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hello doctor I am a female who is turning 20 years old in two months I was recently diagnosed with high functioning autism after suspecting for two years that I could have that condition I have never had any kind of ticks or repetitive and involuntary movements or sounds when I was 15 I started to become really hypochondriac since I have had anxiety since and tourette syndrome was my nightmare every year I would suspect without symptoms that I was starting to develop it recently I started to get spasm face and legs before falling asleep and those spasms are now in my eyebrows and eyelids as well including during the day my eyes feel like blinking normally once every 10 15 seconds without me controlling it is it possible that I am developing tourette
hello tics are quite common and experienced by many people tics happen more prominently when you are worried and stressed you have been reporting anxiety and particularly worried about tourette's syndrome tourette's syndrome is a severe form of tic disorder where a person has both motor and vocal tics present consistently for more than a year from your description you do not appear to have tourette's syndrome I can understand you are excessively worried about possible tics which is making your anxiety worse it will be helpful to try relaxation strategies to manage anxiety deep breathing techniques and jacobson progressive muscle relaxation exercises will help tics become less when you are less worried if anxiety is getting worse consult a doctor or psychologist for professional support I hope this helps
hello doctor bright red blood is coming from the rectum after using the bathroom the rectum is also very itchy and no signs of external hemorrhoids rectum has been itchy for a while especially when wiping every now and again there is a light and spotty bright red blood there was a little more during my last be which caused me to be concerned it may be an anal fissure I am currently taking cortisone 10
hi it could be a fissure or internal hemorrhoids or i'd inflammatory bowel disease just to differentiate one from the other if you could help us out by answering these questions does it hurt when you pass stools bm do you have constipation how much was the blood did you felt dizzy do anyone have colon cancer in the family do you have any weight loss
hello doctor I have a red swollen and infected ingrown toe nail it is speeding quickly and painfully yesterday I saw dermatologist for the first time and she wrote me a prescription antibiotic of ciprofloxacin 500mg thrice day for one week and then do a partial toe nail surgery later my last lab test was done and it was showing that my liver functions sept alt kinetic 96 70 l while the normal rate is from 10 to 50 l and an ultrasound report on my liver says diffuse severe fatty infiltration of the liver I did not purchase the antibiotic because I am worried for my liver since I am on seven other medications daily my question is can my liver sustain different drugs while taking a 500 my of antibiotic
hello thank you for providing the details in your history my question is that is it the first time that the liver fatty infiltration has been discovered did you have had a test called fibrosure or liver mri biopsy cipro is relatively safe with liver disease but honestly it will not be my first choice for treatment of ingrown toe nail infection
hi doctor I had an injury to my penis about two and a half weeks ago which caused a blood clot at the base of the penis the clot has healed within three to four days however on one side of my penis there are prominently visible veins when flaccid that looks irregular and also there seems to be a vein that is harder than the others when I am erect that runs all the way up the side of my penis when erect I wondered if I could post a before and after photo and ask you if I need to seek treatment or if everything looks normal I wanted to know if there is a chance I have sustained a permanent injury to my pens or if these veins might settle over time I am not experiencing any pain except for the veins
hello welcome to icliniq com I have gone through your queries you had an injury over the base of the penis and had a hematoma over there and there are prominent veins at the side of injury let me first assure you it was most probably a superficial injury as you are not having any erectile dysfunction and any deformity after erection the injury has not involved the deep layer of the penis which is also called tunic albuginea so you need not worry the veins even if prominent will cause no harm it will create a few collateral and drainage will be as fine as before but if you are still anxious you can undergo a us ultrasound and doppler study of penis it will tell you regarding the integrity of tunic albuginea as well as the competence of blood vessels supplying the penis it is only to assure you can also visit the office of your local urologist as you need clinical examination too but do not worry I hope everything will be fine soon
hello doctor my mom had a heart attack at my house they did a stunt and then she had some brain bleed and had mini strokes she was in a coma and recovered even had a temporary tracheotomy she went to a rehab facility and was very dehydrated so bad she had to go to the er the doctor said her sodium was the highest he had seen well as they slowly dropped it she began to talk again with her voice then as the sodium levels got back to normal she had started whispering again do you have any answers for this or anything that can help me she is currently under synthroid depression medicines and anxiety medicines
hello I understand your concern and would explain that it is quite normal to have high sodium levels due to dehydration anyway there is no reason to lose voice while rehydration which causes the normalization of sodium levels anyway the changes in concentration of sodium can lead to temporary brain dysfunction due to swelling of brain cells or their shrinkage depending on sodium concentrations this may be a possible explanation of what has happened as her brain was accustomed to high sodium levels and then the drop in such levels could have lead to a local brain cell swelling in some region of the brain which is more susceptible due to previous damage I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 43 year old female I take 20 my trintellex as well as bio identical progesterone testosterone dea and thyearoid I take a sublingual methyl 12 as well as zinc p5p magnesium vitamin glutathione and forage oil I received bloodwork back today with troubling results serum testosterone 1049 extremely high vitamin b12 1288 high folate 13 dea sulfate 41 low vitamin 170 high my other hormones estradiol 62 not sure which phase very irregular if at all progesterone 1 thyearoid profile ash 975 triiodothyearonine free serum 4 to free direct 09 looking at the high or low pieces one by one is troubling from my online research however I do not know how to look at the whole picture of the lab results to understand what is going on I listed every result I was given please suggest I knew my hormones were off as I have been feeling extremely depressed lately I had postpartum depression when I had my two children and experienced post partum depression which is the same as I am feeling now so I knew I had a hormone issue
hi I do understand that your blood levels of both make and female hormones are elevated but most likely they are due to erogenous consumption I was wondering as to why were you taking these hormones
hello doctor I have a feeling of mucus or something in my throat for the last three weeks for a week I had a feeling of swallowing issues where I felt not all of it was sticking to my throat now that sensation has more or less gone away I still do feel like grain in my throat after finishing the meal I have a lot of dry coughs and my throat feels like irritated constantly I am not sure if its due to herd or lor I am taking prevacid 30 my since last week I am not sure if that is the reason for my swallowing getting better but the sensation is still there now I am worried that this could be some neurological issue I am going to see an ent but that is a month from now my question is how is muscle weakness of the throat diagnosed is my issue more of an indication of some neurological issues or anxiety and herd I also feel like the mucus or the foreign object sometimes interferes with my breathing when I am tensed or anxious it feels like a ball when I am calm I do seldom feel it but when I take a big swallow I feel something in the middle of my throat I have done an endoscopy oh and manometry test which does not show much my doctor diagnosed me with is
hello welcome to icliniq com the symptoms you are experiencing classically fit into globes pharyngeus manometric studies endoscopy being normal organic causes are ruled out hypo or hypomotility disorders would present in a typical manner and manometric studies would have shown something neurological or neuromuscular afflictions would have other symptoms globes sensation can be a headache to deal with nervous dyspepsia is irritable bowel disease globes sensation are all parts of a spectrum of conditions involving gut brain axis cutting down on anxiety is of prime importance
hello doctor I have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety for several years and on top of that essential tremor affects my everyday life a couple of weeks ago my doctor prescribed klonopin clonazepam for me but there are some things I am worried about after googling a bit does klonopin increase the risk of it prolongation or other serious heart problems I just do not want to take any risk because I have been suffering form pics every day for over a year sometimes I have also bradycardia and every now and then short burst of an accelerated heartbeat with fluttering sensation they are still under investigation I have had lots of ecgs and at one my it etc was 412 47 at a heart rate of 71 bum and I would not like to make my it any longer I have also used oxazepam is it a safer option when it comes to the risk of it prolongation or can I continue taking klonopin
hello long term clonazepam as well as high dose clonazepam puts you at a risk for developing acquired long it having said that a etc of 47 sec is within the prescribed I 460 sec limit for women oxazepam is safer but if you combine either of these with another it prolonging drug the it may become dangerously prolonged also avoid a low potassium blood level and diuretics medications which promote urination your description of pics leads me to suggest a hotter and egg just to rule out any pause dependent arrhythmia do get an echo done to rule out structural heart disease
hello doctor I have been having constant moderate to severe headaches for the past four years and I mean every single day all day long from the time I wake up to the time I fall asleep nothing ot medicine has helped nothing prescribed has helped I have been told it is just a tension headache I was prescribed a medicine but cant remember the name it did not work I had a it scan done was told it came back clear no one has been able to tell me why I have these headaches it is getting me to where it is hard to function I just cant take it anymore I am waiting to see a specialist but not sure yet when that will be the headache is not just on one spot it is on my whole head top of my head the sides my forehead the back of my head my neck my eyes feel constantly strained and my ears are always ringing a doctor told me that my ears could be ringing if I take medicine on a daily basis so far doctors could not figure out what it could be please help
hello I would like to know some details about your headache what is your age since when you started to have headaches is it four years only or even before that where do you feel that headache in which areas of head what kind of headache do you feel heavy throbbing stretching bursting shooting pain electric current like pain or some other kind is it severe moderate or mild is your headache episodic or persistent in episodic headache how long time one episode of it lasts from onset to complete relief without medication how frequent are these headache episodes before and now like how many times in a week as you mentioned is it two times a week since beginning do you feel any vomiting or watering from eyes or redness in eyes or nasal congestion during headache how is your day to day mood how is your sleep and vision have you noticed any trigger factors for this headache do you have any ear discharge or hearing impairment what medicines haveyou taken before and in what dosages are you taking any medicine now also
hello doctor I am almost weeks pregnant and today I saw a bit bleed when I wipe it with a tissue paper fet was done 20 days after my lap three embryos were transferred blastocyst my hug taken between two consecutive days was 494 86 and 2597 respectively is small amount of bleed normal I am confused please help
hi it could be implantation bleeding if you are taking any blood thinner like low molecular weight heparin ecosprin then stop immediately also inform the hospital where you are taking treatment so that additional progesterone and hug support can be added to avoid abortion also take complete rest do not bend from the waist a lot continue taking other medicines and injections except for blood thinner
hello doctor I am having pain in my right shoulder probably because of my sporting activities or weight training the doctor ordered an mri and I got it done I want to check if there are any findings
hi I reviewed your mri report there is a partial thickness tear involving the anterior and mid fibers of the distal supraspinatus tendon over the humerus head and can be seen to be prominent along the burial surface of the tendon there is kicking of the middle glenohumeral ligament and injury of the subscapularis muscle tendon other than the arthrogram contrast there is likely joint effusion and fluid in the axillary recess and superior subscapularis recess I do not find any significant labrum injury there is no significant bone injury please do let me know your doctor suggestion after reviewing the images and their findings
hi doctor I am 14 years old and I have been obsessing over calories for six months since then my period has stopped but when I started being obsessive my period was irregular I have noticed that I have lost weight and my family and friends have noticed my weight loss and my obsession with calories and food in general I do not do a lot of sport but I get to 100 steps most days and I do a seven minutes workout in the mornings a few months before I used to eat around 100 calories a day and now I eat around 1300 calories a day approximately I want to eat more because I want to get my period back and I have noticed my boobs have shrunk however I do not want to look like I have visibly gained weight or I do not want my stomach to become untoned I also do not know how much I should eat in order to maintain my weight but I do not think I am losing weight at the moment with eating 1300 calories per day I spoke to my mom and friends about it and they all encouraged me to eat more but they do not understand that I do not want to look like I have gained weight so I want to try and gain muscle but I do not have a lot of time to go to the gym and do weight training do you have any advice
hi according to the given data your mi body mass index is 18 which is in normal range which means the right weight for your body trying to reduce more weight might cause under nourishment similarly your requirement according to who world health organization standard is 1700 cal day to maintain your weight follow these tips manage stress do meditation as stress increases hormone imbalance divide your meals to small frequent meals to increase metabolism increase fiber and protein content in the diet which helps to build good muscle mass do regular workout at a stretch of 20 30 minutes to avoid extra fat deposition or opt for spot reduction exercise increase fluids for good oxygen supply and blood circulation
hello doctor last week I had sex with a guy with expired condoms I saw the packets only after sex and found that they are expired is this a problem could I be pregnant also I am not sure if this is linked or not but three days ago I had a really sore stinging and itchy vagina I have had thrush before and do not know if this is what it is I got canesten thrush comb internal and external cream packet and have been rubbing some cream on my vagina for the last few days it does not feel as weird burn as much as the first day but still feels weird about half an hour ago I inserted the internal cream my vagina has been feeling really weird but it feels like a urine infection in a way but does not burn to urinate I do not know if this is thrush or an infection like a sexual infection from an expired condom I have not gone to the doctor when I did put a finger inside the other day there were some white bits on my finger my opening to the vagina hurts and is sore when I try to finger myself could I be pregnant or could I have got a sexual infection due to an expired condoms the soreness started a few days after the sex with expired condom I feel uncomfortable and do not know what to do is it true that once period comes it clears up please suggest
