Without prior written consent of the other Parties, none of the Parties may assign any or all of its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any third party.
Change of Control
Harpoon (or its successor) shall provide AbbVie with written notice of any Change in Control of Harpoon or Acquisition by Harpoon within [***] following the closing date of such transaction.
Except for the subcontractors appointed by MMT as of the Effective Date as listed on Exhibit A attached hereto, MMT may not grant sublicenses of the rights and licenses granted to it in Section 2.1(a) to any Affiliate (including Pfizer or any Affiliate of Pfizer) or Third Party without the prior written approval of SIGA (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld).
Change of Control
The rights of Developer under this Agreement shall immediately cease and be terminated upon the sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of Developer unless an assignment of such rights pursuant to such sale or transfer has been previously approved in writing by DSS.
Change of Control
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any Party to this Agreement (or any of its successors or permitted assigns) (a) shall enter into a consolidation or merger transaction in which such Party is not the surviving entity and the surviving entity acquires or assumes all or substantially all of such Party’s assets, (b) shall transfer all or substantially all of such Party’s assets to any Person or (c) shall assign this Agreement to such Party’s Affiliates, then, in each such case, the assigning Party (or its successors or permitted assigns, as applicable) shall ensure that the assignee or successor- in-interest expressly assumes in writing all of the obligations of the assigning Party under this Agreement, and the assigning Party shall not be required to seek consent, but shall provide written notice and evidence of such assignment, assumption or succession to the non-assigning Party.
Except as otherwise set forth herein, neither party shall transfer, assign or cede any rights or delegate any obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, whether voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent may be withheld at the other party's reasonable business discretion; provided, however, that either party may transfer this Agreement without prior written consent of the other to an Affiliate of such party, or to the surviving party in a merger or consolidation, or to a purchaser of all or substantially all of its assets.
Except as otherwise set forth herein, neither party shall transfer, assign or cede any rights or delegate any obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, whether voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent may be withheld at the other party's reasonable business discretion; provided, however, that either party may transfer this Agreement without prior written consent of the other party to an Affiliate or in connection with a merger or sale of all or substantially all of the stock or assets of such party.
Change of Control
FJ may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement in its entirety at any time following a Change of Control of PB that occurs prior to the date of payment by PB of the final Approval Payment.
Change of Control
nothing in this Agreement shall in any way restrict any change in shareholding or control of the Parties or its Affiliates or the Repairer’s rights to delegate obligations of it hereunder to a Subcontractor. provided that, in such case, the Repairer will remain responsible for the provision of the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Neither this Agreement, nor any of the rights, interests, or obligations under this Agreement may be assigned or delegated, in whole or in part, by operation of law or otherwise, by any party without the prior written consent of the other party, and any such assignment without such prior written consent shall be null and void; provided, however, that this Agreement may be assigned by a Party in connection with a Change in Control of such party, subject to the specific termination and other rights set forth in the Strategic <omitted> Alliance Agreement upon such Change in Control; provided, further, that Siemens may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any Distributor that agrees, in writing, to be bound by and comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the provisions of the Strategic Alliance Agreement, provided, that no such assignment shall relieve Siemens of its obligations hereunder or thereunder if such Distributor does not perform such obligations.
You further covenant and agree that, for a continuous period of two (2) years after (1) the expiration of this Agreement, (2) the non-renewal of this Agreement, (3) the termination of this Agreement, and/or (4) a transfer as contemplated in Section 16 above: 19.5.1 you will not directly or indirectly, for yourself, or through, on behalf of, or in conjunction with any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity, sell, assign, lease, and/or transfer the Approved Location to any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity that you know, or have reason to know, intends to operate a Competitive Business at the Approved Location; and 19.5.2 you will not solicit, divert, or attempt to solicit or divert any actual or potential business or customer of the Franchised Business to any Competitive Business. 19.5.3 You agree that, by the terms of any conveyance, selling, assigning, leasing or transferring your interest in the Approved Location, you shall include these restrictive covenants as necessary to ensure that a Competitive Business that would violate this Section is not operated at the Approved Location for this two-year period, and you will take all steps necessary to ensure that these restrictive covenants become a matter of public record.
