Audit Rights
Changepoint's independent certified auditors will have the right, exercisable not more than once every twelve (12) months, to inspect upon reasonable notice and during End User's regular business hours, End User's relevant records to verify End User's compliance with the terms of this Agreement and/or Changepoint's compliance with its obligations to Changepoint.
Audit Rights
Upon reasonable prior written notice to Operator, Owner shall have the right during normal business hours to audit or examine all books and records of Operator to the extent they relate to Operator’s performance hereunder as well as the relevant books of account of Operator’s contractors, relating to the performance of Operator’s obligations under this Agreement. Operator shall cooperate with Owner’s auditors by (i) making the applicable books <omitted> and records available for inspection by Owner’s auditors, and (ii) making such copies of books and records as may be reasonably requested by such auditors. In no event shall Owner’s audits unreasonably interfere with Operator’s operations.
Audit Rights
Upon completion of all audits performed, IBM will provide written documentation to MSL of the audit results in the form of an audit report.
Audit Rights
From time to time, but not more than twice per year, NETGEAR may request access to information about the Distributor's business reasonably required to insure that Distributor is in compliance with the terms of this Agreement and the Distributor will grant the right for a NETGEAR representative to visit the Distributor's place of business during normal business hours at a mutually agreed upon time to examine such information.
Audit Rights
Inspections conducted under this Section 10.5 shall be at the expense of the Inspecting Party.
Audit Rights
Promptly upon expiry of such Work Stream, other than the Molecular Information Platform Program, FMI shall provide a final written report summarizing its activities under such Work Stream and the results thereof.
Audit Rights
Manufacturer shall obtain the right for Customer to audit, at Customer’s expense, any such Third-Party warehouse upon reasonable prior advance written notice and during normal business hours
Audit Rights
In order to verify statements issued by MSL and Subsidiaries of MSL and compliance with the terms and conditions of this Attachment 6, IBM or MS may, at IBM's or MS's sole discretion, cause (i) an audit to be made of MSL's and/or MSL's Subsidiaries' books and records and/or (ii) an inspection to be made of those portions of MSL's and/or MSL's Subsidiaries' facilities and procedures reasonably necessary to verify such compliance. Except as otherwise provided in the Agreement, any audit and/or inspection shall be conducted during regular business hours at MSL's and/or MSL's Subsidiaries' facilities, with at least forty-five (45) calendar days prior written notice. Any audit and/or inspection shall be conducted (other than on a contingent fee basis) by an independent certified public accountant which is either (1) jointly selected by MSL and IBM (or MS, as applicable), (2) has been agreed to by the Parties for any prior audit of any MSL/IBM (or MS, as applicable) license or agreement, or (3) has been agreed to by IBM and MS for any prior audit of any IBM/MS license or agreement.
Audit Rights
At E.piphany's written request, not more frequently than annually, HSNS shall furnish E.piphany with a signed certification verifying that the Application is being used pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement and applicable Order Forms.
Audit Rights
EKR shall during business hours, on no less than 14 day’s notice from PPI and not more than once in any Calendar Year, make available for inspection the records <omitted> and books referred to in Section 7.2.
Audit Rights
You agree to submit financial and operational reports and records and documents to us at the times and in the manner specified in the Manual or other written instructions.
Audit Rights
In the event such audit discloses non-compliance with this Agreement, Customer shall promptly pay to Cisco the appropriate license fees.
Audit Rights
a) Subcontractor will provide Manufacturer a schedule of all audits of Subcontractors for materials used in the manufacture of Manufacturer’s Products upon request.
Audit Rights
Upon thirty (30) days prior written notice from an Auditing Party, the Audited Party shall permit the Auditing Party’s external auditors access to any relevant books documents, papers, and records of the Party involving any report delivered pursuant to Sections 3.2(d), 3.4(d) and 4.3(a) of this Agreement and the activities performed under this Agreement, if the other Party has credible evidence that the other Party violated terms of this Agreement, including with respect to Product Training under Section 3(e).
Audit Rights
Each Party shall have the right, during normal business hours and upon reasonable notice, to inspect all such records of the other Party, its Affiliates or Permitted Subcontractors.
Audit Rights
From time to time, as Monsanto or the Steering Committee may request, the Agent shall permit, upon reasonable request and during normal business hours, representatives of Monsanto or the Steering Committee to inspect, with regard to Roundup Products, the Agent’s inventories, warehousing, and shipping procedures.
