Unnamed: 0
20 values
about the various dxf format questions archie told me the following sites holding documentation about dxf host nic funet fi last updated apr location pub csc graphics format file rwxrwxr dec dxf doc host rainbow cse nau edu last updated jun location graphics formats file rw r r mar dxf doc host ftp waseda ac jp last updated apr location pub data graphic file rw r r nov dxf doc z j org wunsch ham dl dtl joerg wunsch uriah sax de if anything can go wrong or o o joerg sax de wutcd hadrian hrz tu chemnitz de it will joerg wunsch tcd dresden de
re mpeg for x windows mono needed on sunsite unc edu in pub multimedia utilities unix find mpeg play tar z i find for mono it works best as mpeg play dither threshold though you can use mpeg play dither mono face it this is not be the best viewing situation also someone has made a patch for mpeg play that gives two more mono modes mono and halftone they are by jan pandonia canberra edu au jan newmarch and the patch can be found on csc canberra edu au under pub motif mpeg mono patch leon dent lcd umcc umich edu
compiled version of vogl library for pc has anybody compiled vogl graphics library for ibm pc i need to call it from ms fortran but don t have ms c to compile the sources thanks for any help martti toivakka mtoivakk abo fi
re virtual reality for x on the cheap has anyone got multiverse to work i have built it on svr mips svr s and sun sparcstation there seems to be many bugs in it the dogfight and dactyl simply do nothing after fixing a bug where a variable is defined twice in two different modules one needed setting to static else the client core dumped steve extn sts mfltd co uk uunet mfocus sts micro focus just like pariah i have no name rm rf west street living in a blaze of obscurity rum ruff splat newbury need courage to survive the day berkshire england a bort r etry i nfluence with large hammer
micro world data bank ii i m looking for a database called micro world data bank ii a database with digital map information containing latitude longitude points it is said to be in the public domain if anyone knows a place where i can get it preferably ftp gopher mailserver etc otherwise snail mail please let me know i you have it yourself and are willing to send me the file drop me a line i ll be using it with a program called versamap by charles h culberson if anyone knows of another detailed database that can be used with this program preferably pd i would be very interested replies by e mail please directly to me i don t read this group regularly if there s interest i ll post a summary of course derk ederveen fidonet tel d n m ederveen research ptt nl ederveen hlsdnl bitnet fax x c nl admd net prmd ptt research o ptt research s ederveen i dnm i wish i was a warrior in every language that i speak lou reed
looking for dr bala r vatti s email address hi i am looking for the email address of the author to a generic solution to polygon clipping communication of the acm july vol no i got information about the author as follows mr bala r vatti lcec river road hudson n h email vatti waynar lcec lockheed i want to get some related and detailed papers about the same topic from the author but i failed to send my email to the address any information is appreciated thank you very much best regards s h young kunii lab dept of information science faculty of science university of tokyo bunkyo ku hongo tokyo japan email young is s u tokyo ac jp
round vs elliptical dot screens when using photoshop is there anyway to get an elliptical dot for the halftone screen rather than a round dot my printer would prefer an elliptical dot but i m not sure how to set it up i m sending from a mac iici to a linotronic l imagesetter and i am using photoshop to make my separations any help would be greatly appreshed t i a michael unscene michael maier computer artist anl z glued to the veiw email michael maier qmgate anl gov tv is the milk of amnesia phone michael maier
sgi sales practices was crimson was kubota announcement in article hacgate scg hac com lee luke rsg hac com c lee writes the original posting complained about sgi coming out with newer and better architectures and not having an upgrade path from the older ones and that dec did no that s not what i was complaining about nor did i intend to suggest that dec was any better than sgi let me tell you about the lynx some day but be prepared with a large sedative if you do my comment regarding dec was to indicate that i might be open to other vendors that supported opengl rather than deal further with sgi what i am annoyed about is the fact that we were led to believe that we would be able to upgrade to a multiprocessor version of the crimson without the assistance of a fork lift truck i m also annoyed about being sold several personal irises at a previous site on the understanding that architecture would be around for a while rather than being flushed now i understand that sgi is responsible to its investors and has to keep showing a positive quarterly bottom line odd that i found myself pressured on at least two occasions to get the business on the books just before the end of the quarter but i m just a little tired of getting boned in the process maybe it s because my lab buys sgis in onesies and twosies so we aren t entitled to a peek under the covers as the big kids nasa for instance are this lab and i suspect that a lot of other labs and organizations doesn t have a load of money to spend on computers every year so we can t be out buying new systems on a regular basis the boxes that we buy now will have to last us pretty much through the entire grant period of five years and in some case beyond that means that i need to buy the best piece of equipment that i can when i have the money not some product that was built to paraphrase one previous poster s words to fill a niche to compete with some other vendor i m going to be looking at this box for the next five years and every time i look at it i m going to think about sgi and how i could have better spent my money actually your money since we re supported almost entirely by federal tax dollars now you ll have to pardon me while i go off and hiss and fume in a corner somewhere and think dark libelous thoughts spl steve lamont sciviguy spl szechuan ucsd edu san diego microscopy and imaging resource uc san diego la jolla ca my other car is a car too bumper strip seen on i
re please recommend d graphics library for mac robert g carpenter writes hi netters i m building a cad package and need a d graphics library that can handle some rudimentry tasks such as hidden line removal shading animation etc can you please offer some recommendations i ll also need contact info name address email if you can find it thanks please post your responses in case others have same need bob carpenter the following is extracted from sumex aim stanford edu it should also be on the mirrors i think there is source for some applications that may have some bearing on your project poke around the source directory i ve never used this package nor do i know anyone who did but the price is right hope this helps cheinan abstracts of files as of thu apr pst directory info mac source binhex d grafsys hqx date fri mar from christian steffen ove franz cfranz iiic ethz ch to questions mac archive umich edu subject d grafsys in incoming directory a d grafsys short description follows programmers d grafsys vers now available version is mainly a bugfix for think c users this version now runs with think c i promise the docs now contain a chapter for c programmers on how to use the grafsys if you have problems feel free to contact me the other change is that i removed the fastperftrig calls from the fpu version to make it run faster those of you who don t know what all this is about read on programmers d grafsys what it is didn t you always have this great game in mind where you needed some way of drawing three dimensional scenes didn t you always want to write this program that visualized the structure of three dimensional molecules and didn t the task of writing your d conversions routines keep you from actually doing it well if the answer to any of the above questions is yes but what has it to do with this package read on grafsys is a think pascal c library that provides you with simple routines for building saving loading as resources and manipulating independent rotating around arbitrary achses translating and scaling three dimensional objects objects not just simple single line drawings grafsys supports full d clipping animation and some primitive hidden line hidden surface drawing with simple commands from within your program grafsys also supports full eye control with both perspective and parallel projections if you can t understand a word don t worry this is just showing off for those who know about it the docs that come with it will try to explain what it all means later on grafsys provides a powerful interface to supply your own drawing routines with data so you can use grafsys to do the d transformations and your own routines to do the actual drawing note that grafsys also provides drawing routines so you don t have to worry about that if you don t want to grafsys comes in two versions one for the and or above processors the other version uses fixed point arithmetic and runs on any mac both versions are source compatibel grafsys comes with an extensive manual that teaches you the fundamentals of d graphics and how to use the package if demand is big enough i will convert the grafsys to an object class library however i feelt that the way it is implemented now makes it easier to use for a lot more people than the select oop guild grafsys is free for any non commercial usage read the documentation enclosed enjoy christian franz
re fonts in pov in article qg fc et wampyr cc uow edu au g wampyr cc uow edu au coronado emmanuel abad says i have seen several ray traced scenes from mtv or was it rayshade with stroked fonts appearing as objects in the image the fonts chars had color depth and even textures associated with them now i was wondering is it possible to do the same in pov thanks noel yes there are serveral programs which can convert font files eq the borland fonts to objects consisting of spheres cones etc i ve used a program forgot its name place but i can look for it which converted these borland fonts to three different raytracers vivid pov and polyray which i like more more flexibel faster use of expressions etc the program has a lot nice features so if interested give me a mail peter vanderveen visser el wau nl o o department of genetics agricultural university u wageningen the netherlands
re vesa on the speedstar using the vmode command all you need to do is type vmode vesa at the dos prompt vmode is included with the speedstar i have used the vesa mode for autodesk animator pro geoffrey hansen mindlink bc ca inumerable confusions and a feeling of despair invariably emerge in periods of great technological and cultural transition marshall mcluhan
re hot new d software i don t have nor imagine nor real d but as old amiga user i think you should take a look also to real d for the amiga i saw imagine on the amiga for a long time at my friend s home and i ve seen r d in action at bit movie in riccione italy an italian computer graphics contest many professionals using d studio on pc softimage for silicon graphics and imagine on the amiga were very impressed by the power of this programs sorry i ve lost the posting with full description of features of this great program for more informations give a look in comp sys amiga graphics representative of activa international told me that it will be out in weeks for the amiga and that pc ms windows silicon indigo and unix version are under development ciao sergio sergio ruocco ruocco ghost sm dsi unimi it via di vittorio i settimo milanese milano phone
re pcx in article apr freenet carleton ca ad freenet carleton ca jason wiggle writes from ad freenet carleton ca jason wiggle subject pcx date wed apr gmt hello help please i am a student of turbo c and graphics programming and i am having some problems finding algorithms and code to teach me how to do some stuff where is there a book or code that will teach me how to read and write pcx dbf and gif files how do i access the extra ram on my paradise video board so i can do paging in the higher vga modes ie x x x x anybody got a line on a good book to help answer these question thanks very much send reply s to palm snycanva bitnet peace be blessed be stephen palm a book that i can somewhat recommend is pratical image processing in c by craig a lindley published by wiley it addresses reading writing to from pcx tiff files image acquisition manipulation and storage and has source code in the book the source is primarily written in turbo c and naturally has conversion possibilities i have converted some of it to quick c naturally the code has some problems in the book as usuall typos syntax etc are problems it can be a good learning experience for someone who is studying c there is also a companion disk with source available for order and overall the book is not bad i acquired the book at waldensoftware
re please recommend d graphics library f what hardware do plan to run on workstation or pc cost level run time licensing needs bob robert a schmitt applied derivatives technology lehman brothers rschmitt shearson com
need help with mitsubishi p u image printer our group recently bought a mitsubishi p u video printer and i could use some help with it we bought this thing because it has a parallel data input in addition to the usual video signal inputs and claimed to print gray level images however the manual that came with it only describes how to format the parallel data to print and bit pixel images after some initial problems with the parallel interface i now have this thing running from a parallel port of an hewlett packard workstation and i can print and bit pixel images just fine i called the mitsubishi people and asked about the level claim and they said that was only available when used with the video signal inputs this was not mentioned in the sales literature however they did say the p u can do bit pixel level images in parallel mode but they didn t have any information about how to program it to do so and they would call japan etc frankly i find it hard to believe that if this thing can do bit pixel images from the video source it can t store bits pixel in the memory it s not like memory is that expensive any more if anybody has any information on getting bit pixel or even bit pixel images out of this thing i would greatly appreciate your sending it to me thanks allan weber signal image processing institute university of southern california weber sipi usc edu
need graph display edit i am looking for a program that is capable of displaying a graph with nodes and links and with the possibility to edit interactively the graph add one node change one link etc actually a very simple x program would be ok all i need is to put some boxes i e the nodes on a pane and be able to manipulate them with the mouse move add or delete boxes does anyone know if such program is available thanks for any help loris renggli phone swiss federal institute of technology fax math dept ch lausanne switzerland e mail renggli masg epfl ch
re rumours about do in article apr rchland ibm com ricardo hernandez muchado ricardo rchland vnet ibm com writes and cd i s cpu doesn t help much either i understand it is a supposedly a variation of a running at something like mhz with this speed you truly need sprites wow a i d be very interested to get my hands on one of these especially considering the fact that motorola has not yet released the which is supposedly the next in the x lineup d ricardo the animation playback to which lawrence was referring in an earlier post is plain old quicktime with the compact video codec i ve seen digitized video some of apple s early commercials to be precise running on a centris at about fps very nicely bit color depth i would expect that using the same algorithm a risc processor should be able to approach full screen full motion animation though as you ve implied the processor will be taxed more with highly dynamic material sean mcmains check out the gopher phone university of north texas new bands info server fax p o box at seanmac acs unt edu e mail denton tx mcmains unt edu
xga info hi has anyone more info about the xga chipset hw funcs truecolor resolutions any boards with xga out yet thanks rainer rainer leberle rleberle sparc cstp umkc edu university of kansas city mo new mail from clinton whitehouse dc gov no subject specified
re tiff philosophical significance of cptully med unc edu christopher p tully pathology writes why so up tight for that matter tiff is out now so why not gripe about its problems also if its so important to you volunteer to help define or critique the spec hear hear finally a little numerology is backwards and tiff is a bit image format really i thought that the reason it was was that it is really but written as so that on intel chips you could get the proper value pete help stomp out the endian wars break some eggs on their sides peter mueller thebishop when a person commits a violation and sins highlndr ux cso uiuc edu unintentionally in regard to any of the pmueller mrcnext cso uiuc edu lord s holy things he is to bring to the lord as a penalty a ram from the flock
re sgi sales practices was crimson was kubota announcement my comment regarding dec was to indicate that i might be open to other vendors that supported opengl rather than deal further with sgi opengl is a graphics programming library and as such is a great portable interface for the development of interactive d graphics applications it is not however an indicator of performance as that will vary strongly from machine to machine and vendor to vendor sgi is committed to high performance interactive graphics systems and software tools so opengl means that you can port easily from sgi to other platforms there is no guarantee that your performance would be comparable what i am annoyed about is the fact that we were led to believe that we would be able to upgrade to a multiprocessor version of the crimson without the assistance of a fork lift truck if your sales representative truly mislead you then you should have a valid grievance against us which you should carry up to your local sgi sales management team feel free to contact the local branch manager we understand that repeat sales come from satisfied customers so give it a shot i m also annoyed about being sold several personal irises at a previous site on the understanding that architecture would be around for a while rather than being flushed as one of the previous posts stated the personal iris was introduced in and grew to include the d d d and d as clock rates sped up over time as a rule of thumb sgi platforms live for about years this was true of the motorola based series the pi the professional series the early d s the power series parallel systems individual cpu subsystems running at a particular clock rate usually live for about years new graphics architectures at the high end gt vgx realityengine are released every months to years these are the facts of life if we look at these machines they become almost archaic after four years and we have to come out with a new platform like indigo onyx challenge which has higher bus bandwidths faster cpus faster graphics and i o and larger disk capacities if we don t we become uncompetitive from the user perspective you have to buy a machine that meets your current needs and makes economic sense today you can t wait to buy but if you need a guaranteed upgrade path for the machine ask the sales rep for one in writing if it s feasible they should be able to do that some of our upgrade paths have specific programs associated with them such as the performance protection program for older r based power series multiprocessing systems which allowed purchasers of those systems to obtain a guaranteed upgrade price for moving to the new onyx or challenge r based bit multiprocessor systems now i understand that sgi is responsible to its investors and has to keep showing a positive quarterly bottom line odd that i found myself pressured on at least two occasions to get the business on the books just before the end of the quarter but i m just a little tired of getting boned in the process if that s happening it s becausing of misunderstandings or mis communication not because sgi is directly attempting to annoy our customer base maybe it s because my lab buys sgis in onesies and twosies so we aren t entitled to a peek under the covers as the big kids nasa for instance are this lab and i suspect that a lot of other labs and organizations doesn t have a load of money to spend on computers every year so we can t be out buying new systems on a regular basis most sgi customers are onesy twosey types but regardless we rarely give a great deal of notice when we are about to introduce a new system because again like a previous post stated if we pre announced and the schedule slipped we would mess up our potential customers schedules when they were counting on the availability of the new systems on a particular date and would also look awfully bad to both our investors and the financial analysts who watch us most carefully to see if we are meeting our commitments the boxes that we buy now will have to last us pretty much through the entire grant period of five years and in some case beyond that means that i need to buy the best piece of equipment that i can when i have the money not some product that was built to paraphrase one previous poster s words to fill a niche to compete with some other vendor i m going to be looking at this box for the next five years and every time i look at it i m going to think about sgi and how i could have better spent my money actually your money since we re supported almost entirely by federal tax dollars five years is an awfully long time in computer years new processor technologies are arriving every years making a year old computer at least and probably generations behind the times the competitive nature of the market is demanding that rate of development so if your timing is really years between purchases you have to accept the limited viability of whatever architecture you buy into from any vendor there are some realities about the computer biz that we all have to live with but keeping customers happy is the most important so don t give up we know it josh joshua mogal product manager advanced graphics division advanced graphics systems silicon graphics inc market manager north shoreline blvd virtual reality mountain view ca interactive entertainment m s l tel fax e mail mogal sgi com
rendering software for multi processor computer s hello i am searching for rendering software which has been developed to specifically take advantage of multi processor computer systems any pointers to such software would be greatly appreciated thanks billy carter software engineering section southwest research institute wcarter swri edu
wanted map of the world type gifs hi can anyone direct me to map type gifs i am interesting in cartography and would find these gifs useful tia lee van dyke lvandyke balboa eng uci edu uucp infotec infotec com lee sunkist west sun com
pov having trouble bump mapping a gif to a sphere hello i ve been trying to bump map a gif onto a sphere for a while and i can t seem to get it to work image mapping works but not bump mapping here s a simple file i was working with could some kind soul tell me whats wrong with this include colors inc include shapes inc include textures inc camera location direction up right look at object light source color white object sphere texture bump map gif surf gif note surf gif is a plasma fractal from fractint that is using the landscape palette map thanks in advance daniel daniel kennett dkennett sfu ca our minds are finite and yet even in those circumstances of finitude we are surrounded by possibilities that are infinite and the purpose of human life is to grasp as much as we can out of that infinitude alfred north whitehead
point of intersection of n lines hi can anybody suggest robust algorithms code for computing the point of intersection on n d lines in a plane the data has outliers and hence a simple least squares technique does not seem to provide satifactory results please respond by e mail and i will post the summary to the newsgroups if there is sufficient interest thanks raj talluri member technical staff image understanding branch texas instruments central research labs dallas texas talluri csc ti com
program included edge detection algorithms this program doesn t detect edges with compass operators and a laplacian operator it should output raw grey scale images with edges the output doesn t look like edges at all in novicee terms how do i correct the errors any improvements are welcome i ll even accept your corrected code if i convolve the input image with a digital gaussian by to remove noise will i get an improvement with the laplacian types of edge detection include stdio h include math h define imagewidth define imageheight unsigned char input image imageheight imagewidth unsigned char angles wanted imageheight imagewidth unsigned char magnitude image imageheight imagewidth int laplace op int compass op int compass op int compass op int compass op int compass op int compass op int compass op int compass op void compass row col int row col int value int op rows op cols int compass compass compass compass int compass compass compass compass compass compass compass compass compass compass compass compass for op rows op rows op rows for op cols op cols op cols if row op rows col op cols compass int input image row op rows col op cols compass op op rows op cols compass int input image row op rows col op cols compass op op rows op cols compass int input image row op rows col op cols compass op op rows op cols compass int input image row op rows col op cols compass op op rows op cols compass int input image row op rows col op cols compass op op rows op cols compass int input image row op rows col op cols compass op op rows op cols compass int input image row op rows col op cols compass op op rows op cols compass int input image row op rows col op cols compass op op rows op cols if compass compass value compass else value compass if value compass value compass if value compass value compass if value compass value compass if value compass value compass if value compass value compass if value compass value compass magnitude image row col char value void laplace row col int row col int op rows op cols magnitude image row col for op rows op rows op rows for op cols op cols op cols if row op rows col op cols magnitude image row col char int magnitude image row col int input image row op rows col op cols laplace op op rows op cols main file original image fp file laplace mag fp laplace mag fp laplace mag fp file compass mag fp int row col algo count original image fp fopen input image rb laplace mag fp fopen laplace magnitude wb compass mag fp fopen compass magnitude wb fread unsigned char input image sizeof unsigned char imageheight imagewidth original image fp for algo count algo count algo count for row row imageheight row for col col imagewidth col if algo count laplace row col else compass row col if algo count fwrite magnitude image sizeof char imageheight imagewidth laplace mag fp else fwrite magnitude image sizeof char imageheight imagewidth compass mag fp for a lot of au music ftp sounds sdsu edu then cat file au dev audio ub library catalog telnet bison acsu buffalo edu when in doubt ask xarchie xgopher or xwais
