A little later, the football club secretary arrived with envelopes to pay the officials for their time the match fee at level 5 is 95 so it is safe to assume these men do not do it for the cash.
A little later, the football club secretary arrived to pay the officials for their time the match fee at level 5 is 95 so it is clear that these men do not do it for the money.
And, yes, he says he nds the start of his working day much easier now than he did when he was younger.
And, yes, he says he nds the start of his working day much easier now than when he was younger.
We spend hundreds of millions of pounds with local suppliers on milk, cakes and sandwiches, and on store design and renovations.
Starbucks spends hundreds of millions of pounds with local suppliers on milk, cakes and sandwiches, and on store design and improvements.
I make around 20 a shift but would only be given 10-15 of that money.
I make around 20 a shift in tips but often I only get 10-15 of that money.
Tom, Manchester: A big night of tips can help pay the rent Average tips: 40 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... Italy Where I used to work, oor staff kept 80% of cash tips and 40% of card tips.
Tom, Manchester: A big night of tips can help pay the rent Average tips: 40 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... Italy Where I used to work, waiters kept 80% of cash tips and 40% of card tips.
There are far greater numbers of southern white rhinos and black rhinos.
There are more southern white rhinos and black rhinos.
Only four out of McDonalds 14,000 US restaurants had so far tested build your own burger, he said, raising questions about how it could be scaled up.
Only four out of McDonalds 14,000 US restaurants have tested build your own burger, he said.
The fall of the Berlin Wall helped de ne Vienna as the hub for companies wanting to do business in Central Europe.
The fall of the Berlin Wall helped make Vienna a centre for companies who want to do business in Central Europe.
In brief remarks at the White House shortly before the House vote, Obama said he hoped the deal would lift the cloud of uncertainty that had hung over the country in recent weeks.
At the White House, Obama said he hoped the deal would lift the cloud of uncertainty that had hung over the country in recent weeks.
Danes have no problem having children before marriage so things can move fast and, because the countrys so small, a Jutlander can date a Copenhagener without too much travel, Limal said.
Danes have no problem having children before marriage so things can move fast and, because the countrys so small, someone from Jutland can date someone from Copenhagen without too much travel, Limal said.
For the older teenagers, it might be more sensible to start the school day at 11am or even later.
For the older teenagers, it might be better to start the school day at 11am or even later.
Ultimately, McKinlay believes, its essential that humans remain able to take control of their navigation.
McKinlay believes humans must still able to take control of their navigation.
There are famous and very wealthy people but then you have hard-working and poor people struggling to get by.
There are famous and very wealthy people but also hard-working and poor people.
This is a sensitive topic in this largely mixed-raced nation.
This is a sensitive topic in this mixed-raced country.
Benjamin Carle is 96.9% made in France, right down to his underpants and socks.
Benjamin Carle is 96.9% made in France, even his underpants and socks.
His billing, The Beale Street Blues Boy, was shortened to Blues Boy King and thence to BB.
He was known as The Beale Street Blues Boy but this was shortened to Blues Boy King and then to BB.
Teffs tiny seeds the size of poppy seeds are high in calcium, iron and protein, and boast an impressive set of amino acids.
Teffs tiny seeds the size of poppy seeds are high in calcium, iron and protein, and also amino acids.
We want everyone to be who he and she is whether they are gay and lesbian or stand up to violence and are then victims of harassment.
We want everyone to be who he and she is whether they are gay and lesbian or try to stop violence and are then victims of harassment.
It is highly possible that people from different backgrounds and cultures will have different semantic brain atlases.
It is highly possible that people from different backgrounds and cultures will have different brain atlases.
Cafe_ Rouge, Bella Italia and Belgo deduct 10%, as do Strada and Giraffe, which is owned by Tesco.
Cafe_ Rouge, Bella Italia and Belgo deduct 10%; Strada and Giraffe do, too.
The only rules were they had to stay seated and not fall asleep.
The only rules were that they had to stay sitting and not fall asleep.
