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dar chags su 'jug d/_bzos pa de'i thog , and polishing the ich then froze solid, shaping them to exompetitive) sleds byhey were as smooth as, pouring water oveacting personal needang gi 'khyag shud br the sculptures, wh patties of yak dungo chags chags bar dus silk.dar gos bzhin 'jam p boys had created in brdar bar byed/$Theang bstun nas bzo la flattening out huge gi lci ba leb leb gor gor chen po zhig rang rang gi tshad dzo la/_de yang g.yagdividual (and very cbottom sides until tbyis pa tshos rang re nas 'og phyogs de chu gtor rjes 'khyag | brdar bar byed/#Thechu gtor rjes 'khyagompetitive) sleds by flattening out hugezo la/_de yang g.yagang gi 'khyag shud bor gor chen po zhig patties of yak dung, and polishing the dividual (and very cs silk.$dar gos bzhin 'jam p, shaping them to exbyis pa tshos rang rbottom sides until tacting personal need gi lci ba leb leb grang rang gi tshad do chags chags bar dus, pouring water oveang bstun nas bzo lar the sculptures, whhey were as smooth a dar chags su 'jug d boys had created ine nas 'og phyogs de /_bzos pa de'i thog ich then froze solid |
n skye ba'i yul ni rag gcig dang bye ba d eighty million. Thrgyal rigs so/_/_'odthe NB the viruddhavum ni yid du 'ong bado/_/_sku tshe'i tsham pa'i chos ni lo sted it some applicabhe scheme of hetväbhgyad stong ngo /_/_d ni dpag tshad sum bchod rten yang gcig His family will be Light will be his myabhicarin was not cty-two thousand yearnd perhaps even granspan will be twenty-ad ni lo nyi khri brtu zad do/_/_de bzhin gshegs pa sgra gcawill remain for thir'dus pa ni lan bzhi tions, each of them here will also only um khri nyis stong gbcu ste thams cad laeight thousand yearslled Blazing Jewels.n a few occasions, agcig tu 'dug go/_/_ms father. Delightfulkṣatriya. His light . His sacred Dharma yang dung phyur phrconsecutive congregaäsa at all. His relindred leagues. Flashonsidered to be worte born in a place cai bar du gnas so/_/_There will be forty other.s. In PV IV he used e extent of his lifein po che 'bar ba zhbe one stūpa. “The ting Light will be hihus-gone Rāhu will bsku gdung ni ril po hy of inclusion in t'i 'od ces bya'o/_/$the Dignagean term ocs will remain in a gathering one hundreility, but later in phrag brgyad brgyad will extend three husingle collection. Trgya'o/_/_yab ni glog 'od ces bya'o/_/_yes bya'o/_/_rigs ni | lection.$mchod rten called Blazing Jeweyum ni yid du 'ong b will extend three h yang dung phyur phr#Delightful Light wils.$rigs ni rgyal ringregations, each ofo/_/#Flashing Light main in a single colbcu ste thams cad la them gathering one brgya'o/_/#His lightforty consecutive coa gcan skye ba'i yulwill be his father.$a'i 'od ces bya'o/_/ bzhin gshegs pa sgr$dam pa'i chos ni lol be born in a placeundred leagues.$yab ni lo nyi khri brgyyang gcig tu zad do/ni glog 'od ces bya'ad stong ngo /_/#Thephrag brgyad brgyad po gcig tu 'dug go/_on.$sku tshe'i tshad ni rin po che 'bar ag gcig dang bye ba 'dus pa ni lan bzhi will remain for thir_/#There will also os.$sku gdung ni ril /#His sacred Dharma gs so/_/#His family e thus-gone Rāhu wil/#His relics will re gi bar du gnas so/_nly be one stūpa.$dedo/_/#There will be pan will be twenty-ell be his mother.$hundred eighty millid ni dpag tshad sum sum khri nyis stongight thousand years.will be kṣatriya.$'o extent of his lifesty-two thousand yearba zhes bya'o/_/#“Th |
aised, Can hold backt will accomplish ev_/de yi sor mo dgug [!]lag gnyis de bzhi5.68} “Putting the re middle fingers. Th, this mudrā, when rb mo gung mo nyid daags kyis rab bskul n/rim gyis gtor ma sbion, One should bend[the right hand]. {3is is referred to asd both hands as befo the banner. {35.69}dex finger touching a/_/'di ni las kun bhan phyag rgya zhes bali, homa, and so f “Called the banner losing an empty space.yal mtshan zhes brjog rgya 'di yis bya b brten/_/_[!]lag pa g ni/_/bsgreng ba rga ni/_/rtsa ba'i sngyar ba/_/thal mo sbygrags pa/_/bsgreng bend the index and tha 'di yi bya ba ni/_cing gzhag_/_[!]mdzuas dgra ni zlog par erform The rites of should be used to pte/_/$One should holre, With the left inight hand into positar ba'i phyag rgya s} “One should join tn byas nas ni/_/g.yoorth. If activated bery activity. {35.70 pa de bzhin rnam sb enemies. This mudrā its fingers And extn pa phab cing de laWith the fingers encd de/_/_[!]rgyal mtshe hands as before, y the root mantra, Ibyed/_/_[!]phyag rgyyin sreg sogs/_/phyayed pa yin/_/_[!]lagg.yas pas bya ba ni/ | g ba rgyal mtshan zh rgya 'di yi bya ba pa/_/bsgreng bas dg_/de yi sor mo dgug /#“One should join ta'i phyag rgya ste/_ck enemies.$[!]phyagxtend the index and he hands as before, _/#“Called the banneya ba ni/_/rtsa ba'ised to perform The ris mudrā should be uites of bali, homa, ul na/_/'di ni las k sngags kyis rab bsk[!]lag gnyis de bzhi. {35.68}$[!]lag pa es brjod de/_/#And eo position, One shoun byas nas ni/_/g.yothe middle fingers. ba/_/thal mo sbyar b raised, Can hold baplish every activitya sbyin sreg sogs/_/g.yas pas bya ba ni/antra, It will accomlosing an empty spacnyid dag ni/_/bsgrencing gzhag_/#“Puttinr , this mudrā, whenbefore, With the lefphyag rgya 'di yis bun byed pa yin/_/#Tht index finger touchn pa phab cing de la. {35.70}$[!]lag pa ld bend its fingers$ hold both hands as [!]mdzub mo gung mo ing [the right hand]This is referred to e.$ivated by the root mWith the fingers encand so forth. If actra ni zlog par byed/hyag rgya zhes gragsni/_/rim gyis gtor m brten/_/#One shouldas the banner. {35.6g the right hand int9}$[!]rgyal mtshan pde bzhin rnam sbyar |
yi dri ba bton pa yi lta tshul skor la nhenrab Miwo. Professten nas bris pa shes to know how this aubon kyi bka' 'gyur gd/_slob dpon su nel or Snellgrove wantedse texts, what were tshig zin gyi brjod has kyang byed 'go tb dang /_de nas dogsyi 'byung khungs gshges shes zab mo rnyet of view.ed rang nyid kyis thnderstood what scienrom the Western pointhor had written theen rab mi bo che mchr texts go back to Sdon skor la bsam zhi slongs rang bzhin ggu ro lags la mtshon ga re'i ched du thoog mar dpe cha de'i phyogs kyi tshan rig_dpe khungs dang rgyce (tshan rig) was fn la/_de dang 'brel n, for us, the Kagyuri med gzi brjid rtsshugs pa yin/_byed tinking and then queshis sources, his matrch. This is how I uerials. I started thog la thug yod pa re then did some resea na/_khong gis mdo dtioning what the texba'i zhib 'jug kha som pa bos dpe cha de 'dod yod pa red/_ngts literally said. In nas nged kyis nub shul 'di dag la brteg mar bris pa dang /d byung /$In additiou cha gang dag la br | ng /#This is how I uyed 'go tshugs pa yiog la thug yod pa reel gu ro lags la mtshig zin gyi brjod do brten nas bris pa sg /_dpe khungs dang longs rang bzhin gyis kyi tshan rig lta n skor la bsam zhib nged kyis nub phyogrom the Western poin rang nyid kyis thogtten these texts, wh dri ba bton pa yin ng 'brel ba'i zhib 'ing what the texts lbon kyi bka' 'gyur gjug kha shas kyang bhes zab mo rnyed byuat were his sources,rtsom pa bos dpe chace (tshan rig) was fthog mar bris pa dane wanted to know howng and then question mar dpe cha de'i tst of view.$yi 'byung khungs gshen rab mi bo che mchiterally said.$de daesearch.$byed tshul go back to Shenrab de ga re'i ched du #Professor Snellgrovdang /_de nas dogs s his materials.$ngedd/#In addition, for tshul skor la nges sus, the Kagyur textsMiwo.$slob dpon su n'di dag la brten nashon na/_khong gis mdhes 'dod yod pa red/nderstood what scienn/#I then did some ro dri med gzi brjid rgyu cha gang dag lala/#I started thinki this author had wri |
od and drink; and the children liked himga po nas thon 'gro gs skabs/_kho nga'i yang lta ru slebs/_m anything to eat. ‘ang mas kho ngo shesbar skor skyod byed ba'i khyim tshang gc town, and there waslir 'gro dgos sam/$Payed on a small flut Should I go to Delh_su raja nga la yang because he often plpi pal na gAr ni grotshams rer bza' btunmy room, curling up e had offered him fo kyi yod pa ma zad myid skyid po khug khj hadn’t visited. Evg yang sprod kyi yod/_dngos zog 'tshong o zhig la/_su raja/_yi yod/_ngas dgong mipalnagar is a smallga' po byas/_brgyad/a yis 'gro ma myong efore I could get hieping fitfully. He would always leave eae when he went on hi no house which Surakyi yod pas/_byis paon the floor and sleskabs gling bu 'bud ig kyang med/_mi tshen and, when he stay tshang mas kho la ddgong mo phyi po cha to see me quite ofteryone knew him; somed late he slept in ng rdal chung chung i, Suraj?’eng du nyal zhing gnnang gi zhal ba'i stzas ma sprod gong snrly in the morning bo dus rtag tu zhogs s rounds. Suraj camezhig yin pas/_su rajnga nges par du ldi | ba'i khyim tshang gcwhen he stayed late yang sprod kyi yod/tfully. He would alwg tu zhogs zas ma sp, and there was no h/#Suraj came to see gas dgong mo zhig laa' po byas/_brgyad/#yi yod pas/_byis pa ru slebs/_dgong mo /_nga nges par du ldthe children liked h curling up on the fouse which Suraj hadpi pal na gAr ni groays leave early in t thon 'gro yi yod/_nome had offered him al zhing gnyid skyidhe morning before I ig kyang med/#Pipaln_dngos zog 'tshong b_kho nga'i nang gi zhe slept in my room,ng rdal chung chung Everyone knew him; srod gong snga po nasng to eat. ‘$su rajan’t visited.$mi tshacould get him anythii, Suraj?’$food and drink; and ute when he went on nga la yang yang ltaagar is a small townplayed on a small flhis rounds.$su raja i lir 'gro dgos sam/loor and sleeping fikabs gling bu 'bud k po khug kho dus rtashams rer bza' btungng mas kho ngo shes #Should I go to Delhar skor skyod byed sphyi po chags skabs/a yis 'gro ma myong me quite often and, hal ba'i steng du nykyi yod pa ma zad mttshang mas kho la dgim because he often zhig yin pas/_su raj |
dag gi rang bzhin c pa na/_mi skye ba'ived acceptance that dag gi rang bzhin gau sems te/_chos 'di i chos skyes pa 'di dag gang skyes pa de snyam mo/_/_de de'i'gags pa yang med dodag skyes pa med la phenomena, he achie.the nature of these o skyes te/_srid pa' dag par yod pa ma ymed pa'i phyir nges e arising phenomena phenomena that ariseis no thing that reapar 'gog pa'i chos kre unborn and unceas chos la bzod pa thonon-existent, there lly ceases. Because wondered, ‘What is ng yang med de/_'di ?’ before the insighstence, there is alsin pa'i phyir skye bof existence have noa med do snyam mo/_/_de yang 'di snyam dthere is no real exi tshe chos de dag gii yin de 'di ltar blyang med la/_de yangt came to him: ‘Thes real nature. They aoment he did not appo no birth.’ He thening.’ When in that mrehend any nature ofb bo/_/$Since it is phenomena are unborn rang bzhin ma dmigs | ved acceptance that is the nature of thmed do snyam mo/_/#T.$in pa'i phyir skye bese phenomena that ahen wondered,$chos 'med pa'i phyir nges ang bzhin ma dmigs prth.’$de yang 'di snhey are unborn and ushe chos de dag gi rhing that really ceae/#‘These arising phoment he did not apps no real existence,ses. Because there ibo/_/#When in that mrid pa'i chos skyes rehend any nature ofhos la bzod pa thob a na/_mi skye ba'i cpar 'gog pa'i chos ksight came to him:$sstent, there is no tyam du sems te/#He t there is also no bi de dag gi rang bzhienomena of existencenceasing.’$de de'i ted la 'gags pa yang phenomena, he achie dag par yod pa ma yzhin gang yang med dyang med la/_de yangpa 'di dag gi rang bdi dag gang skyes pa.$'di dag skyes pa m have no real nature#Since it is non-exia med do snyam mo/_/n ci yin de 'di ltar blo skyes te/#‘Whatrise?’ before the inphenomena are unborn |
sing the Mind would bcom ldan 'das des bde nas byang chub sehahood. That bodhisa as Definite Armor od the great light anble and perfect buddsems bskyed ma thag d heard the sound oftu phyir mi ldog pa'Immediately upon Rou sgra de yang thos n pa yang dag par rdzhing gsung bsal ba'iyang chub sems dpa' ttva had also notice had prophesied thattu lung bstan to/_/_ the clear voice. a bodhisattva known nges pa'i go cha zhas/$This blessed oneogs pa'i byang chub ms dpa' des snang baes bya ba bla na medrsible Dharma Wheel chen po de mthong zi 'khor lo bskor barawaken to unsurpassaf Turning the Irreve | This blessed one hadg ba chen po de mthod heard the sound of prophesied that a bod.$de nas byang chung zhing gsung bsal odhisattva known as Definite Armor of Tubcom ldan 'das des bba'i sgra de yang th pa yang dag par rdzrning the Irreversib the clear voice.$tu lung bstan to/_/#sems bskyed ma thag le Dharma Wheel Immeand perfect buddhahottva had also noticees bya ba bla na medb sems dpa' des snanogs pa'i byang chub nges pa'i go cha zhos nas/#That bodhisad the great light andiately upon Rousing the Mind would awaki 'khor lo bskor baryang chub sems dpa' en to unsurpassable tu phyir mi ldog pa' |
r 'gyur gyi/_tshul khes gtan tshigs dangng your life and dyition and you cannot chags bcug gi yod/_reat downfall separa du rigs dang bral zting from your linean thub kyi med/_sroge/_rnam par ltung bawalk out of it. Losi will experience a gig pas ni skye ba 'bnyid kyi tshe zad paas ka byed dgos pa dhrims nyams shing zhma zad khyed tshos long bar 'gyur ro//_zhing bde ba spangs tum phrag brgya'i barpa ltar/$You are bei bas ni skye ba 'di ng expends only the in and lose your ethpiness over ten mill dang bral zhing shiang de'i phyi la thong contaminated and ical discipline, you bcas te bka' stsal yet you have to funckhyed tsho rul sungsbirth, but if you ruge and giving up hap chen po nyams su myion span of this re | srog dang bral zhingsal pa ltar/#Losing shi bas ni skye ba //_zhes gtan tshigs a 'bum phrag brgya'ig from your lineage g zhig pas ni skye bess over ten milliong ba chen po nyams sgs te/_rnam par ltunand giving up happin bar du rigs dang brul khrims nyams shinyour life and dying ll experience a gread par 'gyur gyi/_tshexpends only the lifu myong bar 'gyur rol discipline, you wie span of this rebirth, but if you ruin t downfall separatinand lose your ethicadang bcas te bka' st'di nyid kyi tshe zaal zhing bde ba span lifetimes.$ |
of Manjusri (Manjusrthub dbang gis//_sngn chen sku gshegs rjchos rje don grub rii-mula-tantra) says:ags 'grub par ni ma lose the highest of _de la grub pa mchog par mdzad/_'jam dpand, the Root Tantra hieves the tantric py of nirvana.gsungs te//_mya ngantshul khrims nyams//il their ethical disattainments, Also mies dus mchod ma chadainments. The Masterath. Breaking ethica'ang yod ma yin//_ts If these persons wh of the Sages does nose going to the citthical discipline ac de//_grub pa tha mao recite mantras spo 'das grong 'gro ba med cing //_grub paot say that faulty Eher a situation nor cipline, They would l discipline is neitddling attainments, kyang ma yin no//$Ahul khrims 'chal la yi//_yul dang phyogsl rtsa rgyud las kyang /_zlos pa 'di la And the least of att 'bring yang yod meda destination For th | hub dbang gis//_sngaion nor a destinatio yod med de//_grub p.$grong 'gro ba yi//_y_grub pa 'bring yangn For those going to 'di la tshul khrims nyams//_de la grub of attainments.$tshras spoil their ethipa mchog med cing //'jam dpal rtsa rgyudul khrims 'chal la tul dang phyogs kyang is neither a situatsons who recite mantAlso middling attainments, And the leastyin//#And, the Root the city of nirvanaest of attainments, gs 'grub par ni ma g) says: If these per would lose the highEthical discipline anot say that faulty las kyang /_zlos pachieves the tantric cal discipline, Theyg ethical disciplinesungs te//#The Mastea tha ma'ang yod ma path.$mya ngan 'das Manjusri-mula-tantra ma yin no//#BreakinTantra of Manjusri (r of the Sages does |
of great surprise athese charges, they young, idealistic snd disapproval.m 'gyur gyi tshul dug sangs pa dang blo ra bsgrags/$When thebegan to shout, and g dang dmag mi tshosla ma 'thad pa'i rna la yid ches rnam da skad cor dang si sgslar yang thabs shes 'then dang /_mi tshthen hiss, as a signogs khrod kyi lo na chung la gzhung lugstudents and soldierss skabs/_rbad de hang yod pa'i slob phru nyes 'dzugs 'di tho in the crowd heard | stic students and sonam dag yod pa'i sloen the young, ideali si sgra bsgrags/#Wha sign of great surphul du skad cor dangg lugs la yid ches r they began to shoutrise and disapproval tshos nyes 'dzugs 'g blo la ma 'thad pa, and then hiss, as heard these charges,lo na chung la gzhunldiers in the crowd de hang sangs pa dan.$'i rnam 'gyur gyi tsmi tshogs khrod kyi di thos skabs/_rbad b phrug dang dmag mi |
od/_'dus pa gnyis paod tshul 'chos nyon afflictions. Such pe absorption to beingbsrung mi nus/_/_'dr, seven trillion. Ths will be marred by ppear beings, Who pr khrag khrig bdun cuous one’s lifespan ling. “Billions of eo khrag khrig brgyad yi pha rol gyi/_/bskber that the buddha yin/_/_'dus pa gsummongs bcas/_/de dag rnams kyis chos 'di called Śaśiketu appeto uphold this teachis lo mang ring slobs. “That victorious she ni bskal pa bye en pa mar me mdzad k khrid gnang myong yllion. “That victoridran/_/_rgyal ba de m mo/_/_rgyal ba'i t and pretentious wayared. He taught this/bdag cag byang chuber/_/_de dag sems rgba mang /_/$“In the _/'gro ba rnams la tion three hundred bitrillion irreversiblened.’ Their haughtyal pa dag ni stong pasted many millions r Dīpaṃkara, I rememoclaim, ‘We are awakople will be unable ing 'dzin 'di bshad s can 'byung ba ni/_der rgan o li war gyConsisted of eighty yi 'dus pa dang po ne third, seven trillof eons,i/_/phyir mi ldog paone’s first retinue hrag bye ba na/_/sanns before The teachegs rgyas zla ba'i tophyi ma'i dus na semfuture, there will acu ste/_/_slob grwa g ces bya ba byung / pa bdun cu rtsa gsu la ni spyod ces 'dze beings. The second | paṃkara, I remember ba rnams la ting 'dzn cu yin/_/#The second, seven trillion.$hul 'chos nyon mongs ba mang /_/#“That v, ‘We are awakened.’ kyis chos 'di bsrunllion three hundred s ways will be marre#“Billions of eons billion irreversible $de dag sems rgod tsd by afflictions. Suya ba byung /_/'gro rig brgyad cu ste/_/ag ni stong phrag bybeings, Who proclaimin 'di bshad dran/_/a dang po ni/_/phyirbeings.$'dus pa gnyi la ni spyod ces 'dzefore The teacher Dīe ba na/_/sangs rgyach people will be un mi ldog pa khrag khable to uphold this billion.$rgyal ba'i #“That victorious oned Śaśiketu appearedteaching.$'dren pa mspan lasted many milar me mdzad kyi pha phyi ma'i dus na sem. He taught this abser/_/#“In the future cu rtsa gsum mo/_/#s can 'byung ba ni/_orption to beings.$rThe third, seven tri/bdag cag byang chubg mi nus/_/#Their ha, there will appear lions of eons,$s zla ba'i tog ces btshe ni bskal pa byeughty and pretentiougyal ba de yi 'dus pictorious one’s liferol gyi/_/bskal pa d bcas/_/de dag rnamss pa khrag khrig bdue’s first retinue Co'dus pa gsum pa bdunnsisted of eighty trthat the buddha call |
red/_khyod de tsho ug can de lcam sku mr na/_ngas lcam sku a red ces nga la shos kyi yod/_de nas khng la btsugs nas mnahong ma'i tshong bdaWhy should I be a piyed rang /_khyed ranzhig gi skor thos due just a pimp like ayas nas nga smad 'tsyed kyis ci zhig bshle I am not a pimp. am not a pimp. I swead 'tshong ma'i tsho‘cause I know a madas ngas de su yin shead tshang ma ji bzhitshong ma'i tshong b one, and you, you’rf them!” “ What on eg cig byed dgos red/hig red/_Ther re/_nyeverybody’s a pimp.”r gzugs ring khru drd dang /_gang yin zedag cig min/_ngas yeddam pimp like all on smad 'tshong ma'i on dang /_nga smad 'arth are you talkingead ain’t a madame, “ Listen, Terry, I g ni nga la thug tsh about?” “ Don’t stame when I hear aboutmp?' bskyal/_nga smad '$You have to be a goad kyi yod/_skra dmaar to you on the Bib shu'i gsung rab dpadag cig min/_ga re b that six-foot, redhtshong bdag ngo ma znd there and tell mell the rest I meet, tshong ma'i tshong bdang 'dra po 'dug khkhyod ni dmyal ba smng bdag cig yin rgyu | n, Terry, I am not a cig byed dgos red/#you talking about?” gsung rab dpang la as nas nga smad 'tshon’t stand there andal/_nga smad 'tshonga pimp.” “$Ther re/_w a madame when I he bdag cig min/#Listeor thos dus ngas de lcam sku zhig gi ska thug tshad tshang g ngo ma zhig red/#D ma'i tshong bdag cid de tsho dang 'dra ma ji bzhin smad 'ts/#What on earth are a goddam pimp like 'tshong ma'i tshong pimp.$ngas ye shu'ing bdag cig yin rgyusu yin shes kyi yod/btsugs nas mna' bsky_de nas khyed rang /ng khru drug can de u on the Bible I am hong ma'i tshong bdanga la shod dang /_gWhy should I be a pimadame, ‘cause I knolcam sku ma red ces not a pimp.$ga re byong ma'i tshong bdagpo 'dug khyed kyis cot, redhead ain’t a “$skra dmar gzugs riad 'tshong ma'i tshop like all the rest _khyed rang ni nga li zhig bshad kyi yod red/#You have to bemp?$I meet, everybody’s ang yin zer na/_ngasu, you’re just a pimall of them!” “$khyo tell me that six-foar about one, and yokhyod ni dmyal ba smg min/#I swear to yonyon dang /_nga smad |
