1 value
hello doctor I have been diagnosed with chronic hepatitis since last five years I have been going for follow ups and routine check ups in nimr I went for some tests in march which I have been unable to get the results because of couid 19 they are totally unresponsive to me I have persistent symptoms sharp pains in my upper right abdomen weakness and tiredness joint pains and loss of apettite I am very scared and do not know what to do I have not been placed on any drug so far please help me I do not want to develop cirrhosis or liver cancer what can I do the pain is so much
hello the pain you describe may be due to variety of causes may be simply be due to gas trouble not necessarily the liver complication of hepatitis infection the cirrhosis and tumor in liver is a long period process does not occur in span of months to clearly answer your question I need to know when did you get your last ultrasound of liver done and what were the findings now as a rule all people with hepatitis infection are supposed to take antiviral treatment I do not know whether you have been given those I highly recommend you to get all these questions answered when you now meet with your physician or you can upload investigations and I can figure out for you how to deal hepatitis in your case follow with investigation days
hello doctor I am 24 years old I do not know what is wrong with me I feel depressed all the time I left home two years back because of my parent behavior they always use to make me feel I am worthless and not important for them they also beat me several times and I was facing emotional trauma on a daily basis now I stay away from family alone but seems like things will never change I am all alone here and people I trusted have backfired on me my office situation is very pathetic my manager harasses me emotionally or I do not know if I overreact I just do not know what is wrong I do not have any friends to talk I gave a lot of importance to one person in my life and that person did not understand me at all I cry all day in my room and do not even step outside I get super angry or emotional on little things I always stay alone in the office or at home I feel like there is nothing left for me in this life and I am worthless no one really needs me in there life for whom am I alive I do not know if I am depressed or not I am just done with this life just to add I am a cos patient for the past one year
hi the symptoms you have mentioned are symptoms of depression you left home because of the behavior of your parents and then you are continuously feeling low because of ongoing things at office and at personal space all these things are aggravating the depression in you the feeling of worthlessness emotional trauma crying spells emotional lability anger outbursts lack of interest in anything etc are part of depression but if these symptoms are persistent and are hampering your personal life and you have negative thoughts then yes we can think that you have a depressive disorder if the symptoms are not persistent then no need to get worried you just have to change your lifestyle try to not to expect anything from others just focus on your life and your things if anyone hurts you then try to ignore the thoughts this is difficult but in some days you will learn to suppress the thoughts and with the time you will be able to ignore any emotional trauma no need to get worried if you are not able to function properly then you can visit a psychiatrist in person and antidepressants can be started escitalopram is a good option in your case the drug is safe and has great efficacy this will help to make your mood better do you have any thoughts like killing or harming yourself any ongoing stress that is bothering you any relationship issue cos polycystic ovary syndrome too is an independent factor that aggravated depression because of hormonal changes control of cos also helps in improving mood symptoms
hello doctor I have had issues with my left ear for the past two months I normally clean my ears with peroxide after I added drops of peroxide back last month I noticed that when people spoke to me loudly I would hear wind sound in my ears also my ears felt plugged and I heard thumping heartbeat sound in my ear two days ago I attempted to clean my ear with a home irrigation system I was able to dislodge a large piece of dried white wax my ear felt the best in a long time I was hearing clearly and the sounds in my ear went away yesterday my ear felt plugged again so I irrigated my ear and nothing came out but the plugged feeling and sound went away this morning my ear felt plugged again and I irrigated my ear and nothing came out but my ear felt clear and the plugged feeling and sound went away what is causing this issue why does it keep coming back
hi it looks like your having a eustachian tube catarrh this tube essentially ventilate both the ear and nose and in an event where this tube has got blocked you might develop fullness and ringing sensation in the same ear self cleaning your ear is the most dangerous thing you can ever do never introduce peroxide or any thing under doctor advice as it can be disastrous considering the ear and it is related structures to be one the most sensitive regions in the body another possibility is that there could be some remnant wax in your ear which can be the reason for you developing this ringing sensation on a regular basis you can consider using soliwax ear drops three times a day for one week and then get the blob suctioned out by an ent specialist other than this take tablet sinarest acetaminophen chlorpheniramine and pseudoephedrine or its equivalent one tablet two times a day after food for the next week otrivin nasal drops thrice daily for five days should help
hello doctor I started taking vitamin and calcium more than I should have in the beginning of the year later on I started to feel weak and dizzy at work my feet and hands tingle and would go pale and my neck in the thyearoid area started to hurt I have been to the doctor to have blood work but they say there is nothing significant enough to be concerned but I still have the same symptoms what to do
hi in your attached he electrophoresis report abnormal hemoglobin is not present so you are not having any abnormal hemoglobinopathy your main complaint is weakness dizziness and tingling so anemia b12 deficiency thyearoid issue liver disease renal disease vitamin deficiency and peripheral neuropathy should be ruled out I suggest you investigate with serum b12 estimation abc complete blood count serum ash thyearoid stimulating hormone estimation sept serum glutamic pyearuvic transaminase got serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase serum urea and creatinine estimation for further work up to rule out peripheral neuropathy your neurological physical examination should be done according to cause specific treatment can be given I suggest you rule out diabetes as well by random blood sugar estimation meanwhile you can be prescribed riconia forte like multivitamin tablet for your problem
dark red and purple lines in inner thigh no symptoms experienced age 28 weight 58kg height 1
dear please send few more photographs regards
right arm joint unto the shoulder neck pain for the last few days it increased from yesterday evening having difficulty moving 490years male
hello I read your concern in my opinion it could be due to some nerve irritation following neck spasm due to facet joint irritation nothing to worry as of now I would advise you to if irritation reduces try to maintain neck in mild arching by placing hand on the chin while lying down over stomach hold this for atleast mins during this you should not experience any pain in shoulder there will be pain in the back of neck hope this is helpful for you kindly revert back to me to let me know your status bad posture facet joint arthropathy wry neck rice and mobilisation avoid aggravating postures after a day
my father has been having sciatica on lower left leg and back pains this have continuously happened for last months in the past years it only pains periodically what are the best options without surgery or minimal invasive surgery I would be able to share further on the mri scans once I have established a link to upload or email
hello sorry to hear this the mri does show degenerative disease of the lumbar spine mainly at l45 l5s1 level the main indications for surgery are as follows thus the decision for surgery is generally based on both patient perception as well as thorough clinical examination he needs to visit a surgeon for examination generally speaking the surgeon usually recommends a non surgical treatment first if there are no neurological deficits these may include rest activity modifications medications physiotherapy combination of nerve blocks and or facet blocks etc wishing him a speedy recovery best wishes
hello doctor my partner is having a lot of pain in his wisdom tooth I guess he is getting it but his whole mouth got swelling and he is not even able to talk he is having fever also now and the pain is not bearable what should we do right now as none of the doctors are available
hi your wisdom tooth got infection so there is pain and swelling the infection is spreading that is why you have restricted mouth opening and facial swelling better start with high dose antibiotics and pain killer temporarily it will be easier for me to give correct treatment if you send an image of your face and involved teeth
hi doctor I am 34 weeks pregnant and my baby choroid plexus cysts did not clear we did the genetic testing in the early stage of pregnancy and it was negative for trisomy 18 and 21 we had four growth ultrasounds but no one reported anything else wrong with the baby I am scared that they did not look well enough now we are moving to a different state and the doctor there said that they would have done additional screenings amniocentesis talk to a specialist for cysts but that it is too late now to change anything she said two cysts one on each side are more characteristic of down syndrome I have pictures that they gave me from the ultrasounds is there anything specific that I can look for on those ultrasound pictures that would indicate trisomy 18 and 21
hello I was able to see the images and reports apart from the cysts they have not reported any frank worrying features the nasal bone and face profile images are not very clear in down the nasal bone may be absent or hypoplastic the other direct features associated with downs are hypertelorism or widely spaced eyes which is not seen in your scans there is no neck fold thickening therefore at this stage of pregnancy I would ask you not to stress out just make sure that on your next scan the sonographer is aware of the choroid plexus cysts finding and includes cardiac evaluation and facial evaluation in detail take care
mild asthma cough since weeks and couid 19 patient I am currently taking enzo 200mg famotidine 20mg and albuterol as needed
hello thanx for the query I can understand ur concern according to ur statement you have been suffering from cough which is dry in nature and couid 19 ur past history of having mild asthma and anxiety ur treatment depends on severity if albuterol is not able to ur cough then you can corticosteroids inhaler you should monitor ur oxygen saturation rate by pulse oximetry it will determine where you need oxygen support or not as you a patient of couid 19 so you must be isolated from ur family and friends at least for 14days gurgle with salt mixed luke warm water 4 times daily should strictly maintain ur temperature chart can you provide me the details history like what is the problem now you facing or what type of advice and help do you need if you provide me the details history then I will be able to treat you further if albuterol is not able to control ur cough then you can use corticosteroids inhaler
hello doctor I am a very paranoid person the smallest thing that happens to me ends up searching it up on the internet and stressing over it one of my main problems is freaking out about going to sleep and waking up worse for example yesterday I got an eyelash in my eye and it was so close to my cornea but it did not touch it after that I would constantly go to the bathroom to check if there was something in my eye the constant touching led to my eye being sore and I was afraid to fall asleep and wake up blind I ended up sleeping at am I was wondering if you had any tips to help me not be afraid to sleep at night
hi try sleep hygiene avoid excessive caffeine intake do not sleep at day time maintain a regular schedule for sleeping and waking time do not use mobile phone or watch to when you are in bed go to bed when you fall asleep if you do not feel sleepy in the bed wake up and engage in some activities until you feel sleepy try this first as well as regular exercise or meditation and engage in your regular activity if this does not help try zolpidem 10 my at night time for 10 days eat this medicine and immediately go to sleep along with this take fluoxetine 20 my in the morning after meal
hi doctor I had my last period on 15th april which lasted only for 15 hours the due date was 19th but it came four days early my partner and I had unprotected sex on ith but he did not ejaculate inside since yesterday I feel tenderness in my breasts a little fatigue and mild cramps in between is there anything to worry about
hello I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from tenderness in your breast and little bit fatigue your last menstrual period was on 15th april which lasted for 15 hours and you had unprotected sexual intercourse on ith usually woman menstrual cycle is 28 days normally so if period occurs seven days before the estimated date as well as seven days after the estimated date is quite normal it may happen in every woman in her lifetime it is nothing to be worried again menstrual bleeding can last for 7 days normally so your last menstrual bleeding lasted for 15 hours which may be quite normal you should not worry about that you should know about the safe period during a normal menstrual cycle it is also known as calendar method in this period no woman becomes pregnant from unprotected sex if your menstrual cycle is 28 days then from the ith day of your last menstrual cycle to the 16 the day of your last day of menstruation will be counted as danger period from ith day to 16th day total days are known as danger period in this period a woman can bear pregnancy from unprotected sexual intercourse the rest 21 days are counted as safe period in this period no woman can become pregnant from unprotected sex so luckily ith april was your safe day so there is no chance for you to become pregnant hormonal fluctuations can cause breast tenderness breasts may become painful before three to five days of starting of a menstrual period and stop hurting after your period begins menstrual cycle causes hormone fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone which make your breasts swell and can lead to sore and discharge those hormonal imbalance may make you fatigue too I hope this helps
