What're you upto. Did any stuff over the holidays?,"Stupid college 🙂. Was super boring, youve no idea. How was it for you?. How number?😂"
"Plum cake all the way :). You do fill out gforms for hackathons... especially last week's 😂. Hey so I wanted to tell you this personally that day, but it was a hit or miss and didn't wanna bother you during your work: You are seriously pretty and, man oh man, are you by any chance single? :)",Stalker.. I'll take that as a compliment.
You didn't answer the question miss,Tooo early to answer to that question ig 😁😃
Ok well lmk whenever😄. (Happy) New Year🤗 (😭),Happy New Year ✨. Why- 😭? 😂😂😂😂😂
"New year, same shit","Understandable. + a lot more workshops to conduct 😂. Btw, do you get money doing such?"
Since u asked,Thank you thank you
Whatchu doin on a fri night,Legit on a gdg meet. U?
Not on a gdg meet,Ayoda. Then what. Prolly working on the next workshop ><
Haha no. Brainstorming. Imho you look good with your hair laid back,Codinggggg?
Reading up on some AI stuff Its cool until the math shows up. Im putting memes into my workshops from now on,"I did once 😂. Okay so there's this frnd of mine amalu, he's in 4th yr and a huge ai pranthan, will taking workshops amalu adds in a lot of funny things like this. Good strategy heii to make people feel more interacted"
Yeah😂 Makes analogies more fun lol,When next workshop?
Cant say. Comes and goes,Iceyyy. Dinnnerr?. Rock hard chapati and so called chicken curry?
Whats iceyy. Is that a term. Oh. I see. Meh not hungry. Even that day too,Sugarrrr cut. You r suffering from. LACK OF APPETITE. which is stress sign
Reminds me of baymax. 🤓☝🏻,Have you watcheddddd The wild robot. Omg alosh you should. It's one amazing movie
I did Pretty good I wouldve bawled if it came out 10 yrs ago,"True that 😂. I cried watching it ngl. It was that good omg. Athe kochey, have something 🙂🔪"
Hehe yea,"""Heheh yeahhhh"""
I had this huge list of Best of 2024 and binging those movies rn and weekend Missed out on a lot in 2024,Nono. Nono. Shit.. 🙂
Wt. happened,I called?. Did u get it?
Its on silent. saw ur missed call,Pressed the wrong one. 💀💀💀💀
Haha buttdialled,Howww?
Mostly from insta. Friends too. Watch and reccommend. I made sausage and noodles for breakfast today. Do u boil them?. And then grill?. No we are not the same😶🌫️,Not at all cuz I'm way cooler!!!
Bold of you to self-troll,U creep
Whats wrong abt it,AI Engineer + certified gynecologist
dont give marco director ideas,Oh jesus 😂
Childhood memories,I started watching this just to see Jhanvi kapoor. She's hawt 🫠
Im straight and still she's 🤮,"Wtfffffffffff. Heloooo, I'm straight too. But she pretty 🫠"
under 5 kilo foundation,Yooo no
"Imho jhanvi is cute pakshe acting wise, she dont hit it I could say the same about Kalyani PD as well","Im a person whose against foundation but I can tell you, it's korach only. Kalyani. Nink vatta 😭"
Jk,Id die to look like her 😭. She cute 🫠
dont hate me but you remind me of lulu from finding nemo first time i saw you thats what i felt anyone ever say anything like that,Nobody in my entire life has said anything like that before. Herrr fr?
You actually googled her😂. I think theres someone else u resemble more Cant get the name tho,Yessssss to double check ofc. Ayo vende. Lemme live
Nah lulu all the way🙌🏻,You know what you look like? 😃
Lets see what u pull,Perfect. Has anyone mentioned this before you mate? 😏
Is it bcz im in ur hair. Yea plenty. I even got alvin from that chipmunk movie,"No. Alvins cute. You r not. I take care of my hair veryyy veryyy much, I wouldn't even let anything go near it 😤"
Okok😂,"Pfft alr gave up?. Shyeeeeee. I expected more. Since it's you, fair game 😏. Studying? Brainstorming? Having food after 4 days? What doings?"
Born to roast Forced to leave,Kandariyam 😂. Any plans to go church tmr?
Ivide palli perunnal so..,Catholic?
Yes. U?,"Ahhh guessed it right, usually Catholics have perunall this time. Guessss. Use your AI brain"
Jacobite?,I meanttttt eeee oru time. Nah. Close enough
Marthoma?,Clue: we create problems most of the time. With jacobites
Orthodox?,Right. Njan paranjathu keta mathi
Im half jacobite actually My moms side I get to go to both churches,"Dang danggg, you get to see fights apo 😂"
Idts we're chill,M orthodox
Isnt ur pastor allowed polygamy or smtg?. Like wife and then gf? In gulf we had that,Wtf?. Dude what?
Ur pastor can get married?,Ath yes. Achans can get married. Thirumenis can't
Ok so achans there had two wives. we used to meet them at new years and he'd bring both. I thought that was normal?,"Get back to your senses, you are prolly mistook the sheiks to be orthodox achans. 💀💀💀💀. What the actual f?"
Sheik pacha Malayalam parayo?,Parayan patathilaaa. Evolution
Shit i think im crossing a line here,😂😂😂😂. You are thrissur rn?. Sooo your parents are also at thrissur?
yea. no,Apo you alone there? Or with grands?
alone mostly i visit relatives often. Its peaceful tho,Sad jeevitahm bro
:),"Thenga, 5hrs of no socialism and I'll die"
that sucks,"Okay so if m sad, I can go days without talking But if m happy, I'll be like superrr dupperrrr happy. Im her version"
Try talking to yourself. Helps. You may unlock a new personality. Also alleviates peer pressure,"Good reference 💀. Ukw, im happy with this. Had a frnd back in 11th who used to talked to herself and she ended up having frnds, cuz ppl thought she's possessed, Enthinu even I did 💀. Are you uh possessed too? 💀"
Entha angne oru tok,"Onula inagne oke kandapo 😂💀. Inum patini ano atho having any plans to eat dinner?. Warning, a distance of 2m is required"
Cute🤗. saw ur post on linkedin. what did u build,"Which one? Recently posted a lot. Btw, do u guys have uniform?"
yea. the latest one,"That was an ideathon, I had a women safety device idea in my mind, grabbed my besties (who came for the hackathon) and went for it. A device which would send the gps location + oru siren alarm. Mine is shit, uh the worst part, parents wouldnt even let me shape it properly, I hate it"
why,"Parents being girl parents, they think somebody will kidnap me 😃👍🏻."
"haha. I think with rising beauty standards, we'll see lesser and lesser female kidnappings in India","Oru sideil koodinokumbo, you trynna roast me. Adutha sideilll, you stating facts"
Whats tt,T-T = 😭
breh then just use that,Hehe. What doings. Ivent done anything in 4 days ahhh. All the best for tmr aloshee ✨
"Profs don't know wtf we r doing tbh. All they ask is ""can you implement this feature in chatgpt""😂","They sound like the bestest frnds of Sam dayum, like the confidence 😃😂"
mmhm,Imma pray for your future wife
Pray for urself. U up?,Essss. Just got done with this. Alosheeeee. Where did u find the student thingy option and form
Financial aid avbl,Evideee T-T. I don't see anything fr. Maybe they change it? T-T
Edi stop the tt and use the emoji😭 Bcz every sentence u say ends with tt in my head. Send this again,"Stopped stopped. Wait. See. 💀. Ukw, I didn't say anything 💀✨. Have a nice GOOD DAY 🍪, elam sheri akum"
Stop relating to me,Siii. Jisooo?
yea,Which lang was that?
Idk,"Oh. If she did that, pretty cute work"
Yo I have a project in mind. Around AI. Interested?,Topic?
AI Safety and Evaluation Sandbox,"I'm happy to be in, but you'll have to explain to me a lot of things.. Pass me down the things to look into, i will."
Free? I can discuss over a call,Yep free now
Sry was in a meeting,"Nw ring me up when u r free. Teachers. Hey, check out this product on Meesho! Get upto 25% OFF on your first order. Also grab extra 25% on new products every 3 hours! https://www.meesho.com/s/p/6hzst3?utm_source=s_w"
check your GitHub/ email inbox. Dude Have you used firebase?,"No, I have used MySQL. I can learn"
"traumatic shit. god bless the devs behind firebase. Last ile.. generate a json From there, my part","Ty for this.. Si si. Just got done with a shoot, I'll look at it and let you know"
Why u look like u dont wanna be there😂,Cuz I didn't wanna be there. Oy oy. Oy oy oy. Come online. Homieee. You donkey. Let me in
Wrong password. npx promptfoo@latest view,Athe listen. I sound super serious. Cyzzz. Ivide ice 6 eyes on me. 👀✨⚡. Idw them to start shipping me with you. 💀💀💀
Promote this,They'll prolly end up saying u my bf. Sooo
"Lady. Im sharing some frameworks for LLM safety. Could ya go through them and pull out as much protocols and categories as needed?. Also, palli poyo?",Yessssssss u?. Yes gentelman
Yaa 6:30 morning😥 And then went back to slep. Jojo,What's tha???. Vazheeeee. What's this about I asked. yes yes got in.
Ur like the stock market We know its gonna come up after a crash. Now ur turn,"One idi, ull go srilanka. How dare youuuuuuuu. Dayum you workout?. Never knew"
Investments from the past I stopped now,How long did it take????. To get those?
2-3 years ig,Shye. I made in 1 month. 😂🤣
Pics or you're lying,"Lying fine go on with it 🤣😂. Uk why??. Usually people assign each day in a week for specific parts right. I did full body for 1 whole month 😂🤣. Atlast my back started hurting pine stopped gym for 3 months, ahh yes 🫠. It was my prime time ngl. I had ab lines ukw 🤣😂"
Proof evde. Parachil mathramollo🤣,Nine Njan kolum. Convex
Not bad,Told yaaaa
U mean convex like hourglass body.. ooh. I thought u meant you sucked ur belly in against ur ribcage and that made it convex. Ur at hostel?,Ukw. U r actually getting into my nerves 😀
Is that a good or bad thing,"Home, this my progress pic last week. 50 50"
Goal: 0 100,Direct Block.
Yeah right. Ukw we should set some ground rules about how comfortable we should get Especially over chat when fam and frnds are around,There's only oneeee ground rule. 1. NO PISSING ME OFF 😀
Office il ellarm hawkeye aan,"It was just the ab pic nothing else 😂. Athum ala, I ain't sending you anything else kunje 😂"
Ppl exchange nsfw a lot. There's a lot of eyes here. Kandaal munji. Out out😂,How's office frnds and all??. Nice place?
Last week full WFH. I found a good spot to stay. With AC!. Fucking never going back to college That good!,😂😂😂shyeda. U got pics????
... Naale,Oh yeahyeah. All d besttt Aloshhhhh. Don't piss anyone off
wait lemme set up this rig,Shye first day itself trimmed hair. SFW
Just tag nsfw when uk its nsfw. But hey we doing good,Im just playing around alosh dw 😂. That's ur fav song tooooooo???. Tell me yes. 😭😭
it has a nice beat. no,I love that song and. Open youtube and watch sao paulo weekend song video. Tell me how it is 😂
Similar to the movie The Substance. Ohmygod he is me,Okay so. I got an influencer page. With 60k+ views 😂
Damn. Show show. will read thx,No
yo this is peak,Oh myyyyyyyy
It gets worse as you go deeper. did u even read those,What the actual fuck. Unda 😂😂😂. It's all inborn kazhiv 😂
thats a 1/10,Valid
i got this idea from a girl who was watching her reflection in my glasses. switched genders hehe,What's VK?
Vinod Kumar Worst faculty in CS <This message was edited>. I could write a book on him,Ayoda 😂. Show me ur sister 😃
sign in cheythalo tf😂,Edaaaaaaa. She cute af 😭
How tall are you,"If you carry her around, ppl would say appan and mol 😭. She's a baby 😭. 162 😎"
She's 12 btw. she's taller than u,Bitch wtf!. Send her NOW pic
What i sent was her upto 10 yrs age The puberty hit her like a truck,Omgggg. 🙂🙂🙂. She's all grown up now 👀. Thought this is her now athale. Ur mum???. She looks super young wtf
Thanks,Ente karthave 🫠. She's soo pretty 🫠
I took her for granted when she was young But time flies and I wanna go back. And hug her,"Btw, https://www.instagram.com/reel/DB8Ygjcv1BJ/?igsh=MW9uN3o5Mzl5b2h2eA== You look like this guy. Awww 🫠. You miss her soo much eh 🫠"
Yeah. Kid's innocence... Man I'll only get that again when I have kids,All the best 😃. Wishing you Aju Varghese luck 😃
Thanks for upgrade😂. which breed is the dog,Dudeeeee. The fact that. You are closer to having kids than being a kid. 😶💀
Gotta be like Fahad and Naz..,Dober+stray
Parents must've had a wild time,"He was abandoned, saw him by the road side 1.5yrs go, decided to bring it home. Was a huge controversy at home"
oh angane,Pine now everyone loves him
This dude must be alert huh,"Ath otta piece, no one would ever be like them 😂"
Ryan and Blake. I shipped fahad and naz hard in Trance Waiting for another masterpiece from these two!,"Totally agree. Edaaa I need help. How do I bring in folders 😭. I tried ways but error says, no such directory found 😭"
Add workspace,Heh where. Got ittttttttttt. Noo I didntttt. 😭😭😭
path wrong. try prefixing the path with ./. or use actual path,What's tha now. Kityiii kittiii. Settt settt. Njan oru sambhavam thane 😭😂😂😂😭😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭
add r before the path string like r'your_path'. jpark? Tf u a Korean model?,Kiti kitiiiiii elam kiti. Long story 😃😃😃😃😃. Just don't tell me that's your dinner. 😃
Yeazz,"Arehh wahh 😁. Bitch have something, no wonder why u r getting pale. You need good protein then only good mosclxxxx"
I had. I wanna hear u say this out loud😂,Weird fettish
Babe,Don't call me that.. Kya hua 👀
Could you go through these?,Yess bosss. Was doing the course u sent
I slept listening to it Now im certified lol,Patti show
😂,Oh wait you busy?. Says u r busy 3 times
tinyurl.com/flux-uncensored,You built the bikini girl out of this na? 😂
yeah,Kozzu kalan
nsfw,Bitch wtfffff
ayye,Did u make this?
Yeah,Parental advisory
Share with siblings😊,Johnnnnn cenaaaaaaa
Cute🥹. What was the argument?,Chicken leg piece 😂
Myrr😂,How old were u Ithil? 😂
21,Dayum bro. Puberty hit u now
😊,Dude. I love this. Using the flux one?. I'll show u the tom boy me. 17th bday 👀😂
Idk if im straight or gay atp,Why 😂
Cute,Idiot. Open Instagram
Any younger?. Child marraige ahh family (dad is missing). 🔥,Wish I had a relative working in COLGATE. Would have recommended you 100%. Wait send full face. The moushh I wanna see
Full illa I took it at that angle,You got the phone. The camera. And your face. Your hand. What more do u need?. A cameraman? 😃
Edi ith kore naal munb eduth photo aan,Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I thought the trimmed u now 😂🤣. Veendum colgate 😭😂. Shper 😂
Dudeee U look like my junior. Wait wait,That's alllll youu?????. Wtffff 😂
"Now u look like my aunt😂. ""Kona kona kona""😂. Uff Did u rip that dress. Yeah now u look cute again😊. U and the mirror",How come u loose a lot of weight?. Depression? 😂. No words 😂
Work,Lebanese? 😂
Cool and goofy. Believe it or not yes. One on the right was engaged They came for hen party,Wtf 💀
Evdrrii abs😂,Ondu ondu nee mindathe irune 😂. Cute ✨
Can i get the middle one?,"Enik manasilyi enthanu enu. Kalaa hamake 😂. Nahi she dating Jaadu. Sweet guy. Ngl, we just love her tattass 😂. Everyone's a fan of it 😂"
Ok I changed my mind can i get the right one then?,"Access denied. Bhagyam, colgate ila"
Close up,Karthave 😂😂😂
Last girl ano Mathu fumble cheythe?,Yes
Ur nose is like a chambakya i wanna pluck it dip in salt and eat. Honestly,Body shaming body shaming. To the peak. Imma go file an FIT. FIR*
Its a pickup line. Doesnt work on mallus fack,"Ik it is a pickup line. That's why Njan direction mati vite 😂. Bill lines doesn't work here. Edooo, ukw ente bucketlisteilll ulathanu. Rhinoplasty 😂, I hate my nose 😂"
Dude ur nose is good,It is nottttttt
Why tf u wanna ..,Uve no idea how insecure im when it comes to my nose ufff
Explain,I want button nose 😃
That nose will take u places Trust me,You are living in a paradise. It's good for you tbh 😂
Chopsticks hmm. Ik her from somewhere. Is that varsha,"Yessssss she is. Shes just uh what say, AMAZINGGGGH!!!!!!!"
She has that effect on women Just like me☺️,Bet no one even talks to you
Yeah true🙂,Achoda kuttahh 😂. Kozhapila 🫂✨. Id call it a (the path to do deed) song 😂
Two girls in the cut song mmm. babe. entha ppd,"Dear Mr. Alosh Denny, Good Evening. I am Joanne Alice Thomas Koshy, reaching out in my capacity as a co-lead of the Google Developer Group. I would like to inquire if it would be acceptable for me to recommend your name as a speaker for an AI session organized by our GDG team in the coming months (before July).. Thank you"
Sure,Violaaaaaaa. Wassuppp mannnn. Enna oke undu vishesham
Switching personalities like Tyler Durden. That so kottayam. U?,That's how I talk. Ehehr expert in that. Had food?
U missed I had this fat fuckin burger. I meant u. It is cute,Yes yes ik. I had porotta beef 😏
Miss that shit,Sad. Was watching soookshmadarshini. Twist twist is next level
Ooh I'll add to me watchlist,Vayich vayich I feel like a goddamn comp now
You're welcome,Call me back when u r free. Call u later
Okay. Was it me?,Ayo no. Dads home
"""You have reached the limit"" moment. Biee imma sleep. Shit cant sleep. These teens are fucking annoying",I told you 😂. Watch reels. You'll feel sleepy
No range. No charge either,Nink vatta. You didn't take charger with you?. You being fr?
I just borrow from someone,"If it was me, I would have even had the least wanted necessity inside my bag. I'll share a song. Listen to it. Not ur type, but still it's nice"
Enik Spotify illa Yt music tha,💀being a coder u srsly don't have Spotify???
Ytmusic better U can get edit and remixes. Spedups slowed down etc etc,"Sound korach vecho, it's too metallic 💀"
I loved Linkin Park when Transformers came out Still do but dont listen as much Thanks tho,It's nice. I get high 🚶🏻♀️. Still remember the day when I had 3 red bulls in an hr and lost control 🚶🏻♀️. Worst night ever. Listen listen listen
"When I was 10 or 11, my cousin bro gave me red bull telling me it was alcohol",I get it 😂
seen this pretty cool😂. Jassie is so fkn back,Listen KULOSA
Make a playlist on yt. Like kett irikavunn songs. Diet pepsi? U might've heard it. Not my type but that ending was perfect,You listen to 'hawt' songs. Like pub make out types. 😂. Yeahhh
Thinking about making my next edits,"Ugh, when I switch apps this stupid yt ones goes off"
Premium baby. The algorithm is insane as well,Ive Spotify premium 😎. Student id and I pay 59😎
We're not same🗿,"Yes, cuz why?"
Cuz im older,Im more brilliant 😎. Oh yes cool. You r old yes
Yap yap,U r 23
Gosh im old🥺,"Dude, im 20 this yr. In the coming 10 yrs, I'll get a job I'll get married Fuck, I'll have kids. Oh my good gracious 🚶🏻♀️"
Last two i doubt,🥱🥱. Atleast I'll have a boyfriend 🥱. U??? You'll die single 🙌🏻
👀. Thanks,My class and the 'wow' one is the mathu one 😂
"😂😂. Apart from memes, I edit too... Big reason for taking yt prem https://www.instagram.com/aoxo_edits?igsh=bTNtazl4bGlmdThn Welcome to my kunju world",This is soooo cute. Dude have you watched anayum rasoolum?. Thanks for the invite ✨
Athenth chodyam aado? This movie is malayali vikaaram🫰,That's pretty good tbh. Listen this.
Uff nostu🥹. School ile driver used to put this on,Wtffffff
Wanna join?,I'll kill u. The guts
Ayo nsfw paranjila. Myrr. Fek,The freaking guts u r having. Istg. Go watch and lemme work. You going helll fssss
Did I cross a?,Paw- parents are watching
oke,Btw forgot to ask something. 4th yr you got no iv?
nah bad trip with seniors iv banned,Wdym banned?. Dayum
paw done?. u wanna talk?,Ivent talked to anyone since mrng ngl
good time for a call?,She crying yayy 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
Dude ur house is a kottaram,💀
Those cries must echo. Will u be up after 12?. like 12ish?. Jooooooo,siiiiiiii. its alrr 12?. whatttttttttttttt. yesss what?. why jooooooooooooooo. don't scare me
wanted to know if ur alive,oh god. did u call?. my phones in the other room. till what time will u e up?. ill call around 12.40ish if u r okay with it
ok. I'll be up until 1am,cooll. Mmmmmm working
Yayy,Mr Alosh Denny. Orangi?
Bridge to Terabithia. Longest call🥵,<View once voice message omitted>
I talked abt all that??😭. Jo. Free?,Kya hua. How's it there
Chill,What r u guys gonna build?
schema yo,On it. What should I search up for you? The theory stuff???
"General areas AI needs to be audited in, if it is to be used in those 3 domains. Like scenarios, angane","Got it. Oy oy, you told me about one notebook wala stuff na. What's the name again?"
Obsidian,Sirrrrr. How many do u need?
Yes,"First test on a few and then proceed?. Yesssss???? How many do u need?. ""manyyyy""?"
Yes. Yesss,Yeah?. How do I send this to you?
I think there is share option in obsidian. U gotta log in. Oml🥹,Suggaaaaaaaarrree. hepppyyy?
I'l work with this Thanks dude,"I mean, ith okay ano? Reached ur expectations?. Is this what you actually want?. Customer satisfactory rate? (1-10)"
Tbh not really. Didnt wanna disappoint u,Fr?
I'll spoonfeed u. 👍. Its lonely asff here,Idiot. Wheres ur teammates
Not yet reached,Make new frndssss. Yesss bombay chicks might be there. Good start 😎
edi ivaroke alrdy teams aayi. look onnm illa only 'yap yap yap'. ninne pole. 🤗. dont give me that look koshy,"Alee yes, atleast ik how to keep someone engaged and make em feel comfortable 😏😎"
ath sathyam,Poi Pani edukk
😂😂. Wanna see smtg cool?,"Si. Broooooo. What u need, it will show you. Dayummmm"
yezzz,You wearing a suit?. I mean just asked 🚶🏻♀️😂. Since it's Bombay and all. 🥥 🌴
nee Bollywood fan aano. Im for 2010-2017 mollywood era songs,"Not at all, but got some favs which I listen to. This is one.. Did your teammates come?"
no. ughh atp I wanna do this solo,Do it what's stopping you
prize win cheythal split cheyande,This I melt for. How's it going?!. I'll call u back. In 10
Okkk,Not bad
Looks good at first glance Tastes shit,4!
It was rhetorical but good try. is this u,I'll show u wait
i am remy,No plans to sleep tonight?
nop,It's an emotion 🫠. How's the progress
50% ayi. Sett aakm,Yeahhh???
TIL marco was released on my bday,How's it going?
kiteela,Im proud of you okay ✨✨✨. You did an amazing job ✨. Too much fancy food ufff
Im eating my feelings out. Although Im kind of feeling good I didn't present Schema out there. Also schema sounds goofy. Blbrbrbr,Whyyyy. Whyyy would u not present it out there??!. Tffff???
Cuz we werent selected. I'll tell u all abt it. What is that supposed to mean. I'm genuinely curious,"SILENCE. And. How's the teammates. Awwwww 🥹🥹🥹. You feeling super lonely, aren't u?. You feel single pro Max, don't u😂"
These guys are really tired,I can see that
Yes. Yes yes yes😂,"Guests home, I hate relatives 💀"
Mia looks fine tho,"Shes a bully 🤧😤. Btw, still at the dorm? Didn't go out?"
India gateway,Do send pics
Oombiya chood🥵,Woah 🫠
Joanne-mini,"Wow, nice outfit. You should put this story"
I wanna buy a polaroid. Yknow the vintage pic camera. That prints,Ikkkkkk. Buy instax. It's amazing. Im not dumb 😤
Thanks for clearing,Yo what doings?
Whats wrong Ms. Middle Upper Upper Class,Nono I love such nw. M super down to earth. That's my biggest flex
Dam she cute Single?. Y'all dining just like the portrait above,Edo I wanna exp standing over there. 🫠
Lol Come,Edo send me that 😂😂
Ryan started the fire🤗. What up. I was fast asleep,"Ayoda 😂. Let this be a lesson, next time don't forget to take the hoodie. What time will u reach Kerala?"
10:30 ig Train's late. Isnt it cold,"Kinda, not that much. Dude ur avastha is 😂. Ik how it is, even worse than tinyml maybe 😂"
Sneaked out some blankets from 3rd ac and made a bed. Back fucking hurts,I feel sad for you ngl (Evil laugh)
I can hear that munjiya chiri. Vytilla,Sad. Enik oru karyam mansilayi. Neeee sherikkkkkkkkk maduthu and kashtapedunu 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣. Dude what's wronggg with you. Poii evidenkilum adangi irune
"So I do this every time I go in chair car and keep it with me until I get off or the cleaners catch. It's fun to see their faces when I say ""TT ne mujko diya""",Ayoda 😂
Checking indo?. Our snrs sneaked it inside girls shampoo kuppi 😂,"Ufffff kazhiv 😂. Wellll I ain't drinking, I only have with appan. 😌✨"
Pooja Mathew core,Who is that now 😂
So u dont drink outside?. Om shanthi oshana,"Nope, just with my dad. I don't trust peeps. Ohhh herrr yeah 😂. Plus having with appan is fun. ✨😂. Did u reach kerala?"
In 30 mins ig. Naale IV?,Yes nale IV. Train 🌝
Yay. Booked?,All sett
Class?,"Ofc yes. College Trip pole. Chikmangalore, Coorg, malpe"
I meant eth class? Sleeper? 3rd etc,(awkward silence)
Ariyado😂,Ayathinal. Sleeper
I didnt get this,"One more ""do"" and u r dead. I'll send u a video after some time apo ull get it ✨"
Edo.. konakkanda,Not going office today?
Late. I'll be staying up in the office,I tripped.. Nale ini iv enth akumo entho
Have fun. Ig ur taking express train to either yeswantpur or mysore jn?,"Ive no idea, I'll ask and tell ya 😃. Yo wydddddd. GT class m bored affffffff"
Whats GT. Its a good class to cover basics. Especially if ur getting into DL,"Our teacher is pavam, veryyy beautiful. Shut is fullll of theory"
Havent seen her. Send pic,Wait. You'll defo fall for her. She's yhattttt pretty
-dle aged hot asff,She 24 ig
Im closer to her than i am to u. Lol. New faculty i assume?,You know her????
No. I assumed,Nalatha
You look like her mom 😭. And mia looks like your parallel universe version of childhood,Dudeeee ukw they do when we 3 go out. They call me mummy in front of everyone 💀. Intentionally. Ketitundu ketitundu koreeee ketitundu 😂
Santoor ad incoming,"🤧🤧🤧. It's not nice. They make me feel older 🤧. And uk how much women hate it 🤧. Dude genuine question, how old do I look"
This is actually cute I told my sister to address me as her dad but she stuck to mandan. You look your age. You dont talk your age tho. Thats a complement,Like uhhh childish? Mature?
Mix. Its like on and off,Like I switch my personalities 😃😂
There u go. Hey. Search myren in google maps,"Lemme. Uff scene item 😂. We talking about that, found frnds house in it ufff 😂"
Yeye. I found our teachers as well😂. Yo where's ur address lemme tag u. Are u gonna speak,Yepp ofcc. Fssssssssssss 😂
Is that your dinner :),Yes
When do u leave tmrw,"6pm, train keranam at 8.15pm"
Mysuru express ano?. Mackenzie Davis,😭😭😭❤️❤️
That nose is cute asf End of story. Bieeee😊. Have fun😊 Dont die😊. Dude Rule no 6969 of irctc: Take Side Lower. Always.. No one can fck w u,😭😭😭😭. Yes sir. We all sitting together
Choose,This and roll up the sleeves okay
Yea that was the only one that fit me. Xxl,"It's good, the other one is mehh no"
Dark no?,Yessss
Door But just be careful Like getting pushed off is so 21st century💅💅,Will be nw ✨✨💃🏻💃🏻. Did u buy the cream one???. I feel sooo dizzy it's like when the train moves I can feel my brain moving 😭🤧
Yea. Guess where,Where. Dayum dudeee 😂😂😂. Woww. Edaa lemme tell u something. Try buying the shirt onessss. Try it on atleast. It will look good
Next yr. Ee varshathe shopping doneee😊,Wtffffffffffffff. Imma buy u one on ur bday
Edo ith AC aanelo,Im the sick person now. Done with 2 rounds of puking
What? Sleeper?,Nope nope
Hydrate and get some air,"Frnds avide angu atathu, they playing cards. I should be listening to music now. M diff place"
U guys booked 2 coaches ig?. Which game,Cards
Yea but like which game tho. Who dis corny ass dude,Me 😂😂😂😂. Bluff
Ooh thats so good. U need that straight face on😂. Omg can u pls stop sending this,😂😂😂😂. What doings? At the office?
Got some personal works,Projects orr workout? 😂
Projects Havent worked out in weeks. Must be hot,Call me at 12
Arent u sleepy,Nope. Call in 5
Did u call home. Nsfw,😂😂😂😂😂superrrre
😌. Where'd u guys reach? Kannur or smtg?,Otw to the last stop. Mangalore. Took a 2 hr nap
😂😂. Hows trippp,"Uffff 6hrs inside bus, now reached hassan. Took an amazing nap and people took pics 😭💀. The thing is nobody has seen me without glasses so 😭. Getting ready to go trekking"
Send picss,Oh yes wait one adipoli one is coming 😂
Wasted 5 mins of my time😑,Aysheri what wrong did I do 🥱
U didn't get it?,"U think I didn't? 😂. Sathyam ayitum undalo, u don't know how to take up my sort of sarcasm 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"
Oho,Still at the office?
Came back last night. Heading again,Ufff finally. What the fuck
Looking 🥵. Omg nee dp maatiyo😂. I can relate mia n milan calling u mommy😂,Dude do I look over 20?!?
30 easy,Kk
Its actually good on you,Don't talk to me anymore. Srsly do I look 30?. Omggghh
Chill babe Theres a 28 yr old (married) chechi sitting right across me who looks like a 19 yr old <This message was edited>. Hey hey put the dp back. Im coming to kochi this weeknd,25 26?
