after", "▁around", "▁four", "▁months", "▁of", "▁gest", "ation", "▁,", "▁when", "▁they", "▁still", "▁possess", "▁v", "estig", "es", "▁of", "▁external", "▁g", "ills", "▁.", "▁The", "▁young", "▁are", "▁born", "▁at", "▁a", "▁length", "▁of", "▁", "4", "5", "▁–", "▁", "8", "0", "▁cm", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "▁–", "▁", "3", "1", "▁in", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Ju", "ven", "ile", "▁sh", "arks", "▁grow", "▁slowly", "▁,", "▁at", "▁a", "▁rate", "▁of", "▁", "1", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁–", "▁", "1", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁cm", "▁(", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁–", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁in", "▁)", "▁per", "▁year", "▁.", "▁Both", "▁sex", "es", "▁att", "ain", "▁sexual", "▁m", "atur", "ity", "▁at", "▁a", "▁length", "▁of", "▁", "2", "▁@", 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"▁recent", "▁years", "▁despite", "▁being", "▁histor", "ically", "▁abund", "ant", "▁there", "▁.", "▁Off", "▁Australia", "▁,", "▁the", "▁sick", "le", "fin", "▁le", "mon", "▁sh", "ark", "▁is", "▁taken", "▁in", "▁only", "▁small", "▁numbers", "▁intention", "ally", "▁and", "▁as", "▁by", "catch", "▁,", "▁and", "▁has", "▁been", "▁listed", "▁under", "▁Le", "ast", "▁Conc", "ern", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Fl", "amm", "ulated", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁fl", "amm", "ulated", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁(", "▁D", "elt", "ar", "h", "yn", "chus", "▁fl", "amm", "ul", "atus", "▁)", "▁is", "▁a", "▁species", "▁of", "▁bird", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Ty", "ran", "n", "idae", "▁family", "▁and", "▁is", "▁the", "▁only", "▁species", "▁in", "▁the", "▁monot", "yp", "ic", "▁genus", "▁D", "elt", "ar", "h", "yn", "chus", "▁,", "▁although", "▁it", "▁is", "▁closely", "▁related", "▁to", "▁the", "▁birds", "▁of", "▁the", "▁genus", "▁My", "i", "arch", "us", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁en", "demic", "▁to", "▁the", "▁dry", "▁decid", "uous", "▁forest", "▁,", "▁ar", "id", "▁th", "orn", "▁forest", "▁,", "▁and", "▁scr", "ub", "by", "▁wood", "land", "▁of", "▁Mexico", "▁’", "▁s", "▁Pacific", "▁coast", "▁.", "▁The", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁is", "▁an", "▁o", "live", "▁to", "▁gray", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁brown", "▁bird", "▁with", "▁a", "▁stre", "aked", "▁,", "▁pale", "▁gray", "▁ch", "est", "▁,", "▁white", "▁thro", "at", "▁,", "▁black", "▁bill", "▁,", "▁dark", "▁gray", "▁feet", "▁,", "▁and", "▁dark", "▁brown", "▁wings", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁a", "▁sk", "ul", "king", "▁bird", "▁that", "▁typically", "▁remains", "▁hidden", "▁in", "▁the", "▁under", "br", "ush", "▁.", "▁It", "▁fe", "eds", "▁by", "▁g", "lean", "ing", "▁insect", "s", "▁off", "▁of", "▁leaves", "▁and", "▁tw", "igs", "▁that", "▁it", "▁sp", "ots", "▁from", "▁an", "▁exposed", "▁per", "ch", "▁.", "▁The", "▁female", "▁l", "ays", "▁approximately", "▁three", "▁eggs", "▁in", "▁a", "▁nest", "▁made", "▁in", "▁a", "▁shall", "ow", "▁tree", "▁cav", "ity", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Tax", "onomy", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁species", "▁was", "▁first", "▁described", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "5", "▁by", "▁orn", "ith", "ologist", "▁George", "▁New", "bold", "▁Lawrence", "▁,", "▁who", "▁placed", "▁this", "▁species", "▁in", "▁the", "▁genus", "▁My", "i", "arch", "us", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "3", "▁it", "▁was", "▁split", "▁from", "▁My", "i", "arch", "us", "▁into", "▁the", "▁new", "▁,", "▁monot", "yp", "ic", "▁genus", "▁D", "elt", "ar", "h", "yn", "chus", "▁by", "▁Robert", "▁R", "id", "g", "way", "▁because", "▁of", "▁its", "▁shorter", "▁and", "▁bro", "ader", "▁bill", "▁,", "▁more", "▁rounded", "▁wings", "▁,", "▁and", "▁partially", "▁stre", "aked", "▁under", "parts", "▁.", "▁This", "▁change", "▁was", "▁u", "ph", "eld", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "1", "▁by", "▁Richard", "▁Bow", "d", "ler", "▁Sh", "ar", "pe", "▁and", "▁by", "▁subsequent", "▁authors", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1" ]
ynesia ; ovulation and mating for nonpregnant females takes place at around the same time . The embryos develop a placenta after around four months of gestation , when they still possess vestiges of external gills . The young are born at a length of 45 – 80 cm ( 18 – 31 in ) . Juvenile sharks grow slowly , at a rate of 12 @.@ 5 – 15 @.@ 5 cm ( 4 @.@ 9 – 6 @.@ 1 in ) per year . Both sexes attain sexual maturity at a length of 2 @.@ 2 – 2 @.@ 4 m ( 7 @.@ 2 – 7 @.@ 9 ft ) . = = Human interactions = = Several apparently unprovoked attacks on humans have been attributed to the sicklefin lemon shark . Due to its formidable size and teeth , it is regarded as potentially dangerous , and certainly this species has been known to defend itself quickly and vigorously if touched , speared , or otherwise provoked or alarmed . Once agitated , this shark can be a persistent adversary ; in one case , a shark forced a swimmer to seek refuge atop a coral head , and circled for hours before giving up . However , observations by divers show that normally this shark is shy and hesitant to approach , even when presented with bait . Often , the shark will move away when a diver enters visual range . Young sharks are reportedly more aggressive and inquisitive than the adults . At Moorea , sicklefin lemon sharks are the main attraction of daily shark @-@ feeding ecotourism dives . This shark adapts well to captivity and is displayed in public aquariums . The IUCN has assessed the sicklefin lemon shark globally as Vulnerable ; it is harvested using anchored and floating gillnets , beach nets , and longlines . The meat is sold fresh or dried and salted for human consumption , the fins used for shark fin soup , and the liver oil is processed for vitamins . The sicklefin lemon shark is highly susceptible to local overfishing , due to its slow reproductive rate and limited movements . Off Southeast Asia , this shark has become scarce under the pressure of expanding , unmonitored , and unregulated fisheries , and has been assessed there as Endangered by the IUCN . Widespread habitat degradation , including pollution and blast fishing on coral reefs and deforestation in mangroves , poses an additional threat to the survival of this species in the region . Already , the sicklefin lemon shark has been extirpated in parts of India and Thailand , and has not been reported from Indonesian markets in recent years despite being historically abundant there . Off Australia , the sicklefin lemon shark is taken in only small numbers intentionally and as bycatch , and has been listed under Least Concern . = Flammulated flycatcher = The flammulated flycatcher ( Deltarhynchus flammulatus ) is a species of bird in the Tyrannidae family and is the only species in the monotypic genus Deltarhynchus , although it is closely related to the birds of the genus Myiarchus . It is endemic to the dry deciduous forest , arid thorn forest , and scrubby woodland of Mexico ’ s Pacific coast . The flycatcher is an olive to gray @-@ brown bird with a streaked , pale gray chest , white throat , black bill , dark gray feet , and dark brown wings . It is a skulking bird that typically remains hidden in the underbrush . It feeds by gleaning insects off of leaves and twigs that it spots from an exposed perch . The female lays approximately three eggs in a nest made in a shallow tree cavity . = = Taxonomy = = The species was first described in 1875 by ornithologist George Newbold Lawrence , who placed this species in the genus Myiarchus . However , in 1893 it was split from Myiarchus into the new , monotypic genus Deltarhynchus by Robert Ridgway because of its shorter and broader bill , more rounded wings , and partially streaked underparts . This change was upheld in 1901 by Richard Bowdler Sharpe and by subsequent authors . However , in 1