_bar du gcod pas mi actual and postulategs not conducive to yin//_yongs su 'dzin pas mi dge ba dang pas mi dge ba dang Unwholesome by meanh these unwholesome dge ba rnams su yod i dge dang /_stong n dang /_mdun du byas_sbyor bas mi dge baems to be very impor /_mi mthun phyogs keing inborn 2. As a ome factors can be dde bzhin du snga phye need to distinguisholesome by harming result, this work witant. These unwholesir bshad pa'i mi dgeg dngos dang btags pfor further research5. Unwholesome by lell also be valuable skabs kyi dbye bas pde dag la yang gnas their circumstances:lesome by being dest carried out in Budd/_gnod pa byed pas mhist studies about Mructiveang ngo//_mi dge ba aving out nothing 6.has been done 4. Unwd particularities seyid de ltar 'gyur ma 1. Unwholesome by ba ba'i khyad par dbyUnwholesome by what good things 7. Unwhoivided according to s of involvement 3. e dgos pa mang du snahāmudrā in$Accordingly, th Unwholesome by thinfactors as to their yis mi dge ba dang /hye na/_skyes thob k ba 'di rnams la yanyis mi dge ba dang / | ulated particularitinwholesome by harminwholesome by means oes: 1.$skyes thob kyde bzhin du snga phyot conducive to goodheir actual and postsome factors as to tang ngo//#Accordinglnguish these unwhole ba dang /#Unwholesoructive$n du byas pas mi dgeto their circumstancis mi dge ba dang /#lesome factors can bphye na/#These unwholesome by being destms su yod do//#Unwhoy, the need to disties seems to be very pas mi dge ba dang / pas mi dge dang /#Ume by what has been e divided according de dag la yang gnasir bshad pa'i mi dgemi dge ba dang /#Unw things 7.$bar du gc mi dge ba dang /#Un skabs kyi dbye bas ing out nothing 6.$mod pas mi dge ba rna inborn 2.$sbyor bas ba 'di rnams la yana ba'i khyad par dby#Unwholesome by leavg 5.$yongs su 'dzin holesome by things ni mthun phyogs kyis important.$mi dge badone 4.$gnod pa byedg dngos dang btags pe dgos pa mang du snUnwholesome by beingf involvement 3.$mdu |
mchog ldan don bzanutive congregations,ht will be this victht will extend six l bya mkhas pa ste/_/ be ninety thousand ba'i yum/_/_sras po be sixty-six consectshe lo grangs dag ns bya ba rdzu 'phruldefilement. “The lifa Will be born in a ish. The family of tkun spangs pa/_/bye tan mthu rtsal zhes can/_/_'dus pa lan den par spyod pa yi/drug ste/_/kun la'an_/_rgyal ba'i rigs nished the stains of years,me Power the one of den pa 'dod ces bya/ba phrag ni nyi shu Qualities will be the thus-gone Satyacarr, and Beautiful Liggs rim gro pa/_/_yonhis victor will be bgsum gsum yod/_/_mi de bzhin gshegs pa bespan of humans willall entirely relinque scholar “And Supreattendant. Powerful g nyon mongs dri ma miracles. There willce will be his fathe_mthu rtsal mchog cedan zhi/_/'od mdzes _/skye ba'i yul ni bpa zhes bya ba rgyalor of the Supreme will be his son and Exrahmin, “And his lighad/_/dpag tshad drui bram ze 'od kyi tsg yod yab ni stobs l Each of them gatheri dgu khri yin/_/$Thty million Who have or’s mother. Possessing two hundred thirgrangs drug cu rtsa cellent Meaning his eagues. Powerful Peaplace called Truth W | khri yin/_/#“The lif/_/kun la'ang nyon mng two hundred thirt mdzes pa zhes bya byears,$ll be this victor’s Each of them gatheris. Powerful Peace wir of the Supreme wil the scholar$mthu rtm gro pa/_/#PossessoThe family of this vden pa 'dod ces bya/_/#The thus-gone Satl be his son and Exc kyi tshad/_/dpag tsefilement.$mi tshe l'dus pa lan grangs dhas pa ste/_/#Powerfbe sixty-six consecuhad drug yod yab ni sal mchog ces bya ba ni nyi shu gsum gsu be ninety thousand _/skye ba'i yul ni brug cu rtsa drug stein a place called Trgs pa/_/bye ba phragellent Meaning his ashed the stains of dg ldan don bzangs riongs dri ma kun spanmother.$sras po mchode bzhin gshegs pa btive congregations, rdzu 'phrul can/_/#ll entirely relinquiuth Wish.$rgyal ba'iy million Who have ao grangs dag ni dgu rigs ni bram ze 'odttendant.$yon tan mt“And Supreme Power the one of miracles.$stobs ldan zhi/_/'odespan of humans willden par spyod pa yi/ul Qualities will ben, “And his light will be his father, and Beautiful Light will extend six leaguem yod/_/#There will yacara Will be born ictor will be brahmihu rtsal zhes bya mka rgyal ba'i yum/_/# |
khri zhig gi steng b tshang gi cog tse'nd I saw Dean bendina phung gi sha khragho ni meg si kho gro nas ngas Din ni thashing /_nga'i tshe ' pa mthong byung /_'ved a whole life anddi ni zhag ma 'ga' yof the dark swirl ofms shing dran pa 'th'i 'jig rten gyi mthad stong gis mtho badi dang skye ba gzhai steng bsgur te yodde nas nga la tsha bunconscious. Dysenteor/_khrag bshal gyi tsho nas phi Ti brgyugs shing rab rib kyn mang por nga'i phr nights later and he my mind and I knew i ngang nas gyen la sea level, on a roonga la yod tshad rmif of the world, and of my flesh, and I h ngas shes song la/_ lam rmis byung /_deg over the kitchen try. I looked up out ad all the dreams. Ahyed kyis ga re byedbltas/_nga ni rgya mecame delirious and was leaving Mexico o zhing bskyal ba dea 'phar nas mgo 'tho'dug nga'i sems 'khro sgang zhig tu gdanen I got fever and b many others in the City already. “ Whatng khyer bzhag nas t kyi yod/_kho re/$Th gi lcibs nyam nga bpoor atomistic husk thousand feet abovehon chog chog red/_ki rjes yin pa dang ka 'di'i nang du 'tshI was on a bed eightI knew that I had lidu yod pa ngas shes you doin, man?”able. It was several | ad all the dreams.$d my mind and I knew ved a whole life andl nights later and hsteng du yod pa ngas sea level, on a rooof my flesh, and I hnga'i sems 'khrugs shrag bshal gyi 'dug a gzhan mang por ngaa dang kho ni meg sia 'ga' yi rjes yin pa 'phar nas mgo 'tho nga ba 'di'i nang dg /#I looked up out rgya mtsho nas phi Tab tshang gi cog tsems shing dran pa 'thng nas gyen la bltasg red/#It was severa'i phra phung gi shaad rmi lam rmis byun many others in the ba de ngas shes sonof the dark swirl oftho ba'i 'jig rten gng over the kitchen i brgyad stong gis mor/#Then I got feverI was on a bed eightde nas nga la tsha bpoor atomistic husk City already. “$khye was leaving Mexicoag nas thon chog choI knew that I had lif of the world, and hing rab rib kyi ngas and unconscious.$k khrag gi lcibs nyamed kyis ga re byed ktable.$'di ni zhag me nas ngas Din ni thyi yod/_kho re/#What you doin, man?”$And I saw Dean benditshe 'di dang skye bd pa mthong byung /#g la/_nga la yod tsh shes shing /_nga'i thousand feet above/#Dysentery.$nga ni u gdan khri zhig gi and became deliriou'i steng bsgur te yoyi mtho sgang zhig t kho grong khyer bzhu 'tsho zhing bskyal |
yung bar byed pa'o//to cover up for one'i rgyu las yo byad sing rang gi nyes pa po la dam du 'dzin pt for not feeling resna ni 'dod chags kyf delusion and attachment. It means not gtogs pa legs par b to the categories osgrib par 'dod pa st It forms the supporen byed pa 'o//_ser s the inability to puch as utensils and dang chags pa'i charto hold tightly ontoalth and well-being. the Dalai Lama’s heart with one's possea ste yo byad mi bsngret. Stinginess is ogs bdog pa'i dngos forth because of par mi gnas pa'i rtsked Taktser Rinpoché about his holiness$Concealment belongss faults. He first aabout and to desire e/_'gyod pa dang regto engage in what ha'chab pa ni gti mug skul ba la mi 'jug c possessed objects ss been fully warned attachment. It cause | pport for not feelinsils and so forth beg regret.$ser sna niyo byad mi bsnyung blity to part with on dang reg par mi gnadam du 'dzin pa ste t to engage in what cause of attachment.dang chags pa'i charsgrib par 'dod pa ste's faults.$'gyod pad about and to desire to cover up for ongs to the categoriesachment. It means noe/#Concealment belon It causes the inabiskul ba la mi 'jug car byed pa'o//#Sting las yo byad sogs bde's possessions.$has been fully warneing rang gi nyes pa htly onto possessed gtogs pa legs par bog pa'i dngos po la iness is to hold tig'o//#It forms the suobjects such as uten 'dod chags kyi rgyus pa'i rten byed pa 'chab pa ni gti mug of delusion and att |
gza' nyi ma las de m gi yod/_kho sdod saay, except Sunday, Bos kyi yod/$Five milyir nang du log yong bus-route through tr khyim tshang grangked home again. Theral. village consisted oes to school; and inba dang /_dgong mo l brgyud spyi spyod rhe district of Garhw gseb chung chung de. The nearest school of Manjari, for thes lnga las med stabse was no school in ha'i slob grwar 'gro the evening, he walis own small villageng der yod cing /_de'i mAn ja ri'i grong/_slob grwa gcig kyani kem Ti zhes pa'i f only five familiesam de rang brgyud phisnu walked five miles to school. Everyd ni g+har wal rdzonglangs 'khor 'grim dgmall township on thegrong rdal chung chu was at Kemptee, a sin nyin gzhan tshangr lnga'i sar chags png mthong rgyu med/_ mar bi si nu le dba grwa thag nye shos grong gseb de'i slob | mar bi si nu le dbarong gseb chung chunrangs lnga las med sto school; and in thal.$ de'i slob grwa thaged/#There was no scha'i slob grwar 'gro cing /_de ni g+har /#The nearest schoolr 'grim dgos kyi yod except Sunday, Bisngza' nyi ma las de mool in his own smallyi spyod rlangs 'khou walked five miles yir nang du log yongin nyin gzhan tshangfamilies.$grong gsebzhes pa'i grong rdal chung chung der yodam de rang brgyud phhe district of Garhw for the village conr lnga'i sar chags ptabs/_slob grwa gcig nye shos ni kem Ti e evening, he walkedg der khyim tshang gsisted of only five bus-route through t was at Kemptee, a s home again.$kho sdo kyang mthong rgyu m village of Manjari,wal rdzong brgyud spmall township on the gi yod/#Five miles ba dang /_dgong mo ld sa'i mAn ja ri'i gto school. Everyday, |
e na de bzhin gshegsdpa' rgyal tshab spot No Sentient Being pa mtha' yas zhes bythe Dharma. This blessed one now dispatcas a universe known hub sems dpa' rgyal g rten gyi khams de' te/_bcom ldan 'das rtag tu bzod ldan zyond that universe w thus-gone Armor ThaCan Destroy. Abiding_/$There resided the and remaining preseone Infinite Miraculbodhisattva Unimpedea bzhugs te _'tsho zhes bya ba yod de/_d pa rnam par 'phrul hing gzhes la chos knt there, he taught tshab thogs pa med pde na de bzhin gsheghed his regent, the /_/_'tsho zhing gzhedan 'das des byang cupted Eloquence. 'jig rten gyi khams nas ni/_/_a las zlabodhisattva Uninterryang ston te/_bcom ldes byang chub sems hed his regent, the as Constant Possessious Display. Abiding'i go cha zhes bya ba ba bzhugs te _khyid Armor. Situated bes la chos kyang stons bya ba btang ngo /ba btang ngo /_/_'jis pa sems can thams a'i go cha zhes bya on of Patience. Therthe Dharma. This ble ba'i dkyil 'khor nie resided the thus-gnt there, he taught ssed one now dispatcm du sngags pa zhugscad kyis mi shigs pa and remaining presebs pa mi chod pa zhei yang 'dab chags na | o /_/#This blessed o bzhin gshegs pa rnaattva Unimpeded Armos byang chub sems dpcad kyis mi shigs paarma.$bcom ldan 'dasoquence.$play.$'tsho zhing gzms de'i yang 'dab ched the thus-gone Infne now dispatched hi he taught the Dharment Being Can Destroonstant Possession ote/#Abiding and rema pa med pa'i go cha dpa' rgyal tshab sp now dispatched his re, he taught the Dh that universe was a la chos kyang ston Armor That No Sentim par 'phrul pa mthahugs te #There residags na 'jig rten gyi de/#Situated beyond des byang chub semsobs pa mi chod pa zhhes la chos kyang str.$'jig rten gyi kha khams rtag tu bzod ' yas zhes bya ba bz universe known as Con te/#Abiding and res bya ba btang ngo /_/#This blessed oneldan zhes bya ba yoda.$bcom ldan 'das dede na de bzhin gshega' rgyal tshab thogsa bzhugs te #There ry.$'tsho zhing gzhesf Patience.$de na deesided the thus-gonezhes bya ba btang ngemaining present thes pa sems can thams s regent, the bodhisining present there,'i go cha zhes bya bregent, the bodhisattva Uninterrupted Elinite Miraculous Dis |
pa'i pha rol tu phyans of the four appl sense pleasures?of insight without dg pa bzhis bsam gtancated to ripening aspha rol tu phyin pa'ni rgyun chad pa medo/_/_bden pa bzhi ra pa'i bsam gtan gyi sngos pa'i pha rol tb tu shes pa gang yiis the perfection of yongs su smin par bni rgyun chad pa med concentration by me zhe na/$The perfectications of mindfulntruths. Such are theu phyin pa drug gangd pa med pa'i shes r without disruption dran pa nye bar gzha six perfections witla 'dod pa'i yon tanowledge of the four gyi pha rol tu phyiion of concentrationin pa drug go/_/_de ab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa ste/_'di dag hout disruption. “Whess. The perfection ctions that are dediat are the six perfen pa de ni rgyun chaisruption is full knn pa gang yin pa de | gyi pha rol tu phyipa ste/#The perfecti$bden pa bzhi rab tu med pa'i shes rab ki rgyun chad pa med are the six perfect sense pleasures?$rug gang zhe na/#“Whur truths.$'di dag nhe perfection of conctions that are dedin pa drug go/_/#Suchof the four applicatt disruption is full pa'i bsam gtan gyi ni rgyun chad pa medin par bsngos pa'i p de ni rgyun chad papa'i pha rol tu phyig pa bzhis bsam gtanion.$de la 'dod pa'iions of mindfulness.on of insight withoun pa gang yin pa de centration by means hout disruption is tcated to ripening asof concentration wit yon tan yongs su smpha rol tu phyin pa'yi pha rol tu phyin ha rol tu phyin pa do/_/#The perfection shes pa gang yin paat are the six perfeions without disrupt knowledge of the fodran pa nye bar gzha |
han rab dag/_rigs kyum cu rtsa gnyis mts generate exceptiona zhes bya ba'i gzung,it correctly and extensively to others, pa'i bsams pas mos pextremely pure. If srgyal ba khyod sku s dag par rab tu stont, master it, teach rgyas kyi snying po yang rgya cher yang mo gang la la sangs tam/_dad dam/_lhag l devotion toward itar byed na$Victorious kyi chos kyi rnam grangs 'di 'chang ngons or daughters of wo buddha marks are the lineage receive ed dam/_gzhan dag lathis Discourse of tham/_'dzin tam/_klog have faith in it, ors One, your thirty-tdha’s Essence, bear i bu'am/_rigs kyi buit in mind, recite ie Dhāraṇī of the Budgam/_kun chub par by | sons or daughters otu ston tam/_dad dam/_lhag pa'i bsams pah it correctly and ehang ngam/_'dzin tame this Discourse of r it in mind, recitei rnam grangs 'di 'c/_klog gam/_kun chub dag la yang rgya chi gzungs kyi chos kyf the lineage receiv par byed dam/_gzhannal devotion toward rigs kyi bu'am/_rigsxtensively to othersuddha’s Essence, beaor generate exceptioit,$a sangs rgyas kyi snthe Dhāraṇī of the B it, master it, teac, have faith in it, kyi bu mo gang la lying po zhes bya ba's mos par byed na#Ifer yang dag par rab |
New ways of killing laymen became commonom airplanes.two-thirds of them eng ba/_gson por gcodd throwing people fr gtubs byed pa/_gnaming, vivisection, angcod 'og grongs pa rng gcig mtshungs su place in Amdo: scalds gsar pa khag gcig Like the monks, manyed/_skya bo gsod luggnyis phyis su mnar ventually perished. Amdoans were sent ttu btang zhing der ko labor camps where l rtsol ru khag dag a mdo'i nang yongs ka mdo ba mang po ngag.yugs pa bcas red/$sho ni/_mer sreg gtohong tsho'i sum cha gru nas mi gson po dge 'dun pa rnams dahyab tu gyur pa de t | om airplanes.$g.yugs pa bcas red/#ing, vivisection, aned/#Like the monks, dge 'dun pa rnams dahong tsho'i sum cha ng gcig mtshungs su a mdo'i nang yongs ka mdo ba mang po ngaNew ways of killing sho ni/_mer sreg gtos gsar pa khag gcig place in Amdo: scaldtu btang zhing der k gtubs byed pa/_gnamhyab tu gyur pa de tlaymen became commond throwing people frgcod 'og grongs pa r gru nas mi gson po ng ba/_gson por gcodere two-thirds of them eventually perishnt to labor camps whgnyis phyis su mnar l rtsol ru khag dag many Amdoans were seed.$skya bo gsod lug |
forth. From this coisfying the whole wogs’ offerings. Thus,tshig snyan yid du 'r/_/_'di las 'gro baoncentration, and sun par 'gyur/_/_'di long zhing 'jig rten m this. From this, t is renowned throughgrib pa med/_/$Their'i sbyin gnas dge 'dper-knowledge. “One words will be sonorhe victors apart frohe sublime way of thig mi snang 'gro/_/_doesn’t discuss a wa ste/_/_rgyal ba rnaeg pa 'di ni stong ps theg 'di 'jig rtenout the three worldsshul yang rab tu 'barections, they are nms yid rnam dag bsamg yongs su mi skyo 'ot saddened or obscu this buddha vehiclea'i zhing du mi 'grove purity of mind, cy to buddhahood of tphyogs bcur song yanred.mi 'chad/_/_'di las Though they appear t. “The victors do nohroughout the ten dilacking. They can vaas rgyal ba rnams kymes the Saṅgha—worthi sangs rgyas tshul gtan mngon shes ldams kyi 'di ni skad crld. They will achieun 'byung bar 'gyur/ous and pleasing—satnish in an instant. gsum du grags/_/_there this vehicle is kun tshim byed/_/_see Dharma also blazest go to any realm wh_/_des na sangs rgyay recipients of beinchos tshul gya nom t | g yang yongs su mi song zhing 'jig rten rections, they are nlso blazes forth.$'d world.$sems yid rna any realm where thiThough they appear tmi 'chad/_/#“One does vehicle is lackingn gnas dge 'dun 'byu gsum du grags/_/#Thcle is renowned throhis.$'di las chos tsm dag bsam gtan mngove purity of mind, cnorous and pleasing—o buddhahood of the r/_/#They will achie.$rgyal ba rnams kyiant.$phyogs bcur son of beings’ offeringstong pa'i zhing du an vanish in an insthul gya nom tshul yaha—worthy recipientsom this, the sublimeoncentration, and sui sangs rgyas tshul per-knowledge.$'di lng rab tu 'bar/_/#Frot saddened or obscuughout the three worvictors do not go tosatisfying the wholehroughout the ten ditshig snyan yid du 'kyo 'grib pa med/_/#victors apart from t this comes the Saṅgs theg 'di 'jig rtenmi 'gro ste/_/#“The s.$des na sangs rgya way of the Dharma akun tshim byed/_/#Thlds.$theg pa 'di ni us, this buddha vehisnang 'gro/_/#They cng bar 'gyur/_/#From 'di ni skad cig mi red.$sn’t discuss a way tn shes ldan par 'gyueir words will be soi las 'gro ba'i sbyias rgyal ba rnams ky |
s yod/_lcags par de e ba'i mdzub gnon lcgis Den war nas gnasportable typewriter watch chain, and a g tu rtsom 'bri rgyuing to start writingshang ma la a sgor bue, with a watch andwith which he was go dang mnyam du chu tin pa red/$Now he’d 'i mgo 'dzugs rgyu ybought a new suit todang mnyam du khong got a job there.'dogs thag 'khyer bd ka zhig thob ma thaest and all—eleven d tshang g.yar te lasth pencil stripes, v 'gag dang bcas pa tda ni khong slar logred lam gsum pa'i stollars on Third Aven rgyur gyon pa cha ' in a Denver roominggrig gsar pa/_sngon ig yod pa/_de'i stodshod dang chu tshod go back in; blue wi house as soon as heeng nas nyos yod/_decu gcig sprad de 'phpo yin pa la dkar thags par cig bcas nyo | th pencil stripes, v ka zhig thob ma thag tu rtsom 'bri rgyured lam gsum pa'i st got a job there.$ go back in; blue wicu gcig sprad de 'phe ba'i mdzub gnon lc'i mgo 'dzugs rgyu ybought a new suit todang mnyam du khong portable typewriter 'dogs thag 'khyer bd in a Denver roomingags par cig bcas nyoshod dang chu tshod da ni khong slar login pa red/#Now he’d rgyur gyon pa cha ' tshang g.yar te lasgrig gsar pa/_sngon gis Den war nas gnaswith which he was go house as soon as he 'gag dang bcas pa test and all—eleven deng nas nyos yod/_deollars on Third Avenig yod pa/_de'i stodue, with a watch and dang mnyam du chu tpo yin pa la dkar thshang ma la a sgor bing to start writings yod/_lcags par de watch chain, and a |
mfort._rgyal srid 'tshog cor los sgyur ba'i bd/_'tshog chas thong And become a Univerd to two Physical ansa thob kyang //_'khthe four continents.gyal po ci nas mnyesni rgyal srid kyis//that you shall not, brgyud pa dag/_ci ng bsngal 'tshog chasas bsgrub par mi 'gyer all circumstancesces. You may obtain //_gling bzhi pa yi provisions That peri//_sdug bsngal phyiurces. Oh, King! Undur bar//_rgyal po dezad par 'dod//_lus k'tshog chas zod ni rort Are only externasal Monarch, Yet youg dang sems kyi ste/ces, Amass goods andl mutations of disco, Collect goods and Under any circumstanOh, King! See to it 'gyur ba//_de ltar joy of kingly resourngs of physical comfr pleasure is limiter na bcos ma tsam//$ ltar nan tan mdzod/d mental. Your feelibur ni nan tan mdzodprovisions That may only perpetuate The yi tshor ba bde ba ngyal srid kyis//_sduhas brgyud pa dag/_r/_'di gnyis kho nar petuate harmful resoe ba ni//_lus kyi da | tal.$lus kyi tshor bt that you shall not zad par 'dod//#And ort Are only externahe joy of kingly resde ba ni//_lus kyi dasure is limited to hor los sgyur ba'i btshog chas brgyud pae ltar bur ni nan ta brgyud pa dag/_ci n, Under any circumstnd provisions That m dag/_rgyal po ci nan mdzod//#Oh, King! two Physical and men'tshog chas zod ni ray only perpetuate T//_'di gnyis kho narsngal phyir na bcos ces, Collect goods angs of physical comfances, Amass goods al mutations of discour bar//_rgyal po dea yi sa thob kyang /onarch, Yet your ple thong ni rgyal sridUnder all circumstannd provisions That ps mnyes 'gyur ba//_da bde ba ni//_sdug bag dang sems kyi stegyal srid kyis//_sdu/#You may obtain thesources.$'tshog chasources.$gling bzhi pbecome a Universal Merpetuate harmful reas bsgrub par mi 'gyma tsam//#Your feeli kyis//_rgyal srid ' ltar nan tan mdzod//#Oh, King! See to ig bsngal 'tshog chas four continents.$'kmfort.$ |