The assignment may be authorized by ECOPETROL, when the SENDER sufficiently demonstrates to ECOPETROL that:
(a) is not in breach of this agreement;
We may immediately terminate this Agreement on notice to you and without any opportunity to cure the default if: <omitted> 14.2.11 you Transfer any interest in yourself, this Agreement, the Hotel or the Hotel Site, other than in compliance with Section 13 and its subparts;
However, no assignment shall be effective until such time as Franchisor or its designated affiliate gives Lessor written notice of its acceptance of the assignment, and nothing contained herein or in any other document shall constitute Franchisor or its designated subsidiary or affiliate a party to the Lease Agreement, or guarantor thereof, and shall not create any liability or obligation of Franchisor or its parent unless and until the Lease Agreement is assigned to, and accepted in writing by, Franchisor or its parent, subsidiary or affiliate.
Licensee shall be permitted to sublicense the rights and licenses granted herein to third party contractors of Licensee, solely for purposes of development and distribution of the Wireless Products on behalf of Licensee in accordance with this Agreement; provided that such third party contractors have entered into binding written agreements with Licensee that are no less protective of Fox’s intellectual property rights than are the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and provided further that Licensee will not subcontract development of any video games hereunder without Fox’s prior written approval of the third party game development contractor.
Change of Control
Licensor may terminate this Agreement by providing prior written notice to Licensee upon the occurrence of a Change of Control.
No party to this Agreement has the right to assign any of its rights or obligations hereunder, except as already set forth under this Agreement.
Any attempt to assign this Agreement or assign, sublicense and/or transfer in any manner Licensee's license rights hereunder without such consent will be void and of no effect.
Change of Control
If a Change in Control occurs with respect to Customer, M&I agrees to continue to provide Services under this Agreement; provided that (a) M&I's obligation to provide Services shall be limited to the entities comprising the Customer prior to such Change in Control and (b) M&I's obligation to provide Services shall be limited in any and all circumstances to the number of accounts and items processed in the 3-month period prior to such Change in Control occurring plus 25%.
Change of Control
An "Ownership Change Event" means: (x) the acquisition of 50% or more of Boxlot's equity or voting interests; (y) a merger or consolidation of Boxlot; or (z) the sale, exchange or transfer of all or substantially all of Boxlot's assets related to the Service.
Neither party may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement without the written consent of the other party.
Neither party may assign this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the other party.
Neither party shall have the right to sell, assign, transfer or hypothecate (all hereinafter referred to as “assign” or “assignment”) this Agreement, or delegate any of its obligations hereunder, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written consent of the other party.
Neither party shall assign this Agreement without the express written consent of the other party.
Neither party may assign this Agreement without the written consent of the other party save in the case where such assignment is to an EM Affiliate and prior written notice has been given to the Buyer.
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in the Agreement, Licensor shall not subcontract or assign any of the Services that may require access to or the downloading or other use of Personal Information except with the prior written consent of Licensee or as required to be disclosed by a governmental agency or third party as expressly required by operation of law, regulation or court order.
Change of Control
If Seller/ExxonMobil Selling Affiliates elects to exercise any of its rights under the preceding paragraph, Seller/ExxonMobil Selling Affiliates shall so notify Buyer/Buyer Affiliates, in writing, within forty-five (45) days after receipt of Buyer's/Buyer Affiliates' notice.
Any assignment or attempted assignment by Vyera in violation of the terms of this Section 14.6 shall be null, void and of no legal effect.
The rights granted the Company hereunder shall be used only by it and shall not, without the prior written consent of Nantz Communications or Nantz, be transferred or assigned to
HERC may not assign, transfer, sublicense or delegate any of its rights hereunder or delegate its obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of HSI, and any such purported assignment, transfer, sublicense or delegation, in the absence of such consent, shall be void and without effect.
