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Malzahar is not very strong in early play. You can abuse this by dropping it and forcing it to remember early.
If you get caught out, your team will lose out on a lot of damage in a team fight, and it would be your fault. You should stick with your team as much as possible.
Olaf will have his core items during this phase of the game. It will increase his damage and survivability in the game thousandfold.
This means that Vi can easily use the ability to lock enemies in a frequent way. Any squishy enemy target will have trouble playing the game.
Ward the flanks when sieging objectives as Pyke can attack from the side or pick someone off with his Q and win the fight. Locking Pyke down with CC will make it really difficult for him to deal damage and execute anyone.
kaisa is a champion who scales well.
Before moving towards neutral goals, try to put on a death brush and kill any enemy who decides to blindly check the track brushes. This will help you to achieve goals without effort.
Be on the lookout for fights at this time. After Gwen completes her first component item, her damage output will increase.
Zeri's first power peak was at level 3 when it unlocked each of its basic capabilities. At level 3, Zeri will be relatively strong.
If the player wins one or two shots, he can quickly make snowballs. When Sylas' ultimate R capability is active, the player can look for opportunities to kill the enemy.
If Bel’Veth doesn’t get any take downs on champions or objectives in teamfights she can never activate her True Form Bel’Veth’s True Form makes her so much harder to deal with
her ability to one-shot squishy carries will be really high, she will let her do a lot during neutral, objective fights,
If Kled is dismantled and the enemy disengages, it will be difficult for him to recover Skaarl. Kled is not safe on the farm while being disassembled if he faces a game against him.
Start corrupting potion into tier 2 boots, essence reaver, and quick blades for a great build order. Take Q, E, W in that order for skill builds before maxing Q, E, W whenever possible.
In the toughest of matchups or when the enemy is playing ultra-safe, Diana will have access to all 3 of her basic abilities from level 3 onwards.
Slight separation will be better for you in the long term. Don't walk too far forward when you're sitting on a goal because Sett can use his Ultimate R to take the closest champion and throw them into their allies behind them.
After acquiring two or three articles, Riven can defeat any squishy champion who is not a tank. If Riven approaches you, get away from her immediately.
Continue to avoid fighting Graves when he has his Ultimate. Avoid fighting Graves unless he's behind.
The second point in Olaf's Ultimate ability will give him another spike. Olaf can run down enemies frequently now because the cooldown of the ability has been reduced.
Nunu is unable to be knocked up or disabled if he is at the correct distance from you. This is a tank versus tank matchup.
This ability will stop upon hitting the first enemy champion and marks them for 4 seconds, during which time they're revealed. Upon arrival, she consumes this mark and deals additional magic damage.
Yasuo is strong once he has a 100% chance of writing. Liabilities allows Yasuo to reach this state quickly.
The use of Kalista's Ultimate x can be game-changing in a trade. Extended trades always favour Kalista thanks to her R.
In the late game, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon.
A single Q on a squishy target can easily cause them significant damage.
Once forward, Renekton can constantly intimidate the enemy and again and snowball its advance quickly.
Level 6 is an important peak of power for the viktor, which allows it to exert considerable influence on the track. The level six power peak allows the viktor to establish a formidable felling pressure in the track.
jinx does not have any form of damage during the early game. jinx is very vulnerable to all-ins during the early game.
Vi launches a fight with his Q and should aim to shoot down his target before they can activate their Ultimate R. Vi is tanky but still vulnerable to damage and crowd control.
Stand in the middle of the track rather than at the side of the track. Standing near the wall allows him to install his Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar.
Level 6 is good for Akshan because he unlocks his Ultimate. The Ultimate can help Akshan kill and execute the enemy lantern.
This is really beneficial if he can land it from out of vision and then use his E to dash into the W circle to guarantee the stun. His burst damage is not to be ignored as the game goes on.
She should be really great as the game continues because she's going to have all her articles by now. She will have to take care of her combat positioning to make sure she's not chosen.
Galio looks to taunt you with his W if he gets close. As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team.
