Unnamed: 0
20 values
m motion video card yuv to rgb i am trying to convert an m motion ibm video file format yuv to rgb data the y portion is a byte from the v is a byte the color is u and v and the intensity is y does anyone have any ideas for algorhtyms or programs can someone tell me where to get info on the u and v of a television signal if you need more info reply at the e mail address basically what i am doing is converting a digital ntsc format to rgb vga for displaying captured video pictures thanks the u is a byte
tseng et pixel clock i would like to program tseng et to nonstandard x mode by switching to standard x mode using bios and than changing some timing details x d registers x x f but i don t know how to select mhz pixel clock i need the bios function selects mhz is there anybody who knows where to obtain technical info about this i am also interested in any other technical information about tseng et and trident and chipsets thanks very much pavel zemcik dept of comp sci eng technical university of brno bozetechova cs brno czech republic e mail zemcik dcse fee vutbr cs
sun ipx root window display background picture hello netters i have a fairly weak question to ask everybody in netland i ve looked though the last faq for comp graphics but i didn t find my answer thus the post i ll keep it short question how do i display any raster files gif files iff or tiff images that i have on my root window or background i have a sun ipc openwindows sun os if that helps any i ve compiled pov for the sun and would like to display some of the work i have done as a background tile thanks for any help or information that you provide have a good day scott fleming osi p s kudo s to the people who provided pov its great
hdf readers viewers g day all can anybody point me at a utility which will read convert crop whatnot display hdf image files i ve had a look at the hdf stuff under ncsa and it must take an award for odd directory structure strange storage approaches and minimalist documentation part of the problem is that i want to look at large mb hdf files and crop out a section ideally i would like a hdftoppm type of utility from which i can then use the pbmplus stuff quite merrily i can convert the cropped part into another format for viewing animation otherwise can someone please explain how to set up the ncsa visualisation s w for hdf r or beta and do the above cropping etc this is for suns with sunos any help greatly appreciated ta muchly cheers markus markus buchhorn parallel computing research facility email markus octavia anu edu au australian national university canberra australia international australia phone fax markus buchhorn parallel computing research facility email markus octavia anu edu au australian national university canberra australia international australia phone fax
re grayscale printer jian lu jian coos dartmouth edu wrote we are interested in purchasing a grayscale printer that offers a good resoltuion for grayscale medical images can anybody give me some recommendations on these products in the market in particular those under thank for the advice peter hauke brunel university se psh brunel ac uk
re tiff philosophical significance of ulrich galki toppoint de wrote according to the tiff specification the tiff version number bytes has been chosen for its deep philosophical significance when i first read this i rotfl finally some philosphy in a technical spec but still i wondered what makes so significant last week i read the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and rotfl the second time after millions of years of calculation the second best computer of all time reveals that is the answer to the question about life the universe and everything is this actually how they picked the number yes does anyone have any other suggestions where the came from i don t know where douglas adams took it from but i m pretty sure he s the one who launched it in the guide since then it s been showing up all over the place l one thing is for sure the sheep is not a creature of the earth joachim kih no the back masking on haaden ii from exposure by robert fripp
re need a viewer for gl files in article qu i kh dux dundee ac uk dwestner cardhu mcs dundee ac uk dominik westner writes the subject says it all is there a pd viewer for gl files for x try xviewgl filename xviewgl v tar z on lots of bases ove what do you think x yep me too this is real life ove petter tro ford fairlane kongsberg college of engineering norway email ovep kih no
bit mode on speedstar x i have a diamond speedstar x board that i want to program for bit x graphics or possibly x bit color does anybody have any libraries supporting these modes on this board even somes simple routines to set the graphics mode and plot individual pixels would be a great help i plan to use the routines with djgp thanks in advance please respond also via e mail david max max slinky cs nyu edu
re flat globe sp marse kristin marco seirio writes does anybody have an algorithm for flattening out a globe or any other parametric surface that is definied parametrically that is i would like to take a sheet of paper and a knife and to be able to calculate how i must cut in the paper so i can fold it to a globe or any other object there is a library of map projections in charon er usgs gov in pub proj tar z
re m motion video card yuv to rgb i ll contact you offline about this rick
re xv under ms dos no e mail address eicn etna ch writes hi recently i found xv for ms dos in a subdirectory of gnu cc gnuish i please tell me where you where you ftp d this from i would like to have a copy of it i would have mailed you but your post indicates you have no mail address wayne michael wdm world std com
re rumours about do in article apr microware com jejones microware com james jones writes in article apr mercury unt edu sean mcmains mcmains unt edu writes in article apr rchland ibm com ricardo hernandez muchado ricardo rchland vnet ibm com writes and cd i s cpu doesn t help much either i understand it is a supposedly a variation of a running at something like mhz with this speed you truly need sprites wow a i d be very interested to get my hands on one of these especially considering the fact that motorola has not yet released the which is supposedly the next in the x lineup d don t get too excited signetics not motorola gave the its number the if i understand rightly uses the instruction set and has an on chip serial port and dma it will run at up to mhz i m typing at a computer using a running at that rate so i know that it can do so so i seriously doubt the clock rate that ricardo rchland vnet ibm com claims james jones just because the can run upto mhz doesn t mean the cd i is running at that speed i said i understand it is a running at something like mhz i am not sure but i think i read this a long time ago anyway still with mhz you need sprites for a lot of tricks for making cool awesome games read psygnosis raist new a owner in x in y in colors from a bit palette i love it new low fat sig don t e mail me i don t have a valid address nor can i send e mail
re newsgroup split in article quvdoinn e srvr engin umich edu tdawson engin umich edu chris herringshaw writes ch concerning the proposed newsgroup split i personally am not in ch favor of doing this i learn an awful lot about all aspects of ch graphics by reading this group from code to hardware to ch algorithms i just think making different groups out of this ch is a wate and will only result in a few posts a week per group ch i kind of like the convenience of having one big forum for ch discussing all aspects of graphics anyone else feel this way ch just curious i must agree there is a dizzying number of c s amiga newsgroups already in addition there are very few issues which fall cleanly into one of these categories also it is readily observable that the current spectrum of amiga groups is already plagued with mega crossposting thus the group split would not in all likelihood bring about a more structured environment michael nerone i shall do so with my customary lack of tact and internet address since you have asked for this you will be obliged nerone ccwf cc utexas edu to pardon it sagredo fictional char of galileo
re tiff philosophical significance of in article apr samba oit unc edu cptully med unc edu christopher p tully pathology writes why so up tight for that matter tiff is out now so why not gripe about its problems also if its so important to you volunteer to help define or critique the spec i ve got the spec obviously since i quoted it in my last posting my gripe about tiff is that it s far too complicated and nearly infinitely easier to write than to read which i think hurts your acceptance by anything that will need to read those images e g paint programs in a nutshell i don t think tiff is salvageable unless the fat is trimmed significantly and then it wouldn t be tiff anymore they keep trying to cut it back but it s late now maybe they will fix it and change that magic number to signify the lack of compatibility that would probably make me happy ab
re fonts in pov hi the rtrace ray tracer supports d text as a primitive not collections of spheres cylinders and so on the d chars are made of lines and splines that are extruded please have a look at asterix inescn pt in directory pub rtrace in pub rtrace tmp there are some demo images with high quality text all of them are called text jpg jpeg encoded see them first and then tell me what you think regards antonio o o i n e s c o antonio costa e mail acc asterix inescn pt o acosta porto inescn pt o comp graphics cad decnet porto a costa largo mompilher uucp mcvax o o porto portugal bell o o o let the good times roll
