<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Lexie : I was having some trouble finding the heartbeat , but here it is . Strong and clear . Jennifer : Oh . Lexie : I m a little out of practice . [ Squeaking sound ] Jennifer : Lexie , is everything okay ? Lexie . Lexie : No , Jennifer , I m afr -- I m afraid there s something wrong with the baby . Jennifer : Wrong ? What do you mean ? Is the baby just in a position that s making it difficult to see ? Lexie : No , no . I see the fetus clearly . Jennifer : All right , then what is it , Lexie ? Please tell me -- what is wrong with my baby ? Chloe : So , was that your way of trying to convince me to stay ? [ Giggles ] Brady : Chloe , we both know that you need to go and do this . It s the opportunity of a lifetime . I had to hold you in my arms again . And now I do nt think I ever want to let you go . Chloe : Well , just tell me you want me to stay and I ll call Madam Marin and tell her to find another singer . Victor : Where the hell have you been ? Nicole : Hello to you , too . Victor : Answer me . Nicole : I went for a walk . Victor : If I find out you were anywhere near Shawn , or that you contacted Philip ... Nicole : Relax , grandpa . Message received loud and clear . Stay away from all male members of your family , literally and figuratively . Victor : I mean it , Nicole . Do nt take my warnings lightly . Nicole : Would nt dream of it , love . Victor : Go ahead , give me one more reason to turn you in for Colin s murder . You and I both know you did it . And I m becoming more and more convinced that you re also guilty of the serial killings . Nicole : Think what you want , Victor . But you do nt have any proof , and neither does anyone else . John : All I m saying is the last thing any of us wants is for Tony DiMera to make bail and walk again . Woman : Mr. Black , Tony DiMera is being arraigned on six counts of premeditated murder . I doubt very much that the judge will be granting bail . You ll have to excuse me . John : Doc . Come on , we got to talk . We ca nt go on like this anymore . Hope : But Bo , it s already been decided that uncle -- Bo : What is the matter with Mickey ? Hope : It s not going to do any good to fight with the man . Bo : How can he betray us like this , betray himself , defending that bastard ? Hope : Bo . Bo : Mickey , what the hell is wrong with you ? How can you represent the monster who killed your wife ? Marlena : Not now . The hearing is about to start . John : Fine . Name a time and place . Marlena : I told you I do nt want to do this here . John : Listen , I know you blame me for Roman s death because I talked you out of stopping the wedding , but for God s sakes , I m not the guilty party here . The person responsible for murdering Roman is Tony DiMera . Marlena : I spoke to Tony already . I told him that I would testify against him . I also told him to go to hell . John : And what , you re hoping I end up right alongside him ? Mickey : If you d just listen to me -- Bo : Have you thought about how Maggie would feel about this ? Or my Mother , or Roman , or any of the other victims ? Do you think they would admire you for defending the monster who took their lives ? Mickey : Tony is innocent until proven guilty , Bo . He deserves a fair trial . Bo : He s a murderer , and we re going to prove it . You re gon na lose this case , and your client is going to the death chamber . Mickey : We are going to let justice take its course . Bo : Oh , come on , Mickey , do nt give me that lawyer rhetoric . You know the history here . He has been trying to destroy the Brady family for years . Hope : Bo , do nt do this , not now , okay ? Bo . Bo : You re going down , DiMera . We got you cold . Tony : Such a pity . Bo : What , that you re gon na fry ? Tony : That you are so blinded by hatred to see that the real killer is still out there . I tried to warn your brother , too . He , too , refused to listen . Hope : Come here . Come here . What are you trying to do , get yourself thrown out of here ? Let s go sit down . Come on . Uncle Mickey , I think I understand why you re doing this . And I think you ll understand that I hope with all of my heart you lose this case . I believe that Tony s guilty . Mickey : I will be happy to lose this case if it means that the serial killer has finally been stopped . Celeste : Mickey . Mickey ! Why did nt you tell Bo and Hope about my visit from Roman and Maggie ? Mickey : Well , Celeste , I -- Celeste : But he told me that Anthony was nt the killer . Surely that would have helped to convince Bo that you re doing the right thing . Mickey : Look , I am the only one that needs to be convinced . Try to convince everybody else . Make them question my credentials . Weaken Tony s case . He is going to be found guilty or innocent based upon the facts and the evidence . Hope : You feeling a little better ? Bo : Nah , I ll feel better when your uncle loses his case and that maniac is condemned to death . That s the only way our family and the people we love will be safe . Victor : Proof is nt that hard to get , Nicole -- or manufacture . Nicole : You re saying you d frame me for the killings ? Victor : I m going to the hearing . Nicole : Exciting . Victor : Try and behave yourself while I m gone . Nicole : Aye - aye , sir . Victor : And when you see Brady and Chloe , leave them the hell alone ! Nicole : While the cat s away ... Brady : Chloe , you can not be serious . You would ask Madam Marin to replace you ? Chloe : I m completely serious . Just say the word . Brady : Well , you know that I would love for you to stay . Chloe : Good . It s settled . Brady : Hold on a second . This is the career opportunity of a lifetime . You re not gon na pass it up . Chloe : Brady , we ve been over this . Brady : I will come and visit you all the time . You re not gon na be gone for that long . We ve talked about it . Chloe : It s not enough . Brady : Chloe , you need to do this . You are not gon na give it up . Chloe : But this is all I want to do all the time . Brady : Yeah . I ca nt believe I m going to say this right now , but we have to stop . Chloe : I ca nt believe you said it , either . Brady : You need to get packed , and I got to get you to the airport . Chloe : We ve got plenty of time . Brady : Chloe , your flight leaves in , like -- Chloe : Hey , you know what ? Trust me , Brady , when you ve been living on the road , it is amazing how fast you learn how to pack . Jennifer : Oh , my gosh . Lexie : I m so sorry . Jennifer : You know , I should nt have let myself be so happy . I should have waited till I knew more , Lexie . Lexie : No , Jennifer , do nt say that . Jennifer : I mean , I was told that you should wait till you get past your first trimester , do nt even tell anyone that you re pregnant in case something happens . But I suppose with Jack being gone , you know , I let myself think that this baby is a gift from Jack , and that everything would just go along so perfectly , and I would have this happy , healthy baby . Oh , Lexie . I do nt -- I do nt know what to do . I have to , uh , I have to be strong through this , right ? Lexie : Right , right , and we do nt know anything for sure . Jennifer : Well , just that the baby might not survive , and if I do nt terminate the pregnancy , my life could be at risk . It does nt get much worse than that , Lexie . Lexie : Sweetie , whatever you decide to do , I m here for you , okay ? I ll support you . Jennifer : Oh , my gosh . How am I going to tell Abby ? How will I tell her ? Jennifer : Lexie , Dr. Bader -- she heard the heartbeat two weeks ago . You just heard it today . You said that it was strong , that it was healthy . Lexie : Yes , yes , it is , but as I told you -- Jennifer : Lexie , look at me , and be honest . What are the chances of me carrying this baby to term ? Lexie : Not good . And if you try -- Jennifer , you have to think of Abby . She needs you . Jennifer : So you re telling me that if I do nt terminate this pregnancy , I could die . Marlena : Tony wanted me to testify on his behalf . John : He was serious ? Marlena : Mm - hmm . He tried to persuade me that he s innocent , and that the real killer is still out there somewhere . John : Of course he did . Marlena : John , he s a sociopath . He has no sense of right or wrong , no remorse for what he s done . John : You know , you still did nt answer my question . Do you still blame tony as much as me for Roman s death ? Victor : Marlena , John . Marlena : Oh . Victor : I thought I d find you two here . Marlena : Uh , I m going inside . Excuse me , Victor . Victor : Any word on whether or not Kate s coming ? John : No , she s not gon na make it . I talked to Philip . He spent the night with her at the hotel . We did nt figure she d be able to handle this , so we decided it would be better if she did nt show up . Victor : I agree . John : Yeah . Tony : Oh . Are you sure you wo nt change your mind ? Marlena : And testify on your behalf ? Not on the longest day of my life . Tony : Hmm . Hope : Bo , we have to believe that justice will be served , and that Tony will be found guilty . Bo : If he is nt found guilty , if he walks , I swear -- Hope : Do nt say it , please . Man : All rise . The honorable Judge Karen Fitzpatrick presiding . Judge : Please be seated . Good afternoon . This is a hearing to determine whether count Anthony DiMera shall be held over for trial on six counts of premeditated murder . Mickey Horton , attorney for the defense , has entered a motion that all charges be summarily dismissed for lack of evidence . Bo : Well , that s crazy , your honor . We ve got enough evidence to put that scum away for life . Judge : Order . Order ! Chloe : I do nt want to do this . Brady : I know , Chloe . I m sorry , but you have to . You do nt have a choice . Come here . Nicole : Yuck . Disgusting . She ca nt keep her hands off him . Nicole : Oh . Well , if it is nt the two lovebirds . Brady : Hi , Nicole . Have you seen my grandfather around ? Nicole : He s at Tony DiMera s pretrial hearing . Why ? Brady : Well , I just wanted to tell him that Chloe is leaving today . Nicole : Really ? So soon ? Why ? Chloe : I got a call to replace another singer . I m due to perform in Vienna tomorrow night . Nicole : Well , before you leave , Chloe , I have something I d like to say to you . Brady : Nicole , please , no trouble , okay ? Nicole : No , no , no , no , no . That s not it . I want to apologize . Abby : You know what ? I heard the baby s heart beat when Mom was here the first time . It was the coolest thing . Woman : It is pretty cool , is nt it ? Abby : I ca nt wait until the baby s born , because then can help Mom take care of her -- or him . It s good that I m much older , because I can be a big help this way . Woman : Of course you can . You re going to be a wonderful big sister , Abby . Abby : I m sure gon na try , especially cause my Dad s not here . My Mom really needs me now to help raise the baby . Lexie : As soon as we have the results of the specialized ultrasound ... Jennifer : I ca nt even believe that this is happening , Lexie . Lexie : I know . Jennifer , um , from what I ve seen , if you do nt miscarry , terminating the pregnancy may be the only way -- sweetie -- may be the only way to save your life . Judge : Order ! Mickey : Sorry . Sorry . Judge : Commander Brady , you ve stood before this court on numerous occasions . Have you ever known me to tolerate that kind of outburst ? No , you have nt ! And that continues to be my policy . Nothing has changed . You will speak when you are addressed . Are we clear on that ? Bo : Yes . I m sorry , your honor . Judge : District Attorney Chang , you may proceed . Chang : Your honor , I d like to call Commander Brady to the stand so that he might detail the arrest and evidence against the accused . Chang : Why do you believe Count DiMera is the serial killer , Commander Brady ? Bo : He was found trying to flee the scene of the most recent murder . He was dressed the way we know the serial killer to dress . Chang : Anything else ? Bo : A weapon was found at the scene -- a samurai sword . We discovered it belonged to Mr. DiMera . It is also consistent with the wounds found on the latest victim . Prior to this , we discovered Mr. DiMera s PDA contained all the messages sent to the Salem P.D. from the serial killer . All this adds up to one thing -- he s guilty . [ Spectators murmuring ] Victor : Things do nt look good for your friend Tony . Roman : Celeste , come on . I told you Tony is nt guilty . You ve got to do something , damn it . Roman : Maybe he can convince you . Abe : You ve got to do the right thing , Celeste . People we love are still in danger . Mmmm . Nicole : This is nt easy for me ... and I want to tell both of you I m very , very sorry for the way I ve been behaving . Whether you believe me or not , I was hoping my marriage to Victor would be a lifetime thing . I really was . And I guess that s something that you and Brady will never have to worry about . And I wish both of you the best . I mean , it is such great news about the opera house , and I know you re going to be a huge star , Chloe . I m just sorry that I might not be around to see it . Chloe : Thank you , Nicole . I hope you find a way to be happy , too . Nicole : I wo nt give up until I do . Chloe : Good for you . Brady : Uh , Nicole , I really appreciated what you -- what you just did . Nicole : Hey , I m not all bad . I - I have to cut back on the booze . I will -- I m determined . Stay right here . I have to do something before you go , okay ? See you soon . Abe : Do nt bother , Celeste . You