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His items will make him very tanky during this stage and combined with his Passive and Ultimate R he will be a behemoth for the enemy team. Taking him down will be nearly impossible because of his tankiness and abilities.
Group and stay with your team at all times. Do not divide the thrust or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them.
He will focus mainly on cleaning at the beginning of the game. Its e can easily be interrupted by any form of hard CC.
Make sure to hit Level 2 at the same time so you can chat with Leona in case she commits. Once Leona has Mobility Boots, she can wander easily.
He will try to out sustain you, so you need as many resources to equal or counter his sustain in lane. Look for fights when Fiddlesticks has an ability down.
Ezreal’s first power spike is when he picks up Sheen. Sheen will increase Ezreal's Q damage substantially.
Extra credit if you can kill the target while it has no escape options. Roam around as often as possible and try to aid your mid-laner.
Milio is the king of disengagement and anti-engagement. Its Ultimate can protect its entire team from engagement and CC tools.
If you stay with your team in the later parts of the game, it will be 4v5 and the enemy may be able to force a fight or end the game. The closest enemy champion should focus on team fighting.
Since Kassadin cannot quickly join the fight due to being split pushed, initiating a fight now will gain an advantage. Prolonging the game can hinder one's chances of success against Kassadin in the late-game.
Renata is amazing at keeping her carry alive. She lacks any mobility.
The presence of this player will be strongly felt at the beginning of the game. This player will take advantage of gloved enemy players to win an early lead.
Farming hard and taking good trades are the main focuses of playing Trundle at level 1. Being able to dub your opponent onto you with Ghost and then bunt them back into you with your ultimate is incredible.
This makes it difficult for him to fight unless he has a significant advantage. When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push.
If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills. Ward major objectives and place vision in high traffic areas in the late stages of the game.
It is the time to do lane swaps. Lane swaps should be easy because you need kills.
A poke mage such as Brand can run low on mana quickly. You should always keep an eye on your mana pool at all times when playing Brand.
The goal is to end the game as quickly as possible to prevent Cho'Gath from becoming an ultra-tank. When Cho'Gath has his m ability up, his survivability and self-peel are significantly increased.
If she is getting engaged upon, she can use her d and Ultimate a empowered d to both disengage and get back a lot of health. Her Ultimate a is the backbone of her strength in the lane and proper usage will let her get ahead.
Caitlyn’s level 6 is pretty good. However, she doesn’t have a combat Ultimate R.
Rotating to take the next major objective with your team can give you an advantage in the late game. If you have Teleport, you can use it to get to the bot side of the map quickly and easily.
At level 11, Diana will put the second point in her Ultimate R. The Ultimate R will be on a lower cooldown that allows her to go for more aggressive all-ins.
Of course, as the mid laner, your main focus is always going to be on farming. When poking, if your opponent is ever in their minion wave throughout a queue.
Swain can immediately kill the enemy team if he manages to catch them near a choke point. When you launch, stand back, but in front of your Caster Minions.
Make sure you target him first during team fighting. Keep the wave near your turn.
Lee Sin should finish the game by then, as it will now begin to fall. But he can always choose his enemies.
At level 9, the duo's potential will skyrocket and the ganks will become more powerful for Volibbear. Volibear is good in team fighting due to his E, Passive and Ultimate R.
Go to the hall when you know where the enemy is so you don't get caught and killed before an objective scare. Look for choices with your Ultimate e.
Once he uses his offensive W, he will have no other form of escape. This makes him vulnerable to the enemy team's ganks and baits.
Xerath has a very reliable wave and grows thanks to its low cooling capacity and kit. It is recommended to avoid unnecessary damage by standing outside the minion wave when Xerath uses its capabilities.
When he buys an extra capacity of haste for Teemo, he earns more mushrooms to place around the card. To counter Teemo mushrooms, try to take an unorthodox path to avoid walking through them.
You will be able to blow up squishies with your Ultimate using karthus. Even if they don't die, squishies will be too chunked to participate in a team fight with karthus.
She can take on multiple people on her own due to her tentacles and Ultimate R. At one point, the enemy team will have to send in more than two people to deal with her.
Play carefully in the first minutes of the game. Once Twitch has Runaan's hurricane, his damage becomes fatal.