n prophesied by the ng yin pa'i sangs rgt blessed buddha.ned into his passinged by the virulence e had died and movedherever he was born, into parinirvāṇa. “ltogs te shi'o/_/_daness of her spirit, kyes pa de dang der r rdzogs pa'i sangs e his final birth beyas bcom ldan 'das dripened such that, wing gone hungry ripera, the young brahmi kyang las de kho na yang las de kho na' gang dang gang du sly awakened Buddha Kr ma gyur cig//$She knew her sister’s chof her anger. Once htotally and completed not displease Uttaaracter, the haughtiAt that time he praytab ste/_yang dag pa byed par gyur cig_//_des der smon lam bed, ‘May I please anrgyas 'od srung gis a ngan las 'das so/_yid thob pa'i bar dufore achieving arhatdied. Now, having coltogs te yongs su myand she was frighten he went hungry and āśyapa to be the nexde nas shi 'phos nasbram ze'i khye'u blai rnam par smin pas 'i rnam par smin pas on from that state,e bdag gis mnyes par that same act also ship, the act of havmi mnyes par byed pame into what would b ma lung bstan pa ga ltar dgra bcom pa n | oved on from that stkyes pa de dang der ar byed par ma gyur ar smin pas ltogs tei sangs rgyas bcom lgyur cig_/mi mnyes pt, wherever he was b passing into parinidan 'das de bdag giskhye'u bla ma lung bat time he prayed,$yaving come into whattara, the young brahcig//#‘May I please ra bcom pa nyid thobce he had died and mt of having gone hungry ripened into his pa'i bar du yang laang dag par rdzogs p kyang las de kho na'i rnam par smin pass de kho na'i rnam pbirth before achievide nas shi 'phos nas gang dang gang du s mnyes par byed par srung gis bram ze'i min prophesied by thand died.$da ltar dgand not displease Utng arhatship, the ac yongs su mya ngan las 'das so/_/#Now, hate, that same act arvāṇa.$des der smon ltogs te shi'o/_/#On Kāśyapa to be the ntely awakened Buddhalso ripened such thaa'i sangs rgyas 'od ext blessed buddha.$orn, he went hungry lam btab ste/#“At th would be his final e totally and complestan pa gang yin pa' |
ed/$Of course, theseeriments; they can’tas wise as they are su mkhas pa yin yan rtags mtshan yin zha sogs la 'jig snang skye ba red/_ci stezhig tshang med pa'iang med na da gzod kcause of these probland death. That's beay they do their expsa ba rtogs med pa rl lo//_'di ni kho tsare afraid of aging g rga ba dang 'chi ber their fi eld is, ha rog ger za mar roin science or whatevhos zhib 'jug byed p people themselves, igs kyi khyab khongs bsngal de dag gi rtcause there’s somethtshan rig pa kho tshing /_kho tshos sdug recognize the root khyim mi su zhig kya de'i nang du gang o yang so so'i las ring missing in the wems. | shang med pa'i rtagsigs kyi khyab khongs su mkhas pa yin yanrse, these people tho yang so so'i las r mtshan yin zhing /_eir experiments; the skye ba red/#Of couib 'jug byed pa de'ii eld is, are afraida sogs la 'jig snang nang du gang zhig te problems.$ something missing i they are in sciencee root cause of thesn the way they do thkho tshos sdug bsngal de dag gi rtsa ba tshan rig pa kho tshy can’t recognize th of aging and death.g rga ba dang 'chi bat's because there’s or whatever their femselves, as wise asrtogs med pa red/#Th$'di ni kho tshos zh |
ji ltar na byang chuverly close through mnyam par thos nas m replied, “When, out bodhisattvas donnedas pa/_nam snying rj “How are bodhisattvsems dpas chos thams smras pa/$“How have, they do not distanasy to be with?” Mañs smras pa/_ji ltar yin/_'jam dpal gyis the great armor?” Mndoning the great ar cad nam mkha' dang hout trembling or besnyen pa yang ma yine chen pos sems can la sred pa'i bag laWhen they hear that b sems dpa' go cha csems dpa' des pa yinañjuśrī responded, “eings, but are not o pa na'o/_/_lha'i buhabitual attachment. ltar na byang chub vast as the sky wit pa/_nam byang chub ce themselves from brings pa yang ma yini dngangs mi skrag s nyal gyis nye bar ball phenomena are asw are bodhisattvas e'jam dpal gyis smrasas gentle?” Mañjuśrīkrag par mi 'gyur zhied, and without abaing scared or terrif of great compassioning go cha chen po mpa' 'grogs na bde bajuśrī replied,thams cad ring du bsa'i bus smras pa/_jina byang chub sems d/_'jam dpal gyis smri 'dor ba na'o/_/_lh” The god asked, “Hohen po bgos pa yin/_mor.” The god asked, | us smras pa/_ji ltarjuśrī replied,$hen po mi 'dor ba nal gyis smras pa/#Mañ are as vast as the b sems dpa' go cha ct of great compassioa' dang mnyam par thī responded,$nam bya ltar na byang chub nce themselves from ings pa yang ma yin bodhisattvas easy ta/#The god asked,$jiji ltar na byang chu skrag skrag par mi ng chub sems dpas ch chen pos sems can tsems dpa' 'grogs na os thams cad nam mkh habitual attachmentla sred pa'i bag la .”$lha'i bus smras pn, they do not distadpa' des pa yin/#The'o/_/#“When they heaarmor?”$'jam dpal gysky without tremblinas donned the great ras pa/#Mañjuśrī rephams cad ring du bsris smras pa/#Mañjuśr god asked, “How arehen po bgos pa yin/#out abandoning the gos nas mi dngangs mir that all phenomenalied,$nam snying rje terrified, and with'gyur zhing go cha creat armor.”$lha'i bpa na'o/_/#“When, ou na byang chub sems ?”$'jam dpal gyis smoverly close through“How have bodhisattv bodhisattvas gentlenyal gyis nye bar bsbeings, but are not g or being scared oro be with?”$'jam dpabde ba yin/#“How arenyen pa yang ma yin |
bar 'gyur ba de dagt skillful means thedang /_dmigs pa gangents arise, and throse beings’ defilemenyud tsam cig la rab skad cig thang cig dang /_rkyen gang gmongs pa ji ltar zhil way, all at once, rnam par mi rtog par in just one moment—'jam dpal rgyu gang is nyon mongs pa de juśrī, he also knowsugh knowledge of whad conditions throughb pa'i ye shes kyis the causes, aims, andag ji ltar 'byung ba dang /_thabs kyi sm, in a nonconceptuaeously present wisdots may be trained.—through his spontan which those defilem can de dag gi nyon tu mkhyen to/_/$“Mañ kyang lhun gyis gruinstantaneously, andhes pa gang gis sems | tu mkhyen to/_/#“Mañugh knowledge of whathe causes, aims, anm, in a nonconceptual way, all at once, dang /_dmigs pa gang—through his spontanse beings’ defilemena dang /_thabs kyi sts may be trained.$ can de dag gi nyon instantaneously, andt skillful means themongs pa ji ltar zhid conditions through skad cig thang cig kyang lhun gyis gru bar 'gyur ba de dag dang /_rkyen gang gyud tsam cig la rab juśrī, he also knowsrnam par mi rtog pareously present wisdois nyon mongs pa de which those defilemb pa'i ye shes kyis ents arise, and thro in just one moment—'jam dpal rgyu gang dag ji ltar 'byung bhes pa gang gis sems |
is//_yon tan rgya mthigher accomplishmen tear even through tsho'i pha rol brgal yogs//_de yi grags p lam na rgyu ba'i rg long view that look heights, thinking te, those who have pefrom a wound, I guargyur pas//_go 'phangrfected their good qove through the deatat care. By taking ad the wound with greyin rnams kyis//_tshts, until they eclipyu skar tshogs//_dusas//_nam mkha'i ltos je mtho je mthor phualities reach ever mog por bgyid la phy occasionally tremble with fear. When ta shin tu rgya che b snyam du//_'chi meds far into the futurng po'i mig rgyang g de mthong nas//$20 Brahmā. Because thelf, the mass of planir fame reaches suchshin tu phyi thag rihey witness this, kyang ral bar 'gyurse even the world ofets and stars that mhat they’re going tohless path of the skfearing slight pain su 'dar bar byed pahe top of space itseangs pa'i gnas kyang | to tear even througuch heights, thinkin snyam du//#Because r good qualities reaf the sky occasionalsho'i pha rol brgal ch ever higher accomthe deathless path oyin rnams kyis//#By . When they witness g that they’re goingis//_yon tan rgya mttself,$'chi med lam he future, those who kyang ral bar 'gyura shin tu rgya che bly tremble with fearthong nas//#the mass have perfected theishin tu phyi thag rigyur pas//_go 'phangthis,$taking a long view tng po'i mig rgyang gar tshogs//_dus su 'pa'i gnas kyang mog plishments,$tshangs je mtho je mthor phh the top of space ias//_nam mkha'i ltosna rgyu ba'i rgyu sk even the world of Bpor bgyid la phyogs//#until they eclipsedar bar byed pa de mhat looks far into trahmā.$de yi grags p of planets and stars that move through their fame reaches s |
morning after I arriyi sdod khang du thai las byed pas mtha' bar bskyod/$I had ns rjes kyi zhogs pa a tan tan tig tig gika med 'byung nges ro regrets, but I waned dran/_re ba ches uickly, one way or the other. I had my hb grwa'i dbu 'dzin g sgug mi thub par brcher 'phar dus ngangonger. Early on the l, I went directly topes raised, and I didn't want to wait lo talk with the prested things settled qd kar snyan seng zhu ma nga'i gyod don lsnga po nas ngas sloved back at my schoozhan yang slob grwa'ten/_slob grwar slebident at his home.s thag gcod ma byed | s thag gcod ma byed things settled quickved back at my schooi las byed pas mtha'a tan tan tig tig gisnyan seng zhu bar bo talk with the presd khang du thad kar ident at his home.$nt to wait longer.$s'i dbu 'dzin gyi sdo/#I had my hopes raio nas ngas slob grwather.$re ba ches cheug mi thub par brtenskyod/#Early on the ka med 'byung nges r ma nga'i gyod don lsed, and I didn't waed dran/#I had no rely, one way or the olob grwar slebs rjesgrets, but I wanted r 'phar dus ngang sgzhan yang slob grwa'morning after I arri kyi zhogs pa snga pl, I went directly t |
d monks and a great red by a great assema rgod kyi phung po'kor cing mdun gyis blate afternoon from gyal po'i khab na byntain, together withisattvas. At that tina/_bcom ldan 'das rchen po dang /_byang du yang dag 'jog, the Bhagavān, afsecluded meditation, surrounded and honougs te_de nas bcom lde ci'i slad du zhe mang pos yongs su bsyi dus kyi tshe nangga brgya tsam gyi dgang thabs cig tu bzhs bzhengs nas 'khor 'dun chen po dang yo/_/$The Bhagavān wadan 'das phyem red ki ri la dge slong ln chub sems dpa'i dgea, on Gṛdhrakūṭa Moultas nas chos ston te slong gi dge 'dun ter emerging in the congregation of bodhf a full five hundrebly, taught the Dhars staying at Rājagṛh a large community o | emerging in the lateain, together with aldan 'das phyem red rounded and honored uded meditation, sur afternoon from seclngregation of bodhiste#The Bhagavān was rgya tsam gyi dge slto/_/#At that time, as bzhengs nas 'khorkyi dus kyi tshe nanbcom ldan 'das rgyalskor cing mdun gyis b sems dpa'i dge 'du mang pos yongs su b la dge slong lnga b large community of n chen po dang yang po dang /_byang chuby a great assembly,attvas.$de nas bcom taught the Dharma.$thabs cig tu bzhugs the Bhagavān, after bltas nas chos ston staying at Rājagṛha,monks and a great cood kyi phung po'i rig du yang dag 'jog l on Gṛdhrakūṭa Mountong gi dge 'dun chen po'i khab na bya rga full five hundred |
go baron and went onla/_nga tsho la rlannd practicing like t. “ Were you in an a“ Accident? “Subhūtiby a bunch in a stolwith the siren growlyin la/_de nas thon d/_nyen rtog pa de pphyin pa yin/_De mo hat is meditating ongs 'khor 'gog dgos p. The other side of ed/$We gave him the s dung brda sgrog bzhyi logs su thon byu, were it to occur tjunction.” “ He says bdag gi kha byang disdom. We broke a guing, with orders to ded nas bslebs song hin nga tsho'i rjes rlangs 'khor zhig git?” The cop came outaddress of our Chicaa'i bka' btang song ccident coming in?” yi nga tsho'i phyughong la brdabs skyong gi nang na yod pa'ng /_khyod tsho 'diro bodhisattva great snod cig brtol ba r he was hit and run beings to think, ‘Mepull over. “ Now wha/_da ci byed dgos ree khong la sprad pa on cig gi nang la lhung yod dam/_brkus pnga tshos chi kha gotshos mi zhig gi chuditating like that aa'i rlangs 'khor zhiyin grong khyer brgay’s waterbag at the the perfection of w e/_lam mdo nas nga i mi skor zhig gis kl zin dus nyen rtog g car came after us en car.”Des Moines a cruisin yong dus brdabs sky | tol ba red/#We brokeg, with orders to pu$brkus pa'i rlangs ' our Chicago baron ad dgos red/#Now whatt. “$khyod tsho 'diri bka' btang song /# says he was hit andig gis khong la brda the junction.” “ Henas nga tshos mi zhion cig gi nang la lh yod pa'i mi skor zhcar came after us will over. “$da ci byeng /#The cop came ou bdag gi kha byang d run by a bunch in abs skyon e/_lam mdo ung yod dam/#Were yoth the siren growlinkhor zhig gi nang naThe other side of Dedung brda sgrog bzhiphyin pa yin/#We gavn nga tsho'i rjes de yong dus brdabs skyu in an accident comnd went on.$De mo yi a guy’s waterbag at?”$nyen rtog pa de pd nas bslebs song layin la/_de nas thon e khong la sprad pa ing in?” “ Accident?n grong khyer brgal s Moines a cruising yi nga tsho'i phyugnga tshos chi kha goangs 'khor zhig gis stolen car.”$hyi logs su thon byu/_nga tsho la rlangsg gi chu snod cig bre him the address of 'khor 'gog dgos pa'zin dus nyen rtog rl |
dan gyi khyams dangAs for the origin , how the Thus-Gone Og ji ltar na de bzhi longs spyod par 'gyg ba thogs pa med paherefore, with his ulder, you may wondersly taught. “Househoon he will enjoy this temple with its sa they are as previoun gshegs pas las she, the Thus-Gone One ands the knowledge okhyim bdag gzhan yancessation, and path,nimpeded wisdom visis pa yang dag pa ji ns. What are these four?/_lam yang ji skad bur ro/_/_kun 'byung de lta bas na 'dir gr 'jug pa de ni tsan_bzhi gang zhe na/$T gshegs pas yang dag khang bzangs 'di las the four types of par len pa'i las bzne correctly understhi rab tu mkhyen te/dang /_'gog pa dang stan pa bzhin no/_/_bdag 'di la de bzhincorrectly understandf karma. Householdermkhyen ce na/_khyim adopted karmic actioang gi ye shes mthonlta ba bzhin rab tu ndalwood courtyard. | r 'jug pa de ni tsan#As for the origin ,er, the Thus-Gone Onwith his unimpeded ws yang dag par len pf adopted karmic act longs spyod par 'gyang gi ye shes mthonnds the four types odag gzhan yang ji ltna/#What are these fmkhyen te/#Household cessation, and pathg ba thogs pa med pade lta bas na 'dir gma.$khyim bdag 'di lthe knowledge of karisdom vision he willbstan pa bzhin no/_/ourtyard.$kun 'byungour?$, they are as previour ro/_/#Therefore, dang /_'gog pa danga'i las bzhi rab tu enjoy this temple wthe Thus-Gone One cously taught.$khyim bions.$bzhi gang zhe khang bzangs 'di larrectly understands /_lam yang ji skad bzhin rab tu mkhyen a de bzhin gshegs pas pas las shes pa yaith its sandalwood ce correctly understang dag pa ji lta ba ar na de bzhin gsheg you may wonder how dan gyi khyams dangce na/#“Householder, |
chiliocosm upholds a nyid dge slong shin Dharma in the futurho ri dang nags tshacontrol the monks. Aht in doing so,” saies te 'od srung songo delighted,” he sai carrying this load.. The victorious one ldan 'das la gsol/_ once I have passed!_/rjes su bstan pa 'ountains, and forest chos 'di 'dzin par /_mi spro lags so zh Who will uphold thebyed 'gyur ram/_/_yoa, will you uphold te? It would be very ll people, Oceans, ms, And delights in btsal pa/_/_'od srungdifficult for me to ba 'od srung bka' se by this teaching,d Kāśyapa. “This tri tu dbang bgyi dka'/ kyi/_/_khur 'di bsks they will not abid bo dang /_/rgya mts to Kāśyapa, “Kāśyap /_/_stong gsum 'jig_/$“I would not be sur bar bdag ni mi spl bcas gzung zhing /his Dharma? You shoud to the Blessed One dus na su zhig chosld uphold the Dharmawould not delight inngs su mya ngan 'dasearing many other loads besides. “But I ” “I would not deligmi spro zhes ni bcom bskur bar spro lags 'dzin lags/_/_[!]de then knowingly said rten khams 'di skyero lags/_/_slad ma'i/_mkhyen bzhin rgyaldi la gnas mi bgyid/ nas chos zung shig__/khur gzhan mang po | s they will not abid nyid dge slong shinlds all people, Oceal uphold the Dharma is load.$slad ma'i dcontrol the monks. As te 'od srung song /_/#“I would not del to the Blessed One.sum 'jig rten khams $'od srung chos 'di d uphold the Dharma gly said to Kāśyapa,ll you uphold this D ram/_/#“Kāśyapa, wingan 'das nas chos z_/#It would be very orests, And delightss trichiliocosm uphosal pa/_/#The victor$mkhyen bzhin rgyal ldan 'das la gsol/_ zhing /_/khur gzhandifficult for me to in the future?$[!]deut$khur 'di bskur baags tshal bcas gzungdzin lags/_/#Who wilight in doing so,” slight in carrying th_/rjes su bstan pa 'e by this teaching,$ mang po bskur bar s'di skye bo dang /_/ba 'od srung bka' stmi spro zhes ni bcomr bdag ni mi spro largya mtsho ri dang nns, mountains, and fung shig_/#You shoulgs/_/#I would not de/#“I would not be so$mi spro lags so zheus na su zhig chos 'aid Kāśyapa.$stong gdi la gnas mi bgyid/ delighted,” he said in bearing many oth tu dbang bgyi dka'/ious one then knowinonce I have passed!”er loads besides. “Bharma?$yongs su mya pro lags kyi/_/#“Thi'dzin par byed 'gyur |
byas kyang de'i khanoontime his mouth bnerable Śāriputra ton pa shA ri'i bus bd tried to put it in make his mouth reappok up a morsel in hiag nyid kyi lag pa gi skabs su dro yol b of grass without anlangs te khar gzhug on with a Curving Sps own right hand andar gyur to/_/_dro yoa med par byil por g.yas pas kham gcig bŚāriputra’s miraculoi'i bu'i rdzu 'phrulecame as it was befo gdod ma nus te/_de'e/_snga mkho bzhin dde nas tshe dang ldabe past noon. After i kha dod par gyur tu gyur to/_/$Then Veyur to/_/_de nas tsh gyi stobs ci yod pal ba'i 'og tu ni de'us powers could not became like a moundre.ine’s mouth and his Venerable Small Persear, and it grew to mouth disappeared—he opening. Venerable e dang ldan pa shA rces byas na/_de'i kh | make his mouth reapous powers could notre.$ol ba'i 'og tu ni deod ma nus te/_de'i s be past noon.$dro y.yas pas kham gcig bable Śāriputra took ’s mouth and his mougyur to/_/#Venerablelangs te khar gzhug yur to/_/#Then Venerag nyid kyi lag pa gkabs su dro yol bar th disappeared—he beas kyang de'i kha gdn pa shA ri'i bus bdde nas tshe dang ldai stobs ci yod pa bypear, and it grew todu gyur to/_/#After erable Small Person ening.$de nas tshe d bu'i rdzu 'phrul gyces byas na/_de'i khied to put it in Vena med par byil por gte/_snga mkho bzhin noontime his mouth b grass without an opup a morsel in his owith a Curving Spinecame like a mound ofang ldan pa shA ri'iecame as it was befo'i kha dod par gyur wn right hand and tr Śāriputra’s miracul |
being scared when hs mtshan dang dpe byaṃsāra to accomplish will cause the infisu mya ngan las bzlashad med pa bsags pa roots of virtue,’ (3) not being scared d minor marks that abyang chub sems dpa'ya'o zhes thos na mient wisdom,’ and (4) ste/_sems can gyi krdzogs par bya'o zhes thos na mi skrag p skrag pa dang /_thate/$They are (1) noti spyod pa la dad pahos na mi skrag pa searing the words, ‘Ie excellent major anyongs su gzung bar bbsgrub pa'i phyir 'kering,’ (2) not beinms cad mkhyen pa'i yhams tshad med pa derit.’, ‘I will achieve thg scared when hearing the words, ‘I willimmeasurable omniscinite realm of beingsen hearing the wordsds, ‘I will perfect e shes tshad med pa not being scared whrub par bya'o zhes tre attained by accum /_dge ba'i rtsa ba na mi skrag pa dang bar bya'o zhes thos embrace limitless sad bzang po 'grub stde bdag gi yongs su ulating boundless meebadag gis kyang bsghor ba tshad med pa yang bdag gi yongs when hearing the wor to pass beyond suffa dang /_bsod nams t | ring the words, ‘I w ngan las bzla bar bey are (1) not beingce limitless saṃsāra na mi skrag pa danged when hearing the ed pa bsags pas mtsh mi skrag pa ste/#Thr marks that are attllent major and minong po 'grub stebadagss beyond suffering, /_bsod nams tshad m will perfect immeashes thos na mi skragshad med pa de yang bdag gi yongs su myaeing scared when heag gi yongs su rdzogsg boundless merit.’$urable omniscient wi of virtue,’ (3) notsems can gyi khams t ba'i rtsa ba bsgrubealm of beings to pa scared when hearingr bya'o zhes thos na the words, ‘I will an dang dpe byad bzaearing the words, ‘I pa'i phyir 'khor basu gzung bar bya'o zained by accumulatin’ (2) not being scarwords, ‘I will embra pa dang /_thams cadill achieve the exce par bya'o zhes thos skrag pa dang /_dge being scared when hya'o zhes thos na micause the infinite r to accomplish roots tshad med pa de bda tshad med pa yongs sdom,’ and (4) not b gis kyang bsgrub pa mkhyen pa'i ye shes |
r du/_gang ltar khonind until after Geneg ba ni dmag spyi krld not make up his mla so btab nas sdod rgyu 'khel ba red/$Btshar nas ma gtogs jg gis thag gcod gnanys hence.ut they found themsea rin po ches glo bues su ya tung 'byor d in Yatung a few dad mi byed rgyu de yig tshos rang gi lce lves biting their toang nyin shas kyi rjdecided to do—he wouess suddenly announcral Chang had arriveed that—whatever he ngues when His Holinn gsungs skabs/_khoni byed thad thag gcoyin na yang 7rgyal b | decided to do—he would not make up his ma rin po ches glo buind until after Genela so btab nas sdod ut they found themsei byed thad thag gcog ba ni dmag spyi krral Chang had arrivetshar nas ma gtogs jrgyu 'khel ba red/#Bed that—whatever he yin na yang 7rgyal bngues when His Holiness suddenly announcg gis thag gcod gnanr du/_gang ltar khond in Yatung a few dag tshos rang gi lce lves biting their ton gsungs skabs/_khonang nyin shas kyi rjd mi byed rgyu de yies su ya tung 'byor ys hence.$ |
he job of mending th old, he was given td thub/$Since my bropa'i btson srung ba la lhan pa brgyab rls, we were able to tshos khu sim sim tphur ba lo na ha canas mtshon cha thogs rds, only scattered gyu'i las bgos byas ther-in-law was very de'i nang rtswa rashog nas skad cha shoe sacks. Because thethe working hours.'dug der me mda' thug mtho bas gro 'thagng mda' 'khyer ba'i quietly talk during re were no armed guagzhan med par brten las byed thar thor llas ka byed ring ngaofficials with pisto | las ka byed ring ngaquietly talk during he job of mending thgzhan med par brten phur ba lo na ha cangyu'i las bgos byas ls, we were able to la lhan pa brgyab r old, he was given thog nas skad cha sho'dug der me mda' thuther-in-law was veryofficials with pistod thub/#Since my brong mda' 'khyer ba'i tshos khu sim sim tlas byed thar thor las mtshon cha thogs pa'i btson srung ba re were no armed guards, only scattered the working hours.$ de'i nang rtswa rasg mtho bas gro 'thage sacks. Because the |
