Unnamed: 0
20 values
re sources for shading wanted in article r ih innldi irau ira uka de s braun irav ira uka de thomas braun writes i m looking for shading methods and algorithms please let me know if you know where to get source codes for that illumination and color in computer generated imagery by roy hall contains c source for several famous illumination models including bouknight phong blinn whitted and hall illumination models if you want an introduction to shading you might look through the book writing a raytracer edited by glassner also the book procedural elements for computer graphics by rogers is a good reference source for code in these book are available on the net i believe you might check out nic funet fi or some site closer to you carrying graphics related stuff hope this is what you were asking for torgeir veimo studying at the university of bergen i m gona wave my freak flag high jimi hendrix and it would be okay on any other day the police
re cview answers cyberspace buddha cb wixer bga com wrote renew blade stack urc tue nl rene walter writes over where it places its temp files it just places them in its current directory i have to beg to differ on this point as the batch file i use to launch cview cd s to the dir where cview resides and then invokes it every time i crash cview the byte temp file is found in the root dir of the drive cview is on this is what i posted that cview uses the root directory of the drive cview is on however since it has so much trouble reading large files from floppy i suspect that it uses the root directory of the drive the image files are on matthew zenkar mz moscom com
re newsgroup split i haven t been following this thread so appologies if this has already been mentioned but how about comp graphics d kaveh kardan kardank ere umontreal ca
re fast wireframe graphics in article c tk u c t cs columbia edu ykim cs columbia edu yong su kim writes i am working on a program to display d wireframe models with the user being able to arbitrarily change any of the viewing parameters also the wireframe objects are also going to have dynamic attributes so that they can move around while the user is exploring the wireframe world why don t you consider phigs in x or pex lib yeh usc
re detecting double points in bezier curves in article almaden ibm com capelli vnet ibm com ron capelli writes in ia b w w oeinck waterland wlink nl ferdinand oeinck writes i m looking for any information on detecting and or calculating a double point and or cusp in a bezier curve see maureen stone and tony derose a geometric characterization of parametric cubic curves acm tog vol no july pp i ve used that reference and found that i needed to go to their original tech report maureen stone and tony derose characterizing cubic bezier curves xerox edl december this report can be obtained for free from xerox corporation palo alto research center coyote hill road palo alto california the tog paper was good but this tech report had more interesting details john
re tiff philosophical significance of in c scgu ll mentor cc purdue edu ab nova cc purdue edu allen b writes i ve got the spec obviously since i quoted it in my last posting my gripe about tiff is that it s far too complicated and nearly infinitely easier to write than to read why not use the pd c library for reading writing tiff files it took me a good minutes to start using them in your own app martin martin preston m preston manchester ac uk computer graphics computer graphics unit manchester computing centre is just university of manchester a load of balls manchester u k m pl phone
diamond stelth any good i am in the market for a bit graphics card for a pc isa bus and was wondering if anyone had any comments good bad otherwise regarding the diamond stealth
re trying to view pov files edward d nobles ednobles sacam oren ortn edu wrote i ve been trying to view tga files created in povray i have the diamond speedstar video board not the x so far i can convert them to jpeg using cjpeg and view them with cview but that only displays bit color just want to see the darn things in real color i have an ati ultra pro card and have found that the easiest way to view true color images is using their windows drivers and something like winjpeg or photofinish if anyone has a non windows solution i d love to hear it dane
ati gup and graphics wkshop win i have an ati graph ultra pro vlb w megs and have a small question about graphics workshop for windows when i exit from it it says my current driver can handle on colors when i am actually in x x color mode is this a driver problem a gws error or what i am using the driver under win it correctly states that i can display m colors when i switch to x x bit though another question anybody know of any viewers that support this card other than windows viewers any help would be appreciated
re photoshop for windows in article c uhim jfq rot qc ca beaver rot qc ca andre boivert writes i am looking for comments from people who have used heard about photoshop for windows is it good how does it compare to the mac version is there a lot of bugs i heard the windows version needs fine tuning any comments would be greatly appreciated thank you andre boisvert beaver rot qc ca an review of both the mac and windows versions in either pc week or info world this week said that the windows version was considerably slower than the mac a more useful comparison would have been between photostyler and photoshop for windows david david farley the university of chicago library east th street jrl dgf midway uchicago edu chicago illinois
targa format text file does anyone know how to convert a targa or similar bit picture into a list of r g b values and then convert back to targa after doing operations on the p ixels r g b codes ex targa pixel pixel etc if no one can help me with this could someone explain how the bit data is st ored in the targa file and also how its stored in the bit targas thanks
call for presentations navy sciviz vr seminar nd call for presentations navy scientific visualization and virtual reality seminar tuesday june carderock division naval surface warfare center formerly the david taylor research center bethesda maryland sponsor ness navy engineering software system is sponsoring a one day navy scientific visualization and virtual reality seminar the purpose of the seminar is to present and exchange information for navy related scientific visualization and virtual reality programs research developments and applications presentations presentations are solicited on all aspects of navy related scientific visualization and virtual reality all current work works in progress and proposed work by navy organizations will be considered four types of presentations are available regular presentation minutes in length short presentation minutes in length video presentation a stand alone videotape author need not attend the seminar scientific visualization or virtual reality demonstration byoh accepted presentations will not be published in any proceedings however viewgraphs and other materials will be reproduced for seminar attendees abstracts authors should submit a one page abstract and or videotape to robert lipman naval surface warfare center carderock division code bethesda maryland voice fax e mail lipman oasys dt navy mil authors should include the type of presentation their affiliations addresses telephone and fax numbers and addresses multi author papers should designate one point of contact deadlines the abstact submission deadline is april notification of acceptance will be sent by may materials for reproduction must be received by june for further information contact robert lipman at the above address please distribute as widely as possible thanks robert lipman internet lipman oasys dt navy mil david taylor model basin cdnswc or lip ocean dt navy mil computational signatures and voicenet structures group code factsnet bethesda maryland phishnet stockings long legs the sixth sick shiek s sixth sheep s sick
re newsgroup split concerning the proposed newsgroup split i personally am not in favor of doing this i learn an awful lot about all aspects of graphics by reading this group from code to hardware to algorithms i just think making different groups out of this is a wate and will only result in a few posts a week per group i kind of like the convenience of having one big forum for discussing all aspects of graphics anyone else feel this way just curious i disagree you could learn the same amount by reading all the split groups and it would make things easier for those of us who are less omnivorous there is no waste in creating news groups its just a bit of shuffling about i have no problem with only a few posts per week per group i spend too much time on this as it is david
jpeg file format where could i find a description of the jpg file format specifically i need to know where in a jpg file i can find the height and width of the image and perhaps even the number of colors being used any suggestions peter uucp peterbak microsoft is this all that i am is there compuserve nothing more v ger
re please recommend d graphics library for mac in article john shepardson esh moose slac stanford edu john shepardson esh qmail slac stanford edu john shepardson writes can you please offer some recommendations d graphics there has been a fantastic d programmers package for some years that has been little advertised and apparently nobody knows about called d graphic tools written by mark owen of micro system options in seattle wa i reviewed it a year or so ago and was really awed by it s capabilities it also includes tons of code for many aspects of mac programming including offscreen graphics it does zbuffering bit graphics has a database for representing graphical objects and more it is very well written mpw c think c and hypercard and the code is highly reusable last time i checked the price was around well worth it their is i ve talked with mark and he faxed some literature though it wasn t very helpful just a list of routine names bsplinesurface drawstring d names there was a product info sheet that explained some of the package capabilities i also found a review in april may mactutor it does look like a good package the current price is us
