arXiv:1001.0018v2 [quant-ph] 28 Jan 2010Nonadaptive quantum query complexity |
Ashley Montanaro∗ |
October 1, 2018 |
Abstract |
We studythe powerofnonadaptivequantum queryalgorithms,whic h arealgorithms |
whose queries to the input do not depend on the result of previous q ueries. First, we |
show that any bounded-error nonadaptive quantum query algorit hm that computes |
some total boolean function depending on nvariables must make Ω( n) queries to the |
input in total. Second, we show that, if there exists a quantum algor ithm that uses k |
nonadaptive oracle queries to learn which one of a set of mboolean functions it has |
been given, there exists a nonadaptive classical algorithm using O(klogm) queries to |
solve the same problem. Thus, in the nonadaptive setting, quantum algorithms can |
achieve at most a very limited speed-up over classical query algorith ms. |
1 Introduction |
Many of the best-known results showing that quantum compute rs outperform their classical |
counterparts are proven in the query complexity model. This model studies the number of |
queries to the input xwhich are required to compute some function f(x). In this work, we |
study two broad classes of problem that fit into this model. |
In the first class of problems, computational problems, one wishes to compute some |
boolean function f(x1,...,x n) using a small number of queries to the bits of the input |
x∈ {0,1}n. The query complexity of fis the minimum number of queries required for any |
algorithm to compute f, with some requirement on the success probability. The dete rmin- |
istic query complexity of f,D(f), is the minimum number of queries that a deterministic |
classical algorithm requires to compute fwith certainty. D(f) is also known as the decision |
tree complexity of f. Similarly, the randomised query complexity R2(f) is the minimum |
number of queries required for a randomised classical algor ithm to compute fwith success |
probability at least 2 /3. The choice of 2 /3 is arbitrary; any constant strictly between 1 /2 |
and 1 would give the same complexity, up to constant factors. |
There is a natural generalisation of the query complexity mo del to quantum computa- |
tion, which gives rise to the exact and bounded-error quantu m query complexities QE(f), |
Q2(f) (respectively). In this generalisation, the quantum algo rithm is given access to the |
∗Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, Woo dland Road, Bristol, BS8 1UB, UK; |
montanar@cs.bris.ac.uk . |
1inputxthrough a unitary oracle operator Ox. Many of the best-known quantum speed-ups |
can be understood in the query complexity model. Indeed, it i s known that, for certain |
partial functions f(i.e. functions where there is a promise on the input), Q2(f) may be ex- |
ponentially smaller than R2(f)[14]. However, if fis atotal function, D(f) =O(Q2(f)6) [4]. |
See [6, 10] for good reviews of quantum and classical query co mplexity. |
In the second class of problems, learning problems, one is given as an oracle an unknown |
functionf?(x1,...,x n), which is picked from a known set Cofmboolean functions f: |
{0,1}n→ {0,1}. These functions can be identified with n-bit strings or subsets of [ n], the |
integers between 1 and n. The goal is to determine which of the functions in Cthe oraclef? |
is, with some requirement on the success probability, using the minimum number of queries |
tof?. Note that the success probability required should be stric tly greater than 1 /2 for |
this model to make sense. |
Borrowing terminology fromthe machinelearning literatur e, each function in Cis known |
as aconcept, andCis known as a concept class [13]. We say that an algorithm that can |
identify any f∈ Cwith worst-case success probability plearnsCwith success probability |
p. This problem is known classically as exact learning from me mbership queries [3, 13], |
and also in the literature on quantum computation as the orac le identification problem [2]. |
