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World Health Organization ( WHO ) estimated that it affected about 39 million people as of 2013 . It affects about 5 – 7 % of children when diagnosed via the DSM @-@ IV criteria and 1 – 2 % when diagnosed via the ICD @-@ 10 criteria . Rates are similar between countries and depend mostly on how it is diagnosed . ADHD is diagnosed approximately three times more in boys than in girls . About 30 – 50 % of people diagnosed in childhood continue to have symptoms into adulthood and between 2 – 5 % of adults have the condition . The condition can be difficult to tell apart from other disorders as well as to distinguish from high levels of activity that are still within the normal @-@ range . ADHD management recommendations vary by country and usually involve some combination of counseling , lifestyle changes , and medications . The British guideline only recommends medications as a first @-@ line treatment in children who have severe symptoms and for medication to be considered in those with moderate symptoms who either refuse or fail to improve with counseling . Canadian and American guidelines recommend that medications and behavioral therapy be used together as a first @-@ line therapy , except in preschool @-@ aged children . Stimulant therapy is not recommended as a first @-@ line therapy in preschool @-@ aged children in either guideline . Treatment with stimulants is effective for up to 14 months ; however , its long term effectiveness is unclear . Adolescents and adults tend to develop coping skills which make up for some or all of their impairments . The medical literature has described symptoms similar to ADHD since the 19th century . ADHD , its diagnosis , and its treatment have been considered controversial since the 1970s . The controversies have involved clinicians , teachers , policymakers , parents , and the media . Topics include ADHD 's causes and the use of stimulant medications in its treatment . Most healthcare providers accept ADHD as a genuine disorder , and the debate in the scientific community mainly centers on how it is diagnosed and treated . The condition was officially known as attention deficit disorder ( ADD ) from 1980 to 1987 while before this it was known as hyperkinetic reaction of childhood . = = Signs and symptoms = = Inattention , hyperactivity ( restlessness in adults ) , disruptive behavior , and impulsivity are common in ADHD . Academic difficulties are frequent as are problems with relationships . The symptoms can be difficult to define as it is hard to draw a line at where normal levels of inattention , hyperactivity , and impulsivity end and significant levels requiring interventions begin . According to the DSM @-@ 5 , symptoms must be present for six months or more to a degree that is much greater than others of the same age and they must cause significant problems functioning in at least two settings ( e.g. , social , school / work , or home ) . The full criteria must have been met prior to age 12 in order to receive a diagnosis of ADHD . ADHD is divided into three subtypes : predominantly inattentive , predominantly hyperactive @-@ impulsive , and combined type . An individual with ADHD inattentive type has most or all of following symptoms , excluding situations where these symptoms are better explained by another psychiatric or medical condition : Be easily distracted , miss details , forget things , and frequently switch from one activity to another Have difficulty maintaining focus on one task Become bored with a task after only a few minutes , unless doing something enjoyable Have difficulty focusing attention on organizing and completing a task or learning something new Have trouble completing or turning in homework assignments , often losing things ( e.g. , pencils , toys , assignments ) needed to complete tasks or activities Not seem to listen when spoken to Daydream , become easily confused , and move slowly Have difficulty processing information as quickly and accurately as others Struggle to follow instructions Have trouble understanding minute details An individual with ADHD hyperactive / impulsive type has most or all of the following symptoms , excluding situations where these symptoms are better explained by another psychiatric or medical condition : Fidget and squirm in their seats Talk nonstop Dash around , touching or playing with anything and everything in sight Have trouble sitting still during dinner , school
[ "▁,", "▁doing", "▁home", "work", "▁,", "▁and", "▁story", "▁time", "▁", "▁Be", "▁constantly", "▁in", "▁motion", "▁", "▁Have", "▁difficulty", "▁doing", "▁quiet", "▁tasks", "▁or", "▁activities", "▁", "▁Be", "▁very", "▁imp", "at", "ient", "▁", "▁Bl", "urt", "▁out", "▁in", "app", "ropri", "ate", "▁comments", "▁,", "▁show", "▁their", "▁emot", "ions", "▁without", "▁rest", "raint", "▁,", "▁and", "▁act", "▁without", "▁regard", "▁for", "▁consequences", "▁", "▁Have", "▁difficulty", "▁waiting", "▁for", "▁things", "▁they", "▁want", "▁or", "▁waiting", "▁their", "▁turns", "▁in", "▁games", "▁", "▁O", "ften", "▁interrupt", "▁convers", "ations", "▁or", "▁others", "▁'", "▁activities", "▁", "▁Sym", "pt", "oms", "▁of", "▁hyper", "activity", "▁tend", "▁to", "▁go", "▁away", "▁with", "▁age", "▁and", "▁turn", "▁into", "▁\"", "▁inner", "▁rest", "less", "ness", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁te", "ens", "▁and", "▁adult", "s", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁", "▁People", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁are", "▁more", "▁likely", "▁to", 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"▁", "▁M", "ood", "▁dis", "orders", "▁(", "▁especially", "▁b", "ip", "olar", "▁dis", "order", "▁and", "▁major", "▁de", "press", "ive", "▁dis", "order", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Boys", "▁diagn", "osed", "▁with", "▁the", "▁combined", "▁AD", "HD", "▁sub", "type", "▁are", "▁more", "▁likely", "▁to", "▁have", "▁a", "▁m", "ood", "▁dis", "order", "▁.", "▁Ad", "ult", "s", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁sometimes", "▁also", "▁have", "▁b", "ip", "olar", "▁dis", "order", "▁,", "▁which", "▁requires", "▁careful", "▁assess", "ment", "▁to", "▁accur", "ately", "▁diagn", "ose", "▁and", "▁treat", "▁both", "▁conditions", "▁.", "▁", "▁An", "x", "iety", "▁dis", "orders", "▁have", "▁been", "▁found", "▁to", "▁occur", "▁more", "▁commonly", "▁in", "▁the", "▁AD", "HD", "▁population", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ob", "s", "ess", "ive", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁comp", "uls", "ive", "▁dis", "order", "▁(", "▁O", "CD", "▁)", "▁can", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁occur", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁and", "▁shares", "▁many", "▁of", "▁its", "▁characteristics", "▁.", "▁", "▁Sub", "st", "ance", "▁use", "▁dis", "orders", "▁.", "▁Ad", "oles", "c", "ents", "▁and", "▁adult", "s", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁are", "▁at", "▁increased", "▁risk", "▁of", "▁subst", "ance", "▁ab", "use", "▁.", "▁This", "▁is", "▁most", "▁commonly", "▁seen", "▁with", "▁alco", "hol", "▁or", "▁can", "nab", "is", "▁.", "▁The", "▁reason", "▁for", "▁this", "▁may", "▁be", "▁an", "▁alter", "ed", "▁reward", "▁path", "way", "▁in", "▁the", "▁bra", "ins", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁individuals", "▁.", "▁This", "▁makes", "▁the", "▁evaluation", "▁and", "▁treatment", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁more", "▁difficult", "▁,", "▁with", "▁serious", "▁subst", "ance", "▁mis", "use", "▁problems", "▁usually", "▁treated", "▁first", "▁due", "▁to", "▁their", "▁greater", "▁ris", "ks", "▁.", "▁", "▁Rest", "less", "▁legs", "▁synd", "rome", "▁has", "▁been", "▁found", "▁to", "▁be", "▁more", "▁common", "▁in", "▁those", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁and", "▁is", "▁often", "▁due", "▁to", "▁iron", "▁def", "ic", "iency", "▁an", "a", "emia", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁rest", "less", "▁legs", "▁can", "▁simply", "▁be", "▁a", "▁part", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁and", "▁requires", "▁careful", "▁assess", "ment", "▁to", "▁differenti", "ate", "▁between", "▁the", "▁two", "▁dis", "orders", "▁.", "▁", "▁S", "leep", "▁dis", "orders", "▁and", "▁AD", "HD", "▁commonly", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁exist", "▁.", "▁They", "▁can", "▁also", "▁occur", "▁as", "▁a", "▁side", "▁effect", "▁of", "▁medic", "ations", "▁used", "▁to", "▁treat", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁In", "▁children", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁,", "▁ins", "om", "nia", "▁is", "▁the", "▁most", "▁common", "▁sleep", "▁dis", "order", "▁with", "▁behavior", "al", "▁ther", "apy", "▁the", "▁preferred", "▁treatment", "▁.", "▁Problem", "s", "▁with", "▁sleep", "▁init", "iation", "▁are", "▁common", "▁among", "▁individuals", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁but", "▁often", "▁they", "▁will", "▁be", "▁deep", "▁sleep", "ers", "▁and", "▁have", "▁significant", "▁difficulty", "▁getting", "▁up", "▁in", "▁the", "▁morning", "▁.", "▁Mel", "aton", "in", "▁is", "▁sometimes", "▁used", "▁in", "▁children", "▁who", "▁have", "▁sleep", "▁on", "set", "▁ins", "om", "nia", "▁.", "▁", "▁There", "▁is", "▁an", "▁association", "▁with", "▁persistent", "▁bed", "▁wet", "ting", "▁,", "▁language", "▁delay", "▁,", "▁and", "▁development", "al", "▁coord", "ination", "▁dis", "order", "▁(", "▁D", "CD", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Language", "▁del", "ays", "▁can", "▁include", "▁aud", "itory", "▁processing", "▁dis", "orders", "▁such", "▁as", "▁short", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁term", "▁aud", "itory", "▁memory", "▁weak", "ness", "▁,", "▁difficulty", "▁following", "▁instructions", "▁,", "▁slow", "▁speed", "▁of", "▁processing", "▁spoken", "▁language", "▁,", "▁and" ]
, doing homework , and story time Be constantly in motion Have difficulty doing quiet tasks or activities Be very impatient Blurt out inappropriate comments , show their emotions without restraint , and act without regard for consequences Have difficulty waiting for things they want or waiting their turns in games Often interrupt conversations or others ' activities Symptoms of hyperactivity tend to go away with age and turn into " inner restlessness " in teens and adults with ADHD . People with ADHD are more likely to have problems with social skills , such as social interaction and forming and maintaining friendships . This is true for all subtypes . About half of children and adolescents with ADHD experience social rejection by their peers compared to 10 – 15 % of non @-@ ADHD children and adolescents . People with attention deficits are prone to having difficulty processing verbal and nonverbal language which can negatively affect social interaction . They also may drift off during conversations , and miss social cues . Difficulties managing anger are more common in children with ADHD as are poor handwriting and delays in speech , language and motor development . Although it causes significant impairment , particularly in modern society , many children with ADHD have a good attention span for tasks they find interesting . = = = Associated disorders = = = In children , ADHD occurs with other disorders about ⅔ of the time . Some commonly associated conditions include : Learning disabilities have been found to occur in about 20 – 30 % of children with ADHD . Learning disabilities can include developmental speech and language disorders and academic skills disorders . ADHD , however , is not considered a learning disability , but it very frequently causes academic difficulties . Tourette syndrome has been found to occur more commonly in the ADHD population . Oppositional defiant disorder ( ODD ) and conduct disorder ( CD ) , which occur with ADHD in about 50 % and 20 % of cases respectively . They are characterized by antisocial behaviors such as stubbornness , aggression , frequent temper tantrums , deceitfulness , lying , and stealing . About half of those with hyperactivity and ODD or CD develop antisocial personality disorder in adulthood . Brain imaging supports that conduct disorder and ADHD are separate conditions . Primary disorder of vigilance , which is characterized by poor attention and concentration , as well as difficulties staying awake . These children tend to fidget , yawn and stretch and appear to be hyperactive in order to remain alert and active . Mood disorders ( especially bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder ) . Boys diagnosed with the combined ADHD subtype are more likely to have a mood disorder . Adults with ADHD sometimes also have bipolar disorder , which requires careful assessment to accurately diagnose and treat both conditions . Anxiety disorders have been found to occur more commonly in the ADHD population . Obsessive @-@ compulsive disorder ( OCD ) can co @-@ occur with ADHD and shares many of its characteristics . Substance use disorders . Adolescents and adults with ADHD are at increased risk of substance abuse . This is most commonly seen with alcohol or cannabis . The reason for this may be an altered reward pathway in the brains of ADHD individuals . This makes the evaluation and treatment of ADHD more difficult , with serious substance misuse problems usually treated first due to their greater risks . Restless legs syndrome has been found to be more common in those with ADHD and is often due to iron deficiency anaemia . However , restless legs can simply be a part of ADHD and requires careful assessment to differentiate between the two disorders . Sleep disorders and ADHD commonly co @-@ exist . They can also occur as a side effect of medications used to treat ADHD . In children with ADHD , insomnia is the most common sleep disorder with behavioral therapy the preferred treatment . Problems with sleep initiation are common among individuals with ADHD but often they will be deep sleepers and have significant difficulty getting up in the morning . Melatonin is sometimes used in children who have sleep onset insomnia . There is an association with persistent bed wetting , language delay , and developmental coordination disorder ( DCD ) . Language delays can include auditory processing disorders such as short @-@ term auditory memory weakness , difficulty following instructions , slow speed of processing spoken language , and
[ "▁difficulties", "▁listening", "▁in", "▁dist", "ract", "ing", "▁environments", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁C", "ause", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁cause", "▁of", "▁most", "▁cases", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁is", "▁unknown", "▁;", "▁however", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁believed", "▁to", "▁involve", "▁interactions", "▁between", "▁gen", "etic", "▁and", "▁environmental", "▁factors", "▁.", "▁C", "ertain", "▁cases", "▁are", "▁related", "▁to", "▁previous", "▁in", "fection", "▁of", "▁or", "▁tra", "uma", "▁to", "▁the", "▁brain", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Gen", "et", "ics", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁T", "win", "▁studies", "▁indicate", "▁that", "▁the", "▁dis", "order", "▁is", "▁often", "▁inherited", "▁from", "▁one", "▁'", "s", "▁parents", "▁with", "▁gen", "et", "ics", "▁determ", "ining", "▁about", "▁", "7", "5", "▁%", "▁of", "▁cases", "▁.", "▁Sib", "lings", "▁of", "▁children", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁are", "▁three", "▁to", "▁four", "▁times", "▁more", "▁likely", "▁to", "▁develop", "▁the", "▁dis", "order", "▁than", "▁sib", "lings", "▁of", "▁children", "▁without", "▁the", "▁dis", "order", "▁.", "▁Gen", "etic", "▁factors", "▁are", "▁also", "▁believed", "▁to", "▁be", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁determ", "ining", "▁whether", "▁AD", "HD", "▁pers", "ists", "▁into", "▁ad", "ul", "th", "ood", "▁.", "▁", "▁Typ", "ically", "▁,", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁gen", "es", "▁are", "▁involved", "▁,", "▁many", "▁of", "▁which", "▁directly", "▁affect", "▁dop", "am", "ine", "▁ne", "uro", "trans", "mission", "▁.", "▁Those", "▁involved", "▁with", "▁dop", "am", "ine", "▁include", "▁DAT", "▁,", "▁DR", "D", "4", "▁,", "▁DR", "D", "5", "▁,", "▁T", "A", "AR", "1", "▁,", "▁MA", "O", "A", "▁,", "▁CO", "MT", "▁,", "▁and", "▁DB", "H", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁gen", "es", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁include", "▁S", "ERT", "▁,", "▁HT", "R", "1", "B", "▁,", "▁SN", "AP", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁GR", "IN", "2", "A", "▁,", "▁AD", "RA", "2", "A", "▁,", "▁T", "PH", "2", "▁,", "▁and", "▁B", "D", "NF", "▁.", "▁A", "▁common", "▁variant", "▁of", "▁a", "▁gene", "▁called", "▁L", "PH", "N", "3", "▁is", "▁estimated", "▁to", "▁be", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁about", "▁", "9", "▁%", "▁of", "▁cases", "▁and", "▁when", "▁this", "▁variant", "▁is", "▁present", "▁,", "▁people", "▁are", "▁particularly", "▁respons", "ive", "▁to", "▁stim", "ul", "ant", "▁medic", "ation", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "7", "▁repeat", "▁variant", "▁of", "▁dop", "am", "ine", "▁re", "ceptor", "▁D", "4", "▁(", "▁DR", "D", "4", "▁–", "▁", "7", "R", "▁)", "▁causes", "▁increased", "▁in", "hib", "itory", "▁effects", "▁induced", "▁by", "▁dop", "am", "ine", "▁and", "▁is", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁The", "▁DR", "D", "4", "▁re", "ceptor", "▁is", "▁a", "▁G", "▁protein", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁couple", "d", "▁re", "ceptor", "▁that", "▁in", "hib", "its", "▁ad", "eny", "ly", "l", "▁cycl", "ase", "▁.", "▁The", "▁DR", "D", "4", "▁–", "▁", "7", "R", "▁mut", "ation", "▁results", "▁in", "▁a", "▁wide", "▁range", "▁of", "▁behavior", "al", "▁phen", "ot", "ypes", 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"HD", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Environment", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁gen", "et", "ics", "▁,", "▁some", "▁environmental", "▁factors", "▁might", "▁play", "▁a", "▁role", "▁.", "▁Al", "co", "hol", "▁int", "ake", "▁during", "▁pre", "gn", "ancy", "▁can", "▁cause", "▁f", "etal", "▁alco", "hol", "▁spectrum", "▁dis", "orders", "▁which", "▁can", "▁include", "▁AD", "HD", "▁or", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁like", "▁it", "▁.", "▁Children", "▁exposed", "▁to", "▁certain", "▁to", "xic", "▁subst", "ances", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁lead", "▁or", "▁pol", "ych", "lor", "in", "ated", "▁bi", "phen", "yl", "s", "▁,", "▁may", "▁develop", "▁problems", "▁which", "▁res", "emble", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁Ex", "pos", "ure", "▁to", "▁the", "▁organ", "oph", "osph", "ate", "▁insect", "ic", "ides", "▁ch", "lor", "py", "rif", "os", "▁and", "▁d", "ial", "k", "yl", "▁ph", "osph", "ate", "▁is", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁an", "▁increased", "▁risk", "▁;", "▁however", "▁,", "▁the", "▁evidence", "▁is", "▁not", "▁conclus", "ive", "▁.", "▁Ex", "pos", "ure", "▁to", "▁to", "b", "acco", "▁smoke", "▁during", "▁pre", "gn", "ancy", "▁can", "▁cause", "▁problems", "▁with", "▁central", "▁nerv", "ous", "▁system", "▁development", "▁and", "▁can", "▁increase", "▁the", "▁risk", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ext", "reme", "▁prem", "ature", "▁birth", "▁,", "▁very", "▁low", "▁birth", "▁weight", "▁,", "▁and", "▁extreme", "▁neglect", "▁,", "▁ab", "use", "▁,", "▁or", "▁social", "▁dep", "riv", "ation", "▁also", "▁increase", "▁the", "▁risk", "▁as", "▁do", "▁certain", "▁in", "fe", "ctions", "▁during", "▁pre", "gn", "ancy", "▁,", "▁at", "▁birth", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁early", "▁child", "hood", "▁.", "▁These", "▁in", "fe", "ctions", "▁include", "▁,", "▁among", "▁others", "▁,", "▁various", "▁vir", "uses", "▁(", "▁meas", "les", "▁,", "▁var", "ic", "ella", "▁z", "oster", "▁en", "ce", "phal", "itis", "▁,", "▁rub", "ella", "▁,", "▁enter", "ov", "irus", "▁", "7", "1", "▁)", "▁.", "▁At", "▁least", "▁", "3", "0", "▁%", "▁of", "▁children", "▁with", "▁a", "▁tra", "um", "atic", "▁brain", "▁injury", "▁later", "▁develop", "▁AD", "HD", "▁and", "▁about", "▁", "5", "▁%", "▁of", "▁cases", "▁are", "▁due", "▁to", "▁brain", "▁damage", "▁.", "▁", "▁Some", "▁studies", "▁suggest", "▁that", "▁in", "▁a", "▁minor", "ity", "▁of", "▁children", "▁,", "▁artificial", "▁food", "▁d", "yes", "▁or", "▁pres", "erv", "ative", "▁may", "▁be", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁an", "▁increased", "▁pre", "val", "ence", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁or", "▁AD", "HD", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁like", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁but", "▁the", "▁evidence", "▁is", "▁weak", "▁and", "▁may", "▁only", "▁apply", "▁to", "▁children", "▁with", "▁food", "▁sens", "it", "iv", "ities", "▁.", "▁The", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁and", "▁the", "▁European", "▁Union", "▁have", "▁put", "▁in", "▁place", "▁regul", "atory", "▁measures", "▁based", "▁on", "▁these", "▁concerns", "▁.", "▁In", "▁a", "▁minor", "ity", "▁of", "▁children", "▁,", "▁int", "ol", "er", "ances", "▁or", "▁all", "erg", "ies", "▁to", "▁certain", "▁food", "s", "▁may", "▁w", "ors", "en", "▁AD", "HD", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁.", "▁", "▁Research", "▁does", "▁not", "▁support", "▁popular", "▁belief", "s", "▁that", "▁AD", "HD", "▁is", "▁caused", "▁by", "▁e", "ating", "▁too", "▁much", "▁ref", "ined", "▁sugar", "▁,", "▁watching", "▁too", "▁much", "▁television", "▁,", "▁parent", "ing", "▁,", "▁pover", "ty", "▁or", "▁family", "▁cha" ]
difficulties listening in distracting environments . = = Cause = = The cause of most cases of ADHD is unknown ; however , it is believed to involve interactions between genetic and environmental factors . Certain cases are related to previous infection of or trauma to the brain . = = = Genetics = = = Twin studies indicate that the disorder is often inherited from one 's parents with genetics determining about 75 % of cases . Siblings of children with ADHD are three to four times more likely to develop the disorder than siblings of children without the disorder . Genetic factors are also believed to be involved in determining whether ADHD persists into adulthood . Typically , a number of genes are involved , many of which directly affect dopamine neurotransmission . Those involved with dopamine include DAT , DRD4 , DRD5 , TAAR1 , MAOA , COMT , and DBH . Other genes associated with ADHD include SERT , HTR1B , SNAP25 , GRIN2A , ADRA2A , TPH2 , and BDNF . A common variant of a gene called LPHN3 is estimated to be responsible for about 9 % of cases and when this variant is present , people are particularly responsive to stimulant medication . The 7 repeat variant of dopamine receptor D4 ( DRD4 – 7R ) causes increased inhibitory effects induced by dopamine and is associated with ADHD . The DRD4 receptor is a G protein @-@ coupled receptor that inhibits adenylyl cyclase . The DRD4 – 7R mutation results in a wide range of behavioral phenotypes , including ADHD symptoms reflecting split attention . Evolution may have played a role in the high rates of ADHD , particularly hyperactive and impulsive traits in males . Some have hypothesized that some women may be more attracted to males who are risk takers , increasing the frequency of genes that predispose to hyperactivity and impulsivity in the gene pool . Others have claimed that these traits may be an adaptation that helped males face stressful or dangerous environment with , for example , increased impulsivity and exploratory behavior . In certain situations , ADHD traits may have been beneficial to society as a whole even while being harmful to the individual . The high rates and heterogeneity of ADHD may have increased reproductive fitness and benefited society by adding diversity to the gene pool despite being detrimental to the individual . In certain environments , some ADHD traits may have offered personal advantages to individuals , such as quicker response to predators or superior hunting skills . People with Down syndrome are more likely to have ADHD . = = = Environment = = = In addition to genetics , some environmental factors might play a role . Alcohol intake during pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorders which can include ADHD or symptoms like it . Children exposed to certain toxic substances , such as lead or polychlorinated biphenyls , may develop problems which resemble ADHD . Exposure to the organophosphate insecticides chlorpyrifos and dialkyl phosphate is associated with an increased risk ; however , the evidence is not conclusive . Exposure to tobacco smoke during pregnancy can cause problems with central nervous system development and can increase the risk of ADHD . Extreme premature birth , very low birth weight , and extreme neglect , abuse , or social deprivation also increase the risk as do certain infections during pregnancy , at birth , and in early childhood . These infections include , among others , various viruses ( measles , varicella zoster encephalitis , rubella , enterovirus 71 ) . At least 30 % of children with a traumatic brain injury later develop ADHD and about 5 % of cases are due to brain damage . Some studies suggest that in a minority of children , artificial food dyes or preservative may be associated with an increased prevalence of ADHD or ADHD @-@ like symptoms but the evidence is weak and may only apply to children with food sensitivities . The United Kingdom and the European Union have put in place regulatory measures based on these concerns . In a minority of children , intolerances or allergies to certain foods may worsen ADHD symptoms . Research does not support popular beliefs that ADHD is caused by eating too much refined sugar , watching too much television , parenting , poverty or family cha
[ "os", "▁;", "▁however", "▁,", "▁they", "▁might", "▁w", "ors", "en", "▁AD", "HD", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁in", "▁certain", "▁people", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Society", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁can", "▁represent", "▁family", "▁d", "ys", "function", "▁or", "▁a", "▁poor", "▁educational", "▁system", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁an", "▁individual", "▁problem", "▁.", "▁Some", "▁cases", "▁may", "▁be", "▁explained", "▁by", "▁increasing", "▁academic", "▁expect", "ations", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁being", "▁a", "▁method", "▁for", "▁parents", "▁in", "▁some", "▁countries", "▁to", "▁get", "▁extra", "▁financial", "▁and", "▁educational", "▁support", "▁for", "▁their", "▁child", "▁.", "▁The", "▁young", "est", "▁children", "▁in", "▁a", "▁class", "▁have", "▁been", "▁found", "▁to", "▁be", "▁more", "▁likely", "▁to", "▁be", "▁diagn", "osed", "▁as", "▁having", "▁AD", "HD", "▁possibly", "▁due", "▁to", "▁their", "▁being", "▁development", "ally", "▁behind", "▁their", "▁older", "▁class", "m", "ates", "▁.", "▁Be", "hav", "iors", "▁typical", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁occurs", "▁more", "▁commonly", "▁in", "▁children", "▁who", "▁have", "▁experienced", "▁violence", "▁and", "▁emot", "ional", "▁ab", "use", "▁.", "▁", "▁According", "▁to", "▁social", "▁construction", "▁theory", "▁it", "▁is", "▁soci", "eties", "▁that", "▁determine", "▁the", "▁boundary", "▁between", "▁normal", "▁and", "▁ab", "normal", "▁behavior", "▁.", "▁M", "embers", "▁of", "▁society", "▁,", "▁including", "▁phys", "icians", "▁,", "▁parents", "▁,", "▁and", "▁teachers", "▁,", "▁determine", "▁which", "▁di", "agnostic", "▁criteria", "▁are", "▁used", "▁and", "▁,", "▁thus", "▁,", "▁the", "▁number", "▁of", "▁people", "▁affected", "▁.", "▁This", "▁leads", "▁to", "▁the", "▁current", "▁situation", "▁where", "▁the", "▁D", "SM", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁IV", "▁arriv", "es", "▁at", "▁levels", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁three", "▁to", "▁four", "▁times", "▁higher", "▁than", "▁those", "▁obtained", "▁with", "▁the", "▁I", "CD", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁Thomas", "▁Sz", "asz", "▁,", "▁a", "▁supp", "orter", "▁of", "▁this", "▁theory", "▁,", "▁has", "▁argued", "▁that", "▁AD", "HD", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁invent", "ed", "▁and", "▁not", "▁discovered", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Path", "oph", "ys", "i", "ology", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Current", "▁models", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁suggest", "▁that", "▁it", "▁is", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁functional", "▁imp", "air", "ments", "▁in", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁brain", "▁'", "s", "▁ne", "uro", "trans", "mit", "ter", "▁systems", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁those", "▁involving", "▁dop", "am", "ine", "▁and", "▁n", "ore", "pine", "phr", "ine", "▁.", "▁The", "▁dop", "am", "ine", "▁and", "▁n", "ore", "pine", "phr", "ine", "▁path", "ways", "▁that", "▁origin", "ate", "▁in", "▁the", "▁vent", "ral", "▁t", "eg", "ment", "al", "▁area", "▁and", "▁loc", "us", "▁co", "er", "ule", "us", "▁project", "▁to", "▁diverse", "▁regions", "▁of", "▁the", "▁brain", "▁and", "▁govern", "▁a", "▁variety", "▁of", "▁cogn", "itive", "▁processes", "▁.", "▁The", "▁dop", "am", "ine", "▁path", "ways", "▁and", "▁n", "ore", "pine", "phr", "ine", "▁path", "ways", "▁which", "▁project", "▁to", "▁the", "▁pre", "front", "al", "▁cor", "tex", "▁and", "▁stri", "atum", "▁are", "▁directly", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁mod", "ulating", "▁executive", "▁function", "▁(", "▁cogn", "itive", "▁control", "▁of", "▁behavior", "▁)", "▁,", "▁motiv", "ation", "▁,", "▁reward", "▁per", "ception", "▁,", "▁and", "▁motor", "▁function", "▁;", "▁these", "▁path", "ways", "▁are", "▁known", "▁to", "▁play", "▁a", "▁central", "▁role", "▁in", "▁the", "▁path", "oph", "ys", "i", "ology", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁Lar", "ger", "▁models", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁with", "▁additional", "▁path", "ways", "▁have", "▁been", "▁proposed", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Bra", "in", "▁structure", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁children", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁,", "▁there", "▁is", "▁a", "▁general", "▁reduction", "▁of", "▁volume", "▁in", "▁certain", "▁brain", "▁structures", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁proportion", "ally", "▁greater", "▁decrease", "▁in", "▁the", "▁volume", "▁in", "▁the", "▁left", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁s", "ided", "▁pre", "front", "al", "▁cor", "tex", "▁.", "▁The", "▁posterior", "▁par", "iet", "al", "▁cor", "tex", "▁also", "▁shows", "▁thin", "ning", "▁in", "▁AD", "HD", "▁individuals", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁controls", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁brain", "▁structures", "▁in", "▁the", "▁pre", "front", "al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁stri", "atal", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁c", "ere", "bell", "ar", "▁and", "▁pre", "front", "al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁stri", "atal", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁th", "al", "am", "ic", "▁circ", "uits", "▁have", "▁also", "▁been", "▁found", "▁to", "▁differ", "▁between", "▁people", "▁with", "▁and", "▁without", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ne", "uro", "trans", "mit", "ter", "▁path", "ways", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Pre", "viously", "▁it", "▁was", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁the", "▁elev", "ated", "▁number", "▁of", "▁dop", "am", "ine", "▁trans", "por", "ters", "▁in", "▁people", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁was", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁path", "oph", "ys", "i", "ology", "▁but", "▁it", "▁appears", "▁that", "▁the", "▁elev", "ated", "▁numbers", "▁are", "▁due", "▁to", "▁adaptation", "▁to", "▁expos", "ure", "▁to", "▁stim", "ul", "ants", "▁.", "▁Current", "▁models", "▁involve", "▁the", "▁mes", "oc", "ort", "icol", "imb", "ic", "▁dop", "am", "ine", "▁path", "way", "▁and", "▁the", "▁loc", "us", "▁co", "er", "ule", "us", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁nor", "adr", "ener", "g", "ic", "▁system", "▁.", "▁AD", "HD", "▁psych", "ost", "im", "ul", "ants", "▁possess", "▁treatment", "▁effic", "acy", "▁because", "▁they", "▁increase", "▁ne", "uro", "trans", "mit", "ter", "▁activity", "▁in", "▁these", "▁systems", "▁.", "▁There", "▁may", "▁addition", "ally", "▁be", "▁ab", "normal", "ities", "▁in", "▁ser", "ot", "on", "iner", "g", "ic", "▁and", "▁ch", "ol", "iner", "g", "ic", "▁path", "ways", "▁.", "▁Ne", "uro", "trans", "mission", "▁of", "▁gl", "ut", "am", "ate", "▁,", "▁a", "▁cot", "r", "ans", "mit", "ter", "▁with", "▁dop", "am", "ine", "▁in", "▁the", "▁mes", "ol", "imb", "ic", "▁path", "way", "▁,", "▁seems", "▁to", "▁be", "▁also", "▁involved", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Executive", "▁function", "▁and", "▁motiv", "ation", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁arise", "▁from", "▁a", "▁def", "ic", "iency", "▁in", "▁certain", "▁executive", "▁functions", "▁(", "▁e", ".", "g", ".", "▁,", "▁att", "ent", "ional", "▁control", "▁,", "▁in", "hib", "itory", "▁control", "▁,", "▁and", "▁working", "▁memory", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Executive", "▁functions", "▁are", "▁a", "▁set", "▁of", "▁cogn", "itive", "▁processes", "▁that", "▁are", "▁required", "▁to", "▁successfully", "▁select", "▁and", "▁monitor", "▁behav", "iors", "▁that", "▁facil", "itate", "▁the", "▁att", "ain", "ment", "▁of", "▁one", "▁'", "s", "▁chosen", "▁goals", "▁.", "▁The", "▁executive", "▁function", "▁imp", "air", "ments", "▁that", "▁occur", "▁in", "▁AD", "HD", "▁individuals", "▁result", "▁in", "▁problems", "▁with", "▁stay", "ing", "▁organized", "▁,", "▁time", "▁keeping", "▁,", "▁excess", "ive", "▁pro", "cr", "ast", "ination", "▁,", "▁maintain", "ing", "▁concentration", "▁,", "▁pay", "ing", "▁attention", "▁,", "▁ign", "oring", "▁dist", "ra", "ctions", "▁,", "▁reg", "ulating", "▁emot", "ions", "▁,", "▁and", "▁remember", "ing", "▁details", "▁.", "▁People", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁appear", "▁to", "▁have", "▁un", "im", "pa", "ired", "▁long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁term", "▁memory", "▁,", "▁and", "▁def", "ic", "its", "▁in", "▁long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁term", "▁recall", "▁appear", "▁to", "▁be", "▁attributed", "▁to", "▁imp", "air", "ments", "▁in", "▁working", "▁memory", "▁.", "▁The", "▁criteria", "▁for", "▁an", "▁executive", "▁function", "▁def", "ic", "it", "▁are", "▁met", "▁in", "▁", "3", "0", "▁–", "▁", "5", "0", "▁%", "▁of", "▁children", "▁and", "▁ad", "oles", "c", "ents", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁One", "▁study", "▁found", "▁that", "▁", "8", "0", "▁%", "▁of", "▁individuals", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁were", "▁imp", "a", "ired", "▁in", "▁at", "▁least", "▁one", "▁executive", "▁function", "▁task", "▁,", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁", "5", "0", "▁%", "▁for", "▁individuals", "▁without", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁Due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁rates", "▁of", "▁brain", "▁m", "atur", "ation", "▁and", "▁the", "▁increasing", "▁dem", "ands", "▁for", "▁executive", "▁control", "▁as", "▁a", "▁person", "▁gets", "▁older", "▁,", "▁AD", "HD", "▁imp", "air" ]
os ; however , they might worsen ADHD symptoms in certain people . = = = Society = = = The diagnosis of ADHD can represent family dysfunction or a poor educational system rather than an individual problem . Some cases may be explained by increasing academic expectations , with a diagnosis being a method for parents in some countries to get extra financial and educational support for their child . The youngest children in a class have been found to be more likely to be diagnosed as having ADHD possibly due to their being developmentally behind their older classmates . Behaviors typical of ADHD occurs more commonly in children who have experienced violence and emotional abuse . According to social construction theory it is societies that determine the boundary between normal and abnormal behavior . Members of society , including physicians , parents , and teachers , determine which diagnostic criteria are used and , thus , the number of people affected . This leads to the current situation where the DSM @-@ IV arrives at levels of ADHD three to four times higher than those obtained with the ICD @-@ 10 . Thomas Szasz , a supporter of this theory , has argued that ADHD was " invented and not discovered . " = = Pathophysiology = = Current models of ADHD suggest that it is associated with functional impairments in some of the brain 's neurotransmitter systems , particularly those involving dopamine and norepinephrine . The dopamine and norepinephrine pathways that originate in the ventral tegmental area and locus coeruleus project to diverse regions of the brain and govern a variety of cognitive processes . The dopamine pathways and norepinephrine pathways which project to the prefrontal cortex and striatum are directly responsible for modulating executive function ( cognitive control of behavior ) , motivation , reward perception , and motor function ; these pathways are known to play a central role in the pathophysiology of ADHD . Larger models of ADHD with additional pathways have been proposed . = = = Brain structure = = = In children with ADHD , there is a general reduction of volume in certain brain structures , with a proportionally greater decrease in the volume in the left @-@ sided prefrontal cortex . The posterior parietal cortex also shows thinning in ADHD individuals compared to controls . Other brain structures in the prefrontal @-@ striatal @-@ cerebellar and prefrontal @-@ striatal @-@ thalamic circuits have also been found to differ between people with and without ADHD . = = = Neurotransmitter pathways = = = Previously it was thought that the elevated number of dopamine transporters in people with ADHD was part of the pathophysiology but it appears that the elevated numbers are due to adaptation to exposure to stimulants . Current models involve the mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathway and the locus coeruleus @-@ noradrenergic system . ADHD psychostimulants possess treatment efficacy because they increase neurotransmitter activity in these systems . There may additionally be abnormalities in serotoninergic and cholinergic pathways . Neurotransmission of glutamate , a cotransmitter with dopamine in the mesolimbic pathway , seems to be also involved . = = = Executive function and motivation = = = The symptoms of ADHD arise from a deficiency in certain executive functions ( e.g. , attentional control , inhibitory control , and working memory ) . Executive functions are a set of cognitive processes that are required to successfully select and monitor behaviors that facilitate the attainment of one 's chosen goals . The executive function impairments that occur in ADHD individuals result in problems with staying organized , time keeping , excessive procrastination , maintaining concentration , paying attention , ignoring distractions , regulating emotions , and remembering details . People with ADHD appear to have unimpaired long @-@ term memory , and deficits in long @-@ term recall appear to be attributed to impairments in working memory . The criteria for an executive function deficit are met in 30 – 50 % of children and adolescents with ADHD . One study found that 80 % of individuals with ADHD were impaired in at least one executive function task , compared to 50 % for individuals without ADHD . Due to the rates of brain maturation and the increasing demands for executive control as a person gets older , ADHD impair
[ "ments", "▁may", "▁not", "▁fully", "▁manifest", "▁themselves", "▁until", "▁ad", "oles", "c", "ence", "▁or", "▁even", "▁early", "▁ad", "ul", "th", "ood", "▁.", "▁", "▁AD", "HD", "▁has", "▁also", "▁been", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁motiv", "ational", "▁def", "ic", "its", "▁in", "▁children", "▁.", "▁Children", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁find", "▁it", "▁difficult", "▁to", "▁focus", "▁on", "▁long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁term", "▁over", "▁short", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁term", "▁re", "wards", "▁,", "▁and", "▁exhib", "it", "▁imp", "uls", "ive", "▁behavior", "▁for", "▁short", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁term", "▁re", "wards", "▁.", "▁In", "▁these", "▁individuals", "▁,", "▁a", "▁large", "▁amount", "▁of", "▁positive", "▁rein", "for", "cement", "▁effectively", "▁impro", "ves", "▁task", "▁performance", "▁.", "▁AD", "HD", "▁stim", "ul", "ants", "▁may", "▁improve", "▁pers", "istence", "▁in", "▁AD", "HD", "▁children", "▁as", "▁well", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Int", "elligence", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Over", "all", "▁,", "▁studies", "▁have", "▁shown", "▁that", "▁people", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁tend", "▁to", "▁have", "▁lower", "▁scores", "▁on", "▁intelligence", "▁quot", "ient", "▁(", "▁I", "Q", "▁)", "▁tests", "▁.", "▁The", "▁significance", "▁of", "▁this", "▁is", "▁controvers", "ial", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁differences", "▁between", "▁people", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁and", "▁the", "▁difficulty", "▁determ", "ining", "▁the", "▁influence", "▁of", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁dist", "ract", "ibility", "▁,", "▁on", "▁lower", "▁scores", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁intellectual", "▁capacity", "▁.", "▁In", "▁studies", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁,", "▁higher", "▁I", "Q", "▁’", "▁s", "▁may", "▁be", "▁over", "▁represented", "▁because", "▁many", "▁studies", "▁exclude", "▁individuals", "▁who", "▁have", "▁lower", "▁I", "Q", "▁’", "▁s", "▁despite", "▁those", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁scoring", "▁on", "▁average", "▁", "9", "▁points", "▁lower", "▁on", "▁standard", "ized", "▁intelligence", "▁measures", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁we", "▁may", "▁have", "▁less", "▁of", "▁an", "▁accurate", "▁understanding", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Di", "agn", "osis", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁AD", "HD", "▁is", "▁diagn", "osed", "▁by", "▁an", "▁assess", "ment", "▁of", "▁a", "▁person", "▁'", "s", "▁child", "hood", "▁behavior", "al", "▁and", "▁mental", "▁development", "▁,", "▁including", "▁r", "uling", "▁out", "▁the", "▁effects", "▁of", "▁dru", "gs", "▁,", "▁medic", "ations", "▁and", "▁other", "▁medical", "▁or", "▁psych", "iat", "ric", "▁problems", "▁as", "▁explan", "ations", "▁for", "▁the", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁.", "▁It", "▁often", "▁takes", "▁into", "▁account", "▁feedback", "▁from", "▁parents", "▁and", "▁teachers", "▁with", "▁most", "▁diagn", "oses", "▁begun", "▁after", "▁a", "▁teacher", "▁ra", "ises", "▁concerns", "▁.", "▁It", "▁may", "▁be", "▁viewed", "▁as", "▁the", "▁extreme", "▁end", "▁of", "▁one", "▁or", "▁more", "▁continuous", "▁human", "▁tra", "its", "▁found", "▁in", "▁all", "▁people", "▁.", "▁Whether", "▁someone", "▁respond", "s", "▁to", "▁medic", "ations", "▁does", "▁not", "▁confirm", "▁or", "▁rule", "▁out", "▁the", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁.", "▁As", "▁imag", "ing", "▁studies", "▁of", "▁the", "▁brain", "▁do", "▁not", "▁give", "▁consistent", "▁results", "▁between", "▁individuals", "▁,", "▁they", "▁are", "▁only", "▁used", "▁for", "▁research", "▁purposes", "▁and", "▁not", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁North", "▁America", "▁,", "▁D", "SM", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "5", "▁criteria", "▁are", "▁used", "▁for", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁,", "▁while", "▁European", "▁countries", "▁usually", "▁use", "▁the", "▁I", "CD", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁With", "▁the", "▁D", "SM", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁IV", "▁criteria", "▁a", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁is", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "4", "▁times", "▁more", "▁likely", "▁than", "▁with", "▁the", "▁I", "CD", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "0", "▁criteria", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁class", "ified", "▁as", "▁ne", "uro", "development", "al", "▁psych", "iat", "ric", "▁dis", "order", "▁.", "▁Additionally", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁class", "ified", "▁as", "▁a", "▁dis", "rupt", "ive", "▁behavior", "▁dis", "order", "▁along", "▁with", "▁oppos", "itional", "▁def", "i", "ant", "▁dis", "order", "▁,", "▁conduct", "▁dis", "order", "▁,", "▁and", "▁ant", "iso", "cial", "▁person", "ality", "▁dis", "order", "▁.", "▁A", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁does", "▁not", "▁imply", "▁a", "▁ne", "uro", "log", "ical", "▁dis", "order", "▁.", "▁", "▁Associ", "ated", "▁conditions", "▁that", "▁should", "▁be", "▁screen", "ed", "▁for", "▁include", "▁anx", "iety", "▁,", "▁de", "pression", "▁,", "▁oppos", "itional", "▁def", "i", "ant", "▁dis", "order", "▁,", "▁conduct", "▁dis", "order", "▁,", "▁and", "▁learning", "▁and", "▁language", "▁dis", "orders", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁conditions", "▁that", "▁should", "▁be", "▁considered", "▁are", "▁other", "▁ne", "uro", "development", "al", "▁dis", "orders", "▁,", "▁t", "ics", "▁,", "▁and", "▁sleep", "▁ap", "nea", "▁.", "▁", "▁Di", "agn", "osis", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁using", "▁quant", "itative", "▁electro", "ence", "phal", "ography", "▁(", "▁Q", "E", "EG", "▁)", "▁is", "▁an", "▁on", "going", "▁area", "▁of", "▁investigation", "▁,", "▁although", "▁the", "▁value", "▁of", "▁Q", "E", "EG", "▁in", "▁AD", "HD", "▁is", "▁currently", "▁unclear", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Food", "▁and", "▁D", "rug", "▁Administration", "▁has", "▁approved", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁Q", "E", "EG", "▁to", "▁evaluate", "▁the", "▁mor", "bid", "ity", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Di", "agnostic", "▁and", "▁Statist", "ical", "▁Man", "ual", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁As", "▁with", "▁many", "▁other", "▁psych", "iat", "ric", "▁dis", "orders", "▁,", "▁formal", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁is", "▁made", "▁by", "▁a", "▁qualified", "▁professional", "▁based", "▁on", "▁a", "▁set", "▁number", "▁of", "▁criteria", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁,", "▁these", "▁criteria", "▁are", "▁defined", "▁by", "▁the", "▁American", "▁Psych", "iat", "ric", "▁Association", "▁in", "▁the", "▁D", "SM", "▁.", "▁Based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁D", "SM", "▁criteria", "▁,", "▁there", "▁are", "▁three", "▁sub", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁types", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁:", "▁", "▁AD", "HD", "▁pre", "domin", "antly", "▁in", "att", "ent", "ive", "▁type", "▁(", "▁AD", "HD", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁P", "I", "▁)", "▁presents", "▁with", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁including", "▁being", "▁easily", "▁dist", "ract", "ed", "▁,", "▁forget", "ful", "▁,", "▁day", "d", "ream", "ing", "▁,", "▁dis", "organ", "ization", "▁,", "▁poor", "▁concentration", "▁,", "▁and", "▁difficulty", "▁comple", "ting", "▁tasks", "▁.", "▁", "▁AD", "HD", "▁,", "▁pre", "domin", "antly", "▁hyper", "active", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁imp", "uls", "ive", "▁type", "▁presents", "▁with", "▁excess", "ive", "▁f", "idget", "iness", "▁and", "▁rest", "less", "ness", "▁,", "▁hyper", "activity", "▁,", "▁difficulty", "▁waiting", "▁and", "▁remaining", "▁se", "ated", "▁,", "▁imm", "ature", "▁behavior", "▁;", "▁destruct", "ive", "▁behav", "iors", "▁may", "▁also", "▁be", "▁present", "▁.", "▁", "▁AD", "HD", "▁,", "▁combined", "▁type", "▁is", "▁a", "▁combination", "▁of", "▁the", "▁first", "▁two", "▁sub", "types", "▁.", "▁", "▁This", "▁sub", "div", "ision", "▁is", "▁based", "▁on", "▁presence", "▁of", "▁at", "▁least", "▁six", "▁out", "▁of", "▁nine", "▁long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁term", "▁(", "▁last", "ing", "▁at", "▁least", "▁six", "▁months", "▁)", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁of", "▁in", "att", "ention", "▁,", "▁hyper", "activity", "▁–", "▁imp", "uls", "ivity", "▁,", "▁or", "▁both", "▁.", "▁To", "▁be", "▁considered", "▁,", "▁the", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁must", "▁have", "▁appeared", "▁by", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁six", "▁to", "▁twelve", "▁and", "▁occur", "▁in", "▁more", "▁than", "▁one", "▁environment", "▁(", "▁e", ".", "g", ".", "▁at", "▁home", "▁and", "▁at", "▁school", "▁or", "▁work", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁must", "▁be", "▁not", "▁appropriate", "▁for", "▁a", "▁child", "▁of", "▁that", "▁age", "▁and", "▁there", "▁must", "▁be", "▁evidence", "▁that", "▁it", "▁is", "▁causing", "▁social", "▁,", "▁school", "▁or", "▁work", "▁related", "▁problems", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁International", "▁Classification", "▁of", "▁D", "ise", "ases", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁I", "CD", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁hyper", "kin", "etic", "▁dis", "order", "▁\"", "▁are", "▁analog", "ous", "▁to", "▁AD", "HD", "▁in", "▁the", "▁D", "SM", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁" ]
ments may not fully manifest themselves until adolescence or even early adulthood . ADHD has also been associated with motivational deficits in children . Children with ADHD find it difficult to focus on long @-@ term over short @-@ term rewards , and exhibit impulsive behavior for short @-@ term rewards . In these individuals , a large amount of positive reinforcement effectively improves task performance . ADHD stimulants may improve persistence in ADHD children as well . = = = Intelligence = = = Overall , studies have shown that people with ADHD tend to have lower scores on intelligence quotient ( IQ ) tests . The significance of this is controversial due to the differences between people with ADHD and the difficulty determining the influence of symptoms , such as distractibility , on lower scores rather than intellectual capacity . In studies of ADHD , higher IQ ’ s may be over represented because many studies exclude individuals who have lower IQ ’ s despite those with ADHD scoring on average 9 points lower on standardized intelligence measures . As a result , we may have less of an accurate understanding of ADHD . = = Diagnosis = = ADHD is diagnosed by an assessment of a person 's childhood behavioral and mental development , including ruling out the effects of drugs , medications and other medical or psychiatric problems as explanations for the symptoms . It often takes into account feedback from parents and teachers with most diagnoses begun after a teacher raises concerns . It may be viewed as the extreme end of one or more continuous human traits found in all people . Whether someone responds to medications does not confirm or rule out the diagnosis . As imaging studies of the brain do not give consistent results between individuals , they are only used for research purposes and not diagnosis . In North America , DSM @-@ 5 criteria are used for diagnosis , while European countries usually use the ICD @-@ 10 . With the DSM @-@ IV criteria a diagnosis of ADHD is 3 – 4 times more likely than with the ICD @-@ 10 criteria . It is classified as neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder . Additionally , it is classified as a disruptive behavior disorder along with oppositional defiant disorder , conduct disorder , and antisocial personality disorder . A diagnosis does not imply a neurological disorder . Associated conditions that should be screened for include anxiety , depression , oppositional defiant disorder , conduct disorder , and learning and language disorders . Other conditions that should be considered are other neurodevelopmental disorders , tics , and sleep apnea . Diagnosis of ADHD using quantitative electroencephalography ( QEEG ) is an ongoing area of investigation , although the value of QEEG in ADHD is currently unclear . In the United States , the Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of QEEG to evaluate the morbidity of ADHD . = = = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual = = = As with many other psychiatric disorders , formal diagnosis is made by a qualified professional based on a set number of criteria . In the United States , these criteria are defined by the American Psychiatric Association in the DSM . Based on the DSM criteria , there are three sub @-@ types of ADHD : ADHD predominantly inattentive type ( ADHD @-@ PI ) presents with symptoms including being easily distracted , forgetful , daydreaming , disorganization , poor concentration , and difficulty completing tasks . ADHD , predominantly hyperactive @-@ impulsive type presents with excessive fidgetiness and restlessness , hyperactivity , difficulty waiting and remaining seated , immature behavior ; destructive behaviors may also be present . ADHD , combined type is a combination of the first two subtypes . This subdivision is based on presence of at least six out of nine long @-@ term ( lasting at least six months ) symptoms of inattention , hyperactivity – impulsivity , or both . To be considered , the symptoms must have appeared by the age of six to twelve and occur in more than one environment ( e.g. at home and at school or work ) . The symptoms must be not appropriate for a child of that age and there must be evidence that it is causing social , school or work related problems . = = = International Classification of Diseases = = = In the ICD @-@ 10 , the symptoms of " hyperkinetic disorder " are analogous to ADHD in the DSM @-@
[ "5", "▁.", "▁When", "▁a", "▁conduct", "▁dis", "order", "▁(", "▁as", "▁defined", "▁by", "▁I", "CD", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "0", "▁)", "▁is", "▁present", "▁,", "▁the", "▁condition", "▁is", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁hyper", "kin", "etic", "▁conduct", "▁dis", "order", "▁.", "▁Otherwise", "▁,", "▁the", "▁dis", "order", "▁is", "▁class", "ified", "▁as", "▁disturb", "ance", "▁of", "▁activity", "▁and", "▁attention", "▁,", "▁other", "▁hyper", "kin", "etic", "▁dis", "orders", "▁or", "▁hyper", "kin", "etic", "▁dis", "orders", "▁,", "▁un", "spec", "ified", "▁.", "▁The", "▁latter", "▁is", "▁sometimes", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁hyper", "kin", "etic", "▁synd", "rome", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ad", "ult", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ad", "ult", "s", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁are", "▁diagn", "osed", "▁under", "▁the", "▁same", "▁criteria", "▁,", "▁including", "▁that", "▁their", "▁signs", "▁must", "▁have", "▁been", "▁present", "▁by", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁six", "▁to", "▁twelve", "▁.", "▁Question", "ing", "▁parents", "▁or", "▁guard", "ians", "▁as", "▁to", "▁how", "▁the", "▁person", "▁behav", "ed", "▁and", "▁developed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁child", "▁may", "▁form", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁assess", "ment", "▁;", "▁a", "▁family", "▁history", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁also", "▁adds", "▁weight", "▁to", "▁a", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁.", "▁While", "▁the", "▁core", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁are", "▁similar", "▁in", "▁children", "▁and", "▁adult", "s", "▁they", "▁often", "▁present", "▁differently", "▁in", "▁adult", "s", "▁than", "▁in", "▁children", "▁,", "▁for", "▁example", "▁excess", "ive", "▁physical", "▁activity", "▁seen", "▁in", "▁children", "▁may", "▁present", "▁as", "▁feelings", "▁of", "▁rest", "less", "ness", "▁and", "▁constant", "▁mental", "▁activity", "▁in", "▁adult", "s", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁D", "iffer", "ential", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Sym", "pt", "oms", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁such", "▁as", "▁low", "▁m", "ood", "▁and", "▁poor", 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"▁major", "▁de", "pression", "▁,", "▁criminal", "ity", "▁,", "▁school", "▁failure", "▁,", "▁and", "▁subst", "ance", "▁use", "▁dis", "orders", "▁is", "▁formation", "▁of", "▁friend", "ships", "▁with", "▁people", "▁who", "▁are", "▁not", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁del", "in", "quent", "▁activities", "▁.", "▁", "▁Reg", "ular", "▁physical", "▁exercise", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁aer", "ob", "ic", "▁exercise", "▁,", "▁is", "▁an", "▁effective", "▁add", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁on", "▁treatment", "▁for", "▁AD", "HD", "▁in", "▁children", "▁and", "▁adult", "s", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁when", "▁combined", "▁with", "▁stim", "ul", "ant", "▁medic", "ation", "▁,", "▁although", "▁the", "▁best", "▁intensity", "▁and", "▁type", "▁of", "▁aer", "ob", "ic", "▁exercise", "▁for", "▁impro", "ving", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁are", "▁not", "▁currently", "▁known", "▁.", "▁In", "▁particular", "▁,", "▁the", "▁long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁term", "▁effects", "▁of", "▁regular", "▁aer", "ob", "ic", "▁exercise", "▁in", "▁AD", "HD", "▁individuals", "▁include", "▁better", "▁behavior", "▁and", "▁motor", "▁ab", "ilities", "▁,", "▁improved", "▁executive", "▁functions", "▁(", "▁including", "▁attention", "▁,", "▁in", "hib", "itory", "▁control", "▁,", "▁planning", "▁,", "▁and", "▁cogn", "itive", "▁processing", "▁speed", "▁,", "▁among", "▁other", "▁cogn", "itive", "▁domains", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁better", "▁memory", "▁without", "▁causing", "▁any", "▁side", "▁effects", "▁.", "▁Ex", "er", "cis", "ing", "▁while", "▁on", "▁stim", "ul", "ant", "▁medic", "ation", "▁aug", "ments", "▁the", "▁effect", "▁of", "▁stim", "ul", "ant", "▁medic", "ation", "▁on", "▁executive", "▁function", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁these", "▁short", "▁@", "-" ]
5 . When a conduct disorder ( as defined by ICD @-@ 10 ) is present , the condition is referred to as hyperkinetic conduct disorder . Otherwise , the disorder is classified as disturbance of activity and attention , other hyperkinetic disorders or hyperkinetic disorders , unspecified . The latter is sometimes referred to as hyperkinetic syndrome . = = = Adults = = = Adults with ADHD are diagnosed under the same criteria , including that their signs must have been present by the age of six to twelve . Questioning parents or guardians as to how the person behaved and developed as a child may form part of the assessment ; a family history of ADHD also adds weight to a diagnosis . While the core symptoms of ADHD are similar in children and adults they often present differently in adults than in children , for example excessive physical activity seen in children may present as feelings of restlessness and constant mental activity in adults . = = = Differential diagnosis = = = Symptoms of ADHD such as low mood and poor self @-@ image , mood swings , and irritability can be confused with dysthymia , cyclothymia or bipolar disorder as well as with borderline personality disorder . Some symptoms that are due to anxiety disorders , antisocial personality disorder , developmental disabilities or mental retardation or the effects of substance abuse such as intoxication and withdrawal can overlap with some ADHD . These disorders can also sometimes occur along with ADHD . Medical conditions which can cause ADHD type symptoms include : hyperthyroidism , seizure disorder , lead toxicity , hearing deficits , hepatic disease , sleep apnea , drug interactions , untreated celiac disease , and head injury . Primary sleep disorders may affect attention and behavior and the symptoms of ADHD may affect sleep . It is thus recommended that children with ADHD be regularly assessed for sleep problems . Sleepiness in children may result in symptoms ranging from the classic ones of yawning and rubbing the eyes , to hyperactivity and inattentiveness . Obstructive sleep apnea can also cause ADHD type symptoms . = = Management = = The management of ADHD typically involves counseling or medications either alone or in combination . While treatment may improve long @-@ term outcomes , it does not get rid of negative outcomes entirely . Medications used include stimulants , atomoxetine , alpha @-@ 2 adrenergic receptor agonists , and sometimes antidepressants . = = = Behavioral therapies = = = There is good evidence for the use of behavioral therapies in ADHD and they are the recommended first line treatment in those who have mild symptoms or are preschool @-@ aged . Psychological therapies used include : psychoeducational input , behavior therapy , cognitive behavioral therapy ( CBT ) , interpersonal psychotherapy , family therapy , school @-@ based interventions , social skills training , behavioral peer intervention , organization training , parent management training , and neurofeedback . Behavior modification and neurofeedback have the best support . Parent training and education have been found to have short @-@ term benefits . There is little high quality research on the effectiveness of family therapy for ADHD , but the evidence that exists shows that it is similar to community care and better than a placebo . Several ADHD specific support groups exist as informational sources and may help families cope with ADHD . Training in social skills , behavioral modification and medication may have some limited beneficial effects . The most important factor in reducing later psychological problems , such as major depression , criminality , school failure , and substance use disorders is formation of friendships with people who are not involved in delinquent activities . Regular physical exercise , particularly aerobic exercise , is an effective add @-@ on treatment for ADHD in children and adults , particularly when combined with stimulant medication , although the best intensity and type of aerobic exercise for improving symptoms are not currently known . In particular , the long @-@ term effects of regular aerobic exercise in ADHD individuals include better behavior and motor abilities , improved executive functions ( including attention , inhibitory control , planning , and cognitive processing speed , among other cognitive domains ) , and better memory without causing any side effects . Exercising while on stimulant medication augments the effect of stimulant medication on executive function . It is believed that these short @-
[ "@", "▁term", "▁effects", "▁of", "▁exercise", "▁are", "▁medi", "ated", "▁by", "▁an", "▁increased", "▁abund", "ance", "▁of", "▁syn", "apt", "ic", "▁dop", "am", "ine", "▁and", "▁n", "ore", "pine", "phr", "ine", "▁in", "▁the", "▁brain", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Medic", "ation", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Stim", "ul", "ant", "▁medic", "ations", "▁are", "▁the", "▁ph", "arma", "ce", "ut", "ical", "▁treatment", "▁of", "▁choice", "▁.", "▁They", "▁have", "▁at", "▁least", "▁some", "▁effect", "▁in", "▁the", "▁short", "▁term", "▁in", "▁about", "▁", "8", "0", "▁%", "▁of", "▁people", "▁.", "▁M", "eth", "yl", "phen", "id", "ate", "▁appears", "▁to", "▁improve", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁as", "▁reported", "▁by", "▁teachers", "▁and", "▁parents", "▁.", "▁", "▁There", "▁are", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁stim", "ul", "ant", "▁medic", "ations", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁atom", "ox", "et", "ine", "▁,", "▁bu", "prop", "ion", "▁,", "▁gu", "an", "fac", "ine", "▁,", "▁and", "▁cl", "on", "id", 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"▁effect", "▁on", "▁AD", "HD", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁.", "▁There", "▁is", "▁a", "▁small", "▁amount", "▁of", "▁evidence", "▁that", "▁lower", "▁t", "issue", "▁z", "inc", "▁levels", "▁may", "▁be", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁absence", "▁of", "▁a", "▁demonstrated", "▁z", "inc", "▁def", "ic", "iency", "▁(", "▁which", "▁is", "▁rare", "▁outside", "▁of", "▁developing", "▁countries", "▁)", "▁,", "▁z", "inc", "▁supp", "lement", "ation", "▁is", "▁not", "▁recommended", "▁as", "▁treatment", "▁for", "▁AD", "HD", "▁." ]
@ term effects of exercise are mediated by an increased abundance of synaptic dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain . = = = Medication = = = Stimulant medications are the pharmaceutical treatment of choice . They have at least some effect in the short term in about 80 % of people . Methylphenidate appears to improve symptoms as reported by teachers and parents . There are a number of non @-@ stimulant medications , such as atomoxetine , bupropion , guanfacine , and clonidine that may be used as alternatives , or added to stimulant therapy . There are no good studies comparing the various medications ; however , they appear more or less equal with respect to side effects . Stimulants appear to improve academic performance while atomoxetine does not . There is little evidence on their effects on social behaviors . Medications are not recommended for preschool children , as the long @-@ term effects in this age group are not known . The long @-@ term effects of stimulants generally are unclear with one study finding benefit , another finding no benefit and a third finding evidence of harm . Magnetic resonance imaging studies suggest that long @-@ term treatment with amphetamine or methylphenidate decreases abnormalities in brain structure and function found in subjects with ADHD . Atomoxetine , due to its lack of addiction liability , may be preferred in those who are at risk of recreational or compulsive stimulant use . Guidelines on when to use medications vary by country , with the United Kingdom 's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommending use only in severe cases , Switzerland strongly limits the authorised medications , while most United States guidelines recommend medications in most age groups . Underdosing of stimulants may occur and result in a lack of response or later loss of effectiveness . This is particularly common in adolescents and adults as approved dosing is based on school @-@ aged children , causing some practitioners to use weight based or benefit based off @-@ label dosing instead . While stimulants and atomoxetine are usually safe , there are side @-@ effects and contraindications to their use . A large overdose on ADHD stimulants is commonly associated with symptoms such as stimulant psychosis and mania ; although very rare , at therapeutic doses these events appear to occur in approximately 0 @.@ 1 % of individuals within the first several weeks after starting amphetamine or methylphenidate therapy . Administration of an antipsychotic medication has been found to effectively resolve the symptoms of acute amphetamine psychosis . Regular monitoring has been recommended in those on long @-@ term treatment . Stimulant therapy should be stopped periodically to assess for continuing need for medication , decrease possible growth delay , and reduce tolerance . Long @-@ term misuse of stimulant medications at doses above the therapeutic range for ADHD treatment is associated with addiction and dependence . Untreated ADHD , however , is also associated with elevated risk of substance use disorders and conduct disorders . The use of stimulants appears to either reduce this risk or have no effect on it . The safety of these medications in pregnancy is unclear . = = = Diet = = = Dietary modifications may be of benefit to some children with ADHD . A 2013 meta @-@ analysis found less than a third of children with ADHD see some improvement in symptoms with free fatty acid supplementation or decreased eating of artificial food coloring . These benefits may be limited to children with food sensitivities or those who are simultaneously being treated with ADHD medications . This review also found that evidence does not support removing other foods from the diet to treat ADHD . A 2014 review found that an elimination diet results in a small overall benefit . A 2016 review did not support a clear link between celiac disease and ADHD , and stated that routine screening for celiac disease in people with ADHD and the use of a gluten @-@ free diet as standard ADHD treatment are discouraged . Iron , magnesium and iodine may also have an effect on ADHD symptoms . There is a small amount of evidence that lower tissue zinc levels may be associated with ADHD . In the absence of a demonstrated zinc deficiency ( which is rare outside of developing countries ) , zinc supplementation is not recommended as treatment for ADHD .
[ "▁There", "▁is", "▁evidence", "▁of", "▁a", "▁mod", "est", "▁benefit", "▁of", "▁om", "ega", "▁", "3", "▁fat", "ty", "▁acid", "▁supp", "lement", "ation", "▁,", "▁but", "▁it", "▁is", "▁not", "▁recommended", "▁in", "▁place", "▁of", "▁traditional", "▁medic", "ation", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Pro", "gn", "osis", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁An", "▁", "8", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁follow", "▁up", "▁of", "▁children", "▁diagn", "osed", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁(", "▁combined", "▁type", "▁)", "▁found", "▁that", "▁they", "▁often", "▁have", "▁difficulties", "▁in", "▁ad", "oles", "c", "ence", "▁,", "▁regardless", "▁of", "▁treatment", "▁or", "▁lack", "▁there", "of", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁US", "▁,", "▁fewer", "▁than", "▁", "5", "▁%", "▁of", "▁individuals", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁get", "▁a", "▁college", "▁degree", "▁,", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁", "2", "8", "▁%", "▁of", "▁the", "▁general", "▁population", "▁aged", "▁", "2", "5", "▁years", "▁and", "▁older", "▁.", "▁The", "▁proportion", "▁of", "▁children", 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"▁II", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "8", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁hyper", "kin", "etic", "▁reaction", "▁of", "▁child", "hood", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁D", "SM", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁III", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "0", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁attention", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁def", "ic", "it", "▁dis", "order", "▁(", "▁ADD", "▁)", "▁with", "▁or", "▁without", "▁hyper", "activity", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "7", "▁this", "▁was", "▁changed", "▁to", "▁AD", "HD", "▁in", "▁the", "▁D", "SM", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁III", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁R", "▁and", "▁the", "▁D", "SM", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁IV", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "4", "▁split", "▁the", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁into", "▁three", "▁sub", "types", "▁,", "▁AD", "HD", "▁in", "att", "ent", "ive", "▁type", "▁,", "▁AD", "HD", "▁hyper", "active", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁imp", "uls", "ive", "▁type", "▁and", "▁AD", "HD", "▁combined", "▁type", "▁.", "▁These", "▁terms", "▁were", "▁kept", "▁in", "▁the", "▁D", "SM", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "5", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁terms", "▁have", "▁included", "▁\"", "▁minimal", "▁brain", "▁damage", "▁\"", "▁used", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁use", "▁of", "▁stim", "ul", "ants", "▁to", "▁treat", "▁AD", "HD", "▁was", "▁first", "▁described", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁,", "▁Ben", "zed", "r", "ine", "▁became", "▁the", "▁first", "▁am", "ph", "et", "am", "ine", "▁medic", "ation", "▁approved", "▁for", "▁use", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁.", "▁M", "eth", "yl", "phen", "id", "ate", "▁was", "▁introduced", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁en", "anti", "op", "ure", "▁de", "xt", "ro", "am", "ph", "et", "am", "ine", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Society", "▁and", "▁culture", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cont", "ro", "vers", "ies", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁AD", "HD", "▁,", "▁its", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁,", "▁and", "▁its", "▁treatment", "▁have", "▁been", "▁controvers", "ial", "▁since", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁The", "▁controvers", "ies", "▁involve", "▁clin", "icians", "▁,", "▁teachers", "▁,", "▁polic", "ym", "akers", "▁,", "▁parents", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁media", "▁.", "▁Pos", "itions", "▁range", "▁from", "▁the", "▁view", "▁that", "▁AD", "HD", "▁is", "▁within", "▁the", "▁normal", "▁range", "▁of", "▁behavior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁hypothesis", "▁that", "▁AD", "HD", "▁is", "▁a", "▁gen", "etic", "▁condition", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁areas", "▁of", "▁controvers", "y", "▁include", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁stim", "ul", "ant", "▁medic", "ations", "▁in", "▁children", "▁,", "▁the", "▁method", "▁of", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁possibility", "▁of", "▁over", "di", "agn", "osis", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Institute", "▁for", "▁Health", "▁and", "▁Care", "▁Ex", "cell", "ence", "▁,", "▁while", "▁acknowled", "ging", "▁the", "▁controvers", "y", "▁,", "▁states", "▁that", "▁the", "▁current", "▁treat", "ments", "▁and", "▁methods", "▁of", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁are", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁dominant", "▁view", "▁of" ]
There is evidence of a modest benefit of omega 3 fatty acid supplementation , but it is not recommended in place of traditional medication . = = Prognosis = = An 8 @-@ year follow up of children diagnosed with ADHD ( combined type ) found that they often have difficulties in adolescence , regardless of treatment or lack thereof . In the US , fewer than 5 % of individuals with ADHD get a college degree , compared to 28 % of the general population aged 25 years and older . The proportion of children meeting criteria for ADHD drops by about half in the three years following the diagnosis and this occurs regardless of treatments used . ADHD persists into adulthood in about 30 – 50 % of cases . Those affected are likely to develop coping mechanisms as they mature , thus compensating for their previous symptoms . = = Epidemiology = = ADHD is estimated to affect about 6 – 7 % of people aged 18 and under when diagnosed via the DSM @-@ IV criteria . When diagnosed via the ICD @-@ 10 criteria rates in this age group are estimated at 1 – 2 % . Children in North America appear to have a higher rate of ADHD than children in Africa and the Middle East ; this is believed to be due to differing methods of diagnosis rather than a difference in underlying frequency . If the same diagnostic methods are used , the rates are more or less the same between countries . It is diagnosed approximately three times more often in boys than in girls . This difference between sexes may reflect either a difference in susceptibility or that females with ADHD are less likely to be diagnosed than males . Rates of diagnosis and treatment have increased in both the United Kingdom and the United States since the 1970s . This is believed to be primarily due to changes in how the condition is diagnosed and how readily people are willing to treat it with medications rather than a true change in how common the condition is . It is believed that changes to the diagnostic criteria in 2013 with the release of the DSM @-@ 5 will increase the percentage of people diagnosed with ADHD , especially among adults . = = History = = Hyperactivity has long been part of the human condition . Sir Alexander Crichton describes " mental restlessness " in his book An inquiry into the nature and origin of mental derangement written in 1798 . ADHD was first clearly described by George Still in 1902 . The terminology used to describe the condition has changed over time and has included : in the DSM @-@ I ( 1952 ) " minimal brain dysfunction " , in the DSM @-@ II ( 1968 ) " hyperkinetic reaction of childhood " , in the DSM @-@ III ( 1980 ) " attention @-@ deficit disorder ( ADD ) with or without hyperactivity " . In 1987 this was changed to ADHD in the DSM @-@ III @-@ R and the DSM @-@ IV in 1994 split the diagnosis into three subtypes , ADHD inattentive type , ADHD hyperactive @-@ impulsive type and ADHD combined type . These terms were kept in the DSM @-@ 5 in 2013 . Other terms have included " minimal brain damage " used in the 1930s . The use of stimulants to treat ADHD was first described in 1937 . In 1934 , Benzedrine became the first amphetamine medication approved for use in the United States . Methylphenidate was introduced in the 1950s , and enantiopure dextroamphetamine in the 1970s . = = Society and culture = = = = = Controversies = = = ADHD , its diagnosis , and its treatment have been controversial since the 1970s . The controversies involve clinicians , teachers , policymakers , parents , and the media . Positions range from the view that ADHD is within the normal range of behavior to the hypothesis that ADHD is a genetic condition . Other areas of controversy include the use of stimulant medications in children , the method of diagnosis , and the possibility of overdiagnosis . In 2012 , the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence , while acknowledging the controversy , states that the current treatments and methods of diagnosis are based on the dominant view of
[ "▁the", "▁academic", "▁literature", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁Keith", "▁Con", "ners", "▁,", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁early", "▁advoc", "ates", "▁for", "▁recognition", "▁of", "▁the", "▁dis", "order", "▁,", "▁spoke", "▁out", "▁against", "▁over", "di", "agn", "osis", "▁in", "▁a", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Times", "▁article", "▁.", "▁In", "▁contrast", "▁,", "▁a", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁peer", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁review", "ed", "▁medical", "▁literature", "▁review", "▁indicated", "▁that", "▁AD", "HD", "▁is", "▁under", "di", "agn", "osed", "▁in", "▁adult", "s", "▁.", "▁", "▁With", "▁widely", "▁differ", "ing", "▁rates", "▁of", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁across", "▁countries", "▁,", "▁states", "▁within", "▁countries", "▁,", "▁races", "▁,", "▁and", "▁eth", "nic", "ities", "▁,", "▁some", "▁suspect", "▁factors", "▁other", "▁than", "▁the", "▁presence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁are", "▁playing", "▁a", "▁role", "▁in", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁.", "▁Some", "▁soci", "olog", "ists", "▁consider", "▁AD", "HD", "▁to", "▁be", "▁an", "▁example", "▁of", "▁the", "▁medical", "ization", "▁of", "▁devi", "ant", "▁behavior", "▁,", "▁that", "▁is", "▁,", "▁the", "▁turning", "▁of", "▁the", "▁previously", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁medical", "▁issue", "▁of", "▁school", "▁performance", "▁into", "▁a", "▁medical", "▁one", "▁.", "▁Most", "▁health", "care", "▁prov", "iders", "▁accept", "▁AD", "HD", "▁as", "▁a", "▁genu", "ine", "▁dis", "order", "▁,", "▁at", "▁least", "▁in", "▁the", "▁small", "▁number", "▁of", "▁people", "▁with", "▁severe", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁.", "▁Among", "▁health", "care", "▁prov", "iders", "▁the", "▁debate", "▁mainly", "▁cent", "ers", "▁on", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁and", "▁treatment", "▁in", "▁the", "▁much", "▁larger", "▁number", "▁of", "▁people", "▁with", "▁less", "▁severe", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁", "8", "▁%", "▁of", "▁all", "▁United", "▁States", "▁Major", "▁League", "▁Baseball", "▁players", "▁had", "▁been", "▁diagn", "osed", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁,", "▁making", "▁the", "▁dis", "order", "▁common", "▁among", "▁this", "▁population", "▁.", "▁The", "▁increase", "▁coinc", "ided", "▁with", "▁the", "▁League", "▁'", "s", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁ban", "▁on", "▁stim", "ul", "ants", "▁,", "▁which", "▁has", "▁raised", "▁concern", "▁that", "▁some", "▁players", "▁are", "▁m", "im", "ick", "ing", "▁or", "▁f", "als", "ifying", "▁the", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁or", "▁history", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁to", "▁get", "▁around", "▁the", "▁ban", "▁on", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁stim", "ul", "ants", "▁in", "▁sport", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Media", "▁comment", "ary", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "▁number", "▁of", "▁public", "▁figures", "▁have", "▁given", "▁controvers", "ial", "▁statements", "▁regarding", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁Tom", "▁Cru", "ise", "▁has", "▁described", "▁the", "▁medic", "ations", "▁R", "ital", "in", "▁(", "▁m", "eth", "yl", "phen", "id", "ate", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Ad", "der", "all", "▁(", "▁a", "▁mixed", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁salt", "▁am", "ph", "et", "am", "ine", "▁form", "ulation", "▁)", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁street", "▁dru", "gs", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁U", "sh", "ma", "▁S", ".", "▁Ne", "ill", "▁critic", "ized", "▁this", "▁view", "▁,", "▁stating", "▁that", "▁the", "▁dos", "es", "▁of", "▁stim", "ul", "ants", "▁used", "▁in", "▁the", "▁treatment", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁do", "▁not", "▁cause", "▁add", "iction", "▁and", "▁that", "▁there", "▁is", "▁some", "▁evidence", "▁of", "▁a", "▁reduced", "▁risk", "▁of", "▁later", "▁subst", "ance", "▁add", "iction", "▁in", "▁children", "▁treated", "▁with", "▁stim", "ul", "ants", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁UK", "▁,", "▁Susan", "▁Green", "field", "▁spoke", "▁out", "▁public", "ly", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁in", "▁the", "▁House", "▁of", "▁L", "ords", "▁about", "▁the", "▁need", "▁for", "▁a", "▁wide", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁r", "anging", "▁inqu", "iry", "▁into", "▁the", "▁dram", "atic", "▁increase", "▁in", "▁the", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁of", "▁AD", "HD", "▁,", "▁and", "▁possible", "▁causes", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁comments", "▁followed", "▁a", "▁BBC", "▁Pan", "or", "ama", "▁program", "▁that", "▁highlight", "ed", "▁research", "▁that", "▁suggested", "▁medic", "ations", "▁are", "▁no", "▁better", "▁than", "▁other", "▁forms", "▁of", "▁ther", "apy", "▁in", "▁the", "▁long", "▁term", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁BBC", "▁Trust", "▁critic", "ized", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁Pan", "or", "ama", "▁program", "▁for", "▁summar", "izing", "▁the", "▁research", "▁as", "▁showing", "▁\"", "▁no", "▁demon", "stra", "ble", "▁improvement", "▁in", "▁children", "▁'", "s", "▁behaviour", "▁after", "▁stay", "ing", "▁on", "▁AD", "HD", "▁medic", "ation", "▁for", "▁three", "▁years", "▁\"", "▁when", "▁in", "▁actual", "ity", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁study", "▁found", "▁that", "▁medic", "ation", "▁did", "▁offer", "▁a", "▁significant", "▁improvement", "▁over", "▁time", "▁\"", "▁although", "▁the", "▁long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁term", "▁benefits", "▁of", "▁medic", "ation", "▁were", "▁found", "▁to", "▁be", "▁\"", "▁no", "▁better", "▁than", "▁children", "▁who", "▁were", "▁treated", "▁with", "▁behavior", "▁ther", "apy", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Special", "▁populations", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ad", "ult", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁It", "▁is", "▁estimated", "▁that", "▁between", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "5", "▁%", "▁of", "▁adult", "s", "▁have", "▁AD", "HD", "▁.", "▁Ar", "ound", "▁", "2", "5", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "5", "0", "▁%", "▁of", "▁children", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁continue", "▁to", "▁experience", "▁AD", "HD", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁into", "▁ad", "ul", "th", "ood", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁experiences", "▁fewer", "▁or", "▁no", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁.", "▁Most", "▁adult", "s", "▁remain", "▁un", "tre", "ated", "▁.", "▁Many", "▁have", "▁a", "▁dis", "organ", "ized", "▁life", "▁and", "▁use", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pres", "cribed", "▁dru", "gs", "▁or", "▁alco", "hol", "▁as", "▁a", "▁cop", "ing", "▁mechanism", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁problems", "▁may", "▁include", "▁relationship", "▁and", "▁job", "▁difficulties", "▁,", "▁and", "▁an", "▁increased", "▁risk", "▁of", "▁criminal", "▁activities", "▁.", "▁Associ", "ated", "▁mental", "▁health", "▁problems", "▁include", "▁:", "▁de", "pression", "▁,", "▁anx", "iety", "▁dis", "order", "▁,", "▁and", "▁learning", "▁dis", "abilities", "▁.", "▁", "▁Some", "▁AD", "HD", "▁sympt", "oms", "▁in", "▁adult", "s", "▁differ", "▁from", "▁those", "▁seen", "▁in", "▁children", "▁.", "▁While", "▁children", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁may", "▁clim", "b", "▁and", "▁run", "▁about", "▁excess", "ively", "▁,", "▁adult", "s", "▁may", "▁experience", "▁an", "▁in", "ability", "▁to", "▁relax", "▁,", "▁or", "▁they", "▁talk", "▁excess", "ively", "▁in", "▁social", "▁situations", "▁.", "▁Ad", "ult", "s", "▁with", "▁AD", "HD", "▁may", "▁start", "▁relationships", "▁imp", "uls", "ively", "▁,", "▁display", "▁sens", "ation", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁seeking", "▁behavior", "▁,", "▁and", "▁be", "▁short", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁temper", "ed", "▁.", "▁Add", "ict", "ive", "▁behavior", "▁such", "▁as", "▁subst", "ance", "▁ab", "use", "▁and", "▁g", "amb", "ling", "▁are", "▁common", "▁.", "▁The", "▁D", "SM", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁IV", "▁criteria", "▁have", "▁been", "▁critic", "ized", "▁for", "▁not", "▁being", "▁appropriate", "▁for", "▁adult", "s", "▁;", "▁those", "▁who", "▁present", "▁differently", "▁may", "▁lead", "▁to", "▁the", "▁claim", "▁that", "▁they", "▁out", "g", "rew", "▁the", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁(", "▁UK", "▁release", "▁:", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁(", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Spanish", "▁release", "▁:", "▁Camp", "an", "adas", "▁a", "▁med", "iano", "che", "▁)", "▁,", "▁is", "▁a", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "6", "▁English", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁language", "▁Spanish", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Swiss", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁produced", "▁film", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁and", "▁st", "arring", "▁Or", "son", "▁W", "elles", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁plot", "▁cent", "res", "▁on", "▁William", "▁Shakespeare", "▁'", "s", "▁rec", "urr", "ing", "▁character", "▁Sir", "▁John", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁and", "▁the", "▁father", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁son", "▁relationship", "▁he", "▁has", "▁with", "▁Prince", "▁Hal", "▁,", "▁who", "▁must", "▁choose", "▁between", "▁loyal", "ty", "▁to", "▁Fal", "st", "aff" ]
the academic literature . In 2014 , Keith Conners , one of the early advocates for recognition of the disorder , spoke out against overdiagnosis in a New York Times article . In contrast , a 2014 peer @-@ reviewed medical literature review indicated that ADHD is underdiagnosed in adults . With widely differing rates of diagnosis across countries , states within countries , races , and ethnicities , some suspect factors other than the presence of the symptoms of ADHD are playing a role in diagnosis . Some sociologists consider ADHD to be an example of the medicalization of deviant behavior , that is , the turning of the previously non @-@ medical issue of school performance into a medical one . Most healthcare providers accept ADHD as a genuine disorder , at least in the small number of people with severe symptoms . Among healthcare providers the debate mainly centers on diagnosis and treatment in the much larger number of people with less severe symptoms . As of 2009 , 8 % of all United States Major League Baseball players had been diagnosed with ADHD , making the disorder common among this population . The increase coincided with the League 's 2006 ban on stimulants , which has raised concern that some players are mimicking or falsifying the symptoms or history of ADHD to get around the ban on the use of stimulants in sport . = = = Media commentary = = = A number of public figures have given controversial statements regarding ADHD . Tom Cruise has described the medications Ritalin ( methylphenidate ) and Adderall ( a mixed @-@ salt amphetamine formulation ) as " street drugs " . Ushma S. Neill criticized this view , stating that the doses of stimulants used in the treatment of ADHD do not cause addiction and that there is some evidence of a reduced risk of later substance addiction in children treated with stimulants . In the UK , Susan Greenfield spoke out publicly in 2007 in the House of Lords about the need for a wide @-@ ranging inquiry into the dramatic increase in the diagnosis of ADHD , and possible causes . Her comments followed a BBC Panorama program that highlighted research that suggested medications are no better than other forms of therapy in the long term . In 2010 , the BBC Trust criticized the 2007 Panorama program for summarizing the research as showing " no demonstrable improvement in children 's behaviour after staying on ADHD medication for three years " when in actuality " the study found that medication did offer a significant improvement over time " although the long @-@ term benefits of medication were found to be " no better than children who were treated with behavior therapy . " = = Special populations = = = = = Adults = = = It is estimated that between 2 – 5 % of adults have ADHD . Around 25 @-@ 50 % of children with ADHD continue to experience ADHD symptoms into adulthood , while the rest experiences fewer or no symptoms . Most adults remain untreated . Many have a disorganized life and use non @-@ prescribed drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism . Other problems may include relationship and job difficulties , and an increased risk of criminal activities . Associated mental health problems include : depression , anxiety disorder , and learning disabilities . Some ADHD symptoms in adults differ from those seen in children . While children with ADHD may climb and run about excessively , adults may experience an inability to relax , or they talk excessively in social situations . Adults with ADHD may start relationships impulsively , display sensation @-@ seeking behavior , and be short @-@ tempered . Addictive behavior such as substance abuse and gambling are common . The DSM @-@ IV criteria have been criticized for not being appropriate for adults ; those who present differently may lead to the claim that they outgrew the diagnosis . = Chimes at Midnight = Chimes at Midnight ( UK release : Falstaff ( Chimes at Midnight ) , Spanish release : Campanadas a medianoche ) , is a 1966 English @-@ language Spanish @-@ Swiss co @-@ produced film directed by and starring Orson Welles . The film 's plot centres on William Shakespeare 's recurring character Sir John Falstaff and the father @-@ son relationship he has with Prince Hal , who must choose between loyalty to Falstaff
[ "▁or", "▁to", "▁his", "▁father", "▁,", "▁King", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁.", "▁", "▁W", "elles", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁core", "▁of", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁story", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁bet", "ray", "al", "▁of", "▁friendship", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁stars", "▁W", "elles", "▁as", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁Keith", "▁B", "ax", "ter", "▁as", "▁Prince", "▁Hal", "▁,", "▁John", "▁G", "iel", "g", "ud", "▁as", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁,", "▁Jean", "ne", "▁More", "au", "▁as", "▁D", "oll", "▁T", "ear", "sheet", "▁and", "▁Margaret", "▁R", "uther", "ford", "▁as", "▁M", "ist", "ress", "▁Quick", "ly", "▁.", "▁The", "▁script", "▁contains", "▁text", "▁from", "▁five", "▁of", "▁Shakespeare", "▁'", "s", "▁plays", "▁;", "▁primarily", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁,", "▁Part", "▁", "1", "▁and", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁,", "▁Part", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁but", "▁also", "▁Richard", "▁II", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁V", "▁,", "▁and", "▁uses", "▁some", "▁dialog", "ue", "▁from", "▁The", "▁Mer", "ry", "▁W", "ives", "▁of", "▁W", "inds", "or", "▁.", "▁Ralph", "▁Richard", "son", "▁'", "s", "▁narr", "ation", "▁is", "▁taken", "▁from", "▁the", "▁works", "▁of", "▁chron", "ic", "ler", "▁Rap", "ha", "el", "▁Hol", "in", "sh", "ed", "▁.", "▁", "▁W", "elles", "▁had", "▁previously", "▁produced", "▁a", "▁Broadway", "▁stage", "▁adaptation", "▁of", "▁nine", "▁Shakespeare", "▁plays", "▁called", "▁Five", "▁Kings", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "▁,", "▁he", "▁rev", "ived", "▁this", "▁project", "▁in", "▁Ireland", "▁as", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁his", "▁final", "▁on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁stage", "▁performance", "▁.", "▁Ne", "ither", "▁of", "▁these", "▁plays", "▁was", "▁successful", "▁,", "▁but", "▁W", "elles", "▁considered", "▁port", "ray", "ing", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁to", "▁be", "▁his", "▁life", "▁'", "s", "▁amb", "ition", "▁and", "▁turned", "▁the", "▁project", "▁into", "▁a", "▁film", "▁.", "▁Through", "out", "▁its", "▁production", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁strugg", "led", "▁to", "▁find", "▁finan", "cing", "▁and", "▁at", "▁one", "▁point", "▁,", "▁to", "▁get", "▁money", "▁,", "▁he", "▁li", "ed", "▁to", "▁producer", "▁Emil", "iano", "▁P", "ied", "ra", "▁about", "▁int", "ending", "▁to", "▁make", "▁a", "▁version", "▁of", "▁Tre", "asure", "▁Island", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁shot", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁throughout", "▁Spain", "▁between", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "4", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "5", "▁,", "▁and", "▁premier", "ed", "▁it", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "6", "▁C", "annes", "▁Film", "▁Festival", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁won", "▁two", "▁awards", "▁.", "▁", "▁Initial", "ly", "▁dismiss", "ed", "▁by", "▁most", "▁film", "▁critics", "▁,", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁is", "▁now", "▁regarded", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "▁highest", "▁achiev", "ements", "▁,", "▁and", "▁W", "elles", "▁himself", "▁called", "▁it", "▁his", "▁best", "▁work", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁felt", "▁a", "▁strong", "▁connection", "▁to", "▁the", "▁character", "▁of", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁and", "▁called", "▁him", "▁\"", "▁Shakespeare", "▁'", "s", "▁greatest", "▁creation", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Some", "▁film", "▁sch", "ol", "ars", "▁and", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁collabor", "ators", "▁have", "▁made", "▁compar", "isons", "▁between", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁and", "▁W", "elles", "▁,", "▁while", "▁others", "▁see", "▁a", "▁res", "embl", "ance", "▁between", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁and", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁father", "▁.", "▁Dis", "put", "es", "▁over", "▁the", "▁ownership", "▁of", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁made", "▁it", "▁difficult", "▁to", "▁view", "▁the", "▁film", "▁leg", "ally", "▁until", "▁recently", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁released", "▁in", "▁the", "▁UK", "▁on", "▁DVD", "▁and", "▁Bl", "u", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ray", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁.", "▁A", "▁new", "▁rest", "oration", "▁by", "▁Jan", "us", "▁Films", "▁and", "▁The", "▁C", "riter", "ion", "▁Collection", "▁was", "▁screen", "ed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Film", "▁Forum", "▁in", "▁New", "▁York", "▁January", "▁", "1", "▁–", "▁", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁.", "▁The", "▁C", "riter", "ion", "▁Collection", "▁will", "▁release", "▁the", "▁film", "▁on", "▁Bl", "u", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ray", "▁and", "▁DVD", "▁on", "▁August", "▁", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Plot", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁film", "▁opens", "▁with", "▁Sir", "▁John", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁and", "▁Justice", "▁Sh", "allow", "▁walking", "▁through", "▁the", "▁snow", "▁,", "▁then", "▁to", "▁a", "▁warm", "▁fire", "▁inside", "▁the", "▁Bo", "ar", "▁'", "s", "▁Head", "▁Ta", "vern", "▁as", "▁the", "▁two", "▁rem", "in", "isce", "▁.", "▁After", "▁a", "▁main", "▁credit", "▁sequence", "▁,", "▁the", "▁narr", "ator", "▁explains", "▁that", "▁King", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁of", "▁England", "▁has", "▁succeeded", "▁Richard", "▁II", "▁,", "▁whom", "▁he", "▁had", "▁killed", "▁.", "▁Richard", "▁II", "▁'", "s", "▁true", "▁he", "ir", "▁,", "▁Edmund", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁,", "▁is", "▁a", "▁prisoner", "▁in", "▁Wales", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁'", "s", "▁c", "ous", "ins", "▁North", "umber", "land", "▁,", "▁Wor", "c", "ester", "▁and", "▁North", "umber", "land", "▁'", "s", "▁son", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁demand", "▁that", "▁Henry", "▁rescue", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁.", "▁Henry", "▁ref", "uses", "▁and", "▁North", "umber", "land", "▁,", "▁Wor", "c", "ester", "▁and", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁begin", "▁to", "▁plot", "▁his", "▁over", "throw", "▁.", "▁", "▁To", "▁Henry", "▁'", "s", "▁great", "▁diss", "atisf", "action", "▁,", "▁his", "▁son", "▁Prince", "▁Hal", "▁sp", "ends", "▁most", "▁of", "▁his", "▁time", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Bo", "ar", "▁'", "s", "▁Head", "▁Ta", "vern", "▁drink", "ing", "▁and", "▁car", "ous", "ing", "▁with", "▁prost", "it", "utes", "▁,", "▁th", "ieves", "▁and", "▁other", "▁crim", "inals", "▁under", "▁John", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁'", "s", "▁patri", "arch", "al", "▁influence", "▁.", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁ins", "ists", "▁that", "▁he", "▁and", "▁Hal", "▁should", "▁think", "▁of", "▁themselves", "▁as", "▁gentlemen", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Hal", "▁war", "ns", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁that", "▁one", "▁day", "▁he", "▁will", "▁reject", "▁both", "▁this", "▁l", "ifest", "yle", "▁and", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁.", "▁The", "▁next", "▁morning", "▁Hal", "▁,", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁B", "ard", "olph", "▁,", "▁Pet", "o", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Po", "ins", "▁dis", "gu", "ise", "▁themselves", "▁in", "▁G", "ad", "sh", "ill", "▁to", "▁prepare", "▁to", "▁rob", "▁a", "▁group", "▁of", "▁travel", "ing", "▁pil", "gr", "ims", "▁.", "▁After", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁B", "ard", "olph", "▁and", "▁Pet", "o", "▁rob", "▁the", "▁pil", "gr", "ims", "▁,", "▁Hal", "▁and", "▁Po", "ins", "▁jump", "▁out", "▁in", "▁dis", "gu", "ises", "▁and", "▁take", "▁the", "▁st", "olen", "▁tre", "asure", "▁from", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁as", "▁a", "▁jo", "ke", "▁.", "▁", "▁Back", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Bo", "ar", "▁'", "s", "▁Head", "▁Ta", "vern", "▁,", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁begins", "▁to", "▁tell", "▁Hal", "▁and", "▁Po", "ins", "▁with", "▁increasing", "▁ex", "agger", "ation", "▁the", "▁story", "▁of", "▁how", "▁the", "▁money", "▁was", "▁st", "olen", "▁from", "▁him", "▁.", "▁Hal", "▁and", "▁Po", "ins", "▁po", "ke", "▁holes", "▁in", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁'", "s", "▁tale", "▁until", "▁they", "▁reve", "al", "▁their", "▁jo", "ke", "▁to", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁group", "▁.", "▁In", "▁celebr", "ation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁newly", "▁recovered", "▁st", "olen", "▁tre", "asure", "▁,", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁and", "▁Hal", "▁take", "▁turns", "▁imp", "erson", "ating", "▁Henry", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁cook", "ing", "▁pot", "▁crown", "▁and", "▁vocal", "▁impress", "ions", "▁.", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁'", "s", "▁Henry", "▁ch", "ast", "ises", "▁Hal", "▁for", "▁sp", "ending", "▁his", "▁time", "▁with", "▁common", "▁crim", "inals", "▁,", "▁but", "▁names", "▁Sir", "▁John", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁as", "▁his", "▁one", "▁virt", "uous", "▁friend", "▁.", "▁Hal", "▁'", "s", "▁Henry", "▁calls", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁mis", "le", "ader" ]
or to his father , King Henry IV . Welles said that the core of the film 's story was " the betrayal of friendship . " It stars Welles as Falstaff , Keith Baxter as Prince Hal , John Gielgud as Henry IV , Jeanne Moreau as Doll Tearsheet and Margaret Rutherford as Mistress Quickly . The script contains text from five of Shakespeare 's plays ; primarily Henry IV , Part 1 and Henry IV , Part 2 , but also Richard II , Henry V , and uses some dialogue from The Merry Wives of Windsor . Ralph Richardson 's narration is taken from the works of chronicler Raphael Holinshed . Welles had previously produced a Broadway stage adaptation of nine Shakespeare plays called Five Kings in 1939 . In 1960 , he revived this project in Ireland as Chimes at Midnight , which was his final on @-@ stage performance . Neither of these plays was successful , but Welles considered portraying Falstaff to be his life 's ambition and turned the project into a film . Throughout its production , Welles struggled to find financing and at one point , to get money , he lied to producer Emiliano Piedra about intending to make a version of Treasure Island . Welles shot Chimes at Midnight throughout Spain between 1964 and 1965 , and premiered it at the 1966 Cannes Film Festival , where it won two awards . Initially dismissed by most film critics , Chimes at Midnight is now regarded as one of Welles ' highest achievements , and Welles himself called it his best work . Welles felt a strong connection to the character of Falstaff and called him " Shakespeare 's greatest creation " . Some film scholars and Welles 's collaborators have made comparisons between Falstaff and Welles , while others see a resemblance between Falstaff and Welles 's father . Disputes over the ownership of Chimes at Midnight made it difficult to view the film legally until recently . It was released in the UK on DVD and Blu @-@ ray in 2015 . A new restoration by Janus Films and The Criterion Collection was screened at the Film Forum in New York January 1 – 12 , 2016 . The Criterion Collection will release the film on Blu @-@ ray and DVD on August 30 , 2016 . = = Plot = = The film opens with Sir John Falstaff and Justice Shallow walking through the snow , then to a warm fire inside the Boar 's Head Tavern as the two reminisce . After a main credit sequence , the narrator explains that King Henry IV of England has succeeded Richard II , whom he had killed . Richard II 's true heir , Edmund Mortimer , is a prisoner in Wales , and Mortimer 's cousins Northumberland , Worcester and Northumberland 's son Hotspur demand that Henry rescue Mortimer . Henry refuses and Northumberland , Worcester and Hotspur begin to plot his overthrow . To Henry 's great dissatisfaction , his son Prince Hal spends most of his time at the Boar 's Head Tavern drinking and carousing with prostitutes , thieves and other criminals under John Falstaff 's patriarchal influence . Falstaff insists that he and Hal should think of themselves as gentlemen , but Hal warns Falstaff that one day he will reject both this lifestyle and Falstaff . The next morning Hal , Falstaff , Bardolph , Peto , and Poins disguise themselves in Gadshill to prepare to rob a group of traveling pilgrims . After Falstaff , Bardolph and Peto rob the pilgrims , Hal and Poins jump out in disguises and take the stolen treasure from Falstaff as a joke . Back at the Boar 's Head Tavern , Falstaff begins to tell Hal and Poins with increasing exaggeration the story of how the money was stolen from him . Hal and Poins poke holes in Falstaff 's tale until they reveal their joke to the entire group . In celebration of the newly recovered stolen treasure , Falstaff and Hal take turns impersonating Henry , with a cooking pot crown and vocal impressions . Falstaff 's Henry chastises Hal for spending his time with common criminals , but names Sir John Falstaff as his one virtuous friend . Hal 's Henry calls Falstaff a " misleader
[ "▁of", "▁youth", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Hal", "▁vis", "its", "▁the", "▁King", "▁at", "▁the", "▁castle", "▁and", "▁Henry", "▁sc", "olds", "▁him", "▁for", "▁his", "▁criminal", "▁and", "▁un", "eth", "ical", "▁l", "ifest", "yle", "▁.", "▁Henry", "▁war", "ns", "▁Hal", "▁about", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁'", "s", "▁growing", "▁army", "▁and", "▁its", "▁threat", "▁to", "▁his", "▁crown", "▁.", "▁Hal", "▁passion", "ately", "▁v", "ows", "▁to", "▁his", "▁un", "im", "pressed", "▁father", "▁that", "▁he", "▁will", "▁defend", "▁Henry", "▁and", "▁re", "de", "em", "▁his", "▁good", "▁name", "▁.", "▁The", "▁King", "▁'", "s", "▁army", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁par", "ades", "▁through", "▁the", "▁streets", "▁and", "▁off", "▁to", "▁war", "▁.", "▁Before", "▁the", "▁battle", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁meets", "▁with", "▁Wor", "c", "ester", "▁and", "▁offers", "▁to", "▁forg", "ive", "▁all", "▁of", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁'", "s", "▁men", "▁of", "▁tre", "ason", "▁if", "▁they", "▁surrender", "▁immediately", "▁.", "▁Hal", "▁v", "ows", "▁to", "▁personally", "▁kill", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁.", "▁Wor", "c", "ester", "▁returns", "▁to", "▁his", "▁camp", "▁and", "▁lies", "▁to", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁,", "▁telling", "▁him", "▁that", "▁Henry", "▁int", "ends", "▁to", "▁execute", "▁all", "▁tra", "itors", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁two", "▁arm", "ies", "▁meet", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Sh", "rew", "s", "bury", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁h", "ides", "▁in", "▁shr", "ubs", "▁for", "▁most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁conflict", "▁.", "▁After", "▁a", "▁long", "▁and", "▁blo", "ody", "▁fight", "▁the", "▁King", "▁'", "s", "▁men", "▁win", "▁the", "▁battle", "▁,", "▁after", "▁which", "▁,", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁and", "▁Hal", "▁meet", "▁alone", "▁and", "▁du", "el", "▁.", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁watch", "es", "▁as", "▁Hal", "▁k", "ills", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁.", "▁Henry", "▁sentences", "▁Wor", "c", "ester", "▁to", "▁death", "▁and", "▁takes", "▁his", "▁men", "▁as", "▁prisoners", "▁.", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", 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"▁powerful", "▁no", "blem", "an", "▁under", "▁King", "▁Henry", "▁V", ".", "▁At", "▁the", "▁coron", "ation", "▁,", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁cannot", "▁contain", "▁his", "▁excitement", "▁and", "▁interrupt", "s", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁ceremony", "▁,", "▁announ", "cing", "▁himself", "▁to", "▁Hal", "▁.", "▁Hal", "▁turns", "▁his", "▁back", "▁on", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁and", "▁proc", "laim", "s", "▁that", "▁he", "▁is", "▁now", "▁finished", "▁with", "▁his", "▁former", "▁l", "ifest", "yle", "▁.", "▁As", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁looks", "▁up", "▁at", "▁Hal", "▁with", "▁a", "▁mixture", "▁of", "▁pride", "▁and", "▁desp", "air", "▁,", "▁the", "▁new", "▁king", "▁ban", "ishes", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁.", "▁The", "▁coron", "ation", "▁continues", "▁into", "▁the", "▁castle", "▁as", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁wal", "ks", "▁away", "▁,", "▁stating", "▁that", "▁he", "▁will", "▁be", "▁sent", "▁for", "▁that", "▁evening", "▁.", "▁That", "▁night", "▁,", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁dies", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Bo", "ar", "▁'", "s", "▁Head", "▁Ta", "vern", "▁and", "▁his", "▁friends", "▁m", "ourn", "▁him", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁that", "▁he", "▁died", "▁of", "▁a", "▁broken", "▁heart", "▁.", "▁The", "▁narr", "ator", "▁explains", "▁that", "▁Hal", "▁went", "▁on", "▁to", "▁become", "▁a", "▁good", "▁and", "▁noble", "▁king", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cast", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Or", "son", "▁W", "elles", "▁as", "▁Sir", "▁John", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁a", "▁kn", "ight", "▁and", "▁father", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁figure", "▁to", "▁Prince", "▁Hal", "▁", "▁Keith", "▁B", "ax", "ter", "▁as", "▁Prince", "▁Hal", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Prince", "▁of", "▁Wales", "▁and", "▁the", "▁he", "ir", "▁to", "▁the", "▁throne", "▁of", "▁England", "▁", "▁John", "▁G", "iel", "g", "ud", "▁as", "▁King", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁,", "▁the", "▁King", "▁of", "▁England", "▁", "▁Jean", "ne", "▁More", "au", "▁as", "▁D", "oll", "▁T", "ear", "sheet", "▁,", "▁a", "▁prost", "itute", "▁", "▁Margaret", "▁R", "uther", "ford", "▁as", "▁M", "ist", "ress", "▁Quick", "ly", "▁,", "▁host", "ess", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bo", "ar", "▁'", "s", "▁Head", "▁Ta", "vern", "▁", "▁Norman", "▁Rod", "way", "▁as", "▁Henry", "▁Per", "cy", "▁,", "▁called", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁,", "▁North", "umber", "land", "▁'", "s", "▁son", "▁and", "▁second", "▁cousin", "▁of", "▁Edmund", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁", "▁Fernando", "▁Rey", "▁as", "▁Earl", "▁of", "▁Wor", "c", "ester", "▁,", "▁Le", "ader", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Reb", "els", "▁.", "▁North", "umber", "land", "▁'", "s", "▁brother", "▁and", "▁cousin", "▁of", "▁Edmund", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁", "▁Marina", "▁V", "l", "ady", "▁as", "▁Kate", "▁Per", "cy", "▁,", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁'", "s", "▁wife", "▁", "▁Alan", "▁Web", "b", "▁as", "▁Justice", "▁Sh", "allow", "▁,", "▁a", "▁country", "▁justice", "▁and", "▁old", "▁friend", "▁of", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁", "▁Walter", "▁Chi", "ari", "▁as", "▁Justice", "▁Sil", "ence", "▁,", "▁a", "▁country", "▁justice", "▁", "▁Michael", "▁Ald", "ridge", "▁as", "▁P", "istol", "▁,", "▁a", "▁friend", "▁of", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁", "▁Tony", "▁Beck", "ley", "▁as", "▁Ned", "▁Po", "ins", "▁,", "▁a", "▁friend", "▁of", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁and", "▁Hal", "▁", "▁Andrew", "▁Fa", "ul", "ds", "▁as", "▁Earl", "▁of", "▁West", "mor", "land", "▁,", "▁an", "▁Earl", "▁loyal", "▁to", "▁the", "▁King", "▁", "▁José", "▁N", "iet", "o", "▁as", "▁Earl", "▁of", "▁North", "umber", "land", "▁,", "▁an", "▁Earl", "▁reb", "elli", "ous", "▁of", "▁the", "▁King", "▁and", "▁cousin", "▁of", "▁Edmund", "▁Mort", "imer", "▁", "▁Jer", "emy", "▁R", "owe", "▁as", "▁Prince", "▁John", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁'", "s", "▁second", "▁son", "▁", "▁Be", "atrice", "▁W", "elles", "▁as", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁'", "s", "▁Page", "▁,", "▁a", "▁servant", "▁", "▁Patrick", "▁Bed", "ford", "▁as", "▁B", "ard", "olph", "▁,", "▁a", "▁friend", "▁of", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁and", "▁Hal", "▁", "▁Charles", "▁Far", "rell", "▁", "▁Fernando", "▁Hil", "beck", "▁", "▁And", "rés", "▁Me", "j", "uto", "▁", "▁Jul", "io", "▁Pe", "ña", "▁", "▁Keith", "▁Py", "ott", "▁", "▁Ralph", "▁Richard", "son", "▁as", "▁The", "▁N", "arr", "ator", "▁(", "▁voice", "▁)", "▁", "▁=", "▁=" ]
of youth . " Hal visits the King at the castle and Henry scolds him for his criminal and unethical lifestyle . Henry warns Hal about Hotspur 's growing army and its threat to his crown . Hal passionately vows to his unimpressed father that he will defend Henry and redeem his good name . The King 's army , including Falstaff , parades through the streets and off to war . Before the battle , Henry meets with Worcester and offers to forgive all of Hotspur 's men of treason if they surrender immediately . Hal vows to personally kill Hotspur . Worcester returns to his camp and lies to Hotspur , telling him that Henry intends to execute all traitors . The two armies meet in the Battle of Shrewsbury , but Falstaff hides in shrubs for most of the conflict . After a long and bloody fight the King 's men win the battle , after which , Hotspur and Hal meet alone and duel . Falstaff watches as Hal kills Hotspur . Henry sentences Worcester to death and takes his men as prisoners . Falstaff brings Hotspur 's body to Henry , claiming that he killed Hotspur . Henry does not believe Falstaff but looks disapprovingly at Hal and the ignoble company that he chooses to keep . The narrator explains that all of Henry IV 's rebellious enemies had been killed by 1408 , but that Henry 's health has begun to deteriorate . At the castle , Henry becomes upset when told that Hal is once again spending time with Falstaff , and collapses . Hal visits the castle and discovers that Henry is sicker than he had realized . Hal vows to Henry to be a good and noble king . Henry finally has faith in Hal and advises him on how to be a king . Henry dies and Hal tells his men that he is now King Henry V. Falstaff , Shallow and Silence sit in front of a warm fire , continuing from the first scene of the film . They receive news of Henry IV 's death and that Hal 's coronation will be held that morning . Falstaff becomes ecstatic and goes directly to the castle , thinking that he will become a great and powerful nobleman under King Henry V. At the coronation , Falstaff cannot contain his excitement and interrupts the entire ceremony , announcing himself to Hal . Hal turns his back on Falstaff and proclaims that he is now finished with his former lifestyle . As Falstaff looks up at Hal with a mixture of pride and despair , the new king banishes Falstaff . The coronation continues into the castle as Falstaff walks away , stating that he will be sent for that evening . That night , Falstaff dies at the Boar 's Head Tavern and his friends mourn him , saying that he died of a broken heart . The narrator explains that Hal went on to become a good and noble king . = = Cast = = Orson Welles as Sir John Falstaff , a knight and father @-@ figure to Prince Hal Keith Baxter as Prince Hal , the Prince of Wales and the heir to the throne of England John Gielgud as King Henry IV , the King of England Jeanne Moreau as Doll Tearsheet , a prostitute Margaret Rutherford as Mistress Quickly , hostess of the Boar 's Head Tavern Norman Rodway as Henry Percy , called Hotspur , Northumberland 's son and second cousin of Edmund Mortimer Fernando Rey as Earl of Worcester , Leader of the Rebels . Northumberland 's brother and cousin of Edmund Mortimer Marina Vlady as Kate Percy , Hotspur 's wife Alan Webb as Justice Shallow , a country justice and old friend of Falstaff Walter Chiari as Justice Silence , a country justice Michael Aldridge as Pistol , a friend of Falstaff Tony Beckley as Ned Poins , a friend of Falstaff and Hal Andrew Faulds as Earl of Westmorland , an Earl loyal to the King José Nieto as Earl of Northumberland , an Earl rebellious of the King and cousin of Edmund Mortimer Jeremy Rowe as Prince John , Henry IV 's second son Beatrice Welles as Falstaff 's Page , a servant Patrick Bedford as Bardolph , a friend of Falstaff and Hal Charles Farrell Fernando Hilbeck Andrés Mejuto Julio Peña Keith Pyott Ralph Richardson as The Narrator ( voice ) = =
[ "▁Original", "▁stage", "▁produ", "ctions", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁insp", "iration", "▁for", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁began", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁when", "▁he", "▁was", "▁a", "▁student", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Tod", "d", "▁School", "▁for", "▁Boys", "▁in", "▁Wood", "stock", "▁,", "▁Illinois", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁stage", "▁a", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁and", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁a", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hour", "▁combination", "▁of", "▁several", "▁of", "▁Shakespeare", "▁'", "s", "▁historical", "▁plays", "▁called", "▁The", "▁Winter", "▁of", "▁Our", "▁Dis", "content", "▁in", "▁which", "▁he", "▁played", "▁Richard", "▁III", "▁.", "▁School", "▁officials", "▁forced", "▁him", "▁to", "▁make", "▁cut", "s", "▁to", "▁the", "▁production", "▁.", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁origin", "ated", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁as", "▁a", "▁stage", "▁play", "▁called", "▁Five", "▁Kings", "▁,", "▁which", "▁W", "elles", "▁wrote", "▁and", "▁partially", "▁st", "aged", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁an", "▁am", "bit", "ious", "▁adaptation", "▁of", "▁several", "▁Shakespeare", "▁plays", "▁that", "▁chron", "ic", "led", "▁the", "▁stories", "▁of", "▁Richard", "▁II", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁V", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁VI", "▁and", "▁Richard", "▁III", "▁.", "▁Its", "▁sources", "▁were", "▁Richard", "▁II", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁,", "▁Part", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁,", "▁Part", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁V", "▁,", "▁The", "▁Mer", "ry", "▁W", "ives", "▁of", "▁W", "inds", "or", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁VI", "▁,", "▁Part", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁VI", "▁,", "▁Part", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁VI", "▁,", "▁Part", "▁", "3", "▁and", "▁Richard", "▁III", "▁—", "▁sometimes", "▁collect", "ively", "▁called", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁War", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ros", "es", "▁cycle", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁grouping", "▁of", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁,", "▁Part", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁,", "▁Part", "▁", "2", "▁and", "▁Henry", "▁V", "▁are", "▁often", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Henri", "ad", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Five", "▁Kings", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Five", "▁Kings", "▁was", "▁announced", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁newly", "▁rev", "ived", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁Theatre", "▁'", "s", "▁second", "▁season", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "8", "▁.", "▁John", "▁H", "ous", "eman", "▁had", "▁secured", "▁a", "▁partners", "hip", "▁with", "▁the", "▁pr", "estig", "ious", "▁Theatre", "▁Gu", "ild", "▁to", "▁produce", "▁the", "▁play", "▁for", "▁US", "▁$", "▁", "4", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁with", "▁an", "▁initial", "▁tour", "▁of", "▁Baltimore", "▁,", "▁Boston", "▁,", "▁Washington", "▁D", ".", "C", ".", "▁and", "▁Philadelphia", "▁before", "▁debut", "ing", "▁on", "▁Broadway", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁intended", "▁to", "▁stage", "▁only", "▁the", "▁first", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁play", "▁—", "▁which", "▁was", "▁primarily", "▁taken", "▁from", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁Part", "s", "▁", "1", "▁and", "▁", "2", "▁and", "▁Henry", "▁V", "▁—", "▁during", "▁the", "▁tour", "▁while", "▁simultaneously", "▁re", "he", "ars", "ing", "▁Part", "▁Two", "▁and", "▁finally", "▁debut", "ing", "▁the", "▁full", "▁production", "▁on", "▁Broadway", "▁.", "▁H", "ous", "eman", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁the", "▁play", "▁'", "s", "▁aim", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁combine", "▁the", "▁immediate", "▁quality", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Elizabeth", "an", "▁with", "▁all", "▁the", "▁devices", "▁and", "▁techniques", "▁possible", "▁in", "▁the", "▁modern", "▁theatre", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁cast", "▁included", "▁W", "elles", "▁as", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁Burg", "ess", "▁Mer", "ed", "ith", "▁as", "▁Prince", "▁Hal", "▁,", "▁John", "▁Em", "ery", "▁as", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁,", "▁Morris", "▁An", "k", "rum", "▁as", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁and", "▁Robert", "▁Spe", "a", "ight", "▁as", "▁the", "▁N", "arr", "ator", "▁.", "▁The", "▁play", "▁'", "s", "▁music", 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"▁that", "▁the", "▁play", "▁was", "▁over", "▁five", "▁and", "▁a", "▁half", "▁hours", "▁long", "▁and", "▁contained", "▁", "4", "6", "▁scenes", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁cut", "▁", "1", "4", "▁scenes", "▁and", "▁short", "ened", "▁others", "▁,", "▁which", "▁caused", "▁the", "▁built", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁timer", "▁for", "▁the", "▁revol", "ving", "▁set", "▁to", "▁move", "▁out", "▁of", "▁synchron", "ization", "▁.", "▁Five", "▁Kings", "▁,", "▁Part", "▁", "1", "▁premier", "ed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Col", "onial", "▁Theatre", "▁in", "▁Boston", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "2", "7", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁a", "▁dis", "aster", "▁.", "▁Crit", "ics", "▁were", "▁either", "▁sc", "ath", "ing", "▁or", "▁apolog", "etic", "▁,", "▁and", "▁only", "▁the", "▁play", "▁'", "s", "▁battle", "▁scenes", "▁received", "▁pra", "ise", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Boston", "▁run", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Theatre", "▁Gu", "ild", "▁was", "▁on", "▁the", "▁ver", "ge", "▁of", "▁dro", "pping", "▁the", "▁production", "▁,", "▁and", "▁can", "ce", "led", "▁the", "▁D", ".", "C", ".", "▁eng", "agement", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁then", "▁edited", "▁the", "▁show", "▁to", "▁three", "▁and", "▁a", "▁half", "▁hours", "▁.", "▁The", "▁play", "▁closed", "▁after", "▁only", "▁a", "▁few", "▁performances", "▁in", "▁Philadelphia", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Theatre", "▁Gu", "ild", "▁terminated", "▁its", "▁contract", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Mercur", "y", "▁Theater", "▁.", "▁Phot", "ograph", "s", "▁of", "▁the", "▁play", "▁'", "s", "▁re", "he", "ars", "als", "▁show", "▁similar", "ities", "▁to", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁Bo", "ar", "▁'", "s", "▁Head", "▁Ta", "vern", "▁set", "▁and", "▁the", "▁character", "▁blocking", "▁of", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁mid", "night", "▁\"", "▁scene", "▁with", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁Sh", "allow", "▁and", "▁Sil", "ence", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "▁)", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁W", "elles", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁project", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "▁,", "▁with", "▁performances", "▁in", "▁B", "elf", "ast", "▁and", "▁Dublin", "▁.", "▁This", "▁version", "▁,", "▁now", "▁ret", "itled", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁,", "▁was", "▁produced", "▁by", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁old", "▁friend", "▁Hil", "ton", "▁Edwards", "▁through", "▁his", "▁Dublin", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁company", "▁Gate", "▁Theatre", "▁.", "▁The", "▁cast", "▁included", "▁W", "elles", "▁as", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁Keith", "▁B", "ax", "ter", "▁as", "▁Prince", "▁Hal", "▁,", "▁Hil", "ton", "▁Edwards", "▁as", "▁the", "▁N", "arr", "ator", "▁,", "▁Regin", "ald", "▁Jar", "man", "▁as", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁and", "▁Alex", "is", "▁K", "anner", "▁as", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁.", "▁At", "▁one", "▁point", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁and", "▁Edwards", "▁wanted", "▁M", "iche", "ál", "▁Mac", "▁Li", "amm", "ó", "ir", "▁to", "▁replace", "▁Jar", "man", "▁as", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Mac", "▁Li", "amm", "ó", "ir", "▁would", "▁only", "▁accept", "▁the", "▁role", "▁of", "▁Prince", "▁Hal", "▁.", "▁Hil", "ton", "▁Edwards", "▁was", "▁officially", "▁cred", "ited", "▁as" ]
Original stage productions = = Welles 's inspiration for Chimes at Midnight began in 1930 when he was a student at the Todd School for Boys in Woodstock , Illinois . Welles tried to stage a three @-@ and @-@ a @-@ half @-@ hour combination of several of Shakespeare 's historical plays called The Winter of Our Discontent in which he played Richard III . School officials forced him to make cuts to the production . Chimes at Midnight originated in 1939 as a stage play called Five Kings , which Welles wrote and partially staged . It was an ambitious adaptation of several Shakespeare plays that chronicled the stories of Richard II , Henry IV , Henry V , Henry VI and Richard III . Its sources were Richard II , Henry IV , Part 1 , Henry IV , Part 2 , Henry V , The Merry Wives of Windsor , Henry VI , Part 1 , Henry VI , Part 2 , Henry VI , Part 3 and Richard III — sometimes collectively called the " War of the Roses cycle " . The grouping of Henry IV , Part 1 , Henry IV , Part 2 and Henry V are often referred to as the Henriad . = = = Five Kings ( 1939 ) = = = Five Kings was announced as part of the newly revived Mercury Theatre 's second season in 1938 . John Houseman had secured a partnership with the prestigious Theatre Guild to produce the play for US $ 40 @,@ 000 , with an initial tour of Baltimore , Boston , Washington D.C. and Philadelphia before debuting on Broadway . Welles 's intended to stage only the first part of the play — which was primarily taken from Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 and Henry V — during the tour while simultaneously rehearsing Part Two and finally debuting the full production on Broadway . Houseman stated that the play 's aim was " to combine the immediate quality of the Elizabethan with all the devices and techniques possible in the modern theatre . " The cast included Welles as Falstaff , Burgess Meredith as Prince Hal , John Emery as Hotspur , Morris Ankrum as Henry IV and Robert Speaight as the Narrator . The play 's music was composed by Aaron Copland . Welles commissioned an elaborate revolving set to be built , but it was not completed during the five weeks allotted to rehearsals . Welles avoided attending the rehearsals or finishing the play 's final script and instead often went out drinking and socializing with co @-@ star Meredith , with the result that only specific scenes or fragments of the play were ever rehearsed . The Baltimore performance was eventually dropped and at the first dress rehearsal in Boston , it was discovered that the play was over five and a half hours long and contained 46 scenes . Welles cut 14 scenes and shortened others , which caused the built @-@ in timer for the revolving set to move out of synchronization . Five Kings , Part 1 premiered at the Colonial Theatre in Boston on February 27 , 1939 , and was a disaster . Critics were either scathing or apologetic , and only the play 's battle scenes received praise . By the end of the Boston run , the Theatre Guild was on the verge of dropping the production , and canceled the D.C. engagement . Welles then edited the show to three and a half hours . The play closed after only a few performances in Philadelphia , and the Theatre Guild terminated its contract with the Mercury Theater . Photographs of the play 's rehearsals show similarities to Chimes at Midnight , including the Boar 's Head Tavern set and the character blocking of the " chimes at midnight " scene with Falstaff , Shallow and Silence . = = = Chimes at Midnight ( 1960 ) = = = Welles returned to the project in 1960 , with performances in Belfast and Dublin . This version , now retitled Chimes at Midnight , was produced by Welles 's old friend Hilton Edwards through his Dublin @-@ based company Gate Theatre . The cast included Welles as Falstaff , Keith Baxter as Prince Hal , Hilton Edwards as the Narrator , Reginald Jarman as Henry IV and Alexis Kanner as Hotspur . At one point , Welles and Edwards wanted Micheál Mac Liammóir to replace Jarman as Henry IV , but Mac Liammóir would only accept the role of Prince Hal . Hilton Edwards was officially credited as
[ "▁director", "▁,", "▁but", "▁W", "elles", "▁is", "▁usually", "▁acknowled", "ged", "▁as", "▁the", "▁actual", "▁director", "▁and", "▁was", "▁often", "▁the", "▁director", "▁throughout", "▁re", "he", "ars", "als", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁alleg", "ed", "▁bi", "ological", "▁son", "▁Michael", "▁L", "inds", "ay", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Hog", "g", "▁also", "▁worked", "▁on", "▁the", "▁play", "▁as", "▁an", "▁actor", "▁and", "▁as", "▁Edwards", "▁'", "s", "▁personal", "▁assistant", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁opinion", "▁of", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁had", "▁intens", "ified", "▁since", "▁first", "▁playing", "▁the", "▁part", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁new", "▁version", "▁of", "▁the", "▁play", "▁focused", "▁more", "▁upon", "▁the", "▁relationship", "▁between", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁and", "▁Prince", "▁Hal", "▁than", "▁on", "▁the", "▁historical", "▁story", "▁of", "▁Hal", "▁'", "s", "▁defeat", "▁of", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁.", "▁Most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁scenes", "▁from", "▁Henry", "▁V", "▁used", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁version", "▁before", "▁were", "▁removed", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁intended", "▁to", "▁perform", "▁the", "▁play", "▁in", "▁B", "elf", "ast", "▁,", "▁Dublin", "▁and", "▁London", "▁before", "▁film", "ing", "▁it", "▁in", "▁Y", "ug", "oslav", "ia", "▁.", "▁", "▁Re", "he", "ars", "als", "▁began", "▁in", "▁Russell", "▁Square", "▁,", "▁London", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁read", "▁through", "▁.", "▁After", "▁a", "▁week", "▁of", "▁re", "he", "ars", "ing", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁left", "▁to", "▁secure", "▁further", "▁fund", "ing", "▁and", "▁Edwards", "▁directed", "▁the", "▁play", "▁,", "▁working", "▁on", "▁blocking", "▁and", "▁light", "ing", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁returned", "▁two", "▁days", "▁before", "▁the", "▁premi", "ere", "▁and", "▁the", "▁cast", "▁had", "▁their", "▁first", "▁dress", "▁re", "he", "ars", "al", "▁,", "▁which", "▁last", "ed", "▁until", "▁", "3", "▁a", ".", "m", ".", "▁After", "▁premier", "ing", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Grand", "▁Opera", "▁House", "▁in", "▁B", "elf", "ast", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁receiving", "▁a", "▁good", "▁review", "▁from", "▁a", "▁Vari", "ety", "▁correspond", "ent", "▁,", "▁the", "▁play", "▁closed", "▁after", "▁five", "▁performances", "▁because", "▁of", "▁low", "▁attend", "ances", "▁.", "▁It", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁the", "▁G", "ai", "ety", "▁Theatre", "▁in", "▁Dublin", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁f", "ared", "▁no", "▁better", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁second", "▁week", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁had", "▁res", "orted", "▁to", "▁reading", "▁port", "ions", "▁of", "▁the", "▁works", "▁of", "▁Irish", "▁author", "▁J", ".", "▁M", ".", "▁Syn", "ge", "▁,", "▁and", "▁from", "▁R", "iders", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Sea", "▁,", "▁to", "▁attract", "▁an", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁Event", "ually", "▁the", "▁play", "▁simply", "▁became", "▁a", "▁version", "▁of", "▁An", "▁Even", "ing", "▁with", "▁Or", "son", "▁W", "elles", "▁,", "▁which", "▁would", "▁often", "▁include", "▁a", "▁question", "▁and", "▁answer", "▁section", "▁with", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁and", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁solo", "▁performance", "▁of", "▁M", "oby", "▁Dick", "▁—", "▁Re", "he", "ars", "ed", "▁or", "▁the", "▁works", "▁of", "▁Is", "ak", "▁D", "ines", "en", "▁.", "▁", "▁W", "elles", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁adjust", "▁the", "▁play", "▁throughout", "▁its", "▁short", "▁production", "▁,", "▁and", "▁at", "▁one", "▁point", "▁moved", "▁M", "ist", "ress", "▁Quick", "ly", "▁'", "s", "▁speech", "▁about", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁to", "▁the", "▁very", "▁beginning", "▁of", "▁the", "▁play", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁finally", "▁abandoned", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁project", "▁in", "▁late", "▁March", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "▁,", "▁when", "▁his", "▁friend", "▁Laur", "ence", "▁Oliv", "ier", "▁offered", "▁him", "▁the", "▁chance", "▁to", "▁direct", "▁him", "▁in", "▁Eug", "ène", "▁I", "ones", "co", "▁'", "s", "▁play", "▁Rh", "in", "oc", "eros", "▁on", "▁London", "▁'", "s", "▁West", "▁End", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁Keith", "▁B", "ax", "ter", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁ended", "▁the", "▁play", "▁'", "s", "▁run", "▁because", "▁he", "▁was", "▁b", "ored", "▁with", "▁it", "▁,", "▁and", "▁at", "▁one", "▁point", "▁told", "▁B", "ax", "ter", "▁\"", "▁This", "▁is", "▁only", "▁a", "▁re", "he", "ars", "al", "▁for", "▁the", "▁movie", "▁,", "▁Keith", "▁,", "▁and", "▁I", "▁'", "ll", "▁never", "▁make", "▁it", "▁unless", "▁you", "▁play", "▁Hal", "▁in", "▁that", "▁too", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Five", "▁years", "▁later", "▁,", "▁B", "ax", "ter", "▁was", "▁the", "▁only", "▁cast", "▁member", "▁from", "▁the", "▁play", "▁to", "▁appear", "▁in", "▁the", "▁film", "▁.", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁was", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁final", "▁performance", "▁in", "▁a", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁play", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "4", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁met", "▁and", "▁be", "fri", "ended", "▁Spanish", "▁film", "▁producer", "▁Emil", "iano", "▁P", "ied", "ra", "▁,", "▁who", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁work", "▁with", "▁him", "▁.", "▁P", "ied", "ra", "▁did", "▁not", "▁think", "▁a", "▁Shakespe", "arian", "▁film", "▁was", "▁market", "able", "▁enough", "▁and", "▁proposed", "▁that", "▁W", "elles", "▁make", "▁a", "▁version", "▁of", "▁Tre", "asure", "▁Island", "▁instead", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁this", "▁on", "▁condition", "▁that", "▁he", "▁could", "▁simultaneously", "▁make", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁,", "▁and", "▁P", "ied", "ra", "▁agreed", "▁not", "▁knowing", "▁that", "▁W", "elles", "▁had", "▁no", "▁intention", "▁of", "▁making", "▁Tre", "asure", "▁Island", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁some", "▁B", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁roll", "▁foot", "age", "▁of", "▁the", "▁A", "lic", "ante", "▁depart", "ing", "▁from", "▁port", "▁was", "▁shot", "▁early", "▁in", "▁the", "▁production", "▁,", "▁no", "▁scenes", "▁from", "▁Tre", "asure", "▁Island", "▁were", "▁ever", "▁shot", "▁or", "▁even", "▁script", "ed", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁got", "▁away", "▁with", "▁this", "▁trick", "▁throughout", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁production", "▁by", "▁building", "▁sets", "▁that", "▁could", "▁be", "▁used", "▁in", "▁both", "▁films", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁M", "ist", "ress", "▁Quick", "ley", "▁'", "s", "▁Bo", "ar", "▁'", "s", "▁Head", "▁Ta", "vern", "▁,", "▁which", "▁would", "▁double", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Admir", "al", "▁Ben", "bow", "▁Inn", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁also", "▁cast", "▁each", "▁actor", "▁in", "▁both", "▁films", "▁,", "▁casting", "▁himself", "▁as", "▁Long", "▁John", "▁Silver", "▁,", "▁B", "ax", "ter", "▁as", "▁Dr", ".", "▁Liv", "ese", "y", "▁,", "▁Beck", "ley", "▁as", "▁Israel", "▁H", "ands", "▁and", "▁G", "iel", "g", "ud", "▁as", "▁S", "quire", "▁Tre", "law", "ney", "▁.", "▁Iron", "ically", "▁W", "elles", "▁would", "▁eventually", "▁play", "▁Long", "▁John", "▁Silver", "▁in", "▁the", "▁un", "related", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "2", "▁film", "▁version", "▁of", "▁Tre", "asure", "▁Island", "▁.", "▁", "▁W", "elles", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Bo", "ar", "▁'", "s", "▁Head", "▁Ta", "vern", "▁was", "▁the", "▁only", "▁full", "▁set", "▁built", "▁for", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁other", "▁sets", "▁were", "▁simply", "▁dressed", "▁or", "▁decor", "ated", "▁on", "▁location", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁he", "▁designed", "▁,", "▁painted", "▁and", "▁blow", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁tor", "ched", "▁the", "▁set", "▁,", "▁and", "▁designed", "▁all", "▁of", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁cost", "umes", "▁.", "▁Early", "▁in", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁production", "▁W", "elles", "▁was", "▁approached", "▁by", "▁Anthony", "▁Per", "kins", "▁to", "▁play", "▁Prince", "▁Hal", "▁,", "▁but", "▁W", "elles", "▁had", "▁already", "▁promised", "▁the", "▁role", "▁to", "▁Keith", "▁B", "ax", "ter", "▁.", "▁Hil", "ton", "▁Edwards", "▁was", "▁initially", "▁cast", "▁as", "▁Justice", "▁Sil", "ence", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁after", "▁he", "▁became", "▁ill", "▁.", "▁The", "▁title", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁der", "ives", "▁from", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁,", "▁Part", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁where", "▁in", "▁response", "▁to", "▁Justice", "▁Sh", "allow", "▁'", "s", "▁rem", "in", "is", "cing", "▁of", "▁their", "▁long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁past", "▁school", "▁days", "▁,", "▁Fal", "st", "aff" ]
director , but Welles is usually acknowledged as the actual director and was often the director throughout rehearsals . Welles 's alleged biological son Michael Lindsay @-@ Hogg also worked on the play as an actor and as Edwards 's personal assistant . Welles 's opinion of Falstaff had intensified since first playing the part , and his new version of the play focused more upon the relationship between Falstaff and Prince Hal than on the historical story of Hal 's defeat of Hotspur . Most of the scenes from Henry V used in the first version before were removed . Welles intended to perform the play in Belfast , Dublin and London before filming it in Yugoslavia . Rehearsals began in Russell Square , London , with a read through . After a week of rehearsing , Welles left to secure further funding and Edwards directed the play , working on blocking and lighting . Welles returned two days before the premiere and the cast had their first dress rehearsal , which lasted until 3 a.m. After premiering at the Grand Opera House in Belfast on February 13 , 1960 , and receiving a good review from a Variety correspondent , the play closed after five performances because of low attendances . It moved to the Gaiety Theatre in Dublin , where it fared no better . By the end of the second week , Welles had resorted to reading portions of the works of Irish author J. M. Synge , and from Riders to the Sea , to attract an audience . Eventually the play simply became a version of An Evening with Orson Welles , which would often include a question and answer section with the audience and Welles 's solo performance of Moby Dick — Rehearsed or the works of Isak Dinesen . Welles continued to adjust the play throughout its short production , and at one point moved Mistress Quickly 's speech about Falstaff 's death to the very beginning of the play . Welles finally abandoned the entire project in late March 1960 , when his friend Laurence Olivier offered him the chance to direct him in Eugène Ionesco 's play Rhinoceros on London 's West End . According to Keith Baxter , Welles ended the play 's run because he was bored with it , and at one point told Baxter " This is only a rehearsal for the movie , Keith , and I 'll never make it unless you play Hal in that too . " Five years later , Baxter was the only cast member from the play to appear in the film . Chimes at Midnight was Welles 's final performance in a theatrical play . = = Production = = = = = Pre @-@ production = = = In 1964 , Welles met and befriended Spanish film producer Emiliano Piedra , who wanted to work with him . Piedra did not think a Shakespearian film was marketable enough and proposed that Welles make a version of Treasure Island instead . Welles agreed to this on condition that he could simultaneously make Chimes at Midnight , and Piedra agreed not knowing that Welles had no intention of making Treasure Island . Although some B @-@ roll footage of the Alicante departing from port was shot early in the production , no scenes from Treasure Island were ever shot or even scripted . Welles got away with this trick throughout pre @-@ production by building sets that could be used in both films , such as Mistress Quickley 's Boar 's Head Tavern , which would double as the Admiral Benbow Inn . Welles also cast each actor in both films , casting himself as Long John Silver , Baxter as Dr. Livesey , Beckley as Israel Hands and Gielgud as Squire Trelawney . Ironically Welles would eventually play Long John Silver in the unrelated 1972 film version of Treasure Island . Welles said that the Boar 's Head Tavern was the only full set built for the film , and the other sets were simply dressed or decorated on location . Welles stated that he designed , painted and blow @-@ torched the set , and designed all of the film 's costumes . Early in pre @-@ production Welles was approached by Anthony Perkins to play Prince Hal , but Welles had already promised the role to Keith Baxter . Hilton Edwards was initially cast as Justice Silence , but was replaced after he became ill . The title Chimes at Midnight derives from Henry IV , Part 2 , where in response to Justice Shallow 's reminiscing of their long @-@ past school days , Falstaff
[ "▁states", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁We", "▁have", "▁heard", "▁the", "▁ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁mid", "night", "▁,", "▁Master", "▁Sh", "allow", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁scholar", "▁Br", "idget", "▁G", "ell", "ert", "▁Ly", "ons", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁title", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁which", "▁is", "▁given", "▁further", "▁reson", "ance", "▁by", "▁the", "▁repeated", "▁in", "ton", "ing", "▁of", "▁b", "ells", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁is", "▁associated", "▁for", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁with", "▁sad", "ness", "▁and", "▁mort", "ality", "▁more", "▁than", "▁youth", "ful", "▁car", "ous", "al", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Fil", "ming", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁film", "▁was", "▁shot", "▁in", "▁Spain", "▁from", "▁September", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "4", "▁until", "▁April", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "5", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁break", "▁in", "▁film", "ing", "▁from", "▁late", "▁December", "▁until", "▁late", "▁February", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁limitations", 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"▁and", "▁the", "▁Cor", "on", "ation", "▁scene", "▁in", "▁Madrid", "▁.", "▁Between", "▁March", "▁and", "▁April", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁finished", "▁the", "▁film", "▁with", "▁fill", "er", "▁sh", "ots", "▁,", "▁close", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ups", "▁,", "▁the", "▁final", "▁re", "jection", "▁scene", "▁and", "▁most", "▁of", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁'", "s", "▁speech", "es", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁Keith", "▁B", "ax", "ter", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁had", "▁stage", "▁fright", "▁and", "▁delayed", "▁all", "▁of", "▁his", "▁scenes", "▁until", "▁the", "▁very", "▁end", "▁of", "▁film", "ing", "▁,", "▁except", "▁for", "▁scenes", "▁that", "▁included", "▁other", "▁actors", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁was", "▁tim", "id", "▁about", "▁shooting", "▁his", "▁love", "▁scene", "▁with", "▁More", "au", "▁,", "▁and", "▁used", "▁a", "▁double", "▁whenever", "▁possible", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁film", "ing", "▁locations", "▁included", "▁the", "▁Ch", "ate", "au", "▁Cal", "ata", "ñ", "az", "or", "▁,", "▁Pu", "erta", "▁de", 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"▁@", "-", "@", "▁production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Keith", "▁B", "ax", "ter", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁sound", "track", "▁was", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dub", "bed", "▁months", "▁after", "▁film", "ing", "▁was", "▁completed", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁actors", "▁Fernando", "▁Rey", "▁and", "▁Marina", "▁V", "l", "ady", "▁were", "▁dub", "bed", "▁by", "▁different", "▁actors", "▁because", "▁of", "▁their", "▁heavy", "▁acc", "ents", "▁.", "▁B", "ax", "ter", "▁also", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁he", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁and", "▁Michael", "▁Ald", "ridge", "▁recorded", "▁voices", "▁for", "▁several", "▁characters", "▁in", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁production", "▁.", "▁M", "ist", "ress", "▁Quick", "ly", "▁'", "s", "▁speech", "▁after", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁dis", "rupted", "▁by", "▁the", "▁aud", "ible", "▁hum", "▁of", "▁a", "▁power", "▁generator", "▁,", "▁used", "▁the", "▁original", "▁version", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sound", "track", "▁because", "▁W", "elles", "▁liked", "▁Margaret", "▁R", "uther", "ford", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁enough", "▁to", "▁keep", "▁it", "▁.", "▁The", "▁score", "▁was", "▁composed", "▁by", "▁Ang", "elo", "▁Francesco", "▁Lav", "agn", "ino", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁worked", "▁with", "▁W", "elles", "▁on", "▁O", "th", "ello", "▁.", "▁The", "▁score", "▁was", "▁recorded", "▁in", "▁an", "▁Italian", "▁studio", "▁,", "▁which", "▁paid", "▁Lav", "agn", "ino", "▁for", "▁his", "▁work", "▁on", "▁the", "▁film", "▁in", "▁exchange", "▁for", "▁the", "▁rights", "▁to", "▁the", "▁music", "▁,", "▁and", "▁later", "▁released", "▁a", "▁sound", "track", "▁album", "▁in", "▁Italy", "▁and", "▁the", "▁UK", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁editing", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁showed", "▁a", "▁rough", "▁cut", "▁to", "▁the", "▁visit", "ing", "▁head", "▁of", "▁the", "▁C", "annes", "▁Film", "▁Festival", "▁,", "▁who", "▁immediately", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁include", "▁the", "▁film", "▁in", "▁the", "▁festival", "▁,", "▁and", "▁W", "elles", "▁had", "▁to", "▁finish", "▁the", "▁editing", "▁more", "▁quickly", "▁than", "▁he", "▁preferred", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Style", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cin", "emat", "ography", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁W", "elles", "▁had", "▁originally", "▁wanted", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁film", "▁to", "▁use", "▁high", "▁contrast", "▁cinemat", "ography", "▁,", "▁res", "emb", "ling", "▁eng", "rav", "ings", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Middle", "▁A", "ges", "▁;", "▁only", "▁the" ]
