1 value
hello doctor I am having issues with hearing pain pressure and sensitivity to noise can slough in ear be painful I am currently using topamax allegra baby aspirin tylenol aleve and ibuprofen
hello sorry I need more details but I will comment on the pictures as clear as possible the first picture shows a lot of shaded superficial layers of the skin this can be painful this may be a dermatological disease like eczema I still do not know which ear is it right or left the last picture seems to be of the left ear the drum is intact no perforation the white patches in the drum are called tympanosclerosis which is deposition of calcium granules within the drum tissue this can happen spontaneously or after healed drum perforation and drum surgeries
not been feeling to good for more than weeks now no appetite so have lost weight night sweats whole body feels weak and uncomfortable all day this has gotten worse during the past week and a half nose and throat feel like they are on fire coughing more after eating stomach also feels like it is on fire gets worse after eating stomach acid reflux after eating and burping a lot after eating sometimes burping up acid reflux calves have difficulty moving very tired no appetite more severe night sweats wake up every half an hour just about each night very tired
hello I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling so well reading about your symptoms the most common differential diagnosis would be herd or gastro esophageal reflux disease it is basically reflux of the acidic content of the stomach into your food pipe or oesophagus that causes all these problems and to confirm the diagnosis I suggest you to meet a gi specialist after the couid situation settles down who will then do an endoscopy to confirm the diagnosis till then try avoiding alcohol citrus juice tomato based products and coffee after meals take a walk inside your premises and wait for 3 hours and then lie down keep an extra pillow to elevate your head while sleeping also stop taking omeprazole and start talking tablet esomeprazole nexpro red nexpro have 1tsp of syearup sucralfate 30 minutes before taking esomeprazole endoscopy urea breath test tab esomeprazole domperidone syearup sucralfate
hi doctor my husband is having pain in penis head the foreskin got backwards and now it not coming back to original form and not covering head of penis yesterday when my husband was urinating he tried pulling foreskin and it went backwards after that it not coming to front before also he was not able to pull it backwards so while having sex and wearing condom there was no problem once when we had unprotected sex his foreskin went backwards and he was in pain the foreskin was coming forward he is in pain what can be done is it normal or not we had sex a month ago with precaution
hello it looks like your husband is suffering from a condition called phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back over the head or glans of the penis now this can happen due to a number of reasons and can be diagnosed only after examination this usually happens when one does not clean under the foreskin can lead to bacteria fungus or other germs accumulating there when this happens for some time it can lead to balanitis inflammation of the glans or the head of the penis has this happened before tight shiny skin on the glans redness around the glans itchiness or irritation of the glans an unpleasant smell tight foreskin that cannot be pulled back etc when this happens it can lead to phimosis after examination only I will be able to diagnose whether it is balanitis or phimosis and whether this is due to bacteria or fungus or some other cause the treatment varies depending on the findings therefore if the pain is severe it would be best to take him to a urologist and get it examined on the other hand if the penis is red and swollen you should take him to the emergency room if you want I can give you a cream for the pain but if there is infection there is a chance it will become worse I understand there is lockdown but if the pain is not too severe you can wait until lockdown is lifted let me know what you decide and any other queries you may have
my mums be level was raised to 160 140 days back we took her to the doc but no one got her admitted to the hospital because of the couid situation they just gave her medications her be is normal now but she has very much weakness she is feeling a lot dizzy she cannot even sit or stand she starts feeling dizzy she has lost all her energy what can I do to get back her energy and she does not have a stable be her be fluctuates some times it is very high sometimes it is very low so she does not take any medications for be cuz her be is fluctuating I need help what can I do
hi I hope you are doing well I can understand your concern I need to know whether she had past history of hypertension or she was on any medication prior to this episode the sudden rise to blood pressure can be due to simple stress anxiety some time pain if she is known hypertensive then skipping medication can cause a sudden rise of blood pressure I have noticed that her diastolic be was high you need to monitor her be regularly also in supine position and standing position also during day time and night time do three to four readings of be it will give us an idea about her blood pressure fluctuation the symptoms she is having are probably due to low blood pressure especially hypertensive elderly people tend to take less salt than required which leads to low salt in their body resulting in hyponatremia which can result in such symptoms I suggest you monitor blood pressure if possible do serum electrolyte and random blood sugar and creatinine continue amlodipine as advised by your doctor I can be changed as per be monitoring hope this will help you
hi doctor my year old son is having a lot of trouble sleeping he snores every night and tosses and turns and has trouble breathing through his nose his doctor says he has enlarged tonsils and adenoids I think he has obstructed sleep apnea because I hear him gasping for air sometimes we did a sleep study and the night of the sleep study he slept well but every night at home he has a lot of trouble sleeping he wakes up a lot talks in his sleep has nightmares and I think he has sleep apnea because I hear him gasping for air sometimes the doctor said we could try flonaise to help him but we read that flonaise can stunt a childs growth the doctor said he could grow into his tonsils and I also heard that years old is very young for tonsil surgery my questions are how worried should I be about his troubled seeping I am not getting any sleep lately because I listen to him all night is it dangerous to let him go on trying to sleep and have so much trouble breathing each night with possible sleep apnea please help I am very concerned
hi if symptoms are too severe we can go for tonsil and adenoids surgery now also flonase is a steroid and it does not affect growth as it will be administered inside the nostril and will have the action only there will not be any systemic or bloodstream absorption how much worried you should be about his tonsil and sleep apnea problem are change in facial features producing adenoids facies irritability of kid he cannot hear properly due to adenoids blocking ear tubes ear discharge reduced development of speech do not get worried just because of the snoring and sleep apnea give him nasal steroids and antihistaminic syearup like zyeartec or allegra syearup of appropriate dosage in some cases we even give oral steroid syearup it does not cause any stunting the way you have understood once you exhaust the above medical treatment option and find no or not much benefit we can discuss about the surgery your doctor is right in giving the medicines flonase etc that is the protocol we can follow the same here the decision to operate may vary with different surgeon take a pediatrician opinion as well do revert back to me if you need more support
hi doctor before two months I had one stent put in the complete blocked artery scans showed heart muscle damage from an old heart attack this was caused by me not taking my be drugs so for the first time in my life I have stuck to taking all my prescribed drugs these were aspirin 75 my amlodipine 10 my atorvastatin 80 my bisoprolol 25 my ticagrelor 90 my it has been eight weeks I felt a great minus few chest giggles presumed this was stent settling and I am still smoking 20 a day now for the last one week I have a severe dry mouth all the time despite drinking and my urine output is liters to my input of liter at night I am going after every two to three minutes my doctor is thinking I have a ti despite being negative for it now they are testing me for gonorrhea and chlamydia my suspicions are that the drugs I am taking causing this I feel like stopping them all together or having the dosage I cannot see my cardiologist until next year is there a link between my drugs and these symptoms and am I safe to temporarily stop a few of them to rule them out if so which ones are crucial and which are not I am eternally grateful for your help
hello all the medicines you are taking are essential medicines and should not be stopped except in case of severe allergy none of these medicines cause increased urination amlodipine is a blood pressure lowering medicine it can be changed to some other medicine this medicine may cause fluid retention and swelling of feet in some patients regarding increased urination possibilities include maybe you are taking medicines called water pills or diuretics which are sometimes given in heart patients these increase urine output please review your medicines ti urinary tract infection may cause increased urination raised be itself may cause increased urination keep be blood pressure in control please reduce weight take mediterranean diet do regular exercise and have a proper sleep never stop or switch to any medicine without consulting a cardiologist
hello doctor I am a year old male I feel pain in my chest as well as back not on a fixed place it was moving pain sore and bad before 25 days after a few days I had a cough during the night then I consulted a doctor and he prescribed me the following medicines augmenting 625 twice daily montair la once daily taco 60 once a week vitamin twice a day after eight days I was normal but it started again after two days then he recommended the same for the next seven days after five days again I was normal but after two days I feel pain in my abdomen center only then I stop taking the medicine and after two days I was normal since last night I am feeling again moving pain in the chest and back and sore throat and pain in the abdomen today I tried for an ray but no one was ready without prescription but I have a report for let please help
hello I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from chest and back pain which is moving in nature and not fixed with a sore throat and abdominal pain since last night you had a cough at night and on medications now for that you had a similar episode three months before too according to your description you are suffering from acid reflux and asthma acid reflux occurs when acid travels up the food pipe to the mouth this can happen when the muscle at the bottom of the food pipe which acts as a gateway to the stomach becomes weak or loose heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest or abdomen and it has nothing do with the heart people feel heartburn behind the breast bone after eating in some cases pain can be felt in the back as well so symptoms of heartburn caused by acid reflux include a burning sensation in the chest a sour taste in the mouth and pain in the middle of the back you can take syearup gaviscon domperidone thrice daily before each meal with lansoprazole once daily before meal and you should always remember that your acid reflux may worsen the asthma condition
hello doctor I have been having rashes on my hands forearms trunk and feet for four weeks now the rashes on my hands and feet have lesions the rashes are not itchy except for those with lesions I also have a small wound or sore on my anus which has been there for three weeks now I believe this is syphilis I have taken loratadine for seven days as prescribed by a doctor here however nothing happened I cannot have it checked due to the quarantine in my area does my condition need immediate medical care or can I take medicine to treat this while waiting for the eco to be lifted I did not have a fever or flu when this started I would also like to add that I have been having dandruff on my beard and mustache and an itchy scalp there are also dry patches on the area near my chin and they are flakey they do not flake sometimes though I have been applying moisturizer on my face since they started to appear another thing the folded skin on my underarm and area behind my knee can sometimes have a burning sensation I did not know what is happening I hope you can help me with this
hello prior to the onset of rashes did you observe any lesion or wound on your penis or sexual encounter with someone who had such may I ask questions about your sexual history how many sexual partners have you had male or female are you aware of your partner promiscuity what do you do any other diseases is this the first time this has happened besides loratadine have you tried taking any other medications any allergies based on the given health data it is likely you may have secondary syphilis can you send photos of the rashes on your trunk or arms where did it start and how did it spread any throat pain or gun lesions if you are having difficulty of breathing fever changes in sensorium numbness or weakness please proceed to the er otherwise we could start treatment for now but will require laboratory results to confirm the diagnosis please do vdrl or ror whichever is available and fta abs or oppa whichever is available I suggest to start doxycycline 100 my twice daily for 14 days please do lab works before starting your medication the results may turn out negative if you have taken your dose and if it is negative we will have to stop the treatment regarding dandruff I suggest to shave your beard use anti dandruff shampoos may continue the application of moisturizer on the affected area regarding the burning sensation it maybe related to syphilis are there any rashes present is it often damp is the area reddish continue to take baths and maintain good proper hygiene please send your abc complete blood count results vdrl venereal disease research laboratory or ror rapid plasma reagin and fta abs fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption or oppa treponema palladium particle agglutination assay abstain from sex for now proper hygiene
hello doctor I have increased ringing in both ears I have been diagnosed with post nasal drip the left ear feels blocked and the left side of the throat feels clogged as well I had taken antibiotics on the prescription but that is not working my ear testing results were normal
hello your problem seems to be due to sinusitis itself can cause clogged feelings in the throat or sinusitis can cause secondary pharyngitis which can cause throat problems do you have a headache or nose block or excessive sneezing I will want you to send me a clear picture of your throat where I can see your tonsils and posterior pharyngeal wall also please let me know the name of the medicines you have been taking and also the duration I am enabling free follow up please revert back
hello doctor my mother is 65 years old she is having a fever for the last seven days she also suffers from stomach problems for the first five days she did not have any stools then she passes stools four times the day before yesterday and few times yesterday probably she has severe amoebiasis but her fever is not receding what to do she is currently on omen once ofloxacin 200 my be azithral 500 my od vizilac one tab ads metronidazole taken for five days and now stopped or in ample amount
hello I reviewed your mother history and investigation the history and low tac total leukocyte count and low platelets on abc complete blood count are suggestive of enteric fever kindly do the following things it does not look like to be amoebiasis us ultrasound abdomen enteric fever continue azithromycin in the same dose and complete five days injection ceftriaxone gram iv in 100 my is daily for seven days tablet paracetamol three times daily or oral rehydration solution use a soft diet get back to me with the us report