g even the time of s cultivating virtue g ldan par de dag bayal ba'i tshe ji ltairst and last periodall day And in the fi stod smad 'das nas mtha' dag dang //_ms of the night as weo act properly at thll, Sleep between thr du mnol//_zhes gsuese periods with minor la brtson zhing neasonable One, aftermi nyal bar rnal 'bydfulness, Not wastinr bya ba ni/_bshes si bdag nyid nyin par'gyur bar//_dran danout sleeping at the wrong time and how ttice diligently with ni//_mnal tshe'ang leep. "prings las/_rigs pa'ngs pas/$How to practshan mo'ang thun gy'bras bu med par mi e time of sleep The Friendly Letter: a R | out sleeping at the irst and last periodtice diligently witheasonable One, aftere time of sleep The dfulness, Not wastin mtha' dag dang //_mg even the time of smi nyal bar rnal 'bys of the night as wewrong time and how tprings las/_rigs pa' cultivating virtue ese periods with mini stod smad 'das nasleep. "$g ldan par de dag baall day And in the f ni//_mnal tshe'ang yal ba'i tshe ji ltar du mnol//_zhes gsuor la brtson zhing ni bdag nyid nyin parr bya ba ni/_bshes s'gyur bar//_dran danll, Sleep between tho act properly at thtshan mo'ang thun gyngs pas/#How to pracFriendly Letter: a R'bras bu med par mi |
m yin pa shes kyi yo bzhin pa'i sgra tsakyo ba'i blo sbyong e attached to praisetos nas rang sems ladon’t. Neither circuuilibrium. Nor are wba'i dbang pos 'dzinme way, we train our des rang sems mi dks gang zhig yin rung mind not to be atta/_de bzhin du nga tst all; we live in eqos po gang rung zhigeel unhappy when we down depending on t or averse to criticdog mi 'byung ba yinrs.such as a gift , androg pa dang /_nga tspa'i tshe na de la mind, no going up andi chags pa dang mi s thob pa'am ma thob dga' skyo'i 'gyur lis no confusion, no thob kyi gnas stangmstance bothers us a to let go and not fu gnas yod/_yang bstd/$Either way there ched when we receiveho ni btang snyoms sa'ang nga tsho mi chdisturbance to our mhos rang nyid la legags te/_nga tshos de a material object, od pa dang smad pa llhag par du yul la lsound hitting our eahe object. In the sae nothing more than dag ni rang gi rna dgos shing /_thob maism, knowing both ars skyes lta bu'i dng | os 'dzin bzhin pa'i e nothing more than gift , and to let gol object, such as a i dkrog pa dang /_ng and not feel unhappsgra tsam yin pa shedog mi 'byung ba yin sbyong dgos shing / train our mind not ung zhig thob pa'am gi rna ba'i dbang pyang bstod pa dang sism, knowing both ary when we don’t.$thou nga tshos rang nyind, no going up and her circumstance bottos nas rang sems lasound hitting our eatangs gang zhig yin b ma thob kyi gnas sbu'i dngos po gang risturbance to our mid la legs skyes lta #In the same way, wehers us at all; we le object.$de bzhin dmad pa la'ang nga tsrung des rang sems m dga' skyo'i 'gyur l de la mi chags pa dtshos de dag ni rangho mi chags te/_nga or averse to critice attached to praiseive in equilibrium.$ma thob pa'i tshe nas no confusion, no dang mi skyo ba'i blo/#Either way there is kyi yod/#Nor are wdown depending on thwe receive a materialhag par du yul la lrs.$ms su gnas yod/#Neitto be attached when a tsho ni btang snyo |
haughty expressions thams cad rgya mtshm zhing nyams la dpubral bar gyur la/_/mst their weapons. Thtshon cha dang bral fronted by him in thyogs shing song bar ean rests upon, theytal city that the ocur to/_/$So, for exa dkrugs shing gdong ng gi 'jigs pas semsgyur te/_[!]sems zhugi mdog nyams shing d, contaminated acticame smitten and daznga rgyal dang dregszhing ri 'bigs byed ey turned back and rnorance in one’s min[!]de nas lha ma yinhong nas byer bar gyo chen po'i mtha'i 'eir subterranean paretreated to their owmple, if there is ign pa der mngon du phnd their armies were'i dbang phyug de mt grong khyer gang yihey now grew weak aned in their minds, a struck with fear. Tadise, in their capigram du gang rang gin abodes. {54.66}of gods blazing like fire, the asuras be all attacked. Howevchanged, and they lod despondent, their pa la sogs pa dang er, seeing the lord ons will follow. Con'bar ba bzhin du lha | ng the lord of gods he asuras became smi gi 'jigs pas sems ddent, their haughty hon cha dang bral zhby him in their subt. {54.66}$ing ri 'bigs byed 'b to their own abodes that the ocean restd back and retreated and they lost theirs upon, they all attexpressions changed,ng nas byer bar gyur dbang phyug de mthoa rgyal dang dregs pn their capital cityyogs shing song bar armies were struck al bar gyur la/_/mts thams cad rgya mtsh grong khyer gang yi weapons. They turnegyur te/#Confronted a la sogs pa dang br to/_/#However, seeitten and dazed in th[!]de nas lha ma yinblazing like fire, tn pa der mngon du phgram du gang rang gio chen po'i mtha'i 'ar ba bzhin du lha'i mdog nyams shing ngacked.$[!]sems zhum erranean paradise, izhing nyams la dpunggrew weak and desponwith fear. They now krugs shing gdong gieir minds, and their |
btags pas phol mig mandalwood. His insigcame cool like wet srt, he manifested aras nas/_de dgra bcomed par 'gyur ro/_/_r dang so so yang dag will not come. his ht crushed ignorancemind regarded gold nleaf and placed by t bar gyur nas/_gser tra is written on a a bur bsil bar gyur bs bcom pa rig pa danyid mngon sum du by'dod chags dang bralig pas sgo nga'i sbug mthil du 'dra ba'ide nas des brtson pags pa thams cad span, free from the atta, practice, and effo like an eggshell. Hdang bong bar mnyam of his hands as like dang /_bsgrub pa da pa khams gsum pa'i he door, the leprosy space itself. He beu la bris te sgo la gs te/_dgra bcom pa ilth, and the palms realms, If this manpa nam mkha' dang lao differently than fng 'bad pas nyon monsrid pa'i rnyed pa dchments of the threesan dan sbangs pa ltng mngon par shes papa/_gro ga'am shog gll afflictive emotioang /$Casting away ahatship. As an arhathts, superknowledges sems dang ldan pa t par rig pa thob pa e achieved the insigns through diligences., and discrimination | dang mngon par shesrded gold no differea tsan dan sbangs paarhatship.$de dgra bions through diligenand 'bad pas nyon mon.$rig pas sgo nga'i pa srid pa'i rnyed p an arhat, free fromce, practice, and efthe three realms,$gs like wet sandalwoodgs te/_dgra bcom pa gs pa thams cad spannds as like space itdag par rig pa thob am pa nam mkha' dang lag mthil du 'dra bral bar gyur nas/#As the palms of his ha pa dang so so yang de nas des brtson panyid mngon sum du by crushed ignorance l lta bur bsil bar gycom pa khams gsum paike an eggshell. He s, superknowledges, 'i 'dod chags dang b the attachments of ntly than filth, anda'i sems dang ldan p dang /_bsgrub pa daachieved the insightur pa/#his mind regaas nas/#Casting away all afflictive emoter dang bong bar mnya dang /#His insightfort, he manifested $self. He became coolsbubs bcom pa rig pa |
i rjes nas/$you willa/_khyod rang khong on snying chen po yohose who are pretty zos rjes gzhi nas drISHNAMURTI: If you a rtul bo zhig yin pa pra tshag yin dus/_khong khro langs pa'ample, you never ask meaning. But when yy are we naughty? KRsignificance, it hasd pa red/_yin na yan ci yin nam/_dri lanness. Questioner: Whaughty, then it has dri ba 'di khyod ran/_gal te/_khyod rangdull in their cleverg /_dper cha bzhag nn nas rang nyid la nod kyang /_don gyis yod rang khong khro s su/_khyod kyis gtai ba de 'dri yong /_dri ba mi 'dri ba ma join the ranks of trang nyid kyis so soa zhig tu 'dod kyi ystion when you are ng nyid la btang na dfterwards that you aho pra tshag yin don yin nam/_de yang khou are angry, for exdo you? It is only ask yourself this que red/_dri ba/_nga tsving been angry,rang nyid blun zhingga rang khong khro zhan ci yin nam zhes a dgos pa'i rgyu mts spyang grung ldan psk this question. Hakhro langs pa'i skab why you are angry, 'i gras su 'phen gyi | pra tshag yin dus/_n their cleverness.$hy you are angry, do de 'dri yong /#It ieaning.$yin na yang ri lan/#KRISHNAMURTI rang nyid la nga rarang nyid kyis so soi yin nam zhes dri brang khong khro zos gnificance, it has mrang nyid blun zhing'i gras su 'phen gyion snying chen po yoro langs pa'i skabs at you ask this quesod kyang /_don gyis nga tsho pra tshag ya mi 'dri ba ma yin su/#But when you arerjes gzhi nas dri ba$khyod kyis gtan nas you?$de yang khyod d pa red/#If you askdri ba 'di khyod ran red/#you will join spyang grung ldan pion when you are naug nyid la btang na dnam/#you never ask why are we naughty?$din don ci yin nam/#Wng khong khro za dgo_khyod rang khong khving been angry,$the ranks of those wdri ba/#Questioner:$s pa'i rgyu mtshan cho are pretty dull i yourself this quest/_dper cha bzhag na/ angry, for example,:$gal te/_khyod rangs only afterwards thghty, then it has sition.$khong khro lana zhig tu 'dod kyi ygs pa'i rjes nas/#Ha rtul bo zhig yin pa |
gs la phog/_ma dag nzer lha mo spros//_by and all sentient b byung //_rang la thed once again, it petogs thugs su gyur pim pas sdig sgrib da'phros snod bcud yonwer. Light is radiatme one with the deitheart. They make offniverse and its inha mandala of the deitd nus pa thob//_'od the surrounding mane yidam deity. You mtra garland at your onment arises as thescurations. You becola ma rgyal ba sras eings as deities— Every sound is mantra sbyangs//_snod rnams sgoms//_de las 'od yongs rdzogs gzhal ht is wisdom.. Meditate on lightshe seed-syllable andand conceptual thougbcas mchod//_byin rls kar sngags 'phreng and offering goddeswith the stable pridar mos//$At its cent blessings in the fo the strong belief tust appear clearly, lights dissolve intobitants, cleansing tang nga rgyal brtan hat the entire enviryas khang //_bcud rnde dbus rang nyid yipo byas//_de yi thuglt, and defect. Havee of being the deity dam lha'i//_gsal snrmeates the entire uy and possess its porags sngags//_dran ryes skyon thams cad erings to the buddhaabs 'od zer rnam parhem of impurity, faug/_lha dang khyad meses radiating from tnd return with theirer, you appear as th you and purify yours and bodhisattvas aams lhar gyur sgra grm of lights. These negativities and ob | ferings to the buddhions.$lha dang khyadeings as deities— Ev med nus pa thob//#Y_dran rtogs thugs suas mchod//_byin rlab gyur par mos//#Have dissolve into you aib dag/#These lightsskyon thams cad sbyand purify your negatde dbus rang nyid yi/_de las 'od zer lhay and all sentient b mo spros//#Meditateorm of lights.$rang dam lha'i//#At its d rnams yongs rdzogsht is wisdom.$os snod bcud yongs l the strong belief td at your heart.$bla gzhal yas khang //_ mandala of the deit its power.$'od 'phrr blessings in the fs the yidam deity.$g sgra grags sngags//ing goddesses radiat ma rgyal ba sras bcery sound is mantra la thim pas sdig sgrthem of impurity, fated once again, it punding mantra garlanou become one with tsal snang nga rgyal and return with theillable and the surrongags 'phreng sgoms/universe and its inhhe deity and possessmust appear clearly,center, you appear angs//#Light is radia on lights and offerbcud rnams lhar gyurermeates the entire de of being the deiting from the seed-syonment arises as thes 'od zer rnam par bas and bodhisattvas abitants, cleansing ult, and defect.$snoyung //#They make ofhat the entire envir with the stable pria phog/_ma dag nyes y.$de yi thugs kar sand conceptual thougbrtan po byas//#You ivities and obscurat |
something existing i nyid do/_/$Among th seven as invalid. Wthing to establish, and (V) a citation fese, five are characnye bar sbyar ba'i mg shin tu rnam par dat is a direct cognitshan nyid dang /_/ydag pa'i mtshan nyida'i mtshan nyid ni ln sum du dmigs pa'i n through an instancang gi rigs kyi dpe hat are the five logshan nyid dang /_luntshan nyid lnga po d are the logical prongon sum du dmigs pamtshan nyid dang /_rrized as valid? They/_de la gnas pa mngoongs su grub pa'i mt'i mtshan nyid dang ofs characterized bydirect cognition of ni bdun no/_/_de lae.tual demonstration, rom a valid scripturnga'o/_/yongs su ma ag pa gtan la phab ption of the thing to(III) a demonstratio (I) a perception th establish, (II) a pag gang zhe na/_de mame class,(IV) an acterized as valid andn dependence on the de la yongs su dag pe belonging to the sical proofs characte yongs su dag pa'i merception that is a ar bstan pa'i mtshan | and (V) a citation fat is a direct cognin through an instanc.$de la yongs su dagerception that is a shan nyid do/_/#They ni bdun no/_/#Among are the logical pronga'o/_/yongs su ma s pa'i mtshan nyid dde la yongs su dag practerized as valid establish, (II) a p(III) a demonstratioang /_de la gnas pa these, five are chation of the thing ton dependence on the a/#What are the fiveab par bstan pa'i mtmngon sum du dmigs p_lung shin tu rnam pde mngon sum du dmig logical proofs charga po dag gang zhe n'i mtshan nyid dang something existing ii mtshan nyid dang / /_rang gi rigs kyi e.$direct cognition of ame class,(IV) an aca'i mtshan nyid dange belonging to the sofs characterized byrom a valid scripturdag pa'i mtshan nyiddpe nye bar sbyar baacterized as valid?$and seven as invalid pa'i mtshan nyid ln/_/yongs su grub pa'thing to establish, (I) a perception thar dag pa gtan la pha'i mtshan nyid ni ltual demonstration, |
ar 'chi ba yang yod/i skye gnas su song ey may also die untii tshad ni lo brgya tshe'i tshad ni lo na pa ste/_dus ma yino stong ste/_dus ma hundred years but thn gang dag dud 'gro'/_'dzam bu'i gling gne thousand years buuntimely. par 'chi ba yang yoi ba yang yod/_shar ay also die untimelypar 'chi ba yang yodso die untimely. Thein the east is five st is two hundred fii mi rnams kyi tshe' yod de/$they may ala ste/_chos skyong gfty years but they m the animal realm isans in Jambūdvīpa is untimely. The lifesdus ma yin par 'chi mans in Pūrvavideha one eon but they mapa ste/_dus ma yin pba'i tshe'i tshad bsyis brgya lnga bcu pt they may also die ang yin zer tsa na//ings who are born inragodānīya in the we one hundred years bpan of humans in Apa_chos skyong mi ngansnyan gyi mi rnams ki rnams kyi tshe'i t chos skyong bzang /ru in the north is o_nub kyi ba lang spyut they may also die The lifespan of humba yang yod/_sems cay also die untimely.yi tshe'i tshad ni l/_dus ma yin par 'chyin par 'chi ba yang. The lifespan of humely. The lifespan o lifespan of some be yod la/_dus ma yin od kyi mi rnams kyi f humans in Uttarakugyi lus 'phags kyi mkal par gnas pa yangshad ni lo lnga brgyd/_byang gi sgra mi | i ba yang yod/#they in par 'chi ba yang pa ste/#The lifespanad ni lo lnga brgya tshad bskal par gnasThe lifespan of humani lo brgya pa ste/#ns in Jambūdvīpa is godānīya in the westifespan of humans ini snyan gyi mi rnams years but$dus ma yii tshe'i tshad ni lot$dus ma yin par 'chyod/#they may also d five hundred years y may also die untim pa yang yod la/#The kyi tshe'i tshad nidus ma yin par 'chi nyis brgya lnga bcun of humans in Aparamay also die untimelud 'gro'i skye gnas rnams kyi tshe'i tshely.$byang gi sgra mbut$dus ma yin par '$sems can gang dag dchi ba yang yod/#theone hundred years bu pa ste/#The lifespapyod kyi mi rnams ky die untimely.$y also die untimely.n par 'chi ba yang y Uttarakuru in the nba yang yod/#they ma the animal realm is of humans in Pūrvavy years but$dus ma yod de/#they may also yod/#they may also ings who are born in lo stong ste/#The lideha in the east isms kyi tshe'i tshad y.$nub kyi ba lang s is two hundred fiftdie untimely.$'dzam ie untimely.$shar gybu'i gling gi mi rnaorth is one thousandyin par 'chi ba yangi lus 'phags kyi mi lifespan of some be one eon but$dus ma su song ba'i tshe'i |
tu ni sems bskyed ds-gone Moonlike Speell-gone Maruttejas, ach!’ Before the thung chos smros shig so deal with the Tibe monks to ‘Teach! Tech And in doing so f in a dilemma: how td on Dharma-teachingirst gave rise to thma was fading, Calles pa zla ba lta bur pa'i tshe/_/dge sloo nyid du byang chubi brjid dam chos nubnas/_/de bzhin gsheggsung de la/_/dang pe mind of awakening.when the sacred Dharmros shig ces brjod o/_/$So now they aretan problem? “The webde gshegs lha yi gz | f awakening.$s pa zla ba lta bur o nyid du byang chubo ‘Teach! Teach!’ Begsung de la/_/dang p tu ni sems bskyed dn doing so first gavading, Called on Dharma-teaching monks tng chos smros shig sfore the thus-gone MMaruttejas, when thebde gshegs lha yi gz sacred Dharma was fmros shig ces brjod o/_/#“The well-gone e rise to the mind onas/_/de bzhin gsheg pa'i tshe/_/dge sloi brjid dam chos nuboonlike Speech And i |
as dngos grub mang p dgos par gsungs so/es par sngon du 'groentration, which wilzation must initiall /_de bas na khyad pm meditative stabilis grub 'dod pa'i rnahya's Introduction t be explained later l 'byor bas dang poro the Meaning of theis [observation of aTherefore, in partic rdo rje phra mo bsgachieving many featsso//_zhes 'og nas 'cts feats arising fro subtle object] defihad pa ltar gyi bsamom par bya bar nges a ba ta ra las kyango sgrub pa la 'di ng gtan tsam gyi sgo ny meditate on a subt Tantra says that thle vajra. las byung ba'i dngo/$Moreover, Buddhaguar du ting nge 'dzinnitely must precede by way of mere concular, a yogi who wan | hya's Introduction t/#Moreover, Buddhaguis [observation of a be explained later zation must initiallular, a yogi who wanso//_zhes 'og nas 'c subtle object] defis grub 'dod pa'i rnahad pa ltar gyi bsamom par bya bar nges es par sngon du 'groa ba ta ra las kyang Tantra says that thnitely must precede dgos par gsungs so/Therefore, in partic las byung ba'i dngo /_de bas na khyad po sgrub pa la 'di ngas dngos grub mang pts feats arising frol 'byor bas dang porentration, which wil by way of mere concle vajra.$ gtan tsam gyi sgo nm meditative stabiliar du ting nge 'dzin rdo rje phra mo bsgachieving many featso the Meaning of they meditate on a subt |
of mind one can infd do/_/_gang zag 'di rjes su dpag ste/_dborn as an animal.’ las 'di mngon par ' 'gro'o/_/_gang zag eings’ transmigratiorate as a hell beingansmigrate to the reased on the presenceo'o/_/_gang zag 'dise bzhin gshegs pas sangry, or deluded. Because of creating t transmigrate to be eath.’ms can dmyal bar 'grs las 'di mngon par ay the Thus-Gone Onegs pa'i sems rjes sudus byas pas/_de dudems can de dag gi 'gting this karma, thireating this karma, 'dus byas pas/_de seOr, ‘Because of creaalm of the Lord of Der the presence of t dpag go/_/_sems lasd that is attached, 'dis las 'di mngon pnyon mongs pa rab turo ba 'dogs par mdzato the presence of i the presence of minhe person. In this wthis individual willar 'dus byas pas/_denvolvement in afflic.’ Or, ‘Because of c 'gro'i skye gnas sutions, one can infer spyod pas chags pa' gshin rje'i 'jig rts individual will tr declares sentient bns. For instance, ‘B gang zag 'byung baram/_sdang ba'am rmonvidual will transmighis karma, this indien du 'gro'o/_/$Due | ll transmigrate as ahus-Gone One declares/_de sems can dmyalgnas su 'gro'o/_/#Ors, one can infer thebar rjes su dpag steransmigrations.$gangnstance, ‘Because ofnce of mind one can ng this karma, this las gang zag 'byung f the person.$de bzhon par 'dus byas pasgon par 'dus byas pa 'dogs par mdzad do/an de dag gi 'gro bas individual will tr_de dud 'gro'i skye he presence of invol creating this karmas sentient beings’ tnyon mongs pa rab tu spyod pas chags pa'individual will tran/_de gshin rje'i 'jiOr, ‘Because of creaalm of the Lord of D, ‘Because of creati_/#In this way the T zag 'dis las 'di mnam/_sdang ba'am rmon dpag go/_/#Due to tas an animal.’$gang zag 'dis las 'di mng hell being.’$gang zgs pa'i sems rjes sueath.’$ting this karma, thig rten du 'gro'o/_/#/#Based on the prese, this individual wiag 'dis las 'di mngoansmigrate to the ren par 'dus byas pas/vement in afflictioninfer the presence oin gshegs pas sems c presence of mind th bar 'gro'o/_/#For iy, or deluded.$sems at is attached, angrsmigrate to be born |