re the only one that can see us . Roman told me he spoke to you . Now , why did nt you follow up on what he said ? Celeste : I - I ... Roman : I know you told Mickey , and he s doing the right thing . But Tony could still be convicted . Abe : Let s see what s going on . Mickey : But if there s no forensic evidence ... Bo : We do nt have any forensics evidence yet to place Mr. DiMera at any of the other murder scenes , but he still does nt have an alibi for any of those crimes . Mickey : Well , neither do any of the other suspects . Bo : We caught him running away . Mickey : Yeah , but that was outside . I mean , you ca nt place him in the room where the murder actually took place , now , can you ? Bo : Again , not yet . But I am confident my forensics team will come up with the evidence to prove he s the killer . Mickey : Your lab tests for the victim s blood on the alleged murder weapon have come up negative . Is that correct ? Bo : More tests are under way , and I believe forensics will prove that my brother s blood was on Mr. DiMera s sword . Mickey : Well , it makes sense that you d hope for that , because without that , you have no case . Chang : Objection , your honor . We urge the defense keep his opinions to himself . Mickey : Withdrawn , withdrawn . Thank you , your honor . No more questions . Bo : We still have the matter of the PDA , and I was there when Mr. DiMera threatened my brother . He said , quo , watch your back or the killer will get you , unquote . What more evidence do you need ? Mickey : Your honor , I ask that the witness stop giving unsolicited testimony . Judge : Your request has been duly noted , counselor . You may step down , Commander Brady . Bo : I m not finished , your honor . Judge : Step down , Commander Brady . Roman : My little brother -- kind of a hothead . Abe : Why do you think I always had you testify in cases instead of Bo ? Roman : The D.A. s got nothing . Abe : She does nt . But how could she ? We both know that Tony s not guilty , and so do you , Celeste . You hold the key to naming the real killer . Roman : You ve just got to find it . Brady : All right . Bags are in the jeep . You ready ? Chloe : Yeah , I - I guess we d better go , then . Nicole : Oh , hey , hey -- not so fast . Ha . Ah , airplane food leaves a lot to be desired . Chloe : What s this ? Nicole : I , uh , I had cook whip it up for you to take on the plane . Chloe : Thank you , Nicole . That-- that s so thoughtful of you . Nicole : It s just A ... salad and a couple of freshly - baked muffins . Chloe : Sounds great . Brady : Well , you know , Chloe should probably ... Chloe : Yeah . Nicole : Okay . Well , fly safe , and break a leg , okay ? Or whatever the expression is . Chloe : That s one . Nicole : Um ... I m glad we were able to bury the hatchet and put all the misunderstandings and ill feelings behind us . Chloe : Yeah . And , Nicole , if you do get your drinking under control , maybe you should get some counseling . Who knows what the future holds ? You know , maybe even you and Victor will work things out . Nicole : Well , one thing I do know for sure is I m swearing off the booze . Chloe : I m sure you can do it , and you ll be much stronger for it . Nicole : Thanks , Chloe . Okay , well , uh ... bye . Brady : See ya . Nicole : You re right , Chloe . Who knows what the future holds ? Jennifer : No , I wo nt do it . I will not even consider ending this pregnancy , Lexie . Lexie : But , Jennifer , if further tests show the fetus is nt viable -- Jennifer : Viable ? This is my baby we re talking about , Lexie . If there is even the remotest chance ... so no , I - I will not have an abortion -- never . Never . Do you hear me ? Lexie : I ll have your grandmother come in so you can talk to her . Jennifer : Do nt tell Abby . I do nt want Abby to know yet . Lexie : No . No , no , of course not . That s up to you . Jennifer , sweetheart , if I ve sounded insensitive -- Jennifer : Lexie , you re a doctor . I understand that you have to tell me the truth . Lexie : I m also your friend , and I hope you know my heart is breaking for you right now . Jennifer : I do know . Lexie : Okay . I ll get Alice . Alice : Oh . Alexandra . Lexie : Alice ... Alice : Now ... how s Jennifer ? Lexie : Where s Abby ? Alice : Oh , she went to get a drink of water . Lexie : Oh . Alice : Is everything all right ? Lexie : Jennifer needs to see you . She needs you so much right now . Mickey : Your honor , if the court please , I would like to call Count DiMera to testify in order to refute the testimony of Commander Brady . Tony : Well , I have no idea how those messages got on the PDA that they found on me . Mickey : You do own a PDA -- a personal digital assistant , though . Tony : Yes , the PDA they found on me was identical to the one that I own -- I do nt know how those messages got on there . I certainly did nt create them -- which I assume was planted on me in order to frame me , and as far as what I was doing at Tuscany the night that Captain Brady was so heinously butchered -- I was trying to capture the killer and thereby exonerate myself . But , unfortunately , my plan totally backfired due to the overzealous efforts of Bo Brady and his gaggle of keystone cops . Bo : That bastard s lying . Judge : Order . Bo : Your honor , he s as guilty as sin . Judge : Commander Brady , you will sit down . This is your final warning , Commander Brady . Disrupt these proceedings one more time , and I will have you held in contempt . Abe : You ve got to do something , Celeste -- now , before it s too late . Abe : Celeste ... we know you re scared . Everything s going to be all right . Roman : Abe and I are here to help you . Judge : Will you be calling more witnesses , Ms. Chang ? Chang : One , your honor -- a forensic specialist from the Salem Police Department . He s been delayed , but I just received word that he s on his way . Judge : Very well . We ll take a 15-minute recess while we await his arrival . Man : All rise . Bo : As soon as Tek gets here , we ll have the evidence we need to make sure DiMera never hurts anyone again . Brady : Chloe , it feels like you just got here . Chloe : I love you so much . Brady : I ca nt let you go , not even for a little while . Chloe : You just talked me out of staying . But there s a little bit of time before the flight . Brady : You know what , Chloe ? We re going to have nothing but time . Chloe : Yeah ? When ? Brady : Right now . I ve changed my mind . Chloe : Changed your mind ? Brady : Yes , I am coming with you . Nicole : [ Thinking ] Damn it , no . Brady ca nt go . It would ruin everything . Lexie : Abby . Abby : Dr. Carver . Lexie : How are you doing , sweetheart ? Abby : Great . Where d Great - Grandma Alice go ? Lexie : Oh , she s just in with your mom . Abby : Oh . Can I go in , too ? Lexie : Um , soon . I just want to give your mom and your great - grandmom some time alone . Jennifer : Gram , I just -- I do nt understand . Why is this happening ? Why am I being punished like this ? Alice : Now , wait until we get all the test results , and then we ll see . Jennifer : I have a feeling I know what the results are going to be , Gram . And then I m going to have to make the second most difficult decision of my life . Alice : And you can do it . Whatever you decide , we re all here for you . Jennifer : I do nt know , Gram . I do nt know -- I do nt know if I have the courage and the strength to get through this . Victor : Marlena must be taking Roman s death very hard . John : Yep , she is . Victor : You know , listening to the evidence or the lack thereof , it s quite possible that Tony s innocent . John : Yeah , it s got to be him . Victor : Yeah . Maybe you re thinking with your heart instead of your head -- you and Bo both . John : What are you saying , Vic ? Victor : Come on , John . You ve been a cop . You do nt really have a case . John : All right . If not Tony , then who ? Victor : I do nt know . It always struck me , though , that there was the hand of a woman behind these murders . John : How so ? Victor : Well ... the various weapons , the different M.O.S , the fact that so many -- most of the killings were planned and sort of deliberate , and others were -- like Jack Deveraux s , were sort of spontaneous . John : All right , which woman ? Sami ? Kate ? Your wife Nicole , perhaps ? Victor : I ll leave that to the police . John : Yeah . Oh , I want to thank you , by the way . Victor : For what ? John : Bringing Chloe back to Salem . I do nt want to speak ill of your wife , but it seems that Nicole was getting a bit too close to Brady . Victor : Well , do nt worry , John . I m going to get rid of Nicole very soon . She wo nt be a problem for me or any member of my family . Celeste : Why do nt you leave me alone ? Abe : We ca nt , Celeste . Only you can name the killer to save the rest of our families , our loved ones . Celeste : But I do nt know who the killer is . Marlena : Celeste ... who are you talking to ? Celeste : Roman and Abraham . Roman : Doc ... you re taking my death so hard . Celeste : I know you do nt see them , Marlena , but you feel their presence , do nt you ? Your good friend Abraham , your ex - husband Roman -- they re both right here in front of you , darling . Look and see . Chloe : No , Brady , you were right . There are reasons why you ca nt come with me . You have to stay here . Brady : No , Chloe , I do nt have to do anything . Chloe : You know what I m saying is right . As much as the both of us hate the idea of being separated again , it s the right thing to do right now . Brady : Yeah , I guess it is . Woman : Final boarding call for flight 272 for New York with continuing service to Vienna . Final call for flight 272 . Brady : I love you , Chloe Lane . Chloe : I love you , Brady Black . Brady : I -- I ca nt say it . Chloe : Neither can I. Brady : So I ll see you soon , huh ? Chloe : Not soon enough . Nicole : [ Thinking ] Do nt worry , Brady . You wo nt be lonely for long . Lexie : Well , I ll go see if your mom s ready for you to go in , okay ? Abby : Do you think I can still hear the baby s heart beat ? Lexie : I m sorry , Abby . Probably not today . Jennifer : Did you find Abby ? Lexie : Yeah . She s ready to come in and see you . I m going to take the tape for Dr. Bader to see , okay ? Jennifer : Lexie , I know that you said I would be putting myself at enormous risk if I carried this baby to term . Lexie : Mm - hmm . Jennifer : Do nt you understand ? This is Jack s baby . This child is the way that I was going to keep Jack with me forever , so how can I give that up ? How can I end this pregnancy ? Tell me , how can I kill Jack s baby ? Abby : No , Mommy , no ! It s bad enough that you killed Daddy . You ca nt kill his baby , too ! Marlena : Celeste , I m sorry . I ca nt see anything . Tek : Dr. Evans , Celeste , you ll have to excuse me . I m running late . Celeste : Marlena , Abraham and Roman -- they are here . They ve both appeared to me . Marlena : Why ? What do they want ? Celeste : Roman and Maggie told me that Anthony is not the killer , and -- and Abraham came to help convince me . They swear that if Anthony is convicted , the real killer will kill again . They said that I know who really did it , and that it s up to me to stop the real killer before he or she kills again . But I do nt know how , Marlena . I do nt know how . Tek : I got it right here . Man : All rise . Judge : Please be seated . Your witness , Ms. Chang . Chang : The prosecution calls Thomas Kramer . Chang : What evidence has your team found to place Anthony DiMera at one or all of the murder scenes ? Tek : None . Chang : And ... you recovered the murder weapon ? Tek : Yes . Yes , we did . Chang : And , uh , the blood belonging to the last victim -- Roman Brady -- was found on the murder weapon ? Tek : Yes , it was . Bo : Got him . Chang : And that weapon was a samurai sword belonging to the suspect Anthony DiMera . Tek : No . The , uh , murder weapon was the knife used to cut the wedding cake . Bo : What the ... that s impossible . Mickey : Your honor , I move for an immediate dismissal . Bo : No , you ca nt let him go free , your honor . We ve got that PDA , the open threat on my brother , and he s got no alibi for any of the killings . Motive , means , and opportunity . Judge : Commander Brady , what you say is true , but the evidence we ve seen is -- it s flimsy at best . I d be more inclined to rule if there was someone else who could speak on behalf of the defendant , either to vouch for his innocence or swear to his guilt . Do you have anyone , Mr. Horton ? Mickey : I m afraid not , your honor . Judge : Ms. Chang ? Chang : No , your honor . Bo : No one would vouch for that scum . Marlena : Your honor , if it please the court , I d like to be heard . Shawn - D : Your mom loves your dad . She s going to ask him to move back in before you know it . Belle : Not if he kills her first . Marlena : I believe Celeste . Tony has to be innocent . Hope : This is just helping the other side . Calm down . Bo : I m not the one helping DiMera . Nicole : When I am done training you , you will have Shawn Brady s hot body all to yourself . ### Summary:
Lexie tells Jennifer that if she does not terminate her pregnancy , her life is in danger . Abby tells her that she killed her dad , she ca nt kill his child too ! Nicole plays nice with Chloe , apologizing and giving her a farewell hug before she s off to the airport . She watches as Brady says good - bye to his love and plots to have him . Victor and John talk at Tony s trial , and Victor believes that the killer is a woman . Bo and Hope still ca nt believe Mickey is defending Tony . Bo takes the stand and tries to prove Tony s guilt , but Tek takes the stand and reports that there is no solid evidence . Tony continues to say that he did not commit these crimes . Celeste gets visited by Roman and Abe who tells her that Tony is innocent and she must prove it to the world , and she tells Marlena . Marlena says that she will testify , but is it against or on the behalf of Tony ?