Mmhm,IV hei humko. Dudeee. I tried vape now. M hungry af
It better not be the fake one,Blueberry. Good one. I chomakaled on first try. I took the whole stuff in so 💀
Yikes. Are you (fucking) tired?,Veryyyy. Kore dancing
"""Mummyyy"" * santoor santoor *",🙂. Long lost twins ✨. Tell me u are at the pg
You'd be surprised,TEMME WHERE
Office. About what?. Ughh i lost u,Eda wda. Eda. Edaaa. I was calling u and. Class teacher came by. I cut. She was talking about tmr
oh tell teacher to go slep,"U called athum at night, didn't wanna make it weird. That's why said that. Nothing wrong. Sorry sorry ✨✨✨"
yeah np dude i understand. Gm santoor,Good morning Aloshhhh ✨. Wassuppp
Just checking in. Where you at,"Had to wake up at 7.45 and get into bus by 8.15. Ip it's 8.45 cuz of us, woke up at 8.25. 💀. Going Coorg"
Lol,"Athumala m sad. Yest, I took a lot of time to take adipoli detailed pics of temples, the sky looked amazing at chickmanglure, the scenaries evrything"
Whyyy. Kanduu,Enittttttt
Better than me🫣. Ur a kidukachi has anyone ever told u that?. Oh enn para. Such a kidukachi,Edo send me songs when free ya
Groundrules: 'Edo' is a one way thing. I get to say it. Not you. Okayyy??,"😂😂😂😂I mean dude, think I explored my identity 😂. I wanna be a monk now, it's sooo fucking peaceful here.. Wonder whether women could be monks 😂. Look at theseeeeeee"
Yes its called being single duh 🤣. Yo this some far cry 4 level beauty🎀. You should play FC4 someday!. Yoooooo they got the lgbt halo😈,Im totally against LGBTQ soo ain't gonna support that shi 😭✨. Dayum
Wya. Dude I fucked up,Enna petti. What happened. Wtfff. And ipo evida nee. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Kannur. Ughhh,💀. Now again hours of travelling to kochi
6,Were u sleepy or anything Alosh???
Yeah i was tired asf. Back at the motel?,Nope. Pinala 😂. Ticket kitiyo?
Yep. General,Toooo crowded
Its deserted here so ig I'll find a berth,Beware of the TT. Try sneaking into AC. Or sleeper
No AC Full general. Eheheh. Pfft😂😂😂,Sooo sadddddddddd
Hmu when u free. Gotta enjoy while it lasts,Ahaaaaaaa aysheri. Eda I got the best necklace 🥹. Just love it 🥹
Didnt u have that alrdy?. Cmon now dont be shy... that necklace isnt gonna standout without a chest it can sit on😎,Idi veno? 🔪. Had one but not this good
Are thin minimalistic things your type?,Veryyyy much
I brought one from Poland in 2023. Its sitting at thrissur. Idk how to describe it but you may like it. But no pic😢,"If I like it, im defo gonna take that. The end."
I wanna see u dance like this It'll be so funny😂,"Ente alosheee, I was dancing like a drunken woman today 😂😂. When I start dancingggg, I go super hyped up.. like veryy. Koooduthallllll. M pro dancer ngl 😂. Do u dance kochey?"
Wonder what you'll become if I gave you some sugar...,?????????
Im surrounded by a family that talks like u💀,"Dude that would have unlocked the real realllllll nink polum ariyathe u 💀💀. Dayum, even I wanna do that 😂😂. Apo nw, u can deal with me 😂🔥✨"
Kid called me kulusu😑. So its not an alapuzha thing. Yea that shi. Pulusu wtvr. Hold on is ur house/fam based near ktym?,Nope not at all. Not even close. But m known as a kottayam achayathi 😃. Mannerisms match a lot 💃🏻
Exactlyy,Are u inside the train to kochi rn?. Did u have food?
Yeah. Yes. U??,Oy oy oy alosh. Try compression shirt
Diabolical without a bra. Fr cuz my nips would stick out. Why did i say that💀,Wait
This train is stuck for eternity in the middle of nowhere,Dayummmmm 11 12. 3rd from the left
Spot on,Why do u look soo much like my ex 💀💀💀💀💀💀. Im genuinely curious to know about it 💀💀💀
Wtf,Deyy. Ethiyo?
Yeah. Why arent u asleep. Gosh I have a workshop in 4 hrs,Dayum
Yo I'll call back,"Sleep sleep ✨✨✨. Nono. The tshirt and all pakka amazing. Not creme pants too, go for something like black or greyishhh. All the best for the sess's 💃🏻✨🎉"
Too late. Ivide kore baddies with convex 😂,Ayinnnnnnn. Find out good ones 😌✨
Send picss. Its so dry here. How was your day. And tell me you actually slept,"Inside the bus, been sleeping for about 4hrs. Slept at 6 in the mrng, woke up at 7"
Expert alle nee. Is this ദൈവത്തിൻ്റെ കുഞ്ഞാട് core?,How's the sess. Send pics
"Went okay I yapped as usual Had some good biriyani. And nannayit slept😌. Eat the railway food. All the stuff that looks tasty but ppl warn u not to, savor it😋. Like marco said: Oru divasam thootal pidichal... theernu. Pidichilengil, okay sett -anonymous",Im super moody 🙂. Idk why but yes I'm 🙂
Have some good food. Edoooooo. Didnt u eat,"Did.. Dudeee wtfff I'm going thru a bad time. My crocs fell under the train, the gap. People helped 😭💀. I thought Im gonna loose it forever uff. Shani dasha fr"
Fek. is this a thing,Dayum. Uffff I'll talk about it. How's the hackathon
Im just third wheeling,Gud gud
Imma call. Im having food,Okayyy call me in 15 yeah. Onum kelkunila??
Shit reception from your end,Im taking. Talking. I can't hear anything?. Wait yeah?. One sec
I cant hear either,Done done
Ukw we should go to manali,Oh yo. Will reach north In 5. I was sleeping when u called. Did you sleep????
No maam. Pls dance for me like this😂😂😂,Reached college now
Checkk this outt,Wait wait send that again. Accidentally closed that. Make sure there are no bed bugs. Dudeeeee. Where do u even find such stuffsss 😭😭. Pretty sure ur insta feed is cursed ✨😭💀. Your PFP reminds me of the Valentine GUY and u 😭😂😭😂😂
My hinge when im bored. Nooo I jus miss my big bro,Waitttttttttt. The Adithya guy. Ask him if he's from Muthoot. The guy using the lap
Yea he is,"Bruhhh yesss. Ik him. 😂😂😂😂. He knows me ig, he has prolly seen me during the gdg event. The workshop last days, I saw him there. Btw, how come he's there?"
He's here for the summit,Ahaaaaaa
They asked me if i have a gf,"Kunje, don't talk anything about me to the Adithya guy okay. He my college 💀✨. I'll murder you. How come thou, did u smile while texting or smthg? 😂💀😂"
Ninte reels kanuvayrnu😂,Dayum. Like the ones I sent or my reels? 💀😂
U sent,And what did u ans to this 💀
"No enn. As per my last email,",Omggg omgggg. 😭😭😭😭. Why is it sooo cute 😭😭
Do uk armaan malik?,Eyyyyyy. Not at alllllll
Cool,Nine Njan enna cheyande. Yeah wb him? 👀. Omgggg. Pmg. Okay next question. Whats ur OOTD
Cream. Tf is he a thing? Y do ppl go crazy for this,Cream pants too? Say No. He's okayishhh. Arijit Singh>>>>>
Yeah. Babe i been carrying this for 3 days,One more babe and u r dead 😚. Oru virthiyumila
Okeyyy,Have you tried tiramisu before
I think so somewhere. My friends mom made. With lotus biscuits,"That's lotus biscoff wala cake ig. Ahhh yes dude ukw, I'll take you to the best chocolate cake wala place in ekm. Panampally nagar. It's the bestttttt"
U dont eat sugar tho,The thing is. It's not thattttt sugary
Panampally is like the Sobo of Kochi,9% sugar feel that's it. (out of 100)
Are yoi deiting. Or do u genuinely averse sugar,Genuinely dont like sugar
Tbh... Fancy aesthetic places only matter if the food is good. I hate it when I get dragged into high ambience places but the food is pricey and mid. Unpopular opinion😑,"Eda okay so, we ordered mac and cheese oke. Wasn't that good. But the cake da 🫠. I loved it 🫠✨. You should try"
Whats the worst prank you ever pulled on anyone,First question. U done with dinner???
I ordered seconds😋,I love Ghee roast. And channa batura
I bulked on second one. yo i opened it around these guys and didn't hear a thing. i heard chapped,💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀. 💀💀💀💀
they didn't see or hear. just loud ayrnu. I'll call kay,Listen to DA DA DASSE
smooooooth. Nivin basically pre-ordered Celine ìn Premam🎀,Ikr!!!!!!!!
Thats megha?,Mmm. Most prolly u r wearing ur ammas sweater 😂
"Yeah. I used to hibernate in that. Hey, what did we talk about last night🫣",Good morning
Gmgm,How's the event????
Not bad. Appu all over. But this time its climax,Ayoda 😂. Did u have food?
Morning yeah. Are you at hostel,Yesssss. Y
Chumma,Im dead
Me too. Whole day has been a fever dream,U sleepy??????
"Yeah... veryyy But im afraid I'll sleep forever. I crossed so many borders yesterday, I think Im Mr. Worldwide😎",When does the summit get over? Aa time noki go sleep
I got hit on,Dayum by who 😂
I'll tell later. U look good. Its skin is soooo soft,Sooo prettyy🥹. Fuck fuck no
How old,7
Uff send again. Endh cute aa🥹. 💃😊. I am high asf today So bear with the stuff I speak tonight. 🙂🙂🙂,The middle
10/10,Is this today?
Yes. No no this is 2 years ago. Sleep deprivation starting to kick in. Record written?,Ys
Go sleep. 🥿🥿🥿,Insomnia pro Max. Got the train? Travelling?
Train verunnu. There's a lot of old couples here I wonder what they went through,This pfp of urs issss soooo weird
Its me and my cousin. He's the guy I look upto when Im in deep shit and dk what to do,You r high. Ps: don't get off at kannur
I'll get bombed,"Ikka sleeping rn, otherwise would have sent the squad."
Feels like someone put mint inside my heart,"2 days of no sleep, only u could."
Is this naslen?,"Dudee, drink some water. U r high af. Some random ass sayip it is"
Do you want to bake a cake?,Love baking but not now. Too late 💀
"So for birthdays, I never buy a cake from outside. I ask my mom to bake one. Best I have ever tasted.",Love ✨. Reminded me of a song dayum
Damnn,Ahhhh Nat King Cole for life 😌✨
I can't believe you're an actual person I'm talking to,You need sleep. Go sleep
Berth kittande ayn🙂. Sry buttdialed. He is pretty old. Ur insta,Deactivated
enthe,"Simply, no reason. I do this all the time"
send a 2 week notice next time cuz i sent some relatable shi to u. Fr i was scared u blocked me after that call,Was thinking about that. You said I talk tooo much
"Its a complement Jo. You yap, I agree, but its not random boring things. You're more about personal stuff and it is engaging.. And I yap too. Which I've never done before. And can only do so w you",Gud
college?. So planned to build something for tinkherhack?,"Nope, I have to start today.. Btw, got a lot to say 👀😂"
I'll call k,Cool
I brought shawarma🙂. Cuz that shizz is nostalgic. Nesto shawarma is fkn good. Enth combo aaleee😎. <View once voice message omitted>,She yaps a lot dayum
yeah. she's cool tho. she writes poems too,"Enthokeya nee ee kazhiche 🤧🫠. Dayum that's nice. Oh and poems yeah. I used to do too, pine vitu 😂😭😂"
I have a hard time understanding poems cuz my eng teacher interpreted the same clause in ten different ways,This i wrote when the things with James got broken off 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️. 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️
I was waiting for the ad to load. Who's james now😑,Wtffffffff. I told you about the situationshippp naaaa
Ohh yellow flowes,Did u read vazhe?????. Yesss
Yeah yeah Looks nice send again,"😑. No, u didn't even read 😑"
Yeah cuz james😑. Blehhh,Readddddddd
"Damn I actually feel jealous for once Like i never had that problem ever before. I aint a judge, but chatgpt asffff",Wtffffffffffffffffffffff. Wtfffffffffffffffffffffff
Del this I'll make a better one. Saw a french fry today that looked like that. Guy next to namitha deffo is hard. I will finish there maam👍🏼. I wanted to ask u this😶🌫,Ask what?. The face stuff 💀
u didn't get it?. u got the monke face and the lizard bod,Thenks 😑🙏🏻. What does it mean 😭
nvm forget i said it,Nono para. Para para para
im crossing 10 different boundaries here ;(,Me on Feb 1st fr
Ok,I'll hit you soo hard that you would count the stars circling over your head. M strong 😤💪🏻
we should fight. it would be epic,Oh my god 😂✨✨. Pick it up
dude im in office wait,Idc 😃😃💪🏻💪🏻. I wanna show u something that' why 😂😭😂
There is a dude rn next to me so imma be quiet. He sees u too. Im gonna sleep,Indicates good sleep.. <View once voice message omitted>. Tes. Yes
Do you use DeepSeek?,Haven't tried it yet
give it a shot. self trollin eh,"Ukw, yests vc was kinda awkward idk ☕"
Yeah i wonder why u vc,"At a point I zoned out + looked super homeless. Looking back, enik ""eeeeeee"" feeling 😭😂😭"
u look fine. dont sweat,"Another mode of communication yay. That and all ik 🥱✨. Ukw, u should start doing skin care. Would be adipoli"
I hav natural. Thinking of starting businesss. True asf. Chambakya polethe mookum😂,Nice. ..
Hide that coochie in the gucci. ... ....,Range ila?. It's just a beep beep beep ☕
Add kimi ai too. Pazhampori here is sooo good It has a spicy tang too,U like pazhampori?. Dayum
Who doesnt,"Im stuck with this placement stuff, boring af"
Anyone who doesnt like it is an opp. Then leave,It's Muthoot 😭can't do such stuff. 😭
So while we were talking last night I was uncensoring flux again. I left it overnight. I'll share a demo today,Settttttt
Feetpics,Hungry af 🤧. Understood.😂😂
u didnt eat?. Lmao then eat. Duhhh,I woke up at 8.30 and took a bath in 12 mins. Shyo enna easy
"So I realized smtg... I have built great stuff, I just don't know how to sell it. Im not a salesman. I can't dumb things down for laymen. That's where I should improve.","Don't. Don't. Ask people around you. Like those people whom you work with na, they'll have good ideas"
These ppl are very supportive. Most optimistic bunch I've ever met. I let them demo the first uncensored and they had some wild ideas. Feetpics stood out!,Send me a video of how it works
The uncensored?,Yes
I wrote a blog on it🙂,"Share. Btw, m craving for some adipoli mixer fried rice and chilli chicken 🤧🤧"
Sunday theetikam,Dayum. Oyyyy doubt. Did you have to give anything like an aptitude test ever in your life?
Olympiads?,"Karthave nooo. Uk why these people are training us?? It's to pass the aptitude test, enit only bhaki procedures to get into a company. Each company got a cut off. Ey oke 60+ venam anagne anagne"
Oh so basically JEE lite. Its easy na. stuff seems super easy. Sucks Leave You're better than that. What I'd do to u if I had telepathy👆. Oh lol thats actually ambiguous😂. Take on me by aha? 💃🕺,To get placed somewhere yes ugh. One idi and u go where???. Thrissur this time
That one part💃,Dude evey single girl in class got a crush on the dude whose taking classsssa. Idkkkk
Watch *Blue is the Warmest Color* with Liz and Nami Its a pretty good french movie exploring friendships,But he's ugly to me idk 🤧🤧. Lebanese
Me nd the boys watched this on a totally random movie night,Lebanese fun
Raw 2016,"This is good. 5 mins crafts 😭😂😂. Picking out things out of my liked ones, dayum after a long time im listening to all these. Nostu"
Edo edo this movie is a remake of Ok Kanmani. Pakshe song is superrr,Enik ariyila enu vicharichu? 🥹. I like the Hindi one more
I rarely listen to hindi songs Except for one song: Khuda Jaane. We have different tastes in music. Which is mehhhh.. okay. <View once voice message omitted>,Ughhhhhhhhhhh
Yes Ughhhhh,Ugh ini aduthe 3hrs in stupid digital lab
Digital was my favv. Sherikum?,"Pinala 😂😂😭. Legit dozed off inside the washroom 🤧🫠. Trying it. Dayum, imma check it, seems pretty cool. Edaaaa. 😭😭😭. Edaaaaaaaaaa. Why am I like this I got no idea"
Uyo i miss these times. Ur a living circus,Poda onu it was sooo bad. Idkk bad day ig 😭. Same here 🤧
Dude u will look back and miss this shit,Okay so do u read malayalm?
Tf kinda qn is that,"Today morning she sent me a news which goes like... Orthodox women for the kalayanm are only allowed to wear saree and no more gowns 😂. I went like, fine wb a catholic or marthoma then, she went silent 😂🤣😂🤣"
"Yo mention me😂. ""Mummy I found this cath fella"". ""Ion fw ortho nomo""😂😂😂",Seeee told ya
<View once voice message omitted>,<View once voice message omitted>. Edo u dance like this 😂🤣
I did today mrng,<View once voice message omitted>
Sesky. Edo thaan ith try cheytho?,"I typed in and it showed some error, thought it's some network issue. Otw to try again wait. Super, u closed 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️"
Server 24/7 odikan ninte achante property ano myre. Its a joke pls dont block😶🌫. I heard u hav theri kink,"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I love it omg 🤣😂. Achachoo 😂😂 Lemme try. Closed again 🚶🏻♀️, lemme know when u open it"
njan vilikado. Uff I wanna infodump how I did this🥹🥹🥹. Ik u wont understand but I just wanna rantt,The cat stories of mine is like a serial katha. I'll tell u 😂
Ur dads which specialty?,"Orthopedic surgeon. Oru kalathu, I wanted to be like him. Be a surgeon and stuff. Sigh-"
ur family is marco. marco cast. Wake me up before you go go..,"Lastttttt Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day, you gave it away"
Jasi is such a pookie,Ikr. Aysheri cut aki kalikuno. Againnnnn
Po myre. In another episode,"Siiii siiiii. You are the best comeon, elam first try kitanam enu ila. But just don't give up, ik u wouldn't. You are far more capable than this 😌✨. Shut up 😂. The movie is lite ✨"
mmm. I might get fired.... CEO found out. Arundhathi🙂,Found out about what?
Uncensored,The server stuff. Listen. Are you kothamangalam
No Im Alosh,Im Joanne from koshymuth
I might go to kothamangalam,Good job
nooooooooooooooooo delete,Ayoda 😂. What time's the train today?
"Huh. I look like a cancer patient😶🌫. Thats what my grandma said. ""Entha mone chemo kazhinjo?""",Achoda 😂. You will if you keep on having unhealthy food Ingane. Rakhees class. Boring affffff
send pic,Front bench 🤧. Parent child shit. Os
Who hit who?,Oh god
Oh OS. Damn. My bad,"Os yes. Ughhhhh it's all boring rn tbh. The worst sem, no body has ever felt this lost in class. Next week internals and o my 🤧🚶🏻♀️. Gotta poojikal the youtube daivams ✨✨✨✨"
Gatesmasherssssss,"It's full of theoryyyyyyyyyy. Ktu is fucked upppppp. She is not even explaining the fucking code. Gives the code one before lab and says ""cheytho"". Cheytho cheytho my ass. Gotta learn this stuff or else it's fucked"
My inner monologue,"Istg 🤧. She smiles good butttttttt she's like nagavali sometimes. The stare 😭😂. Achoda 😂. Hod is like ""pavamale ayoda 🤣"". Yeah I get it, credit goes to someone else mmm 🚶🏻♀️✨🤧"
She sounds like a scared kochamma. Idk how to describe,"What did u buy. Treat ano?. Ukw alosheee, one day theyll ask for treat and nee pedum 😭😂😭"
Split verum. Mandhi. And then kitkat. Blyaattt,Understood something. 85% of your salary goes in the name of FOOD
Maam im super hungry,Ahaaaaa the stuff u said yest
Yes Now everyone can hear my infodump,Pinalaa
Aarum illa?. Nsfw,Wtfff. You'll get kicked out of office you idiot
Oh btw. Met with CEO He asked me what my plans were,Andd what did u say. Was he pissed? 💀
I said I wanna fly solo. No no he was chill,Aha enit enit. He's ready to sponsor the trip now? He will if you give him the access to the uncensored thingy 😭😂😭😂. Great job wowww. Good upgrade sheeshh ✨
Hot. Just explained logic gates to my sister over the call Naale python nte exam and she hasnt touched shit🤯,"Ufff oru samayath I used to listen to this all day, pine maduthu.. Achoda 😭😂"
I was obsessed w this during +1+2,Dayum same same 😂😭. I'll send another which I was like super more obsessed
Kettitind,"Ufff full heartbreak songs, okay but miley Cyrus used to be my backbone then 😂🚶🏻♀️"
Ellam kettitind 😂. Ente yt is in shuffle,Think I'm sick
😑. Call me,Two meetings at the same time wow 🙂. I'll call
Np,Dayummmmm dudeeeeee. Wowwwwwwww. Alosh ara mwon scene
I checked my tinkerhub profile. I am kinda cute hehe. Ukw I really want right now?. Puttu and cherupazham,She's sooo pretty ✨🫠. I love this song. Ahahahah 😂
Had food?,"Dayum im craving for veetile dosa and all chamanthi. Nope. Going for the sports stuff, it's sports day today yayyy"
Tennis yea?,Mhmmmm
Challengers is the movie for you. Have fun and break a leg😉,Wtff???. Ini ethra dooram undu?
"10 mins. In 10th sports fest, I had food before running track and it backfired. I left midlap to take a shit😂",🤣😂😂🤣😂ong
Kazhikk molu,Alosheeeee. Do u have anything like a hoodie or such with you?
At my room maybe. I'll let uk,Fuck fuck fuck. James is circling around. Whens the session?!
10 mins. Im here baa. Njan mentor aai😎. Ninne fail akkum nokiko kochumyre,🤧🤧🤧🤧. There's a lot of people?
Yes,Avide space undo?
Ind. Conjusted ayirikum. Beanbags are vacant tho. Come up. Edo Nami looks disappointed😂,why are u smiling. stoppppp 😂😂. its soo fucking akward
Thats my resting face,Come for tea
No busy with stuffs,Edaa. Listen. Is this good?. I mean the idea
You're doing better than me when I was your age. I'll tell you k,Aloshee. Come to the bean bag side
okk 5 mins. Yoo chill,Alosh. Need help
Umbiko. U wanna see raspberry?,Ye why
Raspberry pi,Yesssss I understood. Omgggh. Im not dumb
Thanks for clarifying,Kocheyyy. I need help againnnnnnn
Para. Im really tired,Nahh nah sleep I'll figure this out nw
Ok njn veram,Bed bugs 🐛😴
I was fw u😂. Now work. ??¿????. Did it work,Ye
1pm,No punctuality mosham mosham
Uber?,Dudee. U said vanit mathi. I'll book now?
Ola too. No,"Fuck off. You come fast. Enthoru getting ready anu aloshee, I gotta go back hostel before 6.30 you monkey"
Ill make sure u wont,"🙂. Im going now then. Bye 🙂✨. It's gonna be an hour omg, come fastttttt"
Ok bye. Book uber now,Ipo book cheytha car comes in 2 mins. You come fast omg
Car oo. Tf brah,Auto auto fine fine. Come
Do you or do you not have a bank acc?. 🤦♂. You said you didnt have something. Edi edi edi. I got a startup sponsorship offer in my inbox today. Looked them up and they are legit!,Hola. Didn't have what
U didn't have something. card ig?,"Dayummm, ""feel free to reach us out"". Pakkaaaa freeev. Card I do, but hostel hei"
huh?,Alosheee did u reach?
"So I napped in AC waiting hall, missed my train and back in tinkerspace now. Naale povm",💀💀💀💀💀. Wtffffffffffffff
I dreamed that the lunch was just a dream. Felt so real,"I saw the bed, I fell in love with the bed, I slept.. I reached hostel at 6.15, pathiye pathiye travelling, looking around and yay 😭😂"
Thought so😅,"Playing with the GPUs now?. It felt sooo unreal when I said ""tattatattatat"" and left for the metro"
"yes. I slept so heavy that I dreamt that every call we had, every meeting and the lunch was fake. Like we never happened enn",Aahhahahaha athena petti 😂
Idk. Wbu had food?,"Nahh, im still full. I still haven't gotten off the bed"
I am hungry. This looks like a kidnapping😶🌫. Fuck u are photogenic as hell,Yes ehehheheheh
Interesting,Why th does it look like me
it is u,LinkedIn post kalassss ✨
Tag megha,"🙂. Do u really wish to get blocked? 😊. Not mine, yrssss"
u want me to post?,"Your pics no.. you were a mentor. Go like ""happy mentoring new kids, thank goodness didn't turn out to be a pedo"" 😊🥰. 😭😂. Gotta rip peeps heart and mind today, gonna interview"
who,Iedc new execom
you're interviewing or being interviewed?,I'm interviewing. Too much experience when it comes to that. Did the gdg one too sooo yeah
"ooh what are your criteria. ukw tell me once you're done, u must be busy","1. Experience is imp (1st yr anenkil, previous school activities) 2. Maintaing eyeeee contact is a musttttt 3. Presentation 4. Overall performance 5. Apt to the role 6. Good enough to manage it.. Uhhhh ente expectation athrem vanila people but yeah not bad"
*proceeds to elect herself as lead. I fail at 2nd,Mwoneee 2nd is a must for me.
Ayoo onpoint 😂. 3hr limit. Such a pookie. Joanneeeee. Its happening again. Did u sleep tho?. It happened again and I just let it take over. Slept like a baby. Thanks for staying up!,"Mhm yes I did. Yeahh you seemed fine for 13 mins, then I cut. Hope you are okay now"
Do the dance😂,"Pine make sure to have breakfast yeah?. Just have something, something means something. Since you couldn't sleep athrek last night"
Yeah. Athe will. Whats with the emoji😢,"Gooooooddd boyyyy. Uh idk, I just feel soo empty cuz. Whenever there used to be a problem between my frnds, I used to spent hours trying to fix it between them. But then at last, nobody is there to atleast take an effort to do something. I feel entho pole. Take the initiative and stuff and at last make evrything fine. Idk why I'm like this. Why I help even after knowing that at the end, I'll be all alone."
"You're not. People love you. They just don't show it out much. On the converse, I have a very primal need for people to hate me. They must hate me and I don't have to deal with them again. It's not depressing, it's the result of years of conditioning. This is my default setting. Needs no score. Idk if I told you this, but I aspire to be the worlds most hated human.","<View once voice message omitted>. Viva Njan thakarthu ufff, Rakhee impressed af 😭😂😭😂😂😭"
<View once voice message omitted>,Wtffffff. Whytyy
Nee avide marunnu vechitt poyo,Mmm mmmm mmm kalikale. Achoda 😭😂. Send me that. Dilwale dulhaniya le jayenge 😂😂😂😂
I miss those biceps. When I used to lean over to clear doubts and my veins would just poppp Sexy as hell,I feel sooo heavy
Ate ?. Btw dp evide. U looked good,Insideeeee. Did did
oh is it that megha thingy,"I just can't accept things, idk evrythings bad rn. I can't just believe about the fact that, nami whom I considered as my own family, started being a bitch. Entha ith idk"
I need to hear about nami,"Ukw, leave it.. Im going off for sometime"
dei dei. Oh myr ninak voice kelkan petoola. Why are u in first bench,"Edaaaa listen. Idk give a fuck about the circle I left. What I'm really sad about is how Liz and Namitha turned out to be like. Nami and Liz used to fight a lot, spent hourssssss making things right between them. Atlast enik oru ith vanapo, oru alu polum ila and they left.. Never in my life have I talked about ""avide pokam, ivide pokam"" to Liz or Namitha when both of them were in a fight. Yest they ignored me, they talked about going to places, watched a movie right in front of me.. All of these. Im just tooo nice to people whom I get close to. This is why I hate getting attached. Idkkk it's too much for you to listen to and all, idk I'm soo sorry"
Sorry I started this in the first place. Didnt see this coming,"It's not you alosh. Problems been there since s2. It's okay,leave it. I gotta learn from all of these"
Yeah. Do you want a hug. 🙂,I really do want one right now. Soo bad
This is how I feel And this is why I wanna hug. Megha clone just walked past ;),Nink ena preshnam. Can you stop reminding me of her name. Please
Alr sorry. Wow we are arguing,Alosheeee. What doings. Ufffffffffffffffffff. 23. No 35? 😭😂Idk
28 Married,Achoda
Do the dancee😂😂😂,Ukw we should try doing it together. We should shoot it. Viral akum. 😂😂😂
Nooo,"Yessssss 😂😂😂😂😂. Srk pose 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂. One question.. Where did u learn alll these from. Research research research!???. Seat elam fill ayi kunje, only the front benches were vacant. Ennna cheyana 🤧.. But athanu sugam, teachers don't look at you front benchil😂😂. You can do wtv shit u want, atahle I use phone in between"
Reading. Tectics,Im hungry
Workout now. Then eat,Neee onu mindathe irune 🚶🏻♀️😭🤧. Happpyyyy borndayyyyy
Goodmorning babe. I had this badass nightmare last night. The world hated me. And I was loving every second of it😂. Study study. Dont ozhappal like me :),You really do like people hating you? 😂. Yessssssss thakarkanam for the exam
Im gonna throw all sorts at you and figure out which works... Mwonjathi blackass baddie😂. Tonight I'll reveal the biggest yet update of my research,Blackieee. Work on it ✨✨✨✨✨
💪💪,Oh u havent seen my same aged cousin non. She the real baddie
I dont wanna hook up w ur cousins pls. Aah ayachek,Shut up kanuuu
Oho. Uae?,Dessss dessss
Ninte thantha?,Daddy cool yes. Good lordddddd
U look cute tho,6th grade 💃🏻
Its like you had a glowup. Went from 2/10 to 2.1/10. Good lorddd y am i still hitting,Thank you sooo much for the upgrade 😂
5th U were in 2nd prolly. I had a small boyhood crush on my cousin back then. The girl,The baby?????. Whatttttt
Noooooooooo😂😂😂. Allado,Perfectttt 😂💃🏻
Kidukachi to koothachi behaviour... did not expect this arc Joannee,Tch tch tch tch what a downgrade. She pretty
I had a crush on this guy as well He's pretty cute. lemme send. He's your type. You guys should def hookup,"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Ente alooosheee 🤣. Ive a crush on this girl, you better stay away from. She wild affff. Kadich keerum. Sceneeee achan sceneeeee, build something to replicate such achans 😂"
😂😂. Studyyyy. Njan poi pani edukatte🤗. Or else job poovm🤗📈,Studyinggggg yesss. Yess boss. Go pani eduk
Dei dei ivide ellarm kandu🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️,Enth kandu?. What's wrong with the song 😤
Its like that nwantiti guy sang this. went straight to video,Nw good video only. He malayali 🫠ufff
mm kollaaam. You have your dads teeth lips and nose. And your moms jaw and cheekbones,Old pic?. You seem super healthy wtf. Wanna see my dad when he was 18?💀. What say now 💀😂
Yediiiiii,Yess 🤣🤣
Fuckkkkkk. Ditto Joanne,"Sathyam super healthy in that 🤣😂. Yessss I get it 🤣😂. The jaw the evrything, I got from him 😂. Kapall pole jawline yes 😂"
Nose and lips too,"Had the same kanadi too 😂. I got shocked istg, when I saw this I went... Ehhhh 💀💀💀💀"
Moms genes didnt even try,"I do look like my mom too, enthanu enthu idk 😭😂. Some popel say daddy, others say mummy.. Super"
Mom nte hips ind. Maybe her face too. Milan alle ath😂,"Njan 🚶🏻♀️💃🏻😂. Omggg, cooochi coochi cooo 😭😂. Mom looks like pakka hindu bruh. Fuck fuck fuck fuck aloshhhhhh. Aloshhh. Aloshhhh. Aloshhhhhhhhhh. Resolved. Phew"
Haa scn illa,She's that talllllll?????