hello doctor I have had an issue with a topical dermatitis eczema for about a year and a half I have been using steroid creams and anti itch cream but it kept coming back on and off three weeks ago I started getting hives and before two weeks they covered most of my body from my neck to my ankles as per my doctor I went on prednisone and cetirizine but it did not stop now I am on methylprednisolone and cetirizine and it seems to be getting a little better I cannot figure out any triggers though the itching and the hives are pretty much unbearable it does not seem to be a sugar allergy but I am uncertain about a gluten allergy I have had a previous allergy test but revealed nothing except for allergy to a few animals which I have none I never had a gluten test my current medications are amlodipine paroxetine wellbutrin famotidine and cetirizine methylprednisolone for the past four days I am 52 years old
hello I have seen the attachments it must be difficult for you with the itch and the rashes can you upload the report of your allergy testing why do not you go ahead and get the flute testing it is a blood test and not as costly as the routine allergy panel secondly when did you start paroxetine and wellbutrin were those started recently is there any correlation between their start and the development of the rashes when you take the steroid tablets and antihistaminics are you better off do the rashes stay at bay then are there any triggers inside the house any insects or dust particles any history of change of place of stay
hello doctor I had a staph infection and I took antibiotics a month ago I had been in the sun a lot recently and I am feeling symptoms of heat exhaustion but I am worried that the staph infection is causing septic shock is this a possibility
hi I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from a feeling of heat exhaustion as you were more exposed to the sunlight and worried about staph infection that may cause septic shock you had a staph infection one month back and you took antibiotics for that so I think your previous staph infection was well eradicated by taking antibiotics even without treatment it can be eradicated within 10 20 days staph infection may cause life threatening condition like sepsis clinical features of sepsis are high fever with chills and rigors rapid pulse rate rapid breathing hypotension vomiting diarrhea etc when staph bacteria enters a person bloodstream and develop an infection that may affect the entire body and cause death is known as sepsis you are not mentioned here that you are affected by sepsis like clinical features and no history of having sepsis in the past so now you are free from staph infection and no chance of sepsis caused by staph infection I hope this helps
hi there I have a case of diarrhea since yesterday and I have gone to the loo quite a few times however with each time it starts to hurt more and more and its reached a point where I am scared to poop it hurts as soon as I start to poop and continues till 10 minutes after I am done
hello I welcome you to icliniq I can understand you must be very upset about this so here are something that I want you to understand since you started to have diarrhea since yesterday which classifies it as acute recent gastroenteritis the most common cause usually a food that has caused poisoning and sudden burst of large volume of poop I want you to start taking oral rehydration therapy or add one sachet of or in one liter of mineral water or boiled water and take 200 to 300 my each time you have loose bowel this will replenish your salt in body and help decrease diarrhea the antibiotics are not really recommend in acute diarrhea except someone has blood in stools so I am not recommending you at this point in time tab lomotil tablets thrice daily no more than days food poisoning enterotoxin mediated diarrhea oral rehydration therapy or add one sachet of or in one liter of mineral water or boiled water and take 200 to 300 my each time you have loose bowel tab lomotil tablets thrice daily no more than days generic diphenoxylate hydrochloride plus atropine I really hope this will surely settle your diarrhea if it does not help in 48 hours ply let me know
i am 18 years old my problem is that I cannot sleep at night but when I sleep I cannot get up for like or 10 hours when I cannot sleep I usually keep using my laptop I am very overweighted like my weight is almost 94 kegs I dont know may be I think that this is because of stress
dear thanks for your query I understand that you are facing sleeping disturbance due to unavoidable sleep patterns actually everyone these days are going through these problems due to uncertainty around us revised and changed work schedules and so on besides yes stress plays a key role in this when thought processes are going on mind finds difficulty in shutting down regarding weight yes it may disturb physical patterns as well but I think more than this stress plays a key role I would suggest you to discuss your stress and find solutions to the issue you are so young and feeling sad is ok but it is important to talk about issues you are experiencing best regards
hello doctor I am feeling bloated gas in the stomach heaviness in the chest feeling that there is phlegm in the throat when burping or belching I felt relieved and fine but after a while the above symptoms appear again I am a 60 year old female with hypertension and I am currently taking twynsta 40 10 bisoprolol my
hello I guess you are on twynsta 40 10 which is a combination of telmisartan and amlodipine and bisoprolol my so this is likely a gastric and reflux problem however sometimes symptoms of gastritis and heart disease overlap in elders with such symptoms electrocardiography egg is recommended meanwhile you should have antacids along with your current medications like tablet pantoprazole der 40 my or rabeprazole der 20 my before breakfast once daily for a week and later whenever needed you should also avoid heavy meals have less oily spicy and fatty foods have a walk for sometime after meals rather than resting immediately have light dinner if you are having constipation then you should get it treated with laxatives like syearup cremaffin plus regular sleep is also important I hope this helps
hi doctor I am 43 years old I am having three children up to february my menses cycles were at routine monthly normally at 10 12 the of every month my hop level is at but for the first time in the march I had no cycle and in april I just had spotting now from the est may I am having full bleeding till today the same case happens with my sister at the age of 41 she faced the same issue and on consulting the doctor she was advised progyluton tablet my 5 my for 21 days trihemic 600 tablet due to lockdown I cannot contact my doctor can you please guide me can I follow the prescription of my sister
hi I understand your concern normal age for menopause is 42 to 52 years during which menses become irregular with excessive bleeding sometimes so in your case you might be transiting into menopause however if you have excessive bleeding during menses then take tablet pause of tranexamic acid and mefenamic acid three times daily if bleeding is heavy also women must take calcium supplement after 30 years please take tablet calcimax once daily after food if your bleeding does not subside with the above medication please get an ultrasound pelvis to rule out the other causes
hello doctor I have some problems with my eye and need some assistance I have red eyes from a few months now and have tried some drops and it has reduced but still I have some redness in the eye adding to it I have some headaches and can see a lot of eye floaters from a week now please help
hi here your symptoms look more in favor of allergic conjunctivitis this may occur due to allergy to dust grass pollen cosmetics soap etc allergic conjunctivitis may be seasonal type try to avoid the above allergens to get rid away from allergy you may have frequent itching in your eyes please keep in mind not to rub your eyes by any means rubbing eye frequently may provoke developing allergic conjunctivitis which was once healed up dust grass pollen cosmetics and soap allergic conjunctivitis olopatadine eye drops once a day preferably at night loteprednol 5 eye drops three times a day put ice packs on closed lids which may give you instant relief use it minimum for 15 days keep in mind you may get symptomatically relieved very soon but allergic conjunctivitis needs time to recover from the roots stay away from the above mentioned allergens try cooling goggles while going out avoid rubbing eyes after 15 days
hello doctor I have a constipation problem I think my constipation is due to calcigard retard 20 my other medicines are rental 400 my twice daily for the past twenty years for raynauds five years back I underwent surgery for csi rhinorrhea for be I am taking telsartan 40 my and ecospirin 75 my
hello since how long you have this issue of constipation and how frequently do you pass stools per week is passing stools painful is there any blood in your stools do you strain while defecating does anything come out while defecating is there any abdominal pain associated with it I will suggest laxatives to you but it will be better to consult your cardiologist too for the shift of calciguard retard to another drug because calcium channel blockers can frequently cause constipation drug induced constipation ash thyearoid stimulating hormone blood sugar serum calcium polyethylene glycol sachet in one glass of water once daily you can increase the dose according to response ispaghol husk two teaspoons in a glass of water twice daily increase water intake daily exercise 20 30 minutes
hello doctor two months ago my mother fell down on her knees but did not seem to complain recently she did a bit of house work for a few days and her knee is in pain especially in the back where you bend your leg pain is also notable when she sits down for an hour or longer and gets up and also when waking after sleep
hello your mother has osteoarthritis of the knee and the fall may have stirred this further the pain that you describe is at the back of the knee this can come from the knee cap as well as the degenerative tear of the medial meniscus as there are a very little mechanical symptom like locking and giving way not there is much of an effusion I feel that the pain is from the knee cap the pain in such cases can be at the back of the knee pain is worse in climbing stairs or coming down worse after having sat down for any length of time this condition is called patellofemoral compression syndrome and can be helped with regular exercise and patellar gaping and a course of anti inflammatory medications like diclofenac or piroxicam in addition she can take paracetamol and tramadol combination for pain she will need to do vmo gluteal core strengthening exercise and hamstrings stretches in addition she needs to avoid squatting the physiotherapist can in addition give ift or tens to help it will take 6 months for the pain to settle down mri also shows an incarcerated needle tip under the patella have but I need to have this physically checked if this was recent and was it from the fall on to a sharp object
hello I have been a diabetic for about 20 years my recent arc is 4 from last few days I have been noticing that my fasting sugar readings are really high like 140 180 there have been no changes in the diet interestingly enough within 2 hours it goes up by another 20 points without doing anything another strange thing is before I go to bed it is in the range of 10 130 but in the morning it is always 140 please help me understand this strange phenomen I am taking 100mcg metformin twice a day
hi thanks for your query its good to see ur sugars are good with hba1c 4 blood sugars go up and down not only with meals but there are many other factors associated as well like other harmon levels in the body for example if ur stressed mentally or excited ur cortisol and catecholamines also increase and thus may lead to increase sugar levels as well same way if you will do exercise it will decrease ur sugar as well as use of alcohol may be ur eating habits did not change much but other factors have something to do with these levels sleep is also important along with medications I always advise for intermittent fasting and low carbohydrates with least grains exercise even if it is just walking 45 minutes daily is beneficial thanks
hello I feel pain at my lower left side of abdomen also its hard to pee feeling burning the symptoms looks like I have urolithiasis I need to make sure
hi I understand your concerns you are finding it difficult to pee and there is a burning sensation these may be due to urinary tract infection more likely or stones in your urine report there are a few microorganisms and red blood cells are also present these are suggestive of urinary tract infection please get an urine culture sensitivity report and an ultrasound of kidney ureter and urinary bladder plenty of fluids is advisable and antibiotics have to be taken on basis of your culture report signs and symptoms of kidney stones can include severe pain nausea vomiting fever chills and blood in your urine diagnosis of stones is based on urinalysis and radiologic imaging usually noncontrast helical it treatment is with analgesic antibiotics for infection medical expulsive therapy and sometimes shock wave lithotripsy or endoscopic procedures hope this helps ti urine culture sensitivity ultrasound of kidney ureter and urinary bladder urolothiasis ti plenty of fluids and antibiotics according to urine culture report plenty of fluids genital hygeine
what are the possibilities of transmitting hsv2 from an infected woman to a man and how to prevent it if they intend to enter into a relationship thanks
hello welcome to icliniq I understand your concern about the hav before I begin to preventive measures let me tell you it how it can spreads it is spread through oral vaginal or anal sex it may be spread even if you do not see blisters it can also be spread to other areas of your body including your eyes lips mouth by touching open blisters unprotected sex increases your risk for genital herpes now as you are well aware about its spreads now you just have to take precautions accordingly follow the following advice fortunately it can be treated effectively with proper medication let me know in the follow up if you need it I hope this will help you regards do give your valuable feedback