Many interesting results in quantum algorithmics fit into th is framework, a straightforward |
example being Grover’s quantum search algorithm [9]. It has been shown by Servedio and |
Gortler that the speed-up that may be obtained by quantum que ry algorithms in this model |
is at most polynomial [13]. |
1.1 Nonadaptive query algorithms |
This paper considers query algorithms of a highly restricti ve form, where oracle queries are |
not allowed to depend on previous queries. In other words, th e queries must all be made |
at the start of the algorithm. We call such algorithms nonadaptive , but one could also call |
themparallel, in contrast to the usual serial model of query complexity, w here one query |
follows another. It is easy to see that, classically, a deter ministic nonadaptive algorithm |
that computes a function f:{0,1}n→ {0,1}which depends on all ninput variables must |
query allnvariables (x1,...,x n). Indeed, for any 1 ≤i≤n, consider an input xfor which |
f(x) = 0, butf(x⊕ei) = 1, where eiis the bit string which has a 1 at position i, and is 0 |
elsewhere. Then, if the i’th variable were not queried, changing the input from xtox⊕ei |
would change the output of the function, but the algorithm wo uld not notice. |
In the case of learning, the exact number of queries required by a nonadaptive determin- |
istic classical algorithm to learn any concept class Ccan also be calculated. Identify each |
concept in Cwith ann-bit string, and imagine an algorithm Athat queries some subset |
S⊆[n] of the input bits. If there are two or more concepts in Cthat do not differ on any of |
the bits inS, thenAcannot distinguish between these two concepts, and so canno t succeed |
with certainty. On the other hand, if every concept x∈ Cis unique when restricted to S, |
thenxcan be identified exactly by A. Thus the number of queries required is the minimum |
size of a subset S⊆[n] such that every pair of concepts in Cdiffers on at least one bit in S. |
We will be concerned with the speed-up over classical query a lgorithms that can be |
2achieved by nonadaptive quantum query algorithms. Interes tingly, it is known that speed- |
ups can indeed be found in this model. In the case of computing partial functions, the |
speed-up can be dramatic; Simon’s algorithm for the hidden s ubgroup problem over Zn |
2, for |
example, is nonadaptive and gives an exponential speed-up o ver the best possible classical |
algorithm [14]. Thereare also known speed-upsfor computin g total functions. For example, |
the parity of nbits can be computed exactly using only ⌈n/2⌉nonadaptive quantum queries |
[8]. More generally, anyfunction of nbits can be computed with bounded error using only |
n/2+O(√n)nonadaptivequeries, byaremarkablealgorithmofvanDam[ 7]. Thisalgorithm |
in fact retrieves allthe bits of the input xsuccessfully with constant probability, so can also |
be seen as an algorithm that learns the concept class consist ing of all boolean functions on |
nbits usingn/2+O(√n) nonadaptive queries. |
Finally, one of the earliest results in quantum computation can be understood as a |
nonadaptive learning algorithm. The quantum algorithm sol ving the Bernstein-Vazirani |
parity problem [5] uses one query to learn a concept class of s ize 2n, for which any classical |
learning algorithm requires nqueries, showing that there can be an asymptotic quantum- |
classical separation for learning problems. |
1.2 New results |
We show here that these results are essentially the best poss ible. First, any nonadap- |
tive quantum query algorithm that computes a total boolean f unction with a constant |
probability of success greater than 1 /2 can only obtain a constant factor reduction in the |
number of queries used. In particular, if we restrict to nona daptive query algorithms, then |
Q2(f) = Θ(D(f)). In the case of exact nonadaptive algorithms, we show that the factor of |
2 speed-up obtained for computing parity is tight. More form ally, our result is the following |
theorem. |