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Bart : Man , it s cold out there . I figured you needed more firewood . Tony : Oh , Bart , please . Ca nt you see I m concentrating ? Tony : Oh , good grief , Bart . Just say what it is you wanna say . Bart : Sorry , boss , I just -- I get goose bumps when I see you deep in thought like this . Let me take one guess . You re thinking it s been way too long since you ve created mayhem and mass hysteria for those suckers who made it back to Salem , am I right ? Tony : Ah , you know me too well , Bart . Yes , it is time to shake up their world ... once again . Roman : Oh , my God , Doc , I love you so much . You were the great love of my life . Marlena : I love you , too , Roman . I always have . Roman : Oh , Doc . Doc . Before I die , there s something I want very much . I wanna make love to you . John : Well , you know the saying . Hell hath no fury like ... Sami Brady . Kate : If she accuses you of being an addict , then we ll sue her for defamation of character . John : Yeah , but , Kate , in the meantime , she could do a lot of damage -- not just to me personally , but to the company . Kate : Okay , so I m going to alert the P.R. people . If she starts slinging mud , at least -- at least we ll be ready . John : Thanks . I appreciate it . I know you re looking out for me and the company , but -- Kate : But you re still worried . John : Yeah , I am . Sami has harbored so much anger for so long now . I have a feeling she could be driven to do more than just sling a little mud . Brady : I agree . When Sami s on the warpath , she stops at nothing until she hurts everyone that she feels has done her wrong . Nancy : Stop , Nicole , you ca nt go in there . Nicole : Why not ? Nancy : Have you signed in ? Nicole : Signed in ? Nancy : It s the policy here . Nicole : I ve never had to do that before . Look , Nancy , I know I m not exactly Salem s favorite citizen , but what do you think I m gon na do , kidnap a patient ? Nancy : Nicole , this is nt personal . It s because it s the clinic s liability insurance . Nicole : Whatever . Where do I sign in ? Nancy : There s a book up at reception . Nicole : You think someone would have told me that when I first got here . Nancy : What are you doing ? Chloe : What does it look like I m doing ? I m leaving . Nancy : Do nt be ridiculous . Chloe : Thanks to you , I ca nt stay here anymore . Bo : As much as I do nt want to , I got ta get up . Hope : Mm , why ca nt we just stay here ? Bo : Well , we could , but ... we got plans . Hope : What s wrong with this plan ? Bo : Not a thing . And we will get back to this later . I m gon na take a quick shower , and then you re gon na jump in there and meet me downstairs . Put on that pretty new dress , okay ? Hope : I was hoping we could stay in tonight . Bo : Do nt you worry , we ll have plenty of fun . Hope : One more kiss . Bo : Ow . Billie : Lucas , do nt go over to Sami s right now . Lucas : You heard Will . She s freaking out . Billie : Yeah , but you know what s gon na happen if you get over there . She s gon na start crying and begging for your forgiveness . Do you really wanna deal with that right now ? Lucas : No . Billie : Okay , then , come sit down and relax . Lucas : Billie , you do nt know her like I do . She s capable of anything when she s like this . She can get herself into major trouble right now . Billie : So what ? I ca nt believe you still feel sorry for Sami . Lucas : Billie , she has nobody -- no friends , no family , no nothing . Billie : What about Eric ? Lucas : I do nt know . He s in Malta on a photo shoot or something . Billie : Okay , you know what ? I m really sorry that Sami has no friends , but whose fault is that ? Lucas , you should not waste one more minute worrying about her . If Sami gets herself into trouble , then she s just gon na have to find a way to get herself out of it . Sami : What the hell is this ? I do nt get the evening paper . Well , I guess since Kate fired me , I might as well start looking at the classifieds . Oh , my God . What is this ? First my computer , and now the newspaper . Okay , this is really starting to get freaky . Sami : What the hell ? Wait a second , I did nt even think that stupid fax machine still worked . Okay , stop it . Look , whoever is doing this , just -- just stop it . Do you hear me ? Stop it right now ! Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of Our Lives . Lucas : I ve been so caught up in my own life , I do nt even know what s going on in yours . Billie : Aah , you got enough to worry about without worrying about me . Lucas : Well , no , I would nt say I m worried about you . Just what exactly is going on between you and Bo Brady ? Bo : All right , thanks . Bye . Fancy Face , you ready ? Bo : Whoo . You take my breath away . Hope : It s beautiful . Bo : Glad you like it . The best part about it is you get your wish . We do nt have to go out tonight . Hope : You did all of this while I was upstairs ? Bo : I had a little help . Hope : Maggie again ? Bo : No , it was Henderson . Hope : Henderson ? Bo : Uh - huh . Hope : Well , he did a fantastic job . Bo : We did a fantastic job . I helped ... a little . Have a seat . I have a special wine for a special woman . Chateau Margot from the year we were married . Hope : That is special , but -- Bo : It s from my father s wine cellar . Henderson said that , um , he set it aside for us . Hope : That was very sweet of Victor . Bo : Yeah , yes , it was . And like this wine , every year with you gets better and better . To the most beautiful woman in the world -- the mother of my children , my heart , my soul , my wife . Hope : And to you , the only man I ve ever loved . Sami : What is this ? Revenge ! Why do I keep getting these messages ? I mean , the computer and the newspaper . Think , Sami . Okay , okay , maybe it s just some sort of marketing campaign , you know , for a new movie or something . Whatever , it does nt matter . I just have to focus on fixing things with Lucas and Will , my stupid bank account , and I have to figure out how to get a new job . Oh , God , Sami , what am I gon na do ? Okay , just right now -- right now , just relax . That s all . Okay , maybe I need a glass of wine . Okay . I m just gon na relax . I ll have some wine . Great . Just a little wine , a little -- maybe I ll take a hot bath . Maybe a little music . Yeah , a little music , some wine ... this ll be perfect . [ Jazz music playing ] Okay . Okay . Man s voice : Revenge . Revenge . Revenge . Brady : Oh , excuse me for just a second . I ll be right back . Brady : Hello ? Nicole : Hey , Brady , it s me . Brady : Hey there . How s Clara doing ? Nicole : I m wondering that myself . Brady : What , you have nt seen her yet ? Nicole : No , not yet . But you ll never believe who I did run into . Brady : Who ? Nicole : Nancy Wesley . Brady : Nancy Wesley ? What s she doing at the clinic ? I did nt know she was back in town . Chloe : You went out of your way to question Nicole about Brady . I heard you . Nancy : I did that for you . Someone has to light a fire underneath you . I thought that if you saw how close they were becoming , that you might tell Brady you re alive . Chloe : Yeah , alive and ugly . Nancy : You are not ugly ... although your behavior is starting to become ugly . I m sorry , Chloe , but it s true . Sweetheart , a little scarring does not change who you are on the inside . Chloe : I told you I did nt wanna see Brady until I was ready . And I m not ready . Why ca nt you just accept that ? Kate : I think you re right that Sami s going to lash out , but I think I m the one she s going to come after first . John : Now , why would you say that ? Kate : Because she blames me for what happened . John : Okay , Kate , you be honest with me now . Did you set her up ? Kate : Well , it all depends on what you think the definition of setup is . John : Go on . Kate : I hired a private investigator to , uh , to follow her because I did nt think she was being faithful to Lucas . But the odd thing is that up until the night before her wedding , she was true to him . Now , why she went to Brandon s hotel and wound up in bed with him is a mystery . John : She s got no guidance . You know , even after Roman and Marlena were divorced , they would still get together and sit that girl down and talk sense to her . And she d listen . It s amazing . It was during moments like that that you began to realize through everything , just what an unbreakable bond Doc and Roman really had . Marlena : Oh ! What -- oh , oh ! Roman : You son of a bitch . What the hell are you doing here ? Tony : Well , I m sorry . Did I drop by at a most inopportune moment ? Roman : You are such a sick son of a bitch , Tony . Tony : Oh , well , three s a crowd . Next time I ll call first . Marlena : What do you want ? Tony : Well , I had some news . Well , it s sad news , unfortunately . It s about your daughter Sami . Marlena : What happened ? Roman : What is it ? Tony : Well , it seems that she has suffered a terrible loss . Her life , I m afraid , as she s known it , is over . Bo : I got something for you . Hope : What have you done ? Bo . Bo : One for you and one for me -- so we ll always have a piece of each other s heart . Hope : They re beautiful . Bo : The h is mine . Hope : Obviously , and the b is for me . Bo : There you go . Hope : Oh , it s perfect . Bo : Just like you . Hope : Are we gon na put yours on ? Bo : You could put it on me later , when we re in bed . Hope : That sounds like a good idea . Much easier that way . Bo : Mm - hmm . Hope : Thank you . God , I love you . Bo : Well , you should . Hope : Everything is absolutely delicious . Kudos to Henderson . And you , of course . Bo : Thank you . Hey , did I tell you that Shawn called earlier ? Hope : No . Bo : You must have been in the shower . He said he had some great news , but he wanted to tell us in person . Hope : Did he give you any idea what it was about ? Bo : No . Hope : Oh , let s just hope he came to his senses and broke up with Jan. Bo : Mm - hmm . Hope : You know what ? Let s not ruin the evening by talking about Jan Spears . Bo : Good idea . Hope : I d rather talk about what a wonderful husband I have -- always surprising me . First a special valentine s day , now this . Bo : Well , I - I have nt exactly made your life easy lately , and I was trying to make up for that . Hope : You re doing a pretty good job . Bo : Do you know how much I love you ? Hope : I know you love me ... I just wanna make sure it stays that way . Bo : It will . Why would you say something like that , Fancy Face ? Hope : Why do you think I would ? Bo : Oh , come on . Hope : Billie ree-- Bo ... you asked . I do nt trust her . I m sorry , but as long as she s in our lives , I think she s a threat to our happiness . Billie : Not you , too . Why does everyone think there s something going on between me and Bo ? Lucas : Everybody knows you never got over him . You share a child together -- a daughter who still may be alive . Billie : And that is the only connection that we still have . Lucas : Billie , that s a strong connection . I mean , Sami and I would never have stayed together all these years if it was nt for Will . Billie : Yeah , look how that turned out . Lucas : Thank you . Billie : Oh , I m sorry . Lucas , look , I - I just wanna find Georgia , okay ? I m not plotting to get my ex back . Lucas : It s possible to want someone without plotting to get em , right ? And that s why it s so awkward that you re staying there . You re still in love with Bo , are nt you ? Man s voice : Revenge . Revenge . Revenge . Sami : Oh , my God . What the hell is going on here ? Why is this happening to me ? I m getting out of here . Brady : Did Nancy say what she was doing at the clinic ? Nicole : She s working part - time as a volunteer . Brady : What ? Nicole : Mm - hmm . She said her father was on the board . Brady : Oh , I guess that makes sense . It s just weird . Nancy never mentioned anything to me about her being back . Did she say anything about Chloe s sister Joy ? Nicole : She did nt say , although she did ask about you . Anyway , um , right now I m gon na try and catch up with Clara . Brady : Okay , well , I m almost done here at the house . I can swing by the clinic soon if you want . Nicole : Yeah , that d be great . Brady : Okay , I , uh , I ll be right there . Bye . Nicole : Bye . Nancy : I am sorry if you think that I have gone against your wishes , but I am your mother . Chloe , it is killing me to see you cutting yourself off from the one person who could help you . Do nt you think I know how much you miss Brady ? Chloe : I do miss him ... terribly . But until I m ready to face him , I do nt want him or Nicole to know that I m here . Nicole : Oh , my God . Brady : Hey . Kate : Hey . Brady : Um , I m gon na go meet Nicole at the clinic . You okay , dad ? John : Yeah , I m perfect . Go ahead . Kate : It s okay . I m gon na be here . Brady : Thanks , Kate . Look , if you need anything , I ll be on my cell phone , all right ? Kate : We ll be fine . Kate : You know , I was thinking about what you said about Roman and Marlena -- John : Yeah , they were always on the