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hello doctor I am a year old male with diabetes I am in relatively good health but I do have an infected toe I need antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs please help
hello it is great to know that you are generally in good shape except for the infected toe it is important to know if the infection started on its own or due to an injury if there is an ulcer on the sole side of the toe duration of the infection if the toe is swollen and red if there is pus and importantly are you in pain scenario now if the infection has started on its own if it had started on the side of the nail bed paronychia and of short duration then it is relatively straightforward you need antibiotics to cover the most common bacteria causing superficial skin infection penicillin family and anti inflammatory to reduce swelling and pain diclofenac group scenario if you had an ulcer on the underside of the toe and that has lead to an infection of the toe itself then it is something that needs specialist consultation for involvement of infection of the toe bone and the extent of the infection has to be assessed and if in need of powerful antibiotics oral or iv may have to be considered apart from the drainage of pus clearing of dead tissue from infection site and dressing of the wound if you do not feel pain then it is ominous because the extent of infection can be far greater than you think and it needs a surgical consultation at your nearby hospital finally if there had been an ulcer pressure relieving footwear might have to be considered to prevent the recurrence of ulcers I hope this helps
hello doctor I am 19 years old and I am experiencing problems with my periods for some time now three months back I had my period on regular date and experienced bleeding for and a half month I am experiencing similar problem of prolonged periods for about years now it happens once or twice per year I have been on short medications every time I had the problem also when I was 17 I did not have my periods for months and a local gynecologist prescribed me birth control pills for 28 days and I completed the course after which I was told that my prolactin level has raised up for which I was on medication for a month currently I am on an ayurvedic treatment and my last period lasted for days and with a normal bleeding but I am having a white vaginal discharge for a week or so now which is also a bit smelly and does not seem to be normal what should I do
hi you have got vaginal infection if you need treatment then kindly follow up also for period problem is it controlled after taking ayurvedic medication
hello doctor does this lesion in my lower back pink appear to be worrisome for amelanotic melanoma it now appears flesh colored pictures attached
hi welcome to icliniq com I have seen the pictures yes they are looking like melanoma signs of vascularization in the previous nexus is suggestive of melanoma kindly consult a local dermatologist as dermoscopic and histological examinations are required to confirm the diagnosis
hello doctor as per advise of doctor I have taken dapoxetine duralast 30 my before hour intercourse it did not work so can I take any other medicine or take higher composition of same medicine or two tablets before hour
hello taking two tablets of dapoxetine might cause dizziness flushing of face nausea vomiting etc side effects but you can take two tablets that is 60 my prior to sex but if problem persists then better to consult your doctor again regular use of saris like paroxetine daily will help to delay the ejaculation time continue to take dapoxetine 30 on sos basis this will help in delaying the time
hello doctor I want to quit smoking but I cannot smoke so suggest me some medicine so that I can quit smoking
hi I hope you are doing well I read your query and I am very proud that you have decided to take this great step first of all you need to understand that there is no medicine available which will make you quit smoking it is only you who can make it happen its not week or even month process it takes lot of time and courage I usually recommend following steps to my patient who wants to quit smoking set a date setting a date has a psychological effect and you can choose any memorable date your birthday your anniversary etc tell your family your friends and your colleagues discuss with them they are the one who will help you late on with the process prepare yourself for the upcoming problems you will face nicotine withdrawal and problems associated with that it will be cough constipation etc these are not serious but if you do not anticipate these such problems will discourage you from quitting and start smoking again try to find a friend or partner who also wants to quit people make it easier for each other remove smoking related products cigerrates ashtray from your house car workplace now in final step here comes a little role of doctor now you need to understand you have types of addictions physical I of nicotine and psychological I of act of smoking for physical addiction I would recommend nicotine patches and bubblegum whatever suits you better for psychological addiction you have to control yourself if you think that initially you cannot tolerate that you can use electronic cigerratte for a month or so and it will help you this is a workplan I can share with you which will help you in quitting smoking I would love to see you again and help you step by step in the process wherever you need me
hello doctor I am opening up a new subscription under you so that I can chat more easily I request you to follow our discussions from previous records to remind again this query is for my mother age 47 she is on her regular medicines for above mentioned conditions however recently her hemoglobin levels fell to 8 after consulting a doctor in my local area she is taking iron pills the problem is with her fluctuations in diabetes readings and haemoglobin levels I am attaching the recent conducted reports below blood sugar level he abc lipid profile urine culture thyearoid panel my query is to what can be done to improve her diabetes readings and hemoglobin levels it will be highly helpful if you elaborate the necessary steps to be taken including types of medicines that are to be taken
hello I have seen the medicine list being taken by her of those drugs roxcef is an antibiotic to be given for a very limited period may be days or so bio strong is also not needed on continuous basis unless she has any specific neuropathy problems or any such complaints is there a to speak to you so that I can clarify a few things in one go for her diabetes I feel glycomet go once a day instead of voglibose containing tablet once a day with dynaglipt is enough rest of the medicines are to be continued
hello doctor I am years old male I have one weird problem when I take snap at afternoon I am feeling sick and sweaty and when I do not I am feeling normal what problem is this
hello in afternoon especially after lunch one tends to feel sleepy as maximum blood is diverted to the git hence one may feel drowsy and lethargic and weaker but if you tide away this episode then endorphins take over and you may feel energetic and normal
hello doctor my tooth filling came out when eating food tonight there is a hole in the bottom of where the remains of the tooth are and I can see bright pink through it gums around the tooth are not swollen or inflamed there is no pain when touching them either how likely is it that I can wait it out till my insurance kicks
hi I have read through your complaint and the relevant details do not worry because it is a root canal treated tooth there is no pain because during the root canal treatment the tooth pulp would have been cleaned thoroughly the pink color you see is the root filling material used since you have mentioned that your insurance starts from the est of the coming month you got to fill the hole where the filling was lost with some inert material the best choice would be sugarless chewing gum just chew one and pack it yourself with a blunt end of some spoon that can be easily grabbed at the kitchen drawers make sure you wash your mouth before you do this and also use cleaned spoons preferably disinfected in hot water for 15 minutes this can stay for a week time most probably when packed tight later on visit the dentist and get it filled with proper dental material I also advise you to get a crown for the root canal treated tooth as a next step through this you can get rid of the tooth filling breakage in case of heavy load the filling material has lost its strength as it stayed for 10 long years heavy chewing load ray to check any fractures of the tooth as a precaution follow up after three months
hello doctor I am suffering from allergy due to cold strong odor and old dust for the last about 35 years dependant to asthalin spray how to get rid of it
hello welcome back to icliniq com it is nice to hear that you want to get rid of the asthalin spray and surely we can give a try you have been using the spray for quite a long time and your body is used to it so I will strongly suggest you not to discontinue it suddenly I advice you the following lifestyle modification and food supplements which can be very beneficial to you boosting your immune system drink lemon juice daily squeeze lemon in a glass of water and honey do not add honey if you are diabetic it is going to be winter soon and oranges will be available add one or two oranges daily to you diet lemon and oranges contain plenty of vitamin vitamin is very good for the immune system and it helps you to fight common infection and even cancer wear a mask to avoid dust this is one single measure which will help you to decrease the doses and frequency of asthalin use now a days washable mask in variety of colours are available for rs 20 30 common used by people riding motor bikes practice pranayam especially pal bhatti and anulom vilom these two asanas have direct beneficial effects for the respiratory system take two teaspoon chawanprash daily
hello doctor I am a female 30 years old questions how and why do I have all symptoms of ca radiculopathy confirmed by egg but not reflective of mri ca to normal what else if anything could cause ca radiculopathy in last digits per my imaging that would explain this medically what is your final assessment and why to date undergone much it and received facet injections at sites above and below acdf persistent neck pain into scapula and upper extremity unilateral hand numbness especially d4 d5 now with new weakness in opposite hand history background diagnostics former acdf at c5 labeled degenerative disk in mid late 20 resulted in great success post surgery several years later accident occurs results multiple levels damaged cervical spondylosis imaging reports mri findings no cord vertebral lesion and multi below above acdf ca herniation and degeneration and cord encroachment c5 ca bony overgrowth causes cord encroachment ca herniation degeneration but without any encroachment ca to unremarkable mydlo gram showed small extradural lesion at c5 with thecar sac compression a spur projecting from posterior border of ca small ventral defect egg left ue neuro exam weakness adm apb est do decreased sensation digits 4 clawing in ith digit der ncv left ulnar sensory nerve decreased conduction veloc wrist ith digit 42 polyphasic volition est do and adm no acute radiculopathy plexopathy peripheral neuropathy final abnormal test concluded chronic ca radiculopathy
hi you do have chronic ca radiculopathy from your detailed description the reason for mismatch between nav egg findings and mri can be explained on the basis of a pre fixed or a post fixed brachial plexus where in the nerve exiting the c7 to inter space is actually carrying nerve fibres from the space below that will show up normal on mri the actual ca fibres are going out at a space above ie ca c7 or higher where they are getting compressed spur and compression exists at a higher level the second possibility is that there is arachnoiditis but that should show up on mri however I have not seen the mri myself and have to rely on the report the third explanation is possible injuries scarring at the time of acdf or after less likely as you would have known the temporal sequence of symptoms by apb you mean abductor and not abductor pollicus brevis that is median nerve appearance of new symptoms and persisting neck pain alert acdf suggests instability at another level which unfortunately can happen and is a collateral effect of fusion in spine get flexion extension rays and dynamic contrast mri
hello doctor about a month ago I had the worst outbreak of canker sores in my life I had 10 or 12 at once horribly painful and I could barely eat or drink over about two weeks they healed but I still have a few painless bumps on the top of my tongue and in the back of my mouth I will attach a photo of the bumps in the back of my mouth there are two on either side the bumps on my tongue are too far back to get a proper photo I tested positive for hav so I am mildly concerned about cancer brushing my teeth also causes a lot of pain to my gums occasionally they bleed a little I never had an issue with that before the canker sore outbreak
hi I have read your complaint and the relevant details and also saw the picture you have attached since you have mentioned that the ulcers healed two weeks ago and still have few fresh ulcers now it could be recurrent aphthous mouth ulcers aphthous ulcers are usually painful but will not lead to cancerous lesions but there are small bursts in your palate which makes me think of viral ulcers as well you also have a history of hav human papilloma virus hence I advise you to take a blood test to rule out viral origin ulcers only then the treatment could be framed you have also mentioned that they are painless now so there is no need for topical ointments to get rid of the pain you should also know a fact that topical steroids should not be used for viral lesions so I request you to complete the blood check and then go ahead with the treatment from a nearby dentist accordingly regarding bleeding gums you have to undertake a complete professional cleaning by a dentist to flush out the dental plaque and chunky substances called calculus after that maintain good oral hygiene including flossing tongue cleaning and toothbrushing twice a day blood test avoid hot and spicy food take nutritious food rich in vitamins such as green veggies because ulcers could be associated with vitamin deficiencies follow up after three weeks
hello doctor I have been waking up from a racing heart accompanied by belching at night sometimes two or times a night at times the he has been in the 140s after I get up and belch a few times my heart rate returns to normal I have had my heart completely checked out along with a 30 day monitor and no problems have been found there I am wondering if herd could be causing this to happen it only happens at night while reclined or lying down for bed
hi herd in itself cannot cause increase in heart rate however anxiety associated with herd can cause increase in heart rate so in my opinion you should see if you have anxiety there are no issues related to heart but if you have any anxiety you would need treatment for that I would recommend you to get hotter monitoring thyearoid profile done if done please share report with me if all normal my recommendations would be to discuss with your doctor to put you on propanolol which would keep your anxiety and pulse rate under control
hello doctor I flossed by a tooth where a filling almost came out and my tooth and gum have been hurting all night also have a tooth that is by this molar that fell or chipped out I do not know if it is an abscess or an exposed nerve in my molar that is right behind it took tylenol every hours twice it did not help used benzocaine on the area helped 20 do not feel comfortable using it at home