hello if the condom is expired it means it may break easily if it has not had breach then it is as safe as normal condoms according to your information three months have passed after this incident and during these three months did you had normal periods normal period means no pregnancy the symptoms you are mentioning are suggestive of thrush and oral fluconazole 150 my one tablet daily will take care the ideal thing would have been if you had uploaded an image so that one could see what is there and yes you have to avoid sex for a few days until soreness settles
hello doctor please examine my heath checkup report with the abc report extensively and help me to understand my present health condition
hello welcome to icliniq com I reviewed your reports all and all it looks very good but I have a few questions if you can answer them do you have any one in the family with heart attack if yes who were they and what were there ages did some one shred with you that you snore or stop breathing when you sleep do you live on a hilly or mountainous area high altitude area or you travel frequently do you have any medical conditions allergies or taking any supplements are you a vegetarian
hello doctor I am suffering from heavy mood swings if something is happening against my will I lose my patience and I am not able to tolerate this that phase is very short like for a few minutes but in that short phase I threw something or grumble my teeth or utter bad words to anyone who is in front of me after this stage is gone I am extremely normal and start feeling guilty of my actions I am facing this problem for the last seven to eight years I am becoming very short tempered are there any medicines which can help me to get out of this situation I have tried yoga meditation but nothing helped me please help I am a software engineer with a profession my age is 27 years I am a sole child my dad is no more and my mother and I stay at different places I am a bisexual top I have a girlfriend and a boyfriend too many times I broke with my boyfriend over pitty issues which spoils the entire relationship
hello I read your query and understand your concerns first of all I must assure you that there are multiple medications which can be used to control anger most of these medications stabilize your brain and help in controlling mood swings after a trivial incident the options include sodium valproate lithium carbonate propranolol topiramate atypical antipsychotics and lot more I need to acknowledge here that there is no universal medication for control of anger and every patient responds differently to each medication before selecting a medicine for an individual it is important to have complete details about the patient regarding the efficacy of medications as per my experience patients report 60 80 reductions with different regiment and report a great improvement over a period of time I hope this helps
hello doctor for the past three days I am having sniffles but today morning when I got up I found a small amount of blood spots in my cough so please advise me what to do now I never found this before I am currently taking corectia glyciphase 500 my ovipauz and aspirin gastro resistant tablets
hello the image that you sent shows brown rusty expectoration for which you need not worry it is due to the capillary leak at the inflamed mucosa due to the medical condition do you have a watery nose do you still sniffle do you have a sore throat sneezing itchy nose tearing eyes dry cough or history of allergies if yes do revert so that I can help you to control your sniffles
hi doctor I am a 30 year old male I have been suffering from severe headaches and loss of memory sometimes I get light headedness at times and it throat dries up did an mri brain the contents are to hypointense to flair hyperintense lesion on right peritrigonal region involving optic radiation possibly an area of focal demyelination mri plates also show a bright white spot is it severe I am currently taking medicines for uric acid and headaches
hello I would like to know some details about your problem since when you started to have headaches in which areas of head you feel that headache what kind of headache is this is it heavy throbbing stretching bursting or some other kind is it severe moderate or mild does this headache happen persistently or episodically was it initially episodic and now turned to constant headache if episodically how long time one episode of it lasts how frequent are these headache episodes like how many times in a week do you feel any vomiting or watering from eyes or redness in eyes or nasal congestion during headaches how is your day to day mood how is your sleep and vision have you noticed any trigger factors for this headache have you ever took any regular medications for these headaches I suggest you to send the mri images because I need to see the images ophthalmology examination to look for intraocular pressure and funds revert with above mentioned information and also send mri images for better understanding and judgement
hello doctor I did protected sex with a known lady two times 65 days before and 36 days back she has breast milk I swallowed a couple of drops at that time I felt fatigue and a couple of bumps on the back of the neck after five days of second exposure I got tested hiv duo combo after 28 days of the second exposure both the antibody and antigen are non reactive on 36th day I and that lady got tested with hiv spot test it is non reactive for both however I can feel burning sensation on some parts of the sole of feet and left palm I am concerned about this do I need to take any other tests please suggest
hello thanks for sharing your medical info with us in terms of hiv detection tests elisa enzyme linked immunosorbent assay test is the first test to be done and then if positive western blot is recommended you and your partner have both tested negative with rapid hiv test which guarantees the exclusion of hiv you mentioned burning sensation on soles and palms I am wondering if you also have lesions in these areas the bumps you are experiencing are however due to some other etiologies most likely molluscum contagiosum these lesions have an umbilicated appearance they might itch and sore they are extremely contagious but fortunately they resolve on their own without any treatment you might or might not have these lesions at the moment keep in mind these lesions could also be stress rashes common after sexual activities if the lesions still exist and hurt and do not have the typical umbilicated appearance I recommend taking a biopsy so investigate the pathology if they do not exist at the moment plan on taking a biopsy when they reappear the burning sensation you feel in your palms and soles is due to a different pathology most likely a neuropathy further information needed to put the right diagnosis on these symptoms most importantly a detailed history of when and how they started and how long have you been experiencing this burning sensation do you have any medical history or family history of diabetes nonetheless these symptoms are not related to hiv infection all I can recommend for assuring a reliable hiv test result is to repeat the test three months after exposure and see if you are still test negative rarely antibody formation might take longer than usual
hi doctor I am 51 years old with a complaint of bloating loose stools burning sensation in the abdomen 15 years back I managed two years without medicine I was advised to use rabeprazole to which my symptoms subsided a little bit from then I cannot tolerate spicy foods fruits caffeinated drinks and curd if I take these foods my stomach starts bloating with loose stools burning sensation in the abdomen at times I get pains in the hands and feet burning sensation and pain in the back of the head and breathlessness these symptoms subside by passing flats and belching and on using medication I was evaluated and diagnosed as a case of is I am uploading my complete details please find attachment
hi I reviewed all your medical reports and I can say as follows first of all you need to be examined with upper endoscopy and colonoscopy plus abdominal ultrasound your symptoms may be related with herd and hiatal hernia or gastritis stomach ulcer in the meantime I would suggest using pi proton pump inhibitors and antacid to improve your symptoms after completing the exams mentioned above I will give you a more accurate opinion regarding your possible diagnosis
hi doctor I would like some help with my blood test results as my doctor has not been able to help I have a multinodular goiter with six nodules the largest is am I am particularly concerned about the high ft4 while ft3 is below optimal level high pth low vitamin high cop and ear high insulin and high ga do you have any suggestions on what could cause these results my symptoms include chronic diarrhea occasional constipation abdominal pain fluid retention extremely irregular periods fatigue with trouble sleeping frequent headaches occasional dizziness bone joint pains and weight gain most of these only showed up in the last few months after goiter was found my saliva cortisol results are also on the very low end of range I have attached my blood test results I am currently taking tramadol
hello I just read your query and the results that you have attached it does not seem you have any thyearoid disease as of now since your ash thyearoid stimulating hormone is normal and your to and to are at acceptable levels and nothing to worry about that some people do have thyearoid nodules which should be assessed yearly by ultrasound to make sure they are not increasing in size or texture my advice for this aspect would be repeat thyearoid function tests yearly and do an fac I an ultrasound guided biopsy of the thyearoid nodule to be sure it is benign yes you do have vitamin deficiency and when you have this you automatically have high parathyearoid hormone levels that is called secondary hyperparathyearoidism and that occurs usually with vitamin deficiency and gets better when that is treated my advice is to have sun exposure 30 minutes daily and take vitamin and calcium supplements I do not know what type of hyperparathyearoidism your niece is having but I assure you that yours is not to be worried about your saliva cortisol I do not think we usually worry about salivary cortisol levels try doing a serum cortisol levels if you are worried to be sure in the morning particularly I know your serum cop reactive protein and immunoglobulin are high but they are signs of allergy or immune reaction to any food they could also be the cause behind your bone and joint pains including vitamin deficiency what I am concerned about is your high insulin levels as they suggest that you have insulin resistance that could be due to polycystic ovaries or sedentary lifestyle or impending diabetes or metabolic syndrome my advice would be to have a pelvic ultrasound since you also have irregular periods and you might benefit from a consultation with the gynecologist in the meantime try to exercise 45 60 minutes daily and sleep for eight hours and consume low carbohydrate low fat diet and avoid sweet drinks absolutely take the help of a nutritionist to lose weight you might benefit from tablet metformin 500 my thrice a day it will help you with your cos polycystic ovary syndrome and the metabolic syndrome as well and help with the high insulin levels and also cause slight weight reduction I hope this helps tablet metformin 500 my thrice a day lifestyle modification
hi doctor just over a week ago I developed severe swelling and soreness on the left side of my throat particularly at the base of my tongue my left ear is also in a lot of pain swallowing is extremely difficult and I went to see local urgent care where they prescribed me with amoxicillin 500 my and said it was most likely pharyngitis even though I have not had tonsils for many years my main concern even though it is a worse case scenario is esophageal cancer through hav can occur as my girlfriend was recently diagnosed with hav again I know this is the worst case scenario but since she was diagnosed I really been concerned about hav related cancers from what I read and what I have been told there are no real tests to check in men for hav and even though there is the vaccine it is not recommended for men ages 26 to 45 years I have already been taking amoxicillin for about four days now and nothing improves I have also tried taking regular over the counter cough drops and gargling with salt water this has not helped at all either I have also been told that throat cancer from hav can usually be spotted unless you have lesions in your oral area right now I am at a loss of what I really need to do any help or advice would seriously be appreciated I am also under amlodipine my
hello your problem can be due to pharyngitis it is possible that amoxicillin is not effective enough in your case you may need some other antibiotics I want to see your throat myself can you send me a picture of your throat I should be able to see posterior pharyngeal wall and tonsils we can think of hav related problems only after ruling out other infections did you lose your weight are you having any swelling in the neck lymph node enlargement the only way of ruling out hav related oral cancers is by taking an oral biopsy before concluding anything please send me a picture of your throat I will be able to guide you in a better way
hello doctor my sister is going through psychiatric treatment for depression she had a miscarriage 10 years back and childless after that since the last six years she is in depression and unable to mingle with society doctor asked for routine blood tests and her ash level are above normal she advised her to visit an endocrinologist she is lacking energy in her day to day work and always complains of body aches like in waist area and in back she is very silent and only responds to any query after knocking her two to three times she cannot walk for more than 500 meters at a stretch and feels tired always she also complains about constipation and less sleep she is 41 years old and her weight is keg with a height of 161 am blood pressure is normal 10 80 mhg I have uploaded her reports and her medications are tablet arpizol 15 my nextto my neuro do 60k and optineuron please advise for her ash levels and vitamin levels it is low iron and calcium levels are low as well I would request you to upload a prescription if possible so that I can buy the medicines from local shops or online
hello I just read your query and the detailed reports about your sister well the ash thyearoid stimulating hormone is not that high as to require a treatment currently usually it so happens when the patient is already under some physical ailment and this is often temporary I suggest no treatment for her subclinical hypothyearoidism at this stage although I would advise to repeat just her ash to and to after three months and then regularly at six months twice and then once yearly to rule out any future thyearoid disorder regarding her vitamin levels I saw the prescription which said it does contain 60 iu of vitamin so no need for anything from that aspect from me as well although it is better to give her sun exposure regularly early in the morning daily for 30 minutes both for vitamin deficiency and her depression as it helps for both conditions rest all her symptoms are due to her psychological disorder and not due to thyearoid as of now I hope this helps thyearoid function test after three months
hello doctor I have a prostate congestion issue that comes and goes from years lately I am having a slower urine stream even slower than the times I had my prostate congestion before also I am having uncomfortable feeling above my anus itchy or uncomfortable feeling at the tip of my penis and some discharge from my penis I had my tests done urine and semen culture swab from the tip of my penis and s for my urine and semen before the results doctors been telling me that I might have an sti and they gave me a one time injection with tablets of antibiotics when the results came it showed no sign of any bacteria in all my tests the swab is clean no sad I only had a higher abc count in semen culture which was around 10 15 where the normal reading was 5 my doctor told me thay I have an infection in my prostate or inflammation he gave me anti biotics for 10 days and an alpha blocker medicine he did not do physical check or ultra sound I need a second opinion I am afraid I have a cancer it does not make sense to have an infection without bacteria discovered in all the tests
hi it looks like prostatitis chronic often in this condition diagnosis is clinical most tests are negative on rectal exam sometimes prostate can feel tender sonography can show swollen prostate uroflow may be reduced there may be bacteria or abc in semen also post prostatic massage urine culture may be positive even if all these are normal and there is clinical suspicion you may be given treatment for prostatitis usual course is for 5 to months symptoms can recur but usually are less severe than first attack people get prostate cancer after age 50
hi doctor I am 35 years old I am married for last years and having a kid I led a sedentary lifestyle my fasting blood sugar was 257 and up was 353 my hba1c was 3 I was diagnosed to have diabetes I consulted my friend with is a doctor and under his guidance I changed my diet and started the exercise I reduced my weight from 103 keg to 91 keg after three months my fasting was 17 and up 153 with hba1c 5 my lipid profile is normal for the past one week when I check my glucose level in glucometer at home it is less than 10 I am not in diabetes medicine I think I have ed what are the test that needs to be done to diagnose the same