hello doctor I have severe heartburn difficulty in breathing gas pain and burping please suggest
hello I can understand your troubles regarding heart burn and difficulty breathing you are having herd gastric esophageal reflux disease and indigestion obesity smoking drugs pregnancy abc complete blood couont ash thyearoid stimulating hormones end esophagogastroduodenoscopy pyloric infection herd dyspepsia capsule esomeperazole 40 my 0 before 30 minutes of meal for 10 days then follow me syearup gaviscon 20 my after every meal maintain a healthy weight excess pounds put pressure on your abdomen pushing up your stomach and causing acid to reflux into your esophagus stop smoking decreases the lower esophageal sphincter ability to function properly elevate the head of your bed if you regularly experience heartburn while trying to sleep place wood or cement blocks under the feet of your bed so that the head end is raised by to inches if you cannot elevate your bed you can insert a wedge between your mattress and box spring to elevate your body from the waist up raising your head with additional pillows is not effective do not lie down after a meal wait at least three hours after eating before lying down or going to bed eat food slowly and chew thoroughly put down your fork after every bite and pick it up again once you have chewed and swallowed that bite avoid foods and drinks that trigger reflux common triggers include fatty or fried foods tomato sauce alcohol chocolate mint garlic onion and caffeine avoid tight fitting clothing clothes that fit tightly around your waist put pressure on your abdomen and the lower esophageal sphincter follow after seven days
hello doctor I am weeks pregnant I used to vomit once or twice a day until now but today I have been vomiting after eating or drinking anything do you suspect it to be a food poisoning or it is normal also can you please suggest some home remedies
hello did you take any outside food or any food that you are not comfortable with recently do you have loose stools if your answer to both the questions are no it is most likely to be vomiting in pregnancy home remedies would be to have a small two hourly food take enough water especially kanji water glucose water etc in the morning as you wake up do not have tea or coffee it would be best to have a dry item like a risk or a biscuit have breakfast only after one hour also please walk around the house or if you are working take small breaks take a good amount of dry fruits have you done your scan and your routine blood tests if not please do those if still not responding to the above measures you can start medications which have no side effects try these for three to four days and then you can get back to me
hello doctor my year old son has a skin colored mole on his back that occasionally appears and causes irritation he has had the mole for the last one year it appears every few months usually when he is active rolling around on the floor or wrestling I notice that the mole looks inflamed and even appears to be filled with fluid after two or three days it always goes back to normal it happened again last week and I am wondering if it is time to get it looked at to ensure it really is just a mole that gets irritated easily
hi kindly send the pictures it can be a boil or molluscum because a mole will not disappear
hi doctor my month old baby is having loose stools for the last 15 days for the last or days the color of poop turned from yellow with mucus to greenish yellow with bad smell I consulted with a pediatrician and he gave antibiotic injection and drops to him but I could not see any improvement homeopathic drops reduce poop frequency but as I stop giving the medicine it all started again I am clueless and under lockdown so I am not able to visit a good doctor
hello thanks for your query you did not mention how many times in a day he passes stool and the name of the antibiotic does your baby breastfeed and please do not give him home or other kinds of medication give him syearup erythromycin one third teaspoon four times daily for seven days please add oral rehydration solution five teaspoonful after each purging please do continue breastfeeding there is a rule for making or please follow the rules for making or make the whole packet at a time and you will be able to use it up to hours after this period please discard the residual you keep an eye on whether your baby urine output is adequate or not if possible do a test for your baby the name of the test is stool m routine microscopic examination and s stool culture and sensitivity test kindly consult in the future if needed
hi doctor I had a tonsil stone removed a few days ago thinking that is what I was feeling in my throat but it was not there is something else I feel when I swallow it does not hurt but just uncomfortable it looks black maybe like a pimple or some kind of a bump
hello I went through the picture you sent the throat especially the posterior pharyngeal wall and palatine pillars appear a bit congested now this could be due to a few reasons either allergy and repeated throat itch infection flu and acid reflux there also seems to be minimal post nasal drip we of course can see the blood clot it could be due to the removal of the stone and the area could have had mild bleeding which eventually formed the clot will you please provide us more details is there any allergy symptom runny nose itch watering of eyes sneezing breathing difficulty etc do you smoke or drink how many times are you gargling how are your eating habits do you have a fever or weakness I would suggest if it were just minimal allergy or flu to take an antihistaminic tablet decongestant or saline nasal spray and a proton pump inhibitor I would go with zyeartec and protonic for a few days zyeartec in the evenings and protonic before breakfast for a week avoid spicy and oily diet desist from smoking and drinking temporarily but it would be ideal if you provide us the details sought so that we can make a more decisive diagnosis and get you the right advice
hi doctor I have a lot of stress issues and thyearoid which causes my hair fall out a lot I came across romaine foam I am wondering if it is safe to use it for me I do not have any patches just hair loss and thinning
hi hair loss occurs due to a variety of reasons most commonly at a young age is it occurs due to androgenetic alopecia it is a type of alopecia due to the sensitivity of our frontal scalp hair to the androgens which increase during puberty it appears at frontal areas and progressive gradually according to the genetic makeup of a person in females it is in the central part of the forehead other type of alopecia occurs due to chronic illness chronic stress chronic drug treatment like chemotherapy and it commence three months after the inciting illness so to treat it we have to rule out any disease in the body stop any drug which may be causing their fall if possible avoid smoking alcohol and do mild exercise take a balanced diet and keep yourself stress free medical treatment includes minoxidil twice daily over the scalp tablet calcium pantothenate and biotin preparation daily regain also contains minoxidil foam preparation better but costly this treatment initially is continued for six weeks then we review the progress in androgenetic alopecia it has to be continued until you need hair to be normal because genetically those hairs have to be fall with medical treatment we are only stopping them associated disease or stress should be treated accordingly initially due to minoxidil there is increased hair fall because the hair which will be weak suddenly fall and strong and dense hair at the place grow which takes time and maximum improvement is seen after eight months of the treatment hair loss has multiple factors so try eliminating all in addition to testing your thyearoid I hope this helps
i have fever very high which was not going I have taken overdose of tynel anvil now the fever is gone after taking medication but now I feel shivering and having a feel like I am having fever but after I check there is no fever my body weight is going down and I feel shivering a lot during day but at night I feel very well
hello sir I am a family doctor from icliniq and will try to answer your questions it seems to me that you have two the first concerns your use of tylenol and anvil you may not have meant to say overdose if however you have taken more than 800 my of ibuprofen or 100 my of tylenol those are excessive doses and could be associated with side effects I would advise you to call the canadian or us poison control center they give excellent free advice about overdoses the second question is in regard to your fever and weight loss I am not sure how long those things have been going on with couid 19 in your area it is possible this could be your problem there are many other causes of fever such as influenza and various other viral and bacterial infections often when a fever falls a person can feel chilled some things that you can do besides using ibuprofen 400 my up to three times a day or tylenol 100 my three times a day include drinking lit of liquids getting rest and isolating your self from others things that would make you want to seek a doctor care would be increasing cough trouble breathing chest pain trouble thinking clearly or inability to care for yourself I will pray that you feel better soon please let us know if you are not getting better or have additional questions
hello I am a 20 year old female I have a few questions regarding my i'd hav and be the itch around the genital area I had first last year and it went away and came back three days ago the ob said I was spotting I recently got my i'd when I visited the ob I got my copper i'd last year and have been experiencing spotting since its not everyday but it happens before and after my heavy periods is this normal I have been to the ob before that too and they told me I have genital warts inside my vagina I plan on just letting it go away since there seems to be no other option I am concerned if the i'd will make the hav worse at the same visit I took a pap smear and results came back positive for be like flora I went undiagnosed will my be go away on its own I do not have symptoms like grey discharge or fishy odor so I am not that worried the reason why I went to the ob last time was because I was itching like crazy down there my discharge was like cottage cheese it went away for a while but just now I checked for the string to my i'd and my finger came out with some cottage cheese like substance do I have a yeast infection been itching for a few days too
hi I understand that your i'd and the vaginal infection is troubling you regarding the i'd it normal to have spotting after putting it in for some time I assume you are having regular periods if so wait for a month as your bleeding is not heavy if it does not normalise then it is wise to see a gynaecologist who will need to check you to see if the position of the i'd is normal regarding the be it would be wise to treat it at the earliest as even if you do not have symptoms now later it can cause issues regarding the hav once your be is treated it would be good to consider taking hav vaccines if you not already vaccinated
is it possible to overexert yourself and then not be able to breathe afterwards for days like chest feels really tight and burns and feels like ive got asthma or something from lifting something heavy been feeling like this a few days now was feeling sick with suspected covid19 for a few weeks felt like I was starting to get better then overexerted myself carrying heavy bags and immediately experienced intense tightness in chest and shortness of breath worse than before went to the er they didn't see anything wrong with heart or lungs got an appointment with a doc but its not until later whats going on er said it could be stress or anxiety and gave ativan which helps some but is it ever going to go away
hello the situation you are going through I can understand its a pandemic that people of the world are suffering your condition is quite similar to covid19 cases but do not worry symptoms like fever loose nose difficult in breathing cough cold and throat pain are for couid positive persons you have just breathing problem here I will tell you something important which will help you in keeping yourself stress free use the tab prescribed by the do also from today start deep breathing exercise at first you wont be able to do breath deep but try to do slowly at first 10 secs increase the count of breathing every minute after few minutes take a deep breath hold for 4 secs and then release increase holding of breath for unto 20secs I know you can do it and you have to do this you are so tired and got over stressed by yourself never get panicked apart from deep breathing exercise do regular walk little bit of muscle strengthening exercise as well all this will help you in gaining your confidence health and heart beat to normal sleep full eat healthy avoid alcohol if consumes never get stressed always stay safe thank you
hello doctor ra patient for 13 years and on treatment with methotrexate leflunomide then suffered from aplastic anemia and at treatment done with partial recovery presently on cyclosporine on the advice of hematologist and hcqs on advice of rheumatologist yeti man chemotherapy was done since then ra was in remission until january 20 lab reports show creatinine 0 urea 39 uric acid 59 hemoglobin 7 tac 26 platelets 168 now the patient is having typical attacks of ra in various joints like hip knee shoulder and neck etc feels lethargic early morning finger joints are swollen with severe pain taking aceclofenac100 with paracetamol 325 almost daily if the pain is less she takes paracetamol 650 please advise medication during lockdown
hello I have gone through your reports it seems her arthritis is flaring up again eventually cyclosporine and hcqs are both very mild when it comes to arthritis management she may have had a prolonged suppression due to rituxan injection at this stage my suggestion would be to restart leflunomide as the tac total leukocyte count is still low methotrexate may not be the best choice secondly she can take injection kenacort 80 my triamcinolone intramuscular once a week for two weeks it will settle the inflammation fast thirdly use minimum pain killers as they are not a wise option when aplastic anemia is in the background I hope this helps
hi doctor I have gouty arthritis and currently I am drinking urinorm to lower my uric acid I am not eating anything that may increase uric acid but I do eat fish and pork right now I am experiencing a pain in my right foot and I was wondering if I can drink colchicine I bought it when I had my gout attack and I do not want to experience the pain again I already had three attacks this year please suggest
hi welcome to icliniq com first of all you need to be sure that you are having pain due to an acute attack of gout or something else since you are already taking urinorm and if you have been regular in taking it you should not have got the attack in case you have been irregular in taking urinorm or you have started it recently it can be an acute attack an acute attack is best treated by nsaids like diclofenac along with serratiopeptidase colchicine you can take but is not going to help you just in case you have been taking urinorm regularly so taking diclofenac is the right choice at this point of time with or without colchicine I hope this helps
hello doctor for the past three days I am having unbearable pain in my right ear I doubt somehow in the meantime of bath some water must have gone through it and by my right ear I could not able to hear anything my right ear hearing capacity is 10 15 and it is closed I have faced this issue twice already please help
hi there are three possibilities for your problem first is impacted wax can be there which can create lots of pain ear fullness and decreased hearing you can use soliwax drops three drops thrice daily for five days second possibility is a fungal infection which usually presents with ear fullness itching and pain if there is no itching and mild discharge then there is very less likely to have a fungal infection third possibility is a eustachian tube catarrh wherein the pain is not as much but your main symptom will ear fullness decreased hearing feeling of water inside your ear history of recent upper respiratory infection or history of previous allergic symptoms and there is usually no itching associated here you can take a tablet containing paracetamol levocetirizine and phenylephrine combination whichever is available in your country one tablet twice daily for five days if the ear fullness does not come down you have to get your ears cleaned by an ent specialist
