1 value
hello doctor I am a 52 year old female two weeks back I had severe abdomen pain and got a sonography done I have been diagnosed with amoebic liver abscess it was identified 13 days back and I was admitted in hospital for three days and was given saline and metronidazole dosages but still not recovered doctor told it will take 15 20 days to recover but even after 10 days there has been no change my main symptoms are pain near abdomen frequent fever loss of appetite feeling weak and dizzy I am attaching the sonography details and prescription details kindly check and let me know your view on this thank you
hi contrast enhances it scan of liver triphasic if abscess is present then aspirate the abscess follow up after it scan to a general surgeon online
hello doctor I am 53 years old with type insulin dependent diabetes for the past five years my urine stream has become slow as the stream is slow I cannot stand and urinate but I feel that the bladder is empty after urination in all scans the prostate is normal including the latest one it is embarrassing many times I may not find a western seat what do you suggest and what is your opinion about the same I have to constrict the muscles several times for the urine to come out till the bladder is empty I am just taking insulin for diabetes I am attaching my scan reports for your reference please help
hi I would like to know few more details to help you in a better way revert back with the answers to an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I had nausea a year and a half ago at that time I could not eat and was given iv therapy along with antacid immediately felt better and I left the er I had a colonoscopy about a year ago and it was fine doctor did not do any other test and said I had gastritis from alcohol he gave me some nausea medicine recently I went to my doctor with symptoms of bloating gas belching lower abdominal cramping and nausea I had been drinking pretty heavily for the past five months I have not been vomiting nor had any blood in my stools it has been two weeks since I consulted him and I am still belching having cramps in upper groin area and burping my appetite is fine I have not drunk for17 days now I am taking zoloft what is your suggestion please help
hi complete blood count abc liver function test let upper gastrointestinal ugh endoscopies and amylase and lipase test dyspepsia impaired digestion take tablet pantocid der combination of pantoprazole sodium and domperidone one tablet once daily before food for a month tablet normaxin chlordiazepoxide and clidinium bromide one tablet twice daily after food for a month tablet rifagut rifaximin 200 my one tablet twice daily after food for 15 days avoid alcohol fasting and spicy food take small and frequent meals avoid cabbage cauliflower milk and tea revert back after the investigation to a medical gastroenterologist online
hi doctor I have got swelling in feet and excess pain over last few days I have breathing problem while walking I also feel weakness since few days please help
hello abc complete blood count urine e routine examination and s culture and sensitivity serum creatinine serum electrolytes prothrombin time it serum total protein serum albumin chest ray a view posteroanterior egg electrocardiogram and echocardiography get your be and pulse checked nephrotic syndrome cor pulmonale an acute glomerulonephritis caf congestive cardiac failure tablet furosemide lasik 40 my only at morning for five days capsule omeprazole 20 my two times daily morning and night half an hour before meal for 10 days do not take fluid more than one liter do not eat any fruit or drink any fruit juice now and do not take extra salt or added salt with your food now have vegetable and no meat or fish has to be taken revert back with the investigation reports to a general practitioner online
hello doctor my egg report is as follows pelvic egg pudendal nerve motor latency left 9 and right 4 egg bulbocavernosus muscle and anal sphincter shows denervation with reinnervation and anal sphincter shows high voltage polyphasic potentials does this imply a problem in the peripheral nervous system peripheral neuropathy or any lesion or tumor or does this suggest a problem in the central nervous system like lumbosacral plexus radiculopathy or plexopathy please interpret my egg
hi I read your query and understand your concerns for further information consult a neurologist online
hi doctor I got married two years back I am trying for pregnancy now previously five months back I had a miscarriage when I consulted my doctor he prescribed me fertile 100 my for five days fertisure folic acid and austen 200 from 14th day I have started the dose and today is my 26th day my problem is that I just started light spotting with clots and cramps on the right side is there any problem associated with it
hi I have gone through your history and understand your concerns for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor the query is regarding my friend he met with a major accident and his lower limbs power 5 after accident there is no sensation below naval and allopathy doctors have given up hopes request your inputs whether such cases can be supported we have tried a lot of doctors now looking forward to your inputs and also looking to get further medications he is going through two rounds of physiotherapy daily I have attached the test reports for your reference
hello for further information consult a neurosurgeon online
hello doctor since four days I am having severe cough what should I do please guide
hello for further information consult an ayurveda specialist online
hi doctor please explain me the uses of misoprostol
hi misoprostol is a wonder drug which is used randomly in various obstetrical conditions it is used for abortion when the gestation is only few months that is less than weeks along with another drug called mifepristone 200 my is advised to take orally and following 48 hours four tablets of 200 my misoprostol should be given per vaginally for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I am having inferiority complex and fear of insecurity and death I need some drugs to overcome these please suggest some medicines I am having this issue for more than three years and also I used to imagine something that is not even going to happen like natural disasters somebody comes and slit my throat or stabbing me these kind of thoughts repeatedly coming in my mind what to do please help
hi I read your query and understand your concerns revert back with detailed history to a psychiatrist online
hello doctor I am a 32 year old male my buttock always stinks badly please help
hi excessive serum production due to massive hair in the area can be an issue of the external anal sphincter that causes leakage of fecal matter from anus and causes smell can be a hygiene issue anal sphincter tonometry and anoscopy for proper diagnostic evaluation you need a consultation from gastroenterologist surgeon who may also go for a proctoscopy if needed management options are best decided after diagnostic tests shave the area very well and keep dry while going restroom do not rely only on the paper towels rather use plenty of water to wash thoroughly every time in restroom apply some scented roll on the area for hygiene revert back after the investigations to an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I am years old I have swelling in the middle of my neck since last two months I do not have thyearoid and I got it tested two months back the result was negative I have consulted a doctor and he prescribed me month fix and lugol iodine solution and it helped me a little but after 10 days I started having loose motion so I just stopped the medication what should I do now please help
hi for further information consult an ent otolaryngologist online
hi doctor my mom is years old we met with a car accident she got hit near eyebrows and so far she is on the safer side she does not have any symptoms such as headache paralysis etc our doctor suggested a it scan of her head in the report they found some white matter which is not clear with it scan report so again doctor suggested for mri with contrast in the report they have mentioned that bilateral asymmetrical to or flair hyperintensities in subcortical frontoparietal and deep white matter suggesting of small vessel ischemic more than expected for the patient stated age please explain the above
hi we are here to help you revert back with the investigation report to a neurologist online
hello doctor a recent non contrast it scan of thorax taken 10 weeks after undergoing a right hemicolectomy showed expansible sclerotic lesion in right rib may be benign bone scan might be useful given that I have only one kidney left how would the injection of radioactive substances affect my single kidney moderate right pleural effusion what are the risks of draining this effusion what natural alternatives are there home remedies how urgent is it to drain this moderate effusion I have right pleural effusion no chest pain but some shortness of breath especially when climbing stairs
hello welcome to icliniq com to answer your first question it all depends upon your creatinine clearance how good is the remaining kidney functioning also the reason why one would want to investigate this lesion further say for example if I am concerned about a metastatic lesion I would consider a pet it positron emission tomography computed tomography if I am worried about a primary bone cancer an mri and so forth moderate pleural effusion in a diagnosed condition is treated by watching closely and making sure that it is improving by serial chest rays however if it is a new onset of pleural effusion then it should be drained and the pathology should be investigated salt restriction in a patient with heart failure liver and kidney issues helps to improve the pleural effusion I hope this helps
hello doctor I take clorazepate quetiapine akineton biperiden ludiomil maprotiline and lyearica pregabalin I am wondering whether I can go ahead with hormone replacement therapy which includes estrogen and spironolactone
hi revert back with the asked details to an endocrinologist online
hi doctor my son is asthmatic since childhood for the past five months he is having breathing problem currently he is using esiflo every morning but he is still having the problem please help
hi I would like to know more about you as follows revert back with detailed answers to a pediatric allergy asthma specialist online
hi doctor my baby boy was born after full term pregnancy by surgery his birth weight is 75 keg but his both testicles are undescended what are the chances that his testicles will descend on its own for how long should I wait before further treatment
hi revert back with the report to a paediatric surgeon online
hi doctor I am a 30 year old male my weight is 85 keg and my height is 174 am I am non smoker and I do not drink alcohol my problems are gas formation uneasy feeling after meals and lack of energy my bowel does not get cleared properly and I feel too much tired after hard work my heart beat become too fast during this time I also have breathing problems after running I have attached my recent blood test report for your reference please check and help me with your suggestion
hi I have gone through your reports and your complaints revert back after 15 days to a general practitioner online
hi doctor I had symptoms of brown discharge and suggested transvaginal scan which shows thickened endometrium and impression of mildly bulky uterus and cervix please see the attached scan report all blood tests are normal like to dc ear he to and my ash is 92 please suggest whether it is of any concern I am undergoing medication for last 10 days sysron thrice daily and since then I am not having any brown discharge I had section delivery before years and then had a and abortion four years back I also have problems of irregular periods
hello I have gone through your history report and understand your concerns for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I am having really painful stomach cramps I do not know whether it is a symptom of pregnancy will I need any surgery do I need a scan to see any damage in my stomach I am suffering from constipation headache earache and dizziness along with this
hi unsure at present but need to exclude ectopic pregnancy in the first instance urinary beta hug human chorionic gonadotropin pregnancy test and urinalysis at go practice ectopic gestation gynecological pathology such as ovarian cyst retrograde menstruation dyspepsia or reflux cholelithiasis irritable bowel syndrome to see go to exclude pregnancy and for advice on sex revert back with the answers in detail to a general surgeon online
hi doctor this query is for my mother all the time she feels something stuck in her throat the test we already done are endoscopy and scan but nothing abnormal has been revealed she is still suffering from throat irritation feeling please help
hi for further information consult an ent otolaryngologist online
hello doctor I had unprotected sex with my husband 17 days back I took I pill within three to four hours two days later I again took I pill my last period was 23 days ago now since two days I am having slight bleeding of brownish red color and cramps too I usually have cramps during my periods is it implantation bleeding or side effect of I pill
hello for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hello doctor I have attached a picture which is on my chest for about two years it has not given me any problem around two years back I had a small acne like thing on my chest right side and it became like this ever since the dermatologists I have visited have said it is nothing to worry about but I just want an opinion I fear and hope it is not a skin cancer
hi revert back with the asked details to a dermatologist online
hello doctor I am facing problem of pubic lice please provide effective cream and lotion for it thank you
hi we are here to help you revert back after seven days to an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor my girlfriend is 20 years old she recently started losing her hair now within two and a half months you can see her scalp near the front of her head and the very back of her head it happened suddenly and now she is pulling her hair out in clumps throughout the day I have also noticed that her eyes are very dark and she complaints of being tired she does not sleep well at night either her job has been stressing her out lately she is working as a teacher for the past two years and managing kindergarten kids what I really want to know is can there be such a rapid hair loss due to stress of her job or is it something worse I have almost ruled out thyearoid she is perfectly healthy I have a thyearoid problem and her symptoms are not similar to mine and it does not run in the family too please help with her problem
hi let me explain everything about hair fall straightening and other procedure also cause weakness of root other condition like fever typhoid malaria thyearoid etc can also cause hair fall but these are less common regarding treatment have good sleep eat proper food with green vegetables and fruits take iron and multivitamin like follihair for at least three months check your blood hemoglobin if it is less then she should start iron and folic acid supplement also check thyearoid and diabetes to rule out other cause for further information consult a dermatologist online
hello doctor my sister is suffering from head pain since one month she usually have head pain when she wakes up from bed which gradually gets alright after a while she is taking dynapar for pain the reports of it scan and mri shows everything normal she consulted a few doctors some suggested surgery of her brain has to be done and some say it can be cured with medicine doctors say that there is a fluid in her brain I want to know is there an alternate way to cure this with a medicine if yes then will it get cured completely or will it recur pain is on the backside of her head I am attaching her ray mri and it scan reports for your reference please provide the best way to cure this thank you