states : " We have heard the chimes at midnight , Master Shallow " . Welles scholar Bridget Gellert Lyons said that the film 's title , " which is given further resonance by the repeated intoning of bells throughout the film , is associated for the audience with sadness and mortality more than youthful carousal . " = = = Filming = = = The film was shot in Spain from September 1964 until April 1965 , with a break in filming from late December until late February . Welles 's limitations on the film included a budget of $ 800 @,@ 000 and actors Jeanne Moreau and John Gielgud being available for five and ten days respectively , while Margaret Rutherford was only available for four weeks . Welles later joked that during one scene which included seven principal characters , none of the actors were available and stand @-@ ins were used for over @-@ the @-@ shoulder shots of all seven characters . Filming began in Colmenar and included all of John Gielgud 's scenes . Welles then traveled to Cardona , where the Royal Court scenes and Marina Vlady 's scenes were shot , and to Madrid 's Casa de Campo Park , where the Gadshill robbery scene was filmed . Madrid was also the location of the Boar 's Head Tavern set , where Welles shot Moreau 's and Rutherford 's scenes . The production then traveled to Pedraza for some outdoor street scenes , and then to Soria to shoot in the snow for the opening shots . After shooting some scenes with Justice Shallow and Justice Silence in the Basque country , Welles returned to Madrid in December to film the battle scenes in Casa de Campo Park for ten days . By late December Welles had run out of money and the film was put on hold while he searched for additional funding . However , some small scenes were shot during the break . Welles later said that he had rejected offers for funding that were conditional upon filming in color . Welles eventually secured funding from Harry Saltzman and production officially resumed in late February with most of Keith Baxter 's longer speeches and the Coronation scene in Madrid . Between March and April , Welles finished the film with filler shots , close @-@ ups , the final rejection scene and most of Falstaff 's speeches . According to Keith Baxter , Welles had stage fright and delayed all of his scenes until the very end of filming , except for scenes that included other actors . Welles was timid about shooting his love scene with Moreau , and used a double whenever possible . Other filming locations included the Chateau Calatañazor , Puerta de San Vincente and the Soria Cathedral . Welles was harsh with his crew members and according to actor Andrew Faulds , " he spoke in five different languages to them and was pretty offensive — very demanding . I suppose he 'd worked out that if you bullied actors , you didn 't get the best from them whereas , to hell with the technicians . They had to do as they were told , and pretty quick . " A scene depicting the assassination of King Richard II , originally intended to open the film , was cut . = = = Post @-@ production = = = Keith Baxter said that the film 's soundtrack was post @-@ dubbed months after filming was completed , and that actors Fernando Rey and Marina Vlady were dubbed by different actors because of their heavy accents . Baxter also stated that he , Welles and Michael Aldridge recorded voices for several characters in post @-@ production . Mistress Quickly 's speech after Falstaff 's death , which was disrupted by the audible hum of a power generator , used the original version of the soundtrack because Welles liked Margaret Rutherford 's performance enough to keep it . The score was composed by Angelo Francesco Lavagnino , who had worked with Welles on Othello . The score was recorded in an Italian studio , which paid Lavagnino for his work on the film in exchange for the rights to the music , and later released a soundtrack album in Italy and the UK . During the editing , Welles showed a rough cut to the visiting head of the Cannes Film Festival , who immediately wanted to include the film in the festival , and Welles had to finish the editing more quickly than he preferred . = = Style = = = = = Cinematography = = = Welles had originally wanted the entire film to use high contrast cinematography , resembling engravings of the Middle Ages ; only the
[ "▁opening", "▁title", "▁sequence", "▁uses", "▁this", "▁technique", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁most", "▁famous", "▁sequence", "▁is", "▁the", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Sh", "rew", "s", "bury", "▁;", "▁only", "▁about", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "▁ex", "tras", "▁were", "▁available", "▁and", "▁W", "elles", "▁used", "▁editing", "▁techniques", "▁to", "▁give", "▁the", "▁appearance", "▁of", "▁arm", "ies", "▁of", "▁thousands", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁fil", "med", "▁all", "▁of", "▁the", "▁battle", "▁scenes", "▁in", "▁long", "▁takes", "▁,", "▁but", "▁cut", "▁the", "▁sh", "ots", "▁into", "▁fragments", "▁to", "▁create", "▁the", "▁effect", "▁that", "▁he", "▁wanted", "▁.", "▁It", "▁took", "▁ten", "▁days", "▁to", "▁shoot", "▁the", "▁scenes", "▁and", "▁six", "▁weeks", "▁to", "▁edit", "▁what", "▁became", "▁a", "▁six", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁sequence", "▁.", "▁In", "▁film", "ing", "▁the", "▁sequence", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁often", "▁used", "▁hand", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁held", "▁cam", "eras", "▁,", "▁wide", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁angle", "▁l", "enses", "▁,", "▁slow", "▁motion", "▁and", "▁speed", "▁up", "▁sh", "ots", "▁,", "▁static", "▁sh", "ots", "▁,", "▁sw", "ish", "▁p", "ans", "▁and", "▁constant", "▁rapid", "▁movement", "▁of", "▁the", "▁characters", "▁to", "▁create", "▁a", "▁kin", "etic", "▁and", "▁cha", "otic", "▁atmosphere", "▁.", "▁And", "er", "eg", "g", "▁has", "▁said", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁the", "▁end", "▁,", "▁both", "▁arm", "ies", "▁have", "▁become", "▁one", "▁huge", "▁,", "▁awk", "ward", "▁,", "▁dis", "integr", "ating", "▁war", "▁machine", "▁,", "▁a", "▁gro", "tes", "que", "▁robot", "▁whose", "▁power", "▁source", "▁slowly", "▁begins", "▁to", "▁fail", "▁and", "▁finally", "▁comes", "▁to", "▁a", "▁fro", "zen", "▁halt", "▁.", "▁Ver", "bal", "▁r", "het", "or", "ic", "▁—", "▁language", "▁itself", "▁—", "▁seems", "▁,", "▁for", "▁the", "▁moment", "▁,", "▁both", "▁irrelevant", "▁and", "▁obsc", "ene", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁The", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Sh", "rew", "s", "bury", "▁sequence", "▁has", "▁often", "▁been", "▁called", "▁an", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁war", "▁statement", "▁by", "▁film", "▁critics", "▁and", "▁li", "ken", "ed", "▁to", "▁contemporary", "▁films", "▁like", "▁Dr", ".", "▁Str", "angel", "ove", "▁and", "▁C", "ull", "oden", "▁.", "▁Shakespeare", "an", "▁scholar", "▁Daniel", "▁S", "elt", "zer", "▁said", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁social", "▁conscious", "ness", "▁of", "▁the", "▁movie", "▁is", "▁as", "▁alert", "▁as", "▁Shakespeare", "▁'", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁them", "atically", "▁pert", "inent", "▁in", "▁Shakespeare", "an", "▁terms", "▁too", "▁...", "▁the", "▁foot", "age", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Sh", "rew", "s", "bury", "▁itself", "▁must", "▁be", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁fin", "est", "▁,", "▁tr", "uest", "▁,", "▁u", "g", "liest", "▁scenes", "▁of", "▁war", "fare", "▁ever", "▁shot", "▁and", "▁edited", "▁for", "▁a", "▁movie", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁W", "elles", "▁scholar", "▁James", "▁N", "are", "more", "▁said", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁underlying", "▁er", "otic", "ism", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ch", "ival", "ric", "▁code", "▁...", "▁is", "▁exposed", "▁in", "▁all", "▁its", "▁cruel", "▁per", "vers", "ity", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Tony", "▁Howard", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁W", "elles", "▁used", "▁Shakespeare", "▁'", "s", "▁historical", "▁plays", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁den", "ounce", "▁modern", "▁political", "▁hyp", "oc", "ris", "y", "▁and", "▁militar", "ism", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Sound", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Due", "▁to", "▁budget", "ary", "▁constraints", "▁,", "▁both", "▁the", "▁on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁set", "▁and", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁production", "▁sound", "▁was", "▁poor", "ly", "▁recorded", "▁.", "▁And", "er", "eg", "g", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁this", "▁,", "▁in", "▁combination", "▁with", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "▁fast", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pac", "ed", "▁camera", "▁movements", "▁and", "▁editing", "▁,", "▁makes", "▁the", "▁Shakespeare", "an", "▁dialog", "ue", "▁more", "▁difficult", "▁to", "▁understand", "▁.", "▁Many", "▁scenes", "▁are", "▁shot", "▁in", "▁long", "▁sh", "ots", "▁or", "▁with", "▁character", "▁'", "s", "▁back", "s", "▁facing", "▁the", "▁camera", "▁,", "▁most", "▁likely", "▁for", "▁practical", "▁purposes", "▁when", "▁actors", "▁were", "▁not", "▁present", "▁,", "▁creating", "▁more", "▁sound", "▁problems", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁effect", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁And", "er", "eg", "g", "▁writes", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁W", "elles", "▁generates", "▁a", "▁constant", "▁t", "ension", "▁between", "▁what", "▁we", "▁see", "▁and", "▁what", "▁we", "▁hear", "▁,", "▁a", "▁t", "ension", "▁that", "▁points", "▁to", "▁the", "▁ambigu", "ous", "▁status", "▁of", "▁language", "▁in", "▁its", "▁relation", "▁to", "▁action", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁During", "▁the", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Sh", "rew", "s", "bury", "▁sequence", "▁W", "elles", "▁used", "▁a", "▁complex", "▁and", "▁layer", "ed", "▁sound", "track", "▁that", "▁included", "▁the", "▁sounds", "▁of", "▁s", "words", "▁and", "▁arm", "or", "▁cl", "ank", "ing", "▁,", "▁soldiers", "▁gr", "un", "ting", "▁and", "▁sc", "ream", "ing", "▁,", "▁b", "ones", "▁breaking", "▁,", "▁bo", "ots", "▁in", "▁the", "▁mud", "▁and", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁musical", "▁score", "▁to", "▁add", "▁to", "▁the", "▁cha", "os", "▁of", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Inter", "pret", "ation", "▁of", "▁Shakespeare", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁adaptation", "▁of", "▁five", "▁Shakespeare", "▁plays", "▁was", "▁not", "▁a", "▁chron", "ological", "▁trans", "cription", "▁of", "▁the", "▁original", "▁texts", "▁.", "▁Shakespeare", "an", "▁scholar", "▁Kenneth", "▁S", ".", "▁Roth", "well", "▁said", "▁that", "▁W", "elles", "▁\"", "▁goes", "▁beyond", "▁mere", "▁t", "ink", "ering", "▁with", "▁Shakespeare", "▁'", "s", "▁scenes", "▁;", "▁[", "▁he", "▁]", "▁mass", "ively", "▁re", "works", "▁,", "▁trans", "poses", "▁,", "▁revis", "es", "▁and", "▁delet", "es", "▁,", "▁indeed", "▁re", "construct", "s", "▁them", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁These", "▁changes", "▁included", "▁taking", "▁lines", "▁of", "▁dialog", "ue", "▁from", "▁one", "▁play", "▁and", "▁inserting", "▁them", "▁into", "▁scenes", "▁from", "▁another", "▁.", "▁Specific", "▁changes", "▁include", "▁a", "▁scene", "▁near", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁film", "▁in", "▁which", "▁Hal", "▁p", "ard", "ons", "▁an", "▁imprison", "ed", "▁street", "▁ra", "b", "ble", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁rou", "ser", "▁just", "▁before", "▁his", "▁expedition", "▁to", "▁in", "va", "de", "▁France", "▁;", "▁W", "elles", "▁slightly", "▁alter", "ed", "▁this", "▁scene", "▁from", "▁Henry", "▁V", "▁,", "▁Act", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁Sc", "ene", "▁", "2", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁film", "▁it", "▁is", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁this", "▁man", "▁is", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁the", "▁incident", "▁he", "▁is", "▁p", "ardon", "ing", "▁is", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁'", "s", "▁disturb", "ance", "▁of", "▁Hal", "▁'", "s", "▁coron", "ation", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁both", "▁the", "▁p", "ardon", "ed", "▁prisoner", "▁and", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁are", "▁said", "▁to", "▁drink", "▁wine", "▁,", "▁Shakespeare", "▁does", "▁not", "▁imply", "▁that", "▁the", "▁p", "ardon", "ed", "▁prisoner", "▁is", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁.", "▁In", "▁both", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁and", "▁in", "▁Henry", "▁V", "▁,", "▁this", "▁scene", "▁is", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁.", "▁The", "▁film", "▁contains", "▁no", "▁true", "▁sol", "ilo", "qu", "ies", "▁,", "▁since", "▁characters", "▁are", "▁never", "▁alone", "▁and", "▁do", "▁not", "▁speak", "▁directly", "▁to", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁during", "▁their", "▁speech", "es", "▁.", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁is", "▁usually", "▁shown", "▁standing", "▁or", "▁sitting", "▁with", "▁very", "▁little", "▁action", "▁involved", "▁—", "▁this", "▁,", "▁says", "▁And", "er", "eg", "g", "▁,", "▁makes", "▁it", "▁appear", "▁that", "▁he", "▁speak", "s", "▁only", "▁to", "▁himself", "▁even", "▁when", "▁others", "▁are", "▁present", "▁.", "▁G", "iel", "g", "ud", "▁was", "▁known", "▁for", "▁his", "▁classical", "▁interpretation", "▁of", "▁Shakespeare", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁performance", "▁consists", "▁almost", "▁entirely", "▁of", "▁words", "▁,", "▁which", "▁are", "▁unable", "▁to", "▁defeat", "▁either", "▁North", "umber", "land", "▁'", "s", "▁reb", "els", "▁or", "▁Hal", "▁'", "s", "▁wild", "▁behavior", "▁.", "▁Through", "out", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁Hal", "▁and", "▁Hot", "sp", "ur", "▁im", "itate", "▁G", "iel", "g", "ud", "▁,", "▁mock", "ing", "▁the", "▁words", "▁of", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re" ]
opening title sequence uses this technique . The film 's most famous sequence is the Battle of Shrewsbury ; only about 180 extras were available and Welles used editing techniques to give the appearance of armies of thousands . Welles filmed all of the battle scenes in long takes , but cut the shots into fragments to create the effect that he wanted . It took ten days to shoot the scenes and six weeks to edit what became a six @-@ minute sequence . In filming the sequence , Welles often used hand @-@ held cameras , wide @-@ angle lenses , slow motion and speed up shots , static shots , swish pans and constant rapid movement of the characters to create a kinetic and chaotic atmosphere . Anderegg has said that " in the end , both armies have become one huge , awkward , disintegrating war machine , a grotesque robot whose power source slowly begins to fail and finally comes to a frozen halt . Verbal rhetoric — language itself — seems , for the moment , both irrelevant and obscene . " The Battle of Shrewsbury sequence has often been called an anti @-@ war statement by film critics and likened to contemporary films like Dr. Strangelove and Culloden . Shakespearean scholar Daniel Seltzer said that " the social consciousness of the movie is as alert as Shakespeare 's , and thematically pertinent in Shakespearean terms too ... the footage of the Battle of Shrewsbury itself must be some of the finest , truest , ugliest scenes of warfare ever shot and edited for a movie . " Welles scholar James Naremore said that " the underlying eroticism of the chivalric code ... is exposed in all its cruel perversity . " Tony Howard wrote that Welles used Shakespeare 's historical plays " to denounce modern political hypocrisy and militarism . " = = = Sound = = = Due to budgetary constraints , both the on @-@ set and post @-@ production sound was poorly recorded . Anderegg wrote that this , in combination with Welles ' fast @-@ paced camera movements and editing , makes the Shakespearean dialogue more difficult to understand . Many scenes are shot in long shots or with character 's backs facing the camera , most likely for practical purposes when actors were not present , creating more sound problems . " In effect , " Anderegg writes , " Welles generates a constant tension between what we see and what we hear , a tension that points to the ambiguous status of language in its relation to action . " During the Battle of Shrewsbury sequence Welles used a complex and layered soundtrack that included the sounds of swords and armor clanking , soldiers grunting and screaming , bones breaking , boots in the mud and the film 's musical score to add to the chaos of the scene . = = = Interpretation of Shakespeare = = = Welles 's adaptation of five Shakespeare plays was not a chronological transcription of the original texts . Shakespearean scholar Kenneth S. Rothwell said that Welles " goes beyond mere tinkering with Shakespeare 's scenes ; [ he ] massively reworks , transposes , revises and deletes , indeed reconstructs them . " These changes included taking lines of dialogue from one play and inserting them into scenes from another . Specific changes include a scene near the end of the film in which Hal pardons an imprisoned street rabble @-@ rouser just before his expedition to invade France ; Welles slightly altered this scene from Henry V , Act 2 , Scene 2 . In the film it is stated that this man is Falstaff , and that the incident he is pardoning is Falstaff 's disturbance of Hal 's coronation . Although both the pardoned prisoner and Falstaff are said to drink wine , Shakespeare does not imply that the pardoned prisoner is Falstaff . In both Chimes at Midnight and in Henry V , this scene is followed by Falstaff 's death . The film contains no true soliloquies , since characters are never alone and do not speak directly to the audience during their speeches . Henry IV is usually shown standing or sitting with very little action involved — this , says Anderegg , makes it appear that he speaks only to himself even when others are present . Gielgud was known for his classical interpretation of Shakespeare , and his performance consists almost entirely of words , which are unable to defeat either Northumberland 's rebels or Hal 's wild behavior . Throughout the film , Falstaff , Hal and Hotspur imitate Gielgud , mocking the words of Henry IV . = = Re
[ "ception", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Crit", "ical", "▁response", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁premier", "ed", "▁to", "▁a", "▁positive", "▁audience", "▁reception", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "6", "▁C", "annes", "▁Film", "▁Festival", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁after", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Times", "▁critic", "▁Bos", "ley", "▁Crow", "ther", "▁'", "s", "▁unf", "avor", "able", "▁advance", "▁review", "▁,", "▁American", "▁distrib", "utor", "▁Harry", "▁Salt", "z", "man", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁give", "▁the", "▁film", "▁little", "▁public", "ity", "▁and", "▁minimal", "▁distribution", "▁when", "▁it", "▁was", "▁released", "▁in", "▁the", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁the", "▁next", "▁year", "▁.", "▁Crit", "ical", "▁reception", "▁on", "▁its", "▁first", "▁release", "▁was", "▁mostly", "▁negative", "▁;", "▁the", "▁film", "▁was", "▁not", "▁regarded", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁best", "▁until", "▁years", "▁later", "▁.", "▁Crow", "ther", "▁critic", "ized", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁poor", "▁audio", "▁track", "▁and", "▁called", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁confusing", "▁patch", "work", "▁of", "▁scenes", "▁and", "▁characters", "▁...", "▁designed", "▁to", "▁give", "▁major", "▁expos", "ure", "▁to", "▁Jack", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁,", "▁he", "▁said", "▁,", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁dis", "solute", "▁,", "▁b", "umb", "ling", "▁street", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁corner", "▁Santa", "▁Cla", "us", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Pen", "el", "ope", "▁Houston", "▁called", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁film", "▁which", "▁seems", "▁to", "▁turn", "▁its", "▁back", "▁on", "▁br", "ill", "iance", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁A", "▁Time", "▁review", "▁also", "▁critic", "ized", "▁W", "elles", "▁,", "▁stating", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁[", "▁he", "▁]", "▁is", "▁probably", "▁the", "▁first", "▁actor", "▁in", "▁the", "▁history", "▁of", "▁the", "▁the", "ater", "▁to", "▁appear", "▁too", "▁fat", "▁for", "▁the", "▁role", "▁...", "▁he", "▁takes", "▁command", "▁of", "▁scenes", "▁less", "▁with", "▁spoken", "▁English", "▁than", "▁with", "▁body", "▁English", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁but", "▁that", "▁he", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁never", "▁entirely", "▁bad", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Jud", "ith", "▁Crist", "▁pra", "ised", "▁the", "▁film", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁stark", "▁,", "▁simple", "▁,", "▁concentr", "ating", "▁on", "▁word", "▁and", "▁performance", "▁,", "▁serv", "▁[", "▁ing", "▁]", "▁as", "▁a", "▁rem", "inder", "▁of", "▁where", "▁the", "▁subst", "ance", "▁of", "▁the", "▁play", "▁lies", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Paul", "ine", "▁K", "ael", "▁also", "▁critic", "ized", "▁the", "▁poor", "▁sound", "▁,", "▁but", "▁gave", "▁a", "▁favor", "able", "▁review", "▁overall", "▁,", "▁sing", "ling", "▁out", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁casting", "▁and", "▁calling", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁\"", "▁very", "▁rich", "▁,", "▁very", "▁full", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁said", "▁the", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Sh", "rew", "s", "bury", "▁sequence", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁unlike", "▁any", "▁battle", "▁scene", "▁done", "▁on", "▁the", "▁screen", "▁before", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁C", "ah", "iers", "▁du", "▁Cinema", "▁critic", "▁Serge", "▁Dan", "ey", "▁also", "▁pra", "ised", "▁both", "▁the", "▁film", "▁and", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁ability", "▁to", "▁make", "▁great", "▁films", "▁on", "▁the", "▁subject", "▁of", "▁power", "▁.", "▁Roger", "▁E", "bert", "▁pra", "ised", "▁the", "▁film", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁magnific", "ent", "▁film", "▁,", "▁clearly", "▁among", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "▁greatest", "▁work", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Leg", "acy", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁W", "elles", "▁held", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁in", "▁high", "▁regard", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁my", "▁favorite", "▁picture", "▁,", "▁yes", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁he", "▁told", "▁inter", "v", "iewer", "▁Les", "lie", "▁M", "ega", "he", "y", "▁in", "▁a", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "2", "▁interview", "▁for", "▁BBC", "▁Arena", "▁:", "▁", "▁If", "▁I", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁get", "▁into", "▁heaven", "▁on", "▁the", "▁basis", "▁of", "▁one", "▁movie", "▁,", "▁that", "▁'", "s", "▁the", "▁one", "▁I", "▁would", "▁offer", "▁up", "▁.", "▁I", "▁think", "▁it", "▁'", "s", "▁because", "▁it", "▁is", "▁to", "▁me", "▁the", "▁least", "▁fla", "wed", "▁;", "▁let", "▁me", "▁put", "▁it", "▁that", "▁way", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁the", "▁most", "▁successful", "▁for", "▁what", "▁I", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁do", "▁.", "▁I", "▁succeeded", "▁more", "▁completely", "▁in", "▁my", "▁view", "▁with", "▁that", "▁than", "▁with", "▁anything", "▁else", "▁.", "▁", "▁He", "▁also", "▁considered", "▁it", "▁to", "▁be", "▁his", "▁most", "▁personal", "▁film", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁The", "▁Magn", "ific", "ent", "▁Am", "bers", "ons", "▁.", "▁Many", "▁critics", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Peter", "▁Bog", "dan", "ov", "ich", "▁and", "▁Jonathan", "▁Rosen", "baum", "▁,", "▁also", "▁consider", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁to", "▁be", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁fin", "est", "▁work", "▁.", "▁Several", "▁years", "▁after", "▁its", "▁initial", "▁release", "▁,", "▁film", "▁critic", "▁Vincent", "▁Can", "by", "▁of", "▁The", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Times", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁\"", "▁may", "▁be", "▁the", "▁greatest", "▁Shakespeare", "an", "▁film", "▁ever", "▁made", "▁,", "▁bar", "▁none", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Joseph", "▁Mc", "B", "ride", "▁has", "▁called", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁master", "pie", "ce", "▁,", "▁the", "▁full", "est", "▁,", "▁most", "▁completely", "▁realized", "▁expression", "▁of", "▁everything", "▁he", "▁had", "▁been", "▁working", "▁towards", "▁since", "▁Cit", "izen", "▁K", "ane", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁W", "elles", "▁was", "▁disappoint", "ed", "▁with", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁reception", "▁,", "▁compla", "ining", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁almost", "▁nobody", "▁has", "▁seen", "▁it", "▁in", "▁America", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁drives", "▁me", "▁n", "uts", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁The", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Sh", "rew", "s", "bury", "▁sequence", "▁has", "▁been", "▁particularly", "▁adm", "ired", "▁,", "▁and", "▁inspired", "▁later", "▁mov", "ies", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Bra", "ve", "heart", "▁and", "▁S", "aving", "▁Private", "▁Ryan", "▁.", "▁Film", "▁critics", "▁have", "▁compared", "▁it", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Od", "essa", "▁Ste", "ps", "▁sequence", "▁in", "▁Batt", "les", "hip", "▁Pot", "em", "kin", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Battle", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Ice", "▁sequence", "▁in", "▁Alexander", "▁Nev", "sky", "▁,", "▁both", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁Serge", "i", "▁Eisen", "stein", "▁.", "▁Kenneth", "▁Bran", "agh", "▁'", "s", "▁Henry", "▁V", "▁used", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Sh", "rew", "s", "bury", "▁sequence", "▁as", "▁an", "▁insp", "iration", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Ag", "inc", "ourt", "▁,", "▁and", "▁dep", "icted", "▁Prince", "▁Hal", "▁'", "s", "▁re", "jection", "▁of", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁in", "▁a", "▁way", "▁that", "▁was", "▁more", "▁influenced", "▁by", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁than", "▁from", "▁more", "▁traditional", "▁interpret", "ations", "▁of", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "8", "▁,", "▁director", "▁Patrick", "▁Gar", "land", "▁st", "aged", "▁a", "▁version", "▁of", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁st", "arring", "▁Simon", "▁Call", "ow", "▁as", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Ch", "ich", "ester", "▁Festival", "▁Theatre", "▁.", "▁Michael", "▁And", "er", "eg", "g", "▁said", "▁that", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁'", "s", "▁use", "▁of", "▁wide", "▁angle", "▁l", "enses", "▁,", "▁low", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁key", "▁light", "ing", "▁and", "▁cost", "umes", "▁,", "▁and", "▁its", "▁focus", "▁on", "▁the", "▁relationship", "▁between", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁and", "▁Prince", "▁Hal", "▁influenced", "▁My", "▁O", "wn", "▁Private", "▁Id", "aho", "▁—", "▁G", "us", "▁Van", "▁Sant", "▁'", "s", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁loose", "▁adaptation", "▁of", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁Part", "s", "▁", "1", "▁and", "▁", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁Bon", "ham", "▁'", "s", "▁Au", "ction", "▁House", "▁sold", "▁a", "▁large", "▁archive", "▁of", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁material", "▁that", "▁had", "▁once", "▁belonged", "▁to", "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁executive", "▁producer", "▁Aless", "andro", "▁Tas", "ca", "▁di", "▁C", "uto", "▁.", "▁Most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁material", "▁was", "▁from", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁,", "▁and", "▁included", "▁W" ]
ception = = = = = Critical response = = = Chimes at Midnight premiered to a positive audience reception at the 1966 Cannes Film Festival . However , after New York Times critic Bosley Crowther 's unfavorable advance review , American distributor Harry Saltzman decided to give the film little publicity and minimal distribution when it was released in the U.S. the next year . Critical reception on its first release was mostly negative ; the film was not regarded as one of Welles 's best until years later . Crowther criticized the film 's poor audio track and called it " a confusing patchwork of scenes and characters ... designed to give major exposure to Jack Falstaff . " Welles 's performance , he said , was " a dissolute , bumbling street @-@ corner Santa Claus . " Penelope Houston called it " a film which seems to turn its back on brilliance . " A Time review also criticized Welles , stating that " [ he ] is probably the first actor in the history of the theater to appear too fat for the role ... he takes command of scenes less with spoken English than with body English " , but that he is " never entirely bad . " Judith Crist praised the film as " stark , simple , concentrating on word and performance , serv [ ing ] as a reminder of where the substance of the play lies . " Pauline Kael also criticized the poor sound , but gave a favorable review overall , singling out the film 's casting and calling Welles 's performance " very rich , very full . " She said the Battle of Shrewsbury sequence was " unlike any battle scene done on the screen before . " Cahiers du Cinema critic Serge Daney also praised both the film and Welles 's ability to make great films on the subject of power . Roger Ebert praised the film as " a magnificent film , clearly among Welles ' greatest work . " = = = Legacy = = = Welles held Chimes at Midnight in high regard . " It 's my favorite picture , yes , " he told interviewer Leslie Megahey in a 1982 interview for BBC Arena : If I wanted to get into heaven on the basis of one movie , that 's the one I would offer up . I think it 's because it is to me the least flawed ; let me put it that way . It is the most successful for what I tried to do . I succeeded more completely in my view with that than with anything else . He also considered it to be his most personal film , along with The Magnificent Ambersons . Many critics , including Peter Bogdanovich and Jonathan Rosenbaum , also consider Chimes at Midnight to be Welles 's finest work . Several years after its initial release , film critic Vincent Canby of The New York Times wrote that Chimes at Midnight " may be the greatest Shakespearean film ever made , bar none . " Joseph McBride has called it " Welles 's masterpiece , the fullest , most completely realized expression of everything he had been working towards since Citizen Kane . " Welles was disappointed with the film 's reception , complaining that " almost nobody has seen it in America , and that drives me nuts . " The Battle of Shrewsbury sequence has been particularly admired , and inspired later movies , including Braveheart and Saving Private Ryan . Film critics have compared it to the Odessa Steps sequence in Battleship Potemkin and the Battle on the Ice sequence in Alexander Nevsky , both directed by Sergei Eisenstein . Kenneth Branagh 's Henry V used Welles 's Battle of Shrewsbury sequence as an inspiration for the Battle of Agincourt , and depicted Prince Hal 's rejection of Falstaff in a way that was more influenced by Chimes at Midnight than from more traditional interpretations of the scene . In 1988 , director Patrick Garland staged a version of Chimes at Midnight starring Simon Callow as Falstaff at the Chichester Festival Theatre . Michael Anderegg said that Chimes at Midnight 's use of wide angle lenses , low @-@ key lighting and costumes , and its focus on the relationship between Falstaff and Prince Hal influenced My Own Private Idaho — Gus Van Sant 's 1991 loose adaptation of Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 . In 2011 , Bonham 's Auction House sold a large archive of Welles 's material that had once belonged to the film 's executive producer Alessandro Tasca di Cuto . Most of the material was from Chimes at Midnight , and included W
[ "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁original", "▁art", "work", "▁,", "▁photograph", "s", "▁and", "▁mem", "os", "▁.", "▁This", "▁collection", "▁was", "▁later", "▁don", "ated", "▁to", "▁the", "▁University", "▁of", "▁Michigan", "▁for", "▁scholar", "ly", "▁study", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁for", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Film", "▁Institute", "▁'", "s", "▁S", "ight", "▁and", "▁Sound", "▁poll", "▁,", "▁", "1", "1", "▁film", "▁critics", "▁and", "▁two", "▁direct", "ors", "▁voted", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "0", "▁greatest", "▁films", "▁of", "▁all", "▁time", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Mc", "B", "ride", "▁and", "▁Tod", "d", "▁Mc", "Car", "thy", "▁.", "▁", "▁Spanish", "▁writer", "▁and", "▁director", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Film", "▁Library", "▁of", "▁Catal", "onia", "▁Este", "ve", "▁Ri", "amb", "au", "▁published", "▁a", "▁book", "▁about", "▁the", "▁film", "▁called", "▁The", "▁Things", "▁We", "▁'", "ve", "▁Se", "en", "▁:", "▁W", "elles", "▁and", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Awards", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁At", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "6", "▁C", "annes", "▁Film", "▁Festival", "▁,", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁was", "▁screen", "ed", "▁in", "▁competition", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Pal", "me", "▁d", "▁'", "Or", "▁and", "▁won", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁An", "ni", "versary", "▁Prize", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Techn", "ical", "▁Grand", "▁Prize", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁was", "▁nominated", "▁for", "▁a", "▁B", "AF", "TA", "▁award", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Foreign", "▁A", "ctor", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "8", "▁In", "▁Spain", "▁,", "▁the", "▁film", "▁won", "▁the", "▁Cit", "iz", "ens", "▁Writ", "ers", "▁Circle", "▁Award", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Film", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Home", "▁media", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Because", "▁of", "▁legal", "▁disput", "es", "▁over", "▁the", "▁rights", "▁,", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁has", "▁only", 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"▁effort", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁There", "▁is", "▁no", "▁film", "▁we", "▁have", "▁waited", "▁longer", "▁for", "▁or", "▁worked", "▁harder", "▁to", "▁free", "▁up", "▁,", "▁and", "▁none", "▁we", "▁are", "▁pr", "ou", "der", "▁to", "▁present", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁he", "▁said", "▁.", "▁C", "riter", "ion", "▁will", "▁release", "▁this", "▁rest", "oration", "▁on", "▁DVD", "▁and", "▁Bl", "u", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ray", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁W", "elles", "▁and", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁views", "▁on", "▁Sir", "▁John", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁W", "elles", "▁considered", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁to", "▁be", "▁\"", "▁Shakespeare", "▁'", "s", "▁greatest", "▁creation", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁said", "▁that", "▁the", "▁role", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁most", "▁difficult", "▁part", "▁I", "▁'", "ve", "▁ever", "▁played", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Keith", "▁B", "ax", "ter", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁making", "▁the", "▁film", "▁was", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁life", "▁'", "s", "▁amb", "ition", "▁.", "▁Before", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁Boston", "▁premi", "ere", "▁of", "▁Five", "▁Kings", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁told", "▁journal", "ists", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁will", "▁play", "▁him", "▁as", "▁a", "▁trag", "ic", "▁figure", "▁.", "▁I", "▁hope", "▁,", "▁of", "▁course", "▁,", "▁he", "▁will", "▁be", "▁fun", "ny", "▁to", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁,", "▁just", "▁as", "▁he", "▁was", "▁fun", "ny", "▁to", "▁those", "▁around", "▁him", "▁.", "▁But", "▁his", "▁humor", "▁and", "▁wit", "▁were", "▁ar", "oused", "▁merely", "▁by", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁that", "▁he", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁please", "▁the", "▁prince", "▁.", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁had", "▁the", "▁potential", "▁of", "▁great", "ness", "▁in", "▁him", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Re", "views", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁play", "▁mention", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "▁choice", "▁to", "▁down", "play", "▁the", "▁traditional", "▁com", "edic", "▁elements", "▁of", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁in", "▁his", "▁performance", "▁.", "▁This", "▁rever", "ence", "▁for", "▁the", "▁character", "▁increased", "▁over", "▁the", "▁years", "▁and", "▁by", "▁the", "▁time", "▁W", "elles", "▁made", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁,", "▁his", "▁focus", "▁was", "▁entirely", "▁on", "▁the", "▁relationships", "▁between", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁Hal", "▁and", "▁Henry", "▁IV", "▁.", "▁He", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁the", "▁core", "▁of", "▁the", "▁story", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁bet", "ray", "al", "▁of", "▁friendship", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁W", "elles", "▁called", "▁Hal", "▁'", "s", "▁re", "jection", "▁of", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁\"", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁greatest", "▁scenes", "▁ever", "▁written", "▁,", "▁so", "▁the", "▁movie", "▁is", "▁really", "▁a", "▁prepar", "ation", "▁for", "▁it", "▁.", "▁Everything", "▁prepar", "es", "▁for", "▁it", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Through", "out", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁Hal", "▁constantly", "▁turns", "▁his", "▁back", "▁on", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁for", "esh", "adow", "ing" ]
elles 's original artwork , photographs and memos . This collection was later donated to the University of Michigan for scholarly study . In 2012 , for the British Film Institute 's Sight and Sound poll , 11 film critics and two directors voted Chimes at Midnight one of the 10 greatest films of all time , including McBride and Todd McCarthy . Spanish writer and director of the Film Library of Catalonia Esteve Riambau published a book about the film called The Things We 've Seen : Welles and Falstaff in 2015 . = = = Awards = = = At the 1966 Cannes Film Festival , Chimes at Midnight was screened in competition for the Palme d 'Or and won the 20th Anniversary Prize and the Technical Grand Prize . Welles was nominated for a BAFTA award for Best Foreign Actor in 1968 In Spain , the film won the Citizens Writers Circle Award for Best Film in 1966 . = = = Home media = = = Because of legal disputes over the rights , Chimes at Midnight has only been released twice on VHS video in the United States , neither of which is currently available . Harry Saltzman 's widow Adriana Saltzman , the families of producers Emiliano Piedra and Angel Escolano and the estate of Orson Welles — maintained by Beatrice Welles — among others have all claimed ownership of the film . For many years the only available source was a region @-@ free DVD from Brazil . Mr Bongo Records screened a restored version in the UK at Picturehouse Cinemas on August 1 , 2011 . In February 2015 , the film was screened at the Sedona International Film Festival . Beatrice Welles attended and announced that " a major DVD / Blu @-@ ray label is interested in restoring and releasing Chimes at Midnight . " The pristine 35mm print was discovered by Distribpix Inc . , who said it was " in such great condition that it is begging for a full 4k scan restoration . " The film had a European release on DVD and Blu @-@ ray on June 29 , 2015 . = = = 2016 Restoration = = = Janus Films released a restored version of the film on DCP that premiered on January 1 , 2016 , at Film Forum in New York City and Cinefamily in Los Angeles . This restored version is not derived from the Distribpix print . A new restoration by Janus Films and The Criterion Collection screened at the Film Forum in New York January 1 – 12 , 2016 . Peter Becker , Criterion 's president , said that the release is the product of more than 20 years of effort : " There is no film we have waited longer for or worked harder to free up , and none we are prouder to present " , he said . Criterion will release this restoration on DVD and Blu @-@ ray in August 2016 . = = Welles and Falstaff = = = = = Welles 's views on Sir John Falstaff = = = Welles considered Falstaff to be " Shakespeare 's greatest creation " and said that the role was " the most difficult part I 've ever played . " Keith Baxter believed that making the film was Welles 's life 's ambition . Before the 1939 Boston premiere of Five Kings , Welles told journalists " I will play him as a tragic figure . I hope , of course , he will be funny to the audience , just as he was funny to those around him . But his humor and wit were aroused merely by the fact that he wanted to please the prince . Falstaff , however , had the potential of greatness in him . " Reviews for the 1939 play mention Welles ' choice to downplay the traditional comedic elements of Falstaff in his performance . This reverence for the character increased over the years and by the time Welles made Chimes at Midnight , his focus was entirely on the relationships between Falstaff , Hal and Henry IV . He believed that the core of the story was " the betrayal of friendship . " Welles called Hal 's rejection of Falstaff " one of the greatest scenes ever written , so the movie is really a preparation for it . Everything prepares for it . " Throughout the film , Hal constantly turns his back on Falstaff , foreshadowing
[ "▁the", "▁film", "▁'", "s", "▁ending", "▁.", "▁", "▁W", "elles", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁film", "▁was", "▁not", "▁intended", "▁as", "▁a", "▁l", "ament", "▁for", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁but", "▁for", "▁the", "▁death", "▁of", "▁Mer", "rie", "▁England", "▁.", "▁Mer", "rie", "▁England", "▁as", "▁a", "▁conception", "▁,", "▁a", "▁myth", "▁which", "▁has", "▁been", "▁very", "▁real", "▁to", "▁the", "▁English", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁speaking", "▁world", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁to", "▁some", "▁extent", "▁expressed", "▁in", "▁other", "▁countries", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Med", "ieval", "▁epo", "ch", "▁:", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁ch", "ival", "ry", "▁,", "▁of", "▁simplicity", "▁,", "▁of", "▁May", "time", "▁and", "▁all", "▁that", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁more", "▁than", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁who", "▁is", "▁dying", "▁.", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁the", "▁old", "▁England", "▁dying", "▁and", "▁bet", "rayed", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Many", "▁film", "▁the", "or", "ists", "▁and", "▁W", "elles", "▁bi", "ograph", "ers", "▁have", "▁written", "▁about", "▁the", "▁rec", "urrent", "▁theme", "▁of", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Lost", "▁E", "den", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁work", "▁and", "▁of", "▁characters", "▁who", "▁are", "▁nost", "alg", "ic", "▁for", "▁an", "▁ideal", "ized", "▁past", "▁,", "▁which", "▁W", "elles", "▁called", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁central", "▁theme", "▁in", "▁Western", "▁culture", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁W", "elles", "▁told", "▁Peter", "▁Bog", "dan", "ov", "ich", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁even", "▁if", "▁the", "▁good", "▁old", "▁days", "▁never", "▁existed", "▁,", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁that", "▁we", "▁can", "▁conce", "ive", "▁of", "▁such", "▁a", "▁world", "▁is", "▁,", "▁in", "▁fact", "▁,", "▁an", "▁aff", "irm", "ation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁human", "▁spirit", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Film", "▁scholar", "▁B", "ever", "le", "▁Houston", "▁argued", "▁that", "▁this", "▁nost", "alg", "ia", "▁made", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁dep", "iction", "▁of", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁infant", "ile", "▁and", "▁called", "▁his", "▁performance", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁[", "▁p", "▁]", "▁o", "wer", "▁baby", "▁...", "▁an", "▁e", "ating", "▁,", "▁su", "ck", "ing", "▁,", "▁fo", "et", "us", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁like", "▁creature", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁W", "elles", "▁also", "▁called", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁greatest", "▁conception", "▁of", "▁a", "▁good", "▁man", "▁,", "▁the", "▁most", "▁completely", "▁good", "▁man", "▁,", "▁in", "▁all", "▁of", "▁drama", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁said", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁closer", "▁I", "▁thought", "▁I", "▁was", "▁getting", "▁to", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁the", "▁less", "▁fun", "ny", "▁he", "▁seemed", "▁to", "▁me", "▁.", "▁When", "▁I", "▁played", "▁him", "▁before", "▁in", "▁the", "▁the", "ater", "▁,", "▁he", "▁seemed", "▁more", "▁w", "itt", "y", "▁than", "▁com", "ical", "▁.", "▁And", "▁in", "▁bringing", "▁him", "▁to", "▁the", "▁screen", "▁,", "▁I", "▁found", "▁him", "▁only", "▁occasionally", "▁,", "▁and", "▁only", "▁deliber", "ately", "▁,", "▁a", "▁c", "low", "n", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", 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"▁was", "▁f", "rit", "tered", "▁away", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Kenneth", "▁S", ".", "▁Roth", "well", "▁has", "▁called", "▁Hal", "▁'", "s", "▁re", "jection", "▁of", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁alleg", "or", "ical", "▁to", "▁Hollywood", "▁'", "s", "▁re", "jection", "▁of", "▁W", "elles", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁had", "▁become", "▁deeply", "▁de", "pressed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁late", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁after", "▁the", "▁disappoint", "ment", "▁of", "▁making", "▁Touch", "▁of", "▁Ev", "il", "▁,", "▁his", "▁intended", "▁Hollywood", "▁com", "eb", "ack", "▁.", "▁", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁Simon", "▁Call", "ow", "▁has", "▁compared", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁to", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁father", "▁Richard", "▁Head", "▁W", "elles", "▁,", "▁stating", "▁that", "▁like", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁father", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁dr", "unk", "ard", "▁,", "▁a", "▁trick", "ster", "▁,", "▁a", "▁b", "rag", "gart", "▁,", "▁a", "▁woman", "izer", "▁,", "▁a", 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"▁who", "▁became", "▁sur", "rog", "ate", "▁f", "athers", "▁to", "▁him", "▁:", "▁family", "▁friend", "▁Dr", ".", "▁Maurice", "▁Bern", "stein", "▁and", "▁Tod", "d", "▁School", "▁for", "▁Boys", "▁head", "master", "▁Roger", "▁Hill", "▁.", "▁Both", "▁of", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁sur", "rog", "ate", "▁f", "athers", "▁disapp", "ro", "ved", "▁of", "▁Richard", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁l", "ifest", "yle", "▁and", "▁negative", "▁influence", "▁on", "▁W", "elles", "▁.", "▁When", "▁he", "▁was", "▁fifteen", "▁W", "elles", "▁took", "▁the", "▁advice", "▁of", "▁Roger", "▁Hill", "▁and", "▁told", "▁his", "▁father", "▁that", "▁he", "▁would", "▁not", "▁see", "▁him", "▁again", "▁until", "▁he", "▁clean", "ed", "▁up", "▁his", "▁act", "▁and", "▁stopped", "▁drink", "ing", "▁.", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁father", "▁died", "▁shortly", "▁afterwards", "▁,", "▁alone", "▁and", "▁lon", "ely", "▁,", "▁and", "▁W", "elles", "▁always", "▁bl", "amed", "▁himself", "▁for", "▁his", "▁father", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁,", "▁stating", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁always", "▁thought", "▁I", "▁killed", "▁him", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁alleg", "ed", "▁bi", "ological", "▁son", "▁Michael", "▁L", "inds", "ay", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Hog", "g", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁born" ]
the film 's ending . Welles said , " the film was not intended as a lament for Falstaff , but for the death of Merrie England . Merrie England as a conception , a myth which has been very real to the English @-@ speaking world , and is to some extent expressed in other countries of the Medieval epoch : the age of chivalry , of simplicity , of Maytime and all that . It is more than Falstaff who is dying . It 's the old England dying and betrayed . " Many film theorists and Welles biographers have written about the recurrent theme of the " Lost Eden " in Welles 's work and of characters who are nostalgic for an idealized past , which Welles called " the central theme in Western culture . " Welles told Peter Bogdanovich that " even if the good old days never existed , the fact that we can conceive of such a world is , in fact , an affirmation of the human spirit . " Film scholar Beverle Houston argued that this nostalgia made Welles 's depiction of Falstaff infantile and called his performance a " [ p ] ower baby ... an eating , sucking , foetus @-@ like creature . " Welles also called Falstaff " the greatest conception of a good man , the most completely good man , in all of drama " , and said that " the closer I thought I was getting to Falstaff the less funny he seemed to me . When I played him before in the theater , he seemed more witty than comical . And in bringing him to the screen , I found him only occasionally , and only deliberately , a clown . " = = = Welles 's personal connections to Sir John Falstaff = = = Keith Baxter compared Welles to Falstaff , since they were both perpetually short of money , often lied and cheated people to get what they needed and were always merry and fun loving . Film scholar Jack Jorgens also compared Welles to Falstaff , stating that " to a man who directed and starred in a masterpiece and has since staggered through three decades of underfinanced , hurried , flawed films , scores of bit parts , narrations , and interviews which debased his talent , dozens of projects which died for want of persistence and financing , the story of a fat , aging jester exiled from his audience and no longer able to triumph over impossible obstacles with wit and torrential imagination might well seem tragic . " When Joss Ackland played Falstaff on the stage in 1982 , he said that he was more inspired by Welles than by Welles 's performance as Falstaff , stating that " like Falstaff , I believe he could have achieved so much , but it was frittered away . " Kenneth S. Rothwell has called Hal 's rejection of Falstaff allegorical to Hollywood 's rejection of Welles . Welles had become deeply depressed in the late 1950s after the disappointment of making Touch of Evil , his intended Hollywood comeback . Welles 's biographer Simon Callow has compared Falstaff to Welles 's father Richard Head Welles , stating that like Falstaff , Welles 's father was " a drunkard , a trickster , a braggart , a womanizer , a gentleman and a charmer — and he is rejected by the person he loves the most . " Welles 's father was an alcoholic and womanizer who would often take a teenage Welles along with him when he was indulging in his vices . Welles observed his father much like Falstaff is observed by Hal and depends on his young protégé to bail him out of trouble . The love triangle between Prince Hal and his two father figures , Henry IV and Falstaff , is also similar to Welles 's relationships with his father and the two men who became surrogate fathers to him : family friend Dr. Maurice Bernstein and Todd School for Boys headmaster Roger Hill . Both of Welles 's surrogate fathers disapproved of Richard Welles 's lifestyle and negative influence on Welles . When he was fifteen Welles took the advice of Roger Hill and told his father that he would not see him again until he cleaned up his act and stopped drinking . Welles 's father died shortly afterwards , alone and lonely , and Welles always blamed himself for his father 's death , stating " I always thought I killed him . " Welles 's alleged biological son Michael Lindsay @-@ Hogg , who was born
[ "▁out", "▁of", "▁wed", "lock", "▁to", "▁W", "elles", "▁and", "▁actress", "▁Ger", "ald", "ine", "▁Fitz", "ger", "ald", "▁,", "▁first", "▁met", "▁W", "elles", "▁when", "▁he", "▁was", "▁", "1", "5", "▁and", "▁later", "▁worked", "▁on", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "▁stage", "▁play", "▁Ch", "imes", "▁at", "▁Mid", "night", "▁.", "▁This", "▁was", "▁the", "▁only", "▁significant", "▁amount", "▁of", "▁time", "▁that", "▁the", "▁two", "▁spent", "▁together", "▁and", "▁afterwards", "▁L", "inds", "ay", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Hog", "g", "▁only", "▁saw", "▁W", "elles", "▁sp", "or", "ad", "ically", "▁.", "▁Like", "▁W", "elles", "▁,", "▁L", "inds", "ay", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Hog", "g", "▁had", "▁two", "▁sur", "rog", "ate", "▁f", "athers", "▁in", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁his", "▁bi", "ological", "▁father", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁late", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁when", "▁she", "▁was", "▁", "1", "6", "▁,", "▁W", "elles", "▁'", "s", "▁el", "dest", "▁daughter", "▁Christopher", "▁W", "elles", "▁Feder", 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"▁C", "Python", "▁is", "▁managed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁profit", "▁Python", "▁Software", "▁Foundation", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Python", "▁was", "▁conce", "ived", "▁in", "▁the", "▁late", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁its", "▁implementation", "▁began", "▁in", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "9", "▁by", "▁Gu", "ido", "▁van", "▁Ros", "sum", "▁at", "▁Cent", "rum", "▁W", "isk", "unde", "▁&", "▁In", "format", "ica", "▁(", "▁C", "WI", "▁)", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Netherlands", "▁as", "▁a", "▁successor", "▁to", "▁the", "▁ABC", "▁language", "▁(", "▁itself", "▁inspired", "▁by", "▁SET", "L", "▁)", "▁capable", "▁of", "▁exception", "▁handling", "▁and", "▁inter", "f", "acing", "▁with", "▁the", "▁operating", "▁system", "▁Am", "o", "eb", "a", "▁.", "▁Van", "▁Ros", "sum", "▁is", "▁Python", "▁'", "s", "▁principal", "▁author", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁continu", "ing", "▁central", "▁role", "▁in", "▁dec", "iding", "▁the", "▁direction", "▁of", 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"▁which", "▁early", "▁in", "▁its", "▁development", "▁was", "▁commonly", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁Python", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "0", "▁or", "▁py", "3", "k", "▁)", "▁,", "▁a", "▁major", "▁,", "▁backwards", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "compatible", "▁release", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁", "3", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁after", "▁a", "▁long", "▁period", "▁of", "▁testing", "▁.", "▁Many", "▁of", "▁its", "▁major", "▁features", "▁have", "▁been", "▁back", "port", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁backwards", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁compatible", "▁Python", "▁", "2", ".", "6", ".", "x", "▁and", "▁", "2", ".", "7", ".", "x", "▁version", "▁series", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Fe", "atures", "▁and", "▁philosophy", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Python", "▁is", "▁a", "▁multi", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁parad", "ig", "m", "▁programming", "▁language", "▁:", "▁object", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁orient", "ed", "▁programming", "▁and", "▁struct", "ured", "▁programming", "▁are", "▁fully", "▁supported", "▁,", "▁and", "▁many", "▁language", "▁features", "▁support", "▁functional", "▁programming", "▁and", "▁aspect", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁orient", "ed", "▁programming", "▁(", "▁including", "▁by", "▁met", "ap", "ro", "gram", "ming", "▁and", "▁meta", "objects", "▁(", "▁magic", "▁methods", "▁)", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Many", "▁other", "▁parad", "ig", "ms", "▁are", "▁supported", "▁via", "▁extensions", "▁,", "▁including", "▁design", "▁by", "▁contract", "▁and", "▁logic", "▁programming", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁uses", "▁dynamic", "▁typing", "▁and", "▁a", "▁mix", "▁of", "▁reference", "▁counting", "▁and", "▁a" ]
out of wedlock to Welles and actress Geraldine Fitzgerald , first met Welles when he was 15 and later worked on the 1960 stage play Chimes at Midnight . This was the only significant amount of time that the two spent together and afterwards Lindsay @-@ Hogg only saw Welles sporadically . Like Welles , Lindsay @-@ Hogg had two surrogate fathers in addition to his biological father . In the late 1950s when she was 16 , Welles 's eldest daughter Christopher Welles Feder cut off all ties with Welles under pressure from her mother , who disapproved of Welles 's influence on her . Welles and Feder later reconnected but their relationship never fully recovered . Welles 's youngest daughter Beatrice , who resembles her father as a young boy , appears in the film version of Chimes at Midnight . = Python ( programming language ) = Python is a widely used high @-@ level , general @-@ purpose , interpreted , dynamic programming language . Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability , and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than possible in languages such as C + + or Java . The language provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale . Python supports multiple programming paradigms , including object @-@ oriented , imperative and functional programming or procedural styles . It features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management and has a large and comprehensive standard library . Python interpreters are available for many operating systems , allowing Python code to run on a wide variety of systems . Using third @-@ party tools , such as Py2exe or Pyinstaller , Python code can be packaged into stand @-@ alone executable programs for some of the most popular operating systems , so Python @-@ based software can be distributed to , and used on , those environments with no need to install a Python interpreter . CPython , the reference implementation of Python , is free and open @-@ source software and has a community @-@ based development model , as do nearly all of its variant implementations . CPython is managed by the non @-@ profit Python Software Foundation . = = History = = Python was conceived in the late 1980s , and its implementation began in December 1989 by Guido van Rossum at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica ( CWI ) in the Netherlands as a successor to the ABC language ( itself inspired by SETL ) capable of exception handling and interfacing with the operating system Amoeba . Van Rossum is Python 's principal author , and his continuing central role in deciding the direction of Python is reflected in the title given to him by the Python community , benevolent dictator for life ( BDFL ) . About the origin of Python , Van Rossum wrote in 1996 : Over six years ago , in December 1989 , I was looking for a " hobby " programming project that would keep me occupied during the week around Christmas . My office ... would be closed , but I had a home computer , and not much else on my hands . I decided to write an interpreter for the new scripting language I had been thinking about lately : a descendant of ABC that would appeal to Unix / C hackers . I chose Python as a working title for the project , being in a slightly irreverent mood ( and a big fan of Monty Python 's Flying Circus ) . Python 2 @.@ 0 was released on 16 October 2000 and had many major new features , including a cycle @-@ detecting garbage collector and support for Unicode . With this release the development process was changed and became more transparent and community @-@ backed . Python 3 @.@ 0 ( which early in its development was commonly referred to as Python 3000 or py3k ) , a major , backwards @-@ incompatible release , was released on 3 December 2008 after a long period of testing . Many of its major features have been backported to the backwards @-@ compatible Python 2.6.x and 2.7.x version series . = = Features and philosophy = = Python is a multi @-@ paradigm programming language : object @-@ oriented programming and structured programming are fully supported , and many language features support functional programming and aspect @-@ oriented programming ( including by metaprogramming and metaobjects ( magic methods ) ) . Many other paradigms are supported via extensions , including design by contract and logic programming . Python uses dynamic typing and a mix of reference counting and a
[ "▁cycle", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁detect", "ing", "▁garbage", "▁collect", "or", "▁for", "▁memory", "▁management", "▁.", "▁An", "▁important", "▁feature", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁is", "▁dynamic", "▁name", "▁resolution", "▁(", "▁late", "▁binding", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁bind", "s", "▁method", "▁and", "▁variable", "▁names", "▁during", "▁program", "▁execution", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁design", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁offers", "▁some", "▁support", "▁for", "▁functional", "▁programming", "▁in", "▁the", "▁L", "isp", "▁tradition", "▁.", "▁The", "▁language", "▁has", "▁map", "▁(", "▁)", "▁,", "▁reduce", "▁(", "▁)", "▁and", "▁filter", "▁(", "▁)", "▁functions", "▁;", "▁list", "▁compreh", "ensions", "▁,", "▁diction", "aries", "▁,", "▁and", "▁sets", "▁;", "▁and", "▁generator", "▁expressions", "▁.", "▁The", "▁standard", "▁library", "▁has", "▁two", "▁modules", "▁(", "▁iter", "tools", "▁and", "▁fun", "ct", "ools", "▁)", "▁that", "▁implement", "▁functional", "▁tools", "▁borrow", "ed", "▁from", "▁H", "askell", "▁and", "▁Standard", "▁ML", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁core", "▁philosophy", "▁of", "▁the", "▁language", "▁is", "▁summar", "ized", "▁by", "▁the", "▁document", "▁The", "▁Z", "en", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁(", "▁P", "EP", "▁", "2", "0", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁includes", "▁a", "ph", "or", "isms", "▁such", "▁as", "▁:", "▁", "▁Beautiful", "▁is", "▁better", "▁than", "▁ugly", "▁", "▁Exp", "licit", "▁is", "▁better", "▁than", "▁implicit", "▁", "▁Simple", "▁is", "▁better", "▁than", "▁complex", "▁", "▁Complex", "▁is", "▁better", "▁than", "▁complicated", "▁", "▁Read", "ability", "▁counts", "▁", "▁R", "ather", "▁than", "▁requiring", "▁all", "▁desired", "▁functionality", "▁to", "▁be", "▁built", "▁into", "▁the", "▁language", "▁'", "s", "▁core", "▁,", "▁Python", "▁was", "▁designed", "▁to", "▁be", "▁highly", "▁extens", "ible", "▁.", "▁Python", "▁can", "▁also", "▁be", "▁embedded", "▁in", "▁existing", "▁applications", "▁that", "▁need", "▁a", "▁program", "m", "able", "▁interface", "▁.", "▁This", "▁design", "▁of", "▁a", 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"▁there", "▁is", "▁more", "▁than", "▁one", "▁way", "▁to", "▁do", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁approach", "▁to", "▁language", "▁design", "▁in", "▁favor", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁there", "▁should", "▁be", "▁one", "▁—", "▁and", "▁prefer", "ably", "▁only", "▁one", "▁—", "▁obvious", "▁way", "▁to", "▁do", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁'", "s", "▁developers", "▁st", "rive", "▁to", "▁avoid", "▁prem", "ature", "▁optimization", "▁,", "▁and", "▁moreover", "▁,", "▁reject", "▁patch", "es", "▁to", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁critical", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁C", "Python", "▁that", "▁would", "▁offer", "▁a", "▁marg", "inal", "▁increase", "▁in", "▁speed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁cost", "▁of", "▁clar", "ity", "▁.", "▁When", "▁speed", "▁is", "▁important", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Python", "▁programmer", "▁can", "▁move", "▁time", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁critical", "▁functions", "▁to", "▁extension", "▁modules", "▁written", "▁in", "▁languages", "▁such", "▁as", "▁C", "▁,", "▁or", "▁try", "▁using", "▁Py", "Py", "▁,", "▁a", "▁just", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁compiler", "▁.", "▁C", "ython", "▁is", "▁also", "▁available", "▁,", "▁which", "▁transl", "ates", "▁a", "▁Python", "▁script", "▁into", "▁C", "▁and", "▁makes", "▁direct", "▁C", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁level", "▁API", "▁calls", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Python", "▁interpreter", "▁.", "▁", "▁An", "▁important", "▁goal", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁'", "s", "▁developers", "▁is", "▁making", "▁it", "▁fun", "▁to", "▁use", "▁.", "▁This", "▁is", "▁reflected", "▁in", "▁the", "▁origin", "▁of", "▁the", "▁name", "▁,", "▁which", "▁comes", "▁from", "▁Mont", "y", "▁Python", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁an", "▁occasionally", "▁play", "ful", "▁approach", "▁to", "▁tutorials", "▁and", "▁reference", "▁materials", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁using", "▁examples", "▁that", "▁refer", "▁to", "▁sp", "am", "▁and", "▁eggs", "▁instead", "▁of", "▁the", "▁standard", "▁foo", "▁and", "▁bar", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁common", "▁ne", "olog", "ism", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Python", "▁community", "▁is", "▁python", "ic", "▁,", 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"▁,", "▁Python", "istas", "▁,", "▁and", "▁P", "yth", "one", "ers", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Syntax", "▁and", "▁semantics", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Python", "▁is", "▁intended", "▁to", "▁be", "▁a", "▁highly", "▁readable", "▁language", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁designed", "▁to", "▁have", "▁an", "▁un", "cl", "utter", "ed", "▁visual", "▁layout", "▁,", "▁often", "▁using", "▁English", "▁keywords", "▁where", "▁other", "▁languages", "▁use", "▁pun", "ctu", "ation", "▁.", "▁Further", "▁,", "▁Python", "▁has", "▁fewer", "▁s", "ynt", "actic", "▁exceptions", "▁and", "▁special", "▁cases", "▁than", "▁C", "▁or", "▁Pascal", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ind", "entation", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Python", "▁uses", "▁whitespace", "▁ind", "entation", "▁,", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁cur", "ly", "▁bra", "ces", "▁or", "▁keywords", "▁,", "▁to", "▁del", "imit", "▁blocks", "▁;", "▁this", "▁feature", "▁is", "▁also", "▁term", "ed", "▁the", "▁off", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁side", "▁rule", "▁.", "▁An", "▁increase", "▁in", "▁ind", "entation", "▁comes", "▁after", "▁certain", "▁statements", "▁;", "▁a", "▁decrease", "▁in", "▁ind", "entation", "▁sign", "ifies", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁current", "▁block", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Stat", "ements", "▁and", "▁control", "▁flow", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Python", "▁'", "s", "▁statements", "▁include", "▁(", "▁among", "▁others", "▁)", "▁:", "▁", "▁The", "▁assignment", "▁statement", "▁(", "▁token", "▁'", "▁=", "▁'", "▁,", "▁the", "▁equals", "▁sign", "▁)", "▁.", "▁This", "▁oper", "ates", "▁differently", "▁than", "▁in", "▁traditional", "▁imper", "ative", "▁programming", "▁languages", "▁,", "▁and", "▁this", "▁fundamental", "▁mechanism", "▁(", "▁including", "▁the", "▁nature", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁'", "s", "▁version", "▁of", "▁variables", "▁)", "▁ill", "umin", "ates", "▁many", "▁other", "▁features", "▁of", "▁the", "▁language", "▁.", "▁Ass", "ignment", "▁in", "▁C", "▁,", "▁e", ".", "g", ".", "▁,", "▁x", "▁", "▁=", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁transl", "ates", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁typed", "▁variable", "▁name", "▁x", "▁receives", "▁a", "▁copy", "▁of", "▁numeric", "▁value", "▁", "2", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁(", "▁right", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hand", "▁)", "▁value", "▁is", "▁copied", "▁into", "▁an", "▁allocated", "▁storage", "▁location", "▁for", "▁which", "▁the", "▁(", "▁left", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hand", "▁)", "▁variable", "▁name", "▁is", "▁the", "▁symbol", "ic", "▁address", "▁.", "▁The", "▁memory", "▁allocated", "▁to", "▁the", "▁variable", "▁is", "▁large", "▁enough", "▁(", "▁potentially", "▁quite", "▁large", "▁)", "▁for", "▁the", "▁declared", "▁type", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁simplest", "▁case", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁assignment", "▁,", "▁using", "▁the", "▁same", "▁example", "▁,", "▁x", "▁=", "▁", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁transl", "ates", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁generic", "▁)", "▁name", "▁x", "▁receives", "▁a", "▁reference", "▁to", "▁a", "▁separate", "▁,", "▁dynamically", "▁allocated", "▁object" ]
cycle @-@ detecting garbage collector for memory management . An important feature of Python is dynamic name resolution ( late binding ) , which binds method and variable names during program execution . The design of Python offers some support for functional programming in the Lisp tradition . The language has map ( ) , reduce ( ) and filter ( ) functions ; list comprehensions , dictionaries , and sets ; and generator expressions . The standard library has two modules ( itertools and functools ) that implement functional tools borrowed from Haskell and Standard ML . The core philosophy of the language is summarized by the document The Zen of Python ( PEP 20 ) , which includes aphorisms such as : Beautiful is better than ugly Explicit is better than implicit Simple is better than complex Complex is better than complicated Readability counts Rather than requiring all desired functionality to be built into the language 's core , Python was designed to be highly extensible . Python can also be embedded in existing applications that need a programmable interface . This design of a small core language with a large standard library and an easily extensible interpreter was intended by Van Rossum from the start because of his frustrations with ABC , which espoused the opposite mindset . While offering choice in coding methodology , the Python philosophy rejects exuberant syntax , such as in Perl , in favor of a sparser , less @-@ cluttered grammar . As Alex Martelli put it : " To describe something as clever is not considered a compliment in the Python culture . " Python 's philosophy rejects the Perl " there is more than one way to do it " approach to language design in favor of " there should be one — and preferably only one — obvious way to do it " . Python 's developers strive to avoid premature optimization , and moreover , reject patches to non @-@ critical parts of CPython that would offer a marginal increase in speed at the cost of clarity . When speed is important , a Python programmer can move time @-@ critical functions to extension modules written in languages such as C , or try using PyPy , a just @-@ in @-@ time compiler . Cython is also available , which translates a Python script into C and makes direct C @-@ level API calls into the Python interpreter . An important goal of Python 's developers is making it fun to use . This is reflected in the origin of the name , which comes from Monty Python , and in an occasionally playful approach to tutorials and reference materials , such as using examples that refer to spam and eggs instead of the standard foo and bar . A common neologism in the Python community is pythonic , which can have a wide range of meanings related to program style . To say that code is pythonic is to say that it uses Python idioms well , that it is natural or shows fluency in the language , that it conforms with Python 's minimalist philosophy and emphasis on readability . In contrast , code that is difficult to understand or reads like a rough transcription from another programming language is called unpythonic . Users and admirers of Python , especially those considered knowledgeable or experienced , are often referred to as Pythonists , Pythonistas , and Pythoneers . = = Syntax and semantics = = Python is intended to be a highly readable language . It is designed to have an uncluttered visual layout , often using English keywords where other languages use punctuation . Further , Python has fewer syntactic exceptions and special cases than C or Pascal . = = = Indentation = = = Python uses whitespace indentation , rather than curly braces or keywords , to delimit blocks ; this feature is also termed the off @-@ side rule . An increase in indentation comes after certain statements ; a decrease in indentation signifies the end of the current block . = = = Statements and control flow = = = Python 's statements include ( among others ) : The assignment statement ( token ' = ' , the equals sign ) . This operates differently than in traditional imperative programming languages , and this fundamental mechanism ( including the nature of Python 's version of variables ) illuminates many other features of the language . Assignment in C , e.g. , x = 2 , translates to " typed variable name x receives a copy of numeric value 2 " . The ( right @-@ hand ) value is copied into an allocated storage location for which the ( left @-@ hand ) variable name is the symbolic address . The memory allocated to the variable is large enough ( potentially quite large ) for the declared type . In the simplest case of Python assignment , using the same example , x = 2 , translates to " ( generic ) name x receives a reference to a separate , dynamically allocated object
[ "▁of", "▁numeric", "▁(", "▁int", "▁)", "▁type", "▁of", "▁value", "▁", "2", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁This", "▁is", "▁term", "ed", "▁binding", "▁the", "▁name", "▁to", "▁the", "▁object", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁the", "▁name", "▁'", "s", "▁storage", "▁location", "▁doesn", "▁'", "t", "▁contain", "▁the", "▁indicated", "▁value", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁impro", "per", "▁to", "▁call", "▁it", "▁a", "▁variable", "▁.", "▁Names", "▁may", "▁be", "▁subsequently", "▁re", "bound", "▁at", "▁any", "▁time", "▁to", "▁objects", "▁of", "▁greatly", "▁varying", "▁types", "▁,", "▁including", "▁strings", "▁,", "▁procedures", "▁,", "▁complex", "▁objects", "▁with", "▁data", "▁and", "▁methods", "▁,", "▁etc", "▁.", "▁Success", "ive", "▁assign", "ments", "▁of", "▁a", "▁common", "▁value", "▁to", "▁multiple", "▁names", "▁,", "▁e", ".", "g", ".", "▁,", "▁x", "▁", "▁=", "▁", "2", "▁;", "▁y", "▁=", "▁", "▁", "2", "▁;", "▁z", "▁=", "▁", "2", "▁result", "▁in", "▁alloc", "ating", "▁storage", "▁to", "▁(", "▁at", "▁most", "▁)", "▁three", "▁names", "▁and", "▁one", "▁numeric", "▁object", "▁,", "▁to", "▁which", "▁all", "▁three", "▁names", "▁are", "▁bound", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁a", "▁name", "▁is", "▁a", "▁generic", "▁reference", "▁holder", "▁it", "▁is", "▁un", "reason", "able", "▁to", "▁associate", "▁a", "▁fixed", "▁data", "▁type", "▁with", "▁it", "▁.", "▁However", "▁at", "▁a", "▁given", "▁time", "▁a", "▁name", "▁will", "▁be", "▁bound", "▁to", "▁some", "▁object", "▁,", "▁which", "▁will", "▁have", "▁a", "▁type", "▁;", "▁thus", "▁there", "▁is", "▁dynamic", "▁typing", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁if", "▁statement", "▁,", "▁which", "▁condition", "ally", "▁executes", "▁a", "▁block", "▁of", "▁code", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁else", "▁and", "▁elif", "▁(", "▁a", "▁contra", "ction", "▁of", "▁else", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁if", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁for", "▁statement", "▁,", "▁which", "▁iter", "ates", "▁over", "▁an", "▁iter", "able", "▁object", "▁,", "▁capt", "uring", "▁each", "▁element", "▁to", "▁a", "▁local", "▁variable", "▁for", "▁use", "▁by", "▁the", "▁attached", "▁block", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁while", "▁statement", "▁,", "▁which", "▁executes", "▁a", "▁block", "▁of", "▁code", "▁as", "▁long", "▁as", "▁its", "▁condition", "▁is", "▁true", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁try", "▁statement", "▁,", "▁which", "▁allows", "▁exceptions", "▁raised", "▁in", "▁its", "▁attached", "▁code", "▁block", "▁to", "▁be", "▁caught", "▁and", "▁handled", "▁by", "▁except", "▁cla", "uses", "▁;", "▁it", "▁also", "▁ens", "ures", "▁that", "▁clean", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁code", "▁in", "▁a", "▁finally", "▁block", "▁will", "▁always", "▁be", "▁run", "▁regardless", "▁of", "▁how", "▁the", "▁block", "▁ex", "its", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁class", "▁statement", "▁,", "▁which", "▁executes", "▁a", "▁block", "▁of", "▁code", "▁and", "▁attach", "es", "▁its", "▁local", "▁namespace", "▁to", "▁a", "▁class", "▁,", "▁for", "▁use", "▁in", "▁object", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁orient", "ed", "▁programming", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁def", "▁statement", "▁,", "▁which", "▁defines", "▁a", "▁function", "▁or", "▁method", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁with", "▁statement", "▁(", "▁from", "▁Python", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁en", "clos", "es", "▁a", "▁code", "▁block", "▁within", "▁a", "▁context", "▁manager", "▁(", "▁for", "▁example", "▁,", "▁acqu", "iring", "▁a", "▁lock", "▁before", "▁the", "▁block", "▁of", "▁code", "▁is", "▁run", "▁and", "▁re", "le", "asing", "▁the", "▁lock", "▁afterwards", "▁,", "▁or", "▁opening", "▁a", "▁file", "▁and", "▁then", "▁closing", "▁it", "▁)", "▁,", "▁allowing", "▁Resource", "▁Ac", "quisition", "▁Is", "▁Initial", "ization", "▁(", "▁RA", "II", "▁)", "▁-", "like", "▁behavior", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁pass", "▁statement", "▁,", "▁which", "▁serves", "▁as", "▁a", "▁N", "OP", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁s", "ynt", "act", "ically", "▁needed", "▁to", "▁create", "▁an", "▁empty", "▁code", "▁block", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁assert", "▁statement", "▁,", "▁used", "▁during", "▁debugging", "▁to", "▁check", "▁for", "▁conditions", "▁that", "▁ought", "▁to", "▁apply", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁yield", "▁statement", "▁,", "▁which", "▁returns", "▁a", "▁value", "▁from", "▁a", "▁generator", "▁function", "▁.", "▁From", "▁Python", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁yield", "▁is", "▁also", "▁an", "▁operator", "▁.", "▁This", "▁form", "▁is", "▁used", "▁to", "▁implement", "▁cor", "out", "ines", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁import", "▁statement", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁used", "▁to", "▁import", "▁modules", "▁whose", "▁functions", "▁or", "▁variables", "▁can", "▁be", "▁used", "▁in", "▁the", "▁current", "▁program", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁print", "▁statement", "▁was", "▁changed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁print", "▁(", "▁)", "▁function", "▁in", "▁Python", "▁", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁does", "▁not", "▁support", "▁tail", "▁call", "▁optimization", "▁or", "▁first", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁class", "▁continu", "ations", "▁,", "▁and", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁Gu", "ido", "▁van", "▁Ros", "sum", "▁,", "▁it", "▁never", "▁will", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁better", "▁support", "▁for", "▁cor", "out", "ine", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁like", "▁functionality", "▁is", "▁provided", "▁in", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁by", "▁extending", "▁Python", "▁'", "s", "▁gener", "ators", "▁.", "▁Before", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁gener", "ators", "▁were", "▁lazy", "▁iter", "ators", "▁;", "▁information", "▁was", "▁passed", "▁un", "id", "irection", "ally", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁generator", "▁.", "▁As", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁possible", "▁to", "▁pass", "▁information", "▁back", "▁into", "▁a", "▁generator", "▁function", "▁,", "▁and", "▁as", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁information", "▁can", "▁be", "▁passed", "▁through", "▁multiple", "▁stack", "▁levels", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Express", "ions", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Some", "▁Python", "▁expressions", "▁are", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁languages", "▁such", "▁as", "▁C", "▁and", "▁Java", "▁,", "▁while", "▁some", "▁are", "▁not", "▁:", "▁", "▁Add", "ition", "▁,", "▁sub", "tra", "ction", "▁,", "▁and", "▁multiplication", "▁are", "▁the", "▁same", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁behavior", "▁of", "▁division", "▁diff", "ers", "▁(", "▁see", "▁Mathemat", "ics", "▁for", "▁details", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Python", "▁also", "▁added", "▁the", "▁*", "▁*", "▁operator", "▁for", "▁exponent", "iation", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁it", "▁supports", "▁matrix", "▁multiplication", "▁directly", "▁with", "▁the", "▁@", "▁operator", "▁,", "▁versus", "▁C", "▁and", "▁Java", "▁,", "▁which", "▁implement", "▁these", "▁as", "▁library", "▁functions", "▁.", "▁Ear", "lier", "▁versions", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁also", "▁used", "▁methods", "▁instead", "▁of", "▁an", "▁inf", "ix", "▁operator", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁Python", "▁,", "▁=", "▁=", "▁comp", "ares", "▁by", "▁value", "▁,", "▁versus", "▁Java", "▁,", "▁which", "▁comp", "ares", "▁numer", "ics", "▁by", "▁value", "▁and", "▁objects", "▁by", "▁reference", "▁.", "▁(", "▁Value", "▁compar", "isons", "▁in", "▁Java", "▁on", "▁objects", "▁can", "▁be", "▁performed", "▁with", "▁the", "▁equals", "▁(", "▁)", "▁method", "▁.", "▁)", "▁Python", "▁'", "s", "▁is", "▁operator", "▁may", "▁be", "▁used", "▁to", "▁compare", "▁object", "▁ident", "ities", "▁(", "▁comparison", "▁by", "▁reference", "▁)", "▁.", "▁In", "▁Python", "▁,", "▁compar", "isons", "▁may", "▁be", "▁ch", "ained", "▁,", "▁for", "▁example", "▁a", "▁<", "▁=", "▁b", "▁<", "▁", "▁=", "▁c", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁uses", "▁the", "▁words", "▁and", "▁,", "▁or", "▁,", "▁not", "▁for", "▁its", "▁boolean", "▁operators", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁the", "▁symbol", "ic", "▁&", "▁&", "▁,", "▁|", "▁|", "▁,", "▁!", "▁used", "▁in", "▁Java", "▁and", "▁C", ".", "▁", "▁Python", "▁has", "▁a", "▁type", "▁of", "▁expression", "▁term", "ed", "▁a", "▁list", "▁compreh", "ension", "▁.", "▁Python", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁extended", "▁list", "▁compreh", "ensions", "▁into", "▁a", "▁more", "▁general", "▁expression", "▁term", "ed", "▁a", "▁generator", "▁expression", "▁.", "▁", "▁An", "onymous", "▁functions", "▁are", "▁implemented", "▁using", "▁lambda", "▁expressions", "▁;", "▁however", "▁,", "▁these", "▁are", "▁limited", "▁in", "▁that", "▁the", "▁body", "▁can", "▁only", "▁be", "▁one", "▁expression", "▁.", "▁", "▁Cond", "itional", "▁expressions", "▁in", "▁Python", "▁are", "▁written", "▁as", "▁x", "▁if", "▁c", "▁else", "▁y", "▁(", "▁different", "▁in", "▁order", "▁of", "▁oper", "ands", "▁from", "▁the", "▁c", "▁?", "▁x", "▁:", "▁y", "▁operator", "▁common", "▁to", "▁many", "▁other", "▁languages", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁makes", "▁a", "▁distinction", "▁between", "▁lists", "▁and" ]
of numeric ( int ) type of value 2 . " This is termed binding the name to the object . Since the name 's storage location doesn 't contain the indicated value , it is improper to call it a variable . Names may be subsequently rebound at any time to objects of greatly varying types , including strings , procedures , complex objects with data and methods , etc . Successive assignments of a common value to multiple names , e.g. , x = 2 ; y = 2 ; z = 2 result in allocating storage to ( at most ) three names and one numeric object , to which all three names are bound . Since a name is a generic reference holder it is unreasonable to associate a fixed data type with it . However at a given time a name will be bound to some object , which will have a type ; thus there is dynamic typing . The if statement , which conditionally executes a block of code , along with else and elif ( a contraction of else @-@ if ) . The for statement , which iterates over an iterable object , capturing each element to a local variable for use by the attached block . The while statement , which executes a block of code as long as its condition is true . The try statement , which allows exceptions raised in its attached code block to be caught and handled by except clauses ; it also ensures that clean @-@ up code in a finally block will always be run regardless of how the block exits . The class statement , which executes a block of code and attaches its local namespace to a class , for use in object @-@ oriented programming . The def statement , which defines a function or method . The with statement ( from Python 2 @.@ 5 ) , which encloses a code block within a context manager ( for example , acquiring a lock before the block of code is run and releasing the lock afterwards , or opening a file and then closing it ) , allowing Resource Acquisition Is Initialization ( RAII ) -like behavior . The pass statement , which serves as a NOP . It is syntactically needed to create an empty code block . The assert statement , used during debugging to check for conditions that ought to apply . The yield statement , which returns a value from a generator function . From Python 2 @.@ 5 , yield is also an operator . This form is used to implement coroutines . The import statement , which is used to import modules whose functions or variables can be used in the current program . The print statement was changed to the print ( ) function in Python 3 . Python does not support tail call optimization or first @-@ class continuations , and , according to Guido van Rossum , it never will . However , better support for coroutine @-@ like functionality is provided in 2 @.@ 5 , by extending Python 's generators . Before 2 @.@ 5 , generators were lazy iterators ; information was passed unidirectionally out of the generator . As of Python 2 @.@ 5 , it is possible to pass information back into a generator function , and as of Python 3 @.@ 3 , the information can be passed through multiple stack levels . = = = Expressions = = = Some Python expressions are similar to languages such as C and Java , while some are not : Addition , subtraction , and multiplication are the same , but the behavior of division differs ( see Mathematics for details ) . Python also added the * * operator for exponentiation . As of Python 3 @.@ 5 , it supports matrix multiplication directly with the @ operator , versus C and Java , which implement these as library functions . Earlier versions of Python also used methods instead of an infix operator . In Python , = = compares by value , versus Java , which compares numerics by value and objects by reference . ( Value comparisons in Java on objects can be performed with the equals ( ) method . ) Python 's is operator may be used to compare object identities ( comparison by reference ) . In Python , comparisons may be chained , for example a < = b < = c . Python uses the words and , or , not for its boolean operators rather than the symbolic & & , | | , ! used in Java and C. Python has a type of expression termed a list comprehension . Python 2 @.@ 4 extended list comprehensions into a more general expression termed a generator expression . Anonymous functions are implemented using lambda expressions ; however , these are limited in that the body can only be one expression . Conditional expressions in Python are written as x if c else y ( different in order of operands from the c ? x : y operator common to many other languages ) . Python makes a distinction between lists and
[ "▁tu", "ples", "▁.", "▁List", "s", "▁are", "▁written", "▁as", "▁[", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁", "3", "▁]", "▁,", "▁are", "▁mutable", "▁,", "▁and", "▁cannot", "▁be", "▁used", "▁as", "▁the", "▁keys", "▁of", "▁diction", "aries", "▁(", "▁dictionary", "▁keys", "▁must", "▁be", "▁imm", "utable", "▁in", "▁Python", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Tu", "ples", "▁are", "▁written", "▁as", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁", "3", "▁)", "▁,", "▁are", "▁imm", "utable", "▁and", "▁thus", "▁can", "▁be", "▁used", "▁as", "▁the", "▁keys", "▁of", "▁diction", "aries", "▁,", "▁provided", "▁all", "▁elements", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tuple", "▁are", "▁imm", "utable", "▁.", "▁The", "▁parentheses", "▁around", "▁the", "▁tuple", "▁are", "▁optional", "▁in", "▁some", "▁context", "s", "▁.", "▁Tu", "ples", "▁can", "▁appear", "▁on", "▁the", "▁left", "▁side", "▁of", "▁an", "▁equal", "▁sign", "▁;", "▁hence", "▁a", "▁statement", "▁like", "▁x", "▁,", "▁y", "▁=", "▁", "▁y", "▁,", "▁x", "▁can", "▁be", "▁used", "▁to", "▁swap", "▁two", "▁variables", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁has", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁string", "▁format", "▁\"", "▁operator", "▁%", "▁.", "▁This", "▁functions", "▁analog", "ous", "▁to", "▁printf", "▁format", "▁strings", "▁in", "▁C", "▁,", "▁e", ".", "g", ".", "▁\"", "▁sp", "am", "▁=", "▁%", "▁s", "▁eggs", "▁=", "▁%", "▁d", "▁\"", "▁%", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁blah", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁", "2", "▁)", "▁evalu", "ates", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁sp", "am", "▁=", "▁blah", "▁eggs", "▁=", "▁", "2", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁Python", "▁", "3", "▁and", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "▁+", "▁,", "▁this", "▁was", "▁supp", "lement", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁format", "▁(", "▁)", "▁method", "▁of", "▁the", "▁str", "▁class", "▁,", "▁e", ".", "g", ".", "▁\"", "▁sp", "am", "▁=", "▁{", "▁", "0", "▁}", "▁eggs", "▁=", "▁{", "▁", "1", "▁}", "▁\"", "▁.", "format", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁blah", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁", "2", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁has", "▁various", "▁kinds", "▁of", "▁string", "▁liter", "als", "▁:", "▁", "▁Str", "ings", "▁del", "im", "ited", "▁by", "▁single", "▁or", "▁double", "▁quote", "▁marks", "▁.", "▁Un", "like", "▁in", "▁Unix", "▁shell", "s", "▁,", "▁Perl", "▁and", "▁Perl", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁influenced", "▁languages", "▁,", "▁single", "▁quote", "▁marks", "▁and", "▁double", "▁quote", "▁marks", "▁function", "▁ident", "ically", "▁.", "▁Both", "▁kinds", "▁of", "▁string", "▁use", "▁the", "▁back", "slash", "▁(", "▁\\", "▁)", "▁as", "▁an", "▁escape", "▁character", "▁and", "▁there", "▁is", "▁no", "▁implicit", "▁string", "▁interpolation", "▁such", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁$", "▁sp", "am", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Tri", "ple", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁quoted", "▁strings", "▁,", "▁which", "▁begin", "▁and", "▁end", "▁with", "▁a", "▁series", "▁of", "▁three", "▁single", "▁or", "▁double", "▁quote", "▁marks", "▁.", "▁They", "▁may", "▁span", "▁multiple", "▁lines", "▁and", "▁function", "▁like", "▁here", "▁documents", "▁in", "▁shell", "s", "▁,", "▁Perl", "▁and", "▁Ruby", "▁.", "▁", "▁Raw", "▁string", "▁vari", "eties", "▁,", "▁denoted", "▁by", "▁prefix", "ing", "▁the", "▁string", "▁literal", "▁with", "▁an", "▁r", "▁.", "▁No", "▁escape", "▁sequences", "▁are", "▁interpreted", "▁;", "▁hence", "▁raw", "▁strings", "▁are", "▁useful", "▁where", "▁literal", "▁back", "slash", "es", "▁are", "▁common", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁regular", "▁expressions", "▁and", "▁Windows", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁style", "▁paths", "▁.", "▁Comp", "are", "▁\"", "▁@", "▁-", "qu", "oting", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁C", "▁#", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁has", "▁array", "▁index", "▁and", "▁array", "▁s", "lic", "ing", "▁expressions", "▁on", "▁lists", "▁,", "▁denoted", "▁as", "▁a", "▁[", "▁key", "▁]", "▁,", "▁a", "▁[", "▁start", "▁:", "▁stop", "▁]", "▁or", "▁a", "▁[", "▁start", "▁:", "▁stop", "▁:", "▁step", "▁]", "▁.", "▁Index", "es", "▁are", "▁zero", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁,", "▁and", "▁negative", "▁indexes", "▁are", "▁relative", "▁to", "▁the", "▁end", "▁.", "▁S", "lices", "▁take", "▁elements", "▁from", "▁the", "▁start", "▁index", "▁up", "▁to", "▁,", "▁but", "▁not", "▁including", "▁,", "▁the", "▁stop", "▁index", "▁.", "▁The", "▁third", "▁slice", "▁parameter", "▁,", "▁called", "▁step", "▁or", "▁st", "ride", "▁,", "▁allows", "▁elements", "▁to", "▁be", "▁ski", "pped", "▁and", "▁revers", "ed", "▁.", "▁S", "lice", "▁indexes", "▁may", "▁be", "▁omitted", "▁,", "▁for", "▁example", "▁a", "▁[", "▁:", "▁]", "▁returns", "▁a", "▁copy", "▁of", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁list", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁element", "▁of", "▁a", "▁slice", "▁is", "▁a", "▁shall", "ow", "▁copy", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁Python", "▁,", "▁a", "▁distinction", "▁between", "▁expressions", "▁and", "▁statements", "▁is", "▁rig", "id", "ly", "▁enfor", "ced", "▁,", "▁in", "▁contrast", "▁to", "▁languages", "▁such", "▁as", "▁Common", "▁L", "isp", "▁,", "▁Sch", "eme", "▁,", "▁or", "▁Ruby", "▁.", "▁This", "▁leads", "▁to", "▁dup", "lic", "ating", "▁some", "▁functionality", "▁.", "▁For", "▁example", "▁:", "▁", "▁List", "▁compreh", "ensions", "▁vs", ".", "▁for", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁loops", "▁", "▁Cond", "itional", "▁expressions", "▁vs", ".", "▁if", "▁blocks", "▁", "▁The", "▁eval", "▁(", "▁)", "▁vs", ".", "▁exec", "▁(", "▁)", "▁built", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁functions", "▁(", "▁in", "▁Python", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁exec", "▁is", "▁a", "▁statement", "▁)", "▁;", "▁the", "▁former", "▁is", "▁for", "▁expressions", "▁,", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁is", "▁for", "▁statements", "▁.", "▁", "▁Stat", "ements", "▁cannot", "▁be", "▁a", "▁part", "▁of", "▁an", "▁expression", "▁,", "▁so", "▁list", "▁and", "▁other", "▁compreh", "ensions", "▁or", "▁lambda", "▁expressions", "▁,", "▁all", "▁being", "▁expressions", "▁,", "▁cannot", "▁contain", "▁statements", "▁.", "▁A", "▁particular", "▁case", "▁of", "▁this", "▁is", "▁that", "▁an", "▁assignment", "▁statement", "▁such", "▁as", "▁a", "▁", "▁=", "▁", "1", "▁cannot", "▁form", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁conditional", "▁expression", "▁of", "▁a", "▁conditional", "▁statement", "▁.", "▁This", "▁has", "▁the", "▁advantage", "▁of", "▁avoid", "ing", "▁a", "▁classic", "▁C", "▁error", "▁of", "▁mist", "aking", "▁an", "▁assignment", "▁operator", "▁=", "▁", "▁for", "▁an", "▁equality", "▁operator", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁in", "▁conditions", "▁:", "▁if", "▁(", "▁c", "▁=", "▁", "▁", "1", "▁)", "▁{", "▁...", "▁}", "▁is", "▁valid", "▁C", "▁code", "▁but", "▁if", "▁c", "▁=", "▁", "1", "▁:", "▁...", "▁causes", "▁a", "▁syntax", "▁error", "▁in", "▁Python", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Method", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Method", "s", "▁on", "▁objects", "▁are", "▁functions", "▁attached", "▁to", "▁the", "▁object", "▁'", "s", "▁class", "▁;", "▁the", "▁syntax", "▁instance", ".", "method", "▁(", "▁argument", "▁)", "▁is", "▁,", "▁for", "▁normal", "▁methods", "▁and", "▁functions", "▁,", "▁s", "ynt", "actic", "▁sugar", "▁for", "▁Class", ".", "method", "▁(", "▁instance", "▁,", "▁argument", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Python", "▁methods", "▁have", "▁an", "▁explicit", "▁self", "▁parameter", "▁to", "▁access", "▁instance", "▁data", "▁,", "▁in", "▁contrast", "▁to", "▁the", "▁implicit", "▁self", "▁(", "▁or", "▁this", "▁)", "▁in", "▁some", "▁other", "▁object", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁orient", "ed", "▁programming", "▁languages", "▁(", "▁e", ".", "g", ".", "▁,", "▁C", "▁+", "▁+", "▁,", "▁Java", "▁,", "▁Object", "ive", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁C", "▁,", "▁or", "▁Ruby", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Typ", "ing", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Python", "▁uses", "▁du", "ck", "▁typing", "▁and", "▁has", "▁typed", "▁objects", "▁but", "▁un", "ty", "ped", "▁variable", "▁names", "▁.", "▁Type", "▁constraints", "▁are", "▁not", "▁checked", "▁at", "▁compile", "▁time", "▁;", "▁rather", "▁,", "▁operations", "▁on", "▁an", "▁object", "▁may", "▁fail", "▁,", "▁sign", "ifying", "▁that", "▁the", "▁given", "▁object", "▁is", "▁not", "▁of", "▁a", "▁suitable", "▁type", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁being", "▁dynamically", "▁typed", "▁,", "▁Python", "▁is", "▁strongly", "▁typed", "▁,", "▁forb", "idd", "ing", "▁operations", "▁that", "▁are", "▁not", "▁well", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁defined", "▁(", "▁for", "▁example", "▁,", "▁adding", "▁a", "▁number", "▁to", "▁a", "▁string", "▁)", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁sil", "ently", "▁attempting", "▁to", "▁make", "▁sense", "▁of", "▁them", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁allows", "▁program", "mers", "▁to", "▁define", "▁their", "▁own", "▁types", "▁using", "▁classes", "▁,", "▁which", "▁are", "▁most", "▁often", "▁used", "▁for", "▁object", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁orient", "ed", "▁programming", "▁.", "▁New", "▁instances", "▁of", "▁classes", "▁are", "▁constructed", "▁by", "▁calling" ]
tuples . Lists are written as [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] , are mutable , and cannot be used as the keys of dictionaries ( dictionary keys must be immutable in Python ) . Tuples are written as ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) , are immutable and thus can be used as the keys of dictionaries , provided all elements of the tuple are immutable . The parentheses around the tuple are optional in some contexts . Tuples can appear on the left side of an equal sign ; hence a statement like x , y = y , x can be used to swap two variables . Python has a " string format " operator % . This functions analogous to printf format strings in C , e.g. " spam = % s eggs = % d " % ( " blah " , 2 ) evaluates to " spam = blah eggs = 2 " . In Python 3 and 2 @.@ 6 + , this was supplemented by the format ( ) method of the str class , e.g. " spam = { 0 } eggs = { 1 } " .format ( " blah " , 2 ) . Python has various kinds of string literals : Strings delimited by single or double quote marks . Unlike in Unix shells , Perl and Perl @-@ influenced languages , single quote marks and double quote marks function identically . Both kinds of string use the backslash ( \ ) as an escape character and there is no implicit string interpolation such as " $ spam " . Triple @-@ quoted strings , which begin and end with a series of three single or double quote marks . They may span multiple lines and function like here documents in shells , Perl and Ruby . Raw string varieties , denoted by prefixing the string literal with an r . No escape sequences are interpreted ; hence raw strings are useful where literal backslashes are common , such as regular expressions and Windows @-@ style paths . Compare " @ -quoting " in C # . Python has array index and array slicing expressions on lists , denoted as a [ key ] , a [ start : stop ] or a [ start : stop : step ] . Indexes are zero @-@ based , and negative indexes are relative to the end . Slices take elements from the start index up to , but not including , the stop index . The third slice parameter , called step or stride , allows elements to be skipped and reversed . Slice indexes may be omitted , for example a [ : ] returns a copy of the entire list . Each element of a slice is a shallow copy . In Python , a distinction between expressions and statements is rigidly enforced , in contrast to languages such as Common Lisp , Scheme , or Ruby . This leads to duplicating some functionality . For example : List comprehensions vs. for @-@ loops Conditional expressions vs. if blocks The eval ( ) vs. exec ( ) built @-@ in functions ( in Python 2 , exec is a statement ) ; the former is for expressions , the latter is for statements . Statements cannot be a part of an expression , so list and other comprehensions or lambda expressions , all being expressions , cannot contain statements . A particular case of this is that an assignment statement such as a = 1 cannot form part of the conditional expression of a conditional statement . This has the advantage of avoiding a classic C error of mistaking an assignment operator = for an equality operator = = in conditions : if ( c = 1 ) { ... } is valid C code but if c = 1 : ... causes a syntax error in Python . = = = Methods = = = Methods on objects are functions attached to the object 's class ; the syntax instance.method ( argument ) is , for normal methods and functions , syntactic sugar for Class.method ( instance , argument ) . Python methods have an explicit self parameter to access instance data , in contrast to the implicit self ( or this ) in some other object @-@ oriented programming languages ( e.g. , C + + , Java , Objective @-@ C , or Ruby ) . = = = Typing = = = Python uses duck typing and has typed objects but untyped variable names . Type constraints are not checked at compile time ; rather , operations on an object may fail , signifying that the given object is not of a suitable type . Despite being dynamically typed , Python is strongly typed , forbidding operations that are not well @-@ defined ( for example , adding a number to a string ) rather than silently attempting to make sense of them . Python allows programmers to define their own types using classes , which are most often used for object @-@ oriented programming . New instances of classes are constructed by calling
[ "▁the", "▁class", "▁(", "▁for", "▁example", "▁,", "▁Sp", "am", "Class", "▁(", "▁)", "▁or", "▁E", "gg", "s", "Class", "▁(", "▁)", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁classes", "▁are", "▁instances", "▁of", "▁the", "▁met", "ac", "lass", "▁type", "▁(", "▁itself", "▁an", "▁instance", "▁of", "▁itself", "▁)", "▁,", "▁allowing", "▁met", "ap", "ro", "gram", "ming", "▁and", "▁reflection", "▁.", "▁", "▁Before", "▁version", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁,", "▁Python", "▁had", "▁two", "▁kinds", "▁of", "▁classes", "▁:", "▁old", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁style", "▁and", "▁new", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁style", "▁.", "▁Old", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁style", "▁classes", "▁were", "▁elimin", "ated", "▁in", "▁Python", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁,", "▁making", "▁all", "▁classes", "▁new", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁style", "▁.", "▁In", "▁versions", "▁between", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁and", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁,", "▁both", "▁kinds", "▁of", "▁classes", "▁could", "▁be", "▁used", "▁.", "▁The", "▁syntax", "▁of", "▁both", "▁styles", "▁is", "▁the", "▁same", "▁,", "▁the", "▁difference", "▁being", "▁whether", "▁the", "▁class", "▁object", "▁is", "▁inherited", "▁from", "▁,", "▁directly", "▁or", "▁indirect", "ly", "▁(", "▁all", "▁new", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁style", "▁classes", "▁inherit", "▁from", "▁object", "▁and", "▁are", "▁instances", "▁of", "▁type", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Mathemat", "ics", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Python", "▁has", "▁the", "▁usual", "▁C", "▁arithmetic", "▁operators", "▁(", "▁+", "▁,", "▁-", "▁,", "▁*", "▁,", "▁/", "▁,", "▁%", "▁)", "▁.", "▁It", "▁also", "▁has", "▁*", "▁*", "▁for", "▁exponent", "iation", "▁,", "▁e", ".", "g", ".", "▁", "5", "▁*", "▁*", "▁", "3", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "1", "2", "5", "▁and", "▁", "9", "▁*", "▁*", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁new", "▁matrix", "▁multiply", "▁@", "▁operator", "▁is", "▁included", "▁in", "▁version", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁behavior", "▁of", "▁division", "▁has", "▁changed", "▁significantly", "▁over", "▁time", "▁:", "▁", "▁Python", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁and", "▁earlier", "▁use", "▁the", "▁C", "▁division", "▁behavior", "▁.", "▁The", "▁/", "▁operator", "▁is", "▁integer", "▁division", "▁if", "▁both", "▁oper", "ands", "▁are", "▁integers", "▁,", "▁and", "▁floating", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁point", "▁division", "▁otherwise", "▁.", "▁Integer", "▁division", "▁r", "ounds", "▁towards", "▁", "0", "▁,", "▁e", ".", "g", ".", "▁", "7", "▁/", "▁", "3", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "2", "▁and", "▁-", "7", "▁/", "▁", "3", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁-", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁changes", "▁integer", "▁division", "▁to", "▁round", "▁towards", "▁negative", "▁infinity", "▁,", "▁e", ".", "g", ".", "▁", "7", "▁/", "▁", "3", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "2", "▁and", "▁-", "7", "▁/", "▁", "3", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁-", "3", "▁.", "▁The", "▁floor", "▁division", "▁/", "▁/", "▁operator", "▁is", "▁introduced", "▁.", "▁So", "▁", "7", "▁/", "▁/", "▁", "3", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁-", "7", "▁/", "▁/", "▁", "3", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁-", "3", "▁,", "▁", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁/", "▁/", "▁", "3", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁and", "▁-", "7", ".", "5", "▁/", "▁/", "▁", "3", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁-", "3", ".", "0", "▁.", "▁Adding", "▁from", "▁_", "▁_", "▁future", "▁_", "▁_", "▁import", "▁division", "▁causes", "▁a", "▁module", "▁to", "▁use", "▁Python", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁rules", "▁for", "▁division", "▁(", "▁see", "▁next", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁changes", "▁/", "▁to", "▁be", "▁always", "▁floating", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁point", "▁division", "▁.", "▁In", "▁Python", "▁terms", "▁,", "▁the", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁/", "▁is", "▁classic", "▁division", "▁,", "▁the", "▁version", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁/", "▁is", "▁real", "▁division", "▁,", "▁and", "▁/", "▁/", "▁is", "▁floor", "▁division", "▁.", "▁", "▁R", "ounding", "▁towards", "▁negative", "▁infinity", "▁,", "▁though", "▁different", "▁from", "▁most", "▁languages", "▁,", "▁adds", "▁consist", "ency", "▁.", "▁For", "▁instance", "▁,", "▁it", "▁means", "▁that", "▁the", "▁equation", "▁(", "▁a", "▁+", "▁b", "▁)", "▁/", "▁/", "▁b", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁a", "▁/", "▁/", "▁b", "▁+", "▁", "1", "▁is", "▁always", "▁true", "▁.", "▁It", "▁also", "▁means", "▁that", "▁the", "▁equation", "▁b", "▁*", "▁(", "▁a", "▁/", "▁/", "▁b", "▁)", "▁+", "▁a", "▁%", "▁b", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁a", "▁is", "▁valid", "▁for", "▁both", "▁positive", "▁and", "▁negative", "▁values", "▁of", "▁a", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁maintain", "ing", "▁the", "▁valid", "ity", "▁of", "▁this", "▁equation", "▁means", "▁that", "▁while", "▁the", "▁result", "▁of", "▁a", "▁%", "▁b", "▁is", "▁,", "▁as", "▁expected", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁open", "▁interval", "▁[", "▁", "0", "▁,", "▁b", "▁)", "▁,", "▁where", "▁b", "▁is", "▁a", "▁positive", "▁integer", "▁,", "▁it", "▁has", "▁to", "▁lie", "▁in", "▁the", "▁interval", "▁(", "▁b", "▁,", "▁", "0", "▁]", "▁when", "▁b", "▁is", "▁negative", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁provides", "▁a", "▁round", "▁function", "▁for", "▁round", "ing", "▁a", "▁float", "▁to", "▁the", "▁nearest", "▁integer", "▁.", "▁For", "▁tie", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁breaking", "▁,", "▁versions", "▁before", "▁", "3", "▁use", "▁round", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁away", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁from", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁zero", "▁:", "▁round", "▁(", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁)", "▁is", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁,", "▁round", "▁(", "▁-", "0", ".", "5", "▁)", "▁is", "▁−", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁.", "▁Python", "▁", "3", "▁uses", "▁round", "▁to", "▁even", "▁:", "▁round", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁)", "▁is", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁round", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁)", "▁is", "▁", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁allows", "▁boolean", "▁expressions", "▁with", "▁multiple", "▁equality", "▁relations", "▁in", "▁a", "▁manner", "▁that", "▁is", "▁consistent", "▁with", "▁general", "▁use", "▁in", "▁mathematics", "▁.", "▁For", "▁example", "▁,", "▁the", "▁expression", "▁a", "▁<", "▁b", "▁<", "▁c", "▁tests", "▁whether", "▁a", "▁is", "▁less", "▁than", "▁b", "▁and", "▁b", "▁is", "▁less", "▁than", "▁c", "▁.", "▁C", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁derived", "▁languages", "▁interpret", "▁this", "▁expression", "▁differently", "▁:", "▁in", "▁C", "▁,", "▁the", "▁expression", "▁would", "▁first", "▁evaluate", "▁a", "▁<", "▁b", "▁,", "▁resulting", "▁in", "▁", "0", "▁or", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁result", "▁would", "▁then", "▁be", "▁compared", "▁with", "▁c", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁has", "▁extensive", "▁built", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁in", "▁support", "▁for", "▁arbitrary", "▁precision", "▁arithmetic", "▁.", "▁In", "te", "gers", "▁are", "▁trans", "par", "ently", "▁switched", "▁from", "▁the", "▁machine", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁supported", "▁maximum", "▁fixed", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁precision", "▁(", "▁usually", "▁", "3", "2", "▁or", "▁", "6", "4", "▁bits", "▁)", "▁,", "▁belonging", "▁to", "▁the", "▁python", "▁type", "▁int", "▁,", "▁to", "▁arbitrary", "▁precision", "▁,", "▁belonging", "▁to", "▁the", "▁python", "▁type", "▁long", "▁,", "▁where", "▁needed", "▁.", "▁The", "▁latter", "▁have", "▁an", "▁\"", "▁L", "▁\"", "▁suffix", "▁in", "▁their", "▁text", "ual", "▁representation", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Dec", "imal", "▁type", "▁/", "▁class", "▁in", "▁module", "▁decimal", "▁(", "▁since", "▁version", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁)", "▁provides", "▁decimal", "▁floating", "▁point", "▁numbers", "▁to", "▁arbitrary", "▁precision", "▁and", "▁several", "▁round", "ing", "▁modes", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Fra", "ction", "▁type", "▁in", "▁module", "▁fra", "ctions", "▁(", "▁since", "▁version", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁" ]
the class ( for example , SpamClass ( ) or EggsClass ( ) ) , and the classes are instances of the metaclass type ( itself an instance of itself ) , allowing metaprogramming and reflection . Before version 3 @.@ 0 , Python had two kinds of classes : old @-@ style and new @-@ style . Old @-@ style classes were eliminated in Python 3 @.@ 0 , making all classes new @-@ style . In versions between 2 @.@ 2 and 3 @.@ 0 , both kinds of classes could be used . The syntax of both styles is the same , the difference being whether the class object is inherited from , directly or indirectly ( all new @-@ style classes inherit from object and are instances of type ) . = = = Mathematics = = = Python has the usual C arithmetic operators ( + , - , * , / , % ) . It also has * * for exponentiation , e.g. 5 * * 3 = = 125 and 9 * * 0 @.@ 5 = = 3 @.@ 0 , and a new matrix multiply @ operator is included in version 3 @.@ 5 . The behavior of division has changed significantly over time : Python 2 @.@ 1 and earlier use the C division behavior . The / operator is integer division if both operands are integers , and floating @-@ point division otherwise . Integer division rounds towards 0 , e.g. 7 / 3 = = 2 and -7 / 3 = = -2 . Python 2 @.@ 2 changes integer division to round towards negative infinity , e.g. 7 / 3 = = 2 and -7 / 3 = = -3 . The floor division / / operator is introduced . So 7 / / 3 = = 2 , -7 / / 3 = = -3 , 7 @.@ 5 / / 3 = = 2 @.@ 0 and -7.5 / / 3 = = -3.0 . Adding from _ _ future _ _ import division causes a module to use Python 3 @.@ 0 rules for division ( see next ) . Python 3 @.@ 0 changes / to be always floating @-@ point division . In Python terms , the pre @-@ 3 @.@ 0 / is classic division , the version @-@ 3 @.@ 0 / is real division , and / / is floor division . Rounding towards negative infinity , though different from most languages , adds consistency . For instance , it means that the equation ( a + b ) / / b = = a / / b + 1 is always true . It also means that the equation b * ( a / / b ) + a % b = = a is valid for both positive and negative values of a . However , maintaining the validity of this equation means that while the result of a % b is , as expected , in the half @-@ open interval [ 0 , b ) , where b is a positive integer , it has to lie in the interval ( b , 0 ] when b is negative . Python provides a round function for rounding a float to the nearest integer . For tie @-@ breaking , versions before 3 use round @-@ away @-@ from @-@ zero : round ( 0 @.@ 5 ) is 1 @.@ 0 , round ( -0.5 ) is − 1 @.@ 0 . Python 3 uses round to even : round ( 1 @.@ 5 ) is 2 , round ( 2 @.@ 5 ) is 2 . Python allows boolean expressions with multiple equality relations in a manner that is consistent with general use in mathematics . For example , the expression a < b < c tests whether a is less than b and b is less than c . C @-@ derived languages interpret this expression differently : in C , the expression would first evaluate a < b , resulting in 0 or 1 , and that result would then be compared with c . Python has extensive built @-@ in support for arbitrary precision arithmetic . Integers are transparently switched from the machine @-@ supported maximum fixed @-@ precision ( usually 32 or 64 bits ) , belonging to the python type int , to arbitrary precision , belonging to the python type long , where needed . The latter have an " L " suffix in their textual representation . The Decimal type / class in module decimal ( since version 2 @.@ 4 ) provides decimal floating point numbers to arbitrary precision and several rounding modes . The Fraction type in module fractions ( since version 2 @.@
[ "6", "▁)", "▁provides", "▁arbitrary", "▁precision", "▁for", "▁rational", "▁numbers", "▁.", "▁", "▁Due", "▁to", "▁Python", "▁'", "s", "▁extensive", "▁mathematics", "▁library", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁frequently", "▁used", "▁as", "▁a", "▁scientific", "▁script", "ing", "▁language", "▁to", "▁aid", "▁in", "▁problems", "▁such", "▁as", "▁numerical", "▁data", "▁processing", "▁and", "▁manip", "ulation", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁L", "ibr", "aries", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Python", "▁has", "▁a", "▁large", "▁standard", "▁library", "▁,", "▁commonly", "▁c", "ited", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁'", "s", "▁greatest", "▁strength", "s", "▁,", "▁providing", "▁tools", "▁su", "ited", "▁to", "▁many", "▁tasks", "▁.", "▁This", "▁is", "▁deliber", "ate", "▁and", "▁has", "▁been", "▁described", "▁as", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁batter", "ies", "▁included", "▁\"", "▁Python", "▁philosophy", "▁.", "▁For", "▁Internet", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁facing", "▁applications", "▁,", "▁many", "▁standard", "▁formats", "▁and", "▁protocol", "s", "▁(", "▁such", "▁as", "▁M", "IME", "▁and", "▁HTTP", "▁)", "▁are", "▁supported", "▁.", "▁Mod", "ules", "▁for", "▁creating", "▁graph", "ical", "▁user", "▁interfaces", "▁,", "▁connecting", "▁to", "▁rel", "ational", "▁databases", "▁,", "▁pseud", "or", "andom", "▁number", "▁gener", "ators", "▁,", "▁arithmetic", "▁with", "▁arbitrary", "▁precision", "▁dec", "im", "als", "▁,", "▁manip", "ulating", "▁regular", "▁expressions", "▁,", "▁and", "▁doing", "▁unit", "▁testing", "▁are", "▁also", "▁included", "▁.", "▁", "▁Some", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁the", "▁standard", "▁library", "▁are", "▁covered", "▁by", "▁specific", "ations", "▁(", "▁for", "▁example", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Web", "▁Server", "▁Gate", "way", "▁Interface", "▁(", "▁W", "SG", "I", "▁)", "▁implementation", "▁w", "sg", "ire", "f", "▁follows", "▁P", "EP", "▁", "3", "3", "3", "▁)", "▁,", "▁but", "▁most", "▁modules", "▁are", "▁not", "▁.", "▁They", "▁are", "▁specified", "▁by", "▁their", "▁code", "▁,", "▁internal", "▁documentation", "▁,", "▁and", "▁test", 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6 ) provides arbitrary precision for rational numbers . Due to Python 's extensive mathematics library , it is frequently used as a scientific scripting language to aid in problems such as numerical data processing and manipulation . = = Libraries = = Python has a large standard library , commonly cited as one of Python 's greatest strengths , providing tools suited to many tasks . This is deliberate and has been described as a " batteries included " Python philosophy . For Internet @-@ facing applications , many standard formats and protocols ( such as MIME and HTTP ) are supported . Modules for creating graphical user interfaces , connecting to relational databases , pseudorandom number generators , arithmetic with arbitrary precision decimals , manipulating regular expressions , and doing unit testing are also included . Some parts of the standard library are covered by specifications ( for example , the Web Server Gateway Interface ( WSGI ) implementation wsgiref follows PEP 333 ) , but most modules are not . They are specified by their code , internal documentation , and test suite ( if supplied ) . However , because most of the standard library is cross @-@ platform Python code , only a few modules need altering or rewriting for variant implementations . The standard library is not needed to run Python or embed it in an application . For example , Blender 2 @.@ 49 omits most of the standard library . As of January 2016 , the Python Package Index , the official repository of third @-@ party software for Python , contains more than 72 @,@ 000 packages offering a wide range of functionality , including : graphical user interfaces , web frameworks , multimedia , databases , networking and communications test frameworks , automation and web scraping , documentation tools , system administration scientific computing , text processing , image processing = = Development environments = = Most Python implementations ( including CPython ) can function as a command line interpreter , for which the user enters statements sequentially and receives the results immediately ( read – eval – print loop ( REPL ) ) . In short , Python acts as a command @-@ line interface or shell . Other shells add abilities beyond those in the basic interpreter , including IDLE and IPython . While generally following the visual style of the Python shell , they implement features like auto @-@ completion , session state retention , and syntax highlighting . In addition to standard desktop integrated development environments ( Python IDEs ) , there are also web browser @-@ based IDEs , Sage ( intended for developing science and math @-@ related Python programs ) , and a browser @-@ based IDE and hosting environment , PythonAnywhere . = = Implementations = = The main Python implementation , named CPython , is written in C meeting the C89 standard . It compiles Python programs into intermediate bytecode , which is executed by the virtual machine . CPython is distributed with a large standard library written in a mixture of C and Python . It is available in versions for many platforms , including Windows and most modern Unix @-@ like systems . CPython was intended from almost its very conception to be cross @-@ platform . PyPy is a fast , compliant interpreter of Python 2 @.@ 7 and 3 @.@ 2 . Its just @-@ in @-@ time compiler brings a significant speed improvement over CPython . A version taking advantage of multi @-@ core processors using software transactional memory is being created . Stackless Python is a significant fork of CPython that implements microthreads ; it does not use the C memory stack , thus allowing massively concurrent programs . PyPy also has a stackless version . MicroPython is a lean , fast Python 3 variant that is optimised to run on microcontrollers . Other just @-@ in @-@ time compilers have been developed in the past , but are now unsupported : Google began a project named Unladen Swallow in 2009 with the aims of speeding up the Python interpreter by 5 times , by using the LLVM , and of improving its multithreading ability to scale to thousands of cores . Psyco is a just @-@ in @-@ time specialising compiler that integrates with CPython and transforms bytecode to machine code at runtime . The emitted code is specialised for certain data types and is faster than standard Python code . In 2005 , Nokia released a Python interpreter for the Series 60 mobile phones named PyS60 . It includes many of the modules from the CPython implementations and some added modules to integrate with the Symbian operating system . This project has been kept up to date to run on all variants of the S60 platform and there are several third party modules available . The N
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"▁the", "▁Build", "B", "ot", "▁continuous", "▁integration", "▁system", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁community", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁developers", "▁has", "▁also", "▁contributed", "▁over", "▁", "7", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁software", "▁modules", "▁(", "▁as", "▁of", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁)", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Python", "▁Package", "▁Index", "▁(", "▁Py", "PI", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁official", "▁repository", "▁of", "▁third", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁party", "▁libraries", "▁for", "▁Python", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁major", "▁academic", "▁conference", "▁on", "▁Python", "▁is", "▁named", "▁Py", "Con", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁special", "▁ment", "oring", "▁program", "mes", "▁like", "▁the", "▁P", "yl", "ad", "ies", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁N", "aming", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Python", "▁'", "s", "▁name", "▁is", "▁derived", "▁from", "▁the", "▁television", "▁series", "▁Mont", "y", "▁Python", "▁'", "s", "▁F", "lying", "▁Circ", "us", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁is", "▁common", "▁to", "▁use", "▁Mont", "y", "▁Python", "▁references", "▁in", "▁example", "▁code", "▁.", "▁For", "▁example", "▁,", "▁the", "▁met", "as", "ynt", "actic", "▁variables", "▁often", "▁used", "▁in", "▁Python", "▁literature", "▁are", "▁sp", "am", "▁and", "▁eggs", "▁,", "▁instead", "▁of", "▁the", "▁traditional", "▁foo", "▁and", "▁bar", "▁.", "▁Also", "▁,", "▁the", "▁official", "▁Python", "▁documentation", "▁often", "▁contains", "▁various", "▁obsc", "ure", "▁Mont", "y", "▁Python", "▁references", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁prefix", "▁Py", "-", "▁is", "▁used", "▁to", "▁show", "▁that", "▁something", "▁is", "▁related", "▁to", "▁Python", "▁.", "▁Ex", "amples", "▁of", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁this", "▁prefix", "▁in", "▁names", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁applications", "▁or", "▁libraries", "▁include", "▁P", "yg", "ame", "▁,", "▁a", "▁binding", "▁of", "▁SD", "L", "▁to", "▁Python", "▁(", "▁commonly", "▁used", "▁to", "▁create", "▁games", "▁)", "▁;", "▁Py", "S", "6", "0", "▁,", "▁an", "▁implementation", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Sym", "bian", "▁S", "6", "0", "▁operating", "▁system", "▁;", "▁Py", "Qt", "▁and", "▁Py", "GT", "K", "▁,", "▁which", "▁bind", "▁Qt", "▁and", "▁GT", "K", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁,", "▁to", "▁Python", "▁;", "▁and", "▁Py", "Py", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Python", "▁implementation", "▁originally", "▁written", "▁in", "▁Python", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Us", "es", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Since", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁,", "▁Python", "▁has", "▁consist", "ently", "▁ranked", "▁in", "▁the", "▁top", "▁ten", "▁most", "▁popular", "▁programming", "▁languages", "▁as", "▁measured", "▁by", "▁the", "▁T", "IO", "BE", "▁Program", "ming", "▁Community", "▁Index", "▁.", "▁As", "▁of", "▁June", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "6", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁most", "▁popular", "▁language", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁ranked", "▁as", "▁Program" ]
okia N900 also supports Python with GTK widget libraries , with the feature that programs can be both written and run on the target device . There are several compilers to high @-@ level object languages , with either unrestricted Python , a restricted subset of Python , or a language similar to Python as the source language : Jython compiles into Java byte code , which can then be executed by every Java virtual machine implementation . This also enables the use of Java class library functions from the Python program . IronPython follows a similar approach in order to run Python programs on the .NET Common Language Runtime . The RPython language can be compiled to C , Java bytecode , or Common Intermediate Language , and is used to build the PyPy interpreter of Python . Pyjamas compiles Python to JavaScript . Shed Skin compiles Python to C + + . Cython and Pyrex compile to C. A performance comparison of various Python implementations on a non @-@ numerical ( combinatorial ) workload was presented at EuroSciPy ' 13 . = = Development = = Python 's development is conducted largely through the Python Enhancement Proposal ( PEP ) process . The PEP process is the primary mechanism for proposing major new features , for collecting community input on an issue , and for documenting the design decisions that have gone into Python . Outstanding PEPs are reviewed and commented upon by the Python community and by Van Rossum , the Python project 's benevolent dictator for life . Enhancement of the language goes along with development of the CPython reference implementation . The mailing list python @-@ dev is the primary forum for discussion about the language 's development ; specific issues are discussed in the Roundup bug tracker maintained at Development takes place on a self @-@ hosted source code repository running Mercurial . CPython 's public releases come in three types , distinguished by which part of the version number is incremented : Backwards @-@ incompatible versions , where code is expected to break and must be manually ported . The first part of the version number is incremented . These releases happen infrequently — for example , version 3 @.@ 0 was released 8 years after 2 @.@ 0 . Major or " feature " releases , which are largely compatible but introduce new features . The second part of the version number is incremented . These releases are scheduled to occur roughly every 18 months , and each major version is supported by bugfixes for several years after its release . Bugfix releases , which introduce no new features but fix bugs . The third and final part of the version number is incremented . These releases are made whenever a sufficient number of bugs have been fixed upstream since the last release , or roughly every 3 months . Security vulnerabilities are also patched in bugfix releases . Many alpha , beta , and release @-@ candidates are also released as previews , and for testing before final releases . Although there is a rough schedule for each release , this is often pushed back if the code is not ready . The development team monitors the state of the code by running the large unit test suite during development , and using the BuildBot continuous integration system . The community of Python developers has also contributed over 72 @,@ 000 software modules ( as of January 2016 ) to the Python Package Index ( PyPI ) , the official repository of third @-@ party libraries for Python . The major academic conference on Python is named PyCon . There are special mentoring programmes like the Pyladies . = = Naming = = Python 's name is derived from the television series Monty Python 's Flying Circus , and it is common to use Monty Python references in example code . For example , the metasyntactic variables often used in Python literature are spam and eggs , instead of the traditional foo and bar . Also , the official Python documentation often contains various obscure Monty Python references . The prefix Py- is used to show that something is related to Python . Examples of the use of this prefix in names of Python applications or libraries include Pygame , a binding of SDL to Python ( commonly used to create games ) ; PyS60 , an implementation for the Symbian S60 operating system ; PyQt and PyGTK , which bind Qt and GTK , respectively , to Python ; and PyPy , a Python implementation originally written in Python . = = Uses = = Since 2003 , Python has consistently ranked in the top ten most popular programming languages as measured by the TIOBE Programming Community Index . As of June 2016 , it is the fourth most popular language . It was ranked as Program
[ "▁Lib", "re", "Office", "▁includes", "▁Python", "▁and", "▁int", "ends", "▁to", "▁replace", "▁Java", "▁with", "▁Python", "▁.", "▁Python", "▁Script", "ing", "▁Pro", "vider", "▁is", "▁a", "▁core", "▁feature", "▁since", "▁Version", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁from", "▁", "7", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁L", "anguages", "▁influenced", "▁by", "▁Python", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Python", "▁'", "s", "▁design", "▁and", "▁philosophy", "▁have", "▁influenced", "▁several", "▁programming", "▁languages", "▁,", "▁including", "▁:", "▁", "▁Bo", "o", "▁uses", "▁ind", "entation", "▁,", "▁a", "▁similar", "▁syntax", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁similar", "▁object", "▁model", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁Bo", "o", "▁uses", "▁static", "▁typing", "▁(", "▁and", "▁optional", "▁du", "ck", "▁typing", "▁)", "▁and", "▁is", "▁closely", "▁integrated", "▁with", "▁the", "▁.", "NET", "▁Framework", "▁.", "▁", "▁Cob", "ra", "▁uses", "▁ind", "entation", "▁and", "▁a", "▁similar", "▁syntax", "▁.", 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"▁be", "▁]", "▁as", "▁us", "able", "▁for", "▁general", "▁programming", "▁as", "▁Python", "▁[", "▁and", "▁]", "▁should", "▁be", "▁as", "▁fast", "▁as", "▁C", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Call", "ing", "▁to", "▁or", "▁from", "▁Julia", "▁is", "▁possible", "▁;", "▁to", "▁with", "▁Py", "Call", ".", "jl", "▁and", "▁a", "▁Python", "▁package", "▁py", "j", "ul", "ia", "▁allows", "▁calling", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁other", "▁direction", "▁,", "▁from", "▁Python", "▁.", "▁", "▁O", "C", "aml", "▁has", "▁an", "▁optional", "▁syntax", "▁,", "▁named", "▁tw", "t", "▁(", "▁The", "▁Wh", "ites", "pace", "▁Th", "ing", "▁)", "▁,", "▁inspired", "▁by", "▁Python", "▁and", "▁H", "askell", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ruby", "▁'", "s", "▁cre", "ator", "▁,", "▁Y", "uki", "hi", "ro", "▁M", "ats", "um", "oto", "▁,", "▁has", "▁said", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁wanted", "▁a", "▁script", "ing", "▁language", "▁that", "▁was", "▁more", "▁powerful", "▁than", "▁Perl", "▁,", "▁and", "▁more", "▁object", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁orient", "ed", "▁than", "▁Python", "▁.", 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"▁because", "▁of", "▁Python", "▁'", "s", "▁influence", "▁.", "▁", "▁Python", "▁has", "▁been", "▁awarded", "▁a", "▁T", "IO", "BE", "▁Program", "ming", "▁Language", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Year", "▁award", "▁twice", "▁(", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁and", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁given", "▁to", "▁the", "▁language", "▁with", "▁the", "▁greatest", "▁growth", "▁in", "▁popular", "ity", "▁over", "▁the", "▁course", "▁of", "▁a", "▁year", "▁,", "▁as", "▁measured", "▁by", "▁the", "▁T", "IO", "BE", "▁index", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Lisa", "▁the", "▁Veg", "et", "arian", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Lisa", "▁the", "▁Veg", "et", "arian", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁the", "▁fifth", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sevent", "h", "▁season", "▁of", "▁the", "▁American", "▁television", "▁series", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁.", "▁It", "▁originally", "▁a", "ired", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Fox", "▁network", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁on", "▁October", "▁", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁Lisa", "▁dec", "ides", "▁to", "▁stop", "▁e", "ating", "▁meat", "▁after", "▁bond", "ing", "▁with", "▁a", "▁l", "amb", "▁at", "▁a", "▁pet", "ting", "▁zoo", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁school", "m", "ates", "▁and", "▁family", "▁members", "▁rid", "ic", "ule", "▁her", "▁for", "▁her", "▁belief", "s", "▁,", "▁but", "▁with", "▁the", "▁help", "▁of", "▁A", "pu", "▁,", "▁Paul", "▁,", "▁and", "▁L", "inda", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁,", "▁she", "▁commits", "▁to", "▁veget", "arian", "ism", "▁.", "▁", "▁Direct", "ed", "▁by", "▁Mark", "▁Kirk", "land", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Lisa", "▁the", "▁Veg", "et", "arian", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁the", "▁first", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁length", "▁episode", "▁David", "▁S", ".", "▁C", "ohen", "▁wrote", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁.", "▁David", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁,", "▁the", "▁show", "▁runner", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁supported", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁in", "▁part", "▁because", "▁he", "▁had", "▁just", "▁become", "▁a", "▁veget", "arian", "▁himself", "▁.", "▁Form", "er", "▁Beat", "le", "▁Paul", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁and", "▁his", "▁then", "▁wife", "▁L", "inda", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁guest", "▁star", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁.", "▁Paul", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁'", "s", "▁condition", "▁for", "▁appearing", "▁was", "▁that", "▁Lisa", "▁would", "▁remain", "▁a", "▁veget", "arian", "▁for", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁series", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁makes", "▁several", "▁references", "▁to", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁'", "s", "▁musical", "▁career", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁Maybe", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁Ama", "zed", "▁\"", "▁plays", "▁during", "▁the", "▁closing", "▁cred", "its", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁inaug", "ural", "▁air", "ing", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Lisa", "▁the", "▁Veg", "et", "arian", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁watched", "▁by", "▁", "1", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "▁million", "▁view", "ers", "▁and", "▁finished", "▁", "4", "7", "th", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ratings", "▁for", "▁the", "▁week", "▁of", "▁October", "▁", "9", "▁–", "▁", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "5", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁N", "iel", "sen", "▁rating", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁highest", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁r", "ated", "▁show", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Fox", "▁network", "▁that", "▁week", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁received", "▁generally", "▁positive", "▁reviews", "▁from", "▁television", "▁critics", "▁.", "▁It", "▁has", "▁won", "▁two", "▁awards", "▁,", "▁an", "▁Environment", "al", "▁Media", "▁Award", "▁and", "▁a", "▁Gen", "esis", "▁Award", "▁,", "▁for", "▁highlight", "ing", "▁environmental", "▁and", "▁animal", "▁issues", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Plot", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Sim", "pson", "▁family", "▁visit", "▁Story", "▁Town", "▁Village", "▁,", "▁an", "▁am", "usement", "▁park", "▁for", "▁b", "ab", "ies", "▁,", "▁as", "▁a", "▁special", "▁treat", "▁for", "▁Mag", "gie", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁village", "▁,", "▁there", "▁is", "▁a", "▁pet", "ting", "▁zoo", "▁,", "▁where", "▁Lisa", "▁is", "▁en", "am", "ored", "▁by", "▁a", "▁c", "ute", "▁l", "amb", "▁.", "▁That", "▁night", "▁,", "▁Mar", "ge", "▁serves", "▁l", "amb", "▁ch", "ops", "▁for", "▁dinner", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Lisa", "▁is", "▁trouble", "d", "▁by", "▁the", "▁connection", "▁between", "▁the", "▁d", "ish", "▁and", "▁its", "▁living", "▁counter", "part", "▁,", "▁and", "▁announ", "ces" ]
LibreOffice includes Python and intends to replace Java with Python . Python Scripting Provider is a core feature since Version 4 @.@ 0 from 7 February 2013 . = = Languages influenced by Python = = Python 's design and philosophy have influenced several programming languages , including : Boo uses indentation , a similar syntax , and a similar object model . However , Boo uses static typing ( and optional duck typing ) and is closely integrated with the .NET Framework . Cobra uses indentation and a similar syntax . Cobra 's " Acknowledgements " document lists Python first among languages that influenced it . However , Cobra directly supports design @-@ by @-@ contract , unit tests , and optional static typing . ECMAScript borrowed iterators , generators , and list comprehensions from Python . Go is described as incorporating the " development speed of working in a dynamic language like Python " . Groovy was motivated by the desire to bring the Python design philosophy to Java . Julia was designed " with true macros [ .. and to be ] as usable for general programming as Python [ and ] should be as fast as C " . Calling to or from Julia is possible ; to with PyCall.jl and a Python package pyjulia allows calling , in the other direction , from Python . OCaml has an optional syntax , named twt ( The Whitespace Thing ) , inspired by Python and Haskell . Ruby 's creator , Yukihiro Matsumoto , has said : " I wanted a scripting language that was more powerful than Perl , and more object @-@ oriented than Python . That 's why I decided to design my own language . " CoffeeScript is a programming language that cross @-@ compiles to JavaScript ; it has Python @-@ inspired syntax . Swift is a programming language invented by Apple ; it has some Python @-@ inspired syntax . Python 's development practices have also been emulated by other languages . The practice of requiring a document describing the rationale for , and issues surrounding , a change to the language ( in Python 's case , a PEP ) is also used in Tcl and Erlang because of Python 's influence . Python has been awarded a TIOBE Programming Language of the Year award twice ( in 2007 and 2010 ) , which is given to the language with the greatest growth in popularity over the course of a year , as measured by the TIOBE index . = Lisa the Vegetarian = " Lisa the Vegetarian " is the fifth episode of the seventh season of the American television series The Simpsons . It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 15 , 1995 . In the episode , Lisa decides to stop eating meat after bonding with a lamb at a petting zoo . Her schoolmates and family members ridicule her for her beliefs , but with the help of Apu , Paul , and Linda McCartney , she commits to vegetarianism . Directed by Mark Kirkland , " Lisa the Vegetarian " is the first full @-@ length episode David S. Cohen wrote for The Simpsons . David Mirkin , the show runner at the time , supported the episode in part because he had just become a vegetarian himself . Former Beatle Paul McCartney and his then wife Linda McCartney guest star in the episode . Paul McCartney 's condition for appearing was that Lisa would remain a vegetarian for the rest of the series . The episode makes several references to McCartney 's musical career , and his song " Maybe I 'm Amazed " plays during the closing credits . The inaugural airing of " Lisa the Vegetarian " was watched by 14 @.@ 6 million viewers and finished 47th in the ratings for the week of October 9 – 15 , 1995 , with a 9 @.@ 0 Nielsen rating . It was the fourth highest @-@ rated show on the Fox network that week . The episode received generally positive reviews from television critics . It has won two awards , an Environmental Media Award and a Genesis Award , for highlighting environmental and animal issues . = = Plot = = The Simpson family visit Story Town Village , an amusement park for babies , as a special treat for Maggie . In the village , there is a petting zoo , where Lisa is enamored by a cute lamb . That night , Marge serves lamb chops for dinner , but Lisa is troubled by the connection between the dish and its living counterpart , and announces
