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latest-2024-08-11 (#6)
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Get California cannabis lab results
Copyright (c) 2023 Cannlytics
Keegan Skeate <>
Candace O'Sullivan-Sutherland <>
Created: 5/25/2023
Updated: 5/30/2023
License: <>
Archive California cannabis lab result data.
Data Sources:
- [Glass House Farms Strains](
# Standard imports:
from datetime import datetime
import os
from time import sleep
# External imports:
from import CoADoc
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from cannlytics.utils.constants import DEFAULT_HEADERS
import pandas as pd
import requests
# Glass House Farms constants.
'business_dba_name': 'Glass House Farms',
'business_website': '',
'business_image_url': '',
'producer_license_number': 'CCL18-0000512',
'producer_latitude': 34.404930,
'producer_longitude': -119.518250,
'producer_street_address': '5601 Casitas Pass Rd, Carpinteria, CA 93013',
'producer_city': 'Carpinteria',
'producer_county': 'Santa Barbara',
'producer_state': 'CA',
'lab_results_url': '',
# TODO: The data below should be pulled from the license data.
'license_status': 'Active',
'license_status_date': '2023-04-07T00:00:00',
'license_term': 'Annual',
'license_type': 'Cultivation - Small Mixed-Light Tier 1',
'license_designation': 'Medicinal',
'issue_date': '2019-03-11T00:00:00',
'expiration_date': '2024-03-11T00:00:00',
'licensing_authority_id': 'CCL',
'licensing_authority': 'CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing (CCL)',
'business_legal_name': 'Mission Health Associates, Inc. dba Glass House Farms',
'business_owner_name': 'Graham Farrar, Kyle Kazan',
'business_structure': 'Corporation',
'business_phone': '(805) 252-5755',
'parcel_number': '001-060-042',
# Strain type constants.
'sativa': {'sativa_percentage': 1.0, 'indica_percentage': 0.0},
'sativaDominant': {'sativa_percentage': 0.75, 'indica_percentage': 0.25},
'hybrid': {'sativa_percentage': 0.5, 'indica_percentage': 0.5},
'indica': {'sativa_percentage': 0.0, 'indica_percentage': 1.0},
'indicaDominant': {'sativa_percentage': 0.25, 'indica_percentage': 0.75},
'cbd': {'sativa_percentage': 0.0, 'indica_percentage': 0.0},
'cbdt': {'sativa_percentage': 0.0, 'indica_percentage': 0.0},
# TODO: Get license data from either Hugging Face or locally.
# from datasets import load_dataset
# license_number = GLASS_HOUSE_FARMS['producer_license_number']
# licenses = load_dataset('cannlytics/cannabis_licenses', 'ca')
# licenses = licenses['data'].to_pandas()
# licenses = pd.read_csv(f'../../cannabis_licenses/data/ca/licenses-ca-latest.csv')
# criterion = licenses['license_number'].str.contains(license_number)
# match = licenses.loc[criterion]
# if len(match) != 0:
# licensee = match.iloc[0]
# print('Found licensee data:', licensee)
# obs['producer_county'] = licensee['premise_county']
# obs['producer_latitude'] = licensee['premise_latitude']
# obs['producer_longitude'] = licensee['premise_longitude']
# obs['producer_license_number'] = licensee['license_number']
def get_glass_house_farms_lab_results(
data_dir: str,
pdf_dir: str,
"""Get lab results published by Glass House Farms.
Data points:
βœ“ image_url
βœ“ strain_id
βœ“ strain_name
βœ“ strain_type
βœ“ indica_percentage
βœ“ sativa_percentage
βœ“ strain_url
βœ“ lineage
βœ“ lab_result_id
βœ“ coa_url
# Create output directory.
license_number = GLASS_HOUSE_FARMS['producer_license_number']
license_pdf_dir = os.path.join(pdf_dir, license_number)
if not os.path.exists(license_pdf_dir):
# Read the strains website.
url = ''
response = requests.get(url, headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
# Get the data for each strain.
observations = []
strains = soup.find_all(class_='item')
for strain in strains:
obs = {}
# Extract image URL
img_tag = strain.find('img')
obs['image_url'] = img_tag['src']
# Extract item type
strain_type = strain.find('h5').text
obs['strain_type'] = strain_type
# Extract item name
strain_name = strain.find('h4').text
strain_name = strain_name.replace('\n', '').replace(strain_type, '').strip()
obs['strain_name'] = strain_name
# Get the strain URL.
strain_url = strain.find('a', class_='exp')['href']
obs['strain_url'] = strain_url
# Get the strain ID.
obs['strain_id'] = strain_url.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1]
# Get the indica and sativa percentages.
wave = strain.find('div', class_='wave')
wave_class = wave.get('class')
wave_class = [cls for cls in wave_class if cls != 'wave']
if wave_class:
for cls in wave_class:
if cls in STRAIN_TYPES:
obs['indica_percentage'] = STRAIN_TYPES[cls]['indica_percentage']
obs['sativa_percentage'] = STRAIN_TYPES[cls]['sativa_percentage']