hello we are here to help you I have gone through your sister reports attachments removed to protect patient identity for further clarification consult a neurologist online data answer_ext pb_cause data answer_ext lab_t data answer_ext dx data answer_ext pdx data answer_ext treatment_plan data answer_ext p_tips data answer_ext followup
hello doctor I am trying to conceive since seven months I am on medication for the past one month dydrogesterone tablets pyearidoxine hydrochloride and folic acid this month I have not yet got my period and it is four days late by today I just got a light brown drop on third day of missed period and got negative hug test please help
hello I understand your concern completely here with regards to inability to conceive revert back with the test results to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hello doctor this person is 43 years old and male he takes weekly urine screen at the same time of each week the screen measures creatinine in my do and the previous creatinine results are as follows 17 21 179 147 235 201 173 100 92 123 and 142 about a year ago he had levels as low as 17 and are these normal range of numbers if not what might explain this person wide range in creatinine the tests are to monitor for alcohol use and I believe there is a possibility that this person is falsifying the tests if you know any studies then you could point me to that to have a look at creatinine variations in healthy adults that would be helpful thank you
hello this is a quite interesting query for further clarification consult a nephrologist online
hello doctor I am attaching my wife prescription and test results we would like to know whether the pregnancy will be normal or not please help
hi the ultrasound suggests six weeks gestation with non visible fetal node revert back after repeat ultrasound to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I am 29 years old my blood sugar levels were fbi 296 and up 41 so I consult with doctor and they suggested to take insulin 14 units in the morning and units at night for 15 days after 15 days it reduced to fbi 180 and up 230 so they stopped insulin and then they asked to take vysov 50 100 twice a day after a month I checked my sugar level and it showed fbi 10 and up 150 they asked to continue same tablet for next three months my question is can I continue the same dosage are there any side effects if I reduce the dose please guide
hello patient should get his eyes examined for ruling out retinal involvement as in diabetes this is one of the common and a serious complication that comes without any symptoms plus check hba1c every months lipid profile and complete blood count abc revert back after the investigations to a diabetologist online
hello doctor my left hand and occasionally part of my left side of the body tends to vibrate it started three months back I do not have any pain or other problems I can eat walk drive and do my job at ease I am a year old male I do not have the habit of smoking or drinking alcohol six months back I got my blood and urine test results of the same have been attached for your reference since two years I have high blood pressure and I am taking amlodac one tablet a day do I have any problem with liver or kidney do I need any more tests please guide
hi I have gone through your query and can understand your health concern your reports are normal revert back after the investigations to a general medicine physician online
hi doctor we had sex after four days of her period what is the chance of pregnancy
hi for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I do not have any existing problem I live in a very congested neighborhood and it is very much polluted I would like to do pranayama basically for my well being and mental peace shall I use an oxygen concentrator to do pranayama what precautions should I take I am not any regular medication thank you
hi for further doubts consult a pulmonologist online
hi doctor I have a dark patch on my skin it is not itchy swollen or bumpy it is just discolored skin it is about the size of a quarter coin it is evenly colored it has been there since about four years and it may have become a little bigger but I am not sure I wanted to know if I have anything drastic or needs immediate attention since I may not have access to a doctor until next month
hi I have read your query in detail and viewed the attached pictures and do understand your concern it is an acquired melanocytic nexus they are considered benign melanoma and nothing actively needs to be done for them if the mole shows sudden increase in size differential pigmentation bleeding irregular borders etc then you may go for skin biopsy for further doubts consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor I would like to discuss regarding the medical issue of daughter with you she is now 15 months old but her weight is only keg according to doctors all reports are clear except her growth hormone she is not taking any medicine I have attached her laboratory reports for your reference please help us
hi I have gone through all the medical records of your baby genetic cause mri brain growth hormone stimulation test prolactin level act level blood sugar ultrasound abdomen and pelvis growth hormone deficiency hypopituitarism turner syndrome baron dwarfism growth hormone replacement therapy which has to be decided after detailed investigation revert back with the reports to a paediatrician online
hello doctor my mother iron levels are low four months back too we had done her blood tests and got to know that her iron levels are low she had roofer it for two months but still they seem to be low also she had a urinary infection a week back and took a course of antibiotics for that I have attached her recent blood reports please advise she is diabetic and hypertensive and currently on following medication glycomet go 850 one in the morning and one at night voglibose 3 one in the morning telmisat am my orcas my nextto 20 my and alzolam 5 my please guide
hi based on your query my opinion is as follows repeat iron levels after three months continue roofer it with vitamin supplements or rich diet avoid diet inhibiting iron absorption revert back after three months with the investigations to a hematologist online
hello doctor my wife who is 30 years old having pain in both legs in the calf area she is having pain throughout the day but seems to be aggravated during night it started two to three weeks back but it has become severe now she is also having pain in both heels please help
hi I have gone through your query and can understand your health concern for further clarification consult an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I did hurt my ankle years ago then went for an mri months back the following month I had an arthroscopic surgery ocd mtd now even after nine months it still swells up painful and I do not have full range of motion it hurts a lot when I run or jump I have been doing physiotherapy and trying to strengthen the ankle but I still feel pain I did another mri three months back I have attached both iris please let me know what you think
hello I have read your query and the mri reports attached for further doubts consult an orthopaedician and traumatologist online
hello doctor my son is years old he is dealing with continuous chest congestion and coughing with change in season doctor suggested foracort 100 for two to three months with two shots in the morning and two at night after using nebulization levolin 25 my and budecort my in the past for chest congestion will it affect his immunity he eats healthy food with no junk at all but still gets cough and congestion so frequently please suggest some medicine is it due to pollution or as he grow will the things be better for him
hi revert back after the tests to an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I had a right inguinal hernia laparoscopic surgery four years back after about 10 days of surgery I started walking for about to am the first two days I did not feel any trouble but on the third day of my walk I begun to feel trouble in the area of the groin and felt weak too starting from there I always feel trouble and weak whenever I go for a long walk it hurts and troubles me more when I lift heavy objects any straining type of exercise in the groin area too hurts and I could never turn on the right side to lie down and sleep the symptoms that I felt after getting hurt in the surgery are not only troubles but feel immensely weak and discomforts in the right side of the flank now it is more than four years but still I have trouble when checked with ultrasound abdomen everything is normal except for the fatty liver which I have since five years some days back I went to the urologist and have done ultrasound scrotum but the results too turned out normal so what really is the problem in me kindly advise me I also want to know what other examination methods can be taken to find out what is really wrong in my surgery please guide
hi for further information consult a urologist online
hello doctor I have a slight swelling on the skin in my mouth near my back teeth it is slightly bigger than the other side it has been there since three days though it does not hurt there is some irritation when I eat or drink I am not aware whether I bumped it while brushing if so then it should have been sore I do not have any other symptoms please help
hello for further doubts consult a dentist online
hello doctor the medicines used are formoflo inhaler asthalin tablet and lukas tablet will these lead to sexual problems as side effects is it reversible
hello you have given very little information regarding your query actually the side effects of every drug depend on age sex duration of use and doses of that drug however as all inhalant acts locally it cause very rare or nil affects to the systems they are usually devoid of any systemic side effects like sexual side effects so formoflo inhaler will have very rare possibility of sexual side effects I think any inhaler can cause these side effects asthalin tablet contains salbutamol which has not reported any sexual side effects tablet lukas contains montelukast which is an anti allergic drug used for asthma and never reported to cause any sexual side effects so it is also not a cause I would like to mention for sexual problems decrease of sexual desire is an integral symptom of depression and montelukast reported side effects of depression if you have other symptoms like low mood decrease in pleasurable activities appetite and sleep disturbances loss of energy irritable behavior and restlessness then it could be due to depression because of montelukast if you have do not have other symptoms of depression then it could be an independent sexual problem and not due to any drugs which you have mentioned here
hello doctor I had irregular bleeding for eight weeks since ten days it is better please examine my pap smear report and hav report I got it done as there was irregular bleeding I have pod and diabetes currently I am taking metformin or 850 my please let me know whether all looks fine
hi I went through all your reports and they all are fine revert back with the asked answers to a medical oncologist online
hello doctor I had blood tests done there was some clorox cleaner or bleach on my arm can this affect the result
hi based on your query my opinion is as follows if anything abnormal found in report then get back to a pathologist online
hello doctor my age is 23 but I weigh only 37 keg for 158 am height my parents consulted different medical practitioners but nothing worked out appetizers did not work too I do not have strong immunity I get fever often no one in my family is lean other than me they all have normal weight I weighed keg when I was born and it was a normal delivery food does not interest me really except sweets and ice creams please help
hi for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I have developed venereal warts under my penis foreskin they are not painful and are non itchy as well as it is a matter of concern that how I developed it my doctor on seeing it directly asked to go for a laser surgery kindly look over the matter and seek necessary help
hi genital warts are usually acquired by sexual contact if the lesions are small you can apply imiquimod ointment on them for few days and they will clear if they are extensive then you should undergo laser cauterization or cryocautery if they are confined to prepuce then you can get them removed by circumcision for further information consult a urologist online
hello doctor my brother who is 25 years old has been suffering from anxiety for the past four years his doctor put him on effexor and elavil both the medicine has to be taken daily in addition to xanax lately the anxiety has developed into full blown panic attacks two of which resulted in a seizure and passing out briefly in addition we just discovered through a dna test that he has two mthfr mutated genes he seems to be rely more on the xanax now as a safety net or crutch when he feels a spell coming on I am very concerned that he has become too dependent on the xanax and now that he is taking a prescribed vitamin supplement to counter the mthfr it is likely making all the drugs on board more potent than before I have read that the cause of anxiety for some people is the mthfr gene mutation therefore I wonder if he even needs any of the drugs he is on but I realize that he cannot just quit cold turkey he needs opinion he is in a real tough cycle right now where he can hardly function which is not good as he is in final semester of law school please help
hello I can understand your concerns from your description it seems that your brother might have become dependent on xanax alprazolam xanax belongs to benzodiazepine group of drugs and is quite notorious for causing dependence if used for a longer period hence when not taken it leads to anxiety like symptoms which can mic a panic attack these are actually the withdrawal symptoms of xanax hence I would suggest you to stop your brother from taking xanax as soon as possible substitute xanax with some other drug with less abusive profile like clonazepam and then gradually taper and stop it besides this effexor venlafaxine is an effective drug for anxiety disorder but we need to adjust the dosage to increase the efficacy you need not give him elavil amitriptyline with effexor however he can continue with the supplements I would also suggest you to take a neurology opinion in view of seizure like episodes that happened previously for further clarification consult a psychiatrist online
hello doctor I am pretty sure that I have retrograde ejaculation because when I ejaculate it does not come out at the same moment of ejaculation but it does come out seconds later and when I urinate there is some sperm I also have male incontinence and bedwetting problem since I was young and I am now 24 years old and a couple of times this year I found it hard to urinate I felt like my bladder was numbed or something so I went to a urologist and I had my testicles tested because I had pain there and thought it was the reason for all this he gave me antibiotics I also did an ultrasound on my testicles and to check my kidney stones but everything was fine and after the antibiotics nothing change but the testicular pain my urologist said he wants to do a turn transurethral resection of the prostate but I do not know anything about the operation and he told me I will feel pain and I am scared of that but I also do not know why he wants to do this operation I searched online and it says mercury retrograde might be from multiple sclerosis week bladder muscle problem with the nerves a previous operation does not apply to me or medication side effect does not apply to me so I am not sure what to do I want to check for multiple sclerosis and also look at my bladder muscles could it be a problem in the prostate and is turn necessary I want a urologist who really wants to find out what is with me instead of just doing a test and not listening to what I am saying and then tell me to come back a month later I have more than one problem and I want to know what is causing all this