[ "▁that", "▁she", "▁will", "▁no", "▁longer", "▁eat", "▁meat", "▁.", "▁In", "▁response", "▁,", "▁Bart", "▁and", "▁H", "omer", "▁mock", "▁her", "▁rel", "ent", "lessly", "▁.", "▁Re", "action", "▁at", "▁school", "▁is", "▁no", "▁better", "▁;", "▁when", "▁Lisa", "▁requests", "▁a", "▁veget", "arian", "▁alternative", "▁to", "▁the", "▁c", "af", "eter", "ia", "▁food", "▁,", "▁Princi", "pal", "▁Sk", "inner", "▁labels", "▁her", "▁an", "▁\"", "▁ag", "it", "ator", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁students", "▁are", "▁then", "▁forced", "▁to", "▁watch", "▁a", "▁Me", "at", "▁Council", "▁propag", "anda", "▁film", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Me", "at", "▁Council", "▁Pres", "ents", "▁Me", "at", "▁and", "▁You", "▁:", "▁Part", "ners", "▁in", "▁Patri", "ot", "ism", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁st", "arring", "▁T", "roy", "▁Mc", "Cl", "ure", "▁,", "▁which", "▁port", "ray", "s", "▁e", "ating", "▁meat", "▁as", "▁a", "▁patri", "otic", "▁duty", "▁,", "▁and", "▁critic", "izes", "▁veget", "arian", "ism", "▁.", "▁Lisa", "▁is", "▁un", "im", "pressed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁film", "▁,", "▁but", "▁her", "▁class", "m", "ates", "▁te", "ase", "▁her", "▁.", "▁", "▁H", "omer", "▁and", "▁Bart", "▁continue", "▁to", "▁give", "▁Lisa", "▁a", "▁hard", "▁time", "▁at", "▁home", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁since", "▁H", "omer", "▁is", "▁prepar", "ing", "▁to", "▁host", "▁a", "▁bar", "bec", "ue", "▁,", "▁complete", "▁with", "▁ro", "ast", "▁p", "ig", "▁.", "▁Bart", "▁and", "▁H", "omer", "▁even", "▁form", "▁a", "▁con", "ga", "▁line", "▁and", "▁sing", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁You", "▁don", "▁'", "t", "▁win", "▁friends", "▁with", "▁sal", "ad", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁On", "▁the", "▁day", "▁of", "▁the", "▁bar", "bec", "ue", "▁,", "▁Lisa", "▁makes", "▁gaz", "p", "ach", "o", "▁for", "▁all", "▁the", "▁guests", "▁as", "▁an", "▁alternative", "▁to", "▁meat", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁party", "go", "ers", "▁laugh", "▁in", "▁her", "▁face", "▁.", "▁En", "rag", "ed", "▁and", "▁deeply", "▁hurt", "▁,", "▁she", "▁clim", "bs", "▁ab", "o", "ard", "▁a", "▁r", "iding", "▁m", "ower", "▁and", "▁drives", "▁away", "▁with", "▁the", "▁ro", "ast", "▁p", "ig", "▁in", "▁to", "w", "▁.", "▁H", "omer", "▁and", "▁Bart", "▁ch", "ase", "▁her", "▁,", "▁but", "▁she", "▁push", "es", "▁the", "▁p", "ig", "▁off", "▁a", "▁slope", "▁and", "▁they", "▁are", "▁too", "▁late", "▁.", "▁The", "▁p", "ig", "▁roll", "s", "▁through", "▁bush", "es", "▁,", "▁into", "▁a", "▁river", "▁,", "▁and", "▁is", "▁shot", "▁into", "▁the", "▁air", "▁by", "▁a", "▁dam", "▁sp", "ill", "way", "▁'", "s", "▁su", "ction", "▁.", "▁", "▁At", "▁home", "▁,", "▁H", "omer", "▁repr", "im", "ands", "▁Lisa", "▁for", "▁ru", "ining", "▁his", "▁party", "▁and", "▁dem", "ands", "▁an", "▁ap", "ology", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Lisa", "▁ref", "uses", "▁to", "▁apolog", "ize", "▁and", "▁che", "ws", "▁him", "▁out", "▁for", "▁serving", "▁a", "▁meat", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁d", "ish", "▁.", "▁They", "▁fight", "▁and", "▁she", "▁leaves", "▁the", "▁house", "▁,", "▁not", "▁wanting", "▁to", "▁live", "▁in", "▁a", "▁house", "▁with", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁pre", "histor", "ic", "▁car", "n", "iv", "ore", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁As", "▁Lisa", "▁wal", "ks", "▁along", "▁,", "▁she", "▁dec", "ides", "▁that", "▁she", "▁can", "▁no", "▁longer", "▁fight", "▁the", "▁pressure", "▁to", "▁eat", "▁meat", "▁,", "▁prompt", "ing", "▁her", "▁to", "▁grab", "▁a", "▁hot", "▁dog", "▁from", "▁the", "▁gr", "ill", "▁at", "▁the", "▁K", "wik", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁E", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Mart", "▁and", "▁take", "▁a", "▁b", "ite", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁A", "pu", "▁,", "▁himself", "▁a", "▁veg", "an", "▁,", "▁reve", "als", "▁that", "▁she", "▁has", "▁e", "aten", "▁a", "▁to", "fu", "▁dog", "▁,", "▁which", "▁he", "▁subt", "ly", "▁switched", "▁out", "▁and", "▁none", "▁of", "▁his", "▁loyal", "▁customers", "▁had", "▁noticed", "▁the", "▁change", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "pu", "▁takes", "▁Lisa", "▁through", "▁a", "▁secret", "▁passage", "way", "▁hidden", "▁behind", "▁the", "▁cool", "er", "▁section", "▁assigned", "▁to", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁alco", "hol", "ic", "▁be", "er", "▁leading", 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"-", "@", "▁length", "▁episode", "▁David", "▁X", ".", "▁C", "ohen", "▁wrote", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁.", "▁His", "▁most", "▁prominent", "▁work", "▁for", "▁the", "▁show", "▁to", "▁that", "▁point", "▁had", "▁been", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Night", "m", "are", "▁C", "af", "eter", "ia", "▁\"", "▁segment", "▁in", "▁the", "▁season", "▁six", "▁episode", "▁\"", "▁Tree", "house", "▁of", "▁Hor", "ror", "▁V", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁idea", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁Lisa", "▁the", "▁Veg", "et", "arian", "▁\"", "▁came", "▁to", "▁him", "▁while", "▁he", "▁was", "▁working", "▁on", "▁another", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁script", "▁.", "▁C", "ohen", "▁could", "▁not", "▁concent", "rate", "▁on", "▁his", "▁task", "▁because", "▁he", "▁was", "▁waiting", "▁for", "▁l", "unch", "▁,", "▁and", "▁on", "▁the", "▁back", "▁of", "▁the", "▁script", "▁he", "▁scri", "b", "bled", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Lisa", "▁becomes", "▁a", "▁veget", "arian", "▁?", "▁\"", "▁C", "ohen", "▁showed", "▁the", "▁note", "▁to", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁writer", "▁Br", "ent", "▁For", "r", "ester", "▁,", "▁who", "▁liked", "▁the", "▁idea", "▁.", "▁Show", "▁runner", "▁David", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁then", "▁approved", "▁the", "▁story", "▁when", "▁C", "ohen", "▁pitch", "ed", "▁it", "▁to", "▁him", "▁.", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁had", "▁just", "▁become", "▁a", "▁veget", "arian", "▁himself", "▁,", "▁and", "▁later", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁many", "▁of", "▁Lisa", "▁'", "s", "▁experiences", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁were", "▁based", "▁on", "▁his", "▁own", "▁.", "▁", "▁W", "riter", "▁Bill", "▁Oak", "ley", "▁suggested", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁'", "s", "▁bar", "bec", "ue", "▁scenes", "▁.", "▁C", "ohen", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁draft", "▁contained", "▁a", "▁more", "▁philosoph", "ical", "▁argument", "▁between", "▁Lisa", "▁and", "▁H", "omer", "▁about", "▁e", "ating", "▁meat", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Oak", "ley", "▁told", "▁C", "ohen", "▁that", "▁the", "▁story", "▁needed", "▁something", "▁more", "▁specific", "▁to", "▁serve", "▁as", "▁the", "▁basis", "▁of", "▁H", "omer", "▁and", "▁Lisa", "▁'", "s", "▁dispute", "▁.", "▁George", "▁Meyer", "▁,", "▁a", "▁writer", "▁known", "▁among", "▁the", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁staff", "▁for", "▁his", "▁\"", "▁b", "izar" ]
that she will no longer eat meat . In response , Bart and Homer mock her relentlessly . Reaction at school is no better ; when Lisa requests a vegetarian alternative to the cafeteria food , Principal Skinner labels her an " agitator " . The students are then forced to watch a Meat Council propaganda film , " The Meat Council Presents Meat and You : Partners in Patriotism " , starring Troy McClure , which portrays eating meat as a patriotic duty , and criticizes vegetarianism . Lisa is unimpressed by the film , but her classmates tease her . Homer and Bart continue to give Lisa a hard time at home , particularly since Homer is preparing to host a barbecue , complete with roast pig . Bart and Homer even form a conga line and sing , " You don 't win friends with salad ! " On the day of the barbecue , Lisa makes gazpacho for all the guests as an alternative to meat , but the partygoers laugh in her face . Enraged and deeply hurt , she climbs aboard a riding mower and drives away with the roast pig in tow . Homer and Bart chase her , but she pushes the pig off a slope and they are too late . The pig rolls through bushes , into a river , and is shot into the air by a dam spillway 's suction . At home , Homer reprimands Lisa for ruining his party and demands an apology , but Lisa refuses to apologize and chews him out for serving a meat @-@ based dish . They fight and she leaves the house , not wanting to live in a house with a " prehistoric carnivore . " As Lisa walks along , she decides that she can no longer fight the pressure to eat meat , prompting her to grab a hot dog from the grill at the Kwik @-@ E @-@ Mart and take a bite . However , Apu , himself a vegan , reveals that she has eaten a tofu dog , which he subtly switched out and none of his loyal customers had noticed the change . Apu takes Lisa through a secret passageway hidden behind the cooler section assigned to non @-@ alcoholic beer leading to the Kwik @-@ E @-@ Mart roof where they meet Paul and Linda McCartney . The McCartneys explain that they are old friends of Apu from Paul 's days in India , and discuss their interest in animal rights . After a brief discussion , Apu asks Lisa what happened at home that made her upset . She reveals everything and while he understands , Apu warns Lisa that forcing others to accept her views can do a lot more harm than good . She is committed once more to vegetarianism , but realizes that she should tolerate those who disagree with her views . Inspired , Lisa begins to return home and finds Homer frantically searching for her . Homer apologizes for his behavior , but Lisa admits she was wrong as well . She apologizes to Homer , admitting she had no right to ruin his barbecue ; he forgives her and offers her a " veggie back " ride home . The final credits play over the still airborne roast pig . = = Production = = = = = Writing = = = " Lisa the Vegetarian " was the first full @-@ length episode David X. Cohen wrote for The Simpsons . His most prominent work for the show to that point had been the " Nightmare Cafeteria " segment in the season six episode " Treehouse of Horror V " . The idea for " Lisa the Vegetarian " came to him while he was working on another Simpsons script . Cohen could not concentrate on his task because he was waiting for lunch , and on the back of the script he scribbled , " Lisa becomes a vegetarian ? " Cohen showed the note to Simpsons writer Brent Forrester , who liked the idea . Show runner David Mirkin then approved the story when Cohen pitched it to him . Mirkin had just become a vegetarian himself , and later noted that many of Lisa 's experiences in the episode were based on his own . Writer Bill Oakley suggested the episode 's barbecue scenes . Cohen 's first draft contained a more philosophical argument between Lisa and Homer about eating meat , but Oakley told Cohen that the story needed something more specific to serve as the basis of Homer and Lisa 's dispute . George Meyer , a writer known among the Simpsons staff for his " bizar
[ "re", "▁physical", "▁j", "okes", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁contributed", "▁the", "▁idea", "▁of", "▁the", "▁bar", "bec", "ue", "▁p", "ig", "▁getting", "▁caught", "▁in", "▁the", "▁sp", "ill", "way", "▁and", "▁flying", "▁into", "▁the", "▁air", "▁.", "▁C", "ohen", "▁cred", "its", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁writer", "▁John", "▁Sw", "art", "zw", "el", "der", "▁for", "▁insp", "iring", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁in", "▁which", "▁H", "omer", "▁finds", "▁it", "▁impossible", "▁to", "▁believe", "▁that", "▁ba", "con", "▁,", "▁ham", "▁and", "▁p", "ork", "▁ch", "ops", "▁could", "▁possibly", "▁come", "▁from", "▁the", "▁same", "▁animal", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁C", "ohen", "▁it", "▁was", "▁based", "▁on", "▁a", "▁real", "▁statement", "▁made", "▁by", "▁Sw", "art", "zw", "el", "der", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁going", "▁on", "▁and", "▁on", "▁about", "▁how", "▁amaz", "ing", "▁the", "▁p", "ig", "▁is", "▁for", "▁the", "▁variety", "▁of", "▁cut", "s", "▁of", "▁meat", "▁that", "▁come", "▁from", "▁it", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁Ralph", "▁W", "igg", "um", "▁co", "ins", "▁the", "▁phrase", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Oh", "▁boy", "▁,", "▁sleep", "▁!", "▁That", "▁'", "s", "▁where", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁a", "▁Vik", "ing", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁term", "▁caused", "▁a", "▁point", "▁of", "▁cont", "ention", "▁with", "▁some", "▁fans", "▁curious", "▁whether", "▁or", "▁not", "▁he", "▁meant", "▁he", "▁was", "▁literally", "▁a", "▁Vik", "ing", "▁in", "▁his", "▁dream", "s", "▁or", "▁if", "▁he", "▁meant", "▁sleep", "ing", "▁was", "▁just", "▁something", "▁he", "▁excel", "led", "▁at", "▁.", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁confirmed", "▁on", "▁Twitter", "▁that", "▁the", "▁line", "▁was", "▁meant", "▁to", "▁be", "▁taken", "▁literally", "▁,", "▁stating", "▁\"", "▁We", "▁wer", "en", "▁'", "t", "▁writing", "▁Ralph", "▁as", "▁capable", "▁of", "▁met", "ap", "hor", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Vo", "ice", "▁acting", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁At", "▁the", "▁time", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁being", "▁written", "▁,", "▁Paul", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁was", "▁the", "▁only", "▁living", "▁member", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Beat", "les", "▁who", "▁had", "▁never", "▁appeared", "▁on", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁.", "▁John", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁died", "▁before", "▁the", "▁show", "▁was", "▁created", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Ring", "o", "▁St", "arr", "▁and", "▁George", "▁Harrison", "▁had", "▁guest", "▁star", "red", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁Br", "ush", "▁with", "▁Great", "ness", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "3", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁H", "omer", "▁'", "s", "▁Bar", "bers", "h", "op", "▁Quart", "et", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁staff", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁bring", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁onto", "▁the", "▁show", "▁,", "▁and", "▁David", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁thought", "▁\"", "▁Lisa", "▁the", "▁Veg", "et", "arian", "▁\"", "▁would", "▁be", "▁an", "▁attract", "ive", "▁story", "▁,", "▁since", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁is", "▁a", "▁veget", "arian", "▁himself", "▁.", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁appear", "▁,", "▁but", "▁requested", "▁that", "▁Lisa", "▁remain", "▁a", "▁veget", "arian", "▁for", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁series", "▁,", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁revert", "▁to", "▁meat", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁e", "ating", "▁in", "▁the", "▁next", "▁episode", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁staff", "▁promised", "▁that", "▁she", "▁would", "▁remain", "▁a", "▁veget", "arian", "▁,", "▁resulting", "▁in", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁few", "▁permanent", "▁character", "▁changes", "▁made", "▁in", "▁the", "▁show", "▁.", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁'", "s", "▁wife", "▁L", "inda", "▁was", "▁also", "▁rec", "ru", "ited", "▁to", "▁appear", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁.", "▁She", "▁told", "▁Entertainment", "▁Week", "ly", "▁that", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁a", "▁chance", "▁for", "▁her", "▁and", "▁her", "▁husband", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁spread", "▁the", "▁veget", "arian", "▁word", "▁to", "▁a", "▁wider", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Paul", "▁and", "▁L", "inda", "▁were", "▁both", "▁long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁fans", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁.", "▁", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁later", "▁said", "▁that", "▁recording", "▁with", "▁the", "▁McC", "art", "ne", "ys", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁most", "▁\"", "▁amaz", "ing", "▁\"", "▁experiences", "▁of", "▁his", "▁life", "▁.", "▁He", "▁fle", "w", "▁to", "▁London", "▁and", "▁met", "▁the", "▁couple", "▁at", "▁Paul", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁'", "s", "▁recording", "▁studio", "▁,", "▁where", "▁the", "▁McC", "art", "ne", "ys", "▁spent", "▁an", "▁hour", "▁recording", "▁their", "▁parts", "▁.", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁cre", "ator", "▁Matt", "▁Gro", "ening", "▁was", "▁supposed", "▁to", "▁go", "▁with", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁to", "▁London", "▁,", "▁but", "▁missed", "▁his", "▁plane", "▁.", "▁Gro", "ening", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁having", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁and", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Beat", "les", "▁on", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁a", "▁dream", "▁come", "▁true", "▁for", "▁all", "▁of", "▁us", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁L", "inda", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁died", "▁of", "▁cancer", "▁at", "▁age", "▁", "5", "6", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "1", "7", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁'", "▁season", "▁nine", "▁episode", "▁\"", "▁Tr", "ash", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Tit", "ans", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁a", "ired", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁,", "▁was", "▁dedicated", "▁to", "▁her", "▁memory", "▁.", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁executive", "▁producer", "▁Mike", "▁S", "cul", "ly", "▁said", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁just", "▁seemed", "▁like", "▁the", "▁right", "▁thing", "▁to", "▁do", "▁.", "▁Every", "one", "▁here", "▁was", "▁surprised", "▁and", "▁sad", "den", "ed", "▁by", "▁her", "▁death", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Direct", "ing", "▁and", "▁anim", "ating", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁Mark", "▁Kirk", "land", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁intr", "igu", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁story", "▁because", "▁he", "▁had", "▁not", "▁seen", "▁many", "▁television", "▁episodes", "▁about", "▁veget", "arian", "ism", "▁.", "▁The", "▁designs", "▁for", "▁Paul", "▁and", "▁L", "inda", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁are", "▁unusual", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁in", "▁that", "▁the", "▁characters", "▁have", "▁brown", "▁and", "▁blue", "▁ir", "ises", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁.", "▁Most", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁characters", "▁simply", "▁have", "▁black", "▁sp", "ots", "▁in", "▁the", "▁cent", "ers", "▁of", "▁their", "▁eyes", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁one", "▁scene", "▁of", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁H", "omer", "▁sp", "ray", "s", "▁two", "▁bott", "les", "▁of", "▁l", "ighter", "▁fluid", "▁onto", "▁his", "▁gr", "ill", "▁,", "▁causing", "▁view", "ers", "▁to", "▁anticip", "ate", "▁an", "▁explos", "ion", "▁when", "▁H", "omer", "▁throws", "▁a", "▁match", "▁on", "▁it", "▁.", "▁When", "▁he", "▁does", "▁release", "▁the", "▁match", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁the", "▁gr", "ill", "▁bare", "ly", "▁ign", "ites", "▁.", "▁A", "▁similar", "▁scene", "▁appears", "▁in", "▁an", "▁older", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Tree", "house", "▁of", "▁Hor", "ror", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁although", "▁in", "▁that", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁H", "omer", "▁uses", "▁a", "▁single", "▁bott", "le", "▁of", "▁l", "ighter", "▁fluid", "▁and", "▁causes", "▁an", "▁explos", "ion", "▁.", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁enjoyed", "▁the", "▁jo", "ke", "▁enough", "▁to", "▁reuse", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁it", "▁in", "▁\"", "▁Lisa", "▁the", "▁Veg", "et", "arian", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁adding", "▁new", "▁tw", "ists", "▁to", "▁further", "▁enh", "ance", "▁the", "▁com", "edic", "▁effect", "▁.", "▁The", "▁old", "▁sketch", "es", "▁from", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Tree", "house", "▁of", "▁Hor", "ror", "▁\"", "▁episode", "▁were", "▁used", "▁to", "▁help", "▁the", "▁anim", "ators", "▁animate", "▁the", "▁scene", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cultural", "▁references", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁features", "▁several", "▁references", "▁to", "▁The", "▁Beat", "les", "▁and", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁'", "s", "▁solo", "▁career", "▁.", "▁For", "▁instance", "▁,", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁tells", "▁Lisa", "▁that", "▁playing", "▁his", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁Maybe", "▁I" ]
re physical jokes " , contributed the idea of the barbecue pig getting caught in the spillway and flying into the air . Cohen credits Simpsons writer John Swartzwelder for inspiring the scene in which Homer finds it impossible to believe that bacon , ham and pork chops could possibly come from the same animal . According to Cohen it was based on a real statement made by Swartzwelder , who was going on and on about how amazing the pig is for the variety of cuts of meat that come from it . In the episode , Ralph Wiggum coins the phrase , " Oh boy , sleep ! That 's where I 'm a Viking ! " The term caused a point of contention with some fans curious whether or not he meant he was literally a Viking in his dreams or if he meant sleeping was just something he excelled at . Mirkin confirmed on Twitter that the line was meant to be taken literally , stating " We weren 't writing Ralph as capable of metaphor . " = = = Voice acting = = = At the time the episode was being written , Paul McCartney was the only living member of The Beatles who had never appeared on The Simpsons . John Lennon died before the show was created , but Ringo Starr and George Harrison had guest starred in 1991 ( " Brush with Greatness " ) and 1993 ( " Homer 's Barbershop Quartet " ) , respectively . The Simpsons staff wanted to bring McCartney onto the show , and David Mirkin thought " Lisa the Vegetarian " would be an attractive story , since McCartney is a vegetarian himself . McCartney agreed to appear , but requested that Lisa remain a vegetarian for the rest of the series , rather than revert to meat @-@ eating in the next episode . The Simpsons staff promised that she would remain a vegetarian , resulting in one of the few permanent character changes made in the show . McCartney 's wife Linda was also recruited to appear in the episode . She told Entertainment Weekly that the episode was a chance for her and her husband " to spread the vegetarian word to a wider audience . " Paul and Linda were both long @-@ time fans of The Simpsons . Mirkin later said that recording with the McCartneys was one of the most " amazing " experiences of his life . He flew to London and met the couple at Paul McCartney 's recording studio , where the McCartneys spent an hour recording their parts . Simpsons creator Matt Groening was supposed to go with Mirkin to London , but missed his plane . Groening commented that having McCartney and the rest of The Beatles on The Simpsons " was a dream come true for all of us . " Linda McCartney died of cancer at age 56 on April 17 , 1998 . The Simpsons ' season nine episode " Trash of the Titans " , which aired on April 26 , 1998 , was dedicated to her memory . Simpsons executive producer Mike Scully said , " It just seemed like the right thing to do . Everyone here was surprised and saddened by her death . " = = = Directing and animating = = = The episode was directed by Mark Kirkland , who was intrigued by the story because he had not seen many television episodes about vegetarianism . The designs for Paul and Linda McCartney are unusual for The Simpsons in that the characters have brown and blue irises , respectively . Most Simpsons characters simply have black spots in the centers of their eyes . In one scene of the episode , Homer sprays two bottles of lighter fluid onto his grill , causing viewers to anticipate an explosion when Homer throws a match on it . When he does release the match , however , the grill barely ignites . A similar scene appears in an older episode of The Simpsons , " Treehouse of Horror " , although in that episode , Homer uses a single bottle of lighter fluid and causes an explosion . Mirkin enjoyed the joke enough to reuse parts of it in " Lisa the Vegetarian " , adding new twists to further enhance the comedic effect . The old sketches from the " Treehouse of Horror " episode were used to help the animators animate the scene . = = Cultural references = = The episode features several references to The Beatles and McCartney 's solo career . For instance , McCartney tells Lisa that playing his 1970 song " Maybe I
[ "▁'", "m", "▁Ama", "zed", "▁\"", "▁backwards", "▁will", "▁reve", "al", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁reci", "pe", "▁for", "▁a", "▁really", "▁r", "ipp", "in", "▁'", "▁l", "ent", "il", "▁soup", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁A", "▁modified", "▁version", "▁of", "▁the", "▁song", "▁plays", "▁in", "▁the", "▁final", "▁scene", "▁,", "▁then", "▁over", "▁the", "▁closing", "▁cred", "its", "▁of", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁;", "▁when", "▁played", "▁backwards", "▁,", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁can", "▁be", "▁heard", "▁rec", "iting", "▁the", "▁reci", "pe", "▁in", "▁the", "▁song", "▁.", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁had", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁record", "▁the", "▁reci", "pe", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁later", "▁added", "▁in", "▁reverse", "▁over", "▁the", "▁original", "▁song", "▁.", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁thought", "▁it", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁very", "▁fun", "ny", "▁\"", "▁that", "▁the", "▁staff", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁send", "▁up", "▁the", "▁whole", "▁cult", "▁thing", "▁\"", "▁of", "▁back", "mask", "ing", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Beat", "les", "▁'", 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"▁song", "▁,", "▁'", "▁Live", "▁and", "▁Let", "▁Live", "▁'", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Paul", "▁correct", "s", "▁A", "pu", "▁and", "▁says", "▁the", "▁song", "▁'", "s", "▁title", "▁is", "▁actually", "▁\"", "▁Live", "▁and", "▁Let", "▁Die", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁same", "▁scene", "▁,", "▁A", "pu", "▁refers", "▁to", "▁himself", "▁as", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁fifth", "▁Beat", "le", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁L", "inda", "▁all", "udes", "▁to", "▁a", "▁line", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Beat", "les", "▁'", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "9", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁Oct", "opus", "▁'", "s", "▁Garden", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁McC", "art", "ne", "ys", "▁later", "▁ask", "▁Lisa", "▁if", "▁she", "▁would", "▁like", "▁to", "▁hear", "▁a", "▁song", "▁,", "▁and", "▁A", "pu", "▁s", "ings", "▁part", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁S", "gt", ".", "▁Pe", "pper", "▁'", "s", "▁L", "on", "ely", "▁He", "arts", "▁Club", "▁Band", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁to", "▁which", "▁the", "▁McC", "art", "ne", "ys", "▁snap", "▁along", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Release", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", 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"▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁'", "s", "▁DVD", "▁audio", "▁comment", "ary", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁won", "▁an", "▁Environment", "al", "▁Media", "▁Award", "▁in", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Best", "▁Television", "▁Epis", "od", "ic", "▁Com", "edy", "▁\"", "▁category", "▁,", "▁which", "▁has", "▁been", "▁awarded", "▁every", "▁year", "▁since", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁to", "▁the", "▁best", "▁television", "▁episode", "▁or", "▁film", "▁with", "▁an", "▁environmental", "▁message", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁has", "▁also", "▁received", "▁a", "▁Gen", "esis", "▁Award", "▁in", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Best", "▁Television", "▁Com", "edy", "▁Series", "▁,", "▁O", "ng", "o", "ing", "▁Comm", "it", "ment", "▁\"", "▁category", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Gen", "esis", "▁Award", "▁is", "▁awarded", "▁ann", "ually", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Hum", "ane", "▁Society", "▁of", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁to", "▁honor", "▁works", "▁that", "▁raise", "▁the", "▁public", "▁'", "s", "▁understanding", "▁of", "▁animal", "▁issues", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Crit", "ical", "▁reviews", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Lisa", "▁the", "▁Veg", "et", "arian", "▁\"", "▁has", "▁received", "▁positive", "▁reviews", "▁from", "▁television", "▁critics", "▁and", "▁the", "▁staff", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁.", "▁Among", "▁the", "▁show", "▁'", "s", "▁staff", "▁,", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁,", "▁Kirk", "land", "▁,", "▁Gro", "ening", "▁and", "▁writer", "▁Ian", "▁Ma", "xt", "one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Graham", "▁list", "▁it", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁their", "▁favorite", "▁episodes", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁DVD", "▁audio", "▁comment", "ary", "▁for", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁called", "▁the", "▁opening", "▁sequence", "▁at", "▁the", "▁pet", "ting", "▁zoo", "▁one", "▁of", "▁his", "▁favorite", "▁set", "▁pieces", "▁in", "▁the", "▁show", "▁'", "s", "▁history", "▁.", "▁He", "▁thought", "▁it", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁absolutely", "▁h", "il", "ari", "ous", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁pra", "ised", "▁Kirk", "land", "▁for", "▁his", "▁animation", "▁.", "▁M", "irk", "in", "▁also", "▁enjoyed", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁A", "pu", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁because", "▁A", "pu", "▁shows", "▁Lisa", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁way", "▁to", "▁get", "▁people", "▁to", "▁change", "▁is", "▁through", "▁toler", "ance", "▁and", "▁understanding", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Gro", "ening", "▁cons", "iders", "▁the", "▁jo", "ke", "▁in", "▁which", "▁the", "▁family", "▁forms", "▁a", "▁con", "ga", "▁line", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁high", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁points", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁the", "▁history", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁.", "▁", "▁Television", "▁critics", "▁pra", "ised", "▁\"", "▁Lisa", "▁the", "▁Veg", "et", "arian", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁its", "▁humor", "▁.", "▁John", "▁Ser", "ba", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Grand", "▁Rap", "ids", "▁Press", "▁named", "▁it", "▁his", "▁favorite", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁because", "▁the", "▁tale", "▁of", "▁Lisa", "▁'", "s", "▁conversion", "▁to", "▁veget", "arian", "ism", "▁has", "▁more", "▁hum", "orous", "▁scenes", "▁per", "▁square", "▁in", "ch", "▁than", "▁any", "▁other", "▁episode", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Vent", "ura", "▁County", "▁Re" ]
'm Amazed " backwards will reveal " a recipe for a really rippin ' lentil soup " . A modified version of the song plays in the final scene , then over the closing credits of the episode ; when played backwards , McCartney can be heard reciting the recipe in the song . Mirkin had McCartney record the recipe , which was later added in reverse over the original song . McCartney thought it was " very funny " that the staff wanted to " send up the whole cult thing " of backmasking on the Beatles ' songs . " A secret lentil soup recipe seemed a nice parody of that , " he said . One of the backwards snippets says , " Oh , and by the way , I 'm alive , " a reference to the " Paul is dead " urban legend . When Lisa , Apu , and the McCartneys gather on the Kwik @-@ E @-@ Mart roof , Apu tells Lisa , " I learned long ago to tolerate others rather than forcing my beliefs on them . You know , you can influence people without badgering them always . It 's like Paul 's song , ' Live and Let Live ' . " Paul corrects Apu and says the song 's title is actually " Live and Let Die " . In the same scene , Apu refers to himself as the " fifth Beatle " , and Linda alludes to a line in the Beatles ' 1969 song " Octopus 's Garden " . The McCartneys later ask Lisa if she would like to hear a song , and Apu sings part of " Sgt. Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band " , to which the McCartneys snap along . = = Release = = " Lisa the Vegetarian " originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 15 , 1995 . It finished 47th in the ratings for the week of October 9 – 15 , 1995 , with a Nielsen rating of 9 @.@ 0 , equivalent to approximately 8 @.@ 63 million viewing households . The episode was the fourth highest @-@ rated show on the Fox network that week , following The X @-@ Files , Fox NFL Sunday , and Melrose Place . " Lisa the Vegetarian " was later selected for release in a 2000 video collection of episodes titled The Simpsons – Raiders of the Lost Fridge . Other episodes included in the collection set were " Guess Who 's Coming to Criticize Dinner ? " , " King @-@ Size Homer " , and " Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk " . " Lisa the Vegetarian " was later included in The Simpsons ' season seven DVD set , which was released on December 13 , 2005 . David X. Cohen , Mark Kirkland , Matt Groening , and David Mirkin participated in the episode 's DVD audio commentary . The episode won an Environmental Media Award in the " Best Television Episodic Comedy " category , which has been awarded every year since 1991 to the best television episode or film with an environmental message . The episode has also received a Genesis Award in the " Best Television Comedy Series , Ongoing Commitment " category . The Genesis Award is awarded annually by the Humane Society of the United States to honor works that raise the public 's understanding of animal issues . = = = Critical reviews = = = " Lisa the Vegetarian " has received positive reviews from television critics and the staff of The Simpsons . Among the show 's staff , Mirkin , Kirkland , Groening and writer Ian Maxtone @-@ Graham list it as one of their favorite episodes . In the DVD audio commentary for the episode , Mirkin called the opening sequence at the petting zoo one of his favorite set pieces in the show 's history . He thought it was " absolutely hilarious " , and praised Kirkland for his animation . Mirkin also enjoyed the use of Apu in the episode , because Apu shows Lisa that " the way to get people to change is through tolerance and understanding . " Groening considers the joke in which the family forms a conga line one of the " high @-@ points " in the history of The Simpsons . Television critics praised " Lisa the Vegetarian " for its humor . John Serba of the Grand Rapids Press named it his favorite episode , " because the tale of Lisa 's conversion to vegetarianism has more humorous scenes per square inch than any other episode . " The Ventura County Re
[ "porter", "▁'", "s", "▁Matthew", "▁S", "inger", "▁thought", "▁it", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁overflow", "ing", "▁with", "▁great", "▁individual", "▁scenes", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁T", "roy", "▁Mc", "Cl", "ure", "▁'", "s", "▁Me", "at", "▁Council", "▁propag", "anda", "▁video", "▁,", "▁which", "▁he", "▁said", "▁\"", "▁may", "▁be", "▁the", "▁fun", "ni", "est", "▁isolated", "▁segment", "▁in", "▁the", "▁history", "▁of", "▁the", "▁show", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁MS", "N", "BC", "▁'", "s", "▁Patrick", "▁En", "right", "▁,", "▁who", "▁listed", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁as", "▁his", "▁second", "▁favorite", "▁of", "▁the", "▁series", "▁,", "▁highlight", "ed", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁You", "▁don", "▁'", "t", "▁win", "▁friends", "▁with", "▁sal", "ad", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁song", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁one", "▁of", "▁those", "▁arch", "et", "yp", "al", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁moments", "▁,", "▁one", "▁in", "▁which", "▁the", "▁writers", "▁hit", "▁a", "▁jo", "ke", "▁so", "▁long", "▁that", "▁it", "▁goes", "▁from", "▁fun", "ny", "▁to", "▁un", "fun", "ny", "▁and", "▁back", "▁to", "▁fun", "ny", "▁again", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Review", "ers", "▁of", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁have", "▁also", "▁pra", "ised", "▁it", "▁for", "▁its", "▁character", "▁development", "▁.", "▁Tod", "d", "▁Gil", "ch", "rist", "▁of", "▁I", "GN", "▁said", "▁he", "▁thinks", "▁the", "▁key", "▁to", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁'", "▁lon", "ge", "vity", "▁is", "▁its", "▁\"", "▁sentiment", "al", "▁but", "▁not", "▁go", "o", "ey", "▁\"", "▁approach", "▁to", "▁story", "t", "elling", "▁and", "▁character", "▁development", "▁.", "▁He", "▁took", "▁\"", "▁Lisa", "▁the", "▁Veg", "et", "arian", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁an", "▁example", "▁and", "▁said", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Lisa", "▁sab", "ot", "ages", "▁H", "omer", "▁'", "s", "▁bar", "bec", "ue", "▁,", "▁which", "▁results", "▁in", "▁an", "▁un", "cer", "emon", "ious", "▁death", "▁for", "▁his", "▁prize", "▁p", "ig", "▁.", "▁But", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁simply", "▁pun", "ctu", "ating", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁with", "▁an", "▁icon", "ic", "▁image", "▁of", "▁the", "▁p", "ork", "er", "▁so", "aring", "▁through", "▁the", "▁air", "▁,", "▁the", "▁writers", "▁actually", "▁develop", "▁a", "▁story", "▁into", "▁which", "▁the", "▁jo", "ke", "▁fits", "▁.", "▁The", "▁com", "edic", "▁effect", "▁is", "▁actually", "▁intens", "ified", "▁because", "▁we", "▁care", "▁about", "▁the", "▁characters", "▁,", "▁are", "▁inv", "ested", "▁in", "▁the", "▁story", "▁,", "▁and", "▁prim", "ed", "▁for", "▁a", "▁great", "▁g", "ag", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Ni", "ag", "ara", "▁Gazette", "▁'", "s", "▁Phil", "▁D", "z", "iki", "y", "▁said", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁character", "▁development", "▁and", "▁story", "t", "elling", "▁is", "▁perfect", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁not", "ing", "▁that", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁equally", "▁h", "il", "ari", "ous", "▁,", "▁touch", "ing", "▁and", "▁sat", "ir", "ical", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁McC", "art", "ne", "ys", "▁'", "▁guest", "▁appearance", "▁received", "▁mixed", "▁re", "actions", "▁from", "▁critics", "▁.", "▁Warren", "▁Mart", "yn", "▁and", "▁Ad", "rian", "▁Wood", "▁,", "▁the", "▁authors", "▁of", "▁I", "▁Can", "▁'", "t", "▁Bel", "ieve", "▁It", "▁'", "s", "▁a", "▁B", "igger", "▁and", "▁Better", "▁Updated", "▁Un", "o", "fficial", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁Guide", "▁,", "▁called", "▁it", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁super", "b", "▁\"", "▁performance", "▁.", "▁S", "inger", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁thought", "▁their", "▁came", "o", "▁was", "▁poor", "ly", "▁integrated", "▁into", "▁the", "▁show", "▁,", "▁and", "▁D", "z", "iki", "y", "▁thought", "▁it", "▁seemed", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁little", "▁forced", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁I", "GN", "▁ranked", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁in", "▁this", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁Ring", "o", "▁St", "arr", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁in", "▁\"", "▁Br", "ush", "▁with", "▁Great", "ness", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁George", "▁Harrison", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁in", "▁\"", "▁H", "omer", "▁'", "s", "▁Bar", "bers", "h", "op", "▁Quart", "et", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁as", "▁the", "▁t", "enth", "▁best", "▁guest", "▁appearance", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁'", "▁history", "▁.", "▁They", "▁added", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁Although", "▁none", "▁of", "▁these", "▁appearances", "▁were", "▁really", "▁large", "▁,", "▁the", "▁fact", "▁that", "▁the", "▁most", "▁popular", "▁band", "▁of", "▁all", "▁time", "▁appeared", "▁on", "▁The", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁is", "▁a", "▁large", "▁statement", "▁on", "▁the", "▁popular", "ity", "▁and", "▁importance", "▁of", "▁the", "▁show", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Simon", "▁C", "rer", "ar", "▁of", "▁Times", "▁Online", "▁named", "▁Paul", "▁and", "▁L", "inda", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁thirty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁three", "▁\"", "▁fun", "ni", "est", "▁Sim", "ps", "ons", "▁came", "os", "▁ever", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Larry", "▁Dob", "row", "▁and", "▁Mike", "▁Er", "rico", "▁of", "▁Bl", "ender", "▁listed", "▁it", "▁as", "▁the", "▁e", "ighth", "▁best", "▁band", "▁came", "o", "▁in", "▁the", "▁show", "▁'", "s", "▁history", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Marie", "▁Lloyd", "▁=", "▁", "▁Mat", "ilda", "▁Alice", "▁Victoria", "▁Wood", "▁,", "▁(", "▁", "1", "2", "▁February", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "0", "▁–", "▁", "7", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁)", "▁,", "▁profession", "ally", "▁known", "▁as", "▁Marie", "▁Lloyd", "▁/", "▁", "ˈ", "m", "ɑ", "ː", "ri", "▁/", "▁;", "▁was", "▁an", "▁English", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁singer", "▁,", "▁com", "ed", "ian", "▁and", "▁musical", "▁theatre", "▁actress", "▁during", "▁the", "▁late", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁and", "▁early", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁centuries", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁best", "▁known", "▁for", "▁her", "▁performances", "▁of", "▁songs", "▁such", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Boy", "▁I", "▁Love", "▁Is", "▁Up", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Gallery", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁My", "▁Old", "▁Man", "▁(", "▁Sa", "id", "▁Follow", "▁the", "▁Van", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Oh", "▁Mr", "▁Por", "ter", "▁What", "▁Sh", "all", "▁I", "▁Do", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁received", "▁both", "▁criticism", "▁and", "▁pra", "ise", "▁for", "▁her", "▁use", "▁of", "▁in", "nu", "endo", "▁and", "▁double", "▁ent", "endre", "▁during", "▁her", "▁performances", "▁,", "▁and", "▁enjoyed", "▁a", "▁long", "▁and", "▁prosper", "ous", "▁career", "▁,", "▁during", "▁which", "▁she", "▁was", "▁affection", "ately", "▁called", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Queen", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Music", "▁Hall", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Born", "▁in", "▁London", "▁,", "▁she", "▁was", "▁show", "c", "ased", "▁by", "▁her", "▁father", "▁at", "▁the", "▁E", "agle", "▁Ta", "vern", "▁in", "▁Ho", "xt", "on", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "4", "▁,", "▁she", "▁made", "▁her", "▁professional", "▁début", "▁as", "▁B", "ella", "▁Del", "m", "ere", "▁;", "▁she", "▁changed", "▁her", "▁stage", "▁name", "▁to", "▁Marie", "▁Lloyd", "▁the", "▁following", "▁year", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "5", "▁,", "▁she", "▁had", "▁success", "▁with", "▁her", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Boy", "▁I", "▁Love", "▁Is", "▁Up", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Gallery", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁she", "▁frequently", "▁to", "pped", "▁the", "▁bill", "▁at", "▁pr", "estig", "ious", "▁the", "at", "res", "▁in", "▁London", "▁'", "s", "▁West", "▁End", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "1", "▁,", "▁she", "▁was", "▁rec", "ru", "ited", "▁by", "▁the", "▁im", "pres", "ario", "▁August", "us", "▁Harris", "▁to", "▁appear", "▁in", "▁that", "▁year", "▁'", "s", "▁spect", "ac", "ular", "▁Theatre", "▁Royal", "▁,", "▁Dr", "ury", "▁Lane", "▁Christmas", "▁p", "antom", "ime", "▁Hum", "pty", "▁Dum", "pty", "▁.", "▁She", "▁star", "red", "▁in", "▁a", "▁further", "▁two", "▁produ", "ctions", "▁at", "▁the", "▁theatre", "▁,", "▁Little", "▁Bo", "▁Pe", "ep", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "2", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Robinson", "▁Cr", "us", "oe", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "3", "▁)", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁in", "▁frequent", "▁dispute", "▁with", "▁Britain", "▁'", "s", "▁theatre", "▁cens", "ors", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁ris", "qué", "▁content", "▁of", "▁her", "▁songs", "▁.", "▁", "▁Between", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "4", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "0" ]
porter 's Matthew Singer thought it was " overflowing with great individual scenes " , particularly Troy McClure 's Meat Council propaganda video , which he said " may be the funniest isolated segment in the history of the show . " MSNBC 's Patrick Enright , who listed the episode as his second favorite of the series , highlighted the " You don 't win friends with salad ! " song as " one of those archetypal Simpsons moments , one in which the writers hit a joke so long that it goes from funny to unfunny and back to funny again . " Reviewers of the episode have also praised it for its character development . Todd Gilchrist of IGN said he thinks the key to The Simpsons ' longevity is its " sentimental but not gooey " approach to storytelling and character development . He took " Lisa the Vegetarian " as an example and said : " Lisa sabotages Homer 's barbecue , which results in an unceremonious death for his prize pig . But rather than simply punctuating the episode with an iconic image of the porker soaring through the air , the writers actually develop a story into which the joke fits . The comedic effect is actually intensified because we care about the characters , are invested in the story , and primed for a great gag . " The Niagara Gazette 's Phil Dzikiy said that " the character development and storytelling is perfect " , noting that the episode was " equally hilarious , touching and satirical " . The McCartneys ' guest appearance received mixed reactions from critics . Warren Martyn and Adrian Wood , the authors of I Can 't Believe It 's a Bigger and Better Updated Unofficial Simpsons Guide , called it a " superb " performance . Singer , however , thought their cameo was poorly integrated into the show , and Dzikiy thought it seemed " a little forced " . IGN ranked McCartney 's performance in this episode , along with Ringo Starr 's performance in " Brush with Greatness " , and George Harrison 's performance in " Homer 's Barbershop Quartet " , as the tenth best guest appearance in The Simpsons ' history . They added that " Although none of these appearances were really large , the fact that the most popular band of all time appeared on The Simpsons is a large statement on the popularity and importance of the show . " Simon Crerar of Times Online named Paul and Linda McCartney 's performance in the episode as one of the thirty @-@ three " funniest Simpsons cameos ever " , and Larry Dobrow and Mike Errico of Blender listed it as the eighth best band cameo in the show 's history . = Marie Lloyd = Matilda Alice Victoria Wood , ( 12 February 1870 – 7 October 1922 ) , professionally known as Marie Lloyd / ˈmɑːri / ; was an English music hall singer , comedian and musical theatre actress during the late 19th and early 20th centuries . She was best known for her performances of songs such as " The Boy I Love Is Up in the Gallery " , " My Old Man ( Said Follow the Van ) " and " Oh Mr Porter What Shall I Do " . She received both criticism and praise for her use of innuendo and double entendre during her performances , and enjoyed a long and prosperous career , during which she was affectionately called the " Queen of the Music Hall " . Born in London , she was showcased by her father at the Eagle Tavern in Hoxton . In 1884 , she made her professional début as Bella Delmere ; she changed her stage name to Marie Lloyd the following year . In 1885 , she had success with her song " The Boy I Love Is Up in the Gallery " , and she frequently topped the bill at prestigious theatres in London 's West End . In 1891 , she was recruited by the impresario Augustus Harris to appear in that year 's spectacular Theatre Royal , Drury Lane Christmas pantomime Humpty Dumpty . She starred in a further two productions at the theatre , Little Bo Peep ( 1892 ) and Robinson Crusoe ( 1893 ) . By the mid @-@ 1890s , Lloyd was in frequent dispute with Britain 's theatre censors due to the risqué content of her songs . Between 1894 and 1900
[ "▁,", "▁she", "▁became", "▁an", "▁international", "▁success", "▁when", "▁she", "▁tou", "red", "▁France", "▁,", "▁America", "▁,", "▁Australia", "▁and", "▁Belg", "ium", "▁with", "▁her", "▁solo", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁act", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁she", "▁assist", "ed", "▁other", "▁perform", "ers", "▁during", "▁the", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁war", "▁and", "▁took", "▁part", "▁in", "▁demonstr", "ations", "▁outside", "▁the", "at", "res", "▁,", "▁protest", "ing", "▁for", "▁better", "▁pay", "▁and", "▁conditions", "▁for", "▁perform", "ers", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁First", "▁World", "▁War", "▁,", "▁in", "▁common", "▁with", "▁most", "▁other", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁artists", "▁,", "▁she", "▁supported", "▁rec", "ruit", "ment", "▁into", "▁the", "▁armed", "▁services", "▁to", "▁help", "▁the", "▁war", "▁effort", "▁,", "▁tour", "ing", "▁hosp", "it", "als", "▁and", "▁industrial", "▁institutions", "▁to", "▁help", "▁boost", "▁mor", "ale", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁she", "▁performed", "▁her", "▁only", "▁w", "art", "ime", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁Now", "▁You", "▁'", "ve", "▁Got", "▁Your", "▁Kh", "aki", "▁On", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁became", "▁a", "▁favour", "ite", "▁among", "▁front", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁line", "▁troops", "▁.", "▁", "▁Lloyd", "▁had", "▁a", "▁tur", "bul", "ent", "▁private", "▁life", "▁that", "▁was", "▁often", "▁the", "▁subject", "▁of", "▁press", "▁attention", "▁:", "▁she", "▁was", "▁married", "▁three", "▁times", "▁,", "▁divor", "ced", "▁twice", "▁,", "▁and", "▁frequently", "▁found", "▁herself", "▁giving", "▁court", "▁testim", "ony", "▁against", "▁two", "▁of", "▁her", "▁hus", "b", "ands", "▁who", "▁had", "▁phys", "ically", "▁ab", "used", "▁her", "▁.", "▁In", "▁later", "▁life", "▁,", "▁she", "▁was", "▁still", "▁in", "▁demand", "▁at", "▁music", "▁h", "alls", "▁and", "▁had", "▁a", "▁late", "▁success", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "9", "▁with", "▁her", "▁performance", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁My", "▁Old", "▁Man", "▁(", "▁Sa", "id", "▁Follow", "▁the", "▁Van", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁earned", "▁her", "▁an", "▁extended", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁Priv", "ately", "▁,", "▁she", "▁suffered", "▁from", "▁b", "outs", "▁of", "▁ill", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁health", "▁and", "▁became", "▁alco", "hol", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dependent", "▁,", "▁both", "▁of", "▁which", "▁im", "posed", "▁restrictions", "▁on", "▁her", "▁performing", "▁career", "▁by", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁she", "▁gave", "▁her", "▁final", "▁performance", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Al", "h", "amb", "ra", "▁Theatre", "▁,", "▁London", "▁,", "▁during", "▁which", "▁she", "▁became", "▁ill", "▁on", "▁stage", "▁.", "▁She", "▁died", "▁a", "▁few", "▁days", "▁later", "▁at", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁", "5", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Biography", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Family", "▁background", "▁and", "▁early", "▁life", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁born", "▁on", "▁", "1", "2", "▁February", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "0", "▁in", "▁Ho", "xt", "on", "▁,", "▁London", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁father", "▁John", "▁Wood", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "7", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "▁)", "▁,", "▁was", "▁an", "▁artificial", "▁flower", "▁arr", "anger", "▁and", "▁wait", "er", "▁,", "▁and", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁Mat", "ilda", "▁Mary", "▁Caroline", "▁n", "ée", "▁Arch", "er", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "4", "9", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "1", "▁)", "▁,", "▁was", "▁a", "▁dress", "maker", "▁and", "▁cost", "ume", "▁designer", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁the", "▁el", "dest", "▁of", "▁nine", "▁children", "▁and", "▁became", "▁known", "▁within", "▁the", "▁family", "▁circle", "▁as", "▁T", "ille", "y", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Wood", "▁family", "▁were", "▁respect", "able", "▁,", "▁hard", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁working", "▁,", "▁and", "▁finan", "cially", "▁comfortable", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁often", "▁took", "▁career", "▁advice", "▁from", "▁her", "▁mother", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁influence", "▁was", "▁strong", "▁in", "▁the", "▁family", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁attended", "▁a", "▁school", "▁in", "▁Bath", "▁Street", "▁,", "▁London", "▁,", "▁but", "▁dis", "lik", "ed", "▁formal", "▁education", "▁and", "▁often", "▁played", "▁tr", "u", "ant", "▁;", "▁with", "▁both", "▁her", "▁parents", "▁working", "▁,", "▁she", "▁adopted", "▁a", "▁mat", "ernal", "▁role", "▁over", "▁her", "▁sib", "lings", "▁,", "▁helping", "▁to", "▁keep", "▁them", "▁ent", "ert", "ained", "▁,", "▁clean", "▁and", "▁well", "▁c", "ared", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁for", "▁.", "▁Al", "ong", "▁with", "▁her", "▁sister", "▁Alice", "▁,", "▁she", "▁arranged", "▁events", "▁in", "▁which", "▁the", "▁Wood", "▁children", "▁performed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁family", "▁home", "▁.", "▁She", "▁enjoyed", "▁the", "▁experience", "▁of", "▁entertain", "ing", "▁her", "▁family", "▁and", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁form", "▁a", "▁min", "st", "rel", "▁act", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "9", "▁called", "▁the", "▁Fair", "y", "▁Bell", "▁tr", "oupe", "▁compr", "ising", "▁her", "▁brothers", "▁and", "▁sister", "s", "▁.", "▁", "▁Lloyd", "▁and", "▁the", "▁tr", "oupe", "▁made", "▁their", "▁début", "▁at", "▁a", "▁mission", "▁in", "▁N", "ile", "▁Street", "▁,", "▁Ho", "xt", "on", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "0", "▁and", "▁followed", "▁this", "▁with", "▁an", "▁appearance", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Blue", "▁Rib", "bon", "▁G", "ospel", "▁Tem", "per", "ance", "▁Mission", "▁later", "▁the", "▁same", "▁year", "▁.", "▁Cost", "umed", "▁by", "▁Mat", "ilda", "▁,", "▁they", "▁tou", "red", "▁local", "▁d", "oss", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁houses", "▁in", "▁East", "▁London", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁performed", "▁temper", "ance", "▁songs", "▁,", "▁teaching", "▁people", "▁the", "▁d", "angers", "▁of", "▁alco", "hol", "▁ab", "use", "▁.", "▁E", "ager", "▁to", "▁show", "▁off", "▁his", "▁daughter", "▁'", "s", "▁talent", "▁,", "▁John", "▁secured", "▁her", "▁un", "pa", "id", "▁employ", "ment", "▁as", "▁a", "▁table", "▁singer", "▁at", "▁the", "▁E", "agle", "▁Ta", "vern", "▁in", "▁Ho", "xt", "on", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁worked", "▁as", "▁a", "▁wait", "er", "▁.", "▁Among", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁she", "▁performed", "▁there", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁My", "▁Sold", "ier", "▁L", "add", "ie", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁T", "ogether", "▁with", "▁her", "▁performances", "▁at", "▁the", "▁E", "agle", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁briefly", "▁contributed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁family", "▁income", "▁by", "▁making", "▁b", "ab", "ies", "▁'", "▁bo", "ots", "▁,", "▁and", "▁,", "▁later", "▁,", "▁cur", "led", "▁fe", "athers", "▁for", "▁hat", "▁making", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁un", "success", "ful", "▁at", "▁both", "▁and", "▁was", "▁s", "ack", "ed", "▁from", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁after", "▁being", "▁caught", "▁dan", "cing", "▁on", "▁the", "▁tables", "▁by", "▁the", "▁for", "eman", "▁.", "▁She", "▁returned", "▁home", "▁that", "▁evening", "▁and", "▁declared", "▁that", "▁she", "▁wanted", "▁a", "▁permanent", "▁career", "▁on", "▁the", "▁stage", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁happy", "▁to", "▁have", "▁her", "▁performing", "▁in", "▁her", "▁spare", "▁time", "▁,", "▁her", "▁parents", "▁initially", "▁opposed", "▁the", "▁idea", "▁of", "▁her", "▁appearing", "▁on", "▁the", "▁stage", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁time", "▁.", "▁She", "▁re", "called", "▁that", "▁when", "▁her", "▁parents", "▁\"", "▁saw", "▁that", "▁they", "▁couldn", "▁'", "t", "▁kick", "▁their", "▁ob", "jections", "▁as", "▁high", "▁as", "▁[", "▁she", "▁]", "▁could", "▁kick", "▁[", "▁her", "▁]", "▁legs", "▁,", "▁they", "▁very", "▁sens", "ibly", "▁came", "▁to", "▁the", "▁conclusion", "▁to", "▁let", "▁things", "▁take", "▁their", "▁course", "▁and", "▁said", "▁'", "▁B", "less", "▁you", "▁my", "▁child", "▁,", "▁do", "▁what", "▁you", "▁like", "▁'", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁career", "▁and", "▁first", "▁marriage", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁", "9", "▁May", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "5", "▁,", "▁at", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁made", "▁her", "▁professional", "▁solo", "▁stage", "▁début", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Gre", "cian", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁(", "▁in", "▁the", "▁same", "▁prem", "ises", "▁as", "▁the", "▁E", "agle", "▁Ta", "vern", "▁)", "▁,", "▁under", "▁the", "▁name", "▁\"", "▁Mat", "ilda", "▁Wood", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁performed", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁the", "▁Good", "▁Old", "▁Days", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁My", "▁Sold", "ier", "▁L", "add", "ie", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁proved", "▁successful", "▁,", "▁and", "▁earned", "▁her", "▁a", "▁book", "ing", "▁at", "▁the" ]
, she became an international success when she toured France , America , Australia and Belgium with her solo music hall act . In 1907 , she assisted other performers during the music hall war and took part in demonstrations outside theatres , protesting for better pay and conditions for performers . During the First World War , in common with most other music hall artists , she supported recruitment into the armed services to help the war effort , touring hospitals and industrial institutions to help boost morale . In 1915 , she performed her only wartime song " Now You 've Got Your Khaki On " , which became a favourite among front @-@ line troops . Lloyd had a turbulent private life that was often the subject of press attention : she was married three times , divorced twice , and frequently found herself giving court testimony against two of her husbands who had physically abused her . In later life , she was still in demand at music halls and had a late success in 1919 with her performance of " My Old Man ( Said Follow the Van ) " , which earned her an extended audience . Privately , she suffered from bouts of ill @-@ health and became alcohol @-@ dependent , both of which imposed restrictions on her performing career by the 1920s . In 1922 , she gave her final performance at the Alhambra Theatre , London , during which she became ill on stage . She died a few days later at the age of 52 . = = Biography = = = = = Family background and early life = = = Lloyd was born on 12 February 1870 in Hoxton , London . Her father John Wood ( 1847 – 1940 ) , was an artificial flower arranger and waiter , and his wife Matilda Mary Caroline née Archer ( 1849 – 1931 ) , was a dressmaker and costume designer . Lloyd was the eldest of nine children and became known within the family circle as Tilley . The Wood family were respectable , hard @-@ working , and financially comfortable . Lloyd often took career advice from her mother , whose influence was strong in the family . Lloyd attended a school in Bath Street , London , but disliked formal education and often played truant ; with both her parents working , she adopted a maternal role over her siblings , helping to keep them entertained , clean and well cared @-@ for . Along with her sister Alice , she arranged events in which the Wood children performed at the family home . She enjoyed the experience of entertaining her family and decided to form a minstrel act in 1879 called the Fairy Bell troupe comprising her brothers and sisters . Lloyd and the troupe made their début at a mission in Nile Street , Hoxton , in 1880 and followed this with an appearance at the Blue Ribbon Gospel Temperance Mission later the same year . Costumed by Matilda , they toured local doss @-@ houses in East London , where they performed temperance songs , teaching people the dangers of alcohol abuse . Eager to show off his daughter 's talent , John secured her unpaid employment as a table singer at the Eagle Tavern in Hoxton , where he worked as a waiter . Among the songs she performed there was " My Soldier Laddie " . Together with her performances at the Eagle , Lloyd briefly contributed to the family income by making babies ' boots , and , later , curled feathers for hat making . She was unsuccessful at both and was sacked from the latter after being caught dancing on the tables by the foreman . She returned home that evening and declared that she wanted a permanent career on the stage . Although happy to have her performing in her spare time , her parents initially opposed the idea of her appearing on the stage full @-@ time . She recalled that when her parents " saw that they couldn 't kick their objections as high as [ she ] could kick [ her ] legs , they very sensibly came to the conclusion to let things take their course and said ' Bless you my child , do what you like ' . " = = = Early career and first marriage = = = On 9 May 1885 , at the age of 15 , Lloyd made her professional solo stage début at the Grecian music hall ( in the same premises as the Eagle Tavern ) , under the name " Matilda Wood " . She performed " In the Good Old Days " and " My Soldier Laddie " , which proved successful , and earned her a booking at the
[ "▁Sir", "▁John", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁in", "▁Old", "▁Street", "▁where", "▁she", "▁sang", "▁a", "▁series", "▁of", "▁rom", "antic", "▁ball", "ads", "▁.", "▁So", "on", "▁after", "▁this", "▁,", "▁she", "▁chose", "▁the", "▁stage", "▁name", "▁B", "ella", "▁Del", "m", "ere", "▁and", "▁appeared", "▁on", "▁stage", "▁in", "▁cost", "umes", "▁designed", "▁by", "▁her", "▁mother", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁performances", "▁were", "▁a", "▁success", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁her", "▁singing", "▁other", "▁artists", "▁'", "▁songs", "▁without", "▁their", "▁permission", "▁,", "▁a", "▁practice", "▁which", "▁brought", "▁her", "▁a", "▁threat", "▁of", "▁an", "▁inj", "unction", "▁from", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁original", "▁perform", "ers", "▁.", "▁News", "▁of", "▁her", "▁act", "▁travel", "led", "▁;", "▁that", "▁October", "▁,", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Collins", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁in", "▁Is", "ling", "ton", "▁in", "▁a", "▁special", "▁performance", "▁to", "▁celebr", "ate", "▁the", "▁theatre", "▁'", "s", "▁ref", "urb", "ishment", "▁,", "▁the", "▁first", "▁time", "▁she", "▁had", "▁appeared", "▁outside", "▁Ho", "xt", "on", "▁,", "▁and", "▁two", "▁months", "▁later", "▁,", "▁she", "▁was", "▁engaged", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Hamm", "ers", "m", "ith", "▁Temple", "▁of", "▁Vari", "eties", "▁and", "▁the", "▁M", "idd", "les", "ex", "▁Music", "▁Hall", "▁in", "▁Dr", "ury", "▁Lane", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "3", "▁February", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "6", "▁,", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁at", "▁the", "▁pr", "estig", "ious", "▁Seb", "right", "▁Music", "▁Hall", "▁in", "▁Beth", "nal", "▁Green", "▁,", "▁where", "▁she", "▁met", "▁George", "▁W", "are", "▁,", "▁a", "▁pro", "l", "ific", "▁composer", "▁of", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁songs", "▁.", "▁W", "are", "▁became", "▁her", "▁agent", "▁and", "▁,", "▁after", "▁a", "▁few", "▁weeks", "▁,", "▁she", "▁began", "▁performing", "▁songs", "▁purchased", "▁from", "▁little", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁known", "▁compos", "ers", "▁.", "▁As", "▁her", "▁popular", "ity", "▁grew", "▁,", "▁W", "are", "▁suggested", "▁that", "▁she", "▁change", "▁her", "▁name", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Marie", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁chosen", "▁for", "▁its", "▁\"", "▁pos", "h", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁slightly", "▁French", "▁\"", "▁sound", "▁,", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Lloyd", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁taken", "▁from", "▁an", "▁edition", "▁of", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁Week", "ly", "▁New", "sp", "aper", "▁.", "▁", "▁Lloyd", "▁established", "▁her", "▁new", "▁name", "▁on", "▁", "2", "2", "▁June", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "6", "▁,", "▁with", "▁an", "▁appearance", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁Music", "▁Hall", "▁,", "▁where", "▁she", "▁attract", "ed", "▁wide", "▁notice", "▁for", "▁the", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Boy", "▁I", "▁Love", "▁Is", "▁Up", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Gallery", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁which", "▁was", "▁initially", "▁written", "▁for", "▁Nel", "ly", "▁Power", "▁by", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁agent", "▁George", "▁W", "are", "▁)", "▁.", "▁By", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "7", "▁,", "▁her", "▁performance", "▁of", "▁the", "▁song", "▁had", "▁become", "▁so", "▁popular", "▁that", "▁she", "▁was", "▁in", "▁demand", "▁in", "▁London", "▁'", "s", "▁West", "▁End", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁Oxford", "▁Music", "▁Hall", "▁,", "▁where", "▁she", "▁excel", "led", "▁at", "▁sk", "irt", "▁dan", "cing", "▁.", "▁George", "▁Bel", "mont", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Fal", "st", "aff", "▁'", "s", "▁propriet", "or", "▁,", "▁secured", "▁her", "▁an", "▁eng", "agement", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Star", "▁Palace", "▁of", "▁Vari", "eties", "▁in", "▁B", "erm", "ond", "sey", "▁.", "▁She", "▁soon", "▁began", "▁making", "▁her", "▁own", "▁cost", "umes", "▁,", "▁a", "▁skill", "▁she", "▁learned", "▁from", "▁her", "▁mother", "▁,", "▁and", "▁one", "▁she", "▁used", "▁for", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁her", "▁career", "▁.", "▁She", "▁under", "to", "ok", "▁a", "▁month", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁long", "▁tour", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁at", "▁the", "▁start", "▁of", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "6", "▁,", "▁ear", "ning", "▁£", "▁", "1", "0", "▁per", "▁week", "▁after", "▁which", "▁she", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁East", "▁London", "▁to", "▁perform", "▁at", "▁,", "▁amongst", "▁others", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Seb", "right", "▁Music", "▁Hall", "▁,", "▁Beth", "nal", "▁Green", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "2", "3", "▁October", "▁,", "▁The", "▁Era", "▁called", "▁her", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁pretty", "▁little", "▁sou", "bre", "tte", "▁who", "▁d", "ances", "▁with", "▁great", "▁dash", "▁and", "▁energy", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁By", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "6", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁playing", "▁several", "▁h", "alls", "▁a", "▁night", "▁and", "▁earned", "▁£", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁per", "▁week", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁now", "▁able", "▁to", "▁afford", "▁new", "▁songs", "▁from", "▁established", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁compos", "ers", "▁and", "▁writers", "▁,", "▁including", "▁\"", "▁Harry", "▁'", "s", "▁a", "▁Sold", "ier", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁Has", "▁a", "▁S", "ail", "or", "▁for", "▁a", "▁L", "over", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Oh", "▁Jer", "em", "iah", "▁,", "▁Don", "▁'", "t", "▁you", "▁Go", "▁to", "▁Sea", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁By", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "7", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁began", "▁to", "▁display", "▁a", "▁skill", "▁for", "▁ad", "▁lib", "▁,", "▁and", "▁to", "▁gain", "▁a", "▁reputation", "▁for", "▁her", "▁imp", "rom", "pt", "u", "▁performances", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁during", "▁this", "▁period", "▁that", "▁she", "▁first", "▁sang", "▁\"", "▁Wh", "ack", "y", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁W", "ack", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁When", "▁you", "▁W", "ink", "▁the", "▁Other", "▁E", "ye", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁a", "▁song", "▁which", "▁introduced", "▁her", "▁famous", "▁w", "ink", "▁at", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁Un", "like", "▁her", "▁West", "▁End", "▁aud", "ien", "ces", "▁who", "▁enjoyed", "▁her", "▁co", "arse", "▁hum", "our", "▁,", "▁her", "▁\"", "▁blue", "▁\"", "▁performances", "▁did", "▁not", "▁impress", "▁aud", "ien", "ces", "▁in", "▁the", "▁East", "▁End", "▁.", "▁", "▁While", "▁appearing", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Forest", "ers", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁in", "▁M", "ile", "▁End", "▁,", "▁she", "▁met", "▁and", "▁began", "▁d", "ating", "▁Per", "cy", "▁Charles", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁,", "▁a", "▁ticket", "▁tout", "▁from", "▁Stre", "ath", "am", "▁,", "▁London", "▁.", "▁The", "▁court", "ship", "▁was", "▁brief", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁couple", "▁married", "▁on", "▁", "1", "2", "▁November", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "7", "▁at", "▁St", "▁John", "▁the", "▁Bapt", "ist", "▁,", "▁Ho", "xt", "on", "▁.", "▁In", "▁May", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "8", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁gave", "▁birth", "▁to", "▁a", "▁daughter", "▁,", "▁Marie", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "8", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "7", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁marriage", "▁was", "▁mostly", "▁unh", "appy", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁was", "▁dis", "lik", "ed", "▁by", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁family", "▁and", "▁friends", "▁.", "▁Before", "▁long", "▁,", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁became", "▁add", "icted", "▁to", "▁alco", "hol", "▁and", "▁g", "amb", "ling", "▁,", "▁and", "▁grew", "▁je", "alous", "▁of", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁'", "s", "▁close", "▁friendship", "▁with", "▁the", "▁", "1", "3", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁old", "▁actress", "▁B", "ella", "▁Bur", "ge", "▁,", "▁to", "▁whom", "▁Lloyd", "▁had", "▁r", "ented", "▁a", "▁room", "▁in", "▁the", "▁mar", "ital", "▁house", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁became", "▁angry", "▁at", "▁the", "▁numerous", "▁parties", "▁Lloyd", "▁hosted", "▁for", "▁fellow", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁profession", "▁including", "▁G", "us", "▁El", "en", "▁,", "▁Dan", "▁L", "eno", "▁and", "▁Eug", "ene", "▁Str", "at", "ton", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁October", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "8", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁returned", "▁from", "▁mat", "ern", "ity", "▁leave", "▁and", "▁joined", "▁re", "he", "ars", "als", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "8", "▁–", "▁", "8", "9", "▁p", "antom", "ime", "▁The", "▁Magic", "▁Dragon", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Dem", "on", "▁D", "ell", "▁;", "▁or", "▁,", "▁The", "▁Search", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Myst", "ic", "▁Th", "yme", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁she", "▁was", "▁cast", "▁as", "▁Princess", "▁Krist", "ina", "▁.", "▁The", "▁production", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁st", "aged", "▁between", "▁Box", "ing", "▁Day", "▁and", "▁February", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Britann" ]
Sir John Falstaff music hall in Old Street where she sang a series of romantic ballads . Soon after this , she chose the stage name Bella Delmere and appeared on stage in costumes designed by her mother . Her performances were a success , despite her singing other artists ' songs without their permission , a practice which brought her a threat of an injunction from one of the original performers . News of her act travelled ; that October , she appeared at the Collins music hall in Islington in a special performance to celebrate the theatre 's refurbishment , the first time she had appeared outside Hoxton , and two months later , she was engaged at the Hammersmith Temple of Varieties and the Middlesex Music Hall in Drury Lane . On 3 February 1886 , she appeared at the prestigious Sebright Music Hall in Bethnal Green , where she met George Ware , a prolific composer of music hall songs . Ware became her agent and , after a few weeks , she began performing songs purchased from little @-@ known composers . As her popularity grew , Ware suggested that she change her name . " Marie " was chosen for its " posh " and " slightly French " sound , and " Lloyd " was taken from an edition of Lloyd 's Weekly Newspaper . Lloyd established her new name on 22 June 1886 , with an appearance at the Falstaff Music Hall , where she attracted wide notice for the song " The Boy I Love Is Up in the Gallery " ( which was initially written for Nelly Power by Lloyd 's agent George Ware ) . By 1887 , her performance of the song had become so popular that she was in demand in London 's West End , including the Oxford Music Hall , where she excelled at skirt dancing . George Belmont , the Falstaff 's proprietor , secured her an engagement at the Star Palace of Varieties in Bermondsey . She soon began making her own costumes , a skill she learned from her mother , and one she used for the rest of her career . She undertook a month @-@ long tour of Ireland at the start of 1886 , earning £ 10 per week after which she returned to East London to perform at , amongst others , the Sebright Music Hall , Bethnal Green . On 23 October , The Era called her " a pretty little soubrette who dances with great dash and energy . " By the end of 1886 , Lloyd was playing several halls a night and earned £ 100 per week . She was now able to afford new songs from established music hall composers and writers , including " Harry 's a Soldier " , " She Has a Sailor for a Lover " , and " Oh Jeremiah , Don 't you Go to Sea " . By 1887 , Lloyd began to display a skill for ad lib , and to gain a reputation for her impromptu performances . It was during this period that she first sang " Whacky @-@ Wack " and " When you Wink the Other Eye " , a song which introduced her famous wink at the audience . Unlike her West End audiences who enjoyed her coarse humour , her " blue " performances did not impress audiences in the East End . While appearing at the Foresters music hall in Mile End , she met and began dating Percy Charles Courtenay , a ticket tout from Streatham , London . The courtship was brief , and the couple married on 12 November 1887 at St John the Baptist , Hoxton . In May 1888 , Lloyd gave birth to a daughter , Marie ( 1888 – 1967 ) . The marriage was mostly unhappy , and Courtenay was disliked by Lloyd 's family and friends . Before long , Courtenay became addicted to alcohol and gambling , and grew jealous of his wife 's close friendship with the 13 @-@ year @-@ old actress Bella Burge , to whom Lloyd had rented a room in the marital house . He also became angry at the numerous parties Lloyd hosted for fellow members of the music hall profession including Gus Elen , Dan Leno and Eugene Stratton . In October 1888 , Lloyd returned from maternity leave and joined rehearsals for the 1888 – 89 pantomime The Magic Dragon of the Demon Dell ; or , The Search for the Mystic Thyme , in which she was cast as Princess Kristina . The production , which was staged between Boxing Day and February at the Britann
[ "ia", "▁theatre", "▁in", "▁Ho", "xt", "on", "▁,", "▁gave", "▁her", "▁the", "▁security", "▁of", "▁working", "▁close", "▁to", "▁home", "▁for", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁month", "▁period", "▁.", "▁The", "▁eng", "agement", "▁also", "▁gave", "▁her", "▁much", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁needed", "▁experience", "▁of", "▁playing", "▁to", "▁a", "▁big", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁year", "▁,", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁at", "▁more", "▁Boh", "em", "ian", "▁ven", "ues", "▁including", "▁the", "▁Empire", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Al", "h", "amb", "ra", "▁the", "at", "res", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Tro", "c", "ad", "ero", "▁Palace", "▁of", "▁Vari", "eties", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Standard", "▁play", "house", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "9", "▁,", "▁she", "▁gave", "▁birth", "▁to", "▁a", "▁still", "born", "▁child", "▁,", "▁which", "▁further", "▁dam", "aged", "▁her", "▁marriage", "▁.", "▁", "▁By", "▁the", "▁start", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁had", "▁built", "▁up", "▁a", "▁successful", "▁catalog", "ue", "▁of", "▁songs", "▁,", "▁which", "▁included", "▁\"", "▁What", "▁'", "s", "▁That", "▁For", "▁,", "▁E", "h", "▁?", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁about", "▁a", "▁little", "▁girl", "▁who", "▁asks", "▁her", "▁parents", "▁the", "▁meaning", "▁of", "▁various", "▁every", "day", "▁household", "▁objects", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁and", "▁theatre", "▁historian", "▁W", ".", "▁J", ".", "▁Mac", "Que", "en", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Pope", "▁described", "▁the", "▁song", "▁as", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁blue", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁it", "▁spoke", "▁volumes", "▁about", "▁her", "▁reputation", "▁thanks", "▁to", "▁her", "▁\"", "▁wonderful", "▁w", "ink", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁sudden", "▁,", "▁d", "azz", "ling", "▁smile", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁nod", "▁of", "▁the", "▁head", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Similar", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sty", "led", "▁songs", "▁followed", "▁;", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁'", "d", "▁Never", "▁had", "▁her", "▁T", "icket", "▁P", "unch", "ed", "▁Before", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁told", "▁the", "▁story", "▁of", "▁a", "▁young", "▁,", "▁na", "ive", "▁woman", "▁trav", "elling", "▁to", "▁London", "▁on", "▁her", "▁own", "▁by", "▁train", "▁.", "▁This", "▁was", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁W", "rong", "▁Man", "▁Never", "▁Let", "▁a", "▁Ch", "ance", "▁go", "▁By", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁\"", "▁We", "▁Don", "▁'", "t", "▁W", "ant", "▁to", "▁Fight", "▁,", "▁But", "▁,", "▁by", "▁J", "ingo", "▁,", "▁If", "▁we", "▁Do", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁\"", "▁Oh", "▁You", "▁W", "ink", "▁the", "▁Other", "▁E", "ye", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Tw", "ig", "gy", "▁V", "ous", "▁\"", "▁—", "▁a", "▁song", "▁which", "▁won", "▁her", "▁much", "▁success", "▁and", "▁increased", "▁her", "▁popular", "ity", "▁abroad", "▁.", "▁After", "▁an", "▁evening", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Oxford", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁,", "▁a", "▁French", "▁well", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁wish", "er", "▁requested", "▁a", "▁conversation", "▁and", "▁to", "▁meet", "▁Lloyd", "▁back", "stage", "▁.", "▁Fl", "ank", "ed", "▁by", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁,", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁at", "▁the", "▁stage", "▁door", "▁,", "▁where", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁threatened", "▁the", "▁man", "▁with", "▁violence", "▁as", "▁both", "▁had", "▁become", "▁susp", "icious", "▁of", "▁his", "▁interest", "▁in", "▁her", "▁.", "▁She", "▁took", "▁a", "▁chance", "▁and", "▁invited", "▁the", "▁man", "▁into", "▁her", "▁dress", "ing", "▁room", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁identified", "▁himself", "▁as", "▁a", "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁French", "▁government", "▁.", "▁He", "▁confirmed", "▁to", "▁her", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁Tw", "ig", "gy", "▁V", "ous", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁most", "▁popular", "▁in", "▁Paris", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁she", "▁was", "▁delight", "ed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁news", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁year", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁London", "▁where", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Christmas", "▁p", "antom", "ime", "▁C", "inder", "ella", "▁in", "▁Pe", "ck", "ham", "▁alongside", "▁her", "▁sister", "▁Alice", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Dr", "ury", "▁Lane", "▁and", "▁success", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Between", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "1", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "3", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁rec", "ru", "ited", "▁by", "▁the", "▁im", "pres", "ario", "▁August", "us", "▁Harris", "▁to", "▁appear", "▁alongside", "▁Dan", "▁L", "eno", "▁in", "▁the", "▁spect", "ac", "ular", "▁and", "▁popular", "▁Theatre", "▁Royal", "▁,", "▁Dr", "ury", "▁Lane", "▁Christmas", "▁p", "antom", "imes", "▁.", "▁While", "▁l", "unch", "ing", "▁with", "▁Harris", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "1", "▁to", "▁discuss", "▁his", "▁offer", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁played", "▁co", "y", "▁,", "▁deliber", "ately", "▁confusing", "▁the", "▁theatre", "▁with", "▁the", "▁less", "er", "▁known", "▁ven", "ue", "▁the", "▁Old", "▁Mo", "▁so", "▁as", "▁not", "▁to", "▁appear", "▁conscious", "▁of", "▁Dr", "ury", "▁Lane", "▁'", "s", "▁successful", "▁reputation", "▁;", "▁she", "▁compared", "▁its", "▁structure", "▁to", "▁that", "▁of", "▁a", "▁prison", "▁.", "▁Secret", "ly", "▁,", "▁she", "▁was", "▁thr", "illed", "▁with", "▁the", "▁offer", "▁,", "▁for", "▁which", "▁she", "▁would", "▁receive", "▁£", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁per", "▁week", "▁.", "▁The", "▁p", "antom", "ime", "▁seasons", "▁last", "ed", "▁from", "▁Box", "ing", "▁Day", "▁to", "▁March", "▁and", "▁were", "▁highly", "▁luc", "r", "ative", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Lloyd", "▁found", "▁working", "▁from", "▁a", "▁script", "▁restrict", "ive", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁first", "▁role", "▁was", "▁Princess", "▁All", "f", "air", "▁in", "▁Hum", "pty", "▁Dum", "pty", "▁;", "▁or", "▁,", "▁The", "▁Y", "ellow", "▁D", "war", "f", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Fair", "▁One", "▁,", "▁which", "▁she", "▁dismiss", "ed", "▁as", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁Blo", "ody", "▁awful", "▁,", "▁e", "h", "▁?", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁received", "▁mixed", "▁reviews", "▁for", "▁her", "▁opening", "▁performance", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Times", "▁described", "▁her", "▁as", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁play", "ful", "▁in", "▁gesture", "▁,", "▁grace", "ful", "▁in", "▁appearance", "▁,", "▁but", "▁not", "▁strong", "▁in", "▁voice", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Despite", "▁the", "▁weak", "▁start", "▁(", "▁which", "▁Lloyd", "▁bl", "amed", "▁on", "▁n", "erves", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁p", "antom", "ime", "▁received", "▁g", "low", "ing", "▁reviews", "▁from", "▁the", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁press", "▁.", "▁The", "▁London", "▁En", "tr", "▁'", "act", "e", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁she", "▁\"", "▁deliver", "e", "▁[", "▁d", "▁]", "▁her", "▁text", "▁quite", "▁p", "ung", "ently", "▁,", "▁and", "▁s", "ings", "▁and", "▁d", "ances", "▁with", "▁spirit", "▁too", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁was", "▁noted", "▁for", "▁her", "▁ac", "rob", "atic", "▁dan", "cing", "▁on", "▁stage", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁display", "▁hand", "stand", "s", "▁,", "▁t", "umb", "les", "▁and", "▁high", "▁k", "icks", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁boy", "▁,", "▁the", "▁writer", "▁Com", "pton", "▁Mack", "en", "zie", "▁was", "▁taken", "▁to", "▁the", "▁show", "▁'", "s", "▁opening", "▁night", "▁and", "▁admitted", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁greatly", "▁surprised", "▁that", "▁any", "▁girl", "▁should", "▁have", "▁the", "▁courage", "▁to", "▁let", "▁the", "▁world", "▁see", "▁her", "▁draw", "ers", "▁as", "▁definitely", "▁as", "▁Marie", "▁Lloyd", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁M", "idge", "▁Gill", "ies", "▁defines", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "1", "▁as", "▁being", "▁the", "▁year", "▁that", "▁she", "▁officially", "▁\"", "▁made", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁thanks", "▁to", "▁a", "▁catalog", "ue", "▁of", "▁hit", "▁songs", "▁and", "▁major", "▁success", "▁in", "▁the", "▁h", "alls", "▁and", "▁p", "antom", "ime", "▁.", "▁When", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Oxford", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁in", "▁June", "▁,", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁che", "ered", "▁so", "▁loud", "ly", "▁for", "▁her", "▁return", "▁that", "▁the", "▁following", "▁act", "▁could", "▁not", "▁be", "▁heard", "▁;", "▁The", "▁Era", "▁called", "▁her", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁favour", "ite", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hour", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁summer", "▁months", "▁,", "▁she", "▁tou", "red", "▁North", "▁England", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Liverpool", "▁,", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁and", "▁Manchester", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁last", "▁she", "▁stayed", "▁an", "▁extra", "▁six" ]
ia theatre in Hoxton , gave her the security of working close to home for a two @-@ month period . The engagement also gave her much @-@ needed experience of playing to a big audience . The following year , she appeared at more Bohemian venues including the Empire and the Alhambra theatres , the Trocadero Palace of Varieties , and the Royal Standard playhouse . In 1889 , she gave birth to a stillborn child , which further damaged her marriage . By the start of the 1890s , Lloyd had built up a successful catalogue of songs , which included " What 's That For , Eh ? " , about a little girl who asks her parents the meaning of various everyday household objects . Her biographer and theatre historian W. J. MacQueen @-@ Pope described the song as being " blue " and thought that it spoke volumes about her reputation thanks to her " wonderful wink , and that sudden , dazzling smile , and the nod of the head . " Similar @-@ styled songs followed ; " She 'd Never had her Ticket Punched Before " , told the story of a young , naive woman travelling to London on her own by train . This was followed by " The Wrong Man Never Let a Chance go By " ; " We Don 't Want to Fight , But , by Jingo , If we Do " ; " Oh You Wink the Other Eye " and " Twiggy Vous " — a song which won her much success and increased her popularity abroad . After an evening 's performance at the Oxford music hall , a French well @-@ wisher requested a conversation and to meet Lloyd backstage . Flanked by Courtenay , she appeared at the stage door , where Courtenay threatened the man with violence as both had become suspicious of his interest in her . She took a chance and invited the man into her dressing room , where he identified himself as a member of the French government . He confirmed to her that " Twiggy Vous " was " most popular in Paris " ; she was delighted at the news . At the end of the year , Lloyd returned to London where she appeared in the Christmas pantomime Cinderella in Peckham alongside her sister Alice . = = = 1890s = = = = = = = Drury Lane and success = = = = Between 1891 and 1893 , Lloyd was recruited by the impresario Augustus Harris to appear alongside Dan Leno in the spectacular and popular Theatre Royal , Drury Lane Christmas pantomimes . While lunching with Harris in 1891 to discuss his offer , Lloyd played coy , deliberately confusing the theatre with the lesser known venue the Old Mo so as not to appear conscious of Drury Lane 's successful reputation ; she compared its structure to that of a prison . Secretly , she was thrilled with the offer , for which she would receive £ 100 per week . The pantomime seasons lasted from Boxing Day to March and were highly lucrative , but Lloyd found working from a script restrictive . Her first role was Princess Allfair in Humpty Dumpty ; or , The Yellow Dwarf and the Fair One , which she dismissed as being " Bloody awful , eh ? " She received mixed reviews for her opening performance . The Times described her as being " playful in gesture , graceful in appearance , but not strong in voice . " Despite the weak start ( which Lloyd blamed on nerves ) , the pantomime received glowing reviews from the theatrical press . The London Entr 'acte thought that she " delivere [ d ] her text quite pungently , and sings and dances with spirit too . " She was noted for her acrobatic dancing on stage , and was able to display handstands , tumbles and high kicks . As a boy , the writer Compton Mackenzie was taken to the show 's opening night and admitted that he was " greatly surprised that any girl should have the courage to let the world see her drawers as definitely as Marie Lloyd . " Lloyd 's biographer Midge Gillies defines 1891 as being the year that she officially " made it " thanks to a catalogue of hit songs and major success in the halls and pantomime . When she appeared at the Oxford music hall in June , the audience cheered so loudly for her return that the following act could not be heard ; The Era called her " the favourite of the hour " . During the summer months , she toured North England , including Liverpool , Birmingham and Manchester . At the last she stayed an extra six
[ "▁night", "s", "▁due", "▁to", "▁popular", "▁demand", "▁,", "▁which", "▁caused", "▁her", "▁to", "▁cancel", "▁a", "▁trip", "▁to", "▁Paris", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "2", "▁p", "antom", "ime", "▁was", "▁Little", "▁Bo", "▁Pe", "ep", "▁;", "▁or", "▁,", "▁Little", "▁Red", "▁R", "iding", "▁H", "ood", "▁and", "▁Hop", "▁O", "▁'", "▁My", "▁Th", "umb", "▁,", "▁in", "▁which", "▁she", "▁played", "▁Little", "▁Red", "▁R", "iding", "▁H", "ood", "▁.", "▁The", "▁production", "▁was", "▁five", "▁hours", "▁long", "▁and", "▁cul", "min", "ated", "▁with", "▁the", "▁show", "▁'", "s", "▁har", "le", "qu", "ina", "de", "▁.", "▁During", "▁one", "▁scene", "▁,", "▁her", "▁impro", "vis", "ational", "▁skills", "▁caused", "▁some", "▁sc", "andal", "▁when", "▁she", "▁got", "▁out", "▁of", "▁bed", "▁to", "▁pray", "▁,", "▁but", "▁instead", "▁reached", "▁for", "▁a", "▁chamber", "▁pot", "▁.", "▁The", "▁st", "unt", "▁anger", "ed", "▁Harris", "▁,", "▁who", "▁ordered", "▁her", "▁not", "▁to", "▁do", "▁it", "▁again", "▁or", "▁risk", "▁immediate", "▁dismiss", "al", "▁.", "▁Max", "▁Be", "er", "bo", "hm", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁in", "▁a", "▁later", "▁audience", "▁,", "▁asked", "▁\"", "▁Isn", "▁'", "t", "▁Marie", "▁Lloyd", "▁char", "ming", "▁and", "▁sweet", "▁in", "▁the", "▁p", "antom", "ime", "▁?", "▁I", "▁think", "▁of", "▁little", "▁besides", "▁her", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁On", "▁", "1", "2", "▁January", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "2", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁and", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁b", "raw", "led", "▁d", "run", "ken", "ly", "▁in", "▁her", "▁Dr", "ury", "▁Lane", "▁dress", "ing", "▁room", "▁after", "▁an", "▁evening", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁of", "▁Little", "▁Bo", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Pe", "ep", "▁.", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁pulled", "▁a", "▁decor", "ative", "▁sword", "▁off", "▁the", "▁wall", "▁and", "▁threatened", "▁to", "▁cut", "▁her", "▁thro", "at", "▁;", "▁she", "▁escaped", "▁from", "▁the", "▁room", "▁with", "▁minor", "▁bru", "ises", "▁and", "▁reported", "▁the", "▁incident", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Bow", "▁Street", "▁police", "▁station", "▁.", "▁In", "▁early", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "3", "▁,", "▁she", "▁travel", "led", "▁to", "▁Wol", "ver", "ham", "pton", "▁where", "▁she", "▁star", "red", "▁as", "▁Fl", "oss", "ie", "▁in", "▁another", "▁un", "success", "ful", "▁piece", "▁called", "▁The", "▁A", ".", "B", ".", "C", "▁Girl", "▁;", "▁or", "▁,", "▁Fl", "oss", "ie", "▁the", "▁F", "riv", "ol", "ous", "▁,", "▁which", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁Mac", "Que", "en", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Pope", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁ended", "▁the", "▁Queen", "▁of", "▁Com", "edy", "▁'", "s", "▁career", "▁as", "▁an", "▁actress", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Lloyd", "▁made", "▁her", "▁American", "▁stage", "▁début", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "3", "▁,", "▁appearing", "▁at", "▁K", "oster", "▁and", "▁B", "ial", "▁'", "s", "▁Music", "▁Hall", "▁in", "▁New", "▁York", "▁.", "▁She", "▁sang", "▁\"", "▁Oh", "▁You", "▁W", "ink", "▁the", "▁Other", "▁E", "ye", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁much", "▁to", "▁the", "▁delight", "▁of", "▁her", "▁American", "▁aud", "ien", "ces", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁numbers", "▁were", "▁\"", "▁After", "▁the", "▁P", "antom", "ime", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁You", "▁Should", "▁Go", "▁to", "▁France", "▁and", "▁See", "▁the", "▁Lad", "ies", "▁Dance", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁both", "▁required", "▁her", "▁to", "▁wear", "▁provoc", "ative", "▁cost", "umes", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁performances", "▁pleased", "▁the", "▁theatre", "▁propriet", "ors", "▁,", "▁who", "▁presented", "▁her", "▁with", "▁an", "▁ant", "ique", "▁tea", "▁and", "▁coffee", "▁service", "▁.", "▁News", "▁of", "▁her", "▁success", "▁reached", "▁home", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁London", "▁En", "tr", "▁'", "act", "e", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁Miss", "▁Marie", "▁Lloyd", "▁made", "▁the", "▁biggest", "▁hit", "▁ever", "▁known", "▁at", "▁K", "oster", "▁and", "▁B", "ial", "▁'", "s", "▁variety", "▁hall", "▁,", "▁New", "▁York", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Upon", "▁her", "▁return", "▁to", "▁London", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁introduced", "▁\"", "▁List", "en", "▁With", "▁the", "▁Right", "▁Ear", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁an", "▁intended", "▁follow", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁Oh", "▁You", "▁W", "ink", "▁the", "▁Other", "▁E", "ye", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Short", "ly", "▁after", "▁her", "▁return", "▁,", "▁she", "▁sa", "iled", "▁to", "▁France", "▁,", "▁to", "▁take", "▁up", "▁an", "▁eng", "agement", "▁in", "▁Paris", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁Daniel", "▁Far", "son", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁she", "▁received", "▁\"", "▁greater", "▁acc", "laim", "▁than", "▁any", "▁other", "▁English", "▁com", "ed", "ienne", "▁who", "▁had", "▁preced", "ed", "▁her", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁changed", "▁the", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁to", "▁some", "▁of", "▁her", "▁best", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁known", "▁songs", "▁for", "▁her", "▁French", "▁audience", "▁and", "▁ret", "itled", "▁them", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁N", "aught", "y", "▁Cont", "in", "ong", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁\"", "▁Tw", "ig", "gy", "▁V", "ous", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁Just", "▁Back", "▁from", "▁Paris", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Cost", "er", "▁H", "one", "ym", "oon", "▁in", "▁Paris", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁At", "▁Christmas", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "3", "▁,", "▁she", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁London", "▁to", "▁honour", "▁her", "▁final", "▁Dr", "ury", "▁Lane", "▁commit", "ment", "▁,", "▁st", "arring", "▁as", "▁Pol", "ly", "▁Per", "kins", "▁in", "▁Robinson", "▁Cr", "us", "oe", "▁.", "▁The", "▁part", "▁allowed", "▁her", "▁to", "▁perform", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Bar", "ma", "id", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁N", "aught", "y", "▁Cont", "in", "ong", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁saw", "▁her", "▁perform", "▁a", "▁ma", "z", "ur", "ka", "▁with", "▁L", "eno", "▁.", "▁T", "alk", "ing", "▁to", "▁a", "▁friend", "▁years", "▁later", "▁about", "▁her", "▁Dr", "ury", "▁Lane", "▁engag", "ements", "▁,", "▁she", "▁admitted", "▁that", "▁she", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁proud", "est", "▁little", "▁woman", "▁in", "▁the", "▁world", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁May", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "4", "▁,", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁followed", "▁Lloyd", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Empire", "▁,", "▁Le", "ic", "ester", "▁Square", "▁,", "▁where", "▁she", "▁was", "▁performing", "▁,", "▁and", "▁attempted", "▁to", "▁batter", "▁her", "▁with", "▁a", "▁stick", "▁,", "▁shout", "ing", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁will", "▁g", "ou", "ge", "▁your", "▁eyes", "▁out", "▁and", "▁ru", "in", "▁you", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁His", "▁assault", "▁missed", "▁Lloyd", "▁,", "▁but", "▁struck", "▁Bur", "ge", "▁in", "▁the", "▁face", "▁instead", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁of", "▁the", "▁incident", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁s", "ack", "ed", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Empire", "▁for", "▁fear", "▁of", "▁a", "▁repr", "is", "al", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁left", "▁the", "▁mar", "ital", "▁home", "▁,", "▁moving", "▁to", "▁", "7", "3", "▁Car", "leton", "▁Road", "▁,", "▁T", "uf", "nell", "▁Park", "▁and", "▁successfully", "▁applied", "▁for", "▁a", "▁rest", "ra", "ining", "▁war", "rant", "▁,", "▁which", "▁prevent", "ed", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁from", "▁contact", "ing", "▁her", "▁.", "▁A", "▁few", "▁weeks", "▁later", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁began", "▁an", "▁affair", "▁with", "▁the", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁singer", "▁Ale", "c", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁,", "▁which", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁initi", "ating", "▁divor", "ce", "▁proceed", "ings", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "4", "▁on", "▁the", "▁grounds", "▁of", "▁her", "▁ad", "ul", "tery", "▁.", "▁That", "▁year", "▁,", "▁together", "▁with", "▁a", "▁short", "▁tour", "▁of", "▁the", "▁English", "▁provinces", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁travel", "led", "▁to", "▁New", "▁York", "▁with", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁,", "▁where", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Imperial", "▁Theatre", "▁,", "▁stay", "ing", "▁for", "▁two", "▁months", "▁.", "▁On", "▁her", "▁return", "▁to", "▁England", "▁,", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Liverpool", "▁Christmas", "▁p", "antom", "ime", "▁as", "▁the", "▁principal", "▁boy", "▁in", "▁Pre", "tty", "▁Bo", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Pe", "ep", "▁,", "▁Little", "▁Boy", "▁Blue", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Mer", "ry", "▁Old", "▁Woman", "▁who", "▁lived", "▁in", "▁a", "▁Sho", "e", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁performance", "▁was", "▁pra", "ised", "▁by", "▁the", "▁press", "▁,", "▁who", "▁called", "▁her", "▁\"", "▁delight", "fully", "▁easy", "▁,", "▁grace", "ful", "▁and", "▁self", "▁@", "-" ]
nights due to popular demand , which caused her to cancel a trip to Paris . The 1892 pantomime was Little Bo Peep ; or , Little Red Riding Hood and Hop O ' My Thumb , in which she played Little Red Riding Hood . The production was five hours long and culminated with the show 's harlequinade . During one scene , her improvisational skills caused some scandal when she got out of bed to pray , but instead reached for a chamber pot . The stunt angered Harris , who ordered her not to do it again or risk immediate dismissal . Max Beerbohm , who was in a later audience , asked " Isn 't Marie Lloyd charming and sweet in the pantomime ? I think of little besides her . " On 12 January 1892 , Lloyd and Courtenay brawled drunkenly in her Drury Lane dressing room after an evening 's performance of Little Bo @-@ Peep . Courtenay pulled a decorative sword off the wall and threatened to cut her throat ; she escaped from the room with minor bruises and reported the incident to the Bow Street police station . In early 1893 , she travelled to Wolverhampton where she starred as Flossie in another unsuccessful piece called The A.B.C Girl ; or , Flossie the Frivolous , which , according to MacQueen @-@ Pope , " ended the Queen of Comedy 's career as an actress " . Lloyd made her American stage début in 1893 , appearing at Koster and Bial 's Music Hall in New York . She sang " Oh You Wink the Other Eye " , much to the delight of her American audiences . Other numbers were " After the Pantomime " and " You Should Go to France and See the Ladies Dance " , which both required her to wear provocative costumes . Her performances pleased the theatre proprietors , who presented her with an antique tea and coffee service . News of her success reached home , and the London Entr 'acte reported that " Miss Marie Lloyd made the biggest hit ever known at Koster and Bial 's variety hall , New York . " Upon her return to London , Lloyd introduced " Listen With the Right Ear " , which was an intended follow @-@ up to " Oh You Wink the Other Eye " . Shortly after her return , she sailed to France , to take up an engagement in Paris . Her biographer Daniel Farson thought that she received " greater acclaim than any other English comedienne who had preceded her " . She changed the lyrics to some of her best @-@ known songs for her French audience and retitled them , " The Naughty Continong " ; " Twiggy Vous " ; " I 'm Just Back from Paris " and " The Coster Honeymoon in Paris " . At Christmas in 1893 , she returned to London to honour her final Drury Lane commitment , starring as Polly Perkins in Robinson Crusoe . The part allowed her to perform " The Barmaid " and " The Naughty Continong " and saw her perform a mazurka with Leno . Talking to a friend years later about her Drury Lane engagements , she admitted that she was " the proudest little woman in the world " . In May 1894 , Courtenay followed Lloyd to the Empire , Leicester Square , where she was performing , and attempted to batter her with a stick , shouting : " I will gouge your eyes out and ruin you ! " His assault missed Lloyd , but struck Burge in the face instead . As a result of the incident , Lloyd was sacked from the Empire for fear of a reprisal . Lloyd left the marital home , moving to 73 Carleton Road , Tufnell Park and successfully applied for a restraining warrant , which prevented Courtenay from contacting her . A few weeks later , Lloyd began an affair with the music hall singer Alec Hurley , which resulted in Courtenay initiating divorce proceedings in 1894 on the grounds of her adultery . That year , together with a short tour of the English provinces , Lloyd travelled to New York with Hurley , where she appeared at the Imperial Theatre , staying for two months . On her return to England , she appeared in the Liverpool Christmas pantomime as the principal boy in Pretty Bo @-@ Peep , Little Boy Blue , and the Merry Old Woman who lived in a Shoe . Her performance was praised by the press , who called her " delightfully easy , graceful and self @-
[ "@", "▁possessed", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ris", "qué", "▁reputation", "▁and", "▁trans", "at", "l", "antic", "▁t", "ours", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁By", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "5", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁ris", "qué", "▁songs", "▁were", "▁receiving", "▁frequent", "▁criticism", "▁from", "▁theatre", "▁review", "ers", "▁and", "▁influ", "ential", "▁femin", "ists", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁she", "▁often", "▁experienced", "▁resistance", "▁from", "▁strict", "▁theatre", "▁c", "ensor", "ship", "▁which", "▁do", "gg", "ed", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁her", "▁career", "▁.", "▁The", "▁writer", "▁and", "▁femin", "ist", "▁Laura", "▁Or", "m", "ist", "on", "▁Ch", "ant", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁a", "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Social", "▁P", "urity", "▁Alliance", "▁,", "▁dis", "lik", "ed", "▁the", "▁b", "aw", "d", "iness", "▁of", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁performances", "▁,", "▁and", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁the", "▁ven", "ues", "▁were", "▁attract", "ive", "▁to", "▁prost", "it", "utes", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁campaign", "▁persu", "aded", "▁the", "▁London", "▁County", "▁Council", "▁to", "▁ere", "ct", "▁large", "▁screens", "▁around", "▁the", "▁prom", "en", "ade", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Empire", "▁Theatre", "▁in", "▁Le", "ic", "ester", "▁Square", "▁,", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁lic", "ens", "ing", "▁conditions", "▁.", "▁The", "▁screens", "▁were", "▁un", "pop", "ular", "▁and", "▁protest", "ers", "▁,", "▁among", "▁them", "▁the", "▁young", "▁W", "inst", "on", "▁Church", "ill", "▁,", "▁later", "▁pulled", "▁them", "▁down", "▁.", "▁That", "▁November", "▁at", "▁the", "▁T", "iv", "oli", "▁theatre", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁performed", "▁\"", "▁Johnny", "▁Jones", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁a", "▁d", "itt", "y", "▁about", "▁a", "▁girl", "▁who", "▁is", "▁taught", "▁the", "▁facts", "▁of", "▁life", "▁by", "▁her", "▁best", "▁male", "▁friend", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁,", "▁although", "▁not", "▁lyr", "ically", "▁obsc", "ene", "▁,", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁to", "▁be", "▁off", "ensive", "▁largely", "▁because", "▁of", "▁the", "▁manner", "▁in", "▁which", "▁Lloyd", "▁sang", "▁it", "▁,", "▁adding", "▁w", "inks", "▁and", "▁gest", "ures", "▁,", "▁and", "▁creating", "▁a", "▁consp", "ir", "atorial", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁her", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁Social", "▁reform", "ers", "▁c", "ited", "▁\"", "▁Johnny", "▁Jones", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁being", "▁off", "ensive", "▁,", "▁but", "▁less", "▁so", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁other", "▁songs", "▁of", "▁the", "▁day", "▁.", "▁Upon", "▁the", "▁exp", "iry", "▁of", "▁a", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁'", "s", "▁entertain", "ments", "▁lic", "ence", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Lic", "ens", "ing", "▁Committee", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁use", "▁the", "▁lyr", "ical", "▁content", "▁of", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁songs", "▁as", "▁evidence", "▁against", "▁a", "▁renew", "al", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁sum", "mon", "ed", "▁to", "▁perform", "▁some", "▁of", "▁her", "▁songs", "▁in", "▁front", "▁of", "▁a", "▁council", "▁committee", "▁.", "▁She", "▁sang", "▁\"", "▁Oh", "▁!", "▁Mr", "▁Por", "ter", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁composed", "▁for", "▁her", "▁by", "▁George", "▁Le", "▁Br", "unn", "▁)", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁A", "▁Little", "▁of", "▁What", "▁You", "▁F", "ancy", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁She", "▁S", "its", "▁Among", "▁the", "▁C", "abb", "ages", "▁and", "▁Pe", "as", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁she", "▁ret", "itled", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁S", "its", "▁Among", "st", "▁the", "▁C", "abb", "ages", "▁and", "▁Le", "eks", "▁\"", "▁after", "▁some", "▁protest", "▁.", "▁The", "▁numbers", "▁were", "▁s", "ung", "▁in", "▁such", "▁a", "▁way", "▁that", "▁the", "▁committee", "▁had", "▁no", "▁reason", "▁to", "▁find", "▁anything", "▁am", "iss", "▁.", "▁Fe", "eling", "▁dis", "gr", "unt", "led", "▁at", "▁the", "▁council", "▁'", "s", "▁inter", "ference", "▁,", "▁she", "▁then", "▁rendered", "▁Alfred", "▁T", "enn", "ys", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁drawing", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁room", "▁ball", "ad", "▁\"", "▁Come", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Garden", "▁,", "▁Ma", "ud", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁displayed", "▁le", "ers", "▁and", "▁n", "ud", "ges", "▁,", "▁to", "▁illustrate", "▁each", "▁in", "nu", "endo", "▁.", "▁The", "▁committee", "▁were", "▁left", "▁st", "unn", "ed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁performance", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Lloyd", "▁argued", "▁afterwards", "▁that", "▁the", "▁rud", "eness", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁all", "▁in", "▁the", "▁mind", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Despite", "▁their", "▁oppos", "ing", "▁views", "▁on", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁entertain", "ment", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁and", "▁Ch", "ant", "▁shared", "▁similar", "▁political", "▁views", "▁,", "▁and", "▁were", "▁wrong", "ly", "▁assumed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁press", "▁to", "▁be", "▁enemies", "▁.", "▁An", "▁inspect", "or", "▁who", "▁reported", "▁on", "▁one", "▁of", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁performances", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Oxford", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁her", "▁lyr", "ical", "▁content", "▁was", "▁fine", "▁but", "▁her", "▁knowing", "▁nod", "s", "▁,", "▁looks", "▁,", "▁sm", "iles", "▁and", "▁the", "▁suggest", "iveness", "▁in", "▁her", "▁w", "inks", "▁to", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁suggested", "▁otherwise", "▁.", "▁The", "▁restrictions", "▁im", "posed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁music", "▁h", "alls", "▁were", "▁,", "▁by", "▁now", "▁beginning", "▁to", "▁affect", "▁trade", "▁,", "▁and", "▁many", "▁were", "▁threatened", "▁with", "▁closure", "▁.", "▁To", "▁avoid", "▁social", "▁un", "rest", "▁,", "▁H", "ack", "ney", "▁council", "▁scra", "pped", "▁the", "▁lic", "ens", "ing", "▁restrictions", "▁on", "▁", "7", "▁October", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "6", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "6", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁sa", "iled", "▁to", "▁South", "▁Africa", "▁with", "▁her", "▁daughter", "▁,", "▁who", "▁appeared", "▁as", "▁Little", "▁Ma", "ud", "ie", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁on", "▁the", "▁same", "▁bill", "▁as", "▁her", "▁mother", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁came", "▁to", "▁the", "▁attention", "▁of", "▁Bar", "ney", "▁Bar", "n", "ato", "▁,", "▁a", "▁British", "▁entrepr", "ene", "ur", "▁who", "▁was", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁min", "ing", "▁diam", "ond", "▁and", "▁gold", "▁.", "▁Bar", "n", "ato", "▁lav", "ished", "▁g", "ifts", "▁on", "▁her", "▁in", "▁an", "▁attempt", "▁to", "▁w", "oo", "▁her", "▁,", "▁but", "▁his", "▁attempts", "▁were", "▁un", "success", "ful", "▁;", "▁never", "theless", "▁,", "▁the", "▁two", "▁remained", "▁friends", "▁until", "▁his", "▁death", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "7", "▁.", "▁The", "▁tour", "▁was", "▁a", "▁triumph", "▁for", "▁Lloyd", "▁,", "▁and", "▁her", "▁songs", "▁became", "▁popular", "▁among", "▁her", "▁South", "▁African", "▁audience", "▁.", "▁She", "▁performed", "▁\"", "▁W", "ink", "▁the", "▁Other", "▁E", "ye", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Tw", "ig", "gy", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁V", "ous", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Hello", "▁,", "▁Hello", "▁,", "▁Hello", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Wh", "ack", "y", "▁,", "▁Wh", "ack", "y", "▁,", "▁Wh", "ack", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Keep", "▁Off", "▁the", "▁Gr", "ass", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Oh", "▁!", "▁Mr", "▁Por", "ter", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Fe", "eling", "▁satisfied", "▁at", "▁the", "▁success", "▁she", "▁had", "▁achieved", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁London", "▁once", "▁the", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁month", "▁tour", "▁had", "▁ended", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁following", "▁year", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁travel", "led", "▁to", "▁New", "▁York", "▁where", "▁she", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁appeared", "▁at", "▁K", "oster", "▁and", "▁B", "ial", "▁'", "s", "▁Music", "▁Hall", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁first", "▁song", "▁was", "▁about", "▁a", "▁young", "▁woman", "▁who", "▁lack", "ed", "▁confidence", "▁in", "▁finding", "▁a", "▁su", "itor", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ch", "orus", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Not", "▁for", "▁the", "▁very", "▁best", "▁man", "▁that", "▁ever", "▁got", "▁into", "▁a", "▁pair", "▁of", "▁tr", "ous", "ers", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁proved", "▁h", "il", "ari", "ous", "▁;", "▁The", "▁Era", "▁observed", "▁that", "▁the", "▁line", "▁\"", "▁tick", "led", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁imm", "ens", "ely", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Following", "▁this", "▁,", "▁she", "▁performed", "▁a", "▁song", "▁about", "▁a", "▁French", "▁ma", "id", "▁who", "▁appeared", "▁innoc", "ent", "▁and", "▁petite", "▁at", "▁first", "▁sight", "▁,", "▁but", "▁turned", "▁out", "▁not", "▁to", "▁be", "▁so", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Era", "▁described", "▁the", "▁character", "▁as", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁not", "▁so", "▁dem", "ure", "▁as", "▁she", "▁looked", "▁,", "▁for", "▁she", "▁conf", "ided", "▁to", "▁her", "▁aud", "itors", "▁that", "▁she", "▁'", "▁knew", "▁a", "▁lot", "▁about", "▁those", "▁tricky", "▁little" ]
@ possessed . " = = = = Risqué reputation and transatlantic tours = = = = By 1895 , Lloyd 's risqué songs were receiving frequent criticism from theatre reviewers and influential feminists . As a result , she often experienced resistance from strict theatre censorship which dogged the rest of her career . The writer and feminist Laura Ormiston Chant , who was a member of the Social Purity Alliance , disliked the bawdiness of music hall performances , and thought that the venues were attractive to prostitutes . Her campaign persuaded the London County Council to erect large screens around the promenade at the Empire Theatre in Leicester Square , as part of the licensing conditions . The screens were unpopular and protesters , among them the young Winston Churchill , later pulled them down . That November at the Tivoli theatre , Lloyd performed " Johnny Jones " , a ditty about a girl who is taught the facts of life by her best male friend . The song , although not lyrically obscene , was considered to be offensive largely because of the manner in which Lloyd sang it , adding winks and gestures , and creating a conspiratorial relationship with her audience . Social reformers cited " Johnny Jones " as being offensive , but less so compared to other songs of the day . Upon the expiry of a music hall 's entertainments licence , the Licensing Committee tried to use the lyrical content of music hall songs as evidence against a renewal . As a result , Lloyd was summoned to perform some of her songs in front of a council committee . She sang " Oh ! Mr Porter " ( composed for her by George Le Brunn ) , " A Little of What You Fancy " and " She Sits Among the Cabbages and Peas " , which she retitled " I Sits Amongst the Cabbages and Leeks " after some protest . The numbers were sung in such a way that the committee had no reason to find anything amiss . Feeling disgruntled at the council 's interference , she then rendered Alfred Tennyson 's drawing @-@ room ballad " Come into the Garden , Maud " and displayed leers and nudges , to illustrate each innuendo . The committee were left stunned at the performance , but Lloyd argued afterwards that the rudeness was " all in the mind " . Despite their opposing views on music hall entertainment , Lloyd and Chant shared similar political views , and were wrongly assumed by the press to be enemies . An inspector who reported on one of Lloyd 's performances at the Oxford music hall thought that her lyrical content was fine but her knowing nods , looks , smiles and the suggestiveness in her winks to the audience suggested otherwise . The restrictions imposed on the music halls were , by now beginning to affect trade , and many were threatened with closure . To avoid social unrest , Hackney council scrapped the licensing restrictions on 7 October 1896 . In 1896 , Lloyd sailed to South Africa with her daughter , who appeared as Little Maudie Courtenay on the same bill as her mother . Lloyd came to the attention of Barney Barnato , a British entrepreneur who was responsible for mining diamond and gold . Barnato lavished gifts on her in an attempt to woo her , but his attempts were unsuccessful ; nevertheless , the two remained friends until his death in 1897 . The tour was a triumph for Lloyd , and her songs became popular among her South African audience . She performed " Wink the Other Eye " , " Twiggy @-@ Vous " , " Hello , Hello , Hello " , " Whacky , Whacky , Whack ! " , " Keep Off the Grass " , and " Oh ! Mr Porter " . Feeling satisfied at the success she had achieved , Lloyd returned to London once the two @-@ month tour had ended . The following year , Lloyd travelled to New York where she re @-@ appeared at Koster and Bial 's Music Hall . Her first song was about a young woman who lacked confidence in finding a suitor . The chorus , " Not for the very best man that ever got into a pair of trousers " , proved hilarious ; The Era observed that the line " tickled the audience immensely " . Following this , she performed a song about a French maid who appeared innocent and petite at first sight , but turned out not to be so . The Era described the character as being " not so demure as she looked , for she confided to her auditors that she ' knew a lot about those tricky little
[ "▁things", "▁they", "▁don", "▁'", "t", "▁teach", "▁a", "▁girl", "▁at", "▁school", "▁'", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Many", "▁other", "▁songs", "▁followed", "▁and", "▁were", "▁all", "▁warm", "ly", "▁received", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁conclusion", "▁of", "▁each", "▁performance", "▁,", "▁she", "▁received", "▁g", "ifts", "▁from", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁including", "▁bou", "qu", "ets", "▁and", "▁fl", "oral", "▁structures", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Era", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁Miss", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁clever", "▁character", "▁work", "▁,", "▁her", "▁vers", "at", "ility", "▁and", "▁un", "flag", "ging", "▁endeav", "ours", "▁to", "▁please", "▁were", "▁reward", "ed", "▁with", "▁des", "erved", "▁success", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁tour", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁London", "▁,", "▁and", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁H", "amp", "st", "ead", "▁with", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁.", "▁That", "▁Christmas", "▁,", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁p", "antom", "ime", "▁,", "▁this", "▁time", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Crown", "▁Theatre", "▁in", "▁Pe", "ck", "ham", "▁in", "▁a", "▁production", "▁of", "▁Dick", "▁Wh", "itt", "ington", "▁in", "▁which", "▁she", "▁played", "▁the", "▁title", "▁role", "▁.", "▁In", "▁it", "▁,", "▁she", "▁sang", "▁\"", "▁A", "▁Little", "▁Bit", "▁Off", "▁the", "▁Top", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁Mac", "Que", "en", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Pope", "▁describes", "▁as", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁p", "antom", "ime", "▁songs", "▁of", "▁the", "▁year", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Music", "▁Hall", "▁and", "▁Theatre", "▁Review", "▁was", "▁equally", "▁compl", "iment", "ary", "▁,", "▁saying", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Br", "illiant", "▁Re", "pert", "ory", "▁,", "▁Ch", "arm", "ing", "▁D", "ress", "es", "▁,", "▁A", "▁Un", "ique", "▁Person", "ality", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁During", "▁the", "▁Christmas", "▁period", "▁of", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "8", "▁–", "▁", "9", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Crown", "▁where", "▁she", "▁took", "▁her", "▁benefit", "▁,", "▁during", "▁which", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁Dick", "▁Wh", "itt", "ington", "▁.", "▁The", "▁entertain", "ment", "▁cul", "min", "ated", "▁with", "▁a", "▁song", "▁from", "▁V", "esta", "▁Victoria", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁short", "▁piece", "▁called", "▁The", "▁S", "que", "aker", "▁,", "▁st", "arring", "▁Joe", "▁El", "vin", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁February", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁the", "▁subject", "▁of", "▁another", "▁benefit", "▁performance", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Crown", "▁Theatre", "▁in", "▁Pe", "ck", "ham", "▁.", "▁Kate", "▁Car", "ney", "▁,", "▁V", "esta", "▁T", "ille", "y", "▁and", "▁Joe", "▁El", "vin", "▁were", "▁among", "▁the", "▁star", "▁turns", "▁who", "▁performed", "▁before", "▁the", "▁main", "▁piece", "▁,", "▁C", "inder", "ella", "▁,", "▁which", "▁star", "red", "▁Lloyd", "▁,", "▁her", "▁sister", "▁Alice", "▁,", "▁K", "ittee", "▁Ray", "burn", "▁and", "▁Jenn", "ie", "▁Rub", "ie", "▁.", "▁The", "▁same", "▁year", "▁,", "▁although", "▁her", "▁divor", "ce", "▁was", "▁not", "▁yet", "▁final", "ised", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁went", "▁to", "▁live", "▁with", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁in", "▁South", "am", "pton", "▁Row", "▁,", "▁London", "▁.", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁,", "▁an", "▁established", "▁singer", "▁of", "▁cost", "er", "▁songs", "▁,", "▁regularly", "▁appeared", "▁on", "▁the", "▁same", "▁bill", "▁as", "▁Lloyd", "▁;", "▁his", "▁calm", "▁nature", "▁was", "▁a", "▁contrast", "▁to", "▁the", "▁ab", "us", "ive", "▁person", "ality", "▁of", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁and", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁set", "▁sail", "▁for", "▁a", "▁tour", "▁of", "▁Australia", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "1", "▁,", "▁opening", "▁at", "▁Harry", "▁Rick", "ards", "▁Opera", "▁House", "▁in", "▁Melbourne", "▁on", "▁", "1", "8", "▁May", "▁with", "▁their", "▁own", "▁version", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Lamb", "eth", "▁Walk", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁successful", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁month", "▁tour", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁and", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁London", "▁where", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁the", "▁only", "▁rev", "ue", "▁of", "▁her", "▁career", "▁.", "▁Ent", "itled", "▁The", "▁Rev", "ue", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁written", "▁by", "▁Charles", "▁Raymond", "▁and", "▁Phill", "ip", "▁Y", "or", "ke", "▁with", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁by", "▁Roland", "▁Car", "se", "▁and", "▁music", "▁by", "▁Maurice", "▁Jacob", "i", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁st", "aged", "▁at", "▁the", "▁T", "iv", "oli", "▁theatre", "▁,", "▁in", "▁celebr", "ation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Cor", "on", "ation", "▁of", "▁King", "▁Edward", "▁VII", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁and", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁'", "s", "▁divor", "ce", "▁became", "▁absolute", "▁on", "▁", "2", "2", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "5", "▁,", "▁and", "▁she", "▁married", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁on", "▁", "2", "7", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "6", "▁.", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁,", "▁although", "▁ec", "static", "▁with", "▁his", "▁earlier", "▁success", "▁in", "▁Australia", "▁,", "▁began", "▁feeling", "▁s", "idel", "ined", "▁by", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁'", "s", "▁popular", "ity", "▁.", "▁Mac", "Que", "en", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Pope", "▁suggested", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁[", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁]", "▁was", "▁a", "▁star", "▁who", "▁had", "▁married", "▁a", "▁planet", "▁.", "▁Al", "ready", "▁the", "▁se", "eds", "▁of", "▁dis", "aster", "▁were", "▁being", "▁s", "own", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Music", "▁hall", "▁strik", "es", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "7", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Short", "ly", "▁after", "▁her", "▁marriage", "▁to", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁went", "▁to", "▁B", "ourn", "em", "outh", "▁to", "▁recuper", "ate", "▁from", "▁exhaust", "ion", "▁.", "▁Within", "▁days", "▁she", "▁was", "▁back", "▁performing", "▁in", "▁London", "▁music", "▁h", "alls", "▁.", "▁From", "▁the", "▁start", "▁of", "▁the", "▁new", "▁century", "▁,", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁artist", "es", "▁and", "▁theatre", "▁man", "agers", "▁had", "▁been", "▁in", "▁dispute", "▁over", "▁working", "▁conditions", "▁,", "▁a", "▁reduction", "▁in", "▁pay", "▁and", "▁per", "ks", "▁,", "▁and", "▁an", "▁increased", "▁number", "▁of", "▁mat", "in", "ée", "▁performances", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁significant", "▁r", "ift", "▁was", "▁a", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "6", "▁strike", "▁,", "▁initi", "ated", "▁by", "▁The", "▁Vari", "ety", "▁Art", "istes", "▁'", "▁Federation", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁year", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Music", "▁Hall", "▁War", "▁comm", "enced", "▁,", "▁which", "▁saw", "▁the", "▁Federation", "▁fight", "▁for", "▁more", "▁freedom", "▁and", "▁better", "▁working", "▁conditions", "▁on", "▁beh", "alf", "▁of", "▁music", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hall", "▁perform", "ers", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁popular", "▁enough", "▁to", "▁command", "▁her", "▁own", "▁fe", "es", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁supported", "▁the", "▁strike", "▁,", "▁acted", "▁as", "▁a", "▁pick", "et", "▁for", "▁the", "▁strik", "ers", "▁and", "▁gave", "▁gener", "ously", "▁to", "▁the", "▁strike", "▁fund", "▁.", "▁To", "▁raise", "▁spirits", "▁,", "▁she", "▁often", "▁performed", "▁on", "▁pick", "et", "▁lines", "▁and", "▁took", "▁part", "▁in", "▁a", "▁fund", "ra", "ising", "▁performance", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Scala", "▁Theatre", "▁.", "▁During", "▁one", "▁demonstr", "ation", "▁,", "▁she", "▁recogn", "ised", "▁someone", "▁trying", "▁to", "▁enter", "▁and", "▁shout", "ed", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Let", "▁her", "▁through", "▁,", "▁girls", "▁,", "▁she", "▁'", "ll", "▁close", "▁the", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁faster", "▁than", "▁we", "▁can", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁singer", "▁was", "▁Belle", "▁El", "more", "▁,", "▁later", "▁murder", "ed", "▁by", "▁her", "▁husband", "▁,", "▁Dr", ".", "▁C", "ri", "ppen", "▁.", "▁The", "▁dispute", "▁ended", "▁later", "▁the", "▁same", "▁year", "▁with", "▁a", "▁resolution", "▁broad", "ly", "▁fav", "ou", "rable", "▁to", "▁the", "▁perform", "ers", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁appeared", "▁at", "▁the", "▁G", "ai", "ety", "▁Theatre", "▁in", "▁D", "und", "ee", "▁where", "▁a", "▁critic", "▁for", "▁The", "▁Cou", "rier", "▁noted", "▁\"", "▁Her", "▁bright", "▁smile", "▁and", "▁fasc", "in", "ating", "▁presence", "▁has", "▁much", "▁to", "▁do", "▁with", "▁her", "▁popular", "ity", "▁,", "▁while", "▁her", "▁songs", "▁are", "▁of", "▁the", "▁catch", "y", "▁style", "▁,", "▁perhaps", "▁not", "▁what", "▁a", "▁D", "und", "ee", "▁audience", "▁is", "▁familiar", "▁with", "▁,", "▁but", "▁still", "▁am", "using", "▁and", "▁of", "▁an" ]
things they don 't teach a girl at school ' . " Many other songs followed and were all warmly received . At the conclusion of each performance , she received gifts from the audience including bouquets and floral structures . The Era commented that " Miss Lloyd 's clever character work , her versatility and unflagging endeavours to please were rewarded with deserved success " . After the tour , Lloyd returned to London , and moved to Hampstead with Hurley . That Christmas , she appeared in pantomime , this time at the Crown Theatre in Peckham in a production of Dick Whittington in which she played the title role . In it , she sang " A Little Bit Off the Top " , which MacQueen @-@ Pope describes as being " one of the pantomime songs of the year " . The Music Hall and Theatre Review was equally complimentary , saying : " Brilliant Repertory , Charming Dresses , A Unique Personality ! " During the Christmas period of 1898 – 9 , Lloyd returned to the Crown where she took her benefit , during which she appeared in Dick Whittington . The entertainment culminated with a song from Vesta Victoria , and a short piece called The Squeaker , starring Joe Elvin . = = = 1900s = = = In February 1900 , Lloyd was the subject of another benefit performance at the Crown Theatre in Peckham . Kate Carney , Vesta Tilley and Joe Elvin were among the star turns who performed before the main piece , Cinderella , which starred Lloyd , her sister Alice , Kittee Rayburn and Jennie Rubie . The same year , although her divorce was not yet finalised , Lloyd went to live with Hurley in Southampton Row , London . Hurley , an established singer of coster songs , regularly appeared on the same bill as Lloyd ; his calm nature was a contrast to the abusive personality of Courtenay . Lloyd and Hurley set sail for a tour of Australia in 1901 , opening at Harry Rickards Opera House in Melbourne on 18 May with their own version of " The Lambeth Walk " . After the successful two @-@ month tour , Lloyd and Hurley returned to London where she appeared in the only revue of her career . Entitled The Revue , it was written by Charles Raymond and Phillip Yorke with lyrics by Roland Carse and music by Maurice Jacobi . It was staged at the Tivoli theatre , in celebration of the Coronation of King Edward VII . Lloyd and Courtenay 's divorce became absolute on 22 May 1905 , and she married Hurley on 27 October 1906 . Hurley , although ecstatic with his earlier success in Australia , began feeling sidelined by his wife 's popularity . MacQueen @-@ Pope suggested that " [ Hurley ] was a star who had married a planet . Already the seeds of disaster were being sown . " = = = = Music hall strikes of 1907 = = = = Shortly after her marriage to Hurley , Lloyd went to Bournemouth to recuperate from exhaustion . Within days she was back performing in London music halls . From the start of the new century , music hall artistes and theatre managers had been in dispute over working conditions , a reduction in pay and perks , and an increased number of matinée performances . The first significant rift was a 1906 strike , initiated by The Variety Artistes ' Federation . The following year , the Music Hall War commenced , which saw the Federation fight for more freedom and better working conditions on behalf of music @-@ hall performers . Although popular enough to command her own fees , Lloyd supported the strike , acted as a picket for the strikers and gave generously to the strike fund . To raise spirits , she often performed on picket lines and took part in a fundraising performance at the Scala Theatre . During one demonstration , she recognised someone trying to enter and shouted , " Let her through , girls , she 'll close the music hall faster than we can . " The singer was Belle Elmore , later murdered by her husband , Dr. Crippen . The dispute ended later the same year with a resolution broadly favourable to the performers . In 1909 , Lloyd appeared at the Gaiety Theatre in Dundee where a critic for The Courier noted " Her bright smile and fascinating presence has much to do with her popularity , while her songs are of the catchy style , perhaps not what a Dundee audience is familiar with , but still amusing and of an
[ "▁attract", "ive", "▁style", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Rel", "ations", "hip", "▁with", "▁Bernard", "▁D", "illon", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Despite", "▁their", "▁mar", "ital", "▁problems", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁went", "▁on", "▁an", "▁American", "▁tour", "▁with", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "8", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁eager", "▁to", "▁equal", "▁the", "▁success", "▁of", "▁her", "▁sister", "▁Alice", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁become", "▁popular", "▁in", "▁the", "▁country", "▁a", "▁few", "▁years", "▁previously", "▁.", "▁By", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁Marie", "▁'", "s", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁had", "▁ended", "▁,", "▁due", "▁in", "▁part", "▁to", "▁her", "▁end", "less", "▁parties", "▁and", "▁her", "▁developing", "▁friendship", "▁with", "▁the", "▁j", "ockey", "▁Bernard", "▁D", "illon", "▁,", "▁winner", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "0", "▁Derby", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁and", "▁the", "▁young", "▁sports", "man", "▁began", "▁an", "▁open", "▁and", "▁passion", "ate", "▁affair", "▁.", "▁For", "▁the", "▁first", "▁time", "▁,", "▁her", "▁private", "▁life", "▁e", "cli", "ps", "ed", "▁her", "▁professional", "▁career", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁s", "eld", "om", "▁mentioned", "▁in", "▁the", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁press", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁when", "▁she", "▁did", "▁perform", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁not", "▁to", "▁the", "▁best", "▁of", "▁her", "▁ab", "ilities", "▁.", "▁The", "▁writer", "▁Arnold", "▁Ben", "nett", "▁,", "▁who", "▁witness", "ed", "▁her", "▁on", "▁stage", "▁at", "▁the", "▁T", "iv", "oli", "▁Theatre", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁admitted", "▁that", "▁he", "▁\"", "▁couldn", "▁'", "t", "▁see", "▁the", "▁legend", "ary", "▁clever", "ness", "▁of", "▁the", "▁vul", "gar", "ity", "▁of", "▁Marie", "▁Lloyd", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁accused", "▁her", "▁songs", "▁of", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁variations", "▁of", "▁the", "▁same", "▁theme", "▁of", "▁sexual", "▁n", "aught", "iness", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁As", "▁with", "▁Cour", "ten", "ay", "▁years", "▁previously", "▁,", "▁the", "▁sh", "y", "▁and", "▁ret", "iring", "▁D", "illon", "▁was", "▁finding", "▁it", "▁hard", "▁to", "▁adapt", "▁to", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁elaborate", "▁and", "▁soci", "able", "▁l", "ifest", "yle", "▁.", "▁D", "illon", "▁'", "s", "▁success", "▁on", "▁the", "▁race", "course", "▁was", "▁short", "▁lived", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁exp", "elled", "▁from", "▁the", "▁J", "ockey", "▁Club", "▁for", "▁borrow", "ing", "▁£", "▁", "6", "6", "0", "▁to", "▁bet", "▁on", "▁his", "▁own", "▁horses", "▁to", "▁win", "▁.", "▁D", "illon", "▁'", "s", "▁horses", "▁lost", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁ended", "▁up", "▁in", "▁deb", "t", "▁to", "▁train", "ers", "▁.", "▁He", "▁became", "▁je", "alous", "▁of", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁successful", "▁life", "▁in", "▁the", "▁spot", "light", "▁.", "▁De", "pression", "▁led", "▁to", "▁drink", "▁and", "▁ob", "es", "ity", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁started", "▁to", "▁ab", "use", "▁her", "▁.", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁,", "▁mean", "while", "▁,", "▁had", "▁initi", "ated", "▁divor", "ce", "▁proceed", "ings", "▁,", "▁the", "▁stra", "in", "▁of", "▁which", "▁caused", "▁him", "▁to", "▁drink", "▁heavily", "▁,", "▁which", "▁in", "▁turn", "▁finished", "▁his", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁career", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁left", "▁the", "▁mar", "ital", "▁home", "▁in", "▁H", "amp", "st", "ead", "▁and", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁Gold", "ers", "▁Green", "▁with", "▁D", "illon", "▁,", "▁a", "▁move", "▁which", "▁Mac", "Que", "en", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Pope", "▁describes", "▁as", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁worst", "▁thing", "▁she", "▁ever", "▁did", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Later", "▁years", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "▁new", "▁show", "▁in", "▁London", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "2", "▁show", "c", "ased", "▁the", "▁best", "▁of", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁'", "s", "▁talent", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Royal", "▁Command", "▁Performance", "▁took", "▁place", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Palace", "▁Theatre", "▁in", "▁London", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁managed", "▁by", "▁Alfred", "▁But", "t", "▁.", "▁The", "▁show", "▁was", "▁organ", "ised", "▁by", "▁O", "sw", "ald", "▁St", "oll", "▁,", "▁an", "▁Australian", "▁im", "pres", "ario", "▁who", "▁managed", "▁a", "▁string", "▁of", "▁West", "▁End", "▁and", "▁provincial", "▁the", "at", "res", "▁.", "▁St", "oll", "▁,", "▁although", "▁a", "▁fan", "▁of", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁,", "▁dis", "lik", "ed", "▁the", "▁vul", "gar", "ity", "▁of", "▁her", "▁act", "▁and", "▁champion", "ed", "▁a", "▁return", "▁to", "▁a", "▁more", "▁family", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁friendly", "▁atmosphere", "▁within", "▁the", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁.", "▁Because", "▁of", "▁this", "▁,", "▁and", "▁her", "▁participation", "▁in", "▁the", "▁earlier", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁war", "▁,", "▁St", "oll", "▁left", "▁her", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁line", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁.", "▁He", "▁placed", "▁an", "▁advert", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Era", "▁on", "▁the", "▁day", "▁of", "▁the", "▁performance", "▁warning", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁Co", "ars", "eness", "▁and", "▁vul", "gar", "ity", "▁etc", "▁are", "▁not", "▁allowed", "▁...", "▁this", "▁int", "imation", "▁is", "▁rendered", "▁necessary", "▁only", "▁by", "▁a", "▁few", "▁artists", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁ret", "ali", "ation", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁st", "aged", "▁her", "▁own", "▁show", "▁at", "▁the", "▁London", "▁Pav", "il", "ion", "▁,", "▁advert", "ising", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁every", "▁one", "▁of", "▁her", "▁performances", "▁was", "▁a", "▁command", "▁performance", "▁by", "▁order", "▁of", "▁the", "▁British", "▁public", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁performed", "▁\"", "▁One", "▁Th", "ing", "▁Le", "ads", "▁to", "▁Another", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Oh", "▁Mr", "▁Por", "ter", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Boy", "▁I", "▁Love", "▁Is", "▁up", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Gallery", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁was", "▁ha", "iled", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁Queen", "▁of", "▁Com", "edy", "▁\"", "▁by", "▁critics", "▁.", "▁The", "▁same", "▁year", "▁,", "▁she", "▁travel", "led", "▁to", "▁Dev", "on", "▁where", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Ex", "eter", "▁Hi", "pp", "od", "rome", "▁to", "▁much", "▁success", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Dev", "on", "▁and", "▁Ex", "eter", "▁Gazette", "▁,", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Every", "▁Mov", "ement", "▁T", "ells", "▁a", "▁T", "ale", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁thoroughly", "▁enjoyed", "▁\"", "▁by", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁[", "▁received", "▁]", "▁round", "▁after", "▁round", "▁of", "▁app", "la", "use", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁paper", "▁also", "▁pra", "ised", "▁her", "▁rec", "ital", "▁of", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁C", "ock", "ney", "▁girl", "▁'", "s", "▁h", "one", "ym", "oon", "▁in", "▁Paris", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁met", "▁by", "▁\"", "▁ro", "ars", "▁of", "▁laugh", "ter", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Sc", "andal", "▁in", "▁America", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁book", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Or", "phe", "um", "▁Sy", "nd", "icate", "▁to", "▁appear", "▁at", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Palace", "▁Theatre", "▁.", "▁She", "▁and", "▁D", "illon", "▁set", "▁sail", "▁on", "▁the", "▁R", "MS", "▁Olympic", "▁under", "▁the", "▁name", "▁Mr", "▁and", "▁Mrs", "▁D", "illon", "▁and", "▁were", "▁met", "▁at", "▁the", "▁American", "▁port", "▁by", "▁her", "▁sister", "▁Alice", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁res", "ided", "▁in", "▁the", "▁country", "▁for", "▁many", "▁years", "▁.", "▁Upon", "▁arrival", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁and", "▁D", "illon", "▁were", "▁refused", "▁entry", "▁when", "▁the", "▁authorities", "▁found", "▁out", "▁that", "▁they", "▁were", "▁not", "▁married", "▁,", "▁as", "▁they", "▁had", "▁claimed", "▁when", "▁applying", "▁for", "▁entry", "▁vis", "as", "▁.", "▁They", "▁were", "▁det", "ained", "▁and", "▁threatened", "▁with", "▁deport", "ation", "▁on", "▁the", "▁grounds", "▁of", "▁moral", "▁tur", "p", "itude", "▁and", "▁were", "▁sent", "▁to", "▁Ell", "is", "▁Island", "▁while", "▁an", "▁enqu", "iry", "▁took", "▁place", "▁.", "▁D", "illon", "▁was", "▁charged", "▁under", "▁the", "▁White", "▁S", "lave", "▁Act", "▁with", "▁attempting", "▁to", "▁take", "▁into", "▁the", "▁country", "▁a", "▁woman", "▁who", "▁was", "▁not", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁charged", "▁with", "▁being", "▁a", "▁pass", "ive" ]
attractive style . " = = = = Relationship with Bernard Dillon = = = = Despite their marital problems , Lloyd went on an American tour with Hurley in 1908 . She was eager to equal the success of her sister Alice , who had become popular in the country a few years previously . By 1910 , Marie 's relationship with Hurley had ended , due in part to her endless parties and her developing friendship with the jockey Bernard Dillon , winner of the 1910 Derby . Lloyd and the young sportsman began an open and passionate affair . For the first time , her private life eclipsed her professional career . She was seldom mentioned in the theatrical press in 1910 , and when she did perform , it was not to the best of her abilities . The writer Arnold Bennett , who witnessed her on stage at the Tivoli Theatre in 1909 , admitted that he " couldn 't see the legendary cleverness of the vulgarity of Marie Lloyd " and accused her songs of being " variations of the same theme of sexual naughtiness . " As with Courtenay years previously , the shy and retiring Dillon was finding it hard to adapt to Lloyd 's elaborate and sociable lifestyle . Dillon 's success on the racecourse was short lived . In 1911 , he was expelled from the Jockey Club for borrowing £ 660 to bet on his own horses to win . Dillon 's horses lost , and he ended up in debt to trainers . He became jealous of Lloyd 's successful life in the spotlight . Depression led to drink and obesity , and he started to abuse her . Hurley , meanwhile , had initiated divorce proceedings , the strain of which caused him to drink heavily , which in turn finished his theatrical career . Lloyd left the marital home in Hampstead and moved to Golders Green with Dillon , a move which MacQueen @-@ Pope describes as being " the worst thing she ever did . " = = = Later years = = = A new show in London in 1912 showcased the best of music hall 's talent . The Royal Command Performance took place at the Palace Theatre in London , which was managed by Alfred Butt . The show was organised by Oswald Stoll , an Australian impresario who managed a string of West End and provincial theatres . Stoll , although a fan of Lloyd 's , disliked the vulgarity of her act and championed a return to a more family @-@ friendly atmosphere within the music hall . Because of this , and her participation in the earlier music hall war , Stoll left her out of the line @-@ up . He placed an advert in The Era on the day of the performance warning that " Coarseness and vulgarity etc are not allowed ... this intimation is rendered necessary only by a few artists " . In retaliation , Lloyd staged her own show at the London Pavilion , advertising that " every one of her performances was a command performance by order of the British public " . She performed " One Thing Leads to Another " , " Oh Mr Porter " , and " The Boy I Love Is up in the Gallery " and was hailed as " the Queen of Comedy " by critics . The same year , she travelled to Devon where she appeared at the Exeter Hippodrome to much success . The Devon and Exeter Gazette , reported that Lloyd 's performance of " Every Movement Tells a Tale " , was " thoroughly enjoyed " by the audience and " [ received ] round after round of applause " . The paper also praised her recital of a " Cockney girl 's honeymoon in Paris " , which was met by " roars of laughter " . = = = = Scandal in America = = = = In 1913 , Lloyd was booked by the Orpheum Syndicate to appear at the New York Palace Theatre . She and Dillon set sail on the RMS Olympic under the name Mr and Mrs Dillon and were met at the American port by her sister Alice , who had resided in the country for many years . Upon arrival , Lloyd and Dillon were refused entry when the authorities found out that they were not married , as they had claimed when applying for entry visas . They were detained and threatened with deportation on the grounds of moral turpitude and were sent to Ellis Island while an enquiry took place . Dillon was charged under the White Slave Act with attempting to take into the country a woman who was not his wife , and Lloyd was charged with being a passive
