Níor ṁair sí aon ḟaid aig an ainṡriċ,
Níor ṁair sí aon ḟaid aig an ainṡria
na n-diaiḋ
na n-diaiḋ.
reannain, a co
reannain, a comet,
'Sa brollaiġe cailce tarraingṫe
'Sa brollaiġe cailce tarraingṫe
LOTS—in parcels or singly, from $75 up. Also
LOTS — in parcels or singly, from $75 up. Also
jolly and cheerful. When they were here making
jolly and cheerful. When they were here making
whom by name, or actions relating te Ireland,
whom by name, or actions relating to Ireland,
themselves. Any man of ordinaty intelligence,
themselves. Any man of ordinary intelligence,
the Irish vote. So much for our bigoted Demo-
the Irish vote. So much for our bigoted Demo-
Laḃruiġeann fórḟuagraḋ an Tamall
Laḃruiġeann fórḟuagraḋ an Tamall-
aca air feaḋ na h-oiḋċe 'san grianán,
aca air feaḋ na h-oiḋċe 'san grianán,
D. C., and others founded in Dublin a society for
D. C., and others founded in Dublin a society for
Casaḋ an óig-bean orm 's an t-sliġe;
Casaḋ an óig-ḃean orm 's an t-sliġe;
You should be proud to speak the tongue your fa-
You should be proud to speak the tongue your fa-
GROCER of the DAY,
GROCER of the DAY,
therwise the conplete defeat of the ticket.
therwise the complete defeat of the ticket.
st. Brooklyn N. Y.
st. Brooklyn N. Y.
Séamus Mahon 'sa ġunna 'gus Saesar
Séamus Mahon 'sa ġunna 'gus Saesar
ann á sgoil, agus ba ċóir ḋó 'iad do ċus
ann a sgoil, agus ba ċóir ḋó iad do ċur
M. DEELY, Merchant Tailor, No. 316 Gold st.
M. DEELY, Merchant Tailor, No. 316 Gold st.
that they are being reprinted, ard as soon ts they
that they are being reprinted, ard as soon as they
Le spreagaḋ mo láṁ
Le spreagaḋ mo láṁ
corruiḋe air biṫ obann na h-inntinne.
corruiḋe air biṫ obann na h-inntinne.
If the Cat had a Fortune,
If the Cat had a Fortune.
ḃur n-daṫaṁlaċt féin ann ċoimaiṫa a5; .
ḃur n-daṫaṁlaċt féin ann ċo maiṫ.
municate with the Secretary, Gaelic
féidir le mo léiġṫeoiriḃ mé aiṫniuġaḋ,
féidir le mo léiġṫeoiriḃ mé aiṫniuġaḋ,
M. J. Lógan.--
M. J. Lógan. —
His undoubted honesty, his prudent zeal, and well-
His undoubted honesty, his prudent zeal, and well-
ní go d-ti sin, beiḋeaḋ m' iarrċuiṁne
ní go d-ti sin, beiḋeaḋ m' iarrċuiṁne
Ṫóig sé 'na ḋiaiġ sin a inġean ḟéin mé
Ṫóig sé 'na ḋiaiġ sin a inġean ḟéin ma
HOUSES—Here, I shall mention a few whic
HOUSES — Here, I shall mention a few which
a large number who spoke the language denied all
a large number who spoke the language denied all
manners, habits and langrage, should have no
manners, habits and language, should have no
Tá 'n Briaṫar na ḟocal a ḟuagruiġ
Tá 'n Briaṫar na ḟocal a ḟuagruiġ-
Tréigiḋ ḃur ṫrom-ṡuan gan an,
Tréigiḋ ḃur ṫrom-ṡuan gan an,
or word by the late Mr O Lengan—one of
or word by the late Mr O,Lengan — one of
ceudna 'nna measg. Nach maiṫ 'n díol
ceudna 'nna measg. Nach maiṫ 'n díol
Dégnaḋ gan iadsan slAgus ta ṁ-nṫiḋṫin
déanaḋ gan iadsan; Agus dá ṁ-beiḋdis
different classes, according to their
different classes, according to their
Is iomaḋ cart uisge, go deiṁin, do ḋín
Is iomaḋ cart uisge, go deiṁin, do ḋín
A Ṡaoi Ionṁuin :-
A Ṡaoi Ionṁuin:-
! agus neirt ċúṁaċda air ṁiantaiḃ noċ
agus neirt ċúṁaċda air ṁiantaiḃ noċ
"ġéim, stain, reproach,
béim, stain, reproach,
fuaramar brontanas : agus áṫas mór
fuaramar brontanas: agus áṫas mór
ear reeurirection wlace Isiwhich are
dear resurrection place is which are
deir muidne, leis an mian ceudna,
deir muidne, leis an mian ceudna,
From pre christian times the Kelts of Ireland,
From pre christian times the Kelts of Ireland,
dar a riaṁ. Aċt, mar duḃairt an sean
dar a riaṁ. Aċt, mar duḃairt an sean
ċaḋ sé mé le easonóir. Ná truailliġeaċ
ċaḋ sé mé le easonóir. Ná truailliġeaċ
Unsa d' or a ḃeil air gaċ aon teaċ.