i have month old twin girl babies after delivery under my left toenail under blood clot and another toenail light shade of grey color no pain but sometimes not comfortable to walk can cure or not mam I am afraid for this so tell the reason and suggestion cure or not all corner of fingernail become bluish after taking onabet lotion drops they are hidden but toenail not cure now I taking zincovit syrup triboost tablet last two month sertaconazole nitrate drops lotion put to all finger nail height 147cm weight 57 keg please tell suggestion mam
i have cylinder power from past 10 months first my power was 5 in right and 75 in left but now I have in my right eye is 5 axis is 180 and in left eye 25 axis is 180 do I need to wear glasses all the time can I wear lenses for this power and also can I go for lasik surgery please reply and my eye power got increase within 6 months is it possible to increase power grastically and also even if I were sex I fell so uncomfortable may be dry eyes and am using eye drop too even though I feel blur not clear uncomfortable in my left eye with power 25 cylinder power any natural treatment is there to reduce the power like exercise food please answer
hi welcome to icliniq I will try to answer all your questions one by one so first of all cylindrical change from 75 to 25 is not significant and most probably it was due to interobserver variation usually refractive error does not change after 20 years age and as you are 27 so less chances are that there is any change 5 change can be observed between exams even on same day so dont worry if you feel comfortable with glasses then you should wear otherwise this is very small error you will be able to do most of your tasks without glasses thats unto you yes you can use lenses no lasik is not suggested for such a small number because even after that you might have error of 5 so don go for any surgery you are almost normal even without glasses change in power already explained above if you are not comfortable with 25 then you should use again go with 75 probably that was your correct preacription no such diet food available that corrects refractive error I hope you I have answered all the questions and have not missed any you are most welcome for any further queries have a nice day god bless you
hello doctor my daughter is going to be years old soon she does not pass stool on daily basis after a gap of 4 days she passes the stool with lot of difficulty which is very hard and sometimes she gets rashes and slight blood stains appear in her potty she eats everything we try giving her lots of water she is also very active this issue has started from last months of irregular potty we tried giving her ayurveda medicine swauff water but that too is not making her do every day before that she used to do every day without any issue kindly advice me what can be done to make her potty loose and the ways I can guide me child to do potty every day awaiting your reply thanks regards
hello hope you are safe thanks for the elaborate history I appreciate your concern for your child regarding constipation first of all include high fibre in diet avoid milk at night start lactulose syearup my 12 holy it will help and please be in follow up may I know the weight of the child and is there any associated complaints abdominal distention is the child passing normal urine is there any fever regarding diet if possible arrange a telephonic conversation with me or if not possible I will send a diet chart which will help regards hope my advice helps idiopathic constipation conservative high fibre diet after day
i have some white spots on my neck and my face too I even noticed a white hair in my eyebrows I have white hair from a long time on my head I have pod problem two months before I had a section delivery after the delivery these spots have come kindly check the pictures attached
hello doctor my husband has been having a lot of issues in the past year he does have a history of colon cancer in his family and I am more concerned he gets excessively bloated looks like a pregnant lady very often he gets bad gas that causes pressure on his chest sometimes he will have problems of belching or passing any kind of gas he will have numbness and tingling in his hands sometimes he gets lower back pain stomach upset and abdominal pain that he describes as feeling like his stomach is being shredded he has trouble with bowel movements often and there is usually a lot of blood he does have hemorrhoids but it is still a lot of blood even with that and I do not know if it is related he is having pain in his testicles not with urinating or ejaculation he has an appointment with a gastroenterologist but it has been pushed back due to the pandemic please help he is currently on cymbalta xanax and adderall
hello it is good that you are concerned regarding your husband with a positive family history we should be alert for any conditions if they are running in the family as per you your husband has multiple gastric problems with back pain and numbness these problems may be due to indigestion and less physical work up it is very common in these lockdown days the alarming issue is he has blood in stool that cannot be ignored it may be due to hemorrhoids but complete checkup is necessary I will advise you some medicines and blood investigation that should be done as early as possible avoid spicy and fatty diet and water intake should be adequate start some physical workup like cardio on treadmill if not possible to go outside regular habit of walking after ever meal will help get back to me any time after investigation gastric upset with bleeding or rectal bleeding colonoscopy with biopsy ultrasound whole abdomen and pelvis complete hemogram with let liver function test kit kidney function test and blood sugar syearup cremaffin four teaspoons at bedtime for seven days tablet rifagut rifaximin 400 my twice daily for seven days pan der pantoprazole once daily on empty stomach for seven days normaxin clidinium bromide chlordiazepoxide dicyclomine twice daily for seven days
hi doctor I currently have recurrent epistaxis this has started since four years on a yearly basis to a daily basis since six months I have been seeing an ent consultant but due to couid 19 I am unable to see him until august I had recent blood tests and mri which came back all clear I had an endoscopic examination that said there was some crusting on the left side and rest all fine believing it is posterior and not anterior epistaxis this is affecting the quality of my life I have also developed bruxism and end with blocked ears now and then I have also got gingivitis as well no hayfever or allergies I am aware of I have had suspected sinusitis but this was not confirmed but every day I have a watery eye especially on the right eye
hello welcome to icliniq com you have recurrent epistaxis and you have been cauterized also a number of times there does not seem to be any obvious pathology on examination by endoscopy I must point out that epistaxis can be idiopathic in more than 50 patients this is because certain patients tend to have nasal mucosa far more friable than others and susceptible to even most trivial trauma like nose picking or forceful blowing even minor colds can cause epistaxis however one has to be careful to rule out other causes hypertension is an important cause but that is usually an affliction of elderly at your age one would like to rule out bleeding diathesis did you ever have bleeding from any other site have you done a coagulation profile though you have mentioned blood tests what about liver and renal function tests are you on any medication other than this further deviated nasal septum with spurs can cause epistaxis did mri mention anything like that in case there is nothing to suggest any underlying cause it is likely to be idiopathic and role of precautions become all that necessary one important thing is to prevent your nose from becoming dry as occurs in dry weather and colds you can use liquid paraffin nasal drops to prevent mucosa from becoming dry and friable further you need to avoid blowing hard or frequent cleaning of nose you can also use topical decongestant like xylometazoline 02 if you develop a bleed avoid using them for more than seven days at stretch you can go for a it computed tomography nose and pins para nasal sinus for having a better information on sinus details
hello doctor my wife has small pimples in between her fingers on both hands and they are itchy it subsides when she uses ice water even wearing gloves gives relief when using detergents or soap it increases two months the back same thing happened and it got cured this is the second time and it is there for the past seven days please suggest remedy
hello I would like to know a few things before coming to a diagnosis is anyone in the family has such itching is itching worse at night does any other part of the body has red spots which soap and detergent you use what all housework you do the attached photos are blurred please send a photo of better quality
hello doctor I noticed that I have a penile skin bridge I thought it was normal at first but after searching on the internet I found that at the age of 24 it can only be removed by surgery is there any other method apart from surgery to remove the penile skin bridge please help
hello if you are talking of phimosis inability to retract the foreskin fully over your glans penis then yes it can be removed only by surgery but do you actually have phimosis is the real question try to retract the skin and the point where it is not possible then click a picture and send it as it is a clinical diagnosis I will be in a better position to tell you what to do next
hi doctor I would like to know what does my lab tells you about my current liver function I began to struggle with daily gout pain a few months ago and finally gave in to taking the traditional drugs about one and a half months ago both allopurinol and probenecid caused worrisome impacts on my body I began to experience flank pain confused thinking and fatigue around this time I was also compelled to have my arc checked because I was struggling with headaches insomnia and various degrees of itching after eating my arc turned out to be 7 I stopped taking the drugs and did a lot of research and was fortunate to find some supplements that seem to be effective at the intersection of both metabolic syndrome and gout presently I have found that berine approximately 100mg day works gout pain is essentially gone and blood sugar seems to be coming under control with each day though my caloric intake in unsustainable low admittedly I have taken some hesperidin ala chromium nac ecgc nigella sativa oil or triple strength turmeric occasionally if I was having a momentary concern not all at once or even all in a day but occasionally my concern is for my ongoing liver function though things seem to be getting better as the day goes on and I have taken some supplements I will start to feel pressure in the middle of my back kidney area and left flank discomfort it tends to have gone away by the time I wake up in the morning on looking at my labs the markers for liver function have fluctuated but my primary care doctor never made mention of them is there anything you can tell me about what the changes in these ratios say
hi I have seen your blood works it is all normal usually during the acute attack of gout we do not start allopurinol or uric acid decreasing medications as it can exaggerate the situation we usually start after the acute situation is treated with drugs like nsaids non asteroidal anti inflammatory drugs allopurinol is started with caution if there is liver disease kidney disease diabetes congestive heart failure and high blood pressure are you pregnant or breastfeeding are you receiving chemotherapy drugs allopurinol can decrease the number of blood cells in your body that causes blood clot and that help you fight infections which can make it easier for you to bleed from an injury or get sick when exposed to others who are ill it can increase liver enzymes to decrease the blood elements but I have seen your blood works and it is fine if someone has kidney stones due to increased uric acid or recurrent gout episodes or uric acid deposition on soft tissues that is the time usually allopurinol is started and continued I think you do not have these problems you need to decrease your protein intake like less meats fish lentils eggs and avoid diuretics which are used to treat high blood pressure alcohol intake to be reduced as well you told your hba1c glycated hemoglobin is 7 that is pre diabetes or borderline diabetes so better check your fasting sugar and sugar after two hours of eating you need to do exercise even if it is just walking for one hour daily stop or reduce carbohydrates especially sugar in tea and sugary juices bread rice pasta and potatoes intermittent fasting can also help in decreasing weight and controlling sugar lifestyle modifications can help a lot in your case have you done any ultrasound abdomen
hello doctor I have noticed some alopecia on my beard it has been there for the past few months I have never had any issues like this before and worried that the hair will not grow back is there anything I can do I am currently taking hydrocortisone for dermatitis in private area
hello I can understand your concern according to your statement you have alopecia on beard it has been there for the last few months and you are on medication like hydrocortisone for dermatitis you may be suffered from alopecia areata which is a peculiar form of hair loss that usually affects the scalp but can occur on any hair bearing skin like your beard for most patients the condition resolves without treatment within a year but the hair loss is sometimes permanent the cause of alopecia areata is probably an autoimmune reaction this means the body immune system incorrectly attacks the body own cells in case of alopecia areata the cells under attack are in the hair follicles structure that grow hair especially follicles within hair bearing skin alopecia areata can be resulted from autoimmune disorders such as atop allergy thyearoiditis vitiligo etc even some studies show that stress family history of alopecia vitamin deficiency like biotin vitamin a d etc nutritional deficiency like iron zinc protein etc can also cause alopecia areata for the treatment of alopecia areata you can use intralesional corticosteroids injections topical minoxidil anthralin cream or ointment and topical corticosteroids by using any of the above mentioned medication and taking vitamin and nutrition that are mentioned above you can get rid of alopecia areata within some months
hi doctor I am 27 weeks pregnant and have been detected with high sept 17 I have full body itching which is getting worse and my doctor has prescribed me udiliv 300 my five times a day for one month is it safe to take udiliv 300 my five times
hello based on the description you mentioned it appears that you have this condition called intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy icp which can cause elevated liver enzymes or bilirubin along with itching but however it is important to rule out other causes of elevated liver enzymes got sept all like hepatitis help syndrome of hemolysis elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count each condition can have different implications in pregnancy please check for your blood pressure records platelets count coagulation profile viral markers hbsag anti hav he egg and i'm it would have been good if you could share the reports of your liver function tests and ultrasound abdomen for liver and also given details about any other symptoms you have faced like any stool or urine color changes skin or eyes color changes any fever any raised blood pressure records or any skin rashes excluding that caused due to scratching because of itching and yes udiliv is totally safe in pregnancy and has shown to improve the symptoms and also the level of liver enzymes in icp please take vitamin supplements to avoid any coagulation defects