rtrace there is a new version of the rtrace ray tracing package at asterix inescn pt in directory pub rtrace check the readme file rtrace now can use the suit toolkit to have a nice user interface compile it with dsuit or modify the makefile suit is available at suit uvacs cs virginia edu i have binaries of rtrace with suit for sun sparc sgi indigo and dos go please contact me if interested the mac rtrace port is in directory pub rtrace macintosh thanks to reid judd reid judd east sun com and greg ferrar gregt function mps ohio state edu small changes were done since version mainly now it is possible to discard backface polygons and triangles for fast preview the support program scn sff has been reworked to use temp files here goes a short description of current converters from cad molecular chemistry packages to the scn format the package programs are related as below those marked with have been modified irit scn irit nff nffclean nffp pp sol scn acad nff sff mol scn v scn sff v rtrace alchemy scn sff pic or ppm cpp pdb scn picmix pdb picblend ppmmix chem scn ppmblend chemical ds scn d studio iv scn iris inventor the dos port of rtrace is in pub rtrace pc rtrac arj utils arj and image arj see the readme file there requires djgpp go dos extender version included which can be found in directory pub pc djgpp and in many sites around netland there are also demo scenes manuals and all the source code please feel free to get it and use it hope you like it regards antonio costa o o i n e s c o antonio costa e mail acc asterix inescn pt o o comp graphics cad decnet porto acosta largo mompilher uucp mcvax o o porto portugal bell o o o let the good times roll
re images of earth in apr unocal com stgprao st unocal com richard ottolini writes beware there is only one such copyrighted image and the company that generated is known to protect that copyright that image took hundreds of man hours to build from the source satellite images so it is unlikely that competing images will appear soon so they should sue the newspaper i got it from for printing it the article didn t say anything about copyrights louis i m hanging on your words living on your breath feeling with your skin will i always be here in your room dm
re newsgroup split in article nerone apr sylvester cc utexas edu nerone ccwf cc utexas edu michael nerone writes in article quvdoinn e srvr engin umich edu tdawson engin umich edu chris herringshaw writes ch concerning the proposed newsgroup split i personally am not in ch favor of doing this i learn an awful lot about all aspects of ch graphics by reading this group from code to hardware to ch algorithms i just think making different groups out of this ch is a wate and will only result in a few posts a week per group ch i kind of like the convenience of having one big forum for ch discussing all aspects of graphics anyone else feel this way ch just curious i must agree there is a dizzying number of c s amiga newsgroups already in addition there are very few issues which fall cleanly into one of these categories also it is readily observable that the current spectrum of amiga groups is already plagued with mega crossposting thus the group split would not in all likelihood bring about a more structured environment michael nerone i shall do so with my customary lack of tact and internet address since you have asked for this you will be obliged nerone ccwf cc utexas edu to pardon it sagredo fictional char of galileo hi it might be nice to know what s possible on different hard ware platforms but usually the hard ware is fixed in my case either unix or dos pc so i m not much interested in amiga news in the case of software i won t get any comercial software mentioned in this newgroup to run on a unix platform so i m not interested in this information i would suggest to split the group i don t see the problem of cross posting then you need to read just newgroups with half the size but what would be more important is to have a faq this would reduce the traffic a lot sincerely gerhard i m writing this as a privat person not reflecting any opinions of the inst of hydromechanics the university of karlsruhe the land baden wuerttemberg the federal republic of germany and the european community the address and phone number below are just to get in touch with me everything i m saying writing and typing is always wrong statement necessary to avoid law suits dipl ing gerhard bosch m sc voice institute for hydromechanic fax university of karlsruhe kaiserstrasse karlsruhe germany internet bosch ifh hp bau verm uni karlsruhe de bitnet nd dkauni bitnet
wanted info on image databases guess the subject says it all i would like references to any introductory material on image databases please send any pointers to mini point cs uwm edu thanx in advance mini mini point cs uwm edu mini csd csd uwm edu
lyon lamb minivas control of abekas a we have a minivas and we want to record to an abekas a we have most of the functions working but when we go to set up a record the minivas hangs we are sending the abekas smpte time code does anyone have code we can compare to what we have done and is there and ftp site for minivas and abekas code gordon phillips glp cray com gordon phillips glp cray com
re stay away from mag innovision in bb b d sar vm cc uakron edu d sar vm cc uakron edu steve rimar writes my mag mx f works fine mine was beautiful for a year and a half then it went foomp i bought a viewsonic fs instead another great monitor imho kevin martin sigma rahul net i gotta get me another hat
re detecting double points in bezier curves in ia b w w oeinck waterland wlink nl ferdinand oeinck writes i m looking for any information on detecting and or calculating a double point and or cusp in a bezier curve see maureen stone and tony derose a geometric characterization of parametric cubic curves acm tog vol no july pp ron capelli ibm corp dept c ms p capelli vnet ibm com po box poughkeepsie ny there are no answers only cross references
re help grasp cbw s vma smsu edu ext corey webb writes in article apr w baron edb tih no havardn edb tih no haavard nesse o a writes could anyone tell me if it s possible to save each frame of a gl grasp animation to gif jpg iff or any other picture formats if you have the grasp animation system then yes it s quite easy you simply use glib to extract the image each frame in a gl is actually a complete pcx or clp file then use one of many available utilities to convert it if you don t have the grasp package i m afraid i can t help you sorry by the way before you ask grasp graphics animation system for professionals is a commercial product that sells for just over us from most mail order companies i ve seen and no i don t have it corey webb there are several public domain utilities available at your usual archive site that allow extraction of single frames from a gl file check in the graphics directories under grasp the problem is that the clp files you generate cannot be decoded by any of the many pd format converters i have used any hint welcome let me know if you have problems locating the utilities hope it helps jacques oberto oberto genes icgeb trieste it
re tiff philosophical significance of in r ms k ratatosk uninett no joachim kih no joachim lous writes does anyone have any other suggestions where the came from i don t know where douglas adams took it from but i m pretty sure he s the one who launched it in the guide since then it s been showing up all over the place douglas adams once said paraphrased from memory i just picked it it seemed like the sort of number you wouldn t be afraid to take home to meet your parents nice and even perfectly normal kevin martin sigma rahul net i gotta get me another hat
re xv under ms dos in apr eicn etna ch no e mail address eicn etna ch writes do somenone know the solution to run xv any help would be apprecied i would guess that it requires x almost certainly dv x which commonly uses the go djgpp setup for its programs if you don t have dv x running you can t get anything which requires interfacing with x kevin martin sigma rahul net i gotta get me another hat
postscript driver for gino does anybody know where i can get via anonymous ftp or otherwise a postscript driver for the graphics libraries gino verison a we are runnining on a vax vms and are looking for a way outputing our plots to a postscript file thanks in advance koon tang internet ktt unix bton ac uk department of mathematical sciences uucp uknet itri ktt university of brighton brighton bn gj u k
info on medical imaging systems hi is anyone into medical imaging i have a good ray tracing background and i m interested in that field could you point me to some sources or better yet if you have any experience do you want to talk about what s going on or what you re working on thanks jason freund
paradise vga i have a paradise svga with mb the c chip d the docs say that i can display the following modes x x k colours and x x k cols if i have the ramdac hicolor chip i have checked the board and i do have such a chip now the problem is that i can t get this mode to work graphics workshop claims that it can display bit images dithered down to bit colour with my board but it doesn t work i have tried writing some assembler code to get the modes working and i have found out that each pixel is addressed by a word bit but only the lower bits are considered this happens in x mode the x mode refuses to work i e remains in text mode could someone please help me tristan
anti aliasing utility wanted i am currently using povray on mac and was wondering if anyone in netland knows of public domain anti aliasing utilities so that i can skip this step in pov very slow on this machine any suggestions opinions about post trace anti aliasing would be greatly appreciated helmut dotzlaw dept of biochemistry and molecular biology university of manitoba winnipeg canada dotzlaw ccu umanitoba ca
another cview question was cview answers has anybody gotten cview to work in k or k color mode on a trident c hi color card at best the colors come out screwed up and at worst the program hangs i loaded the vesa driver and the same thing happens on different machines if it doesn t work on the trident does anybody know of a viewer that does thanx lisa
re sun ipx root window display background picture i m not sure if you got the information you were looking for so i ll post it anyway for the general public to load an image on your root window add this line to the end of your xsession file xloadimage onroot fullscreen gif file name this is assuming of course you have the xloadimage client and as for the switches i think they pretty much explain what is going on if you leave out the the terminal locks till you kill it you already knew that though hope this helps daemon