hello I think that there is an obstruction in your prostate gland prostate gland store semen that is why he wants to do this procedure turn stands for transurethral resection of the prostate you must go for it if you have further questions do follow up
hello doctor I am looking for advice and maybe a consultation from a neurologist I have a benign cluster of cysts at the back of my brain that was about 2 am in size when diagnosed after an mri I received this info from my family doctor who read the radiologist report that indicated no further action was needed I was not given a cause and prognosis was all good given the small size and benign appearance after some unusual headaches I had a follow up mri that showed no change and was told nothing further was needed before few months I started having almost daily headaches tingling in my head dizzy spells memory issues and brain fog occasional nausea and pressure sensations in my head an mri was ordered and my appointment for that takes months in my place the symptoms seemed to come and go so I and were not interfering with life so I just waited for the appointment which was last week I had a third mri and was told the cysts have grown to over am and the report shows that rather than a cluster of cysts as diagnosed before it could actually be a slow growing tumor in addition there is now and second unusual spot on the front of my brain since it is unclear what is going on my family doctor has requested to have another mri as well my doctor is requesting an ma because my father had a massive brain aneurysm at age 48 so she has suggested looking at the vessels as well then my doctor will refer me to a neurologist however this process takes time in canada so I have a long wait time based on the fact that I am stable and the initial tumor is slow growing I likely would not have the repeat mri or ma tests for four to eight weeks with neurology consult in three to four months I am looking for advice on what to do next I am an otherwise healthy 49 year old woman however now I am feeling some anxiety over this which has resulted in sleeplessness I really want to get to the bottom of what is going on sooner than later I am currently taking lithium 600 my and lamictal 100 my for bipolar depression
hello I have reviewed your case it is very much a benign tumor which grew 2 am to am so it is not an emergency at all first thing I want to know which area of the brain having cystic lesion so can you send me the radiologist reports of mri and preferably photos of important mri images so I can see how many cysts or tumors in which part of the brain is located as treatment and prognosis of any brain tumor depend on size number and location second thing please describe your symptoms in detail so I can correlate that is it related to this or not waiting for your response
hello doctor I have a history of skin picking mainly ingrown hair I have curly hair and shaving often leads to ingrown hairs for me especially in the pubic region about a week ago I was popping my ingrown hairs as usual and sometimes I go a little overboard and scratch and pick too hard in the same time frame I have had two sexual partners both I have slept with before but one I had not had relations for a while until last week the same guy also had sex with my best friend the same night which I was unaware of I also resumed having sex with my constant partner two days later a few days had passed and the sores from my skin picking have not gone away but instead have ulcerated in some areas there are probably eight or so ulcers they scab up sometimes but the scabs do not stay attached I am concerned now because my best friend has also noticed ulcerated areas in her genital realm and is concerned she has genital herpes I fear that I might also but at the same time I am not sure whether or not it would be an sad or just from where I picked at my own skin at first she was concerned she had gonorrhea or chlamydia I do not have as much concern about those there are hairs centered on all my ulcers the only other concerning factor is that my inguinal lymph nodes are swollen and sore I know I need to go get tested and plan on doing so tomorrow I just wanted an opinion on what else might be going on
hello I have noted your concerns your details match closely a condition called folliculitis which is an infection of the hair follicles with or without a hair in the center being visible and can lead to ulceration and swollen glands in the draining region which is an inguinal area in your case when you visit your doctor he or she is likely to assess your signs and physical examination and order some tests to look for the presence of bacteria in the lesions and some other venereal diseases some of the conditions can only be confirmed by blood tests it would be advisable to get your friend and contacts too examined and investigated at the same time especially if you are going to have them as partners in the future too whether directly or indirectly at this stage the main concern focuses on herpes blood tests required chancroid tests required and folliculitis for now it would be good to clean up the area with mild antiseptic apply some antibiotic cream and use a pain killer for relief from pain I hope this helps
hi doctor I wanted to ask a question about a bump at the back of my throat it is like a bone I went to a local ent and he told me it is normal sometimes it shows to some people I just wanted to ask what is it
hello I have seen the picture do you have symptoms like pain or itching in the throat it looks like granular lymphoid tissues of the posterior pharyngeal wall or it could be a small cyst of the posterior pharyngeal wall also did you take any treatment for the swelling if not you can just do chlorhexidine mouth gargles three times daily for a week which will reduce inflammation and you can take an oral antihistamine like fexofenadine which will take care of the allergy part sometimes lymph nodes are enlarged secondary to allergy if you have more queries please revert back
hi doctor I had a very weird experience last night I woke up suddenly I am guessing I was in the middle of a dream and felt an electric shock type sensation going through my body and I could not move the closest thing I can think of close to it was when I was a kid and touched the metal water hose handle during a storm and felt a current move through me it is extremely strange and I am not sure what to make of it lasted about 10 seconds I am currently on wellbutrin al 150 my once daily straterra 40 my once daily I just started a complex supplement yesterday morning before this occurred last night
hi from your history it looks like a sleep parasomnic event it mostly happens in the rem rapid eye movement phase of sleep which is a deep sleep phase in that phase muscle tone of the whole body is reduced and if someone awakens prematurely in this phase will be unable to move body muscles and feels like paralysis of the whole body and unable to speak but it is transient and benign in most of the cases many times it can happen due to straterra atomoxetine but very rare complex cannot produce such symptoms but still better to stop it if not a genuine deficiency state in my opinion no need to evaluate further except recurrence or disturb your sleep many times it is physiological so no need to worry maintain sleep hygiene take seven hours of sleep in 24 hours regularize the sleep cycle do not take coffee or tea or neuro stimulant before sleep do not do exercise three hours before sleep I hope this helps
hello doctor I have had intermittent pain in my lower left abdomen for seven months now I had a colonoscopy as soon as the pain started in the summer but there were no abnormalities seen there might have been something as the doctor muttered there is this sort of a thing here during the colonoscopy but the doctor who did the colonoscopy would not comment it further because the diagnosis lies in the biopsy samples the case was dismissed after the biopsies came back normal however the pain has continued I think that it now mostly comes before bowel movements unlike before which was more random suggesting a colonic cause but I am not sure I also have soft stools but they could be related to a high fiber diet attached are some pet it pictures were taken five and a half months after the symptoms began the radiologist claimed that there were no modular findings seen in the colon but I can see some mildly elevated modular activity as well as a possible thickening in the lower left abdomen where the symptoms are the axial view is mirrored is the structure highlighted a part of the colon wall or a lymph node what are the black areas that surround the node should I opt for another colonoscopy a needle biopsy or just forget about this
hello welcome to icliniq com as I read your question I just remembered how distressed my sister becomes when she gets similar pains which enables me to realize your anxieties well however her pains have been determined to be of uterine origin please note that as a radiologist I always feel confident when I can view the full set of the scan that I am asked to review however as you and the reporting radiologist are well convinced about the rest of the imagery my opinion about the selected images that you have attached is as follows the black areas represent the gas in your bowels about the encircled area please note that pet it is based on the principle that many pathological lesions accumulated much higher amounts of fog fluorodeoxy glucose than the normal tissue because of this basic principle positive findings on pet are always vidly visible this is unlike other imaging such as it mri or ray where we often have to look for subtle findings look at the urinary bladder where the excreted fog has accumulated this is excreted fog not a lesion in the bladder if there were any pet positive lesion in your abdomen it would show up as bright as the bladder now look at the area you have encircled it has some brightness and although it looks more prominent than the surroundings its appearance still does not match what we expect a lesion to look like please also note that the main image of these types of studies is the axial image and the others are reconstructed by software also the pet image is superimposed on the it image by software such manipulations often result in the creation of image artifacts in my opinion the brightness in the encircled area and its surroundings is artefactual the mild elevations that you fell you can see are likely due to the folding of the bowel loops yes there are some lesions that are pet negative and there are the causes of lower abdominal pain lap that do not create a change in imaging studies therefore your next step should be to discuss with your gastroenterologist about these types of possibilities truly lap is caused not only by cancers seen on pet but also due to vascular inflammatory invective and other pathologies exploring which may lead to the proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment I hope this helps
hello doctor I have taken fluoxetine 80 my for refractory ocd for about six years now obsessions are 90 percent controlled so I am not currently taking it now but sometimes I have mood fluctuations also so currently I have started aripiprazole 20 my the problem is that I feel sleepy in the day my friends say that I am not alert I am preparing for pig exam what should I do now can I take modafinil to increase my alertness and cognition I want to increase my performance also please help
hi I read your query and understood your concerns first of all why have you stopped fluoxetine who advised that were you seeing a psychiatrist who has advised aripiprazole do you have any improvement in your mood fluctuations from it aripiprazole as such does not cause sedation and excessive sleep it is usually an activating drug are you taking any other drug or benzodiazepine to increase alertness one can take modafinil but daily intake is not recommended it can be used on as and when required basis nowadays lots of students do this and take for a long time but as a doctor I would not recommend that instead you can have activating antidepressant like bupropion which also increases concentration another option is atomoxetine revert with answers
hello doctor I am a 30 year old male I have been married for one year my problem is low sexual drive I do have morning erections but not regularly when I have sex one to two times a week I do not masturbate otherwise I masturbate two to three times a week unlike having sex I get enormous pleasure when masturbating when masturbating I withdraw for a few seconds when I am about to ejaculate so that I get a long session of masturbation and also a good climax when having sex I do not get the same pleasure when sliding my penis inside her I guess I have a low sexual drive from the past one and a half years I do not feel any arousal when I see her naked but when I watch a porn movie I get aroused sooner I consume himalayan gokshura capsules for vitality for the past one month apart from that no medications I am a strict non smoker and non alcoholic I do have some stress out of workplace and family issues I do not get enough sleep I did my circumcision when I was years old my penis is dry and I feel less sensitivity when having sex I normally ejaculate within five to ten minutes after insertion no medical conditions like seizure of fits but I feel tired at times I had been watching porn for the past several years could that be a reason for my low sexual desire or is it masturbation I had consulted a doctor in the icliniq she prescribed me bupron al 150 my for 15 days I understand that it is an antidepressant will it help to increase my libido are there any short term or long term side effects can I use this pill on a regular basis please help me to overcome this situation