[ "▁agent", "▁.", "▁After", "▁a", "▁length", "y", "▁enqu", "iry", "▁,", "▁a", "▁sure", "ty", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "▁each", "▁,", "▁and", "▁an", "▁im", "posed", "▁condition", "▁that", "▁they", "▁were", "▁to", "▁live", "▁apart", "▁while", "▁in", "▁America", "▁,", "▁the", "▁couple", "▁were", "▁allowed", "▁to", "▁stay", "▁until", "▁March", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁.", "▁Alice", "▁later", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁ind", "ign", "ity", "▁of", "▁the", "▁subsequent", "▁experience", "▁[", "▁while", "▁in", "▁cust", "ody", "▁]", "▁went", "▁to", "▁Marie", "▁'", "s", "▁heart", "▁in", "▁a", "▁way", "▁she", "▁never", "▁surv", "ived", "▁.", "▁She", "▁could", "▁not", "▁bear", "▁to", "▁talk", "▁of", "▁that", "▁awful", "▁twenty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁four", "▁hours", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Despite", "▁the", "▁problems", "▁,", "▁the", "▁tour", "▁was", "▁a", "▁success", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Lloyd", "▁performed", "▁to", "▁pack", "ed", "▁the", "at", "res", "▁throughout", "▁America", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁act", "▁featured", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁T", "idd", "ly", "▁W", "ink", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁'", "d", "▁Like", "▁to", "▁Live", "▁in", "▁Paris", "▁All", "▁the", "▁Time", "▁(", "▁The", "▁Cost", "er", "▁Girl", "▁in", "▁Paris", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁A", "vi", "ator", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁numbers", "▁were", "▁popular", "▁,", "▁partly", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁American", "isation", "▁of", "▁each", "▁song", "▁'", "s", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁.", "▁On", "▁a", "▁personal", "▁level", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁time", "▁in", "▁America", "▁was", "▁miser", "able", "▁and", "▁was", "▁made", "▁worse", "▁by", "▁the", "▁increasing", "▁domestic", "▁ab", "use", "▁she", "▁received", "▁from", "▁D", "illon", "▁.", "▁The", "▁assault", "s", "▁caused", "▁her", "▁to", "▁miss", "▁several", "▁key", "▁performances", "▁,", "▁which", "▁anger", "ed", "▁the", "▁theatre", "▁manager", "▁,", "▁Edward", "▁Al", "be", "e", "▁,", "▁who", "▁threatened", "▁her", "▁with", "▁a", "▁bre", "ach", "▁of", "▁contract", "▁action", "▁.", "▁She", "▁claimed", "▁that", "▁ill", "ness", "▁made", "▁it", "▁difficult", "▁for", "▁her", "▁to", "▁perform", "▁and", "▁protest", "ed", "▁at", "▁her", "▁b", "illing", "▁position", "▁.", "▁The", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁press", "▁were", "▁not", "▁convinced", "▁.", "▁The", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Te", "legraph", "▁spec", "ulated", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁v", "au", "dev", "ille", "▁circles", "▁her", "▁domestic", "▁relations", "▁are", "▁thought", "▁to", "▁be", "▁at", "▁the", "▁bottom", "▁of", "▁her", "▁attacks", "▁of", "▁disposition", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Back", "▁in", "▁England", "▁,", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁had", "▁died", "▁of", "▁ple", "ur", "isy", "▁and", "▁p", "neum", "onia", "▁on", "▁", "6", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁heard", "▁the", "▁news", "▁while", "▁appearing", "▁in", "▁Chicago", "▁and", "▁sent", "▁a", "▁w", "re", "ath", "▁with", "▁a", "▁note", "▁saying", "▁\"", "▁until", "▁we", "▁meet", "▁again", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁reported", "▁in", "▁The", "▁Mor", "ning", "▁Te", "legraph", "▁as", "▁saying", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁With", "▁all", "▁due", "▁respect", "▁to", "▁the", "▁dead", "▁,", "▁I", "▁can", "▁cheer", "fully", "▁say", "▁that", "▁'", "s", "▁the", "▁best", "▁piece", "▁of", "▁news", "▁I", "▁'", "ve", "▁heard", "▁in", "▁many", "▁years", "▁,", "▁for", "▁it", "▁means", "▁that", "▁Bernard", "▁D", "illon", "▁and", "▁I", "▁will", "▁marry", "▁as", "▁soon", "▁as", "▁this", "▁un", "l", "ucky", "▁year", "▁ends", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Lloyd", "▁married", "▁D", "illon", "▁on", "▁", "2", "1", "▁February", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ceremony", "▁taking", "▁place", "▁at", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Cons", "ulate", "▁in", "▁Port", "land", "▁,", "▁Oregon", "▁.", "▁When", "▁the", "▁tour", "▁finished", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁commented", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁[", "▁I", "▁will", "▁]", "▁never", "▁forget", "▁the", "▁hum", "ili", "ation", "▁to", "▁which", "▁I", "▁have", "▁been", "▁subject", "ed", "▁and", "▁I", "▁shall", "▁never", "▁sing", "▁in", "▁America", "▁again", "▁,", "▁no", "▁matter", "▁how", "▁high", "▁the", "▁sal", "ary", "▁offered", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁First", "▁World", "▁War", "▁and", "▁final", "▁years", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Lloyd", "▁and", "▁D", "illon", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁England", "▁in", "▁June", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁started", "▁a", "▁provincial", "▁tour", "▁of", "▁Liverpool", "▁,", "▁Ald", "ers", "hot", "▁,", "▁South", "end", "▁,", "▁B", "irmingham", "▁and", "▁Marg", "ate", "▁,", "▁and", "▁finished", "▁the", "▁summer", "▁season", "▁at", "▁the", "▁London", "▁Hi", "pp", "od", "rome", "▁.", "▁She", "▁sang", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Cost", "er", "▁H", "one", "ym", "oon", "▁in", "▁Paris", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Who", "▁Pa", "id", "▁the", "▁R", "ent", "▁for", "▁Mrs", "▁R", "ip", "▁Van", "▁W", "ink", "le", "▁?", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁of", "▁which", "▁had", "▁been", "▁received", "▁particularly", "▁well", "▁with", "▁her", "▁American", "▁aud", "ien", "ces", "▁.", "▁Within", "▁a", "▁fort", "night", "▁,", "▁Britain", "▁was", "▁at", "▁war", "▁,", "▁which", "▁threw", "▁the", "▁music", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hall", "▁world", "▁into", "▁dis", "array", "▁.", "▁The", "▁atmosphere", "▁in", "▁London", "▁'", "s", "▁music", "▁h", "alls", "▁had", "▁turned", "▁patri", "otic", "▁,", "▁and", "▁theatre", "▁propriet", "ors", "▁often", "▁held", "▁char", "ity", "▁events", "▁and", "▁benefits", "▁to", "▁help", "▁the", "▁war", "▁effort", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁played", "▁her", "▁part", "▁and", "▁frequently", "▁visited", "▁hosp", "it", "als", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁Ul", "ster", "▁Vol", "unte", "er", "▁Force", "▁Hospital", "▁in", "▁B", "elf", "ast", "▁,", "▁where", "▁she", "▁interact", "ed", "▁with", "▁wounded", "▁serv", "ic", "emen", "▁.", "▁She", "▁also", "▁tou", "red", "▁m", "un", "itions", "▁fact", "ories", "▁to", "▁help", "▁boost", "▁public", "▁mor", "ale", "▁,", "▁but", "▁received", "▁no", "▁official", "▁recognition", "▁for", "▁her", "▁work", "▁.", "▁During", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁she", "▁scored", "▁a", "▁hit", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁A", "▁Little", "▁of", "▁What", "▁you", "▁F", "ancy", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁critics", "▁thought", "▁captured", "▁her", "▁life", "▁perfectly", "▁up", "▁until", "▁that", "▁point", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁is", "▁about", "▁a", "▁middle", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁aged", "▁woman", "▁who", "▁encourag", "es", "▁the", "▁younger", "▁generation", "▁to", "▁enjoy", "▁themselves", "▁,", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁indul", "ging", "▁in", "▁life", "▁'", "s", "▁excitement", "▁herself", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁rend", "ition", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁dep", "ict", "s", "▁a", "▁young", "▁couple", "▁who", "▁c", "ud", "d", "le", "▁and", "▁kiss", "▁on", "▁a", "▁railway", "▁carriage", "▁,", "▁while", "▁she", "▁s", "its", "▁back", "▁and", "▁rec", "alls", "▁mem", "ories", "▁of", "▁her", "▁doing", "▁the", "▁same", "▁in", "▁years", "▁gone", "▁by", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁appeared", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Cry", "stal", "▁Palace", "▁where", "▁she", "▁ent", "ert", "ained", "▁over", "▁ten", "▁thousand", "▁troops", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁that", "▁year", "▁,", "▁she", "▁performed", "▁her", "▁only", "▁war", "▁song", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Now", "▁You", "▁'", "ve", "▁Got", "▁your", "▁Kh", "aki", "▁On", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁composed", "▁for", "▁her", "▁by", "▁Charles", "▁Collins", "▁and", "▁Fred", "▁W", ".", "▁Le", "igh", "▁,", "▁about", "▁a", "▁woman", "▁who", "▁found", "▁the", "▁army", "▁uniform", "▁se", "xy", "▁and", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁we", "aring", "▁it", "▁made", "▁the", "▁average", "▁pot", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁bel", "lied", "▁gentleman", "▁look", "▁like", "▁a", "▁mus", "cle", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ton", "ed", "▁soldier", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁brother", "▁John", "▁appeared", "▁with", "▁her", "▁on", "▁stage", "▁dressed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁soldier", "▁and", "▁helped", "▁character", "ise", "▁the", "▁d", "itt", "y", "▁.", "▁Following", "▁this", "▁,", "▁she", "▁sang", "▁the", "▁already", "▁well", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁established", "▁songs", "▁\"", "▁If", "▁You", "▁W", "ant", "▁to", "▁Get", "▁On", "▁in", "▁Rev", "ue", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁dep", "icted", "▁a", "▁young", "▁girl", "▁who", "▁offered", "▁sexual", "▁fav", "ours", "▁to", "▁promote", "▁her", "▁the", "atr", "ical", "▁career", "▁,", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Three", "▁A", "ges", "▁of", "▁Woman", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁took", "▁a", "▁c", "yn", "ical" ]
agent . After a lengthy enquiry , a surety of $ 300 each , and an imposed condition that they were to live apart while in America , the couple were allowed to stay until March 1914 . Alice later stated that " the indignity of the subsequent experience [ while in custody ] went to Marie 's heart in a way she never survived . She could not bear to talk of that awful twenty @-@ four hours . " Despite the problems , the tour was a success , and Lloyd performed to packed theatres throughout America . Her act featured the songs " The Tiddly Wink " , " I 'd Like to Live in Paris All the Time ( The Coster Girl in Paris ) " , and " The Aviator " . The numbers were popular , partly due to the Americanisation of each song 's lyrics . On a personal level , Lloyd 's time in America was miserable and was made worse by the increasing domestic abuse she received from Dillon . The assaults caused her to miss several key performances , which angered the theatre manager , Edward Albee , who threatened her with a breach of contract action . She claimed that illness made it difficult for her to perform and protested at her billing position . The theatrical press were not convinced . The New York Telegraph speculated " In vaudeville circles her domestic relations are thought to be at the bottom of her attacks of disposition . " Back in England , Hurley had died of pleurisy and pneumonia on 6 December 1913 . Lloyd heard the news while appearing in Chicago and sent a wreath with a note saying " until we meet again " . She was reported in The Morning Telegraph as saying : " With all due respect to the dead , I can cheerfully say that 's the best piece of news I 've heard in many years , for it means that Bernard Dillon and I will marry as soon as this unlucky year ends . " Lloyd married Dillon on 21 February 1914 , the ceremony taking place at the British Consulate in Portland , Oregon . When the tour finished , Lloyd commented , " [ I will ] never forget the humiliation to which I have been subjected and I shall never sing in America again , no matter how high the salary offered . " = = = = First World War and final years = = = = Lloyd and Dillon returned to England in June 1914 . Lloyd started a provincial tour of Liverpool , Aldershot , Southend , Birmingham and Margate , and finished the summer season at the London Hippodrome . She sang " The Coster Honeymoon in Paris " and " Who Paid the Rent for Mrs Rip Van Winkle ? " , the latter of which had been received particularly well with her American audiences . Within a fortnight , Britain was at war , which threw the music @-@ hall world into disarray . The atmosphere in London 's music halls had turned patriotic , and theatre proprietors often held charity events and benefits to help the war effort . Lloyd played her part and frequently visited hospitals , including the Ulster Volunteer Force Hospital in Belfast , where she interacted with wounded servicemen . She also toured munitions factories to help boost public morale , but received no official recognition for her work . During 1914 , she scored a hit with " A Little of What you Fancy " , which critics thought captured her life perfectly up until that point . The song is about a middle @-@ aged woman who encourages the younger generation to enjoy themselves , rather than indulging in life 's excitement herself . During the rendition , Lloyd depicts a young couple who cuddle and kiss on a railway carriage , while she sits back and recalls memories of her doing the same in years gone by . In January 1915 , Lloyd appeared at the Crystal Palace where she entertained over ten thousand troops . At the end of that year , she performed her only war song , " Now You 've Got your Khaki On " , composed for her by Charles Collins and Fred W. Leigh , about a woman who found the army uniform sexy and thought that wearing it made the average pot @-@ bellied gentleman look like a muscle @-@ toned soldier . Lloyd 's brother John appeared with her on stage dressed as a soldier and helped characterise the ditty . Following this , she sang the already well @-@ established songs " If You Want to Get On in Revue " , which depicted a young girl who offered sexual favours to promote her theatrical career , and " The Three Ages of Woman " , which took a cynical
[ "▁look", "▁at", "▁men", "▁from", "▁a", "▁woman", "▁'", "s", "▁perspective", "▁.", "▁She", "▁s", "eld", "om", "▁tou", "red", "▁during", "▁the", "▁war", "▁,", "▁but", "▁briefly", "▁performed", "▁in", "▁North", "am", "pton", "▁,", "▁Wat", "ford", "▁and", "▁Not", "ting", "ham", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "6", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁that", "▁year", "▁,", "▁she", "▁had", "▁suffered", "▁a", "▁nerv", "ous", "▁break", "down", "▁which", "▁she", "▁bl", "amed", "▁on", "▁her", "▁hect", "ic", "▁work", "load", "▁and", "▁a", "▁delayed", "▁reaction", "▁to", "▁Hur", "ley", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁war", "▁years", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁public", "▁image", "▁had", "▁d", "eter", "ior", "ated", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁M", "idge", "▁Gill", "ies", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁violent", "▁relationship", "▁with", "▁D", "illon", "▁and", "▁professional", "▁sn", "ubs", "▁in", "▁public", "▁had", "▁left", "▁the", "▁singer", "▁feeling", "▁like", "▁\"", "▁someone", "▁'", "s", "▁mother", "▁,", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁their", "▁sweet", "heart", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁In", "▁July", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "6", "▁,", "▁D", "illon", "▁was", "▁cons", "cript", "ed", "▁into", "▁the", "▁army", "▁,", "▁but", "▁dis", "lik", "ed", "▁the", "▁discipline", "▁of", "▁regiment", "al", "▁life", "▁.", "▁He", "▁applied", "▁for", "▁exem", "ption", "▁on", "▁the", "▁grounds", "▁he", "▁had", "▁to", "▁look", "▁after", "▁his", "▁parents", "▁and", "▁four", "▁brothers", "▁,", "▁but", "▁his", "▁claim", "▁was", "▁rejected", "▁.", "▁In", "▁a", "▁later", "▁failed", "▁attempt", "▁,", "▁he", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁conv", "ince", "▁army", "▁officials", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁too", "▁ob", "ese", "▁to", "▁carry", "▁out", "▁military", "▁duties", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁rare", "▁occasions", "▁when", "▁D", "illon", "▁was", "▁allowed", "▁home", "▁on", "▁leave", "▁,", "▁he", "▁would", "▁often", "▁indul", "ge", "▁in", "▁drink", "ing", "▁sessions", "▁.", "▁One", "▁night", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁'", "s", "▁friend", "▁B", "ella", "▁Bur", "ge", "▁received", "▁a", "▁knock", "▁at", "▁the", "▁front", "▁door", "▁to", "▁find", "▁a", "▁h", "yst", "er", "ical", "▁Lloyd", "▁covered", "▁in", "▁blood", "▁and", "▁bru", "ises", "▁.", "▁When", "▁asked", "▁to", "▁explain", "▁what", "▁had", "▁caused", "▁her", "▁inj", "uries", "▁,", "▁she", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁she", "▁had", "▁caught", "▁D", "illon", "▁in", "▁bed", "▁with", "▁another", "▁woman", "▁and", "▁had", "▁had", "▁a", "▁show", "down", "▁with", "▁her", "▁husband", "▁.", "▁By", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "7", "▁,", "▁D", "illon", "▁'", "s", "▁drink", "ing", "▁had", "▁become", "▁worse", "▁.", "▁That", "▁June", "▁,", "▁two", "▁const", "ables", "▁were", "▁called", "▁to", "▁Lloyd", "▁and", "▁D", "illon", "▁'", "s", "▁house", "▁in", "▁Gold", "ers", "▁Green", "▁after", "▁D", "illon", "▁committed", "▁a", "▁d", "run", "ken", "▁assault", "▁on", "▁his", "▁wife", "▁.", "▁Police", "▁entered", "▁the", "▁house", "▁and", "▁found", "▁Lloyd", "▁and", "▁her", "▁ma", "id", "▁c", "ower", "ing", "▁beneath", "▁a", "▁table", "▁.", "▁D", "illon", "▁confront", "ed", "▁the", "▁const", "ables", "▁and", "▁assault", "ed", "▁one", "▁of", "▁them", "▁,", "▁which", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁him", "▁being", "▁taken", "▁to", "▁court", "▁,", "▁f", "ined", "▁and", "▁sent", "enced", "▁to", "▁a", "▁month", "▁'", "s", "▁hard", "▁labour", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁began", "▁drink", "ing", "▁to", "▁escape", "▁the", "▁tra", "uma", "▁of", "▁her", "▁domestic", "▁ab", "use", "▁.", "▁That", "▁year", "▁,", "▁she", "▁was", "▁ear", "ning", "▁£", "▁", "4", "7", "0", "▁per", "▁week", "▁performing", "▁in", "▁music", "▁h", "alls", "▁and", "▁making", "▁special", "▁appearances", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁year", "▁,", "▁she", "▁performed", "▁perhaps", "▁her", "▁best", "▁known", "▁song", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁My", "▁Old", "▁Man", "▁(", "▁Sa", "id", "▁Follow", "▁the", "▁Van", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁written", "▁for", "▁her", "▁by", "▁Fred", "▁W", ".", "▁Le", "igh", "▁and", "▁Charles", "▁Collins", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁dep", "ict", "s", "▁a", "▁mother", "▁fle", "eing", "▁her", "▁home", "▁to", "▁avoid", "▁the", "▁rent", "▁man", "▁.", "▁The", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁reflected", "▁the", "▁hard", "ships", "▁of", "▁working", "▁class", "▁life", "▁in", "▁London", "▁at", "▁the", "▁beginning", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁century", "▁,", "▁and", "▁gave", "▁her", "▁the", "▁chance", "▁to", "▁cost", "ume", "▁the", "▁character", "▁in", "▁a", "▁worn", "▁out", "▁dress", "▁and", "▁black", "▁st", "raw", "▁bo", "ater", "▁,", "▁while", "▁carrying", "▁a", "▁bird", "c", "age", "▁.", "▁By", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁she", "▁had", "▁become", "▁popular", "▁with", "▁the", "▁British", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁American", "▁soldiers", "▁,", "▁but", "▁had", "▁failed", "▁to", "▁capture", "▁the", "▁spirits", "▁of", "▁their", "▁English", "▁counter", "parts", "▁,", "▁and", "▁began", "▁feeling", "▁s", "idel", "ined", "▁by", "▁her", "▁pe", "ers", "▁;", "▁V", "esta", "▁T", "ille", "y", "▁had", "▁led", "▁a", "▁very", "▁successful", "▁rec", "ruit", "ment", "▁drive", "▁into", "▁the", "▁services", "▁,", "▁and", "▁other", "▁music", "▁hall", "▁perform", "ers", "▁had", "▁been", "▁hon", "oured", "▁by", "▁royal", "ty", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁July", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁again", "▁left", "▁off", "▁the", "▁cast", "▁list", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Vari", "ety", "▁Performance", "▁,", "▁which", "▁paid", "▁t", "ribute", "▁to", "▁the", "▁acts", "▁who", "▁helped", "▁raise", "▁money", "▁and", "▁boost", "▁mor", "ale", "▁during", "▁the", "▁war", "▁years", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁dev", "ast", "ated", "▁at", "▁the", "▁sn", "ub", "▁and", "▁grew", "▁bitter", "▁towards", "▁her", "▁riv", "als", "▁who", "▁had", "▁been", "▁acknowled", "ged", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁M", "idge", "▁Gill", "ies", "▁compared", "▁Lloyd", "▁to", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁tal", "ented", "▁old", "▁a", "unt", "▁who", "▁must", "▁be", "▁allowed", "▁to", "▁have", "▁her", "▁turn", "▁at", "▁the", "▁piano", "▁even", "▁though", "▁all", "▁everyone", "▁really", "▁wants", "▁is", "▁jazz", "▁or", "▁go", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Picture", "▁Palace", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁She", "▁tou", "red", "▁Card", "iff", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "▁she", "▁was", "▁ear", "ning", "▁£", "▁", "1", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁a", "▁year", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁the", "▁high", "▁ear", "nings", "▁,", "▁she", "▁was", "▁living", "▁beyond", "▁her", "▁means", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁reck", "less", "▁t", "endency", "▁to", "▁spend", "▁money", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁famous", "▁for", "▁her", "▁gener", "os", "ity", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁unable", "▁to", "▁differenti", "ate", "▁between", "▁those", "▁in", "▁need", "▁and", "▁those", "▁who", "▁simply", "▁explo", "ited", "▁her", "▁kind", "ness", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁extra", "v", "ag", "ant", "▁t", "ast", "es", "▁,", "▁an", "▁accum", "ulation", "▁of", "▁writ", "s", "▁from", "▁dis", "gr", "unt", "led", "▁theatre", "▁man", "agers", "▁,", "▁an", "▁in", "ability", "▁to", "▁save", "▁money", "▁,", "▁and", "▁gener", "ous", "▁hand", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁out", "s", "▁to", "▁friends", "▁and", "▁family", "▁,", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁severe", "▁money", "▁troubles", "▁during", "▁the", "▁final", "▁years", "▁of", "▁her", "▁life", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Dec", "line", "▁and", "▁death", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁appeared", "▁twice", "▁at", "▁Hend", "on", "▁Mag", "istr", "ates", "▁Court", "▁and", "▁gave", "▁evidence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ab", "use", "▁she", "▁had", "▁suffered", "▁from", "▁D", "illon", "▁.", "▁So", "on", "▁afterwards", "▁,", "▁she", "▁separated", "▁from", "▁him", "▁and", "▁,", "▁as", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁became", "▁de", "pressed", "▁.", "▁When", "▁asked", "▁by", "▁pro", "sec", "utors", "▁how", "▁many", "▁times", "▁D", "illon", "▁had", "▁assault", "ed", "▁her", "▁since", "▁Christmas", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁replied", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁cannot", "▁tell", "▁you", "▁,", "▁there", "▁were", "▁so", "▁many", "▁[", "▁occasions", "▁]", "▁.", "▁It", "▁has", "▁happened", "▁for", "▁years", "▁,", "▁time", "▁after", "▁time", "▁,", "▁always", "▁when", "▁he", "▁is", "▁dr", "unk", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁By", "▁now", "▁,", "▁she", "▁was", "▁becoming", "▁increasing", "ly", "▁un", "re", "li", "able" ]
look at men from a woman 's perspective . She seldom toured during the war , but briefly performed in Northampton , Watford and Nottingham in 1916 . By the end of that year , she had suffered a nervous breakdown which she blamed on her hectic workload and a delayed reaction to Hurley 's death . During the war years , Lloyd 's public image had deteriorated . Her biographer Midge Gillies thought that Lloyd 's violent relationship with Dillon and professional snubs in public had left the singer feeling like " someone 's mother , rather than their sweetheart . " In July 1916 , Dillon was conscripted into the army , but disliked the discipline of regimental life . He applied for exemption on the grounds he had to look after his parents and four brothers , but his claim was rejected . In a later failed attempt , he tried to convince army officials that he was too obese to carry out military duties . On the rare occasions when Dillon was allowed home on leave , he would often indulge in drinking sessions . One night , Lloyd 's friend Bella Burge received a knock at the front door to find a hysterical Lloyd covered in blood and bruises . When asked to explain what had caused her injuries , she stated that she had caught Dillon in bed with another woman and had had a showdown with her husband . By 1917 , Dillon 's drinking had become worse . That June , two constables were called to Lloyd and Dillon 's house in Golders Green after Dillon committed a drunken assault on his wife . Police entered the house and found Lloyd and her maid cowering beneath a table . Dillon confronted the constables and assaulted one of them , which resulted in him being taken to court , fined and sentenced to a month 's hard labour . Lloyd began drinking to escape the trauma of her domestic abuse . That year , she was earning £ 470 per week performing in music halls and making special appearances . The following year , she performed perhaps her best known song , " My Old Man ( Said Follow the Van ) " , which was written for her by Fred W. Leigh and Charles Collins . The song depicts a mother fleeing her home to avoid the rent man . The lyrics reflected the hardships of working class life in London at the beginning of the 20th century , and gave her the chance to costume the character in a worn out dress and black straw boater , while carrying a birdcage . By 1918 , she had become popular with the British @-@ based American soldiers , but had failed to capture the spirits of their English counterparts , and began feeling sidelined by her peers ; Vesta Tilley had led a very successful recruitment drive into the services , and other music hall performers had been honoured by royalty . In July 1919 , Lloyd was again left off the cast list for the Royal Variety Performance , which paid tribute to the acts who helped raise money and boost morale during the war years . She was devastated at the snub and grew bitter towards her rivals who had been acknowledged . Her biographer Midge Gillies compared Lloyd to a " talented old aunt who must be allowed to have her turn at the piano even though all everyone really wants is jazz or go to the Picture Palace " . She toured Cardiff in 1919 , and in 1920 she was earning £ 11 @,@ 000 a year . Despite the high earnings , she was living beyond her means , with a reckless tendency to spend money . She was famous for her generosity , but was unable to differentiate between those in need and those who simply exploited her kindness . Her extravagant tastes , an accumulation of writs from disgruntled theatre managers , an inability to save money , and generous hand @-@ outs to friends and family , resulted in severe money troubles during the final years of her life . = = = Decline and death = = = In 1920 , Lloyd appeared twice at Hendon Magistrates Court and gave evidence of the abuse she had suffered from Dillon . Soon afterwards , she separated from him and , as a result , became depressed . When asked by prosecutors how many times Dillon had assaulted her since Christmas 1919 , Lloyd replied " I cannot tell you , there were so many [ occasions ] . It has happened for years , time after time , always when he is drunk . " By now , she was becoming increasingly unreliable
[ "▁on", "▁stage", "▁;", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁at", "▁a", "▁theatre", "▁in", "▁Card", "iff", "▁for", "▁a", "▁mere", "▁six", "▁minutes", "▁before", "▁being", "▁carried", "▁off", "▁by", "▁stage", "▁hands", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁performance", "▁,", "▁she", "▁seemed", "▁d", "az", "ed", "▁and", "▁confused", "▁,", "▁and", "▁she", "▁st", "umbled", "▁across", "▁the", "▁stage", "▁.", "▁She", "▁was", "▁conscious", "▁of", "▁her", "▁weak", "▁performances", "▁and", "▁frequently", "▁cried", "▁between", "▁shows", "▁.", "▁Virginia", "▁W", "ool", "f", "▁was", "▁among", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ford", "▁Music", "▁Hall", "▁on", "▁", "8", "▁April", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "1", "▁and", "▁described", "▁Lloyd", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁A", "▁mass", "▁of", "▁cor", "ruption", "▁–", "▁long", "▁front", "▁teeth", "▁–", "▁a", "▁c", "rap", "ul", "ous", "▁way", "▁of", "▁saying", "▁'", "▁desire", "▁'", "▁,", "▁and", "▁yet", "▁a", "▁born", "▁artist", "▁–", "▁scarcely", "▁able", "▁to", "▁walk", "▁,", "▁w", "add", "ling", "▁,", "▁aged", "▁,", "▁un", "bl", "ushing", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁In", "▁April", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁col", "lapsed", "▁in", "▁her", "▁dress", "ing", "▁room", "▁after", "▁singing", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Cos", "m", "opol", "itan", "▁Girl", "▁\"", "▁at", "▁the", "▁G", "ates", "head", "▁Empire", "▁in", "▁Card", "iff", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁doctor", "▁diagn", "osed", "▁exhaust", "ion", "▁,", "▁and", "▁she", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁stage", "▁in", "▁August", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁voice", "▁became", "▁weak", "▁,", "▁and", "▁she", "▁reduced", "▁her", "▁act", "▁to", "▁a", "▁much", "▁shorter", "▁running", "▁time", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁Na", "omi", "▁Jacob", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁growing", "▁old", "▁,", "▁and", "▁[", "▁she", "▁]", "▁was", "▁determined", "▁to", "▁show", "▁herself", "▁to", "▁her", "▁public", "▁as", "▁she", "▁really", "▁was", "▁...", "▁an", "▁old", "▁,", "▁grey", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁faced", "▁,", "▁tired", "▁woman", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "1", "2", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "1", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁failed", "▁to", "▁show", "▁for", "▁an", "▁appearance", "▁at", "▁the", "▁London", "▁P", "all", "ad", "ium", "▁,", "▁choosing", "▁instead", "▁to", "▁stay", "▁at", "▁home", "▁and", "▁write", "▁her", "▁will", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁Lloyd", "▁moved", "▁in", "▁with", "▁her", "▁sister", "▁D", "ais", "y", "▁to", "▁save", "▁money", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "4", "▁October", "▁,", "▁against", "▁her", "▁doctor", "▁'", "s", "▁advice", "▁,", "▁she", "▁appeared", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Empire", "▁Music", "▁Hall", "▁in", "▁Ed", "mont", "on", "▁,", "▁North", "▁London", "▁,", "▁where", "▁she", "▁sang", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁One", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ru", "ins", "▁That", "▁C", "rom", "well", "▁Kno", "ck", "ed", "▁About", "▁a", "▁Bit", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁performance", "▁was", "▁weak", "▁,", "▁and", "▁she", "▁was", "▁un", "st", "ead", "y", "▁on", "▁her", "▁feet", "▁,", "▁eventually", "▁falling", "▁over", "▁on", "▁stage", "▁.", "▁Her", "▁err", "atic", "▁and", "▁brief", "▁performance", "▁proved", "▁h", "il", "ari", "ous", "▁for", "▁the", "▁audience", "▁,", "▁who", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁all", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁act", "▁.", "▁A", "▁week", "▁later", "▁,", "▁while", "▁appearing", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Al", "h", "amb", "ra", "▁Theatre", "▁,", "▁she", "▁was", "▁taken", "▁ill", "▁on", "▁stage", "▁and", "▁was", "▁found", "▁later", "▁in", "▁her", "▁dress", "ing", "▁room", "▁cri", "pp", "led", "▁with", "▁pain", "▁,", "▁compla", "ining", "▁of", "▁st", "om", "ach", "▁cr", "amps", "▁.", "▁She", "▁returned", "▁home", "▁later", "▁that", "▁evening", "▁,", "▁where", "▁she", "▁died", "▁of", "▁heart", "▁and", "▁kid", "ney", "▁failure", "▁three", "▁days", "▁later", "▁,", "▁aged", "▁", "5", "2", "▁.", "▁More", "▁than", "▁", "5", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁people", "▁attended", "▁her", "▁fun", "eral", "▁at", "▁H", "amp", "st", "ead", "▁C", "emetery", "▁on", "▁", "1", "2", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁.", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁p", "enn", "il", "ess", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁of", "▁her", "▁death", "▁and", "▁her", "▁estate", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁worth", "▁£", "▁", "7", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "3", "3", "4", "▁,", "▁helped", "▁to", "▁pay", "▁off", "▁deb", "ts", "▁that", "▁she", "▁and", "▁D", "illon", "▁had", "▁in", "cur", "red", "▁over", "▁the", "▁years", "▁.", "▁", "▁Writing", "▁in", "▁The", "▁D", "ial", "▁magazine", "▁the", "▁following", "▁month", "▁,", "▁T", ".", "S", ".", "▁Eli", "ot", "▁claimed", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Among", "▁[", "▁the", "▁]", "▁small", "▁number", "▁of", "▁music", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hall", "▁perform", "ers", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁names", "▁are", "▁familiar", "▁to", "▁what", "▁is", "▁called", "▁the", "▁lower", "▁class", "▁,", "▁Marie", "▁Lloyd", "▁had", "▁far", "▁the", "▁strong", "est", "▁hold", "▁on", "▁popular", "▁affection", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Her", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁and", "▁friend", "▁Mac", "Que", "en", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Pope", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁Lloyd", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁going", "▁down", "hill", "▁of", "▁her", "▁own", "▁vol", "ition", "▁.", "▁The", "▁compla", "int", "▁was", "▁in", "cur", "able", "▁,", "▁some", "▁might", "▁call", "▁it", "▁heart", "break", "▁,", "▁perhaps", "▁a", "▁less", "▁sentiment", "al", "▁diagn", "osis", "▁is", "▁dis", "ill", "usion", "ment", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁imp", "erson", "ator", "▁Charles", "▁Austin", "▁paid", "▁t", "ribute", "▁by", "▁saying", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁have", "▁lost", "▁an", "▁old", "▁pal", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁public", "▁has", "▁lost", "▁its", "▁principal", "▁stage", "▁favour", "ite", "▁,", "▁one", "▁who", "▁can", "▁never", "▁be", "▁replaced", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁Prince", "▁O", "ana", "▁=", "▁", "▁Henry", "▁\"", "▁H", "ank", "▁\"", "▁K", "aw", "ai", "ho", "a", "▁\"", "▁Prince", "▁\"", "▁O", "ana", "▁,", "▁Jr", "▁.", "▁(", "▁January", "▁", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "0", "▁–", "▁June", "▁", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "6", "▁)", "▁was", "▁a", "▁professional", "▁baseball", "▁player", "▁for", "▁", "2", "3", "▁years", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "9", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "1", "▁.", "▁He", "▁played", "▁port", "ions", "▁of", "▁three", "▁seasons", "▁in", "▁Major", "▁League", "▁Baseball", "▁as", "▁an", "▁out", "f", "iel", "der", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Philadelphia", "▁Phill", "ies", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁,", "▁and", "▁as", "▁a", "▁pin", "ch", "▁h", "itter", "▁and", "▁pitch", "er", "▁for", "▁Detroit", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "5", "▁.", "▁When", "▁O", "ana", "▁deb", "uted", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Phill", "ies", "▁,", "▁he", "▁became", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁Hawai", "ian", "▁player", "▁to", "▁appear", "▁in", "▁the", "▁major", "▁le", "agues", "▁.", "▁He", "▁compiled", "▁a", "▁.", "3", "0", "8", "▁batt", "ing", "▁average", "▁and", "▁a", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "7", "▁earned", "▁run", "▁average", "▁(", "▁E", "RA", "▁)", "▁in", "▁three", "▁major", "▁league", "▁seasons", "▁.", "▁", "▁Born", "▁in", "▁Hawai", "i", "▁,", "▁O", "ana", "▁played", "▁five", "▁sports", "▁in", "▁high", "▁school", "▁,", "▁and", "▁took", "▁up", "▁baseball", "▁profession", "ally", "▁after", "▁he", "▁was", "▁noticed", "▁by", "▁Ty", "▁C", "obb", "▁.", "▁He", "▁spent", "▁a", "▁few", "▁seasons", "▁in", "▁the", "▁minor", "▁le", "agues", "▁before", "▁joining", "▁the", "▁Phill", "ies", "▁,", "▁who", "▁sent", "▁him", "▁back", "▁to", "▁the", "▁min", "ors", "▁after", "▁six", "▁games", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁.", "▁For", "▁the", "▁next", "▁de", "cade", "▁,", "▁he", "▁played", "▁for", "▁various", "▁minor", "▁league", "▁teams", "▁,", "▁where", "▁his", "▁Hawai", "ian", "▁her", "itage", "▁proved", "▁to", "▁be", "▁both", "▁a", "▁s", "elling", "▁point", "▁for", "▁teams", "▁and", "▁a", "▁h", "ind", "rance", "▁to", "▁him", "▁making", "▁the", "▁maj", "ors", "▁,", "▁until", "▁the", "▁out", "break", "▁of", "▁World", "▁War", "▁II", "▁.", "▁F", "acing", "▁a", "▁short", "age", "▁of", "▁active", "▁players", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁signed", "▁him", "▁,", "▁and" ]
on stage ; she appeared at a theatre in Cardiff for a mere six minutes before being carried off by stage hands . During the performance , she seemed dazed and confused , and she stumbled across the stage . She was conscious of her weak performances and frequently cried between shows . Virginia Woolf was among the audience at the Bedford Music Hall on 8 April 1921 and described Lloyd as " A mass of corruption – long front teeth – a crapulous way of saying ' desire ' , and yet a born artist – scarcely able to walk , waddling , aged , unblushing . " In April 1922 , Lloyd collapsed in her dressing room after singing " The Cosmopolitan Girl " at the Gateshead Empire in Cardiff . Her doctor diagnosed exhaustion , and she returned to the stage in August . Her voice became weak , and she reduced her act to a much shorter running time . Her biographer Naomi Jacob thought that Lloyd was " growing old , and [ she ] was determined to show herself to her public as she really was ... an old , grey @-@ faced , tired woman " . On 12 August 1921 , Lloyd failed to show for an appearance at the London Palladium , choosing instead to stay at home and write her will . In early 1922 , Lloyd moved in with her sister Daisy to save money . On 4 October , against her doctor 's advice , she appeared at the Empire Music Hall in Edmonton , North London , where she sang " I 'm One of the Ruins That Cromwell Knocked About a Bit " . Her performance was weak , and she was unsteady on her feet , eventually falling over on stage . Her erratic and brief performance proved hilarious for the audience , who thought that it was all part of the act . A week later , while appearing at the Alhambra Theatre , she was taken ill on stage and was found later in her dressing room crippled with pain , complaining of stomach cramps . She returned home later that evening , where she died of heart and kidney failure three days later , aged 52 . More than 50 @,@ 000 people attended her funeral at Hampstead Cemetery on 12 October 1922 . Lloyd was penniless at the time of her death and her estate , which was worth £ 7 @,@ 334 , helped to pay off debts that she and Dillon had incurred over the years . Writing in The Dial magazine the following month , T.S. Eliot claimed : " Among [ the ] small number of music @-@ hall performers , whose names are familiar to what is called the lower class , Marie Lloyd had far the strongest hold on popular affection . " Her biographer and friend MacQueen @-@ Pope thought that Lloyd was " going downhill of her own volition . The complaint was incurable , some might call it heartbreak , perhaps a less sentimental diagnosis is disillusionment . " The impersonator Charles Austin paid tribute by saying " I have lost an old pal , and the public has lost its principal stage favourite , one who can never be replaced . " = Prince Oana = Henry " Hank " Kawaihoa " Prince " Oana , Jr . ( January 22 , 1910 – June 19 , 1976 ) was a professional baseball player for 23 years from 1929 to 1951 . He played portions of three seasons in Major League Baseball as an outfielder for the Philadelphia Phillies in 1934 , and as a pinch hitter and pitcher for Detroit Tigers in 1943 and 1945 . When Oana debuted with the Phillies , he became the fourth Hawaiian player to appear in the major leagues . He compiled a .308 batting average and a 3 @.@ 77 earned run average ( ERA ) in three major league seasons . Born in Hawaii , Oana played five sports in high school , and took up baseball professionally after he was noticed by Ty Cobb . He spent a few seasons in the minor leagues before joining the Phillies , who sent him back to the minors after six games in 1934 . For the next decade , he played for various minor league teams , where his Hawaiian heritage proved to be both a selling point for teams and a hindrance to him making the majors , until the outbreak of World War II . Facing a shortage of active players , the Tigers signed him , and
[ "▁O", "ana", "▁played", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "5", "▁with", "▁the", "▁team", "▁.", "▁After", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "5", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁sold", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Dallas", "▁Reb", "els", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁finished", "▁his", "▁professional", "▁career", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "1", "▁.", "▁He", "▁later", "▁operated", "▁a", "▁la", "kes", "ide", "▁fish", "ing", "▁business", "▁until", "▁his", "▁death", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁years", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁O", "ana", "▁was", "▁born", "▁at", "▁Wa", "ip", "ahu", "▁,", "▁Hawai", "i", "▁,", "▁the", "▁site", "▁of", "▁the", "▁former", "▁O", "ahu", "▁Sug", "ar", "▁Company", "▁plant", "ation", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁His", "▁father", "▁,", "▁Henry", "▁K", "aw", "ai", "ho", "a", "▁O", "ana", "▁,", "▁Sr", ".", "▁,", "▁was", "▁a", "▁Native", "▁Hawai", "ian", "▁from", "▁Wa", "ial", "ua", "▁and", "▁a", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "6", "▁gradu", "ate", "▁of", "▁K", "ame", "h", "ame", "ha", "▁School", "▁,", "▁who", "▁later", "▁worked", "▁as", "▁a", "▁book", "keeper", "▁at", "▁the", "▁sugar", "c", "ane", "▁plant", "ation", "▁and", "▁as", "▁a", "▁station", "▁agent", "▁at", "▁the", "▁local", "▁rail", "road", "▁dep", "ot", "▁.", "▁His", "▁mother", "▁Mary", "▁was", "▁of", "▁Portuguese", "▁descent", "▁.", "▁", "▁O", "ana", "▁attended", "▁Saint", "▁Louis", "▁School", "▁in", "▁Hon", "ol", "ulu", "▁where", "▁he", "▁had", "▁the", "▁nick", "name", "▁\"", "▁N", "ut", "sky", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁five", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sport", "▁star", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁baseball", "▁,", "▁football", "▁,", "▁basketball", "▁,", "▁track", "▁and", "▁sw", "imming", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁a", "▁running", "▁back", "▁in", "▁football", "▁and", "▁was", "▁twice", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "6", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "7", "▁)", "▁selected", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Inter", "sch", "ol", "astic", "▁League", "▁of", "▁Hon", "ol", "ulu", "▁all", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁star", "▁team", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Baseball", "▁career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Pacific", "▁Coast", "▁League", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁his", "▁youth", "▁,", "▁O", "ana", "▁played", "▁for", "▁a", "▁Hawai", "ian", "▁\"", "▁Ar", "at", "ani", "▁\"", "▁baseball", "▁team", "▁that", "▁went", "▁on", "▁a", "▁tour", "▁of", "▁Japan", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "8", "▁.", "▁While", "▁bar", "n", "st", "orm", "ing", "▁in", "▁Japan", "▁,", "▁Ty", "▁C", "obb", "▁saw", "▁O", "ana", "▁playing", "▁and", "▁suggested", "▁he", "▁play", "▁profession", "ally", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁,", "▁and", "▁recommended", "▁O", "ana", "▁to", "▁the", "▁San", "▁Francisco", "▁Se", "als", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Pacific", "▁Coast", "▁League", "▁.", "▁O", "ana", "▁he", "eded", "▁C", "obb", "▁'", "s", "▁advice", "▁and", "▁tra", "ve", "led", "▁to", "▁California", "▁in", "▁the", "▁winter", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "9", "▁to", "▁try", "▁out", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Se", "als", "▁.", "▁", "▁He", "▁spent", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "9", "▁season", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Glo", "be", "▁B", "ears", "▁,", "▁San", "▁Francisco", "▁'", "s", "▁affili", "ate", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Class", "▁D", "▁Arizona", "▁State", "▁League", "▁.", "▁O", "ana", "▁compiled", "▁a", "▁.", "3", "7", "4", "▁batt", "ing", "▁average", "▁with", "▁the", "▁B", "ears", "▁in", "▁his", "▁first", "▁year", "▁of", "▁professional", "▁play", "▁.", "▁He", "▁compiled", "▁a", "▁.", "4", "1", "3", "▁average", "▁in", "▁", "7", "9", "▁games", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Glo", "be", "▁B", "ears", "▁at", "▁the", "▁start", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁season", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁promoted", "▁to", "▁San", "▁Francisco", "▁.", "▁He", "▁joined", "▁the", "▁Se", "als", "▁organization", "▁with", "▁the", "▁ability", "▁to", "▁pitch", "▁or", "▁play", "▁in", "▁the", "▁in", "field", "▁or", "▁the", "▁out", "field", "▁.", "▁Ult", "imately", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁[", "▁h", "▁]", "▁e", "▁found", "▁himself", "▁as", "▁an", "▁out", "f", "iel", "der", "▁being", "▁bl", "essed", "▁with", "▁a", "▁powerful", "▁throwing", "▁arm", "▁,", "▁great", "▁speed", "▁and", "▁an", "▁ability", "▁to", "▁wh", "ack", "▁the", "▁ball", "▁to", "▁the", "▁far", "▁reaches", "▁of", "▁the", "▁par", "ks", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁O", "ana", "▁spent", "▁the", "▁next", "▁several", "▁seasons", "▁as", "▁an", "▁out", "f", "iel", "der", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Se", "als", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "9", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "2", "▁)", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Port", "land", "▁Be", "a", "vers", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁)", "▁,", "▁also", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Pacific", "▁Coast", "▁League", "▁.", "▁O", "ana", "▁compiled", "▁batt", "ing", "▁aver", "ages", "▁of", "▁.", "3", "2", "6", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁.", "3", "4", "5", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "1", "▁,", "▁and", "▁.", "3", "3", "2", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "3", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁tot", "aled", "▁", "2", "9", "▁home", "▁runs", "▁,", "▁", "6", "3", "▁doubles", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "1", "1", "▁tri", "ples", "▁in", "▁", "6", "8", "6", "▁at", "▁b", "ats", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "3", "▁season", "▁,", "▁and", "▁led", "▁the", "▁Pacific", "▁Coast", "▁League", "▁with", "▁", "1", "6", "3", "▁R", "B", "Is", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Philadelphia", "▁Phill", "ies", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁November", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Philadelphia", "▁Phill", "ies", "▁acquired", "▁O", "ana", "▁from", "▁Port", "land", "▁in", "▁exchange", "▁for", "▁c", "ash", "▁,", "▁Frank", "▁R", "ag", "land", "▁,", "▁Jimmy", "▁Mc", "Le", "od", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁player", "▁to", "▁be", "▁named", "▁later", "▁.", "▁Port", "land", "▁manager", "▁Sp", "encer", "▁Abb", "ott", "▁noted", "▁that", "▁the", "▁deal", "▁required", "▁the", "▁Phill", "ies", "▁to", "▁pay", "▁\"", "▁$", "▁", "2", "5", "0", "0", "▁for", "▁a", "▁look", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁$", "▁", "2", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁if", "▁he", "▁was", "▁retained", "▁for", "▁the", "▁years", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁O", "ana", "▁made", "▁his", "▁major", "▁league", "▁debut", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁,", "▁becoming", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁Hawai", "ian", "▁player", "▁to", "▁play", "▁Major", "▁League", "▁Baseball", "▁.", "▁He", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁only", "▁six", "▁games", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Phill", "ies", "▁,", "▁four", "▁as", "▁the", "▁starting", "▁left", "▁fiel", "der", "▁.", "▁He", "▁compiled", "▁a", "▁.", "2", "3", "8", "▁batt", "ing", "▁average", "▁with", "▁one", "▁double", "▁and", "▁three", "▁R", "B", "Is", "▁in", "▁", "2", "1", "▁at", "▁b", "ats", "▁.", "▁On", "▁May", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁the", "▁Phill", "ies", "▁sent", "▁O", "ana", "▁back", "▁to", "▁Port", "land", "▁after", "▁less", "▁than", "▁", "1", "0", "▁days", "▁in", "▁the", "▁big", "▁le", "agues", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Hawai", "ian", "▁her", "itage", "▁and", "▁nick", "name", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁O", "ana", "▁'", "s", "▁Hawai", "ian", "▁her", "itage", "▁was", "▁both", "▁a", "▁s", "elling", "▁point", "▁for", "▁Pacific", "▁Coast", "▁League", "▁prom", "ot", "ers", "▁and", "▁a", "▁hand", "ic", "ap", "▁in", "▁terms", "▁of", "▁O", "ana", "▁'", "s", "▁ability", "▁to", "▁make", "▁it", "▁to", "▁the", "▁major", "▁le", "agues", "▁.", "▁When", "▁O", "ana", "▁signed", "▁with", "▁the", "▁San", "▁Francisco", "▁Se", "als", "▁,", "▁team", "▁owner", "▁Charlie", "▁Graham", "▁advert", "ised", "▁O", "ana", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁Hawai", "ian", "▁prince", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Graham", "▁claimed", "▁that", "▁,", "▁while", "▁vac", "ation", "ing", "▁in", "▁Hon", "ol", "ulu", "▁,", "▁he", "▁discovered", "▁O", "ana" ]
Oana played parts of 1943 and 1945 with the team . After 1945 , he was sold to the Dallas Rebels , and he finished his professional career in 1951 . He later operated a lakeside fishing business until his death in 1976 . = = Early years = = Oana was born at Waipahu , Hawaii , the site of the former Oahu Sugar Company plantation , in 1910 . His father , Henry Kawaihoa Oana , Sr. , was a Native Hawaiian from Waialua and a 1896 graduate of Kamehameha School , who later worked as a bookkeeper at the sugarcane plantation and as a station agent at the local railroad depot . His mother Mary was of Portuguese descent . Oana attended Saint Louis School in Honolulu where he had the nickname " Nutsky , " and was " a five @-@ sport star " in baseball , football , basketball , track and swimming . He was a running back in football and was twice ( 1926 and 1927 ) selected for the Interscholastic League of Honolulu all @-@ star team . = = Baseball career = = = = = Pacific Coast League = = = In his youth , Oana played for a Hawaiian " Aratani " baseball team that went on a tour of Japan in 1928 . While barnstorming in Japan , Ty Cobb saw Oana playing and suggested he play professionally in the United States , and recommended Oana to the San Francisco Seals of the Pacific Coast League . Oana heeded Cobb 's advice and traveled to California in the winter of 1929 to try out with the Seals . He spent the 1929 season with the Globe Bears , San Francisco 's affiliate in the Class D Arizona State League . Oana compiled a .374 batting average with the Bears in his first year of professional play . He compiled a .413 average in 79 games for the Globe Bears at the start of the 1930 season , and was promoted to San Francisco . He joined the Seals organization with the ability to pitch or play in the infield or the outfield . Ultimately , " [ h ] e found himself as an outfielder being blessed with a powerful throwing arm , great speed and an ability to whack the ball to the far reaches of the parks . " Oana spent the next several seasons as an outfielder for the Seals ( 1929 – 1932 ) and the Portland Beavers ( 1933 – 1934 ) , also in the Pacific Coast League . Oana compiled batting averages of .326 in 1930 , .345 in 1931 , and .332 in 1933 . He also totaled 29 home runs , 63 doubles , and 11 triples in 686 at bats during the 1933 season , and led the Pacific Coast League with 163 RBIs . = = = Philadelphia Phillies = = = In November 1933 , the Philadelphia Phillies acquired Oana from Portland in exchange for cash , Frank Ragland , Jimmy McLeod , and a player to be named later . Portland manager Spencer Abbott noted that the deal required the Phillies to pay " $ 2500 for a look " and $ 20 @,@ 000 if he was retained for the years . " Oana made his major league debut on April 22 , 1934 , becoming the fourth Hawaiian player to play Major League Baseball . He appeared in only six games for the Phillies , four as the starting left fielder . He compiled a .238 batting average with one double and three RBIs in 21 at bats . On May 1 , 1934 the Phillies sent Oana back to Portland after less than 10 days in the big leagues . = = = Hawaiian heritage and nickname = = = Oana 's Hawaiian heritage was both a selling point for Pacific Coast League promoters and a handicap in terms of Oana 's ability to make it to the major leagues . When Oana signed with the San Francisco Seals , team owner Charlie Graham advertised Oana as " a Hawaiian prince . " Graham claimed that , while vacationing in Honolulu , he discovered Oana
[ "▁playing", "▁baseball", "▁in", "▁bare", "▁feet", "▁.", "▁With", "▁the", "▁popular", "ity", "▁of", "▁sw", "immer", "▁Duke", "▁K", "ah", "an", "am", "oku", "▁,", "▁The", "▁Sport", "ing", "▁News", "▁noted", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁If", "▁K", "ah", "an", "am", "oku", "▁,", "▁the", "▁great", "▁sw", "immer", "▁,", "▁could", "▁be", "▁listed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁du", "ke", "▁,", "▁Graham", "▁figured", "▁O", "ana", "▁should", "▁be", "▁at", "▁least", "▁a", "▁prince", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Port", "land", "▁manager", "▁Sp", "encer", "▁Abb", "ott", "▁also", "▁bo", "asted", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁the", "▁one", "▁who", "▁had", "▁inv", "ested", "▁O", "ana", "▁\"", "▁with", "▁the", "▁h", "alo", "▁of", "▁Hawai", "ian", "▁royal", "ty", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁O", "ana", "▁'", "s", "▁Hawai", "ian", "▁her", "itage", "▁was", "▁also", "▁a", "▁hand", "ic", "ap", "▁in", "▁an", "▁era", "▁before", "▁ra", "cial", "▁integration", "▁of", "▁Major", "▁League", "▁Baseball", "▁.", "▁In", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁,", "▁shortly", "▁after", "▁O", "ana", "▁had", "▁been", "▁acquired", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Phill", "ies", "▁,", "▁The", "▁Sport", "ing", "▁News", "▁wrote", "▁a", "▁feature", "▁story", "▁about", "▁O", "ana", "▁under", "▁the", "▁head", "line", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁'", "▁Prince", "▁'", "▁O", "ana", "▁P", "ops", "▁In", "to", "▁the", "▁Big", "▁League", "▁Mel", "ting", "▁Pot", "▁:", "▁Adding", "▁D", "ash", "▁of", "▁Hawai", "i", "▁to", "▁Cub", "an", "▁and", "▁Indian", "▁Sp", "ice", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Author", "▁Daniel", "▁M", ".", "▁Daniel", "▁offered", "▁O", "ana", "▁'", "s", "▁promotion", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Phill", "ies", "▁as", "▁evidence", "▁that", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁while", "▁baseball", "▁is", "▁as", "▁American", "▁as", "▁America", "▁itself", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁also", "▁as", "▁cosm", "opol", "itan", "▁as", "▁our", "▁national", "▁population", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Daniel", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁,", "▁without", "▁going", "▁into", "▁the", "▁justice", "▁of", "▁the", "▁color", "▁line", "▁,", "▁the", "▁color", "▁line", "▁in", "▁baseball", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁ad", "her", "ed", "▁to", "▁most", "▁strictly", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Daniel", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁O", "ana", "▁'", "s", "▁batt", "ing", "▁record", "▁,", "▁San", "▁Francisco", "▁owner", "▁Charlie", "▁Graham", "▁had", "▁difficulty", "▁s", "elling", "▁O", "ana", "▁to", "▁a", "▁major", "▁league", "▁club", "▁,", "▁as", "▁some", "▁suggested", "▁that", "▁a", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁blo", "oded", "▁\"", "▁Kan", "aka", "▁\"", "▁may", "▁\"", "▁not", "▁be", "▁welcome", "▁in", "▁the", "▁ranks", "▁of", "▁the", "▁big", "▁le", "agues", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁When", "▁the", "▁Se", "als", "▁signed", "▁O", "ana", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁r", "ated", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁an", "▁'", "▁important", "▁money", "▁'", "▁prospect", "▁\"", "▁who", "▁would", "▁likely", "▁draw", "▁five", "▁figures", "▁in", "▁a", "▁sale", "▁to", "▁a", "▁big", "▁league", "▁club", "▁.", "▁", "▁To", "▁overcome", "▁the", "▁color", "▁line", "▁,", "▁Graham", "▁back", "ed", "▁away", "▁from", "▁the", 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"▁,", "▁for", "▁H", "ank", "▁comes", "▁from", "▁the", "▁best", "▁stock", "▁in", "▁the", "▁islands", "▁–", "▁and", "▁he", "▁looked", "▁like", "▁a", "▁prince", "▁,", "▁tall", "▁,", "▁dark", "▁and", "▁hand", "some", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁O", "ana", "▁spent", "▁most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁season", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Cra", "ck", "ers", "▁,", "▁compiling", "▁a", "▁.", "2", "8", "9", "▁batt", "ing", "▁average", "▁and", "▁", "1", "7", "▁home", "▁runs", "▁in", "▁", "4", "8", "0", "▁at", "▁b", "ats", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁playing", "▁less", "▁than", "▁the", "▁full", "▁season", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Southern", "▁Association", "▁,", "▁he", "▁led", "▁the", "▁circuit", "▁in", "▁home", "▁runs", "▁and", "▁finished", "▁second", "▁in", "▁the", "▁league", "▁with", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁R", "B", "Is", "▁.", "▁F", "inding", "▁no", "▁interest", "▁from", "▁major", "▁league", "▁clubs", "▁after", "▁his", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁season", "▁in", "▁Atlanta", "▁,", "▁O", "ana", "▁reported", "ly", "▁expressed", "▁interest", "▁in", "▁purs", "uing", "▁a", "▁career", "▁as", "▁a", "▁professional", "▁wrest", "ler", "▁,", "▁with", "▁one", "▁account", "▁indicating", "▁that", "▁he", "▁hoped", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁c", "ash", "▁in", "▁\"", "▁on", "▁his", "▁\"", "▁wrest", "ling", "▁experience", "▁on", "▁the", "▁island", "▁with", "▁Japanese", "▁gra", "pp", "lers", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Later", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁O", "ana", "▁spent", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "5", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁seasons", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Sy", "rac", "use", "▁Chief", "s", "▁of", "▁the", "▁International", "▁League", "▁.", "▁He", "▁hit", "▁.", "3", "0", "0", "▁with", "▁", "2", "1", "▁doubles", "▁,", "▁", "8", "▁tri", "ples", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "1", "2", "▁home", "▁runs", "▁in", "▁", "3", "2", "0", "▁at", "▁b", "ats", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "5", "▁season", "▁.", "▁O", "ana", "▁spent", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁season", "▁with", "▁Kno", "x", "ville", "▁and", "▁Little", "▁Rock", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Southern", "▁Association", "▁,", "▁but", "▁an", "▁injury", "▁in", "▁Little", "▁Rock", "▁forced", "▁him", "▁to" ]
playing baseball in bare feet . With the popularity of swimmer Duke Kahanamoku , The Sporting News noted : " If Kahanamoku , the great swimmer , could be listed as a duke , Graham figured Oana should be at least a prince . " Portland manager Spencer Abbott also boasted that he was the one who had invested Oana " with the halo of Hawaiian royalty . " Oana 's Hawaiian heritage was also a handicap in an era before racial integration of Major League Baseball . In January 1934 , shortly after Oana had been acquired by the Phillies , The Sporting News wrote a feature story about Oana under the headline , " ' Prince ' Oana Pops Into the Big League Melting Pot : Adding Dash of Hawaii to Cuban and Indian Spice . " Author Daniel M. Daniel offered Oana 's promotion to the Phillies as evidence that , " while baseball is as American as America itself , it is also as cosmopolitan as our national population . " Daniel wrote that , without going into the justice of the color line , the color line in baseball " is adhered to most strictly . " Daniel wrote that , despite Oana 's batting record , San Francisco owner Charlie Graham had difficulty selling Oana to a major league club , as some suggested that a full @-@ blooded " Kanaka " may " not be welcome in the ranks of the big leagues . " When the Seals signed Oana , he was rated as " an ' important money ' prospect " who would likely draw five figures in a sale to a big league club . To overcome the color line , Graham backed away from the story that Oana was a full @-@ blooded Hawaiian prince and noted that Oana 's mother was Portuguese . However , Graham could still not find a major league buyer for Oana . When Oana was acquired by the Phillies at the end of the 1933 season , The Sporting News published a front @-@ page story referring to Oana as a " full @-@ blooded Hawaiian " and a " dark @-@ skinned islander " who " comes from the royal stock of the old Hawaiian dynasty that ruled the islands before the United States took over the country . Hence , the title of prince , which he wears proudly . " = = = Atlanta Crackers = = = After his brief stint with the Phillies , Oana was returned to Portland and shortly thereafter sold to the Atlanta Crackers of the Southern Association . Spencer Abbott , who had previously managed Portland and was then the manager in Atlanta , offered to allow Portland to name its price for Oana . Abbott paid $ 5 @,@ 000 for Oana and recalled Atlanta 's racially segregated bleachers furthered the rationale for acquiring Oana : At Atlanta we needed a powerful right @-@ handed hitter who could hit the ball into those Negro bleachers in left field . We needed a hero for our colored citizens . Oana was the man . Abbott agreed to fly Oana to Atlanta and asked him to dress sharply and wear a lei . Abbott arranged for press and photographers to meet Oana at the Atlanta airport . He later recalled : " I sold them on the Hawaiian royalty stuff . It was not far off the beam , either , for Hank comes from the best stock in the islands – and he looked like a prince , tall , dark and handsome . " Oana spent most of the 1934 season with the Crackers , compiling a .289 batting average and 17 home runs in 480 at bats . Despite playing less than the full season in the Southern Association , he led the circuit in home runs and finished second in the league with 100 RBIs . Finding no interest from major league clubs after his 1934 season in Atlanta , Oana reportedly expressed interest in pursuing a career as a professional wrestler , with one account indicating that he hoped to " cash in " on his " wrestling experience on the island with Japanese grapplers . " = = = Later 1930s = = = Oana spent the 1935 and 1936 seasons with the Syracuse Chiefs of the International League . He hit .300 with 21 doubles , 8 triples , and 12 home runs in 320 at bats during the 1935 season . Oana spent the 1937 season with Knoxville and Little Rock in the Southern Association , but an injury in Little Rock forced him to
[ "▁finish", "▁the", "▁season", "▁playing", "▁sem", "ip", "ro", "▁ball", "▁in", "▁North", "▁Carolina", "▁.", "▁O", "ana", "▁next", "▁spent", "▁two", "▁years", "▁playing", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Jackson", "▁Sen", "ators", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "8", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "8", "▁,", "▁he", "▁hit", "▁.", "3", "2", "0", "▁with", "▁", "3", "9", "▁doubles", "▁and", "▁", "2", "6", "▁home", "▁runs", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁,", "▁he", "▁hit", "▁.", "3", "2", "3", "▁with", "▁", "2", "0", "▁doubles", "▁,", "▁", "1", "2", "▁tri", "ples", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁career", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁high", "▁", "3", "9", "▁home", "▁runs", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Con", "version", "▁to", "▁pitch", "er", "▁at", "▁F", "t", "▁.", "▁W", "orth", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁At", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "9", "▁season", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Jackson", "▁club", "▁sole", "▁O", "ana", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Fort", "▁W", "orth", "▁C", 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"▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁one", "▁account", "▁,", "▁Horn", "s", "by", "▁was", "▁reported", "ly", "▁prepared", "▁to", "▁release", "▁O", "ana", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁not", "▁hitting", "▁well", "▁,", "▁and", "▁said", "▁to", "▁O", "ana", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁H", "ank", "▁,", "▁you", "▁hit", "▁like", "▁a", "▁pitch", "er", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁which", "▁O", "ana", "▁replied", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁am", "▁a", "▁good", "▁pitch", "er", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Horn", "s", "by", "▁initially", "▁thought", "▁that", "▁O", "ana", "▁was", "▁j", "oking", "▁about", "▁being", "▁a", "▁pitch", "er", "▁,", "▁but", "▁finally", "▁rel", "ented", "▁and", "▁allowed", "▁him", "▁to", "▁pitch", "▁in", "▁relief", "▁one", "▁day", "▁in", "▁Houston", "▁.", "▁In", "▁O", "ana", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁", "7", "6", "▁inn", "ings", "▁as", "▁a", "▁pitch", "er", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "2", "▁,", "▁he", "▁compiled", "▁a", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "6", "▁earned", "▁run", "▁average", "▁(", "▁E", "RA", "▁)", "▁,", "▁threw", "▁", 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"▁more", "▁I", "▁denied", "▁them", "▁,", "▁the", "▁more", "▁people", "▁believed", "▁them", "▁.", "▁I", "▁'", "m", "▁plain", "▁plain", "▁Henry", "▁O", "ana", "▁.", "▁Just", "▁call", "▁me", "▁H", "ank", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁July", "▁", "3", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁,", "▁O", "ana", "▁played", "▁a", "▁key", "▁role", "▁in", "▁a", "▁double", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁header", "▁swe", "ep", "▁of", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁Yan", "ke", "es", "▁that", "▁Detroit", "▁general", "▁manager", "▁Jack", "▁Z", "eller", "▁said", "▁brought", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁greatest", "▁thr", "ills", "▁of", "▁any", "▁game", "▁he", "▁witness", "ed", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁the", "▁second", "▁game", "▁of", "▁the", "▁double", "▁header", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Yan", "ke", "es", "▁led", "▁", "5", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁in", "▁the", "▁third", "▁in", "ning", "▁.", "▁Detroit", "▁manager", "▁Steve", "▁O", "▁'", "Ne", "ill", "▁brought", "▁in", "▁his", "▁newly", "▁acquired", "▁pitch", "er", "▁,", "▁O", "ana", "▁.", "▁O", "▁'", "Ne", "ill", "▁reported", "ly", "▁concluded", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁game", "▁was", "▁lost", "▁and", "▁so", "▁why", "▁waste", "▁his", "▁good", "▁pitch", "ers", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁O", "ana", "▁gave", "▁up", "▁four", "▁more", "▁runs", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Yan", "ke", "es", "▁led", "▁", "9", "▁–", "▁", "3", "▁after", "▁seven", "▁inn", "ings", "▁.", "▁O", "ana", "▁then", "▁held", "▁the", "▁Yan", "ke", "es", "▁sc", "or", "eless", "▁in", "▁the", "▁e", "ighth", "▁in", "ning", "▁and", "▁hit", "▁a", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁run", "▁home", "▁run", "▁in", "▁the", "▁bottom", "▁of", "▁the", "▁e", "ighth", "▁in", "ning", "▁.", "▁He", "▁held", "▁the", "▁Yan", "ke", "es", "▁sc", "or", "eless", "▁again", "▁in", "▁the", "▁nin", "th", "▁in", "ning", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁won", "▁the", "▁game", "▁with", "▁four", "▁runs", "▁in", "▁the", "▁bottom", "▁of", "▁the", "▁nin", "th", "▁.", "▁O", "ana", "▁was", "▁the", "▁winning", "▁pitch", "er", "▁and", "▁had", "▁his", "▁first", "▁major", "▁league", "▁home", "▁run", "▁in", "▁the", "▁same", "▁game", "▁.", "▁In", "▁all", "▁,", "▁O", "ana", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁", "1", "0", "▁games", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁,", "▁all", "▁as", "▁a", "▁rel", "ie", "ver", "▁,", "▁compiling", "▁a", "▁", "3", "▁–", "▁", "2", "▁record", "▁with", "▁a", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "0", "▁E", "RA", "▁in", "▁", "3", "4", "▁inn", "ings", "▁pitch", "ed", "▁.", "▁O", "ana", "▁also", "▁compiled", "▁a", "▁.", "3", "8", "5", "▁batt", "ing", "▁average", "▁with", "▁two", "▁doubles", "▁,", "▁a", "▁triple", "▁,", "▁a", "▁home" ]
finish the season playing semipro ball in North Carolina . Oana next spent two years playing for the Jackson Senators in 1938 and 1939 . In 1938 , he hit .320 with 39 doubles and 26 home runs , and in 1939 , he hit .323 with 20 doubles , 12 triples , and a career @-@ high 39 home runs . = = = Conversion to pitcher at Ft . Worth = = = At the end of the 1939 season , the Jackson club sole Oana to the Fort Worth Cats in the Texas League . He continued to play as an outfielder for Fort Worth in 1940 and 1941 . However , his offensive production dropped with batting averages of .264 in 1940 and .253 in 1941 . After the 1941 season , with his batting in decline , Oana worked as a pitcher during a barnstorming tour of Mexico . Rogers Hornsby took over as the manager at Fort Worth in 1942 , and Oana badgered Hornsby for a chance as a pitcher . According to one account , Hornsby was reportedly prepared to release Oana , who was not hitting well , and said to Oana , " Hank , you hit like a pitcher , " to which Oana replied , " I am a good pitcher . " Hornsby initially thought that Oana was joking about being a pitcher , but finally relented and allowed him to pitch in relief one day in Houston . In Oana 's first 76 innings as a pitcher in 1942 , he compiled a 0 @.@ 76 earned run average ( ERA ) , threw 50 consecutive innings without an earned run , and pitched a no @-@ hitter . In mid @-@ July 1942 , Oana 's scoreless streak became national news , and resulted in a feature story in The Sporting News . In a total of 25 games as a pitcher during the 1942 season , Oana compiled a 16 – 5 record with a 1 @.@ 72 ERA . = = = Detroit Tigers = = = In 1943 , the Texas League disbanded due to the shortage of players during World War II . Oana was sold to the Milwaukee Brewers in February 1943 , and he appeared in 20 games for that team . However , baseball commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis ruled that Oana was a free agent since the Texas League had disbanded . In late June 1943 , Oana signed with the Detroit Tigers . In an introductory interview with the Detroit press , Oana had this to say about his supposed connection to Hawaiian royalty : When I first joined the Seals , stories were published that I was a Hawaiian prince . The more I denied them , the more people believed them . I 'm plain plain Henry Oana . Just call me Hank . On July 3 , 1943 , Oana played a key role in a double @-@ header sweep of the New York Yankees that Detroit general manager Jack Zeller said brought " the greatest thrills of any game he witnessed . " In the second game of the double header , the Yankees led 5 – 2 in the third inning . Detroit manager Steve O 'Neill brought in his newly acquired pitcher , Oana . O 'Neill reportedly concluded that " the game was lost and so why waste his good pitchers . " Oana gave up four more runs , and the Yankees led 9 – 3 after seven innings . Oana then held the Yankees scoreless in the eighth inning and hit a three @-@ run home run in the bottom of the eighth inning . He held the Yankees scoreless again in the ninth inning , and the Tigers won the game with four runs in the bottom of the ninth . Oana was the winning pitcher and had his first major league home run in the same game . In all , Oana appeared in 10 games for the Tigers in 1943 , all as a reliever , compiling a 3 – 2 record with a 4 @.@ 50 ERA in 34 innings pitched . Oana also compiled a .385 batting average with two doubles , a triple , a home
[ "▁run", "▁,", "▁and", "▁seven", "▁R", "B", "Is", "▁in", "▁only", "▁", "2", "6", "▁at", "▁b", "ats", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁.", "▁", "▁Late", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁season", "▁,", "▁O", "ana", "▁was", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Mil", "w", "au", "kee", "▁B", "rew", "ers", "▁,", "▁appearing", "▁in", "▁several", "▁games", "▁until", "▁he", "▁sust", "ained", "▁a", "▁f", "ract", "ured", "▁w", "rist", "▁.", "▁In", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁B", "rew", "ers", "▁sold", "▁O", "ana", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Buff", "alo", "▁B", "isons", "▁of", "▁the", "▁International", "▁League", "▁.", "▁O", "ana", "▁compiled", "▁a", "▁", "1", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "3", "▁record", "▁with", "▁a", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "3", "▁E", "RA", "▁in", "▁", "3", "8", "▁games", "▁for", "▁the", "▁B", "isons", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "4", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁spent", "▁most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "5", "▁season", "▁in", "▁Buff", "alo", "▁,", "▁compiling", "▁a", "▁", "1", "5", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "▁record", "▁(", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "0", "▁E", "RA", "▁)", "▁in", "▁", "3", "1", "▁games", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "5", "▁,", "▁on", "▁the", "▁recommendation", "▁of", "▁Buff", "alo", "▁manager", "▁B", "ucky", "▁Harris", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁called", "▁him", "▁back", "▁up", "▁to", "▁the", "▁big", "▁le", "agues", "▁.", "▁With", "▁the", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁were", "▁compet", "ing", "▁for", "▁the", "▁American", "▁League", "▁p", "enn", "ant", "▁,", "▁O", "ana", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁three", "▁games", "▁,", "▁one", "▁as", "▁a", "▁st", "arter", "▁.", "▁O", "ana", "▁compiled", "▁a", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "9", "▁E", "RA", "▁in", "▁", "1", "1", "▁inn", "ings", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "5", "▁Tig", "ers", "▁team", "▁that", "▁won", "▁the", "▁p", "enn", "ant", "▁and", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "5", "▁World", "▁Series", "▁.", "▁His", "▁only", "▁major", 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"▁", "▁O", "ana", "▁was", "▁married", "▁multiple", "▁times", "▁.", "▁With", "▁his", "▁first", "▁wife", "▁,", "▁Ar", "ma", "▁P", "un", "in", "ani", "▁Richard", "son", "▁,", "▁he", "▁had", "▁two", "▁sons", "▁,", "▁George", "▁(", "▁born", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "8", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Henry", "▁(", "▁born", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "9", "▁)", "▁.", "▁On", "▁October", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "5", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁married", "▁to", "▁Joy", "ce", "▁Pow", "ell", "▁of", "▁Winter", "▁H", "aven", "▁,", "▁Florida", "▁.", "▁By", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "2", "▁,", "▁he", "▁had", "▁rem", "ar", "ried", "▁to", "▁Pat", "ric", "ial", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Atlanta", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "6", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁reported", "▁to", "▁be", "▁happ", "ily", "▁married", "▁to", "▁a", "▁Texas", "▁girl", "▁.", "▁He", "▁also", "▁had", "▁at", "▁least", "▁two", "▁mar", "ri", "ages", "▁late", "▁in", "▁life", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "8", "▁to", "▁a", "▁woman", "▁named", "▁C", "yn", "th", "ia", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "4", "▁to", "▁Op", "al", "▁G", "unn", "▁.", "▁Sp", "encer", "▁Abb", "ott", "▁,", "▁O", "ana", "▁'", "s", "▁minor", "▁league", "▁manager", "▁in", "▁Port", "land", "▁and", "▁Atlanta", "▁,", "▁re", "called", "▁that", "▁O", "ana", "▁\"", "▁wor", "ried", "▁hell", "▁out", "▁of", "▁me", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁According", "▁to", "▁Abb", "ott", "▁,", "▁O", "ana", "▁had", "▁friends", "▁in", "▁every", "▁town", "▁,", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁it", "▁was", "▁t", "ough", "▁for", "▁him", "▁to", "▁live", "▁anything", "▁res", "emb", "ling", "▁a", "▁Spart", "an", "▁life", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Abb", "ott", "▁spec", "ulated", "▁that", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁having", "▁major", "▁league", "▁talent", "▁,", "▁O", "ana", "▁'", "s", "▁l", "ifest", "yle", "▁may", "▁have", "▁held", "▁him", "▁back", "▁from", "▁becoming", "▁a", "▁star", "▁in", "▁the", "▁major", "▁le", "agues", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "6", "▁,", "▁Abb", "ott", "▁op", "ined", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁If", "▁he", "▁had", "▁been", "▁a", "▁less", "▁hand", "some", "▁fellow", "▁with", "▁the", "▁same", "▁ability", "▁he", "▁might", "▁have", "▁been", "▁a", "▁ten", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁star", "▁now", "▁in", "▁the", "▁major", "▁le", "agues", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁O", "ana", "▁'", "s", "▁baseball", "▁career", "▁ended", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "1", "▁,", "▁in", "▁part", "▁due", "▁to", "▁vision", "▁problems", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁spring", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "2" ]
run , and seven RBIs in only 26 at bats for the 1943 Tigers . Late in the 1943 season , Oana was returned to the Milwaukee Brewers , appearing in several games until he sustained a fractured wrist . In December 1943 , the Brewers sold Oana to the Buffalo Bisons of the International League . Oana compiled a 13 – 13 record with a 3 @.@ 63 ERA in 38 games for the Bisons in 1944 . He also spent most of the 1945 season in Buffalo , compiling a 15 – 14 record ( 4 @.@ 20 ERA ) in 31 games . In August 1945 , on the recommendation of Buffalo manager Bucky Harris , the Tigers called him back up to the big leagues . With the Tigers were competing for the American League pennant , Oana appeared in three games , one as a starter . Oana compiled a 1 @.@ 59 ERA in 11 innings for the 1945 Tigers team that won the pennant and the 1945 World Series . His only major league game as a starting pitcher was on September 12 , 1945 , against the Philadelphia Athletics : Oana allowed one hit through the first eight innings , pitched 10 @-@ 2 / 3 innings and allowed only two runs , though the Tigers lost the game , 3 – 2 , in the 16th inning . = = = Final years in the minors = = = After the 1945 season , Oana was sold to the Dallas Rebels of the Texas League . By July 1946 , he was ranked among the league 's top hitters and pitchers . He finished the 1946 season with a 24 – 10 record , a 2 @.@ 54 ERA , a .303 batting average and seven home runs in 185 at bats . Oana remained in Dallas for two years , 1946 and 1947 . He then played three years as a player @-@ manager for the Austin Pioneers of the Big State League from 1948 to 1950 . He concluded his career as the player @-@ manager for the Texarkana Bears in 1951 . He ended his minor league career with a .304 batting average with 2 @,@ 292 hits , including 428 doubles , 130 triples , and 261 home runs . = = Personal and later life = = During his playing career , Oana developed a " reputation as a playboy , " who " had too many extra @-@ curricular activities . " He was reported to have dressed like " a dandy " , been " the Beau Brummel of baseball , " and been idolized by fans for his " S @-@ S appeal , socks and sex . " Oana was married multiple times . With his first wife , Arma Puninani Richardson , he had two sons , George ( born 1928 ) and Henry ( born 1929 ) . On October 1 , 1935 , he was married to Joyce Powell of Winter Haven , Florida . By 1942 , he had remarried to Patricial Hall of Atlanta . In 1946 , he was reported to be happily married to a Texas girl . He also had at least two marriages late in life , in 1968 to a woman named Cynthia , and in 1974 to Opal Gunn . Spencer Abbott , Oana 's minor league manager in Portland and Atlanta , recalled that Oana " worried hell out of me . " According to Abbott , Oana had friends in every town , and " it was tough for him to live anything resembling a Spartan life . " Abbott speculated that , despite having major league talent , Oana 's lifestyle may have held him back from becoming a star in the major leagues . In 1946 , Abbott opined : " If he had been a less handsome fellow with the same ability he might have been a ten @-@ year star now in the major leagues . " Oana 's baseball career ended in 1951 , in part due to vision problems . In the spring of 1952
[ "▁,", "▁O", "ana", "▁under", "w", "ent", "▁surg", "ery", "▁in", "▁Austin", "▁,", "▁Texas", "▁,", "▁to", "▁remove", "▁cat", "ar", "act", "s", "▁from", "▁his", "▁right", "▁eye", "▁.", "▁He", "▁reported", "ly", "▁under", "w", "ent", "▁eye", "▁surg", "ery", "▁five", "▁times", "▁over", "▁the", "▁next", "▁", "1", "0", "▁years", "▁and", "▁lived", "▁and", "▁worked", "▁during", "▁the", "▁late", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁and", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "s", "▁in", "▁a", "▁re", "h", "abil", "itation", "▁center", "▁for", "▁the", "▁blind", "▁in", "▁Austin", "▁,", "▁Texas", "▁.", "▁He", "▁worked", "▁there", "▁as", "▁an", "▁instruct", "or", "▁teaching", "▁craft", "s", "▁to", "▁the", "▁totally", "▁blind", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "5", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Associ", "ated", "▁Press", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁O", "ana", "▁'", "s", "▁vision", "▁had", "▁returned", "▁and", "▁that", "▁he", "▁hoped", "▁to", "▁secure", "▁a", "▁job", "▁as", "▁a", "▁baseball", "▁coach", "▁,", "▁which", "▁would", "▁enable", "▁him", "▁to", "▁re", "im", "bur", "se", "▁the", "▁Tra", "vis", "▁Association", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Bl", "ind", "▁for", "▁the", "▁assistance", "▁it", "▁provided", "▁while", "▁his", "▁vision", "▁was", "▁substantial", "ly", "▁lost", "▁due", "▁to", "▁cat", "ar", "act", "s", "▁in", "▁both", "▁eyes", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁his", "▁later", "▁years", "▁,", "▁O", "ana", "▁reg", "ained", "▁much", "▁of", "▁his", "▁vision", "▁and", "▁continued", "▁living", "▁in", "▁Austin", "▁,", "▁Texas", "▁.", "▁He", "▁operated", "▁a", "▁la", "kes", "ide", "▁fish", "ing", "▁business", "▁and", "▁was", "▁also", "▁a", "▁captain", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Tra", "vis", "▁County", "▁Sher", "iff", "▁'", "s", "▁Department", "▁.", "▁O", "ana", "▁died", "▁of", "▁a", "▁heart", "▁attack", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "6", "▁at", "▁his", "▁home", "▁in", "▁Austin", "▁,", "▁Texas", "▁at", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁", "6", "6", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁buried", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Oak", "wood", "▁C", "emetery", "▁Anne", "x", "▁in", "▁Austin", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "9", "▁(", "▁Michigan", "▁highway", "▁)", "▁=", "▁", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "9", "▁was", "▁a", "▁state", "▁tr", "unk", "line", "▁highway", "▁in", "▁the", "▁lower", "▁pen", "ins", "ula", "▁of", "▁the", "▁US", "▁state", "▁of", "▁Michigan", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁located", "▁in", "▁Le", "el", "an", "au", "▁County", "▁in", "▁the", "▁S", "leep", "ing", "▁Bear", "▁D", "unes", "▁National", "▁L", "akes", "h", "ore", "▁.", "▁Until", "▁it", "▁was", "▁de", "comm", "ission", "ed", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁Michigan", "▁'", "s", "▁short", "est", "▁state", "▁highway", "▁.", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "9", "▁started", "▁at", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "0", "9", "▁and", "▁went", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "4", "3", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "7", "4", "▁km", "▁)", "▁or", "▁just", "▁", "9", "5", "6", "▁yards", "▁(", "▁", "8", "7", "4", "▁m", "▁)", "▁to", "▁Glen", "▁H", "aven", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁,", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "9", "▁'", "s", "▁design", "ation", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁abandoned", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁road", "▁was", "▁turned", "▁over", "▁to", "▁the", "▁juris", "diction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Le", "el", "an", "au", "▁County", "▁Road", "▁Commission", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Route", "▁description", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "9", "▁was", "▁the", "▁short", "▁conne", "ctor", "▁route", "▁from", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "0", "9", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Glen", "▁H", "aven", "▁unit", "▁of", "▁the", "▁S", "leep", "ing", "▁Bear", "▁D", "unes", "▁National", "▁L", "akes", "h", "ore", "▁west", "▁of", "▁Glen", "▁Ar", "bor", "▁.", "▁The", "▁southern", "▁termin", "us", "▁of", "▁the", "▁highway", "▁was", "▁at", "▁the", "▁intersection", "▁with", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "0", "9", "▁south", "▁of", "▁Glen", "▁H", "aven", "▁,", "▁a", "▁restored", "▁logging", "▁village", "▁on", "▁the", "▁shore", "▁of", "▁Lake", "▁Michigan", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Le", "el", "an", "au", "▁Pen", "ins", "ula", "▁.", "▁The", "▁road", "way", "▁ran", "▁north", "▁from", "▁this", "▁intersection", "▁where", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "0", "9", "▁made", "▁a", "▁", "9", "0", "▁–", "▁degree", "▁corner", "▁through", "▁the", "▁south", "▁and", "▁east", "▁legs", "▁of", "▁a", "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁way", "▁intersection", "▁with", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "9", "▁and", "▁D", "une", "▁Valley", "▁Road", "▁.", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "9", "▁ran", "▁past", "▁such", "▁attra", "ctions", "▁as", "▁the", "▁restored", "▁General", "▁Store", "▁and", "▁Black", "sm", "ith", "▁Sh", "op", "▁.", "▁Also", "▁located", "▁in", "▁Glen", "▁H", "aven", "▁is", "▁the", "▁former", "▁Glen", "▁H", "aven", "▁C", "anning", "▁Co", ".", "▁building", "▁.", "▁This", "▁building", "▁was", "▁first", "▁used", "▁as", "▁a", "▁w", "are", "house", "▁and", "▁later", "▁as", "▁a", "▁can", "n", "ery", "▁for", "▁cher", "ries", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁It", "▁has", "▁since", "▁been", "▁restored", "▁as", "▁the", "▁C", "ann", "ery", "▁Bo", "ath", "ouse", "▁housing", "▁historic", "▁wooden", "▁boats", "▁used", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Man", "it", "ou", "▁Pass", "age", "▁between", "▁Glen", "▁H", "aven", "▁,", "▁Glen", "▁Ar", "bor", "▁and", "▁the", "▁North", "▁and", "▁South", "▁Man", "it", "ou", "▁Islands", "▁.", "▁The", "▁northern", "▁termin", "us", "▁of", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "9", "▁was", "▁located", "▁in", "▁front", "▁of", "▁the", "▁former", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁Coast", "▁Guard", "▁Life", "▁S", "aving", "▁Station", "▁,", "▁now", "▁restored", "▁as", "▁a", "▁mar", "itime", "▁museum", "▁.", "▁The", "▁museum", "▁is", "▁located", "▁at", "▁the", "▁intersection", "▁of", "▁Glen", "▁H", "aven", "▁Road", "▁and", "▁S", "leep", "ing", "▁Bear", "▁D", "unes", "▁Road", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁time", "▁of", "▁de", "comm", "ission", "ing", "▁,", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "9", "▁was", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁l", "ane", "▁,", "▁p", "aved", "▁road", "▁.", "▁", "▁S", "leep", "ing", "▁Bear", "▁D", "unes", "▁National", "▁L", "akes", "h", "ore", "▁is", "▁a", "▁United", "▁States", "▁National", "▁L", "akes", "h", "ore", "▁located", "▁on", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁little", "▁finger", "▁\"", "▁of", "▁the", "▁lower", "▁pen", "ins", "ula", "▁of", "▁Michigan", "▁in", "▁Le", "el", "an", "au", "▁and", "▁Ben", "zie", "▁count", "ies", "▁.", "▁The", "▁park", "▁covers", "▁a", "▁", "3", "5", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁mile", "▁(", "▁", "5", "6", "▁km", "▁)", "▁stretch", "▁of", "▁Lake", "▁Michigan", "▁'", "s", "▁eastern", "▁coast", "line", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁North", "▁and", "▁South", "▁Man", "it", "ou", "▁Islands", "▁.", "▁The", "▁park", "▁was", "▁author", "ized", "▁on", "▁October", "▁", "2", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁From", "▁its", "▁in", "ception", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "9", "▁was", "▁Michigan", "▁'", "s", "▁short", "est", "▁highway", "▁.", "▁It", "▁connected", "▁the", "▁small", "▁community", "▁of", "▁Glen", "▁H", "aven", "▁to", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "0", "9", "▁just", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁community", "▁.", "▁Glen", "▁H", "aven", "▁was", "▁founded", "▁as", "▁a", "▁settlement", "▁called", "▁S", "leep", "ing", "▁Bear", "ville", "▁with", "▁a", "▁saw", "mill", "▁and", "▁an", "▁inn", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "7", "▁.", "▁By", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "1", "▁,", "▁there", "▁were", "▁", "1", "1", "▁buildings", "▁in", "▁the", "▁community", "▁.", "▁The", "▁lif", "es", "aving", "▁station", "▁was", "▁built", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "1", "▁and" ]
, Oana underwent surgery in Austin , Texas , to remove cataracts from his right eye . He reportedly underwent eye surgery five times over the next 10 years and lived and worked during the late 1950s and early 1960s in a rehabilitation center for the blind in Austin , Texas . He worked there as an instructor teaching crafts to the totally blind . In 1965 , the Associated Press reported that Oana 's vision had returned and that he hoped to secure a job as a baseball coach , which would enable him to reimburse the Travis Association for the Blind for the assistance it provided while his vision was substantially lost due to cataracts in both eyes . In his later years , Oana regained much of his vision and continued living in Austin , Texas . He operated a lakeside fishing business and was also a captain with the Travis County Sheriff 's Department . Oana died of a heart attack in 1976 at his home in Austin , Texas at the age of 66 , and was buried at the Oakwood Cemetery Annex in Austin . = M @-@ 209 ( Michigan highway ) = M @-@ 209 was a state trunkline highway in the lower peninsula of the US state of Michigan . It was located in Leelanau County in the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore . Until it was decommissioned , it was Michigan 's shortest state highway . M @-@ 209 started at M @-@ 109 and went 0 @.@ 543 miles ( 0 @.@ 874 km ) or just 956 yards ( 874 m ) to Glen Haven . In 1996 , M @-@ 209 's designation was " abandoned " , and the road was turned over to the jurisdiction of the Leelanau County Road Commission . = = Route description = = M @-@ 209 was the short connector route from M @-@ 109 to the Glen Haven unit of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore west of Glen Arbor . The southern terminus of the highway was at the intersection with M @-@ 109 south of Glen Haven , a restored logging village on the shore of Lake Michigan on the Leelanau Peninsula . The roadway ran north from this intersection where M @-@ 109 made a 90 – degree corner through the south and east legs of a four @-@ way intersection with M @-@ 209 and Dune Valley Road . M @-@ 209 ran past such attractions as the restored General Store and Blacksmith Shop . Also located in Glen Haven is the former Glen Haven Canning Co. building . This building was first used as a warehouse and later as a cannery for cherries in the 1920s . It has since been restored as the Cannery Boathouse housing historic wooden boats used in the Manitou Passage between Glen Haven , Glen Arbor and the North and South Manitou Islands . The northern terminus of M @-@ 209 was located in front of the former U.S. Coast Guard Life Saving Station , now restored as a maritime museum . The museum is located at the intersection of Glen Haven Road and Sleeping Bear Dunes Road . At the time of decommissioning , M @-@ 209 was a two @-@ lane , paved road . Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore is a United States National Lakeshore located on the " little finger " of the lower peninsula of Michigan in Leelanau and Benzie counties . The park covers a 35 @-@ mile ( 56 km ) stretch of Lake Michigan 's eastern coastline , as well as North and South Manitou Islands . The park was authorized on October 21 , 1970 . = = History = = From its inception in the 1920s , M @-@ 209 was Michigan 's shortest highway . It connected the small community of Glen Haven to M @-@ 109 just south of the community . Glen Haven was founded as a settlement called Sleeping Bearville with a sawmill and an inn in 1857 . By 1881 , there were 11 buildings in the community . The lifesaving station was built in 1901 and
[ "▁moved", "▁to", "▁its", "▁present", "▁location", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "1", "▁before", "▁closing", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "1", "▁.", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "9", "▁was", "▁first", "▁assumed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁state", "▁tr", "unk", "line", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁It", "▁would", "▁later", "▁serve", "▁the", "▁national", "▁la", "kes", "h", "ore", "▁when", "▁the", "▁park", "▁was", "▁created", "▁on", "▁October", "▁", "2", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Park", "▁Service", "▁purchased", "▁all", "▁of", "▁the", "▁village", "▁by", "▁the", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "s", "▁.", "▁The", "▁highway", "▁was", "▁turned", "▁over", "▁to", "▁Le", "el", "an", "au", "▁County", "▁control", "▁on", "▁June", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁now", "▁known", "▁only", "▁as", "▁Glen", "▁H", "aven", "▁Road", "▁.", "▁Since", "▁the", "▁transfer", "▁,", "▁M", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "1", "2", "▁in", "▁Che", "bo", "yg", "an", "▁County", "▁is", "▁now", "▁the", "▁short", "est", "▁highway", "▁in", "▁the", "▁state", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Major", "▁inter", "sections", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁entire", "▁highway", "▁was", "▁in", "▁Glen", "▁Ar", "bor", "▁Township", "▁,", "▁Le", "el", "an", "au", "▁County", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁(", "▁RA", "AF", "▁)", "▁=", "▁", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁was", "▁one", "▁of", "▁several", "▁ge", "ograph", "ically", "▁based", "▁commands", "▁raised", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Australian", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁(", "▁RA", "AF", "▁)", "▁during", "▁World", "▁War", "▁II", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁formed", "▁in", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "2", "▁,", "▁and", "▁controlled", "▁units", "▁based", "▁in", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁and", "▁southern", "▁Queensland", "▁.", "▁Head", "qu", "arter", "ed", "▁in", "▁Sydney", "▁,", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁was", "▁primarily", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁air", "▁defence", "▁,", "▁aer", "ial", "▁reconna", "issance", "▁and", "▁protection", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sea", "▁lan", "es", "▁within", "▁its", "▁boundaries", "▁.", "▁The", "▁area", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁function", "▁following", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁war", "▁,", "▁transfer", "ring", "▁its", "▁headquarters", "▁to", "▁Glen", "bro", "ok", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Blue", "▁Mountains", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "9", "▁.", "▁By", "▁this", "▁time", "▁most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁RA", "AF", "▁'", "s", "▁oper", "ational", "▁units", "▁were", "▁based", "▁within", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁'", "s", "▁boundaries", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁formed", "▁in", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "3", "▁as", "▁Home", "▁Command", "▁(", "▁renamed", "▁Oper", "ational", "▁Command", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "9", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Air", "▁Command", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "7", "▁)", "▁under", "▁the", "▁RA", "AF", "▁'", "s", "▁new", "▁functional", "▁command", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁and", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁control", "▁system", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁World", "▁War", "▁II", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Prior", "▁to", "▁World", "▁War", "▁II", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Australian", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁was", "▁small", "▁enough", "▁for", "▁all", "▁its", "▁elements", "▁to", "▁be", "▁directly", "▁controlled", "▁by", "▁RA", "AF", "▁Head", "quarters", "▁in", "▁Melbourne", "▁.", "▁When", "▁war", "▁broke", "▁out", "▁,", "▁the", "▁RA", "AF", "▁began", "▁to", "▁decent", "ral", "ise", "▁its", "▁command", "▁structure", "▁,", "▁comm", "ens", "ur", "ate", "▁with", "▁expected", "▁increases", "▁in", "▁man", "power", "▁and", "▁units", "▁.", "▁Between", "▁March", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "0", "▁and", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "1", "▁,", "▁Australia", "▁and", "▁Pap", "ua", "▁were", "▁divided", "▁into", "▁four", "▁ge", "ograph", "ically", "▁based", "▁command", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁and", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁control", "▁zones", "▁:", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁Southern", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁Western", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Northern", "▁Area", "▁.", "▁The", "▁roles", "▁of", "▁the", "▁area", "▁commands", "▁were", "▁air", "▁defence", "▁,", "▁protection", "▁of", "▁adjacent", "▁sea", "▁lan", "es", "▁,", "▁and", "▁aer", "ial", "▁reconna", "issance", "▁.", "▁Each", "▁was", "▁led", "▁by", "▁an", "▁Air", "▁Officer", "▁Command", "ing", "▁(", "▁A", "OC", "▁)", "▁who", "▁controlled", "▁the", "▁administration", "▁and", "▁operations", "▁of", "▁all", "▁air", "▁bases", "▁and", "▁units", "▁within", "▁his", "▁boundary", "▁.", "▁", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁was", "▁dis", "band", "ed", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "1", "▁and", "▁its", "▁respons", "ib", "ilities", "▁divided", "▁between", "▁Southern", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁Northern", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁newly", "▁formed", "▁No", ".", "▁", "2", "▁(", "▁Training", "▁)", "▁Group", "▁.", "▁The", "▁out", "break", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Pacific", "▁War", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁Northern", "▁Area", "▁being", "▁split", "▁in", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "2", "▁into", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Western", "▁and", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Eastern", "▁Are", "as", "▁,", "▁to", "▁counter", "▁separate", "▁Japanese", "▁thre", "ats", "▁to", "▁Northern", "▁Australia", "▁and", "▁New", "▁Guinea", "▁.", "▁Southern", "▁Area", "▁was", "▁also", "▁considered", "▁appropriate", "▁for", "▁division", "▁ow", "ing", "▁to", "▁its", "▁size", "▁,", "▁so", "▁the", "▁Air", "▁Board", "▁proposed", "▁assigning", "▁responsibility", "▁for", "▁oper", "ational", "▁and", "▁maintenance", "▁units", "▁within", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁to", "▁a", "▁new", "▁area", "▁command", "▁,", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁which", "▁would", "▁also", "▁assume", "▁control", "▁of", "▁units", "▁in", "▁southern", "▁Queensland", "▁from", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁.", "▁", "▁Head", "qu", "arter", "ed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Sydney", "▁sub", "urb", "▁of", "▁Edge", "cl", "iff", "▁,", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁was", "▁formed", "▁on", "▁", "1", "5", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "2", "▁under", "▁the", "▁leadership", "▁of", "▁Air", "▁Vice", "▁Marsh", "al", "▁Bill", "▁Anderson", "▁.", "▁Staff", "▁number", "ed", "▁", "1", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁including", "▁forty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁five", "▁officers", "▁.", "▁Training", "▁units", "▁in", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁remained", "▁part", "▁of", "▁No", ".", "▁", "2", "▁(", "▁Training", "▁)", "▁Group", "▁.", "▁No", ".", "▁", "5", "▁(", "▁Main", "ten", "ance", "▁)", "▁Group", "▁was", "▁formed", "▁in", "▁Sydney", "▁on", "▁", "1", "▁June", "▁,", "▁and", "▁took", "▁responsibility", "▁for", "▁all", "▁maintenance", "▁units", "▁initially", "▁controlled", "▁by", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁.", "▁In", "▁September", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Al", "lied", "▁Air", "▁Forces", "▁commander", "▁in", "▁the", "▁South", "▁West", "▁Pacific", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁Major", "▁General", "▁George", "▁Ken", "ney", "▁,", "▁formed", "▁the", "▁majority", "▁of", "▁his", "▁US", "▁flying", "▁units", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Fif", "th", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁,", "▁and", "▁most", "▁of", "▁their", "▁Australian", "▁counter", "parts", "▁into", "▁RA", "AF", "▁Command", "▁,", "▁led", "▁by", "▁Air", "▁Vice", "▁Marsh", "al", "▁Bill", "▁B", "ost", "ock", "▁.", "▁B", "ost", "ock", "▁exerc", "ised", "▁control", "▁of", "▁Australian", "▁air", "▁operations", "▁through", "▁the", "▁area", "▁commands", "▁,", "▁although", "▁RA", "AF", "▁Head", "quarters", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁hold", "▁over", "arch", "ing", "▁administrative", "▁authority", "▁,", "▁meaning", "▁that", "▁B", "ost", "ock", "▁and", "▁his", "▁area", "▁command", "ers", "▁were", "▁ultimately", "▁dependent", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Chief", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Air", "▁Staff", "▁,", "▁Air", "▁Vice", "▁Marsh", "al", "▁George", "▁Jones", "▁,", "▁for", "▁supplies", "▁and", "▁equipment", "▁.", "▁", "▁Of", "▁necessity", "▁,", "▁the", "▁RA", "AF", "▁'", "s", "▁two", "▁nor", "ther", "ly", "▁area", "▁commands", "▁were", "▁primarily", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁bomb", "ing", "▁and", "▁air", "▁defence", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁other", "▁commands", "▁foc", "uss", "ed", "▁on", "▁mar", "itime", "▁pat", "rol", "▁and", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sub", "marine", "▁war", "fare", "▁.", "▁A", "ircraft", "▁from", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁fle", "w", "▁over", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁pat", "rol", "▁,", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sub", "marine", "▁,", "▁and", "▁con", "voy", "▁esc", "ort", "▁miss", "ions", "▁in", "▁January", "▁", "1" ]
moved to its present location in 1931 before closing in 1941 . M @-@ 209 was first assumed as a state trunkline in the 1920s . It would later serve the national lakeshore when the park was created on October 21 , 1970 . The Park Service purchased all of the village by the mid @-@ 1970s . The highway was turned over to Leelanau County control on June 5 , 1996 . It is now known only as Glen Haven Road . Since the transfer , M @-@ 212 in Cheboygan County is now the shortest highway in the state . = = Major intersections = = The entire highway was in Glen Arbor Township , Leelanau County . = Eastern Area Command ( RAAF ) = Eastern Area Command was one of several geographically based commands raised by the Royal Australian Air Force ( RAAF ) during World War II . It was formed in May 1942 , and controlled units based in New South Wales and southern Queensland . Headquartered in Sydney , Eastern Area Command was primarily responsible for air defence , aerial reconnaissance and protection of the sea lanes within its boundaries . The area continued to function following the end of the war , transferring its headquarters to Glenbrook , in the Blue Mountains , in 1949 . By this time most of the RAAF 's operational units were based within Eastern Area 's boundaries . It was re @-@ formed in October 1953 as Home Command ( renamed Operational Command in 1959 , and Air Command in 1987 ) under the RAAF 's new functional command @-@ and @-@ control system . = = History = = = = = World War II = = = Prior to World War II , the Royal Australian Air Force was small enough for all its elements to be directly controlled by RAAF Headquarters in Melbourne . When war broke out , the RAAF began to decentralise its command structure , commensurate with expected increases in manpower and units . Between March 1940 and May 1941 , Australia and Papua were divided into four geographically based command @-@ and @-@ control zones : Central Area , Southern Area , Western Area , and Northern Area . The roles of the area commands were air defence , protection of adjacent sea lanes , and aerial reconnaissance . Each was led by an Air Officer Commanding ( AOC ) who controlled the administration and operations of all air bases and units within his boundary . Central Area was disbanded in August 1941 and its responsibilities divided between Southern Area , Northern Area , and the newly formed No. 2 ( Training ) Group . The outbreak of the Pacific War resulted in Northern Area being split in January 1942 into North @-@ Western and North @-@ Eastern Areas , to counter separate Japanese threats to Northern Australia and New Guinea . Southern Area was also considered appropriate for division owing to its size , so the Air Board proposed assigning responsibility for operational and maintenance units within New South Wales to a new area command , Eastern Area , which would also assume control of units in southern Queensland from North @-@ Eastern Area . Headquartered in the Sydney suburb of Edgecliff , Eastern Area Command was formed on 15 May 1942 under the leadership of Air Vice Marshal Bill Anderson . Staff numbered 114 , including forty @-@ five officers . Training units in New South Wales remained part of No. 2 ( Training ) Group . No. 5 ( Maintenance ) Group was formed in Sydney on 1 June , and took responsibility for all maintenance units initially controlled by Eastern Area Command . In September , the Allied Air Forces commander in the South West Pacific Area , Major General George Kenney , formed the majority of his US flying units into the Fifth Air Force , and most of their Australian counterparts into RAAF Command , led by Air Vice Marshal Bill Bostock . Bostock exercised control of Australian air operations through the area commands , although RAAF Headquarters continued to hold overarching administrative authority , meaning that Bostock and his area commanders were ultimately dependent on the Chief of the Air Staff , Air Vice Marshal George Jones , for supplies and equipment . Of necessity , the RAAF 's two northerly area commands were primarily responsible for bombing and air defence , while the other commands focussed on maritime patrol and anti @-@ submarine warfare . Aircraft from Eastern Area flew over 400 patrol , anti @-@ submarine , and convoy escort missions in January 1
[ "9", "4", "3", "▁.", "▁By", "▁April", "▁,", "▁the", "▁command", "▁was", "▁operating", "▁seven", "▁combat", "▁units", "▁:", "▁No", ".", "▁", "5", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁flying", "▁army", "▁co", "operation", "▁miss", "ions", "▁with", "▁C", "AC", "▁Wir", "raw", "ays", "▁out", "▁of", "▁King", "aro", "y", "▁,", "▁Queensland", "▁;", "▁No", ".", "▁", "2", "3", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁flying", "▁d", "ive", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁bomb", "ing", "▁miss", "ions", "▁with", "▁Wir", "raw", "ays", "▁from", "▁Low", "ood", "▁,", "▁Queensland", "▁;", "▁No", ".", "▁", "2", "4", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁flying", "▁d", "ive", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁bomb", "ing", "▁miss", "ions", "▁with", "▁Wir", "raw", "ays", "▁from", "▁Bank", "st", "own", "▁,", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁;", "▁No", ".", "▁", "3", "2", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁flying", "▁reconna", "issance", "▁and", "▁bomb", "ing", "▁miss", "ions", "▁with", "▁Lock", "he", "ed", "▁Hud", "s", "ons", "▁from", "▁Cam", "den", "▁,", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁;", "▁No", ".", "▁", "7", "1", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁flying", "▁mar", "itime", "▁reconna", "issance", "▁and", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sub", "marine", "▁miss", "ions", "▁with", "▁Av", "ro", "▁Ans", "ons", "▁from", "▁Low", "ood", "▁;", "▁No", ".", "▁", "7", "3", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁flying", "▁mar", "itime", "▁reconna", "issance", "▁and", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sub", "marine", "▁miss", "ions", "▁with", "▁Ans", "ons", "▁from", "▁Now", "ra", "▁,", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁;", "▁and", "▁No", ".", "▁", "8", "3", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁flying", "▁f", "ighter", "▁miss", "ions", "▁with", "▁Wir", "raw", "ays", "▁from", "▁Str", "ath", "pine", "▁,", "▁Queensland", "▁.", "▁Area", "▁headquarters", "▁staff", "▁number", "ed", "▁", "6", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁including", "▁nin", "ety", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁nine", "▁officers", "▁.", "▁Br", "istol", "▁Beau", "fort", "s", "▁of", "▁No", ".", "▁", "3", "2", "▁Squadron", "▁were", "▁cred", "ited", "▁with", "▁dam", "aging", "▁a", "▁Japanese", "▁sub", "marine", "▁on", "▁", "1", "9", "▁June", "▁,", "▁but", "▁neither", "▁the", "▁RA", "AF", "▁nor", "▁the", "▁Royal", "▁Australian", "▁Navy", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁destroy", "▁any", "▁enemy", "▁sub", "mar", "ines", "▁in", "▁coast", "al", "▁waters", "▁during", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁Anderson", "▁handed", "▁over", "▁command", "▁of", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁to", "▁Air", "▁Com", "mod", "ore", "▁John", "▁Sum", "mers", "▁in", "▁July", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁.", "▁Group", "▁Captain", "▁Al", "ister", "▁Mur", "do", "ch", "▁became", "▁senior", "▁air", "▁staff", "▁officer", "▁(", "▁S", "AS", "O", "▁)", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "2", "2", "▁October", "▁,", "▁Av", "ro", "▁Lanc", "aster", "▁Q", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁for", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Queen", "ie", "▁,", "▁pil", "oted", "▁by", "▁Fl", "ight", "▁Lieutenant", "▁Peter", "▁Isaac", "son", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁bu", "zz", "ed", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁headquarters", "▁building", "▁in", "▁Edge", "cl", "iff", "▁before", "▁flying", "▁under", "▁the", "▁Sydney", "▁Har", "bour", "▁Bridge", "▁,", "▁fl", "out", "ing", "▁reg", "ulations", "▁and", "▁becoming", "▁the", "▁largest", "▁aircraft", "▁to", "▁pull", "▁such", "▁a", "▁st", "unt", "▁.", "▁The", "▁same", "▁month", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Air", "▁Board", "▁proposed", "▁car", "ving", "▁a", "▁new", "▁area", "▁command", "▁out", "▁of", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁which", "▁by", "▁then", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁too", "▁large", "▁to", "▁be", "▁controlled", "▁by", "▁one", "▁headquarters", "▁and", "▁therefore", "▁ri", "pe", "▁for", "▁division", "▁.", "▁The", "▁new", "▁command", "▁,", "▁to", "▁be", "▁known", "▁as", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁would", "▁have", "▁been", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁training", "▁and", "▁oper", "ational", "▁units", "▁in", "▁southern", "▁Queensland", "▁;", "▁the", "▁War", "▁Cab", "inet", "▁de", "ferred", "▁its", "▁decision", "▁on", "▁the", "▁proposal", "▁.", "▁The", "▁concept", "▁was", "▁raised", "▁again", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "4", "▁,", "▁and", "▁this", "▁time", "▁Central", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁was", "▁to", "▁control", "▁maintenance", "▁units", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁training", "▁and", "▁operations", "▁,", "▁in", "▁southern", "▁Queensland", "▁;", "▁once", "▁again", "▁,", "▁nothing", "▁came", "▁of", "▁the", "▁proposal", "▁.", "▁", "▁Air", "▁Com", "mod", "ore", "▁Alan", "▁Charles", "worth", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁A", "OC", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁in", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁.", "▁Japanese", "▁sub", "marine", "▁activity", "▁had", "▁decre", "ased", "▁in", "▁the", "▁months", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁Charles", "worth", "▁taking", "▁command", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁was", "▁concerned", "▁that", "▁Al", "lied", "▁ships", "▁were", "▁becoming", "▁compla", "cent", "▁.", "▁He", "▁observed", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁general", "▁s", "lack", "ening", "▁off", "▁in", "▁procedure", "▁;", "▁ships", "▁are", "▁s", "eld", "om", "▁where", "▁they", "▁should", "▁be", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁minor", "ity", "▁of", "▁merchant", "▁ships", "▁identify", "▁themselves", "▁to", "▁aircraft", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁RA", "AF", "▁'", "s", "▁pat", "rol", "s", "▁had", "▁also", "▁settled", "▁into", "▁a", "▁predict", "able", "▁pattern", "▁that", "▁an", "▁observ", "ant", "▁sub", "marine", "▁captain", "▁could", "▁easily", "▁avoid", "▁.", "▁Charles", "worth", "▁rel", "in", "qu", "ished", "▁command", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "4", "▁to", "▁take", "▁over", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Western", "▁Area", "▁.", "▁In", "▁December", "▁,", "▁aircraft", "▁from", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁took", "▁part", "▁in", "▁the", "▁search", "▁for", "▁the", "▁German", "▁sub", "marine", "▁U", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "8", "6", "2", "▁,", "▁but", "▁could", "▁not", "▁prevent", "▁it", "▁s", "inking", "▁the", "▁Liber", "ty", "▁ship", "▁Robert", "▁J", ".", "▁Walker", "▁on", "▁Christmas", "▁;", "▁a", "▁Beau", "fort", "▁of", "▁No", ".", "▁", "1", "5", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁based", "▁at", "▁Cam", "den", "▁,", "▁located", "▁the", "▁w", "reck", "▁.", "▁No", ".", "▁", "3", "2", "▁Squadron", "▁lost", "▁a", "▁Beau", "fort", "▁with", "▁its", "▁crew", "▁shortly", "▁after", "▁take", "off", "▁from", "▁Low", "ood", "▁during", "▁the", "▁search", "▁for", "▁U", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "8", "6", "2", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁called", "▁off", "▁in", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "5", "▁.", "▁That", "▁month", "▁,", "▁Air", "▁Com", "mod", "ore", "▁Leon", "▁L", "ach", "al", "▁became", "▁A", "OC", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁and", "▁held", "▁command", "▁for", "▁the", "▁duration", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Pacific", "▁War", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁war", "▁activity", "▁and", "▁re", "organisation", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Following", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Pacific", "▁War", "▁in", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "5", "▁,", "▁South", "▁West", "▁Pacific", "▁Area", "▁was", "▁dissol", "ved", "▁and", "▁RA", "AF", "▁Head", "quarters", "▁again", "▁assumed", "▁full", "▁control", "▁of", "▁all", "▁its", "▁oper", "ational", "▁elements", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁area", "▁commands", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁the", "▁official", "▁history", "▁of", "▁the", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁war", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁,", "▁the", "▁A", "OC", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁\"", "▁Australia", "▁'", "s", "▁senior", "▁oper", "ational", "▁air", "man", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁deleg", "ated", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Chief", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Air", "▁Staff", "▁with", "▁day", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁to", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁responsibility", "▁for", "▁the", "▁nation", "▁'", "s", "▁air", "▁defence", "▁.", "▁Most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁RA", "AF", "▁'", "s", "▁bases", "▁and", "▁aircraft", "▁employed", "▁in", "▁operations", "▁were", "▁situated", "▁within", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁'", "s", "▁sphere", "▁of", "▁control", "▁in", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁and", "▁southern", "▁Queensland", "▁.", "▁Air", "▁Com", "mod", "ore", "▁Frank", "▁L", "uk", "is", "▁succeeded", "▁L", "ach", "al", "▁as", "▁A", "OC", "▁in", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "5", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁month", "▁,", "▁headquarters", "▁staff", "▁number", "ed", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "1", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁including", "▁", "1", "0", "4", "▁officers", "▁.", "▁No", ".", "▁", "8", "2", "▁(", "▁Bom", "ber", "▁)", "▁Wing", "▁came", "▁under", "▁the", "▁control", "▁of", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁in", "▁April" ]
943 . By April , the command was operating seven combat units : No. 5 Squadron , flying army cooperation missions with CAC Wirraways out of Kingaroy , Queensland ; No. 23 Squadron , flying dive @-@ bombing missions with Wirraways from Lowood , Queensland ; No. 24 Squadron , flying dive @-@ bombing missions with Wirraways from Bankstown , New South Wales ; No. 32 Squadron , flying reconnaissance and bombing missions with Lockheed Hudsons from Camden , New South Wales ; No. 71 Squadron , flying maritime reconnaissance and anti @-@ submarine missions with Avro Ansons from Lowood ; No. 73 Squadron , flying maritime reconnaissance and anti @-@ submarine missions with Ansons from Nowra , New South Wales ; and No. 83 Squadron , flying fighter missions with Wirraways from Strathpine , Queensland . Area headquarters staff numbered 626 , including ninety @-@ nine officers . Bristol Beauforts of No. 32 Squadron were credited with damaging a Japanese submarine on 19 June , but neither the RAAF nor the Royal Australian Navy was able to destroy any enemy submarines in coastal waters during 1943 . Anderson handed over command of Eastern Area to Air Commodore John Summers in July 1943 . Group Captain Alister Murdoch became senior air staff officer ( SASO ) . On 22 October , Avro Lancaster Q @-@ for @-@ Queenie , piloted by Flight Lieutenant Peter Isaacson , " buzzed " the Eastern Area headquarters building in Edgecliff before flying under the Sydney Harbour Bridge , flouting regulations and becoming the largest aircraft to pull such a stunt . The same month , the Air Board proposed carving a new area command out of Eastern Area , which by then was considered too large to be controlled by one headquarters and therefore ripe for division . The new command , to be known as Central Area , would have been responsible for training and operational units in southern Queensland ; the War Cabinet deferred its decision on the proposal . The concept was raised again in August 1944 , and this time Central Area Command was to control maintenance units , as well as training and operations , in southern Queensland ; once again , nothing came of the proposal . Air Commodore Alan Charlesworth was appointed AOC Eastern Area in December 1943 . Japanese submarine activity had decreased in the months prior to Charlesworth taking command , and he was concerned that Allied ships were becoming complacent . He observed " a general slackening off in procedure ; ships are seldom where they should be , and a minority of merchant ships identify themselves to aircraft " . The RAAF 's patrols had also settled into a predictable pattern that an observant submarine captain could easily avoid . Charlesworth relinquished command in September 1944 to take over North @-@ Western Area . In December , aircraft from Eastern Area took part in the search for the German submarine U @-@ 862 , but could not prevent it sinking the Liberty ship Robert J. Walker on Christmas ; a Beaufort of No. 15 Squadron , based at Camden , located the wreck . No. 32 Squadron lost a Beaufort with its crew shortly after takeoff from Lowood during the search for U @-@ 862 , which was called off in January 1945 . That month , Air Commodore Leon Lachal became AOC Eastern Area , and held command for the duration of the Pacific War . = = = Post @-@ war activity and reorganisation = = = Following the end of the Pacific War in August 1945 , South West Pacific Area was dissolved and RAAF Headquarters again assumed full control of all its operational elements , including the area commands . According to the official history of the post @-@ war Air Force , the AOC Eastern Area was considered " Australia 's senior operational airman " and delegated by the Chief of the Air Staff with day @-@ to @-@ day responsibility for the nation 's air defence . Most of the RAAF 's bases and aircraft employed in operations were situated within Eastern Area 's sphere of control in New South Wales and southern Queensland . Air Commodore Frank Lukis succeeded Lachal as AOC in December 1945 . By the end of the month , headquarters staff numbered 1 @,@ 122 , including 104 officers . No. 82 ( Bomber ) Wing came under the control of Eastern Area Command in April
[ "▁", "1", "9", "4", "6", "▁,", "▁when", "▁it", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁RA", "AF", "▁Station", "▁Am", "ber", "ley", "▁,", "▁Queensland", "▁;", "▁initially", "▁operating", "▁B", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "4", "▁Liber", "ators", "▁,", "▁the", "▁wing", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁equ", "ipped", "▁with", "▁Av", "ro", "▁Lin", "col", "ns", "▁soon", "▁after", "▁.", "▁By", "▁this", "▁time", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁headquarters", "▁occupied", "▁seven", "▁m", "ans", "ions", "▁in", "▁Point", "▁Pi", "per", "▁,", "▁Sydney", "▁;", "▁it", "▁subsequently", "▁re", "located", "▁to", "▁Brad", "field", "▁Park", "▁.", "▁L", "uk", "is", "▁retired", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁in", "▁May", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Charles", "worth", "▁took", "▁over", "▁command", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁July", "▁–", "▁August", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "6", "▁,", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁o", "vers", "aw", "▁the", "▁establishment", "▁of", "▁No", ".", "▁", "8", "6", "▁(", "▁Transport", "▁)", "▁Wing", "▁,", "▁operating", "▁C", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "4", "7", "▁Dak", "ot", "as", "▁,", "▁at", "▁RA", "AF", "▁Station", "▁Sch", "of", "ield", "s", "▁,", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁,", "▁disp", "la", "cing", "▁No", ".", "▁", "7", "8", "▁(", "▁F", "ighter", "▁)", "▁Wing", "▁,", "▁which", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁RA", "AF", "▁Station", "▁William", "town", "▁,", "▁and", "▁began", "▁operating", "▁P", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "5", "1", "▁Must", "angs", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁month", "▁,", "▁Air", "▁Vice", "▁Marsh", "al", "▁Jones", "▁proposed", "▁reducing", "▁the", "▁five", "▁main", "land", "▁area", "▁commands", "▁(", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Western", "▁,", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Eastern", "▁,", "▁Eastern", "▁,", "▁Southern", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Western", "▁Are", "as", "▁)", "▁to", "▁three", "▁:", "▁Northern", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁covering", "▁Queensland", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Northern", "▁Territ", "ory", "▁;", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁covering", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁;", "▁and", "▁Southern", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁covering", "▁Western", "▁Australia", "▁,", "▁South", "▁Australia", "▁,", "▁Victoria", "▁and", "▁Tas", "mania", "▁.", "▁The", "▁proposal", "▁was", "▁part", "▁of", "▁a", "▁much", "▁larger", "▁plan", "▁to", "▁rest", "ruct", "ure", "▁the", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁war", "▁RA", "AF", "▁;", "▁the", "▁Federal", "▁government", "▁rejected", "▁the", "▁plan", "▁and", "▁the", "▁w", "art", "ime", "▁area", "▁command", "▁boundaries", "▁largely", "▁remained", "▁in", "▁place", "▁.", "▁L", "ach", "al", "▁succeeded", "▁Charles", "worth", "▁as", "▁A", "OC", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁in", "▁October", "▁,", "▁and", "▁held", "▁command", "▁until", "▁his", "▁ret", "irement", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁in", "▁July", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁L", "ach", "al", "▁'", "s", "▁successor", "▁as", "▁A", "OC", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁,", "▁Air", "▁Vice", "▁Marsh", "al", "▁Frank", "▁Bl", "adin", "▁,", "▁was", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁prepar", "ing", "▁the", "▁transfer", "▁of", "▁its", "▁headquarters", "▁from", "▁Brad", "field", "▁Park", "▁to", "▁the", "▁former", "▁Lap", "stone", "▁Hotel", "▁at", "▁Glen", "bro", "ok", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Lower", "▁Blue", "▁Mountains", "▁,", "▁a", "▁process", "▁that", "▁was", "▁completed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "9", "▁.", "▁As", "▁well", "▁as", "▁command", "ing", "▁a", "▁view", "▁of", "▁the", "▁surrounding", "▁coun", "tr", "ys", "ide", "▁,", "▁the", "▁property", "▁was", "▁within", "▁five", "▁kilometres", "▁(", "▁three", "▁miles", "▁)", "▁of", "▁the", "▁City", "▁of", "▁Pen", "r", "ith", "▁and", "▁thirty", "▁kilometres", "▁(", "▁twenty", "▁miles", "▁)", "▁of", "▁RA", "AF", "▁Station", "▁Richmond", "▁,", "▁and", "▁incorpor", "ated", "▁a", "▁dis", "used", "▁railway", "▁tunnel", "▁that", "▁offered", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁government", "▁correspond", "ence", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁complete", "▁protection", "▁from", "▁At", "om", "▁Bomb", "▁attack", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁An", "▁ad", "jo", "ining", "▁property", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁B", "ri", "ar", "cl", "iffe", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁was", "▁purchased", "▁soon", "▁afterwards", "▁to", "▁augment", "▁the", "▁new", "▁headquarters", "▁'", "▁accommod", "ation", "▁facilities", "▁.", "▁Bl", "adin", "▁completed", "▁his", "▁term", "▁as", "▁A", "OC", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁in", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "8", "▁.", "▁Air", "▁Vice", "▁Marsh", "al", "▁John", "▁McC", "au", "ley", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁A", "OC", "▁in", "▁March", "▁the", "▁following", "▁year", "▁.", "▁McC", "au", "ley", "▁commanded", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁during", "▁the", "▁early", "▁years", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Mal", "ay", "an", "▁Emer", "gency", "▁,", "▁and", "▁o", "vers", "aw", "▁the", "▁deployment", "▁of", "▁No", ".", "▁", "9", "0", "▁(", "▁Compos", "ite", "▁)", "▁Wing", "▁to", "▁admin", "ister", "▁RA", "AF", "▁units", "▁station", "ed", "▁there", "▁—", "▁a", "▁Lincoln", "▁squad", "ron", "▁det", "ached", "▁from", "▁No", ".", "▁", "8", "2", "▁Wing", "▁and", "▁a", "▁Dak", "ota", "▁squad", "ron", "▁from", "▁No", ".", "▁", "8", "6", "▁Wing", "▁.", "▁Having", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁equ", "ipped", "▁with", "▁de", "▁Hav", "ill", "and", "▁V", "amp", "ire", "▁j", "ets", "▁,", "▁No", ".", "▁", "7", "8", "▁Wing", "▁depart", "ed", "▁William", "town", "▁for", "▁g", "arrison", "▁duties", "▁with", "▁the", "▁R", "AF", "▁on", "▁Mal", "ta", "▁in", "▁July", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "2", "▁.", "▁In", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "3", "▁,", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁'", "s", "▁S", "AS", "O", "▁,", "▁Group", "▁Captain", "▁Frank", "▁Head", "lam", "▁,", "▁announced", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁was", "▁planning", "▁to", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁equip", "▁No", ".", "▁", "8", "2", "▁Wing", "▁with", "▁English", "▁Electric", "▁Can", "ber", "ra", "▁jet", "▁bom", "bers", "▁,", "▁and", "▁also", "▁proc", "ure", "▁C", "AC", "▁Sab", "re", "▁swe", "pt", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁wing", "▁jet", "▁f", "igh", "ters", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Federal", "▁government", "▁retired", "▁Air", "▁Marsh", "al", "▁Jones", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "2", "▁and", "▁replaced", "▁him", "▁with", "▁Air", "▁Marsh", "al", "▁Donald", "▁Hard", "man", "▁,", "▁R", "AF", "▁,", "▁who", "▁proceeded", "▁to", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁organ", "ise", "▁the", "▁RA", "AF", "▁command", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁and", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁control", "▁system", "▁along", "▁functional", "▁lines", "▁,", "▁establish", "ing", "▁Home", "▁(", "▁oper", "ational", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Training", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Main", "ten", "ance", "▁Comm", "ands", "▁in", "▁October", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "3", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁was", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁formed", "▁from", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁as", "▁it", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁the", "▁RA", "AF", "▁'", "s", "▁de", "▁fact", "o", "▁oper", "ational", "▁organisation", "▁.", "▁The", "▁second", "▁was", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁formed", "▁from", "▁Southern", "▁Area", "▁Command", "▁,", "▁as", "▁it", "▁was", "▁the", "▁hub", "▁of", "▁training", "▁services", "▁,", "▁cont", "rolling", "▁those", "▁in", "▁New", "▁South", "▁Wales", "▁and", "▁Queensland", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁Victoria", "▁and", "▁South", "▁Australia", "▁.", "▁The", "▁third", "▁and", "▁last", "▁functional", "▁command", "▁was", "▁formed", "▁from", "▁the", "▁ext", "ant", "▁Main", "ten", "ance", "▁Group", "▁headquarters", "▁in", "▁Melbourne", "▁.", "▁The", "▁transition", "▁to", "▁a", "▁functional", "▁system", "▁was", "▁completed", "▁in", "▁February", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "4", "▁,", "▁when", "▁the", "▁three", "▁new", "▁commands", "▁assumed", "▁control", "▁of", "▁operations", "▁,", "▁training", "▁and", "▁maintenance", "▁from", "▁Western", "▁,", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Western", "▁,", "▁and", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Eastern", "▁Are", "as", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁After", "math", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁functional", "▁commands", "▁established", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "3", "▁–", "▁", "5", "4", "▁were", "▁re", "vised", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "9", "▁.", "▁Home", "▁Command", "▁was", "▁renamed", "▁Oper", "ational", "▁Command", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Training", "▁and", "▁Main", "ten", "ance", "▁Comm", "ands", "▁merged", "▁to", "▁become", "▁Support", "▁Command", "▁.", "▁Oper", "ational", "▁Command", "▁was", "▁renamed", "▁Air", "▁Command", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "7", "▁,", "▁and", "▁three", "▁years", "▁later", "▁Support", "▁Command", "▁split", "▁into", "▁Log", "istics", "▁Command", "▁and", "▁Training", "▁Command", "▁.", "▁Through", "out", "▁the", "▁evolution", "▁from" ]
1946 , when it moved to RAAF Station Amberley , Queensland ; initially operating B @-@ 24 Liberators , the wing re @-@ equipped with Avro Lincolns soon after . By this time Eastern Area headquarters occupied seven mansions in Point Piper , Sydney ; it subsequently relocated to Bradfield Park . Lukis retired from the Air Force in May , and Charlesworth took over command . In July – August 1946 , Eastern Area Command oversaw the establishment of No. 86 ( Transport ) Wing , operating C @-@ 47 Dakotas , at RAAF Station Schofields , New South Wales , displacing No. 78 ( Fighter ) Wing , which moved to RAAF Station Williamtown , and began operating P @-@ 51 Mustangs . The following month , Air Vice Marshal Jones proposed reducing the five mainland area commands ( North @-@ Western , North @-@ Eastern , Eastern , Southern , and Western Areas ) to three : Northern Area , covering Queensland and the Northern Territory ; Eastern Area , covering New South Wales ; and Southern Area , covering Western Australia , South Australia , Victoria and Tasmania . The proposal was part of a much larger plan to restructure the post @-@ war RAAF ; the Federal government rejected the plan and the wartime area command boundaries largely remained in place . Lachal succeeded Charlesworth as AOC Eastern Area in October , and held command until his retirement from the Air Force in July 1947 . Lachal 's successor as AOC Eastern Area , Air Vice Marshal Frank Bladin , was responsible for preparing the transfer of its headquarters from Bradfield Park to the former Lapstone Hotel at Glenbrook in the Lower Blue Mountains , a process that was completed in 1949 . As well as commanding a view of the surrounding countryside , the property was within five kilometres ( three miles ) of the City of Penrith and thirty kilometres ( twenty miles ) of RAAF Station Richmond , and incorporated a disused railway tunnel that offered , according to government correspondence , " complete protection from Atom Bomb attack " . An adjoining property , " Briarcliffe " , was purchased soon afterwards to augment the new headquarters ' accommodation facilities . Bladin completed his term as AOC Eastern Area in October 1948 . Air Vice Marshal John McCauley was appointed AOC in March the following year . McCauley commanded Eastern Area during the early years of the Malayan Emergency , and oversaw the deployment of No. 90 ( Composite ) Wing to administer RAAF units stationed there — a Lincoln squadron detached from No. 82 Wing and a Dakota squadron from No. 86 Wing . Having re @-@ equipped with de Havilland Vampire jets , No. 78 Wing departed Williamtown for garrison duties with the RAF on Malta in July 1952 . In May 1953 , Eastern Area 's SASO , Group Captain Frank Headlam , announced that the Air Force was planning to re @-@ equip No. 82 Wing with English Electric Canberra jet bombers , and also procure CAC Sabre swept @-@ wing jet fighters . The Federal government retired Air Marshal Jones in 1952 and replaced him with Air Marshal Donald Hardman , RAF , who proceeded to re @-@ organise the RAAF command @-@ and @-@ control system along functional lines , establishing Home ( operational ) , Training , and Maintenance Commands in October 1953 . The first was re @-@ formed from Eastern Area Command as it was considered the RAAF 's de facto operational organisation . The second was re @-@ formed from Southern Area Command , as it was the hub of training services , controlling those in New South Wales and Queensland as well as Victoria and South Australia . The third and last functional command was formed from the extant Maintenance Group headquarters in Melbourne . The transition to a functional system was completed in February 1954 , when the three new commands assumed control of operations , training and maintenance from Western , North @-@ Western , and North @-@ Eastern Areas . = = Aftermath = = The functional commands established in 1953 – 54 were revised in 1959 . Home Command was renamed Operational Command , and Training and Maintenance Commands merged to become Support Command . Operational Command was renamed Air Command in 1987 , and three years later Support Command split into Logistics Command and Training Command . Throughout the evolution from
[ "▁Home", "▁to", "▁Oper", "ational", "▁to", "▁Air", "▁Command", "▁,", "▁the", "▁headquarters", "▁remained", "▁at", "▁Glen", "bro", "ok", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Blue", "▁Mountains", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁,", "▁log", "istics", "▁management", "▁became", "▁the", "▁responsibility", "▁of", "▁Support", "▁Command", "▁(", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁RA", "AF", "▁component", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Def", "ence", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁wide", "▁Support", "▁Command", "▁Australia", "▁(", "▁later", "▁sub", "sum", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Def", "ence", "▁M", "ater", "iel", "▁Organisation", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Training", "▁Command", "▁was", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁formed", "▁as", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁Training", "▁Group", "▁,", "▁a", "▁force", "▁element", "▁group", "▁under", "▁Air", "▁Command", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁.", "▁Air", "▁Command", "▁thus", "▁became", "▁the", "▁sole", "▁command", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁level", "▁organisation", "▁in", "▁the", "▁RA", "AF", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁battle", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁As", "▁at", "▁May", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "4", "▁,", "▁Eastern", "▁Area", "▁controlled", "▁the", "▁following", "▁squad", "rons", "▁:", "▁", "▁No", ".", "▁", "1", "1", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁equ", "ipped", "▁with", "▁Cons", "olid", "ated", "▁P", "BY", "▁Catal", "inas", "▁,", "▁based", "▁in", "▁R", "ath", "min", "es", "▁", "▁No", ".", "▁", "2", "1", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁equ", "ipped", "▁with", "▁V", "ul", "te", "e", "▁Ven", "ge", "ances", "▁,", "▁based", "▁at", "▁Cam", "den", "▁", "▁No", ".", "▁", "3", "2", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁equ", "ipped", "▁with", "▁Br", "istol", "▁Beau", "fort", "s", "▁,", "▁based", "▁at", "▁Low", "ood", "▁", "▁No", ".", "▁", "1", "0", "7", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁equ", "ipped", "▁with", "▁V", "ought", "▁King", "fish", "ers", "▁,", "▁based", "▁at", "▁St", ".", "▁George", "▁'", "s", "▁Bas", "in", "▁", "▁=", "▁N", "els", "▁N", "elsen", "▁=", "▁", "▁N", "els", "▁N", "elsen", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁June", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "4", "▁–", "▁", "3", "▁June", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁)", "▁,", "▁born", "▁N", "ils", "▁Johan", "▁N", "ils", "en", "▁and", "▁sometimes", "▁incorrectly", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁N", "els", "▁Nelson", "▁,", "▁was", "▁a", "▁Norwegian", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁born", "▁Canadian", "▁ski", "▁j", "um", "per", "▁and", "▁later", "▁ski", "▁jump", "ing", "▁organ", "izer", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁among", "▁the", "▁world", "▁'", "s", "▁best", "▁ski", "▁jump", "ers", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁and", "▁held", "▁the", "▁world", "▁record", "▁of", "▁", "7", "3", "▁meters", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "5", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁.", "▁Born", "▁in", "▁Sal", "angen", "▁,", "▁he", "▁moved", "▁with", "▁his", "▁family", "▁to", "▁Re", "vel", "st", "oke", "▁,", "▁British", "▁Columbia", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁He", "▁quickly", "▁became", "▁the", "▁town", "▁'", "s", "▁best", "▁ski", "▁j", "um", "per", "▁,", "▁making", "▁his", "▁debut", "▁in", "▁the", "▁town", "▁'", "s", "▁Big", "▁Hill", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "6", "▁.", "▁He", "▁competed", "▁throughout", "▁Canada", "▁and", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁,", "▁and", "▁became", "▁Canadian", "▁champion", "▁five", "▁times", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁holding", "▁the", "▁world", "▁record", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁not", "▁allowed", "▁to", "▁particip", "ate", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "8", "▁Winter", "▁Olympics", "▁because", "▁the", "▁officials", "▁did", "▁not", "▁find", "▁it", "▁suitable", "▁for", "▁him", "▁to", "▁have", "▁to", "▁work", "▁his", "▁way", "▁to", "▁Switzerland", "▁.", "▁", "▁N", "elsen", "▁worked", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Canadian", "▁Pacific", "▁Railway", "▁,", "▁and", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁North", "▁V", "ancouver", "▁,", "▁British", "▁Columbia", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁raised", "▁a", "▁family", "▁.", "▁N", "elsen", "▁lost", "▁his", "▁hand", "▁in", "▁a", "▁hunting", "▁accident", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "3", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁forced", "▁to", "▁ret", "ire", "▁as", "▁a", "▁ski", "▁j", "um", "per", "▁.", "▁He", "▁continued", "▁as", "▁an", "▁organ", "izer", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁among", "▁other", "▁things", "▁president", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Western", "▁Canada", "▁Am", "ateur", "▁Ski", "▁Association", "▁and", "▁later", "▁vice", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁president", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Canadian", "▁Am", "ateur", "▁Ski", "▁Association", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "8", "▁,", "▁after", "▁Big", "▁Hill", "▁had", "▁been", "▁expanded", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁renamed", "▁N", "els", "▁N", "elsen", "▁Hill", "▁.", "▁N", "elsen", "▁was", "▁ins", "cribed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁National", "▁Ski", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "1", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Canadian", "▁Ski", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁and", "▁personal", "▁life", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁He", "▁was", "▁born", "▁N", "ils", "▁Johan", "▁N", "ils", "en", "▁to", "▁a", "▁Norwegian", "▁family", "▁in", "▁Sel", "j", "esk", "og", "▁in", "▁Sal", "angen", "▁on", "▁", "3", "▁June", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "4", "▁,", "▁as", "▁the", "▁oldest", "▁of", "▁six", "▁children", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁child", "▁,", "▁N", "elsen", "▁was", "▁an", "▁active", "▁sk", "ier", "▁and", "▁ski", "▁j", "um", "per", "▁,", "▁with", "▁more", "▁than", "▁fifteen", "▁ski", "▁j", "umps", "▁located", "▁in", "▁the", "▁area", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁his", "▁family", "▁em", "igr", "ated", "▁to", "▁Big", "▁Edd", "y", "▁near", "▁Re", "vel", "st", "oke", "▁.", "▁Once", "▁in", "▁Canada", "▁,", "▁he", "▁ang", "lic", "ized", "▁his", "▁name", "▁.", "▁His", "▁brother", "▁,", "▁I", "v", "ind", "▁N", "ils", "en", "▁was", "▁also", "▁a", "▁champion", "▁ski", "▁j", "um", "per", "▁,", "▁and", "▁became", "▁among", "▁other", "▁things", "▁Boy", "▁'", "s", "▁World", "▁Champion", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁.", "▁I", "v", "ind", "▁,", "▁who", "▁chose", "▁not", "▁to", "▁ang", "lic", "ize", "▁his", "▁last", "▁name", "▁,", "▁was", "▁known", "▁for", "▁his", "▁supre", "me", "▁style", "▁,", "▁while", "▁N", "els", "▁was", "▁better", "▁known", "▁for", "▁his", "▁length", "▁.", "▁N", "elsen", "▁married", "▁Emma", "▁Pick", "ard", "▁,", "▁with", "▁whom", "▁he", "▁had", "▁ten", "▁children", "▁.", "▁Ex", "cept", "▁for", "▁a", "▁brief", "▁period", "▁as", "▁a", "▁ski", "▁instruct", "or", "▁,", "▁he", "▁worked", "▁as", "▁a", "▁bra", "k", "eman", "▁and", "▁conduct", "or", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Canadian", "▁Pacific", "▁Railway", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁flex", "ibility", "▁made", "▁it", "▁eas", "er", "▁to", "▁particip", "ate", "▁in", "▁tournament", "s", "▁.", "▁He", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁North", "▁V", "ancouver", "▁where", "▁he", "▁raised", "▁his", "▁family", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Athlet", "ic", "▁career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁N", "elsen", "▁won", "▁the", "▁home", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁town", "▁Winter", "▁Car", "n", "ival", "▁Tournament", "▁,", "▁setting", "▁the", "▁hill", "▁record", "▁of", "▁", "5", "6", "▁meters", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁in", "▁Big", "▁Hill", "▁in", "▁the", "▁inaug", "uration", "▁tournament", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "6", "▁.", "▁With", "▁this", "▁and", "▁subsequent", "▁better", "▁distances", "▁,", "▁he", "▁would", "▁hold", "▁the", "▁hill", "▁record", "▁in", "▁Re", "vel", "st", "oke", "▁until", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "2", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "6", "▁,", "▁he", "▁won", "▁the", "▁Championship", "▁of", "▁Canada", "▁Ski", "▁J", "ump", "ing", "▁Cont", "est", "▁,", "▁which", "▁he", "▁would", "▁subsequently", "▁defend", "▁every", "▁year", "▁until", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "▁.", "▁He", "▁continued", "▁by", "▁setting", "▁the", "▁Canadian", "▁amateur", "▁record", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁breaking", "▁it", "▁again", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "1", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "3", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁among", "▁the", "▁most", "▁successful", "▁jump", "ers", "▁in", "▁Canada", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "1" ]
