The worst case is Saudi Arabia, where people think only 28% are, when 71% are.
The worst case is Saudi Arabia, where people think only 28% are overweight, when 71% are.
There is not any way to expand.
There is no way to expand.
He is survived by Iman, their daughter, Alexandria, his stepdaughter, Zulekha, and his son, Duncan, from his first marriage.
He leaves behind his wife, Iman, their daughter, Alexandria, his stepdaughter, Zulekha, and his son, Duncan, from his first marriage.
The Stanford mirror was designed in such a way that it re ects 97% of the visible light that falls on it.
The Stanford mirror re ects 97% of the visible light that falls on it.
The vital importance of clean water is becoming harder and harder to ignore, as California enters another summer of drought.
The importance of clean water is becoming harder and harder to ignore for example, there is another summer of drought in California.
The general public and many academics have consistently underestimated the importance of Stratford to Shakespeare.
The general public and many academics have underestimated the importance of Stratford to Shakespeare.
Were just going to keep fighting this battle.
Were just going to continue to fight this battle.
For three-and-a-half years, all pupils at St Ninians Primary have walked or run a mile each day.
For three-and-a-half years, all the pupils at St Ninians Primary School have walked or run a mile each day.
Ive created a lot of problems.
Ive created a lot of problems, he said.
Never being able to trust your friendships with people of different means, I think that is dif cult, said Cockrell.
Never being able to trust your friendships with other people, I think that is dif cult, said Cockrell.
Industries where employers were most likely to report at least one person on a zero-hours contract were hotels, catering and leisure (48%), education (35%) and healthcare (27%).
Industries where employers were most likely to have at least one person on a zero-hours contract were hotels, catering and leisure (48%), education (35%) and healthcare (27%).
More than two-thirds of older people live in poor countries; by 2050, this proportion is expected to be about four-fifths.
More than two-thirds of older people live in poor countries; by 2050, this proportion will probably be about four-fifths.
What he has done for this club and for the game in general will never be forgotten.
We will never forget what he has done for this club and for the game in general.
In the US, the share of national income going to the top 1% has doubled since 1980 from 10 to 20%, the report says.
In the US, the share of national income that goes to the top 1% of people has doubled since 1980 from 10% to 20%, the report says.
Its something uniting people here, Kalisa Migendo, a 24-year-old agriculture student, says.
The shop is uniting people here, Kalisa Migendo, a 24-year-old student, says.
Rodri, 37, London: Around 50% of a waiters income is tips Average tips: 60 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... the US Everything has got fairer since the tipping scandal was exposed in the summer of 2015.
Rodri, 37, London: Around 50% of a waiters income is tips Average tips: 60 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... the US Everything has got fairer since the tipping scandal in the summer of 2015.
One part of the brain, for example, reliably responds to the word top, along with other words that describe clothing.
One part of the brain, for example, is used for the word top and also for other words that describe clothes.
Steve Deace, a prominent Iowa conservative, said that Trumps antics are both a good and a bad thing.
Steve Deace, an Iowa conservative, said that Trumps behaviour is both a good and a bad thing.
The retailers use of the contracts was followed by details of a string of other companies using the deals, including cinema chain Cineworld and Buckingham Palace, which uses them for its 350 summer workers.
Other companies using the contracts include cinema chain Cineworld and Buckingham Palace, which uses the contracts for its 350 summer workers.
What the job involves: A company will pay an ethical hacker to hack into its computer system to see how well it might stand up to a real attack.
What the job involves: A company pays an ethical hacker to hack into its computer system to see how well it might ght a real attack.
Steck, he says, was planning to climb Everests west ridge, first done in 1963, descend to the South Col and then immediately climb Lhotse via a new route, all without fixed ropes.
Steck was planning to climb Everests west ridge and then immediately climb Lhotse via a new route without fixed ropes.
Alexs vision, energy and ability have built teams both on and off the pitch that his successor can count on as among the best and most loyal in world sport.
Alexs vision, energy and ability have built teams that are some of the best and most loyal in world sport.
Food waste is happening in countries where people can afford to throw away food.
Food waste is happening in countries where people have more money, so they can throw away food.
Now, without doubt, it is loved by millions of other people.
Now, millions of other people love it.
He keeps his BlackBerry for messaging, uses an iPhone over wi-fi to play games and makes phone calls on an HTC-branded Android phone.
He keeps his BlackBerry for messaging, he uses an iPhone to play games, and he makes phone calls on an Android phone.