re virtual reality for x on the cheap hi steve as the author of multiverse i feel i had better respond to your mailnote questioning whether anyone had managed to compile this software the quick answer is yes the long answer is yes but a few have had a few problems with their platforms not all unix s are the same you know as far as many bugs go it would probably be more useful to everyone including you if you were a bit more explicit platforms it has succesfully compiled and run on are rs dec ultrix sun solaris so it is possible the main problem is that i don t have access to other platforms than the rs so if there are portability problems then the only way i hear about them is by people letting me know and giving me a clue as to how to fix it as far as the software not doing anything do you really think i would bother releasing it if that was the case perhaps you didn t read the few docs that are supplied the dogfight world is made up of clients only so if you re in there on your own then you re not going to see anything the dactyl world has quite a lot of scenary so if you don t see anything there then this is definitely a problem one final word if you re not interested don t bother with it if you are interested then please remember that i m not asking for any money so why not try a little patience and constructive criticism maybe that will get results robert robert acsc com
re hot new d software i don t think speed has been determined since it has never run on intel chips but on the amiga s motorola chips it was one of the fastest true ray tracers i don t think impulse would port it over and not take speed into consideration in terms of features and learning curve all that you stated for ds is also true for imagine and lots more but i ll have to admit that after years of use on the amiga the learning curve is very steep this is due only to the manual it is realy bad however there is a lot of after market support for this product including regular tips articles in many magazines such as avid and a great book by steve worley called understanding imagine this book i is not just recommened it is a must i think an important consideration should be price for ds not including tool packages under for imagine complete
re cylinder and ray sketch rotate so cylinder axis is z axis intersect x y projection of line with projected cylinder similar to but easier than sphere intersection result no intersection one intersection or two intersections parameterized along line by t and t now look at z and compute intersections of line with top and bottom planes of cylinder this gives t and t the interval of intersection is then the bit of the line from t t intersect t t details left as an exercise for the reader s spencer w thomas info tech and networking b cfob genome informatician univ of michigan ann arbor mi spencer w thomas med umich edu fax
sphere from points boy this will be embarassing if it is trivial or an faq given points non coplanar how does one find the sphere that is center and radius exactly fitting those points i know how to do it for a circle from points but do not immediately see a straightforward way to do it in d i have checked some geometry books graphics gems and farin but am still at a loss please have mercy on me and provide the solution thanks ed ed bolson university of washington cardiovascular research bolson u washington edu preferred bolson max bitnet bolson milton u washington edu if you must
announce ivan sutherland to speak at harvard the harvard computer society is pleased to announce its third lecture of the spring ivan sutherland the father of computer graphics and an innovator in microprocessing will be speaking at harvard university on tuesday april at pm in aiken computations building room the title of his talk is logical effort and the conflict over the control of information cookies and tea will be served at pm in the aiken lobby admissions is free and all are welcome aiken is located north of the science center near the law school for more information send e mail to eekim husc harvard edu the lecture will be videotaped and a tape will be made available thanks eugene kim give me a place to stand and i will internet eekim husc harvard edu move the earth archimedes
windows imagine has anyone who has ordered the new pc version of imagine actually recieved it yet i m just about ready to order but reading posts about people still awaiting delivery are making me a little paranoid has anyone actually held this piece of software in their own hands later jim nobles
vga mode h routines available hi there i ve made a vga mode h graphics library available via ftp i originally wrote the routines as a kind of exercise for myself but perhaps someone here will find them useful they are certainly useable as they are but are missing some higher level functionality they re intended more as an intro to mode h programming a starting point the library assumes a processor but it is trivial to modify it for a if enough people ask i ll make the mods and re post it as a different version the routines are written in assembly tasm and are callable from c they are fairly simple but i ve found them to be very fast for my purposes anyway routines are included to enter and exit mode h define a virtual screen put and get pixels put a pixmap rectangular image with no transparent spots put a sprite image with see thru areas copy areas of the virtual screen into video memory etc i ve also included a simple c routine to draw a line as well as a c routine to load a color gif image into a buffer i also wrote a quick n dirty tm demo program that bounces a bunch of sprites around behind three windows the whole package is available on spang camosun bc ca in pub dos vgl zip it is zipped with pkzip g it is completely in the public domain as far as i m concerned do with it whatever you like however it d be nice to get credit where it s due and maybe an e mail telling me you like it if you don t like it don t bother mark morley camosun bc ca
re please recommend d graphics library for mac i searched the u mich archives fairly thoroughly for d graphics packages i always thought it to be a mirror of sumex aim stanford edu i was wrong i ll look into grafsys it does sound interesting thanks cheinan bobc
re please recommend d graphics library f sorry about not mentioning platform my original post was to mac programmer and then decided to post here to comp graphics i d like the d software to run on primarily mac in either c object pascal think or mpw but i ll port to windows later so a package that runs on mac and has a windows version would be ideal i m looking for a package that has low upfront costs and reasonable licensing costs of course bobc
re sphere from points in article qkgbuinns n shelley u washington edu bolson carson u washington edu edward bolson writes boy this will be embarassing if it is trivial or an faq given points non coplanar how does one find the sphere that is center and radius exactly fitting those points i know how to do it for a circle from points but do not immediately see a straightforward way to do it in d i have checked some geometry books graphics gems and farin but am still at a loss please have mercy on me and provide the solution wouldn t this require a hyper sphere in space points over specifies a sphere as far as i can see unless that is you can prove that a point exists in space that is equi distant from the points and this may not necessarily happen correct me if i m wrong which i quite possibly am steve steven collins email steve crl hitachi co jp visiting computer graphics researcher phone hitachi central research lab tokyo fax
re sphere from points bolson carson u washington edu edward bolson writes boy this will be embarassing if it is trivial or an faq given points non coplanar how does one find the sphere that is center and radius exactly fitting those points i know how to do it for a circle from points but do not immediately see a straightforward way to do it in d i have checked some geometry books graphics gems and farin but am still at a loss please have mercy on me and provide the solution it s not a bad question i don t have any refs that list this algorithm either but thinking about it a bit it shouldn t be too hard take three of the points and find the plane they define as well as the circle that they lie on you say you have this algorithm already find the center of this circle the line passing through this center perpendicular to the plane of the three points passes through the center of the sphere repeat with the unused point and two of the original points this gives you two different lines that both pass through the sphere s origin their interection is the center of the sphere the radius is easy to compute it s just the distance from the center to any of the original points i ll leave the math to you but this is a workable algorithm an alternate method would be to take pairs of points the plane formed by the perpendicular bisector of each line segment pair also contains the center of the sphere three pairs will form three planes intersecting at a point this might be easier to implement steve spworley netcom com
rayshade to dxf rib etc strata i m a mac user who wants to use some of the rayshade models i ve built using macrayshade rayshade m with stratavision d since stratavision can import many different model files i thought this would be a cinch but i haven t been able to find a simple translator that will work on the mac any ideas stratavision d should be able to import dxf minicad super d swivel d professional out of the box and rib igs with externals also if anyone knows of any other translator externals available for stratavision d esp rayshade please e mail me btw i m going to send mail to the rayshade usrs mailing list tomorrow i misplaced the address but since most users of rayshade do not seem to operate with macs i m not getting my hopes up thanks in advance patrick hurh fnal fnal gov
siggraph course notes i am looking for a copy of the following siggraph publication gomez j e comments on event driven annimation siggraph course notes if anyone knows of a location where i can obtain a copy of these notes i would appreciate if they could let me know thanks dkusswur falcon depaul edu
cobra b video card help me does anyone out there in net land have any information on the cobra card the sticker on the end of the card reads model cobra b bios cobra v i havn t been able to find anything about it from anyone if you have any information on how to get a hold of the company which produces the card or know where any drivers are for it please let me know as far as i can tell it s a cga card that is taking up of my bit isa slots but when i enable the test patterns it displays much more than the usualy cga colors at least from what i can count thanks internet jele eis calstate edu bbs mirage gilligan tsoft net bbs mirage tsoft sf bay org mirage thetech com uucp apple com tsoft bbs mirage computer and video imaging major
externel processes for d studio to all hi does anybody have the source code to the externel processes that comes with d studio and mabe som kind of doc for writing the processes your self lars author lars jorgensen p syntax bbs bad se syntax bbs denmark golded
re text recognition software availability in article c ihqm v mentor cc purdue edu ab nova cc purdue edu allen b writes one more time is there any free ocr software out there i ask this question periodically and haven t found anything this is the last time if i don t find anything i m going to write some myself post here or email me if you have any leads or suggestions else just sit back and wait for me ab i m not sure if this is free or shareware but you can try to look to wsmrsimtel army mil directory pd msdos deskpub file ocr zip from the file simibm lst ocr zip b optical character recognition for scanners hope this helps roman valo valo cvt stuba cs slovak technical university bratislava slovakia
re sphere from points in article qkgbuinns n shelley u washington edu bolson carson u washington edu edward bolson writes boy this will be embarassing if it is trivial or an faq center and radius exactly fitting those points i know how to do it for a circle from points but do not immediately see a straightforward way to do it in d i have checked some geometry books graphics gems and farin but am still at a loss please have mercy on me and provide the solution off the top of my head i might try given p p p p find p c center of sphere determined by p p dist p c p i radius p c is the same distance from our four points so dist p c p dist p c p dist p c p dist p c p of course we can square the whole thing to get rid of square roots distsq p c p distsq p c p distsq p c p distsq p c p plug in the variables into the distance formula simplify and the x c y c and z c terms cancel out leaving you with three linearly independent equations and three unknowns x c y c z c solve using your favorite method all the best john dr john s eickemeyer the lord god is subtle information technology institute but malicious he is not national computer board singapore email johne iti gov sg albert einstein
re rumours about do in article apr mercury unt edu sean mcmains mcmains unt edu writes wow a i d be very interested to get my hands on one of these especially considering the fact that motorola has not yet released the which is supposedly the next in the x lineup d the is a variation of the that was done a few years ago by the european partners of motorola it has some integrated i o controllers and half a mmu but otherwise it s a think of it the same as the and were burkhard neidecker lutz distributed multimedia group cec karlsruhe eerp portfolio manager software motion pictures berkom ii project multimedia base technology digital equipment corporation neidecker nestvx enet dec com
avi file format hi would someone please email the new avi file format i m sure that many people would like to know what it is exactly thank you mark gregory lecturer m gregory rmit edu au ph fax royal melbourne institute of technology department of communication and electronic engineering p o box v melbourne victoria australia mark gregory lecturer m gregory rmit edu au ph fax royal melbourne institute of technology department of communication and electronic engineering p o box v melbourne victoria australia
re vga x graphics mode dutc student tc umn edu writes in article c g qb bmp news cis umn edu some vesa bios s support this mode x and any vga should be able to support this x by colors since it only requires bytes my a vesa tsr supports this it s the only vesa mode by card can support due to a restrictions a wd paradise i am not responsible for anything i do or say i m just an opinion robert j c kyanko rob rjck uucp ahh no possibly you punched in the wrong numbers on your calculator color modes take a byte per pixel so time is which is k to be exact x x only takes k but i don t think it is a bios mode i wouldn t bet that all vga cards can do that either if a vga card has k i bet it can do both x and x that by definition is svga though not very high svga yes i did punch in the wrong numbers working too many late nites i intended on stating x is bytes it s not in the bios just my vesa tsr i am not responsible for anything i do or say i m just an opinion robert j c kyanko rob rjck uucp
cview answers a very kind soul has mailed me this reply for the bugs in cview since he isn t in the position to post this himself he asked me to post it for him but to leave his name out so here it comes cview has quite a number of bugs the one you mention is perhaps the most annoying but not the most dangerous as far as i can determine it has to do with the temp files that cview creates cview gives the user no control over where it places its temp files it just places them in its current directory the problem you mention occurs as far as i can tell when it runs out of disk space for its temp files it seems as if cview doesn t check properly for this situation as cview decodes a jpeg it seems to write out a temp file with all the pixel data with bit colour information then for bit displays it does the dithering again writing another file with the bit colour information while it is writing this second file it also writes the data to your colour card then when it does the last chunk of bit data it recopies all the data from the bit file to your screen again it does this last recopy operation for its fit to screen feature even when this feature is not enabled the result of this process is the following if it runs out of disk space when writing the first bit file all you ever see is as much data as it has room for and the last bit of data is simply repeated over and over again because cview never realizes the disk has filled up and disk writes reads aren t performed if it has enough room for the bit data but runs out of room for the bit data you see almost all of the picture as it does the dithering and writes to the screen card however then when it finishes the dithering and recopies the data from the bit file to screen for whatever reason it does this one again just gets a repetition of the last chunk of data for which there was room on the disk this is just a guess but probably fairly accurate at least the general idea is on track i think although i have probably made errors in details about file i o etc the way around this is of course to clear up sufficient disk space the temp files for large jpeg s x and bigger can be very large meg meg on some of the largest i have needed in excess of meg free disk space cview has a much more serious bug if you are trying to display a file from a floppy and you change floppies while cview has some temp file open on the floppy then cview in certain circumstances will write the directory and fat table i can t remember for the removed floppy onto the newly inserted floppy thus corruptimg the new floppy in a very serious possibly unrevcoverable way so be careful it is incredibly poor programming for a program to do this on the other hand when choosing files in the open files menu cview insists on doing a few disk reads every time one moves the hi lighter square incredibly annoying when it could do them all at once when it gets the directory info and really how much effort does it take to sort a directory listing with much thanks to the originator of this article rene walter renew stack urc tue nl will i drown in tears of sorrow is there hope for tomorrow will this world ever get better can t we all just live together i don t wanna live in strife i just wanna live my life i deserve to have a future the good girls future
re alt raytrace potential group yes please create the group alt raytrace soon i m hooked on pov geez like i don t have anything better to do oh dave letterman is on
shadow optical raytracing package hi everyone i am looking for some software called shadow as far as i know its a simple raytracer used in the visualization of synchrotron beam lines now we have an old version of the program here but unfortunately we don t have any documentation if anyone knows where i can get some docs or maybe a newer version of the program or even another program that does the same sort of thing i would love to hear from you ps i think shadow was written by a f cerrina anyone any ideas thanks gary serc daresbury lab
character recognition is there any program available free or otherwise for taking a tiff or gif or some other bitmapped file and turning it or parts of it into ascii characters dos os or platform independent programs if possible thanks
need a good concave convex polygon algorithm we need a good concave convex polygon conversion routine i ve tried a couple without much luck please e mail responses and i will post a summary of any replies thank you richard stoakley rws v uvacs cs virginia edu
automatic layout of state diagrams hi i m hoping someone out there will be able to help our computer science project group we are doing computer science honours and our project is to do a graphical simulator for a finite state automata basically the program must draw a diagram of a fsa from a textual grammar showing circles for states and labeled arc s in between the problem is working out the best way to layout the states and draw the arc s in between so that as few arc s as possible cross each other if anyone has any suggestions algorithms bug free ready to compile c code that might help us it would be much appreciated thanks in advance gregory
how do i compensate for photographic viewpoint and distortion hi to all out there we have this problem and i m not certain i m solving it in the correct way i was wondering if anyone can shed light on this or point me in the right place to look we have an x ray imaging camera and a metallic tube with a cylindrical hole passing through it at a right angle to the tube s axis image x ray source screen metallic tube we know source screen centre distance radius of the tube radius of the hole we do some calculations based on the image of the hole on the screen however the calculations are mathematically highly complex and must assume that the object s hole projects an image resembling an ellipse if the tube is not parallel to the screen in the centre of the screen however it is unlikely that the object is placed so conveniently firstly we must transform the major and minor axis of the ellipse i cannot know what the angle between the tube and screen is do i have to assume that they are parallel to do the transformation how do i do this transformation secondly there is a distortion of the image due to the screen being planar the source screen distance increases as we move away from the centre of the screen how can i compensate the ellipse s axis for this image distortion so please can anyone give us a few pointers here how do we transform the image so it appears as it would if it were in the centre of the screen and how do i deal with distortion due to the shape of the screen we d appreciate any help either posted or emailed thanks in advance simon simon marshall dept of computer science university of hull hull hu rx uk football isn t about life and death it s more important than that bill email s marshall cs hull ac uk phone fax shankley
re sphere from points in article hcrlgw crl hitachi co jp steve hcrlgw steven collins writes in article qkgbuinns n shelley u washington edu bolson carson u washington edu edward bolson writes boy this will be embarassing if it is trivial or an faq given points non coplanar how does one find the sphere that is center and radius exactly fitting those points i know how to do it for a circle from points but do not immediately see a straightforward way to do it in d i have checked some geometry books graphics gems and farin but am still at a loss please have mercy on me and provide the solution wouldn t this require a hyper sphere in space points over specifies a sphere as far as i can see unless that is you can prove that a point exists in space that is equi distant from the points and this may not necessarily happen correct me if i m wrong which i quite possibly am steve sorry call the four points a b c and d any three of them must be non collinear otherwise all three could not lie on the surface of a sphere and all four must not be coplaner otherwise either they cannot all lie on a sphere or they define an infinity of them a b and c define a circle the perpendicular bisectors of ab bc and ca meet in a point p say which is the centre of this circle this circle must lie on the surface of the desired sphere consider the normal to the plane abc passing through p all points on this normal are equidistant from a b and c and its circle in fact it is a diameter of the desired sphere take the plane containing this normal and d if d lies on the normal any plane containing the normal will do this plane is at right angles to the abc one let e be the point there are normally two of them on the circumference of the abc circle which lies in this plane we need a point q on the normal such that eq dq but the intersection of the perpendicular bisector of ed and the normal is such a point and it exists since d is not in the plane abc and so ed is not at right angles to the normal algorithm is the sphere well defined check that a and b are not coincident failure find the line ab and check that c does not lie on it failure find the plane abc and check that d does not lie in it failure yes find its centre find the perpendicular bisectors of ab and ac find their point of intersection p find the normal to the plane abc passing through p line n find the plane containing n and d find the point e on the abc circle in this plane if d lies on n take e as a find the perpendicular bisector of ed line l find the point of intersection of n and l q q is the centre of the desired sphere pictures in the plane abc a p b c at right angles to abc in the plane containing n and d e d line n p q numerically if ed ep then q will be very close to p relative to the radius of the abc circle and subject to error it s best to choose d so that the least of ad bd and cd is larger than for any other choice bob douglas computing services university of oxford internet bob oxford ac uk address banbury road oxford ox nn uk telephone
polygon orientation in dxf hi i m writing a program to convert dxf files to a database format used by a d graphics program i ve written my program stores the points of a polygon in ccw order i ve used d concepts a little and it seems that the points are stored in the order they are drawn does the dxf format have a way of indicating which order the points are stored in cw or ccw its easy enough to convert but if i don t know which way they are stored i dont know which direction the polygon should be visible from if dxf doesn t handle this can anyone recommend a workaround the best i can think of is to create two polygons for each one in the dxf file one stored cw and the other ccw but that doubles the number of polygons and decreases speed thanks in advance for any help patrice hugo hydra unm edu
fractals what good are they we have been using iterated systems compression board to compress pathology images and are getting ratios of to without too much loss in quality it is taking about mins per image to compress on a mhz but decompression is almost real time on a in software alone
re a book i found graphics covlir crockett c its rpi edu locks writes hello i happened to spot an excellent book in a bookstore about days ago though it is in c and assembly it teaches you the assembly as it goes along so if you re like me and have no assembler experience don t worry it has almost everything that i wanted to know and has working code rod covlin i just bought a copy i can t disagree that it is a very good book but unfortunately i was looking for the same graphics feature described in this book but not in x x or x x mode it is easy to accomodate all the pixel descriptor or color attributes in those modes into a afffff but not in x x which is what i am interested in i haven t finish the book but i affraid the author didn t talk much about this mode or other svga modes if anyone out there know any good book dealing with fast svga graphics manupulation scrolling repainting all other good stuff please send me mail programming guide to svga card is also welcome thanks in advance tiang t foo tiang uokmax ecn uoknor edu tiang t foo tiang uokmax ecn uoknor edu
speedstar how to program the truecolor mode hello i purchased my new with a noname graphics card installed which is obviously speedstar compatible its name is vga truecolor it is accompanied with some drivers and the utilities vmode xmode and at least one more mode as well as some drivers for lotus windows etc only one of the drivers is told to provide the truecolor mode namely the windows driver nowhere else except in the ad is any pointer to the truecolor mode some articles in this group about the speedstar and some other facts made me believe that my card is compatible to that one does anybody out there know how this mode can be adjusted how can i write a driver which allows me to have millions of colors with a resolution of x with hz interlaced greetings wolfgang
