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hello doctor I am a 30 year old female since last night I am suffering from mild chest pain I took digene and gastric medicine thinking it is a gastric problem but I do not find any difference please help
hello I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from chest pain with some numbness in the left arm chest pain can result from various conditions such as muscle strain inflammation of the muscles and tendons around the ribs can result in persistent chest pain which can be become worse with activities acid reflux can result in a recurring discomfort in the chest peptic ulcer disease which are sores in the stomach lining can cause chest tightness or pain panic attack may cause chest pain in addition to nausea dizziness fear rapid heart rate fear etc costochondritis is the inflammation of the cartilage of the rib cage it can cause chest pain which may be aggravated with activities or posture changes any respiratory related diseases like pleurisy to tuberculosis pneumonia etc can cause chest pain again cardiac diseases such as mi myocardial infarction pericarditis hock hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy map mitral valve prolapse etc also can cause chest pain you should undergo car chest ray egg electrocardiogram abc complete blood count echocardiography endoscopy of upper git gastrointestinal tract etc to find out the underlying cause of your chest pain treatment depends on causes so please inform me of the investigation results and check your blood pressure regularly in the meantime you can take gaviscon syearup two teaspoons three times daily domperidone one tablet three times daily lansoprazole capsule30 my once daily for your chest pain
hello doctor I would like to know the reason for pain in the stomach at the right side and blood in the stool once I had blood in stool previously and used homeopathy medicine to stop that but it recurred after five days
hello stomach pain on the right side can occur due to a variety of reasons like stomach infection appendicitis infection in your intestine and problems in your kidneys or the ureters a tube that connects your kidneys to your urinary bladder stomach pain with blood in stools is something to worry about the cause for it can be acute infectious gastroenteritis inflammatory bowel disease or ulcer in your gastrointestinal tract to diagnose all of these I need to ask you some questions do you have any fever do you have weight loss how is the appetite is the blood in stools fresh blood or is it brownish red do you have any history of piles are the stools hard do you have any diarrhea does the stomach pain has any relation to food intake I does it get relieved by eating food or does it increase on eating food once you answer these questions I would suggest what tests to be get done and how to treat the disease I hope this helps
hi doctor I am a 30 year old female I weigh about 45 keg with a height of 3 I am experiencing severe stomachache hyperacidity dizziness and nausea this is the first time I felt and I feel like there is too much acid on my stomach what medications can I take
hello you are experiencing dyspepsia and epigastric pain if I am not wrong it is due to hypersecretion of gastric acid or due to some insult against the gastric mucosa which is a protective layer of the stomach this layer gets eroded due to various reasons like alcohol painkillers etc over secretion of acid might be due to stress lack of sleep lack of alkaline food in the diet etc so check these factors kremil is not competent maalox only gives momentary relief so let us use pips proton pump inhibitors for a few days and shut down the acid production significantly this might give the gastric mucosa some time to heal and become tough again remember these medications which I am going to prescribe are not to be taken perpetually take them as advised gastritis capsule esomeprazole and domperidone early in the morning on empty stomach and at bed time capsule lactobacillus one in the afternoon discontinue maalox sleep well abstain from alcohol for at least 10 days stress relief continue this treatment for ten days and follow up after that
hello doctor my question is about my throat at the back of my throat I can feel that there is a gas coming and it feels warm also it has a bad smell I tried everything but nothing provides a solution to my problem I have tried using chlorhexidine mouthwashes but it did not resolve my issue I have already consulted an ent specialist I have been experiencing occasional tonsil stones but he did not advise anything other than removing them manually so far upon inspection there are no stones present is it possible to have esophageal outpouchings I do not experience vomiting or painful swallowing I have occasional hyperacidity which resolves by taking prazoles my problem is bothering me especially when I talk people say that my breath stinks also I am uncomfortable with a gassy feeling behind my throat I have good oral hygiene and have already visited the dentist and ruled out oral problems as the cause I am also thinking of pnd every morning when I gargle there is a thick mucus on the back of my throat I am desperate for a solution please help
hi welcome to iciniq com the most probable problem out there would be a chronic herd with lor chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease with laryngopharyngeal reflux let me explain what exactly is happening your stomach contains contents that are acidic in nature and is only meant for the stomach if these content reflux or have a reverse entry into your food pipe esophagus or throat which is not meant to handle this acidic oh this can lead to a chronic inflammation leading to chronic ulcers giving a feeling of something stuck on the throat or the floaty feeling repeated belching or even bad odor in your breath yes esophageal diverticula outpouchings are a differential diagnosis and have to be checked with contrast barium swallow the probability of having these outpouchings are less considering as you do not have vomiting or difficulty in swallowing please follow some instructions maintain a strict diet schedule and eat on time avoid oily spicy and cold food items beverages keep a minimum gap of two hours between your last meal and going to bed try to sleep in the left lateral position eat frequently but in little quantities never over eat salt water gargles at least to 10 times a day for one month keep sipping on warm fluids as much as possible avoid exposure to dust by wearing an n95 mask you can consider the following treatment take tablet pantoprazole with domperidome combination once in the morning for 20 days syearup gelusil or mucaine gel one teaspoon three times a day 20 minutes before food the treatment schedule includes more precautionary measures rather than drugs themselves I hope this helps
hi doctor I am a 27 year old male for the past five years I have ulcerative colitis my main problem is bleeding form rectum when I take prednisolone I am fine for maximum of three months and after that again it starts bleeding and also continues with mesacol I also took azathioprine azoran but those medicines cannot stop bleeding only prednisolone is a solution for me what can I do and if I start taking prednisolone again is that any problem how many times in a year can I take prednisolone in five years I took prednisolone for 10 times please suggest solution
hello your history suggests that you have steroid dependent ulcerative colitis so you rightly started azathioprine and I think it should work if you are taking a proper dose you have not shared dose of azoran and your body weight you can take azoran as 5 5 my per keg body weight plus the dose of mesacol is also low increase the dose to at least 4 go day and you can go up to 8 go day maximum regarding frequency of steroid dosing you can take it up to twice per year in case of flare of your disease but it will be better to avoid it if you have a better option azoran because steroid has many long term adverse effects metabolite level of azathioprine complete blood count ear erythrocyte sedimentation rate steroid dependant ulcerative colitis tablet mesacol mesalazine 800 my thrice a day adjust dose of azoran according to metabolite levels avoid nsaids non asteroidal anti inflammatory drugs
hello doctor I have erection problems and dry orgasms sometimes due to neuropathy I have diabetes for 15 years and on insulin recently I have blood pressure and started taking medication for the same cholesterol is also high but now under control do I have a problem with conceiving children
hello I understand your concern I saw your examination report and there are some factors that affect your fertility and some abnormalities first varicocele may affect your fertility a dilated vein can be the cause of your oligoozospermia dry orgasm second semenogram at least 40 of spermatozoids must be mobile in your only and there are abnormalities in your morphology too 30 must be normal in your case there are with normal morphology diabetes may cause abnormalities in your morphology and motility of the semen because the characteristic of semen may vary over time and undergone normal biological variability it is best to repeat the test at least once if abnormalities persist you should have a urologic exam I would recommend a urologic exam and consult a fertility specialist
hello doctor I have been self isolating for three weeks due to coronavirus symptoms and spent two nights in the hospital where I was given oxygen and a chest ray showed typical couid 19 changes I was discharged a week ago and told some couid 19 patients have been coming back with dot and or pe I am on clexane heparin twice a day for two weeks my question is there anything else I can do to prevent blood clots while recovering I have been wearing compression stockings the hospital gave me day and night should I be taking these off at night I am doing some foot and calf exercises and trying to walk a little in the garden too is there anything else I can try
hello kindly answer the following questions to guide you further do you have any risk factors for thrombosis like family history smoking history prolonged bedridden or excess weight does your doctor recommend to take heparin have you confirmed your couid 19 by it per reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction testing by swab are there any other symptoms
hello good morning this is not couid related I just want to ask something since I cannot go out for check up I am delayed for days and yesterday I started to have spotting it is unusual to me since I know if I have my period I do not feel any cramps yesterday and even today the flow is not heavy I can feel dizziness sometimes however the result of my it was negative is there any possibility that I am pregnant my husband and I are hoping to have a baby
welcome to icliniq com as the pregnancy test is negative it is less likely to be pregnancy however inview of false negatives with prep card do a blood test called serum beta hug to confirm it sometimes cycle can be delayed due to hormonal changes stress increase in wt alteration in the diet pattern hypothyearoidism etc if this irregularity continues in subsequent cycles ultrasound pelvis is required to look for the cause note if it is not possible to get blood test done due to lock down repeat the urine pregnancy test right in the morning first morning urine hope the suggestion is useful regards wishes for you to conceive soon delayed cycle hormonal serum beta hug ash us pelvis if irregularity continues hormonal to review with beta hug if any queries
hi doctor almost 40 days back I saw bright red drops of blood coming out when I was passing the stool I saw blood bright red in my stool for next two days and then the problem went away but I became conscious since past week I would noticed very small amount of blood in my stool but last night I saw my stool covered in bright red blood I am also constantly seeing mucus jelly type substance in my stool one other thing I am worried about is I often see grey dark grey liquid thing on my stool I am not sure its blood I do feel fatigued but I am not feeling any kind of pain anywhere in my body even when passing the stool I dont feel any kind of pain but my urge to poop has increased lately my age is 23 and weight is around keg my height is it
hello dear hope you are fine the presentation you described is likely to be a hemorrhoids biles that causing blood in the stool the fatigue you described maybe due to loss of blood that caused anemia I recommend that to confirm the diagnosis to be examined by a surgeon so to make sure it is only hemorrhoid and no other masses there causing your symptoms I also recommend to have blood test abc so to check your hemoglobin once diagnosis is confirmed we will discuss the management which mostly include having high fiber diet and oral laxatives
hi doctor I have a 16 year old daughter who gets leg pains on a regular basis but not so frequent it occurs let us say every three months this started from childhood and she still gets it she told me she cannot sleep at night when she gets these leg pains do you have any advice on home remedies and medication to help her get rid of the pain
hi growing pain are a common cause of leg pain in children these pains are muscle aches that can occur in thighs behind the knees or the calves other possible causes of leg pain that may be more serious can include juvenile idiopathic arthritis jia lupus lyme disease and leukemia if the pain is prolonged fever severe pain rashes sluggish or inactive then it is to worry about but not in your daughter case here some tips which surely will help to treat the pain treatment of growing pains depends on how much pain your child has the following things may ease discomfort and help your child feel better massaging the legs stretching the leg muscles though it is difficult for younger kids need to do it slowly placing a warm cloth or heating pad on the sore leg be careful not to burn the skin and do not use it during sleep the pain should be reduced in two to three weeks if it still continues and she get fever and the above mentioned symptoms then you can take her to the children specialist so that any ibrufen or other medicines can be given by diagnosing it
hello doctor last month my mother went to the hospital for diabetics and her reading is 200 my before having food and after meal reading is 300 doctor gave her 35 points of insulin again she took her sugar test yesterday and her result is 180 within normal levels my mother suffering from fever right now so my question is do this fever occur due to high amount of insulin even though she was within limits now what should we do how much insulin should she take
hi from your history I have noted that your mother was diagnosed with uncontrolled type diabetes and was on insulin since one month now on review yesterday it was found that it is under control with the present dose of insulin coming to your concern insulin will not cause fever whatever dose you are taking but uncontrolled diabetes can be a trigger for infections like urinary infections chest infections and even be more cautious about insulin site infections if you are not properly injecting please make sure you are rotating the sites of injection between the abdomen thighs and upper arm viral fever ti urinary tract infection urine routine hba1c glycated hemoglobin serum creatinine abc complete blood count with ear erythrocyte sedimentation rate continue insulin in the prescribed dose rotate insulin site do regular exercise for 30 minutes per day follow strict diabetic diet review with the above reports please attach your old prescription