hello I read your query and understand your concerns first of all I like to inform you that there is no test which alone can tell you whether you have ed erectile dysfunction or not other than the history and proper physical examination this is the thing which are done by the doctor when you present yourself in his or her office based on the observation doctor decides whether the tes are required or not in case required he only decides what are the tests required based on the available history details and clinical examination I mean to say that you need to see a properly trained sexologist to determine the number of tests required this is because the presence of abnormal test does not mean the test abnormality is the cause of the problem and similarly the presence of normal test result does not rule out the problem however in routine practice we order normal biochemistry blood sugar get glucose tolerance test hba1c lipid profile let liver function test and thyearoid profile hormonal profile free and total testosterone prolactin oh luteinizing hormone and fish follicle stimulating hormone us abdomen and pelvis and penile doppler study among others these are often a minimal requirement and the number of tests can change as per the need of the individual patients I hope this helps you feel free to write back to me if you have more questions
hi doctor I was seen at emergency care and diagnosed with a sinus infection my eardrums were red and there was fluid behind them I was prescribed to have zithromycin 250 my pak which I have been taking now four days later my left ear is completely plugged and the right ear is somewhat plugged my hearing is affected I also suffer from tinnitus this infection has made the tinnitus louder and much more intrusive should I hang on for a while longer or do I need to be seen by my ent doctor immediately
hi since you had sinusitis it is very likely that the infection has spread to your ear which is causing the blocking sensation I would also like to know whether you are suffering from tinnitus for long have you had age related hearing loss earlier as well do you have ear pain either it can be just the infection in resolving stage which will take around two to three weeks after the infection subsides or it is possible that you are getting sensorineural hearing loss to confirm this audiometry is required along with impedance audiometry
hello doctor I suffer from is about twice a month I began with pain on left side of chest and left side of tummy it then goes across the bottom of tummy I then clear my bowels starting with constipation then followed by very soft stools until I empty once emptied I am usually fine with just a tender tummy today is so different I am still having terrible spasms by belly button and both sides of tummy as well as radiating back ache at same time I feel sick as I do not want food either I am using a hot water bottle right now will this pass eventually
hi you did not mention what medicine at present you are taking is a type of autoimmune disorder where you are body defense system works against you why it is considered to be genetics origin so first of all you should keep in mind that you have to adjust your routine diet daily activities medicine are there but they are having very limited actions one of that is equirex tablet three times a day at let for 10 days fiber rich food like fresh fruits avoiding stress are one of the important habit choices which helps you much better way let us start with this then we see what is the result and where we stand
hello doctor for months I have struggled with low mood debilitating anxiety intrusive thoughts about the past avoiding anything to do with the past suicidal thoughts self harm and daily guilt and shame that has stopped me from hanging out with friends or being successful in school everyday I just try to survive my appetite sucks I have trouble falling asleep and have frequent nightmares I am exhausted all the time I finally decided to get help I saw a psychiatrist today who concluded I do not fit any diagnosis and with therapy I can learn to deal with the situation that causes these things but there is no situation how can someone be in so much pain for so long and the answer is basically that I am just too weak to handle life I have never felt so awful ever and coming to that appointment was a big step for me I feel like such a loser I got nothing out of it except humiliation should I consider reaching out to a different doctor or am I overreacting and she is probably right
hello I would beg to differ with the psychiatrist who you have consulted and all the symptoms you have mentioned are depressive symptoms which do need treatment with medicines therapy can only help increase the effect of medicines it is not a replacement I would prefer that a psychiatrist or a doctor should prescribe you a standard dose of an sari such as sertraline 50 my and add low dose mood stabilizer such as divalproex sodium 250 my major depressive disorder secondary to a stress in past along with a probable personality disorder will need further history to arrive at a diagnosis also consider doing some deep breathing relaxation exercises
hello doctor I have an ultrasonography which states I have bulky ovaries with multiple small follicles I want to know what does that mean and can I take spill and is it safe
hello the report to me is normal with normal size uterus and also the ovarian size even though it mentions bulky ovaries but an ovary is considered bulky if the volume of each is more than 10 ca the presence of small multiple subcenterimetric follicles indicate developing follicles and cannot be labelled as polycystic ovaries unless the criteria for clinical hyperandogenism like acne hirsutism acanthosis nigerians and oligomenorrhoea is met the presence of frequent urination points towards possibility of a urinary tract infection which can be ruled out with a urine routine microscope test also if you have been sexually active then its always better to take an emergency contraceptive pill within 72 hours of intercourse to avoid unplanned pregnancy
hello doctor for the past several months I have been vomiting four to six times a week sometimes my eyes become sensitive to light and I get a massive headache which ends in vomit other times I could randomly dry heave until it eventually comes out without any warning sign pregnancy is not a possibility I am a 19 year old female with no prior medical conditions and healthy diet a few years back I was prescribed birth control for constant headaches it did not help in fact it is very hard for me to keep down pills so I would rather not take them and induce a vomiting spell my question is what could be the cause and possibly some different alternatives other than pills
hello all the symptoms you have mentioned are suggestive of a clinical condition called migraine we have to rule out other conditions like tension headaches before starting the treatment you do not need to worry as it is highly curable with timely treatment I suggest you consult a general physician and get the following things done a detailed clinical history and examination may be needed to make a diagnosis as initial management you might require analgesic like ibuprofen or sumatriptan for headache to prevent further attacks you may require a long term drug like flunarizine prolonged use of contraceptive pills can also cause headaches so it is better to use alternative contraceptive measures you can also seek help from an acupuncturist for constant headaches migraine conservative do not deprive sleep avoid contraceptive pills
hello doctor just after christmas I started losing my appetite I began feeling sick and really lousy and weak then at the beginning of this month I started getting pain in the upper left side of my abdomen just under my bottom rib I am still feeling rough the pains are still happening and as well as being in the front it is also in my back now as well I am hardly eating as it is making the pain a lot worse I have now lost just over two stones since last month my stomach also bloats out and looks swollen on the left side it is also incredibly tender to touch I am being sick even though I am on anti sickness tablets I have seen a doctor and I was sent for blood tests on three different occasions all three tests have shown inflammation currently I am waiting for a referral to a gastro doctor but I have been told it is a very long wait my doctor thinks possible inflammatory bowel disease any advice would be greatly appreciated
hi by looking at history it seems like chronic pancreatitis for me pain after eating tenderness loss of weight bloating sensation are highly suggestive mesenteric ischemia also presents in a similar way but is usually seen in the elderly with a history of cardiac disease inflammatory bowel disease is another possibility which presents more or less like this I wanted to know your bowel habits to come closer to the diagnosis if loose stools and constipation are seen alternatively probably it is inflammatory bowel disease if it is a small amount of mucus or sticky kind of stool probably it is chronic pancreatitis in any case get an ultrasound abdomen done at the earliest which can lead to some diagnosis before you visit your gastroenterologist
hello doctor I am 28 years old I tried using a penis pump for around 10 12 days 15 minutes each to gain size I used a vacuum to keep the penis enlarged maybe I was trying too hard and vacuum it till it started to ache I had no pain after those procedures though ever I was also masturbating around two to three times a day during that period usually it was once a day now I feel my penis has grown softer instead flaccid or erect both ways I cannot feel hard enough to penetrate even if I try to masturbate it still feels squishy and not hard my sex drive is also diminished I have not had a wet dream in 10 12 days still I do not feel high as I used to earlier without sex or masturbation for a day or two I do not feel any kind of pain during penetration or otherwise I of course have stopped both pump and masturbation please help
hello I am sorry to know that you are facing a problem with the hardness of penis following the use of penis pump to enlarge the penis size it is foolish to believe that the penis pump enhances penis size as it is a scam rather than anything however we cannot correct the past and need to look for the reasons for the loosening of penile tissue in my opinion there is a tear over the blood vessel or sphincter leading to leakage of blood during erection resulting in inadequate tightness however I must assure you that the presence of erection although poor and stoppage of further damage should be enough to allow the recovery of proper erection in a few weeks at this stage it is important to manage your stress as it is unlikely to help you in any regard at the same time it is recommended to get penile doppler to assess the damage at the earliest level I hope this helps
hello doctor I underwent a regular blood test recently it shows my monocytes level is low which is 1 where the normal rate should be 2 I just googled what could be cause for the same it says it could be because of viral infections including hiv aids I am worried now I am scared to consult a doctor at the moment please advise
hello monocytes may increase or decrease it hardly matters one of the cause is viral disease not only hiv virus may cause this but there are also many other viruses like cytomegala virus which can cause this flu is also caused by virus nowadays fever is also called as viral fever which takes a prolonged time to recover if you are suffering from a common cold or sneezing it is also viral nowadays in any disease one of the causes is viral monocytes are not so important except for in leukemia blood cancer which can be detected by peripheral blood film in which monocytes are highly increased but in your case the values are a little bit deranged have you noticed any symptoms in the case of hiv infection various types of symptoms appears even joint pain sore throat ulcers in oral cavity rashes and itching are common advise take a healthy homemade diet both vegetarian and nonvegetarian maintain proper oral hygiene of oral cavity and genitalia undergarments should be washed properly and soaked with dettol or salon add citrus fruits like lemon orange kiwi and blueberry in your diet it increases immunity and overall physical fitness treatment take anti oxidant like recital for male one at night with milk and seven seas cod liver oil pearls one at night both can be continued for a long time they help in general body maintenance and blood picture I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a diabetic my microalbumin rates are fluctuating when I was first diagnosed it is around 200 for the first time 18 for the second time 40 for the third time 120 for the fourth time and 27 for the fifth time why these are values are varying can you suggest the best time to give urine sample for microalbuminuria spot test I am using rosuvastatin 20 my and for diabetes istamet 500 my in the morning and gluformin 500 my at night my fbi is 18 and pubs 137 my do I am very much worried about the problem and I am not getting proper sleep due to this tension
hi welcome to icliniq com see it can vary from laboratory to laboratory moreover timings do not affect it as it is a spot sample since your report is persistently declining it is a good thing a rising level of microalbumin is of a problem and this might needs an evaluation in your case it is reducing and it is good I would recommend you to keep your blood sugar and blood pressure under well control and there is nothing to worry about I hope this helps
hello doctor recently I did my blood test and few areas of the result are bothering me I have attached my entire report please do let me know the medication I do not have any health issues except for random tiredness
hi welcome to icliniq com I have gone through all your attached reports in your report four main abnormal values are present such as lymphocytosis vitamin deficiency vitamin b12 deficiency and homocysteine borderline high lymphocytosis can be from temporary viral infection as no other symptoms related I do not think further workup for lymphocytosis needed just now for vitamin deficiency cholecalciferol sachet 500 or 600 iu can be prescribed which is taken once a week with milk for six weeks for low vitamin b12 cyanocobalamine injections can be prescribed 100 mug intramuscular per week for six weeks folic acid level also should be checked if needed folic acid tablet is also prescribed repeat abc complete blood count after one week with the correction of vitamin b12 and vitamin deficiency your tiredness will be resolved consult a physician for examination and discuss all these with him
hello doctor I got a hit on cricket ball four weeks ago and I have pain in my abdomen and after several minutes it is back to normal again after a few days I joined the gym and doing my basics like cycling some weight lifting etc but no abdominal exercises four days ago I passed orange color urine I thought it was dehydration and drank more water my urine turns back to normal again on the same day I have done my routine exercise in the gym and after exercise again my urine seems to be in light red color but this time it starts with light red and turns into normal again I take more water and there is no sign of blood what is the problem
hello welcome to icliniq com nothing to worry at present there is no relation with the cricket ball hit it might be related to dehydration or gym exercises which also can cause dehydration both of which cause dark urine just get basic tests done to confirm it is blood or just dark yellow urine drink plenty of water get done your urine routine ultrasound abdomen and pelvis
hi doctor I have a skin rash on my ankle it has been there for six months now I have tried penicillin steroid antifungal cream and cider vinegar as well but it is slowly getting bigger it is itchy with scaly flaky skin I feel some fluid inside the red raised dots when I scratch it starts to smell after a while
hi indeed the clinical image is more in favor of tina corporis which is a fungal infection of the body it also has the potential to spread and using steroid based creams will add to the resistance of the problem kindly mention if there are similar lesions elsewhere if you keep your feet soaked for longer times and if you keep wearing the same socks
hello doctor I am a 31 year old male I am a smoker for 12 years I am having throat congestion cold and now having excess mucus production with no history of weight loss I have taken a chest ray in which there is a white patch on the right side I wanted to know if it is cancer my father is a known case of cancer lung all my blood test reports are normal
hi I have seen your ray the chest ray shows a prominent right hilar area most likely due to rotation I mean you were rotated in position when the ray was taken and this might cause a false appearance of right hilar vascular prominence to me it does not look like cancer but thought is to be given to your symptoms if possible please decrease and stop smoking I will suggest a discussion of your symptoms and clinical examination by your doctor and if there is a need then a it computed tomography chest can be done