hello is the pain sharp or dull any gum swelling if the pain is sharp lancinating and referring to the same side jaw temple ear or throat then this could be from the tooth with the chipped out filling most chipped out fillings expose the underlying nerve which causes severe pain ideally an ray is required to determine the depth of the cavity and to check for nerve involvement if the nerve is involved a root canal treatment and crown procedure will be done to save that tooth if the pain is from the gums and is dull in nature this could be an accidental gum injury due to flossing or there is a chance of the attempted food deposit to get deeply pushed into the gums causing this pain if this is the case a deep localized scaling should be performed under local anaesthesia to relieve any deeply wedged food deposit a clinical examination and ray is required to diagnose the cause of this pain I see that taking painkillers and topical anaesthetic in this situation were not much of help to you please visit your nearby dentist immediately and get the root cause identified meanwhile try warm saline mouth rinses and avoid hot spicy foods which may aggravate your pain
hello doctor I recently got a shoulder and neck ray for persistent back and neck pain the pain started a couple of years ago no medicines were taken so far my blood work and it abdomen are fine
hi I have read through your query in detail please find my observations below the cervical spine ray ap anteroposterior and lateral views show the following there is straightening of the neck spine the alignment of the cervical spine is normal mild early degenerative changes are noted in the vertebral bodies of the cervical spine intervertebral disc spaces are normal in appearance except a minimal suspicious decrease in disc height c disc level anteriorly there is a small bridging osteophyte at ca anterosuperiorly is limbs vertebra rare possibility this is not a serious concern pre vertebral soft tissues are normal impression there is a possibility of neck muscle spasm and early degenerative changes in the neck spine left shoulder ray ap view shows normal shoulder joint the bones are aligned normally and left shoulder joint space is maintained the scapula lateral end of clavicle and head of humerus on the left side are normal I hope your query is answered the possibility of neck muscle spasm exists with early degenerative changes in neck spine pinching of nerves due to disc problems which might be seen only on mri cervical spine cannot be commented up on this ray further clinical neurological examination of neck spine might reveal any suspected causes for your symptoms orthopedic clinical examination of the left shoulder is also suggested to know any restriction of movements and whether any soft tissue structures like rotator cuff requires evaluation by an mri shoulder recommended physiotherapy for few weeks and if there is no improvement or if there is worsening then the concerned area is to be evaluated by mri scan there is no need of doing mri scan for both the regions mri scan of the cervical spine is more important in the view of muscle spasm and early degenerative changes please avoid sudden neck movements
hello doctor I have been sick off and on for about two months first my throat started hurting then my nose was stuffy that went on for about two weeks the doctor told me I probably had a cold a week later I got a stomach virus a week later that went away my throats started to hurt again a couple of days later the nose felt irritated the doctor suggested I had a sinus infection and gave me antibiotics I took my antibiotics for sinus infection but now it is all starting to happen again I know it is not allergies either because my allergies have never bothered me this bad and I am running fevers what is wrong with me I had mono infection a month before this sickness began do not tell me that mono will affect me for the rest of my life I just want all of this to end please help me
hi I went through your summary sorry for your suffering my best guess probably you are suffering from herd gastroesophageal reflux disease before making that diagnosis I need few more information regarding your ailment any particular aggravating factors for your illness such as after food or drinks or following a heavy meal do you have any associated heart burn belching or digestion difficulty how long you are on ocp oral contraceptive medication recent stress work or studies because all these can cause gastro esophageal reflux disease herd that is acid in your stomach reflux back to the throat that sometimes causes a recurrent cold micking sinus infection you need to take antacids prokinetics and proton pump inhibitors stress or drug induced ugh copy upper gastro intestinal endoscopy herd pi proton pump inhibitors and prokinetics avoid stress avoid spicy food and heavy meal avoid drugs smoking and drinks
hello doctor I am completely desperate after treating yeast infections for years I made a lab test for whole bacterial microflora in my vagina the results are awful I do not have candid at all the results are gardnerella vaginalis prevotella bivia porphyearomonas spp 10 eubacterium spp 10 0 atopobium vagina 10 9 ureaplasma urealyticum and parvum 10 3 my doctor prescribed me the following treatment azithromycin first week first day second and third day 500 my the second week the same for gardnerella tinidazole two pills be for days actually og for one day he told me to take tinidazole on different days from azithromycin my husband also took pills for only one week azithromycin and tinidazole also we take probiotics and vitamins I also have fluomizin vaginal tablets for 12 days my worries are that after three days of azithromycin we took tinidazole but we felt awful after the second day we could not take the last because of vomiting diarrhea stomach and low back pain now I feel better and it is time for the second week of azithromycin can I take the last of tinidazole after azithromycin or just to let go I have some pain in the low back but this pain appeared two months ago and now I think I have pid or something really bad I think I have become infertile without knowing it this ureaplasma should be in me at least for four to five years for gardnerella I am not sure but I have always had some discharge so definitely things are old we want to have a baby and now things are not so good for us if I succeed in treating these infections can I get pregnant naturally or it is better to find medical help without losing time I am 32 years old doctors say nothing here actually my doctor told me if the treatment is successful we can try to conceive naturally but I think these bacteria have injured my reproductive system because of the long time untreated problem I am so sad I also had urine and blood tests everything is normal there my urine sediment is clear and ear is normal
hello I would like to add a little information here is that pid pelvic inflammatory disease mostly is a subsequent result of sad sexually transmitted disease infection chlamydia and gonorrhea which actually travel upward along the reproductive tract and may lead to subfertility these prolonged infections can also cause subfertility but in very severe cases especially recurrent cases and if remain untreated as you have started treatment the infection has been cured so you should stop worrying now and start trying to conceive naturally the chances of getting pregnant spontaneously are quite bright and as you are 32 years now so you can try spontaneously for at least six months to one year before seeking help but if it is really concerning for you then there is no harm in seeking help earlier secondly yes you can take tinidazole after completing azithromycin course I hope this helps
hello doctor my right inner cheek is swollen this happened for the second time this month the swollen cheek falls between the teeth while talking or eating I am having pain too
hi I have read through your complaint and the relevant details the swelling should be the reason for any tooth infection associated with the right lower back tooth region in the least case if that is ruled out during a dental consultation then it could be the infection in the salivary gland I say this because you have mentioned a history of swelling interferes with eating and talking usually salivary gland swellings affect both the sides of the cheek region and also below the tongue with or without pain you also got to check if you have dry mouth or dry eyes because salivary gland infections go in hand with these two symptoms in most of the cases mouth ulcer ointments might not work for this kind of pain hence I request you to visit your nearby dentist to get a complete oral check up done during your consultation if tooth infection is ruled out then the suspicion would be over the salivary glands also if you got any fever history please get that to the dentist attention meanwhile for pain relief please take tablet flexor ibuprofen and paracetamol thrice daily after meals for two days if you got any gastric irritation with this tablet please take capsule omen omeprazole delayed release 20 my half an hour before food along with the after food tablet bacterial or viral infections blood check to rule out viral origin ultrasound or computed tomography it scan to visualize salivary gland stones
hello doctor I have my mri pictures for back pain could you comment by looking at the pictures
hello I have gone through your mri pictures and to me it looks quite pristine can you kindly tell me your age and a brief description of your symptoms the intensity of back pain on a scale of 10 is there any associated leg pain numbness weakness in your lower limbs paresthesias burning or electrical shock like sensations in limbs etc if you have already consulted a doctor who might have prescribed you this scan please send me his prescription paper so that I can see your exact neurology and other clinical findings I need all this information because normally we have to correlate the mri magnetic resonance imaging scans with patient clinical findings so that a diagnosis can be arrived at so if you can send me all these details I should be able to see them and advise you accordingly if you just want information on how these scans look like they appear fine to me with good disc heights and no obvious foramen compression of any nerve roots
hello doctor I am a 29 year old female I was just diagnosed with chronic urticaria I went to an allergic specialist for skin testing because my skin was so sensitive I reacted to everything they then did the last test on me everything came out class except for egg white wheat and oats being class and milk and hazelnut being class can these cause anaphylaxis how accurate are the last test I was put on an elimination diet but the hives are still there I occasionally get angioedema with it also can angiodema cause anaphylaxis as you can see I am so scared for my throat to close up that I am scared to eat anything I have only been eating a couple of things daily and live off that
hello welcome to icliniq com last is a highly accurate test if the test is positive for a specific allergen it shows that you are sensitized to that particular allergen this means that you may mount an allergic response when you are exposed to that allergen however it does not mean that you will necessarily have an allergic reaction to that substance and nor does it mean that any reactions will be severe if the test is negative it means that one does not have the ability to mount an allergic reaction to that allergen and any symptoms one may be experiencing are probably not due to an allergic reaction to that substance however the results of the last need to be interpreted in conjunction with your clinical history g the presence of allergy to some or few allergens which may possibly be present either in the environment or food does not necessarily mean that they are responsible for the symptoms because if they are not even present in the environment or food of an individual then they are irrelevant in your case an elimination diet has not helped thus proving the fact that last test results should be carefully interpreted along with clinical history and does not necessarily mean that you will necessarily have an allergic reaction to the substance that you tested angioedema is frequently associated with urticaria pathogenesis is the same for both urticaria as well as angioedema the presence of angioedema does not always mean that it is a part of anaphylaxis angioedema can be a part of anaphylaxis in those individuals who have a severe allergic reaction to an allergen with high levels of antibodies circulating in the blood since you have only class and level antibodies therefore it is unlike that these antigens or allergens would cause anaphylaxis
hello doctor I had a negative c swab as a treatment I took two doses of fluconazole and metrogyl what can cause a yellow discharge from the penis I do excessive masturbation and had sex with two unprotected partners
hello yellowish discharge from the penis along with a history of unprotected sexual intercourse points towards having contracted studs sexually transmitted disease the most common infection is that of gonorrhea and chlamydia which presents with complaints of painful micturition blood in urine pus discharge per urethra itching inflammation of prostate and testicles low grade fever sore throat body aches and flu like symptoms as well mode of transmission would be unprotected homosexual heterosexual contact with an infected partner and very close physical contact it can spread from hand to hand contact as well and from infected mother to the child as well in utero the treatment includes treating both gonorrhea and chlamydia as they are usually transmitted together for gonorrhea cipro or ciprofloxacin extended release 500 my single dose or levaquin levofloxacin 500 my single dose or sequin gatifloxacin 400 my single dose for chlamydia doxycycline 100 my two to three times a day for 1014 days or zithromax azithromycin 0 single dose or zithromax or pak azithromycin 500mg on day followed by one tablet 250 my once a day for four more days to prevent reinfection concurrently treat the partner as well precautions always have protected sex avoid unprotected and unnatural sexual activities once treated successfully the infection will not come back until contracted the new infection
hello doctor my year old boy has eczema in the head with itching it becomes pinkish sometimes while scratching please say some remedies
hello this condition can be treated by siddha drugs this is known as kabala kuttam or a type of bala karapan the allergic symptoms are due to external or internal allergy for example cow milk wheat health powders horlicks etc soya powder shampoo hair oil hairpin cloths touching hair flowers kept on hair cool dry climate certain allergic foods etc if the baby is still feeding by mother milk then the mother milk might contain some allergen this allergen is produced in milk if the above mentioned allergic products are used by the mother first thing is to identify the allergen triggering factor avoiding the trigger will give a permanent cure the second thing is to treat the allergy by siddha drugs dhoorvathi thailam other name is arugam pul thailam or poduthalai thailam or nathan thailam buy any one oil apply on the scalp head wait for one hour then give a mild hot water bath apply daily for 60 days once the lesion is cured then apply this oil weekly two days in the remaining days you can use normal routine oils vallaarai ghritam give 10 drops in the morning 10 drops in the afternoon and 10 drops in the night continue for 60 days this drug cures skin problems in kids it also improves memory and gives immunity you may also get advice from nearby siddha pediatrician
hello doctor I barely turned 16 and my penis is only when flaccid and about when erect I suffer from hypospadias and I wonder if it will grow
hello it takes a lot of courage to discuss problems related to genital and it feels good that you have that courage regarding your first query about the size of your penis as you told that in the flaccid state it measures and in erect state and that you are just 16 years of age I would like to assure you that you need not worry about the size of your organ as for your age it is appropriate and with age its size will increase it is similar to the average size of the penis that adolescent boys usually have at this age male sex hormone testosterone level begins to rise hence male secondary sexual characters begin to mature which includes the size of penis scrotum development of genital pubic and axillary hairs hoarse voice and masculinity as well so by your age your sex hormones have begun to increase hence your organ size will increase gradually with time along with your libido regarding hypospadias I would suggest you to consult a surgeon especially a urosurgeon as this anomaly requires surgical correction if you have not get it done till now with treatment it has no effect on sexual performance as well so you should not be too worried about all these conditions and seek an opinion from a surgeon as well
