Upload 245 files
Browse filesThis view is limited to 50 files because it contains too many changes.
See raw diff
- .gitattributes +3 -0
- ab-en.tsv +642 -0
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- ay-en.tsv +190 -0
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- azz-en.tsv +799 -0
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- ban-en.tsv +214 -0
- bas-en.tsv +826 -0
- be-en.tsv +0 -0
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- bm-en.tsv +735 -0
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- csb-en.tsv +5 -0
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- dag-en.tsv +21 -0
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- dsb-en.tsv +0 -0
- dv-en.tsv +460 -0
- dyu-en.tsv +0 -0
- ee-en.tsv +0 -0
@@ -53,3 +53,6 @@ saved_model/**/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
53 |
*.jpg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
54 |
*.jpeg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
55 |
*.webp filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
53 |
*.jpg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
54 |
*.jpeg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
55 |
*.webp filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
56 |
de-en.tsv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
57 |
fr-en.tsv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
58 |
pt-BR-en.tsv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
The sentence has disrespectful or offensive language. Ауаа еилызхуа, ма ргәы нзырхо аҳәамҭақәа.
3 |
Manage Email Subscriptions Аԥошьҭа анапаҵаҩрақәа рнапхгара
4 |
Why does this matter? Изхадароузеи ари?
5 |
Romanian Ромына
6 |
Cancel Мап ацәктәуп
7 |
Enter Email to Download Уҭагал уԥошьҭа аҭагаларазы
8 |
Mozilla is dedicated to keeping the web open and accessible for everyone. To do that we need to empower web creators through projects like Common Voice. As voice technologies proliferate beyond niche applications, we believe they must serve all users equally. That means investing in more languages and accommodating diverse accents and demographics when building and testing voice technologies. Common Voice is a public resource available to everyone and Mozilla teams and developers around the world are already using it on our own projects as well. Mozilla хықәкыс иамоуп аинтернет зегьы рзы иаартхарц. Убри азы Common Voice еиԥшу апроектқәа ҳхы иархәаны асаит аус адулаҩцәа рылшарақәа ҳарҭбаароуп. Абжьытә технологиақәа рхәара аҳәаақәа азгәаҭаны, ҳгәы иаанагоит урҭ ахархәаҩцәа зегьы еицырзеиԥшны рымаҵ рулароуп ҳәа. Уи иаанаго убри ауп, абызшәақәеи, ацәажәашьақәеи адемографиақәеи хыԥхьаӡара рацәала раларҵәара абжьытә технологиақәа раԥҵареи русушьа агәаҭареи раан. Common Voice ари Mozilla акамандақәеи аусзуҩцәеи адунеи зегьы аҟны рыпроектқәа рыҟны рхы иадырхәо еицырзеиԥшу аагарҭоуп.
9 |
Italian Италиано
10 |
Goals Ахықәкқәа
11 |
Greek Елен
12 |
n м
13 |
≥ 2 No votes ≥ 2 Мап ралхра
14 |
Uzbek Узбеқ
15 |
Note: When set to 'Visible', this setting can be changed from the <profileLink>Profile page</profileLink> Азгәаҭа: 'Иубарҭоу' апрограмма шьақәыргылазар, ари аҳәаа ԥсаххар ҟалоит <profileLink>аҷыдахәра адаҟьа</profileLink> аҟны.
16 |
Belarusian Беларускаиа
17 |
Contribute to { $lang } Абызшәа { $lang } аҽалархәра
18 |
Other Даҽакы
19 |
Help us find others to donate their voice! Уҳацхраа, зыбжьы ҭазҩыр зҭаху рыԥшаара аҟны!
20 |
<speechBlogLink>Get Started with Speech Recognition</speechBlogLink> <speechBlogLink>ажәаҳәа аилкааразы аусура алагара</speechBlogLink>
21 |
2 down, keep it up!<playIcon></playIcon> Ҩба мазеиуп <playIcon></playIcon> иацуҵа!
22 |
We promise to handle your information with care. Read more in our <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>. Ҳара агәра уҳаргоит ухатәы информациа еиҷаҳарала аус шадаауло. Инарҭбааны ҳара <privacyLink>ҷыдалатәи ҳполитика</privacyLink>.
23 |
Become a partner Алахәылаҩ иҟаларц
24 |
Hakha Chin Ҳақа чын
25 |
Exit & Delete clips Уалҵ, аклип ықәыуга.
26 |
Indonesian Индонезиа
27 |
Common Voice is Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. Common Voice ари Mozilla иаҵанакуа ауаа хаҭала рцәажәашьа амашьынақәа идзырҵо ԥшьгамҭоуп.
28 |
Other voice datasets… Даҽа бжьытә дыррақәак реизга...
29 |
{ $actionType }<stopIcon></stopIcon> when done { $actionType }<stopIcon></stopIcon> ихианы ианбаҟало
30 |
Log In / Sign Up Аҭалара/Аҽҭагалара
31 |
Yes, send me emails. I'd like to stay informed about the progress of this language on Common Voice. Ааи, асалам шәҟәқәа сзаашәышьҭла. Сара исҭахуп Common Voice апрограммаҿы иҟоу абызшәақәа ирыдҳәалоу аҿыцԥшьгарақәа здыруазарц.
32 |
We believe that large, publicly available voice datasets will foster innovation and healthy commercial competition in machine-learning based speech technology. Common Voice’s multi-language dataset is already the largest publicly available voice dataset of its kind, but it’s not the only one. Look to this page as a reference hub for other open source voice datasets and, as Common Voice continues to grow, a home for our release updates. Инарҭбааны зегьы рхы иадырхәаша абжьытә дыррақәа реизагақәа иалдыршоит амашьынақәа рыла абызшәа аҵара иацхраауа аусқәа рыҟны, аҿыц ԥшьгамҭақәа рцәырцреи, изҩыдоу акоммерциатә еиндаҭлареи абжьытә технологиакәа раԥҵараан рхарх��ара. Бызшәа рацәала еилоу Common Voice абыжьқәа реизга, уажәнатә зегьы иреиҳау, изҭахыу зегьы рхы иадырхәаша абжьытә дыррақәа реизгоуп, аха уи иеиԥшқәоу рацәоуп. Ари адаҟьаҿы уара иуԥшаар улшоит егьырҭ иаарту абжьытә дыррақәа реизгақәа реиԥш, Common Voice ирҿыцу аҭыжьымҭақәагьы, уи аҿиара анаиулак ашьҭахь.
33 |
Content available under a <licenseLink>Creative Commons license</licenseLink> Аҵакы ахархәара ауеит абри ала <licenseLink>алицензиа Арҿиаратә Зеиԥшқәа</licenseLink>
34 |
Japanese Ниҳонго
35 |
Dhivehi Дивеҳи
36 |
Speak up, contribute here! Уҽалырхә, абжьы ҭаҩра!
37 |
Manage Subscriptions Анапаҵаҩрақәа рнапхгара
38 |
Play/Stop Иарҳәатәуп/Иаанкылатәуп
39 |
Meadow Mari Олыкмарла
40 |
Your username and email will not be associated with the published data. Хархәаҩык иаҳасабала, ухьӡи уелектронтә ԥошьҭа аҭыӡҭеи иҭагалоу адыррақәеи еимадахаӡом.
41 |
Help teach machines how real people speak, donate your voice at { $link } Урыцхраа амашьынақәа хықәакыла ауаа реилкаашьа дырҵараҿы, убжьы ақәырга абра { $link }
42 |
Tatar Ҭаҭар
43 |
Ukrainian Уқраинска
44 |
Help Common Voice reach { NUMBER($hours) } hours in a language with a personal goal Ухықәкы уцырхрааны, Common Voice абри абызшәала { NUMBER($hours) } сааҭ анагӡара
45 |
View your progress against personal and project goals. Упроекттә хықәкқәеи рынагӡаразы ухатәы прогресс уацклаԥшла.
46 |
It contains words or phrases that are hard to read or pronounce. Зҳәара, ма зыԥхьара уадаҩу ажәақәеи афразақәеи алоуп.
47 |
We’re building an open source, multi-language dataset of voices that anyone can use to train speech-enabled applications. Ҳара иаԥаҳҵоит иаарту, зхыԥхьаӡара рацәоу абыжьқәа реизгақәа, дарбанызаалак абызшәа зҵарц зҭаху ихы иаирхәарц.
48 |
These languages are currently under community development. The progress bars indicate how far each language is in the process of <localizationGlossaryLink>website localization</localizationGlossaryLink> and <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>sentence collection</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>. Ҳусзуҩцәа, апрограмма алаҵаразы зазырхиара иаҿу, абызшәақәа ирызку адыррақәа реизҳашьа рныԥшуеит <localizationGlossaryLink>асаити</localizationGlossaryLink> <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>алагаламҭақәа аус рыдулара</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink> аетапқәеи.
49 |
Mixed Еилаԥсоуп
50 |
We calculate hours by estimating the average length of each recording, and then multiplying that number by the total number of recordings across all languages. Ҳара анҵамҭақәа акакала роурақәа ахәшьара раҳҭоит, нас ишьақәҳаргылоит шаҟа сааҭ ҟалаз, анаҩс уи ахыԥхьаӡара шьҭаҳхуеит абызшәақәа зегьы рзеиԥш хыԥхьаӡарала.
51 |
Most of the data used by large companies isn’t available to the majority of people. We think that stifles innovation. So we’ve launched Project Common Voice, a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Акорпорациа дуқәа рхы иадырхәо адыррақәа реиҳарак ауаа рхы ирзархәом. Ари аҭагылазаашьа алагаламҭа ҿыцқәа рцәырҵра иаԥырхагоуп ҳәа ҳгәы иаанагоит. Убри азоуп абжьы адырразы ицхыраагӡахаша, зегьы рзы иаарту иманшәалоу Common Voice апрограмма заԥаҳҵаз.
52 |
Join the Common Voice mailing list Common Voice ашьҭымҭақәа уҽрыларархәы
53 |
Not found ИԤшаам
54 |
How can I get the Common Voice data? Common Voice адыррақәа излазго?
55 |
Finish editing first? Уи аԥхьа аԥсахра уалгар уҭахума?
56 |
Occitan Осиҭан
57 |
58 |
I'm okay with you handling this info as you explain in Mozilla's <privacyLink>Privacy Policy</privacyLink> Ари аинформациа аус адулашьа сара сақәшаҳаҭуп, инақәыршәаны <privacyLink>Ҷыдалатәи Аполитика</privacyLink> Mozilla
59 |
Polish Полски
60 |
{ $actionType }<recordIcon></recordIcon> then read the sentence aloud { $actionType }<recordIcon></recordIcon> нас убжьы рдуны аҳәоу уаԥхьа
61 |
What issues are you experiencing with this sentence? Ари абжьгараҟны проблемақәас иузцәырҵуазеи?
62 |
Thai Ԥаса ҭаи
63 |
Search Аԥшаара
64 |
Version Аверсиа
65 |
Using Common Voice Common Voice ахархәара
66 |
Your avatar now includes a voice clip! Шьҭа уныԥшга абжьытә нҵамҭа иадҳәалоуп!
67 |
We promise to handle your information with care. Read more in our <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>. Ҳара ажәа уаҳҭоит, уинфрмациа еиҷаҳарала ҳшазныҟо. Нарҭбааны <privacyLink>аполитика амырӡара</privacyLink>.
68 |
Splits Реихшашьа
69 |
Report was passed successfully Уцҳамҭа қәҿиарала идәықәҵоуп
70 |
Select a Language... Иалх Абызшәа...
71 |
Email Subscriptions Аилектронтә ԥошьҭа анапаҵаҩрақәа
72 |
Skip Submission Feedback Аусеицура ахәшьараҭара ҭагалоуп.
73 |
This is approximately the number of hours required to train a production speech-to-text system. Абрысҟак, аусеиҿкааратә еибаркыра "Ацәажәара-атекст", абызшәа арҵаразы инықәырԥшшәа иазыԥҵәо асааҭқәа рхыԥхьаӡара ауп.
74 |
Comment Аҿыхәҿаа
75 |
Ubykh Убых
76 |
Go to Discourse Discourse ахь ицо
77 |
Toward next goal Анаҩстәи ахықәкы.
78 |
What is Common Voice? Изакәузеи Common Voice?
79 |
Contact Аидҳәалара
80 |
Speech is often the most natural way we communicate with each other and voice technologies are bringing that convenience to our computers and mobile devices. We want to empower developers to build amazing voice recognition applications like real-time translators and voice-enabled digital assistants. But right now most of the voice data required to build these kinds of apps is expensive and proprietary. We hope the Common Voice dataset will give developers what they need to innovate and make speech technology available in their own language. To make voice recognition even more universal, we're collecting voice samples in widely spoken languages as well as those with a smaller population of speakers often underserved by commercial speech recognition services. Publishing a diverse dataset of voices will empower developers, entrepreneurs, and entire speech communities to address this gap themselves. Ажәаҳәа зегь реиҳа иԥсабаратәу ауаа иреибадыргоуп, акомпиутерқәеи амобилтә телефонқәеи рыҟны абжьытә технологиақәа рхархәара даараӡа иманшәалоуп. ҳара иаҳҭахуп урҭ апрограммақәа раԥҵаҩцәа ацхыраара раҳҭарц абыжьқәа реилкаареи, аиҭагареи, ацифратә цхыраагӡақәеи раԥҵараҟны. Аха уажәтәиала арҭ реиԥш иҟоу ацхыраагӡақәа раԥҵаразы иаҭаху абжьытә дыррақәа реиҳарак даараӡа рыхәқәа ҳаракуп, ма хазхатәқәоуп. Азеиԥш Бжьы адаррақәа реизга ацхыраара ҟанаҵап ҳәа ҳақәгәыӷуеит дасу ихатәы бызшәала еиқәыршәоу ажәаҳәақәа ртехнологиақәа изҭаху зегьы ахархәара рымиартә рыҟаҵаразы. Абыжьқәа реилкаара иманшәаланы аҟаҵаразы, ҳара еизаагоит ахархәара рацәаны измоу абызшәақәа реиԥш, имаҷны рхы иадырхәо абызшәақәагьы рыбжьытә қәырԥшқәа, акоммерциатә маҵзурақәа хырҩа ззыруа ажәаҳәа еилкаагақәа.
81 |
Want to change your voice clip? Убжьы иҭаҩҩу упсахыр уҭахума?
82 |
By editing your goal, you may lose your existing progress. Ухықәкы аԥсахраан иумоу апрогресс уцәыӡыр ҟалоит.
83 |
Help us get to { $goal } Уҳацхраа анагӡараҿы { $goal }
84 |
Why do you need so many different speakers per language? Изышәҭахәузеи абас ирацәаҩны бызшәак ныҟәызго рхыҧхьаӡара?
85 |
Get Started with Speech Recognition Ажәаҳәа аилкааразы аусура алагара
86 |
Language Абызшәа
87 |
The process by which a contributor’s profile information is obscured from their donated voice clips when packaged for download as a part of the dataset. Алахәылаҩ иалеигалаз абыжьҭаҩрақәа рыҟнытә уи иҷыдахәратә информациақәа злалгахо апроцесс аҭагалара азырхиаразы аидкылараан адыррақәа рыхәҭак аҳасабала иамххоит.
88 |
Profile information improves the audio data used in training speech recognition accuracy. Аҷыдахәра иацу аинформациа аудиодыррақәа реилкаара еиӷьнатәуеит.
89 |
Faroese Фороесқҭ
90 |
{ NUMBER($count) } clips { NUMBER($count) } анҵамҭақәа
91 |
Voice recognition technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with machines, but the currently available systems are expensive and proprietary. Common Voice is part of Mozilla’s initiative to make voice recognition technologies better and more accessible for everyone. Common Voice is a massive global database of donated voices that lets anyone quickly and easily train voice-enabled apps in potentially every language. We're not only collecting voice samples in widely spoken languages but also in those with a smaller population of speakers. Publishing a diverse dataset of voices will empower developers, entrepreneurs, and communities to address this gap themselves. In addition to the Common Voice dataset, we’re also building an open source speech recognition engine called Deep Speech. Абжьы еилкаага технологиақәа рхархәара иалнаршоит амашьынақәа есааира ԥхьаҟа рцара, аха иахьатәи ҳаамҭазы урҭ рыхәқәа ҳаракуп, насгьы хазхатәқәоуп, Common Voice ари Mozilla аԥшьгамҭа иахәҭакуп, уи хықәкыс иамоуп абжьы адыргақәа ртехнологиа аиӷьтәреи, зегьы рхы иадырхәалартә рырманшәалара. Common Voice ари акырӡа иҭбаау абыжьқәа ирбазоуп, уи ахархәара дарбанызаалак инаҭоит алшара ирласны, насгьы имарианы иарбан бызшәазаалак аҵара. Ҳара еизаагоит инарҭбааны ахархәара змоу абызшәақәа ирыҵаркуа абыжьқәа рыдагьы, хыԥхьаӡарала имаҷны ауаа рхы иадырхәо абызшәақәа рыҟнытәи абыжьқәагьы. Еиуеиԥшым абыжьқәа реизгақәа ркьыԥхьра уи аԥҵаҩцәеи, аусдкылаҩцәеи, аилазаарақәеи алшара рнаҭоит рхала ари апроблема аԥыхра. Азеиԥш Бжьы адыррақәа реизга ахарҭәааразы ҳара иаԥаҳҵеит ажәаҳәа аилкаага Deep Speech.
92 |
When will you release Common Voice data in other languages? Common Voice адыррақәа реизга егьырҭ абызшәақәа рыла ианбаҭшәыжьуеи?
93 |
Settings Архиарақәа
94 |
Yes, we especially want your voice! Part of the aim of Common Voice is to gather as many different accents as possible so that voice recognition services work equally well for everyone. This means donations from non-native speakers are particularly important. Ааи, ҳара еиҳаракгьы уара убжьы оуп иаҳҭахәу! Common Voice хықәкыс иамоуп еиуеиԥшым аҳәашьақәа реизгара, абжьеилыргаратә маҵзурақәа зегьы рзы, доусы ҷыдала изнеиларатәы. Уи иаанаго, абызшәа ныҟәзымго рлагала аҵакы ду шамо оуп.
95 |
Mycroft is the world’s first open source assistant. Mycroft runs anywhere - on a desktop computer, inside an automobile, or on a Raspberry Pi. Mycroft ари адунеи аҟны раԥхьаӡатәи иаарту алагарҭатә код змоу бжьытә цхыраагӡоуп. Mycroft аус аур алшоит иахьабалак акомпиутер аҟны, амашьынаҿы, ма Raspberry Pi аҿы.
96 |
Kyrgyz Қыргызча
97 |
Female Аҳәса
98 |
Estonian Еисҭи Қеил
99 |
Glossary Аилыркаагатә жәар
100 |
Offensive language Угәы нзырхо аҳәамҭақәа
101 |
Mongolian Монгол
102 |
Get started with goals Ахықәкқәа уалага
103 |
r ҵ
104 |
Latvian Лаҭвиашу
105 |
More Иҵегь
106 |
Benefits Аԥыжәара
107 |
Cookies Кукиз
108 |
Can't decide? Иузымгәаӷьӡои?
109 |
* Indicates required field *Хымԥада ихарҭәаатәуп аҭыԥ
110 |
Do you want to Speak, Listen or both? Уара иҭауҩҩыр уҭаху, игәоуҭарц акәу, мамзаргьы аҩускгьы ҟауҵарц угәы иҭоу?
111 |
By opting in to receive emails you state that you are okay with Mozilla handling this info as explained in Mozilla’s <privacyLink>Privacy Policy<privacyLink>. Асалам шәҟәқәа риура уанақәшаҳаҭха, уи ианагоит, Mozilla уинформациа аус шаднауло уақәшаҳаҭуп ҳәа. <privacyLink>Политике приватности</privacyLink> Mozilla.
112 |
Validated Clips Анҵамҭақәа гәаҭан
113 |
Edit Profile Аредакциа аҷыдахәра
114 |
Lithuanian Леҭовиу
115 |
Tatoeba is a large database of sentences, translations, and spoken audio for use in language learning. This download contains spoken English recorded by their community. Tatoeba ари абызшәа аҵаразы ихархәагоу аиҭагақәеи ацәажәаратә аудио нҵамҭақәеи адыррақәа реизга да ала ишьақәгылоу лагаламҭоуп. Ари алагаламҭа иагәылоуп дара реилазаара амчала иҭаҩу ацәажәаратә англыз бызшәа.
116 |
Other voice datasets… Даҽа бжьытә дыррақәак-реизга...
117 |
Hours Recorded Сааҭ Абжьы Ахарҵеит
118 |
Is the goal of Common Voice to build a voice assistant? Иамоума Common Voice хықәкыс абжьылатәи ацхыраара ашьақәыргылара?
119 |
Read More Иԥкааны
120 |
Offensive speech Угәы нзырхо ажәақәа алоуп.
121 |
Thanks for confirming your account, now let's build your profile. Уҭагаларатә нҵамҭақәа рышьақәырӷәӷәаразы иҭабуп, уажәшьҭа уҷыдахәрақәа хаҳарҭәаап.
122 |
{ $actionType } submit when ready { $actionType } анымазеихалак идәықәуҵа.
123 |
Sign up for { $lang } updates: Уыҽҭаугалар, { $lang } абызшәа аҽшарҿыцуа удырлоит.
124 |
By using Common Voice, you agree to our <termsLink>Terms</termsLink> and <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink> Common Voice ухы ианаурхәа, уи иаанагоит ҳара <termsLink>ахархәашьа</termsLink> егьы <privacyLink>Ирмаӡоу Ардырра</privacyLink> урықәшаҳаҭуп ҳәа.
125 |
Sign up for Common Voice newsletters, goal reminders and progress updates Уҽанҵа Common Voice аизҳара ахықәки аҿыцрақәеи ртәы зҳәо ашьҭымҭа ҿыц аҟны
126 |
During contribution submission feedback will be skipped after clicking 'Submit. Contribution will continue directly with the next set of 5 recordings or validations. Common Voice уареи шәусеицура ахәшьара ҭагалахоит апатҟәыр "Ишьҭуп" уанақәыӷәӷәалак ашьҭахь. Апаҩстәи улагаламҭақәа ирыцуҵар улшоит егьырҭ уанҵамҭақәеи ма зыӡырҩрралеи.
127 |
Why is 10,000 validated hours the per language goal for capturing audio? Избан 10000 сааҭ иԥышәоу аамҭа абызшәазы изхықәкы хадоу абжьы анкыларазы?
128 |
Remove Ианыхтәуп
129 |
What’s inside the Common Voice dataset? Common Voice адыррақәа реизга аҩнуҵаҟа иагәылоузеи?
130 |
Maltese Малҭи
131 |
Sorbian, Lower Долнозербски
132 |
You must allow microphone access. Уара азин ҟауҵароуп амикрафон ахархәара.
133 |
Share your clip Унҵамҭа еиҩша
134 |
Content available under a <licenseLink>Creative Commons license</licenseLink> Аҵакы ахархәара ауеит абри ала <licenseLink>алицензиа Creative Commons</licenseLink>
135 |
I'd like updates and to keep current with what's happening with Common Voice. Сара исҭахуп Азеиԥш Бжьы аҟны имҩаԥысуа аиҭакрақәа рдырразы аашьҭымҭақәа соуларц.
136 |
I do not agree Сақәшаҳаҭӡам
137 |
Get Involved Аҽалагалара
138 |
Language request successfully submitted, thank you. Абызшәа ҿыц ацҵаразы аҳәара иманшәаланы ишьҭуп, иҭабуп.
139 |
Go to Discourse Дисқорс ахь ицо
140 |
Download Иҭагалатәуп
141 |
Login Identity Аҭаларазы ахаҭарбага
142 |
Sentences Аҳәоуқәа
143 |
Georgian Қарҭули
144 |
Close Иаркуп
145 |
Keep Иааныжьтәуп
146 |
Common Voice Dataset Common Voice Адыррақәа реизга
147 |
Create a voice clip as part of your profile avatar. Others will be able to hover and listen to your clip. Уара уҷыдахәра аватар иахәҭаку абжьытә клип ҟаҵа. Усҟан егьырҭгьы ирымиоит иааҭгыланы уклип ахҩылааны азыӡырҩра.
148 |
Macedonian Македонски
149 |
Speakers Ицәажәо
150 |
See More Арҭбаара
151 |
Validated Hrs Иазгәаҭоу асааҭқәа
152 |
We are building an open and publicly available dataset of voices that everyone can use to train speech-enabled applications. Ажәаҳәа еилыркаага апрограммақәа рзы ҳара иаԥаҳҵоит иаарту, зегьы рхы иадырхәаша абжьытә дыррақәа реизга.
153 |
No Thanks Мап, иҭабуп
154 |
For these launched languages the website has been successfully <localizationGlossaryLink>localized</localizationGlossaryLink>, and has enough <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>sentences collected</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink> to allow for ongoing <speakLink>Speak</speakLink> and <listenLink>Listen</listenLink> contributions. Урҭ абызшәақәа иманшәаланы иалхуп <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>алагалақәагьы маҷымқәа</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink> <localizationGlossaryLink>иацҵоуп авеб-саит</localizationGlossaryLink>, урҭ <speakLink>ахҳәааҟаҵареи</speakLink> <listenLink>азыӡырҩреи</listenLink> амҩақәа рыла аус рыдулара ацҵаразы.
155 |
TED-LIUM Corpus TED-LIUM аизганҵа
156 |
Collecting sentences from the public domain, or writing new ones for the public domain. Ауаажәлар еицырзеиԥшу алагаламҭақәа реизга, мамзаргьы зегьы рзы алагаламҭа ҿыцқәа рыҩра.
157 |
By providing some information about yourself, the audio data you submit to Common Voice will be more useful to Speech Recognition engines that use this data to improve their accuracy. Ухаҭаразы иҭоугыло адыррақәа, Common Voice ахь иааушьҭуа аудиодыррақәа абжьы алкааразы ахархәагақәа еиҳа ихәарҭахоит, убри аан урҭ адыррақәа рхаҭабзиара ашьҭыхразы еиҳа ахархәара роуеит.
158 |
Norwegian Bokmål Букмал
159 |
{ NUMBER($totalHours) } hours is achievable in just over { NUMBER($periodMonths) } months if { NUMBER($people) } people record { NUMBER($clipsPerDay) } clips a day. { NUMBER($people) } ауаа есеҽны { NUMBER($clipsPerDay) } нҵамҭақәа ҟарҵалар { NUMBER($periodMonths) } мза рыла { NUMBER($totalHours) } сааҭ ҟалар алшоит.
160 |
All Зегьы
161 |
Both (Speak and Listen) Аҩбагьы (Аҭаҩреи Азыӡырҩреи)
162 |
Share your { $count } Clip Weekly Goal for { $type } Ухықәкы - { $count } нҵамҭа есымчыбжьа { $type }
163 |
I'd like to receive emails such as goal reminders, my progress updates and newsletters about Common Voice. Сара исҭахуп Common Voice ахықәкқәеи аҽыцрақәеи ртәы зҳәо ашәҟәқәа соуларц.
164 |
Hindi Ҳынди
165 |
Listen-Queue Азыӡырҩра-Араанра
166 |
Awards Аҳам.
167 |
Profile Аҷыдахәра
168 |
{ $hours } validated hours so far! сааҭ макьана игәаҭоуп!
169 |
Most speech databases are trained with an overrepresentation of certain demographics which results in a bias towards <articleLink>male and middle class</articleLink>. Accents and dialects that tend to be under-represented in training data sets are typically associated with groups of people who are already marginalised. Many machines also struggle to understand female voices. This is why in our voice database we want variety! Ацәажәаратә шьаҭа аилыргара аҿы абжеиҳарак аҵарадырра ҟанаҵоит иалкаау адимографиатә дыррақәа рахь ахықәкра ҟаҵаны, уи аҩыза аҭагылазаашьа мҩахнаҟьоит <articleLink>ашҟа ахацәеи, абжьаратә класси</articleLink>. Ацәажәашьеи, адиолекты, ихарҭәаан арҵагатә дырраҿы иҭагалаӡам уи зыхҟьоу гәыҧҩык ауаа ахьаларххьоу азы оуп. Абжеиҳарак амашьынақәа аҧҳәыс лыбжьы гәаҟрыла еилдыргоит. Убри азы оуп, ҳабжьытә шьаҭа адырраҿы иҳаурц заҳҭахәу ирацәаны аиҧшымзаарақәа.
170 |
Having a profile is not required to contribute though it is helpful, see why below. Ахалархәразы ахатә ҷыдахәра амазаара хымԥадатәӡом, уи шхәарҭоугьы.
171 |
Sentence Collection Аҳәоуқәа реизга
172 |
Why is my language not included yet? Избан сбызшәа макьана иҟамлаӡацт?
173 |
Review & re-record clips here as you go Аклипқәа урҽеи, еиҭаныуҵа абра.
174 |
The number of recordings and which languages you contribute to will be public. Иҟауҵаз анҵамҭақәеи излаҟауҵаз абызшәақәеи иагьа ирацәазаргьы зегьы рхы иадырхәар рылшоит.
175 |
Breton Бӷезонеқ
176 |
Adyghe Адыга
177 |
Help us validate sentences! Уҳацхраа аҳоуқәа ргәаҭараҿы!
178 |
Burmese Миамаза
179 |
How do you ensure anonymity and privacy of the people who donated their voices? Зыбжьы шәызҭаз ауаа ирызку аинформациа ҵәахышьас иашәҭои?
180 |
No microphone found. Амикрофон ԥшаам
181 |
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. Ишьақәыргылоу фактуп аԥхьаҩ адаҟьақәа рмакетқәа данрыхәаԥшуа зыԥхьара мариақәоу шалихуа.
182 |
Anonymized user data like age, sex, and accent helps improve the audio data used to train the accuracy of speech recognition engines. Your username and email will never be associated with your submitted data, and you can choose whether to make your username public or anonymous. Ихьӡыдоу ахархәагатә дыррақәа, иаҳҳәап: ақәра, ахаҵара/аԥҳәысра, ацәажәашьатә ҷыдарақәа, ир��лшоит абжьытә дыррақәа ажәақәа аилккаразы аҽазыҟаҵарақәа хықәкыла реиӷьтәра иацхраар. Ухала иалухыр улшоит уелектронтә ԥошьҭа аҭыӡҭеи ахархәаҩ ихьӡи реилыркаага еицырдыруа иҟало, ма имаӡаны иаанхо.
183 |
Have you read our Terms? Ҳара ҳаиқәшаҳаҭра азҭо уаԥхьахьоума?
184 |
The Common Voice dataset complements Mozilla’s open source voice recognition engine Deep Speech. The first version of Deep Speech was released in November 2017 and has continued to evolve ever since. Together with the Common Voice dataset, we believe this open source voice recognition technology should be available to everybody. It’s our hope these technologies will enable developers to build a wave of innovative products and services. Адыррақәа реизга Common Voice иаарту, зхатә код змоу абжьы еилкаага Mozilla, Deep Speech ханарҭәаауеит. Deep Speech раԥхьатәи аверсиа ҭыжьын абҵарамза 2017 шықәсазы, уижьҭеи аҽиара иаҿуп. Адыррақәа реизга Common Voice ҳареи агәра аагоит ари, иаарту алагарҭатә код змоу абжьы еилкаага тенологиақәа, аԥҵаҩцәа ирырҭоит амиара хыԥхьаӡара рацәала аинновациатә маҵзурақәа раԥҵара.
185 |
Hours Validated Асааҭқәа гәаҭан
186 |
Hindi Ҳинди
187 |
Recordings нҵамҭак
188 |
The count of voice recording hours that have been validated by 2 out of 3 users with a vote of “Yes”. These mark progress toward the overall project 10k hours goal. Хҩык рахьынтә ҩыџьа ахархәаҩцәа "Ааи" ҳәа ззырҳәоз, ишьақәырӷәӷәоу иҭаҩу абыжьқәа сааҭла рхыԥхьаӡара. апроект азеиԥш хықәкы анагӡаразы 10К сааҭ инаӡоит.
189 |
We don't have anything to validate in this language, help us fill the queue. Аишьҭагыла ахархәараҟны уҳацхраа, ари абызшәала арҽеирақәа злаҟаҳҵаша акгьы ҳамам.
190 |
Edit Аредакциа азура
191 |
Is the clip valid? Ари анҵамҭа ииашаҵәҟьоума?
192 |
Donate your voice Убжьы ақәырга
193 |
Goals Ахықәк.
194 |
Overall project status: see how far we’ve come! Апроект азеиԥш ҭагылазаашьа: уахәаԥш ԥхьаҟа ҳахьынӡацаз!
195 |
Bulgarian Балгарски
196 |
By opting in to receive emails you state that you are okay with Mozilla handling this info as explained in Mozilla’s <privacyLink>Privacy Policy<privacyLink>. Асалам шәҟәқәа риура уанақәшаҳаҭха, уи ианагоит, Mozilla уинформациа аус шаднауло уақәшаҳаҭуп ҳәа. <privacyLink>Ҷыдалатәи Аполитика</privacyLink> Mozilla.
197 |
The Common Voice Dataset contains hundreds of thousands of voice samples that help developers build voice recognition tools. Common Voice шәнызқьла абжьы хкқәа агәылоуп, урҭ адыррақәа реизга аԥҵаҩцәа рхы иадырхәоит абжьы еилкаага инструментқәа раԥҵараан.
198 |
Clips You've Validated Игәауҭаз Анҵамҭақәа
199 |
Avatar Аныԥшга
200 |
Log In / Sign Up with { $company } email Аҭалара/Аҽҭагалара { $company } ԥошьҭала
201 |
202 |
Yes, send me emails. I’d like to stay informed about the Common Voice Project. Ааи, асалам шәҟәы сзаашьҭы. Сара апроект Common Voice ажәабжь ҿыцқәа здыруазар сҭахуп.
203 |
Serbian Сырпски
204 |
Create a Custom Goal Еиқәшәо ахықәкы аԥҵара
205 |
Telugu Ҭелугу
206 |
Why ? Избан?
207 |
Czech Чешҭина
208 |
Luganda Луганда
209 |
Localization Аҭыԥыркра
210 |
Have questions about Common Voice? Ideas for improvements or feedback about a specific language? Join us on our <discourseLink>Discourse forum</discourseLink> and let us know. Common Voice иазку азҵаарақәа умоума? Уҳалахәха, ҳара ҳфорум <discourseLink>Discourse </discourseLink> аҟны.
211 |
The clip has disrespectful or offensive language. Анҵамҭа ауаа еилызхо, ма ргәы нзырхо аҳәамҭақәа алоуп.
212 |
Hill Mari Кырык Мары
213 |
Do you want to continue? Уҿызаароума?
214 |
Finish recording first? Раԥхьа ианҵаны уалгома?
215 |
Success, profile created! Ишьахәуп, аҷыдахәра ҟалеит!
216 |
Great!<recordIcon></recordIcon> Record your next clip Ихазыноуп! <recordIcon></recordIcon> Ианҵа анаҩстәи уклип.
217 |
Cornish Қерноуеқ
218 |
Recreate Voicewave Ашьҭыбжьтә цәқәырԥа аиҭаԥҵаразы
219 |
Acehnese Аџьеи
220 |
You've successfully signed up for contributing to { $language }. Thank you. Уара қәҿиарала уҽҭаугалеит, абызшәа { $language } ухәҭаа алагалараҿы ацхыраара ҟауҵарц. Иҭабуп.
221 |
Your anonymous voice recordings will remain in the Common Voice dataset. Once you delete your profile you will no longer be able to submit a request to remove your recordings from the dataset Имаӡоу убжьы ҭаҩрақәа Common Voice адыррақәа реизгаҿы иаанхоит. Уҷыдахәра анамухлакь ашьҭахь адыррақәа реизгаҿы иалоу уанҵамҭақәа уаҳа рамхразы ааԥхьара узыҟаҵаӡом.
222 |
Speak Уцәажәа
223 |
224 |
Message Ацҳамҭа
225 |
Basque Иусқара
226 |
The Common Voice dataset is an open and publicly available resource that can be used to train a wide variety of speech-enabled applications. To protect the security of our contributors, we ask everyone who downloads the Common Voice dataset to respect contributors’ privacy. All voice clips in the dataset are scrubbed of personally identifying information. When you download the dataset, you agree to not attempt to determine the identity of any contributor. That means you cannot try to link information in the dataset to a contributor’s personal information. You may, however, use the dataset to train speech recognition, speaker recognition, or other applications, by, for instance, linking information in the dataset to other information already in the dataset. Адыррақәа реизга Common Voice ари ажәаҳәа ахархәарала еиуеиԥшым адыррақәа узҭо, иаарту, зегьы еицырзеиԥшны рхы иадырхәарц зылшо ресурсуп. Алахәылаҩцәа ршәарҭадаразы, Common Voice адыррақәа реизгақәа ҭазгало зегьы аҳәара раҳҭоит алахәылаҩцәа рконфиденциалра иацклаԥшларц. Адыррақәа реизгақәа зегьы рыбжьытә ҭаҩрақәа ахатә информациа рымырхуеит. Адыррақәа реизга хаҭалатәи аинформациа алгараан уара мап ацәукроуп дарбанызаалак лахәылаҩык ихаҭара ашьақәыргылара. Уи иаанаго убри ауп, адыррақәа реизгаҟны иалоу аинформациа дарбан лахәылаҩзаалак ихатә аинформациа адҳәалара улшаӡом. Аха уара иулшоит адыррақәа реизга ухы иаурхәар, иаҳҳәап ицәажәо еилкааразы, ма ажәаҳәа ашьақәыргыларазы.
227 |
Slovenian Словеншчына
228 |
Want to help make Common Voice even better? Great! Get in touch via email or on <discourseLink>Discourse</discourseLink>, submit feedback through <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink>, or join us on <slackLink>Slack</slackLink>. Иуҭахума Common Voice аизытәра уацхраар? Азамана! Уҳадҵаал ҳара, аелектронтә ԥошьҭала, ма <discourseLink>Discourse</discourseLink> форум аҟны, угәаанагара аанужь <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink> аҟны, мамзаргьы <slackLink>Slack</slackLink> аҟны.
229 |
Progress Аԥхьаҿиара
230 |
Show my ranking Сҭыԥ исырба
231 |
The count of voice recording hours we have collected so far. Уажәтәи аамҭазы ҳара еизаагахьоу, иҭаҩу абыжьқәа саатла шаҟа ыҟоу ахыԥхьаӡара.
232 |
Where does the source text come from? Иабантәи зегь аҳәоуқәа ахыҵхырҭа?
233 |
Kazakh Қазақ
234 |
Why is it important? Изыхадоузеи ари ?
235 |
Contact Form Аимадара аформа
236 |
Re-record clip Анҵамҭақәа еиҭа-ианҵатәуп
237 |
Other Voice Datasets Егьырҭ Абжьытә Дыррақәа Реизгақәа.
238 |
Today's Common Voice progress on clips validated Common Voice аҟны иахьа анҵамҭақәа гәаҭоуп.
239 |
Arabic Араби
240 |
Optionally join on our email list for updates and new information about the project. Агәаҳәара умазар, ҳара ҳапроект иазку аҿыцрақәеи аинформациа ҿыц аиурази ҳсиақәа уҽрынҵа.
241 |
Record/Stop Ианҵатәуп/Иаанкылатәуп
242 |
Sardinian Сарду
243 |
Shortcuts Арыд ласқәа
244 |
Understand contribution criteria Аԥҟара аилкаара
245 |
Leaderboard Visibility Аԥхьагылатә-ӷәы Абара
246 |
Validated Hours Асааҭкәа гәаҭан
247 |
Welcome { $company } staff! Бзиала шәаабеит { $company } аусуҩцәа!
248 |
Language Request Абызшәазы адҵаалара
249 |
Make your submitted data as rich as possible by providing some anonymous demographic data. We de-identify all demographic data before making it public. Имаӡоу адемографиатә дыррақәа анҳауҭо, урҭ иахьынӡауа ихаурҭәаауеит. Ҳара урҭ ҳкьыԥхьаанӡа удемографиатә дыррақәа зегьы амҳхоит.
250 |
Three to go! Х-ҳәоук аанхеит!
251 |
Don’t see your language reflected in the Dataset? To request a language head over to our Languages page. Абызшәқәа реизгаҿы уара убызшәа ыҟаӡами? Абызшәақәа рдаҟьаҟны уахәаԥш.
252 |
N/A Анеишьа Амам
253 |
Great! How many clips a week? Абзаиӡа! Шаҟа анҵамҭақәа мчыбжьык ала?
254 |
Keep the recordings Сынҵамҭақәа еиқәырхатәуп
255 |
Return to Languages Абызшәақәа ирзыхынҳәтәуп
256 |
Difficult Ицәгьоуп
257 |
Start recording Абжьы ҭаҩра иалагоит
258 |
Tap Акьысра
259 |
No Мап
260 |
What's Public? Иарбан адыррақәа еицзеиԥшуп?
261 |
Sex Акәал
262 |
Validations Гәаҭарак
263 |
Recording voice clips is an integral part of building our open dataset; some would say it's the fun part too. Иҭаҩу, абжьы зхоу адыррақәа, ҳара еиқәҳаруаз иаарту аилкаарақәа ирыхәҭакуп, шьоукгьы уи азҿлымҳара иаԥсоу усуп ҳәа ирыԥхьаӡаргьы ҟалоит.
264 |
Asturian Астуриано
265 |
Ready to do { $count } more? Уара уазхиоума даҽа { $count } аҟаҵара?
266 |
Dutch Недерланҭс
267 |
Add an avatar clip to your profile Уҷыдахәра аватар анҵамҭа ацуҵароуп
268 |
Help us find more voices, share your goal Ухықәкы ҳаҳәа, абжьы рацәа рыԥшаараҟны уҳацхраа.
269 |
<b>Why an email?</b> We may need to contact you in the future about changes to the dataset, an email provides us a point of contact. <b>Изаҭахузеи аԥошьҭа?</b> ҳаԥхьаҟа уара ҳаҽумаадар ҟалоит адыррақәа реизга аԥсахрақәа ралагаларазы. Убри азы алшара ҳнаҭоит аԥошьҭа.
270 |
Everyone Ахархәаҩцәа зегьы
271 |
Share Common Voice Common Voice еиҩша
272 |
Both Аҩбагьы
273 |
English Енглеш
274 |
Get Involved Уҽалаурхәырц
275 |
Interlingua Инҭерлынгәа
276 |
Loading… Аҭагалара
277 |
Audio Format Абжьынҵамҭа Аформат
278 |
Daily Goal Есымшатәи Ахықәкы
279 |
Keep track of your progress and metrics across multiple languages. Абызшәақәа акыр рыла уеизҳашьа уашьклаԥшла.
280 |
Submit a report Ардырра шьҭтәуп
281 |
Track progress here and on your stats page. Абреи астатистикатә даҟьаҟны уеизҳашьа уашьклаԥшла.
282 |
Help Аилыркаа
283 |
Languages Абызшәақәа
284 |
Persian Фарси
285 |
License Алицензиа
286 |
Share your { $count } Clip Daily Goal for { $type } Ухықәкы - { $count } нҵамҭак есыҽны { $type }
287 |
The sentence has a grammatical or spelling error. Аҳәоуқәа рыҟны иуԥылоит аорфографиатәи, мамзаргьы аграмматикатә гхақәа.
288 |
Clips You've Recorded Абжьы Зхауҵаз Анҵамҭақәа
289 |
Recorded Hours Асааҭкәа абжьы ахарҵеит
290 |
Cancel Submission Ашьҭра мап ацәктәуп
291 |
Upload an image file Асахьатә фаил иҭагалатәуп
292 |
Change your email via Settings under Login Identity Аҭагаларазы аидентификатор архиага аҟәшала ,уелектронтә ԥошьҭа аҭыӡҭа ԥсах
293 |
You can choose to make your username public or anonymous. Уара ахархәаразы иалухыз ухьӡ иаргамоутәыр ма иурмаӡар улшоит.
294 |
What level of audio quality is required for a voice clip to be used in the dataset? Зеиҧша бжьузеи иаҭаху ацәажәаратә клип ашьақәыргылараан, адырратә еизгаҿы рхы иадырхәоу?
295 |
Komi-Zyrian Коми-Зыриан
296 |
Skip Абжьажьра
297 |
Confirm Goal Ухықәкы шьақәырӷәӷәа
298 |
Do you have ideas on how we can make the Common Voice dataset better? Let us know on Discourse Common Voice аиӷьтәразы аидеиақәа умоума? Иаҳзеиҭауҳәа Discourse афорум аҟны.
299 |
Enter your email Уелектронтә ԥошьҭа ҭагал
300 |
Want updates when we release a new version of the Common Voice dataset? Subscribe to our newsletter. Common Voice адыррақәа реизга азы иҭыжьу аверсиа ҿыц иазкны ааԥхьара уоурц уҭахума? Унапы аҵажәҩы ҳара ҳажәабжь ҿыцқәа зну ашьҭымҭа.
301 |
License: <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink> Алицензиа: <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink>
302 |
Speak Аҭаҩра
303 |
Overall Hr. Total Зегьы шаҟа сааҭ ыҟоу
304 |
Continue Иацҵатәуп
305 |
Overall Accuracy Азеиԥш иашара.
306 |
Why should I sign up for an account? Сара сыҽҭага��ара заҭахузеи?
307 |
Days мыш
308 |
Next Goals: { $goal } Анаҩстәи ахықәкы: { $goal }
309 |
Kinyarwanda Қиниаруанда
310 |
Ligurian Лигуре
311 |
Leaving now means you’ll lose your changes Уажәы уцар, иҟоуҵахьоу аԥсахрақәа уцәыӡыр ҟалоит.
312 |
Mozilla Common Voice is an initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. Mozilla Common Voice ари иаҵанакуа ауаа хаҭала рцәажәашьа амашьынақәа идзырҵо ԥшьгамҭоуп.
313 |
Chinese (Taiwan) Ҳан (Ҳаиуан)
314 |
<recordIcon></recordIcon> Last one! <recordIcon></recordIcon> аҵыхәтәантәи!
315 |
Record your voice Убжьы ҭаҩтәуп
316 |
Visible Иубарҭоу
317 |
Subscribe Анапаҵаҩра
318 |
Help us build a community around voice technology, stay in touch via email. Абызшәақәа ртехнологиақәа рзы аилазаара аԥҵараҿы ацхыраара ҳауҭа, аелектронтә ԥошьҭала ҳаимадараҟны уҟаз.
319 |
Why a profile? Аҷыдахәра заҭаху?
320 |
Yes Ааи
321 |
Users validate the accuracy of donated clips, checking that the speaker read the sentence correctly. Ахархәаҩцәа анҵамҭақәа ахьынӡаиашоу гәарҭоит, ицәажәо аҳәоуқәа ииашан иаԥхьашьа иацклаԥшуеит.
322 |
<bold>{ $count }</bold> Clips <bold>{ $count }</bold> анҵамҭақәа
323 |
Danish Данск
324 |
The goal of the Common Voice dataset is to enable anyone in the world to build speech recognition, speaker recognition, or any other type of application that requires voice data. A voice assistant is just one of many types of applications you could use the dataset to build. Common Voice адырраз алхрақәа анымҩаҧнаго хықәкыс ишьҭнахуеит, дарбынзаалак адунеи иқәу ауаҩы алшарақәа имазарц абжьылатәи аилкаара, ицәажәо ауаҩы иеилкаара, мамзаргьы даҽа иарбынзаалак хархәарақәа раан, бжьыла ашьақәрыӷәӷәара ахьаҭахәу. Абжьытә хархәага-уи ҵҩа змама ишьақәдыргылахьоу ахархәагақәа рахьынтә гәлаҵақәак ируакуп, адырраз алхрақәа аныҟашәҵо ухы иаурхәо.
325 |
Spanish Касҭелиано
326 |
We will be in touch with more information as it becomes available. Аинформациа ахархәаразы еиҳа ианаартхалак ҳара адырра уаҳҭаны ҳаҽумаадоит.
327 |
You are prepared to initiate a download of <b>{ $size }</b> Уара алагаламҭа ҟауҵарц уҭахума <b>{ $size }</b>
328 |
You've helped Common Voice reach <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> of our daily { $goalValue } validation goal! Ҳара есымшатәи ҳхықәкы { $goalValue } <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> аҩаӡара Common Voice аҟынӡа агәаҭараҿы уара ацхыраара ҳауҭеит.
329 |
{ $count }mo { $count }мыз
330 |
What’s the difference between Common Voice and Deep Speech? Излеиԥшымзеи Common Voice, Deep Speech?
331 |
When a user rejects a voice clip it returns to the Queue. If rejected a second time, the voice clip is moved to the Clip Graveyard. Ахархәаҩ "Мап" ҳәа азиҳәазар, анҵамҭа аишьҭагылахь идырхынҳәуеит. Аха аҩбатәи абыжьгьы "Мап" акәзар, анҵамҭа рышьҭуеит. Анҵамҭақәа рнышәынҭрахь.
332 |
German Доич
333 |
Recorded Clips Анҵамҭақәа абжьы ахарҵеит
334 |
Off Аҿх
335 |
Voice clips are entered into a submission queue that readies them for listening. Иҭаҩу абыжьқәа агәаҭаразы аишьҭагыла иқәдыргылоит, уи ашьҭахь ирзыӡырҩуеит.
336 |
LibriSpeech is a corpus of approximately 1000 hours of 16Khz read English speech derived from read audiobooks from the LibriVox project. LibriSpeech шьақәгылоуп инықәырԥшны 1000 сааҭи 16Кгц иҟоу англыз бызшәала иҭаҩу аудионҵамҭақәа реизгақәеи, LibriVox апроект аҟнытәи иаагоу аудиошәыҟәқәеи рыла.
337 |
The Common Voice dataset is available for download under the <licenseLink>CC0</licenseLink> license on <datasetLink>our Datasets page</datasetLink>. You can also download several other publicly available datasets from the same page. Common Voice адыррақәа реизга <licenseLink>СС0</licenseLink> лицензиала аҭагалара ауеит <datasetLink>ҳара ҳдаҟьа адыррақәа реизгаҟны</datasetLink>. Уара иулшоит уи адаҟьа аҟнытә егьырҭ еицырзеиԥшу адыррақәа реизгақәа акыр рҭагалара.
338 |
Armenian Western Аревмдаҳаиерен
339 |
Moksha Моқшен
340 |
De-identified Ихаҿыдатәу
341 |
On Аҿ��
342 |
Catalan Каҭалаа
343 |
Karakalpak Ҟараҟалпаҟ
344 |
You can help build a diverse, open-source dataset by creating a Common Voice profile and contributing your voice. Уара иулшоит ацхыраара ҟауҵарц иаарту алагарҭатә код зцу, еиуеиҧшым аилыркаагақәа еидызкылоу, Common Voice адаҟьа аԥҵаразы, анаҩс убжьгьы алауҵо.
345 |
Common Voice is part of Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. Common Voice ари Mozilla иаҵанакуа ауаа хаҭала рцәажәашьа амашьынақәа идзырҵо ԥшьгамҭоуп.
346 |
Great! How many clips per day? Ибзиоуп! Ҽнак заҟа нҵамҭа?
347 |
y е
348 |
Assamese Асамиа
349 |
Pro Про
350 |
Streaks Еишьҭыргыланы
351 |
Speak now Абжьы ҭаҩра алагара
352 |
Vietnamese Тынг Виет
353 |
Add an avatar to your profile Уҷыдахәра аватар ацуҵароуп
354 |
Hours Validated Сааҭ Гәаҭан
355 |
Mycroft Ai Mycroft Ai
356 |
Weekly Есымчыбжьатәи
357 |
Swahili Қысуаҳили
358 |
I am a non-native speaker and I speak with an accent, do you still want my voice? Абызшәа ныҟәызго среиуам, сҳәашьагьы цқьаӡам, ишәыхәарыма сара сыбжьы?
359 |
Voice recording in progress Абжьы ҭаҩра анагӡара иаҿуп
360 |
We’re sorry, but your platform is not currently supported. Ҳгәы иалоуп уажәазы уара уплатформа ацхыраара ахьамам.
361 |
Easy Имариоуп
362 |
Average Ибжьаратәуп
363 |
Tagalog Ҭагалог
364 |
No gravatar found for your email Ари аелектронтә ԥошьҭа аҭыӡҭа Граватвр аҟны иҭагалаӡом
365 |
Venetian Венеҭо
366 |
Localized Иҭыԥркуп
367 |
Upload aborted. Do you want to delete your recordings? Аҭагалара еиԥҟьоуп. Уанҵамҭақәа анышәхыр уҭахума?
368 |
369 |
We at Mozilla are building a community around voice technology. We would like to stay in touch with updates, new data sources and to hear more about how you're using this data. Ҳара Mozilla аҟны иаԥаҳҵоит абызшәтә технологиақәа ирызку аилазаара. Ҳара иаҳҭахуп уара иудыруазарц аҿыцрақәа зегьы, хыҵхырҭа ҿыцқәас иҟоу, иара убас иаҳҭахуп иаадыруазарц урҭ зегьы уара ухы ишаурхәо.
370 |
Mapudungun Мапудунгун
371 |
I just created a personal goal for voice donation to #CommonVoice -- join me and help teach machines how real people speak { $link } Сара абыржәы #CommonVoice сыбжьы аҭаразы ахықәкы сымоуп. Шәсыцхраа амашьынақәа хаҭала ауаа еилыркаауа рыҟаҵара аус аҟны { $link }
372 |
Listening Азыӡырҩра
373 |
Kaqchikel Қақчиқел
374 |
Frequently Asked Questions Лассы-ласс иурҭо азҵаарақәа
375 |
About Иҳазкны
376 |
What does it mean that I can’t “determine the identity” of speakers in the Common Voice dataset? Уи иаанагома сара Common Voice адыррақәа реизгаҟны зыбжьы ҭаҩу ауаа "рхаҭара" ашьақәыргылара сылшаӡом ҳәа?
377 |
Common Voice Dataset Common Voice адыррақәа реизга
378 |
Why is Common Voice part of the Mozilla mission? Избан Common Voice Mozilla иахәҭакны изыҟоу?
379 |
Is my account information public? Сҳасабрбатә нҵамҭа адыррақәа аицзеиԥшоума?
380 |
The multi-language version of the Common Voice dataset is currently undergoing community supported bundling and cleaning. If you would like to learn more about supporting this effort, please <contactLink>contact us</contactLink>. We are currently targeting a publish date of January 2019. After that, we’ll update the dataset periodically with new languages and voice clips as they become available. An iterative release cycle cadence is still to be determined. Аверсиақәа рацәаны измоу Common Voice аилазаара ацхыраарала аус адулареи арыцқьареи иахысуеит. Ацхыраара аҟаҵашьа еилукаарц уҭахызар <contactLink>ала уҽҳамада</contactLink>. Уажәтәи аамҭазы ҳара орентирс иҳамоуп ажьырныҳәа, 2019 шықәса. Убри ашьҭахь ҳара аамҭа-аамтала иҳарҿыцлоит иҿыцу абызшәақәа рдыррақәа реизга ҿыцқәа рыла, урҭ шҳаулак еиԥш. Аҩбатәи аиҭаҭыжьра аныҟало аамҭа макьана еилкаам.
381 |
Would you like to request your voice recordings be deleted too, or do you prefer to keep them in the Common Voice dataset? Уара иуҭахума убыжьқәа иҭауҩыз аныухыр, мамзар Common Voice адыррақәа реизгаҟны иаанхар уҭаху?
382 |
Go to Languages Page Абызшәақәа рдаҟьахь ицо
383 |
Icelandic Исленска
384 |
Clips recorded Анҵамҭақәа абжьы рхарҵеит
385 |
386 |
Common Voice is a collaborative project, and we're depending on our community of partners and contributors to build the largest open-source dataset of voices ever. We would like to thank the following people and organizations for their help with the project: Common Voice еицырзеиԥшу проектуп, зегьы иреиҳау, иаарту абжьытә дыррақәа реизга аԥҵара аларшахоит аус еицызуа алахәылаҩцәа зегьы русеицурала. Ҳара иаҳҭахуп ҭабуп ҳәа раҳҳәарц апроект ацхыраара азыҟазҵаз аилазаарақәеи ауааи:
387 |
Grammatical / spelling error Аграмматикатә / аорфографиатә гха.
388 |
This is our process for translating and adapting our content for many locales (languages). Ари ҳара абызшәақәа рацәаны реиҭагареи реинраалареи апроцесс азы иалҳхыз ҳконтент ауп.
389 |
Common Voice is Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. Common Voice — ари Mozilla иаҵанакуа ауаа хаҭала рцәажәашьа амашьынақәа идзырҵо ԥшьгамҭоуп.
390 |
{ $count }wk мчыбжьа
391 |
Today's Common Voice progress on clips recorded Common Voice аҟны иахьа анҵамҭақәа ҟаҵоуп.
392 |
s б
393 |
Norwegian Nynorsk Нинорск
394 |
Korean Ҳангәыго
395 |
Speaking and Listening Абжьы ҭаҩреи Азыӡырҩреи
396 |
Why Common Voice? Изаҭахузеи Common Voice?
397 |
Saved Еиқәырхоуп
398 |
Read more on our About page Нарҭбааны Иазкны ҳдаҟьаҿы
399 |
This setting controls your leaderboard visibility. When hidden, your progress will be private. This means your image, user name and progress will not appear on the leaderboard. Note that leaderboard refresh takes ~{ $minutes }min to populate changes. Ари апараметр уара утоп аҟны уыҟазаара иацхраауеимт. Уара уанӡыргамха упрогрессгьы зӡыргахом. Уи иаанаго аԥхьагылаҩцәа рсиаҟны уара ухаҿсахьеи, ухархәагатә хьӡи упрогресси арбахаӡом ҳәа ауп. Хырҩа азуы аԥхьагылаҩцәа рсиа арҿыцра инықәырԥшны ~ { $minutes } шаҭаху.
400 |
Submit clips Анҵамҭақәа шьҭтәуп
401 |
Voice is natural, voice is human. That’s why we’re fascinated with creating usable voice technology for our machines. But to create voice systems, an extremely large amount of voice data is required. Абжьы-ԥсабаратәуп, абжьы-уаҩбжьуп. Убри азоуп ҳмашьынақәа рзы иманшәалоу абызшәатә технологиа аԥҵара ҳзашьҭоу. Аха абжьы зхоу абызшәатә системақәа раԥҵаразы, иаҭахуп зымҽхак ҭбаау абызшәатә дыррақәа.
402 |
Native Language Ахатәы бызшәа
403 |
It is written in a language different than what I’m speaking. Сызлацәажәо абызшәа еиԥшымкәа иҩуп.
404 |
Set my visibility Сара сҷыдахәра арбара
405 |
Today Иахьа
406 |
Launched Аус арууп
407 |
Nepali Хас Қура
408 |
Urdu Урду
409 |
Email is already used for a different account Ари аелектронтә ԥошьҭа даҽа ҳасабрбатә нҵамҭак аҟны ахархәара амоуп
410 |
Receive emails such as challenge and goal reminders, progress updates, and newsletters about Common Voice. Common Voice иуадаҩу ахықәкқәеи аҩаӡарақәеи ирыдҳәалоу ажәабжьқәеи ртәы зҳәо ашәҟәқәа риура.
411 |
Your Languages Убызшәақәа
412 |
Total Амҽхак
413 |
<playIcon></playIcon>Last one! <playIcon></playIcon>Аҵыхәтәантәи!
414 |
Share my goal Схықәкы еиҩша
415 |
Review & re-record clips if needed Ианаҭаху аамҭазы аклипқәа рҽеины ихҩаала.
416 |
We’re crowdsourcing an open-source dataset of voices. Donate your voice, validate the accuracy of other people’s clips, make the dataset better for everyone. Ҳара иаԥаҳҵоит икраудсорсинтәу, иаарту абыжьқәа реизга.
417 |
Success Қәҿиарала
418 |
Your weekly goal has been created Мчыбжьыктәи ухықәкы нагӡоуп
419 |
Fulah Фулфулде
420 |
This is open source software which can be freely remixed, extended, and improved. Mycroft may be used in anything from a science project to an enterprise software application. Ари иаарту, зхатә код змоу апрограмма ишуҭаху иуыԥсахыр, иурҭбаар, еиӷьутәыр ҟалоит. Mycroft ахархәара ҟалоит ��наукатә проектқәа инадыркны акорпоративтә программақәа рыҟнынӡа.
421 |
Voices Online Now Абыжьқәа Алабҿаба Абыржәы
422 |
Speech-to-text (STT) technologies convert voice data into text. Ҳәоула ацәажәара (ҲА) атехнологиала иҭаҩу абыжьқәа атекстқәа рахь иианагоит.
423 |
Size Ашәагаа
424 |
Malayalam Малеиалам
425 |
Hungarian Магиар
426 |
Azerbaijani Азарбеиҽан
427 |
Contribute to { $lang } Абызшәа { $lang } аҽалархәара
428 |
All voice clips in the dataset are scrubbed of personally identifying information. When a contributor provides demographic data via their profile, that information is de-identified from their voice clips before being bundled for download in the dataset and is never made public on their profile page. Адыррақәа реизга иагәылоу абыжьҭаҩрақәа зегьы хаҭалатәи аинформациа рыманы идрыцқьоит. алахәылаҩ аҷыдахәра ала адимографиатә дыррақәа шалеигалогьы, уи аинформациа анҵамҭақәа зегьы рыҟны иамырхуеит, адаррықәа реизгахь ииаргаӡом, уи иҷыдахәраҟны ахаангьы иадырбаӡом.
429 |
Press play, listen & tell us: did they accurately speak the sentence below? Анҵамҭа аҿашәы, уазыӡырҩы, нас иҳауҳәа ҵаҟатәи аҳәоуқәа бзианы иҭаҩума?
430 |
Hours Recorded Асааҭкәа абжьы рхарҵеит
431 |
VoxForge was set up to collect transcribed speech for use with Free and Open Source Speech Recognition Engines. VoxForge аԥҵан атранскрипциа зызуыу ажәаҳәа аизгаразы, уи анаҩс зхы иақәиҭу, иаарту ажәаҳәа еилкаага механизмқәа рхархәаразы.
432 |
Votic Ваџа Цеили
433 |
Thank you for your interest in contributing to { $lang }. We work hard to get every language ready for launch and keep the teams updated via email. If you want to contribute, please provide your email below. Иҭабуп { $lang } абызшәа алагаразы азҿлымҳара иҟауҵо азы. Ҳара ҽышәала аус аауеит иарбан бызшәазаалак алагалара азырхиаразы, алахәылаҩцәеи ҳареи убри аан електронтә пошьҭала ҳаимадоуп. Иулагаламҭа ҟауҵар уҭахызар, ҵаҟа иаурба уелектронтә ԥошьҭа аҭыӡҭа.
434 |
Aragonese Арагонис
435 |
Speaking Абжьы ҭаҩра
436 |
See Less Армаҷра
437 |
Privacy Амырӡара
438 |
To make the Common Voice dataset as useful as possible we have decided to only allow source text that is available under a Creative Commons (CC0) license. Using the CC0 standard means its more difficult to find and collect source text, but allows anyone to use the resulting voice data without usage restrictions or authorization from Mozilla. Ultimately, we want to make the multi-language dataset as useful as possible to everyone, including researchers, universities, startups, governments, social purpose organizations, and hobbyists. Common Voice адыррақәа реизга иахьынӡауа ихәарҭаны аҟаҵаразы, ҳара иҳаӡбеит илицензиарку Creative Commons (CC0) алагарҭатә текстқәа ҳхы иаҳархәаларц. СС0 астандарт иақәшәо атекстқәа рхархәара иаанагоит алагарҭатә атекстқәа рыԥшаареи реидкылареи ахьынӡауадаҩу, аха абри аамҭазы дарбанызаалак азин инаҭоит Mozilla аҟнытә урҭ рхархәаразы азин мгақәа дарбанызаалак абжьытә дыррақәа зегьы ԥымкрада рхархәара. Ҳара иаҳҭахуп бызшәа рацәала еилоу адыррақәа реизга, аҵыхәтәаны иахьынӡауа зегьы рзы ихәарҭаны, аҭҵааҩцәеи, ауниверситетқәеи астартапқәеи, аиҳабырақәеи, асоциалтә еилазаарақәеи рхы иадырхәо иҟаларц.
439 |
Contribution Experience Common Voice уареи шәусеицура ахәшьара аҭ.
440 |
Artificial intelligence Иԥсабаратәым аинтеллект
441 |
Contribute Аҽалархәара
442 |
Delete my recordings Сынҵамҭақәа ықәгатәуп
443 |
Romansh Sursilvan Руманч Сурсылван
444 |
Both of these projects are part of our efforts to bridge the digital speech divide. Voice recognition technologies bring a human dimension to our devices, but developers need an enormous amount of voice data to build them. Currently, most of that data is expensive and proprietary. We want to make voice data freely and publicly available, and make sure the data represents the diversity of real people. Together we can make voice recognition better for everyone. Арҭ аҩпроектгьы ацифратә жәаҳәа ахарҭәааразы ицхыраагӡоуп. Абжьы дырга технологиақәа ауаҩра рыларгалоит ҳара ҳусурақәа, аха хыԥхьаӡара рацәала абжьытә дыррақәа еизгатәуп урҭ раԥҵаразы. Иахьатәи аамҭазы урҭ реиҳарак рыԥшаара уауаҩуп, насгьы рыхәқәа ҳаракуп. Ҳара иаҳҭахуп абжьытә дыррақәа рхы иақәиҭны, изҭаху ирымԥыхьашәо, ахархәаразы иманшәаланы иҟазарц. Ҳара иҳалшоит зегьы ҳаицхырааны, абжьы аилкаара зегьы рзы иманшәаланы аҟаҵара.
445 |
Age Ақәра
446 |
How ? Ишԥа?
447 |
To make it into the Common Voice dataset, a voice clip must be validated by two separate users. Анҵамҭа Common Voice адыррақәа реизгахь ииагахарц азы уи ҩыџьа ахархәаҩцәа игәарҭароуп.
448 |
Stats Аста.
449 |
Bashkirs Башҟорттар
450 |
Your daily goal has been created Ҽнактәи ухықәкы нагӡоуп
451 |
[1-5] [1-5]
452 |
Frisian Фӷыск
453 |
We will review your request to remove your voice recordings from the dataset. If your request is approved, we will contact those who have downloaded the dataset and request they remove your voice recordings as well. Адыррақәа реизга иагәылоу уара убжьытә нҵамҭақәа раныхразы иҟауҵо аҳәамҭа ҳара ҳахәаԥшуеит. Аҳәара иҟауҵаз иақәшаҳаҭхар, ҳара урҭ адыррақәа реизгақәа ҭазгалаз аҳәара раҳҭоит убжьытә нҵамҭақәа анырхырц.
454 |
A voice clip is marked "valid" when a user gives it a Yes vote. Ахархәаҩ "Ааи" ҳәа азиҳәазар, аҭаҩымҭа "корректуп" ҳәа иазгәарҭоит.
455 |
Gender Акәал
456 |
Request a Language Абызшәа уазҵаа
457 |
Drag and drop or <browseWrap>Browse</browseWrap> Ииага ма <browseWrap>афаил алх</browseWrap>
458 |
We will be in touch with more information about how to add your language to Common Voice very soon. Ҳара излауала ирласны иуаҳҳәоит Common Voice аҟны уара убызшәагьы шацҵатәу.
459 |
<bold>Help us</bold> find more voices <bold>Уҳацхраа</bold> абыжьқәа рацәаны рыԥшаараҿы.
460 |
Download Dataset Bundle Адырра аизга ҭагалатәуп
461 |
Common Voice data plus all other voice datasets above. Common Voice иамоу адыррақәа ирыцу абыжьқәа реизгақәа зегьы ҵаҟа иарбоуп.
462 |
Leaving now means you'll lose your progress Уажәы уаҟәыҵыр, уи иаанагоит ԥхьаҟа уцара еиԥҟьахоит ҳәа.
463 |
Help reach { NUMBER($hours) } hours in { $language } with a personal goal Ухықәкы уцырхрааны, абри { $language } аҿы { NUMBER($hours) } сааҭ анагӡара
464 |
Chinese (China) Ҳан (Жьангоу)
465 |
Submit Ашьҭра
466 |
Portuguese (Brazil) Порҭогеиз Бразылеиро
467 |
Why don’t you ask people to read from books or Wikipedia articles in different languages? Еиуеиԥшым абызшәақәа рыла иҩу Википедиа аҟнытәи астатиақәеи ашәҟәқәеи ирыԥхьаларц ауаа узырмыҳәарызеи?
468 |
Male Ахацәа
469 |
Validating donated clips is equally important to the Common Voice mission. Take a listen and help us create quality open source voice data. Изыцҵоу аҭаҩымҭақәа ргәаҭара даара акрызҵазкуа усуп Common Voice ахықәкы анагӡаразы. Аҭаҩымҭақәа урзыӡырҩны, зхаҭабзиара ҳараку, иаарту абыжьқәа раԥҵараҿы ацхыраара ҳауҭа.
470 |
Russian Руски
471 |
Return to Common Voice Datasets Common Voice Адыррақәа реизга иазыхынҳәтәуп
472 |
Great work!<playIcon></playIcon> Listen again when you're ready Аус бзиоуп! <playIcon></playIcon> Уаназошоу даҽазнык уазыӡырҩы.
473 |
sign up for email updates Аҽҭагалара аԥошьҭала аиҭакрақәа рдырразы
474 |
Today's Progress Иахьатәи аԥхьаҿиара
475 |
476 |
Get involved Уҽалаурхәырц
477 |
Voices Online Now Онлаин Аҿы Абжьқәа
478 |
Stats Аҭагылазаашьа
479 |
Return to Common Voice Common Voice иазыхынҳәтәуп
480 |
Report Ирдыртәуп
481 |
How does Common Voice calculate hours? Common Voice асааҭқәа шԥаԥхьаӡо?
482 |
Cancel Re-recording Абжьы еиҭаҭаҩра мап ацәктәуп
483 |
Clips validated Анҵамҭақәа гәаҭан
484 |
Number of Voices Абыжьқәа рхыԥхьаӡара
485 |
Sicilian Сичелиа��о
486 |
Amharic Амарыниа
487 |
English Инглеш
488 |
We want the Common Voice dataset to reflect the audio quality a speech-to-text engine will hear in the wild, so we’re looking for variety. In addition to a diverse community of speakers, a dataset with varying audio quality will teach the speech-to-text engine to handle various real-world situations, from background talking to car noise. As long as your voice clip is intelligible, it should be good enough for the dataset. Ҳара иаҳҭахуп Common Voice адырратә еизга ианыԥшырц зхаҭабзиара ҳараку абжьы, аиҭаҵ "ацәажәара-атекст" абнаҿгьы ибзианы иаднакыларц, убри азы ҳашьҭоуп аишымзаарақәа ирацәаны. Ирацәаӡоу адинамкатә еилазаара инахыҳәҳәан адырратә еизга еиуеиԥшым ахаҭабзиара змоу абжьы ахы иархәан аиҭаҵ "ацәажәара-атекст" ианырҵоит еиуеиԥшым аԥсҭазааратә ҭагылазаашьақәа рҿы иаԥыло иариашартә еиԥш аҭагылазаашьа амазарц, аиҿацәажәара ахьымҩаԥысуа аҭыԥ аҿы иҟоу аԥықәслара, амашьынақәа рыбжьы. Макьы убжьытә клип цқьанаҵы, даараӡа ибзиазароуп адырратә еизга азы!
489 |
Odia Ориа
490 |
*required *Иаҭахуп
491 |
Listen Азыӡырҩра
492 |
Build a custom goal Еиқәшәо ахықәкы аҟаҵара
493 |
Finnish Суоми
494 |
Romansh Sursilvan Сурсылван
495 |
Swedish Свенска
496 |
User Name Ахархәаҩ ихьӡ
497 |
Slovak Словенчына
498 |
Download My Data Схаҭаратә дыррақәа рыхҩылаара
499 |
Back to Top Аҩада
500 |
501 |
Sorbian, Upper Ҳорнозербски
502 |
Have Feedback? Угәаанагара аныуҵа?
503 |
Total Approved Зынӡа игәаҭоуп.
504 |
Hebrew Иврыҭ
505 |
You Уара
506 |
Accent Ацәажәашьа
507 |
Tamil Ҭамыл
508 |
How does it work? Ари аус шԥауеи?
509 |
{ $count }y шықәса
510 |
Buryat буриад
511 |
Chinese (Hong Kong) Ҳан (Сиан Ган)
512 |
Izhorian Ижоран
513 |
Keep track of your progress with a profile Уҷыдахәра уцырхрааны упрогресс уашьклаԥшла.
514 |
Listen Уазыӡырҩы
515 |
Romansh Vallader Руманч Валадер
516 |
Build Profile Аҷыдахәра аԥҵара
517 |
Give your avatar a voice Уныԥшга абжьы иҭ
518 |
Kabyle Такбаилит
519 |
Voice is natural, voice is human. That’s why we’re excited about creating usable voice technology for our machines. But to create voice systems, developers need an extremely large amount of voice data. Абжьы-ԥсабаратәуп, уаҩбжьуп. Убри азоуп амашьынақәа рхархәаразы иманшәалоу абжьытә технологиақәа зыҟарҵо. Аха аилыркаагатә система аԥҵараан, иаҭахуп даара зымҽхак дуу абжьытә дыррақәа.
520 |
Delete Profile Аҷыдахәра аныхтәуп
521 |
Note: You will still need to select between Speak or Listen to change contribution type. Азгәаҭа: Уаанӡа еиԥш, иарбан лагаламҭоу иҟауҵо иаҿырԥшны, иалухруп аҭаҩра ма азыӡырҩрра.
522 |
Occitan Алан
523 |
On desktop computers, you can download the latest: Астол иқәдыргыло акомпиутерқәа ирҭаугалар улшоит аҵыхәтәантәи:
524 |
Hidden Иҵәаху
525 |
Clips You've Validated Игәауҭаз анҵамҭақәа
526 |
Sakha Саха
527 |
The multi-language version of the Common Voice dataset is currently undergoing community supported bundling and cleaning. If you would like to help us bring Common Voice to new languages, go check out the <sentenceCollectorLink>Sentence Collection Tool</sentenceCollectorLink> for adding new sentences to the dataset, and Mozilla <pontoonLink>Pontoon</pontoonLink> for translating the website itself. New languages are added to Common Voice for voice contribution when 5000 approved sentences have been collected. Иахьатәи ҳаамҭазы аилазаара ацхыраарала имҩаԥысуеит бызшәа рацәала еилоу Common Voice адыррақәа реизга еидҵоу аверсиа аизгара. Common Voice абызшәа ҿыцқәа рахь аиҭагараҿы уҳацхраар уҭахызар, уиас <sentenceCollectorLink>Аҳәоуқәа реизга</sentenceCollectorLink>адыррақәа реизгаҿы аҳәоу ҿыцқәа раԥҵаразы еиҿкаауи, насгьы авеб-саит ахаҭа аиҭагаразы еиҿкаау Mozilla<pontoonLink>Pontoon</pontoonLink> рахь. Common Voice аҟны абызшәа ҿыцқәа ацҵахоит 5000 нызқь ишьақәырӷәӷәоу аҳәоуқәа анеизгахалак ашьҭахь.
528 |
The selected file is too large Иалху афаил ам��хак мыцхәы идууп
529 |
Ready to help validate sentences? Иудгалоу анҵамҭақәа ргәаҭаразы ҳаицхраара уазхәыцуама?
530 |
Sign up for an account Аҽҭагалара аҳасабрбатә нҵамҭазы
531 |
Chuvash Чавашла
532 |
Esperanto Исԥеранҭо
533 |
Malagasy Малагаси
534 |
Looks like there aren't any clips to listen to in this language. Help us fill the queue by recording some now. Ҳгәы иаанагоит ари абызшәала азыӡырҩразы акгьы ҭаҩӡам.
535 |
Keep track of your progress with a profile and help our voice data be more accurate. Аҷыдахәрақәа ухы иархәаны, ԥхьаҟатәы ациара уашьклаԥшла, ҳабжьытә дыррақәа реиӷьтәра уацхраала.
536 |
Contributors record voice clips by reading from a bank of donated sentences. Алахәылаҩцәа, абанк аҟны иҟоу аԥшьқәа ирыԥхьаны иҭарҩуеит.
537 |
Terms Аиқәшаҳаҭра
538 |
Kabardian Аҟабарда
539 |
Review & Submit Агәаҭареи Ашьҭреи
540 |
License: <licenseLink>{ $license }</licenseLink> Алицензиа <licenseLink>{ $license }</licenseLink>
541 |
Clip Graveyard Анҵамҭақәа рнышәынҭра
542 |
Log in or sign up to get started Уҭала мамзаргьы уҽҭагала алагаразы
543 |
{ $actionType }<playIcon></playIcon> did they accurately speak the sentence? { $actionType }<playIcon></playIcon> ииаиганы иаԥхьоума аҳәоуқәа?
544 |
Portuguese Поӷҭугеис
545 |
Review Агәаҭара
546 |
Avatar Асахьа
547 |
Common Voice recordings are used by academics, small businesses, and voice recognition enthusiasts to help train and grow publicly available resources like voice models. Can you let us know why you would like your recordings deleted? Common Voice анҵамҭақәа рхы иадырхәоит аҵарауаа, абизнес маҷ аҟны, иара убас абжьы еилкаагақәа зхәыцуа рзы абжьытә модельқәа рышьақәыргылараан зегьы еицырзеиԥшу аресурсқәа рырҿиареи абызшәа арҵара аус аҟны. Еилаҳкаар ҟалома уара уанҵамҭақәа рықәгара зыуҭахыу?
548 |
Speech-to-text (STT) Ҳәоула ацәажәара
549 |
Albanian Шқыԥ
550 |
The recording was too short. Абжьы ҭаҩра кьаҿуп
551 |
Help us build a high quality, publicly open dataset Иаарту, зхаҭабзиара ҳараку абызшәатә дыррақәа рбаза аԥҵара уҳацхраа
552 |
Welsh Кымраиг
553 |
The TED-LIUM corpus was made from audio talks and their transcriptions available on the TED website. TED-LIUM аизга аԥҵан TED асаит аҟны ахархәара змоу аудио еиҿцәажәарақәеи урҭ рытранскрипциақәеи рыла.
554 |
Difficult to pronounce Аҳәаразы ицәгьоуп
555 |
You've helped Common Voice reach <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> of our daily { $goalValue } recording goal! Ҳара есымшатәи ҳанҵамҭақәа аҩаӡара { $goalValue }! Common Voice ахықәкы аҟынӡа ашьҭыхраҿы, уара <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> ацхыраара ҳауҭеит.
556 |
Clips Uploaded Анҵамҭақәа ҭагалан
557 |
The Common Voice dataset complements Mozilla’s open source voice recognition engine Deep Speech, which you can use to build speech recognition applications. Read our <githubLink>Github overview</githubLink> or join the <discourseLink>DeepSpeech Discourse</discourseLink> to learn how to get started. Common Voice адыррақәа реизга, иаарту адыррақәа абжьы еилкаага программа DeepSpeech Mozilla аҟынтә иаагоу, ухатәы лагаламҭақәа рыҟаҵараан ухы иаурхәар улшоит.
558 |
Weekly Goal Есымчыбжьатәи Ахықәкы
559 |
Don't see your language on Common Voice yet? Common Voice аҟны уара убызшәа макьана иумбаӡои?
560 |
Additional Language Ахарҭәаагатә бызшәа
561 |
Email Аԥошьҭа
562 |
Partners Алахәылаҩцәа
563 |
Tajik Ҭаџики
564 |
Irish Гуелге
565 |
The recording was too long. Абжьы ҭаҩра аууп
566 |
Return here to edit your goal anytime. Ианакәзаалак ухықәкы аԥсахразы абрахь ухынҳәы.
567 |
English Англыз
568 |
You're currently set to <bold>NOT</bold> receive emails such as goal reminders, my progress updates and newsletters about Common Voice Уара <bold>МАП</bold> аҟны иуоулоит ухықәкы угәалазыршәои, уусқәа ахьынӡанеихьоуи Common Voice иадҳәалоу ажәабжьқәа ртәы зҳәо асалам шәыҟәқәа
569 |
The recording was too quiet. Абжьы ҭаҩра мыцхәы илаҟәуп
570 |
Contribute Аҽалархәра
571 |
In Progress Анагӡара иаҿуп
572 |
<b>You agree</b> to not attempt to determine the identity of speakers in the Common Voice dataset <b>Уара уақәшаҳаҭума</b> Common Voice адыррақәа реизгақәа ирылахәу адикторцәа рхаҭара аилкаара ашьҭамлара?
573 |
<bold>iOS</bold> users can download our free app: <bold>iOS</bold> ахархәаҩцәа ирылшоит ҳара ҳацҵамҭақәа амалаҳәа аҭагалара:
574 |
Mozilla doesn’t pick or favor any one language over another. Instead, Common Voice is a purely community-driven initiative, but it takes <multilangLink>several steps to add a new language</multilangLink> and begin collecting voice donations. First, the Common Voice website needs to be translated so community members can access the contributor experience in their own language. Next, we need a large collection of copyright-free sentences for people to read outloud. Once both of those requirements are satisfied a language is “launched” on Common Voice for people to start recording their voice and validating others donations. If you want to help launch a new language, head over to our <sentenceCollectorLink>sentence collection tool</sentenceCollectorLink> to get started. Mozilla иарбынзаалак абызшәа ҷыдала иалхны, ма аҧыжәара аҭаны иҟанаҵаӡом. Common Voice-ари ахеилк аҧшьгара иалыҵшәоуп, убри азы иҿыцу бызшәа ацҵараз, абыжьқәа реизгара алагаразы <multilangLink>иаҭахәуп ҩшьаҿак аҟаҵара.</multilangLink> Раҧхьаӡа иргылан веб-саит Common еиҭагатәуп, ахеилак ахархәаҩцәа зегьы рхатә бызшәала ахыҵхырҭақәа рахь анеира алшара рымазарц. Анаҩсан ҳара иаҳҭаххоит ирацәаны аҳәоу еизгақәа, автор изинла аҧкра змам, ауаа рыбжьы ҭганы иаҧхьартә еиҧш алшара рыманы. Абарҭ аҧҟарақәа шымҩаҧаҳгалак Common Voice абызшәа ииасуеит "аус арура" астатус ашҟа, убасҟан ауаа рыбжьы анырҵартә алшара роууеит, егьырҭ ауаагьы рыбжьы азыӡырыҩра рылшоит. Иарбынзаалак абызшәа аҭагалараз ацхыраара ҟауҵарц угәы иҭазар, <sentenceCollectorLink>аҳәоуқәа ахьеизырго амаругақәа</sentenceCollectorLink> рахь уиасны аҳәоуқәа ҭаугал.
575 |
See how your progress compares to other contributors all over the world. Егьырҭ адунеи аҟны иҟоу ахархәаҩцәа рҩаҿара иаҿырԥшны, уара упрогресс хәшьарас иарҭо.
576 |
Contribute Your Voice Убжьы ҭаҩ
577 |
Udmurt Удмурҭ
578 |
Connect with Gravatar Иацҵа Граватар
579 |
You're currently set to receive emails such as goal reminders, my progress updates and newsletters about Common Voice Уара иуоулоит ухықәкы угәалазыршәа, аус ахьынӡа пеихьоуи, Common Voice иадҳәалоу ажәабыжьқәа ртәы зҳәо асалам шәыҟәқәа.
580 |
Log Out Аҭыҵра
581 |
Turkish Ҭурқче
582 |
Your download has started. Уҭагалара иалагеит.
583 |
Close Иарктәуп
584 |
Other Language Даҽа абызшәа
585 |
{ $count }mo мыз
586 |
Download Common Voice Data Common Voice адырра ҭагалатәуп
587 |
You are about to initiate a download of <size>{ $size }GB</size>, proceed? Уара <size>{ $size }ГБ</size> ҭаугалар уҭахума, иацҵатәума?
588 |
Press { shortcut-play-toggle } to toggle play mode Арҳәара арежим ахь аиагаразы уақәыӷәа { shortcut-play-toggle }
589 |
Go to { $name } { $name } ииастәуп
590 |
Most of the data used by large companies isn’t available to the majority of people. We think that stifles innovation. So we’ve launched Common Voice, a project to help make voice recognition open and accessible to everyone. Акорпорациа дуқәа рхы иадырхәо адыррақәа реиҳарак ауаа рхы ирзархәом. Ари аҭагылазаашьа алагаламҭа ҿыцқәа рцәырҵра иаԥырхагоуп ҳәа ҳгәы иаанагоит. Убри азоуп абжьы адырразы ицхыраагӡахаша, зегьы рзы иаарту иманшәалоу Common Voice апрограмма заԥаҳҵаз.
591 |
Privacy Policy Ҷыдалатәи Аполитика
592 |
Help us validate voices Уҳацхраа абжьқәа ргәаҭараҿы
593 |
Name Ахьӡ
594 |
Re-record Аиҭаҭаҩра
595 |
Galician Галего
596 |
Set a goal Ухықәкы цәырга
597 |
Hausa Ҳауса
598 |
Male Ахаҵа
599 |
Top Contributors Ахархәаҩцәа ртоп
600 |
Click Ақәқшара
601 |
Keep it up, record again <recordIcon></recordIcon> Иацҵа, ианҵа еиҭа <recordIcon></recordIcon>
602 |
Thank you for recording!<lineBreak></lineBreak>Now review and submit your clips below. Иҭабуп уанҵамҭазы! <lineBreak></lineBreak>Уажәшьҭа ирҽеины, ҵаҟатәи уанҵамҭақәа ушьҭы.
603 |
We will not make your email public. Ҳара уԥошьҭа аицзеиԥш иҟаҳҵаӡом.
604 |
p ҳә
605 |
I agree Сақәшаҳаҭуп
606 |
The Clip Graveyard consists of voice clips that didn't make it into the Common Voice dataset. Just like the dataset, the Clip Graveyard is available for download. "Анҵамҭақәа рнышәынҭра" шьақәгылоуп Common Voice абыжьқәа реизгала. Ихадоу аизгаеиԥш "Анҵамҭақәа рнышәынҭрагьы" ахархәаразы иаартуп.
607 |
Finish recording Анҵамҭа иалгатәуп
608 |
Validated Hr. Total Зынӡа шаҟа сааҭ гәаҭоу
609 |
We believe that large and publicly available voice datasets foster innovation and healthy commercial competition in machine-learning based speech technology. This is a global effort and we invite everyone to participate. Our aim is to help speech technology be more inclusive, reflecting the diversity of voices from around the world. Ҳара агәра ҳгоит, инарҭбааны ахархәара зылшо абжьы дыргагақәа реизгақәа, абжьы дырга машьына-рҵагатә технологиақәа рыбжьара иманшәалоу алагаламҭақәеи акоммерциатә еицлабреи рырҿиара иацхраауеит ҳәа. Ари иглобальтәу ԥшьгамҭоуп. Ҳара уааҳаԥхьоит зегьы ухы алашәырхәырц. Ҳара ҳхықәкы адунеи зегьы аҟны иҟоу абжьы хкқәа еилзыргаша абжьыдыргатә технологиақәа ганрацәала рырҿиара ацхраароуп.
610 |
Optionally submitted demographic data (e.g. age, sex, language, and accent) is de-identified from your submitted voice data and will never be made public on your profile. Хатәгәаԥхарала ицақәо демографиатә дыррақәа (иаҳҳәап: ақәра, ахаҵара/ аԥҳәысра, абызшәа, акцент уҳәа) хаҿыдатәхоит, уҷыдахәраҿы ианакәзаалак ицәыргахаӡом.
611 |
Dashboard Апанель
612 |
Armenian Ҳаиерен
613 |
Unable to speak right now? Уажәы ацәажәара улшома?
614 |
Upload иҭагалатәуп
615 |
Afrikaans Африкаанс
616 |
Download { $language } Иҭагалатәуп { $language }
617 |
Abkhaz Аԥсуа
618 |
Each entry in the dataset consists of a unique MP3 and corresponding text file. Many of the <b>{ $total }</b> recorded hours in the dataset also include demographic metadata like age, sex, and accent that can help train the accuracy of speech recognition engines. The dataset currently consists of <b>{ $valid }</b> validated hours in <b>{ $languages }</b> languages, but we’re always adding more voices and languages. Take a look at our <languagesLink>Languages page</languagesLink> to request a language or start contributing. Иарбанызаалак иҭаҩҩу адыррақәа реизга шьақәгылоупиҷыдоу MP3-и, уи иақәнагоу атексттә фаили рыла. Иҭаҩу адыррақәа реизгақәа <b>{ $total }</b> сааҭ рацәала иргәылазар ҟалоит адимографиатә метадыррақәа, иаҳҳәап: ақәра, ахаҵара, аԥҳәысра, ацәажәашьатә ҷыдарақәа уҳәа, ацәажәашьа аҵараан ацхыраара ҟазҵо ажәаҳәа еилкаага механизмқәа. Адыррақәа реизга шьақәгылоуп <b>{ $valid }</b> <b>{ $languages }</b> абызшәақәа рыҟны сааҭла ишьақәырӷәӷәоу, аха ҳара есымша урҭ ирыцаҳҵоит абыжь ҿыцқәеи абызшәақәеи. Уахәаԥш ҳара иаҳтәу <languagesLink>абызшәақәа рдаҟьа</languagesLink> абызшәақәа иамх, ма аусура уалага.
619 |
or Delete voice clip мамзаргьы Иқәгатәуп абжьытә нҵамҭа
620 |
Syriac Суриаиа
621 |
Punjabi Панџаби
622 |
Different language Даҽа бызшәоуп
623 |
French Фӷонсе
624 |
Add Language Абызшәа ацҵара
625 |
Our source text is made up of original contributor donations as well as dialogue from public domain movie scripts like <italic>It’s a Wonderful Life</italic>. You can view our source sentences in this <githubLink>GitHub folder</githubLink>. Ҳара ҳалагарҭатә текст шьақәгылоуп алахәылаҩцәа иҷыдоу рлагаламҭақәа рыла, иара убас, ауаажәлар рхы иадырхәо адиалогқәеи афильмқәа рысцинариақәеи рыҟнытә, иаҳҳәап, <italic>Ари иџьашьахәу аԥсҭазаара</italic>. Ҳара ҳлагаламҭақәа урыхәаԥшыр улшоит абри <githubLink>GitHub ақьаадҭраҟны зыхьӡу</githubLink>.
626 |
Recording Абжьы ҭаҩра
627 |
Ready to donate your voice? Убжьы ҳзааушьҭыр азы уеиқәшәоума?
628 |
Bengali Банла
629 |
Search for answers Аҭакқәа аԥшаара
630 |
Link Copied Азхьарԥш ахҩыла ҟаҵоуп
631 |
Erzya Ерзиан
632 |
I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re looking for. Иуԥшаауа закәу сзымдыруазар хәа сшәоит.
633 |
Sinhala Сынҳала
634 |
Save Аиқәырхара
635 |
Download Data Адыррақәа ҭагалатәуп
636 |
Common Voice is part of Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. In addition to the Common Voice dataset, we’re also building an open source speech recognition engine called Deep Speech. Common Voice ари амашьынақәа ацәажәара дырҵага Mozilla аԥшьгамҭа иахәҭакуп. Адыррақәа реизга Common Voice адагьы, ҳара иаԥаҳҵоит ажәаҳәа еилкаага, иаарту акоу змоу Deep Speech.
637 |
Datasets Адыррақәа реизга
638 |
Contribution Activity Аусура аҽалархәра
639 |
≥ 2 Yes votes ≥ 2 Ааи ралхра
640 |
Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web. Read a sentence to help machines learn how real people speak. Check the work of other contributors to improve the quality. It’s that simple! Иаарту абызшәатә дыррақәа рбаза аԥҵара ацхырааразы, уара уажәы иулшоит убжьы ҳзааушьҭыр, дарбан программа ԥҵаҽызаалак ихатәы иҿыцу программақәеи исаитқәеи раԥҵараҿы ихы иаирхәаша. Хаҭала ауаа рцәажәашьа амашьына еилнакаарц аҳәоуқәа урыԥхьа. Ахаҭабзиара аиӷьтәразы егьырҭ аволонтиорцәа русура гәауҭала. Абасшәа мариоуп!
641 |
Croatian Хырваҭски
642 |
Kurdish Кәырди
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
Contribute Тыны
3 |
Return to Languages Бзахам егъэзэжьын
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
bookmark iman̄-ikpa
3 |
version òsolek
4 |
All Hands Otutuuk ene
5 |
unsafe ìkatat
6 |
context irek
7 |
appearance ngwugwat
8 |
fingerprinting igwook-iman̄ otubọk
9 |
colorway unwen okwut-isi
10 |
native eyi iman
11 |
installation iwowop
12 |
sign in tibi nin̄
13 |
distrust kabieen̄ ejit
14 |
appear òbosibi
15 |
import gwen tap
16 |
breakpoint ere ntet-nkaan̄
17 |
encryption itatap me iman̄ nlelet
18 |
alternate text inu-nge ofifi
19 |
<p>The site responded to the network request in an unexpected way and the browser cannot continue.</p> <p>Ere akpatan̄ ya ìfọọk me oniin̄ kpekpọ chieen̄, eya orọ òwọlọ-etip ìkayaka ìkọt ìje ìfo isi.</p>
20 |
Unexpected response from server Ifọọk eyi kpekpọ chieen̄ ònan̄a me òbeme-etip
21 |
override ben irek
22 |
cookie banner egop kuki
23 |
Advanced… Òdọdọk…
24 |
boot ilap
25 |
enable rọ ikisi ikwaan̄
26 |
decryption ichichili iwele
27 |
decode chili wele
28 |
trackers ngọọk
29 |
Cannot Complete Request Kpekọt Ìrọ Mbeek Ìsan̄a
30 |
counterclockwise da òfuk-mgbọ
31 |
Secure Connection Failed Ìkakọt ìtibi ìnin̄ me utelelek
32 |
Firefox View Okwut-isi Firefox
33 |
Issue Nyi
34 |
gear òriọọn̄
35 |
cryptominer ògbala-kiripto
36 |
nonprofit kpeweek oruru
37 |
The connection was interrupted Mîkput ntibi-ntet ya
38 |
clockwise gọọk òfuk-mgbọ
39 |
studies ikwekween̄
40 |
aggregate ototuuk
41 |
misinformation inyinyi nlilọ etip
42 |
cipher saifà
43 |
encrypt tap me iman̄ nlelet
44 |
autoplay ifit-lek
45 |
The page at %1$s says: Akpọk òkup me %1$s ìbe:
46 |
attack itim mèlek
47 |
sidebar akpọk agba
48 |
<ul> <li>The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.</li> <li>If you are unable to load any pages, check your device’s data or Wi-Fi connection.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Môkọt ire ere akpatan̄ ìkakup me mgbidim mgbọ mè ìyaka ire ìkirọ owuwa ikwaan̄. Kpọk sa lek me mgbidim mgbọ.</li> <li>Ire òkakọt ìchili akpọk geege, kpọ data òkup me okwukwut kwun̄ mè ìyaka ire Wi-Fi kwun̄.</li> </ul>
49 |
Patch Pachi
50 |
home page isi uwu
51 |
Accept the Risk and Continue Chieek Unan ya mè Fo isi
52 |
validate rọ nye
53 |
clipboard akpọk-ntet
54 |
Turbo Mode Eru Tọbo
55 |
end user ogwu òbosa irọ inu
56 |
<ul> <li>This could be a problem with the server’s configuration, or it could be someone trying to impersonate the server.</li> <li>If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the error may be temporary, and you can try again later.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Eyi môkọt ire ufialek mèlek onineen̄ òbeme-etip. Môkọt si ire enw okisa lek ifafiaan̄ irọ kubọk ọmọ ore achubọk òbeme-etip ya.</li> <li>Ire owuulek irak itibi itet me lek òbeme-etip yi me mgbọ òraraka, ufialek yi ìbokup mgbidim mgbọ gaalek; owu môkọt igwu ikom inisa me mgbidim mgbọ.</li> </ul>
57 |
<p>Additional information about this problem or error is currently unavailable.</p> <p>Kpunu ofifi etip òfolek ufialek mè ìre ǹlilọ yi.</p>
58 |
Attack Site Akpatan̄ òtim
59 |
filter bubble òruku-etip
60 |
open source nchili-mbook
61 |
authenticated mîrọ inye
62 |
participation itatap lek
63 |
back out igwu isun̄
64 |
unencrypted kpegbaka
65 |
compact nchat-nchat
66 |
pop-up òwulu-osibi
67 |
Fellow Usộnte
68 |
corrupt înwene
69 |
sensitive òkup nlelet
70 |
fingerprinter ògwook iman̄ otubọk
71 |
account recovery key atafi isasa ikpọk ibọkọ akawunti
72 |
contribute tip
73 |
attendee ogwu òsisi
74 |
authenticate irọ inye
75 |
<p>The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The site is redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.</p> <ul> <li>Have you disabled or blocked cookies required by this site?</li> <li>If accepting the site’s cookies does not resolve the problem, it is likely a server configuration issue and not your device.</li> </ul> <p>Òwọlọ-etip îtele isasa lek me ibọbọkọ inu ya edobe. Ere akpatan̄ ya ìkigwu mbeek ya me otu oniin̄ kporọbe isan̄a.</p> <ul> <li>Ìre oniin̄ sà ìre ogban cookies eyi akpatan̄ yi okidobe?</li> <li>Ire ichechieek cookies ìkarọ ufialek yi ita, môkọt ire onineen̄ òbeme-etip, ìkare okwukwut kwun̄.</li> </ul>
76 |
insecure kpunu okwukwek
77 |
corrupt îfiat
78 |
channel emen òkpot
79 |
The connection has timed out Okike mgbọ esun̄be inyi ntibi-ntet yi îraka
80 |
black box okop ofifit
81 |
grassroots ebon-mbubet
82 |
extension ǹsọ̀kọ
83 |
<p>The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the browser has stopped waiting for a reply.</p> <ul> <li>Could the server be experiencing high demand or a temporary outage? Try again later.</li> <li>Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the device’s network connection.</li> <li>Is your device or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing.</li> <li>Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance.</li> </ul> <p>Ere akpatan̄ ya edobe ìkanyi ifọọk ntibi-ntet eweekbe, òwọlọ-etip si îta ikukup iban ifọọk.</p> <ul> <li>Ìre môkọt ire owuwa iweweek okisi lek òbeme-etip? Kpọk sa ofifi mgbọ.</li> <li>Ìre òkakọt ìwọlọ ere akpatan̄ yi? Kpọ ntibi-ntet eyi okwukwut kwun̄.</li> <li>Ìre firewall sà ìre proxy okibem okwukwut kwun̄? Onineen̄ eyi ìkatatge môkọt igbugbana iwọwọlọ olik etip.</li> <li>Owu gwa okikpọk ikaan̄ ufialek? Chichini ogwu àdìmin njin-etip kwun̄.</li> </ul>
84 |
cross-site tracking cookie kuki òkigọọk ikan̄a akpatan̄ etip
85 |
signer ogwu òrọ inye
86 |
track gọọk kana
87 |
corrupted òfafiat
88 |
Go Back (Recommended) Gwu kom (Mîrọ inye)
89 |
search suggestion nkeek iweweek
90 |
revert gwu kana
91 |
external oyet
92 |
boolean kè boole
93 |
encode tap me iman̄
94 |
attacker ogwu etim
95 |
eavesdropping kanyi irek
96 |
unresponsive ìkafọọk
97 |
cryptomining igbala-kiripto
98 |
99 |
sign rọ nye
100 |
release nsan̄a-nsibi
101 |
report kpa nyi
102 |
Enhanced Tracking Protection Ògban ngọọk eyi erọbe ijaan̄
103 |
contribute tap ubọk nyi
104 |
L10n N7p
105 |
disinformation nlilọ etip
106 |
<p>The browser connected successfully, but the connection was interrupted while transferring information. Please try again.</p> <ul> <li>The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.</li> <li>If you are unable to load any pages, check your device’s data or Wi-Fi connection.</li> </ul> <p>Òwọlọ-etip îtibi itet inwọn, ire, mîgbugbana ntibi-ntet ya mgbọ îkiria etip.Soso kpọk sa.</p> <ul> <li>Môkọt ire akpatan̄ yaìkakup mgbọ keyi mè ìre ìkirọ owuwa ikwaan̄. Kpọk sa me mgbidim mgbọ.</li> <li>Ire òkakọt ìchili akpọk geege, kpọ data okup me okwukwut kwun̄ mè ìyaka ire ntibi-ntet Wi-Fi kwun̄.</li> </ul>
107 |
preference ineme
108 |
certificate authority ònyi ikpa-unye
109 |
Unable to connect Ìkakọt ìtibi ìtet
110 |
<ul> <li>The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.</li> <li>Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Akpọk okisa lek ijeen̄The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.</li> <li>Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.</li> </ul>
111 |
add-on ntap-nsọkọ
112 |
crash mfiat
113 |
Legacy extension Oka ntap-nsọkọ
114 |
security keys atafi mbem
115 |
independent browser òwọlọ-etip òkaan̄ lek
116 |
The page isn’t redirecting properly Akpọk ya ìkagwu ìsi ìtat
117 |
%1$s is requesting your username and password. %1$s ìkido erieen̄ òsikwaan̄ kwun̄ mè ikọ-atafia.