info needed d contour plotting hi everyone it s spend the money before it goes away time here at u florida and we need to find some pc based software that will do contour plotting with irregular boundaries i e a d profile of a soil system with a pond superimposed on it we ve given surfer a pond trial run but it interpolates contours out into the pond and or creates artifacts at the borders soil if anyone out there knows of a product i ld appreciate hearing about it if there is enough of a response i ll post a summary thanks and now back to lurking steve bloom soil water science u fl sab gnv ifas ufl edu
vesa standard vga svga programming hi i have a few question about graphics programming in vga svga how vesa standard works any documentation for vesa standard at a higher resolution than x x or x x vga mode where the video memory a affff is no longer sufficient to hold all info what is the trick to do fast image manipulation i heard about memory mapping or video memory bank switching but know nothing on how it is implemented any advice anyone my interest is in x x mode should this mode be called svga mode what is the technique for fast image scrolling for the above mode how to deal with different svga cards your guidance to books or any other sources to the above questions would be greatly appreciated please send me mail thanks in advance tiang t foo tiang uokmax ecn uoknor edu tiang t foo tiang uokmax ecn uoknor edu
re sphere from points from bolson carson u washington edu edward bolson given points non coplanar how does one find the sphere that is cnter and radius exactly fitting those points the equation of the sphere through the points x y z x y z is x y z x y z x y z x x x y y y z z z when this by determininant is expanded on its first column you get the equation in the form a x y z bx cy dz e if you need the center and radius jyst divide through by a it cannot be zero if the given points form a non degenerate tetrahedron and complete the square on x y and z to obtain x xc y yc z zc r rcb slacvm slac stanford edu bob beach
re vesa on the speedstar i need a vesa driver for the diamond speedstar x that works i ve tried several and none work for the hicolor modes john cormack cormackj access digex com
re delaunay triangulation in article lsk v inn c caspian usc edu zyeh caspian usc edu zhenghao yeh writes does anybody know what delaunay triangulation is is there any reference to it is it useful for creating d objects if yes what s the advantage there is a vast literature on delaunay triangulations literally hundreds of papers a program is even provided with every copy of mathematica nowadays you might look at this if you are interested in using it for creating d objects article boissonnat author j d boissonnat title geometric structures for three dimensional shape representation journal acm transactions on graphics month october year volume number pages
re rumours about do the does exist it s number was licensed to philips to make their own variant this chip includes extra featurfes such as more i o ports i c bus making it more microcontroller like because of the confusion with numbering philips other products in the range with the core have been given differend numbers like pcf or pcd or something
gif to bmp i m not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question if not please forgive me and point me in the right direction does anybody know of a program that converts gif files to bmp files and if so where can i ftp it from any help would be greatly appreciated please respond via e mail as i do not read this group very often thanks scott
point within a polygon in article apr uk bull co uk scrowe hemel bull co uk writes i am looking for an algorithm to determine if a given point is bound by a polygon does anyone have any such code or a reference to book containing information on the subject regards simon function puntbinnenpolygoon auteur cornelis wessels datum omschrijving bepaalt of de aangeboden vector d p binnen of op de rand van het polygoon p valt wijzigingen clibstatus puntbinnenpolygoon polygoon p vector d p vector d o v w index aantal snijpunten n n aantal snijpunten n geefpolygoonlengte p geefpolygoonrandpunt p n o for n n n n geefpolygoonrandpunt p n v if o x p x v x p x o x p x v x p x w x p x interpoleerlineair o v w if w x p x w y p y return clibsucces else if w y p y aantal snijpunten kopieervector d v o if aantal snijpunten return cliberbuiten else return clibsucces cornelis wessels krommenoord zt rotterdam the netherlands kewe bskewe atr bso nl
re any graphics packages available for aix in apr sun x res utc com mark sun x res utc com mark stucky writes in pr qninniag tahko lpr carel fi ari suutari ari tahko lpr carel fi wrote does anybody know if there are any good d graphics packages available for ibm rs aix i m looking for something like dec s gks or hewlett packards starbase both of which have reasonably good support for different output devices like plotters terminals x etc try graphigs from ibm it is an excellent package doug doug egan it s not what you got lockheed engineering and sciences co it s what you give houston tx tesla email egan blkbox com
re vesa standard vga svga programming how vesa standard works any documentation for vesa standard the vesa standard can be requested from vesa vesa north first street suite san jose ca ask for the vesa vbe and super vga programming starndards vesa also defines local bus and other standards the vesa standard only addresses ways in which an application can find out info and capabilities of a specific super vga implementation and to control the video mode selection and video memory access you still have to set your own pixels at a higher resolution than x x or x x vga mode where the video memory a affff is no longer sufficient to hold all info what is the trick to do fast image manipulation i heard about memory mapping or video memory bank switching but know nothing on how it is implemented any advice anyone vesa defines a window that is used to access video memory this window is anchored at the spot where you want to write and then you can write as far as the window takes you usually k windows have granularities so you can t just anchor them anywhere also some implementations allow two windows my interest is in x x mode should this mode be called svga mode what is the technique for fast image scrolling for the above mode how to deal with different svga cards this is vesa mode h there is a set display start function that might be useful for scrolling your guidance to books or any other sources to the above questions would be greatly appreciated please send me mail your best bet is to write vesa for the info there have also been announcements on this group of vesa software karl schultz schultz vnet ibm com these statements or opinions are not necessarily those of ibm
re please recommend d graphics library for mac rgc bcstec ca boeing com robert g carpenter writes hi netters i m building a cad package and need a d graphics library that can handle some rudimentry tasks such as hidden line removal shading animation etc can you please offer some recommendations it s really not that hard to do there are books out there which explain everything and the basic d functions translation rotation shading and hidden line removal are pretty easy i wrote a program in a few weeks witht he help of a book and would be happy to give you my source also quickdraw has a lot of d functions built in and think pascal can access them and i would expect that think c could as well if you can find out how to use the quickdraw graphics library it would be an excellent choice since it has a lot of stuff and is built into the mac so should be fast libertarian atheist semi anarchal techno rat i define myself tsa cellar org
questions about plane eqn method of hidden surface removal what are the main advantages of this method i have seen it described and the algiorithm seems a little bit long i developed my own method which requires that the points be in a counter clockwise order and returns whether you are looking at the back or the front similar to the plane eqn method it uses few calculations however basically it is several comparisons the only disadvantage i see is that it must be done after the transformation from view coordinates to coordinates to display on the screen which means that a little more calculation isneeded beforehand my method basically figures out whether the points that will appear on the screen are clockwise or counterclockwise when looking at the back of something the points occur in an opposite direction from the front so merely by figuring out which way the points go you can tell whether you are looking at the back or front of a d polygon has anyone heard of this method before it is so simple i doubt i am the first to think of it libertarian atheist semi anarchal techno rat i define myself tsa cellar org
reprints i have a few reprints left of chapters from my book visions of the future these include reprints of chapters probably of interest to readers of this forum including current techniques and development of computer art by franz szabo forging a career as a sculptor from a career as computer programmer by stewart dickson fractals and genetics in the future by h joel jeffrey i d be happy to send out free reprints to researchers for scholarly purposes until the reprints run out just send me your name and address thanks cliff cliff watson ibm com
church related graphics i am looking for some good quality graphics files which are suitable for use in church related presentations i prefer vector but anything would be helpful if you know of bulletin boards which have collections of this nature or commercial products please inform me by email haston utkvx utk edu wayne haston
pc fastest line circle drawing routines help hi all in short looking for very fast assembly code for line circle drawing on svga graphics complete i am thinking of a simple but fast molecular graphics program to write on pc or clones ball and stick type reasons programs that i ve seen are far too slow for this purpose platform class machine x or x vga graphics speed is important color for non rendering purpose is enough may stay at x for speed reason hope the code would be generic enough for different svga cards my own card is based on trident c not vesa what i m looking for fast very fast routines to draw lines circles simple shapes on above mentioned svga resolutions presumably in assembly languagine yes very fast please related codes to help rotating zooming animating the drawings on screen drawings for beginning would be lines circles mainly think of text else later you know the way molecular graphics rotates zooms a molecule and any other codes preferentially in c that can help the project final remarks non profit expected to become share free ware any help is appreciated thanks frankie lau tammy harvard edu ps pls also email i may miss reply post
re rumours about do in article apr mercury unt edu sean mcmains mcmains unt edu writes in article apr rchland ibm com ricardo hernandez muchado ricardo rchland vnet ibm com writes and cd i s cpu doesn t help much either i understand it is a supposedly a variation of a running at something like mhz with this speed you truly need sprites wow a i d be very interested to get my hands on one of these especially considering the fact that motorola has not yet released the which is supposedly the next in the x lineup d sean the exists ricardo the animation playback to which lawrence was referring in an earlier post is plain old quicktime with the compact video codec i ve seen digitized video some of apple s early commercials to be precise running on a centris at about fps very nicely bit color depth i would expect that using the same algorithm a risc processor should be able to approach full screen full motion animation though as you ve implied the processor will be taxed more with highly dynamic material sean mcmains check out the gopher phone university of north texas new bands info server fax p o box at seanmac acs unt edu e mail denton tx mcmains unt edu sean i don t want to get into a mini war by what i am going to say but i have to be a little bit skeptic about the performance you are claiming on the centris you ll see why please no flames i reserve those for c s m a i was in chicago in the last consumer electronics show and apple had a booth there i walked by and they were showing real time video capture using a radious or supermac card to digitize and make right on the spot quicktime movies i think the quicktime they were using was the old one they digitized a guy talking there in x xx something it played back quite nicely and in real time the guy then expanded the window resized to x by xx in y i think and the frame rate decreased enough to notice that it wasn t fps or about fps anymore it dropped to like fps then he increased it just a bit more and it dropped to fps then i asked him what mac he was using he was using a quadra don t know what model to do it and he was telling the guys there that the quicktime could play back at the same speed even on an lcii well i spoiled his claim so to say since a quadra mac was having a little bit of trouble and this wasn t even from the hardisk this was from memory could it be that you saw either a newer version of quicktime or some hardware assisted centris or another software product running the animation like supposedly macromind s accelerator don t misunderstand me i just want to clarify this but for the sake of the posting about a computer doing it or not i can claim x a tad more with overscan being done in colors in my computer not from the hardisk at fps with scala mm but i agree if we consider mpeg stuff i think a multimedia consumer low priced box has a lot of market i just think do would make it no longer cd i raist new a owner in x in y in colors from a bit palette i love it new low fat sig don t e mail me i don t have a valid address nor can i send e mail
oak driver needed d studio hi i m looking for the d studio driver for the oak card with m of ram this would be greatly and i mean that appreciated maybe i should have just gotten a more well know card thanks seth acpub duke edu
manipulating a hexagonal grid ok lets say youve got a grid of hexagons that go in a etc for a total of rows down that means there are hexagons in the st line lined up underneath in the second line lined up underneath in the third line lined up under neath in the fourht the problem is given the center of any arbritrary hexagon and a line with and arbritrary slope which hexagons does that line cross through the line doesn t necessarily have to cross through the center of other hexagon it can even be a tangent and count any helpers my friend was baffeled when trying to figure this w mohammad r khan khan nova gmi edu after july please send mail to mkhan nyx cs du edu
re gif to bmp scott zabolotzky saz hook corp mot com wrote i m not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question if not please forgive me and point me in the right direction does anybody know of a program that converts gif files to bmp files and if so where can i ftp it from any help would be greatly appreciated please respond via e mail as i do not read this group very often thanks scott sorry scott if you post it here you can read it here there is a shareware program available via anonymous ftp that will suit your needs you ll find it at oak oakland edu in the subdirectory pub msdos graphics the file is called grfwk t zip tmc tmc spartan ac brocku ca
looking for a good book for beginners i wanted to know if any of you out there can recommend a good book about graphics still and animated and in vga svga thanks in advance mohammad r khan khan nova gmi edu after july please send mail to mkhan nyx cs du edu
need some graphics help help i m trying to program my vga i ve got it working with in pascal with the following routines for mode h i ve got a vesa compatable trident c w meg and need to program in mode i don t care how many colors could someone take this code and help me write new procedures to replace them so that it ll work in or that d be great thanks here is the code i currently have for mode procedure graphmode begin videomode asm mov ah mov al h int h end end videomode procedure plotpoint x y c integer begin mem a x y c end david
what is reverse or negative video i m interested in simulating reverse or negative color video mathematically what is the transform is it a simple reversal of the hue value in the hsv color space is it a manipulation in the yuv color space how is it related to solarization if you want to see something truly wild turn on the reverse video effect on a camcorder so equipped and point it at the monitor this creates a chaotic dynamical system whose phase space is continuous along rotation zoom focus etc very very surprising and lovely i d like to write a simulation of this effect without analog grunge thanks for any info you may have please e mail any info to me i ll post a summary thanks lance norskog thinman netcom com data is not information is not knowledge is not wisdom
re need a good concave convex polygon algorithm in article c juyz aly murdoch acc virginia edu rws v uvacs cs virginia edu richard stoakley writes we need a good concave convex polygon conversion routine i ve tried a couple without much luck please e mail responses and i will post a summary of any replies thank you richard stoakley rws v uvacs cs virginia edu the problem is not precisely defined above but if you need to find the smallest convex polygon that encloses a given polygon then you are seeking the convex hull of your original polygon there are two ways to do this use a somewhat tricky but by now well examined linear time algorithm that exploits the polygon boundary or just feed the vertices of the original polygon to a convex hull routine and accept o n log n both methods are discussed in preparata and shamos for example
re please recommend d graphics library for mac tsa cellar org the silent assassin writes rgc bcstec ca boeing com robert g carpenter writes can you please offer some recommendations it s really not that hard to do there are books out there which explain everything and the basic d functions translation rotation shading and hidden line removal are pretty easy i wrote a program in a few weeks witht he help of a book and would be happy to give you my source i think he wanted to avoid reinventing the wheel i would suggest that you take your code and submit it to comp sys mac binaries to be distributed including to the ftp sites many folks myself included would enjoy the extra code also quickdraw has a lot of d functions built in and think pascal can access them and i would expect that think c could as well if you can find out how to use the quickdraw graphics library it would be an excellent choice since it has a lot of stuff and is built into the mac so should be fast just to clarify the d routines that are mentioned in various places on the mac are in a libray not the rom of the mac a few years ago before i knew anything about implementing graphics i came across a demo of the apple grafsys d library and it actually did a lot however it is quite limited in the sense that it s a low level d library your code still has to plot individual points draw each line etc ad nauseum it has nothing on gl for example where you can handle objects other things to consider when talking about apple s old d grafsys library unsupported never was and no plans exist to do so in the future undocumented unless you call header files documentation if one knows something about graphics you could probably figure it out but i d assume there s better software available that gives better output and is at the same time programmatically nicer i e easier to program just my tax brent
grayscale printer we are interested in purchasing a grayscale printer that offers a good resoltuion for grayscale medical images can anybody give me some recommendations on these products in the market in particular those under thank for the advice
wingcommanderii graphics i was wondering if anyone knows where i can get more information about the graphics in the wingcommander series and the realspace system they use i think it s really awesome and wouldn t mind being able to use similar features in programs thanks in advance daemon
vision d site and email unavailable i used the information provided in the recent resource listings and tried to ftp to ccu aukland ac nz ftp mac architec vision d facet and received an unknown host message mail to paul d bourke pdbourke ccu aukland ac nz bounces with basically the same problem where d he go rick rick pavek never ask a droid to outdo its program kuryakin bcstec ca boeing com seattle wa it wastes your time and annoys the droid
apr computer graphics resource listing weekly part archive name graphics resources list part last modified computer graphics resource listing weekly posting part last change april plotting packages gnuplot it is one of the best and d plotting packages with online help it s a command line driven interactive function plotting utility for unix msdos amiga archimedes and vms platforms at least freely distributed it supports many terminals plotters and printers and is easily extensible to include new devices it was posted to comp sources misc in version plus patches you can practically find it everywhere use archie to find a site near you the comp graphics gnuplot newsgroup is devoted to discussion of gnuplot xvgr and xmgr ace gr xmgr is an xy plotting tool for unix workstations using x or openwindows there is an xview version called xvgr for suns collectively these tools are known as ace gr compiling xmgr requires the motif toolkit version and x r xmgr will not compile under x r motif x check at ftp ccalmr ogi edu in ccalmr pub acegr xmgr tar z motif version ccalmr pub acegr xvgr tar z xview version comments suggestions bug reports to paul j turner pturner amb ese ogi edu if mail fails try pturner ese ogi edu due to time constraints replies will be few and far between robot release d and limited d based on xview written in c fortran so you need a fortran compiler or the f c translator mainly tested on sun less on decstations check at ftp astro psu edu pub astrod vg plotting library this is a library of fortran callable routines at sunspot ceee nist gov xgobi it s being developed at bellcore and its speciality are multidimensional data sets analysis and exploration you can call it from the s language also and it works as an x client using the athena widget set or with an ascii terminal it s distributed free of charge from statlib at cmu to get it via e mail send email to statlib temper stat cmu edu and in the body area of the message put the line send xgobi from general if you want to pick it via ftp connect to lib stat cmu edu log in as statlib and use your e mail address as your password then type cd general mget xgobi warning it s about mb sources large postscript manual read the relevant readme to decide whether you need it or not pgplot runs on vax vms and supposedly on unix it s a set of fortran routines freely available though copyrighted and requiring a nominal fee of or so that includes contour plots and support for various devices including ps contact tjp deimos caltech edu ggraph host shorty cs wisc edu pub ggraph tar z unknown more details epigraph for pcs call dvj lab phys lgu spb su vladimir j dmitriev for details you can get the program demo or and play version if sent to budapest posta fiok hungary ph fax budapest ph multiplot xln for amigas shareware usd uk or aust advanced d package that has a big list of features contact dr alan baxter agb mbuc bio cam ac uk cambridge university department of pathology tennis court road cambridge cb qp uk athena plotter widget set this version v is based on gregory bond s version v beta added some stuff for scientific graphs i e log axes free scalable axes xy lineplots and some more and re added plotter callbacks from v e g to request the current pointer position or to cut off a rectangle from the plotting area for zooming in version v has a log of bugs fixed and a log of improvements against v beta additionally i did some other changes extensions besides origin and frame lines for axes subgrid lines on subtic positions line plots in different line types lines points lines points impulses lines impulses steps bars line styles solid dotted dashed dot dashed and marker types for data points legend at the right or left hand side of the plot optional drawing to a pixmap instead of a window layout callback for aligning axis positions when using multiple plotters in one application available at export lcs mit edu directory contrib plotter sciplot sciplot is a scientific d plotting and manipulation program for the next requires nextstep and it s shareware features ascii import and export eps export copy cut paste with data buffer free number of data points data buffer and document window selective open and save plotting in many styles automatic legend subviews linear and logarithmic axes two different axes text and graphic color support zoom normalizing and moving axis conversions free hand data manipulations cut edit move etc data editor sorting of data absolute relative and free defined error bars calculating with buffers background subtractions linear shirley tougaard bezier integration and relative integration fitting of one or more free defined functions linear regression calculations sin cos log etc function generator spline interpolation least square smooth and fft smooth differentiation fft esca calculations and database and something more you can find it on ftp cs tu berlin de pub next science sciplot tar z author michael wesemann scillerstr berlin germany mike fiasko rz berlin mpg de plplot plplot is a scientific plotting package for many systems small micro and large super alike despite its small size and quickness it has enough power to satisfy most users including standard x y plots semilog plots log log plots contour plots d plots mesh plots bar charts and pie charts multiple graphs of the same or different sizes may be placed on a single page with multiple lines in each graph different line styles widths and colors are supported a virtually infinite number of distinct area fill patterns may be used there are almost characters in the extended character set this includes four different fonts the greek alphabet and a host of mathematical musical and other symbols the fonts can be scaled to any size for various effects many different output device drivers are available system dependent including a portable metafile format and renderer freely available but copyrighted via anonymous ftp on hagar ph utexas edu directory pub plplot at present v plplot is known to work on the following systems unix sunos a ix hp ux unicos dg ux ultrix other platforms vms amiga exec ms dos os next authors many the main supporters are maurice lebrun mjl fusion ph utexas edu plplot kernel and the metafile xterm xwindow tektronix and amiga drivers geoff furnish furnish fusion ph utexas edu ms dos and os drivers tony richardson amr egr duke edu plplot on the next supermongo d plotting package at cmu filename re tmp sm tar z probably under the ftp cmu edu or andrew cmu edu machines gle gle is a high quality graphics package for scientists it runs on a variety of platforms pcs vaxes and unix with drivers for xwindows regis tek pc graphics cards vt s hp plotters postscript printers epson compatible printers and laserjet paintjet printers it provides latex quality fonts as well as full support for postscript