hi at the age of 30 the neurological illness diabetes and hypertension are not common so mostly the cause is anxiety and stress for erectile problems stress and worries can make a person distracted even while masturbation when a person watches a porn movie because of the visual content a person cannot have much distraction but when a person is doing masturbation or sex he may have distraction because of stress in addition to this stress and anxiety can cause low sexual desire financial issues work load at job daily hustles conflict with spouse repeated worry about failure in bed and partner satisfaction are the main reason for psychological erectile problems these are the sources of stress what you have to do is forget about the past failures and make a new beginning for initial four to five encounters in sex you should not go for penetration and just enjoy the foreplay spending more time in foreplay helps in holding erection for longer it also helps in identifying the sensitive areas for arousal in your partner the sensitive areas in female are neck nipple clitoris and anterior wall of vagina during foreplay you have to concentrate on these regions after four to five sexual encounters without penetration you can start intercourse and with prolonged foreplay take help from your partner for holding erection longer like oral sex and masturbation by your partner or whatever she is comfortable with if you are not confirmed about your morning erection then you can perform a bedside test like a paper test in this test you have to apply a strip of paper about am around your penis base while it is in the flaccid state it should be tight enough and use gum to stick both the ends of paper around the penis base when your penis gets an erection during the early morning the paper will be ruptured and this will be the positive finding that it gets normal morning erection if you are depressed then take a visit to a psychiatrist and get treated with antidepressants you can visit a good psychiatrist or sexologist in your city and undergo sexual counseling and therapy bupropion can help in increasing your libido continue it other drugs that can be used for the same are pramipexole cyproheptadine etc pramipexole can be started at a dose of 125 my three times a day dose can be increased to 25 my three times a day after one week I suggest you to continue bupropion and wait for one month if you do not find any improvement then change to pramipexole there is no need to worry about circumcision it can cause this abnormality or decrease sensation in penis glans more you ruminate about having a problem more will be the actual problems for anxiety purpose yoga and meditation will be helpful along with jogging or walking I hope this helps
hello doctor I want to know what this report means so I can list my questions I am concerned about the internal vascular nature of this report I am attaching my last three ultrasounds I am looking for your interpretation of the report and want to know if there is anything worrisome I have attached two of my previous reports for comparison
hello welcome to icliniq com from your attached ultrasound reports I understand that you have a thyearoid swelling goiter with multiple tiny nodules for which you undergo regular followups I can also see that these nodules are quite stable and have not undergone any worrisome change nor have any cervical lymph nodes been found enlarged but you are presently concerned about the structure with internal vascularity which is a newer statement it is quite natural to be worried about such a finding but give me the pleasure of saying that it is only one of the four parathyearoid glands that are attached very close to the thyearoid the internal vascularity is only an identifying point of parathyearoids rather than any clue to an abnormality the size of the parathyearoid may raise suspicion as to whether it is enlarged such as in parathyearoid hyperplasia adenoma or carcinoma however parathyearoid hyperplasia is accompanied by a finding of calcification in the gland while carcinoma cancer is characterized by invasion into surrounding organs your report says which appears to be separated from as for parathyearoid adenoma please be assured that this disease manifests itself quite clearly in clinical and laboratory features such as abdominal pain due to the formation of gallstones renal stones bone pain abnormal calcium and phosphate levels and altered parathormone therefore considering all points I would like to assure you that internal vascularity is not a cause of worry and the parathyearoid even if it is marginally enlarged should also not create anxiety unless your doctor finds features of hyperparathyearoidism in your clinical or lab findings since I do not know your clinical or lab findings mentioned above I suggest that you may clarify the matter further with your respective doctor during your next scheduled visit I hope this helps
hello doctor I have just done my blood test including liver profile cholesterol profile thyearoid profile etc I have only one concern in the report which is high value of alanine transaminases liver profile two weeks back I have stomach infection with high gastric problem gas is passing as burn only and not from the back so I took antibiotics for this also I have an empty stomach gas problem sometimes that cause headache also I am attaching my report with this do I need any medicine or liv 52 is fine in my case I prefer herbal or homeopathy medicine please suggest
hello welcome to icliniq com yes your liver enzymes are raised which requires evaluation of the cause most common causes of such liver derangement are alcohol viral hepatitis non alcoholic fatty liver disease and drugs however the rise is not very high still we should rule out possibilities like hepatitis and because they can later cause liver cirrhosis I would advise you to get the following investigations done hbsag surface antigen for hepatitis 2 anti hav hepatitis virus antibody for hepatitis 3 ultrasound abdomen a lot many times liver dysfunction is due to non alcoholic fatty liver disease nafld so if you have any evidence of fatty liver in ultrasound and your other tests are negative this rise is liver enzyme would be attributed to nafld for this you need to reduce your weight reduce fat in the diet and if required your doctor may prescribe you ursodeoxycholic acid for the same make sure that you do not take any pain killers without your doctor advice I hope this helps
hello doctor my son is years old and sometimes he has bloodshot eyes this allergy was started when he was one year old he has been diagnosed as vernal conjunctivitis
hello I reviewed your history vernal conjunctivitis is a chronic condition and requires treatment for a long time it usually decreases in severity by 15 years of age the treatment mainly involves the use of antiallergic drugs like olopatadine with steroid eye drops in acute and severe cases since the treatment is required for a long time the treatment needs to be done under the supervision of an ophthalmologist hence I advise you to consult your eye doctor for examination and treatment accordingly
hello doctor I was doing crunches exercise three years ago something went wrong near my left side abdomen I mean the left side of belly button portion I feel a kind of knot sensation I cannot evacuate properly even if my stool is soft I cannot pass gas and urine comes slowly unless gas is fully evacuated I did an ultrasound scan and everything is fine no hernia nothing while I sleep I do not notice this knot kind of sensation but while I am sitting I can feel it doctor said it was a muscle catch and gave some medications but it did not work can you help me
hello welcome to icliniq com I have read your query in detail and it seems as if you might be suffering from a femoral hernia though less common in men than an inguinal hernia it does cause the kind of symptoms you seem to be facing long term solution is obviously surgery but since we do not have enough information I will try to alleviate your symptoms rather than diagnose wear scrotal support this will lend strength to muscles in sitting and standing positions you can try an abdominal binder if pain or strain or knot is more above rather than below the abdomen avoid standing for more than five minutes in one go rest or sit as often as possible increase water intake to 10 12 glasses a day avoid eating high sugar foods to decrease gas or bloating follow up after 14 days with ultrasound abdomen and ray abdomen erect
hi doctor I am going to mention all of my issues together since I think they may be related to each other I have been suffering from lower back glue hip pain that radiates down my legs sometimes into my heels even for around five years this began after a hard fall onto my right buttock although weirdly now most of the pain is on the left side I have also had some foot issues metatarsal pain and now pain on the outer edge of the front of my feet I have not been diagnosed with a bunion but it is on its way there I have been prescribed insoles that help with the metatarsal pain but not the bunion pain when I initially presented with metatarsal pain the podiatrist also diagnosed me with tight hamstrings which I definitely notice also since then I have done all sorts of physiotherapies aimed at lessening the pain in my lower back hip as far as I can tell it is the si joint causing me issues the pain gets worse if I am static in any position for too long sitting standing laying down I recently decided to investigate further and had an mri scan which revealed no issues in my si joint but showed that my back is fairly straight as in not a very pronounced curve which is probably contributing to the pain in my lower back the orthopedic surgeon also mentioned that my lower three discs are somewhat degenerated and bulging a little too something that could eventually become a hernia but is not necessarily the cause of my pain right now so I do not have any straight answers so far my plan for the moment is to focus on strengthening my back my core is quite strong but I will continue to work on that too and working compression exercises for my lower back into my routine I think this may help to stop or reverse my bulging disc issue I have been doing more forward folds than backbends I practice yoga regularly and am incorporating more strength training into that routine so I am reversing that trend now after learning about my bulging discs I will also try to strengthen my glutes as I heard this can help with the pain having read all of this what can you recommend does my regime sound good I also have an appointment with a physiotherapist who specializes in backs near where I live but in the meantime I would like to hear as much as possible from outside sources about what their assessment and advice would be
hello looking at the discs in the mri that you sent I do not think there is a cause of leg pain there degeneration of discs leads to overload and pain in the back with local radiation leg pain comes from disc pathology with entrapment of the adjacent nerve roots the second possibility is the si sacroiliac joint that you are saying is normal core and back strengthening will help always and I will recommend that you do more isometric of the spine and reduce forward flexion that causes the disc to bulge backward gluteal and hamstrings stretches are crucial finally try pregabalin 75 my twice a day for three weeks to see if the pain is relieved metatarsal pain is just an incidental issue that have happened together with leg and back pain
hello doctor my mother fell on her right arm a few days later she noticed a wound on the dorsum of the right arm but was not sure if it was from the fall she did not care for it nor treat it about a week later she started disinfecting and covering it but decided to visit a dermatologist as she was afraid it might be something else upon the looks of it the doctor wanted a biopsy as she said it could be cancerous too while waiting for the results the wound closed and decreased in size and signs of inflammation are gone today we got the results and it says hypodermic and dermis with hyperkeratosis severe dysplasia of the squamous epithelium chronic inflammatory changes in the dermis now I started reading to try and understand and what confuses me is the severe dysplasia of squamous epithelium is that carcinoma in situ in some literature they differentiate the two in others they claim it is the same I also came upon the fact that when there is an ulcer or inflammation reactive atypia and dysplasia may look the same hence the dysplasia may be from the inflammation how is that determined is it a wound that is in the stages of healing or is it precancerous what should be done in this case can we wait for one or two weeks to see if the crust will fall as in a healing wound and then perhaps have a biopsy on clean skin or should it be removed immediately with a suspicion that it might progress to cancer if it should be removed what is the time frame should it be done immediately I also talked to a surgeon friend who thinks if it is cut immediately it would cause a bigger wound which might be slow to heal again I have attached the progression of the wound
hi I have seen the attachment this could be cancer however there is no harm in waiting for a week or 10 days and then perhaps go for an excision if it does not heal by then cutaneous sec squamous cell carcinoma is usually not very aggressive and in most cases excision surgery with a margin of normal skin is curative
hello doctor my son has had chronic constipation issues and this past week he was at the er three times two enemas were given and eventually they hospitalized him and they inserted an eg tube to flush out his bowels I am trying to figure out the time frame it takes for a four year old to become that backed up he came home saturday night had not had a bowel movement on that day nor he drank his normal amounts of fluids the next day he had a huge piece of stool come out with blood upon wiping immediately after he pooped his pants with stool that had much softer consistency not diarrhea then he passed another hard piece of stool at night monday night he passed a larger piece of stool once more and blood was noticed upon wiping tuesday morning he passed another large piece of stool and the toilet filled with blood and I took him to er I have all the summaries from the visits and ray results I am trying to figure out if constipation started prior to sunday or if he got constipated from sunday through tuesday I need an opinion on this matter as I am trying to figure out the behavioral aspect of his constipation he is currently taking three ex lax chews at am daily and 85 my miralax in 20 ounces of fluids every friday for one month
hello I understand your concern after going through the ray report it shows on the ith no gross constipation noted on ith and 10th ray constipation noted with colon filled with stool but the actual problem has started from ith stool formation for years old child usually takes 24 to 48 hours depending upon diet pattern if low fiber intake and low water intake is there constipation can happen constipation can also occur secondary to local bowel inflammation
hello doctor I am 31 years old and weigh about 51 keg I am actually afraid to eat I took a liver function test my bilirubin total was 50 bilirubin direct 30 and bilirubin indirect 20 my triglycerides is 256 I feel nauseous all the time please suggest what to do I am taking pentate elpizyme syearup and liv 52
hi symptoms you have mentioned may occur due to liver disease stomach problem or esophagus related for differentiation in these entities we need detail discussion by message or by phone apart from the discussion your bilirubin is elevated but the liver function test is incomplete we need more information g got sept all proteins it apt and in I need answers for the following questions you are afraid of eating all the time but why it is due to difficulty in swallowing or it is due to burning epigastrium pain in abdomen or vomiting what is the onset of these symptoms do you take alcohol dou you have constipation jaundice family history of constipation or similar illness advice continue pentate pantoprazole and domperidone 40 my half an hour before meals once a day avoid fatty meals take syearup gelusil my with each feed intake take syearup eva multivitamin my two times a day avoid milk for sometime especially do not take in the morning hours do regular exercise get done let liver function test with the above mentioned tests if there is abnormality then we will plan further tests provide details about question marked symptoms report back with the report and detailed information or can discuss by phone
hello doctor my relative aged 82 years is suffering from prostate cancer it was discovered one year ago surgery was done eight months ago and it is still spreading he is not diabetic will chemo might be fatal