looking for mr radon does anyone have a radon transform in c that they could send me any help accepted for a lot of au music ftp sounds sdsu edu then cat file au dev audio ub library catalog telnet bison acsu buffalo edu when in doubt ask xarchie xgopher or xwais
re ray tracer for ms dos in article r cqiinnje srvr engin umich edu tdawson llullaillaco engin umich edu chris herringshaw writes sorry for the repeat of this request but does anyone know of a good free shareware program with which i can create ray traces and save them as bit mapped files of course if there is such a thing thanks in advance daemon there are books published by m t books that come with c source code on floppies they are programming in dimensions d graphics ray traycing and animation by christopher d watkins and larry sharp photorealism and ray tracing in c by christopher d watkins stephen b coy and mark finlay i have the first book and it is a great intro to d ray tracing and animation most of the programs are on the disk compiled and ready to run i have only glanced at the second book but it also appears to be good hope this helps mark larsen markl hunan rastek com this r unit has a bad motivator luke star wars
re color pict of spinning earth estop conrad appstate edu acs writes sorry if this is the wrong place to post this i was crusing the net earlier this year and came upon something called color pict of spinning earth i am assuming it is a animation sequence of the earth s rotation or revolution i always get those mixed up at the time i found it my sysem would not even support color graphics so i didn t bother to get the pict now i have a fairly nice system and cant find the pict again if anyone can help please post here or e mail me thanks in advance eric estop conrad appstate edu likewise for me please first time i ve hear of it but i ve beem looking for something like this for the past few months patrick hew nd year science engineering university of western australia phew tartarus uwa edu au phew mackerel gu uwa edu au
cornerstone dualpage driver wanted i am looking for a window driver for cornerstone dualpage cornerstone technology inc video card does anybody know that has these is there one thanks for any info to nis to nis kelder estonian biocentre tkelder kask ebc ee
re newsgroup split in article fox apr graphics nyu edu fox graphics cs nyu edu david fox writes concerning the proposed newsgroup split i personally am not in favor of doing this i learn an awful lot about all aspects of graphics by reading this group from code to hardware to algorithms i just think making different groups out of this is a wate and will only result in a few posts a week per group i kind of like the convenience of having one big forum for discussing all aspects of graphics anyone else feel this way just curious i disagree you could learn the same amount by reading all the split groups and it would make things easier for those of us who are less omnivorous there is no waste in creating news groups its just a bit of shuffling about i have no problem with only a few posts per week per group i spend too much time on this as it is yes but shouldn t size of newsgroup be an issue sorry if this has been covered before but comp grahpics animation get how much traffic per day articles maybe on an extremely heavy day i ve been following this group for about four months now and i don t recall ever seeing such a flood of posts that a split would be warranted just my cents mitch jmcocker eos ncsu edu who doth render with sx knoweth frustration
re scf files help needed tlc cx com writes second problem i can t find any graphics program that will open and display these files i have a couple of image conversion programs none mention scf files rix s files with the extension sci and scf are just a raw file with a color palette the first bytes is a kind of header with the name rix among bytes unknown stuff the you have bytes of palette info for the colors rgb and then you have the picture in raw format if you dont know how to make a viewer of of this description you can get vpic it is able to read the files regards thomas
conversion of pic format files to hpgl files hello can anybody help me with the conversion of pic format files to hpgl files the question is as follows is it possible to convert files that have been generated in the pic preprocessor format into hpgl format suitable for sending to a plotter the hardware involved is ibm risc running aix how should this be done and what software is involved where is it available what does it cost what are the problems regards dani cimad consultants antwerp belgium dani cimad be
hijaak i have heard some impressive things about hijakk for windows currently i use a shareware program called graphics workshop what kinds of things will hijaak do that these shareware programs will not do what has been your experience with hijaak are there other programs that are better please email me if you can help wayne haston haston utkvx utk edu thanks
re graphics libraries does anyone out there have any experience with figaro form tgs or hoops from ithaca software i would appreciate any comments yes i do a couple of years ago i did a comparison of the two products some of this may have changed but here goes as far as a phigs implementation figaro is fine but its phigs personally i hate phigs because i find it is too low level i also dislike structure editing which i find impossible but enough about phigs i have found hoops to be a system that is full featured and easy to use they support all of their rendering methods in software when there is no hardware support their documentation is good and they are easily portable to other systems i would be happy to elaborate further if you have more specific questions here s lookin at ya o bill wlm wisdom attmail com phone x
canon copier printer postscript questions printer model and specification canon clc color laser copier ps ipu unit postscript intelligent processing unit hello we have recently purchased a very expensive and nice color copier printer we want to be able to print to it from our sgi iris network the copier printer has both a parallel and scsi interface i have configured the printer with the lp system using the parallel interface and can print postscript files to the printer i can also print rgb files but these are in turn converted to postscript by an internal filter the canon clc is a publication quality printer but the quality of our postscript printouts are less than acceptable we create the postscript files with a variaty of programs such as showcase xv and tops when we convert to postscript with tops and use the l option to specify the halftone screen density of rather than the default the output is better but still much less that acceptable note that we are starting with a screen image in rgb image format and translating the image into postscript we suspect that if we could use the scsi interface we would get higher quality pictures we have not purchased the software that drives the printer from the scsi port to my knowledge this software is and does not come with a warranty the management here does not want to spend this much money without some assurance that the product will work here my questions if anybody on the net uses this printer are you using the scsi or parallel port what is the quality of the printouts is there a way to create high quality postscript printouts what is the limiting component the postscript language or the postscript interpretor on the printer the big question where can i get some software to drive the scsi port for this printer please email directly to me i don t not read news on a regular basis i will post a summary thanks in advance e mail scott ncifcrf gov phone title sr systems manager analyst
ray tracing pictures for those who are interested in ray traced pictures there is a nice example on alt binaries pictures misc the file is called poolball gif it shows a pooltable with yes poolballs resolution x colours only the tga bit version is also available but a bit big mb to post the picture is created with pov ray enjoy gerco cgschot cs ruu nl gerco schot cgschot cs ruu nl
re tiff philosophical significance of ulrich galki toppoint de wrote does anyone have any other suggestions where the came from forty two is six times nine
d display software i have the need for displaying d surfaces under x using only xlib xt and xm does anyone know of a package available on internet which will be able to do the work i am looking for a stand alone package providing similar functions to xprism available with khoros but without the numerous libraries required for it i want to be able to recompile it and run it on various platforms from sgis to i s unix any help will be appreciated demetrios sapounas tel l nswc fax dahlgren va usa email ds aris nswc navy mil
re looking for wmf converter buck hq ileaf com david buchholz x writes i m looking for any leads to the source of a good windows meta file converter or interpreter i need this for use outside the windows environment pd sources preferred but not a requirement please reply to the address below on a related topic i have been searching with no success for a specification of the enhanced metafile format i have the original wmf format graphics file formats levine et al but no info on the bit version any pointers eric w sink spyglass in all the earth only humans have the ability woodfield drive to be content in bad situations savoy il and vice versa e sink uiuc edu