hello doctor I am having chest pains that are dull feeling in random parts of chest at random times throughout the day and night been having them for weeks now I have a newborn child months and I do not sleep lot because he does not either that has been going on for months the lack of sleep I am 34 years old with no health issues and no family history of heart disease or issues my doctor did an egg and said it was normal with an abnormality I went to a cardiologist and he did an egg and said it was normal but scheduled me for a echocardiogram and stress test to rule out anything am I just having anxiety which is what everyone keeps telling me or could it very well be heart related I am scared thank you for your assistance
hello I passed carefully through your medical history and would like to explain that your egg seems to be within normal ranges nothing to worry or panic about the lack of sleep has played a role in exacerbating your clinical symptomatology anyways it is rationale to follow your doctor advise and pass through the recommended tests cardiac ultrasound and stress test
hello doctor I received propofol for my colonoscopy as it was administered my lips felt buzzy as though an electrical current was passing through them is this an allergic reaction thank you
hi first of all you need not get anxious because of this buzzy feeling you went through after you were given propofol buzzy feel or electrical current feel is all part of the any general anaesthetic agent propofol is a very good medicine given by your physician for making you sleep during colonoscopy sometimes you do have this sort of buzzy
hello doctor I was wanting some more information about my sons blood test that was done yesterday there are a few results that were in the red the doctor called and left a voicemail today but only mentioned the chest ray that was done and not the bloodwork and were closed by the time I saw the missed call these are the results urobilinogen bacteria ur few all 168 unit creatinine 4 my do sed rate 12 my he abc 7k mcl my son is years old and the blood work was done because he has been sick for a month now and has had a consistent cough was seen in er for difficulty breathing and for the last two weeks has seemed somewhat lethargic he normally goes to asleep at 0830 and now has been falling asleep every night on his own between 0530 and 0630 and just has been laying in bed when he gets home from school any suggestions or help would be appreciated
hi as your child is lethargic and not accepting well then child may be sick also regarding the reports urobilinogen may be seen in early phases of jaundice and bacteria simply me be due to urinary infection the abc count are low and which may also signify infection rest of the things are related to illness and may not pose any problem difficulty breathing with cough is a sign of infection or slams which may aggravate if not treated visit a doctor visit and doctor and review
hello doctor please can you look at this letter and report as they differ we have been told the following are metastases which we agree with liver met aortocaval node sub pleural nodule but the oncologist letter says possible peritoneal disease why did the it report not state peritoneal disease and once has rated this mets are under am if they are abated is this better so far irinotecan not worked what to do prognosis
hello I can understand your situation at the moment but you have to accept the facts about your patient first thing is he has incurable disease he has undergone a major surgery in spite of treatment underlying disease is progressive and most important the disease is wide spread in the body in distant organs so the treatment options are very limited which have been tried already and beyond that the disease is not responding to the treatment given coming to your questions the aortocaval node is increased in size this is suggestive of peritoneal progression so oncologist can see it in it films it is not necessary that only radiologist findings to be final also there are adrenal metastasis only ablation of liver mets will not cure the disease as it is stage that means it is spread to other organs already so treatment of metastatic lesions will not cure primary disease irinotecan not worked suggests that it is chemoresistant malignancy so any palliative treatment will not work in future last thing about prognosis you have already been told by your primary oncophysician about it is stage disease now with no response to palliative chemotherapy so prognosis is very grave he is so lucky that in spite of such progressive disease he is asymptomatic at present but we cannot predict exactly when the things will go wrong and the period he will be alright so better to continue only symptomatic palliative care
hello doctor I was wondering if an anesthesiologist would mind getting interviewed I am writing a research paper and could not contact any anesthesiologist around me thank you for the help below are the questions I need an answer how many years have you been a part of this profession about how many times a month do you administer anesthesia to a pregnant mother in labor regarding the previous question what kind of anesthetic is used ga la or ra have you heard of transmitting the anesthetic agent through the placenta from mother to child is there any information you could provide for the above about how many times a month do you administer anesthesia to infants for surgery related procedures regarding the previous question what kind of anesthetic is used ga la or ra what kind of chemical compound is used in the hospitals anesthetic does this hospital use an anesthetic cocktail mixing drugs with anesthesia 10 what information can you provide about the issue of neurological degeneration in infants who have been exposed to anesthesia either during surgery or birthing what kind of introductory do you give your patients about the anesthesia they are about to receive 12 have you ever had a follow up with any infant patients later in life adolescent age 13 is there any more information that you believe could help me better understand this topic
hi I am glad to answer your queries responses are by the question numbers I have been working as an anesthesiologist for the past years I would administer anesthesia for around 15 20 caesarean sections per month in my practice ra is the choice of anesthesia for the pregnant mother under going section when ra is contra indicated we do administer ga in this scenario we avoid opioids drugs since they cross the placental barrier which is can affect the baby I use induction drugs like propofol muscle relaxation with succinylcholine and vecuronium and maintenance with nitrous oxide and oxygen once the baby is delivered I give the opioids for the pain relief yes I am aware but I just follow my hospital team protocols opioids drugs like fentanyl pentazocine etc can affect the fetus neonate I am unaware of the effects of other anesthetic drugs on the fetus neonate I do not practice pediatric anesthesia not applicable thiopentone barbiturate fentanyl pentazocine opioids vecuronium muscle relaxant midazolam benzodiazepine propofol unclassified we do use cocktail mixtures 10 ketamine can cause severe neurological complications in the fetus neonate others I am not sure I have a pre anesthetic clinic in which I assess and choose the appropriate anesthesia I explain in detail about the anesthetic procedure complications if any finally I answer the clients queries and explain pre anesthetic instructions 12 no I have not
hello doctor I have an impacted tooth in the roof of my mouth and I do not have a top left canine what are my options to fill the gap a bridge or an implant or anything else not braces please and the fewer appointments are better
hi first of all I need to know your age the treatment plan varies according to the age factor secondly the impacted tooth no matter where it is it should be 100 removed this is done to reduce the possibility of complications in the future it cannot even form a cyst abscess etc because it is prone to infections only after the removal and depending on the remaining space restoration options are considered if you are young then braces option will give you the best result because it does not involve grinding of teeth plus it gives you a permanent result even though the time frame is more for the treatment it is worth it next is the bridge option here there is grinding of teeth on either side of the gap reliable but why do you want to unnecessarily grind the teeth which might make your teeth sensitive when the bridge fails in the long run then you got to fix it again double expense implant is a good option this depends on how sound is your jaw bone and for canines it is mostly not considered because of the difficulty in imitating the natural aesthetics for a detailed and customized treatment plan please visit your dentist and discuss the best option that suits your age and the quality of bone
hello doctor for the last two days I have a ringing sound in my right ear I have not been exposed to loud music but for the last week are so I had itching and the day before the ringing started and my right ear was blocked so I cleared it with hydrogen peroxide but the ringing is not going away now I visited an ent doctor and he has given me a prescription and asked to wait for six days and then get a pta and impedance done I have a slight headache in my forehead and some tightness like feeling under the right ear I also have an impacted wisdom tooth I have attached the prescription
hi what doctor has prescribed you is correct audiometry will see if you have any associated hearing loss and tympanometry will see if there is any middle ear infection that is causing hearing loss though the prescription is not attached wisdom tooth will cause radiating pain or fullness in the ears but not tinnitus please do not use hydrogen peroxide drops unless prescribed by an ent specialist because it is used to remove wax in ears if your external ear is clear then there is no point in using the drops pressure in the head can be there if you have sinusitis so do you have any cold or cough right now because that can also cause a middle ear infection
hello doctor I have been having depression symptoms hopelessness feeling worthless overwhelmed cannot focus on anything changes in sleep pattern loss of appetite suicidal thoughts isolation numb feel like everything is an effort cannot get out of bed and all that for the past six years but the thing is the low phase just last minimum of three days to one and a half week I have never been diagnosed with any mental health illnesses or taken any medications on other days I feel normal and hyper even it is just that when that low phase hit it hits hard like everything comes crashing down at once it is suffocating sometimes I feel like banging my head on the wall just to feel something and other times I would scratch myself to stop feeling too much it is intense so I want to know what that is actually because for someone to have depression the symptoms need to last for at least two weeks right but I am not it is just there it has been six years now but they just would not go away
hello you are describing quite a lot of depressive symptoms that have been present episodically for six years it is true that for a diagnosis of clinical depression the symptoms need to persist for two weeks but with such a prolonged history sub threshold symptoms may be present it will help if you can maintain a mood diary to objectively chart your mood you report feeling normal or hyper on other days it will be helpful to have more information to ascertain what you mean by hyper have you experienced any manic or hypomanic symptoms it looks like you are having a mood disorder with more information we can classify further and you can be supported accordingly you also report headache and stomach ache but no physical causes were found these are probably functional somatic symptoms they are common in people with emotional problems like depression and anxiety good thing is you will get better with appropriate support have you discussed with your parents or close family member about your problems I will suggest having an open chat with them you can even show them this icliniq query you can consult your family member who can refer you to a psychiatrist for treatment of your mood problems you will be benefited from talking therapy or counseling in severe cases medication to help your mood can be prescribed self help measures are also beneficial start by eating sleeping and exercising regularly try to follow progressive muscle relaxation exercises and deep breathing exercises I hope this helps talking therapy sari selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors medication
hi doctor I am 36 years old female I got my precautionary health checkup done I have enclosed the report my internet search about the result indicates that I may have early stage leukemia cancer please advise
hello I have gone through your report for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor five months ago my wife had a disc herniation surgery she was fine for the next two to three months but again she is getting the pain her doctor advised us to go for repeated mri we are yet to meet her doctor but I am looking forward to know what is going on I have attached the reports for your reference please help
hi I have read through your query in detail please find my observations below revert back with the first mri scan to a radiologist online
hello doctor I am on psychiatric medication since two to three years but found no improvement I have started exercise such as walking yoga and pranayama and found some relief I become depressed more when I read about depression on internet my main issue now is loss of appetite headache when free or anxious and anxiety due to loss of appetite are these due to major depression or minor depression I am taking megapose plus one pill at bedtime I was very happy and loss of appetite also had cured at certain level but when I read in internet that major depression cannot be cured by exercise I become more depressed and problems again aroused please advise me about exercise for major depression can exercise cure major depression I am consuming whisky three pegs daily and I am having tobacco chewing habit I cannot sleep without drinking alcohol I want to withdraw drinking but due to sleep problem I am unable to stop I am suffering from stomach gas loose motions and also constipation I have attached my past medication prescriptions please help
hello for further queries consult a psychiatrist online
hello doctor my mother is suffering from painful uterine fibroid she has also been diagnosed with hepatitis please advice us regarding the operation for this uterine fibroid
hi we are here to help you the presence of multiple uterine fibroid causing pain or symptom warrants surgery to remove them presence of hepatitis will not hinder from surgery however following investigations should be performed before surgery she should receive vitamin 10 my injection once a day for three days prior to surgery and avoid taking painkiller revert back after the tests to an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor my father has night blindness and his overall vision is very bad he is taking some medication to keep his vision from degrading he has been given advise to try ocuvite lutein and I am not sure whether that is a good product for him I am not aware of the side effects associated with it I would like to know what we can do to keep his vision in a good state currently he is taking some blood thinning products such as aspirin please help
hi I would like to have few details of him for a better diagnosis revert back with the pictures to an eye care ophthalmologist online
hello doctor I am 28 years old female 2006dlbcl treated with chop and radiation remission ever since last 15 years diarrhea got worse for last years they suspect autoimune