same page when it came to their kids . You know , for a divorced couple , I find that kind of unusual . Kate : Yeah . You know , I was friends with Marlena , but when Roman and I were first seeing each other , I have to admit that I was -- I was a little jealous of their relationship . John : You re not alone . When I was on that island , it was pretty obvious Tony was trying to get the two of them back together . Kate : What do you mean ? John : Oh , Tony had -- Tony had poisoned roman with some sort of a toxic substance . He almost died . Kate : Why did nt you ever tell me this before ? John : I had nt gotten around to it . Anyway , Roman was in a bad way . He was hallucinating and -- and the whole 9 yards . Anyways , it got to the point where ... he asked Marlena to make love to him as a dying wish . Kate : What ? Did she ? John : No , no . Never got that far . Tony mysteriously got Roman an antidote somehow . Kate : Tony DiMera ... why -- why -- why play all these sick jokes with our lives ? I do nt understand it . John : Just be grateful that he s dead , or he d still be at it . Knowing my brother the way I do , he would nt stop until he tried to destroy all of our lives . Roman : What happened to Sami ? Bart : Stand back , my good man , or prepare to meet your maker . Tony : Bart , must you be so melodramatic ? Bart : I always wanted to use that line . It s from one of my favorite movies . Did you ever see it , boss ? Tony : Not now , you fool , do nt you understand ? Captain Brady here s concerned about his daughter , and rightly so . Marlena : What happened ? Tony : Well , it s a sad story . Once again , Sami was walking down the aisle . This time it was going to be with Lucas Roberts . But , lo and behold , the night before the nuptials , she decided to sleep with Brandon Walker . Roman : She did what ? Marlena : How did you hear that ? Tony : How do I hear anything , Marlena ? But the poor thing , you know , she got caught by her intended , canceled the wedding , and here she is now at home all alone , miserable once again . Roman : Oh , Sami , damn it . Marlena : She needs me . I ve got ta be there . Tony : No , she does nt . Let her take care of her own responsibilities . Marlena : And what about Will ? He wants his parents together . Tony : Well , I do nt think that s any longer a possibility . And what about you ? Where are your manners ? Should nt you be thanking me for the flowers ? What , did they stir a certain ... memory ? Roman : Give it a rest , Tony . Tony : What s the matter , you do nt know what you were doing when you were sleeping ? When I walked in , the beautiful Marlena was kissing you . Do nt worry , I wo nt tell . But as compared to what s happening in Salem between John and Kate , you two are a picture of restraint . Enjoy the flowers . Billie : Okay , I m still in love with Bo . But that s no secret , Lucas . Lucas : How does Bo feel about it ? Billie : Bo loves Hope . Bo loves Hope . Bo loves Hope . Bo loves Hope . Bo loves Hope . Ugh ! You know , even if I could take him away from her , that s just -- it s not who I am anymore . Believe it or not , I am not out to hurt Hope or her family . Lucas : Yeah , but , Billie , if Georgia may be still alive , then you have a family with Bo , too . And that s why hope does nt want you under her roof , because she feels threatened by you now . Billie : Well , I wish I could make her understand that I m not out to break them up . Maybe once we find Georgia , she ll finally realize that . Lucas : You know what I think ? Billie : What ? Lucas : If the judge thinks you re gon na stay with Bo , that s where you should be . He s the acting police commander right now . If he said he d vouch for you , that s where you want to be . You do nt want to risk it , stay somewhere else , and end up getting thrown in jail . Just ride it out for the next couple of days until the case is settled . Then you could stay where you want . Bo : Hope , I have told you 100 times . Billie s not gon na come between us . How can I make it any clearer ? Hope : Do you think I like feeling like this about Billie ? I hate it . Look , I do nt wanna talk this to death , okay , because this has nothing to do whether I trust Billie -- which I do nt -- or whether I trust in our love -- which I absolutely do . Bo : Then what s it about ? Hope : Tony DiMera . Tony brought Billie to the island for one reason and one reason only -- to break us up . He was counting on you and Billie finding each other and rekindling your relationship . And it might have worked ... if I had nt shown up with Patrick . What really worries me now is that when that plan did nt work , he did nt give up . Bo , come on , you and I both know what the DiMeras are capable of . Tony could have easily have planted that information about Georgia on the computer disk . Bo : Knowing that eventually we would uncover it . Hope : Exactly . Look at the emotional toll this has taken on us . I honestly believe the DiMeras are out to destroy everything you and I have . Sami : Ahem , okay . Who is this ? Look , Kate , if that is you , just cut it out , okay ? If you think this is some sort of joke , I am not laughing . Look , Kate , you quit harassing me , you bitch -- Man s voice : [ Distorted ] Do nt be so hasty . You want to get back at your enemies , do nt you , Sami ? John , Shawn , Belle , Brady , of course , Kate . The list keeps growing , does nt it ? Sami : Who is this ? Man s voice : A friend . A friend who can help . Sami : What , by scaring me to death ? I do nt think so . Man s voice : Listen carefully , Sami . Revenge . It s all about revenge . Nicole : [ Thinking ] That must be the poor woman who s helping Clara . Nancy : Nicole , what are you doing back here ? Nicole : Well , I just signed in . I wanted to see Clara . I was told she was in this room . Nancy : Well , she s not in here anymore . She s probably in her own room . Nicole : Okay , well , as long as I m here , I d like to say hello to Clara s friend . You know , tell her how nice it is that she took Clara under her wing . Brady : I d like to meet her , too . Chloe : [ Thinking ] Brady ? What s he doing here ? Oh , this is exactly what I was afraid of . Roman : Damn it ! Marlena : Roman , you keep saying we ca nt let Tony get to us . That s what he wants . Roman : I m just so damn sick of being in this fishbowl , Doc . Marlena : I know . I m sorry . If I had nt -- Roman : Had nt what ? Had nt kissed me ? Doc , it s okay . Hey , we were both asleep . But if I remember right , I was kissing you back . It s just sometimes I wonder . I wonder if we re ever gon na get back home , if we re ever gon na see Carrie and Eric , Sami , Belle . Marlena : We are not giving up , Roman . Roman : Believe me , I am trying not to . Marlena : We will fight . Even if it kills