re wanted multi page gif in article apr worak kaist ac kr stjohn math kaist ac kr ryou seong joon writes hi i am searching for packages that could handle multi page gif files if you are looking for viewer try vpic lasse mits mdata fi
ray tracer for ms dos sorry for the repeat of this request but does anyone know of a good free shareware program with which i can create ray traces and save them as bit mapped files of course if there is such a thing thanks in advance daemon
re images of earth so they should sue the newspaper i got it from for printing it the article didn t say anything about copyrights i m sure the whole newspaper is copyrighted they could have gotten permission to use the image under their own copyright mark
re images of earth in article apr cs ruu nl clldomps cs ruu nl louis van dompselaar writes in apr unocal com stgprao st unocal com richard ottolini writes beware there is only one such copyrighted image and the company that generated is known to protect that copyright that image took hundreds of man hours to build from the source satellite images so it is unlikely that competing images will appear soon so they should sue the newspaper i got it from for printing it the article didn t say anything about copyrights no explicit c is necessary if it the image is attributed to the geosphere company then there is a likelihood permission is has been given to reprint unlikely that the owner can or will go after individuals however interesting images do make their way into ads and computer demos that is when a pirate might get some flak this image is considered so interesting that many people would like to use it whenever some global map is needed so there is lots of temptation one mail person said since the source data satellite imagery is not copyrighted then the derived image can t be not true a new distinctive creative expression of the data can be protected this image is certainly fits such since no one else has taken the tremendous effort to re create it themselves precedent is a recent telephone book court case ma bell tried to copyright the data in their books and prevent competitors from copying it there are trick entries in the book but the court only permitted copyright of the expression of the data and not the data themselves you cant xerox and sell the telephone book there will be more attention to digital copyrights in the future and computer becomes a mass product and moguls such as bill gates are currently hoarding the digital copyrights i d prefer that geosphere put this data in the public domain because it is very interesting to me and others but that s the way things are
re images of earth i downloaded an image of the earth re constructed from elevation data taken at degree increments the author not me wrote some c code included that read in the data file and generated b w and pseudo color images they work very well and are not incumbered by copyright they are at an aminet site near you called earth lha in the amiga pix misc area i refer you to the included docs for the details on how the author sorry i forget his name created these images the raw data is not included david david m ingebretsen evans sutherland computer corp dingebre thunder sim es com disclaimer the content of this message in no way reflects the opinions of my employer nor are my actions encouraged supported or acknowledged by my employer
re need polygon splitting algo in article qvq b r t wampyr cc uow edu au g wampyr cc uow edu au coronado emmanuel abad writes the idea is to clip one polygon using another polygon not necessarily rectangular as a window my problem then is in finding out all the new vertices of the resulting subpolygons from the first one is this simply a matter of extending the usual algorithm whereby each of the edges of one polygon is checked against another polygon is there a simpler way comments welcome noel it depends on what kind of the polygons convex simple concave trouble concave with loop s inside big trouble of cause you can use the box test to avoid checking each edges according to my experience there is not a simple way to go the headache stuff is to deal with the special cases for example the overlapped lines yeh usc
re images of earth in article apr cs ruu nl clldomps cs ruu nl louis van dompselaar writes so they should sue the newspaper i got it from for printing it the article didn t say anything about copyrights the newspaper itself is almost certainly copyrighted in its entirety newspapers generally employ legal staffs which make sure they get permission to use a copyrighted image or text did you do the same john john j humpal johnh jhunix hcf jhu edu short sig std disclaimer
re comp graphics programmer in article qukk innd l no names nerdc ufl edu lioness maple circa ufl edu writes however that is almost overkill something more like this would probably make everyone a lot happier comp graphics programmer comp graphics hardware comp graphics apps comp graphics misc that s closer but i dislike apps software vs hardware would be better would that engulf alt graphics pixutils or would that be programmer i don t know if traffic is really heavy enough to warrant a newsgroup split look how busy comp graphics research is not it s true that a lot of the traffic here is rehashing faqs and discussing things that would probably be better diverted to system specific groups but i don t know whether a split would help or hurt that cause maybe we need a comp graphics rtfb for all those people who can t be bothered to read the fine books out there right dr rogers ab
re stand alone editing suite in article qvkaeinngat shelley u washington edu eylerken stein u washington edu ken eyler writes i need some help we are upgrading our animation video editing stand we are looking into the different type of setups for a b roll and a cuts only station we would like this to be controlled by a computer brand doesnt matter but maybe mac or amiga low end to high end system setups would be very helpful if you have a system or use a system that might be of use could you mail me your system requirements what it is used for and all the hardware and software that will be necessary to set the system up if you need more info you can mail me at eylerken u washington edu thanks in advance ken eylerken u washington edu here at lewis and clark college we have recently installed a digital film system based on the mac quadra that does non linear full digital editing if you re considering such a system here are the pros and cons for the educational environment this system is excellent we use it to produce a variety of educational materials for disemination on our local network because this programming is going to be viewed on other macs the image quality is not as important as the ability to directly export the video to the net we also use it to produce orientiation and promotional video programs for use by the lewis clark community since these programs are not meant for commercial or broadcast use image quality is not critical the digital film system for those of you who are uninitiated is an a b roll digitizing system on one jpeg compression card it was promoted as an inexpensive online editing system with svhs quality supermac the maker of the card is trying to achieve this quality level but as yet has been unable to deliver our system produces near vhs quality at fields per second x overscan the card repeats every other field to get fields per second this results in a kind of super film look that some find distracting if you can get past this problem you ll find the adobe premier editing software quite enjoyable with which to work it produces thousands of different effects from crystalize filters to dve transitions to color matting because of its non linear nature editing is fast and easy if you ve ever used or seen used an avid or montage system you ll recognize the methodology and the user interface the total system with quadra megs of ram gig drive apple mon itor panasonic svhs edit deck audio gear cassette cd eq mixer etc composite monitor digital film card will set you back about for you video cowboys and girls this system will not output at a quality that will satisfy most of your clients even though you can perform more effects than a toasterhead can imagine an amiga based off line based system will look better we use both macs and amigas for our video work each for what each does best dan snodgrass media services lewis clark college portland
xv problems please note the newsgroups recent discussion about xv s problems were held in some newsgroup here is some text users of xv might find interesting i have added more to text to this collection article so read on even you so my articles a while ago i hope author of xv corrects those problems as best he can so fine program xv is that it is worth of improving i have also minor ideas for bit xv e mail me for them any misundertanding of mine is understandable juhana kouhia clip deleted note that xv saves only bit rasterized images that means that the saved jpegs are just like jpeg to gif to jpeg quality also there s three kind of bit quantizers your final image quality depends on them too this were the situation when i read jpeg faq a while ago imho it is design error of xv there should not be such confusing errors in programs there s two errors xv allows the saving of bit rasterized image as jpeg even the original is bit saving bit rasterized image instead of original bit should be a special case xv allows saving the bit rasterized image made with any quantizer the main case should be that xv quantizes the image with the best quantizer available before saving the image to a file lousier quantizers should be just for viewing purposes and a special cases in saving the image if at all clip clip deleted it is limit of xv but not limit of design it is error in design it is error that bit quantized rasterized images are stored as jpegs jpeg is not designed to that as matter of fact i m sure when xv were designed bit displays were known it is not bad error to program a program for bit images only at that time but when bit image formats are included to