hi I have read through your query in detail please find my observations below it is important to know when the cancer spread was first detected if it has spread to involve other areas then it is likely to be stage cancer I have served in a cancer institute for years and have seen many patients like him getting chemotherapy to prolong life liver and kidney functions and general condition should be maintained during treatment radiation also helps many patients usually the survival of a patient with advanced stage cancer is not more than two years with good care and treatment this is an average and rarely patients might survive to three to five years chemotherapy and radiation therapy might help to extend the life of the patient and slow the disease progression but cannot cure cancer at the age of 82 years it is important to give him good nutrition and diet with proteins and vitamins pain relief is important for him and this is to be discussed with his doctor please see that he is comfortable hope this answers your question
hello doctor I have a migraine I have readjusted my eyeglasses prescription for headaches I feel sharp pains in my right and now started to feel like it is in my left ear as well please help
hi if you would have presented to me as an outpatient I would have told you that your medical history is grossly inadequate to make any clinical impression migraine is unlikely to cause sharp ear pains it may be related to inner ear pressure abnormalities eustachian tube abnormalities or taj temporomandibular joint inflammation stress caused by wearing improper eye glasses can cause stress headache which can cause precipitation of even migraine episodes meanwhile please start taking tablet tryptomer amitriptyline 10 my once a day at bedtime along with that start mental relaxation exercises pranayama and yoga these things will likely help you please have an ent opinion also
hello doctor my father is a heart patient and also has a problem with high sugar but two weeks before his be level and sugar level dropped a lot and he started feeling very low with some kind of palpitation after some prescription his be level and sugar are normal but the problem of palpitation is still there to whom should I consult for him
hello sorry to hear about your father when you say heart patient I assume he has had a blockage to the artery supplying the heart coronary artery disease or has had a heart attack myocardial infarction in diabetes management the duration of diabetes and the level of control in the past is very important for present management as well heart patients will be generally prescribed be blood pressure reduction tablets amlodipine losartan telmisartan cholesterol lowering tablets simvastatin atorvastatin blood thinner tablet aspirin clopidogrel and heart rate reduction tablet beta blockers atenolol nebivolol bisoprolol the cause of your father symptoms has to be found out low be can be caused by high heart rates and palpitation arrhythmia in such a scenario your father has to be reviewed by his cardiologist to see if there is a trigger like decreased blood supply ischemia or salt imbalance electrolyte abnormality and adjust the medications both be and heart rate medication a low sugar will usually raise heart rate and be but here the be had fallen so low sugar hypoglycemia may not be the cause of these symptoms one thing you might like to keep in mind is that if someone is on blocker his heart rate will not go up during hypoglycemia so the cause of low sugar remains unexplained a review of his diabetic management viz timing of diet intake dosage of insulin medications timing of medicines type of insulin have to be reviewed to find the cause a simple and common reason would be that he could have reduced his food intake or avoided it altogether due to his heart symptoms on that day resulting in low blood sugar now coming to his present symptom of palpitation as his sugar level is normal range as per your information it seems unlikely that his diabetes could be the cause of his palpitations so my advice is to recheck his blood sugar both fasting and post food two to three times to confirm the absence of low sugar and to review the heart condition and medication with his cardiologist a point of note is that if your father is quite elderly has been a long term diabetic has other co existing medical conditions like kidney dysfunction mobility issues it is better to go for a medium control of diabetes rather than very tight control of blood sugar levels I hope this helps
hello doctor just yesterday I discovered that my front tooth looks a bit black and then I decided to look behind that tooth I found out that there is a black spot between two teeth behind and I have not seen it before I was a bit shocked to find that out I am a student and cannot afford to visit dentist can you please consult on how to cure it without pulling out and visiting a dentist
hello I understand your concern the most common cause of black spots on tooth is cavity or tooth decay unfortunately there is not any medicines or home remedy that could stop the progression or cure tooth decay this can only be done by a dental treatment tooth has three layers outer enamel denting and innermost never layer when decay starts in the enamel layer it does not show any symptoms other than visible black spot on tooth at this stage a simple tooth filling can be done but if left untreated it progress through denting and when reaches nerve layer it starts to give out pain this is when a simple filling cannot be done a root canal treatment and crown procedure will be the only option to save the tooth in that stage I can understand your situation but please visit the dentist and get a simple filling done as soon as possible to save that tooth treating at early stage will be a good decision financially meanwhile avoid stick and sugary foods and maintain a good oral hygiene to reduce the decay from rapidly progressing I hope this helps
hello doctor I used to have constipation issues last year and recently in the last two weeks it gets fixed but I think I have little wounds appearing that is my assumption I am taking soft stool from last week while taking out stool I feel a slight pain in that area is it serious please advice
hello I can understand your concern for symptoms never attempt to take out stool instead it is advisable to use stool softener or laxatives the habit of taking stool out and constipation can develop anal fissure which is small tear on inner wall of lower part of anal canal constipation manual removal of the stool proctoscopy rectal examination anal fissure stool softener or laxative analgesic for anal pain anesthetic medication ointment for local application
hello doctor does every wisdom teeth start growing partially erupt or do I percent have something wrong with me my gum is half on my wisdom teeth which is now starting to grow are a bit swollen but the teeth does not look slanted or impacted so far it hurts a little though I just want to know if wisdom teeth always grow half erupted and then slowly fully erupted I cannot chew very hard or a lot because it will hurt there is nothing wrong with my gum it is just on the top of the teeth and swollen but besides that looking normal the teeth are on the right hand side bottom of my mouth and I brush my left hand side of my mouth a lot more than the right so it could be an infection I am 13 my wisdom teeth probably should not be growing yet my wisdom teeth on the bottom left side is also half erupted but does not hurt at all I do not know if it is swollen I am using numbing cream as of now
hello most third molars or wisdom teeth grow half erupted or becomes impacted in most populations sometimes normally erupting teeth can cause pain and swelling this could probably be your second molar tooth we will have three molars on each side the age of eruption of wisdom tooth is 17 to 21 years whereas second molars erupt between 12 to 13 years this pain and gum swelling could mostly be due to its eruption this is quite normal you can do warm saline mouth rinses thrice daily to manage pain or can continue the same numbing cream to relieve the discomfort the gums over the erupting tooth will generally be loosely attached hence they attract food particles get trapped between the loose gums and the tooth thereby causing gum swelling do rinse your mouth after every meal to remove food deposits this should settle in a couple of days but if the swelling and pain are not coming down in two to three days you should visit the dentist and get the swelling examined I hope this helps
hello doctor I am 23 years old I am a hypothyearoid patient from my years I was taking medication till I was 17 years old then I could not continue with my medications and I stopped it for years one day suddenly I began to feel faint always even while I was sleeping sometimes I would feel fainting it would sweat a lot suddenly my muscles and bones started to pain a lot I could not go alone out of my house especially in the day time in the hot sun if I go then it would sweat a lot feel as if I was going to faint in some more time only if I come home and sit in the fan it will reduce a bit even after drinking a lot of water and eating glucose the feeling will not go I feel like I have only 10 percent energy in my body my pain would be more in the day time and after eating it would reduce so I get little energy in the night after eating all throughout the day I could not continue my life normally then I went to my endocrinologist she found that vitamin was low I corrected by eating heavy dose tablets and it came back to normal but my symptoms continued then I did yoga it reduced by 10 percent then I tested for vitamin b12 after five months it was 69 pig my then I took injections and corrected it but my symptoms reduced by 20 percent only still I cannot go out in the sun confidently I do not know what to do my parents are blaming me that I am simply telling a lie am I having any severe deficiency or disease please help me out I have discontinued my course due to this condition
hi I have read through your query in detail please find my observations below if you have a history of hypothyearoidism and have not taken medicine for five years then it is important to review your thyearoid function tests again it is possible that you have again become hypothyearoid and it is essential to know your ash thyearoid stimulating hormone to and to you should also get clinically examined and if required then do a thyearoid ultrasound scan vitamin should be maintained at the normal level if it has come back to normal then you should continue eating foods rich in calcium like rage and milk vitamin 12 should also be taken care of it will help to know what is your present vitamin 12 level this should be in the mid range sometimes it can be at the lower limit of normal and this requires supplements it is important to know if you have any fear or anxiety concerning your health please eat well and also drink an adequate amount of water every day you are in growing age and should take 200 cal food every day include eggs fruits and green vegetables in your diet please spend 30 minutes in the morning sun from am to 30 am every day and this will generate vitamin from sunlight continue doing yoga and stay physically fit and mentally strong sometimes even electrolytes and blood sugar can get low and cause such symptoms it will help to get your serum calcium phosphorus sodium potassium and chloride done and also fasting and post prandial blood sugar test done these are important to know if your low energy problem is due to low electrolytes or sugar getting complete blood count hemoglobin with peripheral blood smear level is also important to know if you are having anemia leaving the course is not a good idea if you have any mental anxiety and stress then please consult a psychiatrist hypothyearoidism can cause laziness and low mood and this can be treated with medicines I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a master student currently writing a thesis as this is a stressful time for me my sleep is the first thing being affected for the past two to three weeks I have had sleepless nights restless sleep and waking up in the middle of the night averaging about two to three hours of proper sleep per night during that time I had been taking valerian root to help me sleep except recently it seems its potency has worn off or my body has become used to its effects a doctor prescribed me zimovane zopiclone for sleep but did not ask about prescriptions I am currently taking does zopiclone have any effects on birth control prescriptions particularly rigevidon
hello zopiclone is a nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic agent helps in maintaining sleep long acting reduces the number of awakenings improves the quality of sleep and has minimal abuse potential the usual dose is 5 my 15 20 minutes before sleeping and should not be used for more than four weeks as such zopiclone has no metabolic interaction with birth control pills so you can continue to have them even on zopiclone however if you want to conceive then you should not take zopiclone as it can lead to withdrawal symptoms in neonates hence if on birth control pills you can continue to have zopiclone for about four weeks after which you should seek an opinion from a concerned psychiatrist burnout insomnia primary zopiclone 5 my sleep hygiene avoid stimulants at late night follow up after two weeks take oral medications continuously
hello doctor I have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis I never traveled to a foreign country I have been unprotected from paint chemicals for over a year I use a mask that was not nosh approved the spray that I have been using is 341g a test shows that 36 pounds of chemicals have been inhaled like I was inhaler on drugs that is from the paint spray itself I would see things which were not there I experience numbness and tingliness in the right side of the face bottom of the right hand and right bottom foot I also have shortness of breath I highly believe this a case of multiple sclerosis symptom I know it is uncommon but can certain spray chemical give this symptom I do not want to be misdiagnosed I have got kids my health and life is depended on
hello multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in which an abnormal response of body immune system is directed against the nervous system brain spinal cord and optic nerves the immune system of the body mistakenly attacks the myelin sheath the protective coating around the nerves the cause of is still not known it is believed that several different factors may be involved mainly immune mediated but genetic and some environmental factors have a role although some studies have claimed to have a relation between is and some substances used in paints etc but not as spray substance otherwise also these studies are not giving a strong scientific basis these are simple reports that need to be confirmed further before reaching on conclusion the long contact with some paints can cause neurological symptoms and numbness but mostly it is reversible coming to your problem you have written I have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis if it is by a competent specialist then I will not comment anything on the diagnosis what is mri and csi results anyway it can only be judged along with physical examination and signs and symptoms but some of the symptoms are fatigue progressively leading activity limitation numbness weakness walking difficulty vision problem urinary problem bowel problem cognitive emotional and depressive changes and respiratory problem if chest muscle gets weakened as you have apprehension about painting work so the best option for you is to search for some other job even if it is not proved that inhalation of painting is a cause of is
hello doctor I am 20 years old my height is 2 and weighs about 75 keg what are the yoga I could do to reduce weight how many days a week and for how many hours shall I practice yoga
