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T: wondering if you would be willing to share with me what you picked
C: ok I'd be glad to and I just have to say it was really hard to choose the top three and I actually stuck in a fourth
T: it's important to you there is a lot
C: that's important to me and I am
T: let's see do they seem to be in order when I tell you about them? or just however you'd like to start
C: okay
T: um wanting to start with family and it says to have a happy loving family
C: I'm going to kind of family is very important to me having a happy loving family that is kind of a it would be a nice goal but a family that's that gets along well a family that is there for each other and support each other maybe not always happy and loving but you know still there for each other that's really important to me
T: it's a really a family that is kind of your rock and he family is very different than maybe the words that are on this card and yet family really called out to you family did you know that's basically the only people
C: i talked with two is why one friend that comes over once in a while but really all during the week and its family so I don't know you know where I would be without them and and it's just so it kind of blends in with us next on the responsibility I Myers my ability to be responsible has increased so much when it comes to family and I really want to keep that going I I feel like I have a I have to prove something to my family that because I wasn't responsible for a long time and in fact I still have plenty of times I'm not responsible but it's other you know I try I'm trying my best to show that I can be responsible does that make sense?
T: so family and responsibilities are tied together for you and responsibility is something that you haven't always been as you would like and yet you've grown in your ability to be responsible possibly partly because of your family
C: well especially with my son he started working so I'm there to take him to work and pick him up so that kind of gets me going during the day whenever we have a family gathering I'm always the first one there and I used to be the last one and so I try to be really punctual and be there for my family when I can i really think i'm kind of the black sheep of the family though i'm not i'm not really worth it a lot so maybe I this is why this is kind of hard because it's almost as if I'm going over and above just to make a point that I'm responsible and then sometimes I just feel like I'm not responsible to anyway I'm just talking in circles
T: so sometimes how they interact with you you don't always feel what you're trying to show them
C: or I don't always know that what I'm yeah I don't know what they're thinking about me so I tend to make things up
T: yeah and because of what you're thinking you sometimes then really try to act responsible and hope that they will be able to see what you're trying to show
C: ya want them to accept me more because I just felt I haven't been all that accepted
T: and you keep trying
C: I do I do yep
T: yeah so this is do these really fit together for you so tell me about the others that you pay
C: so i picked cleanliness it's real important to me because like i said before i am i pretty much in my chair watching TV a lot of the time or on the internet or something however it's i don't want to sit in my house all day and have it be a stinking mess with garbage all over the place so I'm a little bit sort of OCD about that you might say I have to have make sure every surface is clean all the time and I vacuumed once a day even though it really hurts on my ankle I get up on a vacuum I have a cat so I make sure the cat box is scooped and if anyone comes over my place is always it's immaculate and I take a lot of pride in that
T: yeah so it gives you pride to be able to show something you are able to do even it's even if it's sometimes difficult '
C: mm-hmm sometimes I wonder if I go overboard but you know that's okay it's my house right I can do what I want and you feel good about it
T: you said I do you feel pride mm-hmm I do you know you dirty a dish you clean it and put it away that's that's what you do and if it's difficult and others notice
C: mmhmm yeah I've had family come over every so often and they're like wow this place is amazing it's spotless so yeah I feel good about that
T: so you mentioned that somehow that also connects with family it's not only for yourself it's also sometimes for others possibly being able to show them that you're responsible in your own dwelling in what you're able
C: i am and even though i only get twelve hundred dollars a month or or something in social security my rent is about you know I barely can make ends meet I have to sell things all the time I have a clean house I'm proud of and I do what I say if I tell family I'll do it and I want the best for my son who has had lots of rough times so may I never thought about like that before
T: your boy true changes us when you start talking about the right that you have and what you're able to do with what you feel like might not be a lot
C: yeah I was kind of defiant you know some people wouldn't be able to get by as well as I've been able to I think so and then I had that humor because I think I'm really funny and creative and it's important that's really important to me to keep that perspective and to keep that kind of at the forefront or else i could just sink into a deep dark hole that side of you oh
T: so in thinking about family responsibilities and cleanliness there's that sense of pride of something bigger than yourself and you're really working hard here and yet you've got this this hammer that sort of fits in there with all of that no tell me more about how you see humor fitting in in your life with all of these things that seem to be so almost serious mmm really focused well and understand
C: i'm thinking about work along all this time too so because of my creativity and my family tells me i created more that i say i'm creative but my family tells me i'm creative and i we play games okay so i don't know if