hi looking at your clinical history and present symptoms my opinion is as follows chronic diarrhea is really difficult period patients with autoimmune disorders are very much prone to lymphoma and risk is always present previously probably you were not diagnosed with autoimmune disorder and dlbcl was possibly your first diagnosis females are at a higher risk of autoimmune disorder and can be present with localized or systemic manifestations infections would not usually present for this long and this amount of chronic diarrhea should be autoimmune rarely recurrent infection due to immune suppression secondary to chop therapy could be present investigations necessary are stool examination to rule out infections bacterial or parasitic also any presence of blood requires evaluation fecal fat estimation can be done and if positive points towards malnutrition colonoscopy to rule out ulcerative colitis or crowns disease autoimmune disorders biopsy is necessary for confirmation other causes could be irritable bowel syndrome if no cause is identified or malabsorption disorders possibility are rare at this age get a colonoscopy and endoscopy done if any ulcerations is seen biopsy needs to be taken based on biopsy further treatment is essential biopsy can help in identifying whether you require medical or surgical line of therapy do get a colonoscopy and stool examination done due to absence of reports I cannot comment further take a fiber rich diet increased risk of malabsorption and malnutrition is going to be present along with decreased body fluid volume take good amount of fluids along with a balanced diet avoid unnecessary medications and drug interactions can also cause diarrhea at present difficult to suspect this long
hello doctor I am a 28 year old male I got a lump in the right side of my neck before two weeks I am taking capsule cipmox 500 but it has not yet cured though it is not painful I am worried it never happened earlier please help
hi we are here to help you for further doubts consult an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I am taking nextto forte and skizoril 12 my daily for the past three to four years I am under psychiatric medication for the past 10 years I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and add I have also been diagnosed to be suffering from hypertension and have been given nebimac my and thelma 40 for the past six months now my life is back on track and I have a good job in hand but I feel that my life is going on just because of the medicines and fear for the worst when I stop taking medicines I have had a talk with my doctor who said the dosage would be reduced gradually what would you advise regarding this
hi if you are doing well with skizoril clozapine and nextto forte escitalopram I think you must continue with the same schizophrenia is a terrible psychiatric illness if it reoccurs then it will be difficult to manage skizoril 12 my is a minimal dose of the drug you can talk to your doctor about gradually reducing nextto forte for further information consult a psychotherapist online
hello doctor I was diagnosed with hypothyearoid 5 years back my doctor suggested me to take thyearox 25 daily I was using it and feel fine around a month back I had pain in my lower abdomen when I consult a different doctor it was diagnosed as kidney stone I told him my thyearoid history he examined my neck and advised me to discontinue the medicine for six weeks and check whether I develop any thyearoid symptoms in his opinion I did not have any thyearoid problem and so I am not taking the medicine now and when got it checked the levels are to 128 to 8 and ash 35 what to do now should I start thyearox 25 again or shift to new medicine please guide
hello I need more information before I recommend what to do revert back with the asked details to an endocrinologist online
hello doctor almost a year ago when I was on holiday I had twitching in my right upper arm it appeared as a kind of jolt rapidly it came and went for over a week and finally went when I was on sunbed and it suddenly started five months later it appeared exactly in the same place for about two weeks some days it was not there and few days it used to be present but it is very annoying I visited a doctor and after assessment he said not to worry it would go in time and it is not a nasty disease and then it use to come and go in an interval of three or four months now for all this time I think I have been having an occasional twitch here and there which just seems to go like in my elbows or around my knee etc but I did have five or six jolts in the exact muscle on the other arm the other day now I do not have any weakness or atrophy I am sure my anxiety is making it worse when I look into internet I just want to know whether this is common should I worry about this I do not have any twitching at the moment please help
hi I read your query and understand your concerns for further information consult a neurologist online
hello doctor I have white floating layers in my urine as you will see in the attached picture what are these I have symptoms such as frequent urination and burning sensation either during or after urination please help
hi for further information consult a urologist online
hello doctor I am having pancreas enzymes such as amylase and lipase at high levels I am an alcoholic I do not have abdomen pain but I have little high cholesterol doctor advised me to stop the drink and maintain low fat diet will it reverse to normal if I stop drinking I have stopped drinking alcohol since the past one month but I am very anxious about the enzymes will they reverse to normal I am also having high uric acid and gout I am waiting for your valuable reply I have attached my reports for your reference kindly advise
hi we are here to help you I have gone through the report for further doubts consult a medical gastroenterologist online
hello doctor I have interstitial cystitis why should one drink lots of water while taking phenazopyearidine
hi for further information consult a urologist online
hello doctor I am a 26 year old male I had protected vaginal sex with a sex worker 15 days back however the condom broke and I ejaculated inside her I asked her whether she was hiv positive and she said no but I cannot trust her I have been having chills all over my body since yesterday I was told by the hiv helpline to do the dna per test on the 21st day what are the chances of me being hiv positive should I be worried about the chills I have never had such chills before especially in the legs and hands I am panic what should I do please suggest
hello for further information consult a hiv aids specialist online
hello doctor I am a 35 year old male for the past two years I am suffering from muscle pain near ankle and also have muscle tightness in both feet while sleeping please help
hi revert back after the tests to an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor is it really possible to get pregnant without penetrating into vagina we did not have sex we rubbed the vagina and penis her period is late by two days is there any chance of getting pregnant
hi for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hello doctor I am a 60 year old male who is overweight other than being overweight I am in relatively good health I am getting regular health checkup for every six months currently I am taking triamterene and hctz and simvastatin 20 my recently I had cold some respiratory discomfort chest congestion sneezing sore throat little if any fever and lots of coughing congestion is gone as is sneezing sore throat lingers there is an irritated spot on back of tongue it could be from sucking on too many cough drops tonsils and entire throat area is red and swollen ibuprofen relieves pain temporarily please give some thoughts or any suggestion initial symptoms of chest congestion appeared seven days ago please guide
hi I have read your message meanwhile start with the following revert back after the investigations to an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor my father is 67 years old he is having mild psychiatric problem for the past 17 days in the middle around five days back the creatinine level increased from to 6 so an ultrasound was done and that showed blockage of urine due to enlarged prostate but urination was not completely blocked now the urologist has attached a catheter to pass out the urine and said that after 10 days laser surgery will be done to cut away the prostrate we are really in dilemma whether surgery is necessary or can it be cured by medication currently he is taking tamdura capsules one at night cecil 250 twice daily tranostat 40 my once daily and nefrozon twice daily his psychiatrist prescribed lopez my at bedtime and quan 50 my twice daily reports attached are blood test us scan and urine test report
hi I have checked your reports for further clarification consult a urologist online
hi doctor I have a dark patch on my forehead which smells bad for this I have tried laser treatment as well but it did not work please help
hi revert back with the information asked above to a dermatologist online
hi doctor my query is regarding my relative who is suffering from carcinoma of cervix I would kindly request you to advise us regarding the stage of cancer based on the biopsy mri and it scan report which I have attached here for your reference in her mri report there is a feature suggestive of carcinoma of the cervix with parametrial extension in it scan it gives an impression of bulky cervix with parametrial fat stranding along with a few subcentimeter sized parenchymal and subpleural nodes in the bilateral lower lobes I would like to know whether the above mentioned reports are sufficient to identify the stage of cancer she even advised to get vaginal examination done is a pet scan necessary in this case in order to get a clear view than it scan kindly guide us
hi I would like to assure you that everything is going to be fine soon I have thoroughly gone through your case and the reports and can well understand your genuine concerns she has got cervical carcinoma it is a well differentiated type of adenocarcinoma that is an invasive cancer this is a less common type of cancer compared to the squamous carcinoma according to the staging systems devised for cervical cancers ajcc american joint committee on cancer tnm tumor lymph node and metastasis and fig international federation of gynecology and obstetrics the tumor in this patient had spread to the distant organs thus it shows the lung metastasis it falls into stage iv of the cervical cancer consult her treating physician for clinical correlation as it is very important since I do not have the complete case in front of me no need of pet scan in this case vagina is normal on mri of pelvis so no need to worry for vaginal examination for further queries consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor my roommate is in hospital with chest tightness and shortness of breath last week they ended up doing an angioplasty they had not given him the results of any of the tests they had done mostly just an ray and a sonogram they found blockage in the of the circumflex artery and the left anterior descending artery and put in a stent he went home the next day yesterday he started to have shortness of breath again and checked himself into the er at am he has been there ever since they did more rays and found nothing in his lungs and another sonogram for some reason they are refusing to do a it scan saying they would rather just do another angioplasty they said a it scan would not detect any clots I find this utterly absurd I think it is weird that they want to go in and put in another stent without further testing his troponin levels are also normal why do not they think a it is warranted before they do another angioplasty
hi revert back with the asked details to a cardiologist online
hi doctor I got married 13 months back I had intercourse with my husband once immediately after marriage and then once again two months back I also had birth control pill twice unfortunately my husband died in an accident now everyone in my family forcing me to get second marriage if I do so will I get any health problems like pregnancy problems or hiv please guide me
hi I have read and understood your problem for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hello doctor I have discoloration on my penis I do not have any pain it is just a dark red and seems like peeling it has been there since two days and there is mild swelling in that area I have got this for the first time please help
hi revert back after ten days to a dermatologist online
hello doctor I have a really irritating itch around my groin area inner thigh and also in the abdomen area it has spread to my buttock area too I need help in solving this please help
hi I need more information on your problem revert back with the asked details to an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor my wife had a miscarriage at weeks it was our first baby evacuation was normal delivery after how long can we have sex she has completed her two periods please guide
hello for further doubts consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor the molar on the left side of my mouth was filled last year and right now it hurts really bad I took tylenol and motrin but none of them help I cannot remember if I pulled out that molar a while ago or if it still needs to be pulled it is not really loose but I can move it around if I try to pull it out I am afraid that it will be my permanent tooth the pain started last week I do not know what to do I talked to my dentist and he said that he did not see anything wrong with it but for some reason the pain is still going I cannot sleep at night and it gives me ear pain
hi I have read through your complaint and the relevant details firstly I would like to tell you that ear pain during night and the looseness you feel in the tooth are all the signs of a deeply infected tooth secondly it is not necessary to be for the same filled molar to give you trouble the pain might be from the same molar or could be due to a different tooth on the same side I would not be able to arrive at a correct diagnosis until at least I see a picture of your teeth in that row it seems you take pain killers for the same and there is nothing more I could prescribe considering your age the only way to immediate pain relief would be an active dental treatment for the affected tooth as soon as possible it cannot be cured just with pain killers or any other medications I advise you to see the dentist with an emergency appointment and look upon the issue if you do not address the issue then there are more chances of the tooth to undergo severe internal pressure and you might get a swelling next to the tooth thanks
hi doctor I recently visited the doctors as I was unable to catch my breath and was feeling strange the doctor performed a breath test which came back fine I had an egg and the doctor said that my egg showed possible left ventricle enlargement he then asked me to perform different breathing while he checked me with a stethoscope he said he could hear no blockages or other problems and that my blood pressure was slightly raised usually it is normal he said that I was suffering from anxiety and had a panic attack I have suffered from anxiety all my life when I asked about the enlargement he said my egg was borderline I am now worrying excessively about this and whether to have another egg just to be on the safe side I am fit eat a healthy diet and have not drunk since I was in my 20s I work out regularly since the age of 25 and I am now 40 I had this egg abroad as I was working away so I am wondering whether to have it checked back home I sometimes feel like I cannot take deep breaths when I am stressed but I do not feel this while exercising I have a very tight left shoulder and my left rib is sore near the top of my left breast near the armpit like a muscle aches that comes and goes I am quite an anxious person worrying about health issues particularly after losing my mother to breast cancer