i have schizophrenia and am on medication my query relates to how much of medication to have that it has least impact on my professional life my earlier symptoms related to auditory hallucinations and these were handled through medication and a visit to the rehab for months last year I am currently consulting a doc but he is unavailable during these times and I would like to change my doctor too I am six feet tall and 87kg in weight I was first diagnosed as a schizophrenic some years ago the medication I am taking are asprito 40mg olimelt 10 my and diva od 750 my
ten days ago I was eating some soup when some got under my tongue and I felt a sudden sour twang through the right side of my mouth and jaw it gradually subsided in intensity and I examined the inside of my mouth for any tender areas or asymmetries under my tongue there was a very slight swelling of my submandibular duct on the right side but no tenderness or anything strange palpable later that night I was eating some chips when I noticed rapidly increasing discomfort in my right jaw earache and pain when swallowing I felt my throat and discovered a golfball sized swelling under my right jaw on the advice of my father who said it sounded like a blocked salivary gland and said he recently had one as well I used warm salt rinses and external warm compresses within a short period of time the swelling reduced by about half and with repeated rinses gradually reduced over the next day until it was minimal since then I have still had a palpable asymmetry when feeling both sides of my jaw and my submandibular gland has not returned to its ordinary size last night I felt discomfort in that area and realized on examination that it was beginning to swell again I quickly used more salt rinses and a compress and the swelling stopped but it remains a bit more enlarged than it has been over the past few days this morning it seems to be fluctuating slightly in size but I hit it with more salt rinses and compresses and it appears to be stable for now though with a slight referred earache the submandibular duct has not seemed particularly swollen since shortly after the first day of symptoms when I noticed a small white spot forming at the head of the duct which disappeared shortly after using salt rinses I infer that this may have been a very small salivary stone pushing its way out I have been eating and drinking somewhat infrequently for the past few weeks due to a major housing disruption that has only recently been resolved so it is my hope that due to a combination of dehydration and infrequent stimulation of the salivary glands I may simply have developed some small salivary stones that could resolve on their own if I am diligent with salt rinses and compresses at no point have I had any sort of fever or foul taste in the mouth nor any symptoms in any other salivary gland besides my right submandibular gland I also recall eating some hard sharp food 10 days ago that had cut my gums here and there through miscalculated bites so it also seems possible that I traumatized the duct at that time although it is strange to me that swelling would be recurring now after relative reduction of symptoms for over a week though as I noted the gland has never fully returned to a non palpable size even at its best I suppose it must sound like I have self assessed the situation reasonably well but due to the recent resurgence of symptoms which I confess may be due to getting lax with salt rinses or proper hydration I just wanted to seek some qualified medical advice as to whether I am doing the right things so far and at what point I should seek treatment if it does not completely subside the only local ent is not available by referral for 10 months so my only alternative would be to go to the er for assessment or attempt to find a general practitioner in the area we just moved here so we had to leave our old go behind both options are bad for exposure given the current pandemic and my wife is a very high risk individual so I am doing my best to limit exposure unless I cannot help it thank you for listening and for any advice you can lend
hi you have assessed the condition in the best manner any patient could do so considering the problem out there like you have rightly put it looks like we are dealing with an infected gland sialolith or a traumatised duct in all three cases I suggest you to follow the advice mentioned below hydration is the key keep drinking to litres of boiled warm water every day whether your thirsty or not salt water gargles to 10 times a day for month will definetely go a long way you can consider antibiotic clindamycin 300 my three times a day for days this antibiotic has the property of getting excreted majorly through the alive and majorly reaches the salivary glands a shade more than other antibiotics please eat on time spicy oily and junk food have to be avoided at all times for the next one month an ultrasound of the glands is definitely mandatory to see if there is any impacted stone parenchymal issue etc but to be done only once the pandemic subsides considering that you should not be going to hospital for risk of acquiring an infection this will take a while for it to subside but chiefly depends on how much you happen to follow the above advice hope this helps get well soon
hello I had a pilonidal surgery with the cleft lift procedure done an year ago a week or two back I had a slight pain the same region on my lower back and it was a pimple not a big one but just a small one it looked the same I felt like it was filled with pus so I found some home remedies a paste made of baking soda aloe vera turmeric and apple cider vinegar I applied it for on the area and left it to sit for like 2 his everyday it worked wonders and the pimple almost dissapeared today after like days after it had healed I saw that the area was red and a bit too red on two spots im not sure what it is so im concerned im guessing it might be infected or something im not a doctor so I dont know hope you can help me out here coz I dont want another surgery
hello do not worry I will help you regarding your problem you underwent surgery for pilonidal sinus year back now you have or pimple at the same site that may be due to infection of that local area I will prescribe you some medicine please maintain local hygiene shave your hair of that area get back to me after two days I will add some more medicine and local remedies pilonidal sinus sit bath in luke water with betadine times in a day tab augmenting 625mg ads for days tab chymoral forte ads for days tab serradic be for days cap a to od for 10 days
my dad is 57 years only and he is a diabetic months back he was experiencing ear discharge and visited an ent specialist and was diagnosed with an hole in the eardrum he was given medication but the discharge hasn't stopped yet now is not able to hear from the left ear why is this happening is it serious is it curable
hi doctor can ginseng be taken along with antiseizure medicine like valparin I have been asked by my fitness trainer to take ginseng to increase stamina and immunity please suggest me
hello revert back with answers to the above question to an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I had my hemoglobin abc and iron test the result indicates that I have low hemoglobin however my iron level is normal 122 I am confused to take the next step I have been eating spinach beans and red meat also I am taking iron supplements what to do further please suggest me
hello revert back with your blood report to a hematologist online
hi doctor I am a year old male I have been suffering from social anxiety for the past one year although I was extremely shy as a child and up to about 25 years of age after that I overcame my social anxiety and became confident I managed somehow not to care about other peoples opinion about me I could convince with almost anybody because I ignored what the people think or say but for the past one year I have lost my ability to ignore what other people think or say and I have started to value their opinions about me rather than my own opinion about me I have become self conscious shy and quiet I am not feeling depressed or sad but this feeling has made me extremely unproductive and I just think what others think about me my past medication is olanex for the social anxiety please recommend some other medications as this condition has been disturbing my social as well as professional life and my colleagues have started to make fun of me
hi I have read your query and understand your concern social anxiety disorder is really a disturbing condition but can be controlled with proper medicines and behavior therapy anxiety disorders occur in episodes and sometimes follow waxing and waning course you had anxiety before 25 years of age and the anxiety relapsed since last one year the feelings that people are judging you ideas that what others will think or say self consciousness are typical symptoms of social anxiety feelings that you are good for nothing and unproductive are due to co morbid depressive symptoms of social anxiety do you have anxiety during a presentation or in group discussions do you feel shy or stutter while talking to some person of big stature or any problems in talking to females in severe social anxiety such type of anxiety situations is also seen medicines especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors saris are drugs of choice for social anxiety I suggest you to use escitalopram drug the drug is started with my dose for about 10 days and then can be increased to 10 my the drug should be taken in the morning after meals and should be used for about three to four months after four to six weeks the dose can be reduced gradually I suggest you to use propranolol for anxiety provoking situations the drug can be taken about half to one hour before some situations like presentations or group discussions consult your specialist doctor discuss with him or her and take the medicine with their consent these medicines will definitely help in improvement breathing exercise and relaxation exercises will help you to control anxiety apart from this relaxation exercise behavior therapy also helps in reducing the symptoms revert back with answers to the above questions to a psychologist counsellor online
hi doctor I have attached my blood report here for your reference please have a look and give me your suggestion
hello revert back with answers to the above questions to an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I have moles under the nails of each of my big toes they appeared over the last months but I do not remember exactly when the one on my left toe is a round dot in addition to a diagonal line next to it and that goes to the right edge of my nail while the one on my right toe is just a round dot the nails themselves are also somewhat cracked and do not look good I am wondering if there could be cause for concern I am sending a photo of my toe please help me
hi revert back with answers to the above questions to a dermatologist online
hi doctor I am a 45 year old male I had an accident before 10 years at that time my knee ray was done and I was reported to have osteoarthritis I have been suffering from pain for few years I have lower back pain and pain in some of the joints for the past few weeks I have pain in my left palm particularly in my finger joints and more on left middle finger joint also on my foot joints I also feel very fatigued and tired my blood pressure be was 10 70 mhg a week back I am enclosing a comprehensive blood test report which was done very recently and I have advised to take tablet nusam 400 for six months I have been taking for the past two months please suggest me the remedy and preventive measures
hi vitamin deficiency and autoimmune cause ultrasound abdomen and pelvis rheumatoid factor mri of spine with sacroiliac joint and mri of the whole spine screening and ultrasound of hands to look for active arthritis hbsag hepatitis surface antigen and hav hepatitis virus seronegative spondyloarthropathy rheumatoid arthritis seronegative spondyloarthropathy calcirol sachets vitamin 600 units once in a week with a glass of water for six weeks and tablet doll 650 my acetaminophen for pain avoid alcohol and excessive weight lifting also try to avoid painkillers as your liver functions are abnormal for further information consult a rheumatologist online
hi doctor my vitamin level is good and all my blood reports are fine but why am I getting body pain even I sleep for seven to eight hours and still I do not feel fresh I always get the feel to sleep more I took ibuprofen but it does not work it disturbs me in sleeping most of the time pain in lower legs hands and shoulder does not go away do I have cancer in my body and it spread to my bone marrow and result in body pain do I have any cancer in my stomach or pancreas do I have any blood disorder or autoimmune disease or any cancer like leukemia lymphoma or non hodgkin lymphoma in my body also I do not have a fever or cough I do not experience any weight loss I feel tired all the time and feel vomiting after eating please explain my problem and the treatment
hi based on your query my opinion is as follows thyearoid function tests and serum calcium if they are normal then lifestyle modifications lifestyle modifications for further information consult a hematologist online
hello doctor I have an ear infection for about two years but now my ears hurt very badly and feel like they are closing up please help
hi welcome to iciniq com the reason for a chronic ear infection can be due to two reasons there is an abnormal permanent defect in your eardrum such a hole which has not closed up due to the normal healing process leading to recurrent ear infection and discharge in some cases superadded fungal infection might also be present causing itching and pain a dysfunction in your eustachian tubes which basically equalize pressure between your nose and your ear in both scenarios you will feel blocked ears ringing sensations heaviness and decreased hearing would certainly be there follow these steps you have to maintain adequate ear hygiene not allowing any foreign substances such as outside air or water to enter into the ear and thereby creating a recurrent infection do not use tips as they worsen the existing problem by introducing more disease since the tips are often not sterilized get your self examined by an ent specialist to see what exactly is happening in your ear and the probable cause of the problem I hope this helps
hi I had miscarriage then abortion in hospital a year back after that till now I have periods every month same timing like 26 days but no bleeding at all only thick brown discharge drops in a day and it only lasts days I used to have very heavy 6 days periods I am 37 years old I done all tests with doctors no internal external uterus tests nothing found then doctor suggested me to me take contraception pills for months for thinning lining doc said it may be because of it but after months treatment of contraception pills nothing improved what I can do thanks
hi doctor our close family member has leprosy should we need to take met please explain
hi I want to share few facts about leprosy for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor my mom is 65 years old her blood pressure is 180 90 mhg she is suffering from urine infection and her serum uric acid is 6 my do I have attached her other reports for your reference she is currently on norflox 400 twice daily ciploric 300 one tablet daily at night thelma am one tablet met al 50 and alkasol liquid two teaspoon thrice daily please help
hi for further information consult a criticalcare physician online
hi doctor I am a 25 year old male I have been dealing with erectile dysfunction for nearly three years now my sex drives do come and go but it is based on the quality of my semen comes out sometimes I have a good sex drive along with a good hard and my semen will come out rich white and a normal amount of it but those days when I have trouble in getting hard on along with low sex drive semen comes out with a little tint of yellow also my penis is not fully hard not as sensitive and aroused I have dealt with anxiety but later I have been fine but this problem is not getting much better nor getting worse this problem started three years ago in the past one year I am also getting some throbbing pains in the vas deferens I am not too sure of the area because it is hard to pinpoint I feel a pain from the bottom near my testicles to my abdomen and sometimes slight pain in the prostate area it is a pain that I can feel enough to dismiss it and move on I know I should get checked but first I would like to get an opinion from a doctor thank you