Wolves are along with the brown bear, the lynx and the wolverine Europes last large predator carnivores.
The wolf, the brown bear, the lynx and the wolverine are Europes last large predator carnivores.
Meanwhile, the challenge continues to grow.
But the challenge continues to grow.
The media, she said, is partly to blame for making the rich feel like they need to hide or feel ashamed.
The media, she said, makes the rich feel like they need to hide or feel ashamed.
Lost Loves Douville, though, feels the ban to be a great business opportunity.
But Douville feels the ban could be a great business opportunity.
If you have a vehicle that can go into a neighbourhood, it can deliver from that base.
If you have a vehicle that can go into a neighbourhood, it can deliver from that vehicle.
Air India, the national carrier, has also said it will introduce yoga for trainee pilots.
Air India, the national airline, has also said it will introduce yoga for trainee pilots.
Apart from these three animals, there are only two other northern white rhinos in the world, both in zoos, both female.
There are only two other northern white rhinos in the world, both in zoos, both female.
The scientists only scanned ve men and two women, however.
But, the scientists only scanned ve men and two women.
He recently lost his job as a car-park attendant due to ill health and had to take in his ve grandchildren after the death of his daughters.
He recently lost his job because of ill health and has to look after his ve grandchildren after the death of his daughters.
On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots activated by family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots used for family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
Can false memories be artificially created?
Can we create false memories?
Leahy and Sensenbrenner say yes; Feinstein says no.
Leahy says yes; Feinstein says no.
Caroline Wozniacki said: I put the water bottle down on the court and it started melting a little bit underneath the plastic.
Caroline Wozniacki said: I put the water bottle down on the court and it started melting a little bit.
Steve Deace, a prominent Iowa conservative, said that Trumps antics are both a good and a bad thing.
Steve Deace, an Iowa conservative, said that Trumps behaviour is both a good and a bad thing.
Stratford remained hugely important throughout Shakespeares life, argues Paul Edmondson, the head of learning and research at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
Stratford was important to Shakespeare all his life, says Paul Edmondson, the head of learning and research at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
In Elmas, the scheme has provoked mixed reactions.
In Elmas, the scheme has got mixed reactions.
Even though classmates post about parties and events on Facebook, they make sure to send him a text message, too, he said.
His classmates post about parties and events on Facebook but they send him a text message, too, he said.
The foods most commonly found in British bins are bread, vegetables, fruit and milk.
The foods most often found in British bins are bread, vegetables, fruit and milk.
The institutes gures also suggest that 17% of employers in the private sector made use of zero- hours contracts, considerably lower than the 34% of organizations in the voluntary sector and 24% in the public sector.
The poll shows that 17% of employers in the private sector use zero-hours contracts, lower than the 34% of organizations in the voluntary sector and 24% in the public sector.
About a year and a half ago, he said in 1969, all of a sudden, kids started coming up to me saying, Youre the greatest blues guitarist in the world.
About a year and a half ago, he said in 1969, kids suddenly started saying to me, Youre the greatest blues guitarist in the world.
Typically, pilots must y beside the power line, sometimes as little as 20 feet away and just 30 feet off the ground.
Pilots often have to y next to the power line, sometimes as little as 20 feet away and just 30 feet off the ground.
If the amount of food wasted around the world were reduced by just 25%, there would be enough food to feed all the people who are malnourished, according to the UN.
If we reduced the amount of food we wasted around the world by just 25%, there would be enough food to feed all the hungry people in the world.
I wont touch those jobs anymore.
I wont do those jobs anymore.
It is possible that this approach could be used to decode information about what words a person is hearing, reading or possibly even thinking, said Alexander Huth, the rst author on the study.
It is possible that we could use this technology to decode information about what words a person is hearing, reading or possibly even thinking, said Alexander Huth, the main author of the study.
True to Inzozi Nzizas motto, the shop can certainly make dreams come true.
The shop can certainly make dreams come true.
They spend 20% of their time viewing short video clips, for example on YouTube, or news clips distributed via Facebook and other social sites.
They spend 20% of their time watching short video clips, for example on YouTube, or news clips on Facebook and other social sites.
Ever since it introduced $2 items on its dollar menu, it has gained a reputation for being more expensive than its rivals, while many consumers complain that service is slower.
But, since it introduced $2 items on its dollar menu, people think it is more expensive than its rivals and many consumers complain that service is slower.