program the whole design should be changed to support bit images that were not done and now we have the program violate jpeg design and any bit image format the program has human interface errors otherway is to drop saving images as jpegs or any bit format without clearly saying that it is special case and not expected in normal use deleted clip some new items follows clip i have seen that xv quantizes the image sometimes poorly with best option than with default option we have the reason surely is the quantizer used as best it is surprise the same than used in ppmquant if you remember i have tested some quantizers in that test i found that rlequant with default is best then comes djpeg fbmquant xv our default in that order in my test ppmquant suggeeded very poorly it actually gave image with bad artifacts i don t know is ppmquant improved any but i expect no so use of xv s best option is not very good idea i suggest that author of xv changes the quantizer to the one used in rlequant i m sure rle people gives permission another could be one used in imagemagick i have not tested it so i can say nothing about it clip clip some minor bugs in human interface are key pressings and cursor clicks goes to a buffer often it happens that i make click errors or press keyboard when cursor is in the wrong place it is very annoying when you have waited image to come about five minutes and then it is gone away immediately the buffer should be cleaned when the image is complete also good idea is to wait few seconds before activating keyboard and mouse for xv after the image is completed often it happens that image pops to the screen quickly just when i m writing something with editor or such those key pressings then go to xv and image has gone or something weird in the color editor when i turn a color meter and release it xv updates the images it is impossible to change all rgb values first and then get the updated image it is annoying wait image to be updated when the setting are not ready yet i suggest of adding an apply button to update the exchanges done clip
re newsgroup split in article quvdoinn e srvr engin umich edu tdawson engin umich edu chris herringshaw writes from tdawson engin umich edu chris herringshaw subject newsgroup split date apr gmt concerning the proposed newsgroup split i personally am not in favor of doing this i learn an awful lot about all aspects of graphics by reading this group from code to hardware to algorithms i just think making different groups out of this is a wate and will only result in a few posts a week per group i kind of like the convenience of having one big forum for discussing all aspects of graphics anyone else feel this way just curious daemon actuallay i don t but on the other hand i don t support the idea of having one newsgroup for every aspect of graphics programming as proposed by brian in his reply to my original posting i would suggest a looser structure more like a comp graphics programmer comp graphics hw and sw the reason for making as few groups as possible is for the same reason you say we shouldn t spilt up not to get to few postings every day i takes to much time to browse through all postings just to find two or three i m interested in i understand and agree when you say you want all aspects of graphics in one meeting i agree to some extension i see news as a forum to exchange ideas help others or to be helped i think this is difficult to achive if there are so many different things in one meeting good evening netters arff also for the not religous confessor there is a mystery of higher values who s birth mankind to the last builds upon they are indisputible and often disregarded seldom you hear them beeing prized as seldom as you hear a seeing man prizeing what he sees per lagerkvist the fist free translation from swedish andreas arff andreasa dhhalden no
beta testers wanted for graphics libraries visual numerics inc formerly imsl and precision visuals is in the process of securing sites for beta testing x exponent graphics and c exponent graphics both x exponent graphics and c exponent graphics are gl products the beta period is from april through june the platform is hp running under os with ansi c compiler the media will be sent on mm dat cartridge tape here are some of the key facts about the two products x exponent graphics key facts complete collection of high level d and d application plot types available through a large collection of x resources cstom widget for osf motif developers built in interactive gui for plot customization easily implemented callbacks for customized application feedback xeg being built on the xt toolkit provides the user a widget library that conforms to the expected syntax and standards familar to x programmers xeg will also be sold as a bundle with visual edge s uim x product this will enable user to use a gui builder to create the graphical layout of an application c exponent graphics key facts written in c for c application programmers developers the library is written in c and the programming interface conforms to c standards taking advantage fo the most desirable features of c build in gui for interactive plot customization through mouse interaction the user has complete interactive graph output control with over graphics attributes for plot customization large collection of high level application functions for two call graph creation a wide variety of d and d plot types are available with minimal programming effort user ability to interrupt and control the x event by controlling the x event loop when the user use the mouse to manipulate the plot the user can allow ceg to control the event loop or the user can control the event loop if anyone is interested in beta testing either of the products please contact wendy hou at visual numerics via email at hou imsl com or call jaclyn brandt jbrandt neosoft com
radiosity i am looking for source code for the radiosity method i don t know what kind of machine you want it for but the program radiance comes with c source code i don t have ftp access so i couldn t tell you where to get it via that way canada remote systems toronto ontario
re newsgroup split in article nerone apr sylvester cc utexas edu nerone ccwf cc utexas edu michael nerone writes from nerone ccwf cc utexas edu michael nerone subject re newsgroup split date apr in article quvdoinn e srvr engin umich edu tdawson engin umich edu chris herringshaw writes ch concerning the proposed newsgroup split i personally am not in ch favor of doing this i learn an awful lot about all aspects of ch graphics by reading this group from code to hardware to ch algorithms i just think making different groups out of this ch is a wate and will only result in a few posts a week per group ch i kind of like the convenience of having one big forum for ch discussing all aspects of graphics anyone else feel this way ch just curious i must agree there is a dizzying number of c s amiga newsgroups already in addition there are very few issues which fall cleanly into one of these categories also it is readily observable that the current spectrum of amiga groups is already plagued with mega crossposting thus the group split would not in all likelihood bring about a more structured environment michael nerone i shall do so with my customary lack of tact and internet address since you have asked for this you will be obliged nerone ccwf cc utexas edu to pardon it sagredo fictional char of galileo maybe i should point out that we are not talking about c s amiga only comp graphics arff also for the not religous confessor there is a mystery of higher values who s birth mankind to the last builds upon they are indisputible and often disregarded seldom you hear them beeing prized as seldom as you hear a seeing man prizeing what he sees per lagerkvist the fist free translation from swedish andreas arff andreasa dhhalden no
coreldraw bitmap to scodal does anyone know of software that will allow you to convert coreldraw cdr files containing bitmaps to scodal as this is the only format our bureau s filmrecorder recognises jeff lyall inst geo nuc sci ltd lower hutt new zealand
re fast polygon routine needed in article c nf t gsq news cso uiuc edu osprey ux cso uiuc edu lucas adamski writes in article apr sophia smith edu orourke sophia smith edu joseph o rourke writes a fast polygon routine to do what to draw polygons of course its a vga mode h x game done in c and asm i need a faster way to draw concave polygons that the method i have right now which is very slow what kind of polygons shaded texturemapped hm more comes into play with fast routines than just polygons it would be nice to know exaclty what system vga is a start but what processor and a few of the specifics of the implementation you need to give more info if you want to get any answers p ian romanick dancing fool of epsilon were the contained thoughts opinions epn ntsc quality best psu would probably not agree with them look i don t know anything about douche but i do know anti freeze when i see it the dead milkmen
more on radiosity in article apr aragorn unibe ch you write let s be serious i m working on a radiosity package written in c i would like to make it public domain i ll announce it in c g the minute i finished it that were the good news the bad news it ll take another months at least to finish it are you using the traditional radiosity method progressive refinement or something else in your package if you need to project patches on the hemi cube surfaces what technique are you using do you have hardware to facilitate the projection in the meantime you may have a look at the file radiosity code tar z located at compute cc ncsu edu what are the guest username and password for this ftp site there are some other locations have a look at archie to get the nearest hope that ll help yours stephan thanks stephan josephine