[ "9", "7", "7", "▁orn", "ith", "ologist", "▁Mel", "vin", "▁Al", "v", "ah", "▁T", "ray", "lor", "▁Jr", "▁.", "▁,", "▁while", "▁u", "ph", "old", "ing", "▁its", "▁status", "▁as", "▁a", "▁monot", "yp", "ic", "▁genus", "▁,", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁species", "▁should", "▁be", "▁l", "ump", "ed", "▁back", "▁into", "▁My", "i", "arch", "us", "▁if", "▁its", "▁nest", "ing", "▁hab", "its", "▁were", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁those", "▁of", "▁that", "▁genus", "▁.", "▁These", "▁doub", "ts", "▁were", "▁put", "▁to", "▁rest", "▁by", "▁Wes", "ley", "▁L", "any", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁research", "▁of", "▁the", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "9", "▁,", "▁which", "▁confirmed", "▁the", "▁bird", "▁'", "s", "▁pla", "cement", "▁in", "▁a", "▁monot", "yp", "ic", "▁genus", "▁.", "▁", "▁D", "elt", "ar", "h", "yn", "chus", "▁is", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁the", "▁genus", "▁My", "i", "arch", "us", "▁,", "▁but", "▁is", "▁distinguished", "▁from", "▁it", "▁by", "▁a", "▁bro", "ader", "▁and", "▁shorter", "▁bill", "▁,", "▁more", "▁rounded", "▁wings", "▁,", "▁a", "▁different", "▁face", "▁pattern", "▁,", "▁pale", "▁c", "inn", "am", "on", "▁wing", "▁and", "▁tail", "▁ed", "g", "ings", "▁,", "▁voice", "▁,", "▁stre", "aking", "▁on", "▁the", "▁ch", "est", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁bird", "▁'", "s", "▁sk", "ul", "king", "▁hab", "its", "▁.", "▁The", "▁fl", "amm", "ulated", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁'", "s", "▁generic", "▁name", "▁is", "▁derived", "▁from", "▁the", "▁An", "cient", "▁Greek", "▁words", "▁delta", "▁,", "▁which", "▁means", "▁\"", "▁delta", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sh", "aped", "▁\"", "▁or", "▁,", "▁in", "▁this", "▁case", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁w", "edge", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁rh", "yn", "chos", "▁,", "▁which", "▁means", "▁\"", "▁be", "ak", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Its", "▁specific", "▁ep", "ith", "et", "▁is", "▁derived", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Latin", "▁word", "▁fl", "amm", "ula", "▁,", "▁which", "▁means", "▁\"", "▁little", "▁fl", "ame", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁has", "▁no", "▁sub", "species", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Description", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁fl", "amm", "ulated", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁is", "▁approximately", "▁", "6", "▁to", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁inches", "▁(", "▁", "1", "5", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁cm", "▁)", "▁in", "▁length", "▁and", "▁has", "▁a", "▁chunk", "y", "▁body", "▁.", "▁Ad", "ult", "▁males", "▁and", "▁females", "▁are", "▁similar", "▁in", "▁pl", "um", "age", "▁,", "▁with", "▁each", "▁possess", "ing", "▁o", "live", "▁to", "▁a", "▁worn", "▁gray", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁brown", "▁upper", "parts", "▁and", "▁head", "▁.", "▁A", "▁wh", "it", "ish", "▁su", "pr", "al", "oral", "▁stri", "pe", "▁and", "▁cres", "cent", "▁are", "▁behind", "▁the", "▁bird", "▁'", "s", "▁eyes", "▁.", "▁It", "▁also", "▁has", "▁a", "▁dus", "ky", "▁l", "ore", "▁.", "▁The", "▁thro", "at", "▁is", "▁wh", "it", "ish", "▁and", "▁the", "▁ch", "est", "▁is", "▁a", "▁pale", "▁gray", "▁with", "▁incon", "sp", "ic", "uous", "▁dus", "ky", "▁stre", "aking", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁bel", "ly", "▁and", "▁undert", "ail", "▁cover", "ts", "▁are", "▁a", "▁pale", "▁yellow", "▁.", "▁Additionally", "▁,", "▁this", "▁species", "▁has", "▁dark", "▁brown", "▁,", "▁well", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁rounded", "▁wings", "▁with", "▁pale", "▁c", "inn", "am", "on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ed", "ged", "▁cover", "ts", "▁and", "▁rem", "iges", "▁.", "▁The", "▁wings", "▁are", "▁about", "▁", "3", "▁inches", "▁(", "▁", "7", "6", "▁mm", "▁)", "▁long", "▁.", "▁The", "▁tail", "▁is", "▁also", "▁a", "▁dark", "▁brown", "▁ed", "ged", "▁with", "▁a", "▁narrow", "▁band", "▁of", "▁pale", "▁c", "inn", "am", "on", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁bare", "ly", "▁shorter", "▁than", "▁the", "▁wing", "▁and", "▁slightly", "▁rounded", "▁.", "▁The", "▁bird", "▁'", "s", "▁bill", "▁is", "▁black", "▁,", "▁broad", "▁,", "▁and", "▁tri", "angular", "▁with", "▁a", "▁slightly", "▁pal", "er", "▁base", "▁and", "▁about", "▁half", "▁the", "▁length", "▁of", "▁the", "▁its", "▁head", "▁.", "▁The", "▁legs", "▁are", "▁a", "▁dark", "▁gray", "▁and", "▁end", "▁with", "▁large", "▁,", "▁cur", "ved", "▁,", "▁and", "▁sharp", "▁cla", "ws", "▁.", "▁It", "▁has", "▁an", "▁orange", "▁mouth", "▁and", "▁a", "▁brown", "▁eye", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ju", "ven", "ile", "▁is", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁the", "▁adult", "▁,", "▁although", "▁the", "▁tail", "▁has", "▁a", "▁broad", "▁band", "▁of", "▁pale", "▁c", "inn", "am", "on", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁V", "ocal", "ization", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁fl", "amm", "ulated", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁mostly", "▁s", "ings", "▁from", "▁April", "▁to", "▁August", "▁,", "▁which", "▁includes", "▁its", "▁bre", "eding", "▁season", "▁,", "▁and", "▁tends", "▁to", "▁remain", "▁hidden", "▁while", "▁singing", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁of", "▁the", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁is", "▁a", "▁pla", "int", "ive", "▁wh", "ist", "le", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁short", "▁but", "▁quick", "▁roll", "▁.", "▁It", "▁can", "▁also", "▁give", "▁a", "▁pla", "int", "ive", "▁and", "▁sl", "ur", "red", "▁che", "w", "▁call", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁often", "▁s", "ung", "▁three", "▁to", "▁five", "▁times", "▁in", "▁a", "▁desc", "ending", "▁series", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁a", "▁s", "que", "ak", "y", "▁ch", "atter", "▁.", "▁C", "alls", "▁are", "▁the", "▁same", "▁for", "▁males", "▁and", "▁females", "▁and", "▁are", "▁given", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁day", "▁to", "▁give", "▁a", "▁location", "▁,", "▁identify", "▁an", "▁individual", "▁,", "▁sound", "▁an", "▁alarm", "▁,", "▁and", "▁mark", "▁the", "▁limits", "▁of", "▁a", "▁territory", "▁,", "▁among", "▁other", "▁functions", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁bre", "eding", "▁season", "▁,", "▁males", "▁give", "▁what", "▁is", "▁known", "▁as", "▁a", "▁dawn", "▁song", "▁every", "▁morning", "▁,", "▁which", "▁includes", "▁the", "▁calls", "▁che", "e", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁be", "e", "▁be", "et", "▁and", "▁ch", "urr", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁r", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁r", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁be", "e", "▁be", "e", "▁in", "▁altern", "ation", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Distribution", "▁and", "▁habitat", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁This", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁is", "▁en", "demic", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Pacific", "▁low", "lands", "▁of", "▁Mexico", "▁'", "s", "▁western", "▁coast", "▁from", "▁S", "inal", "oa", "▁to", "▁western", "▁Ch", "ia", "pas", "▁,", "▁while", "▁possibly", "▁extending", "▁into", "▁Gu", "atem", "ala", "▁,", "▁although", "▁this", "▁has", "▁not", "▁been", "▁confirmed", "▁.", "▁The", "▁total", "▁area", "▁that", "▁it", "▁lives", "▁in", "▁is", "▁estimated", "▁to", "▁be", "▁", "6", "6", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁km", "2", "▁(", "▁", "2", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "4", "8", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "▁sq", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Its", "▁range", "▁is", "▁dis", "continu", "ous", "▁and", "▁it", "▁is", "▁found", "▁in", "▁low", "▁dens", "ities", "▁when", "▁present", "▁.", "▁It", "▁lives", "▁in", "▁dry", "▁decid", "uous", "▁forest", "▁,", "▁ar", "id", "▁and", "▁semi", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ar", "id", "▁th", "orn", "▁forest", "▁,", "▁and", "▁scr", "ub", "by", "▁wood", "land", "▁at", "▁about", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "0", "0", "▁meters", "▁(", "▁", "3", "2", "8", "0", "▁–", "▁", "4", "5", "9", "3", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁above", "▁sea", "▁level", "▁.", "▁This", "▁species", "▁is", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁mig", "rat", "ory", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Status", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁fl", "amm", "ulated", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁is", "▁listed", "▁as", "▁being", "▁of", "▁least", "▁concern", "▁on", "▁the", "▁IU", "CN", "▁Red", "▁List", "▁due", "▁to", "▁its", "▁large", "▁range", "▁and", "▁the", "▁belief", "▁that", "▁the", "▁total", "▁population", "▁numbers", "▁over", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁individuals", "▁;", "▁however", "▁,", "▁no", "▁precise", "▁estimate", "▁on", "▁the", "▁bird", "▁'", "s", "▁population", "▁exists", "▁.", "▁While", "▁the", "▁species", "▁is", "▁known" ]
977 ornithologist Melvin Alvah Traylor Jr . , while upholding its status as a monotypic genus , said that the species should be lumped back into Myiarchus if its nesting habits were similar to those of that genus . These doubts were put to rest by Wesley Lanyon 's research of the flycatcher in 1979 , which confirmed the bird 's placement in a monotypic genus . Deltarhynchus is similar to the genus Myiarchus , but is distinguished from it by a broader and shorter bill , more rounded wings , a different face pattern , pale cinnamon wing and tail edgings , voice , streaking on the chest , and the bird 's skulking habits . The flammulated flycatcher 's generic name is derived from the Ancient Greek words delta , which means " delta @-@ shaped " or , in this case , " wedge " , and rhynchos , which means " beak " . Its specific epithet is derived from the Latin word flammula , which means " little flame " . The flycatcher has no subspecies . = = Description = = The flammulated flycatcher is approximately 6 to 6 @.@ 5 inches ( 15 @-@ 16 @.@ 5 cm ) in length and has a chunky body . Adult males and females are similar in plumage , with each possessing olive to a worn gray @-@ brown upperparts and head . A whitish supraloral stripe and crescent are behind the bird 's eyes . It also has a dusky lore . The throat is whitish and the chest is a pale gray with inconspicuous dusky streaking , while the belly and undertail coverts are a pale yellow . Additionally , this species has dark brown , well @-@ rounded wings with pale cinnamon @-@ edged coverts and remiges . The wings are about 3 inches ( 76 mm ) long . The tail is also a dark brown edged with a narrow band of pale cinnamon . It is barely shorter than the wing and slightly rounded . The bird 's bill is black , broad , and triangular with a slightly paler base and about half the length of the its head . The legs are a dark gray and end with large , curved , and sharp claws . It has an orange mouth and a brown eye . The juvenile is similar to the adult , although the tail has a broad band of pale cinnamon . = = = Vocalization = = = The flammulated flycatcher mostly sings from April to August , which includes its breeding season , and tends to remain hidden while singing . The song of the flycatcher is a plaintive whistle followed by a short but quick roll . It can also give a plaintive and slurred chew call , which is often sung three to five times in a descending series , as well as a squeaky chatter . Calls are the same for males and females and are given throughout the day to give a location , identify an individual , sound an alarm , and mark the limits of a territory , among other functions . During the breeding season , males give what is known as a dawn song every morning , which includes the calls chee @-@ bee beet and churr @-@ r @-@ r @-@ bee bee in alternation . = = Distribution and habitat = = This flycatcher is endemic to the Pacific lowlands of Mexico 's western coast from Sinaloa to western Chiapas , while possibly extending into Guatemala , although this has not been confirmed . The total area that it lives in is estimated to be 66 @,@ 000 km2 ( 25 @,@ 482 @.@ 7 sq mi ) . Its range is discontinuous and it is found in low densities when present . It lives in dry deciduous forest , arid and semi @-@ arid thorn forest , and scrubby woodland at about 1000 – 1400 meters ( 3280 – 4593 ft ) above sea level . This species is non @-@ migratory . = = = Status = = = The flammulated flycatcher is listed as being of least concern on the IUCN Red List due to its large range and the belief that the total population numbers over 10 @,@ 000 individuals ; however , no precise estimate on the bird 's population exists . While the species is known