hello did you ever have chest pain or symptoms of excessive sweating with pain if your egg is fine then there are very fewer chances of you having a cardiac pathology left ventricular hypertrophy develops after prolonged hypertension in individuals but as you have said you have normal blood pressure so I do not think lvy should be there to relieve your anxiety you can undergo a stress echo or tit treadmill test to rule out inducible angina also you said you do not develop symptoms during exercise so I do not think stress echo or tit will come out positive
hi doctor I have taken I pill 72 hours within 18 hours of intercourse but still I got pregnant will it cause any bad effect on the baby during pregnancy or after delivery can I continue this pregnancy
hi generally I pill emergency contraceptive pill does not cause any serious effects on pregnancy but you need to follow up with sonography at weeks and double market test at 12 weeks to make sure that everything is fine
hello doctor my complaint is a pain in the right pelvic area could you suggest what the images of my it film indicate there are some lesions on my bone what do they mean what should be the treatment I am currently on amlodipine valsartan 5 40 my
hi thanks for writing into us and I have gone through the it scan images there is a lesion in the right intertrochanteric area and is showing characteristics of an osteoma and is almost always a benign condition one must look out for any severe pain and any abnormal bone growth in the area many osteomas might disappear with time and no active treatment is needed in cases when the pain is severe then surgery and bone curettage might help there is a likely area of excess calcium deposition and showing a white spot in the left iliac bone near the left sacroiliac joint area and is called a bone island a bone island is usually not treated however to confirm a bone island and to rule out other lesions a nuclear bone scan can help the thickening of the left anterior pararenal fascia is likely not significant the gall bladder is not well visualized
hi doctor I have noticed this black stain on my daughter teeth recently what could be the cause she has got her lower two teeth in months and upper at 10 months I started brushing her teeth a week ago
hello I have gone through your attachment after watching the photograph there seems to be extrinsic stains these may be because of improper brushing food stains etc proper cleaning of teeth and cleaning of teeth after taking food will remove them if they are extrinsic food stains if not getting removed kindly visit a nearby dentist there may be another reason also for black stains or stains what kind of toothpaste do you use fluoridated or non fluoridated for any catch regarding cares it should be checked clinically drinking water fluoride levels also important to know
hi doctor I am 76 years old I do not feel thirsty thus I drink very little water for a long time I was advised to take more water but I am unable to take as I need to force myself to do so my urine used to be yellow three or four times a day whereas for the past 20 days it is always yellow in color and after urination when I flush the commode bright yellow color is appearing in the water I felt like checking up and got a kidney function test done I have the reports but there is no option to attach file however my urea is 27 blood urea nitrogen is 12 creatine is 9 and uric acid is 1 I am on medication for my diabetes and hypertension can you suggest what I need to do further on my condition what is the present state of my kidneys best regards
hi I went through the case history and the reports I would like to know what kind of medication you are taking for hypertension and diabetics do you get a burning sensation while passing urine or fever kindly get back with the details thanks
hello doctor for the past week I had gotten a small round bump on my lower gum it is just in the corner at the lowest part of the gum so I have to pull my mouth open with my fingers just to see it does not hurt or bleed but it has not gone away and it has gotten a whitish color to it I also got the soreness on the tip of the tongue this morning I am quite careful with my teeth and brush or rinse regularly every day so I am confused to what may have caused this morning I woke up with a redness on the tip of my tongue too I wonder if it is because I have poked the bump with it just to feel wether it is still there I have switched to peroxyl mouthwash to see if this may solve it can you advise me on what this maybe I am a little worried
hello it could be a common aphthous ulcer canker sore it has various causative factors it could be because of vitamin deficiencies hormonal changes psychological stress allergies accidental trauma or bacterial infection a clear clinical picture of the ulcer or bump will help to determine what is it and what caused it if that is an aphthous ulcer it may take a couple of weeks for it to resolve redness on the tip of the tongue could be due to constant rubbing of the bump or ulcerated area white tissue over that area could be healing tissues please do not disturb them meanwhile avoid hot and spicy foods do warm saline mouth rinses thrice daily rinse mouth after every meal drink lots of water and keep yourself hydrated at all times maintaining good oral hygiene and following the above said instructions will prevent further infection of the ulcer and promotes faster healing if required if it hurts a topical anesthetic like orajel can be applied over the ulcer with a clean finger I hope this helps good day
hello doctor other than a psychiatric condition such as delusional parasitosis are there any known real pathogens that can produce the sensation of loads of tiny insects residing and moving upon the skin that can spread or move throughout the body and causing intense itch if so please provide names
hi for further doubts consult a microbiologist online
hi doctor I have had a terrible cough for weeks due to the flu I decided to try delsym 12 hour cough it helped immensely but the second day when I had it I noticed a bit of restlessness and light sensitivity I waited to take another dose and when I did take another dose I took half of the recommended dose for adults that was at 10 am last night now at almost am the next day and I am experiencing odd side effects sweaty palms a bit of confusion loss of attention and light sensitivity it feels like my eyes are dilated but does not appear they are every day I take 20 my of vyvanse and 300 my of wellbutrin
hi sorry to hear about what you are going through basically from your history you might be suffering from what is known as serotonin syndrome it is a rare but possible condition that can occur when lisdexamfetamine vyvanse is taken together with dextromethorphan delsym it can also occur with lisdexamfetamine vyvanse and bupropion wellbutrin are taken together due to drug interactions but I assume you must have been taking them for a while now so it is not that the best advise for you is to stop delsym right away I would also advice you to consult the doctor who prescribed you the other two drugs to stop or reduce the dosage to rule out serotonin syndrome with them as well if you have any further questions please feel free to contact me
hi doctor every day I feel intense disgust for humanity and people I struggle with sadism and my last girlfriend broke up with me because that went too far it has always been a problem in relationships for me I hate society so much every time I see a person I want to torture them brutally every house I walk by I want to just kick the door down I just hate them all I do not even value my own life I am nothing I feel like I was just born for this born wrong born to be a problem I tried to fight it too and I failed no matter how much I tried to control it even when professionals were involved it overpowered me and ruined what little good was in my life I am no immediate danger of hurting people but I think one day I am going to really snap I have built up an intensive library of bad experiences with people and I do not think I can take much more people repulse me now is there any hope for people whose brains are as warped as mine I am 31 and I struggle to even hold down a job because I find I get emotionally exhausted doing things I do not actually want to do I also have a destructive temper so that causes trouble at work too what do I do I have been through the emotions you are only another psychiatrist so I do not know what I am expecting in reaching out again how can I break the cycle if therapy or medicines and psych wards have not helped me I have already tried taking my own life three times
hi I can imagine how hard it is for you right now anger hatred past traumas and experiences consume us all in your case it has gone a little too far but the fact that you have reached out even after trying everything is enough for me to see hope and tell you that yes there is still something that can be done change is hard and it takes huge amounts of strength and struggle but if you have decided that you need to get out of this situation and you are willing to do anything for it then no one can stop you I would suggest you to first ask yourself how determined are you for a change if this is just another call to check if things can work and you yourself have doubts then surely you will fail and everything you try will fail as well if you decide that you will find a way out then no one can stop you I would suggest starting therapy sessions regularly with a psychotherapy expert if you cannot find one then you can opt for online therapy sessions with me first you need to vent out and learn to let go of past traumas it will be hard and will take time but until and unless you do that you cannot move forward once you are there that is when we can focus on building new perspective and living a good life again telling you it will be really hard but it is possible so find a local therapist or opt for a video consultation and we can talk I hope this helps take care
hello doctor I have a query and need your guidance and help I am 26 years old male as winters are very cold in my area I cought cold as I was riding my bike with no proper protection from winter I started coughing that night but I did not care it how ever increased I ate curd and smoked cigarette this made my cough worse so I took medication for it and my cough was gone in three days but not totally I started coughing thrice a day but as due to my business I had to travel I have not taken proper rest and given up smoking I smoked for years ord and ith year I smoked cigarettes a day average now I have given up totally my weight is stable I feel hungry a lot never smoked weed or reverse smoked I am non alcoholic no shortness of breath only cough is my issue and its dry and no mucus my cough is increased from day before yesterday as I was in ac couch of train and every single person near me was coughing very badly so I am taking monte la twice a day and ascoril thrice 10 my started from last night and it made it worse without medicine I was coughing twice or thrice day but now it is increased is it lung or throat cancer cause if I check on internet it makes me really sad and I really regret smoking so please help me and suggest me something what should I do I am in tears right now do not know what to do I just do not want to die now
hello I would like to change the medicines you are on slightly first instead of monte la take allegra in the morning take it once a day only take alex lozenges whenever you feel cough sensation the lozenges have to be sucked and not swallowed take cherikoff is syearup thrice daily top drink plenty of warm water abstain from smoking take tablet antacid 40 my tablet twice daily before meals avoid dust and smoke if going in dust areas wear a mask most probably it will not be cancer take the above treatment and write to us after or days you will make good progress if within or days you do not find any progress then I suggest you take a course of clarithromycin 250 my tablet twice daily for days when you write to us next please take a picture of open throat and send us so that we can see the posterior pharyngeal wall for any nodule or congestion or hypertrophy also palpate your neck yourself and check for any swelling or lump do not worry and you will be fine soon have a peaceful and healthy mind do not smoke
hello doctor may I know if you have done urethroplasty in the distal penile urethra using the excision and primary anastomosis epa technique are you personally familiar with any such case if so was the surgery successful did the surgery cause penile curvature if so how many degrees did it had what was the structure length thanks
hi I am a urologist and I have performed urethroplasties but excision and primary anastomosis is the procedure of choice only in short segment urethral strictures and they occur in the majority of traumatic urethral strictures that occur in the proximal urethra such a structure in distal urethra is rare however I had to do excision and primary anastomosis in an iatrogenic distal penile urethral injury wherein the surgeon had badly damaged distal penile urethra during an attempt to dilate the distal urethra I was called intraoperative the urethral plate was badly damaged in that case for only am I did excise that part and anastomosed end to end and the result was excellent and there was no postoperative chordee bending other than this case I have not done any era in distal urethra
hello doctor it usually pains in joints and happened for some years now I have shown to various doctors and was told that it is due to a low level of it do and cured by taking regular it do medicines recently I have noticed pains in my joints in leg hand elbow and foot the affected area becomes a little red with swelling and pain I had tested for uric acid and the level is under range though after the uric acid test my doctor suggested avoiding rich protein diet and also drink a lot of water currently I drink liters of water per day since with all this the pain has not completely settled and therefore I have done some more tests cop result 6 normal under and other reports ra quantitative serum and aso are normal with the increase of cop my doctor has suggested consulting rheumatologist for further advice hence I am requesting your advice
hi I have gone through your query your symptoms typically match palindromic rheumatism it is an intermittent form of arthritis that can keep throwing joint pains and swelling intermittently initially cop done during an episode may have been high there is a 50 percent chance that it may become persistent and 50 percent it may remain this way only one test is missing which is an anti cop antibody kindly do that and let me know what it says as for the treatment I would suggest you maintain a diary of attacks if joint swelling is persisting for more than seven days then we need to start treatment or else if it goes off if you do not get another episode for a month then we shall wait hope the information was useful ear anti cop antibody and ana ifa
hi doctor I am a 49 year old woman and last month I was hospitalized with a necrotizing soft tissue infection on my thigh I had two debridement surgeries and was discharged after days I was treated with about iv antibiotics I do not remember them all I recall seeing vancomycin and penicillin I was told that the infection was not mesa but a slower moving bacteria they did not tell me what it was I was swabbed for mesa in my nose and butt before both surgeries and was told I did not have it for the last day of my stay I had a roommate who had a bad mesa infection on her butt and sometimes had diarrhea incontinence during dressing changes I had no physical contact with her but we had the same nurse I was discharged with a five day course of augmenting the wound has been healing very well and has not gotten infected but three weeks after discharge I got an abscess under my arm I went to an urgent care and was prescribed clindamycin and told to return in three days for drainage the abscess did not improve or get worse over the three days I got it drained and was prescribed augmenting and told to also continue the clindamycin that was a week ago and the wound is healing well they called today and said cultures show it was mesa and they prescribed bactrim and told me to stop the other antibiotics I am feeling devastated by this and wanting to understand why it happened could I have gotten it in the hospital I am concerned that it will not go away are those swabs at the hospital conclusive and mean for sure I did not have mesa a month ago I have never had any medical problems before and these experiences have been very frightening is there anything else I can do to prevent recurrence I have read about everything from bleach baths and hibiclens to antibiotics in the nose