Yeah. Taller than u,"And ur mom's that tall too???. Entha ithh, fam of the giant tall people"
Mashallah yess,Wonderful how tall your dad is now
Papa normal aan 5 11. Mummy 5 9,💀. And u????. Ehhhhhhhhhh 💀
6 2. Ashley 5 7. Or 5 8,🚶🏻♀️. No presence of Tt only TT. Gene flow
Aah titties ind. Oh matte gene theory myr saanm. Njan marunnu,Everyone looks meh. I'll rate him 1.5/10. It's his flirting skills which is on top ig
He's better looking than me tho. French fry ass fingers I'll dip em in frying oil,Old one or now???. Dude her call pic is weird 🚶🏻♀️😂. Achoda 😂😂😂😂
Oldd Ipo she looks pretty as hell,"You had something?. She alr prettyy, uff the round face and cute affff. It's a good flex tbh, having an ex like this"
Idk it was edging as hell Didnt like. Noooo We will watch together Ninak naale exam aan kocheyyy. Ipo study,"Watching the achan video again, that's what I wanna do rn 🙂✨"
Idi veno😅. Its so cute when you say that. Soo... friends again?,"Nah nah, enne anagne easily convince cheyan patila. Namitha sai, ikk jo it's not easy to convince you all. I said yes, true. And the things I witnessed yest was truly eye opening. I said, I'll walk around but not close like pandu or smthg. (Wouldn't care too) She said, mmmmm and said lot of sorries along with Liz. I went, 🙂. My stubborn mind can't deal with shit anymore 🚶🏻♀️"
"Honestly you're coping very well. You are kinda outta my league. But I'll still pull because I aint a quitter. Oh god I shouldn't be saying this out loud, but I miss you so muchhh. I wish I could teach you graph theory :). I think the whole point of why I wanted to explore LLMs in realtime was to simulate arguing... that feeling of arguing with a person, you cant get it with AI. I dont wanna wait 10 seconds for it think and reply back with a guardrailed response. I want to argue and get angry with it just as a real human would. I want it to call slurs back at me. This is the shit people would fall for. And hopefully the world will hate me for replacing humans. **evil laugh** PS I am not a philosopher","Boring af, full of theory. Evil laugh 🚶🏻♀️.. Before going you better make sure to pass me down, where you studied all these things from 💃🏻. Btw aloshee, which workshop are you conducting at NIT?. Gen ai, AI ML? These are the topics shown yeah"
And EV. Daivameee ithine aano...,"Ohhhhhhhh EV I saw saw saw. Namitha going for Editing and stuff, Liz maria going for big data. Idk what I'll go for. Got a lot of weird stickers of mine 😂🤣😂. These stickers are not going out, I'll kill u 🔪🔪"
Illado. Njan big data edukinind🤗. Yeah keep up the weird stuff I can tolerate,Super ☕
"Naslen such a pookie. Edo njan ith padichathaan. Boring af, full of theory. Like u. But interesting to listen to after work","Ohoooooooooooo. I cried atlast watching the movie ngl 🚶🏻♀️. Even though I walked around saying, mehhish movie."
Ohh nee kando. Ok dont spoil,Who's your fav porn star. Ik it's out of the blue but still
You. I have been comparing this dad pic with his younger one for a while now. I can see the style transfer,This style is like 8 yrs old. Ipolathe anu fire 😮💨😮💨😮💨
Nice try bud But I hit first😎,How's the movie
Meh kozhapila,Watch watch
Its an old ammachi who gives good head I dont remember the name tho Pls don't ss this😂,"Oh god, old amamchi. I defo think I'm ovulating"
Ehh,My brain is not right
<View once voice message omitted>,Achoda 😂😂😂. Ayk ayk
Plan B,"Istggg, if you even go near her, u r dead. He's handsome wow"
Jkjk I wouldnt mess w my sister in law. Thanks He's bald too and it fits him like a boss,He looks like the pakka nri uncle
Ikrrr And he wants to come to kerala. I told papa... ini ingot veranda Relocate to UAE or smtg,Does he drink?
Is that even a qn,Wow. 😂😂. Good idea
Reason why dad comes to India twice a year. Send mia and milans pic I wanna rate our siblings😂,Yall have the same smile istg😭✨
Ninak all-in-one veno😂. I can feel Milan I cant judge mia from this pic tho She seems idk very unto herself? And she is def cuter than u🤗🤗,Aleee she is veryyyyy cute and pretty
Nami - 34D Mia - Plan B,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Nadana thanne
Padich evde vere aai,😶
Milan od nanni ond. Milan aliyan🤗. Good girl,You defo look like a French artist in this 😭😂. Ahaaaa
nice. Uff such a 🎀 song. Tell me why did you cry at the end of Kathalan,Kathalan?
..,The scene when he goes opening up... The party one.. Enit atlast she kissed and all on the cheeks. Waiting for him enit
Ehh. Premalu aano,Yes
Oh. I was watching I am Kathalan,Nee pine enna udeshiche?. Super I thought it's premalu. How's the movie
Basic Cybersec stuff. But Naslen can play any role well. Movie's pretty decent if you're new to this,Like me
Play the role of my wife. Script: Kitchen,Like how I change my personality. You'll have a very hard time alosheee 😂
Ughh I want to blast some dirty jokes rn but its not the time or mood😖. Joanne you have two subs tmrw?. Which,Aye Graph theory and Constitution of India
Constn of India??. Thats a subject?,Yess 🤧🤧🤧🤧
Elective?,Ath avide 3hrs hei after GT. Apo constitution irun odich vidum. Plus the teacher leaked the question paper easy 😂
Ithokeyann cusat. Oru myrum parayila. Not even imp/repeated qns,Achoda 😂
Ivide new rule ind: Max 30% of qns can be repeated. Thats 70% compounded each year. Oombeda Oombeda Oombe Oombe Oombe!,"Achoda I love that song, milan sings it a lot when something happens to me 😂😭😂"
Best. Cute. Applying?,8 and 9th hackathon. I shared it to my frnds yeah
I have something better that you can keep for 9 months safe😂😂. Oh etha,Nooo didn't you open it as see!??
Ur a mentor?,Idkkk. I would love to be but. But. 10th COa and Os exam 🚶🏻♀️
Yo COA is fire asff,Yessss fr 😂
Can you imagine GPUs began from there?,"GEC, kozhikode koduthalo set 😂. Dayum"
I wanted you to but then internals na..,"Carmel one. The my first college, just 5 mins from home. Njan vashi pidichu venda enu 🚶🏻♀️"
Povenda. Nammk vere pidikam💪🏻,"Kocheyyyyy listennnnnnn. That's my first college enu. I joined there enu. Enit I said vendaa, I wanna change cuz near to home. Got it? 😂"
Oh angane,Yesss
Apo ur choice,Kozikode is just 4hrs from here? Dayum
Yass. But thing is its too late now. Train pidich vera is risky Especially general,"Sathyam, I dont have anyone to hold on 😂😭😂. 21 22 23 I'm coming. 60% orap"
You and your hands ughhh. How are you gonna do all the kinky stuff,Ath me prooooooo
"""Aah Im coming Dadddyyyy🥵"". ""60% confidence im bout to come in your kood"". What if. Our parents saw these chats",I mean it's mostly clean 🚶🏻♀️. And stupid stuffs. Alosheeeee
😂😂😂,"Alosheeee. Nono. Don't don't. Be a good boy. Okay okay u work, idw disturb"
Same here Finish all mods. Nee graph theory thakarkkum,Good night alosheee ✨
Good night Koshyyy. Dream of electric sheep,"Athe, go sleep okay. Don't stay up all night. Alosh: ""neee aradiii"". Njan ninte thantha"
Bra?. Tell meeeee,Ps: beware 🚶🏻♀️✨
Dayum you look fine as hell. From Dune,You got a thing for yellow stuffs?
No just dune,"It's a really good one, ivent watched dune yet. Will do"
Watch together and I'll clear any plot inconsistencies. I watched dune for Hans Zimmer... such a beautiful score🥹. I'll send a snip,"The ones in batman, ""FLIGHTTTT"". ufffffff such masterpiece 😭😭"
Oymygod dudeee. Cobbs totem in Inception isnt the spinning top!!!! Its his wedding ring,This looks dope
5/10. Exam ille,9.50
My roommate literally asked if I have gf. Im like eh athetha app?. 😂. 🥹. How u feeling,Super dead but gotta fight. It's me v me
Everyday,Achoda soo cute 😭😭✨✨. I wanna go home aloshee
Scene ayo,Nono. I miss mummy's mutton soup 😭🤧. She used to make me that whenever I get sick
Mutton broth?,+ a lot of other stuffs she add. And she makes a special sort of soup. Uffff 🥹🥹🥹
Teach me too. Apo I can make as well🤗,Achoda 😭😂😭
Mair. Poi exam ezhuthitt chelakk. Did your thing?,Okay gonna get inside the hall. Pray for me that I don't faint. 😮💨🤧
I'll pray in the delivery room,Hawt af. Gawttt affffff. Bruhh. How much did she pay?
10. How was your exam. God i feel like your thantha. Daym,Edo she's hawt. Even I fell
Bitch attitude tho. I had to deal with her boyfriends to raise it from 7 to 10,Ufff I love it
"After all that mess, this group photo was taken. Tiredness gone?. Go have some Chaya and a good snack. and sleeeeeep","Yeah had. Me and jeevan here, he opened up about his stuff which made me cry. Now I'm crying like anything now thinking of my life. Life is hard. Opening up really makes people cry istg"
Good. Wya,Walking. Alosheeeeeeeeeee 😭😭😭😭
Aykotee. Entha,"Callll eduuuu. Ukw, calll meeee nowwww. I can't seem to"
Lemme buy food,Yeahh chey chey. Frrrrr
Results????. Above 8 ind,Ilaaaa neighbour wala classmates got. Pooooo alosheee
Orappa,S3 was shit. Think I'm having chicken pox. College ipo full chicken pox hei
First time?. Have fun,"Yesssssssss. Wowww, how old was she when she did this?"
ig just now,Awww😭😭✨✨
Damn this chick cute. Why cant u be like her?,Im HER. Long hair.
Alr chill. Anyway she's cute. I may have a crush on her. Omg. My cheeks are flush. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Yes yes yes Ammayi = You. God bless your dad meeting your mom and cooking up the prettiest and goofiest girl I've met so far. Stop sending its too cute,"Stopped. 🚶🏻♀️✨😂. Liz got 7.7. Apo enik ethra ayirukum 😭😭. Okay sooo my system works this way, whenever I get tensed... I start sneezing non stop 🚶🏻♀️. Ive been since an hr"
Doing the deed is going to be hard for me. You're better,7.8🚶🏻♀️. Gotta give for revaluation 🚶🏻♀️. Class top 8.3 wtfffffffff. Ongggg 😭😂😭. Send me this
great. once il eduthu,Cgp is 8.1. Dayum
8.1??. wow,Yes
Im so proud of you (horny asf),Still wtfff?. My jawline dominance
"Dude today i woke up with a painful boner. Tall genes. And I thought I'll do it in shower, nope Toilet, nope",How saddddddddd. You still hornyyy wtfff??? Even after jerking off wtfff
I didn't jerk off yet. I dont even say this stuff to my friends😭,Kozhpila. Im all ears 😭😂😭
Nooooooooooo,"Go sleep, would help"
I been staring at this for 5 mins,Wanna see an ummachikutty? 😭😂
Mm. Send this,Achoda 😂😭😂
This was me to myself😂. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,"Namitha said I don't look good in this, that's why I was asking you again and again. Thing is, she doesn't fit into this. Idk maybe cuz of that"
Steal this dress😂,Istg I'll be like her. Shes got my face structure
I had a temp crush on her once. Not face but arms. I think I saved one of her edits too,"She's hawt istg, I'll look like her someday, I willlllll yesss fsssssssss"
My anthem during 3rd year,The song??? The ennilerinju one?. Sceneee one it is istg
Yea,My top streak music 😭😂. Did someone ozhikalll thelacha velam on you aloshee????. Why sooo red????
Sweat,"Achoda 😭😂😂. Okay sooo uh top secret, never shared this with anyone. Scared of ppl judging, but here it goes."
Go on,There's this one song I listen to when I feel very anxious or overwhelmed. The wordings are 🫠✨
Hey I've heard this tune somewhere..... In a church song. In gulf. Amma likes such old hindi songs She grew up around it. Wonder how you fell into it,"Not evrything, but some. I like old music more 🚶🏻♀️ and and Goth ones 😁"
So I just play this when you're down?. The tune is soothing,Another 🫠🫠🫠🫠. Listen to this one song with eyes closed okay?????. Eyes closeddddddd.. EYES CLOSED
Type shi. Ok maam. Its calming,"Very, it takes me to another universe"
You know what else takes you to another universe,Yeh???. Shit I didn't read properly
Gosh we are so hyped rnnn,"She's soooo pretty, did u make this? 😭✨. It's sooo cttee"
Yeah. I haven't showed her this tho,You should have tbh. It's sooooo prettyy 🥹
Nah i was immature asf,"Kutta listen, Men in love are like, babies.. Nothing would make sense to them, except the person they fall deeply in love with"
Seeee??,Did u like this one?
Sounds 50-60ish. But modern,"Love this. I got my period, I'm sick af, temp is around 38.9, dizzy, headache. I'll die ✨"
Cute,"😭😭. I think I'm gonna get chickenpox, college fulll elarkum ith hei especially vaasu class And vaasu had lunch with me yest. Since then I'm sick 😭"
I smell mass bunk. Its good you got cpox. Earlier the better. Lifetime immunity,"This my temp now, Apparently too high to calculate 😭"
One thing that scares me are those nails. Do not scratch me. Thermometer tryna rizz you,Don't tell me this is ur cousin's research paper
"*our. i mean like his and mine. He gave me a reality check. US... its not easy to get in as a researcher. I have to be laser focused on a specific niche. My problem is I keep jumping from one area to the next, and that's good in a sense I get to be jack of all trades. In this economy, you gotta be good at the one thing you're gonna make money off of your entire life. Do your thing, but do that for the next 10 years till you're on the frikkking topppp! <This message was edited>","You know what, you should write a book as well as start a podcast. Your vision is on top ✨✨✨"
You met me at a very strange time in my life,Athenna 😂
"Umm... I wanted to do smtg to get my mind off *her*. And that has led to building some amazing things. And I'd do anything to just be working working: this paper, models, commitments to projects, etc. including when Reema asked Alosh moneee can you organize this hackathon, I said yea np. I had zero, i mean zero plans to ever take you seriously😅 Happy it worked out tho <This message was edited>. Welp single handedly the best decision I've made yet","Recently got to know about it. M going hospital, parents worried. And Liz. I threw up twice now"
Damn. Stay hydrated k? No matter what. Ik worst advice but keep drinking and peeing. Let your system adjust.,I wanna go home 🥺😭
U want soup,I do sooo bad
Describe how you're feeling,Omg 🔪
😂,"Doc and Eng, deadly couple combo. I now realised"
"Ninak doctor aavano?. How are you feeling tho. Called fam?. Indian parents oru vibe aan. It was a joke😂. Tru tho idk how to deal with patients. Pro tip: Never, *ever* take your parents for granted. They fucking love you, they just express it in their own ways. In the end, they want you to be successful. And trust me, its a godsend that you took engineering. An engineer is like a Malayali. You'll find them everywhere :). Gonna play Kurumbathi Chundhari with my daughter","It's a cute song. Sathyam, me pro in taking care thou"
Yapping is not caring. Thats more torture,Nahghhgg. Wanted to become a doc cuz. I vare too much
I wanted to become gynec,One of my dreams to open an old age home + an orphanage when I grow up. I wanted to do gynae or onco
Ath pillere okke aayit automatically nee poikolum😅,"I wanna help those in need, I love doing that. Maybe yes idk. Generation"
"Kids be like ""Ee thalla thollla pootuo?"". Thats nice. Uff nammkm vende 🥹. Shyee vendayrnu. I like natural ones. Without anything on them. Ugh im weird but some girls without makeup is attractive as hell to me. Its how I hit on Tanu. With or without, she was good","Satyam that's what I was gonna say. I love that. No foundation nothing. Notvweird at all, it's good. True that, she's pretty + cute"
"I woke up at 5, went three times in a stretch No relapse. There was a truckload of it",Nink prantha kochey uff 💀😂
"Im so focused rn, I fixed last two days bugs by 9am and now writing the paper","That's why I respect james, Evey single girl in college used to dress up atleast for 1hr, tie their hair perfect, eyeliner and stuff. I wake up, take a bath, make my hair into a bun and leave still every single morning when he saw me, he used to say... Dayum, you look beautiful. I go, 😑😑😑"
U have aura,"Ah yeah, good days. 150 for one pazhamporibufff wtf. Does tanu have a bf now???. If no and you still miss her, I think you should defo take a move"
Dunno dont care,Would be good. Thoddanggg set ayirukum✨✨
There's a lot of incompatibility. I was more mature then and it was good we figured it out early. Is she sick too,Yesss. Ohhh didn't know that
Do u like akkara kazhchakal?. Btw vellam kudikinundo muthashi?,So much. People call me rincy. Cuz I had an allakkk bussiness plan in hostel 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️. My HB is just 10 💀
5th time today😭,Whattttttttttt. Alosheee what is this. 💀. Are you okay??? 💀
"Who's listening in on us?. HR's office, bathroom stall, zudio changing room, shower and bed",Zudio changing whattttttttttt. Whattttt the actual fuckkkkkkk. Im honestly traumatized 🚶🏻♀️
Aaha veetukar ethi?,This is 9 months ago 🚶🏻♀️. Missed home soo was going thru gallery 🫠
U and mia have the same mouths. Like teeth. When u smile its like 21:9 widescreen. ARM kando?,Yeahhh 30 mins ig
Athrem bad?,"Nah it's good, couldn't watch full"
Best feeling. How u now,I feel okaish but tired
"Blood test cheyth report thanno?. Other than low HB, vere entha",Her chechi looks like a Disney princess 😭
"Something I never got asked, but I'll ask anyway: Where do you see yourself by 25, 30, 35, 40?","Can't type out, there's a lot. Another call episode"
Yeah call Lets talk about this. Not rn. Tonight,I wouldn't dw. You work
when the night has comeeee... and the land is darkkk,"1st yr kutty, GUIDANCE ✨"
Im old?😢,You r 22 yay
I feel like a groomer. Ang paranj kodukk joachii,Good morning
Good evening,Listen to both
Ennamo Yeadho is peak Kairali Music core. Jiiva is like Indian Pedro Pascal. Second not so much. The only hindi song I like: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=aG7MaqtWxT8&feature=shared. Oh oh ikk this. Mitwaaaaaaaaaa. This is good too,"You okay up there? Ur back doesn't hurt?. And and btw, don't do anything over there 💀☕"
I get up and stretch once in a while,"Ever watched ""my name is khan""?"
Nop. I think reels,"Ivent watched a new Hindi ones cuz they shit. But there are old masterpieces, I watch those ufff. Ukw, I'll make you watch ""my name is khan"" with me 🐛. All the best Ps: I'll cry. Deal with it.. Typical NRI kid 🚶🏻♀️. Squd squd"
We'll dance together like this lizard,"Wanna see one of my relatives wedding video, it's soooooo cute 😭😭😭😭"
Send,"Watch watch watch 😭. Full okay. She's got the colgate smile 😭😂, they yappppp sooo much like anything"
When us??🙂. No dont ans that🤣,"Another one, watch that that. It's soooo fun, watch"
"Ours gonna be like, we met on linkedin. Wait I seen this Nagma somewhere. Is she big on insta?. Aah malluchick",Yesssssssssszz. Malluchick yes
I was smiling the entire time,Reason why people choose magic media motion
Promoting now??,"Their charge is above 10lks, just for the shoot and all these 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️"
No fkn way... I aint gon marry,"Wedding is exp af 🚶🏻♀️. Binuchan married his 9yr relationship wala gf, Total expense: 53.5lks 🚶🏻♀️ <This message was edited>"
"If I do marry, i dont want it to be extravagant Minimal, close relatives and real friends. Max 50 peeps from my side.. Im a simple guy",Yesss zameee sameee sameeeeeeeee
Oh angane 💀🙂,"I don't want the whole natukar, cuz I wouldn't be able to be the true me.. I wanna dance like no body is watching. Yesss frrrr😂😂😭😭😂. Ufff, I just had one whole pomegranate and 2 boiled eggs. I feel like hitting the gym rn, but if I do, im dead 🚶🏻♀️🐛. Cusat?. I lost my cross thingy. Somebody took it from the washroom, fuck Idk what I was thinking when it kept it there before taking a shower"
Yes. Damm,"The thing with this WhatsApp group is, it's more of a lost and found listing platform. Ur mom 😭😭😂"
It'll come back. Damn we were building an app around this. Can we proceed with onboarding your members to our userbase?. Sorry🥺,Exactly. Achoda 😭😂😭. Wyddd
Alla. Chumma valinj keri vannu☺️,"Achoda. Valentine's day in 6 days eh? 💀. This week couples onu bhudhimutum 😭😂😭 Hug day, rose day, 🌴 day"
Serendipity. I'm getting into that phase where I start fanboying on Nvidia,Mmm
"I taught her the wrong key combos so she would fail the boss fight and I could play more😭. These hit hard when you're swinging through NY, unlimited spidey sense, tony stark suit, full hp, fighting another crime💗","Marvel used to be a thing once, I used to be a die hard fan and I stopped after end game. The once after that, mmm I didn't like anything much. What he say?!"
"He said ""Joanne hook up w Alosh or you'll have infinite periods"". Im fine w that. I wanna call u later. Will u be up?",Yessssss
Lots to discuss maam. Mf you added me to a call??,yeah its fine. stay there
Jeez. So chatgpt as fuck answers. AI driven? Report driven? get those out asap. put whatever features he said into 3 points max. Aint no one gon listen to all those,Yessss
"Take out words like proactive, bridges, streamline, reliability, dynamic, revolutionary chatgpt words. No unwanted jargon, get straight to the point. Submission enna?",Today
Adutha slide??. Omfg. Ukw call me afterwards,Yes yess. You leave
Umm... reema knows,What she say?
Beautiful. Lets binge akkara kazchakal every night?. One episode,Yes
Achoda,O myyyyy-. My myyyy-. What have I witnessed 😂
Ninte thantha. Nadanna karyam🙂. Oh naale exam,"6 straight hours of theory + questioning your life decisions. Wowwww the best 6hrs of my life istg. Oh and btw maranu. Last yr for around 3 months, I had this agraham to become an RJ 😭😂. Fantasies 😂😭😂"
"Plan C😂. Every time I look at that pfp, it feels like im seeing you for the first time ever. Damn we look good. 1. Listen to yapyap 2. Okaeyyy 3. Bie bie bie bieee","Ayadaaaaa. One idi and ull go US, no VISA"
You're a good sister. Ann Maria chick is older than you and I had a crush on her🤭,She's my ageeeee. She's soooo cute istg😭
Yeaa. I cant blv it. So are you,Dayum I took a similar pic today 😭😂😭. You should have proper food 🤧
This was 2 yrs back,2nd yr fr!. ????
Yea,Dayum. That's the hostel room?. Mens hostel this neat??? Wowww. Padipi afff
"Yea I was padippi and worked out everyday. No girls, no insta, no late nighters...",Cleannnnnn. Your mom and ashly dittoooo. Everyone's got the same smile tooo dayum how
Ashley. Y does everyone say ashlin or ashly😂,"Ashleyyy, look at meeeeeeeee"
Cuz colgate,😭😂😭😂. I get ittttt
Yea her friends call her that😂. She didnt get it so I showed her Boys,"Wtffffffff, you did whatttt? Whyy. Whooo this omg 😭😂. Good assssssws"
I agree w James. Angelo Close friend. Big gyatt,Yesss I saw that 😭😂😭😂
"Actually, send this. Im gonna keep this. Be messy haired w me. ?",Me me me. Liz maria cut my hair 😭😂
When,Last yr 😂
Ayakado pullee. Equivalent of ruffled hair. You guys had to study OOPS?,"Omg. Ahaaaa. Yesss java one, I used to be mithu maams fav 🤧🤧🤧. I loved java, class topper ayirunu java. Good old days shyo 🤧 <This message was edited>"
Im sending u an nsfw of oops Back then I used to meme a lot,Show. Look like a singer btww and. Why sooo many bills over there 💀. Stuck into the cupboard
Okay akkara kaanam. ..,Done
im in. play when you're ready. We'll figure out another one,Omggg. 😭😂😭😂😂😂
yo emojis work. wait ep2. ok its up,Love this 🫠. Train keri?
WFH Going tmrw Got stuffs to do,Superrrr
Exam ille,9.30
ayyeee😅. Superr. Twoboat memory?,"TWO BUS MEMORY 💀. Memory polum ala, organization 💀"
Easy babe,Ya houlavala 🚶🏻♀️
Just imagine you're the inventor of the CPU and your question paper is a bunch of hardcore fans wanting to know about how you built it. I meant this seriously I did this for CAO exam when I was down w dengue🙂,Sneham mathram ✨
Pipe😭 We had this for labs,"Thenga, I asked a question from pipes to Liz now and she goes Pipessooo, ath ilaaa for exam. 😚😚😚😚"
haha. All the best kocheyy Thakarkk💪🏻,Rakeeeee turned out to be real baddie and did bad
dressed to slay,Is cpu architecture veryyyyyy impppp
Yes. I dont think cpu per se. Von neumann. Computer arch,That S2 over
"ALU CU that stuff?. I think its model specific Like 8085, 8086 etc. Pinout, ISA. Edi pyq nokk",Yesss looking nowwwww. Onum kathatha Njan
Listen to both. No questions asked.,Thrissur????
Yes,You going thrissur???. Dayumm
Taking a break Gotta clean house too,Achoda. Avalde eduthu onu kanuuu test cheyan parayane 😂😭😂. M gonna do pedicure now
Ith evdeya,Right in front of my college. Id dance to this all night 🚶🏻♀️. Such a u song idk 😂😭😂
My ass is sweating on this seat,Wyd wyd wyd
Thrissur. Are your periods over?,Okayishhhh. Towards the end. Ethi alr? Wow. St George. Inside is super modern athale???
Yeah. They put the cyberpunk neon lights and everything. I didnt notice that,Hehhh 😂😂😂. Achoda 😭😂😭😭😂😭😂. Bitch wtffffff. The hellllll!???
Side kink😉. Just kidding,Did u do this?????
Yep,Purposely? 😭
Yes,Eh 😭
Hell yeah,Ive all the reasons to block you rn 😭
I asked the lizard to dance It didn't So it had to accept the consequences,Are you cleaning the house????
You'll find yourself in the same spot if you don't dance,Stfu alosheeee 😭. You are soooo cruel 😭. I don't like you 😭. Sooo sooo cruel 😭. You are defo high
<View once voice message omitted>,"Yaaaa ilahiii 💀🙌🏻. Don't die 💀✨. You sound super high ngl 🚶🏻♀️, did u drink the water 😭😭😭😭😭😭"
"Paid current bill Met all ammachis in the hood ""Kettiyile nee?"" No Cleaned porch and ground floor Moving up",I respect you ✨
Yes im high Hi how are yoy,"You sit down and work 😭✨😂. Your wife wouldn't have to do anything, dayum. Good job ✨😂😂"
"You can take the kitchen. Is this what's called ""unmatched rizz""?. Megan anytime anywhere","True, im ready to go Lebanese for her 🤧✨"
The reason why 2000s gen is straight 😂. Love and other drugs?,"Nooo, chutta adi from amma helped 😃"
No potti the movie,Whether I've watched this one???. No 😃
Srsly?. Alr this is on the watch together list. Its good. I cried as a man.,"""I cried as a man"". Explain. Why? Men don't cry?"
"Not stereotyping men or women (or any gender), we men generally keep it in. Rarely let it out",Ik that yeahhhh. Why thou? Genuinely wanted to ask
"It was too heartbreaking There's one scene where he opens up I felt that. Before that it was interstellar, when murph asks her dad to stay. Hit me like a shell",I get this part 🤧🤧🤧. Gotta watch this one
Is this one of the antique ones? Idk. Antique as in pre 2000,Istgg I'll come there and kill u
It was alrdy dead. Oh so you'll come. Nokki nikkand ang thudach kodukk baddie. This one had me ovulating. Dinner complete😋,What did u have????. Lizard fry?. M gonna alakkkkk
Lets hit up at 11. If you have energy,Yesssss sir
Im not used to the sir thing But I love it Go on. Just got out of a hot shower. So gooood,Multitasking affffff
My girll. Hit play when you're ready,Lemme cleannnnnn. Yesss
Nais. Installed rave,This u now???. Achoda 😭😂😂😭😂😭
Yea was flexing chumma,You need to have fooodddddddddddd. Healthy fooodddddd. You r getting super thinnn
Thanks mom. Come come,Coming chetta
Happy bday Megha. Yoyo wait,Yes yessss
Lemme put clothes on,Go out. Put. Good morning kunje
Good morning miss. Did you wake up at 7. And did you finish your records,Yepppp
Did you just use your brain?. The dance yesterday😂,<View once voice message omitted>. <View once voice message omitted>
Eat a full mandi with homies And sleep in class Best feeling ever,You? 😭😂😭
I clicked the pic. Ehh,Acho 😂😭😂
😂,"<View once voice message omitted>. Alll the besttttt alosheee ✨✨. Question, What did u wear???"