T: you've seen this game but it's some draw it's like words of friends but you draw pictures and you have the other person
C: i guess what it is it's not easy to draw a picture on an iPad because of the the stylus makes such big lines but boy I can draw some really cool pictures on there and my family takes screenshots and they keep them because they're so cool and then later they'll they'll show them to me and I'll be like wow I really did that so the humor is that they're kind of funny some of them like one of Elvis it was really funny and I just felt like the family you know gave me special record gives me special recognition sometimes they really noticed they notice that have this special ability
T: mm-hmm and it touches them in a way that you want to touch them
C: hmm I'm not sure what I could do with that but you know and same with humor just ice I kind of see things from my ionic perspective the and I can't even give you an example right now but I just I just think of really funny things when they pop out of my mouth and and I give I get positive recognition from my family that way
T: so you really have a connection with your family through the actions that you take in your life to show them that you're a responsible person and these relationships with her family are really central to your life right now they are the people that you interact most with and you have pride in yourself so that respect of yourself and being able to show your family what you're really able to do in your life how you're able to keep things clean and presentable and have that sense of pride and yet it seems that your humor and creativity is something that really is almost a more powerful thing in being able to show who you are and getting special recognition for in your life who you are as a person and maybe a part of you that you have yet to fully discover or to show the world who you can be what do you think of all that feels pretty good
C: I'm a little embarrassed
T: yeah hmm so haven't really thought of yourself in that way
C: I'm usually more negative about myself huh I've got more going for me than I thought this is the best of
T: William mm-hmm han couldn't couldn't keep it here this this is important to you this humor the humor yeah keeps me going that creativity yeah keeps me going it's almost like that that light ahead that hope that you were talking about
C: oh yeah yeah
T: I don't think some people realize how important humor and their life is and it's very very important to me clearly as you see the path ahead and thinking about work and I know you mentioned that when you were considering your values you were thinking about work at that time
C: mm-hmm
T: how if at all do you see possibly utilizing these core values family responsibilities cleanliness and humor in thinking about what your life could be like with work it work?
C: huh well right off the bat I thought of crime analyst because most work environments you know they want you to keep your workspace clean I have to tell you I had a job a long time ago and I was driving around and I would spit sunflower seeds out and just made a mess on my truck and my boss didn't like that I was young I didn't know what the big deal was but now that I'm older it's like
T: okay that's a really important a site to bring through the workplaces having a clean workspace or being like remembering that cleanliness is important in the workplace being a good work partner
C: yeah right because other people don't want to be tripping on on my clutter and
T: of course responsibility because if your employee there's always that expectation that you'll do what is asked of you or that you'll do what you say you'll do and you know you can do that right
C: yeah I think I can and I'm not exactly sure about family but humor when I think of humor and working I think of getting along with coworkers and you know that's that's an important aspect to work to is being able to get along with others and I can do that most of time sometimes I'm not so great at it my humor can be a little bit biting so I might need to watch that sometimes
T: yeah so you really think about others and how they interact with you
C: mm-hmm
T: and who you are as a person that's those are all important things for you
C: it's important for me to know or to have them think highly of me
T: well thank you very much William for taking the time and really thinking about your core values and you mentioned this it was difficult to pick um and you shared a lot about about who you are and and sometimes it may be a little uncomfortable and thinking about those those things that are really most precious to us and I just really wanted to thank you for that opportunity to really get to know you about her and I hope that I hope it was useful for you and that we can use it together in our work figuring out what the path ahead might look like he'll work in your life how can I remember these what do you think when you when there are things that you want to remember in your life how does it work for you how do you typically remember things I think I need to write it down so i'll write it on a piece of paper
C: sure
T: keep it with me
C: yeah
T: yeah something that you can maybe take no doubt
C: mm-hmm
T: how do you think you might use it?
C: well that's a good question Oh ideally when I'm in a situation where I think I'm not getting along well or if I think things aren't going so great just in general or I'm really thinking negative about self is when I could pull it out and look at it and get a reminder so that's something I'll have to keep in mind i'm not sure how much i'll do it but i'll at least it's there and it's a start
T: it's interesting to consider who it might be something as a reminder to yourself about what a really responsible person and that humor is also important to you
C: yeah
T: those things that are most important the guiding principles in your life
C: yeah yeah