All solutions contain at least two substances.
What do cells secrete that binds to receptors?
A sign that an apple tree is going to start growing apples is when the tree has
ACCIDENTS/INJURY: It is the responsibility of the student to report to the teacher or supervisor in charge AT THE TIME OF THE OCCURRENCE OF AN ACCIDENT all facts pertaining to the accident. If an accident happens during a science experiment, the first thing a student should do is report to the teacher.
The water cycle involves movement of water between air and land.
Neutrons have no electric charge. A neutron has neutral or no charge.
The cell expels waste and other particles through a process called what?
Nearly all fish reproduce sexually, and most species have separate sexes. The vast majority of fish reproduce sexually.
In naming ternary compounds, the cation is stated first.
Blood pressure is measured using a "sphygmomanometer" or blood pressure cuff. Sphygmomanometer is used to measure blood pressure.
Jupiter is the largest known planet in our solar system. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.
Instruments that measure the angle of the slope of a volcano are called tilt meters.
As altitude rises, the temperature increases in the thermosphere.
Meteorites, formed of split asteroids or planetary rocks, provide clues about our solar system.
Bees are naturalized on every continent except which?
Why did people stop adding lead to gasoline?
What allows theories to be widely accepted?
In your lifetime, up to one in every five men may develop prostate cancer, wh ich is the most common type of cancer in males. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in adult males.
Which type of plankton make food via photosynthesis?
The spines of a cactus help it survive because spines protect the cactus from animals.
Thefundamental structure within the atom consists of negatively charged electrons orbiting around a nucleus that contains a set number ofpositively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons . Neutrons are electrically neutral.
The hypothalamus鈥損ituitary complex is located in the body in the diencephalon of the brain.
The term percent composition means the percentage by mass of each element in a compound.
Kidney stones and difficulty in the urinary system point to the need to stop living in the failures of the past and the need to concentrate on creating success in the present. Kidney stones are considered a disease that affects the urinary system.
Ocean ridges formed by marine invertebrates living in warm shallow waters within the photic zone of the ocean are called what?
The understory of the rainforest commonly has ferns and other ground plants.
Human evolution shows that evolutionary changes typically occur at a slow pace.
Addiction affects what type of chemical receptors within the brain?
Which of these describes water in a solid state?
Community interactions are important factors in what?
food is the main reason why birds fly down south during the winter. Many species of birds in new england fly south for the winter months to find an environment with more food.
What is the first thing a student should do if an accident happens during a science experiment?
What is the only continent without amphibians?
An increase in temperature results in a decrease in gas solubility in water, while a decrease in temperature results in an increase in gas solubility. If a solute is a gas, increasing the temperature will decrease its solubility.
Reducing the number of molecules in a rigid container causes pressure to decrease.
Atherosclerosis A condition where plaque builds up within the walls of arteries and in time may completely prevent blood flow. In atherosclerosis, thickening of an arterial wall due to plaque formation can restrict blood flow through the artery.
What is categorized by the forces holding the individual atoms, ions, or molecules together?
Why did people stop adding lead to gasoline?
Multiple fission is more often observed among protists.
The vertical flow is when is slowly seeps into the ground and is called infiltration . Water seeping into the ground is known as infiltration.
What is formed when hot lava cools?
In naming ternary compounds, the cation is stated first.
What is the name of the tube that joins the mouth to the digestive and respiratory tracts?
Light with the longest wavelengths is called what?
Biodiversity is an important natural resource in and of itself
4.聽聽聽 Visible light includes those electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths are from 380 nm (violet) to 760 nm (red). Violet and red are two types of visible light.
Which of these would most likely improve the air quality in large Texas cities?
In what type of climate might one find deciduous trees?
The long bone work as lever.
Why do mangrove trees rise high above the water? which characteristic help them to do so?
What happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day?
Combustion reaction occurs when a substance reacts quickly with oxygen.
Birds evolved from reptiles, and a connecting link to their reptilian ancestors can sometimes be seen in their scaly legs. Birds evolved from reptile ancestors.