hi your descriptions are absolutely right for further doubts consult an andrologist online
hi doctor I am a 25 year old male I am scared of turning into a gay or homosexual in the past I had senseless and intrusive images popping in my head that I am kissing a guy whenever I used to be with my male friends I never felt an attraction towards any guy it happened six years before but never thought about the reason this thing stopped when I asked about this issue to a doctor and he said it as ocd everything was fine for over six to seven months but when I over think about why I am getting those images in my mind then the thing gets worse I check every time when I see a guy whether I am attracted to him or not indeed it sounds like I have gone mad in my office there is a guy who is very attractive but when I fantasize him just to check whether I am normal or turning into a gay I feel weird but I cannot stop myself looking at him I envy him too because I always wanted personality health and voice like him whenever I see him I feel something different as if I am looking a girl I am scared now please help
hello after analyzing your current complaint and taking into consideration your previous history I am of the opinion that your current symptom is also a symptom of obsessive compulsive disorder ocd an obsession is an automatic repetitive intrusive and senseless thought or image which pops into a person mind your previous symptom of seeing images of kissing a guy was an obsession a compulsion is an action that you cannot resist doing despite knowing that it is senseless and should not be done your current symptom is a compulsion obsessive compulsive disorder cognitive behavior therapy anti ocd medications like fluvoxamine or clomipramine for further details consult a psychiatrist online
hi doctor I am having rough period I am worried about my health and about breast cancer as I have fatty breast albeit rare in men also I had undergone ultrasound before seven months and everything was normal before a couple of days some little red marks had appeared in my chest when I press that I feel a tiny bump really close to the surface of the skin but no pain at all what is it please explain me
hi for further information consult a general practitioner online
hi doctor I have red bumps on hands lower back and legs it is also itching a lot in some body portion blood patches had happened due to itching for this itching estrogen liz and locate are used as current medication but no use I am going for liver function test as soon as possible are injections safe to use during pregnancy for severe skin itchiness please help me
hi I have gone through the pictures for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor my son is 20 years old he is tired fatigued and unmotivated for two years since from the childhood he has been troublesome and different from his siblings but he was friendly and loving at that time he had the habit of bedwetting till the age of to it seems that he has add as I go through the symptoms on the internet but a psychiatrist said that he has ocd my son has been disinterested sleepy unmotivated tired moody frequently emotional and angry he quit the college and lost two jobs due to inefficiency he loses interest very quickly and generally lacks enthusiasm he would like to sleep and watch movies all day he goes out to play some days and does not seem to have any close friends we have been trying to get him to see a doctor for over a year finally he came to us and said that he knew he has add he read some stuff online I took him to a psychiatrist the same day and doctor saw him for privately for 10 minutes and said it as ocd he prescribed solotik 50 my and xanax also doctor prescribed vitamin tablets he is not a dwarf but of shorter stature compared to me and his brother also for this he had thyearoid test when he was very young but when he agitated about this we left him should he continue the same medicine please suggest me
hello please describe his symptoms in more detail to help in making diagnosis of ocd obsessive compulsive disorder in general patients with add have high energy and they tend to be impulsive for further information consult a psychiatrist online
hi doctor my father is 50 years old he has swelling in left knee and some liquid is coming out of the knee he consulted an orthopedic doctor and he prescribed some tests and medicine to him also the doctor said his bones are weak please explain me what should I do know also let me know whether my father is taking the right medicine or not what should he do according to you and about doctor comment on weak bones also how to cure that should he massage with hot water bag or ice I am attaching the photos of my father knee and prescriptions please guide me for the next step
hi revert back with the ray report to an orthopaedician and traumatologist online
hi doctor I am a 36 year old male I have been having itchy rashes and white layer on my penis with burning sensation since 20 days the symptoms subsided with dettol hand wash but again it reappeared please help me
hello I have gone through your query and I have understood it for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor a chinese fir tree needle stuck in my arm it caused a red bump or rash on my arm the infected area has spread and has grown it is itchy and burning I am taking epipen injection for my mushroom allergy I had two benadryl tablets and hydrocortisone for the rashes please help me
hello I have gone through the details quoted for further information consult a general medicine physician online
hi doctor I took one I pill yesterday morning at am and then had an unprotected sex at am do I need to take another pill what is the side effect of consuming I pill twice what is a regular birth control
hi for further information consult a sexologist online
hi doctor my teeth are very translucent I do not know the reason is there a medical reason for this I never smoke and rarely drink are there supplements that I can take to remineralize them would that help
hello for further doubts consult a dentist online
hi doctor I am a 30 year old female actually I have hormone problems I have periods problems and without medicine I will not get periods my uterus and ovaries were smaller in size now with artificial hormones the size of the uterus has become normal can I get if will it be successful
hi revert back with the answers to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I am 25 years old one night when I tried to go off to sleep I had racing thoughts that I had no control over I did not hear any voices just thoughts I could not track them or process them I was really scared as a result this phenomenon has been happening whenever I try to go off to sleep or wake up from sleep now very recently I moved abroad I felt extremely depressed and stressed about this I started having sleep problems all of a sudden being a hypochondriac I thought this must be something fatal this led me to be stressed anxious and depressed I have been searching on the internet obsessively for five months and I came across schizophrenia I was terrified ever since then I started searching for schizophrenia obsessively and my symptoms worsened I thought I started to hear voices after reading about them but actually at most they are silent thoughts that occasionally mock me I have random words pop into my mind at odd occasions after reading about paranoias I seem to be developing them too I get scared or threatened by people for no reason I am more concerned about the fact that why am I getting scared of people rather than actually scared of them I feel extremely detached from reality like I am just going through the motions I am extremely tired and sleepy throughout the day my appetite has declined completely I cannot do anything I visited four doctors and all told me that I have extreme anxiety and depression can anxiety and depression cause these symptoms can being a hypochondriac lead to this when I talk to a friend on the phone I have an engaging conversation laugh and cheer up and then I think should I feel threatened by him am I losing control I speak fluently and I go about my activities fine most of the symptoms that I have developed have been after I got to know about the symptoms on the internet and obsessed over them I constantly cry about what has happened to my life and why did this happen to me so what is happening to me moreover these symptoms come and go in 10 days
hi I read your query with keen interest and understand your concerns first of all I must assure you that there is no evidence of disease called schizophrenia in your case schizophrenia is often presented with different kind of prodromal symptoms and they do not match to your current symptoms having said this the symptoms are more indicative of anxiety disorder with added obsessive and compulsive behavior this is more likely as you are already suffering with hypochondriasis which is again a disorder from same spectrum of psychiatric disorders like obsessive compulsive disorder I also like to inform you that stress anxiety and depression can present with symptoms mentioned in the query and there is no doubt about that for your clarification worsening of symptoms and spontaneous remission of symptoms are indicative of obsession rather than psychosis such as schizophrenia in my opinion it is time for you to engage in therapeutic process rather than moving from one doctor to another as constant approach will bring out the positive outcomes for further information consult a psychiatrist online
hi doctor I am 34 years old I always have regular periods with a 28 day cycle I have pregnancy like symptoms for the past two weeks I feel nausea cramps strong smell etc actually my period was ahead of due for the past 15 days I have very light watery bleeding started and is still on it is not heavy at all and not like my usual periods is this pregnancy or any other issue
hello I had gone through all the data posted based on your symptoms pregnancy is a possibility but as you said your periods are due now you can wait for another four days if you did not get periods then do a urine strip test for pregnancy at this time no one can confirm pregnancy even if you go for a hospital visit and even with ultrasound the urine strip test will tell us the answer and we need to wait for another four to five days once the urine strip test is done then we can decide further course based on its report for now kindly avoid unnecessary medications take proper diet and rest for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor I am 32 year old female my past medical history includes rosacea 15 years perioral dermatitis years melasma and hyperpigmentation in the upper cheeks for three years and add I am currently under noritate occasional elidel during flare up and adderall 5 my daily my hyperpigmentation on my upper cheeks has been progressively getting worse over the last several months the pigmentation is well demarcated with areas of normal skin I work indoors and the most sun I get on a daily basis is my short 15 minutes car ride from home to work I cannot pinpoint the cause of the hyperpigmentation and melasma I am not on any type of birth control and do not believe the source to be hormonal I am hesitant to try lightening agents as I have had adverse effects in the past I am going to trace back the pigmentation for you and maybe you can help me out before three years I applied noritate and diana to my face my skin in general was fine I had only one area of pigmentation on my face right side of face inch as that was noticeable I asked a dermatologist if there was anything that I could do to lighten it she gave me tri luma I decided to put the tri luma on the affected area and also a few freckles on my upper cheeks the next day I became extremely red and out of fear of triggering my rosacea I dropped tri luma immediately then after a month I stopped taking diana because I moved back to a colder climate and my face was getting too dry after some eight months the area of pigmentation right side of cheek was started getting darker so I decided to give another try for tri luma I again applied it to the larger area of pigmentation and to the tiny freckles on my upper cheeks the decision to apply it to the freckles was purely a cosmetic decision the next day those freckles turned into full blown pigmentation I immediately stopped the tri luma and the pigmentation in those areas has basically been there up to present day at that time a local dermatologist had suggested me to apply some cortisone cream to the areas to lighten them up the pigmentation subsided very minimally I did not apply the cortisone cream thereafter the pigmentation from this point waxed and waned in intensity up until two months back then it has remained prominent there were a few times during this two year span where my perioral dermatitis flared up and I was told to restart diana which also made the pigmentation worse I was unsure whether the diana was bringing the pigmentation to the surface or whether it was in fact making it worse I went to two dermatologists who had differing views of stop diana and keep using diana I decided to stop as it appeared to be getting noticeably worse again I do not know if this was a whole process of bringing the pigmentation to the surface or not please share your thoughts
hello well here I discuss everything one by one for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor I am a 74 year old male for the past two years I am house ridden but not bedridden yet I feel tired after walking a mere half a kilometer I walk with the help of a walking stick because I lose balance while walking sometimes I feel orthostatic hypotension I consulted a cardiologist a pulmonologist an endocrinologist and a urologist cardiologist took an egg and an echocardiogram he ruled out heart trouble even though I had undergone aortic valve replacement six years back pulmonologist asked me to take a thoracic it scan and did not find any significant malignancy of the lungs urologist who 10 years ago diagnosed me having gu aft and cured me with a six month course of aft treatment ruled out recurrence of aft in gu area endocrinologist prescribed various tests like serum cortisol test thyearoid test act test and ruled out addison or cushing disease last week when I was going through those records I read in the thoracic it scan report that my right adrenal gland has hyperplasia on the internet I found that hyperplasia means growth of additional cells since the previous it scan was one and a half years old I decided to have another it scan of abdomen to find out the condition of my right adrenal gland hyperplasia I knew that I cannot have an mri scan as I had a replaced aortic valve the radiologist had my serum creatinine tested before administering me with the liquid necessary for contrast the new it scan report appeared to me as a death sentence the report did not find any change in adrenal hyperplasia but the report of my kidneys appeared to be concerned I consulted a nephrologist in a renowned leading hospital in my area he did not prescribe any treatment for me at all he even chastised me for taking a it scan telling me about the radiation effect of the scan and effect on kidneys of the contrast liquid he asked me to come back after six months after thinking about it for the past one week I have come to the conclusion that the honorable doctor decided that my kidney condition is terminal and it is futile to prescribe anything as I spend lots of time surfing on the internet I had a whim of having a second opinion online
hi please attach all your it reports and your blood profile for my best opinion thanks revert back with the reports to a nephrologist online