118 |
debug san̄a m̀fiat
119 |
innovations aya ifuk-ibot
120 |
non-profit kpeweek oruru
121 |
deceptive site akapatan̄ ofiaan̄
122 |
backup authentication code iman̄ nrọ-nnye eyi esun̄ iban
123 |
bookmark tap iman̄-ikpa
124 |
%2$s is requesting your username and password. The site says: “%1$s” %2$s ìkido erieen̄ òsikwaan̄ kwun̄ mè ikọ-atafia. Akpatan̄ ya ìbe: “%1$s”
125 |
126 |
Bug report Ikpakpa nlilọ eyi ekwu
127 |
idle ikike
128 |
report etip
129 |
Try Again Kpọk Sa
130 |
Firefox View Okwut-isi Firefox
131 |
132 |
nonprofit kpeweek oruru
133 |
non-profit kpeweek oruru
134 |
crash mfiat
135 |
report etip
136 |
report kpa nyi
137 |
colorway unwen okwut-isi
138 |
sign in tibi nin̄
139 |
account recovery key atafi isasa ikpọk ibọkọ akawunti
140 |
backup authentication code iman̄ nrọ-nnye eyi esun̄ iban
141 |
cookie banner egop kuki
142 |
cross-site tracking cookie kuki òkigọọk ikan̄a akpatan̄ etip
143 |
Enhanced Tracking Protection Ògban ngọọk eyi erọbe ijaan̄
144 |
independent browser òwọlọ-etip òkaan̄ lek
145 |
trackers ngọọk
146 |
context irek
147 |
add-on ntap-nsọkọ
148 |
alternate text inu-nge ofifi
149 |
attack itim mèlek
150 |
attacker ogwu etim
151 |
Attack Site Akpatan̄ òtim
152 |
attendee ogwu òsisi
153 |
autoplay ifit-lek
154 |
bookmark iman̄-ikpa
155 |
bookmark tap iman̄-ikpa
156 |
clipboard akpọk-ntet
157 |
corrupt îfiat
158 |
corrupt înwene
159 |
corrupted òfafiat
160 |
cryptominer ògbala-kiripto
161 |
cryptomining igbala-kiripto
162 |
debug san̄a m̀fiat
163 |
deceptive site akapatan̄ ofiaan̄
164 |
disinformation nlilọ etip
165 |
authenticate irọ inye
166 |
authenticated mîrọ inye
167 |
breakpoint ere ntet-nkaan̄
168 |
Bug report Ikpakpa nlilọ eyi ekwu
169 |
certificate authority ònyi ikpa-unye
170 |
cipher saifà
171 |
decode chili wele
172 |
decryption ichichili iwele
173 |
distrust kabieen̄ ejit
174 |
enable rọ ikisi ikwaan̄
175 |
encode tap me iman̄
176 |
encrypt tap me iman̄ nlelet
177 |
encryption itatap me iman̄ nlelet
178 |
end user ogwu òbosa irọ inu
179 |
extension ǹsọ̀kọ
180 |
fingerprinter ògwook iman̄ otubọk
181 |
fingerprinting igwook-iman̄ otubọk
182 |
grassroots ebon-mbubet
183 |
home page isi uwu
184 |
import gwen tap
185 |
innovations aya ifuk-ibot
186 |
insecure kpunu okwukwek
187 |
installation iwowop
188 |
Issue Nyi
189 |
Legacy extension Oka ntap-nsọkọ
190 |
191 |
misinformation inyinyi nlilọ etip
192 |
native eyi iman
193 |
open source nchili-mbook
194 |
override ben irek
195 |
pop-up òwulu-osibi
196 |
preference ineme
197 |
release nsan̄a-nsibi
198 |
revert gwu kana
199 |
search suggestion nkeek iweweek
200 |
security keys atafi mbem
201 |
sensitive òkup nlelet
202 |
sidebar akpọk agba
203 |
sign rọ nye
204 |
signer ogwu òrọ inye
205 |
studies ikwekween̄
206 |
track gọọk kana
207 |
unencrypted kpegbaka
208 |
unresponsive ìkafọọk
209 |
unsafe ìkatat
210 |
validate rọ nye
211 |
version òsolek
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
Hey, check out this fast and lightweight browser from Mozilla. {{app_name}} {{share_app_google_play_url}} हे, मोज़िला के इ तेज आरु हल्का ब्राउज़र क देखिइयै. {{app_name}} {{share_app_google_play_url}}
3 |
Webpage not available वेबपेज उपलब्ध नै छकै
4 |
Life Feed प्रमुख जानकारी
5 |
Privacy Notice गोपनीयता सूचना
6 |
Search for %1$s %1$s लेली खोजियै
7 |
Clear हटैइयै
8 |
To make Firefox Lite better for you and everyone, we made some changes to our privacy policy. Tap to learn more. Firefox Lite कअ तोहरो आरु हर एक खतिर सबसे अच्छा बनबे लअ, हम अपनो गोपनीयता नीति मे कुछ बदलाओ करलियै यै. अधिक जानै लअ टेप करिइयै.
9 |
Clear मेटैइयै
10 |
Close Tab टैब बंद करियै
11 |
Language भाषा
12 |
Pending पेनडिंग
13 |
Server not found सर्वर नय भेटल
14 |
Firefox Home Firefox होम
15 |
Show दिखाबोॅ
16 |
Translation helpers अनुवाद सहायक
17 |
Issue मुद्दा
18 |
Navigate back पाछाँ मार्गनिर्देशित करियै
19 |
Search in Firefox Rocket Firefox Rocket मे खोजियै
20 |
Privacy गोपनीयता
21 |
System default डिफ़ॉल्ट सिस्टम
22 |
Erase and open %1$s %1$s मेटैइयै आरू खोलियै
23 |
Autocomplete अपना सँ पूर्ण
24 |
Show search suggestions खोज सुझाव दिखाबियै
25 |
REDEEM भंजाबोॅ
26 |
Data Management डेटा प्रबंधन
27 |
Logins लॉगइन्स
28 |
Open Link in New Tab लिंक नया टैब मे खोलियै
29 |
This breach occurred on ई उल्लंघन भेल
30 |
Download canceled डाउनलोड रद्द होय गेलै
31 |
Ad Blocking विज्ञापन अवरुद्ध भे रहल छेके
32 |
Sync Now अब सिंक करोॅ
33 |
Would you like to turn on search suggestions? कि तोय खोज सुझावों क चालू करै ले चाहे छकै?
34 |
Social trackers सोशल ट्रैकर्स
35 |
This device has been successfully disconnected from Firefox Sync. कंप्यूटर रो Firefox सिंक सेॅ पूरी तरह से डिसकनेक्ट भे गेल
36 |
Pontoon Intro Pontoon परिचय
37 |
Open this link in the App Store? इस लिंक रो App Store में खोलोॅ?
38 |
URL to add जोड़ए लेली URL
39 |
Embedded on sites to track your visits and to display functionality like share buttons साइट पर अपने के आबै जाए पर निगरानी राखए आरू शेयर बटन जेहन कार्यक्षमता प्रदर्शित करए लेली अंत:स्थापित
40 |
Incorrect passcode. Try again. पासकोड गलत छै. फेनु प्रयास करोॅ.
41 |
42 |
Copy image address इमेज पता कॉपी करियै
43 |
Ad trackers विज्ञापन ट्रैकर्स
44 |
Find great prices बड़ा कीमत वाला खोजोॅ
45 |
Stop loading website लोड भ्य रहलो वेबसाईट के रोकियै
46 |
Block images चित्र ब्लौक करियै
47 |
For Sites You Add साइटों ले आपने जोड़ियै
48 |
Shopping खरीदारी
49 |
Restore default search engines डिफॉल्ट सर्च इंजन के रिस्टोर करियै
50 |
Interests रूचि सब
51 |
Now blocking images आब इमेजेस ब्लोक भे रहल छै
52 |
An installed search engine is already using that name. एक ठो इंस्टॉल करल सर्च इंजन पहिने सs ओए नाम के उपयोग करि रहलो छै.
53 |
Go to copied link कॉपी करल गेल लिंक पर जाइयै
54 |
New Folder नया फोल्डर
55 |
We heard your feedback! हम अपनो के प्रतिक्रिया सुनलियै!
56 |
Closing tab टैब बंद करि रहलोॅ छै
57 |
Okay ठीक
58 |
Search with Firefox Firefox सेॅ खोजोॅ
59 |
Downloading… डाउनलोडिंग...
60 |
%1$d/%2$d %1$d/%2$d
61 |
Decrease text size शब्द रो आकार घटाबो
62 |
Remove Bookmark बुकमार्क हटाबोॅ
63 |
Open image in new tab चित्र नया टैब में खोलियै
64 |
Incorrect passcode. Try again (Attempts remaining: %d). पासकोड गलत छै. फेनु प्रयास करोॅ(%d प्रयास ब��ल छै).
65 |
Recently Closed हाल में बंद करलोॅ गेल
66 |
Add to Reading List पठन सूची रो जोड़ोॅ
67 |
No नैय
68 |
Enable it on your site एकरा अपन साइट पर सक्षम करियै
69 |
Available devices: उपलब्ध डिवाइसोॅ:
70 |
computer कंप्यूटर
71 |
Rather see the full desktop site?%1$s Menu > Request desktop site बल्कि पूरे डेस्कटॉप साइट देखियै?\n %1$s मेनू> डेस्कटॉप साइट के अनुरोध करियै
72 |
your translation अपने के अनुवाद
73 |
Downloaded files <b>will not be deleted</b> when you erase %1$s history. %1$s इतिहास मेटाबै केरो बाद भी डाउनलोड करलो फाइल <b>नही हटाएत</b>.
74 |
Dark theme now includes a dark keyboard and dark splash screen. डार्क थीम में अब डार्क कीबोर्ड आरू डार्क स्प्लैश स्क्रीन शामिल छै.
75 |
To improve your product experience, we collect information about your screenshots’ categories. अपनो उत्पाद अनुभव क बेहतर बनबै ल, हम आपनो स्क्रीनशॉट श्रेणियों क बारो मे जानकारी जमा करै छि.
76 |
SAVE सहेजियै
77 |
Downloaded files will show up here. डाउनलोड करलोॅ फाइलें यहां दिखी जैतै
78 |
In place. वेब पर ही.
79 |
Open New Tab नया टैब खोलियै
80 |
aggregate सब
81 |
Events कार्यक्रम
82 |
Insecure Connection असुरक्षित कनेक्शन
83 |
Could not load page. पेज नै लोड होए सकलोॅ
84 |
Open App Store App store खोलियै
85 |
Websites you visit may request your location. आपनो द्वारा देखलोॅ गेल वेबसाइटें तोहरो लोकेशन मांगी रहलो छै
86 |
Edit संपादित करियै
87 |
Return to previous app पिछला ऐप पर वापस घुरियै
88 |
Make sure you are connected to the internet सुनिश्चित करअ कि आपने के इंटरनेट से जुड़ल छकिइयै
89 |
Open in… एकरा में खोलियै…
90 |
Your fingerprint can unlock %1$s if a URL is already opened in the app. Stealth will be turned on. यदि आपनो के URL पहलो स खुलि गेल छे त आपनो फिंगरप्रिंट %1$s अनलॉक कैर सकै छै. छुपि क चालू होय जैतै.
91 |
Not now अभि नै
92 |
Face ID & Passcode फेस ईडी & पासकोड
93 |
How does it work? ई केना काम करै छै?
94 |
Mission लक्ष्य
95 |
Use fingerprint to unlock app ऐप अनलॉक करै ले फिंगरप्रिंट क प्रयोग करियै
96 |
Display Settings डिसप्ले सेटिंग्स
97 |
Web content वेब सामग्री
98 |
Touch the fingerprint sensor to continue. जारी रखै ल फिंगरप्रिंट सेंसर छुइयै.
99 |
Politics राजनीति
100 |
Thanks for choosing %1$s %1$s चुनै ल धन्यवाद
101 |
Cancel Download डाउनलोड रद्द करोॅ
102 |
Rename नाम बदलियै
103 |
Amazon Amazon
104 |
Site behaving unexpectedly?\n Try turning off Tracking Protection कि साइट अप्रत्याशित रूप से व्यवहार कैर रहल छै?\n ट्रैकिंग सुरक्षा बंद करै के प्रयास करियै
105 |
Edit Folder फोल्डर संपादित करोॅ
106 |
Mozilla strives to collect only what we need to provide and improve %1$s for everyone. मोजिला खलि ओ चीज के जमा करै छै जकरा %1$s मे सभक लेली सुधार करै के आवश्यक्ता छै.
107 |
Turbo mode टर्बो मोड
108 |
Go to खातिर जाहो
109 |
Remove Pinned Site पिन करल साइट हटाबोॅ
110 |
Close all सब बंद करोॅ
111 |
RATE US रेट करियै
112 |
Share link लिंक शेयर करोॅ
113 |
GET STARTED गेट स्टारटेड
114 |
Added Search engine! सर्च ईंजन जोरल गेलै
115 |
Hey, check out this fast and lightweight browser from %3$s. %1$s %2$s हे, %3$s सअ तेज आरु हल्का ब्राउज़र क देखिइयै. %1$s %2$s
116 |
Hindi हिंदी
117 |
Use your fingerprint to access Logins now. आबें लॉग इन करे खातिर आपनोॅ ऊँगलीचिह्न के उपयोग कर��ॅ.
118 |
Education शिक्षा
119 |
Shopping Search Settings खरीदारी खोज सेटिंग्स
120 |
Sign in to view a list of tabs from your other devices. आपन दोसरो उपकरणों से टैब की सूची देखै ले साइन इन करो।
121 |
My shots मेरो शॉट्स
122 |
Add to Reading List पठन सूची में जोड़ोॅ
123 |
Block social trackers सोशल ट्रैकर्स ब्लौक करियै
124 |
Remove from Shortcuts शॉर्टकट से हटाबोॅ
125 |
Authentication required प्रमाणीकरण रो जरुरी छै
126 |
Block Ads विज्ञापन ब्लॉक करियै
127 |
Open Sync Preferences सिंक प्राथमिकता सिनी खोलोॅ
128 |
Category: %1$s श्रेणी: %1$s
129 |
To improve your product experience, we collect information about your screenshots' categories. अपनो उत्पाद अनुभव क बेहतर बनबै ल, हम आपनो स्क्रीनशॉट श्रेणियों क बारो मे जानकारी जमा करै छि.
130 |
Block 3rd-party tracker cookies only खाली 3र्ड पार्टी ट्रैकर कूकीज ब्लौक करियै
131 |
Find next result अगलो परिणाम जानिइयै
132 |
downloading डाउनलोडिंग...
133 |
Terms of Use प्रयोग केरो शर्तें
134 |
Don’t Send नै भेजोॅ
135 |
Turbo Mode टर्बो मोड
136 |
Info जानकारी
137 |
Redeem भंजाबोॅ
138 |
Disable निष्क्रिय
139 |
%1$s is free and open source software made by Mozilla and other contributors. %1$s Mozilla आरू आन योगदानकर्ता द्वारा बनाएल गेलो स्वतंत्र आरू मुक्त स्रोत सॉफ्टवेयर छै.
140 |
Modified संशोधित करलो गेल
141 |
Reload Page पेज फेरु लोड करोॅ
142 |
Your %1$s is ready! आपनोॅ %1$s वाउचर तैयार छै!
143 |
The address isn’t valid ई पता वैध नय छै
144 |
Check that search string matches Example format जाँचू जे सर्च स्ट्रिंग उदाहरण प्रारूप सँ मेल करै छै
145 |
Search history इतिहास खोजियै
146 |
Night mode नाईट मोड
147 |
%1$s is a fast and lightweight browser produced by Mozilla. Our mission is to foster a healthy, open internet. %1$s मोजिला द्वारा बनाएल गेल एगो तेज आरु हल्लुक ब्राउजर छै. हमर मिशन स्वस्थ आरु खुलल इंटरनेट क बढ़ावा देनाय छै.
148 |
Open with app एप के साथ खोलियै
149 |
About %1$s, help %1$s कऽ बारो मे, मदद
150 |
Save on data costs by blocking tracking ads. Save even more when you enable image blocking. ट्रैकिंग विज्ञापनों कअ ब्लोकिंग करै सअ न खालि ब्राउज़िंग कअ बढ़बै छै, इ डेटा बचबै छै. इमेज ब्लोक करै छिऐ तअ आरु सहेजियै.
151 |
Block cookies कुकीज ब्लौक करियै
152 |
Rather see the full desktop site? Menu > Request desktop site बल्कि पूरे डेस्कटॉप साइट देखियै? मेनू> डेस्कटॉप साइट के अनुरोध करियै
153 |
The Last Hour अंतिम घंटा
154 |
CANCEL रद्द करोॅ
155 |
Double-check the URL you entered. जे URL भरने छथिन ओकरा फिनु सँ जाँच करियै.
156 |
Location not available. Give permission to access your location. स्थान उपलब्ध नै छै. अपनो स्थान तक पहुंचै ल अनुमति दियै.
157 |
Warning: we can’t confirm your connection to this website is secure. चेतावनी: हम पक्का नै कैर सकै छियै की इ वेबसाइट सुरक्षित छै ।
158 |
add-on ऐड-ऑन
159 |
Block trackers ट्रेकर्स ब्लॉक करोॅ
160 |
All सब
161 |
After 15 minutes 15 मिनटोॅ बाद
162 |
163 |
Customize Top Sites शीर्ष साइट्स के अनुकूलित करियै
164 |
Passwords were leaked or stolen since you last changed your password. To protect this account, log in to the site and change your password. जब तोय अंतिम बार पासवर्ड बदललो रहे ते पासवर्ड लीक या चोरी भे गेल रहै| खाता के सुरक्षा खातिर साई��� मे लॉग इन करोॅ आरू पासवर्ड बदलोॅ |
165 |
Share Link लिंक शेयर करोॅ
166 |
Open Last Tab अंतिम टैब खोलोॅ
167 |
Coupons कूपन
168 |
DELETE हटाबोॅ
169 |
Religion धर्म
170 |
TRY AGAIN फेनु प्रयास करोॅ
171 |
Learn More बेसी जानकारी
172 |
Close All Tabs सब टैबो बंद करोॅ
173 |
Example: mozilla.org उदाहरण: mozilla.org
174 |
Content Blocking is enabled सामग्री अवरोधन सक्रिय छेकै
175 |
Data Choices डेटा चुनियै
176 |
Saved and shared images <b>will not be</b> deleted when you erase %1$s history सहेजलो गेल आरू शेयर कएल गेल छवि <b>हटाएलो नय जाएत</b> जखन अहाँ %1$s इतिहास के मेटाएबै
177 |
Open this link in external app? इस लिंक रो बाहरी एप्प में खोलोॅ?
178 |
Enter a new passcode एगो नया पासकोड डालोॅ
179 |
1. Go to the search engine homepage. 1. सर्च ईंजन कऽ होमपेज पर जाभोऽ.
180 |
SD card is almost full. File was saved to internal storage. एसडी कार्ड लगभग भैर गेलै. फ़ाइल क इंटरनल एस्टोरेज में सहेजल रहै.
181 |
Licenses लाइसेंस
182 |
Add a script and you are halfway through एकटा स्क्रिप्ट जोड़ियै आरू अहाँ आधा रास्ता में छियै
183 |
Set Rows पंक्तियां सेट करोॅ
184 |
Verified by: %1$s %1$s द्वारा सत्यापित
185 |
Manually add मेनवली जोरियै
186 |
Size: %1$s आकार: %1$s
187 |
Folder फोल्डर
188 |
Select Location Bar लोकेशन बार रो चयन करोॅ
189 |
Cannot display the screenshot ई स्क्रीनशॉट नै दिखायै सकै छै
190 |
Trackers blocked ट्रेकर्स ब्लॉक भेलै
191 |
Expand फैलाबऽ
192 |
ALLOW अनुमति दियै
193 |
What कथि
194 |
News Settings समाचार सेटिंग्स
195 |
Malayalam मलयालम
196 |
Data Collection & Use डेटा संग्रह आरु उपयोग
197 |
Regional क्षेत्रीय
198 |
Facebook Facebook
199 |
Open in New Tab नया टैब में खोलोॅ
200 |
Punjabi पंजाबी
201 |
%1$s is free and open source software made by Mozilla and other contributors. %1$s मोज़िला आरू दोसरो योगदानकर्ता द्वारा बनाएल गेलो स्वतंत्र आरू मुक्त स्रोत सॉफ्टवेयर छियै.
202 |
Log in लॉग इन
203 |
Unable to clear cache कैश मेटाबै मे असमर्थ छै
204 |
Please fill all fields correctly. कृपया सब फील्ड सही सेॅ भरोॅ
205 |
Make privacy a habit गोपनीयता अपन आदत बनैइयै
206 |
Last week अंतिम सप्ताह
207 |
Find next result अगलो परिणाम जानोॅ
208 |
It may take a while इ मअ कुछ समय लागतअ
209 |
Share game खेल शेयर करोॅ
210 |
Screenshot saved स्क्रीनशॉट सहेजलो गेलै
211 |
Shopping Search: “%1$s” खरीदारी खोज: “%1$s”
212 |
Site Security साइट सुरक्षा
213 |
Crafted by Mozilla Mozilla द्वारा तैयार करलो गेल
214 |
Copy Image इमेज कॉपी करियै
215 |
Not Now अभि नै
216 |
Send Link to Device डिवाइस पर लिंक भेजोॅ
217 |
Add to Reading List पठन सूची में जोड़ियै
218 |
Require Passcode पासकोड के जरुरी छै
219 |
+ Add custom URL + अपन पसंदीदा URL जोड़ियै
220 |
NO ना
221 |
Take private browsing to the next level. Block ads and other content that can track you across sites and bog down page load times. निजी ब्राउज़िंग के अगिला स्तर धरि लिअ. विज्ञापन आरू आन सामग्री के ब्लॉक करू जे अहाँक सभ साइट के ट्रैक करि सकै छै आरू पृष्ठ लोड समय के बढ़ाए दै छै.
222 |
Sync Connected सिंक जुड़ गेल
223 |
Undo पहनो जैसन करोॅ
224 |
Your browsing history has been erased. अपने के ब्रॉउजिंग इतिहास मेटाए देलो गेलए.
225 |
Visit site anyway फिर भी साइट देखोॅ
226 |
Search in {{app_name}} {{app_name}} मे खोजियै
227 |
No, send feedback. नय,प्रतिक्रिया भेजिइयै.
228 |
Completed पूरा भेल
229 |
Enter search engine name सर्च ईंजन केरो नाम भरियै
230 |
Search Privately निजी रूप सँ खोजियै
231 |
URL: %1$s URL : %1$s
232 |
Help मदत
233 |
Ad blocking विज्ञापन अवरुद्ध भे रहल छेके
234 |
Remove हटाबोॅ
235 |
Tell Me More बेसी जानियै
236 |
L10n L10n
237 |
OPEN खोलियै
238 |
3. Tap the magnifying glass icon above the keyboard to add the search engine. 3. सर्च इंजन के जोड़ेे लs किबोर्ड के ऊपर मेग्निफाइंग लेंस आइकन कऽ टैप करियै.
239 |
Changes font type. फ्रंट प्रकार बदलोॅ
240 |
I understand हम समझी गेलियै
241 |
Paste & Go पेस्ट आरु गो
242 |
Science विज्ञान
243 |
Cookies कुकीज़
244 |
Cannot find the file फ़ाइल क खोज्य नै सकै छिऐ
245 |
Vouchers वाउचर
246 |
Private browsing session निजी ब्राउज़िंग सत्र
247 |
Block images चित्रों कऽ ब्लौक करियै
248 |
idle खाली
249 |
Hide Images चित्र छिपाबोॅ
250 |
Food भोजन
251 |
Copy image address इमेज एड्रेस कॉपी करोॅ
252 |
enable सक्रिय
253 |
Add to Home screen होम स्क्रीन में जोड़ियै
254 |
Saved Logins लॉग इन सहेजल गेलोॅ
255 |
Added To Reading List पठन सूची रो जोड़लोॅ गेल
256 |
As soon as you are happy with your translation, you can save it by pressing Enter or clicking the save icon in the toolbar. To quit translation mode without saving changes, press Esc or click the cancel icon in the toolbar. जँ अपने अपन अनुवाद सँ संतुष्ट छियै, अपने अपन अनुवाद टूलबार में मौजूद चिह्न Enter दबाए कै अथवा SAVE चिह्न पर क्लिक करि कै सुरक्षित करि सकै छिए. बिना बदलाव सहेजने अनुवाद मोड सँ बाहर आबै खातिर टूलबार में मौजूद चिह्न Esc अथवा Cancle के क्लिक करू.
257 |
Pinned To Top Sites शीर्ष साइट्स पर पिन करोॅ
258 |
What is Pontoon? Pontoon कथि छै?
259 |
Highlights प्रमुखताएँ
260 |
Save Image चित्र सहेजोॅ
261 |
Delete हटाबोॅ
262 |
Open in Safari Safari मेॅ खोलहोॅ
263 |
failed असफल
264 |
Clear input इनपुट मेटाबोॅ
265 |
Today आय
266 |
%1$d out of %2$d %2$d सेॅ %1$d
267 |
Open in Private Mode निजी ब्राउज़िंग मोड में खोलियै
268 |
After 5 minutes 5 मिनटोॅ बाद
269 |
Hover आस-पास फिरियै
270 |
%1$s is made available to you under the terms of the <a href="%2$s">Mozilla Public License</a> and other open source licenses. %1$s <a href="%2$s">मोज़िला सार्वजनिक लाइसेंस</a> आरू आन मुक्त स्रोत लाइसेंस केरो नियम के अंतर्गत अहाँ के उपलब्ध करैलो जाए छै.
271 |
Increase text size शब्द रो आकार बढ़ाबो
272 |
Privacy & Security गोपनियता आरु सुरक्षा
273 |
Select चुनियै
274 |
bookmark बुकमार्क
275 |
Maximum attempts reached. Please try again later. अधिकतम प्रयास होय चुकलोॅ छै. कृप्या कुछ देर बाद फेनु प्रयास करोॅ.
276 |
Remove from Reading List पठन सूची से हटाबोॅ
277 |
Check the address एड्रेस जांच करोॅ
278 |
Block Cookies कुकीज ब्लौक करियै
279 |
Open in a Private Tab नया गोपनीय टैब में खोलियै
280 |
Automobile मोटर-गाड़ी
281 |
Search or enter address खोजोॅ अथवा पता भरोॅ
282 |
283 |
external बाहरी
284 |
No bookmarks बुकमार्क खाली छ
285 |
Pages may load faster, but may also behave unexpectedly पेज तेजी सँ लोड हुए सकै छै, मगर अनजान व्यवहार भी करै सकै छै
286 |
Block JavaScript " JavaScript ब्लौक करियै"
287 |
read पढ़ियै
288 |
Share %1$s with friends! संगी सँ %1$s शेयर करियै!
289 |
Could not add page to Reading list पठन सूची रो पेज नै जोड़लोॅ गेल
290 |
291 |
Translation अनुवाद
292 |
Don’t Update नै अपडेट करोॅ
293 |
unsafe असुरक्षित
294 |
Leave mission लक्ष्य छोरोॅ
295 |
Show search suggestions? खोज सुझाव देखबै?
296 |
Gift उपहार
297 |
Number of trackers blocked ब्लॉक भेल ट्रैकर्स के संख्या
298 |
Go to Settings सेटिंग्स में जाहोॅ
299 |
Open a link in a new tab\n Long-press any link on a page नया टैब में एगो लिंक खोलियै\n पेज पर कोनो लिंक के देर तक दाबियै
300 |
+ Add another search engine + अन्य सर्च इंजन जोड़ियै
301 |
Open खोलियै
302 |
Show home screen tips होम स्क्रीन टिप्स दिखाइयै
303 |
Expired समय सीमा खत्म
304 |
%1$@ %2$@ %1$@ %2$@
305 |
Delete file फाइल हटाबोॅ
306 |
EDIT संपादित करियै
307 |
Share image चित्र शेयर करोॅ
308 |
Added page to Reading List पठन सूची रो पेज जोड़लोॅ गेल
309 |
Blank Page खाली पेज
310 |
Hide छुपाबियै
311 |
What's New नया कथि छै
312 |
When you enter editing mode, the entire text block will be selected. You can start typing your translation immediately while seeing the exact context of your source string and how much space is available for your translation. जँ अपने संपादन मोड में जाए छियै, तँ समस्त टेक्स्ट ब्लॉक चुनाए जाएत. अपने अनुवाद लेली स्थान केरो अंदाज करि कए सोर्स स्ट्रिंग के सटीक अनुवाद शामिल करै खातिर तुरंत टाइपिंग शुरू करि सकै छिए.
313 |
Recent Bookmarks हाल केॅ बुकमार्कस
314 |
Send भेजियै
315 |
Open link in another app दोसर एप मे लिंक खोलियै
316 |
Send usage data उपयोग डेटा भेजियै
317 |
Share via एकरा द्वारा शेयर करियै
318 |
How केना
319 |
Copy Link लिंक कॉपी करियै
320 |
Open in New Private Tab नया गोपनीय टैब मे खोलियै
321 |
Developer tools डेवलपर उपकरण
322 |
Enable to have %s autocomplete over 450 popular URLs in the address bar. एड्रेस बार में 450 लोकप्रिय URLs पर %1$s स्वत: पूर्णता लेली सक्षम करू
323 |
Open & Fill खोलियै आरू भरियै
324 |
Send Usage Data उपयोग डेटा भेजियै
325 |
View your screenshots here! यहां अपनो स्क्रीनशॉट देखियै!
326 |
Share… शेयर…
327 |
Open New Private Tab नया गोपनीय टैब खोलियै
328 |
Erase मेटैइयै
329 |
Save password for %@? %@ ले पासवर्ड सहेजोॅ
330 |
Erase private browsing history निजी ब्राउज़िंग इतिहास मेटैइयै
331 |
Go जाइयै
332 |
Unable to connect संपर्क करए में असमर्थ
333 |
Are you a developer, interested in Pontoon? There are plenty of ways to get your hands dirty. की अपने डेवलपर छियै, आरू पोंटून में रूचि राखै छी? अपनो हाथ गंदा करै केरो अनेक तरीका छै.
334 |
Learn more about %1$s %1$s के बारो मेॅ अधिक जानोॅ
335 |
Folder Name फोल्डर रो नाम
336 |
Custom URL पसंदीदा URL
337 |
Enter your password to connect जुरै लेॅ पासवर्ड दहो
338 |
Shape a better product for Indonesia इंडोनेशिया खातिर एगो बेहतर आकार के उत्पाद छेकै
339 |
Copy कॉपी
340 |
Debug: require upgrade डिबग: उन्नति रो जरुरी छै
341 |
On चालू
342 |
Learn More. बेसी जानकारी
343 |
History इतिहास
344 |
Open Last Bookmark अंतिम बुकमार्क खोलोॅ
345 |
Open New Tab नया टैब खोलोॅ
346 |
Save Login लॉग इन सहेजोॅ
347 |
Take screenshot of an entire page scroll. Read it offline without using data or tap it to revisit the web page. पुरे पृष्ठ के स्क्रीनशॉट लीजियै. डेटा इस्तेमाल किये बिना एकरा ऑफलाइन पढियै या वेब पृष्ठ पर दुबारा जाय लअ टैप करियै
348 |
Theme थीम
349 |
Clear Private Data गोपनीय डाटा मेटाबोॅ
350 |
Erase browsing history ब्राउजिंग इतिहास मेटैइयै
351 |
Search in Firefox Firefox में खोजियै
352 |
Manage sites साइटों के प्रबंध करियै
353 |
NO, THANKS नै, धन्यवाद
354 |
Preview Theme पूर्वावलोकित थीम
355 |
A browser made by %1$s, the non-profit committed to a free and open web. %1$s द्वारा एगो ब्राउज़र बनाल्य गेलो छै, जअ मुफ़्त आरु खुलल वेब कअ खतिर कोमिटेड गैर-लाभकारी छै.
356 |
Autocomplete URLs for sites you use most Long-press any URL in the address bar सबसे जादा उपयोग करै वाला साइटों के अपना सँ पूर्ण URLs ले एड्रेस बार में कोनो URL के देर तक दबियै
357 |
Your private browsing history has been erased. अपने के ब्रॉउजिंग इतिहास मेटाए देलो गेलए.
358 |
Download Firefox Firefox डाउनलोड करियै
359 |
A browser tailor-made for Indonesia by Mozilla, the non-profit committed to a free and open web. मोज़िला द्वारा इंडोनेशिया क खातिर एगो ब्राउज़र दर्जी बनाल्य गेलो छै, जअ मुफ़्त आरु खुलल वेब कअ खतिर कोमिटेड गैर-लाभकारी छै.
360 |
Added to Reading List पठन सूची रो जोड़लोॅ गेल
361 |
Back पिछू
362 |
Send Feedback प्रतिक्रिया भेजोॅ
363 |
Show Search Suggestions खोज सुझाव दिखाबियै
364 |
Your Rights आपनोॅ रो अधिकार
365 |
Nepali नेपाली
366 |
Set as default browser डिफ़ॉल्ट ब्राउज़र सेट करो
367 |
Terms of Service सेवा केरो शर्तें
368 |
Developers डेवलपर्स
369 |
Brightness चमक
370 |
Delete from History इतिहास से हटाबोॅ
371 |
Your account needs to be verified. तोहरो खाता रो सत्यापन रो जरुरी छै.
372 |
Copy URL URL कोपी करोॅ
373 |
Dark गहरा
374 |
Send भेजोॅ
375 |
About %1$s %1$s के बारे मे
376 |
Dismiss find in page पेज में रद्द करियै
377 |
How to redeem केना भंजैयै
378 |
New tab opened नया टैब खुलल
379 |
Internal storage इंटर्नल स्टोरेज
380 |
Add जोड़ियै
381 |
Save Logins लॉग इन सहेजल गेलै
382 |
Could not add page to Reading List. Maybe it’s already there? पठन सूची मेॅ पेज नै जुड़ सकलै। शायद इ पहलोॅ से जुड़ल छै ?
383 |
Dismiss रद्द करियै
384 |
Unlock %1$s अनलॉक %1$s
385 |
Get involved शामिल होइयै
386 |
Copy link address लिंक एड्रेस कॉपी करोॅ
387 |
Always हमेशा
388 |
Remove all websites सब वेबसाईट हटैइयै
389 |
Stop loading website लोड भ्या रहलो वेबसाईट के रोकियै
390 |
Copy link address लिंक एड्रेस कॉपी करियै
391 |
Open with %1$s %1$s सँग खोलहोऽ
392 |
Title शीर्षक
393 |
Title: %1$s नाम: %1$s
394 |
Cannot delete the file. फ़ाइल क हटाय नै सकै छिऐ
395 |
a text block एकटा टेक्स्ट ब्लॉक
396 |
Browsing history cleared! 🎉 ब्राउज़िंग इतिहास मेटाल्य गेलै!
397 |
Show your Reading List पठन सूची दिखाबोॅ
398 |
Clear browsing data ब्राउज़िंग इतिहास मेटाबोॅ
399 |
Hack it on GitHub GitHub पर हैक करियै
400 |
Add to Home screen होमस्क्रीन ले जोरऽ
401 |
Return to your favorite sites in %1$s quickly. Just select "Add to Home screen" from the %1$s menu. %1$s में अपन पसंदीदा साइट पर तेज़ी सँ वापस जइयै. बस %1$s मेनू से "मुख्य स्क्रीन पर जोड़ियै" चुनियै.
402 |
A username and password are being requested by %1$@. The site says: %2$@ %1$@ द्वारा एगो उपयोगकर्ता नाम आरू पासवर्ड रो अनुरोध करी रहलो छै। साइट कहै छै: %2$@
403 |
Total trackers blocked पूरे ट्रेकर्स ब्लॉक भेल
404 |
Use your fingerprint to access configuring your required passcode interval. आपनो जरुरी पासकोड अंतराल रो कॉन्फ़िगर करै ले आपनो फिंगरप्रिंट रो उपयोग करो।
405 |
Cache कैश
406 |
Astrology ज्योतिष
407 |
Turbo mode disabled टर्बो मोड असक्षम
408 |
Your fingerprint can unlock %1$s if a URL is already opened in the app. Stealth will be turned on. यदि आपनो के URL पहलो स खुलि गेल छे त आपनो फिंगरप्रिंट %1$s अनलॉक कैर सकै छै. छुपि क चालू होय जैतै.
409 |
This action will clear all of your website data. It cannot be undone. इ क्रिया आपनों वेबसाइट डेटा के साफ़ कैर देतै। जेकरा तू फेनु पाए नै सकै छोॅ
410 |
Resend Email Email फनू भाजोॅ
411 |
Resume फेनु से शुरू करोॅ
412 |
Remove custom URLs पसंदीदा URLs जोड़ियै
413 |
Turn on tab syncing to view a list of tabs from your other devices. आपन दोसरो उपकरणों से टैब की सूची देखै ले टैब सिंक चालू करो।
414 |
Help मदद
415 |
Firefox Sync has connected to %@ Firefox सिंक %@ में जोड़ देल गेलै.
416 |
The address wasn’t understood पता नय बुझि सकलै
417 |
Get your tabs, bookmarks, and passwords from your other devices. अपनोॅ दोसरो उपकरणों सेॅॅ अपनोॅ टैब, बुकमार्क और पासवर्ड पाभोॅ.
418 |
Manage Account & Devices खाता आरू उपकरण प्रबंधित करोॅ
419 |
Use Touch ID टच ईडी उपयोग करोॅ
420 |
Choose search engine सर्च ईंजन चुनियै
421 |
%1$s is free and open source software made by %2$s and other contributors. %1$s %2$s आरू दोसरो योगदानकर्ता द्वारा बनाएल गेलो स्वतंत्र आरू मुक्त स्रोत सॉफ्टवेयर छियै.
422 |
3. Tap %1$s 3. टैप %1$s
423 |
Loading लोडिंग
424 |
Off बंद
425 |
Hidden notifications छुपल सूचना सब
426 |
Return to your favorite sites in %1$s quickly. Just select \"Add to Home screen\" from the %1$s menu. %1$s में अपन पसंदीदा साइट पर तेज़ी सँ वापस जइयै. बस %1$s मेनू से \"मुख्य स्क्रीन पर जोड़ियै\" चुनियै.
427 |
Share image चित्र शेयर करियै
428 |
Used to collect, analyze and measure activities like tapping and scrolling इकट्ठा करै लऽ, विश्लेषण और मापे लऽ उपयोग करलो जाय छै
429 |
Reading list पठन सूची
430 |
Video वीडियो
431 |
over web content वेब सामग्री पर
432 |
Close Tab टैब बंद करोॅ
433 |
Share with friends संगी सँ शेयर करोॅ
434 |
Location स्थान
435 |
About रो संबंध में
436 |
Search or enter address खोजोॅ या पता भरोॅ
437 |
Smart Shopping Search स्मार्ट खरीदारी खोज
438 |
Authentication required प्रमाणीकरण जरुरी छs
439 |
World विश्व
440 |
Automatic private browsing. Browse. Erase. Repeat. स्वचालित निजी ब्रॉउजिंग.ब्रॉउज. मेटैइयै. दोहरैइयै.
441 |
Welcome to Firefox Firefox में स्वागत छै
442 |
Gujarati गुजराती
443 |
Tap to set default browser डिफ़ॉल्ट ब्राउज़र सेट करे ल टैप करियै
444 |
Take Your Web With You अपना वेब अपनो साथ रखोॅ
445 |
URL already exists URL पहले से मौजूद छै
446 |
Screenshot deleted स्क्रीनशॉट हटाल्य गेलै
447 |
Voucher वाउचर
448 |
Settings सेटिंग्स
449 |
Add shortcuts to your home screen अपन मुख्य स्क्रीन पर शॉर्टकट जोड़ियै
450 |
Homepage होमपेज
451 |
Bookmark Removed बुकमार्क हटैलोॅ गेल
452 |
Localize the web. वेब स्थानीय बनैइयै
453 |
The moment you submit translation, it replaces the original text in the web page, making you the first proofreader and tester. अनुवाद भेला के बाद अनुवादित पाठ मूल पाठ केरो स्थान ल्या लै छै जकरा सँ अपने के अपन अनुवाद सही करै आरू जांचै में आसानी भ्या जाए छै.
454 |
Find in page पेज मs खोजिइयै
455 |
Paste पेस्ट
456 |
Crime अपराध
457 |
Additional source code for %1$s is available under various other free and open source <a href="%2$s">licenses</a>. %1$s लेली अतिरिक्त स्रोत कोड अनेक दोसरो निशुल्क आरू मुक्त स्रोत <a href="%2$s">लाइसेन्स</a>केरो अंतर्गत उपलब्ध छै.
458 |
Bookmark This Page पेज रो बुकमार्क करोॅ
459 |
Show Previous Tab पिछला टैब दिखाबोॅ
460 |
Immediately ज���्दी सेॅ
461 |
Welcome to %1$s %1$s रो स्वागत छै
462 |
Switch बदलोॅ
463 |
Close बंद करियै
464 |
New Tab नया टैब
465 |
Use your Firefox account to redeem your reward आपनो इनाम खातिर आपनो Firefox खाता के प्रयोग करोॅ
466 |
Love %1$s? %1$s पसंद छै?
467 |
No downloads डाउनलोडस नै छै
468 |
No screenshots कोय स्क्रीनशॉट नै छकै
469 |
Top Sites सर्वोच्च साइट्स
470 |
Private Browsing निजी ब्राउज़िंग
471 |
Log Out लॉग आउट
472 |
Tabs टैब्स
473 |
Failed to capture screenshot स्क्रीनशॉट केपचर फेल होए गेलै
474 |
Enabling may cause some pages to behave unexpectedly सक्षम करै सऽ कुछ पृष्ठ के व्यवहार अप्रत्याशित हुए सकै छै
475 |
Edit bookmark बुकमार्क संपादित करियै
476 |
Open with… एकरा सँग खोलहोऽ…
477 |
BLOCKS ब्लॉक
478 |
Add to Bookmarks बुकमार्क मेॅ जोड़ोॅ
479 |
A device has disconnected from Firefox Sync ई उपकरण Firefox सिंक सेॅ डिसकनेक्ट होय गेल छै
480 |
Example: example.com उदाहरण: example.com
481 |
A modern mobile browser from Mozilla, the non-profit committed to a free and open web. Mozilla द्वारा बनाल्य गेल एगो आधुनिक ब्राउज़र छकै, जअ मुफ़्त आरु खुलल वेब कअ खतिर कोमिटेड गैर-लाभकारी छै.
482 |
Pontoon allows you to localize web content in place, with context and spatial limitations right in front of you. पोंटून अपने के वेब सामग्री, संदर्भ आरू स्थानीय सीमा केरो साथ लोकालाइज करै के अनुमति दै छै .
483 |
Logins & Passwords लोगिंस आरू पासवर्ड
484 |
Make %1$s default browser %1$s कऽ डिफ़ॉल्ट ब्रॉजर बनैइयै
485 |
%1$s is made available to you under the terms of the <a href="%2$s">%3$s</a> and other open source licenses. %1$s <a href="%2$s"> %3$s </a> आरू दोसरो मुक्त स्रोत लाइसेंस केरो नियम के अंतर्गत अहाँ के उपलब्ध करैलो जाए छै.
486 |
Browsing history cleared ब्राउज़िंग इतिहास मेटाल्य गेलै
487 |
Stealth गोपनीयता
488 |
Preview of %@ %@ के पूर्वावलोकन
489 |
Asamiya असमिया
490 |
paused रुक गेलै
491 |
More Info… अधिक जानकारी...
492 |
Content Blocking is disabled सामग्री अवरोधन निष्क्रिय छेकै
493 |
Turn off tips on the %1$s start screen %1$s प्रारंभ स्क्रीन सलाह के बंद करियै
494 |
Copy Image इमेज कॉपी करोॅ
495 |
Color your life! अपनो जीवन क रंग़िइयै!
496 |
Turn off tips on the start screen प्रारंभ स्क्रीन सलाह के बंद करियै
497 |
Power up your privacy अपन गोपनीयता के बढ़ैइयै
498 |
Default Search Engine डिफॉल्ट सर्च इंजन
499 |
Save सेव करियै
500 |
Save image चित्र सहेजियै
501 |
18.0 18.0
502 |
Screenshot everything स्क्रीनशॉट सब कुछ
503 |
Are you sure you want to cancel this download? की तोय सच में डाउनलोड रद करै ले चाहे छौ ?
504 |
Desktop Bookmarks डेस्कटॉप बुकमार्कस
505 |
Redeem later बाद मेॅ भंजाबोॅ
506 |
Erase & open मेटैइयै आरू खोलियै
507 |
- Fast and lightweight - Data saving - Powerful screenshots - तेज आरु हल्का - डेटा क बचत - शक्तिशाली स्क्रीनशॉट
508 |
Search or enter address खोजियै अथवा पता भरियै
509 |
Give feedback प्रतिक्रिया दियोॅ
510 |
Login लॉगइन
511 |
Light प्रकाश
512 |
Go to copied link? कॉपी करलोॅ लिंक पर जाए ले चाहे छिकै?
513 |
This lets you take and upload photos. इ सेॅ तोय आपनो फोटो ले आरू अपलोड कैर सके छौ
514 |
About के बारो मेॅ
515 |
Bookmarks बुकमार्कस
516 |
Capturing screenshot of entire page… पूरे पेज क स्क्रीनशॉट कैप्चर होए गेलै ...
517 |
A username and password are being requested by %@. %@ यूजरनाम आरू पासवर्ड मांगी रहलो छै
518 |
You are not granted any rights or licenses to the trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation or any party, including the %3$s, %4$s or %1$s names or logos. Additional information may be found <a href="%2$s">here</a>. तोहरो Mozilla Foundation या %3$s, %4$s या %1$s नाम या लोग समेत कोनो पार्टी के ट्रेडमार्क खातिर कोय अधिकार या लाइसेंस नय देल गेल छै.अतिरिक्त जानकारी <a href="%2$s"> खतिर </a>पर मिल सकै छै.
519 |
Find खोजोॅ
520 |
Want to see your tabs from other devices here? आपन दोसरो उपकरणों रो टैब की सूची यहाँ देखै ले चाहै छो?
521 |
Missing permissions. Give Firefox Rocket permission to access your location. प्रमिशन गुम भे गेलै. Firefox Rocket क अपनो पता तक पहुंचने लअ अनुमति दियै.
522 |
Block 3rd-party cookies only खाली 3र्ड पार्टी कूकीज ब्लौक करियै
523 |
Some search engines cannot show suggestions. कुछ सर्च ईंजन सुझाव नै दिखाय सकै छै.
524 |
Default URL List डिफ़ॉल्ट URL सूची
525 |
New search engine added. नया सर्च ईंजन जोड़लो गेल.
526 |
Close All सब बंद करोॅ
527 |
4. If you don’t see %1$s, try manually adding a search engine. 4. अगर तोहरो %1$s नै मिललs, मैन्युअल रूप सs एगो सर्च इंजन जोड़यै.
528 |
%1$s wants to access your location. %1$s तोहरो पता तक पहुंचे लअ चाहे छै.
529 |
VIEW राय
530 |
%1$s finished %1$s समाप्त भेलै
531 |
URL Autocomplete URL अपना सँ पूर्ण
532 |
Do you want to use this web page as your home page? की तोए वेब पेज रो होम पेज जैसेनो उपयोग करै ले चाहै छो?
533 |
YES हा
534 |
You can leave %1$s to open this link in %2$s. अपने लिंक %2$s में खोलै लेली %1$s छोड़ि सकै छी.
535 |
Enable to have %1$s autocomplete over 450 popular URLs in the address bar. एड्रेस बार में 450 लोकप्रिय URLs पर %1$s स्वत: पूर्णता लेली सक्षम करू.
536 |
Website loaded वेबसाईट लोड भेलै
537 |
Capture page केपचर पेज
538 |
Privacy Policy गोपनीयता नीति
539 |
Fingerprint icon फिंगरप्रिंट आइकन
540 |
Exit बाहर जाइयै
541 |
Always Send हमेशा भेजोॅ
542 |
Device Name डिवाइस रो नाम
543 |
Visited देखलोॅ गेल
544 |
Welcome to Top Sites सर्वोच्च साइट्स में स्वागत है
545 |
Find previous result पिछ्लो परिणाम जानोॅ
546 |
Set default, autocomplete डिफॉल्ट सेट करियै, आपनो सऽ पूर्न
547 |
Browsing History ब्राउजिंग इतिहास
548 |
Light हल्का
549 |
Delete हटाबियै
550 |
%1$s is a fast and lightweight browser produced by %2$s. Our mission is to foster a healthy, open internet. %1$s %2$s द्वारा बनाएल गेल एगो तेज आरु हल्लुक ब्राउजर छै. हमर मिशन स्वस्थ आरु खुलल इंटरनेट क बढ़ावा देनाय छै.
551 |
Lifestyle जीवनशैली
552 |
Sign In साइन इन करो
553 |
Log Out? लॉग आउट?
554 |
Yes, rate 5 stars! हौं, 5 सितारा रेट करियै!
555 |
Translations are automatically reviewed for quality before saving अनुवाद केरो सेव करै सँ पहिने गुणवत्ता खातिर अपना सँ समीक्षा करलो गेलै
556 |
Translate अनुवाद करियै
557 |
- -
558 |
Download Link लिंक डाउनलोड करोॅ
559 |
None of the apps on your device are able to open this link. You can leave %1$s to search %2$s for an app that can. अपने के डिवाइस केरो कोनो ऐप ई लिंक के खोलि नै सकै छै. अपने ऐप %2$s खोजै लेली %1$s छोड़ि सकै छी जे ऐप खोजि सकै छै.
560 |
Today and Yesterday आय आरू कल
561 |
Authentication required प्रमाणीकरण जरुरी छै
562 |
Reload page पेज फेरु लोड करोॅ
563 |
News समाचार
564 |
Telugu तेलुगू
565 |
Block Web fonts वेब फ्रंट ब्लौक करियै
566 |
Bookmark saved बुकमार्क सहेजल गेलै
567 |
New Session नया सत्र
568 |
After 10 minutes 10 म��नटोॅ बाद
569 |
Plurals support बहुवचन समर्थन
570 |
Support समर्थन
571 |
Searching for something different? Choose another default search engine in Settings. कुछ अलग खोजि रहलो छी? सेटिंग्स में दोसर डिफ़ॉल्ट खोज इंजन चुनियै.
572 |
Share शेयर करोॅ
573 |
SHARE शेयर
574 |
By someone you trust ककरो द्वारा अहाँ पर भरोसा
575 |
Show More अधिक देखाबोॅ
576 |
You need to verify %@. Check your email for the verification link from Firefox. आपनोॅ %@ रो सत्यापन रो जरुरी छै. Firefox से लिंक रो सत्यापन खातिर आपनोॅ ईमेल देखोॅ
577 |
%1$s also uses blocklists provided by Disconnect, Inc. as separate and independent works under the <a href="%2$s">GNU General Public License v3</a>, and available <a href="%3$s">here</a>. %1$s भी डिस्कनेक्ट, इंक द्वारा देल गेल ब्लॉकलिस्ट के उपयोग <a href="%2$s">GNU जनरल पब्लिक लाइसेंस v3</a> के तहत अलग आरु स्वतंत्र कार्यों के रूप में करै छै, आरु उपलब्ध छै <a href="%3$s"> यहां </a>.
578 |
The page isn’t redirecting properly पेज ठीक से रीडायरेक्ट नै भ्या रहलो छै
579 |
just now अभी तुरंत
580 |
password पासवर्ड
581 |
Edit Bookmark बुकमार्क संपादित करोॅ
582 |
selected text चुनल टेक्स्ट
583 |
Clear cache कैश मेटैइयै
584 |
Erase and Open मेटैइयै आरू खोलियै
585 |
Shortcut will open with Tracking Protection disabled शॉर्टकट अक्षम ट्रैकिंग सुरक्षा केरो साथ खुलत
586 |
Enter passcode पासकोड डालोॅ
587 |
Set Homepage होमपेज सेट करोॅ
588 |
No thanks नै, धन्यवाद
589 |
Open every link in %1$s\n Set %1$s as default browser %1$s में सब लिंक खोलियै\n डिफ़ॉल्ट ब्राउज़र के रूप में %1$s सेट करियै
590 |
Get help from translation memory, machine translation and the likes अनुवाद मेमोरी, मशीन अनुवाद आरू पसंद सँ सहायता पाबियै
591 |
Problem loading page पृष्ठ लोड हुए में समस्या
592 |
Jokes चुटकुले
593 |
Open Settings सेटिंग्स खोलोॅ
594 |
New update नया अपडेट
595 |
Dismiss रद्द करोॅ
596 |
Use Firefox account to redeem भंजाबे ले Firefox रो खाता के उपयोग करोॅ
597 |
Get your open tabs, bookmarks, and passwords from your other devices. अपनोॅ दोसरो उपकरणों सेॅॅ अपनोॅ खुलल टैब, बुकमार्क और पासवर्ड पाभोॅ.
598 |
Go to Settings सेटिंग्स में जाहो
599 |
Rate Us रेट करियै
600 |
Search engine name सर्च ईंजन नाम
601 |
Firefox Account Firefox खाता
602 |
What's New नया की छै
603 |
sign चिन्ह
604 |
Your Rights अपने के अधिकार
605 |
Example: example.com/search/?q=%s उदाहरण: example.com/search/?q=%s
606 |
Maximum attempts reached. Please try again in an hour. अधिकतम प्रयास होय चुकलोॅ छै. कृप्या एक घंटा बाद फेनु प्रयास करोॅ.
607 |
<ul> <li>The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.</li> <li>If you are unable to load any pages, check your mobile device’s data or Wi-Fi connection.</li> </ul> <ul><li>ई साइट अस्थाई रूप सँ अनुपलब्ध या बहुत व्यस्त भए सकै छै. कनि देर में फिनु सँ प्रयास करियै.</li> <li>यदि अपने कोनो पृष्ठ लोड करए में असमर्थ छी, त अपन मोबाइल डिवाइस के डेटा या वाई-फाई कनेक्शन केरो जाँचि लिअ.</li> </ul>
608 |
Cricket क्रिकेट
609 |
OK ठीक
610 |
Password पासवर्ड
611 |
Clear Data डाटा मेटाबोॅ
612 |
All Hands सब लोग
613 |
Web Content वेब सामग्री
614 |
Advanced विकसित करलोॅ गेल
615 |
Avoid breaking user interface by seeing how much space is available for your translations, which is especially useful with apps. अपने के अनुवाद लेली कतेक जगह उपलब्ध छ��� एकर अंदाजा लगाए के अपने यूजर इंटरफ़ेस ख़राब करै सँ बचि सकै छी, जे खास तौर सँ एप लेली उपयोगी छै.
616 |
Open खोलऽ
617 |
Pontoon Intro pontoon परिचय
618 |
Get one-tap access to sites you use most%1$s Menu > Add to Home screen सबसे जादा उपयोग करै वाला साइटों के एक-टैप मे एक्सेस प्राप्त करियै%1$s मेनू> होम स्क्रीन में जोरियै
619 |
Passcodes didn’t match. Try again. पासकोड्स नै मिललै. फेनु प्रयास करोॅ.
620 |
Mail App मेल ऐप
621 |
Close all tabs? सब टैबो बंद करोॅ?
622 |
Get one-tap access to sites you use most Menu > Add to Home screen सबसे जादा उपयोग करै वाला साइटों के एक-टैप मे एक्सेस प्राप्त करियै मेनू> होम स्क्रीन में जोरियै
623 |
We need you! %1$s हमरो तोहर जरुरत छै! %1$s
624 |
Enable Tracking Protection ट्रैकिंग सुरक्षा लायक
625 |
After 1 hour 1 घंटा बाद
626 |
Find in Page पेज मेॅ खोलहोॅ
627 |
Last month अंतिम महिना
628 |
Website Breach वेबसाइट भंग भेल
629 |
Menu मेनू
630 |
multiple tabs एकाधिको टैब्स
631 |
Send Tab टैब भेजियै
632 |
Share via एकरा द्वारा शेयर करोॅ
633 |
Tap टेप
634 |
Quality checks गुणवत्ता जांच
635 |
Learn How जान्हो केना
636 |
Choose a file to upload अपलोड करै लअ फाईल चुनिइयै
637 |
You are not granted any rights or licenses to the trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation or any party, including the Mozilla, Firefox or %1$s names or logos. Additional information may be found <a href="%2$s">here</a>. तोहरो मोज़िला फाउंडेशन या मोज़िला, फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स या %1$s नाम या लोग समेत कोनो पार्टी के ट्रेडमार्क खातिर कोय अधिकार या लाइसेंस नय देल गेल छै.अतिरिक्त जानकारी <a href="%2$s"> खतिर </a>पर मिल सकै छै.
638 |
Block ad trackers विज्ञापन ट्रैकर्स कs ब्लॉक करियै
639 |
Hide webpages when switching apps and block taking screenshots. ऐप्स क स्विच करै समय आरु स्क्रीनशॉट लै पर ब्लोक करै समय वेबपेज नुकैइयै.
640 |
Open a link in a new tab Long-press any link on a page नया टैब में एगो लिंक खोलियै पेज पर कोनो लिंक के देर तक दाबियै
641 |
Mozilla Mozilla
642 |
City शहर
643 |
Bookmark updated बुकमार्क अपडेट भेलै
644 |
Changes color theme. रंग थीम बदलोॅ
645 |
Copy Link लिंक कॉपी करोॅ
646 |
Tab’s browsing history has been erased. टैब्स के ब्रॉउजिंग इतिहास मेटाए देलो गेलए.
647 |
Tamil तमिल
648 |
Yesterday काल्य
649 |
This action will clear all of your private data. It cannot be undone. इ क्रिया आपनों निजी डेटा के साफ़ कैर देतै। जेकरा तू फेनु पाए नै सकै छोॅ
650 |
English अंग्रेजी
651 |
Find an app that can open link एकठो ऐप खोजू जे लिंक खोलि सकैत छै
652 |
1. Go to Settings 1. सेटिंग्स में जाहोॅ
653 |
Use turbo mode to block tracking ads so you can browse at blazing speeds. If sites seem broken, just tap off the turbo mode switch in the menu. ट्रैकिंग विज्ञापनों कअ ब्लोक करै लअ टर्बो मोड क उपयोग करियै ताकि तोय तेजि से ब्राउज़ कैर पाबियै.आगर साइट सिनि टूटै छै,तअ मेनू में टर्बो मोड स्विच क टैप करिइयै.
654 |
Saved and shared images <b>will not be deleted</b> when you erase %1$s history. सहेजलो गेल आरू शेयर कएल गेल छवि <b>हटाएलो नय जाएत</b> जखन अहाँ %1$s इतिहास के मेटाएबै.
655 |
Block trackers ट्रेकर्स ब्लॉक करियै
656 |
My game मेरा खेल
657 |
2. Long press the search engine’s search field. 2. बेसि देर तक सर्च इंजन के सर्च फिल्ड कऽ दाबियै.
658 |
Finger moved too fast. Try again. फिंगर बहुत तेज छ्कै. फेनु प्रयास करियै.
659 |
Block other content trackers दोसरो कोंटेंट ट्रैकर्स ब्लौक करियै
660 |
Add Tab टैब जोरोॅ
661 |
Create an account नया खाता बनाबोॅ
662 |
Remove search engines सर्च ईंजन हटैइयै
663 |
Tap the magnifying glass icon above the keyboard to add this search engine. सर्च इंजन के जोड़ेे लs किबोर्ड के ऊपर मेग्निफाइंग लेंस आइकन टैप करियै.
664 |
Technology तकनीक
665 |
%1$d days left %1$d दिन बाकि
666 |
Offline Website Data ऑफ़लाइन वेबसाइट डेटा
667 |
Protection Against Ad Tracking विज्ञापन ट्रैकिंग रो विरुद्ध संरक्षण
668 |
Resolution: %1$s रिजोल्युसन: %1$s
669 |
Join us हमरा सँ जुड़ियै
670 |
Save Image चित्र सहेजियै
671 |
Scan QR Code QR कोड स्कैन करोॅ
672 |
%1$s is made available to you under the terms of the <a href="%2$s">Mozilla Public License</a> and other open source licenses. %1$s <a href="%2$s">मोज़िला सार्वजनिक लाइसेंस</a> आरू दोसरो मुक्त स्रोत लाइसेंस केरो नियम के अंतर्गत अहाँ के उपलब्ध करैलो जाए छै.
673 |
Delete this image? ई चित्र हटाबियै?
674 |
Enable सक्रिय
675 |
This lets you save photos. इ सेॅ तोय आपनो फोटों सहेज सके छौ
676 |
A toolbar appears above the dashed rectangle, allowing you to select the corresponding text block for editing. To do so, either click on the Edit button in the toolbar, or double-click anywhere inside the dashed border. एकटा टूलबार डैश्ड आयत केरो उप्पर देखाय दै छै, जे अपने के एहि पाठ ब्लॉक केरो संपादन लेली चुनए केरो अनुमति दै छै. एहनो करै खातिर, या तँ टूलबार केरो संपादन बटन पर क्लिक करू, अथवा डैशबोर्ड केरो भीतर कोनो ठाम पर डबल क्लिक करू.
677 |
Websites you’ve visited recently will show up here. आपनो हाल के देखल वेबसाइट उपर दिख रहलो छै
678 |
<ul> <li>This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.</li> </ul> <ul><li>कखनो-कखनो ई समस्या केरो कारण कुकीज़ के स्वीकार करए सँ मना कएनाय या अक्षम कएनाय भाया सकै छै.</li></ul>
679 |
Close बंद करोॅ
680 |
Hide webpages when switching apps ऐप्स कs स्विच करै समय वेबपेज नुकैइयै
681 |
%1$s is ready to block ads विज्ञापन ब्लॉक खातिर %1$s तैयार छकै
682 |
%1$@/%2$@ %1$@/%2$@
683 |
Additional source code for %1$s is available under various other free and open source <a href="%2$s">licenses</a>. %1$s लेली अतिरिक्त स्रोत कोड अनेक आन निशुल्क आरू मुक्त स्रोत <a href="%2$s">लाइसेन्स</a> केरो अंतर्गत उपलब्ध छै.
684 |
Sign Up साइन आउट करो
685 |
YouTube YouTube
686 |
<ul> <li>Check the address for typing errors such as <strong>ww</strong>.example.com instead of <strong>www</strong>.example.com</li> <li>If you are unable to load any pages, check your device’s data or Wi-Fi connection.</li> </ul> <ul><li><strong>ww</strong>जेहन लिखित गलती लेली पता जाँचू. <strong>www</strong>केरो बजाय example.com. example.com</li> <li>यदि अपने कोनो पृष्ठ लोड करए में असमर्थ छी, तँ अपन डिवाइस के डेटा या वाई-फाई कनेक्शन केरो जाँच करू.</li> </ul>
687 |
Clear All Website Data सब वेबसाइट रो डाटा साफ करोॅ
688 |
Re-enter passcode पासकोड फेनू सेॅ डालोॅ
689 |
Save data = Save money डेटा बचाबियै = पैसे बचाबियै
690 |
The address wasn’t understood ई पता नै समझलिइयै
691 |
File saved to SD card एसडी कार्ड मे फाइल सहेजल गे�� छै
692 |
Open in %1$s %1$s में खोलियै
693 |
%1$s cache cleared %1$s कैश मेटाल्य गेलै
694 |
Address and Search पता आरू खोज
695 |
More options अधिक विकल्प
696 |
on the menu to capture an entire web page. मेनु पे पुरे वेबपेज केपचर करै ल दाबइयै.
697 |
Get instant preview तुरंत प्रीव्यू पाबू
698 |
Search खोजोॅ
699 |
Next अगला
700 |
Debug: use stage servers डीबग: स्टेज सर्वर रो उपयोग करोॅ
701 |
No SD card detected. File was saved to internal storage. एसडी कार्ड नै मिलल. फ़ाइल क इंटरनल एस्टोरेज में सहेजल गेल छै
702 |
1 of %d files 1 का %d फाइल्स
703 |
Fingerprinters फिंगरप्रिंटर
704 |
Double click on the home background to switch themes. थीमस स्विच करै ल होम बेकग्रउंड पर डबल क्लिक करियै.
705 |
Close Private Tabs गोपनीय टेब्स बंद करियै
706 |
Close tab टैव बंद करियै
707 |
0.0.1 0.0.1
708 |
No (allow all cookies) नैय (सब कुकीज़ के अनुमति दिजियै)
709 |
Default search engine डिफॉल्ट सर्च इंजन
710 |
711 |
Last synced: %@ अंतिम सिंक करलो गेल: %@
712 |
Search… खोजोॅ...
713 |
Next अगिला
714 |
General सामान्य
715 |
Safe Browsing सुरक्षित ब्राउजिंग
716 |
Clearing Recent History will remove history, cookies, and other browser data. हाल रो इतिहास मेटाबै से इतिहास, कुकीज आरू दोसरो ब्राउज़र डेटा हटाय देल जैतै।
717 |
Connect Another Device दोसरो डिवाइस जोरोॅ
718 |
Reload website वेबसाईट फेनु लोड करियै
719 |
This action will clear all of your private data, including history from your synced devices. इ क्रिया आपनों निजी डेटा के साफ़ कैर देतै, जेकरो मेॅ आपनो सिंक करलो उपकरणों के इतिहास भी शामिल छै
720 |
Download File फाइल डाउनलोड करियै
721 |
OK, Got It ठीक, बुझ गेलियै!
722 |
Open Tabs टैब्स खोलोॅ
723 |
Sync Disconnected सिंक डिसकनेक्ट भेल
724 |
<ul> <li>This could be a problem with the server’s configuration, or it could be someone trying to impersonate the server.</li> <li>If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the error may be temporary, and you can try again later.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>ई सर्वर के कॉन्फ़िगरेशन में समस्या भ्या सकै छै, या ई हुए सकै छै कि कोय सर्वर सँ जाली रूप सँ जुड़ए केरो प्रयास करि रहलो छै.</li> <li>अगर अपने पहिले ई सर्वर सँ सफलतापूर्वक जुड़ि चुकल छी, तँ त्रुटि अस्थायी भ्या सकै छै, आरू अहाँ बाद में पुनः प्रयास करि सकै छी.</li> </ul>
725 |
Debug: forget Sync auth state डीबग: सिंक सत्यापन स्थिति भूल जाहो
726 |
Pin to Top Sites शीर्ष साइट्स पर पिन करोॅ
727 |
Reading List पठन सूची
728 |
To make Firefox Rocket better for you and everyone, we made some changes to our privacy policy. Tap to learn more. Firefox Rocket कअ तोहरो आरु हर एक खतिर बेटर बनबे लअ, हम अपनो गोपनीयता नीति मे बदलाओ करलियै यै. अधिक जानै लअ टेप करिइयै.
729 |
Unknown अनजान
730 |
Trending प्रचलित
731 |
Debug: require password डिबग: पासवर्ड रो जरुरी छै
732 |
Exceptions अपवाद
733 |
New Private Tab नया गोपनीय टैब
734 |
We can’t load this page for some reason. हम कोनो कारण सँ ई पृष्ठ लोड नय करि सकै छी.
735 |
More options अधिकोॅ विकल्प
736 |
Search खोजियै
737 |
Pin site साइट पिन करोॅ
738 |
Add search engine सर्च ईंजन जोरियै
739 |
Enable to autocomplete sites you add here. आपनो द्वारा यहां जोड़ल गेल स्वत: पूर्ण साइटों के सक्षम करियै.
740 |
Understand context सन्दर्भ सम���ियै
741 |
native देसी
742 |
Bengali बंगाली
743 |
Recently Saved हाल में सहेजल गेल
744 |
No Internet Connection इंटरनेट कनेक्शन नै छै
745 |
Change Passcode पासकोड बदलोॅ
746 |
Enter Passcode पासकोड डालोॅ
747 |
Social सामाजिक
748 |
Everything सबचीज
749 |
Bookmark बुकमार्क
750 |
Product Update Notice उत्पाद अपडेट सूचना
751 |
Share शेयर
752 |
Cookies and Site Data कुकीज़ आरु साइट डेटा
753 |
Send Tab टैब भेजोॅ
754 |
Performance प्रदर्शन
755 |
Security सुरक्षा
756 |
Clear all browsing history? सब ब्राउजिंग इतिहास मेटैइयै?
757 |
Find in page पेज मेॅ खोलहोॅ
758 |
Add URL URL जोड़ियै
759 |
Tracking Protection ट्रैकिंग सुरक्षा
760 |
Trending on Pocket Pocket पर रुझान
761 |
Update अपडेट करोॅ
762 |
Screenshot the whole page पुरे पेज के स्क्रीनशॉट
763 |
Dismiss find in page पेज में रद्द करोॅ
764 |
Report Site Issue साइट क रिपोर्ट करियै
765 |
Browsing history ब्राउजिंग इतिहास
766 |
Add another search engine दोसरो सर्च इंजन जोड़ियै
767 |
Use Face ID फेस ईडी उपयोग करोॅ
768 |
3. Select Firefox 3. Firefox चुनियै
769 |
Add to Home screen होम स्क्रीन में जोड़ोॅ
770 |
Home होम
771 |
Learn more बेसी जानकारी
772 |
Download protocol not supported डाउनलोड करलो प्रोटोकॉल सपोर्ट नै लै छै
773 |
Create shortcut on home screen होम स्क्रीन पर शॉर्टकट बनाबोॅ
774 |
After 1 minute 1 मिनट बाद
775 |
Remove page — %@ %@— पेज हटाबोॅ
776 |
Remove history from your Firefox Account? अपनो Firefox खाता से इतिहास हटैइयै?
777 |
Previous in-page result इन-पेज परिणाम रो पिछोॅ
778 |
This Connection is Untrusted इ कनेक्शन विश्वासयोग्य नै छै
779 |
Reward पुरस्कार
780 |
Blocking tracking ads not only speeds up browsing, it saves data. Save even more when you block images. ट्रैकिंग विज्ञापनों कअ ब्लोकिंग करै सअ न खालि ब्राउज़िंग कअ बढ़बै छै, इ डेटा बचबै छै. इमेज ब्लोक करै छिऐ तअ आरु सवे करिइयै.
781 |
Save सहेजियै
782 |
Forward आगू बढ़ावोॅ
783 |
Remove from list लिस्ट से हटाबोॅ
784 |
Download Link लिंक डाउनलोड करियै
785 |
yesterday काल्य
786 |
Leave Feedback प्रतिक्रिया भेजोॅ
787 |
You might need to install other software to open this address. इ पता कअ खोलै ल अहा के दोसरो सॉफ़्टवेयर इंस्टॉल करे पैर सकै छै.
788 |
Add link to autocomplete अपना सँ पूर्ण खातिर लिंक जोड़ियै
789 |
New नया
790 |
Developed by the non-profit behind Firefox गैर लाभकारी संस्था द्वारा विकसित फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स
791 |
Secure connection सुरक्षित कनेक्सन
792 |
Entertainment मनोरंजन
793 |
Send to Device डिवाइस पर भेजोॅ
794 |
Deals सौदा
795 |
Now showing images आब इमेजेस दिखाय रहल छै
796 |
adding them to the home screen! ओकरा होम स्क्रीन में जोरियै!
797 |
clockwise घड़ी रो ऐस्नोॅ
798 |
Block images चित्र ब्लौक करोॅ
799 |
What’s New नया की छै
800 |
This folder isn’t empty. ई फोल्डर खाली नै छै
801 |
settings सेटिंग्स
802 |
Wrong email? Disconnect below to start over. गलत Email? फेनु सुरु करै लेॅ नीचे रो संपर्क तोड़ोॅ।
803 |
Username यूजरनाम
804 |
Private Browsing Mode निजी ब्राउज़िंग मोड
805 |
About %1$s %1$s कऽ बारो मे, मदद
806 |
home page होमपेज
807 |
The connection timed out कनेक्शन समय समाप्त भए गेलो छै
808 |
Your search, your way अपने के खोज, अपने के रस्ता
809 |
username यूजरनाम
810 |
Wikipedia Wikipedia
811 |
Secure connection failed सुरक्षित कनेक्शन विफल
812 |
Add custom URL पसंदीदा URL जोड़ियै
813 |
Health स्वास्थ्य
814 |
Move your mouse over headings, links, paragraphs or other text blocks on this page. A dashed rectangle will appear around each of these blocks, marking strings that are available for localization on the page itself. ई पृष्ठ पर अपन माउस के हेडलाइन, लिंक्स, पैराग्राफ अथवा दोसर टेक्स्ट ब्लॉक पर घुमाबू. एकटा डैश्ड आयत प्रत्येक ब्लॉक केरो चारो कात देखाय पड़त, मार्किंग स्ट्रिंग्स जे स्थानीयकरण लेली पृष्ठ पर उपलब्ध छै.
815 |
Pontoon by Mozilla Mozilla के द्वारा Pontoon
816 |
Show All Tabs सब टैब बंद दिखाबियै
817 |
Share Link लिंक शेयर करियै
818 |
Cancel रद्द करोॅ
819 |
Find in Page पेज में खोलहोॅ
820 |
Expires %1$s %1$s को समाप्त
821 |
Mozilla strives to only collect what we need to provide and improve Firefox for everyone. मोजिला खलि ओ चीज के जमा करै छै जकरा Firefox मे सभक लेली सुधार करै के आवश्यक्ता छै.
822 |
New Private Tab opened नया गोपनीय टेब खुलल
823 |
This lets you save and upload photos. इ सेॅ तोय आपनो फोटों सहेज आरू अपलोड कैर सके छौ
824 |
Touch ID & Passcode टच ईडी & पासकोड
825 |
No, thanks नै, धन्यवाद
826 |
Download डाउनलोड करियै
827 |
abnormality विचित्र
828 |
Go back पिछू जाइयै
829 |
Bookmark Added बुकमार्क जोड़लोॅ गेल
830 |
Marathi मराठी
831 |
Default search मूलभूत खोज
832 |
Default डिफ़ॉल्ट
833 |
Back पिछू जाइयै
834 |
Go Back पिछू जाइयै
835 |
Aa Aa
836 |
%@ has been successfully disconnected. %@ सफलतापूर्ण डिसकनेक्ट करलो गेल।
837 |
Normal Browsing Mode सामान्य ब्राउज़िंग मोड
838 |
this week इस सप्ताह
839 |
Browsing data cleared ब्राउज़िंग डेटा मेटाल्य गेलै
840 |
%1$@ on %2$@ %1$@ on %2$@
841 |
not now अभि नै
842 |
Pontoon is a very simple and intuitive tool that requires little to no technical skill for localizers to use. पोन्टून अनुवादक खातिर सरल आरूर सहज ज्ञान आधारित साधन छै जकरा लेली नय केरो बराबर टेक्निकल ज्ञान केरो आवश्यकता छै.
843 |
Copy Image Link इमेज रो लिंक कॉपी करोॅ
844 |
Downloaded Files फाइल डाउनलोड करोॅ
845 |
Urdu उर्दू
846 |
Turn Passcode On पासकोड चालू करोॅ
847 |
More अधिक
848 |
Pontoon's in place translation mode is what puts it above others, but it also has many other benefits. Pontoon केरो स्थान पर अनुवाद मोड एकरा दोसरो सँ अलग करै छै लेकिन एकर अनेक दोसरो लाभ भी छै.
849 |
Fingerprint not recognized. Try again. फिंगरप्रिंट नै पहचानल गेल छकै. फेनु प्रयास करियै.
850 |
Loading लोड भ्या रहलो छै
851 |
Search string to use उपयोग लेली सर्च स्ट्रिंग
852 |
Night mode brightness नाईट मोड चमक
853 |
Try Again फेनु प्रयास करियै
854 |
Erase browsing history ब्राउज़िंग इतिहास मेटैइयै
855 |
Nation राष्ट्र
856 |
Restart %1$s %1$s फेनू सुरू करियै
857 |
It's completely free and open source ई पूरा तरह सँ मुक्त आरू खुलल स्रोत छै
858 |
Clear Recent History… हाल रो इतिहास मिटाबो…
859 |
OK ठीक छै
860 |
2. Access your favorite sites quickly by %s 2. अपनो पसंदीदा साइटों क %s स जल्दी अनुमति दियै
861 |
Share link लिंक शेयर करियै
862 |
Love {{app_name}}? {{app_name}}पसंद छै?
863 |
YES, PLEASE हाँ, कृपया
864 |
Add and manage custom autocomplete URLs. जोड़ियै आरु मैनेज करियै पसंदीदा अपना सँ पूर्ण URLs.
865 |
India भारत
866 |
%1$s will send what you type in the address bar to your search engine आपनो के सर्च ईंजन के एड्रेस बार म जे टाइप करबे %1$s उकरा भेज देत
867 |
Stop रूकयै
868 |
Shopping Search खरीदारी खोज
869 |
That's it! बस!
870 |
Secure Connection सुरक्षित कनेक्शन
871 |
Next in-page result इन-पेज परिण��म रो आगोॅ
872 |
Try again फेनु प्रयास करोॅ
873 |
Open link in selected tab निरधारित टैब में लिंक खोलियै
874 |
Send usage data उपयोग डेटा भेजोॅ
875 |
New Tab opened नया टैब खुलल
876 |
Open link in new tab लिंक नया टैब में खोलियै
877 |
Enter search string सर्च स्ट्रिंग भरियै
878 |
OK, got it! ठीक, बुझि गेलियै!
879 |
Block Pop-up Windows पॉपअप विंडो रो अवरोध करोॅ
880 |
Save downloads to डाउनलोड मेॅ सहेजोॅ
881 |
Switching Apps स्विचिंग एप्स
882 |
Undo पहनो जैसन करियै
883 |
More options button अधिक विकल्प बटन
884 |
Bookmark Link बुकमार्कस लिंक
885 |
Block online trackers ऑनलाइन ट्रैकर्स ब्लौक करोॅ
886 |
Panel Chooser पैनल चयनकर्ता
887 |
New Bookmark नया बुकमार्क
888 |
Open Link in New Session नए सत्र में लिंक खोलियै
889 |
Failed असफल
890 |
News source खबर रो साधन
891 |
What else can it do? ई आरु कि करि सकै छै?
892 |
%1$s was deleted %1$s हटाय गलो रहै
893 |
Rows: %d पंक्ति: %d
894 |
Share {{app_name}} with friends! संगी सँ {{app_name}} शेयर करियै!
895 |
Block Images चित्र ब्लौक करोॅ
896 |
Firefox Home Page Firefox होम पेज
897 |
Add Search Engine सर्च ईंजन जोरियै
898 |
Open in Firefox Firefox में खोलियै
899 |
Sign in to Sync सिंक में साइन इन करोॅ
900 |
Game खेल
901 |
New custom URL added. नया उपभोक्ता पसंदीदा URL जोड़लोऽ गेलै.
902 |
Custom URLs पसंदीदा URLs
903 |
Mozilla strives to collect only what we need to provide and improve %1$s for everyone. Mozilla केवल ओ चीज के जमा करै छै जकरा %1$s मे सभक लेली सुधार करै केरो आवश्यक्ता छै.
904 |
BLOCK ब्लोक
905 |
Switch बदलियै
906 |
Private tab गोपनीय टैब
907 |
Navigate forward आगाँ मार्गनिर्देशित करोॅ
908 |
Kannada कन्नड़
909 |
Download Now अभि डाउनलोड करोॅ
910 |
Searching for something different? Choose another default search engine (or add your own) in Settings. कुछ अलग खोजि रहलो छी? सेटिंग्स में दोसर डिफ़ॉल्ट खोज इंजन चुनियै(आरु अपनो जोरियै).
911 |
Business व्यापार
912 |
Remove Account खाता हटाबोॅ
913 |
No browsing history ब्राउजिंग इतिहास नय छै
914 |
Open every link in %1$s Set %1$s as default browser %1$s में सब लिंक खोलियै डिफ़ॉल्ट ब्राउज़र के रूप में %1$s सेट करियै
915 |
Turn off your passcode. अपनो पासकोड बंद करियै
916 |
Remove हटैइयै
917 |
Cancel रद्द करियै
918 |
Account disabled खाता निष्क्रिय भेल
919 |
Download Cancelled डाउनलोड रद्द होय गेल छै
920 |
Changing settings… सेटिंग्स बदलि रहलो छै...
921 |
Failed to Add Pass पास करे मेॅ विफल
922 |
Notifications let you erase your %1$s session with a tap. You don’t need to open the app or see what’s running in your browser. अधिसूचनाएँ अपने क अपन %1$s सत्र एक टैप सँग मेटाबै दय छै. अपने के ऐप खोलए या ब्राउज़र में कथि भ्या रहलो छै, देखए केरो ज़रूरत नय छै.
923 |
Paste or enter URL URL पेस्ट करियै या भरियै
924 |
Return to previous app पिछला ऐप पर वापस घुरियैs
925 |
Open tab टैव खोलियै
926 |
To get search suggestions, %1$s needs to send what you type in the address bar to the search engine you’ve chosen. %2$s. सर्च सुझाव खातिर, %1$s के आपनो द्वारा चुनल गेल सर्च इंजन पर एड्रेस बार में जे टाइप करने छियै ओकरा भेजै के जरुरी छै. %2$s.
927 |
Recently Visited हाल में देखलोॅ गेल
928 |
Skip छोड़ियै
929 |
Recent Bookmarks हाल के बुकमार्कस
930 |
Tabs open: %1$s %1$s टैब्स खोलियै
931 |
Block third-party trackers cookies (recommended) 3र्ड पार्टी ट्रैकर कूकीज ब्लौक करियै (अनुशंसित)
932 |
Browse faster than ever पहनो स तेज ब्राउज़ करोॅ
933 |
Loading in Firefox Firefox में लोड भे रहलो छै
934 |
Bookmarked बुकमार्कड
935 |
Clear Private Data गोपनीय डाटा मेटैइयै
936 |
Set Passcode पासकोड डालोॅ
937 |
website वेबसाइट
938 |
Date: %1$s तारीख: %1$s
939 |
Copy Address एड्रेस कॉपी करोॅ
940 |
Firefox Sync Firefox सिंक
941 |
1. Multitask by opening %s at the same time! 1. एके समय म %s मल्टीटास्क खुल रहल छै!
942 |
FEEDBACK प्रतिक्रिया
943 |
Take screenshots of entire web pages. View a screenshot offline (without using data) or tap it to revisit the web page. पूरे वेब पृष्ठों क स्क्रीनशॉट लियै. एगो स्क्रीनशॉट ऑफ़लाइन देखिइयै (डेटा का उपयोग के बगेर) या वेब पेज पर फिरु स जाय लअ एकरा टैप करिइयै.
944 |
Powered by %1$s %1$s के द्वारा चलाएल जाए रहलो छै
945 |
Later बाद मेॅ
946 |
Name नाम
947 |
New Separator नया विभाजक
948 |
Some ads track site visits, even if you don’t click the ads कुछ विज्ञापन साइट विजिट ट्रैक करै छै, भले अपने विज्ञापन पर क्लिक नै करै छी
949 |
Welcome to %1$s! स्वागत छै %1$s!
950 |
Name to display नाम दोहो देखबे लऽ
951 |
Paste or enter search string. If necessary, replace search term with: %s. सर्च स्ट्रिंग कs पेस्ट या इंटर करियै. अगर जरुरि छs. सर्च शब्द कs %s के जगह बदलियै.
952 |
Installed search engines सर्च ईंजन इंसटॉल करलो गेलै
953 |
Remote debugging via USB/Wi-Fi USB/Wi-Fi के द्वारा रिमोट डीबगिंग
954 |
1 day left 1 दिन बाकि
955 |
Downloads aren’t supported in Firefox yet. Firefox में अभी डाउनलोड समर्थित नै छै ।
956 |
Navigate forward आगाँ मार्गनिर्देशित करियै
957 |
Retry फेनु कोशिस करोॅ
958 |
Bookmark removed बुकमार्क हटैलो गेलै
959 |
Set %1$s as your default browser and get the benefits of private browsing when you open webpages from other apps. %1$s क अपनो तयशुदा ब्राउज़र रूप में सेट करू आरू जखन अहाँ आन ऐप सँ वेबपृष्ठ खोलै छी तब निजी ब्राउज़िंग केरो फायदा प्राप्त करियै.
960 |
Use your fingerprint to disable Touch ID. टच आईडी निष्क्रिय करे लोॅ आपनो फिंगरप्रिंट रो उपयोग करोॅ
961 |
CLEAR BROWSING HISTORY ब्राउजिंग इतिहास मेटैइयै
962 |
Bug report बग रो सूचना
963 |
Storage not available. Give permission to store photos and files on your device. स्ट्रोरेज उपलब्ध नै छै. अपनो डिवाइस पर फोटोस आरु फाइल्स कअ स्टोर करे ल अनुमति दियै.
964 |
SWITCH स्विच
965 |
Search in Firefox Lite Firefox Lite में खोजोॅ
966 |
UPDATE अपडेट
967 |
Find previous result पिछ्लो परिणाम जानिइयै
968 |
An error occured while adding the pass to Wallet. Please try again later. पास रो वॉलेट में जोड़ै समय गलती भेल. कृपया बादो मेॅ फेनू कोशिश करोॅ.
969 |
Downloads डाउनलोडस
970 |
New passcode must be different than existing code. नया पासकोड मौजूदा कोड सेॅ अलगोॅ होय के चाहि
971 |
Request desktop site डेस्कटॉप साइट लs आग्रह करियै
972 |
contribute योगदान करों
973 |
<ul> <li>You might need to install other software to open this address.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>अपने के ई पता खोलए लेली आन सॉफ़्टवेयर संस्थापित करए केरो आवश्यकता भ्या सकै छै.</li></ul>
974 |
Done पूर्ण भेल
975 |
Twitter Twitter
976 |
RATE 5 STARS 5 सितारा रेट करियै
977 |
Exit Private Browsing? निजी ब्राउज़िंग से बाहर निकलब?
978 |
Sports खेलकूद
979 |
Your Rights / Licenses आपनोॅ रो अधिकार / लाइसेंस
980 |
Find in Page पेज मs खोजिइयै
981 |
Site behaving unexpectedly? Try turning off Tracking Protection कि साइट अप्रत्याशित रूप से व्यवहार कैर रहल छै? ट्रैकिंग सुरक्षा बंद करै के प्रयास करियै
982 |
%1$s downloaded %1$s डाउनलोड होय गेलै
983 |
Travel यात्रा
984 |
By localizing web page on the page itself, you no longer need to worry if the word you are translating is a verb or noun. वेब पेज के पेज में ही अनुवाद करै सँ अपने के अनुवादित शब्द के क्रिया या संज्ञा हुए के बारे चिंतित हुए केरो आवश्यकता नय छै.
985 |
%2$s strives to collect only what we need to provide and improve %1$s for everyone. %2$s खलि ओ चीज के जमा करै छै जकरा %1$s मे सभक लेली सुधार करै के आवश्यक्ता छै.
986 |
Storage inaccessible. Download canceled. स्टोरेज पहुच स जादा छअ. डाउनलोड रद्द होय गेलै
987 |
+ +
988 |
LEAVE छोड़ दहो
989 |
<ul> <li>Web addresses are usually written like <strong>http://www.example.com/</strong></li> <li>Make sure that you’re using forward slashes (i.e. <strong>/</strong>).</li> </ul> <ul><li>वेब पता आमतौर पर <strong>http://www.example.com/</strong> जेना लिखलो रहै छै</li> <li>सुनिश्चित करू जे अपने फॉरवर्ड स्लैश केरो उपयोग करि रहलो छी (यानी <strong>/</strong>).</li> </ul>
990 |
More Info… अधिकोॅ जानकारी…
991 |
Tracking, cookies, data choices ट्रैकिंग, कुकीज़, डेटा चुनियै
992 |
Analytic trackers एनालेटिक ट्रैकर्स
993 |
Download Failed डाउनलोड असफल
994 |
Edit संपादित करोॅ
995 |
Form history फॉर्म क इतिहास
996 |
Turn off to fix some sites कुछ साइटों के ठीक करै ले बंद करियै
997 |
Make default browser डिफ़ॉल्ट ब्राउज़र बनाबोॅ
998 |
Bookmarks you save will show up here. बुकमार्कस जे तोए सहेजलो ये यहाँ दिखी रहलो छै
999 |
Don’t Save नै सहेजोॅ
1000 |
Thank you for choosing our product. Your feedback is important to us. हमरो उत्पाद क चुने ल धन्यवाद. अपनो कअ प्रतिक्रिया हमारा ल जरुरी छै.
1001 |
Bookmarks Menu बुकमार्कस मेनू
1002 |
Thanks for choosing Firefox! Firefox चुनै ल धन्यवाद!
1003 |
fingerprinter फिंगरप्रिंटर
1004 |
Strings with plurals can be translated to all plural forms available in your languge बहुवचन स्ट्रिंग केरो अनुवाद अपने के भाषा में उपलब्ध बहुवचन रूप में करलो जाए सकै छै
1005 |
This lets you take and upload videos. इ सेॅ तोय आपनो विडियो ले आरू अपलोड कैर सके छौ
1006 |
About के संबंध में
1007 |
Account Verification Required खाता प्रमाणीकरण जरुरी छै
1008 |
Social Trackers सोशल ट्रैकर्स
1009 |
May result in missing icons or images आइकन अथवा छवि गुम हुए सकै छै
1010 |
Successful सफल
1011 |
%1$d/%2$d %1$d / %2$d
1012 |
Search Engine सर्च ईंजन
1013 |
Blocked Social Trackers सोशल ट्रैकर्स ब्लौक भेल
1014 |
Turbo mode enabled टर्बो मोड सक्षम
1015 |
Get search suggestions खोज सुझाव प्राप्त करियै
1016 |
black box करका डिब्बा
1017 |
Passcode For Logins लॉग इन खातिर पासकोड
1018 |
2. Tap into the search engine’s search field. 2. सर्च इंजन कs सर्च फिल्ड में टैप करियै.
1019 |
Career व्यवसाय
1020 |
Autocomplete URLs for sites you use most\n Long-press any URL in the address bar सबसे जादा उपयोग करै वाला साइटों के अपना सँ पूर्ण URLs ले\n एड्रेस बार में कोनो URL के देर तक दबियै
1021 |
See spatial limitations स्थान संबंधी सीमा देखियै
1022 |
Yes हौं
1023 |
For Top sites सर्वोच्च साइट्स खातिर
1024 |
URL copied URL कॉपी भेलऽ
1025 |
Congratulations! बधाई हो!
1026 |
4. If you don’t see the magnifying glass, try manually adding a search engine. 4. अगर तोहरो म��ग्निफाइंग लेंस नै मिललs, मैन्युअल रूप सs एगो सर्च इंजन जोड़यै.
1027 |
Show Next Tab अगला टैब दिखाबोॅ
1028 |
Advanced विकसित करल गेल
1029 |
Oops ओह
1030 |
Block analytic trackers एनालेटिक ट्रैकर्स ब्लौक करियै
1031 |
Preview पूर्वावलोकन
1032 |
Open in New Tab नया टैब मे खोलियै
1033 |
Changing settings… सेटिंग्स बदलि रहलोॅ छै...
1034 |
%1$d out of %2$d %2$d सs %1$d
1035 |
Request Desktop Site डेस्कटॉप साइट लs आग्रह करियै
1036 |
Remove the Firefox Account associated with this device to sign in as a different user. दूसरे उपयोगकर्ता रो रूप में साइन इन करै ले ई उपकरण पर मौजूद Firefox खाता हटाबोॅ।
1037 |
Search engine सर्च ईंजन
1038 |
Turn Passcode Off पासकोड बंद करोॅ
1039 |
Automatic private browsing.\nBrowse. Erase. Repeat. स्वचालित निजी ब्रॉउजिंग.ब्रॉउज. मेटैइयै. दोहरैइयै.
1040 |
Next Page अगला पृष्ठ
1041 |
1042 |
SD card एसडी कार्ड
1043 |
Website वेबसाइट
1044 |
Enter a passcode एगो पासकोड डालोॅ
1045 |
Clear input इनपुट मेटैइयै
1046 |
bookmark बुकमार्क
1047 |
fingerprinter फिंगरप्रिंटर
1048 |
home page होमपेज
1049 |
unsafe असुरक्षित
1050 |
native देसी
1051 |
enable सक्रिय
1052 |
Issue मुद्दा
1053 |
bookmark बुकमार्क
1054 |
Bug report बग रो सूचना
1055 |
sign चिन्ह
1056 |
add-on ऐड-ऑन
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
… …
3 |
{ main-context-menu-stop.aria-label } { main-context-menu-stop.aria-label }
4 |
Thank you for your interest in contributing to { $lang }. We work hard to get every language ready for launch and keep the teams updated via email. If you want to contribute, please provide your email below. Mañumuil tamün kelluntukun { $lang } mew. Küzawmaniefiyiñ nieam kom ti zungunmew fey ta pengelam ka wekünutuam taiñ ekipo werkewe mew. Küpa kelluntukulimi elnge tami werkewe tüfa mew.
5 |
Mapudungun Mapuzugun
6 |
{ main-context-menu-back.tooltiptext } { main-context-menu-back.tooltiptext }
7 |
{ main-context-menu-back.aria-label } { main-context-menu-back.aria-label }
8 |
en-US arn
9 |
Russian Rusiazugun
10 |
{ main-context-menu-reload.aria-label } { main-context-menu-reload.aria-label }
11 |
Italian Italiazugun
12 |
13 |
{ main-context-menu-forward.aria-label } { main-context-menu-forward.aria-label }
14 |
true true
15 |
Finnish Suomizugun
16 |
Contribute to { $lang } Kelluntukun { $lang } mew
17 |
Japanese Niponzugun
18 |
%1$S (%2$S) %1$S (%2$S)
19 |
en-US, en arn,es-CL,es-AR,es-MX,es-ES,es,en-US,en
20 |
{ main-context-menu-page-save.label } { main-context-menu-page-save.label }
21 |
Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox
22 |
Polish Polakozugun
23 |
Firefox Firefox
24 |
Spanish Kastijazugun
25 |
26 |
English Iglezugun
27 |
M m
28 |
Dutch Olandazugun
29 |
Swedish Suesiazugun
30 |
Sign up for { $lang } updates: Konam ti weke zungu { $lang } mew
31 |
{ main-context-menu-forward.tooltiptext } { main-context-menu-forward.tooltiptext }
32 |
French Fvransiazugun
33 |
Mozilla Mozilla
34 |
Guarani Waranizugun
35 |
Portuguese Portugalzugun
36 |
1 1
37 |
#1r;#1r #1r;#1r
38 |
{ "}" } { "}" }
39 |
#1c;#1c #1c;#1c
40 |
x-western x-western
41 |
German Alemanzugun
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
Remove search engines Thakhirinak jittayaña
3 |
<ul> <li>Web addresses are usually written like <strong>http://www.example.com/</strong></li> <li>Make sure that you’re using forward slashes (i.e. <strong>/</strong>).</li> </ul> <ul><li>Uka llika janjax ukham qillqatañapawa<strong>http://www.example.com/</strong></li> <li>um sum qillqatam uñakit'am (i.e. <strong>/</strong>).</li></ul>
4 |
Open in… Jist'aram…
5 |
Erase browsing history Uka thaqhatanak pichsum
6 |
Dismiss find in page Kutt'añ thaqhañanxa
7 |
Automatic private browsing.\nBrowse. Erase. Repeat. Justupach jark'as thaqtaña. Thaqhaña. Pichsuña. Mayampi.
8 |
Clear Pichsuña
9 |
Add search engine Thaqhir yapkataña
10 |
Add to Home screen Janja llikar yapkatam
11 |
Find an app that can open link Mä lurañ thaqtam chhitthap jist'arañapataki
12 |
Web Content Llikan utjirinaka
13 |
Default URL List Jan walt'awinakax URL ukankiwa
14 |
Open link in new tab Uka chhithapx machaqar jist'araña
15 |
About %1$s, help %1$s ukxata, yanapa
16 |
Block Web fonts Llikan qillqanakap jark'antaña
17 |
- -
18 |
Password Chimpu
19 |
Search string to use Apnaqat arunak thaqtaña
20 |
None of the apps on your device are able to open this link. You can leave %1$s to search %2$s for an app that can. "Janiw kuna lurawis uka chhitthapx jawsañaman jist'arkaspati. Jaytxakim %1$s ukhamat yaqha %2$s lurir jist'arañapataki."
21 |
Download File Imatanak apaqaña
22 |
Your search, your way Thaqhatam ukhamark jumankiri
23 |
Search Taqhaña
24 |
Cancel Sayt'aña
25 |
Block JavaScript JavaScript Jark'antaña
26 |
Shortcut will open with Tracking Protection disabled Uka jak'aptayatx yaqha jatk'at thaqhañampix jist'ararakismawa
27 |
Privacy Notice Maynitakik yatiya
28 |
You can leave %1$s to open this link in %2$s. Jaytxasmawa %1$s uka chhitthap jist'arañataki %2$s
29 |
What's New kuna yatiyäwis utji
30 |
Navigate forward Nayraqatar tuyuskakim
31 |
Website loaded Phuqhachat llika janjanaka
32 |
Erase browsing history Thaqhatanak pichsum
33 |
OK Walikiwa
34 |
Power up your privacy jumankirikis uk ch'amañcham
35 |
Loading Phuqhachaskiwa
36 |
Data Choices Utjirinak ajlliña
37 |
Server not found Tunux janiw katutakiti
38 |
Request desktop site Qhanankix uka llik mayiña
39 |
Tracking, cookies, data choices Thaqhata, kukinaka, ukatx utjir ajllinaka
40 |
Your browsing history has been erased. Taqpach thaqhatanakamax pichsutawa.