[ "▁to", "▁be", "▁un", "common", "▁in", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁its", "▁range", "▁,", "▁its", "▁population", "▁is", "▁not", "▁believed", "▁to", "▁be", "▁decl", "ining", "▁enough", "▁to", "▁pass", "▁the", "▁threshold", "▁of", "▁", "3", "0", "▁%", "▁in", "▁ten", "▁years", "▁or", "▁three", "▁gener", "ations", "▁necessary", "▁to", "▁be", "▁listed", "▁as", "▁near", "▁threatened", "▁,", "▁although", "▁the", "▁exact", "▁population", "▁tr", "ends", "▁also", "▁have", "▁not", "▁been", "▁quant", "ified", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁E", "col", "ogy", "▁and", "▁behavior", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁This", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁is", "▁a", "▁sl", "ugg", "ish", "▁and", "▁sk", "ul", "king", "▁species", "▁that", "▁usually", "▁remains", "▁in", "▁the", "▁under", "br", "ush", "▁.", "▁When", "▁excited", "▁either", "▁by", "▁an", "▁intr", "uder", "▁or", "▁when", "▁attempting", "▁to", "▁attract", "▁a", "▁mate", "▁,", "▁this", "▁species", "▁ra", "ises", "▁the", "▁fe", "athers", "▁on", "▁its", "▁crown", "▁to", "▁form", "▁what", "▁appears", "▁to", "▁be", "▁a", "▁cr", "est", "▁;", "▁however", "▁,", "▁unlike", "▁the", "▁closely", "▁related", "▁genus", "▁My", "i", "arch", "us", "▁,", "▁it", "▁does", "▁not", "▁b", "ob", "▁its", "▁head", "▁while", "▁displaying", "▁the", "▁cr", "est", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Fe", "eding", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁fl", "amm", "ulated", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁for", "ages", "▁by", "▁per", "ch", "ing", "▁on", "▁an", "▁open", "▁branch", "▁and", "▁looking", "▁out", "ward", "▁and", "▁down", "ward", "▁for", "▁pre", "y", "▁,", "▁which", "▁primarily", "▁consists", "▁of", "▁insect", "s", "▁.", "▁Once", "▁it", "▁sp", "ots", "▁a", "▁potential", "▁me", "al", "▁,", "▁the", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁rapidly", "▁and", "▁directly", "▁f", "lies", "▁at", "▁the", "▁insect", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁normally", "▁on", "▁the", "▁exposed", "▁upper", "▁surface", "▁of", "▁a", "▁leaf", "▁or", "▁tw", "ig", "▁.", "▁It", "▁ho", "vers", "▁briefly", "▁before", "▁the", "▁insect", "▁before", "▁gra", "bb", "ing", "▁it", "▁in", "▁its", "▁be", "ak", "▁and", "▁flying", "▁away", "▁to", "▁typically", "▁a", "▁new", "▁per", "ch", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁fly", "catch", "er", "▁bre", "eds", "▁around", "▁June", "▁of", "▁each", "▁year", "▁.", "▁It", "▁n", "ests", "▁in", "▁shall", "ow", "▁tree", "▁cav", "ities", "▁that", "▁are", "▁surprising", "ly", "▁close", "▁to", "▁the", "▁ground", "▁,", "▁at", "▁approximately", "▁", "9", "0", "▁cent", "im", "eters", "▁above", "▁it", "▁.", "▁The", "▁nest", "▁is", "▁sh", "aped", "▁like", "▁a", "▁cup", "▁and", "▁is", "▁composed", "▁of", "▁fine", "▁veget", "able", "▁fib", "ers", "▁,", "▁d", "ried", "▁leaves", "▁,", "▁and", "▁sh", "red", "ded", "▁b", "ark", "▁.", "▁Un", "like", "▁the", "▁similar", "▁My", "i", "arch", "us", "▁fly", "catch", "ers", "▁,", "▁it", "▁does", "▁not", "▁use", "▁sn", "akes", "kin", "▁or", "▁other", "▁materials", "▁to", "▁build", "▁its", "▁nest", "▁.", "▁The", "▁female", "▁l", "ays", "▁three", "▁eggs", "▁that", "▁are", "▁cre", "amy", "▁to", "▁p", "ink", "ish", "▁in", "▁color", "▁and", "▁are", "▁decor", "ated", "▁with", "▁brown", "▁and", "▁gray", "▁s", "plot", "ches", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Ontario", "▁Highway", "▁", "8", "9", "▁=", "▁", "▁King", "▁'", "s", "▁Highway", "▁", "8", "9", "▁,", "▁commonly", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁Highway", "▁", "8", "9", "▁,", "▁is", "▁an", "▁east", "▁–", "▁west", "▁prov", "inci", "ally", "▁maintained", "▁highway", "▁in", "▁the", "▁south", "western", "▁portion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Canadian", "▁province", "▁of", "▁Ontario", "▁,", "▁stretch", "ing", "▁", "1", "0", "7", "▁kilometres", "▁(", "▁", "6", "6", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁from", "▁the", "▁j", "unction", "▁of", "▁Highway", "▁", "9", "▁and", "▁Highway", "▁", "2", "3", "▁in", "▁Har", "rist", "on", "▁in", "▁the", "▁west", "▁,", "▁to", "▁Highway", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁just", "▁east", "▁of", "▁Cook", "st", "own", "▁in", "▁the", "▁east", "▁.", "▁The", "▁principal", "▁urban", "▁cent", "res", "▁along", "▁the", "▁highway", "▁include", "▁All", "ist", "on", "▁,", "▁Sh", "el", "bur", "ne", "▁and", "▁Mount", "▁Forest", "▁.", "▁Out", "side", "▁of", "▁these", "▁towns", "▁,", "▁the", "▁highway", "▁travel", "s", "▁through", "▁rural", "▁far", "ml", "and", "▁across", "▁a", "▁large", "▁part", "▁of", "▁south", "western", "▁Ontario", "▁.", "▁", "▁Highway", "▁", "8", "9", "▁was", "▁established", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁as", "▁a", "▁result", "▁of", "▁the", "▁r", "er", "out", "ing", "▁of", "▁Highway", "▁", "9", "▁between", "▁Orange", "ville", "▁and", "▁Highway", "▁", "2", "7", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁route", "▁was", "▁extended", "▁west", "▁to", "▁Pal", "mer", "ston", "▁and", "▁east", "▁to", "▁Highway", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁Pl", "ans", "▁were", "▁conce", "ived", "▁during", "▁the", "▁late", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "s", "▁to", "▁push", "▁the", "▁highway", "▁further", "▁east", "▁to", "▁Highway", "▁", "1", "2", "▁via", "▁Rav", "ens", "ho", "e", "▁Road", "▁,", "▁resulting", "▁in", "▁a", "▁brief", "▁extension", "▁to", "▁Highway", "▁", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁environmental", "▁protest", "▁over", "▁the", "▁chosen", "▁route", "▁through", "▁the", "▁Holland", "▁Marsh", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁the", "▁can", "cellation", "▁of", "▁plans", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "6", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁,", "▁the", "▁section", "▁between", "▁Highway", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁and", "▁Highway", "▁", "1", "1", "▁was", "▁de", "comm", "ission", "ed", "▁.", "▁The", "▁most", "▁recent", "▁change", "▁to", "▁the", "▁route", "▁took", "▁place", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁,", "▁when", "▁the", "▁section", "▁of", "▁Highway", "▁", "8", "9", "▁between", "▁Pal", "mer", "ston", "▁and", "▁Har", "rist", "on", "▁was", "▁ren", "umber", "ed", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁Highway", "▁", "2", "3", "▁,", "▁creating", "▁a", "▁shared", "▁termin", "us", "▁at", "▁a", "▁j", "unction", "▁with", "▁Highway", "▁", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Route", "▁description", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁route", "▁forms", "▁the", "▁main", "▁streets", "▁of", "▁several", "▁of", "▁the", "▁small", "▁towns", "▁that", "▁dot", "▁the", "▁highway", "▁east", "▁to", "▁west", "▁,", "▁namely", "▁Cook", "st", "own", "▁,", "▁All", "ist", "on", "▁and", "▁Sh", "el", "bur", "ne", "▁.", "▁The", "▁highway", "▁also", "▁forms", "▁the", "▁back", "bone", "▁of", "▁many", "▁small", "▁villages", "▁and", "▁ham", "lets", "▁between", "▁the", "▁larger", "▁cent", "res", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁Con", "n", "▁,", "▁K", "eld", "on", "▁,", "▁Prim", "rose", "▁,", "▁V", "io", "let", "▁Hill", "▁,", "▁Ros", "em", "ont", "▁and", "▁Nicol", "ston", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁highway", "▁formerly", "▁continued", "▁past", "▁its", "▁current", "▁eastern", "▁termin", "us", "▁at", "▁Highway", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁to", "▁Y", "on", "ge", "▁Street", "▁,", "▁formerly", "▁Highway", "▁", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ham", "let", "▁of", "▁F", "enn", "ell", "▁.", "▁This", "▁section", "▁is", "▁now", "▁number", "ed", "▁as", "▁Sim", "co", "e", "▁County", "▁Route", "▁", "3", "▁and", "▁known", "▁locally", "▁as", "▁Sh", "ore", "▁Ac", "res", "▁Drive", "▁.", "▁The", "▁highway", "▁also", "▁continued", "▁past", "▁its", "▁current", "▁western", "▁termin", "us", "▁in", "▁Har", "rist", "on", "▁,", "▁taking", "▁the", "▁route", "▁to", "▁Pal", "mer", "ston", "▁that", "▁is", "▁now", "▁number", "ed", "▁as", "▁Highway", "▁", "2", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁highway", "▁mostly", "▁runs", "▁through", "▁far", "ml", "and", "▁and", "▁small", "▁communities", "▁,", "▁although", "▁the", "▁route", "▁does", "▁pass", "▁by", "▁Earl", "▁R", "owe", "▁Provin", "cial", "▁Park", "▁and", "▁the", "▁H", "onda", "▁car", "▁manufact", "uring", "▁plant", "▁in", "▁the", "▁All", "ist", "on", "▁area", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁par", "ks", "▁and", "▁natural", "▁areas", "▁that", "▁are", "▁close", "▁to", "▁the", "▁route", "▁are", "▁Boy", "ne", "▁Valley", "▁Provin", "cial", "▁Park", "▁and", "▁Mon", "o", "▁Cl", "iffs", "▁Provin", "cial", "▁Park", "▁,", "▁both", "▁of", "▁which", "▁are", "▁located", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Ni", "ag", "ara", "▁Esc", "arp", "ment", "▁.", "▁Further", "▁west", "▁is", "▁the", "▁Luther", "▁Marsh", "▁Conserv", "ation", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁a" ]
to be uncommon in parts of its range , its population is not believed to be declining enough to pass the threshold of 30 % in ten years or three generations necessary to be listed as near threatened , although the exact population trends also have not been quantified . = = Ecology and behavior = = This flycatcher is a sluggish and skulking species that usually remains in the underbrush . When excited either by an intruder or when attempting to attract a mate , this species raises the feathers on its crown to form what appears to be a crest ; however , unlike the closely related genus Myiarchus , it does not bob its head while displaying the crest . = = = Feeding = = = The flammulated flycatcher forages by perching on an open branch and looking outward and downward for prey , which primarily consists of insects . Once it spots a potential meal , the flycatcher rapidly and directly flies at the insect , which is normally on the exposed upper surface of a leaf or twig . It hovers briefly before the insect before grabbing it in its beak and flying away to typically a new perch . = = = Reproduction = = = The flycatcher breeds around June of each year . It nests in shallow tree cavities that are surprisingly close to the ground , at approximately 90 centimeters above it . The nest is shaped like a cup and is composed of fine vegetable fibers , dried leaves , and shredded bark . Unlike the similar Myiarchus flycatchers , it does not use snakeskin or other materials to build its nest . The female lays three eggs that are creamy to pinkish in color and are decorated with brown and gray splotches . = Ontario Highway 89 = King 's Highway 89 , commonly referred to as Highway 89 , is an east – west provincially maintained highway in the southwestern portion of the Canadian province of Ontario , stretching 107 kilometres ( 66 mi ) from the junction of Highway 9 and Highway 23 in Harriston in the west , to Highway 400 just east of Cookstown in the east . The principal urban centres along the highway include Alliston , Shelburne and Mount Forest . Outside of these towns , the highway travels through rural farmland across a large part of southwestern Ontario . Highway 89 was established in 1937 as a result of the rerouting of Highway 9 between Orangeville and Highway 27 . In 1963 , the route was extended west to Palmerston and east to Highway 400 . Plans were conceived during the late 1970s to push the highway further east to Highway 12 via Ravenshoe Road , resulting in a brief extension to Highway 11 . However , environmental protest over the chosen route through the Holland Marsh resulted in the cancellation of plans in 1986 . In 1997 , the section between Highway 400 and Highway 11 was decommissioned . The most recent change to the route took place in 2003 , when the section of Highway 89 between Palmerston and Harriston was renumbered as part of Highway 23 , creating a shared terminus at a junction with Highway 9 . = = Route description = = The route forms the main streets of several of the small towns that dot the highway east to west , namely Cookstown , Alliston and Shelburne . The highway also forms the backbone of many small villages and hamlets between the larger centres , such as Conn , Keldon , Primrose , Violet Hill , Rosemont and Nicolston . The highway formerly continued past its current eastern terminus at Highway 400 to Yonge Street , formerly Highway 11 , in the hamlet of Fennell . This section is now numbered as Simcoe County Route 3 and known locally as Shore Acres Drive . The highway also continued past its current western terminus in Harriston , taking the route to Palmerston that is now numbered as Highway 23 . The highway mostly runs through farmland and small communities , although the route does pass by Earl Rowe Provincial Park and the Honda car manufacturing plant in the Alliston area . Other parks and natural areas that are close to the route are Boyne Valley Provincial Park and Mono Cliffs Provincial Park , both of which are located on the Niagara Escarpment . Further west is the Luther Marsh Conservation Area , a
[ "▁vast", "▁w", "ilder", "ness", "▁area", "▁that", "▁surr", "ounds", "▁Luther", "▁Lake", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Highway", "▁", "8", "9", "▁was", "▁created", "▁out", "▁of", "▁a", "▁highway", "▁r", "er", "out", "ing", "▁in", "▁the", "▁late", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁Origin", "ally", "▁,", "▁it", "▁formed", "▁the", "▁routing", "▁of", "▁Highway", "▁", "9", "▁,", "▁which", "▁until", "▁then", "▁turned", "▁north", "▁at", "▁Orange", "ville", "▁,", "▁trav", "elling", "▁concurrent", "ly", "▁with", "▁Highway", "▁", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁then", "▁turning", "▁east", "▁to", "▁Cook", "st", "own", "▁.", "▁On", "▁February", "▁", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁,", "▁Highway", "▁", "9", "▁was", "▁r", "er", "out", "ed", "▁along", "▁its", "▁present", "▁course", "▁east", "▁of", "▁Orange", "ville", "▁.", "▁By", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "8", "▁,", "▁Highway", "▁", "8", "9", "▁was", "▁designated", "▁along", "▁the", "▁former", "▁route", "▁of", "▁Highway", "▁", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁Highway", "▁", "8", "9", "▁remained", "▁as", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁is", "▁until", "▁the", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁when", "▁it", "▁was", "▁extended", "▁west", "▁to", "▁Pal", "mer", "ston", "▁and", "▁east", "▁to", "▁Highway", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁On", "▁April", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁highway", "▁was", "▁assumed", "▁through", "▁the", "▁count", "ies", "▁of", "▁D", "uffer", "in", "▁,", "▁Grey", "▁and", "▁Well", "ington", "▁.", "▁The", "▁section", "▁between", "▁Highway", "▁", "2", "7", "▁and", "▁Highway", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁was", "▁assumed", "▁the", "▁following", "▁day", "▁.", "▁", "▁During", "▁the", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁Highway", "▁", "8", "9", "▁was", "▁extended", "▁east", "▁to", "▁Highway", "▁", "1", "1", "▁at", "▁F", "enn", "ell", "▁.", "▁This", "▁section", "▁was", "▁eventually", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁juris", "diction", "▁of", "▁Sim", "co", "e", "▁County", 