SensorServerv1.0 / baseCsvExportRelease.cpp
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <map>
#include <time.h>
#include <C:\Users\sriff\Downloads\Practicum_Stuff\SoftwareEngineeringTeam2Proj\ArduinoServerTest\include\asio-1.28.0\include\asio.hpp>
// #include <pqxx/pqxx> // <-- TODO: The library header isnt exactly a header and I'm stuck on how to approach getting it to include correctly
using namespace std;
using namespace asio;
using namespace asio::ip;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
// Config file just for the port used? Too little I will pass for now
int portVal = 999;
// Global map to store open file streams for each MAC address
map<string, ofstream> macFiles;
void setupDatabase() {
try {
// Establish a connection to the PostgreSQL database
pqxx::connection conn("dbname=database user=postgres password=password hostaddr= port=5432");
if (conn.is_open()) {
cout << "Opened database successfully: " << conn.dbname() << endl;
else {
cerr << "Failed to open database" << endl;
// Start a transaction
pqxx::dbtransaction txn(conn);
// Create a new table
txn.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sensorTable ("
"time VARCHAR(14),"
"mac VARCHAR(17),"
"sensorvalue VARCHAR(255)"
// Commit the transaction
cout << "Database setup completed successfully" << endl;
// Close the connection
catch (const exception& e) {
cerr << e.what() << endl;
// Function to send sensor data to postgresql database
void saveToDatabase(const string& pkg) {
try {
// Establish a connection to the PostgreSQL database
pqxx::connection conn("dbname=database user=postgres password=password hostaddr= port=5432");
if (conn.is_open()) {
cout << "Opened database successfully: " << conn.dbname() << endl;
else {
cerr << "Failed to open database" << endl;
// Create a transaction
pqxx::work txn(conn);
// Prepare the query string
std::stringstream query;
query << "INSERT INTO sensorTable (time, mac, sensorvalue) VALUES ("
<< pkg.substr(0, 14) << ", '" // Assuming time is the first 14 characters
<< pkg.substr(15, 17) << "', " // Assuming mac address is from character 15 to 31
<< pkg.substr(33) << ")"; // Assuming sensor value is after the mac address
// Execute the query
// Commit the transaction
cout << "Records inserted successfully" << endl;
// Close the connection
catch (const exception& e) {
cerr << e.what() << endl;
// Function to write sensor data to log files
void writeToLog(const string& macAddress, const string& data) {
// Check if a /log directory exists
fs::path logDir = fs::path(fs::current_path()) / "log";
if (!fs::exists(logDir) || !fs::is_directory(logDir)) {
// Filesystem cannot create a new file with ':' in the filename
string macAddressStripped = macAddress;
macAddressStripped.erase(remove(macAddressStripped.begin(), macAddressStripped.end(), ':'), macAddressStripped.end());
// Check if a file for the MAC address exists
fs::path filePath = logDir / (macAddressStripped + ".csv");
if (!fs::exists(filePath)) {
// Create a new file for the MAC address
ofstream newFile(filePath);
if (newFile.is_open()) {
newFile << data << endl;
// Existing MAC address, append to the existing file
else {
ofstream existingFile(filePath, ios_base::app);
if (existingFile.is_open()) {
existingFile << data << endl;
// Function to parse sensor data and write to appropriate log files
void parseAndWriteMAC(const string& csvData) {
istringstream iss(csvData);
string line;
while (getline(iss, line)) {
istringstream lineStream(line);
vector<string> tokens;
string token;
while (getline(lineStream, token, ',')) {
if (tokens.size() >= 2) {
string macAddress = tokens[1];
auto it = macFiles.find(macAddress);
if (it == macFiles.end()) {
// New MAC address, create a new file stream and call writeToLog
ofstream newFile;
macFiles[macAddress] = move(newFile);
writeToLog(macAddress, line);
else {
// Existing MAC address, write to the existing file stream and call writeToLog
writeToLog(macAddress, line);
int main() {
// Initialize the postgresql database
// Show me the ip address (maybe save it in a variable for later)
try {
io_context io_context;
tcp::resolver resolver(io_context);
tcp::resolver::query query(host_name(), "");
tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_iterator = resolver.resolve(query);
tcp::resolver::iterator end;
while (endpoint_iterator != end) {
tcp::endpoint endpoint = *endpoint_iterator++;
if (endpoint.address().is_v4()) {
cout << "Please ensure port forwarding from external IP to local IP " << endpoint.address().to_string() << " is enabled." << endl;
cout << "Please ensure your board WiFi and external IP are configured." << endl;
cout << "Example: Board(s) configured to report to external IP 111.222.333.444\n Local machine IP address is " << endpoint.address().to_string() << ", and for that local IP:\n External IP start port: 8080, external IP end port: 277\n Local IP start port: 277, local IP end port to land on this server:" << portVal << endl;
catch (exception& e) {
cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;
// Set up the server to accept the sensor transmissions from
try {
io_context io_context;
// Create an acceptor to listen for new connections
tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context, tcp::endpoint(tcp::v4(), portVal));
cout << "Server listening on local end port " << portVal << "\n" << endl;
while (true) {
// Wait for a new connection
tcp::socket socket(io_context);
cout << "Connection from: " << socket.remote_endpoint().address().to_string() << endl;
// Receive data from the client
asio::streambuf buffer;
asio::read_until(socket, buffer, "\n");
string data = buffer_cast<const char*>(;
// Setup the time report to add to the sensor data
time_t now;
struct tm tm_info;
localtime_s(&tm_info, &now);
char timeBuffer[15];
strftime(timeBuffer, sizeof(timeBuffer), "%d%m%Y%H%M%S", &tm_info);
stringstream ss;
ss << timeBuffer << "," << data;
// pkg holds time,mac,sensorvalue
string pkg = ss.str();
cout << pkg << endl;
// Send data to csv file (Per unique mac)
// TODO: Send data to the database
catch (std::exception& e) {
cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;
return 0;