[ "▁in", "▁fact", "▁appointed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁,", "▁this", "▁seems", "▁to", "▁have", "▁been", "▁the", "▁exception", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁the", "▁rule", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Order", "▁originally", "▁consisted", "▁of", "▁fifteen", "▁kn", "ights", "▁in", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁the", "▁S", "over", "eign", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "2", "1", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁George", "▁IV", "▁appointed", "▁six", "▁additional", "▁kn", "ights", "▁;", "▁he", "▁did", "▁not", "▁issue", "▁a", "▁Royal", "▁W", "arr", "ant", "▁author", "ising", "▁the", "▁change", "▁until", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "0", "▁.", "▁William", "▁IV", "▁formally", "▁changed", "▁the", "▁stat", "utes", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "3", "▁,", "▁increasing", "▁the", "▁limit", "▁to", "▁twenty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁two", "▁kn", "ights", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁original", "▁stat", "utes", "▁,", "▁based", "▁heavily", "▁on", "▁those", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁the", "▁G", "arter", "▁,", "▁pres", "cribed", "▁that", "▁any", "▁vac", 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"▁counter", "parts", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Or", "ders", "▁of", "▁the", "▁G", "arter", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Th", "ist", "le", "▁,", "▁in", "▁only", "▁ever", "▁appoint", "ing", "▁pe", "ers", "▁and", "▁princes", "▁.", "▁Women", "▁were", "▁never", "▁admitted", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁;", "▁they", "▁were", "▁not", "▁el", "ig", "ible", "▁to", "▁become", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁other", "▁two", "▁orders", "▁until", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "7", "▁.", "▁The", "▁only", "▁woman", "▁to", "▁be", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁was", "▁Queen", "▁Victoria", "▁,", "▁in", "▁her", "▁capacity", "▁as", "▁S", "over", "eign", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁it", "▁was", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁the", "▁established", "▁Church", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁until", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "1", "▁,", "▁several", "▁Roman", "▁C", "athol", "ics", "▁were", "▁appointed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁order", "▁throughout", "▁its", "▁history", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Offic", "ers", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁initially", "▁had", "▁th", "ir", "teen", "▁officers", "▁:", "▁the", "▁P", "rel", "ate", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Chan", "cell", "or", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Reg", "istr", "ar", "▁,", "▁the", "▁U", "sh", "er", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Secretary", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Gene", "alog", "ist", "▁,", "▁the", "▁King", "▁of", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁,", "▁two", "▁her", "ald", "s", "▁and", "▁four", "▁purs", "u", "iv", "ants", "▁.", "▁Many", "▁of", "▁these", "▁offices", "▁were", "▁held", "▁by", "▁cl", "erg", "ymen", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Church", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁,", "▁the", "▁then", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁established", "▁church", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁dis", "est", "ab", "lish", "ment", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Church", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "1", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ecc", "les", "iast", "ics", "▁were", "▁allowed", "▁to", "▁remain", "▁in", "▁office", "▁until", "▁their", "▁death", "s", "▁,", "▁when", "▁the", "▁offices", "▁were", "▁either", "▁abol", "ished", "▁or", "▁re", "ass", "igned", "▁to", "▁lay", "▁officials", "▁.", "▁All", "▁offices", "▁except", "▁that", "▁of", "▁Reg", "istr", "ar", "▁and", "▁King", "▁of", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁are", "▁now", "▁vac", "ant", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁office", "▁of", "▁P", "rel", "ate", "▁was", "▁held", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Lord", "▁Arch", "bishop", "▁of", "▁Arm", "agh", "▁,", "▁the", "▁most", "▁senior", "▁cl", "erg", "yman", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Church", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁.", "▁The", "▁P", "rel", "ate", "▁was", "▁not", "▁mentioned", "▁in", "▁the", "▁original", "▁stat", "utes", "▁,", "▁but", "▁created", "▁by", "▁a", "▁war", "rant", "▁shortly", "▁afterwards", "▁,", "▁apparently", "▁because", "▁the", "▁Arch", "bishop", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁had", "▁asked", "▁to", "▁be", "▁appointed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁post", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁the", "▁death", "▁of", "▁the", "▁last", "▁holder", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "5", "▁,", "▁the", "▁office", "▁of", "▁P", "rel", "ate", "▁has", "▁remained", "▁vac", "ant", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Church", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁'", "s", "▁second", "▁highest", "▁cler", "ic", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Lord", "▁Arch", "bishop", "▁of", "▁Dublin", "▁,", "▁originally", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Chan", "cell", "or", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁.", "▁From", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "6", "▁on", "wards", "▁,", "▁the", "▁office", "▁was", "▁held", "▁instead", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Chief", "▁Secretary", "▁for", "▁Ireland", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁the", "▁abol", "ition", "▁of", "▁the", "▁position", "▁of", "▁Chief", "▁Secretary", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁office", "▁of", "▁Chan", "cell", "or", "▁has", "▁remained", "▁vac", "ant", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Dean", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁'", "s", "▁C", "athedral", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁the", "▁Reg", "istr", "ar", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "0", "▁,", "▁on", "▁the", "▁death", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Dean", "▁who", "▁had", "▁held", "▁the", "▁post", "▁in", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁of", "▁dis", "est", "ab", "lish", "ment", "▁,", "▁the", "▁office", "▁was", "▁attached", "▁to", "▁that", "▁of", "▁the", "▁King", "▁of", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁.", "▁This", "▁position", "▁was", "▁held", "▁by", "▁Ul", "ster", "▁King", "▁of", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁,", "▁Ireland", "▁'", "s", "▁chief", "▁her", "ald", "ic", "▁official", "▁,", "▁a", "▁post", "▁which", "▁had", "▁been", "▁created", "▁in", "▁", "1", "5", "5", "2", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁,", "▁this", "▁post", "▁was", "▁in", "▁effect", "▁divided", "▁in", "▁two", "▁,", "▁reflect", "ing", "▁the", "▁partition", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Government", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁Act", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "▁.", "▁The", "▁position", "▁,", "▁in", "so", "far", "▁as", "▁it", "▁related", "▁to", "▁Northern", "▁Ireland", "▁,", "▁was", "▁combined", "▁with", "▁that", "▁of", "▁Nor", "roy", "▁King", "▁of", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁(", "▁who", "▁had", "▁her", "ald", "ic", "▁juris", "diction", "▁in", "▁the", "▁north", "▁of", "▁England", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁post", "▁of", "▁Nor", "roy", "▁and", "▁Ul", "ster", "▁King", "▁of", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁still", "▁exists", "▁,", "▁and", "▁thus", "▁continues", "▁to", "▁hold", "▁the", "▁offices", "▁of", "▁Reg", "istr", "ar", "▁and", "▁King", "▁of", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁.", "▁The", "▁office", "▁of", "▁Ul", "ster", "▁King", "▁of", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁,", "▁in", "so", "far", "▁as", "▁it", "▁related", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁Free", "▁State", "▁(", "▁now", "▁officially", "▁called", "▁Ireland", "▁)", "▁,", "▁became", "▁the", "▁position", "▁of", "▁Chief", "▁Her", "ald", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁had", "▁six", "▁other", "▁her", "ald", "ic", "▁officers", "▁,", "▁many", "▁more", "▁than", "▁any", "▁other", "▁British", "▁order", "▁.", "▁The", "▁two", "▁her", "ald", "s", "▁were", "▁known", "▁as", "▁C", "ork", "▁Her", "ald", "▁and", "▁Dublin", "▁Her", "ald", "▁.", "▁Three", "▁of", "▁the", "▁four", "▁purs", "u", "ivan", "cies", "▁were", "▁un", "t", "itled", "▁,", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁was", "▁held", "▁by", "▁Ath", "l", "one", "▁P", "urs", "u", "iv", "ant", "▁,", "▁an", "▁office", "▁founded", "▁in", "▁", "1", "5", "5", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁U", "sh", "er", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁U", "sh", "er", "▁at", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁named", "▁the" ]
in fact appointed to the Order , this seems to have been the exception rather than the rule . The Order originally consisted of fifteen knights in addition to the Sovereign . In 1821 , however , George IV appointed six additional knights ; he did not issue a Royal Warrant authorising the change until 1830 . William IV formally changed the statutes in 1833 , increasing the limit to twenty @-@ two knights . The original statutes , based heavily on those of the Order of the Garter , prescribed that any vacancy should be filled by the Sovereign upon the nomination of the members . Each Knight was to propose nine candidates , of whom three had to have the rank of Earl or higher , three the rank of Baron or higher , and three the rank of Knight or higher , and a vote taken . In practice this system was never used ; the Grand Master would nominate a Peer , the Sovereign would usually assent , and a chapter meeting held at which the knights " elected " the new member . The Order of St Patrick differed from its English and Scottish counterparts , the Orders of the Garter and the Thistle , in only ever appointing peers and princes . Women were never admitted to the Order of St Patrick ; they were not eligible to become members of the other two orders until 1987 . The only woman to be part of the Order was Queen Victoria , in her capacity as Sovereign of the Order . Although it was associated with the established Church of Ireland until 1871 , several Roman Catholics were appointed to the order throughout its history . = = = Officers = = = The Order of St Patrick initially had thirteen officers : the Prelate , the Chancellor , the Registrar , the Usher , the Secretary , the Genealogist , the King of Arms , two heralds and four pursuivants . Many of these offices were held by clergymen of the Church of Ireland , the then @-@ established church . After the disestablishment of the Church in 1871 , the ecclesiastics were allowed to remain in office until their deaths , when the offices were either abolished or reassigned to lay officials . All offices except that of Registrar and King of Arms are now vacant . The office of Prelate was held by the Lord Archbishop of Armagh , the most senior clergyman in the Church of Ireland . The Prelate was not mentioned in the original statutes , but created by a warrant shortly afterwards , apparently because the Archbishop at the time had asked to be appointed to the post . Since the death of the last holder in 1885 , the office of Prelate has remained vacant . The Church of Ireland 's second highest cleric , the Lord Archbishop of Dublin , originally served as the Chancellor of the Order . From 1886 onwards , the office was held instead by the Chief Secretary for Ireland . Since the abolition of the position of Chief Secretary in 1922 , the office of Chancellor has remained vacant . The Dean of St Patrick 's Cathedral was originally the Registrar of the Order . In 1890 , on the death of the Dean who had held the post in at the time of disestablishment , the office was attached to that of the King of Arms of the Order . This position was held by Ulster King of Arms , Ireland 's chief heraldic official , a post which had been created in 1552 . In 1943 , this post was in effect divided in two , reflecting the partition of Ireland in the Government of Ireland Act , 1920 . The position , insofar as it related to Northern Ireland , was combined with that of Norroy King of Arms ( who had heraldic jurisdiction in the north of England ) . The post of Norroy and Ulster King of Arms still exists , and thus continues to hold the offices of Registrar and King of Arms of the Order of St Patrick . The office of Ulster King of Arms , insofar as it related to the Irish Free State ( now officially called Ireland ) , became the position of Chief Herald of Ireland . The Order of St Patrick had six other heraldic officers , many more than any other British order . The two heralds were known as Cork Herald and Dublin Herald . Three of the four pursuivancies were untitled , the fourth was held by Athlone Pursuivant , an office founded in 1552 . The Usher of the Order was " the Usher at Arms named the
[ "▁Black", "▁Rod", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Gent", "le", "man", "▁U", "sh", "er", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Black", "▁Rod", "▁in", "▁Ireland", "▁was", "▁distinct", "▁from", "▁the", "▁English", "▁officer", "▁of", "▁the", "▁same", "▁name", "▁,", "▁though", "▁like", "▁his", "▁counter", "part", "▁he", "▁had", "▁some", "▁duties", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁House", "▁of", "▁L", "ords", "▁.", "▁(", "▁The", "▁latter", "▁continues", "▁to", "▁serve", "▁as", "▁U", "sh", "er", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁the", "▁G", "arter", "▁and", "▁as", "▁Ser", "je", "ant", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁at", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁of", "▁the", "▁House", "▁of", "▁L", "ords", "▁.", "▁)", "▁The", "▁Irish", "▁post", "▁has", "▁been", "▁vac", "ant", "▁since", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁offices", "▁of", "▁Secretary", "▁and", "▁Gene", "alog", "ist", "▁were", "▁originally", "▁held", "▁by", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁House", "▁of", "▁Commons", "▁.", "▁The", "▁office", "▁of", "▁Secretary", "▁has", "▁been", "▁vac", "ant", "▁since", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁.", "▁The", "▁position", "▁of", "▁Gene", "alog", "ist", "▁was", "▁left", "▁vac", "ant", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "5", "▁,", "▁restored", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "9", "▁,", "▁but", "▁left", "▁vac", "ant", "▁again", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Current", "▁officers", "▁and", "▁members", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁S", "over", "eign", "▁:", "▁Elizabeth", "▁II", "▁", "▁Offic", "ers", "▁:", "▁Reg", "istr", "ar", "▁and", "▁King", "▁of", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁:", "▁Tim", "othy", "▁Duke", "▁(", "▁Nor", "roy", "▁and", "▁Ul", "ster", "▁King", "▁of", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁)", "▁", "▁M", "embers", "▁:", "▁None", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁V", "est", "ments", "▁and", "▁acc", "out", "re", "ments", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁For", "▁important", "▁occasions", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁Cor", "on", "ations", "▁and", "▁invest", "it", "ures", "▁of", "▁new", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁,", "▁Kn", "ights", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁wore", "▁elaborate", "▁vest", "ments", "▁:", "▁", "▁The", "▁mant", "le", "▁was", "▁a", "▁cel", "est", "ial", "▁blue", "▁ro", "be", "▁l", "ined", "▁with", "▁white", "▁sil", "k", "▁.", "▁The", "▁star", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁(", "▁see", "▁below", "▁)", "▁was", "▁dep", "icted", "▁on", "▁the", "▁left", "▁of", "▁the", "▁mant", "le", "▁.", "▁A", "▁blue", "▁h", "ood", "▁was", "▁attached", "▁to", "▁the", "▁mant", "le", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁hat", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁of", "▁white", "▁sat", "in", "▁,", "▁l", "ined", "▁with", "▁blue", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁changed", "▁to", "▁black", "▁vel", "vet", "▁by", "▁George", "▁IV", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁pl", "umed", "▁with", "▁three", "▁falls", "▁of", "▁fe", "athers", "▁,", "▁one", "▁red", "▁,", "▁one", "▁white", "▁and", "▁one", "▁blue", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁col", "lar", "▁was", "▁made", "▁of", "▁gold", "▁,", "▁consisting", "▁of", "▁T", "ud", "or", "▁ros", "es", "▁and", "▁har", "ps", "▁attached", "▁with", "▁kn", "ots", "▁.", "▁The", "▁two", "▁ros", "es", "▁which", "▁compr", "ise", "▁the", "▁T", "ud", "or", "▁rose", "▁were", "▁altern", "ately", "▁en", "am", "elled", "▁white", "▁within", "▁red", "▁,", "▁and", "▁red", "▁within", "▁white", "▁.", "▁The", "▁central", "▁har", "p", "▁,", "▁from", "▁which", "▁the", "▁bad", "ge", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁was", "▁susp", "ended", "▁,", "▁was", "▁sur", "mount", "ed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁crown", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁certain", "▁\"", "▁col", "lar", "▁days", "▁\"", "▁designated", "▁by", "▁the", "▁S", "over", "eign", "▁,", "▁members", "▁att", "ending", "▁formal", "▁events", "▁wore", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁'", "s", "▁col", "lar", "▁over", "▁their", "▁military", "▁uniform", "▁,", "▁formal", "▁day", "▁dress", "▁,", "▁or", "▁evening", "▁wear", "▁.", "▁When", "▁coll", "ars", "▁were", "▁worn", "▁(", "▁either", "▁on", "▁col", "lar", "▁days", "▁or", "▁on", "▁formal", "▁occasions", "▁such", "▁as", "▁coron", "ations", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁bad", "ge", "▁was", "▁susp", "ended", "▁from", "▁the", "▁col", "lar", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "ide", "▁from", "▁these", "▁special", "▁occasions", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁much", "▁simpler", "▁acc", "out", "re", "ments", "▁were", "▁used", "▁:", "▁", "▁The", "▁star", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁was", "▁an", "▁eight", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pointed", "▁figure", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁four", "▁cardinal", "▁points", "▁longer", "▁than", "▁the", "▁intermediate", "▁points", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁point", "▁was", "▁shown", "▁as", "▁a", "▁cluster", "▁of", "▁ray", "s", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁centre", "▁was", "▁the", "▁same", "▁mot", "to", "▁,", "▁year", "▁and", "▁design", "▁that", "▁appeared", "▁on", "▁the", "▁bad", "ge", "▁.", "▁The", "▁star", "▁was", "▁worn", "▁p", "inned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁left", "▁breast", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁broad", "▁rib", "and", "▁was", "▁a", "▁cel", "est", "ial", "▁blue", "▁s", "ash", "▁worn", "▁across", "▁the", "▁body", "▁,", "▁from", "▁the", "▁right", "▁shoulder", "▁to", "▁the", "▁left", "▁hip", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁bad", "ge", "▁was", "▁p", "inned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁rib", "and", "▁at", "▁the", "▁left", "▁hip", "▁.", "▁Made", "▁of", "▁gold", "▁,", "▁it", "▁dep", "icted", "▁a", "▁sh", "am", "rock", "▁bearing", "▁three", "▁crow", "ns", "▁,", "▁on", "▁top", "▁of", "▁a", "▁cross", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁and", "▁surrounded", "▁by", "▁a", "▁blue", "▁circle", "▁bearing", "▁the", "▁mot", "to", "▁in", "▁maj", "us", "cules", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁the", "▁date", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁'", "s", "▁foundation", "▁in", "▁Roman", "▁numer", "als", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁MD", "CC", "L", "XXX", "III", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Grand", "▁Master", "▁'", "s", "▁ins", "ign", "ia", "▁were", "▁of", "▁the", "▁same", "▁form", "▁and", "▁design", "▁as", "▁those", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Kn", "ights", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "1", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁William", "▁IV", "▁presented", "▁the", "▁Grand", "▁Master", "▁with", "▁a", "▁star", "▁and", "▁bad", "ge", "▁,", "▁each", "▁composed", "▁of", "▁rub", "ies", "▁,", "▁emer", "ald", "s", "▁and", "▁Brazil", "ian", "▁diam", "onds", "▁.", "▁These", "▁two", "▁ins", "ign", "ia", "▁were", "▁designated", "▁\"", "▁Crown", "▁Jew", "els", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁'", "s", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "5", "▁Stat", "utes", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁design", "ation", "▁\"", "▁Irish", "▁Crown", "▁Jew", "els", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁emphas", "ised", "▁by", "▁newsp", "apers", "▁when", "▁they", "▁were", "▁st", "olen", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁the", "▁coll", "ars", "▁of", "▁five", "▁Kn", "ights", "▁;", "▁they", "▁have", "▁not", "▁since", "▁been", "▁recovered", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁number", "▁of", "▁items", "▁per", "tain", "ing", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁are", "▁held", "▁in", "▁museum", "s", "▁in", "▁both", "▁the", "▁Republic", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁and", "▁Northern", "▁Ireland", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ro", "bes", "▁of", "▁The", "▁", "4", "th", "▁Baron", "▁Cl", "on", "bro", "ck", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "1", "2", "2", "nd", "▁Knight", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁,", "▁are", "▁on", "▁display", "▁in", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Museum", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁,", "▁Dublin", "▁;", "▁the", "▁ro", "be", "▁belonging", "▁to", "▁The", "▁", "3", "rd", "▁Earl", "▁of", "▁Kil", "more", "y", "▁is", "▁held", "▁by", "▁the", "▁New", "ry", "▁Museum", "▁;", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Gallery", "▁and", "▁Gene", "alog", "ical", "▁Museum", "▁in", "▁Dublin", "▁both", "▁have", "▁Stars", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁;", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Ul", "ster", "▁Museum", "▁(", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Museum", "s", "▁and", "▁Gall", "eries", "▁of", "▁Northern", "▁Ireland", "▁)", "▁in", "▁Str", "an", "mill", "is", "▁has", "▁a", "▁large", "▁collection", "▁on", "▁display", "▁and", "▁two", "▁mant", "les", "▁in", "▁storage", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Irish", "▁Gu", "ards", "▁take", "▁their", "▁cap", "star", "▁and", "▁mot", "to", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Chap", "el", "▁and", "▁Ch", "anc", "ery", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Chap", "el", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁in", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁'", "s", "▁C", "athedral", "▁in", "▁central", "▁Dublin", "▁.", "▁Each" ]
Black Rod " . The Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod in Ireland was distinct from the English officer of the same name , though like his counterpart he had some duties in the Irish House of Lords . ( The latter continues to serve as Usher to the Order of the Garter and as Serjeant @-@ at @-@ Arms of the House of Lords . ) The Irish post has been vacant since 1933 . The offices of Secretary and Genealogist were originally held by members of the Irish House of Commons . The office of Secretary has been vacant since 1926 . The position of Genealogist was left vacant in 1885 , restored in 1889 , but left vacant again in 1930 . = = = Current officers and members = = = Sovereign : Elizabeth II Officers : Registrar and King of Arms : Timothy Duke ( Norroy and Ulster King of Arms ) Members : None = = Vestments and accoutrements = = For important occasions , such as Coronations and investitures of new members of the Order , Knights of St Patrick wore elaborate vestments : The mantle was a celestial blue robe lined with white silk . The star of the Order ( see below ) was depicted on the left of the mantle . A blue hood was attached to the mantle . The hat of the Order was originally of white satin , lined with blue , but was changed to black velvet by George IV . It was plumed with three falls of feathers , one red , one white and one blue . The collar was made of gold , consisting of Tudor roses and harps attached with knots . The two roses which comprise the Tudor rose were alternately enamelled white within red , and red within white . The central harp , from which the badge of the Order was suspended , was surmounted by a crown . On certain " collar days " designated by the Sovereign , members attending formal events wore the Order 's collar over their military uniform , formal day dress , or evening wear . When collars were worn ( either on collar days or on formal occasions such as coronations ) , the badge was suspended from the collar . Aside from these special occasions , however , much simpler accoutrements were used : The star of the Order was an eight @-@ pointed figure , with the four cardinal points longer than the intermediate points . Each point was shown as a cluster of rays . In the centre was the same motto , year and design that appeared on the badge . The star was worn pinned to the left breast . The broad riband was a celestial blue sash worn across the body , from the right shoulder to the left hip . The badge was pinned to the riband at the left hip . Made of gold , it depicted a shamrock bearing three crowns , on top of a cross of St Patrick and surrounded by a blue circle bearing the motto in majuscules , as well as the date of the Order 's foundation in Roman numerals ( " MDCCLXXXIII " ) . The Grand Master 's insignia were of the same form and design as those of the Knights . In 1831 , however , William IV presented the Grand Master with a star and badge , each composed of rubies , emeralds and Brazilian diamonds . These two insignia were designated " Crown Jewels " in the Order 's 1905 Statutes , and the designation " Irish Crown Jewels " was emphasised by newspapers when they were stolen in 1907 , along with the collars of five Knights ; they have not since been recovered . A number of items pertaining to the Order of St Patrick are held in museums in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland . The robes of The 4th Baron Clonbrock , the 122nd Knight of the Order , are on display in the National Museum of Ireland , Dublin ; the robe belonging to The 3rd Earl of Kilmorey is held by the Newry Museum ; the National Gallery and Genealogical Museum in Dublin both have Stars of the Order ; and the Ulster Museum ( part of the National Museums and Galleries of Northern Ireland ) in Stranmillis has a large collection on display and two mantles in storage . The Irish Guards take their capstar and motto from the Order . = = Chapel and Chancery = = The Chapel of the Order was originally in St Patrick 's Cathedral in central Dublin . Each
[ "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁S", "over", "eign", "▁,", "▁was", "▁all", "otted", "▁a", "▁st", "all", "▁in", "▁the", "▁cho", "ir", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Chap", "el", "▁,", "▁above", "▁which", "▁his", "▁(", "▁or", "▁her", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁case", "▁of", "▁Queen", "▁Victoria", "▁)", "▁her", "ald", "ic", "▁devices", "▁were", "▁displayed", "▁.", "▁Per", "ched", "▁on", "▁the", "▁p", "inn", "acle", "▁of", "▁a", "▁kn", "ight", "▁'", "s", "▁st", "all", "▁was", "▁a", "▁hel", "m", "▁,", "▁decor", "ated", "▁with", "▁mant", "ling", "▁and", "▁to", "pped", "▁by", "▁his", "▁cr", "est", "▁.", "▁A", "bove", "▁the", "▁cr", "est", "▁,", "▁the", "▁kn", "ight", "▁'", "s", "▁her", "ald", "ic", "▁b", "anner", "▁was", "▁hung", "▁,", "▁emb", "la", "zon", "ed", "▁with", "▁his", "▁coat", "▁of", "▁arms", "▁.", "▁At", "▁a", "▁consider", "ably", "▁smaller", "▁scale", "▁,", "▁to", "▁the", "▁back", "▁of", "▁the", "▁st", "all", "▁was", "▁aff", "ixed", "▁a", "▁piece", "▁of", "▁br", "ass", "▁(", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁st", "all", "▁plate", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁displaying", "▁its", "▁occup", "ant", "▁'", "s", "▁name", "▁,", "▁arms", "▁and", "▁date", "▁of", "▁ad", "mission", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁.", "▁Upon", "▁the", "▁death", "▁of", "▁a", "▁Knight", "▁,", "▁the", "▁b", "anner", "▁and", "▁cr", "est", "▁were", "▁taken", "▁down", "▁and", "▁replaced", "▁with", "▁those", "▁of", "▁his", "▁successor", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁dis", "est", "ab", "lish", "ment", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Church", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "1", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Chap", "el", "▁ceased", "▁to", "▁be", "▁used", "▁;", "▁the", "▁her", "ald", "ic", "▁devices", "▁of", "▁the", "▁kn", "ights", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁were", "▁left", "▁in", "▁place", "▁at", "▁the", "▁request", "▁of", "▁Queen", "▁Victoria", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Order", "▁was", "▁without", "▁a", "▁cer", "emon", "ial", "▁home", "▁until", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "1", "▁when", "▁arrang", "ements", "▁were", "▁made", "▁to", "▁display", "▁b", "ann", "ers", "▁,", "▁hel", "ms", "▁and", "▁h", "atch", "ment", "▁pl", "ates", "▁(", "▁the", "▁equivalent", "▁of", "▁st", "all", "▁pl", "ates", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁absence", "▁of", "▁st", "alls", "▁)", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Great", "▁Hall", "▁,", "▁officially", "▁called", "▁St", ".", "▁Patrick", "▁'", "s", "▁Hall", "▁,", "▁in", "▁Dublin", "▁Castle", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁establishment", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁Free", "▁State", "▁the", "▁b", "ann", "ers", "▁of", "▁the", "▁living", "▁kn", "ights", "▁were", "▁removed", "▁.", "▁When", "▁the", "▁Hall", "▁was", "▁re", "decor", "ated", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "2", "▁it", "▁was", "▁decided", "▁that", "▁it", "▁should", "▁be", "▁hung", "▁with", "▁the", "▁b", "ann", "ers", "▁of", "▁the", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁.", "▁The", "▁existing", "▁b", "ann", "ers", "▁were", "▁rep", "a", "ired", "▁or", "▁new", "▁ones", "▁made", "▁;", "▁it", "▁is", "▁these", "▁b", "ann", "ers", "▁which", "▁can", "▁be", "▁seen", "▁today", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Hall", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁renamed", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁'", "s", "▁Hall", "▁from", "▁its", "▁association", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁,", "▁also", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Ch", "anc", "ery", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁.", "▁Install", "ation", "▁cer", "emon", "ies", "▁,", "▁and", "▁later", "▁invest", "it", "ures", "▁,", "▁were", "▁held", "▁here", "▁,", "▁often", "▁on", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁'", "s", "▁Day", "▁,", "▁until", "▁they", "▁were", "▁dis", "cont", "in", "ued", "▁.", "▁A", "▁ban", "quet", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Kn", "ights", "▁was", "▁often", "▁held", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Hall", "▁on", "▁the", "▁occasion", "▁of", "▁an", "▁installation", "▁.", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁'", "s", "▁Hall", "▁now", "▁serves", "▁as", "▁the", "▁location", "▁for", "▁the", "▁inaug", "uration", "▁of", "▁the", "▁President", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁.", "▁", "▁Un", "like", "▁many", "▁of", "▁the", "▁other", "▁British", "▁Or", "ders", "▁,", "▁the", "▁st", "all", "▁pl", 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"▁were", "▁required", "▁to", "▁be", "▁kn", "ights", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁practice", "▁had", "▁higher", "▁rank", "▁,", "▁many", "▁of", "▁the", "▁privileges", "▁of", "▁membership", "▁were", "▁rendered", "▁mo", "ot", "▁.", "▁As", "▁kn", "ights", "▁they", "▁could", "▁prefix", "▁\"", "▁Sir", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁their", "▁for", "en", "ames", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁form", "▁was", "▁never", "▁used", "▁in", "▁speech", "▁,", "▁as", "▁they", "▁were", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁by", "▁their", "▁peer", "age", "▁dign", "ities", "▁.", "▁They", "▁were", "▁assigned", "▁positions", "▁in", "▁the", "▁order", "▁of", "▁preced", "ence", "▁,", "▁but", "▁had", "▁higher", "▁positions", "▁by", "▁virtue", "▁of", "▁their", "▁peer", "age", "▁dign", "ities", "▁.", "▁", "▁Kn", "ights", "▁used", "▁the", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁nom", "inal", "▁letters", "▁\"", "▁K", "P", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁When", "▁an", "▁individual", "▁was", "▁entitled", "▁to", "▁use", "▁multiple", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁nom", "inal", "▁letters", "▁,", "▁K", "P", "▁appeared", "▁before", "▁all", "▁others", "▁,", "▁except", "▁\"", "▁B", "t", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁B", "t", "ss", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁Baron", "et", "▁and", "▁Baron", "et", "ess", "▁)", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁V", "C", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁Victoria", "▁Cross", "▁)", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁GC", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁George", "▁Cross", "▁)", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁K", "G", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁Knight", "▁of", "▁the", "▁G", "arter", "▁)", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁K", "T", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁Knight", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Th", "ist", "le", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁Kn", "ights", "▁could", "▁enc", "irc", "le", "▁their", "▁arms", "▁with", "▁a", "▁dep", "iction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁circ", "let", "▁(", "▁a", "▁blue", "▁circle", "▁bearing", "▁the", "▁mot", "to", "▁)", "▁and", "▁the", "▁col", "lar", "▁;", "▁the", "▁former", "▁is", "▁shown", "▁either", "▁outside", "▁or", "▁on", "▁top", "▁of", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁.", "▁The", "▁bad", "ge", "▁is", "▁dep", "icted", "▁susp", "ended", "▁from", "▁the", "▁col", "lar", "▁.", "▁They", "▁were", "▁also", "▁entitled", "▁to", "▁receive", "▁her", "ald", "ic", "▁supp", "or", "ters", "▁.", "▁This", "▁high", "▁privile", "ge", "▁was", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁,", "▁only", "▁shared", "▁by", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Family", "▁,", "▁pe", "ers", "▁,", "▁Kn", "ights", "▁and", "▁Lad", "ies", "▁of", "▁the", "▁G", "arter", "▁,", "▁Kn", "ights", "▁and", "▁Lad", "ies", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Th", "ist", "le", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Kn", "ights", "▁and", "▁D", "ames", "▁Grand", "▁Cross", "▁of", "▁the", "▁junior", "▁orders", "▁.", "▁(", "▁Of", "▁course", "▁,", "▁Kn", "ights", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁,", "▁normally", "▁all", "▁being", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Royal", "▁Family", "▁or", "▁pe", "ers", "▁,", "▁were", "▁mostly", "▁entitled", "▁to", "▁supp", "or", "ters", "▁in", "▁any", "▁event", "▁.", "▁)", "▁", "▁=", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁=", "▁", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁is", "▁a", "▁", "3", "6", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁a", "cre", "▁(", "▁", "1", "4", "9", "▁ha", "▁)", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁state", "▁park", "▁in", "▁Ti", "oga", "▁County", "▁," ]
member of the Order , including the Sovereign , was allotted a stall in the choir of the Chapel , above which his ( or her , in the case of Queen Victoria ) heraldic devices were displayed . Perched on the pinnacle of a knight 's stall was a helm , decorated with mantling and topped by his crest . Above the crest , the knight 's heraldic banner was hung , emblazoned with his coat of arms . At a considerably smaller scale , to the back of the stall was affixed a piece of brass ( a " stall plate " ) displaying its occupant 's name , arms and date of admission into the Order . Upon the death of a Knight , the banner and crest were taken down and replaced with those of his successor . After the disestablishment of the Church of Ireland in 1871 , the Chapel ceased to be used ; the heraldic devices of the knights at the time were left in place at the request of Queen Victoria . The Order was without a ceremonial home until 1881 when arrangements were made to display banners , helms and hatchment plates ( the equivalent of stall plates , in the absence of stalls ) in the Great Hall , officially called St. Patrick 's Hall , in Dublin Castle . On the establishment of the Irish Free State the banners of the living knights were removed . When the Hall was redecorated in 1962 it was decided that it should be hung with the banners of the members of the Order in 1922 . The existing banners were repaired or new ones made ; it is these banners which can be seen today . The Hall , which was renamed St Patrick 's Hall from its association with the Order , also served as the Chancery of the Order . Installation ceremonies , and later investitures , were held here , often on St Patrick 's Day , until they were discontinued . A banquet for the Knights was often held in the Hall on the occasion of an installation . St Patrick 's Hall now serves as the location for the inauguration of the President of Ireland . Unlike many of the other British Orders , the stall plates ( or hatchment plates ) do not form a continuous record of the Knights of the Order . There are only 34 stall plates for the 80 or so knights appointed before 1871 , ( although others were destroyed in a fire in 1940 ) , and 40 hatchments plates for the 60 knights appointed subsequently . In the case of the stall plates this was perhaps due to their size , 30x36 cm ( 12x14 in ) . = = Precedence and privileges = = Since the members of the Order were required to be knights , and in practice had higher rank , many of the privileges of membership were rendered moot . As knights they could prefix " Sir " to their forenames , but the form was never used in speech , as they were referred to by their peerage dignities . They were assigned positions in the order of precedence , but had higher positions by virtue of their peerage dignities . Knights used the post @-@ nominal letters " KP " . When an individual was entitled to use multiple post @-@ nominal letters , KP appeared before all others , except " Bt " and " Btss " ( Baronet and Baronetess ) , " VC " ( Victoria Cross ) , " GC " ( George Cross ) , " KG " ( Knight of the Garter ) and " KT " ( Knight of the Thistle ) . Knights could encircle their arms with a depiction of the circlet ( a blue circle bearing the motto ) and the collar ; the former is shown either outside or on top of the latter . The badge is depicted suspended from the collar . They were also entitled to receive heraldic supporters . This high privilege was , and is , only shared by members of the Royal Family , peers , Knights and Ladies of the Garter , Knights and Ladies of the Thistle , and Knights and Dames Grand Cross of the junior orders . ( Of course , Knights of St Patrick , normally all being members of the British Royal Family or peers , were mostly entitled to supporters in any event . ) = Colton Point State Park = Colton Point State Park is a 368 @-@ acre ( 149 ha ) Pennsylvania state park in Tioga County ,
[ "▁Pennsylvania", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁on", "▁the", "▁west", "▁side", "▁of", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁,", "▁also", "▁known", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Grand", "▁C", "any", "on", "▁of", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁", "8", "0", "0", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "2", "4", "0", "▁m", "▁)", "▁deep", "▁and", "▁nearly", "▁", "4", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁m", "▁)", "▁across", "▁at", "▁this", "▁location", "▁.", "▁The", "▁park", "▁extends", "▁from", "▁the", "▁cre", "ek", "▁in", "▁the", "▁bottom", "▁of", "▁the", "▁g", "orge", "▁up", "▁to", "▁the", "▁rim", "▁and", "▁across", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁plate", "au", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁.", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁is", "▁known", "▁for", "▁its", "▁views", "▁of", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁,", "▁and", "▁offers", "▁opportun", "ities", "▁for", "▁pic", "nick", "ing", "▁,", "▁h", "ik", "ing", "▁,", "▁fish", "ing", "▁and", "▁hunting", "▁,", "▁white", "water", "▁bo", "ating", "▁,", "▁and", "▁camp", "ing", "▁.", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁is", "▁surrounded", "▁by", "▁Ti", "oga", "▁State", "▁Forest", "▁and", "▁its", "▁sister", "▁park", "▁,", "▁Leonard", "▁Harrison", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁,", "▁on", "▁the", "▁east", "▁rim", "▁.", "▁The", "▁park", "▁is", "▁on", "▁a", "▁state", "▁forest", "▁road", "▁in", "▁Sh", "i", "ppen", "▁Township", "▁", "5", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "8", "▁km", "▁)", "▁south", "▁of", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁Route", "▁", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁flows", "▁through", "▁the", "▁park", "▁and", "▁has", "▁car", "ved", "▁the", "▁g", "orge", "▁through", "▁five", "▁major", "▁rock", "▁form", "ations", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Dev", "onian", "▁and", "▁Car", "bon", "ifer", "ous", "▁periods", "▁.", "▁Native", "▁Americans", "▁once", "▁used", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁Path", "▁along", "▁the", "▁cre", "ek", "▁.", "▁The", "▁path", "▁was", "▁later", "▁used", "▁by", "▁l", "umber", "men", "▁,", "▁and", "▁then", "▁became", "▁the", "▁course", "▁of", "▁a", "▁rail", "road", "▁from", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "3", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "8", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "6", "2", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁mile", "▁(", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁km", "▁)", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁Rail", "▁Tra", "il", "▁has", "▁followed", "▁the", "▁cre", "ek", "▁through", "▁the", "▁g", "orge", "▁.", "▁The", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁was", "▁named", "▁a", "▁National", "▁Natural", "▁Land", "mark", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "8", "▁and", "▁is", "▁also", "▁protected", "▁as", "▁a", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁State", "▁Natural", "▁Area", "▁and", "▁Import", "ant", "▁Bird", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁while", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁is", "▁a", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁Sc", "en", "ic", "▁and", "▁Wild", "▁River", "▁.", "▁The", "▁g", "orge", "▁is", "▁home", "▁to", "▁many", "▁species", "▁of", "▁plants", "▁and", "▁animals", "▁,", "▁some", "▁of", 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"▁of", "▁the", "▁C", "CC", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁built", "▁facilities", "▁remain", "▁in", "▁use", "▁,", "▁and", "▁have", "▁led", "▁to", "▁the", "▁park", "▁'", "s", "▁listing", "▁as", "▁a", "▁historic", "▁district", "▁on", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Register", "▁of", "▁Historic", "▁Places", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁a", "▁successful", "▁public", "ity", "▁campaign", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁,", "▁the", "▁park", "▁and", "▁g", "orge", "▁have", "▁been", "▁a", "▁popular", "▁tour", "ist", "▁destination", "▁,", "▁attract", "ing", "▁hundreds", "▁of", "▁thousands", "▁of", "▁visitors", "▁each", "▁year", "▁.", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁was", "▁chosen", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁Department", "▁of", "▁Conserv", "ation", "▁and", "▁Natural", "▁Resources", "▁(", "▁DC", "NR", "▁)", "▁Bureau", "▁of", "▁Park", "s", "▁for", "▁its", "▁\"", "▁", "2", "5", "▁Must", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁See", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁State", "▁Park", "s", "▁\"", "▁list", "▁,", "▁which", "▁pra", "ised", "▁its", 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"▁stock", "aded", "▁villages", "▁of", "▁large", "▁long", "▁houses", "▁,", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁occasionally", "▁inhab", "ited", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁mountains", "▁surrounding", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁.", "▁Their", "▁numbers", "▁were", "▁greatly", "▁reduced", "▁by", "▁disease", "▁and", "▁war", "fare", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Five", "▁Nations", "▁of", "▁the", "▁I", "ro", "qu", "ois", "▁,", "▁and", "▁by", "▁", "1", "6", "7", "5", "▁they", "▁had", "▁died", "▁out", "▁,", "▁moved", "▁away", "▁,", "▁or", "▁been", "▁assim", "il", "ated", "▁into", "▁other", "▁tribes", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁this", "▁,", "▁the", "▁lands", "▁of", "▁the", "▁West", "▁Branch", "▁Sus", "que", "h", "anna", "▁River", "▁valley", "▁were", "▁under", "▁the", "▁nom", "inal", "▁control", "▁of", "▁the", "▁I", "ro", "qu", "ois", "▁.", "▁The", "▁I", "ro", "qu", "ois", "▁lived", "▁in", "▁long", "▁houses", "▁,", "▁primarily", "▁in", "▁what", "▁is", "▁now", "▁New", "▁York", "▁,", "▁and", "▁had", "▁a", "▁strong", "▁conf", "eder", "acy", "▁which", "▁gave", "▁them", "▁power", "▁beyond", "▁their", "▁numbers", "▁." ]
Pennsylvania , in the United States . It is on the west side of the Pine Creek Gorge , also known as the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania , which is 800 feet ( 240 m ) deep and nearly 4 @,@ 000 feet ( 1 @,@ 200 m ) across at this location . The park extends from the creek in the bottom of the gorge up to the rim and across part of the plateau to the west . Colton Point State Park is known for its views of the Pine Creek Gorge , and offers opportunities for picnicking , hiking , fishing and hunting , whitewater boating , and camping . Colton Point is surrounded by Tioga State Forest and its sister park , Leonard Harrison State Park , on the east rim . The park is on a state forest road in Shippen Township 5 miles ( 8 km ) south of U.S. Route 6 . Pine Creek flows through the park and has carved the gorge through five major rock formations from the Devonian and Carboniferous periods . Native Americans once used the Pine Creek Path along the creek . The path was later used by lumbermen , and then became the course of a railroad from 1883 to 1988 . Since 1996 , the 62 @-@ mile ( 100 km ) Pine Creek Rail Trail has followed the creek through the gorge . The Pine Creek Gorge was named a National Natural Landmark in 1968 and is also protected as a Pennsylvania State Natural Area and Important Bird Area , while Pine Creek is a Pennsylvania Scenic and Wild River . The gorge is home to many species of plants and animals , some of which have been reintroduced to the area . The park is named for Henry Colton , a Williamsport lumberman who cut timber there starting in 1879 . Although the Pine Creek Gorge was clearcut in the 19th and early 20th centuries , it is now covered by second @-@ growth forest , thanks in part to the conservation efforts of the Civilian Conservation Corps ( CCC ) in the 1930s . The CCC built the facilities at Colton Point before and shortly after the park 's 1936 opening . Most of the CCC @-@ built facilities remain in use , and have led to the park 's listing as a historic district on the National Register of Historic Places . Since a successful publicity campaign in 1936 , the park and gorge have been a popular tourist destination , attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors each year . Colton Point State Park was chosen by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources ( DCNR ) Bureau of Parks for its " 25 Must @-@ See Pennsylvania State Parks " list , which praised its " spectacular vistas and a fabulous view of Pine Creek Gorge " . = = History = = = = = Native Americans = = = Humans have lived in what is now Pennsylvania since at least 10 @,@ 000 BC . The first settlers were Paleo @-@ Indian nomadic hunters known from their stone tools . The hunter @-@ gatherers of the Archaic period , which lasted locally from 7000 to 1000 BC , used a greater variety of more sophisticated stone artifacts . The Woodland period marked the gradual transition to semi @-@ permanent villages and horticulture , between 1000 BC and 1500 AD . Archeological evidence found in the state from this time includes a range of pottery types and styles , burial mounds , pipes , bows and arrows , and ornaments . Colton Point State Park is in the West Branch Susquehanna River drainage basin , the earliest recorded inhabitants of which were the Iroquoian @-@ speaking Susquehannocks . They were a matriarchal society that lived in stockaded villages of large long houses , and " occasionally inhabited " the mountains surrounding the Pine Creek Gorge . Their numbers were greatly reduced by disease and warfare with the Five Nations of the Iroquois , and by 1675 they had died out , moved away , or been assimilated into other tribes . After this , the lands of the West Branch Susquehanna River valley were under the nominal control of the Iroquois . The Iroquois lived in long houses , primarily in what is now New York , and had a strong confederacy which gave them power beyond their numbers .
[ "▁They", "▁and", "▁other", "▁tribes", "▁used", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁Path", "▁through", "▁the", "▁g", "orge", "▁,", "▁travel", "ing", "▁between", "▁a", "▁path", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Gen", "ese", "e", "▁River", "▁in", "▁modern", "▁New", "▁York", "▁in", "▁the", "▁north", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Great", "▁Sh", "am", "ok", "in", "▁Path", "▁along", "▁the", "▁West", "▁Branch", "▁Sus", "que", "h", "anna", "▁River", "▁in", "▁the", "▁south", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Sen", "eca", "▁tribe", "▁of", "▁the", "▁I", "ro", "qu", "ois", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁was", "▁sacred", "▁land", "▁and", "▁never", "▁established", "▁a", "▁permanent", "▁settlement", "▁there", "▁.", "▁They", "▁used", "▁the", "▁path", "▁through", "▁the", "▁g", "orge", "▁and", "▁had", "▁season", "al", "▁hunting", "▁cam", "ps", "▁along", "▁it", "▁,", "▁including", "▁one", "▁just", "▁north", "▁of", "▁the", "▁park", "▁near", "▁what", "▁would", "▁later", "▁be", "▁the", "▁village", "▁of", "▁An", "son", "ia", "▁.", "▁To", "▁fill", "▁the", "▁void", "▁left", "▁by", "▁the", "▁dem", "ise", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sus", "que", "h", "ann", "ock", "s", "▁,", "▁the", "▁I", "ro", "qu", "ois", "▁encourag", "ed", "▁disp", "la", "ced", "▁tribes", "▁from", "▁the", "▁east", "▁to", "▁sett", "le", "▁in", "▁the", "▁West", "▁Branch", "▁waters", "hed", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁Shaw", "ne", "e", "▁and", "▁L", "ena", "pe", "▁(", "▁or", "▁Del", "aware", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁French", "▁and", "▁Indian", "▁War", "▁(", "▁", "1", "7", "5", "4", "▁–", "▁", "6", "3", "▁)", "▁led", "▁to", "▁the", "▁migration", "▁of", "▁many", "▁Native", "▁Americans", "▁west", "ward", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Ohio", "▁River", "▁bas", "in", "▁.", "▁On", "▁November", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁", "1", "7", "6", "8", "▁,", "▁the", "▁British", "▁acquired", "▁the", "▁New", "▁P", "urchase", "▁from", "▁the", "▁I", "ro", "qu", "ois", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Tre", "aty", "▁of", "▁Fort", "▁Stan", "w", "ix", "▁,", "▁including", "▁what", "▁is", "▁now", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁east", "▁of", "▁the", "▁cre", "ek", "▁.", "▁The", "▁P", "urchase", "▁line", "▁established", "▁by", "▁this", "▁treat", "y", "▁was", "▁disput", "ed", "▁,", "▁as", "▁it", "▁was", "▁unclear", "▁whether", "▁the", "▁border", "▁along", "▁\"", "▁Ti", "ad", "ag", "ht", "on", "▁Creek", "▁\"", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁or", "▁to", "▁Ly", "coming", "▁Creek", "▁,", "▁further", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁the", "▁land", "▁between", "▁them", "▁was", "▁disput", "ed", "▁territory", "▁until", "▁", "1", "7", "8", "4", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Second", "▁Tre", "aty", "▁of", "▁Fort", "▁Stan", "w", "ix", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁American", "▁Revolution", "ary", "▁War", "▁,", "▁Native", "▁Americans", "▁almost", "▁entirely", "▁left", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁;", "▁some", "▁isolated", "▁bands", "▁of", "▁n", "atives", "▁remained", "▁in", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁until", "▁the", "▁War", "▁of", "▁", "1", "8", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁L", "umber", "▁era", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁arrival", "▁of", "▁William", "▁P", "enn", "▁and", "▁his", "▁Qu", "aker", "▁colon", "ists", "▁in", "▁", "1", "6", "8", "2", "▁,", "▁up", "▁to", "▁", "9", "0", "▁percent", "▁of", "▁what", "▁is", "▁now", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁was", "▁covered", "▁with", "▁woods", "▁:", "▁more", "▁than", "▁", "3", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁square", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "8", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁km", "2", "▁)", "▁of", "▁eastern", "▁white", "▁p", "ine", "▁,", "▁eastern", "▁hem", "lock", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁mix", "▁of", "▁hard", "wood", "s", "▁.", "▁The", "▁for", "ests", "▁near", "▁the", "▁three", "▁original", "▁count", "ies", "▁,", "▁Philadelphia", "▁,", "▁Buck", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Ch", "ester", "▁,", "▁were", "▁the", "▁first", "▁to", "▁be", "▁har", "v", "ested", "▁,", "▁as", "▁the", "▁early", "▁sett", "lers", "▁used", "▁the", "▁readily", "▁available", "▁tim", "ber", "▁and", "▁cleared", "▁land", "▁for", "▁agricult", "ure", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁time", "▁of", "▁the", "▁American", "▁Revolution", "▁,", "▁logging", "▁had", "▁reached", "▁the", "▁interior", "▁and", "▁mountain", "ous", "▁regions", "▁,", "▁and", "▁became", "▁a", "▁leading", "▁industry", "▁in", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁.", "▁Tre", "es", "▁furn", "ished", "▁fuel", "▁to", "▁heat", "▁homes", "▁,", "▁t", "ann", "in", "▁for", "▁the", "▁state", "▁'", "s", "▁many", "▁t", "ann", "eries", "▁,", "▁and", "▁wood", "▁for", "▁construction", "▁,", "▁furn", "iture", "▁,", "▁and", "▁bar", "rel", "▁making", "▁.", "▁Lar", "ge", "▁areas", "▁of", "▁forest", "▁were", "▁har", "v", "ested", "▁by", "▁col", "liers", "▁to", "▁fire", "▁iron", "▁furn", "aces", "▁.", "▁R", "if", "le", "▁stock", "s", "▁and", "▁sh", "ing", "les", "▁were", "▁made", "▁from", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁tim", "ber", "▁,", "▁as", "▁were", "▁a", "▁wide", "▁variety", "▁of", "▁household", "▁ut", "ens", "ils", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁first", "▁Con", "est", "oga", "▁w", "ag", "ons", "▁.", "▁", "▁By", "▁the", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁century", "▁the", "▁demand", "▁for", "▁l", "umber", "▁reached", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁,", "▁where", "▁the", "▁surrounding", "▁mountains", "ides", "▁were", "▁covered", "▁with", "▁eastern", "▁white", "▁p", "ine", "▁", "3", "▁to", "▁", "6", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁to", "▁", "2", "▁m", "▁)", "▁in", "▁diameter", "▁and", "▁", "1", "5", "0", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "5", "0", "▁m", "▁)", "▁or", "▁more", "▁tall", "▁,", "▁eastern", "▁hem", "lock", "▁", "9", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁m", "▁)", "▁in", "▁circum", "ference", "▁,", "▁and", "▁huge", "▁hard", "wood", "s", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁a", "cre", "▁(", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁ha", "▁)", "▁of", "▁these", "▁vir", "gin", "▁for", "ests", "▁produced", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁board", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁m", "3", "▁)", "▁of", "▁white", "▁p", "ine", "▁and", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁board", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁m", "3", "▁)", "▁of", "▁hem", "lock", "▁and", "▁hard", "wood", "s", "▁.", "▁For", "▁comparison", "▁,", "▁the", "▁same", "▁area", "▁of", "▁forest", "▁today", "▁produces", "▁a", "▁total", "▁of", "▁only", "▁", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁board", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "1", "0", "▁m", "3", "▁)", "▁on", "▁average", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁Steven", "▁E", ".", "▁O", "w", "lett", "▁,", "▁environmental", "▁lawyer", "▁and", "▁author", "▁,", "▁ship", "build", "ers", "▁considered", "▁p", "ine", "▁from", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁best", "▁tim", "ber", "▁in", "▁the", "▁world", "▁for", "▁making", "▁fine", "▁ship", "▁m", "asts", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁so", "▁it", "▁was", "▁the", "▁first", "▁l", "umber", "▁to", "▁be", "▁har", "v", "ested", "▁on", "▁a", "▁large", "▁scale", "▁.", "▁The", "▁original", "▁title", "▁to", "▁the", "▁land", "▁that", "▁became", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁was", "▁sold", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Wilhelm", "▁Wil", "kins", "▁Company", "▁in", "▁", "1", "7", "9", "2", "▁.", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁was", "▁declared", "▁a", "▁public", "▁highway", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁General", "▁Assembly", "▁on", "▁March", "▁", "1", "6", "▁,", "▁", "1", "7", "9", "8", "▁,", "▁and", "▁ra", "ft", "s", "▁of", "▁sp", "ars", "▁were", "▁flo", "ated", "▁down", "▁the", "▁cre", "ek", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Sus", "que", "h", "anna", "▁River", "▁,", "▁then", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Ch", "es", "ape", "ake", "▁Bay", "▁and", "▁the", "▁ship", "build", "ers", "▁at", "▁Baltimore", "▁.", "▁The", "▁l", "umber", "men", "▁would", "▁then", "▁walk", "▁home", "▁,", "▁following", "▁the", "▁old", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁Path", "▁at", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁their", "▁journey", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁century", "▁progress", "ed", "▁,", "▁fewer", "▁p", "ines", "▁were", "▁left", "▁and", "▁more", "▁hem", "lock", "s", "▁and", "▁hard", "wood", "s", "▁were", "▁cut", "▁and", "▁processed" ]
They and other tribes used the Pine Creek Path through the gorge , traveling between a path on the Genesee River in modern New York in the north , and the Great Shamokin Path along the West Branch Susquehanna River in the south . The Seneca tribe of the Iroquois believed that Pine Creek Gorge was sacred land and never established a permanent settlement there . They used the path through the gorge and had seasonal hunting camps along it , including one just north of the park near what would later be the village of Ansonia . To fill the void left by the demise of the Susquehannocks , the Iroquois encouraged displaced tribes from the east to settle in the West Branch watershed , including the Shawnee and Lenape ( or Delaware ) . The French and Indian War ( 1754 – 63 ) led to the migration of many Native Americans westward to the Ohio River basin . On November 5 , 1768 , the British acquired the New Purchase from the Iroquois in the Treaty of Fort Stanwix , including what is now the Pine Creek Gorge east of the creek . The Purchase line established by this treaty was disputed , as it was unclear whether the border along " Tiadaghton Creek " referred to Pine Creek or to Lycoming Creek , further to the east . As a result , the land between them was disputed territory until 1784 and the Second Treaty of Fort Stanwix . After the American Revolutionary War , Native Americans almost entirely left Pennsylvania ; some isolated bands of natives remained in Pine Creek Gorge until the War of 1812 . = = = Lumber era = = = Prior to the arrival of William Penn and his Quaker colonists in 1682 , up to 90 percent of what is now Pennsylvania was covered with woods : more than 31 @,@ 000 square miles ( 80 @,@ 000 km2 ) of eastern white pine , eastern hemlock , and a mix of hardwoods . The forests near the three original counties , Philadelphia , Bucks , and Chester , were the first to be harvested , as the early settlers used the readily available timber and cleared land for agriculture . By the time of the American Revolution , logging had reached the interior and mountainous regions , and became a leading industry in Pennsylvania . Trees furnished fuel to heat homes , tannin for the state 's many tanneries , and wood for construction , furniture , and barrel making . Large areas of forest were harvested by colliers to fire iron furnaces . Rifle stocks and shingles were made from Pennsylvania timber , as were a wide variety of household utensils , and the first Conestoga wagons . By the early 19th century the demand for lumber reached the Pine Creek Gorge , where the surrounding mountainsides were covered with eastern white pine 3 to 6 feet ( 1 to 2 m ) in diameter and 150 feet ( 50 m ) or more tall , eastern hemlock 9 feet ( 3 m ) in circumference , and huge hardwoods . Each acre ( 0 @.@ 4 ha ) of these virgin forests produced 100 @,@ 000 board feet ( 200 m3 ) of white pine and 200 @,@ 000 board feet ( 500 m3 ) of hemlock and hardwoods . For comparison , the same area of forest today produces a total of only 5 @,@ 000 board feet ( 10 m3 ) on average . According to Steven E. Owlett , environmental lawyer and author , shipbuilders considered pine from Pine Creek the " best timber in the world for making fine ship masts " , so it was the first lumber to be harvested on a large scale . The original title to the land that became Colton Point State Park was sold to the Wilhelm Wilkins Company in 1792 . Pine Creek was declared a public highway by the Pennsylvania General Assembly on March 16 , 1798 , and rafts of spars were floated down the creek to the Susquehanna River , then to the Chesapeake Bay and the shipbuilders at Baltimore . The lumbermen would then walk home , following the old Pine Creek Path at the end of their journey . As the 19th century progressed , fewer pines were left and more hemlocks and hardwoods were cut and processed
[ "▁locally", "▁.", "▁By", "▁", "1", "8", "1", "0", "▁there", "▁were", "▁", "1", "1", "▁saw", "m", "ills", "▁in", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁waters", "hed", "▁,", "▁and", "▁by", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "0", "▁there", "▁were", "▁", "1", "4", "5", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁a", "▁flo", "od", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "2", "▁which", "▁w", "ip", "ed", "▁out", "▁nearly", "▁all", "▁the", "▁mill", "s", "▁along", "▁the", "▁cre", "ek", "▁.", "▁Select", "ive", "▁har", "vest", "ing", "▁of", "▁p", "ines", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁by", "▁clear", "cut", "ting", "▁of", "▁all", "▁l", "umber", "▁in", "▁a", "▁tract", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁l", "umber", "ing", "▁activity", "▁close", "▁to", "▁what", "▁is", "▁now", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁was", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "8", "▁when", "▁William", "▁D", "odge", "▁and", "▁partners", "▁built", "▁a", "▁settlement", "▁at", "▁Big", "▁M", "ead", "ows", "▁and", "▁formed", "▁the", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁J", "oint", "▁Land", "▁and", "▁L", "umber", "▁Company", "▁.", "▁D", "odge", "▁'", "s", "▁company", "▁purchased", "▁thousands", "▁of", "▁acres", "▁of", "▁land", "▁in", "▁the", "▁area", "▁,", "▁including", "▁what", "▁is", "▁now", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "5", "▁the", "▁last", "▁p", "ine", "▁sp", "ar", "▁ra", "ft", "▁flo", "ated", "▁down", "▁the", "▁cre", "ek", "▁,", "▁and", "▁on", "▁March", "▁", "2", "8", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "1", "▁the", "▁General", "▁Assembly", "▁passed", "▁a", "▁law", "▁which", "▁allowed", "▁construction", "▁of", "▁spl", "ash", "▁d", "ams", "▁and", "▁allowed", "▁cre", "eks", "▁to", "▁be", "▁cleared", "▁to", "▁allow", "▁loose", "▁logs", "▁to", "▁float", "▁better", "▁.", "▁The", "▁earliest", "▁spring", "▁log", "▁drives", "▁flo", "ated", "▁up", "▁to", "▁", "2", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁board", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "5", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁m", "3", "▁)", "▁of", "▁logs", "▁in", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", 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"hed", "▁started", "▁on", "▁Little", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "5", "▁.", "▁By", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "0", "▁the", "▁Le", "et", "onia", "▁logging", "▁rail", "road", "▁was", "▁extended", "▁to", "▁the", "▁head", "w", "aters", "▁of", "▁Four", "mile", "▁Run", "▁,", "▁which", "▁has", "▁several", "▁high", "▁water", "falls", "▁that", "▁prevent", "ed", "▁logs", "▁from", "▁being", "▁flo", "ated", "▁down", "▁it", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "3", "▁the", "▁line", "▁reached", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁and", "▁Bear", "▁Run", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁the", "▁northern", "▁border", "▁of", "▁the", "▁park", "▁today", "▁.", "▁L", "umber", "▁on", "▁Four", "mile", "▁Run", "▁that", "▁had", "▁been", "▁previously", "▁in", "access", "ible", "▁was", "▁har", "v", "ested", "▁and", "▁transport", "ed", "▁by", "▁train", "▁,", "▁initially", "▁to", "▁Leonard", "▁Harrison", "▁'", "s", "▁mill", "▁at", "▁Ti", "ad", "ag", "ht", "on", "▁.", "▁When", "▁that", "▁mill", "▁burn", "ed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁the", "▁l", "umber", "▁went", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Le", "et", "onia", "▁mill", "▁on", "▁C", "ed", "ar", "▁Run", "▁in", "▁El", "k", "▁Township", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁old", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁growth", "▁for", "ests", "▁were", "▁clear", "cut", "▁by", "▁the", "▁early", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁century", "▁and", "▁the", "▁g", "orge", "▁was", "▁stri", "pped", "▁bare", "▁.", "▁Nothing", "▁was", "▁left", "▁except", "▁the", "▁d", "ried", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁out", "▁tree", "▁to", "ps", "▁,", "▁which", "▁became", "▁a", "▁fire", "▁ha", "z", "ard", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁much", "▁of", "▁the", "▁land", "▁burn", "ed", "▁and", "▁was", "▁left", "▁bar", "ren", "▁.", "▁On", "▁May", "▁", "6", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Well", "s", "bor", "o", "▁newspaper", "▁had", "▁the" ]
locally . By 1810 there were 11 sawmills in the Pine Creek watershed , and by 1840 there were 145 , despite a flood in 1832 which wiped out nearly all the mills along the creek . Selective harvesting of pines was replaced by clearcutting of all lumber in a tract . The first lumbering activity close to what is now Colton Point was in 1838 when William Dodge and partners built a settlement at Big Meadows and formed the Pennsylvania Joint Land and Lumber Company . Dodge 's company purchased thousands of acres of land in the area , including what is now Colton Point State Park . In 1865 the last pine spar raft floated down the creek , and on March 28 , 1871 the General Assembly passed a law which allowed construction of splash dams and allowed creeks to be cleared to allow loose logs to float better . The earliest spring log drives floated up to 20 @,@ 000 @,@ 000 board feet ( 50 @,@ 000 m3 ) of logs in Pine Creek at one time . These logs floated to the West Branch Susquehanna River and to sawmills near the Susquehanna Boom at Williamsport . Log drives could be dangerous : just north of the park is Barbour Rock , named for Samuel Barbour , who lost his life on Pine Creek there after breaking up a log jam . Hemlock wood was not widely used until the advent of wire nails , but the bark was used to tan leather . After 1870 the largest tanneries in the world were in the Pine Creek watershed , and required 2 @,@ 000 pounds ( 900 kg ) of bark to produce 150 pounds ( 70 kg ) of quality sole leather . In 1879 Henry Colton , who worked for the Williamsport Lumber Company , supervised the cutting of white pine on the land owned by Silas Billings ; this land would later become the park . Colton gave his name to the Colton Point overlook on the west rim of the Pine Creek Gorge . Deadman Hollow Road in the park is named for a trapper whose decomposed body was found in his own bear trap there in the early 20th century . Fourmile Run flows through the park : its O 'Connor Branch is named for the dead trapper 's brothers , who were loggers in the area . In 1883 the Jersey Shore , Pine Creek and Buffalo Railway opened , following the creek through the gorge . The new railroad used the relatively level route along Pine Creek to link the New York Central Railroad ( NYC ) to the north with the Clearfield Coalfield to the southwest , and with NYC @-@ allied lines in Williamsport to the southeast . By 1896 the rail line 's daily traffic included three passenger trains and 7 @,@ 000 @,@ 000 short tons ( 6 @,@ 400 @,@ 000 t ) of freight . In the surrounding forests , log drives gave way to logging railroads , which transported lumber to local sawmills . There were 13 companies operating logging railroads along Pine Creek and its tributaries between 1886 and 1921 , while the last log drive in the Pine Creek watershed started on Little Pine Creek in 1905 . By 1900 the Leetonia logging railroad was extended to the headwaters of Fourmile Run , which has several high waterfalls that prevented logs from being floated down it . In 1903 the line reached Colton Point and Bear Run , which is the northern border of the park today . Lumber on Fourmile Run that had been previously inaccessible was harvested and transported by train , initially to Leonard Harrison 's mill at Tiadaghton . When that mill burned in 1905 , the lumber went to the Leetonia mill on Cedar Run in Elk Township . The old @-@ growth forests were clearcut by the early 20th century and the gorge was stripped bare . Nothing was left except the dried @-@ out tree tops , which became a fire hazard . As a result , much of the land burned and was left barren . On May 6 , 1903 , the Wellsboro newspaper had the
[ "▁head", "line", "▁\"", "▁Wild", "▁Land", "s", "▁A", "fl", "ame", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁reported", "▁land", "sl", "ides", "▁through", "▁the", "▁g", "orge", "▁.", "▁The", "▁soil", "▁was", "▁de", "ple", "ted", "▁of", "▁nut", "ri", "ents", "▁,", "▁fires", "▁b", "aked", "▁the", "▁ground", "▁hard", "▁,", "▁and", "▁j", "ung", "les", "▁of", "▁blue", "ber", "ries", "▁,", "▁black", "ber", "ries", "▁,", "▁and", "▁mountain", "▁la", "ure", "l", "▁covered", "▁the", "▁clear", "cut", "▁land", "▁,", "▁which", "▁became", "▁known", "▁as", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁Des", "ert", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Flo", "ods", "▁swe", "pt", "▁the", "▁area", "▁period", "ically", "▁and", "▁much", "▁of", "▁the", "▁wild", "life", "▁was", "▁w", "ip", "ed", "▁out", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Conserv", "ation", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁George", "▁Washington", "▁S", "ears", "▁,", "▁an", "▁early", "▁conservation", "ist", "▁who", "▁wrote", "▁under", "▁the", "▁pen", "▁name", "▁\"", "▁N", "ess", "mu", "k", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁was", 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"9", "4", "▁ha", "▁)", "▁,", "▁mostly", "▁in", "▁Ti", "oga", "▁County", "▁,", "▁and", "▁surr", "ounds", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁,", "▁west", "▁,", "▁and", "▁south", "▁.", "▁Leonard", "▁Harrison", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁is", "▁on", "▁the", "▁eastern", "▁border", "▁of", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁Well", "s", "bor", "o", "▁l", "umber", "▁baron", "▁Leonard", "▁Harrison", "▁don", "ated", "▁his", "▁pic", "nic", "▁grounds", "▁on", "▁the", "▁eastern", "▁rim", "▁of", "▁the", "▁g", "orge", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Commonwealth", "▁of", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁,", "▁which", "▁named", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁Leonard", "▁Harrison", "▁State", "▁Forest", "▁Park", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Harrison", "▁also", "▁built", "▁two", "▁cab", "ins", "▁,", "▁named", "▁\"", "▁W", "et", "um", "ka", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Os", "oc", "os", "y", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁on", "▁the", "▁west", "▁side", "▁of", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁,", "▁just", "▁north", "▁of", "▁the", "▁mouth", "▁of", "▁Four", "mile", "▁Run", "▁.", "▁S", "omet", "ime", "▁after", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "3", "▁,", "▁former", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁Governor", "▁William", "▁A", ".", "▁Stone", "▁built", "▁a", "▁cabin", "▁named", "▁\"", "▁Heart", "▁'", "s", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ease", "▁\"", "▁just", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁mouth", "▁of", "▁Four", "mile", "▁Run", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "6", "▁these", "▁cab", "ins", "▁were", "▁still", "▁standing", "▁and", "▁were", "▁three", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁only", "▁four", "▁man", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁made", "▁structures", "▁inside", "▁the", "▁can", "y", "on", "▁proper", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁but", "▁by", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "3", "▁only", "▁Stone", "▁'", "s", "▁cabin", "▁and", "▁one", "▁of", "▁Harrison", "▁'", "s", "▁cab", "ins", "▁remained", "▁.", "▁As", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁,", "▁these", "▁properties", "▁were", "▁still", "▁owned", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Stone", "▁family", "▁,", "▁and", "▁are", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁small", "▁par", "cel", "▁of", "▁private", "▁land", "▁within", "▁the", "▁park", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Modern", "▁era", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Civil", "ian", "▁Conserv", "ation", "▁Corps", "▁(", "▁C", "CC", "▁)", "▁started", "▁work", "▁on", "▁the", "▁park", "▁in", "▁June", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "5", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁opened", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Forest", "▁Park", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁.", "▁The", "▁C", "CC", "▁,", "▁founded", "▁by", "▁United", "▁States", "▁President", "▁Franklin", "▁D", ".", "▁Ro", "ose", "vel", "t", "▁during", "▁the", "▁Great", "▁De", "pression", "▁,", "▁created", "▁jobs", "▁for", "▁un", "emp", "loy", "ed", "▁young", "▁men", "▁from", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁.", "▁Much", "▁of", "▁the", "▁work", "▁of", "▁the", "▁C", "CC", "▁at", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁is", "▁still", "▁visible", "▁as", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁one", "▁of", "▁many", "▁examples", "▁of", "▁the", "▁work", "▁of", "▁the" ]
headline " Wild Lands Aflame " and reported landslides through the gorge . The soil was depleted of nutrients , fires baked the ground hard , and jungles of blueberries , blackberries , and mountain laurel covered the clearcut land , which became known as the " Pennsylvania Desert " . Floods swept the area periodically and much of the wildlife was wiped out . = = = Conservation = = = George Washington Sears , an early conservationist who wrote under the pen name " Nessmuk " , was one of the first to criticize the Pennsylvania lumber industry and its destruction of forests and creeks . In his 1884 book Woodcraft he wrote of the Pine Creek watershed where A huge tannery ... poisons and blackens the stream with chemicals , bark and ooze . ... The once fine covers and thickets are converted into fields thickly dotted with blackened stumps . And , to crown the desolation , heavy laden trains of ' The Pine Creek and Jersey Shore R.R. ' go thundering [ by ] almost hourly ... Of course , this is progress ; but , whether backward or forward , had better be decided sixty years hence . Nessmuk 's words went mostly unheeded in his lifetime and did not prevent the clearcutting of almost all the virgin forests in Pennsylvania . Sears lived in Wellsboro from 1844 until his death in 1890 , and was the first to describe the Pine Creek Gorge . He also described a trip to what became Leonard Harrison State Park and the view west across the gorge to what became Colton Point State Park : after a 6 @-@ mile ( 10 km ) buggy ride , he had to hike 7 miles ( 11 km ) through tangles of fallen trees and branches , down ravines , and over banks for five hours . At last he reached " The Point " , which he wrote was " the jutting terminus of a high ridge which not only commands a capital view of the opposite mountain , but also of the Pine Creek Valley , up and down for miles " . The land on which Colton Point State Park sits was sold to the Commonwealth in the late 19th century for $ 2 @.@ 50 per acre ( $ 6 @.@ 25 per ha ) by the Pennsylvania Joint Land and Lumber Company , which had no further use for it . Elsewhere in the gorge the state bought land abandoned by lumber companies , sometimes for less than $ 2 per acre ( $ 5 per ha ) . These purchases became the Tioga State Forest , which was officially established in 1925 . As of 2015 the state forest encompasses 165 @,@ 052 acres ( 66 @,@ 794 ha ) , mostly in Tioga County , and surrounds Colton Point State Park to the north , west , and south . Leonard Harrison State Park is on the eastern border of Colton Point . In 1922 , Wellsboro lumber baron Leonard Harrison donated his picnic grounds on the eastern rim of the gorge to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania , which named it " Leonard Harrison State Forest Park " . Harrison also built two cabins , named " Wetumka " and " Osocosy " , on the west side of Pine Creek , just north of the mouth of Fourmile Run . Sometime after 1903 , former Pennsylvania Governor William A. Stone built a cabin named " Heart 's @-@ ease " just south of the mouth of Fourmile Run . In 1966 these cabins were still standing and were three of " only four man @-@ made structures inside the canyon proper " , but by 1993 only Stone 's cabin and one of Harrison 's cabins remained . As of 2004 , these properties were still owned by the Stone family , and are part of a small parcel of private land within the park . = = = Modern era = = = The Civilian Conservation Corps ( CCC ) started work on the park in June 1935 , and it opened as " Colton Point State Forest Park " in 1936 . The CCC , founded by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression , created jobs for unemployed young men from throughout the United States . Much of the work of the CCC at Colton Point is still visible as of 2015 , and is one of many examples of the work of the
[ "▁C", "CC", "▁throughout", "▁north", "central", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁,", "▁the", "▁year", "▁the", "▁park", "▁opened", "▁,", "▁Larry", "▁Wood", "in", "▁of", "▁Well", "s", "bor", "o", "▁and", "▁other", "▁Ti", "oga", "▁County", "▁business", "▁own", "ers", "▁began", "▁a", "▁tour", "ism", "▁campaign", "▁to", "▁promote", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Grand", "▁C", "any", "on", "▁of", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Grey", "h", "ound", "▁Bus", "▁L", "ines", "▁featured", "▁a", "▁view", "▁of", "▁the", "▁can", "y", "on", "▁from", "▁a", "▁Leonard", "▁Harrison", "▁look", "out", "▁on", "▁the", "▁back", "▁cover", "▁of", "▁its", "▁Atlantic", "▁Coast", "▁tim", "et", "able", "▁.", "▁The", "▁bus", "▁line", "▁'", "s", "▁Chicago", "▁to", "▁New", "▁York", "▁City", "▁tour", "▁had", "▁an", "▁over", "night", "▁stay", "▁in", "▁Well", "s", "bor", "o", "▁and", "▁a", "▁morning", "▁visit", "▁to", "▁the", "▁can", "y", "on", "▁for", "▁$", "▁", "3", "▁.", "▁More", "▁than", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁tour", "ists", "▁visited", "▁the", "▁can", "y", "on", "▁by", "▁the", "▁aut", "umn", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "1", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁visited", "▁Leonard", "▁Harrison", "▁over", "▁Memorial", "▁Day", "▁week", "end", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁.", "▁That", "▁year", "▁more", "▁visitors", "▁came", "▁to", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁than", "▁to", "▁Y", "ellow", "stone", "▁National", "▁Park", "▁.", "▁In", "▁response", "▁to", "▁the", "▁heavy", "▁use", "▁of", "▁the", "▁local", "▁roads", "▁,", "▁the", "▁C", "CC", "▁w", "iden", "ed", "▁the", "▁high", "ways", "▁in", "▁the", "▁area", "▁,", "▁and", "▁gu", "ides", "▁from", "▁the", "▁C", "CC", "▁gave", "▁t", "ours", "▁of", "▁the", "▁can", "y", "on", "▁.", "▁", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁originally", "▁opened", "▁with", "▁only", "▁\"", "▁limited", "▁facilities", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁success", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tour", "ism", "▁campaign", "▁led", "▁to", "▁the", "▁park", "▁'", "s", "▁expansion", "▁by", "▁the", "▁C", "CC", "▁.", "▁New", "▁facilities", "▁were", "▁added", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "8", "▁,", "▁and", "▁included", "▁buildings", "▁such", "▁as", "▁pic", "nic", "▁pav", "il", "ions", "▁,", "▁lat", "r", "ines", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁con", "cess", "ion", "▁stand", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁stone", "▁cook", "▁st", "ov", "es", "▁,", "▁tables", "▁,", "▁and", "▁developed", "▁tra", "ils", "▁and", "▁over", "look", "s", "▁...", "▁an", "▁amaz", "ing", "▁amount", "▁of", "▁work", "▁in", "▁one", "▁year", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁C", "CC", "▁also", "▁built", "▁the", "▁road", "▁to", "▁the", "▁park", "▁and", "▁plant", "ed", "▁stands", "▁of", "▁l", "arch", "▁,", "▁spr", "uce", "▁and", "▁white", "▁p", "ine", "▁for", "▁re", "for", "est", "ation", "▁.", "▁On", "▁February", "▁", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "7", "▁,", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁", 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"▁state", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁the", "▁park", "▁'", "s", "▁Import", "ant", "▁Bird", "▁Area", "▁(", "▁I", "BA", "▁)", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁first", "▁", "7", "3", "▁IB", "As", "▁established", "▁in", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁the", "▁park", "▁became", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Hills", "▁Creek", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁complex", "▁,", "▁an", "▁administrative", "▁grouping", "▁of", "▁eight", "▁state", "▁par", "ks", "▁in", "▁Pot", "ter", "▁and", "▁Ti", "oga", "▁count", "ies", "▁.", "▁As", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁,", "▁the", "▁park", "▁does", "▁not", "▁have", "▁tele", "phone", "▁or", "▁elect", "rical", "▁lines", "▁,", "▁although", "▁it", "▁uses", "▁solar", "▁cells", "▁for", "▁limited", "▁electric", "ity", "▁needs", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁second", "▁half", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁century", "▁also", "▁saw", "▁significant", "▁changes", "▁to", "▁the", "▁rail", "▁line", "▁through", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge" ]
CCC throughout northcentral Pennsylvania . In 1936 , the year the park opened , Larry Woodin of Wellsboro and other Tioga County business owners began a tourism campaign to promote the Pine Creek Gorge as " The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania " . Greyhound Bus Lines featured a view of the canyon from a Leonard Harrison lookout on the back cover of its Atlantic Coast timetable . The bus line 's Chicago to New York City tour had an overnight stay in Wellsboro and a morning visit to the canyon for $ 3 . More than 300 @,@ 000 tourists visited the canyon by the autumn of 1936 , and 15 @,@ 000 visited Leonard Harrison over Memorial Day weekend in 1937 . That year more visitors came to the Pine Creek Gorge than to Yellowstone National Park . In response to the heavy use of the local roads , the CCC widened the highways in the area , and guides from the CCC gave tours of the canyon . Colton Point originally opened with only " limited facilities " , but the success of the tourism campaign led to the park 's expansion by the CCC . New facilities were added in 1938 , and included buildings such as picnic pavilions , latrines , and a concession stand , as well as " stone cook stoves , tables , and developed trails and overlooks ... an amazing amount of work in one year " . The CCC also built the road to the park and planted stands of larch , spruce and white pine for reforestation . On February 12 , 1987 , the entire 368 @-@ acre ( 149 ha ) park was listed in the National Register of Historic Places ( NRHP ) , including " eight buildings and nine structures " . The park has five CCC @-@ built picnic shelters : pavilions 1 , 3 , and 4 are made of stone and timber with stone fireplaces , while pavilions 2 and 5 each has log columns that support a pyramidal roof . The CCC also built six rustic latrines with clapboard siding and gable roofs , and an underground reservoir that is covered with a low hipped roof . Additional structures constructed by the CCC include three overlooks and a rectangular gable @-@ roofed maintenance building with wane edge siding and exposed rafters made of logs . The structures built by the CCC are noteworthy in that they exemplify the rustic style of construction that was prevalent at national and state parks built during the Great Depression . Workers used locally found , natural materials in construction that blended with the natural surroundings . Not all of the CCC 's work has survived . A concession stand was built by the CCC and sold food and souvenirs from the late 1930s to at least 1953 , but was not listed on the 1986 NRHP nomination form . The CCC also built a brick and stone incinerator , but it is in ruins now . The Pennsylvania Geographic Board dropped the word " Forest " and officially named it " Colton Point State Park " on November 11 , 1954 . The first major change in the park was in 1970 , when a camping area was established . That same decade saw the completion of a new water system in 1973 , and a holding tank dump station was added to the camping area in 1977 . A park office was built in 1983 , but as of 2009 the park headquarters are in the adjoining Leonard Harrison State Park and the Colton Point office does not appear on the official park map . Pine Creek was named a state scenic river on December 4 , 1992 , which ensured further protection of Pine Creek Gorge in its natural state . In 1997 the park 's Important Bird Area ( IBA ) was one of the first 73 IBAs established in Pennsylvania . In 2000 the park became part of the Hills Creek State Park complex , an administrative grouping of eight state parks in Potter and Tioga counties . As of 2004 , the park does not have telephone or electrical lines , although it uses solar cells for limited electricity needs . The second half of the 20th century also saw significant changes to the rail line through the Pine Creek Gorge
[ "▁.", "▁Reg", "ular", "▁passenger", "▁service", "▁on", "▁the", "▁can", "y", "on", "▁line", "▁ended", "▁after", "▁the", "▁Second", "▁World", "▁War", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "▁the", "▁second", "▁set", "▁of", "▁train", "▁tracks", "▁was", "▁removed", "▁.", "▁Con", "ra", "il", "▁abandoned", "▁the", "▁section", "▁of", "▁the", "▁rail", "road", "▁that", "▁passed", "▁through", "▁the", "▁g", "orge", "▁on", "▁September", "▁", "2", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "8", "▁.", "▁The", "▁right", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁of", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁way", "▁eventually", "▁became", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁Rail", "▁Tra", "il", "▁,", "▁which", "▁follows", "▁the", "▁path", "▁of", "▁the", "▁former", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁Path", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁section", "▁of", "▁the", "▁rail", "▁trail", "▁opened", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁and", "▁included", "▁the", "▁", "1", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁mile", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "▁km", "▁)", "▁section", "▁in", "▁the", 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"▁Land", "mark", "▁notes", "▁that", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁contains", "▁super", "l", "ative", "▁scen", "ery", "▁,", "▁ge", "ological", "▁and", "▁e", "colog", "ical", "▁value", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁fin", "est", "▁examples", "▁of", "▁a", "▁deep", "▁g", "orge", "▁in", "▁the", "▁eastern", "▁United", "▁States", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁The", "▁g", "orge", "▁is", "▁also", "▁protected", "▁by", "▁the", "▁state", "▁of", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁as", "▁the", "▁", "1", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "1", "6", "3", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁a", "cre", "▁(", "▁", "4", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "9", "2", "2", "▁ha", "▁)", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁Natural", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁the", "▁second", "▁largest", "▁State", "▁Natural", "▁Area", "▁in", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁.", "▁Within", "▁this", "▁area", "▁,", "▁", "6", "9", "9", "▁acres", "▁(", "▁", "2", "8", "3", "▁ha", "▁)", "▁of", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁and", "▁Leonard", "▁Harrison", "▁State", "▁Park", "s", "▁are", "▁designated", "▁a", "▁State", "▁Park" ]
. Regular passenger service on the canyon line ended after the Second World War , and in 1960 the second set of train tracks was removed . Conrail abandoned the section of the railroad that passed through the gorge on September 21 , 1988 . The right @-@ of @-@ way eventually became the Pine Creek Rail Trail , which follows the path of the former Pine Creek Path . The first section of the rail trail opened in 1996 and included the 1 @-@ mile ( 1 @.@ 6 km ) section in the park : as of 2015 the Pine Creek Rail Trail is 62 miles ( 100 km ) long . Colton Point State Park continued to attract national attention in the post @-@ war era . The New York Times featured the park and its " breath @-@ taking views of the gorge " as well as its trails and location in the wilds of the state forest in a 1950 article , and in 1966 praised the whitewater boating on Pine Creek and the park 's " outstanding look @-@ out points " . The Pine Creek Gorge , including Colton Point and Leonard Harrison State Parks and a 12 @-@ mile ( 19 km ) section of Tioga State Forest , was named a National Natural Landmark ( NNL ) in April 1968 . A 1973 New York Times article on whitewater canoeing noted the damage along Pine Creek done by Hurricane Agnes the year before . Another Times story in 2002 noted the park for its beauty and wildlife , and cited it as a starting point for hiking the West Rim Trail . In the new millennium , the two state parks on either side of the Pine Creek Gorge are frequently treated as one . A 2002 New York Times article called Colton Point and Leonard Harrison state parks " Two State Parks , Divided by a Canyon " and noted their " overlooks offer the most spectacular views " . Colton Point and Leonard Harrison were each included in the list of state parks chosen by the DCNR Pennsylvania Bureau of Parks for its " 25 Must @-@ See Pennsylvania State Parks " list . The DCNR describes how they " offer spectacular vistas and a fabulous view of Pine Creek Gorge , also known as Pennsylvania 's Grand Canyon " . It goes on to praise their inclusion in a National Natural Landmark and State Park Natural Area , hiking and trails , and the Pine Creek Rail Trail and bicycling . = = Pine Creek Gorge = = Colton Point State Park lies on the west side of the Pine Creek Gorge , also known as the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania . A sister park , Leonard Harrison State Park , is on the east side , and the two parks combined form essentially one large park that includes parts of the gorge and creek and parts of the plateau dissected by the gorge . Pine Creek has carved the gorge nearly 47 miles ( 76 km ) through the dissected Allegheny Plateau in northcentral Pennsylvania . The canyon begins in southwestern Tioga County , just south of the village of Ansonia , and continues south to near the village of Waterville in Lycoming County . The depth of the gorge in Colton Point State Park is about 800 feet ( 240 m ) and it measures nearly 4 @,@ 000 feet ( 1 @,@ 200 m ) across . The Pine Creek Gorge National Natural Landmark includes Colton Point and Leonard Harrison State Parks and parts of the Tioga State Forest along 12 miles ( 19 km ) of Pine Creek between Ansonia and Blackwell . This federal program does not provide any extra protection beyond that offered by the land owner . The National Park Service 's designation of the gorge as a National Natural Landmark notes that it " contains superlative scenery , geological and ecological value , and is one of the finest examples of a deep gorge in the eastern United States . " The gorge is also protected by the state of Pennsylvania as the 12 @,@ 163 @-@ acre ( 4 @,@ 922 ha ) Pine Creek Gorge Natural Area , which is the second largest State Natural Area in Pennsylvania . Within this area , 699 acres ( 283 ha ) of Colton Point and Leonard Harrison State Parks are designated a State Park
[ "▁Natural", "▁Area", "▁.", "▁The", "▁state", "▁Natural", "▁Area", "▁runs", "▁along", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁from", "▁Dar", "ling", "▁Run", "▁in", "▁the", "▁north", "▁(", "▁just", "▁below", "▁An", "son", "ia", "▁)", "▁to", "▁Jerry", "▁Run", "▁in", "▁the", "▁south", "▁(", "▁just", "▁above", "▁Black", "well", "▁)", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁approximately", "▁", "1", "2", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "▁km", "▁)", "▁long", "▁and", "▁", "2", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁km", "▁)", "▁wide", "▁,", "▁with", "▁state", "▁forest", "▁roads", "▁providing", "▁all", "▁of", "▁the", "▁western", "▁border", "▁and", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁eastern", "▁border", "▁.", "▁", "▁Within", "▁the", "▁park", "▁,", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁and", "▁the", "▁walls", "▁of", "▁the", "▁g", "orge", "▁\"", "▁visible", "▁from", "▁the", "▁opposite", "▁sh", "or", "eline", "▁\"", "▁are", "▁also", "▁protected", "▁by", "▁the", "▁state", "▁as", "▁a", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁Sc", "en", "ic", "▁River", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "8", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁only", "▁", "2", "7", "▁rivers", "▁originally", "▁designated", "▁as", "▁el", "ig", "ible", "▁to", "▁be", "▁included", "▁in", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Wild", "▁and", "▁Sc", "en", "ic", "▁R", "ivers", "▁System", "▁,", "▁and", "▁one", "▁of", "▁only", "▁eight", "▁specifically", "▁mentioned", "▁in", "▁the", "▁law", "▁establish", "ing", "▁the", "▁program", "▁.", "▁Before", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁could", "▁be", "▁included", "▁in", "▁the", "▁federal", "▁program", "▁,", "▁the", "▁state", "▁en", "act", "ed", "▁its", "▁State", "▁Sc", "en", "ic", "▁R", "ivers", "▁Act", "▁,", "▁then", "▁asked", "▁that", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁be", "▁with", "dra", "wn", "▁from", "▁the", "▁national", "▁design", "ation", "▁.", "▁There", "▁was", "▁much", "▁local", "▁opposition", "▁to", "▁its", "▁inclusion", "▁,", "▁based", "▁at", "▁least", "▁partly", "▁on", "▁mistaken", "▁fear", "s", "▁that", "▁protection", "▁would", "▁involve", "▁se", "iz", "ure", "▁of", "▁private", "▁property", "▁and", "▁restricted", "▁access", "▁.", "▁Event", "ually", "▁this", "▁opposition", "▁was", "▁overcome", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁did", "▁not", "▁officially", "▁include", "▁it", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁its", "▁own", "▁state", "▁Sc", "en", "ic", "▁and", "▁Wild", "▁R", "ivers", "▁until", "▁November", "▁", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁.", "▁The", "▁state", "▁treated", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁as", "▁a", "▁state", "▁scen", "ic", "▁river", "▁between", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "8", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁.", "▁It", "▁protected", "▁the", "▁cre", "ek", "▁from", "▁dam", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁building", "▁and", "▁water", "▁withdraw", "als", "▁for", "▁power", "▁plants", "▁,", "▁and", "▁added", "▁public", "▁access", "▁points", "▁to", "▁reduce", "▁tres", "pass", "ing", "▁on", "▁private", "▁property", "▁by", "▁visitors", "▁to", "▁the", "▁cre", "ek", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ge", "ology", "▁and", "▁climate", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Although", "▁the", "▁rock", "▁form", "ations", "▁exposed", "▁in", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁and", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁are", "▁at", "▁least", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "▁million", "▁years", "▁old", "▁,", "▁the", "▁g", "orge", "▁itself", "▁formed", "▁about", "▁", "2", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁years", "▁ago", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁last", "▁ice", "▁age", "▁.", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁had", "▁flow", "ed", "▁n", "ort", "he", "aster", "ly", "▁until", "▁then", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁dam", "med", "▁by", "▁rocks", "▁,", "▁soil", "▁,", "▁ice", "▁,", "▁and", "▁other", "▁de", "br", "is", "▁depos", "ited", "▁by", "▁the", "▁re", "ced", "ing", "▁Laurent", "ide", "▁Cont", "inental", "▁Gla", "cier", "▁.", "▁The", "▁dam", "med", "▁cre", "ek", "▁formed", "▁a", "▁lake", "▁near", "▁what", "▁would", "▁later", "▁be", "▁the", "▁village", "▁of", "▁An", "son", "ia", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁lake", "▁'", "s", "▁gla", "cial", "▁m", "elt", "water", "▁overflow", "ed", "▁the", "▁de", "br", "is", "▁dam", "▁,", "▁revers", "ing", "▁the", "▁flow", "▁of", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁.", "▁The", "▁cre", "ek", "▁flo", "oded", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁and", "▁quickly", "▁car", "ved", "▁a", "▁deep", "▁channel", "▁on", "▁its", "▁way", "▁to", "▁the", "▁West", "▁Branch", "▁Sus", "que", "h", "anna", "▁River", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁park", "▁is", "▁at", "▁an", "▁elev", "ation", "▁of", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "3", "7", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "4", "9", "9", "▁m", "▁)", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Al", "leg", "hen", "y", "▁Pl", "ate", "au", "▁,", "▁which", "▁formed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Al", "leg", "hen", "ian", "▁or", "ogen", "y", "▁some", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "▁million", "▁years", "▁ago", "▁,", "▁when", "▁G", "ond", "w", "ana", "▁(", "▁specifically", "▁what", "▁became", "▁Africa", "▁)", "▁and", "▁what", "▁became", "▁North", "▁America", "▁coll", "ided", "▁,", "▁forming", "▁P", "ang", "ae", "a", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁the", "▁g", "orge", "▁and", "▁its", "▁surr", "ound", "ings", "▁seem", "▁to", "▁be", "▁mountain", "ous", "▁,", "▁the", "▁area", "▁is", "▁a", "▁disse", "cted", "▁plate", "au", "▁.", "▁Years", "▁of", "▁er", "os", "ion", "▁have", "▁cut", "▁away", "▁the", "▁soft", "▁rocks", "▁,", "▁forming", "▁the", "▁valle", "ys", "▁,", "▁and", "▁left", "▁the", "▁hard", "est", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ancient", "▁rocks", "▁relatively", "▁un", "touch", "ed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁top", "▁of", "▁sharp", "▁rid", "ges", "▁,", "▁giving", "▁them", "▁the", "▁appearance", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁mountains", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁land", "▁on", "▁which", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁s", "its", "▁was", "▁once", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁coast", "line", "▁of", "▁a", "▁shall", "ow", "▁sea", "▁that", "▁covered", "▁a", "▁great", "▁portion", "▁of", "▁what", "▁is", "▁now", "▁North", "▁America", "▁.", "▁The", "▁high", "▁mountains", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sea", "▁gradually", "▁er", "oded", "▁,", "▁causing", "▁a", "▁bu", "il", "dup", "▁of", "▁sed", "iment", "▁made", "▁up", "▁primarily", "▁of", "▁cl", "ay", "▁,", "▁sand", "▁and", "▁gra", "vel", "▁.", "▁T", "rem", "end", "ous", "▁pressure", "▁on", "▁the", "▁sed", "iment", "▁caused", "▁the", "▁formation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁rocks", "▁that", "▁are", "▁found", "▁today", "▁in", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁d", "rain", "age", "▁bas", "in", "▁:", "▁sand", "stone", "▁,", "▁sh", "ale", "▁,", "▁con", "gl", "omer", "ates", "▁,", "▁lim", "estone", "▁,", "▁and", "▁coal", "▁.", "▁", "▁Five", "▁major", "▁rock", "▁form", "ations", "▁present", "▁in", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁are", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Dev", "onian", "▁and", "▁Car", "bon", "ifer", "ous", "▁periods", "▁.", "▁The", "▁young", "est", "▁of", "▁these", "▁,", "▁which", "▁forms", "▁the", "▁highest", "▁points", "▁in", "▁the", "▁park", "▁and", "▁along", "▁the", "▁g", "orge", "▁,", "▁is", "▁the", "▁early", "▁Pennsylvan", "ian", "▁Pot", "ts", "ville", "▁Form", "ation", "▁,", "▁a", "▁gray", "▁con", "gl", "omer", "ate", "▁that", "▁may", "▁contain", "▁sand", "stone", "▁,", "▁s", "ilt", "stone", "▁,", "▁and", "▁sh", "ale", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁anth", "rac", "ite", "▁coal", "▁.", "▁Low", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sul", "fur", "▁coal", "▁was", "▁once", "▁m", "ined", "▁at", "▁three", "▁locations", "▁within", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁waters", "hed", "▁.", "▁Below", "▁this", "▁is", "▁the", "▁late", "▁Mississ", "ipp", "ian", "▁M", "auch", "▁Ch", "unk", "▁Form", "ation", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁formed", "▁with", "▁gray", "ish", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁red", "▁sh", "ale", "▁,", "▁s", "ilt", "stone", "▁,", "▁sand", "stone", "▁,", "▁and", "▁con", "gl", "omer", "ate", "▁.", "▁Mill", "st", "ones", "▁were", "▁once", "▁car", "ved", "▁from", "▁the", "▁exposed", "▁sections", "▁of", "▁this", "▁con", "gl", "omer", "ate", "▁.", "▁T", "ogether", "▁the", "▁Pot", "ts", "ville", "▁and", "▁M", "auch", "▁Ch", "unk", "▁form", "ations", "▁are", "▁some", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "9", "1", "▁m", "▁)", "▁thick", "▁.", "▁", "▁Next", "▁below", "▁these", "▁is", "▁the", "▁late", "▁Dev", "onian", "▁and", "▁early", "▁Mississ", "ipp", "ian", "▁H", "unt", "ley", "▁Mountain", "▁Form", "ation", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁made", "▁of", "▁relatively", "▁soft", "▁gray", "ish", "▁@", "-" ]
Natural Area . The state Natural Area runs along Pine Creek from Darling Run in the north ( just below Ansonia ) to Jerry Run in the south ( just above Blackwell ) . It is approximately 12 miles ( 19 km ) long and 2 miles ( 3 km ) wide , with state forest roads providing all of the western border and part of the eastern border . Within the park , Pine Creek and the walls of the gorge " visible from the opposite shoreline " are also protected by the state as a Pennsylvania Scenic River . In 1968 Pine Creek was one of only 27 rivers originally designated as eligible to be included in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System , and one of only eight specifically mentioned in the law establishing the program . Before Pine Creek could be included in the federal program , the state enacted its State Scenic Rivers Act , then asked that Pine Creek be withdrawn from the national designation . There was much local opposition to its inclusion , based at least partly on mistaken fears that protection would involve seizure of private property and restricted access . Eventually this opposition was overcome , but Pennsylvania did not officially include it as one of its own state Scenic and Wild Rivers until November 25 , 1992 . The state treated Pine Creek as a state scenic river between 1968 and 1992 . It protected the creek from dam @-@ building and water withdrawals for power plants , and added public access points to reduce trespassing on private property by visitors to the creek . = = Geology and climate = = Although the rock formations exposed in Colton Point State Park and the Pine Creek Gorge are at least 300 million years old , the gorge itself formed about 20 @,@ 000 years ago , in the last ice age . Pine Creek had flowed northeasterly until then , but was dammed by rocks , soil , ice , and other debris deposited by the receding Laurentide Continental Glacier . The dammed creek formed a lake near what would later be the village of Ansonia , and the lake 's glacial meltwater overflowed the debris dam , reversing the flow of Pine Creek . The creek flooded to the south and quickly carved a deep channel on its way to the West Branch Susquehanna River . The park is at an elevation of 1 @,@ 637 feet ( 499 m ) on the Allegheny Plateau , which formed in the Alleghenian orogeny some 300 million years ago , when Gondwana ( specifically what became Africa ) and what became North America collided , forming Pangaea . Although the gorge and its surroundings seem to be mountainous , the area is a dissected plateau . Years of erosion have cut away the soft rocks , forming the valleys , and left the hardest of the ancient rocks relatively untouched on the top of sharp ridges , giving them the appearance of " mountains " . The land on which Colton Point State Park sits was once part of the coastline of a shallow sea that covered a great portion of what is now North America . The high mountains to the east of the sea gradually eroded , causing a buildup of sediment made up primarily of clay , sand and gravel . Tremendous pressure on the sediment caused the formation of the rocks that are found today in the Pine Creek drainage basin : sandstone , shale , conglomerates , limestone , and coal . Five major rock formations present in Colton Point State Park are from the Devonian and Carboniferous periods . The youngest of these , which forms the highest points in the park and along the gorge , is the early Pennsylvanian Pottsville Formation , a gray conglomerate that may contain sandstone , siltstone , and shale , as well as anthracite coal . Low @-@ sulfur coal was once mined at three locations within the Pine Creek watershed . Below this is the late Mississippian Mauch Chunk Formation , which is formed with grayish @-@ red shale , siltstone , sandstone , and conglomerate . Millstones were once carved from the exposed sections of this conglomerate . Together the Pottsville and Mauch Chunk formations are some 300 feet ( 91 m ) thick . Next below these is the late Devonian and early Mississippian Huntley Mountain Formation , which is made of relatively soft grayish @-
[ "@", "▁red", "▁sh", "ale", "▁and", "▁o", "live", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gray", "▁sand", "stone", "▁.", "▁This", "▁is", "▁relatively", "▁hard", "▁rock", "▁and", "▁forms", "▁many", "▁of", "▁the", "▁rid", "ges", "▁.", "▁Below", "▁this", "▁is", "▁the", "▁red", "▁sh", "ale", "▁and", "▁s", "ilt", "stone", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Cat", "sk", "ill", "▁Form", "ation", "▁,", "▁about", "▁", "7", "6", "0", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "2", "3", "0", "▁m", "▁)", "▁thick", "▁and", "▁some", "▁", "3", "7", "5", "▁million", "▁years", "▁old", "▁.", "▁This", "▁layer", "▁is", "▁relatively", "▁soft", "▁and", "▁easily", "▁er", "oded", "▁,", "▁which", "▁helped", "▁to", "▁form", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁.", "▁Cl", "iffs", "▁formed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁H", "unt", "ley", "▁Mountain", "▁and", "▁Cat", "sk", "ill", "▁form", "ations", "▁are", "▁visible", "▁north", "▁of", "▁the", "▁park", "▁at", "▁Bar", "bour", "▁Rock", "▁.", "▁The", "▁lowest", "▁and", "▁oldest", "▁layer", "▁is", "▁the", "▁Lock", "▁H", "aven", 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]
@ red shale and olive @-@ gray sandstone . This is relatively hard rock and forms many of the ridges . Below this is the red shale and siltstone of the Catskill Formation , about 760 feet ( 230 m ) thick and some 375 million years old . This layer is relatively soft and easily eroded , which helped to form the Pine Creek Gorge . Cliffs formed by the Huntley Mountain and Catskill formations are visible north of the park at Barbour Rock . The lowest and oldest layer is the Lock Haven Formation , which is gray to green @-@ brown siltstone and shale over 400 million years old . It forms the base of the gorge , contains marine fossils , and is up to 600 feet ( 180 m ) thick . The Allegheny Plateau has a continental climate , with occasional severe low temperatures in winter and average daily temperature ranges of 20 ° F ( 11 ° C ) in winter and 26 ° F ( 14 ° C ) in summer . The mean annual precipitation for the Pine Creek watershed is 36 to 42 inches ( 914 to 1 @,@ 070 mm ) . The highest recorded temperature at the park was 104 ° F ( 40 ° C ) in 1936 , and the record low was − 30 ° F ( − 34 ° C ) in 1934 . = = Ecology = = Descriptions from early explorers and settlers give some idea of what the Pine Creek Gorge was like before it was clearcut . The forest was up to 85 percent hemlock and white pine ; hardwoods made up the rest of the forest . The area was inhabited by a large number of animal species , many of which have vanished by the end of the 20th century . A herd of 12 @,@ 000 American bison migrated along the West Branch Susquehanna River in 1773 . Pine Creek was home to large predators such as wolves , lynx , wolverines , panthers , fishers , bobcats and foxes ; all are locally extinct except for the last three as of 2007 . The area had herds of elk and deer , and large numbers of black bears , river otters , and beavers . In 1794 , two of the earliest white explorers to travel up Pine Creek found so many rattlesnakes on its banks that they had to sleep in their canoe . Further upstream , insects forced them to do the same . The virgin forests cooled the land and streams . The creeks and runs flowed more evenly year @-@ round , since centuries of accumulated organic matter in the forest soil caused slow percolation of rainfall into them . Pine Creek was home to large numbers of fish , including trout , but dams downstream on the Susquehanna River have eliminated the shad , salmon , and eels once found here by blocking their migrations . Habitat for land animals was destroyed by the clearcutting of forests , but there was also a great deal of hunting , with bounties paid for large predators . = = = State Natural Area and wildlife = = = While Colton Point and Leonard Harrison State Parks and parts of the surrounding Tioga State Forest are now the Pine Creek Gorge National Natural Landmark , it is their status as part of a Pennsylvania State Natural Area that provides the strongest protection for them . Within this Natural Area , logging , mining , and drilling for oil and gas are prohibited . Furthermore , only foot trail access is allowed . In 1988 the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources , precursor to the DCNR , described it as about 95 % State owned , unroaded , and designated the Pine Creek Gorge Natural Area . It is a place of unique geologic history and contains some rare plant communities , an old growth hemlock stand , ... active bald eagle nest [ s ] ... and is a major site of river otter reintroduction . Departmental policy is protection of the natural values of the Canyon from development and overuse , and restoration of the area to as near a natural condition as possible . The gorge has over 225 species of wildflowers , plants and trees , with scattered stands of old growth forest on some of its steepest walls . The rest of the gorge is covered with thriving second growth forest
[ "▁that", "▁can", "▁be", "▁over", "▁one", "▁hundred", "▁years", "▁old", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁clear", "cut", "ting", "▁,", "▁nearly", "▁", "9", "0", "▁percent", "▁of", "▁the", "▁forest", "▁land", "▁has", "▁bur", "nt", "▁at", "▁least", "▁once", "▁.", "▁Typ", "ical", "▁south", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁facing", "▁s", "lop", "es", "▁here", "▁have", "▁mountain", "▁la", "ure", "l", "▁below", "▁o", "ak", "▁and", "▁h", "ick", "ory", "▁trees", "▁,", "▁while", "▁north", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁facing", "▁s", "lop", "es", "▁tend", "▁to", "▁have", "▁f", "ern", "s", "▁below", "▁hem", "lock", "s", "▁and", "▁hard", "wood", "s", "▁.", "▁Lar", "ge", "▁ch", "est", "n", "uts", "▁and", "▁black", "▁cher", "ry", "▁can", "▁also", "▁be", "▁found", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Grand", "▁C", "any", "on", "▁of", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁is", "▁known", "▁for", "▁its", "▁fall", "▁fol", "i", "age", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁is", "▁a", "▁popular", "▁place", "▁to", "▁observe", "▁the", "▁colors", "▁,", "▁with", 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"▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Park", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁I", "BA", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁an", "▁area", "▁designated", "▁as", "▁a", "▁glob", "ally", "▁important", "▁habitat", "▁for", "▁the", "▁conservation", "▁of", "▁bird", "▁populations", "▁.", "▁", "▁Or", "n", "ith", "olog", "ists", "▁and", "▁bird", "▁watch", "ers", "▁have", "▁recorded", "▁a", "▁total", "▁of", "▁", "1", "2", "8", "▁species", "▁of", "▁birds", "▁in", "▁the", "▁I", "BA", "▁.", "▁Several", "▁factors", "▁contribute", "▁to", "▁the", "▁high", "▁total", "▁of", "▁bird", "▁species", "▁observed", "▁:", "▁there", "▁is", "▁a", "▁large", "▁area", "▁of", "▁forest", "▁in", "▁the", "▁I", "BA", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁great", "▁habitat", "▁divers", "ity", "▁,", "▁with", "▁", "3", "4", "3", "▁acres", "▁(", "▁", "1", "3", "9", "▁ha", "▁)", "▁of", "▁open", "▁water", "▁that", "▁is", "▁used", "▁by", "▁many", "▁of", "▁the", "▁birds", "▁,", "▁especially", "▁bald", "▁e", "ag", "les", "▁.", "▁The", "▁location", "▁of", "▁the", "▁I", "BA", "▁along", "▁the", "▁P", "ine", "▁Creek", "▁G", "orge", "▁also", "▁cont", "ributes", "▁to", "▁the", "▁diverse", "▁bird", "▁populations" ]
that can be over one hundred years old . Since clearcutting , nearly 90 percent of the forest land has burnt at least once . Typical south @-@ facing slopes here have mountain laurel below oak and hickory trees , while north @-@ facing slopes tend to have ferns below hemlocks and hardwoods . Large chestnuts and black cherry can also be found . The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania is known for its fall foliage , and Colton Point State Park is a popular place to observe the colors , with the first three weeks of October as the best time to see the leaves in their full color . Red leaves are found on red maple , black cherry , and red oak , while orange and yellow leaves are on black walnut , sugar maple , tulip poplar , chestnut oak , aspen and birch , and brown leaves are from beech , white oak , and eastern black oak trees . Despite the logging , there are some old @-@ growth hardwoods and hemlocks on Fourmile Run . Plants of " special concern " in Pennsylvania that are found in the gorge include Jacob 's ladder , wild pea , and hemlock parsley . There are over 40 species of mammals in the Pine Creek Gorge . Colton Point State Park 's extensive forest cover makes it a habitat for " big woods " wildlife , including white @-@ tailed deer , black bear , wild turkey , red and gray squirrels . Less common creatures include bobcats , coyote , fishers , river otters , and timber rattlesnakes . There are over 26 species of fish in Pine Creek , including trout , suckers , fallfish , and rock bass . Other aquatic species include crayfish and frogs . Several species have been reintroduced to the gorge . White @-@ tailed deer were imported from Michigan and released throughout Pennsylvania to reestablish what had once been a thriving population . The current population of deer in Pennsylvania are descended from the original stock introduced since 1906 , after the lumbermen had moved out of the area . The deer population has grown so much that today they exceed their carrying capacity in many areas . River otters were successfully reintroduced in 1983 and now breed in the gorge . Despite the otters ' diet of 5 percent trout , some anglers fear the animals would deplete the game fish in the gorge . Fishers , medium @-@ sized weasels , were reintroduced to Pine Creek Gorge as part of an effort to establish a healthy population of fishers in Pennsylvania . Prior to the lumber era , fishers were numerous throughout the forests of Pennsylvania . They are generalized predators and will hunt any smaller creatures in their territory , including porcupines . Elk have been reintroduced west of the gorge in Clinton County and occasionally wander near the west rim of the canyon . Coyotes have come back on their own . Invasive insect species in the gorge include gypsy moth larvae , which eat all the leaves off trees , especially oaks , and hemlock woolly adelgids , which weaken and kill hemlocks . Invasive plant species include purple loosestrife and Japanese knotweed . = = = Important Bird Area = = = Colton Point State Park is part of Important Bird Area # 28 , which encompasses 31 @,@ 790 acres ( 12 @,@ 860 ha ) of both publicly and private held land . State managed acreage accounts for 68 percent of the total area and includes Colton Point and Leonard Harrison State Parks and the surrounding Tioga State Forest lands . The Pennsylvania Audubon Society has designated all 368 acres ( 149 ha ) of Colton Point State Park as part of the IBA , which is an area designated as a globally important habitat for the conservation of bird populations . Ornithologists and bird watchers have recorded a total of 128 species of birds in the IBA . Several factors contribute to the high total of bird species observed : there is a large area of forest in the IBA , as well as great habitat diversity , with 343 acres ( 139 ha ) of open water that is used by many of the birds , especially bald eagles . The location of the IBA along the Pine Creek Gorge also contributes to the diverse bird populations
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"▁Tra", "il", "▁opened", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "2", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁", "2", "1", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "3", "4", "▁km", "▁)", "▁long", "▁and", "▁ended", "▁just", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁park", "▁,", "▁but", "▁it", "▁was", "▁extended", "▁", "9", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "1", "4", "▁km", "▁)", "▁north", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "5", "▁,", "▁passing", "▁through", "▁Col", "ton", "▁Point", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁chosen", "▁by", "▁Out", "side", "▁Magazine", "▁as", "▁its", "▁\"", "▁Best", "▁Hi", "ke", "▁in", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁April", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Camp", "ing", "▁and", "▁pic", "n", "ics", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Camp", "ing", "▁is", "▁a" ]
. In addition to bald eagles , which live in the IBA year round and have successfully established a breeding population there , the IBA is home to belted kingfishers , scarlet tanagers , black @-@ throated blue warblers , common mergansers , blue and green herons , hermit thrushes , and wood ducks . Large numbers of ospreys use the gorge during spring and fall migration periods . The woodlands are inhabited by wild turkeys and Pennsylvania 's state bird the ruffed grouse . Swainson 's thrush breeds in the IBA and the Northern harrier breeds and overwinters in Pine Creek Gorge . A variety of warblers is found in Colton Point State Park . The Pennsylvania Audubon Society states that Pine Creek Gorge is " especially rich in warbler species , including Pine , Black @-@ throated blue , Black @-@ throated green , Blackburnian , and Black @-@ and @-@ white . " Many of these smaller birds are more often heard than seen as they keep away from the trails and overlooks . = = Recreation = = = = = Trails = = = Colton Point State Park has some challenging hikes in and around the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania , with 4 @.@ 0 miles ( 6 @.@ 4 km ) of trails that feature very rugged terrain , pass close to steep cliffs , and can be very slick in some areas . Governor Robert P. Casey took a hiking tour of the park in July 1990 , and in 2003 the DCNR reported that 18 @,@ 239 people used the trails in the park . Rim Trail is a relatively flat 1 @-@ mile ( 1 @.@ 6 km ) loop trail , which follows the perimeter of Colton Point and links all of the canyon viewing areas . Turkey Path is a difficult trail , 3 miles ( 5 km ) long ( down and back within the park ) , that follows Four Mile Run down the side of the canyon , descending over 800 feet ( 240 m ) to Pine Creek and the rail trail at the bottom of the gorge . It was originally a mule drag used to haul timber to the creek . There is a 70 @-@ foot @-@ tall ( 21 m ) cascading waterfall about 0 @.@ 5 miles ( 0 @.@ 80 km ) down the trail . The park website classifies it as a " down and back trail " since there is no bridge across Pine Creek . The Turkey Path continues in Leonard Harrison State Park , going from a point on Pine Creek just downstream of the end of the trail in Colton Point up to the Leoanrd Harrison overlook on the east rim of the gorge . According to Owlett , the creek can be forded with care when the water is low , and the Turkey Path connects the two parks . Pine Creek Rail Trail is a 62 @-@ mile @-@ long ( 100 km ) rail trail from Wellsboro Junction , just north of Wellsboro , south through the Pine Creek Gorge to Jersey Shore : 1 mile ( 1 @.@ 6 km ) of this trail is in Colton Point and Leonard Harrison State Parks . A 2001 article in USA Today said the scenic beauty of the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania made the trail one of " 10 great places to take a bike tour " in the world . West Rim Trail is a 30 @.@ 5 @-@ mile @-@ long ( 49 @.@ 1 km ) hiking trail that runs along the west rim of the Pine Creek Gorge from near the village of Ansonia in the north to Rattlesnake Rock near the village of Blackwell in the south . It is mostly on Tioga State Forest land , but passes through the extreme north of the park and then forms the western border of the park in the south . When the West Rim Trail opened in 1982 , it was 21 miles ( 34 km ) long and ended just south of the park , but it was extended 9 miles ( 14 km ) north in 1985 , passing through Colton Point . It was chosen by Outside Magazine as its " Best Hike in Pennsylvania " in April 1996 . = = = Camping and picnics = = = Camping is a
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"▁century", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁the", "▁song", "▁won", "▁the", "▁award", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Pop", "just", "ice", "▁£", "▁", "2", "0", "▁Music", "▁Prize", "▁,", "▁an", "▁annual", "▁prize", "▁awarded", "▁by", "▁a", "▁panel", "▁of", "▁jud", "ges", "▁organ", "ised", "▁by", "▁music", "▁website", "▁Pop", "just", "ice", "▁to", "▁the", "▁singer", "▁(", "▁s", "▁)", "▁of", "▁the", "▁best", "▁British", "▁pop", "▁single", "▁of", "▁the", "▁past", "▁year", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁proved", "▁to", "▁be", "▁commer", "cially", "▁successful", "▁upon", "▁its", "▁release", "▁,", "▁chart", "ing", "▁at", "▁number", "▁three", "▁on", "▁the", "▁UK", "▁Singles", "▁Chart", "▁,", "▁continu", "ing", "▁the", "▁band", "▁'", "s", "▁string", "▁of", "▁hits", "▁by", "▁becoming", "▁their", "▁six", "teenth", "▁consecutive", "▁single", "▁to", "▁chart", "▁within", "▁the", "▁top", "▁ten", "▁,", "▁and", "▁being", "▁later", "▁cert", "ified", "▁Silver", "▁by", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Ph", "on", "ographic" ]
popular pastime at Colton Point State Park ; 1 @,@ 989 persons have used the camping facilities in 2003 . With no modern amenities like flush toilets or showers , the campsites take on a rustic nature . There are outhouses , fire rings , a sanitary dump station and picnic tables at the campground . An Organized Group Tenting area , intended for organized youth or adult groups , can accommodate up to 90 campers . 1 @,@ 490 campers used the area in 2003 . The park also has approximately 100 picnic tables and five CCC @-@ built picnic shelters which can be reserved . These facilities were used by 15 @,@ 379 picnickers in 2003 . = = = Hunting , fishing , and whitewater = = = Hunting is permitted in 100 acres ( 40 ha ) of Colton Point State Park , and is regulated by the Pennsylvania Game Commission . The common game species are ruffed grouse , eastern gray squirrels , wild turkey , white @-@ tailed deer , and black bears . The hunting of groundhogs is prohibited . More acres of forested woodlands are available for hunting on the grounds of the adjacent Tioga State Forest . Fishing is permitted at Colton Point State Park . Anglers must descend the Turkey Path to reach Pine Creek . The species of fish found in Pine Creek are trout , smallmouth bass , and some panfish . There are several small trout streams that are accessible from within the park . Historically , the stretch of Pine Creek in the park has been fished by notable anglers , including President Theodore Roosevelt and Pennsylvania Governor William A. Stone . Edward Gertler writes in Keystone Canoeing that Pine Creek " is possibly Pennsylvania 's most famous canoe stream " and attributes this partly to the thousands who decide to boat on it after they " peer into Pine Creek 's spectacular abyss from the overlooks of Leonard Harrison and Colton Point state parks " . The park contains 1 mile ( 1 @.@ 6 km ) of Pine Creek , which is classified as Class 1 to Class 2 whitewater . Boaters do not normally start or end their run in the park : it is part of the 16 @.@ 8 @-@ mile ( 27 @.@ 0 km ) trip from Ansonia ( Marsh Creek ) south to Blackwell ( Babb Creek ) . = = Nearby state parks = = Colton Point State Park is in Shippen Township , and is 5 miles ( 8 km ) south of U.S. Route 6 and the village of Ansonia on Colton Road . The following state parks are within 30 miles ( 50 km ) of Colton Point State Park : = Call the Shots = " Call the Shots " is a song by British girl group Girls Aloud from their fourth studio album , Tangled Up ( 2007 ) . The song was written by Miranda Cooper , with inspiration from an article about the advance of women in business , and Brian Higgins , Tim Powell , Lisa Cowling , and Giselle Somerville also received songwriting credits . Polydor Records originally intended to release it as a single for The Sound of Girls Aloud : The Greatest Hits ( 2006 ) ; however , " Something Kinda Ooooh " was selected instead . In September 2007 , " Call the Shots " leaked online , and on 26 November of the same year , it was released as the second single from Tangled Up through Fascination Records , a week after the album 's release . Produced by Xenomania , the dance @-@ pop and pop rock song showcases a more mature side from Girls Aloud , and received positive reviews from music critics , with one deeming it as the " greatest pop song of the 21st century " . In 2008 , the song won the award for the Popjustice £ 20 Music Prize , an annual prize awarded by a panel of judges organised by music website Popjustice to the singer ( s ) of the best British pop single of the past year . " Call the Shots " proved to be commercially successful upon its release , charting at number three on the UK Singles Chart , continuing the band 's string of hits by becoming their sixteenth consecutive single to chart within the top ten , and being later certified Silver by the British Phonographic
[ "▁Indust", "ry", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁also", "▁pe", "aked", "▁at", "▁number", "▁nine", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁Singles", "▁Chart", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁accomp", "any", "ing", "▁music", "▁video", "▁was", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁Se", "an", "▁de", "▁S", "par", "engo", "▁,", "▁and", "▁features", "▁the", "▁girls", "▁in", "▁pur", "ple", "▁dress", "es", "▁performing", "▁on", "▁Mal", "ib", "u", "▁Beach", "▁at", "▁night", "▁with", "▁fl", "ames", "▁and", "▁white", "▁fabric", "▁surrounding", "▁them", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁band", "▁is", "▁also", "▁shown", "▁other", "▁locations", "▁,", "▁following", "▁several", "▁story", "▁lines", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁promoted", "▁through", "▁numerous", "▁live", "▁appearances", "▁,", "▁including", "▁a", "▁high", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁profile", "▁performance", "▁on", "▁The", "▁X", "▁F", "actor", "▁,", "▁and", "▁has", "▁since", "▁been", "▁performed", "▁on", "▁three", "▁of", "▁Girls", "▁Al", "oud", "▁'", "s", "▁subsequent", "▁concert", "▁t", "ours", "▁.", "▁Several", "▁artists", "▁and", "▁bands", "▁including", "▁Cold", "play", "▁and", "▁Mark", "▁Mor", "r", "iss", "▁have", "▁covered", "▁the", "▁song", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Background", "▁and", "▁release", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁first", "▁part", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁be", "▁composed", "▁was", "▁the", "▁instrument", "ation", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁done", "▁by", "▁X", "en", "oman", "ia", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁.", "▁The", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁of", "▁the", "▁song", "▁were", "▁written", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁when", "▁song", "writer", "▁Mir", "anda", "▁Cooper", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁inspired", "▁by", "▁an", "▁article", "▁she", "▁read", "▁on", "▁something", "▁called", "▁(", "▁coinc", "ident", "ally", "▁)", "▁the", "▁Mir", "anda", "▁Complex", "▁,", "▁named", "▁after", "▁the", "▁am", "bit", "ious", "▁lawyer", "▁in", "▁Sex", "▁and", "▁the", "▁City", "▁,", "▁about", "▁how", "▁women", "▁are", "▁ear", "ning", "▁more", "▁than", "▁men", "▁and", "▁pushing", "▁ahead", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Pol", "yd", "or", "▁Records", "▁originally", "▁intended", "▁to", "▁release", "▁it", "▁as", "▁a", "▁single", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Sound", "▁of", "▁Girls", "▁Al", "oud", "▁:", "▁The", "▁Great", "est", "▁H", "its", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁)", "▁the", "▁same", "▁year", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁de", "emed", "▁\"", "▁too", "▁down", "be", "at", "▁,", "▁when", "▁a", "▁greatest", "▁hits", "▁single", "▁needs", "▁to", "▁be", "▁a", "▁celebr", "ation", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Nicola", "▁Roberts", "▁,", "▁Ch", "ery", "l", "▁Cole", "▁,", "▁Sarah", "▁Hard", "ing", "▁and", "▁Kim", "ber", "ley", "▁Wal", "sh", "▁recorded", "▁vocals", "▁for", "▁the", "▁song", "▁in", "▁London", "▁,", "▁England", "▁,", "▁while", "▁Nad", "ine", "▁Co", "yle", "▁recorded", "▁her", "▁vocals", "▁in", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁.", "▁Cole", "▁de", "emed", "▁the", "▁song", "▁her", "▁favour", "ite", "▁from", "▁Tang", "led", "▁Up", "▁,", "▁adding", "▁that", "▁it", "▁gave", "▁her", "▁\"", "▁go", "ose", "bum", "ps", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁An", "▁early", "▁version", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁le", "aked", "▁online", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "1", "6", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁Tang", "led", "▁Up", "▁was", "▁released", "▁,", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁being", "▁released", "▁for", "▁digital", "▁download", "▁on", "▁", "2", "6", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁through", "▁Pol", "yd", "or", "▁Records", "▁,", "▁while", "▁it", "▁was", "▁also", "▁made", "▁available", "▁on", "▁two", "▁different", "▁CD", "▁single", "▁formats", "▁the", "▁same", "▁day", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁disc", "▁included", "▁a", "▁live", "▁cover", "▁version", "▁of", "▁Amy", "▁W", "ine", "house", "▁'", "s", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁single", "▁\"", "▁Re", "hab", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁as", "▁performed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁BBC", "▁Radio", "▁", "1", "▁programme", "▁Jo", "▁While", "y", "▁'", "s", "▁Live", "▁L", "oun", "ge", "▁.", "▁The", "▁second", "▁CD", "▁format", "▁featured", "▁an", "▁original", "▁composition", "▁entitled", "▁\"", "▁B", "low", "▁Your", "▁Cover", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Girls", "▁Al", "oud", "▁with", "▁X", "en", "oman", "ia", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Tony", "▁L", "amen", "za", "▁Rem", "ix", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁being", "▁included", "▁on", "▁the", "▁CD", "▁single", "▁also", "▁at", "▁first", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁the", "▁X", "en", "oman", "ia", "▁Club", "▁Mix", "▁was", "▁selected", "▁instead", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Tony", "▁L", "amen", "za", "▁Rem", "ix", "▁was", "▁then", "▁included", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Singles", "▁Box", "▁Set", "▁,", "▁released", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Com", "position", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁a", "▁dance", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pop", "▁and", "▁pop", "▁rock", "▁track", "▁written", "▁in", "▁the", "▁key", "▁of", "▁D", "▁major", "▁and", "▁with", "▁a", "▁moder", "ate", "▁tempo", "▁of", "▁", "1", "2", "6", "▁be", "ats", "▁per", "▁minute", "▁.", "▁Un", "like", "▁previous", "▁singles", "▁released", "▁by", "▁the", "▁band", "▁,", "▁the", "▁song", "▁follows", "▁the", "▁verse", "▁–", "▁ch", "orus", "▁form", "▁.", "▁The", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁are", "▁concerned", "▁with", "▁the", "▁ending", "▁of", "▁a", "▁relationship", "▁,", "▁and", "▁opens", "▁with", "▁a", "▁repet", "itive", "▁mel", "ody", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁Co", "yle", "▁singing", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁St", "atic", "▁tone", "▁on", "▁the", "▁phone", "▁,", "▁I", "▁'", "ll", "▁be", "▁breaking", "▁again", "▁/", "▁Must", "▁be", "▁something", "▁better", "▁b", "abe", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁As", "▁the", "▁ch", "orus", "▁begins", "▁,", "▁the", "▁five", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁group", "▁trade", "▁lines", "▁and", "▁sing", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Just", "▁'", "▁cause", "▁you", "▁'", "re", "▁raising", "▁the", "▁bet", "▁and", "▁call", "▁the", "▁sh", "ots", "▁now", "▁on", "▁me", "▁/", "▁It", "▁really", "▁doesn", "▁'", "t", "▁faz", "e", "▁me", "▁how", "▁you", "▁spend", "▁your", "▁time", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Alex", "is", "▁Pet", "rid", "is", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Guardian", "▁stating", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁only", "▁an", "ter", "og", "rade", "▁am", "nes", "ia", "▁could", "▁w", "ipe", "▁[", "▁this", "▁part", "▁]", "▁from", "▁your", "▁brain", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁middle", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁eight", "▁,", "▁Roberts", "▁s", "ings", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁that", "▁were", "▁the", "▁insp", "iration", "▁for", "▁Girls", "▁Al", "oud", "▁'", "s", "▁aut", "obi", "ography", "▁Dream", "s", "▁that", "▁Gl", "itter", "▁–", "▁Our", "▁Story", "▁,", "▁released", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁'", "ve", "▁seen", "▁life", "▁burn", "▁bright", "▁,", "▁seen", "▁it", "▁sh", "immer", "▁/", "▁Then", "▁fade", "▁like", "▁star", "light", "▁to", "▁a", "▁g", "lim", "mer", "▁,", "▁oh", "▁no", "▁/", "▁I", "▁'", "ve", "▁seen", "▁life", "▁flow", "▁by", "▁like", "▁a", "▁river", "▁/", "▁So", "▁full", "▁of", "▁tw", "il", "ight", "▁,", "▁dream", "s", "▁that", "▁gl", "itter", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Alex", "▁F", "let", "cher", "▁of", "▁Digital", "▁Sp", "y", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁instrument", "ation", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁based", "▁on", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "0", "s", "▁dance", "▁produ", "ctions", "▁,", "▁and", "▁added", "▁that", "▁it", "▁incorpor", "ated", "▁\"", "▁o", "oh", "s", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁ah", "▁ah", "▁a", "hs", "▁\"", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁rever", "ber", "ate", "▁around", "▁an", "▁inf", "ect", "ious", "▁ch", "orus", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁while", "▁John", "▁Lucas", "▁of", "▁All", "music", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁the", "▁song", "▁show", "c", "ased", "▁a", "▁more", "▁m", "ature", "▁side", "▁from", "▁Girls", "▁Al", "oud", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "ception", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Crit", "ical", "▁response", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁received", "▁positive", "▁reviews", "▁from", "▁music", "▁critics", "▁.", "▁Alex", "▁F", "let", "cher", "▁of", "▁Digital", "▁Sp", "y", "▁r", "ated", "▁the", "▁song", "▁four", "▁out", "▁of", "▁five" ]
Industry . The song also peaked at number nine on the Irish Singles Chart . The accompanying music video was directed by Sean de Sparengo , and features the girls in purple dresses performing on Malibu Beach at night with flames and white fabric surrounding them . Each member of the band is also shown other locations , following several story lines . " Call the Shots " was promoted through numerous live appearances , including a high @-@ profile performance on The X Factor , and has since been performed on three of Girls Aloud 's subsequent concert tours . Several artists and bands including Coldplay and Mark Morriss have covered the song . = = Background and release = = The first part of " Call the Shots " to be composed was the instrumentation , which was done by Xenomania in 2005 . The lyrics of the song were written in 2006 , when songwriter Miranda Cooper was " inspired by an article she read on something called ( coincidentally ) the Miranda Complex , named after the ambitious lawyer in Sex and the City , about how women are earning more than men and pushing ahead . " Polydor Records originally intended to release it as a single for The Sound of Girls Aloud : The Greatest Hits ( 2006 ) the same year , but was deemed " too downbeat , when a greatest hits single needs to be a celebration . " Nicola Roberts , Cheryl Cole , Sarah Harding and Kimberley Walsh recorded vocals for the song in London , England , while Nadine Coyle recorded her vocals in Los Angeles . Cole deemed the song her favourite from Tangled Up , adding that it gave her " goosebumps " . An early version of " Call the Shots " leaked online in September 2007 . On 16 November 2007 , Tangled Up was released , with " Call the Shots " being released for digital download on 26 November 2007 , through Polydor Records , while it was also made available on two different CD single formats the same day . The first disc included a live cover version of Amy Winehouse 's 2007 single " Rehab " , as performed on the BBC Radio 1 programme Jo Whiley 's Live Lounge . The second CD format featured an original composition entitled " Blow Your Cover " , co @-@ written by Girls Aloud with Xenomania . The Tony Lamenza Remix of " Call the Shots " was being included on the CD single also at first , however , the Xenomania Club Mix was selected instead . The Tony Lamenza Remix was then included on the Singles Box Set , released in 2009 . = = Composition = = " Call the Shots " is a dance @-@ pop and pop rock track written in the key of D major and with a moderate tempo of 126 beats per minute . Unlike previous singles released by the band , the song follows the verse – chorus form . The lyrics are concerned with the ending of a relationship , and opens with a repetitive melody followed by Coyle singing , " Static tone on the phone , I 'll be breaking again / Must be something better babe " . As the chorus begins , the five members of the group trade lines and sing , " Just ' cause you 're raising the bet and call the shots now on me / It really doesn 't faze me how you spend your time " , with Alexis Petridis of The Guardian stating that " only anterograde amnesia could wipe [ this part ] from your brain " . During the middle @-@ eight , Roberts sings lyrics that were the inspiration for Girls Aloud 's autobiography Dreams that Glitter – Our Story , released in 2008 : " I 've seen life burn bright , seen it shimmer / Then fade like starlight to a glimmer , oh no / I 've seen life flow by like a river / So full of twilight , dreams that glitter " . Alex Fletcher of Digital Spy said that the instrumentation of " Call the Shots " was based on 1990s dance productions , and added that it incorporated " oohs " and " ah ah ahs " that " reverberate around an infectious chorus , " while John Lucas of Allmusic wrote that the song showcased a more mature side from Girls Aloud . = = Reception = = = = = Critical response = = = " Call the Shots " received positive reviews from music critics . Alex Fletcher of Digital Spy rated the song four out of five
[ "▁stars", "▁,", "▁writing", "▁that", "▁it", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁more", "▁taste", "ful", "▁\"", "▁than", "▁few", "▁of", "▁Girls", "▁Al", "oud", "▁'", "s", "▁previous", "▁releases", "▁.", "▁Daily", "▁Star", "▁journalist", "▁Kim", "▁Daw", "son", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁band", "▁'", "s", "▁best", "▁singles", "▁,", "▁while", "▁another", "▁rev", "iewer", "▁for", "▁the", "▁same", "▁newspaper", "▁de", "emed", "▁the", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁class", "y", "▁electronic", "▁Euro", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pop", "▁with", "▁real", "▁edge", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Jenn", "ie", "▁Mc", "N", "ulty", "▁of", "▁Marie", "▁Cla", "ire", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁has", "▁a", "▁wonder", "fully", "▁ambient", "▁feel", "▁,", "▁echo", "ing", "▁an", "▁ar", "ty", "▁electro", "▁band", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁while", "▁Alex", "is", "▁Pet", "rid", "is", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Guardian", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁Tang", "led", "▁Up", "▁\"", "▁begins", "▁disappoint", "ingly", "▁\"", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁the", "▁opening", "▁track", "▁because", "▁the", "▁song", "▁'", "s", "▁structure", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁bit", "▁common", "place", "▁\"", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁Girls", "▁Al", "oud", "▁'", "s", "▁previous", "▁singles", "▁such", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁Bi", "ology", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁)", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁count", "down", "▁of", "▁the", "▁top", "▁singles", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁Digital", "▁Sp", "y", "▁placed", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁at", "▁number", "▁", "1", "7", "▁,", "▁comment", "ing", "▁that", "▁the", "▁band", "▁had", "▁not", "▁lost", "▁\"", "▁their", "▁kn", "ack", "▁for", "▁making", "▁supre", "m", "ely", "▁catch", "y", "▁pop", "▁hits", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁the", "▁song", "▁won", "▁the", "▁Pop", "just", "ice", "▁£", "▁", "2", "0", "▁Music", "▁Prize", "▁–", "▁Girls", "▁Al", "oud", "▁'", "s", "▁fourth", "▁win", "▁.", "▁Pop", "just", 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"▁ten", "▁,", "▁returning", "▁to", "▁its", "▁debut", "▁position", "▁of", "▁number", "▁nine", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁cert", "ified", "▁Silver", "▁by", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Ph", "on", "ographic", "▁Indust", "ry", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁chart", "▁issue", "▁of", "▁", "2", "2", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁the", "▁song", "▁deb", "uted", "▁at", "▁number", "▁", "4", "4", "▁in", "▁Ireland", "▁,", "▁reaching", "▁a", "▁new", "▁peak", "▁at", "▁number", "▁", "9", "▁the", "▁following", "▁week", "▁.", "▁It", "▁att", "ained", "▁the", "▁same", "▁peak", "▁on", "▁the", "▁European", "▁Hot", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁Singles", "▁chart", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Music", "▁video", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁accomp", "any", "ing", "▁music", "▁video", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁Se", "an", "▁de", "▁S", "par", "engo", "▁,", "▁and", "▁fil", "med", "▁in", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁in", "▁Mal", 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"▁f", "li", "pping", "▁through", "▁photograph", "s", "▁featuring", "▁her", "▁and", "▁a", "▁man", "▁.", "▁She", "▁takes", "▁a", "▁l", "ighter", "▁to", "▁the", "▁photos", "▁and", "▁sets", "▁them", "▁al", "ight", "▁.", "▁Roberts", "▁is", "▁lying", "▁down", "▁by", "▁a", "▁sw", "imming", "▁pool", "▁,", "▁running", "▁her", "▁fingers", "▁through", "▁the", "▁water", "▁.", "▁A", "▁young", "▁man", "▁wal", "ks", "▁up", "▁to", "▁her", "▁with", "▁a", "▁bou", "quet", "▁of", "▁flowers", "▁and", "▁toss", "es", "▁them", "▁into", "▁the", "▁water", "▁.", "▁Hard", "ing", "▁watch", "es", "▁her", "▁boy", "friend", "▁in", "▁the", "▁show", "er", "▁and", "▁goes", "▁through", "▁his", "▁phone", "▁.", "▁The", "▁video", "▁premier", "ed", "▁on", "▁", "1", "7", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Live", "▁performances", "▁and", "▁covers", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Girls", "▁Al", "oud", "▁first", "▁performed", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁at", "▁a", "▁char", "ity", "▁ball", "▁in", "▁aid", "▁of", "▁children", "▁'", "s", "▁char", "ity", "▁UN", "ICE", "F", "▁on", "▁", "1", "0", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁The", "▁band", "▁also", "▁performed", "▁the", "▁song", "▁on", "▁The", "▁X", "▁F", "actor", "▁on", "▁", "1", "7", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁on", "▁The", "▁Paul", "▁O", "▁'", "Gr", "ady", "▁Show", "▁on", "▁", "2", "1", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁on", "▁This", "▁Mor", "ning", "▁on", "▁", "2", "7", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁and", "▁on", "▁Top", "▁of", "▁the", "▁P", "ops", "▁on", "▁", "2", "5", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁performed", "▁on", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁'", "s", "▁Tang", "led", "▁Up", "▁Tour", "▁,", "▁and", "▁,", "▁later", "▁that", "▁year", "▁,", "▁at", "▁The", "▁Girls", "▁Al", "oud", "▁Party", "▁TV", "▁special", "▁held", "▁by", "▁I", "TV", "1", "▁,", "▁and", "▁at", "▁the", "▁V", "▁Festival", "▁.", "▁For", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁'", "s", "▁Out", "▁of", "▁Control", "▁Tour", "▁,", "▁the", "▁band", "▁began", "▁the", "▁performance", "▁on", "▁a", "▁smaller", "▁,", "▁spe", "cially", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁constructed", "▁stage", "▁in", "▁the", "▁centre", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ar", "ena", "▁,", "▁and", "▁fle", "w", "▁back", "▁to", "▁the", "▁main", "▁stage", "▁before", "▁it", "▁ended", "▁.", "▁The", "▁same", "▁year", "▁,", "▁B", "loc", "▁Party", "▁covered", "▁the", "▁song", "▁for", "▁BBC", "▁Radio", "▁", "1", "▁'", "s", "▁Live", "▁L", "oun", "ge", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁song", "▁was", "▁performed", "▁during", "▁the", "▁second", "▁act", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ten", "▁:", "▁The", "▁H", "its", "▁Tour", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁also", "▁covered", "▁by", "▁several", "▁artists", "▁and", "▁bands", "▁such", "▁as", "▁Cold", "play", "▁,", "▁David", "▁Jordan", "▁,", "▁F", "y", "fe", "▁D", "anger", "field", "▁,", "▁Mal", "col", "m", "▁Middle", "ton", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Mark", "▁Mor", "r", "iss", "▁.", "▁", "▁=" ]