The Parties shall not assign, encumber or otherwise transfer this Agreement or any part of it to any Third Party, without the prior written consent of the other Party.
This Agreement shall be binding upon, and shall inure to the benefit of successors of the Parties hereto, or to any assignee of all of the goodwill and entire business assets of a Party hereto relating to pharmaceuticals, but shall not otherwise be assignable without the prior written consent of the other Party.
Neither party to this Agreement shall assign the rights and benefits herein without the prior written consent of the other party.
This Agreement may not be assigned, disposed of, alienated or otherwise transferred by either Party, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, except as provided below.
The assignment of this Agreement, in whole or in part, to any Affiliates in the United States or to a successor organization by merger or acquisition does not require the consent of the other.
Neither party may assign this Agreement without the other party’s prior written consent.
Change of Control
Consequently either this Agreement or any of the respective rights or obligations of the Parties hereunder may be assigned or otherwise transferred, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever (including by way of change of Control), by either Party subject to the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, and any attempt to do so without such consent shall be null and void.
Any sale, attempted sale, assignment, or other transfer of the interests described in Subparagraph 15.4.1 without first giving BKC the right of first refusal described above shall be void and of no force and effect, and shall constitute an Event of Default under Paragraph 17.1(k).
responsibilities hereunder to a wholly-owned subsidiary or affiliate or joint venture in which the assigning party holds an interest.
Any such assignment is void.
This Agreement shall be terminable <omitted> (b) by the Licensee (i) at any time in the event such Licensee assigns or attempts to assign or sublicense this Agreement or any of the Licensee’s rights or duties hereunder without the prior written consent of the Licensor
An Event of Default shall mean any of the following occurrences: <omitted> the occurrence of a Change of Control of an SMG Target without the prior written consent of Monsanto, unless the Agent has determined in its reasonable commercial opinion that such acquiror can and will fully perform the duties and obligations of the Agent under this Agreement;
Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement or in the event that either Party sells or otherwise transfers its Station to another (in which case such Party shall be required to assign to the Buyer, and such Buyer shall be required to assume, this Agreement, in its entirety), neither Party hereto shall assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement to a third party without the express written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
This Agreement may not be assigned by either party hereto without the written consent of the other but shall be binding upon the successors of the parties.
Likewise, Dynamic Hearing may not assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of IntriCon.
Change of Control
Any proposed Transfer that is not described in Subsection 13.2.1 or 13.2,2 is a Change of Ownership Transfer.
Without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto, neither Party will sell, transfer, assign, pledge or otherwise dispose of, whether voluntarily, involuntarily, by operation of law or otherwise, this Agreement or any of its rights or duties hereunder; provided, however, that either Party may assign, sublicense or transfer this Agreement and all of its rights and obligations hereunder, in their entirety, to any of its Affiliates or to a successor in connection with the sale or other transfer of all or substantially all of its business or assets to which this Agreement relates, whether by merger, sale of stock, sale of assets or otherwise, and
Change of Control
BKC may impose reasonable conditions on its consent to the transfers contemplated in Subparagraphs 15.1 and 15.2 above. BKC is under no obligation to consent to the encumbrances contemplated in Subparagraphs 15.1 and 15.2 above, and may deny its consent to such encumbrances in its sole discretion.
Change of Control
Subject to requirements of applicable law, FCE will provide notice to ExxonMobil prior to, or promptly after, it becomes aware of any such Change in Control, and if prior notice is prohibited by applicable Law, as soon as practicable or after such notice is no longer prohibited, but in no event later than one (1) business day after any public announcement with respect to any such asset transfer or Change in Control.
Change of Control
This Agreement may be terminated by either Party upon six (6) months written notice following a Change of Control of Exact; provided that such notice is given within thirty (30) days of the consummation of such Change of Control.