hi doctor my mother is 59 years old she has gallstone and she was supposed to have cholecystectomy but was postponed due to quarantine last month was the supposed schedule and that time the size of the stone in her gall bladder was am now she is experiencing increased pain on her right shoulder I would like to know if there is something she can do for the pain or should she have her gall bladder removed
hello I will help you with your problem gall stone surgery is not emergency surgery it should be done in an emergency if there is gall bladder perforation or malignancy in your case the stone size is large and with the age of the patient malignancy is ruled out I will advise to go for it computed tomography scan if possible if not at least us ultrasound abdomen should be done if everything is normal and only stones are there then you can wait for some time consult in an emergency if she developed jaundice any time for pain she may take any regular pain killers avoid fatty diet and get back to me after investigations
hello doctor I have a headache in my upper part of the head I do not know if it is connected with my neck because I had stiff neck due to my sleeping position well I lay down to bed most of the time due to quarantine and after I had that stiff neck I had this it is not actually a headache I guess it is like irritation in my upper head I do not know if it should be treated with a pain reliever as it is not that severe I did not take it
hi welcome to iclinq com I understand your concern I need to know more about your headache how and when does it start is it unilateral or both sides is it intermittent or continuous or any diurnal variation any aggravating or relieving factors light or noise sensitivity does it associate with nausea vomiting or blurring of vision did you have a history of migraines or asthma any history of fever or sinusitis you should always note the red flags of headache such as sudden onset of headache the onset of headache after 50 years of age increased frequency or severity of headache new onset of headache with an underlying medical condition headache with concomitant systemic illness fever and weight loss focal neurologic signs or symptoms blurring of vision in that case you need urgent evaluation if they are absent you need not be worried some times neck muscle tension stiffness may lead to headaches as in your case simple paracetamol or muscle relaxant will be useful adjust your sleeping position try not to use high pillows another most common cause of headache is migraine simple paracetamol at the onset of the headache will be helpful also avoid triggers that lead to a headache you should have adequate sleep avoid stress and take meals on time I hope this helps
hello doctor I hurt myself two days ago and it seemed to be getting better but today it is worse than when it started most of the pain is in the right side area today I cannot walk due to excruciating pain the only relief is laying flat on my back or standing at the foot of the bed and bent over with my face on the mattress as said I was doing better the past two days but yesterday I laid flat down on the bed while my husband rubs my legs and I was propped up on my forearms and I am wondering if that did not make things worse I felt pretty good when getting out of the bed and during the shower and then the pain started to come back and quickly accelerated to not being able to even sit in a chair due to excruciating pain again as long as I am lying flat I do not feel it at all but if I try to move side to side I feel excruciating pain
hi I can understand the pain you are suffering from it is nothing but low back pain radiated to the leg due to constant stress and improper posture you get this taking rest and doing simple exercises will help reduce pain and also you can take anvil ibuprofen for quick relief an mri magnetic resonance imaging of is lumbar spine would help to know better what exactly the problem is here are some exercises you need to do slowly without any pressure low back stretch straight leg raising piriformis stretch bridge leg sliding waist lifting deep abdominal strengthening these exercises will not only reduce pain but also gives strength to the muscles apply heat pad thrice a day follow up with mri reports stress improper posture mri lumbar spine exercises anvil tablet with mri reports
hi doctor I have some speech problem I miss the word while talking and I am not conveying it properly I have to stop and think for a while to continue the conversation this happens many times a day my current medication is tablet vilazine 40 please help me
hi for further information consult a neurologist online
hi doctor I had doppler mca the report showed mca psv value of 79 mom what does it indicate please explain
hello for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor I had an annual checkup please have a look at the reports and advise if everything seems fine and healthy
hi for further information consult a general practitioner online
hi doctor I just found out that I am pregnant from the home pregnancy test kits this may sound weird as I am not sure about the date of conception was my last period was on the 17th of last month I had sex on the 14th of last month and also on the ith of this month I have a 38 day cycle is there a way to tell which date the pregnancy has come from without the ultrasound
hi for further doubts consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor my mother in law is suffering from hearing loss for the last 10 days there is no pain in the ear but sudden hearing loss she can hear but hearing capacity reduced by more than 30 please tell me some solution for this thank you
hello for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor when I was using tips to clean my ears I slipped and I may have gone a little too deep with one I felt a little discomfort in my ear that was three days ago and I still feel a little weird in that area could I have ruptured or punctured my eardrum is it important to go to an ear doctor immediately
hi for further information consult an audiologist online
hi doctor my aunt has colon cancer for the past three years she has a tumor of am as all other organs are not compromised she stopped with the chemotherapy like one year ago now she has peritoneal pseudomyxoma and ascites in the hospital the doctors say that the liquid in her abdominal cavity cannot be drained with normal methods because of the density of it they sent her home to die slowly without any treatment what can be done to get that thing out of her I have attached her clinical history for your reference please help
hello for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I am a 25 year old male my weight is 100 keg and height is my current medications are as follows atorvastatin 10 my on alternate days for hyperlipidemia allopurinol 100 my three times a day for hyperuricemia and lab plus steroid inhaler for asthma today my be is 139 98 mhg on routine measurement I am thinking to join a gym this week please suggest me
hi for further information consult a general medicine physician online
hi doctor I have morganella morganii infection in the prostate for the past 15 years I have been getting blood in semen I had a short course of antibiotics in the past and I also had a semen microbiological test please recommend some antibiotics
hi for further information consult a urologist online
hi doctor I had plantar fascia release surgery three months ago and my doctor released me to work even though I was supposed to get one more ray after getting the second ray he said the ray looks good but still I am in a lot of pain also the pain has spread to the outside of my foot along with the area of all the joints especially over the last three should I get a second opinion
hi revert back after 10 days to an orthopaedician and traumatologist online
hi doctor there is a mole like appearance on the back of my thigh I am worried if it is a cancerous one please help me
hi I have read your query and do understand your concern revert back with the photo and the answers to the above questions to a dermatologist online
hi doctor I had a biochemical pregnancy before two months initially my hug test showed and after a couple of days it was then I had an endometrial lining scan and it showed a simple right ovarian cyst measuring 27 my so doctor prescribed meprate and I got my periods on the 27th of last month when can I expect my periods of this month do I need to get any other scan please explain
hello for further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online
hi doctor four years before I met with a car accident with no external injury after a week I started getting pain in my right buttock and calf area later I was recommended for an mri and found it was la disc extrusion I underwent the microscopic discectomy the same year now for the past one month I am having severe pain in the same area I consulted my surgeon and took another mri as recommended this time as well I have the disc extrusion in the same disc this time he is recommending for fusion I am attaching the mri reports for your kind advise please check and advise whether I need to go for it my current medications are reserve plus and a painkiller thank you
hi a few observations are as follows evocative discogram proceed transforaminal endoscopic discectomy revert back with the answers to the above questions to an orthopaedician and traumatologist online
hello doctor I am a female of 32 years old I have a chronic issue of throat irritation a year ago I had taken treatment from the ent specialist he told me that everything is fine but some kind of air obstructs the throat unfortunately I lost the prescription I have been to doctors here but I am not satisfied one doctor gave me gastritis medicine and it does not work as per report my throat is fine I do not have tonsillitis or sinus problem but I am keep clearing my throat my current medication includes rabeprazole sandoz 20 my and motilium 10 my I am in a real trouble please help
hello we are happy to help you from the details you have provided regarding your symptoms and the previous consultations I can conclude with reasonable surety that you are suffering from a condition called reflux laryngitis this is a chronic condition characterized by symptoms like chronic throat irritation feeling of something stuck down the throat frequent clearing of the throat and excessive throat mucous it is because of local production of acid is produced in the stomach to aid in digestion the throat mucosa is not suitable to handle the acid when such local acid production occurs or the gastric acid contents rise up the esophagus they cause chronic irritation of mucosa and produce these symptoms they are seen typically as inflammation of the posterior larynx in endoscopy if you can search for your endoscopy report and share with us it will be helpful the treatment for this condition is to take a proton pump inhibitor like rabeprazole 40 my or pantoprazole 40 my twice daily half an hour before food for about a month also I advise to take a teaspoon of mucaine gel aluminium hydroxide after each meal and before bedtime at night for a week the proton pump inhibitor prevents acid production and the gel which is a combination of antacid and local anesthetic produces relief of symptoms consult your specialist doctor discuss with him or her and take the medicine with consent some additional care to be taken during this treatment are with these measures your condition will improve but it will be a gradual recovery if you do not recover then I would like to do some blood investigations to check if there is any other factor that is causing the throat issue also a repeat endoscopy can be advised to recheck the larynx hypopharynx and cervical esophagus for the throat irritation for further information consult an ent otolaryngologist online
hi doctor I have a couple of moles that have changed recently should I get them checked by my go the larger round mole is on my back of about my in diameter now it is a little over am also it has changed over a course of a few months the other mole that I noticed recently is raised while the rest is flat I have uploaded the photos for your reference please help
hi for further information consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor before two years my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer and has been undergoing treatment using eligard and xgeva early this year he got diagnosed with vallecula carcinoma and for which he underwent chemo erbitux six sitting and radiation therapy for 27 days while vallecula seems to have subsided he is now detected with tumor in some of the lymph nodes and for which operation has been recommended by the doctor also as observed in pet scan cancer seems to be spreading to other parts as there are some areas highlighted in the lower part of the lungs doctor has not given clear guidance about that we have been exploring the other options to retard spread of his cancer we need your guidance on therapies that can be considered to extend his healthy life span he is 73 years old wanted to check around immunotherapy for treatment and its availability thank you
hi I went through the details of your father illness and I will concentrate on the present problem for further information consult a medical oncologist online
hi doctor I want to know if my two sister grandson and granddaughter get married will their baby become abnormal or will the marriage affect their kid in any other way please explain
hello for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I have attached my two egg reports here are they normal they were taken consecutively minute apart the one with 106 heart rate was taken first and the second one with 93 heart rate was taken later I see some broad peak in the second one I am not sure if it is an error or something else my questions are as follows do both egg charts represent healthy heart the reason why I went to the hospital is that I felt chest pain and I checked my heart rate by a phone application it gave a normal reading except for one time it gave 39 but immediately after that it gave 79 do you think the 39 heart rate is an error should I feel relaxed and be assured that my heart is fine what is that broad peak I have very mild mitral valve regurgitation that was diagnosed to not have any treatments also before I did the egg I just ate and I was very concerned about the chest pain please explain thank you