Home to Operational to Air Command , the headquarters remained at Glenbrook in the Blue Mountains . In 1997 , logistics management became the responsibility of Support Command ( Air Force ) , the RAAF component of the Defence @-@ wide Support Command Australia ( later subsumed by the Defence Materiel Organisation ) . Training Command was re @-@ formed as Air Force Training Group , a force element group under Air Command , in 2006 . Air Command thus became the sole command @-@ level organisation in the RAAF . = = Order of battle = = As at May 1944 , Eastern Area controlled the following squadrons : No. 11 Squadron , equipped with Consolidated PBY Catalinas , based in Rathmines No. 21 Squadron , equipped with Vultee Vengeances , based at Camden No. 32 Squadron , equipped with Bristol Beauforts , based at Lowood No. 107 Squadron , equipped with Vought Kingfishers , based at St. George 's Basin = Nels Nelsen = Nels Nelsen ( 3 June 1894 – 3 June 1943 ) , born Nils Johan Nilsen and sometimes incorrectly referred to as Nels Nelson , was a Norwegian @-@ born Canadian ski jumper and later ski jumping organizer . He was among the world 's best ski jumpers during the 1920s , and held the world record of 73 meters from 1925 to 1930 . Born in Salangen , he moved with his family to Revelstoke , British Columbia , in 1913 . He quickly became the town 's best ski jumper , making his debut in the town 's Big Hill in 1916 . He competed throughout Canada and the United States , and became Canadian champion five times . Despite holding the world record at the time , he was not allowed to participate in the 1928 Winter Olympics because the officials did not find it suitable for him to have to work his way to Switzerland . Nelsen worked for the Canadian Pacific Railway , and moved to North Vancouver , British Columbia , where he raised a family . Nelsen lost his hand in a hunting accident in 1933 , and was forced to retire as a ski jumper . He continued as an organizer , and was among other things president of the Western Canada Amateur Ski Association and later vice @-@ president of the Canadian Amateur Ski Association . In 1948 , after Big Hill had been expanded , it was renamed Nels Nelsen Hill . Nelsen was inscribed in the U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame in 1971 and the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame in 1983 . = = Early and personal life = = He was born Nils Johan Nilsen to a Norwegian family in Seljeskog in Salangen on 3 June 1894 , as the oldest of six children . As a child , Nelsen was an active skier and ski jumper , with more than fifteen ski jumps located in the area . In 1913 , his family emigrated to Big Eddy near Revelstoke . Once in Canada , he anglicized his name . His brother , Ivind Nilsen was also a champion ski jumper , and became among other things Boy 's World Champion in 1922 . Ivind , who chose not to anglicize his last name , was known for his supreme style , while Nels was better known for his length . Nelsen married Emma Pickard , with whom he had ten children . Except for a brief period as a ski instructor , he worked as a brakeman and conductor for the Canadian Pacific Railway , whose flexibility made it easer to participate in tournaments . He moved to North Vancouver where he raised his family . = = Athletic career = = Nelsen won the home @-@ town Winter Carnival Tournament , setting the hill record of 56 meters ( 183 ft ) in Big Hill in the inauguration tournament in 1916 . With this and subsequent better distances , he would hold the hill record in Revelstoke until 1932 . In 1916 , he won the Championship of Canada Ski Jumping Contest , which he would subsequently defend every year until 1920 . He continued by setting the Canadian amateur record in 1920 , and breaking it again in 1921 and 1923 . He was among the most successful jumpers in Canada from 191
[ "6", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁taking", "▁home", "▁most", "▁tro", "ph", "ies", "▁.", "▁Among", "▁his", "▁methods", "▁to", "▁improve", "▁his", "▁j", "umps", "▁was", "▁placing", "▁pieces", "▁of", "▁lead", "▁at", "▁the", "▁front", "▁or", "▁back", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sk", "ies", "▁to", "▁give", "▁optimal", "▁balance", "▁.", "▁", "▁N", "elsen", "▁tra", "ve", "led", "▁throughout", "▁Canada", "▁and", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁to", "▁attend", "▁ski", "▁jump", "ing", "▁compet", "itions", "▁.", "▁In", "▁British", "▁Columbia", "▁,", "▁he", "▁attended", "▁compet", "itions", "▁in", "▁Nelson", "▁,", "▁Tra", "il", "▁,", "▁Ross", "land", "▁,", "▁Pr", "inc", "eton", "▁,", "▁Kam", "lo", "ops", "▁,", "▁Sand", "on", "▁,", "▁Nak", "us", "p", "▁,", "▁Kim", "ber", "ley", "▁and", "▁C", "ran", "bro", "ok", "▁.", "▁In", "▁Al", "berta", "▁,", "▁he", "▁attended", "▁tournament", "s", "▁in", "▁Cal", "g", "ary", "▁,", "▁Ed", "mont", "on", "▁,", "▁Ban", "ff", "▁and", "▁Cam", "rose", "▁;", "▁in", "▁eastern", "▁Canada", "▁in", "▁Ott", "awa", "▁and", "▁Montreal", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁,", "▁he", "▁attended", "▁events", "▁in", "▁Mount", "▁Rain", "ier", "▁and", "▁Le", "aven", "worth", "▁in", "▁Washington", "▁;", "▁D", "illon", "▁,", "▁Ste", "am", "bo", "at", "▁Spr", "ings", "▁and", "▁Den", "ver", "▁in", "▁Colorado", "▁;", "▁Salt", "▁Lake", "▁City", "▁;", "▁and", "▁Br", "attle", "bor", "o", "▁,", "▁Verm", "ont", "▁.", "▁He", "▁became", "▁Canadian", "▁champion", "▁five", "▁times", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "7", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "0", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁.", "▁His", "▁various", "▁best", "▁j", "umps", "▁were", "▁Canadian", "▁records", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "1", "6", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁During", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "5", "▁Winter", "▁Car", "n", "ival", "▁Tournament", "▁,", "▁N", "elsen", "▁,", "▁sick", "▁with", "▁influen", "za", "▁,", "▁set", "▁a", "▁world", "▁record", "▁at", "▁the", "▁Big", "▁Hill", "▁.", "▁J", "ump", "ing", "▁", "7", "3", "▁meters", "▁(", "▁", "2", "4", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁record", "▁remained", "▁until", "▁it", "▁was", "▁broken", "▁by", "▁Ad", "olph", "▁B", "adr", "ut", "▁at", "▁Bern", "ina", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Rose", "g", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Sch", "anze", "▁in", "▁Switzerland", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁who", "▁jump", "ed", "▁", "7", "5", "▁meters", "▁(", "▁", "2", "4", "6", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁Bob", "▁L", "ym", "bur", "ne", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁again", "▁claim", "▁the", "▁world", "▁record", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Big", "▁Hill", "▁,", "▁when", "▁he", "▁jump", "ed", "▁", "8", "2", "▁meters", "▁(", "▁", "2", "6", "9", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "2", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁accepted", "▁as", "▁a", "▁record", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁not", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁fav", "ored", "▁in", "▁Europe", "▁to", "▁stress", "▁distance", "▁records", "▁.", "▁This", "▁was", "▁because", "▁it", "▁was", "▁regarded", "▁that", "▁simply", "▁building", "▁a", "▁larger", "▁hill", "▁would", "▁und", "ou", "bt", "edly", "▁give", "▁a", "▁longer", "▁jump", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁part", "▁because", "▁such", "▁records", "▁did", "▁not", "▁take", "▁style", "▁into", "▁consideration", "▁.", "▁N", "elsen", "▁and", "▁Melbourne", "▁McK", "en", "zie", "▁planned", "▁to", "▁travel", "▁to", "▁St", ".", "▁Mor", "itz", "▁,", "▁Switzerland", "▁,", "▁to", "▁attend", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "8", "▁Winter", "▁Olympics", "▁,", "▁but", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁fund", "ing", "▁meant", "▁that", "▁they", "▁planned", "▁for", "▁work", "▁for", "▁their", "▁fare", "▁on", "▁a", "▁fre", "ighter", "▁.", "▁These", "▁plans", "▁were", "▁stopped", "▁by", "▁officials", "▁from", "▁the", "▁British", "▁deleg", "ation", "▁,", "▁who", "▁felt", "▁it", "▁was", "▁in", "app", "ropri", "ate", "▁and", "▁not", "▁fitting", "▁for", "▁the", "▁team", "▁,", "▁and", "▁N", "elsen", "▁never", "▁competed", "▁in", "▁any", "▁Winter", "▁Olympics", "▁.", "▁N", "elsen", "▁kept", "▁his", "▁amateur", "▁status", "▁,", "▁but", "▁did", "▁well", "▁against", "▁profession", "als", "▁those", "▁times", "▁he", "▁competed", "▁against", "▁them", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁winter", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "2", "▁,", "▁he", "▁worked", "▁as", "▁a", "▁ski", "▁instruct", "or", "▁in", "▁Quebec", "▁.", "▁In", "▁a", "▁hunting", "▁accident", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "2", "▁,", "▁he", "▁lost", "▁an", "▁arm", "▁,", "▁and", "▁never", "▁jump", "ed", "▁again", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Organ", "izer", "▁career", "▁and", "▁legacy", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁After", "▁arriv", "ing", "▁in", "▁Re", "vel", "st", "oke", "▁,", "▁N", "elsen", "▁was", "▁instrument", "al", "▁in", "▁the", "▁establishment", "▁of", "▁Re", "vel", "st", "oke", "▁Ski", "▁Club", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Big", "▁Hill", "▁located", "▁within", "▁Mount", "▁Re", "vel", "st", "oke", "▁National", "▁Park", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "7", "▁,", "▁he", "▁helped", "▁establish", "▁a", "▁ski", "▁jump", "▁in", "▁Gr", "ouse", "▁Mountain", "▁in", "▁North", "▁V", "ancouver", "▁.", "▁After", "▁his", "▁accident", "▁,", "▁he", "▁started", "▁working", "▁to", "▁establish", "▁Field", "▁Ski", "▁Club", "▁in", "▁Field", "▁,", "▁British", "▁Columbia", "▁,", "▁where", "▁he", "▁spent", "▁time", "▁between", "▁trains", "▁.", "▁He", "▁promoted", "▁a", "▁strict", "▁ad", "her", "ence", "▁to", "▁the", "▁amateur", "▁code", "▁,", "▁and", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁deb", "ates", "▁regarding", "▁professional", "ism", "▁were", "▁dis", "rupt", "ive", "▁for", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁National", "▁Ski", "▁Association", "▁.", "▁", "▁Trad", "itionally", "▁,", "▁gover", "ning", "▁of", "▁ski", "ing", "▁in", "▁Canada", "▁was", "▁split", "▁between", "▁the", "▁Canadian", "▁Am", "ateur", "▁Ski", "▁Association", "▁(", "▁C", "AS", "A", "▁)", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Western", "▁Canada", "▁Am", "ateur", "▁Ski", "▁Association", "▁(", "▁W", "C", "AS", "A", "▁)", "▁.", "▁N", "elsen", "▁was", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁'", "s", "▁president", "▁,", "▁and", "▁after", "▁years", "▁of", "▁rival", "ry", "▁,", "▁which", "▁even", "▁reached", "▁the", "▁point", "▁where", "▁they", "▁did", "▁not", "▁recognize", "▁each", "▁other", "▁,", "▁N", "elsen", "▁eventually", "▁was", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁neg", "ot", "iation", "▁for", "▁an", "▁am", "alg", "am", "ation", "▁which", "▁took", "▁into", "▁consideration", "▁the", "▁needs", "▁of", "▁the", "▁western", "▁clubs", "▁.", "▁N", "elsen", "▁subsequently", "▁became", "▁vice", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁president", "▁of", "▁C", "AS", "A", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁He", "▁died", "▁of", "▁heart", "▁failure", "▁in", "▁Field", "▁on", "▁", "3", "▁June", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁—", "▁his", "▁", "4", "9", "th", "▁birth", "day", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "8", "▁,", "▁after", "▁Big", "▁Hill", "▁had", "▁been", "▁expanded", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁renamed", "▁N", "els", "▁N", "elsen", "▁Hill", "▁.", "▁N", "elsen", "▁was", "▁ins", "cribed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁National", "▁Ski", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "1", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Canadian", "▁Ski", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "3", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁following", "▁year", "▁in", "▁the", "▁BC", "▁Sports", "▁Hall", "▁of", "▁Fame", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Mann", "y", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁=", "▁", "▁Em", "manuel", "▁\"", "▁Mann", "y", "▁\"", "▁N", "ove", "en", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁(", "▁born", "▁May", "▁", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "0", "▁)", "▁is", "▁a", "▁Canadian", "▁professional", "▁ice", "▁hockey", "▁centre", "▁,", "▁who", "▁is", "▁currently", "▁an", "▁un", "rest", "rict", "ed", "▁free", "▁agent", "▁who", "▁last", "▁played", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Lake", "▁Er", "ie", "▁Mon", "sters", "▁in", "▁the", "▁American", "▁Hockey", "▁League", "▁(", "▁A", "HL", "▁)", "▁on", "▁a", "▁try", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁out", "▁basis", "▁.", "▁He", "▁previously", "▁played", "▁in", "▁the", "▁N", "HL", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Montreal", "▁Canad", "iens", "▁,", "▁Carolina", "▁H", "urr", "ican", "es", "▁,", "▁V", "ancouver" ]
6 to 1925 , taking home most trophies . Among his methods to improve his jumps was placing pieces of lead at the front or back of the skies to give optimal balance . Nelsen traveled throughout Canada and the United States to attend ski jumping competitions . In British Columbia , he attended competitions in Nelson , Trail , Rossland , Princeton , Kamloops , Sandon , Nakusp , Kimberley and Cranbrook . In Alberta , he attended tournaments in Calgary , Edmonton , Banff and Camrose ; in eastern Canada in Ottawa and Montreal . In the United States , he attended events in Mount Rainier and Leavenworth in Washington ; Dillon , Steamboat Springs and Denver in Colorado ; Salt Lake City ; and Brattleboro , Vermont . He became Canadian champion five times , in 1917 , 1918 , 1919 , 1920 and 1922 . His various best jumps were Canadian records from 1916 to 1932 . During the 1925 Winter Carnival Tournament , Nelsen , sick with influenza , set a world record at the Big Hill . Jumping 73 meters ( 240 ft ) , the record remained until it was broken by Adolph Badrut at Bernina @-@ Roseg @-@ Schanze in Switzerland in 1930 , who jumped 75 meters ( 246 ft ) . However , Bob Lymburne was able to again claim the world record for the Big Hill , when he jumped 82 meters ( 269 ft ) in 1932 . Although accepted as a record , it was not at the time favored in Europe to stress distance records . This was because it was regarded that simply building a larger hill would undoubtedly give a longer jump , and in part because such records did not take style into consideration . Nelsen and Melbourne McKenzie planned to travel to St. Moritz , Switzerland , to attend the 1928 Winter Olympics , but lack of funding meant that they planned for work for their fare on a freighter . These plans were stopped by officials from the British delegation , who felt it was inappropriate and not fitting for the team , and Nelsen never competed in any Winter Olympics . Nelsen kept his amateur status , but did well against professionals those times he competed against them . During the winter of 1932 , he worked as a ski instructor in Quebec . In a hunting accident in 1932 , he lost an arm , and never jumped again . = = Organizer career and legacy = = After arriving in Revelstoke , Nelsen was instrumental in the establishment of Revelstoke Ski Club and the Big Hill located within Mount Revelstoke National Park . In 1927 , he helped establish a ski jump in Grouse Mountain in North Vancouver . After his accident , he started working to establish Field Ski Club in Field , British Columbia , where he spent time between trains . He promoted a strict adherence to the amateur code , and stated that debates regarding professionalism were disruptive for the United States National Ski Association . Traditionally , governing of skiing in Canada was split between the Canadian Amateur Ski Association ( CASA ) and the Western Canada Amateur Ski Association ( WCASA ) . Nelsen was the latter 's president , and after years of rivalry , which even reached the point where they did not recognize each other , Nelsen eventually was part of the negotiation for an amalgamation which took into consideration the needs of the western clubs . Nelsen subsequently became vice @-@ president of CASA from 1934 . He died of heart failure in Field on 3 June 1943 — his 49th birthday . In 1948 , after Big Hill had been expanded , it was renamed Nels Nelsen Hill . Nelsen was inscribed in the U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame in 1971 , the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame in 1983 , and the following year in the BC Sports Hall of Fame . = Manny Malhotra = Emmanuel " Manny " Noveen Malhotra ( born May 18 , 1980 ) is a Canadian professional ice hockey centre , who is currently an unrestricted free agent who last played with the Lake Erie Monsters in the American Hockey League ( AHL ) on a try @-@ out basis . He previously played in the NHL for the Montreal Canadiens , Carolina Hurricanes , Vancouver
[ "▁Can", "uck", "s", "▁,", "▁San", "▁Jose", "▁Sh", "arks", "▁,", "▁Columb", "us", "▁Blue", "▁Jack", "ets", "▁,", "▁Dallas", "▁Stars", "▁and", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁R", "angers", "▁.", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁is", "▁known", "▁as", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁way", "▁forward", "▁and", "▁for", "▁his", "▁face", "off", "▁prof", "ic", "iency", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Play", "ing", "▁career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁was", "▁draft", "ed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁round", "▁as", "▁the", "▁sevent", "h", "▁overall", "▁pick", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁N", "HL", "▁Entry", "▁D", "raft", "▁by", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁R", "angers", "▁.", "▁He", "▁joined", "▁the", "▁N", "HL", "▁after", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁career", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Ontario", "▁Hockey", "▁League", "▁(", "▁O", "HL", "▁)", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Gu", "el", "ph", "▁Storm", "▁,", "▁with", "▁served", "▁as", "▁captain", "▁in", "▁his", "▁final", "▁year", "▁.", "▁Win", "ning", "▁a", "▁J", ".", "▁Ross", "▁Robert", "son", "▁Cup", "▁championship", "▁and", "▁subsequently", "▁appearing", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁Memorial", "▁Cup", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Storm", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁also", "▁earned", "▁a", "▁Bobby", "▁Smith", "▁Tro", "phy", "▁,", "▁George", "▁Par", "s", "ons", "▁Tro", "phy", "▁and", "▁Memorial", "▁Cup", "▁All", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Star", "▁hon", "ours", "▁as", "▁a", "▁junior", "▁.", "▁", "▁He", "▁played", "▁with", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁to", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁.", "▁During", "▁this", "▁time", "▁he", "▁was", "▁assigned", "▁on", "▁numerous", "▁occasions", "▁to", "▁the", "▁team", "▁'", "s", "▁A", "HL", "▁affili", "ate", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Hart", "ford", "▁Wolf", "▁Pack", "▁,", "▁with", "▁whom", "▁he", "▁won", "▁a", "▁Cal", "der", "▁Cup", "▁championship", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "2", "▁trade", "▁dead", "line", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁de", "alt", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Stars", "▁and", "▁spent", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁three", "▁seasons", "▁with", "▁the", "▁club", "▁.", "▁Begin", "ning", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁–", "▁", "0", "4", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁began", "▁to", "▁see", "▁increased", "▁off", "ensive", "▁production", "▁,", "▁marked", "▁by", "▁his", "▁ac", "quisition", "▁off", "▁wa", "ivers", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Blue", "▁Jack", "ets", "▁.", "▁After", "▁four", "▁seasons", "▁in", "▁Columb", "us", "▁,", "▁he", "▁signed", "▁a", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁contract", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Sh", "arks", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁.", "▁He", "▁recorded", "▁a", "▁career", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁high", "▁in", "▁goals", "▁with", "▁San", "▁Jose", "▁,", "▁before", "▁joining", "▁the", "▁Can", "uck", "s", "▁on", "▁a", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁deal", "▁.", "▁In", "▁his", "▁first", "▁season", "▁with", "▁V", "ancouver", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁suffered", "▁a", "▁major", "▁injury", "▁to", "▁his", "▁left", "▁eye", "▁,", "▁requiring", "▁several", "▁sur", "ger", "ies", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁having", "▁lost", "▁a", "▁significant", "▁amount", "▁of", "▁his", "▁vision", "▁,", "▁he", "▁returned", "▁the", "▁same", "▁year", "▁to", "▁comp", "ete", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁Stanley", "▁Cup", "▁Final", "s", "▁.", "▁He", "▁strugg", "led", "▁to", "▁play", "▁with", "▁the", "▁injury", "▁until", "▁Can", "uck", "s", "▁management", "▁placed", "▁him", "▁on", "▁the", "▁injured", "▁reserve", "▁for", "▁the", "▁remainder", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "3", "▁season", "▁in", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁Intern", "ation", "ally", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁has", "▁represented", "▁Canada", "▁in", "▁under", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "8", "▁competition", "▁,", "▁two", "▁World", "▁Junior", "▁Championships", "▁and", "▁one", "▁World", "▁Championship", "▁.", "▁Ser", "ving", "▁as", "▁team", "▁captain", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁World", "▁Junior", "▁Championships", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁led", "▁Canada", "▁to", "▁a", "▁bronze", "▁medal", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Gu", "el", "ph", "▁Storm", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁After", "▁playing", "▁minor", "▁hockey", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Mississ", "aug", "a", "▁Re", "ps", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Metro", "▁Toronto", "▁Hockey", "▁League", "▁(", "▁M", "TH", "L", "▁)", "▁,", "▁After", "▁being", "▁selected", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁round", "▁(", "▁", "1", "7", "th", "▁overall", "▁)", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁O", "HL", "▁Prior", "ity", "▁Selection", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁played", "▁two", "▁seasons", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Ontario", "▁Hockey", "▁League", "▁(", "▁O", "HL", "▁)", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Gu", "el", "ph", "▁Storm", "▁,", "▁beginning", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁–", "▁", "9", "7", "▁.", "▁He", "▁scored", "▁", "1", "6", "▁goals", "▁and", "▁", "4", "4", "▁points", "▁over", "▁", "6", "1", "▁games", "▁in", "▁his", "▁ro", "ok", "ie", "▁season", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁play", "offs", "▁,", "▁he", "▁added", "▁", "1", "4", "▁points", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "▁games", "▁as", "▁Gu", "el", "ph", "▁lost", "▁in", "▁the", "▁semif", "inals", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Ott", "awa", "▁", "6", "7", "▁'", "s", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁season", "▁,", "▁he", "▁improved", "▁to", "▁", "1", "6", "▁goals", "▁and", "▁", "5", "1", "▁points", "▁over", "▁", "5", "7", "▁games", "▁.", "▁He", "▁served", "▁as", "▁team", "▁captain", "▁while", "▁being", "▁assigned", "▁the", "▁primary", "▁role", "▁of", "▁shut", "ting", "▁down", "▁oppos", "ing", "▁team", "▁'", "s", "▁top", "▁for", "wards", "▁.", "▁Gu", "el", "ph", "▁advanced", "▁to", "▁the", "▁O", "HL", "▁Final", "s", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁defeated", "▁Ott", "awa", "▁in", "▁five", "▁games", "▁to", "▁capture", "▁the", "▁J", ".", "▁Ross", "▁Robert", "son", "▁Cup", "▁.", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁had", "▁", "1", "3", "▁points", "▁in", "▁", "1", "2", "▁games", "▁in", "▁the", "▁championship", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁winning", "▁play", "off", "▁season", "▁.", "▁Ear", "ning", "▁a", "▁ber", "th", "▁into", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁Memorial", "▁Cup", "▁,", "▁Gu", "el", "ph", "▁made", "▁it", "▁to", "▁the", "▁final", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁lost", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Port", "land", "▁Winter", "▁Haw", "ks", "▁", "4", "▁–", "▁", "3", "▁in", "▁over", "time", "▁.", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁ranked", "▁third", "▁in", "▁tournament", "▁scoring", "▁with", "▁a", "▁goal", "▁and", "▁seven", "▁points", "▁over", "▁five", "▁games", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁named", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Memorial", "▁Cup", "▁All", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Star", "▁Team", "▁and", "▁was", "▁awarded", "▁the", "▁George", "▁Par", "s", "ons", "▁Tro", "phy", "▁as", "▁the", "▁tournament", "▁'", "s", "▁most", "▁sports", "man", "like", "▁player", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁New", "▁York", "▁R", "angers", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁off", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁season", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁was", "▁draft", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁R", "angers", "▁in", "▁the", "▁first", "▁round", "▁,", "▁sevent", "h", "▁overall", "▁,", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁N", "HL", "▁Entry", "▁D", "raft", "▁.", "▁The", "▁R", "angers", "▁sc", "out", "ed", "▁him", "▁as", "▁a", "▁strong", "▁,", "▁physical", "▁player", "▁with", "▁good", "▁hockey", "▁sense", "▁and", "▁character", "▁,", "▁comparing", "▁him", "▁to", "▁Adam", "▁Gra", "ves", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁surprised", "▁to", "▁have", "▁been", "▁selected", "▁by", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁,", "▁as", "▁they", "▁were", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁only", "▁teams", "▁to", "▁have", "▁not", "▁interview", "ed", "▁or", "▁met", "▁with", "▁him", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁draft", "▁.", "▁He", "▁anticip", "ated", "▁being", "▁draft", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Cal", "g", "ary", "▁Fl", "ames", "▁at", "▁sixth", "▁overall", "▁,", "▁as", "▁the", "▁team", "▁'", "s", "▁general", "▁manager", "▁,", "▁Al", "▁Co" ]
Canucks , San Jose Sharks , Columbus Blue Jackets , Dallas Stars and the New York Rangers . Malhotra is known as a two @-@ way forward and for his faceoff proficiency . = = Playing career = = Malhotra was drafted in the first round as the seventh overall pick of the 1998 NHL Entry Draft by the New York Rangers . He joined the NHL after a two @-@ year career in the Ontario Hockey League ( OHL ) with the Guelph Storm , with served as captain in his final year . Winning a J. Ross Robertson Cup championship and subsequently appearing in the 1998 Memorial Cup with the Storm , Malhotra also earned a Bobby Smith Trophy , George Parsons Trophy and Memorial Cup All @-@ Star honours as a junior . He played with the Rangers from 1998 to 2002 . During this time he was assigned on numerous occasions to the team 's AHL affiliate , the Hartford Wolf Pack , with whom he won a Calder Cup championship in 2000 . At the 2001 – 02 trade deadline , he was dealt to the Stars and spent parts of three seasons with the club . Beginning in 2003 – 04 , Malhotra began to see increased offensive production , marked by his acquisition off waivers by the Blue Jackets . After four seasons in Columbus , he signed a one @-@ year contract with the Sharks in September 2009 . He recorded a career @-@ high in goals with San Jose , before joining the Canucks on a three @-@ year deal . In his first season with Vancouver , Malhotra suffered a major injury to his left eye , requiring several surgeries . Despite having lost a significant amount of his vision , he returned the same year to compete in the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals . He struggled to play with the injury until Canucks management placed him on the injured reserve for the remainder of the 2012 @-@ 13 season in February 2013 . Internationally , Malhotra has represented Canada in under @-@ 18 competition , two World Junior Championships and one World Championship . Serving as team captain at the 2000 World Junior Championships , Malhotra led Canada to a bronze medal . = = = Guelph Storm = = = After playing minor hockey with the Mississauga Reps of the Metro Toronto Hockey League ( MTHL ) , After being selected in the first round ( 17th overall ) of the 1996 OHL Priority Selection , Malhotra played two seasons in the Ontario Hockey League ( OHL ) with the Guelph Storm , beginning in 1996 – 97 . He scored 16 goals and 44 points over 61 games in his rookie season . In the 1997 playoffs , he added 14 points in 18 games as Guelph lost in the semifinals to the Ottawa 67 's . The following season , he improved to 16 goals and 51 points over 57 games . He served as team captain while being assigned the primary role of shutting down opposing team 's top forwards . Guelph advanced to the OHL Finals , where they defeated Ottawa in five games to capture the J. Ross Robertson Cup . Malhotra had 13 points in 12 games in the championship @-@ winning playoff season . Earning a berth into the 1998 Memorial Cup , Guelph made it to the final , where they lost to the Portland Winter Hawks 4 – 3 in overtime . Malhotra ranked third in tournament scoring with a goal and seven points over five games . He was named to the Memorial Cup All @-@ Star Team and was awarded the George Parsons Trophy as the tournament 's most sportsmanlike player . = = = New York Rangers = = = In the off @-@ season , Malhotra was drafted by the New York Rangers in the first round , seventh overall , of the 1998 NHL Entry Draft . The Rangers scouted him as a strong , physical player with good hockey sense and character , comparing him to Adam Graves . He was surprised to have been selected by the Rangers , as they were one of the only teams to have not interviewed or met with him prior to the draft . He anticipated being drafted by the Calgary Flames at sixth overall , as the team 's general manager , Al Co
[ "ates", "▁had", "▁previously", "▁draft", "ed", "▁him", "▁into", "▁the", "▁O", "HL", "▁as", "▁general", "▁manager", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Storm", "▁.", "▁", "▁With", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁–", "▁", "9", "9", "▁approaching", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁had", "▁not", "▁yet", "▁signed", "▁an", "▁N", "HL", "▁contract", "▁with", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁by", "▁October", "▁.", "▁League", "▁rules", "▁st", "ip", "ulated", "▁that", "▁if", "▁he", "▁did", "▁not", "▁sign", "▁by", "▁October", "▁", "8", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁,", "▁he", "▁would", "▁be", "▁required", "▁to", "▁return", "▁to", "▁junior", "▁for", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁campaign", "▁.", "▁The", "▁night", "▁before", "▁the", "▁dead", "line", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁and", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁agreed", "▁to", "▁a", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁deal", "▁worth", "▁the", "▁ro", "ok", "ie", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁maximum", "▁of", "▁$", "▁", "9", "7", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁with", "▁performance", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁in", "cent", "ives", "▁that", "▁could", "▁have", "▁increased", "▁his", "▁sal", "ary", "▁to", "▁$", "▁", "2", "▁million", "▁.", "▁M", "aking", "▁the", "▁immediate", "▁jump", "▁from", "▁junior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁N", "HL", "▁at", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁", "1", "8", "▁,", "▁he", "▁became", "▁the", "▁second", "▁player", "▁of", "▁Indian", "▁her", "itage", "▁to", "▁play", "▁in", "▁the", "▁N", "HL", "▁.", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁recorded", "▁eight", "▁goals", "▁and", "▁", "1", "6", "▁points", "▁over", "▁", "7", "3", "▁games", "▁as", "▁a", "▁ro", "ok", "ie", "▁.", "▁", "▁During", "▁the", "▁season", "▁,", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁were", "▁interested", "▁in", "▁acqu", "iring", "▁V", "ancouver", "▁Can", "uck", "s", "▁forward", "▁P", "avel", "▁B", "ure", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁Can", "uck", "s", "▁general", "▁manager", "▁Brian", "▁Bur", "ke", "▁had", "▁requested", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁to", "▁be", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁a", "▁trade", "▁that", "▁would", "▁have", "▁sent", "▁him", "▁along", "▁with", "▁Nik", "las", "▁Sund", "st", "rom", "▁,", "▁Dan", "▁Cl", "out", "ier", "▁and", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁'", "▁first", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁round", "▁pick", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁draft", "▁in", "▁exchange", "▁for", "▁B", "ure", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁R", "angers", "▁general", "▁manager", "▁Neil", "▁Smith", "▁refused", "▁to", "▁include", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁and", "▁the", "▁deal", "▁never", "▁material", "ized", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁following", "▁season", "▁,", "▁he", "▁strugg", "led", "▁to", "▁ear", "n", "▁a", "▁regular", "▁spot", "▁on", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁'", "▁ro", "ster", "▁and", "▁was", "▁often", "▁a", "▁health", "y", "▁scratch", "▁.", "▁R", "angers", "▁head", "▁coach", "▁John", "▁M", "uck", "ler", "▁public", "ly", "▁declared", "▁before", "▁the", "▁beginning", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁'", "s", "▁second", "▁N", "HL", "▁campaign", "▁that", "▁he", "▁would", "▁be", "▁nothing", "▁more", 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"▁re", "ass", "ignment", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁point", "less", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "2", "7", "▁games", "▁total", "▁he", "▁played", "▁with", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁that", "▁season", "▁.", "▁", "▁Return", "ing", "▁to", "▁Gu", "el", "ph", "▁,", "▁he", "▁played", "▁in", "▁five", "▁regular", "▁season", "▁and", "▁six", "▁play", "off", "▁games", "▁.", "▁Upon", "▁his", "▁junior", "▁club", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁round", "▁play", "off", "▁elim", "ination", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁re", "ass", "igned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Wolf", "▁Pack", "▁where", "▁he", "▁recorded", "▁a", "▁goal", "▁and", "▁six", "▁points", "▁over", "▁", "1", "2", "▁games", "▁to", "▁finish", "▁the", "▁regular", "▁season", "▁.", "▁He", "▁then", "▁added", "▁three", "▁points", "▁in", "▁", "2", "3", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁season", "▁cont", "ests", "▁,", "▁helping", "▁the", "▁Wolf", "▁Pack", "▁to", "▁the", "▁franch", "ise", "▁'", "s", "▁first", "▁Cal", "der", "▁Cup", "▁championship", "▁.", "▁", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁returned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Wolf", "▁Pack", "▁the", "▁following", "▁season", "▁after", "▁failing", "▁to", "▁make", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁'", "▁ro", "ster", "▁out", "▁of", "▁training", "▁camp", "▁.", "▁With", "▁New", "▁York", "▁deep", "▁at", "▁the", "▁centre", "▁position", "▁,", "▁his", "▁A", "HL", "▁assignment", "▁was", "▁pred", "ic", "ated", "▁on", "▁him", "▁learning", "▁to", "▁play", "▁wing", "▁.", "▁He", "▁received", "▁numerous", "▁call", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ups", "▁to", "▁New", "▁York", "▁and", "▁finished", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁–", "▁", "0", "1", "▁campaign", "▁with", "▁", "1", "1", "▁points", "▁over", "▁", "2", "8", "▁games", "▁in", "▁the", "▁A", "HL", "▁and", "▁", "1", "2", "▁points", "▁over", "▁", "5", "0", "▁games", "▁in", "▁the", "▁N", "HL", "▁.", "▁The", "▁season", "▁also", "▁marked", "▁a", "▁management", "▁change", "▁as", "▁Glen", "▁S", "ather", "▁took", "▁over", "▁as", "▁general", "▁manager", "▁,", "▁mark", "ing", "▁the", "▁departure", "▁of", "▁Smith", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁draft", "ed", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁and", "▁regarded", "▁him", "▁as", "▁un", "tra", "de", "able", "▁during", "▁his", "▁ten", "ure", "▁.", "▁", "▁Fif", "ty", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁six", "▁games", "▁into", "▁his", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "2", "▁season", "▁with", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁,", "▁S", "ather", "▁de", "alt", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Dallas", "▁Stars", "▁at", "▁the", "▁trade", "▁dead", "line", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁w", "inger", "▁Bar", "rett", "▁He", "isten", "▁,", "▁in", "▁exchange", "▁for", "▁for", "wards", "▁Martin", "▁R", "uc", "in", "sky", "▁and", "▁Roman", "▁Ly", "ash", "en", "ko", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁he", "▁had", "▁established", "▁himself", "▁as", "▁an", "▁effective", "▁fore", "check", "er", "▁and", "▁def", "ensive", "▁forward", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁did", "▁not", "▁material", "ize", "▁into", "▁the", "▁off", "ensive", "▁player", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁hoped", "▁he", "▁would", "▁be", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁New", "▁York", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁wel", "com", "ed", "▁the", "▁trade", "▁to", "▁Dallas", "▁as", "▁an", "▁opportunity" ]
ates had previously drafted him into the OHL as general manager of the Storm . With the 1998 – 99 approaching , Malhotra had not yet signed an NHL contract with the Rangers by October . League rules stipulated that if he did not sign by October 8 , 1998 , he would be required to return to junior for the entire campaign . The night before the deadline , Malhotra and the Rangers agreed to a three @-@ year deal worth the rookie @-@ maximum of $ 975 @,@ 000 with performance @-@ based incentives that could have increased his salary to $ 2 million . Making the immediate jump from junior to the NHL at the age of 18 , he became the second player of Indian heritage to play in the NHL . Malhotra recorded eight goals and 16 points over 73 games as a rookie . During the season , the Rangers were interested in acquiring Vancouver Canucks forward Pavel Bure . It was reported that Canucks general manager Brian Burke had requested Malhotra to be involved in a trade that would have sent him along with Niklas Sundstrom , Dan Cloutier and the Rangers ' first @-@ round pick in the 1999 draft in exchange for Bure . However , Rangers general manager Neil Smith refused to include Malhotra and the deal never materialized . The following season , he struggled to earn a regular spot on the Rangers ' roster and was often a healthy scratch . Rangers head coach John Muckler publicly declared before the beginning of the Malhotra 's second NHL campaign that he would be nothing more than a career third @-@ liner . Malhotra 's potential was often at the centre of an ongoing dispute between Muckler and Smith . Malhotra suffered an ankle injury in November that sidelined him for four games . Upon his recovery , his play was judged by team management to have suffered and he began to be benched . Meanwhile , the Canadian national junior team wanted the Rangers to loan him to them for the 2000 World Junior Championships . On December 12 , 1999 , general manager Neil Smith obliged and assigned Malhotra for the international tournament . He was then sent for a two @-@ week conditioning assignment with the Rangers ' American Hockey League ( AHL ) affiliate , the Hartford Wolf Pack . On March 14 , 2000 , he was sent back down to the OHL on March 14 , 2000 , in order to retain his eligibility for later AHL assignment in the season . Malhotra had dressed for only four games in the two months between his return from the World Junior Championships in early @-@ January and his junior reassignment . He was pointless in the 27 games total he played with the Rangers that season . Returning to Guelph , he played in five regular season and six playoff games . Upon his junior club 's first @-@ round playoff elimination , he was reassigned to the Wolf Pack where he recorded a goal and six points over 12 games to finish the regular season . He then added three points in 23 post @-@ season contests , helping the Wolf Pack to the franchise 's first Calder Cup championship . Malhotra returned to the Wolf Pack the following season after failing to make the Rangers ' roster out of training camp . With New York deep at the centre position , his AHL assignment was predicated on him learning to play wing . He received numerous call @-@ ups to New York and finished the 2000 – 01 campaign with 11 points over 28 games in the AHL and 12 points over 50 games in the NHL . The season also marked a management change as Glen Sather took over as general manager , marking the departure of Smith , who had drafted Malhotra and regarded him as untradeable during his tenure . Fifty @-@ six games into his 2001 – 02 season with the Rangers , Sather dealt Malhotra to the Dallas Stars at the trade deadline , along with winger Barrett Heisten , in exchange for forwards Martin Rucinsky and Roman Lyashenko . Although he had established himself as an effective forechecker and defensive forward , Malhotra did not materialize into the offensive player the Rangers hoped he would be . = = = Post @-@ New York = = = Malhotra welcomed the trade to Dallas as an opportunity
[ "▁for", "▁more", "▁playing", "▁time", "▁,", "▁as", "▁he", "▁was", "▁sp", "ars", "ely", "▁used", "▁with", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁he", "▁saw", "▁limited", "▁success", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Stars", "▁.", "▁Following", "▁his", "▁trade", "▁,", "▁he", "▁recorded", "▁one", "▁point", "▁,", "▁a", "▁goal", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "6", "▁games", "▁to", "▁finish", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁–", "▁", "0", "2", "▁season", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁signed", "▁by", "▁Dallas", "▁to", "▁a", "▁two", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁contract", "▁on", "▁June", "▁", "2", "7", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁–", "▁", "0", "3", "▁,", "▁he", "▁recorded", "▁", "1", "0", "▁points", "▁over", "▁", "5", "9", "▁games", "▁.", "▁He", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁his", "▁first", "▁Stanley", "▁Cup", "▁play", "offs", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Stars", "▁qualified", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁season", "▁as", "▁the", "▁top", "▁seed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Western", "▁Conference", "▁.", "▁They", "▁were", "▁elimin", "ated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁second", "▁round", "▁by", "▁the", "▁M", "ight", "y", "▁D", "uck", "s", "▁of", "▁Ana", "heim", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁going", "▁point", "less", "▁in", "▁nine", "▁games", "▁early", "▁the", "▁following", "▁season", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Stars", "▁wa", "ived", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "3", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁days", "▁later", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁picked", "▁up", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Columb", "us", "▁Blue", "▁Jack", "ets", "▁.", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁improved", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Blue", "▁Jack", "ets", "▁,", "▁not", "ch", "ing", "▁", "1", "2", "▁goals", "▁and", "▁", "2", "5", "▁points", "▁over", "▁", "5", "6", "▁games", "▁following", "▁the", "▁trade", "▁.", "▁He", "▁missed", "▁the", "▁final", "▁six", "▁games", "▁of", "▁the", "▁regular", "▁season", "▁with", "▁a", "▁bru", "ised", "▁an", "k", "le", "▁.", "▁His", "▁ice", 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"▁@", "-", "@", "▁sign", "▁him", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁became", "▁an", "▁un", "rest", "rict", "ed", "▁free", "▁agent", "▁for", "▁the", "▁second", "▁consecutive", "▁summer", "▁on", "▁July", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁Looking", "▁back", "▁on", "▁his", "▁time", "▁in", "▁San", "▁Jose", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁called", "▁it", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁most", "▁enjoy", "able", "▁season", "▁[", "▁he", "▁'", "s", "▁]", "▁had", "▁as", "▁a", "▁pro", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁being", "▁able", "▁to", "▁play", "▁for", "▁a", "▁winning", "▁team", "▁and", "▁have", "▁a", "▁long", "▁play", "off", "▁run", "▁for", "▁the", "▁first", "▁time", "▁in", "▁his", "▁N", "HL", "▁career", "▁.", "▁" ]
for more playing time , as he was sparsely used with the Rangers . However , he saw limited success with the Stars . Following his trade , he recorded one point , a goal , in 16 games to finish the 2001 – 02 season . He was re @-@ signed by Dallas to a two @-@ year contract on June 27 , 2002 . In 2002 – 03 , he recorded 10 points over 59 games . He appeared in his first Stanley Cup playoffs as the Stars qualified for the 2003 post @-@ season as the top seed in the Western Conference . They were eliminated in the second round by the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim . After going pointless in nine games early the following season , the Stars waived Malhotra on November 19 , 2003 . Two days later , he was picked up by the Columbus Blue Jackets . Malhotra improved with the Blue Jackets , notching 12 goals and 25 points over 56 games following the trade . He missed the final six games of the regular season with a bruised ankle . His ice time rose from an average of nine minutes a game with Dallas the previous season to 14 minutes in Columbus . Due to the NHL lockout , Malhotra spent the 2004 – 05 season overseas in Europe . He initially signed with HDD Olimpija Ljubljana of Slovenia on October 8 , 2004 , and recorded 27 points over 26 games ( including both Slovenian league and inter @-@ league play ) . On December 12 , he signed with HV71 Jönköping of the Swedish Elite League . He notched seven points in 20 games with the club . Returning to Columbus as NHL resumed play the following season , Malhotra spent 2005 – 06 centering Columbus ' third line . Despite missing 24 games due to injury with back spasms in November and a shoulder injury in January , he improved his points total for the second straight NHL season with 10 goals and 21 assists . The Blue Jackets re @-@ signed him in the off @-@ season to a three @-@ year contract on June 20 , 2006 . In the first year of his new contract , he tallied nine goals and 25 points over a full 82 @-@ game season . Malhotra missed 11 games with a recurring knee injury in December 2007 . Late in the 2007 – 08 season , on March 17 , 2008 , he recorded a career @-@ high three points in one game ( two goals and an assist ) in a 4 – 3 win against the Detroit Red Wings . He finished the campaign with 11 goals and 29 points . Early in the 2008 – 09 season , Malhotra missed five games with a lower @-@ body injury . He recorded a career @-@ high 24 assists and 35 points over 77 games during the campaign . As Columbus was plagued with numerous injuries over the course of the season , Malhotra was used on various lines while also in a shutdown role , playing against top opposing forwards . His contract was not renewed by the Blue Jackets in the 2009 off @-@ season and he became an unrestricted free agent . After failing to sign with an NHL team , Malhotra accepted an invitation to the San Jose Sharks ' training camp on September 17 , 2009 . Five days later , he signed a one @-@ year , $ 700 @,@ 000 deal with the team . He went on to record a career @-@ high 14 goals and plus @-@ 17 rating , along with 19 assists for 33 points , in his only season with the Sharks . He centred the team 's third line and earned time playing wing on the powerplay . The Sharks did not re @-@ sign him , however , and he became an unrestricted free agent for the second consecutive summer on July 1 , 2010 . Looking back on his time in San Jose , Malhotra called it the " most enjoyable season [ he 's ] had as a pro , " being able to play for a winning team and have a long playoff run for the first time in his NHL career .
[ "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁V", "ancouver", "▁Can", "uck", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁his", "▁first", "▁day", "▁of", "▁free", "▁ag", "ency", "▁on", "▁July", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁signed", "▁a", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁,", "▁$", "▁", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁million", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁the", "▁V", "ancouver", "▁Can", "uck", "s", "▁that", "▁included", "▁a", "▁no", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁trade", "▁clause", "▁.", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁was", "▁named", "▁an", "▁alternate", "▁captain", "▁during", "▁away", "▁games", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Can", "uck", "s", "▁before", "▁the", "▁season", "▁began", "▁.", "▁He", "▁scored", "▁his", "▁first", "▁goal", "▁as", "▁a", "▁Can", "uck", "▁on", "▁October", "▁", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁during", "▁a", "▁", "5", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁win", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Minnesota", "▁Wild", "▁.", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁settled", "▁into", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Can", "uck", "s", "▁'", "▁line", "up", "▁as", "▁the", "▁team", 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"▁third", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁line", "▁centre", "▁by", "▁ro", "ok", "ie", "▁C", "ody", "▁H", "od", "g", "son", "▁and", "▁later", "▁Samuel", "▁P", "ahl", "sson", "▁.", "▁Can", "uck", "s", "▁head", "▁coach", "▁A", "lain", "▁V", "igne", "ault", "▁ass", "essed", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁during", "▁the", "▁season", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁not", "▁the", "▁same", "▁physical", "▁player", "▁he", "▁was", "▁before", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁adding", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁He", "▁'", "s", "▁still", "▁contrib", "uting", "▁but", "▁not", "▁maybe", "▁to", "▁the", "▁degree", "▁that", "▁he", "▁was", "▁before", "▁he", "▁got", "▁injured", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Play", "ing", "▁left", "▁wing", "▁on", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁line", "▁,", "▁he", "▁remained", "▁an", "▁integral", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁team", "▁by", "▁playing", "▁on", "▁the", "▁penalty", "▁kill", "▁and", "▁taking", "▁important", "▁def", "ensive", "▁zone", "▁face", "offs", "▁.", "▁Near", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁campaign", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁was", "▁chosen", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Can", "uck", "s", "▁'", "▁nom", "ine" ]
= = = Vancouver Canucks = = = On his first day of free agency on July 1 , 2010 , Malhotra signed a three @-@ year , $ 7 @.@ 5 million deal with the Vancouver Canucks that included a no @-@ trade clause . Malhotra was named an alternate captain during away games for the Canucks before the season began . He scored his first goal as a Canuck on October 22 , during a 5 – 1 win against the Minnesota Wild . Malhotra settled into to the Canucks ' lineup as the team 's third @-@ line centre , often playing with wingers Raffi Torres and Jannik Hansen , while playing significant time on the penalty kill and matching up against opposing team 's best forwards . His success as a defensive specialist earned him early consideration for the Selke Trophy as the league 's best two @-@ way forward . In an article on the NHL 's website , he was chosen as the front @-@ runner for the award at the mid @-@ way point of the campaign . He was also credited with allowing the team to use Ryan Kesler in a more offensive role ( Kesler was the team 's previous shutdown centre ) ; as a result , the second @-@ line centre recorded career @-@ highs in goals and points . Near the end of the season , Malhotra was struck in the eye by a puck during a game against the Colorado Avalanche on March 16 , 2011 . He immediately left the ice and underwent eye surgery the following day . It was announced on March 21 , 2011 that Malhotra would not be returning to the lineup for the rest of the regular season and the playoffs , without further comment on Malhotra 's condition . Eight days later , he underwent a second successful surgery on his eye . Limited to 72 games , Malhotra recorded his third consecutive 30 @-@ point season with 11 goals and 19 assists , while playing on the Canucks ' third line with Raffi Torres and Jannik Hansen . His 61 @.@ 7 % faceoff percentage ranked second in the league behind David Steckel . The campaign also included the 100th goal of his NHL career , scored in a 3 @-@ 0 win against the Anaheim Ducks on March 6 , 2011 . On a team @-@ basis , Malhotra 's first season with the Canucks saw them earn the Presidents ' Trophy for having the best regular season record in the league . In the midst of his recovery , Malhotra made an appearance during the team 's pre @-@ game ceremony at Rogers Arena , co @-@ accepting the trophy with captain Henrik Sedin . Despite original statements from the team that he would not return for the playoffs , Malhotra began working his way up from light practices with the team in May 2011 . By the end of the month , he was cleared by doctors to play in the Stanley Cup Finals . Though he remained out of the lineup for Game 1 , he returned for the following contest and played the rest of the series as the team 's fourth @-@ line centre ( late @-@ season acquisition Maxim Lapierre filled in for Malhotra on the third line ) . Playing against the Boston Bruins , the Finals went to a seventh game , which the Canucks lost . Malhotra 's regular season performance earned him six first @-@ place votes out of 125 for the Selke Trophy . He ranked fifth in balloting , as teammate Ryan Kesler won the distinction at the year @-@ end Awards Ceremony . Having lost a significant amount of his vision in his left eye , Malhotra struggled in his first full season since the injury in 2011 – 12 . He was supplanted as the Canucks ' third @-@ line centre by rookie Cody Hodgson and later Samuel Pahlsson . Canucks head coach Alain Vigneault assessed Malhotra during the season as " not the same physical player he was before , " adding that " He 's still contributing but not maybe to the degree that he was before he got injured . " Playing left wing on the fourth line , he remained an integral part of the team by playing on the penalty kill and taking important defensive zone faceoffs . Near the end of the campaign , Malhotra was chosen as the Canucks ' nomine
[ "e", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Bill", "▁Master", "ton", "▁Tro", "phy", "▁,", "▁an", "▁annual", "▁N", "HL", "▁award", "▁for", "▁per", "se", "ver", "ance", "▁,", "▁sport", "sm", "ans", "hip", "▁and", "▁dedic", "ation", "▁to", "▁hockey", "▁.", "▁With", "▁a", "▁dimin", "ished", "▁off", "ensive", "▁role", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁finished", "▁his", "▁second", "▁season", "▁in", "▁V", "ancouver", "▁with", "▁", "7", "▁goals", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "▁points", "▁over", "▁", "7", "8", "▁games", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁a", "▁-", "1", "0", "▁plus", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minus", "▁rating", "▁.", "▁He", "▁remained", "▁among", "▁the", "▁league", "▁'", "s", "▁el", "ite", "▁in", "▁terms", "▁of", "▁face", "offs", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁ranking", "▁fourth", "▁with", "▁a", "▁", "5", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁%", "▁percentage", "▁.", "▁", "▁Cont", "inu", "ing", "▁to", "▁struggle", "▁with", "▁his", "▁eye", "▁injury", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁was", "▁put", "▁on", "▁the", "▁injured", "▁reserve", "▁a", "▁month", "▁into", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "3", "▁season", "▁.", "▁F", "ear", "ing", "▁for", "▁his", "▁long", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁term", "▁health", "▁,", "▁Can", "uck", "s", "▁general", "▁manager", "▁Mike", "▁Gill", "is", "▁took", "▁him", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁line", "up", "▁for", "▁the", "▁season", "▁,", "▁a", "▁decision", "▁that", "▁he", "▁described", "▁as", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁hard", "est", "▁thing", "▁[", "▁he", "▁has", "▁]", "▁done", "▁in", "▁[", "▁his", "▁]", "▁job", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁had", "▁appeared", "▁in", "▁nine", "▁games", "▁without", "▁recording", "▁a", "▁point", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Carolina", "▁H", "urr", "ican", "es", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁At", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁N", "HL", "▁season", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁became", "▁an", "▁un", "rest", "rict", "ed", "▁free", "▁agent", "▁.", "▁After", "▁being", "▁unsigned", "▁by", "▁an", "▁N", "HL", "▁team", "▁at", "▁the", "▁start", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "▁season", "▁and", "▁looking", "▁to", "▁continue", "▁his", "▁playing", "▁career", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁signed", "▁a", "▁", "2", "5", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁game", "▁professional", "▁try", "▁out", "▁(", "▁P", "TO", "▁)", "▁contract", "▁with", "▁the", "▁A", "HL", "▁'", "s", "▁Charlotte", "▁Check", "ers", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Carolina", "▁H", "urr", "ican", "es", "▁signed", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁to", "▁a", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁two", "▁way", "▁contract", "▁on", "▁October", "▁", "3", "1", "▁and", "▁he", "▁made", "▁his", "▁Carolina", "▁debut", "▁against", "▁the", "▁New", "▁York", "▁R", "angers", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "2", "▁.", "▁On", "▁November", "▁", "6", "▁,", "▁Mann", "y", "▁scored", "▁his", "▁first", "▁N", "HL", "▁goal", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "▁months", "▁,", "▁scoring", "▁a", "▁game", "▁winner", "▁in", "▁over", "time", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Fly", "ers", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁measure", "▁of", "▁the", "▁amount", "▁of", "▁respect", "▁he", "▁has", "▁earned", "▁in", "▁the", "▁lo", "cker", "▁room", "▁in", "▁just", "▁a", "▁few", "▁weeks", "▁,", "▁Mann", "y", "▁was", "▁selected", "▁to", "▁be", "▁an", "▁inter", "im", "▁Ass", "istant", "▁Captain", "▁while", "▁Tim", "▁G", "le", "ason", "▁is", "▁out", "▁with", "▁an", "▁injury", "▁.", "▁After", "▁G", "le", "ason", "▁was", "▁trad", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Toronto", "▁Map", "le", "▁Le", "af", "s", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁was", "▁officially", "▁declared", "▁Altern", "ate", "▁Captain", "▁for", "▁the", "▁remainder", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Montreal", "▁Canad", "iens", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁July", "▁", "1", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁signed", "▁as", "▁a", "▁free", "▁agent", "▁to", "▁a", "▁one", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Montreal", "▁Canad", "iens", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁–", "▁", "1", "5", "▁season", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁was", "▁primarily", "▁used", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Canad", "iens", "▁fourth", "▁line", "▁center", "▁and", "▁face", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁off", "▁special", "ist", "▁.", "▁On", "▁February", "▁", "2", "8", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁scored", "▁his", "▁first", "▁and", "▁only", "▁goal", "▁with", "▁Montreal", "▁in", "▁his", "▁", "5", "3", "rd", "▁appearance", "▁in", "▁a", "▁", "4", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "0", "▁victory", "▁over", "▁the", "▁Toronto", "▁Map", "le", "▁Le", "af", "s", "▁.", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁completed", "▁the", "▁season", "▁register", "ing", "▁only", "▁", "4", "▁points", "▁in", "▁", "5", "8", "▁cont", "ests", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁May", "▁", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁announced", "▁by", "▁Canad", "iens", "▁G", "M", "▁Marc", "▁Ber", "ge", "vin", "▁,", "▁that", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁would", "▁not", "▁return", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Montreal", "▁Canad", "iens", "▁next", "▁season", "▁.", "▁In", "▁July", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁officially", "▁became", "▁a", "▁Free", "▁Agent", "▁and", "▁proceeded", "▁to", "▁go", "▁un", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁signed", "▁over", "▁the", "▁summer", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁months", "▁into", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁–", "▁", "1", "6", "▁season", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁returned", "▁within", "▁the", "▁Columb", "us", "▁Blue", "▁Jack", "ets", "▁organization", "▁by", "▁signing", "▁a", "▁professional", "▁try", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁out", "▁contract", "▁with", "▁American", "▁Hockey", "▁League", "▁affili", "ate", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Lake", "▁Er", "ie", "▁Mon", "sters", "▁on", "▁December", "▁", "3", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "5", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁International", "▁career", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁summer", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁capt", "ained", "▁Canada", "▁'", "s", "▁under", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "8", "▁team", "▁to", "▁a", "▁championship", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "3", "▁Nations", "▁Cup", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Czech", "▁Republic", "▁.", "▁Canada", "▁finished", "▁as", "▁tournament", "▁champions", "▁,", "▁going", "▁und", "efe", "ated", "▁over", "▁six", "▁games", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Czech", "▁Republic", "▁and", "▁Slov", "ak", "ia", "▁in", "▁the", "▁three", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁country", "▁competition", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁following", "▁year", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁was", "▁named", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Canadian", "▁national", "▁under", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "▁team", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁World", "▁Junior", "▁Championships", "▁,", "▁held", "▁in", "▁Finland", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁the", "▁second", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁young", "est", "▁player", "▁on", "▁the", "▁team", "▁,", "▁behind", "▁Vincent", "▁L", "ec", "aval", "ier", "▁.", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁was", "▁point", "less", "▁in", "▁seven", "▁games", "▁as", "▁Canada", "▁was", "▁defeated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁quarter", "final", "▁by", "▁Russia", "▁", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁year", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁not", "▁available", "▁for", "▁the", "▁tournament", "▁as", "▁he", "▁was", "▁playing", "▁in", "▁the", "▁N", "HL", "▁with", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁loan", "ed", "▁to", "▁Team", "▁Canada", "▁by", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁'", "▁organization", "▁,", "▁as", "▁he", "▁was", "▁still", "▁el", "ig", "ible", "▁as", "▁a", "▁junior", "▁.", "▁Ser", "ving", "▁as", "▁team", "▁captain", "▁,", "▁he", "▁not", "ched", "▁two", "▁ass", "ists", "▁over", "▁seven", "▁games", "▁in", "▁the", "▁tournament", "▁,", "▁held", "▁in", "▁Sweden", "▁.", "▁Canada", "▁earned", "▁the", "▁bronze", "▁medal", "▁,", "▁defe", "ating", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁", "4", "▁–", "▁", "3", "▁in", "▁a", "▁shoot", "out", "▁.", "▁", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁deb", "uted", "▁with", "▁Canada", "▁'", "s", "▁men", "▁'", "s", "▁team", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁World" ]
e for the Bill Masterton Trophy , an annual NHL award for perseverance , sportsmanship and dedication to hockey . With a diminished offensive role , Malhotra finished his second season in Vancouver with 7 goals and 18 points over 78 games , as well as a -10 plus @-@ minus rating . He remained among the league 's elite in terms of faceoffs , however , ranking fourth with a 58 @.@ 5 % percentage . Continuing to struggle with his eye injury , Malhotra was put on the injured reserve a month into the 2012 @-@ 13 season . Fearing for his long @-@ term health , Canucks general manager Mike Gillis took him out of the lineup for the season , a decision that he described as the " hardest thing [ he has ] done in [ his ] job . " Malhotra had appeared in nine games without recording a point . = = = Carolina Hurricanes = = = At the end of the 2013 NHL season , Malhotra became an unrestricted free agent . After being unsigned by an NHL team at the start of the 2013 – 14 season and looking to continue his playing career Malhotra signed a 25 @-@ game professional try out ( PTO ) contract with the AHL 's Charlotte Checkers . The Carolina Hurricanes signed Malhotra to a one @-@ year two way contract on October 31 and he made his Carolina debut against the New York Rangers on November 2 . On November 6 , Manny scored his first NHL goal in 19 months , scoring a game winner in overtime against the Flyers . As a measure of the amount of respect he has earned in the locker room in just a few weeks , Manny was selected to be an interim Assistant Captain while Tim Gleason is out with an injury . After Gleason was traded to the Toronto Maple Leafs , Malhotra was officially declared Alternate Captain for the remainder of the season . = = = Montreal Canadiens = = = On July 1 , 2014 , Malhotra signed as a free agent to a one @-@ year deal with the Montreal Canadiens . In the 2014 – 15 season , Malhotra was primarily used as the Canadiens fourth line center and face @-@ off specialist . On February 28 , 2015 , Malhotra scored his first and only goal with Montreal in his 53rd appearance in a 4 @-@ 0 victory over the Toronto Maple Leafs . Malhotra completed the season registering only 4 points in 58 contests . On May 15 , 2015 , it was announced by Canadiens GM Marc Bergevin , that Malhotra would not return to the Montreal Canadiens next season . In July 2015 , Malhotra officially became a Free Agent and proceeded to go un @-@ signed over the summer . Two months into the 2015 – 16 season , Malhotra returned within the Columbus Blue Jackets organization by signing a professional try @-@ out contract with American Hockey League affiliate , the Lake Erie Monsters on December 3 , 2015 . = = International career = = In the summer of 1997 , Malhotra captained Canada 's under @-@ 18 team to a championship at the 3 Nations Cup in the Czech Republic . Canada finished as tournament champions , going undefeated over six games against the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the three @-@ country competition . The following year , Malhotra was named to the Canadian national under @-@ 20 team for the 1998 World Junior Championships , held in Finland . He was the second @-@ youngest player on the team , behind Vincent Lecavalier . Malhotra was pointless in seven games as Canada was defeated in the quarterfinal by Russia 2 – 1 . The following year , he was not available for the tournament as he was playing in the NHL with the Rangers . In 2000 , however , he was loaned to Team Canada by the Rangers ' organization , as he was still eligible as a junior . Serving as team captain , he notched two assists over seven games in the tournament , held in Sweden . Canada earned the bronze medal , defeating the United States 4 – 3 in a shootout . Malhotra debuted with Canada 's men 's team at the 2002 World
[ "▁Championships", "▁in", "▁Sweden", "▁.", "▁He", "▁recorded", "▁no", "▁points", "▁in", "▁seven", "▁games", "▁as", "▁Canada", "▁was", "▁elimin", "ated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁quarter", "final", "▁by", "▁Slov", "ak", "ia", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Personal", "▁life", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁was", "▁born", "▁and", "▁raised", "▁in", "▁Mississ", "aug", "a", "▁,", "▁Ontario", "▁.", "▁His", "▁father", "▁,", "▁Sh", "adi", "▁was", "▁born", "▁in", "▁L", "ah", "ore", "▁and", "▁worked", "▁as", "▁a", "▁research", "▁chem", "ist", "▁for", "▁X", "ero", "x", "▁.", "▁He", "▁holds", "▁over", "▁", "1", "1", "0", "▁pat", "ents", "▁and", "▁is", "▁now", "▁retired", "▁.", "▁His", "▁mother", "▁,", "▁L", "ise", "▁,", "▁is", "▁a", "▁French", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Canadian", "▁and", "▁was", "▁a", "▁stay", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁at", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁home", "▁mom", "▁.", "▁His", "▁parents", "▁both", "▁hold", "▁doctor", "ate", "▁degrees", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Univers", "ité", "▁L", "aval", "▁in", "▁Quebec", "▁City", "▁–", "▁his", "▁father", "▁'", "s", "▁in", "▁polym", "er", "▁chem", "istry", "▁and", "▁his", "▁mother", "▁'", "s", "▁in", "▁bio", "chem", "istry", "▁–", "▁and", "▁prior", "it", "ized", "▁education", "▁for", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁.", "▁Due", "▁to", "▁his", "▁mother", "▁'", "s", "▁French", "▁background", "▁,", "▁he", "▁spoke", "▁both", "▁French", "▁and", "▁English", "▁at", "▁home", "▁.", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁has", "▁three", "▁sib", "lings", "▁,", "▁two", "▁brothers", "▁and", "▁a", "▁sister", "▁.", "▁", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁started", "▁playing", "▁organized", "▁hockey", "▁at", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁seven", "▁.", "▁He", "▁attended", "▁John", "▁F", "ras", "er", "▁Second", "ary", "▁School", "▁in", "▁Mississ", "aug", "a", "▁before", "▁gradu", "ating", "▁from", "▁Our", "▁Lady", "▁of", "▁L", "our", "des", "▁in", "▁Gu", "el", "ph", "▁,", "▁Ontario", "▁.", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁Gu", "el", "ph", "▁to", "▁begin", "▁his", "▁O", "HL", "▁career", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Gu", "el", "ph", "▁Storm", "▁,", "▁during", "▁which", "▁time", "▁he", "▁was", "▁awarded", "▁the", "▁Bobby", "▁Smith", "▁Tro", "phy", "▁as", "▁the", "▁O", "HL", "▁'", "s", "▁sch", "ol", "astic", "▁player", "▁of", "▁the", "▁year", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁.", "▁He", "▁has", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁it", "▁as", "▁the", "▁award", "▁he", "▁is", "▁most", "▁proud", "▁of", "▁in", "▁his", "▁hockey", "▁career", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁,", "▁he", "▁received", "▁the", "▁National", "▁Le", "ad", "ership", "▁Award", "▁in", "▁a", "▁ceremony", "▁at", "▁his", "▁former", "▁high", "▁school", "▁in", "▁Gu", "el", "ph", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁his", "▁initial", "▁years", "▁with", "▁the", "▁R", "angers", "▁,", "▁the", "▁organization", "▁arranged", "▁for", "▁him", "▁to", "▁live", "▁with", "▁former", "▁player", "▁Doug", "▁S", "ull", "iman", "▁and", "▁his", "▁family", "▁.", "▁In", "▁September", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁married", "▁Jo", "ann", "▁Nash", "▁,", "▁sister", "▁of", "▁National", "▁Basketball", "▁Association", "▁(", "▁NBA", "▁)", "▁star", "▁Steve", "▁Nash", "▁and", "▁former", "▁V", "ancouver", "▁White", "c", "aps", "▁FC", "▁mid", "f", "iel", "der", "▁Martin", "▁Nash", "▁.", "▁Mal", "hot", "ra", "▁and", "▁Jo", "ann", "▁had", "▁their", "▁first", "▁child", "▁in", "▁the", "▁summer", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁a", "▁boy", "▁named", "▁C", "ale", "b", "▁.", "▁Their", "▁second", "▁son", "▁,", "▁Isa", "iah", "▁,", "▁was", "▁born", "▁on", "▁September", "▁", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Career", "▁statistics", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Reg", "ular", "▁season", "▁and", "▁play", "offs", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁International", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Awards", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁W", "ays", "▁and", "▁Me", "ans", "▁(", "▁The", "▁West", "▁Wing", "▁)", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁W", "ays", "▁and", "▁Me", "ans", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁the", "▁", "4", "7", "th", "▁The", "▁West", "▁Wing", "▁episode", "▁and", "▁", "3", "rd", "▁of", "▁the", "▁third", "▁season", "▁.", "▁It", "▁originally", "▁a", "ired", "▁on", "▁N", "BC", "▁October", "▁", "2", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁sees", "▁the", "▁beg", "inn", "ings", "▁of", "▁President", "▁Bart", "let", "▁'", "s", "▁Cong", "r", "essional", "▁hear", "ings", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁negoti", "ations", "▁over", "▁the", "▁estate", "▁tax", "▁.", "▁Writ", "ten", "▁by", "▁A", "aron", "▁S", "ork", "in", "▁,", "▁Eli", "▁Att", "ie", "▁and", "▁Gene", "▁S", "per", "ling", "▁,", "▁and", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁Alex", "▁Gra", "ves", "▁,", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁contains", "▁the", "▁first", "▁appearances", "▁by", "▁Mark", "▁Feuer", "stein", "▁as", "▁Cl", "iff", "ord", "▁\"", "▁Cl", "iff", "▁\"", "▁Cal", "ley", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁also", "▁guest", "▁appearances", "▁by", "▁Thom", "▁Barry", "▁,", "▁Nicholas", "▁P", "ry", "or", "▁and", "▁Miguel", "▁Sand", "oval", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Plot", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁sub", "po", "enas", "▁are", "▁handed", "▁out", "▁in", "▁the", "▁hearing", "▁over", "▁Bart", "let", "▁'", "s", "▁conce", "al", "ment", "▁of", "▁his", "▁multiple", "▁s", "cl", "eros", "is", "▁.", "▁The", "▁special", "▁pro", "sec", "utor", "▁,", "▁Clement", "▁Roll", "ins", "▁(", "▁P", "ry", "or", "▁)", "▁,", "▁appears", "▁to", "▁be", "▁both", "▁fair", "▁and", "▁responsible", "▁,", "▁but", "▁C", ".", "J", ".", "▁bel", "ieves", "▁the", "▁White", "▁House", "▁will", "▁be", "▁better", "▁served", "▁in", "▁the", "▁public", "▁eye", "▁if", "▁investig", "ated", "▁by", "▁a", "▁part", "isan", "▁agent", "▁.", "▁She", "▁therefore", "▁dec", "ides", "▁—", "▁against", "▁the", "▁strong", "▁ob", "jections", "▁of", "▁White", "▁House", "▁coun", "sel", "▁Oliver", "▁Bab", "ish", "▁—", "▁to", "▁present", "▁Roll", "ins", "▁as", "▁an", "▁al", "ly", "▁of", "▁the", "▁administration", "▁,", "▁thereby", "▁forcing", "▁Congress", "▁to", "▁take", "▁control", "▁over", "▁the", "▁investigation", "▁.", "▁Meanwhile", "▁Don", "na", "▁,", "▁unw", "itting", "ly", "▁,", "▁becomes", "▁ent", "ang", "led", "▁in", "▁potential", "▁problems", "▁over", "▁the", "▁hear", "ings", "▁.", "▁A", "ins", "ley", "▁Hay", "es", "▁sets", "▁her", "▁up", "▁on", "▁a", "▁date", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Republican", "▁House", "▁Government", "▁O", "vers", "ight", "▁Committee", "▁coun", "sel", "▁Cl", "iff", "ord", "▁Cal", "ley", "▁,", "▁but", "▁even", "▁though", "▁the", "▁date", "▁seems", "▁to", "▁go", "▁well", "▁,", "▁Cal", "ley", "▁then", "▁leaves", "▁her", "▁quite", "▁ab", "rupt", "ly", "▁in", "▁the", "▁middle", "▁of", "▁the", "▁street", "▁.", "▁Don", "na", "▁later", "▁real", "izes", "▁the", "▁reason", "▁:", "▁his", "▁con", "gression", "al", "▁committee", "▁is", "▁the", "▁one", "▁that", "▁will", "▁be", "▁in", "▁charge", "▁of", "▁the", "▁investigation", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁relationship", "▁between", "▁the", "▁two", "▁could", "▁const", "itute", "▁a", "▁conflict", "▁of", "▁interest", "▁.", "▁", "▁While", "▁Sam", "▁and", "▁Bruno", "▁are", "▁concerned", "▁about", "▁the", "▁loyal", "ty", "▁of", "▁a", "▁powerful", "▁California", "▁union", "▁official", "▁(", "▁Sand", "oval", "▁)", "▁,", "▁T", "oby", "▁and", "▁Josh", "▁are", "▁prepar", "ing", "▁for", "▁a", "▁meeting", "▁with", "▁the", "▁con", "gression", "al", "▁opposition", "▁to", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁negoti", "ate", "▁the", "▁estate", "▁tax", "▁—", "▁or", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁death", "▁tax", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Republic", "ans", "▁have", "▁l", "abeled", "▁it", "▁—", "▁but", "▁are", "▁then", "▁surprised", "▁by", "▁a", "▁last", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁minute", "▁can", "cellation", "▁.", "▁It", "▁soon", "▁becomes", "▁clear", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Republic", "ans", "▁are", "▁planning", "▁to", "▁repe", "al", "▁the", "▁estate", "▁tax", "▁altogether", "▁,", "▁and", "▁might", "▁have", "▁the", "▁votes", "▁to", "▁do", "▁so", "▁.", "▁An", "▁attempt", "▁to", "▁win", "▁over", "▁the", "▁black", "▁c", "au", "cus", "▁,", "▁led", "▁by", "▁Congress", "man", "▁Mark", "▁Richard", "son", "▁(", "▁Barry", "▁)", "▁,", "▁fails", "▁.", "▁At", "▁a", "▁loss", "▁over", "▁what", "▁to", "▁do", "▁,", "▁an", "▁initi", "ative", "▁comes", "▁from", "▁unexpected", "▁qu", "arters", "▁.", "▁The", "▁previously", "▁over", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁c" ]
Championships in Sweden . He recorded no points in seven games as Canada was eliminated in the quarterfinal by Slovakia . = = Personal life = = Malhotra was born and raised in Mississauga , Ontario . His father , Shadi was born in Lahore and worked as a research chemist for Xerox . He holds over 110 patents and is now retired . His mother , Lise , is a French @-@ Canadian and was a stay @-@ at @-@ home mom . His parents both hold doctorate degrees from the Université Laval in Quebec City – his father 's in polymer chemistry and his mother 's in biochemistry – and prioritized education for Malhotra . Due to his mother 's French background , he spoke both French and English at home . Malhotra has three siblings , two brothers and a sister . Malhotra started playing organized hockey at the age of seven . He attended John Fraser Secondary School in Mississauga before graduating from Our Lady of Lourdes in Guelph , Ontario . Malhotra moved to Guelph to begin his OHL career with the Guelph Storm , during which time he was awarded the Bobby Smith Trophy as the OHL 's scholastic player of the year in 1998 . He has referred to it as the award he is most proud of in his hockey career . In 2009 , he received the National Leadership Award in a ceremony at his former high school in Guelph . In his initial years with the Rangers , the organization arranged for him to live with former player Doug Sulliman and his family . In September 2007 , Malhotra married Joann Nash , sister of National Basketball Association ( NBA ) star Steve Nash and former Vancouver Whitecaps FC midfielder Martin Nash . Malhotra and Joann had their first child in the summer of 2008 , a boy named Caleb . Their second son , Isaiah , was born on September 30 , 2012 . = = Career statistics = = = = = Regular season and playoffs = = = = = = International = = = = = Awards = = = Ways and Means ( The West Wing ) = " Ways and Means " is the 47th The West Wing episode and 3rd of the third season . It originally aired on NBC October 24 , 2001 . The episode sees the beginnings of President Bartlet 's Congressional hearings , as well as negotiations over the estate tax . Written by Aaron Sorkin , Eli Attie and Gene Sperling , and directed by Alex Graves , the episode contains the first appearances by Mark Feuerstein as Clifford " Cliff " Calley . There are also guest appearances by Thom Barry , Nicholas Pryor and Miguel Sandoval . = = Plot = = The subpoenas are handed out in the hearing over Bartlet 's concealment of his multiple sclerosis . The special prosecutor , Clement Rollins ( Pryor ) , appears to be both fair and responsible , but C.J. believes the White House will be better served in the public eye if investigated by a partisan agent . She therefore decides — against the strong objections of White House counsel Oliver Babish — to present Rollins as an ally of the administration , thereby forcing Congress to take control over the investigation . Meanwhile Donna , unwittingly , becomes entangled in potential problems over the hearings . Ainsley Hayes sets her up on a date with the Republican House Government Oversight Committee counsel Clifford Calley , but even though the date seems to go well , Calley then leaves her quite abruptly in the middle of the street . Donna later realizes the reason : his congressional committee is the one that will be in charge of the investigation , and a relationship between the two could constitute a conflict of interest . While Sam and Bruno are concerned about the loyalty of a powerful California union official ( Sandoval ) , Toby and Josh are preparing for a meeting with the congressional opposition to re @-@ negotiate the estate tax — or the " death tax " as the Republicans have labeled it — but are then surprised by a last @-@ minute cancellation . It soon becomes clear that the Republicans are planning to repeal the estate tax altogether , and might have the votes to do so . An attempt to win over the black caucus , led by Congressman Mark Richardson ( Barry ) , fails . At a loss over what to do , an initiative comes from unexpected quarters . The previously over @-@ c
[ "aut", "ious", "▁political", "▁strateg", "ist", "▁,", "▁Doug", "▁Weg", "land", "▁,", "▁suggests", "▁the", "▁president", "▁respond", "s", "▁by", "▁doing", "▁something", "▁he", "▁has", "▁never", "▁done", "▁before", "▁:", "▁v", "eto", "▁the", "▁bill", "▁.", "▁", "▁President", "▁Bart", "let", "▁himself", "▁is", "▁confront", "ed", "▁with", "▁a", "▁forest", "▁fire", "▁in", "▁Wy", "oming", "▁,", "▁and", "▁dec", "ides", "▁to", "▁follow", "▁the", "▁counter", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁intuit", "ive", "▁advice", "▁of", "▁his", "▁exper", "ts", "▁,", "▁and", "▁let", "▁the", "▁fire", "▁burn", "▁.", "▁Meanwhile", "▁he", "▁is", "▁still", "▁struggling", "▁to", "▁deal", "▁with", "▁the", "▁death", "▁of", "▁his", "▁per", "enn", "ial", "▁personal", "▁secretary", "▁,", "▁Mrs", ".", "▁Land", "ingham", "▁.", "▁Charlie", "▁ins", "ists", "▁that", "▁it", "▁is", "▁necessary", "▁to", "▁appoint", "▁a", "▁new", "▁person", "▁to", "▁fill", "▁the", "▁position", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁president", "▁is", "▁rel", "uct", "ant", "▁to", "▁take", "▁the", "▁step", "▁.", "▁As", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁ends", "▁,", "▁Bart", "let", "▁is", "▁searching", "▁for", "▁a", "▁good", "▁pen", "▁,", "▁and", "▁real", "izes", "▁the", "▁full", "▁depth", "▁of", "▁his", "▁dependence", "▁on", "▁Mrs", ".", "▁Land", "ingham", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁According", "▁to", "▁S", "ork", "in", "▁,", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁benef", "ited", "▁greatly", "▁from", "▁input", "▁by", "▁two", "▁former", "▁White", "▁House", "▁employees", "▁.", "▁The", "▁scene", "▁where", "▁Don", "na", "▁stays", "▁up", "▁all", "▁night", "▁sorting", "▁through", "▁documents", "▁in", "▁cart", "ons", "▁was", "▁the", "▁idea", "▁of", "▁Eli", "▁Att", "ie", "▁,", "▁Al", "▁G", "ore", "▁'", "s", "▁chief", "▁speech", "writer", "▁.", "▁Meanwhile", "▁Gene", "▁S", "per", "ling", "▁,", "▁Bill", "▁Cl", "inton", "▁'", "s", "▁chief", "▁economic", "▁advis", "er", "▁,", "▁came", "▁up", "▁with", "▁the", "▁sub", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁plot", "▁involving", "▁the", "▁estate", "▁tax", "▁.", "▁S", "ork", "in", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁had", "▁certain", "▁mis", "giv", "ings", "▁about", "▁the", "▁estate", "▁tax", "▁story", "▁'", "s", "▁appeal", "▁,", "▁considering", "▁the", "▁pre", "val", "ent", "▁b", "ipart", "isan", "▁spirit", "▁of", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁after", "math", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "9", "▁/", "▁", "1", "1", "▁attacks", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁one", "▁scene", "▁Sam", "▁Se", "ab", "orn", "▁speak", "s", "▁to", "▁a", "▁Lat", "ino", "▁labor", "▁leader", "▁,", "▁and", "▁as", "▁the", "▁discussion", "▁he", "ats", "▁up", "▁he", "▁switch", "es", "▁into", "▁Spanish", "▁.", "▁The", "▁lo", "bb", "y", "ist", "▁,", "▁Victor", "▁Cam", "pos", "▁,", "▁claims", "▁that", "▁he", "▁has", "▁been", "▁used", "▁for", "▁public", "▁relations", "▁purposes", "▁,", "▁something", "▁Sam", "▁den", "ies", "▁.", "▁Rob", "▁L", "owe", "▁,", "▁who", "▁plays", "▁Se", "ab", "orn", "▁,", "▁had", "▁to", "▁learn", "▁to", "▁speak", "▁the", "▁language", "▁convin", "cing", "ly", "▁especially", "▁for", "▁this", "▁episode", "▁.", "▁S", "ork", "in", "▁commented", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁tend", "▁to", "▁tort", "ure", "▁Rob", "▁a", "▁little", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cultural", "▁references", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁one", "▁scene", "▁,", "▁C", ".", "J", ".", "▁says", "▁that", "▁special", "▁pro", "sec", "utor", "▁Roll", "ins", "▁was", "▁the", "▁editor", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Y", "ale", "▁Law", "▁Review", "▁.", "▁There", "▁is", "▁no", "▁such", "▁thing", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Y", "ale", "▁Law", "▁Review", "▁,", "▁though", "▁the", "▁journal", "▁of", "▁legal", "▁scholar", "ship", "▁affili", "ated", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Y", "ale", "▁Law", "▁School", "▁is", "▁called", "▁the", "▁Y", "ale", "▁Law", "▁Journal", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁(", "▁also", "▁known", "▁as", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "urban", "▁;", "▁translation", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁commander", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁was", "▁a", "▁title", "▁den", "oting", "▁the", "▁commander", "▁or", "▁leader", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁tribes", "▁in", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁in", "▁success", "ive", "▁Muslim", "▁states", "▁during", "▁the", "▁Middle", "▁A", "ges", "▁.", "▁The", "▁title", "▁was", "▁used", "▁as", "▁early", "▁as", "▁the", "▁", "1", "1", "th", "▁century", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁formally", "▁turned", "▁into", "▁a", "▁state", "▁institution", "▁by", "▁the", "▁A", "yy", "ub", "id", "▁Sultan", "ate", "▁and", "▁strength", "ened", "▁by", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁'", "s", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁success", "ors", "▁.", "▁The", "▁office", "▁was", "▁preserved", "▁under", "▁the", "▁early", "▁Ott", "om", "ans", "▁(", "▁", "1", "6", "th", "▁–", "▁", "1", "7", "th", "▁centuries", "▁)", "▁,", "▁at", "▁least", "▁cer", "emon", "ial", "ly", "▁,", "▁but", "▁its", "▁importance", "▁had", "▁f", "aded", "▁by", "▁then", "▁.", "▁The", "▁juris", "diction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁was", "▁generally", "▁limited", "▁to", "▁central", "▁and", "▁northern", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁often", "▁held", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "at", "▁(", "▁f", "ief", "s", "▁)", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Sy", "rian", "▁ste", "ppe", "▁,", "▁which", "▁formed", "▁the", "▁im", "ar", "at", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁(", "▁em", "ir", "ate", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁im", "ar", "at", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁was", "▁created", "▁both", "▁to", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁opt", "▁the", "▁often", "▁reb", "elli", "ous", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁tribes", "▁of", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁and", "▁to", "▁en", "list", "▁their", "▁support", "▁as", "▁auxili", "ary", "▁troops", "▁.", "▁Under", "▁the", "▁Mam", "lu", "ks", "▁,", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁principal", "▁duties", "▁of", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁were", "▁guard", "ing", "▁the", "▁desert", "▁front", 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"▁of", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁rule", "▁in", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁in", "▁", "1", "2", "6", "0", "▁,", "▁it", "▁became", "▁a", "▁her", "edit", "ary", "▁office", "▁cons", "olid", "ated", "▁by", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Al", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁dynast", "y", "▁,", "▁direct", "▁descend", "ants", "▁of", "▁the", "▁T", "ay", "y", "id", "▁cl", "an", "▁of", "▁Ban", "u", "▁Jar", "rah", "▁.", "▁The", "▁office", "▁remained", "▁in", "▁the", "▁household", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Al", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁em", "ir", "▁,", "▁Isa", "▁ibn", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁,", "▁with", "▁occas", "ional", "▁inter", "ruption", "▁,", "▁well", "▁into", "▁the", "▁early", "▁Ott", "oman", "▁era", "▁,", "▁during", "▁which", "▁Isa", "▁'", "s", "▁descend", "ants", "▁took", "▁over", "▁leadership", "▁of", "▁the", "▁M", "aw", "ali", "▁tribe", "▁.", "▁Under", "▁the", "▁Ott", "om", "ans", "▁,", "▁the", "▁role", "▁of", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁appeared", "▁centered", "▁on", "▁providing", "▁cam", "els", "▁to", "▁the", "▁state", "▁and", "▁guard", "ing", "▁the", "▁H", "aj", "j", "▁pil", "gr", "im", "▁car" ]
autious political strategist , Doug Wegland , suggests the president responds by doing something he has never done before : veto the bill . President Bartlet himself is confronted with a forest fire in Wyoming , and decides to follow the counter @-@ intuitive advice of his experts , and let the fire burn . Meanwhile he is still struggling to deal with the death of his perennial personal secretary , Mrs. Landingham . Charlie insists that it is necessary to appoint a new person to fill the position , but the president is reluctant to take the step . As the episode ends , Bartlet is searching for a good pen , and realizes the full depth of his dependence on Mrs. Landingham . = = Production = = According to Sorkin , the episode benefited greatly from input by two former White House employees . The scene where Donna stays up all night sorting through documents in cartons was the idea of Eli Attie , Al Gore 's chief speechwriter . Meanwhile Gene Sperling , Bill Clinton 's chief economic adviser , came up with the sub @-@ plot involving the estate tax . Sorkin , however , had certain misgivings about the estate tax story 's appeal , considering the prevalent bipartisan spirit of the time , in the aftermath of the 9 / 11 attacks . In one scene Sam Seaborn speaks to a Latino labor leader , and as the discussion heats up he switches into Spanish . The lobbyist , Victor Campos , claims that he has been used for public relations purposes , something Sam denies . Rob Lowe , who plays Seaborn , had to learn to speak the language convincingly especially for this episode . Sorkin commented , " I tend to torture Rob a little . " = = Cultural references = = In one scene , C.J. says that special prosecutor Rollins was the editor of the Yale Law Review . There is no such thing as the Yale Law Review , though the journal of legal scholarship affiliated with the Yale Law School is called the Yale Law Journal . = Amir al @-@ ʿarab = The amir al @-@ ʿarab ( also known as amir al @-@ ʿurban ; translation : " commander of the Bedouin " ) was a title denoting the commander or leader of the Bedouin tribes in Syria in successive Muslim states during the Middle Ages . The title was used as early as the 11th century , but was formally turned into a state institution by the Ayyubid Sultanate and strengthened by the latter 's Mamluk successors . The office was preserved under the early Ottomans ( 16th – 17th centuries ) , at least ceremonially , but its importance had faded by then . The jurisdiction of the amir al @-@ ʿarab was generally limited to central and northern Syria , and he often held iqtaʿat ( fiefs ) in the Syrian steppe , which formed the imarat al @-@ ʿarab ( emirate of the Bedouin ) . The imarat al @-@ ʿarab was created both to co @-@ opt the often rebellious Bedouin tribes of Syria and to enlist their support as auxiliary troops . Under the Mamluks , some of the principal duties of the amir al @-@ ʿarab were guarding the desert frontier against the Mongol Ilkhanate in Iraq and Anatolia , ensuring Bedouin loyalty to the state , gathering intelligence on enemy forces , protecting infrastructure , villages and travelers from raids and providing horses and camels to the sultan . In return , the amir al @-@ ʿarab was given iqta 'at , an annual salary , official titles and honorary robes . Under the Ayyubids , numerous Arab emirs held the post at any given time and were endowed with iqtaʿat . However , with the onset of Mamluk rule in Syria in 1260 , it became a hereditary office consolidated by members of the Al Fadl dynasty , direct descendants of the Tayyid clan of Banu Jarrah . The office remained in the household of the Al Fadl emir , Isa ibn Muhanna , with occasional interruption , well into the early Ottoman era , during which Isa 's descendants took over leadership of the Mawali tribe . Under the Ottomans , the role of the amir al @-@ ʿarab appeared centered on providing camels to the state and guarding the Hajj pilgrim car
[ "avan", "▁in", "▁return", "▁for", "▁annual", "▁pay", "ments", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Administration", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁A", "yy", "ub", "ids", "▁founded", "▁the", "▁im", "ar", "at", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁(", "▁em", "ir", "ate", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "ins", "▁)", "▁as", "▁a", "▁formal", "▁state", "▁institution", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁f", "ract", "ious", "▁nature", "▁of", "▁the", "▁A", "yy", "ub", "id", "▁political", "▁system", "▁,", "▁the", "▁appointed", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁(", "▁pl", ".", "▁um", "ara", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁)", "▁was", "▁often", "▁unable", "▁to", "▁maintain", "▁authority", "▁over", "▁all", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁ch", "ie", "ft", "ains", "▁,", "▁who", "▁generally", "▁viewed", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁as", "▁their", "▁equal", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁their", "▁superior", "▁.", "▁Under", "▁the", "▁Mam", "lu", "ks", "▁,", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁s", "ultan", "▁in", "▁Egypt", "▁and", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁a", "▁state", "▁official", "▁.", "▁His", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "▁(", "▁f", "ief", "▁;", "▁pl", ".", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "at", "▁)", "▁gr", "ants", "▁were", "▁given", "▁to", "▁him", "▁in", "▁a", "▁di", "pl", "oma", "▁delivered", "▁by", "▁the", "▁s", "ultan", "▁'", "s", "▁ch", "anc", "ery", "▁or", "▁picked", "▁up", "▁by", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁himself", "▁if", "▁he", "▁was", "▁visit", "ing", "▁the", "▁s", "ultan", "▁'", "s", "▁court", "▁in", "▁C", "airo", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁provinces", "▁of", "▁Dam", "asc", "us", "▁,", "▁Ale", "ppo", "▁and", "▁the", "▁capital", "▁,", "▁C", "airo", "▁,", "▁a", "▁department", "▁called", "▁the", "▁mi", "hm", "and", "ā", "ri", "y", "ya", "▁de", "alt", "▁with", "▁man", "aging", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁affairs", "▁and", "▁receiving", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁.", "▁The", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁and", "▁the", "▁other", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁em", "irs", "▁were", "▁class", "ified", "▁as", "▁ar", "b", "ā", "b", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁su", "y", "ū", "f", "▁(", "▁men", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sword", "▁)", "▁,", "▁i", ".", "e", ".", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁military", "▁hierarchy", "▁.", "▁The", "▁rank", "▁of", "▁an", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁was", "▁equal", "▁to", "▁an", "▁am", "ir", "▁mi", "ʿ", "a", "▁mu", "q", "add", "am", "▁al", "f", "▁(", "▁em", "ir", "▁of", "▁one", "▁hundred", "▁[", "▁mounted", "▁troops", "▁]", "▁,", "▁commander", "▁of", "▁one", "▁thousand", "▁)", "▁and", "▁n", "ā", "ẓ", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁j", "ay", "sh", "▁(", "▁head", "▁of", "▁the", "▁army", "▁)", "▁of", "▁the", "▁province", "▁of", "▁Dam", "asc", "us", "▁and", "▁the", "▁na", "▁'", "ib", "▁(", "▁governor", "▁)", "▁of", "▁H", "oms", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁early", "▁Ott", "om", "ans", "▁preserved", "▁the", "▁im", "ar", "at", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁arab", "▁at", "▁least", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "1", "6", "th", "▁century", "▁,", "▁during", "▁which", "▁the", "▁title", "▁was", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁am", "ir", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁i", "▁Sh", "ā", "m", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁rights", "▁and", "▁role", "▁of", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁arab", "▁and", "▁his", "▁status", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Ott", "oman", "▁administration", "▁in", "▁Ott", "oman", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁are", "▁not", "▁well", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁defined", "▁in", "▁the", "▁contemporary", "▁sources", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁historian", "▁Muhammad", "▁Ad", "nan", "▁B", "akh", "it", "▁.", "▁The", "▁provincial", "▁records", "▁of", "▁Dam", "asc", "us", "▁E", "y", "alet", "▁(", "▁Province", "▁of", "▁Dam", "asc", "us", "▁)", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁juris", "diction", "▁extended", "▁throughout", "▁Sy", 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"▁attention", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁tribes", "▁of", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁as", "▁they", "▁considered", "▁the", "▁region", "▁to", "▁be", "▁an", "▁important", "▁front", "ier", "▁in", "▁the", "▁wars", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Cr", "us", "aders", "▁in", "▁the", "▁coast", "al", "▁areas", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Mong", "ol", "▁Il", "k", "han", "ate", "▁in", "▁An", "atol", "ia", "▁and", "▁Ira", "q", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Mam", "lu", "ks", "▁re", "lied", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁as", "▁auxili", "ary", "▁troops", "▁and", "▁were", "▁w", "ary", "▁of", "▁their", "▁un", "stable", "▁,", "▁but", "▁much", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁needed", "▁,", "▁loyal", "ty", "▁to", "▁the", "▁state", "▁,", "▁and", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁the", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "at", "▁of", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁as", "▁an", "▁\"", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "▁i", "ʿ", "tid", "ā", "d", "▁(", "▁f", "ief", "▁of", "▁reli", "ance", "▁)", "▁.", "▁This", "▁status", "▁officially", "▁pre", "cluded", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁from", "▁the", "▁military", "▁service", "▁required", "▁of", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hold", "ers", "▁,", "▁indicating", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁special", "▁relationship", "▁\"", "▁between", "▁the", "▁state", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁historian", "▁Ts", "ug", "ato", "▁S", "ato", "▁.", "▁In", "▁practice", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁of", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁were", "▁often", "▁called", "▁on", "▁to", "▁particip", "ate", "▁as", "▁auxili", "ary", "▁troops", "▁in", "▁military", "▁exped", "itions", "▁or", "▁in", "▁emer", "gency", "▁situations", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "at", "▁were", "▁small", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁those", "▁of", "▁the", "▁m", "aml", "uk", "▁(", "▁man", "um", "itted", "▁slave", "▁soldier", "▁)", "▁em", "irs", "▁,", "▁though", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁s", "ult", "ans", "▁granted", "▁particularly", "▁gener", "ous", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "at", "▁to", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁.", "▁The", "▁distribution", "▁of", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "at", "▁to", "▁the", "▁tribes", "▁was", "▁done", "▁,", "▁at", "▁least", "▁in", "▁part", "▁,", "▁to", "▁persu", "ade", "▁them", "▁not", "▁pl", "under", "▁the", "▁un", "fort", "ified", "▁towns", "▁and", "▁villages", "▁of", "▁the", "▁coun", "tr", "ys", "ide", "▁as", "▁they", "▁were", "▁normally", "▁wont", "▁to", "▁do", "▁,", "▁and", "▁to", "▁indu", "ce", "▁them", "▁to", "▁co", "oper", "ate", "▁with", "▁the", "▁state", "▁.", "▁The", "▁frequent", "▁re", "bell", "ion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tribes", "▁also", "▁motiv", "ated", "▁the", "▁Mam", "lu", "ks", "▁to", "▁incorpor", "ate", "▁them", "▁into", "▁the", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "▁system", "▁.", "▁The", "▁i", "q", "ta" ]
avan in return for annual payments . = = Administration = = The Ayyubids founded the imarat al @-@ ʿarab ( emirate of the Bedouins ) as a formal state institution . However , due to the fractious nature of the Ayyubid political system , the appointed amir al @-@ ʿarab ( pl. umara al @-@ ʿarab ) was often unable to maintain authority over all of the Bedouin chieftains , who generally viewed the amir al @-@ ʿarab as their equal rather than their superior . Under the Mamluks , the amir al @-@ ʿarab was appointed by the sultan in Egypt and was considered a state official . His iqtaʿ ( fief ; pl. iqtaʿat ) grants were given to him in a diploma delivered by the sultan 's chancery or picked up by the amir al @-@ ʿarab himself if he was visiting the sultan 's court in Cairo . In the Mamluk provinces of Damascus , Aleppo and the capital , Cairo , a department called the mihmandāriyya dealt with managing Bedouin affairs and receiving the amir al @-@ ʿarab . The amir al @-@ ʿarab and the other Bedouin emirs were classified as arbāb al @-@ suyūf ( men of the sword ) , i.e. part of the military hierarchy . The rank of an amir al @-@ ʿarab was equal to an amir miʿa muqaddam alf ( emir of one hundred [ mounted troops ] , commander of one thousand ) and nāẓir al @-@ jaysh ( head of the army ) of the province of Damascus and the na 'ib ( governor ) of Homs . The early Ottomans preserved the imarat al @-@ arab at least during the 16th century , during which the title was referred to as amir ʿarab @-@ i Shām . However , the rights and role of the amir al @-@ arab and his status in the Ottoman administration in Ottoman Syria are not well @-@ defined in the contemporary sources , according to historian Muhammad Adnan Bakhit . The provincial records of Damascus Eyalet ( Province of Damascus ) , whose jurisdiction extended throughout Syria until the mid @-@ 16th century , do not mention the emirate 's function . Moreover , Bakhit asserts that it is unclear if the sultan 's ratification was required for the Bedouin tribes or the provincial government to recognize the amir al @-@ arab . = = = Incorporation into iqtaʿ system = = = Most chieftains under the Ayyubids were incorporated into the iqtaʿ system and received customary payments from the Ayyubids . The Ayyubids ' Mamluk successors paid closer attention to the Bedouin tribes of Syria as they considered the region to be an important frontier in the wars with the Crusaders in the coastal areas and the Mongol Ilkhanate in Anatolia and Iraq . The Mamluks relied on the Bedouin as auxiliary troops and were wary of their unstable , but much @-@ needed , loyalty to the state , and referred to the iqtaʿat of the amir al @-@ ʿarab as an " iqtaʿ iʿtidād ( fief of reliance ) . This status officially precluded the Bedouin from the military service required of iqtaʿ @-@ holders , indicating " a special relationship " between the state and the Bedouin , according to historian Tsugato Sato . In practice , however , the Bedouin of Syria were often called on to participate as auxiliary troops in military expeditions or in emergency situations . The Bedouin iqtaʿat were small compared to those of the mamluk ( manumitted slave soldier ) emirs , though a number of sultans granted particularly generous iqtaʿat to the amir al @-@ ʿarab . The distribution of iqtaʿat to the tribes was done , at least in part , to persuade them not plunder the unfortified towns and villages of the countryside as they were normally wont to do , and to induce them to cooperate with the state . The frequent rebellion of the tribes also motivated the Mamluks to incorporate them into the iqtaʿ system . The iqta
[ "ʿ", "▁of", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁would", "▁often", "▁be", "▁conf", "isc", "ated", "▁in", "▁cases", "▁of", "▁re", "bell", "ion", "▁against", "▁the", "▁s", "ultan", "▁.", "▁In", "▁general", "▁,", "▁Sal", "ami", "y", "ah", "▁and", "▁Pal", "my", "ra", "▁consist", "ently", "▁served", "▁as", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "at", "▁of", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁,", "▁continu", "ing", "▁into", "▁the", "▁early", "▁Ott", "oman", "▁era", "▁,", "▁when", "▁the", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "▁was", "▁supp", "l", "anted", "▁by", "▁the", "▁tim", "ar", "▁.", "▁Besides", "▁Sal", "ami", "y", "ah", "▁and", "▁Pal", "my", "ra", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Ott", "om", "ans", "▁granted", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁tim", "ar", "▁gr", "ants", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Haw", "ran", "▁plain", "▁south", "▁of", "▁Dam", "asc", "us", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁D", "ut", "ies", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁return", "▁for", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "at", "▁,", "▁annual", "▁custom", "ary", "▁pay", "ments", "▁,", "▁and", "▁honor", "ary", "▁titles", "▁and", "▁ro", "bes", "▁,", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁was", "▁expected", "▁to", "▁command", "▁his", "▁hors", "emen", "▁as", "▁auxili", "aries", "▁in", "▁the", "▁wars", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Mong", "ols", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Cr", "us", "aders", "▁,", "▁their", "▁al", "lies", "▁and", "▁reb", "elli", "ous", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁em", "irs", "▁.", "▁Another", "▁expectation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁and", "▁the", "▁lower", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ranking", "▁trib", "al", "▁ch", "ie", "ft", "ains", "▁was", "▁intelligence", "▁gather", "ing", "▁regarding", "▁enemy", "▁movements", "▁near", "▁the", "▁front", "ier", "▁.", "▁Among", "▁the", "▁official", "▁duties", "▁of", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Sy", "rian", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁tribes", "▁was", "▁the", "▁defense", "▁of", "▁the", "▁s", "ultan", "ate", "▁'", "s", "▁boundaries", "▁,", "▁and", "▁maintenance", "▁and", "▁o", "vers", "ight", "▁of", "▁the", "▁roads", "▁,", "▁brid", "ges", "▁and", "▁mountain", "▁passes", "▁of", "▁the", "▁desert", "▁and", "▁within", "▁their", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "at", "▁.", "▁This", "▁also", "▁ent", "a", "iled", "▁the", "▁protection", "▁of", "▁merchant", "▁travel", "ers", "▁and", "▁the", "▁annual", "▁H", "aj", "j", "▁pil", "gr", "im", "▁car", "avan", "▁,", "▁which", "▁travers", "ed", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁territory", "▁to", "▁reach", "▁the", "▁Muslim", "▁holy", "▁cities", "▁of", "▁Me", "cca", "▁and", "▁Med", "ina", "▁in", "▁the", "▁He", "j", "az", "▁.", "▁Trib", "es", "men", "▁also", "▁served", "▁as", "▁desert", "▁gu", "ides", "▁for", "▁the", "▁army", "▁and", "▁state", "▁officials", "▁.", "▁The", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁was", "▁further", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁collect", "ing", "▁zak", "at", "▁(", "▁dues", "▁)", "▁on", 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"▁tribes", "▁participated", "▁in", "▁Um", "ay", "y", "ad", "▁d", "yn", "astic", "▁strugg", "les", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Abb", "as", "id", "▁Revolution", "▁,", "▁the", "▁reb", "elli", "ous", "▁K", "har", "ij", "ite", "▁and", "▁Al", "id", "▁movements", "▁and", "▁isolated", "▁revol", "ts", "▁.", "▁Following", "▁the", "▁Abb", "as", "id", "▁decl", "ine", "▁in", "▁", "8", "6", "1", "▁,", "▁state", "▁authority", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Sy", "rian", "▁Des", "ert", "▁re", "ced", "ed", "▁significantly", "▁,", "▁leaving", "▁the", "▁local", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁tribes", "▁to", "▁fill", "▁the", "▁void", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Ham", "dan", "id", "▁dynast", "y", "▁(", "▁", "8", "9", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "4", "▁)", "▁,", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Ban", "u", "▁Tag", "h", "lib", "▁tribe", "▁,", "▁represented", "▁the", "▁new", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁found", "▁strength", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁,", "▁and", "▁according", "▁to", "▁", "1", "4", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁century", "▁historian", "▁I", "bn", "▁Kh", "ald", "un", "▁,", "▁they", "▁commanded", "▁the", "▁sub", "ser", "vi", "ence", "▁of", "▁all", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁tribes", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Sy", "rian", "▁Des", "ert", "▁and", "▁Upper", "▁Mes", "op", "ot", "am", "ia", "▁.", "▁Other", "▁trib", "al", "▁dynast", "ies", "▁that", "▁emer", "ged", "▁in", "▁this", "▁region", "▁before", "▁or", "▁after", "▁the", "▁he", "yd", "ay", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ham", "dan", "ids", "▁included", "▁the", "▁U", "q", "ay", "l", "ids", "▁(", "▁", "9", "9", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "0", "9", "6", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Num", "ay", "rid", "s", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Ban", "u", "▁Ass", "ad", "▁and", "▁Ban", "u", "▁Kh", "af", "aja", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁late", "▁" ]
ʿ of the amir al @-@ ʿarab would often be confiscated in cases of rebellion against the sultan . In general , Salamiyah and Palmyra consistently served as iqtaʿat of the amir al @-@ ʿarab , continuing into the early Ottoman era , when the iqtaʿ was supplanted by the timar . Besides Salamiyah and Palmyra , the Ottomans granted the amir al @-@ ʿarab timar grants in the Hawran plain south of Damascus . = = = Duties = = = In return for iqtaʿat , annual customary payments , and honorary titles and robes , the amir al @-@ ʿarab was expected to command his horsemen as auxiliaries in the wars against the Mongols , the Crusaders , their allies and rebellious Mamluk emirs . Another expectation of the amir al @-@ ʿarab and the lower @-@ ranking tribal chieftains was intelligence gathering regarding enemy movements near the frontier . Among the official duties of the amir al @-@ ʿarab and the Syrian Bedouin tribes was the defense of the sultanate 's boundaries , and maintenance and oversight of the roads , bridges and mountain passes of the desert and within their iqtaʿat . This also entailed the protection of merchant travelers and the annual Hajj pilgrim caravan , which traversed Bedouin territory to reach the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina in the Hejaz . Tribesmen also served as desert guides for the army and state officials . The amir al @-@ ʿarab was further responsible for collecting zakat ( dues ) on the livestock of the Bedouin tribes . During Sultan Baybar 's reign ( 1260 – 1277 ) , a barid ( postal route ) was created between Egypt and Syria , which enabled the sultan to remain constantly notified of developments in the provinces . It served as a major centralizing factor in the Mamluk state , and each postal station required transport horses , which the tribes provided . According to Sato , the tribes ' supply of horses and camels was " indispensable for the maintenance " of the barid . Noble horses and young camels were also provided by the amir al @-@ ʿarab to the royal stables of the Mamluk sultans on an annual basis . Under the early Ottomans , the amir al @-@ ʿarab was required to provision the sultan 's stables with 1 @,@ 050 young camels and 30 young horses , the collective annual value of which was 240 @,@ 000 akçe . This formed part of the sultan 's revenue from the Damascus Eyalet . = = History = = = = = Origins = = = The Syrian Desert , which extended from Balis to Ayla , had been inhabited by Arab Bedouin tribes in pre @-@ Islamic times ( before mid @-@ 7th century ) . In the 250 years after the Muslim conquest of Syria in the 630s , the Bedouin were brought under the authority of the Rashidun ( 632 – 661 ) , Umayyad ( 661 – 750 ) and early Abbasid ( 750 – 861 ) caliphates . Throughout this period , various Bedouin tribes participated in Umayyad dynastic struggles , the Abbasid Revolution , the rebellious Kharijite and Alid movements and isolated revolts . Following the Abbasid decline in 861 , state authority in the Syrian Desert receded significantly , leaving the local Bedouin tribes to fill the void . The Hamdanid dynasty ( 890 – 1004 ) , from the Banu Taghlib tribe , represented the new @-@ found strength of the Bedouin , and according to 14th @-@ century historian Ibn Khaldun , they commanded the subservience of all Bedouin tribes in the Syrian Desert and Upper Mesopotamia . Other tribal dynasties that emerged in this region before or after the heyday of the Hamdanids included the Uqaylids ( 990 – 1096 ) , Numayrids , the Banu Assad and Banu Khafaja . By the late
[ "1", "0", "th", "▁century", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Jar", "rah", "ids", "▁(", "▁", "9", "7", "0", "s", "▁–", "▁mid", "▁", "1", "1", "th", "▁century", "▁)", "▁of", "▁Ban", "u", "▁T", "ay", "y", "▁and", "▁the", "▁M", "ird", "as", "ids", "▁(", "▁", "1", "0", "2", "4", "▁–", "▁", "1", "0", "8", "0", "▁)", "▁of", "▁Ban", "u", "▁Kil", "ab", "▁domin", "ated", "▁southern", "▁and", "▁northern", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁,", "▁first", "▁in", "▁association", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Q", "arm", "ati", "ans", "▁,", "▁and", "▁then", "▁as", "▁nom", "inal", "▁partners", "▁of", "▁the", "▁F", "at", "im", "ids", "▁,", "▁who", "▁ruled", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁between", "▁", "9", "7", "7", "▁and", "▁", "1", "0", "7", "1", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sel", "j", "uk", "▁invasion", "▁in", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁half", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "1", "th", "▁century", "▁,", "▁only", "▁the", "▁Ban", "u", "▁Rab", "i", "▁'", "ah", "▁,", "▁a", "▁branch", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Jar", "rah", "ids", "▁,", "▁remained", "▁as", "▁an", "▁influ", "ential", "▁force", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Sy", "rian", "▁Des", "ert", "▁by", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁century", "▁.", "▁", "▁There", "▁is", "▁sc", "ant", "▁information", "▁about", "▁the", "▁authorities", "▁'", "▁management", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sy", "rian", "▁Des", "ert", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁between", "▁the", "▁early", "▁", "1", "1", "th", "▁and", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "3", "th", "▁centuries", "▁.", "▁Like", "wise", "▁,", "▁the", "▁orig", "ins", "▁of", "▁the", "▁title", "▁of", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁are", "▁unclear", "▁.", "▁A", "▁number", "▁of", "▁medieval", "▁Muslim", "▁chron", "ic", "lers", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁S", "ali", "h", "▁ibn", "▁M", "ird", "as", "▁(", "▁d", "▁.", "▁", "1", "0", "2", "9", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁founder", "▁of", "▁the", "▁M", "ird", "as", "id", "▁em", "ir", "ate", "▁in", "▁Ale", "ppo", "▁,", "▁as", "▁am", "ir", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Sh", "am", "▁,", "▁which", "▁transl", "ates", "▁from", "▁Arab", "ic", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁commander", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁of", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Hass", "an", "▁ibn", "▁M", "uf", "ar", "rij", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Jar", "rah", "id", "▁ch", "ie", "ft", "ain", "▁and", "▁al", "ly", "▁of", "▁S", "ali", "h", "▁,", "▁was", "▁also", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁as", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁by", "▁medieval", "▁sources", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁historian", "▁Su", "h", "ay", "l", "▁Zak", "kar", "▁,", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁value", "▁\"", "▁of", "▁the", "▁title", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁not", "▁known", "▁but", "▁at", "▁least", "▁indicates", "▁the", "▁high", "▁position", "▁of", "▁its", "▁holder", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Moreover", "▁,", "▁Zak", "kar", "▁as", "ser", "ts", "▁:", "▁", "▁It", "▁is", "▁not", "▁known", "▁whether", "▁S", "ali", "h", "▁was", "▁the", "▁first", "▁holder", "▁of", "▁this", "▁title", "▁or", "▁whether", "▁,", "▁indeed", "▁,", "▁it", "▁had", "▁existed", "▁previously", "▁.", "▁The", "▁origin", "▁of", "▁it", "▁is", "▁obsc", "ure", "▁for", "▁whether", "▁it", "▁was", "▁created", "▁by", "▁the", "▁tribes", "▁of", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁after", "▁Islam", "▁or", "▁whether", "▁it", "▁existed", "▁in", "▁Arab", "ia", "▁before", "▁the", "▁rise", "▁of", "▁Islam", "▁and", "▁was", "▁then", "▁carried", "▁to", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁after", "▁the", "▁Islam", "ic", "▁con", "quest", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "7", "th", "▁century", "▁is", "▁not", "▁known", "▁.", "▁", "▁Zak", "kar", "▁spec", "ul", "ates", "▁that", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁could", "▁have", "▁been", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁rev", "ival", "▁or", "▁continu", "ation", "▁\"", "▁of", "▁a", "▁pre", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Islam", "ic", "▁(", "▁mid", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "6", "th", "▁century", "▁)", "▁political", "▁tradition", "▁among", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁of", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁where", "by", "▁the", "▁ch", "ie", "ft", "ain", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Gh", "ass", "an", "ids", "▁,", "▁v", "ass", "als", "▁of", "▁the", "▁By", "z", "antine", "▁Empire", "▁,", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁supre", "me", "▁Arab", "▁ph", "yl", "arch", "▁(", "▁trib", "al", "▁ch", "ie", "ft", "ain", "▁)", "▁,", "▁giving", "▁him", "▁formal", "▁authority", "▁over", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁tribes", "▁of", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁.", "▁In", "▁early", "▁Muslim", "▁chron", "icles", "▁,", "▁there", "▁is", "▁often", "▁references", "▁to", "▁say", "y", "id", "▁a", "hl", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁bad", "i", "ya", "▁(", "▁master", "▁of", "▁the", "▁desert", "▁dwell", "ers", "▁)", "▁or", "▁say", "y", "id", "▁Q", "ays", "▁(", "▁master", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tribes", "▁of", "▁Q", "ays", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁Zak", "kar", "▁bel", "ieves", "▁are", "▁possible", "▁\"", "▁starting", "▁points", "▁which", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁course", "▁of", "▁time", "▁,", "▁developed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁title", "▁of", "▁Am", "ir", "▁Arab", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Sh", "am", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁Z", "eng", "id", "▁period", "▁in", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁(", "▁", "1", "1", "2", "8", "▁–", "▁", "1", "1", "8", "2", "▁)", "▁,", "▁some", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁ch", "ie", "ft", "ains", "▁were", "▁accord", "ed", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "at", "▁,", "▁paid", "▁tax", "es", "▁called", "▁", "ʿ", "id", "ā", "d", "▁on", "▁their", "▁liv", "est", "ock", "▁,", "▁and", "▁performed", "▁military", "▁duties", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁A", "yy", "ub", "id", "▁era", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁ground", "work", "▁for", "▁reg", "ulating", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁affairs", "▁in", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁was", "▁laid", "▁by", "▁the", "▁A", "yy", "ub", "id", "▁Sultan", "ate", "▁'", "s", "▁founder", "▁,", "▁Sal", "adin", "▁(", "▁r", "▁.", "▁", "1", "1", "7", "1", "▁–", "▁", "1", "1", "9", "3", "▁)", "▁;", "▁in", "▁", "1", "1", "8", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁entr", "usted", "▁the", "▁governor", "▁of", "▁Dam", "asc", "us", "▁,", "▁I", "bn", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Mu", "q", "add", "am", "▁,", "▁as", "▁the", "▁mu", "ḥ", "ak", "kim", "▁(", "▁arbitr", "ator", "▁)", "▁and", "▁over", "se", "er", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁all", "▁the", "▁Arab", "s", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁who", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁responsible", "▁for", "▁...", "▁making", "▁the", "▁custom", "ary", "▁pay", "ments", "▁to", "▁them", "▁and", "▁collect", "ing", "▁the", "▁custom", "ary", "▁dues", "▁from", "▁them", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁historian", "▁Must", "af", "a", "▁A", ".", "▁Hi", "y", "ari", "▁,", "▁Sal", "adin", "▁'", "s", "▁brother", "▁and", "▁successor", "▁,", "▁Sultan", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Ad", "il", "▁(", "▁r", "▁.", "▁", "1", "2", "0", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "2", "1", "8", "▁)", "▁,", "▁founded", "▁the", "▁formal", "▁institution", "▁of", "▁the", "▁im", "ar", "at", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁(", "▁em", "ir", "ate", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁)", "▁and", "▁appointed", "▁Had", "ith", "a", "▁ibn", "▁Gh", "ud", "ay", "ya", "▁as", "▁the", "▁first", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁.", "▁Had", "ith", "a", "▁was", "▁a", "▁grand", "son", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Jar", "rah", "id", "▁em", "ir", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁ibn", "▁Rab", "i", "▁'", "ah", "▁,", "▁the", "▁pro", "gen", "itor", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Al", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁cl", "an", "▁of", "▁Ban", "u", "▁Rab", "i", "▁'", "ah", "▁.", "▁M", "embers", "▁of", "▁the", "▁cl", "an", "▁were", "▁direct", "▁descend", "ants", "▁of", "▁the", "▁F", "at", "im", "id", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁era", "▁Jar", "rah", "id", "▁governor", "▁of", "▁Palest", "ine", "▁,", "▁M", "uf", "ar", "rij", "▁ibn", "▁D", "agh", "fal", "▁ibn", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Jar", "rah", "▁(", "▁d" ]
10th century , the Jarrahids ( 970s – mid 11th century ) of Banu Tayy and the Mirdasids ( 1024 – 1080 ) of Banu Kilab dominated southern and northern Syria , respectively , first in association with the Qarmatians , and then as nominal partners of the Fatimids , who ruled Syria between 977 and 1071 . As a result of the Seljuk invasion in the latter half of the 11th century , only the Banu Rabi 'ah , a branch of the Jarrahids , remained as an influential force in the Syrian Desert by the end of the century . There is scant information about the authorities ' management of the Syrian Desert Bedouin between the early 11th and mid @-@ 13th centuries . Likewise , the origins of the title of amir al @-@ ʿarab are unclear . A number of medieval Muslim chroniclers referred to Salih ibn Mirdas ( d . 1029 ) , the founder of the Mirdasid emirate in Aleppo , as amir ʿarab al @-@ Sham , which translates from Arabic as " commander of the Bedouin of Syria " . Hassan ibn Mufarrij , the Jarrahid chieftain and ally of Salih , was also referred to as amir al @-@ ʿarab by medieval sources . According to historian Suhayl Zakkar , the " value " of the title " is not known but at least indicates the high position of its holder " . Moreover , Zakkar asserts : It is not known whether Salih was the first holder of this title or whether , indeed , it had existed previously . The origin of it is obscure for whether it was created by the tribes of Syria after Islam or whether it existed in Arabia before the rise of Islam and was then carried to Syria after the Islamic conquest in the 7th century is not known . Zakkar speculates that the amir al @-@ ʿarab could have been a " revival or continuation " of a pre @-@ Islamic ( mid @-@ 6th century ) political tradition among the Bedouin of Syria whereby the chieftain of the Ghassanids , vassals of the Byzantine Empire , served as the supreme Arab phylarch ( tribal chieftain ) , giving him formal authority over the Bedouin tribes of Syria . In early Muslim chronicles , there is often references to sayyid ahl al @-@ badiya ( master of the desert dwellers ) or sayyid Qays ( master of the tribes of Qays ) , which Zakkar believes are possible " starting points which , in the course of time , developed to the title of Amir Arab al @-@ Sham " . During the Zengid period in Syria ( 1128 – 1182 ) , some Bedouin chieftains were accorded iqtaʿat , paid taxes called ʿidād on their livestock , and performed military duties . = = = Ayyubid era = = = The groundwork for regulating Bedouin affairs in Syria was laid by the Ayyubid Sultanate 's founder , Saladin ( r . 1171 – 1193 ) ; in 1182 , the latter entrusted the governor of Damascus , Ibn al @-@ Muqaddam , as the muḥakkim ( arbitrator ) and overseer of " all the Arabs " and who was " responsible for ... making the customary payments to them and collecting the customary dues from them " . According to historian Mustafa A. Hiyari , Saladin 's brother and successor , Sultan al @-@ Adil ( r . 1200 – 1218 ) , founded the formal institution of the imarat al @-@ ʿarab ( emirate of the Bedouin ) and appointed Haditha ibn Ghudayya as the first amir al @-@ ʿarab . Haditha was a grandson of the Jarrahid emir Fadl ibn Rabi 'ah , the progenitor of the Al Fadl clan of Banu Rabi 'ah . Members of the clan were direct descendants of the Fatimid @-@ era Jarrahid governor of Palestine , Mufarrij ibn Daghfal ibn al @-@ Jarrah ( d
[ "▁.", "▁", "1", "0", "1", "3", "▁)", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁late", "▁", "1", "2", "th", "▁century", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Ban", "u", "▁Rab", "i", "▁'", "ah", "▁and", "▁its", "▁sub", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cl", "ans", "▁,", "▁Al", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁,", "▁Al", "▁Mira", "▁and", "▁Al", "▁Far", "aj", "▁,", "▁together", "▁with", "▁the", "▁sub", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cl", "ans", "▁of", "▁its", "▁ancest", "ral", "▁tribe", "▁,", "▁the", "▁T", "ay", "y", "▁,", "▁domin", "ated", "▁the", "▁desert", "▁and", "▁ste", "ppe", "▁regions", "▁between", "▁H", "oms", "▁in", "▁the", "▁west", "▁to", "▁the", "▁eastern", "▁banks", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Eu", "phr", "ates", "▁River", "▁and", "▁south", "ward", "▁to", "▁central", "▁Naj", "d", "▁and", "▁He", "j", "az", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁their", "▁influence", "▁,", "▁the", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁historian", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Ham", "d", "ani", "▁(", "▁d", "▁.", "▁", "1", "3", "0", "0", "▁)", "▁maintain", "s", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁no", "▁member", "▁of", "▁this", "▁cl", "an", "▁[", "▁Ban", "u", "▁Rab", "i", "▁'", "ah", "▁]", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁as", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁by", "▁di", "pl", "oma", "▁from", "▁the", "▁s", "ultan", "▁\"", "▁until", "▁Had", "ith", "a", "▁'", "s", "▁appointment", "▁by", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Ad", "il", "▁.", "▁", "▁Meanwhile", "▁,", "▁leaders", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Kil", "ab", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁hold", "▁the", "▁title", "▁of", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁after", "▁the", "▁A", "yy", "ub", "id", "▁con", "quest", "▁of", "▁Ale", "ppo", "▁in", "▁", "1", "1", "8", "2", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁Had", "ith", "a", "▁'", "s", "▁juris", "diction", "▁initially", "▁did", "▁not", "▁extend", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Ale", "ppo", "▁region", "▁(", "▁northern", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁)", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁during", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁half", "▁of", "▁az", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Z", "ah", "ir", "▁Gh", "azi", "▁(", "▁r", "▁.", "▁", "1", "1", "9", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "2", "1", "6", "▁)", "▁of", "▁Ale", "ppo", "▁'", "s", "▁reign", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Kil", "ab", "▁were", "▁brought", "▁under", "▁Had", "ith", "a", "▁'", "s", "▁authority", "▁and", "▁were", "▁stri", "pped", "▁of", "▁the", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁title", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁medieval", "▁Arab", "▁historian", "▁I", "bn", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Ad", "im", "▁(", "▁d", "▁.", "▁", "1", "2", "6", "2", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Kil", "ab", "▁'", "s", "▁status", "▁was", "▁down", "grad", "ed", "▁because", "▁of", "▁the", "▁growing", "▁power", "▁of", "▁the", "▁T", "ay", "y", "▁cl", "ans", "▁,", "▁while", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Ham", "d", "ani", "▁as", "ser", "ts", "▁that", "▁the", "▁numer", "ically", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁superior", "▁Kil", "ab", "▁were", "▁weak", "ened", "▁by", "▁a", "▁divided", "▁leadership", "▁.", "▁Following", "▁the", "▁extension", "▁of", "▁Had", "ith", "a", "▁'", "s", "▁juris", "diction", "▁to", "▁their", "▁traditional", "▁territory", "▁,", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Kil", "ab", "▁migr", "ated", "▁north", "▁to", "▁An", "atol", "ia", "▁,", "▁while", "▁those", "▁who", "▁remained", "▁became", "▁al", "lies", "▁of", "▁Had", "ith", "a", "▁'", "s", "▁Al", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁cl", "an", "▁.", "▁", "▁Following", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Ad", "il", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁in", "▁", "1", "2", "1", "8", "▁and", "▁the", "▁death", "▁of", "▁Had", "ith", "a", "▁a", "▁few", "▁years", "▁later", "▁,", "▁the", "▁im", "ar", "at", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁was", "▁divided", "▁by", "▁Sultan", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁K", "amil", "▁(", "▁r", "▁.", "▁", "1", "2", "1", "8", "▁–", "▁", "1", "2", "3", "8", "▁)", "▁between", "▁Had", "ith", "a", "▁'", "s", "▁sons", "▁Man", "i", "▁and", "▁Ali", "▁,", "▁who", "▁founded", "▁the", "▁independent", "▁Al", "▁Ali", "▁branch", "▁of", "▁Al", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁,", "▁and", "▁their", "▁k", "ins", "man", "▁,", "▁Gh", "ann", "am", "▁ibn", "▁Ab", "i", "▁T", "ah", "ir", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Al", "▁Far", "aj", "▁cl", "an", "▁.", "▁As", "▁Man", "i", "▁'", "s", "▁position", "▁was", "▁bol", "ster", "ed", "▁by", "▁his", "▁co", "operation", "▁with", "▁the", "▁A", "yy", "ub", "ids", "▁in", "▁their", "▁military", "▁campaign", "s", "▁and", "▁keeping", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁in", "▁check", "▁,", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁K", "amil", "▁dismiss", "ed", "▁Gh", "ann", "am", "▁and", "▁Ali", "▁,", "▁leaving", "▁Man", "i", "▁as", "▁the", "▁sole", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁.", "▁When", "▁Man", "i", "▁died", "▁in", "▁", "1", "2", "3", "2", "▁/", "▁", "3", "3", "▁,", "▁he", "▁was", "▁succeeded", "▁by", "▁his", "▁son", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁I", "▁after", "▁an", "▁agreement", "▁between", "▁the", "▁A", "yy", "ub", "id", "▁em", "irs", "▁of", "▁H", "oms", "▁and", "▁Dam", "asc", "us", "▁,", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁M", "uj", "ah", "id", "▁Sh", "ir", "ku", "h", "▁II", "▁and", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Ash", "raf", "▁Mus", "a", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁,", "▁without", "▁input", "▁from", "▁the", "▁s", "ultan", "▁of", "▁Egypt", "▁.", "▁From", "▁this", "▁period", "▁until", "▁", "1", "2", "6", "0", "▁,", "▁only", "▁sc", "ant", "▁information", "▁is", "▁available", "▁about", "▁the", "▁im", "ar", "at", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁it", "▁is", "▁known", "▁that", "▁in", "▁", "1", "2", "4", "0", "▁,", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁I", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁by", "▁T", "ah", "ir", "▁ibn", "▁Gh", "ann", "am", "▁by", "▁the", "▁A", "yy", "ub", "id", "▁reg", "ent", "▁of", "▁Ale", "ppo", "▁,", "▁Day", "fa", "▁K", "hat", "un", "▁,", "▁for", "▁T", "ah", "ir", "▁'", "s", "▁support", "▁against", "▁her", "▁d", "yn", "astic", "▁oppon", "ents", "▁.", "▁Some", "▁years", "▁later", "▁,", "▁the", "▁title", "▁was", "▁best", "owed", "▁on", "▁Ali", "▁or", "▁his", "▁son", "▁Ab", "u", "▁Bak", "r", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁era", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁Sultan", "ate", "▁an", "nex", "ed", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁in", "▁", "1", "2", "6", "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁maintained", "▁the", "▁im", "ar", "at", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁in", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "2", "6", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "2", "6", "1", "▁,", "▁s", "ult", "ans", "▁Q", "ut", "uz", "▁or", "▁Bay", "bars", "▁replaced", "▁Ali", "▁or", "▁Ab", "u", "▁Bak", "r", "▁with", "▁Isa", "▁ibn", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁granted", "▁Sar", "min", "▁and", "▁half", "▁of", "▁Sal", "ami", "y", "ah", "▁as", "▁his", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "▁.", "▁A", "hm", "ad", "▁ibn", "▁T", "ah", "ir", "▁and", "▁Z", "amil", "▁ibn", "▁Ali", "▁cont", "ested", "▁Isa", "▁'", "s", "▁appointment", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁former", "▁demand", "ing", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁em", "ir", "ate", "▁and", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁seeking", "▁to", "▁replace", "▁Isa", "▁.", "▁Bay", "bars", "▁did", "▁not", "▁accord", "▁A", "hm", "ad", "▁ibn", "▁T", "ah", "ir", "▁a", "▁share", "▁but", "▁gave", "▁him", "▁i", "q", "ta", "▁'", "at", "▁elsewhere", "▁in", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁,", "▁whereas", "▁Z", "amil", "▁opened", "▁a", "▁re", "bell", "ion", "▁against", "▁Isa", "▁.", "▁The", "▁latter", "▁called", "▁for", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁support", "▁and", "▁Z", "amil", "▁was", "▁consequ", "ently", "▁app", "reh", "ended", "▁by", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁troops", "▁from", "▁Ale", "ppo", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁imprison", "ed", "▁in", "▁C", "airo", "▁but", "▁soon", "▁after", "▁released", "▁after", "▁Bay", "bars", "▁medi", "ated", "▁between" ]
. 1013 ) . By the late 12th century , the Banu Rabi 'ah and its sub @-@ clans , Al Fadl , Al Mira and Al Faraj , together with the sub @-@ clans of its ancestral tribe , the Tayy , dominated the desert and steppe regions between Homs in the west to the eastern banks of the Euphrates River and southward to central Najd and Hejaz . However , despite their influence , the Mamluk historian al @-@ Hamdani ( d . 1300 ) maintains that " no member of this clan [ Banu Rabi 'ah ] was appointed as amir al @-@ ʿarab by diploma from the sultan " until Haditha 's appointment by al @-@ Adil . Meanwhile , leaders of the Kilab continued to hold the title of amir al @-@ ʿarab after the Ayyubid conquest of Aleppo in 1182 . As a result , Haditha 's jurisdiction initially did not extend to the Aleppo region ( northern Syria ) . However , during the latter half of az @-@ Zahir Ghazi ( r . 1193 – 1216 ) of Aleppo 's reign , the Kilab were brought under Haditha 's authority and were stripped of the amir al @-@ ʿarab title . According to medieval Arab historian Ibn al @-@ Adim ( d . 1262 ) , the Kilab 's status was downgraded because of the growing power of the Tayy clans , while al @-@ Hamdani asserts that the numerically @-@ superior Kilab were weakened by a divided leadership . Following the extension of Haditha 's jurisdiction to their traditional territory , some of the Kilab migrated north to Anatolia , while those who remained became allies of Haditha 's Al Fadl clan . Following al @-@ Adil 's death in 1218 and the death of Haditha a few years later , the imarat al @-@ ʿarab was divided by Sultan al @-@ Kamil ( r . 1218 – 1238 ) between Haditha 's sons Mani and Ali , who founded the independent Al Ali branch of Al Fadl , and their kinsman , Ghannam ibn Abi Tahir of the Al Faraj clan . As Mani 's position was bolstered by his cooperation with the Ayyubids in their military campaigns and keeping the Bedouin in check , al @-@ Kamil dismissed Ghannam and Ali , leaving Mani as the sole amir al @-@ ʿarab . When Mani died in 1232 / 33 , he was succeeded by his son Muhanna I after an agreement between the Ayyubid emirs of Homs and Damascus , al @-@ Mujahid Shirkuh II and al @-@ Ashraf Musa , respectively , without input from the sultan of Egypt . From this period until 1260 , only scant information is available about the imarat al @-@ ʿarab . However , it is known that in 1240 , Muhanna I was replaced by Tahir ibn Ghannam by the Ayyubid regent of Aleppo , Dayfa Khatun , for Tahir 's support against her dynastic opponents . Some years later , the title was bestowed on Ali or his son Abu Bakr . = = = Mamluk era = = = The Mamluk Sultanate annexed Syria in 1260 , and maintained the imarat al @-@ ʿarab in Syria . In 1260 – 1261 , sultans Qutuz or Baybars replaced Ali or Abu Bakr with Isa ibn Muhanna , who was granted Sarmin and half of Salamiyah as his iqtaʿ . Ahmad ibn Tahir and Zamil ibn Ali contested Isa 's appointment , with the former demanding part of the emirate and the latter seeking to replace Isa . Baybars did not accord Ahmad ibn Tahir a share but gave him iqta 'at elsewhere in Syria , whereas Zamil opened a rebellion against Isa . The latter called for Mamluk support and Zamil was consequently apprehended by Mamluk troops from Aleppo . He was imprisoned in Cairo but soon after released after Baybars mediated between
[ "▁him", "▁,", "▁Isa", "▁and", "▁other", "▁Ban", "u", "▁Rab", "i", "▁'", "ah", "▁em", "irs", "▁.", "▁A", "▁further", "▁challenge", "▁to", "▁Isa", "▁came", "▁from", "▁his", "▁powerful", "▁k", "ins", "man", "▁,", "▁A", "hm", "ad", "▁ibn", "▁H", "aj", "ji", "▁of", "▁Al", "▁Mira", "▁,", "▁who", "▁eventually", "▁des", "isted", "▁from", "▁confront", "ing", "▁Isa", "▁when", "▁Bay", "bars", "▁gave", "▁him", "▁virtual", "▁independence", "▁in", "▁the", "▁southern", "▁Sy", "rian", "▁Des", "ert", "▁.", "▁A", "hm", "ad", "▁ibn", "▁H", "aj", "ji", "▁was", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁mal", "ik", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁(", "▁king", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁)", "▁in", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁sources", "▁and", "▁numerous", "▁tribes", "▁came", "▁under", "▁his", "▁authority", "▁.", "▁", "▁Rel", "ations", "▁between", "▁Isa", "▁and", "▁the", "▁state", "▁were", "▁generally", "▁co", "oper", "ative", "▁with", "▁few", "▁exceptions", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁participated", "▁in", "▁nearly", "▁all", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁military", "▁campaign", "s", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Mong", "ol", "▁Il", "k", "han", "ate", "▁.", "▁Tow", "ard", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁his", "▁reign", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "2", "8", "1", "▁,", "▁Isa", "▁received", "▁the", "▁o", "asis", "▁town", "▁of", "▁Pal", "my", "ra", "▁as", "▁additional", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "▁from", "▁Sultan", "▁Q", "al", "aw", "un", "▁.", "▁His", "▁son", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁ibn", "▁Isa", "▁succeeded", "▁him", "▁following", "▁his", "▁death", "▁in", "▁", "1", "2", "8", "4", "▁.", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁and", "▁his", "▁brother", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁ibn", "▁Isa", "▁,", "▁who", "▁served", "▁as", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁in", "▁between", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁'", "s", "▁dismiss", "als", "▁,", "▁vac", "ill", "ated", "▁between", "▁the", "▁Mam", "lu", "ks", "▁under", "▁Sultan", "▁an", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Nas", "ir", "▁Muhammad", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Il", "k", "han", "ate", "▁between", "▁", "1", "3", "1", "1", "▁and", "▁", "1", "3", "3", "0", "▁.", "▁After", "ward", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Al", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁became", "▁firm", "ly", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁camp", "▁.", "▁An", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Nas", "ir", "▁Muhammad", "▁particularly", "▁lav", "ished", "▁the", "▁Al", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁em", "irs", "▁with", "▁i", "q", "ta", "▁'", "at", "▁,", "▁g", "ifts", "▁and", "▁hon", "ors", "▁to", "▁the", "▁extent", "▁that", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁critic", "ized", "▁the", "▁policy", "▁as", "▁over", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁indul", "ging", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁the", "▁process", "▁,", "▁weak", "ening", "▁the", "▁Muslim", "▁army", "▁.", "▁The", "▁im", "ar", "at", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁remained", "▁in", "▁the", "▁hands", "▁of", "▁Isa", "▁'", "s", "▁household", "▁,", "▁particularly", "▁the", "▁direct", "▁descend", "ants", "▁of", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁(", "▁Al", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁)", "▁,", "▁through", "▁the", "▁remainder", "▁of", "▁M", "aml", "uk", 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"▁among", "▁the", "▁tribes", "▁and", "▁—", "▁what", "▁was", "▁much", "▁more", "▁important", "▁—", "▁to", "▁secure", "▁the", "▁safety", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ha", "j", "j", "▁and", "▁trade", "▁routes", "▁.", "▁That", "▁is", "▁why", "▁the", "▁s", "ult", "ans", "▁of", "▁Egypt", "▁and", "▁their", "▁provincial", "▁govern", "ors", "▁(", "▁sing", ".", "▁na", "▁'", "ib", "▁)", "▁in", "▁Dam", "asc", "us", "▁and", "▁Ale", "ppo", "▁tried", "▁always", "▁to", "▁keep", "▁them", "▁under", "▁control", "▁and", "▁use", "▁every", "▁possible", "▁way", "▁to", "▁bring", "▁them", "▁back", "▁under", "▁the", "▁authority", "▁of", "▁the", "▁s", "ultan", "ate", "▁when", "▁they", "▁revol", "ted", "▁,", "▁because", "▁their", "▁remaining", "▁outside", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁authority", "▁would", "▁lead", "▁to", "▁continuous", "▁thre", "ats", "▁to", "▁the", "▁state", "▁'", "s", "▁interests", "▁,", "▁the", "▁outcome", "▁of", "▁which", "▁would", "▁be", "▁the", "▁attack", "ing", "▁and", "▁lo", "oting", "▁of", "▁the", "▁trade", "▁car", "av", "ans", "▁,", "▁the", "▁dis", "ruption", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ha", "j", "j", "▁,", "▁and", "▁considerable", "▁damage", "▁to", "▁the", "▁coun", "tr", "ys", "ide", "▁.", "▁", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁was", "▁succeeded", "▁by", "▁his", "▁son", "▁Mu", "za", "ff", "ar", "▁ad", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Din", "▁Mus", "a", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁remained", "▁loyal", "▁to", "▁an", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Nas", "ir", "▁Muhammad", "▁during", "▁his", "▁father", "▁'", "s", "▁defe", "ction", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Il", "k", "han", "ate", "▁.", "▁An", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Nas", "ir", "▁Muhammad", "▁granted", "▁him", "▁substantial", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "at", "▁in", "▁return", "▁for", "▁his", "▁loyal", "ty", "▁and", "▁the", "▁supply", "▁of", "▁noble", "▁Arab", "ian", "▁horses", "▁,", "▁which", "▁an", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Nas", "ir", "▁Muhammad", "▁was", "▁particularly", "▁fond", "▁of", "▁.", "▁An", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Nas", "ir", "▁Muhammad", "▁'", "s", "▁lav", "ish", "▁treatment", "▁of", "▁Mus", "a", "▁and", "▁his", "▁family", "▁significantly", "▁emp", "ower", "ed", "▁the", "▁Al", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁and", "▁created", "▁\"", "▁t", "ies", "▁of", "▁oblig", "ation", "▁\"", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁could", "▁not", "▁be", "▁ignored", "▁by", "▁his", "▁[", "▁an", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Nas", "ir", "▁Muhammad", "▁'", "s", "▁]", "▁success", "ors", "▁without", "▁prov", "oking", "▁a", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁mut", "iny", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁historian", "▁Am", "alia", "▁Le", "van", "oni", "▁.", "▁This", "▁was", "▁especially", "▁so", "▁as", "▁central", "▁government", "▁control", "▁over", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁increasing", "ly", "▁dimin", "ished", "▁during", "▁the", "▁power", "▁vac", "u", "um", "▁following", "▁an", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Nas", "ir", "▁Muhammad", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁.", "▁R", "ival", "ry", "▁over", "▁the", "▁im", "ar", "at", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁between", "▁the", "▁descend", "ants", "▁of", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁and", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁also", "▁intens", "ified", "▁during", "▁this", "▁period", "▁.", "▁When", "▁Isa", "▁ibn", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁was", "▁made", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁in", "▁", "1", "3", "4", "2", "▁and", "▁was", "▁transferred", "▁the", "▁Al", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁'", "s", "▁i", "q", "ta", "ʿ", "at", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Al", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁respond", "ed", "▁by", "▁assault", "ing", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁'", "s", "▁off", "spring", "▁and", "▁pl", "und", "ering", "▁car", "av", "ans", "▁travel", "ing", "▁the", "▁roads", "▁of", "▁northern", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁.", "▁This", "▁included", "▁a", "▁ra", "id", "▁on", "▁a", "▁Rah", "ba", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁bound", "▁car", "avan", "▁from", "▁Bag", "hd", "ad", "▁in", "▁which", "▁Al", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁tribes", "men", "▁lo", "oted", "▁all", "▁of", "▁its", "▁mer", "ch", "and", "ise", "▁.", "▁Isa", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁by", "▁his", "▁brother", "▁Say", "f", "▁in", "▁", "1", "3", "4", "3", "▁," ]