stars , writing that it is " more tasteful " than few of Girls Aloud 's previous releases . Daily Star journalist Kim Dawson said " Call the Shots " is one of the band 's best singles , while another reviewer for the same newspaper deemed the song " classy electronic Euro @-@ pop with real edge . " Jennie McNulty of Marie Claire said that the song " has a wonderfully ambient feel , echoing an arty electro band " , while Alexis Petridis of The Guardian wrote that Tangled Up " begins disappointingly " with " Call the Shots " as the opening track because the song 's structure is " a bit commonplace " compared to Girls Aloud 's previous singles such as " Biology " ( 2005 ) . On the countdown of the top singles of 2007 , Digital Spy placed " Call the Shots " at number 17 , commenting that the band had not lost " their knack for making supremely catchy pop hits . " In 2008 , the song won the Popjustice £ 20 Music Prize – Girls Aloud 's fourth win . Popjustice writer Peter Robinson deemed it as the " greatest pop song of the 21st century . " = = = Chart performance = = = Following the availability of " Call the Shots " due to the release of Tangled Up , the song entered the UK Singles Chart at number nine . The following week , " Call the Shots " rose six places to peak at number three . It managed to stay at number three the following week , but slipped to number five in its fourth week . Through the Christmas week chart , the single managed to stay in the top ten , returning to its debut position of number nine . " Call the Shots " was certified Silver by the British Phonographic Industry . On the chart issue of 22 November 2007 , the song debuted at number 44 in Ireland , reaching a new peak at number 9 the following week . It attained the same peak on the European Hot 100 Singles chart . = = Music video = = The accompanying music video for " Call the Shots " was directed by Sean de Sparengo , and filmed in October 2007 in Malibu , California , while Girls Aloud were filming The Passions of Girls Aloud . The video features the girls in purple dresses performing on Malibu Beach at night with flames and white fabric surrounding them . The girls are also shown in different locations with individual story lines . Cole is simply seen looking out of a sunny window . Walsh is sat in front of a mirror , putting on make @-@ up ; her fictional boyfriend comes to get her and they hug , though she appears to be sad . Coyle is seated on a couch , flipping through photographs featuring her and a man . She takes a lighter to the photos and sets them alight . Roberts is lying down by a swimming pool , running her fingers through the water . A young man walks up to her with a bouquet of flowers and tosses them into the water . Harding watches her boyfriend in the shower and goes through his phone . The video premiered on 17 October 2007 . = = Live performances and covers = = Girls Aloud first performed " Call the Shots " at a charity ball in aid of children 's charity UNICEF on 10 November 2007 . The band also performed the song on The X Factor on 17 November 2007 , on The Paul O 'Grady Show on 21 November 2007 , on This Morning on 27 November 2007 , and on Top of the Pops on 25 December 2007 . " Call the Shots " was performed on 2008 's Tangled Up Tour , and , later that year , at The Girls Aloud Party TV special held by ITV1 , and at the V Festival . For 2009 's Out of Control Tour , the band began the performance on a smaller , specially @-@ constructed stage in the centre of the arena , and flew back to the main stage before it ended . The same year , Bloc Party covered the song for BBC Radio 1 's Live Lounge . In 2013 , the song was performed during the second act of the Ten : The Hits Tour . " Call the Shots " was also covered by several artists and bands such as Coldplay , David Jordan , Fyfe Dangerfield , Malcolm Middleton , and Mark Morriss . =
[ "▁=", "▁Form", "ats", "▁and", "▁track", "▁list", "ings", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁These", "▁are", "▁the", "▁formats", "▁and", "▁track", "▁list", "ings", "▁of", "▁major", "▁single", "▁releases", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Call", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ots", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cred", "its", "▁and", "▁personnel", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Gu", "itar", "▁–", "▁Nick", "▁Col", "er", "▁,", "▁O", "wen", "▁Parker", "▁", "▁Key", "board", "▁–", "▁Mir", "anda", "▁Cooper", "▁,", "▁Brian", "▁H", "igg", "ins", "▁,", "▁Matt", "▁Gray", "▁,", "▁Tim", "▁Pow", "ell", "▁,", "▁T", "oby", "▁Scott", "▁", "▁Master", "ing", "▁–", "▁Dick", "▁Be", "eth", "am", "▁for", "▁", "3", "6", "0", "▁Master", "ing", "▁", "▁Mix", "ing", "▁–", "▁Jer", "emy", "▁Whe", "at", "ley", "▁", "▁Production", "▁–", "▁Brian", "▁H", "igg", "ins", "▁,", "▁X", "en", "oman", "ia", "▁", "▁Program", "ming", "▁–", "▁Mir", "anda", "▁Cooper", "▁,", "▁Brian", "▁H", "igg", "ins", "▁,", "▁Matt", "▁Gray", "▁,", "▁Tim", "▁Pow", "ell", "▁,", "▁T", "oby", "▁Scott", 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"Τ", "ο", "υ", "ρ", "χ", "ί", "α", "ς", "▁", "ά", "ρ", "χ", "ω", "υ", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁reli", "ability", "▁of", "▁the", "▁By", "z", "antine", "▁em", "peror", "▁'", "s", "▁report", "▁of", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁'", "s", "▁election", "▁is", "▁deb", "ated", "▁by", "▁modern", "▁histor", "ians", "▁:", "▁for", "▁instance", "▁,", "▁Victor", "▁Sp", "ine", "i", "▁states", "▁that", "▁it", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁rather", "▁vague", "▁and", "▁scarcely", "▁cred", "ible", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁but", "▁And", "rás", "▁R", "ón", "a", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Tas", "▁writes", "▁that", "▁its", "▁core", "▁is", "▁reliable", "▁.", "▁The", "▁latter", "▁historian", "▁adds", "▁that", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁'", "s", "▁election", "▁was", "▁promoted", "▁by", "▁Ál", "mos", "▁who", "▁forced", "▁Le", "ved", "i", "▁k", "ende", "▁to", "▁ren", "ounce", "▁.", "▁According", "ly", "▁,", "▁in", "▁R", "ón", "a", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Tas", "▁'", "s", "▁view", "▁,", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁succeeded", "▁Le", "ved", "i", "▁as", "▁sacred", "▁r", "uler", "▁or", "▁k", "ende", "▁,", "▁which", "▁enabled", "▁his", "▁father", "▁to", "▁preserve", "▁his", "▁own", "▁position", "▁of", "▁the", "▁actual", "▁leader", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Hung", "ari", "ans", "▁or", "▁gy", "ula", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Tow", "ards", "▁the", "▁Hung", "arian", "▁Con", "quest", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁earliest", "▁reliable", "▁source", "▁of", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁'", "s", "▁life", "▁is", "▁an", "▁early", "▁", "1", "0", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁century", "▁document", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Cont", "inu", "ation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Chron", "icle", "▁by", "▁George", "▁the", "▁Mon", "k", "▁.", "▁It", "▁narr", "ates", "▁that", "▁the", "▁By", "z", "antine", "▁Emperor", "▁Leo", "▁VI", "▁the", "▁W", "ise", "▁(", "▁r", "▁.", "▁", "8", "8", "6", "▁–", "▁", "9", "1", "2", "▁)", "▁sent", "▁his", "▁en", "voy", "▁Nic" ]
= Formats and track listings = = These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of " Call the Shots " . = = Credits and personnel = = Guitar – Nick Coler , Owen Parker Keyboard – Miranda Cooper , Brian Higgins , Matt Gray , Tim Powell , Toby Scott Mastering – Dick Beetham for 360 Mastering Mixing – Jeremy Wheatley Production – Brian Higgins , Xenomania Programming – Miranda Cooper , Brian Higgins , Matt Gray , Tim Powell , Toby Scott Songwriting – Miranda Cooper , Brian Higgins , Tim Powell , Lisa Cowling , Giselle Somerville Vocals – Girls Aloud Published by Warner / Chappell Music and Xenomania Music Credits adapted from the liner notes of Tangled Up . = = Charts and certifications = = = = Release history = = = Árpád = Árpád ( Hungarian pronunciation : [ ˈaːrpaːd ] ; c . 845 – c . 907 ) was the head of the confederation of the Hungarian tribes at the turn of the 9th and 10th centuries . He may have been either the sacred ruler or kende of the Hungarians , or their military leader or gyula , although most details of his life are debated by historians , because different sources contain contradictory information . Despite this , many Hungarians refer to him as the " founder of our country " , and Árpád 's preeminent role in the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin has been emphasized by some later chronicles . The dynasty descending from Árpád ruled the Kingdom of Hungary until 1301 . = = Biography = = = = = Early life = = = Árpád was the son of Álmos who is mentioned as the first head of the confederation of the Hungarian tribes by all Hungarian chronicles . His mother 's name and family are unknown . According to historian Gyula Kristó , Árpád was born around 845 . His name derived from the Hungarian word for barley ( árpa ) . The Byzantine Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus ( r . 913 – 959 ) states that the Hungarians " had never at any time had any other prince " before Árpád , which is in sharp contrast to the Hungarian chronicles ' report of the position of Árpád 's father . In Porphyrogenitus 's narration , the Khazar khagan initiated the centralization of the command of the Hungarian tribes in order to strengthen his own suzerainty over them . The khagan initially wanted to appoint a chieftain named Levedi to lead the Hungarians . However , Levedi did not accept this offer and suggested that either Álmos or Árpád should be promoted instead of him . The khagan approached the Hungarians with this new proposal . They preferred Árpád to his father , because he was " greatly admired for wisdom and counsel and valour , and capable of this rule " . Thereafter , Árpád was made " prince according to the custom ... of the Chazars , by lifting him upon a shield . " Constantine Porphyrogenitus refers to Árpád as " great prince of Hungary " ( Greek : μέγας Τουρχίας άρχωυ ) . The reliability of the Byzantine emperor 's report of Árpád 's election is debated by modern historians : for instance , Victor Spinei states that it is " rather vague and scarcely credible " , but András Róna @-@ Tas writes that its core is reliable . The latter historian adds that Árpád 's election was promoted by Álmos who forced Levedi kende to renounce . Accordingly , in Róna @-@ Tas 's view , Árpád succeeded Levedi as sacred ruler or kende , which enabled his father to preserve his own position of the actual leader of the Hungarians or gyula . = = = Towards the Hungarian Conquest = = = The earliest reliable source of Árpád 's life is an early 10th @-@ century document , the Continuation of the Chronicle by George the Monk . It narrates that the Byzantine Emperor Leo VI the Wise ( r . 886 – 912 ) sent his envoy Nic
[ "et", "as", "▁S", "cler", "us", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Hung", "ari", "ans", "▁in", "▁", "8", "9", "4", "▁or", "▁", "8", "9", "5", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁give", "▁presents", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁in", "cite", "▁them", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Bulgar", "ian", "▁Empire", "▁.", "▁S", "cler", "us", "▁met", "▁with", "▁their", "▁two", "▁leaders", "▁,", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁and", "▁K", "urs", "z", "án", "▁,", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Lower", "▁Dan", "ube", "▁.", "▁S", "cler", "us", "▁'", "s", "▁mission", "▁succeeded", "▁:", "▁a", "▁Hung", "arian", "▁army", "▁soon", "▁crossed", "▁the", "▁Dan", "ube", "▁on", "▁By", "z", "antine", "▁ships", "▁against", "▁Bulg", "aria", "▁.", "▁An", "▁interpolation", "▁in", "▁P", "orph", "y", "ro", "gen", "it", "us", "▁'", "s", "▁text", "▁suggests", "▁that", "▁the", "▁inv", "ading", "▁Hung", "ari", "ans", "▁were", "▁under", "▁the", "▁command", "▁of", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁'", "s", "▁son", "▁,", "▁Li", "ü", "nt", "ika", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁positions", "▁held", "▁by", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁and", 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"▁with", "▁their", "▁pun", "ishment", "▁.", "▁While", "▁our", "▁forces", "▁were", "▁engaged", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Sar", "ac", "ens", "▁,", "▁divine", "▁Prov", "idence", "▁led", "▁the", "▁[", "▁Hung", "ari", "ans", "▁]", "▁,", "▁in", "▁place", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Rom", "ans", "▁,", "▁to", "▁campaign", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Bulg", "ari", "ans", "▁.", "▁Our", "▁Majesty", "▁'", "s", "▁fleet", "▁of", "▁ships", "▁supported", "▁them", "▁and", "▁fer", "ried", "▁them", "▁across", "▁the", "▁Dan", "ube", "▁.", "▁[", "▁Prov", "idence", "▁]", "▁sent", "▁them", "▁out", "▁against", "▁the", "▁army", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bulg", "ari", "ans", "▁that", "▁had", "▁so", "▁w", "icked", "ly", "▁taken", "▁up", "▁arms", "▁against", "▁Christians", "▁and", "▁,", "▁as", "▁though", "▁they", "▁were", "▁public", "▁execution", "ers", "▁,", "▁they", "▁decis", "ively", "▁defeated", "▁them", "▁in", "▁three", "▁engag", "ements", "▁,", "▁so", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Christian", "▁Rom", "ans", "▁might", "▁not", "▁will", "ingly", 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"▁says", "▁that", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁'", "s", "▁father", "▁Ál", "mos", "▁\"", "▁could", "▁not", "▁enter", "▁P", "ann", "onia", "▁,", "▁for", "▁he", "▁was", "▁killed", "▁in", "▁Er", "del", "w", "▁\"", "▁or", "▁Trans", "ylvan", "ia", "▁.", "▁Engel", "▁,", "▁Krist", "ó", "▁and", "▁Mol", "n", "ár", "▁,", "▁who", "▁accept", "▁the", "▁reli", "ability", "▁of", "▁this", "▁report", "▁,", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁Ál", "mos", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁was", "▁a", "▁rit", "ual", "▁murder", "▁,", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sacrifice", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Kh", "azar", "▁k", "h", "ag", "ans", "▁in", "▁case", "▁of", "▁a", "▁dis", "aster", "▁affect", "ing", "▁their", "▁people", "▁.", "▁In", "▁contrast", "▁with", "▁them", "▁,", "▁R", "ón", "a", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Tas", "▁states", "▁that", "▁even", "▁if", "▁the", "▁report", "▁on", "▁Ál", "mos", "▁'", "s", "▁murder", "▁\"", "▁reflect", "s", "▁true", "▁event", "▁,", "▁the", "▁only", "▁possible", "▁explanation", "▁would", "▁be", "▁that", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁or", "▁someone", "▁in", "▁his", "▁ent", "ou", "rage", "▁\"", "▁killed", "▁the", "▁aged", "▁prince", "▁.", "▁Sp", "ine", "i", "▁reject", "s", "▁the", "▁Ill", "umin", "ated", "▁Chron", "icle", "▁'", "s", "▁report", "▁on", "▁Ál", "mos", "▁'", "s", "▁murder", "▁in", "▁Trans", "ylvan", "ia", "▁,", "▁because", "▁the", "▁last", "▁mention", "▁of", "▁Ál", "mos", "▁in", "▁the", "▁contrast", "ing", "▁narr", "ation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁G", "esta", "▁Hung", "ar", "orum", "▁is", "▁connected", "▁to", "▁a", "▁sie", "ge", "▁of", "▁Ung", "v", "ár", "▁(", "▁U", "zh", "hor", "od", "▁,", "▁Ukraine", "▁)", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Hung", "ari", "ans", "▁.", "▁The", "▁latter", "▁chron", "icle", "▁says", "▁that", "▁Ál", "mos", "▁appointed", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁leader", "▁and", "▁master", "▁\"", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Hung", "ari", "ans", "▁on", "▁this", "▁occasion", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "ign", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁'", "s", "▁name", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁completely", "▁unknown", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁all", "▁sources", "▁written", "▁in", "▁East", "▁Francia", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁main", "▁powers", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Car", "path", "ian", "▁Bas", "in", "▁at", "▁the", "▁turn", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "9", "th", "▁and", "▁", "1", "0", "th", "▁centuries", "▁.", "▁These", "▁sources", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁Ann", "ales", "▁Al", "am", "ann", "ici", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Ann", "ales", "▁E", "is", "n", "id", "l", "enses", "▁,", "▁only", "▁mention", "▁an", "▁other", "▁Hung", "arian", "▁leader", "▁,", "▁K", "urs", "z", "án", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁Krist", "ó", "▁and", "▁other", "▁histor", "ians", "▁,", "▁these", "▁sources", "▁suggest", "▁that", "▁K", "urs", "z", "án", "▁must", "▁have", "▁been", "▁the", "▁gy", "ula", "▁command", "ing", "▁the", "▁Hung", "arian", "▁forces", "▁,", "▁while", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁succeeded", "▁his", "▁murder", "ed", "▁father", "▁as", "▁the", "▁sacred", "▁k", "ende", "▁.", "▁Pro", "pos", "ing", "▁a", "▁contrast", "ing", "▁theory", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Roman", "ian", "▁historian", "▁Cur", "ta", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁K", "urs", "z", "án", "▁was", "▁the", "▁k", "ende", "▁and", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁gy", "ula", "▁only", "▁succeeded", "▁him", "▁when", "▁K", "urs", "z", "án", "▁was", "▁murder", "ed", "▁by", "▁Bav", "ari", "ans", "▁in", "▁", "9", "0", "2", "▁or", "▁", "9", "0", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁contrast", "▁to", "▁nearly", "▁contempor", "aneous", "▁sources", "▁,", "▁Hung", "arian", "▁chron", "icles", "▁written", "▁centuries", "▁after", "▁the", "▁events", "▁—", "▁for", "▁instance", "▁,", "▁the", "▁G", "esta", "▁Hung", "ar", "orum", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Ill", "umin", "ated", "▁Chron", "icle", "▁—", "▁emphas", "ize", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁'", "s", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁em", "inent", "▁role", "▁in", "▁the", "▁con", "quest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Car", "path", "ian", "▁Bas", "in", "▁.", "▁The", "▁G", "esta", "▁Hung", "ar", "orum", "▁also", "▁highlight", "s", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁'", "s", "▁military", "▁skills", "▁and", "▁his", "▁gener", "os", "ity", "▁.", "▁This", "▁chron", "icle", "▁also", "▁emphas", "izes", "▁that", "▁T", "ét", "ény" ]
etas Sclerus to the Hungarians in 894 or 895 " to give presents " and incite them against the Bulgarian Empire . Sclerus met with their two leaders , Árpád and Kurszán , at the Lower Danube . Sclerus 's mission succeeded : a Hungarian army soon crossed the Danube on Byzantine ships against Bulgaria . An interpolation in Porphyrogenitus 's text suggests that the invading Hungarians were under the command of Árpád 's son , Liüntika . The positions held by Árpád and Kurszán at the time of their negotiations with Sclerus are debated by historians . Spinei wrote that Árpád was the gyula , and Kurszán was the kende . In contrast , Kristó said that Kurszán was the gyula and Árpád represented his father , Álmos kende . At that time , the Bulgarians had disregarded the peace treaty and were raiding through the Thracian countryside . Justice pursued them for breaking their oath to Christ our God , the emperor of all , and they quickly met up with their punishment . While our forces were engaged against the Saracens , divine Providence led the [ Hungarians ] , in place of the Romans , to campaign against the Bulgarians . Our Majesty 's fleet of ships supported them and ferried them across the Danube . [ Providence ] sent them out against the army of the Bulgarians that had so wickedly taken up arms against Christians and , as though they were public executioners , they decisively defeated them in three engagements , so that the Christian Romans might not willingly stain themselves with the blood of the Christian Bulgarians . The Hungarian army defeated the Bulgarians , but the latter hired the Pechenegs against them . The Bulgarians and Pechenegs simultaneously invaded the Hungarians ' territories in the western regions of the Pontic steppes in 895 or 896 . The destruction of their dwelling places by the Pechenegs forced the Hungarians to leave for a new homeland across the Carpathian Mountains towards the Pannonian Plain . The Illuminated Chronicle says that Árpád 's father Álmos " could not enter Pannonia , for he was killed in Erdelw " or Transylvania . Engel , Kristó and Molnár , who accept the reliability of this report , wrote that Álmos 's death was a ritual murder , similar to the sacrifice of the Khazar khagans in case of a disaster affecting their people . In contrast with them , Róna @-@ Tas states that even if the report on Álmos 's murder " reflects true event , the only possible explanation would be that Árpád or someone in his entourage " killed the aged prince . Spinei rejects the Illuminated Chronicle 's report on Álmos 's murder in Transylvania , because the last mention of Álmos in the contrasting narration of the Gesta Hungarorum is connected to a siege of Ungvár ( Uzhhorod , Ukraine ) by the Hungarians . The latter chronicle says that Álmos appointed Árpád " as leader and master " of the Hungarians on this occasion . = = = Reign = = = Árpád 's name " is completely unknown " to all sources written in East Francia , which was one of the main powers of the Carpathian Basin at the turn of the 9th and 10th centuries . These sources , including the Annales Alamannici and the Annales Eisnidlenses , only mention an other Hungarian leader , Kurszán . According to Kristó and other historians , these sources suggest that Kurszán must have been the gyula commanding the Hungarian forces , while Árpád succeeded his murdered father as the sacred kende . Proposing a contrasting theory , the Romanian historian Curta wrote that Kurszán was the kende and Árpád gyula only succeeded him when Kurszán was murdered by Bavarians in 902 or 904 . In contrast to nearly contemporaneous sources , Hungarian chronicles written centuries after the events — for instance , the Gesta Hungarorum and the Illuminated Chronicle — emphasize Árpád 's pre @-@ eminent role in the conquest of the Carpathian Basin . The Gesta Hungarorum also highlights Árpád 's military skills and his generosity . This chronicle also emphasizes that Tétény
[ "▁,", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁heads", "▁of", "▁the", "▁seven", "▁Hung", "arian", "▁tribes", "▁,", "▁acquired", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁land", "▁of", "▁Trans", "ylvan", "ia", "▁for", "▁himself", "▁and", "▁his", "▁poster", "ity", "▁\"", "▁only", "▁after", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁had", "▁author", "ized", "▁him", "▁to", "▁conquer", "▁it", "▁.", "▁", "▁Having", "▁crossed", "▁the", "▁Dan", "ube", "▁,", "▁they", "▁enc", "amp", "ed", "▁beside", "▁the", "▁Dan", "ube", "▁as", "▁far", "▁as", "▁Bud", "af", "el", "h", "év", "íz", "▁.", "▁H", "ear", "ing", "▁this", "▁,", "▁all", "▁the", "▁Rom", "ans", "▁living", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁land", "▁of", "▁P", "ann", "onia", "▁,", "▁saved", "▁their", "▁lives", "▁by", "▁flight", "▁.", "▁Next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁Prince", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁and", "▁all", "▁his", "▁leading", "▁men", "▁with", "▁all", "▁the", "▁war", "riors", "▁of", "▁Hung", "ary", "▁entered", "▁the", "▁city", "▁of", "▁King", "▁Att", "ila", "▁and", "▁they", "▁saw", "▁all", "▁the", "▁royal", "▁pal", "aces", "▁,", "▁some", "▁ru", "ined", "▁to", "▁the", "▁found", "ations", "▁,", "▁others", "▁not", "▁,", "▁and", "▁they", "▁adm", "ired", "▁beyond", "▁measure", "▁the", "▁stone", "▁buildings", "▁and", "▁were", "▁happ", "ier", "▁than", "▁can", "▁be", "▁told", "▁that", "▁they", "▁had", "▁des", "erved", "▁to", "▁take", "▁without", "▁fighting", "▁the", "▁city", "▁of", "▁King", "▁Att", "ila", "▁,", "▁of", "▁whose", "▁line", "▁Prince", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁desc", "ended", "▁.", "▁They", "▁fe", "asted", "▁every", "▁day", "▁with", "▁great", "▁joy", "▁in", "▁the", "▁palace", "▁of", "▁King", "▁Att", "ila", "▁,", "▁sitting", "▁alongside", "▁one", "▁another", "▁,", "▁and", "▁all", "▁the", "▁mel", "od", "ies", "▁and", "▁sweet", "▁sounds", "▁of", "▁z", "ith", "ers", "▁and", "▁pip", "es", "▁along", "▁with", "▁all", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁of", "▁min", "st", "rel", "s", "▁were", "▁presented", "▁to", "▁them", "▁...", "▁Prince", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁gave", "▁great", "▁lands", "▁and", "▁properties", "▁to", "▁the", "▁guests", "▁stay", "ing", "▁with", "▁them", "▁,", "▁and", "▁,", "▁when", "▁they", "▁heard", "▁this", "▁,", "▁many", "▁guests", "▁thr", "ong", "ed", "▁to", "▁him", "▁and", "▁glad", "ly", "▁stayed", "▁with", "▁him", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁G", "esta", "▁Hung", "ar", "orum", "▁says", "▁that", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁took", "▁\"", "▁an", "▁o", "ath", "▁of", "▁the", "▁leading", "▁men", "▁and", "▁war", "riors", "▁of", "▁Hung", "ary", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁had", "▁his", "▁son", "▁,", "▁Prince", "▁Z", "olt", "án", "▁elev", "ated", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁prince", "▁in", "▁his", "▁life", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁reli", "ability", "▁of", "▁this", "▁report", "▁and", "▁the", "▁list", "▁of", "▁the", "▁grand", "▁princes", "▁in", "▁the", "▁G", "esta", "▁Hung", "ar", "orum", "▁is", "▁dub", "ious", "▁.", "▁For", "▁instance", "▁,", "▁it", "▁ign", "ores", "▁F", "aj", "sz", "▁,", "▁who", "▁ruled", "▁when", "▁Const", "antine", "▁VII", "▁P", "orph", "y", "ro", "gen", "it", "us", "▁was", "▁comple", "ting", "▁his", "▁De", "▁Administr", "ando", "▁Imper", "io", "▁around", "▁", "9", "5", "0", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Death", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁date", "▁of", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁is", "▁deb", "ated", "▁.", "▁The", "▁G", "esta", "▁Hung", "ar", "orum", "▁states", "▁that", "▁he", "▁died", "▁in", "▁", "9", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁Krist", "ó", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁he", "▁actually", "▁died", "▁in", "▁", "9", "0", "0", "▁or", "▁later", "▁because", "▁the", "▁G", "esta", "▁says", "▁", "9", "0", "3", "▁is", "▁the", "▁starting", "▁date", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Hung", "arian", "▁\"", "▁land", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁taking", "▁\"", "▁instead", "▁of", "▁its", "▁actual", "▁date", "▁around", "▁", "8", "9", "5", "▁.", "▁If", "▁the", "▁G", "esta", "▁'", "s", "▁report", "▁on", "▁his", "▁fun", "eral", "▁is", "▁reliable", "▁,", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁was", "▁buried", "▁\"", "▁at", "▁the", "▁head", "▁of", "▁a", "▁small", "▁river", "▁that", "▁flows", "▁through", "▁a", "▁stone", "▁cul", "vert", "▁to", "▁the", "▁city", "▁of", "▁King", "▁Att", "ila", "▁\"", "▁where", "▁a", "▁village", "▁,", "▁Fe", "hé", "reg", "y", "há", "za", "▁,", "▁developed", "▁near", "▁B", "uda", "▁a", "▁century", "▁later", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Leg", "acy", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Hung", "ari", "ans", "▁arrived", "▁in", "▁their", "▁new", "▁hom", "eland", "▁within", "▁the", "▁Car", "path", "ians", "▁under", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁.", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁is", "▁the", "▁principal", "▁actor", "▁in", "▁the", "▁G", "esta", "▁Hung", "ar", "orum", "▁,", "▁which", "▁attributes", "▁\"", "▁almost", "▁all", "▁memor", "able", "▁events", "▁\"", "▁of", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Hung", "arian", "▁land", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁taking", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁him", "▁.", "▁Furthermore", "▁,", "▁until", "▁the", "▁ext", "inction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁male", "▁line", "▁of", "▁his", "▁dynast", "y", "▁in", "▁", "1", "3", "0", "1", "▁,", "▁Hung", "ary", "▁was", "▁ruled", "▁by", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁single", "▁line", "▁of", "▁princes", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁all", "▁desc", "ending", "▁from", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁.", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁is", "▁still", "▁f", "amed", "▁among", "▁the", "▁Hung", "ari", "ans", "▁as", "▁hon", "al", "ap", "ít", "ó", "▁or", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁founder", "▁of", "▁our", "▁country", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Family", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁P", "orph", "y", "ro", "gen", "it", "us", "▁says", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁\"", "▁had", "▁four", "▁sons", "▁:", "▁first", "▁,", "▁T", "ark", "atz", "ous", "▁;", "▁second", "▁,", "▁I", "ele", "ch", "▁;", "▁third", "▁,", "▁I", "out", "ot", "zas", "▁;", "▁fourth", "▁,", "▁Z", "alt", "as", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁he", "▁also", "▁refers", "▁to", "▁one", "▁\"", "▁Li", "unt", "ik", "as", "▁,", "▁son", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁;", "▁Krist", "ó", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁Li", "unt", "ik", "as", "▁(", "▁Li", "ü", "nt", "ika", "▁)", "▁was", "▁an", "▁alternative", "▁name", "▁of", "▁T", "ark", "atz", "ous", "▁(", "▁Tar", "hos", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁name", "▁and", "▁family", "▁of", "▁the", "▁mother", "▁of", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁'", "s", "▁sons", "▁are", "▁unknown", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁is", "▁a", "▁family", "▁tree", "▁present", "ing", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁'", "s", "▁ancest", "ors", "▁and", "▁his", "▁descend", "ants", "▁to", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "0", "th", "▁century", "▁:", "▁", "▁*", "▁Li", "ü", "nt", "ika", "▁and", "▁T", "ark", "atz", "us", "▁are", "▁supposed", "▁to", "▁have", "▁been", "▁identical", "▁.", "▁*", "▁*", "▁The", "▁father", "▁of", "▁Tas", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁Á", "rp", "ád", "▁'", "s", "▁four", "▁or", "▁five", "▁sons", "▁,", "▁but", "▁his", "▁name", "▁is", "▁unknown", "▁.", "▁*", "▁*", "▁*", "▁All", "▁later", "▁grand", "▁princes", "▁and", "▁k", "ings", "▁of", "▁Hung", "ary", "▁desc", "ended", "▁from", "▁Tak", "son", "y", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁James", "▁B", ".", "▁Long", "acre", "▁=", "▁", "▁James", "▁Bart", "on", "▁Long", "acre", "▁(", "▁August", "▁", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "7", "9", "4", "▁–", "▁January", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "9", "▁)", "▁was", "▁an", "▁American", "▁portrait", "ist", "▁and", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁,", "▁and", "▁from", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "4", "▁until", "▁his", "▁death", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁Chief", "▁Eng", "ra", "ver", "▁of", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁M", "int", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁is", "▁best", "▁known", "▁for", "▁design", "ing", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁Head", "▁cent", "▁,", "▁which", "▁entered", "▁commerce", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "9", "▁,", "▁and", "▁for", "▁the", "▁designs", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ield", "▁nick", "el", "▁,", "▁F", "lying", "▁E", "agle", "▁cent", "▁and", "▁other", "▁co", "ins", "▁of", "▁the", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁century", "▁.", "▁", "▁Long", "acre", "▁was", "▁born", "▁in", "▁Del", "aware", "▁County", "▁,", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁in", "▁", "1", "7", "9", "4", "▁.", "▁He", "▁ran", "▁away", "▁to", "▁Philadelphia", "▁at", "▁age", "▁" ]
, one of the heads of the seven Hungarian tribes , acquired " the land of Transylvania for himself and his posterity " only after Árpád had authorized him to conquer it . Having crossed the Danube , they encamped beside the Danube as far as Budafelhévíz . Hearing this , all the Romans living throughout the land of Pannonia , saved their lives by flight . Next day , Prince Árpád and all his leading men with all the warriors of Hungary entered the city of King Attila and they saw all the royal palaces , some ruined to the foundations , others not , and they admired beyond measure the stone buildings and were happier than can be told that they had deserved to take without fighting the city of King Attila , of whose line Prince Árpád descended . They feasted every day with great joy in the palace of King Attila , sitting alongside one another , and all the melodies and sweet sounds of zithers and pipes along with all the songs of minstrels were presented to them ... Prince Árpád gave great lands and properties to the guests staying with them , and , when they heard this , many guests thronged to him and gladly stayed with him . The Gesta Hungarorum says that Árpád took " an oath of the leading men and warriors of Hungary , " and " had his son , Prince Zoltán elevated " to prince in his life . However , the reliability of this report and the list of the grand princes in the Gesta Hungarorum is dubious . For instance , it ignores Fajsz , who ruled when Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus was completing his De Administrando Imperio around 950 . = = = Death = = = The date of Árpád 's death is debated . The Gesta Hungarorum states that he died in 907 . However , Kristó wrote that he actually died in 900 or later because the Gesta says 903 is the starting date of the Hungarian " land @-@ taking " instead of its actual date around 895 . If the Gesta 's report on his funeral is reliable , Árpád was buried " at the head of a small river that flows through a stone culvert to the city of King Attila " where a village , Fehéregyháza , developed near Buda a century later . = = Legacy = = The Hungarians arrived in their new homeland within the Carpathians under Árpád . Árpád is the principal actor in the Gesta Hungarorum , which attributes " almost all memorable events " of the " Hungarian land @-@ taking " to him . Furthermore , until the extinction of the male line of his dynasty in 1301 , Hungary was ruled by " a single line of princes " , all descending from Árpád . Árpád is still famed among the Hungarians as honalapító or the " founder of our country " . = = Family = = Porphyrogenitus says Árpád " had four sons : first , Tarkatzous ; second , Ielech ; third , Ioutotzas ; fourth , Zaltas " . However , he also refers to one " Liuntikas , son of " Árpád ; Kristó wrote that Liuntikas ( Liüntika ) was an alternative name of Tarkatzous ( Tarhos ) . The name and family of the mother of Árpád 's sons are unknown . The following is a family tree presenting Árpád 's ancestors and his descendants to the end of the 10th century : * Liüntika and Tarkatzus are supposed to have been identical . * * The father of Tas was one of Árpád 's four or five sons , but his name is unknown . * * * All later grand princes and kings of Hungary descended from Taksony . = James B. Longacre = James Barton Longacre ( August 11 , 1794 – January 1 , 1869 ) was an American portraitist and engraver , and from 1844 until his death the fourth Chief Engraver of the United States Mint . Longacre is best known for designing the Indian Head cent , which entered commerce in 1859 , and for the designs of the Shield nickel , Flying Eagle cent and other coins of the mid @-@ 19th century . Longacre was born in Delaware County , Pennsylvania in 1794 . He ran away to Philadelphia at age
[ "1", "2", "▁,", "▁becoming", "▁an", "▁app", "rent", "ice", "▁in", "▁a", "▁book", "store", "▁.", "▁His", "▁art", "istic", "▁talent", "▁developed", "▁and", "▁he", "▁was", "▁released", "▁to", "▁app", "rent", "ice", "▁in", "▁an", "▁eng", "ra", "ving", "▁firm", "▁.", "▁He", "▁struck", "▁out", "▁on", "▁his", "▁own", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁making", "▁a", "▁name", "▁providing", "▁illustr", "ations", "▁for", "▁popular", "▁bi", "ographical", "▁books", "▁.", "▁He", "▁port", "rayed", "▁the", "▁leading", "▁men", "▁of", "▁his", "▁day", "▁;", "▁support", "▁from", "▁some", "▁of", "▁them", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁South", "▁Carolina", "▁Senator", "▁John", "▁C", ".", "▁Cal", "h", "oun", "▁,", "▁led", "▁to", "▁his", "▁appointment", "▁as", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁after", "▁the", "▁death", "▁of", "▁Christian", "▁G", "obre", "cht", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁years", "▁as", "▁a", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Philadelphia", "▁M", "int", "▁was", "▁domin", "ated", "▁by", "▁M", "int", "▁Director", "▁Robert", "▁M", ".", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁and", "▁Chief", "▁Co", "iner", "▁Franklin", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁.", "▁Conf", "lict", "▁between", "▁Long", "acre", "▁and", "▁the", "▁two", "▁men", "▁developed", "▁after", "▁Congress", "▁ordered", "▁a", "▁new", "▁gold", "▁doll", "ar", "▁and", "▁double", "▁e", "agle", "▁,", "▁with", "▁both", "▁to", "▁be", "▁designed", "▁by", "▁Long", "acre", "▁.", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁and", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁nearly", "▁had", "▁Long", "acre", "▁fired", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁conv", "ince", "▁Tre", "as", "ury", "▁Secretary", "▁William", "▁M", ".", "▁Mer", "ed", "ith", "▁that", "▁he", "▁should", "▁be", "▁retained", "▁.", "▁Both", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁and", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁left", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁in", "▁the", "▁early", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁ending", "▁the", "▁conflict", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "6", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁designed", "▁the", "▁F", "lying", "▁E", "agle", "▁cent", "▁.", "▁When", "▁that", "▁design", "▁proved", "▁difficult", "▁to", "▁strike", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁was", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁the", "▁replacement", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁Head", "▁cent", "▁,", "▁issued", "▁beginning", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "9", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁co", "ins", "▁designed", "▁by", "▁Long", "acre", "▁include", "▁the", "▁silver", "▁and", "▁nick", "el", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cent", "▁pieces", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ield", "▁nick", "el", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cent", "▁piece", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "6", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "7", "▁,", "▁he", "▁red", "es", "igned", "▁the", "▁co", "ins", "▁of", "▁Chile", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁died", "▁suddenly", "▁on", "▁New", "▁Year", "▁'", "s", "▁Day", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "9", "▁;", "▁he", "▁was", "▁succeeded", "▁by", "▁William", "▁Bar", "ber", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁co", "ins", "▁are", "▁generally", "▁well", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁regarded", "▁today", "▁,", "▁although", "▁they", "▁have", "▁been", "▁critic", "ized", "▁for", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁art", "istic", "▁adv", "ancement", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁life", "▁;", "▁private", "▁sector", "▁career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁James", "▁Bart", "on", "▁Long", "acre", "▁was", "▁born", "▁on", "▁a", "▁farm", "▁in", "▁Del", "aware", "▁County", "▁,", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁on", "▁August", "▁", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "7", "9", "4", "▁.", "▁His", "▁mother", "▁Sarah", "▁(", "▁Bart", "on", "▁)", "▁Long", "acre", "▁died", "▁early", "▁in", "▁his", "▁life", "▁;", "▁his", "▁father", "▁,", "▁Peter", "▁Long", "acre", "▁,", "▁was", "▁the", "▁desc", "endent", "▁of", "▁early", "▁Swedish", "▁sett", "lers", "▁of", "▁North", "▁America", "▁.", "▁When", "▁Peter", "▁Long", "acre", "▁rem", "ar", "ried", "▁,", "▁his", "▁son", "▁found", "▁the", "▁home", "▁life", "▁int", "ol", "er", "able", "▁,", "▁and", "▁James", "▁Long", "acre", 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"▁", "9", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁(", "▁equal", "▁to", "▁$", "▁", "1", "3", "9", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "1", "2", "8", "▁today", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Also", "▁employed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Murray", "▁firm", "▁from", "▁", "1", "8", "1", "6", "▁was", "▁the", "▁man", "▁who", "▁would", "▁be", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁prede", "cess", "or", "▁as", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁,", "▁Christian", "▁G", "obre", "cht", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁work", "▁at", "▁the", "▁company", "▁gave", "▁him", "▁a", "▁good", "▁reputation", "▁as", "▁an", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁sk", "illed", "▁in", "▁rendering", "▁other", "▁artists", "▁'", "▁paint", "ings", "▁as", "▁a", "▁printed", "▁eng", "ra", "ving", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁he", "▁set", "▁up", "▁his", "▁own", "▁business", "▁at", "▁", "2", "3", "0", "▁P", "ine", "▁Street", "▁in", "▁Philadelphia", "▁.", "▁", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁important", "▁commission", "▁were", "▁pl", "ates", "▁for", "▁S", ".", "F", ".", "▁Brad", "ford", "▁'", "s", "▁Encyclopedia", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "2", "0", "▁;", "▁an", "▁eng", "ra", "ving", "▁of", "▁General", "▁Andrew", "▁Jackson", "▁by", "▁Long", "acre", "▁based", "▁on", "▁a", "▁portrait", "▁by", "▁Thomas", "▁Sul", "ly", "▁achieved", "▁wide", "▁sales", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁then", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁eng", "ra", "ve", "▁illustr", "ations", "▁for", "▁Joseph", "▁and", "▁John", "▁Sand", "erson", "▁'", "s", "▁Bi", "ograph", "ies", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sign", "ers", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Dec", "laration", "▁of", "▁Independ", "ence", "▁,", "▁published", "▁in", "▁nine", "▁volumes", "▁between", "▁", "1", "8", "2", "0", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "2", "7", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁the", "▁vent", "ure", "▁was", "▁marked", "▁by", "▁criticism", "▁of", "▁the", "▁writing", "▁,", "▁sales", "▁were", "▁good", "▁enough", "▁that", "▁the", "▁project", "▁was", "▁completed", "▁.", "▁Num", "ism", "atic", "▁writer", "▁Richard", "▁Snow", "▁suggests", "▁that", "▁the", "▁books", "▁sold", "▁on", "▁the", "▁strength", "▁of", "▁the", "▁quality", "▁of", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁illustr", "ations", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁also", "▁completed", "▁a", "▁series", "▁of", "▁studies" ]
12 , becoming an apprentice in a bookstore . His artistic talent developed and he was released to apprentice in an engraving firm . He struck out on his own in 1819 , making a name providing illustrations for popular biographical books . He portrayed the leading men of his day ; support from some of them , such as South Carolina Senator John C. Calhoun , led to his appointment as chief engraver after the death of Christian Gobrecht in 1844 . In Longacre 's first years as a chief engraver , the Philadelphia Mint was dominated by Mint Director Robert M. Patterson and Chief Coiner Franklin Peale . Conflict between Longacre and the two men developed after Congress ordered a new gold dollar and double eagle , with both to be designed by Longacre . Peale and Patterson nearly had Longacre fired , but the chief engraver was able to convince Treasury Secretary William M. Meredith that he should be retained . Both Patterson and Peale left the Mint in the early 1850s , ending the conflict . In 1856 , Longacre designed the Flying Eagle cent . When that design proved difficult to strike , Longacre was responsible for the replacement , the Indian Head cent , issued beginning in 1859 . Other coins designed by Longacre include the silver and nickel three @-@ cent pieces , the Shield nickel , and the two @-@ cent piece . In 1866 – 1867 , he redesigned the coins of Chile . Longacre died suddenly on New Year 's Day 1869 ; he was succeeded by William Barber . Longacre 's coins are generally well @-@ regarded today , although they have been criticized for lack of artistic advancement . = = Early life ; private sector career = = James Barton Longacre was born on a farm in Delaware County , Pennsylvania on August 11 , 1794 . His mother Sarah ( Barton ) Longacre died early in his life ; his father , Peter Longacre , was the descendent of early Swedish settlers of North America . When Peter Longacre remarried , his son found the home life intolerable , and James Longacre left home at the age of 12 , seeking work in the nearby city of Philadelphia . He apprenticed himself at a bookstore ; the owner , John E. Watson , took the boy into his family . Over the following years , Longacre worked in the bookstore , but Watson realized that the boy 's skill was in portraiture . Watson granted Longacre a release from his apprenticeship in 1813 so that he could follow an artistic muse , but the two remained close , and Watson would often sell Longacre 's works . Longacre became apprenticed to George Murray , principal in the engraving firm Murray , Draper , Fairman & Co. at 47 Sansom Street in Philadelphia . This business derived from the firm established by the Philadelphia Mint 's first chief engraver , Robert Scot . Longacre remained at the Murray firm until 1819 ; his major work there was portraits of George Washington , Thomas Jefferson , and John Hancock which were placed on a facsimile of the Declaration of Independence by publisher John Binns ; the work cost Binns a total of $ 9 @,@ 000 ( equal to $ 139 @,@ 128 today ) . Also employed at the Murray firm from 1816 was the man who would be Longacre 's predecessor as chief engraver , Christian Gobrecht . Longacre 's work at the company gave him a good reputation as an engraver skilled in rendering other artists ' paintings as a printed engraving , and in 1819 , he set up his own business at 230 Pine Street in Philadelphia . Longacre 's first important commission were plates for S.F. Bradford 's Encyclopedia in 1820 ; an engraving of General Andrew Jackson by Longacre based on a portrait by Thomas Sully achieved wide sales . Longacre then agreed to engrave illustrations for Joseph and John Sanderson 's Biographies of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence , published in nine volumes between 1820 and 1827 . Although the venture was marked by criticism of the writing , sales were good enough that the project was completed . Numismatic writer Richard Snow suggests that the books sold on the strength of the quality of Longacre 's illustrations . Longacre also completed a series of studies
[ "▁of", "▁actors", "▁in", "▁their", "▁roles", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "2", "6", "▁for", "▁The", "▁American", "▁Theatre", "▁.", "▁", "▁With", "▁less", "ons", "▁learned", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Sand", "erson", "▁series", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁proposed", "▁to", "▁issue", "▁his", "▁own", "▁set", "▁of", "▁bi", "ograph", "ies", "▁illustrated", "▁with", "▁pl", "ates", "▁of", "▁the", "▁subjects", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁on", "▁the", "▁point", "▁of", "▁launch", "ing", "▁this", "▁project", "▁,", "▁having", "▁inv", "ested", "▁$", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁of", "▁his", "▁own", "▁money", "▁(", "▁equal", "▁to", "▁$", "▁", "2", "3", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "7", "0", "3", "▁today", "▁)", "▁in", "▁prepar", "ation", "▁,", "▁when", "▁he", "▁learned", "▁that", "▁James", "▁Her", "ring", "▁of", "▁New", "▁York", "▁City", "▁was", "▁planning", "▁a", "▁similar", "▁series", "▁.", "▁In", "▁October", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "1", "▁,", "▁he", "▁wrote", "▁to", "▁Her", "ring", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁two", "▁men", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁work", "▁together", "▁on", "▁The", "▁American", "▁Port", "rait", "▁Gallery", "▁(", "▁later", "▁called", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Port", "rait", "▁Gallery", "▁of", "▁Dist", "ingu", "ished", "▁Americans", "▁)", "▁,", "▁published", "▁in", "▁four", "▁volumes", "▁between", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "4", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "9", "▁.", "▁Her", "ring", "▁was", "▁an", "▁artist", "▁,", "▁but", "▁much", "▁of", "▁the", "▁work", "▁of", "▁illustr", "ating", "▁fell", "▁to", "▁Long", "acre", "▁,", "▁who", "▁travel", "led", "▁widely", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁to", "▁sketch", "▁subjects", "▁from", "▁life", "▁.", "▁He", "▁again", "▁sketch", "ed", "▁Jackson", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁by", "▁now", "▁president", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁former", "▁president", "▁James", "▁Mad", "ison", "▁,", "▁both", "▁in", "▁July", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "3", "▁.", "▁He", "▁met", "▁many", "▁of", "▁the", "▁political", "▁leaders", "▁of", "▁the", "▁day", "▁,", "▁who", "▁were", "▁im", "pressed", "▁by", "▁his", "▁port", "ra", "its", "▁.", "▁Among", "▁these", "▁advoc", "ates", "▁was", "▁the", "▁former", "▁vice", "▁president", "▁,", "▁South", "▁Carolina", "▁Senator", "▁John", "▁C", ".", "▁Cal", "h", "oun", "▁.", "▁In", "▁July", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "2", "▁,", "▁N", "iles", "▁'", "▁Register", "▁described", "▁a", "▁Long", "acre", "▁eng", "ra", "ving", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁fin", "est", "▁spec", "im", "ens", "▁of", "▁American", "▁adv", "ancement", "▁in", "▁the", "▁art", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Long", "acre", "▁had", "▁married", "▁El", "iza", "▁St", "iles", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "2", "7", "▁;", "▁between", "▁", "1", "8", "2", "8", "▁,", "▁when", "▁their", "▁daughter", "▁Sarah", "▁was", "▁born", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "0", "▁,", "▁they", "▁had", "▁three", "▁boys", "▁and", "▁two", "▁girls", "▁.", "▁Sales", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Gallery", "▁lag", "ged", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Pan", "ic", "▁of", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "7", "▁;", "▁Long", "acre", "▁was", "▁forced", "▁to", "▁declare", "▁bank", "rupt", "cy", "▁and", "▁travel", "▁through", "▁the", "▁southern", "▁and", "▁mid", "western", "▁states", "▁,", "▁ped", "d", "ling", "▁his", "▁books", "▁from", "▁town", "▁to", "▁town", "▁,", "▁with", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁and", "▁elder", "▁daughter", "▁man", "aging", "▁sh", "ipping", "▁and", "▁fin", "ances", "▁at", "▁home", "▁.", "▁Later", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "7", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁return", "▁to", "▁Philadelphia", "▁and", "▁open", "▁a", "▁bank", "note", "▁eng", "ra", "ving", "▁firm", "▁with", "▁partners", "▁,", "▁To", "pp", "an", "▁,", "▁Dra", "per", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁&", "▁Co", "▁.", "▁With", "▁great", "▁demand", "▁for", "▁eng", "ra", "ving", "▁for", "▁notes", "▁being", "▁issued", "▁by", "▁state", "▁banks", "▁,", "▁the", "▁firm", "▁prosper", "ed", "▁,", "▁and", "▁had", "▁offices", "▁at", "▁", "6", "0", "▁Wal", "nut", "▁Street", "▁in", "▁Philadelphia", "▁and", "▁a", "▁branch", "▁at", "▁", "1", "▁Wall", "▁Street", "▁in", "▁New", "▁York", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁Snow", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁was", "▁known", "▁as", "▁the", "▁best", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁in", "▁the", "▁country", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Long", "acre", "▁eng", "rav", "ings", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "1", "9", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "4", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "4", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "9", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁App", "oint", "ment", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁G", "obre", "cht", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁in", "▁July", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "4", "▁left", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁Bureau", "▁of", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁(", "▁generally", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁M", "int", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁without", "▁a", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁.", "▁Among", "▁those", "▁who", "▁hoped", "▁for", "▁appointment", "▁were", "▁Philadelphia", "▁bank", "note", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁Charles", "▁Wel", "sh", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Allen", "▁Leonard", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁mode", "led", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁'", "s", "▁medal", "▁for", "▁former", "▁president", "▁John", "▁Qu", "in", "cy", "▁Adams", "▁.", "▁Through", "▁the", "▁influence", "▁of", "▁Senator", "▁Cal", "h", "oun", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁secured", "▁the", "▁appointment", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁coin", "▁historian", "▁Don", "▁Tax", "ay", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁did", "▁not", "▁attempt", "▁to", "▁gain", "▁the", "▁support", "▁of", "▁M", "int", "▁Director", "▁Robert", "▁M", ".", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁in", "▁seeking", "▁the", "▁appointment", "▁from", "▁President", "▁John", "▁Ty", "ler", "▁,", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁if", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁res", "ented", "▁the", "▁slight", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁more", "▁anno", "yed", "▁by", "▁Leonard", "▁'", "s", "▁import", "un", "ities", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Long", "acre", "▁was", "▁commission", "ed", "▁by", "▁President", "▁Ty", "ler", "▁on", "▁September", "▁", "1", "6", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "4", "▁;", "▁his", "▁was", "▁a", "▁re", "cess", "▁appointment", "▁as", "▁the", "▁post", "▁of", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁required", "▁Senate", "▁confirm", "ation", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁body", "▁was", "▁not", "▁then", "▁sitting", "▁.", "▁Ty", "ler", "▁transm", "itted", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁nom", "ination", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Senate", "▁on", "▁December", "▁", "1", "7", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "4", "▁,", "▁which", "▁confirmed", "▁Long", "acre", "▁without", "▁recorded", "▁opposition", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "7", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "5", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁num", "ism", "at", "ist", "▁David", "▁L", "ange", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁was", "▁glad", "▁to", "▁get", "▁the", "▁position", "▁because", "▁eng", "ra", "vers", "▁were", "▁receiving", "▁less", "▁work", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁advent", "▁of", "▁dag", "uer", "ro", "type", "▁phot", "ography", "▁.", "▁", "▁According", "▁to", "▁coin", "▁deal", "er", "▁and", "▁author", "▁Q", ".", "▁David", "▁Bow", "ers", "▁,", "▁upon", "▁appointment", "▁as", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁\"", "▁found", "▁that", "▁he", "▁had", "▁entered", "▁a", "▁hor", "net", "▁'", "s", "▁nest", "▁of", "▁intr", "igue", "▁,", "▁politics", "▁,", "▁and", "▁inf", "ight", "ing", "▁,", "▁domin", "ated", "▁by", "▁Franklin", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁,", "▁chief", "▁co", "iner", "▁since", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "9", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁sent", "▁M", "int", "▁personnel", "▁to", "▁work", "▁on", "▁his", "▁private", "▁residence", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁his", "▁official", "▁duties", "▁—", "▁mostly", "▁performed", "▁by", "▁his", "▁prede", "cess", "or", "▁,", "▁Adam", "▁E", "ck", "feld", "t", "▁,", "▁who", "▁continued", "▁in", "▁his", "▁work", "▁without", "▁pay", "▁despite", "▁his", "▁ret", "irement", "▁—", "▁he", "▁had", "▁a", "▁th", "riv", "ing", "▁side", "▁business", "▁prepar", "ing", "▁dies", "▁for", "▁private", "▁med", "als", "▁using", "▁government", "▁resources", "▁.", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁controlled", "▁access", "▁to", "▁dies", "▁and", "▁materials", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁close", "▁to", "▁Director", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁;", "▁the", "▁two", "▁men", "▁later", "▁proved", "▁to", "▁have" ]
of actors in their roles in 1826 for The American Theatre . With lessons learned from the Sanderson series , Longacre proposed to issue his own set of biographies illustrated with plates of the subjects . He was on the point of launching this project , having invested $ 1 @,@ 000 of his own money ( equal to $ 23 @,@ 703 today ) in preparation , when he learned that James Herring of New York City was planning a similar series . In October 1831 , he wrote to Herring , and the two men agreed to work together on The American Portrait Gallery ( later called the National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans ) , published in four volumes between 1834 and 1839 . Herring was an artist , but much of the work of illustrating fell to Longacre , who travelled widely in the United States to sketch subjects from life . He again sketched Jackson , who was by now president , as well as former president James Madison , both in July 1833 . He met many of the political leaders of the day , who were impressed by his portraits . Among these advocates was the former vice president , South Carolina Senator John C. Calhoun . In July 1832 , Niles ' Register described a Longacre engraving , " one of the finest specimens of American advancement in the art " . Longacre had married Eliza Stiles in 1827 ; between 1828 , when their daughter Sarah was born , and 1840 , they had three boys and two girls . Sales of the Gallery lagged due to the Panic of 1837 ; Longacre was forced to declare bankruptcy and travel through the southern and midwestern states , peddling his books from town to town , with his wife and elder daughter managing shipping and finances at home . Later in 1837 , he was able to return to Philadelphia and open a banknote engraving firm with partners , Toppan , Draper , Longacre & Co . With great demand for engraving for notes being issued by state banks , the firm prospered , and had offices at 60 Walnut Street in Philadelphia and a branch at 1 Wall Street in New York . According to Snow , Longacre was known as the best engraver in the country . = = = Longacre engravings , 1819 – 1844 = = = = = Chief engraver ( 1844 – 1869 ) = = = = = Appointment = = = Gobrecht 's death in July 1844 left the United States Bureau of the Mint ( generally , " Mint " ) without a chief engraver . Among those who hoped for appointment were Philadelphia banknote engraver Charles Welsh , and Allen Leonard , who had modeled the Mint 's medal for former president John Quincy Adams . Through the influence of Senator Calhoun , however , Longacre secured the appointment . According to coin historian Don Taxay , Longacre did not attempt to gain the support of Mint Director Robert M. Patterson in seeking the appointment from President John Tyler , and " if Patterson resented the slight , however , he was more annoyed by Leonard 's importunities . " Longacre was commissioned by President Tyler on September 16 , 1844 ; his was a recess appointment as the post of chief engraver required Senate confirmation , and that body was not then sitting . Tyler transmitted Longacre 's nomination to the Senate on December 17 , 1844 , which confirmed Longacre without recorded opposition on January 7 , 1845 . According to numismatist David Lange , Longacre was glad to get the position because engravers were receiving less work due to the advent of daguerrotype photography . According to coin dealer and author Q. David Bowers , upon appointment as chief engraver , Longacre " found that he had entered a hornet 's nest of intrigue , politics , and infighting , dominated by Franklin Peale , chief coiner since 1839 " . Peale sent Mint personnel to work on his private residence , and in addition to his official duties — mostly performed by his predecessor , Adam Eckfeldt , who continued in his work without pay despite his retirement — he had a thriving side business preparing dies for private medals using government resources . Peale controlled access to dies and materials , and was close to Director Patterson ; the two men later proved to have
[ "▁been", "▁sk", "imming", "▁metal", "▁from", "▁b", "ull", "ion", "▁depos", "its", "▁.", "▁The", "▁remaining", "▁M", "int", "▁officers", "▁were", "▁cron", "ies", "▁of", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Long", "acre", "▁found", "▁himself", "▁a", "▁lon", "er", "▁among", "▁them", "▁.", "▁Walter", "▁B", "reen", "▁,", "▁in", "▁his", "▁compreh", "ensive", "▁volume", "▁on", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁co", "ins", "▁,", "▁suggests", "▁that", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁res", "ented", "▁Long", "acre", "▁because", "▁of", "▁the", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁'", "s", "▁spons", "or", "ship", "▁by", "▁Cal", "h", "oun", "▁,", "▁whom", "▁the", "▁director", "▁dis", "lik", "ed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁sou", "ther", "ner", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁/", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁years", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "4", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "3", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁years", "▁as", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁,", "▁no", "▁original", "▁designs", "▁were", "▁required", "▁for", "▁co", "ins", "▁.", "▁G", "obre", "cht", "▁had", "▁red", "es", "igned", "▁every", "▁den", "om", "ination", "▁of", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁coin", "age", "▁between", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "5", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "2", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁successor", "▁had", "▁time", "▁to", "▁learn", "▁arts", "▁necessary", "▁for", "▁coin", "▁production", "▁that", "▁he", "▁had", "▁not", "▁needed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁mak", "er", "▁of", "▁print", "▁eng", "rav", "ings", "▁.", "▁These", "▁arts", "▁included", "▁coin", "▁design", "▁,", "▁making", "▁of", "▁p", "unch", "es", "▁for", "▁design", "▁elements", "▁,", "▁and", "▁die", "▁s", "inking", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁work", "▁in", "▁the", "▁private", "▁sector", "▁had", "▁involved", "▁cutting", "▁lines", "▁into", "▁a", "▁co", "pper", "▁plate", "▁which", "▁was", "▁then", "▁used", "▁to", "▁print", "▁reprodu", "ctions", "▁.", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁wrote", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "5", "▁to", "▁Tre", "as", 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"▁prede", "cess", "ors", "▁.", "▁He", "▁has", "▁shown", "▁too", "▁that", "▁he", "▁is", "▁quite", "▁compet", "ent", "▁to", "▁make", "▁the", "▁required", "▁model", "▁from", "▁his", "▁draw", "ings", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Tax", "ay", "▁attributed", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁'", "s", "▁lav", "ish", "▁pra", "ise", "▁of", "▁Long", "acre", "▁to", "▁continued", "▁attempts", "▁by", "▁Leonard", "▁to", "▁gain", "▁the", "▁post", "▁of", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁number", "▁of", "▁bl", "und", "ers", "▁can", "▁be", "▁seen", "▁among", "▁the", "▁early", "▁co", "ins", "▁produced", "▁at", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁under", "▁Long", "acre", "▁,", "▁though", "▁it", "▁is", "▁uncertain", "▁to", "▁whom", "▁these", "▁errors", "▁should", "▁be", "▁attributed", "▁.", "▁These", "▁include", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "4", "▁half", "▁doll", "ar", "▁struck", "▁at", "▁the", "▁New", "▁Orleans", "▁M", "int", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "4", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁O", "▁)", "▁with", "▁a", "▁double", "d", "▁date", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "6", "▁half", "▁doll", "ar", "▁with", "▁the", "▁", "6", "▁over", "lying", "▁an", "▁identical", "▁digit", "▁,", "▁but", "▁one", "▁which", "▁had", "▁been", "▁placed", "▁hor", "izont", "ally", "▁.", "▁Bow", "ers", "▁indicates", "▁that", "▁Long", "acre", "▁likely", "▁deleg", "ated", "▁such", "▁work", "▁,", "▁although", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "9", "▁he", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁his", "▁daily", "▁work", "▁was", "▁p", "unch", "ing", "▁dates", "▁into", "▁working", "▁dies", "▁.", "▁Tom", "▁De", "L", "ore", "y", "▁,", "▁in", "▁his", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁article", "▁on", "▁Long", "acre", "▁,", "▁notes", "▁that", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁and", "▁his", "▁staff", "▁often", "▁made", "▁p", "unch", "es", "▁without", "▁consult", "ing", "▁the", "▁Eng", "ra", "ver", "▁'", "s", "▁Department", "▁(", "▁head", "ed", "▁by", "▁Long", "acre", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁bel", "ieves", "▁the", "▁chief", "▁co", "iner", "▁more", "▁likely", "▁to", "▁be", "▁responsible", "▁.", "▁", "▁Despite", "▁the", "▁charged", "▁atmosphere", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Philadelphia", "▁M", "int", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁avoided", "▁conflict", "▁with", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁and", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁until", "▁March", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "9", "▁,", "▁when", "▁Congress", "▁author", "ized", "▁a", "▁gold", "▁doll", "ar", "▁and", "▁double", "▁e", "agle", "▁or", "▁twenty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁doll", "ar", "▁gold", "▁piece", "▁,", "▁both", "▁new", "▁co", "ins", "▁.", "▁By", "▁then", "▁,", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁had", "▁come", "▁to", "▁desire", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁departure", "▁as", "▁he", "▁was", "▁de", "emed", "▁a", "▁threat", "▁to", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁'", "s", "▁medal", "▁business", "▁,", "▁and", "▁opposed", "▁new", "▁co", "ins", "▁which", "▁would", "▁require", "▁the", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁'", "s", "▁skills", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁Richard", "▁Snow", "▁in", "▁his", "▁book", "▁on", "▁F", "lying", "▁E", "agle", "▁and", "▁Indian", "▁Head", "▁c", "ents", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁having", "▁an", "▁eth", "ical", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁threatened", "▁their", "▁sid", "eline", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁conflict", "▁came", "▁over", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Cont", "amin", "▁portrait", "▁lat", "he", "▁,", "▁necessary", "▁in", "▁the", "▁making", "▁of", "▁dies", "▁both", "▁for", "▁Long", "acre", "▁in", "▁producing", "▁the", "▁new", "▁co", "ins", "▁and", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁in", "▁his", "▁medal", "▁business", "▁.", "▁When", "▁Long", "acre", "▁compla", "ined", "▁that", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁was", "▁mon", "opol", "izing", "▁the", "▁device", "▁,", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁sab", "ot", "age", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁coin", "▁work", "▁and", "▁have", "▁him", "▁removed", "▁from", "▁his", "▁position", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁early", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "9", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁a", "▁letter", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Long", "acre", "▁the", "▁following", "▁year", "▁,", "▁the", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁was", "▁approached", "▁by", "▁a", "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁staff", "▁,", "▁warning", "▁him", "▁that", "▁another", "▁officer", "▁(", "▁plain", "ly", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁)", "▁sought", "▁to", "▁have", "▁the", "▁eng", "ra", "ving", "▁work", "▁done", "▁outside", "▁of", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁,", "▁making", "▁Long", "acre", "▁redundant", "▁.", "▁The", "▁outside", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁in", "▁question", "▁was", "▁French", "man", "▁Louis", "▁B", "ouv", "et", "▁,", "▁whom", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁had", "▁prepare", "▁a", "▁design", "▁for", "▁the", "▁half", "▁e", "agle", "▁,", "▁though", "▁it", "▁was", "▁not", "▁adopted", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁response", "▁to", "▁the", "▁information", "▁was", "▁to", "▁spend", "▁much", "▁of", "▁March", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "9", "▁prepar", "ing", "▁the", "▁dies", "▁for", "▁the", "▁gold", "▁doll", "ar", "▁,", "▁at", "▁some", "▁cost", "▁to", "▁his", "▁health", "▁,", "▁as", "▁he", "▁later", "▁related", "▁.", "▁He", "▁demanded", "▁that", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁h", "ire", "▁assistance", "▁for", "▁him", "▁,", "▁but", "▁found", "▁the", "▁director", "▁willing", "▁only", "▁to", "▁have", "▁work", "▁contract", "ed", "▁out", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁was", "▁unw", "illing", "▁to", "▁consent", "▁to", "▁this", "▁,", "▁as", "▁he", "▁could", "▁not", "▁super", "v" ]
been skimming metal from bullion deposits . The remaining Mint officers were cronies of Patterson , and Longacre found himself a loner among them . Walter Breen , in his comprehensive volume on U.S. coins , suggests that Patterson resented Longacre because of the engraver 's sponsorship by Calhoun , whom the director disliked as a southerner . = = = Patterson / Peale years ( 1844 – 1853 ) = = = In Longacre 's first years as chief engraver , no original designs were required for coins . Gobrecht had redesigned every denomination of U.S. coinage between 1835 and 1842 , and his successor had time to learn arts necessary for coin production that he had not needed as a maker of print engravings . These arts included coin design , making of punches for design elements , and die sinking . Longacre 's work in the private sector had involved cutting lines into a copper plate which was then used to print reproductions . Patterson wrote in August 1845 to Treasury Secretary Robert J. Walker that Longacre " is a gentleman of excellent character , highly regarded in this community , and has acquired some celebrity as an engraver of copper ; but he is not a Die @-@ Sinker . Indeed I do not know that he has ever made an attempt in this art . " By December of that year , the Mint director had written to Walker in praise of Longacre , stating that the engraver had " more taste and judgment in making devices for an improved coinage here than have been exhibited by any of his predecessors . He has shown too that he is quite competent to make the required model from his drawings . " Taxay attributed Patterson 's lavish praise of Longacre to continued attempts by Leonard to gain the post of chief engraver . A number of blunders can be seen among the early coins produced at the Mint under Longacre , though it is uncertain to whom these errors should be attributed . These include the 1844 half dollar struck at the New Orleans Mint ( 1844 @-@ O ) with a doubled date , and the 1846 half dollar with the 6 overlying an identical digit , but one which had been placed horizontally . Bowers indicates that Longacre likely delegated such work , although in 1849 he wrote that his daily work was punching dates into working dies . Tom DeLorey , in his 2003 article on Longacre , notes that Peale and his staff often made punches without consulting the Engraver 's Department ( headed by Longacre ) , and believes the chief coiner more likely to be responsible . Despite the charged atmosphere at the Philadelphia Mint , Longacre avoided conflict with Patterson and Peale until March 1849 , when Congress authorized a gold dollar and double eagle or twenty @-@ dollar gold piece , both new coins . By then , Patterson had come to desire Longacre 's departure as he was deemed a threat to Peale 's medal business , and opposed new coins which would require the chief engraver 's skills . According to Richard Snow in his book on Flying Eagle and Indian Head cents , " having an ethical chief engraver threatened their sideline . " The conflict came over the use of the Contamin portrait lathe , necessary in the making of dies both for Longacre in producing the new coins and Peale in his medal business . When Longacre complained that Peale was monopolizing the device , Peale decided to sabotage Longacre 's coin work and have him removed from his position . In early 1849 , according to a letter written by Longacre the following year , the chief engraver was approached by a member of the Mint staff , warning him that another officer ( plainly Peale ) sought to have the engraving work done outside of the Mint , making Longacre redundant . The outside engraver in question was Frenchman Louis Bouvet , whom Patterson had prepare a design for the half eagle , though it was not adopted . Longacre 's response to the information was to spend much of March 1849 preparing the dies for the gold dollar , at some cost to his health , as he later related . He demanded that Patterson hire assistance for him , but found the director willing only to have work contracted out . Longacre was unwilling to consent to this , as he could not superv
[ "ise", "▁work", "▁done", "▁outside", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁(", "▁he", "▁did", "▁get", "▁help", "▁within", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁from", "▁assistant", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁Peter", "▁Fil", "atre", "u", "▁Cross", "▁,", "▁who", "▁worked", "▁on", "▁the", "▁reverse", "▁of", "▁the", "▁gold", "▁doll", "ar", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁proceeded", "▁with", "▁work", "▁on", "▁the", "▁double", "▁e", "agle", "▁through", "▁late", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "9", "▁,", "▁and", "▁described", "▁the", "▁obst", "acles", "▁set", "▁in", "▁his", "▁path", "▁by", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁:", "▁", "▁The", "▁plan", "▁of", "▁operation", "▁selected", "▁for", "▁me", "▁was", "▁to", "▁have", "▁an", "▁electro", "type", "▁m", "ould", "▁made", "▁from", "▁my", "▁model", "▁,", "▁in", "▁co", "pper", "▁,", "▁to", "▁serve", "▁as", "▁a", "▁pattern", "▁for", "▁a", "▁cast", "▁in", "▁iron", "▁.", "▁The", "▁operations", "▁of", "▁the", "▁gal", "van", "ic", "▁battery", "▁for", "▁this", "▁purpose", "▁were", "▁conducted", "▁in", "▁the", "▁apart", "ments", "▁of", "▁the", "▁chief", "▁co", "iner", "▁.", "▁The", "▁gal", "van", "ic", "▁process", "▁failed", "▁,", "▁my", "▁model", "▁was", "▁destroyed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁operation", "▁.", "▁I", "▁had", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁taken", "▁the", "▁pre", "ca", "ution", "▁to", "▁make", "▁a", "▁cast", "▁in", "▁pl", "aster", "▁...", "▁From", "▁this", "▁cast", "▁,", "▁as", "▁the", "▁only", "▁alternative", "▁,", "▁I", "▁pro", "cur", "red", "▁[", "▁sic", "▁]", "▁a", "▁met", "all", "ic", "▁one", "▁which", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁was", "▁not", "▁perfect", "▁;", "▁but", "▁I", "▁thought", "▁I", "▁should", "▁be", "▁able", "▁to", "▁correct", "▁the", "▁imper", "fe", "ctions", "▁in", "▁the", "▁eng", "ra", "ving", "▁of", "▁the", "▁die", "▁...", "▁this", "▁was", "▁a", "▁labor", "ious", "▁task", "▁,", "▁but", "▁season", "ably", "▁completed", "▁,", "▁entirely", "▁by", "▁my", "▁own", "▁hand", "▁.", "▁The", "▁die", "▁then", "▁had", "▁to", "▁be", "▁hard", "ened", "▁in", "▁the", "▁co", "ining", "▁department", "▁;", "▁it", "▁un", "l", "uck", "ily", "▁split", "▁in", "▁the", "▁process", "▁.", "▁", "▁When", "▁Long", "acre", "▁completed", "▁the", "▁double", "▁e", "agle", "▁dies", "▁,", "▁they", "▁were", "▁rejected", "▁by", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁,", "▁who", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁the", "▁design", "▁was", "▁eng", "ra", "ved", "▁too", "▁deeply", "▁to", "▁fully", "▁impress", "▁the", "▁coin", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁pieces", "▁would", "▁not", "▁stack", "▁properly", "▁.", "▁Tax", "ay", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁the", "▁one", "▁surv", "iving", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "9", "▁double", "▁e", "agle", "▁displays", "▁no", "▁such", "▁problems", "▁,", "▁and", "▁by", "▁appearance", "▁would", "▁be", "▁level", "▁in", "▁a", "▁stack", "▁.", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁compla", "ined", "▁to", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁,", "▁who", "▁wrote", "▁to", "▁Tre", "as", "ury", "▁Secretary", "▁William", "▁M", ".", "▁Mer", "ed", "ith", "▁asking", "▁for", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁removal", "▁on", "▁December", "▁", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "9", "▁on", "▁the", "▁ground", "▁he", "▁could", "▁not", "▁make", "▁proper", "▁dies", "▁.", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁that", "▁day", "▁promised", "▁the", "▁position", "▁to", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁Charles", "▁C", "ushing", "▁Wright", "▁,", "▁effective", "▁when", "▁Long", "acre", "▁was", "▁ou", "sted", "▁.", "▁Mer", "ed", "ith", "▁question", "ed", "▁whether", "▁a", "▁compet", "ent", "▁replacement", "▁could", "▁be", "▁found", "▁;", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁assured", "▁him", "▁that", "▁one", "▁could", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁object", "ed", "▁to", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁that", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁was", "▁delay", "ing", "▁accept", "ance", "▁of", "▁re", "vised", "▁double", "▁e", "agle", "▁dies", "▁,", "▁the", "▁director", "▁did", "▁not", "▁reply", "▁in", "▁writing", "▁,", "▁but", "▁met", "▁with", "▁Long", "acre", "▁,", "▁told", "▁him", "▁the", "▁administration", "▁had", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁terminate", "▁him", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁he", "▁should", "▁send", "▁in", "▁his", "▁res", "ignation", "▁without", "▁delay", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁,", "▁after", "▁thinking", "▁the", "▁matter", "▁over", "▁,", "▁did", "▁not", "▁do", "▁so", "▁,", "▁but", "▁instead", "▁went", "▁to", "▁Washington", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "0", "▁to", "▁meet", "▁with", "▁Mer", "ed", "ith", "▁.", "▁He", "▁found", "▁that", "▁the", "▁secretary", "▁had", "▁been", "▁li", "ed", "▁to", "▁about", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁matters", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁Snow", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁did", "▁not", "▁seek", "▁ret", "ribution", "▁,", "▁content", "▁to", "▁be", "▁allowed", "▁to", "▁continue", "▁his", "▁work", "▁in", "▁peace", "▁.", "▁The", "▁double", "▁e", "agle", "▁went", "▁into", "▁production", "▁in", "▁March", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "0", "▁,", "▁though", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁compla", "ined", "▁that", "▁the", "▁co", "ins", "▁did", "▁not", "▁strike", "▁well", "▁.", "▁The", "▁double", "▁e", "agle", "▁quickly", "▁became", "▁the", "▁fav", "ored", "▁way", "▁to", "▁hold", "▁gold", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁the", "▁years", "▁to", "▁come", "▁more", "▁gold", "▁would", "▁be", "▁struck", "▁into", "▁double", "▁e", "ag", "les", "▁than", "▁into", "▁all", "▁other", "▁denomin", "ations", "▁combined", "▁.", "▁", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁wrote", "▁again", "▁to", "▁request", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁ou", "ster", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "0", "▁,", "▁alleg", "ing", "▁that", "▁President", "▁Zach", "ary", "▁Taylor", "▁had", "▁decided", "▁that", "▁Long", "acre", "▁be", "▁dismiss", "ed", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁these", "▁attempts", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁remained", "▁in", "▁his", "▁position", "▁.", "▁Also", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "0", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁wife", "▁Elizabeth", "▁(", "▁generally", "▁El", "iza", "▁)", "▁died", "▁.", "▁The", "▁M", "int", "▁officials", "▁cl", "ashed", "▁again", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "1", "▁,", "▁after", "▁Congress", "▁author", "ized", "▁a", "▁silver", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cent", "▁piece", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁prepared", "▁a", "▁design", "▁showing", "▁a", "▁star", "▁on", "▁one", "▁side", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁numer", "al", "▁III", "▁on", "▁the", "▁other", "▁,", "▁which", "▁initially", "▁won", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁'", "s", "▁appro", "val", "▁.", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁persu", "aded", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁to", "▁change", "▁his", "▁mind", "▁and", "▁author", "ize", "▁the", "▁chief", "▁co", "iner", "▁to", "▁propose", "▁a", "▁version", "▁himself", "▁,", "▁copying", "▁design", "▁elements", "▁G", "obre", "cht", "▁had", "▁used", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "6", "▁.", "▁The", "▁issue", "▁was", "▁submitted", "▁to", "▁the", "▁new", "▁Tre", "as", "ury", "▁Secretary", "▁,", "▁Thomas", "▁Cor", "win", "▁,", "▁who", "▁selected", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁proposal", "▁—", "▁Long", "acre", "▁had", "▁taken", "▁the", "▁pre", "ca", "ution", "▁of", "▁sending", "▁the", "▁secretary", "▁a", "▁letter", "▁explaining", "▁his", "▁imag", "ery", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁July", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "1", "▁,", "▁P", "atter", "son", "▁retired", "▁and", "▁President", "▁F", "ill", "more", "▁replaced", "▁him", "▁with", "▁Thomas", "▁E", "ck", "ert", "▁.", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁'", "s", "▁medal", "▁business", "▁suffered", "▁a", "▁set", "back", "▁when", "▁Adam", "▁E", "ck", "feld", "t", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁still", "▁performing", "▁the", "▁duties", "▁of", "▁chief", "▁co", "iner", "▁,", "▁died", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "2", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "4", "▁,", "▁M", "int", "▁Director", "▁James", "▁Ross", "▁Snow", "den", "▁fired", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁after", "▁the", "▁extent", "▁to", "▁which", "▁he", "▁had", "▁used", "▁M", "int", "▁labor", "▁for", "▁private", "▁gain", "▁became", "▁public", "▁.", "▁Nevertheless", "▁,", "▁the", "▁firing", "▁caused", "▁considerable", "▁press", "▁attention", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Senate", "▁investigation", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁large", "▁demand", "▁for", "▁compens", "ation", "▁by", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁.", "▁With", "▁his", "▁enemies", "▁gone", "▁,", "▁life", "▁at", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁improved", "▁for", "▁Long", "acre", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁co", "ins", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Pro", "l", "ific", "▁designer", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "3", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Fac" ]
ise work done outside the Mint ( he did get help within the Mint from assistant engraver Peter Filatreu Cross , who worked on the reverse of the gold dollar ) . Longacre proceeded with work on the double eagle through late 1849 , and described the obstacles set in his path by Peale : The plan of operation selected for me was to have an electrotype mould made from my model , in copper , to serve as a pattern for a cast in iron . The operations of the galvanic battery for this purpose were conducted in the apartments of the chief coiner . The galvanic process failed , my model was destroyed in the operation . I had , however , taken the precaution to make a cast in plaster ... From this cast , as the only alternative , I procurred [ sic ] a metallic one which , however , was not perfect ; but I thought I should be able to correct the imperfections in the engraving of the die ... this was a laborious task , but seasonably completed , entirely by my own hand . The die then had to be hardened in the coining department ; it unluckily split in the process . When Longacre completed the double eagle dies , they were rejected by Peale , who stated that the design was engraved too deeply to fully impress the coin , and the pieces would not stack properly . Taxay , however , noted that the one surviving 1849 double eagle displays no such problems , and by appearance would be level in a stack . Peale complained to Patterson , who wrote to Treasury Secretary William M. Meredith asking for Longacre 's removal on December 25 , 1849 on the ground he could not make proper dies . Patterson that day promised the position to engraver Charles Cushing Wright , effective when Longacre was ousted . Meredith questioned whether a competent replacement could be found ; Patterson assured him that one could . Longacre objected to Patterson that Peale was delaying acceptance of revised double eagle dies , the director did not reply in writing , but met with Longacre , told him the administration had decided to terminate him , and that he should send in his resignation without delay . Longacre , after thinking the matter over , did not do so , but instead went to Washington on February 12 , 1850 to meet with Meredith . He found that the secretary had been lied to about a number of matters . According to Snow , Longacre did not seek retribution , content to be allowed to continue his work in peace . The double eagle went into production in March 1850 , though Patterson complained that the coins did not strike well . The double eagle quickly became the favored way to hold gold , and in the years to come more gold would be struck into double eagles than into all other denominations combined . Patterson wrote again to request Longacre 's ouster on April 1 , 1850 , alleging that President Zachary Taylor had decided that Longacre be dismissed . Despite these attempts , Longacre remained in his position . Also in 1850 , Longacre 's wife Elizabeth ( generally Eliza ) died . The Mint officials clashed again in 1851 , after Congress authorized a silver three @-@ cent piece . Longacre prepared a design showing a star on one side and the Roman numeral III on the other , which initially won Patterson 's approval . Peale , however , persuaded Patterson to change his mind and authorize the chief coiner to propose a version himself , copying design elements Gobrecht had used in 1836 . The issue was submitted to the new Treasury Secretary , Thomas Corwin , who selected Longacre 's proposal — Longacre had taken the precaution of sending the secretary a letter explaining his imagery . In July 1851 , Patterson retired and President Fillmore replaced him with Thomas Eckert . Peale 's medal business suffered a setback when Adam Eckfeldt , who was still performing the duties of chief coiner , died in 1852 . In 1854 , Mint Director James Ross Snowden fired Peale after the extent to which he had used Mint labor for private gain became public . Nevertheless , the firing caused considerable press attention , a Senate investigation , and a large demand for compensation by Peale . With his enemies gone , life at the Mint improved for Longacre . = = = = Early coins = = = = = = = Prolific designer ( 1853 – 1863 ) = = = Fac
[ "ed", "▁with", "▁a", "▁rise", "▁in", "▁silver", "▁prices", "▁,", "▁Congress", "▁decre", "ased", "▁the", "▁silver", "▁content", "▁of", "▁the", "▁half", "▁d", "ime", "▁,", "▁d", "ime", "▁,", "▁quarter", "▁and", "▁half", "▁doll", "ar", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "3", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁was", "▁asked", "▁to", "▁alter", "▁G", "obre", "cht", "▁'", "s", "▁designs", "▁so", "▁new", "▁co", "ins", "▁could", "▁be", "▁distinguished", "▁from", "▁old", "▁.", "▁He", "▁proposed", "▁placing", "▁ray", "s", "▁around", "▁the", "▁her", "ald", "ic", "▁e", "agle", "▁on", "▁the", "▁revers", "es", "▁of", "▁the", "▁quarter", "▁and", "▁half", "▁doll", "ar", "▁,", "▁and", "▁ar", "rows", "▁by", "▁the", "▁date", "▁for", "▁all", "▁of", "▁the", "▁affected", "▁denomin", "ations", "▁.", "▁As", "▁the", "▁act", "▁requiring", "▁the", "▁reduction", "▁in", "▁weight", "▁allowed", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁to", "▁h", "ire", "▁outside", "▁artists", "▁to", "▁do", "▁the", "▁work", "▁,", "▁Snow", "den", "▁allowed", "▁for", "▁public", "▁designs", "▁for", "▁the", "▁new", "▁pieces", "▁.", "▁No", "▁public", "▁entry", "▁was", "▁found", "▁suitable", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁proposal", "▁was", "▁adopted", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ray", "s", "▁t", "ended", "▁to", "▁short", "en", "▁die", "▁life", "▁and", "▁were", "▁dropped", "▁within", "▁a", "▁year", "▁;", "▁the", "▁ar", "rows", "▁were", "▁disp", "ensed", "▁with", "▁after", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "5", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "3", "▁,", "▁Congress", "▁author", "ized", "▁a", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁doll", "ar", "▁piece", "▁.", "▁In", "▁a", "▁note", "▁found", "▁among", "▁his", "▁papers", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁his", "▁task", "▁was", "▁to", "▁make", "▁the", "▁coin", "▁as", "▁easy", "▁as", "▁possible", "▁to", "▁distinguish", "▁from", "▁the", "▁quarter", "▁e", "agle", "▁,", "▁which", "▁at", "▁$", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "0", "▁was", "▁close", "▁in", "▁value", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁produced", "▁a", "▁design", "▁for", "▁an", "▁Native", "▁American", "▁prin", "cess", "▁,", "▁which", "▁he", "▁made", "▁different", "▁from", "▁G", "obre", "cht", "▁'", "s", "▁Liber", "ty", "▁design", "▁on", "▁the", "▁quarter", "▁e", "agle", "▁with", "▁a", "▁th", "inner", "▁and", "▁wider", "▁plan", "ch", "et", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁a", "▁female", "▁Native", "▁American", "▁was", "▁often", "▁used", "▁to", "▁represent", "▁America", "▁in", "▁art", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁dep", "iction", "▁of", "▁Liber", "ty", "▁as", "▁an", "▁Indian", "▁prin", "cess", "▁was", "▁in", "▁accord", "▁with", "▁contemporary", "▁practices", "▁.", "▁The", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁wrote", "▁to", "▁M", "int", "▁Director", "▁Snow", "den", "▁that", "▁the", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁doll", "ar", "▁piece", "▁,", "▁which", "▁went", "▁into", "▁production", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "4", "▁,", "▁was", "▁the", "▁first", "▁time", "▁he", "▁had", "▁been", "▁allowed", "▁art", "istic", "▁freedom", "▁in", "▁design", "ing", "▁a", "▁coin", 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"▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁payment", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Navy", "▁for", "▁his", "▁work", "▁,", "▁they", "▁required", "▁that", "▁he", "▁rep", "ay", "▁the", "▁money", "▁under", "▁a", "▁federal", "▁law", "▁bar", "ring", "▁compens", "ation", "▁of", "▁this", "▁kind", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁than", "▁his", "▁design", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "7", "▁Ass", "ay", "▁Commission", "▁medal", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁similar", "▁,", "▁w", "re", "athed", "▁revers", "es", "▁for", "▁the", "▁commission", "▁med", "als", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "0", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "1", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "8", "▁,", "▁the", "▁In", "gra", "ham", "▁work", "▁was", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁only", "▁medal", "▁made", "▁for", "▁the", "▁government", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁a", "▁rise", "▁in", "▁comm", "od", "ity", "▁prices", "▁,", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁to", "▁sought", "▁to", "▁replace", "▁the", "▁large", "▁co", "pper", "▁cent", "▁with", "▁a", "▁smaller", "▁version", "▁.", "▁Begin", "ning", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "0", "▁,", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁pattern", "▁co", "ins", "▁were", "▁struck", "▁in", "▁attempts", "▁to", "▁find", "▁a", "▁replacement", "▁coin", "▁.", "▁Design", "s", "▁and", "▁formats", "▁varied", "▁;", "▁at", "▁first", "▁,", "▁M", "int", "▁authorities", "▁considered", "▁an", "▁ann", "ular", "▁,", "▁or", "▁ho", "led", "▁,", "▁cent", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "4", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "5", "▁,", "▁much", "▁experiment", "ation", "▁was", "▁done", "▁,", "▁some", "▁with", "▁a", "▁Liber", "ty", "▁Head", "▁design", "▁as", "▁featured", "▁on", "▁the", "▁large", "▁cent", "▁;", "▁others", "▁with", "▁a", "▁flying", "▁e", "agle", "▁design", "▁adapted", "▁by", "▁Long", "acre", "▁from", "▁the", "▁G", "obre", "cht", "▁doll", "ar", "▁of", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "6", "▁.", "▁G", "obre", "cht", "▁'", "s", "▁design", "▁said", "▁to", "▁have", "▁been", "▁mode", "led", "▁on", "▁Peter", "▁the", "▁e", "agle", "▁,", "▁a", "▁t", "ame", "▁bird", "▁which", "▁frequ", "ented", "▁the", "▁Philadelphia", "▁M", "int", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "0", "s", "▁until", "▁it", "▁was", "▁caught", "▁up", "▁in", "▁mach", "in", "ery", "▁and", "▁killed", "▁;", "▁Peter", "▁,", "▁in", "▁stuff", "ed", "▁form", "▁,", "▁was", "▁subsequently", "▁placed", "▁on", "▁exhib", "it", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Philadelphia", "▁M", "int", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁flying", "▁e", "agle", "▁design", "▁was", "▁adopted", "▁for", "▁a", "▁large", "▁issue", "▁of", "▁experimental", "▁patterns", "▁given", "▁to", "▁government", "▁officials", "▁and", "▁others", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "6", "▁;", "▁that", "▁coin", "▁was", "▁then", "▁used", "▁for", "▁the", "▁regular", "▁issue", "▁from", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "7", "▁.", "▁The", "▁reverse", "▁featured", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁c", "ere", "al", "▁w", "re", "ath", "▁,", "▁which", "▁led", "▁to", "▁difficulties", "▁in", "▁co", "ining", "▁;", "▁the", "▁head", "▁and", "▁tail", "▁of", "▁the", "▁e", "agle", "▁on", "▁the", "▁ob", "verse", "▁opposed", "▁the", "▁w", "re", "ath", "▁,", "▁making", "▁those", "▁design", "▁points", "▁particularly", "▁hard", "▁to", "▁strike", "▁in", "▁the", "▁t", "ough", "▁co", "pper", "▁@", "-" ]
ed with a rise in silver prices , Congress decreased the silver content of the half dime , dime , quarter and half dollar in 1853 . Longacre was asked to alter Gobrecht 's designs so new coins could be distinguished from old . He proposed placing rays around the heraldic eagle on the reverses of the quarter and half dollar , and arrows by the date for all of the affected denominations . As the act requiring the reduction in weight allowed the Mint to hire outside artists to do the work , Snowden allowed for public designs for the new pieces . No public entry was found suitable , and Longacre 's proposal was adopted . The rays tended to shorten die life and were dropped within a year ; the arrows were dispensed with after 1855 . In 1853 , Congress authorized a three @-@ dollar piece . In a note found among his papers , Longacre wrote that his task was to make the coin as easy as possible to distinguish from the quarter eagle , which at $ 2 @.@ 50 was close in value . Longacre produced a design for an Native American princess , which he made different from Gobrecht 's Liberty design on the quarter eagle with a thinner and wider planchet . At the time , a female Native American was often used to represent America in art , and a depiction of Liberty as an Indian princess was in accord with contemporary practices . The chief engraver wrote to Mint Director Snowden that the three @-@ dollar piece , which went into production in 1854 , was the first time he had been allowed artistic freedom in designing a coin . The gold dollar was altered the same year to make the planchet both thinner and wider ; Longacre modified his princess design for the gold dollar . For the reverse of the coins , Longacre created a wreath of wheat , corn , tobacco , and cotton , blending the agricultural products of the North and the South . This wreath would also be used on the reverse of the Flying Eagle cent in 1856 ; reused on the dime beginning in 1860 , the " cereal wreath " would be Longacre 's last surviving design on coinage , remaining with modifications until the 1916 abandonment of the Barber dime . In the mid @-@ 1850s , Longacre was engaged by the Navy Department to design a medal to be presented to Captain Duncan Ingraham . Longacre produced the imagery used for the reverse ; the obverse was by Assistant Engraver Cross . Although Bowers describes Longacre as having been " strictly ethical in the duties of his office " , when the Treasury Department learned that Longacre accepted a $ 2 @,@ 200 payment from the Navy for his work , they required that he repay the money under a federal law barring compensation of this kind . Other than his design for the 1867 Assay Commission medal , and his similar , wreathed reverses for the commission medals in 1860 , 1861 , and 1868 , the Ingraham work was Longacre 's only medal made for the government . After a rise in commodity prices , the Mint to sought to replace the large copper cent with a smaller version . Beginning in 1850 , a number of pattern coins were struck in attempts to find a replacement coin . Designs and formats varied ; at first , Mint authorities considered an annular , or holed , cent . In 1854 and 1855 , much experimentation was done , some with a Liberty Head design as featured on the large cent ; others with a flying eagle design adapted by Longacre from the Gobrecht dollar of 1836 . Gobrecht 's design said to have been modeled on Peter the eagle , a tame bird which frequented the Philadelphia Mint in the 1830s until it was caught up in machinery and killed ; Peter , in stuffed form , was subsequently placed on exhibit at the Philadelphia Mint . The flying eagle design was adopted for a large issue of experimental patterns given to government officials and others in 1856 ; that coin was then used for the regular issue from 1857 . The reverse featured Longacre 's cereal wreath , which led to difficulties in coining ; the head and tail of the eagle on the obverse opposed the wreath , making those design points particularly hard to strike in the tough copper @-
[ "@", "▁nick", "el", "▁al", "loy", "▁which", "▁was", "▁used", "▁.", "▁Begin", "ning", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "9", "▁,", "▁the", "▁cent", "▁featured", "▁a", "▁Long", "acre", "▁design", "▁of", "▁Liber", "ty", "▁we", "aring", "▁a", "▁Native", "▁American", "▁he", "address", "▁.", "▁What", "▁is", "▁called", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁la", "ure", "l", "▁w", "re", "ath", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁though", "▁actually", "▁o", "live", "▁,", "▁ad", "orn", "ed", "▁the", "▁reverse", "▁of", "▁the", "▁cent", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "9", "▁;", "▁beginning", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "0", "▁,", "▁a", "▁reverse", "▁with", "▁an", "▁o", "ak", "▁w", "re", "ath", "▁and", "▁shield", "▁was", "▁placed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁cent", "▁.", "▁The", "▁replacement", "▁of", "▁the", "▁w", "re", "ath", "▁is", "▁for", "▁reasons", "▁unknown", "▁;", "▁the", "▁shield", "▁was", "▁added", "▁because", "▁of", "▁Snow", "den", "▁'", "s", "▁desire", "▁to", "▁give", "▁the", "▁coin", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁more", "▁national", "▁character", "▁\"", "▁.", 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"▁all", "▁co", "ins", "▁less", "▁than", "▁ten", "▁c", "ents", "▁would", "▁be", "▁made", "▁of", "▁a", "▁co", "pper", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁nick", "el", "▁al", "loy", "▁with", "▁", "2", "5", "▁%", "▁nick", "el", "▁,", "▁just", "▁over", "▁twice", "▁the", "▁percentage", "▁which", "▁the", "▁cent", "▁had", "▁contained", "▁.", "▁In", "▁March", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "5", "▁,", "▁Congress", "▁passed", "▁legisl", "ation", "▁for", "▁a", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cent", "▁coin", "▁of", "▁that", "▁al", "loy", "▁,", "▁intended", "▁to", "▁ret", "ire", "▁fraction", "al", "▁currency", "▁of", "▁that", "▁den", "om", "ination", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁furn", "ished", "▁a", "▁head", "▁of", "▁Liber", "ty", "▁for", "▁the", "▁coin", "▁res", "emb", "ling", "▁his", "▁other", "▁dep", "ict", "ions", "▁of", "▁the", "▁god", "dess", "▁which", "▁he", "▁had", "▁made", "▁in", "▁the", "▁past", "▁", "1", "6", "▁years", "▁;", "▁for", "▁the", "▁reverse", "▁he", "▁used", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁la", "ure", "l", "▁\"", "▁w", "re", "ath", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "9", "▁cent", "▁surrounding", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁numer", "al", "▁III", "▁borrow", "ed", "▁from", "▁the", "▁silver", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cent", "▁piece", "▁.", "▁", "▁Wh", "art", "on" ]
@ nickel alloy which was used . Beginning in 1859 , the cent featured a Longacre design of Liberty wearing a Native American headdress . What is called the " laurel wreath " , though actually olive , adorned the reverse of the cent in 1859 ; beginning in 1860 , a reverse with an oak wreath and shield was placed on the cent . The replacement of the wreath is for reasons unknown ; the shield was added because of Snowden 's desire to give the coin a " more national character " . This reverse is generally credited to Longacre ; Snow speculates that it may have been created by Assistant Engraver Anthony C. Paquet . By numismatic legend , Longacre 's Indian Head cent design was based on the features of his daughter Sarah ; the tale runs that she was at the mint one day when she tried on the headdress of one of a number of Native Americans who were visiting and her father sketched her . However , Sarah Longacre was 30 years old and married , not 12 as in the tale , in 1858 and Longacre himself stated that the face was based on a statue of Venus in Philadelphia on loan from the Vatican . James Longacre did often sketch his elder daughter , and there are resemblances between the depiction of Sarah Longacre and the various representations of Liberty on Longacre 's coins of the 1850s . These tales were apparently extant at the time , as Snowden , in writing to Treasury Secretary Howell Cobb in November 1858 , denied that the coin was based " on any human features in the Longacre family " . Lee F. McKenzie , in his 1991 article on Longacre , notes that any artist can be influenced by many things , but calls the story " essentially false " . = = = = Mid @-@ tenure designs = = = = = = = Civil War issues and later career = = = The Civil War brought economic disturbances which resulted in the removal of some coins , including the base @-@ metal cent , from circulation . Paper currency ( valued as low as three cents ) , postage stamps , and private tokens , filled the gap . Many of the tokens were cent @-@ sized , but thinner and made of bronze . Mint authorities took notice that these metal pieces were successfully circulating , and obtained legislation for a bronze cent . Longacre 's Indian head design continued in its place with the new metal ; later in 1864 he engraved his initial " L " in the headdress . The act which authorized the bronze cent also issued a two @-@ cent piece ; Longacre furnished a design , which Lange calls a " particularly attractive composition " with arrows and a laurel wreath flanking a shield . However , art historian Cornelius Vermeule stated that elements of the design " need only flanking cannon to be the consummate expressions of Civil War heraldry . " Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase favored placing an expression of the nation 's faith in God in a time of war on the coinage , and wrote to Mint Director Pollock , " You will cause a device to be prepared without unnecessary delay with a motto expressing in the fewest tersest terms possible this national recognition . " Several mottos were considered by Pollock , including " God Our Trust " and " God and Our Country " . Longacre 's two @-@ cent piece was the first coin inscribed with " In God We Trust " . Nickel had been removed from the cent over the objection of Pennsylvania industrialist Joseph Wharton , who had large interests in the metal ; his congressman , Thaddeus Stevens , had fought against the act . In 1864 , Wharton published a pamphlet arguing for a coinage in which all coins less than ten cents would be made of a copper @-@ nickel alloy with 25 % nickel , just over twice the percentage which the cent had contained . In March 1865 , Congress passed legislation for a three @-@ cent coin of that alloy , intended to retire fractional currency of that denomination . Longacre furnished a head of Liberty for the coin resembling his other depictions of the goddess which he had made in the past 16 years ; for the reverse he used the " laurel " wreath from the 1859 cent surrounding the Roman numeral III borrowed from the silver three @-@ cent piece . Wharton
[ "▁and", "▁others", "▁seeking", "▁to", "▁promote", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁nick", "el", "▁remained", "▁powerful", "▁in", "▁Congress", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "6", "▁secured", "▁authorization", "▁for", "▁a", "▁five", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cent", "▁coin", "▁of", "▁co", "pper", "▁nick", "el", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁prepared", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁designs", "▁;", "▁Pol", "lock", "▁selected", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁design", "▁of", "▁a", "▁shield", "▁(", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁the", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cent", "▁piece", "▁)", "▁and", "▁a", "▁star", "ry", "▁circle", "▁for", "▁the", "▁reverse", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Sh", "ield", "▁nick", "el", "▁began", "▁to", "▁be", "▁struck", "▁that", "▁year", "▁.", "▁M", "int", "▁Ass", "ayer", "▁William", "▁Du", "Bo", "is", "▁wrote", "▁to", "▁Long", "acre", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁it", "▁is", "▁truly", "▁ple", "asing", "▁to", "▁see", "▁a", "▁man", "▁pass", "▁the", "▁life", "▁of", "▁three", "▁score", "▁and", "▁ten", "▁and", "▁yet", "▁be", "▁able", "▁to", "▁produce", "▁the", "▁same", "▁art", "istic", "▁works", "▁as", "▁in", "▁earlier", "▁days", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "5", "▁Congress", "▁required", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁God", "▁We", "▁Trust", "▁\"", "▁on", "▁all", "▁co", "ins", "▁large", "▁enough", "▁to", "▁bear", "▁the", "▁ins", "cription", "▁;", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "6", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁added", "▁the", "▁mot", "to", "▁to", "▁all", "▁silver", "▁co", "ins", "▁larger", "▁than", "▁the", "▁d", "ime", "▁and", "▁all", "▁gold", "▁co", "ins", "▁larger", "▁than", "▁the", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁doll", "ar", "▁piece", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "7", "▁made", "▁modifications", "▁to", "▁the", "▁design", "▁of", "▁the", "▁co", "pper", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁nick", "el", "▁five", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cent", "▁piece", "▁,", "▁or", "▁nick", "el", "▁as", "▁it", "▁was", "▁coming", "▁to", "▁be", "▁known", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "5", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁engaged", "▁British", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁born", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁William", "▁Bar", "ber", "▁as", "▁assistant", "▁;", "▁William", "▁H", ".", "▁Key", "▁was", "▁also", "▁made", "▁an", "▁assistant", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "4", "▁and", "▁remained", "▁at", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁past", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁.", "▁", "▁Some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁coin", "age", "▁which", "▁had", "▁van", "ished", "▁from", "▁circul", "ation", "▁during", "▁the", "▁Civil", "▁War", "▁and", "▁had", "▁been", "▁export", "ed", "▁to", "▁South", "▁America", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁be", "▁used", "▁in", "▁Chile", "an", "▁trade", "▁as", "▁national", "s", "▁found", "▁their", "▁local", "▁coin", "age", "▁val", "ued", "▁poor", "ly", "▁with", "▁the", "▁American", "▁pieces", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "6", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Chile", "an", "▁government", "▁instruct", "ed", "▁its", "▁representative", "▁in", "▁Washington", "▁to", "▁approach", "▁the", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁State", "▁Department", "▁for", "▁permission", "▁to", "▁have", "▁their", "▁coin", "age", "▁dies", "▁made", "▁in", "▁America", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Andrew", "▁Johnson", "▁administration", "▁was", "▁happy", "▁to", "▁ob", "lige", "▁;", "▁Tre", "as", "ury", "▁Secretary", "▁Hugh", "▁McC", "ul", "lo", "ch", "▁gave", "▁the", "▁Chile", "ans", "▁a", "▁letter", "▁of", "▁introduction", "▁to", "▁Long", "acre", "▁in", "▁Philadelphia", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁was", "▁engaged", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Chile", "ans", "▁to", "▁red", "es", "ign", "▁five", "▁silver", "▁and", "▁four", "▁gold", "▁co", "ins", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁agreed", "▁,", "▁so", "▁long", "▁as", "▁permission", "▁from", "▁McC", "ul", "lo", "ch", "▁was", "▁obtained", "▁for", "▁him", "▁to", "▁accept", "▁an", "▁outside", "▁fee", "▁.", "▁McC", "ul", "lo", "ch", "▁was", "▁initially", "▁agree", "able", "▁,", "▁but", "▁M", "int", "▁Director", "▁Pol", "lock", "▁raised", "▁ob", "jection", "▁on", "▁the", "▁ground", "▁that", "▁government", "▁property", "▁should", "▁not", "▁be", "▁used", "▁to", "▁enable", "▁private", "▁gain", "▁.", "▁Event", "ually", "▁,", "▁all", "▁parties", "▁reached", "▁agreement", "▁that", "▁Long", "acre", "▁could", "▁do", "▁the", "▁work", "▁at", "▁a", "▁total", "▁cost", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁provided", "▁that", "▁he", "▁brought", "▁in", "▁an", "▁outside", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁to", "▁do", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁work", "▁under", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁super", "vision", "▁;", "▁the", "▁chief", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁selected", "▁Anthony", "▁C", ".", "▁Pa", "quet", "▁,", "▁one", "▁of", "▁his", "▁former", "▁assist", "ants", "▁.", "▁Res", "istance", "▁at", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁dissol", "ved", "▁with", "▁Pol", "lock", "▁'", "s", "▁res", "ignation", "▁over", "▁President", "▁Johnson", "▁'", "s", "▁Re", "const", "ruction", "▁policies", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁dies", "▁and", "▁hub", "s", "▁(", "▁from", "▁which", "▁more", "▁dies", "▁could", "▁be", "▁made", "▁)", "▁were", "▁created", "▁beginning", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "6", "▁,", "▁probably", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁house", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Philadelphia", "▁M", "int", "▁.", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁designs", "▁for", "▁Chile", "▁were", "▁used", "▁until", "▁new", "▁ones", "▁were", "▁adopted", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "7", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁proposed", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁al", "umin", "um", "▁in", "▁co", "ins", "▁;", "▁this", "▁was", "▁rejected", "▁as", "▁the", "▁supply", "▁and", "▁price", "▁of", "▁the", "▁metal", "▁fl", "uct", "u", "ated", "▁consider", "ably", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁then", "▁had", "▁a", "▁high", "▁intr", "insic", "▁value", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "8", "▁,", "▁Wh", "art", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁interests", "▁proposed", "▁making", "▁the", "▁d", "ime", "▁into", "▁a", "▁co", "pper", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁nick", "el", "▁piece", "▁and", "▁to", "▁modify", "▁the", "▁cent", "▁,", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cent", "▁piece", "▁,", "▁and", "▁nick", "el", "▁.", "▁The", "▁project", "▁was", "▁abandoned", "▁when", "▁it", "▁became", "▁clear", "▁the", "▁base", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁metal", "▁d", "ime", "▁would", "▁be", "▁too", "▁large", "▁to", "▁be", "▁effectively", "▁struck", "▁in", "▁the", "▁t", "ough", "▁co", "pper", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁nick", "el", "▁al", "loy", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Long", "acre", "▁prepared", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁half", "▁doll", "ar", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁size", "▁patterns", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁began", "▁work", "▁on", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁eng", "ra", "ving", "▁the", "▁designs", "▁of", "▁the", "▁gold", "▁pieces", "▁,", "▁and", "▁completed", "▁the", "▁$", "▁", "1", "0", "▁piece", "▁by", "▁year", "▁'", "s", "▁end", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Later", "▁designs", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Death", "▁and", "▁assess", "ment", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁James", "▁Long", "acre", "▁died", "▁suddenly", "▁at", "▁his", "▁home", "▁in", "▁Philadelphia", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "9", "▁.", "▁A", "▁mem", "orial", "▁meeting", "▁was", "▁held", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Philadelphia", "▁M", "int", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁attended", "▁by", "▁the", "▁facility", "▁'", "s", "▁employees", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Director", "▁of", "▁the", "▁M", "int", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁Lind", "erman", "▁,", "▁delivered", "▁a", "▁speech", "▁in", "▁pra", "ise", "▁of", "▁Long", "acre", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁formal", "▁e", "ul", "ogy", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁given", "▁by", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁assistant", "▁,", "▁William", "▁Bar", "ber", "▁,", "▁who", "▁would", "▁be", "▁appointed", "▁as", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁successor", "▁.", "▁Like", "▁each", "▁of", "▁his", "▁prede", "cess", "ors", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁died", "▁in", "▁office", "▁.", "▁", "▁Long", "acre", "▁was", "▁recognized", "▁in", "▁an", "▁exhib", "it", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁notable", "▁American", "▁eng", "ra", "vers", "▁spons", "ored", "▁by", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Public", "▁Library", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "8", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁,", "▁art", "▁historian", "▁Corn", "el", "ius", "▁V", "erme", "ule", "▁,", "▁in", "▁his", "▁volume", "▁on", "▁U" ]
and others seeking to promote the use of nickel remained powerful in Congress , and in 1866 secured authorization for a five @-@ cent coin of copper nickel . Longacre prepared a number of designs ; Pollock selected Longacre 's design of a shield ( similar to the two @-@ cent piece ) and a starry circle for the reverse , and the Shield nickel began to be struck that year . Mint Assayer William DuBois wrote to Longacre , " it is truly pleasing to see a man pass the life of three score and ten and yet be able to produce the same artistic works as in earlier days . " In 1865 Congress required the use of " In God We Trust " on all coins large enough to bear the inscription ; in 1866 , Longacre added the motto to all silver coins larger than the dime and all gold coins larger than the three @-@ dollar piece . He also in 1867 made modifications to the design of the copper @-@ nickel five @-@ cent piece , or nickel as it was coming to be known . In 1865 , Longacre engaged British @-@ born engraver William Barber as assistant ; William H. Key was also made an assistant in 1864 and remained at the Mint past Longacre 's death . Some of the coinage which had vanished from circulation during the Civil War and had been exported to South America continued to be used in Chilean trade as nationals found their local coinage valued poorly with the American pieces . In 1866 , the Chilean government instructed its representative in Washington to approach the U.S. State Department for permission to have their coinage dies made in America . The Andrew Johnson administration was happy to oblige ; Treasury Secretary Hugh McCulloch gave the Chileans a letter of introduction to Longacre in Philadelphia . Longacre was engaged by the Chileans to redesign five silver and four gold coins , and he agreed , so long as permission from McCulloch was obtained for him to accept an outside fee . McCulloch was initially agreeable , but Mint Director Pollock raised objection on the ground that government property should not be used to enable private gain . Eventually , all parties reached agreement that Longacre could do the work at a total cost of $ 10 @,@ 000 provided that he brought in an outside engraver to do some of the work under Longacre 's supervision ; the chief engraver selected Anthony C. Paquet , one of his former assistants . Resistance at the Mint dissolved with Pollock 's resignation over President Johnson 's Reconstruction policies , and the dies and hubs ( from which more dies could be made ) were created beginning in November 1866 , probably in @-@ house at the Philadelphia Mint . Longacre 's designs for Chile were used until new ones were adopted in the 1890s . In 1867 , Longacre proposed the use of aluminum in coins ; this was rejected as the supply and price of the metal fluctuated considerably , and it then had a high intrinsic value . In 1868 , Wharton 's interests proposed making the dime into a copper @-@ nickel piece and to modify the cent , three @-@ cent piece , and nickel . The project was abandoned when it became clear the base @-@ metal dime would be too large to be effectively struck in the tough copper @-@ nickel alloy , but Longacre prepared a number of half dollar @-@ size patterns . He also began work on re @-@ engraving the designs of the gold pieces , and completed the $ 10 piece by year 's end . = = = = Later designs = = = = = = Death and assessment = = James Longacre died suddenly at his home in Philadelphia on January 1 , 1869 . A memorial meeting was held at the Philadelphia Mint on January 5 , attended by the facility 's employees . The Director of the Mint , Henry Linderman , delivered a speech in praise of Longacre prior to the formal eulogy , which was given by Longacre 's assistant , William Barber , who would be appointed as Longacre 's successor . Like each of his predecessors , Longacre died in office . Longacre was recognized in an exhibit of 100 notable American engravers sponsored by the New York Public Library in 1928 . In 1970 , art historian Cornelius Vermeule , in his volume on U
[ ".", "S", ".", "▁co", "ins", "▁,", "▁viewed", "▁Long", "acre", "▁and", "▁his", "▁works", "▁less", "▁favor", "ably", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁uniform", "▁in", "▁their", "▁d", "ull", "ness", "▁,", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁insp", "iration", "▁,", "▁and", "▁even", "▁qu", "aint", "ness", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁contributions", "▁to", "▁patterns", "▁and", "▁regular", "▁coin", "age", "▁were", "▁a", "▁decided", "▁step", "▁backwards", "▁from", "▁the", "▁art", "▁of", "▁[", "▁Thomas", "▁]", "▁Sul", "ly", "▁,", "▁[", "▁Tit", "ian", "▁]", "▁Pe", "ale", "▁,", "▁[", "▁Robert", "▁]", "▁Hugh", "es", "▁,", "▁and", "▁G", "obre", "cht", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁whatever", "▁his", "▁previous", "▁qual", "ities", "▁as", "▁an", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁of", "▁port", "ra", "its", "▁,", "▁he", "▁seems", "▁not", "▁to", "▁have", "▁brought", "▁much", "▁imagination", "▁to", "▁his", "▁important", "▁post", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Philadelphia", "▁M", "int", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁However", "▁,", "▁V", "erme", "ule", "▁considered", "▁the", "▁F", "lying", "▁E", "agle", "▁cent", "▁more", "▁of", "▁a", "▁work", "▁of", "▁art", "▁,", "▁far", "▁above", "▁the", "▁m", "und", "ane", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁his", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁article", "▁,", "▁McK", "en", "zie", "▁notes", "▁V", "erme", "ule", "▁'", "s", "▁concerns", "▁,", "▁but", "▁cons", "iders", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁work", "▁important", "▁for", "▁its", "▁use", "▁of", "▁American", "▁symbols", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁representations", "▁of", "▁Native", "▁Americans", "▁.", "▁He", "▁bel", "ieves", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁use", "▁of", "▁such", "▁symbols", "▁influenced", "▁later", "▁coin", "▁design", "ers", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁George", "▁T", ".", "▁Morgan", "▁,", "▁Victor", "▁D", ".", "▁B", "ren", "ner", "▁,", "▁and", "▁August", "us", "▁Saint", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Ga", "ud", "ens", "▁.", "▁He", "▁particularly", "▁pra", "ises", "▁the", "▁orn", "ate", "▁scroll", "▁on", "▁the", "▁reverse", "▁of", "▁the", "▁double", "▁e", "agle", "▁,", "▁calling", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁unique", "▁in", "▁American", "▁num", "ism", "atic", "▁art", "▁and", "▁enh", "ances", "▁the", "▁eleg", "ance", "▁of", "▁a", "▁design", "▁bef", "itting", "▁the", "▁highest", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁den", "om", "ination", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁coin", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁app", "la", "ud", "s", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁exc", "iting", "▁innov", "ation", "▁in", "▁symbol", "ism", "▁and", "▁expression", "▁of", "▁national", "▁sentiment", "▁that", "▁he", "▁brought", "▁to", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁num", "ism", "atic", "▁art", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁According", "▁to", "▁Bow", "ers", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Today", "▁,", "▁Long", "acre", "▁is", "▁widely", "▁adm", "ired", "▁by", "▁num", "ism", "at", "ists", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁L", "ange", "▁notes", "▁that", "▁Long", "acre", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁art", "istic", "▁vision", "▁g", "rac", "ed", "▁", "6", "0", "▁years", "▁of", "▁American", "▁co", "ins", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Snow", "▁writes", "▁,", "▁", "▁In", "▁view", "▁of", "▁the", "▁adm", "iration", "▁that", "▁Saint", "▁@", 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"0", "9", "▁)", "▁", "▁Two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cent", "▁piece", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "4", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "3", "▁)", "▁", "▁Three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cent", "▁piece", "▁in", "▁silver", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "1", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "3", "▁)", "▁and", "▁nick", "el", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "5", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "9", "▁)", "▁", "▁Sh", "ield", "▁nick", "el", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "6", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "3", "▁)", "▁", "▁Liber", "ty", "▁Se", "ated", "▁half", "▁d", "ime", "▁reverse", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "3", "▁)", "▁", "▁Liber", "ty", "▁Se", "ated", "▁d", "ime", "▁reverse", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "1", "▁)", "▁,", "▁re", "used", "▁with", "▁slight", "▁modification", "▁as", "▁reverse", "▁of", "▁Bar", "ber", "▁d", "ime", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "6", "▁)", "▁", "▁Liber", "ty", "▁Head", "▁gold", "▁doll", "ar", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "9", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "9", "▁)", "▁", "▁Three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁doll", "ar", "▁piece", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "4", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "9", "▁)", "▁", "▁Liber", "ty", "▁Head", "▁double", "▁e", "agle", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "9", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "7", "▁)", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Books", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Bow", "ers", "▁,", "▁Q", ".", "▁David", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Harry", "▁W", ".", "▁Bass", "▁,", "▁Jr", "▁.", "▁Museum", "▁Syl", "lo", "ge", "▁.", "▁Dallas", "▁,", "▁Tex", "▁.", "▁:", "▁Harry", "▁W", ".", "▁Bass", "▁,", "▁Jr", "▁.", "▁Foundation", "▁.", "▁ISBN", "▁", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "9", "4", "3", "1", "6", "1", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "8", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁Bow", "ers", "▁,", "▁Q", ".", "▁David", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁)", "▁.", "▁A", "▁Guide", "▁Book", "▁of", "▁Sh", "ield", "▁and", "▁Liber", "ty", "▁Head", "▁Nick", "els", "▁.", "▁Atlanta", "▁,", "▁Ga", "▁.", "▁:", "▁Whit", "man", "▁Publishing", "▁.", "▁ISBN", "▁", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "7", "9", "4", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "1", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁B", "reen", "▁,", "▁Walter", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "8", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Walter", "▁B", "reen", "▁'", "s", "▁Complete", "▁Encyclopedia", "▁of", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁and", "▁Col", "onial", "▁Co", "ins", "▁.", "▁New", "▁York", "▁:", "▁Double", "day", "▁.", "▁ISBN", "▁", "9", "7", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "3", "8", "5", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "4", "2", "0", "7", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁Co", "in", "▁World", "▁Al", "man", "ac", "▁(", "▁", "3", "rd", "▁ed", "▁.", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Sid", "ney", "▁,", "▁Ohio", "▁:", "▁Am", "os", "▁Press", "▁.", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "7", "▁.", "▁AS", "IN", "▁B", "0", "0", "4", "AB", "7", "C", "9", "M", "▁.", "▁", "▁Evans", "▁,", "▁George", "▁G", ".", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "5", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Illustr", "ated", "▁History", "▁of", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁M", "int", "▁(", "▁re", "vised", "▁ed", "▁.", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Philadelphia", "▁:", "▁George", "▁G", ".", "▁Evans", "▁.", "▁Retrieved", "▁January", "▁", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁Gar", "rett", "▁,", "▁Jeff" ]
.S. coins , viewed Longacre and his works less favorably , " uniform in their dullness , lack of inspiration , and even quaintness , Longacre 's contributions to patterns and regular coinage were a decided step backwards from the art of [ Thomas ] Sully , [ Titian ] Peale , [ Robert ] Hughes , and Gobrecht " and " whatever his previous qualities as an engraver of portraits , he seems not to have brought much imagination to his important post at the Philadelphia Mint . " However , Vermeule considered the Flying Eagle cent more of a work of art , far above the mundane . In his 1991 article , McKenzie notes Vermeule 's concerns , but considers Longacre 's work important for its use of American symbols , including the representations of Native Americans . He believes Longacre 's use of such symbols influenced later coin designers , such as George T. Morgan , Victor D. Brenner , and Augustus Saint @-@ Gaudens . He particularly praises the ornate scroll on the reverse of the double eagle , calling it " unique in American numismatic art and enhances the elegance of a design befitting the highest @-@ denomination U.S. coin " , and applauds " the exciting innovation in symbolism and expression of national sentiment that he brought to U.S. numismatic art " . According to Bowers , " Today , Longacre is widely admired by numismatists . " Lange notes that Longacre 's " artistic vision graced 60 years of American coins " . Snow writes , In view of the admiration that Saint @-@ Gaudens , Vermeule , and others had for Longacre 's " recycled " design borrowed from Gobrecht , and the enthusiasm collectors have for Flying Eagle cents today , perhaps it is all for the best that some other motif was not created in the 1850s at the Mint when experiments to eliminate the cumbersome large copper cent were conducted . = = U.S. coins designed by Longacre = = Flying Eagle cent ( 1856 – 1858 ) Indian Head cent ( 1859 – 1909 ) Two @-@ cent piece ( 1864 – 1873 ) Three @-@ cent piece in silver ( 1851 – 1873 ) and nickel ( 1865 – 1889 ) Shield nickel ( 1866 – 1883 ) Liberty Seated half dime reverse ( 1860 – 1873 ) Liberty Seated dime reverse ( 1860 – 1891 ) , reused with slight modification as reverse of Barber dime ( 1892 – 1916 ) Liberty Head gold dollar ( 1849 – 1889 ) Three @-@ dollar piece ( 1854 – 1889 ) Liberty Head double eagle ( 1849 @-@ 1907 ) = = = Books = = = Bowers , Q. David ( 2001 ) . The Harry W. Bass , Jr . Museum Sylloge . Dallas , Tex . : Harry W. Bass , Jr . Foundation . ISBN 0 @-@ 943161 @-@ 88 @-@ 6 . Bowers , Q. David ( 2006 ) . A Guide Book of Shield and Liberty Head Nickels . Atlanta , Ga . : Whitman Publishing . ISBN 0 @-@ 7948 @-@ 1921 @-@ 4 . Breen , Walter ( 1988 ) . Walter Breen 's Complete Encyclopedia of U.S. and Colonial Coins . New York : Doubleday . ISBN 978 @-@ 0 @-@ 385 @-@ 14207 @-@ 6 . Coin World Almanac ( 3rd ed . ) . Sidney , Ohio : Amos Press . 1977 . ASIN B004AB7C9M . Evans , George G. ( 1885 ) . Illustrated History of the United States Mint ( revised ed . ) . Philadelphia : George G. Evans . Retrieved January 14 , 2013 . Garrett , Jeff
[ "▁;", "▁G", "uth", "▁,", "▁Ron", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Encyclopedia", "▁of", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁Gold", "▁Co", "ins", "▁,", "▁", "1", "7", "9", "5", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "3", "▁(", "▁second", "▁ed", "▁.", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Atlanta", "▁,", "▁Ga", "▁.", "▁:", "▁Whit", "man", "▁Publishing", "▁.", "▁ISBN", "▁", "9", "7", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "7", "9", "4", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "2", "5", "4", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "5", "▁.", "▁", "▁Journal", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Executive", "▁Pro", "ceed", "ings", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Senate", "▁of", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁of", "▁America", "▁VI", "▁.", "▁Washington", "▁,", "▁D", ".", "C", ".", "▁:", "▁United", "▁States", "▁Government", "▁Print", "ing", "▁Office", "▁.", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁L", "ange", "▁,", "▁David", "▁W", ".", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁)", "▁.", "▁History", "▁of", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁M", "int", "▁and", "▁its", "▁Co", "in", "age", "▁.", "▁Atlanta", "▁,", "▁Ga", "▁.", "▁:", "▁Whit", "man", "▁Publishing", "▁.", "▁ISBN", "▁", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "7", "9", "4", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "2", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁P", "ess", "ol", "ano", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Fil", "os", "▁,", "▁Francis", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "3", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Margaret", "▁M", ".", "▁Wal", "sh", "▁,", "▁ed", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Ass", "ay", "▁Med", "als", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Ass", "ay", "▁Comm", "issions", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "1", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "7", "▁.", "▁New", "▁York", "▁:", "▁E", "ros", "▁Publishing", "▁Company", "▁.", "▁ISBN", "▁", "9", "7", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "9", "1", "1", "5", "7", "1", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "0", "1", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "▁.", "▁", "▁Snow", "▁,", "▁Richard", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁)", "▁.", "▁A", "▁Guide", "▁Book", "▁of", "▁F", "lying", "▁E", "agle", "▁and", "▁Indian", "▁Head", "▁C", "ents", "▁.", "▁Atlanta", "▁.", "▁Ga", "▁.", "▁:", "▁Whit", "man", "▁Publishing", "▁.", "▁ISBN", "▁", "9", "7", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "7", "9", "4", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "8", "3", "1", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "8", "▁.", "▁", "▁Tax", "ay", "▁,", "▁Don", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "3", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁M", "int", "▁and", "▁Co", "in", "age", "▁(", "▁repr", "int", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "6", "▁ed", "▁.", "▁)", "▁.", "▁New", "▁York", "▁:", "▁San", "ford", "▁J", ".", "▁Dur", "st", "▁Num", "ism", "atic", "▁Publications", "▁.", "▁ISBN", "▁", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "9", "1", "5", "2", "6", "2", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "6", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "▁.", "▁", "▁V", "erme", "ule", "▁,", "▁Corn", "el", "ius", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "1", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Num", "ism", "atic", "▁Art", "▁in", "▁America", "▁.", "▁Cambridge", "▁,", "▁Mass", "▁.", "▁:", "▁The", "▁Bel", "kn", "ap", "▁Press", "▁of", "▁Harvard", "▁University", "▁Press", "▁.", "▁ISBN", "▁", "9", "7", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "6", "7", "4", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "6", "2", "8", "4", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Other", "▁sources", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁American", "▁Journal", "▁of", "▁Num", "ism", "at", "ics", "▁\"", "▁", "3", "▁(", "▁", "9", "▁)", "▁.", "▁New", "▁York", "▁:", "▁American", "▁Num", "ism", "atic", "▁and", "▁Arch", "ae", "ological", "▁Society", "▁.", "▁January", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Chile", "▁asks", "▁Long", "acre", "▁for", "▁dies", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "6", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁I", "ola", "▁,", "▁W", "isc", "▁.", "▁:", "▁Kra", "use", "▁Publications", "▁.", "▁Retrieved", "▁March", "▁", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁De", "L", "ore", "y", "▁,", "▁Tom", "▁(", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "5", "▁)", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Long", "acre", "▁:", "▁Un", "s", "ung", "▁eng", "ra", "ver", "▁of", "▁the", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁M", "int", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Num", "ism", "at", "ist", "▁(", 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"▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "4", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "9", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "0", "▁.", "▁", "▁Smith", "▁,", "▁P", "ete", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁)", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁American", "▁num", "ism", "atic", "▁bi", "ograph", "ies", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁PDF", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Num", "ism", "atic", "▁Bibli", "oman", "ia", "▁Society", "▁.", "▁Retrieved", "▁October", "▁", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Philip", "▁Smith", "▁(", "▁criminal", "▁)", "▁=", "▁", "▁Philip", "▁John", "▁Smith", "▁(", "▁born", "▁", "1", "0", "▁July", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "5", "▁in", "▁Gl", "ouc", "ester", "▁,", "▁England", "▁)", "▁is", "▁a", "▁British", "▁sp", "ree", "▁k", "iller", "▁serving", "▁a", "▁life", "▁sentence", "▁for", "▁the", "▁mur", "ders", "▁of", "▁three", "▁women", "▁in", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁.", "▁A", "▁former", "▁fair", "ground", "▁worker", "▁employed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Rain", "bow", "▁public", "▁house", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Dig", "b", "eth", "▁area", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁,", "▁Smith", "▁killed", "▁his", "▁vict", "ims", "▁over", "▁a", "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁period", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁be", "fri", "ending", "▁two", "▁of", "▁them", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Rain", "bow", "▁before", "▁carrying", "▁out", "▁the", "▁cr", "imes", "▁.", "▁All", "▁three", "▁vict", "ims", "▁were", "▁m", "util", "ated", "▁almost", "▁beyond", "▁recognition", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Smith", "▁was", "▁quickly", "▁identified", "▁as", "▁the", "▁k", "iller", "▁because", "▁of", "▁the", "▁over", "wh", "el", "ming", "▁evidence", "▁linking", "▁him", "▁to", "▁the", "▁death", "s", "▁.", "▁", "▁Smith", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁victim", "▁was", "▁J", "od", "ie", "▁Hy", "de", "▁,", "▁a", "▁recover", "ing", "▁but", "ane", "▁gas", "▁add", "ict", "▁whom", "▁he", "▁met", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Rain", "bow", "▁before", "▁killing", "▁her", "▁hours", "▁later", "▁.", "▁He", "▁is", "▁thought", "▁to", "▁have", "▁str", "ang", "led", "▁her", "▁before", "▁setting", "▁her", "▁body", "▁on", "▁fire", "▁near", "▁a", "▁recre", "ation", "▁ground" ]
; Guth , Ron ( 2008 ) . Encyclopedia of U.S. Gold Coins , 1795 – 1933 ( second ed . ) . Atlanta , Ga . : Whitman Publishing . ISBN 978 @-@ 0 @-@ 7948 @-@ 2254 @-@ 5 . Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America VI . Washington , D.C. : United States Government Printing Office . 1887 . Lange , David W. ( 2006 ) . History of the United States Mint and its Coinage . Atlanta , Ga . : Whitman Publishing . ISBN 0 @-@ 7948 @-@ 1972 @-@ 9 . Pessolano @-@ Filos , Francis ( 1983 ) . Margaret M. Walsh , ed . The Assay Medals and the Assay Commissions , 1841 – 1977 . New York : Eros Publishing Company . ISBN 978 @-@ 0 @-@ 911571 @-@ 01 @-@ 1 . Snow , Richard ( 2009 ) . A Guide Book of Flying Eagle and Indian Head Cents . Atlanta . Ga . : Whitman Publishing . ISBN 978 @-@ 0 @-@ 7948 @-@ 2831 @-@ 8 . Taxay , Don ( 1983 ) . The U.S. Mint and Coinage ( reprint of 1966 ed . ) . New York : Sanford J. Durst Numismatic Publications . ISBN 0 @-@ 915262 @-@ 68 @-@ 1 . Vermeule , Cornelius ( 1971 ) . Numismatic Art in America . Cambridge , Mass . : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press . ISBN 978 @-@ 0 @-@ 674 @-@ 62840 @-@ 3 . = = = Other sources = = = " American Journal of Numismatics " 3 ( 9 ) . New York : American Numismatic and Archaeological Society . January 1869 . " Chile asks Longacre for dies in 1866 " . Iola , Wisc . : Krause Publications . Retrieved March 4 , 2014 . DeLorey , Tom ( October 1985 ) . " Longacre : Unsung engraver of the U.S. Mint " . The Numismatist ( Colorado Springs , Co . : American Numismatic Association ) : 1970 – 1978 . Kay , Rick ( April 2005 ) . " The remarkable coinage of James B. Longacre " . The Numismatist ( Colorado Springs , Co . : American Numismatic Association ) : 36 – 37 , 40 – 41 . McKenzie , Lee F. ( December 1991 ) . " Longacre 's influence on numismatic art " . The Numismatist ( Colorado Springs , Co . : American Numismatic Association ) : 1922 – 1924 , 1979 – 1980 . Smith , Pete ( 2012 ) . " American numismatic biographies " ( PDF ) . The Numismatic Bibliomania Society . Retrieved October 15 , 2014 . = Philip Smith ( criminal ) = Philip John Smith ( born 10 July 1965 in Gloucester , England ) is a British spree killer serving a life sentence for the murders of three women in Birmingham . A former fairground worker employed at the Rainbow public house in the Digbeth area of the city , Smith killed his victims over a four @-@ day period in November 2000 , befriending two of them at the Rainbow before carrying out the crimes . All three victims were mutilated almost beyond recognition , but Smith was quickly identified as the killer because of the overwhelming evidence linking him to the deaths . Smith 's first victim was Jodie Hyde , a recovering butane gas addict whom he met at the Rainbow before killing her hours later . He is thought to have strangled her before setting her body on fire near a recreation ground
[ "▁.", "▁Three", "▁days", "▁later", "▁,", "▁he", "▁met", "▁mother", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁of", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁three", "▁Ros", "em", "ary", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁at", "▁the", "▁same", "▁public", "▁house", "▁and", "▁drove", "▁her", "▁to", "▁a", "▁rural", "▁location", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁bl", "ud", "ge", "oned", "▁her", "▁to", "▁death", "▁and", "▁drove", "▁over", "▁the", "▁body", "▁.", "▁Then", "▁,", "▁as", "▁he", "▁drove", "▁home", "▁,", "▁he", "▁hit", "▁care", "▁worker", "▁Carol", "▁Jordan", "▁with", "▁his", "▁car", "▁and", "▁,", "▁fear", "ing", "▁capture", "▁,", "▁beat", "▁her", "▁to", "▁death", "▁.", "▁All", "▁three", "▁bodies", "▁were", "▁discovered", "▁soon", "▁after", "▁the", "▁mur", "ders", "▁were", "▁carried", "▁out", "▁.", "▁", "▁Smith", "▁was", "▁app", "reh", "ended", "▁after", "▁he", "▁contact", "ed", "▁West", "▁Mid", "lands", "▁Police", "▁saying", "▁that", "▁he", "▁wished", "▁to", "▁make", "▁a", "▁statement", "▁about", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁'", "s", "▁disapp", 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"▁him", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁permanent", "▁sexual", "▁relations", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁a", "▁contrib", "uting", "▁factor", "▁.", "▁", "▁Det", "ect", "ives", "▁also", "▁investig", "ated", "▁the", "▁death", "▁of", "▁a", "▁woman", "▁who", "▁had", "▁been", "▁a", "▁colle", "ague", "▁of", "▁Smith", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Rain", "bow", "▁.", "▁Pat", "ric", "ia", "▁Lyn", "ott", "▁,", "▁a", "▁divor", "ced", "▁mother", "▁of", "▁two", "▁from", "▁Ireland", "▁who", "▁had", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁,", "▁had", "▁been", "▁found", "▁dead", "▁in", "▁her", "▁flat", "▁in", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁Police", "▁had", "▁not", "▁treated", "▁the", "▁death", "▁as", "▁susp", "icious", "▁,", "▁but", "▁after", "▁they", "▁discovered", "▁her", "▁connection", "▁to", "▁Smith", "▁,", "▁her", "▁body", "▁was", "▁ex", "hum", "ed", "▁for", "▁a", "▁second", "▁post", "▁mort", "em", "▁.", "▁This", "▁proved", "▁to", "▁be", "▁incon", "clus", "ive", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", 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"▁before", "▁moving", "▁to", "▁H", "ail", "es", "▁Road", "▁on", "▁the", "▁C", "oney", "▁Hill", "▁Est", "ate", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "1", "▁.", "▁He", "▁attended", "▁C", "oney", "▁Hill", "▁Inf", "ants", "▁and", "▁Junior", "▁School", "▁and", "▁later", "▁went", "▁to", "▁a", "▁special", "▁school", "▁for", "▁children", "▁with", "▁learning", "▁difficulties", "▁.", "▁The", "▁family", "▁had", "▁a", "▁mod", "est", "▁income", "▁,", "▁and", "▁their", "▁situation", "▁became", "▁worse", "▁when", "▁Smith", "▁'", "s", "▁father", "▁was", "▁injured", "▁in", "▁a", "▁mot", "oring", "▁accident", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁left", "▁school", "▁at", "▁", "1", "4", "▁to", "▁join", "▁Billy", "▁Dan", "ter", "▁'", "s", "▁Fun", "f", "air", "▁,", "▁which", "▁tou", "red", "▁extens", "ively", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁and", "▁also", "▁employed", "▁his", "▁father", "▁.", "▁He", "▁worked", "▁out", "▁of", "▁season", "▁as", "▁a", "▁farm", "hand", "▁,", "▁labour", "er", "▁and", "▁security", "▁guard", "▁.", "▁", "▁Smith", "▁moved", "▁from", "▁Gl", "ouc", "ester", "▁to", "▁T", "ew", "kes", "bury", "▁and", "▁then", "▁Ross", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁W", "ye", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁lived", "▁with", "▁a", "▁female", "▁partner", "▁.", "▁They", "▁had", "▁a", "▁son", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "0", "▁and", "▁two", "▁more", "▁children", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Smith", "▁left", "▁the", "▁family", "▁and", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁Card", "iff", "▁when", "▁the", "▁relationship", "▁became", "▁difficult", "▁.", "▁He", "▁then", "▁spent", "▁a", "▁year", "▁in", "▁Ireland", "▁lod", "ging", "▁with", "▁a", "▁trav", "elling", "▁family", "▁who", "▁took", "▁pity", "▁on", "▁him", "▁while", "▁he", "▁was", "▁h", "itch", "h", "ik", "ing", "▁in", "▁Ath", "l", "one", "▁,", "▁County", "▁West", "me", "ath", "▁,", "▁Ireland", "▁.", "▁He", "▁told", "▁them", "▁he", "▁was", "▁an", "▁English", "▁gy", "ps", "y", "▁visit", "ing", "▁Ireland", "▁,", "▁and", "▁they", "▁allowed", "▁him", "▁to", "▁live", "▁rent", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁free", "▁in", "▁a", "▁spare", "▁car", "avan", "▁,", "▁while", "▁he", "▁contributed", "▁a", "▁portion", "▁of", "▁his", "▁un", "emp", "loyment", "▁benefit", "▁towards", "▁food", "▁.", "▁They", "▁asked", "▁him", "▁to", "▁leave", "▁because", "▁they", "▁were", "▁un", "com", "fort", "able", "▁about", "▁sexual", "▁remarks", "▁he", "▁had", "▁made", "▁to", "▁young", "▁female", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁family", "▁.", "▁He", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁and", "▁stayed", "▁briefly", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Tr", "inity", "▁Centre", "▁,", "▁a", "▁host", "el", "▁for", "▁the", "▁hom", "eless", "▁in", "▁Dig", "b", "eth", "▁,", "▁before", "▁moving", "▁to", "▁a", "▁property", "▁managed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁housing", "▁association", "▁in", "▁Bra", "ith", "wa", "ite", "▁Road", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Spark", "bro", "ok", "▁district", "▁of", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁.", "▁He", "▁became", "▁well", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁known", "▁locally", "▁and", "▁was", "▁a", "▁regular", "▁patron", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sh", "am", "rock", "▁Ca", "fe", "▁on", "▁Str", "at", "ford", "▁Road", "▁and", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Rain", "bow", "▁pub", "▁in", "▁Dig", "b", "eth", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁was", "▁employed", "▁on", "▁a", "▁cas", "ual", "▁basis", "▁as", "▁an", "▁odd", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁job", "ber", "▁and", "▁served", "▁as", "▁an", "▁uno", "fficial", "▁tax", "i", "▁driver", "▁for", "▁drink", "ers", "▁.", "▁", "▁Smith", "▁received", "▁over", "▁", "3", "0", "▁criminal", "▁conv", "ict", "ions", "▁for", "▁minor", "▁off", "ences", "▁,", "▁beginning", "▁in", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "4", "▁when", "▁he", "▁was", "▁f", "ined", "▁£", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁for", "▁the", "ft", "▁.", "▁His", "▁record", "▁also", "▁included", "▁handling", "▁st", "olen", "▁goods", "▁,", "▁burg", "l", "ary", "▁and", "▁driving", "▁without", "▁a", "▁lic", "ence", "▁,", "▁but", "▁no", "▁violence", "▁.", "▁At", "▁", "6", "▁ft", "▁", "4", "▁in", "▁and", "▁we", "igh", "ing", "▁", "2", "2", "▁stone", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁dis", "he", "vel", "led", "▁appearance", "▁and", "▁a", "▁soft", "▁West", "▁Country", "▁acc", "ent", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁gentle", "▁by", "▁those", "▁he", "▁met", "▁.", "▁In", "▁an", "▁interview", "▁with", "▁the", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁Even", "ing", "▁Mail", "▁following", "▁Smith", "▁'", "s", "▁trial", "▁in" ]
. Three days later , he met mother @-@ of @-@ three Rosemary Corcoran at the same public house and drove her to a rural location , where he bludgeoned her to death and drove over the body . Then , as he drove home , he hit care worker Carol Jordan with his car and , fearing capture , beat her to death . All three bodies were discovered soon after the murders were carried out . Smith was apprehended after he contacted West Midlands Police saying that he wished to make a statement about Corcoran 's disappearance . At the time , however , her body had not been positively identified , and inquiries quickly established that some aspects of his account were false . The murder inquiry , named Operation Green , uncovered a large quantity of strong evidence incriminating Smith , but at first he denied responsibility . He maintained his innocence as his trial began in July 2001 , but later in the proceedings he changed his plea to guilty and was sentenced to life imprisonment . The motive for his crimes was unclear , but police who arrested him believed that a " lack of permanent sexual relations " was a contributing factor . Detectives also investigated the death of a woman who had been a colleague of Smith at the Rainbow . Patricia Lynott , a divorced mother of two from Ireland who had moved to Birmingham , had been found dead in her flat in October 2000 . Police had not treated the death as suspicious , but after they discovered her connection to Smith , her body was exhumed for a second post mortem . This proved to be inconclusive , and in January 2003 a coroner 's jury in Birmingham recorded an open verdict after hearing that the cause of her death could not be determined . = = Background = = Philip John Smith was born in 1965 at the City Maternity Hospital in Gloucester and grew up in the city . The son of sawmill labourer Henry John Smith and his wife Rose Smith ( née Luckins ) , he was the oldest of five siblings . The family lived in Midland Road , where they were neighbours of serial killers Fred and Rosemary West , before moving to Hailes Road on the Coney Hill Estate in 1971 . He attended Coney Hill Infants and Junior School and later went to a special school for children with learning difficulties . The family had a modest income , and their situation became worse when Smith 's father was injured in a motoring accident . Smith left school at 14 to join Billy Danter 's Funfair , which toured extensively throughout the United Kingdom and also employed his father . He worked out of season as a farmhand , labourer and security guard . Smith moved from Gloucester to Tewkesbury and then Ross @-@ on @-@ Wye , where he lived with a female partner . They had a son in 1990 and two more children in 1992 , but Smith left the family and moved to Cardiff when the relationship became difficult . He then spent a year in Ireland lodging with a travelling family who took pity on him while he was hitchhiking in Athlone , County Westmeath , Ireland . He told them he was an English gypsy visiting Ireland , and they allowed him to live rent @-@ free in a spare caravan , while he contributed a portion of his unemployment benefit towards food . They asked him to leave because they were uncomfortable about sexual remarks he had made to young female members of the family . He moved to Birmingham towards the end of 1999 and stayed briefly at the Trinity Centre , a hostel for the homeless in Digbeth , before moving to a property managed by a housing association in Braithwaite Road in the Sparkbrook district of Birmingham . He became well @-@ known locally and was a regular patron of the Shamrock Cafe on Stratford Road and of the Rainbow pub in Digbeth , where he was employed on a casual basis as an odd @-@ jobber and served as an unofficial taxi driver for drinkers . Smith received over 30 criminal convictions for minor offences , beginning in May 1984 when he was fined £ 100 for theft . His record also included handling stolen goods , burglary and driving without a licence , but no violence . At 6 ft 4 in and weighing 22 stone , with a dishevelled appearance and a soft West Country accent , he was considered gentle by those he met . In an interview with the Birmingham Evening Mail following Smith 's trial in