41 |
<ul> <li>You might need to install other software to open this address.</li> </ul> <li> Inas yaqha suftwar uchañax wakischini. </li>
42 |
Set default, autocomplete Pantjat imaña, justupach phuqhaña
43 |
Privacy Maynitakiki
44 |
Remove Jittayaña
45 |
Example: mozilla.org Sakiñani: mozilla.org
46 |
Stop loading website Llika janjanak phuqhachir sayt’ayaña
47 |
+ Add another search engine Yaqha thakhir yapkataña
48 |
%1$s finished %1$s tukutawa
49 |
Dismiss Apanukuña
50 |
Enter search engine name Thaqhirin sutip ucham
51 |
Copy image address Jamuqan chiqañchirip waruqaña
52 |
Some ads track site visits, even if you don’t click the ads Yaqhip yatiyanakax uñstaskakiwa, janis ukar limt'kat ukhaxa
53 |
Remove custom URLs URLs wakicht'atanak jittayaña
54 |
Find next result Ukxarukix uk jikxatam
55 |
Trackers blocked Thaqhañanakax jark'antatawa
56 |
Your Rights Yäqayasiñanakama
57 |
We can’t load this page for some reason. Janiw aka llika janjax phuqhachaskaspati
58 |
Privacy & Security Imantatäña ukatx jark'atäña
59 |
The connection timed out Pachax tukusxiwa
60 |
Erase and Open Pichsuña ukat jist'araña
61 |
Search Privately Jiwasak thaqhaña
62 |
URL Autocomplete URL justupach phuqhachata
63 |
Add custom URL URL Wakt'ayasiñ yapt'aña
64 |
Add shortcuts to your home screen Jank'ak mantañanak uka mantañawjar ucht'asim.
65 |
Paste or enter URL URL uk ucht'am jan ukax mantaña
66 |
Skip T'isktam
67 |
Share image Jamuqanak ch'iqiyaña
68 |
Off jiwt'ayata
69 |
What’s New kuna yatiyäwis utji
70 |
Installed search engines Thaqhirinak uchaña
71 |
Automatic private browsing. Browse. Erase. Repeat. Justupach jark'as thaqtaña. Thaqhaña. Pichsuña. Mayampi.
72 |
Find in page Llika janjan jikxatam
73 |
About %1$s Kunxatasa %1$s
74 |
Unable to connect Janiw makhatañxamakiti
75 |
Verified by: %1$s Uñakipatawa: %1$s
76 |
Site Security LLika janjanakan sumt'añapataki
77 |
New search engine added. Machaq thaqhiriw yapkatata
78 |
Oops Uups
79 |
Make privacy a habit Uka jumatakikis ukx sapakut ucht'asim
80 |
Authentication required Uñacht'ayasiñax wakiskiriwa
81 |
Example: example.com/search/?q=%s Ukhama: example.com/search/?q=%s
82 |
Pages may load faster, but may also behave unexpectedly Janja llikanakax jank'akiw phuqhachasispa, inas jan ukhamarakikchispati
83 |
Search engine name Thaqhirin sutip thaqtaña
84 |
Try Again Mayamp yant'am
85 |
Open in %1$s Jist'aram %1$s
86 |
Take private browsing to the next level. Block ads and other content that can track you across sites and bog down page load times. Uka juman thaqhatam yaqhar apam. Yatiyäwinak jark'antam ukat yaqha utjirinak llika janjanakan jan jayarst'añatal thaqtasmawa.
87 |
Secure connection Suma waythapiriwa
88 |
Save Imaña
89 |
The address isn’t valid Janiw walikiti
90 |
<ul> <li>The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.</li> <li>If you are unable to load any pages, check your mobile device’s data or Wi-Fi connection.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>uka llika janjanakax mä juk'a pach jist'antatawa. Mayamp ukhat yant'ama. janitix jist'arañjamaxchixa, uka jawsañaman uñjam, ukhamarak Whiphi uchata.</li> <li>If you are unable to load any pages, check your mobile device’s data or Wi-Fi connection.</li> </ul>
91 |
Stealth Amuyump unxtaña
92 |
Add Yapt'aña
93 |
Add and manage custom autocomplete URLs. URLs ukar yapkatam ukat justupach wakicht'añar ucht'am
94 |
Download Firefox Firefox apaqaña
95 |
Clear input Uchat pichsum
96 |
Used to collect, analyze and measure activities like tapping and scrolling Uka apthapiña, uñakipiri ukhamarak tupur luratanak llamt'as saraqas apnaqaña
97 |
URL to add URL ukar yapkataña
98 |
Data Collection & Use Utjirinak apthapita ukatx apnaqaña
99 |
Double-check the URL you entered. Pay kut uka URL uk uchktas ukar limt'am.
100 |
Learn more Juk’amp yatiña
101 |
Username Suti (qillqayasita)
102 |
Yes Jisa
103 |
Find previous result Nayrir katjat jikxatam
104 |
Block ad trackers Yatiyawinak uñachayir jark'antaña
105 |
Enter search string Thaqhir arunak ucham
106 |
+ Add custom URL URL ukar wakt'ayasiñ yapt'aña
107 |
Help Yanapa
108 |
No Janiwa
109 |
Set %1$s as your default browser and get the benefits of private browsing when you open webpages from other apps. %1$s uka thaqhirinakx justupach mistsur ucht'asim ukat sum aka tuqin jist'arañanak tuqinakat jikxatam.
110 |
<ul> <li>This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.</li> </ul> <li>Akham jan walt'awinakax janiw walt'aykaspati ukhamarak yatiyäwinak uñstayanisma</li>
111 |
Insecure Connection Makhatax janiw walikiti
112 |
On Aqtayata
113 |
Restore default search engines Jan walt’ir thaqhirinak kutt’ayaniña
114 |
OK, got it! Ukhamax, amuyataxiwa.
115 |
Download Apaqaña
116 |
Send usage data Apnaqat imatanak apayaña
117 |
Share link Chhitthap ch'iqiyaña
118 |
Powered by %1$s Ukamp ch'amañchatawa %1$s
119 |
Open Jist'araña
120 |
Block other content trackers Yaqha utjir thaqhirinak jark'antaña
121 |
New custom URL added. Machaq wakt'ayasiña URL yapkatatawa.
122 |
An installed search engine is already using that name. Apaqat thaqhiriw pach sutin utji
123 |
Mozilla strives to collect only what we need to provide and improve %1$s for everyone. "Musillax ajllsuwa kunatix askiki ukak churi ukhamarak taqinitakis sumaptayi %1$s"
124 |
Private browsing session Jumatakik thaqhañawja
125 |
Embedded on sites to track your visits and to display functionality like share buttons Uka llika janjan k'iñantatanak mantatanakam thaqtaña ukatx wutunanakar uñacht'ayaña
126 |
General Taqpacha
127 |
Searching for something different? Choose another default search engine in Settings. Yaqht thaqhaskta? Yaqha thaqhañamp thaqtam.
128 |
Tracking Protection Thaqhatanak uñjaña
129 |
Check that search string matches Example format Thaqhir arunakax purapt’añapawa, uñakipt’am
130 |
Tabs open: %1$s P’uyunak jist’araña: %1$s
131 |
Open link in another app Chhitthap yaqha wakichar jist’aram
132 |
Return to your favorite sites in %1$s quickly. Just select "Add to Home screen" from the %1$s menu. Sapa kut mantat llikarjank'ak %1$s kutt'am. "Mantañawjar yapkatam" jiskis uka ajllt'asin %1$s ucht'asim.
133 |
Enabling may cause some pages to behave unexpectedly Jark'antasinx inas yaqhip llika janjanakax jan walixchispati
134 |
Block trackers Thaqhirinak jark’antaña
135 |
May result in missing icons or images Inas uka chimpus jamuqas jan uñstxchispati
136 |
Block analytic trackers Uñakipir thaqhirinak jark'antaña
137 |
About Ukxata
138 |
System default Llikaw jan walt'kiti
139 |
Share via Uka tuq ch'iqiyaña
140 |
Make %1$s default browser %1$s justupach thaqhiri
141 |
Hide webpages when switching apps and block taking screenshots. Llika janjanak imantaña, kunawsatix wakichanakax rukatak ukha
142 |
Example: example.com Sakiñani: ukhama.com
143 |
Secure connection failed Kunikshunaw jan walt'awaykiti
144 |
Navigate back Qhipar kutt’am
145 |
Autocomplete Justupacj phuqhachata
146 |
Report Site Issue Llika janjat yatiyaña
147 |
Find in Page Llika janjan jikxatasma
148 |
Block cookies Yatiyanak jark'antaña
149 |
Secure Connection Makhatax walikiskiwa
150 |
Problem loading page Uka llika janja phuqhañan jan walt'awiw uñsti
151 |
Reload website Mayamp mantam uka llika janjaru
152 |
Block 3rd-party cookies only "Yatiyawinakx chikatan chikatapak 3 jist'antaña"
153 |
Block social trackers Jaqit thaqhirinak jark'antaña
154 |
Return to your favorite sites in %1$s quickly. Just select \"Add to Home screen\" from the %1$s menu. Sapa kut mantat llikarjank'ak %1$s kutt'am. \"Mantañawjar yapkatam\" jiskis uka ajllt'asin %1$s ucht'asim.
155 |
Search for %1$s Thaqtam %1$s
156 |
URL already exists URL ukax utjxiwa
157 |
Saved and shared images <b>will not be deleted</b> when you erase %1$s history. Uka jamuqx imam <b>ukat ch'iqiyam janiw</b> pichsuskaniti, %1$s kunawsatix apnaqatanakam pichxat ukhaxa.
158 |
Hide webpages when switching apps Llika janjanak imantaña, kunawsatix wakichanakax rukatak ukha
159 |
Enable to have %1$s autocomplete over 450 popular URLs in the address bar. %1$s Janiw utjirxamakiti, justupach phuqhachataw 450 wali uñt'at URLs uka tuqinkiwa
160 |
Add custom URL URL ukar wakt'ayasiñ yapt'aña
161 |
Switching Apps Lurañanak turkaña
162 |
Next Ukxaru
163 |
Share… Ch'iqiyaña
164 |
Mozilla Musilla
165 |
Notifications let you erase your %1$s session with a tap. You don’t need to open the app or see what’s running in your browser. Uka yatiyaw tuqix pichsuñ yanapt'iristam%1$s limt'asaki. Janiw uka wakichaw jist'arañamakiti ukhamarak yaqhatuq thaqtasasa.
166 |
Settings Mayjt'ayaña
167 |
Copy link address Llika janjar mantañakis uk waruqaña
168 |
%1$s is free and open source software made by Mozilla and other contributors. "%1$s Ukax inakiwa ukhamarak uka Mozillan luratanak apaqt'asim."
169 |
Your Rights Yäqayasiñataki
170 |
Return to previous app Nayrir wakichañar kutt’aña
171 |
The address wasn’t understood Uka llika janjax janiw amuyatakiti
172 |
Cookies and Site Data juk'a yatiyäwimp llikan utjirinakampi
173 |
Cancel Suyt'ayaña
174 |
%1$d/%2$d "%1$d /%2$d "
175 |
Exit Private Browsing? Uka maynitakik thaqhañat misxatati?
176 |
Language Aru
177 |
URL copied URL waruqataxiwa
178 |
Erase browsing history Thaqhañ imatanak pichsuña
179 |
Default Pantjata
180 |
%1$d out of %2$d %1$d mistsutawa %2$d
181 |
Downloaded files <b>will not be deleted</b> when you erase %1$s history. Uka apaqat luratanakax <b> janiw pichsutakaspati </b> kunawsatix pichsxataxa %1$s ukaniwa.
182 |
Search or enter address Thaqtam jan ukax imayluma
183 |
Save image Jamuqanak imaña
184 |
<ul> <li>This could be a problem with the server’s configuration, or it could be someone trying to impersonate the server.</li> <li>If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the error may be temporary, and you can try again later.</li> </ul> <li> Aka inas uka siriwiturat jan walta0wix jutchi, inas khiti uka wirituran jan walt'aykaspati. </li> Jumatix pasirinx aka sirwiturar sum makhataskstaxa, uka jan walt'awix juk'apachakispawa, ukhamat qhipar yant'ama.
185 |
More options Juk’ampinaka
186 |
The page isn’t redirecting properly Aka llika janjax janiw chiqapakiti
187 |
Erase Pichsuña
188 |
Custom URLs URLs wakt'ayasiña
189 |
Performance Luraña
190 |
Learn more Juk'amp amuyañataki
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
Test beta versions of { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios } via { -brand-name-apple }’s { -brand-name-test-flight } program and help make our mobile browser for { -brand-name-iphone }, { -brand-name-ipad } and iPod touch even better. Xikonixejeko versiones { -brand-name-firefox } tein beta ika { -brand-name-ios } itechkopa programa { -brand-name-test-flight } tein kichiuak { -brand-name-apple } uan xitechonpaleui tiyektaliskej tonavegador tein se uelis kiuika kampa yeski ika { -brand-name-iphone }, { -brand-name-ipad } uan iPod touch.
3 |
Firefox Lite Firefox Lite
4 |
Customize Xikonchijchiua kemej tikonkuisneki
5 |
Try our favorite browser Xikejeko navegador tein semi techuelita
6 |
Unleash your Internet Xikontojtoma moInternet
7 |
Share the link to your file: Xikinpanoltili oksekin tein se kipatskilis uan teuika motajkuilol archivo:
8 |
Beta, Nightly, Developer Edition Beta uan Nightly, manamik Edición tein uelis kikuiskej akin webchijchiuianij
9 |
Customize your browser Xikonyekchiua monavegador kemej tikonkuisnekis
10 |
About Mozilla Xikonixmati Mozilla
11 |
Incorrect password. Try again. Amo yektik ichtakatajtol. Oksepa xikijkuilo.
12 |
Blog Tepostanojnots blog
13 |
Navigation Se kitatekiujtis Internet
14 |
If your web browser uses too much memory, switch to { -brand-name-firefox }. Komo monavegador kikui tel miak taelnamikilis, xikonpata uan xikontatekiujti { -brand-name-firefox }.
15 |
Get answers to your questions about Firefox and all Mozilla products from our support team. Tonechikol akin tepaleuiaj mitsonnankiliskej tajtanilmej tein tikonpias ika Firefox uan ika nochi takilmej tein pouij Mozilla.
16 |
Close Maj motsakua
17 |
Some websites and ads attach hidden trackers that collect your browsing info long after you’ve left. Only { -brand-name-firefox } Private Browsing has tracking protection to block them automatically. Sekin sitios web uan tanauatilmej kitaliaj tein teichtakatoktiliaj uan ijkon kinechikouaj tein moaxka itech Intenet satepan tionkisas. Sayoj { -brand-name-firefox } Private Browsing san yualitonal kiyekpixtinemi maj amo akin kiita toni se kiitstinemi Internetkopa uan ipa kiajchiuilis.
18 |
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions: Xa mosistema amo kipia tein moneki uan ijkon { -brand-name-firefox } tekitis, sayoj ke tionuelis tikontatekiujtis semej nejin versiones:
19 |
Password Ichtakatajtol
20 |
Console Consola
21 |
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios } Xikonajsi se { -brand-name-firefox } tein tionuelis tikontatekiujtis ika { -brand-name-ios }
22 |
Android Browser Navegador tein Android
23 |
<a rel="external" href="%(feedback)s">Give us feedback</a> to help us put the final tweaks on performance and functionality in a stable environment. <a rel="external" href="%(feedback)s">Xitechonpanoltili motanemililuan</a> maj titechonpaleui tiktamiyektaliskej keniuj taki totachiualisuan uan nepaleuilmej kampa amo mopatatok.
24 |
Whoops! ¡Maj timopiakan!
25 |
{ -brand-name-safari } { -brand-name-safari }
26 |
Mozilla Corporation Mozilla Corporation
27 |
Unlock Xikajchiua tein amo kikaua maj tekiti
28 |
Apple Apple
29 |
Encrypting… Motatijtok…
30 |
Share Maj se kipanoltilis okse
31 |
Virtual Reality Platform Plataforma tein ika Mochiujtok tein Virtual
32 |
Supported Devices Teposmej dispositivos tein tionuelis tikontatekiujtis
33 |
<abbr>May</abbr> <abbr>May</abbr>
34 |
{ -brand-name-beta } { -brand-name-beta }
35 |
Leadership Taixyekanalis
36 |
We don’t sell access to your online data. Period. Amo tiknamakaj maj kalakikan itech motajkuilolixnekayouan tein moajsij Internet. Tonalmej.
37 |
Sync Sync
38 |
Edit, write, run and execute JavaScript in real time. Xikontapoua uan xikonpata uan xikonpeualti JavaScript itech tonal tein yekmelauj.
39 |
We help keep corporate powers in check. Tikpaleuijtokej motsinkixtiaj ininchikaujkauelilis uejueyitekitiloyamej.
40 |
Did you know? Mozilla — the maker of Firefox — fights to keep the Internet a global public resource, open and accessible to all. ¿Tikonmattok? Mozilla — akin kichijchiuak Firefox — mochikaua nochin uelis kitatekiujtis Internet semanauak taltikpakI, Internet yeski tatapotok uan nion se kitsakuiliskej kikuis.
41 |
Independence Ijkuak se moixyekana
42 |
Common Voice Common Voice
43 |
Mission Totekiuj
44 |
The only developer tool for inspecting the Web Audio API. Yejua sesaj manamik tein ika tionuelis tikonchiuas tensa uan ijkon tikonitas API tein kipia Kakistilyot tein Web.
45 |
Firefox Nightly Firefox Nightly
46 |
Ad tracker blocking Maj moajchiuakan tanauatilmej tein tetoktiliaj
47 |
Enter your own amount Xikonijkuilo tapoual tein moaxka
48 |
Test brand new features daily (or… nightly). Enjoy at your own risk. Mojmostaj xikonixejeko yankuikej nepaleuilmej (oso… nochin tayouayan). Xionixmatati uan xionmopakilti.
49 |
{ -brand-name-firefox } is now faster and leaner Axkan { -brand-name-firefox } okachi ijsiuik uan ejkaujtik
50 |
This will remove your email from the { -product-name-nowrap } list and you will no longer receive alerts when new breaches are announced. Nejin kiajchiuas mocorreo kampa moijkuilojtinemij itech { -product-name-nowrap } uan amo mitsnauatis keman oksekin kinekiskej ichtakakalakiskej.
51 |
No one likes a computer hog! { -brand-name-firefox } is a lean, mean (actually we’re pretty nice) browsing machine. Since we use less RAM than { -brand-name-chrome }, your other programs can keep running at top speed. ¡Se tepos tein tel amo kuali amo akin kiuelita! { -brand-name-firefox } se navegador tein ejkaujtik, tein tajtakoyampa (tein melauj, yejua semi kuali). Kemej kikui amo okachi taelnamikilis RAM tein kikuitinemi { -brand-name-chrome }, oksekin programas uelis telijsiujkatekitiskej.
52 |
Firefox Developer Edition automatically sends feedback to Mozilla. Firefox Developer Edition iselti uan nimantsin kipanoltilia taman Mozilla uan ijkón no uelis kipias.
53 |
Go beyond the default Amo xionmokaua sayoj keniuj yekinika kiyektalijkej motepos san
54 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser }: Fast, Easy Password Manager { -brand-name-firefox-browser }: tein ika se ijsiujka uan amo ouij kiixyekanas ichtakatajkuilolmej
55 |
{ -brand-name-instagram } { -brand-name-instagram }
56 |
Not only do trackers collect info, they can weigh down your browsing speeds. Only { -brand-name-firefox } Private Browsing blocks ads with hidden trackers, so you can drop the baggage and browse freely. Amo sayoj tein tetoktiliaj kinechikouaj tein teaxka, ta uelis kiijtakoskej ijsiujkayot ijkuak tekititok Internet. Sayoj { -brand-name-firefox } Private Browsing san kiajchiuilia tanauatilmej tein kipia tein teichtakatoktiliaj, uan ijkon tionuelis tikonkauas nejin tamamal uan titatojtomal tikontatekiujtis Internet.
57 |
Total size: { $size } Nochi tamachiua: { $size }
58 |
Firefox Reality Firefox Reality
59 |
Mozilla on Facebook Mozilla itech Facebook
60 |
Facebook Container Facebook Container
61 |
This link has expired. Nejin tein tikpatskilij amo tekititos ok.
62 |
September Metsti septiembre
63 |
iPhone iPhone
64 |
Experience cutting-edge features in a pre-release browser for Android: Firefox Beta, Firefox Aurora and Firefox Nightly. Install now! Xikonixejeko yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia se navegador achto ke nochin uelis kitatekiujtis, ika Android: Firefox Beta, Firefox Aurora uan Firefox Nightly. ¡Axkan xikontalili motepos!
65 |
Nightly Blog Tepostanojnots blog tein poui Nightly
66 |
Forget the reset. Save passwords and logins quickly. Xikonelkaua oksepa tiontapeualtis. Ijsiujka xikoneua ichtakatajkuilolmej uan kampa se kalakteua.
67 |
<abbr>Jul</abbr> <abbr>Jul</abbr>
68 |
This email address is not subscribed to { -product-name }. Nejin correo itech tepos amo moijkuiloj itech { -product-name }.
69 |
<abbr>Nov</abbr> <abbr>Nov</abbr>
70 |
Next Okse
71 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-monitor } { -brand-name-firefox-monitor }
72 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition } { -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition }
73 |
%Y-%m-%d %X-%m-%t
74 |
Firefox Password Manager saves all your passwords in one place so you can automatically login to sites, or retrieve saved passwords. Inepaleuil Firefox tein itokay Password Manager kieua nochin moichtakatajkuiloluan sayoj sekosaj uan ijkon tionuelis ijsiujka tionkalakteuas itech sitios oso tikonajsis ichtakatajkuilolmej tein achto tikoneuak.
75 |
Download “{ $name }” with { -send-brand }: simple, safe file sharing Xiktemoui “{ $name }” ika { -send-brand }: amo ouij uelis tikinpanoltilis oksekin motajkuiloluan archivos uan tikyekmatis ke amo tej kipanos
76 |
Check out new Android features in their earliest stages. Enjoy at your own risk. Xiontachiati yankuikej nepaleuilmej ika Android ijkuak peua. Xionixmatati uan xionmopakilti.
77 |
Learn more about Test Pilot Kampa se okachi uelis momachtis Test Pilot
78 |
That file is too big to upload. It should be less than { $size } Nejin tajkuilol semi ueyi. Moneki amo panos { $size }
79 |
Amazon Amazon
80 |
Support Nepaleuilis
81 |
More protection than Incognito mode or InPrivate. Okachi tapaleuilis ok uan amo tein kimakatinemij nepaleuilmej maj amo moita se itokay oso InPrivate.
82 |
Monitor network requests that can slow or block your site. Xikonita tajtanilis tein red tein uelis kichiuas mositioj maj tiuistia oso amo kikaujtokej maj tekiti.
83 |
Download { -brand-name-firefox } Xikontemoui { -brand-name-firefox }
84 |
Careers Tekimej
85 |
Firefox Focus Firefox Focus
86 |
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android } <span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> ika { -brand-name-android }
87 |
Link expired Nejin tein tikpatskilij amo tekititok ya
88 |
Stronger Passwords = Better Protection Okachi chikauak moichtakatajtol = okachi kuali timonejmachpias
89 |
Test sites on emulated devices in your browser. Xikonixejeko sitios itechkpa teposmej tein kichiujkej kemej oksekin tein moajsij itech monavegador.
90 |
More privacy Okachi kuali kiyekpiaj tein kiseliaj
91 |
Keep up with<br> all things { -brand-name-firefox }. Xikonsentoka ika<br> nochi taman tein kipia { -brand-name-firefox }.
92 |
Importing… Mokalakijtok…
93 |
Refresh Firefox Xikonyankuili Firefox
94 |
Chromium Chromium
95 |
96 |
Thanks for choosing Firefox! ¡Timitsontasojkamatiliaj tikonixpejpenak Firefox!
97 |
{ -product-name } : Scan Results { -product-name } : Keniuj kisak tein kiijitak
98 |
You’re using a pre-release version of Firefox. Tikontatekiujtijtok se versión Firefox tein achto release.
99 |
Portions of this content are ©1998���%(current_year)s by individual mozilla.org contributors. Content available under a <a rel="license" href="%(url)s">Creative Commons license</a>. Sekin taman tein nikan moajsij teaxkauan uan kimatampauiaj tein ika kiiliaj derechos de autor ©1998–%(current_year)s uan ininaxkauan sekin tokniuan akin kipaleuiaj itech mozilla.org. Oksekin taman tein nikan moajsij se uelis kikuis ika se licencia <a rel="license" href="%(url)s">Creative Commons</a>.
100 |
Beta Beta
101 |
Download { -brand-name-firefox } for your smartphone and tablet. Xikontemoui { -brand-name-firefox } tein tionuelis tikonkuis ika mosmartphone uan motableta.
102 |
Download Now Yekitsin xikontemoui
103 |
Hubs Hubs
104 |
More freedom Tionmomachilis okachi titatojtomal
105 |
skip to Navigation Xikonkalaki kampa se uelis kitatekiujtis Internet
106 |
Firefox Aurora Firefox Aurora
107 |
It looks like you’re running an older version of Firefox. Moita ke tikontatekiujtijtok se versión Firefox tein amo yankuik.
108 |
Now get on the go. Axkan tiyouej.
109 |
More powerful Private Browsing Nepaleuil maj se kitatekiujti Internet uan amo se mokuejmolo yejua okachi chikauak
110 |
Your { -product-name } report Tanauatil tein mitsiluia keniuj moajsi { -product-name }
111 |
Fine-tune animations, alignment and padding. Xikonyektali taixkopimej tein moolinij, keniuj tepantokej tensa uan keniuj kiixpexontijkej.
112 |
Get your tabs, logins and history on the go. Ijsiujka xikonajsi mopestañajuan, kampa se kalakteua uan historial.
113 |
Email Correo itech tepos
114 |
{ -brand-name-mozilla-foundation } { -brand-name-mozilla-foundation }
115 |
Block ad trackers Maj moajchiuakan tanauatilmej tein tetoktiliaj
116 |
Available Languages Tajtolismej tein se uelis kiixpejpenas
117 |
Search Your Email Xiktemo mocorreo
118 |
Don’t agonize, lovers of bookmarking. Organize with { -brand-name-firefox }. Tejuatsin tikontasojta neskayomej marcadores, amo xiontajyoui. Xikonojtokalti ika { -brand-name-firefox }
119 |
Build, test, scale and more with the only browser built just for developers. Xiontachijchiua, xiontaixejeko uan xiontaiskalti uan okachiok, tein ika sesaj navegador tein aksamej kinchiuilijkej webchijchiuanij.
120 |
Page language: Tajtolis itech nejin página:
121 |
Experimental features that can simplify your life. Nepaleuilmej tein kiixejekojtokej tein uelis kichiuaskej okachi amo ouij monemilis.
122 |
Firefox Browser Firefox Browser
123 |
Mozilla Firefox Web Browser Navegador tein web Mozilla Firefox
124 |
Apps Aplicaciones
125 |
Forget the reset. Firefox Password Manager keeps all your passwords so you can log in automatically, or find saved passwords easily. For super security, give your computer a <a href="%(url)s">master password</a>. Xikonelkaua oksepa tiontapeualtis. Inepaleuil Firefox Password Manager kiyekpia nochin moichatakatajkuiloluan uan ijkon tionuelis ijsiujka tionkalakteuas oso amo ouij tikonajsis ichtakatajkuilolmej tein achto tikoneuak. Xikonmaka mocomputadora se <a href="%(url)s">ichtakatajkuilol tein kampa yeski kualtia</a> uan tikonpias se uejueyi yekyetolis.
126 |
Performance Keniuj taki se itachiualis
127 |
Browse the Internet as it was meant to be… free, safe and accessible to all. Declare your online independence. Xikontatekiujti Internet kemej monekiskia… tatojtomal, yekyetok uan nochimej maj amo ouij ueli kalakiskej. Xikonnexti Internetkopa amo tikontamakati akin okachi uejueyichiuanimej.
128 |
Style Editor Manamik tein kipata estilos
129 |
Nightly Nightly
130 |
All Languages and Builds (incl. Win 64) Nochin tepostajtolis uan compilaciones (no Win 64)
131 |
Shake off tracking weight Xionmoijkuanili akin tetoktiliaj akin tel etikej
132 |
Try New Browser Features in Pre-Release Versions | Firefox Xikontatekiujti yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia navegador tein ika versiones acho release | Firefox
133 |
Using the web as the platform, we build open, innovative technologies that allow developers to work free of closed, corporate ecosystems and create faster, safer web experiences for us all. Tiktatekiujtiaj web kemej yeskia se plataforma uan ijkon tikchijchiuaj teposmej tein tatapotokej uan yankuikej maj kinpaleuikan webchijchiuanij tekitiskej uan amo moajsiskej youaloyan tein tatsak uan tein kipouij uejueyitekitiloyamej, uan no kinpaleuikan kichijchiuaskej sitios web tein okachi ijsiujkatekitij uan tinochin tikinitaskej semi yekyetokej.
134 |
Sharing is caring, but that should be your call. { -brand-name-firefox } Private Browsing automatically erases your online info like passwords, cookies and history from your computer. So that when you close out, you leave no trace. Ijkuak se kinpanoltilis oksekin tensa monekiskia se motachilis, sayoj ke nejin moneki yeski motaixpejpenalis. { -brand-name-firefox } Private Browsing ipa kichipaua motajkuilolixneskayouan tein moajsij itech Internet, kemej ichtakatajkuilolmej, cookies uan historial itech motepos. Ijkuin, ijkuak titatsakuas, amo mokauas motaksalis tein oksekin uelis kitojtiliskej.
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(in English) (ingléskopa)
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<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below. <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } amo kitemakasya yankuikej versiones tein yekyetokej ika { -brand-name-firefox } itech { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } oso { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sayoj ke xa uelis tiktemos itamian version { -brand-name-windows } ika 32-bits satepan.
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Add, modify and remove cache, cookies, databases and session data. Xikontali, xikonpata uan xikonajchiua caché, cookies, bases tein datos uan nochi tein moijkuiloj keman sesión.
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Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } Xikonajsi se { -brand-name-firefox } tein tionuelis tikontatekiujtis ika { -brand-name-android }
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{ -brand-name-firefox-beta } { -brand-name-firefox-beta }
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Mobile Browser for Android Navegador tein tekiti itech tepos tein se uelis kiuikas kampa yeski, ika Android
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Need help installing? ¿Moneki timitsonpaleuis maj tiontatali?
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Firefox DevTools Firefox DevTools
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<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> + You <span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> + Tejuatsin
144 |
Follow us on: Xitechontojtoka itech:
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Try the latest { -brand-name-android } features, before they get released to the rest of the world. Xikonixejeko inepaleuiluan { -brand-name-android } tein okachi yankuikej, achto taltikpakneminij uelis kichiuaskej.
146 |
Get more done. Browse faster and lighter with multiple tabs Okachi xikonchiua tensa. Okachi ijsiujka xikontatekiujti Internet ika tataman pestañas, kemej yeskia okachi ejkaujtik
147 |
Copied! ¡Moixkopinak!
148 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition } automatically sends feedback to { -brand-name-mozilla }. { -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition } iselti uan nimantsin kipanoltilia taman { -brand-name-mozilla } uan ijkón no uelis kipias.
149 |
<a href="%(url)s">Chrome uses up to 1.77x more memory than Firefox</a>. If your computer is already low on memory, this can cause a significant slowdown. Using Firefox’s latest version with multi-process can result in more available memory to run your favorite programs. <a href="%(url)s"> Chrome kikui kemej 1.77 okachi taelnamikilis uan amo Firefox </a>. Komo motepos kipia ya amo miak taelnamikilis, nejon uelis kichiuas maj yolik tekiti. Komo tikontatekiujtis Firefox tein yankuik uan ika tekiti tel miak ojtokaltilismej, uelis mokauas taelnamikilis tein tionuelis tikonkuis ika programas tein tikonteluelitstinemi.
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Firefox is a browser with a conscience. As part of the technology non-profit Mozilla, we fight for your online rights, keep corporate powers in check and help educate developing countries on healthy Internet practices. So when you choose Firefox, we’re choosing you, too. Firefox se navegador tein kipia itanemilil. Tejuan pouij iteposuan Mozilla tein amo kitemoua motomintis, timochikauaj momelaujkatanauatiluan itech Internet, tiktsinkixtiaj ichikaujkauelilis uejueyitekitiloyamej uan no tikinmachtiaj ueyialtepemej kampa kipanouaj tatasojtilis kemej kitatekiujtiskej Internet tein paktok. Yejua ika, komo tikonixpejpenas Firefox, no timitsonixpejpenaskej.
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Limited data collection Nechikolis ika datos tein kiixtalijkej
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Facebook Facebook
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Catch those hidden trackers Xikonkitski tein teichtakatoktiliaj
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Try New Features in a Pre-Release iOS Browser | Firefox Xikontatekiujti yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia se navegador iOS achto ke nochin uelis kitatekiujtis | Firefox
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Download and test future releases of Firefox for desktop, Android and iOS. Xikontemoui uan xikonixejeko oksekin versiones Firefox tein satepan ualaskej ika tajkuiloluapal, Android uan iOS.
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That shopping rabbit hole you started on your laptop this morning? Pick up where you left off on your phone tonight. That dinner recipe you discovered at lunchtime? Open it on your kitchen tablet, instantly. Connect your personal devices, securely. ¿Xa nejin amo tikontamikouak itechkopa motepos kualkan? Xikonkuepa youak itechkopa moteléfono. ¿Nejon takualchiualis tein kualtias tiotak takualis tein tikonajsik keman tionyajki tionalmasaloto? Nimantsin xikontapo itech motableta ijkuak tiyetos kaltakualchiualoyan. Xikonnajnamikti moteposuan tein tikontatekiujtijtinemi ika nochi yekyetolis.
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Mozilla VPN Mozilla VPN
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Take your favorites on the fly. Use { -brand-name-firefox-sync } to access your bookmarks across all your devices, from desktop to mobile. Or try <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-pocket }</a> to save any online article, or page and come back to later – even without internet. Xikonkui tein tikonteluelita ijkuak tikonnekis. Xikontatekiujti { -brand-name-firefox-sync } uan xionkalakis kampa moneskayouan marcadores itech nochin moteposuan, kemej tein tajkuilouapal oso tein se uelis mouikas. Oso xikontatekiujti <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-pocket }</a> uan ijkon tikoneuas tein yeski tamachtilis tein moajsi itech Internet, oso página web uan satepan tionuelis tionmokepas, maski amo ika Internet.
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{ -product-name } : Unsubscribe { -product-name } : Maj amo nimoyekijkuilojto ya
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Take control of your browser Xikonyekana monavegador
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Firefox: More protection. Less worry. Firefox: Okachi tematampauilis. Amo okachi kuejmololis.
162 |
Multi-tasking with multiple tabs just got easier. { -brand-name-firefox } is now a multi-process browser, which means that your tabs stay fresh and won’t take forever to reload. With 86% less hang time, switch quickly between tabs even as you open more. Se kichiuas miak tekimej tein kiiliaj multitarea ika tataman pestañas axkan okachi amo ouij. { -brand-name-firefox } axkan se navegador tein uelis kipias tataman ojtokaltilismej, tein kiijtosneki ke ipestañajuan nochipa moyankuilijtiyaskej uan oksepa moijsiujkaixnextiskej. Kemej horas tein se mochixtok yejua 86% amo okachi ke inintechkopa oksekin, ika { -brand-name-firefox } xionmopata se pestaña uan okse, uan no ijkuan okachiok tikontapouas.
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{ -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-firefox }
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WebM format Formato WebM
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Password Manager achievement unlocked Tionmomachtijya nochi tein monekia tein mouika ika manamik tein ika se kiixyekanas ichtakatajkuilolmej
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{ $num }{ $units } { $num }{ $units }
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Pocket Pocket
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{ $num } files 1 archivo / { $num } archivos
169 |
Firefox: Rebel with a cause Taixnamikkej tein kipia keyej
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Give up the memory game with { -brand-name-firefox } Password Manager. Amo xikonteltekitilti motaelnamikilis ika inepaleuil { -brand-name-firefox } Password Manager.
171 |
Download and test the latest { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } features with { -brand-name-aurora }, { -brand-name-beta } and { -brand-name-nightly } builds. Xikontemoui uan xikonixejeko inepaleuiluan { -brand-name-firefox } tein okachi yankuikej ika { -brand-name-android } tein kipia { -brand-name-aurora }, { -brand-name-beta } uan { -brand-name-nightly }.
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Get Firefox for privacy Xikonajsi Firefox ta kiyekpia tein kiselia
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Download Firefox for your smartphone and tablet. Xikontemoui Firefox tein tionuelis tikonkuis ika mosmartphone uan motableta.
174 |
Get { -brand-name-firefox } news Maj se kiselis tanauatilmej tein mouikaj { -brand-name-firefox }
175 |
Be among the first to explore future releases of Firefox for desktop, Android and iOS. Xionmoachtoui uan xikontatekiujti versiones Firefox tein satepan ualas ika tepos tein tajkuiloluapal, Android uan iOS.
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No more “try again” while you’re trying to get somewhere. Log in to your Firefox Account on your phone, and your passwords come with you. Your login details will simply appear, just like that. Amo sepa ok "oksepa xikonchikua" ijkuak tikontemojtok tikonajsis se sitio. Xionkalakteua itech mocuenta Firerfox ika moteléfono uan moichtakatajkuiloluan yaskej mouan. Tein moneki tionkalakteua ipa monextis, kemej nejin.
177 |
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Rebel with a cause { -brand-name-firefox }: Taixnamikkej tein kipia keyej
178 |
Did you make a left at that last URL instead of a right? No problem. Here are some tips to get you back on your way: ¿Xa tikonpia URL moopochmakopa uan amo moyekmakopa? Amo teyi kuejmol. Nikan moajsij tajtolmakalismej maj tionmokepa moojpan:
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Take our latest experimental features for a spin and shape the future of Firefox. Xikonixejeko tonepaleuiluan tein yankuikej uan xikonchijchiua Firefox tein satepan ualas
180 |
Your system doesn't meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }. Mosistema amo kipia <a href="{ $url }">tein moneki</a> uan ijkon { -brand-name-firefox } amo uelis tekitis.
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Donate Now Axkan xitechonpaleui ika tomin
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Explore the web faster with <a href="%(url)s">Firefox Private Browsing</a>. Only Firefox’s private mode includes tracking protection which blocks ads with trackers from loading on pages. Decluttering sites means web pages can load faster. Okachi ijsiujka xikonita Web ika nepaleuil <a href="%(url)s">Maj se kitatekiujti Internet uan amo se mokuejmolo</a> tein kipia Firefox. Sayoj nejin inepaleuil Firefox amo kikaua maj tetoktilikan uan kiajchiua tanauatilmej tein tetoktiliaj tein moajsij itech sitios web. Se kiyektejtekpanas sitios kiijtosneki páginas web tein okachi ijsiujka monextijkej.
183 |
Download and test future releases of { -brand-name-firefox } for desktop, { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios }. Xikontemoui uan xikonixejeko oksekin versiones { -brand-name-firefox } tein satepan ualaskej ika tajkuiloluapal, { -brand-name-android } uan { -brand-name-ios }.
184 |
Error connecting to { -brand-HIBP }. Amo uelik monajnamiktij itech { -brand-HIBP }.
185 |
Menu Menú
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Download Firefox <span>for Windows</span> Xikontemoui Firefox <span>tein kualtia Windows</span>
187 |
Learn about the benefits of working at { -brand-name-mozilla } and view open positions around the world. Xikonixmati toni tatiochualis tikonpias komo tiontekitilis { -brand-name-mozilla }, uan xikonita tein tekimej axkan onkakej nochi semanauak taltikpak.
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Vista Vista
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Visual Editing Patalis tein kiiliaj edición tein se uelis kiitas
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Less memory usage than Chrome Amo okachi kikui taelnamikilis uan amo Chrome
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If you’re not sure what you’re looking for, start at <a href="%(url)s">mozilla.org</a>. Komo amo tikonyekmati toni tikontemoua, xikonpeualti <a href="%(url)s">mozilla.org</a>.
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Tabs that travel Tel uejka xionyo uan xikonuika mopestañajuan
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Adblock, Ublock, LastPass and thousands more. Adblock, Ublock, LastPass uan oksekin okachi tel miakej.
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{ -brand-name-pocket } { -brand-name-pocket }
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Help determine what features will go into the next Firefox for Android. Xitechonpaleui tikixtalijkej toni inepaleuiluan kipias yankuik Firefox ika Android.
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Password Manager Kampa se uelis kiyekanas ichtakatajkuilolmej
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Responsive Design Mode Keman se uelis kichijchiuas tensa tein se uelis kipatas
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Firefox Account Cuenta itech Firefox
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{ -brand-name-firefox }, a different browser for different times. Browse free. { -brand-name-firefox }, se tataman navegador itech tataman tonalmej. Xiontatekiujti Internet uan amo moneki tiontaxtauas.
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{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly } { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
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Copy the link to open in another browser Xikixkopina tein se kipatskilis uan ijkon se uelis kitatapos itech okse navegador
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Your download was interrupted Amo kitamitemouij
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Check out new { -brand-name-android } features in their earliest stages. Enjoy at your own risk. Xiontachiati yankuikej nepaleuilmej ika { -brand-name-android } ijkuak peua. Xionixmatati uan xionmopakilti.
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April Metsti abril
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Internet Health Keniuj Pakkayoyetok Internet
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{ -brand-name-common-voice } { -brand-name-common-voice }
207 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition } automatically sends feedback to { -brand-name-mozilla }. { -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition } iselti san kipanoltilia { -brand-name-mozilla } tanemililmej.
208 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser }: Better bookmarks everywhere you go { -brand-name-firefox-browser }: kipia tein okachi kuali nexkayomej marcadores kampa yeski tionyouej
209 |
{ -brand-name-firefox } is independent and a part of the non-profit { -brand-name-mozilla }, which fights for your online rights, keeps corporate powers in check and makes the Internet accessible to everyone, everywhere. { -brand-name-firefox } amo kitamakati akin okachi uejueyichiuanimej uan poui { -brand-name-mozilla } tein amo kitemoua motomintis, mochikaua maj nochin tokniuan kipia ininmelaujkatanauatiluan itech Internet, kitsinkixtia ichikaujkauelilis uejueyitekitiloyamej uan no kichiua nochimej uelis kalakiskej Internet, kampa yeski.
210 |
{ -brand-send } { -brand-send }
211 |
Every computer program you run takes up some memory. When too much is used, your system can slooooowww down. { -brand-name-firefox } aims for a balance — using enough memory to let you browse smoothly and leaving plenty of memory to keep your computer responsive. Sejsemej programas tein moajsi itech computadora keman tekiti kikui tepitsin taelnamikilis. Komo tel miak kikuij, mosistema uelis tiuiiiiiixtiiiias. { -brand-name-firefox } tekiti keniuj moneki — kikui taelnamikilis tein ajsi uan ijkon tionuelis tikontatekiujtis Internet amo ika kuejmolmej, uan tikonkauas tel miak taelnamikilis tein ika motepos uelis tekitis.
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You tried to scan too many email addresses in a short time period. For security reasons, we’ve temporarily blocked you from new searches. You’ll be able to try again later. Yeknenken tikuitoya tel miak correos itech tepos. Kemej yon tamouilil, yekintsin tiktsakuilijkej nochi tein tiktemojtoya. Satepan uelis oksepa tikchiuas.
213 |
<abbr>Aug</abbr> <abbr>Agos</abbr>
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Every computer program you run takes up some memory. When too much is used, your system can slooooowww down. Firefox aims for a balance — using enough memory to let you browse smoothly and leaving plenty of memory to keep your computer responsive. Sejsemej programas tein moajsi itech computadora keman tekiti kikui tepitsin taelnamikilis. Komo tel miak kikuij, mosistema uelis tiuiiiiiixtiiiias. Firefox tekiti keniuj moneki — kikui taelnamikilis tein ajsi uan ijkon tionuelis tikontatekiujtis Internet amo ika kuejmolmej, uan tikonkauas tel miak taelnamikilis tein ika motepos uelis tekitis.
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Get all the tabs without lags Xikonijsiujkaajsi nochin pestañas
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No strings attached Amo ilpitok
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Teach The Web Maj se kinmachti Web oksekin
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May Metsti mayo
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We believe the Internet is for people, not profit. Unlike other companies, we don’t sell access to your data. <em>You’re</em> in control over who sees your search and browsing history. Choice — that’s what a healthy Internet is all about! Tikneltokaj Internet kichijchiujkej maj kitatekiujtikan tokniuan, amo maj motomintikan sekin. Tejuan tataman kemej oksekin tekitiloyamej, amo tiknamakaj maj kalakikan itech motajkuilolixnekayouan. <em>Tejuatsin</em> tikonyekana akoni uelis kiitas mohistorial tein kinextia motatemolisuan uan nochi tikonitstinemik. ¡Taixpejpenalis — nejin yejua nochi monekiskia kipias se paktok Internet!
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June Metsti junio
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Sign in Kampa se kalakteua
222 |
Sign in to send up to { $size } Xikalakteua uan uelis tiktitanis tein amo panos { $size }
223 |
Releases Releases
224 |
Unsubscribing requires a token. Komo tikneki amo timoyekijkuilojtos ya, moneki se token.
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{ $num } hours 1 hora / { $num } hora
226 |
Get your faves all sorted with the bookmark star icon, which lets you add custom names and folders quickly. Then dial in your bookmarks toolbar to make sure you never lose sight of the links you love. Xionajsi tein tikonteluelita uan tetekpantokej ika ixtakopin icono tein sitalin, nejin mitsonkauas tikontalis tokaymej uan carpetas uan ijsiujka tikonchiuas kemej tikonnekis. Ijkon, xikonpatskili mobarraj ika manamik tein neskayomej marcadores, uan nochipa tikonitstok tapatskililismej tein mitsonpaktiaj.
227 |
Only { $count } files can be uploaded at a time. Sayoj { $count } tajkuilolmej archivos uelis tikolochtejkoltis saj.
228 |
Other Systems and Languages Oksekin sistemas uan tajtolismej
229 |
Already using { -brand-name-firefox }? ¿Tikontatekiujtijtokya { -brand-name-firefox }?
230 |
Delete Maj majchiua
231 |
No one likes a computer hog! Firefox is a lean, mean (actually we’re pretty nice) browsing machine. Since we use less RAM than Chrome, your other programs can keep running at top speed. ¡Se tepos tein tel amo kuali amo akin kiuelita! Firefox se navegador tein ejkaujtik, tein tajtakoyampa (tein melauj, yejua semi kuali). Kemej kikui amo okachi taelnamikilis RAM tein kikuitinemi Chrome, oksekin programas uelis telijsiujkatekitiskej.
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Firefox Send requires JavaScript Firefox Send kineki maj moajsi JavaScript
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Download Xiktemoui
234 |
About Us Tiakonimej
235 |
Do Not Track Do Not Track
236 |
Sign me up ¡Nimoijkuiloua!
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Your Firefox Account is the doorway to all your web stuff—we help you keep it safe. Your data is always in your control, unreadable by anyone else, and encrypted with your account password. We protect it and hand you the key. Mocuenta Firefox kemej yeskia ikalakyampa nochi tein tikonitstos itech web, timitsonpaleuiaj maj nochi yekyetokan. Nochi tein moaxka tikonyekanas, amo akin uelis kiixtajtoltis uan nochi tiktaliskej kemej amo akin uelis kiajsikamatis itechkopa iichtakatajuilol mocuenta. Tikmatampauiskej uan timitsonmakaskej itepostatapoloni.
238 |
({ $partialSize } of { $totalSize }) ({ $partialSize } itech { $totalSize })
239 |
Must be a valid email Xikijkuilo se correo tein yekmelauj kualtia
240 |
Release Notes Tajtolmelaualismej
241 |
Download { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios } Xikontemoui { -brand-name-firefox } ika { -brand-name-android } uan { -brand-name-ios }
242 |
{ $num } days 1 tonal / { $num } tonalmej
243 |
Verification token is required. Moneki se token tein ika se kiyekitas tensa.
244 |
Experience cutting-edge features in a pre-release browser for Android: Firefox Beta and Firefox Nightly. Install now! Xikonixejeko yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia se navegador achto ke nochin uelis kitatekiujtis, ika Android: Firefox tein Beta uan Firefox Nightly. ¡Axkan xikontalili motepos!
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Videos Videos
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Track CSS, JavaScript, security and network issues. Xikontemo kuejmolmej tein moajsij itech CSS, JavaScript, yekyetolis uan matat.
247 |
Get the latest & greatest from Firefox delivered straight to your inbox. Xikonajsi tein yankuik uan okachi kuali tein kipia Firefox uan mitsontatitaniliskej kampa kalakij mocorreojuan san.
248 |
Test beta versions of Firefox for iOS via Apple’s TestFlight program. Xikonixejeko versiones Firefox tein beta ika iOS itechkopa programa TestFlight tein kichiuak Apple.
249 |
Focus Focus
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Safari Safari
251 |
Contribute to this site Nikan xiontapaleui
252 |
Firefox Beta Firefox Beta
253 |
GitHub GitHub
254 |
{ -brand-name-firefox } protects your online privacy and blocks trackers that follow you around the web. { -brand-name-firefox } kuali mitsonyekpilia tein tikonseliltis Internetkopa uan amo kikaua maj tekitikan tein mitsontoktiliaj itech web.
255 |
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android } <span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> ika { -brand-name-android }
256 |
Give up the memory game with Firefox Password Manager. Amo xikonteltekitilti motaelnamikilis ika inepaleuil Firefox Password Manager.
257 |
Internet for people, not profit Internet maj kitatekiujtikan tokniuan, amo tein ika oksekin kitemoskej motomintiskej
258 |
Test beta versions of { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios } via { -brand-name-apple }’s { -brand-name-test-flight } program. Xikonixejeko versiones { -brand-name-firefox } tein beta ika { -brand-name-ios } itechkopa programa { -brand-name-test-flight } tein kichiuak { -brand-name-apple }.
259 |
Firefox Nightly automatically sends feedback to Mozilla. Firefox Nightly iselti san kipanoltilia Mozilla tanemililmej.
260 |
Select country Xikonixpejpena se ueyialtepet
261 |
Sign up now Axkan xionmoijkuilo
262 |
This browser might not be able to decrypt a file this big. Xa navegador amo uelis kitalij nejin tajkuilol archivo tein tel ueyi kemej se uelis kiyekixtajtoltis ya.
263 |
Please enter an email address. Ika kualtakayot xikonijkuilo se correo itech tepos.
264 |
Get a sneak peek at our next generation web browser, and help us make it the best browser it can be: try Firefox Nightly. Xikonita tonavegador web tein yankuik, uan xitechonpaleui maj tikchijchiuakan okachi kuali navegador tein moajsis: xikonixejeko Firefox Nightly.
265 |
Firefox is non-profit, non-corporate, non-compromised. Choosing Firefox isn’t just choosing a browser. It’s a vote for personal freedom. Firefox amo kitemoua motomintis, amo poui uan amo kipia netenkauialis ika semej tekitiloyamej, Komo tikonixpejpenas Firefox, amo sayoj se taixpejpenalis, ta se taixtalilis tein kipaleuia maj taltikpakneminij yeskij tatojtomalmej.
266 |
Firefox Test Pilot Taejekolis piloto ika Firefox
267 |
Share files up to { $size } Xikintitani tajkuilolmej archivos tein amo panouaj { $size }
268 |
Version 1.0, dated March 12, 2019 Versión 1.0 tein kikixtijkej 12 tonal metsti marzo 2019
269 |
Could not add email address to database. Amo uelik moajxitilij in correo electrónico itech base tein datos.
270 |
Previous Achto
271 |
{ $minutes }m { $minutes }m
272 |
Expires after { $downloadCount } or { $timespan } Poliui ijkuak tiajsis { $downloadCount } oso { $timespan }
273 |
Close menu Maj motsakua menú kampa se taixpejpena
274 |
{ -brand-name-nightly } { -brand-name-nightly }
275 |
About { -brand-name-mozilla } Xikonixmati { -brand-name-mozilla }
276 |
<abbr>Dec</abbr> <abbr>Dic</abbr>
277 |
Feedback makes us better. Tell us how we can improve the browser and Developer tools. Ika tanemililmej tein tokniuan techteixmatiltiaj uelis tiyektachijchiuaskej. Xikonili keniuj uelis tikyekchijchiuaskej navegador uan manamikmej tein kitatekiujtiaj webchijchiuanij.
278 |
Multi-tasking with multiple tabs just got easier. Firefox is now a multi-process browser, which means that your tabs stay fresh and won’t take forever to reload. With 86% less hang time, switch quickly between tabs even as you open more. Se kichiuas miak tekimej tein kiiliaj multitarea ika tataman pestañas axkan okachi amo ouij. Firefox axkan se navegador tein uelis kipias tataman ojtokaltilismej, tein kiijtosneki ke ipestañajuan nochipa moyankuilijtiyaskej uan oksepa moijsiujkaixnextiskej. Kemej horas tein se mochixtok yejua 86% amo okachi ke inintechkopa oksekin, ika Firefox xionmopata se pestaña uan okse, uan no ijkuan okachiok tikontapouas.
279 |
Protect your rights Xikonmatampaui momelaujkatanauatiluan
280 |
Windows Windows
281 |
Bring your Firefox bookmarks, tabs, or passwords wherever you go with Firefox Sync. Share between computers and mobile devices. Get Firefox now! Kampa yeski xikontatekiujti moneskayouan marcadores, pestañas oso ichtakatajkuilolmej tein tikonpia Firefox ika nepaleuil Firefox Sync. Maj mitsonsentekitilikan teposmej tein tajkuiloluapal oso teposmej tein tikonuikas okseko. ¡Axkan xikonajsi Firefox!
282 |
What’s New Tein yankuik
283 |
Sign out Kampa se kisa
284 |
App Store App Store
285 |
Download Firefox Web Browser Navegador tein web Mozilla Firefox
286 |
Password master Ichtakatajkuilol tein kampa yeski kualtia
287 |
Bugzilla Bugzilla
288 |
Join the conversation Xioniniuanti itech tanojnotsalis
289 |
Labs Labs
290 |
Unsubscribing requires a token and emailHash. Komo tikneki amo timoyekijkuilojtos ya, moneki se token uan emailHash.
291 |
Experience cutting-edge features in a pre-release browser for { -brand-name-android }: { -brand-name-firefox-beta }, { -brand-name-firefox-aurora } and { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }. Install now! Xikonixejeko yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia se navegador achto ke nochin uelis kitatekiujtis, ika { -brand-name-android }: { -brand-name-firefox-beta }, { -brand-name-firefox-aurora } uan { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }. ¡Axkan xikontalili motepos!
292 |
Level-up browser gameplay Keniuj navegador kitekitiltia auilmej
293 |
Privacy Policy Tanemililis keniuj tikyekpiaj tein tikseliaj
294 |
We’re always transparent. Tejuan nochipa tinaltoktik
295 |
{ -brand-name-chrome } { -brand-name-chrome }
296 |
Sync between devices Xikontekitilti Sync ika moteposuan
297 |
Replay the video Oksepa xikonita video
298 |
<abbr>Jan</abbr> <abbr>Ene</abbr>
299 |
Select files to upload Xikinixpejpena tajkuilolmej archivos tein tikintejkoltis
300 |
If you typed in the address, check your spelling. Could just be a typo. Komo tikonijkuiloj kani tinemi, xikonita keniuj tikonchiuak, xa sayoj se nepolol ika tajkuilmej san.
301 |
Firefox Features Inepaleuiluan Firefox
302 |
{ $days }d { $hours }h { $minutes }m { $days }t { $hours }h { $minutes }m
303 |
Inspector Manamik tein kiita ox yektachijchiujkej
304 |
Forget the reset. { -brand-name-firefox } Password Manager keeps all your passwords so you can log in automatically, or find saved passwords easily. For super security, give your computer a <a href="{ $url }">master password</a>. Xikonelkaua oksepa tiontapeualtis. Inepaleuil { -brand-name-firefox } Password Manager kiyekpia nochin moichatakatajkuiloluan uan ijkon tionuelis ijsiujka tionkalakteuas oso amo ouij tikonajsis ichtakatajkuilolmej tein achto tikoneuak. Xikonmaka mocomputadora se <a href="{ $url }">ichtakatajkuilol tein kampa yeski kualtia</a> uan tikonpias se uejueyi yekyetolis.
305 |
Try New Features in a Pre-Release { -brand-name-ios } Browser | { -brand-name-firefox } Xikontatekiujti yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia se navegador { -brand-name-ios } achto ke nochin uelis kitatekiujtis | { -brand-name-firefox }
306 |
You are monitoring the maximum number of email addresses. Tikitstok ya nochi correos itech tepos tein se uelis kiitas ika monitor.
307 |
Hi. We’re Mozilla, the proudly non-profit champions of the Internet, helping to keep it healthy, open and accessible to all. Ken tietok. Tejuan tiMozilla, titataninij itech Internet akin tikueyipoujtinemij amo tiktemoskej timotomintiskej, akin timochikauaj maj Internet pakkayoyeto, tatapotok uan nochin tokniuan uelis kitatekiujtiskej.
308 |
By non-profit, Mozilla Tein amo kitemoua motomintis, Mozilla
309 |
{ -brand-name-mozilla-corporation } { -brand-name-mozilla-corporation }
310 |
Continue with this browser Maj niksentoka niktatekiujti nejin navegador
311 |
Firefox on Facebook Firefox itech Facebook
312 |
Other languages: Oksekin tajtolismej:
313 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-extended-support-release } { -brand-name-firefox-extended-support-release }
314 |
Desktop Tajkuiloluapal
315 |
Not only do trackers collect info, they can weigh down your browsing speeds. Only Firefox Private Browsing blocks ads with hidden trackers, so you can drop the baggage and browse freely. Amo sayoj tein tetoktiliaj kinechikouaj tein teaxka, ta uelis kiijtakoskej ijsiujkayot ijkuak tekititok Internet. Sayoj Firefox Private Browsing san kiajchiuilia tanauatilmej tein kipia tein teichtakatoktiliaj, uan ijkon tionuelis tikonkauas nejin tamamal uan titatojtomal tikontatekiujtis Internet.
316 |
Desktop Browser Navegador tein tajkuiloluapal
317 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser }: Use less memory, get more speed { -brand-name-firefox-browser }: kikui amo okachi taelnamikilis, kipia okachi ijsiujkayot
318 |
Thanks! ¡Tasojkamatik!
319 |
Subscribe to monthly updates and keep current with Mozilla news, including the latest tips and tricks for getting the most out of your Firefox browser. It’s the perfect way for us to keep in touch! Xionmoijkuilo uan ijkon tionuelis mejmetstika tikonselis tayankuililis uan tikonixmatis tein yankuik tein kipias Firefox, uan no taixpetanilis uan tayolmajxitilis uan ijkon tionuelis okachi kuali tkontekitiltis monavegador. ¡Ijkuin kuali titechonixmatis!
320 |
Internet for people, <br>not profit. Internet maj kitatekiujtikan tokniuan, <br>amo tein ika oksekin kitemoskej motomintiskej
321 |
Get { -brand-name-firefox } tips, tricks, news and more Xikonajsi tayojmajxitilis, taixpetanilis, tanauatilmej uan okachiok tein mouika iuan { -brand-name-firefox }
322 |
Be among the first to explore future releases of { -brand-name-firefox } for desktop, { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios }. Xionmoachtoui uan xikontatekiujti versiones { -brand-name-firefox } tein satepan ualas ika tepos tein tajkuiloluapal, { -brand-name-android } uan { -brand-name-ios }.
323 |
Firefox Browser: Better bookmarks everywhere you go Navegador Firefox: kipia tein okachi kuali nexkayomej marcadores kampa yeski tionyouej
324 |
325 |
Built for those who build the Web. The only browser made for developers like you. Tikinchijchiuilijkej akonimej kichijchiujtijtinemij web. Yejua sesaj navegador tein aksamej kinchiuilijkej webchijchiuanij kemej tejuatsin.
326 |
Downloading Kitemouijtok
327 |
Firefox for Android Firefox tein tionuelis tikontatekiujtis ika Android
328 |
Download and test the latest { -brand-name-firefox } for desktop features with { -brand-name-developer-edition }, { -brand-name-beta } and { -brand-name-nightly } builds. Xikontemoui uan xikonixejeko inepaleuiluan { -brand-name-firefox } tein tajkuiloluapal ika { -brand-name-developer-edition }, { -brand-name-beta } uan { -brand-name-nightly }.
329 |
Firefox features Inepaleuiluan Firefox
330 |
Modern Axkan motekitiltia
331 |
{ -brand-name-mdn-web-docs } { -brand-name-mdn-web-docs }
332 |
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android } <span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> ika { -brand-name-android }
333 |
Thunderbird Thunderbird
334 |
Scratchpad Tajkuilolamaix ika tajtolmelaualis
335 |
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition } <span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
336 |
Visit your { $preferencesLink } to check the status of { $userEmail }. Xikita { $preferencesLink } tein tikpia uan ijkon tikyekitas keniuj moajsi { $userEmail }.
337 |
Unblock bottlenecks, streamline processes, optimize assets. Xikonajchiua tein amo kikaua maj yektekiti uan tein kiiliaj lometajkechmej, xikonijsiuilti ojtokaltilismej, okachi kuali xikonkui tein onkak.
338 |
Browse without a trace Xikontatekiujti Internet uan amo xikonkaua motaksalis tein uelis kitojtiliskej
339 |
Keep up with<br> all things Firefox. Xikonsentoka ika<br> nochi taman tein kipia Firefox.
340 |
Browse freely. Xikontatekiujtis Internet uan amo xionmomachili tiilpitok
341 |
{ -brand-pocket } { -brand-pocket }
342 |
Congrats. You’re up to date! Xionyolpaki. ¡Tionmoyankuilijya!
343 |
Help build the last independent browser. Write code, fix bugs, make add-ons, and more. Xikonpaleui maj mochijchiua navegador tein okachi yankuik uan tein amo akin kiixyekana. Xikonijkuilo código, xikonyektali nepololmej, xikonchijchiua tamajsikayomej uan oksekiok.
344 |
Firefox Browser: Fast, Easy Password Manager Navegador Firefox: tein ika se ijsiujka uan amo ouij kiixyekanas ichtakatajkuilolmej
345 |
Share files with more people Xikintitanili tajkuilolmej archivos oksekin
346 |
See something that isn’t working? Let us know. ¿Xa tikonita tensa tein amo tekiti? Xitechonili
347 |
{ -brand-name-ie } { -brand-name-ie }
348 |
Help launch new features Xikonpaelui maj kisakan yankuikej nepaleuilmej
349 |
Opera Opera
350 |
Become a volunteer contributor in a number of different areas. Xionmochiua se akin kipaleuia itech miak taman.
351 |
352 |
Firefox Private Network Firefox Private Network
353 |
Quickly save and organize your favorite sites. Ijsiujka xikoneua uan xikontali sitios tein tikonteluelita.
354 |
Invalid session Amo kualtia sesión
355 |
Have I Been Pwned Have I Been Pwned
356 |
News Tanauatilmej
357 |
Try New Features in a Pre-Release Android Browser | Firefox Xikontatekiujti yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia se navegador Android achto ke nochin uelis kitatekiujtis | Firefox
358 |
{ -brand-name-send } { -brand-name-firefox } to your phone<br> and unleash your Internet. Xikonpanoltili moteléfono { -brand-name-firefox } <br> uan xikonajchiuili moInternet teposcadenas.
359 |
Developer Edition Developer Edition
360 |
Chrome Chrome
361 |
Accessible Amo ouij se kiajsis
362 |
Edit and manage all your CSS stylesheets in your browser. Xikontapoua uan xikonpata uan xikonixyekana nochin moamauan tein estilo CSS itech monavegador.
363 |
Android Add-ons Tamajsikayomej ika Android
364 |
This email has already been added to { -product-name }. Nejin correo itech tepos moajxitilij ya itech { -product-name }.
365 |
Take a browse on the wild side. Xiontachiati sekan tein kuoujtajkayot
366 |
Support Kampa tepaleuiaj
367 |
Firefox Firefox
368 |
<abbr>Feb</abbr> <abbr>Feb</abbr>
369 |
Choose the independent browser Xikonixpejpena navegador tein amo akin kiixyekana
370 |
We led the tech to run 3D games at near-native speeds, and now Firefox is bringing better performance to online gaming. Our powerful browser reduces lags, speeds up ping times and optimizes overall gameplay through faster, leaner browsing. Tikchiuaj teposmej maj kitekitiltiaj auilmej 3D ika ijsiujkayomej kemej yeskia yekinika, uan axkan Firefox kichiua maj kuali tekitikan auilmej Internetkopa. Tonavegador tein semi kichauak amo okachi uejkaua, kiijsiuiltia tein uejkaua ping uan nochin auilmej kichiua maj kuali tekitij ijkuak se kitatekiujtia Internet okachi ijsiujka uan ejkaujtik.
371 |
Creative Commons Creative Commons
372 |
Legal Notices Tanauatil tein uelis momelauas iixpan tekiuanij
373 |
Products Takilmej
374 |
You must be signed in to your { -brand-fxa }. Moneki tikalakteuas itech { -brand-fxa } tein tikpia.
375 |
Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
376 |
Continue to mozilla.org Xionkalaki mozilla.org
377 |
Send Maj motitani
378 |
History Historial tein kinextia nochi tikonitstinemik
379 |
Download and test the latest Firefox for desktop features with Developer Edition, Beta and Nightly builds. Xikontemoui uan xikonixejeko inepaleuiluan Firefox tein tajkuiloluapal ika Developer Edition, Beta uan Nightly.
380 |
Invalid Email Amo kualtia nejin correo itech tepos
381 |
{ $num } downloads 1 kitemouijtok / { $num } kintemouijtok
382 |
To finish verifying this email for { -product-name }, you must be signed in under your primary account email. Moneki tikalakteuas itech mocuenta tein ika mocorreo tein tayekantok, uan ijkon tiktamiyekitas nejin correo itech { -product-name }.
383 |
Firefox Help Nepaleuilis tein kipia Firefox
384 |
Our most customizable Firefox for Android yet. ToFirefox ika Android tein okachiok tionuelis tikonyekchiuas kemej tikonkuisnekis
385 |
Gaming on the Web Auilmej itech Web
386 |
Share link Kampa se kipatskilis tein uelis tikinpanoltilis oksekin
387 |
Contact Us Kampa se uelis techijkuilouilis
388 |
View Full Site Maj se kiita nochi sitio
389 |
Unfortunately this version of Firefox does not support the web technology that powers Firefox Send. You’ll need to update your browser. Tetayokoltij, Firefox tein tikuitok amo kiselia tepostekitilis tecnología web tein ika tekiti Firefox Send. Moneki tikyankuilis monavegador.
390 |
February Metsti febrero
391 |
Firefox account Cuenta Firefox
392 |
Update Firefox Maj Firefox moyankuili
393 |
If you’ve found an issue with one of our websites, we’d appreciate it if you could report the problem in Bugzilla, our <a href="%(bugzilla)s">bug tracker</a>. One of our developers will take a look at it as soon as possible. Komo tikonajsik se taman itech se tositio web, nimitsontasojkamatiliskej maj titechonixpantili ika Bugzilla, <a href="%(bugzilla)s">tein ika tiktojtokatinemij nepololmej</a>. Semej towebchijchiujkauan niman kiitas.
394 |
Firefox Developer Edition automatically sends feedback to Mozilla. Firefox Developer Edition iselti san kipanoltilia Mozilla tanemililmej.
395 |
File a bug now Xikontitani se nepolol axkan
396 |
Too many connections to { -brand-HIBP }. Telsenka monajnamiktijtokej itech { -brand-HIBP }.
397 |
Enterprise Enterprise
398 |
Chart your own course Xikonixtali moojpan saj
399 |
More performance Okachi kuali kichiua tensa
400 |
{ -brand-name-facebook-container } { -brand-name-facebook-container }
401 |
Android Support Nepaleuilis ika Android
402 |
Inspect and refine code to build pixel-perfect layouts. Xikonita ox yektachijchiujkej uan xikonyektali código uan ijkón tionuelis tikchiua tachijchiualis tein amo kipia nepolol.
403 |
<span>Firefox</span> + You <span>Firefox</span> + Tejuatsin
404 |
{ $hours }h { $minutes }m { $hours }h { $minutes }m
405 |
Here’s how Firefox protects your privacy Ijkon Firefox kiyekpia tein kiselia
406 |
Start faster, tab hop quicker, get more done. Okachi ijsiujka xionpeua, okachi ijsiujka xipano pestaña, okachi xikonchiua tensa.
407 |
{ -brand-name-rust } { -brand-name-rust }
408 |
Your browser is not supported. Monavegador amo kualtia.
409 |
Experience cutting-edge browser features in pre-release versions: { -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition }, { -brand-name-firefox-beta } and { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }. Download now! Xikontatekiujti yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia navegador tein ika versiones acho release: { -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition }, { -brand-name-firefox-beta } uan { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }. ¡Axkan xikontemoui!
410 |
Futz with that bookmark Amo xiontonalpoloua ika nejin neskayot marcador
411 |
Protect your privacy and browse faster with Firefox features Xikonpaleui maj mitsonyekpialikan tein Internetkopa kiseliskej uan xikontatekiujti Internet okachi ijsiujka ika nepaleuilmej tein kipia Firefox.
412 |
413 |
OK Kuali yetok
414 |
Get Involved Xioniniuanti
415 |
Download complete Nochi motemouij ya
416 |
Contribute to this page Xiontapaleui itech nejin página
417 |
Bring it, Internet! We’ve spent the last year supercharging Firefox’s performance. Now start up faster, tab hop quicker and scroll like a speed demon. ¡Xikajsi Internet! Titekitikej se xiuit uan tiuelinij tikchiuaskej ke Firefox okachi kuali kichiua tensa. Axkan okachi ijsiujka moxotaltia, okachi ijsiujka moixpataj pestañas uan moolinia ijsiujka kemej se amokuali ejekat.
418 |
Customize your bookmarks Xikonyekchiua moneskayouan marcadores kemej tikonkuisnekis
419 |
Easily manage your logins Amo ouij xikonyekana kampa tionkalakteua
420 |
{ -brand-name-enterprise } { -brand-name-enterprise }
421 |
422 |
Firefox is independent and a part of the non-profit Mozilla, which fights for your online rights, keeps corporate powers in check and makes the Internet accessible to everyone, everywhere. Firefox amo kitamakati akin okachi uejueyichiuanimej uan poui Mozilla tein amo kitemoua motomintis, mochikaua maj nochin tokniuan kipia ininmelaujkatanauatiluan itech Internet, kitsinkixtia ichikaujkauelilis uejueyitekitiloyamej uan no kichiua nochimej uelis kalakiskej Internet, kampa yeski.
423 |
Android Android
424 |
Opted-in to privacy, so you can browse freely. Tikixpejpenaj kiyekpiaskej tein kiseliskej, ijkon tionuelis tikontatekiujtis tatojtomal Internet.
425 |
Return to top Maj ajko mokuepa
426 |
Manage shared files from any device Itech tein yeski tepos xikixyekana motajkuiloluan archivos tein tikinpanoltilij oksekin
427 |
Working at the grassroots and policy levels, we teach web literacy, provide tools and advocate on behalf of every individual who values an internet built on fairness, inclusion and respect. Titekitij ika tatsineualoni uan tanemililis, tiktenextiaj webtaixmatilis, tikmakaj manamikmej uan tikintajtolpaleuiaj sejsemej tokniuan akin kipatiuitaj maj Internet kitayekanaltis melaujkayot, amo nechichikolyot uan poujkaitalis.
428 |
Proudly non-profit. <br>Donate before Dec 31. Semi techyolpaktia maj amo tiktemokan timotomintiskej. <br>Xitechonpaleui ika tomin achto 31 metsti diciembre.
429 |
Speed up your computer Xikonkaua maj telijsiujka tekiti motepos
430 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-send } { -brand-name-firefox-send }
431 |
Firefox Account Firefox Account
432 |
Start now Axkan xionpeua
433 |
Hungry for more? ¿Okachiok tikonnejneki?
434 |
Firefox Send Firefox Send
435 |
File that bookmark Archivo tein neskayot marcador
436 |
Keep links active for up to { $count } days Kampa se kipatskilis maj kisentokakan kualtiakan se tonal ok / { $count } tonalmej ok
437 |
{ -brand-name-send } { -brand-name-send }
438 |
The intended recipient of the email or SMS must have consented. Akin tikontajkuilouilis ika tepos oso SMS monekik kiselij.
439 |
Language Tajtolis
440 |
Add-ons Tamajsikayomej
441 |
Choose independence Xikonixpejpena tionmoixyekanas
442 |
Replay Replay
443 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-lockwise } { -brand-name-firefox-lockwise }
444 |
Firefox doesn’t sell access to your personal information like other companies. From privacy tools to tracking protection, you’re in charge of who sees what. Firefox amo kinamaka maj kalakikan tein titechonseliltijtinemi kemej oksekin tekitiloyamej. Kemej neskayot, ika manamikmej tein ika tikonyekanas motajkuilolneskayouan uan maj tikyekpiakan maj amo akin kiita toni se kiitstinemi, tejuatsin tikonixtalia akoni kiita tensa.
445 |
Get powerful add-ons Xikonajsi chikaujkej tamajsikayomej
446 |
Try { -send-brand } for simple, safe file sharing. Xikejeko { -send-brand } ijkon amo ouij uelis tikinpanoltilis oksekin motajkuiloluan archivos uan tikyekmatis ke amo tej kipanos.
447 |
Firefox Sync Firefox Sync
448 |
Firefox Private Browsing blocks ads with trackers. Nepaleuil maj se kitatekiujti Internet uan amo se mokuejmolo tein kipia Firefox kiajchiua tanauatilmej tein tetoktiliaj.
449 |
Google Google
450 |
Unsubscribe from { -product-name-nowrap } Maj amo nimoyekijkuiloto ya itech { -product-name-nowrap }
451 |
Stand Up For Encryption Xionmeua uan Xiontajkuilo ika tapoualmej tein se amo uelis kiajsikamatis
452 |
Could not load breaches. Amo uelik monextij keman oksekin ichtakakalakisnekkej.
453 |
The speed you need. The privacy you trust. Ijsiujkayot tein moneki. Keniuj kiyekpiaj tein kiseliaj tein ika tionuelis tikontakuajtamatis.
454 |
{ -brand-name-opera } { -brand-name-opera }
455 |
{ $num } weeks 1 semana / { $num } semana
456 |
Try the Lean Data Toolkit Xikonixejeko Lean Data Toolkit
457 |
Download { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox }, a free web browser. { -brand-name-firefox } is created by a global not-for-profit dedicated to putting individuals in control online. Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios } today! Xikontemoui { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox }, se navegador web tein amo se moneki kiixtauas. { -brand-name-firefox } kichijchiujkej se nechikol semanauak taltikpak tein amo kitemouaj motomintiskej ta kinpaleuiskej taltikpakneminij maj kiixyekantinemij keniuj kitatekiujtiaj Internet. ¡Xikonpia axkan Firerfox tein tionuelis tikonkuis ika { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android } uan { -brand-name-ios }!
458 |
Learn about the benefits of working at Mozilla and view open positions around the world. Xikonixmati toni tatiochualis tikonpias komo tiontekitilis Mozilla, uan xikonita tein tekimej axkan onkakej nochi semanauak taltikpak.
459 |
{ -brand-name-hubs } { -brand-name-hubs }
460 |
Storage panel Taixnextiloni tein nechikolis
461 |
Get more done with Firefox Okachi taman xikonchiua ika Firefox
462 |
Download { -brand-name } Xiktemoui { -brand-name }
463 |
Monthly Mejmetstika
464 |
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store } Xikonajsi uan amo moneki tikonixtauas itech { -brand-name-app-store }
465 |
Free Web Browser Navegador tein amo se moneki kiixtauas
466 |
Watch the video Xikonita video
467 |
Read our privacy policy Xikonixtajtolti totanemililis keniuj tikyekpiaj tein tikseliaj
468 |
One-time Sepa san
469 |
<abbr>Oct</abbr> <abbr>Oct</abbr>
470 |
Why does Firefox Send require JavaScript? ¿Keyej Firefox Send kineki maj moajsi JavaScript?
471 |
All Languages and Builds Nochin tepostajtolis uan compilaciones
472 |
Lockwise Lockwise
473 |
Upgrade now Maj axkan moyankuili
474 |
{ -send-short-brand } Privacy Notice { -send-short-brand } tanauatia ika yekpialis tein moaxka itech tepos
475 |
Firefox Browser: Use less memory, get more speed Navegador Firefox: kikui amo okachi taelnamikilis, kipia okachi ijsiujkayot
476 |
Our innovations Tein tikchijchiujkej tein yankuik
477 |
Web Assembly Web Assembly
478 |
Mozilla Mozilla
479 |
Focus Browser Navegador tein Focus
480 |
The intended recipient of the email must have consented. Akin tikontajkuilouilis ika tepos monekik kiselij.
481 |
Update now Maj axkan moyankuili
482 |
Practice your exactitude with every bookmark manager <a href="{ $url }">add-on</a> you can think of, from full page snapshots to quick-switch sidebars to locked-down-tight private bookmarks. Xikonita sayoj tein tikonyolnejnektinemi san ika sejsemej <a href="{ $url }">tamajsikayomej</a> kampa se uelis kiyekanas neskayomej marcadores, tel miak onkakej kanachi tionuelis tikonixnemilis: kampa tikonitas páginas tein ajsitokej, barras tein tanakastan oso neskayomej marcadores tein amo senteixtenoj uan kiajchiuilijkej.
483 |
See what makes us different Xikonita keyej tejuan titataman kemej oksekin
484 |
Except where otherwise <a href="%s">noted</a>, content on this site is licensed under the <br /><a href="%s">Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License v3.0</a> or any later version. Komo <a href="%s">amo tensa</a> motanejmachtia, tein kipia nejin sitio web iaxka <br /><a href="%s">Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License v3.0</a> oso okse versión tein kisentokak.
485 |
or click to send up to { $size } oso xikpatskili uan tiktitanis, sayoj tein amo panoua { $size }
486 |
Send to another device Xikonpanoltili okse tepos
487 |
Powerful JavaScript debugger with support for your framework. Chikauak tachipaualoni ika JavaScript tein uelis kitetsontis moframework.
488 |
You’re in control with Firefox’s easy-to-use features that protect your privacy and browsing speeds. Tiontayekantok ika nepaleuijlmej tein kipia Firefox tein amo ouij tikontatekiujtis uan kipaleuiaj maj mitsonyekpialikan tein Internetkopa kiseliskej uan kichiuaj Internet maj okachi ijsiujka tekiti.
489 |
Mozilla on Twitter Mozilla itech Twitter
490 |
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android } <span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> ika { -brand-name-android }
491 |
492 |
Reality Reality
493 |
Private Browsing Maj se kitatekiujti Internet uan maj amo se mokuejmolo
494 |
Earn your second security black belt with Firefox’s vast array of password manager <a href="%(addons)s">add-ons</a>. Go with a favorite like <a href="%(lastpass)s">LastPass</a>, or reach password manager mastery with ratings and community reviews. Xikontani okse motiltiktajkoilpiloni tein mouika iuan yekyetolis itechkopa miakej <a href="%(addons)s"> tamajsikayomej </a> kampa se uelis kiyekanas ichtakatajkuilolmejej tein kipia Firefox. Xikontatekiujti se tein nochi kiteluelitaj, kemej neskayot <a href="%(lastpass)s"> LastPass</a>, oso xionmokuepa xitamachtijkej akin semi tikonixmattos tikonyekanas ichtakatajuilolmej itechkopa ratings uan tein kinemiliaj tokniuan.
495 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora } { -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
496 |
Our new, powerful multi-process platform handles all your tabs without slowing down your computer. Yankuik uan chikauak plataforma tein toaxka uan tein kipia tataman ojtokaltilismej tekiti ika nochin ipestañajuan uan amo kichiua maj motepos maj yolikat yeski.
497 |
Get involved Xioniniuanti
498 |
Governance Keniuj taixyekanaj
499 |
Features Nepaleuilmej
500 |
Secure Maj xionyekyeto
501 |
Following the pack isn’t our style. As part of the non-profit Mozilla, Firefox leads the fight to protect your online rights and champion an Internet that benefits everyone — not just a few. Amo tikintojtokatinemi olochichkamej. Firefox poui Mozilla tein amo kitemoua motomintis, uan ijkon kiixyekana tateuilis tein kitemoua kimatampauia takachiualis itech Internet tein kipiaj tokniuan uan kipaleuia Internet maj nochimej kinpaleui — amo se ome eyi taltikpakneminij san.
502 |
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Keniuj { -brand-name-firefox } kiyekpia tein kiselia
503 |
Drag and drop files Xikintilana uan xikinkajkaua tajkuilolmej archivos
504 |
Your file is encrypted and ready to send Moarchivo moijkuiloj ya kemej amo akin uelis kiixtajtoltis uan se uelis kititanis ya
505 |
YouTube YouTube
506 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser } { -brand-name-developer-edition } { -brand-name-firefox-browser } { -brand-name-developer-edition }
507 |
Tour Paxalolis
508 |
Decrypting… Kichiujtok se uelis kiixtajtoltis ya…
509 |
{ -brand-name-firefox } Password Manager saves all your passwords in one place so you can automatically login to sites, or retrieve saved passwords. Inepaleuil { -brand-name-firefox } tein itokay Password Manager kieua nochin moichtakatajkuiloluan sayoj sekosaj uan ijkon tionuelis ijsiujka tionkalakteuas itech sitios oso tikonajsis ichtakatajkuilolmej tein achto tikoneuak.
510 |
Create a { -firefox } Account or sign in Ximochiuili se cuenta itech { -firefox } oso xikalakteua
511 |
Maximum password length: { $length } Keniuj ueyak ichtakatajtol, maj amo pano: { $length }
512 |
{ -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-android } { -brand-name-beta } { -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-android } { -brand-name-beta }
513 |
Mozilla Common Voice Mozilla Common Voice
514 |
Sign Up Xikchiua mocuenta
515 |
Take your favorites on the fly. Use Firefox Sync to access your bookmarks across all your devices, from desktop to mobile. Or try <a href="%(url)s">Pocket</a> to save any online article, or page and come back to later – even without internet. Xikonkui tein tikonteluelita ijkuak tikonnekis. Xikontatekiujti Firefox Sync uan xionkalakis kampa moneskayouan marcadores itech nochin moteposuan, kemej tein tajkuilouapal oso tein se uelis mouikas. Oso xikontatekiujti <a href="%(url)s">Pocket</a> uan ijkon tikoneuas tein yeski tamachtilis tein moajsi itech Internet, oso página web uan satepan tionuelis tionmokepas, maski amo ika Internet.
516 |
Welcome to { -brand-name-firefox } Kuali ke tikontapoj { -brand-name-firefox }
517 |
Browse faster Xikontatekiujti Internet okachi ijsiujka
518 |
Download Mozilla Firefox, a free Web browser. Firefox is created by a global non-profit dedicated to putting individuals in control online. Get Firefox for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS today! Xikontemoui Mozilla Firefox, se navegador web tein amo se moneki kiixtauas. Firefox kichijchiujkej se nechikol semanauak taltikpak tein amo kitemouaj motomintiskej ta kinpaleuiskej taltikpakneminij maj kiixyekantinemij keniuj kitatekiujtiaj Internet. ¡Xikonpia axkan Firerfox tein tionuelis tikonkuis ika Windows, macOS, Linux, Android uan iOS!
519 |
Sign in to your account and we’ll sync the bookmarks, passwords and other great things you’ve saved to Firefox on other devices. Xionkalakteua itech mocuenta uan tikchiuaskej maj mosenixpatatiyajkan neskayomej marcadores, ichtaktajkuilolmej uan oksekin taman tein semi kualtsin tein tikoneuani itech oksekin teposmej.
520 |
Password ninja Ichtakatajkuilol tein ninja
521 |
Monitor Monitor
522 |
{ -brand-name-nightly } Blog Tepostanojnots blog tein poui { -brand-name-nightly }
523 |
Sent! ¡Motitanik ya!
524 |
Please turn on JavaScript to display this page correctly. Xikontekitilti JavaScript uan ijkon tionuelis kuali tikonitas nejin página.
525 |
{ -brand-name-brave } { -brand-name-brave }
526 |
Web Innovations Tein okachi yankuikej itech Web
527 |
Get answers to your questions about { -brand-name-firefox } and all { -brand-name-mozilla } products from our support team. Tonechikol akin tepaleuiaj mitsonnankiliskej tajtanilmej tein tikonpias ika { -brand-name-firefox } uan ika nochi takilmej tein pouij { -brand-name-mozilla }.
528 |
Our Products Totakiluan
529 |
Our impact Tonexokolilis
530 |
I’m okay with Mozilla handling my info as explained in <a href="%s">this Privacy Notice</a> Kuali nikita maj Mozilla kitatekiujti tein nikmatiltis ijkon kemej motanauatia itech <a href="%s">nejin Tanemililis keniuj tikyekpiaj tein tikseliaj</a>
531 |
{ -brand-name-developer-edition } { -brand-name-developer-edition }
532 |
Explore the web faster with <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-firefox } Private Browsing</a>. Only { -brand-name-firefox }’s private mode includes tracking protection which blocks ads with trackers from loading on pages. Decluttering sites means web pages can load faster. Okachi ijsiujka xikonita Web ika nepaleuil <a href="{ $url }">Maj se kitatekiujti Internet uan amo se mokuejmolo</a> tein kipia { -brand-name-firefox }. Sayoj nejin inepaleuil { -brand-name-firefox } amo kikaua maj tetoktilikan uan kiajchiua tanauatilmej tein tetoktiliaj tein moajsij itech sitios web. Se kiyektejtekpanas sitios kiijtosneki páginas web tein okachi ijsiujka monextijkej.
533 |
Learn about other { -mozilla } services Okachi tikmatis okseki tapaleuilmej tein kitemaka { -mozilla }
534 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta } automatically sends feedback to { -brand-name-mozilla }. { -brand-name-firefox-beta } iselti san kititanilia { -brand-name-mozilla } tanemililmej.
535 |
switch language Kampa se kipatas tajtolis
536 |
Something went wrong! ¡Tensa amo kuali kisak!
537 |
<span class="nowrap">{ -product-name }</span> <span class="nowrap">{ -product-name }</span>
538 |
Learn More Okachi xionmomachti
539 |
{ -brand-name-youtube } { -brand-name-youtube }
540 |
Browse faster, privately Okachi ijsiujka xikontatekiujti Internet, uan kuali kiyekpiaskej tein kiseliskej
541 |
Welcome to Firefox Kuali ke tikontapoj Firefox
542 |
Mobile Browser for iOS Navegador tein tekiti itech tepos tein se uelis kiuikas kampa yeski, ika iOS
543 |
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-chrome } uses up to 1.77x more memory than { -brand-name-firefox }</a>. If your computer is already low on memory, this can cause a significant slowdown. Using { -brand-name-firefox }’s latest version with multi-process can result in more available memory to run your favorite programs. <a href="{ $url }"> { -brand-name-chrome } kikui kemej 1.77 okachi taelnamikilis uan amo { -brand-name-firefox } </a>. Komo motepos kipia ya amo miak taelnamikilis, nejon uelis kichiuas maj yolik tekiti. Komo tikontatekiujtis { -brand-name-firefox } tein yankuik uan ika tekiti tel miak ojtokaltilismej, uelis mokauas taelnamikilis tein tionuelis tikonkuis ika programas tein tikonteluelitstinemi.
544 |
{ -brand-name-edge } { -brand-name-edge }
545 |
Get better privacy Xikonajsi tein okachi kuali ika keniuj kiyekpiaj tein teaxka itech Internet
546 |
{ -brand-name } Browser for Mobile Navegador { -brand-name } itech teposuejkatanojnotsalonimej celulares
547 |
Google Play Google Play
548 |
Get { -brand-name-mozilla } updates Maj se kiselis tayankuililismej tein { -brand-name-mozilla }
549 |
Check your device for the email! ¡Xikonita motepos ika correo itech tepos!
550 |
551 |
Click the download button on the right to continue. Xikonpatskili botón Xikontemoui yekmakopa uan tionuelis tikonsentokas
552 |
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }. Xikonchiua <a href="{ $url }">nejin tanauatilmej</a> uan ijkon tikontalilis { -brand-name-firefox } motepos.
553 |
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios } <span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> ika { -brand-name-ios }
554 |
Lightbeam for Firefox Lightbeam ika Firefox
555 |
Earn your second security black belt with Firefox’s vast array of password manager <a href="%(addons)s">add-ons</a>. Choose an existing favorite or find a next-level one through expert community ratings and reviews. Xikontani okse motiltiktajkoilpiloni tein mouika iuan yekyetolis itechkopa miakej <a href="%(addons)s"> tamajsikayomej </a> kampa se uelis kiyekanas ichtakatajkuilolmej. Xikonixpejpena se tein xikonteluelita oso xikonajsi se yankuik itechkopa ratings uan tein kinemiliaj tokniuan.
556 |
Lite Lite
557 |
We’ve been working out, so you can get more done. Titekitinij uan ijkón tionuelis okachi taman kichiuas.
558 |
Must be a valid email. Moneki se correo tein kualtia.
559 |
Your right to be safe from hackers starts here. Nikan peua timopaleuia tachtekinij hackers.
560 |
404: Page Not Found 404: Amo kiajsik página
561 |
Read our Internet Health Report Xikonixtajtolti toamaix tein kitematiltia Keniuj Pakkayoyetok Internet
562 |
Private Browser with extra tracking protection Navegador tein kuali kiyekpia tein kiselia uan no kiyekpia maj amo tetoktilikan
563 |
Update your { -brand-name-firefox } Xikonyankuili mo{ -brand-name-firefox }
564 |
Your favorite add-ons and extensions Motamajsikayouan uan moextensiónuan tein tikonteluelita
565 |
Stop running out of memory Amo xikonauilo taelnamikilis
566 |
Network Matat
567 |
Free Download Xikontemoui uan amo moneki tikonixtauas
568 |
Download { -firefox } Xiktemoui { -firefox }
569 |
Please enable JavaScript and try again. Se kualtakayot, xikaua maj peua tekiti JavaScript uan oksepa xikejeko.
570 |
An error occurred in our system. Please try again later. Mochiuak se nepolol itech tosistema. Ika kualtakayot, oksepa xiontachijchiua satepan.
571 |
Is your computer slow? Your browser might be using too much memory. Switch to { -brand-name-firefox } today for more speed. ¿Motepos amo ijsiujkatekiti? Xa monavegador kikuitinemi tel miak taelnamikilis. Xionmopata axkan uan xikontatekiujti { -brand-name-firefox } tein okachi ijsiuik.
572 |
MPEG-4 format Formato MPEG-4
573 |
574 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser } { -brand-name-firefox-browser }
575 |
Find memory leaks and make your application zippy. Xikonajsi ijkuak mopolua taelnamikilis uan xikonchiua maj semi ijsiujkatekiti moaplicación.
576 |
Legal Tein uelis momelauas iixpan tekiuanij
577 |
If you haven’t previously confirmed a subscription to a Mozilla-related newsletter you may have to do so. Please check your inbox or your spam filter for an email from us. Komo achto amo tikonyekmatiltij tionmoijkuiloj uan ijkon tikonselis se amaix tein mouika iuan Mozilla, xa monekis kichiuas. Ika kualtakayot, xikonyekita kampa kalakij correos oso tatsetseloloni spam tein tikontalij xa moajsis se correo tein timitsontitanilijkej.
578 |
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store } Xikontemoui itech { -brand-name-app-store }
579 |
What you see is what you get Nejin tikonitstok, nejin tikonpixtok
580 |
<abbr>Mar</abbr> <abbr>Mar</abbr>
581 |
Firefox Accounts Firefox Accounts
582 |
{ -brand-name } is tech that fights for your online privacy. { -brand-name } yejua tepos tecnología tein motelchikaua uan ijkon Internetkopa kiyekpias tein moaxka
583 |
Mobile Tein se uelis kiuikas
584 |
Firefox Aurora automatically sends feedback to Mozilla. Firefox tein Aurora iselti san kititanilia Mozilla tanemililmej.
585 |
586 |
Rust Rust
587 |
<abbr>Sep</abbr> <abbr>Sep</abbr>
588 |
Committed to you, your privacy and an open Web Timoyektajtoltenkauaj mouan, tikyekpias tein titechonseliltis uan ika red tatojtomal
589 |
Feedback Nikan uelis tikijkuilos tein tiknemilijtos
590 |
Get Firefox news Maj se kiselis tanauatilmej tein mouikaj Firefox
591 |
Use Firefox everywhere Xikontatekiujti Firefox kampa yeski
592 |
{ -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-android } { -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-android }
593 |
Protect with password Xikyekpia ika se ichtakatajtol
594 |
iOS Browser Navegador tein iOS
595 |
Customize with Add-ons Xikonchijchiua kemej tikonkuisneki ika tamajsikayomej
596 |
January Metsti enero
597 |
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play } Xikonajsi uan amo moneki tikonixtauas itech { -brand-name-google-play }
598 |
Try New Browser Features in Pre-Release Versions | { -brand-name-firefox } Xikontatekiujti yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia navegador tein ika versiones acho release | { -brand-name-firefox }
599 |
Firefox ESR Firefox ESR
600 |
Speak up Xionchikaujkatajto
601 |
iPad iPad
602 |
Already using Firefox? ¿Tikontatekiujtijtokya Firefox?
603 |
604 |
{ -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-android } { -brand-name-nightly } { -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-android } { -brand-name-nightly }
605 |
Terms & Privacy Keniuj motekiltis uan Keniuj tiyekpiaj tein tikseliaj
606 |
Ogg Theora format Formato Ogg Theora
607 |
{ -brand-name-ios } { -brand-name-ios }
608 |
Did you know? { -brand-name-mozilla } — the maker of { -brand-name-firefox } — fights to keep the internet a global public resource, open and accessible to all. ¿Tikonmattok? { -brand-name-mozilla } — akin kichijchiuak { -brand-name-firefox } — mochikaua nochin uelis kitatekiujtis Internet semanauak taltikpakI, Internet yeski tatapotok uan nion se kitsakuiliskej kikuis.
609 |
Sign Up Now Axkan xionmoijkuilo
610 |
Upload Xiktejkolti
611 |
MegaBytes Megabytes
612 |
July Metsti julio
613 |
Sharing is caring, but that should be your call. Firefox Private Browsing automatically erases your online info like passwords, cookies and history from your computer. So that when you close out, you leave no trace. Ijkuak se kinpanoltilis oksekin tensa monekiskia se motachilis, sayoj ke nejin moneki yeski motaixpejpenalis. Firefox Private Browsing ipa kichipaua motajkuilolixneskayouan tein moajsij itech Internet, kemej ichtakatajkuilolmej, cookies uan historial itech motepos. Ijkuin, ijkuak titatsakuas, amo mokauas motaksalis tein oksekin uelis kitojtiliskej.
614 |
Mozilla Hubs Mozilla Hubs
615 |
{ -brand-name-lockwise } { -brand-name-lockwise }
616 |
Linux Linux
617 |
{ -brand-name-web-assembly } { -brand-name-web-assembly }
618 |
Cancel Maj motsakuili uan amo tami tein kichiujtok
619 |
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play } Xikonajsi uan amo moneki tikonixtauas itech { -brand-name-google-play }
620 |
Protecting the health of the internet. Maj se kipaleui Internet tein paktok.
621 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-reality } { -brand-name-firefox-reality }
622 |
Your Firefox is up to date. Senkis kiyankuilijkejya moFirefox
623 |
We’re obsessed with protecting your privacy. That’s why we’ve made { -brand-name-firefox } Private Browsing more powerful than the others. Nochipa tiknemilijtinemij keniuj kuali timitsonyekpialiskej tein titechonseliltis. Yejua ika tikchijchiujkej { -brand-name-firefox } Private Browsing okachi chikauak uan amo oksekin.
624 |
Report Trademark Abuse Maj se techixpantili amo kuali kikuitokej neskayot tanamakalis
625 |
Page not found. Amo kiajsik página.
626 |
View open tabs on any device. Xikonita pestañas tapotokej itech tein yeski tepos.
627 |
Legal Keniuj motekitiltis
628 |
629 |
Read all about it in our <span>newsletter</span> ¡Xikonixtajtolti nochi tanauatilmej ika Firefox itech <span>toamaixtsin!</span>
630 |
Share the video Xikonpanoltili okse video
631 |
{ -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-mozilla }
632 |
{ -brand-name-test-flight } { -brand-name-test-flight }
633 |
Donate Maj se kipaleui ika tomin
634 |
Check your device for the email or text message! ¡Xikonita motepos ika correo itech tepos oso SMS!
635 |
Memory Taelnamikilis
636 |
DevTools DevTools
637 |
Don’t agonize, lovers of bookmarking. Organize with Firefox. Tejuatsin tikontasojta neskayomej marcadores, amo xiontajyoui. Xikonojtokalti ika Firefox
638 |
Personalize Firefox with everything from themes to privacy tools. Xikonyekchiua nochi Firefox kemej tikonkuisnekis, kemej neskayot tamachtilismej oso manamikmej tein ika tikonyekanas motajkuilolneskayouan.
639 |
If you followed a link, it’s probably broken. komo tikonajsik kampa tikonpatskilis, xa amo kuali tekiti.
640 |
<a href="%(url)s">Update</a> your Firefox for the latest in speed and privacy. <a href="%(url)s">Xikonyankuili</a> moFirefox uan ijkon okachi kualiok kiyekpias tein kiselis uan okachi isiujkaok tekitis.
641 |
August Metsti agosto
642 |
Web Audio Kakistilyot tein Web
643 |
Firefox Monitor Firefox Monitor
644 |
Try the latest Android features, before they get released to the rest of the world. Xikonixejeko inepaleuiluan Android tein okachi yankuikej, achto taltikpakneminij uelis kichiuaskej.
645 |
Developer Edition Edición tein uelis kikuiskej webchijchiuanij
646 |
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages { -brand-name-firefox } tein tionuelis tikontatekiujtis ika oksekin plataformas uan tepostajtolismej
647 |
Your download link was sent. Tein mitsonuika kampa tiontatemouis mitsonpanoltilijkejya.
648 |
Interest Dashboard Uapal tein ika se kiyoltilana
649 |
Desktop Browser for Mac, Windows, Linux Navegador tein takuiloluapal ika Mac, Windows uan Linux
650 |
<a rel="external" href="{ $feedback }">Give us feedback</a> to help us put the final tweaks on performance and functionality in a stable environment. <a rel="external" href="{ $feedback }">Xitechonpanoltili motanemililuan</a> maj titechonpaleui tiktamiyektaliskej keniuj taki totachiualisuan uan nepaleuilmej kampa amo mopatatok.
651 |
<abbr>Apr</abbr> <abbr>Abr</abbr>
652 |
Edge Edge
653 |
Experience cutting-edge features in a pre-release browser for iOS via Apple’s TestFlight program. Install now! Xikonixejeko yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia se navegador achto ke nochin uelis kitatekiujtis, ika iOS itechkopa programa TestFlight tein kichiuak Apple. ¡Axkan xikontalili motepos!
654 |
Sorry. This number isn’t valid. Please enter a U.S. phone number. Timoyolkokouaj. Nejin tapoual amo kualtia. Ika kualtakayot, xikonijkuilo se tapoual teléfono tein poui Estados Unidos.
655 |
{ -send-short-brand } is brought to you by the all-new { -firefox }. Yankuik { -firefox } mitsixpantilia { -send-short-brand }.
656 |
Get Firefox today Axkan xikonajsi Firefox
657 |
Practice your exactitude with every bookmark manager <a href="%(url)s">add-on</a> you can think of, from full page snapshots to quick-switch sidebars to locked-down-tight private bookmarks. Xikonita sayoj tein tikonyolnejnektinemi san ika sejsemej <a href="%(url)s">tamajsikayomej</a> kampa se uelis kiyekanas neskayomej marcadores, tel miak onkakej kanachi tionuelis tikonixnemilis: kampa tikonitas páginas tein ajsitokej, barras tein tanakastan oso neskayomej marcadores tein amo senteixtenoj uan kiajchiuilijkej.