hi doctor I have dealt with leg swelling fairly constant for the last 10 years the bottom of my legs including my ankles and feet are swollen every day they have turned very dark the discoloration was happening for about the last five years and has gotten worse over time basically it will not respond to any type of moisture so that the area is always dry I am overweight but not diabetic the only medication that I am taking currently is coumadin because I recently had a blood clot in my right leg however it is my left lower leg that has the most swelling and discoloration how can I heal the skin that is damaged due to poor circulation
hi I have read your concern overweight prolonged standing color doppler for venous insufficiency stasis dermatitis lichen simplex chronicus stasis dermatitis keep the area clean with soaking in solution of potassium permanganate in 10 dilution apply good quality moisturizer twice daily and apply propysalic of combination of clobetasol propionate and salicylic acid lotion once daily for two weeks consult your doctor discuss with him or her and take the medicine with consent put a pillow underneath your feet while sleeping avoid prolonged standing and try to reduce your weight revert back after a month to a dermatologist online
hello doctor I am trying to get pregnant for a year now so far it has not been a success and the main reason is I have irregular periods and difficulty tracking my fertile window I have been tracking my ovulation this month and according to calculations this week I should be ovulating so this whole week I kept checking my cervical mucus and did some ovulation tests the last five days my ovulation tests all came back negative until today I saw only a faint line but from here I got very confused the reason is according to my knowledge if you reach your ovulation your cervical mucus should also change to a watery slimy or egg consistency when I check my mucus it is grainy and white which probably refers to yeast infection but I have no other symptoms no burning feeling or any itching or bad smells just white grainy mucus does this mean I do have a yeast infection even though I have no other symptoms can this affect my chance to get pregnant
hello welcome to iclinq com yeast infections are usually associated with symptoms like itching or pain the description of the mucus looks more like an ovulatory discharge the discharges are not always bookish it varies with individuals and patterns may have some changes during active sexual life so do not worry and have regular intercourse during this time as it is the fertile period generally timed intercourse adds stress to both partners so have casual stress free sex it actually makes wonders I hope this helps ovulatory discharge ovulatory discharge
hi doctor my daughter has skin irritation near hands in the joining area after itching she gets blood in that area and at night time she is having itching on her whole body and she has dry skin my daughter is years old and she is a thyearoid patient please suggest solution currently she is on erythromycin and lecope
hi kindly attach the pictures of the skin problem and old prescription the picture you sent is that of blood soaked cloth how much is her thyearoid level is she taking eltroxin is she having wheezing or dust allergy send me the pictures of the hand and joint
hello doctor patient is a 61 year old female six months ago she was diagnosed with bone to and undergoing medication ethambutol rifampicin and isoniazid after six months of usage her eye vision is suddenly diminishing then her doctor told to discontinue ethambutol immediately and started using some b12 1500 my injections on alternate days after one week they started steroids just to rule out if there might be any optic nerve inflammation we have done mri and the findings are below tiny flair hyperintense foi in the frontal and parietal and white matter small vessel ischemic changes widened perioptic csi space to hyperintense signal is seen in the chiasm and optic tract kindly suggest what to do
hello I passed carefully through your question and reviewed your uploaded mri magnetic resonance imaging report I would explain that these mri findings to hyperintensity in the optic nerve and the optic chiasm are indicative of optic nerve inflammation neuritis which could be related to ethambutol adverse effects the troubles with vision are a clinical sign of optic neuritis too so considering that there is a correlation between radiological and clinical findings I would conclude about optic neuritis and would recommend to stop ethambutol as soon as possible in order to avoid possible blindness I hope this helps
hello doctor I am a year old female I am concerned about a lump on my genital area and I am very worried it is a wart I have had this problem on and off for about eight months now I also have vaginal itching soreness and discharge I visited a sexual health clinic and they said it was not herpes but I am still suffering with the symptoms and the lump seems to have grown please help
hi please provide me dome details do the blisters appear first then this type lump is it painful does every time you get only one such lump or multiple also do you have any fever have you noticed small blistering anytime it will help me figure out your problem for time being it is difficult to conclude it as a wart but if you give the above information then it will be easy to conclude serum i'm and egg for hav herpes simplex virus and if possible serology for hav human papillomavirus follow up with details
hi doctor this is a bit of an awkward question for me as I have never talked about it before but I have been worrying about the condition of my prostate if I masturbate or just ejaculate for that matter I get a very harsh pain more than once in about 24 hours period which I believe to be in my prostate it is in the same place every time and it can go on for quite a while and even come back multiple times throughout the day I am just turning 20 I am very active and healthy so something like this has harmed me physically and psychologically please help
hello you need to understand that painful ejaculation both during masturbation or intercourse is mostly due to infection or inflammation of the sexual tract such as seminal vesicle prostate urethra or with the use of certain drugs sometimes it can be due to psychological causes with the partner I do not think you fall under later categories please answer some of my queries do you have intercourse before any relationship issues do you have hematospermia blood in semen anytime any surgeries in childhood any testicular swelling or ti urinary tract infection in the past any foul smelling discharge from urethra any other urinary symptoms such as frequency urgency poor stream nocturia dribbling burning micturation are you a diabetic though I still believe that your symptoms are due to inflammation of sex organs but above questions will help me to reach a proper diagnosis
hello doctor I am a 35 year old male I feel pressure and a sort of burning sensation in my food pipe my very first symptom occurred in the form of trapped burp in the chest last month I had a bit of bulgum alongside which I keep throwing out I took pan 40 for two weeks and stopped thereafter as it was not doing much wonder I consulted one doctor online he suggested me a five day course of medicines rifagut 50 librax and radium dsr I started feeling better in the due course now it has been two days there have been mild symptoms like burning and pressure feeling in the food pipe post taking meals kindly suggest what to do
hello your symptoms sound more of a problem known as gastroesophageal reflux disorder which is due to reflux of contents into your esophagus from your stomach have short frequent meals do not overload yourself have a walk after meals and do not directly lie down cut down your intake of coffee and alcohol I would suggest you to continue a couple of medicines that will make you feel better
hello doctor I am having a lot of pimples on the scalp pimples are with white pus there is a lot of pain and a lot of dandruff along with this what should I do
hi you seem to be having scalp folliculitis which is an infection of your glands on the scalp it can sometimes be related to dandruff in which case scalp pustular psoriasis has to be ruled out you need to reduce your sugar and milk or milk product intake reduce eggs and red meat folliculitis can sometimes be recurrent which would then require a long term treatment I need to know if you are on any other medications have any known drug allergies or other health issues so as to give you the right treatment in case nothing of these are there you can take tablet minor 50 my minocycline at morning and night after food along with tablet oflox 200 my at morning and night after food you can use fusiscalp lotion at morning and night over the scalp and wash your scalp with tarscalp shampoo
hello doctor I am years old I have problems with my penis it is inches when erect and the foreskin is very tight and sometimes I feel pain while urinating are there any methods to increase the size of the penis
hi coming back to your query I will let you know that the average penile size erect is 7 inches so your should be quite normal if you do not have difficulty with intercourse and your partner is satisfied then I do not think there is a need for any medications has a limited role and has side effects too if you feel there is phimosis inability to retract foreskin get circumcision done it is a very basic procedure and will let you to urinate better moreover there is no hygiene related problems after circumcision you can try some non invasive methods to increase the size and strength such as penile pump jelquing in this when penis is erect apply any lubricant oil around base of the shaft and milk towards the end it helps to increase in both length and girth try to shed some weight you can give a try of tablet tadalafil 5 my once a day for month and see the results it will not make you dependent so do not worry
my symptoms are that for the past day so or so I have had some congestion in my chest that comes and goes a few times a total of about hours in days very mild chest pain so I have been staying in bed and on tamiflu for a few days and 2500 my of amoxicillin since yesterday with mild improvement my other symptom includes that I get a bit tired if I walk more than minutes not had a fever chills cough or a sore throat and have not lost my taste or smell I am just paranoid about couid also I have had one incident of yellow drainage that came from my lungs as flew but more instance of clear drainage but only small ones I am also not fatigued and actually insomniac as I usual am sleep a few hours at night
hi welcome to icliniq I am do anshul varshney for your help what we know about corona with current available experience is that it has presentation in most cases with dry cough and fever which may later turn into breathlessness fever has to be there in couid since you have had no fever cough is productive couid is virtually out you might be having allergic cough or some lower respiratory tract infection you are on amoxicillin which is a very good drug for respiratory tract infection however in case you have any recent contact with corona patient or there is a community spread in your area then you should get in touch with your doctor if he doubts he would get you tested for couid or you can request him for a chest ray as well as complete blood count that would help in confirming so I hope it helps you and I wish you as well as the whole world a speedy recovery regards do anshul varshney
hello doctor I am having an allergic reaction on both of my feet it will start like fluid filled vesicle then it will get hardened and will start peeling off the skin there is an excess of itching in that affected area I had consulted a dermatologist and was told that it is contact dermatitis doctor prescribed me momate ointment for two weeks and asked me to change the footwear it did not subside after two weeks and then the doctor prescribed halovate ointment and levocetirizine for two weeks then also it is not subsiding it has been more than two months and still eczema is present and new areas on my foot are getting affected
hi very itchy rash over the feet with fluid filled vehicular lesions is tina pedis vehicular type no response to steroids also confirms that contact dermatitis also mics it and bilateral also gives suspicion of dermatitis but you did not respond to steroids I can see some involvement of toe cleft please tell me are cleft involved how much duration since the start how it started like which area and which foot do you buy any new shoes or anything new when they started do you have wet work of feet often any other medical condition you have like do be etc renal or liver disease start the following treatment capsule itraconazole 200 my be after meals for three weeks terbinafine cream twice daily for three weeks loratadine 10 my once daily for itching for 10 days ke dusting powder avoid wetting or sweating of feet keep dry shoes in sun change socks daily fungus contact dermatitis antifungal keep dry after three weeks
hello doctor I am a 42 year old female I have a 12 year old son my husband is years old and is a heart patient who has undergone a cab 10 years back my husband is such a nice support and love to me my son is very smart and vibrant I try my best to be happy with them but I fail desperately my issue is I feel like crying very often I feel being hated by my friends and acquaintances I fell into a toxic relationship one and a half years back he betrayed me but I cannot let him go as I am so addicted and now I do not have any close acquaintances to turn up on I was under psychiatric treatment for the past one year I was put on fluvoxin 100 and decorate which I stopped due to weight gain now I do not want to be under medication some therapies or strategies would be better for me it seems please help
hello you have clear depressive symptoms it happens due to reduced levels of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin which reduce the stress handling capacity of the brain medicines help to replace chemical deficiency and correct the imbalance counseling will on augment or add to the effectiveness of the medicines but it cannot replace it I will give you one example in fever crocin paracetamol helps is given to this you can add cold water sponging which helps but you cannot replace crocin with sponging this is the exact same thing there are medicines which also help you not gain weight or are weight neutral you can ask your doctor for the same one example of such a dose plan would be fluoxetine 20 my and lithium 300 my and aripiprazole my also if you wish you can consult a psychologist for some sessions of cut cognitive behavioral therapy and undergo six to eight sessions online or locally
hello doctor my mom has a pretty severe case of shingles starting on the left side mid back and goes around to the belly she has been prescribed pregabalin and it is not helping they tried gabapentin and she has bad side effects from it we have tried compounded pain ointments ice cool water etc nothing is helping she is 74 with late stage cold diabetic and has osteoporosis severely as well is there anything else we can do to try to ease her pain she is bellowing out in pain every minutes
hi shingles or herpes foster occur due to reactivation of chicken pox virus which hide in spinal nerve ganglion during childhood reactivation can occur in immunosuppression or old age thus it runs along a nerve in girdle like fashion it starts with fluid filled lesion which heal within unto weeks but nerve damage can give severe pain which may last longer it is called post herpetic neuralgia I hope there is no active fluid filled lesion if so kindly send a photo and renal function test report otherwise start so tablet pregabalin 25 my plus 1500 mug methylcobalamin tablet twice daily capsaicin or lidocaine patch application tablet tramadol if severe pain sos once daily calamine lotion thrice daily review after weeks it is sometime resistant other modalities like intraspinal steroid or botox injection can also be tried but let us fist see how this responds