him , Isa and other Banu Rabi 'ah emirs . A further challenge to Isa came from his powerful kinsman , Ahmad ibn Hajji of Al Mira , who eventually desisted from confronting Isa when Baybars gave him virtual independence in the southern Syrian Desert . Ahmad ibn Hajji was referred to malik al @-@ ʿarab ( king of the Bedouin ) in Mamluk sources and numerous tribes came under his authority . Relations between Isa and the state were generally cooperative with few exceptions , and he participated in nearly all Mamluk military campaigns against the Mongol Ilkhanate . Toward the end of his reign , in 1281 , Isa received the oasis town of Palmyra as additional iqtaʿ from Sultan Qalawun . His son Muhanna ibn Isa succeeded him following his death in 1284 . Muhanna and his brother Fadl ibn Isa , who served as amir al @-@ ʿarab in between Muhanna 's dismissals , vacillated between the Mamluks under Sultan an @-@ Nasir Muhammad and the Ilkhanate between 1311 and 1330 . Afterward , the Al Fadl became firmly part of the Mamluk camp . An @-@ Nasir Muhammad particularly lavished the Al Fadl emirs with iqta 'at , gifts and honors to the extent that Muhanna criticized the policy as over @-@ indulging the Bedouin , and in the process , weakening the Muslim army . The imarat al @-@ ʿarab remained in the hands of Isa 's household , particularly the direct descendants of Muhanna ( Al Muhanna ) , through the remainder of Mamluk rule ( 1260 – 1516 ) with brief interruptions during which emirs from Al Ali held the post . By 1352 , Al Muhanna numbered 110 , all of whom held their own emirate and iqta 'at . According to Mustafa A. Hiyari : The manipulation of the emirate [ sic ] by Al Muhanna for such a long time was the result of their ability to serve the interests of the Mamluk state more than any other clan . Their prestige was such that they were able to maintain peace and order among the tribes and — what was much more important — to secure the safety of the hajj and trade routes . That is why the sultans of Egypt and their provincial governors ( sing. na 'ib ) in Damascus and Aleppo tried always to keep them under control and use every possible way to bring them back under the authority of the sultanate when they revolted , because their remaining outside Mamluk authority would lead to continuous threats to the state 's interests , the outcome of which would be the attacking and looting of the trade caravans , the disruption of the hajj , and considerable damage to the countryside . Muhanna was succeeded by his son Muzaffar ad @-@ Din Musa , who had remained loyal to an @-@ Nasir Muhammad during his father 's defection to the Ilkhanate . An @-@ Nasir Muhammad granted him substantial iqtaʿat in return for his loyalty and the supply of noble Arabian horses , which an @-@ Nasir Muhammad was particularly fond of . An @-@ Nasir Muhammad 's lavish treatment of Musa and his family significantly empowered the Al Fadl and created " ties of obligation " that " could not be ignored by his [ an @-@ Nasir Muhammad 's ] successors without provoking a Bedouin mutiny " , according to historian Amalia Levanoni . This was especially so as central government control over Syria increasingly diminished during the power vacuum following an @-@ Nasir Muhammad 's death . Rivalry over the imarat al @-@ ʿarab between the descendants of Muhanna and Fadl also intensified during this period . When Isa ibn Fadl was made amir al @-@ ʿarab in 1342 and was transferred the Al Muhanna 's iqtaʿat , the Al Muhanna responded by assaulting Fadl 's offspring and plundering caravans traveling the roads of northern Syria . This included a raid on a Rahba @-@ bound caravan from Baghdad in which Al Muhanna tribesmen looted all of its merchandise . Isa was replaced by his brother Sayf in 1343 ,
[ "▁after", "▁which", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁'", "s", "▁son", "▁F", "ay", "y", "ad", "▁defeated", "▁Say", "f", "▁in", "▁battle", "▁and", "▁seized", "▁", "2", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁of", "▁his", "▁cam", "els", "▁.", "▁A", "hm", "ad", "▁ibn", "▁Mu", "h", "anna", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁been", "▁imprison", "ed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "3", "4", "2", "▁,", "▁was", "▁re", "app", "oint", "ed", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁in", "▁", "1", "3", "4", "5", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁succeeded", "▁two", "▁years", "▁later", "▁by", "▁F", "ay", "y", "ad", "▁.", "▁", "▁F", "ay", "y", "ad", "▁died", "▁shortly", "▁after", "▁his", "▁appointment", "▁and", "▁replaced", "▁by", "▁his", "▁brother", "▁Hay", "ar", "▁.", "▁For", "▁the", "▁next", "▁thirty", "▁years", "▁,", "▁Hay", "ar", "▁re", "bel", "led", "▁and", "▁recon", "ci", "led", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Mam", "lu", "ks", "▁and", "▁during", "▁times", "▁of", "▁re", "bell", "ion", "▁he", "▁was", "▁often", "▁replaced", "▁by", "▁his", "▁brother", "▁Z", "amil", "▁and", "▁cousin", "▁Mu", "▁'", "ay", "q", "il", "▁ibn", "▁F", "ad", "l", "▁;", "▁sometimes", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁two", "▁ruled", "▁joint", "ly", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "3", "8", "0", "▁,", "▁Hay", "ar", "▁'", "s", "▁son", "▁Nu", "▁'", "ay", "r", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁dismiss", "ed", "▁several", "▁times", "▁for", "▁revol", "ting", "▁against", "▁the", "▁s", "ultan", "▁'", "s", "▁authority", "▁by", "▁supporting", "▁re", "bel", "▁govern", "ors", "▁in", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁.", "▁His", "▁last", "▁reign", "▁ended", "▁with", "▁his", "▁execution", "▁in", "▁", "1", "4", "0", "6", "▁.", "▁Nu", "▁'", "ay", "r", "▁'", "s", "▁son", "▁I", "jl", "▁had", "▁s", "ided", "▁against", "▁his", "▁father", "▁and", "▁back", "ed", "▁Sultan", "▁an", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Nas", "ir", "▁Far", "aj", "▁,", "▁who", "▁appointed", "▁him", "▁in", "▁place", "▁of", "▁Nu", "▁'", "ay", "r", "▁.", "▁After", "▁I", "jl", 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"9", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ott", "oman", "▁era", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Mam", "lu", "ks", "▁were", "▁driven", "▁out", "▁of", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Ott", "oman", "▁Tur", "ks", "▁after", "▁the", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Mar", "j", "▁D", "abi", "q", "▁in", "▁", "1", "5", "1", "6", "▁.", "▁The", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁appointed", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁,", "▁M", "ud", "lij", "▁ibn", "▁Z", "ah", "ir", "▁,", "▁a", "▁direct", "▁desc", "endant", "▁of", "▁Hay", "ar", "▁,", "▁was", "▁kept", "▁in", "▁his", "▁position", "▁by", "▁Ott", "oman", "▁s", "ultan", "▁,", "▁Sel", "im", "▁I", "▁,", "▁after", "▁the", "▁two", "▁met", "▁in", "▁the", "▁after", "math", "▁of", "▁Mar", "j", "▁D", "abi", "q", "▁.", "▁M", "ud", "lij", "▁acted", "▁as", "▁a", "▁law", "▁unto", "▁himself", "▁and", "▁fought", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Ott", "oman", "▁governor", "▁of", "▁Dam", "asc", "us", "▁,", "▁Isa", "▁P", "asha", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁F", "an", "ari", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "5", "3", "0", "▁.", "▁M", "ud", "lij", "▁remained", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁until", "▁his", "▁death", "▁in", "▁", "1", "5", "3", "8", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁succeeded", "▁by", "▁his", "▁son", "▁Z", "ah", "ir", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁killed", "▁som", "etime", "▁later", "▁by", "▁his", "▁k", "ins", "man", "▁A", "hm", "ad", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁U", "rad", "i", "▁.", "▁The", "▁latter", "▁was", "▁challeng", "ed", "▁by", "▁Z", "ah", "ir", "▁un", "cles", "▁,", "▁D", "and", "an", "▁and", "▁F", "ay", "y", "ad", "▁,", "▁but", "▁they", "▁were", "▁un", "success", "ful", "▁as", "▁A", "hm", "ad", "▁commanded", "▁the", "▁loyal", "ty", "▁of", "▁most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ou", "in", "▁tribes", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "hm", "ad", "▁died", "▁in", "▁", "1", "6", "1", "5", "▁and", "▁was", "▁succeeded", "▁by", "▁his", "▁son", "▁Sh", "ad", "id", "▁until", "▁he", "▁was", "▁killed", "▁by", "▁Z", "ah", "ir", "▁'", "s", "▁son", "▁,", "▁M", "ud", "lij", "▁II", "▁.", "▁The", "▁latter", "▁did", "▁not", "▁gain", "▁the", "▁im", "ar", "at", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Sh", "ad", "id", "▁was", "▁replaced", "▁by", "▁F", "ay", "y", "ad", "▁,", "▁who", "▁held", "▁the", "▁post", "▁until", "▁his", "▁death", "▁in", "▁", "1", "6", "1", "8", "▁.", "▁After", "ward", "▁,", "▁F", "ay", "y", "ad", "▁'", "s", "▁son", "▁Hus", "ay", "n", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁but", "▁then", "▁M", "ud", "lij", "▁II", "▁was", "▁recognized", "▁as", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁after", "▁he", "▁challeng", "ed", "▁Hus", "ay", "n", "▁.", "▁Hus", "ay", "n", "▁and", "▁M", "ud", "lij", "▁both", "▁sought", "▁the", "▁support", "▁of", "▁Em", "ir", "▁F", "ak", "hr", "▁ad", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Din", "▁II", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Dru", "ze", "▁ch", "ie", "ft", "ain", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ban", "u", "▁Ma", "▁'", "an", "▁who", "▁became", "▁a", "▁powerful", "▁semi", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁autonom", "ous", "▁force", "▁in", "▁Sy", "ria", "▁.", "▁Hus", "ay", "n", "▁was", "▁ultimately", "▁str", "ang", "led", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Ott", "oman", "▁governor", "▁of", "▁Ale", "ppo", "▁in", "▁", "1", "6", "2", "3", "▁,", "▁after", "▁M", "ud", "lij", "▁II", "▁b", "rib", "ed", "▁him", "▁.", "▁M", "ud", "lij", "▁II", "▁continued", "▁serving", "▁as", "▁am", "ir", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@" ]
after which Muhanna 's son Fayyad defeated Sayf in battle and seized 20 @,@ 000 of his camels . Ahmad ibn Muhanna , who had been imprisoned in 1342 , was reappointed amir al @-@ ʿarab in 1345 , and was succeeded two years later by Fayyad . Fayyad died shortly after his appointment and replaced by his brother Hayar . For the next thirty years , Hayar rebelled and reconciled with the Mamluks and during times of rebellion he was often replaced by his brother Zamil and cousin Mu 'ayqil ibn Fadl ; sometimes the latter two ruled jointly . In 1380 , Hayar 's son Nu 'ayr was appointed amir al @-@ ʿarab . He was dismissed several times for revolting against the sultan 's authority by supporting rebel governors in Syria . His last reign ended with his execution in 1406 . Nu 'ayr 's son Ijl had sided against his father and backed Sultan an @-@ Nasir Faraj , who appointed him in place of Nu 'ayr . After Ijl was killed by a Mamluk rebel in 1412 , the power of the Al Fadl largely diminished . Nonetheless , members of the clan from Hayar 's line continued to fill the post of amir al @-@ ʿarab , with Husayn ibn Nu 'ayr succeeding Fadl . However , from then on , mentions of the imarat al @-@ ʿarab " in the histories are scanty and confused " , according to historian Tritton . In 1427 , Nu 'ayr 's grandson , Adhra ibn Ali was killed by his cousin Qirqmas and succeeded by his brother Mudlij ibn Ali , who was killed by Qirqmas in 1429 . Qirqmas died in 1436 , though it is not clear if he had been appointed amir al @-@ ʿarab . A grandson of Nu 'ayr , Sayf ibn Ali , killed the amir al @-@ ʿarab and his cousin , Sulayman ibn Assaf , in 1480 , but was himself killed by Amir ibn Ijl the following year in revenge . Sayf 's son was recorded as the amir al @-@ ʿarab in 1496 . = = = Ottoman era = = = The Mamluks were driven out of Syria by the Ottoman Turks after the Battle of Marj Dabiq in 1516 . The Mamluk @-@ appointed amir al @-@ ʿarab , Mudlij ibn Zahir , a direct descendant of Hayar , was kept in his position by Ottoman sultan , Selim I , after the two met in the aftermath of Marj Dabiq . Mudlij acted as a law unto himself and fought against the Ottoman governor of Damascus , Isa Pasha al @-@ Fanari , in 1530 . Mudlij remained amir al @-@ ʿarab until his death in 1538 . He was succeeded by his son Zahir , who was killed sometime later by his kinsman Ahmad al @-@ Uradi . The latter was challenged by Zahir uncles , Dandan and Fayyad , but they were unsuccessful as Ahmad commanded the loyalty of most of the Bedouin tribes . Ahmad died in 1615 and was succeeded by his son Shadid until he was killed by Zahir 's son , Mudlij II . The latter did not gain the imarat al @-@ ʿarab , however , and Shadid was replaced by Fayyad , who held the post until his death in 1618 . Afterward , Fayyad 's son Husayn was appointed but then Mudlij II was recognized as amir al @-@ ʿarab after he challenged Husayn . Husayn and Mudlij both sought the support of Emir Fakhr ad @-@ Din II , a Druze chieftain of the Banu Ma 'an who became a powerful semi @-@ autonomous force in Syria . Husayn was ultimately strangled by the Ottoman governor of Aleppo in 1623 , after Mudlij II bribed him . Mudlij II continued serving as amir al @-@
[ "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁for", "▁an", "▁und", "et", "erm", "ined", "▁length", "▁of", "▁time", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁List", "▁of", "▁um", "ara", "▁al", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "ʿ", "arab", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁A", "yy", "ub", "id", "▁em", "irs", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁M", "aml", "uk", "▁em", "irs", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ott", "oman", "▁em", "irs", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁took", "▁place", "▁between", "▁", "1", "7", "▁and", "▁", "2", "5", "▁November", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁,", "▁during", "▁the", "▁Hu", "on", "▁Pen", "ins", "ula", "▁campaign", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Second", "▁World", "▁War", "▁.", "▁In", "vol", "ving", "▁forces", "▁from", "▁Australia", "▁,", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁and", "▁Japan", "▁,", "▁the", "▁fighting", "▁cent", "red", "▁on", "▁the", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁mission", "▁station", "▁which", "▁was", "▁situated", "▁at", "op", "▁a", "▁hill", "▁about", "▁", "9", "0", "0", "▁metres", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁above", "▁sea", "▁level", "▁,", "▁approximately", "▁", "8", "▁kilometres", "▁(", "▁", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁in", "land", "▁from", "▁Fin", "sch", "h", "afen", "▁,", "▁New", "▁Guinea", "▁.", "▁Following", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁landing", "▁at", "▁Sc", "ar", "let", "▁Beach", "▁,", "▁a", "▁large", "▁force", "▁of", "▁Japanese", "▁had", "▁retre", "ated", "▁in", "land", "▁towards", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁.", "▁Hold", "ing", "▁the", "▁high", "▁ground", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁subsequently", "▁threatened", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁lines", "▁of", "▁communication", "▁as", "▁they", "▁proceeded", "▁to", "▁advance", "▁south", "▁towards", "▁Fin", "sch", "h", "afen", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁neutral", "ise", "▁this", "▁threat", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁", "2", "6", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁was", "▁task", "ed", "▁with", "▁capt", "uring", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁.", "▁Over", "▁the", "▁course", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "▁days", "▁they", "▁advanced", "▁west", "▁from", "▁J", "ive", "van", "eng", "▁up", "▁the", "▁southern", "▁approaches", "▁to", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁,", "▁reducing", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁position", "▁with", "▁arm", "our", "▁,", "▁art", "illery", "▁and", "▁air", "▁support", "▁,", "▁before", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁finally", "▁abandoned", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁and", "▁with", "d", "rew", "▁north", "▁to", "▁W", "are", "o", "▁,", "▁having", "▁suffered", "▁heavy", "▁cas", "ual", "ties", "▁and", "▁running", "▁low", "▁on", "▁supplies", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Background", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Following", "▁the", "▁fall", "▁of", "▁La", "e", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁continued", "▁their", "▁advance", "▁north", "▁along", "▁the", "▁New", "▁Guinea", "▁coast", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁Hu", "on", "▁Pen", "ins", "ula", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁aim", "▁of", "▁se", "cur", "ing", "▁Fin", "sch", "h", "afen", "▁,", "▁where", "▁large", "▁scale", "▁air", "▁and", "▁naval", "▁facilities", "▁could", "▁be", "▁constructed", "▁for", "▁operations", "▁that", "▁were", "▁planned", "▁against", "▁New", "▁Britain", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "2", "2", "▁September", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁,", "▁less", "▁than", "▁a", "▁week", "▁after", "▁La", "e", "▁had", "▁been", "▁captured", "▁,", "▁Brig", "ad", "ier", "▁Victor", "▁Win", "de", "yer", "▁'", "s", "▁Australian", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁was", "▁det", "ached", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "9", "th", "▁Division", "▁by", "▁Major", "▁General", "▁George", "▁W", "oot", "ten", "▁,", "▁the", "▁divis", "ional", "▁commander", "▁,", "▁and", "▁land", "ed", "▁at", "▁Sc", "ar", "let", "▁Beach", "▁(", "▁north", "▁of", "▁S", "iki", "▁C", "ove", "▁)", "▁,", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁of", "▁Kat", "ika", "▁and", "▁about", "▁", "1", "0", "▁kilometres", "▁(", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁of", "▁Fin", "sch", "h", "afen", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁landing", "▁was", "▁only", "▁light", "ly", "▁opposed", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁began", "▁to", "▁advance", "▁south", "▁towards", "▁Kat", "ika", "▁where", "▁Japanese", "▁resistance", "▁was", "▁stronger", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁never", "theless", "▁overcome", "▁by", "▁the", "▁early", "▁afternoon", "▁.", "▁As", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁advanced", "▁south", "▁towards", "▁their", "▁objective", "▁at", "▁Fin", "sch", "h", "afen", "▁,", "▁intelligence", "▁indicated", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁were", "▁moving", "▁to", "▁the", "▁high", "▁ground", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁at", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁situated", "▁about", "▁", "9", "0", "0", "▁metres", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁above", "▁sea", "▁level", "▁.", "▁Capt", "ured", "▁documents", "▁showed", "▁that", "▁three", "▁inf", "antry", "▁batt", "al", "ions", "▁were", "▁being", "▁concentr", "ated", "▁at", "▁an", "▁old", "▁Luther", "an", "▁mission", "▁station", "▁that", "▁had", "▁been", "▁established", "▁at", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁century", "▁during", "▁the", "▁German", "▁colonial", "▁administration", "▁of", "▁the", "▁area", "▁.", "▁Conc", "ern", "ed", "▁for", "▁the", "▁security", "▁of", "▁his", "▁lines", "▁of", "▁communication", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁presence", "▁of", "▁Japanese", "▁on", "▁his", "▁fl", "ank", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁brig", "ade", "▁commander", "▁adopted", "▁more", "▁c", "aut", "ious", "▁tact", "ics", "▁,", "▁while", "▁rein", "for", "c", "ements", "▁were", "▁called", "▁for", "▁.", "▁He", "avy", "▁fighting", "▁en", "su", "ed", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Fin", "sch", "h", "afen", "▁fell", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁on", "▁", "2", "▁October", "▁.", "▁", "▁Following", "▁this", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "9", "th", "▁Division", "▁was", "▁task", "ed", "▁with", "▁adv", "ancing", "▁towards", "▁S", "io", "▁,", "▁further", "▁around", "▁the", "▁coast", "▁on", "▁the", "▁northern", "▁side", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Hu", "on", "▁Pen", "ins", "ula", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Japanese", "▁in", "▁the", "▁area", "▁around", "▁Fin", "sch", "h", "afen", "▁were", "▁growing", "▁in", "▁strength", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁as", "▁a", "▁large", "▁number", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "4", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁to", "▁", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁men", "▁that", "▁had", "▁g", "arrison", "ed", "▁Fin", "sch", "h", "afen", "▁had", "▁managed", "▁to", "▁escape", "▁in", "land", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁Division", "▁,", "▁under", "▁the", "▁command", "▁of", "▁Lieutenant", "▁General", "▁Sh", "iger", "u", "▁Kat", "ag", "iri", "▁,", "▁was", "▁being", "▁moved", "▁from", "▁Bog", "adj", "im", "▁,", "▁south", "▁of", "▁Mad", "ang", "▁,", "▁to", "▁provide", "▁rein", "for", "c", "ements", "▁.", "▁W", "oot", "ten", "▁considered", "▁that", "▁the", "▁threat", "▁pos", "ed", "▁by", "▁this", "▁force", "▁meant", "▁that", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁would", "▁have", "▁to", "▁be", "▁captured", "▁before", "▁the", "▁", "9", "th", "▁Division", "▁could", "▁undert", "ake", "▁its", "▁advance", "▁towards", "▁S", "io", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁P", "rel", "ude", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Adv", "ance", "▁on", "▁Fin", "sch", "h", "afen", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁During", "▁the", "▁advance", "▁on", "▁Fin", "sch", "h", "afen", "▁,", "▁a", "▁company", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "1", "7", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁which", "▁had", "▁been", "▁task", "ed", "▁with", "▁se", "cur", "ing", "▁the", "▁beach", "head", "▁and", "▁the", "▁fl", "ank", "▁,", "▁had", "▁been", "▁sent", "▁to", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁but", "▁had", "▁been", "▁unable", "▁to", "▁occup", "y", "▁it", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁strength", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁force", "▁already", "▁there", "▁.", "▁As", "▁captured", "▁orders", "▁had", "▁revealed", "▁Japanese", "▁plans", "▁to", "▁break", "through", "▁to", "▁the", "▁coast", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁place", "▁the", "▁company", "▁into", "▁a", "▁blocking", "▁position", "▁east", "▁of", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg" ]
ʿarab for an undetermined length of time . = = List of umara al @-@ ʿarab = = = = = Ayyubid emirs = = = = = = Mamluk emirs = = = = = = Ottoman emirs = = = = Battle of Sattelberg = The Battle of Sattelberg took place between 17 and 25 November 1943 , during the Huon Peninsula campaign of the Second World War . Involving forces from Australia , the United States and Japan , the fighting centred on the Sattelberg mission station which was situated atop a hill about 900 metres ( 3 @,@ 000 ft ) above sea level , approximately 8 kilometres ( 5 @.@ 0 mi ) inland from Finschhafen , New Guinea . Following the Australian landing at Scarlet Beach , a large force of Japanese had retreated inland towards Sattelberg . Holding the high ground , the Japanese subsequently threatened the Australian lines of communication as they proceeded to advance south towards Finschhafen , and in order to neutralise this threat , the Australian 26th Brigade was tasked with capturing the mission . Over the course of 10 days they advanced west from Jivevaneng up the southern approaches to the mission , reducing the Japanese position with armour , artillery and air support , before the Japanese finally abandoned Sattelberg and withdrew north to Wareo , having suffered heavy casualties and running low on supplies . = = Background = = Following the fall of Lae in September 1943 , the Australians continued their advance north along the New Guinea coast towards the Huon Peninsula , with the aim of securing Finschhafen , where large scale air and naval facilities could be constructed for operations that were planned against New Britain . On 22 September 1943 , less than a week after Lae had been captured , Brigadier Victor Windeyer 's Australian 20th Brigade was detached from the 9th Division by Major General George Wootten , the divisional commander , and landed at Scarlet Beach ( north of Siki Cove ) , to the east of Katika and about 10 kilometres ( 6 @.@ 2 mi ) to the north of Finschhafen . The landing was only lightly opposed , and the Australians began to advance south towards Katika where Japanese resistance was stronger , but was nevertheless overcome by the early afternoon . As the 20th Brigade advanced south towards their objective at Finschhafen , intelligence indicated that the Japanese were moving to the high ground to the west at Sattelberg , which was situated about 900 metres ( 3 @,@ 000 ft ) above sea level . Captured documents showed that three infantry battalions were being concentrated at an old Lutheran mission station that had been established at Sattelberg in the 19th century during the German colonial administration of the area . Concerned for the security of his lines of communication due to the presence of Japanese on his flank , the Australian brigade commander adopted more cautious tactics , while reinforcements were called for . Heavy fighting ensued , but Finschhafen fell to the Australians on 2 October . Following this , the 9th Division was tasked with advancing towards Sio , further around the coast on the northern side of the Huon Peninsula . The Japanese in the area around Finschhafen were growing in strength , however , as a large number of the 4 @,@ 000 to 5 @,@ 000 men that had garrisoned Finschhafen had managed to escape inland , while the rest of the 20th Division , under the command of Lieutenant General Shigeru Katagiri , was being moved from Bogadjim , south of Madang , to provide reinforcements . Wootten considered that the threat posed by this force meant that Sattelberg would have to be captured before the 9th Division could undertake its advance towards Sio . = = Prelude = = = = = Advance on Finschhafen = = = During the advance on Finschhafen , a company from the 2 / 17th Battalion , which had been tasked with securing the beachhead and the flank , had been sent to Sattelberg but had been unable to occupy it due to the strength of the Japanese force already there . As captured orders had revealed Japanese plans to breakthrough to the coast , it was decided to place the company into a blocking position east of Sattelberg
[ "▁along", "▁the", "▁coast", "▁road", "▁around", "▁J", "ive", "van", "eng", "▁.", "▁In", "▁this", "▁position", "▁,", "▁from", "▁", "2", "5", "▁September", "▁on", "wards", "▁they", "▁were", "▁subject", "ed", "▁to", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁attacks", "▁as", "▁they", "▁attempted", "▁to", "▁def", "lect", "▁attacks", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁", "3", "rd", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁", "8", "0", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁,", "▁which", "▁were", "▁aim", "ed", "▁at", "▁breaking", "▁through", "▁to", "▁H", "eld", "s", "bach", "▁Plant", "ation", "▁,", "▁directly", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁beach", "head", "▁at", "▁S", "iki", "▁C", "ove", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "3", "0", "▁September", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "1", "7", "th", "▁were", "▁replaced", "▁by", "▁a", "▁company", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "3", "rd", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁and", "▁over", "▁the", "▁next", "▁couple", "▁of", "▁days", "▁,", "▁a", "▁whole", "▁batt", "alion", "▁of", "▁Japanese", "▁surrounded", "▁the", "▁position", "▁and", "▁attacked", "▁it", "▁eight", "▁times", "▁.", "▁Four", "▁attempts", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁to", "▁rel", "ieve", "▁the", "▁company", "▁failed", "▁,", "▁before", "▁an", "▁attack", "▁on", "▁K", "um", "awa", "▁by", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "1", "7", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁on", "▁", "5", "▁October", "▁cut", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁supply", "▁lines", "▁and", "▁prov", "oked", "▁a", "▁strong", "▁counter", "att", "ack", "▁,", "▁which", "▁subsequently", "▁drew", "▁pressure", "▁off", "▁the", "▁be", "le", "ag", "uer", "ed", "▁company", "▁,", "▁and", "▁enabled", "▁it", "▁to", "▁be", "▁rel", "ieved", "▁on", "▁", "7", "▁October", "▁.", "▁As", "▁the", "▁threat", "▁of", "▁Japanese", "▁counter", "att", "ack", "▁grew", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁land", "ed", "▁at", "▁Lang", "em", "ak", "▁Bay", "▁on", "▁", "1", "0", "▁October", "▁to", "▁rein", "force", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁day", "▁,", "▁W", "oot", "ten", "▁was", "▁able", "▁to", "▁establish", "▁his", "▁divis", "ional", "▁headquarters", "▁at", "▁Fin", "sch", "h", "afen", "▁,", "▁and", "▁prepar", "ations", "▁began", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁to", "▁attack", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁force", "▁around", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁.", "▁", "▁During", "▁this", "▁time", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁were", "▁also", "▁planning", "▁an", "▁off", "ensive", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "1", "0", "▁October", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁Division", "▁'", "s", "▁commander", "▁,", "▁Kat", "ag", "iri", "▁,", "▁arrived", "▁at", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁having", "▁tre", "kk", "ed", "▁over", "land", "▁from", "▁S", "io", "▁.", "▁After", "▁taking", "▁over", "▁oper", "ational", "▁control", "▁of", "▁the", "▁forces", "▁there", "▁,", "▁on", "▁", "1", "2", "▁October", "▁he", "▁issued", "▁orders", "▁for", "▁an", "▁attack", "▁to", "▁commence", "▁on", "▁", "1", "6", "▁October", "▁.", "▁This", "▁attack", "▁was", "▁concept", "ual", "ised", "▁as", "▁consisting", "▁of", "▁two", "▁inf", "antry", "▁reg", "iments", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "7", "9", "th", "▁and", "▁", "8", "0", "th", "▁,", "▁supported", "▁by", "▁three", "▁art", "illery", "▁batter", "ies", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "6", "th", "▁Field", "▁Art", "illery", "▁Regiment", "▁,", "▁a", "▁company", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁Engine", "er", "▁Regiment", "▁and", "▁the", "▁divis", "ional", "▁signals", "▁unit", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁part", "▁of", "▁this", "▁off", "ensive", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "8", "0", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁would", "▁continue", "▁to", "▁make", "▁attacks", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁forces", "▁around", "▁J", "ive", "van", "eng", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁", "7", "9", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁would", "▁drive", "▁towards", "▁Kat", "ika", "▁and", "▁attempt", "▁to", "▁break", "▁through", "▁to", "▁the", "▁coast", "▁to", "▁attack", "▁the", "▁beach", "head", "▁at", "▁Sc", "ar", "let", "▁Beach", "▁,", "▁where", "▁a", "▁se", "abor", "ne", "▁assault", "▁would", "▁be", "▁made", "▁concurrent", "ly", "▁by", "▁", "7", "0", "▁men", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Sug", "ino", "▁C", "raft", "▁Ra", "iding", "▁Unit", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁had", "▁learned", "▁about", "▁Kat", "ag", "iri", "▁'", "s", "▁plans", "▁and", "▁as", "▁a", "▁result", "▁the", "▁", "9", "th", "▁Division", "▁commander", "▁,", "▁W", "oot", "ten", "▁,", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁put", "▁off", "▁his", "▁own", "▁off", "ensive", "▁plans", "▁while", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁attack", "▁was", "▁de", "alt", "▁with", "▁.", "▁It", "▁came", "▁in", "▁the", "▁early", "▁hours", "▁of", "▁", "1", "7", "▁October", "▁,", "▁and", "▁over", "▁the", "▁course", "▁of", "▁the", "▁following", "▁week", "▁heavy", "▁fighting", "▁en", "su", "ed", "▁around", "▁Kat", "ika", "▁and", "▁J", "ive", "van", "eng", "▁.", "▁Fore", "warn", "ed", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁were", "▁able", "▁to", "▁check", "▁these", "▁attacks", "▁with", "▁assistance", "▁from", "▁American", "▁support", "▁units", "▁,", "▁and", "▁by", "▁the", "▁time", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁called", "▁off", "▁their", "▁off", "ensive", "▁on", "▁", "2", "5", "▁October", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁Division", "▁had", "▁suffered", "▁", "3", "5", "2", "▁men", "▁killed", "▁and", "▁", "5", "6", "4", "▁wounded", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁had", "▁suffered", "▁", "2", "2", "8", "▁cas", "ual", "ties", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁during", "▁the", "▁early", "▁stages", "▁of", "▁this", "▁fighting", "▁that", "▁an", "▁American", "▁soldier", "▁,", "▁Private", "▁Nathan", "▁Van", "▁No", "y", "▁,", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "5", "3", "2", "nd", "▁Engine", "er", "▁Bo", "at", "▁and", "▁Sh", "ore", "▁Regiment", "▁,", "▁performed", "▁the", "▁de", "eds", "▁that", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁him", "▁being", "▁post", "hum", "ously", "▁awarded", "▁the", "▁Medal", "▁of", "▁Honor", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Japanese", "▁prepar", "ations", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁With", "▁the", "▁", "7", "9", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁having", "▁lost", "▁around", "▁", "5", "0", "▁%", "▁of", "▁its", "▁strength", "▁and", "▁with", "▁am", "mun", "ition", "▁and", "▁food", "▁running", "▁low", "▁(", "▁by", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁month", "▁,", "▁they", "▁had", "▁been", "▁reduced", "▁to", "▁quarter", "▁r", "ations", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁divis", "ional", "▁commander", "▁,", "▁Kat", "ag", "iri", "▁,", "▁made", "▁the", "▁decision", "▁to", "▁call", "▁off", "▁the", "▁attack", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁pull", "▁back", "▁from", "▁J", "ive", "van", "eng", "▁and", "▁Kat", "ika", "▁and", "▁re", "group", "▁on", "▁the", "▁higher", "▁ground", "▁further", "▁west", "▁around", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁.", "▁This", "▁order", "▁was", "▁passed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁morning", "▁of", "▁", "2", "4", "▁October", "▁,", "▁and", "▁by", "▁the", "▁morning", "▁of", "▁", "2", "7", "▁October", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁Division", "▁'", "s", "▁sub", "un", "its", "▁had", "▁managed", "▁to", "▁re", "group", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁of", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁.", "▁Following", "▁this", "▁,", "▁Kat", "ag", "iri", "▁received", "▁orders", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "th", "▁Army", "▁commander", "▁,", "▁General", "▁H", "ata", "z", "ō", "▁Ad", "achi", "▁,", "▁who", "▁delivered", "▁them", "▁personally", "▁at", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁Division", "▁to", "▁prepare", "▁to", "▁hold", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁and", "▁to", "▁eng", "age", "▁in", "▁off", "ensive", "▁operations", "▁in", "▁the", "▁immediate", "▁vic", "inity", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁a", "▁part", "▁of", "▁this", "▁plan", "▁,", "▁Kat", "ag", "iri", "▁decided", "▁that", "▁he", "▁would", "▁use", "▁the", "▁", "8", "0", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁to", "▁defend", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁", "7", "9", "th", "▁would", "▁concent", "rate", "▁in", "▁the", "▁N", "ong", "ora", "▁area", "▁with", "▁the", "▁intention", "▁of", "▁launch", "ing", "▁a", "▁counter", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁attack", "▁upon", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁forces", "▁adv", "ancing", "▁from", "▁Kat", "ika", "▁,", "▁near", "▁the", "▁Song", "▁River", "▁on", "▁", "2", "5", "▁November", "▁.", "▁Ar", "ound", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "8", "0", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁was", "▁deployed" ]
along the coast road around Jivevaneng . In this position , from 25 September onwards they were subjected to a number of attacks as they attempted to deflect attacks by the Japanese 3rd Battalion , 80th Infantry Regiment , which were aimed at breaking through to Heldsbach Plantation , directly south of the beachhead at Siki Cove . On 30 September the 2 / 17th were replaced by a company from the 2 / 43rd Battalion , and over the next couple of days , a whole battalion of Japanese surrounded the position and attacked it eight times . Four attempts by the Australians to relieve the company failed , before an attack on Kumawa by the 2 / 17th Battalion on 5 October cut the Japanese supply lines and provoked a strong counterattack , which subsequently drew pressure off the beleaguered company , and enabled it to be relieved on 7 October . As the threat of Japanese counterattack grew , the 24th Brigade landed at Langemak Bay on 10 October to reinforce the 20th Brigade . The following day , Wootten was able to establish his divisional headquarters at Finschhafen , and preparations began for the Australians to attack the Japanese force around Sattelberg . During this time , the Japanese were also planning an offensive . On 10 October , the Japanese 20th Division 's commander , Katagiri , arrived at Sattelberg having trekked overland from Sio . After taking over operational control of the forces there , on 12 October he issued orders for an attack to commence on 16 October . This attack was conceptualised as consisting of two infantry regiments , the 79th and 80th , supported by three artillery batteries from the 26th Field Artillery Regiment , a company from the 20th Engineer Regiment and the divisional signals unit . As a part of this offensive , the 80th Infantry Regiment would continue to make attacks on the Australian forces around Jivevaneng , while the 79th Infantry Regiment would drive towards Katika and attempt to break through to the coast to attack the beachhead at Scarlet Beach , where a seaborne assault would be made concurrently by 70 men from the Sugino Craft Raiding Unit . The Australians had learned about Katagiri 's plans and as a result the 9th Division commander , Wootten , decided to put off his own offensive plans while the Japanese attack was dealt with . It came in the early hours of 17 October , and over the course of the following week heavy fighting ensued around Katika and Jivevaneng . Forewarned , the Australians were able to check these attacks with assistance from American support units , and by the time that the Japanese called off their offensive on 25 October , the Japanese 20th Division had suffered 352 men killed and 564 wounded , while the Australians had suffered 228 casualties . It was during the early stages of this fighting that an American soldier , Private Nathan Van Noy , from the 532nd Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment , performed the deeds that resulted in him being posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor . = = = Japanese preparations = = = With the 79th Infantry Regiment having lost around 50 % of its strength and with ammunition and food running low ( by the end of the month , they had been reduced to quarter rations ) , the Japanese divisional commander , Katagiri , made the decision to call off the attack in order to pull back from Jivevaneng and Katika and regroup on the higher ground further west around the mission . This order was passed on the morning of 24 October , and by the morning of 27 October the Japanese 20th Division 's subunits had managed to regroup to the east of Sattelberg . Following this , Katagiri received orders from the 18th Army commander , General Hatazō Adachi , who delivered them personally at Sattelberg , for the 20th Division to prepare to hold the mission and to engage in offensive operations in the immediate vicinity . As a part of this plan , Katagiri decided that he would use the 80th Infantry Regiment to defend Sattelberg , while the 79th would concentrate in the Nongora area with the intention of launching a counter @-@ attack upon the Australian forces advancing from Katika , near the Song River on 25 November . Around Sattelberg , the 80th Infantry Regiment was deployed
[ "▁in", "▁five", "▁key", "▁locations", "▁.", "▁Three", "▁companies", "▁from", "▁the", "▁regiment", "▁'", "s", "▁", "2", "nd", "▁Battalion", "▁established", "▁a", "▁position", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁(", "▁known", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁Sa", "he", "ki", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁y", "ama", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁another", "▁three", "▁companies", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "3", "rd", "▁Battalion", "▁were", "▁position", "ed", "▁ast", "ride", "▁the", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁road", "▁at", "▁\"", "▁Mi", "y", "ake", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dai", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁or", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁.", "▁Another", "▁two", "▁companies", "▁were", "▁position", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁main", "▁position", "▁at", "▁\"", "▁Yam", "ada", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁y", "ama", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁remainder", "▁of", "▁the", "▁regiment", "▁was", "▁ent", "rench", "ed", "▁around", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁itself", "▁—", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁K", "ans", "hi", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁y", "ama", "▁\"", "▁—", "▁where", "▁they", "▁had", "▁established", "▁a", "▁form", "id", "able", "▁\"", "▁for", "tr", "ess", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁around", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁commander", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁keep", "▁\"", "▁which", "▁was", "▁position", "ed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁", "3", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁,", "▁known", "▁as", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁Kat", "ag", "iri", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁y", "ama", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁The", "▁strength", "▁of", "▁these", "▁forces", "▁was", "▁estimated", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁commander", "▁,", "▁W", "oot", "ten", "▁,", "▁to", "▁be", "▁around", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "8", "0", "0", "▁men", "▁in", "▁the", "▁immediate", "▁vic", "inity", "▁of", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁mission", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁further", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "4", "0", "0", "▁around", "▁N", "ong", "ora", "▁and", "▁another", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁at", "▁G", "us", "ika", "▁.", "▁These", "▁estimates", "▁were", "▁confirmed", "▁after", "▁the", "▁fighting", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Japanese", "▁def", "enders", "▁were", "▁supported", "▁by", "▁the", "▁", "4", "th", "▁Air", "▁Army", "▁,", "▁with", "▁f", "ighter", "▁and", "▁bom", "ber", "▁aircraft", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "6", "th", "▁and", "▁", "7", "th", "▁Air", "▁Div", "isions", "▁flying", "▁close", "▁support", "▁miss", "ions", "▁against", "▁Australian", "▁art", "illery", "▁positions", "▁,", "▁carrying", "▁out", "▁bomb", "ing", "▁operations", "▁around", "▁the", "▁Fin", "sch", "h", "afen", "▁area", "▁,", "▁and", "▁dro", "pping", "▁supplies", "▁by", "▁air", "▁around", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁and", "▁W", "are", "o", "▁throughout", "▁October", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Al", "lied", "▁prepar", "ations", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁attack", "▁on", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁needed", "▁rein", "for", "c", "ements", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁initially", "▁the", "▁Al", "lied", "▁higher", "▁command", "ers", "▁were", "▁rel", "uct", "ant", "▁to", "▁provide", "▁these", "▁,", "▁on", "▁", "2", "5", "▁October", "▁the", "▁Milit", "ia", "▁", "4", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁was", "▁det", "ached", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "5", "th", "▁Division", "▁and", "▁placed", "▁under", "▁the", "▁oper", "ational", "▁control", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "9", "th", "▁Division", "▁.", "▁These", "▁troops", "▁were", "▁subsequently", "▁used", "▁in", "▁a", "▁def", "ensive", "▁role", "▁around", "▁the", "▁beach", "head", "▁to", "▁free", "▁up", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "9", "th", "▁Division", "▁for", "▁the", "▁off", "ensive", "▁operations", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "3", "rd", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁,", "▁was", "▁also", "▁brought", "▁up", "▁on", "▁", "3", "0", "▁September", "▁,", "▁ahead", "▁of", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁brig", "ade", "▁which", "▁arrived", "▁later", "▁in", "▁October", "▁.", "▁Nevertheless", "▁,", "▁by", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁September", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Al", "lies", "▁perce", "ived", "▁the", "▁situation", "▁around", "▁Fin", "sch", "h", "afen", "▁to", "▁be", "▁\"", "▁reason", "ably", "▁secure", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁American", "▁engineer", "▁and", "▁construction", "▁units", "▁,", "▁including", "▁the", "▁", "8", "0", "8", "th", "▁Engine", "er", "▁A", "viation", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁started", "▁to", "▁arrive", "▁in", "▁October", "▁.", "▁By", "▁December", "▁they", "▁had", "▁begun", "▁work", "▁construct", "ing", "▁an", "▁air", "field", "▁and", "▁other", "▁base", "▁facilities", "▁around", "▁Dre", "ger", "▁Har", "bour", "▁.", "▁Following", "▁this", "▁,", "▁W", "oot", "ten", "▁began", "▁final", "ising", "▁his", "▁plans", "▁for", "▁assault", "ing", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁.", "▁Because", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁had", "▁bor", "ne", "▁the", "▁br", "unt", "▁of", "▁the", "▁fighting", "▁following", "▁the", "▁landing", "▁in", "▁September", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "6", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁,", "▁which", "▁had", "▁land", "ed", "▁at", "▁Lang", "em", "ak", "▁Bay", "▁on", "▁the", "▁night", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "▁October", "▁under", "▁Brig", "ad", "ier", "▁David", "▁White", "head", "▁,", "▁was", "▁chosen", "▁to", "▁spe", "ar", "head", "▁the", "▁attack", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁same", "▁time", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "th", "▁and", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁Brig", "ades", "▁,", "▁operating", "▁in", "▁the", "▁central", "▁and", "▁northern", "▁se", "ctors", "▁,", "▁would", "▁continue", "▁pat", "rolling", "▁operations", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁keep", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁off", "▁balance", "▁.", "▁", "▁Support", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "2", "6", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁'", "s", "▁attack", "▁would", "▁be", "▁provided", "▁by", "▁divis", "ional", "▁assets", "▁,", "▁including", "▁Mat", "ilda", "▁t", "anks", "▁from", "▁'", "▁C", "▁'", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁", "1", "st", "▁T", "ank", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁presence", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁took", "▁great", "▁lengths", "▁to", "▁keep", "▁secret", "▁,", "▁art", "illery", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "1", "2", "th", "▁Field", "▁Regiment", "▁and", "▁later", "▁(", "▁after", "▁it", "▁was", "▁found", "▁that", "▁the", "▁", "2", "5", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pd", "rs", "▁could", "▁not", "▁be", "▁transport", "ed", "▁up", "▁the", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁Road", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "nd", "▁Mountain", "▁B", "atter", "y", "▁,", "▁and", "▁support", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁by", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁fire", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "nd", "▁Machine", "▁Gun", "▁Battalion", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "1", "3", "th", "▁Field", "▁Company", "▁supplied", "▁engineer", "▁det", "ach", "ments", "▁to", "▁each", "▁batt", "alion", "▁,", "▁while", "▁air", "▁assets", "▁were", "▁provided", "▁by", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁", "5", "th", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁and", "▁No", ".", "▁", "4", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁Royal", "▁Australian", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁an", "▁Army", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁operation", "▁squad", "ron", "▁that", "▁was", "▁equ", "ipped", "▁with", "▁Bo", "omer", "angs", "▁and", "▁Wir", "raw", "ays", "▁,", "▁and", "▁provided", "▁aer", "ial", "▁observation", "▁in", "▁support", "▁of", "▁art", "illery", "▁operations", "▁.", "▁Ven", "ge", "ance", "▁d", "ive", "▁bom", "bers", "▁from", "▁No", ".", "▁", "2", "4", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁RA", "AF", "▁also", "▁provided", "▁support", "▁,", "▁while", "▁Japanese", "▁supply", "▁lines", "▁were", "▁dis", "rupted", "▁by", "▁Al", "lied", "▁aircraft", "▁and", "▁P", "T", "▁boats", "▁.", "▁", "▁Supp", "lies", "▁for", "▁the", "▁operation", "▁were", "▁land", "ed", "▁by", "▁American", "▁landing", "▁craft", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "5", "3", "2", "nd", "▁Engine", "er", "▁Bo", "at", "▁and", "▁Sh", "ore", "▁Regiment", "▁and", "▁brought", "▁forward", "▁using", "▁vehicles", "▁or", "▁carried", "▁by", "▁local", "▁por", "ters", "▁.", "▁They", "▁were", "▁then", "▁\"", "▁dump", "ed", "▁\"", "▁around", "▁J", "ive", "van", "eng", "▁and", "▁K", "um", "awa", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁could", "▁be", "▁distributed", "▁to", "▁individual", "▁batt", "al", "ions" ]
in five key locations . Three companies from the regiment 's 2nd Battalion established a position at the 2 @,@ 200 feature ( known as " Saheki @-@ yama " to the Japanese ) , and another three companies from the 3rd Battalion were positioned astride the Sattelberg road at " Miyake @-@ dai " , or the 2 @,@ 600 feature . Another two companies were positioned to the south of the main position at " Yamada @-@ yama " , while the remainder of the regiment was entrenched around the mission itself — the " Kanshi @-@ yama " — where they had established a formidable " fortress " , and around the Japanese commander 's " keep " which was positioned on the 3 @,@ 200 feature , known as the " Katagiri @-@ yama " . The strength of these forces was estimated by the Australian commander , Wootten , to be around 2 @,@ 800 men in the immediate vicinity of Sattelberg mission , with a further 2 @,@ 400 around Nongora and another 1 @,@ 000 to the north at Gusika . These estimates were confirmed after the fighting . The Japanese defenders were supported by the 4th Air Army , with fighter and bomber aircraft from the 6th and 7th Air Divisions flying close support missions against Australian artillery positions , carrying out bombing operations around the Finschhafen area , and dropping supplies by air around Sattelberg and Wareo throughout October . = = = Allied preparations = = = Prior to the attack on Sattelberg , the Australians needed reinforcements . Although initially the Allied higher commanders were reluctant to provide these , on 25 October the Militia 4th Brigade was detached from the 5th Division and placed under the operational control of the 9th Division . These troops were subsequently used in a defensive role around the beachhead to free up the rest of the 9th Division for the offensive operations . The 2 / 43rd Battalion , from the 24th Brigade , was also brought up on 30 September , ahead of the rest of the brigade which arrived later in October . Nevertheless , by the end of September , the Allies perceived the situation around Finschhafen to be " reasonably secure " , and American engineer and construction units , including the 808th Engineer Aviation Battalion , started to arrive in October . By December they had begun work constructing an airfield and other base facilities around Dreger Harbour . Following this , Wootten began finalising his plans for assaulting Sattelberg . Because the 20th Brigade had borne the brunt of the fighting following the landing in September , the 26th Brigade , which had landed at Langemak Bay on the night of 20 October under Brigadier David Whitehead , was chosen to spearhead the attack . At the same time , the 20th and 24th Brigades , operating in the central and northern sectors , would continue patrolling operations in order to keep the Japanese off balance . Support for the 26th Brigade 's attack would be provided by divisional assets , including Matilda tanks from ' C ' Squadron , 1st Tank Battalion , whose presence the Australians took great lengths to keep secret , artillery from the 2 / 12th Field Regiment and later ( after it was found that the 25 @-@ pdrs could not be transported up the Sattelberg Road ) , the 2nd Mountain Battery , and support @-@ by @-@ fire from the 2 / 2nd Machine Gun Battalion . The 2 / 13th Field Company supplied engineer detachments to each battalion , while air assets were provided by the United States 5th Air Force and No. 4 Squadron , Royal Australian Air Force , which was an Army co @-@ operation squadron that was equipped with Boomerangs and Wirraways , and provided aerial observation in support of artillery operations . Vengeance dive bombers from No. 24 Squadron , RAAF also provided support , while Japanese supply lines were disrupted by Allied aircraft and PT boats . Supplies for the operation were landed by American landing craft from the 532nd Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment and brought forward using vehicles or carried by local porters . They were then " dumped " around Jivevaneng and Kumawa , where they could be distributed to individual battalions
[ "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁heavy", "▁rain", "▁that", "▁had", "▁fallen", "▁at", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁October", "▁ham", "per", "ed", "▁the", "▁bu", "il", "dup", "▁of", "▁stores", "▁and", "▁consequ", "ently", "▁delayed", "▁Australian", "▁prepar", "ations", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁their", "▁plans", "▁were", "▁not", "▁final", "ised", "▁until", "▁", "1", "5", "▁November", "▁.", "▁At", "▁this", "▁time", "▁,", "▁White", "head", "▁began", "▁issu", "ing", "▁his", "▁orders", "▁.", "▁The", "▁concept", "▁of", "▁operations", "▁called", "▁for", "▁the", "▁capture", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁—", "▁so", "▁called", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁because", "▁that", "▁was", "▁its", "▁height", "▁in", "▁feet", "▁—", "▁first", "▁,", "▁before", "▁a", "▁subsequent", "▁west", "ward", "▁advance", "▁to", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁would", "▁advance", "▁west", "▁from", "▁J", "ive", "van", "eng", "▁along", "▁the", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁road", "▁supported", "▁by", "▁t", "anks", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "1", "st", "▁T", "ank", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁would", "▁advance", "▁north", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁west", "▁across", "▁S", "iki", "▁Creek", "▁and", "▁capture", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁which", "▁would", "▁hand", "▁over", "▁its", "▁def", "ensive", "▁duties", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "th", "▁Comm", "ando", "▁Squadron", "▁,", "▁would", "▁start", "▁further", "▁south", "▁from", "▁K", "um", "awa", "▁,", "▁protect", "ing", "▁the", "▁left", "▁fl", "ank", "▁,", "▁and", "▁after", "▁par", "alle", "ling", "▁the", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁road", "▁,", "▁they", "▁would", "▁marry", "▁up", "▁with", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁at", "▁a", "▁position", "▁called", "▁\"", "▁Ste", "e", "ple", "▁Tree", "▁Hill", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁or", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁,", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁Mi", "y", "ake", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁dai", "▁\"", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁)", "▁,", "▁where", "▁it", "▁was", "▁planned", "▁to", "▁halt", "▁for", "▁res", "upp", "ly", "▁and", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁appreci", "ation", "▁before", "▁undert", "aking", "▁the", "▁final", "▁attack", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁decided", "▁that", "▁t", "anks", "▁,", "▁which", "▁would", "▁provide", "▁direct", "▁fire", "▁support", "▁for", "▁use", "▁against", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁b", "unker", "▁systems", "▁that", "▁were", "▁believed", "▁to", "▁be", "▁around", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁would", "▁only", "▁be", "▁employed", "▁along", "▁the", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁road", "▁,", "▁as", "▁considerable", "▁engineer", "▁support", "▁was", "▁required", "▁to", "▁move", "▁the", "▁Mat", "ild", "as", "▁into", "▁position", "▁in", "▁the", "▁closed", "▁terrain", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Battle", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Initial", "▁Australian", "▁attack", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁", "1", "7", "▁November", "▁,", "▁fighting", "▁for", "▁the", "▁main", "▁position", "▁around", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁comm", "enced", "▁.", "▁The", "▁previous", "▁night", "▁,", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁prepare", "▁for", "▁the", "▁attack", "▁on", "▁the", "▁", "2", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁captured", "▁Green", "▁R", "idge", "▁,", "▁a", "▁small", "▁but", "▁important", "▁feature", "▁that", "▁domin", "ated", "▁the", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁road", "▁.", "▁The", "▁capture", "▁of", "▁the", "▁r", "idge", "▁secured", "▁a", "▁start", "▁line", "▁forward", "▁of", "▁J", "ive", "van", "eng", "▁for", "▁White", "head", "▁'", "s", "▁", "2", "6", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁to", "▁launch", "▁the", "▁first", "▁stage", "▁of", "▁their", "▁attack", "▁upon", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁day", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁handed", "▁over", "▁responsibility", "▁for", "▁the", "▁defence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁r", "idge", "▁to", "▁a", "▁company", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁attack", "▁comm", "enced", "▁amid", "st", "▁heavy", "▁supporting", "▁art", "illery", "▁and", "▁machine", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gun", "▁fire", "▁.", "▁In", "▁response", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁art", "illery", "▁from", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁fired", "▁a", "▁limited", "▁bar", "rage", "▁onto", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁on", "▁Green", "▁R", "idge", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁terrain", "▁upon", "▁which", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁advanced", "▁ham", "per", "ed", "▁their", "▁movement", "▁consider", "ably", "▁.", "▁Cons", "isting", "▁mainly", "▁of", "▁ste", "ep", "▁\"", "▁raz", "or", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁back", "▁\"", "▁rid", "ges", "▁and", "▁thick", "▁j", "ung", "le", "▁which", "▁restricted", "▁the", "▁tact", "ics", "▁that", "▁White", "head", "▁could", "▁employ", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "6", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁mainly", "▁employed", "▁in", "fil", "tr", "ation", "▁tact", "ics", "▁,", "▁adv", "ancing", "▁on", "▁\"", "▁narrow", "▁front", "s", "▁\"", "▁using", "▁columns", "▁of", "▁troops", "▁consisting", "▁of", "▁an", "▁inf", "antry", "▁company", "▁forward", "▁,", "▁followed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁tro", "op", "▁of", "▁t", "anks", "▁with", "▁an", "▁engineer", "▁section", "▁in", "▁support", "▁.", "▁Initial", "ly", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁were", "▁surprised", "▁by", "▁the", "▁presence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Mat", "ilda", "▁t", "anks", "▁as", "▁their", "▁noise", "▁had", "▁been", "▁mask", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁art", "illery", "▁and", "▁ro", "cket", "▁bar", "rage", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁positions", "▁were", "▁abandoned", "▁by", "▁Japanese", "▁soldiers", "▁who", "▁were", "▁put", "▁to", "▁flight", "▁upon", "▁seeing", "▁the", "▁t", "anks", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁as", "▁the", "▁day", "▁progress", "ed", "▁the", "▁opposition", "▁st", "iff", "ened", "▁and", "▁the", "▁def", "enders", "▁recovered", "▁after", "▁the", "▁initial", "▁shock", "▁.", "▁Progress", "▁subsequently", "▁became", "▁very", "▁slow", "▁,", "▁and", "▁as", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁approached", "▁\"", "▁Co", "con", "ut", "▁R", "idge", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁designated", "▁High", "land", "▁", "5", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁)", "▁at", "▁around", "▁m", "idd", "ay", "▁,", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Mat", "ild", "as", "▁was", "▁disabled", "▁when", "▁it", "▁lost", "▁a", "▁track", "▁to", "▁an", "▁impro", "vised", "▁explos", "ive", "▁device", "▁which", "▁had", "▁been", "▁placed", "▁under", "▁the", "▁road", "▁by", "▁the", "▁def", "ending", "▁Japanese", "▁.", "▁With", "▁the", "▁t", "anks", "▁isolated", "▁from", "▁their", "▁inf", "antry", "▁support", "▁,", "▁a", "▁small", "▁Japanese", "▁team", "▁advanced", "▁from", "▁cover", "▁to", "▁attack", "▁a", "▁second", "▁tank", "▁which", "▁had", "▁come", "▁up", "▁to", "▁support", "▁the", "▁first", "▁,", "▁and", "▁taking", "▁the", "▁machine", "▁gun", "ner", "▁by", "▁surprise", "▁,", "▁they", "▁placed", "▁an", "▁explos", "ive", "▁charge", "▁in", "▁front", "▁of", "▁it", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁the", "▁resulting", "▁explos", "ion", "▁did", "▁not", "▁knock", "▁the", "▁tank", "▁out", "▁of", "▁action", "▁,", "▁it", "▁tra", "pped", "▁its", "▁crew", "▁inside", "▁for", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁day", "▁.", "▁", "▁F", "iring", "▁upon", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁with", "▁machine", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁guns", "▁,", "▁mort", "ars", "▁and", "▁gr", "en", "ades", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁def", "enders", "▁upon", "▁Co", "con", "ut", "▁R", "idge", "▁held", "▁up", "▁the", "▁advance", "▁.", "▁Through", "out", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁the", "▁day", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁under", "to", "ok", "▁a", "▁series", "▁of", "▁fl", "ank", "ing", "▁attacks", "▁in", "▁which", "▁at", "▁least", "▁", "8", "0", "▁Japanese", "▁were", "▁killed", "▁,", "▁however", "▁by", "▁night", "fall", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁still", "▁held", "▁the", "▁r", "idge", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁with", "d", "rew", "▁to", "▁a", "▁nearby", "▁kn", "oll", "▁to", "▁re", "organ", "ise", "▁,", "▁having" ]
. However , the heavy rain that had fallen at the end of October hampered the buildup of stores and consequently delayed Australian preparations . As a result , their plans were not finalised until 15 November . At this time , Whitehead began issuing his orders . The concept of operations called for the capture of the 2 @,@ 200 feature — so called by the Australians because that was its height in feet — first , before a subsequent westward advance to the mission . The 2 / 48th Battalion would advance west from Jivevaneng along the Sattelberg road supported by tanks from the 1st Tank Battalion , while the 2 / 24th Battalion would advance north @-@ west across Siki Creek and capture the 2 @,@ 200 feature . The 2 / 23rd Battalion , which would hand over its defensive duties to the 2 / 4th Commando Squadron , would start further south from Kumawa , protecting the left flank , and after paralleling the Sattelberg road , they would marry up with the 2 / 48th at a position called " Steeple Tree Hill " , or the 2 @,@ 600 feature , by the Australians ( " Miyake @-@ dai " to the Japanese ) , where it was planned to halt for resupply and re @-@ appreciation before undertaking the final attack . It was decided that tanks , which would provide direct fire support for use against the Japanese bunker systems that were believed to be around Sattelberg , would only be employed along the Sattelberg road , as considerable engineer support was required to move the Matildas into position in the closed terrain . = = Battle = = = = = Initial Australian attack = = = On 17 November , fighting for the main position around Sattelberg commenced . The previous night , in order to prepare for the attack on the 2200 feature , the 2 / 48th Battalion captured Green Ridge , a small but important feature that dominated the Sattelberg road . The capture of the ridge secured a start line forward of Jivevaneng for Whitehead 's 26th Brigade to launch the first stage of their attack upon Sattelberg . The following day , the 2 / 48th Battalion handed over responsibility for the defence of the ridge to a company from the 2 / 23rd Battalion , and the attack commenced amidst heavy supporting artillery and machine @-@ gun fire . In response , the Japanese artillery from Sattelberg fired a limited barrage onto the Australians on Green Ridge . The terrain upon which the Australians advanced hampered their movement considerably . Consisting mainly of steep " razor @-@ back " ridges and thick jungle which restricted the tactics that Whitehead could employ , the 26th Brigade mainly employed infiltration tactics , advancing on " narrow fronts " using columns of troops consisting of an infantry company forward , followed by a troop of tanks with an engineer section in support . Initially the Japanese were surprised by the presence of the Matilda tanks as their noise had been masked by the artillery and rocket barrage , and a number of positions were abandoned by Japanese soldiers who were put to flight upon seeing the tanks , however , as the day progressed the opposition stiffened and the defenders recovered after the initial shock . Progress subsequently became very slow , and as the 2 / 48th Battalion approached " Coconut Ridge " ( designated Highland 5 by the Japanese ) at around midday , one of the Matildas was disabled when it lost a track to an improvised explosive device which had been placed under the road by the defending Japanese . With the tanks isolated from their infantry support , a small Japanese team advanced from cover to attack a second tank which had come up to support the first , and taking the machine gunner by surprise , they placed an explosive charge in front of it . Although the resulting explosion did not knock the tank out of action , it trapped its crew inside for the rest of the day . Firing upon the Australians with machine @-@ guns , mortars and grenades , the Japanese defenders upon Coconut Ridge held up the advance . Throughout the rest of the day , the 2 / 48th Battalion undertook a series of flanking attacks in which at least 80 Japanese were killed , however by nightfall the Japanese still held the ridge , and the 2 / 48th Battalion withdrew to a nearby knoll to reorganise , having
[ "▁suffered", "▁six", "▁killed", "▁and", "▁", "2", "6", "▁wounded", "▁.", "▁Else", "where", "▁,", "▁the", "▁other", "▁two", "▁Australian", "▁batt", "al", "ions", "▁had", "▁also", "▁found", "▁the", "▁going", "▁slow", "▁:", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁had", "▁d", "ug", "▁in", "▁east", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁had", "▁only", "▁managed", "▁to", "▁advance", "▁about", "▁half", "▁the", "▁expected", "▁distance", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Japanese", "▁abandoned", "▁Co", "con", "ut", "▁R", "idge", "▁that", "▁night", "▁,", "▁while", "▁in", "▁the", "▁morning", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁brought", "▁up", "▁three", "▁replacement", "▁t", "anks", "▁.", "▁At", "▁around", "▁", "7", "▁:", "▁", "0", "0", "▁am", "▁,", "▁an", "▁Australian", "▁pat", "rol", "▁sc", "out", "ed", "▁the", "▁r", "idge", "▁and", "▁an", "▁hour", "▁later", "▁a", "▁pl", "ato", "on", "▁attack", "▁was", "▁put", "▁in", "▁,", "▁confirm", "ing", "▁that", "▁the", "▁def", "enders", "▁had", "▁gone", "▁.", "▁As", "▁battle", "field", "▁clear", "ance", "▁operations", "▁got", "▁under", "way", "▁,", "▁the", "▁t", "anks", "▁that", "▁had", "▁been", "▁disabled", "▁the", "▁day", "▁before", "▁were", "▁also", "▁rep", "a", "ired", "▁,", "▁bringing", "▁the", "▁total", "▁number", "▁of", "▁Mat", "ild", "as", "▁available", "▁to", "▁seven", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁early", "▁afternoon", "▁,", "▁the", "▁advance", "▁was", "▁res", "umed", "▁,", "▁however", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁only", "▁managed", "▁to", "▁progress", "▁a", "▁further", "▁", "2", "5", "0", "▁yards", "▁(", "▁", "2", "3", "0", "▁m", "▁)", "▁before", "▁they", "▁were", "▁halt", "ed", "▁by", "▁st", "iff", "▁opposition", "▁from", "▁Japanese", "▁armed", "▁with", "▁", "3", "7", "▁mm", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁tank", "▁guns", "▁.", "▁A", "▁number", "▁of", "▁these", "▁pieces", "▁were", "▁destroyed", "▁and", "▁at", "▁least", "▁", "4", "0", "▁Japanese", "▁were", "▁killed", "▁or", "▁wounded", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Japanese", "▁sn", "ip", "ers", "▁inf", "lic", "ted", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁cas", "ual", "ties", "▁upon", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁,", "▁and", "▁although", "▁none", "▁were", "▁fatal", "▁it", "▁prevent", "ed", "▁any", "▁further", "▁g", "ains", "▁as", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁spent", "▁most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁day", "▁hunting", "▁the", "▁sn", "ip", "ers", "▁in", "▁the", "▁trees", "▁.", "▁Else", "where", "▁,", "▁in", "▁front", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁and", "▁on", "▁the", "▁southern", "▁fl", "ank", "▁,", "▁only", "▁limited", "▁progress", "▁was", "▁made", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁,", "▁who", "▁suffered", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁cas", "ual", "ties", "▁from", "▁Japanese", "▁", "7", "5", "▁mm", "▁mountain", "▁guns", "▁before", "▁these", "▁were", "▁sil", "enced", "▁by", "▁a", "▁bomb", "ard", "ment", "▁by", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "1", "2", "th", "▁Field", "▁Regiment", "▁.", "▁At", "▁d", "usk", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁d", "ug", "▁in", "▁less", "▁than", "▁", "3", "0", "▁yards", "▁(", "▁", "2", "7", "▁m", "▁)", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁defence", "▁line", "▁and", "▁sp", "or", "adic", "▁fighting", "▁continued", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁night", "▁.", "▁", "▁That", "▁night", "▁,", "▁W", "oot", "ten", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁take", "▁stock", "▁of", "▁the", "▁slow", "▁progress", "▁along", "▁the", "▁southern", "▁and", "▁central", "▁routes", "▁.", "▁Based", "▁on", "▁captured", "▁documents", "▁,", "▁Australian", "▁intelligence", "▁reports", "▁placed", "▁the", "▁number", "▁of", "▁Japanese", "▁troops", "▁around", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁at", "▁about", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁men", "▁.", "▁These", "▁men", "▁were", "▁believed", "▁to", "▁be", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "8", "0", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁,", "▁which", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁felt", "▁was", "▁close", "▁to", "▁exhaust", "ion", "▁and", "▁unlikely", "▁to", "▁be", "▁able", "▁to", "▁with", "stand", "▁any", "▁further", "▁pressure", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁of", "▁this", "▁information", "▁,", "▁W", "oot", "ten", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁change", "▁the", "▁concept", "▁of", "▁operations", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁'", "s", "▁attack", "▁on", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁had", "▁originally", "▁been", "▁intended", "▁to", "▁serve", "▁as", "▁a", "▁holding", "▁action", "▁,", "▁the", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁progress", "▁by", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁and", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁encourag", "ed", "▁W", "oot", "ten", "▁to", "▁order", "▁the", "▁", "2", "6", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁'", "s", "▁commander", "▁,", "▁White", "head", "▁,", "▁to", "▁concent", "rate", "▁his", "▁efforts", "▁upon", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁,", "▁turning", "▁the", "▁drive", "▁on", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁into", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁double", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pr", "ong", "ed", "▁\"", "▁attack", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁also", "▁attempting", "▁to", "▁break", "▁through", "▁to", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁following", "▁day", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "▁November", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁came", "▁up", "▁against", "▁a", "▁series", "▁of", "▁prepared", "▁def", "ences", "▁which", "▁further", "▁slow", "ed", "▁their", "▁progress", "▁.", "▁Through", "out", "▁the", "▁night", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁had", "▁d", "ug", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁tank", "▁d", "itch", "es", "▁,", "▁about", "▁", "6", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁m", "▁)", "▁wide", "▁and", "▁", "4", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁m", "▁)", "▁deep", "▁,", "▁which", "▁Australian", "▁engine", "ers", "▁had", "▁to", "▁fill", "▁before", "▁the", "▁t", "anks", "▁could", "▁continue", "▁.", "▁Progress", "▁was", "▁made", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁and", "▁amid", "st", "▁hand", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁to", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hand", "▁fighting", "▁troops", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁managed", "▁to", "▁se", "ize", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁(", "▁Ste", "e", "ple", "▁Tree", "▁Hill", "▁)", "▁,", "▁after", "▁engine", "ers", "▁under", "▁the", "▁command", "▁of", "▁Lieutenant", "▁(", "▁later", "▁Captain", "▁)", "▁August", "us", "▁Spr", "y", "▁,", "▁helped", "▁clear", "▁the", "▁way", "▁through", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁two", "▁f", "oug", "ass", "es", "▁that", "▁were", "▁fashion", "ed", "▁out", "▁of", "▁", "4", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gall", "on", "▁drums", "▁filled", "▁with", "▁pet", "rol", "▁,", "▁which", "▁were", "▁expl", "oded", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁st", "un", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁and", "▁provide", "▁a", "▁smoke", "▁screen", "▁while", "▁the", "▁inf", "antry", "▁attacked", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Japanese", "▁launched", "▁a", "▁counter", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁attack", "▁as", "▁d", "usk", "▁fell", "▁,", "▁but", "▁this", "▁was", "▁rep", "elled", "▁with", "▁heavy", "▁losses", "▁:", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁had", "▁", "2", "0", "▁men", "▁killed", "▁or", "▁wounded", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁left", "▁behind", "▁", "4", "6", "▁killed", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁machine", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁guns", "▁and", "▁mort", "ars", "▁,", "▁as", "▁they", "▁with", "d", "rew", "▁from", "▁the", "▁position", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁Battalion", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁,", "▁up", "▁against", "▁the", "▁same", "▁def", "ensive", "▁system", "▁that", "▁was", "▁delay", "ing", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁,", "▁was", "▁also", "▁held", "▁up", "▁further", "▁,", "▁while", "▁on", "▁the", "▁northern", "▁route", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁found", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁un", "occup", "ied", "▁,", "▁but", "▁was", "▁unable", "▁to", "▁proceed", "▁further", "▁after", "▁they", "▁came", "▁under", "▁heavy", "▁machine" ]
suffered six killed and 26 wounded . Elsewhere , the other two Australian battalions had also found the going slow : the 2 / 24th had dug in east of the 2200 feature , while the 2 / 23rd had only managed to advance about half the expected distance . The Japanese abandoned Coconut Ridge that night , while in the morning the Australians brought up three replacement tanks . At around 7 : 00 am , an Australian patrol scouted the ridge and an hour later a platoon attack was put in , confirming that the defenders had gone . As battlefield clearance operations got underway , the tanks that had been disabled the day before were also repaired , bringing the total number of Matildas available to seven . In the early afternoon , the advance was resumed , however the Australians only managed to progress a further 250 yards ( 230 m ) before they were halted by stiff opposition from Japanese armed with 37 mm anti @-@ tank guns . A number of these pieces were destroyed and at least 40 Japanese were killed or wounded , but Japanese snipers inflicted a number of casualties upon the Australians , and although none were fatal it prevented any further gains as the 2 / 48th spent most of the day hunting the snipers in the trees . Elsewhere , in front of the 2 @,@ 200 feature and on the southern flank , only limited progress was made by the Australians , who suffered a number of casualties from Japanese 75 mm mountain guns before these were silenced by a bombardment by the 2 / 12th Field Regiment . At dusk , the Australians dug in less than 30 yards ( 27 m ) from the Japanese defence line and sporadic fighting continued throughout the night . That night , Wootten decided to take stock of the slow progress along the southern and central routes . Based on captured documents , Australian intelligence reports placed the number of Japanese troops around the mission at about 2 @,@ 000 men . These men were believed to be from the 80th Infantry Regiment , which the Australians felt was close to exhaustion and unlikely to be able to withstand any further pressure . As a result of this information , Wootten decided to change the concept of operations . Although the 2 / 24th Battalion 's attack on the 2 @,@ 200 feature had originally been intended to serve as a holding action , the lack of progress by the 2 / 48th and 2 / 23rd encouraged Wootten to order the 26th Brigade 's commander , Whitehead , to concentrate his efforts upon the 2 @,@ 200 feature , turning the drive on Sattelberg into a " double @-@ pronged " attack , with the 2 / 24th also attempting to break through to Sattelberg . The following day , 19 November , the Australians came up against a series of prepared defences which further slowed their progress . Throughout the night the Japanese had dug a number of anti @-@ tank ditches , about 6 feet ( 1 @.@ 8 m ) wide and 4 feet ( 1 @.@ 2 m ) deep , which Australian engineers had to fill before the tanks could continue . Progress was made , however , and amidst hand @-@ to @-@ hand fighting troops from the 2 / 48th managed to seize part of the 2 @,@ 600 feature ( Steeple Tree Hill ) , after engineers under the command of Lieutenant ( later Captain ) Augustus Spry , helped clear the way through the use of two fougasses that were fashioned out of 4 @-@ gallon drums filled with petrol , which were exploded in order to stun the Japanese and provide a smoke screen while the infantry attacked . The Japanese launched a counter @-@ attack as dusk fell , but this was repelled with heavy losses : the Australians had 20 men killed or wounded , while the Japanese left behind 46 killed , as well as a number of machine @-@ guns and mortars , as they withdrew from the position . The 2 / 23rd Battalion to the south , up against the same defensive system that was delaying the 2 / 48th , was also held up further , while on the northern route , the 2 / 24th found the 2 @,@ 200 feature unoccupied , but was unable to proceed further after they came under heavy machine
[ "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gun", "▁and", "▁art", "illery", "▁fire", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁fourth", "▁day", "▁of", "▁the", "▁assault", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "▁November", "▁,", "▁brought", "▁no", "▁forward", "▁movement", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁as", "▁the", "▁", "8", "0", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁'", "s", "▁", "2", "nd", "▁Battalion", "▁fought", "▁t", "ena", "ci", "ously", "▁to", "▁prevent", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁from", "▁moving", "▁forward", "▁.", "▁Nevertheless", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁a", "▁different", "▁story", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁on", "▁the", "▁main", "▁road", "▁as", "▁the", "▁", "3", "rd", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁", "8", "0", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁was", "▁forced", "▁back", "▁towards", "▁\"", "▁Point", "▁", "7", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁start", "▁of", "▁the", "▁day", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁had", "▁only", "▁been", "▁able", "▁to", "▁advance", "▁a", "▁further", "▁", "2", "5", "0", "▁yards", "▁(", "▁", "2", "3", "0", "▁m", "▁)", "▁before", "▁their", "▁progress", "▁was", "▁held", "▁up", "▁by", "▁thick", "▁scr", "ub", "▁which", "▁delayed", "▁their", "▁tank", "▁support", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁Battalion", "▁moved", "▁up", "▁the", "▁southern", "▁slope", "▁of", "▁Ste", "e", "ple", "▁Tree", "▁Hill", "▁and", "▁over", "▁the", "▁course", "▁of", "▁the", "▁afternoon", "▁gradually", "▁forced", "▁the", "▁def", "enders", "▁back", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁made", "▁slow", "▁progress", "▁but", "▁by", "▁", "6", "▁:", "▁", "3", "5", "▁pm", "▁they", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁they", "▁had", "▁reached", "▁the", "▁sum", "mit", "▁of", "▁the", "▁hill", "▁and", "▁as", "▁night", "▁fell", "▁,", "▁the", "▁two", "▁Australian", "▁batt", "al", "ions", "▁were", "▁separated", "▁by", "▁about", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "▁yards", "▁(", "▁", "2", "7", "0", "▁m", "▁)", "▁.", "▁C", "aught", "▁between", "▁two", "▁groups", "▁of", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁,", "▁during", "▁the", "▁course", "▁of", "▁the", "▁night", "▁the", "▁two", "▁Japanese", "▁companies", "▁that", "▁had", "▁been", "▁holding", "▁the", "▁position", "▁abandoned", "▁it", "▁,", "▁and", "▁fell", "▁back", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁main", "▁def", "ensive", "▁position", "▁at", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Japanese", "▁counter", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁attack", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁For", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁,", "▁the", "▁supply", "▁situation", "▁around", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁was", "▁w", "ors", "ening", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁some", "▁supplies", "▁were", "▁successfully", "▁air", "▁dropped", "▁,", "▁the", "▁def", "enders", "▁were", "▁reduced", "▁to", "▁cons", "uming", "▁only", "▁a", "▁third", "▁of", "▁the", "▁standard", "▁daily", "▁r", "ation", "▁and", "▁Kat", "ag", "iri", "▁'", "s", "▁supply", "▁of", "▁art", "illery", "▁shell", "s", "▁was", "▁very", "▁low", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁ad", "her", "ence", "▁to", "▁strict", "▁fire", "▁discipline", "▁.", "▁Given", "▁the", "▁des", "perate", "▁supply", "▁situation", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁made", "▁all", "▁the", "▁worse", "▁when", "▁the", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁cut", "▁the", "▁track", "▁between", "▁G", "us", "ika", "▁and", "▁W", "are", "o", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁", "1", "8", "th", "▁Army", "▁commander", "▁,", "▁Ad", "achi", "▁,", "▁gave", "▁Kat", "ag", "iri", "▁appro", "val", "▁to", "▁withdraw", "▁from", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁after", "▁", "2", "0", "▁November", "▁.", "▁Kat", "ag", "iri", "▁subsequently", "▁ordered", "▁Colonel", "▁Sad", "ah", "iko", "▁Mi", "y", "ake", "▁,", "▁the", "▁commander", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "8", "0", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁,", "▁to", "▁inf", "lict", "▁as", "▁many", "▁cas", "ual", "ties", "▁upon", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁as", "▁possible", "▁and", "▁then", "▁begin", "▁a", "▁progress", "ive", "▁withdraw", "al", "▁to", "▁W", "are", "o", "▁.", "▁Nevertheless", "▁,", "▁Kat", "ag", "iri", "▁was", "▁determined", "▁to", "▁launch", "▁a", "▁counter", "att", "ack", "▁further", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁east", "▁.", "▁When", "▁form", "ulating", "▁his", "▁defence", "▁plans", "▁in", "▁October", "▁,", "▁he", "▁had", "▁originally", "▁intended", "▁to", "▁launch", "▁an", "▁attack", "▁from", "▁N", "ong", "ora", "▁with", "▁the", "▁", "7", "9", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁on", "▁", "2", "5", "▁November", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁adv", "ancing", "▁stead", "ily", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁main", "▁position", "▁at", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁Kat", "ag", "iri", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁bring", "▁this", "▁forward", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁take", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁pressure", "▁off", "▁the", "▁troops", "▁def", "ending", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁.", "▁After", "▁moving", "▁into", "▁position", "▁on", "▁", "2", "1", "▁November", "▁,", "▁the", "▁attack", "▁was", "▁launched", "▁the", "▁following", "▁day", "▁.", "▁", "▁W", "oot", "ten", "▁had", "▁predicted", "▁this", "▁,", "▁based", "▁upon", "▁documents", "▁that", "▁had", "▁been", "▁captured", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Brig", "ad", "ier", "▁Sel", "w", "yn", "▁Por", "ter", "▁'", "s", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁had", "▁thoroughly", "▁prepared", "▁for", "▁the", "▁on", "s", "la", "ug", "ht", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "7", "9", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁crossed", "▁the", "▁Song", "▁River", "▁and", "▁attacked", "▁Sc", "ar", "let", "▁Beach", "▁from", "▁the", "▁west", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁", "2", "nd", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁", "2", "3", "8", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁,", "▁which", "▁had", "▁been", "▁det", "ached", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "4", "1", "st", "▁Division", "▁,", "▁attacked", "▁south", "▁from", "▁G", "us", "ika", "▁.", "▁By", "▁using", "▁in", "fil", "tr", "ation", "▁tact", "ics", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁sk", "irt", "ed", "▁around", "▁the", "▁lead", "▁elements", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁in", "▁an", "▁attack", "▁that", "▁was", "▁intended", "▁to", "▁roll", "▁up", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁rear", "▁elements", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁in", "▁turn", "▁attacked", "▁the", "▁fl", "anks", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁units", "▁,", "▁ma", "uling", "▁their", "▁supply", "▁columns", "▁and", "▁inf", "lic", "ting", "▁heavy", "▁cas", "ual", "ties", "▁upon", "▁them", "▁.", "▁This", "▁had", "▁the", "▁effect", "▁of", "▁s", "que", "ez", "ing", "▁the", "▁strength", "▁out", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁counter", "att", "ack", "▁and", "▁forcing", "▁them", "▁into", "▁undert", "aking", "▁pie", "c", "eme", "al", "▁attacks", "▁which", "▁were", "▁de", "alt", "▁with", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁with", "▁relative", "▁ease", "▁.", "▁As", "▁a", "▁result", "▁,", "▁although", "▁the", "▁fighting", "▁around", "▁Sc", "ar", "let", "▁Beach", "▁continued", "▁until", "▁", "2", "8", "▁November", "▁when", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁units", "▁that", "▁had", "▁been", "▁involved", "▁were", "▁with", "dra", "wn", "▁towards", "▁W", "are", "o", "▁,", "▁it", "▁did", "▁not", "▁have", "▁the", "▁ur", "gency", "▁to", "▁affect", "▁the", "▁", "2", "6", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁'", "s", "▁advance", "▁on", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁and", "▁was", "▁largely", "▁broken", "▁up", "▁by", "▁", "2", "3", "▁November", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Australian", "▁attack", "▁res", "umed", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁After", "▁being", "▁forced", "▁off", "▁Ste", "e", "ple", "▁Tree", "▁Hill", "▁,", "▁Mi", "y", "ake", "▁,", "▁command", "ing", "▁the", "▁main", "▁Japanese", "▁def", "ensive", "▁unit", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "8", "0", "th", "▁Infantry", "▁Regiment", "▁,", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁concent", "rate", "▁his", "▁defence", "▁upon", "▁the", "▁s", "addle", "▁at", "▁\"", "▁Point", "▁", "1", "0", "▁\"", "▁which", "▁was", "▁position", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁,", "▁at", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁itself", "▁and", "▁on", "▁the", "▁", "3", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁west", "▁.", "▁An", "▁inten", "se", "▁five", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁Al", "lied" ]
@-@ gun and artillery fire . The fourth day of the assault , 20 November , brought no forward movement for the Australians at the 2 @,@ 200 feature as the 80th Infantry Regiment 's 2nd Battalion fought tenaciously to prevent the 2 / 24th from moving forward . Nevertheless , it was a different story for the Australians on the main road as the 3rd Battalion , 80th Infantry Regiment was forced back towards " Point 7 " . At the start of the day , the Australian 2 / 48th Battalion had only been able to advance a further 250 yards ( 230 m ) before their progress was held up by thick scrub which delayed their tank support , however , to the south , the 2 / 23rd Battalion moved up the southern slope of Steeple Tree Hill and over the course of the afternoon gradually forced the defenders back . The 2 / 48th made slow progress but by 6 : 35 pm they reported that they had reached the summit of the hill and as night fell , the two Australian battalions were separated by about 300 yards ( 270 m ) . Caught between two groups of Australians , during the course of the night the two Japanese companies that had been holding the position abandoned it , and fell back towards the main defensive position at Sattelberg . = = = Japanese counter @-@ attack = = = For the Japanese , the supply situation around Sattelberg was worsening . Although some supplies were successfully air dropped , the defenders were reduced to consuming only a third of the standard daily ration and Katagiri 's supply of artillery shells was very low , despite adherence to strict fire discipline . Given the desperate supply situation , which was made all the worse when the 24th Brigade cut the track between Gusika and Wareo , the Japanese 18th Army commander , Adachi , gave Katagiri approval to withdraw from Sattelberg after 20 November . Katagiri subsequently ordered Colonel Sadahiko Miyake , the commander of the 80th Infantry Regiment , to inflict as many casualties upon the Australians as possible and then begin a progressive withdrawal to Wareo . Nevertheless , Katagiri was determined to launch a counterattack further to the north @-@ east . When formulating his defence plans in October , he had originally intended to launch an attack from Nongora with the 79th Infantry Regiment on 25 November , however , with the Australians advancing steadily towards the main position at Sattelberg , Katagiri decided to bring this forward in order to take some of the pressure off the troops defending the mission . After moving into position on 21 November , the attack was launched the following day . Wootten had predicted this , based upon documents that had been captured by the Australians , and Brigadier Selwyn Porter 's 24th Brigade had thoroughly prepared for the onslaught . The 79th Infantry Regiment crossed the Song River and attacked Scarlet Beach from the west , while the 2nd Battalion , 238th Infantry Regiment , which had been detached from the 41st Division , attacked south from Gusika . By using infiltration tactics the Japanese skirted around the lead elements of the 24th Brigade in an attack that was intended to roll up the Australian rear elements , however , the Australians in turn attacked the flanks of the Japanese units , mauling their supply columns and inflicting heavy casualties upon them . This had the effect of squeezing the strength out of the Japanese counterattack and forcing them into undertaking piecemeal attacks which were dealt with by the Australians with relative ease . As a result , although the fighting around Scarlet Beach continued until 28 November when the Japanese units that had been involved were withdrawn towards Wareo , it did not have the urgency to affect the 26th Brigade 's advance on Sattelberg and was largely broken up by 23 November . = = = Australian attack resumed = = = After being forced off Steeple Tree Hill , Miyake , commanding the main Japanese defensive unit , the 80th Infantry Regiment , decided to concentrate his defence upon the saddle at " Point 10 " which was positioned to the west of the 2 @,@ 200 feature , at Sattelberg itself and on the 3 @,@ 200 feature to the north @-@ west . An intense five @-@ day Allied
[ "▁aer", "ial", "▁bomb", "ard", "ment", "▁,", "▁which", "▁had", "▁begun", "▁on", "▁", "1", "9", "▁November", "▁,", "▁had", "▁destroyed", "▁the", "▁majority", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁guns", "▁around", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁am", "mun", "ition", "▁and", "▁food", "▁situation", "▁had", "▁become", "▁critical", "▁,", "▁despite", "▁the", "▁arrival", "▁of", "▁several", "▁t", "onnes", "▁of", "▁rice", "▁at", "▁W", "are", "o", "▁the", "▁day", "▁before", "▁.", "▁", "▁Through", "out", "▁", "2", "1", "▁November", "▁,", "▁there", "▁was", "▁a", "▁l", "ull", "▁in", "▁the", "▁battle", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁paused", "▁for", "▁res", "upp", "ly", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁by", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁day", "▁White", "head", "▁had", "▁made", "▁good", "▁his", "▁supply", "▁situation", "▁and", "▁the", "▁advance", "▁res", "umed", "▁the", "▁following", "▁day", "▁.", "▁In", "▁an", "▁effort", "▁to", "▁find", "▁the", "▁best", "▁possible", "▁route", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁sent", "▁out", "▁small", "▁reconna", "issance", "▁pat", "rol", "s", "▁and", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁intelligence", "▁they", "▁gained", "▁White", "head", "▁produced", "▁a", "▁new", "▁set", "▁of", "▁orders", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁ste", "pping", "▁off", "▁on", "▁", "2", "2", "▁November", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁advance", "▁along", "▁the", "▁road", "▁;", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁were", "▁to", "▁break", "▁track", "▁beyond", "▁Ste", "e", "ple", "▁Tree", "▁Hill", "▁at", "▁a", "▁location", "▁dub", "bed", "▁\"", "▁Turn", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Off", "▁Cor", "ner", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁advance", "▁around", "▁behind", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁,", "▁to", "▁attack", "▁the", "▁", "3", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁were", "▁to", "▁advance", "▁west", "▁,", "▁attempting", "▁to", "▁by", "pass", "▁the", "▁main", "▁Japanese", "▁positions", "▁in", "▁front", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁via", "▁an", "▁adjacent", "▁s", "addle", "▁to", "▁assist", "▁in", "▁the", "▁capture", "▁of", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁while", "▁also", "▁sending", "▁a", "▁det", "achment", "▁further", "▁north", "▁to", "▁secure", "▁Pal", "ank", "o", "▁.", "▁", "▁Following", "▁the", "▁fall", "▁of", "▁Ste", "e", "ple", "▁Tree", "▁Hill", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁were", "▁less", "▁incl", "ined", "▁to", "▁eng", "age", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁forces", "▁,", "▁never", "theless", "▁the", "▁advance", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁be", "▁fr", "ustr", "ating", "ly", "▁slow", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁command", "ers", "▁.", "▁The", "▁terrain", "▁over", "▁which", "▁the", "▁final", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁advance", "▁was", "▁undert", "aken", "▁was", "▁particularly", "▁tax", "ing", "▁on", "▁the", "▁troops", "▁involved", "▁.", "▁Many", "▁of", "▁the", "▁s", "lop", "es", "▁up", "▁which", "▁they", "▁were", "▁required", "▁to", "▁advance", "▁had", "▁grad", "ients", "▁of", "▁at", "▁least", "▁", "4", "5", "▁degrees", "▁,", "▁which", "▁meant", "▁that", "▁even", "▁reason", "ably", "▁short", "▁distances", "▁took", "▁considerable", "▁time", "▁To", "▁make", "▁matters", "▁worse", "▁,", "▁near", "▁the", "▁j", "unction", "▁of", "▁the", "▁S", "iki", "▁Creek", "▁,", "▁a", "▁lands", "lide", "▁caused", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Al", "lied", "▁bomb", "ing", "▁,", "▁couple", "d", "▁with", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁land", "▁mines", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁had", "▁plant", "ed", "▁,", "▁blocked", "▁the", "▁main", "▁road", "▁to", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁meaning", "▁that", "▁the", "▁soldiers", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁would", "▁have", "▁to", "▁make", "▁the", "▁final", "▁attack", "▁on", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁without", "▁arm", "oured", "▁support", "▁.", "▁In", "▁an", "▁effort", "▁to", "▁counter", "▁this", "▁problem", "▁,", "▁White", "head", "▁determined", "▁that", "▁the", "▁t", "anks", "▁would", "▁be", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁allocated", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁hope", "▁that", "▁a", "▁new", "▁route", "▁would", "▁be", "▁opened", "▁up", "▁by", "▁the", "▁engine", "ers", "▁.", "▁", "▁Although", "▁he", "▁was", "▁being", "▁press", "ured", "▁by", "▁the", "▁divis", "ional", "▁commander", "▁to", "▁increase", "▁the", "▁speed", "▁of", "▁the", "▁advance", "▁,", "▁White", "head", "▁was", "▁said", "▁to", "▁be", "▁reason", "ably", "▁happy", "▁with", "▁the", "▁progress", "▁being", "▁made", "▁by", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁along", "▁the", "▁central", "▁route", "▁,", "▁although", "▁he", "▁had", "▁mis", "giv", "ings", "▁about", "▁the", "▁performance", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁on", "▁the", "▁left", "▁and", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁on", "▁the", "▁right", "▁.", "▁To", "▁some", "▁extent", "▁,", "▁the", "▁failure", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁to", "▁take", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁could", "▁be", "▁attributed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁importance", "▁which", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁commander", "▁,", "▁Kat", "ag", "iri", "▁,", "▁placed", "▁upon", "▁its", "▁defence", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁White", "head", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁the", "▁batt", "alion", "▁'", "s", "▁command", "ing", "▁officer", "▁,", "▁Lieutenant", "▁Colonel", "▁Andrew", "▁G", "illes", "pie", "▁,", "▁was", "▁pro", "cr", "ast", "in", "ating", "▁and", "▁being", "▁over", "ly", "▁c", "aut", "ious", "▁in", "▁his", "▁tact", "ics", "▁.", "▁Nevertheless", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁later", "▁real", "ised", "▁that", "▁the", "▁terrain", "▁which", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁faced", "▁was", "▁more", "▁form", "id", "able", "▁than", "▁first", "▁thought", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁in", "▁order", "▁for", "▁the", "▁batt", "alion", "▁to", "▁make", "▁progress", "▁,", "▁they", "▁too", "▁,", "▁like", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁,", "▁would", "▁need", "▁t", "anks", "▁.", "▁Some", "▁attempt", "▁was", "▁made", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁to", "▁bring", "▁these", "▁up", "▁from", "▁the", "▁rear", "▁areas", "▁,", "▁but", "▁ultimately", "▁the", "▁fighting", "▁around", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁came", "▁to", "▁an", "▁end", "▁before", "▁this", "▁could", "▁be", "▁effect", "ed", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁brig", "ade", "▁'", "s", "▁left", "▁,", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁main", "▁route", "▁,", "▁the", "▁pace", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁'", "s", "▁advance", "▁had", "▁also", "▁caused", "▁White", "head", "▁some", "▁concern", "▁.", "▁Indeed", "▁,", "▁White", "head", "▁went", "▁as", "▁far", "▁to", "▁express", "▁this", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁'", "s", "▁command", "ing", "▁officer", "▁,", "▁Lieutenant", "▁Colonel", "▁Frederick", "▁T", "ucker", "▁,", "▁who", "▁pointed", "▁out", "▁that", "▁his", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁progress", "▁had", "▁been", "▁caused", "▁by", "▁the", "▁large", "▁number", "▁of", "▁tasks", "▁that", "▁the", "▁batt", "alion", "▁had", "▁been", "▁assigned", "▁,", "▁namely", "▁the", "▁compet", "ing", "▁dem", "ands", "▁to", "▁secure", "▁the", "▁fl", "ank", "▁while", "▁attempting", "▁to", "▁move", "▁quickly", "▁through", "▁broken", "▁country", "▁in", "▁order", "▁to", "▁make", "▁its", "▁scheduled", "▁rende", "z", "vous", "▁with", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁", "2", "3", "▁November", "▁,", "▁Al", "lied", "▁bom", "bers", "▁attacked", "▁the", "▁for", "tr", "ess", "▁at", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁def", "ensive", "▁positions", "▁around", "▁K", "um", "awa", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁,", "▁near", "ing", "▁their", "▁objective", "▁,", "▁c", "aut", "iously", "▁began", "▁to", "▁pro", "be", "▁the", "▁outer", "▁positions", "▁,", "▁while", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁,", "▁three", "▁companies", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁managed", "▁to", "▁reach", "▁the", "▁s", "addle", "▁that", "▁lay", "▁below", "▁the", "▁north", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁eastern", "▁approach", "▁to", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁,", "▁although", "▁there", "▁was", "▁still", "▁uncertainty", "▁as", "▁to", "▁whether", "▁or", "▁not", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁had", "▁with", "dra" ]
aerial bombardment , which had begun on 19 November , had destroyed the majority of the Japanese guns around Sattelberg , and the ammunition and food situation had become critical , despite the arrival of several tonnes of rice at Wareo the day before . Throughout 21 November , there was a lull in the battle as the Australians paused for resupply . However , by the end of the day Whitehead had made good his supply situation and the advance resumed the following day . In an effort to find the best possible route , the Australians sent out small reconnaissance patrols and based on the intelligence they gained Whitehead produced a new set of orders prior to stepping off on 22 November . The 2 / 48th continued to advance along the road ; the 2 / 23rd were to break track beyond Steeple Tree Hill at a location dubbed " Turn @-@ Off Corner " and advance around behind the mission , to attack the 3 @,@ 200 feature , while the 2 / 24th Battalion were to advance west , attempting to bypass the main Japanese positions in front of the 2 @,@ 200 feature via an adjacent saddle to assist in the capture of Sattelberg , while also sending a detachment further north to secure Palanko . Following the fall of Steeple Tree Hill , the Japanese were less inclined to engage the Australian forces , nevertheless the advance continued to be frustratingly slow for the Australian commanders . The terrain over which the final part of the advance was undertaken was particularly taxing on the troops involved . Many of the slopes up which they were required to advance had gradients of at least 45 degrees , which meant that even reasonably short distances took considerable time To make matters worse , near the junction of the Siki Creek , a landslide caused by the Allied bombing , coupled with a number of land mines that the Japanese had planted , blocked the main road to Sattelberg , meaning that the soldiers from the 2 / 48th would have to make the final attack on Sattelberg without armoured support . In an effort to counter this problem , Whitehead determined that the tanks would be re @-@ allocated to the 2 / 23rd , in the hope that a new route would be opened up by the engineers . Although he was being pressured by the divisional commander to increase the speed of the advance , Whitehead was said to be reasonably happy with the progress being made by the 2 / 48th along the central route , although he had misgivings about the performance of the 2 / 23rd on the left and the 2 / 24th on the right . To some extent , the failure of the 2 / 24th to take the 2 @,@ 200 feature could be attributed to the importance which the Japanese commander , Katagiri , placed upon its defence , however , Whitehead believed that the battalion 's commanding officer , Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Gillespie , was procrastinating and being overly cautious in his tactics . Nevertheless , it was later realised that the terrain which the 2 / 24th faced was more formidable than first thought , and that in order for the battalion to make progress , they too , like the 2 / 48th , would need tanks . Some attempt was made by the Australians to bring these up from the rear areas , but ultimately the fighting around Sattelberg came to an end before this could be effected . On the brigade 's left , south of the main route , the pace of the 2 / 23rd 's advance had also caused Whitehead some concern . Indeed , Whitehead went as far to express this to the 2 / 23rd 's commanding officer , Lieutenant Colonel Frederick Tucker , who pointed out that his lack of progress had been caused by the large number of tasks that the battalion had been assigned , namely the competing demands to secure the flank while attempting to move quickly through broken country in order to make its scheduled rendezvous with the 2 / 48th . On 23 November , Allied bombers attacked the fortress at Sattelberg , as well as defensive positions around Kumawa . The 2 / 48th , nearing their objective , cautiously began to probe the outer positions , while to the north , three companies from the 2 / 24th managed to reach the saddle that lay below the north @-@ eastern approach to the mission , although there was still uncertainty as to whether or not the Japanese had withdra
[ "wn", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁.", "▁To", "▁the", "▁south", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁west", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁began", "▁sk", "ir", "ting", "▁north", "▁around", "▁the", "▁main", "▁positions", "▁at", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁making", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "3", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁.", "▁After", "▁they", "▁had", "▁struck", "▁Turn", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Off", "▁Cor", "ner", "▁,", "▁the", "▁inf", "antry", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁were", "▁accompanied", "▁by", "▁engine", "ers", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "1", "3", "th", "▁Field", "▁Company", "▁,", "▁who", "▁were", "▁task", "ed", "▁with", "▁lay", "ing", "▁down", "▁a", "▁makes", "h", "ift", "▁road", "▁,", "▁over", "▁which", "▁the", "▁t", "anks", "▁that", "▁had", "▁been", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁allocated", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁would", "▁traverse", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Final", "▁assault", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁By", "▁", "2", "4", "▁November", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁were", "▁within", "▁striking", "▁distance", "▁of", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁at", "op", "▁the", "▁sum", "mit", "▁.", "▁A", "▁reconna", "issance", "▁pat", "rol", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁evening", "▁had", "▁provided", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁commander", "▁with", "▁the", "▁idea", "▁to", "▁send", "▁a", "▁company", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁over", "▁the", "▁S", "iki", "▁Creek", "▁and", "▁attack", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁from", "▁the", "▁south", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁east", "▁up", "▁a", "▁ste", "ep", "▁esc", "arp", "ment", "▁that", "▁was", "▁covered", "▁in", "▁thick", "▁kun", "ai", "▁grass", "▁,", "▁which", "▁offered", "▁an", "▁attack", "ing", "▁force", "▁a", "▁degree", "▁of", "▁conce", "al", "ment", "▁.", "▁A", "▁red", "▁roof", "ed", "▁h", "ut", "▁stood", "▁at", "▁the", "▁point", "▁where", "▁the", "▁attack", "▁was", "▁aim", "ed", "▁.", "▁This", "▁was", "▁about", "▁", "3", "0", "0", "▁metres", "▁(", "▁", "3", "3", "0", "▁y", "d", "▁)", "▁below", "▁the", "▁Luther", "an", "▁church", "▁that", "▁formed", "▁the", "▁main", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁.", "▁Ar", "ound", "▁the", "▁h", "ut", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁had", "▁constructed", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁rein", "for", "ced", "▁def", "ensive", "▁positions", "▁and", "▁although", "▁they", "▁had", "▁not", "▁been", "▁dam", "aged", "▁by", "▁the", "▁numerous", "▁aer", "ial", "▁attacks", "▁that", "▁had", "▁been", "▁launched", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Al", "lies", "▁during", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁week", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁believed", "▁that", "▁because", "▁the", "▁approach", "▁was", "▁so", "▁difficult", "▁,", "▁it", "▁might", "▁be", "▁light", "ly", "▁def", "ended", "▁.", "▁", "▁During", "▁the", "▁morning", "▁,", "▁while", "▁a", "▁di", "version", "ary", "▁attack", "▁was", "▁made", "▁by", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁and", "▁pat", "rol", "s", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁attempted", "▁to", "▁break", "▁through", "▁,", "▁a", "▁company", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁,", "▁under", "▁the", "▁command", "▁of", "▁Captain", "▁De", "ane", "▁Hill", "▁,", "▁attempted", "▁to", "▁reach", "▁the", "▁sum", "mit", "▁at", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁pl", "ato", "ons", "▁launched", "▁attacks", "▁during", "▁the", "▁early", "▁afternoon", "▁,", "▁but", "▁were", "▁be", "aten", "▁back", "▁by", "▁the", "▁twenty", "▁Japanese", "▁def", "enders", "▁that", "▁were", "▁d", "ug", "▁in", "▁around", "▁the", "▁sp", "ur", "▁.", "▁Late", "▁in", "▁the", "▁afternoon", "▁,", "▁a", "▁third", "▁pl", "ato", "on", "▁,", "▁", "1", "1", "▁Pl", "ato", "on", "▁,", "▁under", "▁the", "▁command", "▁of", "▁Serge", "ant", "▁(", "▁later", "▁Lieutenant", "▁)", "▁Tom", "▁Der", "rick", "▁,", "▁attempted", "▁another", "▁attack", "▁from", "▁further", "▁to", "▁the", "▁right", "▁of", "▁the", "▁position", "▁but", "▁it", "▁too", "▁was", "▁checked", "▁by", "▁machine", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gun", "▁fire", "▁and", "▁lo", "bb", "ed", "▁gr", "en", "ades", "▁.", "▁As", "▁the", "▁light", "▁began", "▁to", "▁fade", "▁,", "▁Der", "rick", "▁reported", "▁his", "▁lack", "▁of", "▁progress", "▁to", "▁his", "▁company", "▁commander", "▁and", "▁was", "▁subsequently", "▁ordered", "▁to", "▁withdraw", "▁,", "▁so", "▁that", "▁another", "▁attempt", "▁could", "▁be", "▁made", "▁in", "▁the", "▁morning", "▁.", "▁Der", "rick", "▁'", "s", "▁response", "▁to", "▁this", "▁order", "▁was", "▁to", "▁ob", "f", "usc", "ate", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁and", "▁instead", "▁of", "▁withdraw", "ing", "▁,", "▁he", "▁subsequently", "▁led", "▁his", "▁pl", "ato", "on", "▁forward", "▁,", "▁attack", "ing", "▁", "1", "0", "▁Japanese", "▁positions", "▁with", "▁gr", "en", "ades", "▁as", "▁his", "▁men", "▁supported", "▁him", "▁with", "▁B", "ren", "▁and", "▁O", "wen", "▁subm", "achine", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁gun", "▁fire", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁stopping", "▁about", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁yards", "▁(", "▁", "9", "1", "▁m", "▁)", "▁from", "▁the", "▁sum", "mit", "▁,", "▁Der", "rick", "▁'", "s", "▁pl", "ato", "on", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁hold", "▁their", "▁position", "▁through", "▁the", "▁night", "▁.", "▁Else", "where", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁they", "▁were", "▁just", "▁below", "▁the", "▁cr", "est", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁,", "▁the", "▁last", "▁Japanese", "▁def", "ensive", "▁position", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁they", "▁would", "▁capture", "▁it", "▁the", "▁following", "▁morning", "▁,", "▁before", "▁proceed", "ing", "▁on", "▁to", "▁their", "▁secondary", "▁objective", "▁at", "▁Pal", "ank", "o", "▁.", "▁Bel", "ieving", "▁that", "▁the", "▁key", "▁to", "▁taking", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁lay", "▁in", "▁having", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁in", "▁a", "▁position", "▁to", "▁support", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁'", "s", "▁final", "▁attack", "▁,", "▁White", "head", "▁press", "ured", "▁for", "▁the", "▁t", "anks", "▁to", "▁get", "▁up", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁as", "▁soon", "▁as", "▁possible", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁following", "▁morning", "▁,", "▁at", "▁first", "▁light", "▁,", "▁sp", "ur", "red", "▁on", "▁by", "▁the", "▁example", "▁provided", "▁by", "▁", "1", "1", "▁Pl", "ato", "on", "▁,", "▁rein", "for", "c", "ements", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁came", "▁up", "▁to", "▁complete", "▁the", "▁capture", "▁of", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁.", "▁Just", "▁after", "▁dawn", "▁,", "▁a", "▁heavy", "▁art", "illery", "▁bar", "rage", "▁was", "▁brought", "▁down", "▁on", "▁the", "▁sum", "mit", "▁by", "▁Australian", "▁art", "illery", "▁in", "▁prepar", "ation", "▁for", "▁the", "▁final", "▁attack", "▁.", "▁At", "▁", "8", "▁:", "▁", "2", "5", "▁am", "▁pat", "rol", "s", "▁were", "▁sent", "▁out", "▁from", "▁'", "▁B", "▁'", "▁Company", "▁,", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁and", "▁they", "▁subsequently", "▁reported", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁had", "▁abandoned", "▁the", "▁position", "▁som", "etime", "▁during", "▁the", "▁night", "▁.", "▁Indeed", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁later", "▁established", "▁that", "▁Mi", "y", "ake", "▁,", "▁who", "▁had", "▁been", "▁in", "▁command", "▁of", "▁the", "▁troops", "▁gathered", "▁around", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁and", "▁had", "▁been", "▁given", "▁permission", "▁to", "▁abandon", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁if", "▁the", "▁situation", "▁became", "▁un", "ten", "able", "▁,", "▁had", "▁decided", "▁to", "▁withdraw", "▁from", "▁the", "▁position", "▁soon", "▁after", "▁Der", "rick", "▁'", "s", "▁attack", "▁.", "▁", "▁Fif", "ty", "▁minutes", "▁later", "▁,", "▁the", "▁lead", "▁elements", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁entered", "▁the", "▁main", "▁mission", "▁complex", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁found", "▁to", "▁be", "▁quite", "▁badly", "▁dam", "aged", "▁.", "▁Finally", "▁,", "▁at", "▁", "1", "0", "▁:", "▁", "0", "0", "▁am", "▁," ]
wn from the 2 @,@ 200 feature . To the south @-@ west , the 2 / 23rd began skirting north around the main positions at Sattelberg , making for the 3 @,@ 200 feature . After they had struck Turn @-@ Off Corner , the infantry from the 2 / 23rd were accompanied by engineers from the 2 / 13th Field Company , who were tasked with laying down a makeshift road , over which the tanks that had been re @-@ allocated to the 2 / 23rd would traverse . = = = Final assault = = = By 24 November the Australians were within striking distance of the mission atop the summit . A reconnaissance patrol the previous evening had provided the Australian commander with the idea to send a company from the 2 / 48th over the Siki Creek and attack the mission from the south @-@ east up a steep escarpment that was covered in thick kunai grass , which offered an attacking force a degree of concealment . A red roofed hut stood at the point where the attack was aimed . This was about 300 metres ( 330 yd ) below the Lutheran church that formed the main part of the mission . Around the hut , the Japanese had constructed a number of reinforced defensive positions and although they had not been damaged by the numerous aerial attacks that had been launched by the Allies during the previous week , it was believed that because the approach was so difficult , it might be lightly defended . During the morning , while a diversionary attack was made by the 2 / 23rd Battalion , and patrols from the 2 / 24th to the north attempted to break through , a company from the 2 / 48th , under the command of Captain Deane Hill , attempted to reach the summit at Sattelberg . Two platoons launched attacks during the early afternoon , but were beaten back by the twenty Japanese defenders that were dug in around the spur . Late in the afternoon , a third platoon , 11 Platoon , under the command of Sergeant ( later Lieutenant ) Tom Derrick , attempted another attack from further to the right of the position but it too was checked by machine @-@ gun fire and lobbed grenades . As the light began to fade , Derrick reported his lack of progress to his company commander and was subsequently ordered to withdraw , so that another attempt could be made in the morning . Derrick 's response to this order was to obfuscate , however , and instead of withdrawing , he subsequently led his platoon forward , attacking 10 Japanese positions with grenades as his men supported him with Bren and Owen submachine @-@ gun fire . After stopping about 100 yards ( 91 m ) from the summit , Derrick 's platoon continued to hold their position through the night . Elsewhere , the 2 / 24th Battalion reported that they were just below the crest of the 2 @,@ 200 feature , the last Japanese defensive position to the north , and that they would capture it the following morning , before proceeding on to their secondary objective at Palanko . Believing that the key to taking Sattelberg lay in having the 2 / 24th in a position to support the 2 / 48th 's final attack , Whitehead pressured for the tanks to get up to the 2 / 24th as soon as possible . The following morning , at first light , spurred on by the example provided by 11 Platoon , reinforcements from the 2 / 48th came up to complete the capture of Sattelberg . Just after dawn , a heavy artillery barrage was brought down on the summit by Australian artillery in preparation for the final attack . At 8 : 25 am patrols were sent out from ' B ' Company , 2 / 48th Battalion , and they subsequently reported that the Japanese had abandoned the position sometime during the night . Indeed , it was later established that Miyake , who had been in command of the troops gathered around the mission and had been given permission to abandon Sattelberg if the situation became untenable , had decided to withdraw from the position soon after Derrick 's attack . Fifty minutes later , the lead elements of the 2 / 48th Battalion entered the main mission complex , which was found to be quite badly damaged . Finally , at 10 : 00 am ,
[ "▁upon", "▁the", "▁ins", "istence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁'", "s", "▁command", "ing", "▁officer", "▁,", "▁Lieutenant", "▁Colonel", "▁Robert", "▁A", "ins", "lie", "▁,", "▁Der", "rick", "▁was", "▁given", "▁the", "▁honour", "▁of", "▁raising", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁flag", "▁over", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁,", "▁sign", "ifying", "▁that", "▁the", "▁battle", "▁had", "▁come", "▁to", "▁an", "▁end", "▁.", "▁Short", "ly", "▁after", "▁this", "▁,", "▁the", "▁t", "anks", "▁finally", "▁reached", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁was", "▁also", "▁captured", "▁.", "▁Upon", "▁completion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁flag", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁raising", "▁ceremony", "▁,", "▁a", "▁company", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁moved", "▁on", "▁to", "▁the", "▁", "3", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁,", "▁which", "▁had", "▁also", "▁been", "▁abandoned", "▁,", "▁while", "▁further", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "th", "▁Comm", "ando", "▁Squadron", "▁cleared", "▁Mar", "aru", "o", "▁and", "▁in", "▁the", "▁process", "▁found", "▁evidence", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁had", "▁with", "dra", "wn", "▁towards", "▁W", "are", "o", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁After", "math", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁During", "▁the", "▁fighting", "▁around", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁lost", "▁", "4", "9", "▁men", "▁killed", "▁and", "▁a", "▁further", "▁", "1", "1", "8", "▁wounded", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁circumstances", "▁,", "▁this", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁to", "▁be", "▁light", "▁.", "▁Japanese", "▁cas", "ual", "ties", "▁are", "▁unknown", "▁,", "▁but", "▁are", "▁believed", "▁to", "▁have", "▁been", "▁\"", "▁heavy", "▁\"", "▁:", "▁a", "▁large", "▁number", "▁of", "▁Japanese", "▁bodies", "▁were", "▁found", "▁during", "▁the", "▁advance", "▁on", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁,", "▁while", "▁another", "▁", "5", "9", "▁were", "▁counted", "▁around", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁'", "s", "▁position", "▁on", "▁the", "▁", "2", "2", "0", "0", "▁feature", "▁,", "▁and", "▁captured", "▁documents", "▁indicated", "▁that", "▁the", "▁def", "enders", "▁had", "▁been", "▁close", "▁to", "▁star", "v", "ation", "▁.", "▁A", "▁large", "▁quantity", "▁of", "▁weapons", "▁were", "▁also", "▁captured", "▁,", "▁including", "▁two", "▁", "7", "5", "▁mm", "▁art", "illery", "▁pieces", "▁,", "▁three", "▁", "3", "7", "▁mm", "▁anti", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁tank", "▁guns", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "▁Type", "▁", "9", "2", "▁He", "avy", "▁Machine", "▁G", "uns", "▁(", "▁col", "lo", "qu", "ial", "ly", "▁known", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁Wood", "pe", "ck", "ers", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁a", "▁considerable", "▁number", "▁of", "▁mort", "ars", "▁,", "▁light", "▁machine", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁guns", "▁and", "▁ass", "orted", "▁small", "▁arms", "▁.", "▁", "▁Following", "▁the", "▁capture", "▁of", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁on", "▁", "2", "5", "▁November", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "2", "6", "th", "▁Brigade", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁advance", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁.", "▁Further", "▁fighting", "▁en", "su", "ed", "▁as", "▁they", "▁pushed", "▁on", "▁over", "▁difficult", "▁terrain", "▁to", "▁W", "are", "o", "▁,", "▁where", "▁they", "▁arrived", "▁on", "▁", "8", "▁December", "▁.", "▁After", "▁the", "▁Austral", "ians", "▁took", "▁W", "are", "o", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Japanese", "▁began", "▁to", "▁fall", "▁back", "▁to", "▁S", "io", "▁,", "▁where", "▁subsequent", "▁fighting", "▁took", "▁place", "▁throughout", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁and", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁For", "▁his", "▁actions", "▁during", "▁the", "▁final", "▁assault", "▁on", "▁the", "▁mission", "▁,", "▁Der", "rick", "▁was", "▁awarded", "▁the", "▁Victoria", "▁Cross", "▁—", "▁his", "▁nation", "▁'", "s", "▁highest", "▁military", "▁decor", "ation", "▁.", "▁Der", "rick", "▁was", "▁the", "▁fourth", "▁soldier", "▁from", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁to", "▁receive", "▁the", "▁award", "▁;", "▁by", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁host", "ilities", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁had", "▁the", "▁distinction", "▁of", "▁being", "▁the", "▁most", "▁highly", "▁decor", "ated", "▁Australian", "▁Army", "▁unit", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Second", "▁World", "▁War", "▁.", "▁The", "▁following", "▁Australian", "▁units", "▁received", "▁the", "▁battle", "▁honour", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁S", "att", "el", "berg", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁their", "▁invol", "vement", "▁in", "▁the", "▁battle", "▁:", "▁", "1", "st", "▁T", "ank", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "3", "rd", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "4", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁,", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "4", "8", "th", "▁Battalion", "▁and", "▁the", "▁", "2", "▁/", "▁", "2", "nd", "▁Machine", "▁Gun", "▁Battalion", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Ac", "qu", "ac", "otta", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ac", "qu", "ac", "otta", "▁(", "▁pron", "ounced", "▁[", "▁", "ˌ", "ak", "k", "wa", "ˈ", "k", "ɔ", "tta", "▁]", "▁;", "▁Italian", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁cook", "ed", "▁water", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁is", "▁a", "▁bro", "th", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁hot", "▁soup", "▁in", "▁Italian", "▁cu", "is", "ine", "▁that", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁a", "▁pe", "asant", "▁food", "▁.", "▁Its", "▁prepar", "ation", "▁and", "▁consumption", "▁dates", "▁back", "▁to", "▁ancient", "▁history", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁origin", "ated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁coast", "al", "▁area", "▁of", "▁named", "▁Mare", "m", "ma", "▁in", "▁southern", "▁T", "usc", "any", "▁and", "▁northern", "▁Laz", "io", "▁.", "▁The", "▁d", "ish", "▁was", "▁invent", "ed", "▁in", "▁part", "▁as", "▁a", "▁means", "▁to", "▁make", "▁hard", "ened", "▁,", "▁st", "ale", "▁bread", "▁ed", "ible", "▁.", "▁In", "▁contemporary", "▁times", "▁,", "▁ing", "red", "ients", "▁can", "▁vary", "▁,", "▁and", "▁additional", "▁ing", "red", "ients", "▁are", "▁sometimes", "▁used", "▁.", "▁Vari", "ations", "▁of", "▁the", "▁d", "ish", "▁include", "▁Aqu", "ac", "otta", "▁con", "▁fung", "hi", "▁and", "▁Aqu", "ac", "otta", "▁con", "▁pe", "per", "oni", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Ac", "qu", "ac", "otta", "▁is", "▁a", "▁simple", "▁traditional", "▁d", "ish", "▁origin", "ating", "▁in", "▁the", "▁coast", "al", "▁region", "▁of", "▁Italy", "▁known", "▁as", "▁Mare", "m", "ma", "▁,", "▁which", "▁sp", "ans", "▁the", "▁southern", "▁half", "▁of", "▁T", "usc", "any", "▁'", "s", "▁coast", "▁and", "▁runs", "▁into", "▁northern", "▁Laz", "io", "▁.", "▁The", "▁word", "▁\"", "▁acqu", "ac", "otta", "▁\"", "▁means", "▁\"", "▁cook", "ed", "▁water", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Italian", "▁language", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁a", "▁pe", "asant", "▁food", "▁,", "▁and", "▁has", "▁been", "▁described", "▁as", "▁an", "▁ancient", "▁d", "ish", "▁,", "▁the", "▁reci", "pe", "▁of", "▁which", "▁was", "▁derived", "▁in", "▁part", "▁by", "▁people", "▁who", "▁lived", "▁in", "▁the", "▁T", "us", "can", "▁forest", "▁working", "▁as", "▁col", "liers", "▁(", "▁char", "co", "al", "▁burn", "ers", "▁)", "▁,", "▁who", "▁were", "▁typically", "▁very", "▁poor", "▁and", "▁are", "▁\"", "▁tradition", "ally", "▁among", "▁the", "▁poor", "est", "▁of", "▁people", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁also", "▁prepared", "▁and", "▁consum", "ed", "▁by", "▁far", "mers", "▁and", "▁she", "ph", "erd", "s", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Mare", "m", "ma", "▁area", "▁.", "▁Histor", "ically", "▁,", "▁the", "▁soup", "▁was", "▁sometimes", "▁served", "▁as", "▁an", "▁ant", "ip", "asto", "▁d", "ish", "▁,", "▁the", "▁first", "▁course", "▁in", "▁an", "▁Italian", "▁me", "al", "▁.", "▁It", "▁remains", "▁a", "▁popular", "▁d", "ish", "▁in", "▁Mare", "m", "ma", "▁and", "▁throughout", "▁Italy", "▁.", "▁", "▁Ac", "qu", "ac", "otta", "▁was", "▁invent", "ed", "▁in", "▁part", "▁as", "▁a", "▁means", "▁to", "▁make", "▁st", "ale", "▁,", "▁hard", "ened", "▁bread", "▁ed", "ible", "▁.", "▁People", "▁that", "▁worked", "▁away", "▁from", "▁home", "▁for", "▁significant", "▁periods", "▁of", "▁time", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁wood", "cut" ]
upon the insistence of the 2 / 48th Battalion 's commanding officer , Lieutenant Colonel Robert Ainslie , Derrick was given the honour of raising the Australian flag over the mission , signifying that the battle had come to an end . Shortly after this , the tanks finally reached the 2 / 24th Battalion , and the 2 @,@ 200 feature was also captured . Upon completion of the flag @-@ raising ceremony , a company from the 2 / 48th moved on to the 3 @,@ 200 feature , which had also been abandoned , while further to the west , the 2 / 23rd , along with the 2 / 4th Commando Squadron cleared Mararuo and in the process found evidence that the Japanese had withdrawn towards Wareo . = = Aftermath = = During the fighting around Sattelberg , the Australians lost 49 men killed and a further 118 wounded . In the circumstances , this was considered to be light . Japanese casualties are unknown , but are believed to have been " heavy " : a large number of Japanese bodies were found during the advance on Sattelberg , while another 59 were counted around the 2 / 24th 's position on the 2200 feature , and captured documents indicated that the defenders had been close to starvation . A large quantity of weapons were also captured , including two 75 mm artillery pieces , three 37 mm anti @-@ tank guns and 18 Type 92 Heavy Machine Guns ( colloquially known as " Woodpeckers " ) , as well as a considerable number of mortars , light machine @-@ guns and assorted small arms . Following the capture of Sattelberg on 25 November , the 26th Brigade continued to advance to the north . Further fighting ensued as they pushed on over difficult terrain to Wareo , where they arrived on 8 December . After the Australians took Wareo , the Japanese began to fall back to Sio , where subsequent fighting took place throughout December 1943 and early 1944 . For his actions during the final assault on the mission , Derrick was awarded the Victoria Cross — his nation 's highest military decoration . Derrick was the fourth soldier from the 2 / 48th Battalion to receive the award ; by the end of the hostilities the 2 / 48th had the distinction of being the most highly decorated Australian Army unit of the Second World War . The following Australian units received the battle honour of " Sattelberg " for their involvement in the battle : 1st Tank Battalion , 2 / 23rd Battalion , 2 / 24th Battalion , 2 / 48th Battalion and the 2 / 2nd Machine Gun Battalion . = Acquacotta = Acquacotta ( pronounced [ ˌakkwaˈkɔtta ] ; Italian for " cooked water " ) is a broth @-@ based hot soup in Italian cuisine that was originally a peasant food . Its preparation and consumption dates back to ancient history , and it originated in the coastal area of named Maremma in southern Tuscany and northern Lazio . The dish was invented in part as a means to make hardened , stale bread edible . In contemporary times , ingredients can vary , and additional ingredients are sometimes used . Variations of the dish include Aquacotta con funghi and Aquacotta con peperoni . = = History = = Acquacotta is a simple traditional dish originating in the coastal region of Italy known as Maremma , which spans the southern half of Tuscany 's coast and runs into northern Lazio . The word " acquacotta " means " cooked water " in the Italian language . It was originally a peasant food , and has been described as an ancient dish , the recipe of which was derived in part by people who lived in the Tuscan forest working as colliers ( charcoal burners ) , who were typically very poor and are " traditionally among the poorest of people " . It was also prepared and consumed by farmers and shepherds in the Maremma area . Historically , the soup was sometimes served as an antipasto dish , the first course in an Italian meal . It remains a popular dish in Maremma and throughout Italy . Acquacotta was invented in part as a means to make stale , hardened bread edible . People that worked away from home for significant periods of time , such as woodcut
[ "ters", "▁and", "▁she", "ph", "erd", "s", "▁,", "▁would", "▁bring", "▁bread", "▁and", "▁other", "▁food", "s", "▁with", "▁them", "▁(", "▁such", "▁as", "▁p", "anc", "etta", "▁and", "▁salt", "▁cod", "▁)", "▁to", "▁hold", "▁them", "▁over", "▁.", "▁Ac", "qu", "ac", "otta", "▁was", "▁prepared", "▁and", "▁used", "▁to", "▁mar", "inate", "▁the", "▁st", "ale", "▁bread", "▁,", "▁thus", "▁soft", "ening", "▁it", "▁.", "▁", "▁A", "▁legend", "▁about", "▁acqu", "ac", "otta", "▁exists", "▁in", "▁relation", "▁to", "▁the", "▁concept", "▁of", "▁stone", "▁soup", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁generally", "▁based", "▁upon", "▁a", "▁prem", "ise", "▁of", "▁a", "▁poor", "▁travel", "er", "▁who", "▁arrived", "▁at", "▁a", "▁village", "▁having", "▁only", "▁a", "▁stone", "▁,", "▁but", "▁convinced", "▁the", "▁vill", "agers", "▁to", "▁add", "▁ing", "red", "ients", "▁to", "▁his", "▁stone", "▁soup", "▁,", "▁creating", "▁acqu", "ac", "otta", "▁;", "▁variations", "▁of", "▁the", "▁legend", "▁exist", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Ing", "red", "ients", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Histor", "ically", "▁,", "▁acqu", "ac", "otta", "▁'", "s", "▁primary", "▁ing", "red", "ients", "▁were", "▁water", "▁,", "▁st", "ale", "▁bread", "▁,", "▁on", "ion", "▁,", "▁tom", "ato", "▁and", "▁o", "live", "▁oil", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁various", "▁veget", "ables", "▁and", "▁le", "f", "to", "ver", "▁food", "s", "▁that", "▁may", "▁have", "▁been", "▁available", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁earlier", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁some", "▁prepar", "ations", "▁used", "▁agr", "esto", "▁,", "▁a", "▁ju", "ice", "▁derived", "▁from", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁rip", "ened", "▁g", "rap", "es", "▁,", "▁in", "▁place", "▁of", "▁tom", "atoes", "▁,", "▁which", "▁were", "▁not", "▁a", "▁common", "▁food", "▁in", "▁Italy", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁dec", "ades", "▁of", "▁the", "▁nin", "ete", "enth", "▁century", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁In", "▁contemporary", "▁times", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Contempor", "ary", "▁prepar", "ations", "▁of", "▁acqu", "ac", "otta", "▁may", "▁use", "▁st", "ale", "▁,", "▁fresh", "▁,", "▁or", "▁to", "asted", "▁bread", "▁,", "▁and", "▁can", "▁include", "▁additional", "▁ing", "red", "ients", "▁such", "▁as", "▁veget", "able", "▁bro", "th", "▁,", "▁eggs", "▁,", "▁che", "eses", "▁such", "▁as", "▁Par", "m", "ig", "iano", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Reg", "g", "iano", "▁and", "▁P", "ec", "or", "ino", "▁T", "osc", "ano", "▁,", "▁cel", "ery", "▁,", "▁gar", "lic", "▁,", "▁bas", "il", "▁,", "▁be", "ans", "▁such", "▁as", "▁can", "nell", "ini", "▁be", "ans", "▁,", "▁cab", "bage", "▁,", "▁k", "ale", "▁,", "▁le", "mon", "▁ju", "ice", "▁,", "▁salt", "▁,", "▁pe", "pper", "▁,", "▁pot", "atoes", "▁and", "▁others", "▁.", "▁Some", "▁versions", "▁may", "▁use", "▁ed", "ible", "▁m", "ush", "rooms", "▁such", "▁as", "▁por", "c", "ini", "▁,", "▁wild", "▁her", "bs", "▁,", "▁and", "▁leaf", "▁veget", "ables", "▁/", "▁gre", "ens", "▁such", "▁as", "▁ar", "ug", "ula", "▁,", "▁end", "ive", "▁,", "▁mint", "▁,", "▁ch", 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"▁Set", "▁Up", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁the", "▁", "1", "3", "th", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁the", "▁second", "▁season", "▁of", "▁the", "▁American", "▁comedy", "▁television", "▁series", "▁Park", "s", "▁and", "▁Rec", "re", "ation", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁nin", "ete", "enth", "▁overall", "▁episode", "▁of", "▁the", "▁series", "▁.", "▁It", "▁originally", "▁a", "ired", "▁on", "▁N", "BC", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁Les", "lie", "▁(", "▁Amy", "▁Po", "eh", "ler", "▁)", "▁is", "▁set", "▁up", "▁on", "▁a", "▁blind", "▁date", "▁with", "▁an", "▁M", "RI", "▁techn", "ologist", "▁,", "▁played", "▁by", "▁Po", "eh", "ler", "▁'", "s", "▁then", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁husband", "▁,", "▁com", "edic", "▁actor", "▁Will", "▁Ar", "nett", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁was", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁T", "roy", "▁Miller", "▁and", "▁written", "▁by", "▁K", "atie", "▁Di", "pp", "old", "▁.", "▁In", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁Ar", "nett", "▁'", "s", "▁performance", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Set", "▁Up", "▁\"", "▁featured", "▁the", "▁first", "▁of", "▁several", "▁guest", "▁appearances", "▁by", "▁Justin", "▁Ther", "oux", "▁,", "▁who", "▁port", "rayed", "▁a", "▁love", "▁interest", "▁for", "▁Les", "lie", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Ben", "▁Schw", "art", "z", "▁,", "▁who", "▁played", "▁Tom", "▁'", "s", "▁fast", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁talking", "▁friend", "▁Jean", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Ralph", "io", "▁.", "▁", "▁According", "▁to", "▁N", "iel", "sen", "▁Media", "▁Research", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Set", "▁Up", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁seen", "▁by", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "9", "▁million", "▁households", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁consistent", "▁with", "▁other", "▁second", "▁season", "▁episodes", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Set", "▁Up", "▁\"", "▁received", "▁generally", "▁positive", "▁reviews", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Plot", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁When", "▁Les", "lie", "▁(", "▁Amy", "▁Po", "eh", "ler", "▁)", "▁lear", "ns", "▁P", "aw", "ne", "e", "▁is", "▁being", "▁su", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁own", "ers", "▁of", "▁the", "▁lot", "▁where", "▁she", "▁is", "▁seeking", "▁to", "▁build", "▁a", "▁park", "▁,", "▁Ann", "▁(", "▁R", "ash", "ida", "▁Jones", "▁)", "▁refers", "▁her", "▁to", "▁her", "▁lawyer", "▁friend", "▁Justin", "▁Anderson", "▁(", "▁Justin", "▁Ther", "oux", "▁)", "▁,", "▁who", "▁she", "▁calls", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁greatest", "▁gu", "y", "▁ever", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Justin", "▁helps", "▁Les", "lie", "▁resolve", "▁the", "▁issue", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁two", "▁seem", "▁to", "▁get", "▁along", "▁very", "▁well", "▁together", "▁.", "▁Having", "▁recently", "▁broken", "▁up", "▁with", "▁her", "▁boy", "friend", "▁,", "▁Les", "lie", "▁asks", "▁Ann", "▁to", "▁set", "▁her", "▁up", "▁on", "▁a", "▁date", "▁,", "▁but", "▁is", "▁surprised", "▁when", "▁Ann", "▁hes", "it", "ates", "▁to", "▁set", "▁her", "▁up", "▁with", "▁Justin", "▁.", "▁Instead", "▁,", "▁she", "▁arr", "anges", "▁a", "▁date", "▁with", "▁Chris", "▁(", "▁Will", "▁Ar", "nett", "▁)", "▁an", "▁M", "RI" ]
ters and shepherds , would bring bread and other foods with them ( such as pancetta and salt cod ) to hold them over . Acquacotta was prepared and used to marinate the stale bread , thus softening it . A legend about acquacotta exists in relation to the concept of stone soup , which is generally based upon a premise of a poor traveler who arrived at a village having only a stone , but convinced the villagers to add ingredients to his stone soup , creating acquacotta ; variations of the legend exist . = = = Ingredients = = = Historically , acquacotta 's primary ingredients were water , stale bread , onion , tomato and olive oil , along with various vegetables and leftover foods that may have been available . In the earlier 1800s , some preparations used agresto , a juice derived from half @-@ ripened grapes , in place of tomatoes , which were not a common food in Italy prior to " the latter decades of the nineteenth century " . = = In contemporary times = = Contemporary preparations of acquacotta may use stale , fresh , or toasted bread , and can include additional ingredients such as vegetable broth , eggs , cheeses such as Parmigiano @-@ Reggiano and Pecorino Toscano , celery , garlic , basil , beans such as cannellini beans , cabbage , kale , lemon juice , salt , pepper , potatoes and others . Some versions may use edible mushrooms such as porcini , wild herbs , and leaf vegetables / greens such as arugula , endive , mint , chard , chicory , dandelion greens , watercress , valerian and others . As the greens boil down , they contribute to the broth 's flavor . The dish may be topped with a poached egg . Contemporary versions may be prepared in advance from a few hours to a day , stored in a cold place or refrigerated , and then reheated prior to serving . It can also be preserved by freezing . = = Variations = = Acquacotta con funghi is an aquacotta soup variation that uses porcini mushrooms as a primary ingredient . Additional ingredients include bread , stock or water , tomato conserva , Parmesan cheese , eggs , mentuccia , wild mint , garlic , olive oil , salt and pepper . This variation 's flavor and aroma has been described as based upon the porcini mushrooms that are used ; parsley may also be used . Acquacotta con peperoni is an aquacotta soup variation that includes celery , red pepper and garlic . = The Set Up ( Parks and Recreation ) = " The Set Up " is the 13th episode of the second season of the American comedy television series Parks and Recreation , and the nineteenth overall episode of the series . It originally aired on NBC in the United States on January 14 , 2010 . In the episode , Leslie ( Amy Poehler ) is set up on a blind date with an MRI technologist , played by Poehler 's then @-@ husband , comedic actor Will Arnett . The episode was directed by Troy Miller and written by Katie Dippold . In addition to Arnett 's performance , " The Set Up " featured the first of several guest appearances by Justin Theroux , who portrayed a love interest for Leslie , and Ben Schwartz , who played Tom 's fast @-@ talking friend Jean @-@ Ralphio . According to Nielsen Media Research , " The Set Up " was seen by 4 @.@ 59 million households , which was considered consistent with other second season episodes . " The Set Up " received generally positive reviews . = = Plot = = When Leslie ( Amy Poehler ) learns Pawnee is being sued by the previous owners of the lot where she is seeking to build a park , Ann ( Rashida Jones ) refers her to her lawyer friend Justin Anderson ( Justin Theroux ) , who she calls " the greatest guy ever " . Justin helps Leslie resolve the issue , and the two seem to get along very well together . Having recently broken up with her boyfriend , Leslie asks Ann to set her up on a date , but is surprised when Ann hesitates to set her up with Justin . Instead , she arranges a date with Chris ( Will Arnett ) an MRI