re tiff philosophical significance of silly mark a cartwright markc emx utexas edu wrote well is binary and who would forget that its the answer to the question of life the universe and everything else that is to quote douglas adams in a round about way of course the question has not yet been discovered but it was discovered sort of the question was what is times when arthur dent objected that this was unfortunately factually inaccurate the effort to discover the question was begun all over this last effort was i believe likely to take far longer than the lifespan of the universe in fact several lifespans of same mark wilson online computer systems or try email address mark ocsmd ocs com this file disclaims everything signed with my signature i mean it
wanted matrox pg cv driver hi i need a windows driver for the matrox pg cv svga card at the moment windows runs only in the x mode if you have a driver for this card please send it with the oemsetup inf to bockamp informatik tu muenchen de thanks florian bockamp bockamp informatik tu muenchen de o o ooo ooo it s not a bug it s an undocumented feature
fixed point math library has anyone written or seen a c library or c class for fixed point math or good articles about same i pretty much know how to do this but i have a few other wheels to invent at the moment thanks how am i typing call jack robotics jpl nasa gov jack morrison jet propulsion lab ms oak grove dr pasadena ca
needed algorithms for d d object recognition hi i have a friend who is working on d and d object recognition he is looking for references describing algorithms on the following subject areas thresholding edge segmentation marr hildreth sobel operator chain codes thinning skeletonising if anybody is willing to post an algorithm that they have implemented which demonstrates any of the above topics it would be much appreciated please post all replies to my e mail address if requested i will post a summary to the newsgroup in a couple of weeks thanks in advance for all replies james eb city ac uk
re hijaak haston donald wayne haston utkvx utk edu wrote currently i use a shareware program called graphics workshop what kinds of things will hijaak do that these shareware programs will not do i also use graphic workshop and the only differences that i know of are that hijaak has screen capture capabilities and acn convert to from a couple of more file formats don t know specifically which one in the april issue of pc magazine they test the twelve best selling image capture convert utilities including hijaak tmc tmc spartan ac brocku ca
adobe photo shop type software for unix x motif platforms hello i have been searching for a quality image enhancement and manipulation package for unix x motif platforms that is comparable to adobe photo shop for the mac i have not been able to find any and would appreciate any information about such products you could provide i would be particularly interested in software that runs on hp or sun workstations and does not require special add in hardware but would also be interested in other solutions thank you wayne wayne michael wdm world std com
re tiff philosophical significance of in article prestonm cs man ac uk prestonm cs man ac uk martin preston writes why not use the pd c library for reading writing tiff files it took me a good minutes to start using them in your own app i certainly do use it whenever i have to do tiff and it usually works very well that s not my point i m philosophically opposed to it because of its complexity this complexity has led to some programs poor tiff writers making some very bizarre files other programs inability to load tiff images though they ll save them of course and a general inability to interchange images between different environments despite the fact they all think they understand tiff as the saying goes it s not me i m worried about it s all the other assholes out there i ve had big trouble with misuse and abuse of tiff over the years and i chalk it all up to the immense and unnecessary complexity of the format in the words of the tiff spec appendix g page g capitalized emphasis mine the only problem with this sort of success is that tiff was designed to be powerful and flexible at the expense of simplicity it takes a fair amount of effort to handle all the options currently defined in this specification probably no application does a complete job and that is currently the only way you can be sure that you will be able to import any tiff image since there are so many image generating applications out there now if a program or worse all applications can t read every tiff image that means there are some it won t some that i might have to deal with why would i want my images to be trapped in that format i don t and neither should anyone who agrees with my reasoning not that anyone does of course ab
marching cubs hello hello i was wondering if anyone knew of a pc or mac implementation of the marching cubes algorithm that will output the individual faces if there is no such application might there be some c source code that i could modify to implement the algorithm and get to the individual faces thanks in advance sincerly tracy tracy j abildskov phone fax address brigham young university department of psychology e mail abild bert cs byu edu provo ut usa
epson hpgl pen plotter w pens b o greetings i have an epson hi pen plotter forsale it emulates an hp or i m not sure which it has an option board on it that does the emulation it has a serial interface with hardware handshake i also have pens for it as follows packs of black oil based packs of red green blue and black pens packs of aqueous black packs of aqueous r g blue black pack of aqueous multi color pens and assorted non packaged pens mostly colored the plotter is used i have tested it using the windows drivers for hp and hp and both worked fine it accepts either a or b sized paper x or x i figure that the plotter is worth about and the pens are worth at least another more one thing is certain you won t need to purchase any pens for quite a while all of the packaged pens were sealed so they are all still fresh the rest were capped and seem to function as well i d be willing to sell the pens seperate if anyone is interested in just them i m selling it because i got a hp laserjet and i don t need color i d like or best offer chert chert pellett chert dungeon cirr com chert dungeon lonestar org panic the cat is nibbling on the power cord
re tiff philosophical significance of silly mark wilson mark ocsmd ocs com wrote mark a cartwright markc emx utexas edu wrote is binary and who would forget that its the answer to the question of life the universe and everything else of course the question has not yet been discovered but it was discovered sort of the question was what is times read on and there s a special prize at the bottom amaze your friends and gain respect from your peers that you can carry on so long about the number the original question was what is the meaning of life the universe and and everything the answer generated by deep thought the nd largest computer ever created was deep thought realized that to understand the answer one must really know what the question is unfortunately he didn t but he was able to help build the largest computer named earth which could figure out the real question i know this is background knowledge for everyone here just bear with me a sec when arthur pulled the scrabble tiles out of the bag he spelled out what is nine times six or the like however it is not clear that the monkey man had the right question in his brain especially since it was that lady in the diner which was vaporized moments later that came up with the answer to how everyone could get along on the other hand marvin said he saw the answer in dent s brain so lets presume it s correct well nine times six is forty two in base chew on that for awhile chris russell custom software networks case tools and consulting adaptive solutions sun sparc sgi iris hp apollo macintosh pc internet crussell netcom com gte u s mail p o box diamond bar ca
re sphere from points there is another useful method based on least sqyares estimation of the sphere equation parameters the points x y z on a spherical surface with radius r and center a b c can be written as x a y b z c r this equation can be rewritten into the following form ax by cz r a b c x y z approximate the left hand part by f x y z p x p x p z p for all datapoints i c determine the parameters p p which minimise the average error f x y z x y z in numerical recipes in c can be found algorithms to solve these parameters the best fitting sphere will have center a b c p p p radius r sqrt p a a b b c c so at last will this solve you sphere estination problem at least for the most situations i think quick van rijt rytg fel tno nl
polygon fill routine needed hi i am looking for a polygon fill routine to fill simple sided polygons can some one who has this routine in c help me in saving my reinventing time thanx in advance rao
disney animation can anyone tell me anything about the disney animation software package note the followup line this is not for me but for a colleague
re rumours about do read issue of wired magazine it has a long article on the hype of do i ve noticed that every article talks with the designers and how great it is but never show any pictures of the output or at least pictures that one can understand kirk membry our age is the age of industry rutgers viamar kmembry alexander rodchenko