It will have its basic items by then, which means that it will suffer a respectable amount of damage. It can even duel enemies and will not need its support to keep it if it masteres its use.
Nautilus will automatically attack anyone who approaches him in CC attempts with his passive. You should stay away and out of range during team fighting if you are squishy because of Nautilus' passive ability.
This makes her a mechanically difficult champion to play and do well on. Expect to put in a lot of games to master her.
Vayne scales incredibly well in the later parts of the game. If Vayne isn't behind, she'll be really good at the end of the game.
You should go to the top priority target. It is recommended to try CCs (crowd control).
Zeri's next power peak is generally at level 6. At level 6, Zeri will unlock his Ultimate R.
This is the point of the game where grouped fights become common. Gnar can now decimate the enemy team with proper usage of his Ultimate R.
Once Zilean has finished his first article, he will be able to pull a single shot at the minion wave. As soon as Zilean has enough levels behind him, he can shoot the wave of the minion.
Mundo's W damages enemies within a small area around him. His E gives passive AD and an auto attack reset which does additional damage.
After six years, Lucian can practically shoot an enemy with his combo while repositioning with his E. Lucian's E makes him rather slippery, allowing him to easily escape the ganks.
Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon. If the enemy is grouping, group with your team too.
Disengage as soon as you see Neeko channel her Ultimate R. When fighting Neeko, keep in mind that she can cast her Ultimate R and deal damage and CC you.
He can start ganking as soon as he hits level 2. Don't be afraid to go for a level 2 gank in one of your lanes.
Play around the cooldown of Camille’s E ability to avoid getting caught out. At level 6, Camille Support will look for opportunities to make aggressive plays with her Ultimate.
If they're caught by a CC, they'll probably die. When Miss Fortune runs her Ultimate, she's vulnerable.
Shaco is rather squishy and inclined to be killed if CC="d when his Ultimate I is down. Shaco must play around this ability to succeed.
Try to go for short burst trades with your 1 in the lane. The goal is to ensure that the enemy can't all-in you during the laning phase.
The first ability will deal a lot of damage to the enemy team. This ability will increase the frequency of using the Ultimate d.
After obtaining his first article, Lulu inflicts a large amount of damage in trade against enemies. Lulu is very effective in team fighting because she can build objects that eat her teammates.
Be aware of his empowered abilities. Try to team fight in the open so he is unable to use his empowered E to stun your whole team.
Nasus wouldn't be seen on the map early, but post 6, he's gonna start messing up a lot. When Nasus has several points in his W, especially after 6 minutes
Your Ultimate will also be on lower cooling, which is very beneficial. At this stage of the game, Akali would be almost max build.
Aims for the ultimate ability k to avoid being killed by Olaf. Olaf is a character with intense personality and abilities.
Camille uses E in lane, which makes her vulnerable while it’s on cooldown as it’s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out Camille's E prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival.
As Fiddlesticks can bounce between players, avoid grouping to closely so it is unable to hit or burst multiple people down. Fiddlesticks has Zhonya's Hourglass.
Misuse of her E will kill her in the way sooner or later. The spell will not work very effectively if the enemy has overlaid the control of the crowd.
When you unlock your Ultimate, the ganking will be easier and you will be more of a threat. After you have finished your first component element, you will be strong enough in 1v1s and have a greater chance of getting ganks.
This makes Olaf a formidable opponent in the 1v1 and makes him hard to play against. Look to play aggressive and fight the enemy whenever possible.
At level 6, your kill pressure increases dramatically and you should play aggressive looking for kills. Make sure the enemy is infected with Blaze so it deals more damage.
Heimerdinger can push up freely as long as he is in the cover of his Q turrets. The Q turrets, when combined with Heimerdinger's E, can turn an enemy gank into an easy kill for him.
Once Ekko goes in, he has very little left to offer as a counter-ganker. As a skilled counter-ganker, you can abuse this fact.
It is recommended that if assistance is needed, ask your allies for help in order to take objectives together Jarvan IV will be unlocking his d > e combo at level two, which will allow him to catch and CC overextended enemies with utmost ease.
Quinn's mobility can be disrupted by using certain abilities. To limit Quinn's ability to reposition in fights, you need to consider several factors.