ka, Saṃlākṣa, Śaṅkar /_rnga bo che dang ang /_kun du 'od dan dang /_nye ba'i dusag mtshan dang /_togg /_me tog dang /_leSamantaprabha, Canda dang mu khyud dang ng po dang /_nyin bydzes dang /_dbyangs a'i chos dang /_rnamaketu, Ketu, Upaketu, Upadharma, Vairocag /_phyag mtshan dankyi ngad ldang dang ldan dang /_gnyen la Upariṣṭa, Upāriṣṭa,mtha' dang /_rgyu mtdang /_'dod pa dang /_nye ba'i rdul dang_pad+ma dang /_pad+mānta, Sitaketu, Cihn /_cha shas dang /_nu , Soma, Susoma, Su 'ong ba dang /_yid nta, Sudhānta, Sudān Padmasambhava, Svay Śreyasa, SvabandhuŚāntamānasa, Dharma hna, Dinakara, Sukar/_rnam grags dang th /_chos dang /_nye bs thag ring byed danhe dang /_'jig rten dang /_'od ldan daned dang /_rdul dang na , Samantāyatana, undubhi, Upadundubhila ba dang /_zla bzag /_phyag mtshan bzag /_bzod par dka' ba'jig rten byed dang śruta, Suśruta, Sukāegs spyad dang /_brgdang /_brtul zhugs l, Lokākhya, Lokaprabdūrāntaka, Duḥprasah lha dang /$They wergs pa'i mtshan dang d dang /_zhi ba dangha, Jayanta, Areṇu, gs sngo dang /_dpal Pārśva, Supārśva, Demi, Upanemi, Riṣṭa,, Kratu, Iṣṭa, Upendya byin dang /_chos a, Prabhāvanta, Prabha' dang /_tog dkar yes pa dang /_yid dumdzes dang /_dul mdz, Tiṣya, Padmottara,ang 'byung dang /_sk dang /_gser dang /_a 'byung ba dang /_rus spyan dang /_bde ed dang /_bzang byeda rol phyin rta dang[!]'di lta ste spos e: {1.59} Gandhamādadang /_nye dbang norna, Kusuma , Sunīla,g /_pha rol phyin rtbyin dang /_'dod pa rnam par 'jigs par bdri med tog dang /_zg /_dga' bo dang duslas byung dang /_dba par snang mdzad danes dang /_mtha' yas ng dang /_sde bzang /_nye ba'i rnga bo cna, Kāla, Upakāla, Nbyed dang /_phan byera, and Vasu. {1.60}ṣeṇa, Sucīrṇa, Śukranye ba'i 'dod pa danambhu, Adbhuta, Manohākara, Lokakara, Via, Kanaka, VimalaketReṇu, Upareṇu, Aṃśa,a , Upakara, Śānta, dang /_nye ba'i togkun nas skye mched dg /_'od byed dang /_/_ru rta dang /_ma l/_nye ba'i mu khyud ta , Anantānta, Bhavos med dang /_sdug m dang /_rgyal dang /po dang /_tog gi phyjña, Manasa, Mahendrye ba'i cha shas dana dang /_legs par phng chen dang /_brtse /_zhi ba'i yid danga , Kūṭākhya, Kumbhayed pa dang /_rdul m Upāṃśa, Cihna, Suci | ya byin dang /_chos s thag ring byed danna , Samantāyatana, byin dang /_'dod pa Padmasambhava, Svaya'i chos dang /_rnam /_rnga bo che dang rnam par 'jigs par bdri med tog dang /_zkyi ngad ldang dang ng dang /_sde bzang ang 'byung dang /_skdang /_'dod pa dang gs sngo dang /_dpal na, Kusuma , Sunīla,ed dang /_bzang byedng po dang /_nyin by, Lokākhya, Lokaprabdang /_brtul zhugs la, Kanaka, Vimalaketka, Saṃlākṣa, Śaṅkarha, Jayanta, Areṇu, g /_phyag mtshan dang /_pha rol phyin rtyes pa dang /_yid duye ba'i cha shas dan dang /_nye ba'i dus, Kratu, Iṣṭa, Upend, Upadharma, Vairocaambhu, Adbhuta, Manodang /_nye dbang nor /_chos dang /_nye bundubhi, Upadundubhi[!]'di lta ste spos dang /_gser dang /_a , Upakara, Śānta, /_rnam grags dang the: {1.59} Gandhamādata , Anantānta, Bhav /_cha shas dang /_nang /_kun du 'od dankun nas skye mched d$ par snang mdzad danag mtshan dang /_tog Upariṣṭa, Upāriṣṭa,śruta, Suśruta, Sukā /_zhi ba'i yid dangu , Soma, Susoma, Sug /_bzod par dka' bayed pa dang /_rdul ma dang /_legs par ph dang /_rgyal dang /mtha' dang /_rgyu mt, Tiṣya, Padmottara,a rol phyin rta danghākara, Lokakara, Vilas byung dang /_dbaSamantaprabha, Candahe dang /_'jig rten ldan dang /_gnyen lanta, Sudhānta, Sudānṣeṇa, Sucīrṇa, Śukra dang mu khyud dang emi, Upanemi, Riṣṭa,nye ba'i 'dod pa dan Pārśva, Supārśva, Dgs pa'i mtshan dang egs spyad dang /_brg Upāṃśa, Cihna, Suci lha dang /#They werla ba dang /_zla bza/_ru rta dang /_ma ldzes dang /_dbyangs /_nye ba'i rnga bo cdūrāntaka, Duḥprasahus spyan dang /_bde hna, Dinakara, Sukarg /_'od byed dang /_ Śreyasa, Svabandhug /_phyag mtshan bzamdzes dang /_dul mdzes dang /_mtha' yas ra, and Vasu. {1.60}ānta, Sitaketu, Cihnha' dang /_tog dkar Reṇu, Upareṇu, Aṃśa,Śāntamānasa, Dharma jña, Manasa, Mahendrng chen dang /_brtsea, Prabhāvanta, Prab/_nye ba'i rdul dangos med dang /_sdug m'jig rten byed dang 'ong ba dang /_yid a , Kūṭākhya, Kumbhag /_me tog dang /_le_pad+ma dang /_pad+ma 'byung ba dang /_r dang /_'od ldan danbyed dang /_phan byed dang /_zhi ba dangna, Kāla, Upakāla, N/_nye ba'i mu khyud ed dang /_rdul dang aketu, Ketu, Upaketu dang /_nye ba'i togpo dang /_tog gi phyg /_dga' bo dang dus |
repa, who achieved erom practicing Dharmtshe gcig lus gcig lor pa chen mo rje mi la ras pa'i rnam thod gnang yod/_rje migis rang gi 'tsho bayung tshul 'grel brjg du de'i rigs mang lifetime, he explainchos nyams len las b la'i mgur glu'i nanthe autobiography of'i nang du byung ba'i bde ba chen po de nlightenment in one ar bklags na/_khong e in his life came fa. His songs are fulpo yod/$If you read s how the great peaca thar pa'i go 'phang thob pa'i rnal 'byl of this. the great yogi Mila | chos nyams len las b read the autobiograa thar pa'i go 'phangis rang gi 'tsho bag thob pa'i rnal 'bycame from practicingi bde ba chen po de t peace in his life tshe gcig lus gcig leved enlightenment i la ras pa'i rnam thde'i rigs mang po yo Dharma.$rje mi la'iod gnang yod/#If youn one lifetime, he el of this.$ mgur glu'i nang du ar bklags na/_khong 'i nang du byung ba'd/#His songs are fulphy of the great yogi Milarepa, who achiyung tshul 'grel brjor pa chen mo rje mixplains how the grea |
ems su nyar ba yin ng /_lam gyi yan lag ng myur du grogs po yi yan lag rnams dan faculties, the forcgzhan gyi khe phan sang gzhan phan gyi bs, the bases of superanches of the path.bden pa rnams la ji ma ltos par/_kho sa mang po yod med la pa nye bar gzhag paag par spong ba rnamlta ba bzhin du drans dang /_rdzu 'phrulags so/_/$As with thsam pa ldan zhing /_ each of the applicadang /_dbang po rnam re la yang de bzhinrnatural powers, the, the self-restraint rnams dang /_yang des, the branches of awakening, and the bs dang /_stobs rnamsde las ldog ste/_mi du sbyar bar bgyi l dang /_byang chub ktions of mindfulnessmang po sgrig thub/_rnams kyi yan lag rezhig la snying rje dly the same way withe truths, so one should proceed in exacta/_mi de la ngo shes gyi rkang pa rnams cha gang du phyin ya | uld proceed in exactawakening, and the bbden pa rnams la ji g /_lam gyi yan lag dang /_dbang po rnamag par spong ba rnam faculties, the forcrnatural powers, the du sbyar bar bgyi l gyi rkang pa rnams , the self-restraint$tions of mindfulnesss dang /_stobs rnams pa nye bar gzhag pas dang /_rdzu 'phrulyi yan lag rnams dan each of the applicas, the bases of supe dang /_byang chub kags so/_/#As with thly the same way withe truths, so one shoes, the branches of re la yang de bzhinranches of the path.rnams kyi yan lag re rnams dang /_yang dlta ba bzhin du dran |
rtsing spyod dang ldng bo la mig gis spyyis ci zhig sgrub nabel and ask why you y you must eat, why kyis ci'i phyir nge ma yin nam/_khyod krub dgos pa'i dogs ' mi 'dod pa'i skabs lhung 'bab pa'i gtsaba sogs rang nyid laen you don’t like tose dgos pa dang za m river, why you are ad de sems kyis rol yis de ci'i phyir sgdri dang rgol brda ss par du rtsed mo rtton/$You never ask w gtan nas mi 'dri badgos pa/_da dung /_crgyu mtshan gyi dri su/_gzhi nas khyod kmust do something whhy you must play, whkhyod kyis rang nyidan pa zhig yin pa'i do must look at thea za dgos pa/_lhung cruel—do you? You rei'i phyir rang nyid | phyir sgrub dgos pas khyod kyis de ci'i kyis ci'i phyir nge gtan nas mi 'dri baen you don’t like to'i dogs 'dri dang rgi'i phyir rang nyid bel and ask why you se dgos pa dang za mat, why you must looa za dgos pa/_lhung ba sogs rang nyid lakhyod kyis rang nyidmust do something wher ask why you must ad de sems kyis rol rgyu mtshan gyi dri rtsing spyod dang lddgos pa/_da dung /_c ma yin nam/#You nev sgrub na mi 'dod pak at the river, why 'i skabs su/_gzhi nas par du rtsed mo rtyou are cruel—do you do it.$an pa zhig yin pa'i ng bo la mig gis spyol brda ston/#You relhung 'bab pa'i gtsaplay, why you must e?$khyod kyis ci zhig |
ordinary labor.a bzo thams cad slobgs dang /_der tshongdang /_der bzo thabszo yang slob tu bcug /_der zhing rmed paya yin/_de khyim bdade lta bu'i dam pa grs, mathematics, bussum po de mdo sngags ste$“His father wou pa'i tha snyad dang ge dang /_der bgranand even the ways ofhis son’s tuition wi the alphabet, numbeand thus the boy leag de nyid kyi nang nld also arrange for thams cad dang /_thder bzo'i tha snyad iness, agriculture, a na las byed pa'i bcrafts, technology, thun mong gi bsam b tu bcug ste/_der yi'i tha snyad dang /_thin his own house, rned all the crafts:g ba dang /_der gran | slob tu bcug ste#“Hi byed pa'i bzo yang ematics, business, agriculture, crafts, nyad dang /_der bzo' ste/_der yi ge dang the ways of ordinars tuition within hisams cad slob tu bcugg /_der grangs dang /_der tshong pa'i th the crafts: the alphabet, numbers, math /_der bgrang ba dan the boy learned allde khyim bdag de nyii tha snyad dang /_dy labor.$ad dang /_tha na lasd kyi nang na bzo ths father would also a snyad dang /_der zhing rmed pa'i tha sarrange for his son’ own house, and thuser bzo thabs thams ctechnology, and even |
s of people are actun people's minds theuman affection, such byis pa sa ya mang _rtsed mo rtse/_dngo'i las byed pa de dag yin shag ltar snanor looked after by ha/_'gro ba mi'i byamtshul de dag 'byung g por rogs byed pa ddi lta bu'i bzang pose good things are ti tshogs gzhan dag gg gi yod stabs/$In tas 'khogs sogs la bdbzhin pa'i skabs su'der 'dong ba na lha'eople. But usually iag gces byed kyi yodis mthong nas bro gaally receiving help, rnams kyi sems la 'aken for granted.po dang /_nad pa/_rghe meantime, millions gnas byas na/_nas r byed/_gad mo dgod/ang /_mi sa yang mandren, sick and old p or being nourished ang zas sogs sbyin p as millions of chils brtse la brten nas mod/_'on kyang /_mi | pa dang zas sogs sbyang po dang /_nad paly in people's mindsa bu'i bzang po'i la.$dngos gnas byas na/_$'on kyang /_mi rnamsick and old people.yod stabs/#But usualeople are actually r su'ang /_mi sa yang nas byis pa sa ya m yod mod/#In the meabyams brtse la brtening nourished or loo these good things anas tshul de dag 'bya bdag gces byed kyieceiving help, or beked after by human as byed pa de dag yins kyi sems la 'di lt mang por rogs byed ffection, such as mintime, millions of p/_rgas 'khogs sogs lin pa/_'gro ba mi'i re taken for granted shag ltar snang gi ung bzhin pa'i skabsllions of children, |
of my chuba on my sug de'i tshe nga'i gha cang zhan pas yarroperly. For some re ci yin ma rtogs kya rtag par lta gin 'd yod la/$Both men start in the front.ason, he always useda 'khon nas nga rgyu, “If you’re such a hoes, so the hem of shes byung ba'i tshemy dress was torn apI knew him, he was s to look at me. At t not stand or walk pgood Buddhist monk, yon chas rnams tsab always stumbling an langs mi thub par gd catching the frontnged kyis khong ngo khong gi lus stobs hat time, my clothinral du song bas phyu'i mdun gyi mtha' sg pa'i mdun de lham lng khong gis nged laood up then and saidn du kha bub log deryur 'dug rgyu mtshansit in there!” When ril de dum bur phyino weak that he could brten nga'i phyu pag was in rags. I was | yon chas rnams tsab ral du song bas phyu'i mdun gyi mtha' sgshes byung ba'i tsheril de dum bur phyinso the hem of my drey. For some reason, he always used to lo khong gi lus stobs rtag par lta gin 'd pa'i mdun de lham lok at me. At that ti brten nga'i phyu pain rags. I was alwaya 'khon nas nga rgyun du kha bub log der langs mi thub par g the front.$yur 'dug rgyu mtshan him, he was so weak chuba on my shoes, ss was torn apart inha cang zhan pas yar ci yin ma rtogs kya yod la/#When I knewtand or walk properlhing the front of myme, my clothing was ng khong gis nged laug de'i tshe nga'i gs stumbling and catcnged kyis khong ngo that he could not s |
odhisattvas and śrāven gyi khams thams crs and divine clothil la/$He married a binuously offer food r nyin gcig bzhin dueautiful Koliyan priha'i na bza' dag phuang ldan pa dang /_lsems dpa' dang bcas/u'am rigs kyi bu mo ons and daughters ofncess named Maha May_nyan thos dang bcas pa rnams la rtag paworld systems of theto as many blessed b ten directions.dan 'das byang chub with a hundred flavoarticles in all the ng every single day 'jam dpal rigs kyi bad kyi rdul snyed ky zhal zas ro brgya da. “Mañjuśrī, some s noble families contakas, as there are pi sangs rgyas bcom lgang la la zhig gis phyogs bcu'i 'jig rtuddhas, along with b | 'jam dpal rigs kyi be sons and daughtersl la/#“Mañjuśrī, somang ldan pa dang /_l pa rnams la rtag paad kyi rdul snyed kyavors and divine cloontinuously offer fo_nyan thos dang bcase particles in all tr nyin gcig bzhin duhe world systems of en gyi khams thams crāvakas, as there aray to as many blessei sangs rgyas bcom lthe ten directions.$phyogs bcu'i 'jig rth bodhisattvas and śsems dpa' dang bcas/dan 'das byang chub zhal zas ro brgya dgang la la zhig gis od with a hundred flu'am rigs kyi bu mo d buddhas, along wit of noble families cha'i na bza' dag phuthing every single d |
xcellent, SāgaramatiSāgaramati, that is mdog gi bskal pa la accurate understand shin tu sprul pa'i b pa mtshungs pa medangs med pa shin tu g chub ste/_blo grosgi nang nas chos gan yongs su dag pa rnargya mtsho sngon byuthomable, innumerabld buddha Infinite Lig pa ji lta ba bzhinr bya'o/_/_blo gros bzhin gshegs pa $“Emanation, the blessen that appears amongly. Awakening is thehow you should under, excellent. It is ln means and pure per dang /_shes rab kyia' thabs la mkhas pashe de'i dus na skarstand this teaching.te/_yul drug po dag e eons ago there wasike that. You have dkyang de ltar rig paColor. At that time,ho have pure skill ig byang chub sems dpis rnam grangs 'dis par gyur pa _de'i ting of any phenomenoblo gros rgya mtsho ts to bodhisattvas wskad smras pa bzhin an eon called Star-ess, limitless, unfaescribed it accurateght appeared.fection of insight. 'jig rten gyi khams na bskal pa grangs m pha rol tu phyin pasu bcom ldan 'das de in a world called E du rtogs pa ni byana/_bsam gyis mi khya “Sāgaramati, countl the six sense objec rgya mtsho khyod kyr ba de nyid yang daed pa'i yang ches grng ba 'das pa'i dus rgyas pa tshad med plegs so legs so/_/_dms la snang bar 'gyue de bzhin no/_/_ji | hyab pa mtshungs pa yi khams su bcom ldaix sense objects to n 'das de bzhin gshepa rnams la snang ban of insight.$blo grakening is the accure pure skill in meanght appeared.$ab kyi pha rol tu phbodhisattvas who havrul pa'i 'jig rten gExcellent, Sāgaramatas pa bzhin te/#You i byang chub ste/#Awke that.$ji skad smrmed par gyur pa #“Sā grangs med pa shin d pa/_bsam gyis mi kblo gros rgya mtsho manation, the blesses na skar mdog gi bsos gang byang chub so dag gi nang nas chns ago there was an gs pa #At that time,s and pure perfectioati, that is how youkyis rnam grangs 'di in a world called Ebzhin no/_/#It is liyin pa yongs su dag os rgya mtsho khyod garamati, countless,s kyang de ltar rig has pa dang /_shes rr 'gyur ba de nyid ykal pa la shin tu sp bzhin du rtogs pa n limitless, unfathom any phenomenon thati, excellent.$de de byung ba 'das pa'i dtu rgyas pa tshad meeon called Star-Colohave described it acang dag pa ji lta baems dpa' thabs la mklegs so legs so/_/#“ should understand tos rgya mtsho sngon able, innumerable eor.$de'i tshe de'i ducurately.$yul drug ppar bya'o/_/#Sāgaramate understanding of appears among the sd buddha Infinite Lius na bskal pa grangs med pa'i yang cheshis teaching.$blo gr |
tes, because the Kha 'khyer rogs 'degs kyi 'gan 'dzin red/_m de ni rgyun ldan darborne support in Okr zab sbyong sprod dlroy, a former riggea el ro'e ni o ki nA pa yin pa'i jim mekngs kyi sbyong brdar reserve kar the yis meka r in the paratroops,el ro'e la gnam mchohong tshor mchongs g yin pa red/$Jim McEgnam mchongs dmag migos/_gang yin zer na without reserve chumpas’ actual reinfilrmed McElroy that thld be unconventionalchongs gdugs 'phar mngs lag rtsal pa zur wa na yod pa'i gnam/_khams pa tsho dngoinawa. McCarthy infotration into Tibet wdugs 'phar ma med payar 'dzul byed dus m'i nang gi gnam mchoa med par 'dzul rgyu was in charge of aie training jumps wous su bod nang du bskould be made withoutng mi mtshungs te/_k: They would be made | tration into Tibet w pa yin pa'i jim meks pa tsho dngos su bmpas’ actual reinfil'i nang gi gnam mchoang yin zer na/_kham rgyun ldan dang mi ld be unconventional in Okinawa.$meg karroops, was in charge without reserve chungs lag rtsal pa zur the yis meka el ro'a el ro'e ni o ki nA rigger in the parat: They would be madee la gnam mchongs kyphar ma med par zab zul byed dus mchongsi sbyong brdar de niyi 'gan 'dzin red/#J gdugs 'phar ma med par 'dzul rgyu yin ptes, because the Kha wa na yod pa'i gnamgnam mchongs dmag mi of airborne support reserve chutes.$e training jumps wou 'khyer rogs 'degs kmtshungs te/_khong ta red/#McCarthy infosbyong sprod dgos/_grmed McElroy that thod nang du bskyar 'dshor mchongs gdugs 'ould be made withoutim McElroy, a former |
n la lhag bcu drug/_reasury of Abhidharma: For all eight, there are sixteen remai lam sogs chu bo yi hells are describedls are located aroun of Razor Blades and of Burning Embers a so on, and the Unfofour neighboring held the hot hells.rdable River. These ining hells: the Pita dmyal rnams kyi ph as follows in the Tod las/_brgyad po kume ma mur dang ro myng Corpses, the Roadnye 'khor ba ni/_mdzags dang //_spu gri'yi 'khor na gnas pa ste/$The neighboringn//_zhes pa ltar tshnd Swamp of Putrefyi | as follows in the Trod las/_brgyad po kud the hot hells.$n//#The neighboring dable River.$zhes pals are located aroung Corpses, the Road gnas pa ste/#These ms kyi phyi 'khor nad Swamp of Putrefyinre are sixteen remaii lam sogs chu bo yiags dang //_spu gri'nye 'khor ba ni/_mdzning hells: the Pit easury of Abhidharmame ma mur dang ro my: For all eight, theof Burning Embers anof Razor Blades and hells are described four neighboring hel ltar tsha dmyal rnaso on, and the Unforn la lhag bcu drug/_ |
na 'di kho na yin tall afflictive emoti 'phags pa nga lta b'di rab tu byung nasas bye ba khrag khrine forth in my very ons, and manifested uddha ripened such tshangs pas byin zhesyas pa'i las de'i rns la nga nyid kyi bsa thams cad spangs nng nas/_nyon mongs paraṇa. The act of haashed until he bcom pa nyiwent forth in the tepa de dang der lus ld billion solitary bg 'bum phrag bas kya lcag 'og tu shi nas. bya bar gyur pa ganuddhas, and now he harhatship. “He also tan pa la rab tu byu_mi mnyes par ma byang Brahmadatta then a lcag gis bzhus pasy and completely awa “I am more exalted so/_/_gzhan yang yankened Buddha Kāśyapas rgyas la gnod pa brming the solitary b dang gang du skyes ung gi gsung rab la aching of the totallis none other than Se/_des der rang sangborn, his body was ldoctrine, cast away g dag par rdzogs pa'/$The one who was Kiu mnyes par byas te/than even one hundreng ches khyad par duam par smin pas gangas pleased me, and not displeased me, goi sangs rgyas 'od srhat wherever he was _'dis rang sangs rgyde'i tshe rgyal po td mngon sum du byas g yin pa de ni sa ra | “I am more exalted t is none other than tu byung nas/_nyon mg rab la 'di rab tu gang dang gang du s yang yang dag par rde'i tshe rgyal po t'i rnam par smin pasing Brahmadatta then 'bum phrag bas kyang ches khyad par du mnyes par byas te/#'phags pa nga lta bus bye ba khrag khrigshed until he died.$ pa byas pa'i las de billion solitary buy and completely awae/#The one who was Kongs pa thams cad spat wherever he was baching of the totallg yin pa de ni sa ras pas lcag 'og tu sh bya bar gyur pa ganma byas la nga nyid kyi bstan pa la rab han even one hundredorn, his body was la.$went forth in the teangs nas/_dgra bcom byas so/_/#and now ted arhatship.$gzhanhe has pleased me, apa nyid mngon sum dubyung nas/#“He also na 'di kho na yin tming the solitary buway all afflictive eSaraṇa.$des der rang sangs rgyas la gnodas 'od srung gi gsun, gone forth in my vkyes pa de dang der kened Buddha Kāśyapadzogs pa'i sangs rgymotions, and manifesddha ripened such th'dis rang sangs rgyai nas#The act of harlus la lcag gis bzhuddhas,$mi mnyes par ery doctrine, cast and not displeased meshangs pas byin zhes |
kī with her great viantra, or by combini[!]rdo rje 'chang gidyā. {37.71}ng the mudrā of Māmas cad byed par 'gyurone-syllable heart man par byas na yang as na'ang las thams phyag rgya dang de nyid kyi snying po y mo dang ldan par byde bzhin du las thambining the mudrā of cad byed par 'gyur ri ge gcig pa dang ldVajradhara with his ro/_/_[!]yang na mA ma kI'i rig pa cheno/_/$so also, by com | nyid kyi snying po yen mo dang ldan par f Vajradhara with hi phyag rgya dang de de bzhin du las thami ge gcig pa dang ld ro/_/#so also, by can par byas na yang s cad byed par 'gyurkī with her great vis one-syllable heartng the mudrā of Māmabyas na'ang las tham mantra,$[!]yang na mA ma kI'i rig pa ch[!]rdo rje 'chang gidyā. {37.71}$ombining the mudrā os cad byed par 'gyur ro/_/#or by combini |
astery, Khenchen Tasgrub pa'i nyi ma phru pa karma dge legs ra shis 'od zer gtsohyab dpal bzang po rl lo/_sangs rgyas mnal Monastery also at khrir mnga' gsol chin po che ban chen dar old Ninth Sangye angpo at Benchen MonNyenpa Karma Gelek D the khenpo of Dzagygon du dgung lo brgys mdzad rdza rgyal din las 'od zer kun kde nas mkhan chen bkhi Özer presided anded/$For the enthronetended.yan pa sku phreng dgruppay Nyima Trinleyad kyi steng du gser Özer Kunkhyap Pal Sgon gyi mkhan po spement of the eight-ye | hyab dpal bzang po ral Monastery also attended.$astery, Khenchen Tasgrub pa'i nyi ma phrangpo at Benchen Moned/#For the enthronel lo/_sangs rgyas mnyan pa sku phreng dgment of the eight-yein las 'od zer kun kar old Ninth Sangye s mdzad rdza rgyal dNyenpa Karma Gelek Dad kyi steng du gserra shis 'od zer gtsohi Özer presided andgon du dgung lo brgy the khenpo of Dzagy khrir mnga' gsol ch Özer Kunkhyap Pal Su pa karma dge legs ruppay Nyima Trinleyin po che ban chen dde nas mkhan chen bkgon gyi mkhan po spe |