Its bad. I look like a hobo😭,Ans. As usual. Send piccccccc. I wanna evaluate. What r u gonna talk about?
How to pull a 2 and turn her into a 10,Ongggggggggg. Istgg I'll hammer you headdddd
Yeah I would too. But I wanted to be myself. Walked in like a nobody. And thats what everyone'll assume. Until I pull out my ppt🤯. And see me w hair🔥,Tim Cook settt. Theeeeeeeee. Mehhish. Veendum mehhh
See?. This why I dont hit on eduport gang,I get it now
Top 10 Mollywood betrayals. Half???. Are u fucking kidding Jo?. If you wanna be muscular you gotta eat a lot. That belly wall has to extend Drink lots of water. Helps,I asked for one quarter. I couldn't 💀💀💀💀💀💀. Had half and gave the rest to mizhab. The colour I couldn't 💀
"I'll buy you the best mandhi at kozhikode. You would look beautiful as a lean lady. The greatest flex: ""Yea thats my gf""",Idw change for anyone alosh 🙂. Im beautiful this way and I'm trynna accept that and get better 🙂
Good. One more word about rhinoplasty I'll insert my rhino into your plasty. Oh god💀. Ambadi kalli penne😂. Finally got called as a speaker on AI in Thrissur🥹,Congratulations 🥹✨. Alosh Huang
Maam.... Joanne dont get pissed k,Para kekate. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. This is the funniest thing I've come across today 😭🤣😭. I dealt with pre valentine shit today
Oh tell tell,"😭🤣🤣😭😭. And what else. I listened that's it. 🚶🏻♀️. Dudes 6'4, super bulked up. But no."
Para. I wanna know my competition,I alr parayallllll
Looks like whaa?,Oh wait. 💀💀. Enik avanda hei
Ullapo enthina😎,Dudes a mallu version of this. This is baki hanma. 😭🤣😭
Ooh baki. Sussy baka. Superrr sharanya,Ugh I'm soo dead alosheee
"I can totally imagine you saying ""superrr"" when your kids get into some wild trouble😂",It's very true 🚶🏻♀️🤧
"""Mummy I killed our neighbour chechi's cat"" ""Superrr"" <This message was edited>",Mummy*. 😭🤣😭
Santoor santoorrr. <View once voice message omitted>. Myre y u agreeing w her,Okay send her a good pic of me
I exhausted them. Refill karo. -1hp -1hp -1hp. Ithokke ayachatha. 3/10,Karthave 🤣😭🤣😭
Ormayille😂,"Fuck yes, I like this one. 🤣😭🤣😭"
Nokki irunno😂,<View once voice message omitted>
Bring rings. That hair looks unreal,"Enikum thoni fr 🤣😭🤣. What to do, good hair probs. Im dead 🤣🤣😭"
<View once voice message omitted>. Too much?. Aura?,Random ass girl
Arent we all?,Tooo much for a 7th gradeyyy
Now she has a good ass😂. Nit alr. Hope my hair grows😶🌫,"Let's try this, I want her to rate this 1 fuck yes 🤣😭😭"
Lord I aint sinning if you let me keep this baddie🙏🏻,You send her this. Tell her to rateeese. I want a 1/10 or 2 🥹✨
Ok we're fighting now,Omg what did she say. 😭🤣😭🤣
"Ayoo she showed mummy And mummy said ""nah thats alosh doing his ai thingy""😂",Ohh my goddddddd. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Now that's a goooodddd complement. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I like ittttttttt
"Physics in AI is so exciting... I think I'm one of the few thats deviating from probabilistic LLMs. I just wrote the entire thesis up in latex, asked chatgpt to professionalize it and its amazing! Only, no one understands it...","Ladies and gentlemen. ""im friends with a SCIENTIST"""
Wait wait im recording an audio. I'm gonna be great Joanne!!. What all did I say,Sleep ✨. Rakeeeee classs
U guys have chairs??,"Achoda. Richest kid in my classs 😂. 2 minicoopers, 1 bmw bike, thar 2 door and 4 door one. What not. 😭😂😭"
Is she single,"She dating the brokie kid in class 😂😭. Kanjavv 24/7, always smoking, velamadi pro Max. Best combo 😂😭😂. Aval break up akumbo Njan parayam. At the verge. Phew I thought ith happened now"
Bal 5500?,Yesssss. The rest I turned liquid yest 🚶🏻♀️😂
"""Ini njan ente karyangal nokkum mummy""😮💨. Ur mom has a point CGPA does matter","Yes sir. I love Otters. Ps: I didn't open Instagram, was watching this is Lizinte phone. They pani edukaling, me doing tinkerspace stuff. 😂😭😂"
Yoyo. When coming to nit,"I gotta ask for permission from papa ji first. If Namitha Liz varunundu, then only enne vidu💀. Hopes 25%"
Do u wanna be a backup for me?,Ehhh. Like?
"Since im taking these sessions, I have to mention a backup incase I dont make it. Do u want to use this as leverage?. Sending out an email tonight, so lmk",Gimme 1hr pweese. I gotta talk to my dad
Yeah,"Edaaaaaa. Workshops attend cheyanam enu must heii????. Like like, if at all we r planning to come. Frnds asked"
Damn i didnt know. Shit angane aanengil dont attend my EV workshop Idk wtf im gonna say😂,"Kaloyakuvano atho 😂😭😂😂. Nee eth workshop cheyuno like Gen ai or smthg, tell them me ur cousin and get me in. 999 for it, my gooddd"
I get head😂,Hug 🫂😂😭
Do rakhee😂,Dayum. Spending some me time at the basement 🌴. What ppds
Working. Which was our last akkara ep?,Ep4
5. And then we slept,Oh
I could yap all about today,I went from L to M. Yoooooo 😭
big girl. XL is a hot flex tho,XL to L to M. Ahhh yesss.
Ok i misread I thought you got bigger. Like put on lean,Vatu
My type: Broads,"I hatttttteeeeee. Nale arts fest, idk what the fuck to wear"
the best decision is none,"Yes yes yes yes yes 😭😭😭😭😭😭. Omggghhhh, I need a video with him fr 😭😭😭😭"
This guy and his Kottayam accent!,Always wanted his merch: PATTI JOELEEEE Tshirt 😭
And tag the other joel,😮💨
Left guy is hot Is he single?,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Joel Koruth Mathew
Thanthayum thanthappanteyum ormayind adipoli😅. Girl you are a nutjob just like me. Except I had boiled eggs and not fried. getting active,"Ohhhh. Eggs, peperr (tons, cuz I like it soo much), salt. That's it yayyy. Pazhampori and Kappi at 4 pm be like:"
Her partner is gonna be so lucky. I think all her chocolate goes in there,Sathyam 🤧🤧🤧
Kids during breastfeeding be getting premium chocolate shake,She's gonna get breast reduction next yr. 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️
No wtf. Tell her story of Sydney Sweeney,Yesss she gonna do that
breastfeeding mileage >>>. what kind of joke is this😭😭,What a proposition ufff Thin shoulders Big boobies Yeahhh belly fat hei but it's fine Good arms Thick afff thighs
Peeing while listening to this. Oh god heavenly,....
Put back that dp. Its cute and really projects your profile,"Liz and nami in the mrng when I woke up were like, ediiii the old one is better ath idu, this no good"
Liz and Nami dont have a crush on you🎀,Alosheeee. Im struggling. Nothing is fitting me 🙂. My fav pant waist got super loose and I don't have anything at all 🙂
???. Belt,Ive inched this stuff. Belt will be evident. Idk what the fuck to doooo
"Is it too loose?. Roll the waistband into itself once Like rolling up a sleeve Worked for me. Short term soln. If not, wear shorts or something to add bulk to your waist",Good idea but too much
Best option: Dont wear. You wear it that high? Ew,"Under my top yesss, the pant issss toooo long. Like toooo long. Survival."
Enna roll up from below,Awwww 🥹. Same here
Did you tell Reema? Plans to lead Women in AI and henceforth workshops,Planning on doing that on 16th. Rl. Such things should be conveyed nerit
Call her up tonight and discuss the possibility of it. Then speak to her nerit.,Wokhiessss 😃
Apo by 16th you can get things in motion then and there. Gosh I feel us Indians are so slowwww. Managed to deal with the pants?,Arts fest. Sameee. Wowwwwwww. I'm sooo proud of you. ✨✨✨✨✨✨
What if... We both keep doing stuff like this and someday we're the greatest,"I wanna do talks. I will. First step tinkerspace. Your mom: Ohhh mwone, epola parolinu erangiye 😭✨"
"Thanks for liking my post, random stranger😃😃😃. Do you know anyone who can conduct a workshop as part of an event in our college?. Robotics,AI,cybersecurity or anything?. Offline. Scms. Near angamaly. Ascendio is the flagship event of our IEEE SSET SB and we need someone to take a workshop on any tech related topic on march 1st",Do u want me to do this?. Im ready tbh
I'll give your name?,Wait one sec
Lady are you on Miller's planet? One sec is a minute here. Audio idalle. Ivide aalkar ind. text text,Put headphones. U better
dead,Thissss isssss tragic shit. Okay listen. I wanted to ask dad. And I called. Mia took and she goes. Daddy went THAILAND. I was like tfff???????
sherikum?,Ehhhhh I was like whattttttt
respect for your dad,Anddddd. Mia says daddy daddydeee phone miakk koduthu and took the keypad one and left. I was like ehhhhhh. Is he gonna be a monk now ehhhh
Dad is going off grid,Omgggh im shocked. Im not understanding shit. My life is already shit and this tooo what. I was thinking of going home tmr rather than attending shreshta. And this happens ehhh. Nobody where he is at rn. 💀💀💀. This reminds of Banglore days 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Pull a uno reverse on Papa by going to Manali,"""Deputy superintendent of alapuzha medical College goes missing"". ""pradhana varthakal"""
"Me and dad always do this one day he is in dubai, I am in Mumbai, he is in Qatar, i am in bangalore and we both are like: hehe mummy: whattt??! when did you guys disappear. Does Mia know why she was named?. I have a feeling your dad knows whats up🤭",But what is this??????. Nobody told me anything wtf
Thantha vibe frrr. Did you call Reems tho?. Arundhathi too. She's usually very upfront about this,"Calling the 15th person out of 25.. After 17th one, I'll call. And I'll update you 😃. Set ale?"
Pinallah. Akkara ep6 and vent out on me after the work,Yesss sirrr and. I'll send a video. Did u see Irfan 😭😂😭😂
Oh thats Irfan?,Yes
my eyes were elsewhere😅,"Uffff. Arhaaannn sweety 😂😭😂. Alosheeeee. I called Reema yeah?. And I said I'd to build up a woman in AI community and id like to lead it. She said very good, go on. And asked, whether it will be okay if I take a session next month starting off with basics. She said, Monjayit undu"
Great job!. Looks like nami. Getting all Nivin songs raavile thanne🤭. Achoo. Happy Valentines to you too 💝,Avide tech festhei?
Workshop 7 day. Im taking,Do u want any???. Poster
Free aano?,160. Veno?
Paraa,Free alaaa. Ofc not
Enna venda,Aysheri
Not into anime,Kalikale
Convey my apologies to Namitha. Hope this brings peace,Poda patti. 😑
Palakkad chicks are so mwonjathi,Yess yess yesss. Do itttttttttt. Hit hit hiy. Full support
Po myre,Mwone ivide full sceneeee 💀
?,Two people fucked inside class yest night (those who got stayvack permission to practice). Princi pokki 💀💀.. Vannn scene
Cute but how is this useful in the kitchen??,🙂
Details. <View once voice message omitted>. <View once voice message omitted>,Settt settt
Para para. Bored asf,Ahaaa. Ivide scene tech fest. Night night
Kk enjoyyy,What time is ur session btw???
Nitc? Not confirmed. Is this a couple thing?,No today's. It's over?. Kinda yesss 😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂
Yea. I'd def fail on that balancing thing,Ahahahhahah. I wanna do it but yeahh
No one can match my weight. Unless they allow gays😂,They do let In gays 😂🤣😂. And lesbos. Kore oke inu reveal ayi
😂,<View once voice message omitted>
"""On my face dadddyyy🥵""",The baaki guy
Ayye. Ithrollo?. Pfft. He can gawkgawk my shootingstar,"Im sorry, had a huge fight over here. Was dealing with it, then you called"
Npnp,Baby on high steroids!!!!
You must be tired. Are u fkn kidding me,Yes
Call me. Im tired as fuck,..... 😭🤣😂😂😂😭
Humble,"The best feeling ever: When nobody's in your room, and after a refreshing cold shower, you throw away the towel and lay on your bed, bare naked, while everyone else is outside at the fest. Listening to The Weeknd and Kendrick has never felt this unholy before. 🪻"
Normal random-ass girl until I hear her yapping. Campaign or co-op?,Ehh?. U got do any workshops today?
Single or multiplayer 😂. Nop,Shyeda anagne angu Paranja pore. Single single
Ship engineering needs to study hull structure from that face. Yeah you're beautiful too,Papraziiii mmts 😭😂🙂↕️
Those leggings,Didn't give a fuck and decided to come completely homeless today. 😌✨🪻. Wtffff
"Pacino, De Niro and Scorcese Goats of Hollywood😮💨🔥. Go bathe I'm in a bit of trouble I'll call back",Take care your time ✨
Huh what'd u send,Free??
"Yes. I was on duolingo. Deploy this on xmas😂. Also, goodevening",Good morning. Otwwwwww. The driver is a pakka smokerrrrrrrr. The smelllllll is super pungent
What vehicle are you on,He an addict ig. Uber uber uber (maruti). With Liz and nami
Day by day she gets bloated. Dude what if she just floats away someday like a helium balloon😶🌫. 😂😂. Hows it going,Gooodishhhh
Wallpaper. Aight sorry maam. Mute,"Ehhhh mute?. I didn't hear, nami sent me this"
Ooh,"This churidar used to be pakka shape for me, now it's 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️. Gotta stitch. Imma start a stitching company"
Looks good on you. Is this yest same homeless leggings?,Ehem yes. I look tallllllll
"Enough dreaming, back to the kitchen🩴",🖕🏻
Nami looking single asf,Preety af
Pretty too. I noticed some of my cusat jnrs. How many showed up from the 32?,19
Achoda. Emails were sent out to everyone?,Yepp. Jasi did those
"""Elllarm happy alle☺️"". Done Jo?",Ilaa mwone. Running around since the past 1m5hrs debugging. Wb there?. Dayum good ✨
"Meanwhile, speak to Reems/Arun?",Did. Set hei 😌✨. I just need to take the next step to execute that's it 🪩🪻
Uff kidukachi gf🎀,One idi and ull go Us
whats that on your forearm,Hair tie
thats your wrist dumbass,Neee ath enagne kandu 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
I thought it was a birthmark. Would be cute tho,Nahhhh
Nice outfit What do you call this type of collar?,"Round neck ones doesn't suit me, Soo I go for this one all the time.. Idk what it's called, I just show em the pattern that's it 😭😭😂😭😂😭"
I just realized... Payphone was released when you were in 1st and I was in 4th🤭,Kurians got a gf?
yup. Even i got to know like last month. Pretty cute gf tho,🤭🤭. He's 28. I was like wtfffffff
Here tech team lead is 28. ikrrr. Bro looks like he just spawned out of college,Sathyammmmmm satyammmm. He's cute. Liz maria got crush on him 😭😂😭. Disappointed now that he's got a gf
Shyeee,When she got to know he's 28
Jasim single aan. Johnson too,"She went into SLEEP PARALYSIS. 😂😭😂😭😭. She was like, ediiiii I thought he's a clg student. 😭😂😭. Me and kurian talked about the ai stuff 😂😭😂. U wouldn't wanna hear at all. I was like, alosh ivide venamayirunu, DEBATE undayene 😂😭😂😂"
Ukw first time I saw Kurian I hated that mf for no reason All walk and talk and then I met him and we were chill☺️. ehh. para,"Parayammm, today call episode. Me gonna have food nowz BURGER LOUNGE"
yo thats expensive as hell,Idk nami said she wants to go 🤧🌹
oh i messed up this diff y'all chill go ahead have have. Whats on her thumb,Ohhhhhhh u didn't knowwww ooo. Basketball accident 3 days before. Dislocated thumb
🫠. Fucking finish it or I'll finish you. Nami better finish or she end up like this xmas tree. Whatt how? How is someone so full from a lil burger?,Im dying. I can't have the next half at alllll
Time to call for help. Idi veno Jo?. Eat it,Why would you delete those
Wrong chat. I jus realized,Don't talk to me
Ok,Kk. K. K. K
Is this something I and the kids have to deal with for the rest of our lives?,Want me to murder you like rn??????. I'll come kozhikode and u r dead aloshyeee. Superrrree
Whatup. Whatchuuuu doing,"I feel soooo drunk, all 3 of us. The food was tooo much and I feel soo tired. Couldn't even move when I got back hostel"
Achoda,Listen to this
Gon be 10x worse when having kids at 30,Im STRONG-
Walk the talk. With me. sunny wayne is hindu??,Ofccc
stage name. Harisankar is from ur district,He came college
Ariyado,Dude tried singing HUKUMMM -1000000000 aura. 😑✨
Jo Go sleep,"And tried singing BANG BANG, Athummm with his carnatic melodies voice Again -2000000 aura. True that yes. Oh btwww"
"Kali, me and fam watched in theatres Amma called it thalavedhana movie. Honestly I love the way we're rooting for each other. Wanna see what I'm working on?. That's it, you're watching Chernobyl with me (for the fourth time)",Wht what?. Yaaaa ilahiii 💀
"Hate to say this, but its pure AI. Maths, physics and crazy",Wtffffffffffffff
I dont think girls fall for this type of ppl,"Venda venda, brain korach kooduthal alr"
Slept?,"I can't even move alosheee, I'm soooo sooooo sooooooooooo full. One burger did this much. I can't believe it 🚶🏻♀️. It was tooo heavy. Yeahhh did, almost 2hrs"
I had two shawarmas still jumping around,💀💀💀💀💀
I slept too☺️☺️☺️. Gosh im so happy Pecs and ass were hurting like a b. Want me to explain how Chernobyl exploded?? With equations??,"Myyyyyy whole body is paining, neee mindaurth. Yess sir go on 🪻"
So help me out here Joanne. What is used as fuel for a nuclear reactor?,Uranium
Ever heard of the isotope U 235?,Desss desssssssssssssss. +2
Very good. It's the only isotope that undergoes fission. Do you know what fission is?,Yessssssss. Ik all of that. Continue
"So When a neutron (fissile element) hits a U235 atom, it gets absorbed and emits three neutrons If there are other U235 atoms in the vicinity, the newly spawned neutrons hit these as well and a *chain reaction* is induced But what happens to the Uranium atom?",What happens. Acts as the fuel for the reaction?
"It generates a ton of energy, and produces Xenon 135",Idk u say. Siii siiiii
Very good!! The heat is the fuel!. But its just radiation. Energy we can't harvest. How do we harvest it?,"From other forms of energy?. ""energy can neither be created, no destroyed"". Dayum, I feel like a school student again"
"Smart! ~Lady are you single by any chance?~ Energy can be converted into other forms. Hmm, so I have energy in the form of radiation, but I need some medium to convert that to heat...",Nuclear fission fussion. Idkkk
Maam that's the Sun,"Wowww, im the star 🤩. Okay sorry sorry, continue. How how. What will u dooo"
The simplest compound of all We're made up of it,Atomsssssss
A compound.... group of atoms,Siiiiii siiiiii
Ok I'll give another clue: 70% of our body is made up of it,Waterrr
Yess!!!,"Ehhhh, medium is water?????. Tf?"
My good lady yes,"One more ""lady"" and u r dead. Makes me feel old😤"
"Now, water doesn't absorb the neutrons, oh no Rather it slows down the fast moving neutrons and this momentum is converted into heat!",Ohhh sii siiii
Now what happens when water gets hot?,Boils 🤩. 😭😂😭😂😂😭😂😂
You're doing phenomenal!,😂😭😂😭😂😭😂
And do you know what happens in a steam engine?,Dk never tried getting in. 😂😂😭😂😂😭😂😂
Young lady dw we'll put you in my pants,"Okay para, what happens inside"
"Steam has latent / hidden energy in the form of kinetic energy. It can drive turbines, pistons and pumps!",Desssss. nd nd
"So in its entirety, a nuclear reactor is quite simple to imagine: You shoot a neutron at a bunch of U235 atoms, wait for them to degrade into other neutrons and watch a chain reaction of U235 bombardments, emitting neutrons en masse. These neutrons fly at water, heating it up, boiling it away at a very fast rate, turning turbines that convert mechanical energy into electrical energy!",Point beingggg???????. Where is this used in aiiiii
"Electrical energy to run huge datacenters, requiring gigawatts of energy!","Siiiiiiiiii ""futureeeeeee"
"And since Transformers, the fundamental architecture driving LLMs have a time and space complexity of O(n2), the energy requirement scales quadratically as the length of the chat increases! So more chats = More energy required! <This message was edited>","Appo u r saying, this could be used?. For this"
Is that even a question you reprobate? Pardon my silliness but Saudi Arabia and the USA are already sticking their willies into it,"Alosh: whyyyyy nottttt india, I don't like this at allll, m going US"
But we're not here to talk about AI. Good Lord what in the damnation is that? Its 1986 and we're at the court hearing of Chernobyl!,😂😭😂😂😂
Lovely character. Moving on,Superrrrrre. Continue. Okay okay continue ✨✨✨✨✨✨
(Shifting out of character) Its good tho,Ayadaaaaaaa. (back to the uranium)
"Young lady, let's say you're in-charge of a 3.2 Gigawatt nuclear reactor. You have everything you need: Radioactive Shielding, Thermally Insulated Reactors, Uranium, Water, etc. Sit like a duck?","If it was you okay fineee, This guy is annoying afffffff.. One more lady and I'll block fssssss"
(better kettikal this baddie),I'll produce energy. Theeeeeeeeeeeeee
Two options: 1. Generate steady constant energy. No increase or decrease. 2. Keep increasing the energy. Make more every second. Your uranium isn't going to deplete in the next 4.5 billion years. What do you choose young lady?,2. Something goes wrong and bomb blasttttt. 1. Tooo time consuming buttttt efficient. Sooo guruji option 1
You've struck it once again!. Young lady I really think you're less for the kitchens and more for the reactors!,🙂. Blocked.
Oops. Slight hiccup there. Ofcourse Russia can only power so many homes and power lines can only carry as much energy as it can. Now you mentioned a blast. An explosion. Very common to arrive at that conclusion,"Did u realise about the fact that, I just blocked u now"
In nuclear reactors however we see something entirely different: A meltdown. Something Indian households see on a daily basis,For a min
not really knew you'd come back. gotta finish the story tho,Siiiiiiii
"I wanna see the look on ur face rn🤭. Miss Jo, a meltdown and an explosion are very different. And its quite common to hear 'meltdown' in tragic nuclear power plant shutdown stories over 'explosion'. Ever wonder why? Don't answer that its rhetorical.",Wonder whyyyy. Whyyy
"Getting radiation poisoning from the chats?😂. A meltdown (as it suggests), happens when the core (ie, the fuel: U235) gets too hot and literally melts down. Along with other components. You could say we do reach the temperature of the Sun's surface. An explosion (as it suggests), occurs when the reactor blows up. But the chances are very slim. Almost every component in a nuclear reactor is non-combustible. The only process that could lead to an explosion is: steam. Do you know how a pressure cooker works?. yo who made this pretty cool",I'll send you. It's amazing. 😂😂😂😭😂😂😭
yeah kandu the frontend is just 💗,Kurian shared. Better than boobies 🥹🥹🥹
Prove it to me,"Pressure cookkerrr. Pressure inside inc and ""Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩"". It's coooooooooooooo's"
You're having quite the time in the kitchen I see,"🙂. Aloshyeeeee 🙂. Now I'm being serious, one more and u r defo blockedddd for lifetime. One more kitchen word 🙂"
"Alr I'll stray away. Know the sounds n all. Can you roleplay this in bed?. I'll be the cooker. 🫣🫣🫣😭😂. Jo, I'm joking okay? Take it with a grain of salt","Kitchen thingy, really pisses me off"
I'll teach you to make chicken curry. Thrissur style,"Nothing else, u can sayyy wtv, but not the kitchen one 🙂"
Alright so steam. Too much steam = not good,"Yesss Im going thru the ""not good"" stage 😚"
"What causes too much steam? Too much energy Too much neutrons That is, Chernobyl's nuclear reactor no. 4 was bombarding U235 at an uncontrolled rate",Which caused the explosionnn?
"The only reason nuclear power plants have engineers, is to monitor that uncontrolled rate. Getting there. Now, remember I mentioned Xenon?",Yesssssssss.
here if you've lost track,I remmmmm. Anddd
"When you bombard U235, you create X135 in the same place the Uranium was This is something along the lines of ""Don't shit where you eat"". Xenon has to be cleared off regularly, otherwise it creates something called Xenon burn. Not harmful, but a culprit.. The problem is, Xenon absorbs neutrons. Neutrons required to bombard other Uranium. Hence the urgency. When there is a buildup of nuclear waste (xenon), it absorbs incoming neutrons, slowing down the reactor's output.. Miss are you dead?. Good Lord, she's been poisoned! Get iodine in her blood now!",Nooo nooo im not dw
what the fuckk i deleted that,😭😂😭😂😭😭. Waittt whatttt
lmao wut😅,Whattt. Waittttttt. Wiattt. Is this one still there????
"Maam, get a hold of yourself",Waittttt. Is this one stilll thereee?????????
No. I think you've cleared the last of the xenon,Something is wrong.
Damn I could just hug from behind,"This is fishy. I didn't delete that, but it's not there.. Are you there inside my WhatsApp????. Did u back innnn????. Onulaaa. You continue"
"Thankyou. phew the things I have to deal with your mom , kids;)",Venda ketto. Kolum nine
"Okay. I was in 8th when Bahubali came out, every classmate's fantasy Average plot but music director cooked",I was in 5th grade. Oh god 😭🫠🪻✨
So cute no when we compare everything relative to our ages🤗. Like damn I had just discovered puberty and she's in 5th😂,"Watch the video, watch the video"
I ain't even gon try this stuff w u Might end up with fractured balls,Send me that send me that. 😂😂😂. Send me send me 😂. Where
Guesss,Tinkerspace. Waitt. It's the backside of tinkerspace yes
yup. wash area,Yessss
"this was morning of Poland flight. slept tinkerspace, woke up in this outfit",Dayummmmmm. You used to smoke eee time?
idk. y,Lips are dark
"im just tanned that day. my lips never did become dark chapped, yes",Ohhhhhhhh ohhhh. Id like to smoke but can't sacrifice my lip colour 🚶🏻♀️
"wouldn't recommend cig if you're in for the hit, go vape if you're addicted to the smell, no one's stopping",Me good kid
nannayi veratte. Oh the urge to hug rn. My backpain will just vanish,Kuriannnn choodiiii ayi 💀💀💀
"If I die, I want everyone to make mandhi out of me. superr",Whatt why 😂😭
Ithoke normal aan,💀💀💀💀💀
"Idts I've seen kuriappi this active in chats. Real life il avan scn aan. Wanna be remembered. By humans, not plants",He's sooo active in here. He's cute 🤧
Yeah,I wanna squeeze hissssssss cheeks 🤧
Anton and Sindhu's favv,Don't tell him 💀🔪. Oh yess
Head?,Patiiiiii. Akkara?
alr. U set it up,Wokhiesssss
Hariharan was on some 🌿 when he wrote alaipayuthey,what what
... So good,It issss. When I listen to allll theseeeee
"Flute, guitar..",My love hormones goes to peak level
Allee🤭. Its unisex song,Which ep ayirunu?. 5?
6,The last time
we're watching 6 tonight,Play it when u r ready
"So, NIT... lets plan to watch smtg together k?","First, lemme check whether I'm coming 🚶🏻♀️🪩✨"
Oh you will be. Illel I'll drag you here,😂😂😂. Play play play
Next or sleep?,U sleepy???
Mm,Ohhhh. Wokhiesss tmr then. 😁😁😁
Tmrw?. Yepp,Doneeee
Goodnight,Good night Aloshyeeeeeeee
Its not Aloshy. Ughhh. Remove the 'y',😂😂😂😂. Good night Alosheeeeee. go sleep ✨✨
Goodnight daddy's girl☺️,"My mom fr. She always does this, enit says... NINTE THALELLL SATHAN ANU"
?,"That's my mom. Going muvatupuzha, some ILAHIA college to start a new toastiesss club.. I didn't even prepare a speech, Jim sir told us about it now 😑"
Yeah i got that Why are you afraid. Improvise,Nono excited and all I meant. Wyd wyd wyd
working. done w toast?,Got a lottttty too tell u 💀. Nahh nahhh.
My wings hurt,Sitting for a long time ig
Noooo Hasnt healed properly. I did somwhere around 80 pullups on saturday. With no warmup. Its not that good feeling. Reminds me of when I pulled my rhomboid. Right side hurts like a bitch,"Amazing 💀💀💀. Uk whats this called???? Kazhap 🤩✨. Ufffff rich af peopleeeee. They recommended me the most exp shit. One tcs, one emirates aviation consultant, pine anagne anagne rich rich rich 😭😭🤣😭"
"""Ukw..."" aah toastmaster. U sound excited","Sahicho 🤣😭🤣😭. ""Intresting but simple"". I like it 🤣😭🤣. Pora pora pora. There is one good news. Ente athrem ila. Homelessssssss"
... play boss,Im very hungry
"Yeah. Hello, very hungry. Rincy, alakkal done?",Desssss
Im applying for J1. Just wanna leave this country for a while,Pinalaaaa 🔥🔥🔥
looks like liz. U dont wanna get married right?,Yeah. Why all of a sudden 😭😭🤣
Watching this interview with a US Visa Officer and he's basically listing out toastmaster skills. Aint no way,"Imagineee PE ithremmmm.🚶🏻♀️. Achoda 😭🤣, u look soooo cute 🤣🤣"
Just be an influencer atp. No way we're arguing like that,Sometimes I feel like I'm Pearle maney 🚶🏻♀️. I don't stop talking at all sometimes. The energy and all just matches 😭🤣😭
"Y'know how she got pregnant?. Dude found her yapyap cute asf. And then banged. So in 2023 during Poland trip I got in touch with this Swiss lab developing wetware accelerators out of human neuroglia. I was after them (fanboying over biological compute so hard) for over a year (I still am) and last December CUSAT got free access to their Platform (its $2000 p.m for other universities). I wrote a research proposal then, I didn't know how to write one, but I knew I could bag these Europeans in a year or less.. Lemme send you. Its cringey and cute asf.",Did u send them this?