hi I am sorry for what you have had to go through as you previously did not have mesa strains it is possible that now you have hospital acquired strains in your blood it is a superbug and superdifficult to treat as it is resistant to drugs of choice so you have get culture and sensitivity test to find out which one is it sensitive to as you were told to stop other antibiotics and start bactrim this means the strain you have got is sensitive to bactrim if there is anything else you want to ask please feel free to contact me
hello doctor I have recently relocated to my workplace due to relocation I had to consume outside food for two months I had started growing skin rashes it was diagnosed as an allergy two medicines have been recommended by the doctor allegra 180 my and azithromycin 500 my I ate drumsticks today and I got the allergies back let me know please what all food should not be consumed what foods should I consume for regaining proper health that would not be allergic also whenever I keep my body heated the itching fades away but when it is becoming cold the allergy is back are there any tests to be carried out
hello doctor certain cities are known for allergies some people who are genetically probing for allergy atop and hypersensitivity start showing symptoms in certain cities it is difficult to say what foods to avoid but I can give you some ideas about it there could be a food allergy or aeroallergy your place has a lot of ethnic trees and pollen related allergy the tests you must do are serum ice immunoglobulin if the levels are elevated that shows atop and thereafter you will have to do a skin prick testing or blood immunocap testing the latter two tests will clearly show us which substances can cause allergy in you if you desire you may get serum ice and one of the tests either skin prick or blood immunocap done together meanwhile keep away from plants and dust avoid smoke avoid air conditioner at home or workplace try to keep the temperature at an optimum level and not very cold drink plenty of water take a diary and note down whenever you eat or drink something different and if you get rashes or allergy keep your bed and weddings very clean change sheets frequently dust the sheets in the balcony or outside the house vacuum clean all crevices and corners in the house wash curtains frequently weddings curtains etc be washed in warm water soak them for two hours in warm water about 60 degrees these are known to harbor house dust mites please let us know the symptoms of your allergy like nasal or skin also let us know if the tablets recommended relieve you of the lesions if possible take a few pictures of the skin rashes and send to me
hello doctor ulcers are formed after getting a tooth extraction and have gotten worse and not gone away they have been there for a month I am worried it is oral cancer also my tongue is sensitive and my tongue is slightly white I also got white spots on the inside of my cheek and irritated red spot on my tongue and the roof of the mouth I was taking amoxicillin
hi I have read through your complaint and the relevant details and also saw the pictures you have attached the oral ulcer at the corner of your mouth seems to be formed by some external irritating factors like a toothbrush hurt if that is the same area where tooth extraction was done it looks perfectly healed so the ulcer close by can also heal equally the red and white spots are nothing but oral ulcers that have recurred every now and then maybe that is why you say that it is there for more than a month also I find that you have done tongue piercing I suspect that is the reason for the red spot ulcers over the roof of your mouth this also is an indicator of difficulty in maintaining tongue hygiene which resulted in a white tongue oral ulcers can be treated by applying a small amount of dentogel 15 go on the affected area with clean fingers three to five times daily make sure you maintain good oral hygiene too recurrent mouth ulcers also refer to vitamin deficiencies for which please eat nutritious whole fruits and veggies instead of fried and fast food please do not relate it to cancer and get panicked once the rooting cause for oral ulcers are removed then it will heal normally and might not come back you will be fine blood check for vitamin deficiencies tongue cleanliness scraping tongue with blunt plastic tongue cleaner or with the back of the toothbrush head
hello doctor I have been watching porn since my 18 years and now I am 31 and got married recently I am getting an erection but after ejaculation I am unable to regain my erection and sometimes it goes down without even ejaculation please suggest so that I can have two to three times in the night and also suggest to me on the usage of tadafil 10 my and can this be used for a prolonged period as the effect of this medicine stay for 48 hours can this be used for a lifetime every alternative day what are the future problems with this medication
hi good and satisfactory sex is never related to the frequency of intercourse in a day or duration of intercourse although these factors play an important role in sexual satisfaction but not the only factors it is the quality of sexual encounters that matter one can have a wonderful sexual life while having sex once a week on the other hand those having sex three times a day may not be happy with their sexual life so stop worrying about how to have sex two to three times a night it is not a competition in the fourth decade of life 30 39 years the level of testosterone hormone begins to decline progressively while it is most abundant in the late teenage and early adulthood as you cannot expect to have the libido of a 20 year old male if you think your sexual desire is gratified by having sex once a day then it is fine you need to improve the quality of sexual relationship by having lots of foreplay and imagination tadalafil can be used if you feel your erection is not persistent during sex but I think you are fine without it is usually not advisable to take tadalafil more than twice a week
hello doctor I am 43 years old from my 25 years of age I am suffering from burning epigastrium I erosive astral gastritis the endoscopy report shows erosion congestion my physician has suggested any of pi like pantroprazole 40 my od or rabeprazole 40 my od I simply wish to know is there any way out to cure it I am taking pips for years I am negative for pyloric
hi along with chronic gastritis you seem to be having hypertension and might also have diabetes you must get your hba1c glycated hemoglobin levels done the chronic gastritis is basically of types environmental autoimmune and least common diffuse astral gastritis as you have reported above yours is an astral type the problem with astral type gastritis is that it is associated with increased acid output from the gastric glands and might lead to duodenal ulcers pi proton pump inhibitors are ion proton inhibitors they block acid secretion and hence are helpful in this type now the catch here is pyloric usually pyloric is harmful and causes destruction of gastric glands but in case of astral gastritis where the gastric glands are hypersecreting the destruction of these glands provides symptomatic relief in your case pyloric is negative and hence you are having these symptoms your symptoms will remain suppressed while you take pi and whenever you will stop pi there would be an exacerbation of these symptoms you should get yourself thoroughly investigated and other organic causes should be ruled out some lifestyle modifications you can try which I have already answered in this link here was a study performed in china where it was found that green tea reduced the risk of gastritis by 50 I hope your treating physician would have tried giving you sucralfate or gefarnate if not you can try the above either of the two also you should keep a check on your blood sugar levels and exercise regularly an hour of a brisk walk for five out of seven days in a week will definitely help
hi doctor I am a 26 year old female I experience pain during intercourse the moment the penis is inserted I feel my muscles contract and then it feels painful and due to this I am unable to have sex with my partner also I feel there is dryness in my vagina please help also I have genital herpes and I fear sex because I do not want to trigger the symptoms or eruptions again I take acivir for this
hello you probably are suffering from a condition known as vaginismus it is characterized by involuntary spasm of pelvic muscles around the vagina making it almost impossible to penetrate the condition is usually related to conscious or unconscious anxieties about having sex sexual abuse during childhood sexual harassment and feelings of dislike and disgust towards sex and sexual partner are the issues commonly associated with it but it can occur in the absence of any such history another common cause of painful sex is pid pelvic inflammatory disease a condition caused by infection of internal reproductive organs signs and symptoms include painful sex abnormal vaginal discharge and chronic lower backache in case of vaginismus the patients are symptom free while not having sex I pain occurs only during sex the treatment includes relaxation techniques like systematic desensitization and progressive muscular relaxation the goal is to get comfortable with penetration here is what you can do first do kegel exercises by squeezing the same muscles you use to stop the flow of urine when urinating squeeze the muscles hold for two to ten seconds then relax the muscles do about 20 keels at a time you can do them as many times a day as you want to after a few days insert one finger up to about the first knuckle joint inside the vagina while doing the exercises use any lubricant while doing it start with one finger and work your way up to three you will feel the muscles of vagina contracting around your finger and you can always take your finger out if you are not comfortable this way you can teach your nervous system not to contract vaginal muscles while penetration
hello doctor is colchicine safe for breastfeeding mothers I have been prescribed colchicine for the treatment of my oral lichen plans condition however I am still nursing and breastfeeding my one year old child I am wondering if the medication is safe to consume given that I am still nursing my child if not is there any alternative treatment or medication that I can suggest to my oral medicine specialist also can I practice pump and dump if I want to continue nursing and yet continue with the medication assuming the dosage frequency is once a day I will nurse my child in the morning first before I consume colchicine then I express my milk and dump them through the day and only continue nursing my child six to eight hours after the last dosage in the morning is this do able
hello regarding your treatment for oral lichen plans you need to take a topical corticosteroids and colchicine is an appropriate treatment for it I am posting here a study regarding the use of colchicine by a group of lactating mothers and you can see the results yourself the national transplantation pregnancy registry reports that 124 women with transplants have taken corticosteroids while breastfeeding 169 infants for periods as long as 48 months with no apparent infant harm so the gap you are giving in between the morning and day feeding is the best you need to give a gap of four hours maximum after the intake of the drug
hello doctor my year old son has been complaining of severe ear pain just right ear and occasionally says that he hears a sound in the same ear when he is abroad he has a nonstop cold phlegm and chest congestion but when he travels here he is absolutely fine he also suffers from nose blockage and struggles to breathe through his nose he breathes through this mouth only most of the time the doctors abroad suggested surgery to remove his adenoids however when he is here he is absolutely fine and the doctors are against surgery could you please suggest what is the solution for his suffering
hi have you taken an adenoids ray can you upload the ray if you have taken it do you think there could be some allergen in his place abroad which could be causing allergy and nose block in your son does he take food properly is there any dust inside the house abroad any chance of pollen or house dust mites does he have any sneezing or running nose does he show any rashes over his body the ear pain is there only in the right ear and when only he stays abroad does your son have an ear problem here do you feel he has hearing loss from that ear have you covered his normal ear and checked the hearing from his affected ear let me know can you upload the relevant ray and blood tests what we are worried if the adenoids are causing ear block this can lead to compromised development as your son will have some hearing loss removal of adenoids will take care of this problem you may have to get some ear tests done meanwhile the allergy may aggregate the problem in when he is abroad and here it may not be aggravated but adenoids will not lessen in size even while in india
hello doctor I am facing constant tiredness fatigue lack of energy and weakness I had left the non vegetarian diet for a year or two but now I am consuming it I have recently treated for allergies and had a phase of amoebiasis I had to consume outside food for about two months recently due to relocation please suggest something I have done a urine and blood test yesterday there was a lot of over exertion due to relocation for the past two months
hello I have seen your reports your urine and blood report are normal except for the presence of ketone bodies in urine which is usually absent in urine the reason for that usually are diabetes ketoacidosis starvation ketoacidosis etc check your random blood sugar level to rule out diabetes the increased metabolic activity also can also lead to the appearance of ketone bodies in urine so check hyperthyearoidism also by serum ash thyearoid stimulation hormone estimation which also can lead to weakness for weakness anemia and liver doses has been ruled out here through reports check for serum urea and creatinine to rule out kidney disease if you are drinking alcohol then provide history about that and finally you can check serum sodium potassium and calcium levels as well if all these are normal then over exertion due to the relocation can be the possibility for your tiredness for amoebiasis get treated by metronidazole I hope this helps
hello doctor I would really like to try led just as a matter of curiosity I am aware of all the risks and side effects as well as having no known history of mental illness in my family and I am a happy person with no depression or anything like that while I believe the risk for me personally to be very low I would still like to be safe hence my question do you think if I went to my go and told them what I wanted to do you think there is a chance of even getting pill of an antipsychotic to kill the effects in case things go downhill obviously I know the best thing is to not do it at all but if you had a patient come to you and ask you what would you say
hello you have raised a very interesting query well done for seeking information on safety I see that you are keen on experimenting with led and knowing the risks involved you want to make an informed decision led trips psychdelic experiences by using street drugs are unpredictable and difficult to speculate the outcome hence it is not advisable to try it is highly unlikely your go or any other doctor will prescribe an antipsychotic prophylactically just incase you have a bad trip antipsychotics are powerful medication and can cause side effects on their own so needs to be used with caution when necessary after appropriate examination moreover if you develop any altered mental state that persists after using led you will need a proper medical evaluation