[ "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁,", "▁Jim", "▁Smith", "▁,", "▁propriet", "or", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sh", "am", "rock", "▁Ca", "fe", "▁,", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁was", "▁a", "▁gentle", "▁giant", "▁who", "▁we", "▁named", "▁'", "▁Big", "foot", "▁'", "▁because", "▁his", "▁bo", "ots", "▁always", "▁used", "▁to", "▁leave", "▁black", "▁marks", "▁on", "▁the", "▁floor", "▁.", "▁Nin", "ety", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁nine", "▁per", "▁cent", "▁of", "▁the", "▁time", "▁he", "▁had", "▁a", "▁dirty", "▁appearance", "▁and", "▁looked", "▁like", "▁he", "▁had", "▁been", "▁working", "▁on", "▁a", "▁car", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Mur", "der", "▁sp", "ree", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁", "8", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁Smith", "▁met", "▁", "2", "1", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁old", "▁J", "od", "ie", "▁Hy", "de", "▁,", "▁a", "▁recover", "ing", "▁but", "ane", "▁gas", "▁add", "ict", "▁from", "▁Al", "um", "▁Rock", "▁,", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁,", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Rain", "bow", "▁public", "▁house", "▁,", "▁and", "▁they", "▁were", "▁seen", "▁leaving", "▁together", "▁.", "▁He", "▁took", "▁her", "▁to", "▁a", "▁hospital", "▁appointment", "▁and", "▁later", "▁killed", "▁her", "▁.", "▁Pro", "sec", "utors", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁he", "▁str", "ang", "led", "▁her", "▁at", "▁his", "▁flat", "▁and", "▁dump", "ed", "▁her", "▁body", "▁near", "▁a", "▁recre", "ation", "▁ground", "▁near", "▁Golden", "▁Hil", "lock", "▁Road", "▁in", "▁Spark", "bro", "ok", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁set", "▁it", "▁al", "ight", "▁.", "▁The", "▁still", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sm", "ould", "ering", "▁remains", "▁were", "▁discovered", "▁at", "▁", "6", "▁:", "▁", "1", "5", "▁am", "▁next", "▁morning", "▁(", "▁", "9", "▁November", "▁)", "▁by", "▁two", "▁pat", "rolling", "▁police", "▁officers", "▁.", "▁The", "▁body", "▁was", "▁bare", "ly", "▁recogn", "is", "able", "▁and", "▁had", "▁to", "▁be", "▁identified", "▁using", "▁finger", "print", "s", "▁.", "▁A", "▁subsequent", "▁post", "▁mort", "em", "▁concluded", "▁that", "▁she", "▁had", "▁been", "▁str", "ang", "led", "▁before", "▁being", "▁rolled", "▁up", "▁in", "▁a", "▁car", "pet", "▁and", "▁set", "▁on", "▁fire", "▁.", "▁", "▁Three", "▁days", "▁later", "▁,", "▁Smith", "▁met", "▁Ros", "em", "ary", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁,", "▁a", "▁", "2", "5", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁old", "▁mother", "▁of", "▁three", "▁from", "▁Castle", "▁V", "ale", "▁at", "▁the", "▁same", "▁public", "▁house", "▁,", "▁and", "▁again", "▁they", "▁were", "▁seen", "▁leaving", "▁together", "▁.", "▁He", "▁drove", "▁her", "▁to", "▁Wor", "c", "esters", "hire", "▁before", "▁bl", "ud", "geon", "ing", "▁her", "▁to", "▁death", "▁and", "▁running", "▁over", "▁her", "▁body", "▁near", "▁D", "roit", "wich", "▁Sp", "a", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁found", "▁at", "▁", "8", "▁:", "▁", "3", "0", "▁am", "▁on", "▁", "1", "2", "▁November", "▁by", "▁a", "▁man", "▁walking", "▁his", "▁dog", "▁in", "▁a", "▁l", "ane", "▁near", "▁J", "unction", "▁", "5", "▁of", "▁the", "▁M", "5", "▁motor", "way", "▁.", "▁", "▁Smith", "▁'", "s", "▁third", "▁victim", "▁was", "▁Carol", "▁Jordan", "▁,", "▁a", "▁", "3", "9", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁old", "▁care", "▁home", "▁worker", "▁and", "▁mother", "▁of", "▁six", "▁from", "▁B", "als", "all", "▁He", "ath", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁killed", "▁as", "▁she", "▁walked", "▁to", "▁work", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁hit", "▁her", "▁from", "▁behind", "▁with", "▁his", "▁car", "▁while", "▁driving", "▁back", "▁from", "▁Wor", "c", "esters", "hire", "▁,", "▁f", "ract", "uring", "▁her", "▁hip", "▁.", "▁F", "ear", "ing", "▁that", "▁he", "▁would", "▁be", "▁caught", "▁,", "▁Smith", "▁moved", "▁her", "▁to", "▁another", "▁location", "▁and", "▁beat", "▁her", "▁so", "▁much", "▁that", "▁dent", "al", "▁records", "▁were", "▁required", "▁to", "▁identify", "▁her", "▁cor", "pse", "▁.", "▁The", "▁body", "▁was", "▁discovered", "▁at", "▁", "8", "▁:", "▁", "5", "0", "▁am", "▁on", "▁", "1", "2", "▁November", "▁on", "▁park", "land", "▁next", "▁to", "▁Bell", "▁Bar", "n", "▁Road", "▁,", "▁Lee", "▁Bank", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Investig", "ation", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Initial", "▁statement", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁When", "▁staff", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Rain", "bow", "▁told", "▁him", "▁of", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁'", "s", "▁disapp", "earance", "▁on", "▁", "1", "3", "▁November", "▁,", "▁Smith", "▁tele", "phon", "ed", "▁the", "▁police", "▁station", "▁at", "▁Castle", "▁V", "ale", "▁saying", "▁that", "▁he", "▁wished", "▁to", "▁give", "▁a", "▁statement", "▁.", "▁Sign", "ific", "antly", "▁,", "▁his", "▁call", "▁came", "▁at", "▁", "4", "▁:", "▁", "0", "0", "▁pm", "▁,", "▁before", "▁the", "▁body", "▁found", "▁in", "▁Wor", "c", "esters", "hire", "▁had", "▁been", "▁posit", "ively", "▁identified", "▁as", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁'", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁within", "▁an", "▁hour", "▁Smith", "▁had", "▁presented", "▁himself", "▁at", "▁Castle", "▁V", "ale", "▁.", "▁Det", "ect", "ive", "▁Const", "able", "▁Ruth", "▁Wil", "kins", "▁later", "▁re", "called", "▁Smith", "▁'", "s", "▁phone", "▁call", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁said", "▁he", "▁would", "▁like", "▁to", "▁come", "▁to", "▁the", "▁police", "▁station", "▁to", "▁help", "▁with", "▁the", "▁inqu", "iry", "▁and", "▁that", "▁he", "▁had", "▁seen", "▁[", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁]", "▁on", "▁Saturday", "▁night", "▁leave", "▁the", "▁pub", "▁with", "▁an", "▁unknown", "▁man", "▁.", "▁He", "▁ins", "isted", "▁he", "▁would", "▁like", "▁to", "▁come", "▁over", "▁to", "▁the", "▁police", "▁station", "▁.", "▁He", "▁said", "▁he", "▁had", "▁been", "▁asked", "▁to", "▁contact", "▁the", "▁police", "▁by", "▁someone", "▁else", "▁and", "▁gave", "▁his", "▁mobile", "▁number", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁In", "▁his", "▁subsequent", "▁statement", "▁Smith", "▁admitted", "▁to", "▁being", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Rain", "bow", "▁with", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁and", "▁a", "▁male", "▁friend", "▁,", "▁but", "▁claimed", "▁they", "▁were", "▁later", "▁separated", "▁when", "▁they", "▁went", "▁to", "▁another", "▁public", "▁house", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Ker", "ry", "man", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁male", "▁friend", "▁was", "▁e", "ject", "ed", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁said", "▁that", "▁he", "▁and", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁then", "▁went", "▁to", "▁Monte", "▁Carlo", "▁'", "s", "▁,", "▁a", "▁night", "club", "▁in", "▁Hand", "sw", "orth", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁when", "▁they", "▁left", "▁some", "▁time", "▁later", "▁,", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁was", "▁confront", "ed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁man", "▁he", "▁described", "▁as", "▁a", "▁Ted", "dy", "▁Boy", "▁,", "▁with", "▁whom", "▁she", "▁had", "▁argued", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Ker", "ry", "man", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁man", "▁became", "▁ag", "gress", "ive", "▁,", "▁so", "▁he", "▁asked", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁if", "▁she", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁go", "▁home", "▁.", "▁Cla", "im", "ing", "▁that", "▁she", "▁told", "▁him", "▁she", "▁did", "▁not", "▁,", "▁he", "▁said", "▁he", "▁then", "▁left", "▁her", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ev", "idence", "▁and", "▁murder", "▁charge", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁murder", "▁investigation", "▁,", "▁named", "▁Operation", "▁Green", "▁,", "▁was", "▁led", "▁by", "▁Sir", "▁Edward", "▁Cre", "we", "▁,", "▁Chief", "▁Const", "able", "▁of", "▁West", "▁Mid", "lands", "▁Police", "▁,", "▁and", "▁included", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁police", "▁officers", "▁and", "▁", "5", "0", "▁support", "▁staff", "▁from", "▁the", "▁West", "▁Mid", "lands", "▁and", "▁West", "▁Mer", "cia", "▁forces", "▁.", "▁Det", "ect", "ives", "▁viewed", "▁hundreds", "▁of", "▁hours", "▁of", "▁C", "CT", "V", "▁foot", "age", "▁,", "▁gathered", "▁more", "▁than", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁separate", "▁exhib", "its", "▁and", "▁interview", "ed", "▁witness", "es", "▁.", "▁Ev", "idence", "▁was", "▁anal", "ys", "ed", "▁by", "▁scient", "ists", "▁from", "▁the", "▁For", "ens", "ic", "▁Science", "▁Service", "▁(", "▁F", "SS", "▁)", "▁in", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁.", "▁Martin", "▁Wh", "itt", "aker", "▁,", "▁the", "▁scient", "ist", "▁who", "▁head", "ed", "▁the", "▁F", "SS", "▁team", "▁,", "▁spoke", "▁of", "▁the", "▁huge", "▁volume", "▁of", "▁evidence", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁team", "▁pulled", "▁together", "▁every", "▁str", "and", "▁of", "▁for", "ens", "ic", "▁evidence", "▁to" ]
July 2001 , Jim Smith , proprietor of the Shamrock Cafe , said , " He was a gentle giant who we named ' Bigfoot ' because his boots always used to leave black marks on the floor . Ninety @-@ nine per cent of the time he had a dirty appearance and looked like he had been working on a car . " = = Murder spree = = On 8 November 2000 , Smith met 21 @-@ year @-@ old Jodie Hyde , a recovering butane gas addict from Alum Rock , Birmingham , at the Rainbow public house , and they were seen leaving together . He took her to a hospital appointment and later killed her . Prosecutors believed that he strangled her at his flat and dumped her body near a recreation ground near Golden Hillock Road in Sparkbrook , where he set it alight . The still @-@ smouldering remains were discovered at 6 : 15 am next morning ( 9 November ) by two patrolling police officers . The body was barely recognisable and had to be identified using fingerprints . A subsequent post mortem concluded that she had been strangled before being rolled up in a carpet and set on fire . Three days later , Smith met Rosemary Corcoran , a 25 @-@ year @-@ old mother of three from Castle Vale at the same public house , and again they were seen leaving together . He drove her to Worcestershire before bludgeoning her to death and running over her body near Droitwich Spa . She was found at 8 : 30 am on 12 November by a man walking his dog in a lane near Junction 5 of the M5 motorway . Smith 's third victim was Carol Jordan , a 39 @-@ year @-@ old care home worker and mother of six from Balsall Heath , who was killed as she walked to work . Smith hit her from behind with his car while driving back from Worcestershire , fracturing her hip . Fearing that he would be caught , Smith moved her to another location and beat her so much that dental records were required to identify her corpse . The body was discovered at 8 : 50 am on 12 November on parkland next to Bell Barn Road , Lee Bank . = = Investigation = = = = = Initial statement = = = When staff at the Rainbow told him of Corcoran 's disappearance on 13 November , Smith telephoned the police station at Castle Vale saying that he wished to give a statement . Significantly , his call came at 4 : 00 pm , before the body found in Worcestershire had been positively identified as Corcoran 's , and within an hour Smith had presented himself at Castle Vale . Detective Constable Ruth Wilkins later recalled Smith 's phone call : " He said he would like to come to the police station to help with the inquiry and that he had seen [ Corcoran ] on Saturday night leave the pub with an unknown man . He insisted he would like to come over to the police station . He said he had been asked to contact the police by someone else and gave his mobile number . " In his subsequent statement Smith admitted to being at the Rainbow with Corcoran and a male friend , but claimed they were later separated when they went to another public house , the Kerryman , and the male friend was ejected . Smith said that he and Corcoran then went to Monte Carlo 's , a nightclub in Handsworth , and that when they left some time later , Corcoran was confronted by a man he described as a Teddy Boy , with whom she had argued at the Kerryman . Smith said that the man became aggressive , so he asked Corcoran if she wanted to go home . Claiming that she told him she did not , he said he then left her . = = = Evidence and murder charge = = = The murder investigation , named Operation Green , was led by Sir Edward Crewe , Chief Constable of West Midlands Police , and included 100 police officers and 50 support staff from the West Midlands and West Mercia forces . Detectives viewed hundreds of hours of CCTV footage , gathered more than 100 separate exhibits and interviewed witnesses . Evidence was analysed by scientists from the Forensic Science Service ( FSS ) in Birmingham . Martin Whittaker , the scientist who headed the FSS team , spoke of the huge volume of evidence : " The team pulled together every strand of forensic evidence to
[ "▁create", "▁a", "▁kind", "▁of", "▁'", "▁sp", "ider", "▁'", "s", "▁web", "▁'", "▁and", "▁in", "▁the", "▁centre", "▁of", "▁it", "▁all", "▁...", "▁was", "▁Philip", "▁Smith", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "▁years", "▁of", "▁working", "▁for", "▁the", "▁F", "SS", "▁,", "▁I", "▁have", "▁never", "▁had", "▁to", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁so", "▁much", "▁evidence", "▁in", "▁relation", "▁to", "▁one", "▁suspect", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁quite", "▁over", "wh", "el", "ming", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Although", "▁Smith", "▁maintained", "▁his", "▁innoc", "ence", "▁,", "▁detect", "ives", "▁quickly", "▁gathered", "▁evidence", "▁linking", "▁him", "▁to", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁and", "▁those", "▁of", "▁the", "▁other", "▁two", "▁women", "▁.", "▁Wit", "ness", "es", "▁had", "▁seen", "▁him", "▁leaving", "▁the", "▁Rain", "bow", "▁with", "▁both", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁and", "▁Hy", "de", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁was", "▁the", "▁last", "▁person", "▁to", "▁see", "▁them", "▁both", "▁alive", "▁.", "▁C", "CT", "V", "▁foot", "age", "▁from", "▁around", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁showed", "▁his", "▁distinct", "ive", "▁car", "▁visit", "ing", "▁key", "▁locations", "▁linked", "▁to", "▁the", "▁investigation", "▁,", "▁and", "▁even", "▁captured", "▁Hy", "de", "▁getting", "▁out", "▁at", "▁one", "▁point", "▁to", "▁visit", "▁a", "▁chem", "ist", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁was", "▁seen", "▁bu", "ying", "▁pet", "rol", "▁from", "▁a", "▁filling", "▁station", "▁and", "▁driving", "▁near", "▁the", "▁area", "▁where", "▁Hy", "de", "▁'", "s", "▁body", "▁was", "▁later", "▁discovered", "▁.", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁was", "▁seen", "▁on", "▁camera", "▁struggling", "▁with", "▁Smith", "▁outside", "▁Monte", "▁Carlo", "▁'", "s", "▁.", "▁C", "CT", "V", "▁foot", "age", "▁showed", "▁him", "▁driving", "▁around", "▁B", "rom", "sg", "ro", "ve", "▁,", "▁a", "▁town", "▁close", "▁to", "▁D", "roit", "wich", "▁,", "▁after", "▁killing", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁,", "▁and", "▁later", "▁film", "▁showed", "▁him", "▁returning", "▁to", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁.", "▁At", "▁least", "▁two", "▁witness", "es", "▁re", "called", "▁seeing", "▁Smith", "▁with", "▁blood", "▁on", "▁him", "▁:", "▁a", "▁motor", "ist", "▁who", "▁saw", "▁him", "▁bu", "ying", "▁pet", "rol", "▁,", "▁and", "▁another", "▁who", "▁spoke", "▁with", "▁Smith", "▁about", "▁his", "▁appearance", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁told", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁that", "▁he", "▁had", "▁been", "▁in", "▁a", "▁fight", "▁,", "▁although", "▁he", "▁had", "▁no", "▁visible", "▁signs", "▁of", "▁injury", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁the", "▁evidence", "▁of", "▁witness", "es", "▁and", "▁C", "CT", "V", "▁cam", "eras", "▁,", "▁there", "▁was", "▁substantial", "▁for", "ens", "ic", "▁evidence", "▁linking", "▁him", "▁to", "▁the", "▁mur", "ders", "▁.", "▁Investig", "ators", "▁found", "▁over", "▁a", "▁dozen", "▁blood", "st", "ains", "▁on", "▁his", "▁car", "▁,", "▁on", "▁his", "▁cl", "othing", "▁and", "▁in", "▁his", "▁flat", "▁,", "▁all", "▁matching", "▁the", "▁vict", "ims", "▁.", "▁There", "▁were", "▁blood", "st", "ains", "▁on", "▁the", "▁bo", "ots", "▁with", "▁which", "▁he", "▁had", "▁k", "icked", "▁both", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁and", "▁Jordan", "▁,", "▁which", "▁he", "▁was", "▁still", "▁we", "aring", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁of", "▁his", "▁arrest", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁had", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁clean", "▁his", "▁clothes", "▁in", "▁the", "▁bath", "▁of", "▁his", "▁flat", "▁along", "▁with", "▁a", "▁pair", "▁of", "▁tr", "ous", "ers", "▁belonging", "▁to", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁bag", "▁containing", "▁items", "▁belonging", "▁to", "▁Hy", "de", "▁was", "▁discovered", "▁outside", "▁.", "▁Det", "ect", "ives", "▁matched", "▁the", "▁ty", "re", "▁marks", "▁from", "▁his", "▁car", "▁,", "▁which", "▁had", "▁four", "▁different", "▁types", "▁of", "▁ty", "re", "▁,", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Wor", "c", "esters", "hire", "▁murder", "▁scene", "▁and", "▁to", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁'", "s", "▁body", "▁,", "▁over", "▁which", "▁he", "▁had", "▁driven", "▁.", "▁P", "aint", "work", "▁and", "▁fragments", "▁of", "▁glass", "▁found", "▁on", "▁Jordan", "▁'", "s", "▁body", "▁matched", "▁those", "▁from", "▁Smith", "▁'", "s", "▁car", "▁,", "▁including", "▁a", "▁broken", "▁light", "▁cluster", "▁which", "▁he", "▁had", "▁thrown", "▁into", "▁the", "▁car", "▁'", "s", "▁boot", "▁.", "▁", "▁Smith", "▁was", "▁charged", "▁with", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁'", "s", "▁murder", "▁on", "▁", "1", "7", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁and", "▁rem", "and", "ed", "▁in", "▁cust", "ody", "▁the", "▁following", "▁day", "▁.", "▁By", "▁this", "▁time", "▁her", "▁death", "▁had", "▁been", "▁linked", "▁to", "▁the", "▁killing", "▁of", "▁Hy", "de", "▁.", "▁Police", "▁interview", "ed", "▁Smith", "▁in", "▁connection", "▁with", "▁the", "▁death", "s", "▁of", "▁Hy", "de", "▁and", "▁Jordan", "▁on", "▁", "2", "8", "▁November", "▁and", "▁charged", "▁him", "▁with", "▁their", "▁mur", "ders", "▁two", "▁days", "▁later", "▁.", "▁While", "▁await", "ing", "▁trial", "▁Smith", "▁was", "▁held", "▁as", "▁a", "▁Category", "▁A", "▁prisoner", "▁in", "▁the", "▁high", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁security", "▁Wood", "hill", "▁Pr", "ison", "▁in", "▁Buck", "ingham", "shire", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Tri", "al", "▁and", "▁sentence", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Smith", "▁'", "s", "▁trial", "▁began", "▁at", "▁Le", "ic", "ester", "▁Crown", "▁Court", "▁on", "▁", "3", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁ple", "aded", "▁not", "▁guilty", "▁to", "▁the", "▁three", "▁murder", "▁charges", "▁.", "▁The", "▁case", "▁was", "▁pro", "sec", "uted", "▁by", "▁Tim", "▁R", "agg", "att", "▁,", "▁Q", "C", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Smith", "▁was", "▁def", "ended", "▁by", "▁Rach", "el", "▁Brand", "▁,", "▁Q", "C", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁opening", "▁day", "▁of", "▁the", "▁trial", "▁R", "agg", "att", "▁told", "▁the", "▁Court", "▁there", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁powerful", "▁and", "▁comp", "elling", "▁\"", "▁scientific", "▁evidence", "▁linking", "▁Smith", "▁to", "▁the", "▁kill", "ings", "▁.", "▁Smith", "▁'", "s", "▁defence", "▁was", "▁that", "▁traces", "▁of", "▁blood", "▁found", "▁on", "▁his", "▁clothes", "▁were", "▁there", "▁because", "▁police", "▁had", "▁tam", "per", "ed", "▁with", "▁evidence", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁tr", "ous", "ers", "▁belonging", "▁to", "▁Ros", "em", "ary", "▁Cor", "cor", "an", "▁found", "▁at", "▁his", "▁flat", "▁had", "▁been", "▁among", "▁a", "▁bag", "▁of", "▁clothes", "▁Smith", "▁had", "▁st", "olen", "▁from", "▁outside", "▁an", "▁Ox", "f", "am", "▁shop", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁", "1", "7", "▁July", "▁Smith", "▁compla", "ined", "▁of", "▁feeling", "▁un", "well", "▁with", "▁ch", "est", "▁and", "▁eye", "▁pain", "▁while", "▁under", "▁cross", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁exam", "ination", "▁,", "▁and", "▁proceed", "ings", "▁were", "▁briefly", "▁halt", "ed", "▁while", "▁he", "▁was", "▁treated", "▁for", "▁the", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁of", "▁a", "▁pan", "ic", "▁attack", "▁.", "▁When", "▁Smith", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁witness", "▁stand", "▁,", "▁he", "▁said", "▁he", "▁wished", "▁to", "▁speak", "▁to", "▁his", "▁bar", "r", "ister", "▁.", "▁Pres", "iding", "▁judge", "▁Raf", "fer", "ty", "▁told", "▁him", "▁that", "▁he", "▁must", "▁answer", "▁questions", "▁,", "▁to", "▁which", "▁Smith", "▁replied", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁want", "▁to", "▁change", "▁my", "▁ple", "a", "▁.", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁fed", "▁up", "▁with", "▁this", "▁.", "▁I", "▁want", "▁to", "▁change", "▁my", "▁ple", "a", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁charges", "▁were", "▁read", "▁to", "▁him", "▁again", "▁the", "▁following", "▁day", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁ple", "aded", "▁guilty", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "1", "8", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁Smith", "▁was", "▁sent", "enced", "▁to", "▁life", "▁imprison", "ment", "▁.", "▁In", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁'", "s", "▁Sunday", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁newspaper", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁Smith", "▁had", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁change", "▁his", "▁ple", "a", "▁after", "▁police", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁return", "▁£", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁conf", "isc", "ated", "▁from", "▁him", "▁during", "▁a", "▁ra", "id", "▁on", "▁his", "▁flat", "▁after", "▁his", "▁arrest", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁he", "▁wanted", "▁the", "▁money", "▁to", "▁buy", "▁Mars", "▁bars", "▁in", "▁prison", "▁.", "▁", "▁Pass", "ing", "▁sentence", "▁,", "▁Raf", "fer", "ty", "▁said", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁You", "▁ro", "bb", "ed", "▁three", "▁innoc", "ent", "▁ladies", "▁of", "▁their", "▁lives", "▁.", "▁I", "▁suspect", "▁that", "▁their", "▁families", "▁will", "▁suffer", "▁the", "▁more" ]
create a kind of ' spider 's web ' and in the centre of it all ... was Philip Smith . In 20 years of working for the FSS , I have never had to deal with so much evidence in relation to one suspect . It was quite overwhelming . " Although Smith maintained his innocence , detectives quickly gathered evidence linking him to Corcoran 's death and those of the other two women . Witnesses had seen him leaving the Rainbow with both Corcoran and Hyde , and he was the last person to see them both alive . CCTV footage from around Birmingham showed his distinctive car visiting key locations linked to the investigation , and even captured Hyde getting out at one point to visit a chemist . Smith was seen buying petrol from a filling station and driving near the area where Hyde 's body was later discovered . Corcoran was seen on camera struggling with Smith outside Monte Carlo 's . CCTV footage showed him driving around Bromsgrove , a town close to Droitwich , after killing Corcoran , and later film showed him returning to Birmingham . At least two witnesses recalled seeing Smith with blood on him : a motorist who saw him buying petrol , and another who spoke with Smith about his appearance . Smith told the latter that he had been in a fight , although he had no visible signs of injury . In addition to the evidence of witnesses and CCTV cameras , there was substantial forensic evidence linking him to the murders . Investigators found over a dozen bloodstains on his car , on his clothing and in his flat , all matching the victims . There were bloodstains on the boots with which he had kicked both Corcoran and Jordan , which he was still wearing at the time of his arrest . Smith had tried to clean his clothes in the bath of his flat along with a pair of trousers belonging to Corcoran , and a bag containing items belonging to Hyde was discovered outside . Detectives matched the tyre marks from his car , which had four different types of tyre , to the Worcestershire murder scene and to Corcoran 's body , over which he had driven . Paintwork and fragments of glass found on Jordan 's body matched those from Smith 's car , including a broken light cluster which he had thrown into the car 's boot . Smith was charged with Corcoran 's murder on 17 November 2000 and remanded in custody the following day . By this time her death had been linked to the killing of Hyde . Police interviewed Smith in connection with the deaths of Hyde and Jordan on 28 November and charged him with their murders two days later . While awaiting trial Smith was held as a Category A prisoner in the high @-@ security Woodhill Prison in Buckinghamshire . = = Trial and sentence = = Smith 's trial began at Leicester Crown Court on 3 July 2001 , where he pleaded not guilty to the three murder charges . The case was prosecuted by Tim Raggatt , QC , and Smith was defended by Rachel Brand , QC . On the opening day of the trial Raggatt told the Court there was " powerful and compelling " scientific evidence linking Smith to the killings . Smith 's defence was that traces of blood found on his clothes were there because police had tampered with evidence , while the trousers belonging to Rosemary Corcoran found at his flat had been among a bag of clothes Smith had stolen from outside an Oxfam shop . On 17 July Smith complained of feeling unwell with chest and eye pain while under cross @-@ examination , and proceedings were briefly halted while he was treated for the symptoms of a panic attack . When Smith returned to the witness stand , he said he wished to speak to his barrister . Presiding judge Rafferty told him that he must answer questions , to which Smith replied : " I want to change my plea . I 'm fed up with this . I want to change my plea . " The charges were read to him again the following day , and he pleaded guilty . On 18 July 2001 Smith was sentenced to life imprisonment . In January 2005 Birmingham 's Sunday Mercury newspaper reported that Smith had decided to change his plea after police agreed to return £ 400 confiscated from him during a raid on his flat after his arrest , and that he wanted the money to buy Mars bars in prison . Passing sentence , Rafferty said : " You robbed three innocent ladies of their lives . I suspect that their families will suffer the more
[ "▁as", "▁they", "▁simply", "▁don", "▁'", "t", "▁understand", "▁why", "▁you", "▁did", "▁.", "▁The", "▁brut", "ality", "▁of", "▁these", "▁ladies", "▁'", "▁death", "s", "▁,", "▁designed", "▁by", "▁you", "▁to", "▁e", "va", "de", "▁discovery", "▁,", "▁showing", "▁the", "▁cold", "ness", "▁with", "▁which", "▁you", "▁dispatch", "ed", "▁them", "▁,", "▁is", "▁app", "alling", "▁.", "▁You", "▁should", "▁clearly", "▁have", "▁faced", "▁up", "▁like", "▁a", "▁man", "▁at", "▁the", "▁over", "wh", "el", "ming", "▁nature", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Crown", "▁'", "s", "▁case", "▁against", "▁you", "▁but", "▁you", "▁chose", "▁to", "▁put", "▁the", "▁vict", "ims", "▁'", "▁families", "▁through", "▁mis", "ery", "▁which", "▁you", "▁comp", "ounded", "▁by", "▁this", "▁trial", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁mot", "ive", "▁for", "▁Smith", "▁'", "s", "▁actions", "▁remained", "▁unclear", "▁after", "▁the", "▁trial", "▁,", "▁but", "▁police", "▁believed", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁permanent", "▁sexual", "▁relations", "▁\"", "▁had", "▁been", "▁a", "▁contrib", "uting", "▁factor", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Further", "▁in", "qui", "ries", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁of", "▁their", "▁in", "qui", "ries", "▁into", "▁Smith", "▁'", "s", "▁background", "▁,", "▁police", "▁launched", "▁an", "▁investigation", "▁into", "▁the", "▁death", "▁of", "▁a", "▁fourth", "▁woman", "▁who", "▁was", "▁discovered", "▁to", "▁have", "▁had", "▁links", "▁to", "▁him", "▁.", "▁Pat", "ric", "ia", "▁Lyn", "ott", "▁,", "▁a", "▁", "4", "7", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁old", "▁divor", "ced", "▁mother", "▁of", "▁two", "▁,", "▁had", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁from", "▁Ath", "l", "one", "▁during", "▁the", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "2", "3", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁while", "▁she", "▁was", "▁employed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Rain", "bow", "▁as", "▁a", "▁cleaner", "▁and", "▁to", "▁look", "▁after", "▁the", "▁license", "e", "▁'", "s", "▁children", "▁,", "▁she", "▁was", "▁found", "▁dead", "▁in", "▁the", "▁bed", "room", "▁of", "▁her", "▁flat", "▁on", "▁Max", "st", "oke", "▁Street", "▁,", "▁B", "ord", "es", "ley", "▁Green", "▁.", "▁Police", "▁believed", "▁at", "▁first", "▁that", "▁she", "▁had", "▁died", "▁of", "▁natural", "▁causes", "▁.", "▁An", "▁aut", "ops", "y", "▁failed", "▁to", "▁establish", "▁a", "▁cause", "▁of", "▁death", "▁,", "▁and", "▁her", "▁body", "▁was", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁Ireland", "▁for", "▁bur", "ial", "▁.", "▁", "▁Because", "▁Lyn", "ott", "▁had", "▁worked", "▁alongside", "▁Smith", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Rain", "bow", "▁Pub", "▁,", "▁West", "▁Mid", "lands", "▁Police", "▁wished", "▁to", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁examine", "▁the", "▁cause", "▁of", "▁her", "▁death", "▁.", "▁In", "▁early", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁,", "▁investig", "ators", "▁asked", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁authorities", "▁for", "▁a", "▁new", "▁post", "▁mort", "em", "▁,", "▁and", "▁on", "▁", "8", "▁March", "▁Lyn", "ott", "▁'", "s", "▁body", "▁was", "▁ex", "hum", "ed", "▁by", "▁Gard", "ai", "▁from", "▁a", "▁c", "emetery", "▁in", "▁Ath", "l", "one", "▁and", "▁taken", "▁to", "▁Dublin", "▁City", "▁M", "org", "ue", "▁for", "▁further", "▁exam", "ination", "▁by", "▁Ireland", "▁'", "s", "▁State", "▁Path", "ologist", "▁,", "▁Dr", "▁John", "▁Har", "b", "ison", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁results", "▁of", "▁this", "▁aut", "ops", "y", "▁also", "▁proved", "▁incon", "clus", "ive", "▁.", "▁", "▁An", "▁in", "quest", "▁into", "▁Lyn", "ott", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁was", "▁held", "▁at", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁Cor", "on", "er", "▁'", "s", "▁Court", "▁in", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁.", "▁The", "▁hearing", "▁was", "▁told", "▁that", "▁marks", "▁found", "▁on", "▁her", "▁back", "▁and", "▁an", "▁arm", "▁may", "▁have", "▁been", "▁bru", "ising", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁path", "ologist", "▁who", "▁conducted", "▁the", "▁original", "▁post", "▁mort", "em", "▁could", "▁not", "▁be", "▁sure", "▁how", "▁she", "▁had", "▁died", "▁,", "▁because", "▁her", "▁body", "▁had", "▁la", "in", "▁und", "isc", "over", "ed", "▁for", "▁up", "▁to", "▁seven", "▁days", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁also", "▁said", "▁that", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁her", "▁connection", "▁with", "▁Smith", "▁,", "▁police", "▁and", "▁four", "▁path", "olog", "ists", "▁had", "▁failed", "▁to", "▁establish", "▁that", "▁Lyn", "ott", "▁had", "▁been", "▁murder", "ed", "▁.", "▁The", "▁in", "quest", "▁j", "ury", "▁returned", "▁an", "▁open", "▁ver", "dict", "▁.", "▁", "▁Police", "▁also", "▁conducted", "▁a", "▁routine", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁exam", "ination", "▁of", "▁other", "▁un", "sol", "ved", "▁murder", "▁cases", "▁d", "ating", "▁back", "▁", "2", "0", "▁years", "▁in", "▁areas", "▁where", "▁Smith", "▁had", "▁lived", "▁.", "▁Offic", "ers", "▁from", "▁West", "▁Mid", "lands", "▁Police", "▁held", "▁a", "▁conference", "▁in", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁with", "▁represent", "atives", "▁from", "▁several", "▁other", "▁forces", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Gl", "ouc", "esters", "hire", "▁and", "▁West", "▁Mer", "cia", "▁,", "▁to", "▁share", "▁information", "▁about", "▁un", "sol", "ved", "▁murder", "▁cases", "▁in", "▁their", "▁areas", "▁.", "▁Det", "ect", "ives", "▁interview", "ed", "▁Smith", "▁three", "▁times", "▁,", "▁but", "▁he", "▁refused", "▁to", "▁answer", "▁their", "▁questions", "▁,", "▁and", "▁no", "▁further", "▁charges", "▁were", "▁brought", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Indian", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Management", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Indian", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Management", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁(", "▁abbre", "vi", "ated", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁or", "▁II", "M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁L", "▁)", "▁is", "▁an", "▁autonom", "ous", "▁public", "▁business", "▁school", "▁located", "▁in", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁,", "▁U", "tt", "ar", "▁Pr", "adesh", "▁,", "▁India", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁established", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "4", "▁as", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁Indian", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Management", "▁(", "▁II", "M", "▁)", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Government", "▁of", "▁India", "▁.", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁offers", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gradu", "ate", "▁di", "pl", "oma", "▁,", "▁fellow", "ship", "▁and", "▁executive", "▁programs", "▁in", "▁management", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁recogn", "ised", "▁as", "▁an", "▁\"", "▁Institution", "▁of", "▁Ex", "cell", "ence", "▁\"", "▁by", "▁the", "▁India", "▁'", "s", "▁Ministry", "▁of", "▁Human", "▁Resource", "▁Development", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁ranked", "▁among", "▁the", "▁top", "▁", "5", "▁B", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁schools", "▁in", "▁India", "▁.", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁also", "▁serves", "▁as", "▁the", "▁ment", "or", "▁institution", "▁for", "▁the", "▁newly", "▁established", "▁II", "M", "▁Ro", "ht", "ak", "▁and", "▁II", "M", "▁K", "ash", "ip", "ur", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁inst", "itute", "▁is", "▁situated", "▁in", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁a", "cre", "▁site", "▁in", "▁the", "▁northern", "▁out", "sk", "ir", "ts", "▁of", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁.", "▁It", "▁has", "▁a", "▁satellite", "▁campus", "▁at", "▁No", "ida", "▁exclus", "ively", "▁for", "▁executive", "▁education", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ad", "mission", "▁for", "▁the", "▁post", "▁gradu", "ate", "▁and", "▁fellow", "ship", "▁program", "mes", "▁is", "▁done", "▁through", "▁Common", "▁Ad", "mission", "▁Test", "▁(", "▁C", "AT", "▁)", "▁,", "▁while", "▁G", "M", "AT", "▁score", "▁is", "▁used", "▁for", "▁the", "▁executive", "▁M", "BA", "▁program", "▁.", "▁The", "▁programs", "▁are", "▁acc", "red", "ited", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Global", "▁acc", "red", "itation", "▁body", "▁AM", "BA", "▁.", "▁The", "▁inst", "itute", "▁has", "▁tie", "▁ups", "▁with", "▁", "2", "4", "▁leading", "▁B", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁schools", "▁across", "▁the", "▁world", "▁for", "▁student", "▁exchange", "▁.", "▁Many", "▁management", "▁events", "▁,", "▁compet", "itions", "▁,", "▁cultural", "▁and", "▁sports", "▁events", "▁are", "▁organ", "ised", "▁by", "▁various", "▁comm", "itte", "es", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁year", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁was", "▁established", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "4", "▁and", "▁is", "▁currently", "▁a", "▁cent", "r", "ally", "▁fund", "ed", "▁institution", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁Indian", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁Management", "▁to", "▁be", "▁established", "▁in", "▁India", "▁after", "▁II", "M", "▁Cal", "cut", "ta" ]
as they simply don 't understand why you did . The brutality of these ladies ' deaths , designed by you to evade discovery , showing the coldness with which you dispatched them , is appalling . You should clearly have faced up like a man at the overwhelming nature of the Crown 's case against you but you chose to put the victims ' families through misery which you compounded by this trial . " The motive for Smith 's actions remained unclear after the trial , but police believed a " lack of permanent sexual relations " had been a contributing factor . = = Further inquiries = = As a result of their inquiries into Smith 's background , police launched an investigation into the death of a fourth woman who was discovered to have had links to him . Patricia Lynott , a 47 @-@ year @-@ old divorced mother of two , had moved to Birmingham from Athlone during the mid @-@ 1990s . On 23 October 2000 , while she was employed at the Rainbow as a cleaner and to look after the licensee 's children , she was found dead in the bedroom of her flat on Maxstoke Street , Bordesley Green . Police believed at first that she had died of natural causes . An autopsy failed to establish a cause of death , and her body was returned to Ireland for burial . Because Lynott had worked alongside Smith at the Rainbow Pub , West Midlands Police wished to re @-@ examine the cause of her death . In early 2001 , investigators asked the Irish authorities for a new post mortem , and on 8 March Lynott 's body was exhumed by Gardai from a cemetery in Athlone and taken to Dublin City Morgue for further examination by Ireland 's State Pathologist , Dr John Harbison . However , the results of this autopsy also proved inconclusive . An inquest into Lynott 's death was held at Birmingham Coroner 's Court in January 2003 . The hearing was told that marks found on her back and an arm may have been bruising , but the pathologist who conducted the original post mortem could not be sure how she had died , because her body had lain undiscovered for up to seven days . It was also said that , despite her connection with Smith , police and four pathologists had failed to establish that Lynott had been murdered . The inquest jury returned an open verdict . Police also conducted a routine re @-@ examination of other unsolved murder cases dating back 20 years in areas where Smith had lived . Officers from West Midlands Police held a conference in October 2001 with representatives from several other forces , including Gloucestershire and West Mercia , to share information about unsolved murder cases in their areas . Detectives interviewed Smith three times , but he refused to answer their questions , and no further charges were brought . = Indian Institute of Management Lucknow = The Indian Institute of Management Lucknow ( abbreviated IIM Lucknow or IIM @-@ L ) is an autonomous public business school located in Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh , India . It was established in 1984 as the fourth Indian Institute of Management ( IIM ) by the Government of India . IIM Lucknow offers post @-@ graduate diploma , fellowship and executive programs in management . It is recognised as an " Institution of Excellence " by the India 's Ministry of Human Resource Development . It is ranked among the top 5 B @-@ schools in India . IIM Lucknow also serves as the mentor institution for the newly established IIM Rohtak and IIM Kashipur . The institute is situated in a 200 @-@ acre site in the northern outskirts of Lucknow . It has a satellite campus at Noida exclusively for executive education . The admission for the post graduate and fellowship programmes is done through Common Admission Test ( CAT ) , while GMAT score is used for the executive MBA program . The programs are accredited by the Global accreditation body AMBA . The institute has tie ups with 24 leading B @-@ schools across the world for student exchange . Many management events , competitions , cultural and sports events are organised by various committees throughout the year . = = History = = IIM Lucknow was established in 1984 and is currently a centrally funded institution . It is the fourth Indian Institute of Management to be established in India after IIM Calcutta
[ "▁,", "▁II", "M", "▁Ah", "med", "abad", "▁,", "▁and", "▁II", "M", "▁Bang", "al", "ore", "▁.", "▁Not", "ed", "▁Academ", "ician", "▁I", "sh", "war", "▁Day", "al", "▁played", "▁a", "▁significant", "▁role", "▁in", "▁setting", "▁up", "▁the", "▁institution", "▁,", "▁who", "▁also", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁found", "ing", "▁director", "▁of", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁for", "▁a", "▁period", "▁of", "▁four", "▁years", "▁.", "▁Indust", "rial", "ist", "▁H", "ari", "▁Sh", "ank", "ar", "▁Singh", "ania", "▁,", "▁took", "▁over", "▁as", "▁the", "▁chairman", "▁of", "▁Board", "▁of", "▁Govern", "ors", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁,", "▁served", "▁for", "▁a", "▁period", "▁of", "▁", "1", "5", "▁years", "▁till", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Post", "▁Gr", "adu", "ate", "▁Program", "me", "▁(", "▁P", "GP", "▁)", "▁was", "▁started", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "5", "▁–", "▁", "8", "6", "▁with", "▁a", "▁strength", "▁of", "▁", "3", "0", "▁students", "▁.", "▁When", "▁the", "▁inst", 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"▁Management", "▁course", "▁.", "▁The", "▁inst", "itute", "▁has", "▁an", "▁inc", "ub", "ation", "▁centre", "▁(", "▁Ab", "hi", "yan", "▁)", "▁for", "▁supporting", "▁the", "▁entrepr", "ene", "ur", "ial", "▁plans", "▁of", "▁its", "▁students", "▁and", "▁al", "umn", "i", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Social", "▁infrastr", "ucture", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁As", "▁a", "▁fully", "▁resident", "ial", "▁colleg", "iate", "▁system", "▁,", "▁the", "▁inst", "itute", "▁provides", "▁housing", "▁to", "▁its", "▁students", "▁,", "▁fac", "ulty", "▁and", "▁research", "▁sch", "ol", "ars", "▁.", "▁While", "▁the", "▁campus", "▁has", "▁separate", "▁sports", "▁fields", "▁for", "▁Football", "▁,", "▁Cr", "icket", "▁,", "▁Basketball", "▁,", "▁Vol", "ley", "ball", "▁,", "▁Tennis", "▁,", "▁Bad", "m", "inton", "▁,", "▁most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁host", "els", "▁have", "▁their", "▁own", "▁table", "▁tennis", "▁and", "▁bad", "m", "inton", "▁court", "▁.", "▁A", "▁fit", "ness", "▁and", "▁recre", "ation", "▁centre", "▁(", "▁Um", "ang", "▁)", "▁was", "▁set", "▁up", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁which", "▁houses", "▁g", "ymnasium", "▁,", "▁sw", "imming", "▁pool", "▁,", "▁S", "qu", "ash", "▁and", "▁Bill", "i", "ards", "▁.", "▁The", "▁multip", "ur", "pose", "▁utility", "▁hall", "▁(", "▁Sam", "an", "jas", "ya", "▁)", "▁is", "▁used", "▁to", "▁host", "▁most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁cultural", "▁activities", "▁in", "▁the", "▁campus", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁campus", "▁has", "▁a", "▁health", "▁centre", "▁with", "▁resident", "ial", "▁and", "▁visit", "ing", "▁do", "ctors", "▁available", "▁round", "▁the", "▁clock", "▁.", "▁The", "▁centre", "▁also", "▁has", "▁an", "▁amb", "ul", "ance", "▁to", "▁reach", "▁associated", "▁hosp", "it", "als", "▁.", "▁The", "▁two", "▁guest", "▁houses", "▁Chan", "ak", "ya", "▁and", "▁Pat", "an", "j", "ali", "▁has", "▁a", "▁total", "▁of", "▁", "1", "2", "8", "▁serv", "iced", "▁rooms", "▁.", "▁The", "▁campus", "▁has", "▁a", "▁students", "▁activities", "▁complex", "▁which", "▁houses", "▁two", "▁banks", "▁,", "▁a", "▁medical", "▁shop", "▁,", "▁a", "▁travel", "▁ag", "ency", "▁,", "▁a", "▁super", "▁market", "▁,", "▁a", "▁post", "▁office", "▁,", "▁a", "▁sal", "oon", "▁,", "▁a" ]
, IIM Ahmedabad , and IIM Bangalore . Noted Academician Ishwar Dayal played a significant role in setting up the institution , who also served as the founding director of IIM Lucknow for a period of four years . Industrialist Hari Shankar Singhania , took over as the chairman of Board of Governors in 1992 , served for a period of 15 years till 2007 . The Post Graduate Programme ( PGP ) was started in 1985 – 86 with a strength of 30 students . When the institute was established , classes were held in rented rooms at Butler Palace and subsequently moved to Giri Institute of Developmental Studies . The current campus was built in 1992 in the outskirts of Lucknow . The institute runs with the mission to help improve management systems with regard to business , industry and public services through pursuit of excellence in management education , research , consultancy and training . Tie ups were made with three foreign universities in 2001 to start the student exchange program . The Agribusiness Course was started in 2004 with a strength of 13 students . In 2005 , IIM Lucknow established a second campus at Noida leveraging its locational advantage of nearness to Delhi . The Noida campus was established exclusively for executive education . IIM Lucknow is the first IIM in the country to start an additional campus . = = Campus = = IIM Lucknow main campus spans 200 acres ( 81 ha ) and is located in Prabandh Nagar on the outskirts of Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh , India . It is located at 21 kilometres ( 13 mi ) away from Lucknow Railway Station and 31 kilometres ( 19 mi ) from Lucknow Airport . IIM Lucknow also has a City office at Aliganj . = = = Academic infrastructure = = = The academic buildings are constructed in medieval Indian architectural style with red brick wall texture . All the major buildings in the campus are named in Sanskrit symbolising the activities conducted in them . The academic blocks ( Bodhigrih @-@ I and II ) houses classrooms and seminar halls . The Faculty block ( Chintan ) houses faculty rooms and Fellowship classrooms . The Library ( Gyanodaya ) spanning 30 @,@ 000 sq.ft has five reading halls with a total seating capacity for 250 people . The library houses a collection of 40 @,@ 000 books , 500 periodicals and online subscription to 1600 e @-@ journals and 34 e @-@ databases . The library building also houses the computer centre , audio visual lab , Enterprise Resource Planning lab and a videoconferencing hall . The 15 @,@ 000 sq.ft computer centre has a fibre optic backbone network and provides wireless connectivity to all the buildings in the campus . The Management Development Block ( Manthan ) catering to the short term executive programs has exclusive library , computer centre and guest house ( Patanjali ) for the participants . The Centre for Food and Agribusiness Management undertakes Agribusiness research and consultancy projects and also offers the Agribusiness Management course . The institute has an incubation centre ( Abhiyan ) for supporting the entrepreneurial plans of its students and alumni . = = = Social infrastructure = = = As a fully residential collegiate system , the institute provides housing to its students , faculty and research scholars . While the campus has separate sports fields for Football , Cricket , Basketball , Volleyball , Tennis , Badminton , most of the hostels have their own table tennis and badminton court . A fitness and recreation centre ( Umang ) was set up in 2010 , which houses gymnasium , swimming pool , Squash and Billiards . The multipurpose utility hall ( Samanjasya ) is used to host most of the cultural activities in the campus . The campus has a health centre with residential and visiting doctors available round the clock . The centre also has an ambulance to reach associated hospitals . The two guest houses Chanakya and Patanjali has a total of 128 serviced rooms . The campus has a students activities complex which houses two banks , a medical shop , a travel agency , a super market , a post office , a saloon , a
[ "▁coffee", "▁shop", "▁,", "▁an", "▁ice", "cre", "am", "▁parl", "our", "▁and", "▁three", "▁restaur", "ants", "▁.", "▁A", "▁Central", "▁school", "▁(", "▁K", "end", "ri", "ya", "▁Vid", "yal", "aya", "▁)", "▁was", "▁established", "▁opposite", "▁the", "▁campus", "▁as", "▁a", "▁community", "▁school", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Environment", "al", "▁responsibility", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Tree", "▁plant", "ation", "▁campaign", "▁is", "▁undert", "aken", "▁every", "▁year", "▁on", "▁the", "▁foundation", "▁day", "▁and", "▁the", "▁campus", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁started", "▁in", "▁bar", "ren", "▁lands", "▁,", "▁has", "▁been", "▁converted", "▁into", "▁a", "▁natural", "▁e", "cos", "ystem", "▁consisting", "▁of", "▁pe", "ac", "ock", "s", "▁,", "▁monitor", "▁l", "iz", "ards", "▁,", "▁sn", "akes", "▁,", "▁por", "cup", "ines", "▁,", "▁mon", "keys", "▁,", "▁Great", "▁Indian", "▁horn", "ed", "▁ow", "l", "▁and", "▁a", "▁variety", "▁of", "▁other", "▁birds", "▁.", "▁The", "▁college", "▁consists", "▁of", "▁open", "▁la", "wn", "s", "▁and", "▁tree", "▁l", "ined", "▁path", "ways", "▁.", "▁Red", "iff", "▁listed", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁beautiful", "▁B", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁school", "▁camp", "uses", "▁in", "▁India", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Organisation", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Govern", "ance", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁is", "▁an", "▁autonom", "ous", "▁institution", "▁established", "▁as", "▁a", "▁registered", "▁society", "▁under", "▁the", "▁Union", "▁Ministry", "▁of", "▁Human", "▁Resource", "▁Development", "▁,", "▁G", "ov", "t", ".", "▁of", "▁India", "▁.", "▁The", "▁II", "M", "▁Council", "▁acts", "▁as", "▁an", "▁over", "see", "ing", "▁body", "▁to", "▁facil", "itate", "▁coord", "ination", "▁among", "▁the", "▁different", "▁II", "M", "s", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Board", "▁of", "▁Govern", "ors", "▁of", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁is", "▁cha", "ired", "▁by", "▁Jam", "sh", "ed", "▁J", ".", "▁Iran", "i", "▁,", "▁the", "▁former", "▁Man", "aging", "▁Director", "▁of", "▁T", "ata", "▁Ste", "el", "▁.", "▁The", "▁board", "▁consists", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "▁industrial", "ists", "▁,", "▁four", "▁Government", "▁represent", "atives", "▁and", "▁three", "▁academ", "icians", "▁in", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Director", "▁and", "▁two", "▁de", "ans", "▁of", "▁the", "▁institution", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Administration", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Director", "▁of", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁,", "▁the", "▁head", "▁of", "▁the", "▁institution", "▁,", "▁is", "▁selected", "▁and", "▁appointed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁App", "oint", "ments", "▁Committee", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Cab", "inet", "▁of", "▁Ministry", "▁of", "▁Human", "▁Resource", "▁Development", "▁.", "▁The", "▁inst", "itute", "▁has", "▁three", "▁separate", "▁de", "ans", "▁for", "▁Academ", "ic", "▁affairs", "▁,", "▁Pl", "anning", "▁and", "▁development", "▁and", "▁No", "ida", "▁campus", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁of", "▁the", "▁academic", "▁program", 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"▁in", "▁", "4", "▁days", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cont", "ro", "vers", "y", "▁on", "▁Director", "▁App", "oint", "ments", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁M", "HR", "D", "▁issued", "▁a", "▁letter", "▁on", "▁September", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁(", "▁DO", "▁", "4", "▁/", "▁", "4", "▁/", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁T", "S", ".", "V", "▁)", "▁)", "▁addressed", "▁to", "▁Jam", "sh", "ed", "▁J", "▁Iran", "i", "▁,", "▁chairman", "▁,", "▁board", "▁of", "▁govern", "ors", "▁,", "▁II", "M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁L", ".", "▁It", "▁reads", "▁:", "▁“", "▁Compet", "ent", "▁authority", "▁have", "▁directed", "▁to", "▁assign", "▁additional", "▁charge", "▁of", "▁director", "▁II", "M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁L", "▁to", "▁Prof", "▁S", "riv", "ast", "ava", "▁for", "▁a", "▁period", "▁of", "▁six", "▁months", "▁with", "▁effect", "▁from", "▁", "0", "9", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "0", "9", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁or", "▁till", "▁appointment", "▁of", "▁regular", "▁director", "▁or", "▁until", "▁further", "▁order", "▁,", "▁wh", "iche", "ver", "▁is", "▁earliest", "▁.", "▁”", "▁The", "▁inst", "itute", "▁did", "▁not", "▁execute", "▁the", "▁order", "▁and", "▁inc", "umb", "ent", "▁director", "▁De", "vi", "▁Singh", "▁who", "▁completed", "▁his", "▁six", "▁months", "▁of", "▁extension", "▁period", "▁,", "▁on", "▁September", "▁", "8", "▁did", "▁not", "▁leave", "▁office", "▁even", "▁after", "▁receiving", "▁the", "▁letter", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁there", "▁was", "▁complete", "▁confusion", "▁at", "▁II", "M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁L", "▁campus", "▁for", "▁almost", "▁a", "▁week", "▁.", "▁The", "▁alleg", "ations", "▁against", "▁De", "vi", "▁Singh", "▁,", "▁who", "▁served", "▁two", "▁term", "▁as", "▁director", "▁of", "▁II", "M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁L", "▁,", "▁ranges", "▁from", "▁ne", "pot", "ism", "▁to", "▁mis", "management", "▁of", "▁accounts", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Central", "▁V", "ig", "il", "ance", "▁Commission", "▁also", "▁asked", "▁the", "▁H", "R", "D", "▁min", "istry", "▁to", "▁`", "re", "▁investigate", "▁'", "▁alleg", "ations", "▁of", "▁cor", "ruption", "▁against", "▁De", "vi", "▁Singh", "▁.", "▁In", "▁a", "▁letter", "▁to", "▁the", "▁higher", "▁education", "▁secretary", "▁,", "▁C", "VC", "▁secretary", "▁K", "S", "▁Ram", "as", "ub", "ban", "▁has", "▁asked", "▁the", "▁min", "istry", "▁as", "▁to", "▁why", "▁the", "▁case", "▁against", "▁Singh", "▁is", "▁being", "▁closed", "▁when", "▁specific", "▁alleg", "ations", "▁have", "▁not", "▁been", "▁answered", "▁.", "▁The", "▁C", "VC", "▁has", "▁taken", "▁exception", "▁to", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁that", "▁the", "▁case", "▁is", "▁being", "▁closed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁basis", "▁of", "▁an", "▁\"", "▁emot", "ional", "▁reply", "▁\"", "▁by", "▁Singh", "▁.", "▁C", "VC", "▁sources", "▁said", "▁the", "▁min", "istry", "▁had", "▁taken", "▁Singh", "▁'", "s", "▁reply", "▁as", "▁final", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Without", "▁investigation", "▁how", "▁can", "▁general", "▁comments", "▁be", "▁taken", "▁as", "▁the", "▁final", "▁word", "▁?", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁C", "VC", "▁official", "▁asked", "▁.", "▁C", "VC", "▁sources", "▁also", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁inst", "itute", "▁'", "s", "▁Board", "▁of", "▁Govern", "ors", "▁had", "▁rejected", "▁alleg", "ations", "▁against", "▁Singh", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁This", "▁is", "▁not", "▁how", "▁an", "▁investigation", "▁is", "▁conducted", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁C", "VC", "▁official", "▁said", "▁,", "▁adding", "▁that", "▁the", "▁H", "R", "D", "▁min", "istry", "▁was", "▁to", "▁be", "▁bl", "amed", "▁for", "▁not", "▁following", "▁the", "▁procedure", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Academ", "ics", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁conduct", "s", "▁regular", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁di", "pl", "oma", "▁program", "▁in", "▁management", "▁,", "▁one", "▁year", "▁executive", "▁M", "BA", "▁program", "▁,", "▁fellow", "ship", "▁program", "▁and", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁short", "▁term", "▁M", "DP", "▁programs", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Management", "▁program", "mes", "▁of", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁are", "▁acc", "red", "ited", "▁by", "▁London", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁AM", "BA", "▁association", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Post", "▁gradu", "ate", "▁education", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Str", "ucture", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Post", "▁Gr", "adu", "ate", "▁Program", "me", "▁in", "▁Management", "▁(", "▁P" ]
coffee shop , an icecream parlour and three restaurants . A Central school ( Kendriya Vidyalaya ) was established opposite the campus as a community school . = = = Environmental responsibility = = = Tree plantation campaign is undertaken every year on the foundation day and the campus , which was started in barren lands , has been converted into a natural ecosystem consisting of peacocks , monitor lizards , snakes , porcupines , monkeys , Great Indian horned owl and a variety of other birds . The college consists of open lawns and tree lined pathways . Rediff listed IIM Lucknow as one of the beautiful B @-@ school campuses in India . = = Organisation = = = = = Governance = = = IIM Lucknow is an autonomous institution established as a registered society under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development , Govt. of India . The IIM Council acts as an overseeing body to facilitate coordination among the different IIMs . The Board of Governors of IIM Lucknow is chaired by Jamshed J. Irani , the former Managing Director of Tata Steel . The board consists of 10 industrialists , four Government representatives and three academicians in addition to the Director and two deans of the institution . = = = Administration = = = The Director of IIM Lucknow , the head of the institution , is selected and appointed by the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet of Ministry of Human Resource Development . The institute has three separate deans for Academic affairs , Planning and development and Noida campus . Each of the academic programmes is overseen by a separate faculty chairperson . The non @-@ academic functions such as Placements , Corporate and Media Relations , Alumni affairs , Admissions and Student affairs are also chaired by faculty and assisted by student committees . The office administration is carried out separately without the involvement of faculty and is headed by the Chief Administrative Officer . The elected body of Students ' council coordinates all the student activities in the campus . IIM Lucknow has achieved 100 % summer placements in 4 days . = = = Controversy on Director Appointments = = = MHRD issued a letter on September , 2014 ( DO 4 / 4 / 2013 @-@ TS.V ) ) addressed to Jamshed J Irani , chairman , board of governors , IIM @-@ L. It reads : “ Competent authority have directed to assign additional charge of director IIM @-@ L to Prof Srivastava for a period of six months with effect from 09 @-@ 09 @-@ 2014 or till appointment of regular director or until further order , whichever is earliest . ” The institute did not execute the order and incumbent director Devi Singh who completed his six months of extension period , on September 8 did not leave office even after receiving the letter . As a result , there was complete confusion at IIM @-@ L campus for almost a week . The allegations against Devi Singh , who served two term as director of IIM @-@ L , ranges from nepotism to mismanagement of accounts . The Central Vigilance Commission also asked the HRD ministry to `re investigate ' allegations of corruption against Devi Singh . In a letter to the higher education secretary , CVC secretary KS Ramasubban has asked the ministry as to why the case against Singh is being closed when specific allegations have not been answered . The CVC has taken exception to the fact that the case is being closed on the basis of an " emotional reply " by Singh . CVC sources said the ministry had taken Singh 's reply as final . " Without investigation how can general comments be taken as the final word ? " a CVC official asked . CVC sources also said that the institute 's Board of Governors had rejected allegations against Singh . " This is not how an investigation is conducted , " the CVC official said , adding that the HRD ministry was to be blamed for not following the procedure . = = Academics = = IIM Lucknow conducts regular two @-@ year diploma program in management , one year executive MBA program , fellowship program and a number of short term MDP programs . The Management programmes of IIM Lucknow are accredited by London @-@ based AMBA association . = = = Post graduate education = = = = = = = Structure = = = = The Post Graduate Programme in Management ( P
[ "GP", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Post", "▁Gr", "adu", "ate", "▁Program", "me", "▁in", "▁Ag", "rib", "us", "iness", "▁Management", "▁(", "▁P", "GP", "AB", "M", "▁)", "▁are", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁resident", "ial", "▁di", "pl", "oma", "▁courses", "▁.", "▁These", "▁are", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁programs", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁first", "▁year", "▁stretch", "ing", "▁from", "▁June", "▁to", "▁March", "▁in", "▁three", "▁ten", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁week", "▁trim", "esters", "▁,", "▁after", "▁which", "▁students", "▁under", "go", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁month", "▁summer", "▁inter", "ship", "▁with", "▁a", "▁company", "▁or", "▁organisation", "▁.", "▁The", "▁special", "is", "ations", "▁offered", "▁in", "▁the", "▁second", "▁year", "▁are", "▁Fin", "ance", "▁,", "▁Mark", "eting", "▁,", "▁Oper", "ations", "▁,", "▁Human", "▁Resources", "▁,", "▁Systems", "▁,", "▁Str", "ategy", "▁and", "▁Econom", "ics", "▁;", "▁while", "▁the", "▁P", "GP", "AB", "M", "▁course", "▁students", "▁special", "ise", "▁in", "▁Ag", "rib", "us", "iness", "▁.", "▁Cour", "se", "▁of", "▁independent", "▁study", "▁and", "▁dis", "sert", "ation", "▁are", "▁also", "▁available", "▁based", "▁on", "▁mer", "it", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁a", "▁part", "▁of", "▁Student", "▁exchange", "▁program", "▁,", "▁students", "▁spend", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁month", "▁term", "▁in", "▁a", "▁foreign", "▁university", "▁during", "▁the", "▁period", "▁of", "▁October", "▁to", "▁December", "▁in", "▁their", "▁second", "▁Year", "▁.", "▁Every", "▁year", "▁around", "▁", "5", "0", "▁students", "▁of", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁are", "▁selected", "▁for", "▁the", "▁student", "▁exchange", "▁programs", "▁based", "▁on", "▁mer", "it", "▁,", "▁while", "▁around", "▁", "3", "0", "▁foreign", "▁students", "▁come", "▁to", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁.", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁has", "▁made", "▁student", "▁exchange", "▁relationships", "▁with", "▁", "2", "4", "▁leading", "▁B", "▁schools", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁,", "▁USA", "▁,", "▁Canada", "▁,", "▁Singapore", "▁and", "▁China", "▁.", "▁The", "▁current", "▁partner", "▁institutions", "▁are", "▁ES", "SE", "C", "▁Business", "▁School", "▁,", "▁E", "cole", "▁De", "▁Management", "▁,", "▁Jean", "▁Mou", "lin", "▁University", "▁,", "▁Re", "ims", "▁School", "▁of", "▁Management", "▁,", "▁European", "▁School", "▁of", "▁Management", "▁,", "▁Toul", "ouse", "▁Business", "▁School", "▁,", "▁Institute", "▁National", "▁Des", "▁Tele", "communic", "ations", "▁,", "▁E", "SC", "▁Bret", "agne", "▁Br", "est", "▁,", "▁European", "▁Business", "▁School", "▁,", "▁Leipzig", "▁School", "▁of", "▁Management", "▁,", "▁George", "▁Mason", "▁University", "▁,", "▁University", "▁of", "▁Connecticut", "▁,", "▁Mc", "Master", "▁University", "▁,", "▁Bro", "ck", "▁University", "▁,", "▁Car", "leton", "▁University", "▁,", "▁Lou", "v", "ain", "▁Catholic", "▁University", "▁,", "▁C", "open", "hagen", "▁Business", "▁School", "▁,", "▁E", "SA", "DE", "▁Business", "▁School", "▁,", "▁Jon", "kop", "ing", "▁International", "▁Business", "▁School", "▁,", "▁University", "▁of", "▁St", ".", "▁G", "allen", "▁,", "▁B", "oc", "con", "i", "▁University", "▁,", "▁M", "IP", "▁Pol", "ite", "c", "nico", "▁di", "▁Milano", "▁,", "▁Ath", "ens", "▁University", "▁of", "▁Econom", "ics", "▁and", "▁Business", "▁,", "▁National", "▁University", "▁of", "▁Singapore", "▁,", "▁Tur", "ku", "▁School", "▁of", "▁Econom", "ics", "▁,", "▁University", "▁of", "▁Amsterdam", "▁,", "▁Be", "ij", "ing", "▁J", "ia", "ot", "ong", "▁University", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁D", "ual", "▁D", "eg", "ree", "▁Program", "▁,", "▁offered", "▁in", "▁association", "▁with", "▁the", "▁ES", "CP", "▁Europe", "▁business", "▁school", "▁in", "▁France", "▁,", "▁awards", "▁degrees", "▁from", "▁both", "▁the", "▁instit", "utes", "▁after", "▁students", "▁spend", "▁a", "▁year", "▁in", "▁each", "▁.", "▁About", "▁four", "▁or", "▁five", "▁students", "▁are", "▁selected", "▁each", "▁year", "▁for", "▁the", "▁program", "▁.", "▁Stud", "ents", "▁,", "▁after", "▁comple", "ting", "▁two", "▁trim", "esters", "▁(", "▁July", "▁–", "▁September", "▁and", "▁October", "▁–", "▁December", "▁)", "▁at", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁,", "▁spend", "▁two", "▁sem", "esters", "▁(", "▁January", "▁–", "▁May", "▁and", "▁September", "▁–", "▁December", "▁)", "▁at", "▁ES", "CP", "▁Europe", "▁'", "s", "▁Paris", "▁campus", "▁and", "▁return", "▁to", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁to", "▁complete", "▁the", "▁final", "▁term", "▁from", "▁January", "▁to", "▁March", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Method", "ology", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁courses", "▁are", "▁taught", "▁under", "▁eleven", "▁diverse", "▁discipl", "ines", "▁of", "▁Business", "▁Environment", "▁,", "▁Communic", "ation", "▁,", "▁Dec", "ision", "▁Sciences", "▁,", "▁Fin", "ance", "▁and", "▁Account", "ing", "▁,", "▁Mark", "eting", "▁,", "▁Human", "▁Resource", "▁Management", "▁,", "▁Oper", "ations", "▁Management", "▁,", "▁Information", "▁Technology", "▁and", "▁Systems", "▁,", "▁Str", 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"▁Stud", "ents", "▁also", "▁get", "▁a", "▁chance", "▁to", "▁provide", "▁consult", "ancy", "▁to", "▁various", "▁companies", "▁and", "▁get", "▁paid", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Post", "▁Gr", "adu", "ate", "▁Program", "me", "▁for", "▁Exec", "ut", "ives", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁International", "▁Program", "me", "▁in", "▁Management", "▁for", "▁Exec", "ut", "ives", "▁(", "▁IP", "M", "X", "▁)", "▁is", "▁a", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁,", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁M", "BA", "▁programme", "▁for", "▁execut", "ives", "▁,", "▁offered", "▁at", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁'", "s", "▁No", "ida", "▁campus", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Program", "me", "▁adm", "its", "▁only", "▁candidates", "▁with", "▁a", "▁minimum", "▁of", "▁five", "▁years", "▁professional", "▁experience", "▁.", "▁The", "▁course", "▁consists", "▁of", "▁four", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁week", "▁terms", "▁including", "▁a", "▁two", "▁to", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁week", "▁st", "int", "▁at", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁partner", "▁univers", "ities", "▁of", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Working", "▁Man", "agers", "▁'", "▁Program", "me", "▁(", "▁W", "MP", "▁)", "▁,", "▁offered", "▁at", "▁the", "▁No", "ida", "▁campus", "▁,", "▁is", "▁a", "▁part", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁programme", "▁designed", "▁for", "▁execut", "ives", "▁having", "▁a", "▁minimum", "▁of", "▁three", "▁years", "▁professional", "▁experience", "▁.", "▁It", "▁consists", "▁of", "▁nine", "▁terms", "▁that", "▁st", "ret", "ches", "▁for", "▁", "2", "7", "▁months", "▁.", "▁", "▁Management", "▁Development", "▁Program", "mes", "▁(", "▁M", "DP", "▁)", "▁are", "▁tail", "or", "▁made", "▁programs", "▁to", "▁train", "▁execut", "ives", "▁in", "▁specific", "▁industry", "▁,", "▁government", "▁and", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁government", "al", "▁organis", "ations", "▁.", "▁These", "▁programs", "▁,", "▁which", "▁typically", "▁last", "▁three", "▁to", "▁five", "▁days", "▁,", "▁are", "▁custom", "ised", "▁by", "▁subject", "▁or", "▁target", "▁group", "▁.", "▁Ar", "ound", "▁", "5", "0", "▁to", "▁", "6", "0", "▁programs", "▁are", "▁conducted", "▁every", "▁year", "▁.", "▁A", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁General", "▁Management", "▁program", "▁is", "▁offered", "▁through", "▁virtual", "▁class", "room", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁combined", "▁initi", "ative", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Ministry", "▁of", "▁Def", "ence", "▁,", "▁a", "▁six", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁month", "▁General", "▁Management", "▁Program", "me", "▁is", "▁conducted", "▁for", "▁Def", "ence", "▁officers", "▁to", "▁assist", "▁their", "▁career", "▁transition", "▁to", "▁corpor", "ate", "▁sector", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Fellow", "ship", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Fellow", "▁Program", "me", "▁in", "▁Management", "▁(", "▁F", "PM", "▁)", "▁is", "▁a" ]
GP ) and Post Graduate Programme in Agribusiness Management ( PGPABM ) are full @-@ time residential diploma courses . These are two @-@ year programs , with the first year stretching from June to March in three ten @-@ week trimesters , after which students undergo a two @-@ month summer intership with a company or organisation . The specialisations offered in the second year are Finance , Marketing , Operations , Human Resources , Systems , Strategy and Economics ; while the PGPABM course students specialise in Agribusiness . Course of independent study and dissertation are also available based on merit . As a part of Student exchange program , students spend three @-@ month term in a foreign university during the period of October to December in their second Year . Every year around 50 students of IIM Lucknow are selected for the student exchange programs based on merit , while around 30 foreign students come to IIM Lucknow . IIM Lucknow has made student exchange relationships with 24 leading B schools in Europe , USA , Canada , Singapore and China . The current partner institutions are ESSEC Business School , Ecole De Management , Jean Moulin University , Reims School of Management , European School of Management , Toulouse Business School , Institute National Des Telecommunications , ESC Bretagne Brest , European Business School , Leipzig School of Management , George Mason University , University of Connecticut , McMaster University , Brock University , Carleton University , Louvain Catholic University , Copenhagen Business School , ESADE Business School , Jonkoping International Business School , University of St. Gallen , Bocconi University , MIP Politecnico di Milano , Athens University of Economics and Business , National University of Singapore , Turku School of Economics , University of Amsterdam , Beijing Jiaotong University . The Dual Degree Program , offered in association with the ESCP Europe business school in France , awards degrees from both the institutes after students spend a year in each . About four or five students are selected each year for the program . Students , after completing two trimesters ( July – September and October – December ) at IIM Lucknow , spend two semesters ( January – May and September – December ) at ESCP Europe 's Paris campus and return to IIM Lucknow to complete the final term from January to March . = = = = Methodology = = = = The courses are taught under eleven diverse disciplines of Business Environment , Communication , Decision Sciences , Finance and Accounting , Marketing , Human Resource Management , Operations Management , Information Technology and Systems , Strategic Management , Agribusiness Management and Legal Management . Students are trained in management using lectures , case studies , projects , workshops , management games and role plays under a rigorous syllabus . They are evaluated based on examinations , projects , quizzes , presentations and class participation under a relative grading system . The academic learning is supplemented by the various live projects , management competitions , guest lectures and interactions with alumni and industry leaders organised by the various committees . Students also get a chance to provide consultancy to various companies and get paid . = = = Post Graduate Programme for Executives = = = International Programme in Management for Executives ( IPMX ) is a one @-@ year , full @-@ time MBA programme for executives , offered at IIM Lucknow 's Noida campus . The Programme admits only candidates with a minimum of five years professional experience . The course consists of four 10 @-@ week terms including a two to three @-@ week stint at one of the partner universities of IIM Lucknow . The Working Managers ' Programme ( WMP ) , offered at the Noida campus , is a part @-@ time programme designed for executives having a minimum of three years professional experience . It consists of nine terms that stretches for 27 months . Management Development Programmes ( MDP ) are tailor made programs to train executives in specific industry , government and non @-@ governmental organisations . These programs , which typically last three to five days , are customised by subject or target group . Around 50 to 60 programs are conducted every year . A one @-@ year General Management program is offered through virtual classroom . As a combined initiative with the Ministry of Defence , a six @-@ month General Management Programme is conducted for Defence officers to assist their career transition to corporate sector . = = = Fellowship = = = Fellow Programme in Management ( FPM ) is a
[ "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁Doctor", "al", "▁programme", "▁in", "▁Management", "▁started", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁C", "andid", "ates", "▁with", "▁master", "▁'", "s", "▁degrees", "▁or", "▁Engineering", "▁under", "grad", "uate", "▁degrees", "▁are", "▁el", "ig", "ible", "▁for", "▁ad", "mission", "▁.", "▁While", "▁the", "▁mand", "atory", "▁course", "▁work", "▁is", "▁undert", "aken", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁year", "▁and", "▁special", "isation", "▁in", "▁the", "▁second", "▁year", "▁,", "▁the", "▁research", "▁th", "esis", "▁starts", "▁in", "▁the", "▁beginning", "▁of", "▁third", "▁year", "▁after", "▁a", "▁compreh", "ensive", "▁exam", "ination", "▁.", "▁Stud", "ents", "▁who", "▁have", "▁completed", "▁P", "G", "DM", "▁from", "▁any", "▁of", "▁the", "▁II", "M", "s", "▁are", "▁admitted", "▁directly", "▁to", "▁the", "▁second", "▁year", "▁.", "▁The", "▁special", "is", "ations", "▁offered", "▁are", "▁Dec", "ision", "▁Sciences", "▁,", "▁Econom", "ics", "▁,", "▁Fin", "ance", "▁and", "▁Account", "ing", "▁,", "▁Human", "▁Resources", "▁Management", "▁,", "▁Information", "▁Technology", "▁and", "▁Systems", "▁,", "▁Mark", "eting", "▁Management", "▁,", "▁Oper", "ations", "▁Management", "▁and", "▁Str", "ateg", "ic", "▁Management", "▁.", "▁The", "▁inst", "itute", "▁does", "▁not", "▁charge", "▁tu", "ition", "▁fe", "es", "▁for", "▁fellow", "ship", "▁program", "▁in", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁providing", "▁free", "▁host", "el", "▁facility", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Rank", "ings", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁was", "▁ranked", "▁No", ".", "▁", "4", "▁by", "▁C", "N", "BC", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁TV", "1", "8", "▁'", "s", "▁Top", "▁B", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁School", "s", "▁in", "▁India", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁and", "▁by", "▁H", "indust", "an", "▁Times", "▁in", "▁India", "▁'", "s", "▁top", "▁", "5", "0", "▁business", "▁schools", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁The", "▁inst", "itute", "▁was", "▁ranked", "▁No", ".", "▁", "5", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Business", "▁Today", "▁in", "▁the", "▁list", "▁of", "▁", "5", "0", "▁best", "▁business", "▁schools", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁and", "▁ranked", "▁no", "▁.", "▁", "6", "▁by", "▁Care", "ers", "3", "6", "0", "▁'", "s", "▁Top", "▁Public", "▁B", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁School", "s", "▁in", "▁India", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ad", "mission", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ad", "mission", "▁to", "▁the", "▁post", "▁gradu", "ate", "▁programs", "▁and", "▁fellow", "ship", "▁program", "▁is", "▁done", "▁through", "▁the", "▁Common", "▁Ad", "mission", "▁Test", "▁(", "▁C", "AT", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁joint", "ly", "▁conducted", "▁by", "▁the", "▁II", "M", "s", "▁in", "▁the", "▁month", "▁of", "▁November", "▁every", "▁year", "▁.", "▁App", "lications", "▁are", "▁short", "list", "ed", "▁based", "▁on", "▁C", "AT", "▁scores", "▁,", "▁sch", "ol", "astic", "▁achiev", "ement", "▁and", "▁work", "▁experience", "▁.", "▁The", "▁weight", "age", "▁given", "▁for", "▁each", "▁of", "▁these", "▁components", "▁var", "ies", "▁each", "▁year", "▁.", "▁The", "▁candidates", "▁are", "▁called", "▁for", "▁group", "▁discuss", "ions", "▁and", "▁personal", "▁inter", "views", "▁,", "▁conducted", "▁in", "▁various", "▁cities", "▁of", "▁India", "▁in", "▁the", "▁months", "▁of", "▁February", "▁and", "▁March", "▁.", "▁The", "▁final", "▁selection", "▁is", "▁based", "▁upon", "▁the", "▁performance", "▁in", "▁C", "AT", "▁,", "▁sch", "ol", "astic", "▁achiev", "ement", "▁,", "▁work", "▁experience", "▁and", "▁performance", "▁in", "▁group", "▁discussion", "▁and", "▁personal", "▁interview", "▁.", "▁Ad", "m", "issions", "▁to", "▁the", "▁IP", "M", "X", "▁program", "▁are", "▁done", "▁based", "▁on", "▁G", "M", "AT", "▁score", "▁,", "▁work", "▁profile", "▁and", "▁personal", "▁interview", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Social", "▁respons", "ib", "ilities", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁has", "▁been", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁many", "▁social", "▁initi", "atives", "▁in", "▁collaboration", "▁with", "▁N", "GO", "s", "▁.", "▁A", "▁separate", "▁committee", "▁\"", "▁B", "hav", "ish", "ya", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁formed", "▁to", "▁carry", "▁out", "▁these", "▁initi", "atives", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁part", "▁of", "▁adult", "▁liter", "acy", "▁campaign", "▁,", "▁all", "▁the", "▁workers", "▁and", "▁labour", "ers", "▁in", "▁the", "▁campus", "▁were", "▁taught", "▁to", "▁read", "▁and", "▁write", "▁.", "▁Even", "ing", "▁school", "▁and", "▁career", "▁guidance", "▁are", "▁provided", "▁for", "▁the", "▁under", "priv", "ile", "ged", "▁students", "▁of", "▁the", "▁neighbour", "ing", "▁villages", "▁.", "▁A", "▁T", "2", "0", "▁cr", "icket", "▁league", "▁tournament", "▁called", "▁as", "▁Harm", "ony", "▁Cup", "▁is", "▁conducted", "▁every", "▁year", "▁with", "▁", "3", "0", "▁teams", "▁involving", "▁", "2", "5", "0", "▁students", "▁.", "▁The", "▁fund", "▁raised", "▁from", "▁this", "▁event", "▁is", "▁util", "ised", "▁for", "▁various", "▁social", "▁initi", "atives", "▁such", "▁as", "▁infrastr", "ucture", "▁development", "▁at", "▁village", "▁schools", "▁and", "▁or", "phan", "ages", "▁,", "▁medical", "▁camp", "▁,", "▁employee", "▁w", "elf", "are", "▁and", "▁spons", "or", "▁for", "▁education", "▁of", "▁under", "priv", "ile", "ged", "▁school", "▁children", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁inst", "itute", "▁offers", "▁short", "▁term", "▁M", "DP", "▁programs", "▁on", "▁environmental", "▁management", "▁and", "▁carbon", "▁mark", "ets", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Centre", "▁of", "▁Ex", "cell", "ence", "▁for", "▁Business", "▁S", "ust", "ain", "ability", "▁was", "▁set", "▁up", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁that", "▁conduct", "s", "▁training", "▁programs", "▁and", "▁work", "sh", "ops", "▁on", "▁business", "▁sust", "ain", "ability", "▁.", "▁The", "▁competition", "▁Y", "aj", "na", "▁is", "▁held", "▁in", "▁collaboration", "▁with", "▁many", "▁N", "GO", "s", "▁across", "▁India", "▁,", "▁where", "▁students", "▁present", "▁solutions", "▁for", "▁issues", "▁faced", "▁by", "▁the", "▁N", "GO", "s", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Student", "▁life", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁school", "▁is", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁'", "▁Hel", "▁(", "▁L", "▁)", "▁'", "▁by", "▁the", "▁students", "▁in", "▁hum", "our", "▁but", "▁enjoy", "▁every", "▁moment", "▁of", "▁their", "▁ten", "ure", "▁to", "▁maximum", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁dead", "line", "▁are", "▁sac", "ros", "an", "ct", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁all", "▁the", "▁matters", "▁here", "▁and", "▁pun", "ct", "ual", "ity", "▁in", "▁any", "▁respect", "▁is", "▁maintained", "▁.", "▁Every", "▁class", "▁,", "▁meeting", "▁,", "▁subm", "issions", "▁or", "▁exam", "in", "ations", "▁are", "▁noted", "▁in", "▁seconds", "▁.", "▁For", "▁example", "▁,", "▁instead", "▁of", "▁", "2", "PM", "▁it", "▁will", "▁be", "▁", "1", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁Syn", "ap", "se", "▁,", "▁a", "▁student", "▁committee", "▁,", "▁develop", "s", "▁and", "▁maintain", "s", "▁IT", "▁applications", "▁for", "▁the", "▁inst", "itute", "▁community", "▁", "▁Man", "fest", "▁is", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁'", "s", "▁annual", "▁management", "▁festival", "▁held", "▁in", "▁January", "▁.", "▁The", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁event", "▁hosts", "▁many", "▁management", "▁cont", "ests", "▁,", "▁leadership", "▁summ", "its", "▁and", "▁other", "▁inter", "▁college", "▁qu", "izz", "es", "▁and", "▁compet", "itions", "▁.", "▁IN", "DEX", "▁is", "▁an", "▁annual", "▁fair", "▁conducted", "▁by", "▁students", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Col", "vin", "▁Tal", "u", "q", "d", "ars", "▁'", "▁college", "▁grounds", "▁,", "▁attended", "▁by", "▁the", "▁general", "▁public", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁Game", "▁st", "alls", "▁are", "▁set", "▁up", "▁at", "▁the", "▁fair", "▁to", "▁carry", "▁out", "▁dis", "gu", "ised", "▁market", "▁research", "▁.", "▁Sam", "v", "it", "▁,", "▁the", "▁annual", "▁leadership", "▁sum", "mit", "▁of", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁witness", "es", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁financial", "▁leaders", "▁and", "▁econom", "ists", "▁of", "▁the", "▁country", "▁with", "▁whom", "▁students", "▁get", "▁an", "▁opportunity", "▁to", "▁interact", "▁.", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Just", "▁Te", "a", "▁\"", "▁a", "ka", "▁AM", "U", "l", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁G", "oss", "ip", "▁and", "▁B", "ite", "▁\"", "▁are", "▁two", "▁restaur", "ants", "▁in", "▁the", "▁campus", "▁which", "▁were", "▁started", "▁as", "▁student", "▁vent", "ures", "▁and", "▁are", "▁sold", "▁to", "▁the", "▁next", "▁batch", "▁every", "▁year", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Entre", "pr", "ene", "ur" ]
four @-@ year Doctoral programme in Management started in 2000 . Candidates with master 's degrees or Engineering undergraduate degrees are eligible for admission . While the mandatory course work is undertaken in the first year and specialisation in the second year , the research thesis starts in the beginning of third year after a comprehensive examination . Students who have completed PGDM from any of the IIMs are admitted directly to the second year . The specialisations offered are Decision Sciences , Economics , Finance and Accounting , Human Resources Management , Information Technology and Systems , Marketing Management , Operations Management and Strategic Management . The institute does not charge tuition fees for fellowship program in addition to providing free hostel facility . = = = Rankings = = = IIM Lucknow was ranked No. 4 by CNBC @-@ TV18 's Top B @-@ Schools in India in 2012 and by Hindustan Times in India 's top 50 business schools of 2011 . The institute was ranked No. 5 by the Business Today in the list of 50 best business schools of 2011 and ranked no . 6 by Careers360 's Top Public B @-@ Schools in India in 2016 . = = = Admission = = = Admission to the post graduate programs and fellowship program is done through the Common Admission Test ( CAT ) , which is jointly conducted by the IIMs in the month of November every year . Applications are shortlisted based on CAT scores , scholastic achievement and work experience . The weightage given for each of these components varies each year . The candidates are called for group discussions and personal interviews , conducted in various cities of India in the months of February and March . The final selection is based upon the performance in CAT , scholastic achievement , work experience and performance in group discussion and personal interview . Admissions to the IPMX program are done based on GMAT score , work profile and personal interview . = = Social responsibilities = = IIM Lucknow has been involved in many social initiatives in collaboration with NGOs . A separate committee " Bhavishya " was formed to carry out these initiatives . As a part of adult literacy campaign , all the workers and labourers in the campus were taught to read and write . Evening school and career guidance are provided for the underprivileged students of the neighbouring villages . A T20 cricket league tournament called as Harmony Cup is conducted every year with 30 teams involving 250 students . The fund raised from this event is utilised for various social initiatives such as infrastructure development at village schools and orphanages , medical camp , employee welfare and sponsor for education of underprivileged school children . The institute offers short term MDP programs on environmental management and carbon markets . The Centre of Excellence for Business Sustainability was set up in 2011 that conducts training programs and workshops on business sustainability . The competition Yajna is held in collaboration with many NGOs across India , where students present solutions for issues faced by the NGOs . = = Student life = = The school is referred to as ' Hel ( L ) ' by the students in humour but enjoy every moment of their tenure to maximum . " The deadline are sacrosanct " in all the matters here and punctuality in any respect is maintained . Every class , meeting , submissions or examinations are noted in seconds . For example , instead of 2PM it will be 13 @.@ 59 @.@ 59 . Synapse , a student committee , develops and maintains IT applications for the institute community Manfest is IIM Lucknow 's annual management festival held in January . The three @-@ day event hosts many management contests , leadership summits and other inter college quizzes and competitions . INDEX is an annual fair conducted by students at the Colvin Taluqdars ' college grounds , attended by the general public of the city . Game stalls are set up at the fair to carry out disguised market research . Samvit , the annual leadership summit of IIM Lucknow witnesses some of the financial leaders and economists of the country with whom students get an opportunity to interact . " Just Tea " aka AMUl and " Gossip and Bite " are two restaurants in the campus which were started as student ventures and are sold to the next batch every year . The Entrepreneur
[ "ship", "▁Cell", "▁conduct", "s", "▁a", "▁competition", "▁called", "▁\"", "▁B", "iz", "ness", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁where", "▁all", "▁participants", "▁are", "▁given", "▁a", "▁seed", "▁capital", "▁of", "▁", "₹", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁to", "▁run", "▁any", "▁business", "▁in", "▁the", "▁campus", "▁for", "▁two", "▁days", "▁and", "▁ear", "n", "▁prof", "its", "▁.", "▁The", "▁student", "▁committee", "▁\"", "▁Cred", "ence", "▁Capital", "▁\"", "▁runs", "▁a", "▁mut", "ual", "▁fund", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁other", "▁students", "▁of", "▁the", "▁batch", "▁can", "▁invest", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Mess", "▁(", "▁Ann", "ap", "oor", "na", "▁)", "▁is", "▁entirely", "▁run", "▁and", "▁managed", "▁by", "▁students", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁infrastr", "ucture", "▁provided", "▁by", "▁the", "▁inst", "itute", "▁and", "▁is", "▁cont", "iously", "▁ranked", "▁best", "▁mess", "▁among", "▁all", "▁II", "M", "▁'", "s", "▁.", "▁", "▁V", "arch", "as", "va", "▁,", "▁a", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁long", "▁event", "▁held", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁September", "▁every", "▁year", "▁is", "▁the", "▁annual", "▁Cultural", "▁and", "▁Sports", "▁festival", "▁of", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁.", "▁A", "▁classical", "▁cultural", "▁night", "▁\"", "▁A", "ar", "oh", "an", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁organ", "ised", "▁by", "▁the", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁chapter", "▁of", "▁S", "PI", "C", "▁MAC", "A", "Y", "▁in", "▁the", "▁month", "▁of", "▁August", "▁.", "▁It", "▁show", "cases", "▁live", "▁shows", "▁of", "▁classical", "▁arts", "▁including", "▁car", "n", "atic", "▁,", "▁h", "indust", "an", "ic", "▁,", "▁folk", "▁,", "▁instrument", "al", "▁and", "▁various", "▁classical", "▁Indian", "▁d", "ances", "▁.", "▁The", "▁inst", "itute", "▁'", "s", "▁dance", "▁club", "▁\"", "▁Random", "▁Walk", "▁\"", "▁organ", "ises", "▁dance", "▁work", "sh", "ops", "▁regularly", "▁and", "▁performs", "▁stage", "▁shows", "▁during", "▁major", "▁festiv", "als", "▁.", "▁The", "▁dram", "at", "ics", "▁club", "▁\"", "▁Ab", "h", "iv", "y", "ak", "ti", "▁\"", "▁performs", "▁stage", "▁plays", "▁and", "▁street", "▁plays", "▁in", "▁H", "indi", "▁and", "▁English", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Int", "rac", "ol", "lege", "▁sports", "▁event", "▁called", "▁as", "▁S", "ik", "ander", "▁is", "▁held", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁year", "▁in", "▁a", "▁league", "▁format", "▁.", "▁The", "▁inst", "itute", "▁sports", "▁team", "▁particip", "ates", "▁in", "▁most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁popular", "▁college", "▁sports", "▁meets", "▁including", "▁the", "▁Inter", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁II", "M", "▁Me", "et", "▁(", "▁Sang", "har", "sh", "▁)", "▁held", "▁during", "▁January", "▁every", "▁year", "▁.", "▁", "▁U", "dy", "am", "▁,", "▁an", "▁annual", "▁industry", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁academ", "ia", "▁interaction", "▁sum", "mit", "▁is", "▁held", "▁at", "▁the", "▁No", "ida", "▁campus", "▁of", "▁II", "M", "▁L", "uck", "now", "▁.", "▁This", "▁event", "▁provides", "▁a", "▁platform", "▁where", "▁em", "inent", "▁personal", "ities", "▁from", "▁corpor", "ate", "▁world", "▁&", "▁academ", "ia", "▁can", "▁exchange", "▁ideas", "▁that", "▁are", "▁going", "▁to", "▁shape", "▁the", "▁future", "▁of", "▁India", "▁Inc", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Notable", "▁al", "umn", "i", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Sh", "an", "m", "ug", "han", "▁Man", "j", "un", "ath", "▁,", "▁IO", "C", "▁Manager", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁murder", "ed", "▁for", "▁oppos", "ing", "▁Cor", "ruption", "▁", "▁Ash", "ut", "osh", "▁Gu", "pta", "▁,", "▁Director", "▁,", "▁Mark", "eting", "▁Sol", "utions", "▁at", "▁Linked", "In", "▁,", "▁AP", "AC", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁", "▁Am", "it", "▁Ban", "ati", "▁,", "▁President", "▁-", "▁Asia", "▁Pacific", "▁at", "▁Kel", "log", "g", "▁Company", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "0", "▁", "▁Am", "it", "▁G", "arg", "▁,", "▁Executive", "▁Director", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Digital", "▁at", "▁HT", "▁Media", "▁Limited", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "3", "▁", "▁K", "and", "arp", "▁Singh", "▁,", "▁Man", "aging", "▁Director", "▁at", "▁T", "etra", "▁Pak", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁", "▁Va", "ish", "ali", "▁B", "hat", "▁,", "▁Vice", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁President", "▁&", "▁C", "FO", "▁,", "▁Asia", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Pacific", "▁Cons", "umer", "▁Division", "▁,", "▁Johnson", "▁&", "▁Johnson", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁", "▁Mih", "ir", "▁V", "ora", "▁,", "▁Chief", "▁In", "vest", "ment", "▁Officer", "▁at", "▁Max", "▁Life", "▁In", "sur", "ance", "▁Company", "▁Limited", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁", "▁V", "ij", "ay", "▁Sh", "an", "b", "h", "ag", "▁,", "▁Senior", "▁Vice", "▁President", "▁;", "▁Off", "sh", "ore", "▁Business", "▁Unit", "▁Le", "ader", "-", "▁App", "s", "▁North", "America", "▁at", "▁Cap", "gem", "ini", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "3", "▁", "▁Raj", "deep", "▁G", "rew", "al", "▁", "▁Deep", "ak", "▁G", "arg", "▁,", "▁CE", "O", "▁of", "▁Riv", "igo", "▁", "▁Gay", "atri", "▁I", "yer", "▁,", "▁Play", "back", "▁singer", "▁", "▁G", "aur", "av", "▁Ag", "ar", "wal", "▁,", "▁U", "PS", "C", "▁Civil", "▁Services", "▁Ex", "am", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁A", "IR", "▁", "1", "▁", "▁Man", "inder", "▁Singh", "▁June", "ja", "▁,", "▁Ret", "ail", "▁Business", "▁Head", "▁IC", "IC", "I", "▁Bank", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁", "▁Sri", "ram", "▁Ch", "andr", "ase", "kar", "an", "▁,", "▁Found", "er", "▁&", "▁CE", "O", "▁,", "▁Broad", "vision", "▁Group", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁", "▁Am", "resh", "▁Ach", "ary", "a", "▁,", "▁Head", "▁of", "▁Private", "▁We", "alth", "▁Distribution", "▁and", "▁Market", "▁Head", "▁-", "▁N", "RI", "▁and", "▁Ex", "pat", "▁Business", "▁,", "▁AN", "Z", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁", "▁R", "akes", "h", "▁Par", "ak", "k", "at", "▁,", "▁Corpor", "ate", "▁Senior", "▁Vice", "▁President", "▁,", "▁B", "F", "SI", "▁Oper", "ations", "▁at", "▁W", "NS", "▁Global", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁", "▁Raj", "esh", "▁So", "od", "▁,", "▁Executive", "▁Vice", "▁President", "▁&", "▁Chief", "▁Distribution", "▁Officer", "▁at", "▁D", "H", "FL", "▁Pr", "amer", "ica", "▁Life", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁", "▁Rat", "nes", "h", "▁Math", "ur", "▁,", "▁Co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Lear", "ner", "▁(", "▁with", "▁children", "▁)", "▁at", "▁A", "ar", "oh", "i", "▁Life", "▁Education", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁", "▁An", "and", "▁L", "un", "ia", "▁,", "▁General", "▁Part", "ner", "▁,", "▁India", "Qu", "ot", "ient", "▁,", "▁Vent", "ure", "▁Capital", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁", "▁B", "har", "at", "▁Par", "mar", "▁,", "▁Part", "ner", "▁at", "▁Edu", "vis", "ors", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁", "▁Tar", "un", "▁Ch", "ugh", "▁,", "▁MD", "▁&", "▁CE", "O", "▁at", "▁P", "NB", "▁Met", "life", "▁Life", "▁In", "sur", "ance", "▁Ltd", "▁.", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁", "▁V", "ive", "k", "▁G", "aur", "▁,", "▁CE", "O", "▁–", "▁Y", "ep", "me", ".", "com", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "3", "▁", "▁Ab", "h", "ij", "it", "▁B", "have", "▁,", "▁CE", "O", "▁at", "▁Kar", "vy", "▁Private", "▁We", "alth", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁", "▁Rad", "h", "ak", "r", "ish", "nan", "▁An", "anth", "a", "▁,", "▁CE", "O", "▁&", "▁MD", "▁at", "▁Inf", "os", "ys", "▁B", "PO", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁", "▁K", "ish", "or", "▁G", "um", "mar", "aju", "▁,", "▁Vice", "▁President", "▁&", "▁Man", "aging", "▁Part", "ner", "▁Inf", "os", "ys", "▁Cons", "ult", "ing", "▁:", "▁Ret", "ail", "▁,", "▁C", "PG", "▁&", "▁Log", "istics", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁", "▁Vik", "as", "▁Mitt", "al", "▁,", "▁Man", "aging", "▁Director", "▁-", "Ind", "ia", "▁Sub", "▁Cont", "inent", "▁at", "▁McC", "ain", "▁Food", "s", "▁India", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁", "▁R", "ames", "h", "▁G", "▁,", "▁Man", "aging", "▁Director" ]
ship Cell conducts a competition called " Bizness " , where all participants are given a seed capital of ₹ 2000 to run any business in the campus for two days and earn profits . The student committee " Credence Capital " runs a mutual fund , in which other students of the batch can invest . The Mess ( Annapoorna ) is entirely run and managed by students , with the infrastructure provided by the institute and is contiously ranked best mess among all IIM 's . Varchasva , a three @-@ day @-@ long event held towards the end of September every year is the annual Cultural and Sports festival of IIM Lucknow . A classical cultural night " Aarohan " is organised by the IIM Lucknow chapter of SPIC MACAY in the month of August . It showcases live shows of classical arts including carnatic , hindustanic , folk , instrumental and various classical Indian dances . The institute 's dance club " Random Walk " organises dance workshops regularly and performs stage shows during major festivals . The dramatics club " Abhivyakti " performs stage plays and street plays in Hindi and English . The Intracollege sports event called as Sikander is held throughout the year in a league format . The institute sports team participates in most of the popular college sports meets including the Inter @-@ IIM Meet ( Sangharsh ) held during January every year . Udyam , an annual industry @-@ academia interaction summit is held at the Noida campus of IIM Lucknow . This event provides a platform where eminent personalities from corporate world & academia can exchange ideas that are going to shape the future of India Inc . = = Notable alumni = = Shanmughan Manjunath , IOC Manager , who was murdered for opposing Corruption Ashutosh Gupta , Director , Marketing Solutions at LinkedIn , APAC , 2000 Amit Banati , President - Asia Pacific at Kellogg Company , 1990 Amit Garg , Executive Director @-@ Digital at HT Media Limited , 1993 Kandarp Singh , Managing Director at Tetra Pak , 1991 Vaishali Bhat , Vice @-@ President & CFO , Asia @-@ Pacific Consumer Division , Johnson & Johnson , 1994 Mihir Vora , Chief Investment Officer at Max Life Insurance Company Limited , 1994 Vijay Shanbhag , Senior Vice President ; Offshore Business Unit Leader- Apps NorthAmerica at Capgemini , 1993 Rajdeep Grewal Deepak Garg , CEO of Rivigo Gayatri Iyer , Playback singer Gaurav Agarwal , UPSC Civil Services Exam 2013 AIR 1 Maninder Singh Juneja , Retail Business Head ICICI Bank , 1991 Sriram Chandrasekaran , Founder & CEO , Broadvision Group , 1999 Amresh Acharya , Head of Private Wealth Distribution and Market Head - NRI and Expat Business , ANZ , 1992 Rakesh Parakkat , Corporate Senior Vice President , BFSI Operations at WNS Global , 1995 Rajesh Sood , Executive Vice President & Chief Distribution Officer at DHFL Pramerica Life , 1992 Ratnesh Mathur , Co @-@ Learner ( with children ) at Aarohi Life Education , 1992 Anand Lunia , General Partner , IndiaQuotient , Venture Capital , 1998 Bharat Parmar , Partner at Eduvisors , 1999 Tarun Chugh , MD & CEO at PNB Metlife Life Insurance Ltd . , 1994 Vivek Gaur , CEO – , 1993 Abhijit Bhave , CEO at Karvy Private Wealth , 1996 Radhakrishnan Anantha , CEO & MD at Infosys BPO , 1991 Kishor Gummaraju , Vice President & Managing Partner Infosys Consulting : Retail , CPG & Logistics , 1996 Vikas Mittal , Managing Director -India Sub Continent at McCain Foods India , 1991 Ramesh G , Managing Director
[ "▁,", "▁H", "DB", "▁Fin", "an", "cial", "▁Services", "▁Limited", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁", "▁Man", "ish", "▁Gu", "pta", "▁,", "▁SV", "P", "▁/", "▁C", "IO", "▁(", "▁Dir", "▁)", "▁-", "Global", "▁Di", "age", "o", "▁Business", "▁Services", "▁,", "▁Asia", "▁Pacific", "▁Region", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁", "▁An", "up", "▁Mah", "esh", "w", "ari", "▁,", "▁E", "VP", "▁at", "▁D", "SP", "▁Black", "R", "ock", "▁In", "vest", "ment", "▁Man", "agers", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "3", "▁", "▁Am", "it", "ab", "h", "▁Ch", "ak", "rab", "ort", "y", "▁,", "▁Man", "aging", "▁Director", "▁&", "▁Chief", "▁In", "vest", "ment", "▁Officer", "▁at", "▁Kit", "ara", "▁Capital", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁", "▁V", "ij", "ay", "▁R", "agh", "un", "athan", "▁,", "▁Man", "aging", "▁Director", "▁at", "▁St", "ell", "r", "▁India", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁", "▁Raj", "iv", "▁Kh", "os", "la", "▁,", "▁Man", "aging", "▁Director", "▁at", "▁L", "um", "iled", "s", "▁India", "▁Limited", "▁(", "▁F", "ounded", "▁By", "▁Phili", "ps", "▁)", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁", "▁Ram", "k", "umar", "▁Ak", "ella", "▁,", "▁MD", "▁&", "▁CE", "O", "▁,", "▁Man", "ip", "al", "▁H", "osp", "it", "als", "▁,", "▁A", "SE", "AN", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "0", "▁", "▁S", "ures", "h", "▁Go", "yal", "▁,", "▁India", "▁Head", "▁-", "▁Mac", "qu", "arie", "▁In", "frastr", "ucture", "▁and", "▁Real", "▁As", "sets", "▁", "▁=", "▁Sri", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁=", "▁", "▁Sri", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁is", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁store", "y", "▁det", "ached", "▁house", "▁built", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "9", "▁which", "▁is", "▁s", "ited", "▁within", "▁the", "▁grounds", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ist", "ana", "▁in", "▁Singapore", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁island", "▁'", "s", "▁colonial", "▁era", "▁,", "▁it", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁residence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Col", "onial", "▁Secretary", "▁or", "▁Chief", "▁Secretary", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁the", "▁establishment", "▁of", "▁the", "▁State", "▁of", "▁Singapore", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "9", "▁,", "▁it", "▁has", "▁been", "▁the", "▁official", "▁residence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁of", "▁Singapore", "▁,", "▁though", "▁none", "▁of", "▁Singapore", "▁'", "s", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "s", "▁has", "▁ever", "▁lived", "▁there", "▁.", "▁T", "ogether", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Ist", "ana", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁gaz", "ett", "ed", "▁a", "▁national", "▁monument", "▁on", "▁", "1", "4", "▁February", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Name", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁name", "▁of", "▁the", "▁house", "▁,", "▁Sri", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁,", "▁means", "▁\"", "▁splend", "our", "▁of", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Mal", "ay", "▁language", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Mal", "ay", "▁word", "▁ser", "i", "▁or", "▁s", "ri", "▁means", "▁\"", "▁charm", "▁;", "▁qu", "int", "ess", "ence", "▁;", "▁splend", "our", "▁;", "▁glory", "▁\"", "▁or", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁c", "yn", "os", "ure", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁something", "▁that", "▁attract", "s", "▁attention", "▁by", "▁its", "▁br", "ill", "ian", "cy", "▁or", "▁beauty", "▁;", "▁a", "▁centre", "▁of", "▁att", "raction", "▁,", "▁interest", "▁,", "▁or", "▁adm", "iration", "▁)", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁,", "▁which", "▁means", "▁\"", "▁sea", "▁town", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁J", "avan", "ese", "▁,", "▁was", "▁the", "▁name", "▁of", "▁an", "▁early", "▁city", "▁on", "▁the", "▁site", "▁of", "▁modern", "▁Singapore", "▁.", "▁Today", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁used", "▁as", "▁an", "▁ep", "ith", "et", "▁for", "▁Singapore", "▁.", "▁The", "▁house", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁merely", "▁known", "▁as", "▁the", "▁official", "▁residence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Chief", "▁Secretary", "▁of", "▁Singapore", "▁(", "▁or", "▁the", "▁Col", "onial", "▁Secretary", "▁of", "▁Singapore", "▁/", "▁the", "▁Stra", "its", "▁S", "ett", "lement", "s", "▁)", "▁and", "▁did", "▁not", "▁have", "▁its", "▁own", "▁name", "▁.", "▁The", "▁State", "▁of", "▁Singapore", "▁was", "▁proc", "laimed", "▁and", "▁the", "▁first", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁Lee", "▁K", "uan", "▁Y", "ew", "▁assumed", "▁office", "▁in", "▁June", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "9", "▁,", "▁after", "▁which", "▁the", "▁house", "▁,", "▁which", "▁has", "▁become", "▁the", "▁official", "▁residence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁,", "▁has", "▁been", "▁officially", "▁named", "▁Sri", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁Government", "▁House", "▁has", "▁been", "▁officially", "▁renamed", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Ist", "ana", "▁,", "▁which", "▁means", "▁palace", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Design", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁construction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ist", "ana", "▁Singapore", "▁(", "▁then", "▁called", "▁Government", "▁House", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Sri", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁was", "▁ordered", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Governor", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Stra", "its", "▁S", "ett", "lement", "s", "▁,", "▁Sir", "▁Harry", "▁St", ".", "▁George", "▁Ord", "▁,", "▁after", "▁the", "▁original", "▁governor", "▁'", "s", "▁residence", "▁had", "▁to", "▁be", "▁demol", "ished", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "9", "▁to", "▁make", "▁way", "▁for", "▁Fort", "▁C", "anning", "▁on", "▁the", "▁hill", "▁that", "▁be", "ars", "▁its", "▁name", "▁.", "▁Sri", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁was", "▁designed", "▁by", "▁John", "▁Frederick", "▁Ad", "olph", "us", "▁Mc", "N", "air", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "2", "9", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "0", "▁)", "▁,", "▁a", "▁civil", "▁engineer", "▁who", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁Executive", "▁Engine", "er", "▁and", "▁Super", "int", "endent", "▁of", "▁Con", "v", "ict", "s", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Stra", "its", "▁S", "ett", "lement", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁built", "▁largely", "▁using", "▁Indian", "▁conv", "ict", "▁labour", "▁from", "▁Ben", "co", "olen", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁completed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁square", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁met", "re", "▁(", "▁", "1", "7", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁sq", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁store", "y", "▁det", "ached", "▁house", "▁–", "▁often", "▁called", "▁a", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ow", "▁in", "▁Singapore", "▁–", "▁with", "▁European", "▁and", "▁Asian", "▁features", "▁,", "▁Sri", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁has", "▁a", "▁symmet", "rical", "▁layout", "▁consisting", "▁of", "▁deep", "▁ver", "and", "ah", "s", "▁surrounding", "▁central", "▁living", "▁spaces", "▁.", "▁Notable", "▁architect", "ural", "▁features", "▁include", "▁arch", "es", "▁on", "▁its", "▁upper", "▁level", "▁,", "▁an", "▁intr", "icate", "▁tim", "ber", "▁ar", "cade", "▁with", "▁a", "▁mixture", "▁of", "▁eastern", "▁and", "▁western", "▁decor", "ative", "▁mot", "ifs", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁Chinese", "▁moon", "▁gate", "▁(", "▁a", "▁circular", "▁gateway", "▁)", "▁on", "▁the", "▁building", "▁'", "s", "▁second", "▁floor", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁few", "▁records", "▁exist", "▁concerning", "▁the", "▁moon", "▁gate", "▁'", "s", "▁construction", "▁and", "▁usage", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁known", "▁to", "▁have", "▁made", "▁its", "▁appearance", "▁in", "▁the", "▁house", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "s", "▁and", "▁to", "▁have", "▁been", "▁designed", "▁and", "▁built", "▁by", "▁William", "▁S", "wa", "ff", "ield", "▁,", "▁a", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁World", "▁War", "▁II", "▁Com", "pt", "roller", "▁of", "▁Government", "▁House", "▁and", "▁a", "▁professional", "▁furn", "iture", "▁designer", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁constructed", "▁of", "▁ch", "eng", "al", "▁,", "▁te", "ak", "▁and", "▁mer", "anti", "▁wood", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁middle", "▁of", "▁the", "▁drive", "way", "▁in", "▁front", "▁of", "▁the", "▁house", "▁,", "▁there", "▁is", "▁a", "▁brick", "▁pit", "▁that", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁used", "▁by", "▁horse", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁drawn", "▁carri", "ages", "▁.", "▁The", "▁house", "▁was", "▁gaz", "ett", "ed", "▁together", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Ist", "ana", "▁as", "▁a", "▁national", "▁monument", "▁on", "▁", "1", "4", "▁February", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁Sri", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁was", "▁not", "▁used", "▁for", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁years", "▁and" ]
, HDB Financial Services Limited , 1992 Manish Gupta , SVP / CIO ( Dir ) -Global Diageo Business Services , Asia Pacific Region , 1994 Anup Maheshwari , EVP at DSP BlackRock Investment Managers , 1993 Amitabh Chakraborty , Managing Director & Chief Investment Officer at Kitara Capital , 1994 Vijay Raghunathan , Managing Director at Stellr India , 1991 Rajiv Khosla , Managing Director at Lumileds India Limited ( Founded By Philips ) , 1991 Ramkumar Akella , MD & CEO , Manipal Hospitals , ASEAN , 1990 Suresh Goyal , India Head - Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets = Sri Temasek = Sri Temasek is a two @-@ storey detached house built in 1869 which is sited within the grounds of the Istana in Singapore . During the island 's colonial era , it served as the residence of the Colonial Secretary or Chief Secretary . Since the establishment of the State of Singapore in 1959 , it has been the official residence of the Prime Minister of Singapore , though none of Singapore 's Prime Ministers has ever lived there . Together with the Istana , it was gazetted a national monument on 14 February 1992 . = = Name = = The name of the house , Sri Temasek , means " splendour of Temasek " in the Malay language . The Malay word seri or sri means " charm ; quintessence ; splendour ; glory " or a " cynosure " ( something that attracts attention by its brilliancy or beauty ; a centre of attraction , interest , or admiration ) Temasek , which means " sea town " in Javanese , was the name of an early city on the site of modern Singapore . Today , it is used as an epithet for Singapore . The house was originally merely known as the official residence of the Chief Secretary of Singapore ( or the Colonial Secretary of Singapore / the Straits Settlements ) and did not have its own name . The State of Singapore was proclaimed and the first Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew assumed office in June 1959 , after which the house , which has become the official residence of the Prime Minister , has been officially named Sri Temasek , while the Government House has been officially renamed as the Istana , which means palace . = = Design = = The construction of the Istana Singapore ( then called Government House ) and Sri Temasek was ordered by the Governor of the Straits Settlements , Sir Harry St. George Ord , after the original governor 's residence had to be demolished in 1859 to make way for Fort Canning on the hill that bears its name . Sri Temasek was designed by John Frederick Adolphus McNair ( 1829 – 1910 ) , a civil engineer who was appointed Executive Engineer and Superintendent of Convicts of the Straits Settlements , and built largely using Indian convict labour from Bencoolen . It was completed in 1869 . A 1 @,@ 600 @-@ square @-@ metre ( 17 @,@ 000 sq ft ) two @-@ storey detached house – often called a bungalow in Singapore – with European and Asian features , Sri Temasek has a symmetrical layout consisting of deep verandahs surrounding central living spaces . Notable architectural features include arches on its upper level , an intricate timber arcade with a mixture of eastern and western decorative motifs , and a Chinese moon gate ( a circular gateway ) on the building 's second floor . Although few records exist concerning the moon gate 's construction and usage , it is known to have made its appearance in the house in the 1960s and to have been designed and built by William Swaffield , a pre @-@ World War II Comptroller of Government House and a professional furniture designer . It is constructed of chengal , teak and meranti wood . In the middle of the driveway in front of the house , there is a brick pit that was originally used by horse @-@ drawn carriages . The house was gazetted together with the Istana as a national monument on 14 February 1992 . Sri Temasek was not used for a number of years and
[ "▁fell", "▁into", "▁dis", "rep", "air", "▁.", "▁It", "▁then", "▁under", "w", "ent", "▁rest", "oration", "▁between", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁and", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁by", "▁C", "PG", "▁Cons", "ult", "ants", "▁under", "▁the", "▁super", "vision", "▁of", "▁architect", "▁Ma", "ure", "en", "▁So", "h", "▁.", "▁As", "▁the", "▁original", "▁hand", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁craft", "ed", "▁tim", "ber", "▁arch", "es", "▁and", "▁rail", "ings", "▁on", "▁the", "▁first", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁store", "y", "▁ver", "and", "ah", "▁had", "▁been", "▁dam", "aged", "▁by", "▁term", "ites", "▁,", "▁rep", "lac", "ements", "▁m", "ould", "ed", "▁from", "▁the", "▁original", "s", "▁made", "▁with", "▁an", "▁al", "umin", "ium", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cast", "▁al", "loy", "▁were", "▁used", "▁.", "▁Details", "▁on", "▁rail", "ings", "▁,", "▁doors", "▁and", "▁windows", "▁were", "▁restored", "▁,", "▁and", "▁several", "▁pint", "u", "▁pag", "ar", "▁(", "▁traditional", "▁wooden", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁doors", "▁)", "▁and", "▁wooden", "▁flo", "oring", "▁re", "inst", "ated", "▁.", "▁The", "▁former", "▁servants", "▁'", "▁qu", "arters", "▁at", "▁the", "▁rear", "▁of", "▁the", "▁building", "▁were", "▁turned", "▁into", "▁a", "▁her", "itage", "▁gallery", "▁.", "▁The", "▁rest", "oration", "▁works", "▁on", "▁Sri", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁won", "▁the", "▁Urban", "▁R", "ede", "velop", "ment", "▁Author", "ity", "▁'", "s", "▁Arch", "itect", "ural", "▁Heritage", "▁Award", "▁in", "▁Category", "▁A", "▁(", "▁national", "▁monuments", "▁and", "▁fully", "▁conser", "ved", "▁buildings", "▁)", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Use", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁When", "▁first", "▁built", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "9", "▁,", "▁Sri", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁was", "▁the", "▁residence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Col", "onial", "▁Secretary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Stra", "its", "▁S", "ett", "lement", "s", "▁(", "▁later", "▁Col", "onial", "▁Secretary", "▁/", "▁Chief", "▁Secretary", "▁of", "▁Singapore", "▁)", "▁.", "▁All", "▁hold", "ers", "▁of", "▁the", "▁position", "▁had", "▁res", "ided", "▁in", "▁Sri", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁from", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "9", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "9", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁currently", "▁designated", "▁as", "▁the", "▁official", "▁residence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁of", "▁Singapore", "▁since", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "9", "▁,", "▁though", "▁none", "▁of", "▁the", "▁past", "▁and", "▁present", "▁hold", "ers", "▁of", "▁the", "▁post", "▁,", "▁Lee", "▁K", "uan", "▁Y", "ew", "▁,", "▁G", "oh", "▁Ch", "ok", "▁T", "ong", "▁and", "▁Lee", "▁H", "s", "ien", "▁Lo", "ong", "▁,", "▁have", "▁lived", "▁in", "▁it", "▁as", "▁a", "▁family", "▁home", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁book", "▁Lee", "▁K", "uan", "▁Y", "ew", "▁:", "▁The", "▁Man", "▁and", "▁His", "▁Ide", "as", "▁,", "▁Lee", "▁K", "uan", "▁Y", "ew", "▁said", "▁that", "▁when", "▁he", "▁became", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "9", "▁he", "▁and", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁K", "wa", "▁Ge", 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"▁K", "uan", "▁Y", "ew", "▁to", "▁thank", "▁trade", "▁union", "ists", "▁and", "▁civil", "▁servants", "▁for", "▁their", "▁help", "▁with", "▁the", "▁refer", "endum", "▁on", "▁Singapore", "▁joining", "▁Malays", "ia", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "3", "▁the", "▁body", "▁of", "▁the", "▁late", "▁Minister", "▁for", "▁Fin", "ance", "▁Hon", "▁S", "ui", "▁Sen", "▁lay", "▁in", "▁state", "▁there", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "8", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁Lee", "▁H", "s", "ien", "▁Lo", "ong", "▁delivered", "▁his", "▁National", "▁Day", "▁message", "▁from", "▁Sri", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁for", "▁the", "▁first", "▁time", "▁.", "▁The", "▁w", "ake", "▁for", "▁Mad", "am", "▁K", "wa", "▁Ge", "ok", "▁Ch", "oo", "▁,", "▁mother", "▁of", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁Lee", "▁H", "s", "ien", "▁Lo", "ong", "▁and", "▁the", "▁wife", "▁of", "▁Singapore", "an", "▁states", "man", "▁Lee", "▁K", "uan", "▁Y", "ew", "▁,", "▁was", "▁held", "▁at", "▁Sri", "▁Tem", "ase", "k", "▁in", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁In", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁a", "▁private", "▁family", "▁w", "ake", "▁for", "▁Lee", "▁K", "uan", "▁Y", "ew", "▁was", "▁held", "▁there", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁St", "▁N", "idan", "▁'", "s", "▁Church", "▁,", "▁L", "lan", "idan", "▁=", "▁", "▁St", "▁N", "idan", "▁'", "s", "▁Church", "▁,", "▁L", "lan", "idan", "▁is", "▁a", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁century", "▁parish", "▁church", "▁near", "▁the", "▁village", "▁of", "▁Bry", "ns", "ien", "c", "yn", "▁,", "▁in", "▁Ang", "les", "ey", "▁,", "▁north", "▁Wales", "▁.", "▁Bu", "ilt", "▁between", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "9", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "3", "▁,", "▁it", "▁replaced", "▁the", "▁Old", "▁Church", "▁of", "▁St", "▁N", "idan", "▁,", "▁L", "lan", "idan", "▁,", "▁which", "▁needed", "▁significant", "▁repair", "▁,", "▁providing", "▁a", "▁place", "▁of", "▁Ang", "lic", "an", "▁worship", "▁near", "er", "▁to", "▁the", "▁village", "▁than", "▁the", "▁old", "▁church", "▁.", "▁Some", "▁items", "▁were", "▁moved", "▁here", "▁from", "▁the", "▁old", "▁church", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁", "1", "3", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁century", "▁font", "▁,", "▁two", "▁b", "ells", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "1", "4", "th", "▁and", "▁", "1", "5", "th", "▁century", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁reli", "qu", "ary", "▁thought", "▁to", "▁hold", "▁the", "▁remains", "▁of", "▁St", "▁N", "idan", "▁.", "▁The", "▁tower", "▁at", "▁the", "▁west", "▁end", "▁has", "▁been", "▁described", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁top", "▁heavy", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁looking", "▁like", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁water", "▁tower", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁church", "▁is", "▁still", "▁used", "▁for", "▁worship", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Church", "▁in", "▁Wales", "▁,", "▁one", "▁of", "▁five", "▁in", "▁a", "▁group", "▁of", "▁par", "ishes", "▁in", "▁the", "▁south", "▁of", "▁Ang", "les", "ey", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁a", "▁Gra", "de", "▁II", "▁listed", "▁building", "▁,", "▁a", "▁national", "▁design", "ation", "▁given", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁buildings", "▁of" ]
fell into disrepair . It then underwent restoration between 2006 and March 2008 by CPG Consultants under the supervision of architect Maureen Soh . As the original hand @-@ crafted timber arches and railings on the first @-@ storey verandah had been damaged by termites , replacements moulded from the originals made with an aluminium @-@ cast alloy were used . Details on railings , doors and windows were restored , and several pintu pagar ( traditional wooden half @-@ doors ) and wooden flooring reinstated . The former servants ' quarters at the rear of the building were turned into a heritage gallery . The restoration works on Sri Temasek won the Urban Redevelopment Authority 's Architectural Heritage Award in Category A ( national monuments and fully conserved buildings ) in 2008 . = = Use = = When first built in 1869 , Sri Temasek was the residence of the Colonial Secretary of the Straits Settlements ( later Colonial Secretary / Chief Secretary of Singapore ) . All holders of the position had resided in Sri Temasek from 1869 to 1959 . It is currently designated as the official residence of the Prime Minister of Singapore since 1959 , though none of the past and present holders of the post , Lee Kuan Yew , Goh Chok Tong and Lee Hsien Loong , have lived in it as a family home . In the 1998 book Lee Kuan Yew : The Man and His Ideas , Lee Kuan Yew said that when he became Prime Minister in 1959 he and his wife Kwa Geok Choo decided not to move into Sri Temasek with their three children , who were then aged seven , five and two , because the couple " did not want them to grow up in such grand surroundings with butlers and orderlies to fuss over their needs " . The family did stay there in 1965 for a short time for security reasons when Singapore separated from Malaysia . Apart from that , according to a 2000 Straits Times interview with Kwa , the Lee children often played in the grounds of the house in the evening while their father played golf or made use of the practice tee and putting green . Sri Temasek has been used mostly for official functions , particularly in the 1960s and 1970s . Prominent visitors included Tunku Abdul Rahman , the founding Prime Minister of Malaysia ; Spiro Agnew , the Vice @-@ President of the United States ; Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi ; Denis Healey , British Defence Secretary ; and King Hussein of Jordan . Sri Temasek was the venue for a party hosted in 1962 by Lee Kuan Yew to thank trade unionists and civil servants for their help with the referendum on Singapore joining Malaysia , and in 1983 the body of the late Minister for Finance Hon Sui Sen lay in state there . On 8 August 2008 , Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong delivered his National Day message from Sri Temasek for the first time . The wake for Madam Kwa Geok Choo , mother of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and the wife of Singaporean statesman Lee Kuan Yew , was held at Sri Temasek in October 2010 . In March 2015 , a private family wake for Lee Kuan Yew was held there . = St Nidan 's Church , Llanidan = St Nidan 's Church , Llanidan is a 19th @-@ century parish church near the village of Brynsiencyn , in Anglesey , north Wales . Built between 1839 and 1843 , it replaced the Old Church of St Nidan , Llanidan , which needed significant repair , providing a place of Anglican worship nearer to the village than the old church . Some items were moved here from the old church , including the 13th @-@ century font , two bells from the 14th and 15th century , and a reliquary thought to hold the remains of St Nidan . The tower at the west end has been described as " top heavy " and looking like " a water tower " . The church is still used for worship by the Church in Wales , one of five in a group of parishes in the south of Anglesey . It is a Grade II listed building , a national designation given to " buildings of
[ "▁special", "▁interest", "▁,", "▁which", "▁war", "rant", "▁every", "▁effort", "▁being", "▁made", "▁to", "▁preserve", "▁them", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁in", "▁particular", "▁because", "▁it", "▁is", "▁regarded", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁distinct", "ive", "▁example", "▁of", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁g", "oth", "ic", "▁rev", "ival", "▁work", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁century", "▁cl", "erg", "yman", "▁and", "▁anti", "qu", "arian", "▁Harry", "▁Long", "ue", "ville", "▁Jones", "▁said", "▁that", "▁it", "▁had", "▁been", "▁built", "▁in", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁deb", "ased", "▁bar", "bar", "ous", "▁style", "▁,", "▁showing", "▁neither", "▁architect", "ural", "▁science", "▁nor", "▁taste", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁and", "▁location", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁St", "▁N", "idan", "▁'", "s", "▁Church", "▁was", "▁built", "▁between", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "9", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "3", "▁,", "▁replacing", "▁its", "▁medieval", "▁prede", "cess", "or", "▁.", "▁The", "▁architect", "▁was", "▁John", "▁Wel", "ch", "▁,", "▁who", "▁also", "▁designed", "▁St", "▁F", "fin", "an", "▁'", "s", "▁Church", "▁,", "▁L", "lan", "ff", "in", "an", "▁,", "▁in", "▁central", "▁Ang", "les", "ey", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁built", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "1", "▁.", "▁St", "▁N", "idan", "▁'", "s", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁intended", "▁to", "▁have", "▁a", "▁sp", "ire", "▁on", "▁the", "▁west", "▁tower", "▁,", "▁but", "▁this", "▁was", "▁not", "▁added", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ch", "an", "cel", "▁was", "▁built", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "2", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁vest", "ry", "▁and", "▁organ", "▁chamber", "▁added", "▁later", "▁.", "▁The", "▁batt", "lement", "s", "▁on", "▁the", "▁tower", "▁were", "▁added", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "3", "▁,", "▁replacing", "▁the", "▁original", "▁gab", "ling", "▁.", "▁St", "▁N", "idan", "▁'", "s", "▁is", "▁set", "▁within", "▁a", "▁w", "alled", "▁church", "yard", "▁on", "▁the", "▁north", "▁of", "▁the", "▁A", "4", "0", "8", "0", "▁road", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁south", "▁of", "▁Ang", "les", "ey", "▁,", "▁Wales", "▁.", "▁The", "▁village", "▁of", "▁Bry", "ns", "ien", "c", "yn", "▁is", "▁about", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁metres", "▁(", "▁about", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁third", "▁of", "▁a", "▁mile", "▁)", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁west", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁old", "▁church", "▁of", "▁St", "▁N", "idan", "▁is", "▁about", "▁", "7", "5", "0", "▁metres", "▁(", "▁about", "▁half", "▁a", "▁mile", "▁)", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁east", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁new", "▁church", "▁was", "▁needed", "▁because", "▁the", "▁old", "▁church", "▁needed", "▁significant", "▁repair", "▁and", "▁also", "▁because", "▁the", "▁growth", "▁of", "▁Bry", "ns", "ien", "c", "yn", "▁meant", "▁that", "▁more", "▁people", "▁lived", "▁there", "▁than", "▁in", "▁L", "lan", "idan", "▁itself", "▁.", "▁Like", "▁its", "▁prede", "cess", "or", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁dedicated", "▁to", "▁N", "idan", "▁,", "▁a", "▁", "7", "th", "▁@", 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"2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁priest", "▁in", "▁charge", "▁is", "▁E", ".", "▁Roberts", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Architecture", "▁and", "▁f", "itt", "ings", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁St", "▁N", "idan", "▁'", "s", "▁is", "▁built", "▁mainly", "▁from", "▁red", "▁g", "rit", "stone", "▁rub", "ble", "▁,", "▁dressed", "▁with", "▁sand", "stone", "▁,", "▁with", "▁but", "tr", "esses", "▁at", "▁the", "▁corners", "▁;", "▁the", "▁roof", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁made", "▁from", "▁sl", "ate", "▁,", "▁has", "▁stone", "▁cop", "ings", "▁with", "▁a", "▁cross", "▁at", "▁the", "▁east", "▁end", "▁.", "▁The", "▁church", "▁is", "▁built", "▁in", "▁a", "▁cross", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁shape", "▁,", "▁in", "▁Early", "▁English", "▁style", "▁.", "▁There", "▁is", "▁a", "▁tower", "▁at", "▁the", "▁west", "▁end", "▁,", "▁which", "▁has", "▁batt", "lement", "s", "▁at", "▁the", "▁top", "▁along", "▁with", "▁a", "▁clock", "▁on", "▁the", "▁east", "▁and", "▁west", "▁sides", "▁,", "▁a", "▁b", "elf", "ry", "▁in", "▁the", "▁middle", "▁,", "▁and", "▁an", "▁entrance", "▁por", "ch", "▁with", "▁an", "▁arch", "ed", "▁door", "way", "▁at", "▁the", "▁bottom", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁two", "▁tr", "anse", "pts", "▁leading", "▁from", "▁the", "▁nave", "▁,", "▁one", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁and", "▁one", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁ch", "an", "cel", "▁at", "▁the", "▁east", "▁end", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁four", "▁\"", "▁equal", "▁and", "▁bold", "▁\"", "▁arch", "es", "▁at", "▁the", "▁crossing", "▁where", "▁nave", "▁,", "▁tr", "anse", "pts", "▁and", "▁ch", "an", "cel", "▁meet", "▁.", "▁The", "▁quadr", "ant", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sh", "aped", "▁organ", "▁room", "▁and", "▁vest", "ry", "▁are", "▁built", "▁into", "▁the", "▁eastern", "▁external", "▁angles", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ch", "an", "cel", "▁and", "▁tr", "anse", "pts", "▁,", "▁one", "▁on", "▁each", "▁side", "▁of", "▁the", "▁church", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁gallery", "▁at", "▁the", "▁west", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁nave", "▁,", "▁supported", "▁by", "▁oct", "ag", "onal", "▁columns", "▁,", "▁is", "▁reached", "▁from", "▁the", "▁entrance", "▁por", "ch", "▁;", "▁it", "▁has", "▁its", "▁p", "ew", "s", "▁set", "▁at", "▁an", "▁angle", "▁.", "▁A", "▁step", "▁leads", "▁up", "▁from", "▁the", "▁nave", "▁into", "▁the", "▁ch", "an", "cel", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁further", "▁two", "▁steps", "▁up", "▁from", "▁the", "▁ch", "an", "cel", "▁into", "▁the", "▁san", "ctu", "ary", "▁.", "▁The", "▁floor", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ch", "an", "cel", "▁and", "▁the", "▁san", "ctu", "ary", "▁are", "▁made", "▁from", "▁en", "ca", "ust", "ic", "▁t", "iles", "▁.", "▁The", "▁internal", "▁walls", "▁have", "▁been", "▁pl", "aster", "ed", "▁.", "▁The", "▁nave", "▁has", "▁two", "▁b", "ays", "▁,", "▁each", "▁lit", "▁with", "▁a", "▁l", "anc", "et", "▁window", "▁;", "▁the", "▁tr", "anse", "pts", "▁have", "▁groups", "▁of", "▁three", "▁large", "▁lan", "cent", "▁windows", "▁,", "▁as", "▁does", "▁the", "▁east", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁building", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ch", "an", "cel", "▁window", "▁dep", "ict", "s", "▁\"", "▁Fa", "ith", "▁,", "▁Hope", "▁and", "▁Char", "ity", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁by", "▁He", "aton", "▁,", "▁Butler", "▁and", "▁Bay", "ne", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "7", "▁)", "▁;", "▁it", "▁is", "▁dedicated", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "5", "th", "▁Lord", "▁Boston", "▁who", "▁died", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "7", "▁.", "▁One", "▁tr", "anse", "pt", "▁set", "▁of", "▁windows", "▁by", "▁S", "hr", "ig", "ley", "▁and", "▁H", "unt", "▁dep", "ict", "s", "▁the", "▁As", "c", "ension", "▁,", "▁in", "▁memory", "▁of", "▁Anna", "▁Maria", "▁Evans", "▁(", "▁died", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "9", "▁,", "▁wife", "▁of", "▁the", "▁vic", "ar", "▁Richard", "▁Evans", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁sand", "stone", "▁ch", "est", "▁with", "▁a", "▁glass", "▁front", "▁was", "▁moved", "▁here", "▁from", "▁the", "▁old", "▁church", "▁;", "▁local", "▁tradition", "▁maintain", "s", "▁that", "▁it", "▁holds", "▁the", "▁re", "lic", "s" ]
special interest , which warrant every effort being made to preserve them " , in particular because it is regarded as " a distinctive example of pre @-@ archaeological gothic revival work . " The 19th @-@ century clergyman and antiquarian Harry Longueville Jones said that it had been built in a " debased barbarous style , showing neither architectural science nor taste " . = = History and location = = St Nidan 's Church was built between 1839 and 1843 , replacing its medieval predecessor . The architect was John Welch , who also designed St Ffinan 's Church , Llanffinan , in central Anglesey , which was built in 1841 . St Nidan 's was originally intended to have a spire on the west tower , but this was not added . The chancel was built in 1882 , and a vestry and organ chamber added later . The battlements on the tower were added in 1933 , replacing the original gabling . St Nidan 's is set within a walled churchyard on the north of the A4080 road , in the south of Anglesey , Wales . The village of Brynsiencyn is about 500 metres ( about one @-@ third of a mile ) to the south @-@ west , and the old church of St Nidan is about 750 metres ( about half a mile ) to the south @-@ east . A new church was needed because the old church needed significant repair and also because the growth of Brynsiencyn meant that more people lived there than in Llanidan itself . Like its predecessor , it is dedicated to Nidan , a 7th @-@ century Welsh saint who was the confessor of the monastery at Penmon , on the eastern tip of Anglesey . St Nidan 's is still used for worship by the Church in Wales . It is one of five churches in the combined benefice ( parishes combined under one priest ) of Newborough with Llanidan with Llangeinwen and Llanfair @-@ yn @-@ y @-@ Cymwd . The parish is within the deanery of Tindaethwy and Menai , the archdeaconry of Bangor and the Diocese of Bangor . As of 2012 , the priest in charge is E. Roberts . = = Architecture and fittings = = St Nidan 's is built mainly from red gritstone rubble , dressed with sandstone , with buttresses at the corners ; the roof , which is made from slate , has stone copings with a cross at the east end . The church is built in a cross @-@ shape , in Early English style . There is a tower at the west end , which has battlements at the top along with a clock on the east and west sides , a belfry in the middle , and an entrance porch with an arched doorway at the bottom . There are two transepts leading from the nave , one to the north and one to the south , and a chancel at the east end . There are four " equal and bold " arches at the crossing where nave , transepts and chancel meet . The quadrant @-@ shaped organ room and vestry are built into the eastern external angles of the chancel and transepts , one on each side of the church . The gallery at the west end of the nave , supported by octagonal columns , is reached from the entrance porch ; it has its pews set at an angle . A step leads up from the nave into the chancel , with a further two steps up from the chancel into the sanctuary . The floor of the chancel and the sanctuary are made from encaustic tiles . The internal walls have been plastered . The nave has two bays , each lit with a lancet window ; the transepts have groups of three large lancent windows , as does the east end of the building . The chancel window depicts " Faith , Hope and Charity " , by Heaton , Butler and Bayne ( 1877 ) ; it is dedicated to the 5th Lord Boston who died in 1897 . One transept set of windows by Shrigley and Hunt depicts the Ascension , in memory of Anna Maria Evans ( died 1929 , wife of the vicar Richard Evans ) . A sandstone chest with a glass front was moved here from the old church ; local tradition maintains that it holds the relics
[ "▁of", "▁St", "▁N", "idan", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁discovered", "▁under", "▁the", "▁alt", "ar", "▁of", "▁the", "▁old", "▁church", "▁,", "▁and", "▁may", "▁date", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "1", "6", "th", "▁century", "▁.", "▁The", "▁church", "▁also", "▁has", "▁p", "ew", "s", "▁made", "▁of", "▁p", "ine", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁semi", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁oct", "ag", "onal", "▁pul", "pit", "▁with", "▁decor", "ated", "▁pan", "els", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁survey", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Commission", "▁on", "▁An", "cient", "▁and", "▁Historical", "▁Mon", "uments", "▁in", "▁Wales", "▁and", "▁Mon", "mouth", "shire", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁noted", "▁which", "▁of", "▁the", "▁church", "▁'", "s", "▁contents", "▁had", "▁come", "▁from", "▁the", "▁old", "▁church", "▁.", "▁The", "▁report", "▁listed", "▁the", "▁font", "▁,", "▁which", "▁has", "▁car", "ved", "▁decor", "ation", "▁and", "▁dates", "▁from", "▁the", "▁early", "▁", "1", "3", "th", "▁century", "▁;", "▁two", "▁b", "ells", "▁,", "▁one", "▁from", "▁the", "▁first", "▁half", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "4", "th", "▁century", "▁(", "▁ins", "cribed", "▁\"", "▁+", "▁E", "▁:", "▁D", "▁:", "▁A", "▁:", "▁N", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁and", "▁another", "▁from", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "5", "th", "▁century", "▁(", "▁ins", "cribed", "▁\"", "▁TH", "O", "MA", "S", "▁AP", "▁M", "ER", "EDIT", "H", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁;", "▁and", "▁a", "▁car", "ved", "▁o", "ak", "▁chair", "▁from", "▁the", "▁time", "▁of", "▁Charles", "▁II", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁a", "▁survey", "▁of", "▁church", "▁plate", "▁within", "▁the", "▁Bang", "or", "▁dioc", "ese", "▁recorded", "▁that", "▁St", "▁N", "idan", "▁'", "s", "▁had", "▁a", "▁silver", "▁ch", "al", "ice", "▁and", "▁al", "ms", "▁d", "ish", "▁.", "▁These", "▁were", "▁don", "ated", "▁probably", "▁in", "▁", "1", "7", "0", "1", "▁and", "▁re", "made", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "1", "▁–", "▁", "7", "2", "▁.", "▁It", "▁also", "▁had", "▁a", "▁silver", "▁pat", "en", "▁and", "▁two", "▁cru", "ets", "▁with", "▁silver", "▁handles", "▁,", "▁all", "▁marked", "▁with", "▁the", "▁date", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "1", "▁–", "▁", "7", "2", "▁.", "▁Records", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁century", "▁indicated", "▁that", "▁two", "▁tank", "ards", "▁(", "▁one", "▁silver", "▁,", "▁one", "▁p", "ew", "ter", "▁)", "▁and", "▁a", "▁silver", "▁ch", "al", "ice", "▁had", "▁been", "▁lost", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁church", "yard", "▁contains", "▁the", "▁grave", "▁of", "▁Sir", "▁Ell", "is", "▁Ell", "is", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Griff", "ith", "▁,", "▁", "1", "st", "▁Baron", "et", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁MP", "▁for", "▁Ang", "les", "ey", "▁for", "▁", "2", "5", "▁years", "▁.", "▁The", "▁grave", "▁,", "▁by", "▁the", "▁church", "▁'", "s", "▁north", "▁wall", "▁,", "▁has", "▁a", "▁b", "ust", "▁of", "▁the", "▁politician", "▁we", "aring", "▁a", "▁wing", "▁col", "lar", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁people", "▁buried", "▁here", "▁include", "▁the", "▁Pres", "by", "ter", "ian", "▁minister", "▁and", "▁the", "olog", "ian", "▁J", ".", "▁E", ".", "▁Hugh", "es", "▁,", "▁who", "▁died", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "9", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁four", "▁Commonwealth", "▁war", "▁gra", "ves", "▁,", "▁of", "▁a", "▁British", "▁Army", "▁soldier", "▁of", "▁World", "▁War", "▁I", "▁and", "▁three", "▁soldiers", "▁of", "▁World", "▁War", "▁II", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ass", "ess", "ment", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁church", "▁has", "▁national", "▁recognition", "▁and", "▁stat", "ut", "ory", "▁protection", "▁from", "▁alter", "ation", "▁as", "▁it", "▁has", "▁been", "▁designated", "▁as", "▁a", "▁Gra", "de", "▁II", "▁listed", "▁building", "▁–", "▁the", "▁lowest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁three", "▁gr", "ades", "▁of", "▁listing", "▁,", "▁design", "ating", "▁\"", "▁buildings", "▁of", "▁special", "▁interest", "▁,", "▁which", "▁war", "rant", "▁every", "▁effort", "▁being", "▁made", "▁to", "▁preserve", "▁them", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁given", "▁this", "▁status", "▁on", "▁", "3", "0", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "8", "▁,", "▁and", "▁has", "▁been", "▁listed", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁small", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁century", "▁church", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Cad", "w", "▁(", "▁the", "▁Wel", "sh", "▁Assembly", "▁Government", "▁body", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁the", "▁built", "▁her", "itage", "▁of", "▁Wales", "▁and", "▁the", "▁inclusion", "▁of", "▁Wel", "sh", "▁buildings", "▁on", "▁the", "▁stat", "ut", "ory", "▁lists", "▁)", "▁describes", "▁the", "▁church", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁distinct", "ive", "▁example", "▁of", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁arch", "ae", "ological", "▁g", "oth", "ic", "▁rev", "ival", "▁work", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Writing", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "6", "▁,", "▁the", "▁cl", "erg", "yman", "▁and", "▁anti", "qu", "arian", "▁Harry", "▁Long", "ue", "ville", "▁Jones", "▁condem", "ned", "▁the", "▁treatment", "▁of", "▁the", "▁old", "▁church", "▁,", "▁which", "▁he", "▁said", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁largest", "▁and", "▁most", "▁important", "▁in", "▁the", "▁island", "▁of", "▁Ang", "les", "ey", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁given", "▁its", "▁architecture", "▁,", "▁contents", "▁and", "▁trad", "itions", "▁.", "▁He", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁new", "▁church", "▁had", "▁been", "▁built", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁a", "▁deb", "ased", "▁bar", "bar", "ous", "▁style", "▁,", "▁showing", "▁neither", "▁architect", "ural", "▁science", "▁nor", "▁taste", "▁,", "▁and", "▁without", "▁any", "▁example", "▁or", "▁anal", "ogy", "▁amongst", "▁the", "▁ecc", "les", "iast", "ical", "▁edific", "es", "▁of", "▁any", "▁age", "▁,", "▁except", "▁the", "▁present", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁also", "▁described", "▁it", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "3", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁that", "▁hide", "ous", "▁p", "ile", "▁...", "▁a", "▁pain", "fully", "▁impress", "ive", "▁example", "▁of", "▁architect", "ural", "▁bad", "▁taste", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁font", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁most", "▁interesting", "▁as", "▁a", "▁work", "▁of", "▁art", "▁(", "▁not", "▁later", "▁than", "▁the", "▁th", "ir", "teenth", "▁century", "▁)", "▁extent", "▁in", "▁Ang", "les", "ey", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁although", "▁he", "▁did", "▁not", "▁consider", "▁that", "▁its", "▁design", "▁or", "▁execution", "▁matched", "▁that", "▁of", "▁the", "▁font", "▁at", "▁St", "▁Ce", "in", "wen", "▁'", "s", "▁Church", "▁,", "▁L", "l", "ange", "in", "wen", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁highly", "▁valuable", "▁spec", "imen", "▁of", "▁medieval", "▁taste", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁reli", "qu", "ary", "▁,", "▁he", "▁added", "▁,", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁unique", "▁,", "▁so", "▁far", "▁as", "▁Wales", "▁is", "▁concerned", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁century", "▁writer", "▁Samuel", "▁Lewis", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁new", "▁church", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁apparently", "▁of", "▁substantial", "▁construction", "▁,", "▁but", "▁is", "▁much", "▁inferior", "▁in", "▁style", "▁to", "▁the", "▁old", "▁building", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁historian", "▁and", "▁cl", "erg", "yman", "▁Edmund", "▁T", "yr", "rell", "▁Green", "▁,", "▁writing", "▁a", "▁survey", "▁of", "▁Ang", "les", "ey", "▁church", "▁architecture", "▁and", "▁contents", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "9", "▁,", "▁described", "▁the", "▁church", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁hide", "ous", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁although", "▁he", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁font", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁remarkable", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁its", "▁\"", "▁very", "▁grace", "ful", "▁patterns", "▁in", "▁relief", "▁showing", "▁influence", "▁of", "▁Greek", "▁classical", "▁design", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁A", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁guide", "▁to", "▁the", "▁churches", "▁of", "▁Ang", "les", "ey", "▁says", "▁that", "▁it", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁of", "▁fairly", "▁unusual", "▁appearance", "▁,", "▁not", "▁at", "▁all", "▁typical", "▁of", "▁Ang", "les", "ey", "▁churches", "▁in", "▁its", "▁stone", "work", "▁or", "▁the", "▁shape", "▁of", "▁the", "▁cast", "elled", "▁tower", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁It", "▁comments", "▁that", "▁the", "▁organ", "▁and", "▁vest", "ry", "▁were", "▁in", "▁\"", "▁unus", "ually", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sh", "aped", "▁rooms", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁notes", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁orn", "ate", "▁st", "ained", "▁glass", "▁\"", "▁of", "▁the", "▁As", "c", "ension", "▁." ]
of St Nidan . It was discovered under the altar of the old church , and may date from the 16th century . The church also has pews made of pine , and a semi @-@ octagonal pulpit with decorated panels . A survey by the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments in Wales and Monmouthshire in 1937 noted which of the church 's contents had come from the old church . The report listed the font , which has carved decoration and dates from the early 13th century ; two bells , one from the first half of the 14th century ( inscribed " + E : D : A : N " ) and another from the latter part of the 15th century ( inscribed " THOMAS AP MEREDITH " ) ; and a carved oak chair from the time of Charles II . In 1906 , a survey of church plate within the Bangor diocese recorded that St Nidan 's had a silver chalice and alms dish . These were donated probably in 1701 and remade in 1871 – 72 . It also had a silver paten and two cruets with silver handles , all marked with the date 1871 – 72 . Records from the 19th century indicated that two tankards ( one silver , one pewter ) and a silver chalice had been lost . The churchyard contains the grave of Sir Ellis Ellis @-@ Griffith , 1st Baronet , who was MP for Anglesey for 25 years . The grave , by the church 's north wall , has a bust of the politician wearing a wing collar . Other people buried here include the Presbyterian minister and theologian J. E. Hughes , who died in 1959 . There are four Commonwealth war graves , of a British Army soldier of World War I and three soldiers of World War II . = = Assessment = = The church has national recognition and statutory protection from alteration as it has been designated as a Grade II listed building – the lowest of the three grades of listing , designating " buildings of special interest , which warrant every effort being made to preserve them " . It was given this status on 30 January 1968 , and has been listed as " a small early 19th @-@ century church " . Cadw ( the Welsh Assembly Government body responsible for the built heritage of Wales and the inclusion of Welsh buildings on the statutory lists ) describes the church as " a distinctive example of pre @-@ archaeological gothic revival work . " Writing in 1846 , the clergyman and antiquarian Harry Longueville Jones condemned the treatment of the old church , which he said was " one of the largest and most important in the island of Anglesey " , given its architecture , contents and traditions . He said that the new church had been built " in a debased barbarous style , showing neither architectural science nor taste , and without any example or analogy amongst the ecclesiastical edifices of any age , except the present . " He also described it in 1863 as " that hideous pile ... a painfully impressive example of architectural bad taste . " He said that the font was " one of the most interesting as a work of art ( not later than the thirteenth century ) extent in Anglesey " , and although he did not consider that its design or execution matched that of the font at St Ceinwen 's Church , Llangeinwen , it was " a highly valuable specimen of medieval taste . " The reliquary , he added , was " unique , so far as Wales is concerned " . The 19th @-@ century writer Samuel Lewis said that the new church was " apparently of substantial construction , but is much inferior in style to the old building . " The historian and clergyman Edmund Tyrrell Green , writing a survey of Anglesey church architecture and contents in 1929 , described the church as " hideous " , although he said that the font was " remarkable " for its " very graceful patterns in relief showing influence of Greek classical design . " A 2006 guide to the churches of Anglesey says that it is " of fairly unusual appearance , not at all typical of Anglesey churches in its stonework or the shape of the castelled tower " . It comments that the organ and vestry were in " unusually @-@ shaped rooms " , and notes the " ornate stained glass " of the Ascension .