Audit Rights
NETGEAR or its representative, at NETGEAR's cost may review these records during normal business hours for the sole purpose of determining Distributor's compliance with this Agreement.
Audit Rights
Any such inspection or audit shall include access to relevant Records (subject to the terms of Section 15.2) and Personnel and being present during, as applicable, start-up manufacturing operations, validation, cleaning, sampling, laboratory testing, warehouse receiving and storage, pack out and shipping.
Audit Rights
The cost of the audit will be borne by the Joint Venture.
Audit Rights
The Adviser shall make available to the Trust during regular business hours all records and other data created and maintained pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this Agreement for reasonable audit and inspection by the Trust or any regulatory agency having authority over the Trust.
Audit Rights
The AS Parties shall have the right, upon at least five (5) days written notice and no more than once each Contract Year of the Term to inspect MusclePharm’s books and records and all other documents and material in the possession of or under the control of MusclePharm with respect to the Licensed Products at the place or places where such records are normally retained by MusclePharm
Audit Rights
Any such inspection or audit shall be upon reasonable notice and shall not unreasonably interfere with the operations of FCC.
Audit Rights
The Publishers and/or their respective independent auditors, at no expense to HealthGate, and upon twenty (20) Business Days' written notice to HealthGate, shall have the right to conduct an operational audit pertaining to the fees and the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to having HealthGate process through any system test data supplied by the Publishers and/or their respective auditors, operate audit software on any system or download Publishers' Content and/or usage statistics to a computer designated by the Publishers, and/or their respective auditors.
Audit Rights
Audits and inspections shall not interfere unreasonably with Co-Host's business activities.]
Audit Rights
Physical inventories shall be conducted by September 30 of every calendar year and Monsanto shall have the right to request physical counts on specific product at any time upon reasonable request (which shall be at Monsanto’s cost if there are more than two such counts in any Program Year) and to observe or conduct physical counts with Monsanto’s representatives;
Audit Rights
Upon reasonable notice of not less than seven (7) business days, but in no event more than once per year (unless the immediately preceding audit showed a material underpayment), NETTAXI shall have the right, subject to suitable confidentiality measures, to cause a certified public accountant to inspect those portions of the books of account and records which relate to the royalties owed NETTAXI, to confirm that the correct amount owing NETTAXI under this Agreement has been paid.
Audit Rights
d. Interview personnel of the Unit;
Audit Rights
The Company shall make and retain, for a period of three (3) years following the period of each report required by Paragraph 4.4, true and accurate records, files and books of account containing all the data reasonably required for the full computation and verification of sales and other information required in Paragraph 4.4.
Audit Rights
The Publishers and/or their auditors, at no expense to HealthGate, and upon twenty (20)Business Days' written notice to HealthGate, shall have the right to conduct a system backup and disaster recovery audit with regard to the Services provided pursuant to this Agreement.
Audit Rights
We have the ongoing right to inspect any proposed supplier’s facilities and to test samples of the proposed products or services.
Audit Rights
During the Term and for a period of three (3) years thereafter, each Party, at its sole expense, shall, upon reasonable advance notice from the other party, make such books and records available at its offices for inspection and audit by the other party, its employees and agents.
Audit Rights
Such records will be open for inspection at the principal place of business of each party (the “Inspected Party”) during such [ * ] period by an independent auditor chosen by the other party (the “Inspecting Party”) and reasonably acceptable to the Inspected Party for the purpose of verifying the amounts payable by Astellas to FG hereunder or the accuracy of the [ * ] Percentage and/or Fully Burdened Costs.
Audit Rights
Excite may, upon no less than thirty (30) days prior written notice to Sponsor, cause an independent Certified Public Accountant to inspect the records of Sponsor reasonably related to the calculation of such payments during Sponsor's normal business hours.
Audit Rights
Operator shall cooperate with Owner’s auditors by (i) making the applicable books and records available for inspection by Owner’s auditors, and (ii) making such copies of books and records as may be reasonably requested by such auditors. In no event shall Owner’s audits unreasonably interfere with Operator’s operations.
Audit Rights
If the audit or inspection reveals that the underpayment is willful, or is for five percent (5%) or more of the total amount owed for the period being inspected, you will also reimburse us for all inspection and audit costs, including reasonable travel, lodging, meals, salaries and other expenses of the inspecting or auditing personne
Audit Rights
The auditing Party will furnish the audited Party with written notice at least [***] prior to the date that it desires to commence such audit.