i have been having stomach issues for almost years now when I was put on two rounds of back to back antibiotics for a bad tooth abscess I was put on augmenting and then clindamycin along with the use of motrin and tylenol as directed by my dentist since then I have had stomach issues including going to the bathroom more often feeling pressure when having to go to the bathroom occasional mucus in stool and more recently bouts of nausea bloating cramping and very smelly gas I have had various blood panels tried probiotics including vsl rifaximin diet changes and I am currently on viberzi which helped but made me a bit constipated tired bloated so I lowered the dosage to pill 100mg per day instead of which decreased side effects but also decreased effectiveness of the drug also it seems my metabolism has shifted after the antibiotics and I gained weight faster than I ever have and I am still struggling to keep my weight down after making significant diet and lifestyle changes any insight here into the weight gain and then anything else I could try for the stomach symptoms thank you
hello welcome to icliniq I have reviewed your concern after taking antibiotics your gut bacterial composition has been changed and it has started to cause troubles for you weight gain is also seen in such cases since you have tried a lot of things and finally viberzi showing some results for you I am happy things have finally got some control for your concern regarding relatively rapid weight gain and metabolic shift is genuine I would say you are a good observant what further helps you to restore your gut bacterial composition is to opt for natural selection like food changes you have to avoid junk and bakery products as much as possible take lot of yoghurt natural probiotic and fruits increase use of vegetables avoid alcohol if you are taking continue exercise or at lease try to remain active collectively this will change the story you will feel better but definitely process is slow and it will take time so you have to exercise patience I hope you will find it super helpful give your feedback let us know after a week how you feel if we could do further for you we will definitely do but it depends how you take the things from here humble regards
good evening I have a month old daughter who fell off the bed yesterday at around 4pm I did not saw if she hit her head or how she hit her head I gently attended to her and looked for signs of any injury after making sure that there is no injury I started consoling her because she was crying uncontrollably when she stopped crying and calmed down she started being drowsy but I did not let her sleep because I was worried at around 30pm she vomited at 6pm she finally went to bed but I was still monitoring her after monitoring her for 24 his I noticed that her sleeping pattern changed and she cries very easily becomes angry easily and exhibits extreme emotions
hello I am writing an enquiry regarding my weight I am a 18year old female and I weigh 42 8kg and my height is 158 160cm I have been this weight since I was around 13 years old my weight has always been around 40kg I was wondering how I could gain weight in a healthy manner the main reason why I do not eat a lot is that I am not hungry so on some days I eat one meal in a full day however there are some days where I will eat meals including snacks however even on those days even if I feel as if I have had a lot of food my weight remains the same I am concerned as I have realised that I am well below my average age group in terms of weight and I am not sure what to do also I am not sure how much I should eat in a day because when I ask people around me I realise they eat less than me but maintain a healthy weight so I am really unsure how to approach my problem thank you
hello doctor I am 46 years old I no longer get my periods what are my chances of conception doctors say I am at menopause can I have a successful if
hi the best age for a lady to get pregnant is 19 35 years the principle behind this is every day your eggs are growing and out of the cohort of eggs the best egg is selected and remaining growing eggs go for atrophy so by 35 years most of the good eggs are gone after that age too you have the chance of pregnancy but lesser than the age of 35 years after 40 years of age the chance of pregnancy further reduce as the age of lady increases the eggs left behind are not as healthy as the previous month so even if you get pregnant the baby is at risk of developing anomalies but if your period has stopped then you need to know if there are any eggs in ovaries you can have any of the birth control pills packet of 21 pills twice daily for 10 days no matter what the cause is you will have periods within 10 days on day or of the period do serum fish follicle stimulating hormone and am anti mullerian hormone fish miu my and am ng my means egg count is below normal the only option for pregnancy is if using donor eggs this can definitely be the best option to get pregnant I hope this helps
hi doctor I was diagnosed with endometriosis and had surgery last year now we are married for four years and I am not getting pregnant my age is 40 and my husband is 42 please suggest
hello I understand it has been a year since your endometriosis surgery I am not clear if you have taken any treatment following that to enable conception from the limited information you have given me and assuming that your partner parameters are normal as you have not mentioned anything about it I will try to make my suggestions as age advances the maternal ovarian reserve comes down which means the number of eggs a female has come down endometriosis is a disease that not only affects the ovaries but later causes adhesions which also hamper your chance for pregnancy it is also notorious to recur putting all these together the chances of a natural pregnancy comes down though definitely not impossible but the medical advice here and the ideal thing would be not to lose too much time and go in for art procedures like if in vitro fertilization because once the maternal ovarian reserve becomes too low the chances of pregnancy in an if cycle also becomes less so it would be ideal not to waste time and think of approaching any of the if centers also I would like to add that this couid time is not the right time to start an if treatment though I hope this helps
hello doctor my mom is 67 years old she got exposed to a sudden loud noise from fireworks about a month ago and it caused loss of hearing to about 50 audiometry she started taking prednisolone three days after the incident and also some multivitamin pills but no improvement yet mixed voices or phone calls teases her ears and she can stand only for a few minutes I wanted to know if you have any recommendations are hearing loss pills or hear all pills effective
hi welcome to icliniq com with age the hearing ability reduces for all no partiality that is called presbycusis in medical term moreover the loud noise added to the process of deterioration if she is diabetic and hypertensive those factors will add on to the deterioration process now coming to the point of using medicines please get it very clear these medicines can help improvement in hearing but that has no visible effect whether it is 50 do loss or 45 do loss the problem is all most the same right so without wasting further time kindly with the report go the audiologist and fit her with digital programmable hearing aids if both the ears are affected then both ears should be fitted to have balance hearing and to make hearing areas of the brain active in both sides of the brain
hi doctor I am a 30 year old male in the space of two weeks I developed an allergic reaction to three different foods peanuts shellfish and avacado I never had problems with either of these foods or any food for that matter before and this hit me very suddenly so far the reactions are mild just some minor tingling and flushing of skin particularly on my arms but they are significant enough to be noticeable I have always been into health and fitness and take a variety of vitamins and supplements though I am cutting back on those out of concern that they may have aggravated my immune system into producing this allergic response my questions are is it normal to develop an allergy to multiple foods simultaneously and what can I do to prevent the onset of any further reactions developing I am currently on memantine and adderall
hi first of all allergic reactions to food are sudden and happen without any prior history it is very common for people to develop allergies yes it is common to have these kinds of food allergies some people have episodic allergies and they subside completely and for few people it stays no one can prevent an allergic episode in the future it is your genetic system that has caused this you should always keep anti allergic tablets steroid tablets and always have a back up to get a steroid shot for allergies because sometimes these might range from basic skin rashes itching and flushing to life threatening spasms hence should always be careful when you consume the above foods next time keep observing for symptoms I hope this helps
help doctor I am a male I have discovered a lump in my right chest area just below my nipple it appears to be roughly 5 am in diameter movable against all surrounding tissue and it feels smooth even shaped and firm but not hard rather elastic no pain no visible changes from outside I am 49 years old and have the following established preexisting conditions like hashimoto slight hypertension migraines since childhood and some allergies I do have recurrent episodes of polyuria for many years that were diagnosed as stress related some years ago after all differentials had been excluded a blood panel ordered by my go now returns a slightly elevated free beta hug level 24 miu my with a reference value of 0 for males all other results including abc are normal spa and afp as well as hug are negative sexual hormones panel is normal I cannot detect any abnormalities with my testicles I understand that any detected beta hug in males indicates a malignancy how worried should I be
hi first of all I must say you have written your history very well what I searched and concluded is about your hug human chorionic gonadotropin level your hug is raised while total hug is normal get it repeated from some other lab if still raised then proceed to step and 2 get ultrasound scrotum to see for any hyoechoic areas or area of calcification get fac fine needle aspiration cytology or excision biopsy of 5 am lesion below your nipple I understand that any detected beta hug in males indicates a malignancy how worried should I be to answer this question I was just wondering why you got hug done in first place as you were asymptomatic neither of the drugs you are taking does not interfere with this test hug you cannot just ignore and sit on it if hug is deranged you have to find a cause be it faulty lab investigation itself
hi doctor I am a 35 year old male I have a problem in my skin especially on joints I have had already consulted a dermatologist and she suggested consulting a rheumatologist based on the symptoms due to couid 19 I could not consult but now it is spreading very fast could you please help I also have vitamin deficiency and taking rise and locate ointment
hi I have gone through your query and reports your vitamin is significantly low for which you are already on the supplement I want to ask you about skin problem and joint pains since the prescription was not fully loaded I could not figure out the exact diagnosis of what the dermatologist has said did they mention about psoriasis as psoriasis and joint pains can be related if you could attach a picture of the skin lesion it may be helpful is there any early morning stiffness in the joints any backpain or neck pain any one in the family with a history of skin problem do let me know these answers and picture of your skin lesion to guide you further
hello doctor I was smoking weed for almost six years daily last july I stopped and then I started to have panic attacks with heart palpitation I went to a cardiologist and everything was fine but since then I became so anxious and I was aware of everything going on in my body after that I started to notice muscle twitching in every muscle at first I thought it was a heart issue but after seeing three cardiologists the results were the same my heart is fine then of course I googled it and I see some scary diseases like als I went to a neurologist who after some questions and examination said that it was due to an anxiety issue to be sure he sent me to an institute specializing in the detection of neuromuscular disease a neurophysiologist did a clinical examination strength reflex and an egg and no abnormalities was showed it were before three months a month later as my twitching was still going on I went to another neurophysiologist he did another egg and again everything was normal my neurologist said that it is impossible its als because muscle twitching for nearly eight months without any weakness and I started to have so tingling and buzzing sensation again my neurologist said that it is very common with an anxiety disorder like mine I started to take pills and to see a therapist for one month I have to say that twitching is way better when my anxiety is low but sometimes it came back strong I am so worried about als my questions are is egg test reliable is it true that usually fasciculations come after or along with the weakness in als fasciculation for eight months without any weakness does rule out als does als cause pain
hi I understand the problem you are facing it is partly due to anxiety and partly due to nerve and muscle hyperactivity coming to your specific questions yes fasciculations and weakness in als amyotrophic lateral sclerosis come together actually weakness comes first and fasciculations are generally unnoticed by patients they are usually revealed upon asking or found by egg electromyography egg is reliable and diagnostic for als fasciculations without weakness ruled out als eight months are a long duration for als if it would have been als it would have progressed to much extent and als is painless it is motor neuron disease so the sensory system is perfectly normal I would suggest you to try one tablet called carnisure plus contains levocarnitin 500 my and methylcobalamin 1500 micrograms it is a vitamin for muscle and nerves you can take it in the night daily for a few weeks and see the effect avoid coffee and other stimulants
good day doctors I am 2yo my last period was on 18th to 21st last month I just took pregnancy test this 26th and it is positive first baby I bought annum maternal milk after I knew I am pregnant but I am having diarrhea and I vomit more than usual since it is still eco I cannot go out to have prenatal check up I wonder how many weeks I am pregnant and I would like to know if is it bad to sleep in the morning while awake in the evening I slept a lot in the morning thanks for the response take care
hello welcome to I clinic congrats for your pregnancy so lap of yours is 18th last month so you are weeks days you have to perform a ultrasound to evaluate the embryo and heart activity second vomiting is one of the most common symptom of pregnancy that may accompany you still at 12 weeks there are some minor side effect of anus maternal like diarrhea upset stomach eat if the diarrhea is moderate to severe or tha last for a long time you can stop the supplements the most important tablette to take during 12 weeks of pregnancy is folic acid 400mcg one table a day you can sleep and rest as you want but a light activity will maintain you healthier I hope I ve been helpful best regards
hi doctor I just wanted to find out is it possible to lighten a dark skin tone without damaging it if so could this be done at home or at a dermatologist would you recommend a teenager getting it when I was younger I had a light skin tone but due to lot of swimming and sun exposure I damaged it and got dark is it possible to get the same skin tone I had I am a female 18
hi skin color is genetic amount of sun exposure can increase or decrease it as per your genetic constitution of skin melanocytes the dark pigment producing cells dark skin is healthy as it prevents its bearer the side effects of sun exposure thus lesser chances of dreaded skin cancers and delayed skin ageing still ignorant people think white skin is better and a false psychological cosmetic superiority is associated with it this is fostered by fairness cosmetic industry to promote their interests white skin need additional sunscreen protection to prevent aging and cancers but for those who still need fairer skin can avoid sunlight as much as possible and also sunscreen then the melanocytes in their skin will produce less dark pigment and thus fairer skin so you can avoid sun exposure and use regular sunscreen that much is best non harmful way to be so called fairer