hello doctor is paleo diet really good to lose weight it appears that the paleo diet does not have anything much for vegetarians I want to follow a paleo vegetarian diet to lose about 15 20 keg of weight I am a thyearoid patient and taking thyearonorm 50 mug for the past 15 years I also have high be and taking thelma 40 after breakfast and amlogard my after dinner I was affected by vitiligo about 10 years back and currently not taking any allopathy medication for this I am taking one ayurvedic tonic called lukoskin I have highly irregular periods recently hence taking oral to get periods on time a few months I stopped taking the medicine and did not get the periods for the past three months I have started the medicine again for the past 10 days
hi welcome to icliniq com well paleo diet is good in a sense of restricting your diet but as you said you have irregular periods too that means sufficient amount of nutrition might not be reaching your body so better have some non vegetarian food products which are excellent source of protein for your body fish and egg are good it sometimes becomes quite impossible to remain away from protein rich food items following a paleo diet with a twist of nonvegetarian foods involved might help include non veg like two pieces of chicken with cabbage or other leafy vegetables and make a salad add olive oil and have it thrice a week you can follow the same paleo diet the other days
hello doctor is it bad if my heart rate jumps up to very high bum very quickly during even moderate exercises I am a 26 year old male my height is 1 and weighs about 190 labs who has always been in good shape I lift every day and usually during the summers I run about two miles a day at around a six minutes pace I have a resting heart rate of 58 bum and no matter what I do my heart rate always jumps up during even the most minor activity two days ago I went for a 20 minutes leisure walk with my wife and my heart rate averaged 120 bum and got there in about 10 seconds if I run at a pace any faster than minutes a mile my heart rate will jump to above 185 bum in under 30 seconds and at my fastest it stays around 200 bum for as many miles as I run now it has been like this for as long as I can remember and I never feel extra winded or take long to recover I just know it is not normal please help
hi the problem you are having is called palpitations your baseline heart rate is 58 beats minute and your maximum heart rate is around 200 beats per minute that is almost three times the baseline heart rate heart rate as high as 200 beats per minute can even lead to sudden cardiac death and cardiac arrest this should be taken very seriously and some of the baseline tests of cardiology are to be done to rule out the cause 24 hour hotter monitoring is most important for you as it will record the nature of your palpitations whether they are arrhythmia or just simple supraventricular tachycardia ad echo and treadmill test to rule out cardiac functions as your arrhythmia is precipitated only during exercise
hi doctor I started working 12 hour shifts about a month ago my upper back has been hurting it feels like it starts from the middle up to the upper back it is not a sharp pain but it is like a tension we are supposed to wear steel toe shoes I just recently changed to tennis shoes since I work nights I want to see if it is the shoes or long hours can you advise as to what it could be I feel stressed out and I am very prone to it the tension just does not go away at all
hi I have reviewed your question I am sorry you are experiencing upper back pain in your question you said you recently started working 12 hours shift and since then your upper back has been hurting it is not a sharp pain but feels like tension most likely you experience muscle fatigue and at some times muscle spasms I would like to know what your job entails many police officers have upper and middle back pain and have something call upper cross syndrome this is were the pectoral muscle are tight and pull the shoulders forward while the muscles of the back are weak it is a stabilization problem usually attributed to wearing the heavy vest all day same thing in your case many students who study with their head down all day or text a lot experience similar pain in their upper and middle back if you were my patient I would perform a chiropractic examination and recommend several home exercises as well as chiropractic adjustments since I am unable to confirm my suspicion I recommend that you go see a local chiropractor for a proper examination if they believe you are a candidate for chiropractic care they will most likely recommend a trial of care as well as a series of home exercises to determine how you will respond to treatment
hello doctor I was diagnosed with a left branch bundle block a few years back I have been under the care of a cardiologist to make sure my heart is fine since then I have done stress echo yearly or every two years since and have been told my heart is otherwise fine I just had to switch the other doctor because of insurance and my new doctor says old stress echo are irrelevant that only chemical or nuclear echo work in patients with lbb is this true I have a strong family history of heart disease my father survived two heart attacks mother survived double bypass and my maternal uncle died from a heart attack all were smokers with high cholesterol and high blood pressure I am a former smoker I am a 43 year old female I have been exercising six days per week for over 20 years my cholesterol is high 213 but hel is 140 and triglycerides are low I am a little put off by a nuclear stress echo and would prefer the regular exercise but I want to know what this new doctor says is true then I guess I will have to go nuclear I am currently taking spironolactone 100 my for acne omeprazole and multivitamin I just had an ultrasound of heart and ekg past monday doctor did not mention anything other than lbb that was previously diagnosed
hello welcome to icliniq com treadmill test is not very informative in case of lbb patient however stress echo either exercise or nuclear is valid stress thallium is the best test to be done in you I guess you did not have any symptoms like chest pain or heaviness during stress test and if so it will still suggest the absence of significant heart disease in my opinion there is not much difference between exercise echo and chemical stress echo and not invalid but nuclear scans like stress thallium is certainly a better test I would advise for a nuclear scan as it would be more informative anyhow you should have a healthy lifestyle like avoiding fatty oily and high calorie diet have a low salt diet and monitor your blood pressure regularly do regular exercises like brisk walking jogging according to your capacity at least 30 minutes a day and days a week eat lots of green leafy vegetables fruits and fish once or twice a week avoid meat smoking and alcohol if any there should not be any abdominal fat deposition or obesity get your lipid profile and sugars tested once
hello doctor I am going to have the muscles shortened in both eyes and then my eyelids lifted they say I will be asleep when these muscles are shortened and then they will wake me up so I can talk and move my eyes will they put a tube down my throat I am so scared about having this done as I panic when a lot of people get around me I was in a serious car several years ago and it took for the medical personnel an hour to get me out
hi welcome to icliniq com as far as anesthesia is concerned in your case the eyelid surgery may be done under general anesthesia which does require securing your airway safely prior to securing the airway you will be given injectable medications to make you fall asleep so that you do not remember and also you are not aware of the procedure when it is being done so I would suggest you not to worry as general anesthesia is a safe procedure when given by an experienced anesthetist now let me tell you about either of two tubes that may be used for the procedure are laryngeal mask airway lma and endotracheal tube lma has advantages over endotracheal tube of less postoperative sore throat and lesser intraoperative rise in blood pressure and heart rate this insertion and removal of airway tubes are safely done while you are unconscious so you are not aware of the procedure so please do not worry general anesthesia is given meticulously nowadays and patient safety is a primary concern
hello doctor I am a woman 23 I am 2 137 pds I am currently taking cetirizine I have been coughing badly for the past months when I got my new job at a preschool I went to the doctor he prescribed me the before mentioned drug although when it gets really cold I cough phlegm and other times a dry cough I would like to have a second opinion on what I should do because I am tired of coughing
hello in addition to cetirizine you need to take a bronchodilator medicine that will help bring out the phlegm better salbutamol albuterol is an excellent drug that helps widen the small airway passages and bring out the mucus it is available in the form of inhalers take puffs thrice daily and gradually taper over a period of weeks whenever the climate changes or you start coughing start on the inhaler second when there is excessive mucus in addition to the inhaler take ambroxol hydrochloride medicine also it is available in syearup and tablet formulations you require 30 my if the phlegm is green in color and tastes bad you may require a short course of antibiotic it is also advisable you wear masks when you go outside avoid cold air in the mornings and late evenings take plenty of warm fluids adequate hydration use a multivitamin temporarily have healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruits taking garlic is helpful as it is known to have ingredients that help relieve asthma and associated bronchoconstriction
hello doctor I am a 30 years old male no smoker a blood and urine test was done for me recently and the blood test was all fine but there was blood in my urine ur rec 155 cells ul a more specific ruin test was done after still showing cells ul of which 97 are isomorphic and of which only two were white blood cells further a it program was done were no stones were found or anything else suspicious what could be possible reasons there are still a lot of other explanations but cancer right what should be my next steps I do not know of any of the following things can be related I had a kind of a cold for months already but nothing seriously mostly just a runny nose and a bit tired I had my ankle hurt a month ago and on and off it still hurts and gets swollen again I feel slight discomfort around my bladder and urethra but mostly since I got these results and maybe I just paying too much attention to that part now
hello firstly likelihood of any malignant cancer is less likely because you do not have risk factors no symptoms young age and cturogram in normal within three months period cancer would have increased in size and became detectable so you are probably having some benign cause and most probably some arteriovenous malformations venous lesions or small mucosal bleeds calcium and uric acid in urine next step is your 24 hour urinary calcium and uric acid levels and also urethroscopy and cystoscopy which will complete the evaluation and usually yields the diagnosis in most cases urologist does these tests you continue to drink plenty of water and liquids
hello doctor got surgery done for fracture neck of femur five years back now living life with inch leg length discrepancy highly demotivated hip replacement is suggested by surgeons but not now as I am 30 years old as per them a revision surgery is required after 15 years or so my question is if I go for hip replacement will my leg gets normal why revision surgery is only after 10 15 years and not after 35 years though some doctor say that they do hip replacement and acetabulam remains for 35 years is it possible how can I compromise leg length by using shoe lifts will limping be visible after that or not kindly help
hi I can understand that limb lengthening can be of concern but you can ealisy wear a heel raise on the normal side of just 5 cos not totally corrected to 5 inches it should always be undercorrected by am limping depends upon you abductor hip muscle strength so you need to do exercises regarding hip replacement if you have an vascular necrosis with a painful hip only then you require a replacement otherwise not and the timing is not fixed hip replacement can be done at a time when you have excessive pain not relieved by medicines after hip replacement you hip should be near normal I suggest you to upload your latest hip ray so that I can see and accurately suggest treatment methods and provide you more information query regarding hip replacement follow up with latest rays
hi doctor I took I pill after 40 hours of intercourse due to the suspected entry of precum now I am experiencing mild brown discharge what does it signify moreover I am on my homeopathic medication for irregular periods which I resumed this month on ith last month I had my periods on 10 and I took I pill on the ord of this month please help I do not want to get pregnant
hi this discharge is mostly a side effect of I pill so please relax and wait for your period the chance of pregnancy is very less still if you miss the period then check for pregnancy
hi doctor my son who is 10 years old is suffering from skin problem like a tiny bumps in hand finger and lower part of feet there is mild itching the old eruption dries and disappear there is no fluid sac in the new bumps earlier we applied ascabiol lotion for days and then started permit lotion also given half tablet levocet and applied lactocalamine after a bath
hello I have read your query and seen the attached images also I understand your concern for your son as per details there are the following possibilities for your son condition scabies it is characterized by fluid filled lesions or red bumps or excoriated marks over the body you have given permethrin lotion for the same however itch and symptoms may persist for a month or so atomic dermatitis it is an allergic condition of the skin characterized by a variable rash in this the child has sensitive skin leading to the appearance of rash with an itch on exposure to allergens I would advise you to apply a cream containing antibiotics and steroid like futon cream fusidic acid over the affected area avoid the use of harsh soap or chemicals to avoid precipitation of allergic reactions you should visit a dermatologist in person for proper examination and evaluation you may discuss my opinion with him
hello doctor the gynecologist told me not to have an intercourse because I was having some brown spotting but it stopped and I had a little bit of intercourse but now I am scared something happened should I be worried
hi brown spotting may be due to vaginal or cervical infection and infection can be from your partner or you can transmit to your partner so that is the reason doctor told not to have intercourse continue the medicines given to you and drink more water
hi doctor I am a guy 23 years old and I was suffering kind of social anxiety in my childhood and in my teenage and that is why I visited a psychiatrist when I was 18 years old five years ago and he prescipted me zoloft 50 and olanzapine 5 without telling me the exact problem and by starting taking them I started getting some relationships and better social skills but recently I visited him again because of feeling not okay and getting angry easily and he prescripted me the same old medications plus third one which is sodium valproate 200 he told me that it prevents person from getting angry and keeps the mood stable and he told me that I have depressive personality disorder but my fears and my family fears is about olanzapine and its side effects they see it irrelevant for depression and related to psychosis do I really need olanzapine
hi I do understand the confusion olanzapine is an antipsychotic that is why you are concerned but a dose of olanzapine unto my is often added with antidepressant to help with initial control of severe symptoms it can be stopped after a while but now that you have mentioned that you have anger issues as well I think olanzapine will help you to some level a dose of 5 is very less and apt for this what you need to do is start therapy and learn techniques to control your anger and reduce your anxiety you can work on confidence building once you start feeling better you can think of reducing the medication about being depressive personality I need to evaluate you properly to be able to justify it
hello doctor in recent past I was suffering from ed I visited a nearby andrology specialist he did some tests and found that below values he stated that oh is very high is there any relation of sperm count and ed when we have high value of oh is it curable my oh value is 6 please help me I am planning for a kid