Audit Rights
Upon not less than thirty (30) days’ prior written notice and not more than once in any calendar year, Affiliate shall have the right, at its sole cost and expense, during the Term and for one (1) year thereafter, to examine during normal business hours the books and records of Network for up to the prior calendar year and the then-current calendar year solely to the extent reasonably necessary to verify the Revenue Share Records.
Audit Rights
We have the right at all reasonable times to examine, copy, and/or personally review or audit (at our expense) all of your sales receipts, books, records, and sales and income tax returns in person or through electronic access (at our option). We will also have the right, at any time, to have an independent audit made of your books and records.
Audit Rights
Consolidated Artists and Advantage, at Consolidated Artists' expense, shall have the right during the Contract Period and until two (2) years after the termination of this Agreement to inspect and make copies of the books and records of TPC insofar as they relate to the computation of royalty payments due and owing to Consolidated Artists hereunder.
Audit Rights
Supplier shall provide Bank of America with the scope of the audit and a complete copy of each report prepared in connection with each such audit within thirty (30) calendar days after it receives such report.
Audit Rights
Upon reasonable prior notice, but not more than once per Calendar Year, such records of Vyera and its Affiliates shall be available during Vyera’s and its Affiliates regular business hours for a period of three (3) years from the end of the Calendar Year to which they pertain for examination at the expense of CytoDyn by an independent certified public accountant selected by CytoDyn and reasonably acceptable to Vyera, for the sole purpose of verifying the accuracy of the financial reports and correctness of the payments furnished by Vyera pursuant to this Agreement.
Audit Rights
Any such audit shall be conducted during normal business hours, upon at least three business days prior written notification to the party to be audited stating the purpose of the audit <omitted> and in such a manner so as to not unreasonably interfere with such party's business operations.
Audit Rights
Valeant shall bear the out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred by the Parties in connection with any such inspection or audit, unless the audit shows an undisputed under-reporting or underpayment for that audited period in excess of [***] of the amounts properly determined, in which case, Dova shall reimburse Valeant for its audit fees and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses in connection with said audit, which reimbursement shall be due and payable within [***] of receiving appropriate invoices and other support for such audit-related costs.
Audit Rights
(iv) supporting information and calculations regarding invoices and compliance with service requirements;
Audit Rights
If such an inspection is requested, IAC will reasonably furnish all relevant supporting documentation to verify compliance with its stated manufacturing and quality processes.
Audit Rights
Upon prior written notice to Manufacturer, EMV or its authorized representative(s) may conduct spot functional tests of the Products at Manufacturer's facility at which Products are being manufactured during Manufacturer's normal business hours. The parties will mutually agree upon the timing of such investigations, which will be conducted in such a manner as not to unduly interfere with Manufacturer's operations. If any Products fail any part of the test procedure set forth on the Specifications, EMV may require such Products to be rejected, and Manufacturer will promptly take all steps necessary to correct such failures at its expense.
Audit Rights
During such two-year period, and upon reasonable notice to the Billing Party, the Non-Billing Party shall have the right to have an audit conducted through a licensed independent accounting firm, of any billings, collections, and taxes on such itemized statement, and to examine the records and books of account of the Billing Party in connection therewith.
Audit Rights
Such audit shall occur once per year during reasonable business hours by an independent third party agreed to by both parties, who shall be under obligations of confidentiality.
Audit Rights
Ono shall, and shall require its Affiliates to, permit Array, and/or an authorized representative reasonably acceptable to Ono, to enter the relevant facilities of Ono and its Affiliates during normal business hours and upon reasonable advance notice to inspect and verify compliance with applicable regulatory and other requirements, as well as with this Agreement, with respect to all matters relating to the Product, all Ono Know-How to be provided to Array pursuant to Section 4.7 and the activities generating such Ono Know-How. Such inspection right shall include the right to examine any internal procedures or records of Ono and/or its Affiliates relating to the Product.
Audit Rights
During regular business hours but no more frequently than once a year, Bank of America may, at Its sole expense, perform a confidential audit of Supplier’s operations as they pertain to the Products or services provided under this Agreement.