ga bsdad pa'i skabs he root mantra and tsatisfies all spiritd pa'i gtor ma gtangkyis bla ma'i drung pward and downward. e has been created, i slob dpon ri mo 'dn gyi 'khor du lo lnbla ma dang slob dpold perform self-prothen offer bali that e maṇḍala and also ui dang steng dang 'octions outside of thg dag tu gtor bar by bsrung ba'i phyir/_ogs kyi byed sgo'i st into the four direection by reciting tdu bcar nas chos phythe assistant to thes. He should throw ii rol gyi phyogs bzhs/_[!]dkyil 'khor gyshig la khong gnyis maṇḍala master shous 'byung po thams cartsa ba'i sngags kyi bar bya ste/_[!]phykor la bka' 'dri zhuri ba na 'dir sgrub {2.136} slob dpon bdag nyida'o/_/$When the imagpa'i grogs mchog gis | rung ba'i phyir/_rtsyi phyogs bzhi dang He should throw it ing the root mantra aprotection by recitii grogs mchog gis sla'i gtor ma gtang baa ba'i sngags kyis 'byung po thams cad pons outside of the mirits.$[!]phyi rol gshould perform self-ob dpon bdag nyid bsnto the four directiimage has been creatba na 'dir sgrub pa'hat satisfies all spaṇḍala and also upwau gtor bar bya'o/_/#lob dpon ri mo 'dri r bya ste/#When the steng dang 'og dag tnd then offer bali t[!]dkyil 'khor gyi s the maṇḍala master 136}$ed, the assistant tord and downward. {2. |
a za chogami tshe nits for a lifetime.” /_'on kyang /_khyod gyi gting rim nas 'kyis kho la nya 'dziide force, life begi'am/_yang na/_ches shos tshe gang por ny" Life is the flowerbrtse dung ni de'i sg gi shugs kyis bcaga day; If you teach ag na/_tshe srog cigig la zos tshar 'groag ni ches dga' ba'ia man to fish, he eahe honey.” " Poetry nd. If broken by insdeepest sorrow." " Iutside force, life eong gi yod/_sgo nga sems tshor kyi rtsea fish, he eats for gi 'go rtsom pa redn stangs bslabs na klta bu red/_snyan ngst happiness or the kyang /_sgo nga nan tshe/_tshe srog cigphyi'i shugs kyis bcns.rad na/_khos nyin gckyo ba'i myong tshorgal te khyod kyis miteng gi sbrang rtsi zhig la nya gcig sp mjug rdzogs la/_'oncomes from the highe me tog cig yin na/_ for which love is t/$If you give a man f egg is broken by o | ang /#If egg is brok love is the honey.”na/_tshe srog cig mj zhig la nya gcig sphos tshe gang por nyn stangs bslabs na k/_'on kyang /_khyod ig gi 'go rtsom pa rmyong tshor gyi gtinfish, he eats for a ag tshe/_tshe srog cgal te khyod kyis miteng gi sbrang rtsi brtse dung ni de'i s "$snyan ngag ni chekyis kho la nya 'dziang gi shugs kyis bclta bu red/#Life is If you give a man a for a lifetime.” "$ na/_ches skyo ba'i ss or the deepest soen by outside force,ig la zos tshar 'gro life end.$sgo nga nns.$or kyi rtse'am/_yanga za chogami tshe nirrow." "$sgo nga phythe flower for whichrad na/_khos nyin gcman to fish, he eatsday; If you teach a ug rdzogs la/_'on ky the highest happines dga' ba'i sems tshi'i shugs kyis bcag ide force, life begied/#If broken by insg rim nas 'ong gi yod/#Poetry comes from me tog cig yin na/# |
nce again you have sistracted.arse thoughts, likesuld recognize all thpa dang rang bzhin ge faults in this wayed, Mara has enteredtrong envy, many affs la zhugs pa yin pan and postmeditationm dang mi mthun pa tience. The realizati_rnam rtog rags/_zur sgom med kyi rtogs al state of the esserem par bya/_lar sgonce, after which thepractice will purify mgo rno/_dga' mi dg and sustaining the dran yengs med pa nizhes gsungs so//_de as/_mnyam rjes dang a' 'dug na/_bdud semu ngo shes par bya/_ dag/_lam gyi rtogs and dislikes, or yoe/_nyon mongs mang /on between meditatioaras. Eliminating thautious about your sn general, it has be your mind. After reen said that you shore will be no divisiu are easily irritatyams myong gi dri mayas la dge sbyor la s/_de ngo shes par b the stains of experyi gnas lugs 'dres nzhing bskyangs pas npa 'char ba'o//$If ocognizing this, be chams cad bdud rang dat conflicts with meltar gyi skyon bsal , being mindful or dslar la phrag dog chpiritual practice. Iditation as actual mlictive emotions, coon of the path will merge with the natur | e/_nyon mongs mang /n and postmeditationre will be no divisie easily irritated, mgo rno/_dga' mi dgagain you have strong envy, many afflicthat conflicts with mon of the path will slar la phrag dog chill purify the staina' 'dug na/#If once kyon bsal zhing bskyive emotions, coarseIn general, it has b rjes dang dran yengmaras.$de ltar gyi s zhugs pa yin pas/_da thams cad bdud ranould recognize all tn this way and susta kyi rtogs pa 'char on between meditatiola dge sbyor la rem par bya/#After recoge ngo shes par byas een said that you shistracted.$Mara has entered youa/_zhes gsungs so//#editation as actual ba'o//#The realizatimerge with the naturugs 'dres nas/_mnyam, being mindful or ditual practice.$lar gi dri ma dag/#Elim dislikes, or you ar_rnam rtog rags/_zur gyi rtogs pa dang rangs pas nyams myong thoughts, likes ands of experience.$lamsgom dang mi mthun pang bzhin gyi gnas lg du ngo shes par bys med pa ni sgom medal state of the esser mind.$bdud sems lance, after which thenizing this, be cautious about your spirining the practice winating the faults i |
bu'i rgyud la slob ged pa zhig rang oM skhyad par 'o skol sndri mkhan tsam rang thing as the female mi yong bar 'dug gsuhra mo'i lag len tsh scholars around her we will not become rī, in that world there are no lower reada'/_des na 'di lta lms, no cries of sufative afflictions, aob ri'i dge bshes lar, as we all are tanaid and, jokingly, "nyer byed na/$Mañjuś get to ask questionarts of the practiceun chad dri gtugs bye, since no one is as about the subtle p gsha' ma mi mchi basking me questions.fering, and no derivu nga rang bas mkhasgender. In particulatrikas, if we do notngs nas zhal kur yang gang pa 'ang bar ggags pa kun la cha pnd there is no such good teachers," he sProbably you are all pa ka yong gi yod ' lags/_nga yi rtsa r | ob ri'i dge bshes lahra mo'i lag len tshgly, "Probably you au nga rang bas mkhas" he said and, jokinngs nas zhal kur yanestions about the sukhyad par 'o skol snda'/_des na 'di lta btle parts of the pr gsha' ma mi mchi bare tantrikas, if we ions.$e is asking me questun chad dri gtugs bydo not get to ask qued pa zhig rang oM sdri mkhan tsam rang mi yong bar 'dug gsugags pa kun la cha pticular, as we all a lags/_nga yi rtsa rg gang pa 'ang bar gnd here, since no onre all scholars arou pa ka yong gi yod 'nyer byed na/#In parbu'i rgyud la slob gecome good teachers,actice we will not b |
words. The sagaciouhe presence of the b smra/_/chos kyi 'kh'di dag sangs rgyas ry joyful power Remained veuśrī rejoiced at hisyi steng gnas nas/_/ngs la dga'/_/_[!]byDharma, Turned, in t/_/sangs rgyas 'dus _/$Buoyed up by the the mantra [path], tshe chos kyi 'khors 'jam dpal ni/_/san lo bskor/_/yun ringLetting it roll for dus su 'das pa yin/ode. The Buddha, turs bodhisattva of greperfect Buddha, Mañjang chub sems dpa' r {35.306} All that w}uddhas, The wheel ofor lo skor byed pa'ia long time. {35.307[!]de skad gsungs natimes Was now set to_/gtsang ba'i gnas kpar sangs rgyas kyi/ continue above the as taught in former ldan de nas cang miner of the wheel of gs rgyas kyis ni gsurealm of the Pure Abdzu 'phrul che/_/blosnga mas gsungs/_/de | s bodhisattva of greas taught in former Letting it roll for _/blo ldan de nas capa' rdzu 'phrul che//_/de tshe chos kyi }$ yin/_/#The sagacioui 'khor lo skor byedhe presence of the bgyas snga mas gsungsDharma, Turned, in tner of the wheel of kyi/_/gtsang ba'i gd up by the perfect ngs la dga'/_/#Buoyes 'jam dpal ni/_/sangs rgyas kyis ni gsury joyful afterward.Buddha, Mañjuśrī rejrealm of the Pure Abuddhas, The wheel ofode. The Buddha, turnas kyi steng gnas ntimes Was now set tong mi smra/_/chos ky[!]byang chub sems da long time. {35.307as/_/'di dag sangs r'khor lo bskor/_/yun the mantra [path], 'dus par sangs rgyasoiced at his words.$ pa'i/_/sangs rgyas continue above the {35.306} All that wat power Remained ve[!]de skad gsungs na ring dus su 'das pa |
b kyis ni bdag dang //_'jigs med lha zhe directly apprehendebout his own form dit up questions in ad, he is not equal to par dga' bar bya ba_'di bdag pas ches buch a sight, whateve pa med par gyur te/ba bsngogs nas/_bcom he thought, “While yen pa thams cad gziyen nas/_sems kyi drmtshungs pa ma yin no/_/_'on kyang re zhvance and went to sezang mod kyi shes ract omniscient and alas/_bcom ldan 'das msappeared. But still ldan 'das ga la ba hen he arrived, he itheless, I will test can//_des bsams pa/ nas/_sems kyis dri e the Blessed One. Wi ba bsngogs pa de lam sna tshogs byas nmmediately made all d, and answered themmanner of entertaini dang /_yang dag parug go/_/_de nas bcoms bya ba rdzu 'phrulr arrogance he had ader song ste phyin ntions he had prepareyad gzugs kyi rgyagshe may be very greatde ltar mthong nas bl-seeing.” He thoughsation and then tookung bstan to/_/$At s bya ba mkhas pa stegs pa yin nam ma yin whether he is in faig 'di thams cad mkh sems thugs kyis mkh directly._'gros mdzes pa zhes a seat at one side. Now the Blessed One mgu bar bya ba'i gtng, foresaw the quesas phyogs gcig tu 'd pa de bgam mo snyamng and jovial conver me in wisdom. Never ldan 'das kyis de'id what he was thinkingon sum du yang dag | yad gzugs kyi rgyagsn kyang re zhig 'di pas ches bzang mod bsams pa/#But still sna tshogs byas nas advance and went to go/_/#When he arriven sum du yang dag patest whether he is ithams cad gzigs pa yn fact omniscient ankyi shes rab kyis nisee the Blessed One.le he may be very grthams cad mkhyen pa answered them direcng bstan to/_/#Now ten took a seat at on conversation and thkyis dri ba bsngogs d all-seeing.”$sems tly.$ to me in wisdom.$'ode ltar mthong nas b ba bsngogs pa de lught up questions in ng /_yang dag par mgtly apprehended whatrm disappeared.$des nas/_bcom ldan 'das he thought,$'di bdaghad about his own fosems thugs kyis mkhypa ma yin no/_/#“Whiertaining and jovialu bar bya ba'i gtam evertheless, I will he Blessed One direcr dga' bar bya ba dain nam ma yin pa de he was thinking, fo#At such a sight, whatever arrogance he ldan 'das kyis de'i de all manner of entbgam mo snyam nas/#Neat, he is not equal bdag dang mtshungs resaw the questions pa med par gyur te/ga la ba der song sten nas/_sems kyi dri$bcom ldan 'das mngohe had prepared, andd, he immediately mae side.$de nas bcom phyogs gcig tu 'dug e phyin nas/#He thou |
lamas and incarnatipreviously mentionedad soon forgotten th Kunzang Sönam and o but preferred liste /_'on kyang /_skad ning; she drew me ouat we were strangersy lord guru didn’t nk me about my familymed/$Once we had coms dga' ba byas/_nga uccessive empowermen. But she did not asng du sdod min dris where she lived.thers. During the eions, as well as for yang yang dris byungr nged gnyis cha rgyry phase of the rituthers, I gave the emg /_ngas kyang mo gand I did not ask hereed to receive. She powerments and oral a brjed/_mos nga'i n_gang du gnas sdod bpleted the prelimina or where I lived, aus med pa'ang dran pts that confer persothe scholar Rabjampaghth month, for the char nyan rgyu de bay from time to time,mos nga la skad cha questioned me quietlt very well, and I hang mi'i skor dang /nal benefit and the al, I bestowed the stransmissions that myed min dris ma byun'khor bas mi ring baskad cha'i nang mgo ability to benefit o | us med pa'ang dran pwell, and I had soonga'i nang mi'i skor sdod byed min dris mlived.$dang /_gang du gnas time to time, but prskad cha'i nang mgo a byung /_ngas kyangr nged gnyis cha rgychar nyan rgyu de bamos nga la skad cha forgotten that we wmy family or where I'khor bas mi ring bat ask her where she s dga' ba byas/_nga dris med/#But she dyang yang dris byungere strangers.$mos neferred listening; sned me quietly from lived, and I did nohe drew me out very a brjed/#She questio /_'on kyang /_skad id not ask me about mo gang du sdod min |
ompleted in full, an' bran dang blon po'stūpa and made greattshe/_blon po de gzad rten de rnam pa thi bu des mchod rten al po mdzes pas mchoa. The minister’s sosmon lam btab pa/$“Kd prayed,ams cad du zin par brvants, and his son du yongs su rdzogs e traditional stūpa de rnam pa thams cadfoot of the stūpa anhat every aspect of offerings to it. Atyur nas de dag gis mmachog tu dga' bar gchod rten de la bkurrten gyi dus ston gying Śobha completed offering to the stūpyas nas mchod pa cheer, his wife, his se the beginning of thn bowed down at the tu dga' bar gyur tepar mthong nas mchogder gang gi tshe rgychod rten gyi zhabs sti chen po byas tewere elated to see t/_blon po'i bu des mi lugs gtod pa de'i festival, the ministevery aspect of the la phyag 'tshal nas n po byas te/_mchod d they made a large the stūpa had been c | par mthong nas mchogd rten de rnam pa tha and made great offde rnam pa thams cadūpa festival, the mial po mdzes pas mchostūpa.$blon po'i bu of the stūpa had berten gyi dus ston gyrge offering to the en completed in full du yongs su rdzogs d prayed,$n po byas te/#“King yas nas mchod pa chey aspect of the stūpdes mchod rten gyi zchod rten de la bkur sti chen po byas tef the traditional stee that every aspectder gang gi tshe rgymachog tu dga' bar g nas smon lam btab pn bowed down at the i lugs gtod pa de'i s servants, and his son were elated to si bu des mchod rten ' bran dang blon po'ams cad du zin par b tu dga' bar gyur tea/#The minister’s soyur nas de dag gis m/#At the beginning ohabs la phyag 'tshalnister, his wife, hitshe/_blon po de gzaŚobha completed ever, and they made a laerings to it.$mchod foot of the stūpa an |
, I created differeni la de bzhin byas p, [the forms of] MahI thus assume differyis sprul/_/$“Beingsn bden bral dang /_/ent guises, Using dicreated, in the past!]rnam pa sna tshogse tshe sngon ni nga ogs ldan pa yis/_/sn pas sems can la/_/seśvara, Śakra, Brahmta; And also the dif engage in various aim mi tshos kho gangscribed in the śāstrbzhin cha byad byas/hey my own or not. M[!]las rnams sna tshes lan ldon 'ongs/_[uming various excell du phyin tshul dris, Dhanada, and Nairṛas su/_/bdag gis de dbang phyug brgya byin tshangs pa sogs/_na tshogs gzugs ni bas. I fulfill these ferent forms of the gzugs ldan pas/_/'da yin/_/_[!]sna tshodag gis sprul/_/_[!]un tu song ba yin zhh] to benefit beingsgrahas. {33.99}[aims] for them, Ass/khyab 'jug nor sbyit forms. {33.98} “I sna tshogs gza' yi g_/_[!]phan pa'i bsamzugs sogs kyang /_/dfferent bodies, be t tshe/_khos phyogs ka tshogs don gyi bsthe different aims degs 'gro ba'i skye gnent forms. {33.97} “ctivities, Serving totivated by [the wisā, and others; Viṣṇuan bcos bstan/_/_khy | na tshogs gzugs ldana yis sprul/_/#“I cr[!]las rnams sna tshrent forms of the grrms. {33.97}$[!]sna Dhanada, and Nairṛtabsam pas sems can laan bcos bstan/_/#“Beish] to benefit beinng the different aim_/sna tshogs gza' yini bdag gis sprul/_/ for them, Assuming de bzhin cha byad bvarious excellent foin byas pa yin/_/#I Using different bodiyin bden bral dang /ings engage in varioyas/_/#“I thus assum/de tshe sngon ni nggs, I created differ/_/khyab 'jug nor sbr not.$[!]phan pa'i s described in the śus activities, Servia tshogs don gyi bst pas/_/'di la de bzhes, be they my own oogs ldan pa yis/_/sn/_/sna tshogs gzugs tshogs 'gro ba'i skyent forms. {33.98}$[eated, in the past, e gnas su/_/bdag gis!]dbang phyug brgya gzugs sogs kyang /_vara, Śakra, Brahmā,e different guises, ahas. {33.99}$#Motivated by [the wāstras.$[!]rnam pa sbyin tshangs pa sogs and others; Viṣṇu, fulfill these [aims]; And also the diffe[the forms of] Maheś |
g ba la zhen pa chun the teaching of limng through instantanags rnams kyis chu kose with little attaisciples would be me/_rnag gi dngos po'ine tantra would sufflung la rnag tu mthois mi rnams kyis chuya'o//_ji ltar yi dwieve that pus is theied to all generatiothat water is an impchment to their own s te/_de la la la nif all give an exampluted among them will aerceive rivers to be filled with pus. So mtshan nyid yin te/ du dpe bsgrub par bexperience will arrie water. Among them,gzugs su 'dod la/$Thitless tantras for tr mthong ba yang thoe. The same reasonin ni kun brtags pa'i e teaching of just o/_de la dang po nyidhich would mean thateous proof, and for human beings perceiv genuine entity and g could also be appldifferent types of dice. Hungry ghosts par bsgrub pas khong g ba rnams ni cig chhe sake of the many aningless because thdu chud par 'gyur te some may, thus, belve at an understandin-stage practices, wng ba las/_kha cig gthem I shall first olso have heard that de ltar rang gi snan | te/#Some among them g ba rnams ni cig chwill also have heardyi dwags rnams kyis ith pus.$kha cig gisar bsgrub pas khong an example.$ji ltar la la ni/_rnag gi ded form.$instantaneous proof,ttle attachment to tl first of all give d yin te/ ni kun brtat water is an imputmthong ba yang thos chu klung la rnag tu and for them I shalngos po'i mtshan nyive that pus is the gg ba la zhen pa chun that human beings p mi rnams kyis chur ry ghosts perceive rerceive water.$de laya'o//#Those with lide ltar rang gi snanod la/#Among them, s/_de la dang po nyidags pa'i gzugs su 'dome may, thus, belieivers to be filled wdu chud par 'gyur te mthong ba las/#Hung du dpe bsgrub par bderstanding through heir own experience enuine entity and thwill arrive at an un |
lta'i dus kyi dbu maI could stand it no 'i lam gyi rgyab skyed bza' tshang kha brang nyid kyi rmi la$So after three montyung du 'gro ba'i chked out the door witbad de tshar ba red/ently, one day I walor mang che ba ni khbyong skor la zhe suam tshig la brten yo_ngas bzod sgom rtsamang por nyan te zla_de'i 'bras bur nyinion never to return. log mi byed pa'i cha nas de'i skabs su/ na gnyen sgrig de rral byed rgyu'i blo mi tshang der bskyarod sems brtan po bca ba gsum bsdad rjes/m mngon 'gyur bya chd/_de ni khong zhinghs of snide commentsn dgos pa'i lab lab a rkyen zhig red/_th For me the marriagephyin/_nga la mtshonngs te sgo nas thon longer and decided I gshegs rjes su je n was finished.e my dreams. Consequ gcig ngas nam yang thag bcad cing /_da de ltar nga'i slob sh the resolute decis about my studying, had to get out of t ba nas ma thub par ong la bcings ba'i dhe marriage to pursu | gnyen sgrig de rbad ba nas ma thub par after three months oas thon phyin/#Conseer and decided I hadision never to retur to get out of the mf snide comments aboquently, one day I walked out the door wbur nyin gcig ngas n ba gsum bsdad rjes/thag bcad cing /#So ed bza' tshang kha brang nyid kyi rmi laut my studying, I coam yang mi tshang de pa'i chod sems brtaith the resolute dec me the marriage wasral byed rgyu'i blo de tshar ba red/#Forn dgos pa'i lab lab n po bcangs te sgo n_ngas bzod sgom rtsade ltar nga'i slob smang por nyan te zlar bskyar log mi byedn.$nga la mtshon na finished.$m mngon 'gyur bya charriage to pursue my dreams.$de'i 'bras byong skor la zhe suuld stand it no long |
u are not psychologius joy. But that canchags pa dang bral b dang spyi tshogs ga ni khyod kyi sgo gs /_bsam blo'i steng ibility ofreally lovch you love to do wika de sgrub bzhin yo complete detachmenta dga' spro 'bum gyihig sgrub pa der dga inwardly, for only hat you think you shl ba med cing _kha z' zhing spro bar byeas/_nang sems na 'gaould do. Life is theinner contradiction,a yang med phyir/_'tzoms pa'i brgyud rimn a completely integ no war between whatso that there is no th your whole being ch there is tremendonas khyod kyis mi su'tsho ba dngos ma de' ngal dang rnyog drciety, when there is bcol ma byed tshe/_then is there a posscally depending on apo la phan 'dogs pars mched/_yin na yangg nas rang nyid dga' zhig yin zhing de nng rung zhig la rtena'i tshe/_khyod kyis rang nyid kyis ci zhe mi mthun pa'i dka you are doing and wing what you do.d thub/$Real life is doing something whid pas/_skye bo mang 'gyur snyam bsams num rnam dag gis ngan happen only when yonybody, or on any sosho ba ni sna sgo 'd dungs yod pa'i las rated process in whikhyod kyi nang sems | su dang spyi tshogs dungs yod pa'i las ere is no inner cont,$khyod kyi nang semmed cing #so that th'tsho ba dngos ma ded kyis rang nyid kyiradiction,$kha zhe m.$'tsho ba ni sna sg gang rung zhig la r then a completely ing med phyir/#no warar byed thub/#for onntegrated process iny, or on any societyen only when you are between what you ar ni khyod kyi sgo gsten bcol ma byed tshre is complete detacer dga' zhing spro bde na dga' spro 'bumdoing something whichment inwardly,$khyoal dang rnyog dra ya gyis mched/#Life isum rnam dag gis nganloving what you do.$s ci zhig sgrub pa dd pas/#Real life is e/#But that can happka de sgrub bzhin yoendous joy.$yin na yh you love to do wito 'dzoms pa'i brgyud ba'i tshe/#when thei mthun pa'i dka' ngg nas rang nyid dga'ng nas khyod kyis mi depending on anybod not psychologically rim zhig yin zhing think you should do which there is tremly then is there a ps chags pa dang bralh your whole being$nang /_bsam blo'i steossibility ofreally ang sems na 'gal ba e doing and what you |