hi ed can have many causes one of them is low testosterone whenever the testosterone levels are low our pituitary gland tries to stimulate testosterone production by producing more oh I saw your test reports testosterone levels are just below normal and oh levels are just above normal reference ranges this might be due to diurnal variation normally testosterone levels peak during day time around 10 am this is called circadian rhythm it is important to consider this while evaluating borderline variations low testerone can lead to reduced sperm counts since you are also planning for a child do get a semen analysis done after days of sexual abstinence repeat testosterone and oh levels at morning between 1 am before deciding on treatment semen analysis testosterone oh levels
hello doctor for the past two weeks I am having pain and bleeding on defecation it started with straining on hard stool I am not constipated on touching I can feel two external hemorrhoids and maybe a fissure not sure I have increased the fruit intake and I am applying sunarin cream to not much relief can you suggest any ayurvedic tablets I am a 39 year old male weighing about 70 keg I am currently taking multivitamin
hello sometimes external piles do not create problems but due to some reason like constipation and others it causes health issue just you should take care of constipation I am suggesting you some ayurvedic medicines you should continue these medicines for at least two to three months please let me know about any other medications you are taking for any other health problems as it is necessary to know for proper treatment take fiber rich diet like fruits and veggies to avoid constipation the treatment plan is as follows arshhar vat one tablet twice a day after meal abhayarishta two teaspoons twice after meal pile ointment for external application isabgol powder at night before going to bed please give information about any other medications if you are taking right now or any other health problems if you have follow up after seven days
hello doctor ever since I was little I would stick sharp pointy things between my teeth and poke and pick at my gums it would cause pain but the pain was addictive it is like I enjoy the pain when I was a child I would use my fingernails to do it until my gums would bleed I know that sounds nuts but it is true as I got older I started using things like toothpicks keep in mind what I am feeling is definitely pain but it is a sensation I like for some reason I tend to do it between my back teeth I am worried about my teeth
hello I have gone through your query and understand your concern constant tooth picking leads to gaps between teeth gum bleeding and gum weakness of gums and bone creates more gaps which attract food deposits these deposits irritate the gums constantly leading to gum and bone infection this condition is called periodontitis pain swelling and spaces between the teeth getting wider are the signs of periodontitis once those gums and bone get infected those teeth will start to shake and become loose in no time please visit your nearby dentist and get a scaling and polishing procedure done to remove those calculus deposits this cleaning procedure should be done once in six to eight months if required for maintaining healthy gums and please do try and quit the habit because more than the calculus your teeth picking habit causes major damage to your gums and teeth it may even cause multiple teeth decays to start with you can try discarding toothpicks and sharp objects from your sight to stop this habit I hope this helps
hello doctor my partner and I have not had sex for quite a few weeks I have talked to him about it around three times and each time he tells me that he wants sex and wants to have more of it and that he will try to push away the thoughts of the stress he is going through that keep him from getting an erection I can understand but why he cannot I have needs too I am currently taking mono linyah
hello libido can be decreased if a person is undergoing stress and can affect sexual performance I would recommend that he should either visit a psychiatrist and take some medicines if his stress is affecting his personal social and occupational life the doctor will place him on some medicines which should help with the stress part in addition to that you can give him some medicines like sildenafil 50 my or tadalafil 10 my to take one hour prior to having sex provided his blood pressure is fine this will help him achieve an erection stress erectile dysfunction secondary to anxiety or stress tadalafil 10 my or sildenafil 50 my one hour prior to sex unto a maximum of twice a week discontinue in case of headache chest pain or dizziness also do an internet search and start doing kegel exercises which will help improve the muscles at the base of the penis and improve the strength of the erection can follow up after one month if needed
hello doctor my partner missed her period we have done home pregnancy tests which showed negative she does not have any pregnancy symptoms either what may be the reason of her missed period
hello kindly note that we cannot rule out pregnancy still so wait for another days and do urine pregnancy test again were her periods regular before does she have any medical illness like fever in last week any stress any thyearoid problem any mild bleeding per vaginum so kindly answer above questions so that I can help you more
hello doctor my son is years old he is feet and inches and weighs about 107 labs I checked his mi it said he was obese in the 95th percentile he is active should I worry about his weight and if so how can I help him with it
hi welcome to icliniq com your son has good height and for the same reason his weight is not worrisome but definitely he is on 95th gentile for his height as well as for his age also his mi body mass index is 4 which puts him in the category of obese let him have a lot of outdoor activity avoid sitting for a long time in front of the computer or to and avoid junk foods swimming is the best activity for this age and swimming for at least 30 45 minutes daily or at least five days a week will help him let him have a good balanced home food with less fat child obesity at this age has higher chances for him to be obese as an adult with all its other consequences so it is better to have some precautions but no need for a dieting regime at this age as he is a growing boy and needs more calories from proteins for his overall growth I hope this helps
hello doctor I am 29 years old I am married from the last 5 years my problem is that from the last two weeks I am not getting proper erection during sex erection comes a bit and goes out instantly it is just happening from the last two weeks before that I was totally fine I am taking some herbal medicines please suggest me why this happening to me right now I cat get any erection sex only a bit if I watch some porn or like that I am having so much tension because of that yes one more thing I used to take one penis size enlarge oil but very rarely might be because of that oil I am having this problem please suggest me best possible option to cure this
hi I can understand your concern as you are getting erections when you watch porn but are losing during sex this shows that problem is not organic the issues are more psychological confide helps to boost confidence but is not proper treatment for some times you can try tablet tadalafil or sildenafil either of these tablets if taken about half to one hour before sexual intercourse help to improve erection if problem persists then visit a doctor and get serum testosterone and prolactin levels done if levels of both these hormones come normal then remain relaxed no need to worry
hello doctor I want to know what the horizontal lines on my fingertips are they appeared within a couple months along with more lines on my hands than ever before
hi I have seen images attached here attachment removed to protect patient identity it does not signify towards any health issue it seems to be normal flexor creases finasteride drug that you were taking can lead to hand swelling headache weakness nausea etc as side effects if you want to investigate than check your random blood sugar serum cholesterol serum lil serum triglycerides got sept blood urea and creatinine for routine check up if any specific complaint present then let me know about that take care
hi doctor I involved in a car accident seven years ago I have been having problems with my neck ever since I recently consulted an orthopedic specialist and had an mri done last week the results are as follow multilevel degenerative disc disease with straightening of lordosis multilevel bulging and spondylotic riding with superimposed disc osteophyte complexes at ca c5 and c5 ca central herniation at c3 ca and multilevel luschka hypertrophy with foraminal encroachment currently I am taking aspirin lisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide omega and also synthroid 5 mug I want to know how to deal with these issues what to expect for the future and which type of exercise to avoid in order to maintain a normal life please suggest thank you
hello for further information consult a spine health specialist online
hi doctor I need an opinion regarding the rays of my neck I met with two car accidents and have chronic neck pain and stiffness what could be wrong
hi I have gone through your ray revert back with a detailed history to a chiropractor online
hi doctor I am a 28 year old male I am suffering from fatigue loss of appetite nausea pale stools and upper abdominal bloating I am addicted to benadryl for the past one and a half years to get sleep I stopped taking it over last three days
hi revert back with the reports to a general medicine physician online
hi doctor I need an opinion regarding my elder sister she is 52 years old she is diabetic and is suffering from severe vaginal pain for the last few weeks while collection of pap smear the swab was bloody and it was very painful for her she is currently using candid cream and candid ve tablet for vaginal insertion I have attached the reports of pap smear and sea carcinoembryonic antigen serum test please help
hello the reports of both pap smear and tumor markers are within normal limits and rules out any malignancy in terms of possible cervical cancer however the pain in vagina and blood tinge at her age where she is likely menopausal could be due to atrophic vaginitis there will be severe burning sensation and vaginal dryness which can cause pain especially on moving or walking revert back with the details to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor recently I was diagnosed as type diabetic now I am suffering from erectile dysfunction and weakness my testosterone level is 280 do I need to check other hormones
hi for further doubts consult an andrologist online
hello doctor map in weeks lap a few months back checked now it was negative what is my problem when can I expect my period
hi map pills are hormone based so they can change hormonal balance in body leading to irregular menstruation also carry out pregnancy test I would suggest you to wait for week more and if menstruation does not occur till then consult a gynecologist and have yourself examined but do not worry too much about it since it is a very common problem after taking pills and can be treated easily
hello doctor I have red bumps at the back area of my tongue could this be oral herpes I received unprotected blowjob a week back as such is it possible to get oral herpes although I was the one receiving the blowjob and did not engage in any kissing with my sexual partner
hello I just read your query and from what you have mentioned it does not seem to be herpes infection on the back of your tongue those red bumps are they painful do you have swallowing difficulties if not then those are your taste buds they are present in every one would have been better if you attached a picture as well of these red bumps no it is not possible that you get oral herpes if you are the recipient of the oral sex
hi doctor I saw a sports injury doctor with mid back pain at night the first mri scan was poor quality so a second was carried out and that noted elliptical bilateral lumps at segmented levels I have been referred to a neurologist who is examining the scans I am seeking clarification that the description in the report does not indicate malignant disease I only have the reports and not the scans I had nocturnal mid back pain for four weeks and getting slightly better now
hi your mri report indicates neurofibromas in your dorsal spine which is a benign growth originating from nerve sheath cells often it is symptomless but at times can give discomfort to the patient due to mass effect and pressure in the surrounding structures this growth is usually benign but may rarely turn malignant over a period of time your doctor may suggest a biopsy for the same to confirm the cell type if you have any more doubts please feel free to discuss thank you
hi doctor I am years I am facing sneezing and itchy throat due to this problem I am avoiding a few foods like chicken brinjal pumpkin I face this problem in the early morning after I wake up from bad also I start sneezing when I pass through the dusty environment also I start sneezing when I was around any unnatural smell like paint wooden polish etc one doctor prescribed me montelukast and cetirizine last year and I am using the medicine whenever I face this issue it gives temporary relief to me is this medicine good for my health can I use this continuously for a long time please advise thank you
hello you seem to be having vasomotor or allergic rhinitis we need to diagnose it so that the treatment will address the cause however temporarily the symptomatic treatment would entail the use of steroid nasal sprays with antihistaminic and montelukast the choice of nasal spray and the antihistaminic can be done based on your work and response allergy to dust particles local flora and pollen can be overcome by finding out the offending agent and avoiding it entirely such a diagnosis can be made using blood elisa testing or skin prick testing sometimes the offending agent can be food allergen also regarding the choice of antihistaminics there are second generation antihistaminics with less sleep as a side effect some medicines like cetirizine can produce sleep and dryness of the mouth fexofenadine is slightly better that way asteroidal nasal sprays are generally safe and can be used for a long term fluticasone and mometasone are popular for further support do revert back to me in that case please attach your previous consultation papers any blood investigation reports if you can click a picture of the throat with open mouth showing the posterior pharyngeal wall it will be helpful for us to check for any postnatal drip congestion follicles nodes etc hope to see you in good health soon
hi doctor I am 64 and in the postmenopausal stage I had a hormone blood test and my testosterone was very low less than my vitamin was low and my estradiol was 73 I started to take supplements all natural like dea vitamin high and smilax I just got tested again and my vitamin is fine but my estradiol is even higher and my testosterone is 14 now two days before I took the test while on smilax which I know has its effect on testosterone level I am mostly worried about estradiol and ovarian cancer
hi your estrogen level should be low at the postmenopausal stage but your estrogen level is similar to the level of normal reproductive years estrogen helps bone but carries the risk of breast cancer and uterine endometrial cancer estrogen therapy in the postmenopausal period also carries the potential risk of ovarian cancer dea dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate can help to increase energy and sex drive libido but not definite dea is converted in the body to testosterone
hi doctor I want to quit smoking what should I do to quit the habit of smoking thank you
hi the decision taken is a great thing in smoking cessation you may list the situation when you are tempted for smoking keep chewing gum with you whenever you feel to smoke use chewing gum you may also divert your mind by having coffee tea fruit juices etc in many countries chewing gum containing a small amount of nicotine is available which gives the same kick what we get by a cigarette after a few days gradually we need to use normal chewing gum in many countries the herbal cigarette available which does not contain nicotine but it gives the placebo effect of smoking you may go for yoga and meditation which gives the self control and divert your mind more towards your profession body massage with medicated oil also helps to remove toxic substances from your body panchakarma of ayurveda is another option to remove toxins from your body many psychiatrists and hospitals run smoking cessation clinics they prescribe low dose nicotine containing chewing gum or herbal cigarette they give counseling and practical to come out of thought of smoking this is definitely helpful to you thank you
hello doctor sub ne for nip downs reg my wife aged 30 years is 17 weeks pregnant with our second child prenatal first trimester screening report indicated a calculated risk for downs syndrome as 544 final it at 12 weeks days was 8 my considering this an intermediate risk our obgyn advised early anomaly scan during 17th week the findings in ultrasound scan for soft markers came negative and the risk for downs was improved to 2837 our obgyn said that there is an option of nip available for further confirmation but she indicated that it is only optional there is no history of downs edwards or pataus in both our families and our first child is normally active first child no downs was born at weeks pre term because of pre eclampsia through lscs should we get the nip done please help us because we are confused