hi you may rest assured as I have carefully reviewed your health query including both the attachments with different heart rates for further information consult a cardiologist online
hi doctor today I noticed two moles on my back with large dark circles around them I have attached the photos of one affected area only I have always had these moles but have never seen these dark circles until today I have had biopsies of moles from my back before and they were not cancerous however in the past my dermatologist and a plastic surgeon removed a pre cancerous mole removed from my right calf and a suspicious mole from my right bicep my mother had a melanoma removed I am also recovering from a case of shingles on my face could my immune system have been weakened from fighting off whatever is going on with these moles please explain
hi for further doubts consult a dermatologist online
hi doctor this is in regard to my mother she is 51 years old her weight is 12 keg she has severe pain in the lumbar spine till her bottom and not the legs she had done an mri of her spine earlier and got detected with slipped discs recently she did another mri of her brain and whole screening of spine I want you to explain the conclusion of the brain mri the report was round to oval to hyperintense foi in bilateral deep peritrigonal and right frontal white matter please explain in detail and also please tell me what treatment would it require also she has slipped discs frozen shoulder and muscle knots please tell a solution for muscle knots due to frozen shoulder she cannot lift her right hand she had injections but did not get relief from a while back she is showing forgetfulness no balance and cannot lead a normal life at all I am sending the copies of the mri and also attached her current medication list I will be awaiting your reply thank you
hello I had gone through all the data posted I would like to keep my answer as simple as possible so that you can understand easily for further information consult an internal medicine physician online
hello doctor my son is 21 months old he is suffering from very acute diarrhea that is four to five times in an hour and frequent vomiting four times a day from the last four days we consulted a local doctor he advised the attached prescription and stool test as per him it is due to severe bacterial infection in the stomach which is resulting in diarrhea my son is not suffering with dehydration and his fluid intake is sufficient he himself is asking for food but due to frequent motions he is weak and the rashes makes him irritated please give your suggestions we are worried as it seems that medicines are not healing it in a faster way he got only relief in three days doctor said that it will take three to four days to become normal and stool test is also fine
hello I understand your concern for your child I have seen the attached documents acute diarrhea give him or with each loose stool or whatever amount child takes prepare by adding a whole sachet in liter water syearup zinc my for 14 days consult your specialist doctor discuss with him or her and take the medicine with consent revert back with the answers to the above questions to a paediatrician online
hi doctor from yesterday I am suffering from loose motions and vomiting I do not feel fever but whatever I eat I feel it is in my throat I feel vomiting sensation I feel very weak drowsy and not able to do my normal work also felt left side shoulder and chest discomfort my age is 31 and I do not have any bad habits I have high triglycerides around 345 and other lipid levels are normal for the past two years my triglycerides are in this range only I have taken panto 40 my some tablets for stopping motion and nicip pain killer for left side chest and shoulder pain I feel tightness also but doctors confirmed it is not a heart problem three days back I ate sweets and since then I feel very discomfort four months back I have undergone egg tit and other tests which showed all normal kindly do the needful thank you
hi we are here to help you for further doubts consult an internal medicine physician online
hi doctor I am too much possessive to all the one who I love because of that I stressed a lot is possessiveness a disease please help me do I need any treatment for this thank you
hi for further information consult a psychiatrist online
hi doctor I am on prozac treatment for two months now for depression and anxiety I am on the minimum dose half a pill a day and I am doing very well to this treatment however I just found out I am pregnant my gynecologist says that I should stop prozac immediately but my psychiatrist says keep taking them as it is a very low dose and it will not harm the baby my anxiety and panic attacks were quite bad before now I am much more relaxed and I am just feeling like a normal person again what should I do should I continue the treatment is it safe for the baby please help
hi congratulations on your good news and I went through your query for further doubts consult a childbirth educator online
hi doctor I am suffering from unilateral headache for the last two months I had an eye examination and that was fine my blood tests were all normal I have seen three doctors my go and two hospital doctors who all say it is likely a benign headache or tension type headache of some description I have no other symptoms other than the pain I was prescribed naproxen 500 my twice daily which helped for two weeks pain came back a week after stopping naproxen but more mild than before then went away for five days and returned now naproxen does not seem to help at all doctors have not been concerned enough to give me a scan because I have no other symptoms and just the pain again this has been going on for two months now and even on pain free days while on naproxen I have still had brief one second flashes of pain at least a couple of times a day I have no sickness or nausea or dizziness I do not have a history of migraine there is no pain behind my eye or tearing I also have no anxiety or tension issues in my personal life to attribute to a headache the pain is in my left temporal area I feel some pressure pinching pain and tightness sometimes it is in the inner ear and sometimes I have pain on the top left of my head before I started the naproxen it was at its worst at bedtime when I laid down but I slept pain free for a month while on the naproxen the pain is quite mild but persistent so it is very annoying and always on my mind now that the naproxen does not seem to work at all and I cannot rely on it for relief why would naproxen suddenly stop working should I be concerned that I have a sinister condition
hi for further doubts consult a neurologist online
hi doctor I am 31 years old last month I had periods on 10th and then we had sex on 23 25 as those were the fertile days also I am doing yoga from past month this my date was supposed to come before 10 as I normally get period before date but got my periods today on 14th is it because I am doing yoga so I got my periods and failed to conceive as initially in this month I was having frequent urination sore breast symptoms but sadly I failed to conceive can you suggest shall I continue yoga and is it advisable to do yoga after having sex current medications folvite and neurobion forte
hello nothing to worry smaller changes in cycle pattern can be hormonal yoga is good it relaxes you nothing to worry about the cycle fecundity is 12 to 15 percent means every trying cycle has a chance of pregnancy only 12 percent it takes year of unprotected intercourse for better pregnancy rate no worries considering your age if the trying period is more than to 10 months get a baseline tis to look for ovarian reserve and also a baseline semen analysis for your partner hormonal semen analysis tis hormonal reassurance if queries
hello doctor yesterday in the evening I felt strong heaviness in my stomach and gas started forming stomach seems to be full without eating anything light pain also started today morning also no clear stool no choice to take food hence only some fruits taken in breakfast presently also stomach feeling full of gas light pain feeling in the morning I have taken one tablet of gas in empty stomach rabiprazole with domperidone what to take for relief since office hours has started and I want to be fit
hello I can understand you had a terrible time due to this problem since yesterday the gas production in bowel is a normal phenomenon and majorly produces on its own given the number of gas forming bacteria within human gut however there are certain foods and environmental triggers that can increase the gas production foods containing cereals grains such as wheat corn maze barley oats millets and milk cauliflower and many others that even you can find out yourself so your symptoms and just an overnight onset with worsening intensity suggest you probably have one of these gas producing food a day before yesterday if you can find out the foods that make you feel gas then it would be very easy to omit that diet from your diet and go well it is fine to continue with the rabiprazole for now but I want to substitute another medication over domperidone tablet digestive 40 my once daily before meals you can increase the dose to twice daily before meals if you dont feel improvement in next 48 hours gas and bloating I can consider testing you thoroughly if your symptoms remain for a week or so and does not improve with the medications I prescribed silo follow up in days to update me how you doing
hello doctor I hope this message meets you well and you are keeping safe please I have some concerns I have a year old son with my husband and we have agreed to make another baby I noticed my period only last two days and when we make love some sperm do not go into me also I ran a scan and which say my uterus is tilted does this means womb shift please provide with answers thank you and have a nice day ahead
hi I would like to know about the mode of delivery of your son r a vaginal birth or a caesarean section if it was a caesarean section it would have been better for your health for another year regarding your second query spilling of a small amount of sperm outside is not an issue as long as a part of it deposited high inside the vagina also please attach all your previous scan and blood reports including the one which mentioned the tilt and mention whether your periods are regular or not meanwhile follow the advises below tablet folic acid 5mg tablet once daily after lunch to continue
hello doctor I am 28 years old I have checked my pregnancy through prea news in home after 48 days of my last periods it shows two lines one dark pink and second light pink I have checked two times but same results I have done an ultrasound but it does not show pregnancy in the report please suggest
hello I have read the description of your problem there can be three explanations for this either it is an evaporation line if have you have checked it very late than the time mentioned to check on the kit which is a false positive result or this could be a very early stage of pregnancy where the levels are not sufficient enough to be detected in urine so gives a faint positive test obviously at this stage usually the pregnancy may or may not be detected on us ultrasound or the third possibility is that this is a very early pregnancy which is failing if you could give a little bit more details about your previous menstrual cycles the date of your last periods and when the scan is done it could have helped to narrow down the possibility you can check for your blood levels of beta hug human chorionic gonadotropin hormone to check if you were pregnant or not I hope this helps serum beta hug level
my daughter is months old and this is what is been going on with her need answers or if over reacting when she eats and even for long time after she is constantly puking sometimes white foamy puke she makes a weird breathing sound when eating and just regular breathing her nose is always running or full of snot she has always got excess saliva coming out of her mouth she always sticking her young out or moving it side to side she acts like she is constantly choking she has weird poop and seems be constipated lot she is not very alert like normal and it is like she cannot talk laugh or cry anymore help ply
hi choking like act not laughing or crying well is something need a careful detailed evaluation that she might be having delayed milestones and that can have multiple causes if you can connect with me on video chat I can have a look at your baby to confirm it is something to be of concern or not considering your baby is other wise normal with normal events during delivery after delivery small amount of puking is normal which can be due to swallowing little more air during feeding you wrote while eating just to re confirm have you started on solid food noisy breathing during feeds is due to running nose and she is having nose block so she feels difficulty while swallowing use normal saline nasal drops to keep the nose clean open excess salvation at this age is normal for a well healthy baby
for consecutive three weeks I have been suffering from acute sore throat and swelling and ear heaviness in the first week I took cefixime for six days then I took pulmocef 500 my for with winolap tab and tab dolonex it for days in this week sore throat tonsil pain swelling in throat stiffness of walls of throat post nasal drip I am taking cepodem up with montair fix now for the last three days still I am seeing thick mucus in back of throat as frequent post nasal drip even full swing fan is causing sinus problem now please guide uric acid 81 male 47 years hba1c 3 no diabetes no hen so far
hello I am enabling you a free query so that you can reply back to us
good morning my daughter 12 years has high canines the orthodontist advised to extract teeth before we start the treatment I would like a second opinion to know if it is really necessary and if necessary which teeth bus I read that the opinion differ to which teeth to extract especially in girls to avoid saggy cheeks in the future thank you rays taken five days back