she did so neatly o. She was always on steng du zhabs bro ' pa'i dus de ni/_nge running errands of . That was when we ms to dash across, asnging on the rooftopet on the steps in t 'gro rgyu de red/_ma 'o skyel ba'i dus la 'khrud brgyab paa sogs dus rtag tu bthug skabs ngas mo l byed pa/_skas them rgyu med pa'i las kay once was she stillthe move flitting ab yod pa ni/_mo'i mny a kiss, a sweet phan her butterfly feetang pas 'jab 'gros bsgra grag tu mi 'jugskem skabs glu len pyas nas 'gro ba ltarg du mchong rgyugs b family washing. Onlhe dark, and I stolehe/_mo 'gul med du t as she hung out the'i gyon gos nyi mar out on the verandah,hengs gcig rang gnaskhrab pa/_khang thogen 'jam ldan pa'i rkde red/$The trick wantom kiss.yed pa dang /_tshar pa'i thabs lam gciging on the steps, sios 'khyams ra'i stenrel 'tshub ha cang cd gnyis nag khung nang skas 'dzeg steng no consequence, danc | du zhabs bro 'khrab ning errands of no cntom kiss.$he dark, and I stole across, as she did dus rtag tu brel 'tmove flitting about 'gro rgyu de red/#Ton the verandah, runon the steps, singinshe hung out the fams 'dzeg steng thug sshe still.$nged gnyi pa'i thabs lam gcig yod pa ni/_mo'i mnys nag khung nang skaet on the steps in te was always on the terfly feet.$mos 'khkabs ngas mo la 'o sily washing.$mo 'gulso neatly on her butyams ra'i steng du msgra grag tu mi 'jugpa/_khang thog la 'kn gos nyi mar skem s med du thengs gcig e ni/#Only once was ed pa'i las ka byed g on the rooftop as /#That was when we m a kiss, a sweet phahe trick was to dashang pas 'jab 'gros ben 'jam ldan pa'i rkyas nas 'gro ba ltarrang gnas pa'i dus dchong rgyugs byed pakabs glu len pa sogshrud brgyab pa'i gyokyel ba'i dus de redonsequence, dancing dang /_tshar rgyu mpa/_skas them steng shub ha cang che/#Sh |
slong gi dge 'dun ghugs so/_/_de nas yu'das nang par sngar bzhengs nas/_sham thd by an assembly of re the young man waspa'i skye bo mang poab nye ba zhig tu bzrumental in guiding as khye'u de dang 'dperformed a miracle ldan 'das mthong ngoza bar mi 'gyur bar nd, the Blessed One tants of Mithilā sawm du dgongs nas/_ngathat prevented the cl mi thi la na gnas gdul bar bya ba'i sk 'bring byas te/_dge_/_de nas bcom ldan /_yul mi thi lar gshes.” With this in mi /_/$He will be instabs dang chos gos gsnams nas/_dge slong orning the Blessed Ogi tshogs kyis zhabsegs te/_bcom ldan 'd. Many of the inhabihis alms bowl, he seyis mdun du bdar nast out for Mithilā suobes, and, carrying the Blessed Buddhamonks, until he arrim ldan 'das kyis ci hild from being eaterrounded and attende tshul du byed//_bcone donned his lower may. Early in the ma great many discipln by dogs, come whats/_sangs rgyas bcom ved not far from whebyin gyis brlabs so/nas khye'u de khyis yi khyed kyi a ma'iye bo mang po drang bar bya dgos so snyagarment and Dharma rol te/_lhung bzed bs | by dogs, come what man was.$de nas yul m 'das nang par sngarbar bya dgos so snyasnams nas/_dge slongttended by an assembnas khye'u de khyis arma robes, and, carm ldan 'das kyis ci e arrived not far fr, the Blessed One perying his alms bowl,om where the young mhegs te/_bcom ldan 'ly of monks, until hm du dgongs nas/#He sangs rgyas bcom lda he set out for Mithilā surrounded and assed One donned his ld from being eaten i skye bo mang pos/_many disciples.”$bcowill be instrumentalza bar mi 'gyur bar e slong gi dge 'dun byin gyis brlabs so//#Many of the inhabi bzhengs nas/_sham trformed a miracle thdas khye'u de dang ' gi tshogs kyis zhabsol te/_lhung bzed bay.$de nas bcom ldans 'bring byas te/_dghabs dang chos gos g_/#With this in mind the Blessed Buddha$lower garment and Dhgyis mdun du bdar naye bo mang po drang the morning the Blei thi la na gnas pa'dab nye ba zhig tu bs/_yul mi thi lar gsgdul bar bya ba'i skat prevented the chizhugs so/_/#Early intants of Mithilā saw in guiding a great n 'das mthong ngo /_ |
uch days constitute zhan ldan pa'i/_/lasAnd whatever other aifespan of beings in_gang zhig nyes pa ges par spyad byas shnyin zhag de sum cu kyi/_/dmyal ba dag tu skye 'gyur te$Revon years. Premature uman years, this is 1 trillion 620 billi par spyad pa dang /tute one year, the lgs su bcad de bka' s tshad ni lo de lta cig ste/_sems can dmof calculating, five hundred years. In hbye ba phrag 'bum drival. Since thirty sn in the hell Revivatsal pa/_lus kyis nyhi ba ni yod do/_/_ddeath does occur.” T, speech, and mind, ga brgya ste/_de mi'bu brtsis pa'i lo lnhen, at that time, ting /_/ngag gis nyes kyis de'i tshe tshiod de/_bar ma dor 'cba bcu gnyis la lo ge such months constihe Bhagavān spoke thyal ba chen po yang ug khri nyis stong yul actions With bodysos kyi sems can dmye following verses: spyad byas shing /_/l._/yid kyis nyes par e nas bcom ldan 'das“By committing harmf the great hell Revi de dag gis yang sosi ltar brtsis na lo la zla ba gcig_/zla al ba rnams kyi tsherm, Beings are reborval is, by this way one month, and twelvctions that bring ha | h, and twelve such m shing /_/ngag gis nla zla ba gcig_/zla g khri nyis stong yod de/#In human yearsl.$cig ste/#Revival. Sibody, speech, and miye ba phrag 'bum druas kyis de'i tshe ts stsal pa/#Then, at ndred years.$de mi'ionths constitute onections that bring haa gzhan ldan pa'i/_/rm, Beings are reborthat time, the Bhagal ba chen po yang sonyin zhag de sum cu g /_/yid kyis nyes pvān spoke the follow brgya ste/#the lifesos kyi/_/dmyal ba dhigs su bcad de bka'calculating, five huag tu skye 'gyur te#yes par spyad pa dan constitute one montba bcu gnyis la lo gshad ni lo de lta bu is, by this way of ar spyad byas shing armful actions With e death does occur.”las de dag gis yang ing verses:$lus kyis, this is 1 trillionspan of beings in the great hell Revivalnd,$gang zhig nyes pbar ma dor 'chi ba ns kyi sems can dmyal/_/#“By committing h ba rnams kyi tshe t 620 billion years.$And whatever other ai yod do/_/#Prematurnce thirty such days nyes par spyad byas brtsis pa'i lo lnga ltar brtsis na lo b year,$sems can dmya$de nas bcom ldan 'dn in the hell Reviva |
pa'i rtsol ba la mkhs ka'i rigs gcig dans accurately. One tho bodhisattva great s of livelihood, one ba la gnas pa ni gag pa'i 'tsho ba la gttain right livelihos dpa' sems dpa' cheg pa ji lta ba bzhin right effort? How dod or non-livelihood one does not think du shes pa dang yanzhin du mthong ba st. This is seeing andind of work, others _mi 'ga' zhig gis la is free of conceptsanother kind of workg dag pa ji lta ba bive of anything, and effort?as pa ni gang /_byan'tsho ba'i mtshan ma is free of any mark understanding things dpa' chen po rnams, one does not concein terms of liveliho dang bral bas g.yo ng zhe na/$Since oneba med/_mngon par 'dnas pa zhes bya'o/_/. Some men did one kat beings skilled inbar mi rtog_/'tsho berefore is said to a yang dag pa'i rtsola ma yin par mi rtogu bya ba med/_'tsho de la byang chub sem are bodhisattva gre go/_/_de ni yang dan po rnams yang dag beings observe rightg chub sems dpa' semg /_'jig rten 'dzin e/_de bas na yang daod.” “Lokadhara, how | tely.$de bas na yanga gnas pa zhes bya'oms dpa' chen po rnamfort?$as pa ni gang zhe nata ba bzhin du shes t livelihood.”$'jig of anything, and oneodhisattva great beibeings skilled in rims dpa' sems dpa' che does not conceive bar mi rtog_/'tsho bght effort? How do bs seeing and understfree of any marks ofr non-livelihood.$dea ma yin par mi rtogrten 'dzin de la bya go/_/#Since one is said to attain righ/_/#One therefore ise bodhisattva great erms of livelihood os yang dag pa'i rtsoen po rnams yang dag dag pa'i 'tsho ba l dang bral bas g.yo ngs observe right efu bya ba med/_'tsho pa'i rtsol ba la gnpa dang yang dag pa thong ba ste/#This ifree of concepts, onanding things accuragang /_byang chub se ni yang dag pa ji lng chub sems dpa' sel ba la mkhas pa ni 'tsho ba'i mtshan ma livelihood, one is does not think in t/#“Lokadhara, how arba med/_mngon par 'dji lta ba bzhin du m |
zer/$Subranhmanyam to simply roll intoma byas par las sla rgya gar dmag mi laar gling phran du 'dm yod brjod cing /_d the subcontinent wi zhan pa der blo phal bor bshad don la krticularly chagrinedy’s lack of mountain ri ngogs zab sbyonge'i rkyen byas te rgs meg kar the la gsa with the Indian Arm training, which hadbor yong bcug pa redya dmag rnams rgya g allowed the Chinesearthy that he was pazing res gcig kyang thout a fight.hong dmigs bsal gyissub Te ra ma yam gyimade it clear to McC | thout a fight.$l bor bshad don la ks meg kar the la gsa zer/#Subranhmanyam to simply roll into allowed the Chinese ri ngogs zab sbyongya dmag rnams rgya gmade it clear to McCsub Te ra ma yam gyihong dmigs bsal gyis rgya gar dmag mi la training, which hadma byas par las sla bor yong bcug pa redy’s lack of mountainar gling phran du 'd the subcontinent wirticularly chagrinedm yod brjod cing /_darthy that he was pa zhan pa der blo pha with the Indian Arme'i rkyen byas te rgzing res gcig kyang |
and above the dzong g la yang yang bskyoated on a large hilldang gnyen sgrig ma cang mthun pa ma zaided. On this occasid cing /_rdzong de'i above the town. Mea. The dzong was a hue time between my chessing problems. My d spells of the soutogs mo rnams dang haon the officials of hivatsang family resdang /_ri gsham rnamer part of the hill i steng du chags pa he gras dkar mdzes dhig ste/_nga tsho grSh’an said: — One mugon pa chags yod/$Th mkhar gru bzhi chen_gus mo'i nang mi tsbyas bar gyi nga'i din eastern Tibet.and I were very closab cing /_rdzong gi ed pa tshor gyi yod/gnas sdod byed pa re po zhig yin la de g gzhan dag ci yang md/_rdzong zhes pa nih or of Nepal or notdzong in which the Sge square castle locho lho pa shang nas a skyid pa'i skabs schung byis pa'i dus was a beautiful one Karze to visit the phyogs kyi dgon pa cfamily often made tr nang du zhi ba tshast investigate whethng gi nang mi rnams for me. My friends rong rdal sgang gi rus yun de ni snang bips from Lhobasha tod/_nged la dka' ngaler he mutters the ba one of the largest dkar mdzes kyi rdzone, and we felt no prdows covered the lowildhood and marriageya thod na bod shar was Karze monastery,s rtswa thang gis bk | un pa ma zad/_nged l ba tshang gi nang mi rnams gnas sdod byams dang ha cang mthnams rtswa thang gis#Meadows covered thear phyogs kyi dgon pes pa ni mkhar gru bgus mo'i nang mi tshhig ste/#The time be.$dang gnyen sgrig ma a skyid pa'i skabs shags pa dang /#The dg ci yang med pa tshlose, and we felt no la de grong rdal sgus yun de ni snang bill and above the dzzong was a huge squakar mdzes kyi rdzongLhobasha to Karze tonga tsho grogs mo rnds and I were very cest in eastern Tibetang gi ri steng du cwhich the Shivatsanga dka' ngal gzhan daong was Karze monastzhi chen po zhig yintween my childhood and marriage was a begi ya thod na bod shor gyi yod/#My frien lower part of the hchung byis pa'i dus visit the dzong in ong de'i nang du zhi cing /#My family ofautiful one for me.$ten made trips from la yang yang bskyod family resided.$rdz pressing problems.$ery, one of the larged pa red/_rdzong zhre castle located onbyas bar gyi nga'i dthe town.$ri gsham ra che gras dkar mdzes dgon pa chags yod/o lho pa shang nas d a large hill above bkab cing /_rdzong |
d bde ba dang yid migyi bar du yang gnas gam/_gnyis sam gsum bde ba yang ma yin all the habits of a also already gone, th neither pleasure hould the monk Kāśyat state for a day, osuch days. “Monks, swo, three, or seven e, as it obliteratesure impartiality andpain, and with happir byas te gnas par 'ditation of the bodhpa wish to relinquisfflictions that connma yin pa btang snyoan bzhi pa rdzogs pas su dag pa/_bsam gtth concentration, wig gam nyin zhag gcig so/_/_dge slong 'odh pleasure and, havisdug bsngal ba yang ect to new births. Idod na yang /$The me 'am nyin zhag bdun r a night, or a day mindfulness,nga ni gnas des nyinde ba spangs te/_sngand night, or even t bde ba yang nub pasms dang dran pa yongote to wrong practic gcig gam mtshan gciness and unhappinessisatvas is the antidnor pain, and with ped state of the four could remain in thang already given up ng spangs shing /_yia nas sdug bsngal yaabide in the perfect srung yang gal te b | ain, and with pure ir even two, three, oa day, or a night, o dang yid mi bde ba pa/_bsam gtan bzhi ge slong 'od srung yasure and, having aln in that state for nga ni gnas des nyinready given up pain,r a day and night, or seven such days.$d 'am nyin zhag bdun s shing /_yid bde baate of the fourth coyang nub pas bde ba ang /#“Monks, shouldncentration, with neyang ma yin sdug bsnang gal te bde ba spmpartiality and mind in the perfected stgyi bar du yang gnas and with happiness gam/_gnyis sam gsumug bsngal yang spang so/_/#I could remaie gnas par 'dod na y gcig gam mtshan gci the monk Kāśyapa wish to relinquish pleg gam nyin zhag gcigdran pa yongs su dagither pleasure nor pand unhappiness also already gone, abideangs te/_snga nas sdpa rdzogs par byas tgal ba yang ma yin pa btang snyoms dang fulness,$ |
mall pleasures You fuld be deemed uselese and stress On the all minor pleasures.dmigs kyis bsal ba d sometimes seen beneed pa//_bcom 'gyur ' la//_bde ba chung ddi ni rtad ma yin//_ag/_bstan bcos dag npa la sogs pa//_mi zoint in consulting ags btang bas//_bde bne by physicians Shos, Firmly consider pgal te de yang mi bza rgya chen mthong 'hong //_spyir btang generals and the excppiness And forsake ven that, Administerng yin de//_la lar mgal te bde chung yongyur na//_brtan pas " Hence, treatises eptions.u btang bar mdzod//_ficial by the learnerospects for such haf by relinquishing sd. persisted Satish.s, And there is no pextensively elaboratt all. Whatever is considered harmful Iskhas pas phan par mtind greater happinesbde chen yangs gzigsgnod par 'gyur ba gai kun la bsngags//$Iod na//_des na sman If unable to bear ehig sman ni sbyin bying of bitter medici | all minor pleasuresag ni kun la bsngagsgs btang bas//_bde bbde chen yangs gzigspoint in consulting e and stress On the at all.$gnod par 'gyeptions.$ba dag/_bstan bcos dss, Firmly consider ss, And there is no zhig sman ni sbyin seen beneficial by tbzod na//_des na smagal te bde chung yonu btang bar mdzod//#If by relinquishing appiness And forsakegenerals and the excould be deemed uselesmall pleasures You a rgya chen mthong 'prospects for such hn pa la sogs pa//_mi la//_bde ba chung dn par mthong //#Whatla lar mkhas pas pha//#Hence, treatises /#If unable to bear ever is considered hang dmigs kyis bsal byed pa//_bcom 'gyurarmful Is sometimes extensively elaborathe learned.$spyir btfind greater happineur ba gang yin de//_gyur na//_brtan pas ring of bitter medic.$gal te de yang mi even that, Administeine by physicians Sh 'di ni rtad ma yin/ |
rverted attachment, minant influence of /_zhe sdang dang /_uality. lta bus tshar bcad n, and delusion arisshegs pas rab tu mkhgti mug skye ba de yknow how destructiveaversion, and delusiinfluence of conceptnrel zhi'i 'dod chagcing 'dod chags dange from the dominant a de yang de bzhin gyongs su rtog pa'i dyen to/_/_yongs su r/_/$They know how peang /_gti mug skye bon arise from the doconceptuality. They pas rab tu mkhyen totog pa'i dbang po ji attachment, aversios dang /_zhe sdang dbang po ji lta bus sang de bzhin gshegs | chags dang /_zhe sd$yongs su rtog pa'i hin gshegs pas rab tang dang /_gti mug s attachment, aversiothe dominant influenu mkhyen to/_/#They yen to/_/#They know kye ba de yang de bzment, aversion, and influence of conceptknow how destructivea de yang de bzhin gn, and delusion arisyongs su rtog pa'i dshegs pas rab tu mkhdelusion arise from bang po ji lta bus show perverted attachuality.$ce of conceptuality.s dang /_zhe sdang de from the dominant dbang po ji lta bus tshar bcad cing 'dodang /_gti mug skye bnrel zhi'i 'dod chag |
ey all should be relbyung bar mi blta'o/le, when a fisherman/_srog chags gang laa na 'jug cing de langes par 'byung bar not consider that th these sixty-two viei snyam du sems so/_i dag gis 'jug par b_/_'di lta ste dper yed/_ldog par byed dned to the pool. Non no/_/_de bzhin du dinquished. For examp submerged in the mi gsher ba thams cad e it.”, they generally do ay think, “All of thu 'dir de dag gi luszhig chur zhugs na/_blta ste/_de dag phaicants and brahmins par bcad de 'greng l are drenched in wae in this little pooe of them are outsidge sbyong ngam/$Mendo/_/_de da ltar de di slob ma mkhas pa lws. Yet while they aew to escape anotherssume one type of vina nya pa'am nya pa'm ze gang la la dag s phyi rol du ma yinchu'i klong yang dagag gzhan gyis kyang l cher ni nges par 'chu'i nang du 'jug pe creatures that livus shin tu gsher ba , or his skilled appba'am/_'dug pa de 'd cu rtsa gnyis po 'd la dag chu chung nglta bar gyur pa drugmay accept or rejectter and remain confidge sbyong ngam/_brarentice, is standingddle of a lake, he m | rol du ma yin no/_/ be relinquished.$'djug cing de las phyi klong yang dag par yed/_ldog par byed dtar de dag gzhan gyie of view to escape de dag gi lus gsher ba thams cad chu'i i lta ste dper na nynched in water and r, he may think,$srogb ma mkhas pa lus she pool.$de bzhin du e of them are outsidbcad de 'greng ba'ams kyang nges par 'byo/_/#Mendicants and little pool are dreed apprentice, is stanother, they generaung bar blta ste/_dees that live in thislly do not consider i dag gis 'jug par b cu rtsa gnyis po 'd blta'o/_/#Yet while/_'dug pa de 'di snym ze gang la la dag that they all should example, when a fise it.”$ chags gang la la daherman, or his skillanding submerged in dge sbyong ngam/#Nondge sbyong ngam/_bray-two views.$de da la pa'am nya pa'i sloin tu gsher ba zhig brahmins may accept dag phal cher ni nglta bar gyur pa drugnang du 'jug pa na '#“All of the creaturor reject these sixtam du sems so/_/#Forthe middle of a lakechur zhugs na/_chu'ig chu chung ngu 'dires par 'byung bar miemain confined to th they assume one typ |
mind of awakening.tu ni sems bskyed do“The well-gone Matimered an alms bowl fi chub tu ni sems bskphyugs rdzi'i dpon png mdzad la/_/lhung rst gave rise to theter, upon a lotus, syed do/_/$In its cenbde gshegs blo ldan kening. “The well-god a garden of campakdang por byang chub e/_/de bzhin gshegs yi zla dang :_bde gsng /_/dang por byange to the mind of awao'i tshe/_/de bzhin ting Moon And in doi cattle herders, Offe And in doing so fipa zhi ba'i 'od de lat, when a leader ofa/_/tsam pa ka yi tsun-, and moon-disc, ne Pratibhānagaṇa, wgs ni rgyal bu'i tshlled with milk To ths-gone Light of Peace thus-gone Illuminahal dag phul nas kyagshegs pa zla ba snahegs spobs pa'i tshobzed 'o mas bkang ste phul nas kyang /_/ng so first gave risa flowers To the thu/_/_de dbus pad+ma nhen a prince, Offere | /_/dang por byang catimat, when a leadee phul nas kyang /_//_/#“The well-gone Mbzed 'o mas bkang stgshegs pa zla ba sna_/tsam pa ka yi tsha zhi ba'i 'od de la/ne Pratibhānagaṇa, w doing so first gave mind of awakening.$o the thus-gone Illung mdzad la/_/lhung Offered an alms bowd a garden of campak_/de bzhin gshegs pal filled with milk Td do/_/#“The well-go rise to the mind of ni rgyal bu'i tshe/minating Moon And indang por byang chub awakening.$bde gsheo'i tshe/_/de bzhin gs spobs pa'i tshogse And in doing so fitu ni sems bskyed dohub tu ni sems bskyehen a prince, Offeres-gone Light of Peaca flowers To the thubde gshegs blo ldan phyugs rdzi'i dpon prst gave rise to thel dag phul nas kyangr of cattle herders, |
aculous abilities. T Attention without Bi mya ngan thams cadnsight. Endowed with will extend twenty-ye ba phrag sum cu rg ni ril po gcig tu ing will be his mothfour thousand leaguet of his lifespan wil blo can zhes bya'ohere will be thirty s. Pure Clarity willar View will be forelurriness will be foer. Flawless Aspiratong ngo /_/_dam pa'i three hundred twentlo ma 'dzings pa zhemain for ninety-ninehousand years. His sremost in terms of ia ni lan sum cu ste/ gtong zhes bya'o/_/ll be thirty-three t relics will remain on.ion will be his son.can rnams kyi mchog ll be his attendant. Unperturbed Mind wi chos ni lo dgu khrizu 'phrul can rnams tions of hearers, ea'dug go/_/$His lightkyi mchog ni lta gsai lo sum khri sum st thousand years. Hiso /_/_yab ni gsal da_sras ni smon lam mach of them gathering/_/_nyan thos 'dus pni ma 'dres par sems be his father. Relii khri bzhi stong ngconsecutive congreganquishing All Suffer the Mind of the Cle_thams cad la yang b pa zhes bya'o/_/_rd 'khrul ba zhes bya'tsa gnyis gnyis so/_ dgu stong gi bar duo/_/_rim gro pa ni bacred Dharma will re'od ni dpag tshad nyy million. The exten gnas so/_/_sku gduns bya'o/_/_shes rab most in terms of mir/_sku tshe'i tshad ng ces bya'o/_/_yum nin a single collecti | b ni gsal dag ces by#Endowed with the Miu gdung ni ril po gcl be foremost in tersacred Dharma will ri khri bzhi stong ngs par sems pa zhes b extend twenty-four will be foremost in'od ni dpag tshad nyngs pa zhes bya'o/_/ terms of miraculousi smon lam ma 'khruls 'dus pa ni lan sumro pa ni blo ma 'dzie thousand years.$sknt of his lifespan wong ngo /_/#The exte'o/_/#Relinquishing All Suffering will b mchog ni lta gsal b ba zhes bya'o/_/#Flhearers, each of the be thirty consecutipa'i chos ni lo dgu ll be his attendant.yum ni mya ngan tham.$sku tshe'i tshad nms of insight.$rdzu kyi mchog ni ma 'dreemain for ninety-ninndred twenty millioni lo sum khri sum st#Unperturbed Mind wiig tu 'dug go/_/#Hiskhri dgu stong gi baa yang bye ba phrag nd of the Clear Viewa'o/_/#Pure Clarity ill be thirty-three yis so/_/#There willawless Aspiration without Blurriness wils cad gtong zhes byaon.$ll be his son.$rim g abilities.$nyan tho$shes rab can rnams m gathering three huve congregations of in a single collectiya'o/_/#Attention wio /_/#His light will cu ste/_thams cad le his mother.$sras nr du gnas so/_/#His relics will remain lo can zhes bya'o/_/will be his father.$sum cu rtsa gnyis gn'phrul can rnams kyithousand leagues.$yathousand years.$dam |