hello doctor I bleed whenever I get wet and horny I am currently taking a depo shot every three months and adderall every day for add I am 15 years old my height is 6 and I weigh about 200 pounds please help
hi abnormal uterine bleeding is the most common side effect of depo proverb therapy especially in the early months of use it is a problem whenever bleeding continues for more than 14 days is heavy or symptoms such as pelvic pain accompany it bleeding irregularities that typically occur may include breakthrough bleeding you are having this spotting between periods prolonged periods lighter or heavier periods than normal lack of period usually after one year some women with 10 days of bleeding over two weeks are administered tablet ethinyl estradiol for 10 days and bleeding generally stops in five days other physicians prescribe an estrogen patch if estrogen is contraindicated patients are given 800 my of ibuprofen three times a day for five days in all cases of heavy bleeding apparently related to depo proverb use other causes g cervical malignancy uterine fibroid sexually transmitted diseases should be ruled out before treatment depo proverb acceptors can anticipate irregular bleeding as long as for one year and learn to accept it if not too severe this is the most effective management strategy I hope this helps
hello doctor I have manageable shortness of breath chest tightness but no cold my rays are clean and egg is also normal my be looks high 140 90 mainly I am unable to breathe normally I am feeling little shortness always currently I am taking the last doctor medication I understand it is a bit tough for the doctors to find the solution immediately but looking for the best right now believing in my daily food rather than medicine initially it started with cold on last month I took homeopathy tablets I developed a fever of and took homeopathy medication it sustained for three days fever of 9f so the doctor asked me to report to the near by government medical college hospital I reported and took even the couid test and the result is negative the hospital provided me hydroxychloroquine and rantac tablets after taking that my fever is gone I was fine but suddenly got shortness of breath early this month I am not sure if this was due to any allergy to food on that day I took two eggs and four jack fruit the same day I reported to the hospital they gave two more days of hydroxychloroquine from that time I am having shortness of breath but there was no cold or cough doctor says all the reports are normal but still unable to find the solution
hello welcome to icliniq com I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from shortness of breath chest tightness without any cough and cold shortness of breath chest tightness can result from some conditions which are mentioned below anxiety is a common condition associated with chest tightness shortness of breath rapid heart rate sweating nausea etc herd gastroesophageal reflux disease occurs when stomach acid travels back up from the stomach to the esophagus and associated with chest tightness shortness of breath difficulty swallowing etc muscle strain typically occurs from intense activities like reaching or lifting when twisting related with the same clinical features costochondritis is the inflammation of the cartilage in the rib and associated with the same type of features even pud peptic ulcer disease valvular heart diseases pulmonary hen hypertension esophageal rupture pericarditis hiatus hernia etc can cause chest tightness with shortness of breath treatment depends on the causes so you should undergo eat exercise tolerance testing echo endoscopy of upper git gastrointestinal tract barium swallow test abc complete blood count etc for detection of underlying causes which are responsible for your sufferings you should also undergo fev1 forced expiratory volume bag arterial blood gas analysis spirometry for pulmonary function test reversibility test etc for the diagnosis of bronchial asthma as your pulmonologist has diagnosed earlier according to your prescription
i think I may have chronic sinus infection it started months ago one morning I woke up and blow up my nose with yellow greenish mucus and blood I was having it only in the morning I didn't had any other symptoms except feeling tired I took anvil sinus and used seawater nasal spray it lasted couple weeks after I only had a bit mucus dripping my throat when I woke up but generally felt well until couple months after I started to hurt and feel pressure in my inner right eye I went to walk in clinic and got prescribed amoxicillin potassium clan for days my eye got better but after I stopped antibiotics after couple days I started to feel unwell again so I contacted another doctor online and he prescribed me another antibiotics clarithromycin 500 my for 10 days after I finished them again the same one day past and I didn't felt well I was feeling tired pain in my nose my ears even dizzy my body temperature was higher than regular 37 so I contacted a nurse online and she told me that probably antibiotics doesn't work because I had viral infection and told me to avoid diary take vitamin and probiotics I was taking them and with antibiotics it past two weeks generally I feel better but still have stuffy nose in the morning with a bit yellow mucus hurt my nose or feel pressure in it but I started to worry because I started to have headaches on top of my head sometimes going to the back part and sometimes tingling feeling in the left side of my head also I feel my heart rate is higher specially in the morning I already thinking maybe I am having anxiety when I read what can happen if you dont treat sinus infection I am using corticosteroids nasal spray seawater spray neti pot should I contact again doctor online and ask for more antibiotics I guess with all this coronavirus I cant get referral to ent specialist do you have any advice how I should treat it
hi looks like your having a chronic allergic problem out there now there are certain things which have to be understood in detail allergic rhinitis is an immune complex issue which is innately present and starts showing symptoms at one particular age it basically is a hyper responsiveness to something which is foreign and has accidentally entered into you nose causing cascade of chemical events leading to nasal congestion watery nasal discharge sneezing itching in eye and nose fullness in the ear and often leads to sinusitis causing heaviness in the area of your face involving the frontal and maxillary regions besides your nose antibiotics has a limited role here unless it is an infection that we are treating you have to wear a n95 mask and not allow the triggering factor to enter into your nose in the first place trigerring factors range from dust pollen animal fur fumes strong odours etc and the list is endless allowing the triggering problem to keep entering your nose is just going to prolong the problem through life and no medication will ever be effective nasal steroid sprays have definelty a role to play I usually suggest a combination of a topical steroid such as fluticasone propionate along with a antihistamine such as azelastine hydrochloride puffs in each nostril times a day 12 his apart for months straight certain antiallergics containing fexofenadien 120mg one tab two times a day 12hrs apart for 20 days is effective antibiotics like clarithromycin 500 my twice a day if taken have to used for long months to be extremely effective I give clarithromycin for both its antibiotic and immunomodulatory activity later of which is more important salt water gargles to 10 times a day for 10 days sipping on warm water steam inhalation avoiding cold spicy and oily junk food goes a long way smoking and alcohol to be completely avoided as it slows down the mucociliary activity and leads to secretions inside your nose causing a severe sinusitis and its related problems hope this advice helps
hello I am a 50 year old female who would like to have a breast reduction however I am high risk for vomiting from the anesthesia I have a phobia of vomiting I am a non smoker I have had general anesthesia once before and I vomited several times I am so scared that I have rescefuled the surgery times is there anything else that can be used instead of general anesthesia what can be done to prevent the vomiting thank you
hi general anaesthesia has known post anesthesia effects of nausea retching vomiting etc also these may be due to direct effect of surgery and pain you seem to be very sensitive and anxious to it but usually it is seen that with each subsequent episode of administration of general anaesthesia these effects tend to decrease in severity so if last time you had vomiting postanaesthesia this time it will be less severe in terms of no of episodes etc this will reduce your discomfort also if you may have preexisting herd or gastroduodenal ulcer gastritis these may also cause nausea vomiting postoperative so I would advice discuss issues with your anaesthesiologist and surgeon nausea vomiting can be taken care of by medicines like proton pump inhibitors h2antihistaminics antiemetics which will be give by your physician in recommended doses some pre op anxiolytic medicines on night before surgery will help you reduce anxiety take a light non oily meal on day before surgery so that stomach stays relatively acid free
hi doctor I have stuck a tip in my ear because it was itching and I think I may have burst my eardrum I have some pictures
hello the pictures are not completely clear but I cannot see any perforation when did the cotton piece stuck inside your ear did you notice any blood drops on the cotton piece after getting it out from your ear do you have any other symptoms as tinnitus or ear pain
i have been on nexplanon for a year after my first baby every since the implant I have periods every month before I started birth control I was regular I knew exactly when I was starting my period recently my doctor told me to take birth control pills while on nexaplanon to see if it would decrease my periods I have been taking the pills for a week straight and my period has been on for days which is not normal my period is heavy light it will stop then start again I do not know what I should do I just want my period to go back to normal
dear welcome to iclinq com implanon is associated with altered bleeding patterns generally it settles by a year time 15 to 17 percent may continue to have very heavy long cycle after implanon this is b'cos of the progestronic effect on endometrium do take hematinics as heavy bleeding may result in anemia continue the pills as advised by your gynec for a month and see for changes in pattern if it does not reduce even after pills support you need to meet your gynec for alternative methods of contraception after removing it regards due to the hormonal progestronic effect of nexplanon on the endometrium reassurance hematinics to continue pills plus nexplanon month think about removal if it is too cumbersome
i had a doctor prescribe pack for me yesterday I have shortness of breath and chest tightness I was also wheezing but when he listened to me breathing he did not hear it I am really worried about taking this antibiotic because even though I am not allergic to any medicines that I know of he did not really ask me many other medical questions to see if this was a safe option for me I read this medication can increase heart rate and people have went into cardiac arrest I already have a resting rate of about 105 and pretty bad anxiety I just would like some reassurance that this is safe drug and I do not have to worry about deadly side effects im also a smoker 34 year old female
hello greetings from icliniq I understand that you are worried about the side effect of the prescribed drug in my opinion azithromycin is one of safe drugs so do take the medicine without any doubt secondly I would like to know your history in detail and last but not least according to me its a good time to give a thought about quitting smoking and I can help you do let me know take care spirometry testing with bronchodilator reversibility testing allergic bronchitis bronchial asthma worsening due to smoking cessation when investigations are available and then as required
hello doctor I am a 25 year old female my main concern is dysuria that started the previous night I also had a history of kidney infection when I was young so I am extra cautious about unis I have had a relatively little intake of water this week how can I treat this without going to the hospital for a urinalysis can you prescribe me something
hello welcome to icliniq com I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from dysuria is painful or difficulty in micturition it can be resulted from urinary tract infection ti sad sexually transmitted disease kidney stone ovarian cyst interstitial cystitis vaginal infection bladder cystitis pyelonephritis urethritis etc treatment depends on causes so we should undergo some investigations like urine routine urine m us ultrasound of a serum creatinine urine for s to find out exact causes for your dysuria and then treat them accordingly as an example if causes are cystitis pyelonephritis or urethritis then they have resulted from bacterial indecision so anti bacterial medication should be needed take plenty of water and do not hold urine take cranberry juice and citrus foods you can take cefixime 400 my twice daily for 14 days and abstinence from sexual intercourse during antibiotics
hello doctor my grandmother is 83 years old and has been suffering from a mild form of glaucoma for three years now when we consulted doctors earlier they suggested using eye drops than surgery so we have been using bravo and tear drops daily and she is also able to see properly since one week she is experiencing pain in her eyes and has trouble looking at the light directly her eyes have also turned reddish please help
hello has she got operated for cataract any previous record of vision please share the latest one also share the glaucoma test reports in which she was diagnosed as glaucoma and share the photo of eyes
hi doctor as of now I am suffering pain in my left rib which results in difficulty in breathing I suspect this happens when I fall asleep on the sofa in an awkward position and when I woke up my throat has a little pain but it did not persist but it started to ache on the left rib part I feel the pain towards my shoulder it is almost about two days since I am suffering from this ache I got breathing difficulty especially when I am lying in bed but while standing or sitting I just felt mild difficulty in breathing maybe there is an artery that has been damaged or had been under the bone I am 24 years old