We asked waiters around the UK what they think of the tipping process (including how much they take home from tips and whether its fair) and what would improve it for them.
We asked waiters around the UK what they think of tipping, including how much money they get from tips and if its fair.
But, like many fans, they said they loved the atmosphere, if not the logistics, of this tournament which has got off to a spectacular start on the pitch.
But, like many fans, they said they loved the atmosphere of this tournament, which has had a spectacular start.
Theyre common in the Netherlands and Switzerland; German postal workers use them to get around and BMW offers one for about $3,000.
Theyre common in the Netherlands and Switzerland; German postal workers use them and BMW sells one for about $3,000.
But Pelphrey said oxytocin might help the brain learn from social interactions; it would work best when used with therapies that encourage people with autism to engage more socially, he said.
But Pelphrey said oxytocin might help the brain learn from social interactions; it would work best when used together with therapies that encourage people with autism to interact more socially, he said.
On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots activated by family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots used for family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
In 2014, 1,215 rhinos were slaughtered for their horns in South Africa.
In 2014, 1,215 rhinos were killed for their horns in South Africa.
George W Bush, Benedict Cumberbatch and Stephen Hawking have taken part.
George W Bush, Benedict Cumberbatch and Stephen Hawking have done it.
He said of the car: Youre just sitting there; no steering wheel, no pedals.
Talking about the car, he said, Youre just sitting there; no steering wheel, no pedals.
Brazil said its views were endorsed last month by other members of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela).
Brazil said other members of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty support its views (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela).
Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director of the IEA, said: Coals share of the global energy mix continues to grow each year and, if no changes are made to current policies, coal will catch oil within a decade.
Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director of the IEA, said that the amount of coal we use continues to grow each year and, if no changes are made, coal will catch oil within ten years.
Hearing a click off a salmon is probably one of the most challenging things a killer whale does.
Hearing a salmons click is probably one of the most dif cult things a killer whale does.
It will take a few more months for India, which now has 1,300 big cats in several huge protected areas, to finalize the data, he added.
It will take a few more months for India, which now has 1,300 big cats in several huge protected areas, to finish the survey, he added.
His eye is a sad black dot in his massive wrinkled face as he wanders the reserve with his guards.
His eye is a sad black dot in his big face as he walks around the reserve with his guards.
Most noise is at that low frequency but the background noise of the ocean is raised even in the high frequencies.
Most noise is at that low frequency but there is more background noise in the high frequencies, too.
He spends his lift rides and spare moments at work reading news articles and books rather than scrolling through a newsfeed.
He spends his spare moments at work reading news articles and books.
We did it the usual way, lifting the arms, legs and skull first, and proceeding gradually towards the torso so it was only when we finally saw the twisted spine that I thought: My word, I think weve got him.
We did it the usual way, lifting the arms, legs and skull first, and then we lifted the torso so it was only when we finally saw the twisted spine that I thought: My word, I think weve found him.
Wolves are along with the brown bear, the lynx and the wolverine Europes last large predator carnivores.
The wolf, the brown bear, the lynx and the wolverine are Europes last large predator carnivores.
Clearing hoarders houses full of rubbish, rats and excrement among other things.
Clears houses full of rubbish, rats and excrement and other things, too.
Numbers who use e-cigarettes while continuing to smoke are going down, West said.
The number of people who use e-cigarettes while continuing to smoke is going down, West said.
Children that get a high-quality rst experience, which develops their physical literacy, are those that will have greater agility, balance and coordination, and are more likely to develop an enjoyment of physical activity and excel in sport as they grow up, he said.
Children that get a high-quality rst experience will have greater agility, balance and coordination, and are more likely to develop an enjoyment of physical activity and be good at sport as they grow up, he said.
Cockrell, a former Wall Street worker turned therapist, spends large parts of his days walking through Central Park or the Battery Park in downtown Manhattan near Wall Street, as a con dant and counsellor to some of New Yorks wealthiest people.
He spends large parts of his days walking in Central Park or the Battery Park in downtown Manhattan near Wall Street, talking to some of New Yorks wealthiest people.
This learned deafness is a real issue, Fristrup told the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in San Jose.
This learned deafness is a real problem, Fristrup told the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in San Jose.
Britons think it is 44%, when it is actually nearly half as much again 62% are either overweight or obese.
Britons think it is 44%, when actually 62% are overweight.
We need new models for how artists, writers and musicians earn a living from their work.