hello according to your height and weight your mi body mass index comes out to 30 24 which is considered to be a clear case of obesity for asian population according to the latest guidelines if you are really willing to lose weight then you just need to understand that weight gain or weight loss is simply due to a balance between calorie intake and calorie requirements the second most important point is there are no short cuts to weight loss the ideal recommended weight loss per week can be approximately two kilograms so you can expect approximately to 10 keg of weight loss in one month weight loss for the first two weeks is always easiest the main difficulty is in the second and third months plan and follow any weight loss strategy for a minimum of six months go for yoga a minimum of one hour per day and five days a week an ideal recommendation will be two hours of workout per day one hour can be given to yoga and another one hour can be reserved for jogging running walking dancing exercise or any other physical work out some practices which are useful for weight loss are jogging jumping spinal twists back swing hip twist forward and backward bending side bending parivrtta trikonasana stretch dynamic suryanamaskara chakki chalanasana bhunamanasana chapaati making dhanurasana swing salabhasana alternate bhujangasana and parvatasana navasana swing paschimottanasana stretch halasana alternate paschimottanasana and halasana cycling era pa uttanasana and dwi pa uttanasana side leg raising naukasana swing kapalbhati kriya gala neti kriya raghu shankha prakshalana vamana dhauti nazi suddhi pranayama bhramari and surya anuloma viloma it is not advisable to start with these practices without guidance especially in the beginning suryanamaskara is especially beneficial start with three rounds per session and keep adding one extra round every third day till you reach ten rounds per session dietary modification is a must for success you can follow different diet plans for example one week liquid only diet another week fruits only diet becoming very strict with one diet plan makes it difficult to follow go for food items which are bulky more volume but with less calories for example fruits and salads instead of an item which are have condensed calories and but less bulk like sweets all the information is relevant to you as long as you are not suffering from any other ailment it is worth to check your thyearoid status if you have not done it already
hello doctor kindly explain the treatment of periodontitis
hello any history of previous braces treatment smoking history any systemic diseases under any long term medication usage I have gone through your op looks like you have a moderate form of generalized periodontitis is the inflammatory condition of the underlying bone and the associated structures it could be either because of local factors or due to systemic conditions a complete oral examination should be done to determine what is causing your generalized bone loss in oral cavity the most common local factors are calculus hardened yellow food deposits habits history and unstable bite this unstable bite could also be due to your wisdom teeth some of the systemic factors include nutritional deficiencies systemic diseases like diabetes mellitus genetic factors blood disorders immunocompromised diseases or if under any long term medication treatment depends on the cause treating the cause stops the progression of the disease if it is due to local factors scaling and polishing followed by lana laser assisted new attachment procedure will help long term maintenance including review appointments and oral prophylaxis should be done in periodical intervals please visit a periodontist dentist to identify the cause and to start with your treatment
hello doctor is pancreatitis curable is it treated as an outpatient or inpatient if as an oupatient what medicines are typically prescribed and what is the treatment plan if as an inpatient where is a good hospital to get treated
hello yes there is treatment for pancreatitis in ayurveda but in your query only diagnosis is not sufficient depending upon your symptoms we diagnose the case according to ayurvedic view and then will give treatment generally all good and experienced ayurvedic doctors can treat your problem by the time for pain burning sensation and swelling you can use following medicines which are safe spicy food smoking alcohol gastric ulcer is shankha vat tab twice a day before food jeerakarishtam top twice a day after food with equal quantity of water avipattikar choorna top twice a day after food with warm water gulkand pravalyukta top at bed time follow simple non spicy veg diet
hi doctor this is about my 5 year old son just after a couple of months of his birth a light reddish spot appeared below his nose please see pictures now it has grown as dark brownish textured spot and appears to be growing with the body although it does not make any physical problem to him now he is quite conscious about it and tries to hide from everyone even after our counseling it is a kind of social stigma for him hence we want to get it removed please answer my queries does it has any future health risk is it possible to get it removed surgically or by medication if surgery is the only way can a child of 5 years age will bear the process will this removal be permanent or any other solution
hi I looked into the pictures of your son and can understand your concern it is a simple nexus common mole regarding future health risk most of the common mole does not cause any problem except they may grow in size but very rarely they may get transformed into melanoma skin cancer treatment no medicines will clear it but yes it can be removed surgically the risk of it getting transformed into melanoma is not the indication to get it removed but it is a cosmetic indication in your son case yes he can withstand the surgery as it is done under local anesthesia with sedation it will not recur at that site once it is removed as mentioned only surgery can correct it but right now it is not strongly indicated unless he can cope up with it but as told there is a very small risk of it changing into melanoma actually most doctors would advise to watch for those changes sudden growth in size or changes in the color and if these changes are happening then go for the surgery but for him it is in the area of mustache so he may try to hide it from the world once he starts growing mustache and hence any changes in color of the mole might not be noticed so it is better you consider surgery now only I hope this helps
hi doctor we have a baby of months old I would like to mention the previous history here my wife does not have breast milk so she cannot feed it we are offering nanpro I to the baby she is very active and smiling all day doctor told to start solid to her with cow milk doctor offered a schedule as below give her mashed rice once a day and cow milk and nanpro as well but now we found that her weight is lost by 10 go compared to the last 15 days weight her weight as of now is 315 keg which was earlier 325 keg 15 days back my wife has reduced her nanpro almost all around 60 90 my per day is given to the baby and started feeding her with cow milk for the whole day from the last three days and from the last three days baby is having a very solid stool she also had pain while doing that she is also getting irritated for the past three days why we need your guidance is it correct to reduce nanpro while increasing cowmilk do we still need to continue nanpro how to deal with this solid stool which is giving her pain she does not have blood or something in the stool but she is having pain while doing it we are worried about her weight loss as well can you please guide us for her food so that it will suit her with weight gain and no pain
hello your baby is now month old now you can give her food other than milk also but it should be offered in a way your baby will accept I mean to say you have to give semi solid food because your baby cannot chew enough to digest solid foods and some time is needed to get adjusted for both baby and mother this is the time when feeding difficulty starts so do not worry you can offer your baby semisolid foods like mashed rice in milk porridge made of rice rage etc mashed potato and banana add more milk to make it less thick you can offer food six to eight times in a day once or twice overnight milk for three to four times and semisolid foods rest of the schedule give in small quantities at each time gradually start introducing more solid food over the next four to five months about which milk to use you can use any type of milk usually what the family consumes add one spoon sugar to 10 spoon milk and feed with a spoon never use a feeding bottle if you have a habit of bottle feeding please stop it and never use again you can add ghee or butter to semisolid foods which will increase the calorie content of food and also make it tasty once your child starts accepting these things you can slowly come down on the quantity of milk and change the menu accordingly about formulas nanpro there is no harm using it but you have a lot of other options from homemade foods itself do not worry your baby will gain back the weight I hope I have addressed all your issues
hello doctor I am a 27 year old male with a sleeping disorder I have difficulty in falling asleep in the night and has difficulty in getting back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night I need to masturbate in order to fall asleep I suffer delayed sleep phase disorder this has made it difficult for me to maintain a normal job during college time I did not use to sleep one night before exam because of fear of not getting up on time what is light therapy and chronotherapy how can they help I have daytime fatigue if there are any medicines which I can take for a short time please suggest I am facing this problem since last 10 years
hello welcome to icliniq com sleep disorders are very common normally hygienic measures could be helpful to alleviate the symptoms also it could be a symptom of other disorders however in your particular situation that does not seem to be the case melatonin is effective in regulating the synchronization of the circadian rhythms of physiological functions like sleep timing of course the are pharmacological options that can be useful in acute cases or during a short time course like lorazepam 2 my lormetazepam my if that does not work please feel free to contact me again
hello doctor I am 37 years old I had a problem with bleeding in stool so I consulted a doctor and he said it is hemorrhoids he gave me sitcom 100 my for one month I have taken this medicine and blood is not coming now but I have constipation and I took organic psyllium but did not get any benefit please advise me on what should I take to get a normal stool and my 5 year old girl sometimes complaints for stomach pain I consulted the doctor but he gave only pain relief syearup but she did not have any benefit please recommend any test to know the actual problem
hi in case of rectal bleeding there are two possibilities one is sous solitary rectal ulcer syndrome this is an ulcer formation in the rectum due to chronic constipation this causes bleed another one is hemorrhoids I think you have sous that can be easily treated by ispaghula and diet modification we do not do any investigation for this until constipation gets treated and it will not respond the problem of hemorrhoids is common in the adult age group constipation is among the one of the cause other risk factors are alcoholic liver disease and rectal carcinoma for constipation we give isabgol methylcellulose that is a bulk forming agent along with this you need to take a high fibre diet and plenty of water if you have hemorrhoids then in early stage exercise can benefit you there are two types of exercise one is to decrease your weight if it is excess more than 80 keg second is to do anal exercise in the form of anal contraction for five minutes every hour controlling constipation will also decrease your hemorrhoids regarding your daughter I think she had constipation you should note the duration of sitting in the toilet and that is more than five minutes in case of constipation and about straining during defecation or passing hard stool if she has constipation then she needs treatment her pain will subside after treatment for this she also does not require any investigation you should tell about her height and weight if it is abnormal then she requires investigations advice follow as per discussion for you provide details about your daughter give her tablet albendazole 400 once only review with details
hello doctor my front two teeth are not fixed and have broken edges because of a car accident but right now I feel like my lower front tooth are peeling I can feel a white powder type thing whenever I touch the tooth with my tongue I cannot bite from my upper front tooth plus after the trauma I could not take care of them properly because I feel too much pain whenever I brush I need your help please guide me on what to do how can I fix my problem I am very much tensed
hello I understand your concern and have gone through your clinical picture please do not be tensed this can be treated white powder substance in your lower front tooth is called calculus food deposits or plaque that settles on the tooth gets calcified in the long run and becomes hardened calculus deposit although we do a proper brushing every day there are certain spots between teeth where the bristles fail to reach hence professional tooth cleaning scaling and polishing is always advised once in six months broken and irregular edges of your upper tooth can be fixed with a simple tooth colored aesthetic filling pain during brushing in the lower tooth could be from the impact and damage caused during the accident get an ray taken to check the status of tooth gums and its underlying bone and ligament blacks spots on the teeth are the initial stages of tooth decay get them filled at once before it advances and gives you pain visit your nearest dentist and get a dental examination done you will require scaling and polishing procedure to remove calculus composite fillings for an upper front tooth and lower left back molar x ray for your lower front tooth to check its health and stability I hope this helps
hi doctor I am a 35 year old male and have been experiencing a dull tight pain on the back of my testicles and in the spermatic cord sometimes it feels like a rough scraping inside my scrotum the pain is debilitating and I have had it for about six months now it started on the backside of my right testicle but now it has spread to the back of both testicles and I have pain going up from the scrotum I have had an ultrasound it scan mri taken antibiotics anti inflammatories and antidepressants and all tests are normal with a varicocele in the left but I still have pain when walking or sitting anytime something pushes into my scrotum when I stand still it is better and I cannot wear underwear or anything tight on my scrotum because of horrible pain also I have noticed that my testicles have started retracting up almost into my abdomen when having sex however I cannot have sex cause it hurts too much but this retracting is real tight and it has never happened before this year please help
hi your history and clinical symptoms are suggestive of epididymo orchitis of both tes you told that you have undergone a number of investigations it would have been convenient for me if you had uploaded the same anyway you need a clinical examination too so you need to visit the office of your local urologist for management of the same another possibility is nerve entrapment syndrome as you have undergone groin hernia surgery on the left side but the possibility is less as you have bilateral symptoms and you had undergone surgery on the left side but you have to wear tight inner garments as that is the prerequisite for the treatment of epididymo orchitis