hi I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from difficulty in breathing due to aching of the left rib part that radiates toward shoulder which may occur when you fall asleep on sofa in an awkward position you think your ribs may hurt from sleeping wrong and aching of the rib may radiate towards its intercostal muscle you may feel a sharp pain after intercostal muscle strain or sprain due to sleeping in the wrong position the pain will become worse when you stretch breathe in deeply cough or sneeze the area of the strain between your ribs may be painful to touch again this pain can radiate to shoulders or sometimes side sleeping can cause damage to the rotator cuff and create a lot of pressure in this group of tendons and eventually produce pain you can take tramadol as a painkiller domperidone lansoprazole and diazepam as a muscle relaxant with a sleeping pill
hello doctor I have had post nasal drip since last three months it causes me to cough up mucus from my throat it is very thick sometimes bloody or sometimes cloudy I am also having bloody crusty issues in my nose with sneezing I am not sick no fever no aches do not feel bad I just want to stop the mucus it sometimes chokes me and want to stop the bloody crusty nose with sneezing I tried zyeartec that did not help I also tried flonase no help I am afraid to take benadryl because of other medicines I take for sleep and anxiety what other suggestions do you have
hello are the pictures you shared nasal snort or phlegm from throat attachment removed to protect patient identity do you have any difficulty in swallowing or breathing is there any cough any chest pain do you have wheezing is there any recurrent bleeding in your nasal cavities do you smoke or drink our approach would differ if the bleeding is from upper airways and if it is from the lower in the first scenario we shall give you some nasal lubricant creams with the sprays and see if the bleeding stops in the second we will have to rule out cough and chest problems in either case a nasal endoscopy with a laryngoscope is essential do you have such blood stained mucus from nose throat every single day do revert back to us with all details so that we can help you
hello doctor I have noticed some worrying symptoms lately I am a 24 year old male with no other known condition I have noticed that the back of my neck feels very stiff and rigid when I sit at my desk with my head bent forward to read or look at the monitor to the point that I feel the need have to stand or lie down to alleviate the feeling of discomfort I have noticed that the rigidity disappears when I stand walk or lie down I have been feeling stiff since I have started studying again some days ago I have spent the last two months without doing much no physical activity or studying working due to the lockdown I also have widespread twitching in my thighs calves and feet both legs on my back on my chest on my shoulders in my arms in my hands and in my tongue I have felt twitching almost everywhere for a couple of years now I also noticed that I am unable to put the heel of my left foot down when I stand or walk I have had this issue for years and I was told it was due to tight calf muscles although it feels more accentuated now I would greatly appreciate any input you can give
hi neck pain seems to be due to strain in the neck muscles when you remained in one position for long duration I would suggest you to take simple steps to avoid this take rest for minutes in every 15 to 20 minutes and move your neck side wise and rotate it to right and left in that way strain in neck muscles can be avoided additionally in between isometric neck exercise can be done avoid using thick pillows if this does not work we can start some remedies now regarding twitching do you have weakness anywhere in the body did you lose your muscles mass anywhere in the body do you have any sensory issues do you take any stimulants such as excessive coffee or something else if yes how much do you feel often cramping of muscles regarding foot problem is it always or sometimes can you walk on forefoot can you walk on heels just try walking is it like foot drop lastly why antihistaminic medicines please tell in more and elaborated detail
hi doctor I am 30 years old I am facing delayed menstruation cycles it has been 15 years at the beginning I consulted gynecologists they did ultrasound and there was no cyst doctors said it was because of hormones they prescribed progesterone tablets for days my periods are not regular it varies from 30 45 days sometimes days in last 15 years around 5 times it occurs after 60 days this time it skipped two cycles sometimes I feel pain in legs or back vaginal secretion without any odor it has been 20 days or so that my face is full of pimples even my face is not oily there is no extra hair growth on my face I am sexually inactive
hello welcome to icliniq com the irregular bleeding is also associated with acne and hair growth there are symtomps of hyperandrogenism have you performed a hormonal examination
hello doctor on the my bottom my two front teeth the gums have came up over them but not covered but the gum is higher up than it is in any other teeth in my mouth what caused this can I fix this in home itself
hi that condition of your gum is called localized gingivitis it occurs because of the deposition of calculus and plaque on your teeth and inside the gums margins which causes inflammation of gums that enlarged in size the first treatment is ideally you should visit a dentist and get the scaling cleaning and polishing done once your teeth and gums get cleaned after you will have to maintain your hygiene then after a few days it will become totally fine right now at home you can do proper brushing and flossing and do warm saline I warm water and salt rinses daily it will heal slowly but scaling is genuinely required I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a 40 year old male with abnormally high testosterone all other lab tests came back negative what should be my next step I also have malaise muscle aches anxiety and abdominal pain
hi you sent me cortisol levels report but there is no report for testosterone your cortisol is normal please send the testosterone report
hello doctor my father is 76 years old he often complains of breathlessness and uses nebulizer every day he has chronic gastric and digestion issues as well his other health issues include diabetes be spondylitis and back pain I got an ray done recently please advice
hello I can understand your concern can you send me the ray report and also tell me which nebulization he is using I will be happy to help him further with medicines and investigations
hello doctor I did not get my periods for the last one year now I got a lot of hair fall increase in body weight more hair growth in the face I have thyearoid and when checked before three months it was three times high than the normal now I am not able to go to any hospital please suggest
hi I want to know your age height weight and medications you are on for thyearoid review with your reports
hello doctor I have had an angioplasty now I am taking nebicard so and rosuvagold 20 one each daily and I am also taking ginger lemon honey and apple cider vinegar solution two teaspoons daily and gilly daily I am observing that my be is fluctuating what should I do
hello be blood pressure and pulse are not constant parameters and are ever changing so it is entirely normal for them to show variations we just have to watch that they are not crossing their limits for systolic be 10 to 140 and for diastolic be 60 to 90 is fine and the resting pulse rate between 50 to 90 is appropriate for you so readings anywhere in between are fine also be fluctuations nowadays are more commonly seen due to the use of electronic be apparatus which are over sensitive and cause variations if you are using an electronic be apparatus then you should take three readings at a time with arm resting on the table and completely relaxed and two matching readings are approximate be of yours however if most of the be readings are above or below this range then needs dose change so let me know the details of your readings you should make a chart of it by taking readings frequently say three times a day and each time three readings to know the average for a week period I hope this helps you
hello doctor I have mucus on my throat resulting in wet cough especially at wake up I observed no pain on the throat fever and sneezing I am not taking any medicine but I am regularly taking steam ginger or black tea I getting relief only in the chest but not effective on the throat kindly recommend medication
hi you are probably having what we call as allergic pharyngitis where you usually do not have classical allergic issues such as sneezing watering from the nose but only having mucus and phlegm formation in the throat which causes stickiness irritation and sometimes cough what can be done avoid dust smoke or any irritative substance entering into the nose by wearing an n95 mask salt water gargling at least to 10 times a day for two weeks keep sipping boiled warm water every two hours avoid cold spicy and oily food for the next one month any gastric issues have to be treated in a proper manner you can take tablet allegra fexofenadine and montelukast one tablet two times a day for 10 days tablet mucomix mucinac 600 my one tablet twice daily for 10 days
hello I am a 25 years old girl and after year I am totally depressed my life is getting worse without friends family hobbies do not bother me I have already three gastroenterologists and I have tried for a half year helicid famosan ursosan itoprid duspatalin probiotic vitamin vitamin all types vitamin a nothing much help my new doctor said to me I have to get rid of all medicaments and start without them and the pain is caused by lots of stress and lack of sleep I am in third week on this medication and I am in terrible pain every day no matter what I eat please could you give me some help is there any possibility that after your using these medicaments my stomach is only trying to recover from some shock without pills I have to be patient and continue with this process how to start a new week to heal the stomach pain and get on track with standard meals g for whole one week eat only rice gluten free white bread potatoes and after that start to add something is it possible that taking lots of vitamins zinc omega magnesium yeast probiotics can cause stomach pain acid reflux I have problem with acne and I know it is from the worse digestion I love to exercise but jumping or laying on the floor is sometimes painful what is the best kind of sport to do with stomach issues is it possible that yogurt or milk make stomach pain even I was tested on dairy allergy and everything was ok I love yogurt it is possible that underweight mi 15 is causing all my problems and I have to eat a lot even I am in pain to get healthy weight
hello dear welcome to icliniq I have reviewed your concerns in detail I can sense you are a wonderful lively person who likes exercise and enjoy foods but unfortunately for various reasons you are facing lot of troubles along with health issues that makes the situation even more worse since you have been seen by three gastroenterologist who are expert in the field and are treating you on the line of is major clue is your drugs now for me most important thing is to fix all issues together for that only one person who can do wonders for you is you yourself I am saying it because there is strong gut and brain relation your depression anxiety need to be addressed why you are feeling low and socially isolated we will together work on it as I would recommend you to please sit with yourself in an calm environment and write down the possible solution of ur problems when you will try to find the solutions you can easily kill your problems one by one by different good approaches continue light exerxise practice smiling even to those you do not know just to make ourself happy love nature this is how you life will take lovely turn you will again start to love yourself imagine yourself as a mental fit and happy person how would you feel just imagine for a while I would advise to work on it for your pain related issues please take following meds I hope they will help you in calming the pain to drotaverine 40 my to citalopram 10 my 0 to clonazepam 5 my 1 ispaghol husk 2tsp in glass of water keep it for hours and then take it I hope you all find it useful let me know how you feel after week your feedback will be required so we can help you further humble regards
hello doctor I have back pain on the left side and cannot move on that side the pain was between my belly and back but now it is only on my back at the end of the spinal cord while sitting standing or even sleeping I can feel the pain in this area and it lasts for one week I am currently taking ibubrufen
hi you are very young to actually have persistent back pains there are many causes of pain in the lower back region it can be due to faulty posture related to weak muscles issues with disc narrowing of spinal canal or any bony instability besides many others so accurate diagnosis is the key to proper management of the condition you will have to elaborate on your problem of back pain which means the duration of pain and mode of onset I would also like to ask you if it is associated with any leg pain or any other neurological symptoms like numbness paraesthesias electrical shock like abnormal sensations or any weakness in limbs please also tell me about any associated symptoms like fever weight loss etc what medications you generally take for your existing problem if you have localized back pain with no other symptoms like radiating leg pain neurological symptoms like numbness weakness paresthesias etc then you can start with following recommendations for an initial period of two to three weeks maintain proper posture of your back while working and sleeping if pain is more then you can take a short course of anti inflammatory medication like tab etoricoxib or paracetamol or one which suits you physical therapy initially under the supervision of a trained physiotherapist and then to continue at home adequate calcium and vitamin intake if levels are low in the body ice packs can be applied if your pain is acute then hot fomentation can be done at home analgesic spray for local application can be used and is easily available avoid lifting heavyweight or acute forward bending in the mornings etc we will observe you for the next two to three weeks on how you respond to this conservative management protocol if you are not feeling better then we will have to get some investigations like dynamic rays of lower back and few blood tests for evaluation
i have had pityeariasis rose or for about a week and I am currently weeks pregnant I have had no other symptoms other than the rash after reading a study which found a 62 miscarriage rate when women were infected with or during the first 15 weeks of gestation I am obviously terrified can you provide me with any reassurance or advice on any testing treatment that may be required thanks
thank you for giving me opportunity to treat your skin problem yes you are right there are significant chances of miscarriage if pityeariasis rose appears in first few weeks of gestation mostly miscarriage occurs when pityeariasis rose happens after hav infection according to literature there are also other causes of pityeariasis rose other than hsv6 hsv7 like some drugs medicines vaccination other viruses so first if possible provide me photographs of affected areas of skin which will help me for better diagnosis and proper plan does you had fever or joints pain few days back for viral infection hav you can go for serum ig nested or it per and viral load also pregnancy outcomes depends on body surface area involvement and constitutional symptoms final decision about to continue pregnancy is yours you also consult with your obstetrician gynaecologist for the same thank you