The additional empowerments in Heimerdinger's Ultimate R can give it more overall strength. This added strength can be convenient when taking neutral objectives and fighting enemies who rely on diving and locking Heimerdinger down.
You should try sneaking the Baron or Dragon out of the enemy team while they're distracted.
At the beginning of the game, Mordekaiser will not be able to bring down much damage once challenged. If Mordekaiser misses his E, his opponents can easily commit to him.
Remember so you can start stacking the Tear element. As soon as you touch level 6, use your Ultimate capability on the minion wave.
Kayle's first item will help her a lot with trading and farming. This is really helpful for Kayle. Getting 2 points in her Ultimate R will give her another significant power spike.
Seraphine can do a lot of damage. The CC will allow its team to collapse quickly on the enemy.
Contact your Jungler about abuse of Zilean cooldown's ultimate ability. When you're looking to trade, try baiting Zilean's Q before starting a fight.
She is very good in team fights. Diana's 1v1 potential throughout the game is very high.
Akshan's E allows him to bring back his dead allies if he can kill the enemy who killed them. It's great, especially in the last stages of the game where the death timers are long enough.
The flag remains for 8 seconds granting sight and grants attack speed to all nearby allies. This is known as his flag and drag combo.
This ability also deals bonus damage to minions. So this makes farming much easier.
Its first peak of major power is when it reaches level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate m. Its Ultimate m can constantly push the enemy into their turn.
The too narrow grouping allows Vladimir to get a good Ultimate E off. By separating slightly, Vladimir will have to use his Ultimate E on fewer targets.
Their level 6 is incredibly strong. A Jungler the ganks when they reached level 6.
Gwen's damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when Gwen uses her W.
Each time Senna attacks, it reduces the cooldown of Q. Nearby enemies are also rooted if they enter the mist created by Senna's E.
Do not go for extended trades with Ashe unless you can kill her. Once Ashe has her Ultimate w up, her ability to get kills increases.
Mortadokaiers have the strongest potential for duellage when trying to prevent others from dividing up. Another point in his Ultimate R will make him have a lot of choice potential.
Hecarim spikes at level 6. A level 6 spike allows Hecarim to unlock his Ultimate ability.
You need time to come online and focus on getting gold and XP. However, if a player finds an opportunity near gank or counter-gank, he should not be afraid to take it.
Your Ultimate R can be used as an escape tool in heavily bottled fighting. However, using Ultimate R is not recommended because it can turn a fight and save you almost immediately instead.
Always adjust your positioning. Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target.
Aatrox is vulnerable to CC and if you can kill him before he gets his combo off, the enemy will lose out on a lot of damage. Try to look for fights when Aatrox doesn’t have his Ultimate or Flash.
Her flying life combined with her damage and mobility during the end of the match will make her really good in team fighting. She'll just need to maintain a good positioning.
The entire Riven kit is based on mobility. You'll want to take her down as fast as you can in this game.
This is a tank versus tank matchup. The best strategy for this matchup is to avoid them and focus on farming early.
If he can make short transactions before hitting level 6, he can easily pursue the enemy and all with his Ultimate r. When Master Yi finished his first component element, he will find much easier to secure CS
His Ultimate R will be very practical during the end-of-game fights. Viego's ability to target the lowest health enemy will do the quick work of the enemies who managed to escape with a shrapnel of health.
The player must maintain an equal or slightly favourable position of the minion wave allow them to push towards the enemy while protecting themselves from the ganks.
Viego's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. Maxing's first ability at level 9 will give him a massive boost to his skirmish potential.
An enemy champion with dash or mobility spell can be a hard target to catch out and kill for you. Your own mobility can turn out to be a weak point for you.
When Irelia hits level 6, her kill pressure intensifies. Irelia's Ultimate R becomes a good duelling tool at level 6.
Your goal is to hide in the fog of war during team fights. Team-wide CC on the enemy team should be achieved.
Try not to have the lane pushed against Dr Mundo because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks.
On level 6, Nautilus will be extremely scary It can receive the help of Jungler in lane to kill you thanks to its powerful gank configuration tool
Ganking often with Rumble can provide significant benefits in terms of individual and team progress. Use your capabilities to quickly erase minion waves so your team can besiege or prevent an enemy team seat.