The age of the big British summer music festival, including Glastonbury, is drawing to a close, according to the leading rock promoter and manager Harvey Goldsmith.
The age of the big British summer music festival, including Glastonbury, is ending, according to the top rock manager Harvey Goldsmith.
In 1995, two mothers were awarded damages after their sons, born in 1989, were accidentally switched at the Johannesburg hospital where they were born.
In 1995, two mothers were paid damages after their sons, born in 1989, were switched by mistake at the Johannesburg hospital where they were born.
Oh yes, definitely.
Oh yes!
The atlas shows how words and related terms exercise the same regions of the brain.
The atlas shows how words and related terms use the same regions of the brain.
Nobody knows which came first: the economic crisis tearing Greece apart or shisha, the drug now known as the cocaine of the poor.
Nobody knows which came first: the economic crisis in Greece or shisha, the drug that is called the cocaine of the poor.
In the developing world, food waste is virtually non-existent, says Robert van Otterdijk, coordinator of the UN Food and Agriculture Organizations Save Food programme.
In the developing world, there is almost no food waste, says Robert van Otterdijk, coordinator of the UN Food and Agriculture Organizations Save Food programme.
The move to bring BlackBerry to the iPhone is four or five years too late, says James Gooderson, an 18-year-old student who blogs on technology.
The move to bring BlackBerry to the iPhone is four or five years too late, says James Gooderson, a technology blogger.
In 2014, 1,215 rhinos were slaughtered for their horns in South Africa.
In 2014, 1,215 rhinos were killed for their horns in South Africa.
There are about three houses that are lived in 24/7 and half of the properties are occupied three to six months a year.
There are about three houses that are lived in 24/7 and half of the houses are lived in three to six months a year.
Thats 65 litres of clean, drinkable water that were infusing with soap and washing down the drain each and every day sometimes more than once.
Thats 65 litres of clean, drinkable water that we ll with soap and wash down the drain each and every day sometimes more than once.
In fact, he earned just 10 from the patent and has not made a penny more from it since.
In fact, he earned just 10 from the patent and has not made any money from it since.
This is a sensitive topic in this largely mixed-raced nation.
This is a sensitive topic in this mixed-raced country.
By percentage, the most wasted food is lettuce and leafy salads, of which consumers throw away 38% (64,000 tonnes) of all they buy.
By percentage, the most wasted food is lettuce and leafy salads people throw away 38% (64,000 tonnes) of all they buy.
The magazines editor, Rachael Jolley, said: Existing copyright laws dont work in the digital age and risk criminalizing consumers.
The magazines editor, Rachael Jolley, said: Existing copyright laws dont work in the digital age and they criminalize consumers.
Our overall thinking is that filming at concerts adds to the experience, rather than taking away from it and I think, if Kate Bush came round for a cup of tea, we could have a really interesting discussion about this and we might be able to win her round, he added.
We think that filming at concerts adds to the experience, and I think that, if Kate Bush came round for a cup of tea, we could have a really interesting discussion about this, he added.
Quali cations: A private-helicopter-pilot licence, a commercial pilots licence and around 2,000 hours of experience ying at low levels in the type of helicopter the company usually uses.
Quali cations: A private-helicopter-pilot licence, a commercial pilots licence and around 2,000 hours of experience ying at low levels.
The report is being released at the start of the annual world water conference in Stockholm, Sweden, where 2,500 politicians, UN bodies, non-governmental groups and researchers from 120 countries meet to address global water supply problems.
The report was released at the start of the annual world water conference in Stockholm, Sweden, where 2,500 politicians, UN groups, non-governmental groups and researchers from 120 countries met to discuss global water supply problems.
Those born in October were almost as t, scoring highest for strength and coming third for power, with December children close behind.
Children born in October were almost as t they scored highest for strength and came third for power, with December children close behind.
They spend 20% of their time viewing short video clips, for example on YouTube, or news clips distributed via Facebook and other social sites.