hello doctor I had braces and got them off and two tooth upper left last two had a gap my dentist said my filling also chipped from the removal and decided to redo the filling afterwards I experienced pain like sharp pain from eating hard things like chips grainy things that went into the grooves I went back and they fixed my bite by shaving some off that did not work so I went back and they redid the filling on the last back tooth because that is where I experienced the most pain I went home waited two weeks or so and had same pain when eating hard grainy things so I went back and they fixed the bite went back again after a few weeks because same issue came up they found natural tooth was an issue and said maybe I was getting down to the dentin they refilled those small spots I went home and had to go back in after a few weeks because I felt a few minor sensitive areas they fixed my bite by shaving some off again and of course that did not help so I went in again and this time they found two areas of the natural tooth and the filling was sensitive they think the filling was sensitive was maybe due to the shaving from previous appointment this time the following day it was way worse in terms of eating maybe it was the day after but running my fingernail on the tooth was sensitive my dentist said I may need an only or crown if this keeps happening I went to another dentist for second opinion and took rays as attached she said the filling looks good and it was done well and it is all smooth I wanted her to give me a second opinion and if I should get an only or crown she said part of my filling is close to the nerve I was surprised to hear that because the first time they did the filling it was far from the nerve so I don not know what happened maybe they redid it and drilled more she said even if I do an only or crown that with the temporary might not work and I can still be sensitive in which I would need a root canal I called my friend who is a dentist and she told me I should wait it out it is also possible the pulp horn can shrink and not be so close to the filling as it is pretty close she also does not suggest a crown because it is taking away healthy tooth structure and that if that did not work I would have to pay double as I would need a root canal when air goes on it is sensitive and sometimes when cold water goes on it is sensitive it was not like that before just seemed like it all got worse but then again I just got it done two days ago
hello if only that particular tooth is being sensitive and no other then the best for you may be going through the root canal treatment the teeth may have been grinded down due to successive refilling and may now be very close to nerve sometimes using a strong toothpaste like go toothmousse helps in relieving this sensitivity completely by blocking all tubules so try it first apply some directly around and between those two teeth wait for five minutes then brush it off crown can be delayed till you can but just crown or inlay will not work without root canal treatment
hello doctor I started taking xyzal recommended to me by a friend for my bad seasonal allergies I took my first dose whole pill today and my skin got this red tint and felt hot and I had some hot flashes is this something that I should adjust to and can continue taking I have tried allegra zyeartec and claritin and benedryl none have done much for me the allergies I am having due to the pollen are causing sinus pressure and mucus that is traveling to my lungs the xyzal along with mucinex and sudafed seems to help with these symptoms is the xyzal safe for me
hello xyzal is nothing but levocetrizine it is the leo isomer of cetirizine zyeartec the advantage of xyzal over zyeartec is that xyzal is effective over half the dosage of zyeartec and that the former produces less sleep the relief you find is more due to mucinex and sudafed mucinex acts to bring the tenacious mucous out by liquefying it and sudafed acts to decongest and reduce the vascularity of the area the main problem allergy which leads to sinus congestion and all these symptoms has to be addressed first we should do an allergy testing to find out what exactly is causing the allergy whether it is dust mite pollen or fungus subsequently you can take some avoidance precautions if that does not work then medicines like what you are taking and eventually if nothing works immunotherapy can be tried
hello doctor two weeks ago I had a scrotoplasty accompanied with this was liposuction around lower stomach and inside of thighs towards the groin to thicken the penis operation went well had general swelling and edema of the penis and scrotum with pain I have been taking anti inlfammatory tables antibacterial antibiotics and pain killers one of the symptoms I have had is pain in my penis when I stand it is like the blood rushes to that area and cause discomfort I then lie back down and the pain subsides based on this I have just been resting I noticed yesterday when feeling the scrotum that my left testicle has swollen I am guessing it is about two inches long by 5 inches wide in the shape of an egg it is not soar to touch but feels hard the scrotum or stiches do not show any signs or redness and the scrotum appears to be okay in color I have not had a fever or vomiting I have read different reports on line as to why this could be like fluids draining from liposuction into scrotum severe edema orchitis etc and advice would be appreciated
hi first of all I would like to inform you that size mentioned by you is within normal range and it should not be called swelling unless there is gross difference from other side the average tests size is to am in length and to am in width now regarding feeling hard this is completely normal after scrotoplasty as there is mild deem of testicular skin along with tests itself this may take almost 6 weeks to completely disappear I feel this is normal complication of surgery as there is no fever no tenderness no redness sighs of inflammation I would like to inform you that keeping scrotal support and proper rest may help you in case this continues to remain in same stage sort aggravates with time it will be ideal to see your doctor and get examined regarding other symptoms related to pain at the tip of penis I feel this is due to clogging of secretions in urethra which creates problem in my opinion excess intake of water and fluids may help you
hello doctor I am going to be under general anesthesia in coming days for surgery I did let my pre op nurse know and wrote down all current medicines and supplements but have a question about supplements as I am not going to take them the night before anyways but just wanted insight the first is kratom I wanted her to know so the anesthesiologist could dose my pain medicines right during surgery second is phenibut a free amino acid would this would this have any effect on tolerance to the benzodiazepine they choose to administer
hi you are taking drugs one of which is psychoactive compound kratom while other one is mind calming magnet phenibut if you are taking those drugs since long time then you may have some tolerance to opioids benzodiazepine other sedative anesthetic medicines so I would suggest you personally inform the anaesthesiologist regarding them so that he can make necessary adjustments in dose of anesthetic agents I just have added effects of these medicines on body kratom contains psychoactive compounds mitragynine c23h30n2o4 molecular weight 398 49 and hydoxymitragynine hmg it is used to treat chronic pain or opioid withdrawal although no scientific evidence supports this use the leaves are used for recreation and for self medicated opioid withdrawal treatment kratom toxic effects include dry mouth changes in urination nausea vomiting and weight loss serious complications such as seizures and coma have been reported the effects of kratom are dose dependent small doses produce cocaine like effects larger doses cause morphine like sedative effects kratom users report increased work capacity alertness sociability and sometimes increased sexual desire phenibut is a modified version of gamma aminobutyearic acid gala which is one of the inhibitor neurotransmitters in the brain it exhibits a relaxing effect and is also describe as producing a euphoriant dis inhibiting and calming state of mind
hello doctor I want to tell you that I have sensineural hearing loss and tinnitus according to my reports my doctor told me that I have mild sensineural hearing loss I am sending you reports I want to clear my doubts about sensineural hearing loss is my sensineural hearing loss progressive in future will my tinnitus cure of its own do I need any further testing like mri please check
hi since how many days are you having hearing loss and tinnitus if it is since a few days you should try taking oral steroids your hearing loss can revert back mri or any other scan is not needed but you do let me know if your tinnitus and hearing loss is sudden in onset or not
hello doctor just wondering what type of impression I will need to get if I have to get crowns on last teeth like will it be a full top impression or can they do it off just those two teeth
hi regarding the impression making the material is chosen depending on what it is being used for as you have already mentioned that the purpose is to fabricate crowns the best material to opt for is the rubber impression material elastomeric silicone impression materials the advantage of the material is the high accuracy of the details and it allows sufficient time for duplicating the teeth model talking about the number of teeth involved during an impression making usually it is the whole arch involving all the teeth that is the routine way of doing it but there are disposable sectional double impression trays available which help the dentist to make an impression in a particular region along with the opposing teeth the biggest plus with these trays are firstly preventing contamination because it is used only once and for a single patient secondly upper and lower teeth with the bite are registered in one impression hence time saving the maximum number of teeth involved in these kinds of impressions would be four to five but definitely not just two teeth I personally make double tray impressions on a routine basis for crown fabrications but it totally depends on the dentist well and wish to choose the technique according to his her skills and economic reasons
hello doctor the pet scan report says that the metabolic activity brain appears metastatic does this confirm that the patient has advance cancer
hi revert with more details I need also pathological and treatment details usually if brain is involved with multiple lesions it is considered advanced malignancy
hello doctor my heart rate gets very high when I go to the doctor I get super nervous and I need to go to the dentist my teeth are getting worse but I am too scared because I know my heart rate will get high just wondering if you know what they will do
hi you need not panic at all for a dental visit all that happens in your first consultation is that the dentist checks your oral status with a mouth mirror and a hook shaped instrument called explorer this is the point that most of the young people get scared of the instruments are not going to hurt you but used to check the tooth on its various surfaces as it is a hard tissue once you are thoroughly checked then if needed rays might be taken with complete protection these days ray techniques have gone digital for saving time and to comfort patients you just need to open your mouth the ray sensor captures the tooth and the pictures will be seen on the computer screen in seconds the treatment options will be explained to you in detail and the procedures are done only with your consent no dentist is going to prick you straight away with the needles so please do not worry about it in case where you have to get a filling done there is a rotary machine that sprays water that is used to drill the tooth and again this is super fast when you co operate if you are not liking that sound feel free to put on your favorite music with the headphones during the treatment also feel free with the dental team and ask all your doubts at once because the patient comfort comes in front of all exquisite treatments you will be fine
hi doctor I have a cracked tooth which I believe needs a root canal and a crown that I think went bad I am in excruciating pain I have been to emergency rooms they have given me clindamycin and vicodin for pain but it barely touches the pain I have been on antibiotics for two days I thought I would see some improvement but the swelling and pain are getting worse I have had a staphylococcus infection before is it possible that this could be one the infection was on the right side of my face I have been waiting for two months to get into my dentist
hi I read your complaint and relevant details you have mentioned you got a swelling I just want to make sure if the swelling is confined close to the tooth or is it spreading the severe pain along with fever and swelling confirms that the infection has gone bad clindamycin is the only antibiotic that you are taking I recommend you to take metronidazole 400 my orally twice daily along with clindamycin for five days this will fight against another group of bacteria and reduce the swelling to an extent also continue with your pain killers as well tramadol works well for moderate to severe pain but in your case it does not sound so for immediate relief crush one tablet of ketorol it ketorolac tromethamine in half a glass of water and drink it straight away you will feel better in 15 minutes otherwise complete relief will be got only after the necessary dental treatment antibiotics are just add ons do not totally rely upon them
hello doctor I am 17 years old I had sex with my partner on the 24th day of the menstruation cycle I used today vaginal pill before intercourse on the next day I 25th day within 30 hours I also took I pill to be sure not to be pregnant now my period which was on due is still missing what are the chances of my pregnancy what should I do to terminate it if I am pregnant kindly help me out
hello I have reviewed your query thoroughly I pill or emergency contraceptive pills have very minimal chance of failure if taken immediately after intercourse within 24 hours and chances of failure gradually increase after that even if taken within 72 hours there is about one to two percent chance of failure of an emergency pill or I pill in your case but we can be quite sure of its success if withdrawal bleeding occurred within four to five days after taking the pill confirming the shedding of layer of the endometrium based on the dates given by you today must be days following the date of the intercourse in that case to find out if you are pregnant you can get a serum beta hug human chorionic gonadotrophin testing done for the urine pregnancy tests to show the result if pregnant it must be at least 10 to 14 days following intercourse if you want to know urgently whether you are pregnant you can get serum beta hug testing if you can wait another week you can get a urine pregnancy testing which if positive must be followed up by ultrasound imaging only after then and after consulting an obstetrician should the abortion be planned under guidance furthermore if you are sexually active regularly it is better to choose other regular contraceptive methods after consulting an obstetrician and gynecologist instead of I pill I pills are meant to be taken only in case of unexpected accidental unprotected sex but not on a regular basis
hello doctor I am struggling with pinworm infection I took one dose of mebendazole 100 my and it helped two weeks later I took the recommended second dose and about three days after I started exhibiting symptoms again it is now a week after taking the second dose symptoms are not improving