658 |
Working to keep the Internet healthy, open and accessible to all, we teach web literacy, provide tools and advocate on behalf of every individual who values the Internet as a global public resource. Titekitij maj Internet pakkayoyeto, tatapotok uan nochin tokniuan uelis kitatekiujtiskej, tiktenextiaj webtaixmatilis, tikmakaj manamikmej uan tikintajtolpaleuiaj sejsemej tokniuan akin kipatiuitaj maj Internet yeski kemej tein uelis kikuiskej semanauak taltikpak.
659 |
Press Center Amatanauatilmej
660 |
Firefox Developer Edition Firefox Developer Edition
661 |
Learn more Okachi xionmomachti
662 |
Themes Tein moitas
663 |
Why is my browser not supported? ¿Keyej nonavegador amo kualtia?
664 |
If your web browser uses too much memory, switch to Firefox. Komo monavegador kikui tel miak taelnamikilis, xikonpata uan xikontatekiujti Firefox.
665 |
Is your computer slow? Your browser might be using too much memory. Switch to Firefox today for more speed. ¿Motepos amo ijsiujkatekiti? Xa monavegador kikuitinemi tel miak taelnamikilis. Xionmopata axkan uan xikontatekiujti Firefox tein okachi ijsiuik.
666 |
Privacy Keniuj tiyekpiaj tein tikseliaj
667 |
{ -product-name } { -product-name }
668 |
Download Firefox <span>for macOS</span> Xikontemoui Firefox <span>tein kualtia macOS</span>
669 |
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly } automatically sends feedback to { -brand-name-mozilla }. { -brand-name-firefox-nightly } iselti san kipanoltilia { -brand-name-mozilla } tanemililmej.
670 |
<abbr>Jun</abbr> <abbr>Jun</abbr>
671 |
Format Formato
672 |
Enter your email or 10-digit phone number Xikonijkuilo mocorreo itech tepos oso majtakti tapoualmej tein kipia moteléfono
673 |
{ $num } minutes 1 minuto / { $num } minuto
674 |
Instagram Instagram
675 |
Try Firefox Send Xikejeko Firefox Send
676 |
{ -brand-name } apps and services Tekimej aplicaciones uan tapaleuilmej tein kitemaka { -brand-name }
677 |
{ -send-brand } will not work with this browser. { -send-short-brand } works best with the latest version of { -firefox }, and will work with the current version of most browsers. { -send-brand } amo tekiti ika nejin navegador. { -send-short-brand } okachi kuali tekiti tein ika okachi yankuik { -firefox }, uan no tekitis tein ika okachi yankuikej tel miak navegadores.
678 |
Download and test the latest Firefox for Android features with Aurora, Beta and Nightly builds. Xikontemoui uan xikonixejeko inepaleuiluan Firefox tein okachi yankuikej ika Android tein kipia Aurora, Beta uan Nightly.
679 |
Fly with that bookmark Xionpatani ika nejin neskayot marcador
680 |
$%(sum)s $%(sum)s
681 |
macOS macOS
682 |
Learn more. Xiktemoui tajkuilolmej archivos.
683 |
Desktop Add-ons Tamajsikayomej tein ika se kikuis se itepos tein se itajkuiloluapal
684 |
Error Nepolol
685 |
Desktop Support Nepaleuilis ika tajkuilouapal
686 |
Need help? ¿Xa moneki timitsonpaleuiskej?
687 |
Read Mozilla’s mission Xikonixtajtolti itekiuj Mozilla
688 |
Skip this step Amo xikonchiua nejin
689 |
Firefox, a different browser for different times. Browse free. Firefox, se tataman navegador itech tataman tonalmej. Xiontatekiujti Internet uan amo moneki tiontaxtauas.
690 |
Try New Features in a Pre-Release { -brand-name-android } Browser | { -brand-name-firefox } Xikontatekiujti yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia se navegador { -brand-name-android } achto ke nochin uelis kitatekiujtis | { -brand-name-firefox }
691 |
Browse independently with Firefox Xikonixyekana keniuj tikontatekiujtia Internet ika Firefox
692 |
Download Firefox for Android and iOS Xikontemoui Firefox ika Android uan iOS
693 |
Enter your email Xikijkuilo mocorreo itech tepos
694 |
Simple, private file sharing Amo ouij uan ichtaka xikinpanoltili oksekin motajkuiloluan archivos
695 |
December Metsti diciembre
696 |
Forums Nechikolmej foros
697 |
Made by { -brand-Mozilla } Kichijchiuak { -brand-Mozilla }
698 |
Get Mozilla updates Maj se kiselis tayankuililismej tein Mozilla
699 |
Password hero Chiujkej ika ichtakatajkuilol
700 |
Tips for filing a bug Tayolmajxitilis tein mitsonpaleuis tikontenextis se nepolol
701 |
Some websites and ads attach hidden trackers that collect your browsing info long after you’ve left. Only Firefox Private Browsing has tracking protection to block them automatically. Sekin sitios web uan tanauatilmej kitaliaj tein teichtakatoktiliaj uan ijkon kinechikouaj tein moaxka itech Intenet satepan tionkisas. Sayoj Firefox Private Browsing san yualitonal kiyekpixtinemi maj amo akin kiita toni se kiitstinemi Internetkopa uan ipa kiajchiuilis.
702 |
Firefox Extended Support Release Firefox Extended Support Release
703 |
{ -brand-name-android } { -brand-name-android }
704 |
Privacy Keniuj tikyekpiaj tein tikseliaj
705 |
Catch up on your open tabs and saved reads over Saturday morning coffee. Find your bookmarks and passwords anywhere you use Firefox—your smartphone, tablet or laptop. Connect everything you need and nothing you don’t. Tonal sábado kualkan tiontayi mokajfentsin, xikonsentoka ika mopestañajuan tatapotokej uan tein ika achto tikonixtajtoltiaya. Xikonajsi moneskayomej marcadores uan moichtakatajkuiloluan kampa yeski tikontatekiujtis Firefox, kemej moteléfono, motableta oso motepos. Xikonnajnamikti sayoj nochi tein moneki san.
706 |
Fire TV Fire TV
707 |
Copy the link to share your file: Xikixkopina tein se kipatskilis uan xikinpanoltili oksekin moarchivo:
708 |
Breach date: Tapoual keman aksa kinekik ichtakakalak:
709 |
There is a way to protect your privacy. Join Firefox. Kemaj, uelis tikyekpias tein moaxka itech tepos. Xipoui Firefox.
710 |
Download files Xiktemoui tajkuilolmej archivos
711 |
If you haven’t previously confirmed a subscription to a { -brand-name-mozilla }-related newsletter, you may have to do so. Please check your inbox or your spam filter for an email from us. Komo achto amo tikonyekmatiltij tionmoijkuiloj uan ijkon tikonselis se amaix tein mouika iuan { -brand-name-mozilla }, xa monekis kichiuas. Ika kualtakayot, xikonyekita kampa kalakij correos oso tatsetseloloni spam tein tikontalij xa moajsis se correo tein timitsontitanilijkej.
712 |
Firefox for iOS Firefox tein tionuelis tikontatekiujtis ika iOS
713 |
{ -brand-name-firefox }: More protection. Less worry. { -brand-name-firefox }: Okachi tematampauilis. Amo okachi kuejmololis.
714 |
Less memory usage than { -brand-name-chrome } Amo okachi kikui taelnamikilis uan amo { -brand-name-chrome }
715 |
Update your Firefox Xikonyankuili moFirefox
716 |
Experience cutting-edge features in a pre-release browser for { -brand-name-android }: { -brand-name-firefox-beta } and { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }. Install now! Xikonixejeko yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia se navegador achto ke nochin uelis kitatekiujtis, ika { -brand-name-android }: { -brand-name-firefox-beta } uan { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }. ¡Axkan xikontalili motepos!
717 |
Whoops! Be sure to enter a valid email address. ¡Maj timopiakan! Xikonyekita tikonijkuilos se correo itech tepos tein kualtia.
718 |
Enter your email Xikonijkuilo mocorreo itech tepos
719 |
Easily organize your bookmarks into folder and access them across all your devices, from desktop to mobile. Xikonixtali kemej kuali moajsij moneskayouan marcadores ika carpetas uan itech xionkalaki ika nochin moteposuan, kemej tein tajkuilouapal oso tein se uelis mouikas.
720 |
Start sharing Xionpeua xikonpanoltili okse tensa
721 |
Send Send
722 |
Get Firefox tips, tricks, news and more Xikonajsi tayojmajxitilis, taixpetanilis, tanauatilmej uan okachiok tein mouika iuan Firefox
723 |
Mozilla Foundation Mozilla Foundation
724 |
Enter Email Address Xikijkuilo mocorreo itech tepos
725 |
October Metsti octubre
726 |
Copy link Xikixkopina tein se kipatskilis
727 |
Software and other innovations designed to advance our mission. Software uan oksekin taman tein yankuikej tein kichijchiujkej tein ika okachi tikchiuaskej totekiuj.
728 |
A browser on a mission Se navegador tein kipia itekiuj
729 |
Firefox Enterprise Firefox Enterprise
730 |
Use Bookmarks, Tabs and Passwords Across Devices | Firefox Xiontatekiujti neskayomej marcadores, pestañas uan ichtakatajkuilolmej itech dispositivos | Firefox
731 |
Firefox for mobile Firefox ika teposmej tein se uelis kiuikas
732 |
Make Firefox yours Xikonchiua Firefox moaxka
733 |
This password could not be set Nejin ichtakatajtol amo uel kiixtaliani
734 |
We led the tech to run 3D games at near-native speeds, and now { -brand-name-firefox } is bringing better performance to online gaming. Our powerful browser reduces lags, speeds up ping times and optimizes overall gameplay through faster, leaner browsing. Tikchiuaj teposmej maj kitekitiltiaj auilmej 3D ika ijsiujkayomej kemej yeskia yekinika, uan axkan { -brand-name-firefox } kichiua maj kuali tekitikan auilmej Internetkopa. Tonavegador tein semi kichauak amo okachi uejkaua, kiijsiuiltia tein uejkaua ping uan nochin auilmej kichiua maj kuali tekitij ijkuak se kitatekiujtia Internet okachi ijsiujka uan ejkaujtik.
735 |
Back to home page Maj se kikuepa página kampa peua
736 |
{ -brand-name } Browser for Desktop { -brand-name } Navegador tein tajkuiloluapal escritorio
737 |
Balanced memory usage Kitekitiltia taelnamikilis kemej moneki
738 |
Browse smoothly and leave plenty of memory for your computer programs. Amo ouij xikontatekiujti Internet uan xikonkaua tel miak taelnamikilis tein uelis kikuis programas tein moajsij itech motepos.
739 |
Open source Tein se uelis mokuis tein amo tatsaktok
740 |
Set the Web free and your mind will follow. Xikonpaleui web tein tatojtomal uan motenemilil kitojtokas
741 |
Patents Patentes
742 |
Visit support.mozilla.org Xikonkalpano support.mozilla.org
743 |
Please choose a download to continue. Ika kualtakayot xikonixpejpena tein tikontemouij uan tionuelis tiksentokas.
744 |
Test about-to-be-released features in the most stable pre-release build. Xiontachijchiua, xiontaixejeko uan xiontaiskalti uan okachiok, tein ika sesaj navegador tein aksamej kinchiuilijkej webchijchiuanij.
745 |
Microsoft Microsoft
746 |
{ -brand-name-twitter } { -brand-name-twitter }
747 |
We will only send you Mozilla-related information. Sayoj timitsontitaniliskej tanauatil tein mouika iuan Mozilla.
748 |
Better bookmarks Neskayomej marcadores itech Internet tein okachi kuali
749 |
Send { -brand-name-firefox } to your smartphone or tablet Xikonpanoltili { -brand-name-firefox } mosmartphone oso motableta
750 |
About Okachi xionmomachti
751 |
This file was shared via { -send-brand } with end-to-end encryption and a link that automatically expires. Nejin archivo mopanoltij itechkopa { -send-brand } ika tapoualmej tein amo aksa uelis kiajsikamatis, uan no tein ika se kipatskilis tein niman ixpoliui.
752 |
Text Tajkuilol
753 |
Send Firefox to your phone<br> and unleash your Internet. Xikonpanoltili moteléfono Firefox <br> uan xikonajchiuili moInternet teposcadenas.
754 |
Twitter Twitter
755 |
Debugger Tachipaualoni
756 |
Cookies Cookies
757 |
Experience cutting-edge browser features in pre-release versions: Firefox Developer Edition, Firefox Beta and Firefox Nightly. Download now! Xikontatekiujti yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia navegador tein ika versiones acho release: Firefox Developer Edition, Firefox Beta uan Firefox Nightly. ¡Axkan xikontemoui!
758 |
Pre-release downloads Tein se uelis kitatemouis achtopa kitematiltiskej
759 |
Experience cutting-edge features in a pre-release browser for { -brand-name-ios } via { -brand-name-apple }’s { -brand-name-test-flight } program. Install now! Xikonixejeko yankuikej nepaleuilmej tein kipia se navegador achto ke nochin uelis kitatekiujtis, ika { -brand-name-ios } itechkopa programa { -brand-name-test-flight } tein kichiuak { -brand-name-apple }. ¡Axkan xikontalili motepos!
760 |
I’m okay with { -brand-name-mozilla } handling my info as explained in <a href="{ $url }">this Privacy Notice</a> Kuali nikita maj { -brand-name-mozilla } kitatekiujti tein nikmatiltis ijkon kemej motanauatia itech <a href="{ $url }">nejin Tanemililis keniuj tikyekpiaj tein tikseliaj</a>
761 |
Verify your subscription to { -product-name }. Xikyekita komojkon timoyekijkuiloj itech { -product-name }.
762 |
We will only send you { -brand-name-mozilla }-related information. Sayoj timitsontitaniliskej tanauatil tein mouika iuan { -brand-name-mozilla }.
763 |
Brave Brave
764 |
Get started with Sync Xionpeua ika Sync
765 |
Firefox on Twitter Firefox itech Twitter
766 |
Do more with Firefox Okachi xikonchiua tensa ika Firefox
767 |
November Metsti noviembre
768 |
Get a sneak peek at our next generation web browser, and help us make it the best browser it can be: try { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }. Xikonita tonavegador web tein yankuik, uan xitechonpaleui maj tikchijchiuakan okachi kuali navegador tein moajsis: xikonixejeko { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }.
769 |
Firefox Beta automatically sends feedback to Mozilla. Firefox tein Beta iselti san kititanilia Mozilla tanemililmej.
770 |
Portions of this content are ©1998–%(current_year)s by individual mozilla.org contributors. Content available under a <a href="%(url)s">Creative Commons license</a>. Sekin taman tein nikan moajsij teaxkauan uan kimatampauiaj tein ika kiiliaj derechos de autor ©1998–%(current_year)s uan ininaxkauan sekin tokniuan akin kipaleuiaj itech mozilla.org. Oksekin taman tein nikan moajsij se uelis kikuis ika se licencia <a href="%(url)s">Creative Commons</a>.
771 |
Free Upgrade Tayankuililis tein amo moneki tikonixtauas
772 |
{ -brand-name-reality } { -brand-name-reality }
773 |
{ -send-brand } lets you share files with end-to-end encryption and a link that automatically expires. So you can keep what you share private and make sure your stuff doesn’t stay online forever. { -send-brand } mitspaleuia uan ijkon tikinpanoltilis oksekin motajkuiloluan archivos ika tapoualmej tein amo aksa uelis kiajsikamatis, uan no kitemaka kampa se kipatskilis tein niman ixpoliui. Ijkuin uelis tikichtakaeuas tein tikintitanilis oksekin uan tikyekmatis tein moaxka amo nochipaya mokauas itech Internet.
774 |
{ -brand-name-mac } { -brand-name-mac }
775 |
Please follow <a href="%(url)s">these instructions</a> to install Firefox. Xikonchiua <a href="%(url)s">nejin tanauatilmej</a> uan ijkon tikontalilis Fiefox motepos.
776 |
SMS service available to U.S. phone numbers only. SMS & data rates may apply. Nepaleuil SMS sayoj se uelis kitatekijtis ompa Estados Unidos san. Xa monekis se kiixtauas SMS oso uelis motatekiujtis datos.
777 |
Send Xiktitani
778 |
We’re obsessed with protecting your privacy. That’s why we’ve made Firefox Private Browsing more powerful than the others. Nochipa tiknemilijtinemij keniuj kuali timitsonyekpialiskej tein titechonseliltis. Yejua ika tikchijchiujkej Firefox Private Browsing okachi chikauak uan amo oksekin.
779 |
March Metsti marzo
780 |
Learn more about Firefox Accounts Kampa se okachi uelis momachtis cuentas tein kipia Firefox
781 |
Test beta versions of Firefox for iOS via Apple’s TestFlight program and help make our mobile browser for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch even better. Xikonixejeko versiones Firefox tein beta ika iOS itechkopa programa TestFlight tein kichiuak Apple uan xitechonpaleui tiyektaliskej tonavegador tein se uelis kiuika kampa yeski ika iPhone, iPad uan iPod touch.
782 |
{ -brand-name-monitor } { -brand-name-monitor }
783 |
Congrats! You’re using the latest version of Firefox. ¡Xionyolpaki! Tikontatekiujtijtok okachi yankuik versión Firefox.
784 |
Download Xikontemoui
785 |
Download Firefox <span>for Linux</span> Xikontemoui Firefox <span>tein kualtia Linux</span>
786 |
Firefox is built by a non-profit. That means we can do things that others can’t, like build new products and features without a hidden agenda. We champion your right to privacy with tools like Private Browsing with Tracking Protection, which go beyond what Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge offer. Firefox amo kichijchiujkej porin kinekkej motomintiskej. Nejin kiijtosneki ke uelis tikchiuaskej tensa tein oksekin amo, kemej tikchijchiuaskej yankuikej takilmej uan nepaleuilmej ta amo tikpiaj se toichtakatanejnekilis. Tikpaleuiaj ininmelaujkatanauatiluan nochimej maj kinyekpialikan tein ininaxkan ika manamikmej kemej se uelis kitatekiujtis Internet uan amo se mokuejmolos porin youalitonal tikyekpiaj maj amo tetoktilikan, uan nejin amo kintemaktilijtokej Google Chrome nion Microsoft Edge.
787 |
Systems & Languages Sistemas uan tepostajtolismej
788 |
Firefox is now faster and leaner Axkan Firefox okachi ijsiuik uan ejkaujtik
789 |
{ -brand-name-firefox } is a browser with a conscience. As part of the technology non-profit { -brand-name-mozilla }, we fight for your online rights, keep corporate powers in check and help educate developing countries on healthy Internet practices. So when you choose { -brand-name-firefox }, we’re choosing you, too. { -brand-name-firefox } se navegador tein kipia itanemilil. Tejuan pouij iteposuan { -brand-name-mozilla } tein amo kitemoua motomintis, timochikauaj momelaujkatanauatiluan itech Internet, tiktsinkixtiaj ichikaujkauelilis uejueyitekitiloyamej uan no tikinmachtiaj ueyialtepemej kampa kipanouaj tatasojtilis kemej kitatekiujtiskej Internet tein paktok. Yejua ika, komo tikonixpejpenas { -brand-name-firefox }, no timitsonixpejpenaskej.
790 |
{ -brand-lockwise } { -brand-lockwise }
791 |
Working to keep the internet healthy, open and accessible to all, we teach web literacy, provide tools and advocate on behalf of every individual who values the internet as a global public resource. Titekitij maj Internet pakkayoyeto, tatapotok uan nochin tokniuan uelis kitatekiujtiskej, tiktenextiaj webtaixmatilis, tikmakaj manamikmej uan tikintajtolpaleuiaj sejsemej tokniuan akin kipatiuitaj maj Internet yeski kemej tein uelis kikuiskej semanauak taltikpak.
792 |
Use less memory Kikui amo okachi taelnamikilis
793 |
Discover unlimited potential, endless possibility and a wide open Web. Xikonajsi tionuelis tikonchiuas nochi tein tikonnekis, tachiualismej tein amo keman tamij uan no se ueyi web tein tatapotok.
794 |
MDN Web Docs MDN Web Docs
795 |
Firefox Lockwise Firefox Lockwise
796 |
Only { $count } archives are allowed. Sayoj { $count } tajkuilolmej archivos uelis moajsiskej saj.
797 |
Personal Tein sayoj tejuatsin tikontatekiujtis
798 |
More private Okachiok amo senteixtenoj
799 |
Firefox protects your online privacy and blocks trackers that follow you around the web. Firefox kuali mitsonyekpilia tein tikonseliltis Internetkopa uan amo kikaua maj tekitikan tein mitsontoktiliaj itech web.
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
Web Authentication Otentikasi Web
3 |
Share image Ngbagiang gambar
4 |
Email Rerepél
5 |
autoplay putar otomatis
6 |
Accept the Risk and Continue Tampi Résiko miwah Lanturang
7 |
Advanced… Lanturan…
8 |
corrupted sampun usak
9 |
debug debug
10 |
security keys kunci sekuriti
11 |
Clear Puyung
12 |
Patch Patch
13 |
Save image Raksa gambar
14 |
May Méi
15 |
Accept and edit suggestion Cumpu miwah uah saran
16 |
Jan Jan
17 |
release rilis
18 |
boolean boolean
19 |
Call with… Panggil sareng…
20 |
Turbo Mode Mode Turbo
21 |
Jun Jun
22 |
unresponsive ten responsif
23 |
Aug Agu
24 |
authenticated kaotentikasi
25 |
channel kanal
26 |
Report Gatra
27 |
Menu Menu
28 |
cryptominer panambang kripto
29 |
Other Liyanan
30 |
validate validasi
31 |
File Not Found Berkas Tan Katemu
32 |
Share via Wagiang anggen
33 |
black box kotak selem
34 |
35 |
Switch to tab Gingsirang ka tab
36 |
cryptomining tambang kripto
37 |
Unknown Protocol Protokol Tan Kauningin
38 |
Website Situs web
39 |
revert ngwalikang
40 |
boot boot
41 |
Apr Apr
42 |
gear piranti
43 |
Sorry. %1$s had a problem and crashed. Ampura. %1$s wenten galat lan usak.
44 |
All Hands Makejang
45 |
sign lingga tangan
46 |
Return to previous app Uliang ka aplikasi sadurungnyane
47 |
Name Aran
48 |
Tap to copy the URL for this app Ketuk anggen nyalin URL ring aplikasi niki
49 |
<p>Additional information about this problem or error is currently unavailable.</p> <p>Informasi tambahan indik pikobet puniki utawi galat sané mangkin durung kasedia.</p>
50 |
search suggestion tatimbang rereh
51 |
alternate text téks alternatif
52 |
About Indik
53 |
studies palajahan
54 |
report gatra
55 |
participation partisipasi
56 |
%1$s is requesting your username and password. %1$s ngidih aran sang anganggé miwah sandi Ragané.
57 |
Nov Nov
58 |
Attack Site Situs Serangan
59 |
No camera available on device Ten wénten kaméra ring perangkat
60 |
Not now Ten mangkin
61 |
corrupt usak
62 |
QR scanner QR scanner
63 |
add-on tambahan
64 |
clipboard papan klip
65 |
sidebar kotak sisi
66 |
Search the web Rereh situs
67 |
appear tampil
68 |
Share link Ngbagiang tautan
69 |
sensitive sensitip
70 |
Full screen site controls Kontrol situs layar penuh
71 |
Search settings Rereh piranti
72 |
No thanks Ten, suksma
73 |
attack serang
74 |
<ul> <li>The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.</li> <li>Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Kaca sané ragané coba cingak tan prasida katampilang mawinan kaaslian data sané katerima tan prasida kavérifikasi.</li> <li>Durus hubungin sané ngadruénang situs wéb antuk nganikain indik pikobet puniki.</li> </ul>
75 |
Save file to device Raksa berkas ka piranti
76 |
context Daging
77 |
Secure Connection Failed Konéksi Aman Gagal
78 |
%2$s is requesting your username and password. The site says: “%1$s” %2$s ngidih aran sang anganggé miwah kruna sandi Ragané. Situs nyuratang: “%1$s”
79 |
Add-ons Pengaya
80 |
counterclockwise mawalik jaum jam
81 |
Dec Dés
82 |
cipher kruna sereg
83 |
Choose a color Pilih warna
84 |
The page at %1$s says: Kaca ring %1$s mapikobet:
85 |
Add-ons Manager Manajer Pengaya
86 |
unencrypted ten kaenkripsi
87 |
Voice search Rereh anggen suara
88 |
Feb Péb
89 |
Reload Muat malih
90 |
aggregate agrégat
91 |
Highlighted Kasorot
92 |
Edit Uah
93 |
Download link Unduh tautan
94 |
Go to settings Nuju pangaturan
95 |
No experiments here Tén wénten ékspérimen driki
96 |
<ul> <li>This could be a problem with the server’s configuration, or it could be someone trying to impersonate the server.</li> <li>If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the error may be temporary, and you can try again later.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Puniki minab pikobet sareng setélan peladén, utawi minab wénten sané nyoba nuutin peladén.</li> <li>Pinaka ragané sampun maasil mahubung nuju peladén puniki sadurungné, galat minab abaan nyané ajebos, miwah ragané prasida nyoba malih nyanan.</li> </ul>
97 |
Oct Okt
98 |
Unsafe File Type Soroh Berkas Tan Aman
99 |
Bug report Laporan Bug
100 |
encryption énkripsi
101 |
Continue to HTTP Site Lanturang ka Situs HTTP
102 |
No internet connection Tanpa konéksi internét
103 |
abnormality tan ketah
104 |
attacker panyerang
105 |
idle idle
106 |
end user panganggé
107 |
contribute uah
108 |
Share with… Wagiang sareng…
109 |
encode nganyandi
110 |
misinformation misinformasi
111 |
Update Anyarin
112 |
%d sites %d situs
113 |
contribute ngemang
114 |
<label>Someone could be trying to impersonate the site and you should not continue.</label> <br><br> <label>Websites prove their identity via certificates. %1$s does not trust <b>%2$s</b> because its certificate issuer is unknown, the certificate is self-signed, or the server is not sending the correct intermediate certificates.</label> <label>Minab wénten sané nyoba nyamar dados situs miwah ragané tan dados ngalanturang.</label> <br><br> <label>Situs wéb ngabuktiyang identitas dané saking sértifikat. %1$s tan kaparcaya <b>%2$s</b> krana pawedar sértifikat nyané nénten kauningin, sértifikat katanda tanganin ngaraga, utawi peladén nénten ngirimang sértifikat parantara sané patut.</label>
115 |
Add to contact Tambah ka kontak
116 |
signer palingga tangan
117 |
Access to the file was denied Aksés nuju berkas tan kalugra
118 |
119 |
installation instalasi
120 |
Cannot Complete Request Pinunas Ragané Ten Prasida Puput
121 |
Site notifications Pakeling situs
122 |
appearance tampilan
123 |
Dismiss Tutup
124 |
Loading Jantosang dumun
125 |
clockwise pateh sareng jaum jam
126 |
encrypt ngaénkripsi
127 |
version versi
128 |
Set Sét
129 |
certificate authority sertifikasi otoritas
130 |
Save Raksa
131 |
Sep Sép
132 |
Share Bagiang
133 |
Show all Cingak makejang
134 |
Search %s Rereh %s
135 |
home page kaca utama
136 |
unsafe ten aman
137 |
decode ngwacén sandi
138 |
%1$d selected %1$d kapilih
139 |
L10n L10n
140 |
validity validitas
141 |
extension éksténsi
142 |
disinformation disinformasi
143 |
innovations inovasi
144 |
Go Back (Recommended) Mawali (Kanikayang)
145 |
Private browsing session Sesi parerehan pribadi
146 |
Try Again Coba malih
147 |
View options Cingak opsi
148 |
Add new collection Nambah koleksi anyar
149 |
Refresh Segerang
150 |
attendee pamilet
151 |
native lokal
152 |
Email with… Rerepél sareng…
153 |
Mar Mar
154 |
Search Rereh
155 |
Never save Ten karaksa
156 |
URL copied. URL kasalin.
157 |
authenticate otentikasi
158 |
Jul Jul
159 |
Tabs Tab
160 |
Scan Scan
161 |
decryption dékripsi
162 |
Fellow Semeton
163 |
alternate text téks alternatif
164 |
attacker panyerang
165 |
Attack Site Situs Serangan
166 |
Bug report Laporan Bug
167 |
context Daging
168 |
version versi
169 |
validity validitas
170 |
attack serang
171 |
autoplay putar otomatis
172 |
corrupt usak
173 |
corrupt usak
174 |
corrupted sampun usak
175 |
attendee pamilet
176 |
disinformation disinformasi
177 |
installation instalasi
178 |
certificate authority sertifikasi otoritas
179 |
cipher kruna sereg
180 |
clipboard papan klip
181 |
sign lingga tangan
182 |
signer palingga tangan
183 |
add-on tambahan
184 |
authenticate otentikasi
185 |
authenticated kaotentikasi
186 |
debug debug
187 |
home page kaca utama
188 |
189 |
sidebar kotak sisi
190 |
Web Authentication Otentikasi Web
191 |
validate validasi
192 |
unencrypted ten kaenkripsi
193 |
unresponsive ten responsif
194 |
unsafe ten aman
195 |
sensitive sensitip
196 |
report gatra
197 |
report gatra
198 |
release rilis
199 |
misinformation misinformasi
200 |
search suggestion tatimbang rereh
201 |
extension éksténsi
202 |
studies palajahan
203 |
innovations inovasi
204 |
encryption énkripsi
205 |
cryptomining tambang kripto
206 |
cryptominer panambang kripto
207 |
decode ngwacén sandi
208 |
decryption dékripsi
209 |
encode nganyandi
210 |
encrypt ngaénkripsi
211 |
end user panganggé
212 |
native lokal
213 |
revert ngwalikang
214 |
security keys kunci sekuriti
@@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
track Litoo-njañ
3 |
Progress Ntel u bôlô
4 |
Help create Common Voice’s first target segment in { $locale } Hola i sañge ndak suñ i Common Voice i bisu, i { $locale }
5 |
Ubykh Ubik
6 |
Great!<recordIcon></recordIcon> Record your next clip Jéé! <recordIcon></recordIcon> Odol hikékét hyoñ hi kiñ hi nnoñ
7 |
During contribution submission feedback will be skipped after clicking 'Submit'. Contribution will continue directly with the next set of 5 recordings or validations. Iñgéda lisul njañgi yoñ, ibale u nwot i "Sule" wee unhim liti ndoñ. Njañgi i ñke ni bisu, ba gaéba we mintôñ mi bibuk mintan mi nnoñ, tole minsañgge mi makiñ matan u nlama nneebe tole tjél.
8 |
Finish recording Mélés liodol
9 |
Tap Hihe
10 |
Name Jôl
11 |
Log in or sign up to get started Jôp tole tila jôl inyu ibôdôl
12 |
Recreate Voicewave Tiimba sék mbebi-kiñ
13 |
Daily Goal Likal li kel
14 |
sign Kumsoñ
15 |
By using Common Voice, you agree to our <termsLink>Terms</termsLink> and <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink> Intel u ñgéda u ntep le u mbôñôl Common Voice, wee u mbôn le u nneebe <termsLink>Mayegna</termsLink> ni <privacyLink>Libam li Matédés</privacyLink>
16 |
Female Muda
17 |
We calculate hours by estimating the average length of each recording, and then multiplying that number by the total number of recordings across all languages. Inyu ôt mintel mi mañgeñ, si mbôk di ôt hihéga hi ntel u hiki kéket i kiñ, imbus bi bulus unu ntel ni nsoñgi u dikékét di makiñ tjodisô ma lôlak ni mahop momasô i Common Voice.
18 |
Your weekly goal has been created Likak joñ li sondi li mbôga
19 |
Leaving now means you'll lose your progress Ibale u nyodi hanano, u nnimis libim li ntel woñ u bôlô
20 |
The count of voice recording hours we have collected so far. Nsoñgi u mañgeñ ma makiñ ma di makôle ibol hana i ñgéda ini.
21 |
Sign up for Common Voice newsletters, goal reminders and progress updates Tila jôl inyu ikôhna manwin ma Common Voice, mbigda iyônôs ndak bôlô, ni yôha ni kel mañgan ma mahol ma nson
22 |
Help teach machines how real people speak, donate your voice at { $link } Hôla bikey le bila nigil kiki bôt ba binam ba mpot i ntiik u lipodok, pôôs kiñ yon yak { $link }
23 |
User Name Ñgédi
24 |
Goal reached Ndak i nyon.
25 |
The recording was too quiet. Liodol joñ li nlôôha nôôga i si.
26 |
filter bubble Baene
27 |
Hakha Chin Hakka Chinia
28 |
Overall Accuracy Makégél-i-hyés momasô
29 |
We will be in touch with more information about how to add your language to Common Voice very soon. Ndék ñgéda di koode we ibale mañwin mape ma yé ikolbaha ni lela u nla jubus hop woñ i Common Voice.
30 |
31 |
Different language Hop mpe
32 |
Help us validate voices Hôla bés i nneebe le kiñ i héli.
33 |
Luganda Luganda
34 |
Other voice datasets… Mayaa ma makiñ ma mahop mape...
35 |
You've successfully signed up for contributing to { $language }. Thank you. Hanano u yé ntilbaga. U nla sañge ni hop { $language }. Di nti we mayéga.
36 |
<b>You agree</b> to not attempt to determine the identity of speakers in the Common Voice dataset <b>U nneebe</b> le u gayeñ bé iyi môl ma ibôt makiñ map mayé i mayaa ma Common Voice e ?
37 |
Common Voice data plus all other voice datasets above. Minje mi Common Voice ntôñ ni mayaa ma makiñ mape mu i ñgii.
38 |
boot Lipôs
39 |
To make the Common Voice dataset as useful as possible we have decided to only allow source text that is available under a Creative Commons (CC0) license. Using the CC0 standard means its more difficult to find and collect source text, but allows anyone to use the resulting voice data without usage restrictions or authorization from Mozilla. Ultimately, we want to make the multi-language dataset as useful as possible to everyone, including researchers, universities, startups, governments, social purpose organizations, and hobbyists. Inyu boñ le mayaa ma minje ma Common Voice ba ba nseñ inya i mbôk i sôk, di bikit le ndigi ibitilna bi lipigil jap li yé i si bitédél bi Creative Commons (CC0) gwon di nla nneebe. Libôñôl matiñ ma CC0 li ñkobla le iléba basadaga ba bitilna li nlet, ndi hala a nnés njel le to njee a nla bôñôl makiñ ma mpémél mu iba bé le jam li kéñ mut ndi to le a bat kunde yak Mozilla. Suk yéñe wés a yé le mayaa ma nlôl i mbuu-mahop ba bana mbôô limut yosô nseñ u mbôk u sôk, to ibale bana bôt ba yé batoñ-yi, mabôñ ma bisuglu, bipapama bi muu ma nson, dikuu di ane, dikuu di nsal nson u Mbog, ni balôhbe-mam.
40 |
We will review your request to remove your voice recordings from the dataset. If your request is approved, we will contact those who have downloaded the dataset and request they remove your voice recordings as well. Di gasie njômbi yoñ inyu ikolbaha ni isas miñodlana ñwoñ mi makiñ ikédé liyaa. Ibale njômbi yoñ i nneebana, di gabas ibet ba ba ñkedek liyaa li ni bat bo le ba sas kiñ yoñ nyoo i boni.
41 |
Collecting sentences from the public domain, or writing new ones for the public domain. Likôhle mintôñ mi bibuk i basadaga ba mapigil, tole lijubus mintôñ mi mondo i sadaga mapigil.
42 |
Slovak Slovakia
43 |
Days Dilo ditan
44 |
Speech-to-text (STT) technologies convert voice data into text. Mekeñge ma Hop-u-Yilga-Matila (HYM) ma nhyelel hop matila.
45 |
Welcome to Common Voice Malo malam i Common Voice
46 |
Lithuanian Lituania
47 |
By providing some information about yourself, the audio data you submit to Common Voice will be more useful to Speech Recognition engines that use this data to improve their accuracy. Hiki ñgéda u gayelel yimbne yada i libak joñ, u gahôla le, mayaa ma makiñ u nsañge i Common Voice ma kônde bana mahee inyu lihôlôs minyum mi lisolol makiñ, mi mi mbôñôl mana mayaa inyu ndip i lisoolak li makiñ.
48 |
{ $count }y { $count }nwii
49 |
Contact Form Lipep li ñgoode
50 |
release Lipama
51 |
appear Mabémbe
52 |
Czech Tjekia
53 |
Nepali Nepalia
54 |
Add Your Voice Nôbe kiñ yoñ
55 |
Syriac Syriaka
56 |
What's Public? Kinje i mpam i mbamba ?
57 |
Speak Pot
58 |
We’re building an open source, multi-language dataset of voices that anyone can use to train speech-enabled applications. Di nhôlôs sadaga mayaa ma makiñ ni mbuu i mahop, ka i yé le to nje a nla kek bibañ bi nsolol li linigle makiñ.
59 |
All Gwobisô
60 |
Mozilla is dedicated to keeping the web open and accessible for everyone. To do that we need to empower web creators through projects like Common Voice. As voice technologies proliferate beyond niche applications, we believe they must serve all users equally. That means investing in more languages and accommodating diverse accents and demographics when building and testing voice technologies. Common Voice is a public resource available to everyone and Mozilla teams and developers around the world are already using it on our own projects as well. Mozilla a tiñi ni ndun le web i nnahap ni kunde inyu himut. Hala a nla ndigi yon ibale di nti bahôlôs web maap ni njel i gwum bi minson kiki bo Common Voice. Kiki makeñge ma makiñ ma ntôl tôa ilel lipigil jap li likeñge, hala nyen di nsép le ma ba bôt bobasô nseñ i minlélém mi manjel. Hala a nla ndigi yon ibale di nwo gut i sañge jôga li mahop kiki ka ñgéda mapôdôl map, ni bikéndi gwap, hindéé di mbônde to ihôlôs makenge ma lisolol makiñ. Common Voice ayé jéjél i mbamba, i i néhi inyu mut nyensô, ka iyé le bagwel-nson ba Mozilla, ni bahôlôs makeñge bape ni ñkoñ hisi, ba so gwélél yo inyu gwum gwés bésbomede.
61 |
On Kwiye
62 |
Sakha Sakha
63 |
Get Involved Yoñ ñgaba
64 |
Delete Profile Sas Liyimbne
65 |
Difficult to pronounce Lipahal bibuk li nlet
66 |
Profile information improves the audio data used in training speech recognition accuracy. Biyimbne gwoñ u nti, binhôla i kônde mahoñ i mayaa ma makiñ u nsañge, ka iyé le hala a nhôñôs likenge li lisolol ni linigle makiñ.
67 |
Dashboard Kumba
68 |
Total Ñwominsô
69 |
Great work!<playIcon></playIcon> Listen again when you're ready Yoñ me ntuk!<playIcon></playIcon> Tiimba emble ingéda u gaba mbômhaga.
70 |
Having a profile is not required to contribute though it is helpful, see why below. Likañ li tabé le mut a bana liyimbne ñwaa a nsañge kiñ yé, to ibale hala a yé nseñ, béñge hana i si inyu nigil inyu ki.
71 |
Dhivehi Divehia
72 |
Size Pôk
73 |
Ready to contribute? Di bôdlak njañgi ?
74 |
Sorbian, Upper Sorbia i Ño Mbok
75 |
Romanian Rumania
76 |
Date Kel
77 |
appearance Bitéé
78 |
Cancel Re-recording Bôk ndiimba-odol
79 |
Bashkir Bachikiria
80 |
Thai Thai
81 |
Keep Me ñwahak
82 |
We couldn’t find that page for you Lipep u ntoñ di nla bé léba jo
83 |
Telugu Telugu
84 |
Set a goal Sañ likak
85 |
Clip Graveyard Soñ i Dikékét di Makiñ
86 |
Awards Bibom
87 |
Help us get to { $goal } Hôla bés le di yônôs { $goal }
88 |
Languages Mahop
89 |
corrupted ñôbak
90 |
Common Voice is part of Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. In addition to the Common Voice dataset, we’re also building an open source speech recognition engine called Deep Speech. Common a yé yum i nson yada i Mozilla ii nhôla i niiga bikey lela bôt ba binam ba mpôt yôha. Ha ndigi mayaa ma makiñ ma Common Voice bé, ndi ndun i yé ki bés i pémés mbamba-nyum u lisoolene li makiñ di nsébél le Deep Speech.
91 |
Ukrainian Ukrainia
92 |
security keys koodene-matédés
93 |
Top Contributors Babôk bisu i kédé basañge
94 |
Other Language Hop mpe
95 |
Votic Votik
96 |
97 |
Moksha Moksa
98 |
See More Kônde tehe bipe
99 |
Help Mahôla
100 |
You’re contributing to our first target segment When u yé mut bisu i sañge ndak suñ yés i bisu
101 |
Language Request Lilegle ñgim hop
102 |
<bold>{ $count }</bold> Clips Dikékét di makiñ
103 |
Email is already used for a different account Mut numpe a mbôñôl ini mél i liboñ lipe
104 |
revert Liboñol
105 |
decryption Litimbis-yômi
106 |
Thanks to contributions from over 259k people in over 50 languages, this data is being used to train speech-enabled applications to better respond to the human voice. Ni ñgôô i 250 ma dikôô ni 09 ma basañge makiñ ba lôlak ilel 50 ma biloñ, mini minje mi so bôñla inyu liniiga bibañ bi biñgwel likeñge li makiñ lelaa bi nla tibil solol ni nigle makiñ ma bôt ba binam.
107 |
Help Common Voice reach { $hours } hours in a language with a personal goal Hôla Common Voice le a yônôsñgeñ { $hours }i ñgim hop ikolbaha ni makak ma ñgim mut
108 |
Yes, send me emails. I'd like to stay informed about the progress of this language on Common Voice. nn, ni nla om me bimél inyu iyis me kiki mahol ma yum i nson u hop u basaa ma ñke i Common Voice
109 |
The Common Voice dataset complements Mozilla’s open source voice recognition engine Deep Speech. The first version of Deep Speech was released in November 2017 and has continued to evolve ever since. Together with the Common Voice dataset, we believe this open source voice recognition technology should be available to everybody. It’s our hope these technologies will enable developers to build a wave of innovative products and services. Mayaa ma makiñ ma Common Voice ma njéhne sadaga nyum u lisolol makiñ u Mozilla le Deep Speech. Lipamak li bisu li Deep Speeh li bé i sôñ maye-sép i nwii 2017 ; ibôdôl yokel mahol mé ma ñke nii bisu. Di nsép le Mayaa ma makiñ ntôn ni sadaga likeñge li isolol makiñ bi tiba mbôô limut. Bot yés i ñem i yé le makeñge mana ma gahôla bahôlôs makeñge le ba pémés mbuu i matam ni i minsélél.
110 |
Partners Bijô bi Yum
111 |
[1-5] [1 -5]
112 |
Grammatical / spelling error Dihôha di matila / di ñgobol hop
113 |
Weekly Goal Likal li sondi
114 |
Don't see your language on Common Voice yet? Hop woñ u nnene bé i Common Voice e ?
115 |
*required *Mahihna
116 |
s b
117 |
Localization Mawas ma ntjep
118 |
We will be in touch with more information as it becomes available. Di gaom we nwin ibale ñkén jam a yé.
119 |
Content available under a <licenseLink>Creative Commons license</licenseLink> Bini bitilna bi ntjéma isi bitédél bi <licenseLink>Licence Creative Commons</licenseLink>
120 |
Goals Makak
121 |
The Common Voice Dataset contains hundreds of thousands of voice samples that help developers build voice recognition tools. Mayaa ma makiñ ma Common Voice ma gwéé didun-ndi-didun di dihéga di makiñ, di nhôla bahôlôs makeñge le ba hôlôs bikey bi nsolol ni linigle makiñ.
122 |
override Liyiha
123 |
Leaving now means you’ll lose your changes Ibale unyodi hanano, u yi le u ganimis minjuble ñwoñ.
124 |
Download Dataset Bundle Ket njak i mayaa ma minje
125 |
Read More Kônde añ
126 |
What is Common Voice? Ki i yé Common Voice?
127 |
The count of voice recording hours that have been validated by 2 out of 3 users with a vote of “Yes”. These mark progress toward the overall project 10k hours goal. Nsoñgi u mañgeñ ma makiñ ma di makôhle, ma yé le bôt 2 isi bôt 3 ba nneebe, ba kwet mo le "Nn". Hala a ñéba libim li bôlô li maséla ikolbaha ni likak jés li 10 li dikôô li mañgeñ.
128 |
Having an account is not required to contribute, though it is helpful. Likañ bé le mut a bana libôñ ndi a sañge kiñ yé, to ibale hala a yé nseñ.
129 |
disinformation Biyuma bi mañwin
130 |
We believe that large, publicly available voice datasets will foster innovation and healthy commercial competition in machine-learning based speech technology. Common Voice’s multi-language dataset is already the largest publicly available voice dataset of its kind, but it’s not the only one. Look to this page as a reference hub for other open source voice datasets and, as Common Voice continues to grow, a home for our release updates. Mahoñol més ma yé le basoso ba mayaa ma makiñ ba ba ntiba sadaga, ba nla hôla le pémsan i ndaaba i hôlôs makeñge ma makiñ i ba bañ nyugna-nyugna. Common Voice ni mbuu yé i mayaa ma minje nyen a yé lôôha-bikeñi toga i mayaa ikédé bitoga gwobisô.
131 |
Welcome { $company } staff! Malo malam a bagwel-nson ba { $company }
132 |
Privacy Matédél
133 |
Review & Submit Sie ndi wa sule
134 |
Kaqchikel Kaqchikelia
135 |
Great! How many clips a week? Ntuk! Dikékét di makiñ tjañen i ngim sondi ?
136 |
Korean Koréa
137 |
Central Kurdish Kurdisia i Ñem Mbok
138 |
Malagasy Malagasia
139 |
Review Sie
140 |
Upload aborted. Do you want to delete your recordings? Nyôha i nyôha bé. Ba u nsômbôl sas kiñ yoñ u ñôde?
141 |
Why is my language not included yet? Inyu ki hop wem u njôbôk bé munu ?
142 |
Most of the data used by large companies isn’t available to the majority of people. We think that stifles innovation. So we’ve launched Project Common Voice, a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Jôga li mayaa ma makiñ ma mbom i mandap ma likégés makeñge ni nkus ma mbôñôl, ma néhi bé le to nje a nla bôñôl mo. I tehe wés, hala a nhôhôs mahol ma yi. Inyu hala nyen di bibônde Common Voice, nu a yé juu li nson li nhôla le likeñge li isolol ni linigle makiñ, to nje a la gwélél jo.
143 |
{ $totalHours } hours is achievable in just over { $periodMonths } months if { $people } people record { $clipsPerDay } clips a day. ñgeñ { $totalHours }i nla yon ibol ngimsôn { $periodMonths }i nla yon ibol ngimsôn { $periodMonths }i nla yon ibol ngimsôñ { $periodMonths }i nla yon ibol ngim
144 |
We’re experiencing unexpected downtime Papama i jam i ñkéñ bés le jumbul jés li kôble ha bé ndugi
145 |
unencrypted Ngijôp likañ
146 |
Kurmanji Kurdish Kurdia i Kurmanjia
147 |
Search for answers Yeñ madimbhe
148 |
Thank you for your interest in contributing to { $lang }. We work hard to get every language ready for launch and keep the teams updated via email. If you want to contribute, please provide your email below. Di nti we mayéga inyu ndun u nyoñ inyu isañge kiñ yoñ ni hop u { $lang }. Nduña yés iyé le hiki hop u ba ñḱóobaga inyu lisañge makiñ; di gatilna bij́o bi ini yum i bôlô mél. Ibale u yé le u gwés sañge kiň yoň, tila njañ i mél yoň hana i si.
149 |
sensitive matadga
150 |
Keep it up, record again <recordIcon></recordIcon> Lédés, tiimba odol<recordIcon></recordIcon>
151 |
On iOS please continue with Safari to enable recording… I iOS bibañ, yoñ ñgéda le u bôñôl nyum u bihônd le Safari inyu ila odol
152 |
attack Leleña
153 |
Record/Stop Yoñ/téé
154 |
Back ni mbus
155 |
Track progress here and on your stats page. Hes mahol ma bôlô yoñ hana ntôñ ni lipep li pôk-ñañga yoñ.
156 |
License: <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink> Matédél : <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink>
157 |
What kind of goal do you want to build? Umbe ntén u likak u yé le u gwés sañ ?
158 |
Submit a report Sule ndoñ u ntoo
159 |
Artificial intelligence Nsim u Yi
160 |
When will you release Common Voice data in other languages? Keeki u gatjam mayaa ma Common Voice ni mahop mape ?
161 |
In Progress Lôm i nlôm
162 |
Why is 10,000 validated hours the per language goal for capturing audio? Ba likañ li yé ndigi le nsoñgi u makiñ ma nneebana u kola 10,000 li ñgeñ inyu iyônôs njômbi i basolol makiñ e ?
163 |
back out Lihék i papañ
164 |
Sicilian Sisilia
165 |
Don’t see your language reflected in the Dataset? To request a language head over to our Languages page. Hop woñ u njôbôk bé i Mayaa e ? Ibale u ñgwés jubus hop woñ, leñ jis i kumba wés lipep.
166 |
Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web. Read a sentence to help machines learn how real people speak. Check the work of other contributors to improve the quality. It’s that simple! I bitéé bi lôñ, u nla sañge kiñ yoñ inyu hôla lioñ sadaga toga i makiñ, nu himut a nla bôñôl, ni ôô bihélha bi bibañ bi ñkiha ni nya-ndi-nya i bikey, to ni web. Añ nlôñ u bitilna inyu hôla bikey le binigil lela bôt ba binam ba mpot i ntiik u lipodok. Emble makiñ ma bôt bape ba mbôk ba sañge, ika iyé le nson u héba mahoñ. Hala a nlôô yaga bé let pak!
167 |
Basaa Basaa
168 |
r s
169 |
Voice is natural, voice is human. That’s why we’re fascinated with creating usable voice technology for our machines. But to create voice systems, an extremely large amount of voice data is required. Kiñ iyé kom-ligwéé, kiñ i yé bôk-ni-nyu. Inyu hala nyen lôôha yéñe a yé bés i hôlôs makeñge inya i yé le bikey gwés bilak nigle to solol makiñ. Ndi inyu boñ le di laa hôlôs mana makeñge, i mbéda didun ndi didun di makiñ.
170 |
Learn More Kônde añ bitilna
171 |
I agree Me nneebe
172 |
Punjabi Punjabia
173 |
174 |
Download Common Voice Data Ket minje mi Common Voice
175 |
Greek Grekia
176 |
Review & re-record clips here as you go Sie imbus u tiimba odol dikékét di makiñ hana njénjéba
177 |
This is open source software which can be freely remixed, extended, and improved. Mycroft may be used in anything from a science project to an enterprise software application. Ini i yé sadaga hikôm a yé le, to nje a nla tiimba hyelel hyo ijé lihyelhak, tole a nnôbe ijé linôbge, tole a hôlôs ijé lihôlhak. Mycroft a nla bôñla iñgadak i manjel, ibôdôl i yum i nson ike pam i mandap ma bahôlôs dikôm di bibañ.
178 |
Abkhaz Abkasia
179 |
Common Voice Dataset Mayaa ma Makiñ ma Common Voice
180 |
What’s inside the Common Voice dataset? Ki i yé i kédé Liyaa li makiñ li Common Voice ?
181 |
Assamese Assamesia
182 |
Return to Languages Témb i mahop
183 |
What level of audio quality is required for a voice clip to be used in the dataset? Umbe ntén u bilama hikékét hi kiñ hi hi nyôña hi nlama bana inyu boñ le i jôp ikédé mayaa ?
184 |
185 |
These languages are currently under community development. The progress bars indicate how far each language is in the process of <localizationGlossaryLink>website localization</localizationGlossaryLink> and <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>sentence collection</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>. Mana mahop ma yé i si mahôlôs ba bet-hop i ñgeñ ini di téé. Kiki bôlô i nséla, hala nyen ntendee u ñéba inya libim li ntel <localizationGlossaryLink>mawas ma ntjep ma njumbul li web</localizationGlossaryLink> li hiki hop ma gwéé, nlélém ni <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>likot mintôn mi bibuk</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>.
186 |
Manage Subscriptions Libok biyuyut
187 |
compact - recommend deprioritize Yilha hikômbkômb
188 |
certificate authority Mbok-mbôgi
189 |
{ $hours } validated hours so far! { $hours } ñgeñ i makiñ i maneebana ibol hana kiki di téé.
190 |
I just created a personal goal for voice donation to #CommonVoice -- join me and help teach machines how real people speak { $link } Mentip bok likak inyu yem ikolbaha ni njañgi makin i #CommonVoice -- bôk bés i hôla liniiga bikey lela bôt ba binam ba mpot i ntiik lipôdôl { $link }
191 |
Web Authentication Miñkémhene mi Web
192 |
Let's Get Started Di bôdlak
193 |
Native Language Hop u libéé
194 |
It is written in a language different than what I’m speaking. Bitilna bi ntilba ni hop mpe ndi he u me mpot bé
195 |
Avatar Liñgeliñge i binjéjé
196 |
Contribute Sañge
197 |
Want to help make Common Voice even better? Great! Get in touch via email or <discourseLink>Discourse</discourseLink> forums, submit site issues via <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink>, or join the <matrixLink>Matrix</matrixLink> community chat. U yé le u gwés le Common Voice a kônde hôlôl e ? Loñge i jam ! Tilna ni bés ni njel mél tole i yuyut in <discourseLink>Ñkwel</discourseLink>, yis bés ni njel <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink> imam ma ntééñga ikédé jumbul jés, tole lo koba bijô bi yuyut i ñkwel le <matrixLink>Matrix</matrixLink>.
198 |
{ $actionType }<playIcon></playIcon> did they accurately speak the sentence? { $actionType }<playIcon></playIcon> ba ñañ a ñan ntôn u bibuk loñge ?
199 |
import Lilegle
200 |
We are building an open and publicly available dataset of voices that everyone can use to train speech-enabled applications. Ndi nhôlôs sadaga mayaa ma makiñ ni ti me le to nje a nla bôñôl mo i niiga bikey lisolol to linigle makiñ.
201 |
Finish recording first? U nsômbôl ndugi mélés liodol e ?
202 |
Cornish Kornisia
203 |
Go to { $name } Lela i { $name }
204 |
{ $actionType }<stopIcon></stopIcon> when done { $actionType }<stopIcon></stopIcon> Indéé u mmal
205 |
I'd like to receive emails such as goal reminders, my progress updates and newsletters about Common Voice. Me yé le me bana ngôñ i kôhna bimél bi mbigda me makak ma nson, mahol ma nson ni manwin ikolbaha ni Common Voice.
206 |
Profile Mayimbne
207 |
distrust Linimis bôdôl
208 |
participation Liyoñ ñgaba
209 |
validity baneebaga
210 |
No gravatar found for your email Gravatar i nlébna bé inyu mél yoñ
211 |
This is approximately the number of hours required to train a production speech-to-text system. Ññ, hala a yé bebee le libim li ñgeñ li mbéda iyu iniiga minyum mi nhyelel makiñ matila.
212 |
What’s the difference between Common Voice and Deep Speech? Kii i nsélha Common Voice bona Deep Speech ?
213 |
encrypt Liyilis-likañ
214 |
No To
215 |
Download My Data Ket minje ñwem
216 |
To make it into the Common Voice dataset, a voice clip must be validated by two separate users. Inyu boñ le kiñ i jôp ikédé mayaa ma Common Voice, baemble iba ba nlama nneebe yo.
217 |
Contribute Your Voice Sañge kiñ yoñ
218 |
Get Started with Speech Recognition Nyuge môñgô i lom ni likeñge li isolol to linigle makiñ
219 |
Gender Muda tole mulôm ?
220 |
Why ? Inyu ki ?
221 |
Get started with goals Bôdôl yônôs ndak yoñ
222 |
The sentence has disrespectful or offensive language. I ntôñ u bibuk unu, u yé diyana tole nyumbi.
223 |
Continue Kee ni bisu
224 |
Tatar Tatar
225 |
Recorded Clips Miñodlak mi dikékét di makiñ
226 |
This is a use case driven segment containing data to power spoken digit recognition and yes / no detection. Ini i yé ndémbél i suñ i gwéé minje mi nhuñge bañ i nsolol ñañga u pok-iba-iaa ni nn / to.
227 |
Drag and drop or <browseWrap>Browse</browseWrap> Yambal u yumbe tole <browseWrap>Hôndôk</browseWrap>
228 |
Splits Mimbaglak
229 |
idle nliibege
230 |
Breton Bretonia
231 |
Hungarian Hongaria
232 |
Keep the recordings Kee bisu ni liôde
233 |
Contribution Activity Minleña i ñjangi
234 |
Ready to do { $count } more? U ngikôndge { $bitan } bipe ?
235 |
corrupt ôbôs
236 |
Acehnese Acehnesia
237 |
Occitan Oksitania
238 |
Report was passed successfully Ndoñ u ntoñ di nléés yo gwégwéé
239 |
Russian Russia
240 |
See Less Tehe ndék
241 |
Danish Danisia
242 |
clipboard Linôyôy
243 |
Cancel Submission Bôk lisule
244 |
Do you want to Speak, Listen or both? U nsômbôl pot, emble, tole gwobiba ?
245 |
Attack Site Leleña i jumbul
246 |
Turbo Mode I ka Turbo
247 |
Sentence Collection Likôhle mintôñ mi bibuk
248 |
Difficult Nléda
249 |
installation Liôm-siñ
250 |
Personal dashboards keep you up-to-date with individual and community progress. Kumba yoñ-yoñ i nnunda we i bitéé bi lôñ ntel u mahol ma minson mi bot bape tole mi matén ma bot mape.
251 |
Want to change your voice clip? U gwéé ñgôñ i héñha kiñ yoñ e ?
252 |
Contribute to { $lang } Sañge inyu hop { $lang }
253 |
Ready to donate your voice? Ba u yé ñkôôbaga hanano i sañge kiñ yoñ e ?
254 |
Is my account information public? Ba bitilna bi libôñ jem bi mpam i mbamba ?
255 |
Afrikaans Afrikaans
256 |
Most speech databases are trained with an overrepresentation of certain demographics which results in a bias towards <articleLink>male and middle class</articleLink>. Accents and dialects that tend to be under-represented in training data sets are typically associated with groups of people who are already marginalised. Many machines also struggle to understand female voices. This is why in our voice database we want variety! Ikédé jôga li bitoga bi mayaa ma makiñ di mbéna ndigi koba le ñgim i mintén mi mapôdôl mi ñgim i nya i bôt ñwon mi ntôl mu kiki bo <articleLink>bôlôm ni bôt ba bigwel moo</articleLink. Bisoolene bi makiñ bi nhôlhana ni unu ntén njel bi mbéna ndigi la solol ni nigle makiñ ma inyaa bôt ba mbôñôl nya yap i makiñ. Inya i makiñ i nt́ôl bé nene i mayaa ma makiñ ba ñgwélél inyu ihôlôs lisolol makiñ, iyé ma diyende di bôt tole diyende di maloñ. Ndun i yé le makeñge inyu liniiga bikey lisolol ni linigle makiñ ma bôñlak yak makiñ ma bôda. Inyu hala nyen ndôlôk i makiñ i yé nseñ ngandak munu iyés toga i mayaa.
257 |
Speaking Hop
258 |
Swedish Swidland
259 |
report too ndoñ
260 |
Why is Common Voice part of the Mozilla mission? Inyu kii Common Voice ayé nson wada ikéde minson mi Mozilla ?
261 |
Enter Email to Download Tila njañ i mél yoñ ndi u gaket minje
262 |
encode Linond
263 |
Log Out Pam
264 |
compact Hikômbkômb
265 |
Tagalog Tagalog
266 |
You can choose to make your username public or anonymous. Unla tep i pémés ñgédi yoñ i mbamba, tole u nwas yo nsolbe.
267 |
We at Mozilla are building a community around voice technology. We would like to stay in touch with updates, new data sources and to hear more about how you're using this data. Ikede jut li bôlô le Mozilla, di ñkot bôt inyu lihôlôs minsélél mi mapôdôl. Di yé le di gwés kônde ba libaba ni we, ka i ye le u lak yis bés ibale manjel ma yondo ma libulus njañgi makiñ, ma nnene, ni inyu iyi lelaa u ñgwélél mayaa ma makiñ ma nsaňgna.
268 |
Comment Péé jam
269 |
Log In / Sign Up with { $company } email Jôp / Tila jôl ni mél i { $company }
270 |
Create a Custom Goal Bok likak li ñkôm-kel
271 |
Recording voice clips is an integral part of building our open dataset; some would say it's the fun part too. Lisañge makiñ liyé hipa hyada ikédé dipa dipe di ñgwélél inyu ligwo mayaa ma minje, mabak kunde le to nje a nla bônôl: bebek uyé le u hoñol kikii ñgandak ibot ipe i nhoñol le, inya nson i, iyé minyaô.
272 |
You are prepared to initiate a download of <b>{ $size }</b> Ba mbômhaga i ket minje mi pôk yap i yé<b>{ $size }</b>
273 |
grassroots Lipigil
274 |
Offensive speech Hop u nyumbi
275 |
Hours Validated Nsoñgi u mañgeñ ma mineebege mi makiñ
276 |
Age Bimañ
277 |
Great! How many clips per day? Ntuk! Dikékét di makiñ tjañeñ i ngim kel ?
278 |
Sorbian, Lower Sorbia i Kéndi Mbok
279 |
The TED-LIUM corpus was made from audio talks and their transcriptions available on the TED website. TED-LIUM Liñgund a bi bôda ni miñañ mi nyo mi mi bi kwéda ni matila gwobisô bibak ntéédaga i Jumbul li TED.
280 |
Looks like there aren't any clips to listen to in this language. Help us fill the queue by recording some now. I nnene u yik we makiñ ma nsot inyu liemble munu unu hôp. Soho hôla bés le dikônde nôbe ndék i makiñ munu.
281 |
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. Imbéna le, iñgéda mut a ñañ matila i gim lipep ndi a béñgege ki libôñglak li lini lipep, a ntek bé añ nhyômôk.
282 |
abnormality Yubda-jam
283 |
version Bitéé mi lipémhak
284 |
Voices Online Now Makiñ ma mayé i mpee, hanano
285 |
Our source text is made up of original contributor donations as well as dialogue from public domain movie scripts like <italic>It’s a Wonderful Life</italic>. You can view our source sentences in this <githubLink>GitHub folder</githubLink>. Minje ñwés mi makiñ mi nlôl ni likôlge basañge ba ñkôle makiñ, mi lôlak ki i miñkwel di nla koba ikédé mintilga mi bisilma miyii sadaga i bôñôl, kikii bo<italic>Kinje Niñ Ilam</italic>. U yé le u leñ jis i lipigil jés li minje mi mintôñ mi bibuk munu hini <githubLink>GitHub hibobot</githubLink>.
286 |
Mycroft is the world’s first open source assistant. Mycroft runs anywhere - on a desktop computer, inside an automobile, or on a Raspberry Pi. Mycrosoft a yé ñgama sadaga i nlel yosô. Mycrosoft a mbôñla to hee - kinyi-nkuu, ikédé matôa, tole i Raspberry Pi.
287 |
<b>Why an email?</b> We may need to contact you in the future about changes to the dataset, an email provides us a point of contact. Inyu kii di mbédél <b>njañ yoñ mél ?</b> Inyule di yé le di bana ñǵoñ i tilna we ibale mahéñha ma mba i mayaa ma minje.
288 |
eavesdropping Lisemba
289 |
studies Yigil
290 |
Fulah Fulɓé
291 |
N/A Yemel
292 |
For every voice clip donated, and every audio clip validated, your account dashboards are updated to reflect your latest progress in each language you contribute to. Yes, you can contribute to more than one!<br/><br/> Use dashboards to track your stats, see how you're doing alongside others in the community, and set daily or weekly contribution goals. Hiki ñgéda u nsañge hikékét hi kiñ tole hiki ñgéda u nneebe hikékét hi kiñ hi mut mpe, kumba i libôñ joñ i nsugdana inyu éba we ntel u mahol ma nson woñ ikédé hiki hop u ntine njañgi kiñ. Mbale i yé le mut a nla sañge kiñ yé iloo hop wada! <br/><br/> Lôô i bikumba inyu hes pôk-ñañga yoñ, to inyu tehe bolô u nsélha ñgem ni maloñ mape, ni hala uga tibil sañ makak moñ ma kel to ma sondi.
293 |
Both (Speak and Listen) Gwobiba (Hop ni Emble)
294 |
Report Too ndoñ
295 |
Skip Submission Feedback Tagbe liti ndoñ minsañgne
296 |
Account Libôñ
297 |
Hebrew Hébréu
298 |
Send sign up link Om njañ i matilba
299 |
Hausa Hausa
300 |
Voice recording in progress Kiñ yoñ i nya nyôña
301 |
Kazakh Kazakia
302 |
Chinese (Hong Kong) Tjaina i Hong Kong
303 |
Latvian Latvia
304 |
search suggestion Matôñôl
305 |
You We
306 |
Listen Emble
307 |
Esperanto Espéranto
308 |
Bambara Bambara
309 |
Albanian Albania
310 |
Why should I sign up for an account? Inyu ki me nlama tila jôl inyu itek libôñ ?
311 |
trackers Batoo-njañ
312 |
Log In / Sign Up Jôp / Tila Jôl
313 |
Press play, listen & tell us: did they accurately speak the sentence below? Nwot play, emble ni kal bés : ba u ntôñ u bibuk u yé ha isi, u ñéña loñge?
314 |
Keep track of your progress and metrics across multiple languages. Béna hes mahol ma nson woñ ni mahol ma bôlô i mahop mape.
315 |
Today's Common Voice progress on clips recorded Libim li nson u len u liodol dikékét di makiñ i Common Voice
316 |
Additional Language Hop mpe
317 |
Message Nwin
318 |
License Matédél
319 |
We’re crowdsourcing an open-source dataset of voices. Donate your voice, validate the accuracy of other people’s clips, make the dataset better for everyone. Di nnaña nlume njañgi ikôhle tjañ-njoi mayaa ma makiñ. Kôle bés kiñ yoñ, u ke bisu ni neebe makiñ bôt bape ba nsañge, yoñ ngaba i boñ le mayaa ma makiñ ma nyila mintolok.
320 |
boolean booléen
321 |
Error { $code } Hihôha{ $code }
322 |
Help reach { $hours } hours in { $language } with a personal goal Mahôla inyu iyônôs{ $hours } itani hop { $language } ikolbaha ni likak li ñgim mut
323 |
Malayalam Malayalam
324 |
Persian Persia
325 |
Have you read our Terms? Hôla bés le mabéhna més ma éña
326 |
Validations Maneebe matan
327 |
Recordings maodol matan
328 |
Connect with Gravatar Bogbe ni Gravatar
329 |
Glossary Ñkobol-hihehela
330 |
Listening Maemble
331 |
Tamil Tamil
332 |
Sentences Mintôn mi bibuk
333 |
Help us validate sentences! Hôla bés i nneebe le ngim ntôñ u bibuk u héli.
334 |
Finnish Finland
335 |
We want the Common Voice dataset to reflect the audio quality a speech-to-text engine will hear in the wild, so we’re looking for variety. In addition to a diverse community of speakers, a dataset with varying audio quality will teach the speech-to-text engine to handle various real-world situations, from background talking to car noise. As long as your voice clip is intelligible, it should be good enough for the dataset. Di nsômbôl le mayaa ma Common Voice ma banga makiñ malam to ma ngi-bilama, ka i yé le nyum u u nhyelel kiñ matila u lak nok ndôñ i makiñ yosô kiki bôt ba mpémes mo yôha. Di yé di nyodi le basañge makiñ ba nlama ba nya yosô ikédé ngim loñ, di lela le, liyaa li makiñ li nlama bana mbuu makiñ, nya-ndi-nya, inyu ila niiga nyum u nhyelel makiñ matila le u meya ndôñ i makiñ yosô to hehoma mut a mpôdôl yo, to i ba yaa le liyôgha li yé, tole matôa a ñoñ mut bebee. I ntel u ñgéda nu kiñ yoñ i nnôôga, hala a kôli le i jôp i liyaa li makiñ.
336 |
337 |
You’re contributing to a target segment U nhôla i sañge ngim ndak suñ yada
338 |
Datasets Liyaa li minje
339 |
context ka-ñgéda
340 |
bookmark Buga-i-mbuga
341 |
Have questions about Common Voice? Ideas for improvements or feedback about a specific language? Join us on our <discourseLink>Discourse forum</discourseLink> and let us know. Ugwéé mbadga le u yé le u gwés bat inoñnaga ni Common Voice e ? Tole mahoñol inyu mahol tole ndogha i béngege ñgim hop tôbôtôbô ? Lo koba bés i<discourseLink>yuyut yés i knwel</discourseLink>, ndi u gayis bés bini.
342 |
Armenian Western Arménia i Kendi Mbok
343 |
Your avatar now includes a voice clip! Naano liñgeliñge yoñ i binjénjé i gwéé tôbôtôbô kiñ.
344 |
I am a non-native speaker and I speak with an accent, do you still want my voice? Me bi biniglene bé me unu hop i libéé ; mempot wo ni ndék libot, hala a gatéénga bé ibale me nsañge kiñ yem e ?
345 |
Note: When set to 'Visible', this setting can be changed from the <profileLink>Profile page</profileLink> Yimbe le : Indéé lini likégél li yé ñkéglak i ka i mbamba, u nla hyeñel likegek i <profileLink>lipep li liyimbne</profileLink>.
346 |
Bulgarian Bulgaria
347 |
Burmese Birmania Birmania
348 |
A voice clip is marked "valid" when a user gives it a Yes vote. Hikékét hi kiñ hi ñkwéda le hi nneebana idéé ñemble a ñkwet hyo le Nn.
349 |
Legacy extension Yéyégla-ñwel
350 |
Download the Single Word Target Segment Ket Suñ-Likoñ Pom-Buk
351 |
Contact Likoodene
352 |
Maltese Malta
353 |
The recording was too short. Liodol joñ li nlôôha bikidik
354 |
De-identified Minhôk-mi-bikadbana
355 |
What issues are you experiencing with this sentence? mimbe mintén mi minsidik u ntehe munu i ntôn u bibuk unu ?
356 |
Komi-Zyrian Komi-Zyria
357 |
We believe that large and publicly available voice datasets foster innovation and healthy commercial competition in machine-learning based speech technology. This is a global effort and we invite everyone to participate. Our aim is to help speech technology be more inclusive, reflecting the diversity of voices from around the world. Mahoñol més ma yé le basoso ba mayaa ma makiñ ba ba ntiba sadaga, ba nla hôla le pémsan i ndaaba i hôlôs makeñge ma makiñ i ba bañ nyugna-nyugna. Unu nson u yé nson u libut, u yé le himut a yé nséblaga i yoñ ñgaba. Iyés pes, ndun i yé le makeñge ma lisolol to linigle makiñ ma ba bañ ndigi ma néhi inyu ñgim i bôt, ndi mayibla yaga inyu nya-ndi-nya i mahop ni makiñ ma bôt bobasô ni ñkoñ hisi.
358 |
L10n Ñkwiyge
359 |
Is the goal of Common Voice to build a voice assistant? Ba nseñ u Common Voice u yé le a pémés minsoolene mi makiñ e ?
360 |
cipher cipher
361 |
Adyghe Adyghia
362 |
Chinese (China) Tjaina
363 |
debug Likunul
364 |
home page kumba-lipep
365 |
Overall Hr. Total Ñsongi u ñgeñ yosô.
366 |
Other Voice Datasets Mayaa ma makiñ mape
367 |
Hill Mari Hill Mari
368 |
Language Hop
369 |
Interlingua Mbôrokhop
370 |
Upload an image file Nyos ñgim liñgeliñge yoñ
371 |
Chinese (Taiwan) Tjaina i Taiwan
372 |
Language request successfully submitted, thank you. Legle woñ u nlegle hop di nsule wo, di nti we manyéga.
373 |
Today's Common Voice progress on clips validated Libim li nson u len u lineebe dikékét di makiñ i Common Voice
374 |
Voice recognition technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with machines, but the currently available systems are expensive and proprietary. Common Voice is part of Mozilla’s initiative to make voice recognition technologies better and more accessible for everyone. Common Voice is a massive global database of donated voices that lets anyone quickly and easily train voice-enabled apps in potentially every language. We're not only collecting voice samples in widely spoken languages but also in those with a smaller population of speakers. Publishing a diverse dataset of voices will empower developers, entrepreneurs, and communities to address this gap themselves. In addition to the Common Voice dataset, we’re also building an open source speech recognition engine called Deep Speech. Likeñge li isolol ni linigle makiñ li nlôôha hyéñha manjel bôt ba binam ni bikey ba nnôgla, he ndugi le imuu ma makeñge ma ntôl ba, manlôôha die, mabak ki imañan. Common Voice a bibôda ni Mozilla inyu iboñ le likeñge li linigle ni lisolol makiñ li kônde hoñ ni le ñgandak i bôt i laa bôñôl jo. Common Voice a yé nlume u toga i minje mi minsañgge mi makiñ ni ñkoñ hisi wonsô, u u nti to nje mut njel le a laa hôlôs bisoolene to biniglene bi makin, ni to umbe hop. Di ñkot mayaa ma makiñ he ndigi i mahop makeñi ma ñkoñ hisi bé ndi yak i mahop ma ma mpôda ndigi ni ndék i bôt. Litjam nya-ndi-nya i mayaa ma makiñ li nti bakek makeñge, babônde minson, ni maloñ maap le bomede bahôlôs ini yi. He ndigi Common Voice nyetama bé, di nsal yak inyu ikek sadaga nyum u soolene ni linigle makiñ, u di nsébél le Deep Speech.
375 |
innovations binééga-bi-mam
376 |
Help us find others to donate their voice! H́ôla bés i léba bôt bape ba nla ti kiñ yap.
377 |
Manage Email Subscriptions Libok biyuyut bi mél
378 |
Mapudungun Mapudungun
379 |
n h
380 |
authenticated Ñkémhege
381 |
or Delete voice clip tole sas kékét i kiñ
382 |
Request a Language Legle ngim hop
383 |
The selected file is too large I liñgeliñge u ntep i nlôôha yét
384 |
LibriSpeech is a corpus of approximately 1000 hours of 16Khz read English speech derived from read audiobooks from the LibriVox project. LibriSpeech a yé lingund li gwéé yom kiki 1000 hi mañgeñ ma miñañga ni hop u Nginsi i nkôñ u 16Khz, mi nlôl i bikaat biéña bi mpémél i yum i nso le LibriVox
385 |
Yes Nn
386 |
All voice clips in the dataset are scrubbed of personally identifying information. When a contributor provides demographic data via their profile, that information is de-identified from their voice clips before being bundled for download in the dataset and is never made public on their profile page. Hiki hikékét hi kiñ hi njôp i liyaa, di yé di kudle jo inyu boñ le yimbe yokiyo i mut a ñkôle kiñ yé, i nnene bañ. Ibale nsañge kiñ a nti ñgim yé i ñgadba i liyimbne jé, bitilba bi ñéba ini ñgadba bi ñkudlana ni baglana ni dikéket di makiñ ñwaa dikékét ti ñkéña njak inyu ibemb maket ikédé mayaa, iba bé le ñgadba i pam i mbamba.
387 |
authenticate Likémhe
388 |
Kinyarwanda Kinyarwanda
389 |
All Hands Gwelna-gwelna
390 |
The multi-language version of the Common Voice dataset is currently undergoing community supported bundling and cleaning. If you would like to help us bring Common Voice to new languages, go check out the <sentenceCollectorLink>Sentence Collection Tool</sentenceCollectorLink> for adding new sentences to the dataset, and Mozilla <pontoonLink>Pontoon</pontoonLink> for translating the website itself. New languages are added to Common Voice for voice contribution when 5000 approved sentences have been collected. Toga i mayaa ma Common Voice i mbuu mahop i ntédhana ni libônglana i masañga mana, ni hôla i mbuu limut. Ibale u yé le u gwés hôla bés le Common Voice a tôa ni mahop ma mondo mape, leñ le jis i <sentenceCollectorLink>Kôhlene i ntôñ bibuk</sentenceCollectorLink> inyu ikônde mintôñ mi bibuk mimpe i toga i mayaa, ni i <pontoonLink>Pontoon</pontoonLink> nu Mozilla inyu lihyelel Jumbul li web jomede. Mahop ma mondo ma nla ndigi kôndba i Common Voice inyu njañgi ibale 5000 i mintôñ mi makiñ mi nneebana.
391 |
See how your progress compares to other contributors all over the world. Béñge ihet mahol ma nson woñ matééne, inoñnaga ni mahol ma bansañge makiñ bape ni ñkoñ isi wonsô.
392 |
Read more on our About page Kônde añ mam mape i Bés-bo-nje wés lipep
393 |
Privacy Policy Ñkok u Matédés
394 |
Asturian Asturia
395 |
Press { shortcut-play-toggle } to toggle play mode Nwot { shortcut-play-toggle } inyu liheñla i ka-play
396 |
Tajik Tajikia
397 |
Login Identity Jôl li majubul
398 |
Build Profile Ôô liyimbne joñ
399 |
Clips You've Validated Dikékét di makiñ u nneebe
400 |
sidebar Papañ-mbébga
401 |
How does it work? Lela mam ma nke ?
402 |
Email Mél
403 |
Shortcuts Basemkwep
404 |
Kabyle Kabilia
405 |
Each entry in the dataset consists of a unique MP3 and corresponding text file. Many of the <b>{ $total }</b> recorded hours in the dataset also include demographic metadata like age, sex, and accent that can help train the accuracy of speech recognition engines. The dataset currently consists of <b>{ $valid }</b> validated hours in <b>{ $languages }</b> languages, but we’re always adding more voices and languages. Take a look at our <languagesLink>Languages page</languagesLink> to request a language or start contributing. Hiki hibaba hi kiñ ikédé liyaa li gwéé pom MP3 ntôñ ni bôm i matila yé. Jôga li mañgeñ lipe ikédé nsoñgi u miñodlak mi mañgeñ <b>{ $total }</b> i mayaa, li yé ntôñ ni biyimbne bi basañge, kiki bo nwii, libak li muda tole munlôm, lipodok, bi bi nla hôla i niiga minyum mi nnigle ni isolol makiñ.
406 |
Remove I séha
407 |
Set my visibility Makégél inyu manene mem
408 |
channel Ñkok-u-tjay
409 |
Click Ñwot
410 |
Icelandic Island
411 |
Save Hék
412 |
Common Voice is part of Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. Common a yé yum i nson yada i Mozilla ii nhôla i niiga bikey lela bôt ba binam ba mpôt yôha.
413 |
Urdu Urdu
414 |
Can't decide? Me ta bé le me yoñ makidik
415 |
Donate your voice Pôôs kiñ yoñ.
416 |
Mycroft Ai Mycroft Ai
417 |
native Ñgwélés
418 |
Issue Libambal
419 |
Share Common Voice Tôô Common Voice
420 |
Why does this matter? Inyu kii hala a yé nseñ ?
421 |
decode lisolol
422 |
Frisian Frisia
423 |
Speakers Bapot
424 |
Loading… Yônôs u nyônôs...
425 |
Common Voice is the world’s largest publicly available, multi-language voice dataset. Common Voice a yé ikédé ñkoñ i si, suk sadaga toga i minje mi makiñ milôlak ni mbuu i mahop.
426 |
Sinhala Singalia
427 |
enable Likobol
428 |
Arabic Arabia
429 |
Interested in learning more and contributing to the project? U yé le u gwés kônde nigil mam mape to liyoñ ñgaba i yum yés i nson e ?
430 |
Select a Language... Pohol ngim hop...
431 |
Buryat Buryati
432 |
Ligurian Liguria
433 |
Next ni bisu
434 |
Your Languages Mahop moñ
435 |
I'm okay with you handling this info as you explain in Mozilla's <privacyLink>Privacy Policy</privacyLink> Me nti kunde le ni gwélél bini biyihne kiki ni ñkobol i <privacyLink>Ñkok u Matédés</privacyLink>
436 |
<bold>Help us</bold> find more voices <bold>Hôla bés</bold> le di kôhle makiñ mape
437 |
Dutch Holland
438 |
This is our process for translating and adapting our content for many locales (languages). Hana nyen di nnôñôl inyu ihyelel ni ikôlbaha biniigana gwés ni mbuu i mahop ipe
439 |
By editing your goal, you may lose your existing progress. Ibale u njuble likak joñ u yé le u nimis ntel u bôlô yoñ u gwéé hanano.
440 |
Recorded Hours Miñodlak mi mañgeñ
441 |
Uzbek Usbekia
442 |
Welsh Seltia
443 |
Male Mulôm
444 |
report Ndoñ
445 |
Armenian Arménia
446 |
validate Lineebe
447 |
Bengali Bengalia
448 |
Users validate the accuracy of donated clips, checking that the speaker read the sentence correctly. Baemble ba ñemble ni ineebe tole itjél minkôlge mi dikékét di makiñ, ibale ba ntehe le inwet a ñkôle kiñ a ntibil añ ntôñ u bibuk loñge.
449 |
Give your avatar a voice Ti liñgeliňge i binjeje yoň ñgim kĩn
450 |
Today's Progress Libim li nson u nséla len
451 |
Most of the data used by large companies isn’t available to the majority of people. We think that stifles innovation. So we’ve launched Common Voice, a project to help make voice recognition open and accessible to everyone. Jôga li mayaa ma makiñ ma mbom i mandab ma likégés makenge ni nkus ma mbôñôl, ma néhi bé le to nje a nla bôñôl mo. I tehe wés, hala a nhôhôs mahol ma yi. Inyu hala nyen di bi bônde Common Voice, nu a yé juu li nson li nhôla le likeñge li isolol makiñ, to nje a la gwélél jo.
452 |
Thank you for recording!<lineBreak></lineBreak>Now review and submit your clips below. Mayéga le u ñôde kiñ! <lineBreak></lineBreak> Nano, sie ndi wa sule dikékét tjoñ di makiñ.
453 |
Settings Makégél
454 |
Keep track of your progress with a profile Hes mahol ma bôlô yoñ i yimbne yoñ
455 |
Show my ranking Unda me ñkôñ wem
456 |
cryptominer cryptomina
457 |
Sign up for { $lang } updates: Tila jôl inyu ikôhna manwin ma yum i nson u { $lang }
458 |
How can I get the Common Voice data? Ni imbe njel mut a yé le a kôs mayaa ma makiñ ma Common Voice ?
459 |
Do you want to continue? U nsômbôl ke ni bisu ?
460 |
{ $count }mo sôñ
461 |
Speaking and Listening Hop ni Maemble
462 |
The Common Voice dataset is an open and publicly available resource that can be used to train a wide variety of speech-enabled applications. To protect the security of our contributors, we ask everyone who downloads the Common Voice dataset to respect contributors’ privacy. All voice clips in the dataset are scrubbed of personally identifying information. When you download the dataset, you agree to not attempt to determine the identity of any contributor. That means you cannot try to link information in the dataset to a contributor’s personal information. You may, however, use the dataset to train speech recognition, speaker recognition, or other applications, by, for instance, linking information in the dataset to other information already in the dataset. Mayaa ma minje ma Common Voice ma yé i mbamba ni kunde le himut a nla gwélél mo inyu ihôlôs nyandinya i makeñge ma makiñ. Di gwéé nduña le basañge makiñ jam libe litômla bañ bo, inyu hala nyen di nyegsa himut nu a ñket minje i mayaa ma Common Voice le a nôñôl matédél. Hiki hikékét hi kiñ hi nsañgna, di ñkudul ho bitilna bi ñéba ñgadba i inwet a nsañge hyo. Hindéé mut a ñket liyaa li minje, a ñkum soñ le a gayéñ bé iyi njemut a bisañge nwo. Hala a ñkoblba le mut a tabé kunde i béé i bitilna bi nkiha ni mayaa inyu too njañ i basañge. Yom himut a yé kunde i boñ i yé libéé i mayaa ma minje inyu ihôlôs lisolol makiñ, tole isolol kiñ i ñgim mut tôbôtôbô, ni minsélél mi makiñ mimpe ki. Inyu isal inya nson i, kunde i yé le mut a nla béé i biniigana bi ñkiha ni mayaa, ni noñga gwo ni biniigana bipe biyé mu i minlélém mi mayaa.
463 |
Today Len
464 |
What does it mean that I can’t “determine the identity” of speakers in the Common Voice dataset? Ba nla bé "yelel su" i mut a mpot i Common Voice, hala a ñkobla lela ?
465 |
Meadow Mari Mari nu ñoñ
466 |
Join the Common Voice mailing list Jôp i yuyut i manwin i Common Voice
467 |
unsafe Ngimatadga
468 |
Swahili Swahili
469 |
The recording was too long. Liodol joñ li nlôôha ap.
470 |
Optionally join on our email list for updates and new information about the project. Kikii ka gwés yoñ, u nla tilba i yuyut yés i mél inyu ikôhna manoñ ma minuyne ni manwin ma yondo ikolbaha ni nson wés.
471 |
fingerprinting Likôp likinda
472 |
Croatian Kroasia
473 |
Leaderboard Visibility Bitéé bi kumba
474 |
Fellow Mbôn-nson
475 |
counterclockwise ni-walôm
476 |
add-on manôbna
477 |
Norwegian Nynorsk Nynorska i Norvégia
478 |
Validating donated clips is equally important to the Common Voice mission. Take a listen and help us create quality open source voice data. Lineebele kiñ i héli liyé nseñ ñgandak inyu nson u digwéé i sal i Common Voice. Yoñ ndék ñgéda i emble, ka iyé le, hala a laa hôla bés i ôô mayaa ma minje mii makiñ, ma ma gwéé mahoñ.
479 |
Belarusian Belarusia
480 |
Localized Miñwahak mi mintjep
481 |
Romansh Sursilvan Sursilvania i Rumania
482 |
Amharic Amharik
483 |
Hidden Nsolbe
484 |
Tatoeba is a large database of sentences, translations, and spoken audio for use in language learning. This download contains spoken English recorded by their community. Tatoeba a yé nlume u toga i mayaa ma mintôñ mi bibuk, minhyelaga, ni bipôdôl bi nyo bi mbôñla i yigil i mahop. Ini ngédek i gwéé bipôdôl bi nyo bi hop u ñgisi bi bet-loñ ba biodol bomede.
485 |
Optionally submitted demographic data (e.g. age, gender, language, and accent) will never be made public on your profile, and will not be linked to your account in the dataset. Individual audio clips will be associated with demographic data for the purpose of more accurate analysis - for example, a researcher might want to target a training model to a specific demographic segment. Biyimbne gwoñ bi unti kiki ka gwés yoñ (hihéga : bimañ, libak li muda tole mulôm, hop, lipôdôl), bi gapam bé i mbamba kelkikel i liyimbne joñ, ndi to le bi ba ñañnaga ni libôñ joñ i liyaa li makiñ. Dipeles di dikékét di makiñ di gaba ñgwañnaga ni biyimbne gwoñ, he ndigi inyu liti maap inyu loñge i ndoñol - kikii hihéga, nwan mam a yé le agwés nigne ñgim likéñge li lisolol to linigle makiñ i ñgim yimbne tôbôtôbô.
486 |
How does Common Voice calculate hours? Ñgim ñgeñ yada i li ôdôk li Common Voice i yé umbe ntel ?
487 |
Hindi India
488 |
Norwegian Bokmål Bokmal i Norvégia
489 |
Your username and email will not be associated with the published data. Ñgédi yoñ ndi to njañ yoñ mél, biga gwaña bé ni bitjéma bi mayaa ma makiñ.
490 |
contribute sañge
491 |
Corsican Korsia
492 |
Edit Profile Juble liyimbne joñ
493 |
Review & re-record clips if needed Sie, u tiimba odol dikékét di makiñ ibale hada a yé nseñ.
494 |
<recordIcon></recordIcon> Last one! <recordIcon></recordIcon> hi nsôk!
495 |
pop-up Papama
496 |
For these launched languages the website has been successfully <localizationGlossaryLink>localized</localizationGlossaryLink>, and has enough <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>sentences collected</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink> to allow for ongoing <speakLink>Speak</speakLink> and <listenLink>Listen</listenLink> contributions. Inyu mahop mayé banhugba môngô, jumbul jap li web li yé <localizationGlossaryLink>bawéha ntjep</localizationGlossaryLink>, ma gwéé ki libim li <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>miñkodok mi mintôñ mi bibuk</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink> mi nti njel le bôt ba sañge to <speakLink>lipôdôl/speakLink> to <listenLink>liemble</listenLink>.
497 |
Sign up for an account Tilba inyu ibana ijoň libôñ
498 |
Average Bômbôl
499 |
Email Subscriptions Litila jôl i Yuyut i bimél
500 |
Share your clip Tôô hikékét hyon hi kiñ
501 |
Mixed Mbôda
502 |
Easy Mbooyuge
503 |
Turkish Turkia
504 |
Close Yip
505 |
The goal of the Common Voice dataset is to enable anyone in the world to build speech recognition, speaker recognition, or any other type of application that requires voice data. A voice assistant is just one of many types of applications you could use the dataset to build. Nseñ u mayaa ma makiñ ma Common Voice u yé le tonje mut i ñkoñ isi a laa pémés minsoolene mi makiñ, minsoolene mi makiñ ma bôt, ndi to umbe ntén u bañ ipe i mbéda i minje mi makiñ. Nsoolene u makiñ u yé ndigi ndôñ bañ yada, i mut a nla hôlhene mayaa ma makiñ.
506 |
The process by which a contributor’s profile information is obscured from their donated voice clips when packaged for download as a part of the dataset. Maboñok ma mboñ le biyimbne bi nsañge-kiñ bi liibe ikédé dikékét di makiñ a ñkôle, indéé bi ñkéña njak le mut a nla ket gwo ikédé mayaa.
507 |
Azerbaijani Azerbajania
508 |
Clips validated Minneebege mi dikékét di makiñ
509 |
The Clip Graveyard consists of voice clips that didn't make it into the Common Voice dataset. Just like the dataset, the Clip Graveyard is available for download. Soñ i Dikékét di Makiñ i gwéé dikékét di makiñ diyé le di bijôp bé ikédé mayaa ma Common Voice. Nlélém kiki mayaa momede, Soñ i Dikékét di Makiñ iyé kunde le mut a ket minje mu.
510 |
Skip Him
511 |
Subscribe Tila jôl
512 |
Indonesian Indonésia
513 |
We've run out of sentences to record in this language... Mintôñ mi bibuk mi ñhéñél bés inyu iodol munu unu hop.
514 |
Tracking Content Minso mi mintoa
515 |
Validated Hours Minneebege mi mañgeñ
516 |
Create a voice clip as part of your profile avatar. Others will be able to hover and listen to your clip. Sék hikékét hi kiñ inyu ipôda hyo ni liñgeliñge yoñ i binjénjé i liyimbne joñ. Ni ha, bôt bape ba ba ba wan, ba la emble we kiñ yoñ.
517 |
How ? Lela ?
518 |
open source Sadaga
519 |
Saved Nhégék
520 |
Venetian Vénésia
521 |
Clips Uploaded Minyôha mi dikékét di makiñ
522 |
Why do you need so many different speakers per language? Inyu ki ni ntoñ ibana i nya libim li bôt li i inyu hiki hop ?
523 |
Frequently Asked Questions Kom Mambadga
524 |
preference Béna
525 |
Browse Languages Hônd ni mahop
526 |
Stats Pôk i ñañga
527 |
Chuvash Tjuvasia
528 |
No Thanks To, ñwahga
529 |
Contributors record voice clips by reading from a bank of donated sentences. Inyu isañge kiñ yoñ, u ñan mintôñ mi bibuk mi nlôl i lingut li minkôlge mi mitôn mi bibuk
530 |
Download Data Ket minje
531 |
VoxForge was set up to collect transcribed speech for use with Free and Open Source Speech Recognition Engines. VoxForge a bibôda inyu ikot miñkwedek mi mahop ma nyo, ni njel le bi bôñla i Basadga ba Minyum mi nsolol ni linigle makiñ.
532 |
Search Yéñ
533 |
Speech is often the most natural way we communicate with each other and voice technologies are bringing that convenience to our computers and mobile devices. We want to empower developers to build amazing voice recognition applications like real-time translators and voice-enabled digital assistants. But right now most of the voice data required to build these kinds of apps is expensive and proprietary. We hope the Common Voice dataset will give developers what they need to innovate and make speech technology available in their own language. To make voice recognition even more universal, we're collecting voice samples in widely spoken languages as well as those with a smaller population of speakers often underserved by commercial speech recognition services. Publishing a diverse dataset of voices will empower developers, entrepreneurs, and entire speech communities to address this gap themselves. Hop iyé bôg-ni-nyuu njel i bés bôt ba binam di nnôglana bés ni bés. Likeñge li makiñ li so boñ le inya hikôm hi manôglana hini hi jôp yak i bakiyi-minkuu ni i magwel-moo bitôôene bi mahop ni manwin. Di gwéé yéñe le di ti bakek makeñge maap, inya i yé le ba laa kek bisoolene ni biniglene bi makiñ kiki bo lihyelel mahop i bitéé-bi-lôñ ni bikémél bi makin bipe. Ndi indéé ini di téé, i mintén mi mayaa ma makiñ ma mbéda inyu ihôlôs mini mintén mi bibañ manlôôha hee die ndi ma bak ki imañan. Bot ñem yés i yé le mayaa ma makiñ ma Common Voice ma gati bakek makeñge i yom ba nsômbôl inyu boñ le ba éba ndaaba yap ni lihôlôs makeñge ma makiñ i mahop map. Inyu boñ le makeñge ma lisolol ni linigle makiñ ma tjama ni mbok yosô, di ñkôhle dikékét di makiñ i mahop makeñi ndi yak i dikuyeñge di mahop di yé le, bakwagnyam ikédé lihôlôs lisolol makiñ ba mbéna nyaage. Litjam nya-ndi-nya i mayaa ma makiñ li nti bakek makeñge, babônde minson, ni maloñ maap le bomede bahôlôs ini yi.
534 |
Where does the source text come from? Lipigil li minje mi makiñ mi nlôl hee ?
535 |
Romansh Vallader Valladeria i Rumania
536 |
≥ 2 No votes Ba-ngi-mineebege
537 |
Keep track of your progress with a profile and help our voice data be more accurate. Hes mahol ma nson woñ kikii ka ñgéda liyimbne joñ, ni ihôla le mayaa ma makiñ més ma yét.
538 |
Clips You've Recorded Dikékét di makiñ u ñodol
539 |
Three to go! A yii we biaa
540 |
clockwise ni-waé
541 |
Your daily goal has been created Likak joñ li kel li mbôga
542 |
Serbian Serbia
543 |
Irish Irland
544 |
Confirm Goal Kémhe likak
545 |
Edit Juble bitilna
546 |
p t
547 |
Help us find more voices, share your goal Hôla bés le di kôhna makiñ mape, tôô likak joñ
548 |
Basque Baskia
549 |
Common Voice is a collaborative project, and we're depending on our community of partners and contributors to build the largest open-source dataset of voices ever. We would like to thank the following people and organizations for their help with the project: Common Voice a yé nson u gwelna-gwelna ni ini njel le, di nnigne nson wés i ndôñ bijô bi yum ni basañge makiñ inyu libulus nya sadaga i mayaa ma makiñ i i bama bé ba.
550 |
Toward next goal Bééla i ndak i nnoñ
551 |
Receive emails such as challenge and goal reminders, progress updates, and newsletters about Common Voice. Kôhna bimél kiki bo pémsan ni mbigda makak ma nson, mahol ma nson, ni manwin ikolbaha ni Common Voice.
552 |
Udmurt Udmurt
553 |
By opting in to receive emails you state that you are okay with Mozilla handling this info as explained in Mozilla’s <privacyLink>Privacy Policy</privacyLink>. Intel u ngéda u nneebe kôs bimél, wee u nneebe le Mozilla a bôñôl unu nwin kiki ka ngéda biniigana bi <privacyLink>nkok u matédés</privacyLink> u Mozilla.
554 |
cryptomining crytominiñ
555 |
Why is it important? Kinje i yé nseñ ?
556 |
Next Goals: { $goal } Likak li nnoñ : { $goal }
557 |
Kyrgyz Kirgizia
558 |
We will not make your email public. Di gapémés be mél yoñ i mbamba.
559 |
Using Common Voice Lela ba mbôñôl Common Voice ?
560 |
No microphone found. Odlene to yada i nlébna bé
561 |
Streaks Minyégla
562 |
Recording Mayôña
563 |
Validated Hrs Mineebege mi mañgeñ
564 |
Listen-Queue Nlôñ u maemble
565 |
Start recording Bôdôl odol
566 |
Other Muda bé ndi to mulôm bé
567 |
Everyone Himut
568 |
Patch Patj
569 |
Slovenian Slovénia
570 |
Cookies Biôlô
571 |
Both Gwobiba
572 |
Portuguese Portugal
573 |
Now that you know a little bit more about Common Voice, why not try it out? Click on the microphone icon to start reading sentences aloud. <br/><br/>If you prefer to review other people's voice contributions, click on the play icon. If the voice recording you hear matches the words written onscreen. Hanano kiki unyi libim li mam li tibhaga Common Voice, ba u bak bé le u noode ? Ñwot liñgeliñge i odlene ndi wa bôdôl añ ntôñ bibuk i ñgii. <br/><br/> Ndi ibale yom u yé le u gwés liemble ni lineebe to litjel makiñ bôt bape ba mbôk ba sañge, ñwot i liñgeliñge i ntuk. Ibale kiñ u ñemble i ñkiha ni bibuk bi yé ntilga i léman i bañ yoñ.
574 |
unresponsive Mamoma
575 |
Common Voice is Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. Mozilla nyen a bibot Common Voice, ni ini njel le bikey bila nigil kiki bôt ba binam ba mpot i ntiik u lipodok
576 |
Clips recorded Minsañgge mi dikékét di makiñ
577 |
insecure binyuu
578 |
* Indicates required field Nit mapoga ma mbéda.
579 |
{ $count }wk { $count }Sondi
580 |
{ $count } clips Dikékét { $count }
581 |
Catalan Katalania
582 |
TED-LIUM Corpus TED-LIUM Liñgund
583 |
Voice clips are entered into a submission queue that readies them for listening. Dikékét di makiñ di yé ñkoyok ntôñ ikéde ntôn u njañgi, di bembek le di emblana.
584 |
English Ñginsi
585 |
You are about to initiate a download of <size>{ $size }GB</size>, proceed? Ñkeda u minje mi nyét <size>{ $size }Go</size> u yé bebee ni bôdôl, u ñke ni bisu ?
586 |
executable file Ôm-siñ bôm
587 |
We promise to handle your information with care. Read more in our <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>. Di mbôn we le, di gatédés libim u nla saňge. U yé le u kônde kôs ndoñol ikolbaha ni <privacyLink>ñkok u matédés</privacyLink> wés.
588 |
Your anonymous voice recordings will remain in the Common Voice dataset. Once you delete your profile you will no longer be able to submit a request to remove your recordings from the dataset Kiñ yoñ i ñodlana ñgijôy i gakida i mayaa ma makiñ ma Common Voice. I ntel ñgéda u gasas liyimbne joñ, u yi le u gala habé sule njômbi inyu lisas miñodlana mi makiñ ikédé mayaa.