They spend 20% of their time watching short video clips, for example on YouTube, or news clips on Facebook and other social sites.
It wasnt easy and it certainly wasnt immediate.
It wasnt easy and it wasnt immediate.
Even Nigeria, with its oil wealth, spends only $650 per capita, Shepherd said.
Even Nigeria, with its oil wealth, spends only $650 per person, Shepherd said.
One thing I really liked about Facebook was that I could sit for hours and click on a friend and then click on one of their friends and one of their friends and one of their friends and literally end up on someones Facebook page from the other side of the world, she said.
One thing I really liked about Facebook was that I could sit for hours and click on a friend and then click on one of their friends and nish on someones Facebook page from the other side of the world, she said.
The data and analytics available to you are extraordinary.
The data available is extraordinary.
In a three-year period, the number of paying subscribers rose from 8 million to 28 million, according to the 2014 digital music report from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
In three years, the number of paying subscribers rose from 8 million to 28 million, according to the 2014 digital music report from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
What the job involves: A company will pay an ethical hacker to hack into its computer system to see how well it might stand up to a real attack.
What the job involves: A company pays an ethical hacker to hack into its computer system to see how well it might ght a real attack.
It was the highest rescue yet performed on Everest and highlights the exponential rise in helicopter flights in recent years.
It was the highest rescue ever on Everest and highlights the increase in helicopter flights in recent years.
Guillaume Chapron from Swedens University of Agricultural Sciences and researchers across Europe found wolves, in some cases, living in suburban areas alongside up to 3,050 people per square kilometre higher than the population density of Cambridge or Newcastle.
Guillaume Chapron from Swedens University of Agricultural Sciences and researchers across Europe found wolves living in suburban areas with up to 3,050 people per square kilometre.
On average, they did not enjoy the experience.
Most of them did not enjoy the experience.
The main goal of the 6,000-nautical-mile (11,000km) trip was to deliver a special message to the World Parks Congress.
The main aim of the 11,000km trip was to deliver a special message to the World Parks Congress.
There is the feeling that they have to hide the fact that they are rich.
There is the feeling that they have to hide that they are rich.
So far, there are high-detail maps of about 2,000 miles of Californias roads, but the state has more than 170,000 miles of public roads.
So far, there are detailed maps of about 2,000 miles of Californias roads, but California has more than 170,000 miles of roads.
Each year, 1.3bn tonnes of food, about a third of all that is produced, is wasted, including about 45% of all fruit and vegetables, 35% of sh and seafood, 30% of cereals, 20% of dairy products and 20% of meat.
This includes about 45% of all fruit and vegetables, 35% of sh and seafood, 30% of cereals, 20% of dairy products and 20% of meat.
In the section about great British inventions of the twentieth century, it states: In the 1960s, James Goodfellow (1937-) invented the cash-dispensing automatic teller machine (ATM) or cashpoint.
In the section about great British inventions of the twentieth century, it says: In the 1960s, James Goodfellow (1937-) invented the automatic teller machine (ATM) or cashpoint.
If they are doing this, they are doing it without our knowledge, one said.
If they are doing this, they are doing it without our knowledge, one executive said.
Elizabeth Goitein of the Brennan Center for Justice said: The Intelligence Committee bill and the USA Freedom Act present two opposing visions of the relationship between law-abiding Americans and the national security state.
Elizabeth Goitein of the Brennan Center for Justice said: The Intelligence Committee bill and the USA Freedom Act are two opposing visions of the relationship between Americans who do not break the law and the national security state.
The results revealed that a childs month of birth could make signi cant differences to their levels of cardiovascular tness, muscle strength and ability to accelerate, all of which predict how good someone is at sport, in which such attributes are vital.
The results showed that a childs month of birth could make big differences to their levels of tness, muscle strength and ability to accelerate, all of which predict how good someone is at sport.
But whats monstrous is the way crossbreed dogs have been bred and marketed since the labradoodles inventor, Wally Conron, fi rst created the breed in the 1980s.