re tiff philosophical significance of joachim kih no joachim lous writes ulrich galki toppoint de wrote according to the tiff specification the tiff version number bytes has been chosen for its deep philosophical significance last week i read the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and rotfl the second time after millions of years of calculation the second best computer of all time reveals that is the answer to the question about life the universe and everything is this actually how they picked the number yes does anyone have any other suggestions where the came from at this moment the king who had been for some time busily writing in his note book called out silence and read out from his book rule forty two all persons more than a mile high to leave the court everybody looked at alice i m not a mile high said alice you are said the king nearly two miles high added the queen well i sha n t go at any rate said alice besides that s not a regular rule you invented it just now it s the oldest rule in the book said the king then it ought to be number one said alice marc kaufman kaufman cs stanford edu
re another cview question wa in reply to apr rigel tamu edu lmp rigel tamu edu preston lisa m i have a trident card and fullview works real gif jpg try it dave
univesa driver i got the univesa driver available over the net i thought that finally my meg oak board would be able to show x colors unfortunately a program still says that i can t do this is it the fault of the program fractint or is there something wrong with my card univesa a free driver available over the net that makes many boards vesa compatible
windows imagine i sent off for my copy today snail mail hope to get it back in about ten days impulse said a week i hope it s as good as they claim jim nobles hope i have what it takes to use it
re fast polygon routine needed in article pdxgate uucp idr rigel cs pdx edu ian d romanick writes what kind of polygons shaded texturemapped hm more comes into play with fast routines than just polygons it would be nice to know exaclty what system vga is a start but what processor and a few of the specifics of the implementation you need to give more info if you want to get any answers p i don t want texture mapped cause if i did i d asked for them just a simple and fast routine to do filled polygons as for the processor it d be for a minimum of a maybe if i can t find a good one for s ideally i want a polyn function that can clip to a user defined viewport and write to an arbitrary location in memory of course the chances of finding something like that are pretty remote so i guess i d need the source with it oh and i guess it would need to be in asm otherwise it d be too slow i ve seen some polygon routines in c and they ve all been waaay too slow its for a d vector graphics program i ve been hunting high and low for a polyn function in asm and i can t find one anywhere that i can use i ve found one or two polyn functions but my asm is pretty bad so i won t even try to rewrite them lucas
ribbon information does anyone out there have or know of any kind of utility program for ribbons ribbons are a popular representation for d shape i am trying to find symmetry axis in a given any d shape using ribbons any suggestions will be greatly appreciated how to start program thanks very much in advance hoi yoo engr ucf edu
need rgb data from saved images could someone please help me find a program or figure out how to extract a li st of r g b values for each pixel in an image i can convert between tga and s everal other popular formats but i need the r g b values for use in a program i am writing thanks for the help
re fast polygon routine needed osprey ux cso uiuc edu lucas adamski writes in article apr sophia smith edu orourke sophia smith edu joseph o rourke writes in article c n x b l news cso uiuc edu osprey ux cso uiuc edu lucas adamski writes but i m looking for a fast polygon routine to be used in a d game a fast polygon routine to do what to draw polygons of course its a vga mode h x game hi i ve come across a fast triangle fill draw routine for mode h by calling this routine enough times you have a fast polygon drawing routine i think i ftp ed from wuarchive wustl edu pub msdos uploads programming i have a copy of it so i reupload it there the triangle txt file has this to say c and inline assembly source for a vga mode h triangle drawer stephen quan quan sol surv utas edu au tel local research fellow computer scientist fax local centre for spatial information systems tel university of tasmania australia fax
fast wireframe graphics i am working on a program to display d wireframe models with the user being able to arbitrarily change any of the viewing parameters also the wireframe objects are also going to have dynamic attributes so that they can move around while the user is exploring the wireframe world to do this i am thinking of using the srgp package described in the van dam foley and feiner book but i was wondering if there was another pd graphics package out there which was faster i would like to make the program as fast as possible so that it provides satisfactory real time performance on a sun ipx ideally i m looking for a pd graphics package which will allow me to open a new window under x and allow me to draw lines within the window also it would also need to have some sort of event driven interaction handling since the user is going to move around the wireframe models using the keyboard if you know or wrote such a package i would be grateful if you could direct me to a ftp site which contains the package thank you yong su kim class of internet yk cunixb cc columbia edu columbia college columbia university or ykim cs columbia edu
re sgi sales practices was crimson was kubota announcement in qjrec qem network ucsd edu spl ivem ucsd edu steve lamont writes what i am annoyed about is the fact that we were led to believe that we would be able to upgrade to a multiprocessor version of the crimson without the assistance of a fork lift truck it should have been made fairly clear that the most crimson would ever get was a old style mhz cpu upgrade certainly this was mentioned on comp sys sgi on more than one occasion as being likely if our sales folks were saying otherwise they were either confused or less than honest ethical or somebody further up the chain inside sgi was misleading them i m also annoyed about being sold several personal irises at a previous site on the understanding that architecture would be around for a while rather than being flushed there were versions although admittedly the came out at the same time as the over a period of years the chassis simply couldn t be pushed any further i d say years was a pretty good lifespan myself for a system design in this day and age getting the to work caused a lot of gray hairs in both the hardware and product design groups we would have been out of our minds to push it further and i know that was made clear almost from the day the started shipping we had one last kicker in the form of the elan graphics which made graphics versions over its lifespan which i also think is pretty good now i understand that sgi is responsible to its investors and has to keep showing a positive quarterly bottom line odd that i found myself pressured on at least two occasions to get the business on the books just before the end of the quarter but i m just a little tired of getting boned in the process please by all means send a complaint letter through sgi support or sales on your concerns there should be no reason for sales folks to misrepresent future upgrades to customers sure sometimes there will be confusion for a while over whether an upgrade will be available but that shouldn t last too long and doesn t seem to be what you are referring to yes the sales folks do get bonus s at the end of some all quarters but that is pretty common industry wide and sometimes that can result in good deals for customers sometimes it probably pushes folks into systems that aren t what they need i m sure but nobody is forcing you to buy at end of quarter after all maybe it s because my lab buys sgis in onesies and twosies so we aren t entitled to a peek under the covers as the big kids nasa for instance are this lab and i suspect that a lot of other labs they don t get all that long a lead time either although certainly they get presentations on possible new products and their opinions may well influence the end product but that also is life in the industry we can t design systems that meet just their needs or we won t sell too many systems after all which is not to say that we don t have some niche products like reality engine and organizations doesn t have a load of money to spend on computers every year so we can t be out buying new systems on a regular basis the boxes that we buy now will have to last us pretty much through the entire grant period of five years and in some case beyond that means that i need to buy the best piece of equipment that i can when i have the money not some product that was built to paraphrase one previous poster s words to fill a niche to compete with some other vendor i m going to be looking at this box for the next five years and every time i look at it i m going to think about sgi and how i could have better spent my money actually your money since we re supported almost entirely by federal tax dollars but surely you don t expect a system you buy now for a five year period to be constantly upgradable over that entire five year period that s a rather unreasonable expectation in my experience with workstations microcomputers supported and parts available yes but certainly not upgradable to the latest and greatest now you ll have to pardon me while i go off and hiss and fume in a corner somewhere and think dark libelous thoughts i missed your first posting but as i say by all means share your frustation with somebody at a level inside sgi where it might have an effect not immediate i m sure but complaints aren t going to be ignored and may affect future plans if we hear similar things from more than one person site all of the above is as usual my personal opinion not sgi s let no one tell me that silence gives consent dave olson because whoever is silent dissents silicon graphics inc maria isabel barreno olson sgi com ps i start my sabbatical may ask those questions now
pascal fractals jr eve albany edu jr albnyvms bitnet go heavy or go home