fonts the graphing module provides full control over all features of graphs the graphics primitives include user defined subroutines for complex pictures and diagrams accompanying utilities include surface for hidden line surface plotting contour for contour plots manip for manipulation of columnar data files and fitls for fitting arbitrary equations to data mailing list glelist send a message to listserver tbone biol scarolina edu with a message boyd containing sub glelist your name maintainer dean pentcheff dean tbone biol scarolina edu image analysis software image processing and display pc and mac based tools multi platform software imdisp imdisp written at jpl and other nasa sites can do simple display enhancing smoothing and so on works with the fits and vicar pds data formats of nasa can read tiff images if you know their dimensions pc and macs labview labview is used as a framework for image processing tools it provides a graphical programming environment using block diagram sketch is the program with graphical elements representing the programming elements hundreds of functions are already available and are connected using a wiring tool to create the block diagram program functions that the block diagrams represent include digital signal processing and filtering numerical analysis statistics etc the tool allows any virtual instrument vi a software file that looks and acts like a real laboratory instrument to be used as a part of any other virtual instrument national instruments markets plug in digital signal processing dsp boards for macintoshs and pc compatables that allow real time acquisition and analysis at a personal computer new software tools for dsp are allowing engineers to harness the power of this technology the tools range from low level debugging software to high level block diagram development software there are three levels of dsp programming associated with the nb dsp board and labview use of the nb dsp analysis library ffts power spectra filters routines callable from think c and macintosh programers workshop mpw c that execute on the nb dsp board there is an analysis virtual interface library of ready to use vis optimized for the nb dsp use of the national instruments developers toolkit that includes an optimizing c compiler an assembler and a linker for low level programming of the dsp hardware this approach offers the highest level of performance but is the must difficult in terms of ease of use use of the national instruments interface kit software package which has utility functions for memory management data communications and downloading code to the nb dsp board this is the easiest route for the development of custom code ultimage concept vi concept vi by graftek france is a family of image processing virtual instruments vis that give labview described above users high end tools for designing integrating and monitoring imaging control systems a vi is a software file that looks and acts like a real laboratory instrument typical applications for concept vi include thermography surveillance machine vision production testing biomedical imaging electronic microscopy and remote sensing ultimage concept vi addresses applications which require further qualitative and quantitative analysis it includes a complete set of functions for image enhancement histogram equalization spatial and frequency filtering isolation of features thresholding mathematical morphology analysis density measurement object counting sizing and characterization the program loads images with a minimum resolution of by a pixel depth of or bits and one image plane standard input and output formats include pict tiff satie and aipd other formats can be imported image enhancement features include lookup table transformations spatial linear and non linear filters frequency filtering arithmetic and logic operations and geometric transformations among others morphological transformations include erosion dilation opening closing hole removal object separation and extraction of skeletons among others quantitative analysis provides for objects detection measurement and morphological distribution measures include area perimeter center of gravity moment of inertia orientation length of relevant chords and shape factors and equivalence measures are saved in ascii format the program also provides for macro scripting and integration of custom modules a d view command plots a perspective data graph where image intensity is depicted as mountains or valleys in the plot the histogram tool can be plotted with either a linear or logarithmic scale the twenty eight arithmetic and logical operations provide for masking and averaging sections of images noise removal making comparisons etc there are spatial filters that alter pixel intensities based on local intensity these include high pass filters for contrast and outlines the frequency data resulting from fft analysis can be displayed as either the real imaginary components or the phase magnitude data the morphological transformations are useful for data sharpening and defining objects or for removing artifacts the transformations include thresholding eroding dilating and even hole filling the program s quantitative analysis measurements include area perimeter center of mass object counts and angle between points gtfs inc bennett valley road c santa rosa ca iplab spectrum iplab spectrum supports image processing and analysis but lacks the morphology and quantitative analysis features provided by graftek franceus ultimage concept vi using scripting tools the user tells the system the operations to be performed the problem is that far too many basic operations require manual intervention the tool supports ffts arithmetic operations for pixel alteration and a movie command for cycling through windows macintosh based tools ncsa image ncsa paledit and more ncsa provides a whole suite of public domain visualization tools for the macintosh primarily aimed at researchers wanting to visualize results from numerical modelling calculations these applications documentation and source code are available for anonymous ftp from ftp ncsa uiuc edu commercial versions of the ncsa programs have been developed by spyglass spyglass inc devonshire drive champaign il fax nih image available at alw nih gov or preferably zippy nimh nih gov directory pub image it has painting and image manipulation tools a macro language tools for measuring areas distances and angles and for counting things using a frame grabber card it can record sequences of images to be played back as a movie it can invoke user defined convolution matrix filters such as gaussian it can import raw data in tab delimited ascii or as or byte quantities it also does histograms and even d plots it is limited to bits pixel though the bits map into a color lookup table it runs on any mac that has a color screen and a fpu or get the nonfpu version from zippy nimh nih gov photomac data translation inc locke dr marlboro ma photopress blue solutions marigold place thousand oaks ca pixeltools and tcl image complete family of pixeltools hardware accelerator and applications software for scientific image processing and analysis video rate capture display processing and analysis of high resolution monochromatic and color images includes c source code tcl image software package for scientific quantitative image processing and analysis it provides a complete language for the capture enhancement and extraction of quantitative information from gray scale images tcl image has over functions for image processing and contains the other elements needed in a full programming language for algorithm development variables and control structures it is easily extensible through script or indirect command files these script files are simply text files that contain tcl image commands they are executed as normal commands and include the ability to pass parameters the direct capture of video images is supported via popular frame grabber boards tcl image comes with the i view utility that provides conversion between common image file types such as pict and tiff perceptics pellissippi parkway knoxville tn satellite image workshop it comes with a number of satellite pictures raw data and does all sorts of image enhancing on it you ll need at least a mac ii with co processor a color display and a large harddisk the program doesn t run under system x ate v in the documentation the contact address is given as liz smith jet propulsion laboratory ms oak grove dr pasadena ca visualization workbench an electronic imaging software system that performs interactive image analysis and scientific d and d plotting paragon imagine lincoln st lowell ma adobe photoshop the tool supports rtrue colors with bit images or levels of grey scale once an image has been imported it can be rre toucheds with various editing tools typical of those used in macintosh based rpaints applications these include an eraser pencil brush and air brush advanced rpastes tools that control the interaction between a pasted selection and the receiving site have also been incorporated for example all red pixels in a selection can easily be preventing from being pasted photoshop has transparencies ranging from to allowing you to create ghost overlays rphoto editings tools include control of the brightness and contrast color balancing hue saturation modification and spectrum equalization images can be subjected to various signal processing algorithms to smooth or sharpen the image blur edges or locate edges image scaling is also supported for storage savings the images can be compressed using standard algorithms including externally supplied compression such as jpeg availlable from storm technologies the latest version of adobe photoshop supports the import of numerous image formats including epsf epsf tiff pict resource amiga iff ilbm compuserve gif macpaint pixar pixelpaint scitex ct tga and thunderscan adobe systems inc charlestown road po box mountain view ca colorstudio and imagestudio colorstudio is an image editing and paint package from letraset that has more features than adobe photoshop but is decidedly more complex and therefore more difficult to use several steps are often required to accomplish that which can be done in a single step using photoshop the application requires a great deal of available disk space as one can easily end up with images in the mb range the program provides a variety of powerful selection tools including the auto selection tool which lets the user choose image areas on the basis of color close hues color range and mask imagestudio don t know letraset usa eisenhower drive paramus nj dapple systems high resolution image analysis software provides processing tools to work with multiple images enhance and edit and measure a variety of global or feature parameters and interpret the data dapple systems w olive ave sunnyvale ca digital darkroom the latest release of digital darkroom has five new selection and editing tools for enhancing images one such feature allows the user to select part of an image simply by painting it a new polyline selection tool creates a selection tool for single pixel wide selections a brush lets the operator paint with a selected portion of the image note that this is not a true color image enhancement tool this tool should be used when the user intends to operate in grey scale images only it should be noted that digital darkroom is not as powerful as either adobe photoshop or colorstudio silicon beach software carroll ctr rd suite j san diego ca dimple it is compatible with system and system requires mac lc or ii series with colours with a recommended min of mb of ram it has the capability of reading erdas files functions include image enhancement d and contour plots image statistics supervised and unsupervised classification pca and other image transformations there is also a means image operation language or iol by which you can write your own transformations there is no image rectification however dimple is compatable with mapii the latest version is and it is in the beta stage of testing dimple was initially developed as a teaching tool and it is very good for this purpose dimple runs on a colour macintosh it is a product still in its development phase i e it doesn t have all the inbuilt features of other packages but is coming along nicely it has its own inbuilt language for writing programs for processing an image defining convolution filters etc dimple is a full mac application with pull down menus etc it is unprotected software process software solutions po box wollongong new south wales australia phone fax enhance enhance has a rrulers tool that supports measurements and additionally provides angle data the tool has over mathematical filter variations laplacian medium noise filter etc files can be saved as either tiff pict epsf or text however epsf files can t be imported microfrontier hickman road des moines ia image analyst an image processing product for users who need to extract quantitative data from video images image analyst lets users configure sophisticated image processing and measurement routines without the necessity of knowing a programming language it is designed for such tasks at computing number and size of cells in images projected by video cameras attached to microscopes or enhancing and measuring distances in radiographs image analyst provides users with an array of field proven video analysis techniques that enable them to easily assemble a sequence of instructions to enhance feature appearance count objects determine density shape size position or movement perform object feature extraction and conduct textural analysis automatically image analyst works with either a framegrabber board and any standard video camera or a disk stored image within minutes without the need for programming the image analyst user can set up a process to identify and analyze any element of a image measurements and statistics can be automatically or semi automatically generated from tiff or pict files or from captured video tape images image analyst recognizes items in images based on their size shape and position the tool provides direct support for the data translation and scion frame grabbers a menu command allows for image capture from a vcr video camera or other ntsc or pal devices there are types of files the image itself and the related sequence file that holds the processing measurements and analysis that the user defines automated sequences are set up in regions of interest roi represented by movable sizable boxes atop the image inside a roi the program can find the distance between two edges the area of a shape the thickness of a wall etc image analyst finds the center edge and other positions automatically the application also provides tools so that the user can work interactively to find the edge of object it also supports histograms and a color look up table clut tool automatix inc middlesex turnpike billerica ma iplab signal analytics corp maple ave e vienna va fax menu driven image processing software that supports bit color or pseudocolor grayscale image display and manipulation map ii among the mac gis systems map ii distributed by john wiley has integrated image analysis image from stanford try anonymous ftp from sumex aim stanford edu it has pd source for image v and ready to run code for a mac under image v windows dos pc based tools ccd richard berry s ccd imaging book for willamon bell contains optional disks with image manipulating software source code is included erdas erdas will do all of the things you want rectification classification transformations canned user defined overlays filters contrast enhancement etc i was using it on my thesis then changed the topic a bit that work became secondary erdas inc buford highway suite atlanta ga fax rsvga i have been getting up to speed on a program called rsvga available from eidetic digital image ltd in british columbia its for ibm pc s or clones cheap about and does all the stuff erdas does but is not as fast or as powerful though i have had only limited experience with erdas i have used rsvga with of landsat bands and it is a good starter program except for the obtuse manual imagine it s a bit package i suppose for pcs called imagine or image the program does a modest amount of image processing add subtract multiply divide display and plot an x or y cut across the image it can also display a number of images simultaneously the company is compuscope in santa barbara ca pc vista it was announced in the august edition of pasp it is known to be available from mike richmond whose email addresses have been richmond bllac berkeley edu richmond bkyast berkeley edu and his s mail address is michael richmond astronomy department campbell hall berkeley ca the latest version of pc vista version includes not only the source code and help files but also a complete set of executable programs and a number of sample fits images if you do wish to use the source code you will need microsoft c version or later other compilers may work but will require substantial modifications to receive the documentation and nine double density k floppies or three quad density inch floppies m with everything on them just send a request for pc vista together with your name and a us mail address to office of technology licensing shattuck ave suite berkeley ca include a check traveller s checks are fine or purchase order for in u s dollars if your address is inside the continental u s or otherwise made out to regents of the university of california to cover duplication and mailing costs software tools it s a set of software tools put out by canyon state systems and software they are not free but rather cheap at about i heard it will handle most all of the formats used by frame grabber software mirage it s image processing software written by jim gunn at the astrophysics dept at princeton it will run on a pc among other platforms it is a forth based system i e a forth language with many image processing displaying functions built in data translation source book the data translation company in massachusetts publishes a free book containing vendors of data analysis hardware and software which is compatible with data translation and other frame grabbers surely you can find much more pc related stuff in it maxen a couple of canadians have written a program named maxen which does maximum entropy image deconvolution their company is named digital signal processing software or something like that and the software is mentioned in an article in astronomy magazine either jan or feb an article on ccd s vs film jandel scientific java another software package java is put out by jandel scientific jandel scientific koch road corte madera ca microbrian runs on an ms dos platform and uses a bit graphics card vista or an about to be released version will support a number of super vga cards its a full blown remote sensed data processing system it is menu driven character based screen but is does not use a windowed user interface its is hardware protected with a dongle mbrian micro barrier reef image anaysis system it was developed by csiro commonwealth scientific industrial organization and is marketed supported by mpa australia lusher road croydon victoria tel fax there are educational and commercial prices but be prepared to set aside a k for the first educational licence subsequent ones come cheaper they need to it has installed sites worldwide it is widely used at anu microimage the remote sensing lab here at dartmouth currently uses terra mar s microimage on pcs with some fancy display hardware terra mar resource information services inc landings drive mountain view ca fax unix based tools iraf image reduction and analysis facility developed in the national optical astronomy observatory kitt peak az it is free you can ftp it from tucana noao edu and complement it with stsdas from stsci edu email to iraf noao edu for more details apparently this is one of the de facto standards in the astronomical image community they issue a newsletter also they seem to support very well their users works with vms also last i heard and practically has its own shell on top of the vms unix shells it s suggested that you get a copy of saoimage for display under x windows very flexible extendable tons literally linear feet of documentation for the general user skilled user and programmer alv a sun specific image toolkit version posted to comp sources sun on dec also available via email to alv users request cs bris ac uk aips astronomical image processing system contact aipsmail nrao edu also see the usenet newsgroups alt sci astro aips and sci astro fits built by nrao national radio astronomy observatory hq in charlottesville va sites in nm az wv software distributed by track exabyte dat or non anonymous internet ftp documentation postscript mostly available via anonymous ftp to baboon cv nrao edu directory pub aips and pub aips text publ installation requires building the system and thus a fortran and c compiler this package can read and write fits data see sci astro fits and is primarily for reduction analysis and image enhancement of radio astronomy data from radio telescopes particularly the very large array vla a synthesis instrument it consists of almost programs that do everything from copying data to sophisticated deconvolution e g via maximum entropy there is an x based image tool xas and a tek compatible xterm based graphics tool built into aips the xas tool is modelled after the hardware functionality of the international imaging systems model display unit and can do image arithmetic etc the code is mostly fortran with some system c language modules and is available for suns ibm rs dec ultrix convex cray unicos and alliant with support planned for hp xx solaris and maybe sgi there is currently a project aips underway to rewrite the algorithmic functionality of aips in a modern setting using c and an object oriented approach whereas aips is proprietary code licensed for free to non profit institutions owner by nrao and the nsf aips will be in the public domain at some level as it is an international effort with contributions from the us canada england the netherlands india and australia to name a few laboimage version is out for x it s written in c and currently runs on sun xxx sun xxx os and under sunview the expert system for image segmentation is written in allegro common lisp it was used on the following domains computer science image analysis medicine biology physics it is distributed free of charge source code available via anonymous ftp at ftp ads com in pub vision list archive shareware laboimage contact prof thierry pun computer vision group computing science center u geneva rue du lac ch geneva switzerland phone fax e mail pun cui unige ch or pun cgeuge bitnet figaro it was originally made for vms and can be obtained from keith shortridge in australia ks aaoepp aao gov au and for unix from sam southard at caltech sns deimos caltech edu it s about mbytes on a sun khoros moved to the scientific visualization category below vista the real thing is available via anonymous ftp from lowell edu email to vista lowell edu for more details total size less than mbytes disimp device independent software for image processing is a powerful system providing both user friendliness and high functionality in interactive times feature description disimp incorporates a rich library of image processing utilities and spatial data options all functions can be easily accessed via the disimp executive this menu is modular in design and groups image processes by their function such a logical structure means that complicated processes are simply a progression through a series of modules processes include image rectification classification unsupervised and supervised intensity transformations three dimensional display and principal component analysis disimp also supports the more simple and effective enhancement techniques of filtering band subtraction and ratioing host configuration requirements running on unix workstations disimp is capable of processing the more computational intensive techniques in interactive processing times disimp is available in both runtime and programmer s environments using the programmers environment utilities can be developed for specific applications programs graphics are governed by an icon based display panel which allows quick enhancments of a displayed image manipulations of look up tables colour stretches changes to histograms zooming and panning can be interactively driven through this control a range of geographic projections enables disimp to integrate data of image graphic and textual types images can be rectified by a number of coordinate systems providing the true geographic knowledge essential for ground truthing overlays of grids text and vector data can be added to further enhance referenced imagery the system is a flexible package allowing users of various skill levels to determine their own working environment including the amount of help required disimp comes fully configured with no optional extras the purchase price includes all functionality required for professional processing of remote sensed data for further information please contact the business manager clough engineering group systems division chapel street south yarra australia telephone fax global imaging software we use global imaging software to process avhrr data from the dish to the final display select a chunk of five band data from a pass automatic navigation calibrate it to albedo and temp convert that to byte register it to predesigned window all relatively automatically and carefree it has no classification routines to speak of but it isn t that difficult to write your own with their programmer s module very small operation one designs one codes one sells been around for a number of years sold to weather service and navy runs on hp with hp ux supports bit display hips human information processing laboratory s image processing system michael landy co wrote and sell a general purpose package for image processing which has been used for basically all the usual image processing applications robotics medical satellite engineering oil exploration etc it is called hips and deals with sequences of multiband images in the same way it deals with single images it has been growing since we first wrote it both by additions from us as well as a huge user contributed library feature description hips is a set of image processing modules which together provide a powerful suite of tools for those interested in research system development and teaching it handles sequences of images movies in precisely the same manner as single frames programs and subroutines have been developed for simple image transformations filtering convolution fourier and other transform processing edge detection and line drawing manipulation digital image compression and transmission methods noise generation and image statistics computation over such image transformation programs have been developed as a result almost any image processing task can be performed quickly and conveniently additionally hips allows users to easily integrate their own custom routines new users become effective using hips on their first day hips features images that are self documenting each image stored in the system contains a history of the transformations that have been applied to that image hips includes a small set of subroutines which primarily deals with a standardized image sequence header and a large library of image transformation tools in the form of unix filters it comes complete with source code on line manual pages and on line documentation host configuration requirements originally developed at new york university hips now represents one of the most extensive and