hello I have gone through your problem reinfection with pinworm is quite frequent mebendazole two doses are the standard way of treatment but in your case reinfection may have occurred because of remnant eggs please change your sheets on the bed and wash them thoroughly thoroughly wash the undergarments as they are the major source of remnant eggs of pinworm wash your hands properly avoid scratching in the anal region which you may be doing because of itching if there is a school going kid at your home please do inform the class teacher regarding this as other untreated kids may be another source another major thing to consider is whether you are definitely having pinworm infection or not in pinworm infection usually the eggs which are laid in the perinatal region and worms are not commonly released in stools the presence of eggs can be diagnosed with a simple tape test at your physician office if this is due to any other worm infection the required dose of mebendazole is different and what is taken by you will not be sufficient I suggest you get this clarified because what requires is a simple tape test and a stool examination for other ova or cysts
hello doctor I was diagnosed with is five years ago this month tests have identified high levels of blastocystis hominid in my stool as well as yeast and imbalance in gut flora I am traveling away and I am wondering what the best course of action for me is I have done comprehensive stool analysis and recent full blood test
hi blastocystis hominid does not usually require treatment unless there is a co pathogen they were none found in your stool study or if the individual is immunosuppressed the other issue is your sofa short chain fatty acid and but the rate are a bit on the lower side how was your is irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea diagnosed was it after a colonoscopy and checking celiac disease antigen as well as stool calprotectin level
hello doctor I was wondering if I need to be concerned or what is the probability if any would I have at developing a blood clot if I have no blood clotting genetic issues factor etc not on any hormones was on birth control pills for 12 years but been off for almost four years no recent surgery do not and have never smoked I am just going to be moving 12 hours away and someone I know developed a blood clot in their leg after a 12 hours drive and did not have any risk factors smoking hormones etc to their knowledge I got a little nervous about this possibility because I had a friend who died of a pe also should I take aspirin before the trip and wear compression socks or would that help I am a 31 year old female who only takes prenatal vitamins vitamin b12 100 mug chewable citalopram 10 my and occasional excedrin as needed thanks
hi I can understand your concern before I can answer your question you mentioned that you are taking prenatal vitamins just curious if you are pregnant or plan to do so do you have previous unplanned or accidental abortions please let me know
hello doctor I need a consultation to decide on a health issue for the past four and a half years I have been suffering from menorrhagia and metrorrhagia due to a fibroid I tried ayurveda for three years and homeopathy for almost a year ayurveda did not work only with medication and they suggested to go take panchakarma treatment homeopathy started working for four months and the prolonged heavy bleeding stopped now the bleeding was there for almost five years on each and every day with few months stopped now and then at this juncture I just got an endometrium biopsy and an ultrasound to monitor the size of the fibroid my gynecologist suggested immediate hysterectomy to remove the uterus and my homeopathy doctor asked to try for three to four more months and if home treatment fails then go for surgery this gynecologist does not believe in any alternative systems I sent my reports to my ayurvedic doctor too and he said surgery is not needed the biopsy report says simple hyperplasia without atypia because of prolong non stop bleeding for years now I have anemia and went for infusion I need a second opinion on hysterectomy if it is needed or not in case if it is needed when can I go for it
hi failure of conservative treatment and dropping your hemoglobin level to that extent indicates the urgency of surgery where is your recent abc report if your level of hemoglobin is less than go dl then you are at the risk of several diseases affecting the cardiovascular system
hello doctor I would like to have a natural abortion because I have no other choice what could you suggest to successfully achieve this goal I am currently taking anti depressants and be medicines
hello welcome to icliniq com there is no acceptable or approved method to have a natural abortion if it happens on its own that would be a different issue but you doing something on your own to have an abortion is not at all recommended please do not brush away my opinion as something you have already heard or just because you are in a desperate state with no option having an abortion on your own at home has hazardous complications including heavy bleeding leftover fetus parts in the uterus resultant infection sepsis and sometimes even may result in death there would be nothing anybody can do if things go out of hand you have mentioned that you have no other choice I politely disagree with you and whatever the reason maybe it is not worth putting your life at risk please go to a doctor personally get medical attention personally if you cannot go on your own due to legal age or personal reasons open up to your parents or trusted guardian adults even if it may bring upon their anger or saddens them I am telling you again anything and I am willing to stress this upon you as many times anything is better than putting your precious life at risk do not do this on your own and please go meet a doctor and get medical attention ps you have mentioned that you are currently on antidepressants and blood pressure medication how long have you been diagnosed with hypertension I will be waiting for a reply from your side that you did not do this own and met a doctor take care
hello doctor I am a 21 year old male I have fordyce spots on my private areas and on the corners of my upper lip can you give me a cure my problem has remained consistent since the last seven to eight years it does not pain or itches or none of such problems I just feel upset whenever I look down at them and badly want to cure it when I touch the spots on the downside of my penis it feels like some kind of tight hard mass inside but it pains when I try to squeeze them out all in vain two three spots get bigger in size sometimes and remain so for quite a long time and some new spots also arise intermittently it is very awkward to see them feel the masses inside and these spots are only on the downside of my penis and not on the upper side and my be is normal as I last checked up some days ago I have no problem with sugar level or any cholesterol issue thanks
hi fordyce spots are sebaceous glands it is a normal variant harmless I totally understand your frustration unfortunately this condition has limited treatment options and cure is difficult to assure cop carbon dioxide laser is one option it removes the spot but there can be potential for scarring another option is oral isotretinoin capsule isotretinoin is vitamin a derivative it is used in acne and it shrinks the sebaceous glands I am very sorry to say even with isotretinoin cure cannot be guaranteed
hello doctor I have been arm wrestling for close to seven years and with time I have noticed a couple of things about my wrist that are hindering my ability to have healthy progress in this sport the main issue is with wrist flexion my problem is that while doing the flexing motion of the wrist with a decent load on it cracks in some positions and I lose all my power in my right wrist I feel the crack around the ulnar styloid region and in my left wrist I can feel it around the scaphoid area the thing is that the thicker the handle of the weight is the better it feels on the wrist once it is past a certain thickness the cracking stops and I can train properly another thing that I notice is that if I try to flex my wrist with squeezed gripped it is like a pier that you squeeze then the motion is not smooth at all I can feel all sorts of cracks and it hurts the cracks are mainly around the scaphoid area in both wrists and it is less on the right do you believe that a chiropractor could fix this do you have any idea of what the problem might be please help
hello I read your concern in my opinion the issue is with an excessive sheer force that you create when you flex your wrist is causing bone on bone rubbing and leading to those crack sounds depends on the concentration and loading of weight you feel it at different areas between the right and left wrist you can get a chiropractor consultation to mobilize the wrist and relieve muscle tension and then do stability exercises and load your forearm that should be safe the position of your wrist is always important as wrong positions tend to increase issues so be cautious do a lot of stretching exercises and icing to release tension as of now I hope this helps
hello doctor I was on a diet and I lost a lot of weight I used to be 57 keg and later I was only 38 keg I lost my period and I went to the hospital and they asked me to gain weight now I am 42 keg and still I did not get my period back
hi now you have two factors that do not allow your periods as you said any sudden reduction of weight or even a sudden increase in weight can affect the control of the brain on these hormones which in turn control your ovulation you are still a young lady in early adolescence maybe you had your first periods few years ago it is only about the age of 19 21 years that your hypothalamo pituitary ovarian axis in short the circuit between your brain hormones and ovarian hormones becomes mature enough to have normal ovulation and hence normal periods you gave sudden stress on this circuit with sudden weight reduction which would have shifted the balance you need a minimum fat in the body to have normal hormones and normal cycles as ovaries breakdown fat deposits in the body to form hormones your target should be height in am 100 weight in keg I mean your weight should be 158 am 100 around 58 kgs you were never overweight advice do not go on binge eating no fasting have a regular controlled diet thrice a day reduce the high calorie diet junk food and red meat have a lot of proteins have regular exercise aerobics dance brisk walk and so on have a thyearoid profile and serum prolactin done in the early morning in an empty stomach just to confirm any other hormone problems wait for a month or two I bet your periods will come back if you still do not get the periods on your own you will need to evaluate you and start on a cycle of hormones for a month or two to artificially get the hormone train back on track which has got derailed now I hope this helps
hi doctor my wife is currently weeks pregnant on us the following have been found uterus is bulky well formed gestational sac with a living embryo is there yolk sac is seen cry 500 am heart rate of embryo 121 bum ovaries are normal in size as prescribed by the doctor she is taking duphaston thrice a day folic acid tablet once a day and normozyme syearup twice daily she is weighing 61 keg and her age is 27 years I want to know whether everything is alright and what does bulky uterus mean will it harmful for the embryo she had an anembryonic pregnancy eight months ago and had undergone and we are very much tensed as well as excited please suggest
hi I see everything is absolutely fine nothing to worry about when the baby comes into the uterus the mother body has a lot of changes most important is the excessive blood flow throughout the body this is required as the baby is a fast growing life it needs a lot of energy to grow when blood flow to the uterus increases the size increases this is just the beginning the non pregnant uterus is only am long length of your finger which has to reach the level of her heart almost blood flow everywhere increases face blushes redness of skin all over excessive discharge from nose mouth stomach and so on as blood flow to these glands increases six weeks is the earliest baby heartbeat is seen so you do see a good sign yolk sac energy store for baby is seen is a good sign well formed sac means no bleeding and the attachment to the uterus is healthy all the signs are good she is on supportive medicines her age is perfect for pregnancy 19 35 years is a good time about the anembryonic previous pregnancy it is due to a genetic abnormality the best sperm meets the best egg at the right time and sits in the best place in the uterus to form the best baby any step wrong in this leads to a bad baby when you see baby heartbeat it means baby is genetically normal so do not worry about the past such abnormal pregnancies are accidents but accidents do not occur every time the journey of pregnancy 40 weeks is a long one there may be problems every pregnancy can have but have faith in god follow doctor orders and hope for a healthy baby and mother at the end should be your expectation do not think anything that happens is a bad sign positive thinking will allay your anxiety
hello doctor I am 32 years old I am currently facing ed and pe and reduced muscles and increase waist doctor advised for a total testosterone test and the result was 20 and he said it is really low for this age he advised for injections but is there any natural way to treat it
hello androgen testosterone injection for the purpose of treating ed erectile dysfunction is acceptable but how long one can take the injection is the question if someone use it for years together then there will be some side effects but this is the definite therapy in siddha you can take agasthyar kuzhampu 100 my in the morning at am mixed with three arasam tree tender leaves ground with buttermilk this will cause diarrhea in some patients this is to be taken for continuous three days this drug can be taken every month for three months within the third month this siddha drug should give the result if not the drug to be changed but the agasthyar kuzhampu should be taken strictly from under a siddha doctor supervision for the remaining days orithal thaamarai chooranam lotus pollen thamarai magarantham poonaikkaali seed powder drumstick seed cashew nut are the best herbal to improve ed all these drugs together come in a single capsule as rathina purush so you can try agasthyar kuzhampu and rathina purush please continue for three months you will get a better improvement
hello doctor I had a capsule endoscopy done a few months back along with a colonoscopy and endoscopy I have symptoms of diarrhea constipation bloating gas and abdominal pain my gi doctor could not find anything significant except for acid reflux and diagnosed me with is I was reading the report of the capsule endoscopy and it said there was a my ulcer in the mid ileum found but of unknown clinical significance is this nothing to worry about my gi doctor never mentioned this finding to me can it be causing some symptoms I am experiencing
hi your symptoms are suggestive of is only such ulcers are found incidentally mostly they have no value I would need to know if pyloric test was performed can you send me the report
hi doctor I have been diagnosed with sinusitis cold and ear infection for more than 10 days took antibiotics with ent doctor consultation I could see improvement in sinus pain cold but one ear still remains clogged finding difficulty in hearing when checked with doctor I was informed that the fluid has entered deep and need steroids to recover it I have been prescribed prednisolone my for 15 days with tablets per day for first five days then for another days and two for remaining days along with this steroid doctor have given clarinase and one more tablet named gases for preventing the stomach related issues as side effect of taking steroids my queries are is it fine to take such tablets while trying to conceive if not how many months I have to wait for conceiving is it the right treatment for clogged ears due to sinus what type of side effects can I expect due to this steriod
hi if you are trying to get pregnant you must stop steroids because it has a harmful effects on the nervous and immune system of the fetus but do not panic because you have taken a small dose of steroids for a short period yes steroids are one of the best treatments for the collected secretions behind ear drum after sinusitis and common cold you can start trying to be pregnant the next few days from stopping steroids do not wait for side effects as the dose is small the period of treatment is short