hi doctor my current medications are 60 my cymbalta for depression and 300 my seroquel for the sleep disorder I am in my 40s and I have had a few episodes of depression during my lifetime I was lucky enough to be able to attend a psychiatrist in a country I lived in for a long time it was a great help my question at the moment is about medication when I was quite depressed I took cymbalta and another antidepressant which I am fairly certain was wellbutrin I dropped the secondary antidepressant after a year or so as I began to feel better I am just considering using it again as I am now in a state of emotional upheaval due to a family death I have just got in touch with a go for an appointment in the next two weeks what I would like to know is it safe to take cymbalta seroquel and go back to wellbutrin how would I work the dosage would I start with 150 my of wellbutrin and possibly go up to 300 my when should I take the antidepressants can I take them both at the same time or do I need to space them out I am not prone to seizures and I have never had one I am a female
hi thank you for taking help from a psychiatrist you can take cymbalta and seroquel you are already on both medications so you should continue both medications if you fill depressed then take tablet wellbutrin 150 my once in the morning for a short period of time then we can taper off within months if you do not improve your depression on 150 my of dose after 15 days then we can increase the dosage as per requirement you can take medications together and you do not need to space out but you must take seroquel at night as it causes sedation even you should follow some non pharmacological management as mentioned below do exercises daily for 30 45 minutes like walking do meditation for 20 minutes daily eat healthy home cooked foods avoid junk foods spend quality time with friends and family daily spend time for creative hobbies like read good books write journals painting drawings learn new skills or language or musical instruments take enough 8 hours sleep daily avoid tobacco or alcohol or any substance abuse I hope this helps
hello doctor my brother os recently on tagrisso his recent scan is attached which shows improvement he is vomiting while eating grains what is the reason for vomiting and what can be done for this please tell me about this response to tagrisso if it is good how much time does tagrisso take for the remission if it works like this what is the average duration for tagrisso to become resistant please clear my doubts
hi welcome to icliniq com in reply to your question for osimertinib tagrisso osimertinib demonstrated improvement in pas 18 versus 10 months he 46 95 ci 37 57 and duration of response 17 versus 5 months relative to other ski the pas progression free survival benefit was consistent across subgroups including either patient with or without brain metastases response rates for osimertinib is around 80 to put it to simple terms the disease is controlled for more than 5 years with osimertinib treatment with an egfr ski is generally continued until there is disease progression if there is persistent vomiting we need to do more tests to confirm whether it is leptomeningeal am disease which is diagnosed in approximately percent of patients with metastatic cancer the most common solid tumors giving rise to am are breast cancer 12 to 35 percent lung cancer 10 to 26 percent melanoma to 25 percent headache is the most common initial symptom of am present in 30 to 50 percent of patients with symptoms of confusion forgetfulness disorientation subtle personality changes and or lethargy collectively referred to as encephalopathy or altered mental status are common in patients with am I would request to do gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging mri of the brain and spine which often provides important evidence of am the definitive diagnostic finding for am is the cytologic identification of malignant cells within the csi cerebrospinal fluid
hello doctor I had normal vaginal delivery 10 months ago and breastfeeding my baby since then I did not have my periods but yesterday around 10 am I felt some brown stains but I started worrying when I saw the flow as it is really heavy I used three pads in three hours and that too there were literally in a situation of dripping I do not know whether I should expect this or not could you please help me to find the problem and any medication I can go for
hello while a woman is breastfeeding post delivery menstrual cycles usually do not resume until 12 months and it will vary from person to person this is like a natural birth control devices by nature to prevent subsequent pregnancies at a shorter interval but however this is not 100 effective the excessive bleeding that you experienced is definitely not normal even if you have resumed your cycles one possibility is that you could have ovulate and got pregnant in the same cycle before you could get your actual periods and it got miscarried if you were not using any birth control methods so I would advise to check your urine pregnancy test once if there is any history of sexual intercourse the second possibility could be excessive bleeding due to other causes like fibroid or any other structural problems or hormonal disturbances which will have to be evaluated please get an ultrasound if possible to look for the same meanwhile to control your excessive bleeding I prescribe some medications which will help to control your flow please feel free to revert back with the urine pregnancy test results to rule out the possibility of pregnancy first urine pregnancy test ultrasound abdomen and pelvis tablet tranexa tranexamic acid 500 my thrice daily after food follow up with the urine pregnancy test results
hello doctor I was wondering if anyone could tell me about my condition I used to go to an eye doctor when I was little but I cannot remember when I last went I was never pushed to go by my parents when I was younger only when I needed a new pair of glasses I was born with one eye small the other normal my vision is fine I am very nearsighted but with glasses I see quite well my depth perception is normal too I can see most things and when I tried to drive once it went well in my affected eye pupil is floating around I cannot see much out of it and it is not big enough other than that no other health conditions could anyone tell me what this is it something that progresses and will I go blind someday
hi you have unilateral microphthalmos I your one eye which in your case is right eye is not fully developed and has developed a squint other eyes appear normal but I will advise you to get a funds in the left eye also to rule out any retinal anomaly the condition in the right will always remain like this and this condition will not affect the left eye if it is normal just do not engage in activities that can lead do an injury in the left eye also so please consult a vitreoretinal specialist to rule out any retinal lesions in the left eye and get yourself rechecked for glasses every six months though your left eye appears very normal from outside but since you are nearsighted I will advise you to get retinal examination in your normal eye too so that if there is any treatable lesion we can fix it at an early stage
hi doctor my baby has a bump behind her ear and head I searched it online and found it as lymph node I do not know what exactly it is but she is so irritated and she has a fever I do not know what to do please help she is only year old and I am giving her tempra
hi you are absolutely right these are lymph nodes everyone has it but due to so many different reasons they become a bit enlarged and can be felt if they are not increasing in size and not painful on touch along with a normal skin over it then not to worry it does not require any specific medication in case any of the above mentioned symptoms and signs are there then it needs to be taken care of presently what have explained regarding fever and skin rash seems a viral infection but if you can share a picture I will reconfirm it meanwhile give these medications syearup cetrizine 5 my once daily for three days syearup tempura paracetamol my as and when she has a fever you can repeat it every four hours if needed
hello doctor I have cervical pain radiating to the right shoulder neck and arm until fingers I have this problem for the past eight months and I am currently on medications for diabetics
hello the symptoms that you have described point towards cervical disc issues with a small disc and bone osteophyte that is irritating to the right sided nerve at c5 level as mentioned in the mri reports usually such cases heal within 8 weeks on and off pain is common but persistent pain in the arm and hand is nagging and decreases productivity especially if it is a dominant hand we need to take mri films to interpret the severity of the disc problem know the handedness know the exact location of the pain and if associated with tingling or numbness and any weakness in the hand or arm until then do warm water fomentation apply pain killer gel locally over the neck and arm avoid lifting weights or jerks to the neck and avoid bad roads
hi doctor I have persistent heartburn related symptoms for the last four to five months I visited a gastro and he prescribed me medicines for 14 days my conditions got better but not fully cured so I was given another 14 days of medicine including a proton pump inhibitor soon the lockdown kicked in and I went back to my home I meanwhile took ayurvedic medicines for a month here while it has reduced the duration of heartburn episodes the problem has not gone yet for the last month I have mild heartburn pain in chest for 20 60 minutes in a day spread across three to four intervals 14 30 days my throat felt different 30 last days had acid refluxes but heartburn occurs daily I have tried varying my diet but have not found any significant changes is this a cause of concern that despite having medicines for 42 days I still have mild heartburn occurring daily what should I do how long will it take for a medicine to show the effect should I continue the course and if so for how long and if yes does prolonged usage of medicine have side effects or if left untreated do they have side effects I took somproz initially for four days lesuride 25 and deltone for 14 days and for the next 14 days I took lesuride 25 and nexpro 40
hello you have briefly and well described your history and I understand that you have very genuine concerns so the problem you have is called gastroesophageal reflux disease herd this is basically reflux of acid from the stomach to food pipe causing heartburn sore throat sometimes cough and shortness of breath our stomach produces approximately liter of acidic juices to help digest food the acid produced does not usually come into food pipe unless someone has loose sphincter at the lower end of our food pipe which prevents acid refluxing into the food pipe there are two further classifications of herd pi responsive herd and pi refractory herd your symptoms suggest that you have pi proton pump inhibitor responsive herd since your symptoms are significantly improved when you are taking pi even in pi responsive herd the symptoms may not completely vanish but are declined to a reasonable level and this may be in your case for this you just need to increase the dose of pi instead of once daily dose you can start taking it twice a day before meals the rest of your symptoms like sore throat will go away once your acid reflux is suppressed well diet may or may not affect the herd however there are certain precautions that you can do to prevent heartburn avoiding large volume meals instead take small but frequent meals avoid taking large meals at night or before going to bed give at least three to four hours gap after night meals before going to bed for sleeping raise the head end of your bed by placing a cement or wooden block down the head side of your bed or there are commercially available anti reflux mattresses that can be used instead avoid wearing tight fitting clothes and belts so your concern about the presence of symptoms despite 42 days of treatment is valid but you see the acid is produced daily and the medicines can decrease the acid production for the duration of time they are in the blood once the level of the drug declines from a certain point the acid production takes over back so taking a daily pill to control your acid production is the only effective way of treating your condition no long term use and side effects well all pi are relatively safe and do not cause significant side effects if taken for years and years however there are studies that have shown renal damage bone protein loss and aspiration pneumonia but in practice these side effects are not that common as elaborated in studies the one daily pill to control your acid and prevailing a normal lifestyle is much more important than unforeseen and often unestablished side effects from long term use of pi I would recommend if pi helps you to do well then there is no reason for stopping for the sake of unforeseen complications but if you still have a concern about the long use of pi then I would recommend you to get oh impedance 24 hours testing to confirm herd and if present then pi again is the therapy but if the test comes out negative then pi can be stopped I hope this helps pi responsive herd ambulatory 24 hours oh impedance testing non erosive reflux disease herd tablet pantoprazole 40 my before breakfast you can increase it to 40 my bid before meals follow up if want to discuss more
hello doctor I have scrotal pain for the past one year and my ultrasound is normal please help
hello do you have scrotal pain while standing or is it there while lying down also do your profession involve standing for long hours any urinary complaints like frequency urgency poor stream nocturia dribbling or burning micturation is the ultrasound you have done is an ultrasound abdomen or scrotum can you upload the report also have you got a scrotum doppler scan also any history of diabetes or hypertension any visible dilated veins on the scrotum or lower limb send pictures if any