hello considering the fact that firstly your it scan measured 8 my which was below 5 my cut off and hence was normal for gestational age secondly the cut off for trisomy 21 being 250 and age related risk as well were lower with 544 and 815 so the screen was negative and there was no intermediate risk as to be considered the age is 30 and does not qualify for advanced maternal age and also the first baby was not a down syndrome hence no increased risk in present pregnancy thirdly the anomaly scan as well do not show any evidence of structural cardiac anomalies or endocardial cushion defects indicating that the chances of the child being down is way too low nip with these reports is not recommended at all
hello doctor I am a year old healthy male yesterday I had my first panic attack and it was severe and lasted long I have ended up in the emergency room but they just gave me a diazepam and I was feeling good again but they never told me what triggered and I am curious last night I drank 10 my of phosphate codeine liquid and drank one 600 my beer and then smoked marijuana once I get back home which was a couple of hours later right after I smoked the panic attack started but I am smoking for six years and just strong strains and concentrated and nothing ever happened before yesterday I smoked a really non potent one my question is it possible that the weed is causing the panic attack or it was the codeine with beers I really do not want that to happen again
hello it could be a combination of marijuana codeine and beer also regular use of marijuana will cause panic attacks it is just that the effects of whatever is taken regularly and do not show up immediately only chronic use of either smoking alcohol or other drugs will cause problems later on I would recommend that you at least try to reduce if not stop the quantity of the drug combination of alcohol weed and marijuana just get a chest egg electrocardiogram done to be on the safer side panic disorder anxiety disorder due to substance use panic disorder or anxiety disorder due to substance use try reduce the quantity of alcohol marijuana and smoking try some deep breathing exercises or other relaxation techniques like yoga meditation or progressive muscle relaxation exercises you can also visit a psychiatrist and ask him to help you with the panic attacks and anxiety issue he will probably start you on some sari selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors class of drugs which is just to be taken once a day for a few months and then tapered down and stopped try combining different substances when using them like tobacco alcohol and marijuana follow up after 20 days in case problems worsen and you need further advice
hello doctor I had a bad bout of ti male 72 which started around last month and I started antibiotics a week later by that time there was very heavy blood in the urine and was getting severe chills I took the antibiotics for days everything cleared up and then I traveled and upon my arrival here had cloudy and slow urine with some sensation in the urethra no other symptoms do not feel I have a fever I am feeling reasonably lively and reasonable appetite this latest bout of cloudy slightly smelly urine has been going on now for days it seems to be unchanged a urine test shows high leucolytes oh around glucose negative to normal nitrite positive protein bilrubin urobiinogen and blood ery ul seem fine maybe miniscule amount of blood
hello I have gone through your queries you had recurrent documented ti with history of hematuria as you are 72 now and you had hematuria you must undergo clinical examination and few investigations you should contact your local urologist he will examine you clinically will do a digital rectal examination to look for prostate size consistancy presence of any suspicious nodule etc you need a few investigations also us kubp and per urinalysis urine is uroflowmetry serum spa urine for malignant cells for days last but not the least you need one cope cystoscopy to look for any urinary bladder pathology hence you please do not be late to attend office of your local urologist ti may be the manifestation of other pathology when you find ti in male person you have to find out the cause in your case prostate pathology may be the cause
hello doctor first of all I have an anxiety disorder so I got shaken up by bad news a lot and I just want to ask you about this I am afraid of this and please can you give me an answer that does not scare me more I have had sensitive nasal passages and mild end for about 12 years I get very dry sinuses when the temperature is low and it can sometimes clog up my ears and nose I keep it in check by using nasal rinse with neilmed purified salt and alkalol all natural products these work great we live in a small island country where we get water from mountains straight into a commercial cleaning station with filters and laser I have always used this clean tap water in a netipot and then pour a little bit of boiled water into the netipot to get the temperature perfect but now this morning when my sinus feel dry and just by accident I googled what is the best water is to use in netipot and all kinds of warnings pop put that you should never use tap water for netipot a google report says that tap water is not safe for use as a nasal rinse because it is not adequately filtered or treated some tap water contains low levels of organisms such as bacteria and protozoa including amoebas that may be safe to swallow because stomach acid kills them but in your nose these organisms can stay alive in nasal passages and cause potentially serious infections they can even be fatal in some rare cases very well I can very fast shift to distilled water and sterile water in the future but I just want to ask you if I make these changes now can I be safe that these dangerous bacteria are not living inside my nose already and get problems in the future or would I feel sick right away if I get this after using clean tap water for years without problems can I be safe that I did not get any of these dangerous bacteria will distilled water even improve my nasal rinse
hello thanks for the detailed history first of all netipot nasal washes are a great way to keep your nose and sinuses clean this method is used in india from ancient times it is a part of yoga practice now you can understand that neti pot washes what was used centuries back were always from tap water and there are no complications written anywhere in the older textbooks and even in yoga literature it is the duty of health department of the country to warn the citizens regarding the use of regular tap water because in some places it may be impure it should not be generalized our body and nose in particular have tremendous local defense mechanisms against bacteria and they can very well take care of small amounts of bacteria if at all they are present in normal water since you have not developed any significant signs and symptoms of infection there is no need to worry tap water has not caused any problems in future you can use boiled and cooled tap water for nasal washes that could take care of bacteria and any remote chance of infection
hello doctor I have a question about taj catching and popping about ten days ago my right jaw suddenly began catching and popping with a great deal of pain at the time of the pop since then the pain when the pop occurs has diminished quite a bit but the right side of the jaw still catches each time I close the mouth it does not catch when opening also when it catches or pops my lower teeth do a quick shift then return to center my question is does the quick shift suggest a cause for the tad I am experiencing
hello I have gone through your query and understand your concern this shift in your lower teeth could not be a cause for your tad temporo mandibular joint is the jaw joint between upper jaw and lower jaw and involves multiple and complex structures like a disc between two jaws chewing muscles and the joining bone structure a complete taj and dental evaluation should be done to determine what is causing your jaw popping swelling and clenching habit jaw clenching bruxism is not a condition but one of the main symptoms of a taj disorder tad could be because of tensed chewing muscles disparity in the disc changes in jaw bone structure other than taj issues psychological stress misaligned or attrited worn out teeth multiple dental treatments or multiple missing teeth recent dental injury or infection recent hospitalization general health conditions or systemic diseases affecting bone like arthritis could also cause tad visit a taj specialist to identify what has caused your jaw swelling from your query and the details provided regarding the panaromic ray op the cause should probably be the change in your jaw bone structure due to the advancing age and long term medicines intake it could also be from the psychological stress if from the recent hospitalization and surgery this psychological stress or an underlying bone disparity could have triggered a subconscious level jaw clenching thereby causing a tension in your chewing muscles leading to a muscle swelling in your jaw initially a muscle relaxant will be prescribed to bring down the tensed jaw muscles and the swelling after which a complete taj evaluation and ray study will be done to pinpoint the cause a splint similar to a night guard called deprogrammed appliance will probably be suggested as a diagnostic appliance to identify the cause and to protect the teeth from getting attrited during jaw clenching once the cause is determined the treatment is targeted right at it
hello doctor I am 18 years old the medication I take is bupropion al 150 my I have not wetted the bed since I was years old because I used to have problems then for some reason these past few days I have been wetting the bed again I am not sure what is going on
hi welcome to icliniq com I am sorry to hear about your nocturnal enuresis involuntary urination at night whilst sleeping rest assured it is according to evidence most likely not due to a serious cause and should be fleeting bupropion is known to rarely cause bedwetting as a side effect especially in the first six months bupropion works therapeutically with your body neurotransmitters chemicals used for signaling and sending of specific nervous system messages and can sometimes cause some of the minor nervous system signals to get confused for a short period making your bladder muscle contract and urethra relax for example causing bedwetting this rare bupropion side effect do go away within four to six weeks in most patients without specific treatment the following is what you could do apply a few general measures to decrease the risk of nocturnal enuresis like not having any fluids two to three hours before bedtime avoiding any caffeinated drinks after 0 am take your bupropion in the morning relax and take your time to empty your bladder completely at bedtime take any other supplements and vitamins in the morning make sure your room is properly darkened with no luminescent clock faces insight quiet room with soothing monotone white noise for example the sound of an air conditioner in the background do not think or worry about whether you might wet the bed it is a silly transient medication side effect which is out of your control for now if you are sleeping well at the moment without having much trouble falling asleep again some evidence does suggest benefit from setting a relatively soft alarm for mid sleep as I mentioned before this particular bupropion side effect should resolve by itself within four to six weeks typically if however it does not one can consider changing a second line treatment or adding one of the tablets we usually use to treat primary nocturnal enuresis this is rarely necessary however and there is a high probability that your problem will resolve within a short period of time
hello doctor I have read several studies on the effect of autophagy on material fibrilation I cannot understand most of the conclusions and need some help with this I basically follow a regime where I eat every other day and fast at least 24 to 30 hours at a time as I believe autophagy is activated and can have a positive or negative effect on the heart in particular the atrium and remodeling of electrics can you please tell me if you think what I am doing could possible cause fib or remodeling of my heart I have no current issues low cholesterol and be no family history and have a structurally normal heart however due to my years of excess I have this fear of getting fib I am male 35 years old mixed ethnicity
hello firstly there is no good evidence for or against this rigorous fasting studies atleast have shown no significant increase in atrial fibrillation with such fasting practically we do not have good evidence for it now if we consider theoretically then yes fasting may stimulate autophagy and may have a beneficial effects on heart atrial fibrillation it does improve your lipid profile and risk of myocardial ischemia which is a risk factor for atrial fibrillation it may also reduce obesity bodily inflammation which is again a risk factor for atrial fibrillation so there is no evidence to suggest that it induces fib or remodeling but such rigorous fasting is not recommended based on current evidence we are also not sure whether you are meeting the daily requirement of essential nutrients dehydration should be strictly avoided you can share some studies with me so that I can clarify on them so fasting for few days say for 5 days a month is acceptable
hello doctor I apologize if this is an odd question but I am very concerned as I have been in treatment for recurrent yeast and be infections for over a year several dollar bills were accidentally washed cold cycle no disinfectant detergent along with a pair of pants and a load of underwear the money was lost in the washing machine with my underwear during the whole cycle I did not realize this until the next day when I went to do another load of laundry because they were crumpled in a corner so I had to worn a pair of underwear all day that had been washed in the same water as the money I know that money is absolutely covered in bacteria and being that the underwear was washed in cold and dried in low heat I am wondering how likely it is that a vaginal infection will result from them having been in a wash cycle with several dirty dollar bills again I apologize if this query seems a bit paranoid I am just very afraid of contracting any further vaginal infections especially not from an accident like this
hello welcome to icliniq com I understand your concern but to me the probability of contracting infection is very less firstly you are not immunocompromised vagina is home to millions of bacteria and whether one will contract infection or not depends on immunity which I guess is intact in you now concern remained is of sad organisms out of those candid and be you already had these organisms must already be present in your vagina in a low number so the risk of acquiring this is low also the probability that those dollars carrying sad organism is less because nobody will frequently touch between note and genitalia and also these infections will usually occur with sex also most of the viruses are inactivated with drying or sunlight so overall risk is very low and I think you should not be worried about it I hope this helps
hello doctor I have problems with exhaling and inhaling my exhale is extremely quick with a pause my inhale is really difficult I can feel my throat nasal passage airways and throat contract when I breathe in also all throughout my back I feel pressure from my backsides and lower back when I relax to try and let my body take over breathing but if I just end up rolling my back my tongue slides back and maybe the uvula clogged the airway as well and breathing becomes laborious and takes all my energy and thinking sometimes I can take two breaths before it hurts and becomes laborious I order to breathe alright I have to hold my lower jaw in a position move my tongue out of the way and hold it there try to flex my chest downward and relax my belly it is a lot of work to breathe it is causing stress and anxiety I cannot sleep I have a pounding frontal and temporal lobe headache all the time and I have weird acid reflux unless I breathe a specific way if I stop manually breathing inhaling becomes near impossible and my throat feels like it caves in on itself also causing racing thoughts since when I relax it feels like my jaw and tongue are being stressed out and they twitch around too
hi welcome to icliniq com I am sorry you seem to be experiencing some trouble with your breathing pattern first of all breathing is an involuntary response meaning even if you try to hold your breath your brain will override this command and make you breathe breathing is an automatic response controlled by the respiratory control center of the brain within the medulla oblongata and pons the muscles of the tongue are controlled by the hypoglossal nerve the jaw thrust maneuver you are describing when you lay on your back is designed to open your airway have you ever had any trauma or head injuries have you ever sought care for this before you mentioned that this had been occurring for several years so I assume you have had it looked at by a medical professional did your doctor do any tests mri or it scan it sounds like you have a lot going on while I believe everyone can benefit from chiropractic care it is my professional opinion based on what you are describing that you are not a chiropractic candidate and that you should be evaluated neurologically at the very least by your primary care physician I believe he will want to refer you to an ent or neurologist be evaluated by your primary care physician I believe that he she will want to refer you to an ent or neurologist in the event of an emergency go to the er respiratory issues can be life threatening and require immediate medical attention