589 |
Re-record Tiimba ôde
590 |
sign up for email updates Tilba inyu ikôhna mél yôha ni kel
591 |
Visible I mbamba
592 |
Do you have ideas on how we can make the Common Voice dataset better? Let us know on Discourse Mahoñol ma yé we lela di nla kônde lémés mayaa ma makiñ ma Common Voice e ? U yis ni bés i Yuyut i Nkwel
593 |
German Jaman
594 |
Link Copied Njañ i ñodlana
595 |
Return to Common Voice Datasets Témb i Mayaa ma Common Voice
596 |
Would you like to request your voice recordings be deleted too, or do you prefer to keep them in the Common Voice dataset? Uyé le u gwés bat le yak kiñ yoñ i ñodlana i séha, tole u nla gwéhék ñwas yo ikédé mayaa ma makiñ ma Common Voice ?
597 |
Validated Hr. Total Nsôngi u mañgeñ ma mineebana
598 |
Go to Languages Page Kenek i lipep jés li mahop
599 |
Speak up, contribute here! Podok, sañge kiñ yoñ hana!
600 |
Help us build a community around voice technology, stay in touch via email. Hola bés le di kot bôt ikédé lihôlôs makeñge ma makiñ, u lok u leñek jis i mél ñwoñ.
601 |
Make your submitted data as rich as possible by providing some anonymous demographic data. We de-identify all demographic data before making it public. Ḱonde mahoñ munu ikédé mayaa ma minje u nsañge, inya u yé le u la, ni inôbe bikadbana gwoñ, iba bé iyelel jol joñ. To ibale jôl linnene we mu i bikadbana bi, di nhô jo, nwaa di ntjam bikadbana gwoñ.
602 |
Overall project status: see how far we’ve come! Ntel u gwém i nson yosô : tehe ibol hee di tééne!
603 |
Erzya Ersya
604 |
deceptive site ôñgba i kumba
605 |
Audio Format Kôgôp i hikôm hi kiñ
606 |
About Bés bo nje?
607 |
Guarani Gwarinia
608 |
Exit & Delete clips Pamak, u sas dikékét di makiñ
609 |
Add Language Kônde hop
610 |
English Ñgìsì
611 |
Success, profile created! Jéé ! liyimbne joñ li mbôda.
612 |
y t
613 |
More Bipe
614 |
Speech-to-text (STT) Hop-u-Yilga-Matila (HYM)
615 |
Thanks for confirming your account, now let's build your profile. Mayéga le u ñkémhe libôñ joñ, naano, di bôdôl ni ôñ liyimbne joñ.
616 |
alternate text Pand bitilna ipe
617 |
contribute Yoñ ñgaba
618 |
encryption Lihéya-likañ
619 |
You've helped Common Voice reach <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> of our daily { $goalValue } validation goal! U nhôla le Common Voice a yônôs ndak i lineebe makiñ i<goalPercentage>kel</goalPercentage>!
620 |
On desktop devices you can contribute by downloading… I bakiyi-minkuu ba Windows unla ket inyu liyoñ ñgaba.
621 |
We’re sorry, your platform is not currently supported. Di mbat nwéhél, juu joñ li yé ngineebana.
622 |
Your download has started. Ñkeda woñ u mbôdôl
623 |
Karakalpak Karakalpakia
624 |
Yes Nn!
625 |
Enhanced Tracking Protection Ñgaa-Mahañ Ikeñi
626 |
Accent Lipodok
627 |
Download { $language } Ket{ $language }
628 |
Have Feedback? U mbat ndoñ e?
629 |
Off Lém
630 |
Return to Common Voice Témb i Common Voice
631 |
Spanish Paña
632 |
Galician Galisia
633 |
Help us build a high quality, publicly open dataset Hôla bés le di ôô mayaa ma minje ma mahoñ inyu bôt bobasô
634 |
We've run out of clips to validate in this language... Dikékét di makiñ di ñhéñél bés inyu ineebe munu unu hop.
635 |
How do you ensure anonymity and privacy of the people who donated their voices? Lela i mbôña le niñ tole jôl li ibet ba nkôle makiñ map, bi yiba bañ ?
636 |
Want updates when we release a new version of the Common Voice dataset? Subscribe to our newsletter. U yé le u bana ngôñ le di bigda we ibale bitéé bipe bi mayaa ma Common Voice bi mpam e ? Tila jôl i jujut yés i manwin.
637 |
You must allow microphone access. U nlama ndugi hyohol biodlene
638 |
Download Ket
639 |
fingerprinter Likinda
640 |
Share my goal Tôô likak jem
641 |
autoplay ñgem-ntuk
642 |
Get involved Yoñ ñgaba
643 |
License: <licenseLink>{ $license }</licenseLink> Matédél : <licenseLink>{ $license }</licenseLink>
644 |
Pro Ñkôñ ñkeñi
645 |
Ready to add your voice or lend your ear? U yé mbômhaga i nôbe kiñ yoñ tole i emble ?
646 |
≥ 2 Yes votes Miñkwedek-le-Nn
647 |
Change your email via Settings under Login Identity Hyeñel mél yoñ ni njel i Makégél isi Jôl li majubul
648 |
Delete my recordings Sas miñôdge nwem
649 |
aggregate Ñgééha
650 |
gear Mapañga
651 |
signer Ñkumsoñ
652 |
Finish editing first? Mal ndugi lijuble
653 |
Email njaň i mél
654 |
French Pulasi
655 |
end user ñgwégwél
656 |
FAQ Bakom ba mambadga
657 |
Build a custom goal Sék likak li ñkôm-kel
658 |
659 |
bookmark Libôk-mbuga
660 |
Georgian Georgia
661 |
Offensive language Bitilna bi nyumbi
662 |
To the right we outline the benefits and clarify what information we make public. Use the links below to get started with a Common Voice account on your own device. Ni waé, ndi nnunda mahee ni ikodol umbe ntén u biniigana di mpémés i mbamba. Nôñôl i njañ i yé ha isi inyu libônde libôñ li Common Voice i bañ yoñyoñ.
663 |
Submit clips Sule dikékét di makiñ
664 |
misinformation Biyuma bi mañwin
665 |
Both of these projects are part of our efforts to bridge the digital speech divide. Voice recognition technologies bring a human dimension to our devices, but developers need an enormous amount of voice data to build them. Currently, most of that data is expensive and proprietary. We want to make voice data freely and publicly available, and make sure the data represents the diversity of real people. Together we can make voice recognition better for everyone. Mimpay mi bôlô mini nwo ima ma ñéba yéñe i digwéé bi boñ le likeñge li isolol makiñ li tôa ndi mbôô i mahop. Makeñge ma lisolol makiñ ma nhek jubus libak li mut-binam ikédé bikey gwés, ndi bahôlôs makeñge ba gwéé ñgôñ ni didun ndi didun di dikékét di makiñ inyu ihôlôs mana makeñge. Ingeñ ini di téé, inya i minje mi makiñ mi, mi ntiba bé nyañga, yak lôôha die mi nhee. Njômbi yés iyé le di bulus minje mi makiñ ni ti mo bôt sadaga, ndi di tôñôk le mini minje milôlâk ni mbôô i limut i mpot hiki hop kiki ka ñgéda libôlôk li nnene hiki hop. Ibale di ñgwelna i woo, di yé le di hôlôs lisolol makiñ inya i gwééne hiki wada wés nseñ.
666 |
Yes, we especially want your voice! Part of the aim of Common Voice is to gather as many different accents as possible so that voice recognition services work equally well for everyone. This means donations from non-native speakers are particularly important. U ñkégél i hyes, ñga kiñ yoñ yo i yé yaga lôôha nseñ ! Yéñe yada i Common Voice i yé le a nsañge nya-ndi-nya i mapôdôl ma hiki hop, ika i yé le minsoolene mi la solol to umbe ntén u kiñ. Hala a ñkobla le banginiglene-hop-libéé bayé yaga tôtôtôbô nseñ.
667 |
Japanese Japan
668 |
Ready to help validate sentences? U yé mbômhaga i hola lineebe mintôñ mi makiñ e ?
669 |
Become a partner Yila jô i Yum
670 |
I do not agree Me nneebe bé
671 |
Submit Sule
672 |
It contains words or phrases that are hard to read or pronounce. U gwéé bibuk tole bitun bi bibuk bi nlet liañ tole lipahal.
673 |
Success Gwégwéé
674 |
Aragonese Aragonesia
675 |
attendee Nyéyél
676 |
Vietnamese Vietnamia
677 |
2 down, keep it up!<playIcon></playIcon> Kenek ni bisu, u tomb bañ!<playIcon></playIcon>
678 |
Common Voice recordings are used by academics, small businesses, and voice recognition enthusiasts to help train and grow publicly available resources like voice models. Can you let us know why you would like your recordings deleted? Makiñ ma Common Voice ma mbôñlana i ka i ndoñol-yi, likek minkus mintidigi, ni ibet ba gwéé nduña i hôlôs makeñge ma lisolol to linigle makiñ, inyu ihôlôs ni ibulus minje mi makiñ mi yé sadaga, kiki bo ndémbél i makiñ.
679 |
Is the clip valid? Ba hikékét hi kiñ hi hi héli ?
680 |
extension ñwel
681 |
Go to Discourse Kenek i Nkwel
682 |
You've helped Common Voice reach <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> of our daily { $goalValue } recording goal! U nhôla le Common Voice a yônôs ndak i ñañga i<goalPercentage>kel</goalPercentage>!
683 |
684 |
Note: You will still need to select between Speak or Listen to change contribution type. Yimbe le : Yabéda we le utep ipôla Pot ni Emble inyu lihéñha nya lisañgge.
685 |
Enter email to send a sign up link Tila mél yoñ inyu liom njañ i matilba.
686 |
You're currently set to <bold>NOT</bold> receive emails such as goal reminders, my progress updates and newsletters about Common Voice U héli <bold>BÉ</bold> i kôs bimél bibéñgege mam kiki bo mbigda i likak, ntel u mahol ma bôlô ni biyuyut bi mañwin ikolbaha ni Common Voice.
687 |
Why don’t you ask people to read from books or Wikipedia articles in different languages? Ndi inyu ki di nla bé kal bôt le ba éñél i bitilna bi yé ikédé bikaat, tole i bitilna bi mbañ-yi bi yé ikédé Wikipédia ?
688 |
The site will be back up as soon as possible. For the latest information, please join the <matrixLink>Matrix community chat</matrixLink> or visit <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink> or <discourseLink>our Discourse forums</discourseLink> to submit and monitor site experience issues. Ndék ñgéda we jumbul li ntiimba ki bôdôl kôble. Inyu ikôs biniigana bilégék, di nsoohe we le u jôp i <matrixLink>yuyut i ñkwel le Matrix</matrixLink>, tole léñél <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink>, tole <discourseLink>biyuyut gwés bi miñkwel</discourseLink> inyu lisule ni hes mandoñ ma mpémél we i jumbul.
689 |
Bug report Ndoñ i ñgônôk
690 |
The clip has disrespectful or offensive language. I ntôñ u bibuk unu, u yé diyana tole nyumbi.
691 |
Odia Odia
692 |
You're currently set to receive emails such as goal reminders, my progress updates and newsletters about Common Voice U héli nano i kôs bimél bibéñgege mam kiki bo mbigda i likak, ntel u mahol ma bôlô ni biyuyut bi mañwin ikolbaha ni Common Voice.
693 |
Mozilla doesn’t pick or favor any one language over another. Instead, Common Voice is a purely community-driven initiative, but it takes <multilangLink>several steps to add a new language</multilangLink> and begin collecting voice donations. First, the Common Voice website needs to be translated so community members can access the contributor experience in their own language. Next, we need a large collection of copyright-free sentences for people to read outloud. Once both of those requirements are satisfied a language is “launched” on Common Voice for people to start recording their voice and validating others donations. If you want to help launch a new language, head over to our <sentenceCollectorLink>sentence collection tool</sentenceCollectorLink> to get started. Mozilla a ntodol bé to hop wokiwo. Iloo ki hala, Common Voice a yé yum i nson i bet-hop bon ba ñkena i kena wap, to hala le </multilangLink>maben ma yé jôga inwaa di njubus hop</multilangLink>, ni nés njel le lisañge makiñ li bôdôl. Jam li bisu li yé le bet-hop ba nlama hyelel jumbul li web ni hop wap, ka i yé bapot-hop ba lak tibil kéés bôlô u basañgge makiñ. Imbus ha, di mbat ngandak i mintôñ mi bibuk mi basañge ba nla añ makeñi, mi bak kunde le to njee a nla bôñôl ñwo i bôñôl wé. Indé mana maben moma ma nyon, we unu hop u nyibla i Common Voice, ni le bôt ba nla bôdôl ti makiñ map to ineebe makiñ ma bôt bape ba mbôk ba ti. Ibale u yé le u gwés le hop u mondo u yibla, kenek ni bisu, ke pam i <sentenceCollectorLink>njañ i kôdôl i mintôñ mi bibuk</sentenceCollectorLink> ndi u gabôdle ha.
694 |
The number of recordings and which languages you contribute to will be public. Nsoñgi u dikékét dimakiñ u nsañge ni i hop u nsañgne mo, biga pam bé i bamba.
695 |
Re-record clip Timba yoñ kiñ
696 |
Return here to edit your goal anytime. Témb hana inyu lihyéñha likak joñ to imbe ñgéda.
697 |
Estonian Estonia
698 |
Yes, send me emails. I’d like to stay informed about the Common Voice Project. Nn, ni nla om me bimél inyu iyis me kiki mahol ma yum i nson u hop u basaa ma ñke i Common Voice.
699 |
Contribute sentences Sañge ntôn u bibuk
700 |
Validated Clips Mineebege mi dikékét di makiñ
701 |
Contribution Experience Ntel u ñgéda u bôdôl sañge
702 |
<playIcon></playIcon>Last one! <playIcon></playIcon> hi nsôk!
703 |
Number of Voices Nsoñgi u dikékét di makiñ
704 |
Hours Recorded Nsoñgi u mañgeñ u minsañgge mi makiñ
705 |
You can help build a diverse, open-source dataset by creating a Common Voice profile and contributing your voice. Inyu yoñ ñgaba ikédé nduña i njañgi nya-ndi-nya i mayaa ma minje, ma ma ntiba sadaga, u nla kek liyimbne i Common Voice ni sañge kiñ yoñ mu ikédé.
706 |
Voice is natural, voice is human. That’s why we’re excited about creating usable voice technology for our machines. But to create voice systems, developers need an extremely large amount of voice data. Kiñ iyé kom-ligwéé, kiñ i yé bôk-ni-nyu. Inyu hala nyen lôôha yéñe a yé bés i hôlôs makeñge ni ini njel le bikey gwés bilak nigle to isolol, to ikek makiñ. Ndi inyu boñ le di laa hôlôs mana makeñge, i mbéda didun ndi didun di makiñ.
707 |
Anonymized user data like age, gender, and accent helps improve the audio data used to train the accuracy of speech recognition engines. Your username and email will never be associated with your submitted data, and you can choose whether to make your username public or anonymous. minsolbe mi biyimbne bi mut kiki bo biman̂, libak li muda to li mulôm, lipôdôl, mi nhôla inyu itibil méyha likeñge li isolol makiñ. Ñgédi yoñ ndi to mél woñ bi gangwañna bé ni kiñ yoñ iyé le u gasañge; iloo ki la, u nla tep i yelel ñgédi yoň tole i tjél yelel yo.
708 |
<speechBlogLink>Get Started with Speech Recognition</speechBlogLink> Nyuge môngo ikédé Lisolol makiñ
709 |
Record your voice Odol kiñ yoñ
710 |
Sardinian Sardinia
711 |
View your progress against personal and project goals. Béñge mahol ma nson woñ inoñnaga ni makak moñ wemede.
712 |
What is Common Voice? Common Voice a yé ki ?
713 |
corrupt ñôbak
714 |
Faroese Farosia
715 |
Why Common Voice? Inyu ki Common Voice ?
716 |
Mongolian Mongolia
717 |
Cantonese Cantonesia
718 |
Play/Stop tuk/téé
719 |
Italian Italia
720 |
{ $actionType } submit when ready { $actionType } sule idéé u gamal
721 |
Maybe our <homepageLink>homepage</homepageLink> will help? To ask a question, please join the <matrixLink>Matrix community chat</matrixLink>, monitor site issues via <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink> or visit <discourseLink>our Discourse forums</discourseLink>. Bebek <homepageLink>Kumba</homepageLink> i jumbul jés li web i yé le i hôla we ? Ibale u gwéé mbadga ibat, di nsoohe we le u jôp i <matrixLink>yuyut i ñkwel le Matrix</matrixLink>, hes mandoñ ma jumbul i<githubLink>GitHub</githubLink> tole léñél<discourseLink>biyuyut gwés bi miñkwel</discourseLink>.
722 |
Speak now Nano podok
723 |
Enter your email Tila njañ yoñ mél
724 |
Share your { $count } Clip Weekly Goal for { $type } Tôô likak joñ li dikékét di makiñ { $count } li sondi inyu { $type }
725 |
Launched Môngô u nyugna
726 |
2019 End-of-Year Release Lipama i lisuk li nwii
727 |
breakpoint Libuga
728 |
Benefits Minseñ
729 |
Kabardian Kabardia
730 |
black box Lihudul ñgudga
731 |
Share your { $count } Clip Daily Goal for { $type } Tôô likak joñ li dikékét di makiñ { $count } li kel inyu { $type }
732 |
Polish Poland
733 |
attacker Nleleña
734 |
735 |
Izhorian Izora
736 |
737 |
Voice Dataset, Ready for Download Mayaa ma minje mi makiñ, mbômhaga inyu ñkeda
738 |
Terms Mayegna
739 |
Why a profile? Liyimbne li nhôla kii ?
740 |
Version Bitéé bi lipémhak
741 |
Weekly Hi Sondi
742 |
We at Mozilla are building a community around voice technology. We would like to stay in touch with updates, new data sources and to hear more about how you're using this data. Ikede jut li bôlô le Mozilla, di ñkot bôt inyu lihôlôs minsélél mi mapôdôl. Di yé le di gwés kônde ba libaba ni we, ka i ye le u lak yis bés ibale manjel ma yondo ma libulus njañgi makiñ ma nnene, ni inyu iyi lelaa u ñgwélél mayaa ma makiñ ma nsaňgna.
743 |
Back to Top Témp i ño u lipep
744 |
The Common Voice dataset complements Mozilla’s open source voice recognition engine Deep Speech, which you can use to build speech recognition applications. Read our <githubLink>Github overview</githubLink> or join the <discourseLink>DeepSpeech Discourse</discourseLink> to learn how to get started. Mayaa ma makiñ ma Common Voice ma njéhne sadaga nyum u lisolol makiñ u yé jôl le Deep Speech, i mut a nla bôñôl inyu ihôlôs bibañ mi lisolol to linigle makiñ ma bôt. Añ <githubLink>Semkwep ndoñ i Github</githubLink> tole lo koba bés i <discourseLink>Juu li nkwel li DeepSpeech</discourseLink> inyu likôhna biniigana ihet u bôdle.
745 |
The Common Voice dataset is available for download under the <licenseLink>CC0</licenseLink> license on <datasetLink>our Datasets page</datasetLink>. You can also download several other publicly available datasets from the same page. Mayaa ma makiñ ma Common Voice ma nla kéda i si bitédél bi <licenseLink>CC0</licenseLink> mabéhna i <datasetLink>Libap jés li mayaa</datasetLink>. U nla ki ket mimbamba mi mayaa mimpe i nlélém u libap.
746 |
This setting controls your leaderboard visibility. When hidden, your progress will be private. This means your image, user name and progress will not appear on the leaderboard. Note that leaderboard refresh takes ~{ $minutes }min to populate changes. Lini likégél jon li nhôla i bok bitéé gwoñ bi kumba. Ibale li sôli, ntel u mahol ma bôlô yoñ u nyél ndidi. Hala a ñkobla le, liñgeliñge yoñ, ôha yoñ i jôl ni ntel u mahol ma bôlô bi ganene bé i bitéé bi kumba. Yimbe le, lisugde bitéé bi kumba li nyoñ yom ki manut { $minutes } nwaa le mahéñha ma nnene.
747 |
Macedonian Masédonia
748 |
external nlolo
749 |
When a user rejects a voice clip it returns to the Queue. If rejected a second time, the voice clip is moved to the Clip Graveyard. Ingéda ñemble a ntjél nneebe hikékét i kiñ, hini hi ntémb i ntôn-maemble. Ibale ñemble numpe a ntémb a tjél nneebe hyo, hini hikékét hi kiñ hi nléba i Soñ i Dikékét di Makiñ.
750 |
We promise to handle your information with care. Read more in our <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>. Di mbôn we le, di gatédés libim u nla saňge. U yé le u kônde kôs ndoñol ikolbaha ni <privacyLink>ñkok u matédés</privacyLink> wés
751 |
{ $actionType }<recordIcon></recordIcon> then read the sentence aloud { $actionType }<recordIcon></recordIcon> imbus u añ ntôñ u bibuk ni kiñ ngii.
752 |
The sentence has a grammatical or spelling error. Ntôñ bibuk u gwéé hihôha hi ñgobol hop tole hi matila hop.
753 |
Total Approved Mineebege ñwominsô
754 |
add-on manôbna
755 |
alternate text Pand bitilna ipe
756 |
attack Leleña
757 |
attacker Nleleña
758 |
Attack Site Leleña i jumbul
759 |
attendee Nyéyél
760 |
authenticate Likémhe
761 |
authenticated Ñkémhege
762 |
autoplay ñgem-ntuk
763 |
bookmark Buga-i-mbuga
764 |
bookmark Libôk-mbuga
765 |
breakpoint Libuga
766 |
Bug report Ndoñ i ñgônôk
767 |
certificate authority Mbok-mbôgi
768 |
cipher cipher
769 |
clipboard Linôyôy
770 |
revert Liboñol
771 |
context ka-ñgéda
772 |
corrupt ñôbak
773 |
corrupt ôbôs
774 |
corrupted ñôbak
775 |
cryptominer cryptomina
776 |
cryptomining crytominiñ
777 |
debug Likunul
778 |
deceptive site ôñgba i kumba
779 |
decode lisolol
780 |
decryption Litimbis-yômi
781 |
disinformation Biyuma bi mañwin
782 |
distrust Linimis bôdôl
783 |
enable Likobol
784 |
encode Linond
785 |
encrypt Liyilis-likañ
786 |
encryption Lihéya-likañ
787 |
search suggestion Matôñôl
788 |
end user ñgwégwél
789 |
Enhanced Tracking Protection Ñgaa-Mahañ Ikeñi
790 |
extension ñwel
791 |
fingerprinter Likinda
792 |
fingerprinting Likôp likinda
793 |
grassroots Lipigil
794 |
home page kumba-lipep
795 |
import Lilegle
796 |
innovations binééga-bi-mam
797 |
insecure binyuu
798 |
installation Liôm-siñ
799 |
Issue Libambal
800 |
Legacy extension Yéyégla-ñwel
801 |
802 |
misinformation Biyuma bi mañwin
803 |
native Ñgwélés
804 |
open source Sadaga
805 |
override Liyiha
806 |
pop-up Papama
807 |
preference Béna
808 |
release Lipama
809 |
report Ndoñ
810 |
report too ndoñ
811 |
security keys koodene-matédés
812 |
sensitive matadga
813 |
sidebar Papañ-mbébga
814 |
sign Kumsoñ
815 |
signer Ñkumsoñ
816 |
studies Yigil
817 |
track Litoo-njañ
818 |
trackers Batoo-njañ
819 |
Tracking Content Minso mi mintoa
820 |
unencrypted Ngijôp likañ
821 |
unresponsive Mamoma
822 |
unsafe Ngimatadga
823 |
validate Lineebe
824 |
validity baneebaga
825 |
version Bitéé mi lipémhak
826 |
Web Authentication Miñkémhene mi Web
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
Accent Fɔcogo
3 |
sign don
4 |
Quechua Chanka Kesuwasankakan
5 |
signer donbaga
6 |
Is the clip valid? Yala o klip in bɛ se ka kɛ wa?
7 |
Azerbaijani Azerbajankan na
8 |
You can <sentenceCollectorLinkAdd>add small numbers of sentences</sentenceCollectorLinkAdd>, or you can do <bulkImportDocsLink>bulk imports using Github</bulkImportDocsLink>. Remember that sentences need to be <licenseLink>CC0 (or public domain)</licenseLink>, or you can write your own. Aw bɛ se ka <sentenceCollectorLinkAdd>kumasen fitininw fara a kan</sentenceCollectorLinkAdd>, walima i bɛ se ka <bulkImportDocsLink>donni caman kɛ ni Github</bulkImportDocsLink> ye. Aw k’aw hakili to a la ko kumasenw ka kan ka kɛ <licenseLink>CC0 (walima foroba yɔrɔ)</licenseLink> ye, walima aw bɛ se k’aw yɛrɛ ta sɛbɛn.
9 |
Benefits Nafaw
10 |
Kurmanji Kurdish Kuridusikan
11 |
Amharic Amharikikan na
12 |
Voices Online Now Kumakanw bɛ Ɛntɛrinɛti kan Sisan
13 |
Turkmen Turkmenikan
14 |
Optionally join on our email list for updates and new information about the project. Ni aw b’a fɛ ka fara an ka bataki cilenw kan walasa ka kunnafoni kuraw ni kunnafoni kuraw sɔrɔ porozɛ in kan.
15 |
Macedonian Masedoniyankan
16 |
encrypt kode
17 |
Need some help with accent? Aw mago bɛ dɛmɛ dɔ la ni accent ye wa?
18 |
Thanks for confirming your account, now let's build your profile. Aw ni ce aw ka jatebɔ la, sisan an k'aw ka profil jɔ.
19 |
You have not added any languages yet. Aw ma kan si Fàra o kan fɔlɔ.
20 |
Enhanced Tracking Protection nɔ̀gɛnni tangani siraw
21 |
end user màgoɲinina
22 |
Lithuanian Litiyanikan
23 |
Sign up for Common Voice newsletters, goal reminders and progress updates I tɔgɔ sɛbɛn Common Voice kunnafonidisɛbɛnw na, kuntilenna hakilijiginw ani ɲɛtaa kunnafoniw
24 |
compact - recommend deprioritize méleke
25 |
Discard ongoing recording Fɔlisen min bɛ sen na, O tali
26 |
Profile information improves the audio data used in training speech recognition accuracy. Profil kunnafoniw bɛ kunnafoniw lamɛntaw ɲɛ ka taa a fɛ minnu bɛ kɛ ka kuma dɔnni tiɲɛni dege.
27 |
Re-record clip Ka kumakan ta kura ye
28 |
external kɛ́nɛmana
29 |
Albanian Alibaniyankan
30 |
Make sure the platform is recording before you start speaking, and that it only stops once you’re finished. I k’a lajɛ ni plateforme bɛ ka sɛbɛnni kɛ sanni i ka kuma daminɛ, ani ko a bɛ jɔ dɔrɔn ni i ye kuma ban.
31 |
<sentenceCollectorVideo>Watch our guide on using the Sentence Collector</sentenceCollectorVideo>. <sentenceCollectorVideo>An ka gafe lajɛ min bɛ kumasenw lajɛlan</sentenceCollectorVideo> baaracogo kan.
32 |
Clips recorded Kan taala
33 |
Sentences that have been validated are exported on Wednesdays, and are available after the next release. Kumasen minnu Sɔ̀rɔla, olu bɛ Bɔ jamana wɛrɛw la karidonw na, wa u bɛ Sɔrɔ bɔli nata kɔfɛ.
34 |
Voice recognition technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with machines, but the currently available systems are expensive and proprietary. Common Voice is part of Mozilla’s initiative to make voice recognition technologies better and more accessible for everyone. Common Voice is a massive global database of donated voices that lets anyone quickly and easily train voice-enabled apps in potentially every language. Kan dɔnni fɛɛrɛ bɛ ka fɛn caman sɛmɛntiya an ni masinw ka jɛɲɔgɔnya kɛcogo la, nka sisan, sigida minnu bɛ yen, olu sɔngɔ ka gɛlɛn, wa u ye an yɛrɛ ta ye. Common Voice ye Mozilla ka baara dɔ ye walasa ka kumakan dɔnni fɛɛrɛw kɛ ka ɲɛ ani ka se ka sɔrɔ bɛɛ fɛ. Common Voice ye diɲɛ kɔnɔ kunnafonisɛbɛnba ye min bɛ kumakanw dilabɔ, min b’a to mɔgɔ bɛɛ bɛ se ka kumakan-porogaramuw dege teliya la ani nɔgɔya la kan bɛɛ la min bɛ se ka kɛ.
35 |
filter bubble kubariya tiɲɛtigiyali fɛrɛ
36 |
The Clip Graveyard consists of voice clips that didn't make it into the Common Voice dataset. Just like the dataset, the Clip Graveyard is available for download. We would like to thank the following people and organizations for their help with the project: Clip Graveyard (Klip kaburudo) bɛ Kɛ ni kan-klipw ye minnu ma Se ka Kɛ Common Voice dataset kɔnɔ. I n’a fɔ kunnafonidilan in cogo kelen na, Clip Graveyard bɛ se ka telesarse. An b’a fɛ ka foli lase nin mɔgɔw ni jɛkulu ninnu ma, u ka dɛmɛ kosɔn porozɛ in na:
37 |
We will be in touch with more information as it becomes available. An bɛna kunnafoni wɛrɛw di n’u sɔrɔla.
38 |
Chuvash Chuvashkan
39 |
encode ankode
40 |
Validation Progress Validation (dafali) ɲɛtaa
41 |
Odia Odiyakan
42 |
Language Kanw
43 |
Validating donated clips is equally important to the Common Voice mission. Take a listen and help us create quality open source voice data. Klip minnu dira, olu tiɲɛni nafa ka bon o cogo kelen na Common Voice cidenyabaara la. Aw ye lamɛnni kɛ ani k’an dɛmɛ ka kumakan kunnafoni dafalenw dilan minnu ka ɲi.
44 |
Ubykh Ubykikan
45 |
autoplay ka fɔ́ a yɛrɛ ye
46 |
innovations kokuraw
47 |
installation làsigi
48 |
Xhosa Sosakan
49 |
Twi Tuwikan
50 |
Common Voice is Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. Common Voice ye Mozilla ka fɛɛrɛ ye walasa ka dɛmɛ don ka masinw kalan mɔgɔ lakikaw bɛ kuma cogo min na.
51 |
Is my account information public? Yala ne ka jatebɔsɛbɛn kunnafoniw bɛ foroba la wa?
52 |
Mossi Mosikan
53 |
Most of the data used by large companies isn’t available to the majority of people. We think that stifles innovation. So we’ve launched Common Voice, a project to help make voice recognition open and accessible to everyone. Baarakɛdabaw bɛ baara kɛ ni kunnafonidilan minnu ye, olu fanba tɛ sɔrɔ mɔgɔ fanba bolo. An hakili la o¶ bɛ kokuradonni dabila. O la, an ye Common Voice daminɛ, porozɛ min bɛ dɛmɛ don ka kumakan dɔnni da wuli¶ ani ka se bɛɛ ma.
54 |
Croatian Kurɔsikan na
55 |
Keep track of your progress with a profile and help our voice data be more accurate. Aw ye aw ka ɲɛtaa jateminɛ ni kunnafonisɛbɛn ye ani ka an ka kumakan kunnafoniw dɛmɛ u ka kɛ tiɲɛ ye.
56 |
Looks like there aren't any clips to listen to in this language. Help us fill the queue by recording some now. A bɛ iko klip si tɛ yen ka Lamɛ nin kan in na. An dɛmɛ ka kumakan dɔw ta sisan.
57 |
Return to Common Voice Segin ka ta Common Voice Kan
58 |
idle tɛ yen
59 |
{ $count }y san{ $count }
60 |
Privacy Policy Kunnafoni dogolenw maracogo
61 |
Yiddish Yididikan
62 |
Sakha Sakakan
63 |
Sicilian Sisiliyankan
64 |
Female Muso
65 |
≥ 2 Yes votes ≥ 2 Ɔwɔ wotew
66 |
Nias Niyasikan
67 |
Web Authentication wɛbu tɛmɛli sariya
68 |
I am a non-native speaker and I speak with an accent, do you still want my voice? Ne ye mɔgɔ ye min tɛ kan fɔbaga ye ani ne bɛ kuma ni accent ye, yala i b’a fɛ hali bi ne kan na wa?
69 |
certificate authority tigiya sɛ́mɛntiyalan
70 |
Tibetan Tibɛtikan na
71 |
Drag and drop or <browseWrap>Browse</browseWrap> A sama ka bila walima <browseWrap>Ka Bɔ</browseWrap>
72 |
Syriac Syriakikan
73 |
Have you read our Terms? Yala i ye an ka Sariyaw kalan wa?
74 |
Esperanto Esperantokan na
75 |
Common Voice is a crowdsourcing platform, and the languages were all added by volunteers. We would love for you to add your language! <languageRequestLink>Ask about adding your language.</languageRequestLink> Common Voice ye jama sɔrɔyɔrɔ ye, wa kanw bɛɛ farala ɲɔgɔn kan ni bolomafaraw ye. An b’a fɛ kosɛbɛ k’aw ka kan fara a kan! <languageRequestLink>Aw ye ɲininkali kɛ aw ka kan farali kan.
76 |
Your Languages Aw ka Kanw
77 |
Learn how to take part A ɲini k’i sen don a la cogo min na
78 |
The Common Voice dataset is available for download under the <licenseLink>CC0</licenseLink> license on <datasetLink>our Datasets page</datasetLink>. You can also download several other publicly available datasets from the same page. Common Voice kunnafonidilan bɛ se ka telesarse <licenseLink>CC0</licenseLink> lase kɔnɔ <datasetLink>an ka Datasets ɲɛ</datasetLink> kan. Aw bɛ se fana ka kunnafonidilan damadɔ wɛrɛw telesarse minnu bɛ sɔrɔ foroba la ka bɔ ɲɛ kelen na.
79 |
Xitsonga Sitisongakan
80 |
Collecting sentences Kumasenw dalajɛli
81 |
You can meet others in the Mozilla language communities by joining <discourseLink>Discourse</discourseLink> for topical conversations, or <matrixLink>Matrix</matrixLink> for quick advice. I bɛ se ka mɔgɔ wɛrɛw kunbɛn Mozilla kan jɛkuluw kɔnɔ n’i farala <discourseLink>Discourse</discourseLink> kan walasa ka baro kɛ barokunw kan, walima <matrixLink>Matrix</matrixLink> walasa ka laadilikan teliya sɔrɔ.
82 |
Email Imɛyi
83 |
Contact aw ka kuma an fɛ
84 |
Haitian Haïtikan na
85 |
Lingala Lingalakan
86 |
Submit Ka lase
87 |
Ready to do { $count } more? I labɛnlen don ka do faara a kan wa ?
88 |
We’re crowdsourcing an open-source dataset of voices. Donate your voice, validate the accuracy of other people’s clips, make the dataset better for everyone. An b’a ka jamanadenw ka kunnafonidilan dafalen dɔ kɛ kanw kan. Aw k’aw kan di, ka mɔgɔ wɛrɛw ka klipuw tiɲɛni sinsin, ka kunnafonidilan kɛ fɛn ɲuman ye bɛɛ ye.
89 |
The multi-language version of the Common Voice dataset is currently undergoing community supported bundling and cleaning. If you would like to help us bring Common Voice to new languages, go check out the <sentenceCollectorLink>Sentence Collection Tool</sentenceCollectorLink> for adding new sentences to the dataset, and Mozilla <pontoonLink>Pontoon</pontoonLink> for translating the website itself. New languages are added to Common Voice for voice contribution when 5000 approved sentences have been collected. Common Voice kunnafonidilan min bɛ kan caman na, o bɛ ka sigida dɛmɛni ni a saniyalen kɛ sisan. N’i b’a fɛ k’an dɛmɛ ka Common Voice lase kan kuraw la, taa <sentenceCollectorLink>Kunnafoni dalajɛminɛn</sentenceCollectorLink> lajɛ walasa ka kumasen kura fara kunnafonidilan kan, ani Mozilla <pontoonLink>Pontoon</pontoonLink> walasa ka siti in baara a yɛrɛ ye. Kan kura bɛ Fàra Common Voice kan kanko dɛmɛni kama ni kumasen 5000 dabɔra minnu Dabɔra.
90 |
Gender Cɛya walima musoya
91 |
non-profit tɔnɔ tɛ min na
92 |
Sentences Kumasenw
93 |
Dataset Release Dataset bɔli
94 |
Patch Patici
95 |
IsiNdebele (North) Isindebelekan
96 |
Kabyle Kabilekan
97 |
L10n Báyɛlɛmani
98 |
Off K'a bɔ a la
99 |
Voice Validation Kumakanw Lafasali
100 |
preference sàgolata
101 |
clipboard pɛrɛsipapiye
102 |
How can I get the Common Voice data? Ne bɛ se ka Common Voice ka kunnafoniw sɔrɔ cogo di?
103 |
Speak Kuma
104 |
enable gódon
105 |
Why don’t you ask people to read from books or Wikipedia articles in different languages? Mun na i t’a ɲini mɔgɔw fɛ u ka kalan kɛ gafew kɔnɔ walima Wikipeja barokunw na kan wɛrɛw la?
106 |
Ligurian Ligurikan
107 |
Terms of Service Baarakɛcogo sariyaw
108 |
Hidden Dogolen
109 |
Check if your language is listed on the <languagesPageLink>Common Voice Languages page</languagesPageLink>. If not, fill out this form and we’ll <strong>send you a handy email explaining how to get your language set up</strong>. A lajɛ n’i ka kan sɛbɛnnen bɛ <languagesPageLink>kan jɛlenw ɲɛ</languagesPageLink>. N’o tɛ, i ka nin sɛbɛn in dafa, an bɛna <strong>i ka bataki ci i ma min bɛ se ka kɛ i bolo ka ɲɛfɔli kɛ i ka kan sigicogo kan</strong>.
110 |
How do I add a language? Ne bɛ se ka kan dɔ fara a kan cogo di?
111 |
Sign up for an account I tɔgɔ sɛbɛn ka kɔnti dɔ sɔrɔ
112 |
Catalan Katalankan na
113 |
Frequently Asked Questions Ɲininkali minnu bɛ kɛ tuma caman na
114 |
Profile Porofili
115 |
grassroots kànpaɲi
116 |
Mozilla is dedicated to keeping the web open and accessible for everyone. To do that we need to empower web creators through projects like Common Voice. As voice technologies proliferate beyond niche applications, we believe they must serve all users equally. That means investing in more languages and accommodating diverse accents and demographics when building and testing voice technologies. Common Voice is a public resource available to everyone and Mozilla teams and developers around the world are already using it on our own projects as well. Mozilla y’a yɛrɛ di walasa ka ɛntɛrinɛti da wuli ani ka se ka sɔrɔ bɛɛ bolo. Walasa k’o kɛ an ka kan ka fanga di ɛntɛrinɛti dabɔbagaw ma porozɛw fɛ i n’a fɔ Common Voice. Ni kanko fɛɛrɛw bɛ ka caya ka tɛmɛn nisɛ baarakɛminɛnw kan, an dalen b’a la k’u ka kan ka baara kɛ baarakɛlaw bɛɛ ye cogo kelen na. O kɔrɔ ye ka wari bila kan caman na ani ka fɔcogo ni jamanadenw hakɛ suguya caman ladon ni kanko fɛɛrɛw jɔli n’u kɔrɔbɔ. Common Voice ye foroba nafolo ye min bɛ sɔrɔ bɛɛ bolo wa Mozilla jɛkuluw ni baarakɛlaw bɛ baara kɛ n’a ye kaban an yɛrɛ ka porozɛw kan fana.
117 |
Help us get to { $goal } An dɛmɛ ka se { $goal } ma.
118 |
Search for answers Jaabiw ɲini
119 |
Sorry, Common Voice is running slowly. Thanks for your interest. Hakɛto Common Voice ka suma. I ni ce I ka danaya kɔsɔn
120 |
No Ayi
121 |
Ready to donate your voice? Yala i labɛnnen don k’i kan di wa?
122 |
Start recording Kumakan taali daminɛ
123 |
encryption kodeli
124 |
eavesdropping ma yàmariya
125 |
corrupted ɲaaminlen
126 |
Afrikaans Afirikikan na
127 |
The site is ready to be launched when it reaches 75% completion. Siti in labɛnnen don ka daminɛ n’a sera 75% dafalen ma.
128 |
Yes, we especially want your voice! Part of the aim of Common Voice is to gather as many different accents as possible so that voice recognition services work equally well for everyone. This means donations from non-native speakers are particularly important. Ɔwɔ, an b’a fɛ kɛrɛnkɛrɛnnenya la i ka kan ka kɛ! Common Voice laɲini dɔ ye ka fɔcogo suguya caman lajɛ walasa kan dɔnni baarakɛlaw ka baara kɛ cogo kelen na bɛɛ ye. O kɔrɔ ye ko bolomafara minnu bɛ bɔ mɔgɔ minnu fɛ, olu nafa ka bon kɛrɛnkɛrɛnnenya la.
129 |
Slovenian Soloveniyankan
130 |
Norwegian Nynorsk Norowɛzininorosikikan
131 |
Sentences must be reviewed and accepted by two people to be included in Common Voice. You create guidelines for your language <languageGuidelinesLink>here</languageGuidelinesLink>. Sentences must be in the <licenseLink>public domain</licenseLink> and shorter than 15 words. You can ask the owner of a text to make it <waiverLink>CC0 using our waiver process</waiverLink>, and send to us on commonvoice@mozilla.com Kumasenw ka kan ka lajɛ ani ka sɔn u ma mɔgɔ fila fɛ walasa u ka don Common Voice kɔnɔ. I bɛ laadilikanw da i ka kan kan <languageGuidelinesLink>yan</languageGuidelinesLink>. Kumasenw ka kan ka kɛ <licenseLink>foroba yɔrɔ la</licenseLink> ani ka surunya daɲɛ 15 la. Aw bɛ se k’a ɲini sɛbɛn dɔ tigi fɛ a k’a kɛ <waiverLink>CC0 ye ni an ka yafa kɛcogo</waiverLink> ye, ka ci an ma commonvoice@mozilla.com kan
132 |
Somali Somalikan
133 |
Slovak Solovakikan
134 |
Afaan Oromo Afan Oromokan
135 |
Georgian Jeorijikan
136 |
independent browser navigatɔri yɛrɛmahɔrɔnyalen
137 |
Bosnian Bosnikan
138 |
Bashkir Baskɛrikan na
139 |
See Less Lajɛta dɔgɔya
140 |
We use a Mozilla tool called <pontoonLink>Pontoon</pontoonLink> for translations. Pontoon has lots of languages, but if it doesn’t have yours you can <pontoonRequestLink>request for your language to be added</pontoonRequestLink>. Then, to make the language available on the Common Voice project, <githubRepoLink>request the new language on GitHub</githubRepoLink>. <localizationFragment>See more on site translation</localizationFragment>. An bɛ baara Kɛ ni Mozilla baarakɛminɛn dɔ ye min bɛ Weele ko <pontoonLink>Pontoon</pontoonLink> bamanankan-falen-falen kama. Pontoon bɛ kan caman fɔ, nka n'i ta t'a la i bɛ se ka <pontoonRequestLink>ɲini i ka kan ka fara a kan</pontoonRequestLink>. O kɔfɛ, walasa kan in ka se ka sɔrɔ Common Voice porozɛ kan, <githubRepoLink>kan kura ɲini GitHub</githubRepoLink> kan. <localizationFragment>Aw ye kunnafoni wɛrɛw lajɛ site bamanankan</localizationFragment> kan.
141 |
appear bánge
142 |
Why a profile? Mun na profil dɔ?
143 |
unresponsive tɛ sɔn
144 |
<accuracyLink>See more on accuracy criteria.</accuracyLink> <accuracyLink>Aw ye kunnafoni wɛrɛw lajɛ tiɲɛni sariyaw kan.</accuracyLink>
145 |
<p>Common Voice is a publicly available voice dataset, powered by the voices of volunteer contributors around the world. People who want to build voice applications can use the dataset to train machine learning models.</p> <p>At present, most voice datasets are owned by companies, which stifles innovation. Voice datasets also underrepresent: non-English speakers, people of colour, disabled people, women and LGBTQIA+ people. This means that voice-enabled technology doesn’t work at all for many languages, and where it does work, it may not perform equally well for everyone. We want to change that by mobilising people everywhere to share their voice.</p> Common Voice ye kan kunnafonidilan ye min bɛ sɔrɔ foroba la, min bɛ baara kɛ ni bolomafara dibagaw kanw ye diɲɛ fan bɛɛ. Mɔgɔ minnu b’a fɛ ka kumakan baarakɛminɛnw dilan, olu bɛ se ka baara kɛ ni kunnafonidilan ye walasa ka masin kalanni misaliw dege.</p> <p>Sisan , kumakan kunnafonidilan fanba ye tɔnw ta ye , o bɛ kokuradonni bali . Kan kunnafonidilanw fana tɛ : tubabukan fɔbagaw tɛ, mɔgɔ kulɛrilenw, sebaliw, musow ani LGBTQIA+ mɔgɔw. O kɔrɔ ye ko fɛɛrɛ min bɛ Kɛ ni kan ye, o tɛ baara Kɛ hali dɔɔnin kan caman na, wa a bɛ baara Kɛ yɔrɔ min na, a bɛ Se ka Kɛ ko a tɛ baara Kɛ cogo kelen na bɛɛ fɛ. An b' a fɛ k' o fɛn caman Changer ni ka mɔgɔw lajɛ yɔrɔ bɛɛ walasa k' u kan tila ɲɔgɔn na .</p>
146 |
Progress Ka taa ɲɛ
147 |
Lojban Lojbankan
148 |
Luxembourgish Likisanburukan
149 |
Hungarian Hɔngirikan na
150 |
Czech Cekikan na
151 |
counterclockwise mɔnturukalabɔlicogotana
152 |
extension ɛkisitansiyɔn
153 |
Firefox View Fayɛrifɔkisi ɲɛ́na
154 |
Save Ka mara
155 |
Thai Tayilandikan
156 |
context kɔntɛkisi
157 |
Don't see your language on Common Voice yet? Aw ma aw ka kan ye Common Voice kan fɔlɔ wa?
158 |
Why is 10,000 validated hours the per language goal for capturing audio? Mun na lɛrɛ 10 000 min sɛgɛsɛgɛra, o ye kan kelen-kelen bɛɛ kuntilenna ye walasa ka odio minɛ?
159 |
Greek Gɛrɛkikan na
160 |
Fulah Fulakan
161 |
Go to Languages Page Taga kanw ɲɛ kan
162 |
Search Ɲinili
163 |
Goan Konkani Goan konkan
164 |
open source foroba
165 |
colorway kulɔri
166 |
These languages are currently under community development. <localizationGlossaryLink>Website localization</localizationGlossaryLink> and <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>sentence collection</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink> is needed to launch. O kan ninnu bɛ sigida yiriwali la sisan. <localizationGlossaryLink>Website sigidako</localizationGlossaryLink> ani <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>kumasenw dalajɛ</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink> ka kan ka daminɛ.
167 |
Toki Pona Tokiponakan
168 |
version suguya
169 |
Download My Data Ka kan lasago
170 |
Total Jɛkulu Bɛɛ lajɛlen
171 |
Contribute Ka bolomafara di
172 |
Sorbian, Upper Sorbiyankan, Sanfɛla la
173 |
Tigrinya Tigirinyakan
174 |
distrust síga
175 |
Common Voice Dataset Kumakan Daɲɛgafe min bɛ wele ko Common Voice Dataset
176 |
fingerprinting bólonɔ kalan
177 |
In Progress A bɛ ka taa ɲɛ
178 |
Marathi Maratikan
179 |
Yoruba Yorubakan
180 |
N/A Surunyalen tɛ sɔrɔ
181 |
Western Sierra Puebla Nahuatl Siyera Tlebi fɛ Puebla Nahuatl
182 |
Acehnese Acehnekan na
183 |
<pontoonAccountLink>Create an account</pontoonAccountLink> if you don’t have one. Then, choose your language <strong>(‘Team’)</strong> and then choose the project, <pontoonCvLink>Common Voice</pontoonCvLink>. There will be files to translate. Click on one, then it shows words in English and a box to translate them. <pontoonAccountLink>Jatebɔsɛbɛn dɔ dabɔ</pontoonAccountLink> n’i t’a fɛ. O kɔfɛ, i ka kan sugandi <strong>(‘Ekipu’)</strong> ka sɔrɔ ka porozɛ sugandi, <pontoonCvLink>Kunnakan jɛlen</pontoonCvLink>. Dosiyɛriw bɛna kɛ yen minnu bɛna baara kɛ. I digi kelen kan, o kɔ, a bɛ daɲɛw jira tubabukan na ani kɛsu dɔ min bɛ se k’u bayɛlɛma.
184 |
You can use the <scraperLink>Sentence extractor</scraperLink> to leverage short sentences from Wikipedia. Aw bɛ se ka baara kɛ ni <scraperLink>Sentence extractor</scraperLink> ye walasa ka kumasen surunw nafa ka bɔ Wikipeja la.
185 |
Clip Graveyard Clip Kaburudo
186 |
Telugu Telugukan
187 |
Hill Mari Hilimarikan
188 |
Ukrainian Ikaraniyankan
189 |
By providing some information about yourself, the audio data you submit to Common Voice will be more useful to Speech Recognition engines that use this data to improve their accuracy. Ni i ye kunnafoni dɔw di i yɛrɛ kan, i bɛ kunnafoni lamɛntaw minnu ci Common Voice ma, olu nafa bɛna bonya kosɛbɛ Kuma ma Dɔnniya-minɛn minnu bɛ baara Kɛ ni o kunnafoniw ye walasa k’u ka tiɲɛni ɲɛ.
190 |
Connect with Gravatar Jɛɲɔgɔnya kɛ ni Gravatar ye
191 |
Get involved Aw ye aw sen don a la
192 |
Success, profile created! Ɲɛtaa, profil dilanna!
193 |
Voice clips are entered into a submission queue that readies them for listening. Kumakan-klipw bɛ don cikanw bilayɔrɔ la min b’u labɛn lamɛnni kama.
194 |
Southern Sotho Worodugu Sotokan
195 |
Log Out Aw ka bɔ kɛnɛ kan
196 |
Maithili Mɛtilikan
197 |
Manage Email Subscriptions Ka tɔgɔsɛbɛlenw ka Imɛyiw ɲɛnabɔ
198 |
override kɔ́fàlen
199 |
Arabic Arabukan na
200 |
We promise to handle your information with care. Read more in our <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>. An bɛ layidu ta I ye k'An b'I kumakan latanga.Nin kalan walasa k'I ka famuya jiidi An ka Gindo Sariyaw la.
201 |
participation bólomafaradi
202 |
Listen Ka lamɛn
203 |
Sign up I tɔgɔ sɛbɛn
204 |
Setswana Setisuwanakan
205 |
Tatar Tatarikan
206 |
trackers nɔ̀gɛnbagaw
207 |
Optionally submitted demographic data (e.g. age, gender, language, and accent) will never be made public on your profile, and will not be linked to your account in the dataset. Individual audio clips will be associated with demographic data for the purpose of more accurate analysis - for example, a researcher might want to target a training model to a specific demographic segment. Jamanadenw ka kunnafoniw minnu bɛ ci i yɛrɛ sago la (misali la, u si hakɛ, cɛya ni musoya, kan, ani u fɔcogo), olu tɛna kɛ foroba ye abada i ka kunnafonisɛbɛn kan, wa u tɛna siri i ka jatebɔsɛbɛn na kunnafonidilan kɔnɔ. Odio-klip kelen-kelen bɛɛ bɛna jɛ jamanadenw ka kunnafoniw na walasa ka sɛgɛsɛgɛli kɛ ka ɲɛ - misali la, ɲininikɛla dɔ bɛ se k’a fɛ ka kalan misali dɔ ɲɛsin jamanaden hakɛ yɔrɔ kɛrɛnkɛrɛnnen dɔ ma.
208 |
Variants are a specific form of a language - for example shared by those living in a geography or commmunity. Sometimes these are called dialects. Variants ye kan sugu kɛrɛnkɛrɛnnen dɔ ye - misali la, mɔgɔ minnu sigilen bɛ dugukoloko walima sigida dɔ la, olu bɛ tila ɲɔgɔn na. Tuma dɔw la, olu bɛ Weele ko kanhakɛw.
209 |
Translation is from English, but you can see <strong>Suggestions</strong> in other languages. Click the <strong>Profile</strong> icon, then <strong>Settings</strong> link and add any languages you speak. At the bottom right-hand corner will be a list of translations called <strong>Locales</strong>. Translations show on the site after one day. Bayɛlɛmali bɛ kɛ ka bɔ Angilɛkan na, nka i bɛ se ka <strong>Ladilikan</strong> ye kan wɛrɛw la. <strong>Profile</strong> taamasiyɛn digi, o kɔ <strong>Settings</strong> yɔrɔ digi ani i bɛ kan minnu fɔ, i bɛ olu fara a kan. Jiginni kininbolo fɛ, bamanankan baarakɛcogo dɔw bɛna sɔrɔ minnu bɛ wele ko <strong>Yɔrɔw</strong>. Bamanankan bayɛlɛmaniw bɛ jira site web kan tile kelen kɔfɛ.
210 |
German Alemaɲikan na
211 |
How do I add sentences? N bɛ kumasenw fara ɲɔgɔn kan cogo di?
212 |
Meetei Lon Meeteyilonkan
213 |
Welsh Waleskan na
214 |
Link Copied Lien Kopi kɛra
215 |
home page bùlonda
216 |
Overall project status: see how far we’ve come! Porozɛ cogoya bɛɛ lajɛlen : a lajɛ an sera yɔrɔ min na!
217 |
Your accent is the way you pronounce words. It can be shaped by where you have lived, which other languages you speak and lots of other factors. You can share any information you feel is relevant here. I ka fɔcogo ye i bɛ daɲɛw fɔcogo minna. O bɛ sɔrɔ I sigiyɔrɔ fɛ , i bɛ kan wɛrɛ minnu fɔ ani fɛn caman wɛrɛw. Aw bɛ se ka kunnafoni bɛɛ lase yan aw hakili la min bɛ se ka mago ɲɛ.
218 |
Soninke Marakakan
219 |
Sorry, something went wrong Hakɛto , fɛn dɔ ma ɲɛ
220 |
Breton Bretonkan na
221 |
Events Ko minnu kɛra
222 |
Yes Awɔ
223 |
security keys lákanali dáyɛlɛlan
224 |
Romanian Romaniyankan
225 |
All Bɛɛ
226 |
cryptomining kiripitɔmɔnɛbaara
227 |
Thank you for your interest in contributing to { $lang }. We work hard to get every language ready for launch and keep the teams updated via email. If you want to contribute, please provide your email below. I ni ce I ka timinanjiya la { $langBamanankan } sankɔrɔtanni la. Anw bɛ cɛsirila walasa ka kanw bɛɛ lakodɔn ani ka baarakɛɲɔgɔnw kunnafoni imɛyi fɛ. N'Aw b'a fɛ ka aw ka bólomafara lase, A y'aw ka imayi sɛbɛn duguma.
228 |
Icelandic Islandekan na
229 |
Help teach machines how real people speak, donate your voice at { $link } Dɛmɛ ka masinw kalan mɔgɔ lakikaw bɛ kuma cogo min na, i ka kan di { $link } ma.
230 |
Serbian Sɛribiyankan
231 |
nonprofit tɔnɔ tɛ min na
232 |
Donate your voice Aw ye aw ka kan di
233 |
attacker kɛ̀lɛkɛla
234 |
Return to Languages Ka segin ka taa kanw ma
235 |
Edit Labɛnni kɛ
236 |
attack kɛ̀lɛ
237 |
Portuguese Porotigɛkan
238 |
Cookies Kukisɛw
239 |
For these launched languages the website has been successfully <localizationGlossaryLink>localized</localizationGlossaryLink>, and has enough <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>sentences collected</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink> to allow for ongoing <speakLink>Speak</speakLink> and <listenLink>Listen</listenLink> contributions. Nin kan daminɛna ninnu na, siti in ye <localizationGlossaryLink>localization</localizationGlossaryLink> sɔrɔ ka ɲɛ, wa <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>kumasen caman bɛ a la minnu lajɛlen don</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink> walasa ka sira di <speakLink>Speak</speakLink> ani <listenLink>Lamɛnni</listenLink ma minnu bɛ taa ɲɛ > bolomafaraw.
240 |
Kazakh Kazakikan
241 |
How do you ensure anonymity and privacy of the people who donated their voices? Mɔgɔ minnu y’u kan di, i bɛ olu tɔgɔ fɔ cogo di ani k’u ka gundo dɔn?
242 |
Attack Site Síti kɛlɛli
243 |
We at Mozilla are building a community around voice technology. We would like to stay in touch with updates, new data sources and to hear more about how you're using this data. Anw bɛ ka jama kafo kan fɛɛrɛw dɛmɛli kama ,Mozila la yan.An b'a fɛ kubariya kuraw kalama ani ka dɔn I b'ala ka kumakan labaara togoya min na.
244 |
To make the Common Voice dataset as useful as possible we have decided to only allow source text that is available under a Creative Commons (CC0) license. Using the CC0 standard means its more difficult to find and collect source text, but allows anyone to use the resulting voice data without usage restrictions or authorization from Mozilla. Ultimately, we want to make the multi-language dataset as useful as possible to everyone, including researchers, universities, startups, governments, social purpose organizations, and hobbyists. Walasa ka Common Voice kunnafonidilan nafa sɔrɔ cogo min na an y’a latigɛ ka sɔn sɛbɛnw bɔyɔrɔ dɔrɔn ma minnu bɛ sɔrɔ Creative Commons (CC0) ka lase kɔnɔ. Baara kɛli ni CC0 sariya ye, o kɔrɔ ye ko a ka gɛlɛn ka sɔrɔ ka sɔrɔyɔrɔ sɛbɛnniw sɔrɔ ani k’u lajɛ, nka a bɛ sira Di mɔgɔ o mɔgɔ ma ka baara Kɛ ni kan kunnafoniw sɔrɔlenw ye k’a sɔrɔ baarakɛcogo dantigɛli ma Kɛ walima ni yamaruya ma Bɔ Mozilla fɛ. A laban na, an b’a fɛ ka kan caman kunnafonidilan in kɛ nafama ye bɛɛ bolo, i n’a fɔ ɲininikɛlaw, iniwɛrisitew, daminɛbagaw, gɔfɛrɛnamanw, sigidako tɔnw, ani ɲɛnajɛlamɔgɔw.
245 |
Asturian Asturiankan na
246 |
cipher sayifɛri
247 |
When will you release Common Voice data in other languages? Tuma jumɛn na i bɛna Common Voice kunnafoniw bɔ kan wɛrɛw la?
248 |
Record/Stop Ka kumakan ta/ Ka lajɔ
249 |
Help us validate sentences! An dɛmɛ ka kumasenw tiɲɛ!
250 |
Press play, listen & tell us: did they accurately speak the sentence below? A digi , ka bilaaala , ka lamɛn & k'a fɔ an ye : yala u ye kumasen in fɔ ka ɲɛ wa?
251 |
We want speech models to be better at understanding a diverse range of speakers. For this to happen, a voice dataset must represent lots of different people. An b’a fɛ kumacogo misaliw ka fisa ni kumalasela suguya caman faamuyali ye. Walasa o ka se ka kɛ, kumakan kunnafonidilan ka kan ka mɔgɔ suguya caman jira.
252 |
Turbo Mode Jóona
253 |
Kannada Kannadakan
254 |
Find others who care. That could be universities, language schools, advocacy groups or data science communities. Reach out and explain clearly how they can help and why. <outreachTemplates>See our template outreach emails</outreachTemplates>. Mɔgɔ wɛrɛw ɲini minnu b’u janto u la. O bɛ se ka kɛ inivɛrisitew ye, kanko kalansow, lafasalitɔnw walima kunnafoniko jɛkuluw. I bolo da a kan k’a ɲɛfɔ ka jɛya u bɛ se ka dɛmɛ cogo min na ani mun na. <outreachTemplates>An ka jatebɔsɛbɛnw lasecogo batakiw lajɛ</outreachTemplates>.
255 |
Press { shortcut-play-toggle } to toggle play mode { shortcut-play-toggle } digi walasa ka tulonkɛcogo caman wuli
256 |
Change your email via Settings under Login Identity I ka email yɛlɛma ka tɛmɛ Settings (Labɛnw) fɛ Dɔnniya Identité jukɔrɔ
257 |
Partnerships and networks Jɛɲɔgɔnya ni ɲɔgɔndɛmɛ
258 |
sign in ka don
259 |
Irish Irlandikan na
260 |
Launched A daminɛna
261 |
Mongolian Mongolikan
262 |
Close Ka datugu
263 |
Meadow Mari Mɛadomarikan
264 |
Our source text is made up of original contributor donations as well as dialogue from public domain movie scripts like <italic>It’s a Wonderful Life</italic>. You can view our source sentences in this <githubLink>GitHub folder</githubLink>. An ka sɔrɔyɔrɔ sɛbɛn bɛ kɛ ni dɛmɛbagaw ka bolomafara fɔlɔw ye ka fara baro kan ka bɔ foroba filimu sɛbɛnniw na i n’a fɔ <italic>It’s a Wonderful Life</italic>. Aw bɛ se k’an ka kumasenw bɔyɔrɔ lajɛ nin <githubLink>GitHub foli</githubLink> kɔnɔ.
265 |
Localized Sigida la
266 |
Browse Languages Kanw lajɛ
267 |
Sentence Collection Kumasenw Lajɛ
268 |
Status Page Sigisariyaw Paaji
269 |
Santali (Ol Chiki) Santalikan
270 |
I'd like to receive emails such as goal reminders, my progress updates and newsletters about Common Voice. N bɛ fɛ ka imɛyi sɔrɔ walasa ka N Hakilijigin N ka laɲiniw na, N ka baraw taabolo la ani Common Voice Kunnafɔni kuraw la
271 |
ka don
272 |
validity latɛmɛli sariya
273 |
Latgalian Latgalien
274 |
What is Common Voice? Common Voice ye mun ye?
275 |
Bambara Bamanankan na
276 |
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Yɔrɔ minnu taamasiyɛn ye dolow (*) ye, olu wajibiyalen don.
277 |
Malay Malayikan
278 |
abnormality gìrigara
279 |
decode dekode
280 |
Listen-Queue Lamɛnni-Layidu
281 |
Why should I sign up for an account? Mun na ne ka kan ka n tɔgɔ sɛbɛn jatebɔsɛbɛn dɔ la?
282 |
Kabardian Kabarijiyankan
283 |
Speak in your normal voice! The way you speak is welcome here - we want your accent as it is, and we want your usual volume, style and intonation. Kuma ni i kan ye min bɛ kɛ cogo la! I bɛ kuma cogo min na, o bɛ Sɔn yan - an b’a fɛ i ka fɔcogo i n’a fɔ a bɛ cogo min na, wa an b’a fɛ i ka fɔcogo, i ka fɔcogo ani i ka fɔcogo min bɛ kɛ tuma bɛɛ.
284 |
Dioula Julakan
285 |
Privacy Notice Kunnafoni dogolenw
286 |
Make your submitted data as rich as possible by providing some anonymous demographic data. We de-identify all demographic data before making it public. Aw ye aw ka kunnafoniw cilenw kɛ fɛn nafamaw ye cogo bɛɛ la, aw kɛtɔ ka jamanadenw ka kunnafoniw dɔw di minnu tɔgɔ ma fɔ. An bɛ jamanaden hakɛ kunnafoniw bɛɛ dogo ka sɔrɔ k’u bɔ kɛnɛ kan.
287 |
Leaderboard Visibility Kunnafoni ɲɛmɔgɔyaso yecogo
288 |
Remove Avatar Avatari bɔ yen
289 |
Read More Ka kunnafoni wɛrɛw kalan
290 |
Komi-Zyrian Komikan
291 |
pop-up fìnɛtiri
292 |
Today's Progress Bi ɲɛtaa
293 |
I agree to Common Voice's <termsLink>Terms</termsLink> and <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink> N bɛ sɔn Common Voice ka <termsLink>Sariyasenw</termsLink> ani <privacyLink>Gundola kunnafoni</privacyLink> ma
294 |
You have not selected any languages. Please go to your <profileLink>Profile</profileLink> to select languages. I ma kan si sugandi. Aw ye taa aw ka <profileLink>Profile</profileLink> la walasa ka kanw sugandi.
295 |
The Common Voice dataset complements Mozilla’s open source voice recognition engine Deep Speech. The first version of Deep Speech was released in November 2017 and has continued to evolve ever since. Together with the Common Voice dataset, we believe this open source voice recognition technology should be available to everybody. It’s our hope these technologies will enable developers to build a wave of innovative products and services. Common Voice kunnafonidilan bɛ Mozilla ka da wulilen kan dɔnni masin Deep Speech dafa. Deep Speech bɔko fɔlɔ bɔra san 2017 nowanburukalo la, wa a bɛ ka wuli ka taa a fɛ kabini o waati. An ni Common Voice kunnafonidilan jɛlen, an dalen b’a la ko nin kan dɔnni fɛɛrɛ dafalen in ka kan ka sɔrɔ bɛɛ bolo. An jigi b’a kan ko nin fɛɛrɛ ninnu bɛna kɛ sababu ye ka baarakɛlaw dɛmɛ u ka se ka fɛn kuraw ni baarakɛminɛn kuraw jɔ.
296 |
cryptominer kiripitɔmɔnɛlabaaraba
297 |
How do I stay in touch? Ne bɛ se ka to ɲɔgɔn fɛ cogo di?
298 |
Norwegian Bokmål Norowɛzikan
299 |
Loading… A bɛ na
300 |
Why is my language not included yet? Mun na ne ka kan ma don a la fɔlɔ?
301 |
Speakers Kanfɔbagaw
302 |
{ $count }wk kelen Dɔgɔkun dɔ wɛrɛ dk { $count }
303 |
What’s the difference between Common Voice and Deep Speech? Danfara jumɛn bɛ Common Voice ni Deep Speech cɛ?
304 |
305 |
There are lots of ways to think about language. For the purposes of speech recognition models, Common Voice suggests focussing on ‘mutual intelligibility’, or ‘can speakers of this language mostly understand one another if they try to?’ Fɛɛrɛ caman bɛ yen ka miiri kanko la. Kuma dɔnni misaliw kama, Common Voice b’a jira ko u ka sinsin ‘ɲɔgɔn faamuyali kan’, walima ‘yala kan in fɔbagaw bɛ se ka ɲɔgɔn faamuya kosɛbɛ n’u y’a ɲini wa?’
306 |
clockwise mɔnturutatogo
307 |
Don’t see your language reflected in the Dataset? To request a language head over to our Languages page. I ɲɛ tɛ i ka kan na Dataset kɔnɔ wa? Walasa ka kan dɔ ɲini, taa an ka Kanw ɲɛ kan.
308 |
You could use social media platforms to get the message out. Share posts that explain why it matters, and get in touch with other people talking about issues like language rights, voice AI, or bias in tech. See more advice on <campaignLink>running a social campaign, including content you can re-use</campaignLink>. I bɛ se ka baara kɛ ni sosiyete ka kunnafonidilanw ye walasa ka cikan bɔ kɛnɛ kan. Aw ye sɛbɛnw tila minnu b’a ɲɛfɔ mun na a nafa ka bon, ani ka kuma mɔgɔ wɛrɛw fɛ minnu bɛ kuma ko dɔw kan i n’a fɔ kanko josariyaw, kan AI, walima bias in tech. Aw ye laadilikan wɛrɛw lajɛ <campaignLink>kanpaɲi sosiyete ka kanpaɲi kan, i bɛ se ka baara kɛ ni min ye kokura</campaignLink> kɔnɔkow fana sen bɛ o la.
309 |
People come and contribute their voices. Mɔgɔw bɛ na u kanw di.
310 |
Chinese (China) Siniwakan (Siini)
311 |
cookie banner kuki pankarti
312 |
Voice recognition technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with machines, but the currently available systems are expensive and proprietary. Mozilla Common Voice is an initiative to make voice recognition technologies better and more accessible for everyone. Common Voice is a massive global database of donated voices that lets anyone quickly and easily train voice-enabled apps in potentially every language. We're not only collecting voice samples in widely spoken languages but also in those with a smaller population of speakers. Publishing a diverse dataset of voices will empower developers, entrepreneurs, and communities to address this gap themselves. Kan dɔnni fɛɛrɛw bɛ ka taɲɛ sɛmɛntiya masinw ka jɛɲɔgɔnya kɛcogo la, nka sisan, sisitɛmu gódongódonlen minnu bɛ yen, olu sɔngɔ ka gɛlɛn, wa ma kɛrɛnkɛrɛnlenw de ta don . Mozilla Common Voice ye hakilinan ye min bɛ kan dɔnni fɛɛrɛw nɔgɔya ani ka lasɔrɔli dayɛlɛ ma kelenkelen bɛɛ fe. Common Voice ye diɲɛ kɔnɔ kunnafonisɛbɛnba ye min bɛ kumakanw lamara, min b’a to mɔgɔ bɛɛ bɛ se ka kumakan-porogaramuw labɛn kɛ teliya la ani nɔgɔya la kan bɛɛ la. An tɛ kan misaliw dɔrɔn lajɛ kanw na minnu bɛ fɔ kosɛbɛ, nka an bɛ kanw fana lajɛ minnu ka fɔbagaw hakɛ ka dɔgɔ. Kumakanw kunnafonidilan suguya caman bɔli bɛna fanga di yiriwalikɛlaw, baarakɛlaw ani sigidamɔgɔw ma walasa u yɛrɛ ka se ka o danfara in ɲɛnabɔ.
313 |
Male Cɛ
314 |
User Name Baarakɛla tɔgɔ
315 |
Dhivehi Dwehikan na
316 |
Someone asks for a language to be added. Mɔgɔ dɔ b’a ɲini ka kan dɔ fara a kan.
317 |
{ $count }mo mo{ $count }
318 |
<translateVideoLink>Watch our guide on how to use Pontoon.</translateVideoLink> <translateVideoLink>An ka gafe lajɛ min bɛ Pontoon baaracogo kan.</translateVideoLink>
319 |
Shilha Silihakan
320 |
Latvian Latviyankan
321 |
Faroese Farosikan
322 |
unsafe faratima
323 |
Upload of this clip keeps failing, keep retrying? Nin klip in bilali ma ɲɛ, i ka to k’a ɲini wa?
324 |
Belarusian Belaruskaw ka kan
325 |
French Faransikan
326 |
Avatar uploaded Avatar sɔrɔla
327 |
Danish Danemarkekan na
328 |
Terms Bɛnkanw
329 |
Why ? Munna ?
330 |
Return Segin
331 |
channel sɛni
332 |
Tagalog Tagalogikan
333 |
Saraiki Sarɛkikan
334 |
Want to stay in touch with Common Voice? Aw b’a fɛ ka to jɛɲɔgɔnya la ni Common Voice ye wa?
335 |
Venetian Venetiyankan
336 |
Occitan Okitankan
337 |
Legacy extension Legasi ɛkisitansiyɔn
338 |
authenticated A tìɲɛtigiyala
339 |
The selected file is too large Filen sugandilen ka bon kojugu
340 |
Avoid too much background noise - it should be easy to hear you. Aw ye aw yɛrɛ tanga kɔkan mankan caman ma - a ka kan ka nɔgɔya ka aw mɛn.
341 |
black box búwati finman
342 |
executable file fisiye ɛkisitabili
343 |
debug lálaga
344 |
Turkish Turukikan
345 |
Sardinian Saridiniyankan
346 |
Cornish Koronisikan
347 |
validate ka súgandi
348 |
About Ka ɲɛsin
349 |
Help us build a high quality, publicly open dataset An dɛmɛ ka datasɛti ɲumanba dɔ dankɛnɛmaya, min dabɔra foroba mago kama
350 |
Tajik Tajikikan
351 |
Tamil Tamilikan
352 |
Vietnamese Viyetinamesikan
353 |
{ $hours } validated hours so far! kelen Lɛrɛ kelen validelen don fɔlɔ! dɔ wɛrɛ { $hours } lɛrɛ dafalenw fo ka na se bi ma!
354 |
native nativu
355 |
crash binnin
356 |
Edit Profile Porofili ladilan
357 |
What is a language on Common Voice? What is a language on Common Voice?
358 |
corrupt sígańná
359 |
Medumba Medumbakan na
360 |
Using Common Voice Baara kɛ ni Common Voice ye
361 |
disinformation kolabɛnlen
362 |
Back to Top Segin ka na Sanfɛ
363 |
Contribute Your Voice Aw ka dɛmɛ don aw ka kumakan na
364 |
Note: You will still need to select between Speak or Listen to change contribution type. Kɔlɔsili: I bɛna a ɲini hali bi ka kuma fɔ walima ka Lamɛ walasa ka bolomafara suguya falen.
365 |
Other people validate those voice clips. Mɔgɔ wɛrɛw b’o kumakan-klipw sinsin.
366 |
Speak now Kuma sisan
367 |
Interlingua Kanw ni ɲɔgɔn cɛ
368 |
Korean Koriyɛnkan
369 |
Siswati Siwatikan
370 |
decryption dekiripitazi
371 |
Add new custom accent "{ $inputValue }" A' ye ladamukan kura fara "{ $inputValue }" kan.
372 |
Most of the data used by large companies isn’t available to the majority of people. We think that stifles innovation. So we’ve launched Project Common Voice, a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Baarakɛdabaw bɛ baara kɛ ni kunnafonidilan minnu ye, olu fanba tɛ sɔrɔ mɔgɔ fanba bolo. An b'a miiri¶ min bɛ kokuradonni dabila. O la an ye Project Common Voice daminɛ, porozɛ min bɛ dɛmɛ don ka kumakan dilan¶ dɛmɛbagaw walasa ka jogoɲumanya yiriwa. A ka nɔgɔn ten dɛ! dɔnniya dabɔra bɛɛ ye.
373 |
Guarani Gwaranikan
374 |
Skip Submission Feedback Tɛmɛ Submission Feedback kan
375 |
The number of recordings and which languages you contribute to will be public. Fɔlisenw hakɛ ani i bɛ dɛmɛ don kan minnu na, o bɛna kɛ foroba ye.
376 |
Get Involved k'aw sen don a la
377 |
search suggestion dájìrali sɛbɛn
378 |
Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web. Read a sentence to help machines learn how real people speak. Check the work of other contributors to improve the quality. It’s that simple! Sisan aw bɛ se k’aw ka kan di walasa k’an dɛmɛ ka kan kunnafonidilan dafalen dɔ jɔ, mɔgɔ bɛɛ bɛ se ka baara kɛ ni min ye¶ ka porogaramu kura dilan minɛnw ni ɛntɛrinɛti kan. Kumasen dɔ kalan walasa ka masinw dɛmɛ u k’a dɔn mɔgɔ sɛbɛw bɛ kuma cogo min na. Aw ye mɔgɔ wɛrɛw ka baara lajɛ¶
379 |
Southern Kurdish Worodugu Kuridisikan
380 |
sign up for email updates i tɔgɔ sɛbɛn walasa ka kunnafoni kuraw sɔrɔ imɛyi la
381 |
Help us validate voices An dɛmɛ ka kumakanw tiɲɛtigiya
382 |
Speech is often the most natural way we communicate with each other and voice technologies are bringing that convenience to our computers and mobile devices. We want to empower developers to build amazing voice recognition applications like real-time translators and voice-enabled digital assistants. But right now most of the voice data required to build these kinds of apps is expensive and proprietary. We hope the Common Voice dataset will give developers what they need to innovate and make speech technology available in their own language. To make voice recognition even more universal, we're collecting voice samples in widely spoken languages as well as those with a smaller population of speakers often underserved by commercial speech recognition services. Publishing a diverse dataset of voices will empower developers, entrepreneurs, and entire speech communities to address this gap themselves. A ka c’a la, kuma de ye an ni ɲɔgɔn cɛ kumaɲɔgɔnya kɛcogo ye min bɛ kɛ cogo la min bɛ kɛ cogo la min bɛ sɔrɔ an yɛrɛ la ani kanko fɛɛrɛw bɛ ka o nɔgɔya lase an ka ɔridinatɛriw ni telefɔni selilɛriw ma. An b’a fɛ ka fanga di baarakɛlaw ma walasa u ka se ka kumakan dɔnni baarakɛminɛn kabakomaw jɔ i n’a fɔ bamanankan bamanankan baarakɛlaw minnu bɛ baara kɛ waati yɛrɛ la ani dɛmɛbagaw nizɛrikan na minnu bɛ se ka kumakan di. Nka sisan yɛrɛ, kumakan kunnafonidilan minnu ka kan ka kɛ walasa ka nin porogaramu suguw dilan, olu fanba sɔngɔ ka gɛlɛn, wa u ye u yɛrɛ ta ye. An jigi b’a kan ko Common Voice kunnafonidilan bɛna fɛn di baarakɛlaw ma u mago bɛ min na walasa ka fɛn kuraw don ani ka kumakan fɛɛrɛbɔ kɛ u yɛrɛ ka kan na. Walasa ka kan dɔnni kɛ diɲɛ bɛɛ ta ye ka tɛmɛn fɔlɔ kan, an bɛ kan misaliw lajɛ kanw na minnu bɛ fɔ kosɛbɛ ani minnu ka kumalasela hakɛ ka dɔgɔ, tuma caman na, jagokɛlaw ka kuma dɔnni baarakɛlaw tɛ baara kɛ kosɛbɛ. Kumakanw kunnafonidilan suguya caman bɔli bɛna fanga di yiriwalikɛlaw, baarakɛlaw, ani kumakan jɛkulu bɛɛ ma walasa u yɛrɛ ka se ka o danfara in ɲɛnabɔ.
383 |
backup authentication code Tangali tìɲɛtigiyali sɛbɛn
384 |
Watch our video explainer to help An ka videwo ɲɛfɔlikɛlan lajɛ walisa ka dɛmɛ don
385 |
FAQ Ɲininkaliw
386 |
The Common Voice Dataset contains hundreds of thousands of voice samples that help developers build voice recognition tools. Common Voice Dataset kɔnɔ, kumakan misali ba kɛmɛ caman bɛ yen minnu bɛ baarakɛlaw dɛmɛ ka kumakan dɔnni baarakɛminɛnw dilan.
387 |
Lao Laokan
388 |
back out dànkari
389 |
Kyrgyz Kirigizikan
390 |
Kinyarwanda Kiniyariwandakan
391 |
unencrypted ma kiripite
392 |
Other Dɔ wɛrɛ
393 |
Sign up for { $lang } updates: I tɔgɔ sɛbɛn walasa ka { $lang } kunnafoni kuraw sɔrɔ:
394 |
Contribution Experience Bolomafaraw ka ko kɛlenw
395 |
Privacy Kunnafoni dogolenw
396 |
<sentenceCollectorFragment>See more on sentence collection</sentenceCollectorFragment>. <sentenceCollectorFragment>Aw ye kunnafoni wɛrɛw lajɛ kumasenw lajɛcogo kan</sentenceCollectorFragment>.
397 |
Each entry in the dataset consists of a unique MP3 and corresponding text file. Many of the <b>{ $total }</b> recorded hours in the dataset also include demographic metadata like age, sex, and accent that can help train the accuracy of speech recognition engines. The dataset currently consists of <b>{ $valid }</b> validated hours in <b>{ $languages }</b> languages, but we’re always adding more voices and languages. Take a look at our <languagesLink>Languages page</languagesLink> to request a language or start contributing. Donan kelen-kelen bɛɛ bɛ Kɛ ni MP3 kɛrɛnkɛrɛnnen ye ani sɛbɛnni-dosiyɛri min bɛ Bɛn o ma. <b>{ $total }</b> lɛrɛ minnu sɛbɛnna kunnafonidilan kɔnɔ, olu caman fana bɛ jamanadenw ka kunnafonidilanw kɔnɔ i n’a fɔ si hakɛ, cɛya ni musoya, ani fɔcogo minnu bɛ se ka dɛmɛ don ka kuma dɔnni masinw ka tiɲɛni dege. Donanw kulu bɛ kɛ sisan <b>{ $valid }</b> lɛrɛw ye minnu sɛgɛsɛgɛra <b>{ $kanw }</b> kanw na, nka an bɛ kan ni kan caman fara a kan tuma bɛɛ. Aw ye an ka <languagesLink>Kanw ɲɛ</languagesLink> lajɛ walasa ka kan dɔ ɲini walima ka dɛmɛ daminɛ.
398 |
<strong>Get creative!</strong> Your language community will be unique, and these are just a few ways to get started. <strong>I ka daɲɛw labɛn !</strong> i ka kanko jɛkulu bɛna kɛ fɛn ye min ɲɔgɔn tɛ , wa ninnu ye daminɛcogo damadɔ dɔrɔn de ye .
399 |
Datasets Daɲɛgafew
400 |
Bengali Bengalikan
401 |
Malayalam Malayalamukan
402 |
corrupt sígańná b'a la
403 |
Moksha Mokisakan
404 |
Polish Polonɛkan
405 |
Swedish Suwɛdikan
406 |
deceptive site ŋànamuŋanamu siti
407 |
Swahili Suwahilikan
408 |
boolean Bulɛn
409 |
Luganda Lugandakan
410 |
track nɔ̀gɛn
411 |
Dutch Alimankan
412 |
See More Dɔ wɛrɛ lajɛ
413 |
y y
414 |
Voice Contribution Kumakan Dɛmɛ
415 |
Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl Kɔrɔnfɛla Huwasitekakan
416 |
We failed to fetch available languages. Contributions are currently not possible. Please try again later. An ma se ka kanw sɔrɔ minnu bɛ sɔrɔ. Bolomafaraw tɛ se ka kɛ sisan. Aw ye aw jija ka segin ka a lajɛ kɔfɛ.
417 |
Mozilla Common Voice is an initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. Mozilla Common Voice ye fɛɛrɛ ye min bɛ dɛmɛ don ka masinw kalan mɔgɔ lakikaw bɛ kuma cogo min na.
418 |
Upload of this clip keeps failing at server. Reload the page or try again later. Nin klip in bilali bɛ taa a fɛ ka dɛsɛ sèrwɛri kan. I ka ɲɛ in doni kokura walima k’a lajɛ kokura kɔfɛ.
419 |
sensitive gùndo
420 |
Basaa Basaakan na
421 |
breakpoint jɔyɔrɔ
422 |
Sentences are collected for people to read aloud. Kumasenw bɛ lajɛ walasa mɔgɔw ka se k’u kalan ni kanba ye.
423 |
Runyankole Runiyankolekan
424 |
Hiligaynon Hiligaynonkan
425 |
Some languages have enormous variation in grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. For this reason, we are <ctaLink>introducing ‘Variants’</ctaLink> in 2022. This gives communities a way to distinguish their languages within the larger dataset. Kan dɔw ka daɲɛgafe, daɲɛw ani fɔcogo bɛ ɲɔgɔn Bɔ kosɛbɛ. O de kama, an bɛ <ctaLink>ka ‘Variants’</ctaLink> bila senkan san 2022. O bɛ fɛɛrɛ di sigidamɔgɔw ma u ka kanw danfara la kunnafonidilanba kɔnɔ.
426 |
Today Bi
427 |
Burmese Burimɛsikan
428 |
Add Language Kan fara a kan
429 |
We want the Common Voice dataset to reflect the audio quality a speech-to-text engine will hear in the wild, so we’re looking for variety. In addition to a diverse community of speakers, a dataset with varying audio quality will teach the speech-to-text engine to handle various real-world situations, from background talking to car noise. As long as your voice clip is intelligible, it should be good enough for the dataset. An b’a fɛ Common Voice kunnafonidilan ka mankan cogoya jira, kuma ni sɛbɛnni masin bɛna min mɛn kungo kɔnɔ, o de kama an bɛ suguya caman ɲini. Ka fara kumalasela suguya caman kan, kunnafonidilan min ka mankan cogoya tɛ kelen ye, o bɛna kuma ni sɛbɛnni motɛri kalan walasa ka diɲɛ ko lakikaw suguya caman ɲɛnabɔ, k’a ta kɔkan kuma na ka se mobili mankan ma. Ni i ka kumakan-klip bɛ faamuya, a ka kan ka kɛ koɲuman ye dataset (daɲɛgafe) la.
430 |
431 |
Hours Validated Lɛriw minnu sɛmɛntiyala
432 |
Tamazight Tamazigikan
433 |
Dagbani Dagibanikan
434 |
Email is already used for a different account Email bɛ kɛ kaban ka ɲɛsin jatebɔsɛbɛn wɛrɛ ma
435 |
Assamese Asamwakan na
436 |
IsiNdebele (South) Isindebelekan
437 |
<emailFragment>Sign up</emailFragment> to our mailing list to learn how you can take part in campaigns, events and co-design features on Common Voice. <emailFragment>I tɔgɔ sɛbɛn</emailFragment> an ka bataki cilenw lisi kan walasa k’a dɔn i bɛ se ka i sen don kanpaɲiw, ko kɛtaw ani jɛ-ka-baara kɛcogo la cogo min na Common Voice kan.
438 |
Karakalpak Karakalipakikan
439 |
Start typing to describe your accent A daminɛ ka sɛbɛnni kɛ walasa k’i ka kumakan ɲɛfɔ
440 |
Build Profile Profil dilan
441 |
No gravatar found for your email Gravatar si ma Sɔrɔ i ka email la
442 |
Nepali Nepalikan
443 |
Bulgarian Bulgarikan na
444 |
Submit clips Ka kan di
445 |
Why do you need so many different speakers per language? Mun na i mago bɛ kumalasela suguya caman na kan kelen-kelen bɛɛ la?
446 |
Why is Common Voice part of the Mozilla mission? Mun na Common Voice ye Mozilla cidenyabaara dɔ ye?
447 |
Settings Labɛnniw.
448 |
English Angilɛkan
449 |
≥ 2 No votes ≥ 2 Ayi wote
450 |
Cantonese Kantonesikan
451 |
authenticate tìɲɛtigiya
452 |
[1-5] [1-5]
453 |
First, check if your language <languageLink>already exists</languageLink>. If it isn’t, you can <languageRequestLink>ask about adding your language</languageRequestLink>. There are two stages. Translating the site, and collecting sentences Fɔlɔ, i k’a lajɛ n’i ka kan <languageLink> bɛ yen kaban</languageLink>. N’o tɛ, i bɛ se ka <languageRequestLink>ɲininka i ka kan farali kan</languageRequestLink>. Taabolo fla bɛ yen. Site in bamanankan na, ani kumasenw dalajɛli
454 |
Chinese (Hong Kong) Siniwakan(Hongukongu)
455 |
Languages Kanw
456 |
Next Goals: { $goal } Laɲini nataw: { $goal } .
457 |
p p
458 |
gear ladiyalilan
459 |
Uyghur Uyghurikan
460 |
cross-site tracking cookie cross-site tracking cookies
461 |
A voice clip is marked "valid" when a user gives it a Yes vote. Kumakan-klip dɔ bɛ taamaʃyɛn Kɛ "valid" ni baarakɛla dɔ ye Ɔwɔ wote Di a ma.
462 |
Dashboard Bulonba
463 |
Uzbek Uzibekikan
464 |
Basque Basque
465 |
Help Dɛmɛ
466 |
How do I record a high quality voice clip? Ne bɛ se ka kumakan-klip min ka ɲi kosɛbɛ, o ta cogo di?
467 |
Avatar Avatari
468 |
Social media Sosiyete ka kunnafonidilanw
469 |
Chinese (Taiwan) Siniwakan (Tayiwani)
470 |
Mapudungun Mapudungunkan na
471 |
Konkani (Devanagari) Konkanikan
472 |
Frisian Frisikan na
473 |
Website Localization Site web Sigida Labɛnni
474 |
During contribution submission feedback will be skipped after clicking 'Submit'. Contribution will continue directly with the next set of 5 recordings or validations. Bolomafaraw ci waati la, jaabiw bɛna tɛmɛ ‘Submit’ digilen kɔfɛ. Bolomafara bɛna t’a fɛ k’a ɲɛsin a ma ni fɔlisen 5 walima tiɲɛniw kulu nata ye.
475 |
Recording voice clips is an integral part of building our open dataset; some would say it's the fun part too. Kumakan-klipw sɛbɛnni ye an ka kunnafonidilan dafalen jɔli yɔrɔ koloma ye; dɔw bɛna a fɔ ko ɲɛnajɛyɔrɔ fana don.
476 |
Persian Pɛrɛsikan
477 |
Receive emails such as challenge and goal reminders, progress updates, and newsletters about Common Voice. N bɛ fɛ ka imɛyi sɔrɔ walasa ka N Hakilijigin N ka laɲiniw na, N ka baraw taabolo la ani Common Voice Kunnafɔni kuraw la
478 |
fingerprinter bólonɔ kalanbaga
479 |
You've successfully signed up for contributing to { $language }. Thank you. I tɔgɔ sɛbɛnna ka ɲɛ { $language } bolomafara di la. I ni ce.
480 |
How can we effectively grow a language on Common Voice? An bɛ se ka kan dɔ yiriwa cogo ɲuman na Common Voice kan?
481 |
studies sɛgɛsɛgɛliw
482 |
r r
483 |
Urdu Uridukan
484 |
Malagasy Malagasikan
485 |
Clips validated Kanw minnu sɛmɛntiyala
486 |
s s
487 |
Voice is natural, voice is human. That’s why we’re fascinated with creating usable voice technology for our machines. But to create voice systems, an extremely large amount of voice data is required. Kan ye dacogo ye, kan ye hadamaden ye. O de y’a To an bɛ ɲɛnajɛ ni kan ye min bɛ Se ka baara Kɛ¶ fɛɛrɛ kuraw ka ɲɛsin an ka masinw ma. Nka walasa ka kumakanw dabɔ, kan hakɛ min ka bon kosɛbɛ¶ . kunnafoniw de wajibiyalen don.
488 |
Anonymized user data like age, gender, and accent helps improve the audio data used to train the accuracy of speech recognition engines. Your username and email will never be associated with your submitted data, and you can choose whether to make your username public or anonymous. Baarakɛlaw ka kunnafoniw minnu tɔgɔ ma fɔ i n’a fɔ u si hakɛ, cɛya ni musoya ani u fɔcogo, olu bɛ dɛmɛ ka kunnafoni lamɛntaw ɲɛ, minnu bɛ kɛ ka kuma dɔnni masinw ka tiɲɛni dege. I ka baarakɛla tɔgɔ ni i ka imeyili tɛna jɛ abada i ka kunnafoniw cilenw na, wa i bɛ se k’a sugandi n’i bɛna i ka baarakɛla tɔgɔ kɛ foroba la walima n’i tɔgɔ tɛ fɔ.
489 |
Zulu Zulukan
490 |
Buryat Buryatikan na
491 |
Languages can have their <validationRulesLink>own validation rules</validationRulesLink> with additional requirements. If there is no specific validation file for a language, we are using the generic English rules. Kanw bɛ se k’u ka <validationRulesLink>u yɛrɛ ka dantigɛli sariyaw</validationRulesLink> ni wajibi wɛrɛw ye. Ni kan dɔ ka dantigɛli-dosiyɛri kɛrɛnkɛrɛnnen tɛ yen, an bɛ baara kɛ ni tubabukan sariyaw bɛɛ lajɛlen ye.
492 |
K'iche' Kisekan
493 |
Erzya Eriziyakan
494 |
All voice clips in the dataset are scrubbed of personally identifying information. When a contributor provides demographic data via their profile, that information is de-identified from their voice clips before being bundled for download in the dataset and is never made public on their profile page. Kumakan-klip minnu bɛ kunnafonidilan kɔnɔ, olu bɛɛ bɛ sɔgɔ ni kunnafoniw ye minnu bɛ mɔgɔ yɛrɛ dɔn. Ni dɛmɛbaga dɔ ye jamanaden hakɛ kunnafoniw di a ka kunnafonisɛbɛn fɛ, o kunnafoniw bɛ bɔ u ka kumakanw na sanni u ka fara ɲɔgɔn kan walasa ka telesarse kunnafonidilan kɔnɔ, wa u tɛ fɔ foroba la abada u ka kunnafonisɛbɛn ɲɛ kan.
495 |
Contribute to { $lang } bolomafara di { $Bamanankan } dɛmɛlila
496 |
Want to help make Common Voice even better? Great! Get in touch via email or <discourseLink>Discourse</discourseLink> forums, submit site issues via <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink>, or join the <matrixLink>Matrix</matrixLink> community chat. Aw b’a fɛ ka dɛmɛ don walasa Common Voice ka fisa yɛrɛ wa? Belebele! Aw ye ɲɔgɔn sɔrɔ imɛri la walima <discourseLink>Discourse</discourseLink> fɛ forobajɛkuluw, ka siti koɲɛw ci <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink> fɛ, walima ka fara <matrixLink>Matrix</matrixLink> sigida baro .
497 |
Maltese Malitɛsikan
498 |
import lanali
499 |
New Language Launch Kan kura daminɛ
500 |
Yes, send me emails. I’d like to stay informed about the Common Voice Project. Awɔ, Imɛyiw ci N'ma.N b'a fɛ ka kɛ Common Voice Project kunnafoniw kalama
501 |
How does Common Voice work? Common Voice bɛ baara kɛ cogo di?
502 |
Wolof Wɔlɔfɔkan
503 |
Papiamento (Aruba) Papiyamentokan
504 |
Udmurt Udimuritikan
505 |
How would you describe your accent? I bɛna i ka kuma fɔcogo ɲɛfɔ cogo di?
506 |
Manage Subscriptions Tɔgɔsɛbɛlenw ɲɛnabɔli
507 |
How does Common Voice calculate hours? Common Voice bɛ lɛrɛw jate cogo di?
508 |
release vɛrisiyɔn laban
509 |
Zaza Zazakan
510 |
Bug report Fili láselisɛbɛn
511 |
What's Public? Mun ye Foroba ye?
512 |
Why is it important? Mun na a nafa ka bon?
513 |
Taiwanese (Minnan) Tayiwanikan
514 |
To make it into the Common Voice dataset, a voice clip must be validated by two separate users. Walasa k’a Kɛ Common Voice dataset ye, kumakan-klip dɔ ka kan ka Sɔ̀rɔ baarakɛla fla fɛ minnu tɛ kelen ye.
515 |
I'm okay with you handling this info as you explain in Mozilla's <privacyLink>Privacy Policy</privacyLink> N b’a fɛ i ka nin kunnafoni in ɲɛnabɔ i n’a fɔ i b’a ɲɛfɔ cogo min na Mozilla ka <privacyLink>Gundolakow sariya</privacyLink> kɔnɔ
516 |
{ $kb }kb max { $kb }kb maksimali
517 |
The Common Voice Sentence Collector has collected { $sentenceCount } sentences in { $languageCount } languages! Common Voice Sentence Collector ye { $sentenceCount } kumasenw lajɛ { $languageCount } kanw na!
518 |
We launch the Common Voice site in this language. An bɛ Common Voice siti daminɛ o kan in na.
519 |
Play/Stop Ka Fɔ/ Ka Jɔ
520 |
Tigre Tigirekan
521 |
This is our process for translating and adapting our content for many locales (languages). Nin ye an ka taabolo ye walasa k’an ka bayɛlɛmali baara ani k’u bɛrɛbɛn sigida (kan caman) caman ma.
522 |
Translating the site Siti bayɛlɛmani
523 |
All Hands Dɛmɛbaga Bɛɛ
524 |
Armenian Armenikan na
525 |
Partner Jɛɲɔgɔn
526 |
Goals Kuntilennaw
527 |
Corsican Kɔrsikan
528 |
account recovery key kɔnti lasɔrɔli kile
529 |
Additional Language Kan wɛrɛw
530 |
Adyghe Adyghe kan
531 |
Native Language Fasokan
532 |
Thanks to contributions from over 259k people in over 50 languages, this data is being used to train speech-enabled applications to better respond to the human voice. Mɔgɔ 259000 ni kɔ ka dɛmɛ sababu la kan 50 ni kɔ la, o kunnafoniw bɛ kɛ ka kuma-se-minɛnw dege walasa ka hadamaden kan jaabi ka ɲɛ.
533 |
compact kɔnpakiti
534 |
misinformation galon
535 |
Hakha Chin Hakasinkan
536 |
report láselisɛbɛn
537 |
The website text is translated into that language. Site web sɛbɛnniw bamanankanna o kan na.
538 |
What does it mean that I can’t “determine the identity” of speakers in the Common Voice dataset? O kɔrɔ ye mun ye ko n tɛ se ka kumalasela minnu bɛ Common Voice kunnafonidilan kɔnɔ, olu “dantigɛli”?
539 |
Age Si
540 |
Your languages: Aw ka kanw:
541 |
You can choose to make your username public or anonymous. I bɛ se k’a sugandi k’i ka baarakɛla tɔgɔ kɛ foroba la walima k’a tɔgɔ fɔ.
542 |
Fellow sɛgɛsɛgɛlilaw
543 |
Speak up, contribute here! Aw ka kuma, aw ka dɛmɛ don yan!
544 |
Login Identity Donni Identité
545 |
Indonesian Indonezikan na
546 |
Chinyanja Chinyanja kan na
547 |
Votic Votikikan
548 |
Which variant of { $language } do you speak? I bɛ { { $language } } suguya jumɛn fɔ?
549 |
authentication code dantigɛli kodi
550 |
Log In / Sign Up Don / I tɔgɔ sɛbɛn
551 |
The Common Voice dataset is an open and publicly available resource that can be used to train a wide variety of speech-enabled applications. To protect the security of our contributors, we ask everyone who downloads the Common Voice dataset to respect contributors’ privacy. All voice clips in the dataset are scrubbed of personally identifying information. When you download the dataset, you agree to not attempt to determine the identity of any contributor. That means you cannot try to link information in the dataset to a contributor’s personal information. You may, however, use the dataset to train speech recognition, speaker recognition, or other applications, by, for instance, linking information in the dataset to other information already in the dataset. Common Voice dataset ye nafolomafɛn ye min dabɔra ani min bɛ sɔrɔ foroba la, min bɛ se ka kɛ ka kuma-se-minɛn suguya caman dege. Walasa k’an ka bolomafaraw lakana, an b’a ɲini mɔgɔ o mɔgɔ fɛ minnu bɛ Common Voice kunnafonidilan telesarse, u ka dɛmɛbagaw ka danbe bonya.
552 |
Japanese Zapɔnkan na
553 |
Galician Galisikan na
554 |
Romansh Sursilvan Romansi Surisilivankan
555 |
Italian Italikan na
556 |
bookmark hákililajigingafe
557 |
Common Voice is part of Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. Common Voice ye Mozilla ka baara dɔ ye walasa ka dɛmɛ don ka masinw kalan mɔgɔ lakikaw bɛ kuma cogo min na.
558 |
Kikuyu Kikuyukan
559 |
Punjabi Punjabikan
560 |
Users validate the accuracy of donated clips, checking that the speaker read the sentence correctly. Baarakɛlaw bɛ klipu minnu dira, olu bɛ tiɲɛ tiɲɛ, k’a lajɛ ni kumalasela ye kumasen kalan ka ɲɛ.
561 |
insecure lákanabali
562 |
Romansh Vallader Romansi Valaderikan
563 |
net neutrality ɛntɛrinɛti tilenenya sariya
564 |
Need some help with variants? Aw mago bɛ dɛmɛ dɔ la ni variants ye wa?
565 |
Hours Recorded Lɛriw minnu sɛbɛnna
566 |
Creating opportunities for a diversity of people to contribute to Common Voice ensures the dataset serves as many people as possible. We’ve created resources and templates that you can use! Ka sababuw di mɔgɔ suguya caman ma walasa u ka se ka dɛmɛ don Common Voice la, o b’a to kunnafonidilan in bɛ baara kɛ mɔgɔ caman ye. An ye nafolomafɛnw ni misaliw dilan i bɛ se ka baara kɛ ni minnu ye!