"Yeah. I had no idea about brains or GPUs, just knew I could get em in my palm. And so I made up stories, CC'd HODs from Neuroscience and Maths Dept (who btw I did not inform, and which is illegal asfuck), attached their portfolios, and boom, send email after email.. I just told this to Joanne, fuck🙂. Lmao","Dayum. Joanne is a 2nd yr eng student at MITS. She wouldn't tell anyone, shooooo 😚✨. Amazing. 💀"
Simon Sinek?,Searched up now. What about him
Was watching. Very good speaker,"Ohhhhhh I listen to Dr Velumani ones, Uffffff 🫠🫠🔥🔥🔥🔥"
Wow,"I woke up at 8.40 today, rushed to take a head to toe bath.. I walked into the lab like a nanja kozhi 🚶🏻♀️. Rakeeeee here like a badasss chick"
Eh,Inside OS lab rnnnnnn. Rakeeee rakeeee
Tell rakee i been trying a week to get her acknowledgement for my paper. Grp il respond cheyu misss. 😂😂. Dont,Do u think I'd? 😭🤧😂
"I can imagine you standing up for me against Rakee ""Maam he's not a student. One more time and I'll spay you!!!""","Oh my- 😭💀. Priority schedule coding and listening to this whaaaa. Im making Jithin listen to it too, superrr 😭🤣😭. It's actually pretty good ngl"
My speaking was so bad. Uhm... ermm... ummm.... I think I did open up about something personal in that podcast Easter egg,"The intersting part was, Him asking: do u think in the future we could make human like ones uk the soul and stuff And you going: ""YESSSSSSSSSSSS"". Mask unleashed 🤣😭🤣. I had only one earpod on, when the instructor came by I slowly kept it near my collar. I can't find it now, it's inside my dress now 🚶🏻♀️. You lost weight eh?. You are going thru diff transitions at the same time 🌴"
no. dehydrated thats y. inside im the same fat,Tinkerhack ig. Athre ale ulu. Alosheeee alosheee alosheee 😭😭😭😭. Online vaaa myreee
Joanneeeeee,Whattttttt. Entem sucesss ayiii🥹🥹🥹🔥🔥🔥🔥. Congrats to you kunje 😭✨🔥. She looks like Spidermans gf. The andrew gf one. Mary Jane ✨
Emma Stone?. Yeah she has the color. Ninte entha,Ideathon we won 2nd 🥹 Principal recommended us to other college for exhibition 🥹. + Cash price 😭😭😭😭. 24 and 25 at Saint gits
Today was a good day🫂,Sameeeee. Apo confirmed that u going US? 😃
Yes maam. I need to find an advisor who'll take me in,Dayummmm 🫠✨
And that requires a track record of great research,I'm sooo proud of you alosheee
Im proud of you too!!!. Im so happy I could hug you to death,"Im aooooo happpyyyyy tooooo 😭. I'm sooo happy for someone else tooo, JAMES. He's dating a 1st yr now ✨. Not even a quarter as pretty as me but mmm okay okayyy!!!"
And you're worried about our age gap😂. rate me and james GO. Tellllllllll,"Imma rate when we meet. Gf and bf pranth, enthokeyanooo 😑. I legit feel like leaving the club at this point Omgg. Athre ulu 😑"
I usually skip this step. Get him in your palm Gf is leverage,Doing. Wow. Question: Online pic or did u take it?
Uff I could yap about them and their coattails all night. Wyd wyd. 🤭,Work + fight 😚. Fighting has been a hobby. 😚
Dude ur mummy is chill. Daddy ine set aakam. Ethreyayi,550. Fair enough
I just remembered... tensorflow planning cheyanm and then watch movies,Amazing 🪩
Appu aara,"Navneeth. Me jeevan navneeth, the first trio. Rem?. Dayummm"
oh i always rem u Jeevan Irfan and muzamil. Damn. Fighting now?,"Talking. ""okay"""
Im sleepy Gotta wake up early Study tto✨,Good night ✨✨✨✨✨✨
Shibudinam🎀,Did you reach
Yes. Wya. For ammachis like u. Exam done?. How was it,You gonna take workshop for them?. Thanks. He said nale. 💀
Yes. Wow,Dayum.. Wya
Rlwy stn. Heading home,Thrissur no?
Yass,How did the session go? 😃
Coding and lots of stories. Played a game in between too,Ahaaaa 🪻✨. Achoda 😂. Must have been fun. Did u take any pictures?
Just the one I sent you. Im not posting this on linkedin tho,Why not!
After 4 or 5 beer😂 Lufthansa 2023,Dayum
<View once voice message omitted>,Im soooooo hungryyyyyy
I have something that u can eat every 15 mins,Wish this happens for me tmr 🤧
General so crowded Nami becomes 34A,Your brain. 😚. Which I will. 😚✨
Yes idi venam. There i said it,Thadavilanu
Oombiko🤗🤗,One adi and you'll go kozhikode
"Oombiko🤗🤗. Superr. I have an idea for a fun game When u come nit, lets switch roles and play each other",Perfectttt 😂😂😂
Do the stuff to me I wanted to do to you😎,Eda kala panniii. Meeting. M speaker
Wronggg,Oh god. Idk which one??
Idk either,This one??????
Nah,"Shyeeeee. I'll show u something 😂😭😂. Sooo a guy from AI DS lost a bet to his frnds. He used to come gym, anagne ik him"
Aids oo tf?,Artificial intelligence and Data Science batch
Yo mits aids??. Ohh,He used to look like this. Now he looks likethis 😭😂😭😂. The guts omg 😂😭😭😂
Pink floyd as fuck,😭😂😭😂. I need these kinda frnds omg 😭😂
Sure place a bet on getting pregnant and I'll do the rest,Okay another bet with you
Vaanam thanne😂,"Become a CEO before 25, if no.... Be a monk for 2 months 😘😂"
And if i do?,I'll buy you a rolex
Ew,Dudeee whattt!???. Thought men like watch. My guy frnds are crazyyyyyy when it comes to watches. Then okay what do u want???
U,"I love this seat, I hope I'll get it tmr. Something else porateee"
Anyone can be CEO I think I didn't get my point across to you CEO of a company worth 10M USD valuation pre seed/seed And no I dont need a bet to do this. I'll just do it cuz I can,Dayummmmmmmmm. I wanted thisss
Lifetime ass membership,I wanted you to sayyy thisssss. Perfecttttttttt. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. Evaluation 1/1000 passed
"Evaluation alla mummy Valuation. ""Girl get over here I need that ass"" u up?. No like fr I wud actually come and convince ur dad im the guy for the job",Bad idea 💀
Good idea,"What I don't understand is 😂 You've only met me twice. Enit this, wow 😂. Reached thrissur?. Ente alosheee inagne railway station aduth kadas ninu Ingane onum vangich kazhikaleee 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️"
Yas,"I hateeeee black catssss istgggggg. My superstitions are next level 🚶🏻♀️. Im craving for this now. 🤧. She's hawttttttt. Hanumankind issssss ""bangable pro Max"" material ✨"
U if u resist me. Free?,🙂
I wish to hug the fuck out of you for the rest of this year😂. Busy?,Switched off?
Yeah. Brush paste marakalle. Good morning. Guess which mode of transport im in,Bus?. Brown almond eyes 👀. It's goooddddddd. ✨🪻
😂. Bling bling✨,Alosheeeee
Oo,UR ticket nokilalloo??
Book from station,Cuz idt I'll be having the time to take a ticket avide ethumbo. Wait online patumo?
UTS app,I can book general tickets over there?
Yup. I think so. Check karo. Kittiyo?,It only shows the upcoming teaisn. Sooo mostly probably I'll have to book at 4
Ehh,Yessss. Nokkk
Train no enter,Ehhhhhhhh
Edi athil train no vech search cheyam. Oh yeah 4 hrs munb booking. Try at 2 or 3pm again Register first,Did register. All good. How's the workshop going?
Slept in. Late now. Its all ok. Im taking the class. How is everything there,"It's good, I'll have to leave at 4"
So its shared stay at hotel near the rlwy station. Nah I'll be staying at my hostel,Ohhhh. Ohhhh yessss
"Wanna stay the first night? I'll ask. Cuz its like 2 per room and there are 7 ppl, so odd one out",Alosheee. You gave my name as the backup speaker now. No*. Athinte oru ss can you send me?. Maam is asking for it. I need it now 🫠
Wait. Run like the wind Jo,Windoooo. Light speed 🙂✨
Aha mwol ethiyo. Ini aa valathe kaal aiswaryam aayit track il vechek. Platform 1 alle?,Yeee. Dayum I like this 😭😂
Welcome to my world bitch. Hope u do so I can execute plan B. Oru hi paranjek,Got inside the train. Got seat yayyyyy ✨✨✨. Alosheee. This train doesn't start with 16307. It starts with some 22 something
Ask person next to u does it go to kozhikode rn,It does
Name choik. The train's. Afaik its the right train and you should be fine,It's 16307 yeah. But frontill it was some 22 🚶🏻♀️. It's 16307 yeah confirmed
Vellom ketto😂,Pinalathe. M wearing earpods. Dayum. Where u at now???
Palakkad,Oh god 😭😂😭. That's how ur mom twctss????
No thats ash,Thought this is your mom 🚶🏻♀️
Lmaooooooooo,Kiddishhhhhhhh stufff. I hate using it 🚶🏻♀️
Yeah it is. My uncle had this brainrot phase once Cringe asf trying to impress his godkids. Why do u and kaiser have same teeth,Eda thendi
Literally. Bj gon be insane🥵,🔪
So hot here,Ente ponu alosheee. Im between 4 mennnn. It's hotttt affffff. Im sweating like a pig
Hehe. This why i travel as ligh as possible,I look homelesss. 😚
Usually no underwear so them factories dont overheat. Hot shit. Its cooler up there. On the upper luggage berths. One nap and u reach kozhikode. Slept there and all sorts of dreams happened,You staying there???
Yeah. U go alone,Alone whereeee
To the koshymukk,😑. Amazing. Super. Bitch. U said we r going ur office
Ur mom,Ok
Ok fine we'll go,We go where???
Office. U can shower at my place Its walkable,Ukw I didn't book room cuz u said office pokam. Should have let me know earlier
Achoda,U better be sarcastic rn
I was kidding,Or u r dead. Frrrrrr u r
On my face,Idi will be frrrr. I don't like youuuuuuu
Ok. (She gon come back). Edo thante kayyil micro-b cable ondo?,"One more ""Edo"". You are dead. Ilaa, vadi undu 🙂. Im soooo hungry"
What do u want I'll bring,Bring me anything to eattt. Anything would be fine
Oho. Dieting no?,"Healthy onesssssss. I was gonna say, orange. But then it's hard soooo. Nono, buy me anything"
Goodluck finding this,Goated movie
Just heard it. Their train scene is so ✨,How many times enu choik 🫠
Ok😂,"Listen to, Mazhaye Thoomazhaye. Nostu ✨. Ayooo uk who's my fav?????? Aju and Saira from banglore days 😭😭"
So u like being disabled?,The comboooo is amazingggg
She has no chance of escaping lmao,Stood up now. I can't sit ini kore 💀. I still can't believe m travelling alone 💀
Edo. Thanik unlimited 5G ille?,Nope
Eh😢,Achoda 😂
U have data baki?,I do yeah. There's a guy like you here 😂😭😂. Jumped onto the bagg area 😂. Where u at now???. Btwwwww im somewhere in the front
Im getting on from shornur. Not thrissur,Ikk ikk
Thats like saying u have boobs but I have to guess the cupsize from your chats Bruh,Catch me if you can. We playing hide and seek rn
Mira Murati,Wokhies. What do u call a donkey wearing red pants?
Aah oombiko. Ithenth myr,-1000
Im ousside,Buy the. Mohabath one. If it's there
For u?,Yess
damn congrats! head when?. Jo come to ur hostel Gotta pick my bag,Using malayalam. Dayumm. Good job ✨✨✨✨
Reached ekm?,Yessss nowwwww
General?. Slept??. Congrats you have unlocked IRCTC: Most Wanted Level 3 +10000 aura,Dayumm 😂😂😂
Socialised w TT thats great!,Otw to SN. Good morning aloshe ✨
Goodnight maam See u tonight mrng,Yet another achievement from NIT.. Our women basketball team bagged the champions trophy of All Kerala inter collegiate basketball tournament organized by NIT in connection with Ragam2025.. Imma send these 😂
Ayoo nooo💀,Wtfffff-
All the best Joanne! Have fun tto✨,Desss bosss ✨. Eda alosheeeee
Yes?,"Dudeeee, check if my lipliner is there inside your bad. Bag*. ?"
Didnt find. Buy new one. Or ask any nearby girls,I could but it's mummy's. She'll murder me 😭
Oh. Will check around in room at night,Idk if it's me but I'm finding it very hard in here to work. Jeevans around and he's being bhayangar arrogant. Im trying my max to ignore
Just focus on yourself,Gotta push cuz these guys playing valo. And I feel disturbed. Gotta push 🫷🏻
Seems like you're in a stall?. People around?,Desssssss. Dessssss
"For 2nd yr ideathon, my team just made a poster and were roaming around, so I kept them busy by teaching them to present the idea to ppl. If you want to attract a crowd and keep your guys busy, generate an AI video of Wofe (is that how its pronounced?) and run that on their screens. Meanwhile teach them to sell the concept when ppl come looking. You gotta reel ppl, not wait for them to pass by. You now have content and marketing.","Imma do thatttt. Btw btw btw. You used a website to create a video naa, a guy running wearing body con and stuff. Temme the name"
Hailuo. Joanneee 😂😂😂,Yessss whatttt
Hickey scene aayi. 😂,Ehhh. How
I said bag nte strap aan so bruise aai,😂😂. Nddddd
Neck kandu,Enittt
Muzamil said poll idam Whether its bag strap or hickey nn,Aruuu kanduM
Frontend team😂. I'll talk later U focus on ur works,😂😂😂😂😂. And and and. Continue
Invideo kitti? Nice,And what did they say. They all laughed?. Do they know Njan avide vanu? 😂
"Yea. no. Thing is, design team was actually there when we was sleeping on couch I asked, they said didnt see me. Which flight controller, frame and how much kv motors?. Dude this Rakee is such a.... We prepared journal paper in IEEE format and now she wants to do it in WIley And she wants to be first author","Amazing, have fun with RAkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeee. Ive no idea, I'll ask and let you know"
"Yeah thanks. Btw, send all our pics. Mm mirror one First day. In the room",Ayadaaa pulusuuuu
Podi send,Ila. Poda monkey
ok,Ohh btw btw. What did ashely say???
Send. Honestly the only good looking pic of me. Which Ashley there's like 3 of em,Sister sister sister. 😂
send first. Achoda Senddd. She didnt say anything. Silent aai. Such a pookie pic. Woww,Apo elam paranja pole 😌✨
That churidar is your signature✨,"namma sceneee 😎. Achoda 🥹🥹. Woww, malapuram is close from there?"
1 hr,Pinalaaa ✨✨
Ivide topper speech. 99.3 percentile. 16 hrs of study,My accomodation. Alone 🫠✨
Wow. Miss me?. Do some self introspection. About today How you can improve tmrw,"Yess sirrr. Dudee woahhh. Edaaaaa. It's amazing in here. AC and all, big bed 🫠"
Haha. Finally the big break u wanted🤗,"The girl who was supposed to be with me, went with her bf. Her bf alone sooo"
Lmao learn from her,Uk 🚶🏻♀️😂. She went to the next room. Athondu enik nala samadhanam 😌✨
Apo ur team accomodation?,"Muzammil and jeevan out, they chilling. Irfan went home, his house is somewhere nearby"
They got accomodation too right?,"Nope only Muzammil did, apo he decided to go with jeevan"
Oh,Dude AC 🫠😭. It's a nice fit. White suits you
This is yest outfit. How did things go today?,You free now kunje?
Bored asf ivide Call. She dk abt us😎,I wanna ask u something. 🚶🏻♀️😂
Nalla timing ayrnu tto. I was connected to car Bluetooth playing music. And then ur call and Javid attended it😂. And u were on speaker 😂😂😂. Goodmorning Joachiii!,Dayum. Good morning alosheeeee. Superrr 🚶🏻♀️😂
"Im watching fight scenes from Varathan, Aavesham :)","Whyyyy. Enna petti, suddenly oru adrenaline rush 😂"
"Was watching mummy's daily vachanam thing On the side, varathante video. Hadnt watched in a long time. Angane kand kand ivide ethi",Achoda 😂. I can't talk nowww aloshee. Ente full sound system adichu poii 🚶🏻♀️
Enteyum. Send voice,Weird. Roomie here
<View once voice message omitted>,"Itsss amazing. Ukww, girlsss love deep voice 😂"
I hate deep voice. Air😂,Gonna have breakfast. It's complimentary they said 😂😭😂
Go eat something ma'am,"Yess sirrrr, I'm sooo hungry. What time did u wake up?"
7 something. My back hurts like hell,Dudee stop sleeping over there then
"My lower body is heavier than my torso, so the weight pulls down my legs into the mattress and my spine sits at this weird angle",Understood
"Office has AC Room has krr krrr sound fan, Vishnu laughing at 1am watching reels and its fkn hot",Go for a massage. I understood butttt. Bitch. You are sick + back pain
Language,Get set proper sleep. Adi veno? 😃😃😃
Yesss maam Will not repeat again <This message was edited>,Neee nanavila ✨
malar ath angane. So ur free in the morning?. Just noon class?. Please drink a chaya or coffee if its being served That stuff's like elixir in the morning,I don't like chaya 🥹. Nope gotta reach there by 9.39. 30*. 11 our presentation. And 2pm is the class
ohhh. I'll make you. Ninte akathulla pishashi ne eduthu kalayum,I don't like tea or coffee. Just plain milk
"Alright. I hated boiled milk. Still do The smell is uggh. Even if boost or Horlicks kallikiyal, i wont drink",Choodu boost is mehhh
"So confirmed that you dont like Starbucks, CCD and all that expensive asf namesake coffee chains?",It's appam and egg curry
either that or stew,I don't like those ayeeeb
Thank god,Paying 700 for one coffee. Enth myrrrrrrr
Yeah. Rich kids saanm,The best 😂😂😂. Watch
"😂😂. Ayo Ashley asked me once, Eda my friends are going to Starbucks, why cant we go enn. I said, we Malayali, here chaya is a luxury. Apo she asked, People get their name written on it, I also want my name on it tooo😂. I said, I'll print a coffee mug with ur chalangiya face and name for ur bday","Yesss that's a good idea. Ath adipoli ale. Good idea, im gonna give an order for something like that 😂. Did you have breakfast?"
"Nope. 11:30 meet with VC. To close deal with Finalspark. So im preparing the NDA, MoU and ppt for presentation. Im so excited and scared","Take the second part off. Be excited but not scared. Yestttt, before going to present I was kinda nervous... I used the ALOSHHH method. ""Think that you are the smartest in the room"". Look into their eyes and convince them like anything 😌. Don't forget about the eye contact"
Yes. Yes maam. You're talking to him rn. This Joannee... always forgetting,Wtfff???
😂. Send that ss I'll ask him not to hit on my cousin😂,"It's soo hard to find my acc, dude knows the whole instagram alogorthm ig 🤣😂"
I think he got from my following list. U recently got active no?,Enalum avide vare poii thapi edukan ulaaa aaa manasss. Yeppp yest
Real man. All the best for today Joachii Take an adipoli session✨,"Yess boss✨✨✨. Ughhhh, I feel like a failure somewhere thou. Im not making my parents happy. 🫠"
Make yourself happy Thats what your parents want. How you do that is your business. Love this quote Always amped me up when I was down. Ithetha mayiran. Oh njan aan🤦♂,"Such a good boy ✨✨✨✨. How much did u pay for that?. One more question, to get yourself verified in lin. You gave the tinkerhub mail id?."
260. Yeah Use ur lin email,"I did and they said, gmail one cannot be used. I paid 150 😎😎. Purplle.com😚"
What makes u think i purchased it,Cuzzzzz ur skin is getting dry. 😚
Thanks I'll try. Leaning on the desk My style🥹,Yesss 😂😂
Anjana asked for ur pic,And what did she say 😂
Nalla look ind. Muzamil on the other side: Friend aanengil gf orappa. Kandu😂😂,"Not that wait, this first 😂😂😂. Istgg how much you had bear with the yapsssssss. 😂😂😂. Did u apply the cream btw?"
Will buy from purplle. 148 ollo. 2 mins il kazhinju lol,Dayummmm. All the bestttt mwoneee ❤️. Yayyyyyyy french fries
Pommes,Dayum share me the playlist lemme see 😂
Noo🤭. Are all ammas like this?,Yesssssss everyone
Readdddd,Yes sir
🙂. Mummy and Papa's fav movie. 10 yrs ago,I love the chemistry. They all treat me diff 😑. Wyaaaa?
On a call babe. Free after?,Desss
Take ur time No rush. dad looks cool,Holaaaa
Back home?,"Desssss. That's why I called. Okay soooo. Me and jeevan came across today. Went beach apo. Muzammil took a pic, which is kinda entho pole. Jeevan put close frnds story saying, ""She looked at the sun and I looked at mine""🚶🏻♀️"
So cute. Amma telling me stories of how a dude my age killed his fam Thought she was pulling typical joke until I asked for source,You've had a very long day alosheee. It's better that you sleep early ✨
ok goodnight. Hug Milan hard ok?,"One side Kaiser, the other side milachan and on top of me miamma. I can't breathe, but I love em ❤️. Im gonna be a great mom"
"How can you, without me. Yeah. Sleep well Ms. Random Ass Girl",She hawt 🤩
Can we agree on sharing media the normal way (not once view); unless its really private or insecure/nsfw Reason: I'm on my laptop most of the time and away from my phone. It'll make things easier.,Done
Adipoliii. How much I miss this show. Maam whats todays plans,Planning 😃
"dude what. was that an intimate thingy. ah leave it. Go on. i got goosebumps. we should add this movie to our watchlist and take notes😂. you start one on obsidian, and when we get together, we'll tick them off the bucket list","I did too, idk I could feel you somewhere somewhere. The Colgate smile toooo"
To this day I have zero idea why this girl loves me kissing her,Mystery ✨
"Before you, I had zero experience in kissing. I think its because I let you take the reins initially, so I sort of learnt your motion and kept up the rhythm",Susssss
I was drunk okayyy. My nickname here is Jose from Marykkoru Kunjaad,Ente karthave 😂. I mean it's true 😂. Wowwww nice nameee. Solomon. Achoda 😂😂😂
Teach me tensorflow tonight,"18 adavum nee erakum 😂. I slept in a very weird position yest night and now tat my neck hurtsssss. mia and milan got annual exams on 3rd of march, these idiots are watching series. oru motivation kodukan I started studying in front of them.. evidee kelkann. inganem vazhasssssss. im gonna make my kids stay in varacha varaaa. did u have lunch?"
Nah I started brunch since monday. Me and ashley fr,Achoda 😂. Alosheeee
Ooo,You should take care of yourself
Took midday leave from office. Brain not feeling alright,Reallyyy realllyyyyy??????. ...
Yeah,How are you supposed to feel okayyyyy when you slept around 5 and woke up at 7
Makes sense,Makes sense??? It doesss??? Woahhhh. Dude I'm really concerned 🙂
Maam I am the least of your priorities rn You are your first priority,"🫠🫠🫠. Edaa. These twooo bratssssssss. After having lunch, they ended up having a huge fight. I didn't mind. Milachan took a stick and threw it at Mia. It went and hit on the TV 💀. It's world war 3 today 🚶🏻♀️"
"Let papa deal. Uff i just woke up from a good sleep, slow but steady Back so good I could smash all night. Smash some leetcode. Maam I have a doubt in tensorflow Will you be free tonight?",Ohhh you'll have to book an appointment
Is this the appointment,Check my beach stories.
Insta?,Desss. (if u r free)
i dont see anything,Heh
Im getting Joanne withdrawal symptoms,Nowww check
Jeevan looks wide. He got good shoulders n pose. Miss when can we sit tonight,You get done with your work and make sure u r free and okay and having the energy to call and spend some time. Then I'll approve the appointment
Dw about me Tell a time and we'll sit,..... Sooo listen. There's this one chechi in 3rd yr
We'll talk night. Sorry if im being a thantha. But you get it,I respect.. Yesss I do. Dw. Sit and work
Do your tensorflow or I'll call Charles Dera,Im doing ittttttttt. Reema has passed down the job from alosh to Joanne. 6 pm ooooo
Yeah Which is why I said do the AI Upskilling thingy. You get better outreach,"I contacted reema, she said.. since I came up with the Women in AI stuff.. she wants this to be a part of it tooo. I said oooooooooooo"
"Trust me when I say this, in less than 3 months, you'll be kochi famous. If you can handle it, go ahead!. As the jiljil person you are, you'll definitely have a bigger audience at any event. Ppl love jiljil shawties Especially this guy",Im studying rn alosheeee
Back to work,"appan said next two days college pondaaaa. Saturday parent teachers apo orumich pokan. 😂😂. enikkk happy happy happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. buttt lab heii, well he said medical certificate tharam"
perks of having doctor parents😂,????. Weve to plan the LinkedIn posts. Which pic of yours should I post?. Did they send u a pics?
nope. Akkara. Gotta ask,You decided to watch without meeeeeeeee???????????????????????????????. Okay
come. achoooda sneakpeek i didnt start yet. lmk if you're ready,No u watch. I'll join some other time
🥹,"Im soo much in the mood to fight with someone rn, and idw it with you. You watch"
"Oh We'll talk after. Nah I'll work We can watch later. Babe listen If there's anything you wanna share or tell, don't message me Call me I'm here. Dayum she cute","Milachan here. One adiiii noooo. U r dead. Set ayii thenga kola, I hope she doesn't tell anyone anything 💀"
Mia ente kurumbathi. Goodnight Mia Koshy Juan,Good night alosheeee ✨
Goodmorning miss,Good morning alosheee ✨. You know this one?? Woahhh 🥹✨. Lap= kaisers pillow
My phone's at repair. Evening avum,Duolingo?. Idk
wyd wyd,Studying. Edo when u get time. Watch. The wild robot
I've seen it,Realllyyyyyyyyy????????. Finally someone
the ducks one no,Desss dess. Bhagyam inu collegilll pokanje 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️. Daivam enne rekshichu 🚶🏻♀️
Thantha ith kelkanam😅,"Alosheeeee. Listen to. ""The hanging tree"". Fulll.. Understand the lyricssssssssss"
"this comes everyday in my shuffle i think its from hunger games? <This message was edited>. An equally disturbing one is ""Go Tell Aunt Rhody"" from RE7 Mf played during intro and gave me shivers","Imagine a chinese guy texting you. Im in that avastha rn, I ain't understanding shit. Explain me all of these in call. Enthayalum, IM PROUD OF YOU KUNJE ❤️🔥✨"
"This is just 1% of what needs to be done to get to US. Easy way is your ""One idi, no visa, straight to US"". 😂. When im reallyyy tired I'll crawl onto you and sleep like this. Aww",😂😂😂. Apo elam paranja pole 😂
Ediii this angle reminds me of warden😂,Btw btw Enthayi?. All okay no?
Phone ready. The display was peeking out so got that fixed and screen guard,Did I sound pissed?
Seemed off. Dw you're chill,Yeahhh
"Hmm. Get through this to the top, it will be a story to tell your kids","What I was thinking is. How did varshas parents change. Ive been trying a lot. She changed the way her parents think, I've been trying toooo. But it's not working 🚶🏻♀️"
I think Varsha didnt stay at a hostel PG ig Cuz i used to see her roaming late nights. She didnt have curfew. I think you have to speak to Varsha on this matter,"Ahhh im stress eating dark chocolate 🚶🏻♀️. This ""neee pennu anuuu"" thing pisses me off all the time. I control"
"We'll talk tonight. Now, you do you. Thankyou so much thats so sweet🫂. Where'd you get it",Pinterest
"everything's gonna be alright. Maam, busy?",Wait. Mia here
....... Juann. 🤣,😂😂😂. Yesssss. Good morning 🪻
I woke up to someone saying Juannn. And i was laughing🤣. God by far the best wake up,Like u called someone juann?? 😂
No no someone in my dream yelled Juanneee,😂😂😂😂😂. Ente karthave 😂. Did u have food?????
No. Otw,I wanna go back in time and enjoy my childhood all over again. 🫠🫠. Atleast the one till 7th grade 🫠
Yeah me too. I want till 10th. Whats injiiii😂,"Shyeee udkkkkkkkk? 😂. We usually say ""say cheeseew"" inorder make others smile while taking a pic naaa. In some mallu movie, dileep changed the trend and said ""sayyy injiiii"".. Try saying injiiiii, 10x colgate smile akum 😂. Thatsss uuuuu"
1st yr,Just that?. Buy chapathi or porotta or smthg
athonnm vendada kunje,"Last night, I had the best dream. I had a baby. She's active, she's sweet, she's cute, shes all that I've ever wanted.. She had big round eyes, pink lips, thin nose and a really good smile. She called me mummy and she felt like my best friend. 🪻✨. She smelled like roses."
"she got my eyes and smile? thats it? bruh😅. Thats such a dream. Manifesting ""I want a daughter""","Ive always wanted a son, but now I want a daughter"
"We'll have both. Hopefully twins so no one gets the better of the other. But ideally I'd like older sister, younger brother",Work. Work
How do you feel today Joanne. I feel so good,I feel like the black cat today. Doubt doubt. 2 min a
10 mins. Aah wait,Watch watch watch 😂😂😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣
Age gap between this 60 yr old and her 22 yr old escort needs to be studied,Milannn milan
"Boba x2. My god, they're fun",Did u sleep???
Nop,These kidsssssssss
I did smtg that might make me sleep. 😂,U diddd????. Dayumm. Porn????
No just the thought. Yeah i miss these times Now i wish i had a twin sis,They are annoying afff istggg. Sometimes uk. I feel like appu from mayandhi
Not this vibe babe. So A lot came. Almost fainted,Oh my. Ive seen you do itttt. Idw you to watch porn at all.. Dont. Sleep now ✨
"Milan Mia still around?. Mia looks cute. Today I really missed you. I normally dont, but today, sooo much",😂😂😂😂. Dudes hawt ngl
Nicee. Wait thats actually hot,Ikrrr yessss. Im taking it 😂😂😂
Send again,Ayo I took it off. Anyways I'm buying it. Urgent urgent urgent. Para para para. Is this colour good????
Yes. Take it rn,I fuckin hate my wide rib cage
I love it. End of discussion. White>>,Alr have one.