flexible vision and image processing environments currently available it runs under the unix operating system it is modular and flexible provides automatic documentation of its actions and is almost entirely independent of special equipment hips is now in use on a variety of computers including vax and microvax sun apollo masscomp ncr tower iris ibm at etc for image display and input drivers are supplied for the grinnell and adage ikonas image processors and the sun sun sun and sun i consoles we also supply user contributed drivers for a number of other framestores and windowing packages sun gfx sun console matrox vip iti ip lexidata macintosh ii x windowing system and iris the hipsaddon package includes an interface for the crs it is a simple matter to interface hips with other frame stores and we can put interested users in touch with users who have interfaced hips with the arlunya and datacube max video hips can be easily adapted for other image display devices because of hips is machine independent availability hips has proven itself a highly flexible system both as an interactive research tool and for more production oriented tasks it is both easy to use and quickly adapted and extended to new uses hips is supplied on magnetic tape in unix tar format either reel to reel or sun cartridge and comes with source code libraries a library of convolu tion masks and on line documentation and manual pages michael landy sharpimage software p o box prince street station new york ny voice fax msl cns nyu edu mira please don t confuse that with the thalmanns animation system from montreal these are altogether different beasts nfotis mira stands for microcomputer image reduction and analysis mira gives workstation level performance on dos computers using svga cards in color modes up to x mira contains a very handsome functional gui which is mouse and keystroke operated mira reads writes tiff and fits formats native formats of a number of ccd cameras and uncompressed binary images in byte short integer and byte real pixel format in or dimensions the result of an image processing operation can be short integer or real pixels or the same as that of the input image mira does the operation using short or floating point arithmetic to maintain the precision and accuracy of the pixel format over functions are hand coded in assembly language for maximum speed on the intel hardware the entire graphical interface is also written in assembly language to maximize the speed of windowing operations windows for d image and d image data display and analysis have dedicated cursors which read position and value value in real time as you move the mouse there are also smooth real time contrast and brightness stretch and panning of a magnified portion of the displayed image s all operated by the mouse a wide selection of grayscale pseudocolor and random palettes is provided and other palettes can be generated supported functions include such niceties as the following o image image interpolation o image constant o unary operations abs value polynomial of pixel value chs x log byteswap clip values at upper lower limits short real or real short o combine images by mean median mode or sum of pixel values with or without autoscaling to mean median or mode of an image section o convolutions filters laplacian sobel edge operator directional gradient line gaussian elliptical and rectangular equal weight filters unsharp masking median filters user defined filter kernel ellipse rectangle line gradient gaussian and user defined filters can be rotated to any specified angle o ccd data reduction flat fielding dark subtraction column over underscan bias removal remove bad pixels and column defects normalize to region target mean median or modal value o create subimage mosaic m x n d or d images to get larger image collapse d image into d image o plot d section or collapsed section of d image plot histogram of region of an image o review change image information header data rename keywords plot keyword values for a set of images o luminance photometry elliptical or circular aperture photometry brightness profile isophotal photometry between set of upper lower luminances area and luminance inside traced polygon interactive background fitting and removal from part or all of image fit elliptical aperture shape to image isophotes o interactive with d image contrast brightness x y or diagonal plot of pixel values distance between two points compute region stats centroid pan to x y location or image center zoom to times change cursor to rectangle crosshair full image crosshair or off and adjust cursor size on image select linear log or gamma transfer function or histogram equalization o interactive or specified image offset computation and re sampling for registration o interactive with d image zoom in x y or both in steps of or times current re center plot or enlarge a framed area plot buffers can be cycled through interactive data analysis polynomial fitting point deletion undelete change value point weighting linear and quadratic loess and binomial smoothing revert to unit point weights or original data buffer substitute results into data buffer for pass back to calling function dump data buffer overlays and error bars to file or printer change to user specified coordinate system o tricolor image combination and display hardcopy halftone printout to hp pcl compatible printers laserjet deskjet etc o documentation is over pages in custom vinyl binder cost usd copy available from axiom research inc box tucson az phone fax international marketing rep saguaro scientific corporation tucson arizona end of part of the resource listing nick nikolaos fotis national technical univ of athens greece home esperidon st internet nfotis theseas ntua gr halandri gr uucp mcsun ariadne theseas nfotis athens greece fax
apr computer graphics resource listing weekly part archive name graphics resources list part last modified computer graphics resource listing weekly posting part last change april scene generators geographical data maps data files dems digital elevation models dems digital elevation models as well as other cartographic data huge is available from spectrum xerox com pub map contact lee moore webster research center xerox corp voice arpa internet moore wbst xerox com check also on ncgia ucsb edu pub dems nfotis many of these files are also available on cd rom selled by usgs scale digital line graph dlg data contains datas for all states price is about call to or visit in offices in menlo park in reston virginia usa maps the data user services division of the bureau of the census also has data on cd rom tso standard format that is derived from usgs map data call for more info or they have a bbs at from dr dobbs march the u s defense mapping agency in cooperation with their counterpart agencies in canada the u k and australia have released the digital chart of the world dcw this chart consists of over gigabytes of reasonable quality vector data distributed on four cd roms includes coastlines rivers roads railrays airports cities towns spot elevations and depths and over place names it is iso compatible and only available from u s geological survey p o box denver federal center denver co digital distribution services energy mines and resources canada booth street ottawa on k a e canada director general of military survey survey elmwood avenue feltham middlesex tw ah united kingdom director of survey australian army department of defense campbell park offices cp campbell act australia fractal landscape generators public domain many people have written fractal landscape generators for example for the mac some of these generators were written by pdbourke ccu aukuni ac nz paul d bourke many of the programs are available from the ftp sites and mail archive servers check with archie commercial vista pro for the amiga from virtual reality labs list price is about their address is vrl ganador court san luis obispo ca telephone or fax scenery animator also for the amiga is of the same caliber with vista pro check with natural graphics p o box raklin ca phone don t forget to ask about companion programs and data disks tapes vista pro has been ported to the pcs cia world map ii note this database is quite out of date and not topologically structured if you need a standard for world cartographic data wait for the digital chart of the world this m database has been produced from the defense mapping agency s oncs and will be available together with searching and viewing software on a number of cd roms later this summer check into hanauma stanford edu and ucsd edu see ftp list above the cia database consists of coastlines rivers and political boundaries in the form of line strokes also on hanauma stanford edu is a x array of elevation data containing one ieee floating point number for every half degree longitude and latitude a program for decoding the database mfil can be found on the machine pi arc umn edu there s another program which reads a compressed cia data bank file and builds a phigs hierachical structure it uses a phigs extension known as polyline sets for performance but you can use regular polylines ask joe stewart joes lpi liant com the raw data at stanford require the vplot package to be able to view it was posted in comp sources unix to be more exact you ll have to compile just the libvplot routines not the whole package ncar data ncar national center for atmospheric research has many types of terrain data ranging from elevation datasets at various resolutions to information about soil types vegetation etc this data is not free they charge from to or more depending on the data volume and media exabyte tape cartridge track tape ibm pc floppy and ftp transfer are all available their data archive is mostly research oriented not hobbyist oriented for more information email to ilana ncar ucar edu unc data tapes with voxel data there are public domain tapes with data for the comparison and testing of various volume rendering algorithms mainly mri and ct scans these tapes are distributed by the softlab of unc chapel hill softlab cs unc edu the data sets volume i and ii are also available via anonymous ftp from omicron cs unc edu in pub softlab chvrtd nasa many us agencies such as nasa publish cd roms with many altimetry data from various space missions eg viking for mars magellan for venus etc especially for nasa i would suggest to call the following address for more info national space science date center goddard space flight center greenbelt maryland telephone email address request nssdca gsfc nasa gov the data catalog not the data itself is available online internet users can telnet to nssdca gsfc nasa gov and log in as nodis no password you can also dial in at or baud bits no parity one stop at the enter number prompt enter md and carriage return when the system responds call complete enter a few more carriage returns to get the username and log in as nodis no password nssdca is also an anonymous ftp site but no comprehensive list of what s there is available at present earth sciences data there s a listing of anonymous ftp sites for earth science data including imagery this listing is called earth sciences resources on internet and you can get it via anonymous ftp from csn org in the directory cogs under the name internet resources earth sci some sites include aurelie soest hawaii edu pub avhrr images avhrr images ames arc nasa gov pub space cdrom images from magellan and viking missions etc pub space index contains a listing of files available in the whole archive the index is about k by itself there s also an e mail server for the people without internet access send a letter to archive server ames arc nasa gov or ames archive server in the subject of your letter or in the body use commands like send space index send space shuttle ss capitalization is important only text files are handled by the email server at present vab larc nasa gov pub gifs misc landsat landsat photos in gif and jpeg format it was shut down nfotis anyone has a copy of this archive others daily values of river discharge streamflow and daily weather data is available from earthinfo central ave boulder co these disks are expensive around but there are quantity discounts check vmd cso uiuc edu the wx directory carries data regarding surface analysis weather radar and sat view pics in gif format updated hourly pioneer unm edu is the space and planetary image facility located on the university of new mexico campus ftp server it provides anonymous ftp access to cd roms with data images a disk with earthquake data topography gravity geopolitical info is available from ngdc national geophysical data center broadway boulder co eosat at least in the us now sells landsat mss data older than two years old for per scene and they have been talking about a similar deal for landsat tm data the mss data are bands meter resolution check out anonymous ftp to ftp ncsa uiuc edu in unix polyview alpha shape for a tool that creates convex hulls alpha shapes a generalization of the convex hull from d point sets the grips ii gov raster image processing software cd rom is available from cd rom inc at for code for viewing adrg arc digitised raster graphics files is available on the grips ii cd rom the u s army engineer topographic labs juan perez code is also available via ftp adrg zip archive in spectrum xerox com nrcc range data rioux m cournoyer l the nrcc three dimensional image data files tech report cnrc national research council canada ottawa canada from what i understand these data are from a laser range finder and you can a copy for research purposes d scanners digitized d data a cyberware labs monterey ca manufactures a d color laser digitizer which can be used to model parts of or a complete human body they run a service bureau also so they can digitize models for you address cyberware labs inc harris ct suite d monterey ca phone fax b polhemus makes a d input device actually a couple of models that senses position d and orientation d based on electromagnetic field interference this equipment is also incorporated in the vpl dataglove this hardware is also called isotrack from keiser aerospace ascension technology makes a similar d input device there is a company applied sciences that makes a d input device position only based on speed of sound triangulation c a company that specializes in digitizing is viewpoint you can ask for viewpoint s free page catalog full of ready to ship datasets from categories such as cars anatomy aircraft sports boats trains animals and others though these objects are quite expensive the cataloge is nevertheless of interest for it has pictures of all the available objects in wireframe polygon mesh contact viewpoint west center orem utah ph fax dataset some addresses for companies that make digitizers ascension technology bird flock of birds big bird d trackers p o box burlington vt phone fax polhemus incorporated digitizer d trackers p o box hercules dr colchester vt tel logitech inc red baron ultrasonic d mouse kaiser dr freemont ca tel w shooting star technology mechanical headtracker holdom ave burnaby b c canada v b w tel fax spaceball technologies inc spaceball d stationary input device suffolk street lowell ma tel fax tel in mountain view transfinite systems gold brick powerglove for macintosh p o box n mit branch post office cambridge ma tel email d applelink apple com vpl research inc eyephone head mounted display dataglove glove hand input device vpl research inc tower lane th floor foster city ca tel fax simgraphics engineering flying mouse d input device huntington rd suite a south pasadena ca background imagery textures datafiles first check in the ftp places that are mentioned in the faq or in the ftp list above bit scanning get a good bit scanner like epson s suggested is an scsi port for speed eric haines had a suggestion in rt news volume scan textures for wallpapers and floor coverings etc from doll house supplies so you have a rather cheap way to scan patterns that don t have scaling troubles associated with real materials and scanning area books with textures find some houses books magazines that carry photographic material educorp sells cd roms with various imagery also a wide variety of stock art is available stock art from big name stock art houses such as comstock uniphoto and metro image base is available in italy there s a company called belvedere that makes such books for the purpose of clipping their pages for inclusion in your graphics work their address is edition belvedere co ltd rome italy piazzale flaminio tel fax texture libraries a mannikin sceptre graphics announced textiles a set of x bit textures initial shipments in bit iff for amigas soon in bit tiff format algorithmically built for tiled surfaces srp is volume each volume images disks demo disks for are available contact mannikin sceptre graphics indiana ave winter park fl phone fax b essence is a library of sixty five new algoritmic textures for imagine by impulse inc these textures are fully compatible with the floating point versions of imagine imagine and even turbo silver written by steve worley for more info contact essence info apex software publishing el camino real suite menlo park ca usa what about texture city introduction to rendering algorithms a ray tracing i assume you have a general understanding of computer graphics no then read some of the books that the faq contains for ray tracing i would suggest an introduction to ray tracing andrew glassner ed academic press isbn note that i have not read the book but i feel that you can t be wrong using his book an errata list was posted in comp graphics by eric haines erich eye com there s a more concise reference also roman kuchkuda unc chapel hill an introduction to ray tracing in theoretical foundations for computer graphics and cad ed r a e earnshaw nato as vol f pp printed by springer verlag it contains code for a small but fundamentally complete ray tracer b z buffer depth buffer a good reference is procedural elements for computer graphics david f rogers mcgraw hill new york pages and c others more info is needed nfotis where can i find the geometric data for the a teapot displays on display column of ieee cg a jan has the whole story about origin of the martin newell s teapot the article also has the bezier patch model and a pascal program to display the wireframe model of the teapot ieee cg a sep in jim blinn s column jim blinn s corner describes an another way to model the teapot bezier curves with rotations for example are used the off and spd packages have these objects so you re advised to get them to avoid typing the data yourself the off data is triangles at a specific resolution around x x triangles meshing per patch the spd package provides the spline patch descriptions and performs a tessellation at any specified resolution b space shuttle tolis lerios tolis nova stanford edu has built a list of space shuttle datafiles here s a summary from his sci space list model a modified version of the newsgroup model model vertices useful i e referred to in the polygon descriptions polygons vertex vertex vertex vertex payload doors non existent units unknown simon marshall s marshall sequent cc hull ac uk has a copy he said there is no proprietary information associated with it model the newsgroup model in off format you can find it in gondwana ecr mu oz au file pub off objects shuttle geo hanauma stanford edu pub graphics comp graphics objects shuttle data model the triangles model this model is stored in several files each defining portions of the model greg henderson henders infonode ingr com has a copy he did not mention any restriction on the model s distribution model the nasa model the file starts off with a header line containing three real numbers defining the offsets used by lockheed in their simulations x offset y offset z offset from then on the file consists of a sequence of polygon descriptions vertices polygons vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex vertex payload doors closed units inches jon berndt jon l h jsc nasa gov seems to be responsible for the model proprietary info unknown model the old shuttle model the file consists of a sequence of polygon descriptions vertices polygons vertex vertex payload doors open units meters we have been using this model at star labs stanford university for some years now contact me tolis nova stanford edu or my supervisor scott williams scott star stanford edu if you want a copy image annotation software a touchup runs in sunview and is pretty good it reads in rasterfiles but even if your image isn t normally stored in rasterfile format you could use screendump to make it a rasterfile b idraw part of stanford s interviews distribution can handle some image formats in addition to being a macdraw like tool i m not sure exactly what they are you can ftp the idraw s binary from interviews stanford edu c tgif is another macdraw like tool that can handle x bitmap xbm and x pixmap xpm formats if the image you have is in formats other than xbm or xpm you can get the pbmplus toolkit to convert things like gif or even some macintosh formats to xpm tgif s sources are available in the pub directory on cs ucla edu version of tgif at patchlevel plus patch and patch d use the editimage facility of khoros see below this is just one utility in the overall system you can essentially do all your image processing and macdraw type graphics using this package e you might be able to get by with pbmplus pbmtext gives you text output bitmaps which can be overlaid on top of your image f ice requires sun hardware running openwindows it s a postscript based graphical editor and it s available for anonymous ftp from internet host eo soest hawaii edu requires sun c and two other locally developed packages the lxt library an xlib based toolkit and a small c class library all files pub ice tar z pub lxt tar z and pub ldgoc tar z are available in compressed tar format pub ice tar z contains a readme that gives installation instructions as well as an extensive man page ice a statically linked compressed executable pub ice sun z for sparc systems is also available for ftp all software is the property of columbia university and may not be redistributed without permission ice means image composition environment and it s an imaging tool that allows raster images to be combined with a wide variety of postscript annotations in wysiwyg fashion via x imaging routines and news postscript rasterizing g use imagemagick to annotate an image from your x server pick the position of your text with the cursor and choose your font and pen color from a pull down menu imagemagick can read and write many of the more popular image formats imagemagick is available as export lcs mit edu contrib imagemagick tar z or at your nearest x archive scientific visualization stuff x data slice xds bundled with the x distribution from mit in the contrib directory available at ftp ncsa uiuc edu either as a source or binaries for various platforms national center for supercomputing applications ncsa tool suite platforms unix workstations dec ibm sgi sun apple macintosh cray supercomputers availability now available source code in the public domain ftp from ftp ncsa uiuc edu contact national center for supercomputing applications computing applications building e springfield ave champaign il cost free zero dollars the suite includes tools for d image and d scene analysis and visualization the code is actively maintained and updated spyglass they sell commercial versions of the ncsa tools examples are spyglass dicer d volumetric data analysis package platform mac spyglass transform d data analysis package platforms mac sgi sun dec hp ibm contact spyglass inc p o box champaign il khoros patch available via anonymous ftp at pprg eece unm edu cd to pub khoros to see what is available it is huge mb but good needs unix and x r freely copied not pd complete with sources and docs very extensive and at its heart is visual programming khoros components include a visual programming language code generators for extending the visual language and adding new application packages to the system an interactive user interface editor an interactive image display package an extensive library of image and signal processing routines and d d plotting packages see comp soft sys khoros on usenet and the relative faq for more info contact the khoros group room eece dept university of new mexico albuquerque nm email khoros request chama eece unm edu macphase analysis visualization application for the macintosh operates on d and d data arrays import export several different file formats several different plotting options such as gray scale color raster d wire frame d surface contour vector line and combinations ffts filtering and other math functions color look up editor array calculator etc shareware available via anonymous ftp from sumex aim stanford edu in the info mac app directory for other information contact doug norton e mail compuserve com iris explorer it s an application creation system developed by silicon graphics that provides visualisation and analysis functionality for computational scientists engineers and other scientists the explorer gui allows users to build custom applications without having to write any or a minimal amount of traditonal code also existing code can be easily integrated into the explorer environment explorer currently is available now on sgi and cray machines but will become available on other platforms in time bundled with every new sgi machine as far as i know see comp graphics explorer or comp sys sgi for discussion of the package there are also two ftp servers for related stuff modules etc ftp epcc ed ac uk swedishchef lerc nasa gov mirror of the uk site ape back in the old good days you could get ape for nearly free now has gone commercial and the following vendor supplies it taravisual corporation harrison avenue columbus ohio tel and fax cost plus tax runtime version with a site license for a single user at a time no limit on the number of machines in a cluster includes support maintenance and upgrades source code more additional user licenses the name of the package has become ape iii tm khoros is very similar to ape on philosophy as are avs and explorer avs see also comp graphics avs platforms convex cray dec evans sutherland hp ibm kubota set technologies sgi stardent sun wavetracer availability avs available on all the above for all unix workstations contact advanced visual systems inc fifth ave waltham ma telephone fax avs avs com email advanced visual systems inc for cray hp ibm sgi stardent sun convex for convex advanced visual systems inc or cray for cray dec for dec evans sutherland for evans sutherland advanced visual systems inc or ibm for ibm kubota pacific inc for kubota set technologies for set technologies wavetracer for wavetracer ftp site for modules data sets other info avs ncsc org wit in a nutshell it s a package of the same genre as avs explorer etc it seems more a image processing system than a generic scivi system imho major elements are a visual programming language which automatically exploits the inherent parallelism a code generator which converts the graph to a standalone program iconified libraries present a rich set of point filter io transform morphological segmentation and measurement operations a flow library allows graphs to employ broadcast merge synchronization conditional and sequencing control strategies wit delivers an object oriented distributed visual programming environment which allows users to rapidly design solutions to their imaging problems users can consolidate both software and hardware developments within a complete cad like workspace by adding their own operators c functions objects data structures and servers specialized hardware