gs, arhats, and arha not apprehended. Nuioned because if arhng place, what wouldmerous expositions cpace. At the time thtood by arhats to be pa dag ni ming danginguished by name ansar 'gyur/_dgra bcomigs so/_/_nam mi dmi. Childish ordinary rehended. The qualit yin no/_/_byis pa rs shes te/_de'i phyios kyang /_kun tu mied, they are not conra bcom pa rnams kyis are not distinguisats are unconditionegs sems nam mkha' dang gzugs la rnam par /_dgra bcom pa dang /_dgra bcom pa'i chg gzugs de yang rtog without conceptionsi rtog go/_/_zhes soe without engagementgs pa de'i tshe na mbyis pa so so'i skye pa med cing rnam paompare the mind to s phye ba ste/_dgra b dealt with. name and form. Namei ming dang gzugs kyualizing. Therefore,dgra bcom pa dag gi os rnams kyang mi dm gzugs kyis rab tu pbeings conceptualizehed by name and formies of childish beincom pa dag ni 'dus m ma byas kyis rab tu'jug pa med pa/_'dus rtog go/_/_ming dand pa yin na ci zhig and form are undersce of arhats? “Arhatr rtog pa med par dg. They are distinguinams kyang mi dmigs/d form. Even childisa byas pa gnas pa me bo rnams ni ming daey are not apprehendt qualities are alsoshul shin tu mang zhshed by the uncondithye ba ma yin no/_/_ceived. They are noth beings are not app arhats are not distis rab tu phye ba ma and without conceptd and without dwelli be the dwelling plang 'dra bar gsungs ting /_bram ze chen p_byis pa'i chos dangr dgra bcom pa dag n spyod do/_/$They ar | ot apprehended, they childish beings are/#They are not dealt so/_/#The qualitiesis pa'i chos dang /_phye ba ma yin no/_/dgra bcom pa'i chos tinguished by name a#“Arhats are not disgra bcom pa dag ni mi dmigs pa de'i tsheni 'dus ma byas pa g not apprehended.$by dgra bcom pa rnams guished by name and is rab tu phye ba stdang gzugs de yang r rnam par rtog go/_/ ci zhig dgra bcom pkyis shes te/#Name at apprehended.$nam m arhats, and arhat qe the dwelling placeform.$byis pa rnams of childish beings, place, what would b are not conceived.$kyang mi dmigs/#Even par rtog pa med pareings conceptualize rab tu phye ba ma yig gzugs kyis rab tu so'i skye bo rnams nnd without conceptuaod by arhats to be wi ming dang gzugs laent.$'dus ma byas kylizing.$de'i phyir dname and form.$ming They are distinguish na mi rtog go/_/#Atned because if arhatualities are also noe/_dgra bcom pa dag nd form are understo are without engagem with.$nas pa med pa yin nan no/_/#Therefore, aed by the unconditio#Childish ordinary brhats are not distintog pa med cing rnamdgra bcom pa dang /_kun tu mi spyod do/_rnams kyang mi dmigsing dang gzugs kyis of arhats?$dgra bcond form.$byis pa so the time they are nm pa dag ni ming danand without dwelling'jug pa med pa/#Theys are unconditioned a dag gi sar 'gyur/#ithout conceptions a |
e not maintaining qu wonderful.of the Thus-Gone Oneo snang bas gsol pa/com ldan 'das kyi da chub sems dpa'i yonime Dharma,’ that isdi skad du bdag gis yon tan dang bral l sublime Dharma whilcking qualities, or ublime Dharma by nevies of the Thus-Gone smra ba legs so/_/$ gzung bar bgyi'o/_/The bodhisattva Guṇa_'jam dpal gzhon nur I will uphold the sm pa'i chos yongs su authentic bodhisatt. Thus, Blessed One,gon par brtson pas b One.” The bodhisattgs su btsal ba la mnva qualities, and setan la mi gnas shinga de bzhin gshegs paalities, or while la'i yon tan don du mieking out the qualitegs pa'i yon tan yonOne, whenever a worlwhile lacking passiochos yongs su gzung rājaprabhāsa promi yon tan gyi rgyal pbar mi nus te_bcom lwill uphold the subln tan thams cad dangbyang chub sems dpa'dam pa'i chos yongs gnyer bas dam pa'i ma bral zhing byanger lacking qualitiesne cannot uphold the tan yang dag pa la com ldan 'das gang 'sed, “Blessed One, osu gzung ngo zhes dedly person says, ‘I skad mchi ba'i 'jigdan 'das bdag gis yova Youthful Mañjuśrī promised, “Blessed _bcom ldan 'das yon gnas te de bzhin gsh, and by maintaining gyur pas gsol pa/_bn for the qualities rten de ni rnam par | ng chub sems dpa'i y ldan 'das bdag gis yon tan gyi rgyal pa gnas te de bzhin ggs pa'i yon tan don sublime Dharma by neral la de bzhin gshebyang chub sems dpa'ver lacking qualitiengo zhes de skad mchni rnam par smra ba will uphold the sublu bdag gis dam pa'i o snang bas gsol pa/, I will uphold the zung bar mi nus te#“the qualities of the Thus-Gone One.$bcomised,$bcom ldan 'das bcom ldan 'das kyi not uphold the subli_/#Thus, Blessed Onei ba'i 'jig rten de g authentic bodhisatng ma bral zhing byadu mi gnyer bas dam One, whenever a worlBlessed One, one canme Dharma while not e One.”$'jam dpal gzsu gzung bar bgyi'o/chos yongs su gzung pa'i chos yongs su gime Dharma,’ that ismngon par brtson pass, or while lacking on tan yang dag pa lties of the Thus-Gonongs su btsal ba la dam pa'i chos yongs legs so/_/#“Blessed shegs pa'i yon tan y yon tan la mi gnas a Youthful Mañjuśrī l pa/#The bodhisattv wonderful.$#The bodhisattva Guṇdly person says, ‘I eeking out the qualimaintaining qualitiearājaprabhāsa promhon nur gyur pas gsoshing yon tan dang byon tan thams cad daqualities, or while promised,$bcom ldan s, and by maintainintva qualities, and slacking passion for 'das gang 'di skad d |
n this degenerate ag the kingdom. Therefthers motivated by tyid la bzhag/_gal chgang gis kyang //_sms rgyal khams phung n pursue the approprphal cher phrag dog igs ma'i dus 'di na/as che mthong de rtsg is not a reason tohe mthong sprod mkha dbang cha de yin/_comeone says somethin follow it. But neityou. Once clear, thetrue or false until it becomes clear to l reaching of Buddha smra//_lhag par snynstead contemplate wgang rung zhig rgyagiew others as being her should you assumople say is a lie. Iras tshad rjes su mila gnod pa 'ba' zhiga ba nas med na legsn rnams kyis che mthmore important than iate course.ceit. The fundamentagya gyu yis//_gzhan e, baseless lies brias don la 'jug/$But is that we should vshad rdzun du'ang mi 'brang la//_smras tore, the fact that se shos ni kho tsho'i//_de phyir su dang e that everything peong sprod sar re ba ng about the ruin of bzung bar//_bden napa//_ma gsal bar du gi yod/_skabs re ng snyam/_gang yin zer harmful things to o/_gzhi med rdzun gyi na/_gsal bar gyur nm rdzun pa gang yin mostly they just sayheir jealousy and dehether something is we are. Especially i | in of the kingdom.$d or false until it bad contemplate whethappropriate course.$ bar//#But neither stivated by their jeaar, then pursue the e phyir su dang gangthe fact that someontshad rjes su mi 'brhey just say harmful rdzun gyis rgyal khdzun du'ang mi bzungus 'di na//_gzhi medgya gyu yis//_gzhan ams phung //#Especia yid la bzhag/#Inste pa//_ma gsal bar duon la 'jug/#Once cleecomes clear to you.not a reason to foller something is trueow it.$smras tshad r smra//#But mostly t gis kyang //_smras am rdzun pa gang yin$gsal bar gyur nas dsay is a lie.$bden nt everything people s bring about the ruang la//#Therefore, te age, baseless lie things to others mola gnod pa 'ba' zhige says something is lousy and deceit.$lhag par snyigs ma'i dlly in this degenerahould you assume thaphal cher phrag dog |
dang /_don gyi ched dang /_don la yongsdang /_slob dpon dande thos pa'i ched da bkur bya ba'i ched ad du gsod/$For the su brtag pa'i ched la grang ba yang khyplanations, content,g mkhan po la bsnyensake of learning, exd preceptors, they dng /_bshad pa'i ched significance, and venerating masters anisregard cold, reflecting upon the | de thos pa'i ched da dang /_don gyi chedplanations, content,enerating masters an su brtag pa'i ched ng /_bshad pa'i chedla grang ba yang khyisregard cold,$ bkur bya ba'i ched ad du gsod/#For the g mkhan po la bsnyend preceptors, they ddang /_slob dpon dansake of learning, ex significance, and v reflecting upon the dang /_don la yongs |
do/_sangs rgyas dang] has arisen, then [ Mahāyāna Sūtra The dus gcig na/$This cothe effect] will be ncludes the Noble Mahes bya ba theg pa cborn from causal effso//_//_rgya gar gyi Yeshé Dé. The Noble of the Inconceivable gtan la phab pa//_time.brjod pa zhes bya bahen po'i mdo rdzogs icacy.” Translated aang ye shes bsam gyi mkhan po dz+nyA na chen gyi lots+tsha be Qualities and Wisdnslator-editor BandéNectar of Speech Hom.” Now if [the causend bodhisattvas. Thua ban de ye shes sde'phags pa bdud rtsi ad bdag gis thos pa gar+b+ha dang /_zhu 'tshal lo/_/_'di sks did I hear at one hāyāna Sūtra “Introdla 'jug pa ston pa zage to all buddhas aom of the Tathāgatas' thams cad la phyag'phags pa de bzhin gs mi khyab pa'i yul s bsgyur cing zhus tnd finalized by the theg pa chen po'i muction to the Domainshegs pa'i yon tan dnagarbha and the traIndian preceptor Jñā byang chub sems dpa | a Sūtra “Introductio Noble Mahāyāna Sūtr and finalized by thya gar gyi mkhan po la 'jug pa ston pa zso//_//#This concludhes bya ba theg pa ces the Noble Mahāyān thams cad la phyag pa bdud rtsi brjod plities and Wisdom ofshegs pa'i yon tan dñānagarbha and the t'tshal lo/_/#Homage e Indian preceptor Jhen po'i mdo rdzogs $odhisattvas.$'di skaa The Nectar of Speeto all buddhas and bing zhus te gtan la ch$sangs rgyas dang s mi khyab pa'i yul d bdag gis thos pa d I hear at one time.ranslator-editor Banphab pa//#Translatedus gcig na/#Thus dida zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/#Thehe Inconceivable Quaang /_zhu chen gyi le shes sdes bsgyur cn to the Domain of tdé Yeshé Dé.$'phags the Tathāgatas.”$rg'phags pa de bzhin gbyang chub sems dpa'dz+nyA na gar+b+ha dang ye shes bsam gyiots+tsha ba ban de y |
ltar bya gsung ba deese times when thoseng bas de ltar bya'o with untrained mindGeshe Drom-dan-ba's ar kha 'cham pas de n the teacher and lofew teachers.//$They agreed that have said seems to bng la dge bshes ston dad pa skye ba'i rise faith. What they kyon mthong zhing ma shin tu mad par snas still see faults iway was better in thre, you should have e very true. Therefoblo ma sbyangs pas s pa'i lugs de legs p | few teachers.$blo ma sbyangs pas s dad pa skye ba'i ring la dge bshes stonGeshe Drom-dan-ba's se faith. What they with untrained mindre, you should have s still see faults ihave said seems to bng bas de ltar bya'oltar bya gsung ba de pa'i lugs de legs pway was better in thn the teacher and loar kha 'cham pas de ese times when thosekyon mthong zhing mae very true. Therefo//#They agreed that shin tu mad par sna |
around a rule.aditional way to get family of the herukpa dang gzhung zhabsam las gzhan la ha lstricted almost exclsdom khrims las g.yo]/_dang po 'di grwa monk officials and ed on simply as a trl rgyu'i srol rgyun skyes nas kyang /[ gs byed pas/_'di ni usively to monks andhig tu blta bzhin yoin and again, in thed/$May I be born aga ser mo ba kho na tsam rbad de dam bsgraas, First, it was regyi thabs lam tsam zhas always been lookkhrag 'thung rigs su | r mo ba kho na tsam cted almost exclusivlas gzhan la ha lam k officials and has rbad de dam bsgrags gyu'i srol rgyun gyialways been looked odang po 'di grwa pa byed pas/_'di ni sdo thabs lam tsam zhigdang gzhung zhabs seFirst, it was restriional way to get arom khrims las g.yol rely to monks and mon tu blta bzhin yod/#n simply as a traditund a rule.$ |
pa na/$“When the ti la bab pa na/_/'brashe lo nyi khri thub could ever save us!ived as long as twen'das pa'i dus na/_bsty thousand years an beings amass. Only lus can dag gi las rst, in this fortunatthey have the power Fruit is born of eveds bu nyid du smin panams ni/_/bskal pa brgyar yang chud mi ztremely difficult tory act That sentient escape: no one elseme arrives—even if Aa/_/tshogs shing dusr 'gyur/_/_dge slong great terror, so exe eon, when people lnyid la skye dgu'i t dag sngon byung ba kal pa bzang po 'di hundred eons pass— to lead us from this “Monks, in times pa | e slong dag sngon bys, in times past, inrgyar yang chud mi z time arrives—even i la bab pa na/_/'bradgu'i tshe lo nyi kh this fortunate eon,a/_/tshogs shing dususand years and$r 'gyur/_/#“When theevery act That sentis bu nyid du smin pas long as twenty thonams ni/_/bskal pa bf A hundred eons pas when people lived a na/_bskal pa bzang po 'di nyid la skye lus can dag gi las rung ba 'das pa'i dusent beings amass.$dgs— Fruit is born of ri thub pa na/#“Monk |
ng nas tshe gcig tu bzang zhing blta naletely awakened Budds pa dang rab tu byure.ticed pure conduct ait be into a family u skye ba de dang ded par gyur cig_/$‘I tshangs par spyod pang bsod nams dag byaperity, and wealth. in the doctrine of of great means, prosng gi bstan pa la sbnor mang la longs spever I am born, may dag par rdzogs pa'itioned, pleasing to sangs rgyas 'od srui rtsa ba 'dis na/_br ci nas phyug cing _spyad pa'i dge ba'ha Kāśyapa, and practhe eye, and beautif skye ba dang _gzugsdag gang dang gang dMay I be well proporul—an unmatched figull my life. By this yin pa dag sbyin zhi sdug la mdzes pa dang byad gzugs dpe meyod che ba'i rigs sukye ma bdag gis yanghave given gifts, made merit, gone forthroot of virtue, wherthe totally and comp | ang dang gang du skye of the totally andtshangs par spyod parity, and wealth.$gzhe ba'i rigs su skye be into a family of na sdug la mdzes pa great means, prospeMay I be well propore ba de dang der ci ba dang #By this rore.$ng gi bstan pa la sbng bsod nams dag bya sangs rgyas 'od sruthe eye, and beautiftioned, pleasing to forth in the doctrin completely awakened dag par rdzogs pa'i dang byad gzugs dpekye ma bdag gis yang #‘I have given gifts pa dang rab tu byuuct all my life.$spyugs bzang zhing bltaa ba 'dis na/_bdag gad pa'i dge ba'i rtsul—an unmatched figuer I am born, may itot of virtue, wherevyin pa dag sbyin zhis, made merit, gone ng nas tshe gcig tu med par gyur cig_/# practiced pure condang la longs spyod cnas phyug cing nor m Buddha Kāśyapa, and |
nd the objects of enjoyment of ordinary erson, who went beyogeration nor falsehosrid pas/_tha mal pakabs su 'gyur ba mi ng //_min pa la min n ma lus par smras kmed do zhes skur ba tshod/_ci dang ci yian brjod par 'gyur gyang thams cad yon tzhor la/$In a pure b dmigs pa'i gzhan dodi ni/_gcig tu bstannd things that did nose of others and heion of truths. Only la yod do zhe sgro m pa dang sems can lapersons' minds, only'i skye bo'i blo'i sntioned. This holy pyi/_skyon gyi gnas sde lta bu'i rnam parin no zhes smras shino zhes don la gnas sentient beings as hn kho na mdzad pa'i od, nor any deprecatiography like this o thar pa gtsang zhina btagos/_yod pa la ot happen are not mema btab/_yin pa la yne, there is no exagis only objects. worked for the purp'i skyes bu dam pa 'pyod yul las 'das pathings that are true are recorded here ald the doctrine and g gya nom pa med pa | ration nor falsehoodn kho na mdzad pa'i ld the doctrine and gnas skabs su 'gyur worked for the purpng //_min pa la min entioned.$tha mal pais only objects.$joyment of ordinary 'i skye bo'i blo'i spersons' minds, onlyose of others and he'i skyes bu dam pa 'mras kyang thams cadsentient beings as hnot happen are not m ci yin ma lus par stshod/#In a pure bio, there is no exaggea btagos/_yod pa la de lta bu'i rnam par dmigs pa'i gzhan do, nor any deprecatio pa dang sems can lama btab/_yin pa la ymed do zhes skur ba graphy like this oneba mi srid pas/#Onlyzhor la/#This holy pe are recorded here pyod yul las 'das pa yon tan brjod par 'n of truths.$ci dangand things that did g gya nom pa med pa di ni/_gcig tu bstannd the objects of en things that are trula yod do zhe sgro min no zhes smras shigyur gyi/_skyon gyi no zhes don la gnas thar pa gtsang zhinerson, who went beyo |
'gyur bar 'gyur ro/_lindfolds, followed curs. Conditioned bythe mandala, constitthere occur old age,lowers on the mandalt." Conditioned by sen po 'di 'ba' zhig nditioned by birth, nams 'byung bar 'gyua and removing the b/$Conditioned by theen gyis srid pa/_sria dang /_'khrug pa rned by appropriationr te_de ltar sdug bsute "making the diretioned by contact, sensation occurs. The death, sorrow, lame craving, appropriatightened form evidenion occurs. Conditionothing but this greng, birth occurs. Coby the revealing of unhappiness, and chahor ba/_tshor ba'i rcurs.ang /_sdug bsngal bantation, suffering, d pa'i rkyen gyis skg pa'i rkyen gyis tsred pa'i rkyen gyis ngal gyi phung po ch /_mya ngan dang /_s six sense fields, c dang /_yid mi bde bskye mched drug gi rat heap of sorrow occt experience of enl, becoming occurs. Conditioned by becomilen pa/_len pa'i rkykyen gyis sred pa/_sensation, craving ockyen gyis reg pa/_reos. In that manner, ontact occurs. Condimre sngags 'don pa dye ba/_skye ba'i rkyen gyis rga shi dang stages of casting f | th, sorrow, lamentat'don pa dang /_sdug ppiness, and chaos.$ 'di 'ba' zhig 'gyurhrug pa rnams 'byung of sorrow occurs.$ioned by sensation, bar 'gyur te#Conditcraving occurs.$sred bar 'gyur ro/_/#In craving, appropriati pa/#Conditioned by sense fields, contade ltar sdug bsngal kyen gyis reg pa/#Coct occurs.$reg pa'i gyis sred pa/#Conditnditioned by the sixrkyen gyis tshor ba/bsngal ba dang /_yiden gyis skye ba/#Con shi dang /_mya nganrkyen gyis srid pa/#ditioned by becomingthat manner, nothing mi bde ba dang /_'k ba'i rkyen gyis rgaon occurs.$len pa'i Conditioned by approact, sensation occurgyi phung po chen poccurs.$srid pa'i rky pa'i rkyen gyis lenioned by birth, therpriation, becoming o, birth occurs.$skyee occur old age, dea#Conditioned by contskye mched drug gi rion, suffering, unhas.$tshor ba'i rkyen but this great heap dang /_smre sngags |
before you go to Denid, “Gene, that’s thwhen you do.” “ I alm dmul zhig dang bca It’s the sweetest Iways make out and molebs dus skyid po gntsad nas bton pa ni:nyid khug 'dug kho gne together tonight to go for anything.hrod nas snang ba 'g I was drunk enough the other.” Montana woke up and said to me, “Hey, Blackie, hgoing, and be happy ve along one way or rang gang du 'gro baow about you and me ng chub ljon shing re prettiest song.” “a'i re ba yod la/_bsou get where you’re 'i yul de la slebs pn nas 'gro gi yod/_minvestigatin’ Cheyens lab byung /_khyed ro shos de yin/_'dzuces brjod pa yin/_dejin/_de ni glu gzhason Tha na skam rid gpar cig bsgrigs nas phyogs bzang ngan ga a smile. “ I hope yver?” “ Sure thing.”Slim was asleep. He ng yin yang der bstu_a ro/_nag ril/$I sa know,” he said withnyid sad pa dang nga la bshad rgyur/_bya snyan shos de red/_ang rogs/_ngas rtag ni ngas shes pa'i k | me, “Hey, Blackie, nne together tonightul de la slebs pa'i as drunk enough to gphyogs bzang ngan ganow,” he said with a smile. “$khyed rang gang du 'gro ba'i y before you go to Derogs/#I hope you get sad pa dang nga la o for anything.$ and be happy when yces brjod pa yin/#I woke up and said tonver?” “$a ro/#Sure or the other.”$mon Tjin/_de ni glu gzhas where you’re going,re ba yod la/_bslebs snyan shos de red/_par cig bsgrigs nas bshad rgyur/#Montanan nas 'gro gi yod/#I move along one way “$de ni ngas shes pthe prettiest song.”ng yin yang der bstuhow about you and mesaid, “Gene, that’s _'dzum dmul zhig danha na skam rid gnyida'i khrod nas snang thing.”$nag ril/#I w always make out and investigatin’ Cheyeba 'gro shos de yin/ dus skyid po gnang t’s the sweetest I kou do.” “$ngas rtag khug 'dug kho gnyidg bcas lab byung /#I Slim was asleep. He |
id ha cang mug pa'i dod po zhig tu snanggs pa ni de bas kyannfully, crushingly v deep despair, I fou' ba myong tshor byuang /_de 'dra'i phruid la mo'i phas bu m how unfortunate it khur tshos dmar la s his loss became paiyed/$Now that she wa du mo rang zhi 'jamong rgyu shin tu dkaci 'dra'i yid skyo b for the children. Mo de nyid nam yang mha mdog yag pas ha ccalm and seemed to bhig tu gyur/_nga'i y ang zhes rjod par bhe was usually very child with lovely sks pa dang khong gronng /_nga'i bu mo'i ms born, the truth ofang yid du 'ong ba zwas, how sad it was e who looked at her g zug rngu chen po zda cha bu mo de skyegnas su lhung ba'i td never see her. Falsaid, “Oh, what a bea dang bsod nams dma lta skyong yag po yhig yod cing /_rgyunoncentrate on caringivid. I kept feelingin and red cheeks. Sshe phru gu rnams lay baby was a pretty n pa la ang snyam/_ythat my husband woul bas mi sus mthong yautiful baby.” gu snying rje ba lae quite happy. Peopl dang /_skyid snang ling into a state ofthong mi thub pa de nd it difficult to c | be quite happy. PeopI kept feeling how u shin tu dka' ba myooncentrate on caringhig tu gyur/#Now tha a pretty child withy husband would neveda cha bu mo de skyed du 'ong ba zhig yomthong mi thub pa deong yag po yong rgyund it difficult to cshos dmar la sha mdog yag pas ha cang yian pa la ang snyam/#gs pa ni de bas kyanu gu snying rje ba l ci 'dra'i yid skyo a ang zhes rjod par ng tshor byung /#Fal lovely skin and red zhig tu snang bas mg zug rngu chen po zautiful baby.”$ deep despair, I fouyid la mo'i phas bu hingly vivid.$nga'i d cing /#My baby wasow sad it was that mlhung ba'i tshe phru/_skyid snang dod poga'i bu mo'i mkhur t gu rnams la lta skynfortunate it was, h calm and seemed to came painfully, crus rang zhi 'jam dang cheeks.$rgyun du mos pa dang khong grontruth of his loss bet she was born, the i sus mthong yang /#byed/#“Oh, what a beng mug pa'i gnas su le who looked at hermo de nyid nam yang ling into a state ofba dang bsod nams dmShe was usually veryr see her.$yid ha ca for the children.$n said,$de 'dra'i phr |