[ "▁A", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁guide", "▁to", "▁the", "▁buildings", "▁of", "▁the", "▁region", "▁says", "▁that", "▁the", "▁church", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁b", "older", "▁\"", "▁than", "▁John", "▁Wel", "ch", "▁'", "s", "▁similarly", "▁designed", "▁church", "▁at", "▁L", "land", "ud", "no", "▁.", "▁It", "▁describes", "▁the", "▁tower", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁top", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁heavy", "▁with", "▁batt", "lement", "s", "▁...", "▁like", "▁a", "▁water", "▁tower", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁adds", "▁that", "▁the", "▁se", "ating", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁crow", "ded", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁film", "▁)", "▁=", "▁", "▁Marvel", "▁'", "s", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁(", "▁class", "ified", "▁under", "▁the", "▁name", "▁Marvel", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁Ass", "emble", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁and", "▁Ireland", "▁)", "▁,", "▁or", "▁simply", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁,", "▁is", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁American", "▁super", "h", "ero", "▁film", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Marvel", "▁Comics", "▁super", "h", "ero", "▁team", "▁of", "▁the", "▁same", "▁name", "▁,", "▁produced", "▁by", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁and", "▁distributed", "▁by", "▁W", "alt", "▁Disney", "▁Studios", "▁Mot", "ion", "▁Pictures", ".", "1", "▁It", "▁is", "▁the", "▁sixth", "▁film", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Marvel", "▁Cin", "ematic", "▁Un", "iverse", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁was", "▁written", "▁and", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁J", "oss", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁and", "▁features", "▁an", "▁ensemble", "▁cast", "▁that", "▁includes", "▁Robert", "▁Dow", "ney", "▁Jr", "▁.", "▁,", "▁Chris", "▁Evans", "▁,", "▁Mark", "▁R", "uff", "alo", "▁,", "▁Chris", "▁H", "ems", "worth", "▁,", "▁Sc", "ar", "lett", "▁Joh", "ans", "son", "▁,", "▁Jer", "emy", "▁Ren", "ner", "▁,", "▁Tom", "▁H", "idd", "l", "eston", "▁,", "▁Clark", "▁Gre", "gg", "▁,", "▁Cob", "ie", "▁Sm", "ul", "ders", "▁,", "▁St", "ellan", "▁Sk", "ars", "g", "år", "d", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Samuel", "▁L", ".", "▁Jackson", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁Nick", "▁F", "ury", "▁,", "▁director", "▁of", "▁the", "▁peace", "keep", "ing", "▁organization", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁,", "▁rec", "ruits", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁,", "▁Captain", "▁America", "▁,", "▁the", "▁H", "ulk", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Thor", "▁to", "▁form", "▁a", "▁team", "▁that", "▁must", "▁stop", "▁Thor", "▁'", "s", "▁brother", "▁L", "oki", "▁from", "▁sub", "j", "ug", "ating", "▁Earth", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁development", "▁began", "▁when", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁received", "▁a", "▁loan", "▁from", "▁M", "err", "ill", "▁Lyn", "ch", "▁in", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁success", "▁of", "▁the", "▁film", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁in", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁Marvel", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁would", "▁be", "▁released", "▁in", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁With", "▁the", "▁signing", "▁of", "▁Joh", "ans", "son", "▁in", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁the", "▁film", "▁was", "▁pushed", "▁back", "▁for", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁release", "▁.", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁was", "▁brought", "▁on", "▁board", "▁in", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁and", "▁re", "w", "rote", "▁the", "▁original", "▁screen", "play", "▁by", "▁Zak", "▁P", "enn", "▁.", "▁Production", "▁began", "▁in", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁in", "▁Al", "bu", "quer", "que", "▁,", "▁New", "▁Mexico", "▁,", "▁before", "▁moving", "▁to", "▁Cleveland", "▁,", "▁Ohio", "▁,", "▁in", "▁August", "▁and", "▁New", "▁York", "▁City", "▁in", "▁September", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁was", "▁converted", "▁to", "▁", "3", "D", "▁in", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁production", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁premier", "ed", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁at", "▁Hollywood", "▁'", "s", "▁El", "▁Cap", "itan", "▁Theatre", "▁and", "▁was", "▁released", "▁the", "atr", "ically", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁on", "▁May", "▁", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁gar", "ner", "ed", "▁numerous", "▁critical", "▁awards", "▁and", "▁nomin", "ations", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Academy", "▁Award", "▁and", "▁B", "AF", "TA", "▁nomin", "ations", "▁for", "▁achiev", "ements", "▁in", "▁visual", "▁effects", "▁and", "▁has", "▁set", "▁or", "▁tied", "▁numerous", "▁box", "▁office", "▁records", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁biggest", "▁opening", "▁week", "end", "▁in", "▁North", "▁America", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁gross", "ed", "▁over", "▁$", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁billion", "▁world", "wide", "▁,", "▁and", "▁became", "▁the", "▁third", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁highest", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gross", "ing", "▁film", "▁during", "▁its", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁run", "▁—", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁the", "▁first", "▁Marvel", "▁production", "▁to", "▁generate", "▁$", "▁", "1", "▁billion", "▁in", "▁ticket", "▁sales", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁Bl", "u", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ray", "▁Disc", "▁and", "▁DVD", "▁on", "▁September", "▁", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁A", "▁sequ", "el", "▁,", "▁titled", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁:", "▁Age", "▁of", "▁Ul", "tr", "on", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁May", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁while", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁part", "▁sequ", "el", "▁,", "▁titled", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁:", "▁In", "fin", "ity", "▁War", "▁is", "▁currently", "▁in", "▁development", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Part", "▁", "1", "▁scheduled", "▁for", "▁a", "▁May", "▁", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "8", "▁release", "▁date", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Part", "▁", "2", "▁scheduled", "▁to", "▁be", "▁released", "▁on", "▁May", "▁", "3", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Plot", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁As", "g", "ard", "ian", "▁L", "oki", "▁enc", "oun", "ters", "▁the", "▁Other", "▁,", "▁the", "▁leader", "▁of", "▁an", "▁extr", "ater", "rest", "rial", "▁race", "▁known", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Ch", "ita", "uri", "▁.", "▁In", "▁exchange", "▁for", "▁retr", "ieving", "▁the", "▁T", "esser", "act", "▁,", "▁", "2", "▁a", "▁powerful", "▁energy", "▁source", "▁of", "▁unknown", "▁potential", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Other", "▁promises", "▁L", "oki", "▁an", "▁army", "▁with", "▁which", "▁he", "▁can", "▁sub", "j", "ug", "ate", "▁Earth", "▁.", "▁Nick", "▁F", "ury", "▁,", "▁director", "▁of", "▁the", "▁esp", "ion", "age", "▁ag", "ency", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁lieutenant", "▁Agent", "▁Maria", "▁Hill", "▁arrive", "▁at", "▁a", "▁remote", "▁research", "▁facility", "▁during", "▁an", "▁ev", "acu", "ation", "▁,", "▁where", "▁phys", "ic", "ist", "▁Dr", ".", "▁Erik", "▁Sel", "v", "ig", "▁is", "▁leading", "▁a", "▁research", "▁team", "▁experiment", "ing", "▁on", "▁the", "▁T", "esser", "act", "▁.", "▁Agent", "▁Phil", "▁C", "oul", "son", "▁explains", "▁that", "▁the", "▁object", "▁has", "▁begun", "▁radi", "ating", "▁an", "▁unusual", "▁form", "▁of", "▁energy", "▁.", "▁The", "▁T", "esser", "act", "▁suddenly", "▁activ", "ates", "▁and", "▁opens", "▁a", "▁w", "orm", "hole", "▁,", "▁allowing", "▁L", "oki", "▁to", "▁reach", "▁Earth", "▁.", "▁L", "oki", "▁takes", "▁the", "▁T", "esser", "act", "▁and", "▁uses", "▁his", "▁s", "cep", "ter", "▁to", "▁ens", "lave", "▁Sel", "v", "ig", "▁and", "▁a", "▁couple", "▁of", "▁agents", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Cl", "int", "▁Bart", "on", "▁,", "▁to", "▁aid", "▁him", "▁in", "▁his", "▁get", "away", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁response", "▁to", "▁the", "▁attack", "▁,", "▁F", "ury", "▁react", "iv", "ates", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁In", "iti", "ative", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Agent", "▁Nat", "asha", "▁Rom", "ano", "ff", "▁is", "▁sent", "▁to", "▁Cal", "cut", "ta", "▁to", "▁rec", "ruit", "▁Dr", ".", "▁Bruce", "▁B", "anner", "▁to", "▁trace", "▁the", "▁T", "esser", "act", "▁through", "▁its", "▁g", "amma", "▁radiation", "▁em", "issions", "▁.", "▁C", "oul", "son", "▁vis", "its", "▁Tony", "▁St", "ark", "▁to" ]
A 2009 guide to the buildings of the region says that the church is " bolder " than John Welch 's similarly designed church at Llandudno . It describes the tower as " top @-@ heavy with battlements ... like a water tower " , and adds that the seating is " crowded " . = The Avengers ( 2012 film ) = Marvel 's The Avengers ( classified under the name Marvel Avengers Assemble in the United Kingdom and Ireland ) , or simply The Avengers , is a 2012 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name , produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.1 It is the sixth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe . The film was written and directed by Joss Whedon and features an ensemble cast that includes Robert Downey Jr . , Chris Evans , Mark Ruffalo , Chris Hemsworth , Scarlett Johansson , Jeremy Renner , Tom Hiddleston , Clark Gregg , Cobie Smulders , Stellan Skarsgård , and Samuel L. Jackson . In the film , Nick Fury , director of the peacekeeping organization S.H.I.E.L.D. , recruits Iron Man , Captain America , the Hulk , and Thor to form a team that must stop Thor 's brother Loki from subjugating Earth . The film 's development began when Marvel Studios received a loan from Merrill Lynch in April 2005 . After the success of the film Iron Man in May 2008 , Marvel announced that The Avengers would be released in July 2011 . With the signing of Johansson in March 2009 , the film was pushed back for a 2012 release . Whedon was brought on board in April 2010 and rewrote the original screenplay by Zak Penn . Production began in April 2011 in Albuquerque , New Mexico , before moving to Cleveland , Ohio , in August and New York City in September . The film was converted to 3D in post @-@ production . The Avengers premiered on April 11 , 2012 , at Hollywood 's El Capitan Theatre and was released theatrically in the United States on May 4 , 2012 . The film garnered numerous critical awards and nominations , including Academy Award and BAFTA nominations for achievements in visual effects and has set or tied numerous box office records , including the biggest opening weekend in North America . The Avengers grossed over $ 1 @.@ 5 billion worldwide , and became the third @-@ highest @-@ grossing film during its theatrical run — as well as the first Marvel production to generate $ 1 billion in ticket sales . The film was released on Blu @-@ ray Disc and DVD on September 25 , 2012 . A sequel , titled Avengers : Age of Ultron , was released on May 1 , 2015 , while a two @-@ part sequel , titled Avengers : Infinity War is currently in development , with Part 1 scheduled for a May 4 , 2018 release date , and Part 2 scheduled to be released on May 3 , 2019 . = = Plot = = The Asgardian Loki encounters the Other , the leader of an extraterrestrial race known as the Chitauri . In exchange for retrieving the Tesseract , 2 a powerful energy source of unknown potential , the Other promises Loki an army with which he can subjugate Earth . Nick Fury , director of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D. , and his lieutenant Agent Maria Hill arrive at a remote research facility during an evacuation , where physicist Dr. Erik Selvig is leading a research team experimenting on the Tesseract . Agent Phil Coulson explains that the object has begun radiating an unusual form of energy . The Tesseract suddenly activates and opens a wormhole , allowing Loki to reach Earth . Loki takes the Tesseract and uses his scepter to enslave Selvig and a couple of agents , including Clint Barton , to aid him in his getaway . In response to the attack , Fury reactivates the " Avengers Initiative " . Agent Natasha Romanoff is sent to Calcutta to recruit Dr. Bruce Banner to trace the Tesseract through its gamma radiation emissions . Coulson visits Tony Stark to
[ "▁have", "▁him", "▁review", "▁Sel", "v", "ig", "▁'", "s", "▁research", "▁,", "▁and", "▁F", "ury", "▁approaches", "▁Steve", "▁Rog", "ers", "▁with", "▁an", "▁assignment", "▁to", "▁retrieve", "▁the", "▁T", "esser", "act", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁Stuttgart", "▁,", "▁Bart", "on", "▁ste", "als", "▁ir", "id", "ium", "▁needed", "▁to", "▁stabil", "ize", "▁the", "▁T", "esser", "act", "▁'", "s", "▁power", "▁while", "▁L", "oki", "▁causes", "▁a", "▁dist", "raction", "▁,", "▁leading", "▁to", "▁a", "▁confront", "ation", "▁with", "▁Rog", "ers", "▁,", "▁St", "ark", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Rom", "ano", "ff", "▁that", "▁ends", "▁with", "▁L", "oki", "▁'", "s", "▁surrender", "▁.", "▁While", "▁L", "oki", "▁is", "▁being", "▁esc", "orted", "▁to", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁,", "▁Thor", "▁,", "▁his", "▁adopt", "ive", "▁brother", "▁,", "▁arriv", "es", "▁and", "▁fre", "es", "▁him", "▁,", "▁hoping", "▁to", "▁conv", "ince", "▁him", "▁to", "▁abandon", "▁his", "▁plan", "▁and", "▁return", "▁to", "▁As", "g", "ard", "▁.", "▁After", "▁a", "▁confront", "ation", "▁with", "▁St", "ark", "▁and", "▁Rog", "ers", "▁,", "▁Thor", "▁agre", "es", "▁to", "▁take", "▁L", "oki", "▁to", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁'", "▁s", "▁flying", "▁aircraft", "▁car", "rier", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Hel", "ic", "ar", "rier", "▁.", "▁There", "▁L", "oki", "▁is", "▁imprison", "ed", "▁while", "▁B", "anner", "▁and", "▁St", "ark", "▁attempt", "▁to", "▁locate", "▁the", "▁T", "esser", "act", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁become", "▁divided", "▁,", "▁both", "▁over", "▁how", "▁to", "▁approach", "▁L", "oki", "▁and", "▁the", "▁revel", "ation", "▁that", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁plans", "▁to", "▁har", "ness", "▁the", "▁T", "esser", "act", "▁to", "▁develop", "▁weapons", "▁as", "▁a", "▁d", "eter", "rent", "▁against", "▁host", "ile", "▁extr", "ater", "rest", "ri", "als", "▁.", "▁As", "▁the", "▁group", "▁arg", "ues", "▁,", "▁Bart", "on", "▁and", 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"act", "▁to", "▁As", "g", "ard", "▁,", "▁while", "▁F", "ury", "▁express", "es", "▁confidence", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁will", "▁return", "▁if", "▁and", "▁when", "▁they", "▁are", "▁needed", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁a", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cred", "its", "▁scene", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Other", "▁conf", "ers", "▁with", "▁his", "▁master", "3", "▁about", "▁the", "▁failed", "▁attack", "▁on", "▁Earth", "▁.", "▁In", "▁a", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cred", "its", "▁scene", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁eat", "▁in", "▁silence", "▁at", "▁a", "▁sh", "aw", "arma", "▁restaurant", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cast", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Robert", "▁Dow", "ney", "▁Jr", ".", "▁as", "▁Tony", "▁St", "ark", "▁/", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁:", "▁", "▁A", "▁self", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁described", "▁genius", "▁,", "▁billion", "aire", "▁,", "▁play", "boy", "▁,", "▁and", "▁phil", "anth", "rop", "ist", "▁with", "▁an", "▁elect", "rome", "chan", "ical", "▁suit", "▁of", "▁arm", "or", "▁of", "▁his", "▁own", "▁in", 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]
have him review Selvig 's research , and Fury approaches Steve Rogers with an assignment to retrieve the Tesseract . In Stuttgart , Barton steals iridium needed to stabilize the Tesseract 's power while Loki causes a distraction , leading to a confrontation with Rogers , Stark , and Romanoff that ends with Loki 's surrender . While Loki is being escorted to S.H.I.E.L.D. , Thor , his adoptive brother , arrives and frees him , hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and return to Asgard . After a confrontation with Stark and Rogers , Thor agrees to take Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D. ' s flying aircraft carrier , the Helicarrier . There Loki is imprisoned while Banner and Stark attempt to locate the Tesseract . The Avengers become divided , both over how to approach Loki and the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. plans to harness the Tesseract to develop weapons as a deterrent against hostile extraterrestrials . As the group argues , Barton and Loki 's other possessed agents attack the Helicarrier , disabling its engines in flight and causing Banner to transform into the Hulk . Stark and Rogers try to restart the damaged engine , and Thor attempts to stop the Hulk 's rampage . Romanoff fights Barton , and knocks him unconscious , breaking Loki 's mind control . Loki escapes after killing Coulson and ejecting Thor from the airship , while the Hulk falls to the ground after attacking a S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter jet . Fury uses Coulson 's death to motivate the Avengers into working as a team . Stark and Rogers realize that for Loki , simply defeating them will not be enough ; he needs to overpower them publicly to validate himself as ruler of Earth . Loki uses the Tesseract , in conjunction with a device Selvig built , to open a wormhole above Stark Tower to the Chitauri fleet in space , launching his invasion . The Avengers rally in defense of New York City , the wormhole 's location , but quickly realize they will be overwhelmed as wave after wave of Chitauri descend upon Earth . Banner arrives and transforms into the Hulk , and together he , Rogers , Stark , Thor , Barton , and Romanoff battle the Chitauri while evacuating civilians . The Hulk finds Loki and beats him into submission . Romanoff makes her way to the wormhole generator , where Selvig , freed of Loki 's control , reveals that Loki 's scepter can be used to shut down the generator . Meanwhile , Fury 's superiors attempt to end the invasion by launching a nuclear missile at Midtown Manhattan . Stark intercepts the missile and takes it through the wormhole toward the Chitauri fleet . The missile detonates , destroying the Chitauri mothership and disabling their forces on Earth . Stark 's suit runs out of power , and he falls back through the wormhole just as Romanoff closes it . Stark goes into freefall , but the Hulk saves him from crashing to the ground . In the aftermath , Thor returns Loki and the Tesseract to Asgard , while Fury expresses confidence that the Avengers will return if and when they are needed . In a mid @-@ credits scene , the Other confers with his master3 about the failed attack on Earth . In a post @-@ credits scene , the Avengers eat in silence at a shawarma restaurant . = = Cast = = Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron Man : A self @-@ described genius , billionaire , playboy , and philanthropist with an electromechanical suit of armor of his own invention . Downey was cast as part of his four @-@ picture deal with Marvel Studios , which includes Iron Man 2 and The Avengers . Downey said that he initially pushed Whedon to make Stark the lead : " Well , I said , ' I need to be in the opening sequence . I don 't know what you 're thinking , but Tony needs to drive this thing . ' He was like , ' Okay , let 's try that . ' We tried it and it didn 't work , because this is a different sort of thing , the story and the idea and the theme is
[ "▁the", "▁theme", "▁,", "▁and", "▁everybody", "▁is", "▁just", "▁an", "▁arm", "▁of", "▁the", "▁oct", "opus", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁About", "▁the", "▁character", "▁'", "s", "▁evolution", "▁from", "▁previous", "▁films", "▁,", "▁Dow", "ney", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁an", "▁origin", "▁story", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁his", "▁own", "▁e", "pi", "ph", "any", "▁and", "▁re", "dem", "ption", "▁of", "▁sorts", "▁.", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁", "2", "▁is", "▁all", "▁about", "▁not", "▁being", "▁an", "▁island", "▁,", "▁dealing", "▁with", "▁legacy", "▁issues", "▁and", "▁making", "▁space", "▁for", "▁others", "▁.", "▁.", "▁.", "▁In", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁,", "▁he", "▁'", "s", "▁throwing", "▁it", "▁down", "▁with", "▁the", "▁others", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Chris", "▁Evans", "▁as", "▁Steve", "▁Rog", "ers", "▁/", "▁Captain", "▁America", "▁:", "▁", "▁A", "▁World", "▁War", "▁II", "▁veter", "an", "▁who", "▁was", "▁en", "hanced", "▁to", "▁the", "▁peak", "▁of", "▁human", "▁physical", "ity", "▁by", "▁an", "▁experimental", "▁ser", "um", "▁and", "▁fro", "zen", "▁in", "▁susp", "ended", "▁animation", "▁before", "▁w", "aking", "▁up", "▁in", "▁the", "▁modern", "▁world", "▁.", "▁Evans", "▁was", "▁cast", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁deal", "▁to", "▁star", "▁in", "▁three", "▁Marvel", "▁films", "▁,", "▁in", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁.", "▁Evans", "▁said", "▁that", "▁Steve", "▁Rog", "ers", "▁is", "▁much", "▁dark", "er", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁just", "▁about", "▁him", "▁trying", "▁to", "▁come", "▁to", "▁terms", "▁with", "▁the", "▁modern", "▁world", "▁.", "▁You", "▁'", "ve", "▁got", "▁to", "▁imagine", "▁,", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁enough", "▁of", "▁a", "▁shock", "▁to", "▁accept", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁that", "▁you", "▁'", "re", "▁in", "▁a", "▁completely", "▁different", "▁time", "▁,", "▁but", "▁everybody", "▁you", "▁know", "▁is", "▁dead", "▁.", "▁Every", "body", "▁you", "▁c", "ared", "▁about", "▁.", "▁.", 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"ulk", "▁.", "▁R", "uff", "alo", "▁told", "▁New", "▁York", "▁magazine", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁really", "▁excited", "▁.", "▁No", "▁one", "▁'", "s", "▁ever", "▁played", "▁the", "▁H", "ulk", "▁exactly", "▁;", "▁they", "▁'", "ve", "▁always", "▁done", "▁CG", "I", "▁.", "▁They", "▁'", "re", "▁going", "▁to", "▁do", "▁the", "▁Av", "atar", "▁stop", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁action", "▁,", "▁stop", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁motion", "▁capture", "▁.", "▁So", "▁I", "▁'", "ll", "▁actually", "▁play", "▁the", "▁H", "ulk", "▁.", "▁That", "▁'", "ll", "▁be", "▁fun", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "3", "D", "▁model", "▁used", "▁to", "▁create", "▁the", "▁H", "ulk", "▁'", "s", "▁body", "▁was", "▁mode", "led", "▁after", "▁Long", "▁Island", "▁body", "builder", "▁and", "▁male", "▁stri", "pper", "▁Steve", "▁R", "omm", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁H", "ulk", "▁'", "s", "▁face", "▁was", "▁mode", "led", "▁after", "▁R", "uff", "alo", "▁.", "▁To", "▁create", "▁the", "▁H", "ulk", "▁'", "s", "▁voice", "▁,", "▁R", "uff", "alo", "▁'", "s", "▁voice", "▁was", "▁bl", "ended", "▁with", "▁those", "▁of", "▁Lou", "▁Ferr", "ign", "o", "▁and", "▁others", "▁;", "▁however", "▁,", "▁the", "▁H", "ulk", "▁'", "s", "▁only", "▁speaking", "▁line", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁P", "un", "y", "▁god", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁was", "▁provided", "▁sole", "ly", "▁by", "▁R", "uff", "alo", "▁.", "▁", "▁Chris", "▁H", "ems", "worth", "▁as", "▁Thor", "▁:", "▁", "▁The", "▁crown", "▁prince", "▁of", "▁As", "g", "ard", "▁,", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Nor", "se", "▁myth", "ological", "▁de", "ity", "▁of", "▁the", "▁same", "▁name", "▁.", "▁H", "ems", "worth", "▁was", "▁cast", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁multiple", "▁movie", "▁deal", "▁.", "▁He", "▁had", "▁previously", "▁worked", "▁with", "▁J", "oss", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁on", "▁The", "▁Cab", "in", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Wood", "s", "▁.", "▁H", "ems", "worth", "▁said", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁maintain", "▁the", "▁strength", "▁he", "▁built", "▁up", "▁for", "▁Thor", "▁by", "▁increasing", "▁his", "▁food", "▁int", "ake", "▁,", "▁consisting", "▁of", "▁ch", "icken", "▁bre", "asts", "▁,", "▁fish", "▁,", "▁ste", "ak", "▁,", "▁and" ]
the theme , and everybody is just an arm of the octopus . " About the character 's evolution from previous films , Downey said , " In Iron Man , which was an origin story , he was his own epiphany and redemption of sorts . Iron Man 2 is all about not being an island , dealing with legacy issues and making space for others . . . In The Avengers , he 's throwing it down with the others " . Chris Evans as Steve Rogers / Captain America : A World War II veteran who was enhanced to the peak of human physicality by an experimental serum and frozen in suspended animation before waking up in the modern world . Evans was cast as part of a deal to star in three Marvel films , in addition to The Avengers . Evans said that Steve Rogers is much darker in The Avengers : " It 's just about him trying to come to terms with the modern world . You 've got to imagine , it 's enough of a shock to accept the fact that you 're in a completely different time , but everybody you know is dead . Everybody you cared about . . . He was a soldier , obviously , everybody he went to battle with , all of his brothers in arms , they 're all dead . He 's just lonely . I think in the beginning it 's a fish @-@ out @-@ of @-@ water scene , and it 's tough . It 's a tough pill for him to swallow . Then comes trying to find a balance with the modern world . " Regarding the dynamic between Rogers and Tony Stark , Evans said , " I think there 's certainly a dichotomy — this kind of friction between myself and Tony Stark , they 're polar opposites . One guy is flash and spotlight and smooth , and the other guy is selfless and in the shadows and kind of quiet and they have to get along . They explore that , and it 's pretty fun . " Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner / Hulk : A genius scientist who , because of exposure to gamma radiation , transforms into a monster when enraged or agitated . Ruffalo , who was considered to play Banner in The Incredible Hulk before Edward Norton took the role , was cast after negotiations between Marvel and Norton broke down . About replacing Norton , Ruffalo said , " I 'm a friend of Ed 's , and yeah , that wasn 't a great way for all that to go down . But the way I see it is that Ed has bequeathed this part to me . I look at it as my generation 's Hamlet . " About the character , he said , " He 's a guy struggling with two sides of himself — the dark and the light — and everything he does in his life is filtered through issues of control . I grew up on the Bill Bixby TV series , which I thought was a really nuanced and real human way to look at the Hulk . I like that the part has those qualities " . Regarding the Hulk 's place on the team , Ruffalo said , " He 's like the teammate none of them are sure they want on their team . He 's a loose cannon . It 's like , ' Just throw a grenade in the middle of the group and let 's hope it turns out well ! " This is the first production in which the actor playing Banner also plays the Hulk . Ruffalo told New York magazine , " I 'm really excited . No one 's ever played the Hulk exactly ; they 've always done CGI . They 're going to do the Avatar stop @-@ action , stop @-@ motion capture . So I 'll actually play the Hulk . That 'll be fun " . The 3D model used to create the Hulk 's body was modeled after Long Island bodybuilder and male stripper Steve Romm , while the Hulk 's face was modeled after Ruffalo . To create the Hulk 's voice , Ruffalo 's voice was blended with those of Lou Ferrigno and others ; however , the Hulk 's only speaking line ( " Puny god . " ) was provided solely by Ruffalo . Chris Hemsworth as Thor : The crown prince of Asgard , based on the Norse mythological deity of the same name . Hemsworth was cast as part of a multiple movie deal . He had previously worked with Joss Whedon on The Cabin in the Woods . Hemsworth said that he was able to maintain the strength he built up for Thor by increasing his food intake , consisting of chicken breasts , fish , steak , and
[ "▁eggs", "▁every", "▁day", "▁.", "▁When", "▁asked", "▁exactly", "▁how", "▁much", "▁,", "▁H", "ems", "worth", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁My", "▁body", "▁weight", "▁in", "▁protein", "▁pretty", "▁much", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁remarked", "▁that", "▁Thor", "▁'", "s", "▁motiv", "ation", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁much", "▁more", "▁of", "▁a", "▁personal", "▁one", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁sense", "▁that", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁his", "▁brother", "▁that", "▁is", "▁stir", "ring", "▁things", "▁up", "▁.", "▁Where", "as", "▁everyone", "▁else", "▁,", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁some", "▁bad", "▁gu", "y", "▁who", "▁they", "▁'", "ve", "▁got", "ta", "▁take", "▁down", "▁.", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁a", "▁different", "▁approach", "▁for", "▁me", "▁,", "▁or", "▁for", "▁Thor", "▁.", "▁He", "▁'", "s", "▁constantly", "▁having", "▁to", "▁battle", "▁the", "▁greater", "▁good", "▁and", "▁what", "▁he", "▁should", "▁do", "▁vs", ".", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁his", "▁little", "▁brother", "▁there", "▁.", "▁.", "▁.", "▁I", "▁'", "ve", "▁been", "▁fr", 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"▁something", "▁,", "▁or", "▁a", "▁part", "▁of", "▁something", "▁so", "▁big", "▁.", "▁For", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁,", "▁I", "▁'", "ve", "▁spent", "▁so", "▁many", "▁months", "▁training", "▁with", "▁our", "▁st", "unt", "▁team", "▁,", "▁and", "▁fighting", "▁all", "▁the", "▁other", "▁actors", "▁,", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁cra", "zy", "▁.", "▁I", "▁do", "▁nothing", "▁but", "▁fight", "▁—", "▁all", "▁the", "▁time", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Jer", "emy", "▁Ren", "ner", "▁as", "▁Cl", "int", "▁Bart", "on", "▁/", "▁Haw", "key", "e", "▁:", "▁", "▁A", "▁master", "▁arch", "er", "▁working", "▁as", "▁an", "▁agent", "▁for", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁Ren", "ner", "▁said", "▁it", "▁was", "▁a", "▁very", "▁physical", "▁role", "▁and", "▁that", "▁he", "▁trained", "▁phys", "ically", "▁and", "▁pract", "iced", "▁arch", "ery", "▁as", "▁much", "▁as", "▁possible", "▁in", "▁prepar", "ation", "▁.", "▁About", "▁the", "▁role", "▁,", "▁Ren", "ner", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁When", "▁I", 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"▁.", "▁About", "▁his", "▁character", "▁'", "s", "▁evolution", "▁from", "▁the", "▁film", "▁Thor", "▁,", "▁H", "idd", "l", "eston", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁think", "▁the", "▁L", "oki", "▁we", "▁see", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁is", "▁further", "▁advanced", "▁.", "▁You", "▁have", "▁to", "▁ask", "▁yourself", "▁the", "▁question", "▁:", "▁How", "▁pleasant", "▁an", "▁experience", "▁is", "▁it", "▁disappear", "ing", "▁into", "▁a", "▁w", "orm", "hole", "▁that", "▁has", "▁been", "▁created", "▁by", "▁some", "▁kind", "▁of", "▁super", "▁nuclear", "▁explos", "ion", "▁of", "▁his", "▁own", "▁making", "▁?", "▁So", "▁I", "▁think", "▁by", "▁the", "▁time", "▁L", "oki", "▁shows", "▁up", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁,", "▁he", "▁'", "s", "▁seen", "▁a", "▁few", "▁things", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁About", "▁L", "oki", "▁'", "s", "▁motiv", "ations", "▁,", "▁H", "idd", "l", "eston", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁At", "▁the", "▁beginning", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁,", "▁he", "▁comes", "▁to", "▁Earth", "▁to", "▁sub", "j", "ug", "ate", "▁it", "▁and", "▁his", "▁idea", "▁is", "▁to", "▁rule", "▁the", "▁human", "▁race", "▁as", "▁their", "▁king", "▁.", "▁And", "▁like", "▁all", "▁the", "▁del", "us", "ional", "▁aut", "ocr", "ats", "▁of", "▁human", "▁history", "▁,", "▁he", "▁thinks", "▁this", "▁is", "▁a", "▁great", "▁idea", "▁because", "▁if", "▁everyone", "▁is", "▁busy", "▁wor", "sh", "ipping", "▁him", "▁,", "▁there", "▁will", "▁be", "▁no", "▁wars", "▁so", "▁he", "▁will", "▁create", "▁some", "▁kind", "▁of", "▁world", "▁peace", "▁by", "▁r", "uling", "▁them", "▁as", "▁a", "▁t", "yr", "ant", "▁.", "▁But", "▁he", "▁is", "▁also", "▁kind", "▁of", "▁del", "ud", "ed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁that", "▁he", "▁thinks", "▁un", "limited", "▁power", "▁will", "▁give", "▁him", "▁self", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁respect", "▁,", "▁so", "▁I", "▁haven", "▁'", "t", "▁let", "▁go", "▁of", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁that", "▁he", "▁is", "▁still", "▁motiv", "ated", "▁by", "▁this", "▁terrible", "▁je", "alous", "y", "▁and", "▁kind", "▁of", "▁spiritual", "▁des", "olation", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Clark", "▁Gre" ]
eggs every day . When asked exactly how much , Hemsworth said , " My body weight in protein pretty much ! " He remarked that Thor 's motivation " is much more of a personal one , in the sense that it 's his brother that is stirring things up . Whereas everyone else , it 's some bad guy who they 've gotta take down . It 's a different approach for me , or for Thor . He 's constantly having to battle the greater good and what he should do vs. it 's his little brother there . . . I 've been frustrated with my brothers at times , or family , but I 'm the only one who is allowed to be angry at them . There 's a bit of that . " Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow : A highly trained spy working for S.H.I.E.L.D. About the character and her relationship with Hawkeye , Johansson said , " Our characters have a long history . They 've fought together for a long time in a lot of battles in many different countries . We 're the two members of this avenging group who are skilled warriors – we have no superpowers . Black Widow is definitely one of the team , though . She 's not in the cast simply to be a romantic foil or eye candy . She 's there to fight , so I never felt like I was the only girl . We all have our various skills and it feels equal " . Regarding her training , Johansson said , " Even though Iron Man 2 was ' one @-@ for @-@ them , ' I 'd never done anything like that before . I 'd never been physically driven in something , or a part of something so big . For The Avengers , I 've spent so many months training with our stunt team , and fighting all the other actors , it 's crazy . I do nothing but fight — all the time . " Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton / Hawkeye : A master archer working as an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D. Renner said it was a very physical role and that he trained physically and practiced archery as much as possible in preparation . About the role , Renner said , " When I saw Iron Man , I thought that was a really kick @-@ ass approach to superheroes . Then they told me about this Hawkeye character , and I liked how he wasn 't really a superhero ; he 's just a guy with a high skill set . I could connect to that . " Regarding Hawkeye 's sniper mentality , Renner said , " It 's a lonely game . He 's an outcast . His only connection is to Scarlett 's character , Natasha . It 's like a left hand / right hand thing . They coexist , and you need them both , especially when it comes to a physical mission . " Renner said Hawkeye is not insecure about his humanity . " Quite the opposite , he 's the only one who can really take down the Hulk with his [ tranquilizer @-@ tipped ] arrows . He knows his limitations . But when it comes down to it , there has to be a sense of confidence in any superhero . " Tom Hiddleston as Loki : Thor 's adoptive brother and nemesis , based on the Norse mythological deity of the same name . About his character 's evolution from the film Thor , Hiddleston said , " I think the Loki we see in The Avengers is further advanced . You have to ask yourself the question : How pleasant an experience is it disappearing into a wormhole that has been created by some kind of super nuclear explosion of his own making ? So I think by the time Loki shows up in The Avengers , he 's seen a few things . " About Loki 's motivations , Hiddleston said , " At the beginning of The Avengers , he comes to Earth to subjugate it and his idea is to rule the human race as their king . And like all the delusional autocrats of human history , he thinks this is a great idea because if everyone is busy worshipping him , there will be no wars so he will create some kind of world peace by ruling them as a tyrant . But he is also kind of deluded in the fact that he thinks unlimited power will give him self @-@ respect , so I haven 't let go of the fact that he is still motivated by this terrible jealousy and kind of spiritual desolation . " Clark Gre
[ "gg", "▁as", "▁Phil", "▁C", "oul", "son", "▁:", "▁", "▁An", "▁agent", "▁with", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁who", "▁over", "se", "es", "▁many", "▁of", "▁the", "▁division", "▁'", "s", "▁field", "▁operations", "▁.", "▁Gre", "gg", "▁was", "▁cast", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁multi", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁picture", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁Marvel", "▁.", "▁Gre", "gg", "▁said", "▁his", "▁role", "▁was", "▁expanded", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁[", "▁What", "▁]", "▁Agent", "▁C", "oul", "son", "▁had", "▁become", "▁in", "▁terms", "▁of", "▁the", "▁import", "▁of", "▁this", "▁particular", "▁story", "▁,", "▁and", "▁how", "▁important", "▁his", "▁job", "▁is", "▁in", "▁bringing", "▁the", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁together", "▁,", "▁it", "▁kind", "▁of", "▁felt", "▁a", "▁little", "▁sur", "real", "▁,", "▁like", "▁somebody", "▁was", "▁playing", "▁a", "▁pr", "ank", "▁and", "▁that", "▁wasn", "▁'", "t", "▁the", "▁real", "▁script", "▁.", "▁But", "▁it", "▁wasn", "▁'", "t", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁the", "▁real", "▁thing", "▁,", "▁I", "▁got", "▁to", "▁show", "▁up", "▁and", "▁do", "▁that", "▁stuff", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁felt", "▁like", "▁such", "▁an", "▁amaz", "ing", "▁pay", "off", "▁to", "▁what", "▁the", "▁journey", "▁had", "▁been", "▁and", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁I", "▁had", "▁been", "▁doing", "▁it", "▁for", "▁five", "▁years", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Gre", "gg", "▁said", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁provided", "▁insight", "▁into", "▁his", "▁character", "▁'", "s", "▁back", "story", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁about", "▁C", "oul", "son", "▁being", "▁a", "▁fan", "▁of", "▁Captain", "▁America", "▁.", "▁", "▁Cob", "ie", "▁Sm", "ul", "ders", "▁as", "▁Maria", "▁Hill", "▁:", "▁", "▁A", "▁high", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ranking", "▁agent", "▁with", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁who", "▁works", "▁closely", "▁with", "▁Jackson", "▁'", "s", "▁Nick", "▁F", "ury", "▁.", "▁Sm", "ul", "ders", "▁,", "▁whom", "▁J", "oss", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁once", "▁considered", 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"iner", "▁,", "▁but", "▁I", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁look", "▁like", "▁I", "▁had", "▁the", "▁ability", "▁to", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁On", "▁rel", "ating", "▁to", "▁the", "▁character", "▁,", "▁Sm", "ul", "ders", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁can", "▁relate", "▁to", "▁her", "▁being", "▁a", "▁mom", "▁and", "▁being", "▁a", "▁business", "w", "oman", "▁and", "▁trying", "▁to", "▁work", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁and", "▁raising", "▁a", "▁family", "▁and", "▁having", "▁a", "▁career", "▁.", "▁We", "▁'", "re", "▁asked", "▁to", "▁do", "▁a", "▁lot", "▁of", "▁things", "▁these", "▁days", "▁.", "▁I", "▁feel", "▁she", "▁is", "▁just", "▁all", "▁about", "▁her", "▁job", "▁and", "▁keeping", "▁things", "▁going", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁St", "ellan", "▁Sk", "ars", "g", "år", "d", "▁as", "▁Erik", "▁Sel", "v", "ig", "▁:", "▁", "▁An", "▁ast", "ro", "phys", "ic", "ist", "▁and", "▁a", "▁friend", "▁of", "▁Thor", "▁under", "▁L", "oki", "▁'", "s", "▁control", "▁,", "▁who", "▁is", "▁studying", "▁the", "▁T", "esser", "act", "▁'", "s", "▁power", "▁.", "▁Regarding", "▁L", "oki", "▁'", "s", "▁control", "▁over", "▁Sel", "v", "ig", "▁,", "▁Sk", "ars", "g", "år", "d", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Well", "▁with", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁we", "▁did", "▁in", "▁Thor", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁like", "▁L", "oki", "▁,", "▁one", "▁way", "▁or", "▁the", "▁other", "▁,", "▁entered", "▁Erik", "▁'", "s", "▁mind", "▁.", "▁And", "▁in", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁,", "▁you", "▁will", "▁see", "▁more", "▁clar", "ity", "▁in", "▁how", "▁L", "oki", "▁is", "▁using", "▁Erik", "▁'", "s", "▁mind", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁About", "▁his", "▁role", "▁,", "▁he", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁[", "▁My", "▁character", "▁]", "▁is", "▁of", "▁importance", "▁but", "▁the", "▁size", "▁of", "▁the", "▁role", "▁is", "▁not", "▁big", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Samuel", "▁L", ".", "▁Jackson", "▁as", "▁Nick", "▁F", "ury", "▁:", "▁", "▁The", "▁director", "▁of", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁revealed", "▁in", "▁previous", "▁films", "▁to", "▁be", "▁coordin", "ating", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁In", "iti", "ative", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Jackson", "▁was", "▁brought", "▁to", "▁the", "▁project", "▁with", "▁a", "▁deal", "▁containing", "▁an", "▁option", "▁to", "▁play", "▁the", "▁character", "▁in", "▁up", "▁to", "▁nine", "▁Marvel", "▁films", "▁.", "▁Jackson", "▁said", "▁he", "▁does", "▁more", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁than", "▁in", "▁any", "▁of", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁films", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁You", "▁don", "▁'", "t", "▁have", "▁to", "▁wait", "▁until", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁movie", "▁to", "▁see", "▁me", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁About", "▁the", "▁role", "▁,", "▁Jackson", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁always", "▁good", "▁to", "▁play", "▁somebody", "▁[", "▁who", "▁]", "▁is", "▁a", "▁positive", "▁in", "▁society", "▁as", "▁opposed", "▁to", "▁somebody", "▁who", "▁is", "▁a", "▁negative", "▁.", "▁.", "▁.", "▁I", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁make", "▁him", "▁as", "▁honest", "▁to", "▁the", "▁story", "▁and", "▁as", "▁honest", "▁to", "▁what", "▁real", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁life", "▁would", "▁seem", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Jackson", "▁compared", "▁the", "▁character", "▁to", "▁Ord", "ell", "▁in", "▁Jack", "ie", "▁Brown", "▁,", "▁calling", "▁him", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁nice", "▁gu", "y", "▁to", "▁hang", "▁out", "▁with", "▁.", "▁You", "▁just", "▁don", "▁'", "t", "▁want", "▁to", "▁cross", "▁him", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁G", "w", "yn", "eth", "▁P", "alt", "row", "▁and", "▁Maxim", "il", "iano", "▁Hern", "ández", "▁repr", "ise", "▁their", "▁roles", "▁from", "▁previous", "▁films", "▁as", "▁Pe", "pper", "▁Pot", "ts", "▁and", "▁Jas", "per", "▁Sit", "well", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁.", "▁Paul", "▁B", "ett", "any", "▁returns", "▁to", "▁voice", "▁J", ".", "A", ".", "R", ".", "V", ".", "I", ".", "S", ".", "▁Fre", "quent", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁collabor", "ator", "▁Alex", "is", "▁Den", "is", "of", "▁port", "ray", "s", "▁the", "▁Other", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Dam", "ion", "▁Po", "it", "ier", "▁port", "ray", "s", "▁his", "▁master", "▁,", "▁Th", "anos", "▁(", "▁un", "named", "▁in", "▁the", "▁film", "▁)", "▁,", "▁in", "▁a", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁credit", "▁scene", "▁.", "▁Pow", "ers", "▁Bo", "othe", "▁and", "▁Jen", "ny", "▁Ag", "utter", "▁appear", "▁as", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁World", "▁Security", "▁Council", "▁.", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cre", "ator", "▁Stan", "▁Lee", "▁has", "▁a", "▁came", "o", "▁appearance", "▁in", "▁a", "▁news", "▁report", "▁.", "▁Harry", "▁Dean", "▁St", "anton", "▁came", "os", "▁as", "▁a", "▁security", "▁guard", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Polish", "▁film", "▁director", "▁Jer", "zy", "▁Sk", "ol", "im", "owski", "▁appears", "▁as", "▁Georg", "i", "▁L", "uch", "kov", "▁,", "▁Rom", "ano", "ff", "▁'", "s", "▁inter", "rog", "ator", "▁.", "▁En", "ver", "▁G", "j", "ok", "aj", "▁,", "▁who", "▁later", "▁went", "▁on", "▁to", "▁play", "▁Agent", "▁Daniel", "▁S", "ous", "a", "▁in", "▁the", "▁series", "▁Agent", "▁Carter", "▁,", "▁appears", "▁as", "▁a", "▁police", "▁officer", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=" ]
gg as Phil Coulson : An agent with S.H.I.E.L.D. who oversees many of the division 's field operations . Gregg was cast as part of a multi @-@ picture deal with Marvel . Gregg said his role was expanded in The Avengers : " [ What ] Agent Coulson had become in terms of the import of this particular story , and how important his job is in bringing the Avengers together , it kind of felt a little surreal , like somebody was playing a prank and that wasn 't the real script . But it wasn 't , it was the real thing , I got to show up and do that stuff , and it felt like such an amazing payoff to what the journey had been and the fact I had been doing it for five years . " Gregg said Whedon provided insight into his character 's backstory , particularly about Coulson being a fan of Captain America . Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill : A high @-@ ranking agent with S.H.I.E.L.D. who works closely with Jackson 's Nick Fury . Smulders , whom Joss Whedon once considered for his unproduced live @-@ action Wonder Woman film , was selected from a short list of potential actresses including Morena Baccarin . Smulders ' deal would integrate her into nine films . Regarding her preparation , Smulders said , " I hired this amazing black @-@ ops trainer to teach me how to hold a gun , take me to a shooting range , how to hit , how to hold myself , how to walk and basically how to look . I don 't do a ton of fighting in the movie , which is why I wasn 't offered a trainer , but I wanted to look like I had the ability to . " On relating to the character , Smulders said , " I can relate to her being a mom and being a businesswoman and trying to work full @-@ time and raising a family and having a career . We 're asked to do a lot of things these days . I feel she is just all about her job and keeping things going . " Stellan Skarsgård as Erik Selvig : An astrophysicist and a friend of Thor under Loki 's control , who is studying the Tesseract 's power . Regarding Loki 's control over Selvig , Skarsgård said , " Well with the scene we did in Thor , it was like Loki , one way or the other , entered Erik 's mind . And in Avengers , you will see more clarity in how Loki is using Erik 's mind . " About his role , he said , " [ My character ] is of importance but the size of the role is not big . " Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury : The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. , who was revealed in previous films to be coordinating the " Avengers Initiative " . Jackson was brought to the project with a deal containing an option to play the character in up to nine Marvel films . Jackson said he does more in The Avengers than in any of the previous films : " You don 't have to wait until the end of the movie to see me " . About the role , Jackson said , " It 's always good to play somebody [ who ] is a positive in society as opposed to somebody who is a negative . . . I tried to make him as honest to the story and as honest to what real @-@ life would seem . " Jackson compared the character to Ordell in Jackie Brown , calling him " a nice guy to hang out with . You just don 't want to cross him " . Gwyneth Paltrow and Maximiliano Hernández reprise their roles from previous films as Pepper Potts and Jasper Sitwell , respectively . Paul Bettany returns to voice J.A.R.V.I.S. Frequent Whedon collaborator Alexis Denisof portrays the Other , and Damion Poitier portrays his master , Thanos ( unnamed in the film ) , in a post @-@ credit scene . Powers Boothe and Jenny Agutter appear as members of the World Security Council . Avengers co @-@ creator Stan Lee has a cameo appearance in a news report . Harry Dean Stanton cameos as a security guard , and Polish film director Jerzy Skolimowski appears as Georgi Luchkov , Romanoff 's interrogator . Enver Gjokaj , who later went on to play Agent Daniel Sousa in the series Agent Carter , appears as a police officer . = = Production = = = =
[ "▁=", "▁Development", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "vi", "▁Ar", "ad", "▁,", "▁the", "▁CE", "O", "▁of", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁,", "▁first", "▁announced", "▁plans", "▁to", "▁develop", "▁the", "▁film", "▁in", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁after", "▁Marvel", "▁Enter", "pr", "ises", "▁declared", "▁independence", "▁by", "▁al", "lying", "▁with", "▁M", "err", "ill", "▁Lyn", "ch", "▁to", "▁produce", "▁a", "▁sl", "ate", "▁of", "▁films", "▁that", "▁would", "▁be", "▁distributed", "▁by", "▁Param", "ount", "▁Pictures", "▁.", "▁Marvel", "▁discussed", "▁their", "▁plans", "▁in", "▁a", "▁brief", "▁presentation", "▁to", "▁Wall", "▁Street", "▁anal", "yst", "s", "▁;", "▁the", "▁studio", "▁'", "s", "▁intention", "▁was", "▁to", "▁release", "▁individual", "▁films", "▁for", "▁the", "▁main", "▁characters", "▁—", "▁to", "▁establish", "▁their", "▁ident", "ities", "▁and", "▁familiar", "ize", "▁aud", "ien", "ces", "▁with", "▁them", "▁—", "▁before", "▁mer", "ging", "▁the", "▁characters", "▁together", "▁in", "▁a", "▁c", "ros", "so", "ver", "▁film", "▁.", "▁Screen", "writer", "▁Zak", "▁P", "enn", "▁,", "▁who", "▁wrote", "▁The", "▁In", "cred", "ible", "▁H", "ulk", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁)", "▁,", "▁was", "▁h", "ired", "▁by", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁to", "▁write", "▁the", "▁film", "▁in", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁w", "ake", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁–", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁Writ", "ers", "▁Gu", "ild", "▁of", "▁America", "▁strike", "▁,", "▁Marvel", "▁negoti", "ated", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Writ", "ers", "▁Gu", "ild", "▁of", "▁America", "▁to", "▁ensure", "▁that", "▁it", "▁could", "▁create", "▁films", "▁based", "▁on", "▁its", "▁com", "ic", "▁book", "▁counter", "parts", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Captain", "▁America", "▁,", "▁Ant", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Man", "▁and", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁successful", "▁release", "▁of", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁)", "▁in", "▁May", "▁,", "▁the", "▁company", "▁set", "▁a", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁release", "▁date", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁.", "▁In", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁reached", "▁an", "▁agreement", "▁with", "▁Param", "ount", "▁—", "▁an", "▁extension", "▁of", "▁a", "▁previous", "▁partners", "hip", "▁—", "▁which", "▁gave", "▁the", "▁company", "▁distribution", "▁rights", "▁for", "▁five", "▁future", "▁Marvel", "▁films", "▁.", "▁", "▁Cast", "ing", "▁began", "▁in", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁with", "▁Dow", "ney", "▁'", "s", "▁signing", "▁.", "▁Though", "▁Don", "▁C", "head", "le", "▁was", "▁also", "▁reported", "▁to", "▁be", "▁repr", "ising", "▁his", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁", "2", "▁role", "▁of", "▁War", "▁Machine", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁,", "▁he", "▁later", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁he", "▁did", "▁not", "▁think", "▁the", "▁character", "▁would", "▁appear", "▁in", "▁the", "▁film", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁same", "▁time", "▁,", "▁two", "▁major", "▁prospect", "s", "▁occurred", "▁for", "▁Marvel", "▁:", "▁Jon", "▁F", "av", "re", "au", "▁was", "▁brought", "▁in", "▁as", "▁an", "▁executive", "▁producer", "▁for", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁company", "▁signed", "▁a", "▁long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁term", "▁le", "ase", "▁with", "▁R", "ale", "igh", "▁Studios", "▁to", "▁produce", "▁three", "▁other", "▁big", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁budget", "▁films", "▁—", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁Thor", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Captain", "▁America", "▁:", "▁The", "▁First", "▁Aven", "ger", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁)", "▁—", "▁at", "▁their", "▁Manh", "attan", "▁Beach", "▁,", "▁California", "▁complex", "▁.", "▁Lou", "▁Ferr", "ign", "o", "▁,", "▁who", "▁vo", "iced", "▁H", "ulk", "▁in", "▁The", "▁In", "cred", "ible", "▁H", "ulk", "▁,", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁he", "▁would", "▁be", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁the", "▁film", "▁.", "▁In", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁Samuel", "▁L", ".", "▁Jackson", "▁signed", "▁a", "▁nine", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁picture", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁Marvel", "▁Entertainment", "▁to", "▁play", "▁Nick", "▁F", "ury", "▁in", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁", "2", "▁and", "▁other", "▁films", "▁.", "▁In", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁Edward", "▁N", "orton", "▁,", "▁who", "▁played", "▁Bruce", "▁B", "anner", "▁in", "▁The", "▁In", "cred", "ible", "▁H", "ulk", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁open", "▁to", "▁returning", "▁in", "▁the", "▁film", "▁.", "▁The", "▁next", "▁month", "▁,", "▁executive", "▁producer", "▁Jon", "▁F", "av", "re", "au", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁he", "▁would", "▁not", "▁direct", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁but", "▁would", "▁\"", "▁definitely", "▁have", "▁input", "▁and", "▁a", "▁say", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁F", "av", "re", "au", "▁also", "▁expressed", "▁concerns", "▁,", "▁stating", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁going", "▁to", "▁be", "▁hard", "▁,", "▁because", "▁I", "▁was", "▁so", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁creating", "▁the", "▁world", "▁of", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁is", "▁very", "▁much", "▁a", "▁te", "ch", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁hero", "▁,", "▁and", "▁then", "▁with", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁you", "▁'", "re", "▁going", "▁to", "▁be", "▁introdu", "cing", "▁some", "▁super", "natural", "▁aspects", "▁because", "▁of", "▁Thor", "▁...", "▁[", "▁Mix", "ing", "▁]", "▁the", "▁two", "▁of", "▁those", "▁works", "▁very", "▁well", "▁in", "▁the", "▁com", "ic", "▁books", "▁,", "▁but", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁going", "▁to", "▁take", "▁a", "▁lot", "▁of", "▁thought", "ful", "ness", "▁to", "▁make", "▁that", "▁all", "▁work", "▁and", "▁not", "▁blow", "▁the", "▁reality", "▁that", "▁we", "▁'", "ve", "▁created", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁actress", "▁Sc", "ar", "lett", "▁Joh", "ans", "son", "▁replaced", "▁Em", "ily", "▁Bl", "unt", "▁in", "▁port", "ray", "ing", "▁Nat", "asha", "▁Rom", "ano", "ff", "▁in", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁a", "▁deal", "▁that", "▁subsequently", "▁attached", "▁her", "▁to", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁.", "▁The", "▁female", "▁super", "h", "ero", "▁W", "asp", "▁was", "▁included", "▁in", "▁an", "▁earlier", "▁draft", "▁of", "▁the", "▁script", "▁written", "▁before", "▁Joh", "ans", "son", "▁'", "s", "▁invol", "vement", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁day", "▁,", "▁Marvel", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁release", "▁date", "▁had", "▁been", "▁pushed", "▁back", "▁to", "▁May", "▁", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁almost", "▁a", "▁full", "▁year", "▁later", "▁.", "▁Chris", "▁H", "ems", "worth", "▁and", "▁Tom", "▁H", "idd", "l", "eston", "▁joined", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁cast", "▁in", "▁June", "▁,", "▁returning", "▁as", "▁Thor", "▁and", "▁L", "oki", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁P", "enn", "▁talked", "▁about", "▁the", "▁c", "ros", "so", "ver", "▁process", "▁,", "▁stating", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁My", "▁job", "▁is", "▁to", "▁kind", "▁of", "▁sh", "utt", "le", "▁between", "▁the", "▁different", "▁mov", "ies", "▁and", "▁make", "▁sure", "▁that", "▁finally", "▁we", "▁'", "re", "▁m", "im", "ick", "ing", "▁that", "▁com", "ic", "▁book", "▁structure", "▁where", "▁all", "▁of", "▁these", "▁mov", "ies", "▁are", "▁connected", "▁.", "▁.", "▁.", "▁There", "▁'", "s", "▁just", "▁a", "▁board", "▁that", "▁tracks", "▁'", "▁Here", "▁'", "s", "▁where", "▁everything", "▁that", "▁happens", "▁in", "▁this", "▁movie", "▁over", "laps", "▁with", "▁that", "▁movie", "▁'", "▁.", "▁.", "▁.", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁pushing", "▁them", "▁to", "▁do", "▁as", "▁many", "▁anim", "at", "ics", "▁as", "▁possible", "▁to", "▁animate", "▁the", "▁movie", "▁,", "▁to", "▁draw", "▁bo", "ards", "▁so", "▁that", "▁we", "▁'", "re", "▁all", "▁working", "▁off", "▁the", "▁same", "▁visual", "▁ideas", "▁.", "▁But", "▁the", "▁ex", "igen", "cies", "▁of", "▁production", "▁take", "▁first", "▁priority", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁chief", "▁Kevin", "▁Fe", "ige", "▁was", "▁asked", "▁if", "▁it", "▁would", "▁be", "▁difficult", "▁to", "▁m", "eld", "▁the", "▁fant", "asy", "▁of", "▁Thor", "▁with", "▁the", "▁high", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁te", "ch", "▁science", "▁fiction", "▁in", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁and", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers" ]
= Development = = = Avi Arad , the CEO of Marvel Studios , first announced plans to develop the film in April 2005 , after Marvel Enterprises declared independence by allying with Merrill Lynch to produce a slate of films that would be distributed by Paramount Pictures . Marvel discussed their plans in a brief presentation to Wall Street analysts ; the studio 's intention was to release individual films for the main characters — to establish their identities and familiarize audiences with them — before merging the characters together in a crossover film . Screenwriter Zak Penn , who wrote The Incredible Hulk ( 2008 ) , was hired by Marvel Studios to write the film in June 2007 . In the wake of the 2007 – 2008 Writers Guild of America strike , Marvel negotiated with the Writers Guild of America to ensure that it could create films based on its comic book counterparts , including Captain America , Ant @-@ Man and The Avengers . After the successful release of Iron Man ( 2008 ) in May , the company set a July 2011 release date for The Avengers . In September 2008 , Marvel Studios reached an agreement with Paramount — an extension of a previous partnership — which gave the company distribution rights for five future Marvel films . Casting began in October 2008 with Downey 's signing . Though Don Cheadle was also reported to be reprising his Iron Man 2 role of War Machine for The Avengers , he later stated that he did not think the character would appear in the film . At the same time , two major prospects occurred for Marvel : Jon Favreau was brought in as an executive producer for the film , and the company signed a long @-@ term lease with Raleigh Studios to produce three other big @-@ budget films — Iron Man 2 , Thor ( 2011 ) , and Captain America : The First Avenger ( 2011 ) — at their Manhattan Beach , California complex . Lou Ferrigno , who voiced Hulk in The Incredible Hulk , stated that he would be involved in the film . In February 2009 , Samuel L. Jackson signed a nine @-@ picture deal with Marvel Entertainment to play Nick Fury in Iron Man 2 and other films . In September 2009 , Edward Norton , who played Bruce Banner in The Incredible Hulk stated that he was open to returning in the film . The next month , executive producer Jon Favreau stated that he would not direct the film , but would " definitely have input and a say " . Favreau also expressed concerns , stating , " It 's going to be hard , because I was so involved in creating the world of Iron Man , and Iron Man is very much a tech @-@ based hero , and then with Avengers you 're going to be introducing some supernatural aspects because of Thor ... [ Mixing ] the two of those works very well in the comic books , but it 's going to take a lot of thoughtfulness to make that all work and not blow the reality that we 've created " . In March 2009 , actress Scarlett Johansson replaced Emily Blunt in portraying Natasha Romanoff in Iron Man 2 , a deal that subsequently attached her to The Avengers . The female superhero Wasp was included in an earlier draft of the script written before Johansson 's involvement . The following day , Marvel announced that the film 's release date had been pushed back to May 4 , 2012 , almost a full year later . Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston joined the film 's cast in June , returning as Thor and Loki , respectively . In July 2009 , Penn talked about the crossover process , stating , " My job is to kind of shuttle between the different movies and make sure that finally we 're mimicking that comic book structure where all of these movies are connected . . . There 's just a board that tracks ' Here 's where everything that happens in this movie overlaps with that movie ' . . . I 'm pushing them to do as many animatics as possible to animate the movie , to draw boards so that we 're all working off the same visual ideas . But the exigencies of production take first priority " . In January 2010 , Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige was asked if it would be difficult to meld the fantasy of Thor with the high @-@ tech science fiction in Iron Man and The Avengers
[ "▁.", "▁\"", "▁No", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁he", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁because", "▁we", "▁'", "re", "▁doing", "▁the", "▁Jack", "▁Kir", "by", "▁/", "▁Stan", "▁Lee", "▁/", "▁W", "alt", "▁Sim", "ons", "on", "▁/", "▁J", ".", "▁Michael", "▁St", "rac", "z", "yn", "ski", "▁Thor", "▁.", "▁We", "▁'", "re", "▁not", "▁doing", "▁the", "▁blow", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁the", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dust", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁off", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁of", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁the", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁old", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Nor", "se", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁book", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁your", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁library", "▁Thor", "▁.", "▁And", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Thor", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Marvel", "▁Un", "iverse", "▁,", "▁there", "▁'", "s", "▁a", "▁race", "▁called", "▁the", "▁As", "g", "ard", "ians", "▁.", "▁And", "▁we", "▁'", "re", "▁linked", "▁through", "▁this", "▁Tree", "▁of", "▁Life", "▁that", "▁we", "▁'", "re", "▁una", "ware", "▁of", "▁.", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁real", "▁science", "▁,", "▁but", "▁we", "▁don", "▁'", "t", "▁know", "▁about", "▁it", "▁yet", "▁.", "▁The", "▁'", "▁Thor", "▁'", "▁movie", "▁is", "▁about", "▁teaching", "▁people", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁March", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁P", "enn", "▁had", "▁completed", "▁the", "▁first", "▁draft", "▁of", "▁the", "▁script", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁Marvel", "▁editor", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁chief", "▁Joe", "▁Qu", "es", "ada", "▁and", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁com", "ic", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁book", "▁writer", "▁Brian", "▁Michael", "▁B", "end", "is", "▁had", "▁received", "▁copies", "▁.", "▁Also", "▁in", "▁March", "▁,", "▁Chris", "▁Evans", "▁accepted", "▁an", "▁offer", "▁to", "▁play", "▁Captain", "▁America", "▁in", "▁three", "▁films", "▁including", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁By", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁J", "oss", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁was", "▁close", "▁to", "▁comple", "ting", "▁a", "▁deal", "▁to", "▁direct", "▁the", "▁film", "▁and", "▁to", "▁re", "work", "▁P", "enn", "▁'", "s", "▁script", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁officially", "▁announced", "▁in", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁When", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁received", "▁P", "enn", "▁'", "s", "▁draft", "▁,", "▁he", "▁told", "▁Fe", "ige", "▁he", "▁felt", "▁the", "▁studio", "▁did", "▁not", "▁\"", "▁have", "▁anything", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁they", "▁should", "▁\"", "▁pret", "end", "▁this", "▁draft", "▁never", "▁happened", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁went", "▁on", "▁to", "▁write", "▁a", "▁five", "▁page", "▁treatment", "▁of", "▁his", "▁plan", "▁for", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁and", "▁created", "▁the", "▁tag", "line", "▁\"", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁:", "▁Some", "▁Assembly", "▁Re", "quired", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁r", "iff", "ing", "▁on", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁Ass", "emble", "▁\"", "▁s", "log", "an", "▁from", "▁the", "▁com", "ic", "▁books", "▁.", "▁Marvel", "▁quickly", "▁began", "▁working", "▁to", "▁sign", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁to", "▁write", "▁and", "▁direct", "▁,", "▁only", "▁st", "ip", "ulating", "▁that", "▁he", "▁include", "▁the", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁against", "▁L", "oki", "▁,", "▁a", "▁battle", "▁among", "▁the", "▁hero", "es", "▁in", "▁the", "▁middle", "▁,", "▁a", "▁battle", "▁against", "▁the", "▁villa", "ins", "▁at", "▁the", "▁end", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁get", "▁the", "▁movie", "▁done", "▁for", "▁its", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁release", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁h", "iring", "▁,", "▁Ar", "ad", "▁stated", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁My", "▁personal", "▁opinion", "▁is", "▁that", "▁J", "oss", "▁will", "▁do", "▁a", "▁fant", "astic", "▁job", "▁.", "▁He", "▁lov", "es", "▁these", "▁characters", "▁and", "▁is", "▁a", "▁fant", "astic", "▁writer", "▁...", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁part", "▁of", "▁his", "▁life", "▁so", "▁you", "▁know", "▁he", "▁is", "▁going", "▁to", "▁protect", "▁it", "▁...", "▁I", "▁expect", "▁someone", "▁like", "▁him", "▁is", "▁going", "▁to", "▁make", "▁the", "▁script", "▁even", "▁better", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Fe", "ige", "▁added", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁'", "ve", "▁known", "▁J", "oss", "▁for", "▁many", "▁years", "▁.", "▁We", "▁were", "▁looking", "▁for", "▁the", "▁right", "▁thing", "▁and", "▁he", "▁came", "▁in", "▁and", "▁met", "▁on", "▁it", "▁...", "▁we", "▁want", "▁[", "▁ed", "▁]", "▁to", "▁find", "▁a", "▁director", "▁that", "▁’", "▁s", "▁on", "▁the", "▁ver", "ge", "▁of", "▁doing", "▁something", "▁great", "▁,", "▁as", "▁we", "▁think", "▁J", "oss", "▁is", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁stated", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁San", "▁Diego", "▁Com", "ic", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Con", "▁International", "▁,", "▁that", "▁what", "▁drew", "▁him", "▁to", "▁the", "▁film", "▁is", "▁that", "▁he", "▁lov", "es", "▁how", "▁\"", "▁these", "▁people", "▁shouldn", "▁'", "t", "▁be", "▁in", "▁the", "▁same", "▁room", "▁let", "▁alone", "▁on", "▁the", "▁same", "▁team", "▁—", "▁and", "▁that", "▁is", "▁the", "▁definition", "▁of", "▁family", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁casting", "▁process", "▁continued", "▁into", "▁much", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁add", "itions", "▁of", "▁Jer", "emy", "▁Ren", "ner", "▁,", "▁Mark", "▁R", "uff", "alo", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Clark", "▁Gre", "gg", "▁.", "▁R", "uff", "alo", "▁replaced", "▁Edward", "▁N", "orton", "▁,", "▁who", "▁Marvel", "▁decl", "ined", "▁to", "▁have", "▁back", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁We", "▁have", "▁made", "▁the", "▁decision", "▁to", "▁not", "▁bring", "▁Ed", "▁N", "orton", "▁back", "▁to", "▁port", "ray", "▁the", "▁title", "▁role", "▁of", "▁Bruce", "▁B", "anner", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁stated", "▁Fe", "ige", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Our", "▁decision", "▁is", "▁definitely", "▁not", "▁one", "▁based", "▁on", "▁mon", "et", "ary", "▁factors", "▁,", "▁but", "▁instead", "▁root", "ed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁need", "▁for", "▁an", "▁actor", "▁who", "▁emb", "od", "ies", "▁the", "▁cre", "ativity", "▁and", "▁collabor", "ative", "▁spirit", "▁of", "▁our", "▁other", "▁tal", "ented", "▁cast", "▁members", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁dem", "ands", "▁players", "▁who", "▁th", "rive", "▁working", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁an", "▁ensemble", "▁,", "▁as", "▁ev", "iden", "ced", "▁by", "▁Robert", "▁,", "▁Chris", "▁H", "▁,", "▁Chris", "▁E", "▁,", "▁Samuel", "▁,", "▁Sc", "ar", "lett", "▁,", "▁and", "▁all", "▁of", "▁our", "▁tal", "ented", "▁cast", "s", "▁.", "▁We", "▁are", "▁looking", "▁to", "▁announ", "ce", "▁a", "▁name", "▁actor", "▁who", "▁ful", "fill", "s", "▁these", "▁requirements", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁passion", "ate", "▁about", "▁the", "▁icon", "ic", "▁role", "▁in", "▁the", "▁coming", "▁weeks", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁response", "▁,", "▁N", "orton", "▁'", "s", "▁agent", "▁Brian", "▁S", "ward", "st", "rom", "▁de", "cri", "ed", "▁Fe", "ige", "▁'", "s", "▁statement", "▁,", "▁calling", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁purpose", "fully", "▁mis", "leading", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁an", "▁\"", "▁in", "app", "ropri", "ate", "▁attempt", "▁to", "▁paint", "▁our", "▁client", "▁in", "▁a", "▁negative", "▁light", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁N", "orton", "▁claimed", "▁it", "▁was", "▁his", "▁own", "▁decision", "▁never", "▁to", "▁play", "▁H", "ulk", "▁again", "▁because", "▁he", "▁\"", "▁wanted", "▁more", "▁divers", "ity", "▁\"", "▁with", "▁his", "▁career", "▁,", "▁and", "▁did", "▁not", "▁want", "▁to", "▁be", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁only", "▁one", "▁character", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁Param", "ount", "▁Pictures", "▁and", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁were", "▁planning", "▁to", "▁start", "▁shooting", "▁in", "▁February", "▁.", "▁Sim", "ult", "ane", "ously", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁declared", "▁that", "▁the", "▁film", "▁would", "▁be", "▁shot", "▁in", "▁", "3", "D", "▁,", "▁although", "▁Mark", "▁R", "uff", "alo", "▁later", "▁twe", "et", "ed", "▁that", "▁this", "▁was", "▁not", "▁the", "▁case", "▁.", "▁In", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁Gr", "um", "man", "▁Studios", "▁in", "▁Beth", "page", "▁,", "▁New", "▁York", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Ste", "iner", "▁Studios", "▁in", "▁Brook", "lyn", "▁,", "▁New", "▁York", "▁City", "▁," ]
. " No , " he said , " because we 're doing the Jack Kirby / Stan Lee / Walt Simonson / J. Michael Straczynski Thor . We 're not doing the blow @-@ the @-@ dust @-@ off @-@ of @-@ the @-@ old @-@ Norse @-@ book @-@ in @-@ your @-@ library Thor . And in the Thor of the Marvel Universe , there 's a race called the Asgardians . And we 're linked through this Tree of Life that we 're unaware of . It 's real science , but we don 't know about it yet . The ' Thor ' movie is about teaching people that " . In March , it was reported that Penn had completed the first draft of the script , and that Marvel editor @-@ in @-@ chief Joe Quesada and Avengers comic @-@ book writer Brian Michael Bendis had received copies . Also in March , Chris Evans accepted an offer to play Captain America in three films including The Avengers . = = = Pre @-@ production = = = By April 2010 , Joss Whedon was close to completing a deal to direct the film and to rework Penn 's script , and was officially announced in July 2010 . When Whedon received Penn 's draft , he told Feige he felt the studio did not " have anything " and they should " pretend this draft never happened " . Whedon went on to write a five page treatment of his plan for the film , and created the tagline " Avengers : Some Assembly Required " , riffing on the " Avengers Assemble " slogan from the comic books . Marvel quickly began working to sign Whedon to write and direct , only stipulating that he include the Avengers against Loki , a battle among the heroes in the middle , a battle against the villains at the end , and he get the movie done for its May 2012 release . On the hiring , Arad stated : " My personal opinion is that Joss will do a fantastic job . He loves these characters and is a fantastic writer ... It 's part of his life so you know he is going to protect it ... I expect someone like him is going to make the script even better " . Feige added , " I 've known Joss for many years . We were looking for the right thing and he came in and met on it ... we want [ ed ] to find a director that ’ s on the verge of doing something great , as we think Joss is . " Whedon stated at the 2010 San Diego Comic @-@ Con International , that what drew him to the film is that he loves how " these people shouldn 't be in the same room let alone on the same team — and that is the definition of family " . The casting process continued into much of 2010 , with the additions of Jeremy Renner , Mark Ruffalo , and Clark Gregg . Ruffalo replaced Edward Norton , who Marvel declined to have back . " We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the title role of Bruce Banner in The Avengers , " stated Feige . " Our decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors , but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members . The Avengers demands players who thrive working as part of an ensemble , as evidenced by Robert , Chris H , Chris E , Samuel , Scarlett , and all of our talented casts . We are looking to announce a name actor who fulfills these requirements , and is passionate about the iconic role in the coming weeks . " In response , Norton 's agent Brian Swardstrom decried Feige 's statement , calling it " purposefully misleading " and an " inappropriate attempt to paint our client in a negative light " . In October 2014 , Norton claimed it was his own decision never to play Hulk again because he " wanted more diversity " with his career , and did not want to be associated with only one character . In August 2010 , it was reported that Paramount Pictures and Marvel Studios were planning to start shooting in February . Simultaneously , it was declared that the film would be shot in 3D , although Mark Ruffalo later tweeted that this was not the case . In October 2010 , Grumman Studios in Bethpage , New York and the Steiner Studios in Brooklyn , New York City ,
[ "▁were", "▁announced", "▁as", "▁film", "ing", "▁locations", "▁,", "▁with", "▁set", "▁construction", "▁sl", "ated", "▁to", "▁begin", "▁in", "▁November", "▁,", "▁but", "▁as", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁later", "▁explained", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Origin", "ally", "▁we", "▁were", "▁supposed", "▁to", "▁be", "▁in", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁,", "▁then", "▁for", "▁a", "▁short", "▁period", "▁we", "▁were", "▁supposed", "▁to", "▁be", "▁in", "▁New", "▁York", "▁,", "▁and", "▁then", "▁somehow", "▁we", "▁ended", "▁up", "▁in", "▁Al", "bu", "quer", "que", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Also", "▁that", "▁October", "▁,", "▁W", "alt", "▁Disney", "▁Studios", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁pay", "▁Param", "ount", "▁at", "▁least", "▁$", "▁", "1", "1", "5", "▁million", "▁for", "▁the", "▁world", "wide", "▁distribution", "▁rights", "▁to", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁", "3", "▁and", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁.", "▁The", "▁deal", "▁also", "▁allowed", "▁Param", "ount", "▁to", "▁continue", "▁to", "▁collect", "▁the", "▁", "8", "▁percent", "▁box", "▁office", "▁fee", "▁it", "▁would", "▁have", "▁earned", "▁for", "▁distrib", "uting", "▁the", "▁film", "▁and", "▁a", "▁marque", "e", "▁credit", "▁—", "▁pla", "cement", "▁of", "▁the", "▁company", "▁'", "s", "▁production", "▁logo", "▁on", "▁market", "ing", "▁materials", "▁and", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁opening", "▁titles", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁the", "▁on", "screen", "▁production", "▁credit", "▁reads", "▁\"", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁presents", "▁in", "▁association", "▁with", "▁Param", "ount", "▁Pictures", "▁\"", "▁though", "▁the", "▁film", "▁is", "▁sole", "ly", "▁owned", "▁,", "▁distributed", "▁,", "▁fin", "anced", "▁,", "▁and", "▁market", "ed", "▁by", "▁Disney", "▁.", "▁Param", "ount", "▁'", "s", "▁Ep", "ix", "▁retained", "▁pay", "▁TV", "▁rights", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁Governor", "▁of", "▁New", "▁Mexico", "▁Bill", "▁Richard", "son", "▁and", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁Co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁president", "▁Louis", "▁D", "▁'", "Esp", "os", "ito", "▁announced", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁would", "▁film", "▁primarily", "▁in", "▁Al", "bu", "quer", "que", "▁,", "▁New", "▁Mexico", "▁,", "▁with", "▁principal", "▁phot", "ography", "▁scheduled", "▁for", "▁April", "▁through", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁Part", "s", "▁of", "▁the", "▁film", "▁were", "▁also", "▁scheduled", "▁to", "▁be", "▁shot", "▁in", "▁Michigan", "▁,", "▁but", "▁a", "▁plan", "▁to", "▁film", "▁in", "▁Detroit", "▁ended", "▁after", "▁Governor", "▁Rick", "▁S", "ny", "der", "▁issued", "▁a", "▁budget", "▁proposal", "▁that", "▁would", "▁eliminate", "▁a", "▁film", "▁tax", "▁in", "cent", "ive", "▁.", "▁Three", "▁months", "▁later", "▁in", "▁March", "▁,", "▁Governor", "▁of", "▁Ohio", "▁John", "▁Kas", "ich", "▁announced", "▁before", "▁Mayor", "▁Frank", "▁G", ".", "▁Jackson", "▁'", "s", "▁State", "▁of", "▁the", "▁City", "▁address", "▁that", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁would", "▁film", "▁in", "▁Cleveland", "▁.", "▁", "▁Con", "cept", "▁illustr", "ator", "▁and", 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"▁.", "▁P", "alt", "row", "▁was", "▁cast", "▁at", "▁Dow", "ney", "▁'", "s", "▁ins", "istence", "▁;", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁this", "▁,", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁had", "▁not", "▁intended", "▁the", "▁film", "▁to", "▁include", "▁supporting", "▁characters", "▁from", "▁the", "▁hero", "es", "▁'", "▁individual", "▁films", "▁,", "▁comment", "ing", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁You", "▁need", "▁to", "▁separate", "▁the", "▁characters", "▁from", "▁their", "▁support", "▁systems", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁create", "▁the", "▁isol", "ation", "▁you", "▁need", "▁for", "▁a", "▁team", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Fil", "ming", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Princi", "pal", "▁phot", "ography", "▁began", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁in", "▁Al", "bu", "quer", "que", "▁,", "▁New", "▁Mexico", "▁.", "▁In", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁st", "unt", "man", "▁Jer", "emy", "▁Fitz", "ger", "ald", "▁injured", "▁his", "▁head", "▁while", "▁attempting", "▁a", "▁st", "unt", "▁involving", "▁a", "▁", "3", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁foot", "▁fall", "▁from", "▁a", "▁building", "▁after", "▁getting", "▁hit", "▁by", "▁an", "▁arrow", "▁.", "▁A", "▁Marvel", "▁sp", "ok", "esp", "erson", "▁later", "▁told", "▁T", "M", "Z", ".", "com", "▁that", "▁despite", "▁the", "▁injury", "▁,", "▁Fitz", "ger", "ald", "▁recovered", "▁and", "▁continued", "▁working", "▁on", "▁set", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁month", "▁,", "▁secondary", "▁film", "ing", "▁took", "▁place", "▁about", "▁an", "▁hour", "▁outside", "▁Pitts", "burgh", "▁,", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Butler", "▁area", "▁.", "▁A", "▁ch", "ase", "▁sequence", "▁was", "▁also", "▁shot", "▁in", "▁Wor", "thing", "ton", "▁,", "▁Pennsylvania", "▁at", "▁C", "ree", "ks", "ide", "▁M", "ush", "room", "▁Far", "ms", "▁,", "▁the", "▁world", "▁'", "s", "▁largest", "▁single", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁site", "▁m", "ush", "room", "▁farm", "▁,", "▁which", "▁provided", "▁", "1", "5", "0", "▁miles", "▁of", "▁abandoned", "▁lim", "estone", "▁t", "unn", 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"▁made", "▁the", "▁scenes", "▁more", "▁real", "istic", "▁and", "▁helped", "▁port", "ray", "▁the", "▁military", "▁in", "▁a", "▁more", "▁positive", "▁light", "▁,", "▁explaining", "▁that", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁easy", "▁for", "▁us", "▁to", "▁make", "▁on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁the", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁spot", "▁corre", "ctions", "▁to", "▁tact", "ics", "▁and", "▁uniform", "s", "▁,", "▁the", "▁director", "▁actually", "▁took", "▁our", "▁recommendation", "▁on", "▁one", "▁scene" ]
were announced as filming locations , with set construction slated to begin in November , but as Whedon later explained , " Originally we were supposed to be in Los Angeles , then for a short period we were supposed to be in New York , and then somehow we ended up in Albuquerque . " Also that October , Walt Disney Studios agreed to pay Paramount at least $ 115 million for the worldwide distribution rights to Iron Man 3 and The Avengers . The deal also allowed Paramount to continue to collect the 8 percent box office fee it would have earned for distributing the film and a marquee credit — placement of the company 's production logo on marketing materials and the film 's opening titles . As a result , the onscreen production credit reads " Marvel Studios presents in association with Paramount Pictures " though the film is solely owned , distributed , financed , and marketed by Disney . Paramount 's Epix retained pay TV rights . In December 2010 , Governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson and Marvel Studios Co @-@ president Louis D 'Esposito announced The Avengers would film primarily in Albuquerque , New Mexico , with principal photography scheduled for April through September 2011 . Parts of the film were also scheduled to be shot in Michigan , but a plan to film in Detroit ended after Governor Rick Snyder issued a budget proposal that would eliminate a film tax incentive . Three months later in March , Governor of Ohio John Kasich announced before Mayor Frank G. Jackson 's State of the City address that The Avengers would film in Cleveland . Concept illustrator and designer of Iron Man 's Mark VII armor Phil Saunders stated that " Joss Whedon was looking for something that had the ' cool ' factor of the suitcase suit [ from Iron Man 2 ] , while still being a fully armored , heavy duty suit that could take on an army in the final battle . " To that end , Saunders borrowed ideas that had been proposed in Iron Man 2 as well as some ideas that had been abandoned in Iron Man and merged them together in a modular suit that has big ammo packets on the arms and a backpack . The Science & Entertainment Exchange also provided science consultation for the film . Casting reached its final stages the following year . In February 2011 , Cobie Smulders acquired the role of Maria Hill , after participating in screen tests conducted by Marvel for the role of a key S.H.I.E.L.D. member , who Samuel L. Jackson described as Nick Fury 's sidekick . Over the successive months , the film 's cast expanded to include Stellan Skarsgård , Paul Bettany , and Gwyneth Paltrow . Paltrow was cast at Downey 's insistence ; prior to this , Whedon had not intended the film to include supporting characters from the heroes ' individual films , commenting , " You need to separate the characters from their support systems in order to create the isolation you need for a team . " = = = Filming = = = Principal photography began on April 25 , 2011 , in Albuquerque , New Mexico . In June 2011 , stuntman Jeremy Fitzgerald injured his head while attempting a stunt involving a 30 @-@ foot fall from a building after getting hit by an arrow . A Marvel spokesperson later told that despite the injury , Fitzgerald recovered and continued working on set . The following month , secondary filming took place about an hour outside Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania in the Butler area . A chase sequence was also shot in Worthington , Pennsylvania at Creekside Mushroom Farms , the world 's largest single @-@ site mushroom farm , which provided 150 miles of abandoned limestone tunnels 300 feet below the ground for filming . Production relocated to Cleveland , Ohio in August 2011 , where filming transpired over a period of four weeks . The city 's East 9th Street was chosen as a double for New York City 's 42nd Street to be used in climactic battle scenes . Army Reserve soldiers assigned to the Columbus , Ohio @-@ based 391st Military Police Battalion provided background action during the battle scenes in Cleveland . Staff Sergeant Michael T. Landis stated the use of real soldiers made the scenes more realistic and helped portray the military in a more positive light , explaining that , " It 's easy for us to make on @-@ the @-@ spot corrections to tactics and uniforms , the director actually took our recommendation on one scene
[ "▁and", "▁let", "▁us", "▁all", "▁eng", "age", "▁the", "▁enemy", "▁as", "▁opposed", "▁to", "▁only", "▁the", "▁g", "unn", "ers", "▁in", "▁the", "▁tr", "uck", "s", "▁eng", "aging", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Fil", "ming", "▁also", "▁took", "▁place", "▁in", "▁the", "▁large", "▁vac", "u", "um", "▁chamber", "▁at", "▁the", "▁NASA", "▁Pl", "um", "▁Brook", "▁Station", "▁near", "▁Sand", "us", "ky", "▁,", "▁Ohio", "▁.", "▁The", "▁station", "▁'", "s", "▁Space", "▁Power", "▁Fac", "ility", "▁was", "▁used", "▁to", "▁port", "ray", "▁a", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁research", "▁facility", "▁.", "▁A", "▁series", "▁of", "▁explos", "ions", "▁were", "▁fil", "med", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Che", "v", "ro", "let", "▁pow", "ert", "rain", "▁plant", "▁in", "▁Par", "ma", "▁,", "▁Ohio", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁battle", "▁sequence", "▁that", "▁began", "▁in", "▁Cleveland", "▁.", "▁Sc", "enes", "▁from", "▁the", "▁film", "▁were", "▁also", "▁shot", "▁on", "▁Public", "▁Square", "▁and", "▁the", 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"▁shooting", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "5", "▁:", "▁", "1", "▁is", "▁kind", "▁of", "▁unusual", "▁for", "▁an", "▁ep", "ic", "▁film", "▁like", "▁this", "▁,", "▁but", "▁we", "▁needed", "▁the", "▁height", "▁in", "▁the", "▁screen", "▁to", "▁be", "▁able", "▁to", "▁frame", "▁in", "▁all", "▁the", "▁characters", "▁like", "▁H", "ulk", "▁,", "▁Captain", "▁America", "▁and", "▁Black", "▁W", "id", "ow", "▁,", "▁who", "▁is", "▁much", "▁smaller", "▁.", "▁We", "▁had", "▁to", "▁give", "▁them", "▁all", "▁preced", "ence", "▁and", "▁width", "▁within", "▁the", "▁frame", "▁.", "▁Also", "▁,", "▁J", "oss", "▁[", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁]", "▁knew", "▁the", "▁final", "▁battle", "▁sequence", "▁was", "▁going", "▁to", "▁be", "▁this", "▁extra", "v", "ag", "anza", "▁in", "▁Manh", "attan", "▁,", "▁so", "▁the", "▁height", "▁and", "▁vertical", "▁scale", "▁of", "▁the", "▁buildings", "▁was", "▁going", "▁to", "▁be", "▁really", "▁important", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁film", "▁was", "▁McG", "ar", "vey", "▁'", "s", "▁first", 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"▁anyway", "▁.", "▁And", "▁the", "▁technology", "▁has", "▁advanced", "▁so", "▁far", "▁in", "▁the", "▁past", "▁couple", "▁years", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁also", "▁said", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁there", "▁definitely", "▁are", "▁mov", "ies", "▁that", "▁shouldn", "▁'", "t", "▁be", "▁in", "▁", "3", "D", "▁\"", "▁but", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁isn", "▁'", "t", "▁ob", "no", "x", "iously", "▁", "3", "D", "▁.", "▁There", "▁'", "s", "▁no", "▁,", "▁'", "▁Oh", "▁look", "▁,", "▁we", "▁'", "re", "▁going", "▁to", "▁spend", "▁", "2", "0", "▁minutes", "▁going", "▁through", "▁this", "▁tunnel", "▁because", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁in", "▁", "3", "D", "▁!", "▁'", "▁And", "▁no", "▁one", "▁is", "▁pointing", "▁at", "▁the", "▁screen", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁time", "▁.", "▁But", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁an", "▁action", "▁movie", "▁.", "▁Things", "▁tend", "▁to", "▁hurt", "le", "▁toward", "▁the", "▁screen", "▁anyway", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁the", "▁film", "▁would", "▁be", "▁digit", "ally", "▁rem", "aster", "ed", "▁for", "▁I", "MAX", "▁", "3", "D", "▁and", "▁open", "▁in", "▁I", "MAX", "▁the", "aters", "▁on", "▁May", "▁", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁same", "▁day", "▁it", "▁opens", "▁in", "▁regular", "▁the", "aters", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁I", "MAX", "▁release", "▁follows", "▁Marvel", "▁'", "s", "▁I", "MAX", "▁releases", "▁of", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁", "2", "▁and", "▁Thor", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁a", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁interview", "▁,", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁said", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁his", "▁decision", "▁to", "▁include", "▁Th", "anos", "▁in", "▁a", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cred", "its", "▁scene", "▁,", "▁although", "▁the", "▁character", "▁is", "▁not", "▁identified", "▁in", "▁the", "▁film", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁for", "▁me", "▁is", "▁the", "▁most", "▁powerful", "▁and", "▁fasc", "in", "ating", "▁Marvel", "▁villa", "in", "▁.", "▁He", "▁'", "s", "▁the", "▁great", "▁grand", "▁d", "addy", "▁of", "▁the", "▁bad", "ass", "es", "▁and", "▁he", "▁'", "s", "▁in", "▁love", "▁with", "▁Death", "▁and" ]
and let us all engage the enemy as opposed to only the gunners in the trucks engaging " . Filming also took place in the large vacuum chamber at the NASA Plum Brook Station near Sandusky , Ohio . The station 's Space Power Facility was used to portray a S.H.I.E.L.D. research facility . A series of explosions were filmed at the Chevrolet powertrain plant in Parma , Ohio as part of the battle sequence that began in Cleveland . Scenes from the film were also shot on Public Square and the Detroit – Superior Bridge . Public Square 's southwest quadrant was turned into Stuttgart , Germany , for filming . Principal photography concluded in New York City , where filming occurred over two days . Filming locations in New York City included Park Avenue and Central Park . For scenes taking place in Manhattan , visual effects supervisor Jake Morrison shot aerial footage for over three days to use as background plates , elaborating that his main objective was to " get as much aerial work in as possible for the audience to see the big expanses , the wide establishing shots , while also making sure that the effects work doesn 't look too computer generated " . " We 're getting much better at making entirely computer @-@ generated environments , " Morrison explained , " but there is no substitute for starting with a real image and adding what you need . " Cinematographer Seamus McGarvey stated that he composed the frame with a 1 @.@ 85 : 1 aspect ratio to cope with the varying heights of the main characters , explaining that " shooting 1 @.@ 85 : 1 is kind of unusual for an epic film like this , but we needed the height in the screen to be able to frame in all the characters like Hulk , Captain America and Black Widow , who is much smaller . We had to give them all precedence and width within the frame . Also , Joss [ Whedon ] knew the final battle sequence was going to be this extravaganza in Manhattan , so the height and vertical scale of the buildings was going to be really important . " The film was McGarvey 's first venture shooting with a digital camera , the Arri Alexa . The Canon EOS 5D Mark II and Canon EOS 7D digital SLR cameras were used for some shots , and high @-@ speed shots were captured on 35 mm film with the Arriflex 435 . About his visual approach , McGarvey remarked , " Joss and I were keen on having a very visceral and naturalistic quality to the image . We wanted this to feel immersive and did not want a ' comic book look ' that might distance an audience with the engagement of the film . We moved the camera a lot on Steadicam , cranes and on dollies to create kinetic images ; and we chose angles that were dramatic , like low angles for heroic imagery . " = = = Post @-@ production = = = In December 2011 , Disney announced that the film would be converted to 3D . Said Whedon , " I 'm not a big fan of extreme long lens , talky movies – I like to see the space I 'm in and relate to it , so 3D kinda fits my aesthetic anyway . And the technology has advanced so far in the past couple years . " Whedon also said that " there definitely are movies that shouldn 't be in 3D " but " The Avengers isn 't obnoxiously 3D . There 's no , ' Oh look , we 're going to spend 20 minutes going through this tunnel because it 's in 3D ! ' And no one is pointing at the screen the entire time . But it 's an action movie . Things tend to hurtle toward the screen anyway " . In January 2012 , it was reported that the film would be digitally remastered for IMAX 3D and open in IMAX theaters on May 4 , 2012 , the same day it opens in regular theaters . The film 's IMAX release follows Marvel 's IMAX releases of Iron Man 2 and Thor . In a May 2012 interview , Whedon said that it was his decision to include Thanos in a post @-@ credits scene , although the character is not identified in the film . " He for me is the most powerful and fascinating Marvel villain . He 's the great grand daddy of the badasses and he 's in love with Death and
[ "▁I", "▁just", "▁think", "▁that", "▁'", "s", "▁so", "▁c", "ute", "▁.", "▁For", "▁me", "▁,", "▁the", "▁greatest", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁[", "▁com", "ic", "▁book", "▁]", "▁was", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁Ann", "ual", "▁#", "▁", "7", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "7", "▁)", "▁that", "▁Jim", "▁Star", "lin", "▁did", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁Marvel", "▁Two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁One", "▁Ann", "ual", "▁#", "▁", "2", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "7", "▁)", "▁that", "▁contained", "▁the", "▁death", "▁of", "▁Adam", "▁War", "lock", "▁.", "▁Those", "▁were", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁most", "▁important", "▁texts", "▁and", "▁I", "▁think", "▁under", "r", "ated", "▁mil", "est", "ones", "▁in", "▁Marvel", "▁history", "▁and", "▁Th", "anos", "▁is", "▁all", "▁over", "▁that", "▁,", "▁so", "▁somebody", "▁had", "▁to", "▁be", "▁in", "▁control", "▁and", "▁had", "▁to", "▁be", "▁behind", "▁L", "oki", "▁'", "s", "▁work", "▁and", "▁I", "▁was", "▁like", "▁'", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁got", "▁to", "▁be", "▁Th", "anos", "▁.", "▁'", "▁And", "▁they", "▁said", "▁'", "▁Okay", "▁'", "▁and", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁like", "▁'", "▁Oh", "▁my", "▁God", "▁!", "▁'", "▁\"", "▁An", "▁additional", "▁c", "oda", "▁involving", "▁the", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁e", "ating", "▁sh", "aw", "arma", "▁was", "▁shot", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁a", "▁day", "▁after", "▁the", "▁world", "▁premi", "ere", "▁.", "▁Shaw", "arma", "▁sales", "▁in", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁,", "▁St", ".", "▁Louis", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Boston", "▁reported", "ly", "▁sky", "ro", "cket", "ed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁days", "▁following", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁release", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁film", "▁contains", "▁more", "▁than", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁visual", "▁effects", "▁sh", "ots", "▁completed", "▁by", "▁", "1", "4", "▁companies", "▁:", "▁Indust", "rial", "▁Light", "▁&", "▁Magic", "▁(", "▁IL", "M", "▁)", "▁,", "▁W", "eta", "▁Digital", "▁,", "▁Sc", "an", "line", "▁V", "FX", "▁,", "▁H", "yd", "ra", "ul", 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"▁sh", "ots", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Hel", "ic", "ar", "rier", "▁,", "▁from", "▁the", "▁moment", "▁Black", "▁W", "id", "ow", "▁and", "▁Captain", "▁America", "▁arrive", "▁on", "▁the", "▁car", "rier", "▁deck", "▁to", "▁the", "▁point", "▁where", "▁it", "▁lif", "ts", "▁off", "▁.", "▁Ev", "il", "▁E", "ye", "▁Pictures", "▁compos", "ited", "▁digital", "▁background", "s", "▁into", "▁sh", "ots", "▁fil", "med", "▁against", "▁a", "▁gre", "ens", "creen", "▁for", "▁scenes", "▁taking", "▁place", "▁inside", "▁the", "▁Hel", "ic", "ar", "rier", "▁.", "▁Col", "in", "▁Stra", "use", "▁of", "▁H", "yd", "ra", "ul", "x", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁We", "▁did", "▁the", "▁opening", "▁ten", "▁minutes", "▁of", "▁the", "▁movie", "▁,", "▁other", "▁than", "▁the", "▁opening", "▁set", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁in", "▁space", "▁\"", "▁including", "▁L", "oki", "▁'", "s", "▁arrival", "▁on", "▁Earth", "▁and", "▁subsequent", "▁escape", "▁from", "▁the", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁base", "▁.", "▁L", "uma", "▁Pictures", "▁worked", "▁on", "▁sh", "ots", "▁featuring", "▁the", "▁Hel", "ic", "ar", "rier", "▁'", "s", "▁bridge", "▁and", "▁incorpor", "ated", "▁the", "▁graph", "ic", "▁monitor", "▁displays", "▁that", "▁were", "▁developed", "▁by", "▁Cant", "ina", "▁Creative", "▁.", "▁F", "uel", "▁V", "FX", "▁completed", "▁sh", "ots", "▁taking", "▁place", "▁in", "▁and", "▁around", "▁Tony", "▁St", "ark", "▁'", "s", "▁pent", "house", "▁at", "▁St", "ark", "▁Tower", "▁.", "▁Digital", "▁Domain", "▁created", "▁the", "▁astero", "id", "▁environment", "▁,", "▁where", "▁L", "oki", "▁enc", "oun", "ters", "▁The", "▁Other", "▁.", "▁Method", "▁Design", "▁in", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁created", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁closing", "▁cred", "its", "▁.", "▁Steve", "▁Vi", "ola", "▁,", "▁cre", "ative", "▁director", "▁at", "▁Method", "▁Design", "▁,", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁This", "▁piece", "▁was", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁,", "▁self", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁contained", "▁main", "▁on", "▁end", "▁sequence", "▁created", "▁entirely", "▁in", "▁CG", "▁.", "▁For", "▁each", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sh", "ots", "▁in", "▁the", "▁sequence", "▁,", "▁we", "▁designed", "▁,", "▁mode", "led", "▁," ]
I just think that 's so cute . For me , the greatest Avengers [ comic book ] was Avengers Annual # 7 ( 1977 ) that Jim Starlin did followed by Marvel Two @-@ in @-@ One Annual # 2 ( 1977 ) that contained the death of Adam Warlock . Those were some of the most important texts and I think underrated milestones in Marvel history and Thanos is all over that , so somebody had to be in control and had to be behind Loki 's work and I was like ' It 's got to be Thanos . ' And they said ' Okay ' and I 'm like ' Oh my God ! ' " An additional coda involving the Avengers eating shawarma was shot on April 12 , 2012 , a day after the world premiere . Shawarma sales in Los Angeles , St. Louis , and Boston reportedly skyrocketed in the days following the film 's release . The film contains more than 2 @,@ 200 visual effects shots completed by 14 companies : Industrial Light & Magic ( ILM ) , Weta Digital , Scanline VFX , Hydraulx , Fuel VFX , Evil Eye Pictures , Luma Pictures , Cantina Creative , Trixter , Modus FX , Whiskytree , Digital Domain , The Third Floor and Method Design . ILM was the lead vendor and shared responsibility for creating many of the film 's key effects , including the Helicarrier , the New York cityscape , digital body doubles , Iron Man and the Hulk . To create the on @-@ screen Hulk , Ruffalo performed in a motion @-@ capture suit on set with the other actors while four motion @-@ capture HD cameras ( two full body , two focused on his face ) captured his face and body movements . Jeff White , ILM 's visual effects supervisor , said , " We really wanted to utilize everything we 've developed the last 10 years and make it a pretty spectacular Hulk . One of the great design decisions was to incorporate Mark Ruffalo into the look of him . So , much of Hulk is based on Ruffalo and his performance , not only in motion capture and on set , but down to his eyes , his teeth , and his tongue . " ILM digitally recreated the vast majority of the New York cityscape used in the film . In total , ILM artists rendered an area of about ten city blocks by about four city blocks . To do this , ILM sent out a team of four photographers to take pictures of the area in a shoot that lasted 8 weeks . Disney and Sony Pictures agreed for OsCorp Tower from The Amazing Spider @-@ Man to be included in the film , but the idea was dropped because much of the skyline had already been completed . Weta Digital took over duties for animating Iron Man during the forest duel from ILM . Guy Williams , Weta 's visual effects supervisor , said , " We shared assets back and forth with ILM , but our pipelines are unique and it 's hard for other assets to plug into it . But in this case , we got their models and we had to redo the texture spaces because the way we texture maps is different . " Williams said the most difficult part was re @-@ creating Iron Man 's reflective metal surfaces . Scanline VFX completed the reveal shots of the Helicarrier , from the moment Black Widow and Captain America arrive on the carrier deck to the point where it lifts off . Evil Eye Pictures composited digital backgrounds into shots filmed against a greenscreen for scenes taking place inside the Helicarrier . Colin Strause of Hydraulx said , " We did the opening ten minutes of the movie , other than the opening set @-@ up in space " including Loki 's arrival on Earth and subsequent escape from the S.H.I.E.L.D. base . Luma Pictures worked on shots featuring the Helicarrier 's bridge and incorporated the graphic monitor displays that were developed by Cantina Creative . Fuel VFX completed shots taking place in and around Tony Stark 's penthouse at Stark Tower . Digital Domain created the asteroid environment , where Loki encounters The Other . Method Design in Los Angeles created the film 's closing credits . Steve Viola , creative director at Method Design , said , " This piece was a two @-@ minute , self @-@ contained main on end sequence created entirely in CG . For each of the shots in the sequence , we designed , modeled ,
[ "▁text", "ured", "▁,", "▁and", "▁lit", "▁all", "▁of", "▁the", "▁environments", "▁and", "▁many", "▁of", "▁the", "▁for", "eground", "▁objects", "▁.", "▁We", "▁received", "▁assets", "▁from", "▁Marvel", "▁to", "▁include", "▁in", "▁the", "▁piece", "▁,", "▁then", "▁heavily", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁mode", "led", "▁and", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sur", "fac", "ed", "▁them", "▁to", "▁create", "▁a", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁battle", "▁macro", "▁sequence", "▁.", "▁We", "▁also", "▁designed", "▁a", "▁custom", "▁type", "face", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Main", "▁Title", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁", "3", "0", "▁cred", "its", "▁set", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁scene", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Music", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁Marvel", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁Alan", "▁Sil", "vest", "ri", "▁,", "▁who", "▁scored", "▁Captain", "▁America", "▁:", "▁The", "▁First", "▁Aven", "ger", "▁,", "▁would", "▁write", "▁and", "▁compose", "▁the", "▁score", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁.", "▁Sil", "vest", "ri", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁'", "ve", "▁worked", "▁on", "▁films", "▁where", "▁there", "▁have", "▁been", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁stars", "▁and", "▁certainly", "▁worked", "▁on", "▁films", "▁where", "▁there", "▁have", "▁been", "▁characters", "▁of", "▁equal", "▁weight", "▁in", "▁terms", "▁of", "▁their", "▁level", "▁of", "▁importance", "▁and", "▁profile", "▁in", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁but", "▁this", "▁one", "▁is", "▁somewhat", "▁extreme", "▁in", "▁that", "▁regard", "▁because", "▁each", "▁of", "▁these", "▁characters", "▁has", "▁their", "▁own", "▁world", "▁and", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁a", "▁very", "▁different", "▁situation", "▁.", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁very", "▁challeng", "ing", "▁to", "▁look", "▁for", "▁a", "▁way", "▁to", "▁give", "▁everyone", "▁the", "▁weight", "▁and", "▁consideration", "▁they", "▁need", "▁,", "▁but", "▁at", "▁the", "▁same", "▁time", "▁the", "▁film", "▁is", "▁really", "▁about", "▁the", "▁coming", "▁together", "▁of", "▁these", "▁characters", "▁,", "▁which", "▁implies", "▁that", "▁there", "▁is", "▁this", "▁entity", "▁called", "▁the", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁which", "▁really", "▁has", "▁to", "▁be", "▁representative", "▁of", "▁all", "▁of", "▁them", "▁together", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Sil", "vest", "ri", "▁developed", "▁the", "▁score", "▁with", "▁the", "▁London", "▁Sym", "phony", "▁Orchestra", "▁at", "▁Ab", "bey", "▁Road", "▁Studios", "▁in", "▁London", "▁,", "▁England", "▁.", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁score", "▁is", "▁very", "▁old", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁fashion", "ed", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁why", "▁[", "▁Sil", "vest", "ri", "▁]", "▁was", "▁letter", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁perfect", "▁for", "▁this", "▁movie", "▁because", "▁he", "▁can", "▁give", "▁you", "▁the", "▁height", "ened", "▁em", "otion", "▁,", "▁the", "▁[", "▁Hans", "▁Z", "immer", "▁]", "▁school", "▁of", "▁'", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁just", "▁feeling", "▁a", "▁lot", "▁right", "▁now", "▁!", "▁'", "▁but", "▁he", "▁can", "▁also", "▁be", "▁extra", "ordin", "arily", "▁c", "ue", "▁and", "▁character", "▁specific", "▁,", "▁which", "▁I", "▁love", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁In", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁American", "▁alternative", "▁rock", "▁band", "▁Sound", "g", "arden", "▁announced", "▁through", "▁its", "▁Facebook", "▁page", "▁that", "▁its", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁Live", "▁to", "▁R", "ise", "▁\"", "▁would", "▁be", "▁included", "▁on", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁sound", "track", "▁.", "▁Additionally", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁rock", "▁band", "▁Ag", "ne", "e", "▁released", "▁a", "▁music", "▁video", "▁for", "▁its", "▁single", "▁\"", "▁Hello", "▁And", "her", "on", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁serves", "▁as", "▁the", "▁theme", "▁song", "▁for", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁Indian", "▁release", "▁.", "▁Hollywood", "▁Records", "▁released", "▁the", "▁sound", "track", "▁concept", "▁album", "▁inspired", "▁by", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁Ass", "emble", "▁,", "▁on", "▁May", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁same", "▁day", "▁as", "▁the", "▁score", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Release", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁Disney", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁title", "▁would", "▁be", "▁changed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁to", "▁avoid", "▁confusion", "▁with", "▁the", "▁British", "▁TV", "▁series", "▁of", "▁the", "▁same", "▁name", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁its", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁film", "▁adaptation", "▁.", "▁This", "▁led", "▁to", "▁confusion", "▁over", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁actual", "▁title", "▁.", "▁Empire", "▁magazine", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁the", "▁film", "▁would", "▁be", "▁titled", "▁Marvel", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁Ass", "emble", "▁while", "▁The", "▁Hollywood", "▁Re", "porter", "▁said", "▁that", "▁it", "▁would", "▁be", "▁called", "▁simply", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁Ass", "emble", "▁.", "▁Marvel", "▁'", "s", "▁UK", "▁website", "▁refers", "▁to", "▁the", "▁film", "▁as", "▁Marvel", "▁'", "s", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁Ass", "emble", "▁,", "▁although", "▁David", "▁C", "ox", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Guardian", "▁,", "▁in", "▁arg", "uing", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁worst", "▁film", "▁titles", "▁ever", "▁,", "▁considered", "▁this", "▁to", "▁be", "▁an", "▁error", "▁in", "▁the", "▁production", "▁notes", "▁,", "▁al", "beit", "▁gram", "matically", "▁clearer", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Board", "▁of", "▁Film", "▁Classification", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁Film", "▁Classification", "▁Office", "▁,", "▁the", "▁title", "▁is", "▁Marvel", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁Ass", "emble", "▁.", "▁Frank", "▁Love", "ce", "▁in", "▁Film", "F", "estival", "Tra", "vel", "er", ".", "com", "▁addressed", "▁the", "▁dis", "cre", "p", "ancy", "▁,", "▁writing", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁—", "▁formally", "▁titled", "▁Marvel", "▁'", "s", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁on", "screen", "▁,", "▁though", "▁no", "▁apost", "rop", "he", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁s", "▁appears", "▁on", "▁the", "▁post", "ers", "▁...", "▁\"", "▁Produ", "cer", "▁Kevin", "▁Fe", "ige", "▁said", "▁there", "▁are", "▁only", "▁two", "▁words", "▁in", "▁the", "▁UK", "▁title", "▁,", "▁one", "▁more", "▁than", "▁in", "▁the", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁title", "▁,", "▁and", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁dec", "isions", "▁like", "▁that", "▁aren", "▁'", "t", "▁made", "▁light", "ly", "▁and", "▁there", "▁are", "▁lots", "▁of", "▁market", "ing", "▁research", "▁,", "▁law", "y", "ers", "▁and", "▁things", "▁that", "▁get", "▁into", "▁the", "▁mix", "▁on", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁world", "▁premi", "ere", "▁was", "▁April", "▁", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁at", "▁Hollywood", "▁'", "s", "▁El", "▁Cap", "itan", "▁Theatre", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁closed", "▁the", "▁", "1", "1", "th", "▁Ann", "ual", "▁Trib", "eca", "▁Film", "▁Festival", "▁with", "▁a", "▁screen", "ing", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "2", "8", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁received", "▁an", "▁expanded", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁week", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁push", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁Labor", "▁Day", "▁week", "end", "▁,", "▁increasing", "▁the", "▁number", "▁of", "▁the", "aters", "▁from", "▁", "1", "2", "3", "▁to", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "7", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Mark", "eting", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁film", "▁was", "▁promoted", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁San", "▁Diego", "▁Com", "ic", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Con", "▁International", "▁,", "▁during", "▁which", "▁a", "▁te", "aser", "▁tra", "iler", "▁narr", "ated", "▁by", "▁Samuel", "▁L", ".", "▁Jackson", "▁was", "▁shown", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁an", "▁introduction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁cast", "▁.", "▁In", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁it", "▁would", "▁not", "▁hold", "▁a", "▁panel", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁San", "▁Diego", "▁Com", "ic", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Con", "▁International", "▁after", "▁studio", "▁execut", "ives", "▁decided", "▁it", "▁was", "▁not", "▁prepared", "▁to", "▁comp", "ete", "▁with", "▁its", "▁own", "▁past", "▁and", "▁fan", "▁expect", "ations", "▁with", "▁film", "ing", "▁still", "▁in", "▁production", "▁.", "▁In", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁a", "▁te", "aser", "▁tra", "iler", "▁that" ]
textured , and lit all of the environments and many of the foreground objects . We received assets from Marvel to include in the piece , then heavily re @-@ modeled and re @-@ surfaced them to create a post @-@ battle macro sequence . We also designed a custom typeface for the Main Title of The Avengers as well as 30 credits set in @-@ scene . " = = Music = = In November 2011 , Marvel announced that Alan Silvestri , who scored Captain America : The First Avenger , would write and compose the score for The Avengers . Silvestri said , " I 've worked on films where there have been a number of stars and certainly worked on films where there have been characters of equal weight in terms of their level of importance and profile in the film , but this one is somewhat extreme in that regard because each of these characters has their own world and it 's a very different situation . It 's very challenging to look for a way to give everyone the weight and consideration they need , but at the same time the film is really about the coming together of these characters , which implies that there is this entity called the Avengers which really has to be representative of all of them together . " Silvestri developed the score with the London Symphony Orchestra at Abbey Road Studios in London , England . Whedon said , " The score is very old @-@ fashioned , which is why [ Silvestri ] was letter @-@ perfect for this movie because he can give you the heightened emotion , the [ Hans Zimmer ] school of ' I 'm just feeling a lot right now ! ' but he can also be extraordinarily cue and character specific , which I love . " In March 2012 , American alternative rock band Soundgarden announced through its Facebook page that its song " Live to Rise " would be included on the film 's soundtrack . Additionally , the Indian rock band Agnee released a music video for its single " Hello Andheron " , which serves as the theme song for the film 's Indian release . Hollywood Records released the soundtrack concept album inspired by the film , Avengers Assemble , on May 1 , 2012 , the same day as the score . = = Release = = In February 2012 , Disney announced that the film 's title would be changed in the United Kingdom to avoid confusion with the British TV series of the same name , as well as its 1998 film adaptation . This led to confusion over the film 's actual title . Empire magazine reported that the film would be titled Marvel Avengers Assemble while The Hollywood Reporter said that it would be called simply Avengers Assemble . Marvel 's UK website refers to the film as Marvel 's Avengers Assemble , although David Cox of The Guardian , in arguing that it was one of the worst film titles ever , considered this to be an error in the production notes , albeit grammatically clearer . According to the British Board of Film Classification and the Irish Film Classification Office , the title is Marvel Avengers Assemble . Frank Lovece in addressed the discrepancy , writing , " The Avengers — formally titled Marvel 's The Avengers onscreen , though no apostrophe @-@ s appears on the posters ... " Producer Kevin Feige said there are only two words in the UK title , one more than in the U.S. title , and stated that " decisions like that aren 't made lightly and there are lots of marketing research , lawyers and things that get into the mix on it " . The film 's world premiere was April 11 , 2012 , at Hollywood 's El Capitan Theatre . The Avengers closed the 11th Annual Tribeca Film Festival with a screening on April 28 , 2012 . The film received an expanded one @-@ week theatrical push for the 2012 U.S. Labor Day weekend , increasing the number of theaters from 123 to 1 @,@ 700 . = = = Marketing = = = The film was promoted at the 2010 San Diego Comic @-@ Con International , during which a teaser trailer narrated by Samuel L. Jackson was shown followed by an introduction of the cast . In June 2011 , Marvel Studios announced that it would not hold a panel at the 2011 San Diego Comic @-@ Con International after studio executives decided it was not prepared to compete with its own past and fan expectations with filming still in production . In July 2011 , a teaser trailer that
[ "▁was", "▁meant", "▁to", "▁be", "▁the", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cred", "its", "▁scene", "▁of", "▁Captain", "▁America", "▁:", "▁The", "▁First", "▁Aven", "ger", "▁was", "▁briefly", "▁le", "aked", "▁online", "▁.", "▁Entertainment", "▁Week", "ly", "▁spec", "ulated", "▁it", "▁came", "▁from", "▁a", "▁preview", "▁screen", "ing", "▁and", "▁described", "▁the", "▁foot", "age", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁sh", "ak", "y", "▁,", "▁f", "uz", "zy", "▁,", "▁f", "lick", "ering", "▁and", "▁obviously", "▁fil", "med", "▁on", "▁a", "▁cell", "▁phone", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁W", "alt", "▁Disney", "▁Pictures", "▁,", "▁P", "ix", "ar", "▁An", "imation", "▁Studios", "▁and", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁presented", "▁a", "▁look", "▁at", "▁W", "alt", "▁Disney", "▁Studios", "▁'", "▁up", "coming", "▁film", "▁sl", "ate", "▁,", "▁which", "▁included", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁,", "▁at", "▁the", "▁D", "2", "3", "▁Ex", "po", "▁in", "▁Ana", "heim", "▁,", "▁California", "▁.", "▁The", "▁presentation", "▁featured", "▁foot", "age", "▁from", "▁the", "▁film", "▁and", "▁appearances", "▁by", "▁the", "▁cast", "▁members", "▁.", "▁Later", "▁in", "▁August", "▁,", "▁Disney", "▁dismiss", "ed", "▁Marvel", "▁'", "s", "▁executive", "▁vice", "▁president", "▁of", "▁world", "wide", "▁market", "ing", "▁,", "▁vice", "▁president", "▁of", "▁world", "wide", "▁market", "ing", "▁and", "▁manager", "▁of", "▁world", "wide", "▁market", "ing", "▁to", "▁bring", "▁their", "▁functions", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁house", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁held", "▁a", "▁presentation", "▁at", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Com", "ic", "▁Con", "▁that", "▁featured", "▁new", "▁foot", "age", "▁and", "▁a", "▁panel", "▁discussion", "▁including", "▁producer", "▁Kevin", "▁Fe", "ige", "▁and", "▁several", "▁cast", "▁members", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁length", "▁tra", "iler", "▁was", "▁also", "▁released", "▁in", "▁October", "▁.", "▁Com", "ic", "▁Book", "▁Resources", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁te", "aser", "▁hand", "ily", "▁establish", "es", "▁the", "▁movie", "▁'", "s", "▁prem", "ise", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁heavy", "▁on", "▁the", "▁assemb", "ling", "▁,", "▁but", "▁fans", "▁are", "▁also", "▁treated", "▁to", "▁plenty", "▁of", "▁action", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁g", "lim", "ps", "es", "▁[", "▁sic", "▁]", "▁of", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁'", "s", "▁new", "▁arm", "or", "▁and", "▁,", "▁best", "▁of", "▁all", "▁,", "▁the", "▁new", "▁take", "▁on", "▁the", "▁In", "cred", "ible", "▁H", "ulk", "▁.", "▁Natur", "ally", "▁,", "▁Robert", "▁Dow", "ney", "▁Jr", "▁.", "▁'", "▁s", "▁Tony", "▁St", "ark", "▁gets", "▁the", "▁best", "▁lines", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁The", "▁Hollywood", "▁Re", "porter", "▁called", "▁it", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Aw", "esome", "▁.", "▁Or", "▁it", "▁would", "▁be", "▁if", "▁we", "▁hadn", "▁'", "t", "▁seen", "▁all", "▁of", "▁this", "▁before", "▁and", "▁expected", "▁every", "▁single", "▁thing", "▁that", "▁we", "▁saw", "▁in", "▁the", "▁tra", "iler", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁tra", "iler", "▁,", "▁which", "▁deb", "uted", "▁exclus", "ively", "▁on", "▁i", "T", "unes", "▁Movie", "▁Tra", "ilers", "▁,", "▁was", "▁downloaded", "▁over", "▁", "1", "0", "▁million", "▁times", "▁in", "▁its", "▁first", "▁", "2", "4", "▁hours", "▁,", "▁breaking", "▁the", "▁website", "▁'", "s", "▁record", "▁for", "▁the", "▁most", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁viewed", "▁tra", "iler", "▁.", "▁This", "▁record", "▁was", "▁sur", "pass", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁tra", "iler", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Dark", "▁Knight", "▁R", "ises", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁downloaded", "▁more", "▁than", "▁", "1", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁million", "▁times", "▁in", "▁its", "▁first", "▁", "2", "4", "▁hours", "▁.", "▁The", "▁tra", "iler", "▁received", "▁", "2", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁million", "▁views", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "4", "▁hours", "▁after", "▁it", "▁deb", "uted", "▁.", "▁A", "▁second", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁length", "▁tra", "iler", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁i", "T", "unes", "▁in", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁reaching", "▁a", "▁record", "▁", "1", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "▁million", "▁download", "s", "▁in", "▁", "2", "4", "▁hours", "▁.", "▁The", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁tra", "ilers", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁appeared", "▁with", "▁many", "▁films", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Mission", "▁:", "▁Im", "possible", "▁–", "▁Ghost", "▁Pro", "tocol", "▁,", "▁", "2", "1", "▁J", "ump", "▁Street", "▁and", "▁The", "▁Hung", "er", "▁Games", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁held", "▁a", "▁global", "▁Twitter", "▁chat", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "3", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁live", "▁twe", "eting", "▁event", "▁featured", "▁writer", "▁/", "▁director", "▁J", "oss", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁,", "▁cast", "▁members", "▁Samuel", "▁L", ".", "▁Jackson", "▁,", "▁Tom", "▁H", "idd", "l", "eston", "▁and", "▁Clark", "▁Gre", "gg", "▁and", "▁a", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁second", "▁te", "ase", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "3", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁second", "▁Super", "▁Bowl", "▁commercial", "▁that", "▁would", "▁air", "▁during", "▁Super", "▁Bowl", "▁X", "L", "VI", "▁in", "▁February", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁Times", "▁,", "▁Disney", "▁paid", "▁an", "▁estimated", "▁$", "▁", "4", "▁million", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "3", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁second", "▁spot", "▁.", "▁On", "▁May", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁execut", "ives", "▁from", "▁Marvel", "▁Studios", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁actors", "▁Tom", "▁H", "idd", "l", "eston", "▁and", "▁Clark", "▁Gre", "gg", "▁,", "▁rang", "▁the", "▁opening", "▁bell", "▁of", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Stock", "▁Exchange", "▁in", "▁honor", "▁of", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁release", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁T", "ie", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁com", "ics", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁Marvel", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁an", "▁eight", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁issue", "▁com", "ic", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁book", "▁pre", "l", "ude", "▁to", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Christopher", "▁Y", "ost", "▁and", "▁Eric", "▁Pear", "son", "▁with", "▁art", "▁by", "▁Luke", "▁Ross", "▁and", "▁Daniel", "▁H", "DR", "▁,", "▁would", "▁be", "▁released", "▁in", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁In", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁Marvel", "▁announced", "▁the", "▁release", "▁of", "▁a", "▁second", "▁limited", "▁series", "▁com", "ic", "▁book", "▁tie", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁,", "▁Black", "▁W", "id", "ow", "▁St", "rik", "es", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Fred", "▁Van", "▁L", "ente", "▁,", "▁who", "▁wrote", "▁Captain", "▁America", "▁:", "▁First", "▁Ven", "ge", "ance", "▁,", "▁the", "▁com", "ic", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁book", "▁pre", "quel", "▁to", "▁Captain", "▁America", "▁:", "▁The", "▁First", "▁Aven", "ger", "▁.", "▁The", "▁story", "▁is", "▁set", "▁between", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁", "2", "▁and", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁and", "▁follows", "▁Black", "▁W", "id", "ow", "▁as", "▁she", "▁runs", "▁down", "▁some", "▁loose", "▁ends", "▁from", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁", "2", "▁.", "▁Additionally", "▁,", "▁the", "▁title", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁Ass", "emble", "▁was", "▁launched", "▁in", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Brian", "▁Michael", "▁B", "end", "is", "▁with", "▁art", "▁by", "▁Mark", "▁Bag", "ley", "▁and", "▁features", "▁the", "▁same", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁line", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁as", "▁the", "▁film", "▁batt", "ling", "▁a", "▁new", "▁inc", "arn", "ation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁super", "villa", "in", "▁team", "▁Z", "od", "iac", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Prom", "ot", "ional", "▁partners", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Paul", "▁G", "itter", "▁,", "▁Marvel", "▁Entertainment", "▁'", "s", "▁president", "▁of", "▁consumer", "▁products", "▁,", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁the", "▁build", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁to", "▁the", "▁film", "▁helped", "▁strength", "en", "▁ret", "ail", "▁partners", "hips", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Ret", "ail", "ers" ]