hello doctor my wife is 10 weeks pregnant due to lockdown we are not able to go to the doctor she feels body pain and started spitting a lot from the fourth week she also vomits a lot please tell me what should I do and also suggest health supplements for her
hello nausea and vomiting are pretty much common during the first three to four months of pregnancy which happens due to sudden hormonal changes the body pains she feels is also due to the same reason I am assuming she must be taking folic acid supplements already after she got to know she was pregnant or once the scan was done if not please start them immediately after 14th week she can stop folic acid and switch to iron supplements once nausea and vomiting subside I will be mentioning the tests that she needs to take up as she is already 10 weeks pregnant there will be an important scan in the coming weeks that is between to13 weeks which is called it scan nuchal scan and also a blood test called double marker test which is for the screening of down syndrome in the fetus along with other chromosomal abnormalities called trisomy 13 and 18 please do not miss these tests you can get back to me if you got any further queries pregnancy induced nausea and vomiting it scan 13 weeks dual marker test 13 weeks tablet folvite my daily dominate plus doxylamine pyearidoxine and folic acid two tablets at bedtime for 15 days it reduces nausea and morning sickness tablet emset sos my before food if vomiting is uncontrolled syearup gelusil two teaspoons thrice daily 15 minutes before food for one week small meals at frequent intervals avoid spicy foods drink more water and fluids to avoid getting dehydrated avoid sexual intercourse until 14 weeks to prevent the risk of miscarriages
i have taj disorder and I was wondering if there was anything I could do about the left side taj getting inflamed besides just letting it be and relax as it is pushing on the inside of my ear I can feel hear it making a crackling wet noise when I push my jaw forward or a painful pushing feeling inside my ear when I clench my teeth it started yesterday and is better now that I have slept and it is relaxed but it is still bothering me and the crackling pushing is still there
hi for a taj dysfunction you can consider the following advice spasm in the muscles around the joint can be the reason for this probable dysfunction it will take around weeks for the muscle to get back to normal but chiefly depends on how much precautionary measures mentioned above you have followed I hope I have answered your query if there is anything that I can help please do le me know get well soon warm regards
hi I 17 years old my periods are irregular and sometimes it lasts for 15 days sometimes or sometimes days from last month I got my periods for only days with very light flow and now it again started but very minute little I dont know why its happening like this ply help me
hi dear I understand your concern am also proud that kids of your age are so thoughtful to ask these questions at your age I was not even aware of such things first of all after menarche till 18 years of age your body will be adjusting to the changing hormones and also your hop axis will mature till 18years of age hence irregular cycles are common during this period but in your case your mi is on higher side and obese for your height as per your height your ideal weight should be 5kgs weight reduction will help you best with your periods as more estrogen is produced from body fat it leads to hormonal imbalance also obesity causes insulin resistance and acne also get evaluated for thyroid take tab yaz for months to regulate your periods if you have any questions please feel free to ask if you are satisfied with my answer please leave a feedback
hi I am 20 years old I wanted to ask a hematologist a question because I feel like my primary doctors are not taking the right precautions steps with my current symptoms I have hereditary spherocytosis snapping scapula and what I believe to be a spermatocele during some blood work a few weeks ago my bilirubin was highly elevated my abc was low and at my appointment yesterday they took a urine sample and found a large amount of blood in my urine and I feel like this is very serious considering the blood disorder I have and my doctors keep making me wait days at a time before follow up appointments or more tests and I just feel as though this should be acted on immediately since they still do not know what is going on with me and I just wanted to see if a hematologist could give me some input on what I should do
i have experienced a back injury which has lasted for two months but it has gotten better lately the event happened when I had my back extended to max backbend training and it was just sore afterwards but the next day the range of motions had been very limited which I could not do any extension nor flexion I felt the pain and compression around the sides of my lower back and middle back when I flex and extension degrees was limited as I felt it was at the middle of the spine prevents me to do so I have been doing research about this which can seemingly be al muscle spasm thoracolumbo joint syndrome and have tried gentle stretches also even rested but still experience the pain or discomfort
hi never try to stretch any body part or full body in a first if given a try the same will happen stretching needs to be done on regular while doing exercises and can be extend day by day not by once anyways dont worry about the low back pain here I will suggest you exercises which at first you need to do slow without any pressure for a week then after a can do little fast this will improve your muscles strengthening of lower back apply the ointment to the area of pain cover it for about 10 15mins with a cloth then clean it with warm water following hot water fermentation then do the following exercises all the above exercises to be done carefully atleast once a day for 10 days do not put pressure if pain is severe diclofenac ointment to be used twice a day take accelofenac paracetamol zerodol for three days once a day slowly the range of motion will increase after a week until then take rest properly and take care follow up after a week thank you
hello doctor I have irregular periods and continuous bleeding in the genital area so I am using sanitary pad always and also have some kind of pain in the stomach
hi I understand your concern please tell me when did you attain menarche have your periods been irregular always if yes tell me your cycle length are you married any children are you taking any other medications when were your last periods when was this ultrasound done according to scan reports your endometrium is thick you need to understand diagnostic as well as therapeutic curratage until then take tablet pause of tranexamic acid three times daily for five days and tablet meprate 10 my medroxyprogesterone thrice daily for seven days followed by twice daily for the next week and followed by once daily for the next one week and stop if your cycles are always irregular following the above treatment start diane 35 for three months also take iron folic acid supplements to prevent anemia due to excessive blood loss please answer the above mentioned questions to suggest if anything extra is needed other than the mentioned treatment
hello doctor my lower back pains extremely bad when I stretch backward or forward it is painful to sit as well as while standing when I press my back I feel no pain but the pain starts as soon as my back stretches also my legs shiver due to pain what is the reason
hi I would like to know what do you do and how much physical activity you have in your daily routine
hello doctor I did my blood test yesterday and the cholesterol levels were high the results are as below complete lipid profile test cholesterol 244 my triglycerides 252 my lil direct 174 direct hel cholesterol 34 my do in the cholesterol tests conducted earlier the triglyceride value only was high no medicines were taken started exercises after that again a test was done about a month ago the result was 233 for cholesterol no medicines were taken kindly suggest me if I have to start medication as the value is only going high
hello welcome to icliniq com it is definitely deranged I assume that the test was done after fasting of hours if not then worthwhile to repeat now since you are young it is important to determine whether you will need long term medications or not so you may give a try of healthy lifestyle for 8 weeks if you think you already having a good lifestyle and there is no scope for further improvement or due to unavoidable factors you would not be able to modify lifestyle more then better to be on medications so you should have tablet rosuvastatin 10 my once daily bedtime for weeks and repeat the lipid profile after that let me know the values after weeks if you want to try a healthy lifestyle which is also an option then you may try for eight weeks have low oily fatty and fried foods have less of fast food low calorie foods low butter ghee and low fat milk avoid meat and egg yellow avoid sweets as much as possible try to achieve some weight loss have regular exercises like brisk walking or running according to the capacity repeat the lipid profile after eight weeks of healthy lifestyle to see the response and if there is no response then you need to be on medications if there is a good response then medications are not necessary I hope this helps
hello doctor my stomach gets upset when I drink milk orange juice or even yogurt which is normally good for an upset stomach I cannot digest banana corn flakes and many other foods and it has been going on for a long time I have been to many doctors and they had endoscopy and colonoscopy tests but nothing came out bad please help
hello I can understand you must be very upset about your condition so you see the diets you are kind of allergic to are containing milk protein yes there are some diets that contain no milk but the diet that predisposed you to have stomach upset will disturb your stomach as often as one has allergies to almost every diets the person takes so I suggest you to cut down your dairy intake it occurs due to the deficiency of an enzyme called lactose which usually digests the milk or you can purchase a commercially available drug containing lactose enzyme tablet lactaid 900 fu just every time before having a milk based diet if you want to discuss more I am here to help follow up in one week
hello doctor my main problem is alopecia I had it from 2015 with several patches on the head and now they are gone but the problem is my eyelashes are gone and never grew back I used castor oil garlic and now revitalash and other things two years ago a rheumatologist prescribed me dolquine and I did not have patches but my eyelashes still fell I have lots of problems like hypothyearoidism and hashimoto and currently on euthyearox 100 my doctor told me it has nothing to do with alopecia because it is normal now good to and ash etc I newly knew that I have pro normal result in echo but my glucose is lowered after hour of glucose 75 my intake and my insulin was 60 plus androstenedione 5 and I have hyper prolactinemia for six years on its own did an i'm and no tumor and currently taking dostinex with all these problems I smoke water pipe shisha nargile three times a day
hi your concern is genuine and you are so brave and facing all challenges very bravely you did not mention your prolactin and thyearoid hormone levels loss of hair can be autoimmune as you were treated for it as well and due to hashimoto as well if there is no skin issue involved in the loss of hair you should consult a dermatologist for it may be due to your autoimmune disease hashimoto is autoimmune as well what you can do is that you decrease the ash thyearoid stimulating hormone target to a lower level with increasing levothyearoxine and then see if it has a better effect I hope this helps
hi doctor I need some advice on behalf of my mother who is 67 years old for the past 12 days my mother has been experiencing pain in the throat area feels like something is stuck vomiting mucous weakness body aches white tongue difficulty swallowing and vomiting feeling while talking and eating she vomits about twice a day she consulted an ent and internal medicine doctor ent dismissed her after nothing found in throat using a camera but the internal medicine doctor did some investigations results showed ti epithelial cells 20 25 hpf and pus cells 30 35 and ash 13 raised as well as candid albicans growth from a throat swab she has had this issue every few months and normally clears up on its own but this time it is very severe and not going away current medication cefotil cefuroxime 500 my and clavulanic acid 125 my gelora gel for oral thrush miconazole be motigut for vomiting 10mg thyearoxine 50 mug currently but internal medicine doctor asked to increase the dose to 5 tablets due to high ash urine culture was done and it was normal my query is whether this is a bad infection not bacterial but growth of esophageal candidiasis can be treated by antifungal therapy fluconazole no improvements are seen with many antibiotics oral thrush candid was found on initial appointments and also candid in throat swab is there any harm in trying a course of fluconazole she had a history of fungal infections in the throat which normally clear up on its own this time it seems much more serious if it is fine what dosage would you recommend and for what period
hello yes your mother is suffering from hypothyearoidism oral candidiasis ti urinary tract infection dysphagia oral candidiasis or oral thrush if not improved within five days after starting local antifungal then you may start oral antifungal medication you may use tablet af fluconazole 150 my once a day for one week but in case of old age people may feel nausea or vomiting for this drug then you can give iv fluconazole foran 100 my once a day for five days in old age vitamin b12 deficiency is also common so it may present like glossitis with pharyngitis take vitamin b12 injection weekly once you can give neurobion injection also use candid mouth paint for local application use tablet levosulfuride 25 my twice a day for nausea and vomiting at the same time check for serum electrolytes levels which may be altered in old age lead to vomiting you may give probiotics like capsule gut ok or sporulac sachets to increase the immunity levels and also prevent gut growth of fungus remaining medications you continue the same response to the treatment may take four to five days diabetic patients are more prone to oral candidiasis so check for blood sugar
hello doctor I am a 42 year old male non smoker and non alcoholic for the last two months I am noticing lots of brown patches below my armpits of the left hand and nothing much on the right hand and off late I could sense I am sweating armpits which I never had before will you please consult on this issue