But whats monstrous is the way people sell crossbreed dogs since the labradoodles inventor, Wally Conron, fi rst created the dog in the 1980s.
Freddie Mercury had to be our most powerful stage performer, the best live performer weve ever had.
Freddie Mercury was our most powerful stage performer, the best live performer weve ever had.
A single brain spot is associated with a number of related words.
A single brain spot contains a number of related words.
Theres no way I could have banned smoking in my bar without it being a rule throughout the whole city, says Douville.
I couldnt ban smoking in my bar without a ban in the whole city, says Douville.
Stratford remained hugely important throughout Shakespeares life, argues Paul Edmondson, the head of learning and research at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
Stratford was important to Shakespeare all his life, says Paul Edmondson, the head of learning and research at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
Its chef, Ren Redzepi, says that ants taste like lemon, and a pure of fermented grasshoppers and moth larvae tastes like a strong fish sauce.
Its chef, Ren Redzepi, says that ants taste like lemon, and a mixture of grasshoppers and moth larvae tastes like a strong fish sauce.
Without the Habitats Directive, I dont think we would have had this recovery, he said.
Without the Habitats Directive, I dont think we would have had this revival, he said.
According to the IEA, demand from China and India will drive world coal use in the coming five years, with India likely to overtake the US as the worlds second biggest consumer.
The IEA says that China and India will drive world coal use in the next five years, and India will probably overtake the US as the worlds second biggest consumer.
I can average around 60 in tips per shift but, on a good night, this goes up to over 100 and, on a poor night, its around 40.
On a good night, this goes up to over 100 and, on a poor night, its around 40.
She cited the attack in June on a hospital in Quetta, capital of Baluchistan, and killings of female teachers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
She talked about the attack in June on a hospital in Quetta, capital of Baluchistan, and killings of female teachers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
JMW Turner, one of Britains greatest painters, is to be the face of the new 20 note, following a nationwide vote.
JMW Turner, one of Britains greatest painters, will be on the new 20 note, after a national vote.
Smoker Neil Timms owns an English pub and met the smoking ban before, in England.
Neil Timms owns an English pub and saw a smoking ban before, in England.
The number of minutes Americans spend on Facebook appears to be falling, too.
The number of minutes Americans spend on Facebook is falling, too.
But its a bit late for that and way too silly, said Cardew.
But its a bit late for that and much too silly, said Cardew.
In 1989, when the communists relinquished power, Poland had only one motorway.
In 1989, when the communists left power, Poland had only one motorway.
To avoid the same fate, hes spending money to build a patio.
To avoid the same problems, hes spending money to build a patio.
The managers should have ways to pay for broken glasses and plates without docking our tips.
The managers should have ways to pay for broken glasses and plates without taking our tips.
The yes campaign scored four big successes, winning 53% of the vote in Scotlands largest city, Glasgow, 57% in Dundee and 51% in North Lanarkshire.
The yes campaign had four big successes it won 53% of the vote in Scotlands largest city, Glasgow, 57% in Dundee and 51% in North Lanarkshire.
The musicians are Hutu and Tutsi women, some survivors of the 1994 genocide, during which almost a million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed.
Some are survivors of the 1994 genocide, when almost a million Tutsis and Hutus were killed.
The worst case is Saudi Arabia, where people think only 28% are, when 71% are.
The worst case is Saudi Arabia, where people think only 28% are overweight, when 71% are.
In 1995, two mothers were awarded damages after their sons, born in 1989, were accidentally switched at the Johannesburg hospital where they were born.
In 1995, two mothers were paid damages after their sons, born in 1989, were switched by mistake at the Johannesburg hospital where they were born.
The reality is that there is little work here, said Alessandro Macis.
There is little work here, said Alessandro Macis.
The institutes gures also suggest that 17% of employers in the private sector made use of zero- hours contracts, considerably lower than the 34% of organizations in the voluntary sector and 24% in the public sector.
The poll shows that 17% of employers in the private sector use zero-hours contracts, lower than the 34% of organizations in the voluntary sector and 24% in the public sector.