Change of Control
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Attachments A, G or H, in connection with any Change in Circumstances (as defined below), and without limiting Seller's/ExxonMobil Selling Affiliate's other rights under this Agreement or applicable law, Seller/ExxonMobil Selling Affiliates shall have the right: (i) only if required to enable Seller/ExxonMobil Selling Affiliate to comply with applicable laws and regulations, to terminate this Agreement and accelerate all amounts due from Buyer hereunder, making them immediately payable (ii) to modify the payment terms hereunder; and/or (iii) to require that Buyer/Buyer Affiliates pay in advance for shipments hereunder.
Except as herein expressly provided, the respective rights and obligations of the Consultant and the Company under this Agreement will not be assignable by either party without the written consent of the other party and will, subject to the foregoing, inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Consultant and the Company and their permitted successors or assigns.
Change of Control
Except as set forth in this Section 11.8 or Section 2.3, and except for a Change of Control under Section 10.4(b)(7) that does not provide Monsanto termination rights under this Agreement, neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests, or obligations hereunder shall be transferred, delegated, or assigned by a party (by operation of law or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the other party.
Reseller may nat assign or otherwise transfer this Agreement without MediaNet Group Technologies's prior written consent except to a successor.
Notwithstanding the foregoing:
Change of Control
If as a result of the Change of Control Event such party remains a separate, independent legal entity (or is merged into another Person, where such Person was formed or created for the purpose of the Change of Control Event or where such Person is a then-current Affiliate of such party), then the license rights granted to such party under Article II shall continue in full force and effect.
other's written consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed; provided that the withholding of consent of assignment to a competitor of the other party shall be deemed reasonable.
Change of Control
A Party may assign the whole of its rights under this Agreement to a successor by law, Subsidiary or Affiliate of such Party, or a corporation or an entity jointly controlling or under the same common control as such Party, provided that the assigning Party shall remain jointly and severally liable with the assignee for the performance of this Agreement for the duration of the Agreement.
Any attempted assignment of this Agreement in violation of this Section 9.13 shall be null and void.
This Agreement is not assignable by either party hereto without the prior written consent of the other, except that this Agreement shall be assignable by Developer to an affiliated entity or upon the sale of the fight to license and sublicense the Products to the purchaser of said right.
Neither party may assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the other party's written consent (which will not be unreasonably withheld), except that no such consent will be required in connection with (i) a merger, reorganization or sale of all, or substantially all, of such party's assets or (ii) either party's assignment and/or delegation of its rights and responsibilities hereunder to a wholly-owned subsidiary or joint venture in which such party holds a controlling interest.
In the event of such an <omitted> assignment by either party of its rights to an unrelated third party, the other party shall be given written notice, then in such event the other party may upon six-months (6-months) written notice terminate this Agreement.
Change of Control
In the event of any material change in the organization, ownership, management or control of the business of the Agent, the Company may, at its option, terminate this Agreement upon giving written notice of termination to the Agent.
This Agreement is not assignable by any party to the Agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties.
Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations under this Agreement, including the licenses granted pursuant to this Agreement, shall be assigned, in whole or in part, by operation of Law or otherwise by either Party without the prior written consent of the other Party.
No party may assign any of its rights, obligations or privileges (except by operation of law or other corporate reorganization) hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party, which shall not be unreasonable withheld, provided, that any party shall have the right to assign its rights, obligations and privileges hereunder to a successor in business or an acquirer of all or substantially all of its business or assets to which this Agreement pertains without obtaining the consent of the other party.
Any attempted assignment in violation of this section shall be void.
Change of Control
Subject to Section 3.5(b), in the event that Vendor, prior to Location Acceptance at all Cell Sites and without the prior written consent of AT&T, consummates (i) any sale, assignment, transfer, license, lease or conveyance of any interest in any Cell Site or any of the Material or Services contemplated in this Agreement or (ii) any Change of Control of Vendor to a Restricted Entity or to any other Person who, in AT&T’s reasonable discretion, lacks the financial or operational resources, skill or expertise to fulfill the obligations of Vendor contemplated by this Agreement, then AT&T may terminate this Agreement and exercise any other remedies available to AT&T under this Agreement or at law or equity, including any of its Termination Remedies set forth in the Build Addendum.