Not the keeriya jeans plss,Ofccc nooii. The formal oneee
Good girl,Wait ith ringtone ale 😂
Eh no. 🔪🔪🔪,Sounds like one ngl 😂
Such a nostu song from 2010s,😂😭😭😂😭 Video to show the kids after 12yrs 😭😂
Damn its like my own siblings. I miss Ash,Evrything is slow + reverb
Athalle njan yt music eduthee kocheyy,Edooo. 🤧🤧. I'm sooo worried about tmr 🫠
Naale ellam sheri avum. Ball is in your field tomorrow How you play it is up to you,"Yeahhhhh. U had parents teachers meeting?!. Ahhh yeahhh, parents abroad what a nice thing 🫠"
Oh yeah Ath vere katha Papa actually traveled twice for my PTA. Baaki was directed by God,Hehhhh. U 9 above. No worries. 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️
air bean bag. idk what this is. iravara😂,💀💀💀💀💀one month rate hehhh. I hope he's like that tmr ngl 💀. I have this
Is that rosamma?,Mummy. 😂😂😂😂
Thankuuuuuu,Yesssssssss. Body check up alwayssssssss. And tries popping my small bumps. Ends with nothing 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️. It's supeerrr painful. But that's her hobby 🤧😵💫. Edooo edooo edoooo. I really wanted to kiss you inside the elevator 🚶🏻♀️
Next time okay?,No next time. We good kids. Alosh: ok.. 😂😂😂. Sydney sweeney is hawtttttt
Fam?,Yesss. Akkaraa one????. Send link. We'll watch 😃
How romantic,🚶🏻♀️. Aykkkk
..,Come on come on. Next link add chey. 😂😂
wait wait,We did watch this one naaa
not full. quarter,Ohh
And then we started kissing n all. so... next?,Lemme take a bath. And then Yeahh
"think about me. Well that just means I have to explore and find 'your thing'. Im away from phone, lmk if you're calling. Lookin good miss. I cant speak aloud rn But I wanna talk a lotttttt","Enteee mwoneeee 💀💀💀💀💀💀. It was mymmyyy. She came in and was like araaaa. Whom are you calling. Call list kanikkk. Bhagyathinu, I deleted all asap. She left now. Oh god, my heart skipped a 1000 beats"
Thalla❌ Thankuuu✅ vibe,"God knows dude, I understood she'll check my call list, I deleted evrything asapppp"
Super. So my gooddd girll Joanne,Can we text????. If that's possible 🌴
🙂,😂😂😂😂😂. Achoda
Dont call Shit reception,I can't call mwone 🤧
Delete these chats if its risky later on. Cuz im about to go wild,"Idw delete that's why I archive our chats. Hehh 😂. Lemme seee 😂. It's not visible on the top, it just goes.. I turned off the ""archived chatssss bar thingy"""
"I think its perfect. Universal decision that we weren't physically available for each other, and just communicating blindly over call",Blindly yess
"For a month, we learnt about each other; me, more than you. I normally just ignore yappers. Like that revathy girl. But you're different. Cant place it atp, maybe in the future (if you stick around) I might figure out why I ticked for you. Now about the random ass girl, I stand firmly with it. I admit, revathy was maybe a few points ahead of you in looks, but since yappers were not my thing, Joanne in tinyml, you were just another girl.",Revathy looks shit 💀. Omggg dong compare her with me. Yeah go on
Megha then. Who gives good head now😂,Yessss megha looks good. 😂😂. Aloshhhee!!!. You are amazing ✨
"But you called and spoke. Called called called spoke spoke spoke.... ughh. I listen, its what im good at. You opened up, no one does that, atleast not girls to guys. I found it weird too. Why is she comfortable w me? Is this a thing w girls? Sources say no. As far as I knew Joanne, you had zero reaskn to trust me. I could be talking shit about you to my friends, but I kept listening. Like a good podcast.. Thanks for the update",A good podcast yes ✨😂. Every night starts at 10 and ends before sleep. Just like chandamzha and parasparam
"I think its a men thing to protect and care for loved ones. You hadn't even crept into my loved ones list. I had a small infatuation over you in Jan, thats all. Didnt remember much how you looked like, smelled like or really sounded like.. Boobs, bites and sex aside, you're a great lovely person. You play mom really well, I needed that. I felt safe that night. You got weird teeth, thin nose (fuck you and your rhinoplasty), wide ribs, belly, love handles. Yeah I have those too, but when you love someone, you love the beauty inside them more than whats outside.. Hence my rationale for appraising you when you look homeless.. I made a lot of promises, and Im ticking them off the list. I made them in your name and presence, because this is how I can impress and achieve my goals.. And whenever you talk about ""Alosheee go get another girl, I feel like appu"" Like just used and thrown. So if you ever feel ike distancing from me, just don't. I cant go through appu, not if its you. I knew what I signed up for, and my job is to: 1. Love you 2. Ensure you get on top 3. Help you move on 4. Help raise the kids (optional). Ughh i want to say these in your ears 100x","Ive never tried using you aloshe 🫠, don't think like that yeah? 🫠"
Haha not like that Joanne Leaving me Just like appu got left,Understood
"So yes im scared. Scared of losing my dad, my mom, my sister, you and finally me.. Thank god for dropping this traumatic-centred caramel chocolate of a girl into my lap. She's me if I had more soul, but she does everything Im bad at, so I'm set for life.",😭😭😭😭. Why are you making me super emotional at 3 in the morning 😭. I never knew alosh denny is this emotional in life
Mf im sleepy as hell,As if I'm notttttt 😭
"I do it when im close Physically Within ear distance. Last time i wanted to, but thought it would ruin the mood","You should sleep, you cannot fuck up block chain or reach there late"
Yes maam Too much for tonight. Gotta go,❤️. Good night Alosh Denny ✨
Dont ss this Joanne. Or I'll make sure you overthink✨,"Adios, This traumatic-centered caramel chocolate girl is emotional af rn ✨"
"Rest, you have to deal with the faculty",Have to ✨
Some head would help,Good night alosheee ✨🪻
Good night Joanne🎀,Listen to Dilshad before sleep. Current fav
Send. You love hindi songs much. Phew... i reached thrissur. I wanna go home and sleeeeeep. Ivideyum techfest🥵,Got me wrong nah nah 😂. + that's a kashmiri song 😂. How's the college? 😃😃😃. Send pics send pics 😁. One idili that's it???. Have more
3 do. Gosh im so excited. Because I havent prepared a single shit,🙂🙂. When does it start btw?
10. Or 10:30. Lol im learning a lot about blockchain now,"Aloshe alosheee. Don't text me yeah?. Leave me on seen. Not even a single reply. Holaaaa. How's the session going 😃. Oh god, parent teachers was adipoli 😂😂. Kunjeee, you alive?????"
Tonight All you want,Btw btw. How are you?. How did the session go?. And uh I didn't talk anything about you yeah?. Just said me and alosh did the talks that's it
Call Im very tired to type,Aloshheeeeee. Wassuuppp. Wyaaaa
Home. Thrissur,Slept????
Nope. Cooking. Cant sleep. How are you Joanne,Sooo formal shyo. Gooddd✨
Hehe no di Just tired Appu. Fam around?,"Dessssss. Im giving my phone to dad, didn't take my bag. Soo it will be inside his pocket. Don't call 🫠✨. I'll call u"
In a call. Is it ok to call?,Yes. Now yeah
"Yes enik iphone venam😂. Nalla dp, Koshy looks so kissable✨✨",Good night alosheee ✨✨
Goodmorning Joanne,Good morning aloshe ✨. Did u go pali?
Slept in😭,I knew it 😂. I knew it veryyyy welll 😂
Gonna go tonight,"What plans for today?. Mummy pissed af, she wants to go have breakfast.. We alll super sleepy 😂. Pine I took charge, mia and milan got out of bed in seconds. She now pissed again that they only listen to me 😂💀😂"
"Got a submission before 5 Then church Maybe meet my relatives And my glasses broke, athum fix cheyanm. They always do",Relatives mmmmm. Ve careful
I dont sound excited right?,"Glasses broke, mine too that's why I bought a new one. Nono u sound fine. U don't have to be excited nd all while talking to me. Dw I don't judge anyone based on that"
"Thats the batsignal to literally ""call me""",Ohoo
Mia looking PlanB. Food here?. Or outside,"Here here. Daddy went thrissur. I asked him njannum vanote. He said, yessss. Mummy said no 🤧🫠. Forgot to ask. U okay???"
Yeah yeah Just thinking about stuffs. Got so much planned this year. Are you okay miss?,Don't think toooobmuch yeah?. You are doing good ❤️. Long way to go but steady and firm ✨. Wyaaaaa. M studying for tmrs retest
Ith evdeyo kettatolloru line aanelo😂. Dbms?,Ath Tuesday. Some lines are meant to be used again 😂
Whats wrong in that😂,Superrrrr
"It goes both ways. Women do it too.. Pretty natural, nothing much to hype about",Ive no words
"Yest i cut your call cuz I was talking to this 82 yr old lady standing near the church right outside my house. I was tired, but I kept listening to her yap about her family. Then i saw your call, and I thought ""Joanne can wait"", no offense. I just zoned out after a long day...",Alosheee🫠. Did I say anything? 🫠
Wdym. Is there a balcony or somewhere away from mummy you can talk?,"Text sheri Avila, From experience it might lead to misunderstandings. We'll save this for the call"
"Exactly. I heard that in your thalla vibe voice. Miss, you study well, let me go town, get some stuff done, and I'll yap tonight",Yess mwoneee ✨. Did ashly guy send you the NIT pics?. Omg 🥹. Dayum 🔥. 🪻✨
Kutty how are you,Which one?
Feels so weird not talking to you at nights😂,The officer one?
Officer on duty,"Heard it's good. Have fun alosheeeeee. Michelle, the same aged cousin"
Looks good,Dessss. How's the movie?
"Nice Idi, drugs, kuthh, rape Usual genz",I think I'm pregnant
Food or?,I worked out after a week + I was full. After the workout I felt really puksihhh and dizzy.
You're okay. You worked out?,I did yes. Good morning alosheeee ✨
Goodmorning Joanne🤗,Alosh mwone
Yaaa,Enna oke undu vishesham
How are you Jouane,What ppds
WFH Thrissur,WFH
Working meh you?,Shyeeeeew
Exam done?,She postponed it to the Wednesday 💀. Istgg I'm gonna kathikalll this college. I woke up at 7 and revised for an hour 😑
Shyeda,Ukw I feel like rn. I wanna dance 🚶🏻♀️. And. Download Ten Ten. It's an App. Download 😂. ten ten
I searched it. Mummy had smule. Do uk that?. Whats it for,Oh god. You download it rn. Enit ask questions later. f33s45m this is my pin
This app is literally a walkie talkie😶🌫,"Yesss cheyy. You better or u r dead. Dw I wouldn't yappp, u can work 😂"
done. I really want to cook some chicken biriyani. Delvin looking handsome,He bagged a nice kutty 😂😂. Sandra
Wanna do this so bad🥹. Took bus,Gooddd boyyyyy ✨. Don't forget to have food. Do u still wear the cherry band?. Oh my goodness. Busss hei?!
Ye,Goodddd boyyyy
It may rain today,I hope soo. It's soooo humid and I'm sweatinggggg. Rakee is taking class and 75% students are sleeping 💀
You sleep too. And up the percentage,Comedy thane 😂. Adi veno ninkkkk vazheeeee
😂😂,Orotaaaa adiiiii. Myyyyyyyyyy. 😂😂😂😂. Alosheee. Nine Njan avide vanu kolum. 🔪😂. Kochi epo ethum?
10 mins. To cusat,Apo ull be at tinkerspace today. Most probably
Yeah,Dayum college. Edooo send me a ten ten message. Somethings wrong with this ig. It's working working
Just realized... You and Anu are the same age when Nazriya and Fahad married,I think I'm really pregnant. Just got out of the gym. I'm sooo tired
Maam You're doing fine,Interns???. Awwww 🫠🫠🫠
Yass 3 stage screening My proposal. Built the best exploration team. How are you feeling now?,A lot to say. 💀💀💀💀💀
Yes,Cool. Take the calllll you donkey
No,Alosheee. I'm sooo tensed at this point
Why,"Namitha suddenly came and said, she wants to say something. Like something about me. Someone said entho anagne. Ive no idea. And she just left, I asked her a lot. But she goes, Pine parayam. First I thought, the NIT make out video or smthg got leaked. Second, rumours about us Third, enthokeyo enthokeyo. Achoda 😂. She looks good"
She has a hot voice,Fireeeeeeeee
Joanneeee I wanna talk to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu,I'm sad. I'll call later
Will call you,Aloshe. U should defo stay away from me. I'm no good for you
Pick up Joanne We'll sort this together,I'm just sooo tired ruining people's life alosh. I'll call u yeah?
Sure. Small bug. Fixable,I'll call you korach kazhinj yeah?. Text me when u r free. I'm gonna thalipotikal the phone
"Don't You have some friends to deal with Deal, then we'll talk. Would love to know the context behind this. Edo Come call. Navneeth is a true friend. This is a phase. Comes and goes. I never even had someone get angry at me like this. Atleast he's being open about how he feels. Let him open up",Edo im gonna sleep. Gud night
Take care Goodnight✨. Goooooodmorning girl🤗🤗🤗. You'll be fine Joanne. Yesterday was a fluke. Better days to come. Trust the process.,"Good morning. You don't have to be confused aloshee, You'll find your way. Awwww ✨"
Everything ok from last night?,Do u think?. Evrything doesn't get okay overnight kuttah. But I'm solving it 😃
Good girl,"Yes sirrrrr. Ive to go church today. Been sooo longgg, like soooo long. How do u feel???"
😂😂,"I mean, the confused thingy and all. Shyeda the constant thought about ""nobody likes me"". Is hitting on me shyeda 🚶🏻♀️"
Aah thats ok I'l figure,You will ✨
Who are you talking to😎. Sam Altman is gay with an unlikable personality And millions love him Maam you aint even a lesbian😂😂. Gosh I could hug you right now and tell you that everything's OKAY. Joanne Please eat wisely before a workout One chapati and egg isnt helping. Your body needs a lot more calories to function and synthesize hormones. Have a pre workout meal to sustain gym sessions. Dont limit yourself too much. I did this to myself in 11th 12th and I am never going down that path again under no circumstances,Achoda 😂. Lebanese. I'm scared of gaining weight ngl 🚶🏻♀️. Where u going?. What thheee????. Sen send again. Send again
Next hour?,Next hour is Os again. Rakeee jiii kiii jaiiiii
Wanna call? I'll talk. Earphones,Class
"Was speaking w Reema abt workshop. Apo she said ""I have given full freedom to Joanne"". WIT Lead, so proud of you kutti💫💫💫",I look like a yekshi 😂🤣😂
You look pretty as always. I slept on tinkerspace beanbag like a baby😂,Achodaaaaa. Back hurts? 😂
Best sleep. Umm... big decisions this week. I might leave my job.,Hehhhh. Tfff?. Amazing 🔥
😂😂. Oh Joanneeeee. You dont know how much I loveee taking risks.... I love it when people call me crazy for doing them😂😂😂,😵
I wanna tell you something afterwards. Need your advice. Will call. The urge to talk into Ten Ten rn 📈,Go o. 😂😂😂. On*
Pray for us🙏🏻,"I did put that but then, the others said... CoFounder mathi. I'll change?. Is it weird?"
Founder Cuz u founded it. (Wisdom from sam altman),Kunje it's weird. But I'll send u something. It's veryyy weird. I feel super shy
Looks good. But malayalam?,"Yeahhh, kept it the tinker wayyyy"
Nice. I'll call you. What movie/episode do you wanna watch tonight,"Nono u work, I was just trynna remind you Joanne is a yapper 😂😂. Ufff dedication. Went to have dinner. 😂😂😂😂. Alosheeeee. Is 1 to 4 or 2 to 5 better?. The Saturday one"
2 to 5 Make it 1:30 so people arrive early and you can start at 2,Siiii
Ask Johnson for tea and snacks after event. You might network,Hourssss 🤩. Send me Johnson's number please
Johnson Tinkerspace.vcf (file attached). johnson is my pookie,Kurian patikalddd me. 🚶🏻♀️. Second week no?.
"Its upto you 1 video every alternate day, helps break down architectures. Sexy",Listen to Marry ME My dream proposal song 🤧🤧
"Play it at our wedding. My back, lat strain aayi. Study study Dont mind me. Ishika asked today, joanne?",What she asked? 😂
Slept?,Take take
"No. Inform Jasim and Media team about posters, outreach and food. Best to do it asap. Dont miss a beat",Yesss sirrr. Go sleep ✨. Nee jasiyod explain cheythu elam?
Illa. Thats your job. I feel like talking all night But dont. Miss those times,Awww. The last virtual kiss I liked 😂
😂. How does it feel after I came into your life?,"I turn this AI engineer into a baby at night 😂. Ur DL could never 😂. Ukwww, u look like my 10th grade wala crush now 😂"
😂. Para para. Got new frames inale?,Nahhh today they said. Nsfw 😂😭😂. Amzizng. It's okay open nw 😂
Saw it. Liz>>>>>you,Aleee yesss she's pro in it 😂😂😂. Twerks like anything 😂🤣
Mathuu in for an unexpected surprise 🤣. Whats your height and weight?,162 and 59
How often do you exercise?,Everyday. Killl meeeeeé
Pospond💀,Pondsss. 🤣. I don't cross 1000 😂💀😂
Me. Joanne pleaaase Ninnod anne paranjatha,Alosheee listen. Idh but I wanna get thin ngl
Edo ninte fat alla Muscle aan dravich pokunne,Hehhhh really over there? 😂
🍼🍼 poyello😢. 32 -> 28. Yeah,"It's the coatt 😂. That's the main aim of the college people, noooo boobies 😂"
Edo. Marayathekk eat Or next time I'll be thanku and forcefeed you. You know what the beauty of traveling in general coach is?,What what
People from all walks of life travel in this coach,True. Do u talk to anyone avide vech?. I talk sooo much ngl 🚶🏻♀️😂
General taught me humiility,Last time I was yapping with a stranger for 2hrs 😂
No i just sleep😂. I cant handle that If i was that stranger I'd just switch coaches 😂,Shyeda. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Understandable
This is if I didnt know you. I just think think think,When you connect with strangers naaa. It's vere feel
"Yeah. One time I made friends with these muslim ladies traveling somewhere They had a lot of adipoli food, 1.5L pepsi and invited me to feast😋",See that's what. 😂🫠
But i hate doing it with my generation ppl If I talk its with older ppl. Like oru 50-60,Desss desss again understandable. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂
I had one miss too who was very friendly,She is just 25 soo 😂
"This one is 30, married and kids",Still formal. Ith kando nee 😂🤣😂
Nee boy aanenkil oomfi,That's her 😂
Instead she will ss and register pocso😂😂. Mid,Tffffffffff?????????????
Deepthy miss in real life vere level ayrnu Lab il dirty jokes adikum😂,Hehh fr? 😂
"Ohh I compared with cusat teachers, athonda. Fine I give 8/10. Used to it. When i got on a ferry the first time, I thought I would get seasick, but I was perfectly fine. Life angane alle",Athe athe
Next time Come in uniform Black underwear and bra,I should buy something colourful
You in black = Best unboxing ever. Joanneee Tensorflow series sett?,Dess deesssssssss. Got a lot to prepare. Talking to Meenakshi about this now
Planning your own event is surreal huh,"Pinalathe. All these seems like a dream. Nothing feels real. She's my WIT partner, 3rd heiiii cusat thane. Ive told you about her na. Where did u reach????"
The one who stood up for you during gdg? Or vere?. Crossed shornur. Hehe More to come. Play the game well,Nah nah ath vere. This one is tinkerspace wala. U might know her. Junior hei. Her
Oh yeah She my jnr,Ive learnt a lot and uve pushed me a lot too ❤️
She's v good We connected at ghci,"DAYUMMMMMM. Alosh Denny. Whom I used to fangirllllll. Is my closest friend wowwww. I kissed him, WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"
Milan and Mia seeing these msgs💀👍🏼,😂😂😂😂
You taste good,Thanks 😚
Both up and down,You've big lips
I didnt even know I had fans Athum girls,"First it was hard. But then I started loving ig. It*. Itsss likeee uk, the squishy filler ones 😭😂✨"
😂😂,Did u have food?
"Tea tea tea My throat is lumpy. Perks of sharp adams apple🥲. Just to confirm, you are ovulating?",I guess I'm. Guess idkkkk. I'm getting tooo horny. Really???
Yea I cant look up It presses against my throat. Reacheddd,Myrrrrrr. Worst day of my lifeeee. Call me if u r free. 5 mins
"Joanne. Some things, you gotta let go. That said, im going swimming","Eda 😭😭😭😭. Entha ith 😭. Amazing, u idiot... U r sick. I feel sooo heavy. Wya?. How's swimming. 💀"
What happened. Boy or girl,🔪
Reema looks like a thakkali wrapped in cloth. Goodmorning Joanneee,I rem yeah 😂😂. Good morning ✨✨. Just submitted 2 assignments 😎. In an hr 😎. Joanne theeee 😎🔥
Online ano,"One online and other offline. Deadline 12pm. These people took a whole night to write, njannn kathichu vitu 😎🔥. 😂😂. Going for TedX promotion"
What will you be doing,"Talk about this in every single classs. 1st yrs, 2nd yrs,3rd. No 4th"
Yap superpowers unleashed. Hey this rahul from inker robotics. Joanne.. if you're into robotics Try and get an internship at inker or gen robotics thru these guys. Its a good opportunity Athum you have skills,"First AI. Parallelyyy only Hardware and stuffs 😄😀. Idk, stream might change in these 2 yrs, let's wait and see. Until then AI ✨"
"Yupp. Things I would do if I were your dad: 1. Get you out of that damn hostel 2. Freedom, not too much, to attend hackathons, conferences, events, expos, etc. 3. Date dudes, girls, idcc who as long as you can deal with them mentally and physically 4. Travel (w trusted friends initially, promote you to solo after 10-15 rides) 5. Teach you to eat like a real woman <This message was edited>","Ente pone 😂😂. Dear Students, Principal Sir has given permission for girl students to wear colour dresses on 7th March as we are celebrating International women's Day. ""We invite you to join in the celebration by wearing purple, green, and white, our chosen theme colors for the day"" Circulate this among your friends.. Yayyyyyy 😂. I had a chocobar. I'll be bloated tmr 😭"
Oh shut up. May il me and gang are going to jammu kashmir,Dayum. Just got done with design exam. Part B it's or questions. 2 out of 4. Eduport?
"Spoke to CEO last night. I was serious about my role here. I told him, I didn't sign up for backend, I came here to work with pure DL. I've got another offer that pays double with more risk incentive. Why would I do backend like a million other people? Heck my senior dev can do my job, why do you need me then? Apo he said he'll figure something out. I said, Boss I've got these-these features that would really catch up with the users. Showed him what I was working on (voice cloning). Boss, this is what excites me; I wanna make my own credit in this company and walk out as an actual 'AI Engineer'. Not just calling gemini/groq/openai APIs. Times a changing. College",U really said these??? 💀. I'm soooo proud of you kunjeeee. Sceneee 🔥🔥🔥🔥. Theeeeee
Dude this is so eassyyy. Ithinoke padikano?,Athe athe
Formally This is a distilled version,Yeah got it. Anyways good job alosheeee 🫶🏻✨🔥
Jeevan and mizhab looking thiccc,Aloshyeee wyaaaa
"wear it. office kutti. I asked my muslim friends, vaa chaya kudichalo, and they gave me this look👀 Im like eh? for a few secs And then, oh noymb aanele, my bad🥲😂",Oh my. 💀
Cute. But the black one suits you better. Mm i have to get used to this,New one. Takes time to adjust 😂. The black one none of my frnds like in the begining. Pine used akum 😂
ROS2 when???. Ig you could fake it till you make it,Ive no idea. Istg. Njan njetti irikuva 🚶🏻♀️
I could hug you now. Like lift you up on your butt and you wrap your legs tightly on my back And just stand there for a while with your weight on my spine,Kunjeeee. Where do u make ur ppts. The simple short ones. Example: the Blockchain one
canva,Wokhiessss. Achodaaa 😂😂😂. Enna status matiye 😂
Tryna add some text but figured Im too old for this shit😂,Did u cut the call???. Okay okay I'll call after sometime
Your end has poor connection,Nami is pissed for something
Okayy. Akkara,Interact with them( 3 professionals) to understand their workplace details including ●workplace skills required ●their work experience ●activities they have done to enhance their employability during their B.Tech years ●suggestions on the different activities to be done during B.Tech years Prepare a documentation of this. I need an ans now habibiiii
Context?,Assignment hei for him. 1st yr kutty
Tell him $100,😑. Alosheeee. Paraa angotttt. Just need some points
"Kind of funny if I answer this my way So I'll modify it. Learn as fast and as much as you can Fail as fast as you can Use that failure to prove literacy in a tool/skill/technique Be as technically extrovertive as possible - emphasis on 'technically' - you don't want to be centre of attention for the wrong reasons Clubs like IEEE, IEDC, GDG blah blah don't mean anything if you're just a member - you gotta be in a position where you're recognized by the community Fall into a niche - happens somewhere in prefinal and final year - be good at it, then get better at it Apply for internships - don't be afraid to ask - this move is gonna take you places Always paid internships - teaches you your worth in the industry empire Internships are living proof you've worked on a framework - that's enough to land you your dream job Hackathons are another way to learn quick - fast paced, prepares you for deadlines, you do stuff on the fly, no sleep; creativity peaks here - essentially you become deadline-proof after 30 or so hackathons Stay close with your seniors. When push comes to shove, they are Plan B <This message was edited>. I'll bring it down to $50 and some head",One kiss is all it takes
💀🙏🏻. Babygirl. Free?,Akkara??
Yas,My ovariessssssssssssss just. 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
Noted,In 5
no rush take your time,Liz maria abiut to confess onfgggggggggggggggggg. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. All of us are super excited. Well watch. ??. ready?. link linkkkk. Alosh Denny Neelamkavil
"Omg. sry I dozed off. My phone's also dead idk if you tried reaching me. *m illa, its *n. Oh no I fumbled on Joanne. Joanne Im going swimming in the morning Without your presence/calls I just go 💤💤💤 Wish me luck (im gonna be the best!) <This message was edited>",Holaaaa. Good night alosheee ✨✨✨. Lemme go take a bath. All the bestt!!! ✨
Still awake. Goodnight miss. Akkara... I miss watching it w you,Alosh alosh. U up???. I wanna show u something
Goodmorning!. Yes?,Okay sooo do take the video. Call
No. Damn you look beautiful What are you wearing under?,Ale yessss. Monjathi blackie baddie fr
Bra and underwear color NOWWW,"Went to classes again, to fetch some girls for the iedc event. Black 😂😂😂"
Which one's this. FUCKKKKK,Fullllll black 😭😂
Oru myranum color format follow cheythila😂,Yesss. Wyaaa. Wyaaa
yesss,It's been exact one month nowb. Since I got my period. I'm worried 🤧
Vannitila?,Usually it comes delayed. Yeah nope. Takes around 1 month and 5-10days kazhinj
It was supposed to come around today right?,Nah nah. ..... For me
When was the last one. Approx,"7th of Feb. Imma wait. Ive pcod soo yeah, takes time"
This guys English oh god 😂,😂😂😂😂😂😂
"Joanne If it makes you feel better, do you want to me to clear this with Anu? Or we'll wait",Nono nono. Evrythings fine ig yeah
Okay😂,We'll wait
Ik you cant tell anyone thats y,Dessssssss. 💀
"On the other hand, your thalla vibe hormones would just create an uncomfortable env for the zygote and it would just decide to exit then and there. Yes we are like that😂",What colour are my eyes. What colour is my bear lips. Without looking at any picture of mine
"Best guess Black irises Very peach lips, without lipstick. whats a bear lip?",Waitttttt
Am I right?,Bare*. 😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂
Yeah i googled and ended up with some kinky shit,Oh god 😂🤣. Mmmmm. Correct
I dont think they're pure black,Wowwww. I was waiting for this one. 😂
Dark brown You would have to look into a mirror and confirm,It's dark brown. Right. Passed 🔥🫶🏻. Awww. I miss this sticker. 😂😭😂
Do the dance 😂,In the black dress yesss
My turn Which arm of mine has more prominent veination? What's my shoe size?,Your left arm Shoe size is 11. I'm defo getting blocked today. Alosheee. Have you ever tried wearing black shirt????
Fights broke out when I wore black shirt,Why! 😂. Tooo hawt??
8th onam 12th hostel 2nd year onam Blackkk,"I wanna see you wear black shirt thou. 😃😃😃. I'm pretty sure ull look veryyyy goodddddd in it. James gf working under me, and got to know she's older than me 😂😂😂. She's 20"
Play it cool. Never let her know you're younger,Nope. Dessss doing it. Kinda weird but okayishhh
Have to buy black And wear it like marco. 11. 20 Ahmedabad <This message was edited>. 21 Delhi. 19 IIT Roorkee We came on Doordarshan. You can see me and Tanu🫣. Yeah njan ath parayan vannatha😂,Tffff????!. Omggg. It's soooo healthy
Ayo. Gunda phase💀. 90-92 kgs i think,"Send me that once again 😂. Achoda, look at this cutie 😂✨. Goa, december ig. Achoda 😭✨"
Hot,Ente alosheeee. 😂😂😂😂😂. Honor exam ayirunu. 😂😂😂😂. Comedy pro Max
Proud of you babygirll🎀. Not done?,Nahhh. Yeah my talk done. Im officially an ex execom member. 🤧🤧🤧im sad
Achodaa. Arms look pronounced. Do right. On the upside. Joanneee You are prettyyy Black on you is a very sexy highlight If you had black frames on you would've stole the show You did good today! <This message was edited>. Is this a toastmaster sandwich😅,Poda nooo. Achoda yes 😂😂😂
Ayo send this. Sendddd. Sticker aakam,Goes: ooombiko😂
Aleee🤣🤣. Opposite opposite,😂😂😂
*mbiko or oombik*. Cuz both works😂,Networking session like anything 😂😂. The last guy is joel
new co lead,Nono. Ex execom member now. He'll pass out this yr. Ie in 15 days
oh. Joel everywhere. Wait till i introduce you to The Last of Us. Forgot this: 😂😂😂. Ipo ok alle,Ohooo 😂. Achoda
😂😂😂,Oh god
Send me an outline of what you're doing tomorrow,Yessss
And then we'll talk tto 😊😊,"The session was really interesting and thought-provoking. I appreciated the insights shared and the valuable perspectives offered. It gave me a lot to think about. Thank you for the inspiring session!. Today's Inspiration Station Radio session was truly insightful and inspiring!It was great to see someone from our own college share their journey and perspectives. The session was truly inspiring.. Thank you Joanne, Women's Day felt truly complete and inspiring with your session. Your journey is deeply motivational and it’s proof that starting from scratch doesn’t limit success if you have dedication and passion.The wide range of examples you shared was so insightful, and hearing about your struggles made it even more relatable, pushing us to strive harder. Your words really resonated with us, and we’re grateful for the inspiration.Once again, thank you for the wonderful session!🙌🙌. Inspiration Station Radio on account of Women's Day is always significant, and it was great to see someone from the college we study in express their thoughts and share their journey towards their current accolades and achievements. Right from the quotes about women empowerment, LunaLabs, hackathons to the sacrifices one has to make on their path towards success, it was refreshing to hear thoughts from a person who actually started from scratch. When one 'vadil' closes, so many other 'vadils' really do open 😂🙌 Thank you for the session @919633096830 , hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, keep inspiring 🙌✨. I will cryyy 😭😭😭😭😭"
Cry this is the moment,Alosh
I'll keep pushing you You won't like it But you definitely won't regret it. Focus,Yess sirrr. I'm cooked 🙂🫶🏻. Ayayyao 😂😭😂😭😂. Akriii friend 😂🤣
😂😂. Goodmorning babe,Yo yo yo. I'm gonna. Video call now yea. Teme how it is
You look like a mexican cartel ring boss. From kottayam. Dont scare the audience😂,Oh my 😂😂😂. We are at aaryassaa. Did u have breakfast???