Audit Rights
BKC shall have the unrestricted right to enter the Franchised Restaurant to conduct such reasonable activities as it deems necessary to ascertain compliance with this Agreement.
Audit Rights
WLI, at its own discretion, may visit Power2Ship's warehouse at normal business hours to verify the actual number of Units in inventory and/or the number of Units suspended.
Audit Rights
No more than once per year during the Term, Sonos shall have the right, [*], to examine and audit IAC’s books and records related to Sonos [*]. I
Audit Rights
JRVS shall be entitled at any time to audit the Distributor’s books and records upon reasonable notice in order to confirm the accuracy of the Reports set forth in Section 3.4; provided, that no more than one such audit may be conducted in any three-month period. Any JRVS-elected audit shall be performed at JRVS’s own expense during normal business hours; Distributor shall provide reasonable assistance to JRVS for the audit.
Audit Rights
M&I shall provide without charge to Customer, upon written request, one copy of the audit report resulting from such review.
Audit Rights
Supplier acknowledges and agrees that regulatory agencies may audit Supplier’s performance at any time during normal business hours and that such audits may include both methods and results under this Agreement.
Audit Rights
If audit results find Supplier Is not in substantial compliance with the <omitted> requirements of this Agreement, then Bank of America shall be entitled, at Supplier’s expense, to perform up to two (2) additional such audits in that year in accordance with the procedure set forth in this Section.
Audit Rights
KI, Inc. and its duly-authorized representatives shall have the right, upon reasonable notice and at reasonable hours of the day, to visit the offices of Diplomat one time each calendar quarter for the purpose of examining said books of account and records, and all other documents and materials in the possession or under the control of Diplomat, with respect to the <omitted> subject matter and terms of this Agreement, and shall have free and full access thereto for said purposes and for the purpose of making extracts therefrom.
Audit Rights
Licensee shall make such books and records, and appropriate personnel, available during normal business hours for audit by Licensor or its authorized representative; provided that Licensor shall: (a) provide Licensee with reasonable prior notice of any audit; (b) undertake an audit no more than once per calendar year, unless a prior audit has disclosed a balance due; and (c) conduct or cause to be conducted such audit in a manner designed to minimize disruption of Licensee's normal business operations.
Audit Rights
No such audit may occur more than once a year during the Term.
Audit Rights
The audit rights set forth herein shall continue for one (1) year following the termination of this Agreement for any reason.
Audit Rights
Upon reasonable notice, and during normal operating hours, Heritage shall permit Premier or its representatives reasonable access to portions of the Heritage Facilities, the Jasper Facility or any other Facility used to produce the Products for the purpose of ascertaining Heritage’s and Jasper’s compliance with good manufacturing practices and Premier’s Specifications and Post Holdings’ Quality Expectations.
Audit Rights
WPD shall, and shall cause its respective affiliates, to permit CNS and its respective designated representatives, at reasonable times and upon reasonable prior notice to such parties, to review the books and records of WPD and any of its affiliates and to discuss the affairs, finances and condition of such party and any of its affiliates with the officers of such entities and any of their affiliates in relation to their compliance with this section, as applicable.
Audit Rights
The auditing Party shall bear the full cost of such audit unless such audit reveals an underpayment by the audited Party that resulted from a discrepancy in the financial report provided by the audited Party for the audited period, which underpayment was more than [***] percent of the amount set forth in such report, in which case the audited Party shall reimburse the auditing Party for the costs for such audit.
Audit Rights
During the term of this Agreement, [***], each Party will have the right to engage, at its own expense, an independent auditor reasonably acceptable to the other Party to review the other Party’s books and records solely for the purpose of confirming the other Party’s compliance with its pricing and payment obligations hereunder.
Audit Rights
Kallo may directly, or through its Agent at any time during normal business hours, upon no less than 10 business days' notice, and for any reason inspect such records and other financial information relevant to Kallo Mobile care suite of products as sold by Agent to its end users, solely for the purpose of verifying amounts due under this Agreement.
Audit Rights
FUSION shall have the right but not the obligation to conduct any Batch testing [***] or investigation it determines to be of value to determine compliance of Product with the Specifications and/or pursuant to any other standard imposed by law.