At a pool in Bristol, she taught me some simple exercises to help me hold my breath for longer while swimming underwater.
At a swimming pool in Bristol, she taught me some simple ways to help me hold my breath for longer while swimming underwater.
Species that cause diarrhoea and nausea, both benign and bad E.coli (mostly benign), and the bacteria that can cause skin infections and urinary-tract infections were common all over the city.
Bacteria that cause diarrhoea and nausea, as well as E.coli, and the bacteria that can cause skin infections and urinary-tract infections were common all over the city.
The campaign has a Facebook page and is supported by groups including Greenpeace, the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Spanish branch of conservation network Birdlife.
The campaign has a Facebook page and is supported by groups including Greenpeace and the World Wide Fund for Nature.
Buildings warm up in a number of different ways.
Buildings warm up in different ways.
From 2006 to 2008, Duran took out 68 commercial and personal loans from 39 banks in Spain.
From 2006 to 2008, Duran took out 68 loans from 39 banks in Spain.
According to the IEAs Medium-Term Coal Market Report the world will burn 1.2bn more tonnes of coal per year by 2017 compared with today the equivalent of the current coal consumption of Russia and the US combined.
According to the IEAs Medium-Term Coal Market Report, the world will burn 1.2bn more tonnes of coal per year by 2017 compared with today.
Bar customers are encouraged to come ll out a form or call 311 and to include date-and-time-stamped photographs documenting illegal smoking.
Bar customers must ll out a form or call 311 and include photographs of illegal smoking.
It is an important moment in the life of our nation but, I suppose, above all, it is a wonderful moment for a warm and loving couple who have got a brand new baby boy.
It is an important moment in the life of our nation but, above all, it is a wonderful moment for a warm and loving couple who have got a brand new baby boy.
Bar customers are encouraged to come ll out a form or call 311 and to include date-and-time-stamped photographs documenting illegal smoking.
Bar customers must ll out a form or call 311 and include photographs of illegal smoking.
Teixeira, the former son-in-law of the longstanding FIFA president Joo Havelange, was charged alongside Del Nero and his predecessor, Jos Maria Marin, who was charged in May.
Teixeira, the former son-in-law of the FIFA ex-president Joo Havelange, was charged together with Del Nero and his predecessor Jos Maria Marin, who was charged in May 2015.
Already in the pipeline are plans for a new shark exhibition in Orlando and an attraction in San Antonio that will allow customers to swim with dolphins in a naturalistic setting.
There are already plans for a new shark exhibition in Orlando and an attraction in San Antonio that will allow customers to swim with dolphins.
Retailer Sports Direct recently became the focus of controversy on zero-hours when it emerged that the company employs around 20,000 of its 23,000 staff on the contracts.
The retail company Sports Direct employs around 20,000 of its 23,000 staff on zero-hours contracts.
If we have to pay a tax of 23%, Im sorry to say it but we will all die on the island, says Kakali.
If we have to pay a tax of 23%, we will all die on the island, says Kakali.
I felt that people were looking at me in the wrong way, I began to struggle with loud noises and I suffered from memory loss.
I felt that people were looking at me in the wrong way, I began to have problems with loud noises and I suffered from memory loss.
That is a big, big problem in our industry.
That is a big, big problem for us.
The scientists only scanned ve men and two women, however.
But, the scientists only scanned ve men and two women.
We know our country needs to change in the way it is governed and we know our country needs to change in who it is governed for.
We know our country needs to change.
The only rules were they had to stay seated and not fall asleep.
The only rules were that they had to stay sitting and not fall asleep.
The activity in Western Australia is compounding the human tragedy of shark attacks.
The activity in Western Australia is adding to the human tragedy of shark attacks.
Almost 60 years after Ray Kroc opened his rst restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois, consumers are losing their appetite for a Big Mac and fries.
Almost 60 years since Ray Kroc opened his rst restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois, consumers are losing their appetite for a Big Mac and fries.