Without affecting any other rights that it may be entitled to, the Supplier may give notice in writing to the Distributor terminating this agreement immediately if the Distributor purports to assign its rights or obligations under this agreement to an entity that is not (1) affiliated with, (2) related to, or (3) sharing common ownership with the Distributor (a Permitted Assignee).
ACSI may assign this Agreement to (a) any corporation or other entity resulting from any merger, consolidation, or other reorganization involving ACSI, (b) any of its Affiliates, or (c) any person or entity to which it transfers all or <omitted> substantially all of its assets relating to the Spoken-Word Audio Sub-Section; provided that the assignee agrees in writing to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Change of Control
If a majority of the equity securities of either 2TheMart or i-Escrow, Inc. (except that i-Escrow may sell all or a majority of its equity securities or voting interests to, and may sell all or a majority of its equity securities or voting interests to i-Escrow's existing shareholders, without triggering the foregoing) are acquired by another company during the term of this Agreement either company may terminate this Agreement, without liability, by giving a thirty (30) days written notice to the other party.
Change of Control
For the avoidance of doubt, in no event shall this Agreement be transferred, delegated, or assigned by a party (by operation of law, Change of Control, or otherwise) to a third party unless the applicable portions of the License Agreement are also transferred to such third party.
Change of Control
DIALOG will have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately upon the issuance of written notice to ENERGOUS (A) if ENERGOUS undergoes a Change of Control involving a competitor of DIALOG, or (B) if ENERGOUS acquires, whether directly through a sale of assets or through a Change of Control transaction, any competitor of DIALOG (as reasonably determined by DIALOG). ENERGOUS will provide DIALOG with notice of any such Change of Control or acquisition within [***] after the closing thereof and DIALOG’s right to terminate the Agreement will expire [***] after receipt of such notice.
Change of Control
To exercise its right to make the Change of Control Buy-Out Payment, PB or its successor shall provide written notice to SFJ (the “Change of Control Buy-Out Notice”) no later than [***] after the date of closing of such Change of Control, which written notice shall set forth the amount of the applicable Change of <omitted> Control Buy-Out Payment, the proposed date of closing of the buy-out (which shall occur within [***] after the date of closing of such Change of Control), and the calculation of the Change of Control Buy-Out Payment in reasonable detail based upon the proposed closing date of the buy-out.
Any attempted assignment or delegation without such consent will be void.
KI, Inc. may assign its rights hereunder, but shall furnish written notice of such assignment to Diplomat.
Change of Control
The term of this Agreement shall be effective as of the date first stated above and shall continue for a term of three (3) years, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement (the "Term"); provided, however, that PrimeCall may elect to terminate this Agreement, upon thirty (30) days' written notice, at any time from and after the time that collectively RSL Communications, Ltd. and/or its Affiliates holds less than fifty percent (50%) of the voting control of DeltaThree's outstanding shares.
Change of Control
As used above, "Change of Control" means any of the following: (i) any transaction, or series of transactions, that would result in the transfer of at least fifty percent (50%) of the equity interest in a party (or of at least fifty percent (50%) of the equity interest in any business entity that owns or controls, directly or indirectly, at least fifty percent (50%) of the equity interest in a party ("Party’s Parent")) to a single transferee or multiple transferees under common control; (ii) any transaction that would result in a Party’s (or Party’s Parent's) merging with one or more other entities.
Neither this Agreement nor any rights or obligations of a Party may be assigned, delegated or otherwise transferred by such Party without the prior written consent of the other Party; provided, however, that Janssen may, without such consent but with prior written notice to Company, assign, delegate and transfer this Agreement or all or any of its rights and obligations under this Agreement to (a) any Third Party that acquires substantially all Janssen’s assets relating to the Product in the Territory or (b) any Affiliate of Janssen.