re d studio v any differences with previous version fombaron marc fombaron ufrima imag fr wrote are there significant differences between v and v thank you for helping no as i recall the only differences are in the ds set parameters some of the defaults have changed slightly i ll look when i get home and let you know but there isn t enough to actually warrant upgrading douginoz
re cview answers ray knight rknight stiatl salestech com wrote uk nx mik uky edu bryan k williams writes re majority of users not readding from floppy well how about those of us who have picture cd roms and would like to use cview because it is fast and it works well but can t because the moron lacked the foresight to create the temp file in the program s path not the current didrectory actually the most flexible way to create temp files is to check for a temp or tmp environment variable and create the files on the drive and directory pointedto by the variable this is pretty much a standard for dos windows and os applications unfortunately cview does not pay attention to the temp environment variable matthew zenkar mz moscom com
re tiff philosophical significance of martin preston prestonm cs man ac uk wrote in c scgu ll mentor cc purdue edu ab nova cc purdue edu allen b writes i ve got the spec obviously since i quoted it in my last posting my gripe about tiff is that it s far too complicated and nearly infinitely easier to write than to read why not use the pd c library for reading writing tiff files it took me a good minutes to start using them in your own app martin what is the name of this pd c library for tiff i d like to get a copy of it but i can t archie for something i don t have the filename for thanks
need info on cc mail file format i need the file format for cc mail file formats it seems to be pcx based but with a twist only the first page of a multi page fax will come out readable the other pages disappear the format seems to be proprietary anybody got any clues i have to give my email faxes to my secretary in order to get em unscrambled i want a filter from cc mail to p nb m come to think of it p nb m to cc mail would be nice too tonyo master cna tek com
medical images via gopher a few days back someone posted info on a gopher site where you could search for medical graphics etc could someone please repost or mail me a copy i d greatly appreciate it thanks mark mark morley unix sun manager net morley camosun bc ca camosun college interurban campus tel interurban road room tech fax victoria b c canada v x x
morphing keywords i am looking for some morphing programs for dec s or pc s i looked for a program called dmorph using archie but could not find it i found a progrmam call morpho but it only did grayscale images does anyone know where i should look
graphics driver standards i have a researcher who collecting electical impulses from the human heart through a complex analog to digital system he has designed and inputting this information into his eisa bus hp vectra computer running dos and the phar lap dos extender he want to purchase a very high performance video card for d modeling he is aware of a company called matrox but he is concerned about getting married to a company and their video routine library he would hope some more flexibility to choose between several card manufacturers with a standard video driver he would like to write more generic code code that could be easily moved to other cards or computer operating systems in the future is there any hope any information would be greatly appreciated please if possible respond directly to internet mail to raymaker bcm tmc edu thanks
re tiff philosophical significance of silly in article r lf fu geraldo cc utexas edu mark a cartwright markc emx utexas edu writes well is binary and who would forget that its the answer to the question of life the universe and everything else that is to quote douglas adams in a round about way of course the question has not yet been discovered but the question was later revealed to be what is x in the base system of course chuck divine
d animation station i am looking for some information about d animation stations that are currently on the market the price of the station can be from k k but no more than type of workstation doesnt matter pc mac sgi etc if you use or have bought looked at one or can suggest your dream machine then please mail me your configurations i need the following type of station pc mac etc expandibilty of the machine software that can run on it vtr controller and or vtr deck model name vendors names and numbers thanks in advance ken eyler eylerken u washington edu the evergreen state college
xlib and bit displays info needed hi my name is rahul and i am doing ms at usu logan my query is i have a hp workstation hp series with x running on it i have a true color bit color monitor connected to this machine normally i have the capability to display colors from a max of million since the monitor is true color i can see million at a time que do we have a facility in x c function call that will enable me to specify any rgb combination and see it on screen i am using xstorecolor to set the pallette of a max of colors que if not is there any way i can display a true color image on a true color monitor using xlib function calls we are generating ray traced images and colors are indeed a painful limit besides i need the facility to display the true color images i will be generating on a true color system without color quantification please if anyone can help i d be obliged rahul sl pr cc usu edu
tiff anything are there any tiff to anything programs out there for the ibm our scanner works into tiff and i can view it on cshow but all of my other programs read errors are there any basic tiff to jpeg gif pcx bmp etc thanks for the time email or post acceptable joshuaf that geiger scan looks like dookie i know it s a tiff
imagine for pc is impulse shipping imagine for the pc how close is it to the amiga s imagine in terms of features roland chia air cooled email kruzifix netcom com free falling voice carbon unit
screen capture cymk converter i have a small program to extract a x image from a vga color screen and store that image in a tiff file i need to insert the image into a sales brochure which i then need printed in color on a mac i would use photoshop to separate the image into eps files and then pull it into quark express then get it printed to film on a lintronix at a service bureau however i don t have a mac but i do have windows what would i need to do this type of operation in the windows environment are there any separation programs available on the net is there a good page layout program that i should look into thanks in advance shmuel einstein shmuel einstein com shmuel einstein associates inc wilshire blvd suite e beverly hills ca fax
hp xx for dos is there a precompiled version of hp xx for dos out there prefereably for
re virtual reality for x on the cheap in article apr mfltd co uk sts mfltd co uk steve sherwood x writes has anyone got multiverse to work i have built it on svr mips svr s and sun sparcstation there seems to be many bugs in it the dogfight and dactyl simply do nothing after fixing a bug where a variable is defined twice in two different modules one needed setting to static else the client core dumped steve extn sts mfltd co uk uunet mfocus sts micro focus just like pariah i have no name rm rf west street living in a blaze of obscurity rum ruff splat newbury need courage to survive the day berkshire england a bort r etry i nfluence with large hammer i built it on a rs my only motif machine works fine i added some objects into dogfight so i could get used to flying this was very easy all in all cool brian
d animation studio file format is the ds file format for autodesk s d animation studio available thanks gary please respond by email i have a hell of a time keeping up with news
re ray tracer for ms dos in article r cqiinnje srvr engin umich edu tdawson llullaillaco engin umich edu chris herringshaw wrote sorry for the repeat of this request but does anyone know of a good free shareware program with which i can create ray traces and save them as bit mapped files of course if there is such a thing thanks in advance daemon ppppp ooooo v v persistance of vision raytracer p p o o v v p p o o v v ppppp o o v v p o o v v p o o v v p ooooo v available on archie and wuarchive in graphics type directories ps it s freeware kai howells kai h postoffice utas edu au mortimer ave new town tas ph within australia elsewhere
