If you do not keep in mind your master's instructions
Are you not deceiving yourself?Prayer to Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö 1
Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, who received the Seven Authoritative Transmissions,
Regent of Padmasambhava, Pema Do-ngak Lingpa,
Ösal Trulpé Dorje, at your lotus feet,
I offer heartfelt prayers: inspire me with your blessings!
The Mañjughoṣa Guru’s manifestation,
Lodrö Gyatso, great charioteer of sūtra and mantra,
Bodhisattva Chökyi Lodrö, to you
I offer heartfelt prayers: inspire me with your blessings!
You who spread Padma’s profound, secret teachings in the ten directions,
Sun of Vajra Wisdom, Yeshe Dorje,
Transfer the blessings of your wisdom realization
And inspire me to accomplish my aspirations in accordance with the Dharma.Hook of Compassion The Descent of Blessings
Hūṃ. Hrīḥ.
The dharmakāya, free from all elaboration,
The sambhogakāya of unceasing clarity and emptiness,
And the nirmāṇakāya expression of resonant awareness—
Three-kāya guru, shower down your blessings!
Vidyādharas of mind-direct, sign and aural lineages
And deities who hold the force of awareness,
Enhance the power of blessings and realization,
Shower down blessings and confer supreme empowerment!
Vidyādhara embodiment of all, guru of great bliss,
Mahāguru Padmasambhava,
With your countless billions of emanations—
The five enlightened forms, eight manifestations and the rest,
Shower down your blessings upon this maṇḍala!
Cause the articles of accomplishment to shine in vivid splendour!
Yidam deities with whom we have connections from the past,
Eight Awesome Ones, the vidyādharas’ means of attainment,
Peaceful and wrathful deities from the Illusory Net,
Boundless Life, Boundless Light, Great Compassionate One, and the rest—
Hosts of yidam deities, come here now,
Shower down your blessings and grant attainments!
Queen of Space, Vajravārāhī,
Ḍākinī with the face of a lion,
Glorious yoginī Tsogyal and the rest,
Hosts of ḍākinīs residing throughout three-kāya realms,
Shower down your blessings!
Ocean of oath-bound guardians of the three lineages,
Wealth deities, treasure-keepers, protectors of locales,
Infinite valorous ones, male and female,
Shower blessings upon this place! Accomplish your activity!
Do not neglect us! Compassionate deities, do not neglect us!
Approach now through your dance of delight,
And reveal the great power of your blessings and capacity.
Now the time has come to bestow attainments!
Bless the whole of appearance and existence,
Habitat and inhabitants, with the wisdom mudrā.
Bring about attainment of the supreme vajra-kāya.
Shower down great blessings, confer supreme empowerment.
Swiftly reveal to us the signs and indications.
Cause all our hopes for success to be realized,
And bestow attainments, ordinary and supreme.
vajra-jñāna āveśaya a āḥGuru Yoga Focusing upon Noble Kurukullā
From this moment on, until I achieve the essence of awakening,
I shall take refuge at the feet of the foremost exalted Lady, and,
So as to liberate infinite beings drowning in the ocean of suffering,
Will generate the supreme mind of bodhicitta.
I sit at the centre of a fantastic, emanated palace
That lies within a vast display of pure buddha realms.
Upon my head, seated on a lotus flower with a thousand petals,
Is the epitome of the Three Jewels, the noblest Kurukullā.
Clear red, she is dressed in divine clothes and jewellery.
She shows the mudrā of fearlessness and holds an arrow, bow and utpala flower. 1
She abides, seated in the vajrāsana within a blaze of wisdom light,
As the very embodiment of all buddhas and bodhisattvas.
Kye-ma! Noble Kurukullā,
Mother of all buddhas,
You are the illusory wisdom kāya,
Sole refuge and protector of all,
And special provider for all those
Who are impoverished by craving.
Don’t forget your past vow!
Look upon us, the poor and destitute,
With your eyes of wisdom.
Lend us a loving hand,
Quickly grant your blessings,
And bestow the accomplishment and empowerment of great bliss!
Guru, Noble Kurukullā, know me!
oṃ kurukulle hrīḥ hūṃ svāhā
The noble lady is delighted, melts into light
And, dissolving through the crown of my head, comes to rest within the very depths of my heart.
My entire body fills with the red nectar of great bliss
And the guru’s wisdom and my mind become one within the natural state. Ah.The Cintāmaṇi (Wish-Fulfilling Jewel) Instruction A Sādhana of the Glorious Vajrasattva, a Method of Purification and Accomplishment for Both Self and Others Taking Refuge Generating Bodhicitta Actual Sādhana
From now until I attain the essence of awakening
I take refuge in the sovereign of all lineages and oceanic maṇḍalas,
The Guru Vajrasattva,
With confident faith and devotion.
I shall persevere physically, verbally and mentally,
And never depart from the path to awakening;
So as to bring everyone throughout the reaches of space
To relief in the stable bliss of enlightenment.
Āḥ. In front of me, amidst oceanic clouds of offerings,
Is a throne of white lotus and moon cushion,
Upon which is Vajrasattva, embodiment of all buddha lineages.
He is brilliant white with the glow of the full moon.
He has one face and holds a bell and vajra in his two hands,