wit runs on sun hp xx sgi and supports datacube mv hardware allowing you to run your graphs in real time for a free wit demo disk call fax or e mail poon ee ubc ca us stating your complete name address voice fax e mail info and desired platform pricing wit for sparc one yr free upgrades days technical support us academic institutions discounts available contact logical vision ltd suite gilmore way burnaby b c canada v g m tel fax terry arden poon ee ubc ca vis d a system for visually exploring the output of d gridded data sets such as those made by weather models platforms sgi iris with vgx gtx tg or g graphics sgi crimson or indigo r elan graphics suggested irix x ibm rs with gl graphics aix version or later stardent gs and gs with truecolor display in any case or more mb of ram are suggested you can get it freely thanks to nasa support via anonymous ftp ftp iris ssec wisc edu or ftp then ftp cd pub vis d ftp ascii ftp get readme ftp bye note you can find the package also on wuarchive wustl edu in the graphics graphics packages directory read section of the readme file for full instructions on how to get and install vis d contact bill hibbard whibbard vms macc wisc edu brian paul bpaul vms macc wisc edu dataexplorer ibm platforms ibm risc system ibm power visualization server simd mesh i s mhz working on announced sgi hp sun contact your local ibm rep for a trial package ask your rep to contact david kilgore data explorer product marketing yktvmh kilcore wavefront data visualizer personal visualizer advanced visualizer platforms sgi sun ibm rs hp dec availability available on all the above platforms from wavefront technologies educational programs and site licenses are available contacts mike wilson mike wti com wavefront technologies inc east montecito street santa barbara ca fax wavefront europe guldenspoorstraat b gent belgium fax wavefront technologies japan f shinjuku sumitomo bldg nishi shinjuku shunjuku ku tokyo japan fax plot d and fast from nasa ames these packages are distributed from cosmic at least for fast ask pat elson pelson nas nasa gov for distribution information in general these codes are for us citizens only xgraph on the contrib tape of x r its specialty is display of up to data sets d ncar national center for atmospheric research one of the original graphics packages runs on sun rs sgi vax cray y mp decstations and more contact graphics information ncar scientific computing division p o box boulder co scdinfo ncar ucar edu cost edu unlimited users gov user users users com users multiply gov idl an environment for scientific computing and visualization based on an array oriented language idl includes d and d graphics matrix manupulation signal and image processing basic statistics gridding mapping and a widget based system for building gui for idl applications open look motif or ms windows environments dec vms and ultrix hp ibm rs sgi sun microsoft windows mac version in progress cost to educational and quantity discounts available see also comp lang idl pvwave the idl pvwave bundle contact research systems inc th street suite boulder co phone fax e mail info rsinc com demo available via ftp call or e mail for details idl sips a lot of people are using idl with a package called sips this was developed at the university of colorado boulder by some people working for alex goetz you might try contacting them if you already have idl or would be willing to buy it it s a few thousand dollars american i expect for idl and the other should be free those are the general purpose packages i ve heard of besides what terramar has sips was written for aviris imagery i m not sure how general purpose it is you would have to contact goetz or one of his people and ask i have another piece of software pcw that does pc and walsh transformations with pseudocoloring and clustering and limited image modification you can compute an image using selected components i ve used it on megabyte aviris images without problems but for the best speed you need an external dsp card it will work without it but large images take quite a while times as long to process that s a freebie if you want it my favorite is idl interactive data language from research systems inc idl is in my opinion much better and infinitely easier its programming language is very strong and easy very pascal like it handles the number crunching very well also personally i like doing the number crunching with idl on the vax or mathematica igor or even excel on the mac if it s not too hairy then bringing it over to nih image for the imaging part i have yet to encounter any situation which that combination couldn t handle and the speed and ease of use compared to iraf was incredible by the way it s mostly astronomical image processing which i ve been doing this means image enhancement cleaning up bad lines pixels and some other traditional image processing routines then for example taking a graph of intensity versus position along a line i choose with the mouse then doing a curve fit to that line which i might do like in kaleidagraph for idl call research systems for pv wave call precision visuals and for sips call university of colorado boulder from what i can understand you can get packaged programs from research systems though nfotis visual contact robert haimes mit fieldview an interactive program designed to assist an engineer in investigating fluid dynamics data sets platforms sgi ibm hp sun x terminals availability currently available on all of the above platforms educational programs and volume discounts are available contact intelligent light p o box fair lawn nj steve kramer kramer ilight com scian scian is primarily intended to do d visualizations of data in an interactive environment with the ability to generate animations using frame accurate video recording devices a user manual on line help and technical notes will help you use the program cost free source code provided via ftp platforms sgi d machines and ibm rs with the gl card z buffer where to find it ftp scri fsu edu pub scian a mirror is monu cc monash edu au pub scian scry from the readme scry is a distributed image handling system that pro vides image transport and compression on local and wide area networks image viewing on workstations recording on video equipment and storage on disk the system can be distri buted among workstations between supercomputers and works tations and between supercomputers workstations and video animation controllers the system is most commonly used to produce video based movie displays of images resulting from visualization of time dependent data complex d data sets and image processing operations both the clients and servers run on a variety of systems that provide unix like c run time environments and bsd sockets the source is available for anonymous ftp csam lbl gov pub scry tar z contact bill johnston wejohnston lbl gov ucbvax csam lbl gov johnston or david robertson dwrobertson lbl gov ucbvax csam lbl gov davidr imaging technologies group ms b lawrence berkeley laboratory cyclotron road berkeley ca svlib fvs svlib is an x windows widget set based on the osf open software foundation motif widget set svlib widgets are macro widgets comprising lower level motif widgets such as buttons scrollbars menus and drawing areas it is designed to address the reusability of d visualization routines and each widget in the library is an encapsulation of a specific visualization technique such as colormap manipulation image display and contour plotting it is targetted to run on unix workstations supporting osf motif currently only color monitors are supported since svlib is a collection of widgets developed in the same spirit as the osf motif user interface widget set it integrates seamlessly with the motif widgets programmers using svlib widgets see the same interface and design as other motif widgets fvs is a visualization software for computational fluid dynamics cfd simulations fvs is designed to accept data generated from these simulations and apply various visualization techniques to present these data graphically fvs accepts three dimensional multi block data recorded in ncsa hdf format iti gov sg pub svlib scientific visualization pu fvs these directories contain demo binaries for sun sgi cost us for academic and us for non academic institutions for each of the above items you re getting the source for the licence contact miss quek lee hian member of technical staff information technology institute national computer board ncb building sicence park drive singapore republic of singapore tel fax email leehian iti gov sg gvlware distribution bob an interactive volume renderer for the sgi raz a disk based movie player for the sgi icol motif color editor the army high performance computing research center ahpcrc has been developing a set of tools to work with large time dependent d and d data sets in the graphics and visualization lab gvl we are using these tools along side standard packages such as sgi explorer and the utah raster toolkit to render d volumes and create digital movies a couple of the more general purpose programs have been bundled into a package called gvlware gvlware currently consisting of bob raz and icol is now available via ftp the most interesting program is probably bob an interactive volume renderer for the sgi raz streams raster images from disk to an sgi screen enabling movies larger than memory to be played icol is a color map editor that works with bob and raz source and pre built binaries for irix are included to acquire gvlware anonymous ftp to machine ftp arc umn edu file pub gvl tar z to use gvlware mkdir gvl cd gvl zcat gvl tar z tar xvf more readme some bob features motif interface sgi gl rendering renders cubed data set in to seconds on a vgx alpha compositing and maximum value rendering in perspective only maximum value rendering on personal iris data must be a brick of bytes on a regularly spaced grid animation subvolumes subsampling stereo some raz features motif interface sgi gl rendering loads files to a raw disk partition then streams to screen requires an empty disk partition to be set aside script interface available for movie sequences can stream from memory like ncsa ximage some icol features motif interface easy to create interpolated color maps between key points rgb hsv and yuv color spaces multiple file formats communicates changes automatically to bob and raz has been tested on sgi sun dec and cray systems btw bob brick of bytes icol interpolated color raz just a name please send any comments to gvlware ahpcrc umn edu this software collection is supported by the army research office contract number daalo c with the university of minnesota army high performance computing research center iap imaging applications platform is a commercial package for medical and scientific visualization it does volume rendering binary surface rendering multiplanar reformating image manipulation cine sequencing intermixes geometry and text with images and provides measurement and coordinate transform abilities it can provide hardcopy on most medical film printers image database functionality and interconnection to most medical ct mri etc scanners it is client server based and provides an object oriented interface it runs on most high performance workstations and takes full advantage of parallelism where it is available it is robust efficient and will be submitted for fda approval for use in medical applications cost k for oem developer k for educational developer and run times starting at and going down based on quantity the developer packages include two days training for two people in toronto available from isg technologies airport road mississauga ontario canada l v s e mail rod gilchrist rod isgtec com molecular visualization stuff based on a list from cristy dupont com cristy which asked for systems for displaying molecular dynamics md for short flex it is a public domain package written by michael pique at the scripps research institute la jolla ca flex is stored as a compressed tar ed archive about mb at perutz scripps edu in pub flex it displays molecular models and md trajectories macmolecule for macintosh i searched with archie and the most promising place is sumex aim stanford edu info mac app and info mac art qt for a demo md display runs on sgi machines call terry lybrand lybrand milton u washington edu xtalview it is a crystallography package that does visualize molecules and much more it uses the xview toolkit call duncan mcree dem scripps edu landman hal physics wayne edu i am writing my own visualization code right now i look at md output a specific format easy to alter for the subroutine on pc s my program has hooks into gks if your friend has access to phigs for x pex and fortran bindings i would be happy to share my evolving code free of charge right now it can display supercells of up to atoms easy to change and up to time steps drawing nearest neighbor bonds between defining nn radii it works acceptably fast on a mhz icsg caesar cs montana edu i did a project on molecular visualization for my master s thesis using unix x motif which generates a simple point and space filling model kgngraf kgngraf is part of motecc look on malena crs it in pub motecc motecc info txt information about motecc in plain ascii format motecc info troff information about motecc in troff format motecc form troff motecc order form in troff format motecc license troff motecc license agreement in troff format motecc info ps information about motecc in postscript format motecc form ps motecc order form in postscript format motecc license ps motecc license agreement in postscript format ditolla itnsg cineca it i m working on molecular dynamic too a friend of mine and i have developed a program to display an md run dynamically on silicon graphics we are working to improve it but it doesn t work under x we are using the graphi lib of the silicon gr because they are much faster then x when we ll end it we ll post on the news info about where to get it with ftp will be free software xball v written by david nedde call daven maxine wpi edu xmol an x window system program that uses osf motif for the display and analysis of molecular model data data from several common file formats can be read and written current formats include alchemy chemlab ii gaussian molsim mopac pdb and msci s xyz format which has been designed for simplicity in translating to and from other formats xmol also allows for conversion between several of these formats xmol is available at ftp msc edu read pub xmol readme for further details insight ii from biosym technologies inc scarecrow the program has been published in j molecular graphics the program can analyze and display charmm discover yasp and mumod trajectories the program package contains also software for the generation of probe surfaces proton affinity surfaces and molecular orbitals from an extended huckel program it works on silicon graphics machines contact leif laaksonen leif laaksonen csc fi or laaksone csc fi multi ns niehs nih gov pub multi multi process molecular modeling suite mindtool it runs under sunview and requires a fortran compiler and sun s cgi libraries mindtool is a tool provided for the interactive graphic manipulation of molecules and atoms currently up to atoms may be input available via anonymous ftp at rani chem yale edu directory pub mindtool check with archie for other sites if that s too far i would also suggest looking at least in sgi s applications directory it contains many more packages nfotis gis geographical information systems software grass geographic resource analysis support system of the us army construction engineering research lab cerl it is a popular geographic and remote sensing image processing package many may think of grass as a geographic information system rather than an image processing package although it is reported to have significant image processing capabilities feature descriptions i use grass because it s public domain and can be obtained through the internet for free grass runs in unix and is written in c the source code can be obtained through an anonymous ftp from the office of grass integration you then compile the source code for your machine using scripts provided with grass i would recommend grass for someone who already has a workstation and is on a limited budget grass is not very user friendly compared to macintosh software a first review of overview documentation indicates that it looks useful and has some pixel resampling functions not in other packages plus good general purpose image enhancement routines fft kelly maurice at vexcel corp in boulder co is a primary user of grass this gentleman has used the grass software and developed multi spectral bands volumetric rendering full color on suns and stardents it was a really effective interface vexcel corp currently has a contract to map part of venus and convert the magellan radar data into contour maps you can call them at or email care of greg vexcel com host configuration requirements if you are willing to run a ux you could install grass on a macintosh which has significant image analysis and import capabilities for satellite data grass is public domain and can run on a high end pc under unix it is raster based has some image processing capability and can display vector data but analysis must be done in the raster environment i have used grass v on a sun workstation and found it easy to use it is best of course for data that are well represented in raster grid cell form availability cerl s office of grass integration ogi maintains an ftp server moon cecer army mil mail regarding this site should be addressed to grass ftp admin moon cecer army mil this location will be the new canonical source for grass software as well as bug fixes contributed sources documentation and other files this ftp server also supports dynamic compression and uncompression and tar archiving of files a feature attraction of the server is john parks grass tutorial because the manual is still in beta test stage john requests that people only acquire it if they are willing to review it and mail him comments corrections the ogi is not currently maintaining this document so all correspondence about it should be directed to grassx tang uark edu support listserv mailing lists grassu list amber cecer army mil for grass users application level questions support concerns miscellaneous questions etc send subscribe commands to grassu request amber cecer army mil grassp list amber cecer army mil for grass programmers system level questions and tips tricks and techniques of design and implementation of grass applications send subscribe commands to grassp request amber cecer army mil both lists are maintained by the office of grass integration subset of the army corps of engineers construction engineering research lab in champaign il the ogi is providing the lists as a service to the community while ogi and cerl employees will participate in the lists we can make no claim as to content or veracity of messages that pass through the list if you have questions problems or comments send e mail to lists owner amber cecer army mil and a human will respond microstation imager intergraph based in huntsville alabama sells a wide range of gis software hardware microstation is a base graphics package that imager sits on top of imager is basically an image processing package with a heavy gis remote sensing flavor feature description basic geometry manipulations flip mirror rotate generalized affine rectification affine nd rd th and th order models as well as a projective model warp an image to a vector map or to another image rgb to ihs and ihs to rgb conversion principal component analysis classification k means and isodata fourier xforms forward filtering and reverse filters high pass low pass edge enhancing median generic complex histogram contrast control layer controller manages up to images at a time user can extract single bands from a band image or create color images by combining various individual bands etc the package is designed for a remote sensing application it can handle very large images and there is all kinds of other software available for gis applications host configuration requirements it runs on intergraph workstations a unix machine similar to a sun though there were rumors there are always rumors that the software would be ported to pc and possibly a sun environment pci a company called pci inc out of richmond hill ontario canada makes an array of software utilities for processing manipulation and use of remote sensing data in eight or ten different industry standard formats lgsowg bsq landsat and a couple of others whose titles i forget the software is available in versions for ms dos unix workstations among them hp sun and ibm and vms and quite possibly other platforms by now i use the vms version the pci software consists of several classes groups packages of utilities grouped by function but all operating on a common pci database disk file the tape i o package is a set of utility programs which read from the various remote sensing industry tape formats into or write those formats out from the pci database file this is the only package i use or know much about other packages can display data from the pci database to one or another of several pci supported third party color displays output numeric or bitmap representation of image data to an attached printer e g an epson type dot matrix graphics printer you might be more spe cifically interested in the mathematical operations package histo gram and fourier analysis equalization user specified operations e g multiply channel by add channel and store as channel and god only knows what all else there s a lot i don t have and don t use these so can t say much about them you only buy the packages your particular application interest calls for each utility is controlled by from one to eight parameters read from a common parameter file which must be in vms anyway in your default directory some utilities will share parameters and use the same parameter for a different purpose so it can get a bit confusing setting up a series of operations the standard pci environment contains a scripting language very similar to ibm pc basic but which allows you to automate the process of setting up parameters for a common complicated lengthy or difficult series of utility executions in vms i can also invoke utilities independently from a dcl command procedure there s also an optional programming library which allows you to write compiled language programs which can interface with read from write to the pci data structures database file parameter file the pci software is designed specifically for remote sensing images but requires such a level of operator expertise that once you reach the level where you can handle r s images you can figure out ways to handle a few other things as well for instance the tape i o package offers a utility for reading headerless multi band what adobe photoshop on the macintosh calls raw data from tape in a number of different interleave orders this turns out to be ideal for manipulating the graphic arts industry s ct t format would probably i haven t tried handle targa and so on above all however you have to know what you re doing or you can screw up to the nth degree and have to start over it s worth noting that the pci database file is designed to contain not only raster image data but vectors for overlaying map information entered via digitizing table land use and all manner of other information i observe that a remote sensing image tape often contains all manner of information about the spectral bands latitude longitude time date etc of the original satellite pass all of this can go into the pci database i believe that on workstations the built in display is used on vax systems other than workstations pci supports only a couple of specific third party display systems the name gould deanza seems to come to mind one of my personal workarounds was a display program which would display directly from a pci database file to a peritek vct q q bus bit directcolor display subsystem pci software could be overkill in your case it seems designed for the very high end applications users i e those for whom a mac pc largely doesn t suffice although as you know the gap is getting smaller all the time it s probably no coincidence that pci is located in canada a country which does a lot of its land resource management via remote sensing i believe the canadian government uses pci software for some of its work in these areas spam spectral analysis manager back in jpl developed something called spam spectral analysis manager which got a fair amount of use at the time that was designed for airborne imaging spectrometer imagery byte data pixels across by lines by bands a modified version has since been developed for aviris airborne visual and infrared imaging spectrometer which uses much larger images spam does none of these things rectification classification pc and ihs transformations filtering contrast enhancement overlays actually it does limited filtering and contrast enhancement stretching spam is aimed at spectral identification and clustering the original spam uses x or sunview to display the aviris version may require vicar an executive based on tae and may also require a frame buffer i can refer you to people if you re interested pcw requires x for display map ii among the mac gis systems map ii is distributed by john wiley clrview clrview is a dimensional visualization program designed to exploit the real time capabilities of silicon graphics iris computers this program is designed to provide a core set of tools to aid in the visualization of information from cad and gis sources it supports the integration of many common but disperate data sources such as dxf tin dem lattices and arc info coverages among others clrview can be obtained from explorer dgp utoronto ca in the directory pub sgi clrview contact rodney hoinkes head of design applications centre for landscape research university of toronto tel email rodney dgp utoronto ca end of resource listing nick nikolaos fotis national technical univ of athens greece home esperidon st internet nfotis theseas ntua gr halandri gr uucp mcsun ariadne theseas nfotis athens greece fax