Audit Rights
CHT will provide Ehave and its representatives, auditors and inspectors ("Auditors") upon ten (10) Business Days prior written notice with reasonable access, during business hours, to all facilities, systems and assets used by CHT, to CHT personnel and subcontractors and to all relevant CHT books and records, in each case, to the extent relevant to this Agreement, in order to conduct appropriate audits, examinations and inspections ("Audits") to: (i) verify compliance with the requirements set out in this Agreement; and (ii) verify the Royalty calculations.
Audit Rights
In addition, Excite may, upon no less than thirty (30) days prior written notice to Client, cause an independent Certified Public Accountant to inspect the records of Client reasonably related to the calculation of such payments during Client's normal business hours.
Audit Rights
We or our designated agents have the right at all reasonable times to examine and copy, at our expense, your books, records, and tax returns.
Audit Rights
Medica shall at Vapotherm’s request give Vapotherm and any designee of Vapotherm reasonable access to Medica’s facilities, procedures, and books and records, including Medica’s protocols, standard operating procedures (SOPs), equipment specifications, and manufacturing records, for purposes of (1) observing manufacturing, operations and (2) auditing and inspecting Medica’s facilities for compliance with applicable Laws and the terms of this Agreement.
Audit Rights
The Remarketing Agent shall keep such books and records with respect to the performance of its duties hereunder as shall be consistent with prudent industry practice and shall, to the extent permitted by law, make such books and records available for inspection by the Fund on reasonable notice during normal business hours.
Audit Rights
The auditor will only examine such books and records during business hours but not more than once each fiscal year while this Agreement remains in effect and for three years thereafter in order to verify expenses, Net Sales, Depomed Net Sales, PDEs or Details completed, or payments due under this Agreement.
Audit Rights
IBM may regularly monitor, inspect and/or audit any software installation location utilized or planned to be utilized hereunder pursuant to Section 7.0 of the Outsourcing Base Agreement.
Audit Rights
Inspections conducted under this Section 7.5 shall be at the expense of Zogenix, unless a variation or error producing an underpayment in amounts payable exceeding [***] of the amount paid for a period covered by the inspection is established, in which case all reasonable costs relating to the inspection for such period shall be paid by Distributor.
Audit Rights
Tripath may have an authorized Tripath representative, at Tripath’s cost, audit Distributor’s records relating to sales and inventories of Products, including, without limitation, records pertaining to any claims submitted by Distributor for price protection, stock rotation, returned Products, ship from stock and debit, DPA allowances, and credit requests.
Audit Rights
Upon reasonable prior notice, NETTAXI will have the right, exercisable not more than once every twelve (12) months, to appoint an independent accounting firm or other agent reasonably acceptable to, at NETTAXI'S expense, to examine such books, records and accounts during's normal business hours to verify the amounts due by to NETTAXI herein, subject execution of NETTAXI's standard confidentiality agreement by the accounting firm or agent; provided, however, that execution of such agreement will not preclude such firm from reporting its results to NETTAXI.
Audit Rights
Upon [***] ([***]) days prior notice from a Party (the “Auditing Party”), the other Party (the “Audited Party”) will permit an independent certified public accounting firm of internationally recognized standing selected by the Auditing Party and reasonably acceptable to the Audited Party, to examine the relevant Books and Records of the Audited Party, as may be reasonably necessary to verify the accuracy of the reports provided by the Audited Party pursuant to Section 3.2.4 or Section 5.5.1, as applicable, and the payments made or invoiced under this Agreement.
Audit Rights
When the FirstNet Authority or other governmental authority requests to review Vendor’s records, AT&T and its auditors will review these records first if the FirstNet Authority or other governmental authority permits such review, and provide the records to the requesting governmental authority; provided, however, the FirstNet Authority and other governmental authorities retain the right to perform audits independent of AT&T.
Audit Rights
During the Term, and for a period of twelve (12) months thereafter, Rogers (and its representatives) shall have the right, upon reasonable prior written notice to Licensor, and during regular business hours, to inspect and/or audit Licensor’s books and records to confirm compliance with Licensor’s obligations under this Section.
Audit Rights
HSWI shall also provide reasonable assistance to World Book or its designated agent to conduct audits to confirm the payments hereunder.
Audit Rights
On reasonable notice, each party shall have the right to examine said books and records; provided that such examination will be made no more than twice in any given twelve month period, and shall be made during normal business hours.
Audit Rights
Upon timely request and at least […***…] prior written notice from the auditing Party, such audit shall be conducted in the countries specifically requested by the auditing Party, during regular business hours in such a manner as to not unnecessarily interfere with the audited Party’s normal business activities, and shall be limited to results in the […***…] prior to audit notification.