[ "▁techn", "ologist", "▁Ann", "▁works", "▁with", "▁.", "▁The", "▁date", "▁goes", "▁poor", "ly", "▁,", "▁with", "▁Chris", "▁appearing", "▁anno", "yed", "▁upon", "▁learning", "▁Les", "lie", "▁attended", "▁a", "▁rival", "▁college", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁she", "▁was", "▁a", "▁director", "▁of", "▁regular", "▁par", "ks", "▁,", "▁not", "▁am", "usement", "▁par", "ks", "▁.", "▁", "▁When", "▁Les", "lie", "▁said", "▁she", "▁has", "▁never", "▁received", "▁an", "▁M", "RI", "▁,", "▁Chris", "▁takes", "▁her", "▁to", "▁the", "▁hospital", "▁to", "▁receive", "▁one", "▁.", "▁Chris", "▁makes", "▁un", "com", "fort", "able", "▁comments", "▁,", "▁remark", "ing", "▁that", "▁Les", "lie", "▁has", "▁an", "▁excellent", "▁u", "ter", "us", "▁(", "▁\"", "▁could", "▁easily", "▁have", "▁triple", "ts", "▁right", "▁off", "▁the", "▁bat", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁and", "▁asking", "▁whether", "▁she", "▁is", "▁having", "▁her", "▁period", "▁,", "▁pres", "umably", "▁in", "▁anticip", "ation", "▁of", "▁sex", "▁later", "▁.", "▁Les", "lie", "▁reject", "s", "▁his", "▁adv", "ances", "▁when", "▁the", "▁date", "▁ends", "▁,", "▁prompt", "ing", "▁him", "▁to", "▁make", "▁an", "▁angry", "▁good", "bye", "▁,", "▁even", "▁though", "▁Les", "lie", "▁still", "▁needs", "▁to", "▁give", "▁him", "▁a", "▁ride", "▁home", "▁.", "▁Meanwhile", "▁,", "▁Mark", "▁(", "▁Paul", "▁Schne", "ider", "▁)", "▁grows", "▁susp", "icious", "▁that", "▁Ann", "▁har", "b", "ors", "▁rom", "antic", "▁feelings", "▁for", "▁Justin", "▁.", "▁He", "▁eventually", "▁confront", "s", "▁Ann", "▁and", "▁acc", "uses", "▁her", "▁of", "▁trying", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁save", "▁\"", "▁Justin", "▁for", "▁a", "▁possible", "▁relationship", "▁in", "▁the", "▁future", "▁.", "▁Mark", "▁asks", "▁Ann", "▁'", "s", "▁ex", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁boy", "friend", "▁Andy", "▁(", "▁Chris", "▁Pr", "att", "▁)", "▁,", "▁who", "▁also", "▁rec", "alls", "▁Ann", "▁'", "s", "▁inf", "atu", "ation", "▁with", "▁Justin", "▁.", "▁Andy", "▁sc", "olds", "▁Ann", "▁for", "▁hur", "ting", "▁Mark", "▁'", "s", "▁feelings", "▁,", "▁then", "▁tries", "▁to", "▁trick", "▁her", "▁into", "▁thinking", "▁she", "▁was", "▁still", "▁d", "ating", "▁him", "▁,", "▁which", "▁does", "▁not", "▁work", "▁.", "▁Real", "izing", "▁her", "▁behavior", "▁was", "▁in", "app", "ropri", "ate", "▁,", "▁Ann", "▁sets", "▁Les", "lie", "▁up", "▁on", "▁a", "▁date", "▁with", "▁Justin", "▁.", "▁", "▁Meanwhile", "▁,", "▁Ron", "▁(", "▁Nick", "▁Of", "fer", "man", "▁)", "▁de", "als", "▁with", "▁compla", "ints", "▁from", "▁local", "▁residents", "▁due", "▁to", "▁a", "▁new", "▁town", "▁policy", "▁requiring", "▁public", "▁officials", "▁to", "▁deal", "▁more", "▁directly", "▁to", "▁the", "▁public", "▁.", "▁Ron", "▁calls", "▁the", "▁policy", "▁\"", "▁my", "▁hell", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁see", "ks", "▁a", "▁new", "▁assistant", "▁to", "▁protect", "▁him", "▁from", "▁the", "▁citizens", "▁.", "▁Tom", "▁(", "▁Az", "iz", "▁Ans", "ari", "▁)", "▁volunte", "ers", "▁to", "▁find", "▁Ron", "▁an", "▁assistant", "▁,", "▁but", "▁during", "▁job", "▁inter", "views", "▁he", "▁asks", "▁questions", "▁about", "▁\"", "▁real", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁world", "▁expert", "ise", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁such", "▁as", "▁what", "▁tie", "▁he", "▁should", "▁wear", "▁to", "▁the", "▁club", "▁and", "▁what", "▁to", "▁text", "▁girls", "▁after", "▁a", "▁party", "▁.", "▁Tom", "▁brings", "▁forward", "▁a", "▁fast", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁talking", "▁candidate", "▁named", "▁Jean", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Ralph", "io", "▁(", "▁Ben", "▁Schw", "art", "z", "▁)", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁person", "ality", "▁closely", "▁res", "emb", "les", "▁Tom", "▁'", "s", "▁.", "▁Ron", "▁h", "ates", "▁him", "▁right", "▁away", "▁.", "▁April", "▁(", "▁A", "ubre", "y", "▁Pla", "za", "▁)", "▁draw", "s", "▁attention", "▁around", "▁the", "▁office", "▁for", "▁showing", "▁up", "▁late", "▁and", "▁s", "lack", "ing", "▁off", "▁at", "▁work", "▁.", "▁B", "ored", "▁with", "▁her", "▁intern", "ship", "▁,", "▁April", "▁ins", "ists", "▁she", "▁cannot", "▁wait", "▁to", "▁leave", "▁the", "▁par", "ks", "▁department", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁after", "▁sp", "ending", "▁time", "▁with", "▁Andy", "▁at", "▁the", "▁town", "▁hall", "▁sho", "esh", "ine", "▁stand", "▁where", "▁he", "▁works", "▁,", "▁April", "▁dec", "ides", "▁she", "▁wants", "▁to", "▁stay", "▁closer", "▁to", "▁him", "▁and", "▁volunte", "ers", "▁to", "▁be", "▁Ron", "▁'", "s", "▁assistant", "▁.", "▁She", "▁also", "▁convin", "ces", "▁Andy", "▁to", "▁sell", "▁his", "▁band", "▁'", "s", "▁CD", "s", "▁at", "▁the", "▁hall", "▁,", "▁which", "▁proves", "▁successful", "▁.", "▁When", "▁she", "▁sl", "ams", "▁the", "▁door", "▁on", "▁Tom", "▁while", "▁he", "▁tries", "▁to", "▁talk", "▁to", "▁them", "▁,", "▁Ron", "▁immediately", "▁h", "ires", "▁her", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Production", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Set", "▁Up", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁T", "roy", "▁Miller", "▁and", "▁written", "▁by", "▁K", "atie", "▁Di", "pp", "old", "▁.", "▁It", "▁featured", "▁guest", "▁appearances", "▁by", "▁Will", "▁Ar", "nett", "▁as", "▁M", "RI", "▁techn", "ologist", "▁Chris", "▁and", "▁Justin", "▁Ther", "oux", "▁as", "▁Ann", "▁'", "s", "▁lawyer", "▁friend", "▁Justin", "▁,", "▁Ar", "nett", "▁is", "▁the", "▁real", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁life", "▁husband", "▁of", "▁Amy", "▁Po", "eh", "ler", "▁,", "▁who", "▁plays", "▁protagon", "ist", "▁Les", "lie", "▁Kno", "pe", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁not", "▁Po", "eh", "ler", "▁who", "▁arranged", "▁for", "▁him", "▁to", "▁be", "▁on", "▁the", "▁show", "▁,", "▁but", "▁rather", "▁Park", "s", "▁and", "▁Rec", "re", "ation", "▁co", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cre", "ator", "▁Michael", "▁Sch", "ur", "▁,", "▁who", "▁is", "▁a", "▁good", "▁friend", "▁of", "▁Ar", "nett", "▁and", "▁felt", "▁he", "▁would", "▁be", "▁a", "▁good", "▁fit", "▁for", "▁the", "▁character", "▁.", "▁Their", "▁date", "▁scenes", "▁marked", "▁the", "▁second", "▁on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁screen", "▁pair", "ing", "▁between", "▁a", "▁Park", "s", "▁and", "▁Rec", "re", "ation", "▁actor", "▁and", "▁their", "▁real", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁life", "▁sp", "ouse", "▁;", "▁Meg", "an", "▁M", 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"▁the", "▁actor", "▁and", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁find", "▁a", "▁way", "▁to", "▁work", "▁him", "▁into", "▁the", "▁show", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Cultural", "▁references", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁At", "▁the", "▁start", "▁of", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁Les", "lie", "▁had", "▁a", "▁large", "▁fr", "amed", "▁photo", "▁of", "▁Dave", "▁Sand", "erson", "▁,", "▁the", "▁P", "aw", "ne", "e", "▁police", "▁officer", "▁she", "▁had", "▁recently", "▁broken", "▁up", "▁with", "▁in", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁\"", "▁Christmas", "▁Sc", "andal", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Sand", "erson", "▁was", "▁played", "▁by", "▁stand", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁com", "ed", "ian", "▁Louis", "▁C", ".", "K", ".", "▁in", "▁several", "▁of", "▁Park", "s", "▁and", "▁Rec", "re", "ation", "▁episodes", "▁.", "▁When", "▁asked", "▁about", "▁her", "▁ideal", "▁man", "▁,", "▁Les", "lie", "▁said", "▁she", "▁wanted", "▁somebody", "▁with", "▁the", "▁bra", "ins", "▁of", "▁film", "▁star", "▁George", "▁Clo", "oney", "▁and", "▁the", "▁body", "▁of", "▁Joe", "▁B", "iden", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "6", "7", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁year", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁old", "▁Vice", "▁President", "▁of", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁.", "▁April", "▁said", "▁she", "▁was", "▁late", "▁for", "▁work", "▁because", "▁she", "▁had", "▁to", "▁finish", "▁watching", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "2", "▁te", "en", "age", "▁horror", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁film" ]
technologist Ann works with . The date goes poorly , with Chris appearing annoyed upon learning Leslie attended a rival college , and that she was a director of regular parks , not amusement parks . When Leslie said she has never received an MRI , Chris takes her to the hospital to receive one . Chris makes uncomfortable comments , remarking that Leslie has an excellent uterus ( " could easily have triplets right off the bat " ) and asking whether she is having her period , presumably in anticipation of sex later . Leslie rejects his advances when the date ends , prompting him to make an angry goodbye , even though Leslie still needs to give him a ride home . Meanwhile , Mark ( Paul Schneider ) grows suspicious that Ann harbors romantic feelings for Justin . He eventually confronts Ann and accuses her of trying to " save " Justin for a possible relationship in the future . Mark asks Ann 's ex @-@ boyfriend Andy ( Chris Pratt ) , who also recalls Ann 's infatuation with Justin . Andy scolds Ann for hurting Mark 's feelings , then tries to trick her into thinking she was still dating him , which does not work . Realizing her behavior was inappropriate , Ann sets Leslie up on a date with Justin . Meanwhile , Ron ( Nick Offerman ) deals with complaints from local residents due to a new town policy requiring public officials to deal more directly to the public . Ron calls the policy " my hell " , and seeks a new assistant to protect him from the citizens . Tom ( Aziz Ansari ) volunteers to find Ron an assistant , but during job interviews he asks questions about " real @-@ world expertise " , such as what tie he should wear to the club and what to text girls after a party . Tom brings forward a fast @-@ talking candidate named Jean @-@ Ralphio ( Ben Schwartz ) , whose personality closely resembles Tom 's . Ron hates him right away . April ( Aubrey Plaza ) draws attention around the office for showing up late and slacking off at work . Bored with her internship , April insists she cannot wait to leave the parks department . However , after spending time with Andy at the town hall shoeshine stand where he works , April decides she wants to stay closer to him and volunteers to be Ron 's assistant . She also convinces Andy to sell his band 's CDs at the hall , which proves successful . When she slams the door on Tom while he tries to talk to them , Ron immediately hires her . = = Production = = " The Set Up " was directed by Troy Miller and written by Katie Dippold . It featured guest appearances by Will Arnett as MRI technologist Chris and Justin Theroux as Ann 's lawyer friend Justin , Arnett is the real @-@ life husband of Amy Poehler , who plays protagonist Leslie Knope . It was not Poehler who arranged for him to be on the show , but rather Parks and Recreation co @-@ creator Michael Schur , who is a good friend of Arnett and felt he would be a good fit for the character . Their date scenes marked the second on @-@ screen pairing between a Parks and Recreation actor and their real @-@ life spouse ; Megan Mullally , the wife of actor Nick Offerman , guest starred as Ron Swanson 's ex @-@ wife Tammy in the episode , " Ron and Tammy " . Although Theroux was slated to make appearances in multiple Parks and Recreation episodes , Arnett was scheduled to appear only in " The Set Up " . " The Set Up " also marked the first of several recurring appearances by Ben Schwartz as Tom 's friend Jean @-@ Ralphio Saperstein . Schur said the character was invented because the Parks and Recreation staff liked the actor and tried to find a way to work him into the show . = = Cultural references = = At the start of the episode , Leslie had a large framed photo of Dave Sanderson , the Pawnee police officer she had recently broken up with in the episode " Christmas Scandal " . Sanderson was played by stand @-@ up comedian Louis C.K. in several of Parks and Recreation episodes . When asked about her ideal man , Leslie said she wanted somebody with the brains of film star George Clooney and the body of Joe Biden , the 67 @-@ year @-@ old Vice President of the United States . April said she was late for work because she had to finish watching the 2002 teenage horror @-@ film
[ "▁Sw", "im", "fan", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Re", "ception", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁In", "▁its", "▁original", "▁American", "▁broadcast", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Set", "▁Up", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁seen", "▁by", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "9", "▁million", "▁households", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁N", "iel", "sen", "▁Media", "▁Research", "▁.", "▁The", "▁view", "ership", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁consistent", "▁with", "▁other", "▁second", "▁season", "▁episodes", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Set", "▁Up", "▁\"", "▁drew", "▁a", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁rating", "▁/", "▁", "6", "▁share", "▁among", "▁view", "ers", "▁aged", "▁between", "▁", "1", "8", "▁and", "▁", "4", "9", "▁.", "▁The", "▁episode", "▁received", "▁generally", "▁positive", "▁reviews", "▁.", "▁Entertainment", "▁Week", "ly", "▁writer", "▁Sand", "ra", "▁Gonz", "ale", "z", "▁favor", "ably", "▁compared", "▁the", "▁on", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁screen", "▁pair", "ing", "▁of", 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"▁episode", "▁\"", "▁felt", "▁a", "▁little", "▁too", "▁plot", "▁driven", "▁to", "▁asc", "end", "▁to", "▁A", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁material", "▁height", "s", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁He", "is", "ler", "▁particularly", "▁pra", "ised", "▁the", "▁performances", "▁of", "▁Chris", "▁Pr", "att", "▁and", "▁Will", "▁Ar", "nett", "▁,", "▁who", "▁he", "▁said", "▁displayed", "▁a", "▁subt", "ler", "▁sense", "▁of", "▁humor", "▁than", "▁in", "▁his", "▁role", "▁on", "▁the", "▁television", "▁series", "▁Arr", "ested", "▁Development", "▁.", "▁TV", "▁Squad", "▁writer", "▁K", "ona", "▁Gall", "ag", "her", "▁pra", "ised", "▁the", "▁episode", "▁,", "▁and", "▁said", "▁she", "▁was", "▁glad", "▁the", "▁writers", "▁found", "▁a", "▁reason", "▁to", "▁keep", "▁April", "▁in", "▁the", "▁show", "▁without", "▁keeping", "▁her", "▁on", "▁as", "▁an", "▁intern", "▁in", "def", "initely", "▁.", "▁Gall", "ag", "her", "▁also", "▁said", "▁the", "▁je", "alous", "y", "▁issue", "▁was", "▁handled", "▁well", "▁between", "▁Mark", "▁and", "▁Ann", "▁,", "▁giving", "▁the", "▁impression", "▁of", "▁true", "▁feelings", "▁between", "▁the", "▁characters", "▁.", "▁Alan", "▁Se", "pin", "wall", "▁of", "▁The", "▁Star", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Led", "ger", "▁pra", "ised", "▁the", "▁decision", "▁of", "▁April", "▁becoming", "▁Ron", "▁'", "s", "▁assistant", "▁because", "▁of", "▁the", "▁com", "edic", "▁potential", "▁of", "▁the", "▁du", "o", "▁.", "▁Se", "pin", "wall", "▁said", "▁although", "▁Ther", "oux", "▁was", "▁char", "ming", "▁and", "▁fun", "ny", "▁,", "▁Ar", "nett", "▁\"", "▁didn", "▁'", "t", "▁quite", "▁fit", "▁into", "▁the", "▁show", "▁'", "s", "▁low", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁key", "▁,", "▁natural", "istic", "▁v", "ibe", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁DVD", "▁release", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁Set", "▁Up", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁the", "▁other", "▁", "2", "3", "▁second", "▁season", "▁episodes", "▁of", "▁Park", "s", "▁and", "▁Rec", "re", "ation", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁a", "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁disc", "▁DVD", "▁set", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁The", "▁DVD", "▁included", "▁deleted", "▁scenes", "▁for", "▁each", "▁episode", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Great", "▁Storm", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "5", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Great", "▁Storm", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "5", "▁(", "▁also", "▁known", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Super", "▁Bowl", "▁Bl", "izz", "ard", "▁,", "▁Minnesota", "▁'", "s", "▁Storm", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Century", "▁,", "▁or", "▁the", "▁T", "orn", "ado", "▁Out", "break", "▁of", "▁January", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "5", "▁)", "▁was", "▁an", "▁inten", "se", "▁storm", "▁system", "▁that", "▁impact", "ed", "▁a", "▁large", "▁portion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Central", "▁and", "▁S", "out", "heast", "▁United", "▁States", "▁from", "▁January", "▁", "9", "▁to", "▁January", "▁", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "5", "▁.", "▁The", "▁storm", "▁produced", "▁", "4", "5", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁in", "▁the", "▁S", "out", "heast", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁resulting", "▁in", "▁", "1", "2", "▁fatal", "ities", "▁,", "▁while", "▁later", "▁dro", "pping", "▁over", "▁", "2", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "6", "1", "▁cm", "▁)", "▁of", "▁snow", "▁and", "▁killing", "▁", "5", "8", "▁people", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Mid", "west", "▁.", "▁This", "▁storm", "▁remains", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁worst", "▁bl", "izz", "ards", "▁to", "▁ever", "▁strike", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Mid", "west", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁largest", "▁January", "▁torn", "ado", "▁out", "break", "s", "▁on", "▁record", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Meteor", "ological", "▁syn", "opsis", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁storm", "▁origin", "ated", "▁over", "▁the", "▁Pacific", "▁Ocean", "▁and", "▁crash", "ed", "▁into", "▁the", "▁North", "west", "▁Pacific", "▁coast", "▁with", "▁dam", "aging", "▁g", "ale", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁force", "▁wind", "s", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "8", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "5", "▁.", "▁By", "▁January", "▁", "9", "▁it", "▁had", "▁cleared", "▁the", "▁Rock", "y", "▁Mountains", "▁and", "▁began", "▁to", "▁re", "develop", "▁and", "▁strength", "en", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁same", "▁time", "▁,", "▁Ar", "ctic", "▁air", "▁was", "▁being", "▁drawn", "▁south", "ward", "▁from", "▁Canada", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Great", "▁Pla", "ins", "▁,", "▁and", "▁large", "▁amounts", "▁of", "▁warm", "▁tropical", "▁air", "▁from", "▁the", "▁G", "ulf", "▁of", "▁Mexico", "▁were", "▁being", "▁pulled", "▁north", "ward", "▁into", "▁much", "▁of", "▁the", "▁eastern", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁The", "▁storm", "▁was", "▁a", "▁classic", "▁Pan", "handle", "▁Hook", "▁which", "▁moved", "▁from", "▁Colorado", "▁into", "▁Oklahoma", "▁before", "▁turning", "▁north", "ward", "▁towards", "▁the", "▁Upper", "▁Mid", "west", "▁.", "▁It", "▁produced", "▁record", "▁low", "▁bar", "ometric", "▁pressure", "▁read", "ings", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Mid", "west", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁pressure", "▁falling", "▁to", "▁an", "▁estimated", "▁", "2", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "8", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "9", "6", "1", "▁m", "b", "▁)", "▁just", "▁north", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Minnesota", "▁border", "▁in", "▁Canada", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁T", "orn", "ado", "▁out", "break", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁T", "orn", "ado", "▁summary", "▁event", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁An", "▁unusual", "▁feature", "▁of", "▁this", "▁out", "break", "▁was", "▁that", "▁day", "time", "▁he", "ating", "▁,", "▁typically", "▁a", "▁key", "▁ing", "red", "ient", "▁in", "▁the", "▁formation", "▁of", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁,", "▁had", "▁very", "▁little", "▁impact", "▁on", "▁their", "▁development", "▁.", "▁R", "ather", "▁,", "▁as", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁system", "▁pulled", "▁out", "▁into", "▁the", "▁central", "▁pla", "ins", "▁,", "▁strong", "▁th", "under", "st", "orm", "s", "▁and", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁quickly", "▁began", "▁to", "▁form", "▁despite", "▁the", "▁late", "▁hours", "▁.", "▁The", "▁first", "▁two", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁in", "▁the", "▁out", "break", "▁touched", "▁down", "▁after", "▁", "1", "0", "▁:", "▁", "0", "0", "▁p", ".", "m", ".", "▁C", "ST", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "9", "▁in", "▁Oklahoma", "▁and", "▁Louisiana", "▁.", "▁From" ]
Swimfan . = = Reception = = In its original American broadcast on January 14 , 2010 , " The Set Up " was seen by 4 @.@ 59 million households , according to Nielsen Media Research . The viewership was considered consistent with other second season episodes . " The Set Up " drew a 2 @.@ 1 rating / 6 share among viewers aged between 18 and 49 . The episode received generally positive reviews . Entertainment Weekly writer Sandra Gonzalez favorably compared the on @-@ screen pairing of Poehler and Arnett to the comedic chemistry between Jennifer Aniston and her then @-@ husband Brad Pitt when he guest @-@ starred on the sitcom Friends . However , Gonzalez said the Poehler and Arnett scenes were " the best worst first date I ’ d seen on TV in a while " . Gonzalez also said she continued to be bored by the subplots involving Ann and Mark . Steve Heisler of The A.V. Club complimented " The Set Up " and said the characters played off each other well , but added the episode " felt a little too plot driven to ascend to A @-@ material heights " . Heisler particularly praised the performances of Chris Pratt and Will Arnett , who he said displayed a subtler sense of humor than in his role on the television series Arrested Development . TV Squad writer Kona Gallagher praised the episode , and said she was glad the writers found a reason to keep April in the show without keeping her on as an intern indefinitely . Gallagher also said the jealousy issue was handled well between Mark and Ann , giving the impression of true feelings between the characters . Alan Sepinwall of The Star @-@ Ledger praised the decision of April becoming Ron 's assistant because of the comedic potential of the duo . Sepinwall said although Theroux was charming and funny , Arnett " didn 't quite fit into the show 's low @-@ key , naturalistic vibe " . = = DVD release = = " The Set Up " , along with the other 23 second season episodes of Parks and Recreation , was released on a four @-@ disc DVD set in the United States on November 30 , 2010 . The DVD included deleted scenes for each episode . = Great Storm of 1975 = The Great Storm of 1975 ( also known as the Super Bowl Blizzard , Minnesota 's Storm of the Century , or the Tornado Outbreak of January , 1975 ) was an intense storm system that impacted a large portion of the Central and Southeast United States from January 9 to January 12 , 1975 . The storm produced 45 tornadoes in the Southeast U.S. resulting in 12 fatalities , while later dropping over 2 feet ( 61 cm ) of snow and killing 58 people in the Midwest . This storm remains one of the worst blizzards to ever strike parts of the Midwest , as well as one of the largest January tornado outbreaks on record in the United States . = = Meteorological synopsis = = The storm originated over the Pacific Ocean and crashed into the Northwest Pacific coast with damaging gale @-@ force winds on January 8 , 1975 . By January 9 it had cleared the Rocky Mountains and began to redevelop and strengthen . At the same time , Arctic air was being drawn southward from Canada into the Great Plains , and large amounts of warm tropical air from the Gulf of Mexico were being pulled northward into much of the eastern U.S. The storm was a classic Panhandle Hook which moved from Colorado into Oklahoma before turning northward towards the Upper Midwest . It produced record low barometric pressure readings in the Midwest , with the pressure falling to an estimated 28 @.@ 38 in ( 961 mb ) just north of the Minnesota border in Canada . = = Tornado outbreak = = = = = Tornado summary event = = = An unusual feature of this outbreak was that daytime heating , typically a key ingredient in the formation of tornadoes , had very little impact on their development . Rather , as the storm system pulled out into the central plains , strong thunderstorms and tornadoes quickly began to form despite the late hours . The first two tornadoes in the outbreak touched down after 10 : 00 p.m. CST on January 9 in Oklahoma and Louisiana . From
[ "▁there", "▁the", "▁pro", "gression", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tw", "ister", "s", "▁shift", "ed", "▁east", "ward", "▁through", "▁the", "▁over", "night", "▁and", "▁early", "▁morning", "▁hours", "▁,", "▁setting", "▁the", "▁stage", "▁for", "▁what", "▁would", "▁turn", "▁out", "▁to", "▁be", "▁a", "▁record", "▁setting", "▁day", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁Texas", "▁saw", "▁five", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁between", "▁", "1", "▁:", "▁", "3", "0", "▁a", ".", "m", ".", "▁–", "▁", "3", "▁:", "▁", "3", "0", "▁a", ".", "m", ".", "▁,", "▁one", "▁torn", "ado", "▁touched", "▁down", "▁in", "▁Ark", "ansas", "▁at", "▁", "6", "▁:", "▁", "0", "0", "▁a", ".", "m", ".", "▁,", "▁Louisiana", "▁saw", "▁seven", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁between", "▁", "5", "▁:", "▁", "3", "0", "▁a", ".", "m", ".", "▁–", "▁", "8", "▁:", "▁", "0", "0", "▁a", ".", "m", ".", "▁(", "▁killing", "▁one", "▁person", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Mississippi", "▁had", "▁five", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁between", "▁", "8", "▁:", "▁", "1", "5", "▁a", ".", "m", ".", "▁–", "▁", "1", "0", "▁:", "▁", "0", "0", "▁a", ".", "m", ".", "▁(", "▁killing", "▁nine", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Illinois", "▁and", "▁Indiana", "▁each", "▁experienced", "▁three", "▁l", "unch", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁hour", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁.", "▁The", "▁torn", "adic", "▁line", "▁of", "▁storm", "s", "▁then", "▁shift", "ed", "▁into", "▁Alabama", "▁(", "▁killing", "▁one", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Florida", "▁during", "▁the", "▁afternoon", "▁and", "▁evening", "▁hours", "▁.", "▁", "▁Mississippi", "▁and", "▁Alabama", "▁were", "▁the", "▁two", "▁states", "▁hard", "est", "▁hit", "▁by", "▁this", "▁out", "break", "▁.", "▁Alabama", "▁saw", "▁the", "▁most", "▁tw", "ister", "s", "▁of", "▁any", "▁state", "▁with", "▁", "1", "3", "▁,", "▁but", "▁Mississippi", "▁saw", "▁the", "▁largest", "▁and", "▁dead", "liest", "▁torn", "ado", "▁.", "▁An", "▁F", "4", "▁torn", "ado", "▁that", "▁t", "ore", "▁through", "▁Pi", "ke", "▁,", "▁Lincoln", "▁,", "▁Lawrence", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Sim", "pson", "▁Count", "ies", "▁at", "▁", "8", "▁:", "▁", "1", "4", "▁a", ".", "m", ".", "▁killed", "▁nine", "▁people", "▁and", "▁injured", "▁over", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁;", "▁sever", "ely", "▁dam", "aging", "▁", "3", "8", "▁blocks", "▁in", "▁the", "▁town", "▁of", "▁Mc", "Com", "b", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "3", "9", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁that", "▁touched", "▁down", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "1", "0", "▁marked", "▁the", "▁most", "▁active", "▁torn", "adic", "▁day", "▁in", "▁January", "▁in", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁history", "▁at", "▁that", "▁time", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "5", "2", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁that", "▁touched", "▁down", "▁during", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "5", "▁also", "▁set", "▁a", "▁U", ".", "S", ".", "▁record", "▁for", "▁the", "▁most", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁during", "▁that", "▁month", "▁.", "▁Both", "▁of", "▁these", "▁records", "▁were", "▁eventually", "▁broken", "▁in", "▁January", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁After", "▁a", "▁calm", "▁day", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁four", "▁more", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁touched", "▁down", "▁in", "▁Florida", "▁and", "▁Georgia", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁killing", "▁one", "▁person", "▁in", "▁Florida", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁time", "▁the", "▁out", "break", "▁was", "▁done", "▁it", "▁had", "▁produced", "▁", "4", "5", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁,", "▁killed", "▁", "1", "2", "▁people", "▁,", "▁injured", "▁", "3", "7", "7", "▁and", "▁caused", "▁$", "▁", "4", "2", "▁million", "▁in", "▁dam", "ages", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Conf", "ir", "med", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁January", "▁", "9", "▁event", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁January", "▁", "1", "0", "▁event", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁January", "▁", "1", "2", "▁event", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Bl", "izz", "ard", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁As", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁system", "▁began", "▁to", "▁move", "▁n", "ortheast", "ward", "▁out", "▁of", "▁Oklahoma", "▁,", "▁the", "▁cool", "▁air", "▁behind", "▁pulled", "▁down", "▁behind", "▁the", "▁system", "▁interact", "ed", "▁with", "▁the", "▁mo", "ist", "ure", "▁being", "▁pulled", "▁north", "ward", "▁to", "▁produce", "▁snow", "▁over", "▁a", "▁large", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Mid", "west", "▁.", "▁The", "▁snow", "▁began", "▁falling", "▁on", "▁Friday", "▁,", "▁January", "▁", "1", "0", "▁and", "▁continued", "▁for", "▁the", "▁next", "▁two", "▁days", "▁.", "▁Snow", "fall", "▁of", "▁a", "▁foot", "▁(", "▁", "3", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁cm", "▁)", "▁or", "▁more", "▁was", "▁common", "▁from", "▁Neb", "r", "aska", "▁to", "▁Minnesota", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁high", "▁amount", "▁of", "▁", "2", "7", "▁inches", "▁(", "▁", "6", "9", "▁cm", "▁)", "▁in", "▁River", "ton", "▁,", "▁Minnesota", "▁.", "▁The", "▁heav", "iest", "▁snow", "▁fell", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁of", "▁the", "▁low", "▁pressure", "▁center", "▁,", "▁which", "▁track", "ed", "▁from", "▁n", "ortheast", "▁Iowa", "▁through", "▁central", "▁Minnesota", "▁up", "▁to", "▁Lake", "▁Super", "ior", "▁.", "▁S", "ust", "ained", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "3", "0", "▁–", "▁", "5", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁(", "▁", "4", "8", "▁–", "▁", "8", "0", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁)", "▁with", "▁g", "ust", "s", "▁from", "▁", "7", "0", "▁–", "▁", "9", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁(", "▁", "1", "1", "3", "▁–", "▁", "1", "4", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁)", "▁produced", "▁snow", "dr", "ifts", "▁up", "▁to", "▁", "2", "0", "▁feet", "▁(", "▁", "6", "▁m", "▁)", "▁in", "▁some", "▁locations", "▁.", "▁Some", "▁roads", "▁were", "▁closed", "▁for", "▁up", "▁to", "▁", "1", "1", "▁days", "▁.", "▁", "▁Si", "oux", "▁F", "alls", "▁,", "▁South", "▁Dak", "ota", "▁saw", "▁vis", "ib", "ilities", "▁of", "▁below", "▁", "1", "▁", "⁄", "▁", "4", "▁mile", "▁(", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁km", "▁)", "▁for", "▁", "2", "4", "▁straight", "▁hours", "▁,", "▁and", "▁just", "▁east", "▁of", "▁Si", "oux", "▁F", "alls", "▁a", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁foot", "▁(", "▁", "6", "1", "0", "▁m", "▁)", "▁broadcast", "▁tower", "▁col", "lapsed", "▁under", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁'", "s", "▁f", "ury", "▁.", "▁In", "▁Will", "mar", "▁,", "▁Minnesota", "▁,", "▁", "1", "6", "8", "▁passengers", "▁were", "▁tra", "pped", "▁in", "▁a", "▁str", "and", "ed", "▁train", "▁for", "▁hours", "▁,", "▁unable", "▁to", "▁walk", "▁to", "▁shelter", "▁because", "▁of", "▁danger", "ously", "▁low", "▁wind", "▁ch", "ill", "▁values", "▁.", "▁In", "▁O", "ma", "ha", "▁,", "▁Neb", "r", "aska", "▁a", "▁foot", "▁(", "▁", "3", "1", "▁cm", "▁)", "▁of", "▁snow", "▁fell", "▁,", "▁Si", "oux", "▁F", "alls", "▁saw", "▁", "7", "▁inches", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "▁cm", "▁)", "▁,", "▁D", "ul", "uth", "▁,", "▁Minnesota", "▁saw", "▁", "8", "▁inches", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "▁cm", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁International", "▁F", "alls", "▁,", "▁Minnesota", "▁saw", "▁", "2", "4", "▁inches", "▁(", "▁", "6", "1", "▁cm", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁Record", "▁low", "▁press", "ures", "▁were", "▁recorded", "▁in", "▁communities", "▁in", "▁Neb", "r", "aska", "▁,", "▁Minnesota", "▁,", "▁Illinois", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Wisconsin", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁low", "▁of", "▁", "2", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "5", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "9", "6", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁m", "b", "▁)", "▁in", "▁D", "ul", "uth", "▁,", "▁Minnesota", "▁.", "▁In", "▁all", "▁,", "▁approximately", "▁", "5", "8", "▁people", "▁died", "▁from", "▁effects", "▁of", "▁the", "▁bl", "izz", "ard", "▁and", "▁over", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁farm", "▁animals", "▁were", "▁lost", "▁.", "▁The", "▁combination", "▁of", "▁snow", "fall", "▁tot", "als" ]
there the progression of the twisters shifted eastward through the overnight and early morning hours , setting the stage for what would turn out to be a record setting day on January 10 . Texas saw five tornadoes between 1 : 30 a.m. – 3 : 30 a.m. , one tornado touched down in Arkansas at 6 : 00 a.m. , Louisiana saw seven tornadoes between 5 : 30 a.m. – 8 : 00 a.m. ( killing one person ) , Mississippi had five tornadoes between 8 : 15 a.m. – 10 : 00 a.m. ( killing nine ) , and Illinois and Indiana each experienced three lunch @-@ hour tornadoes . The tornadic line of storms then shifted into Alabama ( killing one ) and Florida during the afternoon and evening hours . Mississippi and Alabama were the two states hardest hit by this outbreak . Alabama saw the most twisters of any state with 13 , but Mississippi saw the largest and deadliest tornado . An F4 tornado that tore through Pike , Lincoln , Lawrence , and Simpson Counties at 8 : 14 a.m. killed nine people and injured over 200 ; severely damaging 38 blocks in the town of McComb . The 39 tornadoes that touched down on January 10 marked the most active tornadic day in January in U.S. history at that time . The 52 tornadoes that touched down during January 1975 also set a U.S. record for the most tornadoes during that month . Both of these records were eventually broken in January of 1999 . After a calm day on January 11 , four more tornadoes touched down in Florida and Georgia on January 12 , killing one person in Florida . By the time the outbreak was done it had produced 45 tornadoes , killed 12 people , injured 377 and caused $ 42 million in damages . = = Confirmed tornadoes = = = = = January 9 event = = = = = = January 10 event = = = = = = January 12 event = = = = = Blizzard = = As the storm system began to move northeastward out of Oklahoma , the cool air behind pulled down behind the system interacted with the moisture being pulled northward to produce snow over a large part of the Midwest . The snow began falling on Friday , January 10 and continued for the next two days . Snowfall of a foot ( 30 @.@ 5 cm ) or more was common from Nebraska to Minnesota , with a high amount of 27 inches ( 69 cm ) in Riverton , Minnesota . The heaviest snow fell to the west of the low pressure center , which tracked from northeast Iowa through central Minnesota up to Lake Superior . Sustained winds of 30 – 50 mph ( 48 – 80 km / h ) with gusts from 70 – 90 mph ( 113 – 145 km / h ) produced snowdrifts up to 20 feet ( 6 m ) in some locations . Some roads were closed for up to 11 days . Sioux Falls , South Dakota saw visibilities of below 1 ⁄ 4 mile ( 0 @.@ 4 km ) for 24 straight hours , and just east of Sioux Falls a 2 @,@ 000 @-@ foot ( 610 m ) broadcast tower collapsed under the storm 's fury . In Willmar , Minnesota , 168 passengers were trapped in a stranded train for hours , unable to walk to shelter because of dangerously low wind chill values . In Omaha , Nebraska a foot ( 31 cm ) of snow fell , Sioux Falls saw 7 inches ( 18 cm ) , Duluth , Minnesota saw 8 inches ( 20 cm ) , and International Falls , Minnesota saw 24 inches ( 61 cm ) . Record low pressures were recorded in communities in Nebraska , Minnesota , Illinois , and Wisconsin , with a low of 28 @.@ 55 in ( 966 @.@ 8 mb ) in Duluth , Minnesota . In all , approximately 58 people died from effects of the blizzard and over 100 @,@ 000 farm animals were lost . The combination of snowfall totals
[ "▁,", "▁wind", "▁veloc", "ities", "▁,", "▁and", "▁cold", "▁temper", "atures", "▁made", "▁this", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁most", "▁severe", "▁bl", "izz", "ards", "▁the", "▁Upper", "▁Mid", "west", "▁has", "▁experienced", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Record", "▁events", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁This", "▁storm", "▁system", "▁had", "▁,", "▁in", "▁part", "▁,", "▁a", "▁large", "▁effect", "▁on", "▁the", "▁weather", "▁in", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁eastern", "▁half", "▁of", "▁the", "▁country", "▁.", "▁A", "▁number", "▁of", "▁different", "▁weather", "▁records", "▁(", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁)", "▁were", "▁set", "▁during", "▁the", "▁four", "▁days", "▁of", "▁this", "▁storm", "▁,", "▁especially", "▁in", "▁daily", "▁high", "▁temper", "atures", "▁,", "▁wind", "▁g", "ust", "s", "▁,", "▁low", "▁bar", "ometric", "▁pressure", "▁read", "ings", "▁,", "▁and", "▁number", "▁of", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Daily", "▁high", "▁temper", "atures", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁January", "▁", "1", "0", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Chicago", "▁,", "▁Illinois", "▁:", "▁", "6", "0", "▁°", "▁F", "▁(", "▁", "1", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "▁°", "▁C", "▁)", "▁", "▁Indian", "apolis", "▁,", "▁Indiana", "▁:", "▁", "6", "2", "▁°", "▁F", "▁(", "▁", "1", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "▁°", "▁C", "▁)", "▁", "▁Louis", "ville", "▁,", "▁Kentucky", "▁:", "▁", "6", "6", "▁°", "▁F", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁°", "▁C", "▁)", "▁", "▁South", "▁B", "end", "▁,", "▁Indiana", "▁:", "▁", "6", "1", "▁°", "▁F", "▁(", "▁", "1", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁°", "▁C", "▁)", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁January", "▁", "1", "1", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁New", "▁York", "▁City", "▁,", "▁New", "▁York", "▁:", "▁", "6", "5", "▁°", "▁F", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "▁°", "▁C", "▁)", "▁", "▁Prov", "idence", "▁,", "▁Rh", "ode", "▁Island", "▁:", "▁", "6", "1", "▁°", "▁F", "▁(", "▁", "1", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁°", "▁C", "▁)", "▁", "▁Washington", "▁DC", "▁:", "▁", "7", "5", "▁°", "▁F", "▁(", "▁", "2", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁°", "▁C", "▁)", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Low", "▁pressure", "▁measurements", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁D", "ul", "uth", "▁,", "▁Minnesota", "▁:", "▁", "2", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "5", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "9", "6", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁m", "b", "▁)", "▁", "▁Min", "ne", "apolis", "▁,", "▁Minnesota", "▁:", "▁", "2", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "2", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "9", "6", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁m", "b", "▁)", "▁", "▁Ro", "chester", "▁,", "▁Minnesota", "▁:", "▁", "2", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "7", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "9", "7", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "▁m", "b", "▁)", "▁", "▁Mil", "w", "au", "kee", "▁,", "▁Wisconsin", "▁:", "▁", "2", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "6", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "9", "7", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "▁m", "b", "▁)", "▁", "▁Rock", "ford", "▁,", "▁Illinois", "▁:", "▁", "2", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "7", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "9", "7", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "▁m", "b", "▁)", "▁", "▁St", ".", "▁Louis", "▁,", "▁Missouri", "▁:", "▁", "2", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "3", "▁in", "▁(", "▁", "9", "7", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "▁m", "b", "▁)", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁T", "orn", "ado", "es", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Most", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁on", "▁one", "▁day", "▁in", "▁January", "▁:", "▁", "3", "9", "▁", "▁Most", "▁torn", "ado", "es", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁during", "▁January", "▁:", "▁", "5", "2", "▁", "▁=", "▁Po", "qu", "ita", "▁R", "op", "a", "▁=", "▁", "▁Po", "qu", "ita", "▁R", "op", "a", "▁(", "▁English", "▁:", "▁F", "ew", "▁Cl", "oth", "es", "▁)", "▁is", "▁the", "▁tw", "elf", "th", "▁studio", "▁album", "▁by", "▁Gu", "atem", "al", "an", "▁singer", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁song", "writer", "▁Ric", "ardo", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁August", "▁", "2", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁through", "▁Warner", "▁Music", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁recorded", "▁in", "▁Mexico", "▁City", "▁,", "▁New", "▁York", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Los", "▁Angeles", "▁and", "▁was", "▁produced", "▁by", "▁Lee", "▁Le", "vin", "▁and", "▁Dan", "▁Warner", "▁under", "▁their", "▁production", "▁name", "▁Los", "▁Gr", "ingo", "▁,", "▁with", "▁additional", "▁works", "▁from", "▁Matt", "▁Roll", "ings", "▁and", "▁Brian", "▁Lang", "▁.", "▁", "▁Mark", "edly", "▁different", "▁in", "▁style", "▁from", "▁his", "▁previous", "▁albums", "▁,", "▁Po", "qu", "ita", "▁R", "op", "a", "▁was", "▁produced", "▁using", "▁as", "▁few", "▁musical", "▁instruments", "▁as", "▁possible", "▁.", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁'", "s", "▁goal", "▁was", "▁to", "▁produce", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁\"", "▁almost", "▁as", "▁they", "▁were", "▁born", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁he", "▁achieved", "▁this", "▁by", "▁using", "▁none", "x", "istent", "▁sounds", "▁to", "▁make", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁sound", "▁more", "▁ac", "oust", "ic", "▁.", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁achieved", "▁a", "▁production", "▁style", "▁that", "▁made", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁sound", "▁like", "▁a", "▁cap", "ella", "▁performances", "▁,", "▁and", "▁he", "▁said", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁music", "▁and", "▁women", "▁look", "▁better", "▁with", "▁little", "▁clothes", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁The", "▁album", "▁was", "▁crit", "ically", "▁and", "▁commer", "cially", "▁successful", "▁,", "▁became", "▁his", "▁third", "▁number", "▁one", "▁album", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Billboard", "▁Top", "▁Latin", "▁Albums", "▁and", "▁Latin", "▁Pop", "▁Albums", "▁chart", "▁,", "▁and", "▁also", "▁to", "pped", "▁the", "▁charts", "▁in", "▁Argentina", "▁and", "▁Mexico", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁cert", "ified", "▁Pl", "atin", "um", "▁in", "▁Argentina", "▁and", "▁Mexico", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁cert", "ified", "▁Gold", "▁in", "▁Chile", "▁,", "▁Colombia", "▁and", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁.", "▁The", "▁album", "▁was", "▁nominated", "▁at", "▁the", "▁", "5", "3", "rd", "▁Gram", "my", "▁Awards", "▁for", "▁Best", "▁Latin", "▁Pop", "▁Album", "▁.", "▁Po", "qu", "ita", "▁R", "op", "a", "▁was", "▁given", "▁generally", "▁positive", "▁reviews", "▁;", "▁Jason", "▁Bir", "ch", "me", "ier", "▁of", "▁All", "music", "▁considered", "▁the", "▁album", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁stri", "pped", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁down", "▁ac", "oust", "ic", "▁effort", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁said", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁impress", "ive", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁Po", "qu", "ita", "▁R", "op", "a", "▁spawn", "ed", "▁three", "▁singles", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Pu", "ente", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁a", "▁song", "▁with", "▁Cub", "an", "▁influ", "ences", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁as", "▁the", "▁lead", "▁single", "▁from", "▁the", "▁album", "▁and", "▁pe", "aked", "▁at", "▁number", "▁", "3", "6", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Billboard", "▁Latin", "▁Pop", "▁Songs", "▁chart", "▁.", "▁The", "▁other", "▁two", "▁singles", "▁released", "▁were", "▁\"", "▁V", "ida", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Mart", "a", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁both", "▁of", "▁which", "▁failed", "▁to", "▁appear", "▁on", "▁the", "▁charts", "▁.", "▁Instead", "▁of", "▁prom", "oting", "▁the", "▁album", "▁with", "▁a", "▁world", "wide", "▁tour", "▁,", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁produced", "▁an", "▁e", "pon", "ym", "ous", "▁film", "▁which", "▁was", "▁broadcast", "▁on", "▁H", "BO", "▁and", "▁A", "▁&", "▁E", ".", "▁It", "▁was", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁Jo", "aqu", "ín", "▁Cam", "bre", "▁,", "▁and", "▁features", "▁Mexican", "▁t", "elen", "ov", "ela", "▁actress", "▁Ed", "ith", "▁González", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Com", "position", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁With", "▁Po", "qu", "ita", "▁R", "op", "a", "▁,", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁wanted", "▁to", "▁dr", "ast", "ically", "▁change", "▁his", "▁musical", "▁style", "▁.", "▁He", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁use", "▁as", "▁few", "▁instruments", "▁as", "▁possible", "▁,", "▁resulting", "▁in" ]
, wind velocities , and cold temperatures made this one of the most severe blizzards the Upper Midwest has experienced . = = Record events = = This storm system had , in part , a large effect on the weather in the entire eastern half of the country . A number of different weather records ( at the time ) were set during the four days of this storm , especially in daily high temperatures , wind gusts , low barometric pressure readings , and number of tornadoes . = = = Daily high temperatures = = = = = = = January 10 = = = = Chicago , Illinois : 60 ° F ( 15 @.@ 6 ° C ) Indianapolis , Indiana : 62 ° F ( 16 @.@ 7 ° C ) Louisville , Kentucky : 66 ° F ( 18 @.@ 9 ° C ) South Bend , Indiana : 61 ° F ( 16 @.@ 1 ° C ) = = = = January 11 = = = = New York City , New York : 65 ° F ( 18 @.@ 3 ° C ) Providence , Rhode Island : 61 ° F ( 16 @.@ 1 ° C ) Washington DC : 75 ° F ( 23 @.@ 9 ° C ) = = = Low pressure measurements = = = Duluth , Minnesota : 28 @.@ 55 in ( 966 @.@ 8 mb ) Minneapolis , Minnesota : 28 @.@ 62 in ( 969 @.@ 2 mb ) Rochester , Minnesota : 28 @.@ 67 in ( 970 @.@ 9 mb ) Milwaukee , Wisconsin : 28 @.@ 86 in ( 977 @.@ 3 mb ) Rockford , Illinois : 28 @.@ 87 in ( 977 @.@ 6 mb ) St. Louis , Missouri : 28 @.@ 93 in ( 979 @.@ 7 mb ) = = = Tornadoes = = = Most tornadoes on one day in January : 39 Most tornadoes in the United States during January : 52 = Poquita Ropa = Poquita Ropa ( English : Few Clothes ) is the twelfth studio album by Guatemalan singer @-@ songwriter Ricardo Arjona . It was released on August 24 , 2010 through Warner Music . It was recorded in Mexico City , New York , and Los Angeles and was produced by Lee Levin and Dan Warner under their production name Los Gringo , with additional works from Matt Rollings and Brian Lang . Markedly different in style from his previous albums , Poquita Ropa was produced using as few musical instruments as possible . Arjona 's goal was to produce the songs " almost as they were born " ; he achieved this by using nonexistent sounds to make the songs sound more acoustic . Arjona achieved a production style that made the songs sound like a capella performances , and he said that " music and women look better with little clothes . " The album was critically and commercially successful , became his third number one album on the Billboard Top Latin Albums and Latin Pop Albums chart , and also topped the charts in Argentina and Mexico . It was certified Platinum in Argentina and Mexico , and was certified Gold in Chile , Colombia and the United States . The album was nominated at the 53rd Grammy Awards for Best Latin Pop Album . Poquita Ropa was given generally positive reviews ; Jason Birchmeier of Allmusic considered the album a " stripped @-@ down acoustic effort " and said that it was " impressive " . Poquita Ropa spawned three singles . " Puente " , a song with Cuban influences , was released as the lead single from the album and peaked at number 36 on the Billboard Latin Pop Songs chart . The other two singles released were " Vida " and " Marta " , both of which failed to appear on the charts . Instead of promoting the album with a worldwide tour , Arjona produced an eponymous film which was broadcast on HBO and A & E. It was directed by Joaquín Cambre , and features Mexican telenovela actress Edith González . = = Composition = = With Poquita Ropa , Arjona wanted to drastically change his musical style . He tried to use as few instruments as possible , resulting in
[ "▁a", "▁production", "▁that", "▁sounds", "▁like", "▁a", "▁cap", "ella", "▁performances", "▁.", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁said", "▁about", "▁the", "▁album", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁music", "▁and", "▁women", "▁look", "▁better", "▁with", "▁little", "▁clothes", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁they", "▁[", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁]", "▁are", "▁like", "▁women", "▁;", "▁they", "▁get", "▁things", "▁up", "▁and", "▁are", "▁so", "▁concerned", "▁about", "▁this", "▁that", "▁they", "▁forget", "▁that", "▁the", "▁less", "▁clothes", "▁,", "▁more", "▁beauty", "▁.", "▁The", "▁songs", "▁are", "▁often", "▁over", "wh", "el", "med", "▁by", "▁ourselves", "▁,", "▁because", "▁we", "▁s", "atur", "ate", "▁them", "▁with", "▁arrang", "ements", "▁looking", "▁to", "▁ex", "alt", "▁their", "▁qual", "ities", "▁and", "▁we", "▁end", "▁up", "▁hiding", "▁them", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁produced", "▁the", "▁album", "▁with", "▁the", "▁assistance", "▁of", "▁Dan", "▁Warner", "▁,", "▁who", "▁has", "▁worked", "▁with", "▁Sh", "ak", "ira", "▁,", "▁C", "eline", "▁D", "ion", "▁and", "▁Christ", "ina", "▁Agu", "il", "era", "▁.", "▁Jason", "▁Bir", "ch", "me", "ier", "▁from", "▁All", "music", "▁commented", "▁that", "▁Po", "qu", "ita", "▁R", "op", "a", "▁\"", "▁finds", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁at", "▁his", "▁most", "▁n", "aked", "▁,", "▁back", "ed", "▁by", "▁spare", "▁arrang", "ements", "▁of", "▁ac", "oust", "ic", "▁guitar", "▁,", "▁piano", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Hamm", "ond", "▁B", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "3", "▁along", "▁with", "▁occas", "ional", "▁touch", "es", "▁of", "▁strings", "▁,", "▁wood", "w", "inds", "▁,", "▁and", "▁ch", "orus", "▁vocals", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Po", "qu", "ita", "▁R", "op", "a", "▁was", "▁the", "▁first", "▁album", "▁that", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁recorded", "▁without", "▁producer", "▁Tommy", "▁Tor", "res", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁last", "▁production", "▁was", "▁", "5", "to", "▁P", "iso", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁album", "▁is", "▁similar", "▁in", "▁style", "▁to", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁'", 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"▁\"", "▁,", "▁as", "▁a", "▁reference", "▁to", "▁his", "▁father", "▁,", "▁Don", "▁Ric", "ardo", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁,", "▁who", "▁died", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁In", "▁an", "▁interview", "▁,", "▁music", "▁video", "▁director", "▁Jo", "aqu", "ín", "▁Cam", "bre", "▁said", "▁that", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁'", "▁V", "ida", "▁'", "▁is", "▁a", "▁sweet", "▁song", "▁,", "▁exc", "iting", "▁and", "▁bitter", "▁non", "eth", "eless", "▁.", "▁I", "▁tried", "▁to", "▁represent", "▁that", "▁mix", "▁of", "▁feelings", "▁craft", "ing", "▁an", "▁amb", "ience", "▁of", "▁hope", "▁inside", "▁of", "▁a", "▁story", "▁that", "▁in", "ev", "it", "ably", "▁has", "▁a", "▁trag", "ic", "▁end", "▁.", "▁Ric", "ardo", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁plays", "▁the", "▁song", "▁while", "▁listening", "▁to", "▁the", "▁story", "▁playing", "▁on", "▁an", "▁old", "▁disc", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁said", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁Mart", "a", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁one", "▁of", "▁those", "▁songs", "▁with", "▁br", "ush", "works", "▁related", "▁to", "▁something", "▁that", "▁happened", "▁,", "▁put", "▁on", "▁the", "▁magn", "ifying", "▁glass", "▁of", "▁the", "▁author", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁When", "▁asked", "▁if", "▁\"", "▁Es", "cri", "bir", "▁Una", "▁Can", "ción", "▁\"", "▁could", "▁be", "▁considered", "▁a", "▁guide", "▁for", "▁song", "writ", "ers", "▁,", "▁he", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁there", "▁are", "▁no", "▁gu", "ides", "▁to", "▁write", "▁songs", "▁.", "▁If", "▁any", "▁,", "▁song", "writ", "ers", "▁would", "▁stop", "▁writing", "▁songs", "▁and", "▁start", "▁writing", "▁gu", "ides", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁also", "▁said", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁Mi", "▁País", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁story", "▁of", "▁anybody", "▁who", "▁left", "▁their", "▁land", "▁and", "▁searched", "▁for", "▁life", "▁in", "▁another", "▁place", "▁,", "▁with", "▁all", "▁that", "▁huge", "▁do", "se", "▁of", "▁nost", "alg", "ia", "▁and", "▁memory", "▁those", "▁moments", "▁car", "ries", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁he", "▁wrote", "▁the", "▁song", "▁when", "▁he", "▁left", "▁Gu", "atem", "ala", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Que", "▁Vo", "y", "▁A", "▁H", "ac", "er", "▁Con", "m", "igo", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁included", "▁as", "▁a", "▁rock", "▁song", "▁on", "▁his", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁album", "▁Del", "▁Ot", "ro", "▁L", "ado", "▁del", "▁Sol", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁lyr", "ics", "▁were", "▁slightly", "▁changed", "▁on", "▁the", "▁new", "▁version", "▁.", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁stated", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁a", "▁difficult", "▁process", "▁to", "▁leave", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁\"", "▁almost", "▁as", "▁they", "▁were", "▁born", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁that", "▁he", "▁had", "▁to", "▁conv", "ince", "▁the", "▁people", "▁who", "▁worked", "▁on", "▁the", "▁album", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁it", "▁was", "▁the", "▁way", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁were", "▁to", "▁be", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁without", "▁adding", "▁any", "▁sounds", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Release", "▁and", "▁promotion", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Po", "qu", "ita", "▁R", "op", "a", "▁was", "▁released", "▁first", "▁in", "▁Spain", "▁on", "▁", "6", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1" ]
a production that sounds like a capella performances . Arjona said about the album , " music and women look better with little clothes " , and that " they [ the songs ] are like women ; they get things up and are so concerned about this that they forget that the less clothes , more beauty . The songs are often overwhelmed by ourselves , because we saturate them with arrangements looking to exalt their qualities and we end up hiding them . " Arjona produced the album with the assistance of Dan Warner , who has worked with Shakira , Celine Dion and Christina Aguilera . Jason Birchmeier from Allmusic commented that Poquita Ropa " finds Arjona at his most naked , backed by spare arrangements of acoustic guitar , piano , and Hammond B @-@ 3 along with occasional touches of strings , woodwinds , and chorus vocals . " Poquita Ropa was the first album that Arjona recorded without producer Tommy Torres , whose last production was 5to Piso ( 2008 ) . The album is similar in style to Arjona 's work on Galería Caribe ( 2000 ) . " Puente " , the lead single , is eight minutes and thirty seconds long and is divided into three parts . The first part is an a cappella song with a piano accompaniment . The second part is a ballad with Caribbean and Latin sounds , with some salsa and Cuban influences . The third is a mixture of salsa and merengue , with Cuban influences . Mónica Maristain from newspaper La Nación compared it with " Habana " , a 1999 song by Fito Páez . = = Lyrical content = = When asked about " Puente " ' s main theme , Arjona commented , " Although many believe is a threshed topic , it isn 't for a Cuban , be it on the island or Florida . The status of this dispute hasn 't changed since 1959 and I 've never seen something as disgusting as a rivalry between people occasioned from politics . Chávez can fight with Uribe , Fidel with Obama , but what has this to do with two third @-@ generation cousins that inherit an enmity for a politic matter [ ? ] " . In the song , Arjona sings : " Habana / siempre en las mitades , tan mitad española , tan mitad africana / saben bien las olas que en cada ventana siempre hay un testigo / Habana . " He also said that " Puente " was the only song that was " not allowed to undress " . " Vida " , the second single , is considered by Arjona to be an autobiographical song . He said that it " contains a good dose of the life of my old man " , as a reference to his father , Don Ricardo Arjona , who died in 2010 . In an interview , music video director Joaquín Cambre said that , " ' Vida ' is a sweet song , exciting and bitter nonetheless . I tried to represent that mix of feelings crafting an ambience of hope inside of a story that inevitably has a tragic end . Ricardo Arjona plays the song while listening to the story playing on an old disc . " Arjona said that " Marta " is " one of those songs with brushworks related to something that happened , put on the magnifying glass of the author . " When asked if " Escribir Una Canción " could be considered a guide for songwriters , he stated that " there are no guides to write songs . If any , songwriters would stop writing songs and start writing guides . " Arjona also said that " Mi País " was " the story of anybody who left their land and searched for life in another place , with all that huge dose of nostalgia and memory those moments carries . " , and that he wrote the song when he left Guatemala . " Que Voy A Hacer Conmigo " was originally included as a rock song on his 1991 album Del Otro Lado del Sol , but the lyrics were slightly changed on the new version . Arjona stated that it was a difficult process to leave the songs " almost as they were born " , and that he had to convince the people who worked on the album that " it was the way the songs were to be " , without adding any sounds . = = Release and promotion = = Poquita Ropa was released first in Spain on 6 August 201
[ "0", "▁,", "▁and", "▁was", "▁made", "▁available", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁,", "▁Latin", "▁America", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁rest", "▁of", "▁Europe", "▁on", "▁", "1", "5", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁The", "▁compact", "▁disc", "▁version", "▁of", "▁the", "▁album", "▁was", "▁released", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁,", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Latin", "▁America", "▁on", "▁", "2", "4", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁A", "▁del", "ux", "e", "▁edition", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁i", "T", "unes", "▁,", "▁and", "▁contained", "▁the", "▁track", "▁\"", "▁Est", "as", "▁G", "anas", "▁de", "▁L", "lor", "ar", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Singles", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Pu", "ente", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁lead", "▁single", "▁from", "▁the", "▁album", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁", "9", "▁August", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁is", "▁a", "▁political", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁charged", "▁anth", "em", "▁to", "▁Hav", "ana", "▁,", "▁the", "▁relationship", "▁between", "▁Cuba", "▁and", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁,", "▁the", "▁international", "▁economic", "▁block", "ade", "▁against", "▁Cuba", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Cub", "an", "▁em", "igration", "▁to", "▁Florida", "▁.", "▁The", "▁song", "▁reached", "▁number", "▁", "3", "6", "▁on", "▁the", "▁Billboard", "▁Latin", "▁Pop", "▁Songs", "▁chart", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Pu", "ente", "▁\"", "▁is", "▁one", "▁of", "▁Ar", "j", "ona", "▁'", "s", "▁least", "▁successful", "▁lead", "▁singles", "▁.", "▁The", "▁music", "▁video", "▁was", "▁fil", "med", "▁in", "▁Mexico", "▁and", "▁Argentina", "▁.", "▁The", "▁second", "▁single", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁V", "ida", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁was", "▁released", "▁on", "▁", "7", "▁December", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "0", "▁.", "▁Its", "▁music", "▁video", "▁was", "▁fil", "med", "▁in", "▁Mexico", "▁and", "▁was", "▁directed", "▁by", "▁Argent", "in", "ian", "▁film", "maker", "▁Jo", "aqu", "ín", "▁Cam", "bre", "▁.", "▁The", "▁third", "▁and", "▁last", "▁single", "▁from", "▁the", "▁album", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁Mart", "a", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁released", "▁on", "▁", "2", "9", "▁March", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁It", "▁became", "▁the", "▁second", "▁consecutive", "▁single", "▁from", "▁Po", "qu", "ita", "▁R", "op", "a", "▁to", "▁fail", "▁to", "▁chart", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁States", "▁.", "▁The", "▁accomp", "any", "ing", "▁music", "▁video", "▁featured", "▁Mexican", "▁t", "elen", "ov", "ela", "▁actress", "▁Ed", "ith", "▁González", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Film", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁", "1", "2", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁H", "BO", "▁premier", "ed", "▁the", "▁film", "▁Po", "qu", "ita", "▁R", "op", "a", "▁–", "▁Una", "▁Historia", "▁Ap", "asion", "ada", "▁,", "▁a", "▁compilation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁music", "▁videos", "▁for", "▁all", "▁of", "▁the", "▁songs", "▁on", "▁the", "▁album", "▁,", "▁inter", "la", "ced", "▁into", "▁one", "▁story", "▁and", "▁with", "▁a", "▁duration", "▁of", "▁", 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0 , and was made available in the United States , Latin America , and the rest of Europe on 15 August 2010 . The compact disc version of the album was released in the United States , the United Kingdom , and Latin America on 24 August 2010 . A deluxe edition was released on iTunes , and contained the track " Estas Ganas de Llorar " . = = = Singles = = = " Puente " , the lead single from the album , was released on 9 August 2010 . The song is a political @-@ charged anthem to Havana , the relationship between Cuba and the United States , the international economic blockade against Cuba , and Cuban emigration to Florida . The song reached number 36 on the Billboard Latin Pop Songs chart . " Puente " is one of Arjona 's least successful lead singles . The music video was filmed in Mexico and Argentina . The second single , " Vida " , was released on 7 December 2010 . Its music video was filmed in Mexico and was directed by Argentinian filmmaker Joaquín Cambre . The third and last single from the album was " Marta " , released on 29 March 2011 . It became the second consecutive single from Poquita Ropa to fail to chart in the United States . The accompanying music video featured Mexican telenovela actress Edith González . = = = Film = = = On 12 February 2011 , HBO premiered the film Poquita Ropa – Una Historia Apasionada , a compilation of the music videos for all of the songs on the album , interlaced into one story and with a duration of 67 minutes . It was directed by Joaquín Cambre , and co @-@ starred Arjona , González , Edgar Vivar , Daniel Arenas , Mimi Morales , and Kenny . Poquita Ropa – Una Historia Apasionada was produced in Argentina and Mexico . Jesús Grovas , HBO 's corporate communication manager for Mexico and Central America said that it was " a pleasure to have on screen the music of a songwriter like Ricardo Arjona , which is warranty of quality " . The film was later broadcast by A & E. = = Reception = = = = = Commercial performance = = = In the United States , Poquita Ropa sold over nine thousand copies in its first week , debuting at number one the Billboard Top Latin Albums chart , on the week ending 11 September 2010 , becoming Arjona 's third studio album to reach number one on that chart , following Galería Caribe ( 2000 ) and 5to Piso ( 2008 ) . The following week , it fell to number two as Enrique Iglesias ' Euphoria regained the top position . Poquita Ropa also debuted at number one on the Latin Pop Albums chart on the week ending 11 September 2010 . It became Arjona 's fourth album to reach number one , after Galería Caribe , 5to Piso and Quién Dijo Ayer ( 2007 ) . Poquita Ropa also debuted at number 43 on the Billboard 200 , becoming his highest entry on that chart . The album was also commercially successful outside the United States . In Mexico , Poquita Ropa debuted at number 29 , and jumped to number one in its second week . It remained at number one for two consecutive weeks , before dropping to number five . The album was the 31st best @-@ selling album of 2010 in Mexico . Poquita Ropa also peaked at number one in Argentina , and at number two in Chile . On the 2010 year @-@ end chart , Poquita Ropa was the 43rd best @-@ selling album on the Latin Albums chart , and the 12th best @-@ selling album on the Latin Pop Albums chart . Poquita Ropa was certified Platinum by the Argentine Chamber of Phonograms and Videograms Producers ( CAPIF ) , denoting 40 @,@ 000 copies sold . It was also certified Platinum by the Mexican Association of Producers of Phonograms and Videograms ( AMPROFON ) , denoting 60 @,@ 000 copies sold . In the United States , Poquita Ropa was certified Gold ( Latin ) by the
[ "▁Rec", "ording", "▁Indust", "ry", "▁Association", "▁of", "▁America", "▁(", "▁R", "I", "AA", "▁)", "▁,", "▁den", "oting", "▁", "5", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁copies", "▁sh", "ipped", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁cert", "ified", "▁Gold", "▁in", "▁Chile", "▁,", "▁den", "oting", "▁sales", "▁of", "▁", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁copies", "▁,", "▁and", "▁in", "▁Colombia", "▁,", "▁den", "oting", "▁sales", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁copies", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Crit", "ical", "▁response", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Jason", "▁Bir", "ch", "me", "ier", "▁of", "▁All", "music", "▁gave", "▁the", "▁album", "▁a", "▁positive", "▁review", "▁,", "▁and", "▁wrote", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁stri", "pped", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁down", "▁ac", "oust", "ic", "▁effort", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁and", "▁considered", "▁it", "▁\"", "▁impress", "ive", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁An", "▁editor", "▁from", "▁El", "▁Car", "ab", "obe", "ño", "▁said", "▁that", 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"5", "0", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "9", "5", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁Jin", "ab", "o", "▁was", "▁the", "▁first", "▁of", "▁three", "▁storm", "s", "▁to", "▁form", "▁in", "▁quick", "▁succession", "▁in", "▁late", "▁March", "▁,", "▁the", "▁others", "▁being", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁and", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁Le", "z", "iss", "y", "▁.", "▁Jin", "ab", "o", "▁origin", "ated", "▁off", "▁the", "▁east", "▁coast", "▁of", "▁Mad", "agas", "car", "▁and", "▁dropped", "▁heavy", "▁ra", "inf", "all", "▁on", "▁Ré", "union", "▁.", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁took", "▁a", "▁similar", "▁track", "▁and", "▁passed", "▁within", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "6", "0", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁of", "▁Rod", "rig", "ues", "▁and", "▁Maur", "it", "ius", "▁,", "▁causing", "▁heavy", "▁c", "rop", "▁damage", "▁.", "▁Last", "ly", "▁,", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁Le", "z", "iss", "y", "▁merged", "▁with", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁and", "▁diss", "ip", "ated", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "1", "1", "▁to", "▁end", "▁the", "▁season", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Season", "al", "▁summary", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁During", "▁the", "▁season", "▁,", "▁the", "▁M", "été", "o", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁France", "▁office", "▁(", "▁M", "FR", "▁)", "▁on", "▁Ré", "union", "▁island", "▁issued", "▁warnings", "▁in", "▁tropical", "▁cycl", "ones", "▁within", "▁the", "▁bas", "in", "▁.", "▁Using", "▁satellite", "▁imag", "ery", "▁from", "▁National", "▁Ocean", "ic", "▁and", "▁At", "mos", "pher", "ic", "▁Administration", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ag", "ency", "▁estimated", "▁intensity", "▁through", "▁the", "▁D", "vor", "ak", "▁technique", "▁,", "▁and", "▁war", "ned", "▁on", "▁tropical", "▁cycl", "ones", "▁in", "▁the", "▁region", "▁from", "▁the", "▁coast", "▁of", "▁Africa", "▁to", "▁", "9", "0", "▁°", "▁E", "▁,", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁equ", "ator", "▁.", "▁At", "▁the", "▁time", "▁,", "▁the", "▁World", "▁Meteor", "ological", "▁Organ", "ization", "▁recognized", "▁the", "▁M", "FR", "▁as", "▁a", "▁Regional", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁Ad", "vis", "ory", "▁Centre", "▁,", "▁and", "▁would", "▁later", "▁label", "▁the", "▁ag", "ency", "▁as", "▁a", "▁Regional", "▁Special", "ized", "▁Meteor", "ological", "▁Center", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "3", "▁.", "▁The", "▁J", "oint", "▁Ty", "ph", "oon", "▁Warning", "▁Center", "▁(", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁a", "▁joint", "▁United", "▁States", "▁Navy", "▁–", "▁United", "▁States", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁task", "▁force", "▁,", "▁also", "▁issued", "▁tropical", "▁cy", "clone", "▁warnings", "▁for", "▁the", "▁south", "western", "▁Indian", "▁Ocean", "▁.", "▁The", "▁season", "▁'", "s", "▁", "1", "1", "▁named", "▁storm", "s", "▁is", "▁slightly", "▁above", "▁the", "▁long", "▁term", "▁average", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁five", "▁tropical", "▁cycl", "ones", "▁–", "▁a", "▁storm", "▁att", "aining", "▁maximum", "▁sust", "ained", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁at", "▁least", "▁", "1", "2", "0", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "7", "5", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁–", "▁was" ]
Recording Industry Association of America ( RIAA ) , denoting 50 @,@ 000 copies shipped . It was certified Gold in Chile , denoting sales of 5 @,@ 000 copies , and in Colombia , denoting sales of 10 @,@ 000 copies . = = = Critical response = = = Jason Birchmeier of Allmusic gave the album a positive review , and wrote that it was a " stripped @-@ down acoustic effort " , and considered it " impressive " . An editor from El Carabobeño said that Poquita Ropa was " an album of ghetto and concept , with flawless production and carried out with the right amount of instruments . " = = Track listing = = Following , the track list of Poquita Ropa as is shown in Allmusic . All songs written and composed by Ricardo Arjona . iTunes Bonus Track = = Personnel = = The credits are taken from the iTunes exclusive digital booklet . = = = Technical credits = = = = = Chart performance = = = = Release history = = = 1988 – 89 South @-@ West Indian Ocean cyclone season = The 1988 – 89 South @-@ West Indian Ocean cyclone season was an active season that featured several storms moving near or over the Mascarene Islands or Madagascar . The eleven tropical storms was two greater than average , of which five became tropical cyclones – a storm with maximum sustained winds over 10 minutes of 120 km / h ( 75 mph ) or greater . Storms were monitored by the Météo @-@ France office ( MFR ) on Réunion island in an official capacity , as well as the American Joint Typhoon Warning Center ( JTWC ) on an unofficial base . The season began early with Moderate Tropical Storm Adelinina forming in early November , and continued through the middle of April . Adelinina was one of two storms to form in November , the other being Tropical Cyclone Barisaona which crossed from the adjacent Australian basin . After no activity in December , there were four storms in January , including the most notable of the season – Cyclone Firinga . The storm caused ₣ 1 billion ( 1989 francs , $ 157 million 1989 USD ) in damage when it struck Réunion . Tropical Cyclone Calasanjy also formed in the month , causing heavy damage when it struck western Madagascar . Three storms formed in February , the second of which , Hanitra , also crossed from the Australian basin . This storm , as well as later Tropical Cyclone Krisy , were the strongest of the season , attaining peak 10 ‑ minute winds of 150 km / h ( 95 mph ) . Tropical Cyclone Jinabo was the first of three storms to form in quick succession in late March , the others being Krisy and Tropical Storm Lezissy . Jinabo originated off the east coast of Madagascar and dropped heavy rainfall on Réunion . Krisy took a similar track and passed within 100 km ( 60 mi ) of Rodrigues and Mauritius , causing heavy crop damage . Lastly , Tropical Storm Lezissy merged with Krisy and dissipated on April 11 to end the season . = = Seasonal summary = = During the season , the Météo @-@ France office ( MFR ) on Réunion island issued warnings in tropical cyclones within the basin . Using satellite imagery from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , the agency estimated intensity through the Dvorak technique , and warned on tropical cyclones in the region from the coast of Africa to 90 ° E , south of the equator . At the time , the World Meteorological Organization recognized the MFR as a Regional Tropical Cyclone Advisory Centre , and would later label the agency as a Regional Specialized Meteorological Center in 1993 . The Joint Typhoon Warning Center ( JTWC ) , which is a joint United States Navy – United States Air Force task force , also issued tropical cyclone warnings for the southwestern Indian Ocean . The season 's 11 named storms is slightly above the long term average , while the five tropical cyclones – a storm attaining maximum sustained winds of at least 120 km / h ( 75 mph ) – was
[ "▁the", "▁same", "▁as", "▁the", "▁long", "▁term", "▁average", "▁.", "▁There", "▁was", "▁an", "▁on", "going", "▁La", "▁Ni", "ña", "▁event", "▁in", "▁the", "▁middle", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁.", "▁The", "▁M", "FR", "▁considered", "▁the", "▁tropical", "▁cy", "clone", "▁year", "▁to", "▁begin", "▁on", "▁August", "▁", "1", "▁and", "▁continue", "▁to", "▁July", "▁", "3", "1", "▁of", "▁the", "▁following", "▁year", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁addition", "▁to", "▁the", "▁storm", "s", "▁monitor", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁M", "FR", "▁,", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁track", "ed", "▁a", "▁storm", "▁in", "▁March", "▁that", "▁formed", "▁off", "▁the", "▁west", "▁coast", "▁of", "▁Mad", "agas", "car", "▁on", "▁March", "▁", "7", "▁.", "▁It", "▁moved", "▁generally", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁or", "▁south", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sout", "heast", "▁,", "▁failing", "▁to", "▁intens", "ify", "▁beyond", "▁", "1", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "6", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "4", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁After", "▁passing", "▁west", "▁of", "▁Mad", "agas", "car", "▁,", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁diss", "ip", "ated", "▁on", "▁March", "▁", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Storm", "s", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Mod", "er", "ate", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁Ad", "elin", "ina", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Inter", "t", "rop", "ical", "▁Con", "ver", "gence", "▁Zone", "▁(", "▁I", "TC", "Z", "▁)", "▁over", "▁the", "▁eastern", "▁Indian", "▁Ocean", "▁was", "▁the", "▁origin", "▁of", "▁what", "▁would", "▁become", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁Ad", "elin", "ina", "▁.", "▁On", "▁October", "▁", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁began", "▁monitoring", "▁the", "▁system", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁of", "▁Diego", "▁Gar", "cia", "▁,", "▁and", "▁class", "ified", "▁it", "▁as", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁", "0", "1", "S", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "1", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁the", "▁M", "FR", "▁began", "▁issu", "ing", "▁advis", "ories", "▁on", "▁the", "▁system", "▁and", "▁quickly", "▁upgrad", "ed", "▁it", "▁to", "▁Mod", "er", "ate", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁Ad", "elin", "ina", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ag", "ency", "▁estimated", "▁", "1", "0", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "6", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "4", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁as", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sout", "heast", "▁.", "▁By", "▁contrast", "▁,", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁ass", "essed", "▁that", "▁Ad", "elin", "ina", "▁rapidly", "▁intens", "ified", "▁into", "▁the", "▁equivalent", "▁of", "▁a", "▁minimal", "▁h", "urr", "icane", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁estim", "ating", "▁peak", "▁", "1", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "1", "4", "0", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "8", "5", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁.", "▁Without", "▁strength", "ening", "▁further", "▁,", "▁Ad", "elin", "ina", "▁began", "▁weak", "ening", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "4", "▁,", "▁turning", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁and", "▁later", "▁turning", "▁back", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "west", "▁;", "▁the", "▁track", "▁was", "▁influenced", "▁by", "▁a", "▁r", "idge", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁.", "▁Ad", "elin", "ina", "▁completed", "▁its", "▁five", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁loop", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "7", "▁as", "▁it", "▁crossed", "▁west", "ward", "▁over", "▁its", "▁former", "▁track", "▁.", "▁That", "▁day", "▁,", "▁the", "▁M", "FR", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁upgrad", "ed", "▁the", "▁system", "▁to", "▁tropical", "▁storm", "▁status", "▁,", "▁but", "▁dis", "cont", "in", "ued", "▁advis", "ories", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "8", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁Bar", "isa", "ona", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁November", "▁", "5", "▁,", "▁a", "▁tropical", "▁de", "pression", "▁formed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁bas", "in", "▁south", "▁of", "▁Indones", "ia", "▁from", "▁a", "▁tr", "ough", "▁.", "▁It", "▁moved", "▁slowly", "▁and", "▁er", "rat", "ically", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁,", "▁only", "▁gradually", "▁organ", "izing", "▁.", "▁On", "▁November", "▁", "8", "▁,", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁class", "ified", "▁the", "▁system", "▁as", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁", "0", "2", "S", "▁.", "▁Before", "▁entering", "▁the", "▁south", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁west", "▁Indian", "▁Ocean", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Bureau", "▁of", "▁Meteor", "ology", "▁(", "▁Bo", "M", "▁)", "▁estimated", "▁that", "▁the", "▁system", "▁reached", "▁", "1", "0", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "6", "5", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Bo", "M", "▁did", "▁not", "▁include", "▁the", "▁system", "▁in", "▁its", "▁annual", "▁summary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁,", "▁and", "▁at", "▁the", "▁time", "▁it", "▁was", "▁considered", "▁a", "▁tropical", "▁de", "pression", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁region", "▁.", "▁On", "▁November", "▁", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁system", "▁crossed", "▁", "9", "0", "▁°", "▁E", "▁,", "▁class", "ified", "▁as", "▁Mod", "er", "ate", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁Bar", "isa", "ona", "▁by", "▁the", "▁M", "FR", "▁.", "▁By", "▁that", "▁time", "▁,", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁was", "▁moving", "▁stead", "ily", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁south", "west", "▁,", "▁ste", "ered", "▁by", "▁a", "▁r", "idge", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁,", "▁and", "▁it", "▁att", "ained", "▁tropical", "▁cy", "clone", "▁status", "▁two", "▁days", "▁later", "▁.", "▁Also", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁the", "▁M", "FR", "▁estimated", "▁peak", "▁", "1", "0", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "1", "3", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "8", "5", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁,", "▁based", "▁on", "▁the", "▁well", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁defined", "▁eye", "▁.", "▁Bar", "isa", "ona", "▁briefly", "▁weak", "ened", "▁to", "▁tropical", "▁storm", "▁status", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "1", "5", "▁,", "▁only", "▁to", "▁reg", "ain", "▁tropical", "▁cy", "clone", "▁status", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁.", "▁On", "▁November", "▁", "1", "6", "▁,", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁estimated", "▁peak", "▁", "1", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "1", "1", "5", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁A", "▁passing", "▁tr", "ough", "▁turned", "▁the", "▁cy", "clone", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "west", "▁.", "▁It", "▁gradually", "▁weak", "ened", "▁there", "after", "▁,", "▁and", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁dis", "cont", "in", "ued", "▁advis", "ories", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "2", "0", "▁.", "▁The", "▁M", "FR", "▁track", "ed", "▁Bar", "isa", "ona", "▁for", "▁a", "▁few", "▁more", "▁days", "▁as", "▁a", "▁r", "idge", "▁ste", "ered", "▁the", "▁system", "▁back", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁;", "▁the", "▁system", "▁diss", "ip", "ated", "▁on", "▁November", "▁", "2", "3", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁Cal", "as", "an", "j", "y", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁orig", "ins", "▁of", "▁Cal", "as", "an", "j", "y", "▁were", "▁from", "▁the", "▁I", "TC", "Z", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Moz", "amb", "ique", "▁Channel", "▁off", "▁the", "▁north", "west", "▁coast", "▁of", "▁Mad", "agas", "car", "▁in", "▁early", "▁January", "▁.", "▁An", "▁area", "▁of", "▁dist", "urbed", "▁weather", "▁moved", "▁south", "west", "ward", "▁at", "▁first", "▁,", "▁but", "▁gradually", "▁cur", "ved", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "west", "▁.", "▁On", "▁January", "▁", "9", "▁,", "▁the", "▁M", "FR", "▁class", "ified", "▁it", "▁as", "▁a", "▁tropical", "▁disturb", "ance", "▁,", "▁but", "▁upgrad", "ed", "▁it", "▁to", "▁Mod", "er", "ate", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁Cal", "as", "an", "j", "y", "▁on", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁.", "▁Also", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁designated", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁as", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁", "0", "6", "S", "▁.", "▁By", "▁that" ]
the same as the long term average . There was an ongoing La Niña event in the middle of the season . The MFR considered the tropical cyclone year to begin on August 1 and continue to July 31 of the following year . In addition to the storms monitored by the MFR , the JTWC tracked a storm in March that formed off the west coast of Madagascar on March 7 . It moved generally to the south or south @-@ southeast , failing to intensify beyond 1 ‑ minute winds of 65 km / h ( 40 mph ) . After passing west of Madagascar , the storm dissipated on March 11 . = = Storms = = = = = Moderate Tropical Storm Adelinina = = = The Intertropical Convergence Zone ( ITCZ ) over the eastern Indian Ocean was the origin of what would become Tropical Storm Adelinina . On October 30 , the JTWC began monitoring the system to the south of Diego Garcia , and classified it as Tropical Cyclone 01S on November 1 . On the next day , the MFR began issuing advisories on the system and quickly upgraded it to Moderate Tropical Storm Adelinina . The agency estimated 10 ‑ minute winds of 65 km / h ( 40 mph ) as the storm moved to the southeast . By contrast , the JTWC assessed that Adelinina rapidly intensified into the equivalent of a minimal hurricane on November 2 , estimating peak 1 ‑ minute winds of 140 km / h ( 85 mph ) the next day . Without strengthening further , Adelinina began weakening on November 4 , turning to the east and later turning back to the northwest ; the track was influenced by a ridge to the south . Adelinina completed its five @-@ day loop on November 7 as it crossed westward over its former track . That day , the MFR re @-@ upgraded the system to tropical storm status , but discontinued advisories on November 8 . = = = Tropical Cyclone Barisaona = = = On November 5 , a tropical depression formed in the Australian basin south of Indonesia from a trough . It moved slowly and erratically to the west , only gradually organizing . On November 8 , the JTWC classified the system as Tropical Cyclone 02S . Before entering the south @-@ west Indian Ocean , the Bureau of Meteorology ( BoM ) estimated that the system reached 10 ‑ minute winds of 105 km / h ( 65 mph ) . However , the BoM did not include the system in its annual summary of the season , and at the time it was considered a tropical depression in the Australian region . On November 12 , the system crossed 90 ° E , classified as Moderate Tropical Storm Barisaona by the MFR . By that time , the storm was moving steadily to the west @-@ southwest , steered by a ridge to the south , and it attained tropical cyclone status two days later . Also on November 14 , the MFR estimated peak 10 ‑ minute winds of 135 km / h ( 85 mph ) , based on the well @-@ defined eye . Barisaona briefly weakened to tropical storm status on November 15 , only to regain tropical cyclone status the next day . On November 16 , the JTWC estimated peak 1 ‑ minute winds of 185 km / h ( 115 mph ) . A passing trough turned the cyclone to the southwest . It gradually weakened thereafter , and JTWC discontinued advisories on November 20 . The MFR tracked Barisaona for a few more days as a ridge steered the system back to the north ; the system dissipated on November 23 . = = = Tropical Cyclone Calasanjy = = = The origins of Calasanjy were from the ITCZ in the Mozambique Channel off the northwest coast of Madagascar in early January . An area of disturbed weather moved southwestward at first , but gradually curved to the northwest . On January 9 , the MFR classified it as a tropical disturbance , but upgraded it to Moderate Tropical Storm Calasanjy on the next day . Also on January 10 , the JTWC designated the storm as Tropical Cyclone 06S . By that
[ "▁time", "▁,", "▁Cal", "as", "an", "j", "y", "▁was", "▁just", "▁off", "▁the", "▁east", "▁coast", "▁of", "▁Moz", "amb", "ique", "▁,", "▁although", "▁it", "▁executed", "▁a", "▁tight", "▁loop", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sout", "heast", "▁spare", "▁a", "▁land", "fall", "▁.", "▁Mov", "ing", "▁along", "▁its", "▁former", "▁path", "▁,", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁gradually", "▁intens", "ified", "▁–", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁upgrad", "ed", "▁it", "▁to", "▁the", "▁equivalent", "▁of", "▁a", "▁minimal", "▁h", "urr", "icane", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁M", "FR", "▁upgrad", "ed", "▁Cal", "as", "an", "j", "y", "▁to", "▁tropical", "▁cy", "clone", "▁status", "▁two", "▁days", "▁later", "▁.", "▁Both", "▁ag", "encies", "▁estimated", "▁peak", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁around", "▁", "1", "3", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "8", "5", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Later", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "1", "4", "▁,", "▁Cal", "as", "an", "j", "y", "▁made", "▁land", "fall", "▁in", "▁western", "▁Mad", "agas", "car", "▁near", "▁Mor", "ond", "ava", "▁,", "▁and", "▁soon", "▁after", "▁moving", "▁ash", "ore", "▁it", "▁turned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "west", "▁,", "▁its", "▁motion", "▁changed", "▁due", "▁to", "▁a", "▁r", "idge", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sout", "heast", "▁.", "▁It", "▁weak", "ened", "▁to", "▁tropical", "▁de", "pression", "▁status", "▁before", "▁re", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁emer", "ging", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Moz", "amb", "ique", "▁Channel", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "1", "6", "▁,", "▁becoming", "▁extr", "at", "rop", "ical", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁.", "▁", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁Cal", "as", "an", "j", "y", "▁caused", "▁heavy", "▁damage", "▁in", "▁western", "▁Mad", "agas", "car", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁peak", "▁wind", "▁g", "ust", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "1", "2", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁in", "▁M", "aint", "ir", "ano", "▁.", "▁The", "▁storm", "▁caused", "▁the", "▁Mor", "ond", "ava", "▁River", "▁to", "▁increase", "▁to", "▁a", "▁flow", "▁rate", "▁of", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "7", "0", "2", "▁m", "3", "▁/", "▁s", "▁(", "▁", "9", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "4", "2", "0", "▁ft", "3", "▁/", "▁s", "▁)", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁peak", "▁height", "▁of", "▁", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "8", "▁m", "▁(", "▁", "1", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁during", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁.", "▁Re", "forms", "▁en", "act", "ed", "▁after", "▁previous", "▁cycl", "ones", "▁Kam", "isy", "▁and", "▁Honor", "in", "ina", "▁helped", "▁facil", "itate", "▁rep", "airs", "▁following", "▁this", "▁storm", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁De", "pression", "▁D", "ona", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁January", "▁", "1", "0", "▁,", "▁a", "▁tropical", "▁disturb", "ance", "▁formed", "▁east", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁n", "ortheast", "▁of", "▁St", ".", "▁Br", "andon", "▁,", "▁which", "▁is", "▁a", "▁small", "▁arch", "ip", "el", "ago", "▁belonging", "▁to", "▁Maur", "it", "ius", "▁.", "▁It", "▁originally", "▁consisted", "▁of", "▁a", "▁small", "▁,", "▁weak", "▁vor", "tex", "▁,", "▁although", "▁it", "▁gradually", "▁organized", "▁.", "▁The", "▁system", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "west", "▁and", "▁quickly", "▁intens", "ified", "▁into", "▁a", "▁tropical", "▁de", "pression", "▁,", "▁reaching", "▁peak", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "5", "0", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "3", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Despite", "▁it", "▁only", "▁being", "▁a", "▁de", "pression", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Maur", "it", "ius", "▁Meteor", "ological", "▁Service", "▁named", "▁the", "▁de", "pression", "▁D", "ona", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁threat", "▁to", "▁the", "▁island", "▁.", "▁The", "▁system", "▁turned", "▁more", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁ahead", "▁of", "▁a", "▁tr", "ough", "▁,", "▁passing", "▁east", "▁of", "▁St", ".", "▁Br", "andon", "▁and", "▁later", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁of", "▁Rod", "rig", "ues", "▁.", "▁Later", "▁,", "▁D", "ona", "▁turned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sout", "heast", "▁,", "▁diss", "ip", "ating", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "1", "4", "▁without", "▁affect", "ing", "▁land", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Se", "vere", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁Ed", "me", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁On", "▁January", "▁", "2", "0", "▁,", "▁a", "▁tropical", "▁disturb", "ance", "▁formed", "▁about", "▁", "2", "4", "0", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "1", "5", "0", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁west", "▁of", "▁the", "▁C", "oc", "os", "▁Islands", "▁.", "▁That", "▁day", "▁,", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁class", "ified", "▁it", "▁as", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁", "0", "7", "S", "▁,", "▁although", "▁it", "▁had", "▁monitor", "ed", "▁the", "▁system", "▁for", "▁the", "▁preceding", "▁three", "▁days", "▁.", "▁The", "▁nas", "cent", "▁disturb", "ance", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁and", "▁gradually", "▁intens", "ified", "▁,", "▁becoming", "▁Mod", "er", "ate", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁Ed", "me", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "2", "1", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁upgrad", "ed", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁to", "▁the", "▁equivalent", "▁of", "▁a", "▁minimal", "▁h", "urr", "icane", "▁,", "▁as", "▁Ed", "me", "▁was", "▁a", "ided", "▁by", "▁favor", "able", "▁upper", "▁level", "▁conditions", "▁beneath", "▁an", "▁ant", "icy", "clone", "▁.", "▁On", "▁January", "▁", "2", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ag", "ency", "▁estimated", "▁peak", "▁", "1", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "2", "1", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "1", "3", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁;", "▁however", "▁,", "▁the", "▁M", "FR", "▁only", "▁ass", "essed", "▁peak", "▁", "1", "0", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "1", "1", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "7", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁,", "▁just", "▁sh", "y", "▁of", "▁tropical", "▁cy", "clone", "▁status", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁time", "▁of", "▁peak", "▁intensity", "▁,", "▁Ed", "me", "▁had", "▁begun", "▁moving", "▁south", "west", "ward", "▁and", "▁there", "after", "▁weak", "ened", "▁due", "▁to", "▁increasing", "▁wind", "▁she", "ar", "▁,", "▁im", "part", "ed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁tr", "ough", "▁in", "▁the", "▁West", "er", "lies", "▁.", "▁On", "▁January", "▁", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁weak", "ened", "▁to", "▁tropical", "▁de", "pression", "▁status", "▁as", "▁it", "▁turned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁.", "▁Ed", "me", "▁diss", "ip", "ated", "▁the", "▁following", "▁day", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁F", "iring", "a", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁F", "iring", "a", "▁developed", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "2", "4", "▁well", "▁to", "▁the", "▁n", "ortheast", "▁of", "▁Maur", "it", "ius", "▁.", "▁After", "▁initially", "▁moving", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sout", "heast", "▁,", "▁it", "▁began", "▁a", "▁south", "west", "▁motion", "▁that", "▁it", "▁would", "▁continue", "▁for", "▁several", "▁days", "▁.", "▁During", "▁that", "▁time", "▁,", "▁the", "▁system", "▁intens", "ified", "▁into", "▁Mod", "er", "ate", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁F", "iring", "a", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁upgrad", "ed", "▁it", "▁to", "▁the", "▁equivalent", "▁of", "▁a", "▁minimal", "▁h", "urr", "icane", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "2", "8", "▁.", "▁Early", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁it", "▁intens", "ified", "▁to", "▁tropical", "▁cy", "clone", "▁status", "▁,", "▁reaching", "▁peak", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "1", "3", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "8", "5", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Ar", "ound", "▁that", "▁time", "▁,", "▁F", "iring", "a", "▁passed", "▁", "5", "0", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "3", "0", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁west", "▁of", "▁Maur", "it", "ius", "▁,", "▁producing", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "1", "2", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁wind", "▁g", "ust", "s", "▁.", "▁Short", "ly", "▁there", "after", "▁,", "▁the", "▁cy", "clone", "▁struck", "▁Ré", "union", "▁,", "▁still", "▁at", "▁peak", "▁intensity", "▁,", "▁producing", "▁wind", "▁g", "ust", "s", "▁as" ]
time , Calasanjy was just off the east coast of Mozambique , although it executed a tight loop to the southeast spare a landfall . Moving along its former path , the storm gradually intensified – the JTWC upgraded it to the equivalent of a minimal hurricane on January 12 , and the MFR upgraded Calasanjy to tropical cyclone status two days later . Both agencies estimated peak winds of around 135 km / h ( 85 mph ) . Later on January 14 , Calasanjy made landfall in western Madagascar near Morondava , and soon after moving ashore it turned to the southwest , its motion changed due to a ridge to the southeast . It weakened to tropical depression status before re @-@ emerging into the Mozambique Channel on January 16 , becoming extratropical the next day . Cyclone Calasanjy caused heavy damage in western Madagascar , with a peak wind gust of 195 km / h ( 120 mph ) in Maintirano . The storm caused the Morondava River to increase to a flow rate of 2 @,@ 702 m3 / s ( 95 @,@ 420 ft3 / s ) , with a peak height of 4 @.@ 08 m ( 13 @.@ 4 ft ) during the storm . Reforms enacted after previous cyclones Kamisy and Honorinina helped facilitate repairs following this storm . = = = Tropical Depression Dona = = = On January 10 , a tropical disturbance formed east @-@ northeast of St. Brandon , which is a small archipelago belonging to Mauritius . It originally consisted of a small , weak vortex , although it gradually organized . The system moved to the southwest and quickly intensified into a tropical depression , reaching peak winds of 50 km / h ( 30 mph ) . Despite it only being a depression , the Mauritius Meteorological Service named the depression Dona due to the threat to the island . The system turned more to the south ahead of a trough , passing east of St. Brandon and later to the west of Rodrigues . Later , Dona turned to the southeast , dissipating on January 14 without affecting land . = = = Severe Tropical Storm Edme = = = On January 20 , a tropical disturbance formed about 240 km ( 150 mi ) west of the Cocos Islands . That day , the JTWC classified it as Tropical Cyclone 07S , although it had monitored the system for the preceding three days . The nascent disturbance moved to the south and gradually intensified , becoming Moderate Tropical Storm Edme on January 21 . On the next day , the JTWC upgraded the storm to the equivalent of a minimal hurricane , as Edme was aided by favorable upper level conditions beneath an anticyclone . On January 23 , the agency estimated peak 1 ‑ minute winds of 215 km / h ( 130 mph ) ; however , the MFR only assessed peak 10 ‑ minute winds of 115 km / h ( 70 mph ) , just shy of tropical cyclone status . By the time of peak intensity , Edme had begun moving southwestward and thereafter weakened due to increasing wind shear , imparted by a trough in the Westerlies . On January 26 , the storm weakened to tropical depression status as it turned to the south . Edme dissipated the following day . = = = Tropical Cyclone Firinga = = = Firinga developed on January 24 well to the northeast of Mauritius . After initially moving to the southeast , it began a southwest motion that it would continue for several days . During that time , the system intensified into Moderate Tropical Storm Firinga , and the JTWC upgraded it to the equivalent of a minimal hurricane on January 28 . Early the next day , it intensified to tropical cyclone status , reaching peak winds of 135 km / h ( 85 mph ) . Around that time , Firinga passed 50 km ( 30 mi ) west of Mauritius , producing 190 km / h ( 120 mph ) wind gusts . Shortly thereafter , the cyclone struck Réunion , still at peak intensity , producing wind gusts as
[ "▁strong", "▁as", "▁", "2", "1", "6", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "1", "3", "4", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁F", "iring", "a", "▁turned", "▁more", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁as", "▁it", "▁weak", "ened", "▁,", "▁deg", "ener", "ating", "▁into", "▁a", "▁tropical", "▁disturb", "ance", "▁on", "▁January", "▁", "3", "1", "▁.", "▁It", "▁fl", "uct", "u", "ated", "▁in", "▁intensity", "▁after", "▁turning", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sout", "heast", "▁and", "▁executing", "▁a", "▁loop", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "west", "▁,", "▁diss", "ip", "ating", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁Maur", "it", "ius", "▁,", "▁F", "iring", "a", "▁destroyed", "▁", "8", "4", "4", "▁homes", "▁.", "▁He", "avy", "▁c", "rop", "▁damage", "▁occurred", "▁on", "▁the", "▁island", "▁,", "▁and", "▁damage", "▁nation", "wide", "▁was", "▁estimated", "▁at", "▁$", "▁", "6", "0", "▁million", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "9", "▁US", "D", "▁)", "▁.", "▁One", "▁person", "▁was", "▁killed", "▁in", "▁Maur", "it", "ius", "▁.", "▁The", "▁storm", "▁dropped", "▁tor", "r", "ential", "▁ra", "inf", "all", "▁in", "▁the", "▁southern", "▁portion", "▁of", "▁Ré", "union", "▁,", "▁including", "▁", "2", "4", "▁", "‑", "▁hour", "▁tot", "als", "▁of", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "3", "0", "9", "▁mm", "▁(", "▁", "5", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "▁in", "▁)", "▁at", "▁Pas", "▁de", "▁Belle", "com", "be", "▁and", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "▁mm", "▁(", "▁", "4", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁in", "▁)", "▁at", "▁Cas", "ab", "ois", "▁,", "▁both", "▁of", "▁which", "▁set", "▁records", "▁for", "▁the", "▁locations", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ra", "ins", "▁caused", "▁w", "ides", "p", "read", "▁river", "▁flo", "oding", "▁and", "▁resulted", "▁in", "▁", "3", "2", "▁mud", "sl", "ides", "▁.", "▁F", "iring", "a", "▁isolated", "▁several", "▁towns", "▁from", "▁the", "▁flo", "oding", "▁and", "▁left", "▁power", "▁and", "▁water", "▁out", "ages", "▁.", "▁A", "▁total", "▁of", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "7", "4", "6", "▁houses", "▁were", "▁dam", "aged", "▁or", "▁destroyed", "▁,", "▁leaving", "▁", "6", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "▁people", "▁hom", "eless", "▁.", "▁Dam", "age", "▁was", "▁estimated", "▁at", "▁around", "▁", "<0xE2>", "<0x82>", "<0xA3>", "▁", "1", "▁billion", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "9", "▁fran", "cs", "▁,", "▁$", "▁", "1", "5", "7", "▁million", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "9", "▁US", "D", "▁)", "▁,", "▁and", "▁there", "▁were", "▁", "1", "0", "▁death", "s", "▁on", "▁the", "▁island", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Se", "vere", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁G", "iz", "ela", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "▁tropical", "▁disturb", "ance", "▁formed", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "1", "6", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sout", "heast", "▁of", "▁Diego", "▁Gar", "cia", "▁.", "▁It", "▁moved", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁south", "west", "▁,", "▁intens", "ifying", "▁into", "▁Mod", "er", "ate", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁G", "iz", "ela", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "1", "8", "▁.", "▁That", "▁day", "▁,", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁began", "▁class", "ifying", "▁it", "▁as", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁", "1", "2", "S", "▁.", "▁Due", "▁to", "▁a", "▁passing", "▁tr", "ough", "▁,", "▁G", "iz", "ela", "▁turned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁and", "▁sout", "heast", "▁,", "▁gradually", "▁strength", "ening", "▁.", "▁On", "▁February", "▁", "2", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁M", "FR", "▁estimated", "▁peak", "▁", "1", "0", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "9", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "6", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁upgrad", "ed", "▁it", "▁to", "▁the", "▁equivalent", "▁of", "▁a", "▁minimal", "▁h", "urr", "icane", "▁.", "▁In", "fl", "uen", "ced", "▁by", "▁a", "▁r", "idge", "▁,", "▁G", "iz", "ela", "▁turned", "▁back", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "west", "▁and", "▁slowly", "▁weak", "ened", "▁while", "▁remaining", "▁far", "▁away", "▁from", "▁any", "▁land", "mass", "es", "▁.", "▁On", "▁February", "▁", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁it", "▁weak", "ened", "▁to", "▁tropical", "▁de", "pression", "▁status", "▁while", "▁turning", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁,", "▁and", "▁G", "iz", "ela", "▁diss", "ip", "ated", "▁two", "▁days", "▁later", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁Leon", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Han", "it", "ra", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "▁weak", "▁low", "▁pressure", "▁area", "▁was", "▁evident", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Australian", "▁bas", "in", "▁as", "▁early", "▁as", "▁February", "▁", "1", "3", "▁between", "▁the", "▁C", "oc", "os", "▁Islands", "▁and", "▁Christmas", "▁Island", "▁.", "▁It", "▁me", "ander", "ed", "▁for", "▁several", "▁days", "▁,", "▁executing", "▁a", "▁small", "▁loop", "▁,", "▁before", "▁beginning", "▁a", "▁west", "ward", "▁motion", "▁.", "▁After", "▁passing", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁C", "oc", "os", "▁Islands", "▁,", "▁the", "▁system", "▁intens", "ified", "▁into", "▁a", "▁tropical", "▁storm", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "1", "8", "▁and", "▁was", "▁named", "▁Leon", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁crossed", "▁into", "▁the", "▁south", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁west", "▁Indian", "▁Ocean", "▁,", "▁where", "up", "on", "▁the", "▁Maur", "it", "ius", "▁Meteor", "ological", "▁Service", "▁renamed", "▁it", "▁Han", "it", "ra", "▁.", "▁The", "▁storm", "▁quickly", "▁intens", "ified", "▁once", "▁it", "▁entered", "▁the", "▁bas", "in", "▁.", "▁The", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁,", "▁which", "▁designated", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁as", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁", "1", "1", "S", "▁,", "▁upgrad", "ed", "▁Han", "it", "ra", "▁to", "▁the", "▁equivalent", "▁of", "▁a", "▁minimal", "▁h", "urr", "icane", "▁late", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "1", "9", "▁.", "▁On", "▁February", "▁", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁the", "▁ag", "ency", "▁estimated", "▁peak", "▁", "1", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "2", "3", "0", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "1", "4", "5", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁,", "▁by", "▁which", "▁time", "▁Han", "it", "ra", "▁had", "▁begun", "▁a", "▁steady", "▁south", "west", "▁motion", "▁.", "▁By", "▁contrast", "▁,", "▁the", "▁M", "FR", "▁ass", "essed", "▁slower", "▁strength", "ening", "▁,", "▁only", "▁upgrad", "ing", "▁it", "▁to", "▁tropical", "▁cy", "clone", "▁status", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "2", "3", "▁and", "▁estim", "ating", "▁peak", "▁", "1", "0", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "1", "5", "0", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "9", "5", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁storm", "▁gradually", "▁acceler", "ated", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁and", "▁weak", "ened", "▁,", "▁becoming", "▁extr", "at", "rop", "ical", "▁over", "▁time", "▁.", "▁The", "▁motion", "▁shift", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sout", "heast", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "2", "8", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Han", "it", "ra", "▁diss", "ip", "ated", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Mod", "er", "ate", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁I", "ana", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Before", "▁I", "ana", "▁formed", "▁,", "▁there", "▁was", "▁a", "▁persistent", "▁area", "▁of", "▁cloud", "iness", "▁across", "▁the", "▁Moz", "amb", "ique", "▁Channel", "▁in", "▁late", "▁February", "▁.", "▁A", "▁low", "▁pressure", "▁area", "▁origin", "ated", "▁over", "▁eastern", "▁Moz", "amb", "ique", "▁and", "▁moved", "▁east", "ward", "▁over", "▁water", "▁,", "▁emer", "ging", "▁near", "▁Be", "ira", "▁.", "▁On", "▁February", "▁", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁a", "▁tropical", "▁disturb", "ance", "▁formed", "▁off", "▁the", "▁west", "▁coast", "▁of", "▁southern", "▁Mad", "agas", "car", "▁and", "▁moved", "▁east", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁n", "ortheast", "ward", "▁,", "▁ste", "ered", "▁by", "▁a", "▁r", "idge", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁.", "▁Short", "ly", "▁there", "after", "▁,", "▁the", "▁center", "▁passed", "▁just", "▁north", "▁of", "▁Europa", "▁Island", "▁.", "▁By", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁it", "▁intens", "ified", "▁into", "▁Mod", "er", "ate", "▁Trop", "ical" ]
strong as 216 km / h ( 134 mph ) . Firinga turned more to the south as it weakened , degenerating into a tropical disturbance on January 31 . It fluctuated in intensity after turning to the southeast and executing a loop to the southwest , dissipating on February 7 . On Mauritius , Firinga destroyed 844 homes . Heavy crop damage occurred on the island , and damage nationwide was estimated at $ 60 million ( 1989 USD ) . One person was killed in Mauritius . The storm dropped torrential rainfall in the southern portion of Réunion , including 24 ‑ hour totals of 1 @,@ 309 mm ( 51 @.@ 5 in ) at Pas de Bellecombe and 1 @,@ 199 mm ( 47 @.@ 2 in ) at Casabois , both of which set records for the locations . The rains caused widespread river flooding and resulted in 32 mudslides . Firinga isolated several towns from the flooding and left power and water outages . A total of 2 @,@ 746 houses were damaged or destroyed , leaving 6 @,@ 200 people homeless . Damage was estimated at around ₣ 1 billion ( 1989 francs , $ 157 million 1989 USD ) , and there were 10 deaths on the island . = = = Severe Tropical Storm Gizela = = = A tropical disturbance formed on February 16 to the southeast of Diego Garcia . It moved to the west @-@ southwest , intensifying into Moderate Tropical Storm Gizela on February 18 . That day , the JTWC began classifying it as Tropical Cyclone 12S . Due to a passing trough , Gizela turned to the south and southeast , gradually strengthening . On February 20 , the MFR estimated peak 10 ‑ minute winds of 95 km / h ( 60 mph ) , while the JTWC upgraded it to the equivalent of a minimal hurricane . Influenced by a ridge , Gizela turned back to the southwest and slowly weakened while remaining far away from any landmasses . On February 22 , it weakened to tropical depression status while turning to the south , and Gizela dissipated two days later . = = = Tropical Cyclone Leon @-@ Hanitra = = = A weak low pressure area was evident in the Australian basin as early as February 13 between the Cocos Islands and Christmas Island . It meandered for several days , executing a small loop , before beginning a westward motion . After passing south of the Cocos Islands , the system intensified into a tropical storm on February 18 and was named Leon . On the next day , the storm crossed into the south @-@ west Indian Ocean , whereupon the Mauritius Meteorological Service renamed it Hanitra . The storm quickly intensified once it entered the basin . The JTWC , which designated the storm as Tropical Cyclone 11S , upgraded Hanitra to the equivalent of a minimal hurricane late on February 19 . On February 22 , the agency estimated peak 1 ‑ minute winds of 230 km / h ( 145 mph ) , by which time Hanitra had begun a steady southwest motion . By contrast , the MFR assessed slower strengthening , only upgrading it to tropical cyclone status on February 23 and estimating peak 10 ‑ minute winds of 150 km / h ( 95 mph ) . The storm gradually accelerated to the south and weakened , becoming extratropical over time . The motion shifted to the southeast on February 28 , and Hanitra dissipated the next day . = = = Moderate Tropical Storm Iana = = = Before Iana formed , there was a persistent area of cloudiness across the Mozambique Channel in late February . A low pressure area originated over eastern Mozambique and moved eastward over water , emerging near Beira . On February 25 , a tropical disturbance formed off the west coast of southern Madagascar and moved east @-@ northeastward , steered by a ridge to the south . Shortly thereafter , the center passed just north of Europa Island . By the next day , it intensified into Moderate Tropical
[ "▁Storm", "▁I", "ana", "▁,", "▁reaching", "▁peak", "▁", "1", "0", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "8", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "5", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Late", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁made", "▁land", "fall", "▁in", "▁western", "▁Mad", "agas", "car", "▁near", "▁Mor", "om", "be", "▁.", "▁I", "ana", "▁weak", "ened", "▁slightly", "▁while", "▁moving", "▁east", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sout", "heast", "ward", "▁through", "▁the", "▁country", "▁,", "▁emer", "ging", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁Ocean", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "2", "7", "▁near", "▁Far", "af", "ang", "ana", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁weak", "ened", "▁to", "▁tropical", "▁de", "pression", "▁status", "▁as", "▁it", "▁cur", "ved", "▁south", "ward", "▁.", "▁I", "ana", "▁became", "▁extr", "at", "rop", "ical", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁.", "▁The", "▁storm", "▁was", "▁not", "▁track", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁Europa", "▁Island", "▁,", "▁I", "ana", "▁produced", "▁", "8", "6", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "5", "3", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁wind", "▁g", "ust", "s", "▁,", "▁while", "▁on", "▁Mad", "agas", "car", "▁,", "▁g", "ust", "s", "▁pe", "aked", "▁at", "▁", "8", "0", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "4", "9", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁at", "▁Mor", "ond", "ava", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Se", "vere", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁Jin", "ab", "o", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁A", "▁tropical", "▁disturb", "ance", "▁origin", "ated", "▁just", "▁east", "▁of", "▁St", ".", "▁Br", "andon", "▁on", "▁March", "▁", "2", "3", "▁,", "▁initially", "▁consisting", "▁of", "▁a", "▁dis", "organ", "ized", "▁area", "▁of", "▁con", "ve", "ction", "▁without", "▁a", "▁distinct", "▁center", "▁.", "▁Mov", "ing", "▁br", "isk", "ly", "▁west", "ward", "▁,", "▁it", "▁slowly", "▁organized", "▁,", "▁becoming", "▁Mod", "er", "ate", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁Jin", "ab", "o", "▁on", "▁March", "▁", "2", "5", "▁.", "▁That", "▁day", "▁,", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁class", "ified", "▁the", "▁system", "▁as", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁", "1", "9", "S", "▁.", "▁The", "▁storm", "▁turned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "west", "▁due", "▁to", "▁a", "▁tr", "ough", "▁in", "▁the", "▁region", "▁,", "▁bringing", "▁it", "▁parallel", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁coast", "▁of", "▁Mad", "agas", "car", "▁.", "▁On", "▁March", "▁", "2", "6", "▁,", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁upgrad", "ed", "▁Jin", "ab", "o", "▁to", "▁the", "▁equivalent", "▁of", "▁a", "▁minimal", "▁h", "urr", "icane", "▁,", "▁and", "▁early", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁the", "▁M", "FR", "▁estimated", "▁peak", "▁", "1", "0", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "1", "1", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "7", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Ar", "ound", "▁that", "▁time", "▁,", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁st", "alled", "▁about", "▁", "1", "1", "0", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "7", "0", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁east", "▁of", "▁the", "▁coast", "▁of", "▁Mad", "agas", "car", "▁,", "▁later", "▁turning", "▁to", "▁the", "▁sout", "heast", "▁due", "▁to", "▁a", "▁r", "idge", "▁.", "▁Quick", "ly", "▁weak", "ening", "▁,", "▁Jin", "ab", "o", "▁was", "▁only", "▁a", "▁minimal", "▁tropical", "▁storm", "▁by", "▁March", "▁", "2", "9", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁it", "▁turned", "▁back", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁.", "▁Jin", "ab", "o", "▁weak", "ened", "▁to", "▁tropical", "▁de", "pression", "▁status", "▁on", "▁March", "▁", "3", "1", "▁and", "▁diss", "ip", "ated", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁having", "▁become", "▁extr", "at", "rop", "ical", "▁and", "▁joining", "▁the", "▁w", "ester", "ies", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁storm", "▁brought", "▁g", "ust", "y", "▁wind", "s", "▁and", "▁ra", "inf", "all", "▁to", "▁Mad", "agas", "car", "▁and", "▁Ré", "union", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁former", "▁island", "▁,", "▁g", "ust", "s", "▁reached", "▁", "1", "0", "7", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "6", "7", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁at", "▁Mah", "an", "oro", "▁along", "▁the", "▁coast", "▁.", "▁On", "▁Ré", "union", "▁,", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁d", "rench", "ed", "▁the", "▁island", "▁for", "▁six", "▁days", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁peak", "▁of", "▁", "5", "6", "5", "▁mm", "▁(", "▁", "2", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁in", "▁)", "▁at", "▁Sainte", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Rose", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁About", "▁a", "▁week", "▁after", "▁Jin", "ab", "o", "▁formed", "▁,", "▁another", "▁tropical", "▁disturb", "ance", "▁formed", "▁in", "▁the", "▁bas", "in", "▁on", "▁March", "▁", "2", "8", "▁south", "▁of", "▁Diego", "▁Gar", "cia", "▁.", "▁In", "▁its", "▁form", "ative", "▁stages", "▁,", "▁it", "▁moved", "▁er", "rat", "ically", "▁,", "▁although", "▁generally", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "west", "▁.", "▁On", "▁March", "▁", "3", "0", "▁,", "▁it", "▁intens", "ified", "▁into", "▁Mod", "er", "ate", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁,", "▁the", "▁same", "▁day", "▁that", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁class", "ified", "▁it", "▁as", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁", "2", "1", "S", "▁.", "▁Due", "▁to", "▁a", "▁r", "idge", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁,", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁'", "s", "▁track", "▁shift", "ed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁that", "▁day", "▁before", "▁turning", "▁south", "ward", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "1", "▁.", "▁During", "▁that", "▁time", "▁,", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁ass", "essed", "▁that", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁intens", "ified", "▁to", "▁the", "▁equivalent", "▁of", "▁a", "▁minimal", "▁h", "urr", "icane", "▁.", "▁The", "▁M", "FR", "▁upgrad", "ed", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁to", "▁cy", "clone", "▁status", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "2", "▁,", "▁and", "▁on", "▁that", "▁day", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁estimated", "▁peak", "▁", "1", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "1", "2", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁.", "▁On", "▁April", "▁", "3", "▁,", "▁the", "▁M", "FR", "▁estimated", "▁peak", "▁", "1", "0", "▁", "‑", "▁minute", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "1", "5", "0", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "9", "5", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁as", "▁the", "▁cy", "clone", "▁turned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁west", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁south", "west", "▁.", "▁Over", "▁the", "▁next", "▁few", "▁days", "▁,", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁slowly", "▁weak", "ened", "▁,", "▁passing", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "6", "0", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁north", "▁of", "▁Rod", "rig", "ues", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "5", "▁as", "▁a", "▁moder", "ate", "▁tropical", "▁storm", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁next", "▁day", "▁,", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁br", "ushed", "▁the", "▁east", "▁coast", "s", "▁of", "▁Maur", "it", "ius", "▁and", "▁Ré", "union", "▁,", "▁passing", "▁just", "▁", "3", "0", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁east", "▁of", "▁the", "▁former", "▁island", "▁.", "▁It", "▁weak", "ened", "▁to", "▁tropical", "▁de", "pression", "▁status", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "7", "▁while", "▁cur", "ving", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", "▁and", "▁later", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁,", "▁becoming", "▁extr", "at", "rop", "ical", "▁.", "▁A", "▁r", "idge", "▁turned", "▁the", "▁rem", "n", "ants", "▁of", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁to", "▁the", "▁north", "▁toward", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁De", "pression", "▁Le", "z", "iss", "y", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁two", "▁systems", "▁merged", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "1", "1", "▁.", "▁", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁first", "▁affected", "▁Rod", "rig", "ues", "▁,", "▁producing", "▁", "1", "2", "2", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "7", "6", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁g", "ust", "s", "▁and", "▁", "9", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "▁mm", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@" ]
Storm Iana , reaching peak 10 ‑ minute winds of 85 km / h ( 50 mph ) . Late on February 26 , the storm made landfall in western Madagascar near Morombe . Iana weakened slightly while moving east @-@ southeastward through the country , emerging into the Indian Ocean on February 27 near Farafangana . On the next day , the storm weakened to tropical depression status as it curved southward . Iana became extratropical the next day . The storm was not tracked by the JTWC . On Europa Island , Iana produced 86 km / h ( 53 mph ) wind gusts , while on Madagascar , gusts peaked at 80 km / h ( 49 mph ) at Morondava . = = = Severe Tropical Storm Jinabo = = = A tropical disturbance originated just east of St. Brandon on March 23 , initially consisting of a disorganized area of convection without a distinct center . Moving briskly westward , it slowly organized , becoming Moderate Tropical Storm Jinabo on March 25 . That day , the JTWC classified the system as Tropical Cyclone 19S . The storm turned to the southwest due to a trough in the region , bringing it parallel to the east coast of Madagascar . On March 26 , the JTWC upgraded Jinabo to the equivalent of a minimal hurricane , and early the next day , the MFR estimated peak 10 ‑ minute winds of 115 km / h ( 70 mph ) . Around that time , the storm stalled about 110 km ( 70 mi ) east of the coast of Madagascar , later turning to the southeast due to a ridge . Quickly weakening , Jinabo was only a minimal tropical storm by March 29 . On the next day , it turned back to the south . Jinabo weakened to tropical depression status on March 31 and dissipated the next day , having become extratropical and joining the westeries . The storm brought gusty winds and rainfall to Madagascar and Réunion . On the former island , gusts reached 107 km / h ( 67 mph ) at Mahanoro along the coast . On Réunion , the storm drenched the island for six days , with a peak of 565 mm ( 22 @.@ 2 in ) at Sainte @-@ Rose . = = = Tropical Cyclone Krisy = = = About a week after Jinabo formed , another tropical disturbance formed in the basin on March 28 south of Diego Garcia . In its formative stages , it moved erratically , although generally to the southwest . On March 30 , it intensified into Moderate Tropical Storm Krisy , the same day that the JTWC classified it as Tropical Cyclone 21S . Due to a ridge to the south , Krisy 's track shifted to the west that day before turning southward on April 1 . During that time , the JTWC assessed that Krisy intensified to the equivalent of a minimal hurricane . The MFR upgraded the storm to cyclone status on April 2 , and on that day the JTWC estimated peak 1 ‑ minute winds of 195 km / h ( 120 mph ) . On April 3 , the MFR estimated peak 10 ‑ minute winds of 150 km / h ( 95 mph ) as the cyclone turned to the west @-@ southwest . Over the next few days , the storm slowly weakened , passing 100 km ( 60 mi ) north of Rodrigues on April 5 as a moderate tropical storm . On the next day , Krisy brushed the east coasts of Mauritius and Réunion , passing just 30 km ( 18 mi ) east of the former island . It weakened to tropical depression status on April 7 while curving to the south and later to the east , becoming extratropical . A ridge turned the remnants of Krisy to the north toward Tropical Depression Lezissy , and the two systems merged on April 11 . Krisy first affected Rodrigues , producing 122 km / h ( 76 mph ) gusts and 97 @.@ 6 mm ( 3 @.@
[ "▁", "8", "4", "▁mm", "▁)", "▁of", "▁ra", "inf", "all", "▁.", "▁Gust", "s", "▁reached", "▁", "9", "0", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "5", "6", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁on", "▁Ré", "union", "▁,", "▁and", "▁high", "▁waves", "▁affected", "▁the", "▁island", "▁for", "▁several", "▁days", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁effects", "▁were", "▁worst", "▁on", "▁Maur", "it", "ius", "▁.", "▁While", "▁passing", "▁south", "▁of", "▁the", "▁island", "▁,", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁produced", "▁wind", "▁g", "ust", "s", "▁of", "▁", "1", "5", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "9", "6", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁at", "▁P", "lais", "ance", "▁Airport", "▁on", "▁Maur", "it", "ius", "▁.", "▁Rain", "fall", "▁on", "▁the", "▁island", "▁reached", "▁", "1", "8", "2", "▁mm", "▁(", "▁", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁in", "▁)", "▁over", "▁a", "▁", "2", "4", "▁period", "▁.", "▁On", "▁the", "▁island", "▁,", "▁the", "▁pass", "ages", "▁of", "▁F", "iring", "a", "▁and", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁decre", "ased", "▁the", "▁output", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sugar", "▁c", "rop", "▁by", "▁", "2", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁tons", "▁,", "▁account", "ing", "▁for", "▁", "1", "5", "▁%", "▁of", "▁the", "▁sugar", "▁can", "e", "▁,", "▁mostly", "▁in", "▁the", "▁sout", "he", "astern", "▁portion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁island", "▁.", "▁Several", "▁other", "▁cro", "ps", "▁were", "▁affected", "▁by", "▁the", "▁two", "▁cycl", "ones", "▁,", "▁resulting", "▁in", "▁a", "▁", "5", "0", "▁%", "▁decrease", "▁of", "▁the", "▁ban", "ana", "▁output", "▁.", "▁As", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁struck", "▁just", "▁two", "▁months", "▁after", "▁F", "iring", "a", "▁,", "▁residents", "▁he", "eded", "▁alert", "s", "▁and", "▁were", "▁well", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁prepared", "▁,", "▁and", "▁", "8", "0", "0", "▁people", "▁sought", "▁shelter", "▁.", "▁There", "▁were", "▁no", "▁direct", "▁death", "s", "▁,", "▁although", "▁one", "▁far", "mer", "▁committed", "▁suic", "ide", "▁due", "▁to", "▁the", "▁threat", "▁of", "▁the", "▁storm", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Mod", "er", "ate", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁Le", "z", "iss", "y", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁final", "▁storm", "▁of", "▁the", "▁season", "▁formed", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "6", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁sout", "heast", "▁of", "▁Diego", "▁Gar", "cia", "▁while", "▁K", "ris", "y", "▁was", "▁active", "▁near", "▁Rod", "rig", "ues", "▁.", "▁That", "▁same", "▁day", "▁,", "▁the", "▁J", "TW", "C", "▁class", "ified", "▁it", "▁as", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Cy", "clone", "▁", "2", "4", "S", "▁.", "▁It", "▁quickly", "▁intens", "ified", "▁into", "▁Mod", "er", "ate", "▁Trop", "ical", "▁Storm", "▁Le", "z", "iss", "y", "▁as", "▁it", "▁took", "▁a", "▁west", "ward", "▁traject", "ory", "▁,", "▁reaching", "▁peak", "▁wind", "s", "▁of", "▁", "8", "5", "▁km", "▁/", "▁h", "▁(", "▁", "5", "0", "▁m", "ph", "▁)", "▁by", "▁late", "▁on", "▁April", "▁", "6", "▁.", "▁In", "fl", "uen", "ced", "▁by", "▁a", "▁broad", "▁area", "▁of", "▁low", "▁pressure", "▁,", "▁Le", "z", "iss", "y", "▁turned", "▁to", "▁the", "▁south", 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84 mm ) of rainfall . Gusts reached 90 km / h ( 56 mph ) on Réunion , and high waves affected the island for several days . However , effects were worst on Mauritius . While passing south of the island , Krisy produced wind gusts of 155 km / h ( 96 mph ) at Plaisance Airport on Mauritius . Rainfall on the island reached 182 mm ( 7 @.@ 2 in ) over a 24 period . On the island , the passages of Firinga and Krisy decreased the output of the sugar crop by 20 @,@ 000 tons , accounting for 15 % of the sugar cane , mostly in the southeastern portion of the island . Several other crops were affected by the two cyclones , resulting in a 50 % decrease of the banana output . As Krisy struck just two months after Firinga , residents heeded alerts and were well @-@ prepared , and 800 people sought shelter . There were no direct deaths , although one farmer committed suicide due to the threat of the storm . = = = Moderate Tropical Storm Lezissy = = = The final storm of the season formed on April 6 to the east @-@ southeast of Diego Garcia while Krisy was active near Rodrigues . That same day , the JTWC classified it as Tropical Cyclone 24S . It quickly intensified into Moderate Tropical Storm Lezissy as it took a westward trajectory , reaching peak winds of 85 km / h ( 50 mph ) by late on April 6 . Influenced by a broad area of low pressure , Lezissy turned to the southwest , gradually weakening . It approached former Cyclone Krisy , and the two systems merged by April 11 , both losing their circulations and leaving behind a disorganized remnant low . = Instant Karma ! = " Instant Karma ! " – sometimes referred to as " Instant Karma ! ( We All Shine On ) " – is a song written by English musician John Lennon , released as a single on Apple Records in February 1970 . In the UK , the single was credited to " Lennon / Ono with the Plastic Ono Band " . The song reached the top five in the British and American singles charts , competing with the Beatles ' " Let It Be " in America , where it became the first solo single by a member of the band to sell a million copies . " Instant Karma ! " was written , recorded and released within a period of ten days , making it one of the fastest @-@ released songs in pop music history . The recording was produced by Phil Spector , marking a comeback for the American producer after his self @-@ imposed retirement in 1966 , and leading to him being offered the producer 's role on the Beatles ' Let It Be album ( 1970 ) . Recorded at London 's Abbey Road Studios , " Instant Karma ! " employs Spector 's signature Wall of Sound technique and features contributions from George Harrison , Klaus Voormann , Alan White and Billy Preston . The B @-@ side was a song composed and performed by Yoko Ono , titled " Who Has Seen the Wind ? " Recently shorn of the long hair synonymous with their 1969 campaign for world peace , Lennon and Ono promoted the single with an appearance on Britain 's Top of the Pops . " Instant Karma ! " has appeared on many Lennon compilations , including Shaved Fish ( 1975 ) , Lennon Legend ( 1997 ) and Power to the People : The Hits ( 2010 ) . A version recorded at the " One to One " concerts in August 1972 was included on his posthumously released Live in New York City album ( 1986 ) . The song continues to receive critical praise as one of the finest recordings from Lennon 's solo career . Paul Weller , Duran Duran and U2 are among the acts who have covered " Instant Karma ! " , the chorus of which inspired the title to Stephen King 's 1977 novel The Shining . = = Background = = Together with his wife , Yoko Ono , John Lennon spent New Year 1970 in Aalborg , Denmark , establishing a relationship with
[ "▁O", "no", "▁'", "s", "▁former", "▁husband", "▁,", "▁artist", "▁Tony", "▁C", "ox", "▁,", "▁and", "▁visit", "ing", "▁C", "ox", "▁and", "▁O", "no", "▁'", "s", "▁daughter", "▁Ky", "oko", "▁.", "▁The", "▁visit", "▁coinc", "ided", "▁with", "▁the", "▁start", "▁of", "▁what", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁term", "ed", "▁\"", "▁Year", "▁", "1", "▁AP", "▁(", "▁After", "▁Peace", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁following", "▁his", "▁and", "▁O", "no", "▁'", "s", "▁much", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁public", "ised", "▁Bed", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Ins", "▁and", "▁other", "▁peace", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁campaign", "▁activities", "▁throughout", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁To", "▁mark", "▁the", "▁new", "▁era", "▁,", "▁on", "▁", "2", "0", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁,", "▁the", "▁couple", "▁sh", "aved", "▁off", "▁their", "▁shoulder", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁length", "▁hair", "▁,", "▁an", "▁act", "▁that", "▁Britain", "▁'", "s", "▁Daily", "▁Mir", "ror", "▁described", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁most", "▁sens", "ational", "▁scal", 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"▁in", "▁the", "▁world", "▁are", "▁we", "▁here", "▁?", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁a", "▁further", "▁example", "▁of", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁\"", "▁asking", "▁what", "▁purpose", "▁his", "▁life", "▁on", "▁earth", "▁was", "▁to", "▁serve", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁after", "▁his", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "6", "▁composition", "▁\"", "▁St", "raw", "berry", "▁Field", "s", "▁Fore", "ver", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁Give", "▁Peace", "▁a", "▁Ch", "ance", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Power", "▁to", "▁the", "▁People", "▁\"", "▁–", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁singles", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "9", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "1", "▁respectively", "▁–", "▁the", "▁ch", "orus", "▁has", "▁an", "▁anth", "em", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁like", "▁quality", "▁,", "▁as", "▁he", "▁s", "ings", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁We", "▁all", "▁sh", "ine", "▁on", "▁,", "▁like", "▁the", "▁moon", "▁and", "▁the", "▁stars", "▁and", "▁the", "▁sun", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Norman", "▁describes", "▁the", "▁ch", "orus", "▁as", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁rest", "ating", "▁his", "▁message", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁peace", "▁campaign", "ing", "▁and", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁violent", "▁,", "▁optim", "istic", "▁tog", "eth", "ern", "ess", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁John", "▁Blan", "ey", "▁writes", "▁that", "▁the", "▁song", "▁is", "▁an", "▁appeal", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁man", "kind", "▁to", "▁take", "▁responsibility", "▁for", "▁its", "▁fate", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁that", "▁it", "▁was", "▁\"", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁developing", "▁his", "▁own", "▁brand", "▁of", "▁eg", "al", "itar", "ian", "ism", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁completed", "▁the", "▁writing", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁an", "▁hour", "▁.", "▁He", "▁then", "▁tele", "phon", "ed", "▁band", "mate", "▁George", "▁Harrison", "▁and", "▁American", "▁producer", "▁Phil", "▁Spect", "or", "▁,", "▁who", "▁was", "▁in", "▁London", "▁at", "▁the", "▁inv", "itation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Beat", "les", "▁'", "▁Apple", "▁Corps", "▁manager", "▁,", "▁Allen", "▁Klein", "▁.", "▁According", "▁to", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁re", "collection", "▁,", "▁he", "▁told", "▁Spect", "or", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Come", "▁over", "▁to", "▁Apple", "▁quick", "▁,", "▁I", "▁'", "ve", "▁just", "▁written", "▁a", "▁mon", "ster", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Rec", "ording", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Although", "▁still", "▁officially", "▁a", "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Beat", "les", "▁,", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁had", "▁priv", "ately", "▁announced", "▁his", "▁departure", "▁from", "▁the", "▁group", "▁in", "▁September", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "9", "▁.", "▁He", "▁was", "▁now", "▁keen", "▁to", "▁issue", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁immediately", "▁as", "▁a", "▁single", "▁,", "▁the", "▁third", "▁under", "▁his", "▁and", "▁O", "no", "▁'", "s", "▁Pl", "astic", "▁O", "no", "▁Band", "▁mon", "iker", "▁.", "▁The", "▁recording", "▁session", "▁took", "▁place", "▁at", "▁Ab", "bey", "▁Road", "▁Studios", "▁in", "▁north", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁west", "▁London", "▁,", "▁on", "▁the", "▁evening", "▁of", "▁", "2", "7", "▁January", "▁.", "▁L", "enn" ]
Ono 's former husband , artist Tony Cox , and visiting Cox and Ono 's daughter Kyoko . The visit coincided with the start of what Lennon termed " Year 1 AP ( After Peace ) " , following his and Ono 's much @-@ publicised Bed @-@ Ins and other peace @-@ campaign activities throughout 1969 . To mark the new era , on 20 January 1970 , the couple shaved off their shoulder @-@ length hair , an act that Britain 's Daily Mirror described as " the most sensational scalpings since the Red Indians went out of business " . Lennon and Ono pledged to auction the shorn hair for a charitable cause , having similarly announced on 5 January that they would donate all future royalties from their recordings to the peace movement . Also while in Denmark , the Lennons , Cox and the latter 's current partner , Melinde Kendall , discussed the concept of " instant karma " , whereby the causality of one 's actions is immediate rather than borne out over a lifetime . Author Philip Norman writes of the concept 's appeal : " The idea was quintessential Lennon – the age @-@ old Buddhist law of cause and effect turned into something as modern and synthetic as instant coffee and , simultaneously , into a bogey under the stairs that can get you if you don 't watch out . " = = Composition = = On 27 January 1970 , two days after returning to the UK , Lennon woke up with the beginnings of a song inspired by his conversations with Cox and Kendall . Working at home on a piano , Lennon developed the idea and came up with a melody for the composition , which he titled " Instant Karma ! " The song employs a similar chord structure to that of " Three Blind Mice " and " Some Other Guy " , after Lennon had used the same progression in his 1967 composition for the Beatles , " All You Need Is Love " . Later in 1970 , he would adopt the melody of " Three Blind Mice " , an English nursery rhyme , for his song " My Mummy 's Dead " . In their book The Words and Music of John Lennon , Ben Urish and Kenneth Bielen suggest that in the first verse of " Instant Karma ! " , Lennon rebukes his listeners with the sarcastic lines : " Get yourself together / Pretty soon you 're gonna be dead . " Norman comments on the " hippie catchphrase of the moment " contained in the first of these two lines , which together provide a warning that is " obviously not to be taken literally " . Author Mark Hertsgaard notes the lyric " Why in the world are we here ? " as a further example of Lennon " asking what purpose his life on earth was to serve " , after his 1966 composition " Strawberry Fields Forever " . As with " Give Peace a Chance " and " Power to the People " – Lennon singles from 1969 and 1971 respectively – the chorus has an anthem @-@ like quality , as he sings : " We all shine on , like the moon and the stars and the sun . " Norman describes the chorus as Lennon restating his message of " peace campaigning and non @-@ violent , optimistic togetherness " . Lennon biographer John Blaney writes that the song is an appeal " for mankind to take responsibility for its fate " and that it was " Lennon developing his own brand of egalitarianism " . Lennon completed the writing of " Instant Karma ! " in an hour . He then telephoned bandmate George Harrison and American producer Phil Spector , who was in London at the invitation of the Beatles ' Apple Corps manager , Allen Klein . According to Lennon 's recollection , he told Spector : " Come over to Apple quick , I 've just written a monster . " = = Recording = = Although still officially a member of the Beatles , Lennon had privately announced his departure from the group in September 1969 . He was now keen to issue " Instant Karma ! " immediately as a single , the third under his and Ono 's Plastic Ono Band moniker . The recording session took place at Abbey Road Studios in north @-@ west London , on the evening of 27 January . Lenn