re detecting double points in bezier curves in article apr kpc com jbulf balsa berkeley edu jeff bulf writes in article ia b w w oeinck waterland wlink nl ferdinan oeinck waterland wlink nl ferdinand oeinck writes i m looking for any information on detecting and or calculating a double point and or cusp in a bezier curve an algorithm literature reference or mail about this is very appreciated there was a very useful article in one of the issues of transactions on graphics i believe maureen stone was one of the authors sorry not to be more specific i don t have the reference here with me stone derose geometric characterization of parametric cubic curves acm trans graphics manocha canny detecting cusps and inflection points in curves computer aided geometric design pekka siltanen
re coreldraw bitmap to scodal my coreldraw whatever write scodl files directly look under file export on the main menu rick
re tiff philosophical significance of marc t kaufman kaufman xenon stanford edu wrote does anyone have any other suggestions where the came from at this moment the king who had been for some time busily writing in his note book called out silence and read out from his book rule forty two all persons more than a mile high to leave the court everybody looked at alice i m not a mile high said alice you are said the king nearly two miles high added the queen well i sha n t go at any rate said alice besides that s not a regular rule you invented it just now it s the oldest rule in the book said the king then it ought to be number one said alice does anybody have a collection of occurances of before and after the guide if not i would like to receive any odd bits you might know postings to alt fan douglas adams l one thing is for sure the sheep is not a creature of the earth joachim kih no the back masking on haaden ii from exposure by robert fripp
re tiff philosophical significance of joachim lous joachim kih no wrote ulrich galki toppoint de wrote does anyone have any other suggestions where the came from yep here s a theory that i once heard bandied around rather than thinking of the number think of the sound for tea two a sort of anagram on tea for two two for tea for tea two peter peter hauke brunel university se psh brunel ac uk
re pascal fractals apparently my editor didn t do what i wanted it to do so i ll try again i m looking for any programs or code to do simple animation and or drawing using fractals in turbopascal for an ibm thanks in advance jr eve albany edu jr albnyvms bitnet go heavy or go home
irit to pov has anybody made a converter from irit s irt or dat format to pov format thanks sebastian schmidt tu ilmenau institut f praktische informatik
re rtrace comp graphics cad cgcad bart inescn pt wrote there is a new version of the rtrace ray tracing package at asterix inescn pt in directory pub rtrace check the readme file cant seem to reach the site from over here ping icmp net unreachable from gateway nsn fix pe sura net for icmp from ccws brunel ac uk to is it possible for you to upload to a more mainstream ftp place
re help grasp quoted from apr genes icgeb trieste it by oberto genes icgeb trieste it jacques oberto file check in the graphics directories under grasp the problem is that the clp files you generate cannot be decoded by any of the many pd format converters i have used any hint welcome the gl p lzh stuff under gfx show on the aminet sites includes a utility called pic hl that is a filter for hamlab that can handle the most commonly used kinds of pic and clp files the biggest problem is that the clp files don t usually contain a palette so you need to convert a pic with the right palette first which creates a ram picpal file and then convert the clp files jacques oberto oberto genes icgeb trieste it john bickers tap jbickers templar actrix gen nz radioactivity it s in the air for you and me kraftwerk
pbm plus sources where hi everybody can anyone name an anonymous ftp site where i can find the sources of the pbm plus package portable bit gray pixel map i would like to compile and run it on a sun sparcstation thanks
re fractals what good are they in article mdpyssc fs mcc ac uk mdpyssc fs mcc ac uk sue cunningham writes we have been using iterated systems compression board to compress pathology images and are getting ratios of to without too much loss in quality it is taking about mins per image to compress on a mhz but decompression is almost real time on a in software alone how does that compare with jpeg on the same images and hardware as far as size speed and image quality are concerned despite my skeptical and sometimes nearly rabid postings criticizing barnsley and company i am very interested in the technique if i weren t i probably wouldn t be so critical ab
re univesa driver in article news duke edu seth north acpub duke edu seth wandersman writes i got the univesa driver available over the net i thought that finally my meg oak board would be able to show x colors unfortunately a program still says that i can t do this is it the fault of the program fractint or is there something wrong with my card univesa a free driver available over the net that makes many boards vesa compatible whats this x color mode asking a lot of your hardware don lewis djlewis ualr edu
re more on radiosity in article yuma acns colostate edu xz longs lance colostate edu xia zhao writes in article apr aragorn unibe ch you write let s be serious i m working on a radiosity package written in c i would like to make it public domain i ll announce it in c g the minute i finished it that were the good news the bad news it ll take another months at least to finish it are you using the traditional radiosity method progressive refinement or something else in your package my package is based on several articles about non standard radiosity and some unpublished methods the main articles are cohen chen wallace greenberg a progressive refinement approach to fast radiosity image generation computer graphics siggraph v no pp august silion puech a general two pass method integrating specular and diffuse reflection computer graphics siggraph v no pp july if you need to project patches on the hemi cube surfaces what technique are you using do you have hardware to facilitate the projection i do not use hemi cubes i have no special hardware sun sparcstation in the meantime you may have a look at the file radiosity code tar z located at compute cc ncsu edu what are the guest username and password for this ftp site use anonymous as username and your e mail address as password there are some other locations have a look at archie to get the nearest hope that ll help yours stephan thanks stephan josephine stephan stephan amann sig computer graphics university of berne switzerland amann iam unibe ch tel fax projects radiosity raytracing computer graphics
xv for ms dos hi this is the response for wayne michael and certainly for other one i m sorry for the late of the answer but i couldn t find xv for msdos cause i forgot the address but i ve retrieve it posting this answer here in comp graphics cause i can t use e mail not yet my bad english cause i m a swiss and my language is french after a long time i retrieve the address where you can find xv for dos site omnigate clarkson edu aliases grape ecs clarkson edu number pub msdos djgpp pub it s xv zip i think certainly you read the other answer from kevin martin he write about dv x what is it could someone answer thanx in advance pascal perret perret eicn etna ch ecole d ing nieur ets not available at this time le locle suisse enjoy computer
d studio v any differences with previous version are there significant differences between v and v thank you for helping marc e mail marc fombaron ufrima imag fr marc fombaron grenoble
re coreldraw bitmap to scodal does anyone know of software that will allow you to convert coreldraw cdr files containing bitmaps to scodal as this is the only format our bureau s filmrecorder recognises jeff lyall i used this combination for a while a qcr z recorder i think and as far as i remember corel can export in scodal scd format just select export on the main file menu this may not be implemented in earlier versions of course in which case you re on your own also i seem to think that the s w for the qcr z at the time did strange and very undesirable things if any part of the pic was outside the screen area on corel i once spent an afternoon painfully discovering that one pixel had somehow strayed off screen causing my whole slide to be blank the qcr z also couldn t handle grad fill over grad fill so if you use a graduated colour background if you then grad fill an object on top of this the fill appears on the final slide as a circle i think and totally ignores the shape of the object being filled of course if the recorder isn t a qcr you can ignore all this and feel suitably cheers toby toby freeman glasgow university freemant uk ac glasgow dcs
oak vga mb please i needd vesa tsr hi there well i have a with svga mb oak chip and i don t have vesa tsr program for this card i need it please if anybody can help me mail me at lulagos araucaria cec uchile cl thanks mackk o o u ack
pc paintbrush iv i am trying to configure zsoft s pc paintbrush iv for use with my logitech scanman hand scanner but i can t get paintbrush to acknowledge the scanner is there anybody out there using paintbrush with a scanner if so can you help me out thanks luis nobrega the file bank bbs pcboard v a e usr hst ds nodes rime internet largest clipper file collection in the world
re xv for ms dos noe mailaddress eicn etna ch wrote i m sorry for the late of the answer but i couldn t find xv for msdos cause i forgot the address but i ve retrieve it posting this answer here in comp graphics cause i can t use e mail not yet my bad english cause i m a swiss and my language is french if french is your language try counting in french in stead maybe it will work better l one thing is for sure the sheep is not a creature of the earth joachim kih no the back masking on haaden ii from exposure by robert fripp