hi what I can make out from your history is that you are having brown patches over the left armpit for two months I want to know no other symptoms in this lesion like if they pain or burn are they increasing in size or same since their start any other family member having such lesions please send a clear photo send history as asked and photo
hello doctor I am writing to you about my partner she has had swollen lymph nodes for the past two years only other symptoms are high car and very slightly higher eosinophils she had an ultrasound of her right side of the neck today and I would like to know if you can see anything unusual also I would like to know what the other two pictures say that are am lymph node or the marked submandibular gland which was operated on two pictures I see three small circles around a big circle and on one of the pictures some of the small circles have something inside of them obviously doctors are investigating possible lymphoma so I would really appreciate your help and if you could take a good look at everything and tell us an opinion about the features of the examined organs
hi let me start with the right neck lymph nodes seen on the images they have a fusiform shape which is a good sign they are mildly enlarged the index one short axis measures my image lymph node with doppler box showing center blood supply which is again a good sign image couple of mildly enlarged lymph nodes image submandibular gland and mildly enlarged lymph nodes with a white center fatty hilum normal image index lymph node measurement long short axis 21 my I would favor benign pathology versus lymphoma due to fusiform shape central blood supply preserved normal fatty hilum and mild enlargement this can also represent systemic inflammatory diseases I hope this helps
hello doctor my baby is months old on starting of 10th month I had a problem in my breasts and stopped feeding by doctor advice I thought cows milk is better than formula because it is natural so I am giving it for the past one month in very diluted form four days before we switched to the formula since cow milk is not available after that he passes stools many times for two days and got fever when consulting a pediatrician he advised not to give cows milk and suggested only formula but now after giving for a day he passed mucus in stools is my baby allergic to formula he is fine with cows milk can I give the same please help
hello welcome to icliniq com cow milk should not be given until year of age usually as it may cause calcium and iron deficiency any change of feeds in babies can cause some change in stool pattern which formula are you giving and how do you prepare it proper concentration is very important have you started weaning and how many times the baby is feeding milk if only two or three times then you can continue with cow milk but do not dilute it
hello doctor I have been using lutera but recently I started having some problems I have been bloated and my period began on the 14th it usually lasts for four to six days so the assumption was that it would conclude on the 19th it is 23rd and I am still lightly bleeding but my breast are tender again I wanted to ask if this could possibly be side effects of the birth control or if there was possibly some other reason for this I did do some research and I found that lutera had been recalled a couple of times I did stop taking it for a while to see if it only happened with the birth control and upon getting back on it the symptoms have persisted I feel like I am gaining weight as well as breaking out with acne a lot more please suggest an opinion
hello lutera has multiple side effects and is not really good contraception in fact all oral contraceptives are not a very good option as contraceptives bloating weight gain irregular spotting are a few side effects larger and other bad side effects are marked suppression of ovulation leading to suppression of the biological clock of females it changes the vaginal environment and therefore causes the growth of multiple bacteria it is also known to cause obesity diabetes it hypertension and breast lumps the best is condoms by the partner and vaginal tablet to be inserted at the time of contact kindly stop taking that tablet take capsule primosa 100 my once daily also take supplement of antioxidants like grape seed extract and multivitamin stop taking pills
hello doctor actually I had sex with my partner during period and after that I have taken I pill within 12 hours after two days my period stopped and now about one month passed but my period did not start yet and I tested with pregnancy kit with negative results some white liquid is leaking and some symptoms make me to feel like I am pregnant what should I do I am confused because the kit shows negative please help
hello welcome to icliniq com I have gone through your query as the urine pregnancy test is negative you are definitely not pregnant right now sometimes the premenstrual symptoms can also be similar to pregnancy because of similar hormones acting in both the situations some amount of menstrual disturbances are known side effects of the emergency contraceptive pill so if you still have a doubt you can recheck it again after three to four days with an early morning sample if still negative you can be sure you are not pregnant just wait for a week for periods to come please use a better and consistent method of birth control in the future like oral contraceptive pills or condoms and repeated emergency contraceptive pill can take a toll on your hormonal balance I hope this helps
hello doctor I was wondering if I could ask a few questions about a potential ectopic pregnancy I recently started new birth control after not taking any sort of birth control for three months called drospirenone and ethinyl tablets up 3mg 02mg and I am now on day of taking the pills I had unprotected sex within the first week of taking the pill however I have always had a really light period and rarely got a period when I was previously taking birth control the last day I had unproductive sex was exactly 19 days ago however about five days ago I started to have more intense cramps on the same side and I am also bleeding this is what it felt like last year before I took a test just way less severe I looked online and learned that I can take a pregnancy test at least 19 days after intercourse so I just took one and it came back negative I am not sure if I am having an ectopic pregnancy or it is just too early to tell if this could be a side effect of the new birth control or if this is just my regular period despite it starting in the middle of my pack
hello you have to know that contraceptive pills will prevent a future pregnancy if you have taken the pills for seven days after that you can have unprotected sexual intercourse so before that you have to use another form of contraception also if you have had sexual intercourse not in your ovulatory day that means at first day of your cycle the possibility of a pregnancy is low the urinary test has a high acurracy if you perform that after a week of menstrual delay I read that you have experienced a rupture ectopic pregnancy last year the typical symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are missed period abdominal pain cramps and spotting I recommend you a hug human chorionic gonadotropin blood test you can repeat that every 48 hours to detect a future pregnancy it will double its value in an intrauterine pregnancy meanwhile the rise of hug value in an ectopic pregnancy has another pattern less than a normal pregnancy also the cop and the medication that you take can affect your cycle I would recommend hug blood test at first if you have the bleeding within your expected date without delay it would be your cycle that has come
hi doctor I would like to have a second opening regarding my daughter case she is just years old and she was having some seizures at night while asleep for 10 15 days we started to observe that she is having jerking movements stiffening of the body and sometimes teeth grinding for about 15 30 seconds I am attaching her consultation and lab report for details
hello I can understand your concern according to your statement your two years baby has been suffering from seizure which lasts for 15 30 seconds anything that interrupts the normal connection between nerve cells in the brain can cause a seizure this includes high fever high or low blood sugar drug withdrawal or brain injury there is various type of seizures like absence seizure tonic clinic seizure atomic seizure clinic seizure tonic seizure myoclonic seizure etc by abc eg and mri of brain we can detect the type of seizure and then treat them accordingly as soon as you know your child is starting to have a seizure you should gently try to get your baby in a position where your baby is safe stay with ur child do not put anything in your child mouth do not try to stop or restrain the child movement children often foam at the mouth during a seizure wash that carefully
hello doctor I have been experiencing rectal bleeding for the past 10 days at first it was light but today I noticed that the bleeding seems more severe it dripped a lot and covered the majority of the toilet paper the stool itself was not red just light brown and regular as always I do not think I have any external cuts or wounds because I do not feel any pain or stinging sensation as I wipe if it were an external wound it would have healed by now I have been wiping gently or dabbing to stop the bleeding although I feel fine no external or internal pain I am anxious and nervous about this development my rectum does bulge out when I pass stools so the obvious is hemorrhoids but the bleeding seems like something from inside
hello yes I do agree you are likely having bleeding from hemorrhoids my recommendation for you will be avoid constipation take ispaghol husk tablespoons in a glass of water keep it for a good four hours and take it take tablet daflon flavonoid 500 my 0 for five days do not worry it will settle I hope this helps constipation excessive straining venous insufficiency increased venous pressure hemorrhoids take plenty of water chew food well take a lot of vegetable and fruits
hello doctor I was wondering is it is normal to have an irregular period after stopping the depo shot my last shot was administered sometime befor three months I do not remember the date I had taken two shots but decided to stop because I kept bleeding and spotting while on the shot I experienced bad cramping and heavy bleeding last month and it has been a month since then and now I have only experienced ovarian pain and brown discharge I am not sure what this means
hello as you mentioned it is a known side effect of depo shot to have irregular spotting or occasional bleeding too and usually the effect of the depo proverb shot last maximum up to three months only depending on the dose the present experience of heavy bleeding and cramps may not be related to your depo shots it may be due to some underlying cause so I would like to know why was depo shot advised for you was it only for contraception birth control or was it for any complaints like excessive bleeding and cramps during your periods which may indicate a process called endometriosis irregular bleeding may indicate some underlying hormonal disturbances which need to be evaluated I would also like to know if you have any recent weight gain excess unwanted facial hair acne problems scalp hair loss headaches visual disturbances etc these may give some clue in finding a reason for this irregular pattern of bleeding also if possible you could share some reports of your previous investigations like ultrasound to help me in guiding you for further evaluation
hi do I was operated for nasal polyps surgery years back from last one month or so it seems that some mucus is always stuck in my throat and I have to clear it every now and then this gets worse while lying on bed I showed it to my ent specialist and he mentioned that it is herd and prescribed some antacid tab that did not work I have no other symptom and I always feel some kind of phlegm in my throat that hardly comes out or go inside while swallowing this is very irritating please prescribe some medicine any lifestyle changes to get rid of this
dear welcome to icliniq I reviewed your history and attach file of ent surgeon the problem you described is very typical of two things postnatal drip or herd as ent surgeon seen you and they ruled out postnatal drip so it is more in favour of herd and another supporting evidence is its aggravation on lying down I will recommend to start following treatment and then get back to me after weeks and let me know the response antacids will not help in it herd postnatal drip herd cap deslansoprazole 60mg before breakfast for weeks
dear doctor I am female 26years old I have been diagnosed with diabetes from past years I take the following medicines every day diamicron 60mg before breakfast gluconorm 500mg after lunch gluconorm 500mg after dinner due to current couid situation I am unable to visit any medical center to perform diabetes related blood tests but I did test my sugar levels at home after breakfast it was 346 I am worried as to how to consult doctors in this present situation my sugar levels are not coming down I eat normal meals in small portions like roti little rice snacks etc my last hba1c tested months back was more than I use to take jardiance before but stopped as I wanted to plan for my pregnancy since my sugar levels are not coming down I am worried about my future can you please guide and suggest as to what action plan I should take to help reduce my sugar levels to normal range appreciate your timely help in this quarantined environment I have thyearoid too taking euthyearox 75mg every morning regards
hi good day thanks for your query I have very uncontrolled diabetes ur lipids are also very high that means ur not controlling ur sugar treating diabetes is not just bring sugar numbers down but avoiding complications which are associated with diabetes it can affect heart kidneys eyes nerves brain and everything first of all you need to stop bread rice pasta potatoes eat less fruits especially mango banana and grapes no sugar in tea no sugary juices ice cream or chocolates exercise at least 40 minutes daily even if it is just a walk if you will not change lifestyle no medication can control ur sugar with the time ur all body can be then affected with diabetes its a dietary disease and treatment is with diet only medication help when you change ur lifestyle if ur planning to be pregnant you need to be on insulin and you need to have hba1c less than 5 in pregnancy you know where ur right now I do not think ur taking good drugs right now either these will increase ur weight and that will lead you to have more sugar did you try glucophage before if yes why you had to stop did you try sitagliptin jardiance is a good drug as well so in my opinion you should be in insulin at present situation if you want to be pregnant especially otherwise the drugs I mentioned are the best choices let me know what you feel if you agree we will start those thanks
hello doctor I had aggressive damaged wisdom teeth removal about a month ago and since then I have a swollen lymph node in my neck on the side of the removal which sometimes it hurts and feel swollen and sometimes normal but it does not go away but for the last two days both sides are swollen and my throat is sore and hurts when I swallow or smoke is this something serious
