stringlengths 16
stringlengths 15
At its peak, Allens class had more than 18 regulars, each paying 1 a time.
| At one time, Allens class had more than 18 regulars, each paying 1 a time.
The Scottish government is also supportive.
| The Scottish government also supports the idea.
Forcing people outside the bar to smoke is going to exacerbate the tension thats already there.
| If they force people outside the bar to smoke, it is going to increase the tension thats already there.
The figures, released by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), reveal that men in UK management roles earned average bonuses of 6,442 in 2012 compared with 3,029 for women.
| The numbers, released by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), show that men in UK management jobs earned average bonuses of 6,442 in 2012 compared with 3,029 for women.
Human beings we always kill the things we love.
| Human beings we always kill the things we love.
About ten seconds after getting in, I forgot I was there.
| About ten seconds after getting into the car, I forgot I was there.
Whether that ambition is achieved remains to be seen but exporting solar energy could have stabilizing effects within and between countries, according to the Moroccan solar energy agency (Masen).
| Exporting solar energy could have stabilizing effects within and between countries, according to the Moroccan solar energy agency (Masen).
The site levies a 4% fee for successful campaigns.
| The site charges a 4% fee for successful campaigns.
Kensington Palace announced at 8.30pm that the baby was born at 4.24pm in the exclusive Lindo Wing at St Marys Hospital, Paddington, West London.
| Kensington Palace announced at 8.30pm that the baby was born at 4.24pm at St Marys Hospital, Paddington, West London.
Work has started on designing a new tomb in Leicester Cathedral, only 100 yards from the excavation site, and a ceremony will be held to lay him into his new grave there, probably next year.
| Work has started on designing a new tomb in Leicester Cathedral, only 100 yards from the excavation site.
The most remarkable change is in time spent talking on the phone.
| The biggest change is in time spent talking on the phone.
The mission hopes to inspire generations to believe that all things are possible, that anything can be achieved, much like the Apollo Moon landings.
| The mission hopes to inspire people to believe that all things are possible, that you can achieve anything, like the Apollo moon landings.
Starbucks is a really great target because it is on every high street across the country and thats what UK Uncut finds really important: people can take action in their local areas, she said.
| Starbucks is a really great target because it is on every high street in the country so people can take action in their local areas, she said.
Fresh potatoes are also becoming less essential with a 67% decrease from 1974, when adults ate the equivalent of 188g every day.
| Fresh potatoes are also becoming less popular with a 67% decrease from 1974, when adults ate around 188g every day.
A DNA test was done and it was found it was not his baby and not her baby.
| They found that it was not his baby and not her baby.
One weekend they concocted the recipe and the next they brewed 1,600 litres.
| One weekend they created the recipe; the next weekend they brewed 1,600 litres.
A little later, the football club secretary arrived with envelopes to pay the officials for their time the match fee at level 5 is 95 so it is safe to assume these men do not do it for the cash.
| A little later, the football club secretary arrived to pay the officials for their time the match fee at level 5 is 95 so it is clear that these men do not do it for the money.
In the novel, the models looks mean that men see her only as a sex object, while women are jealous of her.
| In the novel, the models beauty means that men see her only as a sex object and women are jealous of her.
As the air is pushed down, the wing gets an equal and opposite push upwards, lifting the plane.
| As the air is pushed down, the wing gets an equal and opposite push up, and this lifts the plane.
Sometimes life just isnt fair.
| Life isnt fair sometimes.
The US was the favoured destination for 27%, followed by the Caribbean (9%).
| The US was the preferred destination for 27%, followed by the Caribbean (9%).
The other group did a ten-minute warm-up on the bike, followed by four minutes of Tabata intervals, four times a week plus one 30-minute session of steady exercise with two minutes of intervals.
| The other group did a ten-minute warm-up on the bike, then four minutes of Tabata training, four times a week plus one 30-minute session of exercise with two minutes of Tabata.