re cview answers cyberspace buddha cb wixer bga com wrote renew blade stack urc tue nl rene walter writes over where it places its temp files it just places them in its current directory i have to beg to differ on this point as the batch file i use to launch cview cd s to the dir where cview resides and then invokes it every time i crash cview the byte temp file is found in the root dir of the drive cview is on i posted this as well before the cview expert apparently he thought he knew better matthew zenkar mz moscom com
image of pictures hi there i am looking for advice on software hardware package for making storing and processing of pictures the ideal software would allow me to cahnge size of the picture edit it it means add text below above and the most important is it would have dos command interface thank you in advance emanuel marciniak the bank of new york
help needed on hidden line removal i am looking for some information of hidden line removal using roberts algorithm something with code or pseudo code would be especially helpful i am required to do this for a class due monday we have very little time to implement these changes it is a very fast paced class the notes given in class leave a lot to be desired so i would vastly appreciate any help actually any algorithm would be nice roberts or no the main problem is two objects intersecting in x and y dimensions need to know which lines to clip off so that one object will appear in front of another if you can give me an ftp address and filename or even the name of a good book i d really appreciate it thanks brian raynor
the otis project ftp sites for original art and images the otis project the operative term is stimulate this file last updated what is otis otis is here for the purpose of distributing original artwork and photographs over the network for public perusal scrutiny and distribution digital immortality the basic idea behind digital immortality is that computer networks are here to stay and that anything interesting you deposit on them will be around near forever the gifs and jpgs of today will be the artifacts of a digital future perhaps they ll be put in different formats perhaps only surviving on backup tapes but they ll be there and someone will dig them up if that doesn t interest you otis also offers a forum for critique and exhibition of your works a virtual art gallery that never closes and exists in an information dimension where your submissions will hang as wallpaper on thousands of glowing monitors suddenly life is breathed into your work and by merit of it s stimulus it will travel the globe on pulses of light and electrons spectators are welcome also feel free to browse the gallery and let the artists know what you think of their efforts keep your own copies of the images to look at when you ve got the gumption that s what they re here for where otis currently as of has two ftp sites projects otis the uwi site sunsite unc edu pub multimedia pictures otis the sunsite you can also gopher to this site for otis as well merely anonymous ftp to either site on internet and change to the appropriate directory don t forget to get busy and use the bin command to make sure you re in binary otis has also been spreading to some dial up bbs systems around north america the following systems have a substancial supply of otistuff underground cafe omaha lines cyberden sanfran usenet waffle iron how do you contribute what happens is you draw a pretty picture or take a lovely photo get it scanned into an image file then either ftp put it in the contrib incoming directory or use uuencode to send it to me email addresses at eof in email after the image is received it will be put into the correct directory computer originated works are also welcome otis directories house two types of image files gif and jpg gif and jpg files require oddly enough a gif or jpg viewer to see these viewers are available for all types of computers at most large ftp sites around internet jpg viewers are a bit tougher to find if you can t find one but do have a gif viewer you can obtain a jpg to gif conversion program which will change jpg files to a standard gif format otis also accepts animation files when you submit image files please send me email at the same time stating information about what you uploaded and whether it is to be used in publications or other projects or if it is merely for people to view also include some biographical information on yourself we ll be having info files on each contributing artist and their works you can also just upload a text file of info about yourself instead of emailing if you have pictures but no scanner there is hope merely send copies to the otis project c o ed stastny po bx omaha ne i will either scan them myself or get them to someone who will scan them include an ample sase if you want your stuff back also include information on each image preferably a line description of the image that we can include in the infofile in the directory where it s finally put if you have preferences as to what the images are to be named include those as well conversely if you have a scanner and would like to help out please contact me and we ll arrange things if you want to submit your works by disk peachy merely send a disk to the above address omaha and a sase if you want your disk back this is good for people who don t have direct access to encoders or ftp but do have access to a scanner we accept disks in either mac or ibm compatible format if possible please submit image files as gif or jpg if you can t we can convert from most formats we d just rather not have to at senders request we can also fill disks with as much otis as they can stand even if you don t have stuff to contribute you can send a blank disk and an sase or for disk postage and packing to get a slab o otis as of we re at about megabytes of files and growing email me for current archive size and directory distribution the images distributed by the otis project may be distributed freely on the condition that the original filename is kept and that it is not altered in any way save to convert from one image format to another in fact we encourage files to be distributed to local bulletin boards and such if you could please transport the appropriate text files along with the images it would also be nice if you d send me a note when you did post images from otis to your local bbs i just want to keep track of them so participants can have some idea how widespread their stuff is it s the purpose of otis to get these images spread out as much as possible if you have the time please upload a few to your favorite bbs system or even just post this info file there it would be keen of you use if you want to use any of the works you find on the otis directory you ll have to check to see if permission has been granted and the stipulations of the permission such as free copy of publication or full address credit you will either find this in the rm file for the image or series of images or in the artists directory under the artists name if permission isn t explicitly given then you ll have to contact the artist to ask for it if no info is available email me ed cwis unomaha edu and i ll get in contact with the artist for you or give you their contact information when you do use permitted work it s always courteous to let the artist know about it perhaps even send them a free copy or some such compensation for their files naming images please keep the names of your files in dos format that means keep the filename before jpg or gif to eight characters or less the way i usually do it is to use the initials of the artist plus a three or four digit code for the series of images plus the series number thus leonardo devinci s fifth mechanical drawing would be something like ldmek gif or ldmek jpg or ldmech gif etc keeping the names under characters assures that the filename will remain intact on all systems creating image files when creating image files be sure to at least include your name somewhere on or below the picture this gives people a reference in case they d like to contact you you may also want to include a title address or other information you d like people to know hmmm that s about it for now more guidelines will be added as needed your input is expected disclaimer the otis project has no connection to the church of otis a sumerian deity or it s followers be they pope priest or ezine administrator we do take sacrifices and donations however disclaimer the otis project is here for the distribution of original image files the files will go to the public at large it s possible as with any form of mass media that someone could unscrupulously use your images for financial gain unless you ve given permission for that it s illegal otis takes no responsibility for this in simple terms all rights revert to the author artist to leave an image on otis is to give permission for it to be viewed copied and distributed electronically if you don t want your images distributed all over don t upload them to leave an image on otis is not giving permission to have it used in any publication or broadcast that incurs profit this includes but is not limited to magazines newsletters clip art software screen printed clothing etc you must give specific permission for this sort of usage remember the operative term is stimulate if you know of people that d be interested in this sort of thing get them involved kick m in the booty offer them free food whatever e ed cwis unomaha edu ed sunsite unc edu ed stastny otis project end process sound news and arts po bx ftp sunsite unc edu pub multimedia pictures otis omaha ne projects otis email ed cwis unomaha edu ed sunsite unc edu
et w vl bus cards does anyone know of a vl bus video card based on the et w card if so how much will it cost where can i get one does it come with more than mb of ram and what is the windows performance like
re newsgroup split chris herringshaw tdawson engin umich edu wrote concerning the proposed newsgroup split i personally am not in favor of doing this i learn an awful lot about all aspects of graphics by reading this group from code to hardware to algorithms i just think making different groups out of this is a wate and will only result in a few posts a week per group i kind of like the convenience of having one big forum for discussing all aspects of graphics anyone else feel this way just curious daemon yes i also like knowing where to go to ask a question without getting hell for putting it in the wrong newsgroup phil martin