apr computer graphics resource listing weekly part archive name graphics resources list part last modified computer graphics resource listing weekly posting part last change april many faqs including this listing are available on the archive site pit manager mit edu alias rtfm mit edu in the directory pub usenet news answers the name under which a faq is archived appears in the archive name line at the top of the article this faq is archived as graphics resources list part there s a mail server on that machine you send a e mail message to mail server pit manager mit edu containing the keyword help without quotes in the message body you can see in many other places for this listing see the item places to find the resource listing for more information items changed re arranged the subjects in order to fir better in the k article limit i plan on changing headers soon so be careful only the resource listing keys are sure to remain in the subject line places to find the resource listing d graphics editors a public domain free and shareware systems plotting packages molecular visualization stuff i m thinking of making this post bi weekly what do you think lines which got changed have the character in front of them added lines are prepended with a removed lines are just removed use diff to locate these changes this text is c copyright of nikolaos c fotis you can copy freely this file provided you keep this copyright notice intact compiled by nikolaos nick c fotis e mail nfotis theseas ntua gr please contact me for updates corrections etc disclaimer i do not guarantee the accuracy of this document use it at your own risk this is mainly a guide for computer graphics software i would suggest reading the comp graphics faq for image analysis stuff it s entitled date comp graphics frequently asked questions faq john t grieggs grieggs jpl devvax jpl nasa gov is the poster of the official comp graphics faq i have included my comments within braces and nikolaos fotis contents of the resource listing part places to find the resource listing archie notes computer graphics ftp site list by eric haines mail servers and graphics oriented bbses ray tracing graphics related mailing lists d graphics editors a public domain free and shareware systems b commercial systems scene description languages solids description formats part plotting packages image analysis software image processing and display part scene generators geographical data maps data files d scanners digitized d data background imagery textures datafiles introduction to rendering algorithms a ray tracing b z buffer depth buffer c others where can i find the geometric data for the a teapot b space shuttle image annotation software scientific visualization stuff molecular visualization stuff gis geographical information systems software future additions please send me updates info places to find the resource listing this file is crossposted to comp graphics comp answers and news answers so if you can t locate it in comp graphics you re advised to search in comp answers or news answers the latter groups usually are archived in your site contact your sysadmin for more info these articles are posted to comp graphics times a month and are kept in many places see below many faqs including this one are available on the archive site pit manager mit edu alias rtfm mit edu in the directory pub usenet news answers the name under which a faq is archived appears in the archive name line at the top of the article this faq is archived as graphics resources list part there s a mail server on that machine you send a e mail message to mail server pit manager mit edu containing help in the subject field the inria graphlib mail server mirrors this posting see under the subject mail servers the resource listing is accesible through wais in the machine enuxva eas asu edu port under the name graphics resources list it s got a digest type line before every numbered item for purposes of indexing another place that monitors the listing is the maasinfo files for more info contact robert e maas rem btr com yet another place to search for faqs in general is the switch swiss academic and research network system in switzerland interactive telnet nic switch ch login as info move to the info service usenet periodic postings directory search in the index file by typing and the word to look for you may then just read the faq in the faqs directory or decide to fetch it by one of the following methods ftp login to nic switch ch as user anonymous and enter your internet style address after being prompted for a password cd info service usenet periodic postings mail send e mail to rfc archive server nic switch ch x s archive server ou nic o switch prmd switch admd arcom c ch enter help in the bodypart to receive instructions no information is required in the subject header line archie the archie is a service system to locate ftp places for requested files it s appreciated that you will use archie before asking help in the newsgroups archie servers archie au or aussie nz archie funet fi or finland eur archie th darmstadt de or ger cs huji ac il or israel archie kuis kyoto u ac jp or japan archie sogang ac kr or korea archie ncu edu tw or telnet twn archie doc ic ac uk or uk ireland archie sura net or usa md archie unl edu password archie usa ne archie ans net or usa ny archie rutgers edu or usa nj archie nz or new zealand connect to archie server with telnet and type archie as username to get help type help you can get xarchie or archie which are clients that call archie without the burden of a telnet session xarchie is on the x r contrib tape and archie on comp sources misc vol to get information on how to use archie via e mail send mail with subject help to archie account at any of above sites note to janet pss users the united kingdom archie site is accessible on the janet host doc ic ac uk connect to it and specify archie as the host name and archie as the username notes excerpted from the faq article please do not post or mail messages saying i can t ftp could someone mail this to me there are a number of automated mail servers that will send you things like this in response to a message there are a number of sites that archive the usenet sources newsgroups and make them available via an email query system you send a message to an automated server saying something like send comp sources unix fbm and a few hours or days later you get the file in the mail computer graphics ftp site list by eric haines computer graphics related ftp sites and maintainers compiled by eric haines erich eye com and nick fotis nfotis theseas ntua gr ray tracers rayshade a great ray tracer for workstations on up also for pc mac amiga pov son and successor to dkb trace written by compuservers for more questions call drew wells compuserve com or dave buck david buck carleton ca art ray tracer with a good range of surface types part of vort package dkbtrace another good ray tracer from all reports pcs mac ii amiga unix vms last two with x previewer etc rtrace portugese ray tracer does bicubic patches csg d text etc etc an ms dos version for use with djgpp dos extender go exists also as a mac port vivid a shareware raytracer for pcs binary only author stephen coy coy ssc vax boeing com the no source version is available to registered users us direct from the author ray steve hollasch s dimensional ray tracer renders hyperspheres hypertetrahedra hyperplanes and hyperparallelepipeds there s a separate real time wireframe viewer written in gl called wire mtv qrt dbw yet more ray tracers some with interesting features distributed parallel raytracers xdart a distributed ray tracer that runs under x there are server binaries which work only on decstations sparcs hp snakes x series and next the clients are distributed as binaries and c source inetray a network version of rayshade needs sun rpc or newer contact andreas thurnherr ant ips id ethz ch prt vm pray parallel ray tracers volume renderers vrend cornell s volume renderer from kartch devine caffey warren fortran radiosity and diffuse lighting renderers radiance a ray tracer w radiosity effects by greg ward excellent shading models and physically based lighting simulation unix x based though has been ported to the amiga and the pc india an indian radiosity package based on radiance sgi rad an interactive radiosity package that runs on sgi machines with a spaceball it includes a house database author guy moreillon moreillo ligsg epfl ch rad a simple public domain radiosity package in c the solution can be run stand alone on any unix box but the walk through requires a sgi d author bernard kwok g kwok cs yorku ca renderers which are not raytracers and graphics libraries sipp scan line z buffer and phong shading renderer now uses the shadow buffer algorithm tcl sipp a tcl command interface to the sipp rendering program tcl sipp is a set of tcl commands used to programmed sipp without having to write and compile c code commands are used to specify surfaces objects scenes and rendering options it renders either in ppm format or in utah raster toolkit rle format or to the photo widget in the tk based x applications vogle graphics learning environment device portable vogl an sgi gl like library based on vogle rend a fast polygon renderer for intel s and up version on up it s not photorealistic but rather a real time renderer xsharp dr dobb s journal pc renderer source code with budget texture mapping modellers wireframe viewers vision d mac modeler can output radiance rayshade files irit a csg solid modeler with support for freeform surfaces x d a wireframe viewer for x dv d wireframe graphics toolkit with c source dv objects other stuff look at major pc archives like wuarchive one such file is dkit zip pv d a shareware front end modeler for povray still in beta test french docs for now price for registering french francs save disabled some extra utilities dxf files for the registered version geometric viewers salem a gl based package from dobkin et al for exploring mathematical structures geomview a gl based package for looking and interactively manipulating d objects from geometry center at minnesota xyz geobench experimental geometry zurich is a workbench for geometric computation for macintosh computers wire gl wireframe previewer for steve hollasch s ray see above data formats and data sets for ray tracing spd a set of procedural databases for testing ray tracers nff simplistic file format used by spd off another file format p d a lispy file format tddd imagine d modeler format has converters for rayshade nff off etc also includes a nice postscript object displayer some great models ttdddlib converts to from tddd ttddd off nff rayshade imagine and vort d objects also outputs framemaker mif files and isometric views in postscript registered users get a tex pk font converter and a superquadric surfaces generator glenn lewis glewis pcocd intel com note ttdddlib is also known as t dlib chvrtd chapel hill volume rendering test datasets includes volume sets for two heads a brain a knee electron density maps for rna and others written material on rendering rt news collections of articles on ray tracing rt bib references to articles on ray tracing in refer format rad bib references to articles on radiosity global illumination speer rt bib rick speer s cross referenced rt bib in postscript rt abstracts collection by tom wilson of abstracts of many rt articles paper bank project various technical papers in electronic form contact juhana kouhia jk cs tut fi online bibliography project the acm siggraph online bibliography project is a database of over unique computer graphics and computational geometry references in bibtex format available to the computer graphics community as a research and educational resource the database is located at siggraph org users may download the bibtex files via ftp and peruse them offline or telnet to siggraph org and log in as biblio and interactively search the database for entries of interest by keyword for the people without internet access there s also an e mail server send mail to archive server siggraph org and in the subject or the body of the message include the message send followed by the topic and subtopic you wish a good place to start is with the command send index which will give you an up to date list of available information additions corrections suggestions may be directed to the admin bibadmin siggraph org image manipulation libraries utah raster toolkit nice image manipulation tools pbmplus a great package for image conversion and manipulation libtiff library for reading writing tiff images imagemagick x package for display and interactive manipulation of images uses its own format miff and includes some converters xv x based image display manipulation and format converter xloadimage xli displays various formats on an x screen khoros a huge excellent system for image processing with a visual programming interface and much much more uses x windows fbm another set of image manipulation tools somewhat old now img image manipulation displays on x screen a bit old now xflick plays fli animation under x xanim plays any resolution fli along with gif s including gif a animation extensions dl s and amiga iff animations j l and iff pictures including ham ehb and color cycling sdsc sdsc image tools package san diego supercomputing center for image manipulation and conversion clrpaint a bit paint program for sgi bit workstations and bit indigos libraries with code for graphics graphics gems i ii iii code from the ever so useful books spline patch tar z spline patch ray intersection routines by sean graves kaleido computation and d display of uniform polyhedra mirrored in wuarchive this package computes and displays the metrical properties of polyhedra author dr zvi har el e mail rl gauss technion ac il means site is an official distributor so is most up to date north america please look for things on your own continent first wuarchive wustl edu graphics graphics get contents file for a roadmap graphics graphics objects tddd the ttddd objects and converters mirrors unix c graphics rayshade ray tracer mtv ray tracer vort ray tracer fbm pbmplus popi utah raster toolkit mirrors msdos graphics dkb ray tracer fli raytracker demos pub rad tar z sgi rad graphics graphics radiosity radiance and indian radiosity package msdos ddjmag ddj zip version of xsharp with fast texture mapping there s lots more including bibs graphics gems i ii code off rtn radiance nff sipp spline patch intersection routines textbook errata source code from roy hall s book illumination and color in computer generated imagery etc graphics graphics packages kaleido kaleido george kyriazis kyriazis turing cs rpi edu princeton edu pub graphics note capital g rayshade ray tracer and separate executable color quantization code spd rt news wilson s rt abstracts rt bib utah raster toolkit newer fbm graphics gems i ii iii code pub graphics directory salem and other stuff craig kolb cek princeton edu replaces weedeater math yale edu note the capital g in pub graphics because there s a trouble with princeton s incoming area you can upload rayshade specific stuff to weedeater math yale edu alfred ccs carleton ca pub dkbtrace dkb ray tracer pub pov ray pov ray pvray compuserve group ray tracer or pov david buck david buck carleton ca avalon chinalake navy mil d objects multiple formats utilities file format documents this site was created to be a d object repository for the net francisco x dejesus dejesus archimedes chinalake navy mil omicron cs unc edu pub softlab chvrtd chapel hill volume rendering test datasets ftp mv com official ddj ftp repository xsharp peipa essex ac uk the pilot european image processing archive in a directory ipa synth or something like that there are image synthesis packages adrian clarke alien essex ac uk barkley berkeley edu tcl extensions tsipp b tar z tcl sipp mark diekhans markd grizzly com or markd neosoft com acs cps msu edu pub sass x window fonts converter into rayshade polygons rayshade animation tool s ron sass sass cps msu edu hobbes lbl gov radiance ray trace radiosity package greg ward gjward lbl gov geom umn edu pub geomview geomview contact for geomview software geom umn edu ftp arc umn edu pub gvl tar z the latest version of bob icol and raz source a manual man pages and binaries for irix are included bob is a real time volume renderer pub contains also many volume datasets ken chin purcell ken ahpcrc umn edu ftp kpc com pub graphics holl steve hollasch s thesis pub graphics ray ray pub graphics wire wire pub mirror avalon mirror of avalon s d objects repository steve hollasch hollasch kpc com swedishchef lerc nasa gov programs hollasch d ray sgi explorer modules and postscript manual etc zamenhof cs rice edu pub graphics formats various electronic documents about many object and image formats mark hall foo cs rice edu will apparently no longer be maintaining it see ftp ncsa uiuc edu rascal ics utexas edu misc mac inqueue vision d facet based modeller can output rayshade and radiance files ftp ncsa uiuc edu misc file formats graphics formats contains various image and object format descriptions many scivi tools in various directories e g sgi alpha shape alvis tar z d alpha shape visualizer sgi machines only sgi polyview polyview z interactive visualization and analysis of d geometrical structures quincey koziol koziol ncsa uiuc edu tucana noao edu iraf the iraf astronomy package ftp ipl rpi edu sigma erich spd images and haines thesis images pub images various and bit image stills and sequences kevin martin sigma ipl rpi edu ftp psc edu pub p d p d tar p d lispy scene language renderers joel welling welling seurat psc edu ftp ee lbl gov pbmplus tar z rayshade data files jef poskanzer jef ace ee lbl gov george lbl gov pub ccs lib ccs tar z ccs complex conversion system a standard software interface for image processing hanauma stanford edu pub graphics comp graphics best of comp graphics very extensive ray tracers dbw mtv qrt and more joe dellinger joe hanauma stanford edu ftp uu net graphics irit rt news back issues not complete nurbs models other graphics related material graphics jpeg jpegsrc v tar z independent jpeg group package for reading and writing jpeg files freebie engin umich edu utah raster toolkit spencer thomas thomas eecs umich edu export lcs mit edu contrib pbmplus image magick xloadimage xli xv img lots more pub r untarred mit demos gpc ncga graphics performance characterization gpc suite life pawl rpi edu pub ray kyriazis stochastic ray tracer george kyriazis kyriazis turing cs rpi edu cs utah edu pub utah raster toolkit nurbs databases jamie painter jamie cs utah edu gatekeeper dec com pub dec off tar z off models also gpc benchmark files planned but not checked randi rost rost kpc com hubcap clemson edu pub amiga incoming imagine stuff for the amiga imagine turbo silver ray tracers pub amiga ttdddlib ttdddlib pub amiga incoming imagine objects many objects glenn lewis glewis pcocd intel com pprg eece unm edu pub khoros khoros image processing package huge but great danielle argiro danielle bullwinkle unm edu expo lcs mit edu contrib pbmplus portable bitmap package poskbitmaptars bitmap collection raveling img xloadimage jef poskanzer jef well sf ca us venera isi edu pub img tar z and img tar z some image manipulation pub images rgb separation photos paul raveling raveling venera isi edu ucsd edu graphics utah rle toolkit pbmplus fbm databases mtv dbw and other ray tracers world map other stuff not updated much recently castlab engr wisc edu pub x d tar z x d pub xdart xdart mark spychalla spy castlab engr wisc edu sgi com graphics tiff tiff spec libtiff software and pics also much sgi and gl related stuff e g opengl manuals sam leffler sam sgi com supercedes okeeffe berkeley edu for the libtiff stuff surya waterloo edu graphics fbm ray tracers ftp sdsc edu sdscpub sdsc ftp brl mil brl cad information on how to get the brl cad package ray tracer images various test images a texture library has also begun here lee a butler butler brl mil cicero cs umass edu texture temp x grayscale brodatz textures from julien flack julien scs leeds ac uk karazm math uh edu pub graphics rtabs shar z wilson s rt abstracts vm pray j eric townsend jet karazm math uh edu or jet nas nasa gov ftp pitt edu users qralston images bit image archive small james ralston crawford qralston gl pitt edu ftp tc cornell edu pub vis vrend sunee waterloo edu pub raytracers vivid rend or sunee uwaterloo ca archive umich edu msdos graphics pc graphics stuff msdos graphics raytrace vivid apple apple com pub archivevol prt research att com netlib graphics spd package polyhedra polyhedra databases if you don t have ftp use the netlib automatic mail replier uucp research netlib internet netlib ornl gov send one line message send index for more info send haines from graphics to get the spd siggraph org siggraph archive site publications online bibliography project conference proceedings in various electronic formats papers panels siggraph video review information and order forms other stuff in various directories automatic mailer is archive server siggraph org send index ftp cs unc edu pub reaction diffusion greg turk s work on reaction diffusion textures x windows code siggraph avs ncsc org ftp volvis volume datasets from the boston workshop on volume visualization this site is also the international avs center terry myerson tvv ncsc org uvacs cs virginia edu pub suit demo sparc dec etc suit simple user interface toolkit finger suit uvacs cs virginia edu to get detailed instructions nexus yorku ca pub reports radiosity code tar z rad pub reports radiosity thesis ps z rad msc thesis this site will be changed to ftp yorku ca in the near future milton u washington edu ftp public veos veos virtual reality and distributed applications prototyping environment for unix veos software support veos support hitl washington edu oldpublic fly fly d visualization software demo that package is built for fly throughs from various datasets in near real time there are binaries for many platforms also much other virtual reality stuff zug csmil umich edu x xpecs d files an lcd glass shutter for amiga computers great for vr stuff sugrfx acs syr edu various stereo pair images has closed down sunsite unc edu pub academic computer science virtual reality final copy of the sugrfx acs syr edu archive that ceased to exist it contains powerglove code vr papers d images and irc research material jonathan magid jem sunsite unc edu archive cis ohio state edu pub siggraph code for siggraph course procedural modeling and rendering techniques dr david s ebert ebert cis ohio state edu lyapunov ucsd edu this machine is considered the repository for preprints and programs for nonlinear dynamics signal processing and related subjects and fractals of course matt kennel mbk inls ucsd edu cod nosc mil pub grid ps tex ascii a short survey of methods to interpolate and contour bivariate data ics uci edu honig various stereo pair images movie c animates a movie on an x display bit and mono with digital subtraction taurus cs nps navy mil pub dabro cyberware demo tar z human head data pioneer unm edu pub texture maps hans du buf s grayscale test textures aerial swatches brodatz textures synthetic swatches space planetary image repository provides access to cd roms with data images on line at a time pub info beginner info here you should start browsing colby kraybill opus pioneer unm edu cs brown edu srgp sphigs for more info on srgp sphigs mail s software distribution graphtext cs brown edu pdb pdb bnl gov has data about various organic molecules bonds between the different atoms etc atomic coordinates and a load of other stuff are contained in the ent files but the actual atomic dimemsions seem to be missing you could convert these data to pov rayshade etc biome bio ns ca pub art some renoir paintings escher s pictures etc ic ee umanitoba ca specmark sample set of images from the images from the edge cd rom images of atomic landscapes advanced semiconductors superconductors and experimental surface chemistry among others contact ruskin ee umanitoba ca explorer dgp toronto edu pub sgi clrpaint clrpaint pub sgi clrview clrview a tool that aids in visualization of gis datasets in may formats like dxf dem arc info etc ames arc nasa gov pub space cdrom images from magellan and viking missions etc get pub space index first pub spacelink has most of the spacelink service data see below e mail server available send mail to archive server ames arc nasa gov or ames archive server with subject help or send space index without the quotes peter yee yee ames arc nasa gov pubinfo jpl nasa gov images other data etc from jpl missions modem access at no parity data bits stop bit newsdesk jplpost jpl nasa gov or phone spacelink msfc nasa gov passwd guest space graphics and gif images from nasa s planetary probes and the hubble telescope main function is support for teachers you can telnet also to this site dial up access v baud bits no parity stop bit stsci edu hubble space telescope stuff images and other data read the readme first pete reppert reppert stsci edu or chris o dea odea stsci edu pit manager mit edu pub usenet news answers the land of faqs graphics and pictures directories of particular interest also available from mail server pit manager mit edu by sending a mail message containing help uucp archive avatar rt news back issues for details write kory hamzeh kory avatar avatar com europe nic funet fi pub sci papers paper bank project including pete shirley s entire thesis with pics wilson s rt abstracts pub misc cia worldmap cia world data bank comp graphics research archive india and much much more juhana kouhia jk cs tut fi dasun epfl ch radiance good for european sites but doesn t carry the add ons that are available for radiance isy liu se pub sipp sipp tar z sipp scan line z buffer and phong shading renderer jonas yngvesson jonas y isy liu se irisa fr ipsc vm pray ray tracer spd nff many non spd nff format scenes rayshade data files didier badouel badouel irisa irisa fr may have disappeared phoenix oulu fi fli raytracker animation files pc vga also big flis rayscene demos americans check wuarchive first more animations to come jari kahkonen hole phoenix oulu fi jyu fi pub graphics ray traces many ray tracers including vm pray dbw dkb mtv qrt rayshade some rt news nff files jari toivanen toivanen jyu fi garbo uwasa fi much pc stuff etc pc source contour f fortran program to contour scattered data using linear triangle based interpolation asterix inescn pt pub rtrace rtrace nffutils tar z nff utilities for rtrace medical data cat etc converters to nff autocad to nff autolisp code autocad to scn rtrace s language converter and other goodies antonio costa acc asterix inescn pt vega hut fi graphics rtn archive ray tracers mtv qrt others nff some models it was shut down months ago check under nic funet fi nfotis sun nl nluug nl pub graphics raytrace dbw microray mtv etc unix hensa ac uk misc unix ralcgm ralcgm tar z cgm viewer and converter there s an e mail server also mail to archive unix hensa ac uk with the message body send misc unix ralcgm ralcgm tar z maeglin mt luth se graphics raytracing prt others doc wilson s rt abstracts vivid ftp fu berlin de pub unix graphics rayshade inputs aq tar z is rayshade aquarium americans check princeton edu first heiko schlichting heiko math fu berlin de maggia ethz ch pub inetray inetray and sun rpc code andreas thurnherr ant ips id ethz ch osgiliath id dth dk pub amiga graphics radiance amiga port of radiance per bojsen bojsen ithil id dth dk ftp informatik uni oldenburg de pov raytracer mirrored in wuarchive has many goods for pov pub dkbtrace incoming polyray polyray raytracer pub dkbtrace incoming pv d pv d ftp uni kl de pub amiga raytracing imagine mirror of the hubcap imagine files neptune inf ethz ch xyz xyz geobench peter schorn schorn inf ethz ch iamsun unibe ch graphics graphtal a l system interpreter christoph streit streit iam unibe ch amiga physik unizh ch amiga gfx graphics stuff for the amiga computer stesis hq eso org on line access to a huge astronomical database login starcat no passwd decnet stesis it s the space telescope european coordination facility benoit pirenne bpirenne eso org phone middle east gauss technion ac il kaleida australia gondwana ecr mu oz au pub vort art ray tracer vogle wilson s ray tracing abstracts pub contrib artscenes art scenes from italy pub images haines haines thesis images graphics gems code spd nff off databases nff and off previewers plus some and bit images and lots of other stuff pub rad tar z sgi rad bernie kirby bernie ecr mu oz au munnari oz au pub graphics vort tar z vort art csg and algebraic surface ray tracer vogle pub dbw pbmplus graphics room tar z art scenes from italy david hook dgh munnari oz au marsh cs curtin edu au pub graphics bibliography facial animation pub graphics bibliography morph pub graphics bibliography ui stuff about facial animation morphing and user interfaces pub fascia fred parke s fascia program valerie hall val lillee cs curtin edu au oceania asia ccu aukland ac nz ftp mac architec vision d facet based modeller can output rayshade files many other neat things for macs paul bourke pdbourke ccu aukland ac nz scslwide sony co jp ftp sgi facial animation steve franks site for facial animation steve