We need new ideas for how artists, writers and musicians can earn a living from their work.
We know sitting still kills; not sitting still helps children build skills that will stay with them for life.
We know sitting still kills; not sitting still helps children build skills that will help them for the rest of their lives.
All around the subway, bacteria associated with cheeses brie, cheddar, parmesan and the mozzarella of ubiquitous New York pizza turned up.
All around the subway, there were bacteria from cheeses brie, cheddar, parmesan and the mozzarella found on New York pizza.
Many of the extremely wealthy the 1% of the 1% feel that their problems are really not problems.
Many of the very wealthy the 1% of the 1% feel that their problems are really not problems.
The way in which navigational technology is used could also affect its impact on our own abilities, says Spiers.
The way we use navigation technology also has an impact on our own abilities, says Spiers.
Theres less water for agriculture and less water for all the new lodges that are getting built.
Theres less water for agriculture and less water for all the new lodges that they are building.
Zurich in Switzerland is named by Mercer as having the worlds second highest quality of life but the Viennese say their city is far more fun.
Mercer says Zurich in Switzerland has the worlds second highest quality of life but the Viennese say their city is far more fun.
Most will be more than happy to house them in the family home rent-free because it might help their kids get on the property ladder sooner, she said.
Most will be more than happy to have them in the family home rent-free because it might help their kids get on the property ladder sooner, she said.
Retailer Sports Direct recently became the focus of controversy on zero-hours when it emerged that the company employs around 20,000 of its 23,000 staff on the contracts.
The retail company Sports Direct employs around 20,000 of its 23,000 staff on zero-hours contracts.
Dave Prentis, of the trade union Unison, said: The vast majority of workers are only on these contracts because they have no choice.
Dave Prentis, of the trade union Unison, said: The majority of workers are only on these contracts because they have no choice.
In Britain, people think that an extraordinary 43% of young adults aged 25-34 still live at home with their parents, rather than the actual 14%.
In Britain, people think that 43% of young adults aged 25-34 still live at home with their parents, rather than the actual 14%.
It doesnt necessarily mean we see them the same way.
It doesnt mean we see them the same way.
Argentina has lodged an expression of its unhappiness that the US outdoor clothing retailer, Patagonia, is claiming a domain name that has been known far longer as a region of spectacular beauty that also has its own parliament.
Argentina is unhappy that the US outdoor clothing retailer, Patagonia, wants a domain name that has been known far longer as a region of spectacular beauty.
Back in 2005, when BlackBerry brought instant messaging to the mobile phone, the company was just entering its boom times.
In 2005, BlackBerry brought instant messaging to the mobile phone and the company was just entering its period of success.
And the effects of climate change were already beginning to impact seriously on Paci c Islanders.
And climate change is already having a serious effect on Paci c Islanders.
Robert Mys_ajek stops dead.
Robert Mys_ajek stops.
We will continue to ght with the facts because the facts are on our side, he said recently on a conference call with journalists and analysts.
We will continue to ght with the facts because the facts are on our side, he said.
In 1989, when the communists relinquished power, Poland had only one motorway.
In 1989, when the communists left power, Poland had only one motorway.
Figures show smoking levels in England are at their lowest since records began 19.5 per cent but we are determined to further reduce rates of smoking and believe this important step will help.
Smoking levels in England are at their lowest since records began 19.5 per cent but we want to reduce the numbers of people smoking even more and believe this important step will help.
Climate sceptics like to criticize climate models for getting things wrong and we are the first to admit they are not perfect, said Sherwood.
Climate sceptics like to criticize climate models because they are sometimes wrong, and we know that they are not perfect, said Sherwood.
Browning said: This research backs up what people think about organic food.
Browning said: This research supports what people think about organic food.
The swimming pool is filled with a foot of brackish water and has flowers growing through its tiles.
The swimming pool is filled with dirty water and has flowers growing through its tiles.
He claims that he hasnt seen any effect at this point.
He says that he hasnt seen any effect at this point.
Around the rainbow Theres no better place to see a rainbow than from a plane.
Around the rainbow The best place to see a rainbow is from a plane.
Eleven current and former members of FIFAs executive committee have now been charged in the investigation, which alleges $200m in bribes, mainly as kickbacks from TV and marketing contracts but also FIFAs development programmes.
Eleven current and former FIFA executives have now been charged in the investigation, which alleges $200m in bribes, mainly from TV and marketing contracts but also FIFAs development programmes.