sigkids research showcase call sigkids call for participation sigkids research showcase is where learning is hip pushing the edge in education computer graphics and new technologies the sigkids research showcase will provide siggraph s attendees with the latest in applying computer technology to form state of the art educational experiences so hop to it submit any works which converge the disciplines of education and computer technology possible categories and domains include but are not limited to interactive stand alone applications self run demonstrations and tutorials museum installations groupware collaborative systems hypermedia virtual reality scientific visualization interactive art microworlds deadlines may submissions due submit to diane schwartz siggraph sigkids committee c o the institute for the learning sciences maple avenue suite evanston illinois fax schwartz ils nwu edu electronic submission form schwartz ils nwu edu how to submit fill out the permission to use form see page of the siggraph call for participation or send email to schwartz ils nwu edu to have one faxed to you fill out the sigkids research showcase submission form below send an abstract description of the submission approximately words in one of the following ways a send hard copies to diane schwartz via surface mail at the above address or b fax copy to diane schwartz at or c email copy to diane schwartz at schwartz ils nwu edu if it is necessary to explain the project additional support material such as videotapes and slides that will assist the selection committee in reaching a decision are highly reccommended fax and email submissions are acceptable please send all of your submission material in the same form either surface mail email or fax the only exception to this should be the additional support material which should only be sent via surface mail note due to our very limited budget if the submitter chooses to have a dedicated machine for their work they will have to pay rental fees for the hardware personally note contributors outside for the united states should be aware of customs and carrier delays and send submissions early cut here acm siggraph sigkids research showcase entry form a copy of this form must accompany each proposal you submit send sigkids research showcase entries to diane schwartz siggraph sigkids committee c o the institute for the learning sciences maple avenue suite evanston illinois fax schwartz ils nwu edu please print legibly contact information name company address city state postal code country daytime phone evening phone fax email additional information title or theme of piece participant s name s collaborator s name s hardware platform and periferals what is needed supplied by participant yes no dedicated machine yes no note due to our very limited budget the participant must pay the rental fees for any dedicated hardware need assistance specify software statement please tell us the significance of the work less than words medium other describe i e virtual reality virtual sculpture interactive multimedia installation etc special requirements physical description power dimensions other authorization permission to use visual and audio in the event that materials used in my acm siggraph sigkids research showcase entry contain the work of other individuals or organizations including any copyrighted musical compositions or excerpts thereof i understand that it is my responsibility to secure any necessary permissions and or liscenses yes no my piece contains images audio or video components if yes yes no i have the necessary rights and or permissions to use the images audio or video components in my piece conference presentation release by signing this form i grant siggraph permission to consider my piece for the sigkids research showcase i maintain the copyright to my work and will receive full credit wherever this work is used conference promotional material i grant acm siggraph the right to use my slides for conference and organization publicity both now and in the future this includes usage on posters brochures catalogs promotional items or media broadcast in exchange siggraph provides full author artist credit information on all promotional material yes no i grant acm siggraph permission to use slides of my work for conference and organization publicity signature date acm siggraph makes every attempt to respect and protect intellectual property rights of people and organizations preparing material for siggraph conferences this entry form explains the uses siggraph will make of the material and requires you to acknowledge that you have permission to use this material this may involve seeking clearance from your employer or from others who have loaned you material such as videotapes and slides this form helps prevent situations whereby siggraph presentations include material without permission that might lead to complaints or even legal action this form also asks you to grant siggraph the right to distribute your work while you maintain the copyright slide sets and catalogs are publications for which you grant siggraph nonexclusive worldwide distribution rights siggraph marks each item in these publications with a proper copyright notice which informs viewers that these items may not be copied reproduced broadcast or used for commercial purposes without the explicit permission of the indivicual copyright owners in addition this form asks if acm siggraph may use the your materials for conference and organizational promotional material in exchange for full author artist credit information
wanted playmation info hi folks does anyone have a copy of playmation they d be willing to sell me i d love to try it out but not for the retail if you have moved onto something bigger ds or better imagine i d love to buy your table scraps if noone is selling can anyone recommend a place to buy playmation mail order for cheap thanks in advance mark mark marino omar osf org uunet osf omar open software foundation cambridge center cambridge ma
re marching cubs i saw this subject and all i could think of was a parade at wrigley field in chicago or maybe it s just me marc cooper graphics programmer sverdrup tech as a child i was an fsmarc lerc nasa gov imaginary playmate nasa lewis research center ms brookpark dr tom robbins cleveland oh even cowgirls get the blues disclaimer it s mine all mine d duck
pov file constructor for unix x hi i m just getting into povray and i was wondering if there is a graphic package that outputs pov files any help would be appreciated thanks later ish craig i didn t do it nobody saw me do it you can t prove anything ccc c ccc c chumphre comp vuw ac nz
re more on radiosity amann iam unibe ch stephan amann writes in article yuma acns colostate edu xz longs lance colostate edu xia zhao writes in article apr aragorn unibe ch you write let s be serious i m working on a radiosity package written in c i would like to make it public domain i ll announce it in c g the minute i finished it that were the good news the bad news it ll take another months at least to finish it please note that there are some radiosity packages in my resource listing under the subject ftp list greetings nick nick nikolaos fotis national technical univ of athens greece home esperidon st internet nfotis theseas ntua gr halandri gr uucp mcsun ariadne theseas nfotis athens greece fax usenet editor of comp graphics resource listing and soc culture greece faq ntua ua acm student chapter chair we re organizing a small conference in comp graphics call if you re interested to participate nick nikolaos fotis national technical univ of athens greece home esperidon st internet nfotis theseas ntua gr halandri gr uucp mcsun ariadne theseas nfotis athens greece fax
finding equally spaced points on a sphere hello i know that this has been discussed before but at the time i didn t need to teselate a sphere so if any kind soul has the code or the alg that was finally decided upon as the best as i recall it was a nice iterative subdivision meathod i would be very appreciative thomas deweese deweeset rdrc rpi edu
re grayscale printer have you considered the apple laserwriter iig we use it for all our b w image printing
help advice on what video system to buy if this question is covered elsewhere i apologize but i need information fast my department has been given a large sum of money to install a video system on our network of ibm rs workstations this is not an area in which i have any expertise so i wonder if anyone out there can offer advice we would like a system based either on vhs or mm video which will allow one write video frame by frame on tape for play back in real time it s for visualization of physics problems can anyone tell me what hardware is available which would work for our system some support software is obviously needed too but nothing particularly sophisticated since the software we actually use for the visualization is all already written please email with replies as i don t read this group many thanks for your help dr m e j newman department of physics cornell university newmme helios tn cornell edu
re tiff anything there is a program called graphic workshop you can ftp from wuarchive the file is in the msdos graphics directory and is called grfwk t zip this program should od everthing you need tmc tmc spartan ac brocku ca
re sun ipx root window display background picture in article apr osi com scott osi com scott fleming writes hello netters i have a fairly weak question to ask everybody in netland i ve looked though the last faq for comp graphics but i didn t find my answer thus the post i ll keep it short question how do i display any raster files gif files iff or tiff images that i have on my root window or background i have a sun ipc openwindows sun os if that helps any i ve compiled pov for the sun and would like to display some of the work i have done as a background tile thanks for any help or information that you provide have a good day scott fleming osi p s kudo s to the people who provided pov its great scott i m not so sure if this is helpful but i usually use xv v i use sun ipcs and ipxs and it works fine it can display in a good number of ways root being one of them it s also possible to have xv put up a background automatically at login hope this helps jason weiler weilej rpi edu btw xv v is on anonymous ftp somewhere archie fer it
re detecting double points in bezier curves renner adobe com john renner writes in article almaden ibm com capelli vnet ibm com ron ca in ia b w w oeinck waterland wlink nl ferdinand oeinck writes i m looking for any information on detecting and or calculating a double point and or cusp in a bezier curve see maureen stone and tony derose a geometric characterization of parametric cubic curves acm tog vol no july pp i ve used that reference and found that i needed to go to their original tech report maureen stone and tony derose characterizing cubic bezier curves xerox edl december first thanks to all who replied to my original question i ve implemented the ideas from the article above and i m very satisfied with the results i needed it for my bezier curve approximation routine in some cases generating offset curves loops can occur i now have a fast method of detecting the generation of a curve with a loop although i did not follow the article above strictly the check if the fourth control point lies in the the loop area which is bounded by two parabolas and one ellips is too complicated instead i enlarged the loop area and surrounded it by for straight lines the check is now simple and fast and my approximation routine never ever outputs self intersecting bezier curves again ferdinand