567 |
Why does this matter? Mun na o nafa ka bon?
568 |
Read the sentence carefully - don’t miss, change or add words. Kumasen kalan ka ɲɛ - kana tɛmɛ, ka daɲɛw Changer walima ka daɲɛw fara a kan.
569 |
Yes, send me emails. I'd like to stay informed about the progress of this language on Common Voice. Ɔwɔ, i ka email ci n ma. N b'a fɛ ka to ka kunnafoni sɔrɔ kan in ka ɲɛtaa kan Common Voice kɔnɔ.
570 |
Khmer Kimɛrikan
571 |
aggregate jɛ̀kulu
572 |
We will not make your email public. An tɛna i ka bataki ci foroba la.
573 |
Translation of the Common Voice site happens on <strong>Pontoon</strong>. Common Voice yɔrɔ bamanankan na, o bɛ Kɛ <strong>Pontoon</strong> kan.
574 |
Tracking Content nɔ̀gɛnsɛbɛn
575 |
View your progress against personal and project goals. Aw ye aw ka ɲɛtaa lajɛ ka kɛɲɛ ni aw yɛrɛ ka laɲiniw ni poroze kuntilenna ye.
576 |
Partners Baarakɛɲɔgɔnw
577 |
Aragonese Aragonesekan na
578 |
add-on farankan
579 |
Hebrew Heburukan na
580 |
Request a Language Kan dɔ ɲini
581 |
contribute bolomafara di
582 |
<strong>Sentence Collector</strong> is a tool for collecting and validating public domain sentences. You will <scAccountLink>need to create an account</scAccountLink>. Then, add your language to your <strong>Profile</strong>. You can <strong>Add</strong> sentences or <strong>Review</strong> previously-added sentences. <strong>Sentence Collector</strong> ye baarakɛminɛn ye min bɛ kɛ ka foroba kumasenw lajɛ ani k' u sinsin. I bɛna <scAccountLink>a ka kan ka jatebɔsɛbɛn dɔ da</scAccountLink>. O kɔ fɛ, i ka kan fara i ka <strong>Profile</strong> kan.I bɛ se ka <strong>Fara</strong> kumasenw walima <strong>Segi</strong> kumasen minnu farala ɲɔgɔn kan ka kɔrɔ.
583 |
Join the Common Voice mailing list Don Common Voice imɛyi listi kɔnɔ
584 |
Northern Sotho Worodugu Sotokan
585 |
Why Common Voice? Mun na Kumakan jɛlen?
586 |
See how your progress compares to other contributors all over the world. A lajɛ i ka ɲɛtaa bɛ se ka suma cogo min na ni dɛmɛbaga tɔw ye diɲɛ fan bɛɛ la.
587 |
Hausa Hausakan
588 |
Pashto Pasitokan
589 |
Sorbian, Lower Sorbiyankan, Duguma
590 |
On Kan
591 |
Hours Lɛriw
592 |
How ? Cogo di ?
593 |
Most speech databases are trained with an overrepresentation of certain demographics which results in a bias towards <articleLink>male and middle class</articleLink>. Accents and dialects that tend to be under-represented in training data sets are typically associated with groups of people who are already marginalised. Many machines also struggle to understand female voices. This is why in our voice database we want variety! Kuma kunnafonidilan fanba bɛ dege ni jamanaden hakɛ dɔw jirali ye kojugu min bɛ na ni ɲɛmajɔbaliya ye <articleLink>cɛ ni cɛmancɛla< la
594 |
n n
595 |
Abkhaz Abkhazikan na
596 |
We're receiving a lot of traffic and are currently investigating the issues. An bɛ ka trafic caman sɔrɔ, wa an bɛ ka koɲɛw sɛgɛsɛgɛ sisan.
597 |
Is the goal of Common Voice to build a voice assistant? Yala Common Voice ka laɲini ye ka kumakan dɛmɛbaga dɔ jɔ wa?
598 |
Content available under a <licenseLink>Creative Commons license</licenseLink> Kɔnɔkow bɛ sɔrɔ <licenseLink>Creative Commons license< kɔnɔ
599 |
No variant selected A suguya si ma sugandi
600 |
confirmation code sɛmɛntiya kodi
601 |
Once logged in you can select your languages from the profile section. Ni i donna a kɔnɔ i bɛ se k’i ka kanw sugandi ka bɔ i ka profil yɔrɔ la.
602 |
Finnish Finlandekan na
603 |
Your username and email will not be associated with the published data. I ka baarakɛla tɔgɔ ni i ka imeyili tɛna jɛ ni kunnafoniw bɔlenw ye.
604 |
Help us find others to donate their voice! An dɛmɛ ka mɔgɔ wɛrɛw sɔrɔ walasa k’u kan di!
605 |
What level of audio quality is required for a voice clip to be used in the dataset? Odio jogo hakɛ jumɛn de ka kan ka kɛ walasa kumakan-klip dɔ ka se ka kɛ kunnafonidilan kɔnɔ?
606 |
Armenian Western Armeni Tlebi jamanaw
607 |
Where does the source text come from? Sɛbɛn bɔyɔrɔ bɛ bɔ min?
608 |
How does site localization work? Sitiw sigiyɔrɔmako bɛ baara kɛ cogo di?
609 |
Russian Irisikan
610 |
Voice is natural, voice is human. That’s why we’re excited about creating usable voice technology for our machines. But to create voice systems, developers need an extremely large amount of voice data. Kan ye dacogo ye, kan ye hadamaden ye. O de y’a to an nisɔndiyalen don ka kumakan fɛɛrɛbɔlanw dilan minnu bɛ se ka baara kɛ¶ an ka masinw kama. Nka walasa ka kumakanw dabɔ, baarakɛlaw mago bɛ kan hakɛ camanba la kosɛbɛ¶ kunnafoniw.
611 |
Spanish Ɛsipaɲɔlikan
612 |
attendee bólomafaradila
613 |
We release the dataset every 3 months. An bɛ kunnafonidilan in Bɔ kalo 3 o kalo 3.
614 |
Izhorian Izhoriankan
615 |
boot gɛ́n
616 |
revert bánban
617 |
Upload an image file Ja filen dɔ bila a kan
618 |
alternate text másalabolo wɛrɛ
619 |
sidebar vɔlɛ
620 |
Contributors record voice clips by reading from a bank of donated sentences. Dɛmɛbagaw bɛ kumakan-klipw ta u kɛtɔ ka kalan kɛ ka bɔ kumasenw banki dɔ la minnu dira u ma.
621 |
Tuvan Tufankan
622 |
Tshivenda Tisifendakan
623 |
Keep track of your progress and metrics across multiple languages. Aw ye aw ka ɲɛtaa ni jateminɛw jateminɛ kan caman kɔnɔ.
624 |
Interlingue Kanw ni ɲɔgɔn cɛ
625 |
Estonian Ɛsitonikan
626 |
This is approximately the number of hours required to train a production speech-to-text system. O bɛ bɛn lɛrɛ hakɛ ma min ka kan ka kɛ walasa ka baarakɛcogo dɔ dege min bɛ kɛ ni kuma ni sɛbɛnni ye.*
627 |
Issue Yamariya
628 |
Adding languages to work with Kanw farali ka baara kɛ ni minnu ye
629 |
The goal of the Common Voice dataset is to enable anyone in the world to build speech recognition, speaker recognition, or any other type of application that requires voice data. A voice assistant is just one of many types of applications you could use the dataset to build. Common Voice dataset laɲini ye ka diɲɛ kɔnɔ mɔgɔ o mɔgɔ dɛmɛ a ka se ka kuma dɔnni, kumalasela dɔnni, walima baarakɛminɛn suguya wɛrɛ jɔ min bɛ kan kunnafoniw wajibiya. Kumakan dɛmɛnan ye baarakɛminɛn suguya caman dɔ dɔrɔn de ye i bɛ se ka baara kɛ ni kunnafonidilan ye walasa k’u jɔ.
630 |
appearance yéko
631 |
By opting in to receive emails you state that you are okay with Mozilla handling this info as explained in Mozilla’s <privacyLink>Privacy Policy</privacyLink>. Ni i y’a sugandi ka batakiw sɔrɔ i b’a jira k'I sɔna ko Mozilla ka nin kunnafoni in lasago i n’a fɔ a ɲɛfɔlen bɛ cogo min na Mozilla ka <privacyLink> Gundo sariya </privacyLink> kɔnɔ.
632 |
Igbo Igbokan na
633 |
Email Subscriptions Minnu bɛ sɔrɔ Imɛri la
634 |
Tahitian Tahitiyankan
635 |
Visible A bɛ ye
636 |
Kaqchikel Kachikelikan
637 |
Hindi Hindukan na
638 |
Log In Aw ye don a kɔnɔ
639 |
You can run events to help people contribute. It’s easier than you think. You could do it online with a videoconferencing tool, or in person if it’s safe. <eventTemplate>Check out our templates and resources for running events</eventTemplate>. aw bɛ se ka ko kɛtaw ɲɛminɛ walasa ka mɔgɔw dɛmɛ u ka dɛmɛ don. A ka nɔgɔn ka tɛmɛ i hakilina kan. I bɛ se k’a kɛ ɛntɛrinɛti kan ni videyo-konferansi baarakɛminɛn ye, walima i yɛrɛ fɛ n’a farati tɛ. <eventTemplate>An ka jatebɔlanw ni nafolomafɛnw lajɛ ko kɛlenw bolicogo kama</eventTemplate>.
640 |
Saved Maralen don
641 |
When a user rejects a voice clip it returns to the Queue. If rejected a second time, the voice clip is moved to the Clip Graveyard. Ni baarakɛla dɔ banna kumakan-klip dɔ la a bɛ segin Layidu la. Ni a banna siɲɛ filanan na, kumakan-klip bɛ taa Clip kaburudo la.
642 |
Central Kurdish Cɛma Kurdekan
643 |
Sinhala Sinihalakan
644 |
We calculate hours by estimating the average length of each recording, and then multiplying that number by the total number of recordings across all languages. An bɛ lɛrɛw jatebɔ ni fɔlisen kelen-kelen bɛɛ janya cɛmancɛ jateminɛ ye, ka sɔrɔ k’o hakɛ caya ni fɔlisenw bɛɛ lajɛlen hakɛ ye kan bɛɛ kɔnɔ.
645 |
independent browser navigatɔri yɛrɛmahɔrɔnyalen
646 |
net neutrality ɛntɛrinɛti tilenenya sariya
647 |
cookie banner kuki pankarti
648 |
nonprofit tɔnɔ tɛ min na
649 |
non-profit tɔnɔ tɛ min na
650 |
sign in ka don
651 |
ka don
652 |
crash binnin
653 |
cross-site tracking cookie cross-site tracking cookies
654 |
Privacy Notice Kunnafoni dogolenw
655 |
Terms of Service Baarakɛcogo sariyaw
656 |
Privacy Policy Kunnafoni dogolenw maracogo
657 |
authentication code dantigɛli kodi
658 |
confirmation code sɛmɛntiya kodi
659 |
add-on farankan
660 |
account recovery key kɔnti lasɔrɔli kile
661 |
attack kɛ̀lɛ
662 |
attacker kɛ̀lɛkɛla
663 |
Attack Site Síti kɛlɛli
664 |
attendee bólomafaradila
665 |
authenticate tìɲɛtigiya
666 |
authenticated A tìɲɛtigiyala
667 |
autoplay ka fɔ́ a yɛrɛ ye
668 |
clipboard pɛrɛsipapiye
669 |
alternate text másalabolo wɛrɛ
670 |
validate ka súgandi
671 |
validity latɛmɛli sariya
672 |
unsafe faratima
673 |
Web Authentication wɛbu tɛmɛli sariya
674 |
unresponsive tɛ sɔn
675 |
open source foroba
676 |
preference sàgolata
677 |
backup authentication code Tangali tìɲɛtigiyali sɛbɛn
678 |
bookmark hákililajigingafe
679 |
bookmark hákililajigingafe
680 |
breakpoint jɔyɔrɔ
681 |
Bug report Fili láselisɛbɛn
682 |
version suguya
683 |
cipher sayifɛri
684 |
certificate authority tigiya sɛ́mɛntiyalan
685 |
extension ɛkisitansiyɔn
686 |
unencrypted ma kiripite
687 |
colorway kulɔri
688 |
context kɔntɛkisi
689 |
studies sɛgɛsɛgɛliw
690 |
sign don
691 |
signer donbaga
692 |
home page bùlonda
693 |
corrupt sígańná
694 |
corrupt sígańná b'a la
695 |
corrupted ɲaaminlen
696 |
debug lálaga
697 |
decode dekode
698 |
distrust síga
699 |
disinformation kolabɛnlen
700 |
enable gódon
701 |
end user màgoɲinina
702 |
innovations kokuraw
703 |
installation làsigi
704 |
insecure lákanabali
705 |
encode ankode
706 |
encrypt kode
707 |
encryption kodeli
708 |
cryptominer kiripitɔmɔnɛlabaaraba
709 |
cryptomining kiripitɔmɔnɛbaara
710 |
deceptive site ŋànamuŋanamu siti
711 |
sensitive gùndo
712 |
sidebar vɔlɛ
713 |
security keys lákanali dáyɛlɛlan
714 |
decryption dekiripitazi
715 |
trackers nɔ̀gɛnbagaw
716 |
track nɔ̀gɛn
717 |
Tracking Content nɔ̀gɛnsɛbɛn
718 |
release vɛrisiyɔn laban
719 |
report láselisɛbɛn
720 |
report láselisɛbɛn
721 |
revert bánban
722 |
pop-up fìnɛtiri
723 |
override kɔ́fàlen
724 |
native nativu
725 |
misinformation galon
726 |
727 |
Issue Yamariya
728 |
Legacy extension Legasi ɛkisitansiyɔn
729 |
import lanali
730 |
grassroots kànpaɲi
731 |
search suggestion dájìrali sɛbɛn
732 |
Enhanced Tracking Protection nɔ̀gɛnni tangani siraw
733 |
fingerprinter bólonɔ kalanbaga
734 |
fingerprinting bólonɔ kalan
735 |
Firefox View Fayɛrifɔkisi ɲɛ́na
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
Donate your voice Дуу хоолойгоо хандиблаха
3 |
Voices Online Now Һүлжээндэ гарганхай дуу хоолой
4 |
Greek Грег
5 |
Review Хянаха
6 |
We promise to handle your information with care. Read more in our <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>. Мэдээсэлыетнай болгоомжотой ашаглахаяа амалнабди. <privacyLink>Хубиин эрхэ тухай тэмдэглэл</privacyLink>-ыемнай уншажа, дэлгэрэнгы мэдээсэл абана гүт.
7 |
What's Public? Олониитын гэжэ юун бэ?
8 |
Kazakh Хасаг
9 |
Play/Stop Тоглуула/Зогсо
10 |
Odia Одия
11 |
Chinese (Hong Kong) Хятад (Һонкон)
12 |
Keep the recordings Бэшэлгэнүүдээ байлгаха
13 |
Avatar Хии дүрэ
14 |
Voice recognition technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with machines, but the currently available systems are expensive and proprietary. Common Voice is part of Mozilla’s initiative to make voice recognition technologies better and more accessible for everyone. Common Voice is a massive global database of donated voices that lets anyone quickly and easily train voice-enabled apps in potentially every language. We're not only collecting voice samples in widely spoken languages but also in those with a smaller population of speakers. Publishing a diverse dataset of voices will empower developers, entrepreneurs, and communities to address this gap themselves. In addition to the Common Voice dataset, we’re also building an open source speech recognition engine called Deep Speech. Дуу хоолой таниха оньһон ухаан хүн түрэлхитэнэй машинатай харилсаха арга замые үндэһөөрнь хубилгажа байна. Гэбэшье мүнөө дээрэ байгаа программанууд ехэ үнэтэй аад, хаалтатай. Common Voice болбол дуу хоолой таниха оньһон ухаае һайжаруулжа, олондо хүртээмжэтэй болгохын тула Mozilla-ын дурадхаһан үүсхэлэй нэгэ хэһэг юм. Энэ хадаа бүхы дэлхэйн хандиблаһан дуу хоолойн үгэгдэлэй бааза бүгөөд, алибаа хүн ямаршье хэлэндэ зорюулан, ехэ бэрхэшээлгүйгөөр богони хугасаанда дуу хоолой танидаг апп (программа) хэхэ аргатай. Бидэ гансал олон хүнэй яридаг бэшэ, мүн үсөөн яригшатайшье хэлэнэй дуу хоолойн дээжэ суглуулнабди. Олон янзын дуу хоолойн үгэгдэлые ниитэлһэнээр хүгжүүлэгшэ, дэлгэрүүлэгшэ, яригшад тус технологитой программануудые өөһэдөө болбосоруулха аргатай болоно. Common Voice-һоо гадна, Deep Speech гэһэн нээлтэтэй, хэлэхы таниха хүдэлгүүр хэжэ байнабди.
15 |
Vietnamese Вьетнам
16 |
Lithuanian Литва
17 |
Chinese (China) Хятад (БНХАУ)
18 |
Danish Дани
19 |
Artificial intelligence Хэмэл ухаан
20 |
Female Эхэнэр
21 |
Norwegian Bokmål Букмол Норвег
22 |
*required *шаардалгатай
23 |
Basque Баск
24 |
Chuvash Чуваш
25 |
You must allow microphone access. Микрофон хэрэглэхые зүбшөөрнэ гүт.
26 |
Hill Mari Уулын Мари
27 |
Nepali Балба
28 |
Unable to speak right now? Мүнөө дуугархаар бэшэ гүт?
29 |
Izhorian Ижор
30 |
{ $count }mo { $count }һара
31 |
Submit Эльгээхэ
32 |
Why Common Voice? Юундэ Common Voice бэ?
33 |
Your download has started. Татажа абажа байнат.
34 |
Italian Итали
35 |
Overall project status: see how far we’ve come! Түһэлэй юрэнхы байдал: бидэ хэр холо хүрөөбибди!
36 |
Download My Data Үгэгдэлөө татажа абаха
37 |
Malayalam Малаяалам
38 |
39 |
We don't have anything to validate in this language, help us fill the queue. Тус хэлэндэ баталха зүйл үгы байна. Баталха юумэ бии болголсоно гүт.
40 |
Yes, send me emails. I'd like to stay informed about the progress of this language on Common Voice. Сахим шуудан эльгээнэ гүт. Би Ниитын дуу хоолойдохи энэ хэлэнэй шэнэлэлтэ тухай дуулажа байхаа һананаб.
41 |
I'd like to receive emails such as goal reminders, my progress updates and newsletters about Common Voice. Зорилго һануулһан, ажалай ябаса харуулһан, Common Voice-ын һонинуудые мэдээсэһэн сахим шуудан абахаа һананаб.
42 |
Leaderboard Visibility Түрүүшүүлэй самбарта харагдуулха
43 |
Dhivehi Малдив (дивээһи)
44 |
Sakha Яхад
45 |
Cancel Submission Эльгээлтэ сусалха
46 |
Thank you for recording!<lineBreak></lineBreak>Now review and submit your clips below. Бэшэлгэ хэһэндэтнай талархая!<lineBreak></lineBreak>Мүнөө доро байһан клипнүүдые хянаад эльгээнэ гүт.
47 |
Hours Recorded Бэшэлгын саг
48 |
Return to Common Voice Ниитын Дуу хоолой руу бусаха
49 |
Native Language Эхэ хэлэн
50 |
Finnish Фин
51 |
Additional Language Бусад хэлэн
52 |
Why is it important? Юундэ энэ шухалаб?
53 |
Udmurt Үдмүрт
54 |
Go to { $name } { $name } руу
55 |
Kabyle Кабайл
56 |
Next Goals: { $goal } Удаадахи зорилго: { $goal }
57 |
{ $count }wk { $count } дх
58 |
Amharic Амһар
59 |
Mongolian Монгол
60 |
2 down, keep it up!<playIcon></playIcon> 2 үлэбэ, бү зогсогты!<playIcon></playIcon>
61 |
Exit Form Гараха маягта
62 |
Assamese Ассам
63 |
Recordings бэшэлгэ
64 |
Speak Хэлэгты
65 |
Irish Ирланд
66 |
Ukrainian Украин
67 |
Success, profile created! Хэрэглэгшын данса амжалтатай үүсхэгдэбэ!
68 |
Bashkirs Башкир
69 |
Name Нэрэ
70 |
Language Хэлэн
71 |
Email Сахим шуудан
72 |
Stats Тоо дүн
73 |
Create a profile Хэрэглэгшын данса үүсхэхэ
74 |
Remove Усадхаха
75 |
Visible Харагдуулха
76 |
Email Subscriptions Сахим шууданаар захиха
77 |
Privacy Хубиин эрхэ
78 |
The number of recordings and which languages you contribute to will be public. Танай бэшэлгын тоо болон ямар хэлэ баялижуулжа байһантнай олониитэдэ харуулагдаха.
79 |
Yes, send me emails. I’d like to stay informed about the Common Voice Project. За, сахим шуудангаар Common Voice тухай мэдээ эльгээхыетнай зүбшөөрнэб.
80 |
Partners Хамтарагшад
81 |
All Хуу
82 |
Help Туһаламжа
83 |
By using Common Voice, you agree to our <termsLink>Terms</termsLink> and <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink> Ниитын дуу хоолой ашаглаһанаараа <termsLink>Нүхэсэл</termsLink> болон <privacyLink>Хубиин эрхэ тухай тэмдэглэл</privacyLink> зүбшөөрһэн болонот.
84 |
Finish recording first? Түрүүн бэшэлгэеэ дүүргэхэмнай гү
85 |
No Thanks Үгы дөө
86 |
You Та
87 |
How does Common Voice calculate hours? Common Voice саг яажа тоолодог бэ?
88 |
89 |
Delete Data Үгэгдэлым усадхаха
90 |
Log In / Sign Up Нэбтэрхэ/Бүридхүүлхэ
91 |
Kaqchikel Какчикэл
92 |
Other Language Ондоо хэлэн
93 |
We calculate hours by estimating the average length of each recording, and then multiplying that number by the total number of recordings across all languages. Сагыень тоолоходоо, бэшэлгэ бүхэнэй дундажа сагыень хэмжээд, тэрэ тоое бүхы хэлэнэй ниитэ бэшэлгын тоогоор үсхэнэбди.
94 |
Russian Ород
95 |
Leaving now means you'll lose your progress Мүнөө гарашоо һаа, бэшэһэн юумэе алдахат
96 |
Skip Алгасаха
97 |
How ? Яажа?
98 |
Occitan Окситан
99 |
Why do you need so many different speakers per language? Юундэ нэгэ хэлэндэ иимэ олон яригша байха ёһотойб?
100 |
In Progress Татагдажа байна
101 |
Edit Profile Хэрэглэгшын данса заһаха
102 |
Total Ниитэ
103 |
French Франци
104 |
Why is my language not included yet? Минии эхэ хэлэн юундэ ороодүй байнаб?
105 |
Moksha Мокша
106 |
Profile Хэрэглэгшын данса
107 |
Is the clip valid? Бэшэлгэ зүб гү?
108 |
Estonian Эстон
109 |
Korean Солонгос
110 |
Datasets Үгэгдэл
111 |
Search Бэдэрхэ
112 |
Not found Олдобогүй
113 |
Contribute to { $lang } { $lang } хэлэ баяжуулха
114 |
More Дэлгэрэнгы
115 |
Download Common Voice Data Ниитын дуу хоолойн үгэгдэл татажа абаха
116 |
Why a profile? Хэрэглэгшын данса юундэ хэрэгтэйб?
117 |
The recording was too short. Бэшэлгэ дэн богони байна
118 |
Icelandic Исланд
119 |
Ready to donate your voice? Дуу хоолойгоо хандиблахада бэлэн гүт?
120 |
Sorbian, Lower Доодо Сорб
121 |
License: <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink> Лицензи: <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink>
122 |
* Indicates required field *Заабол бүглэхэ ёһотой мэдээсэл
123 |
Romansh Руманш
124 |
{ $actionType } submit when ready { $actionType } бэлэн һаань эльгээнэ гүт
125 |
Indonesian Индонези
126 |
Press { shortcut-play-toggle } to toggle play mode Тоглуулхын түлөө { shortcut-play-toggle } тобшо дарана гүт
127 |
We promise to handle your information with care. Read more in our <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>. Танай хубиин мэдээсэл болгоомжотойгоор хэрэглэхэеэ найдуулан, <privacyLink>Хубиин эрхын тэмдэглэл</privacyLink> дурадханабди.
128 |
Albanian Албаан
129 |
Read More Дэлгэрүүлэн уншаха
130 |
Hindi Энэдхэг
131 |
Record your voice Дуугарһанаа бэшэхэ
132 |
Add Language Хэлэ нэмээхэ
133 |
Email is already used for a different account Тус сахим хаягые ондоо хэрэглэшэ бүридхүүлэнхэй
134 |
Delete Profile Хэрэглэгшын данса усадхаха
135 |
Submit clips Клипнүүдые эльгээхэ
136 |
Hakha Chin Һака
137 |
Retry Дахин үзэхэ
138 |
Back to Top Дээшээ бусаха
139 |
Tajik Таджиг
140 |
Kurdish Күрд
141 |
Validations баталгажуулга
142 |
We will be in touch with more information as it becomes available. Шэнэ мэдээсэл гарахалаарнь дуулгажа байхабди.
143 |
{ $count }y { $count }жэл
144 |
Terms Нүхэсэл
145 |
Review & re-record clips here as you go Эндэхэнэ клипнүүды хянаад, шэнээр бэшэхээр
146 |
Get Started with Speech Recognition Хэлэхы таниха оньһон ухаанай оршол
147 |
Bulgarian Болгар
148 |
Glossary Үгын тайлбари
149 |
Download Data Татажа абаха
150 |
Download { $language } { $language } хэлэ татажа абаха
151 |
Ligurian Лигүри
152 |
p т
153 |
About Тухай
154 |
When will you release Common Voice data in other languages? Ондоо хэлэнэй Common Voice үгэгдэлые хэзээ ниитэлхэбта?
155 |
No Үгы
156 |
Overall Accuracy Юрэнхы нарин нягта байдал
157 |
Polish Польша
158 |
This is open source software which can be freely remixed, extended, and improved. Mycroft may be used in anything from a science project to an enterprise software application. Энэ хадаа нээлтэтэй программа тула, дураараа ондоо программатай холбожо, нэмэжэ, һайжаруулжа болохо. Mycroft-ые эрдэм шэнжэлгын түһэл, бизнесэй программа мэтэ алибаа зүйлдэ ашаглажа болохо.
159 |
Other Ондоо
160 |
Erzya Эрзя
161 |
Uzbek Үзбек
162 |
How can I get the Common Voice data? Common Voice-ой үгэгдэлые яажа абахаар бэ?
163 |
English Англи
164 |
Get Involved Оролсохо
165 |
Tap Тобшохо
166 |
Contact Form Холбоо бариха маягта
167 |
No microphone found. Микрофон олдоногүй
168 |
Why ? Юундэ?
169 |
Breton Бретон
170 |
Dashboard Нюур самбар
171 |
Dutch Һолланд
172 |
Esperanto Эсперанто
173 |
Upload aborted. Do you want to delete your recordings? Ашаалга сусалагдаба. Бэшэлгэеэ усадхахатнай гү?
174 |
Start recording Бэшэлгэ эхилхэ
175 |
Turkish Түрк
176 |
Gender Хүйһэн
177 |
By opting in to receive emails you state that you are okay with Mozilla handling this info as explained in Mozilla’s <privacyLink>Privacy Policy<privacyLink>. Сахим шуудан абахые зүбшөөрһэн хадатнай, Mozilla <privacyLink>Хубиин эрхын тэмдэглэл</privacyLink> соо зааһан ёһоор энэ мэдээсэлыетнай хэрэглэхэ болоно.
178 |
Re-record Дахин бэшэхэ
179 |
Slovenian Словен
180 |
Hungarian Унгар
181 |
Hidden Нюуха
182 |
{ $hours } validated hours so far! { $hours } саг баталагдаад байна!
183 |
Add an avatar to your profile Хэрэглэгшын дансадаа хии дүрэ нэмэхэ
184 |
Adyghe Адыг
185 |
Meadow Mari Нугын Мари
186 |
<bold>Help us</bold> find more voices Шэнэ дуу хоолой олоходомнай <bold>туһална гүт</bold>
187 |
Contribute Баяжуулха
188 |
Cancel Re-recording Дахин бэшэһэеэ сусалха
189 |
Log Out Гараха
190 |
Mycroft Ai Mycroft Ai
191 |
Optionally submitted demographic data (e.g. age, sex, language, and accent) is de-identified from your submitted voice data and will never be made public on your profile. Наһан, хүйһэн, хэлэн, аялга зэргэ хүн тухай нарин мэдээсэл хангахаар шиидээ һаатнай, дуу хоолойн бэшэлгэтэйтнай холбоогүй хадагалагдаха, мүн хэзээшье танай хэрэглэгшын данса соо харуулагдахагүй.
192 |
Azerbaijani Азербайджан
193 |
Languages Хэлэнүүд
194 |
Aragonese Арагон
195 |
Chinese (Taiwan) Хятад (Тайван)
196 |
I agree Зүбшөөрнэб
197 |
Abkhaz Абхаз
198 |
Acehnese Ачээ
199 |
Ubykh Үбых
200 |
Size Хэмжээн
201 |
Cookies Күүкис
202 |
Validated Hours Баталгажуулһан саг
203 |
Frequently Asked Questions Дандаа асуудаг зүйл
204 |
Urdu Үрдү
205 |
Keep Байлгаха
206 |
Sentences Үгүүлбэри
207 |
n ү
208 |
By providing some information about yourself, the audio data you submit to Common Voice will be more useful to Speech Recognition engines that use this data to improve their accuracy. Common Voice-той хубаалсаһан өөр тухай зарим мэдээсэлтнай хэлэхы таниха хүдэлгүүртэ танилтаяа улам нягта нямбай болгоходонь туһатай байха.
209 |
Top Contributors Түрүү баялигжуулагшад
210 |
Slovak Словак
211 |
Next Goal: { $goal } Удаадахи зорилго: { $goal }
212 |
Select a Language... Хэлэ шэлэхэ
213 |
Hebrew Еврей
214 |
Clips You've Recorded Танай бэшэлгэ
215 |
Click Тобшохо
216 |
Accent Аялга
217 |
Persian Перс
218 |
y и
219 |
What is Common Voice? Common Voice гэжэ юун бэ?
220 |
Contribution Activity Баялигжуулһан үйлэ ажаллалга
221 |
Become a partner Хамтарагша болохо
222 |
Latvian Латви
223 |
Mycroft is the world’s first open source assistant. Mycroft runs anywhere - on a desktop computer, inside an automobile, or on a Raspberry Pi. Mycroft хадаа дэлхэйн түрүүшын нээлтэтэй туһалагша. Mycroft-ые шэрээгэй компьютер, машина, Raspberry Pi соо ажаллуулхаар.
224 |
Kyrgyz Киргиз
225 |
Language Request Шэнэ хэлэ үүсхэхэ
226 |
Faroese Фөөрис
227 |
Romansh Sursilvan Сүрсилван Ромонч
228 |
Loading… Ашаалагдажа байна...
229 |
sign up for email updates сахим шууданаар шэнэ мэдээ абаха
230 |
Save Хадгалха
231 |
Spanish Испан
232 |
Return to Languages Хэлэнүүд руу бусаха
233 |
Japanese Япон
234 |
[1-5] [1-5]
235 |
Buryat Буряад
236 |
Benefits Дабуу тала
237 |
Download Татажа абаха
238 |
Speak now Мүнөө хэлэгты
239 |
The recording was too long. Бэшэлгэ дэн ута байна
240 |
Localization Нютагшуулха
241 |
Swedish Швед
242 |
243 |
Romanian Румын
244 |
Cornish Корн
245 |
Everyone Хүн бүхэн
246 |
Settings Тааруулга
247 |
Contact Холбоо бариха
248 |
Message Бэшэг
249 |
I do not agree Зүбшөөрнэгүйб
250 |
Enter your email Сахим шуудангаа оруулна гүт
251 |
Why is it important? Энэ юундэ шухалаб?
252 |
Clips You've Validated Баталгажуулһан бэшэлгэтнай
253 |
Keep it up, record again <recordIcon></recordIcon> Бү зогсогты, дахин бэшэе <recordIcon></recordIcon>
254 |
Return to Common Voice Datasets Ниитын дуу хоолойн үгэгдэл руу бусаха
255 |
User Name Хэрэглэгшын нэрэ
256 |
257 |
Male Эрэ
258 |
Upload an image file Зураг ашаалха
259 |
Norwegian Nynorsk Нюноршк Норвег
260 |
Thai Тай
261 |
We at Mozilla are building a community around voice technology. We would like to stay in touch with updates, new data sources and to hear more about how you're using this data. Mozilla-ын хамта олон бидэ дуу хоолойн технологи һонирходог зониие нэгэдхэжэ байнабди. Бидэ хадаа шэнэлэлтэ болон шэнэ үгэгдэлэй эхэ үүсбэри тухай саг дары мэдэжэ, эдээниие яажа хэрэглэжэ байһан тухай дуулахаа һананабди.
262 |
Yes Тии
263 |
Please tap to record, then read the above sentence aloud. Бэшэлгэ хэхын тула тобшоод, үгүүлбэриие шангаар уншаарайгты.
264 |
Sign up for an account Хэрэглэгшэ бүридхүүлхэ
265 |
German Герман
266 |
Hausa Һауса
267 |
Contribute Your Voice Дуу хоолойгоо оруулан баяжуулха
268 |
Request a Language Шэнэ хэлэ үүсхэхэ
269 |
<playIcon></playIcon>Last one! <playIcon></playIcon>Һүүлшынхи!
270 |
We at Mozilla are building a community around voice technology. We would like to stay in touch with updates, new data sources and to hear more about how you're using this data. Mozilla-ынхид бидэ дуу хоолойн технологи һонирхогшодой бүлгэм байгуулан, шэнэ үгэгдэлэй эхэ үүсбэри, шэнэшэлэлтын талаар мэдээ тараажа, эдээнииемнай яажа хэрэглэжэ байһан тухайтнай дуулаха хүсэлтэйбди.
271 |
Age Наһан
272 |
Macedonian Македон
273 |
Listen Шагнаха
274 |
Finish recording Бэшэлгэ дууһаха
275 |
Review & Submit Хянаад эльгээхэ
276 |
Total Approved Ниитэ зүбшөөрһэн
277 |
Using Common Voice Common Voice хэрэглэхэ
278 |
s з
279 |
Tatar Татаар
280 |
Close Хааха
281 |
You've successfully signed up for contributing to { $language }. Thank you. { $language } хэлэ баяжуулха болобот. Һайн даа!
282 |
Bengali Бенгал
283 |
Tamil Тамил
284 |
Georgian Гүржэ
285 |
{ $actionType }<playIcon></playIcon> did they accurately speak the sentence? { $actionType }<playIcon></playIcon> үгүүлбэриие алдуугүйгөөр уншаба гү?
286 |
Welsh Кимрайг
287 |
Arabic Араб
288 |
Speak Дуугарха
289 |
Validated Hrs Баталгажуулһан саг
290 |
Keep Data Үгэгдэлым байлгаха
291 |
Record/Stop Бэшэ/Зогсо
292 |
Edit Заһаха
293 |
Catalan Каталан
294 |
Subscribe Захиха
295 |
How does it work? Яажа хүдэлдэг бэ?
296 |
Review & re-record clips if needed Клипнүүды хянаад, хэрэгтэй һаань шэнээр бэшэнэ гүт
297 |
r б
298 |
Kinyarwanda Руанда
299 |
Telugu Тэлүгү
300 |
Don't see your language on Common Voice yet? Танай хэлэн Ниитын дуу хоолой соо үгы байна гү?
301 |
Your Languages Хэлэнүүдтнай
302 |
The recording was too quiet. Бэшэлгэ дэн аалин байна
303 |
Clips Uploaded Клипнүүд ашаалагдаба
304 |
Re-record clip Дахин бэшэжэ үзэхэ
305 |
Sex Хүйһэн
306 |
Delete my recordings Бэшэлгэнүүдээ усадхая
307 |
Sorbian, Upper Дээдэ Сорб
308 |
Asturian Астур
309 |
Recorded Hours Бэшэлгын саг
310 |
<recordIcon></recordIcon> Last one! <recordIcon></recordIcon> Һүүлшынхи!
311 |
Serbian Серб
312 |
Where does the source text come from? Уг бэшэбэри хаанаһаа абтааб?
313 |
Today's Progress Мүнөөдэр хэгдэһэн юумэн
314 |
Frisian Фриз
315 |
Sardinian Сардин
316 |
Sinhala Сингала
317 |
The selected file is too large Шэлэһэн файлтнай дэн томо
318 |
We will not make your email public. Сахим хаягыетнай олониитэдэ сасахагүйбди.
319 |
Great!<recordIcon></recordIcon> Record your next clip Гоё даа!<recordIcon></recordIcon> Удаадахи клип бэшэнэ гүт
320 |
Komi-Zyrian Зырян Коми
321 |
Votic Вадда
322 |
Goals Зорилго
323 |
Croatian Хорват
324 |
Your username and email will not be associated with the published data. Танай хэрэглэгшын нэрэ сахим хаяг хоёр ниитэлэгдэһэн үгэгдэлтэйтнай холбоогүй байха.
325 |
Hours Validated Баталгажуулһан саг
326 |
Get involved Оролсохо
327 |
Help us validate sentences! Үгүүлбэри баталалсажа үгыт!
328 |
Exit & Delete clips Гараад, клипнүүдээ усадхаха
329 |
Thank you for your interest in contributing to { $lang }. We work hard to get every language ready for launch and keep the teams updated via email. If you want to contribute, please provide your email below. { $lang } хэлэ баяжуулха болоһондотнай таларханабди. Хэлэн бүхэниие эхилүүлхын тула шармайн ажаллажа, багуудта сахим шуудангаар мэдээсэл хүргэжэ байнабди. Баяжуулалсахаа һанаа һаа, сахим шуудангаа доро оруулна гүт.
330 |
Submit success! Want to record again? Амжалтатай эльгээгдэбэ! Ондоо бэшэлгэ хэхэ гүт?
331 |
Search for answers Харюу бэдэрхэ
332 |
Afrikaans Африкаанс
333 |
Czech Чех
334 |
Great work!<playIcon></playIcon> Listen again when you're ready Бэрхэт даа!<playIcon></playIcon> Бэлэн болоходоо дахин шагнажа үзэгты
335 |
Language request successfully submitted, thank you. Шэнэ хэлэ үүсхэхэ хүсэлтэ амжалтатай эльгээгдэбэ. Һайн даа!
336 |
Days үдэр
337 |
Three to go! Гурбал үлөө!
338 |
Portuguese (Brazil) Португал (Бразил)
339 |
Saved Хадгалагдаа
340 |
Interlingua Интэрлингва
341 |
Today Мүнөөдэр
342 |
Galician Галиси
343 |
{ $count } Clips Submitted клип
344 |
Number of Voices Дуу хоолойн тоо
345 |
Clips Клипнүүд
346 |
You can choose to make your username public or anonymous. Хэрэглэгшын нэрэеэ олониитын гү, үгы һаа нюуса болгохоорта.
347 |
Sign up for { $lang } updates: { $lang } хэлэнэй шэнэшэлһые дуулаха:
348 |
Help us build a community around voice technology, stay in touch via email. Дуу хоолойн технологи һонирходог хүнүүдые нэгэдхэхэдэмнай туһалжа, сахим шуудангаар холбоотой байхыетнай гуйнабди.
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
trackers mga tracker
3 |
Secure Connection Failed Secure Connection Pakyas
4 |
Open tabs Abrihi ang Tabs
5 |
%s (Private) %s (Pribado)
6 |
The connection was reset Na-reset ang koneksyon
7 |
Tab from %s Tab gikan sa %s
8 |
Sync failed. Last synced: never Pakyas ang sync. Niagi nga sync: wala sukad
9 |
pop-up pop-up
10 |
breakpoint breakpoint
11 |
Cancel private downloads? I-cancel ang mga private downloads?
12 |
Allow %1$s to use your location? Tugotan ang %1$s nga mogamit sa imong location?
13 |
Tap to copy the URL for this app i-Tap para makopya ang URL ani nga app
14 |
Unable to open %1$s Dili ka-abli sa %1$s
15 |
Unable to save login Dili makasave sa login
16 |
Jun Jun
17 |
aggregate kinatibuk-an
18 |
Recently saved Bagong nasave
19 |
Set open tabs to close automatically that haven’t been viewed in the past day, week, or month. i-Set ang abri nga tabs nga automatic mo-sirado kung wala malantaw sulod sa milabay nga adlaw, semana, o bulan.
20 |
Scan i-Scan
21 |
Last updated Ulahing pag-update
22 |
More options Dugang pili-anan
23 |
Search %s Pangitaon %1$s
24 |
<ul> <li>Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.</li> </ul> ¶ · <ul>¶ · <li>Palihog ug kontak sa mga tag-iya sa website aron ipahibalo ang problema.</li>¶ · </ul>¶ ·
25 |
Firefox Account/Sync server modified. Quitting the application to apply changes… Nausab ang Firefox Account/Sync server. Kamulong gina-quit ang application para maapply ang nausab …
26 |
Usage and technical data Usage ug technical data
27 |
Sending crash report to %1$s i-Padala ang crash report sa %1$s
28 |
Recently saved bookmarks Bag-ong nasave nga bookmarks
29 |
%1$d/%2$d %1$d/%2$d
30 |
authenticate i-authenticate
31 |
Recommended na-Rekomenda
32 |
report report
33 |
Learn more Dugang pagtuon
34 |
Verification failed Verification napakyas
35 |
Copy image location Kopyaha ang image location
36 |
Check your network connection or try reloading the page in a few moments. Tan-awa imong koneksyon sa network o sulayi ug reload ang page taudtaod.
37 |
sign sign
38 |
Open image in new tab i-Open ang image sa bag-ong tab
39 |
Add them to %1$s i-Dugang tanan sa %1$s
40 |
Apr Apr
41 |
Status: Status:
42 |
native native
43 |
Private tab Private tab
44 |
<p>The site at %1$s has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.</p> <p>Ang site sa %1$s nareport nga usa ka-attack site busa na-block base sa imong mga security preference.</p>
45 |
Always Kanunay
46 |
Your open tabs will be shown here. Ang imong abri nga tabs makita dinhi.
47 |
Add new collection Bag-ong collection
48 |
fingerprinter fingerprinter
49 |
Revisit your latest searches from your homepage and tabs. Bisitaha imong bag-ong mga search gikan sa imong homepage ug mga tab.
50 |
File Not Found Wala Makita ang File
51 |
Pause Pause
52 |
Suggested logins Nasugyot nga mga login
53 |
Show in private sessions Ipakita sulod sa private session
54 |
Fill link from clipboard Pun-a ang link gikan sa clipboard
55 |
Back Balik
56 |
Customize home i-Customize ang home
57 |
insecure delikado
58 |
Permissions Mga Permission
59 |
Add-ons Manager Add-on Manager
60 |
Extensions Mga Extension
61 |
sensitive sensitibo
62 |
Unselected %1$s Wala gipili %1$s
63 |
Details Mga Detalye
64 |
misinformation misinformation
65 |
Successfully enabled %1$s Malampusong na-enable %1$s
66 |
Expand suggested logins i-Expand ang nasugyot nga mga login
67 |
Site permissions Panugot sa site
68 |
Address Not Found Wala'y Address
69 |
Share with… i-Share sa
70 |
release release
71 |
Clear Clear
72 |
Password for %1$s Password sa %1$s
73 |
Search i-Search
74 |
Issue Isyu
75 |
Stop Hunong
76 |
Go to settings Adto sa settings
77 |
Never Dili
78 |
<p>The requested site did not respond to a connection request and the browser has stopped waiting for a reply.</p> <ul> <li>Could the server be experiencing high demand or a temporary outage? Try again later.</li> <li>Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the device’s network connection.</li> <li>Is your device or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing.</li> <li>Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance.</li> </ul> ¶ · <p>Ang gi-request nga site wala nitubag sa request ug niundang na ang browser ug paghulat sa tubag.</p>¶ · <ul>¶ · <li>Basin nakasinati ang server ug taas nga demand o kasamtangang pagkapalong? Sulayi balik unya.</li>¶ · <li>DIli ba ka maka-browse ug uban site? Tan-awa ang device network connection.</li>¶ · <li>Aduna ba'y firewall o proxy ang imong device o network? Ang sayop nga setting makaputol sa Web browsing.</li>¶ · <li>Problema pa gihapon? Tawagi imong network administrator o Internet provider para sa dugang tabang.</li>¶ · </ul>¶ ·
79 |
Pick a month Pili ug bulan
80 |
external external
81 |
Show clipboard suggestions Ipakita ang mga clipboard suggestion
82 |
Exchange messages with apps other than this one Exchange ug mga message tali sa ubang mga app
83 |
Dec Dec
84 |
Share i-Share
85 |
Bookmarks Mga Bookmark
86 |
Don’t update Ayaw i-update
87 |
%1$s has been added to %2$s %1$s nadugang sa %2$s
88 |
<p>The site at %1$s has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.</p> <p>Ang site sa %1$s nareport nga gidudahang makadaot nga site busa na-block kini base sa imong mga security preference.</p>
89 |
Allow screenshots in private browsing Tugoti ang mga screenshot sa private browsing
90 |
Add-ons Add-on
91 |
Failed to install %1$s Pakyas sa install %1$s
92 |
Attack Site Attack Site
93 |
Privacy and security Privacy ug seguridad
94 |
Refreshing this page could duplicate recent actions, such as sending a payment or posting a comment twice. Pag-refresh ani nga page posibleng maka-kopya sa bag-o nga mga aksyon, sama sa pagpadala ug bayad o pag-post sa usa ka komento makaduha.
95 |
Last synced: %s Niagi nga sync: %s
96 |
Authors Mga Author
97 |
Custom Sync server Custom nga Sync server
98 |
Switch to tab Balhin sa tab
99 |
Unable to connect Dili ka-konek
100 |
You can set Firefox to automatically open links in apps. Ma-set nimo ang Firefox nga automatic mo-abri ug link sa mga apps.
101 |
override i-override
102 |
New private tab opened Bag-ong private tab na-open
103 |
Dark color scheme Dark nga color scheme
104 |
Content Encoding Error Content Encoding Error
105 |
Report Report
106 |
107 |
Failed to uninstall %1$s Pakyas pag-uninstall %1$s
108 |
compact gamay
109 |
Enable private browsing i-Enable ang private browsing
110 |
Do you want to leave this site? Data you have entered may not be saved Buot mo bang mohawa ani nga site? Ang data nga imong gi-butang basin dili ma-save
111 |
<p>The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.</p> <ul> <li>Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.</li> </ul> ¶ · <p>Ang page nga gisulayan ug pakita dili makita tungod kay gagamit kini ug sayop nga porma sa compression.</p>¶ · <ul>¶ · <li>Palihog ug kontak sa mga tag-iya sa website aron ipahibalo ang problema.</li>¶ · </ul>¶ ·
112 |
Font size decrease Pagamyon ang font
113 |
Sans serif Sans serif
114 |
Updater Information Updater Information
115 |
disinformation disinformation
116 |
Select credit card Pili ug credit card
117 |
Play Play
118 |
<p>The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.</p> <ul> <li>The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.</li> <li>If you are unable to load any pages, check your device’s data or Wi-Fi connection.</li> </ul> ¶ · <p>Naputol ang network link samtang gasulay ug konek. Palihog sulay balik.</p>¶ · <ul>¶ · <li>Ang site dili ma-open o busy kaayo. Sulayi balik taudtaod.</li>¶ · <li>Kung wala pa gihapon mogawas nga page, tan-awa imong device data o koneksyon sa Wi-Fi.</li>¶ · </ul>¶ ·
119 |
<p>The browser is operating in its offline mode and cannot connect to the requested item.</p> <ul> <li>Is the device connected to an active network?</li> <li>Press “Try Again” to switch to online mode and reload the page.</li> </ul> ¶ · <p>Ang browser naka-offline mode karon ug dili makakuha sa gipangayo nga item.</p>¶ · <ul>¶ · <li>Ang device konektado ba sa active nga network?</li>¶ · <li>Pinduta ang “Sulayi Balik” para maka-online mode ug ablihi balik ang page.</li>¶ · </ul>¶ ·
120 |
Customize homepage i-Customize ang homepage
121 |
Proxy Server Not Found Proxy Server Wa Makita
122 |
Crashes Mga Crash
123 |
View options Tan-aw sa options
124 |
Sans Serif font Sans Serif nga font
125 |
Unknown Protocol Di inila nga Protocol
126 |
Not yet supported Dili pa suportado
127 |
Access your data for all websites i-Access imong data sa mga website
128 |
corrupt guba
129 |
Leave Leave
130 |
Update this login? i-Update ni nga login?
131 |
Crash Reports Crash Report
132 |
Disable private browsing i-Disable ang private browsing
133 |
Site notifications Pahibalo gikan sa site
134 |
encryption encryption
135 |
Jump to your open tabs, bookmarks, and browsing history. Adto sa imong mga abri nga tab, mga bookmark, ug browsing history.
136 |
Last synced: never Niagi nga sync: wala sukad
137 |
Highlighted Gipasiugda
138 |
Voice search Voice search
139 |
%2$s is requesting your username and password. The site says: “%1$s” %2$s nangayo sa imong username ug password. Ang site ingon: “%1$s”
140 |
Collection owner (User ID) Tag-iya sa Collection (User ID)
141 |
L10n L10n
142 |
attacker attacker
143 |
deceptive site mailaron nga site
144 |
Private %s Pribado %s
145 |
Bookmark i-Bookmark
146 |
Collapse suggested logins i-Collapse ang nasugyot nga mga login
147 |
Tracking Protection has blocked trackers Ang Tracking Protection nibara ug tracker
148 |
Access your data on %1$d other sites i-Access imong data sa %1$d ubang mga site
149 |
No add-ons here Wala’y mga add-on dinhi
150 |
Show all recent tabs button Ipakita tanan bag-ong mga tab nga button
151 |
Download link i-Download ang link
152 |
corrupted na-guba
153 |
Delete session i-Delete ang session
154 |
Dismiss find in page Undanga ang pagpangita sulod sa page
155 |
Download (%1$s) Download (%1$s)
156 |
No experiments here Walay mga eksperimento dinhi
157 |
Download Download
158 |
Share image i-Share ang image
159 |
It requires your permission to: Kinahanglan imong pagtugot para:
160 |
Turbo Mode Turbo Mode
161 |
Add-on updates Mga Add-on update
162 |
Customize reader view i-Customize ang reader view
163 |
Home screen Home screen
164 |
<p>The browser connected successfully, but the connection was interrupted while transferring information. Please try again.</p> <ul> <li>The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.</li> <li>If you are unable to load any pages, check your device’s data or Wi-Fi connection.</li> </ul> ¶ · <p>Nakakonek ang browser, pero naputol ang koneksyon kamulong balhin sa impormasyon. Palihog sulayi usab.</p>¶ · <ul>¶ · <li>Basin ang site dili available kadyot o busy lang. Sulay balik karon taudtaod.</li>¶ · <li>Kung wala pa gihapon mogawas nga page, tan-awa imong device data o Wi-Fi connection.</li>¶ · </ul>¶ ·
165 |
Camera and microphone are on Camera ug microphone ga-andar
166 |
Add Idugang
167 |
Install Add-on Mag-install ug Add-on
168 |
Share via i-Share agi sa
169 |
Patch Patch
170 |
Installed na-Install
171 |
Save selected tabs to collection i-Save ang napiling tabs padulong sa collection
172 |
A site is playing media Usa ka-site nagpatukar ug media
173 |
Jan Jan
174 |
Dismiss i-Dismiss
175 |
Camera is on Camera ga-andar
176 |
New private tab Bag-o nga pribadong tab
177 |
Bug report Bug report
178 |
clipboard clipboard
179 |
Display notifications to you Ipakita ang mga pahibalo kanimo
180 |
Loading Loading
181 |
Resend data Resend data
182 |
Complete action using Kumpletoha ang action gamit ang
183 |
URL copied. URL nakopya na.
184 |
Appearance Appearance
185 |
%1$s add-ons %1$s mga add-on
186 |
Turn on for all sites i-On para sa tanan site
187 |
Share Share
188 |
signer signer
189 |
Access your data for sites in the %1$s domain i-Access imong data sa mga site sa %1$s nga domain
190 |
Reader view Reader view
191 |
Menu Menu
192 |
Download paused Download na-pause
193 |
Allow %1$s to use your camera? Tugotan ang %1$s mogamit ug camera?
194 |
Selected language Pinili nga sinultian
195 |
Top sites Nag-unang mga site
196 |
Read the text of all open tabs Basaha ang text sa tanan abli nga tab
197 |
%1$s can’t download this file type %1$s dili kadownload ani nga file type
198 |
Sign in Sign in
199 |
Expand suggested credit cards i-Expand ang nasugyot nga mga credit card
200 |
Some content has been blocked by the autoplay setting Ang uban content gibara sa setting sa autoplay
201 |
Open link in external app i-Open ang link sa external nga app
202 |
Tabs you haven’t viewed for two weeks get moved here. Ang mga tab nga wala nimo malantaw sulod sa duha ka-semana mabutang dinhi.
203 |
Password Password
204 |
What’s New Unsay Bag-o
205 |
Tabs Mga Tab
206 |
<p>The address specifies a protocol (e.g., <q>wxyz://</q>) the browser does not recognize, so the browser cannot properly connect to the site.</p> <ul> <li>Are you trying to access multimedia or other non-text services? Check the site for extra requirements.</li> <li>Some protocols may require third-party software or plugins before the browser can recognize them.</li> </ul> <p>Ang address nagbungat ug protocol (eg <q>wxyz://</q>) nga wa ilha sa browser, mao nga ang browser dili maka-konek ug tarong sa site.</p> <ul> <li>Nagsulay ba ka ug access ug multimedia o laing non-text nga mga service? i-Check ang site alang sa dugang requirement.</li> <li>Ubang mga protocol nag-require ug third-party software o mga plugin aron makaila ang browser kanila.</li> </ul>
207 |
Failed to remove %1$s Pakyas pag-remove %1$s
208 |
enable enable
209 |
Add %1$s to %2$s i-Dugang ang %1$s sa %2$s
210 |
authenticated na-authenticate
211 |
Full screen site controls Full screen nga control sa site
212 |
Give feedback Hatag ug feedback
213 |
Open in app i-Open sa app
214 |
Search logins Pangitaon ang logins
215 |
Recently visited Bagong nabisita
216 |
Save to collection i-Save sa collection
217 |
Tracking Content Tracking Content
218 |
Accept the Risk and Continue Dawata ang Risgo ug Padayon
219 |
encrypt encrypt
220 |
A new permission is required Kinahanglan ug bag-o nga permission
221 |
cryptominer cryptominer
222 |
It’s now easier to pick back up where you left off. Gipasayon na karon ang pag-balik kung asa ka mibiya.
223 |
Passwords Mga Password
224 |
<p>The site responded to the network request in an unexpected way and the browser cannot continue.</p> ¶ · <p>Ang site nitubag sa network request sa wala damha nga pamaagi ug ang browser dili na makapadayon.</p>¶ ·
225 |
Copy link Kopyaha ang link
226 |
Nov Nov
227 |
<p>The site at %1$s has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.</p> <p>Ang site sa %1$s nareport nga nagsilbi ug kadudahang software busa kini na-block base sa imong mga security preference.</p>
228 |
Past explorations Milabay nga eksplorasyon
229 |
Access your data for %1$s i-Access imong data sa %1$s
230 |
Set as default browser Itakda isip default browser
231 |
Search %1$s Pangitaon %1$s
232 |
black box black box
233 |
Tabs Received Mga Tab nadawat
234 |
Unable to connect. Unrecognizable URL scheme. Dili makakonek. Dili mailhan ang URL scheme.
235 |
Open in… i-Open sa…
236 |
home page home page
237 |
<ul> <li>The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.</li> <li>If you are unable to load any pages, check your device’s data or Wi-Fi connection.</li> </ul> ¶ · <ul>¶ · <li>Ang site dili ma-open o busy kaayo. Sulayi balik taudtaod.</li>¶ · <li>Kung wala pa gihapon mogawas nga page, tan-awa imong device data o koneksyon sa Wi-Fi.</li>¶ · </ul>¶ ·
238 |
Search or enter address Pangitaa o ibutang ang address
239 |
Homepage Homepage
240 |
Find next result Pangita-a ang sunod nga resulta
241 |
Off Off
242 |
Install i-Install
243 |
%1$d new permissions are required %1$d kinahanglan bag-ong mga permission
244 |
No crash reports have been submitted. Walay crash report nga ge submit.
245 |
Dark Dark
246 |
Library Library
247 |
Open it in the menu Ablihi sa menu
248 |
Duplicate tab Duplicate nga tab
249 |
autoplay autoplay
250 |
Sync failed. Last success: %s Pakyas ang sync. Niagi nga success: %s
251 |
New add-on available Naa'y bag-ong add-on
252 |
%1$s open tabs. Tap to switch tabs. %1$s ang abli nga mga tab. i-Tap para mobalhin ug mga tab.
253 |
Disabled na-Disable
254 |
grassroots masa
255 |
add-on add-on
256 |
Powered by %1$s Powered by %1$s
257 |
%1$s could not verify the authenticity of the application. Do you want to proceed with autofilling the selected credentials? Ang %1$s dili maka-suta sa katinuod sa application. Buot mo ba i-padayon sa pag-autofill ang mga napiling mga credential?
258 |
%1$s is requesting your username and password. %1$s nangayo sa imong username ug password.
259 |
Access to the file was denied Access sa File gi-deny
260 |
<label>Someone could be trying to impersonate the site and you should not continue.</label> <br><br> <label>Websites prove their identity via certificates. %1$s does not trust <b>%2$s</b> because its certificate issuer is unknown, the certificate is self-signed, or the server is not sending the correct intermediate certificates.</label> ¶ · <label>Basin naay ga-impersonate sa site ug dili ka dapat mopadayon.</label>¶ · <br><br>¶ · <label>Ang mga website nagapaila-ila pinaagi sa mga certificate. Ang %1$s wala'y salig sa <b>%2$s</b> kay dili ilado ang iyang certificate issuer, ang certificate kay self-signed, o ang server kay wala nagtubag sa insakto nga mga intermediate certificate.</label>¶ ·
261 |
filter bubble filter bubble
262 |
If allowed, private tabs will also be visible when multiple apps are open Kung naay pagtugot, makit-an ang mga private tab kung daghan apps ang giabrihan.
263 |
Find previous result Pangitaa ang niaging resulta
264 |
Add-ons Mga Add-on
265 |
encode encode
266 |
Successfully uninstalled %1$s Malampusong na-uninstall %1$s
267 |
Reviews: %1$s Mga Review: %1$s
268 |
<ul> <li>Could the item have been renamed, removed, or relocated?</li> <li>Is there a spelling, capitalization, or other typographical error in the address?</li> <li>Do you have sufficient access permissions to the requested item?</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Basin ang item kay na-rename, na-remove, o nabalhin?</li> <li>Naa ba'y spelling, capitalization, o ubang sayop sa pag-sulat sa address?</li> <li>Naa ba ka'y igo nga access permission sa gi-request nga item?</li> </ul>
269 |
You’re in a private session Ania ka sa private session
270 |
Camera access needed. Go to Android settings, tap permissions, and tap allow. Kinahanglan ug camera access. Adto sa Android settings, i-tap and permissions, ug i-tap ang allow.
271 |
gear gear
272 |
Enabled na-Enable
273 |
Tracking Protection is on Ang Tracking Protection on
274 |
Content crashed Daot nga Content
275 |
Serif Serif
276 |
executable file executable file
277 |
<p>The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The site is redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.</p> <ul> <li>Have you disabled or blocked cookies required by this site?</li> <li>If accepting the site’s cookies does not resolve the problem, it is likely a server configuration issue and not your device.</li> </ul> ¶ · <p>Ni-undang ang browser ug kuha sa mga gi-request nga mga item. Ang site ga-redirect sa pamaagi nga dili makumpleto.</p>¶ · <ul>¶ · <li>Imo ba gi-hunongan o gi-block ang mga cookie nga kinahanglan ani nga site?</li>¶ · <li>Kung ang pagdawat sa mga cookie sa site wala makasulbad sa problema, basin problema kini sa server configuration ug dili sa imong device.</li>¶ · </ul>¶ ·
278 |
279 |
Sorry. %1$s had a problem and crashed. Sorry. Ang %1$s nagproblema ug nicrash
280 |
Entered multiselect mode, select tabs to save to a collection Nakasulod na sa multiselect mode, pili ug tabs aron magsave sa collection
281 |
The address isn’t valid Sayop ang address
282 |
Access browser tabs i-Access ang mga browser tab
283 |
compact - recommend deprioritize dasok
284 |
%1$.02f/5 %1$.02f/5
285 |
Learn more about permissions Tuon sa ubang mga permission
286 |
Serif font Serif nga font
287 |
Add username to saved password? i-Dugang ang na-save nga password?
288 |
Personalized Firefox homepage Personal nga Firefox homepage
289 |
back out na-undang
290 |
Clear recent browsing history, cookies, and related data Panasa ang bag-ong browsing history, cookie, ug iglabot nga data
291 |
Tracking Protection is off for these websites Walay Tracking Protection ani nga mga website
292 |
<ul> <li>This could be a problem with the server’s configuration, or it could be someone trying to impersonate the server.</li> <li>If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the error may be temporary, and you can try again later.</li> </ul> ¶ · <ul>¶ · <li>Basin problema ni sa server configuration, o basin naa'y gusto mo-impersonate ani nga server.</li>¶ · <li>Kung naka-konek ka ani nga server sa niagi, basin temporary ra ni nga error, sulayi lang ug balik unya.</li>¶ · </ul>¶ ·
293 |
Share link i-Share ang link
294 |
Failed to disable %1$s Pakyas pag-disable %1$s
295 |
cipher cipher
296 |
Front-facing camera Atbang nga camera
297 |
Allow search suggestions in private sessions? i-Allow ang search suggestions sulod sa private sessions?
298 |
Open in %1$s Ablihi sa %1$s
299 |
Access browser activity during navigation i-Access and kalihokan sa browser samtang nag-navigate
300 |
fingerprinting fingerprinting
301 |
Unlock %1$s Unlock %1$s
302 |
Mar Mar
303 |
Private browsing session Pribado nga browsing session
304 |
Jul Jul
305 |
Extend developer tools to access your data in open tabs i-Extend ang developer tools para ma-access imong data sa abli nga tab
306 |
open source open source
307 |
eavesdropping paniktik
308 |
Stay Stay
309 |
Clear Panas
310 |
Search bookmarks Pangitaa sa mga bookmark
311 |
Control browser proxy settings i-Control ang mga browser proxy setting
312 |
Reload Reload
313 |
bookmark bookmark
314 |
Access your data on %1$d other domains i-Access imong data sa %1$d uban pang mga domain
315 |
track subay
316 |
Open links in apps Abrihi ang mga link sulod sa mga app
317 |
Close reader view i-Close ang reader view
318 |
unsafe delikado
319 |
Okay, Got it Okay, Sabtan
320 |
(No username) (Wala'y username)
321 |
Search language Search language
322 |
Sepia color scheme Sepia nga color scheme
323 |
Show voice search Ipakita ang voice search
324 |
%1$d selected %1$d napili
325 |
Last attempt: Ulahing sulay:
326 |
context context
327 |
attendee attendee
328 |
Files and media permission access needed to download files. Go to Android settings, tap permissions, and tap allow. Permission access sa files ug media kinahanglan para madownload ang mga file. Adto sa Android settings, tap ang permissions, ug tap allow.
329 |
Return to previous app Balik sa previous nga app
330 |
Credit cards and addresses Mga credit card ug address
331 |
attack atake
332 |
Open a new Firefox tab Abri ug bag-ong Firefox tab
333 |
Failed to enable %1$s Pakyas pag-enable %1$s
334 |
No Dili
335 |
Try Again Try Again
336 |
Recently bookmarked Bag-ong nabookmark
337 |
clockwise clockwise
338 |
idle walay buhat
339 |
<p>This web page at %1$s has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.</p> <p>Kini nga webpage sa %1$s nareport nga mailarong site busa kini nablock base sa imong mga security preference.</p>
340 |
<p>The provided address is not in a recognized format. Please check the location bar for mistakes and try again.</p> ¶ · <p>Ang gihatag nga address sayop ang format. Palihog ug tan-aw sa location bar kung naa'y sayop ug sulay balik.</p>¶ ·
341 |
Resend data to this site? i-Padala usab ang mga data dinhi nga site?
342 |
Find in page Pangitaa sa page
343 |
Send crash report to %1$s i-Padala ang crash report sa %1$s
344 |
certificate authority certificate authority
345 |
studies pag-tuon
346 |
Label for entering a text input field Label sa pag-butang ug text input field
347 |
<p>The browser is configured to use a proxy server, but the proxy refused a connection.</p> <ul> <li>Is the browser’s proxy configuration correct? Check the settings and try again.</li> <li>Does the proxy service allow connections from this network?</li> <li>Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance.</li> </ul> <p>Ang browser na-configure nga mogamit ug proxy server, pero ang proxy gabalibad ug koneksyon.</p> <ul> <li>Sakto ba ang proxy configuration sa browser? Susiha ang mga setting ug sulay balik.</li> <li>Ang proxy service gadawat ba ug koneksyon gikan ani nga network?</li> <li>Aduna pa'y problema? Konsulta sa inyong network administrator o internet service provider ug tabang.</li> </ul>
348 |
Access browsing history i-Access ang browsing history
349 |
No update available Wala'y update available
350 |
New tab opened Bag-ong tab na-open
351 |
Never save Dili mag-save
352 |
Open Open
353 |
Username Username
354 |
The page isn’t redirecting properly Ang page dili ka-redirect ug tarong
355 |
The connection was interrupted Ang koneksyon naputol
356 |
Allow %1$s to use your microphone? Tugotan ang %1$s nga mogamit ug microphone?
357 |
alternate text puli nga pulong
358 |
<ul> <li>Web addresses are usually written like <strong>http://www.example.com/</strong></li> <li>Make sure that you’re using forward slashes (i.e. <strong>/</strong>).</li> </ul> ¶ · <ul>¶ · <li>Ang kasagaran sa mga Web address gisulat sama sa <strong>http://www.example.com/</strong></li>¶ · <li>Siguruha nga nigamit ka ug mga forward slash (i.e. <strong>/</strong>).</li>¶ · </ul>¶ ·
359 |
Successfully updated Malampusong na-update
360 |
Sep Sep
361 |
Try Again Usba
362 |
Save file to device i-Save ang file sa device
363 |
Read and modify bookmarks Basaha ug usba ang mga bookmark
364 |
Cannot Complete Request Dili makumpleto ang Request
365 |
Port restricted for security reasons Port gidid-an tungod sa seguridad
366 |
Add-on is not supported Ang add-on dili suportado
367 |
Sync now Sync na karon
368 |
Remove i-Remove
369 |
Close tab i-Close ang tab
370 |
Password field must not be empty Ang Password field dapat naa'y sulod
371 |
On On
372 |
Remember decision for this site Hinumdomi ang desisyon ni ini nga site
373 |
Invalid Address Sayop ang Address
374 |
Exited multiselect mode Gawas na sa multiselect mode
375 |
Store unlimited amount of client-side data Pagtipig ug unlimited nga client-side data
376 |
Aug Aug
377 |
Cancel Cancel
378 |
Provide cryptographic authentication services Hatag ug mga cryptographic authentication service
379 |
Add private browsing shortcut Dugang ug shortcut sa private browsing
380 |
validity validity
381 |
Email with… i-Email sa
382 |
Add to Home screen Dugang sa Home screen
383 |
Error Error
384 |
Read and modify browser settings Basaha ug usba ang mga setting sa browser
385 |
Share email address i-Share ang email address
386 |
Cancel downloads I-cancel ang mga downloads
387 |
report tug-an
388 |
Add a shortcut to open private tabs from your Home screen. Dugang ug shortcut pag-abri ug mga private tab gikan sa imong Home screen.
389 |
Add-on collection modified. Quitting the application to apply changes… Ang Add-on collection nausab. Kamulong gina-quit ang application para maapply ang nausab…
390 |
Search Search
391 |
distrust wa'y salig
392 |
Access your data on 1 other domain Susiha imong data sa 1 laing domain
393 |
%1$s clears your search and browsing history from private tabs when you close them or quit the app. While this doesn’t make you anonymous to websites or your internet service provider, it makes it easier to keep what you do online private from anyone else who uses this device. Ang %1$s moclear sa imong search ug browsing history sa private tabs kung i-sara o i-quit ang app. Bisan dili kini mohimo kanimo nga anonymous sa mga website ug sa imong internet service provider, gipasayon niini ang pagkapribado sa imong mga gihimo online gikan sa ubang gagamit niining device.
394 |
contribute ambag
395 |
preference preference
396 |
Access your location i-Access imong dapit
397 |
New add-ons available Naa'y bag-ong mga add-on
398 |
Your private tabs will be shown here. Ang imong mga private tab makita dinhi.
399 |
Find in page Pangita-a sa page
400 |
Credit cards Mga credit card
401 |
Unsafe File Type Delikado nga File Type
402 |
Refresh i-Refresh
403 |
Select collection Pili ug collection
404 |
No thanks Salamat na lang
405 |
Get data from the clipboard Kuha ug data gikan sa clipboard
406 |
Clear away tab clutter with improved layout and auto-closing tabs. i-Plastar ang katag nga mga tab gamit ang mas maayong layout ug mga auto-closing tab.
407 |
Allow %1$s to use your camera and microphone? Tugotan ang %1$s nga gamiton imong camera ug microphone?
408 |
Deny Deny
409 |
Search the web i-Search sa web
410 |
No camera available on device Wala'y camera nga magamit sa device
411 |
Clean, organized tabs Limpyo, han-ay nga mga tab
412 |
Update Update
413 |
sidebar sidebar
414 |
Sites: %1$s Mga Site: %1$s
415 |
Allow Allow
416 |
Allow %1$s to store data in persistent storage? Tugotan ang %1$s magbutang ug data sa permanent storage
417 |
Exceptions Mga Exception
418 |
Allow %1$s to send notifications? Tugotan ang %1$s magsend ug notifications?
419 |
Open files downloaded to your device Ablihi ang mga file nga nadownload sa imong device
420 |
Accept and edit suggestion Dawata ug usba ang sugyot
421 |
Copy email address Kopyaha ang email address
422 |
About %1$s Mahitungod sa %1$s
423 |
cryptomining cryptomining
424 |
Download completed Download human na
425 |
<p>The browser could not find the host server for the provided address.</p> <ul> <li>Check the address for typing errors such as <strong>ww</strong>.example.com instead of <strong>www</strong>.example.com.</li> <li>If you are unable to load any pages, check your device’s data or Wi-Fi connection.</li> </ul> ¶ · <p>Dili makita sa browser ang host server sa gihatag nga address.</p>¶ · <ul>¶ · <li>Susiha ang address kung naa'y sayup sa pag-type sama sa¶ · <strong>ww</strong>.example.com imbis¶ · <strong>www</strong>.example.com.</li>¶ · <li>Kung wala pa gihapon mogawas nga page, tan-awa imong device data o koneksyon sa Wi-Fi.</li>¶ · </ul>¶ ·
426 |
channel channel
427 |
Site information Detalye sa site
428 |
Clear i-Clear
429 |
We‘re currently building support for an initial selection of Recommended Extensions. Kamulo kami gatukod ug suporta alang sa initial selection sa Recommended Extensions.
430 |
Firefox add-on technology is modernizing. These add-ons use frameworks that are not compatible with Firefox 75 & beyond. Ang Firefox add-on technology pirmi ga-usab. Ang mga add-on gagamit ug framework nga dili bagay sa Firefox 75 ug daan.
431 |
Email Email
432 |
Set Set
433 |
Add shortcut Dugang ug shortcut
434 |
installation installation
435 |
Choose a color Pili ug color
436 |
1 open tab. Tap to switch tabs. 1 ang abli nga tab. i-Tap para mobalhin ug mga tab.
437 |
Microphone 1 Microphone
438 |
validate i-validate
439 |
Close Close
440 |
Collapse suggested credit cards i-Collapse ang nasugyot nga mga credit card
441 |
Settings Mga Setting
442 |
Choose what to sync Pili unsay i-sync
443 |
debug debug
444 |
%1$s is produced by Mozilla. %1$s hinimo sa Mozilla.
445 |
Supported add-ons checker Checker sa suportadong mga add-on
446 |
Synced tabs Na-sync nga mga tab
447 |
Deceptive site issue Makailad nga site issue
448 |
Yes Oo
449 |
import balhin
450 |
Switch Balhin
451 |
abnormality abnormalidad
452 |
Selected Napili
453 |
Are you sure? Sigurado ka?
454 |
boolean boolean
455 |
Rate on Google Play i-Rate sa Google Play
456 |
Save this login? i-Save ni nga login?
457 |
Media Media
458 |
1 add-on 1 add-on
459 |
Input data to the clipboard Butang ug data sa clipboard
460 |
Hide and show browser tabs i-Tago ug i-pakita ang mga browser tab
461 |
Save image i-Save ang image
462 |
The page at %1$s says: Ang page sa %1$s ingon:
463 |
The connection has timed out Ang koneksyon ni-time out.
464 |
Private Search Private Search
465 |
Add %1$s? i-Dugang ang %1$s?
466 |
Search engine settings Mga setting sa search engine
467 |
Rear-facing camera Likod nga camera
468 |
Successfully installed %1$s Malampusong na-install %1$s
469 |
Basics Basics
470 |
Show all Ipakita tanan
471 |
security keys security keys
472 |
473 |
version version
474 |
Your personalized Firefox homepage now makes it easier to pick up where you left off. Find your recent tabs, bookmarks, and search results. Ang imong personal nga Firefox homepage karon sayon na mopadayon kung asa ka nibiya. Pangitaa imong bag-ong mga tab, mga bookmark, ug mga search result.
475 |
unresponsive dili responsive
476 |
Name Pangalan
477 |
Call Call
478 |
Corrupted Content Error Guba nga Content Error
479 |
Could not open file Dili maka-abli sa file
480 |
Add i-Add
481 |
Email address copied to clipboard Ang email address nakopya na sa clipboard
482 |
Help Tabang
483 |
Turn off in settings i-Off sulod sa settings
484 |
Monitor extension usage and manage themes i-Monitor ang gamit sa extension ug i-manage ang mga themes
485 |
Allow Tugotan
486 |
Exit multiselect mode Gawas sa multiselect mode
487 |
<p>The requested address specified a port (e.g., <q>mozilla.org:80</q> for port 80 on mozilla.org) normally used for purposes <em>other</em> than Web browsing. The browser has canceled the request for your protection and security.</p> ¶ · <p>Ang girequest nga address duna'y port (e.g., <q>mozilla.org:80</q> para port 80 sa mozilla.org) gigamit para lang sa <em>ubang tuyo</em> dili Web browsing. Gi-undang sa browser ang request alang sa imong proteksyon ug seguridad.</p>¶ ·
488 |
Font size increase Padakoon ang font
489 |
Follow device language Sunda ang device language
490 |
Show all saved bookmarks button Ipakita ang nasave nga bookmarks button
491 |
Add %1$s and %2$s to %3$s i-Dugang ang %1$s ug %2$s sa %3$s
492 |
Remote debugging via USB Remote debugging pinaagi sa USB
493 |
Offline Mode Offline Mode
494 |
Save Save
495 |
Unwanted site issue Inayran nga site issue
496 |
Block content and scripts that track you online i-Block ang content ug mga script nga motrack kanimo online
497 |
Read and modify privacy settings Basaha ug usba ang mga privacy setting
498 |
%1$d out of %2$d %1$d gawas sa %2$d
499 |
revert ibalik
500 |
decryption decryption
501 |
Access your data on 1 other site i-Access imong data sa 1 pa ka-site
502 |
Website Website
503 |
Unexpected response from server Wala damha nga tubag sa server
504 |
Remove Remove
505 |
Reconnect to resume syncing i-Reconnect para mapadayon ang pag-sync
506 |
appearance hitsura
507 |
QR scanner QR scanner
508 |
Open link in private tab i-Open ang link sa pribadong tab
509 |
This time, search with: Karon, search gamit ang:
510 |
This add-on was migrated from a previous version of %1$s Kini nga add-on na-migrate gikan sa daang version sa %1$s
511 |
Addresses Mga address
512 |
%1$s on %2$s %3$s %1$s sa %2$s %3$s
513 |
unencrypted wala gi-encrypt
514 |
Tab Received Tab nga nadawat
515 |
Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs Pug-ngi ni nga page magbuhat ug dugang mga dialog
516 |
Custom Firefox Account server Custom nga server sa Firefox Account
517 |
Download failed Download na-pakyas
518 |
Open Tabs Abrihi ang Tabs
519 |
%s will share everything you type in the address bar with your default search engine. Ang %s magbutyag sa tanan nimo gitype sulod sa address bar gamit imong default nga search engine.
520 |
Microphone is on Microphone ga-andar
521 |
Allow %1$s to play DRM-controlled content? Tugotan ang %1$s mag play ang DRM controlled content?
522 |
end user end user
523 |
search suggestion search suggestion
524 |
Successfully disabled %1$s Malampusong na-disable %1$s
525 |
Enhanced Tracking Protection Enhanced Tracking Protection
526 |
No app found to open %1$s files Wala'y app nakita nga maka-abli sa %1$s mga file
527 |
Light color scheme Light nga color scheme
528 |
<ul> <li>The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.</li> <li>Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.</li> </ul> ¶ · <ul>¶ · <li>Ang page nga imong buot lantawon dili mapakita kay ang authenticity sa nadawat nga data dili ma-verify.</li>¶ · <li>Palihug pahibal-a ang tag-iya sa website mahitungod ani nga problema.</li>¶ · </ul>¶ ·
529 |
Your Rights Mga Katungod
530 |
<p>The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because an error in the data transmission was detected.</p> <ul> <li>Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.</li> </ul> ¶ · <p>Ang page nga gisulayan ug pakita dili makita tungod kay naa'y error nga nabantayan kamulong transmission.</p>¶ · <ul>¶ · <li>Palihog ug kontak sa mga tag-iya sa website aron ipahibalo ang problema.</li>¶ · </ul>¶ ·
531 |
Search synced tabs Pangitaa sa synced tabs
532 |
Edit bookmark Usba ang bookmark
533 |
<p>The browser is configured to use a proxy server, but the proxy could not be found.</p> <ul> <li>Is the browser’s proxy configuration correct? Check the settings and try again.</li> <li>Is the device connected to an active network?</li> <li>Still having trouble? Consult your network administrator or Internet provider for assistance.</li> </ul> <p>Ang browser na-configure nga mogamit ug proxy server, pero ang proxy dili makita.</p> <ul> <li>Sakto ba ang proxy configuration sa browser? Susiha ang mga setting ug sulay balik.</li> <li>Ang proxy service gadawat ba ug koneksyon gikan ani nga network?</li> <li>Aduna pa'y problema? Konsulta sa inyong network administrator o internet service provider ug tabang.</li> </ul>
534 |
Run in private browsing i-Padagan sa private browsing
535 |
Advanced… Advanced…
536 |
Jump back in Sulod balik
537 |
Resume Resume
538 |
Open link in new tab i-Open ang link sa bag-ong tab
539 |
Malware site issue Malware site issue
540 |
Allow i-Allow
541 |
Show all past explorations button Ipakita tanan kanhi mga eksplorasyon nga button
542 |
Oct Oct
543 |
Downloads Mga Download
544 |
Sepia Sepia
545 |
Go Back (Recommended) Balik (Rekomendado)
546 |
Stay in private browsing Magpabilin sa private browsing
547 |
Failed to query Add-ons! Pakyas sa pagquery sa Add-ons!
548 |
Web Authentication Web Authentication
549 |
Open links in a private tab i-Open ang mga link sa pribadong tab
550 |
Proxy Server Refused Connection Ang Proxy Server Balibad sa Koneksyon
551 |
Feb Feb
552 |
Successfully removed %1$s Malampusong na-remove %1$s
553 |
Sync bookmarks, history, and more with your Firefox Account i-Sync ang mga bookmark, history, ug uban pa sa imong Firefox Account
554 |
Search directly from the address bar Pangitaa pinaagi sa address bar
555 |
<p>Additional information about this problem or error is currently unavailable.</p> ¶ · <p>Wala pa'y dugang detalye para ani nga problema o error.</p>¶ ·
556 |
Recent searches Bag-ohay nga mga search
557 |
What’s new in Firefox Mga kabag-ohan sa Firefox
558 |
innovations mga innovation
559 |
Close i-Close
560 |
counterclockwise counterclockwise
561 |
Device name Ngalan sa device
562 |
Selected %1$s Napili %1$s
563 |
Desktop site Desktop site
564 |
Show search suggestions ipakita ang mga search suggestion
565 |
Exceptions let you disable tracking protection for selected sites. Ang mga exception mopalong sa tracking protection sa mga piniling mga site.
566 |
Allow in private browsing Tugotan sa private browsing
567 |
Show search engines Ipakita ang mga search engine
568 |
Notifications for tabs received from other Firefox devices. Mga pahibalo sa mga tab nga nadawat gikan sa ubang mga Firefox device.
569 |
Downloading and verifying add-on… Kamulong download ug suta sa add-on…
570 |
Restart %1$s i-Restart %1$s
571 |
Add-on is already installed Ang add-on na-install na
572 |
Download files and read and modify the browser’s download history Kuhaa ang mga file ug basaha ug usba ang download history sa browser
573 |
Search browsing history Pangitaa sa browsing history
574 |
Don’t save Ayaw i-save
575 |
Common myths about private browsing Mga tinuohan bahin sa private browsing
576 |
Resync i-Sync usab
577 |
<ul> <li>It may have been removed, moved, or file permissions may be preventing access.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Basin kini na-remove, nabalhin, o ang mga file permission nagpugong sa access.</li> </ul>
578 |
Legacy extension Legacy extension
579 |
Link copied to clipboard Ang link na-kopya sa clipboard
580 |
The tab counter toolbar button. Ang tab counter toolbar button.
581 |
boot sipa
582 |
May May
583 |
Refresh Refresh
584 |
Your search for \"%1$s\" Imong gipangita alang sa \"%1$s\"
585 |
Forward Sunod
586 |
%1$s has a new update %1$s naay update
587 |
Add to contact Idugang sa contact
588 |
Device name cannot be empty. Ang ngalan sa device dapat dili blanko.
589 |
participation participation
590 |
decode decode
591 |
Collection name Ngalan sa Collection
592 |
Version Version
593 |
appear tungha
594 |
Harmful site issue Daotan nga site issue
595 |
extension extension
596 |
Manage credit cards i-Manage ang mga credit card
597 |
Rating Rating
598 |
Access recently closed tabs i-Access nasiradong mga tab
599 |
Manage logins i-Manage ang mga login
600 |
Call with… Tawag sa
601 |
Open in app? Your activity may no longer be private. i-Open sa app? Basin imong mga lihok dili na pribado.
602 |
Light Light
603 |
No internet connection Wala'y koneksyon sa internet
604 |
Logins Mga Login
605 |
Received tabs Nadawat nga mga tab
606 |
Add-ons Manager Add-ons Manager
607 |
Fellow Fellow
608 |
Not yet available Dili pa available
609 |
Translation not found, for locale %1$s neither default language %2$s Wala'y translation, para sa locale nga %1$s ug walay default language %2$s
610 |
Tracking Protection is off for this site Wala'y Tracking Protection ani nga site
611 |
New tab Bag-o nga tab
612 |
Don’t allow Ayaw tugoti
613 |
All Hands All Hands
614 |
Edit i-Edit
615 |
attack atake
616 |
attacker attacker
617 |
Attack Site Attack Site
618 |
attendee attendee
619 |
authenticate i-authenticate
620 |
autoplay autoplay
621 |
authenticated na-authenticate
622 |
bookmark bookmark
623 |
bookmark bookmark
624 |
breakpoint breakpoint
625 |
Bug report Bug report
626 |
certificate authority certificate authority
627 |
cipher cipher
628 |
clipboard clipboard
629 |
context context
630 |
corrupt guba
631 |
corrupt guba
632 |
corrupted na-guba
633 |
cryptominer cryptominer
634 |
cryptomining cryptomining
635 |
debug debug
636 |
deceptive site mailaron nga site
637 |
decode decode
638 |
decryption decryption
639 |
disinformation disinformation
640 |
distrust wa'y salig
641 |
642 |
Tracking Content Tracking Content
643 |
Web Authentication Web Authentication
644 |
native native
645 |
open source open source
646 |
override i-override
647 |
add-on add-on
648 |
alternate text puli nga pulong
649 |
enable enable
650 |
encode encode
651 |
encrypt encrypt
652 |
encryption encryption
653 |
end user end user
654 |
Enhanced Tracking Protection Enhanced Tracking Protection
655 |
extension extension
656 |
fingerprinter fingerprinter
657 |
fingerprinting fingerprinting
658 |
grassroots masa
659 |
home page home page
660 |
import balhin
661 |
innovations mga innovation
662 |
insecure delikado
663 |
installation installation
664 |
Issue Isyu
665 |
pop-up pop-up
666 |
Legacy extension Legacy extension
667 |
misinformation misinformation
668 |
preference preference
669 |
release release
670 |
report report
671 |
report tug-an
672 |
revert ibalik
673 |
search suggestion search suggestion
674 |
security keys security keys
675 |
sensitive sensitibo
676 |
sidebar sidebar
677 |
sign sign
678 |
signer signer
679 |
studies pag-tuon
680 |
track subay
681 |
trackers mga tracker
682 |
unencrypted wala gi-encrypt
683 |
unresponsive dili responsive
684 |
unsafe delikado
685 |
validate i-validate
686 |
validity validity
687 |
version version
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
Give your avatar a voice Na hmanthlak bia chimter
3 |
Speak up, contribute here! Na Aw Rak Tun Ve!
4 |
Is the goal of Common Voice to build a voice assistant? Common Voice nih ai tinhmi hi holh bawmtu (voice assistant) ser a si maw?
5 |
On Nunh
6 |
Pro Pro
7 |
Click Hmet
8 |
Mozilla doesn’t pick or favor any one language over another. Instead, Common Voice is a purely community-driven initiative, but it takes <multilangLink>several steps to add a new language</multilangLink> and begin collecting voice donations. First, the Common Voice website needs to be translated so community members can access the contributor experience in their own language. Next, we need a large collection of copyright-free sentences for people to read outloud. Once both of those requirements are satisfied a language is “launched” on Common Voice for people to start recording their voice and validating others donations. If you want to help launch a new language, head over to our <sentenceCollectorLink>sentence collection tool</sentenceCollectorLink> to get started. Mozilla nih holh pakhat le pakhat kar ah i thim in thleidan a hmang lo. Common Voice cu zatlang piin i bawmh in tuah a si nain holh thar khumh in aw-cawi khawmhnak ding cu thil tuah ding a herh mi a tampi. Cu vialte a tlamtlin khawhnak dingah cun <multilangLink> tuah dingmi thil tampi </multilangLink> a um. Pakhatnak ah, Common Voice website hi mibu pi nih an mah le an holh tein an pekchanh khawhnak hnga leh a hau. Cun, a tampi in khawmhmi biatlang kha mipi nih thangpi in an rel ding kan herh. Hi pahnih kan herh mi a tlin in, holh thar cu Common Voice ah serhram thok a si i aw-cawi kha khumh cio in le chek kha a si. Holh thar awt na duh si cun, <sentenceCollectorLink> biatlang khawmhnak </sentenceCollectorLink> ah kal in tuah khawh a si.
9 |
Build Profile Profile Sernak
10 |
English Mirang
11 |
Great!<recordIcon></recordIcon> Record your next clip A ṭha!<recordIcon></recordIcon> A dang tuun ṭhan
12 |
Sign up for { $lang } updates: { $lang } thawngthanhnak caah minkhumhnak.
13 |
or Delete voice clip silole tunmi hlonh
14 |
It contains words or phrases that are hard to read or pronounce. Awchuah silole rel a har mi an i tel.
15 |
For these launched languages the website has been successfully <localizationGlossaryLink>localized</localizationGlossaryLink>, and has enough <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>sentences collected</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink> to allow for ongoing <speakLink>Speak</speakLink> and <listenLink>Listen</listenLink> contributions. Hi thlah cangmi holhphun hna caah cun an website cu tling tein <localizationGlossaryLink> holh lehpiak </localizationGlossaryLink>, tling tein <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink> biatlang khumh cia </sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink> le <speakLink>Holh</speakLink> le<listenLink> Ngai</listenLink> khawhnak zong tuah dih an si cang.
16 |
Indonesian Indonesia holh
17 |
Return to Languages Holhphun thimnak ah kir
18 |
Mapudungun Mapudungun holh
19 |
Ready to help validate sentences? Biatlang a hman le hman lo check dingah nai manh maw?
20 |
Keep Chiah
21 |
Kabyle Kabyle holh
22 |
Slovak Slovakia holh
23 |
Bulgarian Bulgarian holh
24 |
All A dihlak
25 |
Login Identity Lutnak
26 |
{ NUMBER($totalHours) } hours is achievable in just over { NUMBER($periodMonths) } months if { NUMBER($people) } people record { NUMBER($clipsPerDay) } clips a day. Nikhat ah awtun mi { NUMBER($clipsPerDay) } hi minung { NUMBER($people) } nih kan tuah khawh ahcun { NUMBER($totalHours) } suimilam zat hi { NUMBER($periodMonths) } thla ah kan i tinhmi hi kan lim khawh hnga.
27 |
We don't have anything to validate in this language, help us fill the queue. Zeihmanh hi holh in tunmi kan ngei rih lo, na aw rak tuun ve.
28 |
Other Language Holhphun dang
29 |
Yes, send me emails. I’d like to stay informed about the Common Voice Project. A si, ca ka kua ko. Common Voice Project kong theih ka duh.
30 |
The clip has disrespectful or offensive language. Tunmi ah biachia siloah midang zomhteihnak a tel.
31 |
Log Out Chuahnak
32 |
We will be in touch with more information about how to add your language to Common Voice very soon. Na holh zei tiin dah Common Voice ah na chiah ve lai ti kan in chimh tthan te lai.
33 |
Georgian Georgia holh (Ram)
34 |
Voice is natural, voice is human. That’s why we’re fascinated with creating usable voice technology for our machines. But to create voice systems, an extremely large amount of voice data is required. Aw le holh cu a sunglawi tuk. Cucaah, computer ah hman khawh dingmi Laiholh ser lai hi kan i ngaih tuk. Hi kan tuah khawhnak ding caah cun, Aw hi tamtuk hringhren tun kan herh.
35 |
Share your { $count } Clip Weekly Goal for { $type } { $count } Zarhfatin tinhmi { $type } Langhter
36 |
Leaving now means you'll lose your progress Na chuak ahcun na tuuncia mi na thlau lai
37 |
Report was passed successfully Theihternak pekmi cu a tlamtling
38 |
Select a Language... Holhphun thimnak...
39 |
See More Tam deuh zoh
40 |
Share my goal Na tinhmi langhter
41 |
Why ? Zei Ruangah?
42 |
Log In / Sign Up with { $company } email { $company } email in Lutnak / Account sernak tuah
43 |
Can't decide? Thim kho lo?
44 |
Sorbian, Upper Sorbian holh (chak lei)
45 |
Overall Accuracy Ṭha tein Hmantlak
46 |
Your username and email will not be associated with the published data. Na email le username cu mipi sin chuahmi data ah a lang lai lo.
47 |
Review & re-record clips here as you go A herh cun ngaiṭhan law tunṭhan
48 |
Search Kawlnak
49 |
Most of the data used by large companies isn’t available to the majority of people. We think that stifles innovation. So we’ve launched Common Voice, a project to help make voice recognition open and accessible to everyone. Kampani lian tampi nih an tuah mi, computer holh theihnak, hi Laiholh in cun hman khawh an si lo. Cucu ṭhanchonak le chaw lehthalnak caah thawphit tu a si ti kan ruah. Cucaah, Project Common Voice timi hi mi vialte nih an holh cio in computer an hman khawhnak ding caah kan tuah mi a si.
50 |
Each entry in the dataset consists of a unique MP3 and corresponding text file. Many of the <b>{ $total }</b> recorded hours in the dataset also include demographic metadata like age, sex, and accent that can help train the accuracy of speech recognition engines. The dataset currently consists of <b>{ $valid }</b> validated hours in <b>{ $languages }</b> languages, but we’re always adding more voices and languages. Take a look at our <languagesLink>Languages page</languagesLink> to request a language or start contributing. Kan dataset chung i a ummi paoh cu MP3 le ca tlawmpal te an i tel. A tam deuh <b>{ $total }</b> suimilam zat thunmi cu aw-tun tu kum, nupa sinak, le aw-cawi pawl hna hi speech recognition cawnternak caah telh chih an si.
51 |
Log in or sign up to get started Thoknak dingah LUT silole Na min pe
52 |
Your anonymous voice recordings will remain in the Common Voice dataset. Once you delete your profile you will no longer be able to submit a request to remove your recordings from the dataset Min hngalh loin na tun mi vialte cu Common Voice pumh mi data ah chiah an si lai. Na profile na hlonh hnu in cun aw hlonh fialnak cakuat a ngah ti lai lo.
53 |
All Languages Holh phun dih lak
54 |
Contributors record voice clips by reading from a bank of donated sentences. Biatlang hlutmi hi bawmtu nih an rel i an aw an tun.
55 |
Native Language Chuahkehnak Holh
56 |
Press { shortcut-play-toggle } to toggle play mode Lentecalh nakah { shortcut-play-toggle } hmet.
57 |
*required *aherh
58 |
What’s the difference between Common Voice and Deep Speech? Common le Deep Speech ai dannak hi zeidah a si?
59 |
Help teach machines how real people speak, donate your voice at { $link } Minung an holh ning computer chim ve, na Aw van khum { $link }
60 |
2 down, keep it up!<playIcon></playIcon> 2 na tuah cang, i zuam!<playIcon></playIcon>
61 |
Asturian Asturia holh (Spain)
62 |
By editing your goal, you may lose your existing progress. Na tinhmi na remh ahcun na tuah ciami na thlau kho men.
63 |
Hausa Hausa holh
64 |
Yes, we definitely want your voice! Part of the aim of Common Voice is to gather as many different accents as possible, so that computers can better understand <bold>everyone</bold> when they speak. A si, kan duh ṭhiam ko! Common Voice i kan i tinh mi cu computer nih Aw a theih khawh cemnak hnga zei Aw-cawi paoh lak chih dih kan duh.
65 |
You've helped Common Voice reach <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> of our daily { $goalValue } recording goal! Kan i tinh mi { $goalValue } chungah <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> na kan phak ter. Kan i lawm tuk.
66 |
Exit Form Chuaknak Catlap
67 |
Report Theihter
68 |
Today's Common Voice progress on clips validated Tuni Common Voice check cangmi
69 |
See Less Tawm deuh zoh
70 |
On desktop computers, you can download the latest: Inn computer silole App ah dawnlok khah a si.
71 |
Track progress here and on your stats page. Na ṭhanchonak hi ka hin zoh.
72 |
Portuguese Portugal holh
73 |
Bengali Bangla holh
74 |
More Tamdeuh
75 |
Log In / Sign Up Luhnak / Min Peknak
76 |
Assamese Assam holh
77 |
Uzbek Uzbekistan holh
78 |
Finish recording first? Biatlang van rel hmasa dih ta?
79 |
Set a goal Tinhmi ngei
80 |
Do you want to continue? Na peh duh maw?
81 |
Link Copied Link aa kawpi cang
82 |
Hill Mari Hill Mari holh
83 |
Manage Email Subscriptions Email thawngthanhnak remh
84 |
Czech Czech Republic holh
85 |
Optionally submitted demographic data (e.g. age, sex, language, and accent) is de-identified from your submitted voice data and will never be made public on your profile. Nangmah kong (nupa sinak, kum, holh, le awicawi tbk.) mipi sinah zeitik hmanhah kan langhter lai lo.
86 |
Tajik Tajik holh
87 |
Join the Common Voice mailing list Common Voice cakuatnak min cazin ah i tel ve
88 |
Request a Language Holhphun kan hal
89 |
Total Dihlak
90 |
We want the audio quality to reflect the audio quality a speech-to-text engine will see in the wild. Thus, we want variety. This teaches the speech-to-text engine to handle various situations—background talking, car noise, fan noise—without errors. Na Aw cu computer nih a theih khawh ding hi a biapi. Na mawṭaw chung na um lio, pangka a awn lio, le na hnulei in midang an rak i chawnh lio tibantuk zong an ṭha ṭhiamṭhiam ko.
91 |
Erzya Erzia holh (Russia)
92 |
Keep track of your progress with a profile Profile in na tuah ciami vialte zoh ṭhan hna.
93 |
By providing some information about yourself, the audio data you submit to Common Voice will be more useful to Speech Recognition engines that use this data to improve their accuracy. Nangmah konglam kan theihnak thawngin Common Voice nih AW ttha deuh le hman deuh in a theih khawh lai.
94 |
Romanian Romania holh
95 |
Localized Holh leh mi
96 |
Hindi Hindi holh
97 |
Ligurian Ligurian holh
98 |
Mozilla is dedicated to keeping the web open and accessible for everyone. To do it we need to empower web creators through projects like Common Voice. As voice technologies proliferate beyond niche applications, we believe they must serve all users equally well. We see a need to include more languages, accents and demographics when building and testing voice technologies. Mozilla wants to see a healthy, vibrant internet. That means giving new creators access to voice data so they can build new, extraordinary projects. Common Voice will be a public resource that will help Mozilla teams and developers around the world. Mozilla cu mikip nih computer an hman khawhnak ding hi biatak tein aa hmaithlak. Cucaah cun website a sertu pawl hi thazang pek a duhnak langhternak caah Common Voice hi a ser. Computer nih holh thiamnak a theih ning hi a sang tuk hringhren cang, cucaah cun mikip nih computer hi an holh cio in hmang kho ve hna seh ti kan duh. Aw-lei thiamnak hi miphun kip talh in holh in siseh, aw-cawi in siseh, miphun kip in siseh, talh chih dih kan duh. Mozilla nih cun a ngandammi le aa tlerh ngai mi internet hi hmuh a duh. Cucu website a sertu nih an website sunglawi taktak in an ser khawh hna hnga Aw-data ti bantuk hi serpiak a si. Common Voice cu kan mah, Mozilla, le website a sertu vawlei cung um vialte caah mipi nih ngeih mi thilri sunglawi pakhat a si lai.
99 |
You Nangmah
100 |
Validations Chek cangmi
101 |
The recording was too short. Na tunmi a tawi tuk.
102 |
Go to Languages Page Holhphun thimnak ah kal
103 |
You are about to initiate a download of <size>{ $size }GB</size>, proceed? A tu dawnlok na timh mi hi <size>{ $size }GB</size> a si, na dawnlok lai maw?
104 |
Edit Profile Profile remhnak
105 |
Close Phit
106 |
Top Contributors Bawmtu Ṭhawngcem
107 |
Record/Stop Tun/Dinhter
108 |
Set my visibility Zohnak tuah
109 |
Using Common Voice Common Voice hmanning
110 |
Sex Nu/Pa thleidannak
111 |
Go to { $name } { $name } hin kal
112 |
{ $count }mo Thla { $count }
113 |
Delete Data Hlonh ko
114 |
Komi-Zyrian Komi-Zyrian holh
115 |
Delete my recordings Tuun mi hlonh
116 |
Preferences Duh thimnak
117 |
Contribution Experience Bawmhnak Petu Hmuh Ning
118 |
119 |
Language request successfully submitted, thank you. Holh phun halnak a kuat cang, ka lawm.