He didnt want to risk leaving the US it was him, not Elvis, said Goldsmith.
| He didnt want to risk leaving the US, said Goldsmith.
Its that you need to know that this shopper has these characteristics and, in the past, that when those characteristics are present, this is what a person tends to do.
| We need to know what characteristics this shopper has and that, when those characteristics are present, this is what a person usually does.
Smokers are the key group for e-cigarette rms because seven out of ten vapers are smokers.
| Smokers are the key group for e-cigarette companies because seven out of ten vapers are smokers.
The reality is that there is little work here, said Alessandro Macis.
| There is little work here, said Alessandro Macis.
In 2008, the Pentagon published a report called Human Performance which examined the possibility of a future in which soldiers could perform at their peak with only a couple of hours sleep.
| In 2008, the Pentagon published a report called Human Performance which examined the possibility of a future in which soldiers could perform at their best with only a couple of hours sleep.
Ive asked Cool to look forward and imagine what top climbers might be doing 60 years from now.
| asked Cool to look forward and imagine what top climbers might do 60 years from now.
He spent two months in prison before being bailed for 50,000.
| He spent two months in prison; then, they let him out on 50,000 bail.
If they put it in the centre of Tarifa, where there is space, then clients could visit shops, tapas bars and restaurants.
| If they put it in the centre of Tarifa, where there is space, then tourists could visit shops, bars and restaurants.
Even though classmates post about parties and events on Facebook, they make sure to send him a text message, too, he said.
| His classmates post about parties and events on Facebook but they send him a text message, too, he said.
Basically there will be no such thing as the perfect murder any more as a virtual autopsy allows you to find every piece of evidence, he said.
| Basically there will be no such thing as the perfect murder any more because a virtual autopsy allows you to find every piece of evidence, he said.
Lauren Raskauskas, 22, Naples, Florida Raskauskas describes herself as a pretty private person.
| Lauren Raskauskas, 22, Naples, Florida Raskauskas describes herself as a private person.
Illegal downloading is a kind of moral squalor and theft, as much as reaching in to someones pocket and stealing their wallet is theft, says author Philip Pullman.
| Illegal downloading is morally wrong, and it is theft, the same as putting your hand in someones pocket and stealing their wallet is theft, says author Philip Pullman.
In what Mason called the rst city-scale genetic pro le ever, his team found meningitis at Times Square, a trace of anthrax on the handhold of a train carriage and bacteria that cause bubonic plague on a rubbish bin and ticket machine at stations in uptown Manhattan.
| His team found meningitis at Times Square, a trace of anthrax on a train carriage and bacteria that cause plague on a rubbish bin and ticket machine at stations in uptown Manhattan.
Vicki Littman, chairperson of the East Hampton Food Pantry, which provided more than 31,000 food parcels in 2015, says the number of people seeking out the food pantry is ever increasing.
| Vicki Littman, chairperson of the East Hampton Food Pantry, which gave more than 31,000 food parcels in 2015, says there are more and more people coming to the food pantry.
British people think the top 1% wealthiest households own 59% of their countrys wealth, when they actually only own 23%.
| British people think the richest 1% own 59% of their countrys wealth, when they actually only own 23%.
In order to have wolves, we dont need to remove people from the landscape, said Chapron.
| To have wolves, we dont need to remove people from the landscape, said Chapron.
To the researchers surprise, 12 of 18 men gave themselves up to four electric shocks, as did six of 24 women.
| But 12 of 18 men gave themselves electric shocks and six of 24 women gave themselves electric shocks.
And the effects of climate change were already beginning to impact seriously on Paci c Islanders.
| And climate change is already having a serious effect on Paci c Islanders.
The wing is shaped to push air downwards.
| The shape of the wing pushes air down.
The managers should have ways to pay for broken glasses and plates without docking our tips.
| The managers should have ways to pay for broken glasses and plates without taking our tips.