[ "on", "▁'", "s", "▁fellow", "▁mus", "icians", "▁at", "▁the", "▁session", "▁were", "▁Harrison", "▁,", "▁Klaus", "▁Vo", "orm", "ann", "▁,", "▁Alan", "▁White", "▁and", "▁Billy", "▁Pr", "eston", "▁–", "▁all", "▁of", "▁whom", "▁had", "▁performed", "▁at", "▁the", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "9", "▁Peace", "▁for", "▁Christmas", "▁Con", "cert", "▁,", "▁as", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Pl", "astic", "▁O", "no", "▁Super", "group", "▁.", "▁The", "▁recording", "▁engineer", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁E", "MI", "▁main", "st", "ay", "▁Phil", "▁Mc", "Donald", "▁.", "▁Spect", "or", "▁produced", "▁the", "▁session", "▁,", "▁arriv", "ing", "▁late", "▁after", "▁Harrison", "▁had", "▁found", "▁him", "▁at", "▁Apple", "▁'", "s", "▁office", "▁and", "▁persu", "aded", "▁him", "▁to", "▁attend", "▁.", "▁", "▁According", "▁to", "▁author", "▁Bruce", "▁Sp", "izer", "▁,", "▁the", "▁line", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁for", "▁the", "▁basic", "▁track", "▁,", "▁before", "▁over", "d", "ubs", "▁,", "▁was", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁(", "▁vocals", "▁,", "▁ac", "oust", "ic", "▁guitar", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Harrison", "▁(", "▁electric", "▁guitar", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Pr", "eston", "▁(", "▁organ", "▁)", "▁,", "▁Vo", "orm", "ann", "▁(", "▁bass", "▁)", "▁and", "▁White", "▁(", "▁drums", "▁)", "▁.", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁later", "▁re", "called", "▁of", "▁the", "▁recording", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Phil", "▁(", "▁Spect", "or", "▁)", "▁came", "▁in", "▁and", "▁said", "▁,", "▁'", "▁How", "▁do", "▁you", "▁want", "▁it", "▁?", "▁'", "▁And", "▁I", "▁said", "▁,", "▁'", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁'", "▁and", "▁he", "▁said", "▁'", "▁Right", "▁'", "▁and", "▁BO", "OM", "▁!", "▁...", "▁he", "▁played", "▁it", "▁back", "▁and", "▁there", "▁it", "▁was", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁The", "▁song", "▁uses", "▁a", "▁similar", "▁amount", "▁of", "▁echo", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "0", "s", "▁Sun", "▁Records", "▁record", "ings", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁mus", "icians", "▁recorded", "▁ten", "▁takes", "▁,", "▁the", "▁last", "▁of", "▁which", "▁was", "▁selected", "▁for", "▁over", "d", "ub", "bing", "▁.", "▁To", "▁create", "▁what", "▁Spect", "or", "▁bi", "ograph", "er", "▁Mark", "▁Rib", "ow", "sky", "▁terms", "▁a", "▁\"", "▁four", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁man", "▁Wall", "▁of", "▁Sound", "▁\"", "▁production", "▁,", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁added", "▁grand", "▁piano", "▁onto", "▁the", "▁basic", "▁track", "▁,", "▁while", "▁Harrison", "▁and", "▁White", "▁shared", "▁another", "▁piano", "▁and", "▁Vo", "orm", "ann", "▁played", "▁electric", "▁piano", "▁.", "▁In", "▁addition", "▁,", "▁Beat", "les", "▁a", "ide", "▁Mal", "▁Evans", "▁over", "d", "ub", "bed", "▁ch", "imes", "▁(", "▁or", "▁tub", "ular", "▁b", "ells", "▁)", "▁and", "▁White", "▁added", "▁a", "▁second", "▁,", "▁m", "uff", "led", "▁drum", "▁part", "▁.", "▁With", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁feeling", "▁that", "▁the", "▁ch", "orus", "▁was", "▁missing", "▁something", "▁,", "▁Pr", "eston", "▁and", "▁Evans", "▁were", "▁sent", "▁to", "▁bring", "▁in", "▁a", "▁group", "▁of", "▁people", 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"▁Produ", "ced", "▁by", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Who", "▁Has", "▁Se", "en", "▁the", "▁Wind", "▁?", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁recorded", "▁at", "▁Tr", "ident", "▁Studios", "▁in", "▁central", "▁London", "▁,", "▁also", "▁in", "▁late", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁.", "▁The", "▁opening", "▁verse", "▁,", "▁s", "ung", "▁a", "▁c", "app", "ella", "▁by", "▁O", "no", "▁,", "▁is", "▁from", "▁a", "▁work", "▁by", "▁nin", "ete", "enth", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁century", "▁English", "▁poet", "▁Christ", "ina", "▁Ros", "set", "ti", "▁.", "▁The", "▁instrument", "ation", "▁on", "▁the", "▁recording", "▁includes", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁playing", "▁ac", "oust", "ic", "▁guitar", "▁;", "▁John", "▁Bar", "ham", "▁,", "▁Harrison", "▁'", "s", "▁regular", "▁collabor", "ator", "▁and", "▁arr", "anger", "▁,", "▁on", "▁har", "ps", "ich", "ord", "▁;", "▁O", "no", "▁on", "▁fl", "ute", "▁;", "▁and", "▁various", "▁per", "cussion", "▁instruments", "▁.", "▁Sp", "izer", "▁suggests", "▁that", "▁Harrison", "▁may", "▁also", "▁have", "▁participated", "▁,", "▁on", "▁ac", "oust", "ic", "▁guitar", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Release", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁ranks", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁fast", "est", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁released", "▁songs", "▁in", "▁pop", "▁music", "▁history", "▁,", "▁arriv", "ing", "▁in", "▁UK", "▁record", "▁stores", "▁just", "▁ten", "▁days", "▁after", "▁it", "▁was", "▁written", "▁.", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁remarked", "▁to", "▁the", "▁press", "▁that", "▁he", "▁\"", "▁wrote", "▁it", "▁for", "▁breakfast", "▁,", "▁recorded", "▁it", "▁for", "▁l", "unch", "▁,", "▁and", "▁we", "▁'", "re", "▁putting", "▁it", "▁out", "▁for", "▁dinner", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Apple", "▁Records", "▁issued", "▁the", "▁single", "▁on", "▁", "6", "▁February", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁in", "▁Britain", "▁–", "▁cred", "ited", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Pl", "astic", "▁O", "no", "▁Band", "▁–", "▁and", "▁on", "▁", "2", "0", "▁February", "▁in", "▁America", "▁,", "▁where", "▁the", "▁A", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁side", "▁was", "▁ret", "itled", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁(", "▁We", "▁All", "▁Sh", "ine", "▁On", "▁)", "▁\"", "▁and" ]
on 's fellow musicians at the session were Harrison , Klaus Voormann , Alan White and Billy Preston – all of whom had performed at the December 1969 Peace for Christmas Concert , as part of the Plastic Ono Supergroup . The recording engineer for " Instant Karma ! " was EMI mainstay Phil McDonald . Spector produced the session , arriving late after Harrison had found him at Apple 's office and persuaded him to attend . According to author Bruce Spizer , the line @-@ up for the basic track , before overdubs , was Lennon ( vocals , acoustic guitar ) , Harrison ( electric guitar ) , Preston ( organ ) , Voormann ( bass ) and White ( drums ) . Lennon later recalled of the recording : " Phil ( Spector ) came in and said , ' How do you want it ? ' And I said , ' 1950s ' and he said ' Right ' and BOOM ! ... he played it back and there it was . " The song uses a similar amount of echo to 1950s Sun Records recordings . The musicians recorded ten takes , the last of which was selected for overdubbing . To create what Spector biographer Mark Ribowsky terms a " four @-@ man Wall of Sound " production , Lennon added grand piano onto the basic track , while Harrison and White shared another piano and Voormann played electric piano . In addition , Beatles aide Mal Evans overdubbed chimes ( or tubular bells ) and White added a second , muffled drum part . With Lennon feeling that the chorus was missing something , Preston and Evans were sent to bring in a group of people from a nightclub to provide backing vocals . These newcomers and all the musicians , along with Allen Klein , then added chorus vocals , with Harrison directing the singing . Although Lennon and Spector disagreed over the bass sound , Lennon was " ecstatic " about the producer 's work on " Instant Karma " , author Peter Doggett writes . White 's drums assumed the role of a lead instrument , positioned prominently in the mix , of which Spector biographer Richard Williams would write in 1972 : " No Beatles record had ever possessed such a unique sound ; Spector had used echo to make the drums reverberate like someone slapping a wet fish on a marble slab , and the voices sounded hollow and decayed . " Spector wanted to add a string section to the track in Los Angeles , but Lennon insisted that the recording was complete . Having only recently returned to producing , after the commercial failure of Ike & Tina Turner 's 1966 single " River Deep – Mountain High " in America , Spector had " passed the audition " , according to Beatles Forever author Nicholas Schaffner . " Instant Karma ! " was the first of many Beatles @-@ related recordings that Spector worked on during the early 1970s , starting with the band 's final album release , Let It Be ( 1970 ) . = = = " Who Has Seen the Wind ? " = = = As with the Plastic Ono Band 's previous singles , " Give Peace a Chance " and " Cold Turkey " , Lennon and Ono recorded an Ono composition as a B @-@ side . Produced by Lennon , " Who Has Seen the Wind ? " was recorded at Trident Studios in central London , also in late January 1970 . The opening verse , sung a cappella by Ono , is from a work by nineteenth @-@ century English poet Christina Rossetti . The instrumentation on the recording includes Lennon playing acoustic guitar ; John Barham , Harrison 's regular collaborator and arranger , on harpsichord ; Ono on flute ; and various percussion instruments . Spizer suggests that Harrison may also have participated , on acoustic guitar . = = Release = = " Instant Karma ! " ranks as one of the fastest @-@ released songs in pop music history , arriving in UK record stores just ten days after it was written . Lennon remarked to the press that he " wrote it for breakfast , recorded it for lunch , and we 're putting it out for dinner " . Apple Records issued the single on 6 February 1970 in Britain – credited to the Plastic Ono Band – and on 20 February in America , where the A @-@ side was retitled " Instant Karma ! ( We All Shine On ) " and
[ "▁cred", "ited", "▁to", "▁John", "▁O", "no", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁.", "▁Spect", "or", "▁rem", "ixed", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁for", "▁the", "▁US", "▁release", "▁without", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁knowledge", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁with", "▁\"", "▁Cold", "▁Turkey", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁single", "▁'", "s", "▁standard", "▁Apple", "▁Records", "▁A", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁side", "▁face", "▁label", "▁carried", "▁the", "▁words", "▁\"", "▁P", "LAY", "▁LO", "UD", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁in", "▁both", "▁the", "▁UK", "▁and", "▁America", "▁.", "▁Ref", "lect", "ing", "▁the", "▁tender", "▁sound", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Who", "▁Has", "▁Se", "en", "▁the", "▁Wind", "▁?", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁the", "▁B", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁side", "▁label", "▁read", "▁\"", "▁P", "LAY", "▁Q", "UI", "ET", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁or", "▁\"", "▁P", "LAY", "▁SO", "FT", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁the", "▁US", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁front", "▁of", "▁the", "▁US", "▁picture", "▁sle", "e", "ve", "▁featured", "▁a", "▁black", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁and", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁white", "▁photo", "▁of", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁along", "▁with", "▁a", "▁prominent", "▁producer", "▁'", "s", "▁credit", "▁for", "▁Spect", "or", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁reverse", "▁had", "▁a", "▁similar", "▁picture", "▁of", "▁O", "no", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Prom", "otion", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Following", "▁a", "▁year", "▁of", "▁highly", "▁public", "ised", "▁peace", "▁campaign", "ing", "▁by", "▁the", "▁L", "enn", "ons", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "9", "▁,", "▁Apple", "▁press", "▁officer", "▁D", "erek", "▁Taylor", "▁was", "▁concerned", "▁that", "▁they", "▁had", "▁exha", "usted", "▁the", "▁media", "▁'", "s", "▁interest", "▁in", "▁their", "▁causes", "▁.", "▁On", "▁", "4", "▁February", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁,", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁and", "▁O", "no", "▁don", "ated", "▁a", "▁large", "▁pl", "astic", "▁bag", "▁full", "▁of", "▁their", "▁hair", "▁,", "▁along", "▁with", "▁Apple", "▁'", "s", "▁poster", "▁for", "▁the", "▁new", "▁single", "▁,", "▁to", "▁north", "▁London", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁based", "▁black", "▁power", "▁activ", "ist", "▁Michael", "▁X", "▁,", "▁in", "▁return", "▁for", "▁a", "▁pair", "▁of", "▁Muhammad", "▁Ali", "▁'", "s", "▁blood", "st", "ained", "▁box", "ing", "▁short", "s", "▁.", "▁The", "▁\"", "▁final", "▁proof", "▁\"", "▁of", "▁the", "▁L", "enn", "ons", "▁'", "▁\"", "▁over", "ex", "pose", "▁[", "▁u", "re", "▁]", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁Taylor", "▁,", "▁was", "▁that", "▁there", "▁was", "▁a", "▁large", "▁press", "▁turn", "out", "▁for", "▁the", "▁event", "▁yet", "▁\"", "▁nobody", "▁printed", "▁anything", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁On", "▁", "1", "1", "▁February", "▁,", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁and", "▁O", "no", "▁fil", "med", "▁an", "▁appearance", "▁on", "▁BBC", "▁Television", "▁'", "s", "▁Top", "▁of", "▁the", "▁P", "ops", "▁to", "▁promote", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁accompanied", "▁by", "▁White", "▁,", "▁Vo", "orm", "ann", "▁,", "▁Evans", "▁and", "▁B", "P", "▁Fall", "on", "▁.", "▁While", "▁the", "▁other", "▁mus", "icians", "▁m", "im", "ed", "▁their", "▁contributions", "▁,", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁sang", "▁a", "▁live", "▁vocal", "▁over", "▁a", "▁mix", "▁of", "▁the", "▁song", "▁'", "s", "▁instrument", "al", "▁track", "▁,", "▁prepared", "▁by", "▁E", "MI", "▁engineer", "▁Geoff", "▁Emer", "ick", "▁.", "▁This", "▁was", "▁the", "▁first", "▁appearance", "▁on", "▁the", "▁program", "▁by", "▁any", "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Beat", "les", "▁since", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "6", "▁,", "▁as", "▁well", "▁as", "▁the", "▁public", "▁un", "ve", "iling", "▁of", "▁the", "▁L", "enn", "ons", "▁'", "▁new", "▁cro", "pped", "▁look", "▁.", "▁Two", "▁versions", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁–", "▁known", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁kn", "itting", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁c", "ue", "▁card", "▁\"", "▁–", "▁were", "▁t", "aped", "▁for", "▁Top", "▁of", "▁the", "▁P", "ops", "▁,", "▁and", "▁a", "ired", "▁on", "▁", "1", "2", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "▁February", "▁,", "▁respectively", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁cli", "ps", "▁differ", "▁from", "▁one", "▁another", "▁in", "▁terms", "▁of", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁att", "ire", "▁and", "▁the", "▁nature", "▁of", "▁O", "no", "▁'", "s", "▁role", "▁as", "▁,", "▁in", "▁author", "▁Robert", "▁Rod", "rig", "uez", "▁'", "s", "▁description", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁an", "▁on", "stage", "▁foc", "al", "▁point", "▁around", "▁which", "▁all", "▁activity", "▁was", "▁st", "aged", "▁\"", "▁;", "▁in", "▁addition", "▁,", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁vocal", "▁was", "▁treated", "▁with", "▁echo", "▁for", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "▁February", "▁broadcast", "▁.", "▁In", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁kn", "itting", "▁\"", "▁clip", "▁,", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁is", "▁we", "aring", "▁a", "▁black", "▁pol", "o", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁neck", "▁j", "um", "per", "▁as", "▁O", "no", "▁s", "its", "▁beside", "▁his", "▁piano", "▁,", "▁blind", "fold", "ed", "▁,", "▁and", "▁kn", "itting", "▁throughout", "▁.", "▁In", "▁\"", "▁c", "ue", "▁card", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁we", "ars", "▁a", "▁flower", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁pattern", "▁sh", "irt", "▁under", "▁a", "▁den", "im", "▁jack", "et", "▁,", "▁while", "▁O", "no", "▁holds", "▁up", "▁a", "▁series", "▁of", "▁crypt", "ically", "▁word", "ed", "▁c", "ue", "▁cards", "▁,", "▁the", "▁messages", "▁on", "▁which", "▁include", "▁\"", "▁Sm", "ile", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Hope", "▁\"", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁Peace", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁as", "▁she", "▁speak", "s", "▁into", "▁a", "▁micro", "phone", "▁.", "▁Although", "▁O", "no", "▁appears", "▁to", "▁have", "▁a", "▁more", "▁active", "▁role", "▁,", "▁she", "▁is", "▁again", "▁blind", "fold", "ed", "▁and", "▁the", "▁words", "▁she", "▁speak", "s", "▁cannot", "▁be", "▁heard", "▁.", "▁Rod", "rig", "uez", "▁describes", "▁both", "▁cli", "ps", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁ter", "r", "ific", "ally", "▁eng", "aging", "▁,", "▁providing", "▁suit", "ably", "▁dynamic", "▁visual", "s", "▁to", "▁a", "▁powerful", "▁song", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁yet", "▁he", "▁cons", "iders", "▁that", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁c", "ue", "▁card", "▁\"", "▁performance", "▁\"", "▁capt", "ures", "▁much", "▁more", "▁of", "▁the", "▁amb", "ience", "▁,", "▁with", "▁frequent", "▁sh", "ots", "▁of", "▁White", "▁'", "s", "▁stell", "ar", "▁work", "▁and", "▁the", "▁studio", "▁d", "anc", "ers", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Com", "mer", "cial", "▁success", "▁and", "▁after", "math", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁was", "▁commer", "cially", "▁successful", "▁,", "▁pe", "aking", "▁at", "▁number", "▁", "3", "▁on", "▁America", "▁'", "s", "▁Billboard", "▁Hot", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁chart", "▁,", "▁number", "▁", "2", "▁in", "▁Canada", "▁,", "▁and", "▁number", "▁", "5", "▁on", "▁the", "▁UK", "▁Singles", "▁Chart", "▁.", "▁The", "▁single", "▁also", "▁reached", "▁the", "▁top", "▁ten", "▁in", "▁several", "▁other", "▁European", "▁countries", "▁and", "▁in", "▁Australia", "▁.", "▁The", "▁release", "▁took", "▁place", "▁two", "▁months", "▁before", "▁Paul", "▁McC", "art", "ney", "▁announced", "▁the", "▁break", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁up", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Beat", "les", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁pen", "ult", "imate", "▁single", "▁,", "▁the", "▁George", "▁Martin", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁produced", "▁\"", "▁Let", "▁It", "▁Be", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁record", "▁competed", "▁with", "▁on", "▁the", "▁US", "▁charts", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁went", "▁on", "▁to", "▁become", "▁the", "▁first", "▁single", "▁by", "▁a", "▁solo", "▁Beat", "le", "▁to", "▁achieve", "▁US", "▁sales", "▁of", "▁", "1", "▁million", "▁,", "▁ear", "ning", "▁gold", "▁cert", "ification", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Rec", "ording", "▁Indust", "ry", "▁Association", "▁of", "▁America", "▁on", "▁", "1", "4", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁.", "▁Until", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁death", "▁in", "▁December", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "0", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁remained", "▁his", "▁sole", "▁R", "I", "AA", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁cert", "ified", "▁gold", "▁single", "▁.", "▁", "▁Despite", "▁the" ]
credited to John Ono Lennon . Spector remixed " Instant Karma ! " for the US release without Lennon 's knowledge . As with " Cold Turkey " , the single 's standard Apple Records A @-@ side face label carried the words " PLAY LOUD " , in both the UK and America . Reflecting the tender sound of " Who Has Seen the Wind ? " , the B @-@ side label read " PLAY QUIET " ( or " PLAY SOFT " in the US ) . The front of the US picture sleeve featured a black @-@ and @-@ white photo of Lennon along with a prominent producer 's credit for Spector , while the reverse had a similar picture of Ono . = = = Promotion = = = Following a year of highly publicised peace campaigning by the Lennons in 1969 , Apple press officer Derek Taylor was concerned that they had exhausted the media 's interest in their causes . On 4 February 1970 , Lennon and Ono donated a large plastic bag full of their hair , along with Apple 's poster for the new single , to north London @-@ based black power activist Michael X , in return for a pair of Muhammad Ali 's bloodstained boxing shorts . The " final proof " of the Lennons ' " overexpose [ ure ] " , according to Taylor , was that there was a large press turnout for the event yet " nobody printed anything " . On 11 February , Lennon and Ono filmed an appearance on BBC Television 's Top of the Pops to promote " Instant Karma ! " , accompanied by White , Voormann , Evans and BP Fallon . While the other musicians mimed their contributions , Lennon sang a live vocal over a mix of the song 's instrumental track , prepared by EMI engineer Geoff Emerick . This was the first appearance on the program by any member of the Beatles since 1966 , as well as the public unveiling of the Lennons ' new cropped look . Two versions of " Instant Karma ! " – known as " knitting " and " cue card " – were taped for Top of the Pops , and aired on 12 and 19 February , respectively . The clips differ from one another in terms of Lennon 's attire and the nature of Ono 's role as , in author Robert Rodriguez 's description , " an onstage focal point around which all activity was staged " ; in addition , Lennon 's vocal was treated with echo for the 19 February broadcast . In the " knitting " clip , Lennon is wearing a black polo @-@ neck jumper as Ono sits beside his piano , blindfolded , and knitting throughout . In " cue card " , Lennon wears a flower @-@ pattern shirt under a denim jacket , while Ono holds up a series of cryptically worded cue cards , the messages on which include " Smile " , " Hope " and " Peace " , as she speaks into a microphone . Although Ono appears to have a more active role , she is again blindfolded and the words she speaks cannot be heard . Rodriguez describes both clips as " terrifically engaging , providing suitably dynamic visuals to a powerful song " , yet he considers that the " cue card " performance " captures much more of the ambience , with frequent shots of White 's stellar work and the studio dancers " . = = = Commercial success and aftermath = = = " Instant Karma ! " was commercially successful , peaking at number 3 on America 's Billboard Hot 100 chart , number 2 in Canada , and number 5 on the UK Singles Chart . The single also reached the top ten in several other European countries and in Australia . The release took place two months before Paul McCartney announced the break @-@ up of the Beatles , whose penultimate single , the George Martin @-@ produced " Let It Be " , Lennon 's record competed with on the US charts . " Instant Karma ! " went on to become the first single by a solo Beatle to achieve US sales of 1 million , earning gold certification by the Recording Industry Association of America on 14 December 1970 . Until Lennon 's death in December 1980 , " Instant Karma ! " remained his sole RIAA @-@ certified gold single . Despite the
[ "▁stated", "▁intent", "ions", "▁for", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁and", "▁O", "no", "▁'", "s", "▁Year", "▁", "1", "▁AP", "▁,", "▁the", "▁proceed", "s", "▁from", "▁the", "▁au", "ction", "ing", "▁of", "▁their", "▁hair", "▁benef", "ited", "▁Michael", "▁X", "▁'", "s", "▁Black", "▁House", "▁commune", "▁rather", "▁than", "▁the", "▁peace", "▁movement", "▁,", "▁and", "▁,", "▁in", "▁the", "▁words", "▁of", "▁Beat", "les", "▁Di", "ary", "▁author", "▁Barry", "▁Mil", "es", "▁,", "▁the", "▁p", "ledge", "▁to", "▁don", "ate", "▁their", "▁roy", "alt", "ies", "▁was", "▁also", "▁\"", "▁dis", "cre", "et", "ly", "▁forgotten", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁In", "▁March", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁,", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁public", "ly", "▁split", "▁with", "▁the", "▁organis", "ers", "▁of", "▁the", "▁planned", "▁Toronto", "▁Peace", "▁Festival", "▁,", "▁as", "▁he", "▁and", "▁O", "no", "▁began", "▁treatment", "▁under", "▁Arthur", "▁Jan", "ov", "▁'", "s", "▁Pr", "imal", "▁Ther", "apy", "▁.", "▁Before", "▁heading", "▁to", 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"▁author", "▁Robert", "▁Rod", "rig", "uez", "▁con", "cludes", "▁of", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁activities", "▁on", "▁", "2", "7", "▁January", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁Not", "▁many", "▁days", "▁in", "▁the", "▁history", "▁of", "▁rock", "▁and", "▁roll", "▁proved", "▁as", "▁ever", "last", "ingly", "▁fruit", "ful", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "1", "▁,", "▁N", "ME", "▁critic", "▁Bob", "▁W", "off", "inden", "▁wrote", "▁of", "▁the", "▁single", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁It", "▁was", "▁excellent", "▁.", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁was", "▁character", "ist", "ically", "▁simple", "▁and", "▁direct", "▁,", "▁but", "▁this", "▁time", "▁on", "▁a", "▁song", "▁with", "▁one", "▁of", "▁those", "▁mag", "ically", "▁catch", "y", "▁ref", "ra", "ins", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Among", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁bi", "ograph", "ers", "▁,", "▁Ben", "▁Ur", "ish", "▁and", "▁Kenneth", "▁B", "iel", "en", "▁view", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁ch", "iding", "▁though", "▁positive", "▁message", "▁for", "▁human", "ity", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁while", "▁Jon", "▁Wiener", "▁pra", "ises", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁rich", "▁,", "▁deep", "▁voice", "▁\"", "▁on", "▁a", "▁recording", "▁where", "▁the", "▁sound", "▁is", "▁\"", "▁ir", "res", "ist", "ible", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Philip", "▁Norman", "▁describes", "▁the", "▁song", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁similar", "▁to", "▁'", "▁Cold", "▁Turkey", "▁'", "▁in", "▁tempo", "▁but", "▁far", "▁more", "▁relax", "ed", "▁and", "▁hum", "orous", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁adding", "▁that", "▁Spect", "or", "▁'", "s", "▁production", "▁gave", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁voice", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁t", "aut", "▁express", "iveness", "▁it", "▁had", "▁not", "▁had", "▁since", "▁'", "▁Norwegian", "▁Wood", "▁'", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁While", "▁not", "ing", "▁the", "▁significance", "▁of", "▁the", "▁session", "▁for", "▁George", "▁Harrison", "▁'", "s", "▁career", "▁,", "▁author", "▁Simon", "▁L", "eng", "▁pra", "ises", "▁the", "▁recording", "▁as", "▁being", "▁\"", "▁full", "▁of", "▁ur", "gency", "▁and", "▁she", "er", "▁excitement", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "9", "▁,", "▁Rol", "ling", "▁Stone", "▁magazine", "▁ranked", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁the", "▁", "7", "9", "th", "▁best", "▁single", "▁of", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁", "2", "5", "▁years", "▁.", "▁In", "▁N", "ME", "▁Originals", "▁:", "▁Beat", "les", "▁–", "▁The", "▁Solo", "▁Years", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "0", "▁,", "▁David", "▁St", "ub", "bs", "▁lists", "▁the", "▁song", "▁second", "▁among", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁\"", "▁ten", "▁solo", "▁g", "ems", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁behind", "▁\"", "▁Cold", "▁Turkey", "▁\"", "▁)", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁comment", "▁:", "▁\"", "▁'", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁'", "▁ep", "it", "om", "ises", "▁the", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁par", "ado", "x", "▁,", "▁m", "eld", "ing", "▁hi", "pp", "ie", "▁ideal", "ism", "▁and", "▁rock", "▁'", "n", "'", "roll", "▁prim", "al", "▁energy", "▁in", "▁an", "▁ex", "h", "ilar", "ating", "▁mix" ]
stated intentions for Lennon and Ono 's Year 1 AP , the proceeds from the auctioning of their hair benefited Michael X 's Black House commune rather than the peace movement , and , in the words of Beatles Diary author Barry Miles , the pledge to donate their royalties was also " discreetly forgotten " . In March 1970 , Lennon publicly split with the organisers of the planned Toronto Peace Festival , as he and Ono began treatment under Arthur Janov 's Primal Therapy . Before heading to California in April for intensive therapy through the summer , Lennon accused McCartney of using the Beatles ' break @-@ up to sell his album McCartney , and admitted that he wished that he himself had announced the break @-@ up months before to promote his own solo release . = = Critical reception = = On release , Chris Welch of Melody Maker declared : " Instant hit ! John Lennon is singing better than ever . With a beautiful rock ' n ' roll echo chamber on his mean but meaningful vocals and some superb drumming , it makes up the Plastics ' best piece of boogie yet . " Writing in the NME in 1975 , Charles Shaar Murray wrote of the song 's " volcanically desperate optimism " and rated it " a classic " . Shaar Murray added , with reference to " Cold Turkey " also : " I can 't remember anybody else who put out two such utter killers in a row over the same period of time . " Village Voice critic Robert Christgau has described " Instant Karma ! " as Lennon 's " best political song " , while other reviewers consider it his finest post @-@ Beatles recording . In their 1975 book The Beatles : An Illustrated Record , Roy Carr and Tony Tyler describe " Instant Karma ! " as a " snappy little rocker " that " owes as much to the skilful production of Phil Spector as to the vitality of the overall performance " , on which " [ d ] rummer Alan White excels . " Carr and Tyler remark that " Who Has Seen the Wind ? " " would have made a marvellous soundtrack for the movie of Henry James ' ' The Turn of the Screw ' , being a somewhat sinister ditty sung à la Wunderkind " . Bruce Spizer describes Ono 's song as " evok [ ing ] images of minstrels at a Renaissance fair " and considers the single " a far cry … and welcome relief from the avant @-@ garde discs issued by John and Yoko in 1969 " . Another to highlight White 's drumming amid the " collective genius " of all the participants on " Instant Karma ! " , author Robert Rodriguez concludes of Lennon 's activities on 27 January 1970 : " Not many days in the history of rock and roll proved as everlastingly fruitful . " In 1981 , NME critic Bob Woffinden wrote of the single : " It was excellent . Lennon was characteristically simple and direct , but this time on a song with one of those magically catchy refrains . " Among Lennon 's biographers , Ben Urish and Kenneth Bielen view " Instant Karma ! " as " a chiding though positive message for humanity " , while Jon Wiener praises Lennon 's " rich , deep voice " on a recording where the sound is " irresistible " . Philip Norman describes the song as " similar to ' Cold Turkey ' in tempo but far more relaxed and humorous " , adding that Spector 's production gave Lennon 's voice " a taut expressiveness it had not had since ' Norwegian Wood ' " . While noting the significance of the session for George Harrison 's career , author Simon Leng praises the recording as being " full of urgency and sheer excitement " . In 1989 , Rolling Stone magazine ranked " Instant Karma ! " the 79th best single of the previous 25 years . In NME Originals : Beatles – The Solo Years 1970 – 1980 , David Stubbs lists the song second among Lennon 's " ten solo gems " ( behind " Cold Turkey " ) , with the comment : " ' Instant Karma ! ' epitomises the Lennon paradox , melding hippie idealism and rock 'n'roll primal energy in an exhilarating mix
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"▁to", "▁call", "▁the", "▁book", "▁The", "▁Sh", "ine", "▁,", "▁before", "▁real", "ising", "▁that", "▁\"", "▁sh", "ine", "▁\"", "▁had", "▁been", "▁used", "▁as", "▁a", "▁der", "og", "atory", "▁term", "▁for", "▁black", "▁people", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "8", "▁,", "▁O", "no", "▁allowed", "▁the", "▁foot", "we", "ar", "▁and", "▁app", "arel", "▁company", "▁N", "ike", "▁to", "▁feature", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁an", "▁advert", "ising", "▁campaign", "▁,", "▁after", "▁a", "▁public", "▁out", "c", "ry", "▁the", "▁previous", "▁year", "▁had", "▁forced", "▁her", "▁to", "▁withdraw", "▁permission", "▁for", "▁the", "▁use", "▁of", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁'", "s", "▁Beat" ]
. " Matt Melis of Consequence of Sound placed it third on his 2009 list of " Top Ten Songs by Ex @-@ Beatles " . According to the website Acclaimed Music , " Instant Karma ! " has also appeared in the following critics ' best @-@ songs lists and books , among others : Dave Marsh 's The 1001 Greatest Singles Ever Made ( 1989 ; at number 638 ) , 1000 Songs that Rock Your World by Dave Thompson ( 2011 ; number 56 ) , the NME 's " The 100 Best Songs of the 1970s " ( 2012 ; number 77 ) , and Q magazine 's " The 1001 Best Songs Ever " ( 2003 ; number 193 ) . The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame includes the track among its " 500 Songs That Shaped Rock and Roll " . = = Re @-@ releases and live version = = " Instant Karma ! " ' s first appearance on a Lennon album , albeit slightly edited in length , was the 1975 compilation Shaved Fish . Urish and Bielen observe that the " advertising hyperbole " inherent in the song 's title , through the inclusion of an exclamation mark , is given extra emphasis on this album cover . The song has featured – often with the full title " Instant Karma ! ( We All Shine On ) " – on numerous posthumous compilations , including The John Lennon Collection ( 1982 ) , the Lennon box set ( 1990 ) , Lennon Legend ( 1997 ) , Working Class Hero : The Definitive Lennon ( 2005 ) and Power to the People : The Hits ( 2010 ) . " Who Has Seen the Wind ? " appeared as a bonus track on the 1997 Rykodisc reissue of the couple 's third album of experimental music , Wedding Album ( 1969 ) . Lennon played " Instant Karma ! " at his last full @-@ length concert performance – the One to One benefit shows held at Madison Square Garden , New York , on 30 August 1972 . His backing band comprised the group Elephant 's Memory , in addition to Ono and drummer Jim Keltner . The 1986 album and video Live in New York City contains the afternoon performance of the song . In July 1992 , " Instant Karma ! " was re @-@ released as a single in the Netherlands , backed by " Oh My Love " . Originally , copies of it were given away with early editions of The John Lennon Video Collection . When released in the rest of Europe ( barring the UK ) , this single reissue gained two extra B @-@ sides : " Mother " and " Bless You " . Of the two 1970 Top of the Pops performances , the " cue card " version appeared on The John Lennon Video Collection in October 1992 , while the " knitting " performance was remixed and extended for release on the Lennon Legend DVD ( 2003 ) . The " knitting " version was also included on the 2003 UK single " Happy Xmas ( War Is Over ) " , released on 8 December that year . = = Cover versions and cultural references = = Artists who have covered " Instant Karma ! " include Toad the Wet Sprocket , Paul Weller , Duran Duran , Tater Totz with Cherie Currie and Tokio Hotel . In 2007 , the song provided the title for Amnesty International 's multi @-@ artist compilation of Lennon compositions , Instant Karma : The Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur , for which U2 recorded a cover version . The title of Stephen King 's horror novel The Shining ( 1977 ) came from Lennon 's line " We all shine on … " King has said that he was going to call the book The Shine , before realising that " shine " had been used as a derogatory term for black people . In 1988 , Ono allowed the footwear and apparel company Nike to feature " Instant Karma ! " in an advertising campaign , after a public outcry the previous year had forced her to withdraw permission for the use of Lennon 's Beat
[ "les", "▁composition", "▁\"", "▁Revolution", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁Records", "▁was", "▁named", "▁after", "▁the", "▁song", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Fl", "aming", "▁Li", "ps", "▁recorded", "▁their", "▁track", "▁\"", "▁I", "▁Don", "▁'", "t", "▁Under", "stand", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁\"", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁as", "▁a", "▁reply", "▁to", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Person", "nel", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁following", "▁mus", "icians", "▁contributed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁recording", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁Inst", "ant", "▁Kar", "ma", "▁!", "▁\"", "▁:", "▁", "▁John", "▁L", "enn", "on", "▁–", "▁lead", "▁vocals", "▁,", "▁ac", "oust", "ic", "▁guitar", "▁,", "▁piano", "▁,", "▁backing", "▁vocals", "▁", "▁George", "▁Harrison", "▁–", "▁electric", "▁guitar", "▁,", "▁piano", "▁,", "▁backing", "▁vocals", "▁", "▁Klaus", "▁Vo", "orm", "ann", "▁–", "▁bass", "▁guitar", "▁,", "▁electric", "▁piano", "▁,", "▁backing", "▁vocals", "▁", "▁Alan", 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"▁part", "▁of", "▁independent", "▁India", "▁since", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁According", "▁to", "▁local", "▁legend", "▁,", "▁the", "▁word", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁derived", "▁from", "▁\"", "▁Tan", "jan", "▁\"", "▁,", "▁an", "▁as", "ura", "▁(", "▁giant", "▁)", "▁in", "▁H", "indu", "▁myth", "ology", "▁who", "▁was", "▁killed", "▁in", "▁what", "▁is", "▁now", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁by", "▁the", "▁H", "indu", "▁god", "▁Ne", "el", "am", "eg", "ha", "▁Per", "um", "al", "▁,", "▁a", "▁form", "▁of", "▁V", "ish", "nu", "▁.", "▁The", "▁word", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁indeed", "▁a", "▁T", "amil", "▁name", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁Th", "an", "▁\"", "▁-", "c", "old", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁che", "i", "▁\"", "▁-", "far", "ml", "and", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁ur", "▁\"", "▁-", "▁city", "▁,", "▁a", "▁city", "▁surrounded", "▁by", "▁cold", "▁far", "ml", "ands", ".", "The", "▁word", "▁\"", "▁Th", "anche", "i", "ur", "▁\"", "▁has", "▁become", "▁\"", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁\"", "▁", "▁There", "▁are", "▁no", "▁references", "▁to", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁in", "▁any", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Sang", "am", "▁period", "▁(", "▁third", "▁century", "▁BC", "▁to", "▁fourth", "▁century", "▁AD", "▁)", "▁T", "amil", "▁records", "▁,", "▁though", "▁some", "▁sch", "ol", "ars", "▁believe", "▁that", "▁the", "▁city", "▁has", "▁existed", "▁since", "▁that", "▁time", "▁.", "▁K", "ov", "il", "▁Ven", "ni", "▁,", "▁situated", "▁", "1", "5", "▁miles", "▁(", "▁", "2", "4", "▁km", "▁)", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁,", "▁was", "▁the", "▁site", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Battle", "▁of", "▁Ven", "ni", "▁between", "▁the", "▁Ch", "ola", "▁king", "▁Kar", "ik", "ala", "▁and", "▁a", "▁conf", "eder", "acy", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ch", "eras", "▁and", "▁the", "▁P", "andy", "as", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Ch", "olas", "▁seemed", "▁to", "▁have", "▁faced", "▁an", "▁invasion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Kal", "ab", "hr", "as", "▁in", "▁the", "▁third", "▁century", "▁AD", "▁after", "▁which", "▁the", "▁kingdom", "▁f", "aded", "▁into", "▁obsc", "urity", "▁.", "▁The", "▁region", "▁around", "▁present", "▁day", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁was", "▁conquer", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁M", "uth", "ar", "ay", "ars", "▁during", "▁sixth", "▁century", "▁,", "▁who", "▁ruled", "▁it", "▁up", "▁to", "▁", "8", "4", "9", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Ch", "olas", "▁came", "▁to", "▁prom", "in", "ence", "▁once", "▁more", "▁through", "▁the", "▁rise", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Med", "ieval", "▁Ch", "ola", "▁monarch", "▁V", "ij", "ay", "al", "aya", "▁(", "▁", "8", "4", "1", "▁–", "▁", "8", "7", "8", "▁)", "▁in", "▁about", "▁", "8", "5", "0", "▁.", "▁V", "ij", "ay", "al", "aya", "▁conquer", "ed", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁from", "▁the", "▁M", "uth", "ar", "ay", "ar", "▁king", "▁El", "ango", "▁M", "uth", "ar", "ay", "ar", "▁and", "▁built" ]
les composition " Revolution " . Instant Karma Records was named after the song , and the Flaming Lips recorded their track " I Don 't Understand Karma " in 2009 as a reply to " Instant Karma ! " = = Personnel = = The following musicians contributed to the recording of " Instant Karma ! " : John Lennon – lead vocals , acoustic guitar , piano , backing vocals George Harrison – electric guitar , piano , backing vocals Klaus Voormann – bass guitar , electric piano , backing vocals Alan White – drums , piano , backing vocals Billy Preston – organ , backing vocals Yoko Ono – backing vocals Mal Evans – chimes , handclaps , backing vocals uncredited – tambourine Allen Klein and several dozen revellers from London 's Hatchett Club – backing vocals = = Charts and certifications = = = Thanjavur = Thanjavur , formerly Tanjore , is a city in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu . Thanjavur is an important center of South Indian religion , art , and architecture . Most of the Great Living Chola Temples , which are UNESCO World Heritage Monuments , are located in and around Thanjavur . The foremost among these , the Brihadeeswara Temple , is located in the centre of the city . Thanjavur is also home to Tanjore painting , a painting style unique to the region . Thanjavur is the headquarters of the Thanjavur District . The city is an important agricultural centre located in the Cauvery Delta and is known as the " Rice bowl of Tamil Nadu " . Thanjavur is administered by a municipal corporation covering an area of 36 @.@ 33 km2 ( 14 @.@ 03 sq mi ) and had a population of 222 @,@ 943 in 2011 . Roadways are the major means of transportation , while the city also has rail connectivity . The nearest airport is Tiruchirapalli International Airport , located 59 @.@ 6 km ( 37 @.@ 0 mi ) away from the city . The nearest seaport is Karaikal Port , which is 94 km ( 58 mi ) away from Thanjavur . Scholars believe the name Thanjavur is derived from Tanjan , a legendary demon in Hindu mythology . While the early history of Thanjavur remains unclear , the city first rose to prominence during the reign of Medieval Cholas when it served as the capital of the empire . After the fall of Cholas , the city was ruled by various dynasties like Pandyas , Vijayanagar Empire , Madurai Nayaks , Thanjavur Nayaks , Thanjavur Marathas and the British Empire . It has been a part of independent India since 1947 . = = History = = According to local legend , the word Thanjavur is derived from " Tanjan " , an asura ( giant ) in Hindu mythology who was killed in what is now Thanjavur by the Hindu god Neelamegha Perumal , a form of Vishnu . The word Thanjavur is indeed a Tamil name . " Than " -cold , " chei " -farmland , " ur " - city , a city surrounded by cold farmlands.The word " Thancheiur " has become " Thanjavur " There are no references to Thanjavur in any of the Sangam period ( third century BC to fourth century AD ) Tamil records , though some scholars believe that the city has existed since that time . Kovil Venni , situated 15 miles ( 24 km ) to the east of the city , was the site of the Battle of Venni between the Chola king Karikala and a confederacy of the Cheras and the Pandyas . The Cholas seemed to have faced an invasion of the Kalabhras in the third century AD after which the kingdom faded into obscurity . The region around present day Thanjavur was conquered by the Mutharayars during sixth century , who ruled it up to 849 . The Cholas came to prominence once more through the rise of the Medieval Chola monarch Vijayalaya ( 841 – 878 ) in about 850 . Vijayalaya conquered Thanjavur from the Mutharayar king Elango Mutharayar and built
[ "▁a", "▁temple", "▁dedicated", "▁to", "▁H", "indu", "▁god", "dess", "▁N", "is", "umb", "has", "ud", "ani", "▁.", "▁His", "▁son", "▁Ad", "ity", "a", "▁I", "▁(", "▁", "8", "7", "1", "▁–", "▁", "9", "0", "1", "▁)", "▁cons", "olid", "ated", "▁the", "▁hold", "▁over", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Ras", "ht", "rak", "uta", "▁king", "▁Kr", "ish", "na", "▁II", "▁(", "▁", "8", "7", "8", "▁–", "▁", "9", "1", "4", "▁)", "▁,", "▁a", "▁contemporary", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Ch", "ola", "▁king", "▁Par", "ant", "aka", "▁I", "▁(", "▁", "9", "0", "7", "▁–", "▁", "9", "5", "0", "▁)", "▁,", "▁claims", "▁to", "▁have", "▁conquer", "ed", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁,", "▁but", "▁there", "▁are", "▁no", "▁records", "▁to", "▁support", "▁the", "▁claim", "▁.", "▁Grad", "ually", "▁,", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁became", "▁the", "▁most", "▁important", "▁city", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Ch", "ola", "▁Empire", "▁and", "▁remained", "▁its", "▁capital", "▁till", "▁the", "▁emer", "gence", "▁of", "▁G", "anga", "ik", "onda", "▁Ch", 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"jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁believed", "▁to", "▁have", "▁been", "▁conquer", "ed", "▁by", "▁K", "amp", "anna", "▁U", "day", "ar", "▁during", "▁his", "▁invasion", "▁of", "▁S", "rir", "ang", "am", "▁between", "▁", "1", "3", "6", "5", "▁and", "▁", "1", "3", "7", "1", "▁.", "▁De", "va", "▁R", "aya", "▁'", "s", "▁ins", "cription", "▁dated", "▁", "1", "4", "4", "3", "▁,", "▁Th", "ir", "um", "ala", "▁'", "s", "▁ins", "cription", "▁dated", "▁", "1", "4", "5", "5", "▁and", "▁Ach", "uta", "▁De", "va", "▁'", "s", "▁land", "▁gr", "ants", "▁dated", "▁", "1", "5", "3", "2", "▁and", "▁", "1", "5", "3", "9", "▁att", "est", "▁V", "ij", "ay", "an", "agar", "▁'", "s", "▁domin", "ance", "▁over", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁.", "▁Se", "v", "appa", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁(", "▁", "1", "5", "3", "2", "▁–", "▁", "8", "0", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁V", "ij", "ay", "an", "agar", "▁vic", "ero", "y", "▁of", "▁Arc", "ot", "▁,", "▁established", "▁himself", "▁as", "▁an", "▁independent", "▁monarch", "▁in", "▁", "1", "5", "3", "2", "▁(", "▁", "1", "5", "4", "9", "▁,", "▁according", "▁to", "▁some", "▁sources", "▁)", "▁and", "▁founded", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁kingdom", "▁.", "▁Ach", "uth", "appa", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁(", "▁", "1", "5", "6", "0", "▁–", "▁", "1", "6", "1", "4", "▁)", "▁,", "▁R", "agh", "un", "ath", "a", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁(", "▁", "1", "6", "0", "0", "▁–", "▁", "3", "4", "▁)", "▁and", "▁V", "ij", "aya", "▁R", "agh", "ava", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁(", "▁", "1", "6", "3", "4", "▁–", "▁", "7", "3", "▁)", "▁are", "▁some", "▁of", "▁the", "▁important", "▁r", "ul", "ers", "▁of", "▁the", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁dynast", "y", "▁who", "▁ruled", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁N", "ay", "aks", "▁were", "▁notable", "▁for", "▁their", "▁patron", "age", "▁of", "▁literature", "▁and", "▁arts", "▁.", "▁The", "▁rule", "▁of", "▁the", "▁dynast", "y", "▁came", "▁to", "▁an", "▁end", "▁when", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁fell", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Mad", "ur", "ai", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁king", "▁Ch", "ok", "kan", "ath", "a", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁(", "▁", "1", "6", "6", "2", "▁–", "▁", "8", "2", "▁)", "▁in", "▁", "1", "6", "7", "3", "▁.", "▁V", "ij", "aya", "▁R", "agh", "un", "ath", "a", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁,", "▁the", "▁son", "▁of", "▁Ch", "ok", "kan", "ath", "a", "▁,", "▁was", "▁killed", "▁in", "▁a", "▁battle", "▁and", "▁Ch", "ok", "kan", "ath", "a", "▁'", "s", "▁brother", "▁Al", "ag", "iri", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁(", "▁", "1", "6", "7", "3", "▁–", "▁", "7", "5", "▁)", "▁was", "▁crown", "ed", "▁as", "▁the", "▁r", "uler", "▁of", "▁the", "▁emp", "ire", "▁.", "▁", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁was", "▁successfully", "▁conquer", "ed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "6", "7", "4", "▁by", "▁E", "ko", "ji", "▁I", "▁(", "▁", "1", "6", "7", "5", "▁–", "▁", "8", "4", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Mar", "ath", "a", "▁fe", "ud", "atory", "▁of", "▁the", "▁s", "ultan", "▁of", "▁Bij", "ap", "ur", "▁and", "▁half", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁brother", "▁of", "▁Sh", "iv", "aj", "i", "▁(", "▁", "1", "6", "2", "7", "▁/", "▁", "3", "0", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "8", "0", "▁)", "▁of" ]
a temple dedicated to Hindu goddess Nisumbhasudani . His son Aditya I ( 871 – 901 ) consolidated the hold over the city . The Rashtrakuta king Krishna II ( 878 – 914 ) , a contemporary of the Chola king Parantaka I ( 907 – 950 ) , claims to have conquered Thanjavur , but there are no records to support the claim . Gradually , Thanjavur became the most important city in the Chola Empire and remained its capital till the emergence of Gangaikonda Cholapuram in about 1025 . During the first decade of the eleventh century , the Chola king Raja Raja Chola I ( 985 – 1014 ) constructed the Brihadeeswarar Temple at Thanjavur . The temple is considered to be one of the best specimens of South Indian temple architecture . When the Chola Empire began to decline in the 13th century , the Pandyas from the south invaded and captured Thanjavur twice , first during 1218 – 19 and then during 1230 . During the second invasion , the Chola king Rajaraja III ( 1216 – 56 ) was set in exile and he sought the help of the Hoysala king Vira Narasimha II ( 1220 – 35 ) to regain Thanjavur . Thanjavur was eventually annexed along with the rest of the Chola kingdom by the Pandya king Maravarman Kulasekara Pandyan I ( 1268 – 1308 ) in 1279 and the Chola kings were forced to accept the suzerainty of the Pandyas . The Pandyas ruled Thanjavur from 1279 to 1311 when their kingdom was raided and annexed by the forces of Malik Kafur ( 1296 – 1306 ) and Delhi Sultanate . The Sultanate extended its authority directly over the conquered regions from 1311 to 1335 and then through the semi @-@ independent Ma 'bar Sultanate from 1335 to 1378 . Starting from the 1350s , the Ma 'bar Sultanate was steadily absorbed into the rising Vijayanagar Empire . Thanjavur is believed to have been conquered by Kampanna Udayar during his invasion of Srirangam between 1365 and 1371 . Deva Raya 's inscription dated 1443 , Thirumala 's inscription dated 1455 and Achuta Deva 's land grants dated 1532 and 1539 attest Vijayanagar 's dominance over Thanjavur . Sevappa Nayak ( 1532 – 80 ) , the Vijayanagar viceroy of Arcot , established himself as an independent monarch in 1532 ( 1549 , according to some sources ) and founded the Thanjavur Nayak kingdom . Achuthappa Nayak ( 1560 – 1614 ) , Raghunatha Nayak ( 1600 – 34 ) and Vijaya Raghava Nayak ( 1634 – 73 ) are some of the important rulers of the Nayak dynasty who ruled Thanjavur . Thanjavur Nayaks were notable for their patronage of literature and arts . The rule of the dynasty came to an end when Thanjavur fell to the Madurai Nayak king Chokkanatha Nayak ( 1662 – 82 ) in 1673 . Vijaya Raghunatha Nayak , the son of Chokkanatha , was killed in a battle and Chokkanatha 's brother Alagiri Nayak ( 1673 – 75 ) was crowned as the ruler of the empire . Thanjavur was successfully conquered in 1674 by Ekoji I ( 1675 – 84 ) , the Maratha feudatory of the sultan of Bijapur and half @-@ brother of Shivaji ( 1627 / 30 @-@ 80 ) of
[ "▁the", "▁Bh", "ons", "le", "▁dynast", "y", "▁.", "▁E", "ko", "ji", "▁founded", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Mar", "ath", "a", "▁kingdom", "▁which", "▁ruled", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁till", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "5", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Mar", "ath", "as", "▁exerc", "ised", "▁their", "▁so", "vere", "ig", "nt", "y", "▁over", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁throughout", "▁the", "▁last", "▁quarter", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "7", "th", "▁and", "▁the", "▁whole", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "8", "th", "▁century", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Mar", "ath", "a", "▁r", "ul", "ers", "▁patron", "ized", "▁Car", "n", "atic", "▁music", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "7", "8", "7", "▁,", "▁Am", "ar", "▁Singh", "▁,", "▁the", "▁reg", "ent", "▁of", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁,", "▁de", "posed", "▁the", "▁minor", "▁R", "aja", "▁,", "▁his", "▁nep", "hew", "▁Ser", "fo", "ji", "▁II", "▁(", "▁", "1", "7", "8", "7", "▁–", "▁", "9", "3", "▁)", "▁and", "▁captured", "▁the", "▁throne", "▁.", "▁Ser", "fo", "ji", "▁II", "▁was", "▁restored", "▁in", "▁", "1", "7", "9", "9", "▁with", "▁the", "▁assistance", "▁of", "▁the", "▁British", "▁,", "▁who", "▁induced", "▁him", "▁to", "▁rel", "in", "qu", "ish", "▁the", "▁administration", "▁of", "▁the", "▁kingdom", "▁and", "▁left", "▁him", "▁in", "▁charge", "▁of", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁fort", "▁and", "▁surrounding", "▁areas", "▁.", "▁The", "▁kingdom", "▁was", "▁eventually", "▁absor", "bed", "▁into", "▁British", "▁India", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "5", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Do", "ctrine", "▁of", "▁Lap", "se", "▁when", "▁Sh", "iv", "aj", "i", "▁II", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "3", "2", "▁–", "▁", "5", "5", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁last", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Mar", "ath", "a", "▁r", "uler", "▁,", "▁died", "▁without", "▁a", "▁legit", "imate", "▁male", "▁he", "ir", "▁.", "▁The", "▁British", "▁referred", "▁to", "▁the", "▁city", "▁as", "▁Tan", "j", "ore", "▁in", "▁their", "▁records", "▁.", "▁Five", "▁years", "▁after", "▁its", "▁an", "nex", "ation", "▁,", "▁the", "▁British", "▁replaced", "▁Neg", "apat", "am", "▁(", "▁modern", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁day", "▁Nag", "ap", "att", "in", "am", "▁)", "▁with", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁as", "▁the", "▁seat", "▁of", "▁the", "▁district", "▁administration", "▁.", "▁Under", "▁the", "▁British", "▁,", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁emer", "ged", "▁as", "▁an", "▁important", "▁regional", "▁centre", "▁.", "▁The", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "1", "▁India", "▁census", "▁recorded", "▁a", "▁population", "▁of", "▁", "5", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "1", "7", "1", "▁,", "▁making", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁the", "▁third", "▁largest", "▁city", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Mad", "ras", "▁Pres", "iden", "cy", "▁.", "▁After", "▁India", "▁'", "s", "▁independence", "▁,", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁continued", "▁as", "▁the", "▁district", "▁headquarters", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Geography", "▁and", "▁climate", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁located", "▁at", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁°", "▁N", "▁", "7", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "5", "▁°", "▁E", "▁", "", "▁/", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁;", "▁", "7", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "5", "▁The", "▁trib", "ut", "aries", "▁of", "▁river", "▁C", "au", "very", "▁,", "▁namely", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Grand", "▁Ana", "icut", "▁canal", "▁(", "▁P", "ud", "ha", "aru", "▁)", "▁,", "▁V", "ad", "ava", "aru", "▁and", "▁Ven", "na", "aru", "▁rivers", "▁flow", "▁through", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁situated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁C", "au", "very", "▁delta", "▁,", "▁at", "▁a", "▁distance", "▁of", "▁", "3", "1", "4", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁south", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁west", "▁of", "▁Chen", "na", "i", "▁and", "▁", "5", "6", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "3", "5", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁east", "▁of", "▁Tir", "uch", "ira", "pp", "al", "li", "▁.", "▁While", "▁the", "▁pla", "ins", "▁immediately", "▁ad", "jo", "ining", "▁the", "▁C", "au", "very", "▁river", "▁have", "▁been", "▁under", "▁cultiv", "ation", "▁from", "▁time", "▁imm", "em", "orial", "▁,", "▁most", "▁of", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁city", "▁and", "▁the", "▁surrounding", "▁areas", "▁lie", "▁in", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁New", "▁D", "elta", "▁\"", "▁–", "▁a", "▁dry", "▁,", "▁bar", "ren", "▁u", "pl", "and", "▁tract", "▁which", "▁has", "▁been", "▁brought", "▁under", "▁ir", "rig", "ation", "▁during", "▁the", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "th", "▁century", "▁.", "▁To", "▁the", "▁south", "▁of", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁city", "▁,", "▁is", "▁the", "▁Vall", "am", "▁table", "land", "▁,", "▁a", "▁small", "▁plate", "au", "▁inst", "ers", "pers", "ed", "▁at", "▁regular", "▁intervals", "▁by", "▁rid", "ges", "▁of", "▁sand", "stone", "▁.", "▁The", "▁nearest", "▁se", "ap", "ort", "▁is", "▁Nag", "ap", "att", "in", "am", "▁which", "▁is", "▁", "8", "4", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "5", "2", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁east", "▁of", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁.", "▁The", "▁nearest", "▁air", "port", "▁is", "▁Tir", "uch", "i", "rap", "al", "li", "▁International", "▁Airport", "▁,", "▁located", "▁at", "▁a", "▁distance", "▁of", "▁", "5", "6", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "3", "5", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁city", "▁has", "▁an", "▁elev", "ation", "▁of", "▁", "5", "7", "▁m", "▁(", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "▁ft", "▁)", "▁above", "▁mean", "▁sea", "▁level", "▁.", "▁The", "▁total", "▁area", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁is", "▁", "3", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "3", "▁km", "2", "▁(", "▁", "1", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "3", "▁sq", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁period", "▁from", "▁November", "▁to", "▁February", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁pleasant", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁climate", "▁full", "▁of", "▁warm", "▁days", "▁and", "▁cool", "▁night", "s", "▁.", "▁The", "▁on", "set", "▁of", "▁summer", "▁is", "▁from", "▁March", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁mer", "cur", "y", "▁reaching", "▁its", "▁peak", "▁by", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁May", "▁and", "▁June", "▁.", "▁The", "▁average", "▁temper", "atures", "▁range", "▁from", "▁", "8", "1", "▁°", "▁F", "▁(", "▁", "2", "7", "▁°", "▁C", "▁)", "▁in", "▁January", "▁to", "▁", "9", "7", "▁°", "▁F", "▁(", "▁", "3", "6", "▁°", "▁C", "▁)", "▁in", "▁May", "▁and", "▁June", "▁.", "▁Summer", "▁ra", "ins", "▁are", "▁sparse", "▁and", "▁the", "▁first", "▁mon", "so", "on", "▁,", "▁the", "▁South", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁West", "▁mon", "so", "on", "▁,", "▁sets", "▁in", "▁June", "▁and", "▁continues", "▁till", "▁September", "▁.", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁East", "▁mon", "so", "on", "▁sets", "▁in", "▁October", "▁and", "▁continues", "▁till", "▁January", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ra", "inf", "all", "▁during", "▁South", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁West", "▁mon", "so", "on", "▁period", "▁is", "▁much", "▁lower", "▁than", "▁that", "▁of", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁East", "▁mon", "so", "on", "▁.", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁East", "▁mon", "so", "on", "▁is", "▁benef", "icial", "▁to", "▁the", "▁district", "▁at", "▁large", "▁because", "▁of", "▁the", "▁heavy", "▁ra", "inf", "all", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Western", "▁gh", "ats", "▁feed", "ing", "▁the", "▁river", "▁C", "au", "very", "▁.", "▁The", "▁average", "▁ra", "inf", "all", "▁is", "▁", "3", "7", "▁inches", "▁(", "▁", "9", "4", "0", "▁mm", "▁)", "▁,", "▁most", "▁of", "▁which", "▁is", "▁contributed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁North", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁East", "▁mon", "so", "on", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Tour", "ism", "▁and", "▁culture", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁an", "▁important", "▁pil", "gr", "im", "▁centre", "▁and", "▁a", "▁major", "▁tour", "ist", "▁destination", "▁of", "▁T", "amil", "▁N", "adu", "▁.", "▁South", "▁Zone", "▁Culture", "▁Centre", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁regional", "▁cultural", "▁cent", "res", "▁established", "▁by", "▁the" ]
the Bhonsle dynasty . Ekoji founded the Thanjavur Maratha kingdom which ruled Thanjavur till 1855 . The Marathas exercised their sovereignty over Thanjavur throughout the last quarter of the 17th and the whole of the 18th century . The Maratha rulers patronized Carnatic music . In 1787 , Amar Singh , the regent of Thanjavur , deposed the minor Raja , his nephew Serfoji II ( 1787 – 93 ) and captured the throne . Serfoji II was restored in 1799 with the assistance of the British , who induced him to relinquish the administration of the kingdom and left him in charge of Thanjavur fort and surrounding areas . The kingdom was eventually absorbed into British India in 1855 by the Doctrine of Lapse when Shivaji II ( 1832 – 55 ) , the last Thanjavur Maratha ruler , died without a legitimate male heir . The British referred to the city as Tanjore in their records . Five years after its annexation , the British replaced Negapatam ( modern @-@ day Nagapattinam ) with Thanjavur as the seat of the district administration . Under the British , Thanjavur emerged as an important regional centre . The 1871 India census recorded a population of 52 @,@ 171 , making Thanjavur the third largest city in the Madras Presidency . After India 's independence , Thanjavur continued as the district headquarters . = = Geography and climate = = Thanjavur is located at 10 @.@ 8 ° N 79 @.@ 15 ° E  / 10 @.@ 8 ; 79 @.@ 15 The tributaries of river Cauvery , namely , the Grand Anaicut canal ( Pudhaaru ) , Vadavaaru and Vennaaru rivers flow through the city . Thanjavur is situated in the Cauvery delta , at a distance of 314 km ( 195 mi ) south @-@ west of Chennai and 56 km ( 35 mi ) east of Tiruchirappalli . While the plains immediately adjoining the Cauvery river have been under cultivation from time immemorial , most of Thanjavur city and the surrounding areas lie in the " New Delta " – a dry , barren upland tract which has been brought under irrigation during the early 19th century . To the south of Thanjavur city , is the Vallam tableland , a small plateau insterspersed at regular intervals by ridges of sandstone . The nearest seaport is Nagapattinam which is 84 km ( 52 mi ) east of Thanjavur . The nearest airport is Tiruchirapalli International Airport , located at a distance of 56 km ( 35 mi ) . The city has an elevation of 57 m ( 187 ft ) above mean sea level . The total area of the city is 36 @.@ 33 km2 ( 14 @.@ 03 sq mi ) . The period from November to February in Thanjavur is pleasant , with a climate full of warm days and cool nights . The onset of summer is from March , with the mercury reaching its peak by the end of May and June . The average temperatures range from 81 ° F ( 27 ° C ) in January to 97 ° F ( 36 ° C ) in May and June . Summer rains are sparse and the first monsoon , the South @-@ West monsoon , sets in June and continues till September . North @-@ East monsoon sets in October and continues till January . The rainfall during South @-@ West monsoon period is much lower than that of North @-@ East monsoon . North @-@ East monsoon is beneficial to the district at large because of the heavy rainfall and the Western ghats feeding the river Cauvery . The average rainfall is 37 inches ( 940 mm ) , most of which is contributed by the North @-@ East monsoon . = = Tourism and culture = = Thanjavur is an important pilgrim centre and a major tourist destination of Tamil Nadu . South Zone Culture Centre in Thanjavur is one of the regional cultural centres established by the
[ "▁Government", "▁of", "▁India", "▁to", "▁preserve", "▁and", "▁promote", "▁cultural", "▁her", "itage", "▁of", "▁India", "▁.", "▁There", "▁were", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "2", "5", "▁Indian", "▁and", "▁", "8", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "4", "3", "5", "▁foreign", "▁tour", "ist", "▁arrival", "s", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁to", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁.", "▁The", "▁most", "▁visited", "▁monument", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁the", "▁B", "ri", "h", "ade", "es", "war", "ar", "▁Temple", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁construction", "▁,", "▁the", "▁historian", "▁Per", "cy", "▁Brown", "▁described", "▁as", "▁\"", "▁a", "▁land", "mark", "▁in", "▁the", "▁evolution", "▁of", "▁building", "▁art", "▁in", "▁South", "▁India", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁Bu", "ilt", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "1", "th", "▁century", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Ch", "ola", "▁king", "▁R", "aja", "▁R", "aja", "▁Ch", "ola", "▁I", "▁(", "▁", "9", "8", "5", "▁–", "▁", "1", "0", "1", "4", "▁)", "▁,", "▁the", "▁temple", "▁is", "▁dedicated", "▁to", "▁the", "▁H", "indu", "▁god", "▁Sh", "iva", "▁.", "▁The", "▁walls", "▁of", "▁the", "▁san", "ct", "um", "▁are", "▁covered", "▁with", "▁wall", "▁paint", "ings", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Ch", "ola", "▁and", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁periods", "▁.", "▁The", "▁temple", "▁was", "▁designated", "▁an", "▁UN", "ES", "CO", "▁World", "▁Heritage", "▁Site", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "7", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁rep", "licated", "▁in", "▁the", "▁G", "anga", "ik", "onda", "▁Ch", "oles", "var", "ar", "▁Temple", "▁constructed", "▁by", "▁R", "aja", "▁R", "aja", "▁'", "s", "▁son", "▁Raj", "endra", "▁Ch", "ola", "▁I", "▁(", "▁", "1", "0", "1", "2", "▁–", "▁", "4", "4", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Mar", "ath", "a", "▁palace", "▁was", "▁the", "▁official", "▁residence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bh", "ons", "le", "▁family", "▁who", "▁ruled", "▁over", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁region", "▁from", "▁", "1", "6", "7", "4", "▁to", "▁", "1", "8", "5", "5", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁originally", "▁constructed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁r", "ul", "ers", "▁of", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁kingdom", "▁and", "▁after", "▁their", "▁fall", "▁,", "▁it", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁official", "▁residence", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Mar", "ath", "as", "▁.", "▁When", "▁most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Mar", "ath", "a", "▁kingdom", "▁was", "▁an", "nex", "ed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Empire", "▁in", "▁", "1", "7", "9", "9", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Mar", "ath", "as", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁hold", "▁s", "way", "▁over", "▁the", "▁palace", "▁and", "▁the", "▁surrounding", "▁fort", "▁.", "▁The", "▁southern", "▁side", "▁of", "▁the", "▁third", "▁quad", "rangle", "▁of", "▁the", "▁palace", "▁has", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "▁ft", "▁(", "▁", "5", "8", "▁m", "▁)", "▁tower", "▁like", "▁building", "▁,", "▁called", "▁the", "▁Good", "ag", "op", "ur", "am", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Sar", "as", "w", "ath", "i", "▁Mah", "al", "▁Library", "▁,", "▁established", "▁around", "▁", "1", "7", "0", "0", "▁and", "▁located", "▁in", "▁the", "▁prem", "ises", "▁of", "▁the", "▁palace", "▁,", "▁contains", "▁over", "▁", "3", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁Indian", "▁and", "▁European", "▁manuscript", "s", "▁written", "▁on", "▁pal", "m", "▁leaf", "▁and", "▁paper", "▁.", "▁Over", "▁eight", "y", "▁per", "▁cent", "▁of", "▁its", "▁manuscript", "s", "▁are", "▁in", "▁S", "ansk", "rit", "▁and", "▁many", "▁of", "▁them", "▁are", "▁on", "▁pal", "m", "▁leaves", "▁.", "▁The", "▁T", "amil", "▁works", "▁include", "▁treat", "ise", "▁on", "▁medicine", "▁,", "▁and", "▁comment", "aries", "▁on", "▁Sang", "am", "▁literature", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Raj", "ar", "aja", "▁Ch", "ola", "▁art", "▁gallery", "▁is", "▁located", "▁inside", "▁the", "▁palace", "▁–", "▁it", "▁has", "▁a", "▁large", "▁collection", "▁of", "▁stone", "▁and", "▁bronze", "▁images", "▁from", "▁the", "▁nin", "th", "▁to", "▁", "1", "2", "th", "▁centuries", "▁.", "▁Most", "▁of", "▁the", "▁id", "ols", "▁present", "▁in", "▁the", "▁gallery", "▁were", "▁collected", "▁from", "▁various", "▁tem", "ples", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁district", "▁.", "▁The", "▁S", "iv", "ag", "anga", "▁Park", "▁is", "▁situated", "▁to", "▁the", "▁east", "▁of", "▁the", "▁B", "ri", "h", "ade", "es", "war", "ar", "▁Temple", "▁and", "▁en", "comp", "ass", "es", "▁the", "▁S", "iv", "ag", "anga", "▁T", "ank", "▁believed", "▁to", "▁have", "▁been", "▁built", "▁by", "▁the", "▁king", "▁R", "aja", "▁R", "aja", "▁Ch", "ola", "▁.", "▁It", "▁was", "▁created", "▁as", "▁a", "▁people", "▁'", "s", "▁park", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Tan", "j", "ore", "▁municipality", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "1", "▁–", "▁", "7", "2", "▁.", "▁It", "▁has", "▁a", "▁collection", "▁of", "▁plants", "▁,", "▁animals", "▁and", "▁birds", "▁and", "▁serves", "▁as", "▁a", "▁zoo", "▁for", "▁children", "▁within", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁", "▁Schw", "art", "z", "▁Church", "▁,", "▁a", "▁historic", "▁monument", "▁located", "▁in", "▁the", "▁palace", "▁garden", "▁,", "▁was", "▁built", "▁in", "▁", "1", "7", "7", "9", "▁by", "▁Ser", "fo", "ji", "▁II", "▁as", "▁a", "▁token", "▁of", "▁affection", "▁for", "▁Rev", ".", "▁C", ".", "V", ".", "▁Schw", "art", "z", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Dan", "ish", "▁Mission", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁five", "▁museum", "s", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁namely", "▁Ar", "che", "ological", "▁Museum", "▁,", "▁T", "amil", "▁University", "▁Museum", "▁located", "▁with", "▁the", "▁T", "amil", "▁University", "▁prem", "ises", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Sar", "as", "w", "ath", "i", "▁Mah", "al", "▁Library", "▁Museum", "▁located", "▁inside", "▁the", "▁Sar", "as", "w", "ath", "i", "▁Mah", "al", "▁,", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁Dur", "bar", "▁Hall", "▁Art", "▁Museum", "▁and", "▁Raj", "ar", "aja", "▁Ch", "ola", "▁Museum", "▁.", "▁R", "aja", "▁Raj", "an", "▁Man", "im", "and", "ap", "am", "▁is", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁tour", "ist", "▁attra", "ctions", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁,", "▁built", "▁during", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁T", "amil", "▁Conference", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁.", "▁\"", "▁S", "ange", "eth", "a", "▁Mah", "al", "▁\"", "▁has", "▁a", "▁permanent", "▁hand", "ic", "raft", "s", "▁exhibition", "▁centre", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁the", "▁cr", "ad", "le", "▁for", "▁many", "▁of", "▁the", "▁arts", "▁and", "▁craft", "s", "▁in", "▁South", "▁India", "▁.", "▁Car", "n", "atic", "▁music", "▁was", "▁cod", "ified", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁and", "▁the", "▁art", "▁fl", "our", "ished", "▁during", "▁the", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "▁rule", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "6", "th", "▁century", "▁.", "▁B", "har", "athan", "aty", "am", "▁,", "▁a", "▁classical", "▁dance", "▁form", "▁of", "▁South", "▁India", "▁,", "▁had", "▁its", "▁major", "▁styles", "▁developed", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁.", "▁", "▁S", "ath", "aya", "▁Th", "ir", "uv", "iz", "ha", "▁is", "▁the", "▁annual", "▁birth", "day", "▁festival", "▁of", "▁R", "aja", "▁R", "aja", "▁Ch", "ola", "▁held", "▁during", "▁October", "▁every", "▁year", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁the", "▁base", "▁for", "▁the", "▁Ty", "agar", "aja", "▁Ar", "ad", "h", "ana", "▁,", "▁a", "▁Car", "n", "atic", "▁music", "▁festival", "▁held", "▁ann", "ually", "▁during", "▁January", "▁–", "▁February", "▁at", "▁Th", "ir", "u", "va", "i", "yar", "u", "▁,", "▁located", "▁", "1", "3", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁away", "▁from", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁painting", "▁is", "▁a", "▁major", "▁form", "▁of", "▁classical", "▁South", "▁Indian", "▁painting", "▁from", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁.", "▁It", "▁dates", "▁back", "▁to", "▁about", "▁", "1", "6", "0", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁the", "▁period", "▁of", "▁N", "ay", "ak", "as", "▁of", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur" ]
Government of India to preserve and promote cultural heritage of India . There were 2 @,@ 002 @,@ 225 Indian and 81 @,@ 435 foreign tourist arrivals in 2009 to Thanjavur . The most visited monument in Thanjavur is the Brihadeeswarar Temple , whose construction , the historian Percy Brown described as " a landmark in the evolution of building art in South India " . Built in the 11th century by the Chola king Raja Raja Chola I ( 985 – 1014 ) , the temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva . The walls of the sanctum are covered with wall paintings from the Chola and Nayak periods . The temple was designated an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 . It is replicated in the Gangaikonda Cholesvarar Temple constructed by Raja Raja 's son Rajendra Chola I ( 1012 – 44 ) . The Thanjavur Maratha palace was the official residence of the Bhonsle family who ruled over the Thanjavur region from 1674 to 1855 . It was originally constructed by the rulers of Thanjavur Nayak kingdom and after their fall , it served as the official residence of the Thanjavur Marathas . When most of the Thanjavur Maratha kingdom was annexed by the British Empire in 1799 , the Thanjavur Marathas continued to hold sway over the palace and the surrounding fort . The southern side of the third quadrangle of the palace has 190 ft ( 58 m ) tower like building , called the Goodagopuram . The Saraswathi Mahal Library , established around 1700 and located in the premises of the palace , contains over 30 @,@ 000 Indian and European manuscripts written on palm leaf and paper . Over eighty per cent of its manuscripts are in Sanskrit and many of them are on palm leaves . The Tamil works include treatise on medicine , and commentaries on Sangam literature . The Rajaraja Chola art gallery is located inside the palace – it has a large collection of stone and bronze images from the ninth to 12th centuries . Most of the idols present in the gallery were collected from various temples in the Thanjavur district . The Sivaganga Park is situated to the east of the Brihadeeswarar Temple and encompasses the Sivaganga Tank believed to have been built by the king Raja Raja Chola . It was created as a people 's park by the Tanjore municipality in 1871 – 72 . It has a collection of plants , animals and birds and serves as a zoo for children within the city . Schwartz Church , a historic monument located in the palace garden , was built in 1779 by Serfoji II as a token of affection for Rev. C.V. Schwartz of the Danish Mission . There are five museums in the city namely Archeological Museum , Tamil University Museum located with the Tamil University premises , the Saraswathi Mahal Library Museum located inside the Saraswathi Mahal , Nayak Durbar Hall Art Museum and Rajaraja Chola Museum . Raja Rajan Manimandapam is one of the tourist attractions in Thanjavur , built during the Thanjavur Tamil Conference in 1991 . " Sangeetha Mahal " has a permanent handicrafts exhibition centre . Thanjavur is the cradle for many of the arts and crafts in South India . Carnatic music was codified in Thanjavur and the art flourished during the Nayak rule in the 16th century . Bharathanatyam , a classical dance form of South India , had its major styles developed in Thanjavur . Sathaya Thiruvizha is the annual birthday festival of Raja Raja Chola held during October every year . Thanjavur is the base for the Tyagaraja Aradhana , a Carnatic music festival held annually during January – February at Thiruvaiyaru , located 13 km ( 8 @.@ 1 mi ) away from the city . Thanjavur painting is a major form of classical South Indian painting from Thanjavur . It dates back to about 1600s , the period of Nayakas of Thanjavur
[ "▁,", "▁who", "▁encourag", "ed", "▁art", "▁,", "▁classical", "▁dance", "▁,", "▁music", "▁literature", "▁,", "▁both", "▁in", "▁Tel", "ug", "u", "▁and", "▁T", "amil", "▁.", "▁The", "▁art", "▁is", "▁usually", "▁a", "▁combination", "▁of", "▁raised", "▁and", "▁painted", "▁surfaces", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁H", "indu", "▁god", "▁Kr", "ish", "na", "▁being", "▁the", "▁most", "▁popular", "▁image", "▁dep", "icted", "▁.", "▁In", "▁modern", "▁times", "▁,", "▁these", "▁paint", "ings", "▁have", "▁become", "▁sou", "ven", "irs", "▁of", "▁fest", "ive", "▁occasions", "▁in", "▁South", "▁India", "▁,", "▁wall", "▁dec", "ors", "▁,", "▁and", "▁collect", "ors", "▁'", "▁items", "▁for", "▁art", "▁lo", "vers", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Econom", "y", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁major", "▁occupation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁inhabitants", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁is", "▁tour", "ism", "▁and", "▁service", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁orient", "ed", "▁industry", "▁,", "▁while", "▁the", "▁traditional", "▁occupation", "▁is", "▁agricult", "ure", "▁.", "▁", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁known", "▁as", "▁the", "▁\"", "▁R", "ice", "▁bow", "l", "▁of", "▁T", "amil", "▁N", "adu", "▁\"", "▁.", "▁P", "addy", "▁is", "▁the", "▁cro", "ps", "▁and", "▁the", "▁other", "▁cro", "ps", "▁grown", "▁are", "▁black", "gram", "▁,", "▁ban", "ana", "▁,", "▁co", "con", "ut", "▁,", "▁ging", "elly", "▁,", "▁ra", "gi", "▁,", "▁red", "▁gram", "▁,", "▁green", "▁gram", "▁,", "▁sugar", "c", "ane", "▁and", "▁ma", "ize", "▁.", "▁The", "▁total", "▁percentage", "▁of", "▁land", "▁fit", "▁for", "▁cultiv", "ation", "▁is", "▁", "5", "8", "▁%", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁three", "▁seasons", "▁for", "▁agricult", "ure", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁–", "▁Kur", "u", "va", "i", "▁(", "▁June", "▁to", "▁September", "▁)", "▁,", "▁S", "amba", "▁(", "▁August", "▁to", "▁January", "▁)", "▁and", "▁Th", "al", "adi", "▁(", "▁September", "▁,", "▁October", "▁to", "▁February", "▁,", "▁March", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁total", "▁rice", "▁production", "▁has", "▁been", "▁maintained", "▁at", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "1", "5", "▁L", ".", "M", ".", "T", "▁and", "▁", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "7", "7", "▁L", ".", "M", ".", "T", ".", "▁The", "▁city", "▁acts", "▁as", "▁a", "▁foc", "al", "▁point", "▁for", "▁food", "▁gra", "ins", "▁transport", "ed", "▁from", "▁the", "▁ad", "jo", "ining", "▁areas", "▁of", "▁the", "▁C", "au", "very", "▁D", "elta", "▁.", "▁Organ", "ic", "▁far", "ming", "▁is", "▁gradually", "▁being", "▁known", "▁to", "▁the", "▁far", "mers", "▁of", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁.", "▁To", "▁maxim", "ise", "▁agricult", "ural", "▁produce", "▁organ", "ic", "▁far", "ming", "▁is", "▁being", "▁implemented", "▁.", "▁Though", "▁agricult", "ure", "▁is", "▁the", "▁main", "▁economic", "▁activity", "▁,", "▁only", "▁", "7", "▁%", "▁of", "▁the", "▁population", "▁is", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁it", "▁.", "▁There", "▁is", "▁a", "▁lot", "▁of", "▁agricult", "ural", "▁related", "▁trad", "ing", "▁that", "▁forms", "▁the", "▁key", "▁economic", 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"▁banks", "▁like", "▁IC", "IC", "I", "▁Bank", "▁,", "▁City", "▁Union", "▁Bank", "▁have", "▁their", "▁branches", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁.", "▁All", "▁these", "▁banks", "▁have", "▁their", "▁autom", "ated", "▁tell", "er", "▁machines", "▁located", "▁in", "▁various", "▁parts", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Dem", "ograph", "ics", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁According", "▁to", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁census", "▁,", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁had", "▁a", "▁population", "▁of", "▁", "2", "2", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "9", "4", "3", "▁with", "▁a", "▁sex", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁ratio", "▁of", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "4", "2", "▁females", "▁for", "▁every", "▁", "1", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "0", "▁males", "▁,", "▁much", "▁above", "▁the", "▁national", "▁average", "▁of", "▁", "9", "2", "9", "▁.", "▁A", "▁total", "▁of", "▁", "1", "9", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "8", "6", "0", "▁were", "▁under", "▁the", "▁age", "▁of", "▁six", "▁,", "▁const", "itut", "ing", "▁", "1", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "3", "7", "▁males", "▁and", "▁", "9", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "6", "2", "3", "▁females", "▁.", "▁Sch", "eduled", "▁Cast", "es", "▁and", "▁Sch", "eduled", "▁Trib", "es", "▁account", "ed", "▁for", "▁", "9", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "2", "▁%", "▁and", "▁.", "2", "1", "▁%", "▁of", "▁the", "▁population", "▁respectively", "▁.", "▁The", "▁average", "▁liter", "acy", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁was", "▁", "8", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "4", "▁%", "▁,", "▁compared", "▁to", "▁the", "▁national", "▁average", "▁of", "▁", "7", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "9", "▁%", "▁.", "▁There", "▁were", "▁a", "▁total", "▁of", "▁", "7", "8", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "0", "5", "▁workers", "▁,", "▁compr", "ising", "▁", "8", "0", "3", "▁cultiv", "ators", "▁,", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "3", "3", "1", "▁main", "▁agricult", "ural", "▁labour", "ers", "▁,", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "7", "4", "6", "▁in", "▁house", "▁hold", "▁indust", "ries", "▁,", "▁", "6", "5", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "1", "1", "▁other", "▁workers", "▁,", "▁", "6", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "9", "1", "4", "▁marg", "inal", "▁workers", "▁,", "▁", "1", "1", "0", "▁marg", "inal", "▁cultiv", "ators", "▁,", "▁", "2", "3", "5", "▁marg", "inal", "▁agricult", "ural", "▁labour", "ers", "▁,", "▁", "3", "2", "2", "▁marg", "inal", "▁workers", "▁in", "▁household", "▁indust", "ries", "▁and", "▁", "6", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "4", "7", "▁other", "▁marg", "inal", "▁workers", "▁.", "▁As", "▁per", "▁the", "▁religious", "▁census", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁,", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁(", "▁M", "▁)", "▁had", "▁", "8", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "7", "▁%", "▁H", "ind", "us", "▁,", "▁", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "4", "▁%", "▁Muslim", "s", "▁,", "▁", "8" ]
, who encouraged art , classical dance , music literature , both in Telugu and Tamil . The art is usually a combination of raised and painted surfaces , with the Hindu god Krishna being the most popular image depicted . In modern times , these paintings have become souvenirs of festive occasions in South India , wall decors , and collectors ' items for art lovers . = = Economy = = The major occupation of the inhabitants of the city is tourism and service @-@ oriented industry , while the traditional occupation is agriculture . Thanjavur is known as the " Rice bowl of Tamil Nadu " . Paddy is the crops and the other crops grown are blackgram , banana , coconut , gingelly , ragi , red gram , green gram , sugarcane and maize . The total percentage of land fit for cultivation is 58 % . There are three seasons for agriculture in Thanjavur – Kuruvai ( June to September ) , Samba ( August to January ) and Thaladi ( September , October to February , March ) . The total rice production has been maintained at 10 @.@ 615 L.M.T and 7 @.@ 077 L.M.T. The city acts as a focal point for food grains transported from the adjoining areas of the Cauvery Delta . Organic farming is gradually being known to the farmers of Thanjavur . To maximise agricultural produce organic farming is being implemented . Though agriculture is the main economic activity , only 7 % of the population is involved in it . There is a lot of agricultural related trading that forms the key economic activity in the city . Thanjavur is an important centre of silk weaving in Tamil Nadu . There were 200 silk weaving units in the city in 1991 with around 80 @,@ 000 people working in them . The sarees produced in the villages surrounding Thanjavur are sold in Thanjavur and neighbouring towns . Increasing production costs and competition from large @-@ scale producers have reduced the number of people involved in the production . The city produces bell metal craft like Thanjavur metal plates , bronze images bowls , napkins and powder boxes made of copper and bronze . The city is a major manufacturer of pith works consisting of models of Hindu idols , mosques , garlands and other bird figurines . Manufacture of musical instruments like veena , tambura , violin , mrithamgam , thavil and kanjira is another economic activity in the city . All major nationalised banks such as State Bank of India , Indian Bank , Central Bank of India , Punjab National Bank , Indian Overseas Bank and private banks like ICICI Bank , City Union Bank have their branches in Thanjavur . All these banks have their automated teller machines located in various parts of the city . = = Demographics = = According to 2011 census , Thanjavur had a population of 222 @,@ 943 with a sex @-@ ratio of 1 @,@ 042 females for every 1 @,@ 000 males , much above the national average of 929 . A total of 19 @,@ 860 were under the age of six , constituting 10 @,@ 237 males and 9 @,@ 623 females . Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes accounted for 9 @.@ 22 % and .21 % of the population respectively . The average literacy of the city was 83 @.@ 14 % , compared to the national average of 72 @.@ 99 % . There were a total of 78 @,@ 005 workers , comprising 803 cultivators , 2 @,@ 331 main agricultural labourers , 2 @,@ 746 in house hold industries , 65 @,@ 211 other workers , 6 @,@ 914 marginal workers , 110 marginal cultivators , 235 marginal agricultural labourers , 322 marginal workers in household industries and 6 @,@ 247 other marginal workers . As per the religious census of 2011 , Thanjavur ( M ) had 82 @.@ 87 % Hindus , 8 @.@ 34 % Muslims , 8
[ "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "8", "▁%", "▁Christians", "▁,", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "1", "▁%", "▁S", "ik", "hs", "▁,", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "1", "▁%", "▁Buddh", "ists", "▁,", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "6", "▁%", "▁J", "ains", "▁,", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "1", "▁%", "▁following", "▁other", "▁relig", "ions", "▁and", "▁", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "1", "▁%", "▁following", "▁no", "▁religion", "▁or", "▁did", "▁not", "▁indicate", "▁any", "▁religious", "▁preference", "▁.", "▁", "▁As", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁a", "▁total", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "1", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "4", "▁ha", "▁(", "▁", "4", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "9", "7", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁acres", "▁)", "▁(", "▁", "5", "5", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "▁%", "▁)", "▁of", "▁the", "▁land", "▁was", "▁used", "▁for", "▁resident", "ial", "▁,", "▁", "1", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "2", "▁ha", "▁(", "▁", "2", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "▁acres", "▁)", "▁(", "▁", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "0", "6", "▁%", "▁)", "▁for", "▁commercial", "▁,", "▁", "8", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "6", "8", "▁ha", "▁(", "▁", "2", "0", "4", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "▁acres", "▁)", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "8", "▁%", "▁)", "▁for", "▁industrial", "▁,", "▁", "3", "2", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁ha", "▁(", "▁", "7", "9", "1", "▁acres", "▁)", "▁(", "▁", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "1", "▁%", "▁)", "▁for", "▁public", "▁&", "▁semi", "▁public", "▁,", "▁", "1", "0", "8", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "1", "▁ha", "▁(", "▁", "2", "6", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁acres", "▁)", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "9", "8", "▁%", "▁)", "▁for", "▁educational", "▁and", "▁", "9", "9", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "5", "▁ha", "▁(", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "4", "6", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "3", "▁acres", "▁)", "▁(", "▁", "2", "7", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "4", "7", "▁%", "▁)", "▁for", "▁agricult", "ure", "▁.", "▁T", "amil", "▁is", "▁the", "▁widely", "▁spoken", "▁language", "▁,", "▁with", "▁the", "▁standard", "▁dialect", "▁being", "▁Central", "▁T", "amil", "▁dialect", "▁.", "▁Tel", "ug", "u", "▁,", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Mar", "ath", "i", "▁and", "▁Sa", "uras", "ht", "ra", "▁are", "▁other", "▁languages", "▁spoken", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁the", "▁cultural", "▁and", "▁political", "▁center", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Mar", "ath", "i", "▁people", "▁.", "▁While", "▁H", "ind", "us", "▁form", "▁the", "▁majority", "▁,", "▁the", "▁city", "▁also", "▁has", "▁a", "▁substantial", "▁population", "▁of", "▁Muslim", "s", "▁and", "▁Christians", "▁.", "▁Roman", "▁C", "athol", "ics", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁are", "▁affili", "ated", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Roman", "▁Catholic", "▁Dioc", "ese", "▁of", "▁Tan", "j", "ore", "▁and", "▁Protest", "ants", "▁are", "▁affili", "ated", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Tr", "ich", "y", "▁–", "▁Tan", "j", "ore", "▁Dioc", "ese", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Church", "▁of", "▁South", "▁India", "▁.", "▁The", "▁work", "force", "▁is", "▁pre", "domin", "antly", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁service", "▁industry", "▁involving", "▁trade", "▁and", "▁commerce", "▁.", "▁With", "▁the", "▁expansion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁area", "▁,", "▁the", "▁opportun", "ities", "▁for", "▁agricult", "ure", "▁is", "▁limited", "▁and", "▁only", "▁", "7", "▁%", "▁of", "▁population", "▁is", "▁involved", "▁in", "▁it", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Transport", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁National", "▁High", "ways", "▁", "6", "7", "▁,", "▁", "4", "5", "C", "▁,", "▁", "2", "2", "6", "▁and", "▁", "2", "2", "6", "▁Ext", "n", "▁pass", "▁through", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁.", "▁The", "▁city", "▁is", "▁connected", "▁with", "▁Chen", "na", "i", "▁,", "▁Co", "imb", "atore", "▁,", "▁E", "ro", "de", "▁,", "▁Kar", "ur", "▁,", "▁Tir", "up", "ur", "▁,", "▁V", "ell", "ore", "▁,", "▁Per", "amb", "al", "ur", "▁,", "▁Ari", "yal", "ur", "▁,", "▁Mys", "uru", "▁,", "▁S", "alem", "▁,", "▁C", "ud", "dal", "ore", "▁,", "▁Vil", "upp", "ur", "am", "▁,", "▁Tir", "uch", "ira", "pp", "al", "li", "▁,", "▁Mad", "ur", "ai", "▁,", "▁K", "umb", "ak", "on", "am", "▁,", "▁May", "il", "ad", "uth", "ur", "ai", "▁,", "▁K", "ara", "ikal", "▁,", "▁Mann", "arg", "udi", "▁,", "▁P", "att", "uk", "k", "otta", "i", "▁,", "▁D", "ind", "ig", "ul", "▁,", "▁P", "ud", "uk", "k", "otta", "i", "▁,", "▁K", "ara", "ik", "udi", "▁,", "▁Tir", "un", "el", "vel", "i", "▁,", "▁Beng", "al", "uru", "▁,", "▁Er", "nak", "ul", "am", "▁,", "▁N", "ager", "co", "il", "▁,", "▁Tir", "up", "ath", "i", "▁,", "▁T", "riv", "and", "rum", "▁and", "▁O", "oty", "▁through", "▁regular", "▁bus", "▁services", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁had", "▁a", "▁single", "▁bus", "▁termin", "us", "▁located", "▁at", "▁the", "▁heart", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁An", "▁integrated", "▁bus", "▁termin", "us", "▁,", "▁called", "▁New", "▁Bus", "▁stand", "▁was", "▁constructed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "7", "▁near", "▁R", "aja", "▁Ser", "fo", "ji", "▁College", "▁to", "▁handle", "▁the", "▁passenger", "▁traffic", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁has", "▁a", "▁well", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁maintained", "▁sub", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁urban", "▁public", "▁transport", "▁system", "▁.", "▁Government", "▁and", "▁private", "▁bus", "es", "▁operate", "▁frequently", "▁between", "▁the", "▁two", "▁bus", "▁term", "ini", "▁and", "▁other", "▁towns", "▁and", "▁villages", "▁like", "▁Vall", "am", "▁,", "▁Bud", "al", "ur", "▁,", "▁Moh", "amed", "▁B", "under", "▁,", "▁Nad", "uk", "ka", "very", "▁,", "▁P", "illa", "iy", "arp", "atti", "▁,", "▁Vall", "am", "▁P", "ud", "urs", "eth", "i", "▁,", "▁S", "eng", "ip", "atti", "▁,", "▁V", "ad", "ak", "kur", "▁North", "▁and", "▁Kur", "uv", "ad", "ip", "atti", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁railway", "▁line", "▁connecting", "▁Tir", "uch", "ira", "pp", "al", "li", "▁J", "unction", "▁railway", "▁station", "▁to", "▁Chen", "na", "i", "▁Eg", "more", "▁via", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Main", "▁Line", "▁is", "▁a", "▁historical", "▁line", "▁established", "▁by", "▁South", "▁Indian", "▁Railway", "▁Company", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "9", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Great", "▁South", "▁Indian", "▁Railway", "▁Company", "▁(", "▁G", "SI", "R", "▁)", "▁operated", "▁a", "▁broad", "▁gauge", "▁rail", "▁service", "▁between", "▁Nag", "ap", "att", "in", "am", "▁and", "▁Tir", "uch", "i", "rap", "al", "li", "▁via", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁between", "▁", "1", "8", "6", "1", "▁and", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "5", "▁.", "▁During", "▁", "1", "8", "7", "5", "▁it", "▁was", "▁converted", "▁to", "▁a", "▁meter", "▁gauge", "▁line", "▁(", "▁M", "G", "▁line", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Modern", "▁day", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁railway", "▁j", "unction", "▁has", "▁three", "▁rail", "▁heads", "▁leading", "▁to", "▁Tir", "uch", "i", "rap", "al", "li", "▁,", "▁K", "umb", "ak", "on", "am", "▁and", "▁Th", "ir", "u", "var", "ur", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁connected", "▁by", "▁rail", "▁with", "▁most", "▁important", "▁cities", "▁and", "▁towns", "▁in", "▁India", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁daily", "▁express", "▁trains", "▁to", "▁Chen", "na", "i", "▁,", "▁Mys", "ore", "▁,", "▁Er", "nak", "ul", "am", "▁,", "▁Th", "r", "iss", "ur", "▁,", "▁Pal", "ak", "k", "ad", "▁,", "▁Co", "imb", "atore", "▁,", "▁E", "ro", "de", "▁,", "▁Tir", "upp", "ur", "▁,", "▁Tir", "uch", "i", "rap", "al", "li", "▁,", "▁S", "alem", "▁,", "▁Kar", "ur", "▁,", "▁Mad", "ur", "ai", "▁," ]
@.@ 58 % Christians , 0 @.@ 01 % Sikhs , 0 @.@ 01 % Buddhists , 0 @.@ 06 % Jains , 0 @.@ 11 % following other religions and 0 @.@ 01 % following no religion or did not indicate any religious preference . As of 2008 , a total 2 @,@ 013 @.@ 34 ha ( 4 @,@ 975 @.@ 1 acres ) ( 55 @.@ 4 % ) of the land was used for residential , 11 @.@ 32 ha ( 28 @.@ 0 acres ) ( 3 @.@ 06 % ) for commercial , 82 @.@ 68 ha ( 204 @.@ 3 acres ) ( 2 @.@ 28 % ) for industrial , 320 @.@ 2 ha ( 791 acres ) ( 8 @.@ 81 % ) for public & semi public , 108 @.@ 11 ha ( 267 @.@ 1 acres ) ( 2 @.@ 98 % ) for educational and 996 @.@ 85 ha ( 2 @,@ 463 @.@ 3 acres ) ( 27 @.@ 47 % ) for agriculture . Tamil is the widely spoken language , with the standard dialect being Central Tamil dialect . Telugu , Thanjavur Marathi and Saurashtra are other languages spoken in the city . Thanjavur is the cultural and political center of the Thanjavur Marathi people . While Hindus form the majority , the city also has a substantial population of Muslims and Christians . Roman Catholics in Thanjavur are affiliated to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tanjore and Protestants are affiliated to the Trichy – Tanjore Diocese of the Church of South India . The workforce is predominantly involved in service industry involving trade and commerce . With the expansion of the city area , the opportunities for agriculture is limited and only 7 % of population is involved in it . = = Transport = = The National Highways 67 , 45C , 226 and 226 Extn pass through Thanjavur . The city is connected with Chennai , Coimbatore , Erode , Karur , Tirupur , Vellore , Perambalur , Ariyalur , Mysuru , Salem , Cuddalore , Viluppuram , Tiruchirappalli , Madurai , Kumbakonam , Mayiladuthurai , Karaikal , Mannargudi , Pattukkottai , Dindigul , Pudukkottai , Karaikudi , Tirunelveli , Bengaluru , Ernakulam , Nagercoil , Tirupathi , Trivandrum and Ooty through regular bus services . Thanjavur had a single bus terminus located at the heart of the city . An integrated bus terminus , called New Bus stand was constructed in 1997 near Raja Serfoji College to handle the passenger traffic . Thanjavur has a well @-@ maintained sub @-@ urban public transport system . Government and private buses operate frequently between the two bus termini and other towns and villages like Vallam , Budalur , Mohamed Bunder , Nadukkavery , Pillaiyarpatti , Vallam Pudursethi , Sengipatti , Vadakkur North and Kuruvadipatti . The railway line connecting Tiruchirappalli Junction railway station to Chennai Egmore via Thanjavur , the Main Line is a historical line established by South Indian Railway Company in 1879 . The Great South Indian Railway Company ( GSIR ) operated a broad gauge rail service between Nagapattinam and Tiruchirapalli via Thanjavur between 1861 and 1875 . During 1875 it was converted to a meter gauge line ( MG line ) . Modern day Thanjavur railway junction has three rail heads leading to Tiruchirapalli , Kumbakonam and Thiruvarur . Thanjavur is connected by rail with most important cities and towns in India . There are daily express trains to Chennai , Mysore , Ernakulam , Thrissur , Palakkad , Coimbatore , Erode , Tiruppur , Tiruchirapalli , Salem , Karur , Madurai ,
[ "▁Tir", "un", "el", "vel", "i", "▁,", "▁R", "ames", "war", "am", "▁,", "▁Tir", "uch", "end", "ur", "▁,", "▁C", "ud", "dal", "ore", "▁,", "▁D", "har", "map", "uri", "▁,", "▁Vil", "upp", "ur", "am", "▁,", "▁Ch", "eng", "al", "p", "att", "u", "▁,", "▁Mann", "arg", "udi", "▁,", "▁Beng", "al", "uru", "▁,", "▁D", "ind", "ig", "ul", "▁,", "▁K", "ara", "ik", "udi", "▁,", "▁Man", "am", "ad", "ur", "ai", "▁and", "▁week", "ly", "▁trains", "▁to", "▁Tir", "up", "ati", "▁,", "▁Nell", "ore", "▁,", "▁It", "arsi", "▁,", "▁Vis", "akh", "apat", "nam", "▁,", "▁Hub", "li", "▁,", "▁Vas", "co", "▁da", "▁G", "ama", "▁,", "▁Go", "a", "▁,", "▁V", "ij", "ay", "aw", "ada", "▁,", "▁Nag", "pur", "▁,", "▁J", "ab", "al", "pur", "▁,", "▁Sat", "na", "▁,", "▁Kat", "ni", "▁,", "▁Al", "la", "hab", "ad", "▁,", "▁Var", "an", "asi", "▁and", "▁Bh", "ub", "anes", "war", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁frequent", "▁passenger", "▁trains", "▁from", "▁the", "▁city", "▁to", "▁towns", "▁like", "▁Th", "ir", "u", "var", "ur", "▁,", "▁Nag", "ap", "att", "in", "am", "▁,", "▁K", "ara", "ikal", "▁,", "▁Tir", "uch", "i", "rap", "al", "li", "▁,", "▁K", "umb", "ak", "on", "am", "▁,", "▁May", "il", "ad", "uth", "ur", "ai", "▁and", "▁Nag", "ore", "▁.", "▁", "▁In", "▁the", "▁early", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁was", "▁connected", "▁with", "▁Chen", "na", "i", "▁via", "▁the", "▁V", "ay", "ud", "oot", "▁flight", "▁service", "▁,", "▁which", "▁was", "▁stopped", "▁due", "▁to", "▁poor", "▁patron", "age", "▁.", "▁A", "▁full", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁fled", "ged", "▁air", "▁force", "▁station", "▁is", "▁oper", "ational", "▁at", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Air", "▁Force", "▁Station", "▁was", "▁to", "▁become", "▁a", "▁major", "▁air", "▁base", "▁by", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "2", "▁,", "▁to", "▁handle", "▁F", "ighter", "▁,", "▁Transport", "▁aircraft", "▁and", "▁also", "▁ref", "u", "elling", "▁aircraft", "▁.", "▁However", "▁,", "▁the", "▁establishment", "▁and", "▁activation", 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"▁in", "▁the", "▁Assembly", "▁that", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁municipality", "▁will", "▁be", "▁upgrad", "ed", "▁to", "▁a", "▁Municipal", "▁corpor", "ation", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁City", "▁Corporation", "▁is", "▁likely", "▁to", "▁have", "▁an", "▁area", "▁of", "▁", "1", "1", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "7", "▁km", "2", "▁(", "▁", "4", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "5", "8", "▁sq", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁of", "▁area", "▁,", "▁with", "▁a", "▁population", "▁of", "▁", "3", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "2", "0", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "8", "2", "8", "▁and", "▁an", "▁income", "▁of", "▁", "₹", "▁", "4", "1", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "8", "▁million", "▁(", "▁US", "▁$", "▁", "6", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁million", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁villages", "▁P", "ud", "up", "att", "in", "am", "▁,", "▁Nan", "j", "ik", "otta", "i", "▁,", "▁Ne", "el", "ag", "iri", "▁,", "▁Mel", "av", "eli", "▁,", "▁P", "illa", "iy", "arp", "atti", "▁,", "▁Ram", "an", "ath", "ap", "ur", "am", "▁,", "▁Pal", "lier", "i", "▁,", "▁V", "ilar", "▁and", "▁In", "ath", "uk", "an", "p", "atti", "▁are", "▁likely", "▁to", "▁be", "▁added", "▁to", "▁the", "▁municipal", "▁corpor", "ation", "▁limits", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁became", "▁City", "▁Corporation", "▁on", "▁February", "▁", "1", "9", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "4", "▁.", "▁", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁comes", "▁under", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁State", "▁Assembly", "▁Const", "itu", "ency", "▁and", "▁it", "▁elect", "s", "▁a", "▁member", "▁to", "▁the", "▁T", "amil", "▁N", "adu", "▁Legisl", "ative", "▁Assembly", "▁once", "▁every", "▁five", "▁years", "▁.", "▁From", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "7", "▁elections", "▁,", "▁the", "▁assembly", "▁seat", "▁was", "▁won", "▁by", "▁D", "rav", "ida", "▁Mun", "net", "ra", "▁Kaz", "h", "ag", "am", "▁(", "▁DM", "K", "▁)", "▁six", "▁times", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "7", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "0", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "9", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁and", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "6", "▁elections", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁National", "▁Congress", "▁party", "▁once", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "4", "▁elections", "▁and", "▁the", "▁All", "▁India", "▁Anna", "▁D", "rav", "ida", "▁Mun", "net", "ra", "▁Kaz", "h", "ag", "am", "▁(", "▁A", "I", "AD", "M", "K", "▁)", "▁twice", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁and", "▁", "2", "0", "1", "1", "▁elections", "▁.", "▁The", "▁current", "▁M", "LA", "▁of", "▁the", "▁constitu", "ency" ]
Tirunelveli , Rameswaram , Tiruchendur , Cuddalore , Dharmapuri , Viluppuram , Chengalpattu , Mannargudi , Bengaluru , Dindigul , Karaikudi , Manamadurai and weekly trains to Tirupati , Nellore , Itarsi , Visakhapatnam , Hubli , Vasco da Gama , Goa , Vijayawada , Nagpur , Jabalpur , Satna , Katni , Allahabad , Varanasi and Bhubaneswar . There are frequent passenger trains from the city to towns like Thiruvarur , Nagapattinam , Karaikal , Tiruchirapalli , Kumbakonam , Mayiladuthurai and Nagore . In the early 1990s , Thanjavur was connected with Chennai via the Vayudoot flight service , which was stopped due to poor patronage . A full @-@ fledged air force station is operational at Thanjavur . Thanjavur Air Force Station was to become a major air base by 2012 , to handle Fighter , Transport aircraft and also refuelling aircraft . However , the establishment and activation of air base has been delayed as of March 2013 . The IAF will base a squadron of its Sukhoi Su @-@ 30 Supermaneuverability Fighter aircraft at Thanjavur , making it the first fighter squadron in Tamil Nadu . The nearest airport is Tiruchirapalli International Airport . The nearest Seaport is located at Nagapattinam . = = Administration and politics = = The municipality of Tanjore was created in 1866 as a third grade municipality as per Town Improvements Act 1865 and initially consisted of 12 members . The number was increased to 18 in 1879 and 24 in 1883 . In 1897 , the members were empowered to elect a Municipal Chairperson to lead them . Tanjore was upgraded to a second grade municipality in 1933 and first grade in 1943 . Since 1983 , Thanjavur has been a special grade municipality. a As of 2008 , the municipality covers an area of 36 @.@ 33 km2 ( 14 @.@ 03 sq mi ) and has a total of 51 members . The functions of the municipality are devolved into six departments : General , Engineering , Revenue , Public Health , Town planning and the Computer Wing . All these departments are under the control of a Municipal Commissioner who is the supreme executive head . The legislative powers are vested in a body of 62 members , one each from the 62 wards . The legislative body is headed by an elected Chairperson assisted by a Deputy Chairperson . On 10 April 2013 , the state government announced in the Assembly that Thanjavur municipality will be upgraded to a Municipal corporation . Thanjavur City Corporation is likely to have an area of 110 @.@ 27 km2 ( 42 @.@ 58 sq mi ) of area , with a population of 3 @,@ 20 @,@ 828 and an income of ₹ 411 @.@ 8 million ( US $ 6 @.@ 1 million ) . The villages Pudupattinam , Nanjikottai , Neelagiri , Melaveli , Pillaiyarpatti , Ramanathapuram , Pallieri , Vilar and Inathukanpatti are likely to be added to the municipal corporation limits . Thanjavur became City Corporation on February 19 , 2014 . Thanjavur comes under the Thanjavur State Assembly Constituency and it elects a member to the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly once every five years . From the 1977 elections , the assembly seat was won by Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam ( DMK ) six times during the 1977 , 1980 , 1989 , 1996 , 2001 and 2006 elections , the Indian National Congress party once during the 1984 elections and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam ( AIADMK ) twice during the 1991 and 2011 elections . The current MLA of the constituency
[ "▁is", "▁M", ".", "▁R", "eng", "as", "amy", "▁from", "▁A", "I", "AD", "M", "K", "▁.", "▁M", ".", "▁Kar", "un", "an", "id", "hi", "▁,", "▁who", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Chief", "▁Minister", "▁of", "▁T", "amil", "▁N", "adu", "▁for", "▁a", "▁record", "▁five", "▁terms", "▁,", "▁was", "▁elected", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁assembly", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "2", "▁elections", "▁.", "▁", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁also", "▁a", "▁part", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Lok", "▁Sab", "ha", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁and", "▁elect", "s", "▁a", "▁member", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Lok", "▁Sab", "ha", "▁,", "▁the", "▁lower", "▁house", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Parliament", "▁of", "▁India", "▁,", "▁once", "▁every", "▁five", "▁years", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Lok", "▁Sab", "ha", "▁seat", "▁has", "▁been", "▁held", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁National", "▁Congress", "▁for", "▁Seven", "▁terms", "▁during", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "1", "▁–", "▁", "5", "6", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "7", "▁–", "▁", "6", "2", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "2", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "7", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "0", "▁–", "▁", "8", "4", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "4", "▁–", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "9", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "9", "▁–", "▁", "9", "1", "▁and", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "1", "▁–", "▁", "9", "6", "▁,", "▁D", "rav", "ida", "▁Mun", "net", "ra", "▁Kaz", "h", "ag", "am", "▁for", "▁Seven", "▁terms", "▁during", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "7", "▁–", "▁", "7", "1", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "1", "▁–", "▁", "7", "7", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "6", "▁–", "▁", "9", "8", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "8", "▁–", "▁", "9", "9", "▁,", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "9", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "0", "4", "▁,", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "4", "▁–", "▁", "0", "9", "▁and", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "9", "▁–", "▁present", "▁and", "▁All", "▁India", "▁Anna", "▁D", "rav", "ida", "▁Mun", "net", "ra", "▁Kaz", "h", "ag", "am", "▁for", "▁one", "▁term", "▁during", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "7", "▁–", "▁", "8", "0", "▁.", "▁R", ".", "▁V", "enk", "at", "aram", "an", "▁,", "▁who", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁President", "▁of", "▁India", "▁from", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "7", "▁to", "▁", "1", "9", "9", "2", "▁,", "▁was", "▁elected", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Lok", "▁Sab", "ha", "▁constitu", "ency", "▁in", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "5", "1", "▁elections", "▁.", "▁", "▁Law", "▁and", "▁order", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁is", "▁maintained", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁sub", "▁division", "▁of", "▁the", "▁T", "amil", "▁N", "adu", "▁Police", "▁,", "▁head", "ed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁Deput", "y", "▁Super", "int", "endent", "▁(", "▁D", "SP", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁district", "▁level", "▁police", "▁administration", "▁is", "▁head", "ed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁Deput", "y", "▁Ins", "pect", "or", "▁General", "▁of", "▁Police", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁office", "▁is", "▁located", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁six", "▁police", "▁stations", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁,", "▁one", "▁of", "▁them", "▁being", "▁an", "▁all", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁women", "▁police", "▁station", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁special", "▁units", "▁like", "▁prohib", "ition", "▁enfor", "cement", "▁,", "▁district", "▁crime", "▁,", "▁social", "▁justice", "▁and", "▁human", "▁rights", "▁,", "▁district", "▁crime", "▁records", "▁and", "▁special", "▁branch", "▁that", "▁operate", "▁at", "▁the", "▁district", "▁level", "▁police", "▁division", "▁head", "ed", "▁by", "▁a", "▁Super", "int", "endent", "▁of", "▁Police", "▁(", "▁SP", "▁)", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Education", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁has", "▁a", "▁total", "▁of", "▁four", "▁Univers", "ities", "▁,", "▁namely", "▁the", "▁T", "amil", "▁University", "▁,", "▁SA", "ST", "RA", "▁University", "▁,", "▁P", "RI", "ST", "▁University", "▁and", "▁Per", "i", "yar", "▁Man", "i", "amma", "i", "▁University", "▁.", "▁The", "▁T", "amil", "▁University", "▁is", "▁a", "▁state", "▁run", "▁inst", "itute", "▁,", "▁started", "▁during", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "1", "▁and", "▁obtained", "▁its", "▁stat", "ut", "ory", "▁recognition", "▁from", "▁the", "▁University", "▁Gr", "ants", "▁Commission", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "8", "3", "▁.", "▁It", "▁is", "▁the", "▁only", "▁one", "▁of", "▁its", "▁kind", "▁for", "▁the", "▁T", "amil", "▁language", "▁doing", "▁higher", "▁research", "▁in", "▁T", "amil", "ology", "▁and", "▁advanced", "▁study", "▁in", "▁various", "▁al", "lied", "▁branches", "▁like", "▁lingu", "istics", "▁,", "▁translation", "▁,", "▁lex", "ic", "ography", "▁,", "▁music", "▁,", "▁drama", "▁and", "▁manuscript", "ology", "▁.", "▁", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁has", "▁a", "▁total", "▁of", "▁", "1", "5", "▁arts", "▁,", "▁science", "▁&", "▁management", "▁colleg", "es", "▁and", "▁nine", "▁engineering", "▁colleg", "es", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Medical", "▁College", "▁was", "▁established", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "1", "▁and", "▁is", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁oldest", "▁medical", "▁colleg", "es", "▁in", "▁T", "amil", "▁N", "adu", "▁.", "▁The", "▁P", "addy", "▁Process", "ing", "▁Research", "▁Centre", "▁(", "▁P", "P", "RC", "▁)", "▁,", "▁which", "▁later", "▁became", "▁the", "▁Indian", "▁Institute", "▁of", "▁C", "rop", "▁Process", "ing", "▁Technology", "▁(", "▁II", "CP", "T", "▁)", "▁in", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "8", "▁,", "▁is", "▁a", "▁hub", "▁for", "▁food", "▁processing", "▁research", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Sar", "as", "w", "ati", "▁Mah", "al", "▁Library", "▁which", "▁dates", "▁back", "▁to", "▁the", "▁end", "▁of", "▁the", "▁", "1", "6", "th", "▁century", "▁and", "▁the", "▁Central", "▁Library", "▁,", "▁managed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁district", "▁administration", "▁are", "▁the", "▁two", "▁most", "▁prominent", "▁libraries", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁", "▁There", "▁are", "▁", "2", "0", "▁registered", "▁schools", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁,", "▁c", "ater", "ing", "▁to", "▁the", "▁primary", "▁,", "▁secondary", "▁and", "▁higher", "▁secondary", "▁educational", "▁needs", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁St", ".", "Peter", "▁'", "s", "▁High", "er", "▁Second", "ary", "▁School", "▁at", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁was", "▁established", "▁by", "▁Rev", ".", "▁C", "▁F", "▁Schw", "art", "z", "▁during", "▁", "1", "7", "8", "4", "▁.", "▁Origin", "ally", "▁established", "▁as", "▁a", "▁college", "▁,", "▁it", "▁was", "▁the", "▁first", "▁school", "▁in", "▁South", "▁India", "▁which", "▁taught", "▁English", "▁to", "▁the", "▁local", "▁popul", "ace", "▁.", "▁St", ".", "Ant", "ony", "▁'", "s", "▁High", "er", "▁Second", "ary", "▁School", "▁,", "▁established", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "8", "5", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Dioc", "ese", "▁of", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁,", "▁is", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁oldest", "▁schools", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁district", "▁.", "▁Christian", "▁Mission", "aries", "▁played", "▁a", "▁prominent", "▁role", "▁in", "▁prom", "oting", "▁English", "▁education", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁.", "▁Kal", "yan", "as", "und", "aram", "▁High", "er", "▁Second", "ary", "▁School", "▁,", "▁established", "▁in", "▁", "1", "8", "9", "1", "▁,", "▁is", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁oldest", "▁schools", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Util", "ity", "▁services", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Electric", "ity", "▁supply", "▁to", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁is", "▁reg", "ulated", "▁and", "▁distributed", "▁by", "▁the", "▁T", "amil", "▁N", "adu", "▁Electric", "ity", "▁Board", "▁(", "▁T", "NE", "B", "▁)", "▁.", "▁The", "▁city", "▁along", "▁with", "▁its", "▁sub", "ur", "bs", "▁is", "▁a", "▁part", "▁of", "▁Tr", "ich", "y", "▁Electric", "ity", "▁Distribution", "▁Circle", "▁.", "▁Water", "▁supply", "▁is", "▁provided", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Corporation", "▁from", "▁the", "▁V", "ad", "av", "ar", "▁Canal", "▁,", "▁supplied", "▁through", "▁overhead", "▁t", "anks", "▁located", "▁in", "▁various", "▁parts", "▁of" ]
is M. Rengasamy from AIADMK . M. Karunanidhi , who served as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for a record five terms , was elected from the Thanjavur assembly constituency in the 1962 elections . Thanjavur is also a part of the Thanjavur Lok Sabha constituency and elects a member to the Lok Sabha , the lower house of the Parliament of India , once every five years . The Lok Sabha seat has been held by the Indian National Congress for Seven terms during 1951 – 56 , 1957 – 62 , 1962 – 1967 , 1980 – 84 , 1984 – 1989 , 1989 – 91 and 1991 – 96 , Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam for Seven terms during 1967 – 71 , 1971 – 77 , 1996 – 98 , 1998 – 99 , 1999 @-@ 04 , 2004 – 09 and 2009 – present and All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam for one term during 1977 – 80 . R. Venkataraman , who served as the President of India from 1987 to 1992 , was elected from the Thanjavur Lok Sabha constituency in the 1951 elections . Law and order in the city is maintained by the Thanjavur sub division of the Tamil Nadu Police , headed by a Deputy Superintendent ( DSP ) . The Thanjavur district level police administration is headed by a Deputy Inspector General of Police , whose office is located in the city . There are six police stations in the city , one of them being an all @-@ women police station . There are special units like prohibition enforcement , district crime , social justice and human rights , district crime records and special branch that operate at the district level police division headed by a Superintendent of Police ( SP ) . = = Education = = Thanjavur has a total of four Universities , namely the Tamil University , SASTRA University , PRIST University and Periyar Maniammai University . The Tamil University is a state run institute , started during 1981 and obtained its statutory recognition from the University Grants Commission in 1983 . It is the only one of its kind for the Tamil language doing higher research in Tamilology and advanced study in various allied branches like linguistics , translation , lexicography , music , drama and manuscriptology . Thanjavur has a total of 15 arts , science & management colleges and nine engineering colleges . The Thanjavur Medical College was established in 1961 and is one of the oldest medical colleges in Tamil Nadu . The Paddy Processing Research Centre ( PPRC ) , which later became the Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology ( IICPT ) in 2008 , is a hub for food processing research . The Saraswati Mahal Library which dates back to the end of the 16th century and the Central Library , managed by the district administration are the two most prominent libraries in the city . There are 20 registered schools in Thanjavur , catering to the primary , secondary and higher secondary educational needs of the city . St.Peter 's Higher Secondary School at Thanjavur was established by Rev. C F Schwartz during 1784 . Originally established as a college , it was the first school in South India which taught English to the local populace . St.Antony 's Higher Secondary School , established in 1885 by the Diocese of Thanjavur , is one of the oldest schools in Thanjavur district . Christian Missionaries played a prominent role in promoting English education in Thanjavur . Kalyanasundaram Higher Secondary School , established in 1891 , is one of the oldest schools in the city . = = Utility services = = Electricity supply to Thanjavur is regulated and distributed by the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board ( TNEB ) . The city along with its suburbs is a part of Trichy Electricity Distribution Circle . Water supply is provided by the Thanjavur Corporation from the Vadavar Canal , supplied through overhead tanks located in various parts of
[ "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁During", "▁the", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "0", "▁–", "▁", "0", "1", "▁period", "▁,", "▁a", "▁total", "▁of", "▁", "3", "1", "▁million", "▁lit", "res", "▁of", "▁water", "▁was", "▁supplied", "▁every", "day", "▁for", "▁households", "▁in", "▁the", "▁city", "▁.", "▁", "▁About", "▁", "1", "1", "0", "▁metric", "▁t", "onnes", "▁of", "▁solid", "▁waste", "▁are", "▁collected", "▁from", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁every", "▁day", "▁by", "▁door", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁to", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁door", "▁collection", "▁and", "▁subsequently", "▁the", "▁source", "▁seg", "reg", "ation", "▁and", "▁dump", "ing", "▁is", "▁carried", "▁out", "▁by", "▁the", "▁san", "it", "ary", "▁department", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Corporation", "▁.", "▁The", "▁coverage", "▁of", "▁solid", "▁waste", "▁management", "▁had", "▁an", "▁efficiency", "▁of", "▁", "1", "0", "0", "▁%", "▁as", "▁of", "▁", "2", "0", "0", "1", "▁.", "▁The", "▁under", "ground", "▁d", "rain", "age", "▁system", "▁covers", "▁", "7", "0", "▁%", "▁of", "▁the", "▁city", "▁and", "▁the", "▁remaining", "▁se", "wer", "age", "▁system", "▁for", "▁dispos", "al", "▁of", "▁sull", "age", "▁is", "▁through", "▁sept", "ic", "▁t", "anks", "▁,", "▁open", "▁dra", "ins", "▁and", "▁public", "▁conven", "ien", "ces", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Corporation", "▁maintain", "s", "▁a", "▁total", "▁of", "▁", "1", "5", "5", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "9", "6", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁of", "▁storm", "▁water", "▁dra", "ins", "▁:", "▁", "5", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "7", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "3", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "0", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁sur", "fac", "ed", "▁dra", "ins", "▁and", "▁", "1", "0", "1", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "7", "3", "▁km", "▁(", "▁", "6", "3", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "1", "▁mi", "▁)", "▁un", "lined", "▁dra", "ins", "▁.", "▁", "▁There", "▁are", "▁", "3", "7", "▁hosp", "it", "als", "▁and", "▁seven", "▁clin", "ical", "▁l", "abs", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁that", "▁take", "▁care", "▁of", "▁the", "▁health", "▁care", "▁needs", "▁of", "▁the", "▁citizens", "▁.", "▁There", "▁are", "▁a", "▁total", "▁of", "▁", "9", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "7", "4", "5", "▁street", "▁l", "amps", "▁:", "▁", "4", "9", "2", "▁sod", "ium", "▁l", "amps", "▁,", "▁", "2", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "0", "6", "1", "▁mer", "cur", "y", "▁v", "ap", "our", "▁l", "amps", "▁,", "▁", "7", "▁@", ",", "@", "▁", "1", "8", "0", "▁t", "ube", "▁lights", "▁and", "▁twelve", "▁high", "▁m", "ast", "▁beam", "▁l", "amps", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Corporation", "▁oper", "ates", "▁three", "▁mark", "ets", "▁,", "▁namely", "▁the", "▁Ser", "fo", "ji", "▁Market", "▁,", "▁Am", "ar", "ar", "▁Sw", "amin", "athan", "▁Market", "▁and", "▁K", "amar", "aj", "▁Market", "▁and", "▁another", "▁market", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Sub", "ram", "ani", "ya", "▁Sw", "ami", "▁Ko", "il", "▁Market", "▁,", "▁is", "▁maintained", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Sub", "ram", "ania", "▁Sw", "ami", "▁Temple", "▁authority", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁comes", "▁under", "▁the", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁Tele", "com", "▁circle", "▁of", "▁the", "▁B", "har", "at", "▁San", "char", "▁N", "ig", "am", "▁Limited", "▁(", "▁B", "SN", "L", "▁)", "▁,", "▁India", "▁'", "s", "▁state", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁owned", "▁tele", "com", "▁and", "▁internet", "▁services", "▁provider", "▁.", "▁A", "part", "▁from", "▁tele", "com", "▁,", "▁B", "SN", "L", "▁also", "▁provides", "▁broad", "band", "▁internet", "▁service", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Regional", "▁Pass", "port", "▁office", "▁Tr", "ich", "y", "▁oper", "ates", "▁a", "▁Pass", "port", "▁Se", "va", "▁K", "endra", "▁(", "▁PS", "K", "▁)", "▁in", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁.", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁PS", "K", "▁covers", "▁the", "▁Nag", "app", "att", "in", "am", "▁,", "▁Th", "ir", "u", "var", "ur", "▁,", "▁Th", "an", "jav", "ur", "▁,", "▁P", "ud", "uk", "k", "otta", "i", "▁,", "▁and", "▁Ari", "yal", "ur", "▁re", "venue", "▁districts", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁Most", "▁Ill", "ust", "ri", "ous", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁Saint", "▁Patrick", "▁is", "▁a", "▁d", "orm", "ant", "▁British", "▁order", "▁of", "▁ch", "ival", "ry", "▁associated", "▁with", "▁Ireland", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Order", "▁was", "▁created", "▁in", "▁", "1", "7", "8", "3", "▁by", "▁George", "▁III", "▁at", "▁the", "▁request", "▁of", "▁the", "▁then", "▁Lord", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Lieutenant", "▁,", "▁Lord", "▁Buck", "ingham", "▁.", "▁The", "▁regular", "▁creation", "▁of", "▁kn", "ights", "▁of", "▁Saint", "▁Patrick", "▁last", "ed", "▁until", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁when", "▁most", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁became", "▁independent", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁Free", "▁State", "▁.", "▁While", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁techn", "ically", "▁still", "▁exists", "▁,", "▁no", "▁kn", "ight", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁has", "▁been", "▁created", "▁since", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁,", "▁and", "▁the", "▁last", "▁surv", "iving", "▁kn", "ight", "▁,", "▁Prince", "▁Henry", "▁,", "▁Duke", "▁of", "▁Gl", "ouc", "ester", "▁,", "▁died", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "4", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Queen", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁remains", "▁the", "▁S", "over", "eign", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁,", "▁and", "▁one", "▁officer", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Ul", "ster", "▁King", "▁of", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁(", "▁now", "▁combined", "▁with", "▁Nor", "roy", "▁King", "▁of", "▁Ar", "ms", "▁)", "▁,", "▁also", "▁surv", "ives", "▁.", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁is", "▁patron", "▁of", "▁the", "▁order", "▁;", "▁its", "▁mot", "to", "▁is", "▁Qu", "is", "▁separ", "ab", "it", "▁?", "▁,", "▁Latin", "▁for", "▁\"", "▁Who", "▁will", "▁separate", "▁[", "▁us", "▁]", "▁?", "▁\"", "▁:", "▁an", "▁all", "usion", "▁to", "▁the", "▁V", "ul", "gate", "▁translation", "▁of", "▁Rom", "ans", "▁", "8", "▁:", "▁", "3", "5", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Who", "▁shall", "▁separate", "▁us", "▁from", "▁the", "▁love", "▁of", "▁Christ", "▁?", "▁\"", "▁", "▁Most", "▁British", "▁orders", "▁of", "▁ch", "ival", "ry", "▁cover", "▁the", "▁entire", "▁kingdom", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁three", "▁most", "▁ex", "alt", "ed", "▁ones", "▁each", "▁per", "tain", "▁to", "▁one", "▁constitu", "ent", "▁nation", "▁only", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁,", "▁which", "▁per", "tain", "s", "▁to", "▁Ireland", "▁,", "▁is", "▁the", "▁most", "▁junior", "▁of", "▁these", "▁three", "▁in", "▁preced", "ence", "▁and", "▁age", "▁.", "▁Its", "▁equivalent", "▁in", "▁England", "▁,", "▁The", "▁Most", "▁No", "ble", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁the", "▁G", "arter", "▁,", "▁is", "▁the", "▁oldest", "▁order", "▁of", "▁ch", "ival", "ry", "▁in", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁,", "▁d", "ating", "▁to", "▁the", "▁middle", "▁four", "teenth", "▁century", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Scottish", "▁equivalent", "▁is", "▁The", "▁Most", "▁An", "cient", "▁and", "▁Most", "▁No", "ble", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Th", "ist", "le", "▁,", "▁d", "ating", "▁in", "▁its", "▁modern", "▁form", "▁to", "▁", "1", "6", "8", "7", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁History", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Early", "▁history", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁order", "▁was", "▁founded", "▁in", "▁", "1", "7", "8", "3", "▁,", "▁a", "▁year", "▁after", "▁the", "▁grant", "▁of", "▁substantial", "▁aut", "onomy", "▁to", "▁Ireland", "▁,", "▁as", "▁a", "▁means", "▁of", "▁reward", "ing", "▁(", "▁or", "▁obtain", "ing", "▁)", "▁political", "▁support", "▁in", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁Parliament", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Bath", "▁,", "▁founded", "▁in", "▁", "1", "7", "2", "5", "▁,", "▁was", "▁instit", "uted", "▁for", "▁similar", "▁reasons", "▁.", "▁The", "▁stat", "utes", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁restricted", "▁membership", "▁to", "▁men", "▁who", "▁were", "▁both", "▁kn", "ights", "▁and", "▁gentlemen", "▁,", "▁the", "▁latter", "▁being", "▁defined", "▁as", "▁having", "▁three", "▁gener", "ations", "▁of", "▁\"", "▁nobles", "se", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁i", ".", "e", ".", "▁ancest", "ors", "▁bearing", "▁co", "ats", "▁of", "▁arms", "▁)", "▁on", "▁both", "▁their", "▁father", "▁'", "s", "▁and", "▁mother", "▁'", "s", "▁side" ]
the city . During the 2000 – 01 period , a total of 31 million litres of water was supplied everyday for households in the city . About 110 metric tonnes of solid waste are collected from Thanjavur every day by door @-@ to @-@ door collection and subsequently the source segregation and dumping is carried out by the sanitary department of the Thanjavur Corporation . The coverage of solid waste management had an efficiency of 100 % as of 2001 . The underground drainage system covers 70 % of the city and the remaining sewerage system for disposal of sullage is through septic tanks , open drains and public conveniences . The Corporation maintains a total of 155 km ( 96 mi ) of storm water drains : 53 @.@ 27 km ( 33 @.@ 10 mi ) surfaced drains and 101 @.@ 73 km ( 63 @.@ 21 mi ) unlined drains . There are 37 hospitals and seven clinical labs in Thanjavur that take care of the health care needs of the citizens . There are a total of 9 @,@ 745 street lamps : 492 sodium lamps , 2 @,@ 061 mercury vapour lamps , 7 @,@ 180 tube lights and twelve high mast beam lamps . The Corporation operates three markets , namely the Serfoji Market , Amarar Swaminathan Market and Kamaraj Market and another market , the Subramaniya Swami Koil Market , is maintained by the Subramania Swami Temple authority . Thanjavur comes under the Thanjavur Telecom circle of the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited ( BSNL ) , India 's state @-@ owned telecom and internet services provider . Apart from telecom , BSNL also provides broadband internet service . The Regional Passport office Trichy operates a Passport Seva Kendra ( PSK ) in Thanjavur . Thanjavur PSK covers the Nagappattinam , Thiruvarur , Thanjavur , Pudukkottai , and Ariyalur revenue districts . = Order of St Patrick = The Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick is a dormant British order of chivalry associated with Ireland . The Order was created in 1783 by George III at the request of the then Lord @-@ Lieutenant , Lord Buckingham . The regular creation of knights of Saint Patrick lasted until 1922 , when most of Ireland became independent as the Irish Free State . While the Order technically still exists , no knight of St Patrick has been created since 1936 , and the last surviving knight , Prince Henry , Duke of Gloucester , died in 1974 . The Queen , however , remains the Sovereign of the Order , and one officer , the Ulster King of Arms ( now combined with Norroy King of Arms ) , also survives . St Patrick is patron of the order ; its motto is Quis separabit ? , Latin for " Who will separate [ us ] ? " : an allusion to the Vulgate translation of Romans 8 : 35 , " Who shall separate us from the love of Christ ? " Most British orders of chivalry cover the entire kingdom , but the three most exalted ones each pertain to one constituent nation only . The Order of St Patrick , which pertains to Ireland , is the most junior of these three in precedence and age . Its equivalent in England , The Most Noble Order of the Garter , is the oldest order of chivalry in the United Kingdom , dating to the middle fourteenth century . The Scottish equivalent is The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle , dating in its modern form to 1687 . = = History = = = = = Early history = = = The order was founded in 1783 , a year after the grant of substantial autonomy to Ireland , as a means of rewarding ( or obtaining ) political support in the Irish Parliament . The Order of the Bath , founded in 1725 , was instituted for similar reasons . The statutes of the Order restricted membership to men who were both knights and gentlemen , the latter being defined as having three generations of " noblesse " ( i.e. ancestors bearing coats of arms ) on both their father 's and mother 's side
[ "▁.", "▁In", "▁practice", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁only", "▁Irish", "▁Pe", "ers", "▁(", "▁and", "▁occas", "ional", "▁foreign", "▁princes", "▁with", "▁ten", "uous", "▁or", "▁no", "▁Irish", "▁connections", "▁)", "▁were", "▁ever", "▁appointed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁.", "▁The", "▁cross", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁(", "▁a", "▁red", "▁salt", "ire", "▁on", "▁a", "▁white", "▁background", "▁)", "▁was", "▁chosen", "▁as", "▁one", "▁of", "▁the", "▁symbols", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁.", "▁A", "▁flag", "▁of", "▁this", "▁design", "▁was", "▁later", "▁incorpor", "ated", "▁into", "▁the", "▁Union", "▁Flag", "▁.", "▁Its", "▁association", "▁with", "▁St", ".", "▁Patrick", "▁or", "▁with", "▁Ireland", "▁prior", "▁to", "▁the", "▁foundation", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁is", "▁unclear", "▁,", "▁however", "▁.", "▁One", "▁of", "▁the", "▁first", "▁kn", "ights", "▁was", "▁The", "▁", "2", "nd", "▁Duke", "▁of", "▁Le", "in", "ster", "▁,", "▁whose", "▁arms", "▁carry", "▁the", "▁same", "▁cross", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁earned", "▁international", "▁coverage", "▁when", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "0", "7", "▁,", "▁its", "▁ins", "ign", "ia", "▁,", "▁known", "▁generally", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁Crown", "▁Jew", "els", "▁,", "▁were", "▁st", "olen", "▁from", "▁the", "▁Bed", "ford", "▁Tower", "▁in", "▁Dublin", "▁Castle", "▁shortly", "▁before", "▁a", "▁visit", "▁by", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁'", "s", "▁S", "over", "eign", "▁,", "▁King", "▁Edward", "▁VII", "▁.", "▁Their", "▁where", "about", "s", "▁remain", "▁a", "▁mystery", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Post", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁last", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁royal", "▁appointed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁order", "▁was", "▁James", "▁Hamilton", "▁,", "▁", "3", "rd", "▁Duke", "▁of", "▁Aber", "c", "orn", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁,", "▁who", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁first", "▁Governor", "▁of", "▁Northern", "▁Ireland", "▁.", "▁When", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁Free", "▁State", "▁left", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁that", "▁same", "▁year", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁Executive", "▁Council", "▁under", "▁W", ".", "▁T", ".", "▁Cos", "gra", "ve", "▁chose", "▁to", "▁make", "▁no", "▁further", "▁appoint", "ments", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁.", "▁The", "▁British", "▁government", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁entertain", "▁hopes", "▁for", "▁the", "▁order", "▁'", "s", "▁rev", "ival", "▁as", "▁a", "▁pan", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Irish", "▁institution", "▁.", "▁Therefore", "▁,", "▁while", "▁there", "▁was", "▁no", "▁legal", "▁or", "▁constitution", "al", "▁bar", "▁to", "▁the", "▁British", "▁government", "▁continu", "ing", "▁to", "▁make", "▁appoint", "ments", "▁from", "▁among", "▁British", "▁subjects", "▁resident", "▁in", "▁Northern", "▁Ireland", "▁,", "▁it", "▁chose", "▁not", "▁to", "▁do", "▁so", "▁.", "▁", "▁Since", "▁then", "▁,", "▁only", "▁three", "▁people", "▁have", "▁been", "▁appointed", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁,", "▁all", "▁members", "▁of", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Royal", "▁Family", "▁.", "▁The", "▁then", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁Prince", "▁of", "▁Wales", "▁(", "▁the", "▁future", "▁King", "▁Edward", "▁VIII", "▁and", "▁later", "▁Duke", "▁of", "▁W", "inds", "or", "▁)", "▁was", "▁appointed", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "7", "▁and", "▁his", "▁younger", "▁brothers", "▁,", "▁Prince", "▁Henry", "▁,", "▁Duke", "▁of", "▁Gl", "ouc", "ester", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "4", "▁and", "▁Prince", "▁Albert", "▁,", "▁Duke", "▁of", "▁York", "▁(", "▁later", "▁King", "▁George", "▁VI", "▁)", "▁,", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "6", "▁.", "▁", "▁It", "▁is", "▁likely", "▁that", "▁these", "▁appoint", "ments", "▁were", "▁considered", "▁possible", "▁because", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁Free", "▁State", "▁continued", "▁to", "▁recogn", "ise", "▁the", "▁British", "▁monarch", "▁as", "▁its", "▁official", "▁head", "▁of", "▁state", "▁.", "▁In", "▁", "1", "9", "3", "7", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁Free", "▁State", "▁adopted", "▁a", "▁new", "▁constitution", "▁,", "▁rendering", "▁the", "▁Crown", "▁'", "s", "▁position", "▁in", "▁Irish", "▁affairs", "▁ambigu", "ous", "▁.", "▁The", "▁ambigu", "ity", "▁was", "▁resolved", "▁", "1", "2", "▁years", "▁later", "▁when", "▁the", "▁Irish", "▁Free", "▁State", "▁formally", "▁declared", "▁itself", "▁a", "▁republic", "▁and", "▁left", "▁the", "▁British", "▁Commonwealth", "▁.", "▁The", "▁basis", "▁for", "▁such", "▁appoint", "ments", "▁thus", "▁ceased", "▁and", "▁no", "▁further", "▁ones", "▁have", "▁been", "▁made", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Duke", "▁of", "▁Gl", "ouc", "ester", "▁at", "▁his", "▁death", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "7", "4", "▁was", "▁the", "▁last", "▁surv", "iving", "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁.", "▁The", "▁last", "▁living", "▁non", "▁@", "-", "@", "▁royal", "▁member", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁,", "▁the", "▁", "9", "th", "▁Earl", "▁of", "▁Sh", "aft", "es", "bury", "▁,", "▁died", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "1", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Order", "▁has", "▁,", "▁however", "▁,", "▁never", "▁actually", "▁been", "▁abol", "ished", "▁and", "▁its", "▁res", "urre", "ction", "▁has", "▁been", "▁discussed", "▁in", "▁Irish", "▁Government", "▁circles", "▁on", "▁a", "▁number", "▁of", "▁occasions", "▁and", "▁never", "▁purs", "ued", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Possible", "▁rev", "ival", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁Prime", "▁Minister", "▁W", "inst", "on", "▁Church", "ill", "▁suggested", "▁rev", "iving", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "4", "3", "▁to", "▁recogn", "ise", "▁the", "▁services", "▁of", "▁General", "▁The", "▁Hon", ".", "▁Sir", "▁Harold", "▁Alexander", "▁in", "▁Tun", "is", "ia", "▁,", "▁but", "▁the", "▁opinion", "▁of", "▁the", "▁other", "▁minister", "s", "▁and", "▁civil", "▁servants", "▁was", "▁that", "▁it", "▁would", "▁ups", "et", "▁the", "▁diplom", "atic", "▁balance", "▁between", "▁London", "▁and", "▁Dublin", "▁.", "▁T", "ao", "ise", "ach", "▁Se", "án", "▁Lem", "ass", "▁considered", "▁rev", "iving", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁during", "▁the", "▁", "1", "9", "6", "0", "s", "▁,", "▁but", "▁did", "▁not", "▁take", "▁a", "▁decision", "▁.", "▁", "▁The", "▁Constitution", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁provides", "▁,", "▁\"", "▁Tit", "les", "▁of", "▁nob", "ility", "▁shall", "▁not", "▁be", "▁con", "ferred", "▁by", "▁the", "▁State", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁Article", "▁", "4", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "1", "▁°", "▁)", "▁and", "▁\"", "▁No", "▁title", "▁of", "▁nob", "ility", "▁or", "▁of", "▁honour", "▁may", "▁be", "▁accepted", "▁by", "▁any", "▁citiz", "en", "▁except", "▁with", "▁the", "▁prior", "▁appro", "val", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Government", "▁\"", "▁(", "▁Article", "▁", "4", "0", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁@", ".@", "▁", "2", "▁°", "▁)", "▁.", "▁Leg", "al", "▁exper", "ts", "▁are", "▁divided", "▁on", "▁whether", "▁this", "▁clause", "▁prohib", "its", "▁the", "▁award", "ing", "▁of", "▁membership", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁to", "▁Irish", "▁citizens", "▁,", "▁but", "▁some", "▁suggest", "▁that", "▁the", "▁phrase", "▁\"", "▁titles", "▁of", "▁nob", "ility", "▁\"", "▁implies", "▁her", "edit", "ary", "▁peer", "ages", "▁and", "▁other", "▁noble", "▁titles", "▁,", "▁not", "▁lifetime", "▁hon", "ours", "▁such", "▁as", "▁kn", "ighth", "ood", "s", "▁.", "▁In", "▁any", "▁case", "▁,", "▁an", "▁Irish", "▁citiz", "en", "▁would", "▁require", "▁the", "▁appro", "val", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Government", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁to", "▁receive", "▁an", "▁award", "▁from", "▁a", "▁reign", "ing", "▁monarch", "▁of", "▁the", "▁United", "▁Kingdom", "▁in", "▁this", "▁manner", "▁.", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁Com", "position", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁M", "embers", "▁=", "▁=", "▁=", "▁", "▁The", "▁British", "▁monarch", "▁is", "▁S", "over", "eign", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁of", "▁St", "▁Patrick", "▁.", "▁The", "▁Lord", "▁Lieutenant", "▁of", "▁Ireland", "▁,", "▁the", "▁monarch", "▁'", "s", "▁representative", "▁in", "▁Ireland", "▁,", "▁served", "▁as", "▁the", "▁Grand", "▁Master", "▁.", "▁The", "▁office", "▁of", "▁Lord", "▁Lieutenant", "▁was", "▁abol", "ished", "▁in", "▁", "1", "9", "2", "2", "▁;", "▁the", "▁last", "▁Lord", "▁Lieutenant", "▁and", "▁Grand", "▁Master", "▁was", "▁The", "▁", "1", "st", "▁Vis", "count", "▁Fitz", "Al", "an", "▁of", "▁Der", "w", "ent", "▁.", "▁R", "ather", "▁odd", "ly", "▁,", "▁the", "▁stat", "utes", "▁of", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁did", "▁not", "▁provide", "▁that", "▁the", "▁Grand", "▁Master", "▁be", "▁admitted", "▁to", "▁the", "▁Order", "▁as", "▁a", "▁matter", "▁of", "▁right", "▁.", "▁While", "▁some", "▁L", "ords", "▁Lieutenant", "▁were" ]
. In practice , however , only Irish Peers ( and occasional foreign princes with tenuous or no Irish connections ) were ever appointed to the Order . The cross of St Patrick ( a red saltire on a white background ) was chosen as one of the symbols of the Order . A flag of this design was later incorporated into the Union Flag . Its association with St. Patrick or with Ireland prior to the foundation of the Order is unclear , however . One of the first knights was The 2nd Duke of Leinster , whose arms carry the same cross . The Order of St Patrick earned international coverage when , in 1907 , its insignia , known generally as the Irish Crown Jewels , were stolen from the Bedford Tower in Dublin Castle shortly before a visit by the Order 's Sovereign , King Edward VII . Their whereabouts remain a mystery . = = = Post @-@ 1922 = = = The last non @-@ royal appointed to the order was James Hamilton , 3rd Duke of Abercorn in 1922 , who served as the first Governor of Northern Ireland . When the Irish Free State left the United Kingdom that same year , the Irish Executive Council under W. T. Cosgrave chose to make no further appointments to the Order . The British government continued to entertain hopes for the order 's revival as a pan @-@ Irish institution . Therefore , while there was no legal or constitutional bar to the British government continuing to make appointments from among British subjects resident in Northern Ireland , it chose not to do so . Since then , only three people have been appointed to the Order , all members of the British Royal Family . The then @-@ Prince of Wales ( the future King Edward VIII and later Duke of Windsor ) was appointed in 1927 and his younger brothers , Prince Henry , Duke of Gloucester , in 1934 and Prince Albert , Duke of York ( later King George VI ) , in 1936 . It is likely that these appointments were considered possible because the Irish Free State continued to recognise the British monarch as its official head of state . In 1937 , however , the Irish Free State adopted a new constitution , rendering the Crown 's position in Irish affairs ambiguous . The ambiguity was resolved 12 years later when the Irish Free State formally declared itself a republic and left the British Commonwealth . The basis for such appointments thus ceased and no further ones have been made . The Duke of Gloucester at his death in 1974 was the last surviving member of the Order . The last living non @-@ royal member of the Order , the 9th Earl of Shaftesbury , died in 1961 . The Order has , however , never actually been abolished and its resurrection has been discussed in Irish Government circles on a number of occasions and never pursued . = = = Possible revival = = = Prime Minister Winston Churchill suggested reviving the Order in 1943 to recognise the services of General The Hon. Sir Harold Alexander in Tunisia , but the opinion of the other ministers and civil servants was that it would upset the diplomatic balance between London and Dublin . Taoiseach Seán Lemass considered reviving the Order during the 1960s , but did not take a decision . The Constitution of Ireland provides , " Titles of nobility shall not be conferred by the State " ( Article 40 @.@ 2 @.@ 1 ° ) and " No title of nobility or of honour may be accepted by any citizen except with the prior approval of the Government " ( Article 40 @.@ 2 @.@ 2 ° ) . Legal experts are divided on whether this clause prohibits the awarding of membership of the Order of St Patrick to Irish citizens , but some suggest that the phrase " titles of nobility " implies hereditary peerages and other noble titles , not lifetime honours such as knighthoods . In any case , an Irish citizen would require the approval of the Government of Ireland to receive an award from a reigning monarch of the United Kingdom in this manner . = = Composition = = = = = Members = = = The British monarch is Sovereign of the Order of St Patrick . The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland , the monarch 's representative in Ireland , served as the Grand Master . The office of Lord Lieutenant was abolished in 1922 ; the last Lord Lieutenant and Grand Master was The 1st Viscount FitzAlan of Derwent . Rather oddly , the statutes of the Order did not provide that the Grand Master be admitted to the Order as a matter of right . While some Lords Lieutenant were