was meant to be the post @-@ credits scene of Captain America : The First Avenger was briefly leaked online . Entertainment Weekly speculated it came from a preview screening and described the footage as " shaky , fuzzy , flickering and obviously filmed on a cell phone " . In August 2011 , Walt Disney Pictures , Pixar Animation Studios and Marvel Studios presented a look at Walt Disney Studios ' upcoming film slate , which included The Avengers , at the D23 Expo in Anaheim , California . The presentation featured footage from the film and appearances by the cast members . Later in August , Disney dismissed Marvel 's executive vice president of worldwide marketing , vice president of worldwide marketing and manager of worldwide marketing to bring their functions in @-@ house . In October 2011 , Marvel Studios held a presentation at the New York Comic Con that featured new footage and a panel discussion including producer Kevin Feige and several cast members . The first full @-@ length trailer was also released in October . Comic Book Resources said , " The two @-@ minute teaser handily establishes the movie 's premise " and is " heavy on the assembling , but fans are also treated to plenty of action , as well glimpses [ sic ] of Iron Man 's new armor and , best of all , the new take on the Incredible Hulk . Naturally , Robert Downey Jr . ' s Tony Stark gets the best lines " . However , The Hollywood Reporter called it , " Awesome . Or it would be if we hadn 't seen all of this before and expected every single thing that we saw in the trailer " . The trailer , which debuted exclusively on iTunes Movie Trailers , was downloaded over 10 million times in its first 24 hours , breaking the website 's record for the most @-@ viewed trailer . This record was surpassed by the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises , which was downloaded more than 12 @.@ 5 million times in its first 24 hours . The trailer received 20 @.@ 4 million views in the 24 hours after it debuted . A second full @-@ length trailer was released on iTunes in February 2012 , reaching a record 13 @.@ 7 million downloads in 24 hours . The theatrical trailers of The Avengers appeared with many films , including Mission : Impossible – Ghost Protocol , 21 Jump Street and The Hunger Games . In January 2012 , Marvel Studios held a global Twitter chat . The 30 @-@ minute live tweeting event featured writer / director Joss Whedon , cast members Samuel L. Jackson , Tom Hiddleston and Clark Gregg and a 10 @-@ second tease of the 30 @-@ second Super Bowl commercial that would air during Super Bowl XLVI in February . According to the Los Angeles Times , Disney paid an estimated $ 4 million for the 30 @-@ second spot . On May 1 , 2012 , executives from Marvel Studios , along with actors Tom Hiddleston and Clark Gregg , rang the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange in honor of the film 's theatrical release . = = = = Tie @-@ in comics = = = = In December 2011 , Marvel announced that an eight @-@ issue comic @-@ book prelude to the film , written by Christopher Yost and Eric Pearson with art by Luke Ross and Daniel HDR , would be released in March 2012 . In February 2012 , Marvel announced the release of a second limited series comic book tie @-@ in , Black Widow Strikes written by Fred Van Lente , who wrote Captain America : First Vengeance , the comic @-@ book prequel to Captain America : The First Avenger . The story is set between Iron Man 2 and The Avengers and follows Black Widow as she runs down some loose ends from Iron Man 2 . Additionally , the title Avengers Assemble was launched in March 2012 , written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by Mark Bagley and features the same Avengers line @-@ up as the film battling a new incarnation of the supervillain team Zodiac . = = = = Promotional partners = = = = Paul Gitter , Marvel Entertainment 's president of consumer products , commented that the build @-@ up to the film helped strengthen retail partnerships : " Retailers
[ "▁have", "▁been", "▁less", "▁toler", "ant", "▁with", "▁[", "▁intellectual", "▁property", "▁]", "▁films", "▁,", "▁so", "▁we", "▁decided", "▁that", "▁if", "▁we", "▁started", "▁on", "▁this", "▁coordin", "ated", "▁strategy", "▁several", "▁years", "▁ago", "▁,", "▁ret", "ail", "ers", "▁would", "▁give", "▁us", "▁sh", "elf", "▁space", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁years", "▁and", "▁we", "▁would", "▁have", "▁a", "▁more", "▁sust", "ain", "able", "▁position", "▁in", "▁the", "▁market", "place", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁set", "▁photos", "▁of", "▁Robert", "▁Dow", "ney", "▁Jr", ".", "▁driving", "▁a", "▁new", "▁model", "▁Ac", "ura", "▁were", "▁published", "▁online", "▁.", "▁An", "▁Ac", "ura", "▁sp", "ok", "esp", "erson", "▁later", "▁released", "▁a", "▁statement", "▁confirm", "ing", "▁the", "▁company", "▁'", "s", "▁invol", "vement", "▁with", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁As", "▁you", "▁may", "▁know", "▁,", "▁Ac", "ura", "▁has", "▁been", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Marvel", "▁Comics", "▁Un", "iverse", "▁films", "▁as", "▁the", "▁official", "▁car", "▁of", "▁their", "▁fict", "ional", "▁law", "▁enfor", "cement", "▁ag", "ency", "▁called", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁That", "▁relationship", "▁continues", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁.", "▁The", "▁open", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁top", "▁sports", "▁car", "▁that", "▁was", "▁photograph", "ed", "▁yesterday", "▁is", "▁a", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁off", "▁,", "▁fict", "ional", "▁car", "▁that", "▁was", "▁made", "▁just", "▁for", "▁the", "▁movie", "▁and", "▁will", "▁not", "▁be", "▁produced", "▁.", "▁That", "▁said", "▁,", "▁as", "▁you", "▁may", "▁also", "▁know", "▁,", "▁our", "▁CE", "O", "▁has", "▁said", "▁public", "ly", "▁that", "▁we", "▁are", "▁studying", "▁the", "▁development", "▁of", "▁a", "▁new", "▁sport", "scar", "▁,", "▁but", "▁we", "▁can", "▁'", "t", "▁say", "▁any", "▁more", "▁about", "▁it", "▁at", "▁this", "▁time", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁Ac", "ura", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁a", "▁new", "▁NS", "X", "▁sty", "led", "▁along", "▁the", "▁lines", "▁of", "▁the", "▁concept", "▁built", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁would", "▁be", "▁un", "ve", "iled", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁North", "▁American", "▁International", "▁Auto", "▁Show", "▁.", "▁A", "▁series", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁SU", "V", "s", "▁,", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Ac", "ura", "▁MD", "X", "▁with", "▁modifications", "▁by", "▁Cinema", "▁Ve", "h", "icle", "▁Services", "▁,", "▁were", "▁also", "▁made", "▁for", "▁the", "▁film", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁Marvel", "▁has", "▁partner", "ed", "▁with", "▁fra", "gr", "ance", "▁company", "▁J", "AD", "S", "▁to", "▁promote", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁with", "▁character", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁fra", "gr", "ances", "▁.", "▁The", "▁announ", "cement", "▁was", "▁just", "▁ahead", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Toy", "▁Indust", "ry", "▁Association", "▁'", "s", "▁annual", "▁February", "▁exhibition", "▁,", "▁where", "▁represent", "atives", "▁held", "▁a", "▁sampling", "▁bo", "oth", "▁of", "▁the", "▁products", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁prom", "ot", "ional", "▁partners", "▁include", "▁bra", "ce", "let", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁mak", "er", "▁Col", "ant", "otte", "▁,", "▁Dr", "▁Pe", "pper", "▁,", "▁Farm", "ers", "▁In", "sur", "ance", "▁,", "▁Har", "ley", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁David", "son", "▁,", "▁H", "ers", "he", "y", "▁,", "▁Land", "▁O", "▁'", "F", "rost", "▁l", "unch", "me", "ats", "▁,", "▁Oracle", "▁,", "▁Red", "▁Baron", "▁p", "izza", "▁,", "▁Sym", "ante", "c", "▁,", "▁Vis", "a", "▁and", "▁Wy", "nd", "ham", "▁Hot", "els", "▁&", "▁Res", "ort", "s", "▁.", "▁In", "▁total", "▁,", "▁Marvel", "▁and", "▁its", "▁parent", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁company", "▁Disney", "▁secured", "▁an", "▁estimated", "▁$", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁million", "▁in", "▁world", "wide", "▁market", "ing", "▁support", "▁for", "▁the", "▁film", "▁.", "▁Notable", "▁exclus", "ions", "▁include", "▁B", "ask", "in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Rob", "b", "ins", "▁,", "▁Bur", "ger", "▁King", "▁and", "▁D", "unk", "in", "▁'", "▁Don", "uts", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁partner", "ed", "▁with", "▁Marvel", "▁in", "▁the", "▁past", "▁when", "▁their", "▁films", "▁were", "▁distributed", "▁by", "▁Param", "ount", "▁.", "▁Disney", "▁does", "▁not", "▁generally", "▁promote", "▁through", "▁fast", "▁food", "▁out", "lets", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Video", "▁game", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "▁video", "▁game", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁film", "▁was", "▁planned", "▁for", "▁concurrent", "▁release", "▁.", "▁The", "▁game", "▁was", "▁to", "▁be", "▁a", "▁first", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁person", "▁shoot", "er", "▁/", "▁b", "raw", "ler", "▁for", "▁the", "▁X", "box", "▁", "3", "6", "0", "▁,", "▁Play", "Station", "▁", "3", "▁,", "▁W", "ii", "▁U", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Microsoft", "▁Windows", "▁and", "▁published", "▁by", "▁TH", "Q", "▁,", "▁with", "▁TH", "Q", "▁Studio", "▁Australia", "▁developing", "▁the", "▁console", "▁versions", "▁and", "▁Blue", "▁T", "ong", "ue", "▁Entertainment", "▁the", "▁PC", "▁version", "▁.", "▁After", "▁TH", "Q", "▁closed", "▁both", "▁stud", "ios", "▁,", "▁the", "▁game", "▁was", "▁cancel", "led", "▁.", "▁Intel", "lect", "ual", "▁property", "▁rights", "▁for", "▁an", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁video", "▁game", "▁revert", "ed", "▁to", "▁Marvel", "▁,", "▁which", "▁said", "▁it", "▁was", "▁expl", "oring", "▁potential", "▁publishing", "▁and", "▁lic", "ens", "ing", "▁opportun", "ities", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁U", "b", "iso", "ft", "▁and", "▁Marvel", "▁Entertainment", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁they", "▁were", "▁partner", "ing", "▁to", "▁develop", "▁a", "▁motion", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁controlled", "▁game", "▁titled", "▁Marvel", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁:", "▁Battle", "▁for", "▁Earth", "▁for", "▁the", "▁W", "ii", "▁U", "▁and", "▁X", "box", "▁", "3", "6", "0", "▁K", "ine", "ct", "▁.", "▁The", "▁game", "▁was", "▁inspired", "▁by", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Secret", "▁In", "vas", "ion", "▁\"", "▁story", "line", "▁and", "▁features", "▁", "2", "0", "▁different", "▁characters", "▁.", "▁Marvel", "▁also", "▁announced", "▁a", "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁chapter", "▁mobile", "▁game", "▁titled", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁In", "iti", "ative", "▁,", "▁with", "▁one", "▁chapter", "▁foc", "using", "▁on", "▁each", "▁of", "▁H", "ulk", "▁,", "▁Captain", "▁America", "▁,", "▁Thor", "▁and", "▁Iron", "▁Man", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Home", "▁media", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁film", "▁was", "▁released", "▁by", "▁W", "alt", "▁Disney", "▁Studios", "▁Home", "▁Entertainment", "▁on", "▁Bl", "u", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ray", "▁Disc", "▁,", "▁Bl", "u", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ray", "▁", "3", "D", "▁,", "▁DVD", "▁and", "▁digital", "▁download", "▁on", "▁September", "▁", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁and", "▁as", "▁early", "▁as", "▁August", "▁", "2", "9", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁in", "▁various", "▁international", "▁mark", "ets", "▁.", "▁Produ", "cer", "▁Kevin", "▁Fe", "ige", "▁said", "▁the", "▁Bl", "u", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ray", "▁features", "▁a", "▁new", "▁Marvel", "▁One", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Sh", "ot", "▁titled", "▁Item", "▁", "4", "7", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁deleted", "▁scenes", "▁and", "▁a", "▁few", "▁story", "lines", "▁that", "▁fell", "▁by", "▁the", "▁way", "side", "▁during", "▁the", "▁editing", "▁process", "▁\"", "▁including", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁few", "▁more", "▁scenes", "▁with", "▁the", "▁S", ".", "H", ".", "I", ".", "E", ".", "L", ".", "D", ".", "▁agent", "▁Maria", "▁Hill", "▁,", "▁played", "▁by", "▁Cob", "ie", "▁Sm", "ul", "ders", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁some", "▁slightly", "▁different", "▁versions", "▁of", "▁Maria", "▁Hill", "▁and", "▁Nick", "▁F", "ury", "▁'", "s", "▁interaction", "▁with", "▁the", "▁World", "▁Security", "▁Council", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁film", "▁was", "▁also", "▁collected", "▁in", "▁a", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁disc", "▁box", "▁set", "▁titled", "▁\"", "▁Marvel", "▁Cin", "ematic", "▁Un", "iverse", "▁:", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁One", "▁–", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁Ass", "emble" ]
have been less tolerant with [ intellectual property ] films , so we decided that if we started on this coordinated strategy several years ago , retailers would give us shelf space throughout the years and we would have a more sustainable position in the marketplace " . In September 2011 , set photos of Robert Downey Jr. driving a new model Acura were published online . An Acura spokesperson later released a statement confirming the company 's involvement with the film , " As you may know , Acura has been in the Marvel Comics Universe films as the official car of their fictional law enforcement agency called S.H.I.E.L.D. That relationship continues for The Avengers . The open @-@ top sports car that was photographed yesterday is a one @-@ off , fictional car that was made just for the movie and will not be produced . That said , as you may also know , our CEO has said publicly that we are studying the development of a new sportscar , but we can 't say any more about it at this time . " In December 2011 , Acura announced that a new NSX styled along the lines of the concept built for The Avengers would be unveiled at the 2012 North American International Auto Show . A series of 10 S.H.I.E.L.D. SUVs , based on the Acura MDX with modifications by Cinema Vehicle Services , were also made for the film . In February 2012 , it was announced that Marvel has partnered with fragrance company JADS to promote The Avengers with character @-@ based fragrances . The announcement was just ahead of the Toy Industry Association 's annual February exhibition , where representatives held a sampling booth of the products . Other promotional partners include bracelet @-@ maker Colantotte , Dr Pepper , Farmers Insurance , Harley @-@ Davidson , Hershey , Land O 'Frost lunchmeats , Oracle , Red Baron pizza , Symantec , Visa and Wyndham Hotels & Resorts . In total , Marvel and its parent @-@ company Disney secured an estimated $ 100 million in worldwide marketing support for the film . Notable exclusions include Baskin @-@ Robbins , Burger King and Dunkin ' Donuts , who had partnered with Marvel in the past when their films were distributed by Paramount . Disney does not generally promote through fast food outlets . = = = = Video game = = = = A video game based on the film was planned for concurrent release . The game was to be a first @-@ person shooter / brawler for the Xbox 360 , PlayStation 3 , Wii U , and Microsoft Windows and published by THQ , with THQ Studio Australia developing the console versions and Blue Tongue Entertainment the PC version . After THQ closed both studios , the game was cancelled . Intellectual property rights for an Avengers video game reverted to Marvel , which said it was exploring potential publishing and licensing opportunities . In May 2012 , Ubisoft and Marvel Entertainment announced that they were partnering to develop a motion @-@ controlled game titled Marvel Avengers : Battle for Earth for the Wii U and Xbox 360 Kinect . The game was inspired by the " Secret Invasion " storyline and features 20 different characters . Marvel also announced a four @-@ chapter mobile game titled Avengers Initiative , with one chapter focusing on each of Hulk , Captain America , Thor and Iron Man . = = = Home media = = = The film was released by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on Blu @-@ ray Disc , Blu @-@ ray 3D , DVD and digital download on September 25 , 2012 in the United States and as early as August 29 , 2012 in various international markets . Producer Kevin Feige said the Blu @-@ ray features a new Marvel One @-@ Shot titled Item 47 and " a number of deleted scenes and a few storylines that fell by the wayside during the editing process " including " a few more scenes with the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Maria Hill , played by Cobie Smulders " and " some slightly different versions of Maria Hill and Nick Fury 's interaction with the World Security Council " . The film was also collected in a 10 @-@ disc box set titled " Marvel Cinematic Universe : Phase One – Avengers Assemble
[ "d", "▁\"", "▁which", "▁includes", "▁all", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ph", "ase", "▁One", "▁films", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Marvel", "▁Cin", "ematic", "▁Un", "iverse", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁Some", "▁fans", "▁have", "▁critic", "ized", "▁the", "▁UK", "▁DVD", "▁and", "▁Bl", "u", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ray", "▁release", "▁for", "▁om", "itting", "▁J", "oss", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁audio", "▁comment", "ary", "▁,", "▁and", "▁for", "▁alter", "ing", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁involving", "▁Phil", "▁C", "oul", "son", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁from", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁version", "▁.", "▁Disney", "▁'", "s", "▁UK", "▁division", "▁said", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁less", "▁graph", "ic", "▁dep", "iction", "▁of", "▁Agent", "▁C", "oul", "son", "▁'", "s", "▁confront", "ation", "▁with", "▁L", "oki", "▁\"", "▁occurred", "▁because", "▁\"", "▁[", "▁e", "▁]", "▁ach", "▁country", "▁has", "▁its", "▁own", "▁comp", "liance", "▁issues", "▁relative", "▁to", "▁dep", "ict", "ions", "▁of", "▁violence", "▁.", "▁Unfortunately", "▁,", "▁another", "▁region", "▁'", "s", "▁elements", "▁were", "▁in", "ad", "vert", "ently", "▁used", "▁to", "▁create", "▁the", "▁UK", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁home", "▁release", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Upon", "▁its", "▁first", "▁week", "▁of", "▁release", "▁on", "▁home", "▁media", "▁in", "▁the", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁,", "▁the", "▁film", "▁to", "pped", "▁the", "▁N", "iel", "sen", "▁Video", "Scan", "▁First", "▁Alert", "▁chart", "▁,", "▁which", "▁tracks", "▁overall", "▁disc", "▁sales", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁the", "▁dedicated", "▁Bl", "u", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ray", "▁Disc", "▁sales", "▁chart", "▁with", "▁", "7", "2", "▁%", "▁of", "▁unit", "▁sales", "▁coming", "▁from", "▁Bl", "u", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ray", "▁,", "▁a", "▁record", "▁for", "▁a", "▁new", "▁release", "▁in", "▁which", "▁both", "▁the", "▁DVD", "▁and", "▁Bl", "u", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ray", "▁formats", "▁were", "▁released", "▁simultaneously", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "ception", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Box", "▁office", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁gross", "ed", "▁$", "▁", "6", "2", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁million", "▁in", "▁North", "▁America", "▁and", "▁$", "▁", "8", "9", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁million", "▁in", "▁other", "▁countries", "▁,", "▁for", "▁a", "▁world", "wide", "▁total", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "1", "8", "▁billion", "▁.", "▁It", "▁became", "▁the", "▁third", "▁highest", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gross", "ing", "▁film", "▁world", "wide", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁highest", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gross", "ing", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁film", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁the", "▁highest", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gross", "ing", "▁com", "ic", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁book", "▁adaptation", "▁,", "▁the", "▁highest", "▁gross", "ing", "▁super", "h", "ero", "▁film", "▁and", "▁the", "▁second", "▁highest", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gross", "ing", "▁film", "▁ever", "▁released", 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d " which includes all of the Phase One films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe . It was released on April 2 , 2013 . Some fans have criticized the UK DVD and Blu @-@ ray release for omitting Joss Whedon 's audio commentary , and for altering the scene involving Phil Coulson 's death from the film 's theatrical version . Disney 's UK division said the " less graphic depiction of Agent Coulson 's confrontation with Loki " occurred because " [ e ] ach country has its own compliance issues relative to depictions of violence . Unfortunately , another region 's elements were inadvertently used to create the UK in @-@ home release " . Upon its first week of release on home media in the U.S. , the film topped the Nielsen VideoScan First Alert chart , which tracks overall disc sales , as well as the dedicated Blu @-@ ray Disc sales chart with 72 % of unit sales coming from Blu @-@ ray , a record for a new release in which both the DVD and Blu @-@ ray formats were released simultaneously . = = Reception = = = = = Box office = = = The Avengers grossed $ 623 @.@ 4 million in North America and $ 895 @.@ 2 million in other countries , for a worldwide total of $ 1 @.@ 518 billion . It became the third highest @-@ grossing film worldwide as well as highest @-@ grossing 2012 film . It is the highest @-@ grossing comic @-@ book adaptation , the highest grossing superhero film and the second highest @-@ grossing film ever released by Walt Disney Studios . The film 's worldwide opening of $ 392 @.@ 5 million is the fourth largest . The Avengers also became the fifth film distributed by Disney and the twelfth film overall to earn more than $ 1 billion . It reached this milestone in 19 days , matching the record for speed previously set by Avatar and Deathly Hallows – Part 2 . Its grosses exceeded its estimated $ 220 million production cost 12 days after its release . It was the first Marvel production to generate $ 1 billion in ticket sales . = = = = North America = = = = The film became the third highest @-@ grossing film , the highest @-@ grossing 2012 film , the highest grossing film distributed by Disney , the highest @-@ grossing superhero film and the highest @-@ grossing film based on comics . It opened Friday , May 4 , 2012 , on around 11 @,@ 800 screens across 4 @,@ 349 theaters , and earned $ 80 @.@ 8 million , marking the second @-@ biggest opening and second @-@ biggest single @-@ day gross . The film 's Friday gross included an $ 18 @.@ 7 million midnight run , a record for a superhero film Without midnight grosses , the film earned the largest opening @-@ day gross ( $ 62 @.@ 1 million ) . It also set a Saturday- and Sunday @-@ gross record ( $ 69 @.@ 6 million and $ 57 @.@ 1 million respectively ) . In total , it earned a total of $ 207 @,@ 438 @,@ 708 for its debut weekend , setting an opening @-@ weekend record , including an IMAX opening @-@ weekend record of $ 15 @.@ 3 million and a record for opening @-@ weekend grosses originating from 3D showings ( $ 108 million ) . The opening @-@ weekend audience was evenly split among those under and over the age of 25 , with 60 % of the audience male , 55 % couples , 24 % families and 21 % teenagers . Earning $ 103 @.@ 1 million on its second weekend , the film set a record for the largest second @-@ weekend gross . Other records set by the film include the biggest weekend per @-@ theater average for a wide release ( $ 47 @,@ 698 per theater ) , the fastest film to reach $ 100 million and each additional $ 50 million through $ 550 million , and the largest cumulative gross through every day of release until , and including , its forty @-@ third
[ "▁day", "▁(", "▁with", "▁the", "▁exception", "▁of", "▁its", "▁first", "▁day", "▁)", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁in", "▁first", "▁place", "▁at", "▁the", "▁North", "▁American", "▁box", "▁office", "▁for", "▁three", "▁consecutive", "▁week", "ends", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁set", "▁a", "▁record", "▁for", "▁the", "▁highest", "▁month", "ly", "▁share", "▁,", "▁with", "▁its", "▁$", "▁", "5", "3", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁million", "▁total", "▁(", "▁through", "▁May", "▁", "3", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁)", "▁account", "ing", "▁for", "▁", "5", "2", "▁%", "▁of", "▁the", "▁total", "▁ear", "nings", "▁at", "▁the", "▁North", "▁American", "▁box", "▁office", "▁during", "▁May", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Records", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁following", "▁are", "▁records", "▁set", "▁by", "▁the", "▁film", "▁upon", "▁its", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁release", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Out", "side", "▁North", "▁America", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", 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"▁grade", "▁.", "▁", "▁Tod", "d", "▁Mc", "Car", "thy", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Hollywood", "▁Re", "porter", "▁gave", "▁a", "▁positive", "▁review", "▁of", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁remark", "ing", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁cl", "am", "orous", "▁,", "▁the", "▁save", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁the", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁world", "▁story", "▁is", "▁one", "▁everyone", "▁'", "s", "▁seen", "▁time", "▁and", "▁again", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁characters", "▁have", "▁been", "▁around", "▁for", "▁more", "▁than", "▁half", "▁a", "▁century", "▁in", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁com", "ic", "▁book", "▁issues", "▁.", "▁But", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁and", "▁his", "▁coh", "ort", "s", "▁have", "▁managed", "▁to", "▁stir", "▁all", "▁the", "▁personal", "ities", "▁and", "▁ing", "red", "ients", "▁together", "▁so", "▁that", "▁the", "▁resulting", "▁d", "ish", "▁,", "▁however", "▁familiar", "▁,", "▁is", "▁ir", "res", "ist", "ibly", "▁t", "ast", "y", "▁again", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁To", "▁Rol", "ling", "▁Stone", "▁journalist", "▁Peter", "▁Tra", "vers", "▁,", "▁the", "▁film", "▁ep", "it", "om", "ized", "▁an", "▁exception", "al", "▁block", "b", "uster", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁also", "▁the", "▁block", "b", "uster", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Tra", "vers", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁saw", "▁in", "▁my", "▁head", "▁when", "▁I", "▁imag", "ined", "▁a", "▁movie", "▁that", "▁brought", "▁together", "▁the", "▁id", "ols", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Marvel", "▁world", "▁in", "▁one", "▁sh", "iny", "▁,", "▁stup", "end", "ously", "▁exc", "iting", "▁package", "▁.", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁Trans", "form", "ers", "▁with", "▁a", "▁brain", "▁,", "▁a", "▁heart", "▁and", "▁a", "▁working", "▁sense", "▁of", "▁humor", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Justin", "▁Ch", "ang", "▁of", "▁Vari", "ety", "▁wrote", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Like", "▁a", "▁superior", "▁,", "▁state", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁of", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁the", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁art", "▁model", "▁built", "▁from", "▁reconst", "it", "uted", "▁parts" ]
day ( with the exception of its first day ) . It was in first place at the North American box office for three consecutive weekends . The film set a record for the highest monthly share , with its $ 532 @.@ 5 million total ( through May 31 , 2012 ) accounting for 52 % of the total earnings at the North American box office during May . = = = = = Records = = = = = The following are records set by the film upon its theatrical release . = = = = Outside North America = = = = The film became the third @-@ highest grossing film , the highest @-@ grossing Disney @-@ distributed film , the highest @-@ grossing 2012 film , and the highest @-@ grossing superhero film . It opened Wednesday , April 25 , 2012 , in 10 countries , earning $ 17 @.@ 1 million . It opened in 29 more countries on April 26 and 27 , earning $ 73 @.@ 1 million in three days . Through Sunday , April 29 , it earned an opening @-@ weekend total of $ 185 @.@ 1 million from 39 countries . It was in first place at the box office outside North America for four consecutive weekends . The film set opening @-@ day records in New Zealand , Malaysia and Iceland , a single @-@ day record in the Philippines , as well as both single- and opening @-@ day records in Singapore and in Thailand . It also earned the second highest @-@ grossing opening day in Australia ( $ 6 @.@ 2 million ) , behind Deathly Hallows – Part 2 , in Mexico , in the Philippines and in Vietnam . It set opening @-@ weekend records in many territories , including Mexico , Brazil , Ecuador , Bolivia , Taiwan , the Philippines , Hong Kong , the United Arab Emirates , Argentina , Peru and Central America . It also earned the second largest five @-@ day opening in Australia ( $ 20 @.@ 2 million ) . In the UK , Ireland and Malta , the film earned £ 2 @.@ 5 million ( $ 4 @.@ 1 million ) on its opening day and £ 15 @.@ 8 million ( $ 25 @.@ 7 million ) during the weekend , setting an opening @-@ weekend record for a superhero film . It became the market 's highest @-@ grossing superhero film . In Latin America , it became the highest @-@ grossing film ( $ 207 million ) and the first film to earn more than $ 200 million . It also became the highest @-@ grossing film in the Philippines , in Singapore and in Indonesia . = = = Critical response = = = The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported a 92 % approval rating with an average rating of 8 / 10 based on 315 reviews . The website 's consensus reads , " Thanks to a script that emphasizes its heroes ' humanity and a wealth of superpowered set pieces , The Avengers lives up to its hype and raises the bar for Marvel at the movies . " On Metacritic , the film achieved an average score of 69 out of 100 based on 43 reviews , signifying " generally favorable reviews " . CinemaScore reported that audiences gave the film a rare " A + " grade . Todd McCarthy of The Hollywood Reporter gave a positive review of the film , remarking , " It 's clamorous , the save @-@ the @-@ world story is one everyone 's seen time and again , and the characters have been around for more than half a century in 500 comic book issues . But Whedon and his cohorts have managed to stir all the personalities and ingredients together so that the resulting dish , however familiar , is irresistibly tasty again . " To Rolling Stone journalist Peter Travers , the film epitomized an exceptional blockbuster . " It 's also the blockbuster , " Travers said , " I saw in my head when I imagined a movie that brought together the idols of the Marvel world in one shiny , stupendously exciting package . It 's Transformers with a brain , a heart and a working sense of humor . " Justin Chang of Variety wrote , " Like a superior , state @-@ of @-@ the @-@ art model built from reconstituted parts
[ "▁,", "▁J", "oss", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁bu", "oy", "ant", "▁,", "▁w", "itt", "y", "▁and", "▁robust", "ly", "▁entertain", "ing", "▁super", "h", "ero", "▁sm", "ash", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁is", "▁esc", "ap", "ism", "▁of", "▁a", "▁s", "oph", "istic", "ated", "▁order", "▁,", "▁bo", "ast", "ing", "▁a", "▁t", "onal", "▁ass", "urance", "▁and", "▁rich", "▁res", "erves", "▁of", "▁humor", "▁that", "▁offset", "▁the", "▁potentially", "▁l", "umber", "ing", "▁and", "▁un", "av", "oid", "ably", "▁formula", "ic", "▁aspects", "▁of", "▁this", "▁", "1", "4", "3", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁team", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁origin", "▁story", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Kenneth", "▁Tur", "an", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁Times", "▁compl", "iment", "ed", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁f", "ren", "etic", "▁pace", "▁,", "▁while", "▁Roger", "▁E", "bert", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Chicago", "▁Sun", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Times", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁provides", "▁its", "▁fans", "▁with", "▁exactly", "▁what", "▁they", "▁desire", "▁.", "▁Whether", "▁it", "▁is", "▁exactly", "▁what", "▁they", "▁des", "erve", "▁is", "▁arg", "u", "able", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Con", "vers", "ely", "▁,", "▁A", ".", "▁O", ".", "▁Scott", "▁of", "▁The", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Times", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁while", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁is", "▁hardly", "▁worth", "▁ra", "ging", "▁about", "▁,", "▁its", "▁fail", "ures", "▁are", "▁significant", "▁and", "▁disp", "ir", "iting", "▁.", "▁The", "▁light", "▁,", "▁am", "using", "▁bits", "▁cannot", "▁overcome", "▁the", "▁gr", "inding", "▁,", "▁hect", "ic", "▁em", "pt", "iness", "▁,", "▁the", "▁blo", "ated", "▁c", "yn", "ic", "ism", "▁that", "▁is", "▁less", "▁a", "▁short", "coming", "▁of", "▁this", "▁particular", "▁film", "▁than", "▁a", "▁feature", "▁of", "▁the", "▁genre", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁The", "▁performances", "▁of", "▁several", "▁cast", "▁members", "▁was", "▁a", "▁frequent", "▁topic", "▁in", "▁the", "▁crit", "iques", "▁.", "▁In", "▁particular", "▁,", "▁Mark", 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"@", "▁out", "▁under", "ne", "ath", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Scott", "▁suggested", "▁that", "▁certain", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁the", "▁film", "▁per", "me", "ated", "▁a", "▁charm", "▁that", "▁he", "▁felt", "▁was", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁the", "▁western", "▁film", "▁Rio", "▁Bra", "vo", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "9", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Long", "worth", "▁felt", "▁that", "▁while", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁script", "▁demonstrated", "▁the", "▁back", "story", "▁of", "▁the", "▁characters", "▁,", "▁the", "▁film", "▁does", "▁not", "▁explore", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁a", "▁substant", "ive", "▁way", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Acc", "ol", "ades", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁has", "▁gar", "ner", "ed", "▁numerous", "▁awards", "▁and", "▁nomin", "ations", "▁,", "▁including", "▁an", "▁Academy", "▁Award", "▁nom", "ination", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Visual", "▁Effect", "s", "▁and", "▁a", "▁British", "▁Academy", "▁Film", "▁Award", "▁nom", "ination", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Special", "▁Visual", "▁Effect", "s", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁has", "▁also", "▁been", "▁nominated", "▁for", "▁three", "▁Crit", "ics", "▁'", "▁Cho", "ice", "▁Movie", "▁Awards", "▁,", "▁th", "ir", "teen", "▁People", "▁'", "s", "▁Cho", "ice", "▁Awards", "▁(", "▁winning", "▁three", "▁)", "▁,", "▁eleven", "▁Te", "en", "▁Cho", "ice", "▁Awards", "▁(", "▁winning", "▁two", "▁)", "▁,", "▁six", "▁Sat", "urn", "▁Awards", "▁(", "▁winning", "▁four", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁six", "▁V", "ES", "▁Awards", "▁(", "▁winning", "▁two", "▁)", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁Hugo", "▁Award", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁D", "ram", "atic", "▁Pres", "entation", "▁Long", "▁Form", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Se", "qu", "els", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁:", "▁Age", "▁of", "▁Ul", "tr", "on", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "▁sequ", "el", "▁,", "▁titled", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁:", "▁Age", "▁of", "▁Ul", "tr", "on", "▁,", "▁written", "▁and", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁Wh", "ed", "on", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁May", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁.", "▁Much", "▁of", "▁the", "▁cast", "▁returns", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁addition", "▁of", "▁Elizabeth", "▁O", "ls", "en", "▁as", "▁Sc", "ar", "let" ]
, Joss Whedon 's buoyant , witty and robustly entertaining superhero smash @-@ up is escapism of a sophisticated order , boasting a tonal assurance and rich reserves of humor that offset the potentially lumbering and unavoidably formulaic aspects of this 143 @-@ minute team @-@ origin story . " Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times complimented the film 's frenetic pace , while Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun @-@ Times commented that it " provides its fans with exactly what they desire . Whether it is exactly what they deserve is arguable " . Conversely , A. O. Scott of The New York Times believed that " while The Avengers is hardly worth raging about , its failures are significant and dispiriting . The light , amusing bits cannot overcome the grinding , hectic emptiness , the bloated cynicism that is less a shortcoming of this particular film than a feature of the genre . " The performances of several cast members was a frequent topic in the critiques . In particular , Mark Ruffalo 's portrayal of Dr. Bruce Banner / the Hulk was well @-@ received by commentators . Joe Neumaier opined that his performance was superior to the rest of the cast ; " Ruffalo is the revelation , turning Banner into a wry reservoir of calm ready to become a volcano . " Similarly , The New Yorker 's Anthony Lane proclaimed Ruffalo 's acting to be one of the film 's highlights — alongside Downey . The Village Voice 's Karina Longworth concluded : " Ruffalo successfully refreshes the Hulk myth , playing Banner as an adorably bashful nerd @-@ genius who , in contrast to the preening hunks on the team , knows better than to draw attention to himself . " Travers asserted that the actor resonated a " scruffy warmth and humor " vibe , while Turan felt that he surpassed predecessors Edward Norton and Eric Bana in playing the character . Owen Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly wrote that " the smartest thing the filmmakers did was to get Mark Ruffalo to play Bruce Banner as a man so sensitive that he 's at war , every moment , with himself . ( The film finally solves the Hulk problem : He 's a lot more fun in small doses . ) " Referring to Downey , Joe Morgenstein of The Wall Street Journal — despite complimenting Downey 's performance — favored his work in Iron Man over his acting in The Avengers : " His Iron Man is certainly a team player , but Mr. Downey comes to the party with two insuperable superpowers : a character of established sophistication — the industrialist / inventor Tony Stark , a sharp @-@ tongued man of the world — and his own quicksilver presence that finds its finest expression in self @-@ irony . " Neumaier praised Evans , stating that he accurately conveyed his character 's internal conflicts . Commentators appreciated the character development and dialogue . Associated Press reviewer Christy Lemire wrote that the script " sparkles as brightly as the special effects ; these people may be wearing ridiculous costumes but they 're well fleshed @-@ out underneath . " Scott suggested that certain parts of the film permeated a charm that he felt was similar to the western film Rio Bravo ( 1959 ) . Longworth felt that while Whedon 's script demonstrated the backstory of the characters , the film does not explore it " in a substantive way " . = = = Accolades = = = The Avengers has garnered numerous awards and nominations , including an Academy Award nomination for Best Visual Effects and a British Academy Film Award nomination for Best Special Visual Effects . The film has also been nominated for three Critics ' Choice Movie Awards , thirteen People 's Choice Awards ( winning three ) , eleven Teen Choice Awards ( winning two ) , six Saturn Awards ( winning four ) , and six VES Awards ( winning two ) , as well as the 2013 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation Long Form . = = Sequels = = = = = Avengers : Age of Ultron = = = A sequel , titled Avengers : Age of Ultron , written and directed by Whedon , was released on May 1 , 2015 . Much of the cast returns , with the addition of Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet
[ "▁W", "itch", "▁,", "▁A", "aron", "▁Taylor", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Johnson", "▁as", "▁Qu", "icks", "il", "ver", "▁,", "▁Paul", "▁B", "ett", "any", "▁as", "▁V", "ision", "▁,", "▁and", "▁James", "▁Sp", "ader", "▁as", "▁Ul", "tr", "on", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁:", "▁In", "fin", "ity", "▁War", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁part", "▁Aven", "gers", "▁:", "▁In", "fin", "ity", "▁War", "▁will", "▁be", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁Anthony", "▁and", "▁Joe", "▁Rus", "so", "▁,", "▁from", "▁a", "▁script", "▁by", "▁Christopher", "▁Mark", "us", "▁&", "▁Stephen", "▁Mc", "Fe", "ely", "▁.", "▁Part", "▁", "1", "▁is", "▁scheduled", "▁to", "▁be", "▁released", "▁on", "▁May", "▁", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "8", "▁with", "▁Part", "▁", "2", "▁scheduled", "▁for", "▁May", "▁", "3", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Sec", "rets", "▁of", "▁a", "▁Success", "ful", "▁Mar", "riage", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Sec", "rets", "▁of", "▁a", "▁Success", "ful", "▁Mar", 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"▁her", "▁trust", "▁again", "▁or", "▁he", "▁will", "▁end", "▁up", "▁dead", "▁.", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁is", "▁won", "▁over", "▁and", "▁allows", "▁H", "omer", "▁to", "▁return", "▁to", "▁the", "▁house", "▁.", "▁The", "▁family", "▁is", "▁glad", "▁that", "▁he", "▁has", "▁returned", "▁,", "▁although", "▁Mo", "e", "▁is", "▁less", "▁than", "▁thr", "illed", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Greg", "▁Daniel", "s", "▁and", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁Carlos", "▁B", "ae", "za", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁the", "▁second", "▁script", "▁Daniel", "s", "▁wrote", "▁for", "▁the", "▁show", "▁.", "▁He", "▁thought", "▁the", "▁staff", "▁had", "▁previously", "▁done", "▁many", "▁episodes", "▁where", "▁H", "omer", "▁\"", "▁wasn", "▁'", "t", "▁good", "▁at", "▁anything", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁so", "▁he", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁figure", "▁out", "▁something", "▁H", "omer", "▁was", "▁really", "▁good", "▁at", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁came", "▁up", "▁with", "▁the", "▁idea", "▁of", "▁H", "omer", "▁being", "▁a", "▁good", "▁husband", "▁.", "▁While", "▁Bart", "▁had", "▁been", "▁the", "▁star", "▁of", "▁the", "▁show", "▁during", "▁the", "▁early", "▁years", "▁,", "▁by", "▁Season", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁the", "▁focus", "▁had", "▁clearly", "▁shift", "ed", "▁to", "▁H", "omer", "▁.", "▁W", "riter", "▁/" ]
Witch , Aaron Taylor @-@ Johnson as Quicksilver , Paul Bettany as Vision , and James Spader as Ultron . = = = Avengers : Infinity War = = = The two @-@ part Avengers : Infinity War will be directed by Anthony and Joe Russo , from a script by Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely . Part 1 is scheduled to be released on May 4 , 2018 with Part 2 scheduled for May 3 , 2019 . = Secrets of a Successful Marriage = " Secrets of a Successful Marriage " is the twenty @-@ second and final episode of The Simpsons ' fifth season . It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on May 19 , 1994 . In the episode , Homer fears he may be a little slow , so he goes to the adult education center . While there , he decides to teach a class of his own on the secrets of a successful marriage , since that is the only class he is qualified to teach . However , to keep his students interested , he is forced to tell personal secrets about his wife Marge , which she dislikes , leading up to Homer getting kicked out of the house . The episode was written by Greg Daniels and directed by Carlos Baeza . It features cultural references to the plays Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and A Streetcar Named Desire , and the films ... And Justice for All , A Few Good Men , Patton , and Chinatown . The episode has been analyzed in books such as Leaving Springfield and Education in Popular Culture . Since airing , the episode has received mostly positive reviews from television critics . It acquired a Nielsen rating of 9 @.@ 8 , and was the second highest @-@ rated show on the Fox network the week it aired . = = Plot = = After Homer realizes that he is " slow " , Marge recommends that he take an adult education course at the annex center . Down at the center , however , Homer changes his mind and decides to become a teacher . He talks to the administrator and accepts an opening to teach a class on having a successful marriage . Despite being confident that he can pull it off , he is frightened on his first day and is unable to help his pupils with their relationship problems . The class collectively gets up to leave , but when Homer mentions his conversation with Marge in bed , the class decides to stay , eager to hear gossip . Marge soon discovers that everyone in town knows her personal secrets , reacting by confronting Homer about it and he promises to stop . He instead continues telling her secrets anyway . Homer then takes the night off teaching class by having his class observe the family over dinner . Marge finally loses her temper and sends Homer and the class out of the house . When Homer tries to get back in , Marge stops him , saying she can no longer trust him , and refuses to let him back in . Homeless , Homer stays in Bart 's tree house . Marge tries to reassure Bart and Lisa that she and Homer love the children , despite their current situation , but Lisa and Bart are worried their parents will get divorced . Marge tries to get advice from Reverend Lovejoy , who tells her to get a divorce . While Homer longs for his wife , Moe comes by the Simpsons ' house to declare his interest in Marge , who turns him down . When Homer comes into the house with flowers he picked for Marge , Moe sees him and jumps out the window . Standing before her in rags , Homer professes his total and utter dependency on Marge , and she tells him that that is not a good thing , but Homer then makes his winning argument : he loves her , he needs her to love him , and can not afford to ever lose her trust again or he will end up dead . Marge is won over and allows Homer to return to the house . The family is glad that he has returned , although Moe is less than thrilled . = = Production = = The episode was written by Greg Daniels and directed by Carlos Baeza . It was the second script Daniels wrote for the show . He thought the staff had previously done many episodes where Homer " wasn 't good at anything " , so he tried to figure out something Homer was really good at , and he came up with the idea of Homer being a good husband . While Bart had been the star of the show during the early years , by Season 5 , the focus had clearly shifted to Homer . Writer /
[ "▁show", "runner", "▁Al", "▁Jean", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁because", "▁H", "omer", "▁is", "▁an", "▁adult", "▁character", "▁,", "▁he", "▁has", "▁more", "▁depth", "▁to", "▁him", "▁and", "▁thus", "▁story", "line", "▁possibilities", "▁.", "▁Show", "runner", "▁David", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁commented", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Bart", "▁,", "▁to", "▁write", "▁him", "▁accur", "ately", "▁as", "▁a", "▁child", "▁,", "▁he", "▁can", "▁only", "▁have", "▁so", "▁much", "▁depth", "▁at", "▁a", "▁certain", "▁age", "▁.", "▁With", "▁H", "omer", "▁,", "▁we", "▁try", "▁to", "▁explore", "▁all", "▁levels", "▁of", "▁ad", "ul", "th", "ood", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁just", "▁more", "▁places", "▁to", "▁go", "▁.", "▁Writing", "▁H", "omer", "▁properly", "▁is", "▁the", "▁trick", "▁,", "▁he", "▁'", "s", "▁our", "▁main", "▁rock", "▁of", "▁the", "▁whole", "▁series", "▁.", "▁H", "omer", "▁'", "s", "▁I", "Q", "▁is", "▁fairly", "▁flexible", "▁,", "▁he", "▁won", "▁'", "t", "▁necessarily", "▁understand", "▁how", "▁to", "▁open", "▁a", "▁door", "▁at", "▁some", "▁point", "▁,", "▁but", "▁he", "▁can", "▁name", "▁the", "▁Supreme", "▁Court", "▁just", "ices", "▁.", "▁F", "inding", "▁that", "▁balance", "▁is", "▁key", "▁to", "▁making", "▁the", "▁show", "▁work", "▁and", "▁making", "▁it", "▁surprising", "▁and", "▁making", "▁it", "▁bel", "iev", "able", "▁and", "▁em", "otion", "ally", "▁ground", "ed", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁was", "▁very", "▁fond", "▁of", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁that", "▁H", "omer", "▁and", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁have", "▁the", "▁biggest", "▁fight", "▁they", "▁have", "▁ever", "▁had", "▁on", "▁the", "▁show", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁thought", "▁it", "▁was", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁really", "▁great", "▁\"", "▁expl", "oration", "▁of", "▁their", "▁marriage", "▁.", "▁He", "▁noticed", "▁that", "▁because", "▁H", "omer", "▁is", "▁thrown", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁house", "▁,", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁really", "▁worry", "▁about", "▁their", "▁relationship", "▁.", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁had", "▁been", "▁asked", "▁many", "▁times", "▁why", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁and", "▁H", "omer", "▁are", "▁still", "▁together", "▁,", "▁to", "▁which", "▁he", "▁replied", "▁that", "▁all", "▁people", "▁stay", "▁together", "▁even", "▁if", "▁they", "▁argue", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁there", "▁'", "s", "▁some", "▁sort", "▁of", "▁connection", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cultural", "▁references", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁H", "omer", "▁s", "ings", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁theme", "▁song", "▁to", "▁Family", "▁T", "ies", "▁while", "▁talking", "▁to", "▁an", "▁administrator", "▁at", "▁the", "▁an", "nex", "▁center", "▁.", "▁Smith", "ers", "▁'", "s", "▁re", "collection", "▁of", "▁his", "▁marriage", "▁par", "od", "ies", "▁the", "▁two", "▁plays", "▁Cat", "▁on", "▁a", "▁Hot", "▁T", "in", "▁Ro", "of", "▁and", "▁A", "▁Street", "car", "▁N", "amed", "▁Des", "ire", "▁,", "▁both", "▁written", "▁by", "▁American", "▁play", "w", "right", "▁Tennessee", "▁Williams", "▁.", "▁H", "omer", "▁'", "s", "▁bed", "room", "▁r", "ant", "▁to", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁is", "▁a", "▁par", "ody", "▁m", "ish", "m", "ash", "▁of", "▁four", "▁popular", "▁films", "▁:", "▁...", "▁And", "▁Justice", "▁for", "▁All", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "9", "▁)", "▁,", "▁A", "▁F", "ew", "▁Good", "▁Men", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Pat", "ton", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Ch", "in", "at", "own", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "4", "▁)", "▁.", "▁He", "▁says", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Look", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁,", "▁you", "▁don", "▁'", "t", "▁know", "▁what", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁like", "▁.", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁the", "▁one", "▁out", "▁there", "▁every", "▁day", "▁putting", "▁his", "▁ass", "▁on", "▁the", "▁line", "▁.", "▁And", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁not", "▁out", "▁of", "▁order", "▁!", "▁You", "▁'", "re", "▁out", "▁of", "▁order", "▁.", "▁The", "▁whole", "▁fre", "aking", "▁system", "▁is", "▁out", "▁of", "▁order", "▁.", "▁You", "▁want", "▁the", "▁truth", "▁?", "▁You", "▁want", "▁the", "▁truth", "▁?", "▁!", "▁You", "▁can", "▁'", "t", "▁handle", "▁the", "▁truth", "▁!", "▁'", "▁C", "ause", "▁when", "▁you", "▁reach", "▁over", "▁and", "▁put", "▁your", "▁hand", "▁into", "▁a", "▁p", "ile", "▁of", "▁go", "o", "▁that", "▁was", "▁your", "▁best", "▁friend", "▁'", "s", "▁face", "▁,", "▁you", "▁'", "ll", "▁know", "▁what", "▁to", "▁do", "▁!", "▁For", "get", "▁it", "▁,", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁,", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁Ch", "in", "at", "own", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁all", "▁of", "▁which", "▁are", "▁lines", "▁from", "▁those", "▁films", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Analysis", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁It", "▁was", "▁revealed", "▁in", "▁a", "▁flash", "back", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁that", "▁Smith", "ers", "▁was", "▁briefly", "▁married", "▁to", "▁a", "▁woman", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁two", "▁split", "▁up", "▁when", "▁he", "▁devoted", "▁too", "▁much", "▁time", "▁to", "▁his", "▁b", "oss", "▁Mr", ".", "▁Burn", "s", "▁.", "▁Smith", "ers", "▁'", "s", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁Mr", ".", "▁Burn", "s", "▁has", "▁long", "▁been", "▁a", "▁running", "▁jo", "ke", "▁on", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁.", "▁His", "▁sexual", "▁orientation", "▁has", "▁often", "▁come", "▁into", "▁question", "▁,", "▁with", "▁some", "▁fans", "▁claim", "ing", "▁he", "▁is", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁Burn", "s", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sexual", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁only", "▁attract", "ed", "▁to", "▁his", "▁b", "oss", "▁,", "▁while", "▁others", "▁maintain", "▁that", "▁he", "▁is", "▁,", "▁without", "▁a", "▁doubt", "▁,", "▁gay", "▁.", "▁Matthew", "▁Henry", "▁wrote", "▁in", "▁the", "▁book", "▁Le", "aving", "▁Spring", "field", "▁that", "▁this", "▁episode", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁perhaps", "▁the", "▁best", "▁\"", "▁example", "▁of", "▁an", "▁attempt", "▁to", "▁port", "ray", "▁an", "▁actual", "▁gay", "▁l", "ifest", "yle", "▁on", "▁the", "▁show", "▁.", "▁Henry", "▁added", "▁that", "▁the", "▁flash", "back", "▁is", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁wonder", "fully", "▁rendered", "▁par", "ody", "▁of", "▁scenes", "▁from", "▁two", "▁of", "▁Tennessee", "▁Williams", "▁'", "s", "▁most", "▁famous", "▁plays", "▁,", "▁Cat", "▁on", "▁a", "▁Hot", "▁T", "in", "▁Ro", "of", "▁and", "▁A", "▁Street", "car", "▁N", "amed", "▁Des", "ire", "▁.", "▁To", "▁fully", "▁appreciate", "▁it", "▁,", "▁one", "▁must", "▁know", "▁something", "▁of", "▁not", "▁only", "▁the", "▁two", "▁plays", "▁c", "ited", "▁but", "▁also", "▁of", "▁Williams", "▁himself", "▁,", "▁of", "▁his", "▁own", "▁strugg", "les", "▁with", "▁both", "▁heter", "osex", "ual", "▁and", "▁hom", "osex", "ual", "▁des", "ires", "▁and", "▁the", "▁way", "▁in", "▁which", "▁these", "▁strugg", "les", "▁were", "▁incorpor", "ated", "▁into", "▁his", "▁art", "▁.", "▁The", "▁cre", "ators", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁offer", "▁what", "▁I", "▁think", "▁is", "▁a", "▁perfect", "▁parallel", "▁for", "▁the", "▁relationship", "▁between", "▁Smith", "ers", "▁and", "▁Mr", ".", "▁Burn", "s", "▁by", "▁combining", "▁Williams", "▁'", "s", "▁two", "▁most", "▁notable", "▁male", "▁characters", "▁and", "▁their", "▁defining", "▁characteristics", "▁:", "▁the", "▁suppress", "ed", "▁hom", "osex", "ual", "▁desire", "▁of", "▁Br", "ick", "▁and", "▁des", "perate", "▁dependence", "▁of", "▁Stanley", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁In", "▁their", "▁book", "▁Education", "▁in", "▁Popular", "▁Culture", "▁,", "▁Al", "ma", "▁Harris", "▁,", "▁Roy", "▁Fish", "er", "▁,", "▁Ann", "▁Harris", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Christ", "ine", "▁Jar", "vis", "▁analy", "zes", "▁the", "▁adult", "▁education", "▁aspects", "▁of", "▁this", "▁episode", "▁that", "▁port", "ray", "s", "▁adult", "▁learn", "ers", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁stupid", "▁and", "▁lazy", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁After", "▁H", "omer", "▁is", "▁appointed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁teacher", "▁,", "▁he", "▁feels", "▁imm", "ens", "ely", "▁proud", "▁and", "▁bo", "asts", "▁to", "▁all", "▁his", "▁acquaint", "ances", "▁about", "▁it", "▁,", "▁initially", "▁making", "▁it", "▁seem", "▁like", "▁if", "▁the", "▁show", "▁is", "▁indicating", "▁that", "▁adult", "▁education", "▁tut", "ors", "▁have", "▁a", "▁relatively", "▁high", "▁status", "▁in", "▁society", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁However", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁authors", "▁added", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁H", "omer", "▁'", "s", "▁pride", "▁is", "▁under", "cut", "▁for", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁by", "▁the", "▁aw", "aren", "ess", "▁of", "▁how", "▁he", "▁came", "▁to", "▁be", "▁appointed", "▁and", "▁by", "▁the", "▁subsequent", "▁representation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁adult", "▁education", "▁center", "▁.", "▁It", "▁seems", "▁that", "▁anyone", "▁can", "▁become", "▁a", "▁t", "utor", "▁.", "▁[" ]
showrunner Al Jean stated that because Homer is an adult character , he has more depth to him and thus storyline possibilities . Showrunner David Mirkin commented : " Bart , to write him accurately as a child , he can only have so much depth at a certain age . With Homer , we try to explore all levels of adulthood . There are just more places to go . Writing Homer properly is the trick , he 's our main rock of the whole series . Homer 's IQ is fairly flexible , he won 't necessarily understand how to open a door at some point , but he can name the Supreme Court justices . Finding that balance is key to making the show work and making it surprising and making it believable and emotionally grounded . " Mirkin was very fond of the fact that Homer and Marge have the biggest fight they have ever had on the show in the episode , and he thought it was a " really great " exploration of their marriage . He noticed that because Homer is thrown out of the house , the audience really worry about their relationship . Mirkin had been asked many times why Marge and Homer are still together , to which he replied that all people stay together even if they argue , " there 's some sort of connection " . = = Cultural references = = Homer sings the end of the theme song to Family Ties while talking to an administrator at the annex center . Smithers 's recollection of his marriage parodies the two plays Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and A Streetcar Named Desire , both written by American playwright Tennessee Williams . Homer 's bedroom rant to Marge is a parody mishmash of four popular films : ... And Justice for All ( 1979 ) , A Few Good Men ( 1992 ) , Patton ( 1970 ) , and Chinatown ( 1974 ) . He says : " Look Marge , you don 't know what it 's like . I 'm the one out there every day putting his ass on the line . And I 'm not out of order ! You 're out of order . The whole freaking system is out of order . You want the truth ? You want the truth ? ! You can 't handle the truth ! ' Cause when you reach over and put your hand into a pile of goo that was your best friend 's face , you 'll know what to do ! Forget it , Marge , it 's Chinatown , " all of which are lines from those films . = = Analysis = = It was revealed in a flashback in the episode that Smithers was briefly married to a woman , but the two split up when he devoted too much time to his boss Mr. Burns . Smithers 's relationship with Mr. Burns has long been a running joke on The Simpsons . His sexual orientation has often come into question , with some fans claiming he is a " Burns @-@ sexual " and only attracted to his boss , while others maintain that he is , without a doubt , gay . Matthew Henry wrote in the book Leaving Springfield that this episode is " perhaps the best " example of an attempt to portray an actual gay lifestyle on the show . Henry added that the flashback is a " wonderfully rendered parody of scenes from two of Tennessee Williams 's most famous plays , Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and A Streetcar Named Desire . To fully appreciate it , one must know something of not only the two plays cited but also of Williams himself , of his own struggles with both heterosexual and homosexual desires and the way in which these struggles were incorporated into his art . The creators of The Simpsons offer what I think is a perfect parallel for the relationship between Smithers and Mr. Burns by combining Williams 's two most notable male characters and their defining characteristics : the suppressed homosexual desire of Brick and desperate dependence of Stanley . " In their book Education in Popular Culture , Alma Harris , Roy Fisher , Ann Harris , and Christine Jarvis analyzes the adult education aspects of this episode that portrays adult learners as " stupid and lazy " . After Homer is appointed as a teacher , he feels immensely proud and boasts to all his acquaintances about it , initially making it seem like if the show is indicating that adult education tutors have a relatively high status in society . " However , " the authors added , " Homer 's pride is undercut for the audience by the awareness of how he came to be appointed and by the subsequent representation of the adult education center . It seems that anyone can become a tutor . [
[ "▁...", "▁]", "▁H", "omer", "▁'", "s", "▁fellow", "▁tut", "ors", "▁are", "▁d", "run", "ks", "▁,", "▁in", "comp", "et", "ents", "▁and", "▁down", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁and", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁out", "s", "▁,", "▁adult", "▁education", "▁is", "▁therefore", "▁presented", "▁as", "▁an", "▁amateur", "▁business", "▁staff", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁d", "reg", "s", "▁of", "▁society", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁writers", "▁of", "▁the", "▁book", "▁thought", "▁the", "▁whole", "▁idea", "▁of", "▁story", "t", "elling", "▁and", "▁building", "▁on", "▁experience", "▁that", "▁H", "omer", "▁uses", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁many", "▁adult", "▁education", "▁tut", "ors", "▁uses", "▁in", "▁real", "▁life", "▁,", "▁is", "▁represented", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁\"", "▁simply", "▁as", "▁an", "▁exc", "use", "▁for", "▁g", "oss", "ip", "▁and", "▁pr", "ur", "ient", "▁curiosity", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁They", "▁also", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁statements", "▁like", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁can", "▁'", "t", "▁believe", "▁I", "▁paid", "▁ten", "▁thousand", "▁dollars", "▁for", "▁this", "▁course", "▁.", "▁What", "▁the", "▁he", "ck", "▁was", "▁the", "▁lab", "▁fee", "▁for", "▁?", "▁\"", "▁imply", "▁that", "▁adult", "▁education", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁explo", "itative", "▁and", "▁poor", "▁value", "▁for", "▁money", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁the", "▁students", "▁themselves", "▁contribute", "▁to", "▁this", "▁by", "▁demand", "ing", "▁an", "▁essentially", "▁recre", "ational", "▁service", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁authors", "▁concluded", "▁that", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁\"", "▁certainly", "▁sust", "ains", "▁a", "▁popular", "▁view", "▁of", "▁adult", "▁education", "▁as", "▁point", "less", "▁and", "▁recre", "ational", "▁.", "▁Similarly", "▁,", "▁no", "▁value", "▁what", "so", "ever", "▁is", "▁attributed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁extens", "ively", "▁research", "ed", "▁,", "▁proven", "▁through", "▁practice", "▁and", "▁well", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁argued", "▁perspective", "▁that", "▁adult", "▁learn", "ers", "▁do", "▁best", "▁when", "▁the", "▁curr", "icul", "um", "▁builds", "▁on", "▁and", "▁values", "▁their", "▁experience", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "ception", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁its", "▁original", "▁American", "▁broadcast", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Sec", "rets", "▁of", "▁a", "▁Success", "ful", "▁Mar", "riage", "▁\"", "▁finished", "▁forty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁third", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ratings", "▁for", "▁the", "▁week", "▁of", "▁May", "▁", "1", "6", "▁to", "▁May", "▁", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁N", "iel", "sen", "▁rating", "▁of", "▁", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁the", "▁second", "▁highest", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁r", "ated", "▁show", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Fox", "▁network", "▁that", "▁week", "▁,", "▁following", "▁Mel", "rose", "▁Place", "▁.", "▁", "▁Since", "▁air", "ing", "▁,", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁has", "▁received", "▁positive", "▁reviews", "▁from", "▁television", "▁critics", "▁.", "▁The", "▁authors", "▁of", "▁the", "▁book", "▁I", "▁Can", "▁'", "t", "▁Bel", "ieve", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁a", "▁B", "igger", "▁and", "▁Better", "▁Updated", "▁Un", "o", "fficial", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁Guide", "▁,", "▁Warren", "▁Mart", "yn", "▁and", "▁Ad", "rian", "▁Wood", "▁,", "▁thought", "▁it", "▁was", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁confident", "▁finale", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁the", "▁fifth", "▁season", "▁,", "▁which", "▁\"", "▁had", "▁seen", "▁the", "▁series", "▁become", "▁progress", "ively", "▁more", "▁sur", "real", "▁and", "▁self", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁aware", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁DVD", "▁Movie", "▁Guide", "▁'", "s", "▁Col", "in", "▁Jacob", "son", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁he", "▁thought", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁ended", "▁the", "▁season", "▁with", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁high", "▁note", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁H", "omer", "▁’", "▁s", "▁ins", "ens", "itive", "▁g", "oss", "ip", "ing", "▁about", "▁his", "▁relationship", "▁\"", "▁presents", "▁lots", "▁of", "▁good", "▁bits", "▁.", "▁It", "▁comple", "tes", "▁this", "▁excellent", "▁year", "▁well", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Jacob", "son", "▁'", "s", "▁favorite", "▁line", "▁of", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁This", "▁is", "▁a", "▁place", "▁of", "▁learning", "▁,", "▁not", "▁a", "▁house", "▁of", "▁hearing", "▁about", "▁things", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁H", "omer", "▁tells", "▁his", "▁class", "▁after", "▁they", "▁demand", "▁him", "▁to", "▁reve", "al", "▁more", "▁secre", "ts", "▁about", "▁him", "▁and", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁.", "▁Patrick", "▁B", "rom", "ley", "▁of", "▁DVD", "▁Ver", "dict", "▁gave", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁a", "▁grade", "▁of", "▁A", "▁−", "▁,", "▁and", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁episodes", "▁foc", "using", "▁on", "▁the", "▁relationship", "▁between", "▁H", "omer", "▁and", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁can", "▁\"", "▁never", "▁fail", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁there", "▁are", "▁\"", "▁numerous", "▁opportun", "ities", "▁for", "▁some", "▁classic", "▁H", "omer", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁is", "ms", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁.", "▁Bill", "▁Gib", "ron", "▁of", "▁DVD", "▁T", "alk", "▁gave", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁a", "▁score", "▁of", "▁", "4", "▁out", "▁of", "▁", "5", "▁.", "▁One", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁writer", "▁and", "▁com", "ed", "ian", "▁R", "icky", "▁Ger", "va", "is", "▁named", "▁\"", "▁Sec", "rets", "▁of", "▁a", "▁Success", "ful", "▁Mar", "riage", "▁\"", "▁his", "▁fifth", "▁favorite", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁the", "▁show", "▁,", "▁and", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁H", "omer", "▁'", "s", "▁line", "▁to", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁know", "▁now", "▁what", "▁I", "▁can", "▁offer", "▁you", "▁that", "▁no", "▁one", "▁else", "▁can", "▁.", "▁Complete", "▁and", "▁utter", "▁dependence", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁so", "▁sweet", "▁,", "▁because", "▁he", "▁'", "s", "▁right", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁was", "▁placed", "▁at", "▁number", "▁seven", "▁on", "▁MS", "N", "BC", "▁'", "s", "▁top", "▁ten", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁episodes", "▁list", "▁.", "▁They", "▁felt", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁emb", "od", "ied", "▁H", "omer", "▁'", "s", "▁qual", "ities", "▁of", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁stupid", "▁,", "▁good", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁nature", "d", "▁and", "▁m", "ild", "ly", "▁path", "etic", "▁,", "▁[", "▁...", "▁]", "▁from", "▁his", "▁convers", "ations", "▁with", "▁his", "▁brain", "▁[", "▁...", "▁]", "▁to", "▁his", "▁final", "▁pro", "clam", "ation", "▁that", "▁the", "▁one", "▁thing", "▁he", "▁can", "▁give", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁that", "▁no", "▁one", "▁else", "▁can", "▁is", "▁'", "▁complete", "▁and", "▁utter", "▁dependence", "▁'", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁The", "▁Bo", "at", "▁Race", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "7", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁", "3", "4", "th", "▁Bo", "at", "▁Race", "▁took", "▁place", "▁on", "▁", "2", "4", "▁March", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "7", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Bo", "at", "▁Race", "▁is", "▁an", "▁annual", "▁side", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁by", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁side", "▁row", "ing", "▁race", "▁between", "▁cre", "ws", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Univers", "ities", "▁of", "▁Oxford", "▁and", "▁Cambridge", "▁along", "▁the", "▁River", "▁Th", "ames", "▁.", "▁The", "▁race", "▁ended", "▁in", "▁a", "▁dead", "▁heat", "▁,", "▁the", "▁first", "▁and", "▁only", "▁time", "▁the", "▁event", "▁has", "▁ended", "▁in", "▁such", "▁a", "▁fashion", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁the", "▁formal", "▁declaration", "▁of", "▁a", "▁tie", "▁,", "▁Oxford", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁they", "▁were", "▁the", "▁vict", "ors", "▁.", "▁The", "▁controvers", "y", "▁surrounding", "▁the", "▁result", "▁led", "▁to", "▁significant", "▁changes", "▁to", "▁the", "▁way", "▁in", "▁which", "▁the", "▁race", "▁was", "▁conducted", "▁including", "▁the", "▁introduction", "▁of", "▁finishing", "▁posts", "▁and", "▁former", "▁Blues", "▁as", "▁u", "mp", "ires", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Background", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Bo", "at", "▁Race", "▁is", "▁a", "▁side", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁by", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁side", "▁row", "ing", "▁competition", "▁between", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁Oxford", "▁(", "▁sometimes", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Dark", "▁Blues", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁and", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁Cambridge", "▁(", "▁sometimes", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Light", "▁Blues", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁race", "▁was", "▁first", "▁held", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "2", "9", "▁,", "▁and", "▁since", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "5", "▁has", "▁taken", "▁place", "▁on", "▁the", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁mile", "▁(", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁km", "▁)", "▁Championship", "▁Cour", "se", "▁on", "▁the" ]
... ] Homer 's fellow tutors are drunks , incompetents and down @-@ and @-@ outs , adult education is therefore presented as an amateur business staffed by the dregs of society . " The writers of the book thought the whole idea of storytelling and building on experience that Homer uses , and that many adult education tutors uses in real life , is represented in the episode " simply as an excuse for gossip and prurient curiosity " . They also thought that statements like " I can 't believe I paid ten thousand dollars for this course . What the heck was the lab fee for ? " imply that adult education is " exploitative and poor value for money , and that the students themselves contribute to this by demanding an essentially recreational service . " The authors concluded that the episode " certainly sustains a popular view of adult education as pointless and recreational . Similarly , no value whatsoever is attributed to the extensively researched , proven through practice and well @-@ argued perspective that adult learners do best when the curriculum builds on and values their experience . " = = Reception = = In its original American broadcast , " Secrets of a Successful Marriage " finished forty @-@ third in the ratings for the week of May 16 to May 22 , 1994 , with a Nielsen rating of 9 @.@ 8 . The episode was the second highest @-@ rated show on the Fox network that week , following Melrose Place . Since airing , the episode has received positive reviews from television critics . The authors of the book I Can 't Believe It 's a Bigger and Better Updated Unofficial Simpsons Guide , Warren Martyn and Adrian Wood , thought it was a " confident finale " to the fifth season , which " had seen the series become progressively more surreal and self @-@ aware . " DVD Movie Guide 's Colin Jacobson wrote that he thought the episode ended the season with a " high note " , and that Homer ’ s insensitive gossiping about his relationship " presents lots of good bits . It completes this excellent year well . " Jacobson 's favorite line of the episode was " This is a place of learning , not a house of hearing about things ! " , which Homer tells his class after they demand him to reveal more secrets about him and Marge . Patrick Bromley of DVD Verdict gave the episode a grade of A − , and commented that episodes focusing on the relationship between Homer and Marge can " never fail " , and there are " numerous opportunities for some classic Homer @-@ isms " in the episode . Bill Gibron of DVD Talk gave the episode a score of 4 out of 5 . One @-@ time Simpsons writer and comedian Ricky Gervais named " Secrets of a Successful Marriage " his fifth favorite episode of the show , and commented that Homer 's line to Marge , " I know now what I can offer you that no one else can . Complete and utter dependence , " is " so sweet , because he 's right ! " It was placed at number seven on MSNBC 's top ten The Simpsons episodes list . They felt the episode embodied Homer 's qualities of being " stupid , good @-@ natured and mildly pathetic , [ ... ] from his conversations with his brain [ ... ] to his final proclamation that the one thing he can give Marge that no one else can is ' complete and utter dependence ' . " = The Boat Race 1877 = The 34th Boat Race took place on 24 March 1877 . The Boat Race is an annual side @-@ by @-@ side rowing race between crews from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge along the River Thames . The race ended in a dead heat , the first and only time the event has ended in such a fashion . Despite the formal declaration of a tie , Oxford believed that they were the victors . The controversy surrounding the result led to significant changes to the way in which the race was conducted including the introduction of finishing posts and former Blues as umpires . = = Background = = The Boat Race is a side @-@ by @-@ side rowing competition between the University of Oxford ( sometimes referred to as the " Dark Blues " ) and the University of Cambridge ( sometimes referred to as the " Light Blues " ) . The race was first held in 1829 , and since 1845 has taken place on the 4 @.@ 2 @-@ mile ( 6 @.@ 8 km ) Championship Course on the
[ "▁River", "▁Th", "ames", "▁in", "▁south", "west", "▁London", "▁.", "▁The", "▁rival", "ry", "▁is", "▁a", "▁major", "▁point", "▁of", "▁honour", "▁between", "▁the", "▁two", "▁univers", "ities", "▁;", "▁it", "▁is", "▁followed", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁and", "▁,", "▁as", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁broadcast", "▁world", "wide", "▁.", "▁Cambridge", "▁went", "▁into", "▁the", "▁race", "▁as", "▁reign", "ing", "▁champions", "▁,", "▁having", "▁be", "aten", "▁Oxford", "▁\"", "▁easily", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁year", "▁'", "s", "▁race", "▁.", "▁However", "▁Oxford", "▁held", "▁the", "▁overall", "▁lead", "▁,", "▁with", "▁", "1", "7", "▁vict", "ories", "▁to", "▁Cambridge", "▁'", "s", "▁", "1", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁Oxford", "▁were", "▁co", "ached", "▁by", "▁Re", "ver", "end", "▁William", "▁Sher", "wood", "▁(", "▁who", "▁row", "ed", "▁for", "▁Oxford", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "3", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "4", "▁races", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Edmund", "▁War", "re", "▁(", "▁who", "▁represented", "▁the", "▁Dark", "▁Blues", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "7", "▁and", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "8", "▁races", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Cambridge", "▁'", "s", "▁coach", "▁was", "▁James", "▁Bro", "oks", "▁Close", "▁(", "▁who", "▁row", "ed", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Light", "▁Blues", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "2", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "3", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "4", "▁races", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Cambridge", "▁had", "▁pract", "ised", "▁at", "▁Put", "ney", "▁a", "▁fort", "night", "▁before", "▁the", "▁race", "▁and", "▁were", "▁initially", "▁the", "▁book", "maker", "▁'", "s", "▁clear", "▁favour", "ites", "▁.", "▁Oxford", "▁'", "s", "▁practice", "▁rows", "▁a", "▁week", "▁later", "▁im", "pressed", "▁and", "▁brought", "▁them", "▁back", "▁into", "▁cont", "ention", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁race", "▁was", "▁u", "mp", "ired", "▁by", "▁Joseph", "▁William", "▁Ch", "itt", "y", "▁who", "▁had", "▁row", "ed", "▁for", "▁Oxford", "▁twice", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "9", "▁(", "▁in", "▁the", "▁March", "▁and", "▁December", "▁races", "▁)", "▁and", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "2", "▁race", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁st", "arter", "▁was", "▁Edward", "▁S", "ear", "le", "▁.", "▁Ch", "itt", "y", "▁was", "▁assist", "ed", "▁by", "▁\"", "▁Hon", "est", "▁\"", "▁John", "▁Ph", "el", "ps", "▁who", "▁acted", "▁as", "▁the", "▁finishing", "▁judge", "▁.", "▁Ph", "el", "ps", "▁,", "▁a", "▁professional", "▁wat", "erman", "▁,", "▁was", "▁over", "▁", "7", "0", "▁years", "▁old", "▁and", "▁reported", "ly", "▁blind", "▁in", "▁one", "▁eye", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁C", "rew", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Oxford", "▁crew", "▁we", "ighed", "▁an", "▁average", "▁of", "▁", "1", "2", "▁st", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "7", "5", "▁lb", "▁(", "▁", "7", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁kg", "▁)", "▁,", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "2", "5", "▁pounds", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁kg", "▁)", "▁more", "▁than", "▁their", "▁oppon", "ents", "▁.", "▁The", 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"▁Bridge", "▁they", "▁were", "▁clear", "▁.", "▁Exper", "ien", "cing", "▁strong", "▁head", "▁wind", "s", "▁and", "▁rough", "▁water", "▁,", "▁Cow", "les", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Oxford", "▁bow", "▁man", "▁,", "▁suffered", "▁serious", "▁damage", "▁to", "▁his", "▁o", "ar", "▁,", "▁null", "ifying", "▁further", "▁contribution", "▁to", "▁the", "▁race", "▁.", "▁Descri", "bed", "▁by", "▁an", "▁Oxford", "▁under", "grad", "uate", "▁watching", "▁the", "▁race", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁suddenly", "▁Oxford", "▁st", "agger", "ed", "▁and", "▁stood", "▁still", "▁in", "▁a", "▁mass", "▁of", "▁fo", "am", "▁:", "▁the", "▁bow", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁o", "ar", "▁,", "▁Cow", "les", "▁,", "▁had", "▁struck", "▁the", "▁top", "▁of", "▁a", "▁big", "▁wave", "▁in", "▁fe", "ather", "ing", "▁and", "▁broken", "▁his", "▁bla", "de", "▁clean", "▁off", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Al", "most", "▁immediately", "▁,", "▁Cambridge", "▁took", "▁the", "▁advantage", "▁,", "▁but", "▁were", "▁held", "▁off", "▁by", "▁a", "▁determined", "▁Oxford", "▁crew", "▁who", "▁\"", "▁sp", "urt", "ed", "▁magnific", "ently", "▁and", "▁drew", "▁up", "▁stead", "ily", "▁in", "ch", "▁by", "▁in", "ch", "▁,", "▁so", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁a", "▁near", "▁thing", "▁as", "▁they", "▁passed", "▁the", "▁post", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "action", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁Official", "▁Cent", "en", "ary", "▁History", "▁it", "▁was", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁it", "▁is", "▁too", "▁perhaps", "▁too", "▁much", "▁to", "▁expect", "▁,", "▁even", "▁from", "▁the", "▁sto", "ical", "▁discipline", "▁of", "▁old", "▁Blues", "▁,", "▁a", "▁un", "anim", "ous", "▁acqu", "ies", "c", "ence", "▁in", "▁a", "▁ver", "dict", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁dead", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁heat", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁no", "▁conclusion", "▁could", "▁be", "▁more", "▁uns", "atisf", "actory", "▁to", "▁the", "▁compet", "itors", "▁themselves", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Oxford", "▁firm", "ly", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁they", "▁had", "▁won", "▁the", "▁race", "▁by", "▁feet", "▁,", "▁but", "▁following", "▁a", "▁subsequent", "▁meeting", "▁in", "▁a", "▁law", "▁court", "▁with", "▁represent", "atives", "▁of", "▁both", "▁univers", "ities", "▁and", "▁the", "▁u", "mp", "ire", "▁Ch", "itt", "y", "▁,", "▁the", "▁official", "▁result", "▁was", "▁declared", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁Dead", "▁He", "at", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁P", "unch", "▁declared", "▁\"", "▁Oxford", "▁won", "▁,", "▁Cambridge", "▁too", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁W", ".", "▁W", ".", "▁R", "ouse", "▁Ball", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Fellow", "▁of", "▁Tr", "inity", "▁College", "▁,", "▁Cambridge", "▁,", "▁writing", "▁in", "▁A", "▁History", "▁of", "▁The", "▁First", "▁Tr", "inity", "▁Bo", "at", "▁Club", "▁suggested", "▁that", "▁the", "▁broken", "▁o", "ar", "▁was", "▁the", "▁dec", "iding", "▁factor", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁...", "▁but", "▁for", "▁this", "▁Oxford", "▁would", "▁have", "▁won", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁A", "▁correspond", "ent", "▁writing", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Sydney", "▁Mail", "▁said", "▁both", "▁teams", "▁should", "▁\"", "▁consider", "▁themselves", "▁luck", "y", "▁\"", "▁that", "▁they", "▁did", "▁not", "▁lose", "▁,", "▁and", "▁spec", "ulated", "▁that", "▁the" ]
River Thames in southwest London . The rivalry is a major point of honour between the two universities ; it is followed throughout the United Kingdom and , as of 2014 , broadcast worldwide . Cambridge went into the race as reigning champions , having beaten Oxford " easily " in the previous year 's race . However Oxford held the overall lead , with 17 victories to Cambridge 's 16 . Oxford were coached by Reverend William Sherwood ( who rowed for Oxford in the 1873 and 1874 races ) and Edmund Warre ( who represented the Dark Blues in the 1857 and the 1858 races ) . Cambridge 's coach was James Brooks Close ( who rowed for the Light Blues in the 1872 , 1873 and 1874 races ) . Cambridge had practised at Putney a fortnight before the race and were initially the bookmaker 's clear favourites . Oxford 's practice rows a week later impressed and brought them back into contention . The race was umpired by Joseph William Chitty who had rowed for Oxford twice in 1849 ( in the March and December races ) and the 1852 race , while the starter was Edward Searle . Chitty was assisted by " Honest " John Phelps who acted as the finishing judge . Phelps , a professional waterman , was over 70 years old and reportedly blind in one eye . = = Crews = = The Oxford crew weighed an average of 12 st 3 @.@ 875 lb ( 77 @.@ 8 kg ) , 4 @.@ 125 pounds ( 1 @.@ 9 kg ) more than their opponents . The Cambridge crew featured seven former Blues , including the cox George Latham Davies and number four William Brooks Close , both of whom were participating in their third Boat Races . Oxford saw four Blues return : J. M. Boustead , Tom Cottingham Edwards @-@ Moss and H. J. Stayner and H. P. Marriott , all of whom had rowed in the previous two races . = = Race = = The race started on Saturday 24 March 1877 at 8 : 27 a.m. Oxford had won the toss and elected to start from the Middlesex station , handing the Surrey side of the river to Cambridge . The Dark Blues took an early lead and were ahead at the Mile Post , but by the Crab Tree pub , the crews were level . Cambridge pulled ahead and held a quarter @-@ of @-@ a @-@ length lead by Hammersmith Bridge which they extended until the crews arrived at Chiswick Reach where Oxford re @-@ took the lead . At Chiswick Steps the Dark Blues were leading by half @-@ a @-@ length , and by Barnes Bridge they were clear . Experiencing strong head winds and rough water , Cowles , the Oxford bow man , suffered serious damage to his oar , nullifying further contribution to the race . Described by an Oxford undergraduate watching the race : " suddenly Oxford staggered and stood still in a mass of foam : the bow @-@ oar , Cowles , had struck the top of a big wave in feathering and broken his blade clean off . " Almost immediately , Cambridge took the advantage , but were held off by a determined Oxford crew who " spurted magnificently and drew up steadily inch by inch , so that it was a near thing as they passed the post " . = = Reaction = = In the Official Centenary History it was noted that " it is too perhaps too much to expect , even from the stoical discipline of old Blues , a unanimous acquiescence in a verdict of " dead @-@ heat , " for no conclusion could be more unsatisfactory to the competitors themselves . " Oxford firmly believed that they had won the race by feet , but following a subsequent meeting in a law court with representatives of both universities and the umpire Chitty , the official result was declared as " Dead Heat " . Punch declared " Oxford won , Cambridge too . " W. W. Rouse Ball , a Fellow of Trinity College , Cambridge , writing in A History of The First Trinity Boat Club suggested that the broken oar was the deciding factor : " ... but for this Oxford would have won . " A correspondent writing in The Sydney Mail said both teams should " consider themselves lucky " that they did not lose , and speculated that the
[ "▁race", "▁would", "▁be", "▁looked", "▁back", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁great", "▁go", "ose", "berry", "▁\"", "▁year", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Leg", "acy", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁This", "▁was", "▁the", "▁last", "▁year", "▁that", "▁the", "▁result", "▁was", "▁jud", "ged", "▁by", "▁a", "▁professional", "▁wat", "erman", "▁and", "▁the", "▁controvers", "y", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁the", "▁introduction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁finishing", "▁posts", "▁.", "▁They", "▁remain", "▁,", "▁as", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁", "1", "1", "3", "▁metres", "▁(", "▁", "3", "7", "1", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁down", "stream", "▁of", "▁Ch", "is", "wick", "▁Bridge", "▁and", "▁are", "▁eng", "ra", "ved", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁U", "BR", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁University", "▁Bo", "at", "▁Race", "▁.", "▁The", "▁controvers", "y", "▁also", "▁led", "▁to", "▁the", "▁selection", "▁of", "▁a", "▁former", "▁Blue", "▁as", "▁the", "▁u", "mp", "ire", "▁,", "▁selected", "▁by", "▁one", "▁university", "▁from", "▁a", "▁short", "list", "▁drawn", "▁up", "▁from", "▁the", "▁other", "▁,", "▁and", "▁altern", "ating", "▁each", "▁year", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ph", "el", "ps", "▁himself", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁as", "▁finishing", "▁judge", "▁by", "▁E", ".", "▁H", ".", "▁Fair", "re", "▁.", "▁Ph", "el", "ps", "▁died", "▁on", "▁", "5", "▁December", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "0", "▁.", "▁His", "▁great", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁great", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁great", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁great", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁nep", "hew", "▁Richard", "▁Ph", "el", "ps", "▁u", "mp", "ired", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁race", "▁which", "▁also", "▁ended", "▁controvers", "ial", "ly", "▁:", "▁Cambridge", "▁lost", "▁five", "▁stro", "kes", "▁after", "▁a", "▁cl", "ash", "▁of", "▁o", "ars", "▁,", "▁Oxford", "▁won", "▁by", "▁", "1", "1", "▁lengths", "▁(", "▁the", "▁biggest", "▁margin", "▁for", "▁more", "▁than", "▁", "4", "0", "▁years", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Ph", "el", "ps", "▁decl", "ined", "▁an", "▁appeal", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Light", "▁Blues", "▁for", "▁a", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁row", 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"▁the", "▁surface", "▁that", "▁correspond", "▁to", "▁the", "▁g", "ills", "▁under", "ne", "ath", "▁the", "▁cap", "▁.", "▁The", "▁cap", "▁has", "▁a", "▁broad", "▁,", "▁fl", "atten", "ed", "▁um", "bo", "▁.", "▁The", "▁cap", "▁surface", "▁is", "▁smooth", "▁and", "▁mo", "ist", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁sl", "im", "y", "▁margin", "▁that", "▁is", "▁initially", "▁pressed", "▁against", "▁the", "▁st", "ipe", "▁;", "▁with", "▁age", "▁the", "▁margin", "▁becomes", "▁not", "ched", "▁and", "▁sometimes", "▁scal", "loped", "▁,", "▁turning", "▁transl", "uc", "ent", "▁.", "▁The", "▁cap", "▁color", "▁is", "▁dark", "▁gray", "▁to", "▁pale", "▁gray", "▁,", "▁somewhat", "▁h", "yg", "ro", "phan", "ous", "▁,", "▁f", "ading", "▁to", "▁as", "hy", "▁white", "▁or", "▁brown", "▁when", "▁dry", "▁.", "▁The", "▁flesh", "▁is", "▁thin", "▁,", "▁gray", "▁,", "▁cart", "il", "agin", "ous", "▁and", "▁t", "ough", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁strongly", "▁far", "in", "ace", "ous", "▁(", "▁me", "aly", "▁,", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁raw", "▁pot", "atoes", "▁)", "▁od", "or", "▁and", "▁taste", "▁if", "▁cr", "ushed", "▁or", "▁che", "wed", "▁.", "▁The", "▁wh", "it", "ish", "▁to", "▁gray", "ish", "▁g", "ills", "▁are", "▁moder", "ately", "▁broad", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "3", "▁mm", "▁)", "▁with", "▁a", "▁spacing", "▁that", "▁is", "▁close", "▁to", "▁sub", "dist", "ant", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "▁–", "▁", "2", "6", "▁reach", "▁the", "▁st", "ipe", "▁,", "▁inter", "sp", "ers", "ed", "▁with", "▁two", "▁or", "▁three", "▁t", "iers", "▁of", "▁l", "am", "ella", "e", "▁(", "▁short", "▁g", "ills", "▁that", "▁do", "▁not", "▁extend", "▁fully", "▁from", "▁the", "▁cap", "▁margin", "▁to", "▁the", "▁st", "ipe", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁st", "ipe" ]
race would be looked back as " the great gooseberry " year . = = Legacy = = This was the last year that the result was judged by a professional waterman and the controversy resulted in the introduction of the finishing posts . They remain , as of 2014 , 113 metres ( 371 ft ) downstream of Chiswick Bridge and are engraved with " UBR " for University Boat Race . The controversy also led to the selection of a former Blue as the umpire , selected by one university from a shortlist drawn up from the other , and alternating each year . Phelps himself was replaced as finishing judge by E. H. Fairre . Phelps died on 5 December 1890 . His great @-@ great @-@ great @-@ great @-@ nephew Richard Phelps umpired the 2014 race which also ended controversially : Cambridge lost five strokes after a clash of oars , Oxford won by 11 lengths ( the biggest margin for more than 40 years ) and Phelps declined an appeal from the Light Blues for a re @-@ row . = Mycena cinerella = Mycena cinerella , commonly known as the mealy bonnet , is an inedible species of mushroom in the family Mycenaceae . It is found in Europe and the United States , where it grows in groups on fallen leaves and needles under pine and Douglas fir . The small grayish mushrooms have caps that are up to 1 @.@ 5 cm ( 0 @.@ 6 in ) wide atop stipes that are 5 cm ( 2 @.@ 0 in ) long and 2 @.@ 5 mm ( 0 @.@ 10 in ) thick . Its gills are grayish @-@ white and adnate , with a " tooth " that runs slightly down the stipe . The fungus has both two- and four @-@ spored basidia . As its common name suggests , it smells mealy . = = Taxonomy = = First called Agaricus cinerellus by Finnish mycologist Petter Karsten in 1879 , he transferred it to the genus Mycena that same year . In his 1936 Flora Agaricina Danica ( Agaric flora of Denmark ) Jakob Emanuel Lange referred it to the genus Omphalia ; Omphalia cinerea ( P. Karst . ) J.E. Lange is now a synonym . Mycena cineroides was named and described as a new species distinct from M. cinerella by Hintikka in 1963 , who thought it to be unique due to its narrowly acute cap that lacked brownish or yellowish tones , decurrent gills , and two @-@ spored basidia . However , intermediate forms of it have been found , and some authorities , like Dutch Mycena specialist Maas Geesteranus , believe it should be treated as a synonym of M. cinerella . The mushroom is commonly known as the " mealy bonnet " . The specific epithet cinerella means " somewhat ashy color " . = = Description = = The cap of M. cinerella is white and small , with a diameter typically ranging from 0 @.@ 5 to 1 @.@ 5 cm ( 0 @.@ 2 to 0 @.@ 6 in ) . Initially hemispherical , obtusely conic , and then convex , it expands during maturity , developing visible grooves on the surface that correspond to the gills underneath the cap . The cap has a broad , flattened umbo . The cap surface is smooth and moist , with a slimy margin that is initially pressed against the stipe ; with age the margin becomes notched and sometimes scalloped , turning translucent . The cap color is dark gray to pale gray , somewhat hygrophanous , fading to ashy white or brown when dry . The flesh is thin , gray , cartilaginous and tough , with a strongly farinaceous ( mealy , similar to raw potatoes ) odor and taste if crushed or chewed . The whitish to grayish gills are moderately broad ( 2 – 3 mm ) with a spacing that is close to subdistant , and 18 – 26 reach the stipe , interspersed with two or three tiers of lamellae ( short gills that do not extend fully from the cap margin to the stipe ) . The stipe
[ "▁attachment", "▁is", "▁ad", "n", "ate", "▁or", "▁ar", "cu", "ate", "▁,", "▁but", "▁later", "▁develop", "s", "▁a", "▁pron", "ounced", "▁dec", "urrent", "▁to", "oth", "▁.", "▁The", "▁dec", "urrent", "▁to", "oth", "▁occasionally", "▁separ", "ates", "▁from", "▁the", "▁st", "ipe", "▁and", "▁forms", "▁a", "▁col", "lar", "▁around", "▁it", "▁.", "▁The", "▁st", "ipe", "▁is", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "5", "▁cm", "▁(", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁in", "▁)", "▁long", "▁,", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁mm", "▁(", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "4", "▁–", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "0", "▁in", "▁)", "▁thick", "▁,", "▁equal", "▁in", "▁width", "▁throughout", "▁,", "▁h", "ollow", "▁,", "▁cart", "il", "agin", "ous", "▁,", "▁and", "▁brit", "t", "le", "▁.", "▁The", "▁st", "ipe", "▁surface", "▁is", "▁smooth", "▁or", "▁pol", "ished", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁a", "pe", "x", "▁initially", "▁faint", "ly", "▁pr", "u", "in", "ose", "▁(", 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"▁Hills", "▁,", "▁California", "▁.", "▁One", "▁of", "▁the", "▁world", "▁'", "s", "▁most", "▁icon", "ic", "▁and", "▁best", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁known", "▁hot", "els", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁closely", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁Hollywood", "▁film", "▁stars", "▁,", "▁rock", "▁stars", "▁and", "▁cele", "brit", "ies", "▁.", "▁The", "▁hotel", "▁has", "▁", "2", "0", "8", "▁guest", "▁rooms", "▁and", "▁su", "ites", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "2", "3", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁,", "▁each", "▁designed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁pe", "ach", "y", "▁p", "ink", "▁and", "▁green", "▁colors", "▁which", "▁are", "▁a", "▁tra", "dem", "ark", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁was", "▁established", "▁in", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁before", "▁the", "▁city", "▁'", "s", "▁existence", "▁.", "▁The", "▁original", "▁own", "ers", "▁were", "▁Margaret", "▁J", ".", "▁Anderson", "▁,", "▁a", "▁wealth", "y", "▁wid", "ow", "▁,", "▁and", "▁her", "▁son", "▁,", "▁Stanley", "▁S", ".", "▁Anderson", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁been", "▁man", "aging", "▁the", "▁Hollywood", "▁Hotel", "▁.", "▁The", "▁original", "▁hotel", "▁was", "▁designed", "▁by", "▁Pas", "ad", "ena", "▁architect", "▁El", "mer", "▁Grey", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Mediter", "rane", "an", "▁Rev", "ival", "▁style", "▁.", "▁From", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "8", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁was", "▁owned", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Van", "▁No", "y", "▁Railway", "▁News", "▁and", "▁Hotel", "▁Company", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "1", "▁,", "▁Hern", "ando", "▁Cour", "tr", "ight", "▁,", "▁the", "▁vice", "▁president", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bank", "▁of", "▁America", "▁,", "▁purchased", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁with", "▁friends", "▁including", "▁I", "rene", "▁Dun", "ne", "▁,", "▁Lor", "etta", "▁Young", "▁and", "▁Harry", "▁Warner", "▁.", "▁Cour", "tr", "ight", "▁established", "▁the", "▁Pol", "o", "▁L", "oun", "ge", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁for", "▁many", "▁years", "▁the", "▁premier", "▁d", "ining", "▁spot", "▁in", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁,", "▁hosting", "▁l", "umin", "aries", "▁such", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Rat", "▁Pack", "▁,", "▁Hum", "ph", "rey", "▁Bog", "art", "▁and", "▁Mar", "l", "ene", "▁Diet", "rich", "▁.", "▁Cour", "tr", "ight", "▁paid", "▁for", "▁a", "▁significant", "▁renov", "ation", "▁in", "▁the", "▁late", "▁for", "ties", "▁,", "▁during", "▁which", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁was", "▁first", "▁painted", "▁its", "▁famous", "▁p", "ink", "▁color", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "8", "▁,", "▁to", "▁match", "▁that", "▁period", "▁'", "s", "▁country", "▁club", "▁style", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁year", "▁,", "▁architect", "▁Paul", "▁Williams", "▁added", "▁the", "▁C", "res", "cent", "▁Wing", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁strict", "▁resident", "▁owner", "▁of", "▁The", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "4", "▁until", "▁his", "▁death", "▁in", "▁" ]
attachment is adnate or arcuate , but later develops a pronounced decurrent tooth . The decurrent tooth occasionally separates from the stipe and forms a collar around it . The stipe is 2 – 5 cm ( 0 @.@ 8 – 2 @.@ 0 in ) long , 1 – 2 @.@ 5 mm ( 0 @.@ 04 – 0 @.@ 10 in ) thick , equal in width throughout , hollow , cartilaginous , and brittle . The stipe surface is smooth or polished , with the apex initially faintly pruinose ( as if covered with a fine whitish powder ) . The base of the stipe is sparsely covered with sharp , straight , stiff hairs , and is the same color as the cap or paler . The mushroom is inedible . = = = Microscopic characteristics = = = The spores are 7 – 9 by 4 – 5 μm , ellipsoid , smooth , amyloid ( reaction very weak in some collections ) . The basidia ( spore @-@ bearing cells ) are four @-@ spored , or occasionally a combination of two- and four @-@ spored . The four @-@ spored forms have clamp connections that are absent in the two @-@ spored forms . The pleurocystidia ( cystidia found on the face of the gills ) are not differentiated . The cheilocystidia ( cystidia found on the edges of the gills ) are embedded in the hymenium and inconspicuous , measuring 22 – 36 by 5 – 11 μm . They are roughly filiform ( like thin filaments ) , with numerous contorted branches or protuberances , and club @-@ shaped with finger @-@ like prolongations . The flesh of the gills is homogenous , and turns vinaceous @-@ brown when stained in iodine . The flesh of the cap has a well @-@ differentiated pellicle , with a differentiated but not very well @-@ developed hypoderm , and hyphae that are 10 – 20 μm wide . = = Habitat and distribution = = Mycena cinerella is a saprobic fungus , and derives nutrients by decomposing leaf litter and similar detritus , converting it to humus and mineralizing organic matter in the soil . The fruit bodies grow in groups on needles under pine and Douglas fir , typically in the late summer and autumn . In the United States , it has been collected from Michigan , Washington , Oregon , and California . In Europe , it has also been collected from the Great Britain , Norway , Poland , and Sweden . = The Beverly Hills Hotel = The Beverly Hills Hotel , also called The Beverly Hills Hotel and Bungalows , is located on Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills , California . One of the world 's most iconic and best @-@ known hotels , it is closely associated with Hollywood film stars , rock stars and celebrities . The hotel has 208 guest rooms and suites , and 23 bungalows , each designed in the peachy pink and green colors which are a trademark of the hotel . The Beverly Hills Hotel was established in May 1912 , before the city 's existence . The original owners were Margaret J. Anderson , a wealthy widow , and her son , Stanley S. Anderson , who had been managing the Hollywood Hotel . The original hotel was designed by Pasadena architect Elmer Grey , in the Mediterranean Revival style . From 1928 to 1932 , the hotel was owned by the Van Noy Railway News and Hotel Company . In 1941 , Hernando Courtright , the vice president of the Bank of America , purchased the hotel with friends including Irene Dunne , Loretta Young and Harry Warner . Courtright established the Polo Lounge , which was for many years the premier dining spot in Los Angeles , hosting luminaries such as the Rat Pack , Humphrey Bogart and Marlene Dietrich . Courtright paid for a significant renovation in the late forties , during which the hotel was first painted its famous pink color in 1948 , to match that period 's country club style . The following year , architect Paul Williams added the Crescent Wing . The strict resident owner of The Beverly Hills Hotel from 1954 until his death in
[ "1", "9", "7", "9", "▁was", "▁former", "▁Detroit", "▁real", "▁estate", "▁magn", "ate", "▁Ben", "▁L", ".", "▁Sil", "ber", "stein", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "6", "▁,", "▁Mar", "vin", "▁Davis", "▁bought", "▁the", "▁Hotel", "▁from", "▁Sil", "ber", "stein", "▁'", "s", "▁sons", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁law", "▁B", "urt", "▁S", "lat", "kin", "▁and", "▁Ivan", "▁F", ".", "▁Bo", "es", "ky", "▁.", "▁On", "▁December", "▁", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁closed", "▁for", "▁a", "▁complete", "▁rest", "oration", "▁,", "▁re", "open", "ing", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁it", "▁has", "▁been", "▁run", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁pr", "estig", "ious", "▁Dor", "chester", "▁Collection", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁was", "▁named", "▁the", "▁first", "▁historic", "▁land", "mark", "▁in", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁,", "▁and", "▁two", "▁new", "▁President", "ial", "▁B", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁were", "▁added", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁history", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁Margaret", "▁J", ".", "▁Anderson", "▁,", "▁a", "▁wealth", "y", "▁wid", "ow", "▁,", "▁and", "▁her", "▁son", "▁,", "▁Stanley", "▁S", ".", "▁Anderson", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁been", "▁man", "aging", "▁the", "▁Hollywood", "▁Hotel", "▁,", "▁ordered", "▁the", "▁construction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁,", "▁in", "▁close", "▁proxim", "ity", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Bur", "ton", "▁Green", "▁m", "ansion", "▁.", "▁Bur", "ton", "▁Green", "▁,", "▁an", "▁oil", "▁ty", "co", "on", "▁and", "▁real", "▁estate", "▁developer", "▁,", "▁President", "▁of", "▁the", "▁R", "ode", "o", "▁Land", "▁and", "▁Water", "▁Company", "▁,", "▁had", "▁purchased", "▁land", "▁in", "▁the", "▁fo", "oth", "ills", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Santa", "▁Mon", "ica", "▁Mountains", "▁,", "▁which", "▁had", "▁once", "▁been", "▁owned", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Mexican", "▁government", "▁.", "▁He", "▁had", "▁begun", "▁building", "▁m", "ans", "ions", "▁on", "▁the", "▁land", "▁,", "▁including", "▁his", "▁own", "▁residence", "▁,", "▁invest", "ing", "▁some", "▁$", "▁", "5", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁having", "▁difficulty", "▁s", "elling", "▁them", "▁.", "▁He", "▁h", "ired", "▁Anderson", "▁to", "▁build", "▁a", "▁hotel", "▁,", "▁which", "▁he", "▁named", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Far", "ms", "▁,", "▁after", "▁his", "▁home", "▁in", "▁Massachusetts", "▁,", "▁bel", "ieving", "▁that", "▁it", "▁would", "▁attract", "▁people", "▁to", "▁the", "▁area", "▁,", "▁b", "illing", "▁it", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁half", "way", "▁between", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁and", "▁the", "▁sea", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Hollywood", "▁film", "▁industry", "▁was", "▁taking", "▁off", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁and", "▁invest", "ors", "▁were", "▁looking", "▁to", "▁develop", "▁the", "▁area", "▁.", "▁A", "▁May", "▁", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "1", "▁edition", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁Times", "▁announced", "▁the", "▁news", "▁that", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁huge", "▁Mission", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁style", "▁hotel", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁to", "▁be", "▁built", "▁by", "▁Anderson", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁mot", "to", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁her", "▁guests", "▁were", "▁entitled", "▁to", "▁the", "▁best", "▁of", "▁everything", "▁regardless", "▁of", "▁cost", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁hotel", "▁opened", "▁May", "▁", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁before", "▁the", "▁city", "▁'", "s", "▁existence", "▁.", "▁Margaret", "▁and", "▁Stanley", "▁took", "▁up", "▁residence", "▁within", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁grounds", "▁.", "▁By", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁Hollywood", "▁direct", "ors", "▁,", "▁actors", "▁and", "▁actress", "es", "▁such", "▁as", "▁Mary", "▁Pick", "ford", "▁and", "▁Douglas", "▁Fair", "b", "anks", "▁,", "▁Charlie", "▁Chap", "lin", "▁,", "▁Gl", "oria", "▁Sw", "anson", "▁,", "▁B", "uster", "▁Ke", "aton", "▁,", "▁Rud", "olph", "▁Valent", "ino", "▁and", "▁Will", "▁Rog", "ers", "▁had", "▁purchased", "▁homes", "▁in", "▁the", "▁area", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁transform", "ing", "▁bean", "▁fields", "▁surrounding", "▁The", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁into", "▁prime", "▁real", "▁estate", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁city", "▁of", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁was", "▁established", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁five", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁were", "▁built", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "5", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁Douglas", "▁Fair", "b", "anks", "▁bought", "▁a", "▁l", "odge", "▁above", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁,", "▁and", "▁expanded", "▁it", "▁with", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁Mary", "▁Pick", "ford", "▁,", "▁which", "▁became", "▁known", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁Pick", "f", "air", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁According", "▁to", "▁one", "▁publication", "▁,", "▁a", "▁star", "▁would", "▁know", "▁they", "▁would", "▁finally", "▁\"", "▁made", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁when", "▁they", "▁received", "▁a", "▁dinner", "▁inv", "itation", "▁from", "▁\"", "▁Pick", "f", "air", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Gl", "oria", "▁Sw", "anson", "▁res", "ided", "▁in", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁during", "▁her", "▁divor", "ce", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Anders", "ons", "▁don", "ated", "▁a", "▁portion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁'", "s", "▁original", "▁grounds", "▁to", "▁the", "▁community", "▁of", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁used", "▁to", "▁create", "▁the", "▁community", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁public", "▁park", "▁.", "▁Origin", "ally", "▁known", "▁as", "▁Sun", "set", "▁Park", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁now", "▁Will", "▁Rog", "ers", "▁Memorial", "▁Park", "▁.", "▁An", "▁early", "▁tradition", "▁was", "▁the", "▁annual", "▁E", "aster", "▁E", "gg", "▁h", "unt", "▁,", "▁put", "▁on", "▁for", "▁the", "▁children", "▁of", "▁the", "▁guests", "▁and", "▁employees", "▁.", "▁Sil", "ent", "▁film", "▁star", "▁Harold", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁an", "▁early", "▁hotel", "▁patron", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "1", "▁he", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁film", "▁a", "▁scene", "▁at", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁for", "▁A", "▁S", "ail", "or", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Made", "▁Man", "▁.", "▁From", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "8", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁was", "▁owned", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Van", "▁No", "y", "▁Railway", "▁News", "▁and", "▁Hotel", "▁Company", "▁.", "▁Van", "▁No", "y", "▁had", "▁to", "▁close", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁during", "▁the", "▁Great", "▁De", "pression", "▁years", "▁,", "▁although", "▁he", "▁le", "ased", "▁the", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁out", "▁as", "▁properties", "▁.", "▁With", "▁Bank", "▁of", "▁America", "▁fund", "ing", "▁,", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁re", "open", "ed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁The", "▁gl", "amour", "▁years", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁During", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁The", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁became", "▁increasing", "ly", "▁popular", "▁with", "▁Hollywood", "▁film", "▁stars", "▁.", "▁Fred", "▁A", "sta", "ire", "▁took", "▁a", "▁sh", "ine", "▁to", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁,", "▁and", "▁enjoyed", "▁reading", "▁the", "▁Daily", "▁Vari", "ety", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Hollywood", "▁Re", "porter", "▁by", "▁the", "▁pool", "▁.", "▁Ces", "ar", "▁Rom", "ero", "▁and", "▁Car", "ole", "▁Lomb", "ard", "▁were", "▁p", "ict", "ured", "▁together", "▁at", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "8", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Sand", "▁and", "▁Pool", "▁Club", "▁was", "▁established", "▁at", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁.", "▁It", "▁proved", "▁extremely", "▁popular", "▁,", "▁with", "▁white", "▁sand", "▁imported", "▁from", "▁Arizona", "▁,", "▁which", "▁made", "▁the", "▁pool", "▁area", "▁look", "▁like", "▁a", "▁beach", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁year", "▁,", "▁it", "▁began", "▁hosting", "▁fashion", "▁shows", "▁spons", "ored", "▁by", "▁local", "▁department", "▁stores", "▁such", "▁as", "▁Bul", "lock", "▁'", "s", "▁Wil", "shire", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "▁,", "▁one", "▁of" ]
1979 was former Detroit real estate magnate Ben L. Silberstein . In 1986 , Marvin Davis bought the Hotel from Silberstein 's sons @-@ in @-@ law Burt Slatkin and Ivan F. Boesky . On December 30 , 1992 , the hotel closed for a complete restoration , reopening in 1995 . Since 1996 it has been run as part of the prestigious Dorchester Collection . In 2012 the hotel was named the first historic landmark in Beverly Hills , and two new Presidential Bungalows were added . = = History = = = = = Early history = = = In early 1911 , Margaret J. Anderson , a wealthy widow , and her son , Stanley S. Anderson , who had been managing the Hollywood Hotel , ordered the construction of the Beverly Hills Hotel , in close proximity to the Burton Green mansion . Burton Green , an oil tycoon and real estate developer , President of the Rodeo Land and Water Company , had purchased land in the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains , which had once been owned by the Mexican government . He had begun building mansions on the land , including his own residence , investing some $ 500 @,@ 000 , but was having difficulty selling them . He hired Anderson to build a hotel , which he named Beverly Farms , after his home in Massachusetts , believing that it would attract people to the area , billing it as " halfway between Los Angeles and the sea " . The Hollywood film industry was taking off at the time and investors were looking to develop the area . A May 11 , 1911 edition of The Los Angeles Times announced the news that a " huge Mission @-@ style hotel " was to be built by Anderson , with the motto that " her guests were entitled to the best of everything regardless of cost " . The hotel opened May 12 , 1912 , before the city 's existence . Margaret and Stanley took up residence within the hotel grounds . By 1914 , Hollywood directors , actors and actresses such as Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks , Charlie Chaplin , Gloria Swanson , Buster Keaton , Rudolph Valentino and Will Rogers had purchased homes in the area , " transforming bean fields surrounding The Beverly Hills Hotel into prime real estate " . The city of Beverly Hills was established . The first five bungalows of the hotel were built in 1915 . In 1919 , Douglas Fairbanks bought a lodge above the hotel , and expanded it with his wife Mary Pickford , which became known as " Pickfair . " According to one publication , a star would know they would finally " made it " when they received a dinner invitation from " Pickfair " . Gloria Swanson resided in one of the bungalows of the hotel during her divorce . In 1915 , the Andersons donated a portion of the hotel 's original grounds to the community of Beverly Hills . It was used to create the community 's first public park . Originally known as Sunset Park , it is now Will Rogers Memorial Park . An early tradition was the annual Easter Egg hunt , put on for the children of the guests and employees . Silent film star Harold Lloyd was an early hotel patron , and in 1921 he decided to film a scene at the hotel for A Sailor @-@ Made Man . From 1928 to 1932 , the hotel was owned by the Van Noy Railway News and Hotel Company . Van Noy had to close the hotel during the Great Depression years , although he leased the bungalows out as properties . With Bank of America funding , the hotel reopened in 1932 . = = = The glamour years = = = During the 1930s , The Beverly Hills Hotel became increasingly popular with Hollywood film stars . Fred Astaire took a shine to the hotel , and enjoyed reading the Daily Variety and the Hollywood Reporter by the pool . Cesar Romero and Carole Lombard were pictured together at the hotel in 1937 . In 1938 , the Sand and Pool Club was established at the hotel . It proved extremely popular , with white sand imported from Arizona , which made the pool area look like a beach . The following year , it began hosting fashion shows sponsored by local department stores such as Bullock 's Wilshire . In 1940 , one of
[ "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁'", "s", "▁long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁pat", "rons", "▁,", "▁Mar", "l", "ene", "▁Diet", "rich", "▁,", "▁was", "▁instrument", "al", "▁in", "▁bringing", "▁about", "▁a", "▁change", "▁in", "▁policy", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Pol", "o", "▁L", "oun", "ge", "▁,", "▁which", "▁had", "▁made", "▁it", "▁comp", "uls", "ory", "▁for", "▁women", "▁to", "▁don", "▁sk", "ir", "ts", "▁which", "▁she", "▁refused", "▁to", "▁wear", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "1", "▁,", "▁Hern", "ando", "▁Cour", "tr", "ight", "▁,", "▁the", "▁vice", "▁president", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bank", "▁of", "▁America", "▁,", "▁purchased", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁with", "▁friends", "▁.", "▁I", "rene", "▁Dun", "ne", "▁,", "▁Lor", "etta", "▁Young", "▁and", "▁Harry", "▁Warner", "▁also", "▁became", "▁own", "ers", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁as", "▁a", "▁result", "▁of", "▁their", "▁invest", "ment", "▁with", "▁Cour", "tr", "ight", "▁.", "▁Cour", "tr", "ight", "▁established", "▁the", "▁Pol", "o", "▁L", "oun", "ge", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁honor", "▁of", "▁a", "▁celebr", "ity", "▁band", "▁of", "▁pol", "o", "▁players", "▁who", "▁to", "asted", "▁vict", "ories", "▁at", "▁the", "▁restaurant", "▁after", "▁matches", "▁in", "▁the", "▁bean", "▁fields", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "2", "▁,", "▁Howard", "▁Hugh", "es", "▁bought", "▁up", "▁half", "▁a", "▁dozen", "▁of", "▁the", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁and", "▁lived", "▁there", "▁on", "▁several", "▁occasions", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁dec", "ades", "▁.", "▁The", "▁hotel", "▁accommod", "ated", "▁his", "▁ecc", "ent", "ric", "ities", "▁,", "▁including", "▁his", "▁request", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁ro", "ast", "▁be", "ef", "▁sand", "wich", "es", "▁delivered", "▁to", "▁a", "▁no", "ok", "▁in", "▁a", "▁tree", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁under", "w", "ent", "▁significant", "▁renov", "ation", "▁in", "▁the", "▁late", "▁for", "ties", "▁when", "▁the", "▁porte", "▁co", "ch", "ere", "▁was", "▁expanded", "▁and", "▁painted", "▁in", "▁stri", "pes", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "7", "▁Cour", "tr", "ight", "▁opened", "▁the", "▁Cry", "stal", "▁Room", "▁and", "▁the", "▁L", "ana", "i", "▁R", "estaur", "ant", "▁,", "▁later", "▁called", "▁The", "▁Cot", "erie", "▁.", "▁The", "▁building", "▁was", "▁first", "▁painted", "▁its", "▁famous", "▁p", "ink", "▁color", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "8", "▁to", "▁match", "▁the", "▁country", "▁club", "▁style", "▁of", "▁the", "▁period", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁became", "▁known", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁P", "ink", "▁Palace", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁year", "▁,", "▁architect", "▁Paul", "▁Williams", "▁added", "▁the", "▁C", "res", "cent", "▁Wing", "▁.", "▁The", "▁F", "ount", "ain", "▁C", "off", "ee", "▁Sh", "op", "▁also", "▁opened", "▁at", "▁this", "▁time", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "4", "▁,", "▁Detroit", "▁real", "▁estate", "▁magn", "ate", "▁Ben", "▁L", ".", "▁Sil", "ber", "stein", "▁bought", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁for", "▁$", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁million", "▁.", "▁Cour", "tr", "ight", "▁later", "▁became", "▁hotel", "ier", "▁at", "▁the", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Wil", "shire", "▁Hotel", "▁.", "▁The", "▁reputation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁,", "▁as", "▁a", "▁leading", "▁lux", "ury", "▁hotel", "▁with", "▁gl", "am", "orous", "▁pat", "rons", "▁,", "▁took", "▁off", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁and", "▁attract", "ed", "▁em", "inent", "▁guests", "▁such", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Duke", "▁and", "▁Duch", "ess", "▁of", "▁W", "inds", "or", "▁,", "▁Princess", "▁Margaret", "▁and", "▁Lord", "▁Snow", "don", "▁,", "▁King", "▁Albert", "▁of", "▁Belg", "ium", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Crown", "▁Prince", "▁of", "▁Mon", "aco", "▁and", "▁Grace", "▁Kelly", "▁,", "▁John", "▁Wayne", "▁and", "▁Henry", "▁F", "onda", "▁.", "▁Elizabeth", "▁Taylor", "▁,", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁'", "s", "▁best", "▁known", "▁guests", "▁,", "▁would", "▁stay", "▁with", "▁her", "▁numerous", "▁hus", "b", "ands", "▁in", "▁the", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁,", "▁and", "▁spent", "▁six", "▁of", "▁her", "▁eight", "▁h", "one", "ym", "o", "ons", "▁there", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁father", "▁owned", "▁an", "▁art", "▁gallery", "▁on", "▁the", "▁ground", "▁floor", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Pol", "o", "▁L", "oun", "ge", "▁became", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁Frank", "▁Sin", "atra", "▁,", "▁Dean", "▁Martin", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Rat", "▁Pack", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁held", "▁heavy", "▁drink", "ing", "▁b", "outs", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "6", "▁,", "▁the", "▁pool", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁and", "▁cab", "ana", "▁club", "▁was", "▁a", "▁film", "ing", "▁location", "▁for", "▁Design", "ing", "▁Women", "▁,", "▁st", "arring", "▁Gregory", "▁Pe", "ck", "▁and", "▁La", "uren", "▁Bac", "all", "▁.", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁Mon", "roe", "▁and", "▁Y", "ves", "▁Mont", "and", "▁stayed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁during", "▁the", "▁production", "▁of", "▁George", "▁C", "uk", "or", "▁'", "s", "▁Let", "▁'", "s", "▁Make", "▁Love", "▁.", "▁Mon", "roe", "▁'", "s", "▁favorite", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ow", "▁was", "▁No", ".", "▁", "7", "▁.", "▁George", "▁Hamilton", "▁and", "▁R", "ex", "▁Harrison", "▁enjoyed", "▁sun", "b", "ath", "ing", "▁at", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁;", "▁Harrison", "▁would", "▁sun", "bat", "he", "▁in", "▁the", "▁n", "ude", "▁in", "▁Cab", "ana", "▁One", "▁,", "▁and", "▁answer", "▁the", "▁door", "▁we", "aring", "▁\"", "▁just", "▁a", "▁hand", "ker", "ch", "ief", "▁over", "▁his", "▁private", "▁parts", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁comedy", "▁picture", "▁Who", "▁'", "s", "▁Be", "en", "▁S", "leep", "ing", "▁in", "▁My", "▁Bed", "▁?", "▁,", "▁st", "arring", "▁Dean", "▁Martin", "▁,", "▁Elizabeth", "▁Mont", "gom", "ery", "▁,", "▁J", "ill", "▁St", ".", "▁John", "▁and", "▁Carol", "▁Burn", "ett", "▁,", "▁was", "▁shot", "▁at", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁John", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁and", "▁Y", "oko", "▁O", "no", "▁hid", "▁out", "▁in", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁for", "▁a", "▁week", "▁.", "▁Richard", "▁M", ".", "▁N", "ixon", "▁'", "s", "▁chief", "▁of", "▁staff", "▁,", "▁H", ".", "R", ".", "▁Hal", "de", "man", "▁,", "▁and", "▁president", "ial", "▁a", "ide", "▁John", "▁Ehr", "lich", "man", "▁were", "▁e", "ating", "▁breakfast", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Pol", "o", "▁L", "oun", "ge", "▁when", "▁they", "▁were", "▁informed", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Water", "gate", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "2", "▁.", "▁In", "▁January", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "6", "▁,", "▁Peter", "▁Fin", "ch", "▁died", "▁of", "▁a", "▁sudden", "▁heart", "▁attack", "▁while", "▁sitting", "▁in", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁lo", "bb", "y", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁months", "▁later", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁post", "hum", "ously", "▁awarded", "▁the", "▁Academy", "▁Award", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁A", "ctor", "▁for", "▁his", "▁role", "▁as", "▁Howard", "▁Be", "ale", "▁in", "▁the", "▁film", "▁Network", "▁.", "▁His", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁star", "▁F", "aye", "▁Dun", "away", "▁stayed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁after", "▁winning", "▁the", "▁Academy", "▁Award", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Act", "ress", "▁for", "▁the", "▁same", "▁film", "▁;", "▁in", "▁one", "▁memor", "able", "▁photograph", "▁she", "▁was", "▁se", "ated", "▁by", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁pool", "▁l", "ou", "ng", "ing", "▁back", "▁in", "▁a", "▁chair", "▁surrounded", "▁by", "▁newsp", "apers", "▁and", "▁her", "▁Oscar", "▁tro", "phy", "▁.", "▁The", "▁exterior", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁was", "▁featured", "▁on", "▁the", "▁album", "▁cover", "▁art", "▁of", "▁The", "▁E", "ag", "les", "▁'", "s", "▁LP", "▁\"", "▁Hotel", "▁California", "▁\"", "▁that", "▁same", "▁year", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁years", "▁later", "▁,", "▁California", "▁Su", "ite", "▁was", "▁fil", "med", "▁at", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Later", "▁history", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁O", "wner", "▁Ben", "▁Sil", "ber", "stein", "▁died", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "9", "▁,", "▁and", "▁passed", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁to", "▁his", "▁two", "▁daughters", "▁,", "▁Mur", "iel", "▁S", "lat", "kin", "▁and", "▁Se", "ema", "▁Bo", "es", "ky" ]
the hotel 's long @-@ time patrons , Marlene Dietrich , was instrumental in bringing about a change in policy in the Polo Lounge , which had made it compulsory for women to don skirts which she refused to wear . In 1941 , Hernando Courtright , the vice president of the Bank of America , purchased the hotel with friends . Irene Dunne , Loretta Young and Harry Warner also became owners of the hotel as a result of their investment with Courtright . Courtright established the Polo Lounge " in honor of a celebrity band of polo players who toasted victories at the restaurant after matches in the bean fields " . In 1942 , Howard Hughes bought up half a dozen of the bungalows and lived there on several occasions throughout the decades . The hotel accommodated his eccentricities , including his request for " roast beef sandwiches delivered to a nook in a tree " . The Beverly Hills Hotel underwent significant renovation in the late forties when the porte cochere was expanded and painted in stripes . In 1947 Courtright opened the Crystal Room and the Lanai Restaurant , later called The Coterie . The building was first painted its famous pink color in 1948 to match the country club style of the period , and it became known as " The Pink Palace " . The following year , architect Paul Williams added the Crescent Wing . The Fountain Coffee Shop also opened at this time . In 1954 , Detroit real estate magnate Ben L. Silberstein bought the hotel for $ 5 @.@ 5 million . Courtright later became hotelier at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel . The reputation of the Beverly Hills Hotel , as a leading luxury hotel with glamorous patrons , took off during the 1950s and attracted eminent guests such as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor , Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon , King Albert of Belgium , the Crown Prince of Monaco and Grace Kelly , John Wayne and Henry Fonda . Elizabeth Taylor , one of the hotel 's best known guests , would stay with her numerous husbands in the bungalows , and spent six of her eight honeymoons there . Her father owned an art gallery on the ground floor of the hotel . The Polo Lounge became associated with Frank Sinatra , Dean Martin and the Rat Pack , where they held heavy drinking bouts . In 1956 , the pool of the hotel and cabana club was a filming location for Designing Women , starring Gregory Peck and Lauren Bacall . Marilyn Monroe and Yves Montand stayed at the hotel during the production of George Cukor 's Let 's Make Love . Monroe 's favorite bungalow was No. 7 . George Hamilton and Rex Harrison enjoyed sunbathing at the hotel ; Harrison would sunbathe in the nude in Cabana One , and answer the door wearing " just a handkerchief over his private parts " . In 1963 , the comedy picture Who 's Been Sleeping in My Bed ? , starring Dean Martin , Elizabeth Montgomery , Jill St. John and Carol Burnett , was shot at the hotel . In the 1970s , John Lennon and Yoko Ono hid out in one of the bungalows for a week . Richard M. Nixon 's chief of staff , H.R. Haldeman , and presidential aide John Ehrlichman were eating breakfast in the Polo Lounge when they were informed of the Watergate in 1972 . In January , 1976 , Peter Finch died of a sudden heart attack while sitting in the hotel lobby . Two months later , he was posthumously awarded the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role as Howard Beale in the film Network . His co @-@ star Faye Dunaway stayed at the hotel after winning the Academy Award for Best Actress for the same film ; in one memorable photograph she was seated by the hotel pool lounging back in a chair surrounded by newspapers and her Oscar trophy . The exterior of the hotel was featured on the album cover art of The Eagles 's LP " Hotel California " that same year . Two years later , California Suite was filmed at the hotel . = = = Later history = = = Owner Ben Silberstein died in 1979 , and passed the hotel to his two daughters , Muriel Slatkin and Seema Boesky