Killing those Q Ghoul first will take a lot of damage on Yorick. Using wave capabilities against Yorick will put a period at its thrust power.
It can quickly push its wave before remembering and being back even before the enemy wave hits its own turn Peel for your carts at the end of the game team fight to increase your team's chances of winning the fight. If they die at first, you will not be able to win the fight alone.
Maokai is good in team fighting because his Ultimate R has a great zone of effect. Maokai is good from level 2 because he can lock you up with his W.
He's gonna get mad a lot sooner. Make sure you apply as much pressure as you can to match its first ganks.
Avoid detaching from your ADC when Zac has its available CC, as being taken can lead to an all-in-one dangerous situation. When Zac has his CC, stay attached for security during these moments.
You have a big clear wave thanks to your Q, W and E Once you have an object behind you, you can constantly push the enemy into their turn
Shyvana will have a production of poke and very high damage in the middle of the game. You shouldn't let Shyvana's poke take you down.
Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E.
Look to gank whenever your Ultimate is up. Hecarim can easily take those objectives.
Also, don't forget to buy some form of anti-CC if the enemy team has a lot of champions with hard CC abilities on their side. Ashe's y cooldown will be on an incredibly low level in the late game.
Malphite's Ultimate H will almost always be standing. He used the fog of war to reach his enemies.
When fighting Annie, avoid fighting her when she has multiple stacks on her Passive. Fight her after she has used her CC tool.
and is very strong when he unlocks his Ultimate R. However, Zed can start crashing from level 3.
turning towards the middle lane and trying to take this tower, it will be easier to attack other parts of the map, the map is the environment of the game,
Using Shen's R imprudently forces him to lose priority instantly. Shen's R has a very long cooling.
It can defend its CDA as required at Level 3. Level 6 is a massive power peak for Lulu.
Locking down Qiyana will prevent her from dishing out tons of damage. Locking down Qiyana will help kill your teammates.
Your ultimate can be a key tool in this matchup. Consider using it to interrupt the ultimate Nasus and disrupt its release from damage.
At level 1, be careful of Pantheon's early pressure as he can often cheese a kill and force you to blow Summoner Spells or health potions. Watch out for a potential Flash engage by Pantheon in team fights.
An element similar to Grevious Wounds can also be used instead of Executers Calling. Investing in this article will help you reduce his healing and maintain.
When Camille unlocks all of her abilities and has multiple points in her Q, she can start to trade. Once Camille's next power spike in lane is when she unlocks her Ultimate R.
At level 9, Fiora will max out her Q. This is a very important power spike for her as it will allow her to look for more aggressive plays, help her farm and also help her escape sticky situations thanks to the low cooldown.
As Nasus focuses on the agriculture of his health and his gold, his Ultimate R will allow him to inflict massive damage and turn the tide of the game. If you become too cuckolded and underestimate Nasus during this time, he can turn the exchange and enjoy your mistakes.
Darius' all-in potential and kill pressure is still very good during the mid-game. If Darius gained a slight lead in the early game, he will be tough to handle in the mid-game.
Having low cooldowns for his abilities allows Ezreal to continue poking and harassing the enemy before a team fight occurs. The low cooldowns also allow Ezreal to easily escape skirmishes.
Heimerdinger can also take on the Baron singlehandedly. Trading against Heimerdinger can be extremely tedious, yet it can be done.
This will limit the thrust of Morgana's waves. If Morgana misses her Q while ganting, she's basically useless and the gank will fail.
Getting every Drake and securing the Dragon soul for your team increases your chances of winning the game. Look for choices with your team.
Avoid detaching yourself from CDA when Swain's Nevermove capability is in place, as it can interrupt you and me! Being caught without you and me! leaves you vulnerable and risks being eliminated.
After using her W, Neeko is vulnerable to ganks from enemy champions. Your champion is weak in the early game.
The correct use of the monkey's y capacity will minimize the damage taken. Monkeyking can use its capacity there to strengthen its survival and damage.
Once Azir has picked up his Nashor's Tooth, he is going to push the wave really quickly. Try to keep the wave as even as possible by matching his damage on the minion wave.
With many abilities able to be used more frequently due to the acquired benefits Brand will use his abilities more frequently to harass.