Each month, Sullivans members choose from a list of seven possible gifts (chocolate, tea sets, manicures).
| Each month, Sullivans clients choose from a list of seven possible gifts (chocolate, tea sets, etc).
It would be more accurate to call them scum houses than scum villages, says Boer, because we dont want to put more than one of these families in the same area.
| They are scum houses not scum villages, says Boer, because we dont want to put more than one of these families in the same area.
The owners and bartenders need to tell them to go have a smoke but be respectful to their communities.
| The owners need to tell them to go and have a smoke but be respectful to their communities.
Lego, based in the small town of Billund, started producing its plastic bricks in 1949 and became a staple childrens toy around the world by the 1970s.
| Lego, based in the small town of Billund in Denmark, started producing its plastic bricks in 1949 and became a popular and well-known childrens toy around the world by the 1970s.
Typical salary: The entry-level salary is usually around 14,500 and a top salary can be up to 22,000.
| Typical salary: When you start, the salary is usually around 14,500.
This gift that we are born with to reach out and hear things hundreds of metres away, all these incredible sounds is in danger of being lost through a generational amnesia, he said.
| This gift that we are born with the ability to hear things hundreds of metres away, all these incredible sounds might be lost, he said.
His foreign-made clothes, down to his underwear, were replaced with more expensive alternatives: French-produced underpants (26), socks (9), polo shirt (75), espadrille sandals (26), but no jeans as none are produced in France.
| His foreign-made clothes, including his underwear, were replaced with more expensive alternatives: French-produced underpants (26), socks (9), polo shirt (75), espadrille sandals (26), but no jeans because none are produced in France.
Already in the pipeline are plans for a new shark exhibition in Orlando and an attraction in San Antonio that will allow customers to swim with dolphins in a naturalistic setting.
| There are already plans for a new shark exhibition in Orlando and an attraction in San Antonio that will allow customers to swim with dolphins.
Piles of digitized material from blogs, tweets, pictures and videos to official documents such as court rulings and emails may be lost forever because the programs needed to view them will become defunct, Googles vice-president has warned.
| The vice-president of Google has warned that digitized material from blogs, tweets, pictures, videos and official documents such as emails could be lost forever because the programs we need to view them will no longer exist.
I dont really want to move out to rent as its more than a mortgage but you need such a big deposit to get a mortgage so its been a bit of a vicious circle.
| I dont really want to move out to rent because its more than a mortgage but you need such a big deposit to get a mortgage.
The device can take in enough air for two minutes of diving and takes approximately the same amount of time to be re lled.
| The device can take in enough air for two minutes of diving and takes approximately the same amount of time to re ll.
The problem is that, in the US and UK, most people who want to sign up for Facebook have already done it, said new media specialist Ian Maude at Enders Analysis.
| The problem is that, in the US and UK, most people who want to join Facebook have already done it, said new media specialist Ian Maude at Enders Analysis.
Barack Obama flew back to Washington and his desk in the Oval Office on Wednesday, hours after delivering an election victory speech in Chicago in which he called for the country to unite behind him.
| Barack Obama flew back to Washington and his desk in the Oval Office on Wednesday, hours after he gave an election victory speech in Chicago.
There may also be claims from Malaysia, where large numbers of people were detained during the 12-year war with communist insurgents and their supporters that began in 1948.
| There may also be claims from Malaysia, where large numbers of people were put in prison during the 12-year war with communist fighters and their supporters that began in 1948.
Jrlaug works OK, as do Obba, Sigurflj, rana and should you choose Vagna.
| Jrlaug is OK and so are Obba, Sigurflj, rana and Vagna.
Many of the 1.5 million who visit Northumberland each year are now aware of its Dark Sky status.
| Because of their hard work, many of the 1.5 million tourists who visit Northumberland each year are now aware of its Dark Sky status.
This gift that we are born with to reach out and hear things hundreds of metres away, all these incredible sounds is in danger of being lost through a generational amnesia, he said.
| This gift that we are born with the ability to hear things hundreds of metres away, all these incredible sounds might be lost, he said.