120 |
{ $count }y Kum { $count }
121 |
Create Voicewave Aw a cawlcang ning ser
122 |
Belarusian Belarusian holh
123 |
Subscribe Kan telpi
124 |
Additional Language Holhphun dang
125 |
The current sentences come from contributor donations, as well as dialogue from public domain movie scripts like <italic>It’s a Wonderful Life.</italic> Hi biatlang hna hi bawmchantu in siseh, mipi holhnak in, cun caṭial mi,<italic> Kenneth Van Bik Dictionary </italic>, ti bantuk in kan lak mi a si.
126 |
Turkish Turkey holh
127 |
Weekly Zarhchiar
128 |
Offensive language Biachia
129 |
I'd like updates and to keep current with what's happening with Common Voice. Common Voice konghi chimh peng le theih peng ka duh ko.
130 |
Have Feedback? Ruahnak kan cheu?
131 |
Cornish Cornwall holh (England)
132 |
Please tap to record, then read the above sentence aloud. Tun kha hmet, cun biatlang kha thang piin rel.
133 |
Swahili Swahili holh
134 |
Skip Submission Feedback Hmuhning Kuatnak Lanhtak
135 |
Email Subscriptions Email Pehtlaihnak
136 |
Validated Clips Check cangmi
137 |
Why is 10,000 hours the goal for capturing audio? Zei ruangah dah nazi 10,000 renglo hi kan aw tun a herh?
138 |
Meadow Mari Meadow Mari holh
139 |
Great work!<playIcon></playIcon> Listen again when you're ready A ṭha tuk! <playIcon></playIcon> naa manh in ngai ṭhan
140 |
Anonymized user data like age, sex, and accent helps improve the audio data used to train the accuracy of speech recognition engines. Your username and email will never be associated with your submitted data, and you can choose whether to make your username public or anonymous. Na kum, nu maw pa sinak, na awcawi ti bantuk na kan theihter nak nih computer kan cawnpiaknak ah tampi a kan bawmhchanh lai. Na aw na kan kuatmi ah na email le na min zei tik hmanh ah a lang lai lo, cun mipi nih na min hmuhter na duh le duh lo zong nangmah nih na thim khawh.
141 |
Norwegian Nynorsk Norway holh (Nynorsk)
142 |
Version A phun
143 |
The sentence has a grammatical or spelling error. A biatlang nih gramma silole biafang ṭial a palh.
144 |
Voice is natural, voice is human. That’s why we’re excited about creating usable voice technology for our machines. But to create voice systems, developers need an extremely large amount of voice data. Aw le holh cu a sunglawi tuk. Cucaah, computer ah hman khawh dingmi Laiholh ser lai hi kan i ngaih tuk. Hi kan tuah khawhnak ding caah cun, Aw hi tamtuk hringhren tun kan herh.
145 |
Kaqchikel Kaqchikel holh
146 |
Next Goal: { $goal } Tinhmi:{ $goal }
147 |
Record your voice Na aw tuun
148 |
Yes, send me emails. I'd like to stay informed about the progress of this language on Common Voice. A si, email ka kua. Hi holhphun Common Voice i cawlcanghnak kong hi theih peng ka duh.
149 |
Language Holh-phun
150 |
≥ 2 No votes Minung pahnih lungtlin lo ahcun aw-tun mi cu cohlan lo a si.
151 |
Russian Russia holh
152 |
We calculate hours by estimating the average length of each recording, and then multiplying that number by the total number of recordings across all languages. Suimilam kan tuaktan ning hi aw-tun mi a tawi sau zoh in holh vialte caah khumh mi zat in kan karh.
153 |
Become a partner Ṭuanṭi hawi si dingah ra ve
154 |
Review & Submit Chek & Kuat
155 |
Listen Ngai
156 |
You can help build a diverse, open-source dataset by creating a Common Voice profile and contributing your voice. Aw phuntling le miphun caah a sunglawi mi dataset ser dingah profile i ser ve law na aw kan kua ve.
157 |
Add an avatar clip to your profile Na profile ah na hmanthlak cawlmi tar
158 |
Clips validated Chek cangmi Aw
159 |
Welsh Wales holh
160 |
Votic Votic holh
161 |
The Common Voice dataset complements Mozilla’s open source voice recognition engine Deep Speech. The first version of Deep Speech was released in November 2017 and has continued to evolve ever since. Together with the Common Voice dataset, we believe this open source voice recognition technology should be available to everybody. It’s our hope these technologies will enable developers to build a wave of innovative products and services. Mozilla aw hngalh khawhnak Deep Speech seh hi Common Voice dataset nih tlam a tlinter. Ahmasa bik Deep Speech hi November 2017 ah rak chuah in ngol loin a karh peng. Common Voice dataset he hmunkhat in, aw in chawnh mi technology hi ahopoah nih an hman khawh ding a si ti hi kan zumh. Aw theihnak le chawnhnak technology pawl nih hin computer thiam pawl hi santlai thil thar tampi a ser ter khawh hna lai ti hi kan i ruahchan.
162 |
We will review your request to remove your voice recordings from the dataset. If your request is approved, we will contact those who have downloaded the dataset and request they remove your voice recordings as well. Na aw data chungin tunmi hlonh dingin ca na kan kuat ahcun kan in zoh piak lai. Hlonh awkah a tlak ko kan ti ahcun kan data a dawnlok tu vialte na aw hlonh dingin ca kan kuat chih hna lai.
163 |
Malayalam Malayalam holh
164 |
Both of these projects are part of our efforts to bridge the digital speech divide. Voice recognition technologies bring a human dimension to our devices, but developers need an enormous amount of voice data to build them. Currently, most of that data is expensive and proprietary. We want to make voice data freely and publicly available, and make sure the data represents the diversity of real people. Together we can make voice recognition better for everyone. Hi pahnih project hi digital holh tlinnak hnga kan ṭuan mi ṭhencheu an si. Holh chawnhnak technology nih minung bantuk in holh a theimi computer a ser khawh, asinain ser khawhnak caah cun aw-tun mi tamtuk hringhren kan herh . Atu lioah, hi data pawl hi hmuh a har i an man a faak. Aw data hi a lak in ahopoah nih an hman khawhnak hnga kan i tinh. Cun, kan data nih hin miphun kip aiawh ding kan tinh. Hmunkhat tein, holh in computer chawnhnak hi ahopoah caah a ṭha deuh in kan tuah khawh.
165 |
Total Hrs Suimilam Dihlak
166 |
Recordings Tun liomi
167 |
The multi-language version of the Common Voice dataset is currently undergoing community supported bundling and cleaning. If you would like to help us bring Common Voice to new languages, go check out the <sentenceCollectorLink>Sentence Collection Tool</sentenceCollectorLink> for adding new sentences to the dataset, and Mozilla <pontoonLink>Pontoon</pontoonLink> for translating the website itself. New languages are added to Common Voice for voice contribution when 5000 approved sentences have been collected. Atu lio ah, holh phunkip in Common Voice dataset hi zatlangbu nih bawmh in kan ser lio. Common Voice hi holh thar in karhter dingah bawmh na duh si cun, biatlang thar khumh nak ding <sentenceCollectorLink> Sentence Collection Tool </sentenceCollectorLink> le amah a website pi lehnak ding Mozilla <pontoonLink> Pontoon </pontoonLink> hi va ngiathlai. Holh thar hi cohlan mi biatlang 5000 khawmh hnu lawngah Common Voice ah khumh a si.
168 |
Dhivehi Dhivehi holh
169 |
In Progress Tuah lio mi
170 |
Download Download
171 |
Saved Khumh
172 |
Maltese Maltese holh
173 |
Kabardian Kabardian holh
174 |
Common Voice is part of Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. In addition to the Common Voice dataset, we’re also building an open source speech recognition engine called Deep Speech. Common Voice hi Mozilla tuahmi zeitindah minung an holh ning a si ti cawnpiaknak a si. Common Voice dataset pin ah Deep Speech timi, holh in computer chawnh khawhnak zong kan ser chih.
175 |
{ $actionType }<recordIcon></recordIcon> then read the sentence aloud { $actionType }<recordIcon></recordIcon> cun thang piin a biatlang hi rel
176 |
Languages Holhphun
177 |
Loading… Thunlio...
178 |
Vietnamese Vietnam Holh
179 |
Looks like there aren't any clips to listen to in this language. Help us fill the queue by recording some now. Ngaih dingmi hi zeihmanh kan ngei rih lo. Ngaih dingmi chiah na duh cun na aw rak tun.
180 |
Name Min
181 |
Syriac Syriac holh
182 |
We believe that large and publicly available voice datasets foster innovation and healthy commercial competition in machine-learning based speech technology. This is a global effort and we invite everyone to participate. Our aim is to help speech technology be more inclusive, reflecting the diversity of voices from around the world. Mipi caah sunglawi ngai le ṭha ngai in Aw lei pumhmi data nih hin a ngandam mi chawleh thalnak le computer chimh cawnpiaknak duhnak hi a chuah pi tiah kan zumh. Hihi miphun kip le ramkip fonh in rak i tal ve uh ti hi kan in sawm hna. Kan vawlei pi ah Aw sunglawi in holh phunkip a um mi hi i tal dih hna sih ti hi kan saduh thah a si.
183 |
Both An pahnih in
184 |
We promise to handle your information with care. Read more in our <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>. Nangmah kilvennak kong ṭha tein kan zohkhenh lai. Rel chap <privacyLink> Kilvennak Theihternak</privacyLink>.
185 |
Go to Discourse Discourse ah kal
186 |
Optionally join on our email list for updates and new information about the project. Kan cakuatnak le thawngthanhnak cu nangmah lungduh in i tal khawh a si.
187 |
Clip Graveyard Thlanmual
188 |
Your download has started. Na dawnlok aa thok cang.
189 |
Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence
190 |
Galician Galician holh
191 |
Success, profile created! A tlamtling, profile na ser khawh cang!
192 |
Common Voice recordings are used by academics, small businesses, and voice recognition enthusiasts to help train and grow publicly available resources like voice models. Can you let us know why you would like your recordings deleted? Common Voice aw tunmi cu sianginn kaimi, sipuaizi, le computer chawnhnak lei thiam sangmi hna nih aw le computer he a pehtlaimi sernak dingah an hman. Na aw tun ciami hlonh na duhnak ruang na kan chim kho hnga maw?
193 |
Total Approved Lungtlinmi Dihlak
194 |
The dataset is available now on our <downloadLink>download page</downloadLink> under the <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink> license. Pumhmi Data cu dawnlok a ngah <downloadLink> dawnlok nak</downloadLink> i a tang <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink> laisen.
195 |
Drag and drop or <browseWrap>Browse</browseWrap> Ṭhial law thla silole <browseWrap> Zoh </browseWrap>
196 |
This setting controls your leaderboard visibility. When hidden, your progress will be private. This means your image, user name and progress will not appear on the leaderboard. Note that leaderboard refresh takes ~{ $minutes }min to populate changes. Setting nih bawmchantu ṭhawngbik zohnak cu a uk. Na thuh ahcun nangmah lawng nih na tuahmi zat na zoh khawh lai; na hmanthlak, min, le tuahmi cu zohnak ah a lang lai lo. Hruaitu tarnak cu { $minutes } minute dan lawgin a thleng.
197 |
Chinese (Taiwan) Tuluk holh (Taiwan)
198 |
Overall project status: see how far we’ve come! Kan tuah mi dihlak: kan tuah mi zoh ve!
199 |
We are building an open and publicly available dataset of voices that everyone can use to train speech-enabled applications. Holh thiamnak he pehtlaih in mipi caah a sunglawi mi Aw phunkip laak in mipi caah data lianpi kan ser.
200 |
You're currently set to <bold>NOT</bold> receive emails such as goal reminders, my progress updates and newsletters about Common Voice Atu ah hin cakuatnak, thawngthanhnak le theihtlei zeihmanh <bold>HMUH LO</bold> dingin na tuah.
201 |
Hidden Langh lo
202 |
The Common Voice dataset complements Mozilla’s open source voice recognition engine Deep Speech, which you can use to build speech recognition applications. Read our <githubLink>Github overview</githubLink> or join the <discourseLink>DeepSpeech Discourse</discourseLink> to learn how to get started. Mozilla nih a tinhmi, zalong tein mipi caah holh lei fimthiamnak ser khawhnak ding hi, Common Voice zong nih a cohlan i a zulh ve. <githubLink> Github </githubLink> ah rel ve, silole <discourseLink> DeepSpeech Discourse</discourseLink> ah a hman ning rak cawng ve.
203 |
Other Adang
204 |
We at Mozilla are building a community around voice technology. We would like to stay in touch with updates, new data sources and to hear more about how you're using this data. Holh phunkip in computer a ngahnak ding hi kan nih Mozilla kampani nih kan i tinh mi cu a si. Zei tiin dah hihi na hman timi le thilthar pawl kan ngeih tikah in chimh ve kan duh.
205 |
Sign up for Common Voice newsletters, goal reminders and progress updates Common Voice thawngpang, tinhmi theihternak le tuah ciami theihternak dingah na min pe ve.
206 |
No A si lo
207 |
Sorbian, Lower Lusatia holh (thlang lei)
208 |
Most speech databases are trained with an overrepresentation of certain demographics which results in a bias towards <articleLink>male and middle class</articleLink>. Accents and dialects that tend to be under-represented in training data sets are typically associated with groups of people who are already marginalised. Many machines also struggle to understand female voices. This is why in our voice database we want variety! A tam deuh holh database cu miphun pakhat deuh siloah <articleLink> pa le misifak </articleLink> deuh holh hi a thleidan tawn . Buukhat rak nekmi le thleidan mi pawl aw-cawi le holh kha tling tein an aiawh lo. Cun, computer nih nu nih chimmi aw hi a fian a harh tawn. Hi ruangah kan aw databases ah aw-cawi le holh phunkip kan duh.
209 |
A voice clip is marked "valid" when a user gives it a Yes vote. Chek cangmi aw cu "a ṭha" tiah a check tu nih " A si" ti a hmeh hnu in a lang.
210 |
Benefits Ṭhathnemnak
211 |
<playIcon></playIcon>Last one! <playIcon></playIcon>Dongh nak!
212 |
Validating donated clips is equally important to the Common Voice mission. Take a listen and help us create quality open source voice data. Tuncia mi aw chek hi Common Voice caah a biapi tuk ve mi rian a si. An aw ngai hna law a ṭha le ṭha lo chek rak kan bawm ve.
213 |
Age Kum
214 |
All voice clips in the dataset are scrubbed of personally identifying information. When a contributor provides demographic data via their profile, that information is de-identified from their voice clips before being bundled for download in the dataset and is never made public on their profile page. Aw-tun ah mah kong a langhter mi thil pawl cu hlonh an si. Bawmtu nih an mah kong he pehtlai in thil an chim sual a si ahcun mipi sin a phanh hlan ah donh le kham a si. Tahchunhnak ah, SSN le chuah nithla tibantuk kha kan data ah kan lutter lo.
215 |
Tap Hmet
216 |
Macedonian Macedonia holh
217 |
Validated Hrs Suimilam Dihlak
218 |
Retry Tuah ṭhan
219 |
Contribute Aw Tunnak
220 |
You've successfully signed up for contributing to { $language }. Thank you. Tlamtling tein { $language } caah pekchanh khawhnak na tuah. Kan i lawm.
221 |
This is approximately the number of hours required to train a production STT system. Hihi STT timi computer nih Laiholh cawnnak ding ah a herh mi suimilam zat a si.
222 |
Contact Form Pehtlaihnak Cakuat
223 |
Persian Persian holh
224 |
Why is my language not included yet? Zei ruangah dah ka holhphun ai tel ve lo?
225 |
The TED-LIUM corpus was made from audio talks and their transcriptions available on the TED website. TED-LIUM cu TED website i chiah mi holh le biatlang le catlang pawl hman in sermi a si.
226 |
Number of Voices Aw Tuntu Zat
227 |
Return here to edit your goal anytime. Na tinhmi remh dingah zeitik paoh ah kir a ngah.
228 |
Download Common Voice Data Common Voice Data Dawnlok
229 |
Frequently Asked Questions Hal Tawnmi Bia
230 |
What issues are you experiencing with this sentence? Zei bantuk tlamtling lonak dah hi biatlang nih a ngeih?
231 |
Review Zohṭhan
232 |
Why should I sign up for an account? Zei ruangah dah account cu ka ser lai?
233 |
Clips recorded Khumh cangmi Aw
234 |
Greek Greek holh
235 |
Where does the source text come from? Khoika in dah biatlang pawl hi an rat?
236 |
Hours Validated Suimilam chek cangmi
237 |
Male Pa
238 |
Common Voice is Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. Common Voice cu Mozilla kampani nih a tuah mi, zeitiin dah Laiholh in computer chawnh khawh a si lai, ti computer cawnpiaknak a si.
239 |
<b>You agree</b> to not attempt to determine the identity of speakers in the Common Voice dataset Common Voice aw a kan hlutu le bawmchantu vialte ahodah an si ti hlethlai lo dingin <b> na lung</b>
240 |
Don’t see your language reflected in the Dataset? To request a language head over to our Languages page. Kan Dataset ah na holh phun na hmu lo maw? Holhphun umnak ah kal law rak kan hal.
241 |
Do you want to Speak, Listen or both? Chim, Ngai, silole a pahnih in tuah na duh maw?
242 |
Today Nihin
243 |
Burmese Kawl holh
244 |
Create a Custom Goal Tinhmi kawltung ser
245 |
Visible Langhter
246 |
Leaderboard Visibility Bawmchaantu Ṭhawngbik Zohnak
247 |
What’s inside the Common Voice dataset? Common Voice dataset chungah zeidah a um?
248 |
Download Dataset Bundle Pumhmi Data Vialte Dawnlok
249 |
{ $actionType }<stopIcon></stopIcon> when done { $actionType }<stopIcon></stopIcon> a ṭha tuk
250 |
The recording was too long. Na tunmi a sau tuk.
251 |
This is approximately the number of hours required to train a production speech-to-text system. Hi zat suimilam hi holh-in-ca leh khawhnak dingah computer nih a herh mi zat a si.
252 |
Ukrainian Ukraine holh
253 |
Mozilla is dedicated to keeping the web open and accessible for everyone. To do that we need to empower web creators through projects like Common Voice. As voice technologies proliferate beyond niche applications, we believe they must serve all users equally. That means investing in more languages and accommodating diverse accents and demographics when building and testing voice technologies. Common Voice is a public resource available to everyone and Mozilla teams and developers around the world are already using it on our own projects as well. Mozilla hi ahopaoh nih zalong tein internet kan tawngh khawhnak dingah a hmaithlak. Hi tuah ding cun, website sertu pawl hi thazaang pek an hau. Aw technologies hi santlai in hman khawh mi thil a si cang bantuk in, ahopoah nih i tluk tein an hman khawh ding hi kan zumhnak pakhat a si. Hihi sullam cu aw technologies ser le hneksak tikah holh le aw-cawi tam deuh khawh chung tuah hi a si. Common Voice hi zapi ca hman khawh awk mi a si. Mozilla le thilkip sertu hna hi vawleicungkip ah an mah le tuah mi cio ah an hman cang.
254 |
Romansh Sursilvan Romansh Sursilvan holh (Switzerland)
255 |
<speechBlogLink>Get Started with Speech Recognition</speechBlogLink> <speechBlogLink> Speech Recognition thoknak</speechBlogLink>
256 |
Start recording Tuun hramthok
257 |
Streaks Streaks
258 |
User Name User Name
259 |
260 |
Today's Progress Nihin tuahmi
261 |
Hours Recorded Suimilam khumh cangmi
262 |
Return to Common Voice Common Voice ah kir
263 |
This is our process for translating and adapting our content for many locales (languages). Hihi cu an mah le an holhphun cio in ca an lehnak a si.
264 |
Kurdish Kurdish holh
265 |
Voice recognition technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with machines, but the currently available systems are expensive and proprietary. Common Voice is part of Mozilla’s initiative to make voice recognition technologies better and more accessible for everyone. Common Voice is a massive global database of donated voices that lets anyone quickly and easily train voice-enabled apps in potentially every language. We're not only collecting voice samples in widely spoken languages but also in those with a smaller population of speakers. Publishing a diverse dataset of voices will empower developers, entrepreneurs, and communities to address this gap themselves. In addition to the Common Voice dataset, we’re also building an open source speech recognition engine called Deep Speech. Holh in computer kan chawnh khawhnak nih hin zeitin dah computer he kan i pehtlaih ti hi biatak tein a kan thlen, a sinain hman khawh mi pawl cu an man fak tuk i holh tam piin an ngah rih lo. Common Voice cu Mozzila nih a tuahmi, a holhphun kip in computer chawnh khawhnak dingah a si. Common Voice cu vawleicung mikip nih fawi tein an aw an tunnak database a nganpi a si.
266 |
How does Common Voice calculate hours? Zeitiin dah Common Voice nih suimilam hi a tuak?
267 |
Croatian Croatian holh
268 |
Why don’t you ask people to read from books or Wikipedia articles in different languages? Zeiruangah dah cauk silole Wikipedia ca pawl mipi nan rel ter hna lo?
269 |
Add Language Holhphun Chapnak
270 |
View your progress against personal and project goals. Na tuahmi hi midang le riandang a tuah ve mi hna he zohchih hna.
271 |
Read more on our About page 'About' ah tam deuh in rel
272 |
What does it mean that I can’t “determine the identity” of speakers in the Common Voice dataset? Common Voice i pumhmi data aw-tun mi check nah ah "a minung kai fiang lo" timi zeidah a chim duhnak a si?
273 |
VoxForge was set up to collect transcribed speech for use with Free and Open Source Speech Recognition Engines. VoxForge cu mikip nih zalong tele tling tein computer Aw phun an hman khawh nak caah holhphun pumhnak ah hman mi a si.
274 |
Chuvash Chuvash holh
275 |
Submit clips Kua law chuak
276 |
Where does the source text come from? Khoi ka in dah biatlang le catlang hi kan lak?
277 |
Yes Dawnlok Ko
278 |
Help reach { NUMBER($hours) } hours in { $language } with a personal goal { $language } holh in { NUMBER($hours) } suimilam tlinh khawh dingin kan bawm
279 |
Continue Peh zulh
280 |
Contribute Your Voice Na Aw rak tuun
281 |
Most of the data used by large companies isn’t available to the majority of people. We think that stifles innovation. So we’ve launched Project Common Voice, a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Kampani lian tampi nih an tuah mi, computer holh theihnak, hi Laiholh in cun hman khawh an si lo. Cucu ṭhanchonak le chaw lehthalnak caah thawphit tu a si ti kan ruah. Cucaah, Project Common Voice timi hi mi vialte nih an holh cio in computer an hman khawhnak ding caah kan tuah mi a si.
282 |
Finish recording Tuun dih ta
283 |
Mongolian Mongolia Holh
284 |
The sentence has disrespectful or offensive language. Hi biatlang ah biachia siloah midang zomhteihnak a tel.
285 |
Sicilian Sicilian holh
286 |
How does it work? Zeitindah a sining a si?
287 |
Offensive speech Bia ṭha lo
288 |
Upload aborted. Do you want to delete your recordings? Thun ṭhan hlah. Na tuun mi hlonh na duh maw?
289 |
Clips You've Validated Na chek cia mi
290 |
Japanese Japan holh
291 |
We at Mozilla are building a community around voice technology. We would like to stay in touch with updates, new data sources and to hear more about how you're using this data. Holh phunkip in computer a ngahnak ding hi kan nih Mozilla kampani nih kan i tinh mi cu asi. Zei tiin dah hihi na hman timi le thilthar pawl kan ngeih tikah in chimh ve kan duh.
292 |
Great! How many clips per day? A ṭha! Nikhat ah tunmi zeizat?
293 |
Return to Common Voice Datasets Common Voice Pumhmi Data ah Kir
294 |
These languages are currently under community development. The progress bars indicate how far each language is in the process of <localizationGlossaryLink>website localization</localizationGlossaryLink> and <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>sentence collection</sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>. Hi holhphun hna cu an miphun nih ser cuahmah lio an si. An ṭuanzat hna cu hi ka ah hin zoh khawh an si hna <localizationGlossaryLink> Website lehnak </localizationGlossaryLink> le <sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink> biatlang khawmhnak </sentenceCollectionGlossaryLink>.
295 |
Why does this matter? Zei ruangah dah biapi a si?
296 |
Kyrgyz Kyrgyzstan holh
297 |
To make it into the Common Voice dataset, a voice clip must be validated by two separate users. Tunmi aw cu Common Voice dataset i a luh khawhnak dingah cun minung pahnih nih an chek ta a herh.
298 |
By providing some information about yourself, the audio data you submit to Common Voice will be more useful to Speech Recognition engines that use this data to improve their accuracy. Nangmah kong kan theih deuhnak thawngin Common Voice nih na Aw hi ṭha deuh le hman deuh in computer a chimh khawh lai.
299 |
Language Holhphun
300 |
Content available under a <licenseLink>Creative Commons license</licenseLink> Laisen theihternak <licenseLink> Creative Commons Laisen</licenseLink>
301 |
Submit a report Theihternak kua
302 |
Glossary Fianhternak
303 |
Cancel Let
304 |
Speak now Chim Ve.
305 |
Finnish Finland holh
306 |
Dutch Netherlands holh
307 |
Off Phih
308 |
Review & re-record clips if needed A herh cun ngaiṭhan law tunṭhan
309 |
Difficult to pronounce Awchuah a har
310 |
Estonian Estonia holh
311 |
Luganda Luganda holh
312 |
Collecting sentences from the public domain, or writing new ones for the public domain. Biatlang pawl kan khawmhnak cu mipi sinin ṭialmi siseh, a thar biatlang zong ṭial chih a si.
313 |
You can view our source sentences in <dataLink>this GitHub folder</dataLink>. Hi ka hin <dataLink>biatlang kan laknak na zoh khawh. </dataLink> GitHub ah kan chiah.
314 |
What is the level of quality needed for the audio in order to be used? Zei tluk in dah ka Aw hi a fiang a herh?
315 |
Recorded Hours Khumh cangmi suimilam zat
316 |
Download My Data Ka data dawnlok
317 |
LibriSpeech is a corpus of approximately 1000 hours of 16Khz read English speech derived from read audiobooks from the LibriVox project. LIbriSpeech cu suimilam thongkhat (1000) chung 16Khz tluk in cauk relmi LibriVox in lak mi chiahnak a si.
318 |
Privacy Kilvennak
319 |
You must allow microphone access. Aw tunak na ngahter a hau
320 |
Accent Aw-cawi
321 |
Thanks for confirming your account, now let's build your profile. Na account na fehter caah kan i lawm, atucu profile sersiam cang sih.
322 |
Female Nu
323 |
Why do you need so many different speakers per language? Zei ruangah dah holh phun pakhat ah aw tuntu tampi na herh?
324 |
Message Cakuat
325 |
Why is my language not included yet? Zeiruangah dah ka holhphun ai tal ve lo?
326 |
When a user rejects a voice clip it returns to the Queue. If rejected a second time, the voice clip is moved to the Clip Graveyard. Bawmtu nih aw-tun mi cu a ṭha lo an ti ahcun Queue ah khirh a si. A voihnihnak cohlan lo si cun, thlanmual timi ah hlonh a si.
327 |
How can I get the Common Voice data? Common Voice data hi zei tin dah ka lak khawh lai?
328 |
Clips Uploaded Na aw aa khumh cang
329 |
Users validate the accuracy of donated clips, checking that the speaker read the sentence correctly. Aw tuntu nih biatlang ṭhate le hmante in a rel maw rel lo midnag nih rak chek a si.
330 |
Awards Minṭhatnak
331 |
Would you like to request your voice recordings be deleted too, or do you prefer to keep them in the Common Voice dataset? Na tuncia mi aw hlonh chih na duh maw, siloah Common Voice caah um ko seh ti na duh?
332 |
When will you release Common Voice data in other languages? Common Voice data zeitikdah holh phun dang in nan thlah te lai?
333 |
Finish editing first? Na remh hmasa lai maw?
334 |
Why is Common Voice part of the Mozilla mission? Zei ruangah dah Common Voice hi Mozilla nih a khinhmi rian pakhat a si ve?
335 |
Search for answers A phi kawl
336 |
Italian Italy holh
337 |
Our source text is made up of original contributor donations as well as dialogue from public domain movie scripts like <italic>It’s a Wonderful Life</italic>. You can view our source sentences in this GitHub folder. Kan biatlang hnu cu ṭial chommi, cauk le <italic> Kenneth Van Bik Dictionary</italic> ti bantuk i lakmi an si.
338 |
Profile Nangmah Kong
339 |
Play/Stop Play/Stop
340 |
<b>Why an email?</b> We may need to contact you in the future about changes to the dataset, an email provides us a point of contact. <b> Email cu zei ah?</b> Hmailei ah kan dataset ai thlenmi a um sual ahcun nangmah he pehtlaihnak ah kan hman lai.
341 |
Help us build a community around voice technology, stay in touch via email. Holhphun kip in computer a ngah khawh nak ding kan bawm, email in kan pehtlaih peng.
342 |
Ubykh Ubykh holh
343 |
Listen-Queue Ngaihnak Hmun
344 |
Karakalpak Karakalpak holh
345 |
Want to help make Common Voice even better? Great! Get in touch via email or on <discourseLink>Discourse</discourseLink>, submit feedback through <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink>, or join us on <slackLink>Slack</slackLink>. Common Voice ṭhat ter deuh na duh maw? <discourseLink> Discourse</discourseLink> ah na ruahnak kan kua, <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink> ah na ruahnak rak ṭial, silole <slackLink> Slack</slackLink> ah rak kan telpi.
346 |
No gravatar found for your email Na email ah hmanthlak kan hmu lo
347 |
Download Data Data Dawnlok
348 |
Bashkirs Bashkirs holh
349 |
Avatar Hmanthlak
350 |
Your daily goal has been created Nifatin tinhmi cu ser a si cang.
351 |
Overall Hr. Total Suimilam dihlak
352 |
Save Khumh
353 |
Edit Remh
354 |
Portuguese (Brazil) Portugal holh (Brazil)
355 |
Help us find others to donate their voice! Na hawi le nih an Aw an rak tun ve dingin sawm kan bawm!
356 |
For these launched languages the website has been successfully localized, and has enough sentences collected, to allow for ongoing <italic>{ speak }</italic> and <italic>{ listen }</italic> contribution. Hi holhphun kan thlah mi chung ah cun catlang tling tein le an mah le holh cio in ca kan tial cang, aw tuun <italic>{ speak }</italic> le <italic>{ listen }</italic> ngaih nak kan chiah.
357 |
I'm okay with you handling this info as you explain in Mozilla's <privacyLink>Privacy Policy</privacyLink> Keimah kong hi Mozilla <privacyLink> Kilvennak Policy </privacyLink> i nan ṭial bantuk in hmang ko uh.
358 |
Moksha Moksha holh
359 |
Help report bugs A ṭha lo mi kan chim
360 |
Ready to donate your voice? Na aw tun dingah na manh cang maw?
361 |
Exit & Delete clips Chuak & Tuncia hlonh hna
362 |
Keep track of your progress with a profile and help our voice data be more accurate. Na tuahcia mi vialte zoh ṭhan hna law, aw kan lak ciami vialte a ṭhat khawhnak chungin kan bawm.
363 |
Great! How many clips a week? A ṭha! Zarhkhat ah tunmi zeizat?
364 |
We promise to handle your information with care. Read more in our <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>. Nangmah kong midang kan theih ter hna lai lo. <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink> ah hin rel chap.
365 |
Confirm Goal Tinhmi Fehter
366 |
Kinyarwanda Kinyarwanda holh
367 |
Telugu Telugu holh (India)
368 |
You can choose to make your username public or anonymous. Mipi sinah na username langhter le langhter lo nangmah nih na thim khawh.
369 |
Venetian Venetian holh
370 |
Next Goals: { $goal } Tinhmi:{ $goal }
371 |
No microphone found. Aw tunnak kan hmu lo
372 |
Voice recording in progress Na aw na tun lio
373 |
French France holh
374 |
Your weekly goal has been created Zarhfatin caah na tinhmi a ser cang
375 |
Will speech-to-text, via Common Voice, ever become part of Firefox? Common Voice i bia-in-ca lehnak hi Firefox ah chiah chih a si lai maw?
376 |
Faroese Faroe Islands holh
377 |
Mycroft Ai Mycroft Ai
378 |
Why Common Voice? Common Voice cu zei ruangah dah kan hman?
379 |
Have you read our Terms? Kan zulhphung na rel cang maw?
380 |
Sign up for an account Account sernak
381 |
Terms Zulhphung
382 |
Odia Odia holh (India)
383 |
Why is 10,000 validated hours the per language goal for capturing audio? Zei ruangah dah sumilam 10,000 reng lo aw tunmi hi nan duh i nan herh?
384 |
Note: You will still need to select between Speak or Listen to change contribution type. Theihternak: Na aw pekchanhnak thlen na duh ahcun Chim silo le Ngaih nak na thim a hau.
385 |
Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web. Read a sentence to help machines learn how real people speak. Check the work of other contributors to improve the quality. It’s that simple! Laiholh in computer a ngah khawhnak ding caah na aw rak tun ve. <lineBreak></lineBreak> Laiholh in computer a ngah khawhnak ding caah biatlang pawl na rel hna lai. Midang nih an chimcia zong chek ṭhan hna. A fawi te!
386 |
The count of voice recording hours we have collected so far. Suimilam kan tuncia mi vialte zohnak.
387 |
We want the Common Voice dataset to reflect the audio quality a speech-to-text engine will hear in the wild, so we’re looking for variety. In addition to a diverse community of speakers, a dataset with varying audio quality will teach the speech-to-text engine to handle various real-world situations, from background talking to car noise. As long as your voice clip is intelligible, it should be good enough for the dataset. Common Voice nih holh-in-ca ah a leh khawhnak dingah a phunkip in tunmi aw hi kan herh ko. A hlei in, miphun tampi i cawhnak zatlangbu nih an awkip an tun cio ahcun cucu computer kan cawnpiaknak ah a thiamnak le a theih hngalhnak a sang chinchin hnga.
388 |
Thai Thailand holh
389 |
<bold>{ $count }</bold> Clips <bold>{ $count }</bold> Tuncia
390 |
How can I get the Common Voice data? Common Voice data hi zeitindah ka lak khawh lai?
391 |
How do you ensure anonymity and privacy of the people who donated their voices? Zeitiin dah aw a tuntu kilvennak caah le an min a langh lonak hnga nan tuah?
392 |
License: <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink> Laisen:<licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink>
393 |
sign up for email updates Thawngpang thanhnak dingah cun account ser
394 |
Language Holh phun
395 |
Thank you for recording!<lineBreak></lineBreak>Now review and submit your clips below. Na tuun caah kan i lawm!<lineBreak></lineBreak> Zohtthan law a tanglei hin kan kua.
396 |
Speak Chim
397 |
Sentences Catlang
398 |
What's Public? Zeidah mipi sinah a lang?
399 |
Dashboard Innpi
400 |
Slovenian Slovenia holh
401 |
Help us validate voices Aw rak kan chek pi
402 |
Re-record tuunṭhan
403 |
Progress ṭhanchonak
404 |
Validated Hr. Total Chek cangmi suimilam
405 |
Partners Ṭuanṭi
406 |
{ $actionType } submit when ready Kua timi kha hmet
407 |
Malagasy Malagasy holh
408 |
Latvian Latvian holh
409 |
No Thanks Tuah hlah
410 |
Amharic Amharic holh
411 |
Tamil Tamil holh (India)
412 |
Have questions about Common Voice? Ideas for improvements or feedback about a specific language? Join us on our <discourseLink>Discourse forum</discourseLink> and let us know. Common Voice kong biahalnak na ngei maw? A ṭhat deuhnak ding silole holhphun kongah ruahnak ṭha na ngei maw? <discourseLink> Discourse</discourseLink> ah kan leng law rak kan chim.
413 |
Udmurt Udmurt holh
414 |
I do not agree Ka lungtling lo
415 |
Serbian Serbia holh
416 |
Voice is natural, voice is human. It’s the easiest and most natural way to communicate. We want developers to be able to build amazing things from real-time translators to voice-enabled administrative assistants. But right now there isn’t enough publicly available data to build these kinds of apps. We hope that Common Voice will give developers what they need to innovate. Aw cu kokek a si, Aw cu minung a si. I chawnh khenh nak caah a fawi cemmi le hmancem mi a si. Computer thiam nih hi thil chung in hman awktlak thil ṭha, holh leh/ca leh le a dangdang bawmtu ah an ser khawh nak ding hi kan duh. Asinain, a tu ahcun mipi nih hman khawh ding mi hi a um lo. Laimi computer thiam pawl nih thil ṭhaṭha an sernak ah Common Voice nih hin a bawmh khawh hna lai tihi kan i ruahchan.
417 |
{ $hours } validated hours so far! Tuun cang mi suimilam zat: { $hours }
418 |
Help us find more voices, share your goal Tam deuh in aw kawl kan bawm, na tinhmi langhter
419 |
Skip Lanh tak
420 |
Why a profile? Zeiruang ah keimah kong cu a herh?
421 |
Swedish Sweden holh
422 |
Press play, listen & tell us: did they accurately speak the sentence below? Play hmet, ngai, cun kan chim: A tanglei biatlang hi hman tein an rel maw?
423 |
y y
424 |
Why is it important? Zei ruangah dah a bia pit?
425 |
Is my account information public? Ka account pawl hi mipi nih an hmu kho maw?
426 |
Weekly Goal Zarhfatin tinhmi
427 |
Show my ranking Ka dirhmun ka hmuhsak
428 |
Help Bawmhnak
429 |
Irish Ireland holh
430 |
Catalan Catalan holh
431 |
The goal of the Common Voice dataset is to enable anyone in the world to build speech recognition, speaker recognition, or any other type of application that requires voice data. A voice assistant is just one of many types of applications you could use the dataset to build. Common Voice dataset nih a tinhmi cu vawlei cung kip ah mah le holh cio in computer chawnh khawhnak le aw lei he pehtlai in thil ṭha tampi sernak lam kawl hi a si. Computer kan chawnh tikah a kan let khotu, Siri, tibantuk khi tampi in ser khawh kan duh.
432 |
What level of audio quality is required for a voice clip to be used in the dataset? Pumhmi Data ah hman awktlak aw-tun a sinak hnga zeibantuk in i tun a herh?
433 |
The number of recordings and which languages you contribute to will be public. Aw na tunmi zat le zeiholh in dah na holh timi cu mipi sinah a lang lai
434 |
You are prepared to initiate a download of <b>{ $size }</b> <b>{ $size }</b> hihi download ding in nai manh cang.
435 |
Create a voice clip as part of your profile avatar. Others will be able to hover and listen to your clip. Na profile hmanthlak caah aw-tun piak khawh a si. Midang nih na tunmi aw cu an ngaih khawh lai.
436 |
Your avatar now includes a voice clip! Na hmanthlak ah na awchuah a tel chih!
437 |
Note: When set to 'Visible', this setting can be changed from the <profileLink>Profile page</profileLink> "Langhter" in na chiah ahcun cucu <profileLink> Profile</profileLink> ah thlen khawh a si.
438 |
We believe that large, publicly available voice datasets will foster innovation and healthy commercial competition in machine-learning based speech technology. Common Voice’s multi-language dataset is already the largest publicly available voice dataset of its kind, but it’s not the only one. Look to this page as a reference hub for other open source voice datasets and, as Common Voice continues to grow, a home for our release updates. Mipi nih hman awktlak Aw-lei fimthiamnak nih hin hmailei ah a ngan dam mi sipuaizi tuahnak le thilthar ser duhnak tampi a chuah ter lai kan zumh. Common Voice's multi-language dataset cu, mipi caah hman khawhmi, vawlei cungah a ngan cemmi dataset pakhat ah a chuah cang. Hmailei zongah thil ṭhaṭha tampi chuah le ser kan i tim rih.
439 |
Adyghe Adyghe holh
440 |
Submit success! Want to record again? Na kuat mi a tha! Tun na duh ti maw?
441 |
Romansh Vallader Romansh Vallader holh
442 |
The process by which a contributor’s profile information is obscured from their donated voice clips when packaged for download as a part of the dataset. Midang nih kan pumhmi data an dawnlok tikah nangmah kong vialte kan langhter lonak a si.
443 |
Datasets Pumhmi Data
444 |
Create a profile Profile sernak
445 |
De-identified Langhter hlah
446 |
Recorded Clips Tun cangmi
447 |
Recreate Voicewave Voicewave ser ṭhan
448 |
Occitan Occitan Holh
449 |
Sakha Sakha holh (Yakut)
450 |
How do you ensure anonymity and privacy of the people who donated their voices? Zeitindah aw a tuntu kilvennak caah le an min a langh lonak hnga nan tuah?
451 |
Share your { $count } Clip Daily Goal for { $type } { $count } Nifatin tinhmi { $type } langhter
452 |
<recordIcon></recordIcon> Last one! <recordIcon></recordIcon> Donghnak!
453 |
Language Request Holh phun halnak
454 |
Common Voice is a collaborative project, and we're depending on our community of partners and contributors to build the largest open-source dataset of voices ever. We would like to thank the following people and organizations for their help with the project: Common Voice hi hmunkhat ah i bawmh in ṭuanṭi mi thil a si i vawlei cungah a lianbik khawmh mi aw-tun ser khawhnak dingah hin, kan zaatlangbu minung le bawmtu pawl kan in bochan ko hna. Hi vialte kan tuah khawhnak ding caah a kan bawmtu bu le pumpak pakhat cio nan cungah lunglawmhnak tampi kan ngei.
455 |
I just created a personal goal for voice donation to #CommonVoice -- join me and help teach machines how real people speak { $link } #CommonVoice aw hlutnak caah keimah pumpak tinhmi ka langhter-- ka telpi ve ulaw zeitindah minung an holh ti computer chim hna usih { $link }
456 |
Keep it up, record again <recordIcon></recordIcon> Na thiam, tuun ṭhan <recordIcon></recordIcon>
457 |
[1-5] [1-5]
458 |
Korean Korea holh
459 |
This is open source software which can be freely remixed, extended, and improved. Mycroft may be used in anything from a science project to an enterprise software application. Mycroft hi hmailei ah tampi in serṭhan le tharchuah khawhnak lam a um. Mycroft cu projecct fa tein siseh sipuaizi tuahnak thil lianpi tiangah hman khawhmi a si.
460 |
Mixed Fonh
461 |
I am a non-native speaker and I speak with an accent, do you still want my voice? Kokek holh ka hmang lo i aw-cawi ka ngei nain a ka aw-cawi nan duh ko lai maw?
462 |
Buryat Buryat holh (Russia)
463 |
Voice clips are entered into a submission queue that readies them for listening. Aw-tun mi cu a chektu caah timh cia tein chiah cia a si.
464 |
Lithuanian Lithuanian holh
465 |
p p
466 |
{ NUMBER($count) } clips { NUMBER($count) } Tuncia
467 |
Back to Top A cung ah kir
468 |
When will you release Common Voice data in other languages? Zeitik ahdah Common Voice data hi holh dangin nan thlah te lai?
469 |
Enter your email Na email ṭial
470 |
Shortcuts tawitan
471 |
Manage Subscriptions Cakuat Zohkhenhnak
472 |
We’re sorry, but your platform is not currently supported. Kan ngai thiam, na tuahnak hi a ngah lo.
473 |
Cookies khuk-ki
474 |
Other voice datasets… Awdang Pumhmi Data
475 |
Your Languages Na Holhphun
476 |
Get started with goals Tinhmi in hram domh
477 |
We will not make your email public. Na email mipi sinah kan langhter lai lo.
478 |
479 |
Fulah Fulah holh
480 |
Clips Aw-tawi
481 |
Different language Holh dang
482 |
Privacy Policy Kilvennak Policy
483 |
Launched Thlah cangmi
484 |
The recording was too quiet. Na tunmi a din tuk.
485 |
Speech-to-text (STT) Speech-to-text (STT)
486 |
Ready to do { $count } more? Biatlang { $count } tuah ṭhan na duh maw?
487 |
Thank you for your interest in contributing to { $lang }. We work hard to get every language ready for launch and keep the teams updated via email. If you want to contribute, please provide your email below. { $lang } caah bawmhchanh na duh ve caah kan i lawm. Zei holh paoh tlamtling tein a um khawhnak hnga caah fakpiin rian kan ṭuan i, in theihter peng kan duh. Pehtlaih na duh ahcun, a tanglei ah na email ṭial.
488 |
By opting in to receive emails you state that you are okay with Mozilla handling this info as explained in Mozilla’s <privacyLink>Privacy Policy<privacyLink>. Kan email i luh duhnak nai thim cu Mozilla nih <privacyLink> Kilvennak Policy <privacyLink> ning bantuk in keimah kong tawlrel ko, na ti duhnak a si.
489 |
Punjabi Punjabi holh
490 |
r r
491 |
Unable to speak right now? Holh kho lo?
492 |
{ $count }wk Zarh { $count }
493 |
During contribution submission feedback will be skipped after clicking 'Submit. Contribution will continue directly with the next set of 5 recordings or validations. Aw tunmi kuat lioah bia halnak cu 'Kuat' ti na hmeh hnu in lanh tak a si lai. Aw tunnak silole cheknak a ra colh lai.
494 |
s s
495 |
Leaving now means you’ll lose your changes Na kal tak ahcun na thlen ciami na thlau lai
496 |
Download my data Ka data dawnlok
497 |
Speaking and Listening Chim le Ngaih
498 |
Email Email
499 |
Acehnese Acehnese holh
500 |
501 |
Three to go! Pathum a tang!
502 |
Do you have ideas on how we can make the Common Voice dataset better? Let us know on Discourse Common Voice a ṭhat deuhnak dingah ruahnak ṭha na ngeihmi a um maw? Discourse ah kan chim.
503 |
Get involved I tel ve
504 |
Help us build a high quality, publicly open dataset Mipi nih hman awktlak pumhmi data ser kan bawm
505 |
Spanish Spanish holh
506 |
Submit Kua
507 |
508 |
Common Voice Dataset Common Voice Dataset
509 |
I agree Ka lungtling
510 |
It is written in a language different than what I’m speaking. Ka holh phun a si lomi in a ṭial.
511 |
Email is already used for a different account Na email cu midang nih an hman cang
512 |
Kazakh Kazakhstan holh
513 |
Keep Data Hlonh hlah
514 |
Take a look Van zoh
515 |
Tatoeba is a large database of sentences, translations, and spoken audio for use in language learning. This download contains spoken English recorded by their community. Tatoeba cu holh cawnpiaknak ding ah biatlang, bialeh, le holh tuun mi chiahnak a si. Hi dawnlok mi chungah hin mikip nih mirang holh an tuun mi aa tal.
516 |
The Common Voice Dataset contains hundreds of thousands of voice samples that help developers build voice recognition tools. Common Voice Dataset ah a thongthong in tuncia mi aw tampi kan ngeih.
517 |
Speech is often the most natural way we communicate with each other and voice technologies are bringing that convenience to our computers and mobile devices. We want to empower developers to build amazing voice recognition applications like real-time translators and voice-enabled digital assistants. But right now most of the voice data required to build these kinds of apps is expensive and proprietary. We hope the Common Voice dataset will give developers what they need to innovate and make speech technology available in their own language. To make voice recognition even more universal, we're collecting voice samples in widely spoken languages as well as those with a smaller population of speakers often underserved by commercial speech recognition services. Publishing a diverse dataset of voices will empower developers, entrepreneurs, and entire speech communities to address this gap themselves. Holh in hin i chawnhkhanh a si i cucu kan computer le fawn nih hin kan hmai ah fawi tein an tuah. Computer serthiam hna nih holh a thei khomi computer hi holh lehnak ti bantuk caah serkho hna seh ti hi kan duh. Asinain, hi serkhawhnak dingah cun aw hi tamtuk a herh i phaisa zong tampi dih a herh fawn. Hi Common Voice pumhmi data nihhin computer thiam pawl, an mah le holh cio in holh theimi computer ser cio hna seh tihi kan duh. Cucu vawleicung holh phun kip in a ngah khawhnak caah cun holhphun kip in holh mi aw, mi tampi siseh mi tlawmte holh siseh, kan lak. Hi vialte kan lakmi aw nih hin computer thiam mi hna le sipuaizi tuah tu hna nih an mah le ram cio in chawnh khawhmi computer ser hram an thok lai hi kan duh.
518 |
You've helped Common Voice reach <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> of our daily { $goalValue } validation goal! Common Voice nih kan i tinhmi { $goalValue } chungah <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> na kan chek bawmh .
519 |
Get Involved Rak I Tel Ve
520 |
Welcome { $company } staff! { $company } rianṭuan kan in don!
521 |
Build a custom goal Tinhmi hma ser
522 |
Connect with Gravatar Gravatar he pehtonh
523 |
Esperanto Esperanto holh
524 |
Danish Denmark holh
525 |
Having a profile is not required to contribute though it is helpful Aw tunnak dingah profile ngeih cu a herh lo nain na ngei ahcun a kan bawmh deuh lai
526 |
Mycroft is the world’s first open source assistant. Mycroft runs anywhere - on a desktop computer, inside an automobile, or on a Raspberry Pi. Mycroft hi vawlei cungah a hmasabik a lak in khon mi, mi bawmtu a si. Mycroft cu khoika poah ah a um dih- computer, mawṭaw chung silole Raspberry Pi.
527 |
Everyone Bawmtu dihlak
528 |
Want to change your voice clip? Na tuncia mi thlen na duh maw?
529 |
Cancel Re-recording Tuunthar mi leet
530 |
531 |
Comment Fianter
532 |
By using Common Voice, you agree to our <termsLink>Terms</termsLink> and <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink> Common Voice hman ahcun , kan <termsLink> Biakam </termsLink> le <privacyLink> Kilvennak Hngalhternak</privacyLink> hi na lung a tling.
533 |
Help us validate sentences! Biatlang an chimmi a hman le hman lo chek kan bawm!
534 |
Help us get to { $goal } { $goal } tiang phanh kan bawm
535 |
The Clip Graveyard consists of voice clips that didn't make it into the Common Voice dataset. Just like the dataset, the Clip Graveyard is available for download. Thlanmual ah hin Common Voice data ah cohlan lomi aw-tun ciami kha hlonh a si. Dataset bantuk in cu hna cu duh ahcun download khawh ṭhiam a si.
536 |
Contact Pehtlaihnak
537 |
* Indicates required field * aherh mi a um
538 |
Make your submitted data as rich as possible by providing some anonymous demographic data. We de-identify all demographic data before making it public. Na kan kuatmi aw pawl an sunlawi tuknak dingah nangmah kong tlawmpal rak kan chim. Mipi sinah nangmah kong zeihmanh kan tlanghter lai lo.
539 |
Where does the source text come from? Khoi ka in dah biafang le biatlang hi an rat?
540 |
Enter Email to Download Download dingah cun na email ṭial
541 |
Breton Brittany holh
542 |
Hakha Chin Laiholh (Hakha)
543 |
Help Common Voice reach { NUMBER($hours) } hours in a language with a personal goal Common Voice nih { NUMBER($hours) } suimilam tlinh khawh dingin timhlamhnak he kan bawm
544 |
Norwegian Bokmål Norway holh (Bokmal)
545 |
Speaking Chim
546 |
Albanian Albania holh
547 |
The Common Voice dataset is an open and publicly available resource that can be used to train a wide variety of speech-enabled applications. To protect the security of our contributors, we ask everyone who downloads the Common Voice dataset to respect contributors’ privacy. All voice clips in the dataset are scrubbed of personally identifying information. When you download the dataset, you agree to not attempt to determine the identity of any contributor. That means you cannot try to link information in the dataset to a contributor’s personal information. You may, however, use the dataset to train speech recognition, speaker recognition, or other applications, by, for instance, linking information in the dataset to other information already in the dataset. Common Voice i pumhmi data hi zapi nih holh lei he petlaih mi thil poah ah ahopoah nih hman khawh mi a si. A kan bawmhtu himnak ah, Common Voice i pumhmi data a download mi poah nih bawmtu himbawmnak nan kilven in nan upat lai kan in nawl hna. Aw-tun mi vialte ah pumpak kong a langhter mi thil poah cu hlonh dih an si. Hi pumhmi data na download tikah, bawmtu hi ahodah an si ti hngalhnak tuah na tim lai lo ti lungtlinnak ngeih a si. A sullam cu hi aw hi aho thengte dah a si ti kha na kawl lai lo.
548 |
Voices Online Now Atulio A Zohtu
549 |
Upload an image file Hmanthlak van khumh
550 |
Logout Chuahnak
551 |
We will be in touch with more information as it becomes available. Thil thar kan tuah mi kan in chimh lengmang lai.
552 |
Icelandic Iceland holh
553 |
Get Started with Speech Recognition Speech Recognition hramthok
554 |
Sardinian Sardinian holh
555 |
We've just launched a new contribution experience Thil thar kan van thlah ṭhan.
556 |
Average Vuaktlak
557 |
Re-record clip Aw-tun ṭhan
558 |
Polish Poland holh
559 |
Success Hlawh tlin
560 |
Goals Tinhmi
561 |
562 |
Nepali Nepal holh
563 |
The Common Voice dataset is available for download under the <licenseLink>CC0</licenseLink> license on <datasetLink>our Datasets page</datasetLink>. You can also download several other publicly available datasets from the same page. Common Voice dataset cu <licenseLink>CC0</licenseLink> lisen in <datasetLink> Datasets </datasetLink> ah download a ngah. A dang mizapi nih hman dingin khon mi thil pawl zong download khawh a si.
564 |
Days Ni
565 |
For these launched languages the website has been successfully localized, and has enough sentences collected, to allow for ongoing <italic>Speak</italic> and <italic>Listen</italic> contribution. Hi thlah cangmi holhphun hna caah cun tlamtling tein website hi an mah le holh cio in leh piak dih an si cang, cun biatlang zong a zatawk tein <italic> Chim</italic> le <italic> Ngaih</italic> khawhnak caah an khomh khawh cang.
566 |
Keep the recordings Tuun mi i chiah
567 |
Submit Kuat
568 |
Download { $language } Dawnlok
569 |
Donate your voice Na aw rak tun
570 |
Basque Basque holh
571 |
Change your email via Settings under Login Identity Na email setting cu luhnak ahkhan thlen khawh a si
572 |
≥ 2 Yes votes Minung pahnih nih lungtlin ah aw-tun mi cu cohlan a si.
573 |
Contribute to { $lang } { $lang } ah pekchanh
574 |
Stats Stats
575 |
Aragonese Aragon holh (Spain)
576 |
577 |
I'm okay with you handling this info as you explain in Mozilla's <privacyLink>Privacy Policy</privacyLink> Keimah kong hi Mozilla <privacyLink> Kilvennak Pawlisi </privacyLink> i nan ṭial bantuk in hmang ko uh.
578 |
Azerbaijani Azerbaijan holh
579 |
Tagalog Tagalog holh
580 |
Splits Ṭhen
581 |
The selected file is too large Na thimmi a lian tuk
582 |
Daily Goal Nifatin tinhmi
583 |
About About
584 |
Validated Hours Check cangmi suimilam
585 |
Cancel Submission Kuatmi letṭhan
586 |
Don't see your language on Common Voice yet? Common Voice ah na holhphun na hmu maw?
587 |
The count of voice recording hours that have been validated by 2 out of 3 users with a vote of “Yes”. These mark progress toward the overall project 10k hours goal. A kan bawmtu minung 3 chungah 2 nih "a si" tiah biatlang an chek cangmi. Hi nih hin kan i tinhmi suimilam thonghra 10 cu a langhter.
588 |
Localization Localization
589 |
Speakers Biachimtu
590 |
To make the Common Voice dataset as useful as possible we have decided to only allow source text that is available under a Creative Commons (CC0) license. Using the CC0 standard means its more difficult to find and collect source text, but allows anyone to use the resulting voice data without usage restrictions or authorization from Mozilla. Ultimately, we want to make the multi-language dataset as useful as possible to everyone, including researchers, universities, startups, governments, social purpose organizations, and hobbyists. Common Voice i pumhmi data pi hi a si khawh chung in hman awk a tlak nak hna, Creative Commons (CC0) license phung zulh in cakuat hi kan cohlan. CC0 phunglam cu cakuat kawl le khawmh hi a har deuh nain a chuak mi aw data tu hi Mozilla nawl loin fawite hman khawh a si. A bikin, holh kip in pumhmi data hi ahopoah ca hman awktlak a si bik nak hnga kan i tinhmi a si.
591 |
Audio Format Aw Tunnak
592 |
I am a non-native { $lang } speaker and I speak with an accent, do you still want my voice? Lai holh ah kokek ka si lo i Aw-cawi ka ngei, ka holh nan duh ko maw?
593 |
Clearing your profile data means this demographic information will no longer be submitted to Common Voice with your clip recordings. Na profile na hlonh ahcun Commmon Voice ah nangmah konglam le na tuun cia vialte aa hlonh dih lai.
594 |
How ? Zeitin?
595 |
Difficult A Har
596 |
I'd like to receive emails such as goal reminders, my progress updates and newsletters about Common Voice. Common Voice nih tinhmi theihternak, le tuah ciami thawngthanhnak ti bantuk ka email ah kuat ka duh ve.
597 |
Today's Common Voice progress on clips recorded Tuni Common Voice aw tunmi
598 |
Common Voice has unlimited potential and we are indeed exploring speech interfaces in many Mozilla products, including Firefox. Mozilla nih chuahmi thil, Firefox, ti bantuk ah hin Common Voice hi hman khawhnak ding thil tampi a um.
599 |
Why is Common Voice part of the Mozilla mission? Zei ruangah dah Common Voice hi Mozilla nih aa tinhmi rian a si ve?
600 |
<bold>Help us</bold> find more voices <bold> Kan bawm </bold> Aw tampiin kawl
601 |
Frisian Frisia holh
602 |
Recording voice clips is an integral part of building our open dataset; some would say it's the fun part too. Aw i tun hi a biapi taktak mi kan rian a si; mi cheukhat nih cun a nuam zong a nuam tiah an ruah.
603 |
n n
604 |
Tatar Tatar holh (Russia)
605 |
Chinese (Hong Kong) Tuluk holh (Hong Kong)
606 |
Clips You've Recorded Na tuncia mi
607 |
Read More Rel Chap
608 |
Native Language Kokek Holh
609 |
Sinhala Sinhala holh
610 |
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. Carel ding kha ṭha tein hmunhma chiah piak lo ahcun a reltu an i vaivuanh lai ti cu theih ciapi a si ko.
611 |
Not found Hmu lo
612 |
No Dawnlok Hlah
613 |
Add an avatar to your profile Na hmanthlak chia
614 |
Common Voice is part of Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. Common Voice cu Mozilla nih tuahmi zeitindah minung an holh ti computer cawnpiaknak a si.
615 |
Interlingua Interlingua
616 |
Remove Hlonh
617 |
Toward next goal Hmailei tinhmi
618 |
In progress languages are currently being built for contribution by our communities; their progress reflects where they are across the website localization and sentence collection phases. Tuah lio cuahmah mi holhphun hna cu anmah ram le miphun cio nih bawmhnak in ser an si; An ṭhanchonak cu website an mah holh in an lehnak le catlang an pumhkhomh nak ah a lang.
619 |
What is Common Voice? Common Voice cu zei dah a si?
620 |
Close Khar
621 |
Size Hmetngan
622 |
Overall Accuracy Ṭha tein tuah khawhmi
623 |
Recording Tun lio
624 |
Contribution Activity Bawmtu Cawlcanghnak
625 |
Hebrew Hebrew holh
626 |
We’re building an open source, multi-language dataset of voices that anyone can use to train speech-enabled applications. Mipi caah a sunglawimi, holh phun kip in chawnh khawh dingmi, computer application ser kan i tim.
627 |
Afrikaans Afrikaans holh
628 |
Yes, we especially want your voice! Part of the aim of Common Voice is to gather as many different accents as possible so that voice recognition services work equally well for everyone. This means donations from non-native speakers are particularly important. Aw-cawi a ngei mi aw hrim kan duh! Common Voice i a tinhmi ah a tel ve mi cu ahopoah caah tluang tein a tlin khawhnak hnga aw-cawi a dang mi poah a si khawh chung in khawmh hi a si. Hi nih a langhter mi cu kokek holh in a hmangmi le hmang lo mi a dannak hi a biapi tuk.
629 |
Romansh Canton of Graubünden khua holh
630 |
Sentence Collection Biatlang Khawmhnak
631 |
Abkhaz Abkhaz holh
632 |
Both (Speak and Listen) Pahnih in (Chim le Ngai)
633 |
I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re looking for. Na kawl mi hi ka thei lo.
634 |
Grammatical / spelling error Gramma / Biafang palh
635 |
License: <licenseLink>{ $license }</licenseLink> Laisen:<licenseLink>{ $license }</licenseLink>
636 |
{ $actionType }<playIcon></playIcon> did they accurately speak the sentence? { $actionType }<playIcon></playIcon>Hman tein biatlang an rel maw?
637 |
Is the clip valid? Aw-tun mi cu chek a si cang maw?
638 |
Upload Khumh
639 |
See how your progress compares to other contributors all over the world. Na tuahmi hi vawleicung a um mi vialte nih an rak tuahmi he zohchih khawh.
640 |
Arabic Arabic holh
641 |
Receive emails such as goal reminders, progress updates and newsletters about Common Voice. Common Voice nih kan i tinhmi le kan tuah cuahmah mi thawngthanhnak rak hmu ve.
642 |
Hungarian Hungary holh
643 |
You're currently set to receive emails such as goal reminders, my progress updates and newsletters about Common Voice Atu ah hin cakuatnak, thawngthanhnak le theihtlei pawl hmuh dingin na tuah.
644 |
645 |
Easy A Fawi
646 |
License Lisen
647 |
Common Voice data plus all other voice datasets above. Common Voice data le a dang aw data vialte a cunglei ah.
648 |
Other Voice Datasets Voice Datasets adang
649 |
English Mirang holh
650 |
German Germany holh
651 |
Why a profile? Zei ruangah dah keimah kong cu a herh?
652 |
We’re crowdsourcing an open-source dataset of voices. Donate your voice, validate the accuracy of other people’s clips, make the dataset better for everyone. Minung tampi sin in aw-cawi pawl hi khawmh an si. Aw rak tun, midang aw-tun mi rak chek. Cuticun mi zapi caah a sunglawimi thilṭha kan ser lai.
653 |
Chinese (China) Tuluk holh
654 |
Profile information improves the audio data used in training speech recognition accuracy. Computer kan cawnpiak tikah nangmah kong kan theihnak nih tampi a kan bawmh lai.
655 |
<bold>iOS</bold> users can download our free app: <bold>iOS</bold> hi man lo in dawnlok khawh an si:
656 |
Voice recognition technology could revolutionize the way we interact with machines, but the currently available systems are expensive and proprietary. Common Voice is a project to make voice recognition technology easily accessible to everyone. People donate their voices to a massive database that will let anyone quickly and easily train voice-enabled apps. All voice data will be available to developers. Common Voice nih kan i tinhmi cu a mikip caah fawi tein mah le holh cio in computer hmanter khawh hi a si. Cucu, mi tampi nih an Aw khumh cio in khulrang te le fawi tein holhphun kip holh a thiam mi computer thilri ser khawhnak a si. Kan tuahmi vialte hi mipi nih man loin hman khawh dih a si lai.
657 |
Want updates when we release a new version of the Common Voice dataset? Subscribe to our newsletter. Common Voice dataset a thar kan thlah paoh ah cakuat hmuh na duh maw? Kan thawngthanhnak ah i tel.
658 |
Izhorian Izhorian holh
659 |
Yes A si
660 |
Keep track of your progress and metrics across multiple languages. Na tuahcia mi vialte le holhphun dang zong zoh chih khawh.
661 |
Settings Settings
662 |
Delete Profile Profile hlonhnak
663 |
Listening Ngai
664 |
Speech-to-text (STT) technologies convert voice data into text. Speech-to-text (STT) technologies nih cun holh kha ca in a leh khawh.
665 |
Our source text is made up of original contributor donations as well as dialogue from public domain movie scripts like <italic>It’s a Wonderful Life</italic>. You can view our source sentences in this <githubLink>GitHub folder</githubLink>. Ka pumhmi cakuat data hi kanmah bawmtu sin in le zapi biaruah nak pawl ca he a cawh. Kan khon mi biatlang pawl an rat nak cu <githubLink> GitHub folder </githubLink> ah zoh khawh a si.
666 |
Urdu Urdu holh
667 |
What is Common Voice? Common Voice cu zeidah a si?
668 |
Create a custom voice wave to introduce yourself. Other users will be able to hover and listen to your clip. I hngalhternak dingah hman dingmi na aw cawlcang ning ser. Midang pawl nih an ngaih khawh lai.
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
Get Involved Przëłączë sã
3 |
Themes Mòtiwë
4 |
Add-ons Dodôwczi
5 |
<span>Firefox</span> for Android <span>Firefox</span> dlô Androida
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
Exit & Delete clips Тух та клипсене катарт
3 |
We are building an open and publicly available dataset of voices that everyone can use to train speech-enabled applications. Эпир уҫӑ та кашни валли усӑ курма юрӑхлӑ сасӑ даннӑйӗсен пуххине кашни ҫын хайӗн программине вӗрентес тӗллевпе усӑ курма пултартӑр тесе тӑватпӑр.
4 |
Sardinian Сардинла
5 |
Click Пус
6 |
Contact Ҫыхӑну
7 |
Your download has started. «Common Voice» пӗлем пуххисем
8 |
Log Out Сайтран тух
9 |
Recorded Clips Ҫырса илнӗ сыпӑксем
10 |
2 down, keep it up!<playIcon></playIcon> Иккӗ хатӗр, малалла! <playIcon></playIcon>
11 |
Review & Submit Тӗрӗсле те яр
12 |
Add an avatar to your profile Профиле аватар хуш
13 |
No Ҫук
14 |
Submit clips Клипсене яр
15 |
true true
16 |
Email Subscriptions Эл. пуштӑ ҫырӑнни
17 |
Chinese (Hong Kong) Китайла (Гонг Конг)
18 |
Help us find others to donate their voice! Сас парнелекенсене тупма пулӑш!
19 |
Voice is natural, voice is human. It’s the easiest and most natural way to communicate. We want developers to be able to build amazing things from real-time translators to voice-enabled administrative assistants. But right now there isn’t enough publicly available data to build these kinds of apps. We hope that Common Voice will give developers what they need to innovate. Сас натураллӑ, сас харпӑр. Вӑл ҫыхӑну ҫӑмӑл та пӗртен-пер средстви пулать. Эпир разработчиксем тӗлӗнмелле инструментсем тӑвассине, чӑн вӑхӑтри куҫӑруҫӑсенчен пуҫласа сас административлӑ пулӑшӑвҫӑсем таран, курасшӑн. Анчах та хале капла приложенисем тӑвас тӗлевпе кирлӗ чӳхлӗ ӳҫӑ даннӑйсем ҫуккӑ. Эпир Common Voice разработчиксене инновацисем валли веҫех мен кирлине парасса кӗтетпӗр.
20 |
Voice recognition technology could revolutionize the way we interact with machines, but the currently available systems are expensive and proprietary. Common Voice is a project to make voice recognition technology easily accessible to everyone. People donate their voices to a massive database that will let anyone quickly and easily train voice-enabled apps. All voice data will be available to developers. Сасӑ уйӑрас технологи машинӑпа сирӗн ҫыхӑнассине ылмаштарӗ, анчах та хальхи уҫҫисем хупӑ е хаклӑ. Сommon Voice проект сасӑ уйӑрас технологине кашни ҫын валли уҫӑ тӑвас тӗлӗшпе тунӑ. Ҫынсем хӑйсен сассисене питӗ пысӑк даннӑйсен базине яраҫҫӗ, ҫак кашни ҫынна ҫӑмӑллӑн та хӑвӑрт хӑйсен программисене сасӑ уйӑрассине вӗрентме пулӑшӗ. Пӗтӗм сасӑ ҫырӑвӗсем разработчиксем валли уҫӑ пулӗҫ.
21 |
No microphone found. Микрофон тупӑнман.
22 |
Upload an image file Сӑнӳкерчӗк тиесе хӑпарт
23 |
We’re sorry, but your platform is not currently supported. Шел, санӑн платформа ҫинче пирӗн система хальлӗхе ӗҫлемест
24 |
Why is it important? Мӗншӗн кирлӗ ку?
25 |
Persian Персидла
26 |
The count of voice recording hours we have collected so far. Хальлӗхе сас ҫырса илнӗ сехет.
27 |
Mongolian Монголла
28 |
Native Language Тӑван чӗлхе
29 |
Hours Validated Тӗрӗсленӗ сехет
30 |
You are about to initiate a download of <size>{ $size }GB</size>, proceed? Эсир <size>{ $size } ГБ</size> уҫласа илесшӗн, малалла?
31 |
VoxForge was set up to collect transcribed speech for use with Free and Open Source Speech Recognition Engines. VoxForge транскрибла уҫӑ уйӑрас механизмӗсем чӗлхе усӑ курмаллӑх валли тӑвӑннӑ.
32 |
Three to go! Виҫҫеччен шутласа!
33 |
Read More Туллин
34 |
Thank you for recording!<lineBreak></lineBreak>Now review and submit your clips below. Ҫырса илнӗшӗн тавах!<lineBreak></lineBreak>Халь вара вӗсене тӗрӗслесе пӑх та тие.
35 |
Your username and email will not be associated with the published data. Ятупа эл. пушту уҫӑмлатнӑ пӗлемпе ҫыхӑнса тӑмӗ.
36 |
Is my account information public? Манӑн аккаунтри информаци пурне те уҫӑ-и?
37 |
Press play, listen & tell us: did they accurately speak the sentence below? Пусса калаттар, аялти пуплерӗше /предложенине/ тӗрӗс каланӑ-и?
38 |
Languages Чӗлхесем
39 |
Arabic Арапла
40 |
Sentences Пуплерӗшсем /предложенисем/
41 |
Moksha Мӑкшӑлла
42 |
Next Goals: { $goal } Ҫитес тĕллев: { $goal } сехет
43 |
Komi-Zyrian Коми-зырянла
44 |
Remove Катерт
45 |
Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web. Read a sentence to help machines learn how real people speak. Check the work of other contributors to improve the quality. It’s that simple! Сассуна парнелесе пурне те уҫӑ сасӑ пуххине пуҫтарма пулӑш. Ҫак сасӑ пуххи мобиллӗ хатӗрӗсемпе тӗнче тетелӗ валли инновациллӗ программӑсем тума май парӗ. <lineBreak></lineBreak> Пуплерӗшсене /предложенисене/ вуласа ҫырса илни машинӑсене чӗрӗ ҫынсем мӗнле пупленине вӗрентет. Ытти ҫын ӗҫне тӗрӗслени вара пахалӑхне ӳсӗмлетет. Ҫӑмӑлтан ҫӑмӑл!
46 |
Spanish Испанла
47 |
User Name Ят
48 |
Translate this page Ку страница куҫар
49 |
Please tap to record, then read the above sentence aloud. Ҫырса илмешкӗн пус та ҫӳлти пуплерӗше (предложенине) янравлӑн вуласа пар.
50 |
<playIcon></playIcon>Last one! <playIcon></playIcon>Юлашки!
51 |
Breton Бретонла
52 |
Sex Арлӑх
53 |
Toward next goal Тепӗр тӗллеве хирӗҫ
54 |
How does Common Voice calculate hours? «Common Voice» сехетсене мӗнле шутлать?
55 |
Buryat Бурятла
56 |
Urdu Урдулла
57 |
Help Пулӑшу
58 |
For these launched languages the website has been successfully localized, and has enough sentences collected, to allow for ongoing <italic>Speak</italic> and <italic>Listen</italic> contribution. Ҫакӑ тапратнӑ чӗлхесем валли сайта куҫарса тухнӑ. Пуплерӗшсене ҫителӗклӗн пуҫтарнӑ. Вӗсене <italic>Кала</italic> тата <italic>Итле</italic> ӗҫлеме пулать.
59 |
We will be in touch with more information about how to add your language to Common Voice very soon. Эпир сирӗнпе ҫывӑх вӑхӑтра ҫыхӑнӑпӑр, мӗнле Common Voice хушшине ҫӗнӗ чӗлхе хушассине кӑтартӑпӑр.
60 |
Looks like there aren't any clips to listen to in this language. Help us fill the queue by recording some now. Ҫав чӗлхелле итлемелли ҫуккӑ. Итлемеллине тултарма пулӑш-ха, халех ҫӗннисене ҫырса илсе.
61 |
French Французла
62 |
Why is it important? Вӑл мӗнпе кирлӗ?
63 |
FAQ Ыйту-хурав
64 |
Take a look Пӑхса ил
65 |
Clips You've Recorded Эсӗ ҫырса илнӗ сыпӑксем
66 |
Get Involved Хутшӑн
67 |
You've helped Common Voice reach <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> of our daily { $goalValue } recording goal! Common Voice-а кулленхи { $goalValue } ҫырса хума тӗллевӗн <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> ҫитертӗн!
68 |
Gender Арлӑх
69 |
{ main-context-menu-page-save.label } { main-context-menu-page-save.label }
70 |
Play/Stop Янраттар/Чар
71 |
Why do you need so many different speakers per language? Кашни чӗлхешӗн ҫав тери нумай йышлӑ тӗрлӗ калаҫакан мӗншӗн кирлӗ?
72 |
Georgian Грузинла
73 |
<more>Learn more</more> <more>Тӗплӗнрех вула</more>
74 |
Why is 10,000 hours the goal for capturing audio? 10.000 сехет мӗншӗн кирлӗ?
75 |
Edit Тӳрлет
76 |
Yes Ҫапла
77 |
Terms Шывӗ-йӗрки
78 |
You've helped Common Voice reach <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> of our daily { $goalValue } validation goal! Common Voice-а кулленхи { $goalValue } ҫирӗплетме тӗллевӗн <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> ҫитертӗн!
79 |
Language request successfully submitted, thank you. Пулчӗ! Чӗлхе хушас ыйтӑва йышӑнтӑмӑр. Тав!
80 |
Message Çыру
81 |
German Нимӗҫле
82 |
Slovenian Словенла
83 |
Return to Languages Чӗлхесене таврӑн
84 |
Where does the source text come from? Ҫырса илни текст ӑҫтан килет?
85 |
The current sentences come from contributor donations, as well as dialogue from public domain movie scripts like <italic>It’s a Wonderful Life.</italic> Преложенисене эпир пулӑшӑвҫӑсен сӗнӳсенчен тата уса курма юрӑхлӑ фильм сценарисенчи диалогсенчен илетпӗр.
86 |
Listen Итле
87 |
Slovak Словакла
88 |
Contact Form Ҫыхӑну бланки
89 |
Streaks Пӗр вӗҫрен ӗҫлесси
90 |
Male Арҫын
91 |
We promise to handle your information with care. Read more in our <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>. Эпир сирӗн информацине асӑрханулӑхпа туса кӑларассине сунатпӑр. Нумайрах пирӗн <privacyLink>приватность политикинче</privacyLink>.
92 |
Sorbian, Upper Ҫӳлти сорбла
93 |
Launched Тапратнӑ
94 |
Frisian Фризла
95 |
Hakha Chin Гаха Чинла
96 |
Albanian Албанла
97 |
Thai Тайла
98 |
Download Dataset Bundle Дата пуххи коллекцине тие
99 |
*required * кирлӗ
100 |
Everyone Пур ҫын
101 |
What's Public? Пурне те уҫӑ тени мӗн вӑл?
102 |
You Эсӗ
103 |
Contribute to { $lang } Хывӑм хуш { $lang } чӗлхине
104 |
Why is Common Voice part of the Mozilla mission? «Common Voice» Mozilla-н миссийӗн пайӗ пулнин сӑлтавӗ мӗнре?
105 |
Progress Прогресс
106 |
Success, profile created! Анӑслӑ, профиль тӑвӑннӑ!
107 |
Keep Data Упра даннӑйсене
108 |
Why a profile? Мӗн тума кирлӗ профиль?
109 |
The recording was too short. Шел, ҫырса илни ытлашши кӗске пулчӗ.
110 |
Your Languages Чӗлхӳсем
111 |
Japanese Японла
112 |
Enter your email Эл. пуштӑ
113 |
Estonian Эстонла
114 |
en-US cv
115 |
Leaving now means you'll lose your progress Халӗ чарӑнсассӑн эсир пӗтӗм прогреса ҫухататӑр
116 |
Czech Чехла
117 |
Voice is natural, voice is human. That’s why we’re fascinated with creating usable voice technology for our machines. But to create voice systems, an extremely large amount of voice data is required. Сас натураллӑ, сас харпӑр. Ҫавӑнпа та эпир пирӗн машинсем валли аван чӗлхе технологине тума тӑрӑшатпӑр. Анчах та сас технологийӗсем тумашкӑн ҫырса илнӗ те тӗрӗсленӗ шутсӑр нумай сас кирлӗ.
118 |
By providing some information about yourself, the audio data you submit to Common Voice will be more useful to Speech Recognition engines that use this data to improve their accuracy. Хӑвар ҫинчен кӑшт информаци парсассӑн эсир Common Voice-а каякан аудио даннӑйсем тӑватӑр, вӗсем вӗсене хӑйсен тӗрӗслӗхне аванлатас тӗллевпе усӑ курӗҫ.
119 |
See Less Кӗскен
120 |
Communications Ҫыхӑну
121 |
Review & re-record clips if needed Тӗрӗслӗр & ҫӗнӗрен ҫырӑр клипсене кирлӗ тӗк
122 |
The dataset is available now on our <downloadLink>download page</downloadLink> under the <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink> license. Даннӑйсен пухӑвӗ пирӗн <downloadLink>уҫлас страници </downloadLink>ҫинче <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink> лицензипе усӑ курма юрӑхлӑ.
123 |
Cornish Корнла
124 |
All Languages Пур чӗлхе
125 |
Days Кун
126 |
Drag and drop or <browseWrap>Browse</browseWrap> Файл сӗтӗрсе яр е <browseWrap>суйла</browseWrap>
127 |
Download Data Пӗлӗме (даннӑйсене) тие
128 |
We will not make your email public. Эл. пуштуна пурне те уҫӑ тумастпӑр.
129 |
Finish recording Ҫырӑва пӗтерӗр
130 |
License: <licenseLink>{ $license }</licenseLink> Лицензи: <licenseLink>{ $license }</licenseLink>
131 |
Serbian Сербла
132 |
Keep the recordings Манӑн ҫырусене упра
133 |
Interlingua Интерлингва
134 |
Anonymized user data like age, sex, and accent helps improve the audio data used to train the accuracy of speech recognition engines. Your username and email will never be associated with your submitted data, and you can choose whether to make your username public or anonymous. Анонимлатнӑ усӑҫ пӗлӗмӗ (ҫулӗ, арлӑхӗ, акценчӗ) калаҫӑва палласа илекен системӑсенчи сас пӗлӗмӗ пахалӑхне ӳсӗмлетет. Сан ятупа эл. пуштӑ парнеленӗ сассупа нихӑҫан та ҫыхӑнса тӑрмӗ. Унсӑр пуҫне сан ятна публикӑллӑ е анонимлӑ тӑваятӑн.
135 |
We believe that large and publicly available voice datasets foster innovation and healthy commercial competition in machine-learning based speech technology. This is a global effort and we invite everyone to participate. Our aim is to help speech technology be more inclusive, reflecting the diversity of voices from around the world. Эпир пысӑк та пурин валли те уҫӑ сасӑ даннӑйӗсен пуххи машина-вӗрентес саса уйӑрасси технологинче инновацисемпе сывӑ коммерци конкуренцине стимулласине ӗненетпӗр. Ҫакӑ вӑл глбалла инициативӑ, эпир пӗтӗммине кунта хутшӑнма чӗнетпӗр. Пирӗн тӗллев - сасӑ технологисене пӗтӗм енлӗ усӑ курма юрӑхлӑ тата тӗнчери тӗрлӗрен сасӑсене уйӑрассине тӑвасси.
136 |
{ main-context-menu-forward.aria-label } { main-context-menu-forward.aria-label }
137 |
No Thanks Ҫук
138 |
What is the level of quality needed for the audio in order to be used? Ҫыру валли менле сас пахалӑхӗ кирле?
139 |
License: <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink> Лицензи: <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink>
140 |
TED-LIUM Corpus «TED-LIUM» корпусӗ
141 |
Catalan Каталанла
142 |
Most of the data used by large companies isn’t available to the majority of people. We think that stifles innovation. So we’ve launched Project Common Voice, a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. Корпорацисем уса куракан нумайӑшӗ даннӑйсем чылайӑш ҫын валли уҫӑ мар. Эпир ку инновацисен аталӑвне пусарать тесе шутлатпӑр. Ҫавӑнпа та эпир Common Voice проекта хута ятӑмӑр, вӑл сасӑ уйӑраспа кашнине пулӑшӗ.
143 |
Upload aborted. Do you want to delete your recordings? Тиессине пӑрахӑҫланӑ. Санӑн ҫырса илнисене катертес-и?
144 |
Back to Top Ҫӳле таврӑн
145 |
Hidden Пытармалла
146 |
Saved Ҫырса хунӑ
147 |
Help us build a community around voice technology, stay in touch via email. Пире чӗлхе технологисмепе ушкӑн тума пулӑшӑр, пирӗнпе электронлӑ пуштӑпа ҫыхӑнма пултаратӑр.
148 |
Tatar Тутарла
149 |
Keep track of your progress with a profile and help our voice data be more accurate. Профильте хӑвӑрӑн аталанӑвӑра йӗрлӗр тата пирӗн сассӑмӑра лайӑхрах тума пулӑшӑр.
150 |
Add Language Чӗлхе хуш
151 |
Common Voice has unlimited potential and we are indeed exploring speech interfaces in many Mozilla products, including Firefox. Common Voice вӗҫсӗр потенциаллӑ, эпир чӑнах та хамӑр продуктсенче сасӑ интферфейсӗсене усӑ курассине сӑнатпӑр, вӗсем хушшинче Firefox та.
152 |
{ $hours } validated hours so far! Хальлӗхе тӗрӗслени { $hours } сехет
153 |
Validating donated clips is equally important to the Common Voice mission. Take a listen and help us create quality open source voice data. «Common Voice»-шӑн сас тӗрӗслесси ҫырса илессипе пӗр тан пӗлтерӗшлӗ. Итлесе тӗрӗсле те уҫӑ ҫӑлкуҫлӑ сас пӗлӗм пахалӑхне ӳсӗмлет.
154 |
Create a profile Профиле ту
155 |
Basque Баскла
156 |
Yes, send me emails. I'd like to stay informed about the progress of this language on Common Voice. Паллах, эл. пуштӑ килтер. Манӑн ку чӗлхе аталанни пирки пӗлес килет.
157 |
Profile Профиль
158 |
Most of the data used by large companies isn’t available to the majority of people. We think that stifles innovation. So we’ve launched Common Voice, a project to help make voice recognition open and accessible to everyone. Пысӑк предприятисем усӑ курнӑ даннӑйсем халӑх чылайӑшӗшӗн уҫӑ мар. Эпир шутласса ҫакӑ инновацие ура хурать. Шӑпах ҫавӑнпа «Common Voice» проекта хута ятӑмӑр. Пирӗн тӗллев — сас палланине пур ҫынна парасси.
159 |
Bulgarian Пӑлхарла
160 |
Ready to do { $count } more? Тепӗр { $count } тума хатӗр-и?
161 |
<bold>iOS</bold> users can download our free app: <bold>iOS</bold> усӑҫӗсем валли акӑ пирӗн тӳлевсĕр хушӑм:
162 |
Avatar Аватар
163 |
<bold>{ $count }</bold> Clips <bold>{ $count }</bold> сыпӑк
164 |
Close Хуп
165 |
Clips validated Тӗрӗсленӗ сыпӑк
166 |
Common Voice data plus all other voice datasets above. Леш дата пуххисемпе «Common Voice» дачӗ
167 |
Finish recording first? Малтан ҫырӑва пӗтеретре?
168 |
Why does this matter? Мӗн тума кирлӗ ку?
169 |
Russian Вырӑсла
170 |
You must allow microphone access. Санӑн микрофонпа усӑ курма ирӗк пар-ха.
171 |
What is Common Voice? Мӗн вӑл «Common Voice» ?
172 |
Clips recorded Ҫырса илнӗ сыпӑк
173 |
Cancel Re-recording Ҫӗнӗрен ҫырса илессине пӑрахӑҫла
174 |
Glossary Сӑмахлӑх
175 |
Dashboard Кашта (панель)
176 |
During contribution submission feedback will be skipped after clicking 'Submit. Contribution will continue directly with the next set of 5 recordings or validations. Ӗҫнӗ чухне хаклани пулмасть. «Яр» ҫине пуссан тӳрех тепӗр 5 пуплерӗш тиенет.
177 |
Polish Полякла
178 |
Romansh Sursilvan Романш Сурсельвле
179 |
Contribute Атя, хутшӑн
180 |
De-identified Анонимлатнӑ
181 |
Visible Кӑтартмалла
182 |
Search Шырав
183 |
Stats Статистика
184 |
Skip Submission Feedback Ӗҫне хакланине сик��ер
185 |
Localization Локализаци
186 |
Why a profile? Мӗншӗн профиль кирлӗ?
187 |
The selected file is too large Суйланӑ файл ытлашши пысӑк
188 |
Korean Корейла
189 |
We don't have anything to validate in this language, help us fill the queue. Ку чӗлхере тӗрӗслемелли юлман, пире черете тултарма пулӑшсамччӗ.
190 |
I am a non-native English speaker and I speak with an accent, do you still want my voice? { $lang } манӑн тӑван чӗлхе мар, акцентпа калаҫатӑп, ара манӑн сасӑ кирлех-и?
191 |
{ main-context-menu-forward.tooltiptext } { main-context-menu-forward.tooltiptext }
192 |
Yes, we definitely want your voice! Part of the aim of Common Voice is to gather as many different accents as possible, so that computers can better understand <bold>everyone</bold> when they speak. Паллах, санӑн сассу та кирлӗ! "Халӑх сассин" (Common Voice) тӗллевӗсен пӗри - тӗрлӗ-тӗрлӗ акцентсене пуҫтарасси. Ҫавна май компьютерсем <bold>пурне те</bold> ӑнланма вӗренӗҫ.
193 |
Build Profile Профиле ту
194 |
Change your email via Settings under Login Identity Эл. пуштӑ ӗнерлевсенче, кӗмелли идентификаторта улӑштарма пулать
195 |
Benefits Паха енӗсем
196 |
I agree Эпӗ килӗшетӗп
197 |
On desktop computers, you can download the latest: Компьютер валли ҫӗннине тиеме май пур:
198 |
Indonesian Индонезла
199 |
Tatoeba is a large database of sentences, translations, and spoken audio for use in language learning. This download contains spoken English recorded by their community. «Tatoeba» чӗлхе вӗрӗнме пирки предложенисем, куҫарусемпе аудиопа пысӑк пӗрӗме базӗ.
200 |
Greek Грекла
201 |
Erzya Ирҫелле
202 |
Download my data Ман пӗлӗме тиесе антар.
203 |
Recording voice clips is an integral part of building our open dataset; some would say it's the fun part too. Сасса ҫырса илесси уҫӑ сас пуххин уйрӑлми пайӗ. Хӑшпӗрисемшӗн, вӑл чун киленӗҫӗ ҫав.
204 |
Chinese (China) Китайла (Китай)
205 |
Odia Ория
206 |
Review Тӗрӗсле
207 |
Bengali Бенгалла
208 |
Uzbek Узбекла
209 |
Don't see your language on Common Voice yet? Хальлӗхе хӑвӑн чӗлхӳ Common Voice-ра ҫук-ши?
210 |
By providing some information about yourself, the audio data you submit to Common Voice will be more useful to Speech Recognition engines that use this data to improve their accuracy. Хӑвӑнпа кӑштах паллаштарни парнеленӗ сассун уссине пысӑклатӗ, калаҫӑва уякан машинсен ӗҫ-пуҫ тӗрӗссине ӳсӗмлетӗ.
211 |
Language Request Чӗлхене ярса пама ыйт
212 |
Language Чӗлхе
213 |
We at Mozilla are building a community around voice technology. We would like to stay in touch with updates, new data sources and to hear more about how you're using this data. Эпир Mozilla'ра чӗлхе технологисем тӑрӑх ушкӑн пухатпӑр. Эпир эсир ҫенӗ хыпарсене, ҫӗнӗ даннӑйсем источникӗсене пӗлсе тӑрассинче кӗлетпӗр, татах та нумайрах ҫак даннӑйсене эсир мӗнле усӑ курассине пӗлесшӗн.
214 |
Italian Итальянла
215 |
Contribute Хутшӑн
216 |
Content available under a <licenseLink>Creative Commons license</licenseLink> Кунти материалсемпе <licenseLink>Creative Commons</licenseLink> лицензипе килешӳллӗн усӑ курма юрать
217 |
Exit Form Формӑна хуп
218 |
Having a profile is not required to contribute though it is helpful Хутшӑнмашкӑн аккаунт кирлӗ мар, анчах унпа ҫӑмӑлтарах
219 |
Accent Акцент
220 |
Loading… Тиенет...
221 |
Swedish Шӗветле (шведла)
222 |
Next Goal: { $goal } Ҫитес тĕллев: { $goal } сехет
223 |
Delete my recordings Манӑн ҫырусене картла
224 |
Ukrainian Украинла
225 |
Total Пӗтӗмӗшле
226 |
Sakha Сахалла /якутла/
227 |
Contribution Experience «Common Voice»-па ӗҫлени мӗнлерех-ши?
228 |
By using Common Voice, you agree to our <termsLink>Terms</termsLink> and <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink> Common Voice усӑ курсассӑн эсир пирӗн <termsLink>усӑ курас условийӗсемпе</termsLink> тата <privacyLink>привотность политикипе</privacyLink> килӗшетӗр
229 |
Norwegian Bokmål Норвеги Букмол
230 |
I'd like updates and to keep current with what's happening with Common Voice. Common Voice проектпа мӗн пулса иртнине пӗлсе тӑрас килет, хыпарсене илес килет.
231 |
Cookies Кукисем
232 |
{ main-context-menu-back.tooltiptext } { main-context-menu-back.tooltiptext }
233 |
Submit Яр
234 |
Email Эл. пуштӑ
235 |
Leaderboard Visibility Лидерсен хушшинче кӑтартни
236 |
Why should I sign up for an account? Мӗншӗн регистрациленмелле?
237 |
Where does the source text come from? Ҫӑлкуҫ текст ӑҫтан килет?
238 |
{ $count }mo { $count } уйӑх
239 |
Dutch Голландла
240 |
The Common Voice dataset is available for download under the <licenseLink>CC0</licenseLink> license on <datasetLink>our Datasets page</datasetLink>. You can also download several other publicly available datasets from the same page. «Common Voice» пӗлӗм пуххине <licenseLink>CC0</licenseLink> лицензипе <datasetLink>Пӗлӗм пуххисем</datasetLink> страницӑран тиесе антарма пулать. Унсӑр пуҫне унтан тата ытти пуххисене тиеме май пур.
241 |
General Пӗтӗмӗшле
242 |
Manage Subscriptions Ҫырӑннине ӗнерле
243 |
{ $actionType }<stopIcon></stopIcon> when done { $actionType }<stopIcon></stopIcon> пӗтерсессӗн.
244 |
Note: You will still need to select between Speak or Listen to change contribution type. Асӑрха: "Кала" е "Итле" режима суйламалла.
245 |
The number of recordings and which languages you contribute to will be public. Эсӗ ҫырса илнӗ миҫе сыпӑк тата эсӗ хутшӑнакан чӗлхесем пирки пурне те уҫӑ пулать
246 |
You've successfully signed up for contributing to { $language }. Thank you. Эсир ӑнӑҫлӑ регистрацилентӗр { $language } чӗлхи хушӑм валли. Тавтапуҫ.
247 |
Danish Датчанла
248 |
Name Ят
249 |
Help teach machines how real people speak, donate your voice at { $link } Машинсене чӑн ҫынсен сассисене ӑнлайнма пулӑшар, хӑвӑран сассӑра парнелӗр { $link }
250 |
This is approximately the number of hours required to train a production STT system. Ку STT системине вӗренме кирли примерла сехет хисепӗ.
251 |
Aragonese Араконла
252 |
Other Урӑх
253 |
All Пурте
254 |
Delete Profile Профиле катерт
255 |
Clips Uploaded Сыпӑксем тиенӗ
256 |
Most speech databases are trained with an overrepresentation of certain demographics which results in a bias towards <articleLink>male and middle class</articleLink>. Accents and dialects that tend to be under-represented in training data sets are typically associated with groups of people who are already marginalised. Many machines also struggle to understand female voices. This is why in our voice database we want variety! Сас пӗлӗм пуххисен чылайӑшӗ <articleLink>вӑтам класри арҫынсене</articleLink> чи лайӑхӑн ӑнланать, мӗншӗн тесен вӗсем ҫак пуххисене хутшӑнаҫҫӗ. Шӑпах ҫавӑнпа пире тӗрлӗрен сассем кирлех!
257 |
Other voice datasets… Ытти сасӑ пухмӑшӗсем
258 |
Esperanto Эсперантолла
259 |
How can I get the Common Voice data? «Common Voice» пӗлӗмсене мӗнле тиемелле?
260 |
y y
261 |
Telugu Телугу
262 |
Edit Profile Профиле тӳрлет
263 |
English Акӑлчанла
264 |
Settings Ӗнерлевсем
265 |
Kabyle Кабил
266 |
Assamese Ассамла
267 |
Record your voice Санӑн сасуна ҫырӑв
268 |
Kazakh казахла
269 |
Return to Common Voice Datasets Каялла Common Voice даннӑйсен пуххисем патне
270 |
Shortcuts «хӑвӑрт» пускӑчсем
271 |
LibriSpeech is a corpus of approximately 1000 hours of 16Khz read English speech derived from read audiobooks from the LibriVox project. LibriSpeech пӗр 1000 сехет 16кГц LibriVox проекчӗн аудиокӗнекисенчен илнӗ акӑлчан калаҫӳ ҫырӑвӗсенчен тӑрать.
272 |
Ready to donate your voice? Сассуна парнелетӗн-и?
273 |
Great work!<playIcon></playIcon> Listen again when you're ready Питӗ лайӑх!<playIcon></playIcon> Тепре итлӗр хатӗр пулсассӑн
274 |
Tamil Тамилла
275 |
Email is already used for a different account Ҫак эл. пуштӑпа аккаунт пур ӗнтӗ
276 |
Start recording Ҫырӑва пуҫла
277 |
Help us get to { $goal } { $goal } ҫитме пулӑш
278 |
Age Миҫе ҫулта
279 |
Press { shortcut-play-toggle } to toggle play mode Янӑраттару режимне ылмаштарас тесен { shortcut-play-toggle } пусӑр
280 |
Submit success! Want to record again? Пулчӗ! Ҫырса илнине упрарӑмӑр. Атя, тата ҫырса илер-и?
281 |
Irish Ирландла
282 |
{ $count }wk { $count } эрне
283 |
Sign up for an account Регистрацилен
284 |
We want the audio quality to reflect the audio quality a speech-to-text engine will see in the wild. Thus, we want variety. This teaches the speech-to-text engine to handle various situations—background talking, car noise, fan noise—without errors. Сасӑ пахалӑхе пире чӑн пурнӑҫри пултӑр, ҫак сасса сасран текста куҫаракан механизм илтӗ. Ҫавӑнпа та пире терлӗ йышши кирлӗ. Ҫакӑ калаҫӑва урӑхлаттаракан механизма ҫын сассине тӗрлӗ сассем кушшинче - урӑх калаҫусем, машинсен , вентиляторсен сассисен хушшинче тӗрӗс ӑнланма пулӑшӗ.
285 |
1 1
286 |
Validated Hrs Тӗрӗсленӗ сехет
287 |
Download Common Voice Data «Common Voice» пӗлӗмне тиесе антар
288 |
Kyrgyz Кӑркӑсла
289 |
For these launched languages the website has been successfully localized, and has enough sentences collected, to allow for ongoing <italic>{ speak }</italic> and <italic>{ listen }</italic> contribution. Ҫак янӑ чӗлхесем валли вебсайт ӑнӑҫлӑ локализациленнӗ та кирлӗ чӳхле предложенисем пухӑннӑ <italic>{ speak }</italic> тата <italic>{ listen }</italic> хушас юрӑхлине.
290 |
Mozilla is dedicated to keeping the web open and accessible for everyone. To do it we need to empower web creators through projects like Common Voice. As voice technologies proliferate beyond niche applications, we believe they must serve all users equally well. We see a need to include more languages, accents and demographics when building and testing voice technologies. Mozilla wants to see a healthy, vibrant internet. That means giving new creators access to voice data so they can build new, extraordinary projects. Common Voice will be a public resource that will help Mozilla teams and developers around the world. Mozilla'на Интернета кашни ҫын валли ӳҫӑ тавас тӗллевпе тунӑ. Ҫакӑн валли пирӗн Common Voice. пек разработчискен проекчӗсене пулӑшмалла. Сасӑ технологийӗсем тӗп приложенийӗсенчен тухассине пула эпир вӗсем пӗтӗм усӑ куракана юрӑхлӑ пулӗҫ тесе ӗненетпӗр. Нумайрах чӗлхе, акцент тата демографи даннӑйсем пирӗн технологисене тунӑ тата тӗрӗслев хушӑмра хушмалла тенине ӑнланатпӑр. Mozilla сыва та чӗрӗ Интернет курасшӑн. Ку пирӗн енчен ҫӗнӗ разработчиксем валли сасӑ даннӑйсем патне доступ парассине вӗсем ҫӗнӗ тата экстраординарлӑ проектсем тума пултарччӗр тенине пӗлтерет. Common Voice Mozilla командине тата пӗтӗм тӗнчерен разработчиксене пулӑшакан халӑх ресурсӗ пулӗ.
291 |
p p
292 |
Female Хӗрарӑм
293 |
Common Voice Privacy Notice «Common Voice» харпӑрлӑх пирки асӑрхаттару
294 |
Kaqchikel Какчикельле
295 |
Acehnese Ачехла
296 |
The recording was too long. Шел, ҫырса илни ытлашши вӑрӑм пулчӗ.
297 |
Sign up for { $lang } updates: Регистрацинелӗр те { $lang } прогрессне пӑхмашкӑн:
298 |
Privacy Харпӑрлӑх
299 |
Chinese (Taiwan) Китайла (Тайвань)
300 |
Hebrew Иврит
301 |
Thank you for your interest in contributing to { $lang }. We work hard to get every language ready for launch and keep the teams updated via email. If you want to contribute, please provide your email below. Тав сире { $lang } чӗлхипе интересленнипе. Эпир тӑрӑсша ӗҫлетпӗр кашни чӗлхене ярас енпе те хутшӑнакансемпе электронлӑ пуштӑпа ҫыхӑнатпӑр. Эсир хывӑм хушасшӑн пулсассӑн аялта электронлӑ пуштӑна хӑварӑр.
302 |
We promise to handle your information with care. Read more in our <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>. Эпир сирӗн информаципе асӑрхануллӑ усӑ курма сӑмах паратпӑр. Ытларах пирӗн <privacyLink>харпӑрлӑх политикинче</privacyLink> пӗлме пулать.
