I0324 19:24:55.721395 23400874761600 export_graph.py:33] Total of 129778 non-leaf categories | |
I0324 19:25:04.394398 23400874761600 export_graph.py:44] Total of 2418214 pages | |
I0324 19:25:05.665017 23400874761600 export_graph.py:49] Missing 121793 pages | |
I0324 19:27:06.324170 23400874761600 data_model.py:62] Saving graph to out/data/wikipedia/v2/full/full_graph.json | |
I0324 19:27:33.055062 23400874761600 data_model.py:62] Saving graph to out/data/wikipedia/v2/full/graph_depth_1.json | |
I0324 19:27:33.093655 23400874761600 data_model.py:62] Saving graph to out/data/wikipedia/v2/full/graph_depth_2.json | |
I0324 19:27:37.239267 23400874761600 data_model.py:62] Saving graph to out/data/wikipedia/v2/full/graph_depth_3.json | |