Speaking at the same meeting, Derrick Taff, a social scientist at Pennsylvania State University, described preliminary experiments which suggest that listening to recordings from national parks, of waterfalls, birdsong and wind, helped people recover from stressful events.
| Speaking at the same meeting, Derrick Taff, a social scientist at Pennsylvania State University, said that listening to recordings from national parks, of waterfalls, birdsong and wind, helped people feel less stressed.
Quali cations: A private-helicopter-pilot licence, a commercial pilots licence and around 2,000 hours of experience ying at low levels in the type of helicopter the company usually uses.
| Quali cations: A private-helicopter-pilot licence, a commercial pilots licence and around 2,000 hours of experience ying at low levels.
There were about 900 music festival events in the UK between May and September 2014, he said, and there is no way they can all continue.
| There were about 900 music festivals in the UK between May and September in 2014, he said, and they cannot all continue.
Noma has been named the worlds best restaurant by Restaurant magazine for three years running.
| Noma has been named the best restaurant in the world by Restaurant magazine for three years.
IUPAC announced that a Russian-American team of scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California had produced sufficient evidence to claim the discovery of elements 115, 117 and 118.
| IUPAC said that a Russian-American team of scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California had discovered elements 115, 117 and 118.
So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we happen to have in our mind with bad or good high-variance ongoing events.
| So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we have in our mind with bad or good events.
She recently deleted her Twitter account and deactivated her Facebook account two years ago after realizing she didnt like everyone knowing what I was doing.
| She has deleted her Twitter account and deleted her Facebook account two years ago when she realized that she didnt like everyone knowing what I was doing.
Ice cream is important, she says between mouthfuls of a honey- avoured offering.
| Ice cream is important, she says between mouthfuls of honey- avoured ice cream.
One strong reason for the drop in prison numbers might be the amount of post-prison support available in Sweden.
| One reason for the drop in prison numbers might be the amount of post-prison support available in Sweden.
VisitBritains director, Patricia Yates, said: The links between tourism, films and TV are potent ones.
| VisitBritains director, Patricia Yates, said: The links between tourism, films and TV are strong.
Its long days, but more manageable.
| The days are long, but we can do it.
Typically, pilots must y beside the power line, sometimes as little as 20 feet away and just 30 feet off the ground.
| Pilots often have to y next to the power line, sometimes as little as 20 feet away and just 30 feet off the ground.
You wont be surprised by an ex in the street with a new girlfriend or boyfriend: you already know theyre dating someone else from the romantic sel es.
| You wont be surprised if you see an ex in the street with a new girlfriend or boyfriend: you already know theyre with someone else because youve seen the romantic sel es.
There will also be hundreds of lectures, recitals, international academic conferences, lms, concerts, operas and major exhibitions.
| There will also be hundreds of lectures, international conferences, lms, concerts, operas and major exhibitions.
The artist said he wanted to encourage Cubans to familiarize themselves with the internet.
| The artist said he wanted to encourage Cubans to become familiar with the internet.
Some populations of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians have suffered even bigger losses, with freshwater species declining by 76% over the same period.
| Some populations of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians have reduced even more, with freshwater species declining by 76% over the same period.
Americans think that 33% of their population are immigrants, when in fact it is only 14%.
| Americans think that 33% of their population are immigrants but it is really only 14%.
I wrote a real love story and a homage to feminine beauty, especially interior beauty.
| I wrote a real love story about womens beauty, especially interior beauty.
Among 6- to 7-year-olds, who have grown up with YouTube, Spotify music streaming and online television, the average DQ score was 98, higher than for those aged between 45 and 49, who scored an average of 96.
| In 6- to 7-year-olds, who have grown up with YouTube, Spotify music streaming and online television, the average DQ score was 98.
The industry accepts individuals with a very wide range of academic quali cations and skills.
| The industry accepts people with a very wide range of quali cations and skills.