Theorem 1. Letf:{0,1}n→ {0,1}be a total function that depends on all nvariables, |
and letAbe a nonadaptive quantum query algorithm that uses kqueries to the input to |
computef, and succeeds with probability at least 1−ǫon every input. Then |
k≥n |
2/parenleftBig |
1−2/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ)/parenrightBig |
. |
In the case of learning, we show that the speed-up obtained by the Bernstein-Vazirani |
algorithm [5] is asymptotically tight. That is, the query co mplexities of quantum and |
classical nonadaptive learning are equivalent, up to a loga rithmic term. This is formalised |
as the following theorem. |
Theorem 2. LetCbe a concept class containing mconcepts, and let Abe a nonadaptive |
quantum query algorithm that uses kqueries to the input to learn C, and succeeds with |
probability at least 1−ǫon every input, for some ǫ <1/2. Then there exists a classical |
nonadaptive query algorithm that learns Cwith certainty using at most |
4klog2m |
1−2/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ) |
queries to the input. |
31.3 Related work |
We note that the question of putting lower bounds on nonadapt ive quantum query algo- |
rithms has been studied previously. First, Zalka has obtain ed a tight lower bound on the |
nonadaptive quantum query complexity of the unordered sear ch problem, which is a par- |
ticular learning problem [15]. Second, in [12], Nishimura a nd Yamakami give lower bounds |
on the nonadaptive quantum query complexity of a multiple-b lock variant of the ordered |
search problem. Finally, Koiran et al [11] develop the weigh ted adversary argument of Am- |
bainis [1] to obtain lower bounds that are specific to the nona daptive setting. Unlike the |
situation considered here, their bounds also apply to quant um algorithms for computing |
partial functions. |
We now turn to proving the new results: nonadaptive computat ion in Section 2, and |
nonadaptive learning in Section 3. |
2 Nonadaptive quantum query complexity of computation |
LetAbe a nonadaptive quantum query algorithm. We will use what is essentially the |
standard model of quantum query complexity [10]. Ais given access to the input x= |
x1...xnvia an oracle Oxwhich acts on an n+1 dimensional space indexed by basis states |
|0/an}brack⌉tri}ht,...,|n/an}brack⌉tri}ht, and performs the operation Ox|i/an}brack⌉tri}ht= (−1)xi|i/an}brack⌉tri}ht. We define Ox|0/an}brack⌉tri}ht=|0/an}brack⌉tri}htfor |
technical reasons (otherwise, Acould not distinguish between xand ¯x). Assume that A |
makeskqueries toOx. As the queries are nonadaptive, we may assume they are made i n |
parallel. Therefore, the existence of a nonadaptive quantu m query algorithm that computes |
fand fails with probability ǫis equivalent to the existence of an input state |ψ/an}brack⌉tri}htand a |
measurement specified by positive operators {M0,I−M0}, such that /an}brack⌉tl⌉{tψ|O⊗k |
xM0O⊗k |
x|ψ/an}brack⌉tri}ht ≥ |
1−ǫfor all inputs xwheref(x) = 0, and /an}brack⌉tl⌉{tψ|O⊗k |
xM0O⊗k |
x|ψ/an}brack⌉tri}ht ≤ǫfor all inputs xwhere |
f(x) = 1. |
The intuition behind the proof of Theorem 1 is much the same as that behind “adver- |
sary” arguments lower bounding quantum query complexity [1 0]. As in Section 1.1, let ej |
denote the n-bit string which contains a single 1, at position j. In order to distinguish two |
inputsx,x⊕ejwheref(x)/n⌉}ationslash=f(x⊕ej), the algorithm must invest amplitude of |ψ/an}brack⌉tri}htin |
components where the oracle gives information about j. But, unless kis large, it is not |
possible to invest in many variables simultaneously. |
We will use the following well-known fact from [5]. |
Fact 3(Bernstein and Vazirani [5]) .Imagine there exists a positive operator M≤Iand |
states|ψ1/an}brack⌉tri}ht,|ψ2/an}brack⌉tri}htsuch that /an}brack⌉tl⌉{tψ1|M|ψ1/an}brack⌉tri}ht ≤ǫ, but/an}brack⌉tl⌉{tψ2|M|ψ2/an}brack⌉tri}ht ≥1−ǫ. Then |/an}brack⌉tl⌉{tψ1|ψ2/an}brack⌉tri}ht|2≤ |
4ǫ(1−ǫ). |
We now turn to the proof itself. Write the input state |ψ/an}brack⌉tri}htas |