We know that human activities have substantially increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere during the past two centuries, and that carbon dioxide is one of the most important contributors to the atmospheric 'greenhouse effect. Human actions has increased the greenhouse effect.
Atomic orbitals are populated with subatomic particles known as electrons.
Where do most skin structures originate in?
In a glass of sweet tea the sugar is known as the solute and the water is known as what?
Lamprey cartilage contains no collagen.
Which best explains why children resemble their parents?
How many valence electrons does nitrogen have?
For social animals, communication essential.
What is the most common type of organic compound?
Finally, Absolute Zero , the theoretical point of temperature where all molecular vibration ceases and absolute motionless cold reigns, is pegged to the indoor temperature in a Peckham flat when your central heating breaks down and all the shops selling heaters have just closed. The temperature at which all molecular motion has ceased is called absolute zero.
An element is a substance that cannot be chemically divided into a simpler substance. You call a pure substance that cannot be broken down into different types of substances a(n) element.
The complement system is a series of proteins constitutively found in the what?
What class of invertebrate animals has additional appendages called the chelicerae and the pedipalps?
What type of taste do bases normally have?
The term amines is used to describe molecules that contain carbon-nitrogen bonds.
Each amino acid has a carboxylic group and an amine group, and amino acids link to one another to form a chain by a dehydration reaction by joining the carboxyl group of one amino acid to the amine group of the next. Amino acids contain both a carboxylic acid group and a(n) amine group.
Plane mirrors work because the light rays create what behind the mirror?
What is the smallest planet in our solar system?
When water is heated by magma and makes it's way to the surface what is created?
Unlike energy, matter doesn鈥檛 need to be constantly added to ecosystems because it is recycled through ecosystems.
Atoms carry a neutral charge.
Hail during a storm describes water in a solid state.
One-third of the patients are being treated for leukemia, the most common childhood cancer. Leukemia is the most common type of cancer developed in children.
A population is composed of all individuals of a species in a particular area. Population is the term for individuals of a species that live in a particular habitat.
Macaw nestlings are what ornithologists term "altricial", that is , unlike a chicken which is born with plenty of down and able to eat on it's own, macaws are virtually helpless when first hatch and require vast amounts of care from their parents or surrogate humans. Altricial organisms are helpless at birth and require lots of help from their parents.
The term percent composition means the percentage by mass of each element in a compound.
What tissue system has neither dermal nor vascular tissues?
The ears are an external feature in human beings is responsible for balance.
What action, performed multiple times daily, is the single biggest use of water in the home?
Cardiac muscle makes up most of the heart.
What is the term for the application of science to solve problems?
Phagocytosis is the term for cellular eating.
Iceland sits on the mid-atlantic ridge.
You call the carbohydrate formed when two monosaccharides bond together disaccharide.
Scissors are compound machines.
Animal behaviors are controlled by both genes and experiences in a given envionment.
Microscopes were first developed in the early 1600s by eyeglass makers.
During sexual reproduction, a sperm fertilizes an egg. Sexual reproduction, in general, relies on sets of cells that are precursors for eggs and sperm.
How many people are aware that 18 days after a baby is conceived its heart is beating, in the 6th week after conception brainwaves can be detected and after 8 weeks ALL ORGANS ARE FUNCTIONING EXCEPT THE LUNGS. By 8 weeks, all major organs start developing.
A reservoir is part of a cycle that holds an element or water for a long period of time.
Which human body system controls the amount of water in the body and removes wastes?
What is the climate of a small area called?
When drinking water is treated, the term for when chemicals cause solids in the water to clump together is coagulation.
Bicarbonate in the red blood cell (RBC) exchanging with chloride from plasma. In the lungs, bicarbonate is transported back into the red blood cells in exchange for chloride.
Most of the earth's freshwater is in the form of frozen.
One way that the moon is different from earth is that the moon has almost no atmosphere.
Aerobic respiration has the advantage of releasing more energy.