Yep Uppumaav. Lunch costs more than biriyani😂. What are you having. Please eat avidethe puri masala,One vada that's it. Namitha having ghee roast
Kand padikk. You should see the classrooms... Cant even call them classrooms,Sathyam 🤧🤧
Got pro show access too. Hows Jain?. Whats ppd,I'm jealous 🫶🏻⚡. How's the college avide?
GEC Not bad,Workshop on????. Topic?
Cybersecurity in AI. Full on Anjaam Pathira and c u Soon,"😂😂😂😂😂. Achoda. I hate these gdgc people, such thendisssss. Could only take 1 sticker out of 4 😤. I need all of em, shyo 😤🤧"
Go 4 times. 😎. Ee sticker makes me roll😂. Bc chud gaya,No difference 🤣🤣🤣. Oh my god 🤣😭🤣
2 kai vs 1 kai😂. Jain lots of attitude mayirens,"Ilenkile ulu, they do have the right 🚶🏻♀️. It's like icse students vs State students at this moment 🚶🏻♀️"
I came to take a workshop at Jain in Jan end Oru culture illa literally Food - rationing Language - Tamil Hindi only Management - shit pro max We decided to take care of our own shit in the end. Right one,M going tinkerspace now. Korachoode pani undu
Maam You enjoy now My session's starting in a few mins See you then!,Tatattatatatta ⚡✨
Reached?,No current. Such bad luck
"I would be rejoicing. ""Less time I have to spend phew""",James gf
Cute tho. Naadan feel,Dess dess. 🥱
😂😂. U>>james gf. Hope current's back,Only the lights. Gave them an activity
Nice. Entha koduthr,One kid called me ma'am. 💀
Get used to it babe. Soon a baby with 4 limbs and my face will start calling you mom Apo be prepared🍼🎀,I'm soo worried aloshee uve no idea
"🙂. So i asked chatgpt o3 mini high Explained it from my pov You're in your luteal phase ig, so you should be feeling dizziness, tender breasts, swollen nipples, cravings (i cant tell if this is your diet speaking). Or else you're fine Chances are very less: I peed a lot that day, precum and the little fish would've died without any glandular fluids. Kocheee Lets wait for those +4 days tto And dont stress, you know it delays even more. Im 110% sure you're alright. How was the workshop?? Tell me how it went Are you networking? What was their response?. 😂. Staring at yo ass✨",Dayummm brooooo. Dayummmmmmm. 🔥🔥🔥🔥. Wyaa???
Office,2.5hrsss auto????. How much did u payyy???💀💀💀
Not 2.5 hrs Traveling 2.5 hrs Ennitt last I took auto. U back at hostel?,Ohhh. Nah da. Metro rn. Tripinuthara erangum and then uber. Wyaaa. 😄😄
Still at the office Getting some work done. Wbuuu,Talking to seniors now
"Aha. Free pass from hostel?. I applied to Groq last year as a Logic Engineer My cover letter is so funny😂. Alosh Denny Senior Year, Cochin University of Science and Technology India September 15, 2024 Hiring Manager Groq Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to apply for the Staff Logic Design Engineer position at Groq. My background in computer science, chip design, and AI/ML research aligns closely with Groq's mission to revolutionize AI hardware through its LPU™ Inference Engine. Key qualifications that make me an ideal candidate include: - Expertise in RTL design and ASIC front-end design flow in Vivado, Cadence, Yosys and Digital (from design to implementation) during my internship at C-DAC, building 32-bit RISC-V microprocessors. - Recent development of a Python to Verilog transpiler, showcasing my ability to bridge software and hardware domains - Innovative work on Dadda multipliers and compute-aware quantizable parallel processing, directly applicable to Groq's Tensor Streaming Processor (TSP) - Experience in deep learning model optimization, including pruning, distillation, and quantization for various float formats in Tensorflow, PyTorch, Huggingface and CUDA As Chief AI Scientist at Coco Robotics, I've improved RPA system performance by 37% through custom vector embeddings within vision transformer models, including a 'superfloat16' format I designed (under progress). This work directly aligns with Groq's innovative approach to AI acceleration. I'm particularly excited about contributing to Groq's recent advancements in: 1. Scaling inference capabilities for large language models 2. Enhancing the efficiency of the compiler stack for the LPU architecture I look forward to discussing how my skills can contribute to Groq's cutting-edge work in AI hardware. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Alosh Denny LinkedIn | GitHub","Problem ayi. The kottayam achayan thendi, he didn't give my name even after all the efforts I put out. I directly called Vice principle and said, sir my name is not added im here at TedX enu. Then he texted the warden and gave my name"
VP dayumm🥵,Around 4 ppl came asked me whether I'm sad. I look dull. M tired. She hawt
Hydrate Walk Destress You'll be back to normal,I wanna sleep in tmr. 🫠. And relax
Naale got works?,But I can't
I wanna be hugged rn,"DBMS exam on Monday, gotta go kalamaserry tmr for contest and uh yeah. Rakeee exam on Tuesday. I wanna sleep"
"Liz: Pospond😍. Joanne, pospond aayi😍🥰",Ilada kutta. I'm genuinely tired
Edi ask permission to leave early,Can't. Edwin thendi I'll show. Myren. The kottayam thendi
Do you wanna hear a story?. To boost you,Yessss. Go on
Tedx is going on now?. Atho preparation?,Pinalatheeee. Eda vazhe going on yeah
Ohhhh Apo ninak entha pani,That's the kottayam thendi
Edo Vazhe ninte thanthaveetil poi paranjamathi. Nalla english aanelo. Get outside Call,Waiteee
Edo Kore nerayi. Iyalentha waitress oo. Enna poi hotel il internship cheyy. Go take photo kutty. Aarone btw. Maam are you single by any chance?. Play Akinator,"Hello, I'm Swarag, Actually I wanted to tell a sorry for that review. If it felt somehow bad or seemed off . (I'm a kind of person who always bothers for small things and little overthinking etc .) Entha enn vacha .. In my entire academics, it's rarely found that a woman or a girl is this good interested at hardware projects and etc all .. Usually i had found my friends with good mathematics and software interests . Even if i ask some of my graduated friends from ec / eee about anything related to their project or syllabus they are like... Hey man don't ask me all that .. I'm just doing this somehow for this exam or submission etc all.. And mostly they get placed or switch to software based firm or domains .. So it's rare for me to know about a girl with this good interest for such fields and i heard that you're in second year... That's very impressive thing. Like how you told about that young boy who was in GDC event .. And honestly, the event was good packed with a good scale from basics to little bit of introductory complex stuff... usually i had found that even robotics firm conducts events or workshops like all these things with very basic level like to blink an led, or teach to assemble a predesigned working model and in the end they invite for a course they offer .. literally that's pure marketing... But today's event was different and worth to attend. And most engaging part of the session was the way you deliver it to audience,.. your speaking accent and expressive styles that's what everyone liked more, it's little different from typical mentors or training ppl .. Actually these all what I meant with that Two words of review.. ""The Speaker"". I'm sorry if it made any bad impression or a felt you make like a bad review when my friend showed it... In the end of the day, my thought was stuck that it's Women's Day So just to assure that nothing was wrong by that review and to appreciate this kind of events.. it's great for learners like me and beginners.. Thank you. Happy Women's Day.. Good night ✨✨"
Goodmorninggg🤗,Good morning. Nostu 🤧. Found. Ive to prepare for the speech 🫠. After I come back from kalamaserry? 🫠. I'm sorry
"Yupp np. You pwolikk. Where's the fun if I can't see you🙂. 😂😂. Don't dislike me for saying this, but I have never been this invested in someone's periods🤭. You know you dont look so different without glasses",Really???. I really do look diff thou
Idts. That day you took it off you looked the same. Like 95% similarity. Maybe your pupils dilated thats normal,And u said I look like my dad
This 100%,Ok
Nothing,Paraaaaaaa. Ennaaaa
*turns off camera*. 😂😂,Dude hritik roshan is getting old 😭
Topic?,Ive selected one. The Unbreakable spirit of Women. Since yest was women's day
Broke it that night🫠👀🤣,I'm competing with 40+ vayasss people dude 😭
Sry sry,🙂
"You're the smartest alright? You be humble where you go But once you're on that stage, know that its your game. You play the script. Audience is here to have a good time. Give them a great time I know you can. Age dont matter Sooner you let go of that, the easier it becomes",I needed this ✨. Inna nink oru flower : 🌹. My face is bloated. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀. Ningal enthayirunu ena paranje? 💀💀💀💀💀. Colleagues????. Work partners? 💀. Freaking developer frnds? 💀
"Yeah Our chats are basically this on repeat. Projects, research, papers, hackathons, kodachakram, etc. And then few times she got romantic. I pity her husband. Bro's getting no game",Ever said I LOVE YOU?
Nope. Thought it would break the partnership. Risky,Did u LOVE her?. LOVE LOVE. Like legit LOVE LOVE
"Not really I would've if she took effort. Legit love love happens only when both parties take effort. One side line, not my thing",True that true that. 😂😂
Helen taught me that😂 Certification
Im pausing this topic You focus on toastmasters tto,Yes sirrrr. ✨✨✨✨✨. The middle. I think I'm gaining weight
Muscle weight >>> fat,Wyaa
Im at the mall. Had some gooood food. You?,Oh reached metro. Met three amazing girls inside the bus 😂. I'll tell you. I uhhhhhhh
Para,He looks like milan when he's older
So where is mia. Imagine... if Mia grows up and she's really hawttt,Trueee she will be fssss. Ath ikkkk
Joachii❌Miachii✅,😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Wydddddd. Don't tell me naked
Bet,Warden walks in and dies
Good riddance,Ayayyao 😂😂😂
Arre behnchod saale chud gaya. 😂😂. Tanu nte stickers ind,Longggg hairrrrrr. Wwwwoowkwww 😭😭✨✨✨. Love this 😂😂😂😂😂
I want this poocha,I want Kaiser
I got that dawg in me. I bark I bite,I'm gonna use this now fsss 😂😂
"Oh god no Im erasing that shit by ranting here. ""Daddy njan US le chekkane mathrame nokku. Idw these alavalathi bakery thendis"". If you'll allow me☝🏻",Aloshhhhhhh. I'm inside theeeee metrooo. Don't turn me on here. This my type shiii
"Noted. Getting choked, slapped, spanked, nibbled, licked.. Im hard rn <This message was edited>. No one's here What if I release one🤗",I'm good kutty
My kutty,I'm kattiii with you
Dostii kattii. This asmr turns me on,Dude I wanna go to a chiropractor sooo bad
Me too. Gotta try next time im in kochi,Ukwwwwwwww. One guy died
Guys Plural,Tf bsdkkkk. 😂🤣😂😂. Oh god I love this. I love this sooo much
Bsdk nte artham ariyo?,Hindi theri ik. No artham. What mean?!. Idw be a monk. Mom*
8 months to go,Dude shut up. I'm scared. Istggg
"Either my sperms can teleport into your tubes Or they're dead One is a fact, the other is a lie",Uhhhh
Done miss?,Adichu mwoneeee 😭😭😭😭. 😭😭😭😭😭😭. Ill cry 😭😭😭😭
Uff 🥹🥹🥹,😭😭😭😭. Never in my lifewe 😭😭😭
Big hug 🫂🫂,Yess I need it. 😭
Recite it to me tonight,Jasiiisss message. I could go but uh class 🤧
Saw on linkedin,Wyaaaa. Strawberry scenee. I was super dehydrated
Slept for the first time in my room in 2 months😂. Best sleep ever,Enik mansilayi. Athaa I didnt message athrek 😂. Got work today????
Personal yes Company no,How are you?
Long ans for that😂,😂😂😂. Did u jerk off!. U prolly did alenkil no 2hr sleep 😂
Noo Too tired i just dozed off,God boy. Don't watch porn 😃. U are under rehabilitation
When parole?,Sett I will do it yayyy. Nostu 😂
Ee parvana aara,Ehhh????
LinkedIn il vannatha Nee mutual Apo thought u would know,"Ohhhhh ohhh nink ariyile???. Edeyyy you were with her 88% of the time, tinkerhack 3.0. The one time right next to us, angel and one more girl... The one more girl is this"
Oh dont remember. 88% bruh,Dayummmmmmm. 🔥🔥🔥. I got no idea it's namithas. The whole fit
😂. Single piece?,Nope nope. Top and pants. Both namithas. 🫠🥲
Oh. Looks really good on you,With hair one was firee
You cut your hair after that?,After cutting hair
Nifty?,Nifty anddd?????. 😂😂😂😂
joel?,That's james 😂🤣😂
Ayo. James looks cute You look hot Meanwhile me and Aarone during that time: 🎥🍗🎮💦💦💦,This one is funny affff 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
You guys wear thattam,Tfffff????. This is paliiii. Youuu idiot
Yeah ikuk,Pheww 🤧
Athalle i said 'you guys' as in orthodox. thattum muttum thalam,"We wear the head scarf, like everyone pinalathe. Athilenkii idi kitum 💀"
We have it too Only in Kerala Gulf everyone chill asf. achoda,Realllyyyyyy?. 🪻. Wyddddd wyddd. I'm soooo hungry 🤧
Yeah So what you wore for toastmasters and womens day no... Mummy has to wear that everyday😂. 'Aloshee ninak vere pani illalo. Enna iron this for me. '. Just got out of meet. Working on a brick,"Daddy and mummy same same. Njan veruthe irikumbo they make me iron clothes. I love this outfit ukk, it's like a power 😂😂"
Reached?,Reached by 7.17
Im guessing you played some part here?,Nope 😂😂. Alosheeeeeeeeee. Alosheeeeeeeee. Alosheeéeeeeeeeeeee
Whatt. Superrr. Getting recognized Joannee. I'll call,Yes bosss ✨❤️
talking about your diet with Anu😂,Oh goddd
Nee DBMS padicho????,Good question. I'm putting the blame on you 🫶🏻
ok,Enu theerum ente kashtam. Inuuu ee manileee. Annu marum ente dhukham nishchayam thaneeeeee. Enthatyii sheyame. Daivathin Sneham. Ethra manoharameeeeee
Johnny mone Johnny,I wanna watch a movie
Ipozho? Orumich later. For now akkara,I wanaaasa. Have. Cheesecake 🤧. Blueberry cheesecake. Tiramisu toooooo. Red velvet cakeeeeee. Rasgulllaaaaaaa
Diet fighting back?,"Dudee idkkk what is this. I'll gain weight, if it goes like this"
"Pregnancy cravings can start as early as one week into pregnancy, but are most common in the first trimester. They can continue until the baby is born, but usually start to go away in the third trimester.","Strawberry mojito, now this one whole packet murukkk. Tfffff. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀"
Again it could be your periods,I'm scared
Kutty Revise DBMS,Namitha pissed
Why,Why am I wearing a bra and calling alosh 💀💀💀. She's like how close are you guys. Entha ith. And all. Welll understandable 💀. I'll call
lol. I really want to eat you out. Like a watermelon,"Joanne, you are girl. You should understand that. You can fly, but you should always remember that you are a girl. 💀💀💀💀"
Mummy. I'll call tto,Okay tttaaa
Getting hit on eh. Ashley on call. yap yap yap. Ninne add cheyano?,Orotaadiii vech thanalll undalo
Thanks for keeping mummy busy. I was finishing a script here😂,😑
Akkara?,😑. Don't talk to me alosh. 😑
ok,Net ila?. Send send send. Achoda
Didnt sleep?. Man I really want to sleep beside you,Came to put phone on charge. I'll pass out any time. Tbh. Same 🤧. I miss the warmth
I miss being safe around you,I miss YOU.
Gosh✨,Even thou im angry. 😑🫶🏻✨. Nono wait
Omg u ss me?,Nono I don't this one was accident
Oh please,Was trynna reduce volume apo click clicl. 🪛🪛🪛. Kolum Njan
I kinda like it Keep it,"I dont. Aysheri. Ive on ss of you, like one one. Wait"
Better not be shit,Wanted the band thingy highlighted 😂😂. Cherries 🍒
I think one cherry is about to drop. I noticed one was longer than the other,Ohhhh that that. Adjust cheyyy. Find the mind. Math*
Math the mind??,"Okay me sleep sleep, good night. ✨✨🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻. 🪛🪛🪛🪛"
Goodnight tatatata✨✨✨. Put that dp back Joanne You're really beautiful,Good morning ✨
Goodmorning Joanneee. Horizon is coming to space,Dayum. Imma meet em. Alosh alosshhhh. 🤧. I still haven't gotten my period 🤧
Do you taste metal?,I don't
Wait i'll call,Sowwyyyyyyyyyy
No no. I know im far and I dont wanna ask you to do this Ughh. Would you be comfortable in purchasing a pregnancy swab stick?. Im scared too. Say no rn,"Fuck NOOOO. Ukw we will wait. For me my period doesn't come exactly after a month, never been like that in my life. Comes late by 5 to 10 days. Usual thing. One main reason why I don't memorize dates, no need of it 🤷🏻♀️. Anyways it never comes in the right date. 😂😂😭😭😭😂😂😭😂😂😂"
"Thanks. Deep learning is called ""deep"" because it has multiple layers of neural networks that process information. The more layers a network has, the deeper it is. Deep Learning is the sexiest thing to master. Like a bad bitch who'd do anything.","Ohhhhhhhhh. Yes sir, noted"
Arhan and me had an idea. I like this. and this,Yeah? 😂😂
"So I'm gonna start uploading you to a Vector DB, just like that dude on Reddit did I'll be using multimodals, perhaps SigLIP (for text and vision) and Whisper/Kokoro (speech) And then finetune them on your data Long term vision would be to recreate your personality in text, more so than speech. I think some company is already doing this as a for-profit😂",Joanne 2.0 but virtual 💀. Wowww
I wanna record our calls too. There's a lot of speech data I can crawl from it,Scarlet Johanson reported a case against Open ai. No consent. Same thing I'll do 😃🫶🏻✨
I'll opensource and then you'll have to deal with a whole community. Goodluck lmao,Tf bsdkkkk?
So next time: 1. Wear black. Everywhere 2. Emo. Black. Baddie 3. Be horny asf,Black settt 😂🫶🏻✨
Chud gaya bkl,"😂😂. I was deaddddd. This is soooo true dudee 😂😂😂. I rem searching, girl and boy no clothes kiss 😂🤣😂"
Professional ladyboner. 😂👊🏻,😂🤣🤣😂. You???. Anything? 😂🤣🤣
"I used to download in mummy's phone and always deleted afterwards One morning she was just staring at jesus altar at our flat with phone in her hand. Normally she isn't like this, realized ki bhenchod chud gaye, delete karne bhool gya Caught me on spot. Papa came to save the day saying maybe it downloaded with his movies. Mummy fell for it. Still owe papa a big one. I just wanna sleeeeeep. And a good back massage",Dayummm alosheeeee. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. Papa knows the deal 🤣😂. U wouldn't believe Njan evide anu enu 💀
Evide,Guess what I ordered 😂. One medium fried. Fries*. Veryy imp question. Do u like sauce and noodles?. Do u do that?
Sometimes When there is no masala,💀. I hate it 💀
When I was small we had Heinz,"Such ones, vedi vech kolanam. The OG eh 😂. Mummy's obsessed with Heinz doy mayo 💀. 💀💀💀. Alosheeeee. Idii veno"
I will finetune you tonight And results nokaam,Dude u have our initial texts??. Send ss 😂😂. Reached tinkerspace met Reema. I feel sooo tired idk why
Drink water Joachii,Noo it's like. Ive a lot of things to do today. Can't run away tooooo
"Life. When life gives you lemons, make sarbath and say ""onn poyeda myre""",There's this guy in front of me. MCA something. Yapping yapping yapping. I can't. 😭😭😭
Like meets like🤗😂,"Poda patti. 😭😭😭. I'm trying my max to someoejow stop. M going ""Athe athe athe athe athe 😭😭😭. Yapping yapponggg yappingggg all the time. Tfff. How can people be like this. Yapp yapp yapp"
Same qn when i met you,😑😑😑. 🪛
Which emoji is this,Why u don't have it? 😂. It's a screwdriver. 🪛
ohh. using tools now. I dont remember promoting you from alakkukari,😂😂😂😂😂. Im soooo sleep. Sleeepyyyyyyy. I shouldn't have had the fries 😭😭. I'm sooo sleepy now. I feel soo ugly all of a sudden
I'm really grateful I came into your life and you came into mine. I'm never ever gonna take you for granted. Akash. Tall hottie on right is Abhiram. Guy on phone is binil. Akash and me Wild nights in Polish pub😂. Arduino guys came?. Enthonn?,"Oru reel cheythatha 🤧🤧🤧. I met. Binil, nandakishore, abhiram"
Arduino vanno,"Ilaaa, Reema sent me with rishi to take his lap 🤧🤧🤧🤧"
Yoo cusat karangal,😂😂😂. M exploring 😂
Para para,Uk ayush raj?
Yes,She called the Arduino inside the rover duplicate 💀💀💀. Nobody liked it.💀
Wtf,Yeahhh 💀
"Give me her namd. Name. Reema always treats burger. So gooddd When she comes from home or away, she brings a lot of good food I'll finish within one night🤗",Akash sweet. He dropped me off at Tripinuthara. His house near
🤗. I've seen these guys work their asses off for ERC 2024. Lot of sweat and effort behind those eyes😢🥲,😂😂😂😂😂
Meir,Superrrerr. Polytechnic something yeah
Apo... Sett sett🔥🔥. My girl's the WIT Lead🥵🥵. Of you?,You
😂,Yes you
😂😂😂,Youuuuuuuuuu. 🔪
Yes Joanne I'll send,Alosh: Rehearsing 😂😭😂😭😂
Huh?. Girllllll I really miss cuddling youuu,Achoda 😂😂😂. Ukw. The room unusually light onum ila keriyapo. Turned on the lights
And??,"Two people sitting bedilll. Light on akiii. Nokiyapo, Namitha allll red. She crying. Entho adi in bb team"
"Namitha pro playerrrr. Tell her, ettan believes in her enn",Settt
Hows Namitha. What happened. Eda paavam🥹. That last kaliyakal and making her laugh so wholesome😂,😂😂😂😂. Alee yeah 😂😂😂
Entha pettiye,Bb courtikl fight between the coach and the boys. Namitha told about this to the other kalipann coach. Kalipan coach scene aki 💀💀💀. Now the boys facing consequences. All of em angry at nami now so yeah 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️
Gosh,She's scared Enthenkilum preshnam avarrr ubdakamo
Dudeee. Namitha is so much like that drishyam girl,Oh god 😂😂😂😂
Yeah enne ividenn purathaki Papa😂,Ohhhhh
Kocheeyyyy Go study naale DBMS and Digital,Yes bosss ithonu kazhiyate. +
"15, 16 good girl ayitt Arduino cheyande? Then goooooo",I miss youuuuuu sooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhh. You've noooo ideaaaaaaa. YOU.. YOU YOU YOU. You as Alosh Denny
Yes maam I love you too. Whatup. Came back from mall,Okay sooo im gonna ask for something
Okay,"Rem that one pic u sent me long back 🚶🏻♀️. The body flexing one. The core, the biceps All in one package 🚶🏻♀️😂. Send me that"
Enthina. Edo enthina,Simply asked. Vecho
Veno ninak,Kozhapila. Not bad
I think its this one,This I've. This was the one
Doesnt go out of this chat,Choicho. 😂😂😂😂. Dayummmm. Hawt hawt
Trying to find me. Can you not use her stickers? Pls I've already moved on from Tanu Ninak njan vere theram. Sexy shit Even sexier if you were wearing them🥵,Podaaa thendi. She's 1st yr. Both of em. Istg I wish I had her face
When I say you're hot Its final. Sticker spreeeee✨,Acjodaa you are teaching kids 😭😭😭😭✨✨✨✨
15 yr olds Athil one girl asked for insta. I said enik illa. I miss your belly,"Don't, I hate it"
I loveeeee pressing it. So chubby,You with hair>>. Paranja kelkilalo. Both of us taking class at the same place
Yeah ikik Girls these days... entha cheya. So i cut. Studied?,Doing yeah
Okok continue boss Naale full marks or else no biting,Namitha full kaliyukunuuuu. Saying you are my boyfriend
Well she's right,"Addresses, Alosh my boyfriend non boyfriend. Boyfriend ano enu chodicha ala, Non boyfriend ano enu chodicha athum ala. In between. I'm like, ehhhh 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️. She's saying all of these to her bahrain frnd"
Is this a situationship?. Like what the fuck. Tell Namitha I love you,That's what she says. Situationship
Enna. Nee poi para. Nee ente gf aan enn,Ortadiii
Oh god I love Joanne soooo much dont take her away from me. Prayed this last time I was at church,"Ive seen this one 😂😂. Make this dp, scenee 😂. Bb player?. Or 38D? 😂"
36D dude. She herself told me🤣,She did? Wow
She and her bf Noel are chill Noel used to tell me all thr kinky stuff they did,Para para kekate. 😃😃😃
Not here no😂,Tfff tffff tfff 😂. Ila para para. Para para
Fist. 🙂,Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Tfffffff. Alosh no wayyy. Fist??? Wdymmm???????. Fistttt???. Its thattt big?. Drunkard 😂
I asked how many fingers 1 or 2 Noel showed all his 5 fingers,Two of my fingers hardly fit inside 💀. Omg omg omg. Alosh send me that. Alosh alosh also. Alosh alosh. Please please 💀😂😂💀💀😂. Tanu is veryyy pretty man. 🫠🫠
Who is that cough syrup looking girl? Arduino bitch?,🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
Abhiram and Kurian should kiss,Very hard to soapidalll kurian ngl
Salman lookin fine asl,Desss. Swalah with the same tshirt always like u. Send this again
I think Swalah has 10 copies of the same shirt,Ukw I hate the mosttt????. My cheeks 💀
Fill em up with my special glue. Happiest pic,Omgggg 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹. Soooo cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Achoda 😭😭😭😭. Is that chandanam?
"Yep. I think for Onam this is. Ashley was UKG Me 9th. No phone No laptop. Just me and Ashley fighting all day. The only way to recreate this is by having a daughter. And being a good dad, the best dad. Inna That pic u wanted",Achoda 😭😭😭. U terrorist. You wouldn't have time for your daughter athrek ig idk
I will. Be a good mom and I'll make time for all of us,I'm gonna grow my hair till my kundi. 😂😂😂😂
Yes. Doggystyle will be ticklish. Bc gaand kha hai. First☝🏻,Nami.vcf (file attached)
Edo. Nee cute aa,Okay
Goodnight Joanne. You da best💫,Good night Alosh ✨
Goodmorning Joanne,Good morning aloshhh ✨. Good news hei. I GOT MY PERIOD. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉. 🎉🔥✨
Yesssssssssss. I cleanshaved🤭. Wya,Ehhh send pic. I just got out of digital lab. 38/50. I studied shit 😂. I'm happy😂
Down there😮💨. What'd you get,"4 inputs, 1 output.. 1 if the 1's are even and 0 if odd"
AND gate poree,Desss and or and not tooo
Mm yeah. Boolean function. Forgot,"Elarum saying m got tanned. 💀. I feel disappointed 💀. As a woman 💀. Finally, you changed the yellow tshirt. Karthavinu sthuthiii. Myreeeee. Entha ithhhh"
Aykotee. I changed dw. You look vvvv cute. Still looking vvv cute🤗. I did it today. On the floor in the room And i slipped🥲. Forgot to clean it off,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Superrrrrre
"Majority of girls, ticket book cheyyende last minute aan ozhinje.....package rework cheythu vannappozhekkum train ticket okke theernu.... Ivar final confirmation ittitt oombikkunn njn vicharichilla. Kashmir trip boys only🔥🔥🔥🔥. How was exam??",Hola. Just got done with it. Oru moonjiya exam
Para. Para kocheeyy,Makale in classs. Wyaa???. Wyaaaa
Wya wya wya. Office alaathe vere evide kocheyy,🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Dudeeeeee. I feel soo embarrassed 😭
😂😂😂. Open it Jo,Poda patti. 😭😭😭. Ayayyao. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Superrrrrr 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Reema ingane kore cheypichitund😂😂,Ohh goddddd. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣. I can't stop laughing 🤣😂😭
"Athum I was homeless Literally 3 days same outfit, sleeping at tinkerspace Reema: Nee enthayalum ivide food, coding, orakkam mathram alle? Baa oru reel edukam Me: 💀",Superr I can see that 😂😭😂😭
Enitt i became AI Wednesday organizer,Dude is this bad 😭. My bra strap is visible ayo 😭
Actually you did it really well I was about to say. more fun,Poda. Ente daddy velom kandal ene kolum. Mummy will make a scene from. Frrr
Its fine I didn't even notice,"Uh u sure?. Do I look ugly? 🤧🤧. I'm concerned. Each time I look at it, my eyes seems to be bigger, the next time my ears look weird, aduthathu my lips look small. Entha ith 💀💀💀"
YOU LOOK DASHINGGG. Is this a girl thing?. Like really Help me understand,Yess it is a girl thing. I will yeah. I made a Reema sticker and sent her 😂😂🤣. We were talking and this idea came up 😂
Vere orennam ind,Ayyaao 😂
Im tired I wanna sleep,I'm soo tired too but toasties meeting 🤧
Jim?,Yes jim. Kurian melteddddd fssss 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣. Thomtha thomtha thamaadeemthathanannanan 😂🤣🤣 (malayalam serial bgm) 🤣
Whats today,Dudeeee. My video got shared 244 times 💀💀💀💀. Check check
Famous,Aloshe eda. The bra strap im overthinking 😭. Is it evident?