hello I have seen the image it is showing right follicular tonsillitis with keratitis of the right buccal mucosa and attrition of the teeth with discoloration of the teeth present for tonsillitis you have to use antibiotics like amoxicillin and clavulanic acid 625 my twice a day for five days and tablet azithromycin 500 my first day followed by 250 my once a day for five days avoid cool drinks and alcohol avoid smoking and tobacco chewing use water vapor inhalation and salt water gargling thrice a day for keratitis avoid smoking and use capsule vitamin a once a day for one week eat green leafy vegetables and fruits please consult with your oral pathologist he will examine and if possible will take a biopsy and treat you accordingly I would like to some details how old are you since when you are smoking is lymph node feeling hard or soft it is possible that lymph node enlargement in case of any infection in the oral cavity nose or ears if the lymph node is soft painful and easily moving means it is inflammatory pathology but if it is hard matted and non movable means a malignant pathology
hello doctor I am 26 years old I have a problem with hyperthyearoidism during my pregnancy I am in my fourth month of pregnancy with ash 07 to 161 to 34 what are the complications with this is it good for me to take ptu
hi hyperthyearoidism in pregnancy is usually treated with propylthiouracil 50 100 my day generally treatment is withdrawn four weeks prior to delivery after which normal doses may be resumed your hormone levels are still very high you need to increase your dose pregnancies complicated by uncontrolled hyperthyearoidism may result in higher incidences of spontaneous abortion miscarriage preterm labor low birth weight babies or stillbirths complications of pregnancy including pre eclampsia a condition associated with hypertension low blood platelet count protein in the urine and mental changes may also occur so please increase your dosage another thing I want to highlight is that you should do ash thyearoid stimulating hormone receptor antibodies and to see what is the cause of your hyperthyearoidism is it graves disease these antibodies can enter from the mother blood to the baby blood and stimulate the baby thyearoid gland these antibodies should be measured in the mother during her second trimester of pregnancy because the values that are greater than five times normal have been associated with hyperthyearoidism in the baby at birth
hi doctor I have been having terrible problems with anxiety and depression I was on trepiline and eltroxin for depression when I was younger and I mainly want to know if I can substitute it john wort for 25 my trepiline these episodes definitely worsen around my period so might a vitamin supplement help I am 35 years old so far I have been managing this with breathing techniques mindfulness etc but I really cannot carry on like this anymore please help
hello see just because prozac did not work for you does not mean that you will not respond to other medicines there are at least 15 20 types of antidepressants depression and anxiety are very common and a lot of people have it basically happens when some neurotransmitters such as serotonin reduce in your brain leading to a problem with handling the day to day stresses of life medicines are usually given for two to four months and then tapered off slowly and stopped things like it johns wort eltroxin etc will only add to the effect of the primary antidepressant it will never be a substitute for the medicines still if you wish to try these you can take it johns wort twice a day and also take theanine 200 my once or twice a day theanine is also an over the counter dietary supplement which shows good results for anxiety if you have sleeping issues you can take melatonin my over the counter supplement at night yes taking a probiotic compound along with vitamin will also help also take it once a day
hello doctor I am experiencing brain fog cannot think properly even a single sentence or a numerical or complex problems feel pressure and blockage in head and dizzy and foggy in eyes when I read a palpitation began to start in my head and in overall body and eyes become blurred frequently heart palpitations became to start again and again and I feel uneasiness in gut area my body is stiff all the time stiffness in jaws neck and back area I feel pressure while speaking and it becomes uneasiness for me to speak softly aggression in facial area and some uneasiness in whole body I have use different psychiatric medications psychotherapy and even homeopathy medicine but nothing works mri and eg is normal blood tests are also normal ply doctor give me advice what is going on with me I have sinus problem also
hello dear I am sorry about your health condition which antipsychotic drugs are you using yes sinusitis patients feel foggy mind and heavy ness in the head the heaviness may aggravated on head bending position few anti psychotics usage may also cause cloudy mind with confusion so for sinusitis use water vapour inhalation thrice a day for five days avoid cool drinks and ice creams use tablet monterleukast and levocetrizine once a day for five days do yoga and meditation regularly if symptoms not improved please consult with your treating doctor he will change the dosage and treat you accordingly take care
hello I am a 25 year old woman who recently discovered they are pregnant my period was due on est of this month that same day I took a test that came back positive I have tested several times sense and all have been positive however on the ith I noticed some bleeding the first time it was on the napkin and a bit made it into the toilet then it went away for several hours and then came back but only on my napkin its now almost am and I noticed I am still spotting but very lightly I do have an appointment today to confirm if I am really pregnant but I am concerned
hello welcome to icliniq I would like to let you know that any spotting or bleeding in early pregnancy is a sign of threatened miscarriage you need to visit your doctor so that she can perform a scan to check if the pregnancy is still viable or not also if your previous cycles were totally regular then you would be mostly around weeks gestation so please visit your gynaecologist as soon as possible wishing you good luck and a great health ultrasound for viability and also after the ultrasound to consider progesterone support as advised by your gynaecologist avoid sexual intercourse till est months of pregnancy
small white little heads on my upper lip and on the foreskin of my penis they are visible only when I pull down my foreskin and they are located on my foreskin only they dont itch or hurt I have searched and it looks like fordyce spots
hello doctor I have been diagnosed with a herniated disc at la s1 and bulge at la I have some lower back pain but I also have pain in the groin area which seems to move also in the testicle my question is could the pain in the groin area and in testicles be caused by this herniated disc
hello well the pain of la s1 disc herniation typically is pain on the backside of the thigh and radiates down to the leg on the outer aspect and to the foot the nerves of the groin region are more below but as in your case if the disc prolapse is big then it can also compress nerves of the groin region and can cause pain do you have any bladder issues or any numbness in your private parts
hello doctor I have missed my period for this month last month my date was 29th and my cycle is usually 28 to 30 days I am married and I had tried for pregnancy during my ovulation days now as soon as I missed my period I took the pregnancy test but it came out negative I am having severe back pain abdominal pain leg pain and constipation two days before there was some vaginal discharge of brownish color but there was no bleeding I am not on any medications I tried for pregnancy test today also but again it came out negative can you please tell me if it is or not pregnancy and why all these things are happening to me
hi welcome to iclinq com it is unlikely to be a pregnancy as the card is negative however if you do not get your regular cycles even after one more week do check serum beta hug human chorionic gonadotropin blood test to rule out pregnancy as some times false negatives can happen with urine tests such changes in the cycle pattern that you had mentioned can occur with hormonal imbalance stress weight gain changes in diet and exercise pattern anemia hypothyearoidism etc hormonal serum beta hug if the normal cycle does not revert in a week hormonal reassurance if the cycle pattern continues to be irregular in subsequent cycles then you need to take tis transvaginal scan lifestyle modification
hello doctor I recently have recurring headaches some a little intense and some not I usually just take paracetamol and the pain goes away last night the pain started at top of my head but mostly on the left side the pain eases when I try to massage my head but what is different was the pain intensifies when I lie down I take 5 my nebivolol in the morning for my hypertension I also have panic disorder yesterday I did experience a panic attack in the morning then my headache started in the afternoon then again at night I took clonidine 75 mug which got rid of the headache and helped me sleep
hi with the given information I think you are having a migraine please tell me what is the current frequency of headache per month additionally please answer the following questions do you have nausea or vomiting like sensation with a headache is it a throbbing type or tension type is it mostly one side is there irritation to light and sound how long it goes do you have disturbed sleep any visual disturbances
hello doctor the frequency of urination and thirst has increased from the last two to three days all of a sudden sometimes it is two to three times even in an hour I am a 29 year old male I regularly do hit exercises two times a day
hello as you described the complaints you seemed convinced that it is due to hit high intensity interval training only but there could be many more factors associated with it to know the cause and prescribing further treatment I need to evaluate your case better how much is your daily fluid intake approximately and what is your regular dietary routine for your hit since when you are doing hit do you feel heat in the sole any difficulty in urination any symptoms of headache or any other condition let me know in the follow up about the above questions
hello doctor I have a query regarding my current pregnancy I had a miscarriage last year at my 16th week due to amniotic fluid leakage the doctor could not tell the reason for it and now I am pregnant again with 16 weeks too and this time my doctor suggested me to consider cervical suture as my cervix size is 26 my and I really did not want to do it considering the risks I will have another scan at 18 weeks to check the size again but I am really worried as I had four miscarriages and I do not want to lose this too currently I am taking aspirin and progesterone could you please kindly advise me on this
hello welcome to iclinq com do not think twice it is better you get a cervical stitch done considering your history and present cervical length it would be better if you go for cervical suture obviously as the gestation increases the cervical length would shorten up more the cut off is 25 my so no point in waiting also add weekly intramuscular hydroxyprogesterone caproate injection 500 my would quieten the uterus without contractions until 32 weeks and it helps another thing is strict rest avoid any strain like constipation cough sneeze strenuous exercises etc short cervix cervical stitch strict rest avoid sitting positions as it increases the pressure over internal os when necessary
hello doctor I have been experiencing tooth pain and mild gum swelling for the last two to three days it is paining a lot and I am unable to eat food too kindly suggest remedies I am consuming rajnigandha pan masala for the last two years have reduced the consumption since pain is there
hello I suggest some medicines but please stop the consumption of rajnigandha immediately do not take spicy and hot food take tablet augmenting 625 amoxicillin and clavulanic acid twice daily zerodol so aceclofenac paracetamol and serratiopeptidase twice daily hexigel ointment for topical application all medicine for three days if you have any drug allergy history or allergy please consult your physician before taking medicine follow up after three days
hi doctor I am a 24 year old male I have been having trouble urinating whenever I urinate I feel like there is a blockage that is preventing all the urine coming out at once this requires me to wait for a long time and continue pushing the urine out and then at the end I am using my fingers to squeeze the urethra to get out the last even after all of that there continues to be some dribbling of droplets also sometimes after masturbating I end up having to go every five minutes 10 times to let out a few more drops until it is all emptied out this is something I have been struggling with for quite a while I showed my doctor and he assigned an antibiotics course that did not make a difference I suspect it has something to do with semen blocking the flow of urine but I am not sure and cannot find anything related on google any advice on this would be appreciated
hi semen blocking the way cannot happen so this much thing is clear secondly for how long you are having urinary symptoms you mention do you have any urinary complaints like frequency urgency poor stream nocturia dribbling or burning micturation does your poor flow of urine settles or become somewhat better when you strain during micturation I think it can be a structure disease do you have any history of diabetes or hypertension or any medication taken which antibiotics did you take any history of catheterization or trauma to the penile region
hi doctor I had done antibody for hive rapid screening test at 63 days which was negative and then I did hiv ran mealtime per quantitative test at 69 days which was also negative target not detected I heard per is very sensitive and conclusive is that true at 70 days as well should I be concerned or am I risk free although I am having diarrhea from a few days thank you
hi welcome to icliniq as the test are negative at 69 days so you are free from hiv infection and need not to repeat the test per test is usually not used routinely antigen antibody test can detect almost all cases after weeks if you can tell me about these rapid test for hiv and you have done then I can give more detail which generation test you have tested was it ith generation test ith generation test can pick up more than 95 percent case at weeks and you have tested after 69 days and the results are negative so just relax thanks and regards