franks stevef csl sony co jp or stevef cs umr edu mail servers and graphics oriented bbses please check first with the ftp places above with archie s help don t overuse mail servers there are some troubles with wrong return addresses many of these mail servers have a command like path a valid return e mail address to get a hint for sending back to you stuff dec s ftpmail send a one line message to ftpmail decwrl dec com without a subject field and having a line containing the word help you should get back a message detailing the relevant procedures you must follow in order to get the files you want note that the reply or answer command in your mailer will not work for this message or any other mail you receive from ftpmail to send requests to ftpmail send an original mail message not a reply complaints should be sent to the ftpmail request uucp gw pa dec com address rather than to postmaster since decwrl s postmaster is not responsible for fixing ftpmail problems bitftp for bitnet sites only there s bitftp pucc send a one line help message to this address for more info lightwave d mail based file server a mail based file server for d objects bit jpeg images gif images and image maps is now online for all those with internet mail access the server is the official archive site for the lightwave d mail list and contains many pd and shareware graphics utilities for several computer platforms including amiga atari ibm and macintosh the server resides on a bbs called the graphics bbs the bbs is operational hours a day days a week at the phone number of it has upgraded its modem to a hayes ultra v bis v bis which has speeds from bps up to bps if you would like to submit objects scenes or images to the server please pack uuencode and then mail the files to the address server bobsbox rent com for information on obtaining files from the server send a mail message to the address file server graphics rent com with the following in the body of the message help dir and a help file describing how to use the server and a complete directory listing will be sent to you via mail now it includes the cyberware head and shouders in ttddd format check it out only if you can t use ftp nfotis inria graphlib pierre jancene and sabine coquillart launched the inria graphlib mail server a few months ago echo help mail inria graphlib inria fr will give you a quick summary of what inria graphlib contains and how to browse among its files echo send contents mail inria graphlib inria fr will return the extended summary as an other example echo send cgrl from misc mail inria graphlib inria fr will return the computer graphics resource listing mirrored from comp graphics bbses there are many bbses that store datafiles etc etc but a guide to these is beyond the scope of this listing and the resources of the author if you can point to me internet or mail accessible bbses that carry interesting stuff send me info studio amiga is a d modelling and ray tracing specific bbs hours meg online from jeff walkup pwappy well sf ca us the castle k v bis v v bis mnp in pacifica dang close to san francisco california usa the new user password is tao j oin base the castle g fx anim video d s i g of which i am the sig op lazerus bob lindabury operates a bbs see above the entry for the graphics bbs you can call me ray ray tracing related bbs in chicago suburbs or digital pixel sysop mark ng mcng descartes waterloo edu is based at toronto ontario canada phone storage space megs modem type k baud k zyxel v bis v mnp access fee none free system supported dos os amiga mac netmail currently no echo mail topics raytracing fractals graphics programming cad any comp graphics related from david tiberio dtiberio ic sunysb edu amiga graphics bbs in long island new york running hours at k v bis with megs on line we also subscribe to mailing lists of which originate from our bbs with more to be added soon these include lightwave imagine real d ray tracing database files include imagine d objects d renderings scalable fonts music modules sound samples demos animations utilities text databases and pending lightwave d objects the graphics alternative the graphics alternative is in el cerrito ca running hours a day at k hst v bis with mb online and a user base tga runs two nodes node is for public access and includes a free day trial subscription tga is the west coast host for pcgnet the profesional cad and graphics network supporting nodes across the continental u s alaska new zealand australia france and the uk tga s file database includes ms dos executables for pov vivid rtrace rayshade polyray and others tga also has numerous graphics utilities viewers and conversion utilities registered vivid users can also download the latest vivid aeta code from a special vivid conference from scott bethke sbathkey access digex com the intersection bbs this bbs is dedicated to supporting d animators the system is provided free of charge and is not commercialized in anyway users are given full access on the first call features usenet news internet mail fidonet echo s netmail megs online v bis v bis modem platforms of interest amiga the videotoaster macintosh ms dos unix workstations sun sgi etc atari st from alfonso hermida afanh robots gsfc nasa gov pi square bbs in maryland it supports raytracers such as pov and vivid the bbs runs off a mhz megs hard drive and cd rom now it runs on bps this will change soon topics graphics programming animation raytracing programming general from lynn falkow roxxie delphi com vertech design s graphic connection in portland oregon v v bis the bbs aside from carrying typical bbs services like message bases all topic specific and files cad and graphics related hundreds of megabytes also offers material texture files that are full color seamlessly tiling photo realistic images there are samples available to first time callers the bbs is a subscription system although callers have hours before they must subscribe and there are several subscription rates available people interested in materials can subscribe to the library in addition to a basic subscription rate and can use their purchased time to download whichever materials they wish ray tracing graphics related mailing lists imagine modeling and animation system for the amiga send subscription requests to imagine request email sp paramax com send material to imagine email sp paramax com dave wickard has substituted steve worley in the maintenance of the mailing list please note that the unisys com address is no longer valid lightwave for the amiga it s part of newtek s video toaster send subscription requests to lightwave request bobsbox rent com send material to lightwave bobsbox rent com bob lindabury toaster send subscription requests to listserv karazm math uh edu with a body of subscribe toaster list real d another modeling and animation system for the amiga to subscribe send a mail containing the body subscribe real d l your full name to listserv gu uwa edu au rayshade send subscription requests to rayshade request cs princeton edu send material to rayshade users cs princeton edu craig kolb alladin d for the amiga send subscription requests to subscribe xamiga linet org and in the body of the message write alladin d username domain radiance greg ward the author sends to registered via e mail users digests of his correspodence with them notes about fixes updates etc his address is gjward lbl gov rend send subscription requests to rend request sunee waterloo edu send material to rend sunee waterloo edu pov ray dkb raytracers to subscribe send a mail containing the body subscribe dkb l your full name to listserv trearn bitnet send material to dkb l trearn bitnet mailing list for massively parallel rendering send subscription requests to mp render request icase edu send material to mp render icase edu d graphics editors a public domain free and shareware systems vision d mac based program written by paul d bourke pdbourke ccu aukland ac nz the program can be used to generate models directly in the rayshade and radiance file formats polygons only it s shareware and listed on the ftp list brl a solid modeling system for most environments including sgi and x it has csg and nurbs plus support for non manifold geometry whatever it is you can get it free via ftp by signing and returning the relevant license found on ftp brl mil uses ray tracing for engineering analyses contact ms carla moyer tel fax cad dist brl mil e mail snail mail brl cad distribution surviac aberdeen satellite office old philadelphia road suite aberdeen md usa irit a constructive solid geometry csg modeling program for pc and x includes freeform surface support free see ftp list for where to find it surfmodel a solid modeling program for pc written in turbo pascal by ken van camp available from simtel pd msdos srfmodl directory noodles from cmu namely fritz printz and levent gursoz elg styx edrc cmu edu it s based on non manifold topology ask them for more info i don t know if they give it away xyz xyz is an interactive d editor builder written by dale p stocker to create objects for the surfacemodel automove and dkb raytracer packages xyz is free and can be found for example in simtel as msdos surfmodl xyz zip dos only dmod it s an msdos program check at barnacle erc clarkson edu pub msdos graphics dmod undocumented file format dmod is c by micah silverman pierrepoint ave postdam new york tel northcad shareware msdos cad ncad d zip in simtel undocumented file format vertex amiga shareware send us check or money order to the art machine nickolas sterling heights mi usa in addition to the now standard file formats including lightwave imagine sculpt turbo silver geo and wavefront this release offers d professional and rayshade support rayshade is supported only by the primitive triangle but you can easily include this output in your rayshade scripts the latest demo version is available on fred fish for more information contact the author alex deburie at ad s sycom mi org phone icoons amiga it s a spline based object modeller icoons interactive coons path editor in amiga physik unizh ch gfx d icoons lzh it s free under the gnu licence and requires fpu the program has a look feel which is a cross between journeyman and imagine and it generates objects in ttddd format it is possible to load journeyman objects into icoons so the program can be used to convert jman objects to imagine format author helge e rasmussen her compel dk phone fax it s also on fred fish disk series n nfotis protocad d ver from trius shareware it s at wsmr simtel army mil and oak oakland edu as pcad d zip for pcs it has this menu layout file file handling load save import xport draw draw d objects line circle box d draw d objects mesh sphere block edit editing features copy move surface modify objects revolve xtrude sweep image image zooming features update window half option global defaults grid toggles axis plot print drawing picture go image render shade objects frame lighting tune layer layer options select active layer set colors sculptura runs under windows and outputs pov files a demo can be found on wuarchive wustl edu in mirrors win demo demo d zip author michael gibson gibsonm stein u washington edu b commercial systems alpha a spline based modeling program written in university of utah features splines up to trimmed nurbs support for boolean operations sweeps bending warping flattening etc groups of objects and transformations extensible object types applications include nc machining animation utilities dimensioning fem analysis etc rendering subsystem with support for animations support the following platforms hp and s x r hp ux sgi d or pi machines x r and gl irix sun sparcstation x r sunos licensing and distribution is handled by egs glenn mcminn president engineering geometry systems east south temple suite salt lake city ut mcminn cs utah edu educational pricing the charge is per platform you may run the system on as many different workstations of that type as you wish for each platform there is also a licensing fee for portable standard lisp psl which is bundled with the system you need to obtain an additional license from the university of utah for psl from the following address professor robert kessler computer science department university of utah salt lake city utah egs can handle the licensing of psl for u s institutions for a usd nominal fee nfotis vertigo they have an educational institution program the package is used in the industrial design architectural scientific visualization educational broadcast imaging and post production fields they ll quoting from a letter sent to me nfotis donate fully configured vertigo d graphics software worth over usd per package to qualified educational institutions for licencing on any number of silicon graphics personal iris or power series workstations if you use an iris indigo station we will also licence our vertigo revolution software worth usd if you are interested in participating in this program please send a letter by mail or fax on your institution s letterhead briefly outlining your potential uses for vertigo together with the following information unix version model and number of sgi systems peripheral devices third party software participants will be asked to contribute usd per institution to cover costs of the manual administration and shipping we recommend that vertigo users subscribe to our technical support services for an annual fee you will receive technical assistance on our support hotline bug fixes software upgrades and manual updates for educational institution we will waive the administration fee if support is purchased the annual support fee is plus the following cost for additional machines number of machines additional cost per machine there s also a day training program nfotis contact vertigo technology inc suite west georgia st vancouver bc canada v e y phone fax does anyone know of such offers from tdi alias softimage wavefront etc this would be a very interesting part nfotis padl basically it s a solid modeling kernel in top of which you build your application s available by license from cornell programmable automation cornell university engineering and theory center ithaca ny license fees are very low for educational institutions and gov t agencies internal commercial licenses and re dissemination licenses are available for an information packet write to the above address or send your address to marisa cpa tn cornell edu richard marisa acis from spatial technology it s a solid modelling kernel callable from c heard that many universities got free copies from the company the person to contact regarding acis in academic institutions is scott owens e mail sdo spatial com and their address is spatial technology inc th st bldg a boulder co phone fax movie byu cquel byu basically in my understanding this is a fem pre and post proccessor system it s fairly old today but it still serves some people in mech eng depts now it s superseded from cquel byu pronounced sequel that s a complete modelling animation and visualization package runs in the usual workstation environments sun dec hp sgi ibm rs and others you can get a demo version days trial period either by sending usd in their address or a blank tape it costs for a full run time licence contact engineering computer graphics lab clyde building brigham young univ provo ut phone e mail cquel byu edu twixt soon to add stuff about it if i get a reply to my fax voxblast it s a volume renderer marketed by vaytek inc fairfield iowa phone running on pcs with fpu at least call vaytek for more info voxelbox a d volume renderer for windows features include direct ray traced volume rendering color and alpha mapping gradient lighting animation reflections and shadows runs on a pc or higher with at least an bit video card svga is fine under windows x it costs contact jaguar software inc main st suite b winchester ma jwp world std com john w poduska scene description languages nff neutral file format by eric haines very simple there are some procedural database generators in the spd package and many objects floating in various ftp sites there s also a previewer written in hp starbase from e haines also there s one written in vogle so you can use any of the devices vogle can output on check in sites carrying vogle like gondwana ecr mu oz au off object file format from dec s randy rost rost kpc com the object archive server seems to be mothballed in a future version i ll remove the ref to it nfotis available also through their mail server to obtain help about using this service send a message with a subject line containing only the word help and a null message body to object archive server decwrl dec com for ftp places to get it see in the relevant place there s an off previewer for sgi d machines called off preview in godzilla cgl rmit oz au there are previewers for xview and sunview also on gondwana tddd it s a library of d objects with translators to from off nff rayshade imagine or vort objects edited copy of the announcement follows from raytracing news v new library of d objects available via ftp by steve worley worley cup portal com i have assembled a set of over d objects in a binary format called tddd these objects range from human figures to airplanes from semi trucks to lampposts these objects are all freely distributable and most have readmes that describe them in order to convert these objects to a human readable format a file with the specification of tddd is included in the directory with the objects there is also a shareware system called ttdddlib officially on hubcap clemson edu that will convert ala pbm to from various object formats imagine ttddd extension of tddd off nff rayshade or vort source included for amiga unix as executables for the amiga also outputs framemaker mif files and isometric views in postscript p d from pittsburgh supercomputing center the p d uses lisp with slight extensions to store three dimensional models a simple lisp interpreter is included with the p d release so there is no need to have access to any vendor s lisp to run this software the mouse driven user interfaces for motif open look and silicon graphics gl and the drawp d subroutine library for generating p d without ever looking at the underlying lisp the p d software currently supports nine renderers they are painter painter s algorithm dore silicon graphics inc gl language generic phigs sun phigs dec phigs rayshade art ray tracer from vort package and pixar renderman the code is available via anonymous ftp from the machines ftp psc edu directory pub p d and nic funet fi directory pub graphics programs p d renderman pixar s renderman is not free call pixar for details solids description formats a eec s esprit project cad i cad interfaces has developed a neutral file format for transfer of cad data curves surfaces and solid models between cad systems and from cad to caa computer aided analysis an cam computer aided manufacturing b iges v now tries to define a standard to tranfer solid models brep and csg the current standard number is ansi y m for documentation you might want to contact nancy flower at ncga technical services and standards ext and the cost is this standard is not available in electronic format c pdes step this slowly emerging standard tries to encompass not only the geometrical information but also for things like fem etc the main bodies besides this standard are nist and darpa you can get more information about pdes by sending mail to nptserver cme nist gov and putting the line send index in the body not the subject area of the message the people at rutherford appleton lab are also working on step tools they have an express compiler and an exchange file parser both available in source form and for free for research purposes soon they will also have an express based database system for the tools contact mike mead phone fax x e mail mm inf rl ac uk or mcsun uknet rlinf mm or mm inf rl ac uk nsfnet relay ac uk end of part of the resource listing nick nikolaos fotis national technical univ of athens greece home esperidon st internet nfotis theseas ntua gr halandri gr uucp mcsun ariadne theseas nfotis athens greece fax
ellipse from its offset hi everyone since some people quickly solved the problem of determining a sphere from points i suddenly recalled a problem which is how to find the ellipse from its offset for example given points on the offset can you find the original ellipse analytically i spent two months solving this problem by using analytical method last year but i failed under the pressure i had to use other method nonlinear programming technique to deal with this problem approximately any ideas will be greatly appreciated please post here let the others share our interests yeh usc
re please recommend d graphics library for mac in z b w w cellar org tsa cellar org the silent assassin writes i m building a cad package and need a d graphics library that can handle some rudimentry tasks such as hidden line removal shading animation etc can you please offer some recommendations i think apda has something called macwireframe which is a full wire frame and supposedly hidden line removal library i think it weighs in at but i ve been wrong on an order of magnitude before libertarian atheist semi anarchal techno rat i can relate to that h jon w tte h nada kth se mac hacker deluxe on a clear disc you can seek forever
to yhe one who wants fonts in pov polyray vivid to everyone who wants fonts in vivid pov polyray the borland bgi font converter is vvfont zip this program can be found on ftp informatik uni oldenburg de directory pub dkbtrace utils also wuarchive has mirrored this site directory graphics graphics mirrors ftp informatik uni oldenburg de pub dkbtrace utils there are more nice utilities present in this directory a new version of polyray for those asked for it can be found on the same sites but in the directory incoming instead of utils ply also in this directory povshell and pv dv could be found have a nive raytrace time peter peter vanderveen visser el wau nl o o department of genetics agricultural university u wageningen the netherlands
newss i am working on a project where we are going to be including both still and moving grapics within a database of course jpeg and mpeg come to mind as the formats of choice for the various files however from what i read on the net it seems as if there are several different forms of each of these what i want to do is settle on a file format which i can count on as being a standard format years from now i know apple is going to support quicktime on the new power pc s and so this may be the format of choice what format does apple s quicktime use for their products i guess it is some kind of mpeg for their motion picture is it any different than standard mpeg files thanx for any info art pollarda xray byu edu
pd d viewer wanted i am looking for a public domain d viewer it does not have to be very fancy the features i want is simple wireframe display flat shading simple transformation it would be nice to have hidden line any information is appreciated
re cview answers in apr imag fr schaefer imag imag fr arno schaefer writes sorry bryan this is not quite correct remember the vgalib package that comes with linux sls it will switch to vga x x mode without xwindows so at least it is possible to write a gif viewer under linux however i don t think that there exists a similar svga package and viewing gifs in x is not very nice no vgalib amazing i guess it was lost in all those subdirs thanks for correcting me it doesn t sound very appealing though only x i m glad it wasn t something major i missed thanks
re cview answers in article c lerr j rahul net bryanw rahul net bryan woodworth writes in apr whiting mcs com sean whiting mcs com sean gum writes a stupid question but what will cview run on and where can i get it i am still in need of a gif viewer for linux without x windows thanks ho boy there is no way in hell you are going to be able to view gifs or do any other graphics in linux without x windows i love linux because it is so easy to learn you want text okay use linux you want text and graphics use linux with x windows simple painless required to have x windows if you want graphics this includes fancy word processors like doc image viewers like xv etc sorry bryan this is not quite correct remember the vgalib package that comes with linux sls it will switch to vga x x mode without xwindows so at least it is possible to write a gif viewer under linux however i don t think that there exists a similar svga package and viewing gifs in x is not very nice best regards arno arno schaefer ensimag e annee email schaefer silene imag fr tel
need specs info on apple quicktime i need to get the specs or at least a very verbose interpretation of the specs for quicktime technical articles from magazines and references to books would be nice too i also need the specs in a format usable on a unix or ms dos system i can t do much with the quicktime stuff they have on ftp apple com in its present format thanks in advance james d murray add sciences sdsu edu
genoa graphics board drivers ftp site hi well i have opened up a ftp site for getting the latest software drivers for genoa graphics cards here is how to access it ftp login ftp password ftp cd pub genoa ls l binary prompt hash now if you wanna have the latest drivers for the board cd series mget quit this is the sequence to get the drivers if you have any further question please email me best regards stefan hartmann email to harti mikro ee tu berlin de
re cview answers in c levt nj rahul net bryanw rahul net bryan woodworth writes in qlobb p a tuegate tue nl renew blade stack urc tue nl rene walter writes most info regarding dangers of reading from floppy disks omitted unrevcoverable way so be careful it is incredibly poor programming for a program to do this nevertheless it is an important bug that needs to be squashed i am merely pointing out that it was probably overlooked while it is serious one must keep in mind that it will probably affect at most of the targeted users of cview ok i don t use cview anymore but i saw that no one had explaind this bug in the thread so here goes it is not the fault of cview it is dos if you leave a file open on a floppy drive then change the disk and do something which updates or closes that file you have a good chance of getting part of the directory and fat from the other disk written to the new disk this has always been true and has destroyed data under other programs not just cview the only thing cview can do to improve the situation is to try not to leave files open unless it s actively using them ie reading and decoding kevin martin sigma rahul net i gotta get me another hat
fast polygon routine needed this may be a fairly routine request on here but i m looking for a fast polygon routine to be used in a d game i have one that works right now but its very slow could anyone point me to one pref in asm that is fairly well documented and flexible thanx lucas
re fast polygon routine needed in article c n x b l news cso uiuc edu osprey ux cso uiuc edu lucas adamski writes this may be a fairly routine request on here but i m looking for a fast polygon routine to be used in a d game a fast polygon routine to do what
re rumours about do in article apr mercury unt edu mcmains unt edu sean mcmains writes wow a i d be very interested to get my hands on one of these especially considering the fact that motorola has not yet released the which is supposedly the next in the x lineup d a is just a with a built in mmu i don t even think that moto manufactures them ian romanick dancing fool of epsilon were the contained thoughts opinions epn ntsc quality best psu would probably not agree with them look i don t know anything about douche but i do know anti freeze when i see it the dead milkmen