dregistere xv for ms dos pascal perret in article apr eicn etna ch wrote site omnigate clarkson edu aliases grape ecs clarkson edu number pub msdos djgpp pub it s xv zip i think certainly you read the other answer from kevin martin he write about dv x what is it could someone answer funny thing the internet i have no idea what xv might be except that it might be something to do with x windows on pcs if you know and have used it and think that it is good email me ryanph mrl dsto gov au dv x is a common abbreviation for quarterdeck corporation s desqview x software i have not used dv x yet but reading the blurbs that quarterdeck sent me it sounds pretty great allows multiple dos machines the way that os does but without requiring mb of ram to get os going pre emptive multi tasking network computing a proper x windows client server application this means that dos program can be used on other x windows computers on your network and that x windows programs can be used on your dv x computer although it is not a version of unix it effectively has many of unix s features and mostly you will be able to compile unix type programs using the djgpp or gnu c compilers they advertise regularly in all of the major computing and programming magazines they also have internet support online support qdeck com pascal perret perret eicn etna ch hope that this helps anyone wanting to know phil ryan melbourne australia
re looking for tseng vesa drivers hi this is my first msg to the net actually the rd copy of it dam ed vi look for the new vpic it comes with updated vesa drivers for almost every known card the vesa level is and my tseng bit has a nice affair with the driver hope it is useful bye
i need to make my vga do shades i have a routine that changes the color rgb attributes on my vga adapter but it doesn t work in the mode that i need specifically hex an obscure mode of course but i need to change the zillions of colors to shade greyscale but i do not have the correct memory address for the pointer i need please someone i need the starting address or maybe somewhere i can find it thank you john kondis eapu orion oac uci edu
re photoshop for windows in article apr midway uchicago edu dgf quads uchicago edu david farley writes in article c uhim jfq rot qc ca beaver rot qc ca andre boivert writes i am looking for comments from people who have used heard about photoshop for windows is it good how does it compare to the mac version is there a lot of bugs i heard the windows version needs fine tuning any comments would be greatly appreciated thank you andre boisvert beaver rot qc ca an review of both the mac and windows versions in either pc week or info world this week said that the windows version was considerably slower than the mac a more useful comparison would have been between photostyler and photoshop for windows david i don t know about that i ve used photoshop on both a dx and a quadra i d say they are roughly equal if anything the was faster both systems were running in bit color and had the same amount of ram megs i also believe the quadra had one of those photoshop accelerators
re d studio v any differences with previous version in article apr hparc aus hp com doug hparc aus hp com doug parsons writes fombaron marc fombaron ufrima imag fr wrote are there significant differences between v and v thank you for helping no as i recall the only differences are in the ds set parameters some of the defaults have changed slightly i ll look when i get home and let you know but there isn t enough to actually warrant upgrading douginoz wrong the major improvements for and a are in the use of ipas routines for d studio they have increased in speed anywhere from depending on which ones you use all the yost group ipas routines that you can buy separate from the d studio package require the use of or a they are too slow with
true color display in pov hallo pov renderers i ve got a bocax card now i try to get pov displaying true colors while rendering i ve tried most of the options and univesa driver but what happens isn t correct can anybody help me
fractal compression hi can anybody give me book or reference title to give me a start at fractal image compression technique helps will be appreciated thanx inu n lindblat cc monash edu au inu n aurora cc monash edu au
developable surface hi netters i am currently doing some investigations on developable surface can anyone familiar with this topic give me some information or sources which can allow me to find some infomation of developable surface thanks for your help abel h hkuxa hku hk
re virtual reality for x on the cheap in article r v a rj fg plk af mil ridout bink plk af mil brian s ridout writes in article apr mfltd co uk sts mfltd co uk steve sherwood x writes has anyone got multiverse to work i have built it on svr mips svr s and sun sparcstation there seems to be many bugs in it the dogfight and dactyl simply do nothing after fixing a bug where a variable is defined twice in two different modules one needed setting to static else the client core dumped steve extn sts mfltd co uk uunet mfocus sts micro focus just like pariah i have no name rm rf west street living in a blaze of obscurity rum ruff splat newbury need courage to survive the day berkshire england a bort r etry i nfluence with large hammer i built it on a rs my only motif machine works fine i added some objects into dogfight so i could get used to flying this was very easy all in all cool brian the rs compiler is so forgiving i think that if you mixed cobol pascal the c compiler still wouldn t complain steve extn sts mfltd co uk uunet mfocus sts micro focus just like pariah i have no name rm rf west street living in a blaze of obscurity rum ruff splat newbury need courage to survive the day berkshire england a bort r etry i nfluence with large hammer
alias phone number wanted what is the phone number for alias a toll free number is preferred if available thanks charles boesel diablo creative if pro for and con against cboesel diablo uu holonet net then what s the opposite of progress pager what else congress
re postscript drawing prog in article apr informatik tu muenchen de comp graphics gnuplot comp graphics rdd uts ipp garching mpg de reinhard drube writes in article c ecnn qo mentor cc purdue edu nish cv chem purdue edu nishantha i writes could somebody let me know of a drawing utility that can be used to manipulate postscript files i am specifically interested in drawing lines boxes and the sort on postscript contour plots i have tried xfig and i am impressed by it s features however it is of no use since i cannot use postscript files as input for the programme is there a utility that converts postscript to xfig format any help would be greatly appreciated nishantha have you checked out adobe illustrator there are a few unix versions for it available depending on your platform i know of two unix versions one for mach next and for irix sgi there may be others such as for sun sparcstation but i don t know for sure ttyl charles boesel diablo creative if pro for and con against cboesel diablo uu holonet net then what s the opposite of progress pager what else congress
why does illustrator autotrace so poorly i ve been trying to figure out a way to get adobe illustrator to auto trace exactly what i see on my screen but it misses the edges of templates by as many as pixels or more resulting in images that are useless i need exact tracing not approximate i ve tried adjusting the freehand tolerances as well as autotrace tolerances but it doesn t help any suggestions charles boesel diablo creative if pro for and con against cboesel diablo uu holonet net then what s the opposite of progress pager what else congress
marchin cubes hi there is there anybody who know a polygon reduction algorithm for marching cube surfaces e g the algirithm of schroeder siggraph for any hints hugs and kisses erwin o o ooo ooo erwin keeve adress peter welter platz w cologne germany dept of computergraphics phone computeranimation fax academy of media arts cologne email keeve khm uni koeln de