over the last couple of years I have had little red bumps all over my thighs and butt the ones on my thighs are mainly on the sides and the back under my butt they are not painful or itchy at all for a while I thought they were razor burn but I have tried different razors and creams gels but nothing is helping they always show up I get them on my inner thighs as well but they are not as bad as the backs and sides the ones on my butt I feel are acne I do not know how to treat it though they mainly show up after I have shaved my bikini zone they show up right on my underwear line and can be kind of painful occasionally I have not been treated for any of these bumps I would like to know how to get ride of them and get smoother skin if there is a product I could get or something I could do I would like to find out
hi doctor I am a 40 year old male I am married with two kids I have been experiencing erection problems for the past eight months I am able to get erection most of the time but it doest last until intercourse my morning erections have disappeared I have no diabetic history no blood pressure nor high cholesterol or other medical conditions my desire is lower than before I used to have a very good and active sex life with my partner until last year please advice
hi I have some questions from my side do partial erection occurs only during intercourse or during masturbation are you able to insert during intercourse or that is also not possible do you have any history of diabetes or hypertension are you a smoker or alcoholic
hello doctor the right part of my body feels tighter that the left I feel pain in my right calf and thigh when I wear trousers and in my right underarm when I wear a shirt what can I do to solve this
hi I understand your concern I need to know more about your symptoms when and how does it start is it increasing day by day or it is the same is it associated with any pain or muscle ache is it aggravated by activity are there any diurnal variations is there any back pain or neck pain any numbness or loss of sensation how about urination any history of trauma or headache the most common cause of stiffness on one side of the body is muscle rigidity also known as muscle tension which can result in muscle pain it is characterized by the inability of the muscles to relax normally we are worried about unilateral stiffness it could be due to spinal cord or brain related conditions such as minor stroke or multiple sclerosis spine injury etc for the same you need evaluation I suggest you should consult your physician symptomatic relief includes physiotherapy isometric exercise and stretching will help you also can use hot fomentation or massage to relax your limbs I hope this helps
hi doctor I have had redness in my eyes I began using tetryzoline but it had no effect the redness has increased in the past two weeks it feels dry itchy and occasionally gritty on my eyes I recently began to experience pain around my eyes on the left side I use to work on the computer for hours a day what medicine can I use that will cure the redness
hi welcome to icliniq com I will tell the medicines as well as ways to tackle the screen time start moxifloxacin plus loteprednol eye drops four times a day for next five days then taper it to two times for the next five days then stop olopatadine 2 percent eye drops two times a day regularly refresh tears eye drops six times a day regularly now coming to the screen time work in a well lit room the main light should come from behind your head every 20 minutes remove your eyes from the screen and focus on a far object for 20 seconds every 45 minutes take a five minutes break from the computer screen make a rule to blink eyes when ever you press space or enter on the keyboard
hello doctor my testicles are very swollen and itchy please help
hello please do mention whether it is painful or not if possible you can attach a photograph of the swelling as of now you can try a topical antifungal that may be available online or over the counter in the us terbinafine ointment apply it over the itching in the morning after shower and before going to bed if possible get a testicular ultrasound done and do post to me fungus us scrotum keep the area dry
hello doctor I have been suffering from digestive problems for the past 10 years I have alternative bowel habits diarrhea loose stools or constipation gas and bloating some days I have to go for even three times a day and it always feels like the food is not properly digested I was at first misdiagnosed for having intestinal to and given strong antibiotics but at last it ended up with the diagnosis of is 10 years before I was stressed and stopped taking prescribed medicines and have been seeking natural treatments like siddha and ayurveda now and then and I found it to be somewhat helpful I need a complete treatment for this now as it affects my day to day lifestyle please suggest
hello welcome to icliniq com I understand that you know very well about your disorder as of now the basic problem with the is irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea is the spastic contraction of bowel and increased secretion of various gut hormones leading to abdominal pain and diarrhea since you have tried many medications so far I see there is still a role of low dose antidepressant medication which help normalize the gut hormones in balance but unfortunately these drugs have some side effects not necessarily mental wise but some physical adverse effects such as dry mouth dry eyes and can sometimes lead to constipation and also could cause increased sleep but since we recommend the patient to start with a low dose and then gradually step up if tolerated well you can take tablet amitryptline to 10 my once daily at night time and your mind will take sometime before actual improvement like it can give you relief in two to four weeks time try it for four weeks and come back to me to discuss if we need to increase the dose or add some add on medication uncontrollable is follow up after weeks
my sister is tracheostomized and bedridden after her fourth surgery done for foramen magnum meningioma she has drooling and now saliva is coming out under the tracheotomy plate she asks for frequent suctioning as she feels difficulty breathing her saturation is above 90 after suctioning since it is lockdown we are worried to take her to hospital is this an emergency
hi if the patient is tracheostomised and if your really sure that the secretions from the tracheotomy tube is saliva then there is a possibility of developing a fistula an abnormal connection between the food pipe oesophagus and the trachea called as tracheosophageal fistula in such a condition we first need to heal the fistula and it can be done by following below mentioned advice there would be a cuff inflator pipe through which air can be inflated and deflated in and out from the cuff even though the inflated cuff prevents faulty aspiration of fluids from the mouth while swallowing it can also create a necrosis around the trachea thus causing the oesophagus to get connected to it you to need to suction the tube and deflate the cuff every his for 15mins so that this raw surface connecting the two heals and saliva from the tube stops coming for few days the patient might be stopped orally and a rules tube might have to be inserted to feed the patient repeated swallowing can again infect the area and might lead to leak of food also through the tube you can go to the emergency of any hospital to get this tube inserted in case its not there I hope this answers your query you can consult me for any further clarification warm regards
hi doctor my wife is 38 years old she had an abortion in 2012 around her six months of pregnancy due to the defects of diabetics from that time onwards she has not taken any treatment for diabetics as per her report pregnancy starts from 18th february we have started insulin eglucent three times and levemir sleeping time as per doctor advice is there any problem to the baby or my wife we are strictly following the diet and taking insulin with regular blood check up four times daily
hi from your history I gather that you have been taking insulin from early pregnancy and closely following it if your blood sugar levels are well controlled with diet exercise and insulin then there is nothing to worry about there is no specific and extra chance for the baby to have any anomalies baby will have all the features of a normal pregnancy the pregnancy complications rate is same as any other normal pregnancy you do not need to worry you can have an it nuchal translucency ultrasound scan at 14 weeks quadruple marker at 15 17 weeks anomaly scan at 19 weeks and fetal echocardiogram at 24 weeks this is just for your satisfaction for every lady with diabetes or previous history so is tested with this do not worry your wife and baby are both doing fine I hope this helps
for piles am using himalayan tablets daily tablets but cant able sit properly due to anal itching please give me a medicine
hello I have reviewed your history the medication you are on is basically ayurvedic which sometime may help and sometime not I would give you some treatment but I want that you should be examined in person by a local general surgeon if any need of surgical removal of this because if pile remain for so long could lead to significant pain and trouble in daily life style at moment take following treatment let me know in one week time if symptoms improve I have written all generic drugs which could be purchased at local store
hi due to this coronavirus pandemic my wife is very scared about the health concerns of our family sometimes she is not able to sleep at all although none of our family is suffering from diseases she is overtly anticipating dire consequences of this coronavirus and obsessively clean this is happening after the pandemic has started no amount of reasoning love patience sensibility is not working please help no other illness age height 7 weight 58
hello doctor I am a 52 year old male my recent labs show elevated levels of bun and creatinine I have hypertension and it is controlled by medication I am a weight trainer and boxer I have followed a high protein diet over the years my lab report shows egfr 71 bun 27 creatinine 32 my fluid intake has been down with my irregular schedule since the pandemic I have increased my water intake now 64 plus oz of water a day and I have stopped taking any protein supplements
hello welcome to icliniq com I would like to know which medicines you take for hypertension I would like to know whether you have done any urine examination rest egfr glomerular filtration rate of 71 is within normal range for you if urine examination is normal I would advise you to decrease the protein intake and avoid protein supplements you take water as much so that urine daily passed is around 5 liters you should avoid any nephrotoxic drugs painkillers herbal medicines if a urine examination was not done previously I would advise you to undergo one routine urine examination and one ultrasound of kidneys
hello doctor my father is 54 years old he has a very heavy sneeze when he sneezes he holds it back and he loses consciousness I tell him not to hold it back but he is physically not able to let it go alone is there anything I can do to help him or anything he should do and are there any dangers in his life
hi first we need to find out what is the cause of recurrent sneezing if you look into the physiology sneeze is a protective reflex often in response to something irritative and offensive which the body wants to push out in order to prevent it from reaching the lungs and thereby into the circulation most commonly it is dust but can be attributed to other irritative substances such as animal fur pollen smoke fumes etc what can be done prevention of entry of irritative substances is the key and plays a major role in preventing allergic responses this can be effectively done by wearing an n95 mask most times even while indoors in addition a combination of antihistaminic and asteroidal spray containing azelastine and fluticasone two puffs two times a day does wonder holding a sneeze inside can be lethal as it is high pressure reflux and by holding the sneeze reverse pressure can be created which has no where else to go but above to the cranium thereby an increase in intracranial pressure causing a vessel to rupture resulting in a stroke this is a far possibility but in elderly individuals it can happen and is lethal secondly an increase in intrathoracic pressure can also stimulate the vagus nerve resulting in vasovagal syncope causing a brief loss of consciousness it is very important that these measures are followed in order to prevent any untoward incident I hope this helps
hello doctor I have two bumps near my vaginal region one is on my thigh and the other is near my vagina they are red outside with a white circle inside what could this be I am currently taking doxycycline for acne
hello sorry the images were not really very clear I would like to know if there are any similar lesions anywhere else on any other parts of the body or if these lesions have any pain or itching are they the same as they appeared two months ago or their texture or locations keep changing if there was any fever when you have these eruptions and did these come out after shaving or waxing but based on one lesion that I could make out probably which was on the thigh it appears like a folliculitis infection in the hair follicle which has gotten infected you can apply clindamycin gel or doxycycline cream over these bumps if they have this yellow topping which indicates they got infected if painful you can take some analgesic like combiflam or diclofenac folliculitis clindamycin gel or doxycycline cream local application change undergarments frequently avoid excessive sweating in the affected area keep the area clean and dry avoid shaving or waxing in the affected area
hi doctor I am writing this on behalf of my mother she is 60 years old and weighs about 86 keg her complaint is very extreme pain on the knee left leg this issue started one year ago and we consulted orthopedics who applied an injection on her knee after verifying an ray report and prescribed a couple of tablets doctor said it is a kind of arthritis there was some relief after that visit my mother again started facing the same problem since last month pain is so extreme from inside the knee that she cannot even move her left leg her right leg is fine kindly prescribe some relief and treatment plan please find the written ray reports for your understanding ray both knee joints marginal osteophytes are seen tibial spines are prominent mild reduction of the medial tibiofemoral joint patellar sour is seen no loose bodies are seen in the joint cavities no soft tissue swelling is seen around the joints impression osteoarthritis note she is not taking any medicine for the above issue for the past one year however she is taking tablets for anxiety blood pressure and diabetics
hello your rays show grade 3 arthritis is worst in both knees however the ray picture does not always match with the clinical symptom as is in your case I will recommend that you take a course of anti inflammatory tablets like diclofenac 100 my so once a day after meals pantoprazole 40 my before meals tablet ultracet paracetamol and tramadol combination maximum twice daily for pain apply dynapar gel linolenic acid and paracetamol locally four to five times a day ice the knee 10 15 minutes when the spray is not applied that is there had to be a gap of 45 minutes between the ice and spray and vice versa if you have access to physiotherapy then tens transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation therapy will help too