# Record the observation.
# Compile the strain data.
strain_data = pd.DataFrame(observations)
# Save the strain data.
date ='%Y-%m-%d')
outfile = os.path.join(data_dir, f'ca-strains-glass-house-{date}.xlsx')
strain_data.to_excel(outfile, index=False)
# Get the lab results for each strain.
lab_results = []
for obs in observations:
# Get the strain page.
response = requests.get(obs['strain_url'] , headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
# Get the lineage.
content = soup.find('div', class_='content')
divs = content.find_all('div', class_='et_pb_column')
print('No content found:', obs['strain_url'])
lineage = divs[2].text.split('Lineage')[1].replace('\n', '').strip()
obs['lineage'] = lineage.split(' x ')
print('No lineage found:', obs['strain_url'])
obs['lineage'] = []
# Get all of the COA PDF links found.
pdf_links = []
for link in soup.find_all('a'):
href = link.get('href')
if href and href.endswith('.pdf'):
# Format all of the COA PDF links found.
for link in pdf_links:
lab_result_id = link.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
result = {'coa_url': link, 'lab_result_id': lab_result_id}
lab_results.append({**GLASS_HOUSE_FARMS, **obs, **result})
# Download COA PDFs.
for lab_result in lab_results:
lab_result_id = lab_result['lab_result_id']
outfile = os.path.join(license_pdf_dir, f'{lab_result_id}.pdf')
if os.path.exists(outfile) and not overwrite:
response = requests.get(lab_result['coa_url'], headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS)
with open(outfile, 'wb') as pdf:
print('Downloaded: %s' % outfile)
# Save all lab result URLs.
results = pd.DataFrame(lab_results)
date ='%Y-%m-%d')
outfile = os.path.join(data_dir, f'ca-result-urls-glass-house-{date}.xlsx')
results.to_excel(outfile, index=False)
# === DEV: Commented for collection only ===
# # Initialize CoADoc.
# parser = CoADoc()
# # Parse the data from all COAs.
# coa_data = []
# for _, result in results.iterrows():
# lab_result_id = result['lab_result_id']
# coa_pdf = f'{lab_result_id}.pdf'
# pdf_file = os.path.join(license_pdf_dir, coa_pdf)
# if not os.path.exists(pdf_file):
# print('File not found:', pdf_file)
# continue
# try:
# parsed = parser.parse(pdf_file)
# entry = {**result.to_dict(), **parsed[0]}
# entry['coa_pdf'] = coa_pdf
# coa_data.append(entry)
# print('Parsed:', pdf_file)
# except:
# print('Error parsing:', pdf_file)
# continue
# # Save the lab results.
# date ='%Y-%m-%d')
# outfile = os.path.join(data_dir, f'ca-results-glass-house-{date}.xlsx')
# try:
#, outfile)
# except:
# try:
# coa_df = pd.DataFrame(coa_data)
# coa_df.to_excel(outfile, index=False)
# print('Saved %i results:' % len(coa_data), outfile)
# except:
# print('Error saving:', outfile)
# # Return the data.
# return pd.DataFrame(coa_data)
# === Test ===
# [βœ“] Tested: 2024-04-14 by Keegan Skeate <keegan@cannlytics>
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Specify where your data lives.
data_dir = 'D://data/california/results/datasets'
pdf_dir = 'D://data/california/results/pdfs'
# Get CA lab results.
all_results = get_glass_house_farms_lab_results(data_dir, pdf_dir)
# === DEV ===
# # Parse all COAs in directory.
# parser = CoADoc()
# license_number = GLASS_HOUSE_FARMS['producer_license_number']
# license_pdf_dir = os.path.join(pdf_dir, license_number)
# # Parse the data from all COAs.
# coa_data = []
# for _, result in all_results.iterrows():
# lab_result_id = result['lab_result_id']
# coa_pdf = f'{lab_result_id}.pdf'
# pdf_file = os.path.join(license_pdf_dir, coa_pdf)
# if not os.path.exists(pdf_file):
# print('File not found:', pdf_file)
# continue
# try:
# parsed = parser.parse(pdf_file)
# entry = {**result.to_dict(), **parsed[0]}
# entry['coa_pdf'] = coa_pdf
# coa_data.append(entry)
# print('Parsed:', pdf_file)
# except:
# print('Error parsing:', pdf_file)
# continue
# # Save the lab results.
# date ='%Y-%m-%d')
# outfile = os.path.join(data_dir, f'ca-results-glass-house-{date}.xlsx')
# try:
#, outfile)
# except:
# try:
# coa_df = pd.DataFrame(coa_data)
# coa_df.to_excel(outfile, index=False)
# except:
# print('Error saving:', outfile)
# print('Saved %i results:' % len(coa_data), outfile)
# # === Aggregate lab results ===
# # Aggregate all CA lab results.
# aggregate = []
# datafiles = [
# '../data/ca/glasshouse-lab-results-2023-09-22.xlsx',
# '../data/ca/rawgarden-lab-results-2023-09-23.csv',
# '../data/ca/sc-labs-lab-results-2022-07-13.xlsx',
# ]
# for datafile in datafiles:
# if datafile.endswith('.xlsx'):
# df = pd.read_excel(datafile, sheet_name='Details')
# else:
# df = pd.read_csv(datafile)
# aggregate.append(df)
# # Save aggregated CA lab results.
# aggregate = pd.concat(aggregate)
# aggregate.to_csv(f'../data/ca/ca-lab-results-latest.csv', index=False)
# print('Saved %i CA lab results' % len(aggregate))
# FIXME: Upload results to Firestore.
# FIXME: Upload PDFs to Google Cloud Storage.
# FIXME: Upload datafiles to Google Cloud Storage.