hello doctor I have a very sore throat and can barely talk or swallow it is very red and swollen with red streaks and blisters it hurts mostly on the left side and my left ear hurts as well my glands are very swollen to a point of protruding from my neck and are tender to touch I have a low fever going between and 100 my stomach is slightly upset as well I am 16 and weigh about 174 labs I have been exposed to streptococcal infection but have not had it since I was years old I have a doctor appointment next week so I am holding off going I did have a flu last week but was feeling better until I got this sore throat I am not sure if this is still from the flu or something else the first file is a picture from when the sore throat started two days ago and the second was from today
hi I have seen the pictures your description and the images point to acute granular tonsillopharyngitis a bacterial throat infection probably due to streptococcus with low grade fever throat pain difficulty in speaking swallowing and enlarged tender lymph nodes you certainly need a course of antibiotics I personally do not think that you should wait for a week to start any medications for an antibiotic you will need a prescription from a doctor who examines you in person in case if you must wait then you can try the following conservative management in the meanwhile I can advise you to take an anti inflammatory medication like oral paracetamol 500 my twice daily after meals for five days along with antiseptic mouthwashes or gargles with chlorhexidine or betadine dilution of my in 50 my water and should not be swallowed three times a day before and after meals with voice rest and adequate hydration with fluids drink approximately two liters of water per day most throat infections would subside on their own without medications in eight to ten days you can expect a recovery in two to three days if you take an antibiotic along with the supportive medications that I have recommended to you I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 53 year old male with no previous medical history for the past two years I observed my semen to be slightly pinkish in color now I realized it was due to traces of blood but I did not pay much attention since the last two to three months I have been seeing blood in my ejaculate specifically if I have sex or masturbate on consecutive days the second day the amount of blood and redness is much more if I give a gap of 15 20 days then on the first day I do not see any blood but on the second day it is quite distinct I do not feel any sort of pain during or after sex or while masturbation I do not pass blood in the urine I do not feel any burning or itching sensation while ejaculating or urinating I have had no injury in my pelvic area or to my testicles I do not suffer from diabetes or hypertension I have been having sex and masturbation two to three times a month recently I took levofloxin 500 od for six days thinking if it was due to a urinary infection the antibiotic might help but it has not helped so far I have not consulted any clinician on the subject
hello the condition you described is known as hematospermia which means blood in semen although it is considered a benign symptom in men but if for any person above 40 years of age the possibility of carcinoma should be ruled out in two third of the cases no cause is found and treatment is not indicated in many of the cases there is no intervention required but with increasing age chance of prostate tumor are high I request you to visit a urologist as soon as possible the purpose of visiting urologist is to rule out the possibility of prostate malignancy the other common cause of this condition is a sexually transmitted disease you did not describe anything else in association with blood in semen so the possibility is very low in case if you have any sexual exposure to some unknown or commercial sex worker in the recent past or you are having other symptoms of sexually transmitted disease it is wise to get physician consultation I hope this helps
hi doctor my upper incisor hurts whenever I touch it this morning when I woke up I was not feeling this pain but after I drank a cold juice I notice that it hurts I went into the bathroom and check if I see any hole but there is none I gargle with some warm salt water but it still does not stop I brushed my teeth but I cannot go up to where the gum is because it hurts when I eat food I do not have a problem with it but only when I touch it I feel pain I do not know what is causing this and I am wondering if it is my sinus but I know that I have tooth decay because when I eat certain food my molar and premolar hurts I have an appointment to see the dentist but it is not in the recent upcoming days
hi I have read through your complaint and the relevant details pain on pressure is a clear sign of an infection deep in the roots of your upper incisors it could be mostly because of a forgotten trauma or assault you had in your childhood it is not necessarily because of tooth decay the vital part of the tooth is suffering pressure and causing the infection I advise you to visit the dentist on an emergency appointment immediately and you got to check with an ray to proceed with a root canal treatment in my opinion your appointment would be too late and you cannot be on paracetamol for so long there are a lot of chances for a bigger swelling or discoloration of the tooth it is not related to sinusitis as you think and the pain you get in premolar and molar region is the referred pain that you feel because of the upper incisors meanwhile try not to bite any hard object or food and gently brush with a soft bristle toothbrush thank you
hi doctor my mother is 76 years old and has alzheimer for the last five years along with ischemic heart disease hypothyearoidism and type diabetes recently she developed cold the doctor recommended foracort 400 inhaler twice a day and foracort 5 my respules through nebulizer once a day along with deriphyllin retard 300 at night is it safe to use the above three medicines considering that she experiences muscle spasms in the rib area from time to time
hi thanks for your question I can understand your concern may I know her alzheimer's and i'd drugs and better not to take foracort budesonide and formoterol three times a day I will be happy to help you further wishing good health to your mother thanks
hello doctor I am getting an ulcer on the inner cheek of the mouth it disappears on the second day but again reappears after or days it is about 29th time I am getting the same place ulcer within three months
hello it could be a common aphthous ulcer also know as canker sore it has various causative factors such as deficiency of vitamin hormonal imbalance psychological reasons such as stress some kind of allergy such as for food or paste or mouthwash accidental trauma injury caused by the sharp cusp of tooth and bacterial infection your problem could be any of the above to know the exact reason kindly get a clinical examination and blood report appropriate supplements will be suggested if the reason is either anemia or nutrition deficiency in case of constant poking of sharp tooth it will be either polished or filled meanwhile observe the following to avoid further pain and recurrence please avoid hot and spicy foods and take lots of water to keep yourself hydrated rinse your mouth after every meal or do saline mouth rinse thrice daily if the ulcer hurts a topical anesthetic like dolojel or hexigel can be applied over the ulcer with a clean finger visit your nearest dentist as soon as possible and get a complete oral examination done to identify the cause I hope this helps
hi doctor I am an active 30 year old female with health and generalized anxiety for the past days I have been experiencing heart palpitations sometimes it feels like a small flutter as if my heart misses a beat other times it feels like an intense pounding that lasts for hours I experienced these approximately years ago when I was first diagnosed but have not felt them in a long time so I am utterly terrified for reference I do not smoke or use drugs and I also workout 6 times a week cardio running and weight training I went to see a walk in clinic doctor who listened to my heart and said he thought it was all anxiety and suggested I take medication for my anxiety I had chest ray ekg and blood tests and everything was normal honestly I am just terrified that I am about to have a heart attack every single time I feel these palpitations can these palpitations really be caused by anxiety and should I be worried or just wait for them to pass I ran yesterday and today in spite of them and did not feel any palpitations while I was exercising I only seem to feel them at rest or when lying in bed please give me some peace of mind I am going out of my mind with worry every time I feel these
hi I do not think from your symptoms that what you have said that you have terrified about to have a heart attack it is not as your symptoms happen at rest not during exertion to evaluate for palpitations you do hotter monitoring I think your symptoms mostly due to anxiety you maintain a diary and find out what are the things which disturb you or precipitate your anxiety advice for stress management note down and try to work out to correct it or ignore it walking for 30 minutes daily breathing exercises for 10 minutes twice daily do yoga for 30 minutes daily you are young so join any sporting activities you like you can listen to soft or romantic music spend quality time with your relatives and close friends share your problem with them take the help of a counselor to overcome anxiety you are suffering all these things will definitely give you relief review after two months
hello doctor my baby who is exclusively breastfed has just started her fifth month for the past four days she passes frothy liquid motion with little white like substance for a minimum seven times a day the consultant doctor examined her stool and said that she has got lactose intolerance he told me to stop breastfeeding and go with soya based milk powder for three months from now on should I stop breast feeding she is active and gaining weight
hello I went through the details you have provided in the query lactose intolerance is the absence of lactose enzyme which helps to digest and break down sugars mainly lactose in the diet lactose intolerance is of two types primary secondary in primary lactose intolerance there will be deficiency of this enzyme permanently and will have to avoid for life time or needs enzyme replacement for life in secondary intolerance deficiency is only transient and will regain the enzyme in a few days this occurs mostly after episodes of gastroenteritis and needs to avoid lactose diet for a few days or weeks your child needs further evaluation to check if it is primary or secondary the reports you have sent are not clear the second one culture if positive will need treatment with antibiotics though breast milk contains lactose and not easily digested by lactose intolerant babies it is not advised to stop breast feeding as advantage of continuing breast feeding outweighs problems due to lactose intolerance though giving lactose free feeds reduces symptoms like loose motions and bloating my advice at this point is to continue breastfeeding but if loose stools are causing dehydration or weight loss in baby then go for lactose free formula and repeat stool examination and tests for lactose intolerance again since it might be transient only and might improve in about one to two weeks and if repeat testing is normal then normal breastfeeding can be given without any worry I hope this helps
hi doctor I have sharp pain in the right eye since yesterday evening also I wore a fresh pair contact lens last evening and I did not wear a contact lens for almost two months the pain started two hours after wearing contact lens and I went to a marriage function and there were many people with conjunctivitis there is mild swelling and redness of the right upper eyelid since today morning after I woke up but no watering and itching
hello I reviewed your history and the photo attached to the question it seems like inflammatory swelling of the upper eyelid most commonly in the form of hordeolum I would like to treat this condition by the use of antibiotic eye drops like moxifloxacin eye drops and oral anti inflammatory drugs like aceclofenac warm compression applied over the eyelid will help in symptomatic relief the cornea appears to be clear however if you have symptoms like blurred vision you need to consult your eye doctor for examination and treatment under supervision the use of contact lenses should be stopped until the symptoms resolve and this generally takes three to five days hope this information is helpful for you
hello doctor the question I have is concerning the retina photographs that I have attached to this question from those can you tell if I suffer from a condition known as disc at risk or crowded optical disc I understand that it is possible for people with this condition to suffer from non arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy naion when also taking ed medication I have had an eye test done but the person who did the test could see no problem with my eyes but seemed unaware of crowded disc or naion I am 60 years old not taking any medication and no previous history of eye problems or naion
hello I reviewed your history and the photos of the retina attached to the question the funds picture does not appear like disc at risk and hence no need to worry about it in the funds photo the disc is showing is peripapillary atrophy surrounded by the tesselated background of the retina these changes are commonly seen in myopia people with a small disc with crowding of nerve fibers are at the risk of development of non arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy called naion the compression of the small capillaries at the optic disc because of overcrowding will result in ischemia resulting in naion in your case the funds picture the disc does not appear like a disc at risk hence no need to worry hope the information is helpful to you
hello doctor five weeks ago I fell down while mountain biking I went over the handlebars and hit my head and chest I was wearing a helmet and a chest protector and both of them had cracked as a result of the impact the helmet strap had strangulated my neck pretty hard ever since I have been continuously having sensation pressure at the place where the strap had impacted activities like turning my neck yawning laughing cause some pain over the past five weeks the symptoms have not improved I am very worried because I am afraid I might have to deal with this forever they did a it scan and said that it was normal should I ask for an mri could this be some kind of hernia
hi sorry to hear about your injury since your it computed tomography scan is normal it is very unlikely that there is any bony or skeletal injury hence reducing the possibility of something permanent it appears that there is some soft tissue injury in the laryngopharyngeal region or a cartilaginous injury that is resolving very slowly this indicates an injury closer to the voice box region because of constant movements during speech laughter and swallowing delay recovery this may also explain why it is taking so long to heal completely in my opinion an mri magnetic resonance imaging is certainly indicated since there has been no improvement in symptoms for five weeks and to look for cartilaginous injury or soft tissue lesions such as a granuloma or hematoma following trauma in addition a video laryngoscope performed by an ent will help to evaluate the voice box and supporting apparatus internally for any injury specifically the inter arytenoid region a hernia in the neck or a laryngocele may be a possibility following neck injury but seems very unlikely in your case since there is no visible bulge in the neck which worsens on coughing etc there may be an internal laryngocele that may be picked up on video laryngoscope I hope this helps