Audit Rights
You further acknowledge and agree that we may inspect your Franchised Business and any Unit Franchise in the Master Territory to verify that your Franchised Business and/or such Unit Franchise is operating in compliance with our System, as it may be modified from time to time.
Audit Rights
The Repairer shall give a Notice to the Company no later than [*****] prior to such audit or operational visit.
Audit Rights
We also have the right, at any time, to have an independent audit made of your books and records at our expense.
Audit Rights
Such inspection shall be undertaken by an independent auditor appointed by PPI and reasonably acceptable to EKR for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of any statement or report given by EKR to PPI and/or the amount of Royalties due.
Audit Rights
If Qualigen does not pass such audit and the reasons for such failure can be remedied within a reasonable period of time (which shall not be less than sixty (60) days), then Sekisui shall provide Qualigen with a list of proposed remedial action items and a proposed timeframe within which to accomplish such action items
Audit Rights
Each shipment of CPDC hereunder shall be accompanied by a certificate of analysis for each Batch of CPDC therein; <omitted> keep accurate financial records of all Services performed and passthrough costs under this Supply Agreement and all amounts to be invoiced to FUSION and all invoice calculations, and, upon request by FUSION, make such records available for review by FUSION or its representatives to permit verification of the correctness of such amounts and calculations.
Audit Rights
We will have the right to observe the manner in which you are rendering your services and conducting your operations, to confer with your employees and customers, and to select Menu Items, ingredients, food and <omitted> non-food products, beverages, and other items, products, delivery vehicles, products and supplies for test of content and evaluation purposes to make certain that the Menu Items, ingredients, food and non-food products, beverages and other items, products, delivery vehicles, materials and supplies are satisfactory and meet our quality control provisions and performance standards.
Audit Rights
At mutually agreed upon times, HEMISPHERX may review standard operating and other quality control procedures and records and the records of SCIEN relating to the Agreement.
Audit Rights
Upon [***] days’ notice and at time mutually agreed upon by the Parties during Dong-A’s normal business hours, but no more frequently than [***] every year during the term of this Agreement, NeuroBo may, at its cost and expense, inspect Dong-A’s manufacturing facilities where the Licensed Products are manufactured.
Audit Rights
Licensor will pay the cost of such audits unless an audit reveals a discrepancy in payment or reporting of five percent (5%) or more, in which case the Licensee shall reimburse the Licensor for the reasonable cost of the audit.
Audit Rights
In the case of an audit initiated by the Management Committee and exercised by the F&ASC, the audited Party or Parties shall be permitted to recover the entire costs of the review or audit from the Parties in the proportions specified in Schedule B.
Audit Rights
During reasonable business hours IMPCO and MIL/MINDA will have the right to inspect, and make copies of any and all of the JVC ‘s business records, including but not limited to financial records, books, accounts and reports. In exercising such right IMPCO and MIL/MINDA will be reasonable.
Audit Rights
Each Party shall make the TSA Records it maintains available to the other Party and its Affiliates and their respective auditors or other representatives, and in any event to any Governmental Authority, during normal business hours on reasonable prior notice (it being understood that TSA Records that are not stored on a Party’s regular business premises will require additional time to retrieve), for review, inspection, examination and, at the reviewing Party’s reasonable expense, reproduction.
Audit Rights
e. Interview customers of the Unit; and
Audit Rights
Any such audit may be conducted no more than once each fiscal year. The fees and expenses of the auditing party shall be borne by such party.
Audit Rights
Any such audit will be conducted upon [*] ([*]) days notice and during regular business hours, and shall be at [*] expense, unless such audit reveals a discrepancy of more than [*] percent ([*]%) in the total applicable amount reported by HSWI, in which case [*] shall pay for, or reimburse [*] the cost of, such audit.
Audit Rights
[***] during the Term, commencing on the [***] ([***]) [***] of the Effective Date, Achaogen shall have the right to inspect and audit [***] per calendar year (either by itself or through a Third Party reasonably acceptable to Microgenics) the Assay manufacturing process, facilities, procedures, <omitted> and records upon reasonable notice (which shall be no less than [***] ([***]) calendar days prior notice, unless a shorter period is mutually agreed to by the Parties), and during normal business hours.