hello doctor I am a man in my early twenties that started using hearing aids about a year ago I am very happy with this it has really changed my life just recently I started reading up a bit more and now I feel very confused and weird about it all the thing is I was told I had a mild mid frequency hearing loss when I actually look at my audiometry test it shows that as well but my hearing is barely within the range of being considered a hearing loss reading around I found out that most people with such a mild loss can mostly hear fine and do not need hearing aids when I read about what my hearing loss is supposed to be like I do not relate I relate way more to the explanations of what moderate hearing loss sounds and feel like and hearing aids help me a lot when I do not wear my hearing aids it sounds to me like listening to people talking through a door I rely a lot on lip reading if I cannot wear my hearing aids phone conversations were almost impossible before I got them I just cannot make my hearing loss make sense with my actual experience with hearing so I have been wondering what causes me to feel like I hear so bad when my hearing is just slightly below the normal range I should say that I have tinnitus as well sometimes quite a lot so that maybe factors into it too recently I began to wonder whether the reason I hear so much worse compared to other people with my level of hearing loss is that I have add and ptsd which makes it so hard to focus do you think this is a possibility or could it simply be that I handle my hearing loss worse than others I just do not understand why I experience hearing speech as so difficult and why I am so dependent on hearing aids when my hearing loss is technically very mild
hi let me tell you a statement which explains it perfectly the ear receives the sound but interpretation of sound happens at the brain so many a times with mild hearing loss speech perception is low moreover you have tinnitus too I hope you have fitted with digital programmable computerized programmable hearing aids if yes it amplifies exactly the same as required in each frequency no need to worry about it by the way avoid caffeinated drinks tea coffee alcohol and avoid noisy situations as much as possible puretone is used in the test in which you got the result mild mid frequency hearing loss pure tone audiometry but in day to day life you are not listening to pure tones right it is speech so pure tone audiometry and speech audiometry should be done and correlated if that would have been done then you must have a clear picture of your problem my honest suggestion is to use the hearing aids so as not to worsen the condition if you stop using it that may cause further deterioration
hello doctor I am a 32 year old male I have no previous conditions or problems and I take no medications for the last two months my right nipple probably under the nipple I experience pain to the touch some days it seems a bit better and some days worse I have stopped doing weight training due to quarantine but I am not sure if this is related to my problem what should I sign up to check me or will this just go away
hello I can understand your concern according to your statement you have been suffering from pain on your right breast that probably under the nipple and it is painful to touch some medical conditions can cause breast pain when abnormal growth and swelling of breasts in men caused by excess amount of estrogen and less amount of testosterone production is known as gynaecomastia cyst is a lump under the skin and they contain fluid or air they can cause breast pain putting extra pressure on the muscles can cause a strain fat necrosis occurs where fat tissue becomes damaged fibroadenoma is a non cancerous lump and can be developed in breath and occur rarely in males breast cancer is rarer but can occur in males again chest or cardiac abnormalities acid reflux back neck or shoulder pain may cause breast pain treatment depends on the causes you should undergo some investigations like mammogram ultrasound scan it scan biopsy egg electrocardiography car chest ray etc to find out the underlying the causative culprit for your sufferings and treat them accordingly
hello doctor I have high uric acid levels and mild pain in random joints I would like to know about hyperuricemia management please help
hi welcome to icliniq com definitely your uric acid is very high to discuss about the management I would need to know since when are you having these symptoms only small joints are involved or large joints like knee elbow are also involved any reddening or swelling over the joints any alcohol consumption
hello doctor I have been having very irregular periods since I began getting them I have been on birth control to help manage and track them but as of recently I have been having more sporadic periods for instance from the beginning of january through the end of february the pill I was on was no longer helping and I was on my period for two weeks at a time with five days gap in between each period and I have been experiencing more intense cramps during my period that start in my lower abdomen and extend through to my butt if I had to describe it feels like a stabbing pain from my belly button straight through my body to butt if that makes sense I am 19 years old and I have never been to a gynecologist please help
hello welcome to iclinq com I can understand your concern and what you are going through is a hormonal problem the regularity gradually sets in with maturation of the hop hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis as you grow older and the treatment of choice is hormonal pills the possibilities of your problem despite pills maybe missing pills in between taking pills not on time these two are the most common causes for such a scenario dose of the pill may not be enough however as you are complaining of severe pain have an in person gynecologist opinion us ultrasound abdomen is done to rule out uterine and ovarian pathology nothing big to worry about and continue with hematinics I hope this helps hormonal us abdomen and pelvis he uterine ovarian causes hormonal ocp oral contraceptive pills after the scan excess weight gain can alter your cycle so concentrate on weight reduction and iron rich diet
my wife age 46 suffering from heavy blooding during menstruation period she came into same phase after eight months almost eight months no periods at all periods started on 13 days back continue till date using 6 senetary pads during each day also passing through senior abdominal pain several days also having complain of constipation since last three days consult local physician and than gynecologist in my city she is swallowing medicines as per below tranexa of trexakind thrice a day spasmodart voveran if abdominal pain persists shelcal one per day from yesterday she is taking injection of aquairon 25mg three prescribed by local gynecologist one taken also feeling weakness I want second opinion and finest treatment suggestions online please guide on above case and suggest finest treatment
hello thanks for the query with the history it is clear that she is in her peri menopausal status and experiencing menorrhagia or excessive bleeding since 13 days which is often seen in peri menopausal women she has been given antifibrinolytics in form or tranexa of which is fine but if bleeding is still not getting controlled then she would require an ultrasound pelvis first to check for her present endometrial thickness if the endometrial thickness is still more than my then she would have to be started on progesterone pills for 10 days to control bleeding along with diosmin and antifibrinolytics together also if she is feeling dizziness and weakness then she may require hospitalization for intravenous support as well regards
sir I have piles problem is there any relation between piles and armpit swelling that swelling was soft and no lump and no pain I searched online about swelling in armpit it was showing like best cancer that swelling is there from year in that year my delivery was happened in pregnancy time this was came but I am not best feeding I am very tensed about this swelling out side hospitals are not open in this lockdown any chance of getting fat in one armpit wheneven I am folding my hand it was showing like a bump ply help me is there any chance of cancer please help me this is the sign of cancer or fat I have this from year if it is cancer any other symptoms will come or not please doctor give me a better suggestion and clarification about my situation thanks in advance
hi doctor I just want to know how long do you have to wait to get tested for hepatitis I got checked for the first three months and it was negative I am just nervous thinking was it too early six months later I did a liver test and blood test and everything came back fine I just want to know should I get rechecked or am I good are liver tests good enough to check for hepatitis and
hi it is very important to know why are you willing to get hepatitis and tested if you had exposure please mention what exposure it was also mention when did you get the exposure and when did you get the test done
hi doctor I was not sexually active for the last one year but recently I resumed my sexual life I am not able to maintain my erection during sex although I am able to achieve it but it is not that hard I never faced this issue before and was not sure what is causing this problem I am 30 years old please help
hello before moving directly to any treatment follow the advice as given below you are indeed developing the signs of ed erectile dysfunction and me premature ejaculation we may need the reports of the following tests to rule out physical causes of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation abc complete blood count to ash thyearoid stimulating hormone hba1c glycated hemoglobin serum testosterone serum prolactin to rule out psychological causes please answer my questions how is your mood how are your energy levels how is your appetite do you have any sleep disturbances or do you oversleep any past history of anxiety or depression any family members suffering from anxiety or depression describe in detail about any use of cigarettes tobacco alcohol cannabis or any other substances of abuse please respond to the above questions and send me reports to enable me to make a complete assessment of your condition and advise treatment accordingly depression can cause ed me and masturbation guilt or compulsive masturbation all that you may require is proper consultation and treatment about your sexual problems
hello doctor I got the influenza vaccination about a week ago and have a swollen and painful lump in my armpit
hi I understand your concern you are having lymph node swelling axillary post influenza vaccination influenza vaccine is a very safe vaccine although some may have local pain swelling and fever some may have local lymphadenopathy is a swelling of lymph node normal gland present in our body which function as clearing harmful substances and providing immunity local and systemic reactions mostly began between day and day when a lymph node rapidly increases in size its capsule stretches and causes pain is usually the result of an inflammatory process it is a reactive response of the lymph node to the vaccination so no need to worry it can be managed by simple paracetamol or anti inflammatory medication such as serratiopeptidase it should resolve within a week if it is associated with fever or any other site enlargement of lymph node you can visit your physician I hope this helps reactive lymphadenitis abc complete blood count ear erythrocyte sedimentation rate us ultrasound axillary lymph node lymphadenopathy anti inflammatory paracetamol 500 my twice or thrice daily or aceclofenac paracetamol and serratiopeptidase combination tablet twice daily for three days follow up after three days
a couple of weeks before I got severe heartburn I often felt really bloated and nauseous especially after meals but I kept ignoring it as the symptoms would go away a month back I had a faint heartburn throughout the day and woke up in the middle of the night with severe heartburn all over my chest mid week it was so bad that it went in my throat and everything I went to the hospital and was immediately prescribed ranitidine 150mg for 14days as it came to week I got only worse with no sleep whatsoever lump in my throat extreme fatigue where my leg was involuntarily fluttering and my lip was voluntarily twitching by third week I started omeprazole 40mg with the ranitidine and the heartburn intensity reduced but I experienced lots of other symptoms like bloatedness stomach making noises all the time nausea breathlessness was the main one heart palpitations which were never ending and this constant pressure on my nose and head I am now in week and unfortunately the heartburn is still very much there it comes and goes the lump in my throat has improved from the second week but it still feels very heavy I can almost press it and feel something clicking doc has said to double my dose of omeprazole so to take 80mg plus ranitidine will I get any relief at all from this constant heartburn and all the other symptoms am I in some sort of serious trouble I have lost quite a bit of weight I am on bland food elevated at night and all the lot but yet my quality of life is so heavily impacted as I cannot do anything throughout the day because of the constant palpitations heartburn or pressure in my nose and head or the bloatedness and nausea the heartburn gets worse after I eat please help I am only 28 and do not understand why this happened to me as I was never obese or had any health conditions except hypothyearoidism last thing to mention my stools since having acid reflux issue has been a pale yellow and has only recently started to be brown again what could this mean as well any help would be appreciated as docs are just putting it down to anxiety and stress all the time
hello I welcome you to icliniq I can understand that must very much frustrated for your ongoing non resolving symptoms I want you to understand why this symptoms of heartburn occurs in reality hear burn is a common symptoms that can occur in normal subjects as well but does remain long in some people heart burn occur secondary to acid reflux in food pipe esophagus which usually settles with one dose acid suppressant medication or twice daily capsule however there is a third group of individuals where by the maximum does acid suppressant does not effect very much as in your case we call this condition as refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease herd so why I started emphasizing on all this because management is different the work up of refractory herd start with an endoscopy a procedure where by a gastroenterologist puts a tube with camera in to your esophagus and see what is inside also there are other battery of test which could confirm what is exactly a problem may be straightforward I reflux but it can be some thing which is micking herd the herd mickers are many the one of most common are esophageal motility disorders which are another set of disorders in itself so to cut the story short I want you to first of all optimize the acid suppressant treatment I know you taking omeprazole 40 my twice daily but it is important you take these medication 30 minutes or sometime 45 min before meal it is very important since at times it is timing which is important than the drug itself but if you are doing it already in that manner I would recommend you to think about endoscopy now but it would help us to determine some other more information not necessarily the acid reflux keep taking gaviscon but increase the dose take 15 to 20 my at one time to times daily and half hour after meals the rest of your symptoms such as feeling lump in throat is common if someone has reflux it is called as globes sensation dont worry about that it will go away once your acid controlled adequately the stress and anxiety sometime create a vicious cycles where the disorder is perpetuated and influenced by it but I think this is not the only explanation of your problem the stress is obvious thing in one with non resolving symptoms for example if do not reach to a particular diagnosis by endoscopy I would consider testing for esophageal motility disorders and some more allergic and hyperalgesic problems of esophagus but for now let the above treatment plan work meanwhile get some blood test done as advised below I hope this would be helpful for you let me know if you need any future consultations have a good day refractory herd complete blood count check your thyearoid status ash ft4 ft3 herd motility disorders esinophilic esophagitis after week