|ψ/an}brack⌉tri}ht=/summationdisplay |
i1,...,ikαi1,...,ik|i1,...,ik/an}brack⌉tri}ht, |
4where, for each m, 0≤im≤n. It is straightforward to compute that |
O⊗k |
x|i1,...,ik/an}brack⌉tri}ht= (−1)xi1+···+xik|i1,...,ik/an}brack⌉tri}ht. |
Asfdepends on all ninputs, for any j, there exists a bit string xjsuch thatf(xj)/n⌉}ationslash= |
f(xj⊕ej). Then |
(OxjOxj⊕ej)⊗k|i1,...,ik/an}brack⌉tri}ht= (−1)|{m:im=j}||i1,...,ik/an}brack⌉tri}ht; |
in other words ( OxjOxj⊕ej)⊗knegates those basis states that correspond to bit strings |
i1,...,ikwherejoccurs an odd number of times in the string. Therefore, we hav e |
|/an}brack⌉tl⌉{tψ|(OxjOxj⊕ej)⊗k|ψ/an}brack⌉tri}ht|2= |
/summationdisplay |
i1,...,ik|αi1,...,ik|2(−1)|{m:im=j}| |
2 |
= |
1−2/summationdisplay |
i1,...,ik|αi1,...,ik|2[|{m:im=j}|odd] |
2 |
=: (1−2Wj)2. |
Now, by Fact 3, (1 −2Wj)2≤4ǫ(1−ǫ) for allj, so |
Wj≥1 |
2/parenleftBig |
1−2/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ)/parenrightBig |
. |
On the other hand, |
n/summationdisplay |
j=1Wj=n/summationdisplay |
j=1/summationdisplay |
i1,...,ik|αi1,...,ik|2[|{m:im=j}|odd] |
=/summationdisplay |
i1,...,ik|αi1,...,ik|2n/summationdisplay |
j=1[|{m:im=j}|odd] |
≤/summationdisplay |
i1,...,ik|αi1,...,ik|2k=k. |
Combining these two inequalities, we have |
k≥n |
2/parenleftBig |
1−2/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ)/parenrightBig |
. |
3 Nonadaptive quantum query complexity of learning |
In the case of learning, we use a very similar model to the prev ious section. Let Abe a |
nonadaptivequantumqueryalgorithm. Aisgiven access toanoracle Ox, whichcorresponds |
toabit-string xpickedfromaconcept class C.Oxactsonann+1dimensionalspaceindexed |
by basis states |0/an}brack⌉tri}ht,...,|n/an}brack⌉tri}ht, and performs the operation Ox|i/an}brack⌉tri}ht= (−1)xi|i/an}brack⌉tri}ht, withOx|0/an}brack⌉tri}ht=|0/an}brack⌉tri}ht. |
5Assume that Amakeskqueries toOxand outputs xwith probability strictly greater than |
1/2 for allx∈ C. |
We will prove limitations on nonadaptive quantum algorithm s in this model as follows. |
First, we show that a nonadaptive quantum query algorithm th at useskqueries to learn C |
is equivalent to an algorithm using one query to learn a relat ed concept class C′. We then |
show that existence of a quantum algorithm using one query th at learns C′with constant |
success probability greater than 1 /2 implies existence of a deterministic classical algorithm |
usingO(log|C′|) queries. Combining these two results gives Theorem 2. |
Lemma 4. LetCbe a concept class over n-bit strings, and let C⊗kbe the concept class |
defined by |
C⊗k={x⊗k:x∈ C}, |
wherex⊗kdenotes the (n+ 1)k-bit string indexed by 0≤i1,...,ik≤n, withx⊗k |
i1,...,ik= |
xi1⊕ ··· ⊕xik, and we define x0= 0. Then, if there exists a classical nonadaptive query |
algorithm that learns C⊗kwith success probability pand usesqqueries, there exists a classical |
nonadaptive query algorithm that learns Cwith success probability pand uses at most kq |
queries. |
Proof.Given access to x, an algorithm Acan simulate a query of index ( x1,...,x k) ofx⊗k |
by using at most kqueries to compute x1⊕··· ⊕xk. Hence, by simulating the algorithm |
for learning C⊗k,Acan learn C⊗kwith success probability pusing at most kqnonadaptive |
queries. Learning C⊗ksuffices to learn C, because each concept in C⊗kuniquely corresponds |
to a concept in C(to see this, note that the first nbits ofx⊗kare equal to x). |
Lemma 5. LetCbe a concept class containing mconcepts. Assume that Ccan be learned |
using one quantum query by an algorithm that fails with proba bility at most ǫ, for some |
ǫ<1/2. Then there exists a classical algorithm that uses at most (4log2m)/(1−2/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ)) |
queries and learns Cwith certainty. |
Proof.Associate each concept with an n-bit string, for some n, and suppose there exists a |
quantum algorithm that uses one query to learn Cand fails with probability ǫ<1/2. Then |