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"▁criticism", "▁of", "▁the", "▁video", "▁game", "▁industry", "▁.", "▁During", "▁his", "▁time", "▁at", "▁", "1", "UP", "▁the", "▁site", "▁developed", "▁a", "▁greater", "▁profile", "▁and", "▁stepped", "▁out", "▁of", "▁its", "▁sister", "▁publication", "▁'", "s", "▁shadow", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Smith", "▁grew", "▁fr", "ustr", "ated", "▁with", "▁the", "▁contemporary", "▁state", "▁of", "▁g", "aming", "▁news", "▁and", "▁what", "▁he", "▁considered", "▁manip", "ulation", "▁of", "▁journal", "ists", "▁and", "▁readers", "▁into", "▁accepting", "▁prom", "ot", "ional", "▁material", "▁as", "▁news", "▁.", "▁In", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁he", "▁left", "▁", "1", "UP", "▁to", "▁become", "▁a", "▁B", "ung", "ie", "▁writer", "▁and", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁host", "▁of", "▁the", "▁developer", "▁'", "s", "▁pod", "cast", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Smith", "▁gradually", "▁entered", "▁into", "▁game", "▁journal", "ism", "▁while", "▁working", "▁on", "▁an", "▁English", "▁Liter", "ature", "▁degree", "▁at", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁Michigan", "▁,", "▁writing", "▁about", "▁media", "▁in", "▁the", "▁college", "▁newspaper", "▁.", "▁After", "▁gradu", "ation", "▁,", "▁he", "▁worked", "▁for", "▁week", "ly", "▁papers", "▁in", "▁D", "ear", "born", "▁and", "▁Detroit", "▁,", "▁Michigan", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Real", "▁Detroit", "▁Week", "ly", "▁.", "▁", "▁C", "live", "▁Thompson", "▁,", "▁a", "▁games", "▁writer", "▁with", "▁S", "late", "▁,", "▁interact", "ed", "▁with", "▁Smith", "▁over", "▁A", "OL", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁M", "essen", "ger", "▁and", "▁the", "▁two", "▁began", "▁to", "▁b", "ounce", "▁ideas", "▁off", "▁of", "▁each", "▁other", "▁for", "▁their", "▁respective", "▁writing", "▁projects", "▁;", "▁when", "▁games", "▁blog", "▁Kot", "aku", "▁started", "▁to", "▁expand", "▁from", "▁one", "▁writer", "▁(", "▁founder", "▁Brian", "▁Cre", "cente", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Thompson", "▁recommended", "▁Smith", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁cred", "its", "▁his", "▁time", "▁at", "▁Kot", "aku", "▁for", "▁helping", "▁him", "▁come", "▁into", "▁his", "▁own", "▁,", "▁develop", "▁his", "▁style", "▁and", "▁learn", "▁about", "▁att", "ribution", "▁and", "▁cit", "ing", "▁sources", "▁,", "▁but", "▁he", "▁left", "▁after", "▁a" ]
vast wilderness area that surrounds Luther Lake . = = History = = Highway 89 was created out of a highway rerouting in the late 1930s . Originally , it formed the routing of Highway 9 , which until then turned north at Orangeville , travelling concurrently with Highway 10 , then turning east to Cookstown . On February 10 , 1937 , Highway 9 was rerouted along its present course east of Orangeville . By 1938 , Highway 89 was designated along the former route of Highway 9 . Highway 89 remained as @-@ is until the early 1960s , when it was extended west to Palmerston and east to Highway 400 . On April 1 , 1963 , the highway was assumed through the counties of Dufferin , Grey and Wellington . The section between Highway 27 and Highway 400 was assumed the following day . During the mid @-@ 1970s , Highway 89 was extended east to Highway 11 at Fennell . This section was eventually returned to the jurisdiction of Simcoe County on April 1 , 1997 . During the spring of 2003 , the MTO renumbered several highways to improve route continuity . Among these was the renumbering of a section of Highway 89 between Harriston and Palmerston . The result of this renumbering was a shared terminus between Highway 89 and Highway 23 at an intersection with Highway 9 . = = = Extension to Highway 12 = = = During the late 1970s , plans arose to create a new highway link on the south side of Lake Simcoe to connect Highway 400 and Highway 12 . The route for this extension was announced on June 30 , 1978 . It was to follow 11th Line from Highway 400 east to the Holland Marsh , where it would cross towards the northeast onto the alignment of Ravenshoe Road ( York Road 32 ) . The extension would traverse the length of Ravenshoe Road to Lakeridge Road ( Durham Road 23 ) , where it would zig @-@ zag onto Concession Road 7 to end immediately north of Sunderland . However , heavy environmental protests ensued over the chosen route through the marsh . Consequently , then Transportation Minister Ed Fulton officially cancelled the extension on April 21 , 1986 . The proposal has since been reborn as the Bradford Bypass . = = Major intersections = = The following table lists the major junctions along Highway 89 , as noted by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario . = Luke Smith ( writer ) = Luke Michael Smith is an American writer . He is a staff member at Bungie , a video game development company , and is a former video games journalist . Smith wrote for a college newspaper and weekly papers in Michigan before being hired as one of the first new freelance writers for Kotaku . At Kotaku , Smith developed his writing style but soon left the site for a staff position as 's news editor . Smith made a name for himself at 1UP , particularly through an article he wrote focusing on problems with the game Halo 2 . Smith was known for his direct approach to game journalism and scathing criticism of the video game industry . During his time at 1UP the site developed a greater profile and stepped out of its sister publication 's shadow , but Smith grew frustrated with the contemporary state of gaming news and what he considered manipulation of journalists and readers into accepting promotional material as news . In April 2007 he left 1UP to become a Bungie writer and co @-@ host of the developer 's podcast . = = Early career = = Smith gradually entered into game journalism while working on an English Literature degree at the University of Michigan , writing about media in the college newspaper . After graduation , he worked for weekly papers in Dearborn and Detroit , Michigan , including Real Detroit Weekly . Clive Thompson , a games writer with Slate , interacted with Smith over AOL Instant Messenger and the two began to bounce ideas off of each other for their respective writing projects ; when games blog Kotaku started to expand from one writer ( founder Brian Crecente ) , Thompson recommended Smith . Smith credits his time at Kotaku for helping him come into his own , develop his style and learn about attribution and citing sources , but he left after a