Únsa d' ór a ḃeiṫ air gaċ aon teaċ,
cur! who neither can eat corn himself, nor will allow
cur! who neither can eat corn himself, nor will allow
much respec'ed priest, very Rev. Daniel Canon
much respected priest, very Rev. Daniel Canon
Lots from $75, and Houses from $1.000Tup.
Lots from $75, and Houses from $1.000 up.
which has been mailed to every shareholder). Bí
which has been mailed to every shareholder). By
religion.”—Albany, N. Y., Catholic Telegraph.
religion.” — Albany, N. Y., Catholic Telegraph.
Fáisg uile láiṁ go teann,
Fáisg uile láiṁ go teann,
Yet for Ireland I'd tell not her name.
Yet for Ireland I'd tell not her name.
smuit, mist,
its Shrines. They also in the year 843 in an ex-
its Shrines. They also in the year 843 in an ex-
of Irish birth or extraction become subscribers,
of Irish birth or extraction become subscribers,
ver, M. A., Romford, Essex, a Vice President of
ver, M. A., Romford, Essex, a Vice President of
his blind mother, esco-ting her to church every
his blind mother, escorting her to church every
N. P. C. Society.
N. P. C. Society.
In small sales where the consideration does not a-
In small sales where the consideration does not a-
Smith, Capt. Spearman, Spellman, Young, D.
Smith, Capt. Spearman, Spellman, Young, D.
If they add but one gleam to the glory,
If they add but one gleam to the glory,
tir na h-Éireann;
tir na h-Éireann;
T. Cassin for Ċountġ Clerc.
T. Cassin for Countġ Clerc.
As land of saints, as land of song,
As land of saints, as land of song,
Thy grand traditions are not dead,
Thy grand traditions are not dead,
been oigunlged hr the F.C.8.
been organised by the P. C. S. for the
the Past !
the Past!
Cox, George Noble Plunkett. Esd ; R. J. Duffy,
Cox, George Noble Plunkett Esq; R. J. Duffy,
Mar ṡampla; buail, bualaḋ. Tá an
Mar ṡampla; buail, bualaḋ. Tá an
a ċuir fearg air ċo neaṁṫoileaṁuil, a
a ċuir fearg air ċo neaṁṫoileaṁuil, a-
"Ní ṡeaḋ go fóill, a Riġ,"laḃair anSacs,
"Ní ṡeaḋ go fóill, a Riġ," laḃair anSacs,
as good as any we have yet seen in print.
as good as any we have yet seen in print.
nuaḋaċt as an t-séan tír timċioll dliġ-
nuaḋaċt as an t-sean tír timċioll dliġ-
view; for the demand for the class of books it
view; for the demand for the class of books it
agus 'sí leanaṁain de sin, go naċ féid-)
agus 'sí leanaṁain de sin, go naċ féid-
LOTS, College Point, L. I. —A choice plot
LOTS, College Point, L. I. — A choice plot
LOTS, College Point, L. I. —A choice plo
LOTS, College Point, L. I. — A choice plot
Persuaders (sugar coated Pills), and Aunt Betsey’ Green Ointment
Persuaders (sugar coated Pills), and Aunt Betsey’s Green Ointment.
g-coinne —