No Party shall assign (whether absolutely or by way of security and whether in whole or in part), transfer, mortgage, charge or otherwise dispose in any manner whatsoever of the benefit of this Agreement or sub-contract or delegate in any manner whatsoever its performance under this Agreement.
Change of Control
In the event of the merger or consolidation of Company with any other entity, Licensor shall have the right to terminate the Contract Period by so notifying Company in writing within sixty (60) days following Licensor's receipt of notice of such merger or consolidation.
Change of Control
In the event there is a change of Control of an Affiliate which terminates its status as an Affiliate of the party to this Agreement, and this Agreement has been assigned to such an Affiliate, this Agreement must be assigned back to the party within 6 months of the effective date of the change of Control.
Neither Party may assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights, or delegate or otherwise transfer any of its obligations or performance, under this Agreement, in each case whether voluntarily or involuntarily, without the other Party’s prior written consent, which will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed.
The rights granted Company hereunder shall be used only by it and shall not, without the prior written consent of Pey Dirt, be transferred or assigned to any other.
Change of Control
(v) By FSL/AFSL and TPH/TPH-A, if there is a change in the Control of the other and the acquiring/succeeding entity causing such change in the Control is an entity that may be reasonably believed to be objectionable to the Japanese Government and/or FSL including FSL’s Affiliates in case of the termination by FSL/AFSL or the US Government and/or TPH in case of the termination by TPH/TPH-A, termination to be effective upon thirty (30) days’ notice of termination.
Change of Control
If a substantial portion of the assets or controlling stock in Licensee’s business is sold or transferred, or if there is a substantial change in Licensee’s management, or if Licensee’s property is expropriated, confiscated or nationalized by any government or if any government assumes de facto control of Licensee’s business, in whole or in part, Fox may terminate this Agreement upon 30 days’ notice to Licensee.
  shall provide written notice to the Contractor of such engagement, the Contractor shall thereafter be relieved of any such obligations for which the third party was engaged.
This Agreement may not be assigned in whole or in part by either party without prior written consent of the other.
Neither party may assign this Agreement or the rights and obligations thereunder to any third party without the prior express written approval of the other party which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
The Customer may not freely transfer or assign its rights or obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the Manufacturer.
Change of Control
For clarity, nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit Vyera from undergoing any Change of Control, but if Vyera undergoes a Change of Control, it will be subject to Section 2.6.
Neither Party may transfer or assign any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party, except that either Party may assign this Agreement to any entity controlled by it, its parents, subsidiaries, or affiliates, or to any purchaser of the business to which this Agreement relates subject to the other Parties consent which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
No assignment of this Agreement or any right accruing hereunder shall be made by the Distributor in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Company, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Audit Rights
The audit shall be limited to pertinent records kept by Aimmune and its Affiliates and Sublicensees for any year ending not more than [***] ([***]) months prior to the date of the written notice.
Audit Rights
In the event a Payee's audit shows that the Gross Proceeds or Production Costs of the Payor resulted in an under-payment of more than three percent (3.0%) to the Payee, then the Payor shall have the right, at the Payor's cost, to have its own auditor verify the audit.
Audit Rights
VerticalNet shall give reasonable advance notice to Impresse of such audit and each audit shall be conducted in a manner that does not cause unreasonable disruption to the conduct of business by Impresse.
Audit Rights
IBM shall advise MSL [*] Days in advance of the scope and method by which such audits are to be conducted. MSL will be given the opportunity to comment upon these procedures prior to the audit taking place.
Audit Rights
On request of Buyer, Buyer is allowed to carry out on-site manufacturing and quality audits in manufacturing units where Products are produced.
Audit Rights
NetGrocer may, upon no less than thirty (30) days prior written notice to Excite cause an independent Certified Public Accountant to inspect the records of Excite reasonably