[ "▁,", "▁wife", "▁of", "▁stock", "▁tr", "ader", "▁Ivan", "▁Bo", "es", "ky", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "6", "▁,", "▁Mar", "vin", "▁Davis", "▁bought", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁from", "▁Sil", "ber", "stein", "▁'", "s", "▁sons", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁law", "▁B", "urt", "▁S", "lat", "kin", "▁and", "▁Ivan", "▁Bo", "es", "ky", "▁.", "▁Bo", "es", "ky", "▁had", "▁bought", "▁the", "▁out", "standing", "▁", "5", "▁%", "▁of", "▁stock", "▁for", "▁a", "▁reported", "▁fortune", "▁and", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁sell", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁S", "lat", "kin", "▁'", "s", "▁desire", "▁to", "▁keep", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁.", "▁Less", "▁than", "▁a", "▁year", "▁later", "▁,", "▁Davis", "▁sold", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Sultan", "▁of", "▁Br", "une", "i", "▁,", "▁Hass", "anal", "▁Bol", "k", "iah", "▁,", "▁for", "▁$", "▁", "1", "1", "0", "▁million", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁December", "▁", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁closed", "▁for", "▁a", "▁complete", "▁rest", "oration", "▁,", "▁said", "▁to", "▁be", "▁in", "▁the", "▁region", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "2", "5", "▁million", "▁.", "▁The", "▁project", "▁last", "ed", "▁two", "▁and", "▁a", "▁half", "▁years", "▁with", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁re", "open", "ing", "▁on", "▁June", "▁", "3", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁,", "▁with", "▁up", "gr", "ades", "▁to", "▁furn", "iture", "▁and", "▁f", "itt", "ings", "▁.", "▁The", "▁hotel", "▁is", "▁now", "▁managed", "▁and", "▁owned", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Dor", "chester", "▁Collection", "▁,", "▁organized", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁to", "▁manage", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁interests", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Br", "une", "i", "▁In", "vest", "ment", "▁Agency", "▁.", "▁The", "▁west", "▁coast", "▁regional", "▁director", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Dor", "chester", "▁Collection", "▁over", "se", "es", "▁The", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Hotel", "▁Bel", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Air", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁celebrated", "▁its", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁anni", "versary", "▁and", "▁began", "▁to", "▁rem", "odel", "▁its", "▁lo", "bb", "y", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Pol", "o", "▁L", "oun", "ge", "▁,", "▁pool", "▁cab", "anas", "▁and", "▁Cab", "ana", "▁Ca", "fe", "▁,", "▁and", "▁guest", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁rooms", "▁and", "▁su", "ites", "▁to", "▁be", "▁renov", "ated", "▁by", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁.", "▁The", "▁hotel", "▁was", "▁also", "▁named", "▁the", "▁first", "▁historic", "▁land", "mark", "▁in", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cont", "ro", "vers", "y", "▁and", "▁boy", "c", "ott", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Sultan", "▁of", "▁Br", "une", "i", "▁'", "s", "▁st", "ake", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ownership", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁drew", "▁controvers", "y", "▁in", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁when", "▁he", "▁initi", "ated", "▁the", "▁first", "▁phase", "▁of", "▁a", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁phase", "▁plan", "▁to", "▁adapt", "▁Br", "une", "i", "▁'", "s", "▁legal", "▁system", "▁to", "▁include", "▁aspects", "▁of", "▁Sh", "aria", "▁law", "▁imp", "lic", "ating", "▁his", "▁appro", "val", "▁of", "▁the", "▁per", "sec", "ution", "▁of", "▁hom", "osex", "uals", "▁in", "▁the", "▁complex", "▁legal", "▁system", "▁there", "▁(", "▁a", "▁two", "▁part", "▁system", "▁involving", "▁separate", "▁courts", "▁and", "▁legisl", "ation", "▁for", "▁Islam", "ic", "▁and", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Islam", "ic", "▁citizens", "▁)", "▁.", "▁In", "▁protest", "▁,", "▁a", "▁United", "▁States", "▁national", "▁L", "GB", "T", "▁advoc", "acy", "▁organization", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Gill", "▁Action", "▁Fund", "▁,", "▁can", "ce", "led", "▁its", "▁res", "ervation", "▁to", "▁hold", "▁a", "▁conference", "▁of", "▁major", "▁don", "ors", "▁at", "▁the", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁and", "▁demanded", "▁a", "▁ref", "und", "▁of", "▁its", "▁depos", "it", "▁.", "▁The", "▁hotel", "▁management", "▁respond", "ed", "▁by", "▁issu", "ing", "▁a", "▁statement", "▁as", "ser", "ting", "▁that", "▁it", "▁does", "▁not", "▁disc", "rim", "inate", "▁on", "▁the", "▁basis", "▁of", "▁sexual", "▁orientation", "▁.", "▁F", "ashion", "▁design", "ers", "▁Brian", "▁At", "wood", "▁and", "▁Peter", "▁Som", "▁subsequently", "▁called", "▁for", "▁wider", "▁protest", "s", "▁,", "▁ur", "ging", "▁the", "▁fashion", "▁industry", "▁to", "▁boy", "c", "ott", "▁all", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hot", "els", "▁owned", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Dor", "chester", "▁Collection", "▁.", "▁", "▁Meanwhile", "▁,", "▁the", "▁boy", "c", "ott", "▁had", "▁attract", "ed", "▁support", "▁from", "▁Sir", "▁Richard", "▁Br", "anson", "▁of", "▁Virgin", "▁Group", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁numerous", "▁Hollywood", "▁execut", "ives", "▁and", "▁stars", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Jay", "▁L", "eno", "▁and", "▁Ellen", "▁De", "Gener", "es", "▁.", "▁In", "▁addition", "▁,", "▁a", "▁string", "▁of", "▁organizations", "▁joined", "▁the", "▁boy", "c", "ott", "▁,", "▁can", "cell", "ing", "▁res", "erv", "ations", "▁to", "▁hold", "▁con", "ferences", "▁and", "▁other", "▁high", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁profile", "▁events", "▁at", "▁the", "▁establishment", "▁;", "▁travel", "▁industry", "▁fir", "ms", "▁like", "wise", "▁signed", "▁on", "▁to", "▁a", "▁boy", "c", "ott", "▁of", "▁all", "▁Dor", "chester", "▁Collection", "▁hot", "els", "▁.", "▁O", "thers", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Russell", "▁Cro", "we", "▁and", "▁Kim", "▁K", "ard", "ash", "ian", "▁,", "▁have", "▁spoken", "▁out", "▁against", "▁the", "▁boy", "c", "ott", "▁.", "▁Cro", "we", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁despite", "▁his", "▁disapp", "ro", "val", "▁of", "▁the", "▁new", "▁laws", "▁in", "▁Br", "une", "i", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁unf", "air", "▁to", "▁pun", "ish", "▁the", "▁hard", "working", "▁employees", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁.", "▁Similarly", "▁,", "▁K", "ard", "ash", "ian", "▁published", "▁a", "▁blog", "▁post", "▁vo", "icing", "▁her", "▁criticism", "▁of", "▁the", "▁boy", "c", "ott", "▁and", "▁express", "ing", "▁her", "▁sympath", "ies", "▁for", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁workers", "▁.", "▁H", "R", "▁Magazine", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁protest", "s", "▁are", "▁\"", "▁mis", "gu", "ided", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁will", "▁not", "▁affect", "▁the", "▁government", "▁policy", "▁of", "▁Br", "une", "i", "▁when", "▁the", "▁Dor", "chester", "▁Collection", "▁'", "s", "▁annual", "▁re", "venue", "▁is", "▁$", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "▁million", "▁while", "▁the", "▁B", "IA", "▁has", "▁over", "▁$", "▁", "3", "0", "▁billion", "▁in", "▁assets", "▁from", "▁oil", "▁and", "▁gas", "▁.", "▁", "▁By", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁the", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁City", "▁Council", "▁passed", "▁a", "▁resolution", "▁ur", "ging", "▁the", "▁Sultan", "▁of", "▁Br", "une", "i", "▁to", "▁sell", "▁the", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁.", "▁L", "ili", "▁Bos", "se", "▁,", "▁the", "▁mayor", "▁of", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁wel", "com", "ed", "▁the", "▁resolution", "▁and", "▁added", "▁that", "▁she", "▁had", "▁made", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁personal", "▁decision", "▁\"", "▁not", "▁to", "▁return", "▁to", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁until", "▁the", "▁situation", "▁had", "▁been", "▁solved", "▁.", "▁The", "▁decision", "▁was", "▁la", "ud", "ed", "▁by", "▁Rab", "bi", "▁Laura", "▁G", "eller", "▁of", "▁Temple", "▁E", "manuel", "▁,", "▁where", "▁Bos", "se", "▁is", "▁a", "▁con", "greg", "ant", "▁.", "▁By", "▁then", "▁the", "▁Jewish", "▁Journal", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁more", "▁than", "▁$", "▁", "2", "▁million", "▁worth", "▁of", "▁events", "▁have", "▁been", "▁can", "ce", "led", "▁at", "▁the", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁by", "▁do", "z", "ens", "▁of", "▁groups", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Dor", "chester", "▁Collection", "▁Chief", "▁Executive", "▁Officer", "▁Christopher", "▁Cow", "d", "ray", "▁then", "▁respond", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁controvers", "y", "▁by", "▁asking", "▁the", "▁public", "▁to", "▁consider", "▁the", "▁issue", "▁at", "▁hand", "▁in", "▁a", "▁bro", "ader", "▁perspective", "▁,", "▁cit", "ing", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁that", "▁many", "▁br", "ands", "▁are", "▁back", "ed", "▁by", "▁foreign", "▁invest", "ors", "▁.", "▁Sh", "aria", "▁law", "▁exists", "▁alongside" ]
, wife of stock trader Ivan Boesky . In 1986 , Marvin Davis bought the hotel from Silberstein 's sons @-@ in @-@ law Burt Slatkin and Ivan Boesky . Boesky had bought the outstanding 5 % of stock for a reported fortune and decided to sell , despite Slatkin 's desire to keep the hotel . Less than a year later , Davis sold the hotel to the Sultan of Brunei , Hassanal Bolkiah , for $ 110 million . On December 30 , 1992 , the hotel closed for a complete restoration , said to be in the region of $ 100 – 125 million . The project lasted two and a half years with the hotel reopening on June 3 , 1995 , with upgrades to furniture and fittings . The hotel is now managed and owned by the Dorchester Collection , organized in 1996 to manage the hotel interests of the Brunei Investment Agency . The west coast regional director for the Dorchester Collection oversees The Beverly Hills Hotel as well as the Hotel Bel @-@ Air . In 2012 , the hotel celebrated its 100 @-@ year anniversary and began to remodel its lobby , with the Polo Lounge , pool cabanas and Cabana Cafe , and guest @-@ rooms and suites to be renovated by 2014 . The hotel was also named the first historic landmark in Beverly Hills in September 2012 . = = = Controversy and boycott = = = The Sultan of Brunei 's stake in the ownership of the hotel drew controversy in April 2014 when he initiated the first phase of a three @-@ phase plan to adapt Brunei 's legal system to include aspects of Sharia law implicating his approval of the persecution of homosexuals in the complex legal system there ( a two part system involving separate courts and legislation for Islamic and non @-@ Islamic citizens ) . In protest , a United States national LGBT advocacy organization , the Gill Action Fund , canceled its reservation to hold a conference of major donors at the Beverly Hills Hotel and demanded a refund of its deposit . The hotel management responded by issuing a statement asserting that it does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation . Fashion designers Brian Atwood and Peter Som subsequently called for wider protests , urging the fashion industry to boycott all of the hotels owned by the Dorchester Collection . Meanwhile , the boycott had attracted support from Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Group , as well as numerous Hollywood executives and stars , including Jay Leno and Ellen DeGeneres . In addition , a string of organizations joined the boycott , cancelling reservations to hold conferences and other high @-@ profile events at the establishment ; travel industry firms likewise signed on to a boycott of all Dorchester Collection hotels . Others , including Russell Crowe and Kim Kardashian , have spoken out against the boycott . Crowe stated that despite his disapproval of the new laws in Brunei , it is unfair to punish the hardworking employees of the hotel . Similarly , Kardashian published a blog post voicing her criticism of the boycott and expressing her sympathies for the hotel workers . HR Magazine said that the protests are " misguided " and will not affect the government policy of Brunei when the Dorchester Collection 's annual revenue is $ 300 million while the BIA has over $ 30 billion in assets from oil and gas . By May 2014 , the Beverly Hills City Council passed a resolution urging the Sultan of Brunei to sell the Beverly Hills Hotel . Lili Bosse , the mayor of Beverly Hills at the time , welcomed the resolution and added that she had made a " personal decision " not to return to the hotel until the situation had been solved . The decision was lauded by Rabbi Laura Geller of Temple Emanuel , where Bosse is a congregant . By then the Jewish Journal reported that " more than $ 2 million worth of events have been canceled at the Beverly Hills Hotel by dozens of groups . " Dorchester Collection Chief Executive Officer Christopher Cowdray then responded to the controversy by asking the public to consider the issue at hand in a broader perspective , citing the fact that many brands are backed by foreign investors . Sharia law exists alongside
[ "▁other", "▁norm", "ative", "▁systems", "▁and", "▁has", "▁been", "▁adopted", "▁by", "▁many", "▁other", "▁Muslim", "▁countries", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Sa", "udi", "▁Arab", "ia", "▁which", "▁has", "▁major", "▁invest", "ments", "▁in", "▁the", "▁American", "▁hospital", "ity", "▁industry", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁Four", "▁Se", "asons", "▁and", "▁Fair", "mont", "▁hotel", "▁ch", "ains", "▁.", "▁Ad", "week", "▁declared", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁bad", "▁press", "▁and", "▁protest", "s", "▁have", "▁t", "arn", "ished", "▁the", "▁gl", "am", "orous", "▁image", "▁of", "▁the", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁,", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁most", "▁famous", "▁hot", "els", "▁in", "▁the", "▁world", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁added", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁such", "▁extreme", "▁brand", "▁damage", "▁will", "▁be", "▁difficult", "▁to", "▁repair", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Architecture", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ex", "terior", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Jud", "ith", "▁Kirk", "wood", "▁of", "▁Orange", "▁Coast", "▁Magazine", "▁has", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁is", "▁such", "▁an", "▁icon", "▁that", "▁my", "▁friend", "▁,", "▁G", "ret", "chen", "▁,", "▁and", "▁I", "▁wonder", "ed", "▁if", "▁it", "▁was", "▁a", "▁m", "ira", "ge", "▁when", "▁the", "▁tax", "i", "▁pulled", "▁up", "▁in", "▁the", "▁porte", "▁co", "ch", "ere", "▁and", "▁depos", "ited", "▁us", "▁on", "▁a", "▁red", "▁car", "pet", "▁,", "▁but", "▁realized", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁more", "▁like", "▁a", "▁pe", "ach", "y", "▁p", "ink", "▁dream", "▁d", "usted", "▁with", "▁gold", "▁—", "▁and", "▁green", "▁and", "▁white", "▁strip", "ed", "▁acc", "ents", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁original", "▁main", "▁building", "▁of", "▁The", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁was", "▁designed", "▁by", "▁Pas", "ad", "ena", "▁architect", "▁El", "mer", "▁Grey", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Mediter", "rane", "an", "▁Rev", "ival", "▁style", "▁.", "▁Bu", "ilt", "▁on", "▁a", "▁prom", "in", "ence", "▁above", "▁the", "▁main", "▁road", "▁below", "▁,", "▁it", "▁res", "emble", "d", "▁a", "▁white", "▁colonial", "▁pal", "atial", "▁m", "ansion", "▁or", "▁mission", "▁,", "▁with", "▁ver", "andas", "▁and", "▁arch", "es", "▁fitted", "▁with", "▁w", "icker", "▁furn", "iture", "▁,", "▁and", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁was", "▁set", "▁in", "▁the", "▁coun", "tr", "ys", "ide", "▁.", "▁High", "▁above", "▁the", "▁main", "▁entrance", "▁are", "▁three", "▁dom", "es", "▁;", "▁two", "▁fl", "ank", "ing", "▁the", "▁center", "▁which", "▁are", "▁smaller", "▁and", "▁lower", "▁in", "▁height", "▁,", "▁with", "▁flags", "▁ho", "isted", "▁on", "▁them", "▁.", "▁A", "▁t", "rol", "ley", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁stop", "▁pav", "il", "ion", "▁was", "▁situated", "▁on", "▁the", "▁western", "▁side", "▁.", "▁The", "▁icon", "ic", "▁sign", "age", "▁and", "▁the", "▁addition", "▁were", "▁designed", "▁by", "▁architect", "▁Paul", "▁Williams", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁extensive", "▁gard", "ens", "▁,", "▁covering", "▁", "1", "2", 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"uo", "▁Sug", "i", "ura", "▁,", "▁who", "▁cook", "ed", "▁\"", "▁o", "ak", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gr", "illed", "▁food", "▁with", "▁an", "▁Asian", "▁fla", "ir", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁one", "▁large", "▁suite", "▁was", "▁converted", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Bar", "▁Nin", "ete", "en", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁The", "▁fire", "place", "▁in", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁'", "s", "▁lo", "bb", "y", "▁has", "▁a", "▁fire", "▁going", "▁every", "▁day", "▁of", "▁the", "▁year", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁new", "▁wing", "▁was", "▁added", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁side", "▁of", "▁the", "▁main", "▁building", "▁in", "▁the", "▁late", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁The", "▁\"", "▁C", "res", "cent", "▁Wing", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁it", "▁became", "▁known", "▁,", "▁features", "▁m", "ature", "▁plant", "ings", "▁on", "▁the", "▁bal", "con", "ies", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ro", "oms", "▁and", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁As", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁rooms", "▁cost", "▁from", "▁$", "▁", "5", "5", "0", "▁up", "▁to", "▁$", "▁", "1", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "3", "8", "0", "▁for", "▁a", "▁night", "▁in", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁president", "ial", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁.", "▁A", "▁typical", "▁room", "▁as", "▁of", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁is", "▁$", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "4", "5", "▁a", "▁night", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁of", "▁the", "▁rooms", "▁has", "▁their", "▁own", "▁bal", "con", "y", "▁and", "▁is", "▁designed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁Hotel", "▁colors", "▁of", "▁pe", "ach", "y", "▁p", "inks", "▁and", "▁gre", "ens", "▁,", "▁apr", "ic", "ots", "▁and", "▁y", "ell", "ows", "▁.", "▁Several", "▁of", "▁the", "▁more", "▁expensive", "▁rooms", "▁have", "▁private", "▁p", "ati", "os", "▁,", "▁Jac", "uzz", "is", "▁and", "▁their", "▁own", "▁k", "itch", "ens", "▁.", "▁", "▁Five", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁were", "▁originally" ]
other normative systems and has been adopted by many other Muslim countries , including Saudi Arabia which has major investments in the American hospitality industry , including the Four Seasons and Fairmont hotel chains . Adweek declared that " the bad press and protests have tarnished the glamorous image of the Beverly Hills Hotel , one of the most famous hotels in the world " and added that " such extreme brand damage will be difficult to repair " . = = Architecture = = = = = Exterior = = = Judith Kirkwood of Orange Coast Magazine has stated that " The Beverly Hills Hotel is such an icon that my friend , Gretchen , and I wondered if it was a mirage when the taxi pulled up in the porte cochere and deposited us on a red carpet , but realized that it was " more like a peachy pink dream dusted with gold — and green and white striped accents " . The original main building of The Beverly Hills Hotel was designed by Pasadena architect Elmer Grey , in the Mediterranean Revival style . Built on a prominence above the main road below , it resembled a white colonial palatial mansion or mission , with verandas and arches fitted with wicker furniture , and at the time was set in the countryside . High above the main entrance are three domes ; two flanking the center which are smaller and lower in height , with flags hoisted on them . A trolley @-@ stop pavilion was situated on the western side . The iconic signage and the addition were designed by architect Paul Williams . The extensive gardens , covering 12 acres ( 4 @.@ 9 ha ) , were designed by landscape architect Wilbur David Cook . They contain bougainvillea , banana plants , hibiscus and other tropical flora . Svend Petersen , the Danish @-@ American pool manager at the hotel for forty @-@ two years , became a Hotel Ambassador in 2002 . He had notably opened up the pool after hours for The Beatles and taught Faye Dunaway to swim a 1940s freestyle crawl for her appearance in the film Mommie Dearest . = = = Interior = = = The Sunroom of the hotel , containing Californian craftsman furniture , provides vistas of the Pacific Ocean . A room , known as the Crystal Room , was allocated for small private dinner parties . The principal dining room could accommodate up to 500 people . The Children 's dining room , which became the El Jardin Restaurant , is now the iconic Polo Lounge . The Polo Lounge was seen as the premier power dining spot in all of Los Angeles . The lounge was renovated in 1974 , and given a softer design with table lamps and flowers . It is fashioned in peachy pink with dark green booths , each featuring a plug @-@ in phone . The photograph behind the bar depicts Will Rogers and Darryl F. Zanuck , two lounge regulars , playing polo . The menu offers a classic Neil McCarthy salad , named after the polo @-@ playing millionaire . The hotel has its own bakery and herb garden , makes its own vinegar and smokes meats . The chef in 2003 was Katsuo Sugiura , who cooked " oak @-@ grilled food with an Asian flair " . In 2007 , one large suite was converted into the Bar Nineteen12 . The fireplace in the hotel 's lobby has a fire going every day of the year . A new wing was added to the east side of the main building in the late 1940s . The " Crescent Wing , " as it became known , features mature plantings on the balconies . = = = = Rooms and bungalows = = = = As of 2012 , rooms cost from $ 550 up to $ 15 @,@ 380 for a night in one of the presidential bungalows . A typical room as of August 2015 is $ 1 @,@ 045 a night . Each of the rooms has their own balcony and is designed in the Beverly Hills Hotel colors of peachy pinks and greens , apricots and yellows . Several of the more expensive rooms have private patios , Jacuzzis and their own kitchens . Five bungalows were originally
[ "▁added", "▁to", "▁the", "▁gard", "ens", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "5", "▁to", "▁provide", "▁for", "▁families", "▁who", "▁could", "▁return", "▁each", "▁year", "▁with", "▁their", "▁own", "▁staff", "▁.", "▁As", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁the", "▁hotel", "▁has", "▁", "2", "3", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁set", "▁out", "▁across", "▁the", "▁gard", "ens", "▁.", "▁B", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁", "1", "4", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "1", "▁are", "▁known", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁Bach", "elor", "▁'", "s", "▁Row", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁due", "▁to", "▁their", "▁association", "▁with", "▁film", "▁stars", "▁and", "▁their", "▁affairs", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Warren", "▁Beat", "ty", "▁and", "▁Or", "son", "▁W", "elles", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "0", "▁,", "▁a", "▁private", "▁pool", "▁and", "▁Jac", "uz", "zi", "▁were", "▁added", "▁to", "▁B", "ung", "al", "ow", "▁No", ".", "▁", "5", "▁to", "▁accommod", "ate", "▁business", "man", "▁Walter", "▁An", "nen", "berg", "▁.", "▁No", ".", "5", "▁had", "▁been", "▁a", "▁favorite", "▁of", "▁Elizabeth", "▁Taylor", "▁and", "▁Richard", "▁Bur", "ton", "▁who", "▁had", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁standing", "▁room", "▁service", "▁order", "▁for", "▁two", "▁bott", "les", "▁of", "▁v", "od", "ka", "▁at", "▁breakfast", "▁,", "▁and", "▁two", "▁more", "▁at", "▁l", "unch", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Taylor", "▁also", "▁liked", "▁No", ".", "3", "▁,", "▁where", "▁she", "▁stayed", "▁during", "▁her", "▁marriage", "▁to", "▁Edd", "ie", "▁Fish", "er", "▁.", "▁Mar", "il", "yn", "▁Mon", "roe", "▁fav", "ored", "▁No", ".", "▁", "1", "▁and", "▁No", ".", "▁", "7", "▁.", "▁No", ".", "1", "▁,", "▁the", "▁most", "▁se", "cluded", "▁of", "▁the", "▁b", "ung", "al", "ows", "▁,", "▁features", "▁an", "▁interior", "▁described", "▁by", "▁CNN", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁cre", "amy", "▁,", "▁l", "ush", "▁and", "▁traditional", "▁,", "▁decor", "ated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁manner", "▁of", "▁one", "▁'", "s", "▁wealth", "y", "▁grand", "par", "ents", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁No", ".", "▁", "7", "▁has", "▁become", "▁known", "▁as", "▁\"", 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"▁,", "▁the", "▁race", "▁takes", "▁place", "▁on", "▁the", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁mile", "▁(", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁km", "▁)", "▁Championship", "▁Cour", "se", "▁on", "▁the", "▁River", "▁Th", "ames", "▁in", "▁south", "west", "▁London", "▁.", "▁The", "▁rival", "ry", "▁is", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁hot", "ly", "▁cont", "ested", "▁point", "▁of", "▁honour", "▁\"", "▁between", "▁the", "▁two", "▁univers", "ities", "▁,", "▁followed", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁,", "▁and", "▁broadcast", "▁on", "▁several", "▁international", "▁television", "▁networks", "▁.", "▁Oxford", "▁went", "▁into", "▁the", "▁race", "▁as", "▁reign", "ing", "▁champions", "▁,", "▁having", "▁won", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁race", "▁by", "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁and", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁a", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁quarter", "▁lengths", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Cambridge", "▁leading", "▁overall", "▁with", "▁", "6", "9", "▁vict", "ories", "▁to", "▁Oxford", "▁'", "s", "▁", "6", "7", "▁(", "▁ex", "cluding", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁dead", "▁heat", "▁\"", "▁of", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "7", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁first", "▁Women", "▁'", "s", "▁Bo", "at", "▁Race", "▁took", "▁place", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "7", "▁,", "▁but", "▁did", "▁not", "▁become", "▁an", "▁annual", "▁fi", "xture", "▁until", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁Up", "▁until", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁the", "▁contest", "▁was", "▁conducted", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Hen", "ley", "▁Bo", "at", "▁R", "aces", "▁,", "▁but", "▁as", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁race", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁held", "▁on", "▁the", "▁River", "▁Th", "ames", "▁,", "▁on", "▁the", "▁same", "▁day", "▁as", "▁the", "▁men", "▁'", "s", "▁main", "▁and", "▁reserve", "▁races", "▁.", "▁The", "▁reserve", "▁race", "▁,", "▁cont", "ested", "▁between", "▁Oxford", "▁'" ]
added to the gardens in 1915 to provide for families who could return each year with their own staff . As of 2015 , the hotel has 23 bungalows set out across the gardens . Bungalows 14 @-@ 21 are known as " Bachelor 's Row " , due to their association with film stars and their affairs , including Warren Beatty and Orson Welles . In 1990 , a private pool and Jacuzzi were added to Bungalow No. 5 to accommodate businessman Walter Annenberg . No.5 had been a favorite of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton who had " a standing room service order for two bottles of vodka at breakfast , and two more at lunch " . Taylor also liked No.3 , where she stayed during her marriage to Eddie Fisher . Marilyn Monroe favored No. 1 and No. 7 . No.1 , the most secluded of the bungalows , features an interior described by CNN as " creamy , lush and traditional , decorated in the manner of one 's wealthy grandparents " . No. 7 has become known as " the " Norma Jean " . Dietrich ordered a 7 feet ( 2 @.@ 1 m ) by 8 feet ( 2 @.@ 4 m ) bed added to No. 10 , the bungalow where John Lennon and Yoko Ono stayed in the 1970s . In 2011 two Presidential Bungalows were established , replacing the tennis courts , with each containing three bedrooms and a private swimming pool and shower . Howard Hughes permanently kept a bungalow at the hotel , however it was a secret whether he was on the premises or not . Often the only person who knew Hughes was at the Beverly Hills was the hotel 's chef . Hughes would awaken him in the middle of the night to prepare food for him . It has been alleged that several of the bungalows are haunted . Guests have reported hearing what is believed to be Harpo Marx playing the harp , and seeing an apparition of Sergei Rachmaninoff . = = Gallery = = = The Boat Race 1992 = The 138th Boat Race took place on 4 April 1992 . Held annually , the Boat Race is a side @-@ by @-@ side rowing race between crews from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge along the River Thames . Oxford 's cox Andrew Probert was the oldest competitor in Boat Race history at the age of 38 years and 86 days . Oxford won by one @-@ and @-@ a @-@ quarter lengths , the closest margin of victory for twenty years . The race also featured the first German competitor in the history of the event in Dirk Bangert . Umpired by former Cambridge rower Roger Stephens , Mike Rosewell writing in The Times described the race as " one of the greatest races since 1829 " . In the reserve race , Cambridge 's Goldie defeated Oxford 's Isis , while Cambridge won the Women 's Boat Race . = = Background = = The Boat Race is a side @-@ by @-@ side rowing competition between the University of Oxford ( sometimes referred to as the " Dark Blues " ) and the University of Cambridge ( sometimes referred to as the " Light Blues " ) . First held in 1829 , the race takes place on the 4 @.@ 2 @-@ mile ( 6 @.@ 8 km ) Championship Course on the River Thames in southwest London . The rivalry is a " hotly contested point of honour " between the two universities , followed throughout the United Kingdom , and broadcast on several international television networks . Oxford went into the race as reigning champions , having won the 1991 race by four @-@ and @-@ a @-@ quarter lengths , with Cambridge leading overall with 69 victories to Oxford 's 67 ( excluding the " dead heat " of 1877 ) . The first Women 's Boat Race took place in 1927 , but did not become an annual fixture until the 1960s . Up until 2014 , the contest was conducted as part of the Henley Boat Races , but as of the 2015 race , it is held on the River Thames , on the same day as the men 's main and reserve races . The reserve race , contested between Oxford '
[ "s", "▁Is", "is", "▁boat", "▁and", "▁Cambridge", "▁'", "s", "▁Gold", "ie", "▁boat", "▁has", "▁been", "▁held", "▁since", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "5", "▁.", "▁It", "▁usually", "▁takes", "▁place", "▁on", "▁the", "▁T", "ide", "way", "▁,", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁main", "▁Bo", "at", "▁Race", "▁.", "▁", "▁President", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Cambridge", "▁University", "▁Bo", "at", "▁Club", "▁,", "▁Max", "▁Just", "icz", "▁,", "▁said", "▁of", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁year", "▁'", "s", "▁race", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁We", "▁were", "▁burn", "ed", "▁on", "▁that", "▁day", "▁.", "▁Bad", "ly", "▁burn", "ed", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁worse", "▁than", "▁other", "▁defe", "ats", "▁because", "▁we", "▁thought", "▁we", "▁could", "▁win", "▁...", "▁Oxford", "▁just", "▁row", "ed", "▁through", "▁us", "▁;", "▁with", "▁every", "▁stroke", "▁they", "▁took", "▁they", "▁destroyed", "▁our", "▁belief", "▁in", "▁ourselves", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁His", "▁crew", "▁mate", "▁,", "▁Nick", "▁Clar", "ry", "▁,", "▁focused", "▁on", "▁the", "▁approach", "▁to", "▁this", "▁year", "▁'", "s", "▁race", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁This", "▁year", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁heads", "▁down", "▁and", "▁get", "▁on", "▁with", "▁the", "▁job", "▁.", "▁We", "▁know", "▁that", "▁if", "▁we", "▁don", "▁'", "t", "▁cross", "▁the", "▁line", "▁first", "▁on", "▁the", "▁day", "▁,", "▁nobody", "▁could", "▁care", "▁less", "▁who", "▁we", "▁are", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Be", "efe", "ater", "▁G", "in", "▁spons", "ored", "▁the", "▁event", "▁;", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁this", "▁year", "▁'", "s", "▁race", "▁they", "▁had", "▁announced", "▁a", "▁£", "▁", "1", "▁million", "▁deal", "▁to", "▁continue", "▁their", "▁close", "▁invol", "vement", "▁for", "▁a", "▁further", "▁three", "▁years", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁C", "rew", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "ged", "▁", "3", "8", "▁years", "▁and", "▁", "3", "▁months", "▁,", "▁Cambridge", "▁'", "s", "▁co", "x", "▁,", "▁Andrew", "▁Pro", "bert", "▁,", "▁was", "▁the", "▁oldest", "▁compet", "itor", "▁in", "▁the", "▁history", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bo", "at", "▁Race", 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"▁we", "▁had", "▁built", "▁up", "▁over", "▁six", "▁months", "▁under", "▁J", "ürgen", "▁'", "s", "▁methods", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁continued", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁[", "▁Cambridge", "▁]", "▁were", "▁slower", "▁off", "▁the", "▁start", "▁than", "▁we", "▁expected", "▁which", "▁was", "▁nice", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Refer", "ring", "▁to", "▁Cambridge", "▁'", "s", "▁lead", "▁at", "▁Hamm", "ers", "m", "ith", "▁Bridge", "▁,", "▁their", "▁number", "▁seven", "▁Steve", "▁F", "ow", "ler", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁we", "▁were", "▁feeling", "▁good", "▁but", "▁we", "▁should", "▁have", "▁closed", "▁the", "▁door", "▁there", "▁and", "▁then", "▁.", "▁We", "▁should", "▁have", "▁killed", "▁them", "▁on", "▁the", "▁b", "end", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Cambridge", "▁co", "x", "▁Pro", "bert", "▁conced", "ed", "▁to", "▁his", "▁counter", "part", "▁L", "iz", "▁Ch", "ick", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁she", "▁ste", "ered", "▁very", "▁well", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Oxford", "▁coach", "▁Gr", "ö", "b", "ler", "▁stated", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁was", "▁wonderful", "▁.", "▁Both", "▁cre", "ws", "▁...", "▁were", "▁very", "▁good", "▁—", "▁and", "▁so", "▁discipl", "ined", "▁.", "▁I", "▁like", "▁these", "▁university", "▁students", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Cambridge", "▁coach", "▁Wilson", "▁l", "ament", "ed", "▁:", "▁\"" ]
s Isis boat and Cambridge 's Goldie boat has been held since 1965 . It usually takes place on the Tideway , prior to the main Boat Race . President of the Cambridge University Boat Club , Max Justicz , said of the previous year 's race : " We were burned on that day . Badly burned . It was worse than other defeats because we thought we could win ... Oxford just rowed through us ; with every stroke they took they destroyed our belief in ourselves . " His crew mate , Nick Clarry , focused on the approach to this year 's race : " This year it 's heads down and get on with the job . We know that if we don 't cross the line first on the day , nobody could care less who we are . " Beefeater Gin sponsored the event ; prior to this year 's race they had announced a £ 1 million deal to continue their close involvement for a further three years . = = Crews = = Aged 38 years and 3 months , Cambridge 's cox , Andrew Probert , was the oldest competitor in the history of the Boat Race . Oxford 's crew featured four returning Blues and two former Isis crew members , while Cambridge saw three old Blues participate . The Oxford boat was made up from five Britons , an Australian , an American and a Yugoslav ; Cambridge was represented by seven Britons , an American and Dirk Bangert , the first German to participate in the event . Oxford 's crew were coached by Steve Royle and Patrick Sweeney , and assisted by the former East Germany Olympic coach Jürgen Gröbler , while Cambridge were guided Oxford 's successful coach of 1991 , John Wilson . Watermen Bert Green and Jim Cobb provided advice to the Oxford and Cambridge coxes respectively . = = Race = = The race commenced at 2 @.@ 35 pm . Oxford won the toss and elected to start from the Middlesex station . The boats raced side @-@ by @-@ side for the first three @-@ and @-@ a @-@ half miles of the race , for fourteen minutes neither crew held a lead of more than half @-@ a @-@ length over the other , and umpire Roger Stephens was forced to issue warnings to both coxes for steering too close to one another . The Dark Blues held a slight early advantage but Cambridge pulled ahead at Hammersmith Bridge . Oxford edged ahead at Barnes Bridge , and passed the finishing post in a time of 17 minutes 44 seconds , one @-@ and @-@ a @-@ quarter lengths ahead of Cambridge , the closest finish in the last 20 years . Oxford 's Yugoslav rower Boris Mavra had to be lifted from the boat at the end of the race . The Beefeater Gin Trophy was presented to the winning boat club president by Raymond Seitz . In the reserve race , Cambridge 's Goldie won by three @-@ and @-@ a @-@ quarter lengths over Isis , their fifth victory in six years . Cambridge won the 47th Women 's Boat Race by one @-@ third @-@ of @-@ a @-@ length in a time of 6 minutes and 20 seconds , their third victory in four years . = = Reaction = = Mike Rosewell , writing in The Times complimented all of the race participants : " the 18 individuals involved produced one of the greatest races since 1829 . " Former Oxford coach Daniel Topolski , writing for The Observer , described the Oxford 's win as " scintillating " and noted that the crews were " locked in combat for fully three and a half miles . " Christopher Dodd , writing in The Guardian suggested that " the promise was delivered ; a rare race " . Oxford 's number five and Great Britain international Peter Bridge noted Gröbler 's impact : " We really felt the strength that we had built up over six months under Jürgen 's methods . " He continued : " [ Cambridge ] were slower off the start than we expected which was nice . " Referring to Cambridge 's lead at Hammersmith Bridge , their number seven Steve Fowler said " we were feeling good but we should have closed the door there and then . We should have killed them on the bend . " Cambridge cox Probert conceded to his counterpart Liz Chick : " she steered very well . " Oxford coach Gröbler stated : " It was wonderful . Both crews ... were very good — and so disciplined . I like these university students . " Cambridge coach Wilson lamented : "
[ "▁we", "▁failed", "▁to", "▁capital", "ise", "▁at", "▁Hamm", "ers", "m", "ith", "▁and", "▁they", "▁grew", "▁in", "▁confidence", "▁there", "after", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁(", "▁professional", "▁wrest", "ling", "▁)", "▁=", "▁", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁(", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁,", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁)", "▁was", "▁a", "▁villa", "in", "ous", "▁professional", "▁wrest", "ling", "▁stable", "▁in", "▁World", "▁Wrestling", "▁Entertainment", "▁(", "▁W", "WE", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Ohio", "▁Valley", "▁Wrestling", "▁(", "▁O", "V", "W", "▁)", "▁that", "▁consisted", "▁of", "▁Jo", "ey", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁(", "▁previously", "▁Jo", "ey", "▁Matt", "he", "ws", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Johnny", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁,", "▁and", "▁their", "▁manager", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁Pere", "z", "▁.", "▁", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁and", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁first", "▁began", "▁team", "ing", "▁together", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁in", "▁O", "V", "W", "▁,", "▁W", "WE", "▁'", "s", "▁development", "al", "▁territory", "▁in", "▁Louis", "ville", "▁,", "▁Kentucky", "▁.", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁,", "▁who", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁was", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁'", "s", "▁actual", "▁girl", "friend", "▁,", "▁joined", "▁them", "▁as", "▁their", "▁manager", "▁in", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁.", "▁While", "▁working", "▁in", "▁O", "V", "W", "▁,", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁and", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁captured", "▁the", "▁O", "V", "W", "▁Southern", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁Championship", "▁on", "▁one", "▁occasion", "▁.", "▁", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁were", "▁called", "▁up", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Sm", "ack", "Down", "▁!", "▁ro", "ster", "▁in", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁and", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁went", "▁on", "▁to", "▁win", "▁the", "▁W", "WE", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁Championship", "▁.", "▁While", "▁in", "▁W", "WE", "▁,", "▁their", "▁ring", "▁personas", "▁was", "▁that", "▁of", "▁a", "▁tri", "o", "▁of", "▁Hollywood", "▁cele", "brit", "ies", "▁,", "▁complete", "▁with", "▁a", "▁red", "▁car", "pet", "▁ring", "▁entrance", "▁,", "▁that", "▁had", "▁them", "▁accompanied", "▁by", "▁\"", "▁pap", "ar", "az", "zi", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁du", "o", "▁lost", "▁the", "▁title", "▁in", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁.", "▁After", "▁their", "▁third", "▁and", "▁final", "▁reign", "▁ended", "▁in", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁and", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁bl", "amed", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁for", "▁the", "▁loss", "▁and", "▁attacked", "▁him", "▁,", "▁splitting", "▁the", "▁team", "▁.", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁and", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁were", "▁let", "▁go", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Sm", "ack", "Down", "▁!", "▁ro", "ster", "▁and", "▁deb", "uted", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Raw", "▁brand", "▁.", "▁In", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁reun", "ited", "▁for", "▁a", "▁brief", "▁period", "▁,", "▁before", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁was", "▁released", "▁from", "▁his", "▁contract", "▁in", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Con", "cept", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Part", "ly", "▁inspired", "▁by", "▁Paris", "▁Hil", "ton", "▁,", "▁the", "▁concept", "▁behind", "▁the", "▁group", "▁was", "▁that", "▁they", "▁were", "▁Hollywood", "▁cele", "brit", "ies", "▁.", "▁Upon", "▁their", "▁debut", "▁on", "▁Sm", "ack", "Down", "▁!", "▁,", "▁they", "▁claimed", "▁to", "▁be", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁hot", "▁new", "▁team", "▁on", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁because", "▁of", "▁their", "▁good", "▁looks", "▁and", "▁celebr", "ity", "▁status", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁part", "▁of", "▁their", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ring", "▁personas", "▁,", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁had", "▁a", "▁distinct", "ive", "▁ring", "▁entrance", "▁.", "▁They", "▁walked", "▁to", "▁the", "▁ring", "▁on", "▁a", "▁red", "▁car", "pet", "▁,", "▁while", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁pap", "ar", "az", "zi", "▁\"", "▁took", "▁photos", "▁of", "▁them", "▁.", "▁The", "▁male", "▁members", "▁of", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁usually", "▁wore", "▁fur", "▁co", "ats", "▁to", "▁the", "▁ring", "▁.", "▁As", "▁they", "▁took", "▁them", "▁off", "▁,", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁suggest", "ively", "▁rub", "bed", "▁their", "▁abs", "▁while", "▁removing", "▁the", "▁title", "▁bel", "ts", "▁from", "▁their", "▁p", "ants", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁hung", "▁in", "▁an", "▁ex", "agger", "ated", "▁ph", "all", "ic", "▁fashion", "▁.", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁has", "▁a", "▁signature", "▁entrance", "▁which", "▁involves", "▁her", "▁doing", "▁a", "▁split", "▁on", "▁the", "▁ring", "▁apr", "on", "▁—", "▁from", "▁the", "▁floor", "▁—", "▁then", "▁b", "ending", "▁forward", "▁and", "▁craw", "ling", "▁under", "▁the", "▁bottom", "▁ro", "pe", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ohio", "▁Valley", "▁Wrestling", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁–", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁was", "▁formed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁former", "▁World", "▁Wrestling", "▁Entertainment", "▁(", "▁W", "WE", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁farm", "▁territory", "▁\"", "▁Ohio", "▁Valley", "▁Wrestling", "▁(", "▁O", "V", "W", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁Pere", "z", "▁,", "▁Johnny", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁'", "s", "▁real", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁life", "▁girl", "friend", "▁,", "▁was", "▁introduced", "▁into", "▁the", "▁company", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁as", "▁his", "▁ex", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁girl", "friend", "▁,", "▁an", "▁al", "ly", "▁of", "▁Matt", "▁C", "app", "ot", "elli", "▁with", "▁whom", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁was", "▁engaged", "▁in", "▁a", "▁script", "ed", "▁rival", "ry", "▁.", "▁Al", "most", "▁immediately", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁Pere", "z", "▁bet", "rayed", "▁C", "app", "ot", "elli", "▁and", "▁s", "ided", "▁with", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁.", "▁T", "ogether", "▁they", "▁introduced", "▁Jo", "ey", "▁Matt", "he", "ws", "▁to", "▁become", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁.", "▁While", "▁in", "▁O", "V", "W", "▁,", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁and", "▁Matt", "he", "ws", "▁won", "▁the", "▁O", "V", "W", "▁Southern", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁Championship", "▁once", "▁,", "▁holding", "▁it", "▁for", "▁over", "▁two", "▁months", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Sm", "ack", "Down", "▁and", "▁dissol", "ution", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁–", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁was", "▁called", "▁up", "▁to", "▁W", "WE", "▁'", "s", "▁Sm", "ack", "Down", "▁!", "▁ro", "ster", "▁in", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Matt", "he", "ws", "▁under", "going", "▁a", "▁name", "▁change", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁Jo", "ey", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁They", "▁made", "▁their", "▁debut", "▁during", "▁Carl", "ito", "▁'", "s", "▁interview", "▁segment", "▁Carl", "ito", "▁'", "s", "▁Cab", "ana", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁interrupted", "▁an", "▁interview", "▁between", "▁Carl", "ito", "▁and", "▁Rey", "▁Myst", "er", "io", "▁,", "▁and", "▁attacked", "▁Myst", "er", "io", "▁.", "▁This", "▁prov", "oked", "▁a", "▁fe", "ud", "▁between", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁and", "▁Myst", "er", "io", "▁and", "▁his", "▁partner", "▁,", "▁Edd", "ie", "▁Gu", "err", "ero", "▁,", "▁over", "▁the", "▁W", "WE", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁Championship", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁weeks", "▁later", "▁,", "▁in", "▁their", "▁debut", "▁match", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Sm", "ack", "Down", "▁!", "▁brand", "▁,", "▁they", "▁defeated", "▁Myst", "er", "io", "▁and", "▁Gu", "err", "ero", "▁to", "▁win", "▁the", "▁W", "WE", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁Championship", "▁after", "▁Gu", "err", "ero", "▁refused", "▁to", "▁tag", "▁into", "▁the", "▁match", "▁.", "▁While", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁and", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁held", "▁the", "▁championship", "▁,", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁was", "▁placed", "▁in", "▁an", "▁angle", "▁with", "▁He", "iden", "reich", "▁.", "▁She", "▁public", "ly", "▁mock", "ed", "▁him", "▁and", "▁was", "▁the", "▁imp", "et", "us", "▁for", "▁an", "▁attack", "▁on", "▁him", "▁by", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁and", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁.", "▁In", "▁July", "▁,", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁were", "▁scheduled", "▁to", "▁face", "▁He", "iden", "reich", "▁in", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁on" ]
we failed to capitalise at Hammersmith and they grew in confidence thereafter . " = MNM ( professional wrestling ) = MNM ( Mercury , Nitro , and Melina ) was a villainous professional wrestling stable in World Wrestling Entertainment ( WWE ) and Ohio Valley Wrestling ( OVW ) that consisted of Joey Mercury ( previously Joey Matthews ) , Johnny Nitro , and their manager Melina Perez . Mercury and Nitro first began teaming together in 2004 in OVW , WWE 's developmental territory in Louisville , Kentucky . Melina , who at the time was Nitro 's actual girlfriend , joined them as their manager in February 2005 . While working in OVW , Mercury and Nitro captured the OVW Southern Tag Team Championship on one occasion . MNM were called up to the SmackDown ! roster in April 2005 , in which Mercury and Nitro went on to win the WWE Tag Team Championship . While in WWE , their ring personas was that of a trio of Hollywood celebrities , complete with a red carpet ring entrance , that had them accompanied by " paparazzi " . The duo lost the title in July 2005 . After their third and final reign ended in May 2006 , Nitro and Melina blamed Mercury for the loss and attacked him , splitting the team . Nitro and Melina were let go from the SmackDown ! roster and debuted on the Raw brand . In November 2006 , MNM reunited for a brief period , before Mercury was released from his contract in March 2007 . = = Concept = = Partly inspired by Paris Hilton , the concept behind the group was that they were Hollywood celebrities . Upon their debut on SmackDown ! , they claimed to be the " hot new team on the scene " , because of their good looks and celebrity status . As part of their in @-@ ring personas , MNM had a distinctive ring entrance . They walked to the ring on a red carpet , while members of the " paparazzi " took photos of them . The male members of MNM usually wore fur coats to the ring . As they took them off , Melina suggestively rubbed their abs while removing the title belts from their pants , where they hung in an exaggerated phallic fashion . Melina has a signature entrance which involves her doing a split on the ring apron — from the floor — then bending forward and crawling under the bottom rope . = = History = = = = = Ohio Valley Wrestling ( 2004 – 2005 ) = = = MNM was formed in the former World Wrestling Entertainment ( WWE ) " farm territory " Ohio Valley Wrestling ( OVW ) . Melina Perez , Johnny Nitro 's real @-@ life girlfriend , was introduced into the company in 2004 as his ex @-@ girlfriend , an ally of Matt Cappotelli with whom Nitro was engaged in a scripted rivalry . Almost immediately , however , Perez betrayed Cappotelli and sided with Nitro . Together they introduced Joey Matthews to become MNM . While in OVW , Nitro and Matthews won the OVW Southern Tag Team Championship once , holding it for over two months . = = = SmackDown and dissolution ( 2005 – 2006 ) = = = MNM was called up to WWE 's SmackDown ! roster in April 2005 , with Matthews undergoing a name change to " Joey Mercury " . They made their debut during Carlito 's interview segment Carlito 's Cabana , where they interrupted an interview between Carlito and Rey Mysterio , and attacked Mysterio . This provoked a feud between MNM and Mysterio and his partner , Eddie Guerrero , over the WWE Tag Team Championship . Two weeks later , in their debut match on the SmackDown ! brand , they defeated Mysterio and Guerrero to win the WWE Tag Team Championship after Guerrero refused to tag into the match . While Nitro and Mercury held the championship , Melina was placed in an angle with Heidenreich . She publicly mocked him and was the impetus for an attack on him by Nitro and Mercury . In July , MNM were scheduled to face Heidenreich in a two @-@ on
[ "▁@", "-", "@", "▁one", "▁hand", "ic", "ap", "▁match", "▁,", "▁but", "▁attacked", "▁him", "▁before", "▁the", "▁match", "▁started", "▁.", "▁Road", "▁War", "rior", "▁Animal", "▁saved", "▁He", "iden", "reich", "▁from", "▁the", "▁attack", "▁and", "▁as", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁He", "iden", "reich", "▁and", "▁Road", "▁War", "rior", "▁Animal", "▁challeng", "ed", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁and", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁for", "▁the", "▁tag", "▁team", "▁title", "▁at", "▁The", "▁Great", "▁American", "▁Bash", "▁.", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁lost", "▁the", "▁match", "▁and", "▁the", "▁championship", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁loss", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tag", "▁team", "▁championship", "▁was", "▁seen", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁bad", "▁public", "ity", "▁\"", "▁by", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁so", "▁she", "▁introduced", "▁J", "ill", "ian", "▁Hall", "▁,", "▁a", "▁story", "line", "▁spin", "▁doctor", "▁to", "▁repair", "▁their", "▁image", "▁.", "▁Hall", "▁got", "▁them", "▁a", "▁cover", "▁article", "▁in", "▁Sm", "ack", "Down", "▁!", "▁magazine", "▁,", "▁and", "▁began", "▁to", "▁introduce", "▁the", "▁team", "▁before", "▁and", "▁aid", "▁them", "▁during", "▁matches", "▁.", "▁In", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁Hall", "▁left", "▁the", "▁group", "▁to", "▁join", "▁John", "▁\"", "▁Brad", "sh", "aw", "▁\"", "▁L", "ay", "field", "▁(", "▁J", "BL", "▁)", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁lost", "▁a", "▁match", "▁to", "▁Rey", "▁Myst", "er", "io", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁the", "▁October", "▁", "2", "8", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁Sm", "ack", "Down", "▁!", "▁,", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁and", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁were", "▁placed", "▁into", "▁a", "▁tag", "▁team", "▁title", "▁fatal", "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁way", "▁match", "▁against", "▁the", "▁teams", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Mexico", "ols", "▁(", "▁Super", "▁Cra", "zy", "▁and", "▁Ps", "icos", "is", "▁)", "▁,", "▁William", "▁Reg", "al", "▁and", "▁Paul", "▁B", "urch", "all", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁W", "WE", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁Champions", "▁Leg", "ion", "▁of", "▁Do", "om", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁(", "▁He", "iden", "reich", "▁and", "▁Road", "▁War", "rior", "▁Animal", "▁)", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁match", "▁,", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁and", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁were", "▁able", "▁to", "▁perform", "▁the", "▁S", "napshot", "▁on", "▁He", "iden", "reich", "▁,", "▁to", "▁win", "▁the", "▁championship", "▁for", "▁a", "▁second", "▁time", "▁.", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁successfully", "▁def", "ended", "▁the", "▁championship", "▁against", "▁Edd", "ie", "▁Gu", "err", "ero", "▁and", "▁Bat", "ista", "▁.", "▁In", "▁December", "▁,", "▁they", "▁began", "▁a", "▁fe", "ud", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Mexico", "ols", "▁,", "▁who", "▁earned", "▁the", "▁right", "▁to", "▁face", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁at", "▁Arm", "aged", "don", "▁for", "▁the", "▁W", "WE", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁Championship", "▁.", "▁Before", "▁Arm", "aged", "don", "▁however", "▁,", "▁on", "▁the", "▁December", "▁", "1", "6", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁Sm", "ack", "Down", "▁!", "▁,", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁lost", "▁the", "▁tag", "▁team", "▁championship", "▁to", "▁Bat", "ista", "▁and", "▁Rey", "▁Myst", "er", "io", "▁.", "▁A", "▁story", "line", "▁was", "▁begun", "▁before", "▁the", "▁match", "▁,", "▁where", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁attempted", "▁to", "▁s", "edu", "ce", "▁Bat", "ista", "▁into", "▁for", "fe", "iting", "▁the", "▁match", "▁.", "▁The", "▁story", "line", "▁played", "▁over", "▁to", "▁the", "▁next", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁Sm", "ack", "Down", "▁!", "▁when", "▁,", "▁before", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁invoked", "▁their", "▁rem", "atch", "▁clause", "▁,", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁held", "▁a", "▁press", "▁conference", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ring", "▁where", "▁she", "▁claimed", "▁that", "▁Bat", "ista", "▁had", "▁sex", "ually", "▁har", "ass", "ed", "▁her", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁tag", "▁team", "▁match", "▁,", "▁Mark", "▁Henry", "▁a", "ided", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁in", "▁winning", "▁back", "▁the", "▁W", "WE", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁Championship", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁week", "▁,", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁defeated", "▁Bat", "ista", "▁and", "▁Myst", "er", "io", "▁in", "▁a", "▁steel", "▁c", "age", "▁match", "▁to", "▁retain", "▁the", "▁championship", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁'", "s", "▁aid", "▁.", "▁Henry", "▁was", "▁only", "▁with", "▁the", "▁group", "▁a", "▁short", "▁time", "▁before", "▁his", "▁contract", "▁was", "▁sold", "▁to", "▁Da", "ivari", "▁in", "▁story", "line", "▁.", "▁They", "▁went", "▁on", "▁to", "▁successfully", "▁defend", "▁the", "▁championship", "▁against", "▁The", "▁Mexico", "ols", "▁and", "▁the", "▁team", "▁of", "▁Matt", "▁Hard", "y", "▁and", "▁Tat", "anka", "▁in", "▁early", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁were", "▁placed", "▁in", "▁an", "▁angle", "▁in", "▁which", "▁they", "▁found", "▁themselves", "▁in", "▁a", "▁losing", "▁stre", "ak", "▁against", "▁the", "▁team", "▁of", "▁Paul", "▁London", "▁and", "▁Brian", "▁K", "end", "rick", "▁.", "▁In", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁title", "▁tag", "▁team", "▁matches", "▁,", "▁singles", "▁matches", "▁,", "▁and", "▁even", "▁a", "▁six", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁man", "▁tag", "▁match", "▁,", "▁London", "▁and", "▁K", "end", "rick", "▁defeated", "▁the", "▁du", "o", "▁every", "▁time", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁Jud", "gment", "▁Day", "▁pay", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁per", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁view", "▁in", "▁May", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁lost", "▁the", "▁tag", "▁team", "▁championship", "▁to", "▁London", "▁and", "▁K", "end", "rick", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁match", "▁,", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁and", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁started", "▁b", "raw", "ling", "▁,", "▁dis", "band", "ing", "▁the", "▁group", "▁.", "▁Later", "▁that", "▁night", "▁,", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁lost", "▁a", "▁singles", "▁match", "▁against", "▁J", "ill", "ian", "▁Hall", "▁and", "▁after", "▁sla", "pping", "▁General", "▁Manager", "▁The", "odore", "▁Long", "▁in", "▁anger", "▁,", "▁she", "▁and", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁were", "▁fired", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Sm", "ack", "Down", "▁!", "▁brand", "▁in", "▁story", "line", "▁.", "▁Off", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁screen", "▁,", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁and", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁did", "▁not", "▁get", "▁along", "▁,", "▁and", "▁W", "WE", "▁management", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁split", "▁the", "▁tag", "▁team", "▁and", "▁send", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁and", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Raw", "▁brand", "▁.", "▁In", "▁addition", "▁,", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁was", "▁about", "▁to", "▁begin", "▁serving", "▁a", "▁susp", "ension", "▁for", "▁viol", "ating", "▁the", "▁W", "WE", "▁Well", "ness", "▁program", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "union", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁–", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁After", "▁serving", "▁his", "▁susp", "ension", "▁and", "▁a", "▁brief", "▁st", "int", "▁back", "▁in", "▁O", "V", "W", "▁,", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁W", "WE", "▁,", "▁re", "unit", "ing", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁,", "▁in", "▁late", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁to", "▁answer", "▁an", "▁open", "▁challenge", "▁put", "▁out", "▁by", "▁The", "▁Hard", "ys", "▁(", "▁Matt", "▁and", "▁Jeff", "▁)", "▁for", "▁the", "▁December", "▁to", "▁D", "ism", "ember", "▁pay", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁per", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁view", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁event", "▁,", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁lost", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Hard", "ys", "▁.", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Hard", "ys", "▁met", "▁again", "▁at", "▁Arm", "aged", "don", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁way", "▁lad", "der", "▁match", "▁,", "▁which", "▁also", "▁included", "▁the", "▁teams", "▁of", "▁Dave", "▁Taylor", "▁and", "▁William", "▁Reg", "al", "▁and", "▁Paul", "▁London", "▁and", "▁Brian", "▁K", "end", "rick", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁match", "▁,", "▁which", "▁saw", "▁London", "▁and", "▁K", "end", "rick", "▁retain", "▁the", "▁W", "WE", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁Championship", "▁,", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁was", "▁legit", "imately", "▁injured", "▁when", "▁he", "▁was", "▁struck", "▁in", "▁the", "▁face", "▁with", "▁a", "▁lad", "der", "▁,", "▁necess", "it", "ating", "▁a", "▁trip", "▁to", "▁the", "▁emer", "gency", "▁room", "▁where", "▁his", "▁broken", "▁nose", "▁received", "▁", "1", "5", "▁st", "itch", "es", "▁.", "▁The", "▁fa", "cial", "▁injury", "▁was", "▁worked", "▁into", "▁the", "▁angle", "▁,", "▁and", "▁when" ]
@-@ one handicap match , but attacked him before the match started . Road Warrior Animal saved Heidenreich from the attack and as a result , Heidenreich and Road Warrior Animal challenged Mercury and Nitro for the tag team title at The Great American Bash . MNM lost the match and the championship . The loss of the tag team championship was seen as " bad publicity " by Melina so she introduced Jillian Hall , a storyline spin doctor to repair their image . Hall got them a cover article in SmackDown ! magazine , and began to introduce the team before and aid them during matches . In September 2005 , Hall left the group to join John " Bradshaw " Layfield ( JBL ) , who had lost a match to Rey Mysterio . On the October 28 episode of SmackDown ! , Mercury and Nitro were placed into a tag team title fatal four @-@ way match against the teams of the Mexicools ( Super Crazy and Psicosis ) , William Regal and Paul Burchall , and the WWE Tag Team Champions Legion of Doom 2005 ( Heidenreich and Road Warrior Animal ) . During the match , Mercury and Nitro were able to perform the Snapshot on Heidenreich , to win the championship for a second time . MNM successfully defended the championship against Eddie Guerrero and Batista . In December , they began a feud with the Mexicools , who earned the right to face MNM at Armageddon for the WWE Tag Team Championship . Before Armageddon however , on the December 16 episode of SmackDown ! , MNM lost the tag team championship to Batista and Rey Mysterio . A storyline was begun before the match , where Melina attempted to seduce Batista into forfeiting the match . The storyline played over to the next episode of SmackDown ! when , before MNM invoked their rematch clause , Melina held a press conference in the ring where she claimed that Batista had sexually harassed her . During the tag team match , Mark Henry aided MNM in winning back the WWE Tag Team Championship . The following week , MNM defeated Batista and Mysterio in a steel cage match to retain the championship , Henry 's aid . Henry was only with the group a short time before his contract was sold to Daivari in storyline . They went on to successfully defend the championship against The Mexicools and the team of Matt Hardy and Tatanka in early 2006 . In April 2006 , MNM were placed in an angle in which they found themselves in a losing streak against the team of Paul London and Brian Kendrick . In non @-@ title tag team matches , singles matches , and even a six @-@ man tag match , London and Kendrick defeated the duo every time . At the Judgment Day pay @-@ per @-@ view in May 2006 , MNM lost the tag team championship to London and Kendrick . After the match , Nitro and Mercury started brawling , disbanding the group . Later that night , Melina lost a singles match against Jillian Hall and after slapping General Manager Theodore Long in anger , she and Nitro were fired from the SmackDown ! brand in storyline . Off @-@ screen , Nitro and Mercury did not get along , and WWE management decided to split the tag team and send Nitro and Melina to the Raw brand . In addition , Mercury was about to begin serving a suspension for violating the WWE Wellness program . = = = Reunion ( 2006 – 2007 ) = = = After serving his suspension and a brief stint back in OVW , Mercury returned to WWE , reuniting MNM , in late November 2006 to answer an open challenge put out by The Hardys ( Matt and Jeff ) for the December to Dismember pay @-@ per @-@ view . At the event , MNM lost to the Hardys . MNM and the Hardys met again at Armageddon as part of a four @-@ way ladder match , which also included the teams of Dave Taylor and William Regal and Paul London and Brian Kendrick . During the match , which saw London and Kendrick retain the WWE Tag Team Championship , Mercury was legitimately injured when he was struck in the face with a ladder , necessitating a trip to the emergency room where his broken nose received 15 stitches . The facial injury was worked into the angle , and when
[ "▁Mercur", "y", "▁returned", "▁we", "aring", "▁a", "▁protect", "ive", "▁covering", "▁on", "▁his", "▁face", "▁,", "▁the", "▁rival", "ry", "▁between", "▁the", "▁teams", "▁intens", "ified", "▁with", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁act", "ively", "▁seeking", "▁to", "▁inj", "ure", "▁one", "▁or", "▁both", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Hard", "ys", "▁,", "▁even", "▁going", "▁so", "▁far", "▁as", "▁to", "▁attack", "▁and", "▁perform", "▁a", "▁S", "napshot", "▁on", "▁Matt", "▁on", "▁exposed", "▁concrete", "▁following", "▁a", "▁match", "▁.", "▁M", "N", "M", "▁lost", "▁to", "▁The", "▁Hard", "ys", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁R", "umble", "▁,", "▁and", "▁again", "▁at", "▁the", "▁No", "▁Way", "▁Out", "▁pay", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁per", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁view", "▁in", "▁February", "▁,", "▁which", "▁concluded", "▁the", "▁fe", "ud", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁break", "up", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁After", "▁their", "▁fe", "ud", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Hard", "ys", "▁was", "▁over", "▁,", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁and", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁team", "▁on", "▁Raw", "▁,", "▁while", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁wrest", "led", "▁in", "▁singles", "▁competition", "▁on", "▁Sm", "ack", "Down", "▁!", "▁.", "▁On", "▁March", "▁", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁through", "▁W", "WE", "▁'", "s", "▁official", "▁website", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁had", "▁been", "▁released", "▁from", "▁his", "▁contract", "▁.", "▁", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁returned", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁first", "▁as", "▁a", "▁member", "▁of", "▁C", "M", "▁Punk", "▁'", "s", "▁Stra", "ight", "▁Edge", "▁Society", "▁,", "▁and", "▁later", "▁began", "▁working", "▁as", "▁a", "▁tra", "iner", "▁in", "▁Florida", "▁Championship", "▁Wrestling", "▁(", "▁later", "▁renamed", "▁N", "XT", "▁Wrestling", "▁)", "▁He", "▁most", "▁recently", "▁worked", "▁alongside", "▁The", "▁Author", "ity", "▁and", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁J", "▁&", "▁J", "▁Security", "▁,", "▁former", "▁W", "WE", "▁World", "▁He", "avy", "weight", "▁Champion", "▁S", "eth", "▁Roll", "ins", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁personal", "▁security", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁and", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁'", "s", "▁association", "▁began", "▁to", "▁f", "izz", "le", "▁out", "▁when", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁became", "▁the", "▁W", "WE", "▁Women", "▁'", "s", "▁Champion", "▁and", "▁began", "▁gar", "ner", "ing", "▁attention", "▁as", "▁a", "▁singles", "▁perform", "er", "▁.", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁was", "▁released", "▁from", "▁her", "▁contract", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁", "▁During", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁supp", "lement", "al", "▁draft", "▁,", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁the", "▁EC", "W", "▁brand", "▁,", "▁renamed", "▁John", "▁Mor", "r", "ison", "▁in", "▁the", "▁EC", "W", "▁brand", "▁,", "▁&", "▁would", "▁go", "▁on", "▁to", "▁capture", "▁the", "▁EC", "W", "▁World", "▁Championship", "▁.", "▁Mor", "r", "ison", "▁formed", "▁a", "▁partners", "hip", "▁with", "▁The", "▁M", "iz", "▁,", "▁capt", "uring", "▁both", "▁the", "▁W", "WE", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁Championship", "▁and", "▁the", "▁World", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁Championship", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁gained", "▁his", "▁third", "▁W", "WE", "▁Inter", "cont", "inental", "▁Championship", "▁shortly", "▁after", "▁his", "▁al", "liance", "▁with", "▁The", "▁M", "iz", "▁.", "▁Mor", "r", "ison", "▁depart", "ed", "▁from", "▁W", "WE", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁and", "▁signed", "▁with", "▁L", "ucha", "▁Under", "ground", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁as", "▁Johnny", "▁Mundo", "▁.", "▁", "▁Currently", "▁under", "▁his", "▁Mundo", "▁character", "▁,", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁and", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁had", "▁a", "▁brief", "▁re", "union", "▁when", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁deb", "uted", "▁in", "▁L", "ucha", "▁Under", "ground", "▁at", "▁Ult", "ima", "▁L", "ucha", "▁,", "▁attack", "ing", "▁Alberto", "▁El", "▁Pat", "ron", "▁during", "▁his", "▁match", "▁with", "▁Mundo", "▁,", "▁allowing", "▁Mundo", "▁to", "▁pick", "▁up", "▁the", "▁win", "▁.", "▁She", "▁depart", "ed", "▁from", "▁L", "ucha", "▁Under", "ground", "▁shortly", "▁after", "▁her", "▁debut", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁In", "▁wrest", "ling", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Double", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁team", "▁finishing", "▁moves", "▁", "▁S", "napshot", "▁(", "▁Del", "ay", "ed", "▁f", "lap", "jack", "▁(", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁)", "▁/", "▁E", "lev", "ated", "▁D", "DT", "▁(", "▁N", "it", "ro", "▁)", "▁combination", "▁)", "▁", "▁Double", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁team", "▁signature", "▁moves", "▁", "▁Double", "▁baseball", "▁slide", "▁", "▁Sim", "ult", "aneous", "▁leg", "▁dro", "ps", "▁to", "▁the", "▁thro", "at", "▁and", "▁leg", "▁", "▁En", "tr", "ance", "▁theme", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Pap", "ar", "az", "zi", "▁\"", "▁by", "▁Jim", "▁John", "ston", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Championships", "▁and", "▁accomplish", "ments", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ohio", "▁Valley", "▁Wrestling", "▁", "▁O", "V", "W", "▁Southern", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁Championship", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁time", "▁)", "▁", "▁Pro", "▁Wrestling", "▁Illustr", "ated", "▁", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Year", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁)", "▁", "▁World", "▁Wrestling", "▁Entertainment", "▁", "▁W", "WE", "▁Tag", "▁Team", "▁Championship", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁times", "▁)", "▁", "▁W", "WE", "▁Women", "▁'", "s", "▁Championship", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁time", "▁)", "▁–", "▁Mel", "ina", "▁", "▁=", "▁New", "▁York", "▁State", "▁Route", "▁", "9", "N", "▁=", "▁", "▁New", "▁York", "▁State", "▁Route", "▁", "9", "N", "▁(", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁)", "▁is", "▁a", "▁north", "▁–", "▁south", "▁state", "▁highway", "▁in", "▁n", "ort", "he", "astern", "▁New", "▁York", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁.", "▁It", "▁extends", "▁from", "▁an", "▁intersection", "▁with", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁Route", "▁", "9", "▁(", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁)", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "2", "9", "▁,", "▁and", "▁NY", "▁", "5", "0", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁of", "▁Sar", "at", "oga", "▁Spr", "ings", "▁to", "▁a", "▁j", "unction", "▁with", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁and", "▁NY", "▁", "2", "2", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Cl", "inton", "▁County", "▁village", "▁of", "▁Ke", "ese", "ville", "▁.", "▁At", "▁", "1", "4", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "9", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "2", "3", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "2", "▁km", "▁)", "▁in", "▁total", "▁length", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁is", "▁the", "▁longest", "▁letter", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁suff", "ixed", "▁route", "▁in", "▁the", "▁state", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁concurrent", "▁with", "▁its", "▁parent", "▁route", "▁for", "▁", "1", "▁mile", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "▁km", "▁)", "▁in", "▁the", "▁village", "▁of", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁and", "▁for", "▁three", "▁blocks", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ham", "let", "▁of", "▁Eliz", "abet", "ht", "own", "▁.", "▁", "▁Much", "▁of", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁runs", "▁alongside", "▁either", "▁a", "▁river", "▁or", "▁a", "▁lake", "▁.", "▁It", "▁follows", "▁the", "▁Hudson", "▁River", "▁through", "▁northern", "▁Sar", "at", "oga", "▁County", "▁and", "▁southern", "▁Warren", "▁County", "▁,", "▁the", "▁entire", "ty", "▁of", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁'", "s", "▁western", "▁sh", "or", "eline", "▁,", "▁the", "▁west", "▁edge", "▁of", "▁Lake", "▁Champ", "lain", "▁between", "▁T", "icon", "der", "oga", "▁and", "▁West", "port", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Aus", "able", "▁River", "▁from", "▁Ke", "ene", "▁to", "▁Ke", "ese", "ville", "▁.", "▁The", "▁other", "▁port", "ions", "▁of", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁pass", "▁through", "▁pre", "domin", "antly", "▁rural", "▁and", "▁mountain", "ous", "▁regions", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ad", "ir", "ond", "ack", "▁Mountains", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁design", "ation", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁created", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁ren", "umber", "ing", "▁of", "▁state", "▁high", "ways", "▁in", "▁New", "▁York", "▁to", "▁replace", "▁New", "▁York", "▁State", "▁Route", "▁", "9", "W", "▁,", "▁a", "▁route", "▁assigned", "▁to", "▁an", "▁alternate", "▁routing", "▁of", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁from", "▁Eliz", "abet", "ht", "own", "▁to", "▁Ke", "ese", "ville", "▁.", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N" ]
Mercury returned wearing a protective covering on his face , the rivalry between the teams intensified with MNM actively seeking to injure one or both of the Hardys , even going so far as to attack and perform a Snapshot on Matt on exposed concrete following a match . MNM lost to The Hardys at the Royal Rumble , and again at the No Way Out pay @-@ per @-@ view in February , which concluded the feud . = = = Post @-@ breakup = = = After their feud with the Hardys was over , Nitro and Melina continued to team on Raw , while Mercury wrestled in singles competition on SmackDown ! . On March 26 , 2007 , through WWE 's official website , it was announced that Mercury had been released from his contract . Mercury returned in 2010 , first as a member of CM Punk 's Straight Edge Society , and later began working as a trainer in Florida Championship Wrestling ( later renamed NXT Wrestling ) He most recently worked alongside The Authority and as part of J & J Security , former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins 's " personal security " . Melina and Nitro 's association began to fizzle out when Melina became the WWE Women 's Champion and began garnering attention as a singles performer . Melina was released from her contract in 2011 . During the 2007 supplemental draft , Nitro moved to the ECW brand , renamed John Morrison in the ECW brand , & would go on to capture the ECW World Championship . Morrison formed a partnership with The Miz , capturing both the WWE Tag Team Championship and the World Tag Team Championship . He also gained his third WWE Intercontinental Championship shortly after his alliance with The Miz . Morrison departed from WWE in 2011 and signed with Lucha Underground in 2014 as Johnny Mundo . Currently under his Mundo character , Nitro and Melina had a brief reunion when Melina debuted in Lucha Underground at Ultima Lucha , attacking Alberto El Patron during his match with Mundo , allowing Mundo to pick up the win . She departed from Lucha Underground shortly after her debut . = = In wrestling = = Double @-@ team finishing moves Snapshot ( Delayed flapjack ( Mercury ) / Elevated DDT ( Nitro ) combination ) Double @-@ team signature moves Double baseball slide Simultaneous leg drops to the throat and leg Entrance theme " Paparazzi " by Jim Johnston = = Championships and accomplishments = = Ohio Valley Wrestling OVW Southern Tag Team Championship ( 1 time ) Pro Wrestling Illustrated Tag Team of the Year ( 2005 ) World Wrestling Entertainment WWE Tag Team Championship ( 3 times ) WWE Women 's Championship ( 1 time ) – Melina = New York State Route 9N = New York State Route 9N ( NY 9N ) is a north – south state highway in northeastern New York in the United States . It extends from an intersection with U.S. Route 9 ( US 9 ) , NY 29 , and NY 50 in the city of Saratoga Springs to a junction with US 9 and NY 22 in the Clinton County village of Keeseville . At 143 @.@ 49 miles ( 230 @.@ 92 km ) in total length , NY 9N is the longest letter @-@ suffixed route in the state . It is concurrent with its parent route for 1 mile ( 1 @.@ 6 km ) in the village of Lake George and for three blocks in the hamlet of Elizabethtown . Much of NY 9N runs alongside either a river or a lake . It follows the Hudson River through northern Saratoga County and southern Warren County , the entirety of Lake George 's western shoreline , the west edge of Lake Champlain between Ticonderoga and Westport , and the Ausable River from Keene to Keeseville . The other portions of NY 9N pass through predominantly rural and mountainous regions of the Adirondack Mountains . The NY 9N designation was originally created as part of the 1930 renumbering of state highways in New York to replace New York State Route 9W , a route assigned to an alternate routing of US 9 from Elizabethtown to Keeseville . NY 9N
[ "▁was", "▁extended", "▁south", "ward", "▁to", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁c", "▁.", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁and", "▁to", "▁Sar", "at", "oga", "▁Spr", "ings", "▁in", "▁the", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁supp", "lant", "ing", "▁several", "▁other", "▁routes", "▁(", "▁including", "▁New", "▁York", "▁State", "▁Route", "▁", "9", "K", "▁)", "▁in", "▁the", "▁process", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Route", "▁description", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁is", "▁the", "▁longest", "▁suff", "ixed", "▁route", "▁in", "▁the", "▁state", "▁,", "▁extending", "▁for", "▁", "1", "4", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "2", "3", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁km", "▁)", "▁from", "▁Sar", "at", "oga", "▁Spr", "ings", "▁to", "▁Ke", "ese", "ville", "▁.", "▁The", "▁route", "▁st", "ret", "ches", "▁through", "▁four", "▁count", "ies", "▁—", "▁Sar", "at", "oga", "▁,", "▁Warren", "▁,", "▁Es", "sex", "▁and", "▁Cl", "inton", "▁—", "▁and", "▁serves", "▁several", "▁villages", "▁and", "▁ham", "lets", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁,", "▁T", "icon", "der", "oga", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Eliz", "abet", "ht", "own", "▁.", "▁It", "▁over", "laps", "▁its", "▁parent", "▁route", "▁,", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁,", "▁in", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁and", "▁Eliz", "abet", "ht", "own", "▁and", "▁meets", "▁Inter", "state", "▁", "8", "7", "▁(", "▁I", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "8", "7", "▁)", "▁four", "▁times", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Sar", "at", "oga", "▁County", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁begins", "▁at", "▁the", "▁intersection", "▁of", "▁Church", "▁Street", "▁,", "▁Broadway", "▁(", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "2", "9", "▁west", "bound", "▁,", "▁and", "▁NY", "▁", "5", "0", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Lake", "▁Avenue", "▁(", "▁NY", "▁", "2", "9", "▁east", "bound", "▁)", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁of", "▁Sar", "at", "oga", "▁Spr", "ings", "▁.", "▁Situ", "ated", "▁on", "▁the", "▁north", "western", "▁corner", "▁of", "▁the", "▁j", "unction", "▁is", "▁the", "▁city", "▁'", "s", "▁post", "▁office", "▁.", "▁The", "▁route", "▁heads", "▁west", "▁,", "▁following", "▁Church", "▁Street", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁'", "s", "▁center", "▁.", "▁At", "▁B", "enson", "h", "urst", "▁Avenue", "▁,", "▁ownership", "▁and", "▁maintenance", "▁of", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁sh", "ifts", "▁from", "▁the", "▁city", "▁of", "▁Sar", "at", "oga", "▁Spr", "ings", "▁to", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁State", "▁Department", "▁of", "▁Transport", "ation", "▁.", "▁As", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁ex", "its", "▁the", "▁city", "▁limits", "▁and", "▁enters", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁Green", "field", "▁,", "▁it", "▁turns", "▁to", "▁follow", "▁a", "▁more", "▁nor", "ther", "ly", "▁routing", "▁.", "▁It", "▁meets", "▁County", "▁Route", "▁", "2", "1", "▁(", "▁CR", "▁", "2", "1", "▁)", "▁just", "▁north", "▁of", "▁the", "▁town", "▁line", "▁,", "▁where", "▁the", "▁Church", "▁Street", "▁name", "▁ends", "▁,", "▁and", "▁CR", "▁", "3", "6", "▁(", "▁Wil", "ton", "▁Road", "▁)", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁km", "▁)", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ham", "let", "▁of", "▁Green", "field", "▁Center", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁route", "▁continues", "▁on", "▁into", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁Cor", "inth", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁cross", "es", "▁the", "▁Blue", "▁Line", "▁into", "▁Ad", "ir", "ond", "ack", "▁Park", "▁.", "▁Not", "▁far", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁enters", "▁the", "▁village", "▁of", "▁Cor", "inth", "▁,", "▁situated", "▁on", "▁the", "▁west", "▁bank", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Hudson", "▁River", "▁.", "▁The", "▁highway", "▁follows", "▁Sar", "at", "oga", "▁Avenue", "▁and", "▁Map", "le", "▁Stre", "ets", "▁into", "▁the", "▁village", "▁center", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁turns", "▁north", "▁and", "▁ex", "its", "▁the", "▁village", "▁on", "▁Main", "▁Street", "▁.", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁follows", "▁the", "▁western", "▁edge", "▁of", "▁the", "▁river", "▁north", "▁for", "▁roughly", "▁", "4", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "6", "▁km", "▁)", "▁through", "▁the", "▁towns", "▁of", "▁Cor", "inth", "▁and", "▁Had", "ley", "▁before", "▁crossing", "▁over", "▁it", "▁and", "▁passing", "▁from", "▁Sar", "at", "oga", "▁County", "▁to", "▁Warren", "▁County", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Warren", "▁County", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ac", "ross", "▁the", "▁county", "▁line", "▁in", "▁Lake", "▁Lu", "zer", "ne", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁begins", "▁to", "▁devi", "ate", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Hudson", "▁River", "▁,", "▁gradually", "▁cur", "ving", "▁to", "▁the", "▁n", "ortheast", "▁as", "▁it", "▁passes", "▁through", "▁the", "▁ham", "lets", "▁of", "▁Lake", "▁Lu", "zer", "ne", "▁,", "▁Four", "th", "▁Lake", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Lake", "▁Van", "are", "▁,", "▁all", "▁of", "▁which", "▁are", "▁named", "▁for", "▁small", "▁la", "kes", "▁bearing", "▁those", "▁names", "▁near", "▁the", "▁center", "▁of", "▁the", "▁communities", "▁.", "▁Just", "▁n", "ortheast", "▁of", "▁Lake", "▁Van", "are", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁enters", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁connect", "s", "▁to", "▁I", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "8", "7", "▁(", "▁the", "▁Ad", "ir", "ond", "ack", "▁North", "way", "▁)", "▁at", "▁exit", "▁", "2", "1", "▁and", "▁meets", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁.", "▁Here", "▁,", "▁it", "▁joins", "▁its", "▁parent", "▁route", "▁north", "ward", "▁toward", "▁the", "▁village", "▁of", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁.", "▁The", "▁con", "jo", "ined", "▁routes", "▁intersect", "▁the", "▁northern", "▁end", "▁of", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "L", "▁just", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁village", "▁line", "▁before", "▁becoming", "▁Canada", "▁Street", "▁and", "▁entering", "▁the", "▁village", "▁limits", "▁upon", "▁crossing", "▁over", "▁West", "▁Brook", "▁.", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁and", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁serve", "▁as", "▁the", "▁primary", "▁north", "▁–", "▁south", "▁thorough", "fare", "▁through", "▁the", "▁village", "▁before", "▁splitting", "▁at", "▁the", "▁north", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁village", "▁.", "▁While", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁continues", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁heads", "▁n", "ortheast", "▁along", "▁the", "▁western", "▁edge", "▁of", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁portion", "▁of", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁between", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁village", "▁and", "▁H", "ague", "▁is", "▁relatively", "▁isolated", "▁,", "▁with", "▁mountains", "▁l", "ining", "▁the", "▁western", "▁edge", "▁of", "▁the", "▁highway", "▁and", "▁the", "▁la", "kes", "h", "ore", "▁located", "▁to", "▁the", "▁immediate", "▁east", "▁.", "▁Al", "ong", "▁this", "▁stretch", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁serves", "▁numerous", "▁la", "kes", "ide", "▁ham", "lets", "▁,", "▁the", "▁southern", "most", "▁of", "▁which", "▁is", "▁Diam", "ond", "▁Point", "▁,", "▁a", "▁community", "▁just", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁–", "▁Bol", "ton", "▁town", "▁line", "▁.", "▁The", "▁route", "▁continues", "▁on", "▁,", "▁passing", "▁through", "▁the", "▁ham", "lets", "▁of", "▁Bol", "ton", "▁and", "▁Bol", "ton", "▁Land", "ing", "▁,", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁of", "▁which", "▁is", "▁home", "▁to", "▁The", "▁S", "ag", "am", "ore", "▁,", "▁a", "▁resort", "▁situated", "▁on", "▁an", "▁island", "▁in", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁.", "▁", "▁North", "▁of", "▁Bol", "ton", "▁Land", "ing", "▁,", "▁the", "▁route", "▁leaves", "▁the", "▁main", "▁lake", "▁and", "▁instead", "▁follows", "▁the", "▁edge", "▁of", "▁North", "west", "▁Bay", "▁,", "▁an", "▁in", "let", "▁separated", "▁from", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁itself", "▁by", "▁a", "▁large", "▁,", "▁mountain", "ous", "▁pen", "ins", "ula", "▁.", "▁The", "▁bay", "▁ab", "rupt", "ly", "▁ends", "▁about", "▁", "2", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁km", "▁)", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁,", "▁at", "▁which", "▁point", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁curves", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁and", "▁proceed", "s", "▁through", "▁a", "▁pass", "▁in", "▁the", "▁mountains", "▁to", "▁re", "join", "▁the", "▁western", "▁edge", "▁of", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁at", "▁S", "abb", "ath", "▁Day", "▁Point", "▁in", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁H", "ague", "▁.", "▁Here", "▁,", "▁the", "▁route", "▁turns", "▁back", "▁to", "▁the" ]
was extended southward to Lake George c . 1936 and to Saratoga Springs in the early 1950s , supplanting several other routes ( including New York State Route 9K ) in the process . = = Route description = = NY 9N is the longest suffixed route in the state , extending for 143 @.@ 5 miles ( 230 @.@ 9 km ) from Saratoga Springs to Keeseville . The route stretches through four counties — Saratoga , Warren , Essex and Clinton — and serves several villages and hamlets , including Lake George , Ticonderoga , and Elizabethtown . It overlaps its parent route , US 9 , in Lake George and Elizabethtown and meets Interstate 87 ( I @-@ 87 ) four times . = = = Saratoga County = = = NY 9N begins at the intersection of Church Street , Broadway ( US 9 , NY 29 westbound , and NY 50 ) and Lake Avenue ( NY 29 eastbound ) in the city of Saratoga Springs . Situated on the northwestern corner of the junction is the city 's post office . The route heads west , following Church Street out of the city 's center . At Bensonhurst Avenue , ownership and maintenance of NY 9N shifts from the city of Saratoga Springs to the New York State Department of Transportation . As NY 9N exits the city limits and enters the town of Greenfield , it turns to follow a more northerly routing . It meets County Route 21 ( CR 21 ) just north of the town line , where the Church Street name ends , and CR 36 ( Wilton Road ) 2 @.@ 5 miles ( 4 @.@ 0 km ) to the north in the hamlet of Greenfield Center . The route continues on into the town of Corinth , where it crosses the Blue Line into Adirondack Park . Not far to the north , NY 9N enters the village of Corinth , situated on the west bank of the Hudson River . The highway follows Saratoga Avenue and Maple Streets into the village center , where it turns north and exits the village on Main Street . NY 9N follows the western edge of the river north for roughly 4 miles ( 6 km ) through the towns of Corinth and Hadley before crossing over it and passing from Saratoga County to Warren County . = = = Warren County = = = Across the county line in Lake Luzerne , NY 9N begins to deviate from the Hudson River , gradually curving to the northeast as it passes through the hamlets of Lake Luzerne , Fourth Lake , and Lake Vanare , all of which are named for small lakes bearing those names near the center of the communities . Just northeast of Lake Vanare , NY 9N enters the town of Lake George , where it connects to I @-@ 87 ( the Adirondack Northway ) at exit 21 and meets US 9 . Here , it joins its parent route northward toward the village of Lake George . The conjoined routes intersect the northern end of NY 9L just south of the village line before becoming Canada Street and entering the village limits upon crossing over West Brook . US 9 and NY 9N serve as the primary north – south thoroughfare through the village before splitting at the north end of the village . While US 9 continues to the north , NY 9N heads northeast along the western edge of Lake George . The portion of NY 9N between Lake George village and Hague is relatively isolated , with mountains lining the western edge of the highway and the lakeshore located to the immediate east . Along this stretch , NY 9N serves numerous lakeside hamlets , the southernmost of which is Diamond Point , a community just south of the Lake George – Bolton town line . The route continues on , passing through the hamlets of Bolton and Bolton Landing , the latter of which is home to The Sagamore , a resort situated on an island in Lake George . North of Bolton Landing , the route leaves the main lake and instead follows the edge of Northwest Bay , an inlet separated from Lake George itself by a large , mountainous peninsula . The bay abruptly ends about 2 miles ( 3 @.@ 2 km ) to the north , at which point NY 9N curves to the east and proceeds through a pass in the mountains to rejoin the western edge of Lake George at Sabbath Day Point in the town of Hague . Here , the route turns back to the
[ "▁north", "▁and", "▁follows", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁to", "▁the", "▁ham", "let", "▁of", "▁H", "ague", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁meets", "▁the", "▁northern", "▁(", "▁signed", "▁as", "▁the", "▁eastern", "▁)", "▁termin", "us", "▁of", "▁NY", "▁", "8", "▁.", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁continues", "▁to", "▁serve", "▁as", "▁the", "▁la", "kes", "ide", "▁road", "way", "▁for", "▁another", "▁", "3", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "5", "▁km", "▁)", "▁before", "▁cur", "ving", "▁away", "▁from", "▁the", "▁lake", "▁and", "▁entering", "▁Es", "sex", "▁County", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Es", "sex", "▁and", "▁Cl", "inton", "▁count", "ies", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Now", "▁in", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁T", "icon", "der", "oga", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁passes", "▁through", "▁a", "▁valley", "▁before", "▁cur", "ving", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁and", "▁entering", "▁the", "▁ham", "let", "▁of", "▁T", "icon", "der", "oga", "▁.", "▁For", "▁the", "▁most", "▁part", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁by", "pass", "es", "▁the", "▁community", "▁as", "▁it", "▁turns", "▁north", "▁onto", "▁W", "icker", "▁Street", "▁,", "▁the", "▁western", "most", "▁north", "▁–", "▁south", "▁through", "▁street", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ham", "let", "▁.", "▁North", "west", "▁of", "▁the", "▁former", "▁village", "▁'", "s", "▁center", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁meets", "▁NY", "▁", "2", "2", "▁and", "▁NY", "▁", "7", "4", "▁,", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁of", "▁which", "▁serves", "▁as", "▁a", "▁nor", "ther", "ly", "▁by", "pass", "▁of", "▁T", "icon", "der", "oga", "▁.", "▁NY", "▁", "2", "2", "▁joins", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁here", "▁,", "▁following", "▁the", "▁route", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ham", "let", "▁.", "▁", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁and", "▁NY", "▁", "2", "2", "▁head", "▁generally", "▁north", "ward", "▁through", "▁an", "▁area", "▁of", "▁low", "lands", "▁,", "▁which", "▁eventually", "▁give", "▁way", "▁to", "▁Lake", "▁Champ", "lain", "▁as", "▁the", "▁con", "jo", "ined", "▁routes", "▁pass", "▁into", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁Crown", "▁Point", "▁.", "▁Once", "▁again", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁serves", "▁as", "▁the", "▁la", "kes", "ide", "▁highway", "▁as", "▁it", "▁follows", "▁the", "▁western", "▁edge", "▁of", "▁the", "▁lake", "▁through", "▁the", "▁ham", "let", "▁of", "▁Crown", "▁Point", "▁to", "▁the", "▁pen", "ins", "ula", "▁that", "▁gives", "▁the", "▁town", "▁its", "▁name", "▁.", "▁While", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁and", "▁NY", "▁", "2", "2", "▁pass", "▁by", "▁Crown", "▁Point", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "▁directly", "▁serves", "▁the", "▁pen", "ins", "ula", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Crown", "▁Point", "▁State", "▁Historic", "▁Site", "▁,", "▁located", "▁at", "▁its", "▁tip", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁routes", "▁continue", "▁north", "ward", "▁along", "▁the", "▁la", "kes", "h", "ore", "▁through", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁Mor", "iah", "▁and", "▁the", "▁village", "▁of", "▁Port", "▁Henry", "▁to", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁West", "port", "▁,", "▁where", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁and", "▁NY", "▁", "2", "2", "▁split", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ham", "let", "▁of", "▁West", "port", "▁.", "▁While", "▁NY", "▁", "2", "2", "▁continues", "▁north", "▁towards", "▁Es", "sex", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁heads", "▁west", "▁to", "▁follow", "▁a", "▁more", "▁in", "land", "▁routing", "▁through", "▁a", "▁series", "▁of", "▁narrow", "▁valle", "ys", "▁.", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁intersect", "s", "▁I", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "8", "7", "▁once", "▁again", "▁at", "▁exit", "▁", "3", "1", "▁just", "▁before", "▁entering", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁Eliz", "abet", "ht", "own", "▁.", "▁The", "▁route", "▁continues", "▁west", "▁,", "▁passing", "▁over", "▁the", "▁Bou", "quet", "▁River", "▁and", "▁entering", "▁the", "▁ham", "let", "▁of", "▁Eliz", "abet", "ht", "own", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁rejo", "ins", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁in", "▁the", "▁former", "▁village", "▁'", "s", "▁center", "▁.", "▁Un", "like", "▁the", "▁overlap", "▁in", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁,", "▁this", "▁conc", "urrency", "▁last", "s", "▁for", "▁only", "▁three", "▁blocks", "▁before", "▁the", "▁two", "▁routes", "▁split", "▁.", "▁", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁continues", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁for", "▁", "1", "2", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "▁km", "▁)", "▁through", "▁deep", "▁,", "▁narrow", "▁valle", "ys", "▁to", "▁Ke", "ene", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁meets", "▁NY", "▁", "7", "3", "▁north", "▁of", "▁Ke", "ene", "▁Valley", "▁.", "▁Here", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁turns", "▁north", "▁,", "▁joining", "▁NY", "▁", "7", "3", "▁for", "▁", "2", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁km", "▁)", "▁to", "▁the", "▁ham", "let", "▁of", "▁Ke", "ene", "▁,", "▁located", "▁on", "▁the", "▁east", "▁branch", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Aus", "able", "▁River", "▁.", "▁NY", "▁", "7", "3", "▁heads", "▁off", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁from", "▁this", "▁point", "▁toward", "▁Lake", "▁P", "lac", "id", "▁;", "▁however", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁follows", "▁the", "▁river", "▁north", "ward", "▁into", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁Jay", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁intersect", "s", "▁the", "▁east", "▁end", "▁of", "▁NY", "▁", "8", "6", "▁.", "▁The", "▁highway", "▁continues", "▁alongside", "▁the", "▁western", "▁bank", "▁of", "▁the", "▁river", "▁branch", "▁to", "▁the", "▁ham", "let", "▁of", "▁Au", "▁S", "able", "▁F", "ork", "s", "▁,", "▁situated", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Es", "sex", "▁–", "▁Cl", "inton", "▁County", "▁line", "▁and", "▁at", "▁the", "▁point", "▁where", "▁the", "▁Aus", "able", "▁River", "▁'", "s", "▁east", "▁and", "▁west", "▁branches", "▁come", "▁together", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁highway", "▁enters", "▁Au", "▁S", "able", "▁F", "ork", "s", "▁from", "▁the", "▁south", "▁on", "▁South", "▁Main", "▁Street", "▁and", "▁becomes", "▁North", "▁Main", "▁Street", "▁upon", "▁crossing", "▁the", "▁west", "▁branch", "▁of", "▁the", "▁river", "▁and", "▁entering", "▁Cl", "inton", "▁County", "▁and", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁Black", "▁Brook", "▁.", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁immediately", "▁turns", "▁east", "▁upon", "▁crossing", "▁the", "▁river", "▁,", "▁following", "▁Aus", "able", "▁Street", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ham", "let", "▁and", "▁along", "▁the", "▁northern", "▁edge", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Aus", "able", "▁River", "▁into", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁Au", "▁S", "able", "▁.", "▁Here", "▁,", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁meets", "▁I", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "8", "7", "▁one", "▁final", "▁time", "▁at", "▁exit", "▁", "3", "4", "▁just", "▁south", "west", "▁of", "▁the", "▁village", "▁of", "▁Ke", "ese", "ville", "▁.", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁continues", "▁on", "▁into", "▁Ke", "ese", "ville", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁meets", "▁NY", "▁", "2", "2", "▁once", "▁again", "▁at", "▁an", "▁intersection", "▁across", "▁the", "▁river", "▁from", "▁the", "▁village", "▁center", "▁.", "▁NY", "▁", "2", "2", "▁and", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁come", "▁together", "▁once", "▁more", "▁,", "▁over", "la", "pping", "▁for", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "5", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "0", "▁km", "▁)", "▁to", "▁an", "▁intersection", "▁with", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁a", "▁short", "▁distance", "▁down", "stream", "▁from", "▁the", "▁center", "▁of", "▁Ke", "ese", "ville", "▁.", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁comes", "▁to", "▁an", "▁end", "▁here", "▁while", "▁NY", "▁", "2", "2", "▁turns", "▁south", "▁onto", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁State", "▁Legisl", "ature", "▁created", "▁Route", "▁", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁an", "▁unsigned", "▁legisl", "ative", "▁route", "▁that", "▁was", "▁initially", "▁split", "▁into", "▁two", "▁segments", "▁.", "▁The", "▁northern", "▁half", "▁of", "▁the", "▁route", "▁ran", "▁from", "▁R", "ip", "arius", "▁to", "▁R", "ouses", "▁Point", "▁and", "▁mostly", "▁followed", "▁what", "▁is", "▁now", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁between", "▁the", "▁two", "▁locations", "▁.", "▁From", "▁Eliz", "abet", "ht", "own", "▁to", "▁Ke", "ese", "ville", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁Route", "▁", "2", "2", "▁followed", "▁a", "▁more", "▁w", "ester", "ly", "▁alignment", "▁via", "▁Ke", "ene", "▁,", "▁Jay", "▁," ]
north and follows Lake George to the hamlet of Hague , where it meets the northern ( signed as the eastern ) terminus of NY 8 . NY 9N continues to serve as the lakeside roadway for another 3 miles ( 5 km ) before curving away from the lake and entering Essex County . = = = Essex and Clinton counties = = = Now in the town of Ticonderoga , NY 9N passes through a valley before curving to the east and entering the hamlet of Ticonderoga . For the most part , NY 9N bypasses the community as it turns north onto Wicker Street , the westernmost north – south through street in the hamlet . Northwest of the former village 's center , NY 9N meets NY 22 and NY 74 , the latter of which serves as a northerly bypass of Ticonderoga . NY 22 joins NY 9N here , following the route out of the hamlet . NY 9N and NY 22 head generally northward through an area of lowlands , which eventually give way to Lake Champlain as the conjoined routes pass into the town of Crown Point . Once again , NY 9N serves as the lakeside highway as it follows the western edge of the lake through the hamlet of Crown Point to the peninsula that gives the town its name . While NY 9N and NY 22 pass by Crown Point to the west , NY 185 directly serves the peninsula and the Crown Point State Historic Site , located at its tip . The routes continue northward along the lakeshore through the town of Moriah and the village of Port Henry to the town of Westport , where NY 9N and NY 22 split in the hamlet of Westport . While NY 22 continues north towards Essex , NY 9N heads west to follow a more inland routing through a series of narrow valleys . NY 9N intersects I @-@ 87 once again at exit 31 just before entering the town of Elizabethtown . The route continues west , passing over the Bouquet River and entering the hamlet of Elizabethtown , where it rejoins US 9 in the former village 's center . Unlike the overlap in Lake George , this concurrency lasts for only three blocks before the two routes split . NY 9N continues to the west for 12 miles ( 19 km ) through deep , narrow valleys to Keene , where it meets NY 73 north of Keene Valley . Here , NY 9N turns north , joining NY 73 for 2 miles ( 3 @.@ 2 km ) to the hamlet of Keene , located on the east branch of the Ausable River . NY 73 heads off to the west from this point toward Lake Placid ; however , NY 9N follows the river northward into the town of Jay , where it intersects the east end of NY 86 . The highway continues alongside the western bank of the river branch to the hamlet of Au Sable Forks , situated on the Essex – Clinton County line and at the point where the Ausable River 's east and west branches come together . The highway enters Au Sable Forks from the south on South Main Street and becomes North Main Street upon crossing the west branch of the river and entering Clinton County and the town of Black Brook . NY 9N immediately turns east upon crossing the river , following Ausable Street out of the hamlet and along the northern edge of the Ausable River into the town of Au Sable . Here , NY 9N meets I @-@ 87 one final time at exit 34 just southwest of the village of Keeseville . NY 9N continues on into Keeseville , where it meets NY 22 once again at an intersection across the river from the village center . NY 22 and NY 9N come together once more , overlapping for 0 @.@ 25 miles ( 0 @.@ 40 km ) to an intersection with US 9 a short distance downstream from the center of Keeseville . NY 9N comes to an end here while NY 22 turns south onto US 9 . = = History = = In 1908 , the New York State Legislature created Route 22 , an unsigned legislative route that was initially split into two segments . The northern half of the route ran from Riparius to Rouses Point and mostly followed what is now US 9 between the two locations . From Elizabethtown to Keeseville , however , Route 22 followed a more westerly alignment via Keene , Jay ,
[ "▁and", "▁Au", "▁S", "able", "▁F", "ork", "s", "▁.", "▁When", "▁the", "▁first", "▁set", "▁of", "▁posted", "▁routes", "▁in", "▁New", "▁York", "▁were", "▁assigned", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "4", "▁,", "▁all", "▁of", "▁legisl", "ative", "▁Route", "▁", "2", "2", "▁north", "▁of", "▁R", "ip", "arius", "▁became", "▁part", "▁of", "▁NY", "▁", "6", "▁,", "▁which", "▁continued", "▁south", "▁toward", "▁Gl", "ens", "▁F", "alls", "▁on", "▁what", "▁is", "▁now", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁same", "▁time", "▁,", "▁the", "▁section", "▁of", "▁modern", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁between", "▁Sar", "at", "oga", "▁Spr", "ings", "▁and", "▁Lake", "▁George", "▁was", "▁designated", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁NY", "▁", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁The", "▁portion", "▁between", "▁T", "icon", "der", "oga", "▁and", "▁West", "port", "▁became", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁real", "igned", "▁NY", "▁", "3", "0", "▁by", "▁the", "▁following", "▁year", "▁.", "▁", "▁By", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁the", "▁piece", "▁of", "▁current", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "N", "▁from", "▁H", "ague", "▁to", "▁T", "icon", "der", "oga", "▁was", "▁designated", "▁as", "▁the", "▁eastern", "most", "▁leg", "▁of", "▁NY", "▁", "4", "7", "▁,", "▁which", "▁continued", "▁west", "▁to", "▁Ch", "est", "ert", "own", "▁on", "▁modern", "▁NY", "▁", "8", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "7", "▁,", "▁most", "▁of", "▁NY", "▁", "6", "▁north", "▁of", "▁Round", "▁Lake", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁by", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁when", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁High", "ways", "▁were", "▁first", "▁signed", "▁in", "▁New", "▁York", "▁.", "▁The", "▁l", "one", "▁exception", "▁was", "▁between", "▁Eliz", "abet", "ht", "own", "▁and", "▁Ke", "ese", "ville", "▁,", "▁where", "▁US", "▁", "9", "▁followed", "▁a", "▁previously", "▁un", "number", "ed", "▁highway", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁instead", "▁.", "▁The", "▁by", "pass", "ed", "▁section", "▁of", "▁NY", "▁", "6", "▁between", "▁the", "▁two", "▁locations", "▁was", "▁red", "es", "ign", "ated", "▁as", "▁NY", "▁", "9", "W", "▁at", 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"▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁F", "ires", "▁of", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁the", "▁second", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁series", "▁of", "▁the", "▁British", "▁science", "▁fiction", "▁television", "▁series", "▁Doctor", "▁Who", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁broadcast", "▁on", "▁BBC", "▁One", "▁on", "▁", "1", "2", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁.", "▁Set", "▁shortly", "▁before", "▁and", "▁during", "▁the", "▁er", "u", "ption", "▁of", "▁Mount", "▁V", "es", "u", "vi", "us", "▁in", "▁AD", "▁", "7", "9", "▁,", "▁this", "▁episode", "▁dep", "ict", "s", "▁al", "ien", "▁time", "▁trav", "eller", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁(", "▁David", "▁T", "enn", "ant", "▁)", "▁and", "▁his", "▁new", "▁companion", "▁Don", "na", "▁No", "ble", "▁(", "▁Catherine", "▁T", "ate", "▁)", "▁on", "▁a", "▁trip", "▁to", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁un", "cover", "▁an", "▁al", "ien", "▁invasion", "▁.", "▁Their", "▁cl", "ash", "ing", "▁world", "views", "▁present", "▁an", "▁eth", 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"▁family", "▁from", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁—", "▁were", "▁widely", "▁pra", "ised", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁'", "s", "▁writing", "▁was", "▁critic", "ised", "▁,", "▁in", "▁particular", "▁,", "▁for", "▁the", "▁character", "isation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁supporting", "▁cast", "▁:", "▁The", "▁dialog", "ue", "▁was", "▁described", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dimensional", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁Peter", "▁Cap", "ald", "i", "▁and", "▁Phil", "▁Davis", "▁'", "s", "▁dialog", "ue", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁wh", "imper", "ing", "▁and", "▁sc", "ow", "ling", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Plot", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁and", "▁Don", "na", "▁arrive", "▁in", "▁what", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁bel", "ieves", "▁to", "▁be", "▁Rome", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁century", "▁AD", "▁.", "▁After", "▁an", "▁earth", "qu", "ake", "▁and", "▁witness", "ing", "▁a", "▁nearby", "▁mountain", "▁begin", "▁to", "▁sm", "ould" ]
and Au Sable Forks . When the first set of posted routes in New York were assigned in 1924 , all of legislative Route 22 north of Riparius became part of NY 6 , which continued south toward Glens Falls on what is now US 9 . At the same time , the section of modern NY 9N between Saratoga Springs and Lake George was designated as part of NY 10 . The portion between Ticonderoga and Westport became part of a realigned NY 30 by the following year . By 1926 , the piece of current NY 9N from Hague to Ticonderoga was designated as the easternmost leg of NY 47 , which continued west to Chestertown on modern NY 8 . In 1927 , most of NY 6 north of Round Lake was replaced by US 9 when U.S. Highways were first signed in New York . The lone exception was between Elizabethtown and Keeseville , where US 9 followed a previously unnumbered highway to the east instead . The bypassed section of NY 6 between the two locations was redesignated as NY 9W at this time . NY 9W was renumbered to NY 9N as part of the 1930 renumbering of state highways in New York , eliminating the alphanumerical duplication between itself and US 9W . NY 47 , meanwhile , became part of the new NY 8 in the 1930 renumbering , allowing the NY 47 designation to be reassigned to a previously unnumbered roadway along the western shore of Lake George between NY 8 in Hague and US 9 in Lake George village . At the same time , NY 10 was realigned south of Long Lake and replaced with NY 9K from Saratoga Springs to Lake George while the roadway connecting Ticonderoga to Westport became part of NY 22 after NY 30 was reassigned elsewhere in the state . The segment of modern NY 9N from Westport to Elizabethtown , previously unnumbered , was designated NY 195 . NY 9N was extended south to Lake George c . 1936 , supplanting both NY 47 and NY 195 . From Westport to Hague , NY 9N overlapped with NY 22 ( from Westport to Ticonderoga ) and NY 8 ( from Crown Point to Hague ) . The route was extended once more in the early 1950s to its current southern terminus in Saratoga Springs , replacing NY 9K and creating a short overlap with US 9 through Lake George village in the process . The overlap with NY 8 was eliminated in the mid @-@ 1960s when that route was truncated to end at its junction with NY 9N in Hague . = = Major intersections = = = The Fires of Pompeii = " The Fires of Pompeii " is the second episode of the fourth series of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who . It was broadcast on BBC One on 12 April 2008 . Set shortly before and during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 , this episode depicts alien time traveller the Doctor ( David Tennant ) and his new companion Donna Noble ( Catherine Tate ) on a trip to Pompeii , where they uncover an alien invasion . Their clashing worldviews present an ethical dilemma for the Doctor . The episode was filmed in Rome 's Cinecittà studios , and was the first time the Doctor Who production team took its cast abroad for filming since its revival . The production of the episode was impeded by a fire near the sets several weeks before filming and by problems for the production team crossing into Europe . Critics ' opinions regarding the episode were generally mixed . The premise of the episode — the moral dilemma the Doctor faces , and Donna 's insistence that he save a family from Pompeii — were widely praised . However , the episode 's writing was criticised , in particular , for the characterisation of the supporting cast : The dialogue was described as " one @-@ dimensional " and Peter Capaldi and Phil Davis 's dialogue as " whimpering and scowling " . = = Plot = = The Doctor and Donna arrive in what the Doctor believes to be Rome in the first century AD . After an earthquake and witnessing a nearby mountain begin to smould
[ "er", "▁,", "▁he", "▁real", "ises", "▁he", "▁has", "▁in", "▁fact", "▁material", "ised", "▁in", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁one", "▁day", "▁before", "▁the", "▁er", "u", "ption", "▁of", "▁Mount", "▁V", "es", "u", "vi", "us", "▁.", "▁When", "▁he", "▁and", "▁Don", "na", "▁return", "▁to", "▁where", "▁the", "▁T", "ARD", "IS", "▁land", "ed", "▁,", "▁he", "▁disco", "vers", "▁that", "▁a", "▁local", "▁merchant", "▁sold", "▁it", "▁to", "▁sculpt", "or", "▁Lob", "us", "▁Ca", "ec", "il", "ius", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁and", "▁Don", "na", "▁go", "▁to", "▁Ca", "ec", "il", "ius", "▁'", "s", "▁house", "▁to", "▁retrieve", "▁it", "▁.", "▁Un", "known", "▁to", "▁them", "▁,", "▁they", "▁have", "▁been", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁so", "oth", "s", "ayer", "▁who", "▁reports", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Sib", "yll", "ine", "▁Sister", "hood", "▁that", "▁the", "▁proph", "es", "ised", "▁man", "▁in", "▁the", "▁blue", "▁box", "▁has", "▁arrived", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Sister", "s", "▁fear", "▁the", "▁prediction", "▁that", "▁his", "▁arrival", "▁brings", "▁fire", "▁and", "▁death", "▁.", "▁", "▁At", "▁the", "▁house", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁is", "▁surprised", "▁by", "▁Ca", "ec", "il", "ius", "▁'", "s", "▁daughter", "▁E", "vel", "ina", "▁,", "▁who", "▁seems", "▁to", "▁have", "▁ex", "tras", "ens", "ory", "▁per", "ception", "▁(", "▁ESP", "▁)", "▁and", "▁knows", "▁personal", "▁details", "▁about", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁and", "▁Don", "na", "▁.", "▁They", "▁are", "▁interrupted", "▁by", "▁the", "▁local", "▁aug", "ur", "▁,", "▁Lu", "cius", "▁Pet", "rus", "▁De", "xt", "rus", "▁,", "▁who", "▁has", "▁arrived", "▁to", "▁collect", "▁a", "▁sculpt", "ure", "▁he", "▁commission", "ed", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁is", "▁intr", "igu", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁sculpt", "ure", "▁,", "▁which", "▁res", "emb", "les", "▁a", "▁segment", "▁of", "▁an", "▁o", "vers", "ized", "▁circuit", "▁board", "▁.", "▁Lu", "cius", "▁Pet", "rus", "▁reve", "als", "▁that", "▁he", "▁also", "▁has", "▁powerful", "▁ESP", "▁and", "▁calls", "▁out", "▁the", "▁name", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁'", "s", "▁home", "▁planet", "▁,", "▁Gall", "if", "rey", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁wishes", "▁to", "▁learn", "▁more", "▁about", "▁the", "▁sculpt", "ures", "▁and", "▁en", "lists", "▁Ca", "ec", "il", "ius", "▁'", "s", "▁son", "▁Quint", "us", "▁to", "▁help", "▁him", "▁break", "▁into", "▁Lu", "cius", "▁Pet", "rus", "▁'", "▁house", "▁.", "▁Inside", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁dedu", "ces", "▁that", "▁the", "▁circ", "uits", "▁will", "▁make", "▁an", "▁energy", "▁converter", "▁,", "▁but", "▁he", "▁is", "▁caught", "▁by", "▁Lu", "cius", "▁Pet", "rus", "▁.", "▁The", "▁two", "▁escape", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Lu", "cius", "▁Pet", "rus", "▁be", "ck", "ons", "▁a", "▁large", "▁stone", "▁creature", "▁to", "▁attack", "▁and", "▁kill", "▁them", "▁.", "▁The", "▁stone", "▁creature", "▁appears", "▁in", "▁Ca", "ec", "il", "ius", "▁'", "s", "▁house", "▁and", "▁attacks", "▁them", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Quint", "us", "▁saves", "▁them", "▁by", "▁d", "ous", "ing", "▁the", "▁creature", "▁in", "▁water", "▁and", "▁killing", "▁it", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁confusion", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Sister", "hood", "▁kid", "nap", "▁Don", "na", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁sets", "▁off", "▁to", "▁rescue", "▁her", "▁.", "▁He", "▁meets", "▁the", "▁high", "▁priest", "ess", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sister", "hood", "▁,", "▁who", "▁is", "▁revealed", "▁to", "▁be", "▁transform", "ing", "▁into", "▁a", "▁stone", "▁creature", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁disco", "vers", "▁that", "▁they", "▁are", "▁being", "▁controlled", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Py", "rov", "iles", "▁,", "▁vol", "can", "ic", "▁cre", "atures", "▁whose", "▁home", "▁planet", "▁of", "▁Py", "rov", "ilia", "▁was", "▁lost", "▁(", "▁see", "▁Story", "▁ar", "cs", "▁in", "▁Doctor", "▁Who", "▁#", "▁Med", "usa", "▁Cas", "cade", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁is", "▁attacked", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Sister", "hood", "▁,", "▁but", "▁he", "▁esc", "apes", "▁with", "▁Don", "na", "▁into", "▁an", "▁under", "ground", "▁tunnel", "▁that", "▁leads", "▁into", "▁the", "▁heart", "▁of", "▁Mount", "▁V", "es", "u", "vi", "us", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁disco", "vers", "▁that", "▁the", "▁vol", "cano", "▁is", "▁being", "▁used", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Py", "rov", "iles", "▁to", "▁convert", "▁the", "▁human", "▁race", "▁and", "▁conquer", "▁Earth", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁real", "ises", "▁the", "▁vol", "cano", "▁will", "▁not", "▁er", "upt", "▁if", "▁the", "▁energy", "▁converter", "▁is", "▁running", "▁,", "▁and", "▁tells", "▁Don", "na", "▁that", "▁the", "▁vol", "can", "ic", "▁er", "u", "ption", "▁is", "▁a", "▁fixed", "▁point", "▁in", "▁time", "▁and", "▁must", "▁always", "▁happen", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁and", "▁Don", "na", "▁get", "▁into", "▁an", "▁escape", "▁pod", "▁and", "▁together", "▁press", "▁a", "▁lever", "▁which", "▁over", "loads", "▁the", "▁converter", "▁and", "▁triggers", "▁the", "▁er", "u", "ption", "▁,", "▁killing", "▁the", "▁Py", "rov", "iles", "▁and", "▁launch", "ing", "▁the", "▁pod", "▁clear", "▁of", "▁the", "▁bl", "ast", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁and", "▁Don", "na", "▁run", "▁for", "▁the", "▁T", "ARD", "IS", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁cold", "ly", "▁leaves", "▁Ca", "ec", "il", "ius", "▁and", "▁his", "▁family", "▁c", "ower", "ing", "▁in", "▁their", "▁home", "▁and", "▁dem", "aterial", "ises", "▁.", "▁Don", "na", "▁te", "ar", "fully", "▁beg", "s", "▁him", "▁to", "▁go", "▁back", "▁and", "▁at", "▁least", "▁save", "▁one", "▁person", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁finally", "▁rel", "ents", "▁and", "▁goes", "▁back", "▁for", "▁Ca", "ec", "il", "ius", "▁and", "▁his", "▁family", "▁.", "▁He", "▁leaves", "▁them", "▁on", "▁a", "▁hill", "▁over", "looking", "▁the", "▁destruction", "▁,", "▁and", "▁together", "▁with", "▁Don", "na", "▁sli", "ps", "▁out", "▁quietly", "▁as", "▁the", "▁family", "▁m", "our", "ns", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁comments", "▁to", "▁Don", "na", "▁that", "▁she", "▁was", "▁right", "▁-", "▁he", "▁does", "▁need", "▁someone", "▁to", "▁stop", "▁him", "▁.", "▁", "▁Six", "▁months", "▁later", "▁in", "▁Rome", "▁,", "▁Ca", "ec", "il", "ius", "▁'", "s", "▁family", "▁are", "▁shown", "▁to", "▁be", "▁successful", "▁.", "▁He", "▁is", "▁running", "▁a", "▁prof", "itable", "▁business", "▁,", "▁E", "vel", "ina", "▁has", "▁a", "▁social", "▁life", "▁in", "▁comparison", "▁to", "▁her", "▁se", "clusion", "▁in", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁son", "▁Quint", "us", "▁is", "▁studying", "▁to", "▁become", "▁a", "▁doctor", "▁.", "▁Before", "▁Quint", "us", "▁leaves", "▁,", "▁he", "▁pays", "▁t", "ribute", "▁to", "▁the", "▁family", "▁'", "s", "▁household", "▁gods", "▁(", "▁in", "▁marked", "▁contrast", "▁to", "▁his", "▁dis", "res", "pect", "ful", "▁attitude", "▁towards", "▁them", "▁at", "▁the", "▁start", "▁of", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁)", "▁,", "▁a", "▁bas", "▁relief", "▁dep", "iction", "▁of", "▁which", "▁are", "▁in", "▁the", "▁form", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁,", "▁Don", "na", "▁and", "▁the", "▁T", "ARD", "IS", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cultural", "▁references", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁ident", "ifies", "▁himself", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁Spart", "ac", "us", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁to", "▁which", "▁Don", "na", "▁rep", "lies", "▁\"", "▁So", "▁am", "▁I", ".", "▁\"", "▁This", "▁is", "▁a", "▁reference", "▁to", "▁a", "▁scene", "▁in", "▁the", "▁film", "▁Spart", "ac", "us", "▁,", "▁where", "▁all", "▁the", "▁slaves", "▁shield", "▁Spart", "ac", "us", "▁by", "▁each", "▁shout", "ing", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁Spart", "ac", "us", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Writing", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Executive", "▁producer", "▁Russell", "▁T", "▁Dav", "ies", "▁originally", "▁planned", "▁to", "▁include", "▁a", "▁serial", "▁set", "▁in", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁new", "▁series", "▁of", "▁Doctor", "▁Who", "▁,", "▁after", "▁seeing", "▁the", "▁document", "ary", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁:", "▁The", "▁Last", "▁Day", "▁.", "▁That", "▁episode", "▁'", "s", "▁position", "▁was", "▁given", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁Bo", "om", "▁Town", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁the", "▁idea", "▁was", "▁sh", "el", "ved", "▁for", "▁three", "▁years", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁written", "▁by", "▁James", "▁Mor", "an", "▁,", "▁who", "▁previously", "▁wrote", "▁the", "▁film", "▁Sever", "ance", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Tor", "ch", "wood", "▁episode", "▁\"", "▁S", "le", "eper", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁Mor", "an" ]
er , he realises he has in fact materialised in Pompeii one day before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius . When he and Donna return to where the TARDIS landed , he discovers that a local merchant sold it to sculptor Lobus Caecilius . The Doctor and Donna go to Caecilius 's house to retrieve it . Unknown to them , they have been followed by a soothsayer who reports to the Sibylline Sisterhood that the prophesised man in the blue box has arrived , and the Sisters fear the prediction that his arrival brings fire and death . At the house , the Doctor is surprised by Caecilius 's daughter Evelina , who seems to have extrasensory perception ( ESP ) and knows personal details about the Doctor and Donna . They are interrupted by the local augur , Lucius Petrus Dextrus , who has arrived to collect a sculpture he commissioned . The Doctor is intrigued by the sculpture , which resembles a segment of an oversized circuit board . Lucius Petrus reveals that he also has powerful ESP and calls out the name of the Doctor 's home planet , Gallifrey . The Doctor wishes to learn more about the sculptures and enlists Caecilius 's son Quintus to help him break into Lucius Petrus ' house . Inside , the Doctor deduces that the circuits will make an energy converter , but he is caught by Lucius Petrus . The two escape , but Lucius Petrus beckons a large stone creature to attack and kill them . The stone creature appears in Caecilius 's house and attacks them , but Quintus saves them by dousing the creature in water and killing it . In the confusion , the Sisterhood kidnap Donna , and the Doctor sets off to rescue her . He meets the high priestess of the Sisterhood , who is revealed to be transforming into a stone creature . The Doctor discovers that they are being controlled by the Pyroviles , volcanic creatures whose home planet of Pyrovilia was lost ( see Story arcs in Doctor Who # Medusa Cascade ) . The Doctor is attacked by the Sisterhood , but he escapes with Donna into an underground tunnel that leads into the heart of Mount Vesuvius . The Doctor discovers that the volcano is being used by the Pyroviles to convert the human race and conquer Earth . The Doctor realises the volcano will not erupt if the energy converter is running , and tells Donna that the volcanic eruption is a fixed point in time and must always happen . The Doctor and Donna get into an escape pod and together press a lever which overloads the converter and triggers the eruption , killing the Pyroviles and launching the pod clear of the blast . The Doctor and Donna run for the TARDIS and the Doctor coldly leaves Caecilius and his family cowering in their home and dematerialises . Donna tearfully begs him to go back and at least save one person . The Doctor finally relents and goes back for Caecilius and his family . He leaves them on a hill overlooking the destruction , and together with Donna slips out quietly as the family mourns Pompeii . The Doctor comments to Donna that she was right - he does need someone to stop him . Six months later in Rome , Caecilius 's family are shown to be successful . He is running a profitable business , Evelina has a social life in comparison to her seclusion in Pompeii , and his son Quintus is studying to become a doctor . Before Quintus leaves , he pays tribute to the family 's household gods ( in marked contrast to his disrespectful attitude towards them at the start of the episode ) , a bas relief depiction of which are in the form of the Doctor , Donna and the TARDIS . = = = Cultural references = = = The Doctor identifies himself as " Spartacus " , to which Donna replies " So am I. " This is a reference to a scene in the film Spartacus , where all the slaves shield Spartacus by each shouting " I 'm Spartacus ! " = = Production = = = = = Writing = = = Executive producer Russell T Davies originally planned to include a serial set in Pompeii in the first new series of Doctor Who , after seeing the documentary Pompeii : The Last Day . That episode 's position was given to " Boom Town " and the idea was shelved for three years . The episode was written by James Moran , who previously wrote the film Severance and the Torchwood episode " Sleeper " ; Moran