disp i have posted disp zip to alt binaries pictures utilities you may distribute this program freely for non commercial use if no fee is gained there is no warranty the author is not responsible for any damage caused by this program important changes since version fix bugs in file management system file displaying improve file management system more user friendly fix bug in xpm version reading fix bugs in targa reading writng fix bug in gem img reading add support for pcx and gem img writing auto skip macbinary header introduction this program can let you read write and display images with different formats it also let you do some special effects rotation dithering on image its main purpose is to let you convert image among different formts include simple file management system support slide show there is no limit on image size currently this program supports bits display if you want to use hicolor or truecolor you must have vesa driver if you want to modify video driver please read section hardware requirement pc or better msdos or higher min amount of ram is m bytes maybe less memory will also work i recommend min m bytes for better performance hard disk for swapping virtual memory the following description is borrowed from djgpp supported wares up to m of extended memory expanded under vcpi up to m of disk space used for swapping supervga color mode up to x xms vdisk memory allocation strategies vcpi programs such as qemm desqview and max unsupported dpmi microsoft windows features emulator bit unix ish environment flat memory model svga graphics installation video drivers emu and go exe are borrowed from djgpp if you use western digital vga chips read readme wd this go exe is a modified version for vesa and is completely compatible with original version but some people report that this go exe is not compatible with other djgpp programs in their system if you encounter this problem don t put go exe within search path please read runme bat for how to run this program if you choose xxxxx grn as video driver add nc to environment go for example go driver x xxxxx xxxxx grn nc if you don t have x add emu x xxxxx emu to environment go for example go driver x xxxxx xxxxx grd emu x xxxxx emu notes i only test tr grn et grn and vesa grn other drivers are not tested i have modified et grn to support bits display you don t need to use vesa driver if et grn doesn t work please try vesa grn for those who want to use hicolor or truecolor display please use vesa grn except et users you can find vesa bios driver from wuarchive wustl edu mirrors msdos graphics godzilla cgl rmit oz au kjb mgl command line switch usage display d display initial display type s sort sort method h display type svga default hicolor truecolor sort method name ext function key f change disk drive ctrl a ctrl z change disk drive f change filename mask see match doc f change parameters f some effects on picture eg flip rotate f make directory t tag file tag group files see match doc t tag all files u untag file untag group files see match doc u untag all files ins change display type in read screen menu f m m move file s f d d delete file s r r rename file c c copy file s z z display first bytes in ascii hex and dec modes f f display disk free space page up down move one page tab change processing target arrow keys home end page up page down scroll image home left most end right most page up top most page down bottom most in screen effect menu left right arrow change display type bits s s slide show escape to terminate alt x quit program without prompting alt a reread directory escape abort function and return support format read gif gif japan mag mag japan pic pic sun raster ras jpeg jpg xbm xbm utah rle rle pbm pbm pgm pgm ppm ppm pm pm pcx pcx japan mki mki tiff tif targa tga xpm xpm mac paint mac gem img img iff ilbm lbm window bmp bmp qrt ray tracing qrt mac pict pct vis vis pds pds viking vik vicar vic fits fit usenix face fac the extensions in are standard extensions write gif sun raster jpeg xbm pbm pgm ppm pm tiff targa xpm mac paint ascii laser jet iff ilbm window bmp mac pict vis fits face pcx gem img all read write support full color bits grey scale b w dither and bits image if allowed for that format detail initialization set default display type to highest display type find allowable screen resolution for grn video driver only when you run this program you will enter read menu whthin this menu you can press any function key except f if you move or copy files you will enter write menu the write menu is much like read menu but only allow you to change directory the header line in read menu includes d xx f xx t xx d display type f number of files t number of tagged files pressing space in read menu will let you select which format to use for reading current file pressing return in read menu will let you reading current file this program will automatically determine which format this file is the procedure is first check magic number if fail check standard extension still fail report error pressing s or s in read menu will do slide show if delay time is program will wait until you hit a key except escape if any error occurs program will make a beep escape to terminate pressing ins in read menu will change display type pressing alt x in read menu will quit program without prompting once image file is successfully read you will enter screen menu within this menu f is turn on you can do special effect on image pressing return show image in graphic mode press return space or escape to return to text mode pressing tab change processing target this program allows you to do special effects on bit or bit image pressing left right arrow change display type bits pressing space save current image to file b w dither save as black white image bit grey scale save as grey image bits full color save as color image bits true color save as bit image this program will ask you some questions if you want to write image to file some questions are format dependent finally this program will prompt you a filename if you want to save file under another directory other than current directory please press space after pressing space you will enter write menu you can change directory to what you want then pressing space this program will prompt you original filename pressing return this program will prompt you selected filename filename under bar this program supports bits display this program is memory greedy if you don t have enough memory the performance is poor if you want to save bits image try gif then tiff lzw then targa then sun raster then bmp then if you want to save bits image lossless try tiff lzw or targa or ilbm or sun raster no one is better for true bits image i recommend jpeg for storing bits images even bits images not all subroutines are fully tested this document is not well written if you have any problem suggestion comment about this program please send to u bicmos ee nctu edu tw i need your suggestion to improve this program there is no anonymous ftp on this site tech information program user interface and some subroutines written by jih shin ho some subroutines are borrowed from xv and pbmplus dec tiff v and jpeg v reading writing are through public domain libraries compiled with djgpp you can get whole djgpp package from simtel or mirror sites for example wuarchive wustl edu mirrors msdos djgpp for thoese who want to modify video driver get grx source code from simtel or mirror sites for hicolor and truecolor bits of colors is set to bits of colors is set to xc bits of colors is set to xc acknowledgment i would like to thank the authors of xv and pbmplus for their permission to let me use their subroutines also i will thank the authors who write tiff and jpeg libraries thank dj without djgpp i can t do any thing on pc jih shin ho u bicmos ee nctu edu tw
re pov file constructor for unix x in article r hl csc st james comp vuw ac nz craig humphrey comp vuw ac nz chumphre writes hi i m just getting into povray and i was wondering if there is a graphic package that outputs pov files any help would be appreciated thanks a very good modeling package i found is irit look for irit tar z however there is no converter from it s format to pov format i postet a request for such a converter in this group but got no response so i m considering to write such a program myself sebastian schmidt tu ilmenau institut f praktische informatik
which video card please help i ve got a hz computer which is under warranty and my trident c video card is starting to play up surprise surprise therefore i m going to try to exchange it for a better card the big question is which video card is high quality and with an acceptable price tag on student budget thank you in advance
re fast polygon routine needed for some reason i never saw the original post on this thread but if you are looking for fast polygon routines on vga on a pc you really can t go past the mode x stuff from dr dobbs this code is all p domain as far as i know and in the original articles the routines were all presented as dumb vga routines and then optimised to modex with some interesting discussion along the way if you are interested i could find out more details of the issues in question i have them at home bernard
re postscript drawing prog in b vma o diablo uucp diablo uucp cboesel charles boesel writes in article apr informatik tu muenchen de comp graphics gnuplot comp graphics rdd uts ipp garching mpg de reinhard drube writes in article c ecnn qo mentor cc purdue edu nish cv chem purdue edu nishantha i writes could somebody let me know of a drawing utility that can be used to manipulate postscript files i am specifically interested in drawing lines boxes and the sort on postscript contour plots i have tried xfig and i am impressed by it s features however it is of no use since i cannot use postscript files as input for the programme is there a utility that converts postscript to xfig format any help would be greatly appreciated nishantha have you checked out adobe illustrator there are a few unix versions for it available depending on your platform i know of two unix versions one for mach next and for irix sgi there may be others such as for sun sparcstation but i don t know for sure you can include postscript epsi files in xfig encapsulated postscript info files you can t actually edit the postscript file but you re able to draw over the postscript file there a eps to epsi converter eps epsi perl program succes ger timmens ger cv ruu nl dcv research group utrecht the netherlands tel room f fax unquestionably there is progress the average american now pays out twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages h l mencken