hello doctor I have experienced ringing in my right ear days ago and it has not stopped since then it is not that loud and I do not hear it when the environment is noisy it is really bothering and stressing me out and I do not know what to do I wanted to have this checked but it is just so hard to get an appointment and go out right now given the couid situation please help me understand this thank you
hi taking your age into account I would like to recommend you not to use earphones or listen to very loud music avoid caffeinated drinks like tea coffee alcohol if any sleep completely do not take stress please mention which type of sound you are perceiving tone type or noise type use resound relief app android ios on speaker with moderate sound during silence because the inside sound must be bothering you during silence and sleep this is called tinnitus that you are suffering from most probably with these practice it will go away please after this situation goes normal go for puretone audiometry test and immitance audiometry test along with otoscopy
hello doctor for the past one year I am having diarrhea I went to the doctor he wrote me some tests my blood urine and feces are normal and negative for parasites my stomach ultrasound colonoscopy are normal six months later I went to the dentist she asked me to take flagyl 500 my metronidazole on the next day my feces was normal and tight I asked another gastroenterologist and he said to continue the flagyl for 14 days after 10 days I had diarrhea again the doctors are telling me that I have very sensitive intestines and advise me to take probiotics and ibutin gelsectan I still have diarrhea what is your idea about my problem
hello as you described this condition to be lasting for almost more than a year it can be is irritable bowel syndrome but is usually starts at an early age than this although it can happen at any age that is why it is important to rule out all organic causes before labeling it as a sensitive bowel is please answer the following questions to rule out organic causes do you have any weight loss with it how many episodes of loose stools do you have in 24 hours do you get up in the night for stools do you have any crappy abdominal pain with it is there any blood in stools or mucus is your sleep disturbed any stress any travel history to tropics any biopsy was taken during the colonoscopy to rule out microscopic colitis meanwhile do a few of these lab tests and start this treatment in addition to probiotics but the tablet should be taken four hours apart from probiotics ash thyearoid stimulating hormone cop reactive protein is tablet rifixamine 50 my 0 for 21 days
hi doctor my question is about couid 19 I am very worried about this virus I am 29 years old and my job is essential so I am still out in the field I am overweight and take medications for high blood pressure including lisinopril and metoprolol everything I read said this puts me at way more of a risk for severe complications or death if I catch it I am also worried about my children who are both under the age of two is there anything I should know or to help in preventing this virus or help not take a turn for the worse if I contract it due do being overweight and taking high blood pressure medications
hi certain important points that can be put to good use by you wear a surgical mask or an n95 mask it is a little suffocating when you go out to work make sure to not touch any part of your face ears or head after touching any object outside your house if you have the urge to touch or scratch your face please wash your hands with soap and water and then and only touch your face push buttons and open doors and handles with the elbow or with the forearm or arm and not with the hand that way your hand surface will not be contaminated for a long time maintain social distancing feet between two people and no gathering of four people or more in a place for more than 15 minutes as soon as you reach home from outside prevent your kids from touching you head straight to the bathroom have a warm bath with soap and keep all your clothes that you were wearing for washing continue taking your medication on time as going on also maintain a healthy diet I hope the above points help
hi doctor I am a 27 year old male I have never had an increase in moles except for the past two weeks I have had over 50 show up on my chest in the past two months I moved from one country to another and a month ago I had a really bad sunburn in indonesia
hi moles are genetic collection of melanocytes which go through a cycle of emerging in childhood then become darker and fade by middle ages in fair skin up to 50 are normal more than that increase the risk for skin cancer and change in size symmetry color symptoms also is a risk factor mole or neve as called in medical term appearing in adult age like in you are always a risk factor and in such an abrupt manner more so they need to be followed up for any change in color size symmetry border symptoms and so all your moles that I can see in the photo are harmless mole does increase after prolonged sun exposure as you give history I hope you do not have any other medical problems I advise you an initial in physically examination by a dermatologist you can wait for lockdown not an emergency then you can do it yourself all the mole for the changes described earlier at least once a month and a complete work done by a dermatologist once every six months lifetime risk is very low but if you have fair skin adult moles more than fifty you need that follow up to be on the safer side I hope this helps sun exposure workup for changes seborrheic keratosis screening for changes every six months
hi doctor I am having frequent urination and feeling extremely thirsty especially during the night after dinner and before bed while I am sleeping I get up just once to urinate sometimes not at all do you think I have diabetes I got my blood sugar checked and it came out as perfectly normal 91 normal range is 80 100 for fasting I think it is highly unlikely I am going to get diabetes in less than two years after the last checkup but I wanted to confirm since my family has a history of this illness and that is scaring me a bit I am a 28 year old male with asthma and acid reflux I am currently on montelukast advair and omeprazole
hello I can understand your concern according to your history you have been suffering from frequent urination and feeling extremely thirsty especially during night after dinner and before bed you have a family history of do and you have a history of acid reflux and asthma according to your description your present sufferings can occur in some situations like di diabetes insipidus nephrogenic diabetes ti urinary tract infection kidney stones cystitis hypercalcemia etc you should undergo fasting blood sugar test 2habf 2hrs after breakfast hba1c test us of a urine routine serum electrolytes serum calcium water deprivation test etc at first we should find out the causes which are responsible for your present sufferings and then treat them accordingly
hello doctor I have tooth and gum ache not sure where it comes but on the below right jaw on day the pain was there continuously and used naproxen I was able to have coffee and tea on day pain was there then contacted physician on icliniq and suggested ultracet for days on day I used ultracet twice a day pain was there sometimes continuous pain gone on day I used ultracet twice a day pain was there sometimes not able to drink hot coffee if I take coffee pain comes immediately and after gargling with water it goes away on day today I had breakfast had one ultracet tablet pain was there for some time after having breakfast and now it is fine but I am scared of taking any hot coffee or tea now I stopped completely
hello I have gone through your query and attachment I can see some gingival inflammation and also abrasion of teeth near the cervical area that abrasion is also a cause for severe sensitivity to hot that you are having abrasion needs to be treated clinically with restoration once this pandemic of couid 19 gets subside then you can get it treated in a dental clinic for time being use sensoform of toothpaste first apply it on your teeth then keep it for 30 40seconds then brush it as you do daily this is the way to use sensitivity toothpaste use mouthwash for gargling at least at night before going to bed after tooth brushing for pain if severe you can take ultracet or if not severe then can continue with ultracet when needed it will be better if you upload images of your teeth from the occlusal surface so that I can see any cares or gingival infection
hi doctor I am 38 years old I am diabetic for the past three years and sugars are not always in control I am taking medicine euclid 80 my and galvus met 50 500 and novomix 30 injection 10 units injection only for few days my issue is post diabetes I am experiencing severe recurring yeast infection in vagina and itching in groin area and near anal area due to scratch the area has become sensitive and scars and cuts are there is burning sensation when the area comes in contact with water I have tried all clotrimazole creams does surfaz candid etc but no relief itching is severe at night and very uncomfortable please help which medicine or cream to apply to stop this infection everytime I am unsure if that is eczema are there any tests which show what kind of infection is that
hi diabetes is comorbidity that makes patients prone to fungal infections and some times there is a secondary bacterial infection too I advise you to follow certain steps first step proper sugar control anti diabetic diet and exercise proper genital hygiene use of clean cotton underwear keeping the area clean and as dry and aerated as possible no tight clothing no talcum powder application do not use regular soap and hot water to clean genital areas take itraconazole 100 my two times a day for two weeks luliconazole cream to be applied three to four times daily on area of infection after proper cleaning and drying combinorm wash to clean the genital area I hope this helps tina cruris tina cruris tablet itraconazole 100 my two times a day for two weeks luliconazole cream to be applied three to four times daily on the area of infection after proper cleaning and drying combinorm wash to clean genital area please follow up after completion of the above course and sos if need be
a small piece of my tooth broke off weeks ago and I feel pain since week pain is getting worse I went to a dentist today and he took a xray after looking at the xray for 30sec he said there are only options root canal treatment or extraction is this really necessary what is your opionion thank you soo much it is the tooth in the middle of the xray
hello doctor I have a hiatal hernia I am wondering if protein shake hurt my hernia the pain is usually mild and comes and goes recently I have been not feeling too well and my hiatal hernia pain become moderate and doest really go away I am currently on rabeprazole and motilium
hello I reviewed your endoscopy and histopathology report you have a small hiatus hernia and it has no specification association with proteins shake your report also shows chronic gastritis which also adds to your discomfort this issue usually improves with medications but recurs after some time my recommendations will be some changes in your medications for some time and then will readjust and down titrate again meanwhile you need some precautions as well hiatus hernia leading to herd gastroesophageal reflux disease or gastritis capsule rabeprazole one in the morning and one in the evening before meals for four weeks and then only in the morning for four weeks tablet motilium before meals for two weeks syearup gaviscon alginate 10 my three times daily after meals for two weeks and then as per need avoid late night eating no eating two hours before bed decrease coffee intake avoid smoking drink plenty of water one hour regular exercise after 10 days
hello doctor I am 34 years old I am concerned about my absence of menses my last menses was on the 16th of previous month which was about a week earlier than the before periods I was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis and under medication of steroid 10 my prescription attached now I am completely normal and my last let test was completely under the limit please inform me whether the delay of menses is due to the side effect of steroids or due to other reasons is it a serious worrying issue
hello I have gone through your history and also saw the prescription you uploaded of your recent visit to your hematologist gastroenterologist as I can see from the prescription he had asked you to continue the medications you were taking for autoimmune hepatitis which includes immunosuppressants like steroids omnacortil and azathioprine let me tell you that chronic steroids therapy can hamper with your menstrual cycles by disturbing the regulatory hypothalamo pituitary ovarian axis so what I mean is it is common to have disturbed cycles when you are on chronic steroid therapy so most likely that is the cause for delayed cycles as I see even your thyearoid level ash appears to be within the normal range although close to the higher side of normal range please do not worry or panic as there is nothing grossly serious to worry about as of now you will most likely be requiring this treatment and will take some time to wean off from these medications as they are more important medication saving your life from redevelopment of autoimmune hepatitis so please continue these medications as advised by your gastroenterologist cycles should mostly resume or get regularized once you are slowly taken off from the steroids therapy for autoimmune hepatitis presently on omnacortil 10 my daily serum prolactin levels continue vitamin do supplements as advised continue omnacortil azoran folvite follow up with your endocrinologist as advised
ear ache pressure headache on same side pain when I wash that side of my face near my ear for almost a month
hi I hope your doing well I understood your concern regarding headaches I learn that you are having a headache and earache on same side also it is more when you wash your face I like to know the nature of pain whether its electric shock like whether its comes and go or it is dull boring continuous in nature this type of pain mostly due to inflammation in ear or trigeminal nerve pain trigeminal neuralgia if it is associated with light and sound sensitivity it could be due to migraines sometimes ear wax can harden and block the ear canal causing discomfort and itching earache I like to suggest simple antiinflammatory to try first such as paracetamol or ibuprofen you should take them after food further plan if no benefit we should evaluate for trigeminal neuralgia depends upon your symptoms if it is trigeminal neuralgia pregabalin 75 my is or caobamazepin 100 my at night time initially then gradually increasing to times a days both this medication has significant side effects like dizziness and allergic skin rash so it needs to take with a doctor prescription hope this will be helpful regards
my left ear hurts if I press the back of my ear it would really hurt sometimes it feels itchy and throbbing also it feels like it is clogged inside last month my other felt like this too I had to take medication for it
hi there are only possibilities with the complaints you have mentioned impacted wax in the left ear which is causing pain and a blocked feeling for this you can use wax solvents which liquefy the wax and resolve the issue infection involving your outer ear which can be the cause of itching and pain eustachian tube catarrh which is associated with allergy and usually does present with only feeling of pain and blocked sensation the treatment you would have taken earlier using anti allergic would have been to treat the eustachian tube catarrh you can consider taking a combination of paracetamol with fexofenadine montelucast levocetricine phenylephrine combination whichever is available in your country in addition you can use ciplox ear drops times a day if your having allergic issues it has be effectively treated to prevent recurrence of such episodes however if the above treatment does not work consider meeting an ent specialist to get your ear examined and get treated accordingly