Nooo. I cant even see it after you told me. Joanne its okay For AI wednesday video I wasnt wearing underwear Thats why Im walking weirdly🤗. Joanne how is your period,All good. Mood swings in between. Understood the reason why I was vetivizhingaling the last couple of days 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️
I have to deal with this for how many days more?😅. had a stroke reading this,5 🫶🏻🪻. I'm craving for watermelons
"If i was there, I would buy you everything. Kashmir trip cancelled Girls oombikalled us. Me Aarone Anton planning to go Thailand. Joe: How do you feel Joachii: I feel sooo good, everything is sooo big here Idkkk, I just feel like a princess here I think this is how it feels like to be rich and stay in a 5 star hotel I love the washroom soo much, bathtub and all. I. 😂. Akkaraaaaa pleaseee. Joe: How do you feel Joachii: Idts your girlfrnd will be comfortable with you watching anime in bed at night and snoopiing the whole day with u Rmb that Sathyam bureau incident?????. To-Do: 1. Read NDA and sign 2. Call recordings",will open. edaaa aint a big fan of kpop butt. watch LIKE JENNIE full video song. youtubee. scvenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Derrick on call. I'll call you back?. Joanne para,Yes yes. Yes yes. Ayo yes 😂😂🫶🏻🫶🏻✨✨. Take ur time kunje ❤️
"Derrick n me discussing about you. Bro's giving me advice. He's chill. Slept?. Sleep well✨✨. Goodmorning Joanneee. Joe: How do you feel Joachii: Im great and all, but I have a question Can I call u? Poda, call me now I'll ask u a lot of things, if you're okay with that Go ahead, ask anything you want to, I don't mind This is getting better😂. Joe: How do you feel Joachii: I feel, if I don't come it'll be a waste of 2 years. I'll feel bad that I didn't try. At the same time, I'm scared of failure. And also, it's far away from home, hard to continue. It's like a dream. Come on, this is a good opportunity, you'll learn a lot. You'll earn a ton. Ufff I do like tech, but I fear the location, and the possibility of getting stuck there. If I go, probably won't be back for a long time. How much does it cost to stay in a hostel? I ask cuz, might be expensive. What if they don’t like me? What I can't cope up? So many questions. But, deep down inside, at the end of the day, we all are scared. Aloshef, alos heff. 1001 questions, 30 questions at a time I have to deal with. Aloshew, donu heefffffffffff. Just go and do it. The feeling of doing something u've never done before and acheiving it will be soooo good. There's nothing to fear of. Go with the flow and u'll enjoy. Good luck! Go and make ur parents proud!! (like how I was going to do an internship in Kottayam, the idea of going away made me freak out, then I realized, u never know until u try it out. So I went, met a bunch of new people, made friends, had fun, learned a thing or two. and now, every time my mind thinks about going somewhere, i'm like, just go. experience new things. it might help u in the future. or even if it doesn't, no harm done. at least u tried, which is better than not trying at all) Goodluck!! You will do great!!! I support u 90% of ur fear is in ur mind. Just ignore it and go there, do something, explore, learn new stuff and come back. This is what I did and I never regretted it later. Ur parents will understand ur fears, so just tell them everything, they will support you and take care of everything. Trust me, its worth it, really it is. Don't hesitate at any point. Everything will go well. Have faith in yourself and God. Do this for yourself, not for anyone else. Be happy and enjoy your life. Love and hugs. Send me a pic once u go!!! Do something and tell me how it went!!! Support urself. All the bestttttt!!! Go go go! Good Luck!!! U'll do good!!! You can contact me anytime. Remember, there's always a solution for everything and anything. God will help you, trust him and yourself. Goooooo! Gooo! You got this! Uff uff, aloshiii Alooshiiii I know u will. Believe in u and ur God U got it girl!! This is worse💀 <This message was edited>. I think it learned from my chat as well, which shouldn't happen🙂↔️",Why is it texting just like me 😭😭😭😭. I'm traumatized. Good morning Alosh ✨
Its got my element too. I woke up hugging my bag thinking it was you😂,Achoda. Did u take a bath?. Did u have food?
"Not yet maam. Did youuuu. What's your fav food? It can include sugar, junk, np","Rakee class. Didn't even show up 😭😂😭😂. She's somewhere, ahhh God knows. We all doing assignments, DBMS. Ghee roast for breakfast Mutton biriyani for lunch The basmati rice combo for dinner. My dream meal schedule 😭😂😭😂"
Nice handwriting,Ayeee this not my handwriting. This is opichu writing to complete shit fast. My real handwriting is 😌✨✨✨
Oh so its even better. Wow. Recreate this sticker with your Muthoot ad😂😂😂,"Oh god no way 😂. Rakeeees home. Next step 😮💨😮💨😮💨. I'm yapping too much ig, u work work. ILL COME DISTURB LATERRRR"
"Its fine yapyap. What if you get hit in the head and become an introvert. Transcribed your audios. We have got a season of come it's well even coming up. So I've been behind that since morning. The GDG one blank posters, GD farms, RSVP, and everything and it stupidly is not working. always behind something else, so with another club. So I've been behind there. Then weekly current. Like I had to work on some lead stuff. Take care of Mia. Make them food, and then clean my bedroom, my daddy's mommy's bedroom. Then I had to Like what? Now I'm working on this since 7 o'clock. That's how my life is, it's kind of busy. Here's the word-for-word English translation of the audio clip: Here is the funny part, okay? Two days ago he come up to me saying that I have not worked with anything. That's the most funny part. So you know what? I don't gonna care. I'm just gonna work on it. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. Khalas, over time. I cannot lie, I hate those seeds, oh my god, my OCD could never. No, like listen, listen. You let me complete, little Lillias. Okay, so yesterday, I took a lot of time to take amazing pics. Like temple pics, also, Belur temple's front. They were taking Belur temple's pictures, but then I saw one Poojari walking by. So, I took Poojari and the temple and all and took an amazing shot. I was so proud of myself. It was so nice. But, yesterday, while--and then yesterday, while Janasna was trying to send all those to her, she was like in a hurry, and then she accidentally deleted those. Like, delete in there, an option came. Like, ""Move all these to the Recycle Bin?"" or, ""Move to the Recycle Bin and directly--""(No, no.) ""Delete the photos directly without moving to the Recycle Bin."" She, in a hurry, took the second option, that is, ""Delete directly without moving it to the Recycle Bin."" So, everything is gone. I was like really sad. She was trying to send all those pictures--but the ones which I took of them, temple pics, the sky ones, the sceneries... Everything went away. and after that it was fine because and then were crying so I said it's fine. Those are just pictures. So I am a person you know group photos then I don't like because if you give 45 minutes minutes full time photos minutes it's good. Okay so I'll be like watching the places and things like that. So yeah I didn't give much importance to the pictures. What was the effort I put out a lot of effort. See, listen, it's not Kulusu, it's Pulusu. Okay, Ayyerda Pulusu. It's not a local thing, it's a global stuff. Oh my God. Today was so bad. Oh my god, I did something bad. I got kicked out first. And then after that... Ayyo, I didn't know. Okay, so basically we were doing things. For 2.35 hours, we weren't getting an experiment. Okay, even after clicking, it wasn't coming up. A little later, out of nowhere, it worked. I don't even know my excitement rate. I was laughing so much and I hit my teammate. Sir came running around and said, ""What happened, what happened?"" I said, ""Nothing, sir, out of..."" (He said something about laughing) So embarrassing, everyone was looking at me. And second of all, it was kind of like a steel chair. Similarly, while getting up, it fell down from my hands twice. Ayyo, it was so embarrassing today. I feel like I should hide inside a good pool right now. I was so hungry, like so hungry, that I had um what? Chapati and omelet. Yay! Did you have lunch, Alosh? I generally feel so sick to a point where I can't even walk. I don't know my internal system ഏത് നിമിഷം അടിച്ചു. എന്താണെന്ന് എനിക്കറിയില്ല. Is it funny? No. Is it something else? Yes. I don't know. I'm sick എനിക്കറിയാം. I know that. I don't know because of what and why. Dude, you know what? I am the only person who took two more additional sheets that is like 10 pages in total. ഞാൻ എഴുതി തള്ളി വരുന്നു. So, I was like the last person to finish writing, okay? And then people were like, നീ എന്ത് ഇത്ര എഴുതുന്നത് എന്നൊക്കെ ചോദിക്കുന്നുണ്ടായിരുന്നു. What are you writing this much. It was all like that. The thing is that I was like writing down random idiotic stuff. I guess I don't know. I was writing a lot. Like, you know, I love writing. So, അപ്പോഴേ എഴുതി. എനിക്കറിയില്ല. pass ആവുമോ fail ആവുമോ whatever I have written like a lot yeah. And the most important thing is, it is weird, like, when you come out, like, people are like, നീ എന്താ ഇത്ര എഴുതികൊണ്ടിരുന്നത് എന്ന് ചോദിക്കുന്നുണ്ടായിരുന്നു. Like so yeah. Uh, I feel so weak, that is what. Other than that, I saw the needle and half my life left me. All the courage also left me. I'm so scared of syringes in my life, man. They took a blood test, and my blood was flowing down in front of me. Couldn't handle that. Then what? I'm dead, basically. I am dead. Yeah, then I already called and they talked to the doctor. And the doctor's wife turned out to be working in my dad's hospital. So everything went okay and Mommy and my dad were just recurring, recurring, recurring. I'm really really very to. Yeah. Hello, okay, my dad called me, like got 100 times. My mom also called 1,000 times. Daddy wants to come Ernakulam and take me home but I'm not willing because Monday I got OS and COA together I can't fuck those up. So yeah. I am so hungry. So fucking hungry at this moment. You seriously don't know how to deal with sick patients, no? That's why you ask ChatGPT what to ask sick people, no? The talking, I mean, I was at the hospital. I got to friends quarreling with me again, and then they were like, ""Uh, you were drinking that? That is glucose. That's sugar. You shouldn't do that. Do you know how many calories that is?"" They were like basically making fun of me because, you know, right? This sugar thing guys they are wrong. And even the doctor was like, ""Can Madhuram കഴിക്കാറുണ്ടോ?"" (Do you usually have sweets) I said no. Okay, you should have more fruits. And then occasionally you should have the glucose stuff. You know, that this powder. What do you call it? Glucody or the green packet. And thinking you should have that I was listening to it. It felt like a nightmare. Now, now I was like, thought, if you said, I'm going to buy tons of sugar doesn't mean I'm going to make you have all that. Well, I'm not going to have it, first of all, no. Don't make me say anything. If I had an AK-47 right now, you know, I would put it on the chest of every woman lying here and shoot them, because I'm that angry, because I really loved that chain so much, and some bitch took it. Ugh, I hate people. I don't know. I'm not a very big fan of Mandi, like. You Mandi, you are a Mandi most of the time, no? So, I'm not a very big fan of Mandi. I like Alfam, only from the place in front of my college. That's where I've had the best Alfam. I wish we could talk to inside this, you know. Would have been nice if it was possible to talk to. It's fine. I'm getting nauseous. Like, what the fuck? Oh my God, why would someone do this? Like, for real? Oh. I only have six minutes. Don't waste my time by telling stories. Can you believe something? I was listening to someone the whole time. Like to us, just listening, what they're saying. I'm a good listener too, damn. Okay, so he came talking to me. I was like kind of alone the whole day. Like I had things to do, but like I can't come and go to full time with that, right? So in the middle, I think I just restarted the Techfest and event under All that's going to happen. So at 3:30 all my classes ended and after that I was there I was I was heading home because I was so tired. At that time, that person from the sports ground called me, ""Hey, Jewel."" I said, ""Yeah, hi."" And then like we just talked and then he's like what plans for Valentine's? I said, ""Nothing much."" I'm like, I just listen to Harikrishnan songs because Harisankar songs. Oh Harikrishnan Harishankar, you know, he's coming for the Techfest, no? I said, yeah. Um, any Valentine or anything? I said, no. And then it's too nice. He said, ""You look pretty good. Uh, you rejected me."" Like Instagram request it up. I don't let anyone in. then oh wow. And then he kept on talking and then he said said do you like to be, you know, like if there's no one else, is it okay if you become my Valentine? I was like, I don't know. I was listening to talk for like two hours. I'm going to he kept on saying you look good, you look nice, you have good hair, you have good face, no pimples. I said, which look at this pimple. Uh yeah, he kept on flattering me all the whole time, I don't know. If anyone gets to know that I rejected this dude, everybody's going to like fucking swear at me because he's like he's got like he looks like Baki Hanma. Yeah, like that. He's got good hair. 6-4. Super build up. Doesn't matter. I don't care. Yeah, well, like he was like talking about his life. I just kept listening. That's it. I didn't say anything because that's when I realized, hey, mama good listener too. It's on just me yapping all the time. He is known like the Saint College. Yeah, one minute. Same hair, same height. It's all pakka pakka. He was playing cricket over there. That's what he said. Super. Okay, after the class, instead of cake, we changed things and ordered Domino's. So we did all that. After that, we got the cake, and from the site, we had collected cold water in a bucket. We held her down. She was really strong and was trying to get away, so we held her down. Then we poured it over her head like that. Ugh. Super. Oh my god. I am liking this, oh my god. Look at what you're saying, is she a girlfriend? That's the worst choice. themo, are you not sensible? Because she's got fucking senses. Oh, I would love to talk to him like for real. I'll be like, ""Hey, Ashley, how are you?"" I'm Johan, the girl he's talking about. He's so annoying, but we can team up and annoy him together. You in? In the club, we are fame. Dude, I called those people. They were like, you can come for free. If at all you are attending some workshops or other stuff only, you have to pay. That's it. Wow, it's so free. ഞങ്ങളിവിടെ ശ്രേഷ്ഠ തെക്ക് ഇവന്റിനൊക്കെ വി ആർ ചാർജിങ് 250 പെർ പേഴ്സൺ. Yes, I I killed my pants. I corrected. എന്റെ എല്ലാം waist size എല്ലാം correct ചെയ്തു. It's amazing now. Yes, I'm thinking of wearing this fit. Make on when I come and eat it or something too. Looks nice. Okay. And today, I am wearing Liz Maria's dress. I'm wearing her top, I'm wearing my pant. I'm carrying one handbag with me. That's it. And yeah, some lipstick. No, no, no, no, no. Don't like don't think like that. I'll initiate this even I want to, I'll initiate this and think this first. I'll talk to Rima today. I'll call her and then talk about this and she'll probably understand where this is coming from. Uh, no worries, I don't give a fuck. I am gonna do this. And then on 16th, I'll just initiate this. Like real real. Ida, I tried calling my dad in Niyama. It's like, ""Daddy went to Thailand."" I was like, ""What the fuck?"" And then they say, ""Daddy left four, what do you call it, four MREs and left."" What? Daddy, I'm not able to reach daddy. And then, who are you going to ask for permission? Oh my god. It's too bad. My Hyderathon is happening right now. And I'm just going because when I woke up in the morning around eight and the call. Whenever I try waking up, it comes back again. I couldn't wake up. It's still there. when I'm walking down the hill, the courage because Oh, I don't know. They're so hurried. Oh my God, why did this have to happen to me right now? Alright, it's okay. I'll figure the sound. Yeah. Yeah, people are sort of, you know, curious for subtitles, you know, posters. But uh yeah, it's fancy for that. Then there's like a lot of anime t-shirts, which is like 700 and stuff. But stuff's good. Then there's a lot of badges, too. Badges are like 50 rupees, yeah. The best decision I made today was to try this one coconut pudding, which was on like you know, store inside store was there. So first when just friends were like eating, um, they brought me saying, you'll like Jone, Jone will like. And then my friend brought and gave, saying, try, try, you will like. I'm like, I'm not sure. They said, no, no, no, it's like made for you. I said, why? Tasting it, it had zero sugar and it was just like, you know, coconut, coconut only. No sugar was there. I was so happy. I had a little slice. And after that I felt so guilty for having it. You know. Some people's Python is not setting up. Some people's path is not setting up. Some people's notebook is not starting. Oh my God, some people are getting errors. If I call one place, the next person will call. Oh my God. One and a half hours is very cardio for me. They are calling everywhere. It was supposed to be until 2 o'clock, but it stretched a bit. Now it's almost 3 o'clock. It will be over soon, it will be over soon, it will be over soon. Arundhati didn't come, but then I talked to Reema. Reema said, ah, okay, okay, okay, okay. She's like, it's settled, do it, do it, there's no problem. And I also talked about the session. She says, ah, do it, do it. What is it, if you want to do it? No worries, full support. It was just like that. I said, okay. Plus, she was in a huge hurry. She left around 12:30. Because she's having cold and she seems so sick, like her face was super red. I'll rub you the very good time over your eyes now. Okay, now I'm going to tell you what happened right now. And then he was like soap, was that like soap. so point is. Ayo, he wrote down. He noted down my number and my dad's number. And then like all of the second years', all their numbers, their parent's numbers. And then he pointed at me and said, ""Joanna, you watch out. I'm going to cut you. I have work to do on you."" Ayo the thing is. And then the sir said, ""If you don't show up to the meeting tomorrow, for sure you're done for."" You know what he was saying, he was laughing too. The thing is he knows about James. So, he's trying to scare me like that. I'm gonna call dad and tell him. I mean I hope you wouldn't. I said sir, I understand what sir meant but it's not there now. Sir needs to understand that. And then he said ""Either way, tomorrow definitely need to meet. I said, ""yes sir, of course."" Okay, so since I'm the president of Toastmasters, last two weeks meetings are not conducted and was kind of pissed. So he called me to his office, like me, Matthew, and other second years who are in the club. And then he was like, ""എന്താ നിങ്ങടെ ഉദ്ദേശം? What are the future plans for the club?"" I was saying, ""Sir, we're going like this only."" And he's like, ""എന്താ മീറ്റിംഗ് നടക്കാത്തത്?"" So the thing is he doesn't understand. Okay, since ഫെസ്റ്റ് ഒക്കെ ഉള്ളതുകൊണ്ട്, everyone was busy with stuff, so nobody could attend the meetings. Good morning. Yeah, I just took a bath and I came back and take took a look at my eyes. It's like red in color. Oh my god. Lack of sleep. I am so proud of myself because my crocs looks whiter than your Colgate powder. Like it's shining. Wow. I should really start another business. the best thing is when I got off from the Metro, I didn't know which which direction to go in order to get to the railway station and stuff. So there was a chatter like rushing. so I understood that he's going to the railway station too. I asked him which direction to go. he said direction I know I said yeah direction. we walked angotteke ennitu asked me engotta. I said Koikott then he said Express Yes same. I'm going to. that he's taking me to somewhere. I mean no not like that. We are here. The number of people over here is like too much. Um, well, yeah, let's see. Okay, here's the word-for-word translation: ""I just hope I don't die. My trauma pushes me out from 3:00 AM when I die. Yay!"" To be honest, there was no need to rush this much, because it's still five, it's 5:25, and still your train hasn't arrived. Wow. Oh my god, now the train mummy is here. She's gonna pass by. The train here now 12075 train is gonna pass by now. Oh God, I hope, she doesn't know that Namitha is not with me. Oh God. Okay, so I hopped into general class and it was like the worst place ever. So smelly, it was so bad. Worst thing is, then, in front of the side, in front of the side. And then I went to the place and I was like there were a couple people standing over there. I don't know. Then they started to talk about something, I was like is there any place over here, something with that one person. Then I talked and I said is there any space over here, I don't have a ticket. They were like do you not have a ticket? I don't have one, I need to take a general ticket but I don't have any money. And then we were waiting for the community to go and because like that. And then, each channel, and the other channel, and there were so many channel members here, and then they started coming here, you know. See, put on your ""sarikkari"" (police uniform), they told me. Then, this one channel came to me and gave me this ticket and said, ""Your police, keep it in your hand."" I was like, ""Huh? Police?"" He was so kind and he gave me his ticket. അതുകഴിഞ്ഞ് എന്നിട്ട് ചേച്ചി വന്നതിനുശേഷം ചേച്ചി அங்கேயிருந்து சூப்பர் க்ளாஸ் பத்தாவது சைடு அதர் பர்த் சம்திங் 36 37 समथिंग with that. I went and slept over there and I woke up in the morning. Then I came back and I gave the ticket back to the police. It was like, I don't know. It was good. I thought I'd be stuck in the general class but then God's plans, yes. When socialize and when you meet new people, it was like a whole new experience. It was nice. It was good. I don't know. It was so random. I was wondering how I ended up in this general compartment, because it was that bad. One nice thing happened, I just stood on the side. I met some people and one turned out to be a police and he gave me a ticket and I got upgraded to a sleeper class. I slept over there and the TT came there and even I socialized with the TT. He said, where are you going? I asked him, he said, he's from Jharkhand and he also asked me that. That's how we spoke, and then he also asked for rupees, and then I gave him 100 rupees. Wow! That was a whole new experience. Okay, so after getting the memento, we went to have like chai and stuff, okay. As him, the whole time Irfan was hugging onto the memento. He was not letting it go. Like a baby gets a toy car or something. He was like, at the same time he was like, full time, . all the time. Oh, but you had a heated in the morning. When I woke up, it was just saying. Word. അതിൽ കൂടെ എയർ മാത്രമായിരുന്നു ഇരുന്നത്. It was coming up because the rest I couldn't I couldn't talk properly. It was that bad. ഞാനിപ്പോ I had some hot water. Now I'm like this. Everyone came to my house, came to my house, saw my father, spoke, had a nice time, went out and had food with them. Then they went up. Now that we are at Kubaba, had Mandi. I didn't even eat a quarter of a quarter after I ordered. I was so full. I don't know I was on the mood. I gave my whole Alfam piece to Jeevan. I don't know, the capacity of guys is like too much. Yeah, daddy as usual inside the car was advising me on that. He was saying, ""You can do this, you can do that, you can do that, you can do that,"" all the time. He was like, ""You want to try to be a man, you can do that, you can do that, you can do that,"" such. Hey, this guy, I shouldn't blame him for quitting. With just a CPR Honors degree, how will we get a new job? We won't get a job with just this. I told Daddy, no matter why you quit, you won't get a job. I don't know, my mood is very bad right now. When one changes his opinion, one changes one's thinking that is a lot. Just suit and I want to run away from... I want to grow a lot more, but then I don't know how I will if my dad keeps something things up like this. I've been trying for almost two years now and there's no progress. God knows when this livelihood change for real. My siblings are so fucking corrupted to avoid that, I don't know what to do. So Njan, I was like, Mea and Minachun called me to play a game. I was like, okay fine. Njan varam. We were playing the game between it was so hot, so I told them okay, njan korache fridge-ne kurache paal odichittu varam. Appo Minachun sided-yinnu, Njan tharanthadhaa madi Jayanthi Chechi. I was like, what the fuck. Then everyone went into the silent mode. Miya started laughing a lot, Minachun and the evil laugh. Oh, God, ee ivarude okke prayathil Njan mannu vaari kalikkaayirunnallo. Poor Meesun, what happened to him? So, are you sure that I should go for the blue one? Or there's another, right? Blue or red? I have, I have no idea. I'm like super confused. So, I'm on the way to the church nearby the college. It's an Orthodox one, Saint George. So, in these two years, it's my second time visiting the Pally. Note the point, second time. Yeah. Yeah. [Malayalam phrase]. So, [Malayalam phrase]. Today's [Malayalam phrase] is, I had one more puffs. <laughing> So, I'm trying to burn that. Some distance away, there is this Pally, so I'm walking, walking, walking. Hey, when I compare the age of the other people in college to that of the teachers, she's very pretty. Like, so cute. By the way, let me ask you something. When you sit inside this moving train and look at your phone, you don't feel nauseous or what? Dizzy or motion sickness or whatever? Don't you feel anything? The thing is, I just got rid of my externally goth things. But, aalkar kaanaathirikaan vendi ennu thonnunu. I still love black so much. That's why everything, every single underwear, bra, whatever, every single thing is black. Like black, black, black, black, black. I don't know, I just love it so much. It gives me this oru vibe, oru energy. Next time, I should go for extra bright pink. Let's see. I know what the problem is in that, they say it's a good event. But then, only 25 people have registered. ₹50 is ₹50 rupees. So, that, um, everyone is from outside college. That is the principal problem. I am not a part of this TEDx one. They simply just asked, ""Do you want me help?"" And they're like, ""We need a speaker to go and go to every class."" I was like, ""Okay."" Enikku etavum ishtam enikk Duke University-il irikkaand irikkanda. Yeah, main thing, I asked her to help out, so because I need to leave for class. Otherwise, the class is boring, class. So, I'll get duty leave, then I can do whatever I want. Yippee! I have an incident that, when our seniors, one published, they got it for people. And when I went and published everywhere, we got 32 people in my life. Not like how you're thinking, hey, this has a certain steps. There are steps. According to those steps, only then, they will give marks. Got it? So those steps, you have to learn by heart, study and write according to it. That's why I study and go for such exams. That's right. I'll study then. Hello. Aarum class-il illa. Aake paade IDC, Excico members aanu full black-il. Ande idekke eee njaan class excico member aanennu paranju ennae vellichondhu avan class-il keriyou. But I went for that and I really look like an IDC member. I mean, ya Exxico. I swear to God, I have no idea how you bagged this hottie. Like, swear. Ladies and gentlemen, look at this child and second, looking at the right, wearing a black shirt, I mean sorry, a white shirt with I don't know, some sort of a design. It's good, it's good. This one is good. As Badwan, it's nice. Homeless. Dude, why does this college - Is this a college? Is it supposed to be a college? This place looks amazing. This place seems so futuristic, like, oh my God. What would the fees be here now? I'm jealous. Look at the seating arrangement. It is centralized AC. Oh my God, I'm so fucking jealous. Ugh, I'm gonna struggle with this essay. I didn't wear any proper, my nipples are hard. It is very evident. Amazing. Imagine in between the session something like it's hard. Ooh, my nipples are getting hard literally. The session just got over and everyone is so happy with it, including me, it's so fun. Oh, I loved it, man. They all came up to me saying, Joya chechi, idhuvare ithrayum fun ayitt oru session iranittille, ingane manasile session illayirunnu. So happy, oh yeah, I'm so happy. I mean there were a lot of guys over here and one guy showed there there a speed about something. Uh one guy just came up to me and showed me some other person's phone and the question goes for and what do you like the most about the event? And then he was showing what his friend typed the speaker. Oh my God. I was not part of the subcom. I was not part of the Execom. I was not part of anything. Ha, but I got a free pass into this, he he he. It's because I had the promotion. I got the goodies. I got a Execom in unity t-shirt. Pinne I got a I got a mug. Pinne a lot of other things here. Hey, wasn't it you who got a pro show ticket? When are you going, little one? Okay, Kochu, I'll hit you, hit you, hit you, break you, and I'll stop you like that. How dare you be disrespectful? Hahaha. Yeah, these people are providing dinner too. So I have to go eat dinner. After that I'll get to the hostel. Call me, okay? <This message was edited>. See how rich the data is?? It's so you There's more you in the audios than in the chats!!!. Joachhii, read through the NDA and suggest any changes Sign when you're ready You keep a copy, I keep a copy","Dudeeee, is this me or the model? 💀. Tffffffff. It's soooo me 💀😭. This is weird 😭😂😭. Mmmm wokehies"
No this is the transcript. Tbh I'm scared of losing you,All of a sudden enna petti!
Thinking long term,"Kocheyyyy. I'll be here ❤️. Read these!!! 1️⃣. “Talk Like TED” by Carmine Gallo It breaks down the presentation secrets of top TED speakers, focusing on storytelling, passion, and authenticity. 2️⃣. “Speak With No Fear” by Mike Acker Offers strategies to overcome the fear of public speaking with practical exercises. 3️⃣. “Steal the Show” by Michael Port Provides tools not only for public speaking but also for commanding attention in everyday conversations. 4️⃣. “The Art of Public Speaking” by Dale Carnegie A timeless classic that offers foundational public speaking principles. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DD_edPXS-CQ/?igsh=MWl1MmRjNzNhZjF4bg== Reactivated this one"
How many of these have you read?,0 😭😂😭😂. 88.2k m happy 😭😂😭. Did u have food?
Not yet. Intermitten fasting. 12 hrs gap. What did you have,Ehh why?. Trynna loose weight?. Nothing 😎
Muscle. Building lean. Joanne 19 Eat please. Atleast brunch,Yes yes lunch
"Im watching ted talks Now more recently CEO podcasts Articulation, humor, anthropomorphication of inanimate objects, etc. Really key stuff you can pickup only from visuals. What did you have??",Uhhh
??,Ye. Chapathi omelette
🔪🔪🔪,Mm. U?
Chicken strips Lunch,I wanna make a kinky joke
Para,Joanne Strips Dinner. Wydd wyddd
Sticker came back to me😂,Ithenenna?. Kya hua. Did anything go wrong?
Nono Just fkn w them😂. They're like: How does Alosh know what Joanne said to Akash. And I played dumb. How do you feel? I feel like a baby <|endassistant|>,"Good. Play dumb. Idw Joanne talks in cusat. Afternoon was shit, will tell u. Bhaki good"
No this is the model speaking. Oh tell me. More data lmao,😑😑😑
I miss you. Joanne withdrawal symptoms. Yep. Zero sugar means zero calories from the sugar they use There might be additives that contribute to meta calories,Enna ppd
I asked company to switch to new Vectordb. Im learning Might upload you on there too <This message was edited>,I cut my finger
So now two parts of your body are bleeding. Wow. Just woke up Good nap I dreamt I was in your lap. Did you watch thissss I'll keep sending memes. Irresponsible daughter. Thootal pidicha makkal sheyy,😂😂😂😂😂
Wait Charge over. 2 mins,Oh shiv
Ep 14. Im coming. Goodmorning Joanne,Good morning alosheee ✨
Damn. Did you dry your hair properly?,I did but not dry yet. Still wet 😂😭😂
Not eating I assume?😂,"Lunch lunch. Shit 8 mins late. I'm scared. Hope it's GT, she doesn't care, she friendly. OS anenki thheernnn"
Really wanna lose weight? Go for intermittent fasting Maintain a decent 12-16 hour gap between meals And you can still eat rich <This message was edited>. Rakhee called me at 11 last night about paper😂. Some NBA stuff going on,"Imma try. Dayum, it's DBMS.. He said he's leaving now 🚶🏻♀️😂. Yess thanks to them, we are getting a lot of free periods 😂. More than the students, the teachers are more scared and concerned cuz of their visit"
Yeah I heard. They'll just show your poster and A+ accreditation orappa. Had food babygirl?,Having biriyani. I'm sad. 🥺
Still on periods,I feel aloneeeee wtff. Biriyani and sad music wow
Think of me,Kandooo. U don't even care
I said. Think of me. And you,U don't even care to call meee. Ini venda
Oooh. Not gonna pickup?,Fuck I hate periods 😭. I don't like you 😭
Ok. Your future husband's calling. Might lose him forever if you don't pickup,"I checked yeah 😂. Eee timings and all, impossible 😂"
"Sat Sun, take a two day leave And Sat evening povam",Athe athe athe idi veno?. First lemme seee appan samadikuvo. M scared to ask him. 🫠🫠🫠🫠. He'll say no fs 🫠. Come home enu parayum
You gonna come,Say when ✨
I wanna dance with you!!!. Rnnn,"Ukwwwwwwwwww 😂. 5 os experiments, Wrote all the algorithms inside the record + compiled alll these and got sign. Within 2hrs. Namma scene 😂✨🫶🏻. Writing + coding. Shyo I'm proud of myself"
I wanna teleport to you rn,