[ "▁was", "▁requested", "▁to", "▁write", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁as", "▁a", "▁consequence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁.", "▁Mor", "an", "▁had", "▁difficulty", "▁writing", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁and", "▁had", "▁to", "▁rewrite", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁'", "s", "▁opening", "▁line", "▁over", "▁twenty", "▁times", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Py", "rov", "ile", "▁were", "▁also", "▁edited", "▁during", "▁writing", "▁:", "▁they", "▁were", "▁previously", "▁called", "▁Py", "rov", "illa", "xi", "ans", "▁and", "▁Py", "ro", "vel", "li", "ans", "▁.", "▁", "▁Mor", "an", "▁worked", "▁closely", "▁with", "▁Dav", "ies", "▁because", "▁of", "▁the", "▁constraints", "▁im", "posed", "▁by", "▁film", "ing", "▁.", "▁Dav", "ies", "▁encourag", "ed", "▁Mor", "an", "▁to", "▁insert", "▁lingu", "istic", "▁j", "okes", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁those", "▁in", "▁the", "▁com", "ic", "▁book", "▁series", "▁A", "ster", "ix", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁Lu", "cius", "▁Pet", "rus", "▁De", "xt", "rus", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁Lu", "cius", "▁Stone", "▁Right", "▁Arm", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁,", "▁T", "K", "▁Max", "xim", "us", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Spart", "ac", "us", "▁;", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁the", "▁phrase", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁Spart", "ac", "us", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁refers", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "▁film", "▁.", "▁Mor", "an", "▁based", "▁the", "▁anc", "ill", "ary", "▁characters", "▁of", "▁Met", "ella", "▁(", "▁Trace", "y", "▁Child", "s", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Quint", "us", "▁from", "▁Ca", "ec", "il", "ius", "▁'", "s", "▁family", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Cambridge", "▁Latin", "▁Cour", "se", "▁;", "▁the", "▁character", "▁of", "▁E", "vel", "ina", "▁was", "▁the", "▁only", "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁family", "▁created", "▁by", "▁Mor", "an", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁Book", "▁I", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Cambridge", "▁Latin", "▁Cour", "se", "▁,", "▁Ca", "ec", "il", "ius", "▁and", "▁Met", "ella", "▁per", "ish", "▁in", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁on", "▁the", "▁day", "▁of", "▁the", "▁er", "u", "ption", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Quint", "us", "▁surv", "ives", "▁.", "▁This", "▁episode", "▁creates", "▁an", "▁alternate", "▁ending", "▁to", "▁their", "▁story", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁are", "▁all", "▁res", "cu", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁and", "▁move", "▁to", "▁Rome", "▁.", "▁The", "▁line", "▁\"", "▁You", "▁must", "▁exc", "use", "▁my", "▁friend", "▁,", "▁she", "▁'", "s", "▁from", "▁Barcelona", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁a", "▁reference", "▁to", "▁an", "▁apolog", "etic", "▁catch", "phr", "ase", "▁from", "▁F", "aw", "l", "ty", "▁Tow", "ers", "▁,", "▁attributed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁production", "▁team", "▁to", "▁Sy", "bil", "▁F", "aw", "l", "ty", "▁(", "▁and", "▁forming", "▁a", "▁meta", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pun", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Sib", "yll", "ine", "▁Sister", "hood", "▁)", "▁,", "▁but", "▁also", "▁h", "arks", "▁back", "▁to", "▁previous", "▁mentions", "▁of", "▁Barcelona", "▁by", "▁the", "▁nin", "th", "▁and", "▁t", "enth", "▁Do", "ctors", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁heavily", "▁based", "▁on", "▁a", "▁moral", "▁question", "▁pos", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁by", "▁Don", "na", "▁:", "▁whether", "▁to", "▁warn", "▁the", "▁population", "▁of", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁,", "▁or", "▁to", "▁rec", "use", "▁themselves", "▁from", "▁the", "▁situation", "▁.", "▁Mor", "an", "▁also", "▁had", "▁to", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁the", "▁intensity", "▁and", "▁sens", "itivity", "▁required", "▁when", "▁writing", "▁about", "▁the", "▁er", "u", "ption", "▁.", "▁Dav", "ies", "▁and", "▁Mor", "an", "▁both", "▁appreciated", "▁Catherine", "▁T", "ate", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁,", "▁and", "▁c", "ited", "▁Don", "na", "▁'", "s", "▁ability", "▁to", "▁human", "ise", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁and", "▁help", "▁him", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁lose", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁lose", "▁situations", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁the", "▁reason", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁travel", "s", "▁with", "▁compan", "ions", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁series", "▁'", "▁story", "▁arc", "▁was", "▁hint", "ed", "▁at", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁'", "s", "▁inv", "ocation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sh", "adow", "▁Pro", "clam", "ation", "▁,", "▁an", "▁inter", "gal", "actic", "▁code", "▁previously", "▁invoked", "▁in", "▁\"", "▁Rose", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Christmas", "▁In", "vas", "ion", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁F", "ear", "▁Her", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Part", "ners", "▁in", "▁Crime", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁referencing", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Med", "usa", "▁Cas", "cade", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁executive", "▁producer", "▁Russell", "▁T", "▁Dav", "ies", "▁stated", "▁in", "▁Doctor", "▁Who", "▁Magazine", "▁would", "▁\"", "▁come", "▁back", "▁to", "▁ha", "unt", "▁us", "▁\"", "▁later", "▁in", "▁the", "▁series", "▁.", "▁Mor", "an", "▁also", "▁added", "▁continu", "ity", "▁links", "▁independent", "▁of", "▁the", "▁story", "▁arc", "▁:", "▁as", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁fun", "▁continu", "ity", "▁thing", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁script", "▁includes", "▁a", "▁scene", "▁in", "▁which", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁adm", "its", "▁partial", "▁responsibility", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Great", "▁Fire", "▁of", "▁Rome", "▁,", "▁as", "▁dep", "icted", "▁at", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "5", "▁serial", "▁The", "▁Rom", "ans", "▁;", "▁and", "▁the", "▁sale", "▁of", "▁the", "▁T", "ARD", "IS", "▁as", "▁modern", "▁art", "▁refers", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "9", "▁serial", "▁City", "▁of", "▁Death", "▁,", "▁which", "▁includes", "▁a", "▁scene", "▁in", "▁which", "▁the", "▁T", "ARD", "IS", "▁is", "▁app", "ra", "ised", "▁in", "▁a", "▁similar", "▁fashion", "▁.", "▁Additionally", "▁,", "▁Lu", "cius", "▁Pet", "rus", "▁,", "▁while", "▁under", "▁proph", "etic", "▁influence", "▁,", "▁inform", "s", "▁Don", "na", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁there", "▁is", "▁something", "▁on", "▁your", "▁back", "▁\"", "▁—", "▁a", "▁for", "esh", "adow", "ing", "▁of", "▁the", "▁story", "▁development", "▁in", "▁the", "▁season", "▁'", "s", "▁later", "▁episode", "▁\"", "▁Turn", "▁Left", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Fil", "ming", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁fil", "med", "▁at", "▁the", "▁C", "ine", "c", "itt", "à", "▁stud", "ios", "▁in", "▁Rome", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "ing", "▁re", "used", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sets", "▁from", "▁the", "▁show", "▁Rome", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁locations", "▁suggested", "▁were", "▁in", "▁Mal", "ta", "▁and", "▁Wales", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁size", "▁of", "▁the", "▁project", "▁,", "▁the", "▁biggest", "▁since", "▁the", "▁show", "▁'", "s", "▁rev", "ival", "▁,", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁production", "▁taking", "▁place", "▁in", "▁Italy", "▁.", "▁This", "▁was", "▁the", "▁first", "▁time", "▁the", "▁majority", "▁of", "▁an", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁fil", "med", "▁abroad", "▁and", "▁the", "▁first", "▁time", "▁the", "▁cast", "▁had", "▁fil", "med", "▁abroad", "▁since", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁;", "▁the", "▁television", "▁movie", "▁was", "▁fil", "med", "▁in", "▁V", "ancouver", "▁and", "▁pick", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁sh", "ots", "▁had", "▁previously", "▁been", "▁made", "▁in", "▁New", "▁York", "▁City", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁D", "ale", "ks", "▁in", "▁Manh", "attan", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁C", "ine", "c", "itt", "à", "▁had", "▁accepted", "▁the", "▁BBC", "▁'", "s", "▁request", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁promote", "▁the", "▁stud", "ios", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁the", "▁show", "▁'", "s", "▁small", "▁budget", "▁.", "▁", "▁Fil", "ming", "▁an", "▁episode", "▁abroad", "▁had", "▁been", "▁suggested", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁the", "▁first", "▁such", "▁occasion", "▁.", "▁Pl", "anning", "▁began", "▁in", "▁April", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁before", "▁Mor", "an", "▁had", "▁written", "▁the", "▁script", "▁,", "▁and", "▁continued", "▁until", "▁the", "▁production", "▁team", "▁travel", "led", "▁to", "▁Italy", "▁.", "▁Several", "▁weeks", "▁before", "▁film", "ing", "▁started", "▁,", "▁a", "▁fire", "▁dis", "rupted", "▁the", "▁production", "▁.", "▁Mov", "ing", "▁to", "▁Rome", "▁caused", "▁problems", "▁for", "▁the", "▁production", "▁team", "▁:", "▁the", "▁equipment", "▁tr", "uck", "▁was", "▁delayed", "▁for", "▁several", "▁hours", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Swiss", "▁border", "▁;", "▁the", "▁special", "▁effects", "▁team", "▁were", "▁delayed", "▁for", "▁twenty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁four", "▁hours", "▁at", "▁Custom", "s", "▁in", "▁Cal", "ais", "▁.", "▁The", "▁production", "▁team", "▁only", "▁had", "▁", "4", "8", "▁hours", "▁to", "▁film", "▁on", "▁location", "▁.", "▁The", "▁after", "math" ]
was requested to write the episode as a consequence of the latter . Moran had difficulty writing the episode , and had to rewrite the Doctor 's opening line over twenty times . The Pyrovile were also edited during writing : they were previously called Pyrovillaxians and Pyrovellians . Moran worked closely with Davies because of the constraints imposed by filming . Davies encouraged Moran to insert linguistic jokes similar to those in the comic book series Asterix , such as Lucius Petrus Dextrus ( " Lucius Stone Right Arm " ) , TK Maxximus , and Spartacus ; the use of the phrase " I 'm Spartacus ! " refers to the 1960 film . Moran based the ancillary characters of Metella ( Tracey Childs ) and Quintus from Caecilius 's family in the Cambridge Latin Course ; the character of Evelina was the only member of the family created by Moran . At the end of Book I of the Cambridge Latin Course , Caecilius and Metella perish in Pompeii on the day of the eruption , but Quintus survives . This episode creates an alternate ending to their story , where they are all rescued by the Doctor and move to Rome . The line " You must excuse my friend , she 's from Barcelona " was a reference to an apologetic catchphrase from Fawlty Towers , attributed by the production team to Sybil Fawlty ( and forming a meta @-@ pun on the Sibylline Sisterhood ) , but also harks back to previous mentions of Barcelona by the ninth and tenth Doctors . The episode was heavily based on a moral question posed to the Doctor by Donna : whether to warn the population of Pompeii , or to recuse themselves from the situation . Moran also had to deal with the intensity and sensitivity required when writing about the eruption . Davies and Moran both appreciated Catherine Tate 's performance , and cited Donna 's ability to humanise the Doctor and help him deal with " lose @-@ lose situations " as the reason the Doctor travels with companions . The series ' story arc was hinted at by the Doctor 's invocation of the Shadow Proclamation , an intergalactic code previously invoked in " Rose " , " The Christmas Invasion " , " Fear Her " and " Partners in Crime " , and referencing the " Medusa Cascade " , which executive producer Russell T Davies stated in Doctor Who Magazine would " come back to haunt us " later in the series . Moran also added continuity links independent of the story arc : as a " fun continuity thing " , the script includes a scene in which the Doctor admits partial responsibility for the Great Fire of Rome , as depicted at the end of the 1965 serial The Romans ; and the sale of the TARDIS as modern art refers to the 1979 serial City of Death , which includes a scene in which the TARDIS is appraised in a similar fashion . Additionally , Lucius Petrus , while under prophetic influence , informs Donna that " there is something on your back " — a foreshadowing of the story development in the season 's later episode " Turn Left " . = = = Filming = = = The episode was filmed at the Cinecittà studios in Rome in September 2007 . The filming reused some of the sets from the show Rome . Other locations suggested were in Malta and Wales , but the size of the project , the biggest since the show 's revival , resulted in production taking place in Italy . This was the first time the majority of an episode was filmed abroad and the first time the cast had filmed abroad since 1996 ; the television movie was filmed in Vancouver and pick @-@ up shots had previously been made in New York City for " Daleks in Manhattan " . Cinecittà had accepted the BBC 's request in order to promote the studios , despite the show 's small budget . Filming an episode abroad had been suggested in 2004 , but the episode was the first such occasion . Planning began in April 2007 , before Moran had written the script , and continued until the production team travelled to Italy . Several weeks before filming started , a fire disrupted the production . Moving to Rome caused problems for the production team : the equipment truck was delayed for several hours at the Swiss border ; the special effects team were delayed for twenty @-@ four hours at Customs in Calais . The production team only had 48 hours to film on location . The aftermath
[ "▁of", "▁the", "▁er", "u", "ption", "▁was", "▁fil", "med", "▁on", "▁the", "▁same", "▁night", "▁as", "▁the", "▁location", "▁sh", "ots", "▁.", "▁To", "▁create", "▁the", "▁falling", "▁ash", "▁,", "▁the", "▁special", "▁effects", "▁team", "▁used", "▁a", "▁large", "▁mass", "▁of", "▁c", "ork", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁constant", "▁supply", "▁of", "▁de", "br", "is", "▁ra", "ining", "▁down", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Sc", "enes", "▁set", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Temple", "▁of", "▁Sib", "yl", "▁were", "▁fil", "med", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Temple", "▁of", "▁Peace", "▁,", "▁Card", "iff", "▁on", "▁", "1", "8", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cast", "▁notes", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Two", "▁of", "▁the", "▁cast", "▁members", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁F", "ires", "▁of", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁\"", "▁were", "▁later", "▁cast", "▁in", "▁st", "arring", "▁roles", "▁for", "▁Doctor", "▁Who", "▁.", "▁Kar", "en", "▁Gill", "an", "▁returned", "▁in", "▁the", "▁fifth", "▁series", "▁to", "▁play", "▁Amy", "▁P", "ond", "▁,", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁companion", "▁of", "▁Matt", "▁Smith", "▁'", "s", "▁Ele", "vent", "h", "▁Doctor", "▁.", "▁Cast", "ing", "▁director", "▁Andy", "▁P", "ry", "or", "▁suggested", "▁her", "▁to", "▁new", "▁executive", "▁producer", "▁Steven", "▁M", "off", "at", "▁based", "▁on", "▁her", "▁performance", "▁in", "▁this", "▁episode", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁so", "oth", "say", "ers", "▁.", "▁", "▁Peter", "▁Cap", "ald", "i", "▁was", "▁cast", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Tw", "elf", "th", "▁Doctor", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁and", "▁made", "▁his", "▁first", "▁appearance", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁Christmas", "▁special", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Time", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁with", "▁an", "▁un", "cred", "ited", "▁came", "o", "▁appearance", "▁in", "▁the", "▁anni", "versary", "▁special", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Day", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁Cap", "ald", "i", "▁also", "▁played", "▁John", "▁F", "rob", "isher", "▁throughout", "▁Children", "▁of", "▁Earth", "▁,", "▁the", "▁third", "▁series", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁Who", "▁spin", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁off", "▁Tor", "ch", "wood", "▁.", "▁", "▁Trace", "y", "▁Child", "s", "▁and", "▁Phil", "▁Davis", "▁have", "▁also", "▁performed", "▁on", "▁Doctor", "▁Who", "▁audio", "▁produ", "ctions", "▁for", "▁Big", "▁Fin", "ish", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Broadcast", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁O", "vern", "ight", "▁figures", "▁estimated", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁watched", "▁by", "▁", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁million", "▁view", "ers", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁peak", "▁of", "▁", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁million", "▁view", "ers", "▁.", "▁The", "▁cons", "olid", "ated", "▁figure", "▁was", "▁", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "4", "▁million", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁the", "▁second", "▁most", "▁watched", "▁programme", "▁on", "▁", "1", "2", "▁April", "▁;", "▁Britain", "▁'", "s", "▁Got", "▁Tal", "ent", "▁was", "▁viewed", "▁by", "▁", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "4", "▁million", "▁people", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁the", "▁t", "enth", "▁most", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁watched", "▁programme", "▁of", "▁the", "▁week", "▁and", "▁received", "▁an", "▁App", "reci", "ation", "▁Index", "▁score", "▁of", "▁", "8", "7", "▁(", "▁considered", "▁Ex", "cell", "ent", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Crit", "ical", "▁reception", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁received", "▁generally", "▁mixed", "▁reviews", "▁.", "▁Ian", "▁Hy", "land", "▁,", "▁writing", "▁for", "▁News", "▁of", "▁the", "▁World", "▁,", "▁said", "▁that", "▁T", "ate", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁almost", "▁bear", "able", "▁this", "▁week", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁compl", "iment", "ed", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁T", "K", "▁Max", "xim", "us", "▁\"", "▁jo", "ke", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁amb", "ivalent", "▁to", "▁Don", "na", "▁'", "s", "▁reaction", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁leaving", "▁Ca", "ec", "il", "ius", "▁'", "s", "▁family", "▁to", "▁die", "▁:", "▁he", "▁critic", "ised", "▁her", "▁acting", "▁,", "▁comparing", "▁her", "▁to", "▁The", "▁Catherine", "▁T", "ate", "▁Show", "▁character", "▁Jo", "ann", "ie", "▁\"", "▁Nan", "▁\"", "▁Taylor", "▁,", "▁but", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁top", "▁again", "▁if", "▁that", "▁was", "▁intent", "ional", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "▁closed", "▁saying", "▁\"", "▁this", "▁week", "▁was", "▁a", "▁hundred", "▁times", "▁better", "▁than", "▁that", "▁l", "ame", "▁opening", "▁episode", "▁.", "▁Sc", "ar", "ier", "▁al", "iens", "▁,", "▁stronger", "▁guest", "▁stars", "▁and", "▁a", "▁proper", "▁adult", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁friendly", "▁story", "line", "▁involving", "▁sister", "hood", "s", "▁and", "▁so", "oth", "say", "ers", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Scott", "▁Matthew", "man", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Stage", "▁said", "▁that", "▁Don", "na", "▁'", "s", "▁ins", "istence", "▁to", "▁change", "▁the", "▁past", "▁\"", "▁formed", "▁the", "▁emot", "ional", "▁back", "bone", "▁of", "▁this", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁producing", "▁some", "▁truly", "▁heart", "bre", "aking", "▁performances", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "▁liked", "▁the", "▁jo", "ke", "▁about", "▁the", "▁T", "ARD", "IS", "▁'", "s", "▁transl", "ating", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁'", "s", "▁and", "▁Don", "na", "▁'", "s", "▁Latin", "▁phr", "ases", "▁to", "▁C", "elt", "ic", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁it", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁subt", "ly", "▁played", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁[", "▁...", "▁]", "▁in", "▁a", "▁way", "▁that", "▁builds", "▁the", "▁jo", "ke", "▁without", "▁tram", "pling", "▁it", "▁into", "▁the", "▁ground", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁His", "▁favour", "ite", "▁part", "▁was", "▁Don", "na", "▁'", "s", "▁attempts", "▁to", "▁di", "vert", "▁the", "▁population", "▁of", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁away", "▁from", "▁the", "▁beach", "▁;", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁emot", "ional", "▁high", "point", "▁of", "▁a", "▁series", "▁of", "▁heart", "▁r", "ending", "▁scenes", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁he", "▁critic", "ised", "▁Mor", "an", "▁'", "s", "▁writing", "▁,", "▁specifically", "▁,", "▁Quint", "us", "▁'", "s", "▁and", "▁Met", "ella", "▁'", "s", "▁dialog", "ue", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁the", "▁former", "▁\"", "▁remained", "▁pretty", "▁much", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dimensional", "▁throughout", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Alan", "▁Stanley", "▁Bla", "ir", "▁of", "▁Sy", "F", "y", "▁Portal", "▁also", "▁gave", "▁a", "▁positive", "▁review", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁highly", "▁appreci", "ative", "▁of", "▁T", "ate", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁\"", "▁[", "▁she", "▁]", "▁moved", "▁even", "▁further", "▁away", "▁from", "▁her", "▁\"", "▁Run", "away", "▁\"", "▁character", "▁that", "▁initially", "▁joined", "▁the", "▁show", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁phrase", "▁\"", "▁T", "K", "▁Max", "xim", "us", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁'", "s", "▁use", "▁of", "▁a", "▁water", "▁p", "istol", "▁to", "▁sub", "due", "▁the", "▁Py", "rov", "ile", "▁were", "▁compl", "iment", "ed", "▁,", "▁as", "▁were", "▁the", "▁special", "▁effects", "▁used", "▁to", "▁animate", "▁the", "▁Py", "rov", "ile", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁he", "▁disapp", "ro", "ved", "▁of", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁C", "ock", "ney", "▁col", "lo", "qu", "ial", "isms", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁most", "▁not", "ably", "▁the", "▁St", "all", "holder", "▁(", "▁Phil", "▁Corn", "well", "▁)", "▁saying", "▁\"", "▁lov", "ely", "▁j", "ub", "b", "ly", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ben", "▁Raw", "son", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Jones", "▁of", "▁Digital", "▁Sp", "y", "▁gave", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁three", "▁stars", "▁out", "▁of", "▁five", "▁.", "▁His", "▁opening", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁Fant", "astic", "▁effects", "▁and", "▁a", "▁well", "▁developed", "▁moral", "▁d", "ile", "m", "ma", "▁bol", "ster", "▁'", "▁The", "▁F", "ires", "▁Of", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁'", "▁,", "▁although", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁fails", "▁to", "▁er", "upt", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Raw", "son", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Jones", "▁felt", "▁that", "▁Mor", "an", "▁'", "s", "▁script", "▁took", "▁\"", "▁too", "▁long", "▁to", "▁act", "ively", "▁eng", "age", "▁the", "▁vie", "wer", "▁and", "▁tap", "▁into", "▁the", "▁comp", "elling", "▁prem", "ise", "▁of", "▁the", "▁time", "▁trav", "ellers", "▁arriv", "ing", "▁in", "▁the", "▁do", "omed", "▁city", "▁shortly", "▁before", "▁'", "▁vol", "cano", "▁day", "▁'", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁sub" ]
of the eruption was filmed on the same night as the location shots . To create the falling ash , the special effects team used a large mass of cork , with a " constant supply of debris raining down " . Scenes set at the Temple of Sibyl were filmed at the Temple of Peace , Cardiff on 18 and 19 September 2007 . = = = Cast notes = = = Two of the cast members of " The Fires of Pompeii " were later cast in starring roles for Doctor Who . Karen Gillan returned in the fifth series to play Amy Pond , full @-@ time companion of Matt Smith 's Eleventh Doctor . Casting director Andy Pryor suggested her to new executive producer Steven Moffat based on her performance in this episode as one of the soothsayers . Peter Capaldi was cast as the Twelfth Doctor in 2013 , and made his first appearance in the 2013 Christmas special " The Time of the Doctor " ( with an uncredited cameo appearance in the anniversary special " The Day of the Doctor " ) Capaldi also played John Frobisher throughout Children of Earth , the third series in the Doctor Who spin @-@ off Torchwood . Tracey Childs and Phil Davis have also performed on Doctor Who audio productions for Big Finish . = = Broadcast = = Overnight figures estimated the episode was watched by 8 @.@ 1 million viewers , with a peak of 8 @.@ 5 million viewers . The consolidated figure was 9 @.@ 04 million . The episode was the second most watched programme on 12 April ; Britain 's Got Talent was viewed by 9 @.@ 44 million people . The episode was the tenth most @-@ watched programme of the week and received an Appreciation Index score of 87 ( considered Excellent ) . = = = Critical reception = = = The episode received generally mixed reviews . Ian Hyland , writing for News of the World , said that Tate " was almost bearable this week " . He also complimented the " TK Maxximus " joke . He was ambivalent to Donna 's reaction to the Doctor leaving Caecilius 's family to die : he criticised her acting , comparing her to The Catherine Tate Show character Joannie " Nan " Taylor , but said " top again if that was intentional " . He closed saying " this week was a hundred times better than that lame opening episode . Scarier aliens , stronger guest stars and a proper adult @-@ friendly storyline involving sisterhoods and soothsayers . " Scott Matthewman of The Stage said that Donna 's insistence to change the past " formed the emotional backbone of this episode , producing some truly heartbreaking performances " . He liked the joke about the TARDIS 's translating the Doctor 's and Donna 's Latin phrases to Celtic , saying it was " subtly played throughout the episode [ ... ] in a way that builds the joke without trampling it into the ground " . His favourite part was Donna 's attempts to divert the population of Pompeii away from the beach ; the scene was " the emotional highpoint of a series of heart rending scenes " . However , he criticised Moran 's writing , specifically , Quintus 's and Metella 's dialogue , saying the former " remained pretty much one @-@ dimensional throughout " . Alan Stanley Blair of SyFy Portal also gave a positive review . He was highly appreciative of Tate , saying " [ she ] moved even further away from her " Runaway " character that initially joined the show . " The phrase " TK Maxximus " and the Doctor 's use of a water pistol to subdue the Pyrovile were complimented , as were the special effects used to animate the Pyrovile . However , he disapproved of the use of Cockney colloquialisms in the episode , most notably the Stallholder ( Phil Cornwell ) saying " lovely jubbly " . Ben Rawson @-@ Jones of Digital Spy gave the episode three stars out of five . His opening said " Fantastic effects and a well developed moral dilemma bolster ' The Fires Of Pompeii ' , although the episode fails to erupt . " Rawson @-@ Jones felt that Moran 's script took " too long to actively engage the viewer and tap into the compelling premise of the time travellers arriving in the doomed city shortly before ' volcano day ' . " and that " the sub
[ "plots", "▁are", "▁uns", "atisf", "ying", "ly", "▁mud", "d", "led", "▁for", "▁the", "▁majority", "▁of", "▁the", "▁narr", "ative", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁also", "▁compla", "ined", "▁about", "▁the", "▁character", "isation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁supporting", "▁cast", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁Peter", "▁Cap", "ald", "i", "▁and", "▁Phil", "▁Davis", "▁[", "▁des", "erved", "▁]", "▁better", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁he", "▁said", "▁the", "▁moral", "▁d", "ile", "m", "ma", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁faced", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁comp", "elling", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Doctor", "▁'", "s", "▁use", "▁of", "▁the", "▁water", "▁p", "istol", "▁\"", "▁adds", "▁a", "▁ple", "asing", "▁sense", "▁of", "▁fun", "▁to", "▁counter", "bal", "ance", "▁the", "▁imp", "ending", "▁st", "en", "ch", "▁of", "▁death", "▁and", "▁h", "arks", "▁nicely", "▁back", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Tom", "▁Baker", "▁era", "▁of", "▁the", "▁show", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Over", "all", "▁,", "▁he", "▁appreciated", "▁the", "▁prem", "ise", "▁of", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁but", "▁thought", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁\"", "▁des", "erved", "▁better", "▁writing", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "views", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁F", "ires", "▁of", "▁Pom", "pe", "ii", "▁\"", "▁reviews", "▁at", "▁The", "▁Doctor", "▁Who", "▁Rat", "ings", "▁Guide", "▁", "▁=", "▁Z", "enn", "or", "▁Head", "▁=", "▁", "▁Z", "enn", "or", "▁Head", "▁/", "▁", "ˈ", "z", "ɛ", "n", "ʊ", "ə", "r", "▁h", "ɛ", "d", "▁/", "▁is", "▁a", "▁", "7", "5", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁met", "re", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "4", "6", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁long", "▁prom", "ont", "ory", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Corn", "ish", "▁coast", "▁of", "▁England", "▁,", "▁between", "▁P", "end", "our", "▁C", "ove", "▁and", "▁P", "orth", "z", "enn", "or", "▁C", "ove", "▁.", "▁F", "acing", "▁the", "▁Atlantic", "▁Ocean", "▁,", "▁it", "▁lies", "▁", "1", "▁kilomet", "re", "▁north", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁west", "▁of", "▁the", "▁village", "▁of", "▁Z", "enn", "or", "▁and", "▁", "1", "▁@", 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"▁Path", "▁was", "▁created", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "8", "▁,", "▁and", "▁runs", "▁along", "▁the", "▁top", "▁of", "▁Z", "enn", "or", "▁Head", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁its", "▁", "6", "3", "0", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "1", "0", "▁km", "▁)", "▁,", "▁following", "▁the", "▁edge", "▁of", "▁the", "▁cl", "iffs", "▁closely", "▁.", "▁Z", "enn", "or", "▁in", "▁Dark", "ness", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁McK", "itter", "ick", "▁Prize", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁winning", "▁novel", "▁by", "▁Helen", "▁Dun", "more", "▁,", "▁was", "▁partly", "▁set", "▁around", "▁Z", "enn", "or", "▁Head", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁the", "▁head", "land", "▁suffered", "▁flo", "oding", "▁which", "▁affected", "▁the", "▁cl", "iff", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁top", "▁foot", "path", "▁.", "▁The", "▁prom", "ont", "ory", "▁has", "▁been", "▁designated", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Pen", "with", "▁Heritage", "▁Coast", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Geography", "▁and", "▁ge", "ology", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Z", "enn", "or", "▁Head", "▁is", "▁located", "▁on", "▁the", "▁north", "▁coast", "▁of", "▁Corn", "wall", "▁,", "▁England", "▁,", "▁facing", "▁the", "▁Atlantic", "▁Ocean", "▁.", "▁A", "▁head", "land", "▁extending", "▁some", "▁", "7", "5", "0", "▁metres", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "4", "6", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁surrounded", "▁by", "▁ste", "ep", "▁cl", "iffs", "▁pl", "ung", "ing", "▁into", "▁the", "▁sea", "▁below", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁west", "▁of", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁St", "▁I", "ves", "▁,", "▁and", "▁north", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁east", "▁of", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁P", "enz", "ance", "▁.", "▁The", "▁nearest", "▁human", "▁settlement", "▁is", "▁the", "▁village", "▁of", "▁Z", "enn", "or", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁head", "land", "▁is", "▁fl", "ank", "ed", "▁by", "▁two", "▁cov", "es", "▁," ]
plots are unsatisfyingly muddled for the majority of the narrative . " He also complained about the characterisation of the supporting cast , saying that " Peter Capaldi and Phil Davis [ deserved ] better " . However , he said the moral dilemma the Doctor faced was " compelling " and the Doctor 's use of the water pistol " adds a pleasing sense of fun to counterbalance the impending stench of death and harks nicely back to the Tom Baker era of the show . " Overall , he appreciated the premise of the episode , but thought the episode " deserved better writing " . = = = Reviews = = = " The Fires of Pompeii " reviews at The Doctor Who Ratings Guide = Zennor Head = Zennor Head / ˈzɛnʊər hɛd / is a 750 @-@ metre ( 2 @,@ 460 ft ) long promontory on the Cornish coast of England , between Pendour Cove and Porthzennor Cove . Facing the Atlantic Ocean , it lies 1 kilometre north @-@ west of the village of Zennor and 1 @.@ 6 kilometres east of the next promontory , Gurnard 's Head . The granite ( Killas ) cliffs rise over 200 feet ( 60 m ) from the sea and the highest point of the headland is 314 feet ( 96 m ) above sea level , with an Ordnance Survey triangulation station . Zennor Head is on the South West Coast Path , which follows the cliff edge closely , skirting the entire perimeter of the headland . The promontory is part of the Penwith Heritage Coast , and is the largest coastal feature in the United Kingdom that begins with the letter " Z " . It gets its name from a local saint , Senara . Zennor Head was mined for copper and tin in the Victorian Era . There is no longer any residential or commercial occupancy on the headland , but it is occupied by a variety of coastal animals and plants , such as kestrels and gorse . = = Etymology = = The name " Zennor Head " originates from the name of a local saint , Senara . According to local legend , Senara was thrown off a headland in Brittany in a barrel after being falsely accused of adultery by her husband and washed up on the Cornish coast , founding Zennor and giving her name to the eponymous village ( and subsequently Zennor Head , Zennor Quoit and Porthzennor Cove ) , before continuing to Ireland . The " s " changed to a " z " , an occurrence common in the West Country but rare elsewhere , and as such is the largest coastal feature in the United Kingdom to begin with the letter " Z " . = = History = = The headland is bordered by Cornish granite hedges , and the farming system dates from about 4000 BC , the time of the Bronze Age in Cornwall . The surrounding area and village of Zennor has been continually occupied for over 4 @,@ 000 years . Zennor Head was mined extensively for copper and tin in the 19th century , and drainage adits remain visible on the eastern side . The promontory was donated to the National Trust in December 1953 . The Southwest Coast Path was created in 1978 , and runs along the top of Zennor Head as part of its 630 miles ( 1 @,@ 010 km ) , following the edge of the cliffs closely . Zennor in Darkness , the 1994 McKitterick Prize @-@ winning novel by Helen Dunmore , was partly set around Zennor Head . In 2009 the headland suffered flooding which affected the cliff @-@ top footpath . The promontory has been designated as part of the Penwith Heritage Coast . = = Geography and geology = = Zennor Head is located on the north coast of Cornwall , England , facing the Atlantic Ocean . A headland extending some 750 metres ( 2 @,@ 460 ft ) , it is surrounded by steep cliffs plunging into the sea below . It is west of the town of St Ives , and north @-@ east of the town of Penzance . The nearest human settlement is the village of Zennor , and the headland is flanked by two coves ,
[ "▁P", "end", "our", "▁and", "▁P", "orth", "z", "enn", "or", "▁.", "▁The", "▁nearest", "▁head", "land", "▁is", "▁G", "urn", "ard", "▁'", "s", "▁Head", "▁,", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "▁kilometres", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁.", "▁Access", "▁is", "▁from", "▁the", "▁South", "▁West", "▁Coast", "▁Path", "▁,", "▁or", "▁the", "▁B", "3", "3", "0", "6", "▁road", "▁(", "▁West", "▁Corn", "wall", "▁coast", "▁road", "▁)", "▁.", "▁There", "▁is", "▁a", "▁deep", "▁in", "let", "▁known", "▁as", "▁Hor", "se", "back", "▁Za", "wn", "▁on", "▁the", "▁western", "▁side", "▁,", "▁where", "▁se", "ab", "ird", "s", "▁nest", "▁.", "▁The", "▁head", "land", "▁is", "▁to", "pped", "▁by", "▁an", "▁Or", "dn", "ance", "▁Survey", "▁\"", "▁Tr", "ig", "▁Point", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁K", "illas", "▁str", "ata", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁exposed", "▁over", "▁the", "▁majority", "▁of", "▁Z", "enn", "or", "▁Head", "▁,", "▁is", "▁a", "▁sed", "iment", "ary", "▁rock", "▁formation", "▁laid", "▁down", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Dev", 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"2", "0", "1", "4", "▁film", "▁G", "one", "▁Girl", "▁.", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁'", "s", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁roles", "▁included", "▁the", "▁films", "▁Ent", "ou", "rage", "▁and", "▁We", "▁Are", "▁Your", "▁Fri", "ends", "▁(", "▁her", "▁first", "▁leading", "▁role", "▁)", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁the", "▁min", "is", "eries", "▁The", "▁Spo", "ils", "▁Before", "▁D", "ying", "▁.", "▁", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁is", "▁an", "▁advoc", "ate", "▁for", "▁women", "▁'", "s", "▁health", "▁issues", "▁as", "▁a", "▁sp", "ok", "esp", "erson", "▁for", "▁Pl", "anned", "▁Parent", "hood", "▁and", "▁supports", "▁the", "▁right", "▁of", "▁women", "▁to" ]
Pendour and Porthzennor . The nearest headland is Gurnard 's Head , 1 @.@ 6 kilometres to the west . Access is from the South West Coast Path , or the B3306 road ( West Cornwall coast road ) . There is a deep inlet known as Horseback Zawn on the western side , where seabirds nest . The headland is topped by an Ordnance Survey " Trig Point " . The Killas strata , which is exposed over the majority of Zennor Head , is a sedimentary rock formation laid down in the Devonian period , between approximately 415 and 375 million years ago ( myr ) . Zennor Head is on the surface boundary of the so @-@ called " Land 's End Granite " , part of the Cornubian batholith which dates from 279 to 274 myr . However , the intrusion of the granite into the Killas strata altered it metamorphically into a shale @-@ type rock . = = Fauna and Flora = = Zennor Head is home to a variety of wildlife , including the re @-@ introduced Cornish choughs ( Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax ) . Grey seals ( Halichoerus grypus ) have been sighted off the coast . Many seabirds nest on the cliffs , especially around Horseback Zawn , including herring gulls ( Larus argentatus ) and fulmars ( Fulmarus glacialis ) . Kestrels ( Falco tinnunculus ) hunt inland of the shoreline . The headland is primarily covered with grass , as well as heather ( Calluna vulgaris ) , bracken ( Pteridium aquilinum ) , thyme ( Thymus mongolicus ) and western gorse ( Ulex gallii ) . In 1962 , specimens of the comparatively rare western clover ( Trifolium occidentale ) were found on Zennor Head . The lichen Dirina massiliensis has also been found high on the acid schist cliffs on the north- , seaward @-@ side of the headland . The parasitic plant dodder ( Cuscuta x . ) is also found amongst the other plants . There are also typical coastal flowering plants such as kidney vetch ( Anthyllis vulneraria ) , sea campion ( Silene uniflora ) , and thrift ( Armeria maritima ) . = = Gallery = = = Emily Ratajkowski = Emily O 'Hara Ratajkowski ( / ˌrɑːtaɪˈkɒfski / ; born June 7 , 1991 ) is an American model and actress . Born to American parents in London and raised primarily in California , she rose to prominence in 2013 after appearing in the music video for Robin Thicke 's " Blurred Lines " , which became the number one song of the year in several countries and attracted controversy over its purported sexist content . Ratajkowski 's modeling career has progressed from retail ad work to art house erotica and high fashion . She appeared on the cover of the March 2012 issue of the erotic magazine treats ! , which led to her being asked to appear in two music videos – " Blurred Lines " and Maroon 5 's " Love Somebody " . She appeared in the 2014 and 2015 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues . Ratajkowski made her professional runway modeling debut for Marc Jacobs at New York Fashion Week in 2015 and has since walked on the Paris Fashion Week runway for Miu Miu . She appeared in a Buick Super Bowl commercial during Super Bowl 50 . Ratajkowski began acting as a child in the San Diego area before she gained a recurring role on iCarly and later roles in major films . Her feature film debut was as the mistress of Ben Affleck 's character in the 2014 film Gone Girl . Ratajkowski 's 2015 roles included the films Entourage and We Are Your Friends ( her first leading role ) as well as the miniseries The Spoils Before Dying . Ratajkowski is an advocate for women 's health issues as a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood and supports the right of women to
[ "▁express", "▁their", "▁sexual", "ity", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁claim", "▁to", "▁being", "▁a", "▁femin", "ist", "▁has", "▁been", "▁both", "▁supported", "▁and", "▁disput", "ed", "▁.", "▁She", "▁is", "▁known", "▁for", "▁her", "▁sex", "▁appeal", "▁and", "▁fashion", "▁sense", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁life", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁was", "▁born", "▁in", "▁West", "min", "ster", "▁,", "▁London", "▁,", "▁the", "▁only", "▁child", "▁of", "▁Kath", "le", "en", "▁Bal", "g", "ley", "▁and", "▁John", "▁David", "▁\"", "▁J", ".", "▁D", ".", "▁\"", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁,", "▁both", "▁American", "▁.", "▁Bal", "g", "ley", "▁,", "▁a", "▁professor", "▁of", "▁English", "▁,", "▁was", "▁teaching", "▁under", "▁the", "▁Ful", "br", "ight", "▁Program", "▁,", "▁when", "▁she", "▁met", "▁J", ".", "▁D", ".", "▁,", "▁a", "▁painter", "▁and", "▁art", "▁teacher", "▁,", "▁while", "▁they", "▁were", "▁both", "▁teaching", "▁at", "▁San", "▁Die", "gu", "ito", "▁Academy", "▁.", "▁At", 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"▁aud", "ition", "ing", "▁for", "▁Disney", "▁and", "▁i", "Car", "ly", "▁roles", "▁,", "▁but", "▁as", "▁she", "▁purs", "ued", "▁acting", "▁she", "▁was", "▁often", "▁cast", "▁as", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁b", "itch", "y", "▁girl", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁cheer", "le", "ader", "▁,", "▁or", "▁other", "▁limited", "▁role", "▁.", "▁She", "▁attended", "▁San", "▁Die", "gu", "ito", "▁Academy", "▁high", "▁school", "▁in", "▁San", "▁Diego", "▁,", "▁while", "▁model", "ing", "▁and", "▁acting", "▁in", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁.", "▁After", "▁two", "▁n", "ond", "es", "cript", "▁movie", "▁roles", "▁,", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁as", "▁Gib", "by", "▁'", "s", "▁girl", "friend", "▁,", "▁T", "asha", "▁,", "▁in", "▁two", "▁episodes", "▁of", "▁the", "▁third", "▁season", "▁of", "▁Nick", "el", "ode", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁i", "Car", "ly", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁–", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁manager", "▁disc", "ou", "rag", "ed", "▁her", "▁from", "▁purs", "uing", "▁many", "▁acting", "▁engag", "ements", "▁until", "▁she", "▁could", "▁be", "▁more", "▁select", "ive", "▁.", "▁", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁attended", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁California", "▁,", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁(", "▁U", "CLA", "▁)", "▁for", "▁one", "▁year", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁then", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁model", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁.", "▁She", "▁found", "▁the", "▁fine", "▁art", "▁education", "▁at", "▁the", "▁U", "CLA", "▁School", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Arts", "▁and", "▁Architecture", "▁arbitrary", "▁and", "▁in", "▁conflict", "▁with", "▁her", "▁art", "istic", "▁concepts", "▁.", "▁She", "▁did", "▁not", "▁enjoy", "▁social", "izing", "▁with", "▁fellow", "▁students", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁campaign", "s", "▁and", "▁editor", "ial", "s", "▁with", "▁photograph", "er", "▁Tony", "▁Dur", "an", "▁,", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁began", "▁shooting", "▁more", "▁fashion", "▁editor", "ial", "s", "▁and", "▁pos", "ed", "▁for", "▁several", "▁early", "▁issues", "▁of", "▁the", "▁art", "istic", "▁er", "ot", "ica", "▁magazine", "▁tre", "ats", "▁!", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁cover", "▁of", "▁its", "▁third", "▁issue", "▁,", "▁in", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁She", "▁cred", "its", "▁that", "▁cover", "▁for", "▁bringing" ]
express their sexuality . Her claim to being a feminist has been both supported and disputed . She is known for her sex appeal and fashion sense . = = Early life = = Ratajkowski was born in Westminster , London , the only child of Kathleen Balgley and John David " J. D. " Ratajkowski , both American . Balgley , a professor of English , was teaching under the Fulbright Program , when she met J. D. , a painter and art teacher , while they were both teaching at San Dieguito Academy . At the time of their daughter 's birth , they were aged 39 and 45 , respectively , and unmarried . Ratajkowski describes her mother as a " feminist and intellectual " . The family lived in West Kensington and Bloomsbury before they settled in the United States in San Diego , California , when Ratajkowski was five . She was raised primarily in nearby Encinitas in a small house near the ocean . Balgley formerly taught at California Polytechnic State University . Ratajkowski is of Polish , Irish , and Polish Jewish descent . Her father was raised Catholic , while her mother was raised Jewish . Ratajkowski describes her heritage as " Polish Israeli " . She lived in , and traveled to , many parts of Europe as a youth , including long periods in the Irish town of Bantry and on the Spanish island of Mallorca . She spent her young adult summers in Ireland until she became a full @-@ time model . Before Ratajkowski left London at the age of five , she was obsessed with theater . She began acting as a child , staging shows for her family . Ratajkowski 's first formal role was as Elsa in an adaptation of The Little Match Girl at the North Coast Repertory Theatre School in Solana Beach , California . Later , in 2004 , she played Harriet in the interactive Lyceum Theatre production of Harriet Potter and the Throne of Applewort . Ratajkowski grew up without television ; she tried soccer , acting , and ballet before modeling . Ratajkowski visited nude beaches in Europe with her family during her youth . Exposure to the nude female figure in photography and art during her formative years , including the work of her father , as well as the photography of Helmut Newton and Herb Ritts , prepared Ratajkowski for nude work . She is comfortable with the naked body , and states , " We have this culture of men , especially , watching pornography , but then [ they are ] offended by a classic nude portrait or photograph , and I 've never felt that way . " Ratajkowski was also influenced by third @-@ wave feminism and works such as The Beauty Myth and Promiscuities by Naomi Wolf . She was a physically mature young teenager who endured pressure to limit expressing her sexuality and how she presented herself . = = Career = = With encouragement from an acting coach , Ratajkowski met and signed with a talent agent who contacted Ford Models . That same day , she signed with Ford at age 14 and went on to do teen print catalog modeling for Kohl 's and Nordstrom . At 15 , Ratajkowski began auditioning for Disney and iCarly roles , but as she pursued acting she was often cast as a " bitchy girl " , cheerleader , or other limited role . She attended San Dieguito Academy high school in San Diego , while modeling and acting in Los Angeles . After two nondescript movie roles , she appeared as Gibby 's girlfriend , Tasha , in two episodes of the third season of Nickelodeon 's iCarly ( 2009 – 2010 ) . Her manager discouraged her from pursuing many acting engagements until she could be more selective . Ratajkowski attended the University of California , Los Angeles ( UCLA ) for one year in 2009 , then decided to model full @-@ time . She found the fine art education at the UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture arbitrary and in conflict with her artistic concepts . She did not enjoy socializing with fellow students . After campaigns and editorials with photographer Tony Duran , Ratajkowski began shooting more fashion editorials and posed for several early issues of the artistic erotica magazine treats ! , including the cover of its third issue , in March 2012 . She credits that cover for bringing
[ "▁her", "▁the", "▁two", "▁un", "sol", "ic", "ited", "▁,", "▁high", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁profile", "▁,", "▁music", "▁video", "▁roles", "▁.", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁later", "▁fil", "med", "▁commer", "ci", "als", "▁for", "▁N", "ikon", "▁and", "▁Carl", "▁'", "s", "▁Jr", "▁.", "▁,", "▁including", "▁multiple", "▁versions", "▁of", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁Carl", "▁'", "s", "▁Jr", ".", "▁commercial", "▁with", "▁S", "ara", "▁Jean", "▁Under", "wood", "▁.", "▁She", "▁also", "▁did", "▁n", "ude", "▁and", "▁cloth", "ed", "▁art", "▁magazine", "▁model", "ing", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁work", "▁for", "▁Frederick", "▁'", "s", "▁of", "▁Hollywood", "▁;", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁hol", "iday", "▁video", "▁and", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁Valent", "ine", "▁'", "s", "▁video", "▁in", "▁which", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁appeared", "▁for", "▁the", "▁company", "▁are", "▁among", "▁the", "▁most", "▁popular", "▁videos", "▁on", "▁the", "▁company", "▁'", "s", "▁YouTube", "▁channel", "▁.", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁worked", "▁with", "▁photograph", "er", "▁Tony", "▁Kelly", "▁for", "▁the", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁G", "Q", "▁Turkey", "▁cover", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Music", "▁video", "▁performances", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁Robin", "▁Th", "ic", "ke", "▁,", "▁T", ".", "I", ".", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Ph", "ar", "rell", "▁Williams", "▁'", "s", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁video", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Bl", "ur", "red", "▁L", "ines", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Pre", "viously", "▁,", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁had", "▁been", "▁cast", "▁in", "▁two", "▁other", "▁music", "▁videos", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Fast", "▁Car", "▁\"", "▁by", "▁Ta", "io", "▁Cruz", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Mar", "oon", "▁", "5", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁Love", "▁Some", "body", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁released", "▁two", "▁months", "▁after", "▁\"", "▁Bl", "ur", "red", "▁L", "ines", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Love", "▁Some", "body", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁shot", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Bl", "ur", "red", "▁L", "ines", "▁\"", "▁were", "▁both", "▁produced", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁The", "▁video", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁Love", "▁Some", "body", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁May", "▁", "2", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁Direct", "ed", "▁by", "▁Rich", "▁Lee", "▁,", "▁it", "▁shows", "▁bare", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ch", "ested", "▁Adam", "▁Lev", "ine", "▁using", "▁inverse", "▁green", "▁screen", "▁technology", "▁to", "▁rub", "▁paint", "▁onto", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁with", "▁his", "▁hands", "▁.", "▁As", "▁they", "▁touch", "▁,", "▁they", "▁reve", "al", "▁each", "▁other", "▁.", "▁", "▁Th", "ic", "ke", "▁had", "▁seen", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁'", "s", "▁tre", "ats", "▁!", "▁cover", "▁that", "▁The", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Times", "▁'", "s", "▁Be", "e", "▁Sh", "api", "ro", "▁described", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁an", "▁art", "fully", "▁composed", "▁black", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁and", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁white", "▁photograph", "▁of", "▁M", "s", ".", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁sitting", "▁completely", "▁n", "ude", "▁with", "▁her", "▁kne", "es", "▁t", "uck", "ed", "▁to", "▁her", "▁ch", "est", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁convinced", "▁director", "▁D", "iane", "▁Mart", "el", "▁to", "▁cast", "▁her", "▁in", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Bl", "ur", "red", "▁L", "ines", "▁\"", "▁music", "▁video", "▁.", "▁Mart", "el", "▁felt", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁she", "▁looked", "▁smart", "▁and", "▁st", "unning", "ly", "▁beautiful", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁the", "▁photo", "▁.", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁initially", "▁decl", "ined", "▁the", "▁role", "▁,", "▁fear", "ing", "▁being", "▁class", "ified", "▁as", "▁a", "▁music", "▁video", "▁model", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Mart", "el", "▁persu", "aded", "▁her", "▁.", "▁The", "▁video", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁On", "▁March", "▁", "2", "8", "▁,", "▁Th", "ic", "ke", "▁posted", "▁an", "▁explicit", "▁version", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁to", "pl", "ess", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁.", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Bl", "ur", "red", "▁L", "ines", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁controvers", "ial", "▁:", "▁its", "▁video", "▁was", "▁called", "▁sex", "ist", "▁for", "▁its", "▁perce", "ived", "▁de", "grad", "ation", "▁of", "▁women", "▁,", "▁and", "▁some", "▁felt", "▁its", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁promoted", "▁ra", "pe", "▁.", "▁O", "thers", "▁disag", "re", "ed", "▁,", "▁as", "ser", "ting", "▁that", "▁the", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁supported", "▁female", "▁power", "▁and", "▁sexual", "▁freedom", "▁.", "▁Mart", "el", "▁def", "ended", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁very", "▁,", "▁very", "▁fun", "ny", "▁and", "▁subt", "ly", "▁rid", "icul", "ing", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁did", "▁not", "▁think", "▁of", "▁the", "▁video", "▁as", "▁sex", "ist", "▁and", "▁claimed", "▁that", "▁the", "▁produ", "cers", "▁,", "▁through", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁humor", "▁and", "▁s", "arc", "asm", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁took", "▁something", "▁that", "▁on", "▁paper", "▁sound", "ed", "▁really", "▁sex", "ist", "▁and", "▁mis", "og", "yn", "istic", "▁and", "▁made", "▁it", "▁more", "▁interesting", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁gave", "▁me", "▁an", "▁opportunity", "▁to", "▁say", "▁the", "▁things", "▁that", "▁I", "▁felt", "▁about", "▁femin", "ism", "▁today", "▁and", "▁about", "▁women", "▁in", "▁general", "▁in", "▁pop", "▁culture", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁did", "▁not", "▁feel", "▁object", "ified", "▁and", "▁enjoyed", "▁performing", "▁in", "▁a", "▁sexual", "▁manner", "▁:", "▁the", "▁attention", "▁given", "▁to", "▁the", "▁n", "ud", "ity", "▁in", "▁the", "▁video", "▁,", "▁she", "▁said", "▁,", "▁shows", "▁that", "▁America", "▁has", "▁not", "▁advanced", "▁as", "▁far", "▁as", "▁it", "▁should", "▁have", "▁,", "▁and", "▁,", "▁she", "▁bel", "ieves", "▁,", "▁society", "▁repr", "esses", "▁sexual", "ity", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁bad", "▁for", "▁both", "▁sex", "es", "▁.", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Bl", "ur", "red", "▁L", "ines", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁'", "s", "▁associated", "▁video", "▁performance", "▁,", "▁was", "▁prominent", "▁beyond", "▁the", "▁soci", "opol", "it", "ical", "▁controvers", "ies", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁became", "▁the", "▁number", "▁one", "▁song", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁on", "▁music", "▁charts", "▁in", "▁many", "▁countries", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Canada", "▁,", "▁Ireland", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Netherlands", "▁,", "▁New", "▁Zealand", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁second", "▁on", "▁the", "▁year", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁end", "▁US", "▁Billboard", "▁Hot", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁chart", "▁,", "▁the", "▁song", "▁'", "s", "▁twelve", "▁consecutive", "▁weeks", "▁at", "▁number", "▁one", "▁made", "▁it", "▁the", "▁longest", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁running", "▁number", "▁one", "▁song", "▁of", "▁the", "▁de", "cade", "▁until", "▁\"", "▁U", "pt", "own", "▁F", "unk", "▁\"", "▁spent", "▁four", "teen", "▁consecutive", "▁weeks", "▁at", "▁number", "▁one", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁also", "▁remained", "▁in", "▁the", "▁news", "▁due", "▁to", "▁a", "▁copy", "right", "▁in", "fr", "ing", "ement", "▁law", "suit", "▁and", "▁appeal", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Break", "through", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁\"", "▁Bl", "ur", "red", "▁L", "ines", "▁\"", "▁video", "▁gar", "ner", "ed", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁not", "or", "iety", "▁,", "▁especially", "▁as", "▁a", "▁sex", "▁symbol", "▁.", "▁In", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁Es", "quire", "▁magazine", "▁named", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁\"", "▁Woman", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Year", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁over", "▁online", "▁fan", "▁vote", "▁final", "ist", "▁Jenn", "ifer", "▁Lawrence", "▁.", "▁That", "▁December", "▁,", "▁Rol" ]
her the two unsolicited , high @-@ profile , music video roles . Ratajkowski later filmed commercials for Nikon and Carl 's Jr . , including multiple versions of a 2012 Carl 's Jr. commercial with Sara Jean Underwood . She also did nude and clothed art magazine modeling , as well as work for Frederick 's of Hollywood ; a 2012 holiday video and a 2011 Valentine 's video in which Ratajkowski appeared for the company are among the most popular videos on the company 's YouTube channel . Ratajkowski worked with photographer Tony Kelly for the March 2013 GQ Turkey cover . = = = Music video performances = = = Ratajkowski appeared in Robin Thicke , T.I. , and Pharrell Williams 's 2013 video , " Blurred Lines " . Previously , Ratajkowski had been cast in two other music videos : " Fast Car " by Taio Cruz , which was released on November 5 , 2012 , and Maroon 5 's " Love Somebody " , which was released two months after " Blurred Lines " . " Love Somebody " , shot on January 13 , and " Blurred Lines " were both produced in 2013 . The video for " Love Somebody " was released on May 21 , 2013 . Directed by Rich Lee , it shows bare @-@ chested Adam Levine using inverse green screen technology to rub paint onto Ratajkowski with his hands . As they touch , they reveal each other . Thicke had seen Ratajkowski 's treats ! cover that The New York Times 's Bee Shapiro described as " an artfully composed black @-@ and @-@ white photograph of Ms. Ratajkowski sitting completely nude with her knees tucked to her chest " and convinced director Diane Martel to cast her in the " Blurred Lines " music video . Martel felt that " she looked smart and stunningly beautiful " in the photo . Ratajkowski initially declined the role , fearing being classified as a music video model , but Martel persuaded her . The video was released on March 20 , 2013 . On March 28 , Thicke posted an explicit version , with a topless Ratajkowski . " Blurred Lines " was controversial : its video was called sexist for its perceived degradation of women , and some felt its lyrics promoted rape . Others disagreed , asserting that the lyrics supported female power and sexual freedom . Martel defended Ratajkowski 's performance , saying : " it 's very , very funny and subtly ridiculing . " Ratajkowski did not think of the video as sexist and claimed that the producers , through the use of humor and sarcasm , " took something that on paper sounded really sexist and misogynistic and made it more interesting " . She said that the song " gave me an opportunity to say the things that I felt about feminism today and about women in general in pop culture . " Ratajkowski did not feel objectified and enjoyed performing in a sexual manner : the attention given to the nudity in the video , she said , shows that America has not advanced as far as it should have , and , she believes , society represses sexuality , which is bad for both sexes . " Blurred Lines " , and Ratajkowski 's associated video performance , was prominent beyond the sociopolitical controversies . The song became the number one song of 2013 on music charts in many countries , including Canada , Ireland , the Netherlands , New Zealand , and the United Kingdom . Although second on the year @-@ end US Billboard Hot 100 chart , the song 's twelve consecutive weeks at number one made it the longest @-@ running number one song of the decade until " Uptown Funk " spent fourteen consecutive weeks at number one in 2015 . The song also remained in the news due to a copyright infringement lawsuit and appeal . = = = Breakthrough = = = The " Blurred Lines " video garnered Ratajkowski notoriety , especially as a sex symbol . In October 2013 , Esquire magazine named Ratajkowski " Woman of the Year " , over online fan vote finalist Jennifer Lawrence . That December , Rol
[ "ling", "▁Stone", "▁magazine", "▁listed", "▁her", "▁among", "▁its", "▁twenty", "▁h", "ott", "est", "▁sex", "▁symbols", "▁.", "▁In", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁Sports", "▁Illustr", "ated", "▁magazine", "▁named", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁twelve", "▁", "5", "0", "th", "▁anni", "versary", "▁sw", "im", "suit", "▁issue", "▁ro", "ok", "ies", "▁.", "▁In", "▁April", "▁,", "▁F", "H", "M", "▁ranked", "▁her", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁se", "xi", "est", "▁woman", "▁in", "▁the", "▁world", "▁.", "▁Maxim", "▁magazine", "▁included", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁at", "▁number", "▁", "6", "2", "▁on", "▁its", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁Hot", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁list", "▁.", "▁Ask", "Men", "▁ranked", "▁her", "▁the", "▁third", "▁most", "▁des", "irable", "▁woman", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁was", "▁on", "▁the", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁cover", "▁of", "▁CR", "▁F", "ashion", "▁Book", "▁,", "▁which", "▁included", "▁er", "otic", "▁scenes", "▁with", "▁Kar", "lie", "▁K", "loss", "▁and", "▁male", "▁models", "▁,", "▁photograph", "ed", "▁by", "▁Bruce", "▁We", "ber", "▁.", "▁On", "▁June", "▁", "2", "4", "▁,", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁to", "pl", "ess", "▁in", "▁the", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁American", "▁G", "Q", "▁cover", "▁story", "▁,", "▁photograph", "ed", "▁by", "▁Michael", "▁Thompson", "▁.", "▁A", "▁controvers", "y", "▁en", "su", "ed", "▁at", "▁ret", "ail", "er", "▁Land", "s", "▁'", "▁End", "▁,", "▁some", "▁of", "▁whose", "▁customers", "▁received", "▁the", "▁issue", "▁for", "▁free", "▁.", "▁Some", "▁customers", "▁object", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "racy", "▁images", "▁,", "▁forcing", "▁Land", "s", "▁'", "▁End", "▁CE", "O", "▁Ed", "gar", "▁H", "uber", "▁to", "▁apolog", "ize", "▁.", "▁", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁lever", "aged", "▁her", "▁sudden", "▁prom", "in", "ence", "▁into", "▁supporting", "▁roles", "▁in", "▁major", "▁films", "▁.", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", 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"▁Philadelphia", "▁In", "qu", "ir", "er", "▁'", "s", "▁Steven", "▁Re", "a", "▁.", "▁Grant", "land", "▁'", "s", "▁Morris", "▁described", "▁her", "▁role", "▁and", "▁performance", "▁with", "▁sc", "ath", "ing", "▁s", "arc", "asm", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁also", "▁cast", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁min", "is", "eries", "▁The", "▁Spo", "ils", "▁Before", "▁D", "ying", "▁as", "▁Agent", "▁Day", "▁,", "▁appearing", "▁late", "▁in", "▁the", "▁series", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁performance", "▁was", "▁favor", "ably", "▁review", "ed", "▁by", "▁Em", "ily", "▁L", ".", "▁Steph", "ens", "▁of", "▁The", "▁A", ".", "V", ".", "▁Club", "▁,", "▁while", "▁other", "▁critics", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁she", "▁was", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁solid", "▁supporting", "▁cast", "▁.", "▁", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁ear", "med", "▁her", "▁first", "▁leading", "▁role", "▁,", "▁opposite", "▁Z", "ac", "▁E", "fr", "on", "▁,", "▁in", "▁We", "▁Are", "▁Your", "▁Fri", "ends", "▁,", "▁a", "▁musical", "▁drama", "▁released", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁prom", "ot", "ional", "▁tour", "▁to", "▁Europe", "▁and", "▁North", "▁America", "▁.", "▁Starting", "▁with", "▁the", "▁August", "▁", "1", "1", "▁London", "▁premi", "ere", "▁,", "▁this", "▁tour", "▁marked", "▁her", "▁asc", "ension", "▁as", "▁a", "▁style", "▁icon", "▁as", "▁she", "▁earned", "▁multiple", "▁best", "▁dressed", "▁cit", "ations", "▁from", "▁various", "▁sources", "▁.", "▁She", "▁played", "▁Stan", "ford", "▁University", "▁drop", "out", "▁Soph", "ie", "▁,", "▁the", "▁love", "▁interest", "▁of", "▁E", "fr", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁character", "▁and", "▁girl", "friend", "▁/", "▁personal", "▁assistant", "▁of", "▁Wes", "▁Bent", "ley", "▁'", "s", "▁character", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁performance", "▁received", "▁mixed", "▁reviews", "▁.", "▁Al", "onso", "▁D", "ural", "de", "▁of", "▁The", "W", "rap", "▁described", "▁the", "▁role", "▁as", "▁thin", "▁,", "▁as", "▁did", "▁Ty", "▁B", "urr", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Boston", "▁Glo", "be", "▁.", "▁B", "urr", "▁said", "▁that", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁sur", "pass", "ingly", "▁d", "ull", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁while", "▁Nell", "▁Min", "ow", "▁of", "▁Bel", "ief", "net", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁she", "▁\"", "▁does", "▁more", "▁pos", "ing", "▁than", "▁acting", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁K", "yle", "▁Smith", "▁of", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Post", "▁described", "▁her", "▁performance", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁quietly", "▁ent", "ran", "cing", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Jordan", "▁Hoff", "man", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Daily", "▁News", "▁described", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁st", "unning", "▁and", "▁sweet", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Rob", "bie", "▁Col", "lin", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Daily", "▁Te", "legraph", "▁and", "▁Grant", "land", "▁'", "s", "▁Morris", "▁noted", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁'", "s", "▁rh", "yth", "mic", "▁dan", "cing", "▁skills", "▁and", "▁sex", "▁appeal", "▁,", "▁as" ]
ling Stone magazine listed her among its twenty hottest sex symbols . In February 2014 , Sports Illustrated magazine named Ratajkowski as one of twelve 50th anniversary swimsuit issue rookies . In April , FHM ranked her the fourth sexiest woman in the world . Maxim magazine included Ratajkowski at number 62 on its 2014 Hot 100 list . AskMen ranked her the third most desirable woman of 2014 . Ratajkowski was on the July 2013 cover of CR Fashion Book , which included erotic scenes with Karlie Kloss and male models , photographed by Bruce Weber . On June 24 , she appeared topless in the July 2014 American GQ cover story , photographed by Michael Thompson . A controversy ensued at retailer Lands ' End , some of whose customers received the issue for free . Some customers objected to the racy images , forcing Lands ' End CEO Edgar Huber to apologize . Ratajkowski leveraged her sudden prominence into supporting roles in major films . Ratajkowski played Andie Hardy , the mistress of Ben Affleck 's character , in David Fincher 's 2014 adaptation of Gillian Flynn 's novel Gone Girl . Affleck encouraged Fincher to consider Ratajkowski after seeing the " Blurred Lines " video . U @-@ T San Diego described Ratajkowski 's performance as " nuanced " , while Andrew O 'Hehir of Salon and Wesley Morris of Grantland wrote that her small role as a " duplicitous and manipulative former student " was critical . Reflecting on the performance in 2016 , Wolf described Ratajkowski 's portrayal as sympathetic and compassionate . Days after Gone Girl 's September 26 , 2014 , New York Film Festival premiere , Ratajkowski became the cover model for the November 2014 issue of Cosmopolitan . On October 30 , 2014 , she appeared with Taylor Kitsch in the Call of Duty : Advanced Warfare live @-@ action trailer . Ratajkowski appeared on the February 2015 FHM cover , but she tweeted that her picture was used without her consent . FHM responded that " we liked the pictures so much we stuck one on our front cover " . Ratajkowski co @-@ starred in the 2015 film Entourage as a fictionalized version of herself , playing the love interest of Adrian Grenier 's character , Vincent Chase . Her performance received critical commentary ranging from " less than compelling " , by the The Hollywood Reporter 's Sheri Linden , to " uncanny realism " , by The Philadelphia Inquirer 's Steven Rea . Grantland 's Morris described her role and performance with scathing sarcasm . She was also cast in the 2015 miniseries The Spoils Before Dying as Agent Day , appearing late in the series . Her performance was favorably reviewed by Emily L. Stephens of The A.V. Club , while other critics commented that she was part of a solid supporting cast . Ratajkowski earmed her first leading role , opposite Zac Efron , in We Are Your Friends , a musical drama released in August 2015 , and was part of the film 's promotional tour to Europe and North America . Starting with the August 11 London premiere , this tour marked her ascension as a style icon as she earned multiple best dressed citations from various sources . She played Stanford University dropout Sophie , the love interest of Efron 's character and girlfriend / personal assistant of Wes Bentley 's character . Her performance received mixed reviews . Alonso Duralde of TheWrap described the role as thin , as did Ty Burr of The Boston Globe . Burr said that Ratajkowski 's performance was " surpassingly dull " , while Nell Minow of Beliefnet stated that she " does more posing than acting " . Kyle Smith of the New York Post described her performance as " quietly entrancing " , and Jordan Hoffman of the Daily News described Ratajkowski 's performance as " stunning and sweet " . Robbie Collin of The Daily Telegraph and Grantland 's Morris noted Ratajkowski 's rhythmic dancing skills and sex appeal , as
[ "▁previously", "▁seen", "▁in", "▁\"", "▁Bl", "ur", "red", "▁L", "ines", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ar", "ound", "▁the", "▁time", "▁of", "▁the", "▁release", "▁of", "▁We", "▁Are", "▁Your", "▁Fri", "ends", "▁,", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁appeared", "▁on", "▁the", "▁covers", "▁of", "▁Gra", "zia", "▁France", "▁,", "▁British", "▁G", "Q", "▁,", "▁har", "per", "▁by", "▁Har", "per", "▁'", "s", "▁B", "az", "aar", "▁,", "▁In", "Style", "▁UK", "▁,", "▁and", "▁In", "Style", "▁Australia", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁a", "▁role", "▁as", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁MTV", "▁Video", "▁Music", "▁Awards", "▁present", "er", "▁.", "▁The", "▁British", "▁G", "Q", "▁cover", "▁story", "▁was", "▁photograph", "ed", "▁by", "▁Mario", "▁Test", "ino", "▁,", "▁who", "▁produced", "▁a", "▁short", "▁film", "▁featuring", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁for", "▁the", "▁magazine", "▁'", "s", "▁website", "▁.", "▁So", "on", "▁after", "▁,", "▁on", "▁September", "▁", "1", "7", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", 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"▁service", "▁announ", "c", "ements", "▁,", "▁and", "▁committed", "▁to", "▁a", "▁short", "▁film", "▁prom", "oting", "▁re", "product", "ive", "▁and", "▁sexual", "▁health", "▁for", "▁Pl", "anned", "▁Parent", "hood", "▁(", "▁P", "P", "FA", "▁)", "▁.", "▁She", "▁describes", "▁P", "P", "FA", "▁as", "▁her", "▁main", "▁char", "ity", "▁because", "▁of", "▁its", "▁role", "▁in", "▁women", "▁'", "s", "▁health", "▁.", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁'", "s", "▁invol", "vement", "▁has", "▁drawn", "▁i", "re", "▁from", "▁right", "▁to", "▁life", "▁advoc", "ates", "▁such", "▁as", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Right", "▁to", "▁Life", "▁Committee", "▁.", "▁", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁says", "▁that", "▁she", "▁enjo", "ys", "▁freedom", "▁of", "▁sexual", "▁expression", "▁\"", "▁while", "▁still", "▁being", "▁a", "▁femin", "ist", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁out", "sp", "oken", "▁about", "▁using", "▁her", "▁celebr", "ity", "▁to", "▁support", "▁the", "▁emp", "ower", "ment", "▁of", "▁women", "▁and", "▁women", "▁'", "s", "▁sexual", "ity", "▁.", "▁Am", "anda", "▁H", "ess", "▁of", "▁S", "late", "▁question", "ed", "▁whether", "▁she", "▁is", "▁a", "▁femin", "ist", "▁or", "▁an", "▁opportun", "ist", "▁explo", "iting", "▁femin", "ism", "▁.", "▁In", "▁The", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Times", "▁,", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁expressed", "▁her", "▁fr", "ustration", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁society", "▁somehow", "▁feels", "▁that", "▁women", "▁can", "▁'", "t", "▁manage", "▁to", "▁be", "▁political", "▁,", "▁femin", "ist", "▁and", "▁a", "▁sex", "▁symbol", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁has", "▁called", "▁society", "▁'", "s", "▁reaction", "▁to", "▁the", "▁n", "aked", "▁female", "▁form", "▁\"", "▁weird", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁woman", "▁who", "▁enjo", "ys", "▁expressions", "▁of", "▁the", "▁body", "▁r", "anging", "▁from", "▁bal", "let", "▁to", "▁por", "n", "ography", "▁,", "▁R" ]
previously seen in " Blurred Lines " . Around the time of the release of We Are Your Friends , Ratajkowski appeared on the covers of Grazia France , British GQ , harper by Harper 's Bazaar , InStyle UK , and InStyle Australia , as well as a role as a 2015 MTV Video Music Awards presenter . The British GQ cover story was photographed by Mario Testino , who produced a short film featuring Ratajkowski for the magazine 's website . Soon after , on September 17 , 2015 , she made her runway debut for Marc Jacobs at the spring / summer 2016 New York Fashion Week finale . This appearance contributed to her number one listing among Vogue 's 12 Breakout Beauty Stars of 2015 . For fall / winter 2016 fashions , Ratajkowski walked the Paris Fashion Week runway for Miu Miu on March 9 , 2016 . She has expressed the desire to break barriers for shorter and more curvaceous models , commenting : " You don ’ t have to be 5 ' 9 " and an A @-@ cup to be a successful model . " A Buick Super Bowl ad for its Cascada convertible during Super Bowl 50 on February 7 , 2016 , featured Ratajkowski and Odell Beckham , Jr . The ad , in which she made a wedding bouquet catch reminiscent of Beckham 's famous catch from 2014 , received average ratings , according to USA Today 's admeter . The ad was filmed with a stunt double making the catch . Los Angeles @-@ based jewelry designer Jacquie Aiche featured Ratajkowski in a spring 2016 campaign wearing almost nothing but body chains , rings , bracelets , pendants , and chokers . In May , Ratajkowski appeared in the Russian @-@ language music video " Inseparable " ( sometimes translated as " Indivisible " ) with Russian entertainer Dima Bilan as a photographer and Ratajkowski as his muse . As of June 2016 , Ratajkowski has a variety of upcoming roles . She will play Jessica Weintraub , the female lead opposite Spencer Boldman in the film Cruise , which is written and directed by Robert Siegel . Ratajkowski was hired as part of the cast of the film In Darkness , alongside Natalie Dormer , Ed Skrein , and Stacy Martin . She will also be involved in Joe Swanberg 's Netflix series , Easy . In June 2016 , she stated she was filming for Project Runway . Ratajkowski was one of five models to appear on the August 2016 Vogue Germany alternate covers along with Stella Maxwell , irIrina Shayk , Lily Aldridge and Rosie Huntington @-@ Whiteley . = = Personal life = = In February 2014 , Ratajkowski broke up with her boyfriend Andrew Dryden , a creative director and menswear buyer . In September 2014 , Ratajkowski was a victim in a female celebrity hacking and internet posting wave of stolen nude iCloud photographs . In December 2014 , Us Weekly confirmed she had begun dating musician Jeff Magid . Ratajkowski has raised funds , done public service announcements , and committed to a short film promoting reproductive and sexual health for Planned Parenthood ( PPFA ) . She describes PPFA as her main charity because of its role in women 's health . Ratajkowski 's involvement has drawn ire from right to life advocates such as the National Right to Life Committee . Ratajkowski says that she enjoys freedom of sexual expression " while still being a feminist " , and is outspoken about using her celebrity to support the empowerment of women and women 's sexuality . Amanda Hess of Slate questioned whether she is a feminist or an opportunist exploiting feminism . In The New York Times , Ratajkowski expressed her frustration that " society somehow feels that women can 't manage to be political , feminist and a sex symbol " . She has called society 's reaction to the naked female form " weird " . As a woman who enjoys expressions of the body ranging from ballet to pornography , R
[ "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁feels", "▁that", "▁she", "▁can", "▁be", "▁n", "ude", "▁in", "▁her", "▁professional", "▁work", "▁and", "▁also", "▁support", "▁equality", "▁for", "▁women", "▁.", "▁British", "▁G", "Q", "▁'", "s", "▁Charlie", "▁Bur", "ton", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁she", "▁is", "▁a", "▁femin", "ist", "▁with", "▁more", "▁to", "▁say", "▁than", "▁others", "▁.", "▁He", "▁said", "▁that", "▁her", "▁message", "▁is", "▁one", "▁of", "▁sexual", "▁emp", "ower", "ment", "▁,", "▁because", "▁sex", "▁should", "▁not", "▁feel", "▁like", "▁a", "▁service", "▁and", "▁should", "▁be", "▁benef", "icial", "▁to", "▁all", "▁involved", "▁parties", "▁.", "▁Wolf", "▁said", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁is", "▁a", "▁modern", "▁femin", "ist", "▁in", "▁a", "▁Har", "per", "▁'", "s", "▁B", "az", "aar", "▁interview", "▁of", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁def", "ended", "▁her", "▁form", "▁of", "▁femin", "ism", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁the", "▁e", "ve", 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"▁notice", "▁.", "▁", "▁Following", "▁her", "▁letter", "▁and", "▁social", "▁media", "▁statement", "▁,", "▁the", "▁controvers", "y", "▁about", "▁her", "▁femin", "ism", "▁height", "ened", "▁.", "▁P", "iers", "▁Morgan", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁'", "s", "▁form", "▁of", "▁femin", "ism", "▁was", "▁a", "▁mis", "gu", "ided", "▁aff", "ront", "▁to", "▁true", "▁femin", "ism", "▁,", "▁label", "ing", "▁it", "▁pseudo", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁femin", "ist", "▁g", "ib", "ber", "ish", "▁.", "▁After", "▁Morgan", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁femin", "ism", "▁as", "▁it", "▁was", "▁intended", "▁is", "▁dead", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Chicago", "▁Trib", "une", "▁'", "s", "▁He", "idi", "▁Stevens", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁The", "▁Daily", "▁Te", "legraph", "▁'", "s", "▁Helen", "▁P", "ank", "h", "urst", "▁(", "▁Em", "m", "eline", "▁P", "ank", "h", "urst", "▁'", "s", "▁great", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁grand", "d", "augh", "ter", "▁)", "▁said", "▁that", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁neither" ]
atajkowski feels that she can be nude in her professional work and also support equality for women . British GQ 's Charlie Burton stated that she is a feminist with more to say than others . He said that her message is one of sexual empowerment , because sex should not feel like a service and should be beneficial to all involved parties . Wolf said Ratajkowski is a modern feminist in a Harper 's Bazaar interview of Ratajkowski , in which Ratajkowski defended her form of feminism . On the eve of the February 2016 New Hampshire Democratic primary , Ratajkowski spoke at a Bernie Sanders rally in New Hampshire to endorse his campaign . One of the main points of her speech , and her social media activity surrounding it , was to counter Gloria Steinem 's statement that young female Sanders supporters were involved in the campaign ( rather than supporting fellow female Hillary Clinton ) to meet potential male romantic partners . = = Media image = = Ratajkowski has been frequently named in lists and polls that rank beauty or fashion in the media . She was ranked in Maxim 's Hot 100 list in both 2014 ( No. 62 ) and 2015 ( No. 2 ) . AskMen ranked her among its most desirable women of 2014 ( No. 3 ) and 2016 ( No. 14 ) ; while FHM ranked her among the sexiest in 2014 ( No. 4 ) , and 2015 ( No. 18 ) . She is also praised for her fashion sense : Ratajkowski made Vogue Italia 's Best Dressed List of 2015 , and Harper 's Bazaar placed her atop its best dressed list at the February 2016 New York Fashion Week . Ratajkowski 's acting career had a slow start . After a minor acting role in Gone Girl , she played herself in Entourage . In their respective reviews of We Are Your Friends , Richard Roeper and Wesley Morris said that Ratajkowski , again playing the attractive object of affection , again failed to demonstrate acting prowess . Ratajkowski described the pressure that she endured as a youth around her sexuality and her thoughts on female sexual empowerment , in Lena Dunham 's Lenny Letter newsletter on February 16 , 2016 . Elle magazine , Esquire magazine , and Harper 's Bazaar republished her letter . Critics , including Glamour magazine 's Hayley Spencer , The Huffington Post 's Jenavieve Hatch , and Rachael Moon of the Daily Mirror , praised it . According to Cosmopolitan magazine 's Nikki Kinstlinger and Georgia Simmonds of Marie Claire , Ratajkowski finds self @-@ empowerment in defining and owning the expression of her sexuality and body . Salon 's Erin Coulehan described the essay 's identification of a societal catch @-@ 22 , in which showcasing female sexuality that may " offend , excite , or create envy " leads to criticism and body shaming . InStyle 's Isabella Silvers concurred that " female sexuality isn 't always for the benefit of someone else " . Charlotte Gill of The Independent admitted that she was in the minority in finding the letter " rambling " and " dull " . Ratajkowski defended Kim Kardashian from criticism when Kardashian posted a controversial naked selfie on Instagram in March , saying that women have the right to " express their sexuality and share their bodies however they choose " . Then , Kardashian and Ratajkowski jointly advocated via social media for female sexual empowerment and against body shaming ; nearly one million social media followers responded positively , and prominent global media outlets took notice . Following her letter and social media statement , the controversy about her feminism heightened . Piers Morgan stated that Ratajkowski 's form of feminism was a misguided affront to true feminism , labeling it pseudo @-@ feminist gibberish . After Morgan wrote that " feminism as it was intended is dead " , the Chicago Tribune 's Heidi Stevens , as well as The Daily Telegraph 's Helen Pankhurst ( Emmeline Pankhurst 's great @-@ granddaughter ) said that Ratajkowski neither
[ "▁killed", "▁nor", "▁bol", "ster", "ed", "▁femin", "ism", "▁.", "▁Women", "▁'", "s", "▁W", "ear", "▁Daily", "▁'", "s", "▁Taylor", "▁Harris", "▁question", "ed", "▁the", "▁impact", "▁of", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁'", "s", "▁femin", "ism", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Independent", "▁'", "s", "▁Gill", "▁question", "ed", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁'", "s", "▁femin", "ism", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁that", "▁her", "▁professional", "▁activities", "▁\"", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁advoc", "ate", "▁indust", "ries", "▁that", "▁treat", "▁us", "▁as", "▁pieces", "▁of", "▁meat", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "ather", "▁Sa", "ul", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Independent", "▁wrote", "▁in", "▁support", "▁of", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁in", "▁an", "▁article", "▁subt", "itled", "▁\"", "▁R", "ata", "j", "kow", "ski", "▁is", "▁becoming", "▁an", "▁important", "▁femin", "ist", "▁voice", "▁in", "▁the", "▁debate", "▁over", "▁female", "▁c", "ensor", "ship", "▁and", "▁sexual", "ity", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁New", "▁York", "▁'", "s", 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"▁Creek", "▁event", "▁,", "▁believed", "▁to", "▁mostly", "▁a", "▁peri", "pher", "al", "▁event", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Black", "▁Haw", "k", "▁War", "▁was", "▁followed", "▁on", "▁by", "▁more", "▁violence", "▁preceding", "▁the", "▁attack", "▁at", "▁Sp", "aff", "ord", "▁Farm", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁P", "rel", "ude", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Sp", "aff", "ord", "▁Farm", "▁mass", "acre", "▁,", "▁also", "▁known", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Wayne", "▁mass", "acre", "▁,", "▁occurred", "▁in", "▁La", "F", "ay", "ette", "▁County", "▁,", "▁Wisconsin", "▁,", "▁near", "▁present", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁South", "▁Wayne", "▁,", "▁Wisconsin", "▁during", "▁the", "▁course", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Black", "▁Haw", "k", "▁War", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁land", "▁claim", "▁in", "▁La", "f", "ay", "ette", "▁County", "▁was", "▁made", "▁in", "▁tan", "dem", "▁by", "▁Om", "ri", "▁Sp", "aff", "ord", "▁and", "▁Francis", "▁Sp", "encer", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "0", "▁.", "▁The", "▁location", "▁that", "▁become", "▁known", "▁as", "▁Sp", "aff", "ord", "▁Farm", "▁,", "▁was", "▁located", "▁near", "▁the", "▁j", "unction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sp", "aff", "ord", "▁'", "s", "▁Branch", "▁and", "▁the", "▁P", "ec", "aton", "ica", "▁River", "▁.", "▁The", "▁pair", "▁made", "▁many", "▁improvements", "▁on", "▁the", "▁land", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁on", "set", "▁of", "▁the", "▁war", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "2", "▁.", "▁Pres", "ent", "▁at", "▁Sp", "aff", "ord", "▁Farm", "▁the", "▁day", "▁of", "▁the", "▁mass", "acre", "▁besides", "▁Sp", "aff", "ord", "▁was", "▁Sp", "encer", "▁,", "▁Ben", "nett", "▁Mill", "ion", "▁,", "▁Abraham", "▁S", "ear", "les", "▁,", "▁James", "▁Mc", "Ill", "wa", "ine", "▁,", "▁and", "▁an", "▁English", "man", "▁identified", "▁only", "▁by", "▁the", "▁mon", "iker", "▁\"", "▁John", "▁Bull", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁but", "▁probably", "▁being", "▁John", "▁Com", "pton", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Mass", "acre", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁June", "▁", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "2", "▁the", "▁six", "▁men", "▁were", "▁sent", "▁from", "▁Fort", "▁Hamilton", "▁to", "▁work", "▁on", "▁Sp", "aff", "ord", "▁Farm", "▁.", "▁The", "▁group", "▁had", "▁just", "▁comm", "enced" ]
killed nor bolstered feminism . Women 's Wear Daily 's Taylor Harris questioned the impact of Ratajkowski 's feminism . The Independent 's Gill questioned Ratajkowski 's feminism , saying that her professional activities " continued to advocate industries that treat us as pieces of meat " . Heather Saul of The Independent wrote in support of Ratajkowski in an article subtitled " Ratajkowski is becoming an important feminist voice in the debate over female censorship and sexuality " . New York 's Allie Jones called Ratajkowski " the best feminist celeb " . = = Filmography = = = = = Film = = = = = = Television = = = = = = Music videos = = = = = Magazine cover history = = = Spafford Farm massacre = The Spafford Farm massacre , also referred to as the Wayne massacre , was an attack upon U.S. militia and civilians that occurred as part of the Black Hawk War near present @-@ day South Wayne , Wisconsin . Spafford Farm was settled in 1830 by Omri Spafford and his partner Francis Spencer . Before the war started they made numerous improvements to the parcel of land . On June 14 , 1832 five men were attacked by a Kickapoo war party , three whites were killed instantly , including Spafford . In total at least one Native and four white settlers were killed in the action . Two men managed to escape , though one was fooled into thinking Fort Hamilton had been overtaken by a group of friendly Menominee for days before he finally sought refuge there . The incident at Spafford Farm eventually led to the Battle of Horseshoe Bend ( also known as the Battle of Pecatonica ) . = = Background = = As a consequence of an 1804 treaty between the Governor of Indiana Territory and a group of Sauk and Fox leaders regarding land settlement , in 1828 the Sauk and Fox tribes vacated their lands in Illinois and moved west of the Mississippi River . However , Sauk Black Hawk and others disputed the treaty , claiming that the full tribal councils had not been consulted , nor did those representing the tribes have authorization to cede land . Angered by the loss of his birthplace , Black Hawk led a number of incursions across the Mississippi River beginning in 1830 . Each time , he was persuaded without bloodshed to return west . In April 1832 , encouraged by promises of alliance with other tribes and the British , he again moved his so @-@ called " British Band " of around 1 @,@ 000 warriors and civilians into Illinois . Finding no allies , he attempted to return to Iowa , but events overtook him and led to the Battle of Stillman 's Run . A number of other engagements followed , and the state militias of Wisconsin and Illinois were mobilized to hunt down Black Hawk 's band . The ensuing conflict became known as the Black Hawk War . On May 19 , a group of militia volunteers were ambushed at Buffalo Grove and the same day as the raid at Plum River , May 21 , a more famous war event , the Indian Creek massacre , occurred . The Indian Creek event , believed to mostly a peripheral event to the Black Hawk War was followed on by more violence preceding the attack at Spafford Farm . = = Prelude = = The Spafford Farm massacre , also known as the Wayne massacre , occurred in LaFayette County , Wisconsin , near present @-@ day South Wayne , Wisconsin during the course of the Black Hawk War . The first land claim in Lafayette County was made in tandem by Omri Spafford and Francis Spencer in 1830 . The location that become known as Spafford Farm , was located near the junction of the Spafford 's Branch and the Pecatonica River . The pair made many improvements on the land prior to the onset of the war in 1832 . Present at Spafford Farm the day of the massacre besides Spafford was Spencer , Bennett Million , Abraham Searles , James McIllwaine , and an Englishman identified only by the moniker " John Bull " , but probably being John Compton . = = Massacre = = On June 14 , 1832 the six men were sent from Fort Hamilton to work on Spafford Farm . The group had just commenced
[ "▁working", "▁when", "▁they", "▁were", "▁attacked", "▁by", "▁a", "▁band", "▁of", "▁K", "ick", "ap", "oo", "▁war", "riors", "▁.", "▁The", "▁war", "riors", "▁had", "▁conce", "aled", "▁themselves", "▁in", "▁some", "▁trees", "▁near", "▁the", "▁farm", "st", "ead", "▁and", "▁opened", "▁fire", "▁in", "▁a", "▁surprise", "▁attack", "▁.", "▁The", "▁men", "▁dropped", "▁their", "▁tools", "▁and", "▁broke", "▁for", "▁the", "▁P", "ec", "aton", "ica", "▁River", "▁,", "▁reaching", "▁the", "▁river", "▁and", "▁making", "▁a", "▁hast", "y", "▁crossing", "▁.", "▁Having", "▁crossed", "▁the", "▁river", "▁,", "▁four", "▁of", "▁the", "▁men", "▁were", "▁shot", "▁as", "▁they", "▁cl", "am", "ber", "ed", "▁up", "▁the", "▁opposite", "▁bank", "▁.", "▁", "▁Sp", "aff", "ord", "▁,", "▁S", "ear", "les", "▁and", "▁Mc", "Ill", "wa", "ine", "▁were", "▁killed", "▁instantly", "▁in", "▁the", "▁me", "lee", "▁;", "▁also", "▁killed", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁Bull", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁probably", "▁John", "▁Com", "pton", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Sp", 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"▁He", "▁was", "▁diagn", "osed", "▁with", "▁mes", "oth", "eli", "oma", "▁,", "▁and", "▁,", "▁seeing", "▁her", "▁grand", "father", "▁near", "ing", "▁death", "▁,", "▁C", "yrus", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁write", "▁him", "▁a", "▁song", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁his", "▁dece", "ase", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁released", "▁to", "▁Radio", "▁Disney", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁as", "▁promotion", "▁for", "▁the", "▁dual", "▁disc", "▁Hann", "ah", "▁Mont", "ana", "▁", "2", "▁:", "▁Me", "et", "▁M", "iley", "▁C", "yrus", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁is", "▁a", "▁ball", "ad", "▁with", "▁rock", "▁and", "▁country", "▁influ", "ences", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁song", "▁received", "▁generally", "▁positive", "▁reviews", "▁from", "▁music", "▁critics", "▁;", "▁some", "▁commented", "▁on", "▁how", "▁it", "▁devi", "ated", "▁from", "▁her", "▁usual", "▁material", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁and", "▁how", "▁effective", "▁the", "▁message", "▁was", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁appeared", "▁on", "▁two", "▁United", "▁States", "▁charts", "▁:", "▁it", "▁pe", "aked", "▁at", "▁number", "▁nine", "▁on", "▁B", "ub", "bling", "▁Under", "▁Hot", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁Singles", "▁,", "▁an", "▁extension", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Billboard", "▁Hot", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁chart", "▁,", "▁and", "▁at" ]
working when they were attacked by a band of Kickapoo warriors . The warriors had concealed themselves in some trees near the farmstead and opened fire in a surprise attack . The men dropped their tools and broke for the Pecatonica River , reaching the river and making a hasty crossing . Having crossed the river , four of the men were shot as they clambered up the opposite bank . Spafford , Searles and McIllwaine were killed instantly in the melee ; also killed was " Bull " ( probably John Compton ) . Spencer and 17 @-@ year @-@ old Million were able to escape the attackers . Million escaped by jumping into the Pecatonica River , hiding in brush and making his way to Fort Hamilton . Spencer 's escape was a longer process . He did not jump into the river , but hid along the banks . One of the attackers pursued him but Spencer killed the warrior before he could be overtaken . He wandered the woods for several days before reaching Fort Hamilton . Spencer reached Fort Hamilton around the same time that Colonel William S. Hamilton arrived with a large group of Menominee who had volunteered against the Sauk and Fox . Afraid that the fort had also been attacked , Spencer retreated back into the woods . He avoided the fort for between six and nine days , when hunger finally drove him into the open where he realized his mistake . = = Aftermath = = Word of the attack at Spafford 's farm spread quickly to Fort Defiance , about five miles southeast of Mineral Point . A small volunteer force of 13 men was assembled at Fort Defiance and they set off to hunt down the band of Native Americans responsible for the massacre . The group reached Fort Hamilton at around midnight on June 15 . On the morning of June 15 survivor , Bennett Million guided the militia volunteers back to the site of the massacre ; one of the volunteers was Alexander Higgenbotham , a survivor of the St. Vrain massacre . The bodies of the dead were badly mutilated and Spafford 's corpse was headless ; his head was found scalped and tossed into the grass along the river bank . The volunteers buried the mangled bodies of the fallen and searched in vain for Spencer , whom they also assumed dead . Colonel Henry Dodge was at Gratiot 's Grove when the war descended upon Spafford Farm , having just sent his volunteers to their forts to resupply and recuperate . Shortly after he arrived back at his home fort , he received word of the Aubrey murder at Fort Blue Mounds and the incident at Spafford Farm . Dodge ordered militia detachments from Fort Defiance , Fort Jackson , and Fort Hamilton to the scene of the massacre . After the massacre , General Henry Atkinson was informed that Dodge was to take over General Alexander Posey 's brigade at Fort Hamilton . While Dodge was on his way to visit the brigade , he heard a rifle shot from a group of Native Americans . Dodge quickly returned to his command post and gathered as many men as he could to pursue the enemy . With Dodge in quick pursuit , a group of approximately 25 Native warriors criss @-@ crossed the Pecatonica River until , finding flight hopeless , they prepared to make a stand at the Battle of Pecatonica . = I Miss You ( Miley Cyrus song ) = " I Miss You " is a song by American recording artist , Miley Cyrus . It was co @-@ written by Cyrus ( credited under her birth name Destiny Hope Cyrus ) , Brian Green , Wendy Foy Green , and produced by Brian Green . " I Miss You " is a homage to Cyrus ' late grandfather , Ron Cyrus , who died in February 28 , 2006 . He was diagnosed with mesothelioma , and , seeing her grandfather nearing death , Cyrus wanted to write him a song prior to his decease . It was released to Radio Disney mid @-@ year 2007 as promotion for the dual disc Hannah Montana 2 : Meet Miley Cyrus . The song is a ballad with rock and country influences . The song received generally positive reviews from music critics ; some commented on how it deviated from her usual material at the time and how effective the message was . " I Miss You " appeared on two United States charts : it peaked at number nine on Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles , an extension of the Billboard Hot 100 chart , and at
[ "▁number", "▁nin", "ety", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁two", "▁on", "▁the", "▁def", "unct", "▁Pop", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁C", "yrus", "▁performed", "▁the", "▁song", "▁on", "▁ac", "oust", "ic", "▁guitar", "▁as", "▁an", "▁encore", "▁at", "▁several", "▁stops", "▁on", "▁her", "▁first", "▁head", "lin", "ing", "▁concert", "▁tour", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Best", "▁of", "▁Both", "▁World", "s", "▁Tour", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁–", "▁", "0", "8", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Background", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁singer", "▁had", "▁a", "▁very", "▁close", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁her", "▁pat", "ernal", "▁grand", "father", "▁,", "▁Ron", "▁C", "yrus", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Democratic", "▁legisl", "ator", "▁in", "▁the", "▁state", "▁of", "▁Kentucky", "▁and", "▁public", "▁servant", "▁,", "▁whom", "▁she", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁P", "appy", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁diagn", "osed", "▁with", "▁mes", "oth", "eli", "oma", "▁,", "▁a", "▁rare", "▁form", "▁of", "▁cancer", "▁that", "▁develop", "s", "▁from", "▁the", "▁protect", "ive", "▁l", "ining", "▁that", "▁covers", "▁many", "▁of", "▁the", "▁body", "▁'", "s", "▁internal", "▁org", "ans", "▁,", "▁and", "▁strugg", "led", "▁with", "▁the", "▁ill", "ness", "▁for", "▁several", "▁years", "▁as", "▁result", "▁of", "▁expos", "ure", "▁to", "▁as", "best", "os", "▁.", "▁C", "yrus", "▁then", "▁re", "located", "▁from", "▁Franklin", "▁,", "▁Tennessee", "▁to", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁,", "▁California", "▁to", "▁commence", "▁work", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Disney", "▁Channel", "▁original", "▁series", "▁Hann", "ah", "▁Mont", "ana", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁sight", "▁of", "▁her", "▁grand", "father", "▁a", "iling", "▁from", "▁af", "ar", "▁,", "▁C", "yrus", "▁was", "▁inspired", "▁to", "▁compose", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁her", "▁aut", "obi", "ography", "▁Mil", "es", "▁to", "▁Go", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁)", "▁,", "▁she", "▁explained", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁That", "▁'", "s", "▁how", "▁I", "▁ended", "▁up", "▁writing", "▁the", "▁song", "▁'", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁'", "▁for", "▁P", "appy", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁so", "▁sick", "▁.", "▁I", "▁knew", "▁he", "▁was", "▁dying", "▁,", "▁and", "▁slowly", "▁so", "▁did", "▁my", "▁heart", "▁.", "▁I", "▁couldn", "▁'", "t", "▁imagine", "▁life", "▁without", "▁him", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁wrote", "▁the", "▁song", "▁with", "▁her", "▁mother", "▁'", "s", "▁dear", "▁friends", "▁Wend", "y", "▁F", "oy", "▁Green", "▁and", "▁Brian", "▁Green", "▁,", "▁and", "▁described", "▁it", "▁as", "▁the", "▁most", "▁difficult", "▁song", "▁for", "▁her", "▁write", "▁because", "▁of", "▁the", "▁subject", "▁matter", "▁.", "▁C", "yrus", "▁attempted", "▁to", "▁halt", "▁writing", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁telling", "▁her", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁writers", "▁she", "▁could", "▁not", "▁bear", "▁anymore", "▁.", "▁", "▁However", "▁,", "▁C", "yrus", "▁later", "▁desired", "▁to", "▁res", "ume", "▁writing", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁she", "▁\"", "▁knew", "▁what", "▁[", "▁her", "▁]", "▁heart", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁say", "▁,", "▁and", "▁whatever", "▁is", "▁in", "▁[", "▁her", "▁]", "▁heart", "▁finds", "▁its", "▁way", "▁to", "▁[", "▁her", "▁]", "▁f", "ing", "ert", "ips", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Moreover", "▁,", "▁she", "▁desired", "▁for", "▁her", "▁grand", "father", "▁to", "▁listen", "▁to", "▁the", "▁song", "▁before", "▁passing", "▁away", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁C", "yrus", "▁was", "▁never", "▁able", "▁to", "▁sing", "▁it", "▁for", "▁him", "▁,", "▁her", "▁father", "▁played", "▁a", "▁quick", "▁cut", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁Ron", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁his", "▁life", "▁.", "▁The", "▁singer", "▁said", "▁she", "▁liked", "▁to", "▁believe", "▁that", "▁the", "▁song", "▁gave", "▁her", "▁grand", "father", "▁hope", "▁,", "▁in", "▁a", "▁similar", "▁fashion", "▁which", "▁he", "▁gave", "▁and", "▁continues", "▁to", "▁give", "▁hope", "▁to", "▁her", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁", "7", "0", "▁,", "▁Ron", "▁C", "yrus", "▁died", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "2", "8", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁,", "▁two", "▁days", "▁prior", "▁the", "▁red", "▁car", "pet", "▁premi", "ere", "▁of", "▁Hann", "ah", "▁Mont", "ana", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁'", "s", "▁a", "▁Sup", "ers", "ne", "ak", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁C", "yrus", "▁sang", "▁a", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁song", "▁as", "▁M", "iley", "▁Stewart", "▁,", "▁in", "▁memory", "▁of", "▁the", "▁character", "▁'", "s", "▁late", "▁mother", "▁.", "▁C", "yrus", "▁then", "▁recorded", "▁the", "▁song", "▁for", "▁her", "▁debut", "▁album", "▁,", "▁Me", "et", "▁M", "iley", "▁C", "yrus", "▁.", "▁The", "▁singer", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁having", "▁personal", "▁significance", "▁to", "▁her", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁could", "▁have", "▁a", "▁variety", "▁of", "▁mean", "ings", "▁for", "▁distinct", "▁people", "▁in", "▁diver", "gent", "▁situations", "▁,", "▁including", "▁moving", "▁away", "▁from", "▁home", "▁,", "▁the", "▁loss", "▁of", "▁a", "▁parent", "▁,", "▁or", "▁a", "▁break", "up", "▁in", "▁a", "▁rom", "antic", "▁relationship", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Com", "position", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁a", "▁pop", "▁music", "▁song", "▁with", "▁a", "▁length", "▁of", "▁three", "▁minutes", "▁and", "▁fifty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁eight", "▁seconds", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁a", "▁ball", "ad", "▁that", "▁maintain", "s", "▁low", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁key", "▁with", "▁an", "▁ac", "oust", "ic", "▁sty", "ling", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁influenced", "▁by", "▁elements", "▁of", "▁the", "▁country", "▁music", "▁genre", "▁;", "▁never", "theless", "▁,", "▁it", "▁has", "▁a", "▁rock", "▁music", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁musical", "▁arrangement", "▁,", "▁re", "lying", "▁prom", "in", "ently", "▁on", "▁a", "▁gentle", "▁str", "um", "ming", "▁guitar", "▁for", "▁instrument", "ation", "▁.", "▁Writ", "ten", "▁in", "▁the", "▁key", "▁of", "▁B", "▁", "♭", "▁major", "▁but", "▁will", "▁trans", "pose", "▁at", "▁the", "▁key", "▁of", "▁C", "▁major", "▁at", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁bridge", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁set", "▁in", "▁common", "▁time", "▁with", "▁a", "▁tempo", "▁of", "▁", "8", "5", "▁be", "ats", "▁per", "▁minute", "▁.", "▁C", "yrus", "▁'", "▁low", "▁and", "▁thro", "aty", "▁vocals", "▁span", "▁a", "▁one", "▁oct", "ave", "▁,", "▁r", "anging", "▁from", "▁G", "3", "▁to", "▁B", "▁", "♭", "▁", "4", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁has", "▁the", "▁following", "▁ch", "ord", "▁pro", "gression", "▁,", "▁B", "▁", "♭", "▁–", "▁G", "m", "7", "▁–", "▁F", "▁–", "▁F", "▁–", "▁F", "s", "us", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "ception", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Crit", "ical", "▁reception", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁has", "▁received", "▁generally", "▁positive", "▁reviews", "▁from", "▁music", "▁critics", "▁.", "▁He", "ather", "▁Ph", "ares", "▁of", "▁All", "music", "▁compl", "iment", "ed", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁categor", "ized", "▁it", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tracks", "▁on", "▁Me", "et", "▁M", "iley", "▁C", "yrus", "▁that", "▁b", "ared", "▁much", "▁res", "embl", "ance", "▁to", "▁Hann", "ah", "▁Mont", "ana", "▁songs", "▁.", "▁Andy", "▁Web", "ster", "▁of", "▁The", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Times", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁do", "le", "ful", "▁as", "▁it", "▁gets", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Andy", "▁S", "ple", "t", "zer", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Seattle", "▁Post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Int", "ell", "igen", "cer", "▁believed", "▁the", "▁track", "▁had", "▁a", "▁level", "▁a", "▁sin", "cer", "ity", "▁that", "▁was", "▁void", "▁from", "▁the", "▁remainder", "▁of", "▁C", "yrus", "▁'", "▁re", "per", "toire", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁.", "▁He", "▁added", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁songs", "▁are", "▁more", "▁guitar", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁driven", "▁,", "▁the", "▁out", "f", "its", "▁more", "▁adult", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁imply", "▁a", "▁string", "▁of", "▁bad", "▁boy", "fri", "ends", "▁--", "▁but", "▁it", "▁feels", "▁like", "▁imag", "inary", "▁drama", "▁taken", "▁from", "▁high", "▁school", "▁poetry", "▁,", "▁as", "▁if", "▁she" ]
number ninety @-@ two on the defunct Pop 100 . Cyrus performed the song on acoustic guitar as an encore at several stops on her first headlining concert tour , the Best of Both Worlds Tour ( 2007 – 08 ) . = = Background = = The singer had a very close relationship with her paternal grandfather , Ron Cyrus , a Democratic legislator in the state of Kentucky and public servant , whom she referred to as " Pappy " . He was diagnosed with mesothelioma , a rare form of cancer that develops from the protective lining that covers many of the body 's internal organs , and struggled with the illness for several years as result of exposure to asbestos . Cyrus then relocated from Franklin , Tennessee to Los Angeles , California to commence work on the Disney Channel original series Hannah Montana . At the sight of her grandfather ailing from afar , Cyrus was inspired to compose " I Miss You " . In her autobiography Miles to Go ( 2009 ) , she explained , " That 's how I ended up writing the song ' I Miss You ' for Pappy . He was so sick . I knew he was dying , and slowly so did my heart . I couldn 't imagine life without him . " She co @-@ wrote the song with her mother 's dear friends Wendy Foy Green and Brian Green , and described it as the most difficult song for her write because of the subject matter . Cyrus attempted to halt writing " I Miss You " , telling her co @-@ writers she could not bear anymore . However , Cyrus later desired to resume writing , saying she " knew what [ her ] heart wanted to say , and whatever is in [ her ] heart finds its way to [ her ] fingertips . " Moreover , she desired for her grandfather to listen to the song before passing away . Although Cyrus was never able to sing it for him , her father played a quick cut of " I Miss You " for Ron towards the end of his life . The singer said she liked to believe that the song gave her grandfather hope , in a similar fashion which he gave and continues to give hope to her . At the age of 70 , Ron Cyrus died on February 28 , 2006 , two days prior the red carpet premiere of Hannah Montana . In the episode " She 's a Supersneak " , Cyrus sang a part of the song as Miley Stewart , in memory of the character 's late mother . Cyrus then recorded the song for her debut album , Meet Miley Cyrus . The singer believed that , despite having personal significance to her , " I Miss You " could have a variety of meanings for distinct people in divergent situations , including moving away from home , the loss of a parent , or a breakup in a romantic relationship . = = Composition = = " I Miss You " is a pop music song with a length of three minutes and fifty @-@ eight seconds . It is a ballad that maintains low @-@ key with an acoustic styling . " I Miss You " is influenced by elements of the country music genre ; nevertheless , it has a rock music @-@ based musical arrangement , relying prominently on a gentle strumming guitar for instrumentation . Written in the key of B ♭ major but will transpose at the key of C major at the end of the bridge , " I Miss You " is set in common time with a tempo of 85 beats per minute . Cyrus ' low and throaty vocals span a one octave , ranging from G3 to B ♭ 4 . The song has the following chord progression , B ♭ – Gm7 – F – F – Fsus . = = Reception = = = = = Critical reception = = = " I Miss You " has received generally positive reviews from music critics . Heather Phares of Allmusic complimented " I Miss You " , and categorized it as one of the tracks on Meet Miley Cyrus that bared much resemblance to Hannah Montana songs . Andy Webster of The New York Times wrote that " I Miss You " is " as doleful as it gets " . Andy Spletzer of the Seattle Post @-@ Intelligencer believed the track had a level a sincerity that was void from the remainder of Cyrus ' repertoire at the time . He added , " The songs are more guitar @-@ driven , the outfits more adult , and the lyrics imply a string of bad boyfriends -- but it feels like imaginary drama taken from high school poetry , as if she
[ "▁'", "s", "▁pret", "ending", "▁to", "▁be", "▁older", "▁than", "▁she", "▁is", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁a", "▁similar", "▁note", "▁,", "▁E", "ly", "sa", "▁Gard", "ner", "▁of", "▁USA", "▁Today", "▁stated", "▁the", "▁song", "▁was", "▁the", "▁exception", "▁to", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁heavy", "▁on", "▁flash", "▁and", "▁fant", "asy", "▁\"", "▁that", "▁character", "ized", "▁C", "yrus", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁.", "▁Joseph", "▁P", ".", "▁K", "ahn", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Boston", "▁Glo", "be", "▁mentioned", "▁the", "▁song", "▁while", "▁remark", "ing", "▁that", "▁C", "yrus", "▁'", "▁songs", "▁sur", "pass", "▁much", "▁of", "▁the", "▁music", "▁played", "▁on", "▁Radio", "▁Disney", "▁.", "▁M", "ait", "land", "▁Mc", "Don", "agh", "▁of", "▁TV", "▁Guide", "▁believed", "▁the", "▁track", "▁a", "▁was", "▁a", "▁clear", "▁demonstr", "ation", "▁of", "▁how", "▁affection", "ate", "▁C", "yrus", "▁was", "▁with", "▁her", "▁grand", "father", "▁.", "▁Kelly", "▁Jane", "▁Tor", "rance", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Washington", "▁Times", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁an", "▁un", "predict", "able", "▁effort", "▁,", "▁which", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁her", "▁,", "▁was", "▁both", "▁em", "path", "etic", "▁and", "▁executed", "▁properly", "▁,", "▁from", "▁C", "yrus", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Chart", "▁performance", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁the", "▁week", "▁ending", "▁July", "▁", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁deb", "uted", "▁on", "▁two", "▁US", "▁Billboard", "▁charts", "▁.", "▁It", "▁entered", "▁at", "▁number", "▁nine", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Billboard", "▁Hot", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁extension", "▁,", "▁the", "▁B", "ub", "bling", "▁Under", "▁Hot", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁Singles", "▁chart", "▁,", "▁and", "▁at", "▁number", "▁nin", "ety", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁two", "▁in", "▁its", "▁only", "▁week", "▁on", "▁the", "▁dis", "cont", "in", "ued", "▁Pop", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁chart", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁week", "▁,", "▁the", "▁song", "▁fell", "▁to", "▁number", "▁twenty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁five", "▁in", "▁its", "▁second", "▁and", "▁final", "▁appearance", "▁on", "▁the", "▁B", "ub", "bling", "▁Under", "▁Hot", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁Singles", "▁chart", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Live", "▁performances", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁C", "yrus", "▁performed", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁an", "▁encore", "▁on", "▁sp", "or", "adic", "▁dates", "▁of", "▁her", "▁first", "▁head", "lin", "ing", "▁tour", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Best", "▁of", "▁Both", "▁World", "s", "▁Tour", "▁,", "▁which", "▁extended", "▁from", "▁October", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁to", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁.", "▁The", "▁tour", "▁'", "s", "▁concert", "▁film", "▁uses", "▁the", "▁performance", "▁within", "▁the", "▁set", "▁,", "▁although", "▁it", "▁was", "▁not", "▁performed", "▁as", "▁such", "▁.", "▁The", "▁performance", "▁had", "▁C", "yrus", "▁dressed", "▁in", "▁a", "▁white", "▁tank", "▁top", "▁,", "▁blue", "▁card", "igan", "▁,", "▁and", "▁den", "im", "▁p", "ants", "▁,", "▁and", "▁sole", "▁on", "▁the", "▁stage", "▁.", "▁She", "▁sat", "▁on", "▁a", "▁st", "ool", "▁that", "▁placed", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁run", "away", "▁,", "▁performing", "▁with", "▁an", "▁ac", "oust", "ic", "▁guitar", "▁,", "▁as", "▁images", "▁and", "▁home", "▁foot", "age", "▁of", "▁Ron", "▁C", "yrus", "▁appeared", "▁on", "▁the", "▁screens", "▁.", "▁Chris", "▁William", "▁of", "▁Entertainment", "▁Week", "ly", "▁attended", "▁the", "▁November", "▁", "8", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁concert", "▁at", "▁the", "▁San", "▁Diego", "▁Sports", "▁Arena", "▁in", "▁San", "▁Diego", "▁,", "▁California", "▁,", "▁and", "▁wrote", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁So", "▁it", "▁was", "▁especially", "▁sweet", "▁when", "▁,", "▁for", "▁the", "▁encore", "▁,", "▁she", "▁d", "itch", "ed", "▁the", "▁d", "anc", "ers", "▁and", "▁enh", "anc", "ers", "▁and", "▁str", "um", "med", "▁an", "▁ac", "oust", "ic", "▁guitar", "▁on", "▁'", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁,", "▁'", "▁vulner", "ably", "▁ser", "en", "ading", "▁her", "▁late", "▁grand", "p", "appy", "▁—", "▁and", "▁,", "▁for", "▁once", "▁,", "▁really", "▁looking", "▁and", "▁sound", "ing", "▁", "1", "4", "▁.", "▁Not", "▁everyone", "▁noticed", "▁because", "▁,", "▁when", "▁she", "▁finished", "▁,", "▁half", "▁the", "▁seats", "▁were", "▁empty", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Al", "ison", "▁Bon", "ag", "uro", "▁D", "ress", "ed", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Chicago", "▁Trib", "une", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁its", "▁simplicity", "▁,", "▁the", "▁performance", "▁on", "▁December", "▁", "8", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁at", "▁the", "▁All", "state", "▁Arena", "▁in", "▁Ros", "em", "ont", "▁,", "▁Illinois", "▁felt", "▁like", "▁as", "▁though", "▁it", "▁was", "▁the", "▁largest", "▁production", "▁of", "▁all", "▁.", "▁In", "▁a", "▁gray", "▁sh", "irt", "▁and", "▁black", "▁p", "ants", "▁,", "▁C", "yrus", "▁performed", "▁the", "▁song", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁Re", "ady", "▁,", "▁Set", "▁,", "▁Don", "▁'", "t", "▁Go", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Best", "▁of", "▁Both", "▁World", "s", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁on", "▁The", "▁Op", "rah", "▁W", "inf", "rey", "▁Show", "▁on", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁as", "▁a", "▁screen", "▁displayed", "▁a", "▁light", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁blue", "▁background", "▁.", "▁On", "▁October", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁Saturday", "▁Night", "▁Live", "▁sk", "it", "▁,", "▁C", "yrus", "▁performed", "▁an", "▁ex", "cer", "pt", "▁from", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Miss", "▁You", "▁\"", "▁with", "▁actress", "▁Van", "essa", "▁Bayer", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ch", "arts", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁", "5", "5", "▁Can", "cri", "▁b", "▁=", "▁", "▁", "5", "5", "▁Can", "cri", "▁b", "▁(", "▁abbre", "vi", "ated", "▁", "5", "5", "▁C", "nc", "▁b", "▁)", "▁,", "▁occasionally", "▁designated", "▁", "5", "5", "▁Can", "cri", "▁Ab", "▁(", "▁to", "▁distinguish", "▁it", "▁from", "▁the", "▁star", "▁", "5", "5", "▁Can", "cri", "▁B", "▁)", "▁,", "▁also", "▁named", "▁Gal", "ile", "o", "▁,", "▁is", "▁an", "▁ex", "tras", "olar", "▁planet", "▁orbit", "ing", "▁the", "▁Sun", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁like", "▁star", "▁", "5", "5", "▁Can", "cri", "▁A", "▁every", "▁", "1", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "5", "▁days", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁the", "▁second", "▁planet", "▁in", "▁order", "▁of", "▁distance", "▁from", "▁its", "▁star", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁an", "▁example", "▁of", "▁a", "▁hot", "▁Jup", "iter", "▁,", "▁or", "▁possibly", "▁rather", "▁\"", "▁warm", "▁Jup", "iter", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁the", "▁International", "▁Astronom", "ical", "▁Union", "▁launched", "▁a", "▁process", "▁for", "▁giving", "▁proper", "▁names", "▁to", "▁certain", "▁ex", "op", "lan", "ets", "▁and", "▁their", "▁host", "▁stars", "▁.", "▁The", "▁process", "▁involved", "▁public", "▁nom", "ination", "▁and", "▁voting", "▁for", "▁the", "▁new", "▁names", "▁.", "▁In", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁the", "▁I", "AU", "▁announced", "▁the", "▁winning", "▁name", "▁was", "▁Gal", "ile", "o", "▁for", "▁this", "▁planet", "▁.", "▁The", "▁winning", "▁name", "▁was", "▁submitted", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Netherlands", "▁Association", "▁for", "▁Meteor", "ology", "▁and", "▁Astronom", "y", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Netherlands", "▁.", "▁It", "▁hon", "ors", "▁early", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "7", "th", "▁century", "▁astronom", "er", "▁and", "▁phys", "ic", "ist", "▁Gal", "ile", "o", "▁Gal", "ile", "i", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Disc", "overy", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁", "5", "5", "▁Can", "cri", "▁b", "▁was", "▁discovered", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁by", "▁Geoff", "rey", "▁Mar", "cy", "▁and", "▁R", ".", "▁Paul", "▁Butler", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁known", "▁ex", "tras", "olar", "▁planet", "▁,", "▁ex", "cluding", "▁p", "uls", "ar", "▁plan", "ets", "▁.", "▁Like", "▁the", "▁majority", "▁of", "▁known", "▁ex", "tras", "olar", "▁plan", "ets", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁discovered", "▁by", "▁detect", "ing", "▁variations", "▁in", "▁its", "▁star", "▁'", "s", "▁radial", "▁velocity", "▁caused", "▁by", "▁the", "▁planet", "▁'" ]
's pretending to be older than she is . " In a similar note , Elysa Gardner of USA Today stated the song was the exception to the " heavy on flash and fantasy " that characterized Cyrus at the time . Joseph P. Kahn of the Boston Globe mentioned the song while remarking that Cyrus ' songs surpass much of the music played on Radio Disney . Maitland McDonagh of TV Guide believed the track a was a clear demonstration of how affectionate Cyrus was with her grandfather . Kelly Jane Torrance of The Washington Times said " I Miss You " was an unpredictable effort , which , according to her , was both empathetic and executed properly , from Cyrus . = = = Chart performance = = = On the week ending July 14 , 2007 , " I Miss You " debuted on two US Billboard charts . It entered at number nine on the Billboard Hot 100 extension , the Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles chart , and at number ninety @-@ two in its only week on the discontinued Pop 100 chart . The following week , the song fell to number twenty @-@ five in its second and final appearance on the Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles chart . = = Live performances = = Cyrus performed " I Miss You " as an encore on sporadic dates of her first headlining tour , the Best of Both Worlds Tour , which extended from October 2007 to January 2008 . The tour 's concert film uses the performance within the set , although it was not performed as such . The performance had Cyrus dressed in a white tank top , blue cardigan , and denim pants , and sole on the stage . She sat on a stool that placed towards the end of the runaway , performing with an acoustic guitar , as images and home footage of Ron Cyrus appeared on the screens . Chris William of Entertainment Weekly attended the November 8 , 2007 concert at the San Diego Sports Arena in San Diego , California , and wrote , " So it was especially sweet when , for the encore , she ditched the dancers and enhancers and strummed an acoustic guitar on ' I Miss You , ' vulnerably serenading her late grandpappy — and , for once , really looking and sounding 14 . Not everyone noticed because , when she finished , half the seats were empty . " Alison Bonaguro Dressed of the Chicago Tribune stated that , despite its simplicity , the performance on December 8 , 2007 at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont , Illinois felt like as though it was the largest production of all . In a gray shirt and black pants , Cyrus performed the song , along with " Ready , Set , Don 't Go " and " The Best of Both Worlds " , on The Oprah Winfrey Show on December 20 , 2007 , as a screen displayed a light @-@ blue background . On October 5 , 2013 , as part of a Saturday Night Live skit , Cyrus performed an excerpt from " I Miss You " with actress Vanessa Bayer . = = Charts = = = 55 Cancri b = 55 Cancri b ( abbreviated 55 Cnc b ) , occasionally designated 55 Cancri Ab ( to distinguish it from the star 55 Cancri B ) , also named Galileo , is an extrasolar planet orbiting the Sun @-@ like star 55 Cancri A every 14 @.@ 65 days . It is the second planet in order of distance from its star , and is an example of a hot Jupiter , or possibly rather " warm Jupiter " . In July 2014 the International Astronomical Union launched a process for giving proper names to certain exoplanets and their host stars . The process involved public nomination and voting for the new names . In December 2015 , the IAU announced the winning name was Galileo for this planet . The winning name was submitted by the Royal Netherlands Association for Meteorology and Astronomy of the Netherlands . It honors early @-@ 17th century astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei . = = Discovery = = 55 Cancri b was discovered in 1996 by Geoffrey Marcy and R. Paul Butler . It was the fourth known extrasolar planet , excluding pulsar planets . Like the majority of known extrasolar planets , it was discovered by detecting variations in its star 's radial velocity caused by the planet '