hello doctor my baby just turned months I gave him can optipro one for his est to months now I gave him the follow up milk which is can optipro two after two days of drinking he is suddenly having diarrhea now five times a day I tried reaching out for a pediatrician in our area but they are not accepting the appointments he is also irritated because of his blooming teeth and he is eating oatmeal with banana puree I wanted to ask if it is just his tummy adjusting or is there any underlying problem
hello I appreciate your concern regarding your child I would like to advise that transition can cause diarrhea but it should settle within four to five days if it does not then we should change the feed ensure hydration give him or oral rehydration solution dissolved one packet in one liter of water she must take 90 my of this solution after each loose stool this or contains electrolytes that have lost by stool give it until loose stool subsides syearup zinc my once a day for 14 days it will fulfill zinc deficiency in your child and prevent further episodes of diarrhea and pneumonia also give him semi solid food more along with curd this will help to improve the digestion during this illness watch for any color change in urine output or decreased urine output and any lethargy in case they come please consult
hello doctor actually I have been feeling low energy tired and fatigue for a couple months now also I get light dizzy light headed and headache it gets worse when I walk or stand up the headache is concentrated from the sides and sometimes forehead and around eyes however I have been suffering from anxtiey and depression my anxiety is moderate sometimes it lasts the whole day I took multivitamin zinc and vitamin now I am taking feroglobin two times a day for a week now I did not see much improvement how to cure tiredness and lack of energy how to reduce anxiety levels
hello it may happen sometimes but it will be solved very soon avoid those stressful conditions medication has to be given generalized weakness serum creatinine abc complete blood count urine routine and examination fasting blood sugar lipid profile hypothyearoidism cos polycystic ovary syndrome tablet diazepam 10 my tablet in bedtime daily for 15 days tablet tolfenamic acid 200 my for five days tablet iron polymaltose complex folic acid zinc 150 my 500 my 5 my for three months folic acid my for three months avoid anxiety sound sleep needed eat healthy foods drink plenty of water recreation needed avoid stressful work always think positive please tell me about your menstrual life sexual life and family history
hello doctor my wife is having toothache and swollen and inflamed gums for four days this is due to wisdom teeth currently she is taking cataflam 50 my two tablets in 24 hours for the past two days for pain relief her age is 36 years and her weight is 56 keg she does not have any past medical history currently we feel visiting the dentist should be avoided please advise for medication
hi the proper treatment of wisdom tooth is extraction as wisdom tooth is not able to perform its function of chewing because it is present in the most posterior position of our oral cavity so it is of no use in saving it by act root canal treatment and crown and wasting money and time in it so it is better to go for extraction after lockdown overs and kindly visit a dentist who is taking all the sterilization measures with pie personal protective equipment kit until that time do saline and warm water gargle three to four times a day for seven days take hot pack from outside the mouth and apply it on the affected cheek area to reduce the swelling twice a day for seven days take tablet augmenting amoxicillin and clavulanic acid 625 my be for five days zerodol so aceclofenac serratiopeptidase and paracetamol be for five days pan 40 pantoprazole od before food in the morning and capsule becosule od in case of severe pain take tablet ketorol it two tablets dissolve in a glass of water I hope this helps
i have been on my period for weeks its beyond heavy I soak thou a pad and ultra tampon hourly I am also passing golf ball size clots and massive gushes of blood I have some cramping as well no do can see me for weeks due to couid and I do not know what else to do
hi bleeding so heavily for weeks is really painful and tiring I salute to you for bearing it for so long I want you to know that endometriosis can only be suppressed with taking contraceptive pills continuously for now take tab devilry medroxyprogesterone 10mg thrice daily for one week followed by twice daily for next one week and followed by once daily for next one week and stop eventually I am also concerned about your hemoglobin levels following such heavy bleeding please get hemogram an ultrasound done for now you can take iron folic acid and bit b12 tablets to combat anemia please get back to me if you have any queries regards
hello doctor my 85 year old father had mild pain in his thighs and shoulder girdle for two months which intensified in the past two weeks to a point that he could not get up from his bed he was started on oral steroids 30 my once daily for the past three days and has shown a 40 response but cannot stand blood tests were done yesterday showing normal serum electrolytes bilirubin ash and abc with some iron deficiency raised values are cpu 272 bun 50 got 50 sept 100 and leukocytes 2900 his he is and eosinophilia 42 since before kindly suggest the diagnosis
hello well as per your history it does look like a diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatic I would like to ask you a few more queries related to his illness when is the pattern of pain more mornings or evenings does he experience morning stiffness as well any history of weight loss or appetite loss any history of jaw pain or headache or fever do you have his reports of ear erythrocyte sedimentation rate cop reactive protein rheumatoid factor available as they are the most important to monitor and diagnose did they do any scans of the chest and abdomen as of now the reports do not seem very great with high leukocyte count and low he diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatic looks certain but we should rule out any underlying trigger
hello doctor I am a year old male I had a hard lump on the left lower back between top of the hip bone and lower ribs no pain to the touch it feels about the size of a marble or the end of a pinky finger what is it most likely I did have a hard fall on my back about a year ago in that area but I am not sure if that could be related I want to know what is the chances of something like kidney cancer as that is what comes up when I use do google can you feel a lump from the kidney that close to the surface does it feel like what I described I included an image of the same I am currently using prilosec
hello I have seen the picture looking at the location you pointed there should be no lump ideally in that area as it is purely muscular having said that in your case since you had a fall at that point last year possibly a hematoma has formed and not totally dissolved due to lack of movement or physiotherapy this is quite normal and not worrisome chances of kidney cancer if it is painless are actually one in a million if you have no other symptoms especially urinary symptoms I would recommend an ultrasound abdomen pelvis once feasible
hello doctor I am 19 years old and asthmatic I weigh around 56 keg my asthma is not severe and it is seasonal asthma and only happens during season change lately my asthma is not going away I did a myteka and feet course along an antibiotic course I do use ventolin inhaler which gives me relief normally these days when I wake up I feel short of breath again it is not that severe it is like 20 when I am not sick my asthma goes away it does not bother me at all during any physical activities I am a chain smoker and have been smoking for two years yet it never made a problem any suggestions
hi I can see that you are worried about your asthma let us start from scratch firstly let us confirm your diagnosis of asthma and because you are having symptoms now it is the best time to perform spirometry secondly for asthma you have to use inhalational medication for at least a year after diagnosis and then we can taper off as you are relieved of symptoms I totally understand this is a long duration but we need the medication for controlling your future symptoms thirdly the medicine ventorlin will provide you immediate relief but it will not prevent further attacks so you need to add inhalational corticosteroids to your medication and last but not least you need to quit smoking you already know the health hazards of smoking and in your case it is worsening your asthma symptoms it will be a difficult job but I can help you with that only if you want I hope this helps poorly controlled asthma due to smoking not taking medicine regularly and not taking inhalational corticosteroids as well spirometry with bronchodilator reversibility testing poorly controlled asthma inhaler formoterol mug budesonide 200 mug with spacer two puffs twice daily and can be taken up to four times daily if required and once exacerbation is over it can be tapered off for a month tablet fexofenadine 120 my once a day for a month quit smoking avoid exposure to allergens per peak expiratory flow rate monitoring follow up with investigations
hi my grandmother is 80years of age over the past year her hallucinations have increased with time from what was occasionally to now daily I have had her to the doc for blood tests she is perfectly healthy in all bodily aspects treated for mild kidney infection on two occasions recently hallucinations seem to be in patterned images like floors tiles counter tops clothing her most recent go has not quite ruled it as dementia as yet short term memory has faded aggression has also increased re arranges the bedroom on a daily basis accusations of personal possessions being stolen by these so called persons in her bedroom how can we treat this desperately needing some advice as to the next steps to take thank you in advance
hello dear dementia with hallucinations may be common in old age people intermittent episodes of delirium may increase the future risk of dementia most commonly infections urinary respiratory electrolyte imbalance hormonal imbalance drugs or recent surgery cause delirium dementia may be due to alzheimer or multi infact or louie body or multisystemic atrophy etc for delirium we may give low dose of benzodiazapines what is the cause to be evaluated by mri brain serum electrolytes blood sugar levels thyearoid profile and urine examination so please consult your neurophysician he will examine and treat you accordingly take care
hi good evening I have fatty lever and feel pain at right side of my stomatch when I touch with hand it give warm pain and I feel it warm touch incide currently taking two times liv 52 is from fee days the same medicine I was taking to months before then I stopped from almost a month I am not walking and doing exercise colistrol is under control due to use of ateroz 10 my tablets please advise thank you
hi I understand your problem it seem the pain over your part of stomach I secondary to increase gas production as well as increase acid production as far as given no weight loss in these last months I reassure you that it is not some serious problem there are many factors which could abnormally increase gas and acid production the common of which are stress anxiety and sleeplessness and if someone putting on weight there is one safe antibiotic to be taken for at least weeks to show good results tab rifxamin 200 my thrice daily for weeks if your symptoms dont resolve see me in weeks we can consider testing it with investigations for fatty liver there are no approved medication so there is no use or liv 52 if you are taking for fatty liver it is only weight reduction of around 10 of your current body weight which can help to improve your fatty liver uninvestigated dyspepsia and fatty liver disease liver function tests fibroscan see me in weeks time if symptoms does not get better
1 I am having cough sore throat for many years sometimes I cough after I wake up from sleep sometimes I just start coughing randomly my throat will be itchy sometimes but no pain suddenly I get headache star at the back of my head until my shoulder I get this headache often it just start randomly for no reason I have gastric issue is this the cause of this pain
hi there are two possibilities for the problem your having a chronic herd with lor gastroesophageal reflux with laryngopharngeal reflux basically over here acidic gastric contents have a faulty reflux into your throat and this can be the reason of feeling something stuck in your throat or just a itchy discomfort you will not have any difficulties with swallowing as such inflammation around the throat often results in a irritative cough a chronic allergic pharyngitis can also be another reason there could be exposure to some irritative substance indoors itself which can irritate the throat and again be the cause of intermittent cough what can be done avoid exposure to any irritative substance the best thing to counter this is to wear a n95 mask gastric issues have to treated seriously with medications and precautions with more emphasis on the later you can follow the advice mentioned below I think this should suffice and keep your symptoms at bay hope this helps get well soon