hello doctor I am a 16 year old female and not pregnant I have a runny nose mucus cough sore and swollen throat what seems to be liquid in my ears can hear pulsating my face is achy and headaches I always experience sinus infections usually accompanied by strep throat around this time of year but I feel different I can say worse I have had these symptoms for the past three days and they are gradually getting worse they started with an uncontrollable sneeze I checked my temperature today there was nothing alarming but even when I am sick I do not run bad fevers I am currently using nasal spray and allergic medicine
hello welcome to icliniq com I have gone through your query and I can understand your concerns the symptoms you have described suggestive of simple ari acute respiratory tract infection there is no need to worry as it can be completely cured by timely treatment and chances for the complication is less I suggest you to consult a general practitioner and do the following things simple analgesic like paracetamol or ibuprofen for pain antihistamines like cetrizine or levocetirizine would provide symptomatic relief nasal decongestant like xylometazoline if you have blocked nostrils a short course of antibiotics like amoxicillin for five to seven days can be taken steam inhalation twice a day would be effective generally symptoms will subside within a few days if the symptoms persist despite all these we have to do the following investigations as prescribed by your physician abc complete blood count and urine routine chest ray to rule out pneumonia or other lesions I hope this helps bacterial or viral infection basic blood and urine investigations chest ray sinusitis ari conservative with antibiotics and symptomatic management
hello doctor I am 19 years old some of my facial hair change into light brown color from black it looks golden color in sunshine and I have also one or two white hairs in my head when I was 16 all my hair was dark black what should I do now to get their natural hair color back
hello I just read your query see the color of hairs and skin is determined by a pigment called melanin the variation of this pigment varies from person to person due to their genetics or due to some environmental reasons one to two white hairs are not a problem but you must be aware because your beard starts losing its pigmentation there might be many reasons for this problem like lack of nutrients paternal effects as if your father or grandfather had been gone through the same problem stress lack of proper sleep or unhealthy lifestyle as you are young you can prevent this problem further by adopting all these simple remedies the formation of coloring pigment named melanin is based on many nutrients so start taking a healthy diet add fresh fruits vegetables pulses eggs etc to your diet avoid excessive tea coffee cold drinks junk food spicy food etc sleep adequately at least for six to eight hours and make sure you go to bed before midnight avoid taking excessive stress start taking tablet keisha kuntal vyas pharma two tablets two times a day for four weeks with water it is very effective in premature greying of hair take tablet hairbac two tablets be for four weeks with water it will prevent premature greying of hair take some curry leaves and put them into conut oil boil this oil after boiling when this oil becomes lukewarm apply this oil on your beard and scalp you can do this twice or thrice a week wash your hairs with mild herbal shampoo try all these regularly and it will prevent further greying of your hair and you will soon feel positive results in case you want to use a dye for your beard or hair or you are facing excessive greying of hairs then do consult a nearby dermatologist otherwise try all these regularly I hope this helps genetic or lack of nutrients or stress or unhealthy lifestyle after four weeks
hello doctor whenever I am outside of home my face is looking red and many people asks me that why your face looks red please suggest me what should I do for it even in the evening I mean without in sun rays it also looks red I am a 20 year old male
hello I just read your query there might be many reasons for turning your skin red while going outside most common reasons may include that your skin is very sensitive and whenever you go outside your skin is not able to tolerate the external heat and produces heat stress to your skin and skin turns red to avoid this condition drink lots of water and keep your skin hydrated this will help you to avoid this problem up to some extent during the daytime it might be due to uv ultraviolet rays of the sun it does not matter whether it is a sunny day or cloudy day the uv rays reach the earth and have effects on your skin this might be one of the reasons behind red skin so apply sunscreen lotion while going outside whether it is sun or clouds you can choose any sunscreen lotion of any reputed brand apply half an hour ago while going outside if only sensitive skin is the reason behind your redness then you can also apply aloe vera gel twice a day it is very helpful for sensitive skin and helps a lot with your problem if it is stress or anxiety induced redness then try to keep calm your mind and body and sleep adequately eat fresh fruits and vegetables it will help to keep hour skin hydrated and healthy redness can be mild moderate or severe if it is in mild form and does not causing you any other harm then try all these and you will see very positive results very soon but sometimes it might be due to some hormonal problem or some other underlying problem in that case you need to visit a nearby dermatologist for treatment I hope this helps after four weeks
hello doctor my year old daughter has recently been diagnosed with a mild high frequency hearing loss in both ears her hearing levels are only very slightly below normal and it is not impacting her day to day in a noticeable way so for the moment the audiology team are just monitoring it my worry is that I accidentally caused it when she was a baby there was one time when she was a young baby maybe months old and she was in a rear facing car seat in the front of my car I her ears were near the speakers at the front of the car I turned the engine on and the radio blasted out really loud I think it was probably on volume 12 or 13 I turned it down straight away and she did not cry but now I feel awful that I may have damaged her hearing please could you tell me how likely it is a one off incident like this would have caused it
hello welcome to icliniq com I understand your worry I would say it is possible to develop such a hearing loss due to what we call acoustic trauma noise induced however we can never be sure whether the loss is due to that incident or due to some other or if the loss was congenitally present what you can do to prevent further deterioration is prevent her from listening to loud music keep her away from loud sounds try and use noise isolation buds when there is excessive noise outside eat a healthy diet and meditate rather than worrying about what could have caused the loss I think it will be prudent to prevent any further damage to the ear and guide your daughter on the right path to achieve what she wants to I hope this helps
hello doctor I am having cervical fusion levels 17 I am on my of suboxone daily I told the surgeon that I do not want opioids can I stay on my up to the surgery morning I do not want to stop and have withdrawals or take any opioids before or after the procedure
hi suboxone buprenorphine is given to treat opioid dependence prozac is an antidepressant I think because of your disease process cervical radiculopathy in your case you have been taking some pain killers mostly opioids for a long time doctor might have prescribed suboxone to take you off opioid dependence suboxone can cause a certain amount of drowsiness and has potential to interact with many drugs to cause side effects some of which may be significant the decision on continuing suboxone and prozac until the day of surgery should be taken in discussion with your surgeon and anesthesiologist it also depends on what anesthesia they are going to use during surgery it also depends on ur respiratory system how well it is functioning your fear is that if put on opioid again post surgery you may get addicted again be assured that as long as you are under medical supervision and adhere to instructions addiction potential will be less as far as my knowledge goes they will definitely consider stopping suboxone before surgery because if this is continued further analgesic prescribed post surgery may not work do not be scared discuss with your surgeon and anesthesiologist and they will suggest what is best for your health
hello doctor I have horror mornings after I open my eyes and I get out the bed only after I stand up I start sneezing maybe 20 times I have itchy eyes and years and runny I feel like I have sand in my eyes I have done prick tests for allergies and all come back negative I also have done nasal corvettes turbine reduction and all in vain my mornings are the same what is the cause of this
hello allergic rhinitis is a perrinial manifestation of allergic reactions to unknown triggers also you may have coexisting allergic conjunctivitis though prick test is negative for most of the allergens we can not neglect the role of unknown allergies in your case so I advise you to do blood allergy test with all full panels including environmental food drugs and medicines vegetarian and non vegetarian foods fungus pollen etc definitely we will be able to find out the single cause for your allergy about medications all drugs whatsoever you take are only helpful symptomatically so as long as you take medication you feel good but there is no choice as there is no permanent cure for allergies so I advise you to start montelukast 10mg one at night continue rhinocort nasal spray and claritin it is must to repeat blood allergy test as prick test can not test all available allergens and role of unknown allergens can not be neglected so avoiding the known trigger allergen and continuing the symptomatic treatment is the best solution for your problem continuous scrutiny must be going on to find out exact allergens in your surroundings
hello doctor what is this black mark and white spot I am 20 years old virgin and really worried about this it is not itchy or painful but whatever it takes I want to get rid of it also my penis and scrotum has turned very dark want to get back the original color and the whole area has too much foul smell so need to get that cleared too please help
hi welcome to icliniq com I have gone through the available photographs and your description from the available details it feels the problem is due to poor hygiene I have commonly observed that people while taking bath forget their private parts to clean that leads to infection and related complications presence of foul smiling is clear indication that there is abnormal bacterial growth which is giving bad smells I mean to say that while bathing clean the private area with use of soap dettol to stop the foul smell and to regain original color as well as get rid from black mark regarding white patch it seems as a birth mark and I do not think it can be removed I must acknowledge that if it appeared every recently there is good chance of removing it
hi doctor I am a semi professional singer and recently I have been dealing with some vocal problems I think I had a vocal hemorrhage and it seems to slowly heal I am really not sure about what it is so it would mean the world if you could give me your thoughts on it and in how much time it is going to be okay
hello there are hemorrhagic patches early stage in the anterior one third of both the vocal cords but that will heal if you will take adequate voice rest drink plenty of water maintain vocal hygiene for a month and take proton pump inhibitors as well get repeat laryngoscope done after a month also there seems to be a phonatory gap in posterior third of vocal cord but to confirm if the gap is present I need to see video of laryngoscope if you have a video of scoot please send that to me a picture will not be enough even if gap is present it will go with the speech therapy
hello doctor I have some issue with my penis I cannot get it strong enough when I am fully erected the muscle of my penis is weak even when I am very horny and have erection I have done some blood analysis and the results are fine and normal some doctors say that it is a phachological issue I also stopped masturbating for a month and I have not seen any improvement please advise me if there is anything I can do to get it stronger
hi I read your query and understand your concerns I request you to provide following information point wise so the diagnosis can be made and suitable remedy can be offered how long the problem is there have you experienced similar issues in the past how the problem started it was built up slowly or abruptly what could be the factor according to you for onset of problem frequency of the problem in last one month what number of sexual intercourse masturbation failed in last one month what are the factors that increase the problem factors that relieve the problem you can describe them in detail if any do you get early morning erection if yes how frequent and how intense please answer this necessarily details of past medical illnesses like duration any complications treatment received till date 10 do you take any substance of abuse like alcohol or tobacco and others investigations done till date and reports please attach them 12 do you have any psychiatric illness 13 any other problem you like to report I must assure you that once we know the cause I can you guide you better in regard to treatment
hi doctor I have had a possible low risk exposure a year back which is about 53 54 days before this day this has wrecked my life the exposure can be best described as follows and I apologize for the graphic nature of the same no penetration no oral sex but the unprotected penis has touched the vaginal area during a body to body massage with a thai therapist I have had a hiv duo test on day 13 and day 31 both negative non reactive I have had a oraquik home test at day 42 which is was again negative there are no real symptoms except extreme stress a sore throat for which I have not really required a medication as of now I have had a legion boil on my upper back since the last to years which did not affect or bother me as of now but for some strange reason has decided to ache or itch since the last days for which I have consulted a skin doctor and was told that it is a legion because of oil deposits which has become infected now and has prescribed medicines before he can take it off now I request you to please answer the following question can I move on with the possible case of low risk and my tests at more than 28 days for a hiv duo test at more than 28 days which a lot of specialists say is conclusive or should I get tested again do you think that my boil legion flaring up has anything to do with hiv I do request you to pal help me with this as soon as possible
hi yes the test is conclusive although antibodies take some time to develop it is good that at least you know your baseline hiv status you can go for repeat test at three months although the risk was minimal in future I suggest you to use precautions and condom usage your lesion at back is most likely folliculitis which can be there in any individual because of increased sweating follow the prescription of your dermatologist
hello doctor I am suffering form folliculitis for about month I regularly visit my doctor and take all medicines on time the problem is folliculitis present on my legs and hands every week they are gone and then come again then my doctor ask me to do test of blood test and ice test my blood test report was all fine but my ice level is 170 so please tell me what should I do to control my ice and how to get rid of folliculitis permanently
hello folliculitis is inflammation of the hair follicles usually it is due to bacteria but sometimes fungus can also cause folliculitis most commonly it is seen over face beard chest arms and legs mainly diagnosed by careful inspection of the affected area by the specialist sometimes pus or blood tests and skin biopsy is also required to find out the cause as you said your blood tests shows ice level 170 it is completely normal and it has nothing to do with the folliculitis so nothing to worry about ice levels if your folliculitis problem is recurrent then you have to find out the cause for recurring infection of affected area talk to your doctor for good antibiotic course or antibacterial cream to apply on affected area also it is very important to keep good personal hygiene do not share your towels or clothes with anybody use good quality soap for bath if no improvement then you should see any other skin specialist or dermatologist for expert opinion