[ "▁short", "▁period", "▁of", "▁time", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁At", "▁the", "▁time", "▁stories", "▁(", "▁on", "▁Kot", "aku", "▁)", "▁were", "▁unsigned", "▁.", "▁Kot", "aku", "▁was", "▁like", "▁the", "▁Brian", "▁Cre", "cente", "▁vision", "▁.", "▁If", "▁I", "▁posted", "▁something", "▁or", "▁[", "▁fellow", "▁writer", "▁Brian", "▁Ash", "craft", "▁]", "▁did", "▁people", "▁thought", "▁[", "▁Cre", "cente", "▁]", "▁did", "▁.", "▁Also", "▁,", "▁there", "▁was", "▁no", "▁health", "▁ins", "urance", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁just", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁fre", "el", "ance", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "1", "UP", ".", "com", "▁journal", "ism", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Smith", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁news", "▁editor", "▁for", "▁", "1", "UP", ".", "com", "▁,", "▁the", "▁sister", "▁site", "▁to", "▁the", "▁now", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁def", "unct", "▁magazine", "▁Electron", "ic", "▁G", "aming", "▁Month", "ly", "▁.", "▁During", "▁his", "▁ten", "ure", "▁at", "▁", "1", "UP", "▁,", "▁Smith", "▁wrote", "▁extens", "ively", "▁about", "▁the", "▁H", "alo", "▁video", "▁game", "▁franch", "ise", "▁,", "▁as", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁a", "▁leading", "▁fan", "▁voice", "▁;", "▁in", "▁one", "▁article", "▁,", "▁he", "▁declared", "▁H", "alo", "▁was", "▁the", "▁only", "▁game", "▁series", "▁he", "▁c", "ared", "▁about", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁wrote", "▁a", "▁feature", "▁story", "▁for", "▁", "1", "UP", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁called", "▁\"", "▁Bro", "ken", "▁H", "alo", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁he", "▁explained", "▁how", "▁developer", "▁B", "ung", "ie", "▁could", "▁fix", "▁problems", "▁he", "▁perce", "ived", "▁with", "▁the", "▁game", "▁;", "▁Cre", "cente", "▁said", "▁the", "▁article", "▁put", "▁Smith", "▁\"", "▁on", "▁the", "▁map", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁also", "▁became", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁panel", "ists", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "UP", "▁Y", "ours", "▁show", "▁,", "▁a", "▁week", "ly", "▁video", "▁games", "▁pod", "cast", "▁featuring", "▁g", "aming", "▁edit", "ors", "▁and", "▁exper", "ts", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁Edge", "▁named", "▁him", "▁one", "▁of", "▁g", "aming", "▁'", "s", "▁top", "▁", "5", "0", "▁journal", "ists", "▁.", "▁", "▁Play", ".", "d", "▁magazine", "▁cred", "ited", "▁Smith", "▁with", "▁insp", "iring", "▁gam", "ers", "▁to", "▁learn", "▁more", "▁about", "▁the", "▁game", "▁industry", "▁and", "▁not", "▁accept", "▁company", "▁promotion", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁turning", "▁", "1", "UP", "▁from", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁bast", "ard", "▁child", "▁of", "▁E", "GM", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁an", "▁important", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Z", "iff", "▁Davis", "▁Internet", "▁company", "▁'", "s", "▁g", "aming", "▁network", "▁.", "▁His", "▁style", "▁has", "▁been", "▁described", "▁as", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁robust", "▁,", "▁direct", "▁approach", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁journal", "ism", "▁and", "▁is", "▁known", "▁for", "▁his", "▁sc", "ath", "ing", "▁attacks", "▁on", "▁the", "▁industry", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁felt", "▁dis", "heart", "ened", "▁by", "▁the", "▁state", "▁of", "▁game", "▁journal", "ism", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Video", "▁game", "▁journal", "ism", "▁is", "▁just", "▁weird", "▁.", "▁You", "▁have", "▁guys", "▁married", "▁to", "▁women", "▁in", "▁market", "ing", "▁for", "▁the", "▁games", "▁they", "▁cover", "▁.", "▁Video", "▁game", "▁journal", "ism", "▁is", "▁still", "▁very", "▁young", "▁,", "▁very", "▁early", "▁,", "▁still", "▁trying", "▁to", "▁find", "▁out", "▁what", "▁it", "▁is", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁he", "▁said", "▁.", "▁In", "▁an", "▁interview", "▁with", "▁Michael", "▁Z", "en", "ke", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Esc", "ap", "ist", "▁,", "▁Smith", "▁said", "▁he", "▁felt", "▁game", "▁journal", "ists", "▁were", "▁treated", "▁by", "▁developers", "▁as", "▁another", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁PR", "▁plan", "▁,", "▁with", "▁developers", "▁sending", "▁out", "▁information", "▁and", "▁the", "▁journal", "ists", "▁\"", "▁reg", "urg", "it", "ating", "▁\"", "▁it", "▁.", "▁Wor", "se", "▁,", "▁Smith", "▁felt", "▁that", "▁gam", "ers", "▁had", "▁become", "▁used", "▁to", "▁this", "▁sort", "▁of", "▁information", "▁;", "▁\"", "▁We", "▁have", "▁to", "▁be", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁our", "▁actions", "▁and", "▁held", "▁account", "able", "▁when", "▁we", "▁manipulate", "▁the", "▁expect", "ations", "▁of", "▁gam", "ers", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁he", "▁told", "▁Z", "en", "ke", "▁.", "▁", "▁While", "▁he", "▁was", "▁becoming", "▁more", "▁fr", "ustr", "ated", "▁with", "▁the", "▁field", "▁at", "▁", "1", "UP", "▁,", "▁game", "▁developer", "▁B", "ung", "ie", "▁contact", "ed", "▁Smith", "▁about", "▁employ", "ment", "▁.", "▁After", "▁sending", "▁the", "▁company", "▁his", "▁res", "ume", "▁,", "▁Smith", "▁stopped", "▁writing", "▁about", "▁B", "ung", "ie", "▁and", "▁Microsoft", "▁to", "▁avoid", "▁a", "▁conflict", "▁of", "▁interest", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁accepted", "▁a", "▁job", "▁offer", "▁a", "▁month", "▁later", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁B", "ung", "ie", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁Smith", "▁announced", "▁on", "▁a", "▁", "1", "UP", "▁pod", "cast", "▁he", "▁was", "▁leaving", "▁the", "▁site", "▁to", "▁work", "▁for", "▁B", "ung", "ie", "▁.", "▁Re", "action", "▁to", "▁Smith", "▁'", "s", "▁announ", "cement", "▁varied", "▁;", "▁some", "▁were", "▁happy", "▁or", "▁sad", "▁to", "▁see", "▁him", "▁leave", "▁,", "▁while", "▁others", "▁felt", "▁he", "▁had", "▁\"", "▁sold", "▁out", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Smith", "▁joined", "▁the", "▁ranks", "▁of", "▁other", "▁former", "▁game", "▁journal", "ists", "▁who", "▁left", "▁to", "▁work", "▁for", "▁game", "▁companies", "▁,", "▁including", "▁", "1", "UP", "▁exp", "atri", "ate", "▁Che", "▁Ch", "ou", "▁,", "▁who", "▁joined", "▁Microsoft", "▁Game", "▁Studios", "▁,", "▁and", "▁former", "▁Game", "Sp", "ot", "▁chief", "▁Greg", "▁Kas", "av", "in", "▁,", "▁who", "▁became", "▁an", "▁associate", "▁producer", "▁for", "▁Electron", "ic", "▁Arts", "▁.", "▁", "▁B", "ung", "ie", "▁staff", "▁hint", "ed", "▁in", "▁a", "▁week