hi doctor for the past four weeks I have had terrible heart palpitations shortness of breath and bouts of fatigue a thing I have started to notice is it seems to get much worse after eating anything with carbohydrates after I eat the symptoms ramp up in 30 minutes to one hour I can exercise without any issues I am years old and this has never happened to me before I went to the hospital one week ago who confirmed my heart was racing and temperature slightly up but standard blood tests came back normal and there was nothing on a chest ray where do I go from here will this stop many thanks
hi fever causes a faster heart rate another reason which is not uncommon in young people is vagal atrial fibrillation this is an irregular fast heartbeat that occurs in bouts after eating and during resting and spontaneously revert back what did your egg show was it only sinus tachycardia or rhythm problem such as atrial fibrillation fever usually causes sinus tachycardia which is a normal response to fever when fever subsides the heart rate slows down sometimes it occurs due to gastrointestinal problems in which eating leads to insulin gush which lowers blood sugar and sensation like blackout weakness palpitations and fatigue develop chances of this are very low please send me the egg strip so that I may diagnose your rhythm blood tests that might be helpful include abc complete blood count e urea and electrolytes ash thyearoid stimulating hormone and the egg these are also some rare disorders that cause a sudden rise in heart rate fever shortness of breath and very high blood pressure this condition is called pheochromocytoma but it is extremely rare please tell me the other symptoms you develop along with fast heart rate feelings and fever this along with the above tests will guide to reach a diagnosis if the above tests are normal I will advise you to have hotter monitoring done for 24 48 hours to catch fast heart rhythm if not caught on egg regards
hi doctor I have been diagnosed with herd as confirmed by an ent specialist I took medicine for over a month but I did not get totally well I changed my diet plans cut off fatty foods fried foods citrus foods etc started excersice I elevate my head while sleeping but nowadays I wake up in the middle of night with very dry mouth and extreme sore throat sometimes coughing when I drink water even warm water my throat is itching it does not get much itchy while swallowing I am feeling comparatively at day time
hello do not worry you will get well soon yes you have problem of herd due to acid reflux you have this problem I will suggest you some investigation and treatment for this follow same diet plan try to walk for sometime after every meal get done upper gi endoscopy done from some good institute if not done previously send me blood investigation and other investigation report if available so I will see them and advice you accordingly here I am prescribing some medicine which will surely help you tablet normaxin tab be for days tablet tab od before breakfast syearup gelusil top ads syearup sacral top ads total duration days
hello doctor a new mole on a toe that I have not noticed before I know about it probably for a week it is blackish and not round about to my wide and sort of even in color I am 21 years old male and as far as I know we have no cancer history in my family I can provide photos too
hi I went through your case history and the photos provided by you I can see a dark irregular lesion of about my in size over the tip of the toe as it is to days history the first thing I want to rule out is an history of injury or bruise they do present like this and you may have forgotten the history of trauma secondly moles also appear at this age and they also present like this if you have tendency of moles this may be a normal mole you can just observe it for few days the other thing obviously is melanoma aural lentiginous melanosis this can be dangerous and has to be ruled by biopsy as soon as possible but as you do not have any family history and if you do not have any other or very few moles over other parts of the body the chances again become very less and again such a small history of the lesion the possibility is least but to be sure you should monitor the lesion observe it for days if due to trauma it will diminish and slowly go away if persist and grow more immediately go for a biopsy by a dermatologist for histopathogical examination trauma biopsy after days intradermal hemorrhage nexus excision none after days
hello doctor my wife is 70 years old she is diabetic and hypertensive she has dry and itchy skin for that she is taking head bath and applying oil on scalp she is prone to sinus problems now for a couple of days there are boils inside and outside left ear it is troubling her very much please suggest some medication or remedy for immediate relief
hello with the picture it appears like a hair follicle infection of the small hair in the ear canal considering her age and that she suffers from diabetes and hypertension diabetic people have slightly less immunity compared to normal people I am suggesting antibiotics for her tablet augmenting 625 tablet thrice daily after meals days tablet chymoral forte tab thrice daily before meals days tablet doll 650 tablet sos for pain can take unto three tablets per day in divided doses back ointment use clean little finger and apply the ointment thrice daily over the area if using ear buds take particular care that it does not go deep and injure the ear drum do not let water enter while taking bath keep a cotton plug spread with some back ointment or vaseline inside the affected ear and throw it off after bath this condition is called acute localised otitis external furuncle of external ear it appears that there is a single boil with a lot of redness in the picture you showed it is quite painful please continue your diabetic and hypertension medicines as before I hope you are taking those regularly and the sugars are controlled for a few days avoid applying oil in hairs once she gets better she can put oil over scalp do revert back if there is any worsening please wait for days for the antibiotics and medicines to act please let us know promptly if there is any fever or some other form of worsening happy to help you
hello doctor at night time while sleeping the nasal passage of mine gets blocked this results in the stuffy nose in the morning once I get up in the morning and I had to continuously sneeze for a long time in the morning hours whenever I take cetrizine or levocetirizine or montas tablets at night time I get relief from this problem but consumption of this tablet makes me feel sleepy and drowsy throughout the day time please help I am currently on glycomet is 100 and nexpro 40
hello welcome to icliniq com as per your symptoms of nasal congestion and sneezing you are likely to be suffering from allergic rhinitis one thing that is prime importance is avoidance of allergens then there is also the role of steroids since you are diabetic systemic steroids are better avoided however topical steroid sprays can be used safely are you using any steroid nasal sprays
hello doctor patient is a 50 year old female she had a history of early menopause periods stopped after 35 years her gall bladder removed last year and she has hypothyearoidism and taking thyearonorm 25 my for the past three years her present complaint is problem in urination urine flow is low and she has to go to the toilet several times for urination but the urine is very scanty even after applying force sometimes there is urine leakage she was prescribed urimax 2 but she discarded its use as it induced constipation flats and obesity sometimes there is a pain in the pelvic region joint pain and easily fatigued
hello do you have leakage when you feel to urinate do you have urine leakage when you cough or sneeze when you hold urine at that time did you feel burning or pain for what maximum time you are able to hold urine any history of diabetes or hypertension or any medications
hello doctor for the past three days I am having pain in backside of my neck the pain actually is not in the complete neck it is in a part from neck to mid of the back when I turn my head to the left it is a kind of electric shock feeling this may be because of some sleeping angle I do not know but I am feeling it very badly the pain I feel is from goes from neck nerve at the back to the left arm and down to neck till the middle of back from today morning I have a little headache also I am diabetic please help
hello are you using a thick pillow neck muscles seem to be in spasm muscular spasm give elaborate history on any medications you are allergic to or taking at present
hi doctor is this egg normal I had a sudden cardiac arrest sca moths ago this egg electrocardiography was taken a few months before that I have had fatigue hair loss stomach cramps and dizziness for a while I have had some trouble with hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia after being resuscitated my serum potassium was 7mmol they tried to fix that by giving me potassium solutions the solutions did not really work though because of low magnesium I am currently on bisoprolol accord 5 my xarelto 20 my
hello I am sorry to hear about your health condition this is extremely strange that at 25 years of age you suffered a cardiac arrest have you had problems with hypokalaemia before the attack where you on diuretics do you have history of similar problem in your family have you always suffered low blood pressure or was it after the attack
hello doctor my mom has an ear infection for more than one month now she had a cold which led to her ear pain then she took aplosyn for two weeks and now she is taking nasoflo the back of her ear until her neck has pain now what can we do
hello is there any swelling around her ears or neck is she a diabetic any throat complaints if yes send me a clear picture of her throat
hello doctor I did a shave last week and hurt myself pretty badly now I have this bump and it has been a week I have been using neosporin anvil claritin and hot baths what is this
hello I have seen the pictures that you attached based on the description you mentioned it looks like a folliculitis hair follicle inflammation or a razor bump but you mentioned in the picture that a similar lesion was present since a week even before you shaved the area so I would like to know if you have been having it before and does it have any intense itching with tingling or pain or did you have any fever a few days prior to developing these bumps if you are a sexually active individual I would like to know if you had genital herpes anytime before or if your partner has had genital herpes infection ever I am enquiring all these because another possibility could be genital herpes tablet paracetamol or diclofenac for pain relief
hello doctor my dime is getting higher from 5 to 9 within the last four months my heart has been checked and I had a chest ray it of heart aorta abdomen and pelvic floor and doppler of my legs all are clear blood work is normal apart from dime and reactive protein which is 12 my what can it be
hello following is my opinion about your asked question dime is usually elevated in some thrombotic events in the body like dic disseminated intravascular coagulation deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism but your it chest and doppler leg are normal as per history so pulmonary embolism and dot can be excluded the other causes for elevated dime can be liver disease heart disease inflammation post surgery and pregnancy as well your heart is normal as per history so heart disease can be excluded you can rule out the liver disease by sept serum glutamic pyearuvic transaminase got serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and serum protein estimation if you have pregnancy or surgery history than it can be the cause it prothrombin time put partial thromboplastin time and coagulation profile can be planned by your doctor if dime remains persistently high kindly attach your report to give further comments if possible
hi doctor I am an it professional presently working from home for 10 hours a day six days back my laptop keyboard got packed up next three days I worked with an external keyboard and mouse while sitting on the bed instead of a table and chair though I felt strain and discomfort I somehow continued with it I felt sharp and dull pains all over the fingers finger joints wrist etc on the third night I somehow slept after hot and cold fomentation and had an oral painkiller from the next day I am taking complete rest doing nothing with right hand fingers it is almost three days and still there is a dull and sharp pain here and there over my right hand there is no numbness or tingling sensation ever also there is a feeling of discomfort and a sort of weakness in the right hand please advise medicine or ointment or exercise thank you
hello where is the exact location of pain is it at wrist or elbow is it at shoulder joint too are you suffering from hypothyearoidism or diabetes the possible causes are like neuropraxia carpal tunnel syndrome hypocalcemia hypokalemia viral fever with myalgia spondylosis with radiculopathy pressure induced numbness use tablet pregabalin 75 my once a day for five days and tablet zerodol my aceclofenac 100 my tizanidine my twice a day for three days kindly get serum calcium blood sugar thyearoid profile and nerve conduction study if symptoms not improved then please consult with your physician he will examine and treat you accordingly take care
hi doctor I am an 82 year old man and noticed that my pulse was 54 late a couple of nights ago I recorded it yesterday throughout the beginning with am and ending at 10 15 am the pulse was 58 60 80 78 69 and 54 the 80 was after hiking 5 miles I am concerned about the low of 54 I am currently on valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide 325 my 25 my and amiloride my each one per day
hello thanks for reaching out to us I understand your concern about your health please do not be worried as it is nothing it is perfectly normal to have a slightly low pulse as you age it is a physiological change that occurs with aging perhaps 54 beats per minute can not be said to be too low a normal pulse is between 60 to 90 beats per minute this range differs with people age body size and activity level are some of the reasons for the variation I advise you to continue your normal daily routine without worry you can become concerned if it becomes lower as much as 40 and you experience symptoms like shortness of breath or faintness remain healthy best regards