sources for shading wanted i m looking for shading methods and algorithms please let me know if you know where to get source codes for that thanks a lot thomas thomas braun universitaet karlsruhe e mail s braun iravcl ira uka de thomas braun university karlsruhe germany email s braun iravcl ira uka de ukay dkauni bitnet
re fast polygon routine needed sol surv utas edu au stephen quan writes but i m looking for a fast polygon routine to be used in a d game a fast polygon routine to do what to draw polygons of course its a vga mode h x game hi i ve come across a fast triangle fill draw routine for mode h by calling this routine enough times you have a fast polygon drawing routine i think i ftp ed from wuarchive wustl edu pub msdos uploads programming i have a copy of it so i reupload it there the triangle txt file has this to say c and inline assembly source for a vga mode h triangle drawer another source there s a poly blitter for mode y mode x in x at sunee uwaterloo ca also there is rend an even faster d renderer with vr extensions my life is hardware dave stampe my destiny is software dstampe psych toronto edu my cpu is wetware dstampe sunee uwaterloo ca am i a techno psychologist or just a psycho engineer
one day graphics composites seminar sampe ncga the university of akron and nasa lewis research center is sponsoring computers and composites a one day seminar devoted to practical applications of computer workstations for efficient processing design and manufacture of composites may at the university of akron akron ohio speakers on advancement in graphics visualization dr jay horowitz nasa integrated product development with mr michael r cowen network workstations sikorski aircraft structural analysis mr brian fite nasa stereolithography mr jason williams penn state erie molecular and physical modeling dr vassilios galiatsato of polymer curing university of akron process modeling of polymer matrix composites dr ram upadhyay ge corporate r d registration fees advance on site includes box lunch contact gary roberts nasa lewis research center or write sampe regional seminar c o gary roberts nasa lewis research center brookpark rd ms cleveland ohio or email to me and i ll get it to gary chris johnston materials engineer nasa lewis research center internet chris sarah lerc nasa gov brookpark rd ms cleveland oh usa resistance is futile
ray tracing spline surfaces hi net due to further investigation i would like to study the following article peterson ray tracing general b splines proc acm mountain regional conference april unfortunately i didn t find it in any library s register if there is anyone having access to this paper or knowing about a library containing those proceedings preferrably in germany please let me know any help would be appreciated thanks a lot joerg haber joerg haber haberj mathematik tu muenchen de mathematisches institut tu muenchen
hitatchi raster format hrf our shop uses a package called cadcore very good to scan and subsequently vectorize original maps into digital maps the problem is that once the raster file is loaded into the cadcore package a header is added to the hrf file which makes it unreadable by the supplied converter we would like to be able to ship some of the already altered raster images for further use on our workstations so here are my questions what is the hitachi format i need this format so i can recognize precisely what to strip out i strongly suspect that it s a compressed format if so then t might not be possible for me to strip out the offending header are there any unix packages that read and recognize hrf it would be really nice to find some sort of hrftopbm converter out there i ve already searched some of the more well known ftp sites which contain graphics formats documentation with no luck so if you know or knwo someone who knows please email thanks
windows bmp to sun raster or others hi anyone has a converter from bmp to any format that xview or xv can handle this converter must run unix i looked at the faq and downloaded several packages but had no luck thanks in advance ed echen burn ee washington edu
re cview answers in article moscom com mz moscom com matthew zenkar writes cyberspace buddha cb wixer bga com wrote renew blade stack urc tue nl rene walter writes over where it places its temp files it just places them in its current directory i have to beg to differ on this point as the batch file i use to launch cview cd s to the dir where cview resides and then invokes it every time i crash cview the byte temp file is found in the root dir of the drive cview is on i posted this as well before the cview expert apparently he thought he knew better matthew zenkar mz moscom com are we talking about colorview for dos here i have version and it writes the temp files to its own current directory what later versions do i admit that i don t know assuming your expert referenced above is talking about the version that i have then i d say he is correct is the colorview for unix what is being discussed just mixed up confused befuddled but genuinely and entirely curious uncle fester what god wants god wants gigolos god gets god wants giraffes god help us all god wants politics thester nyx cs du edu god wants a good laugh
photoshop for windows i am looking for comments from people who have used heard about photoshop for windows is it good how does it compare to the mac version is there a lot of bugs i heard the windows version needs fine tuning any comments would be greatly appreciated thank you andre boisvert beaver rot qc ca
graphics libraries i am interested in a d d graphics library which will allow our design team to write graphics software for unix workstations and be as portable as possible eventually this software will have to be moved to microsoft windows it is my opinion that a good api with hooks to pex underneath would prove most portable does anyone out there have any experience with figaro form tgs or hoops from ithaca software i would appreciate any comments claye hart claye k hart georgia institute of technology atlanta georgia uucp decvax hplabs ncar purdue rutgers gatech prism ch internet claye hart gtri gatech edu
scf files help needed i ve got an old demo disk that i need to view it was made using rix softworks the files on the two diskette set end with scf the demo was vga resolution colors but i don t know the spatial resolution first problem when i try to run the demo the screen has two black bars that cut across horizontally the screen in the top third and bottom third of the screen the bars are about inch wide other than this the demo the animation part seems to be running fine second problem i can t find any graphics program that will open and display these files i have a couple of image conversion programs none mention scf files the system i am using clone diamond speedstar sony monitor any suggestions thank you t castro tlc cx com
question video projector i am setting up a video aid for a computer room for the teacher to share his display with the class i have seen people using video projector tv sets and large monitor to do presentations before i am told that there are three ways to connect video projector composite y c rgb can anyone explain to me the difference and their likely costs please reply to my inetnet e mail account as well as posting in bulletin u sparc nuc edu tw i also like to know if there are telnet or kermit for windows tim chen
re tiff philosophical significance of silly well is binary and who would forget that its the answer to the question of life the universe and everything else that is to quote douglas adams in a round about way of course the question has not yet been discovered mark a cartwright n snp university of texas austin computation center graphics facility markc emx utexas edu markc sirius cc utexas edu markc hermes chpc utexas edu x pp asel a often in error never in doubt b this situation has no gravity i would like a refund please
looking for wmf converter i m looking for any leads to the source of a good windows meta file converter or interpreter i need this for use outside the windows environment pd sources preferred but not a requirement please reply to the address below david buchholz internet buck ileaf com product manager uucp uunet leafusa buck interleaf inc voice x
wanted super mm projector with sounds i am looking for super mm projector with sounds if anybody out there has one for sale send email with the name of brand condition of the projector and price for sale to kimd rpi edu it must have sound capability danny kimd rpi edu
coreldraw bitmap to scodal yes i am aware coreldraw exports in scodal version did it quite well apart from a few hassles with radial fills version revb is better but if you try to export in scodal with a bitmap image included in the drawing it will say something like cannot export scodal with bitmap at least it does on my version if anyone out there knows a way around this i am all ears temporal images make a product called filmpak which converts autocad plots to scodal postscript to scodal and now gif to scodal but it costs and i was just wondering if there was anything out there that just did the bitmap to scodal part a tad cheaper jeff lyall inst geo nuc sci ltd lower hutt new zealand
re need specs info on apple quicktime add sciences sdsu edu james d murray writes i need to get the specs or at least a very verbose interpretation of the specs for quicktime technical articles from magazines and references to books would be nice too i also need the specs in a format usable on a unix or ms dos system i can t do much with the quicktime stuff they have on ftp apple com in its present format apple just released the quicktime volume of the new inside macintosh series any bookstore with reasonable technical stock should have it bill jones billj beowulf b ingr com
image analysis for pc hi i am looking for image analysis software running in dos or windows i d like to be able to analyze tiff or similar files to generate histograms of patterns etc any help would be appreciated fourie joubert department of biochemistry university of pretoria bio navi up ac za