[ "s", "▁gravity", "▁.", "▁By", "▁making", "▁sensitive", "▁measurements", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Do", "pp", "ler", "▁shift", "▁of", "▁the", "▁spectrum", "▁of", "▁", "5", "5", "▁Can", "cri", "▁A", "▁,", "▁a", "▁", "1", "5", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁period", "icity", "▁was", "▁detected", "▁.", "▁The", "▁planet", "▁was", "▁announced", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁,", "▁together", "▁with", "▁the", "▁planet", "▁of", "▁T", "au", "▁Bo", "öt", "is", "▁and", "▁the", "▁inn", "erm", "ost", "▁planet", "▁of", "▁U", "psilon", "▁And", "rom", "ed", "ae", "▁.", "▁", "▁Even", "▁when", "▁this", "▁inner", "▁planet", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁mass", "▁at", "▁least", "▁", "7", "8", "▁%", "▁times", "▁that", "▁of", "▁Jup", "iter", "▁was", "▁account", "ed", "▁for", "▁,", "▁the", "▁star", "▁still", "▁showed", "▁a", "▁dr", "ift", "▁in", "▁its", "▁radial", "▁velocity", "▁.", "▁This", "▁eventually", "▁led", "▁to", "▁the", "▁discovery", "▁of", "▁the", "▁outer", "▁planet", "▁", "5", "5", "▁Can", "cri", "▁d", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Or", "bit", "▁and", "▁mass", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁", "5", "5", "▁Can", "cri", "▁b", "▁is", "▁in", "▁a", "▁short", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁period", "▁orbit", "▁,", "▁though", "▁not", "▁so", "▁extreme", "▁as", "▁that", "▁of", "▁the", "▁previously", "▁detected", "▁hot", "▁Jup", "iter", "▁", "5", "1", "▁Peg", "asi", "▁b", "▁.", "▁The", "▁orb", "ital", "▁period", "▁indicates", "▁that", "▁the", "▁planet", "▁is", "▁located", "▁close", "▁to", "▁a", "▁", "1", "▁:", "▁", "3", "▁mean", "▁motion", "▁reson", "ance", "▁with", "▁", "5", "5", "▁Can", "cri", "▁c", "▁,", "▁however", "▁investig", "ations", "▁of", "▁the", "▁planet", "ary", "▁parameters", "▁in", "▁a", "▁Newton", "ian", "▁simulation", "▁indicate", "▁that", "▁while", "▁the", "▁orb", "ital", "▁periods", "▁are", "▁close", "▁to", "▁this", "▁ratio", "▁,", "▁the", "▁plan", "ets", "▁are", "▁not", "▁actually", "▁in", "▁the", "▁reson", "ance", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁b", "▁'", "s", 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"AL", "▁regions", "▁respectively", "▁the", "▁same", "▁year", "▁.", "▁The", "▁game", "▁played", "▁a", "▁major", "▁role", "▁in", "▁establish", "ing", "▁the", "▁new", "▁system", "▁and", "▁giving", "▁it", "▁an", "▁early", "▁edge", "▁over", "▁its", "▁nearest", "▁compet", "itor", "▁,", "▁the", "▁S", "ega", "▁Sat", "urn", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁a", "▁rival", "▁to", "▁S", "ega", "▁'", "s", "▁Day", "ton", "a", "▁USA", "▁.", "▁", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁received", "▁a", "▁highly", "▁positive", "▁reception", "▁.", "▁Review", "ers", "▁pra", "ised", "▁the", "▁graphics", "▁,", "▁audio", "▁,", "▁dr", "ifting", "▁mechan", "ics", "▁,", "▁and", "▁ar", "cade", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁like", "▁game", "play", "▁,", "▁although", "▁some", "▁were", "▁critical", "▁of", "▁the", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁strong", "▁artificial", "▁intelligence", "▁and", "▁multi", "player", "▁mode", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ar", "cade", "▁version", "▁was", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁sequ", "el", "▁,", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁,", "▁whereas", "▁the", "▁Play", "Station", "▁sequ", "el", "▁,", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁Revolution", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁in", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁in", "▁Japan", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁in", "▁North", "▁America", "▁and", "▁P", "AL", "▁regions", "▁.", "▁The", "▁sound", "track", "▁was", "▁rem", "ixed", "▁and", "▁released", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Nam", "co", "▁Game", "▁Sound", "▁Express", "▁Vol", "▁.", "▁", "1", "1", "▁album", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Game", "play", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁Play", "Station", "▁version", "▁,", "▁a", "▁mini", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁game", "▁of", "▁Gal", "ax", "ian", "▁can", "▁be", "▁played", "▁as", "▁the", "▁game", "▁loads", "▁.", "▁If", "▁won", "▁,", "▁eight", "▁additional", "▁cars", "▁become", "▁available", "▁.", "▁The", "▁cars", "▁are", "▁varied", "▁in", "▁their", "▁specific", "ations", "▁;", "▁some", "▁feature", "▁a", "▁high", "▁top", 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s gravity . By making sensitive measurements of the Doppler shift of the spectrum of 55 Cancri A , a 15 @-@ day periodicity was detected . The planet was announced in 1996 , together with the planet of Tau Boötis and the innermost planet of Upsilon Andromedae . Even when this inner planet , with a mass at least 78 % times that of Jupiter was accounted for , the star still showed a drift in its radial velocity . This eventually led to the discovery of the outer planet 55 Cancri d in 2002 . = = Orbit and mass = = 55 Cancri b is in a short @-@ period orbit , though not so extreme as that of the previously detected hot Jupiter 51 Pegasi b . The orbital period indicates that the planet is located close to a 1 : 3 mean motion resonance with 55 Cancri c , however investigations of the planetary parameters in a Newtonian simulation indicate that while the orbital periods are close to this ratio , the planets are not actually in the resonance . In 2012 , b 's upper atmosphere was observed transiting the star ; so its inclination is about 85 degrees , coplanar with 55 Cancri e . This helped to constrain the mass of the planet but the inclination was too low to constrain its radius . The mass is about .85 that of Jupiter . = = Characteristics = = 55 Cancri b is a gas giant with no solid surface . The atmospheric transit has demonstrated hydrogen in the upper atmosphere . That transit is so tangential , that properties such as its radius , density , and temperature are unknown . Assuming a composition similar to that of Jupiter and that its environment is close to chemical equilibrium , 55 Cancri b 's upper atmosphere is predicted to be cloudless with a spectrum dominated by alkali metal absorption . The atmosphere 's transit indicates that it is slowly evaporating under the sun 's heat . The evaporation is slower than that for previously studied ( hotter ) hot Jupiters . The planet is unlikely to have large moons , since tidal forces would either eject them from orbit or destroy them on short timescales relative to the age of the system . = Ridge Racer ( video game ) = Ridge Racer ( リッジレーサー , Rijji Rēsā ) is a 1993 racing video game developed and published by Namco . It was initially released on the Namco System 22 arcade system board , and later ported to the PlayStation console in 1994 . It is the first title in the Ridge Racer series released for arcades and home consoles . The objective is to finish in first place in a series of races . Ridge Racer was among the first racing games to use polygon graphics to its full potential . The PlayStation version supports Namco 's NeGcon controller . The first home version of Ridge Racer was released in Japan in 1994 as a launch title for the PlayStation ; the versions for North America and Europe were released in 1995 . It was re @-@ released in Japan for the PlayStation The Best range in July 1997 , and for the Greatest Hits and Platinum ranges in North America and PAL regions respectively the same year . The game played a major role in establishing the new system and giving it an early edge over its nearest competitor , the Sega Saturn , and was considered a rival to Sega 's Daytona USA . Ridge Racer received a highly positive reception . Reviewers praised the graphics , audio , drifting mechanics , and arcade @-@ like gameplay , although some were critical of the lack of strong artificial intelligence and multiplayer mode . The arcade version was followed by a sequel , Ridge Racer 2 , in 1994 , whereas the PlayStation sequel , Ridge Racer Revolution , was released in December 1995 in Japan , and in 1996 in North America and PAL regions . The soundtrack was remixed and released on the Namco Game Sound Express Vol . 11 album . = = Gameplay = = In the PlayStation version , a mini @-@ game of Galaxian can be played as the game loads . If won , eight additional cars become available . The cars are varied in their specifications ; some feature a high top speed , others excelling at acceleration or turning , and others being more balanced . Certain cars are
[ "▁named", "▁after", "▁other", "▁Nam", "co", "▁games", "▁such", "▁as", "▁Sol", "val", "ou", "▁,", "▁M", "appy", "▁,", "▁Bos", "con", "ian", "▁,", "▁Neb", "ulas", "ray", "▁,", "▁and", "▁X", "e", "vious", "▁.", "▁Once", "▁the", "▁game", "▁has", "▁loaded", "▁,", "▁all", "▁the", "▁CD", "▁is", "▁needed", "▁for", "▁is", "▁to", "▁play", "▁six", "▁music", "▁tracks", "▁.", "▁The", "▁disc", "▁can", "▁be", "▁replaced", "▁at", "▁any", "▁time", "▁during", "▁game", "play", "▁,", "▁although", "▁the", "▁game", "▁does", "▁not", "▁update", "▁;", "▁regardless", "▁of", "▁what", "▁disc", "▁is", "▁inserted", "▁,", "▁there", "▁will", "▁always", "▁be", "▁six", "▁tracks", "▁,", "▁corresponding", "▁the", "▁starting", "▁points", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tracks", "▁on", "▁the", "▁game", "▁disc", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁course", "▁,", "▁transmission", "▁(", "▁automatic", "▁or", "▁six", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁speed", "▁manual", "▁)", "▁,", "▁car", "▁,", "▁and", "▁song", "▁are", "▁chosen", "▁.", "▁The", "▁rac", "et", "rack", "▁can", "▁be", "▁observed", "▁from", "▁the", "▁first", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁person", "▁perspective", "▁(", "▁or", "▁from", "▁the", "▁third", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁person", "▁perspective", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Play", "Station", "▁version", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Nam", "co", "▁'", "s", "▁Ne", "G", "con", "▁controller", "▁can", "▁be", "▁used", "▁to", "▁play", "▁.", "▁Being", "▁an", "▁ar", "cade", "▁rac", "er", "▁,", "▁coll", "isions", "▁do", "▁no", "▁damage", "▁,", "▁and", "▁merely", "▁slow", "▁the", "▁player", "▁down", "▁.", "▁There", "▁is", "▁a", "▁time", "▁limit", "▁,", "▁which", "▁ends", "▁the", "▁game", "▁if", "▁counted", "▁down", "▁to", "▁zero", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁single", "▁course", "▁is", "▁featured", "▁,", "▁although", "▁it", "▁consists", "▁of", "▁four", "▁configurations", "▁of", "▁increasing", "▁difficulty", "▁;", "▁Nov", "ice", "▁,", "▁Inter", "mediate", "▁,", "▁Advanced", "▁and", "▁Time", "▁Tri", "al", "▁(", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁two", "▁are", "▁extended", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁player", "▁races", "▁eleven", "▁oppon", "ents", "▁except", "▁in", "▁Time", "▁Tri", "al", "▁,", "▁where", "▁there", "▁is", "▁only", "▁one", "▁.", "▁The", "▁higher", "▁the", "▁difficulty", "▁,", "▁the", "▁faster", "▁the", "▁cars", "▁run", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Time", "▁Tri", "al", "▁being", "▁the", "▁fast", "est", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁race", "▁consists", "▁of", "▁three", "▁la", "ps", "▁(", "▁two", "▁on", "▁the", "▁beginner", "▁course", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Check", "points", "▁that", "▁grant", "▁additional", "▁time", "▁when", "▁passed", "▁through", "▁are", "▁present", "▁throughout", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁Play", "Station", "▁version", "▁,", "▁after", "▁every", "▁race", "▁is", "▁won", "▁,", "▁revers", "ed", "▁ones", "▁become", "▁available", "▁,", "▁and", "▁an", "▁additional", "▁oppon", "ent", "▁is", "▁encountered", "▁in", "▁Time", "▁Tri", "al", "▁;", "▁the", "▁", "1", "3", "th", "▁Racing", "▁\"", "▁Dev", "il", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁fast", "est", "▁car", "▁.", "▁On", "▁winning", "▁,", "▁the", "▁car", "▁is", "▁un", "locked", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁ar", "cade", "▁version", "▁,", "▁the", "▁winning", "▁player", "▁'", "s", "▁score", "▁is", "▁saved", "▁in", "▁action", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁re", "play", "▁highlight", "s", "▁after", "▁finishing", "▁the", "▁game", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Play", "Station", "▁version", "▁features", "▁hidden", "▁\"", "▁mirror", "▁\"", "▁version", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tracks", "▁.", "▁It", "▁becomes", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁mirror", "▁image", "▁\"", "▁of", "▁itself", "▁;", "▁left", "▁turns", "▁become", "▁right", "▁turns", "▁and", "▁vice", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁vers", "a", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁surr", "ound", "ings", "▁switch", "▁sides", "▁of", "▁the", "▁road", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Development", "▁and", "▁release", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁At", "▁J", "AM", "MA", "▁'", "s", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁Am", "usement", "▁Machine", "▁Show", "▁in", "▁Japan", "▁,", "▁held", "▁during", "▁", "2", "7", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁,", "▁Nam", "co", "▁deb", "uted", "▁a", "▁racing", "▁game", "▁called", "▁Sim", "▁Drive", "▁,", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Nam", "co", "▁System", "▁", "2", "2", "▁ar", "cade", "▁system", "▁board", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁a", "▁sequ", "el", "▁to", "▁E", "unos", "▁Road", "ster", "▁D", "riv", "ing", "▁Sim", "ulator", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Maz", "da", "▁M", "X", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "5", "▁driving", "▁simulation", "▁ar", "cade", "▁game", "▁that", "▁Nam", "co", "▁developed", "▁with", "▁Maz", "da", "▁and", "▁released", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "0", "▁.", "▁Its", "▁", "3", "D", "▁polygon", "▁graphics", "▁stood", "▁out", "▁for", "▁its", "▁use", "▁of", "▁G", "ou", "ra", "ud", "▁sh", "ading", "▁and", "▁texture", "▁mapping", "▁.", "▁After", "▁a", "▁location", "▁test", "▁at", "▁the", "▁show", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁was", "▁preview", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁November", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁issue", "▁of", "▁Electron", "ic", "▁G", "aming", "▁Month", "ly", "▁,", "▁Sim", "▁Drive", "▁had", "▁a", "▁limited", "▁Japanese", "▁release", "▁in", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁,", "▁but", "▁did", "▁not", "▁get", "▁a", "▁mass", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁market", "▁release", "▁.", "▁It", "▁served", "▁as", "▁a", "▁prototype", "▁for", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁.", "▁", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁had", "▁a", "▁development", "▁cycle", "▁of", "▁eight", "▁months", "▁.", "▁The", "▁development", "▁team", "▁was", "▁under", "▁pressure", "▁to", "▁complete", "▁it", "▁before", "▁their", "▁riv", "als", "▁,", "▁and", "▁designer", "▁F", "umi", "hi", "ro", "▁Tan", "aka", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁other", "▁company", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁in", "▁the", "▁same", "▁position", "▁.", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁planned", "▁to", "▁be", "▁an", "▁F", "1", "▁racing", "▁game", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁concept", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁with", "▁one", "▁based", "▁on", "▁a", "▁tr", "end", "▁among", "▁Japanese", "▁car", "▁enthus", "iast", "s", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁.", "▁Nam", "co", "▁Band", "ai", "▁'", "s", "▁general", "▁manager", "▁Y", "oz", "o", "▁Sak", "ag", "ami", "▁explained", "▁that", "▁they", "▁liked", "▁racing", "▁on", "▁mountain", "▁roads", "▁and", "▁did", "▁not", "▁want", "▁to", "▁slow", "▁down", "▁around", "▁corners", "▁,", "▁so", "▁dr", "ift", "ed", "▁around", "▁them", "▁instead", "▁.", "▁The", "▁team", "▁therefore", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁create", "▁a", "▁game", "▁which", "▁lets", "▁the", "▁player", "▁test", "▁his", "▁driving", "▁skills", "▁and", "▁experience", "▁the", "▁car", "▁'", "s", "▁manip", "ulation", "▁at", "▁high", "▁spe", "eds", "▁while", "▁master", "ing", "▁dr", "ifting", "▁.", "▁", "▁Development", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Play", "Station", "▁version", "▁began", "▁in", "▁April", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁.", "▁Because", "▁of", "▁the", "▁radical", "▁differences", "▁,", "▁that", "▁version", "▁essentially", "▁had", "▁to", "▁be", "▁done", "▁from", "▁scratch", "▁,", "▁and", "▁took", "▁nearly", "▁as", "▁long", "▁to", "▁develop", "▁,", "▁being", "▁completed", "▁in", "▁November", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Play", "Station", "▁port", "▁was", "▁developed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁same", "▁team", "▁.", "▁Due", "▁to", "▁technical", "▁limitations", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Play", "Station", "▁port", "▁was", "▁difficult", "▁to", "▁program", "▁and", "▁runs", "▁at", "▁a", "▁lower", "▁resolution", "▁,", "▁lower", "▁fr", "amer", "ate", "▁(", "▁", "3", "0", "▁frames", "▁per", "▁second", "▁for", "▁N", "T", "SC", "▁,", "▁", "2", "5", "▁for", "▁P", "AL", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁less", "▁detailed", "▁.", "▁Special", "ised", "▁graphics", "▁libraries", "▁had", "▁to", "▁be", "▁developed", "▁because", "▁it", "▁was", "▁felt", "▁the", "▁standard", "▁ones", "▁provided", "▁by", "▁Sony", "▁were", "▁too", "▁limited", "▁.", "▁Visual", "▁director", "▁Y", "oz", "o", "▁Sak", "ag", "ami", "▁remarked", "▁that", "▁the", "▁hard", "est", "▁element", "▁to", "▁port", "▁was", "▁the", "▁experience", "▁of", "▁driving", "▁a", "▁car", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁felt", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Ne", "G", "con", "▁controller", "▁would", "▁provide", "▁a", "▁more", "▁analog", "ue", "▁feel", "▁than", "▁the", "▁standard", "▁Play", "Station", "▁controller", "▁.", "▁Sak", "ag", "ami", "▁was", "▁concerned", "▁about", "▁loading", "▁times", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁CD", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁R", "OM", "▁format", "▁;", "▁the", "▁team", "▁counter", "ed", "▁this", "▁by", "▁having", "▁all", "▁the", "▁data", "▁loaded", "▁into", "▁memory", "▁by", "▁the", "▁time", "▁the", "▁title", "▁screen", "▁appeared", "▁,", "▁and", "▁having", "▁the", "▁player", "▁play", "▁a", "▁mini", "▁@" ]
named after other Namco games such as Solvalou , Mappy , Bosconian , Nebulasray , and Xevious . Once the game has loaded , all the CD is needed for is to play six music tracks . The disc can be replaced at any time during gameplay , although the game does not update ; regardless of what disc is inserted , there will always be six tracks , corresponding the starting points of the tracks on the game disc . A course , transmission ( automatic or six @-@ speed manual ) , car , and song are chosen . The racetrack can be observed from the first @-@ person perspective ( or from the third @-@ person perspective for the PlayStation version ) . Namco 's NeGcon controller can be used to play . Being an arcade racer , collisions do no damage , and merely slow the player down . There is a time limit , which ends the game if counted down to zero . A single course is featured , although it consists of four configurations of increasing difficulty ; Novice , Intermediate , Advanced and Time Trial ( the latter two are extended ) . The player races eleven opponents except in Time Trial , where there is only one . The higher the difficulty , the faster the cars run , with Time Trial being the fastest . Each race consists of three laps ( two on the beginner course ) . Checkpoints that grant additional time when passed through are present throughout . In the PlayStation version , after every race is won , reversed ones become available , and an additional opponent is encountered in Time Trial ; the 13th Racing " Devil " , the fastest car . On winning , the car is unlocked . In the arcade version , the winning player 's score is saved in action @-@ replay highlights after finishing the game . The PlayStation version features hidden " mirror " version of the tracks . It becomes a " mirror image " of itself ; left turns become right turns and vice @-@ versa , and the surroundings switch sides of the road . = = Development and release = = At JAMMA 's 1992 Amusement Machine Show in Japan , held during 27 – 19 August 1992 , Namco debuted a racing game called Sim Drive , for the Namco System 22 arcade system board . It was a sequel to Eunos Roadster Driving Simulator , a Mazda MX @-@ 5 driving simulation arcade game that Namco developed with Mazda and released in 1990 . Its 3D polygon graphics stood out for its use of Gouraud shading and texture mapping . After a location test at the show , where it was previewed by the November 1992 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly , Sim Drive had a limited Japanese release in December 1992 , but did not get a mass @-@ market release . It served as a prototype for Ridge Racer . Ridge Racer had a development cycle of eight months . The development team was under pressure to complete it before their rivals , and designer Fumihiro Tanaka commented that " the other company " was in the same position . Ridge Racer was originally planned to be an F1 racing game , but the concept was replaced with one based on a trend among Japanese car enthusiasts at the time . Namco Bandai 's general manager Yozo Sakagami explained that they liked racing on mountain roads and did not want to slow down around corners , so drifted around them instead . The team therefore decided to create a game which lets the player test his driving skills and experience the car 's manipulation at high speeds while mastering drifting . Development for the PlayStation version began in April 1994 . Because of the radical differences , that version essentially had to be done from scratch , and took nearly as long to develop , being completed in November 1994 . The PlayStation port was developed by the same team . Due to technical limitations , the PlayStation port was difficult to program and runs at a lower resolution , lower framerate ( 30 frames per second for NTSC , 25 for PAL ) , and was less detailed . Specialised graphics libraries had to be developed because it was felt the standard ones provided by Sony were too limited . Visual director Yozo Sakagami remarked that the hardest element to port was the experience of driving a car . It was felt that the NeGcon controller would provide a more analogue feel than the standard PlayStation controller . Sakagami was concerned about loading times due to the CD @-@ ROM format ; the team countered this by having all the data loaded into memory by the time the title screen appeared , and having the player play a mini @
[ "-", "@", "▁game", "▁of", "▁Gal", "ax", "ian", "▁while", "▁waiting", "▁.", "▁Sak", "ag", "ami", "▁chose", "▁Gal", "ax", "ian", "▁because", "▁he", "▁was", "▁part", "▁of", "▁its", "▁ar", "cade", "▁team", "▁,", "▁and", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁honour", "▁his", "▁former", "▁b", "oss", "▁.", "▁Due", "▁to", "▁CD", "s", "▁being", "▁che", "aper", "▁to", "▁produce", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ret", "ail", "▁price", "▁was", "▁che", "aper", "▁than", "▁cart", "ridge", "▁games", "▁despite", "▁an", "▁increase", "▁in", "▁development", "▁costs", "▁.", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁sold", "▁for", "▁under", "▁", "¥", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "0", "▁(", "▁£", "▁", "3", "7", "▁)", "▁in", "▁Japan", "▁.", "▁", "▁During", "▁release", "▁for", "▁ar", "cade", "▁system", "▁board", "▁,", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁was", "▁called", "▁by", "▁Nam", "co", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁most", "▁real", "istic", "▁driving", "▁game", "▁ever", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁It", "▁featured", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dimensional", "▁polygon", "▁graphics", "▁with", "▁texture", "▁mapping", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Play", "Station", "▁version", "▁was", "▁shown", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁Electron", "ic", "▁Entertainment", "▁Ex", "po", "▁event", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁an", "▁innov", "ation", "▁in", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dimensional", "▁pol", "yg", "ons", "▁.", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁was", "▁released", "▁in", "▁Japan", "▁on", "▁", "3", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁,", "▁in", "▁North", "▁America", "▁on", "▁", "9", "▁September", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁on", "▁", "2", "9", "▁September", "▁as", "▁a", "▁launch", "▁title", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Play", "Station", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Music", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁sound", "track", "▁was", "▁produced", "▁alongside", "▁the", "▁game", "▁by", "▁Shin", "ji", "▁H", "os", "oe", "▁,", "▁with", "▁contributions", "▁from", "▁Nob", "uy", "oshi", "▁S", "ano", "▁and", "▁Ay", "ako", "▁S", "aso", "▁,", "▁as", "▁the", "▁development", "▁team", "▁didn", "▁'", "t", "▁have", "▁enough", "▁time", "▁to", "▁produce", "▁them", "▁separately", "▁.", "▁The", "▁team", "▁did", "▁not", "▁initially", "▁plan", "▁to", "▁have", "▁music", "▁,", "▁but", "▁ended", "▁up", "▁producing", "▁te", "ch", "no", "▁,", "▁which", "▁Tan", "aka", "▁believed", "▁helped", "▁players", "▁to", "▁enjoy", "▁a", "▁fun", "▁feeling", "▁while", "▁playing", "▁.", "▁H", "iro", "sh", "i", "▁Ok", "ub", "o", "▁believed", "▁te", "ch", "no", "▁would", "▁give", "▁a", "▁feeling", "▁of", "▁energy", "▁,", "▁journey", "▁,", "▁and", "▁speed", "▁,", "▁and", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁the", "▁genre", "▁was", "▁chosen", "▁because", "▁it", "▁emb", "od", "ied", "▁the", "▁game", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁un", "real", "istic", "▁speed", "▁and", "▁t", "ension", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁This", "▁was", "▁comm", "emor", "ated", "▁by", "▁the", "▁release", "▁of", "▁Nam", "co", "▁Game", "▁Sound", "▁Express", "▁Vol", "▁.", "▁", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁which", "▁featured", "▁rem", "ixed", "▁versions", "▁,", "▁on", "▁", "2", "1", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁in", "▁Japan", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "ception", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁received", "▁critical", "▁acc", "laim", "▁.", "▁The", "▁graphics", "▁and", "▁sound", "▁in", "▁particular", "▁were", "▁pra", "ised", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁April", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁issue", "▁of", "▁the", "▁UK", "▁magazine", "▁Computer", "▁and", "▁Video", "▁Games", "▁,", "▁Paul", "▁Rand", "▁gave", "▁high", "▁marks", "▁,", "▁remark", "ing", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁far", "▁and", "▁away", "▁the", "▁most", "▁real", "istic", "▁ar", "cade", "▁game", "▁ever", "▁seen", "▁\"", "▁on", "▁review", "ing", "▁the", "▁ar", "cade", "▁machine", "▁(", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁scale", "▁unit", "▁)", "▁.", "▁In", "▁a", "▁review", "▁of", "▁its", "▁Japanese", "▁console", "▁release", "▁,", "▁Game", "Pro", "▁called", "▁the", "▁Play", "Station", "▁version", "▁\"", "▁a", 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"▁.", "▁Comment", "ing", "▁on", "▁the", "▁real", "ism", "▁,", "▁Game", "▁Inform", "er", "▁remarked", "▁that", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁\"", "▁does", "▁a", "▁better", "▁job", "▁of", "▁capt", "uring", "▁the", "▁feel", "▁of", "▁high", "▁performance", "▁car", "▁racing", "▁than", "▁any", "▁existing", "▁driving", "▁game", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁two", "▁sports", "▁review", "ers", "▁of", "▁Electron", "ic", "▁G", "aming", "▁Month", "ly", "▁pra", "ised", "▁the", "▁game", "play", "▁and", "▁music", "▁.", "▁Max", "imum", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁isn", "▁'", "t", "▁without", "▁its", "▁bad", "▁points", "▁-", "▁basically", "▁,", "▁there", "▁is", "▁only", "▁one", "▁track", "▁and", "▁the", "▁game", "▁la", "cks", "▁the", "▁awesome", "▁crash", "▁sequences", "▁of", "▁Day", "ton", "a", "▁USA", "▁,", "▁but", "▁everything", "▁else", "▁in", "▁the", "▁title", "▁is", "▁she", "er", "▁class", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁They", "▁commented", "▁posit", "ively", "▁on", "▁the", 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"▁is", "▁a", "▁fun", "▁title", "▁that", "▁racing", "▁fans", "▁will", "▁love", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Com", "ing", "▁So", "on", "▁Magazine", "▁pra", "ised", "▁its", "▁\"", "▁ult", "ra", "▁fluid", "▁and", "▁very", "▁real", "istic", "▁\"", "▁graphics", "▁,", "▁but", "▁critic", "ised", "▁the", "▁game", "▁for", "▁being", "▁too", "▁short", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Electric", "▁Play", "ground", "▁'", "s", "▁Victor", "▁Lucas", "▁gave", "▁top", "▁marks", "▁,", "▁remark", "ing" ]
-@ game of Galaxian while waiting . Sakagami chose Galaxian because he was part of its arcade team , and wanted to honour his former boss . Due to CDs being cheaper to produce , the retail price was cheaper than cartridge games despite an increase in development costs . Ridge Racer sold for under ¥ 6000 ( £ 37 ) in Japan . During release for arcade system board , Ridge Racer was called by Namco " the most realistic driving game ever " . It featured three @-@ dimensional polygon graphics with texture mapping . The PlayStation version was shown at the 1995 Electronic Entertainment Expo event , and was an innovation in the use of three @-@ dimensional polygons . Ridge Racer was released in Japan on 3 December 1994 , in North America on 9 September 1995 , and in Europe on 29 September as a launch title for the PlayStation . = = = Music = = = The soundtrack was produced alongside the game by Shinji Hosoe , with contributions from Nobuyoshi Sano and Ayako Saso , as the development team didn 't have enough time to produce them separately . The team did not initially plan to have music , but ended up producing techno , which Tanaka believed helped players to enjoy a fun feeling while playing . Hiroshi Okubo believed techno would give a feeling of energy , journey , and speed , and commented that the genre was chosen because it embodied the game 's " unrealistic speed and tension " . This was commemorated by the release of Namco Game Sound Express Vol . 11 , which featured remixed versions , on 21 January 1994 in Japan . = = Reception = = Ridge Racer received critical acclaim . The graphics and sound in particular were praised . In the April 1994 issue of the UK magazine Computer and Video Games , Paul Rand gave high marks , remarking that it was " far and away the most realistic arcade game ever seen " on reviewing the arcade machine ( based on the full @-@ scale unit ) . In a review of its Japanese console release , GamePro called the PlayStation version " a near carbon copy of the original " and praised the graphics , soundtrack , and the entire game being loaded into the PlayStation 's RAM , eliminating mid @-@ game loading and giving the option of removing the game disc and using the PlayStation as a music CD player during gameplay . Although they criticised the graphical glitches and slowdown , the game was recommended . Next Generation applauded the conversion 's faithful recreation of the arcade version , smooth graphics , and additional cars . Although they noted the lack of variety in the different cars ' performance and the absence of a multiplayer mode as downsides , they found the game overall remarkable and commented that the fact that Ridge Racer was an early game for the PlayStation , and a rushed project at that , made it " an excellent harbinger of what 's to come " . GamePro 's review of the later North American release judged that the game surpassed competitor Daytona USA in graphics , audio , and control responsiveness , and called it " The best racing game to date for home systems " . Commenting on the realism , Game Informer remarked that Ridge Racer " does a better job of capturing the feel of high performance car racing than any existing driving game " . The two sports reviewers of Electronic Gaming Monthly praised the gameplay and music . Maximum commented that " Ridge Racer isn 't without its bad points - basically , there is only one track and the game lacks the awesome crash sequences of Daytona USA , but everything else in the title is sheer class " . They commented positively on the " feeling of smoothness and speed " , the " distinctly European " dance music , the engine sounds , and the unrealistically exaggerated driving manoeuvres . In 1996 , IGN commented that despite two years of release the game " has definitely stood the test of time " , but complained that " there is no two @-@ player mode " and that " the cars don 't really vary in performance that much " . AllGame 's Shawn Sackenheim praised the game , particularly the graphics and audio , and concluded that it " is a fun title that racing fans will love " . Coming Soon Magazine praised its " ultra fluid and very realistic " graphics , but criticised the game for being too short . The Electric Playground 's Victor Lucas gave top marks , remarking
[ "▁\"", "▁The", "▁experience", "▁of", "▁playing", "▁R", "R", "▁su", "pers", "edes", "▁the", "▁thr", "ills", "▁generally", "▁attributed", "▁to", "▁playing", "▁other", "▁racing", "▁video", "▁games", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁further", "▁commented", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁really", "▁can", "▁'", "t", "▁stress", "▁enough", "▁how", "▁deser", "ving", "▁of", "▁your", "▁video", "▁game", "▁dollars", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Edge", "▁pra", "ised", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁d", "azz", "ling", "▁\"", "▁graphics", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁ar", "cade", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁perfect", "▁\"", "▁music", "▁.", "▁", "▁Despite", "▁positive", "▁reviews", "▁,", "▁the", "▁game", "▁was", "▁critic", "ised", "▁by", "▁", "1", "UP", ".", "com", "▁for", "▁the", "▁ar", "cade", "▁style", "▁of", "▁game", "play", "▁.", "▁The", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁artificial", "▁intelligence", "▁has", "▁received", "▁criticism", "▁—", "▁the", "▁movement", "▁of", "▁the", "▁computer", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁controlled", "▁cars", "▁is", 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"▁bon", "net", "▁of", "▁the", "▁car", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁:", "▁", "3", "▁Screen", "▁Edition", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "▁version", "▁with", "▁three", "▁screens", "▁was", "▁released", "▁in", "▁arc", "ades", "▁to", "▁give", "▁a", "▁peri", "pher", "al", "▁vision", "▁effect", "▁.", "▁The", "▁machine", "▁used", "▁multiple", "▁System", "▁", "2", "2", "▁ar", "cade", "▁bo", "ards", "▁to", "▁drive", "▁the", "▁additional", "▁mon", "itors", "▁and", "▁was", "▁only", "▁available", "▁in", "▁the", "▁sit", "▁down", "▁version", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁P", "ocket", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁P", "ocket", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁(", "▁", "ポ", "ケ", "ッ", "ト", "レ", "ー", "サ", "ー", "▁,", "▁Pok", "etto", "▁R", "ē", "s", "ā", "▁)", "▁is", "▁a", "▁super", "▁de", "formed", "▁version", "▁with", "▁cars", "▁res", "emb", "ling", "▁Ch", "oro", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Q", "▁models", "▁,", "▁and", "▁aim", "ed", "▁towards", "▁children", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁released", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁in", "▁Japan", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁only", "▁available", "▁in", "▁u", "pr", "ight", "▁cabinet", "▁version", "▁,", "▁and", "▁uses", "▁Nam", "co", "▁System", "▁", "1", "1", "▁hardware", "▁.", "▁A", "▁similar", "▁game", "▁is", "▁included", "▁in", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁Revolution", "▁using", "▁the", "▁same", "▁cars", "▁under", "▁the", "▁name", "▁Pre", "tty", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁(", "▁also", "▁known", "▁as", "▁bug", "gy", "▁mode", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁insp", "iration", "▁for", "▁this", "▁game", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁Tur", "bo", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁R", "4", "▁:", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁Type", "▁", "4", "▁(", "▁released", "▁on", "▁", "3", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁in", "▁Japan", "▁,", "▁", "1", "▁May", "▁" ]
" The experience of playing RR supersedes the thrills generally attributed to playing other racing video games " , and further commented " I really can 't stress enough how deserving of your video game dollars Ridge Racer is " . Edge praised the " dazzling " graphics and " arcade @-@ perfect " music . Despite positive reviews , the game was criticised by for the arcade style of gameplay . The lack of artificial intelligence has received criticism — the movement of the computer @-@ controlled cars is restricted to predetermined waypoints . The game was reviewed in 1995 in Dragon No. 221 by Jay & Dee in the " Eye of the Monitor " column , where Dee called it " just another racing game " . Ridge Racer was awarded Best Driving Game of 1995 by Electronic Gaming Monthly . It was listed as one of the best games of all time by Game Informer in 2001 , Yahoo in 2005 , Electronic Gaming Monthly in 2006 , Guinness World Records in 2008 and 2009 , NowGamer in 2010 , and FHM in 2012 . = = = Legacy = = = Ridge Racer has been followed by many sequels and helped establish the position of the PlayStation console . IGN stated that Ridge Racer had been " one of PlayStation 's first big system pushers " and " an excellent port of the arcade version that showed the true potential of Sony 's 32 @-@ bit wonder " . UGO Networks 's Michael Hess and Chris Plante said that it had " set the stage for Gran Turismo by adding an option to choose between automatic and manual transmission " . John Davison of said that Ridge Racer was an " unbelievable demonstration of what the PlayStation could do " . Ridge Racer is mentioned in the song My Console ( 1999 ) from the Italian electronic dance group Eiffel 65 . = = Other releases = = The PlayStation version was re @-@ released for The Best , Greatest Hits , and Platinum ranges in 1997 . Ridge Racer received a number of ports and spin @-@ offs : = = = Ridge Racer Full Scale = = = A Full Scale arcade version was released alongside the standard arcade version in 1993 . This version was designed to give the player a more realistic driving experience . Players ( a passenger could sit in the car next to the driver ) sat inside an adapted red Eunos Roadster , the Japanese right @-@ hand @-@ drive version of the Mazda MX @-@ 5 Miata , and controlled the same car on @-@ screen . The game was played in front of a 10 feet ( 3 @.@ 0 m ) wide , front @-@ projected triple screen ( which benefited from dimmed ambient lighting ) , with the wheel , gear stick and pedals functioning as the controls . The ignition key was used to start , the speed and RPM gauges were functional , and fans blew wind on the player from inside the air vents . Speakers concealed inside the car provided realistic engine and tyre sounds ; overhead speakers provided surround music . The P.C.B. was located under the bonnet of the car . = = = Ridge Racer : 3 Screen Edition = = = A version with three screens was released in arcades to give a peripheral vision effect . The machine used multiple System 22 arcade boards to drive the additional monitors and was only available in the sit down version . = = = Pocket Racer = = = Pocket Racer ( ポケットレーサー , Poketto Rēsā ) is a super deformed version with cars resembling Choro @-@ Q models , and aimed towards children . It was released in 1996 in Japan . It was only available in upright cabinet version , and uses Namco System 11 hardware . A similar game is included in Ridge Racer Revolution using the same cars under the name Pretty Racer ( also known as buggy mode ) , the inspiration for this game . = = = Ridge Racer Turbo = = = R4 : Ridge Racer Type 4 ( released on 3 December 1998 in Japan , 1 May
[ "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁in", "▁North", "▁America", "▁,", "▁and", "▁on", "▁", "1", "▁September", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁)", "▁includes", "▁a", "▁bonus", "▁disc", "▁containing", "▁a", "▁new", "▁version", "▁of", "▁the", "▁original", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁,", "▁called", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁Tur", "bo", "▁in", "▁North", "▁America", "▁,", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁Hi", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Spec", "▁Demo", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁,", "▁and", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁Hi", "▁Spec", "▁Version", "▁(", "▁", "リ", "ッ", "ジ", "レ", "ー", "サ", "ー", "ハ", "イ", "ス", "ペ", "ッ", "ク", "バ", "ー", "ジ", "ョ", "ン", "▁,", "▁R", "ij", "ji", "▁R", "ē", "s", "ā", "▁H", "ai", "▁Su", "pe", "k", "ku", "▁B", "ā", "jon", "▁)", "▁in", "▁Japan", "▁.", "▁It", "▁featured", "▁improved", "▁graphics", "▁,", "▁runs", "▁at", "▁", "6", "0", "▁frames", "▁per", "▁second", "▁(", "▁", "5", "0", "▁for", "▁P", "AL", "▁)", "▁,", "▁as", "▁opposed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁original", "▁", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁supports", "▁v", "ibration", "▁feedback", "▁and", "▁the", "▁J", "og", "con", "▁controller", "▁.", "▁There", "▁is", "▁only", "▁one", "▁oppon", "ent", "▁(", "▁two", "▁in", "▁time", "▁trial", "▁b", "oss", "▁races", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁White", "▁Angel", "▁from", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁Revolution", "▁appears", "▁in", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "1", "3", "th", "▁Racing", "▁as", "▁a", "▁b", "oss", "▁and", "▁un", "lock", "able", "▁car", "▁.", "▁A", "▁Time", "▁Att", "ack", "▁mode", "▁is", "▁added", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁the", "▁player", "▁attempts", "▁to", "▁beat", "▁the", "▁time", "▁record", "▁without", "▁any", "▁oppon", "ent", "▁cars", "▁.", "▁This", "▁is", "▁distinct", "▁from", "▁Time", "▁Tri", "al", "▁,", "▁where", "▁there", "▁are", "▁oppon", "ent", "▁cars", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Mobile", "▁versions", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁", "3", "1", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁a", "▁version", "▁for", "▁mobile", "▁ph", "ones", "▁was", "▁released", "▁.", "▁It", "▁received", "▁mixed", "▁reviews", "▁.", "▁Game", "Sp", "ot", "▁'", "s", "▁Jeff", "▁Ger", "st", "mann", "▁gave", "▁the", "▁game", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁/", "▁", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁He", "▁pra", "ised", "▁graphics", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁somewhat", "▁impress", "ive", "▁for", "▁a", "▁mobile", "▁game", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁but", "▁critic", "ised", "▁the", "▁ste", "ering", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁it", "▁doesn", "▁'", "t", "▁take", "▁long", "▁to", "▁master", "▁the", "▁game", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Le", "vi", "▁Buch", "an", "an", "▁of", "▁I", "GN", "▁gave", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁compla", "ining", "▁about", "▁the", "▁problem", "atic", "▁controls", "▁and", "▁saying", "▁that", "▁the", "▁game", "▁without", "▁the", "▁analog", "ue", "▁control", "▁\"", "▁feels", "▁really", "▁lack", "ing", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁a", "▁version", "▁of", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁was", "▁released", "▁for", "▁mobile", "▁ph", "ones", "▁under", "▁the", "▁name", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁", "3", "D", "▁(", "▁not", "▁to", "▁be", "▁confused", "▁with", "▁the", "▁later", "▁R", "idge", "▁R", "ac", "er", "▁", "3", "D", "▁for", "▁the", "▁N", "intendo", "▁", "3", "DS", "▁)", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "1", "1", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁this", "▁version", "▁was", "▁port", "ed", "▁to", "▁Ze", "eb", "o", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁(", "▁UK", "▁Parliament", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁)", "▁=", "▁", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁is", "▁a", "▁bor", "ough", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁represented", "▁in", "▁the", "▁House", "▁of", "▁Commons", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Parliament", "▁of", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁,", "▁sharing", "▁the", "▁name", "▁of", "▁a", "▁smaller", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁represented", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Parliament", "▁of", "▁England", "▁until", "▁", "1", "7", "0", "7", "▁and", "▁then", "▁in", "▁that", "▁of", "▁Great", "▁Britain", "▁until", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁It", "▁elect", "s", "▁one", "▁Member", "▁of", "▁Parliament", "▁by", "▁the", "▁first", "▁past", "▁the", "▁post", "▁system", "▁of", "▁election", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁serving", "▁Member", "▁is", "▁Conserv", "ative", "▁Stewart", "▁Jackson", "▁.", "▁He", "▁defeated", "▁Labour", "▁'", "s", "▁Helen", "▁Clark", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁elected", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁with", "▁an", "▁increased", "▁majority", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁he", "▁held", "▁the", "▁seat", "▁with", "▁a", "▁reduced", "▁majority", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁B", "ound", "aries", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "▁:", "▁The", "▁administrative", "▁county", "▁of", "▁the", "▁So", "ke", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Urban", "▁District", "▁of", "▁O", "undle", "▁,", "▁the", "▁R", "ural", "▁District", "s", "▁of", "▁East", "on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁the", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Hill", "▁and", "▁Gre", "tt", "on", "▁,", "▁and", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁the", "▁R", "ural", "▁District", "s", "▁of", "▁O", "undle", "▁and", "▁Th", "rap", "ston", "▁.", "▁", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "4", "▁:", "▁The", "▁Municipal", "▁Bor", "ough", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Urban", "▁District", "▁of", "▁O", "undle", "▁,", "▁the", "▁R", "ural", "▁District", "s", "▁of", "▁Bar", "n", "ack", "▁and", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁,", "▁and", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁R", "ural", "▁District", "▁of", "▁O", "undle", "▁and", "▁Th", "rap", "ston", "▁.", "▁", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "4", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "3", "▁:", "▁The", "▁Municipal", "▁Bor", "ough", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁R", "ural", "▁District", "s", "▁of", "▁Bar", "n", "ack", "▁,", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Thor", "ney", "▁.", "▁", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "3", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁:", "▁The", "▁City", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁w", "ards", "▁of", "▁Bre", "tt", "on", "▁,", "▁Central", "▁,", "▁Dog", "st", "hor", "pe", "▁,", "▁East", "▁,", "▁F", "lett", "on", "▁,", "▁North", "▁,", "▁Or", "ton", "▁Long", "ue", "ville", "▁,", "▁Or", "ton", "▁Water", "ville", "▁,", "▁Park", "▁,", "▁Past", "on", "▁,", "▁R", "aven", "st", "hor", "pe", "▁,", "▁St", "ang", "round", "▁,", "▁Wal", "ton", "▁,", "▁and", "▁West", "▁.", "▁", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁:", "▁The", "▁City", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁w", "ards", "▁of", "▁Bre", "tt", "on", "▁,", "▁Central", "▁,", "▁Dog", "st", "hor", "pe", "▁,", "▁East", "▁,", "▁North", "▁,", "▁Park", "▁,", "▁Past", "on", "▁,", "▁R", "aven", "st", "hor", "pe", "▁,", "▁Wal", "ton", "▁,", "▁W", "err", "ington", "▁,", "▁and", "▁West", "▁.", "▁", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁present", "▁:", "▁The", "▁City", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁w", "ards", "▁of", "▁Bre", "tt", "on", "▁North", "▁,", "▁Bre", "tt", "on", "▁South", "▁,", "▁Central", "▁,", "▁Dog", "st", "hor", "pe", "▁,", "▁East", "▁,", "▁E", "ye", "▁and", "▁Thor", "ney", "▁,", "▁New", "borough", "▁,", "▁North", "▁,", "▁Park", "▁,", "▁Past", "on", "▁,", "▁R", "aven", "st", "hor", "pe", "▁,", "▁Wal", "ton", "▁,", "▁W", "err", "ington", "▁North", "▁,", "▁W", "err", "ington", "▁South", "▁,", "▁and", "▁West", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁City", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁formed", "▁a", "▁parliament", "ary", "▁bor", "ough", "▁returning", "▁two", "▁M", "embers", "▁in", "▁", "1", "5", "4", "1", "▁.", "▁The", "▁rest", "▁of" ]
1999 in North America , and on 1 September 1999 in Europe ) includes a bonus disc containing a new version of the original Ridge Racer , called Ridge Racer Turbo in North America , Ridge Racer Hi @-@ Spec Demo in Europe , and Ridge Racer Hi Spec Version ( リッジレーサーハイスペックバージョン , Rijji Rēsā Hai Supekku Bājon ) in Japan . It featured improved graphics , runs at 60 frames per second ( 50 for PAL ) , as opposed to the original 30 , and supports vibration feedback and the Jogcon controller . There is only one opponent ( two in time trial boss races ) , and the White Angel from Ridge Racer Revolution appears in addition to the 13th Racing as a boss and unlockable car . A Time Attack mode is added , in which the player attempts to beat the time record without any opponent cars . This is distinct from Time Trial , where there are opponent cars . = = = Mobile versions = = = On 31 December 2005 , a version for mobile phones was released . It received mixed reviews . GameSpot 's Jeff Gerstmann gave the game 6 @.@ 1 / 10 . He praised graphics as " somewhat impressive for a mobile game " , but criticised the steering , saying that " it doesn 't take long to master the game . " Levi Buchanan of IGN gave Ridge Racer 6 @.@ 2 / 10 , complaining about the problematic controls and saying that the game without the analogue control " feels really lacking " . In 2005 , a version of Ridge Racer was released for mobile phones under the name Ridge Racer 3D ( not to be confused with the later Ridge Racer 3D for the Nintendo 3DS ) . On 11 August 2009 , this version was ported to Zeebo . = Peterborough ( UK Parliament constituency ) = Peterborough is a borough constituency represented in the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom , sharing the name of a smaller constituency represented in the Parliament of England until 1707 and then in that of Great Britain until 1800 . It elects one Member of Parliament by the first past the post system of election . The serving Member is Conservative Stewart Jackson . He defeated Labour 's Helen Clark in 2005 , and was re @-@ elected in 2010 with an increased majority . In 2015 , he held the seat with a reduced majority . = = Boundaries = = 1918 @-@ 1950 : The administrative county of the Soke of Peterborough , the Urban District of Oundle , the Rural Districts of Easton @-@ on @-@ the @-@ Hill and Gretton , and parts of the Rural Districts of Oundle and Thrapston . 1950 @-@ 1974 : The Municipal Borough of Peterborough , the Urban District of Oundle , the Rural Districts of Barnack and Peterborough , and part of the Rural District of Oundle and Thrapston . 1974 @-@ 1983 : The Municipal Borough of Peterborough , and the Rural Districts of Barnack , Peterborough , and Thorney . 1983 @-@ 1997 : The City of Peterborough wards of Bretton , Central , Dogsthorpe , East , Fletton , North , Orton Longueville , Orton Waterville , Park , Paston , Ravensthorpe , Stanground , Walton , and West . 1997 @-@ 2010 : The City of Peterborough wards of Bretton , Central , Dogsthorpe , East , North , Park , Paston , Ravensthorpe , Walton , Werrington , and West . 2010 @-@ present : The City of Peterborough wards of Bretton North , Bretton South , Central , Dogsthorpe , East , Eye and Thorney , Newborough , North , Park , Paston , Ravensthorpe , Walton , Werrington North , Werrington South , and West . The City of Peterborough formed a parliamentary borough returning two Members in 1541 . The rest of
[ "▁the", "▁So", "ke", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁was", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁North", "am", "pt", "ons", "hire", "▁parliament", "ary", "▁county", "▁,", "▁except", "▁the", "▁area", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁River", "▁N", "ene", "▁in", "▁the", "▁historic", "▁county", "▁of", "▁Hun", "ting", "d", "ons", "hire", "▁and", "▁Thor", "ney", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁part", "▁of", "▁Camb", "rid", "ges", "hire", "▁.", "▁Until", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "2", "▁when", "▁the", "▁whole", "▁of", "▁the", "▁parish", "▁of", "▁Saint", "▁John", "▁the", "▁Bapt", "ist", "▁was", "▁en", "comp", "ass", "ed", "▁,", "▁the", "▁boundary", "▁,", "▁as", "▁far", "▁as", "▁is", "▁known", "▁,", "▁ex", "cluded", "▁the", "▁villages", "▁of", "▁Long", "th", "or", "pe", "▁,", "▁Dog", "st", "hor", "pe", "▁and", "▁New", "ark", "▁with", "▁East", "field", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Great", "▁Reform", "▁Act", "▁did", "▁not", "▁affect", "▁the", "▁bor", "ough", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁rural", "▁portion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁So", "ke", "▁was", "▁included", "▁in", "▁the", "▁northern", "▁division", "▁of", "▁North", "am", "pt", "ons", "hire", "▁.", "▁New", "▁F", "lett", "on", "▁was", "▁transferred", "▁from", "▁Hun", "ting", "d", "ons", "hire", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "8", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁the", "▁parliament", "ary", "▁bor", "ough", "▁was", "▁abol", "ished", "▁and", "▁replaced", "▁with", "▁a", "▁new", "▁division", "▁of", "▁the", "▁parliament", "ary", "▁county", "▁of", "▁North", "am", "pton", "▁with", "▁the", "▁So", "ke", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁whole", "▁of", "▁the", "▁So", "ke", "▁and", "▁neighbour", "ing", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁the", "▁administrative", "▁county", "▁of", "▁North", "am", "pt", "ons", "hire", "▁,", "▁extending", "▁down", "▁to", "▁and", "▁beyond", "▁Th", "rap", "ston", "▁and", "▁Cor", "by", "▁.", "▁This", "▁became", "▁a", "▁county", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁under", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "8", "▁revis", "ions", "▁,", "▁when", "▁the", "▁boundaries", "▁of", "▁the", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁were", "▁adjust", "ed", "▁to", "▁correspond", "▁to", "▁those", "▁of", "▁the", "▁So", "ke", "▁and", "▁they", "▁remained", "▁much", "▁the", "▁same", "▁until", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁.", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁became", "▁a", "▁county", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁Following", "▁their", "▁review", "▁of", "▁parliament", "ary", "▁representation", "▁in", "▁Camb", "rid", "ges", "hire", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁the", "▁B", "ound", "ary", "▁Commission", "▁for", "▁England", "▁made", "▁minor", "▁alter", "ations", "▁to", "▁the", "▁existing", "▁constitu", "encies", "▁to", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁population", "▁changes", "▁.", "▁The", "▁elect", "oral", "▁w", "ards", "▁used", "▁to", "▁create", "▁the", "▁modified", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁fought", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁general", "▁election", "▁are", "▁:", "▁Bre", "tt", "on", "▁North", "▁,", "▁Bre", "tt", "on", "▁South", "▁,", "▁Central", "▁,", "▁Dog", "st", "hor", "pe", "▁,", "▁East", "▁,", "▁E", "ye", "▁and", "▁Thor", "ney", "▁,", "▁New", "borough", "▁,", "▁North", "▁,", "▁Park", "▁,", "▁Past", "on", "▁,", "▁R", "aven", "st", "hor", "pe", "▁,", "▁Wal", "ton", "▁,", "▁W", "err", "ington", "▁North", "▁,", "▁W", "err", "ington", "▁South", "▁,", "▁and", "▁West", "▁.", "▁These", "▁changes", "▁increased", "▁the", "▁elect", "or", "ate", "▁from", "▁", "6", "4", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "8", "9", "3", "▁to", "▁", "7", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "4", "0", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁enumer", "ation", "▁date", "▁of", "▁", "1", "7", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁elect", "oral", "▁qu", "ota", "▁for", "▁England", "▁was", "▁", "6", "9", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "9", "3", "4", "▁vot", "ers", "▁per", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁w", "ards", "▁of", "▁Bar", "n", "ack", "▁,", "▁F", "lett", "on", "▁,", "▁Gl", "inton", "▁and", "▁W", "itter", "ing", "▁,", "▁North", "borough", "▁,", "▁Or", "ton", "▁Long", "ue", "ville", "▁,", "▁Or", "ton", "▁Water", "ville", "▁,", "▁Or", "ton", "▁with", "▁Ham", "pton", "▁,", "▁St", "ang", "round", "▁Central", "▁,", "▁and", "▁St", "ang", "round", "▁East", "▁form", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁North", "▁West", "▁Camb", "rid", "ges", "hire", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁created", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁from", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁and", "▁Hun", "ting", "don", "▁constitu", "encies", "▁.", "▁The", "▁serving", "▁member", "▁for", "▁North", "▁West", "▁Camb", "rid", "ges", "hire", "▁is", "▁the", "▁Conserv", "ative", "▁,", "▁Sh", "ail", "esh", "▁V", "ara", "▁MP", "▁,", "▁who", "▁succeeded", "▁Sir", "▁Brian", "▁Ma", "wh", "in", "ney", "▁,", "▁former", "▁Secretary", "▁of", "▁State", "▁for", "▁Transport", "▁and", "▁Chair", "man", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Conserv", "ative", "▁Party", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁.", "▁Ma", "wh", "in", "ney", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁previously", "▁served", "▁as", "▁Member", "▁of", "▁Parliament", "▁for", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "9", "▁,", "▁was", "▁created", "▁Baron", "▁Ma", "wh", "in", "ney", "▁,", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁in", "▁the", "▁county", "▁of", "▁Camb", "rid", "ges", "hire", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁.", "▁E", "ye", "▁and", "▁Thor", "ney", "▁was", "▁previously", "▁included", "▁in", "▁the", "▁North", "▁East", "▁Camb", "rid", "ges", "hire", "▁(", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "3", "▁Is", "le", "▁of", "▁E", "ly", "▁)", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Fran", "ch", "ise", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁un", "re", "formed", "▁House", "▁of", "▁Commons", "▁to", "▁be", "▁either", "▁a", "▁candidate", "▁or", "▁an", "▁elect", "or", "▁for", "▁a", "▁county", "▁seat", "▁,", "▁a", "▁man", "▁had", "▁to", "▁own", "▁(", "▁not", "▁rent", "▁)", "▁free", "hold", "▁property", "▁val", "ued", "▁for", "▁the", "▁land", "▁tax", "▁at", "▁two", "▁pounds", "▁a", "▁year", "▁(", "▁women", "▁could", "▁neither", "▁vote", "▁nor", "▁stand", "▁for", "▁election", "▁)", "▁.", "▁This", "▁was", "▁known", "▁as", "▁the", "▁", "4", "0", "▁/", "▁-", "▁free", "hold", "▁.", "▁The", "▁franch", "ise", "▁for", "▁bor", "ough", "▁seats", "▁varied", "▁enorm", "ously", "▁.", "▁Origin", "ally", "▁in", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁the", "▁de", "an", "▁and", "▁chapter", "▁had", "▁claimed", "▁the", "▁franch", "ise", "▁and", "▁held", "▁that", "▁only", "▁residents", "▁of", "▁Min", "ster", "▁P", "rec", "inct", "s", "▁were", "▁burg", "esses", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁inter", "reg", "num", "▁,", "▁the", "▁city", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁", "3", "7", "▁bor", "ough", "s", "▁in", "▁which", "▁suff", "rage", "▁was", "▁restricted", "▁to", "▁those", "▁pay", "ing", "▁sc", "ot", "▁and", "▁lot", "▁,", "▁a", "▁form", "▁of", "▁municipal", "▁tax", "ation", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "0", "▁there", "▁were", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁registered", "▁vot", "ers", "▁in", "▁North", "am", "pt", "ons", "hire", "▁and", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁in", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁.", "▁By", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "5", "▁this", "▁was", "▁", "5", "7", "6", "▁,", "▁or", "▁about", "▁one", "▁per", "▁cent", "▁of", "▁the", "▁population", "▁.", "▁B", "ri", "ber", "y", "▁was", "▁general", "▁until", "▁the", "▁introduction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁secret", "▁ball", "ot", "▁under", "▁the", "▁Ball", "ot", "▁Act", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "2", "▁.", "▁V", "otes", "▁were", "▁cast", "▁by", "▁spoken", "▁declaration", "▁,", "▁in", "▁public", "▁,", "▁at", "▁the", "▁h", "ust", "ings", "▁,", "▁ere", "cted", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Market", "▁Place", "▁(", "▁now", "▁C", "athedral", "▁Square", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "2", "▁the", "▁Great", "▁Reform", "▁Act", "▁enf", "ranch", "ised", "▁those", "▁who", "▁owned", "▁or", "▁le", "ased", "▁land", "▁worth", "▁£", "▁", "1", "0", "▁or", "▁more", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Second", "▁Reform", "▁Act", "▁extended", "▁this", "▁to", "▁all", "▁household", "ers", "▁pay", "ing", "▁£", "▁", "1", "0", "▁or", "▁more", "▁in", "▁rent", "▁per", "▁an" ]
the Soke of Peterborough was part of the Northamptonshire parliamentary county , except the area south of the River Nene in the historic county of Huntingdonshire and Thorney , which was considered part of Cambridgeshire . Until 1832 when the whole of the parish of Saint John the Baptist was encompassed , the boundary , as far as is known , excluded the villages of Longthorpe , Dogsthorpe and Newark with Eastfield . The Great Reform Act did not affect the borough , while the rural portion of the Soke was included in the northern division of Northamptonshire . New Fletton was transferred from Huntingdonshire in 1868 and in 1918 the parliamentary borough was abolished and replaced with a new division of the parliamentary county of Northampton with the Soke of Peterborough , including the whole of the Soke and neighbouring parts of the administrative county of Northamptonshire , extending down to and beyond Thrapston and Corby . This became a county constituency under the 1948 revisions , when the boundaries of the constituency were adjusted to correspond to those of the Soke and they remained much the same until 1970 . Peterborough became a county constituency in 1974 . Following their review of parliamentary representation in Cambridgeshire in 2005 , the Boundary Commission for England made minor alterations to the existing constituencies to deal with population changes . The electoral wards used to create the modified Peterborough constituency fought at the 2010 general election are : Bretton North , Bretton South , Central , Dogsthorpe , East , Eye and Thorney , Newborough , North , Park , Paston , Ravensthorpe , Walton , Werrington North , Werrington South , and West . These changes increased the electorate from 64 @,@ 893 to 70 @,@ 640 . On the enumeration date of 17 February 2000 , the electoral quota for England was 69 @,@ 934 voters per constituency . The Peterborough wards of Barnack , Fletton , Glinton and Wittering , Northborough , Orton Longueville , Orton Waterville , Orton with Hampton , Stanground Central , and Stanground East form part of the North West Cambridgeshire constituency created in 1997 from parts of Peterborough and Huntingdon constituencies . The serving member for North West Cambridgeshire is the Conservative , Shailesh Vara MP , who succeeded Sir Brian Mawhinney , former Secretary of State for Transport and Chairman of the Conservative Party , in 2005 . Mawhinney , who had previously served as Member of Parliament for Peterborough from 1979 , was created Baron Mawhinney , of Peterborough in the county of Cambridgeshire in 2005 . Eye and Thorney was previously included in the North East Cambridgeshire ( prior to 1983 Isle of Ely ) constituency . = = Franchise = = In the unreformed House of Commons to be either a candidate or an elector for a county seat , a man had to own ( not rent ) freehold property valued for the land tax at two pounds a year ( women could neither vote nor stand for election ) . This was known as the 40 / - freehold . The franchise for borough seats varied enormously . Originally in Peterborough the dean and chapter had claimed the franchise and held that only residents of Minster Precincts were burgesses . By the interregnum , the city was one of 37 boroughs in which suffrage was restricted to those paying scot and lot , a form of municipal taxation . In 1800 there were 2 @,@ 000 registered voters in Northamptonshire and 400 in Peterborough . By 1835 this was 576 , or about one per cent of the population . Bribery was general until the introduction of the secret ballot under the Ballot Act 1872 . Votes were cast by spoken declaration , in public , at the hustings , erected on the Market Place ( now Cathedral Square ) . In 1832 the Great Reform Act enfranchised those who owned or leased land worth £ 10 or more and the Second Reform Act extended this to all householders paying £ 10 or more in rent per an
[ "num", "▁,", "▁effectively", "▁enf", "ranch", "ising", "▁the", "▁sk", "illed", "▁working", "▁class", "▁,", "▁so", "▁by", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "8", "▁the", "▁percentage", "▁of", "▁vot", "ers", "▁in", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁had", "▁ris", "en", "▁to", "▁about", "▁", "2", "0", "▁%", "▁of", "▁the", "▁population", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Third", "▁Reform", "▁Act", "▁extended", "▁the", "▁prov", "isions", "▁of", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁act", "▁to", "▁the", "▁count", "ies", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Four", "th", "▁Reform", "▁Act", "▁w", "iden", "ed", "▁suff", "rage", "▁further", "▁by", "▁abol", "ishing", "▁pract", "ically", "▁all", "▁property", "▁qual", "ifications", "▁for", "▁men", "▁and", "▁by", "▁enf", "ranch", "ising", "▁women", "▁over", "▁", "3", "0", "▁who", "▁met", "▁minimum", "▁property", "▁qual", "ifications", "▁.", "▁This", "▁system", "▁,", "▁known", "▁as", "▁universal", "▁man", "hood", "▁suff", "rage", "▁,", "▁was", "▁first", "▁used", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁general", "▁election", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁full", "▁elect", "oral", "▁equality", "▁wouldn", "▁'", "t", "▁occur", "▁until", "▁the", "▁Fif", "th", "▁Reform", "▁Act", "▁ten", "▁years", "▁later", "▁.", "▁", "▁According", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁census", "▁,", "▁the", "▁population", "▁count", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁is", "▁", "9", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "1", "0", "3", "▁persons", "▁,", "▁compr", "ising", "▁", "4", "6", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "1", "3", "1", "▁males", "▁and", "▁", "4", "8", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "9", "7", "2", "▁females", "▁.", "▁", "6", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "6", "▁%", "▁of", "▁those", "▁aged", "▁", "1", "6", "▁–", "▁", "7", "4", "▁are", "▁econom", "ically", "▁active", "▁,", "▁including", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "2", "▁%", "▁um", "emp", "loy", "ed", "▁;", "▁a", "▁further", "▁", "1", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "6", "▁%", "▁are", "▁retired", "▁and", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "8", "▁%", "▁students", "▁.", "▁Of", "▁a", "▁total", "▁", "3", "9", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "7", "6", "0", "▁households", "▁,", "▁", "6", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "0", "▁%", "▁are", "▁owner", "▁occupied", "▁,", "▁fewer", "▁than", "▁the", "▁regional", "▁(", "▁", "7", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "1", "▁%", "▁)", "▁and", "▁national", "▁(", "▁", "6", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "2", "▁%", "▁)", "▁aver", "ages", "▁.", "▁Turn", "out", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁general", "▁election", "▁was", "▁", "4", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "▁or", "▁", "6", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁%", "▁of", "▁those", "▁el", "ig", "ible", "▁to", "▁vote", "▁,", "▁below", "▁the", "▁regional", "▁(", "▁", "6", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "▁%", "▁)", "▁and", "▁national", "▁(", "▁", "6", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "▁%", "▁)", "▁figures", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁M", "embers", "▁of", "▁Parliament", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁sent", "▁two", "▁members", "▁to", "▁parliament", "▁for", "▁the", "▁first", "▁time", "▁in", "▁", "1", "5", "4", "7", "▁.", "▁Before", "▁the", "▁civil", "▁war", "▁,", "▁many", "▁were", "▁relatives", "▁of", "▁the", "▁cler", "gy", "▁;", "▁then", "▁for", "▁two", "▁hundred", "▁years", "▁after", "▁the", "▁rest", "oration", "▁there", "▁was", "▁always", "▁a", "▁Fitz", "will", "iam", "▁,", "▁or", "▁a", "▁Fitz", "will", "iam", "▁nom", "ine", "e", "▁,", "▁sitting", "▁as", "▁member", "▁for", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁,", "▁making", "▁it", "▁a", "▁Wh", "ig", "▁strong", "hold", "▁.", "▁Represent", "ation", "▁was", "▁reduced", "▁to", "▁one", "▁member", "▁under", "▁the", "▁Red", "ist", "ribution", "▁of", "▁Se", "ats", "▁Act", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "5", "▁.", "▁From", "▁the", "▁formal", "▁mer", "ger", "▁of", "▁the", "▁break", "away", "▁Liberal", "▁Union", "ists", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Conserv", "atives", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "2", "▁and", "▁the", "▁absor", "ption", "▁of", "▁rural", "▁North", "▁North", "am", "pt", "ons", "hire", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁has", "▁been", "▁pre", "domin", "antly", "▁Conserv", "ative", "▁.", "▁The", "▁growth", "▁in", "▁the", "▁New", "▁Town", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "7", "▁may", "▁in", "▁part", "▁account", "▁for", "▁Labour", "▁'", "s", "▁victory", "▁here", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "4", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁its", "▁formation", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁,", "▁North", "▁West", "▁Camb", "rid", "ges", "hire", "▁has", "▁been", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁saf", "est", "▁Conserv", "ative", "▁seats", "▁in", "▁the", "▁country", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁election", "▁which", "▁followed", "▁,", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁was", "▁ranked", "▁", "9", "3", "rd", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Conserv", "atives", "▁'", "s", "▁one", "▁hundred", "▁most", "▁vulner", "able", "▁seats", "▁(", "▁the", "▁ones", "▁which", "▁the", "▁other", "▁parties", "▁must", "▁take", "▁if", "▁there", "▁is", "▁to", "▁be", "▁a", "▁change", "▁of", "▁government", "▁)", "▁and", "▁", "7", "3", "rd", "▁on", "▁Labour", "▁'", "s", "▁target", "▁list", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "6", "▁,", "▁the", "▁closest", "▁poll", "▁in", "▁UK", "▁history", "▁,", "▁Sir", "▁Harm", "ar", "▁Nich", "oll", "s", "▁held", "▁the", "▁seat", "▁by", "▁three", "▁votes", "▁after", "▁seven", "▁rec", "ount", "s", "▁.", "▁Nich", "oll", "s", "▁was", "▁the", "▁Conserv", "ative", "▁member", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "4", "▁,", "▁when", "▁he", "▁lost", "▁in", "▁the", "▁October", "▁election", "▁of", "▁that", "▁year", "▁to", "▁Labour", "▁'", "s", "▁Michael", "▁Ward", "▁,", "▁having", "▁held", "▁on", "▁by", "▁just", "▁", "2", "2", "▁votes", "▁after", "▁four", "▁rec", "ount", "s", "▁in", "▁the", "▁election", "▁eight", "▁months", "▁earlier", "▁.", "▁After", "▁he", "▁lost", "▁his", "▁seat", "▁he", "▁was", "▁created", "▁Baron", "▁Harm", "ar", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Nich", "oll", "s", "▁,", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁in", "▁the", "▁county", "▁of", "▁Camb", "rid", "ges", "hire", "▁and", "▁served", "▁,", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "9", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "4", "▁,", "▁as", "▁Member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁European", "▁Parliament", "▁for", "▁Gre", "ater", "▁Manchester", "▁South", "▁.", "▁David", "▁Cec", "il", "▁,", "▁", "6", "th", "▁Mar", "qu", "ess", "▁of", "▁Ex", "eter", "▁,", "▁winner", "▁of", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "m", "▁hur", "d", "les", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "8", "▁Summer", "▁Olympics", "▁,", "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁International", "▁Olympic", "▁Committee", "▁for", "▁", "4", "8", "▁years", "▁and", "▁chairman", "▁of", "▁the", "▁organ", "ising", "▁committee", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "8", "▁Summer", "▁Olympics", "▁,", "▁was", "▁the", "▁Conserv", "ative", "▁member", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "1", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁.", "▁Lord", "▁Burg", "h", "ley", "▁,", "▁as", "▁he", "▁then", "▁was", "▁,", "▁succeeded", "▁the", "▁social", "ist", "▁writer", "▁and", "▁illustr", "ator", "▁,", "▁Frank", "▁Hor", "ra", "bin", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁born", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁and", "▁elected", "▁under", "▁the", "▁leadership", "▁of", "▁R", "ams", "ay", "▁Mac", "Donald", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁most", "▁recent", "▁Labour", "▁MP", "▁for", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁,", "▁Helen", "▁Clark", "▁(", "▁n", "ée", "▁Br", "inton", "▁)", "▁,", "▁won", "▁the", "▁seat", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁defeated", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁general", "▁election", "▁,", "▁following", "▁which", "▁it", "▁was", "▁widely", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁Clark", "▁was", "▁planning", "▁to", "▁defect", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Conserv", "ative", "▁Party", "▁,", "▁an", "▁announ", "cement", "▁which", "▁was", "▁not", "▁popular", "▁locally", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁by", "▁early", "▁June", "▁it", "▁emer", "ged", "▁that", "▁while", "▁she", "▁had", "▁left", "▁the", "▁Labour", "▁Party", "▁,", "▁she", "▁had", "▁not", "▁in", "▁fact" ]
num , effectively enfranchising the skilled working class , so by 1868 the percentage of voters in Peterborough had risen to about 20 % of the population . The Third Reform Act extended the provisions of the previous act to the counties and the Fourth Reform Act widened suffrage further by abolishing practically all property qualifications for men and by enfranchising women over 30 who met minimum property qualifications . This system , known as universal manhood suffrage , was first used in the 1918 general election . However , full electoral equality wouldn 't occur until the Fifth Reform Act ten years later . According to the 2001 census , the population count of Peterborough constituency is 95 @,@ 103 persons , comprising 46 @,@ 131 males and 48 @,@ 972 females . 67 @.@ 56 % of those aged 16 – 74 are economically active , including 5 @.@ 92 % umemployed ; a further 12 @.@ 26 % are retired and 3 @.@ 08 % students . Of a total 39 @,@ 760 households , 63 @.@ 80 % are owner occupied , fewer than the regional ( 72 @.@ 71 % ) and national ( 68 @.@ 72 % ) averages . Turnout at the 2005 general election was 41 @,@ 194 or 61 @.@ 0 % of those eligible to vote , below the regional ( 63 @.@ 6 % ) and national ( 61 @.@ 3 % ) figures . = = Members of Parliament = = Peterborough sent two members to parliament for the first time in 1547 . Before the civil war , many were relatives of the clergy ; then for two hundred years after the restoration there was always a Fitzwilliam , or a Fitzwilliam nominee , sitting as member for Peterborough , making it a Whig stronghold . Representation was reduced to one member under the Redistribution of Seats Act 1885 . From the formal merger of the breakaway Liberal Unionists with the Conservatives in 1912 and the absorption of rural North Northamptonshire in 1918 , Peterborough has been predominantly Conservative . The growth in the New Town from 1967 may in part account for Labour 's victory here in 1974 . Since its formation in 1997 , North West Cambridgeshire has been one of the safest Conservative seats in the country . At the election which followed , Peterborough was ranked 93rd in the Conservatives 's one hundred most vulnerable seats ( the ones which the other parties must take if there is to be a change of government ) and 73rd on Labour 's target list . In 1966 , the closest poll in UK history , Sir Harmar Nicholls held the seat by three votes after seven recounts . Nicholls was the Conservative member from 1950 to 1974 , when he lost in the October election of that year to Labour 's Michael Ward , having held on by just 22 votes after four recounts in the election eight months earlier . After he lost his seat he was created Baron Harmar @-@ Nicholls , of Peterborough in the county of Cambridgeshire and served , from 1979 to 1984 , as Member of the European Parliament for Greater Manchester South . David Cecil , 6th Marquess of Exeter , winner of 400m hurdles at the 1928 Summer Olympics , member of the International Olympic Committee for 48 years and chairman of the organising committee of the 1948 Summer Olympics , was the Conservative member from 1931 to 1943 . Lord Burghley , as he then was , succeeded the socialist writer and illustrator , Frank Horrabin , who was born in the city and elected under the leadership of Ramsay MacDonald in 1929 . The most recent Labour MP for Peterborough , Helen Clark ( née Brinton ) , won the seat in 1997 . She was defeated at the 2005 general election , following which it was widely reported that Clark was planning to defect to the Conservative Party , an announcement which was not popular locally . However , by early June it emerged that while she had left the Labour Party , she had not in fact
[ "▁joined", "▁the", "▁Conserv", "atives", "▁and", "▁did", "▁not", "▁intend", "▁to", "▁.", "▁", "▁One", "▁of", "▁the", "▁earliest", "▁inc", "umb", "ents", "▁,", "▁Sir", "▁Walter", "▁M", "ild", "may", "▁,", "▁member", "▁for", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁from", "▁", "1", "5", "5", "3", "▁to", "▁", "1", "5", "5", "4", "▁,", "▁subsequently", "▁became", "▁Chan", "cell", "or", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ex", "che", "quer", "▁from", "▁", "1", "5", "5", "9", "▁to", "▁", "1", "5", "8", "9", "▁.", "▁Later", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁nin", "ete", "enth", "▁century", "▁,", "▁William", "▁Elli", "ot", "▁,", "▁Wh", "ig", "▁member", "▁from", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "2", "▁until", "▁his", "▁death", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁was", "▁Chief", "▁Secretary", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Lord", "▁Lieutenant", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁between", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "6", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "7", "▁;", "▁the", "▁Hon", ".", "▁William", "▁Lamb", "▁(", "▁later", "▁the", "▁", "2", "nd", "▁Vis", "count", "▁Melbourne", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Wh", "ig", "▁member", "▁from", "▁", "1", "8", "1", "6", "▁to", "▁", "1", "8", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁became", "▁Home", "▁Secretary", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "0", "▁then", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁from", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "4", "▁to", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "1", "▁;", "▁and", "▁Sir", "▁James", "▁Sc", "ar", "lett", "▁(", "▁later", "▁the", "▁", "1", "st", "▁Baron", "▁Ab", "inger", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Wh", "ig", "▁member", "▁from", "▁", "1", "8", "1", "9", "▁to", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁was", "▁,", "▁from", "▁", "1", "8", "2", "7", "▁,", "▁Att", "orney", "▁General", "▁for", "▁England", "▁and", "▁Wales", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Parliament", "ary", "▁Bor", "ough", "▁", "1", "5", "4", "7", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁MP", "s", "▁", "1", "5", "4", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "6", "6", "0", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁MP", "s", "▁", "1", "6", "6", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "3", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁T", "ories", "▁(", "▁or", "▁Ab", "hor", "r", "ers", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Wh", "igs", "▁(", "▁or", "▁Pet", "ition", "ers", "▁)", "▁origin", "ated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Court", "▁and", "▁Country", "▁parties", "▁that", "▁emer", "ged", "▁in", "▁the", "▁after", "math", "▁of", "▁the", "▁civil", "▁war", "▁,", "▁although", "▁it", "▁is", "▁more", "▁accurate", "▁to", "▁describe", "▁them", "▁as", "▁loose", "▁t", "endencies", "▁,", "▁both", "▁of", "▁which", "▁might", "▁be", "▁regarded", "▁as", "▁conserv", "ative", "▁in", "▁modern", "▁terms", "▁.", "▁Modern", "▁party", "▁politics", "▁did", "▁not", "▁really", "▁begin", "▁to", "▁co", "ales", "ce", "▁in", "▁Great", "▁Britain", "▁until", "▁at", "▁least", "▁", "1", "7", "8", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁MP", "s", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "5", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "2", "▁the", "▁T", "ory", "▁Party", "▁evol", "ved", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Conserv", "ative", "▁Party", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "9", "▁the", "▁Wh", "ig", "▁Party", "▁evol", "ved", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Rad", "ical", "s", "▁and", "▁Pe", "el", "ites", "▁,", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Liberal", "▁Party", "▁.", "▁In", "▁opposition", "▁to", "▁Irish", "▁home", "▁rule", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Liberal", "▁Union", "ists", "▁c", "eded", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Liber", "als", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "6", "▁,", "▁align", "ing", "▁themselves", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Conserv", "atives", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Labour", "▁Party", "▁was", "▁later", "▁founded", "▁,", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Labour", "▁Represent", "ation", "▁Committee", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Division", "▁and", "▁County", "▁Const", "itu", "ency", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁parliament", "ary", "▁bor", "ough", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁was", "▁abol", "ished", "▁under", "▁the", "▁Represent", "ation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁People", "▁Act", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁name", "▁was", "▁transferred", "▁to", "▁a", "▁division", "▁of", "▁the", "▁new", "▁parliament", "ary", "▁county", "▁of", "▁North", "am", "pton", "▁with", "▁the", "▁So", "ke", "▁of", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁division", "▁became", "▁a", "▁county", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁MP", "s", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "4", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Bor", "ough", "▁Const", "itu", "ency", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Peter", "borough", "▁was", "▁re", "defined", "▁as", "▁a", "▁bor", "ough", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁with", "▁effect", "▁from", "▁the", "▁February", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "4", "▁general", "▁election", "▁.", "▁Success", "ors", "▁of", "▁the", "▁historic", "▁parliament", "ary", "▁bor", "ough", "s", "▁,", "▁the", "▁sp", "ending", "▁limits", "▁for", "▁election", "▁campaign", "s", "▁are", "▁slightly", "▁lower", "▁than", "▁in", "▁county", "▁constitu", "encies", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁MP", "s", "▁since", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "4", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁E", "lection", "▁results", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁E", "lections", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁E", "lections", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁E", "lections", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁E", "lections", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁E", "lections", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁E", "lections", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁E", "lections", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁E", "lections", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁General", "▁E", "lection", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁/", "▁", "4", "0", "▁Another", "▁general", "▁election", "▁was", "▁required", "▁to", "▁take", "▁place", "▁before", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "▁.", "▁The", "▁political", "▁parties", "▁had", "▁been", "▁making", "▁prepar", "ations", "▁for", "▁an", "▁election", "▁to", "▁take", "▁place", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁and", "▁by", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁this", "▁year", "▁,", "▁the", "▁following", "▁candidates", "▁had", "▁been", "▁selected", "▁:", "▁", "▁Conserv", "ative", "▁:", "▁David", "▁George", "▁Brown", "low", "▁Cec", "il", "▁,", "▁Lord", "▁Burg", "h", "ley", "▁", "▁Labour", "▁:", "▁Samuel", "▁Ben", "nett", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁E", "lections", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁E", "lections", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁E", "lections", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁†", "▁denotes", "▁a", "▁candidate", "▁end", "ors", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Co", "al", "ition", "▁Government", "▁", "▁=", "▁Bart", "▁'", "s", "▁Girl", "friend", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Bart", "▁'", "s", "▁Girl", "friend", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁the", "▁sevent", "h", "▁television", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁'", "▁sixth", "▁season", "▁.", "▁It", "▁originally", "▁a", "ired", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Fox", "▁network", "▁in", "▁the" ]
joined the Conservatives and did not intend to . One of the earliest incumbents , Sir Walter Mildmay , member for Peterborough from 1553 to 1554 , subsequently became Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1559 to 1589 . Later , in the nineteenth century , William Elliot , Whig member from 1802 until his death in 1819 , was Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland between 1806 and 1807 ; the Hon. William Lamb ( later the 2nd Viscount Melbourne ) , Whig member from 1816 to 1819 , became Home Secretary in 1830 then Prime Minister from 1834 to 1841 ; and Sir James Scarlett ( later the 1st Baron Abinger ) , Whig member from 1819 to 1830 , was , from 1827 , Attorney General for England and Wales . = = = Parliamentary Borough 1547 – 1918 = = = = = = = MPs 1542 – 1660 = = = = = = = = MPs 1660 – 1883 = = = = The Tories ( or Abhorrers ) and Whigs ( or Petitioners ) originated in the Court and Country parties that emerged in the aftermath of the civil war , although it is more accurate to describe them as loose tendencies , both of which might be regarded as conservative in modern terms . Modern party politics did not really begin to coalesce in Great Britain until at least 1784 . = = = = MPs 1885 – 1918 = = = = In 1832 the Tory Party evolved into the Conservative Party and in 1859 the Whig Party evolved , with Radicals and Peelites , into the Liberal Party . In opposition to Irish home rule , the Liberal Unionists ceded from the Liberals in 1886 , aligning themselves with the Conservatives . The Labour Party was later founded , as the Labour Representation Committee , in 1900 . = = = Division and County Constituency = = = The parliamentary borough of Peterborough was abolished under the Representation of the People Act 1918 , and the name was transferred to a division of the new parliamentary county of Northampton with the Soke of Peterborough . The Peterborough division became a county constituency in 1950 . = = = = MPs 1918 – 1974 = = = = = = = Borough Constituency = = = Peterborough was redefined as a borough constituency with effect from the February 1974 general election . Successors of the historic parliamentary boroughs , the spending limits for election campaigns are slightly lower than in county constituencies . = = = = MPs since 1974 = = = = = = Election results = = = = = Elections in the 2010s = = = = = = Elections in the 2000s = = = = = = Elections in the 1990s = = = = = = Elections in the 1980s = = = = = = Elections in the 1970s = = = = = = Elections in the 1960s = = = = = = Elections in the 1950s = = = = = = Elections in the 1940s = = = General Election 1939 / 40 Another general election was required to take place before the end of 1940 . The political parties had been making preparations for an election to take place from 1939 and by the end of this year , the following candidates had been selected : Conservative : David George Brownlow Cecil , Lord Burghley Labour : Samuel Bennett = = = Elections in the 1930s = = = = = = Elections in the 1920s = = = = = = Elections in the 1910s = = = † denotes a candidate endorsed by the Coalition Government = Bart 's Girlfriend = " Bart 's Girlfriend " is the seventh television episode of The Simpsons ' sixth season . It originally aired on the Fox network in the
[ "▁United", "▁States", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "6", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁.", "▁The", "▁plot", "▁of", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁follows", "▁the", "▁secret", "▁rom", "ance", "▁of", "▁Bart", "▁and", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁Love", "jo", "y", "▁,", "▁Re", "ver", "end", "▁Love", "jo", "y", "▁'", "s", "▁daughter", "▁.", "▁Bart", "▁tries", "▁to", "▁end", "▁the", "▁rom", "ance", "▁when", "▁he", "▁disco", "vers", "▁that", "▁,", "▁behind", "▁her", "▁innoc", "ent", "▁fa", "ç", "ade", "▁as", "▁a", "▁pre", "acher", "▁'", "s", "▁kid", "▁,", "▁she", "▁is", "▁an", "▁even", "▁bigger", "▁trou", "blem", "aker", "▁than", "▁he", "▁is", "▁.", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁then", "▁ste", "als", "▁the", "▁money", "▁from", "▁the", "▁collection", "▁plate", "▁,", "▁leaving", "▁Bart", "▁to", "▁take", "▁the", "▁bl", "ame", "▁until", "▁Lisa", "▁ex", "poses", "▁the", "▁truth", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Jonathan", "▁Col", "lier", "▁,", "▁and", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁Sus", "ie", "▁Diet", "ter", "▁.", "▁Form", "er", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁'", "▁show", "▁runner", "▁David", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁originally", "▁came", "▁up", "▁with", "▁the", "▁idea", "▁of", "▁Bart", "▁having", "▁a", "▁girl", "friend", "▁that", "▁was", "▁more", "▁evil", "▁than", "▁he", "▁was", "▁.", "▁M", "ery", "l", "▁St", "ree", "p", "▁guest", "▁stars", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁as", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁Love", "jo", "y", "▁.", "▁It", "▁features", "▁cultural", "▁references", "▁to", "▁films", "▁such", "▁as", "▁Planet", "▁of", "▁the", "▁A", "pes", "▁and", "▁The", "▁Sil", "ence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Lamb", "s", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁air", "ing", "▁,", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁has", "▁received", "▁acc", "laim", "▁from", "▁both", "▁critics", "▁and", "▁fans", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Entertainment", "▁Week", "ly", "▁named", "▁M", "ery", "l", "▁St", "ree", "p", "▁'", "s", "▁role", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁best", "▁guest", "▁appearances", "▁on", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Plot", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Bart", "▁falls", "▁in", "▁love", "▁with", "▁Re", "ver", "end", "▁Love", "jo", "y", "▁'", "s", "▁daughter", "▁,", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁when", "▁he", "▁approaches", "▁her", "▁,", "▁she", "▁ign", "ores", "▁him", "▁.", "▁The", "▁next", "▁Sunday", "▁,", "▁Bart", "▁dec", "ides", "▁to", "▁attend", "▁Sunday", "▁school", "▁to", "▁try", "▁to", "▁conv", "ince", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁that", "▁he", "▁is", "▁a", "▁good", "▁person", "▁,", "▁but", "▁she", "▁still", "▁ign", "ores", "▁him", "▁.", "▁Fr", "ustr", "ated", "▁,", "▁Bart", "▁goes", "▁to", "▁the", "▁park", "▁to", "▁play", "▁a", "▁pr", "ank", "▁on", "▁Gr", "ounds", "keeper", "▁Will", "ie", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁pun", "ished", "▁with", "▁det", "ention", "▁.", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁approaches", "▁him", "▁to", "▁express", "▁sympathy", "▁and", "▁inv", "ites", "▁him", "▁to", "▁her", "▁house", "▁for", "▁dinner", "▁with", "▁her", "▁family", "▁.", "▁", "▁During", "▁a", "▁formal", "▁dinner", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Love", "jo", "ys", "▁,", "▁Bart", "▁'", "s", "▁cru", "de", "▁manner", "isms", "▁and", "▁f", "oul", "▁language", "▁cause", "▁Re", "ver", "end", "▁Love", "jo", "y", "▁to", "▁forb", "id", "▁him", "▁from", "▁ever", "▁seeing", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁again", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁real", "izes", "▁that", "▁Bart", "▁is", "▁a", "▁bad", "▁boy", "▁and", "▁tells", "▁Bart", "▁that", "▁she", "▁lik", "es", "▁him", "▁.", "▁They", "▁begin", "▁secret", "ly", "▁d", "ating", "▁and", "▁causing", "▁m", "isch", "ief", "▁through", "▁the", "▁town", "▁.", "▁Bart", "▁quickly", "▁real", "izes", "▁that", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁(", "▁an", "▁example", "▁of", "▁the", "▁pre", "acher", "▁'", "s", "▁kid", "▁s", "tere", "ot", "ype", "▁)", "▁is", "▁even", "▁more", "▁badly", "▁behav", "ed", "▁than", "▁he", "▁is", "▁,", "▁so", "▁at", "▁the", "▁next", "▁Sunday", "▁service", "▁he", "▁tries", "▁to", "▁make", "▁her", "▁see", "▁the", "▁error", "▁of", "▁her", "▁ways", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁she", "▁seems", "▁to", "▁agree", "▁,", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁immediately", "▁ste", "als", "▁from", "▁the", "▁collection", "▁plate", "▁before", "▁forcing", "▁it", "▁back", "▁upon", "▁the", "▁ha", "pl", "ess", "▁Bart", ".", "▁The", "▁con", "greg", "ation", "▁mistaken", "ly", "▁bel", "ieves", "▁that", "▁Bart", "▁took", "▁the", "▁money", "▁when", "▁they", "▁see", "▁him", "▁with", "▁the", "▁empty", "▁plate", "▁.", "▁Bart", "▁attempts", "▁to", "▁explain", "▁,", "▁but", "▁they", "▁refuse", "▁to", "▁listen", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁H", "omer", "▁assumes", "▁Bart", "▁is", "▁guilty", "▁,", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁is", "▁willing", "▁to", "▁hear", "▁him", "▁out", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Bart", "▁claims", "▁he", "▁does", "▁not", "▁know", "▁who", "▁did", "▁it", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁day", "▁,", "▁Bart", "▁vis", "its", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁at", "▁her", "▁house", "▁,", "▁and", "▁adm", "its", "▁that", "▁he", "▁does", "▁not", "▁like", "▁her", "▁after", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁ref", "uses", "▁to", "▁own", "▁up", "▁to", "▁the", "▁crime", "▁.", "▁", "▁Upon", "▁finding", "▁out", "▁the", "▁truth", "▁,", "▁Lisa", "▁is", "▁determined", "▁not", "▁to", "▁allow", "▁her", "▁brother", "▁to", "▁take", "▁bl", "ame", "▁for", "▁something", "▁he", "▁did", "▁not", "▁do", "▁,", "▁and", "▁she", "▁tells", "▁their", "▁con", "greg", "ation", "▁that", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁is", "▁the", "▁guilty", "▁party", "▁.", "▁The", "▁town", "spe", "ople", "▁then", "▁search", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁'", "s", "▁room", "▁,", "▁where", "▁the", "▁money", "▁is", "▁found", "▁under", "▁her", "▁bed", "▁.", "▁Rev", ".", "▁Love", "jo", "y", "▁ref", "uses", "▁to", "▁believe", "▁that", "▁his", "▁daughter", "▁is", "▁guilty", "▁until", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁adm", "its", "▁to", "▁him", "▁she", "▁did", "▁it", "▁to", "▁gain", "▁attention", "▁.", "▁She", "▁is", "▁pun", "ished", "▁by", "▁being", "▁forced", "▁to", "▁scr", "ub", "▁the", "▁church", "▁steps", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Bart", "▁receives", "▁an", "▁ap", "ology", "▁from", "▁the", "▁con", "greg", "ation", "▁at", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁'", "s", "▁ins", "istence", "▁.", "▁Later", "▁,", "▁Bart", "▁approaches", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁at", "▁church", "▁and", "▁tells", "▁her", "▁what", "▁he", "▁has", "▁learned", "▁,", "▁to", "▁which", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁respond", "s", "▁that", "▁she", "▁has", "▁learned", "▁that", "▁she", "▁can", "▁make", "▁boys", "▁do", "▁whatever", "▁she", "▁wants", "▁.", "▁Bart", "▁then", "▁agre", "es", "▁to", "▁finish", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁'", "s", "▁ch", "ores", "▁as", "▁she", "▁runs", "▁off", "▁with", "▁another", "▁boy", "friend", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁as", "▁soon", "▁as", "▁she", "▁leaves", "▁,", "▁he", "▁sn", "ick", "ers", "▁about", "▁how", "▁bad", "▁a", "▁job", "▁he", "▁is", "▁going", "▁to", "▁do", "▁on", "▁the", "▁steps", "▁to", "▁get", "▁back", "▁at", "▁her", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Bart", "▁'", "s", "▁Girl", "friend", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Jonathan", "▁Col", "lier", "▁and", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁Sus", "ie", "▁Diet", "ter", "▁.", "▁David", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁show", "▁runner", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁originally", "▁had", "▁the", "▁idea", "▁of", "▁Bart", "▁having", "▁a", "▁girl", "friend", "▁that", "▁was", "▁more", "▁evil", "▁than", "▁he", "▁was", "▁.", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁gave", "▁the", "▁idea", "▁to", "▁Col", "lier", "▁to", "▁write", "▁it", "▁with", "▁the", "▁help", "▁of", "▁the", "▁show", "▁'", "s", "▁executive", "▁producer", "▁,", "▁James", "▁L", ".", "▁Bro", "oks", "▁.", "▁Col", "lier", "▁said", "▁later", "▁that", "▁he", "▁thought", "▁it", "▁was", "▁a", "▁case", "▁of", "▁Bro", "oks", "▁coming", "▁up", "▁with", "▁good", "▁ideas", "▁and", "▁him", "▁\"", "▁gig", "g", "ling", "▁in", "sequ", "entially", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁idea", "▁for", "▁the", "▁ending", "▁of", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁to", "▁have", "▁none", "▁of", "▁the", "▁characters", "▁learn", "▁anything", "▁from", "▁the", "▁experience", "▁.", "▁", "▁Matt", "▁Gro", "ening", "▁,", "▁the", "▁cre", "ator", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁,", "▁felt", "▁that", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁Love", "jo", "y", "▁was", "▁hard", "▁to", "▁draw", "▁in", "▁his", "▁own", "▁style", "▁but", "▁at", "▁the", "▁same", "▁time", "▁make", "▁her", "▁attract", "ive", "▁.", "▁Jul", "ie", "▁K", "av", "ner", "▁,", "▁who", "▁provides", "▁the", "▁voice", "▁of", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁Sim", "pson", "▁on", "▁the", "▁show", "▁,", "▁was", "▁particularly", "▁im", "pressed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁eyes", "▁.", "▁Jess" ]
United States on November 6 , 1994 . The plot of the episode follows the secret romance of Bart and Jessica Lovejoy , Reverend Lovejoy 's daughter . Bart tries to end the romance when he discovers that , behind her innocent façade as a preacher 's kid , she is an even bigger troublemaker than he is . Jessica then steals the money from the collection plate , leaving Bart to take the blame until Lisa exposes the truth . The episode was written by Jonathan Collier , and directed by Susie Dietter . Former The Simpsons ' show runner David Mirkin originally came up with the idea of Bart having a girlfriend that was more evil than he was . Meryl Streep guest stars in the episode as Jessica Lovejoy . It features cultural references to films such as Planet of the Apes and The Silence of the Lambs . Since airing , the episode has received acclaim from both critics and fans , and Entertainment Weekly named Meryl Streep 's role as one of the best guest appearances on The Simpsons . = = Plot = = Bart falls in love with Reverend Lovejoy 's daughter , Jessica . However , when he approaches her , she ignores him . The next Sunday , Bart decides to attend Sunday school to try to convince Jessica that he is a good person , but she still ignores him . Frustrated , Bart goes to the park to play a prank on Groundskeeper Willie , and is punished with detention . Jessica approaches him to express sympathy and invites him to her house for dinner with her family . During a formal dinner with the Lovejoys , Bart 's crude mannerisms and foul language cause Reverend Lovejoy to forbid him from ever seeing Jessica again . However , Jessica realizes that Bart is a bad boy and tells Bart that she likes him . They begin secretly dating and causing mischief through the town . Bart quickly realizes that Jessica ( an example of the preacher 's kid stereotype ) is even more badly behaved than he is , so at the next Sunday service he tries to make her see the error of her ways . Although she seems to agree , Jessica immediately steals from the collection plate before forcing it back upon the hapless Bart. The congregation mistakenly believes that Bart took the money when they see him with the empty plate . Bart attempts to explain , but they refuse to listen . Although Homer assumes Bart is guilty , Marge is willing to hear him out , but Bart claims he does not know who did it . The following day , Bart visits Jessica at her house , and admits that he does not like her after Jessica refuses to own up to the crime . Upon finding out the truth , Lisa is determined not to allow her brother to take blame for something he did not do , and she tells their congregation that Jessica is the guilty party . The townspeople then search Jessica 's room , where the money is found under her bed . Rev. Lovejoy refuses to believe that his daughter is guilty until Jessica admits to him she did it to gain attention . She is punished by being forced to scrub the church steps , and Bart receives an apology from the congregation at Marge 's insistence . Later , Bart approaches Jessica at church and tells her what he has learned , to which Jessica responds that she has learned that she can make boys do whatever she wants . Bart then agrees to finish Jessica 's chores as she runs off with another boyfriend . However , as soon as she leaves , he snickers about how bad a job he is going to do on the steps to get back at her . = = Production = = " Bart 's Girlfriend " was written by Jonathan Collier and directed by Susie Dietter . David Mirkin , who was show runner at the time , originally had the idea of Bart having a girlfriend that was more evil than he was . Mirkin gave the idea to Collier to write it with the help of the show 's executive producer , James L. Brooks . Collier said later that he thought it was a case of Brooks coming up with good ideas and him " giggling insequentially " . The idea for the ending of the episode was to have none of the characters learn anything from the experience . Matt Groening , the creator of The Simpsons , felt that Jessica Lovejoy was hard to draw in his own style but at the same time make her attractive . Julie Kavner , who provides the voice of Marge Simpson on the show , was particularly impressed by the eyes . Jess
[ "ica", "▁was", "▁made", "▁the", "▁Re", "ver", "end", "▁'", "s", "▁daughter", "▁to", "▁give", "▁the", "▁impression", "▁that", "▁she", "▁was", "▁good", "▁at", "▁first", "▁and", "▁then", "▁to", "▁show", "▁that", "▁she", "▁was", "▁reb", "elling", "▁against", "▁the", "▁r", "igh", "te", "ous", "ness", "▁of", "▁her", "▁family", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁where", "▁Bart", "▁tal", "ks", "▁to", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁outside", "▁her", "▁house", "▁,", "▁her", "▁b", "aton", "▁playing", "▁was", "▁in", "▁the", "▁script", "▁but", "▁the", "▁exact", "▁ch", "ore", "ography", "▁was", "▁not", "▁.", "▁Diet", "ter", "▁liked", "▁its", "▁incorpor", "ation", "▁because", "▁it", "▁gave", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁something", "▁else", "▁,", "▁other", "▁than", "▁Bart", "▁,", "▁to", "▁pay", "▁attention", "▁to", "▁.", "▁This", "▁was", "▁also", "▁done", "▁in", "▁the", "▁final", "▁scene", "▁when", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁scr", "ubs", "▁the", "▁church", "▁steps", "▁and", "▁plays", "▁with", "▁the", "▁scr", "ub", "▁br", "ush", "▁.", "▁", "▁Academy", "▁Award", "▁winning", "▁actress", "▁M", "ery", "l", "▁St", "ree", "p", "▁was", "▁called", "▁in", "▁to", "▁do", "▁the", "▁voice", "▁of", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁.", "▁Nancy", "▁Cart", "w", "right", "▁,", "▁who", "▁provides", "▁the", "▁voice", "▁of", "▁Bart", "▁Sim", "pson", "▁on", "▁the", "▁show", "▁,", "▁was", "▁a", "▁huge", "▁fan", "▁of", "▁St", "ree", "p", "▁and", "▁she", "▁assumed", "▁that", "▁St", "ree", "p", "▁would", "▁record", "▁her", "▁lines", "▁individually", "▁,", "▁but", "▁all", "▁of", "▁their", "▁record", "ings", "▁were", "▁done", "▁together", "▁.", "▁St", "ree", "p", "▁showed", "▁up", "▁alone", "▁with", "▁no", "▁ent", "ou", "rage", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Village", "▁Rec", "order", "▁in", "▁West", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁at", "▁", "2", "▁:", "▁", "3", "0", "▁P", ".", "M", ".", "▁,", "▁where", "▁she", "▁recorded", "▁her", "▁parts", "▁with", "▁Cart", "w", "right", "▁.", "▁St", "ree", "p", "▁was", "▁contin", "ually", "▁doing", "▁many", "▁different", "▁versions", "▁of", "▁her", "▁lines", "▁.", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁felt", "▁she", "▁was", "▁easy", "▁to", "▁work", "▁with", "▁because", "▁she", "▁was", "▁vers", "atile", "▁and", "▁keen", "▁to", "▁do", "▁a", "▁lot", "▁of", "▁different", "▁things", "▁,", "▁and", "▁as", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁expressed", "▁it", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁easily", "▁evil", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Cart", "w", "right", "▁said", "▁in", "▁an", "▁interview", "▁with", "▁The", "▁P", "ant", "agraph", "▁that", "▁she", "▁really", "▁wanted", "▁St", "ree", "p", "▁'", "s", "▁aut", "ograph", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁afraid", "▁to", "▁ask", "▁for", "▁it", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁recording", "▁session", "▁,", "▁St", "ree", "p", "▁t", "apped", "▁Cart", "w", "right", "▁on", "▁the", "▁shoulder", "▁,", "▁and", "▁said", "▁her", "▁k", "ids", "▁were", "▁big", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁fans", "▁and", "▁that", "▁she", "▁would", "▁be", "▁in", "▁\"", "▁big", "▁trouble", "▁\"", "▁if", "▁she", "▁did", "▁not", "▁get", "▁Cart", "w", "right", "▁'", "s", "▁aut", "ograph", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁a", "▁take", "▁off", "▁of", "▁John", "▁Tra", "vol", "ta", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "3", "▁film", "▁St", "ay", "ing", "▁A", "live", "▁,", "▁Bart", "▁str", "uts", "▁down", "▁a", "▁street", "▁in", "▁Spring", "field", "▁after", "▁he", "▁is", "▁invited", "▁to", "▁dinner", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Love", "jo", "ys", "▁,", "▁just", "▁as", "▁Tra", "vol", "ta", "▁strutt", "ed", "▁through", "▁Times", "▁Square", "▁to", "▁the", "▁same", "▁t", "une", "▁,", "▁in", "▁a", "▁jo", "ke", "▁written", "▁by", "▁J", "ace", "▁Rich", "dale", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁the", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁executive", "▁producer", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁.", "▁When", "▁H", "omer", "▁is", "▁mus", "ing", "▁over", "▁Bart", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁date", "▁,", "▁he", "▁begins", "▁to", "▁sing", "▁\"", "▁Sun", "r", "ise", "▁,", "▁Sun", "set", "▁\"", "▁from", "▁F", "idd", "ler", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Ro", "of", "▁,", "▁before", "▁moving", "▁on", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁Cat", "▁'", "s", "▁in", "▁the", "▁C", "rad", "le", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁then", "▁\"", "▁Yes", "▁,", "▁We", "▁Have", "▁No", "▁Ban", "anas", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "▁then", "▁begins", "▁to", "▁we", "ep", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁people", "▁in", "▁the", "▁song", "▁having", "▁no", "▁ban", "anas", "▁.", "▁The", "▁jo", "ke", "▁was", "▁reported", "ly", "▁very", "▁expensive", "▁for", "▁the", "▁writers", "▁to", "▁put", "▁in", "▁because", "▁they", "▁had", "▁to", "▁pay", "▁thousands", "▁of", "▁dollars", "▁for", "▁the", "▁rights", "▁to", "▁use", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁on", "▁the", "▁show", "▁.", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Bart", "▁'", "s", "▁Girl", "friend", "▁\"", "▁originally", "▁a", "ired", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Fox", "▁network", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "6", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁selected", "▁for", "▁release", "▁in", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁video", "▁collection", "▁of", "▁selected", "▁episodes", "▁titled", "▁:", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁–", "▁Love", "▁,", "▁Spring", "field", "▁Style", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁episodes", "▁included", "▁in", "▁the", "▁collection", "▁set", "▁were", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁a", "▁Mad", "▁,", "▁Mad", "▁,", "▁Mad", "▁,", "▁Mad", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Two", "▁Mrs", ".", "▁N", "ah", "as", "ape", "em", "ap", "et", "il", "ons", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁with", "▁Cup", "id", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁included", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁season", "▁", "6", "▁DVD", "▁set", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁August", "▁", "1", "6", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁as", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁–", "▁The", "▁Complete", "▁Six", "th", "▁Season", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cultural", "▁references", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁beginning", "▁of", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁the", "▁parents", "▁ch", "ase", "▁the", "▁children", "▁in", "▁a", "▁corn", "field", "▁to", "▁eventually", "▁round", "▁them", "▁up", "▁for", "▁church", "▁,", "▁which", "▁par", "od", "ies", "▁a", "▁similar", "▁scene", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "8", "▁film", "▁Planet", "▁of", "▁the", "▁A", "pes", "▁,", "▁where", "▁the", "▁humans", "▁are", "▁rounded", "▁up", "▁by", "▁ap", "es", "▁.", "▁After", "▁Bart", "▁is", "▁accused", "▁of", "▁ste", "aling", "▁from", "▁the", "▁church", "▁collection", "▁plate", "▁,", "▁he", "▁is", "▁forced", "▁to", "▁wear", "▁a", "▁stra", "it", "jack", "et", "▁in", "▁church", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁a", "▁reference", "▁to", "▁Hann", "ib", "al", "▁L", "ect", "er", "▁'", "s", "▁straight", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁jack", "et", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Sil", "ence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Lamb", "s", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Mis", "irl", "ou", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁theme", "▁song", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁film", "▁P", "ulp", "▁F", "iction", "▁,", "▁plays", "▁during", "▁Bart", "▁and", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁'", "s", "▁date", "▁.", "▁Bart", "▁calls", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁\"", "▁smart", "▁,", "▁beautiful", "▁and", "▁a", "▁li", "ar", "▁...", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁then", "▁claims", "▁she", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁...", "▁so", "▁much", "▁better", "▁than", "▁that", "▁Sarah", "▁,", "▁plain", "▁and", "▁tall", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁scene", "▁then", "▁cut", "s", "▁to", "▁a", "▁shot", "▁of", "▁a", "▁plain", "▁and", "▁tall", "▁girl", "▁named", "▁Sarah", "▁that", "▁over", "he", "ars", "▁Bart", "▁and", "▁begins", "▁to", "▁cry", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Love", "jo", "y", "▁family", "▁has", "▁a", "▁rep", "lica", "▁of", "▁Leon", "ardo", "▁da", "▁V", "inci", "▁'", "s", "▁painting", "▁The", "▁Last", "▁Su", "pper", "▁h", "anging", "▁on", "▁the", "▁wall", "▁in", "▁their", "▁d", "ining", "▁room", "▁.", "▁The", "▁sign", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Spring", "field", "▁Church", "▁marque", "e", "▁reads", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Ev", "il", "▁Women", "▁in", "▁History", "▁:", "▁From", "▁Je", "z", "eb", "el", "▁to", "▁Jan", "et", "▁Ren", "o", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "ception", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁its", "▁original", "▁American", "▁broadcast", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Bart", "▁'", "s", "▁Girl", "friend", "▁\"", "▁finished", "▁", "5", "3", "rd", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ratings", "▁for" ]
ica was made the Reverend 's daughter to give the impression that she was good at first and then to show that she was rebelling against the righteousness of her family . In the scene where Bart talks to Jessica outside her house , her baton playing was in the script but the exact choreography was not . Dietter liked its incorporation because it gave Jessica something else , other than Bart , to pay attention to . This was also done in the final scene when Jessica scrubs the church steps and plays with the scrub brush . Academy Award winning actress Meryl Streep was called in to do the voice of Jessica . Nancy Cartwright , who provides the voice of Bart Simpson on the show , was a huge fan of Streep and she assumed that Streep would record her lines individually , but all of their recordings were done together . Streep showed up alone with no entourage at the Village Recorder in West Los Angeles at 2 : 30 P.M. , where she recorded her parts with Cartwright . Streep was continually doing many different versions of her lines . Mirkin felt she was easy to work with because she was versatile and keen to do a lot of different things , and as Mirkin expressed it , " easily evil " . Cartwright said in an interview with The Pantagraph that she really wanted Streep 's autograph , but was afraid to ask for it . After the recording session , Streep tapped Cartwright on the shoulder , and said her kids were big The Simpsons fans and that she would be in " big trouble " if she did not get Cartwright 's autograph . In a take off of John Travolta in the 1983 film Staying Alive , Bart struts down a street in Springfield after he is invited to dinner at the Lovejoys , just as Travolta strutted through Times Square to the same tune , in a joke written by Jace Richdale , who was the co @-@ executive producer of The Simpsons at the time . When Homer is musing over Bart 's first date , he begins to sing " Sunrise , Sunset " from Fiddler on the Roof , before moving on to " Cat 's in the Cradle " , and then " Yes , We Have No Bananas " . He then begins to weep due to the people in the song having no bananas . The joke was reportedly very expensive for the writers to put in because they had to pay thousands of dollars for the rights to use the songs on the show . " Bart 's Girlfriend " originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on November 6 , 1994 . The episode was selected for release in a 2001 video collection of selected episodes titled : The Simpsons – Love , Springfield Style . Other episodes included in the collection set were " It 's a Mad , Mad , Mad , Mad Marge " , " The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons " , and " I 'm with Cupid " . The episode was included in The Simpsons season 6 DVD set , which was released on August 16 , 2005 , as The Simpsons – The Complete Sixth Season . = = Cultural references = = In the beginning of the episode , the parents chase the children in a cornfield to eventually round them up for church , which parodies a similar scene from the 1968 film Planet of the Apes , where the humans are rounded up by apes . After Bart is accused of stealing from the church collection plate , he is forced to wear a straitjacket in church , which is a reference to Hannibal Lecter 's straight @-@ jacket in The Silence of the Lambs . " Misirlou " , the theme song of the 1994 film Pulp Fiction , plays during Bart and Jessica 's date . Bart calls Jessica " smart , beautiful and a liar ... " and then claims she is " ... so much better than that Sarah , plain and tall " . The scene then cuts to a shot of a plain and tall girl named Sarah that overhears Bart and begins to cry . The Lovejoy family has a replica of Leonardo da Vinci 's painting The Last Supper hanging on the wall in their dining room . The sign on the Springfield Church marquee reads : " Evil Women in History : From Jezebel to Janet Reno " . = = Reception = = In its original American broadcast , " Bart 's Girlfriend " finished 53rd in the ratings for
[ "▁the", "▁week", "▁of", "▁October", "▁", "3", "1", "▁to", "▁November", "▁", "6", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁N", "iel", "sen", "▁rating", "▁of", "▁", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁the", "▁third", "▁highest", "▁r", "ated", "▁show", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Fox", "▁network", "▁that", "▁week", "▁,", "▁be", "aten", "▁only", "▁by", "▁B", "ever", "ly", "▁Hills", "▁,", "▁", "9", "0", "2", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Mar", "ried", "▁...", "▁with", "▁Children", "▁.", "▁", "▁Since", "▁air", "ing", "▁,", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁has", "▁received", "▁many", "▁positive", "▁reviews", "▁from", "▁fans", "▁and", "▁television", "▁critics", "▁.", "▁Warren", "▁Mart", "yn", "▁and", "▁Ad", "rian", "▁Wood", "▁,", "▁the", "▁authors", "▁of", "▁the", "▁book", "▁I", "▁Can", "▁'", "t", "▁Bel", "ieve", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁a", "▁B", "igger", "▁and", "▁Better", "▁Updated", "▁Un", "o", "fficial", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁Guide", "▁,", "▁said", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Po", "or", "▁Bart", "▁gets", "▁picked", "▁on", "▁very", "▁cru", "elly", "▁by", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁in", "▁a", "▁clever", "ly", "▁drawn", "▁study", "▁of", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pub", "es", "cent", "▁love", "▁.", "▁We", "▁'", "re", "▁very", "▁fond", "▁of", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁in", "▁which", "▁Bart", "▁le", "aps", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁window", "▁at", "▁the", "▁church", "▁,", "▁after", "▁which", "▁H", "omer", "▁c", "ries", "▁:", "▁He", "▁'", "s", "▁heading", "▁for", "▁the", "▁window", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁Col", "in", "▁Jacob", "son", "▁at", "▁DVD", "▁Movie", "▁Guide", "▁said", "▁in", "▁a", "▁review", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sixth", "▁season", "▁DVD", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁We", "▁don", "▁’", "▁t", "▁often", "▁see", "▁Bart", "▁in", "▁a", "▁sympath", "etic", "▁light", "▁,", "▁so", "▁shows", "▁like", "▁this", "▁one", "▁are", "▁fun", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Girl", "friend", "▁\"", "▁rem", "inds", "▁me", "▁of", "▁Season", "▁Four", "▁’", "▁s", "▁\"", "▁New", "▁Kid", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Block", "▁\"", "▁since", "▁it", "▁also", "▁featured", "▁Bart", "▁in", "▁love", "▁,", "▁though", "▁the", "▁programs", "▁differ", "▁since", "▁here", "▁the", "▁girl", "▁reci", "proc", "ates", "▁.", "▁St", "ree", "p", "▁does", "▁nicely", "▁as", "▁the", "▁bad", "▁kid", "▁and", "▁we", "▁get", "▁many", "▁fine", "▁moments", "▁in", "▁this", "▁memor", "able", "▁program", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁TV", "▁Squad", "▁'", "s", "▁Adam", "▁Fin", "ley", "▁said", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁H", "omer", "▁and", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁remained", "▁in", "▁the", "▁background", "▁for", "▁most", "▁of", "▁this", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Bart", "▁and", "▁Lisa", "▁becoming", "▁the", "▁main", "▁focus", "▁.", "▁Ear", "lier", "▁episodes", "▁seemed", "▁to", "▁focus", "▁more", "▁on", "▁the", "▁dynamics", "▁between", "▁the", "▁two", "▁sib", "lings", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁always", "▁a", "▁nice", "▁change", "▁of", "▁pace", "▁when", "▁the", "▁show", "▁exam", "ines", "▁their", "▁love", "▁for", "▁one", "▁another", "▁as", "▁opposed", "▁to", "▁constant", "▁rival", "ries", "▁.", "▁Lisa", "▁really", "▁wants", "▁to", "▁help", "▁Bart", "▁in", "▁this", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁actually", "▁quite", "▁touch", "ing", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁In", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁article", "▁,", "▁Entertainment", "▁Week", "ly", "▁named", "▁M", "ery", "l", "▁St", "ree", "p", "▁'", "s", "▁role", "▁as", "▁Jess", "ica", "▁Love", "jo", "y", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁six", "teen", "▁best", "▁guest", "▁appearances", "▁on", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁.", "▁Total", "▁Film", "▁'", "s", "▁Nathan", "▁Dit", "um", "▁ranked", "▁St", "ree", "p", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁as", "▁the", "▁fifth", "▁best", "▁guest", "▁appearance", "▁in", "▁the", "▁show", "▁'", "s", "▁history", "▁,", "▁comment", "ing", "▁that", "▁she", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁perfect", "▁mix", "▁of", "▁beg", "u", "iling", "▁and", "▁devil", "ish", "▁as", "▁Re", "ver", "end", "▁Love", "jo", "y", "▁’", "▁s", "▁reb", "elli", "ous", "▁daughter", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁David", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁told", "▁the", "▁Daily", "▁News", "▁of", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁Bart", "▁'", "s", "▁Girl", "friend", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁H", "omer", "▁the", "▁Great", "▁\"", "▁are", "▁his", "▁favorite", "▁episodes", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁.", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁liked", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁where", "▁Bart", "▁is", "▁p", "unch", "ed", "▁by", "▁Nelson", "▁at", "▁the", "▁play", "ground", "▁because", "▁Bart", "▁takes", "▁a", "▁while", "▁to", "▁recover", "▁,", "▁which", "▁made", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁more", "▁real", "istic", "▁.", "▁Nancy", "▁Cart", "w", "right", "▁told", "▁the", "▁Chicago", "▁Trib", "une", "▁that", "▁this", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Lisa", "▁'", "s", "▁Sub", "st", "itute", "▁\"", "▁from", "▁season", "▁two", "▁,", "▁are", "▁her", "▁two", "▁favorite", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁episodes", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁is", "▁a", "▁met", "ro", "▁system", "▁serving", "▁Del", "hi", "▁and", "▁its", "▁satellite", "▁cities", "▁of", "▁Far", "id", "abad", "▁,", "▁G", "urg", "a", "on", "▁,", "▁No", "ida", "▁and", "▁Gh", "azi", "abad", "▁in", "▁National", "▁Capital", "▁Region", "▁in", "▁India", "▁.", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁is", "▁the", "▁world", "▁'", "s", "▁", "1", "2", "th", "▁largest", "▁met", "ro", "▁system", "▁in", "▁terms", "▁of", "▁both", "▁length", "▁and", "▁number", "▁of", "▁stations", "▁.", "▁,", "▁the", "▁network", "▁consists", "▁of", "▁five", "▁colour", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁c", "oded", "▁regular", "▁lines", "▁and", "▁the", "▁faster", "▁Airport", "▁Express", "▁line", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁total", "▁length", "▁of", "▁", "2", "1", "3", "▁kilometres", "▁(", "▁", "1", "3", "2", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁serving", "▁", "1", "6", "0", "▁stations", "▁(", "▁including", "▁", "6", "▁on", "▁Airport", "▁Express", "▁line", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁system", "▁has", "▁a", "▁mix", "▁of", "▁under", "ground", "▁,", "▁at", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁grade", "▁,", "▁and", "▁elev", "ated", "▁stations", "▁using", "▁both", "▁broad", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gauge", "▁and", "▁standard", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gauge", "▁.", "▁The", "▁met", "ro", "▁has", "▁an", "▁average", "▁daily", "▁rid", "ership", "▁of", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁million", "▁passengers", "▁,", "▁and", "▁,", "▁as", "▁of", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁had", "▁already", "▁carried", "▁over", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "5", "▁billion", "▁passengers", "▁since", "▁its", "▁in", "ception", ".", "DM", "RC", "▁named", "▁second", "▁best", "▁met", "ro", "▁in", "▁world", "▁", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁Rail", "▁Corporation", "▁Limited", "▁(", "▁DM", "RC", "▁)", "▁,", "▁a", "▁state", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁owned", "▁company", "▁with", "▁equal", "▁equ", "ity", "▁participation", "▁from", "▁Government", "▁of", "▁India", "▁and", "▁Government", "▁of", "▁Del", "hi", "▁,", "▁built", "▁and", "▁oper", "ates", "▁the", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Del", "hi", "▁Metro", "▁Rail", "▁Corporation", "▁has", "▁been", "▁cert", "ified", "▁by", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Nations", "▁as", "▁the", "▁first", "▁met", "ro", "▁rail", "▁and", "▁rail", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁system", "▁in", "▁the", "▁world", "▁to", "▁get", "▁\"", "▁carbon", "▁cred", "its", "▁for", "▁reducing", "▁green", "house", "▁gas", "▁em", "issions", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁helping", "▁in", "▁reducing", "▁poll", "ution", "▁levels", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁by", "▁", "6", "3", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁t", "onnes", "▁every", "▁year", "▁.", "▁DM", "RC", "▁oper", "ates", "▁around", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁tri", "ps", "▁daily", "▁between", "▁", "0", "5", "▁:", "▁", "3", "0", "▁till", "▁", "0", "0", "▁:", "▁", "0", "0", "▁running", "▁with", "▁a", "▁head", "way", "▁varying", "▁between", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁minutes", "▁and", "▁", "4", "▁–", "▁", "1", "0", "▁minutes", "▁.", "▁The", "▁trains", "▁are", "▁usually", "▁of", "▁four", "▁,", "▁six", "▁and", "▁eight", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁coach", "▁.", "▁The", "▁power", "▁output", "▁is", "▁supplied", "▁by", "▁", "2", "5", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁kil", "ov", "olt", "▁,", "▁", "5", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁h", "ert", "z", "▁altern", "ating", "▁current", "▁through", "▁overhead", "▁c" ]
the week of October 31 to November 6 , 1994 , with a Nielsen rating of 9 @.@ 6 . The episode was the third highest rated show on the Fox network that week , beaten only by Beverly Hills , 90210 , and Married ... with Children . Since airing , the episode has received many positive reviews from fans and television critics . Warren Martyn and Adrian Wood , the authors of the book I Can 't Believe It 's a Bigger and Better Updated Unofficial Simpsons Guide , said : " Poor Bart gets picked on very cruelly by Jessica in a cleverly drawn study of pre @-@ pubescent love . We 're very fond of the scene in which Bart leaps out of the window at the church , after which Homer cries : He 's heading for the window ! " Colin Jacobson at DVD Movie Guide said in a review of the sixth season DVD : " We don ’ t often see Bart in a sympathetic light , so shows like this one are fun . " Girlfriend " reminds me of Season Four ’ s " New Kid on the Block " since it also featured Bart in love , though the programs differ since here the girl reciprocates . Streep does nicely as the bad kid and we get many fine moments in this memorable program . " TV Squad 's Adam Finley said : " Homer and Marge remained in the background for most of this episode , with Bart and Lisa becoming the main focus . Earlier episodes seemed to focus more on the dynamics between the two siblings , and it 's always a nice change of pace when the show examines their love for one another as opposed to constant rivalries . Lisa really wants to help Bart in this episode , and it 's actually quite touching . " In a 2008 article , Entertainment Weekly named Meryl Streep 's role as Jessica Lovejoy as one of the sixteen best guest appearances on The Simpsons . Total Film 's Nathan Ditum ranked Streep 's performance as the fifth best guest appearance in the show 's history , commenting that she is " the perfect mix of beguiling and devilish as Reverend Lovejoy ’ s rebellious daughter . " David Mirkin told the Daily News of Los Angeles that " Bart 's Girlfriend " and " Homer the Great " are his favorite episodes of the season . Mirkin liked the scene where Bart is punched by Nelson at the playground because Bart takes a while to recover , which made the scene more realistic . Nancy Cartwright told the Chicago Tribune that this episode , and " Lisa 's Substitute " from season two , are her two favorite The Simpsons episodes . = Delhi Metro = The Delhi Metro is a metro system serving Delhi and its satellite cities of Faridabad , Gurgaon , Noida and Ghaziabad in National Capital Region in India . Delhi Metro is the world 's 12th largest metro system in terms of both length and number of stations . , the network consists of five colour @-@ coded regular lines and the faster Airport Express line , with a total length of 213 kilometres ( 132 mi ) serving 160 stations ( including 6 on Airport Express line ) . The system has a mix of underground , at @-@ grade , and elevated stations using both broad @-@ gauge and standard @-@ gauge . The metro has an average daily ridership of 2 @.@ 4 million passengers , and , as of August 2010 , had already carried over 1 @.@ 25 billion passengers since its inception.DMRC named second best metro in world Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited ( DMRC ) , a state @-@ owned company with equal equity participation from Government of India and Government of Delhi , built and operates the Delhi Metro . The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has been certified by the United Nations as the first metro rail and rail @-@ based system in the world to get " carbon credits for reducing greenhouse gas emissions " and helping in reducing pollution levels in the city by 630 @,@ 000 tonnes every year . DMRC operates around 2000 trips daily between 05 : 30 till 00 : 00 running with a headway varying between 1 – 2 minutes and 4 – 10 minutes . The trains are usually of four , six and eight @-@ coach . The power output is supplied by 25 @-@ kilovolt , 50 @-@ hertz alternating current through overhead c