303 |
Voice is natural, voice is human. That’s why we’re excited about creating usable voice technology for our machines. But to create voice systems, developers need an extremely large amount of voice data. Сас — кулленхи пурнӑҫ тӗлӗнтермӗшӗ. Ҫавӑнпа машинсем валли сас технологине тума вӗҫӗмсӗр хавас. Ҫапах та сас системисене тӑвас тесен, шутсӑр нумай сас пӗлӗмӗ кирлӗ.
304 |
Clips Клипсем
305 |
r r
306 |
Azerbaijani Азербайджанла
307 |
Hours Recorded Ҫырса илнӗ сехет
308 |
s s
309 |
{ $actionType } submit when ready { $actionType } пусӑр пӗтерсессӗн
310 |
en-US, en cv, en-US, en
311 |
The TED-LIUM corpus was made from audio talks and their transcriptions available on the TED website. «TED-LIUM» корпусӗ TED сайчӗн аудио калаҫӑвӗсенчен тата вӗсен транскрипцисенчен тӑвӑнна.
312 |
Goals Тӗллевсем
313 |
Great!<recordIcon></recordIcon> Record your next clip Питӗ лайӑх! <recordIcon></recordIcon> Тепӗр клип ҫырар
314 |
{ $actionType }<playIcon></playIcon> did they accurately speak the sentence? <playIcon></playIcon> { $actionType }. Пуплерӗше /предложенине/ тӗрӗс каланӑ-и?
315 |
On Ҫутнӑ
316 |
See More Ыттисем
317 |
More languages coming soon! Ытти чӗлхеллӗ те пулӗ!
318 |
Help report bugs Багсене пӗлтер
319 |
The recording was too quiet. Шел, ҫырса илни шӑпрах пулчӗ.
320 |
Thanks for confirming your account, now let's build your profile. Аккаунта ҫиреплетнӗшӗн тав, халь вара санӑн профиле хывар.
321 |
Faroese Фарерла
322 |
I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re looking for. Каҫар, эсӗ мӗн тупасшӑнне ӑнланаймастӑп.
323 |
Help us validate voices Сассене тӗрӗслеме пулӑш-ха
324 |
Why is Common Voice part of the Mozilla mission? «Common Voice» мӗншӗн «Mozilla»-н ӗҫ-пуҫӗн пӗр пайӗ?
325 |
Occitan Окситанла
326 |
Tap Пус
327 |
Cancel Submission Ҫырса илнине тиеме пӑрахӑҫла
328 |
Keep Упра
329 |
Off Сӳнтернӗ
330 |
Go to { $name } { $name } ҫине куҫ
331 |
Validations Тӗрӗслев
332 |
x-western x-western
333 |
{ $actionType }<recordIcon></recordIcon> then read the sentence aloud <recordIcon></recordIcon> { $actionType } та пуплерӗше саспа вула.
334 |
Keep it up, record again <recordIcon></recordIcon> Малалла, тата ҫырӑр <recordIcon></recordIcon>
335 |
Localized Куҫарнӑ
336 |
Why is my language not included yet? Ман чӗлхе кунта мӗншӗн ҫук?
337 |
* Indicates required field * Тивӗҫлӗ анана пӗлтерет
338 |
<recordIcon></recordIcon> Last one! <recordIcon></recordIcon>Юлашки!
339 |
Speak Кала
340 |
{ main-context-menu-reload.aria-label } { main-context-menu-reload.aria-label }
341 |
Macedonian Македонла
342 |
You can view our source sentences in <dataLink>this GitHub folder</dataLink>. <dataLink>Ку «GitHub» папкинче</dataLink> ҫырса илни предложенисене тупайатӑн.
343 |
Help us validate sentences! Пуплерӗшсене /предложенисене/ тӗрӗслеме пулӑш-ха!
344 |
Delete Data Даннӑйсене катерт
345 |
Save Çырса хур
346 |
Sorbian, Lower Сорбла
347 |
Welsh Валлий
348 |
Yes, send me emails. I’d like to stay informed about the Common Voice Project. Паллах, эл. пуштӑ килтер. Манӑн Common Voice Project аталанни пирки пӗлес килет.
349 |
Hungarian Венгрла
350 |
Today Паян
351 |
Frequently Asked Questions Ыйту-хурав
352 |
Asturian Астурла
353 |
Speak up, contribute here! Кунта хутшӑн, кала-ха!
354 |
We will be in touch with more information as it becomes available. Информаци паллӑ пулнӑ май, сана ун пирки пӗлтерӗпӗр.
355 |
Have you read our Terms? Пирӗн шывӗ-йӗркине вуласа тухрӑн-и?
356 |
{ main-context-menu-stop.aria-label } { main-context-menu-stop.aria-label }
357 |
Record/Stop Ҫыр/Чарӑн
358 |
Datasets Пӗлем пуххисем
359 |
Today's Progress Паян туса ҫитерни
360 |
Sentence Collection Пуплерӗш /предложени/ пуххи
361 |
Link Copied Каҫҫине копиленӗ
362 |
No gravatar found for your email Эл. пуштун gravatar ҫук.
363 |
Optionally join on our email list for updates and new information about the project. Хирӗҫ мар тӑк проект ҫинчен информаципе пӗлтерӳсене илме пирӗн эл. пуштӑ ушкӑнне йышӑн.
364 |
Return to Common Voice Каялла Common Voice патне
365 |
Log In / Sign Up Сайта кӗр / Регистрацилен
366 |
Yes, send me emails. I’d like to stay informed about the Common Voice Project. Паллах, мана электрон ҫыру ярса хыпарла. Манӑн Common Voice Project аталанни пирки пӗлес килет.
367 |
Donate your voice Сассуна парнеле
368 |
{ $count }y { $count } ҫул
369 |
Norwegian Nynorsk Норвеги Нюнорск
370 |
I'm okay with you handling this info as you explain in Mozilla's <privacyLink>Privacy Policy</privacyLink> Ҫак пӗлӗмпе <privacyLink>харпӑрлӑх политикине</privacyLink> тӑрӑх усӑ курнипе килӗшетӗп.
371 |
n n
372 |
Re-record Ҫӗнӗрен ҫырса ил
373 |
I am a non-native speaker and I speak with an accent, do you still want my voice? Чӗлхе тӑван мар пулсан, эпӗ хуҫса калаҫсан, сире ман сассӑм пурпӗрех кирлӗ-и?
374 |
Icelandic Исландла
375 |
Not found Тупӑнман
376 |
Skip Сиктер
377 |
Common Voice is Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. «Common Voice» — машинӑсене чӗрӗ çын сассипе калаçма вӗрентес тӗллевпе пуҫарнӑ «Mozilla» проекчӗ.
378 |
Overall project status: see how far we’ve come! Проектӑн пӗтӗмӗшле статусӗ: Мӗн чухлӗ туса ҫитертӗмӗр!
379 |
<bold>Help us</bold> find more voices Ытти сас тупма <bold>пире пулӑш</bold>
380 |
Speakers Калаҫакансем
381 |
How do you ensure anonymity and privacy of the people who donated their voices? Сас парнелекенсен харпӑрлӑхӗпе анонимлӑхне мӗнле тивӗҫтеретӗр?
382 |
Nepali Непалла
383 |
Clearing your profile data means this demographic information will no longer be submitted to Common Voice with your clip recordings. Профиль катертни демографи инофрмацийӗ урӑх Common Voice сирӗн ҫырӑвсемпе каймасть тенине пӗлтереть.
384 |
<speechBlogLink>Get Started with Speech Recognition</speechBlogLink> <speechBlogLink>Калаҫӑва уянипе ӗҫлеме пуҫла</speechBlogLink>
385 |
{ main-context-menu-back.aria-label } { main-context-menu-back.aria-label }
386 |
Submit Ҫирӗплет
387 |
Chuvash Чӑвашла
388 |
Finnish Финнла
389 |
Voices Online Now Шӑпах халь тетелте пулакан сассем
390 |
Retry Тепре
391 |
Mixed Хутӑш
392 |
Vietnamese Вьетнамла
393 |
Portuguese (Brazil) Португалла (Бразили)
394 |
Afrikaans Африкаанс
395 |
Review & re-record clips here as you go Тӗрӗслӗр & ҫӗнӗрен ҫырӑр клипсене
396 |
Romanian Румынла
397 |
In progress languages are currently being built for contribution by our communities; their progress reflects where they are across the website localization and sentence collection phases. Ҫак вӑхӑтра чӗлхесем пирӗн ушкӑнсем валли тӑвӑнаҫӗ; вӗсен прогрессӗ локализаци этапӗпе вебсайт суйлӑвӗнче курӑнать.
398 |
In Progress Хатӗрленекен
399 |
We've just launched a new contribution experience Ҫӗнӗ интерфейс хатӗрлерӗмӗр
400 |
Turkish Турккӑлла
401 |
Request a Language Чӗлхене ярса пама ыйт
402 |
Recordings Ҫырав
403 |
Unable to speak right now? Халь калаймастӑп
404 |
Speak now Ҫырӑва пуҫла
405 |
I do not agree Эпӗ килӗшместӗп
406 |
Login Identity Кӗмелли идентификатор
407 |
{ $count } Clips Submitted { $count } клип ярӑннӑ!
408 |
Connect with Gravatar Gravatar ҫыхӑнтар
409 |
Download My Data Ман пӗлӗме тиесе антар.
410 |
By opting in to receive emails you state that you are okay with Mozilla handling this info as explained in Mozilla’s <privacyLink>Privacy Policy<privacyLink>. Эл. ҫыру илес тенипе эсӗ Mozilla ку инфорципе <privacyLink>Харпӑрлӑх политикине<privacyLink> тӑрӑх ӗҫленипе те килӗшетӗн.
411 |
What is Common Voice? «Common Voice» - мӗн вӑл?
412 |
Contribute Your Voice Сассуна парнелесе хутшӑн
413 |
Will speech-to-text, via Common Voice, ever become part of Firefox? «Common Voice» урлӑ пуплеве уяни Firefox-ӑн пайӗ пулӗ-и?
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
Yes, send me emails. I’d like to stay informed about the Common Voice Project. Iin, sabimi ma email lahabaya. Ni bɔri ni m mali tibili zaŋ chaŋ balli ŋɔ zoosim polo Mozilla Common Voice puuni.
3 |
Contribute to { $lang } Tɔhimi { $lang }
4 |
We at Mozilla are building a community around voice technology. We would like to stay in touch with updates, new data sources and to hear more about how you're using this data. Tinima ban be Mozlila mɛrila laɣingu din jɛndi kukɔli tabibi. Ti nibɔri ni ti mali tibili zaŋ chaŋ lahabaya din kɔɣiri ka bihira polo , data pala yibu sheena ka ni lahi bɔri ni wumdi lahabaya din jɛndi yi ni mali data ŋɔ tumdi tuma shɛm.
5 |
Sign up for { $lang } updates: Sabimi a yuli zaŋ chaŋ { $lang } lahabaya teebu polo:
6 |
Afrikaans Afrikaans
7 |
Get Involved Zaŋ a nua pahi
8 |
Czech Czech
9 |
Submit Zaŋ tahi
10 |
Bengali Bengali
11 |
Yes, send me emails. I'd like to stay informed about the progress of this language on Common Voice. Iin, sabimi ma email lahabaya. Ni bɔri ni m mali tibili zaŋ chaŋ balli ŋɔ zoosim polo Common Voice puuni.
12 |
Thank you for your interest in contributing to { $lang }. We work hard to get every language ready for launch and keep the teams updated via email. If you want to contribute, please provide your email below. Ti paɣiya q suhu ni yu ni a tɔhira sabira { $lang }. Ti kuli kpaŋdila ti maŋa ni che ka yi balli (zuliya yɛltɔɣa) ŋɔ kpe daa ka kuli ni labiri teeri yi laɣingu din kɔɣiri ka bihira email soli zuɣu. A yi bɔri ni a tɔhi sabi, nyin pahimi suɣulo sabi a email yuli sɔŋ gbunni ŋɔ.
13 |
Contribute Tohi
14 |
Email Email yuli
15 |
Arabic Laribu
16 |
Twi Kambonsili
17 |
No aayi
18 |
s s
19 |
Donate your voice Tohimi a kukɔli
20 |
y y
21 |
Yes iin
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
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oid sha256:c572ffb42b1bd568126cc494aedd8119ef90deac1442d4a31de74ec056527999
3 |
size 13803935
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
1 |
source_sentence target_sentence
2 |
View your progress against personal and project goals. އަމިއްލަ އަދި މަޝްރޫޢީ ލަނޑުދަނޑިތަކުގައި ތިބާގެ މަސައްކަތް ކުރިއަށްދާވަރު ބެލޭނެ
3 |
Have Feedback? ފާޑުކިއުމެއް އެބަ އޮތްތަ؟
4 |
Ready to do { $count } more? އެހެން
5 |
Swedish ސުވިޑިޝް
6 |
We will be in touch with more information as it becomes available. އިތުރު މަޢުލޫމާތު ލިބެމުން ދާ ވަރަކަށް އެ މަޢުލޫމާތުތައް ތިޔަ ފަރާތާއި ހިއްސާ ކުރަމުން ދާނަން.
7 |
Estonian އެސްޓޯނިއަން
8 |
Language Request ބަހެއް އެދުން
9 |
Recording voice clips is an integral part of building our open dataset; some would say it's the fun part too. އަޑު ކްލިޕްތައް ރިކޯރޑުކުރުމަކީ އޯޕަން ޑޭޓާ ސެޓެއް ހެދުމުގެ މައިގަނޑު ބައެއް. މީ މަޖާ ކަމަކަށްވެސް ވޭ
10 |
Validating donated clips is equally important to the Common Voice mission. Take a listen and help us create quality open source voice data. ހުށައެޅިފައިވާ އަޑުކޮޅުގެ ފެންވަރު ބެލުމަކީ ކޮމަންވޮއިސްއަށް ވަރަށް މުހިންމުކަމެކެވެ. ފެންވަރު ހިފެހެއްޓުމުގެ ގޮތުން، ރަނގަޅުތޯ ބަލާލަން އަޑުއަހާލާ
11 |
Kyrgyz ކިރިގިޒް
12 |
Close ލައްޕާ
13 |
Urdu އުރުދޫ
14 |
Re-record clip އަޑުކޮޅު އަނެއްކާ ރެކޯޑުކުރޭ
15 |
Success, profile created! ކާމިޔާބު، ވަނަވަރު ހެދިއްޖެ!
16 |
Three to go! ބާކީ ތިނެއް!
17 |
{ $actionType }<recordIcon></recordIcon> then read the sentence aloud </recordIcon><recordIcon>{ $actionType } ދެން ޖުމްލަ ބާރަށް ކިޔާ
18 |
Kaqchikel ކަކްޗަކޮލް
19 |
Sardinian ސާޑިނިއަން
20 |
Request a Language ބަހެއް ހިމަނަނުމަށް އެދޭ.
21 |
I'd like to receive emails such as goal reminders, my progress updates and newsletters about Common Voice. ކޮމަން ވޮއިސް އާއި ގުޅޭ ޚަބަރާއި، އަޅުގަނޑުގެ ޕުރޮގްރެސްގެ އަޕްޑޭޓާއި، ގޯލް ހަނދާންކޮށްދިނުން ފަދަ ކަންކަމާއި ގުޅޭ އީމެއިލް ލިބެން އަޅުގަނޑު ބޭނުމެވެ.
22 |
Review މުރާޖާކުރޭ
23 |
Why does this matter? މިކަން މުހިންމުވަނީ ކީއްވެ؟
24 |
Review & re-record clips here as you go މިތާ އަޑުކޮޅުތައް ބަލާފަ އަދި އަލުން ރެކޯޑް ކުރޭ
25 |
The TED-LIUM corpus was made from audio talks and their transcriptions available on the TED website. ޓެޑްލިއަމް ކޯރޕަށް އަކީ، ޓެޑް ވެބްސައިޓުގައި ލިބެން ހުންވަ ވާހަކަތަކާއި އޭގެ ލިޔުންތަކުން ހެދިފައިވާ އެއްޗެކެވެ.
26 |
Esperanto އެސްޕެރެންޓޯ
27 |
Return to Common Voice އެނބުރި ކޮމަން ވޮއިސްއަށް ދާން
28 |
Thanks for confirming your account, now let's build your profile. އެކައުންޓް ޔަގީންކޮށްދިނީތީ ޝުކުރިއްޔާ. ދެން ހިނގާ ވަނަވަރު ފުރިހަމަކުރަން
29 |
Message މެސެޖު
30 |
Privacy ޕްރައިވެސީ
31 |
Most of the data used by large companies isn’t available to the majority of people. We think that stifles innovation. So we’ve launched Project Common Voice, a project to help make voice recognition open to everyone. ބޮޑެތި ކުންފުނިތަކުގައި ބޭނުންކުރާ ގިނަ ޑޭޓާސެޓްތަކަކީ، އާންމުންނަށް ހުޅުވާލެވިފައިވާ އެއްޗިއްސެއް ނޫނެވެ. އަހުރަމެން ދެކޭގޮތުގައި، މިއީ އުފެއްދުންތެރިކަމަށް އޮތް ހުރަހެކެވެ. އެހެންކަމުން، އެންމެންނަށް ވޮއިސް ރެކޮގްނިޝަން ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީ ހުޅުވާލުމަށް ޓަކައި ކޮމަންވޮއިސް އެކުލަވާލެވުނެވެ.
32 |
Romanian ރޮމޭނިއަން
33 |
Remove ފޮހެލާ
34 |
You must allow microphone access. މައިކު ބޭނުންކުރަން ހުއްދަދީ
35 |
Bulgarian ބަލްޖީރިއާ
36 |
I'd like updates and to keep current with what's happening with Common Voice. އަދާހަމަކުރުންތަށް ބޭނުން، އަދި ކޮމަންވޮއިސްގައި ވާކަންތައް އެނގެން ވެސް ބޭނުން.
37 |
Acehnese އެޗެނީސް
38 |
Not found ނުފެނުނު
39 |
We calculate hours by estimating the average length of each recording, and then multiplying that number by the total number of recordings across all languages. ގަޑީރުތަކުގެ ހިސާބު ހެދެނީ، ކޮންމެ ރެކޯޑިންގްއެއްގެ އާންމު ދިގުމިން ވާނެވަރެއް ބަލާފައި، ދެން އެ އަދަދާއި، ހުރިހައި ބަހެއްގައިވާ ޖުމްލަ ރެކޯޑިންތަކުގެ އަދަދާ ގުނަކޮށްގެންނެވެ.
40 |
Keep the recordings ރެކޯޑިންތައް ބަހައްޓާ
41 |
Is my account information public? އަހަރެންގެ ޒާތީމައުލޫމާތާއި ވަނަވަރު، އެންމެންނަށް ފެންނާނެތަ؟
42 |
Keep ބަހައްޓާ
43 |
Contact ގުޅުމައް
44 |
Datasets ޑޭޓާސެޓްތައް
45 |
Portuguese (Brazil) ޕޯޗުގީޒް (ބުރެޒިލް)
46 |
More އިތުރަށް
47 |
This is approximately the number of hours required to train a production speech-to-text system. މި މިންވަރަކީ، އާންމުބޭނުނަމަށް ފައްކާ ސްޕީޗް-ޓު-ޓެކްސްޓް ސިސްޓަމަކަށް ގާތްގަނޑަކަށް ބޭނުންވާ މިންވަރު.
48 |
Cornish ކޯނިޝް
49 |
Your anonymous voice recordings will remain in the Common Voice dataset. Once you delete your profile you will no longer be able to submit a request to remove your recordings from the dataset ސިއްރުން ހުށައެޅި ރިކޯރޑިންގް ކޮމަންވޮއިސްގެ ޑޭޓާ ސެޓުތަކުގައި ދެމި ހުންނާނެ. ވަނަވަރު ފޮހެލޮމަށްފަހު އަމިއްލަ ރިކޯރޑިންގްތައް ޑޭޓާސެޓުން ފޮހޮލުމަށް ނޭދެވޭނެ.
50 |
Skip ދޫކޮށްލާ
51 |
<playIcon></playIcon>Last one! </playIcon><playIcon> ފަހުއެތި
52 |
Slovak ސުލޯވަކް
53 |
Keep it up, record again <recordIcon></recordIcon> ކުރިއަށް، އަނެއްކާވެސް ރެކޯޑް ކުރޭ <recordIcon></recordIcon>
54 |
By opting in to receive emails you state that you are okay with Mozilla handling this info as explained in Mozilla’s <privacyLink>Privacy Policy<privacyLink>. އީމެއިލް ލިބިގަތުމައް ޚިޔާރު ކުރުމުގައި ތި އެއްބަސްވަނީ، މޮޒިލާ މި މަޢުލޫމާތުތައް ބޭނުން ކުރިއަށް މައްސަލައެއް ނެތް ކަމަށެވެ. އެއީ މޮޒިލާގެ <privacyLink>ޕްރައިވެސީ ޕޮލިސީ<privacyLink> ގައި ވާ ފަދައިންނެވެ.
55 |
Croatian ކްރޯޝިއާ
56 |
The Common Voice dataset complements Mozilla’s open source voice recognition engine Deep Speech. The first version of Deep Speech was released in November 2017 and has continued to evolve ever since. Together with the Common Voice dataset, we believe this open source voice recognition technology should be available to everybody. It’s our hope these technologies will enable developers to build a wave of innovative products and services. ކޮމަން ވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާސެޓުން މޮޒިއްލާގެ އޯޕަން ސޯރސް ވޮއިސް ރިކޮގްނިޝަން އިންޖިން ޑީޕް ސްޕީޗަށް ބާރުލިބޭ. ޑީޕް ސްޕީޗްގެ ފުރަތަމަ ވާރޝަން ނެރުނީ 2017 ނޮވެމްބަރުގައި އަދި އޭގެ ފަހުން އޭތި ދިޔައީ ބަދަލުވަމުން. އަހަރެމެން ގަބޫލުކުރަނީ ކޮމަން ވޮއިސް ރިކޮގްނިޝަން ޓެކޮނޮލޮޖީއައުމުން، މި އޯޕަން ސޯރސް ވޮއިސްޓެކްނޮލޮޖީ އެންމެނަށް ލިބޭނެކަމަށް. އަހަރެމެންގެ އުންމީދަކީ މިފަދަ ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީތަކުން ޑިވެލޮޕަރުންނަށް އިތުރު އީޖާދީ އުފެއްދުންތައް އުފެއްދުމަށް އެހީތެރިވުން.
57 |
When will you release Common Voice data in other languages? ކޮމަން ވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާ އެހެނިހެން ބަސްތަކުން ނެރޭނީ ކޮންއިރަކުން؟
58 |
We at Mozilla are building a community around voice technology. We would like to stay in touch with updates, new data sources and to hear more about how you're using this data. މޮޒިއްލާއިން މިދަނީ އަޑު ބޭނުންކުރާ ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީއުފައްދަމުން. އަހަރެމެން ބޭނުންވަނީ ތިފަރާތަށް ފަހުގެ މައުލޫމާތާއި މައުލޫމާތުގެ މަސްދަރުތައް ފޯރުކޮށްދީ އަދި ތިފަރާތުން މައުލޫމާތު ބޭނުންކުރާގޮތް އެންގެން.
59 |
Back to Top އެނބުރި އެންމެ މައްޗަށް
60 |
Why is it important? މިކަން މުހިންމުވަނީ ކީއްވެ؟
61 |
Greek ގުރީކް
62 |
Click އޮބާ
63 |
{ $actionType } submit when ready { $actionType } ތައްޔާރުވީމާ ހުށަހަޅާ
64 |
Enter Email to Download ޑައުންލޯޑު ކުރުމަށް އީމެއިލް ލިޔޭ
65 |
Splits ބަހާލެވުން
66 |
Don't see your language on Common Voice yet? ކޮމަންވޮއިސްގައި ތިބާގެ ބަސް އަދި ނުފެނޭތަ؟
67 |
Sakha ސާކާ
68 |
Tatar ތަޑާ
69 |
Unable to speak right now? މިވަގުތު ވާހަކަ ނުދެއްކޭނެ؟
70 |
Localization ތަރުޖަމާކުރުން
71 |
{ $count }y { $count } އަހަރު
72 |
Search ހޯދާ
73 |
We’re building an open source, multi-language dataset of voices that anyone can use to train speech-enabled applications. އަހަރެމެން މި ތައްޔާރު ކުރަނީ، ސޯރސްހުޅުވިފައިވާ، ތަފާތު ބަސްތަކެއް އެކުލެވޭ އަޑުތަކުގެ ޑޭޓާސެޓެކެވެ. މީގެން ކޮންމެ މީހަކަށް ވެސް ވާހަކަދެއްކުން ބޭނުންކުރާ އެޕްލިކޭޝަންތ��އް ތަމްރީނު ކުރެވިދާނެއެވެ.
74 |
Lithuanian ލިތުއާނިއާ
75 |
What does it mean that I can’t “determine the identity” of speakers in the Common Voice dataset? ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާސެޓުގައި، ވާހަކަދައްކާ ފަރާތްތަކަކީ ކޮބައިކަން އަހަންނަށް ނޭންގޭނެއޭ ބުނުމުގެ މާނައަކީ ކޮބާ؟
76 |
Help us find others to donate their voice! އަޑު ހަދިޔާކުރާނެ އިތުރު މީހުން ހޯދުމަށް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް އެހީވެދެއްވާ!
77 |
Select a Language... ބަހެއް ޚިޔާރުކުރޭ
78 |
Help us build a high quality, publicly open dataset އެންމެންނަށް ހުޅުވާލެވިފައިވާ، ފެންވަރު ރަނގަޅު ޑޭޓާސެޓެއް ހެދުމަށް އަހަރުމެންނަށް އެހީތެރިވެދެއްވާ
79 |
Clips validated އަޑުކޮޅު ފެންވަރު ބެލިފައި
80 |
Hidden ފޮރުވިފަ
81 |
Afrikaans އެފްރިކާންސް
82 |
<bold>{ $count }</bold> Clips <bold>{ $count }</bold> ކްލިޕް
83 |
Visible ފެނޭ
84 |
Breton ބްރެޓޮން
85 |
Native Language މާދަރީ ބަސް
86 |
Finish recording ރެކޯޑުކުރުން ނިމްމާލާ
87 |
Thank you for recording!<lineBreak></lineBreak>Now review and submit your clips below. ރެކޯޑް ކުރިކަމަށްޓަކައި ޝޫކުރިއްޔާ!<lineBreak></lineBreak>ދެން ތިރީގައި ތި އަޑުކޮޅުތައް ބަލާފަ ހުށަހަޅާ.
88 |
Go to { $name } { $name } އަށް ދޭ
89 |
Irish އައިރިޝް
90 |
Azerbaijani އަޒަރްބައިޖާން
91 |
Read More އިތުރަށް ކިޔާ
92 |
Download Data ޑޭޓާ ޑައުންލޯޑުކުރޭ
93 |
See Less މަދުން ބަލާ
94 |
Keep track of your progress and metrics across multiple languages. ތަފާތު އެކިއެކި ބަސްތަކުގައި މަސައްކަތް ކުރިއަށްދާވަރާ ތަފާސްހިސާބު ބަލެހެއްޓޭނޭ.
95 |
What’s the difference between Common Voice and Deep Speech? ކޮމަންވޮއިސްއާއި، ޑީޕް ސްޕީޗްގެ ތަފާތަކީ ކޮބާ؟
96 |
* Indicates required field * އަންގައިދެނީ ފުރަން މަޖުބޫރު ތަންތަނެވެ
97 |
De-identified އައިޑީ ކަނޑާލެވިފަ
98 |
We at Mozilla are building a community around voice technology. We would like to stay in touch with updates, new data sources and to hear more about how you're using this data. އަހަރެމެން މޮޒިއްލާގައި މި ބިނާކުރަނީ އަޑުގެ ޓެކުނޮލޮޖީގެ މާހައުލެއް. އެންމެ ފަހުގެ މައުލޫމާތާ، އަލައް ހޯދާފައިވާ މައުލޫމާތުގެ ޚަޒާނާތަކާއި އަދި މި މައުލޫމާތުތައް ތިޔަ ފަރާތުން ބޭނުންކުރާގޮތް އަހަރެމެން ދެނެގަންނަން ބޭނުންވެއެވެ.
99 |
Chinese (Hong Kong) ޗައިނީޒް (ހޮން ކޮން)
100 |
n ނ
101 |
Finish recording first? ފުރަތަމަ ރިކޯރޑިންގް ނިންމާނީތަ؟
102 |
Today's Common Voice progress on clips validated ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ފެންވަރުބެލުމުގައި މިއަދު ކުރައަށްގޮސްފައިވާ މިންވަރު
103 |
Log In / Sign Up ވަދޭ/ރެޖިސްޓަރ ކުރޭ
104 |
Yes އާން
105 |
Return to Languages އެނބުރި ބަސްތަކަށް ދާން
106 |
Persian ފާރިސީ
107 |
See More އިތުރަށް ބަލާ
108 |
Sorbian, Upper ސޯބިއަން، އަޕާ
109 |
Ubykh އުބިޚް
110 |
Adyghe އަދީގީ
111 |
Hungarian ހަންގޭރިއަން
112 |
Izhorian އިޒްހޯރިއާ
113 |
We promise to handle your information with care. Read more in our <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>. ތިޔަފަރާތުގެ މަޢުލޫމާތު ރައްކާތެރިކަމާއެކު ބަލަހައްޓައިދޭނެ ކަމުގެ ޔަގީންކަން އަރުވަމެވެ. އިތުރަށްކިޔާލުމަށް އަހަރަމެންގެ</privacyLink> ޕްރައިވެސީ އިޢުލާން <privacyLink> ބަލާށެވެ.
114 |
Tatoeba is a large database of sentences, translations, and spoken audio for use in language learning. This download contains spoken English recorded by their community. "ޓަޓޯބާ" އަކީ ބަހުރުވަ ދަސްކުރުމުގެ ބޭނުމުގައި ހަދާފައިވާ ޖުމްލަ ތަކާއި ތަރުޖަމާތަކާއި ދައްކާފަހުންނަ ވާހަކަ ތަކުގެމައުލޫމާތު ކޮށާރެކެވެ. މި ޑައުންލޯޑުގައި ވަނީ ޓަޓޯބާގެ މުޖުތަމައުން ރެކޯޑު ކޮށްފައިވާ އިނގިރޭސި ބަހުގެ އަޑުތަކެވެ.
115 |
Change your email via Settings under Login Identity ލޮގިން އައިޑެންޓިޓީގެ ދަށުން އީމެއިލް ސެޓިން ބަދަލުކުރޭ
116 |
TED-LIUM Corpus ޓެޑްލިއަމް ކޯރޕަސް
117 |
Mixed މައްސުނިކުރިވިފައި
118 |
No ކަމަކުނުދޭ
119 |
Hill Mari ހިލް މަރި
120 |
Why do you need so many different speakers per language? ކޮންމެ ބަހުރުވައަކަށް އެހާގިނަ މީހުންގެ އަޑު ބޭނުންވަނީ ކީއްވެ؟
121 |
Frequently Asked Questions އާންމުސުވާލު
122 |
On desktop computers, you can download the latest: އެންމެ ފަހުގެ ބައިތައް ކޮމްޕިއުޓަރަށް ޑައުންލޯޑުކުރެވޭނެ
123 |
Record/Stop ރިކޯރޑު/ހުއްޓާ
124 |
Hebrew ޢިބްރީ
125 |
Help us validate sentences! ޖުމްލަތައް ސައްހަތޯ ބެލުމަށް އެހީވެދެއްވާ!
126 |
Komi-Zyrian ކޮމީ-ޒީރިއަން
127 |
Occitan އޮކްސިޓާން
128 |
Drag and drop or <browseWrap>Browse</browseWrap> ދަމާފަ ވައްޓާލާ ނޫނީ <browseWrap>ބްރައުސް</browseWrap>
129 |
Upload an image file ފޮޓޯ ހުށައަޅާ
130 |
Sentence Collection އެއްކުރެވިފައިވާ ޖުމްލަތައް
131 |
Today's Common Voice progress on clips recorded ކޮމަންވޮއިސްއަށް އަޑުކޮޅުތައް ރެކޯޑު ކުރުމުގައި މިއަދު ކުރެވުނު މަސައްކަތް
132 |
The count of voice recording hours that have been validated by 2 out of 3 users with a vote of “Yes”. These mark progress toward the overall project 10k hours goal. ރެކޯޑިންގްތަކުގެ ޖުމްލަ ވަގުތު އަދަދުކޮށްފައިވާނީ، 3 މީހަކު ތެރެއިން 2 މީހަކު އެ އަޑުއަހައި، ފާސްކުރުމަށް ފަހުއެވެ. މި ވެގެންދާނީ މުޅި ޕްރޮޖެކްޓްގެ މައިގަނޑު އަމާޒު ކަމަށްވާ 10ހާސް ގަޑިއިރުގެ ރެކޯޑިންގް ތެރެއަށް ގުނެމުންނެވެ.
133 |
Voices Online Now މި ވަގުތު އޮންލައިން އަޑުތައް
134 |
The count of voice recording hours we have collected so far. މިހާތަނަށް އެއްކުރެވުނު އަޑުކޮޅުތަކުގެ ޖުމްލަ ވަގުތު
135 |
Contact Form ގުޅޭ ފޯރމު
136 |
Our source text is made up of original contributor donations as well as dialogue from public domain movie scripts like <italic>It’s a Wonderful Life</italic>. You can view our source sentences in this <githubLink>GitHub folder</githubLink>. އަހަރެމެންގެ ސޯރސް ލިޔުމަކީ، އަސްލު ހުށަހެޅުންތެރިންގެ ހަދިޔާތަކާއި، <italic>އިޓްސް އަ ވަންޑަރފުލް ލައިފް</italic> ފަދަ އާންމު ޑޯމެއިން ފިލްމު ސްކްރިޕްޓުތަކުގައވާ ވާހަކަދެއްކުންތަކުން ނެގިފައިވާ އެއްޗެކެވެ. ބޭނޫން ނަމަ، މި <githubLink>ގިޓްހަބް ވަށިން</githubLink> އަހަރެމެންގެ ސޯރސް ޖުމްލަތައް ބެލިދާނެއެވެ.
137 |
Thai ތައި
138 |
The goal of the Common Voice dataset is to enable anyone in the world to build speech recognition, speaker recognition, or any other type of application that requires voice data. A voice assistant is just one of many types of applications you could use the dataset to build. ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާސެޓްގެ މަގްސަދަކީ ކޮންމެމީހަކު ކުރިކަމުގައިވިޔަސް، ސްޕީޗް ރެކަގްނިޝަން، ސްޕީކާރ ރެކަގްނިޝަން، ނުވަތަ މިފަދަ އެހެނިހެން މަސައްކަތަކުގައި ފަސޭހަމަގެއް ހޯދައިދުނުމެވެ. މިފަދަކަމެއްގެ އެއް މިސާލަކީ "ވޮއިސް އެސިސްޓަންޓެއް" ގާއިމުކުރުމެވެ.
139 |
<speechBlogLink>Get Started with Speech Recognition</speechBlogLink> <speechBlogLink>ވާހަކަ ދެނެގަތުމުގައި ފަށާ</speechBlogLink>
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Subscribe ބައިވެރިވޭ
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I agree އެއްބަސްވަން
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Hakha Chin ހަކަ ޗިން
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Mozilla is dedicated to keeping the web open and accessible for everyone. To do that we need to empower web creators through projects like Common Voice. As voice technologies proliferate beyond niche applications, we believe they must serve all users equally. That means investing in more languages and accommodating diverse accents and demographics when building and testing voice technologies. Common Voice is a public resource available to everyone and Mozilla teams and developers around the world are already using it on our own projects as well. މޮޒިއްލާއިން މަސައްކަތްކުރަނީ ވެބް އަކީ ހުޅުވާލެފައިވާ އަދި އެންމެންނަށް ބޭނުންކުރެވޭ އެއްޗަކަށް ހެދުމަށް. މިގޮތުން ކޮމަން ވޮއިސްފަދަ ޕްރޮޖެކްޓްތައް މެދުވެރިކޮށް ވެބްގެ އުފެއްދުންތެރިން ބާރުވެރިކުރުން ހިމެނޭ. ވޮއިސް ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީސް މިވަނީ އާދައިގެ އެޕްލިކޭޝަންތައް ފަހަނައަޅާގޮސްފައި، އަހަރެމެން ގަބޫލުކުރަނީ ހުރިހާ އެންމެންނަށް އެއްވަރަކަށް މީގެ މަންފާ ލިބުން. މީގެ މާނައަކީ ވޮއިސް ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީތައް އުފައްދާ އަދި ޓެސްޓުކުރާއިރު އެކި ބަސްތަކާއި ، ބަހުރުވަ އަދި ޑިމޮގްރެފިކްސް އަށް ބުރަވުން. ކޮމަންވޮއިސްއަކީ އެންމެންނަށް ހުޅުވާލެވިފައިވާ އެއްޗެއް އަދި މޮޒ��އްލާ ޓީމާއި ދުނިޔޭގެ ކަންކޮޅުތަކުގައި އުޅޭ ޑިވެލޮަރުން މިހާރުވެސް އަމިއްލަ ޕްރޮޖެކްޓްތަކުގައި މީތި އެބަ ބޭނުންކުރޭ.
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Why don’t you ask people to read from books or Wikipedia articles in different languages? މީހުން ގާތު ފޮތުން ނުވަތް ވިކިޕީޑިއާ އާޓިކަލްއިން ކިޔުމަށް ނާހަނީ ކީއްވެ؟
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Delete my recordings އަހަރެންގެ ރެކޯޑިންތައް ފޮހެލާ
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Latvian ލެޓްވިއާ
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Enter your email ތިޔަފަރާތުގެ އީމެއިލް ޖައްސަވާ
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Want updates when we release a new version of the Common Voice dataset? Subscribe to our newsletter. ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާސެޓްގެ އާ ވާޝަނެއް ނެރުނީމާ އެ ކަމުގެ އަޕްޑޭޓު ބޭނުންތޯ؟ އަހަރެމެންގެ މަޖައްލާ ލިބިގަތުމަށް ރެޖިސްޓްރީވެލައްވާ.
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Overall project status: see how far we’ve come! މަތިފުށުން ކުރިއައްގޮސްފައިވާ މިންވަރު: ލިބަފައިވާ ކުރިއެރުން ބަލާލަމާ!
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Link Copied ލިންކު ނަކަލު ކުރެވިފައި
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Voice recognition technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with machines, but the currently available systems are expensive and proprietary. Common Voice is part of Mozilla’s initiative to make voice recognition technologies better and more accessible for everyone. Common Voice is a massive global database of donated voices that lets anyone quickly and easily train voice-enabled apps in potentially every language. We're not only collecting voice samples in widely spoken languages but also in those with a smaller population of speakers. Publishing a diverse dataset of voices will empower developers, entrepreneurs, and communities to address this gap themselves. In addition to the Common Voice dataset, we’re also building an open source speech recognition engine called Deep Speech. ދައްކާ ވާހަކަ ދެނެގަތުމުގެ މަސްނުވީ އީޖާދުތައް ދަނީ އަހަރެމެން މެޝިންތަކާއި މުޢާމަލާތުކުރާ ގޮތްތަކަށް ނުހަނު ބޮޑު އިންގިލާބެއް ގެންނަމުންނެވެ. އެހެންނަމަވެސް މިހާރު ލިބެންހުރި މިކަމަށް ބޭނުންވާ ވަސީލަތްތަކަކީ އަގުބޮޑު އެހެންނޫނީ ބައެއްގެ މިލްކިއްޔާތުގައިވާ ތަކެއްޗެއްވެ. ކޮމަން ވޮއަސް އަކީ ދައްކާ ވާހަކަ ދެނެގަނެވޭ މަސްނުވީ އީޖާދުތައް އިތުރަށް ރަނގަޅުކޮށް ޢާންމުންގެ އަތްފޯރާފަށަށް ގެނައުމަށް މޮޒިއްލާއިން އިސްނަގައިގެން ހިންގާ ހަރަކާތުގެ ބައެކެވެ. ކޮމަން ވޮއަސް އަކީ ރެކޯޑު ކުރެވިފައިވާ އެކި އެކި ބަހުރުވައިގެ އަޑުތައް ހިލޭސާބަހަށް ޖަމާ ކުރެވަފައިވާ ބިޔަ އަދި ދުނިޔެއަށް ހުޅުވާލެވިފައިވާ މައުލޫމާތު ކޮށަރެކެވެ. މިމައުލޫމާތު ކޮށާރުގެ އެހީގައި އަވަސް ކަމާއި ފަސޭހަ ކަމާ އެކު ކޮންމެ މީހަކަށްވެސް ކޮންމެ ބަހުރުވައަކުން ވެސް ދައްކާ ވާހަކަ ދެނެގަތުމުގެ މަސްނުވީ އީޖާދުތައް ތަމްރީނު ކުރެވޭނެއެވެ. އަހަރެމެން އެއްކުރަނީ ހަމައެކަނި ދުނިޔޭގެ ގިނަ ބަޔަކު ވާހަކަ ދައްކާ ބަހުރުވަތަކުގެ ނަމޫނާއެއް ނޫނެވެ. ހަމައެއާއި އެކު މަދު ބަޔަކު ވާހަކަ ދައްކާ ބަހުރުވަތައް ވެސްމެއެވެ. ދުނިޔޭގެ އެކި އެކި ބަހުރުވައިގެ އަޑުތައް އެކުލެވޭ މިމައުލޫމާތު ކޮށާރު އާންމު ކުރުމުން މިދާއިރާގެ އުފެއްދުންތެރީންނާއި ވިޔަފާރިވެރިންނާއި ބަސް ބަހުގެ ރަށްވެހީން ބާރުވެރިވެ، އެމީހުން އަމިއްލައަށް މުވާސަލާތު ކުރުމުގައި މިހާރު ދިމާވެފައިވާ އުނިކަމަށް ރިޢާޔަތް ކުރެވޭނެއެވެ. ކޮމަން ވޮއަސްގެ މައުލޫމާތު ކޮށާރުގެ އިތުރުން ޑީޕް ސްޕީޗް ކިޔާ ދައްކާ ވާހަކަ ދެނެގަނެވޭނެ އާންމުކޮށް ހުޅުވާލެވިފައިވާ މައުނަވީ އިންޖީނެއް އުފެއްދުމުގެ މަސައްކަތް ވެސް އަހަރެމެން ވަނީ ފަށާފައެވެ
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Upload aborted. Do you want to delete your recordings? އަޕްލޯޑުކުރުން ހުއްޓާލައިފިން. ރިކޯރޑިން ނައްތާލަން ބޭނުންތަ؟
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Streaks ޖެހިޖެހިގެން
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VoxForge was set up to collect transcribed speech for use with Free and Open Source Speech Recognition Engines. ވޮކްސްފޯރޖް ހެދިފައިވަނީ ލިޔެވިފައިވާ ވާހަކަތައް އެއްކޮށް، ހިލޭ އަދި ސޯރސްހުޅުވިފައިވާ އަޑު ދެނެގަންނަ އެންޖިނުތައް ބޭނުން ކުރުމަށެވެ.
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s ހ
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Male ފިރިހެން
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How do you ensure anonymity and privacy of the people who donated their voices? އަޑު ހަދިޔާކުރި މީހުންގެ ސިއްރު ހިފަހައްޓާނީ ކިހިނެއް؟
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We’re sorry, but your platform is not currently supported. މާފުކުރައްވާ، ތިޔަ މަންސައަަށް އަދި ސަޕޯރޓެެއް ނުކުރޭ
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Download { $language } ޑައުންލޯޑުކުރޭ { $language }
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Add an avatar to your profile ވަނަވަރަށް ފޮޓޯ ހުށަހަޅާ
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Odia އޮޑިއާ
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Saved ރައްކާކުރެވިފައި
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Email އީމެއިލް
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Is the goal of Common Voice to build a voice assistant? ކޮަމަން ވޮއިސްގެ ލަނޑުދަނޑިއަކީ ވޮއިސް އެސިސްޓެންޓްެ އެއް އުފެއްދުންތަ؟
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Number of Voices އަޑުގެ އަދަދު
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The selected file is too large ތި ފައިލް މާ ބޮޑު
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Additional Language އިތުރު ބަސްތައް
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Recorded Hours ރެކޯޑުކުރި ގަޑީރުތައް
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Why should I sign up for an account? އެކައުންޓެއް ހުޅުވަންވީ ކީއްވެ؟
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Bengali ބަންގާޅަ
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Exit & Delete clips އަޑުކޮޅުތައް ފޮހެލާފައި ނިކުމޭ
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Other Voice Datasets އެހެނިހެން އަޑުގެ ޑޭޓާސެޓުތައް
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Review & Submit މުރާޖާކުރުމަށްފަހު ހުށަހަޅާ
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2 down, keep it up!<playIcon></playIcon> ދެއެއް ނިމިއްޖެ، ކުރިއަށް ގެންދޭ! <playIcon></playIcon>
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Yes, send me emails. I’d like to stay informed about the Common Voice Project. އާދެ، އަހަންނަށް އީމެއިލް ފޮނުވާތި. އާންމު އަޑުގެ މަޝްރޫޢާ ބެހޭ ގޮތުން މަޢުލޫމާތު ލިބެން އަހަރެން ބޭނުން.
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French ފަރަންސޭސި
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Glossary ރަދީފު
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Speakers ބަހުގެ އަހުލުވެރިން
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We promise to handle your information with care. Read more in our <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink>. ތިޔަފަރާތުގެ މަޢުލޫމާތު ރައްކާތެރިކަމާއެކު ބަލަހައްޓައިދޭނެ ކަމުގެ ޔަގީންކަން އަރުވަމެވެ. އިތުރަށް ކިޔާލުމަށް އަހަރަމެންގެ</privacyLink> ޕްރައިވެސީ އިޢުލާން <privacyLink> ބަލާށެވެ.
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Play/Stop ޖައްސާ/ހުއްޓާ
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Localized ތަރުޖަމާކުރެވިފަ
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Voice is natural, voice is human. That’s why we’re fascinated with creating usable voice technology for our machines. But to create voice systems, an extremely large amount of voice data is required. އަޑަކީ ޠަބީޢީ، އިންސާނީ އެއްޗެއް. އެހެންވެ އަހަރުމެންގެ މެޝިނުތަކަށް ބޭނުން ކުރެވޭނެ އަޑުތަކެއް އުފެއްދުމަކީ އަހަރެމެން ޝައުޤުވެރިވާކަމެއް. އެހެނަސް، އަޑުގެ ނިޒާމުތައް އުފެއްދުމަށް، ވަރަށް ބޮޑު އަދަދެއްގެ އަޑު ޑޭޓާ ބޭނުންވެއެވެ.
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*required * މަޖުބޫރު
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Turkish ތުރިކީ
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Profile ވަނަވަރު
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{ $count }wk { $count } ހަފްތާ
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Clips You've Recorded ރެކޯޑުކުރި އަޑުކޮޅުތައް
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Total Approved ޖުމްލަ ފާސްކުރި
189 |
Vietnamese ވީއެޓްނަމީޒް
190 |
Czech ޗެކް
191 |
Russian ރަޝިއާ
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Common Voice data plus all other voice datasets above. ކޮމަންވޮއިސް މަޢުލޫމާތު އަދި އޭގެ އިތުރަށް މަތީގައިވާ ހުރިހައި އެހެން އަޑު ޑޭޓާސެޓްތައް.
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Progress ދިޔަ ހިސާބު
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Have you read our Terms? އަހަރެމެންގެ ޝަރުތުތައް ކިޔައިފިންތޯ؟
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Connect with Gravatar ގްރެވަޓާއާއި ގުޅާދީ
196 |
Ready to help validate sentences? ޖުމްލަ ފާސްކުރަން ތައްޔާރު؟
197 |
Launched ފައްޓައިފި
198 |
Meadow Mari މެޑޯ މަރި
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Overall Hr. Total އެއްކޮށް ޖުމްލަ ފާސްކުރެވުނު ގަޑީރުތައް
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Skip Submission Feedback ހުށަހެޅުމުގައި ފާޑުކިއުންތައް ކަނޑާލާ
201 |
Having a profile is not required to contribute though it is helpful ބައިވެރިވުމަށް ޓަކައި، ވަނަވަރެއް ހަދާފައި ހުރުމަކީ ކޮންމެހެން ލާޒިމު ކަމެއް ނޫން. އެކަމަކު. އެއީ ފައިދާކުރާ ކަމެއް.
202 |
You are about to initiate a download of <size>{ $size }GB</size>, proceed? ތިޔައުޅެނީ <size>{ $size } ގިގަބައިޓުގެ</size> އެއްޗެއް ޑައުންލޯޑުކުރަން. ކުރައަށް ދާންވީތަ؟
203 |
We will review your request to remove your voice recordings from the dataset. If your request is approved, we will contact those who have downloaded the dataset and request they remove your voice recordings as well. ޑޭޓާސެޓުން ތިބާގެ އަޑުކޮޅުތައް ފޮހެލަން ތި އެދިލެއްވި އެދިލެއްވުން ބަލާނަމެވެ. ތި އެދިލެއްވުން ފާސްކުރެވޭނަމަ، ޑޭޓާސެޓް ޑައުންލޯޑު ކުރި ފަރާތްތަކަށް ތިބާގެ އަޑުކޮޅުތައް ފޮހެލަން ވެސް އަންގާނަމެވެ.
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Why is Common Voice part of the Mozilla mission? މޮަޒިލާގެ މަސައްކަތުގައި ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ހިމެނެނީ ކީއްވެ؟
205 |
Next Goals: { $goal } ދެންހުރި ލަނޑުދަނޑިތައް: { $goal }
206 |
Would you like to request your voice recordings be deleted too, or do you prefer to keep them in the Common Voice dataset? ތިބާގެ އަޑުކޮޅުތައް ފޮހެލަން ބޭނުންތަ، ނޫނީ ރަނގަޅީ ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާސެޓުގައި ބެހައްޓަންތަ؟
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<b>Why an email?</b> We may need to contact you in the future about changes to the dataset, an email provides us a point of contact. <b>ކީއްވެ އީމެއަލް؟</b> ކުރިއަށް އޮތްތަނުގައި މައުލޫމާތު ކޮށާރަށްއަންނަ ބަދަލަކާއި ގުޅޭ ގޮތުން ފަހަރެގައި ތިފަރާތާއި ގުޅަންޖެހިދާނެ. އީމެއިލް އަކުން މިކަމަށް މަގުފަހިވާނެ
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German ޖަރުމަނު
209 |
The recording was too long. ރެކޯޑިންގ މާ ދިގު
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Sorbian, Lower ސޯބިއަން، ލޯވަ
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Why is my language not included yet? އަހަރެންގެ ބަސް އަދިވެސް ހިމަނާފައި ނުވަނީ ކީއްވެ؟
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Ready to donate your voice? އަޑު ހުށައެޅުމަށް ތައްޔާރުތޯ؟
213 |
Record your voice އަޑު ރިކޯރޑުކުރޭ
214 |
{ $actionType }<playIcon></playIcon> did they accurately speak the sentence? { $actionType }<playIcon></playIcon> މި ޖުމްލަ އެ ކިޔުނީ ރަނގަޅަށްތަ؟
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MB އެމްބީ
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We are building an open and publicly available dataset of voices that everyone can use to train speech-enabled applications. އަހަރަމެން މިދަނީ އާންމުކޮށް ހުޅުވާލާފައިވާ އަދި އެންމެނަށް ބޭނުންކުރެވޭނެ އަޑުން މުއާމަލާތުކުރެވޭ އެޕްލިކޭޝަންތައް ތަމްރީނު ކުރުމަށް ބޭނުންވާ އަޑުގެ ޑޭޓާ ސެޓްތަކެއް ހަދަމުން
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Votic ވޮޓިކު
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By providing some information about yourself, the audio data you submit to Common Voice will be more useful to Speech Recognition engines that use this data to improve their accuracy. ތިބާއާ ބެހޭގޮތުން ކޮންމެވެސް ވަރަކަށް މަޢުލޫމާތު ދިނުމުން، އާންމުއަޑަށް ތި ހުށަހަޅާ އަޑު ޑޭޓާ އަކީ އަޑު ދެނެގަންނަ އެންޖިނުތަކަށް ބޮޑަށް ބޭނުންތެރި ގޮތަކަށް، ދިމާކުރުން ރަނގަޅުކުރުމަށް ބޭނުން ކުރެވޭނެ އެއްޗެކެވެ.
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Download ޑައުންލޯޑު
220 |
Korean ކޮރިއަން
221 |
No gravatar found for your email ތިޔަ އީލެއިލްއާއި ގުޅިވައިވާ ގްރެވަޓާއެއް ނުފެނުނު
222 |
Go to Languages Page ބަސްތަކުގެ ސަފުހާއަށް ދޭ
223 |
Speech-to-text (STT) technologies convert voice data into text. އިއްވިލިޔަނި ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީއިން އަޑުގެ މަޢުލޫމާތު ލިޔުމައް ހަދޭނެ.
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Do you have ideas on how we can make the Common Voice dataset better? Let us know on Discourse ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާސެޓް އިތުރަށް ރަނގަޅުކުރެވިދާނެ ގޮތުގެ ޚިޔާލެއް އެބަހުރިތޯ؟ ޑިސްކޯސްގައި އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް އަނގާލަދެއްވާ.
225 |
Terms ޝަރުތުތައް
226 |
Interlingua އިންޓަލިންގުއާ
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Submit clips އަޑުކޮޅުތައް ހުށަހަޅާ
228 |
Danish ޑެނިޝް
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Hours Validated ފާސް ކުރެވުނު ގަޑީރުތައް
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Tajik ތަޖިކް
231 |
Other voice datasets… އެހެން އަޑުގެ ޑޭޓާސެޓް
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Contribution Activity ހުށަހެޅުމުގެ ހަރަކާތްތެރިކަން
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Keep track of your progress with a profile and help our voice data be more accurate. ތިދާ ހިސާބު ބެލުމަށްޓަކައި ވަނަވަރެއް ބޭނުން ކުރޭ، އަދި އަހަރުމެންގެ އަޑު ޑޭޓާ ބޮޑަށް ދިމާވާ ގޮތަށް ހަދަން އެހީވެދީ.
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Sex ޖިންސް
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Kinyarwanda ކިންޔާވަންޑާ
236 |
Catalan ކަޓަލާން
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LibriSpeech is a corpus of approximately 1000 hours of 16Khz read English speech derived from read audiobooks from the LibriVox project. ލިބްރީ ސްޕީޗަކީ ލިބްރިވޮކްސް ޕްރޮޖެކްޓުގައި ރެކޯޑު ކުރެވިފައިވާ އިނގިރޭސި ފޮތްކިޔާ އަޑުތަކުން ނެރެފައިވާ ގާތްގަނޑަކަށް 1000 ގަޑި އިރުގެ ކިޔުން ގެކޯޕަސް އެކެވެ.
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r ރ
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sign up for email updates އީމެއިލު އަދާބަމަކުރުންތަކައް ރަޖިސްޓްރީ ކުރޭ
240 |
Welsh ވެލްޝް
241 |
Kazakh ކަޒަކް
242 |
Speech-to-text (STT) އަޑުން-ލިއުމަށް
243 |
Assamese އަސާމީ
244 |
Close ބަންދުކުރޭ
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Age އުމުރު
246 |
Contribute ހުށަހަޅާ
247 |
No ނޫން
248 |
Speak now މިހާރު ވާހަކަދައްކާ
249 |
Ukrainian ޔުކްރޭނިއަން
250 |
Today މިއަދު
251 |
Common Voice is Mozilla's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak. ކޮމަންވޮއިސްއަކީ، އިންސާނުން ވާހަކަދައްކާ ގޮތް މެޝިނުތަކަށް ދަސްކޮށްދިނުމަށް ޓަކައި މޮޒިލާއިން ކުރާ މަސައްކަތެއް.
252 |
y އ
253 |
How can I get the Common Voice data? ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާ ހޯދާނީ ކިހިނެއް؟
254 |
{ $actionType }<stopIcon></stopIcon> when done ނިމުނީމަ </stopIcon><stopIcon>{ $actionType }
255 |
Voice is natural, voice is human. That’s why we’re excited about creating usable voice technology for our machines. But to create voice systems, developers need an extremely large amount of voice data. އަޑަކީ ޠަބީޢީ، އިންސާނީ އެއްޗެއް. އެހެންވެ އަހަރުމެންގެ މެޝިނުތަކަށް ބޭނުން ކުރެވޭނެ އަޑުތަކެއް އުފެއްދުމަކީ އަހަރެމެން ޝައުޤުވެރިވާކަމެއް. އެހެނަސް، އަޑުގެ ނިޒާމުތައް އުފެއްދުމަށް،ޑިވެލޮޕަރުންނަށް ވަރަށް ބޮޑު އަދަދެއްގެ އަޑު ޑޭޓާ ބޭނުންވޭ.
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Common Voice recordings are used by academics, small businesses, and voice recognition enthusiasts to help train and grow publicly available resources like voice models. Can you let us know why you would like your recordings deleted? އިލްމީ މާހިރުންނާއި ކުދި ވިޔަފާރިވެރިންނާއި ދައްކާ ވާހަކަ ދެނެގަތުމުގެ މަސްނުވީ އީޖާދުތަކަށް ޝައުގވެރިކަން ހުންނަފަރާތްތަކުން ކޮމަން ވޮއަސް ރިކޯރޑިންތައް ބޭނުން ކޮށްގެން އާންމުކޮށް ލިބެންހުންނަ މިފަދަ މޮޑެލްތައް ތަމްރީނުކޮށް ފުޅާކުރުމަށް އެހީތެރިވެއެވެ.
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Hindi ހިންދީ
258 |
Everyone އެންމެން
259 |
Chinese (China) ޗައިނީޒް (ޗައިނާ)
260 |
Download Dataset Bundle ޑޭޓާސެޓް ޑައުންލޯޑުކުރޭ
261 |
You've helped Common Voice reach <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> of our daily { $goalValue } validation goal! ކޮމަން ވޮއަސްއަށް މިހާސިލްވި<goalPercentage><goalPercentage> އަކީ ދުވަހުގެ { $goalValue } އަމާޒަށް ވާސިލް ވުމަ….؟
262 |
What is Common Voice? ކޮމަންވޮއިސް އަކީ ކޮބާ؟
263 |
In Progress ކުރިއަށް ދަނީ
264 |
Erzya އެރުޒިޔާ
265 |
Leaderboard Visibility ލީޑަރބޯރޑްގެ ފެނުން
266 |
Listen އަޑުއަހާ
267 |
I do not agree އެއްބަހެއް ނުވަން
268 |
Buryat ބުރިޔާޓް
269 |
Dhivehi ދިވެހި
270 |
Finnish ފިނިޝް
271 |
You ތިބާ
272 |
What level of audio quality is required for a voice clip to be used in the dataset? ބޭނުންހިފޭވަރުވާނީ، ކިހާ ފެންވަރެއްގައި އަޑުގެ ރެކޯޑިންގް ހުރެގެންތަ؟
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Now you can donate your voice to help us build an open-source voice database that anyone can use to make innovative apps for devices and the web. Read a sentence to help machines learn how real people speak. Check the work of other contributors to improve the quality. It’s that simple! މިހާރު ތިޔަ ފަރާތުގެ އަޑު އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް ހަދިޔާ ކުރެއްވޭނެ. އަޅުގަނޑުމެން ހަދަމުން އަންނަ އޯޕަންސޯސް ވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާބޭސް ތަރައްޤީކުރުމަށް ތިޔަ ހަދިޔާކުރެއްވި އަޑު ވަރަށް ބޮޑު އެހީއަކަށް ވާނެ. މި އޯޕަންސޯސް ވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާބޭސްއަކީ، ވެބްއަށާއި ޑިވައިސްތަކަށް މުޅިން އާ ވައްތަރު ވައްތަރުގެ އެޕްތައް ތައްޔާރުކުރުމަށް ކޮންމެ މީހަކަށްވެސް ބޭނުންކުރެވޭނެ ޑޭޓާބޭސްއެއް. އަސްލު މީހުން ވާހަކަ ދައްކާ ގޮތް މެޝިންތައް ދަސްކުރަން އެހީތެރިވެދިނުމަށް ޓަކައި ޖުމްލައެއް ކިޔައިދެއްވާ. އަދި އެހެން ފަރާތްތަކުން ވެދެއްވާ އެހީތައް ބަލައި ފާސްކޮށްގެން މި ޑޭޓާބޭސްގެ ފެންވަރު ރަނގަޅުކޮށްދެވިދާނެ. މިއީ އެހާވެސް ފަސޭހަ ކަމެއް.
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No Thanks އަޅާނުލާ
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Make your submitted data as rich as possible by providing some anonymous demographic data. We de-identify all demographic data before making it public. އެހެން މީހުންނަށް ނޭނގޭނެ ގޮތަށް ޑެމޮގްރާފިކް ޑޭޓާކޮޅެއް ހުށަހަޅައިގެން، ތި ފޮނުވާ ޑޭޓާ ވީހާވެސް މުއްސަންދި ކުރައްވާ. އާންމު ކުރުމުގެ ކުރިން، އަހަރުމެން ހުރިހައި ޑެމޮގްރާފިކް ޑޭޓާއެއް ހެދީ ކާކުކަން ނޭނގޭގޮތަށް ހ��ދާނަން.
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Dashboard ޑޭޝްބޯރޑް
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We believe that large and publicly available voice datasets foster innovation and healthy commercial competition in machine-learning based speech technology. This is a global effort and we invite everyone to participate. Our aim is to help speech technology be more inclusive, reflecting the diversity of voices from around the world. އަހުރުމެން ގަބޫލުކުރަނީ، އާންމުނަށް ހުޅުވާލެވޭ މުއްސަނދި ޑޭޓާސެޓްތަކުގެ ސަބަބުން، މެޝިނުން ދަސްކުރުމާއި ވާހާކަދެއްކުމުގެ ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީގެ އުފެއްދުންތެރިކަމާއި ވިޔަފާރީގެ ބިނާކުރަނިވި ވާދެވެރިކަން ކުރިއަރާނެކަމަށް. މިއީ ބައިނަލްއަގުވާމީ މަސައްކަތެއް. އަދި މި ކަމުގައި ބައިވެރިވުމަށް ހުރިހައި އެންމެންނަށް ދަޢުވަތު އަރުވަން. އުންމީދަކީ ދުނިއޭގެ އެކި ކަންކޮޅުތަކުގެ ތަފާތު ގިނަ އަޑުތައް ހިމެނިގެން މި ދާއިރާއަށް ކުރިއެރުން ލިބުން.
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Help us get to { $goal } ލަނޑުދަނޑިއަށް ވާސިލްވުމަށް އެހީތެރިވެދީ
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To make the Common Voice dataset as useful as possible we have decided to only allow source text that is available under a Creative Commons (CC0) license. Using the CC0 standard means its more difficult to find and collect source text, but allows anyone to use the resulting voice data without usage restrictions or authorization from Mozilla. Ultimately, we want to make the multi-language dataset as useful as possible to everyone, including researchers, universities, startups, governments, social purpose organizations, and hobbyists. ކޮމަން ވޮއަސްގެ މައުލޫމާތު ކޮށާރު ވީހާަވެސް ބޮޑަށް ބޭނުންހިފޭ ގޮތަކަށް ބެހެއްޓުމަށްޓަކައި އަހަރެމެން ވަނީ ކްރިއޭޓިވް ކޮމަން ހުއްދައިގެ ދަށުންވާ ސޯސް ޓެކްސްޓް އެކަނި ބޭނުން ކުރުމަށް ނިންމާފައެވެ. މިހުއްދައިގެ އުސޫލުތައް ބޭނުންކުރުމުން ސޯސް ޓެކްސްޓް އެއްކުރުމާއި ހޯދުމަށް އުނދަގުލެވެ. އެހެންނަމަވެސް މޮޒިއްލާގެ ގަވާއިދާއި ހުއްދަ ނަގަން ނުޖެހި ކޮންމެ މީހަކަށްވެސް މިރެކޯޑިން ތަކުގެ ބޭނުންހިފޭނެ މަގުތަނަވަސް ކޮށްދެއެވެ.
280 |
Georgian ޖޯޖިއަން
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Leaving now means you'll lose your progress މިހާރު ގޮސްފިނަމަ މަސައްކަތް ގެއްލިދާނެ
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Avatar ފޮޓޯ
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How does Common Voice calculate hours? ކޮމަންވޮއިސްގައި އަޑުކޮޅުތަކުގެ ވަގުތު ގުނަނީ ކިހިނެއް؟
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Moksha މޮކްޝް
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GB ޖީބީ
286 |
Udmurt އުދްމުތު
287 |
Validated Hrs ފެންވަރުބެލި ގަޑީރުތައް
288 |
Icelandic އައިސްލޭންޑިކް
289 |
Days ދުވަސްަތައް
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I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re looking for. ތިޔަ ހޯދަންއުޅޭ އެއްޗެއް ނޭނގުނު
291 |
Cancel Re-recording ރިކޯރޑިންގް ކެންސަލްކޮށްލާ
292 |
The number of recordings and which languages you contribute to will be public. ތިފަރާތުން ހުށަހަޅާފައިވާ ރެކޯޑިންގެ އަދާދާއި ބަސް އާންމުކޮށް ފެންނާނެ
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Asturian އަސްޓޫރިއަން
294 |
Languages ބަސްތައް
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[1-5] [1-5]
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Recordings ރިކޯރޑިންގްތައް
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Goals ލަނޑުދަނޑިތައް
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Stats ތަފާސްހިސާބު
299 |
Sign up for { $lang } updates: ދިވެހި ބަހުގެ އަޕްޑޭޓް ތަކަށް ސައިންއަޕް
300 |
Telugu ޓެލުގޫ
301 |
What’s inside the Common Voice dataset? ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާސެޓުގައި ހުރީ ކޮންއެއްޗެއް؟
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We at Mozilla are building a community around voice technology. We would like to stay in touch with updates, new data sources and to hear more about how you're using this data. އަހަރެމެން މޮޒިލާގައި، އަޑު ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީއާ ބެހޭގޮތުން މުޖުތަމަޢެއް އެބަ އުފައްދަމަެވެ. އަދާހަމަކުރުންތަކާއި، އާ ޑޭޓާ މަސްދަރުތަކުގެ ޚަބަރު ތިބާއަށް އެނގި، އަދި ތިބާ މި ޑޭޓާ ބޭނުންކުރަނީ ކިހިނެއްތޯ އަހާލަން އަހަރެމެން އެދެމެވެ.
303 |
Chuvash ޗުވާޝް
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The recording was too short. ރެކޯޑިންގ މާ ކުރު
305 |
Italian އިޓަލީ
306 |
Faroese ފެރޮއީޒް
307 |
Looks like there aren't any clips to listen to in this language. Help us fill the queue by recording some now. ފެންނަފެނުމަށް މިވަގުތު މިބަހުގައި އަޑުއަހާނެ އެއްޗެއްނެތް. މިކަން ރަނގާޅުކޮއްލަން މިހާރު އަޑުކޮޅެއް ރެކޯޑުކޮއްލާ
308 |
Save ރައްކާކުރޭ
309 |
Validated Hr. Total ޖުމްލަ ފާސްކުރެވު��ު ގަޑީރުތައް
310 |
Your Languages އަހުރެންގެ ބަސްތައް
311 |
Clips Uploaded އަޑުކޮޅު ހުށައެޅިފައި
312 |
Press play, listen & tell us: did they accurately speak the sentence below? ކުޅޭ އަށް އޮބާލާ، އަޑުއަހާފައި ބުނެދީ: ތިރީގައިވާ ޖުމްލަ ކިޔާފައިވަނީ ރަނގަޅަށްތަ؟
313 |
Recorded Clips ރިކޯރޑުކުރެވިފައިވާ އަޑުކޮޅުތައް
314 |
I am a non-native speaker and I speak with an accent, do you still want my voice? މިއީ އަހަރެންގެ މާދަރީ ބަހެއްނޫން. ވާހަކަދެއްކެނީ ރާގަކަށް. އެވަރުންވެސް އަހަރެންގެ އަޑު ބޭނުންތަ؟
315 |
Why is 10,000 validated hours the per language goal for capturing audio? ކޮންމެ ބަހަކަށް 10،000 ގަޑިއިރުގެ އަޑު ރެކޯޑުކުރުމަށް އަމާޒުކުރުމުގެ ބޭނުމަކީކޮބާ؟
316 |
Contribution Experience ހުށަހެޅުމުގެ ތަޖުރިބާ
317 |
Donate your voice ތިބާގެ އަޑު ހަދިޔާކުރޭ
318 |
Optionally submitted demographic data (e.g. age, sex, language, and accent) is de-identified from your submitted voice data and will never be made public on your profile. ޚިޔާރީގޮތުން ހުށަހެޅިފައިވާ ޑެމޯގްރަފިކް ޑޭޓާ (މީސާލު: އުމުރު، ޖިންސު، ބަސް، ބަހުރުވަ)، މި ކަންތަކަކީ ތި ޑޭޓާ ހުށަހެޅީ ކާކުކަން ނޭނގޭ ގޮތަށް ހެދޭނެ ޑޭޓާއެވެ. އަދި ދުވަހަކަުވެސް ތިބާގެ ވަނަވަރުގައި މި މަޢުލޫމާތު އާންމެއް ނުކުރާނަމެވެ.
319 |
Collecting sentences from the public domain, or writing new ones for the public domain. މީހުން ބޭނުންކުރާ ޖުމުލަތައް އެއްކުރުން ނޫނީ މީހުން ބޭނުންކުރަން އާ ޖުމުލަތައް ލިޔުން
320 |
Re-record އަލުން ރެކޯޑުކުރޭ
321 |
Validations ފާސްކުރުންތައް
322 |
Contribute Your Voice ތިފަރާތުގެ އަޑު ހުށައަޅާ
323 |
Email Subscriptions އީމެއިލް އިސްތިރާކުތައް
324 |
<b>You agree</b> to not attempt to determine the identity of speakers in the Common Voice dataset <b>ތިބާ ތި އެއްބަސް ވަނީ</b> ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާސެޓްގައި ހިމެނޭ ވާހާކަދެއްކުންތެރިންނަކީ ކޮންބަޔެއްކަން ހާމަނުކުރާނެކަމަށެވެ.
325 |
Off ނިވާލާ
326 |
During contribution submission feedback will be skipped after clicking 'Submit. Contribution will continue directly with the next set of 5 recordings or validations. ބައިވެރިވާ އިރު، 'ހުށަހަޅާ' އަށް އޮބާލުމުން ފާޑުކިޔުމާ ނުލައި ކުރިއަށް ދާނެ. ހުށަހެޅުން ހަމަ ހުރިގޮތަށް ދެން އަންނަ 5 ރެކޯޑިން ނޫނީ ފާސްކުރުންތަކާއެކު ކުރިއަށްދާނެ.
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Join the Common Voice mailing list ކޮމަން ވޮއިސް މެއިލް ލިސްޓާއި ގުޅެން
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Validated Hours ފާސްކުރި ގަޑީރުތައް
329 |
No microphone found. މައިކު ނުފެނުނު
330 |
Name ނަން
331 |
Galician ގެލޭޝިއާ
332 |
Aragonese އަރަގޮނީސް
333 |
Email is already used for a different account އެހެން އެކައުންޓެއްގައި ތި އީމެއިލް ވަނީ ބޭނުންކޮށްފައި
334 |
Manage Subscriptions އިސްތިރާކު ބެލެހެއްޓުން
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We want the Common Voice dataset to reflect the audio quality a speech-to-text engine will hear in the wild, so we’re looking for variety. In addition to a diverse community of speakers, a dataset with varying audio quality will teach the speech-to-text engine to handle various real-world situations, from background talking to car noise. As long as your voice clip is intelligible, it should be good enough for the dataset. އަހަރެމެންގެ ބޭނުންވަނީ ރަށްފުށު ހިސާބަކުންނަމަވެސް މިފަދަ މިއަޑުން ބަހަށް ބަދަލު ކުރާ އިންޖީނަކަށް އިވިދާނެފަދަ ފަދަ ޒާތްޒާތުގެ އަޑުތައްވެސް ކޮމަން ވޮއަސް މައުލޫމާތު ކޮށާރުންފެނިގެން ދިއުމެވެ. އެހެންކަމުން އަހަރެމެން މިބަލަނީ ވީހާވެސް ގިނަ މިފަދަ ޒާތްޒާތުގެ އަޑުތައް ލިބޭތޯއެވެ. މިފަދަ ވާހަކަ ދެއްކުމުގެ އަޑުތަކުގެ އިތުރުން ތަފާތު ވައްތަރު ވައްތަރުގެ އަޑުތައް މިމައުލޫމާތު ކޮށާރުގައި އެކުލެވެންޏާ އަސްލު ދުނިޔޭގައިވާ ކާރުގެ އަޑުތަކާއި ވެށީގައިވާ ތަފާތު އަޑުތައް ދަސްކޮށް ދެނެގަތުމަށް މި އިންޖީނަށްއެނގޭނެއެވެ. ކޮންމެވެސްކަމެއް ދޭހަވާ ރެކޯޑިންއެއް ވެއްޖެއްޔާމުން މި މައުލޫމާތު ކޮށާރުށް ފުދޭނެއެވެ.
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Serbian ސާބިއަން
337 |
Start recording ރެކޯޑްކުރަން ފ��އްޓާ
338 |
p ޖ
339 |
Basque ބާސްކު
340 |
The recording was too quiet. ރިކޯރޑިންގެ އަޑު މާމަޑު
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Delete Profile ވަނަވަރު ފޮހެލާ
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Tamil ތަމަޅަ
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Speech is often the most natural way we communicate with each other and voice technologies are bringing that convenience to our computers and mobile devices. We want to empower developers to build amazing voice recognition applications like real-time translators and voice-enabled digital assistants. But right now most of the voice data required to build these kinds of apps is expensive and proprietary. We hope the Common Voice dataset will give developers what they need to innovate and make speech technology available in their own language. To make voice recognition even more universal, we're collecting voice samples in widely spoken languages as well as those with a smaller population of speakers often underserved by commercial speech recognition services. Publishing a diverse dataset of voices will empower developers, entrepreneurs, and entire speech communities to address this gap themselves. ވާހަކަ ދެއްކުމަކީ އަހަރެމެންގެ ހިޔާލުތައް ފާޅު ކުރެވޭނެ އެންމެ ލުއި އަދި ގުދުރަތްތެރި ގޮތެވެ. ދައްކާ ވާހަކަ ދެނެގަތުމުގެ މަސްނުވީ އީޖާދުތައް ދަނީ މަސްނުވީ ސިކުނޑިއާއި ފޯނު ފަދަ އާލާތްތަކަށް މިލުއިފަސޭހަކަން ގެންނަމުންނެވެ. އަހަރެމެންގެ ބޭނުމަކީ ވާހަކަ ދައްކައިގެން ކަންތައް ކުރެވޭނެ، އަދި ވަގުތުން ބަސް ތަރުޖަމާ ކުރެވޭނެ ފަދަ މަސްނުވީ އީޖާދުތަކަށް މަގުފަހިކޮށްދީ މިދާއިރާގެ އުފެއްދުން ތެރިން ބާރުވެރި ކުރުވުމެވެ. އެހެންނަމަވެސް މިހާރު މިކަމަށް ބޭނުންވާނެ ފަދަ ރެކޯޑު ކުރެވިފައިވާ އަޑުތަކަކީ އަގުބޮޑު އެހެންނޫނީ ބައެއްގެ މިލްކިއްޔާތުގައިވާ ތަކެއްޗެއްވެ. އަހަރެމެންގެ އުއްމީދަކީ މިދާއިރާގެ އުފެއްދުންތެރީންނަށް އެމީހުންގެ އަމިއްލަ ބަހުރުވައިން ދައްކާ ވާހަކަ ދެނެގަނެވޭ މަސްނުވީ އީޖާދުތައް އުފެއްދުމަށް ބޭނުންވާ ސާމާނު ކޮމަން ވޮއަސްގެ މައުލޫމާތު ކޮށާރުން ލިބިގެން ދިއުމެވެ. ދައްކާ ވާހަކަ ދެނެގަންނާނެ އީޖާދުތައް ވީހާ ވެސް ބޮޑަށް ދުނިޔެއަށް ހުޅުވާލުމަށްޓަކައި އަހަރެމެން މިދަނީ ދުނިޔޭގެ ގިނަ ބަޔަކު ވާހަކަ ދައްކާ ބަހުރުވަތަކާއި މަދު މީސްކޮޅެއް ވާހަކަ ދެއްކުމުގެ ސަބަބުން އެކަށީގެންވާ ވަރަށް ވުރެ ދަށުން ހިދުމަށް ދެވޭ ބަހުރުވަ ތަކުގެ ނަމޫނާ އެއްކުރަމުންނެވެ. ރެކޯޑު ކުރެވިފައިވާ އެކި އެކި ބަހުރުވައިގެ އަޑުތައް އެކުލެވޭ މައުލޫމާތު ކޮށާރެއް އާންމު ކުރުމުން ދާއިރާގެ އުފެއްދުންތެރީންނާއި ވިޔަފާރިވެރިންނާއި ބަސް ބަހުގެ ރަށްވެހީނަށް މުވާސަލާތު ކުރުމުގައި މިހާރު ދިމާވެފައިވާ އުނިކަން އުވިގެންދާނެއެވެ.
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We will not make your email public. ތިފަރާތުގެ އީމެއިލް އާންމުންނާއި ހިއްސާއެއްނުކުރާނަން
345 |
Don’t see your language reflected in the Dataset? To request a language head over to our Languages page. ޑޭޓާސެޓުގައި ތިބާގެ ބަސް ފެނިނުލައްވާތޯ؟ ބަހެއް ހިމެނުމަށް އެދިލެއްވުމަށް ޓަކައި ބަސްތަކުގެ ސަފުހާއަށް ވަދެލައްވާ.
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Tap އޮބާލާ
347 |
Frisian ފުރީޒަން
348 |
You are prepared to initiate a download of <b>{ $size }</b> <b>{ $size }</b> ގެ ޑައުންލޯޑެއް ފެއްޓުމަށް ތިބާ ތައްޔާރު
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Download My Data އަހުރެންގެ ޑޭޓާ ޑައުންލޯޑުކުރޭ
350 |
Top Contributors އެންމެ ގިނައިން ހުށަހެޅި ފަރާތްތައް
351 |
Add Language ބަހެއް އިތުރުކުރޭ
352 |
Albanian އަލްބޭނިއަން
353 |
Get Started with Speech Recognition އަޑުގެ ރެކޮގްނިޝަން ފަށާ
354 |
Chinese (Taiwan) ޗައިނީޒް (ޓައިވާން)
355 |
The Common Voice dataset is available for download under the <licenseLink>CC0</licenseLink> license on <datasetLink>our Datasets page</datasetLink>. You can also download several other publicly available datasets from the same page. އަހަރެމެންގެ <datasetLink> ޑޭޓާސެޓު ޕޭޖުގައި </datasetLink> ، <licenseLink> ސީސީ0 </licenseLink> ލައިސެންސްގެ ދަށުން، ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާސެޓް ޑައުންލޯޑު ކުރެވެން ހުންނާނެއެވެ. އަދި އެހެން ބައިވަރު އާންމުކޮށް ލިބެންހުރި ޑޭޓާ ސެޓުތައް ވެސް ހަމަ އެ ޕޭޖުން ޑައުންލޯޑު ކުރެވިދާނެއެވެ.
356 |
Where does the source text come from? ލަފުޒުތަކުގެ އަސާސަކީ ކޮބާ؟
357 |
Content available under a <licenseLink>Creative Commons license</licenseLink> <licenseLink>ކްރިއޭޓިވް ކޮމަންސް ލައިސަންސް</licenseLink>ގެ ދަށުން ކޮންޓެންޓް ލިބެން ހުންނާނެ.
358 |
Review & re-record clips if needed މުރާޖާކޮށް، އަލުން ރެކޯޑުކުރަންޖެހޭނަމަ ކުރޭ
359 |
Settings ސެޓިންގް
360 |
Help us validate voices އަޑުތަކުގެ ފެންވަރު ބެލުމަށް އެހީވެދީ
361 |
Contribute to { $lang } ދިވެހި ބަހައަށް ހުށަހަޅާ
362 |
By using Common Voice, you agree to our <termsLink>Terms</termsLink> and <privacyLink>Privacy Notice</privacyLink> ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ބޭނުން ކުރާނަމަ، އަހަރެމެންގެ <termsLink>ޝަރުތުތަކާއި</termsLink> and <privacyLink>ޝަޚުސީ އިޢުލާންތަކަށް </privacyLink> ތި އެއްބަސްވީއެވެ.
363 |
<bold>Help us</bold> find more voices އިތުރު މީހުންގެ އަޑު ހޯދުމަށް <bold>އެހީވެދީ</bold>
364 |
Language request successfully submitted, thank you. ބަހަށް އެދުން ވަނީ ހުށަހެޅިފައި، ޝުކުރިއްޔާ
365 |
License ހުއްދަ
366 |
Yes, send me emails. I'd like to stay informed about the progress of this language on Common Voice. އާނ، އަހަންނަށް އީމެއިލް ފޮނުވާ. ކޮމަންވޮއިސްގައި މި ބަސް ކުރިއަރަމުންދާ މިންވަރާއި ބެހޭ ޚަބަރުތައް ލިބެން ބޭނުން.
367 |
Cookies ކުކީސް
368 |
Submit ހުށަހަޅާ
369 |
Dutch ޑަޗް
370 |
On ޖައްސާ
371 |
Benefits ފައިދާތައް
372 |
Download Common Voice Data ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާ ޑައުންލޯޑުކުރޭ
373 |
Native Language މާދަރީބަސް
374 |
Thank you for your interest in contributing to { $lang }. We work hard to get every language ready for launch and keep the teams updated via email. If you want to contribute, please provide your email below. ދިވެހި ބަހަށް ހުށަހެޅުމުގައި ޝައުޤުވެރިކަން ބެހެއްޓީތީވެ ޝުކުރު ދަންނަވަން. އަހަރެމެން ވަރަށް ބުރަކޮށް މަސައްކަތް ކުރަނީ ހުރިހާ ބަހެއް ފައްޓަން ތައްޔާރުވެ، މަސައްކަތު ޖަމާޢަތްތައް އީމެލް މެދުވެރިކޮށް އަދާހަމަކޮށް ބެހެއްޓުމަށް. ބައިވެރިވާން ބޭނުންނަމަ، ތިރީގައި އީމެއިލް ދެއްވާ.
375 |
We will be in touch with more information about how to add your language to Common Voice very soon. ތިބާގެ ބަސް ކޮމަން ވޮއިސްއަށް އެޅުމަށް ބޭނުންވާ އިތުރު މައުލޫމާތު ވަރަށް އަވަހަށް ފޯރުކޮށްދޭނަން
376 |
Log Out ލޮގްއައުޓް
377 |
Great work!<playIcon></playIcon> Listen again when you're ready ވަރަށް ރަނގަޅު!<playIcon></playIcon> ތައްޔާރު ވީމަ އަނެއްކާވެސް އަޑުއަހާ
378 |
Great!<recordIcon></recordIcon> Record your next clip ވަރަށް ރަނގަޅު! <recordIcon></recordIcon> ދެންހުރި އަޑުކޮޅު ރެކޯޑުކުރޭ
379 |
Language ބަސް
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Slovenian ސުލޮވީނިއަން
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Shortcuts ކުރުމަގު
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Edit ބަދަލުކުރޭ
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Anonymized user data like age, sex, and accent helps improve the audio data used to train the accuracy of speech recognition engines. Your username and email will never be associated with your submitted data, and you can choose whether to make your username public or anonymous. އުމުރު، ޖިންސް، އެކްސެންޓް ފަދަ އެނޮނިމައިޒް ކުރެވިފައިވާ ޔޫޒާ ޑާޓާ އަކީ ސްޕީޗް ރިކޮގްނިށަން އެންޖިންސް ގެ އެކިއުރަސީ ތަމްރީނުކުރުމަށް ބޭނުންވާ އޯޑިއޯ ޑާޓާ ފުރިހަމަކުރުމަށް އެހީވެދޭ މަޢުލޫމާތެވެ. ތިޔަފަރާތުގެ ޔޫޒާ ނޭމް އާއި އީމެއިލް އެޑްރެސް، ތިޔަފަރާތުން ދެއްވާ ޑާޓާ އާ އެއްވެސް ހާލެއްގައި ނުގުޅުވޭނެއެވެ. އަދި ގެންގުޅުއްވާ ޔޫޒާ ނޭމް އެންމެނަށް ހާމައަށް، ނުވަތަ ސިއްރުކޮށްފައި ބޭއްވުމުގެ އިޚްތިޔާރު ތިޔަ ފަރާތަށް ލިބިގެންވެއެވެ.
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What's Public? އާންމުންނަށް ހުޅުވާލެވޭނީ ކޯންޗެއް؟
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Nepali ނެޕާލި
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Accent ބަހުރުވަ
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<bold>iOS</bold> users can download our free app: <bold>އައިއޯއެސް</bold> ބޭނުންކުރާ ފަރާތްތައް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ ހިިލޭ އެޕް ޑައުންލޯޑް ކުރެވޭނެ:
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Hours Recorded ރެކޯޑު ކުރެވުނު ގަޑީރުތައް
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Press { shortcut-play-toggle } to toggle play mode ޕްލޭ މޯޑަށް ބަދަލުކުރުމަށް { shortcut-play-toggle } ފިއްތާލަ
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Uzbek އުޒްބެކް
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The process by which a contributor’s profile information is obscured from their donated voice clips when packaged for download as a part of the dataset. މައުލޫމާތު ކޮށާރުގެ ބައެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި ޑައުލޯޑު ކުރުމަށް ތައްޔާރު ކުރެވޭ އިރު ހިއްސާ ކުރާ ފަރާތުގެ ޕްރޮފައިލް މައުލޫމާތުތައް އެފަރާތުން ދީފައިވާ ރެކޯޑިން ތަކުން ވަކި ކުރަން ނޭނގޭ ގޮތައް ހެދެއެވެ.
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You can choose to make your username public or anonymous. އާންމުކޮށް ފެންނަގޮތަށް ނަންޖަހަން، ނުވަތަ ނުޖަހަން ހިޔާރުކުރެވޭނެ.
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License: <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink> ލައިސެންސް: <licenseLink>CC-0</licenseLink>
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All voice clips in the dataset are scrubbed of personally identifying information. When a contributor provides demographic data via their profile, that information is de-identified from their voice clips before being bundled for download in the dataset and is never made public on their profile page. މައުލޫމާތު ކޮށާރުގައިވާ ހުރިހާ ރެކޯޑިން ތަކުގައިވާ އަމިއްލަ މީހުންގެ މައުލޫމާތު ސަފުކޮށް އުނި ކުރެވެއެވެ. އަދި ހިއްސާ ކުރާ މީހުންގެ ޕްރޮފައިލްތަކުގައިވާ އާބާދީއާ ބެހޭ މައުލޫމާތުތައް ޑއުންލޯޑު ކުރުމަށް ހުޅުވާލުމުގެ ކުރިން އެފަދަ އަމިއްލަވންތަކަން ހާމަވާ މައުލޫމާތު އުނި ކުރެވި، އެއްގޮތަކަށް ވެސް އާންމެއް ނުކުރެވެއެވެ.
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FAQ އާންމުސުވާލު
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Help އެހީ
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Norwegian Bokmål ނޮވީޖަން ބޫކްމާލް
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English އިނގިރޭސި
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Return to Common Voice Datasets ކޮމަން ވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާސެޓްތަކަށް އަނބުރާދޭ
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Audio Format އަޑުގެ ފޯމެޓް
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The Common Voice dataset is an open and publicly available resource that can be used to train a wide variety of speech-enabled applications. To protect the security of our contributors, we ask everyone who downloads the Common Voice dataset to respect contributors’ privacy. All voice clips in the dataset are scrubbed of personally identifying information. When you download the dataset, you agree to not attempt to determine the identity of any contributor. That means you cannot try to link information in the dataset to a contributor’s personal information. You may, however, use the dataset to train speech recognition, speaker recognition, or other applications, by, for instance, linking information in the dataset to other information already in the dataset. ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާސެޓްއަކީ ހުޅުވިފައި އަދި އާންމު ތަންތަނުގައި ބޭނުންކުރެވޭ މާއްދާއެކެވެ. އޭގެން ގިނަ ތަފާތު ބާވަތްތަކުގެ ވާހަކަދެއްކޭ އެޕްލިކޭޝަންތައް ތަމްރީނު ކުރެވޭނެއެވެ. އަހަރެމެންގެ ހުށަހެޅުންތެރިންގެ ރައްކާތެރިކަން ހިމާޔަތް ކުރުމަށްޓަކައި، ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ޑޭޓާސެޓް ޑައުންލޯޑު ކުރާ އެންމެންގެ ފަރާތުންވެސް އެދެނީ ހުށަހެޅުންތެރިންގެ ޒާތީ މައުލޫމާތުގެ ރައްކާތެރިކަމަށް އިޙްތިރާމް ކުރުމަށެވެ.
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Optionally join on our email list for updates and new information about the project. މި މަޝްރޫޢާ ބެހޭ ގޮތުން އަދާހަމަކުރުންތަކާއި އާ މަޢުލޫމާތު ހޯމަދަން ބޭނުން ނަމަ، އަހަރުމެންގެ އީމެއިލް ލިސްޓުގައި ބައިވެރިވެވިދާނެ.
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Indonesian އިންޑޮނީޝިއަން
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This is our process for translating and adapting our content for many locales (languages). މިއީ އެކިއެކި ބަސްތަކާ ގުޅޭގޮތަށް އަހަރުމެންގެ މަޢުލޫމާތު ބަދަލުކޮށް ތަރުޖަމާކުރާ ނިޒާމު.
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Get Involved ބައިވެރިވޭ
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Today's Progress މިއަދު ކުރިއަށްދިޔަ ހިސާބު
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Mozilla doesn’t pick or favor any one language over another. Instead, Common Voice is a purely community-driven initiative, but it takes <multilangLink>several steps to add a new language</multilangLink> and begin collecting voice donations. First, the Common Voice website needs to be translated so community members can access the contributor experience in their own language. Next, we need a large collection of copyright-free sentences for people to read outloud. Once both of those requirements are satisfied a language is “launched” on Common Voice for people to start recording their voice and validating others donations. މޮޒިލާއިން، ވަކި ބަހަކަށް ޚާއްޞަކަމެއް ނޫނީ ތަފާތު ކުރުމެއް ނުދެއެވެ. އޭގެ ބަދަލުގައި އާންމުއަޑަކީ މުޅިންވެސް މުޖްތަމަޢިން ކުރިއަށް ގެންދާ މަޝްރޫޢެކެވެ. އެހެނަސް، އާ ބަހެއް އިތުރުކޮށް، އަހަދިޔާކުރި އަޑުތައް އެއްކުރަން ފެށުމަށްޓަކައި، <multilangLink> އެތަކެއް ފިޔަވަޅުތަކެއް </multilangLink> ބޭނުންވެއެވެ. ފުރަތަމަ، މުޖުތަމާއުގެ ބައިވެރިންނަށް އަމިއްލަ ބަހުގައި ހުށަހެޅުމުގެ ތަޖުރިބާ ކުރުމަށްޓަކައި، ކޮމަންވޮއިސް ވެބްސައިޓު ޖެހޭނީ ތަރުޖަމާ ކުރާށެވެ. ދެން އެއަށް ފަހު، މީހުން އިވޭ ވަރަށް ކިޔާނެ ނަކަލުޙައްޤު ނެތް ބައިވަރު ގިނަ ޖުމްލަތަކެއް ބޭނުންވެއެވެ. މި ދެ ކަންތައް ފުރިހަމަވުމުން، މީސްމީހުންނަށް އެ މީހުންގެ އަޑު ރެކޯޑުކޮށް، އެހެން މީހުންގެ ހަދިޔާކުރި އަޑުތައް ފާށްކުރުމަށްޓަކައި، ކޮމަންވޮއިސްގައި ބަހެއް ފެއްޓޭނެއެވެ.
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Most of the data used by large companies isn’t available to the majority of people. We think that stifles innovation. So we’ve launched Common Voice, a project to help make voice recognition open and accessible to everyone. ބޮޑެތި ކުންފުނިތަކުގައި ބޭނުންކުރާ ގިނަ ޑޭޓާސެޓް ތަކަކީ، އާންމުންނަށްލިބޭ އެއްޗިއްސެއްނޫނެވެ. އަހުރަމެން ދެކޭގޮތުގައި މިއީ އުފެއްދުންތެރިކަމަށް އެޅޭ ހުރަހެކެވެ. އެހެންކަމުން ކޮމަންވޮއިސް އެކުލަވާލެވުނެވެ، އެންމެނަށް ވޮއިސް ރެކޮގްނިޝަން ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީ ހުޅުވާލުމަށެވެ.
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Polish ޕޮލިޝް
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Help us build a community around voice technology, stay in touch via email. އަހަރެމެންނާއި ގުޅުން ބާއްވައި އަދި ވޮއިސް ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީ ގެ ޖަމާއަތެއް އުފެއްދުމަށް އެހީތެރިވެދީ.
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All ހުރިހާ
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Yes, we especially want your voice! Part of the aim of Common Voice is to gather as many different accents as possible so that voice recognition services work equally well for everyone. This means donations from non-native speakers are particularly important. އާދެ، ޚާއްޞަކޮށް ތިބާގެ އަޑު އެބަ ބޭނުންވޭ! ކޮމަންވޮއިސްގެ އަމާޒުގެ ތެރެއިން ބަޔަކީ، ވީހާވެސް ގިނަ ތަފާތު ބަހުރުވަތައް އެއްކޮށްގެން، އަޑު ދެނެގަންނަ ޚިދުމަތްތައް އެންމެންނަށް ހަމަހަމައަށް މަސައްކަތްކުރާ ގޮތް ހެދުމެވެ. މީގެ މާނައަކީ، މާދަރީ ބަހުގެ އަހުލުވެރިން ނޫން އެހެން ފަރާތްތަކުންދޭ އަޑުގެ ހަދިޔާތަކަކީ ވަކިން މުހިންމު ހަދިޔާތަކެކެވެ.
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Size ބޮޑުކުޑަމިން
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Overall Accuracy ޖުމުލަގޮތެއްގައި ދިމާވުން
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Kabyle ކަބައީލް
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See how your progress compares to other contributors all over the world. ދުނިޔޭގެ އެކި ކަންކޮޅުތަކުގައި އުޅޭ އެހެނިހެން ބައިވެރިންގެ މަސައްކަތާ، ތިބާގެ މަސައްކަތް ކުރިއަށްދާވަރު އަޅައިބެލޭނެ.
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Loading… ތައްޔާރުވަނީ...
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Amharic އަމްހަރީ
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Cancel Submission ފޮނުވިއެތި ކެންސަލްކުރުން
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Macedonian މަސަޑޯނިއަން
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Norwegian Nynorsk ނޮވީޖަން ނިއަނާސްކް
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Why a profile? ވަނަވަރު ބޭނުންވަނީ ކީއްވެ؟
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Sentences ޖުމްލަތައް
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License: <licenseLink>{ $license }</licenseLink> ލައިސެންސް: <licenseLink>{ $license }</licenseLink>
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Romansh Sursilvan ރޮމާންޗް ސުރުސިލްވާން
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Abkhaz އަބްޚާޒު
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Total ޖުމްލަ
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Validated Clips ފާސްކުރެވިފައިވާ އަޑުކޮޅުތައް
429 |
Note: You will still need to select between Speak or Listen to change contribution type. ދަންނާށެވެ: ހުށަހަޅާ ބާވަތް ބަދަލުކުރާއިރު، ވާހަކަދައްކާ ނޫނީ އަޑުއަހާ، މިއިން ކޮންމެވެސް އެއް ގޮތެއް ޚިޔާރު ކުރަންޖެހޭނެ.
430 |
Spanish އިސްޕޭނު
431 |
{ $hours } validated hours so far! މިހާތަނަށް ފާސް ކުރެވުނީ { $hours } ގަޑީރު!
432 |
Speak up, contribute here! ވާހަކަ ދައްކާ، މިތާ ހުށަހަޅާ!
433 |
User Name ޔޫސަރނަން
434 |
Your download has started. ޑައުންލޯޑުކުރަން ފަށައިފި
435 |
Clips You've Validated ފާސްކުރި އަޑުކޮޅުތައް
436 |
Go to Discourse ދެކެވޭ ވާހަކައަށްދޭ
437 |
Other އެހެނިހެން
438 |
Female އަންހެން
439 |
{ $count }mo { $count } މަސް
440 |
Login Identity ލޮގިން އައިޑީ
441 |
You've successfully signed up for contributing to { $language }. Thank you. { $language } ބަސް ކުރިއެރުވުމުގައި ބައިވެރިވުމުގެ ރެޖިސްޓްރޭށަން ފުރިހަމަވެއްޖެ. ޝުކުރިއްޔާ.
442 |
I'm okay with you handling this info as you explain in Mozilla's <privacyLink>Privacy Policy</privacyLink> މޮޒިލާގެ ޝަޚުސީ ޕޮލިސީ <privacyLink></privacyLink> ކިޔާދޭއިރު، މި މަޢުލޫމާތު ބޭނުން ކުރިއަސް މައްސަލައެއް ނެތް.
443 |
Yes ރަނގަޅު
444 |
Toward next goal ދެން އިން ލަނޑުދަނޑިއާއި ދިމާލަށް
445 |
You've helped Common Voice reach <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> of our daily { $goalValue } recording goal! އާންމުއަޑަށް ތި އެހީވެދިނީ <goalPercentage></goalPercentage> ކޮންމެ ދުވަހެއްގެ { $goalValue } ރެކޯޑުކުރުމުގެ ލަނޑުދަނޑި ހާސިލު ކުރުމަށެވެ!
446 |
Build Profile ވަނަވަރު ބިނާކުރޭ
447 |
<recordIcon></recordIcon> Last one! </recordIcon><recordIcon>އެންމެ ފަަހު އެތި
448 |
Arabic ޢަރަބި
449 |
We don't have anything to validate in this language, help us fill the queue. މި ބަހުގައި ފާސް ކުރަންޖެހޭ އެއްވެސް އެއްޗެއް ނެތް، މި ކިއޫ ފުރަން އެހީވެދީ.
450 |
Japanese ޖަޕަނީސް
451 |
Ligurian ލިގުރިޔަން
452 |
Your username and email will not be associated with the published data. ތިފަރާތުގެ ނަމާއި އީމެއިލް، އާންމުކޮށް ދޫކޮއްލާ މައުލޫމާތުތެރެއަކު ނުހިމެނޭނެ.
453 |
Sign up for an account އެކައުންޓެއް ހަދާ
454 |
Other Language އެހެން ބަހެއް
455 |
Speak ވާހަކަދައްކާ
456 |
Profile information improves the audio data used in training speech recognition accuracy. ވަނަވަރުގެ ބޭނުމަކީ، ސްޕީޗް ރެކޮގްނިޝަން ދިމާވާލެއް އިތުރަށް ތަމްރީނު ކުރުމުގައި ބޭނުންކުރެވޭ އަޑުގެ ޑޭޓާ ރަނގަޅު ކުރުން.
457 |
Edit Profile ވަނަވަރު އަދާހަމަކުރޭ
458 |
Mongolian މޮންގޯލިއަން
459 |
Help teach machines how real people speak, donate your voice at { $link } އިންސާނުން ވާހަކަދައްކާ ގޮތް، މެޝިނުތަކަށް ދަސްކޮށްދިނުމަށް އަޑު ހަދިޔާކުރޭ { $link }
460 |
Clips recorded ރެކޯޑްކުރެވުނު އަޑުކޮޅުތައް
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