Avoid walking around Rift Summoners alone otherwise it can try to catch you out of position. Rengar is stronger when he has 4 batteries of Ferocity.
It is essential to investigate the movements and positions of the enemy when it comes to countering the movement. Flying camps away from your opponent can gain you an advantage in gold and experience.
Karma will be able to max out her Q at level nine. Maxing out Karma's Q at level nine is terrible news for her enemies as her AoE poke damage will be really obnoxious for the enemy to deal with.
Your first power spike is when you hit level 3 or 4 depending on what level you take your W. Aurelion Sol’s main power spike is at level 6 when he unlocks his Ultimate.
This will give a significant boost to its skirmish potential during this phase of the game. Trundle is decent enough during the late part because he will have his articles and will be very tanky.
Her dueling and pick potential will skyrocket enormously. She should try to fight as much as possible during this phase of the game.
At level 6, his Ultimate t is very strong and can allow him to execute enemies who are on low health. If he is facing a weak laner, don’t be afraid to go for the kill.
Invest in reducing healing. Reducing healing will reduce its sustainability.
The champions will begin to regroup at this stage of the game. Twitch can use its Ultimate to effectively fight against this group.
This will also increase Skarner's chances of winning 1v1s with enemy Jungler. Continuing to collect and secure jungle camps is crucial as Jungler.
Aatrox has good skirmishing potential and can 1v1 most champions, especially if he can fight them when they have an ability on cooldown. Aatrox suffers from long cooldowns and is easily abusable when they're on cooldown.
We expect Zac to go either for an aggressive murder or to set up a gank. Zac's agricultural concentration at the beginning of the game will make it difficult to kill.
Champions with strong early games can take advantage of Cho'Gath's weakness and dominate him in lane. Cho'Gath needs time to scale and come online.
Protracted team fights will see her win effortlessly. Miss Fortune isn't very strong at the beginning of the game.
Twitch has an ability to make enemies remember after a gank. Twitch can bamboozle enemies with its s.
Two points in his Ultimate R will result in a considerable peak of power, as he can use it frequently and effectively during objective combat. Maokai performed exceptionally well in the team fights at the end of the game due to his Ultimate R and his all-in-one combo.
Ezreal should not use their E aggressively in late game fights. Late game fights can leave ezreal vulnerable if they use E aggressively.
After the initial invulnerability, the ultimate deals damage in a large circle around Kayle. Kayle is great at laning against passive champions who can be farmed from and outscaled.
If you’re low, recall and avoid pushing the wave if Renekton is ahead as he can all-in you while you’re overextended. After Renekton has completed his first item, his kill pressure also increases.
Make sure you cut off the enemy before you all in them, you can't have enough damage to kill your target. Fight around closed areas where possible,
The early game advantage of being closer to your side of the map can force Kayle to overextend for farm. By forcing Kayle to overextend for farm, you can play aggressively and try to all-in her while she tries to last hit.
Post level 6, it is safe to stop freezing and let Quinn roam. Quinn’s roaming ability gives her an opportunity to catch up and attack your position.
This ability makes Quinn very slippery and a menace to deal with. Getting her Ultimate R unlocks Quinn's roaming potential.
Stay outside the minion wave so she can't push you and hit you with her E. But stand behind the minion wave instead so she can't put her Q on you while you're isolated.
Viktor can disrupt a whole fight with his d and Ultimate m. Fighting in close spaces is very advantageous for him.
Be extremely careful when looking for all-in. Get a defensive element to make sure you can support for a longer period of time in combat.
His E throws a circle on the floor dealing damage and revealing the area. The cooldown of his Q is halved when using his ultimate.
The minion wave is better guarded near Malphite due to its additional protection offer. Malphitis is low early because its presence is negligible.
The wave from the pushed side lane keeps pushing towards your team. Running while the wave pushes you towards your teammates.
Try to reduce Master Yi's income to make the snowball more difficult and take control of the game. If someone invades you, step back because they can easily kill you, especially if you're behind.