hello doctor I am 24 years old I have an external and internal hemorrhoid I guess but I am not sure I have a lump near my anus and it hurts a lot when I sit and walk sometimes it bleeds as well there were two external hemorrhoids but one was gone by itself and one remained and it has been there for more than 15 months and it is still there I also noticed a color change near my butt area I have attached a video I want to know what actually it is and how can it be gone forever do I need surgery I do not want a surgery can it be cured by a home remedy
hello did you attach any video here only pictures are available do you feel difficulty in passing stools any blood after stools does the area of lump itches or always seems to be wet it does not seem to be like a typical external hemorrhoid it needs a physical examination to confirm the diagnosis actually these are a collection of engorged small blood vessels and nearby soft tissue which occurs due to the pooling of blood due to prolonged constipation straining etc hemorrhoids can be avoided by encouraging more oral fluids avoiding constipation straining exercises especially abdomen fiber rich diet etc you most probably need to visit a general surgeon also you might just need a minor surgical procedure you no need to get worried you can get discharged in two to three days from the hospital I believe home remedies would not be helpful at this stage
hello doctor when I wake up every morning I feel the taste of blood in my mouth please suggest
hi please check your mouth by looking into the mirror during brushing your teeth to know any bleeding site in your mouth and throat mild bleeding might occur if you have gum disease due to infection or vitamin deficiency please consult a dentist to get clinically evaluated please change and use a soft toothbrush sinus infection also causes symptoms including the taste of blood in the mouth every morning it will help to know if you are having any sinus infection which might be causing it if you are a smoker and have chronic cough then causes in the lungs including bronchitis will have to be included please get examined by an ent specialist and if required then consult a dentist please feel free to correct any oversight in my interpretation of your problems and discuss them in detail as per your requirements I hope this helps
hello doctor my father height is 161 am mother height is 152 am and my height is 141 am my birth weight 1 keg although I was born full term I had delayed growth since childhood and I attained puberty at the age of 15 no long term medication was taken no illnesses since childhood but crowded teeth and dental complications I sometimes have headaches also I just started hanging exercise since two months for 30 seconds twice a day I want to grow at least inches and most inches I started the magnetic kit of acupressure three months ago but no difference yet I will continue for a year at least I do not have facial growth I live in central africa is there any hope for three to four inches of height gain I would appreciate any advice
hi I have read through your query in detail please find my observations below if the general adult height in your race is lesser than the world average then it is difficult to expect a normal height also your growth is delayed and therefore it might be slightly difficult for you anyways you can still try natural methods however you will continue to grow until you attain 21 years of age the bones stop growing at this age please continue taking a healthy and nutritious meal of 1800 cal daily and also take vitamin supplements include rich sources of protein like fruits vegetables and boiled eggs to give you required daily vitamins and minerals physical exercises help many people and you can extend your hanging exercises to about two to five minutes you can play basketball and do jumping exercises with skipping rope if you are still not 21 years then you can consult an endocrinologist and get examined and take medical treatment for increasing growth
hi doctor I have severe toothache and worm teeth please let me know the medicines I need to be used to cure it permanently
hello I understand your concern unfortunately there is no medicine to cure tooth decay without dental treatment tooth has three layers outer enamel denting and innermost never layer when decay starts in the enamel layer it does not show any symptoms other than a visible black spot on the tooth at this stage a simple tooth filling can be done but if left untreated it progresses through the denting and when it reaches nerve layer it starts to give out the pain this is when a simple filling cannot be done a root canal treatment and crown procedure will be the only option to save the tooth taking painkillers will help control the pain but it does nothing to cure the decay it can only be manually treated by removing them please visit your dentist and start treatment immediately I hope this helps for further queries I would be happy to help good day
hello doctor I have been on femosten conti for several months and have changed from a different hit medication which was also the brand femosten but I cannot recall its name I commenced on the first medication to manage menopausal symptoms it has certainly helped with the symptoms especially the femosten conti I have noticed some spotting on occasion it is very minimal I wear panty liners so note any discharge or bleeding it is what I would describe as infrequent I am not sure if I should see my go about this
hi thank for the query I can understand your concern femoston conti contains dydrogesterone and estradiol hemihydrate means combination of progesterone and estrogen to treat the symptoms of menopause usually prolonged use of hormone replacement therapy is not recommended if using for prolonged periods then regular general checkup is advised to diagnose any problems related to hormonal use irregular spotting after menopause should be considered seriously as sometimes it may indicate some problem usual causes are atrophic endometrium cervical erosion increased endometrial thickness etc hit is not advisable in case of unknown cause of pelvic bleed usually so please consult your gynecologist once get examined and go for pap smear test and ultrasound with this workup the possible cause of your problem can be identified and treated if symptoms of menopause are minimal then herbal extracts like astro are better with less side effects hope I have answered your question I will be happy to answer any further follow up questions take care increased endometrial thickness pap smear and ultrasound side effects increased endometrial thickness to be evaluated better to avoid prolonged use if needed
hi doctor I was diagnosed with dengue towards the end of last month I was hospitalized for five days I went through a lot during that period and since coming out of the hospital I have developed this phobia that I might have dengue again because my area is dengue prone with lots of mosquitoes whenever a mosquito bites me I get filled with this fear that I might have dengue again when I went to my doctor with this fear he told me dengue does not happen twice in the same season it can happen again in the next season but it cannot happen again this season I want to ask if this is true if it is true then what is the logic behind that can you please explain I am immensely afraid of the disease
hello the fact that dengue cannot happen in the same season is true to some extent but not absolutely let me explain dengue is a viral infection caused by the bite of infected ages aegypti mosquito every mosquito bite will not lead to dengue fever as for infection to happen first the mosquito should be infected by the dengue virus dev by infection of the mosquito I mean the mosquito just serves as a vector or carrier for virus transfer to humans also every mosquito carrying the dengue virus would not lead to dengue fever shock etc some people just have subclinical asymptomatic infections too there are actually four types of dengue viruses numbered from to infection with one type followed by recovery confers immunity to that type of infection our body produces antibodies against the virus and protects us from further infection with time these antibodies fade away so immunity in dev is present but is short lived it can be said that the infection cannot occur in the same season but if an infection with another type say dev type followed by dev type occurs the body does not have antibodies which are protective against type as the body was previously infected by dev type this type of infection is more dangerous however in a season only one type of dev infection occurs usually I hope this helps
hello doctor I had a root canal done three months ago on tooth 19 I have not had a crown done yet due to financial reasons I went to a new dentist for tooth pain in that area and he said he could not help me because the rays showed the root canal was not finished I called my endodontist back and they basically refused to see me back and said they did complete the root canal and the reason they did not fill one of the roots was for post space well my rays have been reviewed by an oral surgeon and another endodontist in the meantime who have all concluded that the root canal does not look complete as one of the roots is not filled with the filling material that is used it was also determined that tooth 18 needed a root canal but was not going to be certain to work and I may end up losing that tooth for financial reasons I opted to have tooth 18 pulled five days ago in hopes of helping the severe tooth jaw and ear pain that I am having it did not work I am still having the pain and to complicate matters I now have bone exposure on the tongue side of where my tooth was extracted I saw the surgeon yesterday and he filed it down my headaches are ridiculous and of course I worry the infection is spreading to my head I have had three recent sinus surgeries and this does not feel the same I have been on amoxicillin for over a week now but my tooth pain in 19 has increased since the extraction do you have any suggestions I am currently taking amoxicillin and norco
hi I have read through your complaint and the relevant details and also saw the ray you have attached tooth number 19 seems to have a good apical seal in the root fillings the first dentist was right in saying that there is a space prepared for the post fixture there is one cusp missing in the tooth hence the treatment plan was a post and core followed by a crown the pain is definitely not because of this root canal treated tooth the reason behind this is that only poorly cleaned prepared or poorly filled roots retain the bugs to stay within the roots while deteriorating the tooth and give pain in your case the root fillings are excellent since you told you are not able to get a crown due to financial reasons at the moment the treatment plan could have been changed maybe at least the post could have been fixed leaving the crown fabrication at the last in that case at least the tooth stays stronger for a while and does not break off when you bite hard food next regarding the tooth extracted area you have mentioned that the bone is exposed now I doubt if you have got dry socket not to be mistaken for infection due to improper healing of the gums over there this might be the reason for the severe pain secondly tooth number 20 also has decay on the sides which makes me to advise you to get another ray for that tooth the current ray does not show the complete tooth this particular tooth might also be the reason for pain please do not worry that the infection spreads to the head there is no such possibility for that right now either 18 dry socket or 20 decay has to be addressed to help you get rid of the pain continue taking amoxicillin as prescribed and for pain relief you can switch to ibuprofen 400 my orally eight hourly for two days provided you do not have asthma or gastritis problems else continue narco tablet for two more days hence I advise you to visit back to the dentist and get done with further checkups as I mentioned above periapical ray for tooth number 20 to rule out interproximal cares pulpits in 20 saline irrigation and zinc oxide eugenol dressing for dry socket in 18 gargle mouth with lukewarm saltwater thrice daily for three days to flush out debris from the gums and in the extracted socket in case it not healed yet follow up after three weeks
hello doctor I got blood tested for my thyearoid and I need help understanding the results do I have hypothyearoidism or hyperthyearoidism I have cold hands and feet eczema psoriasis on my nail sensitive eyes constipation gas bloating extreme lethargy depression and anxiety my blood test results free triiodothyearonine 5 5 5 pmol thyearotropin sensitive ash 48 hi 30 0 miu free thyearoxine free to 18 23 pmol l
hi your results can be interpreted as follows your ash thyearoid stimulating hormone is surely high and the to and to levels are in the normal range there are two possibilities of such a report primary hypothyearoidism in this the ash is high and the others go low this is the most common type in this the thyearoid gland is under functioning the symptoms are usually as described by you now why is your to are normal it might be the case that you are in a very initial stage of dysfunction and might become frank with time if we treat it now the levels will come back to normal and you might not need further treatment secondary hyperthyearoidism in this case all the three readings go up which I see in your report the problem here is with the pituitary gland in the brain which stimulates the thyearoid gland to produce more so the fault is not with thyearoid gland at a primary level for this to confirm you will need a try thyearotropin releasing hormone level which is the stimulant of the thyearoid I would suggest you meet your endocrinologist and get the secondary aspect evaluated after that we can give you the right treatment and everything can be cured easily
hello doctor I was diagnosed with acute gastritis a few weeks ago there was no pain while taking the pills but now they are over the pain has started again the doctors said that I do not need to be on them anymore is it possible that the pain is related to gastritis
hello acute gastritis pain usually subsides as the infection subsides is there any post prandial fullness early satiety burning or pain I hope there are no alarm symptoms like difficulty or pain during swallowing weight loss excessive vomiting or any family history of upper gi gastrointestinal malignancy at your age the above symptoms are highly unlikely at this stage according to recommendations you can either continue omeprazole 20 my twice daily or any other pi for four to six weeks or get yourself evaluated for pyloric antigen by non invasive means or get an initial upper gi endoscopy done to rule out peptic ulcer disease what I would suggest is to wait for some time and continue omeprazole 20 my twice daily or any other pi for four to six weeks if still continues you might need to get an pyloric screen test or upper gi endoscopy done you can also try some lifestyle modifications like eating smaller more frequent meals avoid high fat and capsaicin containing diets eat less spicy food stop smoking and alcohol if you do avoid aspirin or other pain medicines you can also limit your coffee intake as it may aggravate your symptoms I hope this helps