", "ly", "▁update", "▁that", "▁Smith", "▁might", "▁play", "▁a", "▁role", "▁in", "▁the", "▁developer", "▁'", "s", "▁pod", "cast", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁officially", "▁began", "▁work", "▁on", "▁May", "▁", "7", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁as", "▁content", "▁editor", "▁,", "▁providing", "▁fans", "▁and", "▁the", "▁B", "ung", "ie", "▁read", "ership", "▁with", "▁information", "▁about", "▁B", "ung", "ie", "▁'", "s", "▁game", "▁and", "▁staff", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁there", "▁was", "▁a", "▁special", "▁opportunity", "▁for", "▁game", "▁developers", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁someone", "▁to", "▁come", "▁in", "▁and", "▁tell", "▁the", "▁stories", "▁that", "▁people", "▁want", "▁to", "▁know", "▁[", "▁...", "▁]", "▁Right", "▁now", "▁you", "▁have", "▁four", "▁brid", "ges", "▁between", "▁developer", "▁and", "▁reader", "▁:", "▁Develop", "er", "▁to", "▁PR", "▁,", "▁to", "▁journalist", "▁to", "▁reader", "▁.", "▁[", "▁This", "▁position", "▁]", "▁could", "▁get", "▁rid", "▁of", "▁those", "▁middle", "▁two", "▁brid", "ges", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁While", "▁B", "ung", "ie", "▁had", "▁histor", "ically", "▁been", "▁good", "▁at", "▁letting", "▁fans", "▁interact", "▁via", "▁for", "ums", "▁and", "▁provided", "▁updates", "▁and", "▁art", "work", "▁via", "▁their", "▁site", "▁,", "▁B", "ung", "ie", ".", "net", "▁,", "▁the", "▁company", "▁'", "s", "▁releases", "▁had", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁corpor", "ate", "▁and", "▁m", "uted", "▁tone", "▁to", "▁it", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁made", "▁less", "▁effort", "▁and", "▁been", "▁less", "▁successful", "▁histor", "ically", "▁at", "▁providing", "▁access", "▁to", "▁the", "▁inner", "▁work", "ings", "▁of", "▁the", "▁game", "▁studio", "▁.", "▁As", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁change", "▁to", "▁become", "▁more", "▁transparent", "▁,", "▁B", "ung", "ie", "▁took", "▁steps", "▁repeated", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁industry", "▁to", "▁allow", "▁fans", "▁more", "▁say", "▁and", "▁rec", "ruit", "ing", "▁respect", "ed", "▁voices", "▁from", "▁the", "▁community", "▁—", "▁namely", "▁,", "▁Smith", "▁.", "▁Robert", "son", "▁cred", "ited", "▁Smith", "▁'", "s", "▁ten", "ure", "▁as", "▁a", "iding", "▁B", "ung", "ie", "▁'", "s", "▁greater", "▁focus", "▁on", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁building", "▁,", "▁supporting", "▁and", "▁learning", "▁from", "▁the", "▁H", "alo", "▁", "3", "▁community", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁is", "▁cred", "ited", "▁as", "▁a", "▁writer", "▁on", "▁H", "alo", "▁", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁Smith", "▁also", "▁hosted", "▁B", "ung", "ie", "▁'", "s", "▁pod", "cast", "▁show", "▁along", "▁with", "▁co", "▁@", "-" ]
short period of time . " At the time stories ( on Kotaku ) were unsigned . Kotaku was like the Brian Crecente vision . If I posted something or [ fellow writer Brian Ashcraft ] did people thought [ Crecente ] did . Also , there was no health insurance , it was just full @-@ time freelance . " = = journalism = = Smith served as the news editor for , the sister site to the now @-@ defunct magazine Electronic Gaming Monthly . During his tenure at 1UP , Smith wrote extensively about the Halo video game franchise , as was considered a leading fan voice ; in one article , he declared Halo was the only game series he cared about . Smith wrote a feature story for 1UP in 2005 called " Broken Halo " , in which he explained how developer Bungie could fix problems he perceived with the game ; Crecente said the article put Smith " on the map " . Smith also became one of the panelists of the 1UP Yours show , a weekly video games podcast featuring gaming editors and experts . In 2006 , Edge named him one of gaming 's top 50 journalists . Play.d magazine credited Smith with inspiring gamers to learn more about the game industry and not accept company promotion , as well as turning 1UP from " the bastard child of EGM " to an important part of the Ziff Davis Internet company 's gaming network . His style has been described as a " robust , direct approach " to journalism and is known for his scathing attacks on the industry . Smith , however , felt disheartened by the state of game journalism . " Video game journalism is just weird . You have guys married to women in marketing for the games they cover . Video game journalism is still very young , very early , still trying to find out what it is , " he said . In an interview with Michael Zenke of The Escapist , Smith said he felt game journalists were treated by developers as another part of the PR plan , with developers sending out information and the journalists " regurgitating " it . Worse , Smith felt that gamers had become used to this sort of information ; " We have to be responsible for our actions and held accountable when we manipulate the expectations of gamers , " he told Zenke . While he was becoming more frustrated with the field at 1UP , game developer Bungie contacted Smith about employment . After sending the company his resume , Smith stopped writing about Bungie and Microsoft to avoid a conflict of interest . Smith accepted a job offer a month later . = = Bungie = = In April 2007 , Smith announced on a 1UP podcast he was leaving the site to work for Bungie . Reaction to Smith 's announcement varied ; some were happy or sad to see him leave , while others felt he had " sold out . " Smith joined the ranks of other former game journalists who left to work for game companies , including 1UP expatriate Che Chou , who joined Microsoft Game Studios , and former GameSpot chief Greg Kasavin , who became an associate producer for Electronic Arts . Bungie staff hinted in a weekly update that Smith might play a role in the developer 's podcast . Smith officially began work on May 7 , 2007 , as content editor , providing fans and the Bungie readership with information about Bungie 's game and staff . Smith believed that there was a special opportunity for game developers , " for someone to come in and tell the stories that people want to know [ ... ] Right now you have four bridges between developer and reader : Developer to PR , to journalist to reader . [ This position ] could get rid of those middle two bridges . " While Bungie had historically been good at letting fans interact via forums and provided updates and artwork via their site , , the company 's releases had a " corporate and muted tone to it , " and made less effort and been less successful historically at providing access to the inner workings of the game studio . As part of a change to become more transparent , Bungie took steps repeated throughout the industry to allow fans more say and recruiting respected voices from the community — namely , Smith . Robertson credited Smith 's tenure as aiding Bungie 's greater focus on , " building , supporting and learning from the Halo 3 community . " He is credited as a writer on Halo 3 . Smith also hosted Bungie 's podcast show along with co @-