by Fact 3 there exists an input state |ψ/an}brack⌉tri}ht=/summationtextn |
i=0αi|i/an}brack⌉tri}htsuch that, for all x/n⌉}ationslash=y∈ C, |
|/an}brack⌉tl⌉{tψ|OxOy|ψ/an}brack⌉tri}ht|2≤4ǫ(1−ǫ), |
or in other words/parenleftBiggn/summationdisplay |
i=0|αi|2(−1)xi+yi/parenrightBigg2 |
≤4ǫ(1−ǫ). (1) |
We now show that, if this constraint holds, there must exist a subset of the inputs S⊆[n] |
such that every pair of concepts in Cdiffers on at least one input in S, and|S|=O(logm). |
By the argument of Section 1.1, this implies that there is a no nadaptive classical algorithm |
that learns Mwith certainty using O(logm) queries. |
We will use the probabilistic method to show the existence of S. For anyk, form a |
subsetSof at most kinputs between 1 and nby a process of krandom, independent |
6choices of input, where at each stage input iis picked to add to Swith probability |αi|2. |
Now consider an arbitrary pair of concepts x/n⌉}ationslash=y, and letS+,S−be the set of inputs on |
which the concepts are equal and differ, respectively. By the c onstraint (1), we have |
4ǫ(1−ǫ)≥/parenleftBiggn/summationdisplay |
i=0|αi|2(−1)xi+yi/parenrightBigg2 |
= |
/summationdisplay |
i∈S+|αi|2−/summationdisplay |
i∈S−|αi|2 |
2 |
= |
1−2/summationdisplay |
i∈S−|αi|2 |
2 |
, |
so/summationdisplay |
i∈S−|αi|2≥1 |
2−/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ). |
Therefore, at each stage of adding an input to S, the probability that an input in S−is |
added is at least1 |
2−/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ). So, after kstages of doing so, the probability that none |
of these inputs has been added is at most/parenleftBig |
1 |
2+/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ)/parenrightBigk |
. As there are/parenleftbigm |
2/parenrightbig |
pairs of |
conceptsx/n⌉}ationslash=y, by a union bound the probability that none of the pairs of con cepts differs |
on any of the inputs in Sis upper bounded by |
/parenleftbiggm |
2/parenrightbigg/parenleftbigg1 |
2+/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ)/parenrightbiggk |
≤m2/parenleftbigg1 |
2+/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ)/parenrightbiggk |
. |
For anykgreater than |
2log2m |
log22/(1+2/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ))<4log2m |
1−2/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ) |
this probability is strictly less than 1, implying that ther e exists some choice of S⊆[n] |
with|S| ≤ksuch that every pair of concepts differs on at least one of the in puts inS. This |
completes the proof. |
We are finally ready to prove Theorem 2, which we restate for cl arity. |
Theorem. LetCbe a concept class containing mconcepts, and let Abe a nonadaptive |
quantum query algorithm that uses kqueries to the input to learn C, and succeeds with |
probability at least 1−ǫon every input, for some ǫ <1/2. Then there exists a classical |
nonadaptive query algorithm that learns Cwith certainty using at most |
4klog2m |
1−2/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ) |
queries to the input. |
Proof.LetOxbe the oracle operator corresponding to the concept x. Then a nonadaptive |
quantum algorithm Athat learns xusingkqueries to Oxis equivalent to a quantum |
algorithm that uses one query to O⊗k |
xto learnx. It is easy to see that this is equivalent to |
Ain fact using one query to learn the concept class C⊗k. By Lemma 5, this implies that |
there exists a classical algorithm that uses at most (4 klog2m)/(1−2/radicalbig |
ǫ(1−ǫ)) queries |
to learn C⊗kwith certainty. Finally, by Lemma 4, this implies in turn tha t there exists a |
classical algorithm that uses the same number of queries and learnsCwith certainty. |
7Acknowledgements |
I would like to thank Aram Harrow and Dan Shepherdfor helpful discussions and comments |
on a previous version. This work was supported by the EC-FP6- STREP network QICS and |
an EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. |
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