any good morphing anims has anyone created any interesting animations using dmorph i seem to be unable to create anything that looks remotely realistic although this is probably due to the crappy gif s at i am using one of captain kirk and one of spock i m a bit of a trekker what are the best type of pictures to use thanks a situnayake
dtp please ineed information about desk top publishe post graduate courses and if possible email address or normal mail thanks in advance
re diamond stelth any good i bought the diamond stealth a few months ago it seems to be a great card especially with my multimedia presentations it runs graphics and animation as well as some near full motion video very well the only thing i can tell that it lacks is speed above colors its qualit in between and million collors un unreal but you definitly compromise speed it seems to be a great card for graphics and it comes with some great software but im not so sure about the excelerator part i used to own a paridise and it doesnt seem to be much faster than that one thing i do like is that it loads its own vesa driver from rom at startup i think because i have never had to load it for links or any other programs that require special vesa drivers at startup gromi a pd hintmatt ba ba isu edu
gif aerial maps is there an ftp site for maps of the us preferably aerial photographs thanks
hidden line removal program i m posting this for a friend i have an immediate need for a polygon based hidden line removal program i can deal with any input output format but i need to be able to do perspective views in any orientation and range is there a public domain hidden line program around it seems like there should be but i have not been able to locate one email replies and i will summarize thanks
sphinx satellite image processing under x sphinx sphinx is a user friendly state of the art image processing and analysis package that runs across a spectrum of high performance computer platforms operating unix and the x window system it was created to meet to the daily research needs of scientists conducting climate investigations using satellite data and remote sensing techniques intuitive graphic interface sphinx features an interactive interface with pop up menus and point and click dialog boxes which makes image processing and analysis simple and fast this accessible menuing enables you to build attractive image layouts quickly while also providing you the flexibility of returning to the main menu to conduct other image analysis and processing operations image format compatibility using smart read write functions sphinx allows you to easily open and save image files in a variety of formats using bit integer or real data values sphinx also reads and writes the common tiff and gif formats as well as compresses and decompresses image formats to save disk space image analysis processing for image and pixel analysis the sphinx package includes an assortment of processing tools that perform useful statistical and mathematical filtering operations such as fourier transforms convolution product or principal component analyses an interactive interpreter for both algebraic equations and images allows the user to manipulate and combine individual data channels interactively standard fortran notation is used for formula entry and for trig onometric and transcendental functions satellite spectra orbit analysis sphinx possesses functions to simulate satellite signal sensitivity for various meteorological satellites e g goes meteosat noaa spot etc the simulations are conducted for a selection of standard atmospheric and surface conditions and instrument spectral bands a geometry model computes the solar zenith angles warping orbit simulation and d image projection easy external program interfacing sphinx allows users the flexibility to integrate externally developed software algorithms for processing and converting satellite observations sphinx exports and imports image files and image parameters to external programs using special interface functions quick quality presentation sphinx rapidly displays manipulates and enhances high resolution multispectral images and color tables using six bit x image planes and one graphics plane the package conveniently combines color images graphics and text to generate sharp digital images for articles and reports sphinx s d and d graphics editor provides complete flexibility for modifying and integrating vector graphics and analysis plots with images such as histograms and radial graphs the package supplies color and gray scale output for standard inkjet and laser printers other capabilities sphinx also performs image animation external graphics importing mosaic fitting what else software support development sphinx was developed at the laboratoire d optique atmospherique loa of the universite de lille france the package has received critical feedback and support from scientists at the french national laboratory centre national de recherche scientifique cnrs and the french space agency centre national d etudes spatiales cnes at loa sphinx undergoes continued refinement and development to meet changing research needs and advances in computer technology the package which features on line help is supported by an internet address sphinx loasil citilille fr through which questions can be answered and version updates provided without delay performance tested cnes has selected sphinx to analyze and process the satellite data collected during the upcoming adeos polder satellite mission today the sphinx package is in use at the nasa goddard space flight center and is widely used in many french laboratories including the centre de recherche en physique de l environnement ecole normale superieure laboratoire d etudes et de recherches en teledetection spatiale laboratoire de meteorologie dynamique a test version of sphinx is available at loasil citilille fr anonymous bin cd sphinx get all sphinx tar z in the test version the output files are disable however the visualisation and graphic functions are available this is sufficient to work with if you are interested in keeping sphinx send us your email and you will receive news about the package evolution the software is changing with user suggestions we will appreciate your comments
re diamond stelth any good the real problem w the stealth from what i ve heard is that diamond won t tell anyone how to program their proprietary clock stuff so x under linux and bsd won t run patrick bridges patrick erc msstate edu
re photoshop for windows in article r m k agate berkeley edu aron tikal ced berkeley edu aron bonar writes in article apr midway uchicago edu dgf quads uchicago edu david farley writes in article c uhim jfq rot qc ca beaver rot qc ca andre boivert writes i am looking for comments from people who have used heard about photoshop for windows is it good how does it compare to the mac version is there a lot of bugs i heard the windows version needs fine tuning any comments would be greatly appreciated thank you andre boisvert beaver rot qc ca an review of both the mac and windows versions in either pc week or info world this week said that the windows version was considerably slower than the mac a more useful comparison would have been between photostyler and photoshop for windows david i don t know about that i ve used photoshop on both a dx and a quadra i d say they are roughly equal if anything the was faster both systems were running in bit color and had the same amount of ram megs i also believe the quadra had one of those photoshop accelerators i went back and looked at the review again they claim there were significant differences in manipulating a meg test file but with smaller files the two platforms were the about the same david david farley the university of chicago library east th street jrl dgf midway uchicago edu chicago illinois
re why does illustrator autotrace so poorly in article b vmcbrt diablo uucp diablo uucp cboesel charles boesel writes i ve been trying to figure out a way to get adobe illustrator to auto trace exactly what i see on my screen but it misses the edges of templates by as many as pixels or more resulting in images that are useless i need exact tracing not approximate i ve tried adjusting the freehand tolerances as well as autotrace tolerances but it doesn t help any suggestions charles boesel diablo creative if pro for and con against cboesel diablo uu holonet net then what s the opposite of progress pager what else congress i ve had exactly the same problems in aldus freehand i think autotracing is one of those features that barely works but everybody feels compelled to throw it in because the other guys are doing it david farley the university of chicago library east th street jrl dgf midway uchicago edu chicago illinois
rayshade query hi there i am very interested in rayshade i have managed to make a chessboard for rayshade unfortunately i still have to do the knight horse any ideas i am also looking for a surface for the chesspieces the board is marble unfortunately black won t work very well for the one side anybody with ideas for nice surfaces i would also like to use the image command of rayshade and the heightfield command unfortunately the manual is very vague about this and i don t have craig kolb s email address anybody with ideas because this is essential for my next venture into raytracing where should i post the finished chessboard is there anybody else using rayshade on non unix systems how fast does unix render thanks rayshade is the best program for people who loves graphics but have no artistic talent
interviews graphics package hello i m trying out the c graphics package interviews besides the man pages on the classes i haven t got any documentation is there anything else around furthermore can anyone send me a small example program which shows how to use these classes together i would be very gratefull