Even Nigeria, with its oil wealth, spends only $650 per capita, Shepherd said.
| Even Nigeria, with its oil wealth, spends only $650 per person, Shepherd said.
But meat and fish expensive, luxury products in Liberian markets but essential sources of protein remained elusive.
| But he could not afford meat and fish expensive, luxury products in Liberian markets but essential sources of protein.
But now Brazil is once again in crisis, with a constant rise in prices, so people are finally reacting.
| But now Brazil once again has problems, with a constant rise in prices, so people are finally reacting.
You need a 15-minute distance and typical off-the-shelf drones have about that distance.
| You need a 15-minute distance, and typical drones have about that distance.
If nding peace and quiet becomes dif cult enough, many, many children will grow up without the experience and I think its a very real problem, he said.
| If nding peace and quiet becomes too dif cult, many children will grow up without the experience and I think its a very big problem, he said.
For example, it would make life difficult, if not impossible, in much of the tropics and would guarantee the eventual melting of the Greenland ice sheet and some of the Antarctic ice sheet, with sea levels rising by many metres as a result.
| For example, it would make life difficult, if not impossible, in much of the tropics and it would guarantee the eventual melting of the Greenland ice sheet and some of the Antarctic ice sheet.
All youre going to achieve, I think, is to worry people unnecessarily.
| All youre going to achieve, I think, is to worry people.
All were tested between 2007 and 2010 on three different measures of tness: stamina, handgrip strength and lower-body power.
| All were tested between 2007 and 2010 on three different things: stamina, handgrip strength and lower-body power.
But Google, in the US, sent a minor earthquake through the car and taxi industries as it unveiled the latest version of its driverless car.
| But Google, in the US, shocked the car and taxi industries when it unveiled the latest version of its driverless car.
It is not as if you can argue to the politicians that wolves are a big tourist attraction.
| You cant say to the politicians that wolves are a big tourist attraction.
One weekend they concocted the recipe and the next they brewed 1,600 litres.
| One weekend they created the recipe; the next weekend they brewed 1,600 litres.
The results of the research are based on an analysis of 343 peer-reviewed studies from around the world more than ever before which examine differences between organic and conventional fruit, vegetables and cereals.
| The results of the research are based on an analysis of 343 studies from around the world more than ever before which examine differences between organic and regular fruit, vegetables and cereals.
Housing is, by far, the biggest cost in the Hamptons.
| Housing is the biggest cost in the Hamptons.
4 Facebook has been the tool to organize revolutions Though the Arab Spring was dubbed the Twitter revolution, organizing demonstrations and direct action has been revolutionized by Facebook.
| 4 Facebook has been the tool to organize revolutions Organizing demonstrations has been revolutionized by Facebook.
He said he hoped the research would provide a baseline of research for health of cials and geneticists, and could help health of cials to be better prepared to prevent and track diseases and pathogens.
| He said he hoped the research would help health of cials to prevent and track diseases.
You see a lot of reconstructions of these people hunting and gathering and they look like modern Europeans with light skin.
| You see a lot of pictures of these people hunting and gathering and they look like modern Europeans with light skin.
The second test involved a lost wallet containing 5.
| The second test involved a lost wallet with 5 inside.
Martha Wood lives beside a loud bar that hosts live music.
| Martha Wood lives beside a loud bar that has live music.
The fall of the Berlin Wall helped de ne Vienna as the hub for companies wanting to do business in Central Europe.
| The fall of the Berlin Wall helped make Vienna a centre for companies who want to do business in Central Europe.
A British woman, Lauren Pears, raised 100,000 to open a cat caf in London through the site.
| A British woman made 100,000 to open a cat caf in London through the site.
What this means in practice is that names containing letters that do not officially exist in Icelands 32-letter alphabet, such as c, are out.
| What this means is that names with letters that do not officially exist in Icelands 32-letter alphabet, such as c, are not permitted.
Subsets and Splits