hello doctor I have been biting the teeth at night for about five years is this harmful to my health
hello welcome to icliniq com I understand your concern unfortunately yes this is harmful to your dental and overall health bruxism teeth grinding or night grinding is not a condition but one of the main symptoms of taj disorder this could be a temporomandibular joint taj issue temporomandibular joint is the jaw joint between the upper jaw and lower jaw and involves multiple and complex structures like a disc between two jaws chewing muscles and the joining bone structure a complete taj and dental evaluation should be done to determine what is causing your bruxism it could be because of tensed chewing muscles disparity in the disc changes in jaw bone structure other than taj issues psychological stress malaligned teeth multiple dental treatments and recent dental injury or infection could also cause this jaw condition visit a taj specialist to identify the cause initially a splint similar to a nightguard called deprogrammed appliance will be suggested as a diagnostic appliance to identify the cause once the cause is determined the treatment depends on it untreated bruxism may lead to multiple enamel chip outs weak teeth and gums and generalized tooth sensitivity so please visit your dentist as soon as possible and get it treated I hope this helps
hi doctor I do have constant headache sometimes due to toothache gum disease no hole or nothing right now my head aches seriously and I have used mixanal tablets the pain still persists
hello kindly tell me which side of head is effected usually frontal side of headaches are due to sinusitis if you have only frontal head ache then do xray skull sinuses back side of headaches are occur mostly when blood pressure increases if you have back side of headache then do your blood pressure checked and then take blood pressure lowering medication sometimes headache occur due to stress in this situation try to decrease feeling of stress headache occur due to migraine then it present with nausea vomiting blurring vision sensitivity to light noise smell dizziness in this scenario proper course of medicine is prescribed if an individual is facing headache along with complain of vertigo or ear pain or ear discharge then it is concern to treat ear problem sometimes person is sensitive to some smell or allergic to some medicine it also causes headache so kindly give proper history about your headache for proper treatment and prescription
hi doctor I am a year old unmarried female with no disease ever diagnosed I live a sedentary lifestyle with very little or no exercise I do not smoke and I do not diet I am taking normal oily curry with bread recently I got my lipid profile done and saw that my triglycerides are 30 is it severely low am I at a risk of heart stroke or brain hemorrhage or do I have undiagnosed cancer or just malabsorbtion can you tell me which tests should I get done in order to diagnose the cause
hi your triglyceride level is too low and causes are low fat diet hyperthyearoidism malabsorbation syndrome malnutrition these all are important causes of low triglyceride levels and minimum level must be up to 145 so how we can increase and what we should do let us see consequences you may have low vitamins absorption that ultimately leads to other disorders hyperthyearoidism low fat diet malabsorbation syndrome it do it b12 to ash abc ear got sept bl urea creatinine hyperthyearoidism low fat diet mal absorbation syndrome hypocholestrolemia after investigations after investigations after investigations
hello doctor my father has diabetes and recently we noticed that his toes turn to purple at night especially when he is not walking or standing it goes back to normal when he walks for a little bit we run some tests and I would like a specialist to look at them we consulted a cardio doctor but I am not sure they know what is wrong so I have the lab results and I need a doctor to give me more information on what they mean and what possible directions we could take I also want to share the list of drugs they gave him so far
hi gone through the reports you provided he is having diabetes reports suggest that he is having blockages in leg arteries and also in heart arteries doctors have started on anti platelet drugs and cholesterol lowering drugs prescription looks okay further I will suggest be on all these medications if his toes does not improve within to weeks he may need a procedure to open the limb artery blockages as he is not having any heart related symptoms like chest pain breathing difficulty can wait and watch for heart issue with continuation of prescribed medications
hi doctor I am 46 years old on no medication apart from zinc daily that seems to help with my low testosterone be averages about 10 63 mhg resting pulse between 58 and 65 bum my height is 10 and weigh about 75 keg about five years ago I noticed odd heart rhythms after playing two hours of badminton I ignored them for months but one day after stopping and bending over I had a large clock in my heart and it took off like a rocket about 140bpm after five to ten minutes it clocked back to normal speed this happened about four times over two to three weeks and has never happened again for the past four years I had a stress test 12 lead egg and echo and two weeks hotter all was fine and no more svt I had a repeat egg and echo a few months ago and all is well apart from the odd strong ectopic I do however still have an issue every now and then like the past two weeks for no reason at all my heartbeat becomes very strong still steady and not fast in the 60 at rest and I feel it almost all the time to the point I can see my handshake to my heartbeat whilst holding a phone etc I feel fine but it is very hard to relax and sleep as it is banging really hard I am generally aware of my heartbeat but this is on a different level it is not linked to stress or any external influence that I know of and I have checked my be whilst it feels strong and it is the usual 10 60 my question is are there any physical reasons for this g my dad had angina and triple bypass and is there anything I can do to help it also if I had blocked arteries would the ecgs stress test and echo have picked this up at all I was offered beta blockers by my go which I refused as my heartbeat is not fast
hi it seems that all the tests you had are reassuring what you are describing seems to me as ectopic and a small dose of beta blockers could help but if the resting heart rate is less then 65 bum then better to avoid them in this case if the ectopic burden is very high they can be ablated stress tests except exercise egg will pick up old infact resulted from blocked arteries I doubt that this is the case here
hello doctor I am a 38 year old male my height is feet 10 inches and weighs about 90 keg I am a non alcoholic and non smoking person I have two children now I am facing erectile dysfunction problem first time I used suhagra 25 my and I enjoyed successfully how long I have to use this tablet for natural erections and what are the habits to overcome this problem
hi welcome to icliniq com you can use this tablet for the long term as this tablet does not cure your erectile dysfunction it works when you use it and its effect lasts for few hours to days now coming to the habit to overcome this includes daily exercise or morning walk for at least 40 minutes avoid too much oily food consume low fat diet whole grain foods fruits and vegetables will be useful if having diabetes or hypertension then manage them effectively with the help of drugs and exercise
hi doctor I went for a regular dental cleaning today and the periodontist is strongly recommending local surgery to remove some muscle between my lower lip and gum he scheduled it as a frenectomy and insists it needs to be done to prevent further gum loss as he says the muscle is above the gum and not below where it should be and is pulling at the gums he says its a 30 minutes procedure I needed some advice on what to expect in terms of what the process will be what to expect on the day and after how painful it is likely to be and whether it is likely to cause any sort of facial deformity the periodontist insists it will not be painful as I will be on anesthetic measure but I could really use a second opinion as I am not finding much online regarding this process would it be advisable to get it done or should I refuse to go for it please also advise on what to expect the periodontist recommended taking three days off work which has scared me a little about how big procedure this is compared to what he is telling me
hello welcome to icliniq com I have gone through your query and understand your concern if you pull down your lower lip you will see a small stretch of muscle connecting your lip to the gums just below your lower front teeth this small flap of skin and muscle is called the frenulum frenectomy is a minor surgery that removes this small bit of tissue this procedure is advised if the frenum is highly attached to the gums it constantly pulls our gums down on every lip movement this leads to premature gum recession and early tooth loss this process will be much faster especially in the lower tooth because they are the smallest tooth and have little gums surrounding them on the day of the procedure the frenulum and the gums surrounding it will be anesthetized and the highly attached frenulum will be gently snipped and the remaining tissues will be repositioned and sutured this will be a minor procedure after which you will be put under antibiotics and painkillers for the next three days the next three days to a week will be your healing period during which it is better you avoid or limit talking and lip movements you can take three days off so to facilitate easy healing these three days off is not because of the procedure but because of the sensitivity of those small muscles which is in the process of healing this will not cause any major changes to your facial and lip structure if your frenulum is causing lower gum recession I recommend you to get frenectomy done soon to prevent future gum recession and tooth loss I hope this clears all your concerns
hi doctor I have pericoronitis swelling and pain behind the wisdom tooth I went to the dentist yesterday and he cleaned my mouth and gave me antibiotics penicillin and ibuprofen 600 I have been taking the antibiotics for two days now and I do not feel an improvement is this normal how long does it normally take until it starts getting better should I go back to my dentist tomorrow I take ibuprofen but it only lasts for two to three hours I am also using chlorhexamed forte
hello welcome to icliniq com I understand your concern the loosely attached swollen gums over the wisdom tooth is called as pericoronitis the age of eruption of wisdom teeth is from 17 to 21 years beyond that if the wisdom tooth has not erupted or half erupted gives out pain or swelling it is highly likely to be locked inside the jaw since they are the last ones to erupt most of them do not get enough space to erupt and tries anyways and this causes jaw pain swelling and sometimes the surrounding structures like same side temple ear and throat also gives out pain this wisdom tooth is called an impacted tooth during the first visit antibiotics and painkillers will be prescribed the swelling will come down eventually but if that is impacted it may not come down please visit your dentist and get an ray of your wisdom tooth to check whether there is enough space for it to erupt and to check whether it is erupting in the right direction taking painkillers and antibiotics will help to control pain and swelling but if the tooth is impacted this will not be a permanent solution you may require wisdom tooth removal I hope this helps
hi doctor I have slight be and high cholesterol I am looking to do cardiovascular exercise I have a concern about the spinning cycle some says it affects your main part of the lower body since you put additional load on the same meaning the seat you are sitting blood circulation reduces due to additional pressure and you may face erectile dysfunction I have seen a few pages on the same as well I am afraid if I could do cycling what is your advice
hello welcome to icliniq com if you are a beginner then do not start with intense or advance workout choose an exercise and then slowly start it and as time passes increase its duration and holding position any exercise which intensely starts show harmful effects on the organs of body and overall health always involve a proper healthy diet along with exercise just exercise without proper diet has minimal effect on health instead of it sometimes shows harmful side effects it is better for you to start with light jogging then develop its pace and after a month go for particular workout specific workout also starts slowly and then develop its pace and strength if you have already weakness in your body and have other health issues like cardiac etc then do not do exercise without proper consultation with your doctor about the present and past history of illness I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 30 year old female I have thalassemia minor is there any problem in the future relating to pregnancy and delivery or is it fine to be pregnant at this age with thalassemia minor please reply I dont have any problem now my hemoglobin level keeps between 10 to g do
hello thalassemia minor female can get pregnant and can have a child with normal genome without thalassemia or there can be thalassemia minor in children thalassemia minor is not a major health disease and do not worry about that even though it is present in your future child but you need to rule out thalassemia minor in your husband if your husband is thalassemia minor then the child can have 25 percentage chance of acquiring thalassemia major which is dangerous so kindly rule out thalassemia status of your husband and let me know about that kindly upload your report to guide you further
hello doctor I am under the treatment of infertility and I have started my first cycle of if before the start of the cycle my ovary size is right 81 my and left 79 my treatment plan for 12days I took recagone total dose 1700 iu after 12 days in the hospital they took my embryo and sample from my husband and we choose blastocyst for embryo transfer it was planned after five days of sample collection hospital did the sonography before one day of embryo transfer and they told at this point transfer is not possible due to your ovary size is big we asked for the report and they told its volume is around 385 now they are telling we have to free my sample and need to wait until my ovary size becomes normal after that we have to start for the next cycle with the new cycle cost we asked for the reason if we transfer with the present condition then what will be the risk they explained that it might be dangerous to the mother if I get pregnant I am a little bit confused now what should I do I have done all the precautions which they explained I took leave for 20 days to complete this cycle with success but at last the hospital is telling we have to wait and need to start a new cycle if cycle cost is really high so please guide me what should I do should I take the risk of waiting until my ovary becomes normal
hello with what I understand you have now suffered from ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome where ovarian size and volume has increased to 385cc which is a lot and can cause sudden rupture and collapse in a patient this is a known side effect of follitropin injections if not related now that embryos have formed this cycle they can be freezed for utilizing them in the next normal cycle presently they cannot be used as hyperstimulation syndrome can often be life threatening I hope you have been admitted in the hospital and not at home please report to the hospital or if center and stay under medical supervision until the crisp is tired over no embryo transfer with ovarian hyperstimulation
hello doctor I have a small loose gum flap between my top incisor teeth it has been there for a few months now I thought it would go away in time but it is still there when I accidentally bite on it while eating it hurts the only medication I have taken so far is vitamin chewable tablets but I do not think that will fix it what can I do about this problem
hi I have read through your complaint and the relevant details the loose gummy flap should be caused by any trauma and in my opinion it is getting injured every time you bite by the lower front teeth that could be the reason for not healing instead of plain vitamin I advise you to take multivitamin tablets available in the store as it helps in better healing also I advise you to apply ointment dentogel 20 my thrice daily on the sore area do not rinse it off with water immediately but leave it in place for 15 minutes at least since you said it has been there for four months I reckon you visit the dentist straight to check if there is any particular sharp tooth that hurts that part of your gums if that is the case the sharp portion of the tooth causing injury could be easily smoothened and polished in two minutes if it is possible you could also send me a picture attached with the complaint for better diagnosis