hello doctor I took carbamazepine 200 my for the first and last time at the beginning of this year and stopped right after experiencing some side effects from it a month later I discovered that this actually interacts with contraceptive implants which I have been on for one year looking back I have had unprotected sexual intercourse a day after taking carbamazepine I did get a period in january I also took pregnancy tests in february and they all came back negative I still feel anxious though is there any chance that I am actually pregnant and I have been just having some bleeding also has the effect of my implant been permanently affected due to carbamazepine or not
hi why did you take carbamezepine do you have epilepsy
hello doctor I am a 39 year old woman non smoker some times when I clear my throat I spit mucus with a little blood I am not sick and I have no cough what could it be I consulted an ent doctor before
hi how many years do you smoke do you drink alcohol what did the ent doctor say about you
hello doctor I have a cough that lasts for more than a month now this usually occurs during night time while lying and sometimes at dawn at first it was a dry cough then it turns into a wet cough I do not spit yellow or green phlegm it is all sticky white mucus I do not have any history of asthma and this is the first time I experience this I did not experience fever pain in my stomach and ibm I have already taken azithromycin for three days and ambroxyl but still no relief please help
hello I can understand how troublesome it is if it is disturbing your sleep these cough episodes you are having are mostly due to hyperactive airways I would advise you certain investigations mentioned below also I would like to know if you get a cough after exposure to dust pollen or pets do let me know anything that might cause the worsening of your symptoms secondly do you have heartburn or on and off cold bronchial asthma allergic bronchitis spirometry with bronchodilator reversibility testing ray chest blood counts with absolute eosinophil count bronchial asthma allergic bronchitis bronchial asthma allergic bronchitis inhaler formoterol mug budesonide 200 mug with spacer puffs twice daily and can be taken up to four times daily if required and once exacerbation is over it can be tapered off for a month tablet fexofenadine 120 my once a day for a month rest continue previous treatment avoid exposure to allergens per peak expiratory flow rate monitoring follow up with investigation reports
hello doctor I need to know about my hymns type and whether it requires surgery to have sex please help
hello I have seen the attachment you have an anterior lunar the opening of the hymen is more posterior but it does not mean you have to undergo a surgery for defloration for further information perform an examination by a gynecologist
hi doctor I have tested for sept and got the result indicates that I have sept 214 and got 197 now what shall I do please suggest me
hello there are a few things I am worried here
hi doctor I have a small tear in the knee joint but the doctor advised me for arthroscopy how to manage this problem please suggest
hi revert back after one week with the report to an orthopaedician and traumatologist online
hello doctor I have a speech disorder and a constant headache it started before two months when I try to express myself I often stumble upon words repeat them or it takes time for me to think of an appropriate word to say on that certain occasion this seems to be progressively getting worse it is not that I struggle to think and create an idea about a certain topic posed to me it is just I struggle to express them in words when I searched online for speech disorders the best fitting I found is aphasia as it states most of the disorders I just told you about I believe the disorder is not directly damage or change my intelligence my current medication is nurofen please help
hello revert back with answers to the above questions to a speech therapist online
hello sir I am having pain in apegastric region since months but today very high I had taken acidity tablet and antacid syearap whenever I take medicine I feel better for short period of time after that it as usually paining me what should I do
hello it has been very difficulty to see medical advise in this time I appreciate you of using this platform for your medical queries from your history it seems the pain secondary to hypersecretion of acid however there are many other reasons of upper abdominal pain that may not be related with just high acid secretion it is of utmost importance to get some blood and stool test before jumping to treat with medicines also the duration of pain you describe is somewhat worrisome for now I want you take cap esomprazole 40 my before breakfast once daily spy gaviscon mylanta or any available antacid spy but make sure you increase the dose you should take 15 my four times daily just 30 min after meals it is important that you should take capsule before meals and antacid spy after meals I also want if you can get these test before your second visit since we need to rule out any serious thing if present serum amylase and serum lipase liver function tests ash serum lactic acid and stool for pyloric antigen univestigated dyspepsia functional dyspepsia peptic ulcer disease pancreatic cause go pathology I would like to see you in week time
hi kindly help me out I am a psychiatric patient diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder who is on fluoxamine 150 my risperidone my clonazepam 5 my I use to watch porn most of the times in a day for about 18 years I left it recently about 15 days ago and not feeling well more than ever having panic attacks crying lot guilt ptsd ocd intrusive thoughts driving me crazy as porn use to increase dopamine and risperidone is an antagonist of dopamine is this causing a problem kindly let me know what I can do about it and what alternatives can I do to feel normal again
hi doctor I have a son and a daughter my height is 7 and wife is 1 I am extremely worried about my children height as we are short my daughter is now years 10 months old and have 14 keg weight and 38 inches tall she had seizure thrice and taking some sodium liquid medicine for the past three years my son is year old and 10 keg weights and 28 inches tall I want to know what would be the appropriate height of my children as per current status is there anything I can do to increase their height I want my daughter to be 6 tall and son to be it tall will giving protein powder make any difference kindly do the needful
hello I understand your concern I will try to sort it out for you we can add some calcium supplements revert back with the answer to the above questions to a child health specialist online
hello doctor one of my relative aged about 36 years married for years undergone frozen embryo transfer on 14th march and she got positive beta hug human chorionic gonadotropin on 25th she developed vaginal bleeding from ith april varying from light spotting to moderate bleeding on three occasions she was given tranexamic acid for three days on two occasions and this time also advised to take the same she is advised to stop aspirin and enoxoparin which she was on even prior to embryo transfer her scan is showing gestational age of weeks days with fetal heartbeat and such of am she is on duphaston 10 my qid austen 400 qid progynova my qid folic acid mecobalamin aspirin and enoxaparin 60 my daily which she stopped today please advice further management
hello welcome to iclinq com I can understand the struggle she is going through the such subchorionic hematoma is big yet the positive thing is fetal growth of weeks with for fetal heart rate she is on the right medications and I would like to add an antibiotic like augmenting 625 my along with the medication she is already on medication for five days to avoid infected subchorionic hematoma as its big am nothing more could be done let her stay at rest with a sound and a happy mind threatened abortion threatened abortion reassurance continue the same treatment with just an added antibiotic rest and stay positive
hi doctor I had lasik at the age of 26 and had 20 15 vision after the procedure I had 5 and 25 before the surgery I am now 31 and have developed some slight myopia 0 25 and 50 and astigmatism one thing I have always noticed was that both before lasik and now my left eye always seems a bit blurry when looking out of them separately at a distance at times I feel that up close with my corrective lens on it is the reverse and my left is slightly clearer I mean could this just be due to them being two separate organs and maybe my right eye has a higher visual acuity than my left eye at a distance in addition even without my glasses I can read things that my wife cannot at a distance we had her vision checked thinking it must be myopia and she tested 20 or better though I do not really suffer from dryness I use similasan drops frequently throughout the day as a protective measure I work long hours in the computer probably for 12 or more a day I have anti glare coating on my glasses I asked my optometrist if I should be worried about the excessive time on a computer and he said as long as I am using the drops and resting my eyes every 20 30 minutes it should have no effect on my vision as my issues are related to the length of my eyeball even though my prescription is weak I have always been extremely sensitive to the difference in both eyes I know it sounds absurd some things I do are lubricate rest muscles where my glasses which are anti glare etc and have recently changed to lights in my working areas that mic daylight could you summarize and give me a detailed answer as I am actually ocd diagnosed and I obsess about this for some reason I felt that coming here and getting a detailed answer from an ophthalmologist might be more enlightening thank you
hi for further doubts consult an eye care ophthalmologist online
hi doctor my back is really sore I feel dizzy and I sleep on the floor please help
hi for further information consult a chiropractor online
over the past 20 hours ive had constant lightheadedness vertigo and during the day today ive gradually started feeling nauseous no vomiting abdominal pain cramping headache neck stiffness in the past week ive had some abdominal pain on off and acid reflux as well as headaches and general soreness in my neck and shoulders I am only 20mg of dexamfetamine 10mg in the morning and 10mg at midday for add I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and is but these symptoms do not feel similar to what I usually experience no other medications ive been trying to drink water and eat crackers but the nausea and abdominal pain makes it difficult I havent noticed any fever but I did have chills come and go with some sweating but didn't feel feverish
hi thanks for your query the temporal profile suggests mild ongoing inflammation that is causing the problem it could be subclinical inflammation and or infection like a stomach bug also a possibility of drug intolerance to ample along with a drug interaction may be suspected in addition of on phenomenon of am or cos along with gad superimposed may result in this condition in the subsequent sentences and para I would reflect on some measures to mitigate after performing certain investigations flare of inflammation subclinical infection cos flare am flare drug interaction abc ear cop vitamin ash creatinine as above medication effect sari or duloxetine anti inflammatory foods please consult by contacting me through I clinic for rapid assessment and equation to prevent flare or co morbid medical condition emergence
hello doctor I am a 27 year old female this query is all about my frequent nose bleeding it started when I was in grade school I got nose bleed when it is very hot or when the air is dry and it only happens once a month or once every two months for the past three months I got frequent nosebleed for two to four times a week I am doing the basic list to prevent it such as lean a bit forward pinch the nose put ice packs and use petroleum jelly but the thing is it is stressing me out I panic when I see blood I have asthma as well and I do not think that petroleum jelly can help me with it I am taking vitamin 500 my per day and I use seretide 250 diskus for my asthma please help
hi I hope you are doing well I understand your concern I assure you that you need not be worried epistaxis or nasal bleeding is a very common condition and has been reported to occur in up to 60 percent of the general population most nosebleeds are not serious and can be handled easily as you have mentioned most will stop on their own or with simple first aid actions common causes of epistaxis are local causes such as chronic sinusitis nose picking foreign bodies intranasal neoplasm or polyps irritant g cigarette smoke medications g topical corticosteroids rhinitis septal deviation etc if the nose bleed is related to an injury you should be assisted in finding medical assistance urgently some people may be taking medications that make them more prone to bleeding these people should also seek care urgently signs and symptoms include bleeding from one or both nostrils bleeding in the back of the throat causing the victim to vomit blood first aid interventions sit upright and lean forward spit out blood that collects in the back of the throat or mouth pinch the nose firmly use your thumb and index finger to pinch your nostrils shut breathe through your mouth continue to pinch for to 10 minutes local drops such as oxymetazoline or phenylephrine solution can be helpful to prevent re bleeding do not pick or blow your nose and do not bend down for several hours after the bleeding episode during this time remember to keep your head higher than the level of your heart I hope this helps
hi doctor I am 30 years old I am recently doing stretching exercises to loosen up my foreskin the urologist advised me to use betamethasone to help with the exercises or get a surgery which I do not want I finally able to see my glands now and noticed these tiny brown spots is this serious or is it normal I am really worried
hi I have gone through your case in my opinion there are two to three different diagnoses plane warts which are vital infection and mostly acquired sexually the treatment of this is fulguration or cautery lentigenes or freckles which usually require no treatment normal variant moreover betamethasone has nothing to do with these brown spots there is no urgency but see dermatologist physically for one of the above confirmed diagnosis
hello doctor me and my fiance got into unprotected intercourse it was days after my ovulation date both intercourse were not completely done but I doubt on one of the intercourse a pre ejaculation went inside next day I took an spill and my first period after that got delayed for days I supposed to be having my period on 25th but got it on 29th I thought everything is alright and there is no chance of getting pregnant but my second period got delayed for more than days still there is no sign of it I supposed to be having small pain before my period and now there is not even a simple pain please tell me is there any chance of getting pregnant like this
hi please let me know few questions when were your last periods have you had any sex after that are you practicing any methods to avoid pregnancy