us . Roman : Well , unfortunately , I think that s what Tony s counting on . Brady : Mrs. Wesley , how long have you been back in town ? Nancy : Not long . My mother s not feeling well , so joy and I came back to be with her . Brady : So Joy is here . I would love to see her . Nancy : Oh , Brady , she would love that , too . Um , and since I m here , I thought I would do a little volunteering at the clinic . Brady : That s what Nicole said . Have you met Clara s friend ? Nancy : Yes , I have , and , well , she does nt wanna meet either one of you . Nicole : How do you know that ? Brady : We just wanna thank her for all that she s doing for Clara . Nancy : Brady , she s very shy . And she s very self - conscious about her appearance . Brady : We certainly do nt wanna make her feel uncomfortable , we just -- we re very grateful for her being so good to Clara , that s all . Chloe : [ Thinking ] Oh , Brady , I wish I could come out and let you see that I m alive , but I just ca nt . Not until I look the way I used to . John : I ca nt believe that you are still standing by me after everything I put you through . Thank you . Kate : Hey . You never judged me , even after I told you that I was Stefano s -- John : I was Stefano s pawn and his mercenary , I know how much you suffered . You ve got nothing to be ashamed of , Katherine . Kate : I m never gon na forget how kind you were to me , how much you helped me . You re a good man . I mean that . John : Look at us , will you ? How pathetic . The two of us sitting here feeling sorry for each other . What a bear . Kate : I do miss Roman . John : I know . I miss Doc so much , too . Kate : I like to think that -- that they re together ... that they re together , and they re -- they re at peace . John : Uh , yeah . And I choose to believe that they re looking out for each other in heaven . Marlena : If Tony wanted us dead , we would be dead . He must want us alive for some reason . Roman : Yeah , yeah , he does ... to torment us . That s how he gets his kicks . We re like a couple insects to him , and when he gets tired of us , he ll squash us like two bugs . Marlena : Then we ll make sure that he does nt get tired of us . And if he tries to squash us , we ll fight back . Bo : Fancy face , we re gon na find out the truth about Georgia . It s the only way to put this whole thing behind us . I think we ll find her , and when we do , Billie will be part of our lives , but we ll be able to handle that just fine . Hope : I m sorry . I did nt mean to ruin our evening by bringing up all this other stuff . Bo : No , no , no , you did nt ruin our evening . We re together . We got the whole evening in front of us , and I ve got some plans for you . More wine ? Just say yes . Hope : Yes . Bo : Mm - hmm . We ll work through this . Do nt worry . Hope : Yes , we will . It s so nice to have this place to ourselves tonight . Bo : Mm - hmm . Told you Billied find a place to stay . Hope : Come here , Brady . Hope : Wonder who that could be . Lucas : We had it all , and you had to go ruin everything , Sami . Billie was right . You screwed up . You screwed up , and now you got ta suffer the consequences . Unfortunately , so do Will and I. Sami : Look , I m calling the police . Man s voice : You do nt wanna do that . Sami : Yeah ? Well , actually , I do . I m calling right now . Okay , obviously Kate s behind thi I have no idea who she hired to make this phone call , but -- but I m gon na find out . Uncle Bo could run a trace on it . I ll get -- what , now there s no dial tone ? Oh , God . No , no ! What the hell is going on here ? Man s voice : I can help you , Sami . Sami : You re still there ? Man s voice : You have no money . You have no job . Sami : I ll get a job , okay ? Now just leave me alone . Man s voice : Who s going to hire you ? There s only one thing for you to do right now . Sami : Oh , really ? Oh , really ? And what is that ? Man s voice : Simple . You have to go away . Sami : Oh , that s just great . Kate would really love that . Now , just tell me who you are . Man s voice : I told you , I m a friend . Sami : I do nt have any friends . Man s voice : Yes , you do . I want to help you , Sami . Sami : Yeah ? Okay . Well , then , tell me who you are . Man s voice : In due time , all will be revealed . But you have to take the first step . Sami : The first step ? Man s voice : Open your front door . Sami : Why ? Man s voice : The mystery awaits . Man s voice : Do nt be afraid . Just open the door . Sami : Oh , my God . Tony : Once those emotions are rekindled and they take hold , they wo nt be able to resist them -- not those temptations . Roman : Ta da . Marlena : I do nt believe this . John : Please lie down beside me . Bo : This would have been our anniversary . Billie : Happy Anniversary . ### Summary:
Marlena dreams about making love to John and of almost making love to Roman . Still half asleep , Marlena kisses Roman . Tony drops in on them to tell them about Sami and taunts them about their kiss . Marlena and Roman talk about what Tony could have in mind for them and how to fight back . Kate tries to allay John s fears of Sami s revenge to no avail . Kate claims to John that her only part in Sami and Lucas breakup was in hiring the private investigator . John and Kate talk about the bond between Marlena and Roman . Sami continues to be taunted by the word revenge . Sami gets a call from a mystery man who wants to talk about her getting revenge . The mystery caller tells Sami that she has to go away and then to open the front door to take that first step . Sami is shocked at what she sees when she opens the door . Nancy keeps Nicole from going into Chloe s room by claiming that she needs to sign in at the reception desk . Chloe packs her bags to leave , upset that Nancy questioned Nicole so much about Brady . Nicole calls Brady to tell him about running into Nancy . Brady decides to come join Nicole at the clinic . Nicole walks past Chloe s room and sees her talking to Nancy but not realizing whom she is . Brady and Nicole ask Nancy to meet the woman whose been helping Clara . Billie urges Lucas to stay away from Sami and Lucas decides that Billie is right . Lucas questions Billie about her feelings for Bo . Lucas tells Billie to stay with Bo so as not to get in trouble with the judge . Bo and Hope continue their romantic evening with a candlelit dinner topped off with wine from the year they were married . Bo gives Hope a heart necklace , each piece of the heart inscribed w/ each of their initials . They separate the pieces so that each would wear the piece inscribed with the other s initial . Hope dampens the mood when she mentions not trusting Billie . The evening comes to an abrupt end when Billie returns to the house .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: NEAL CONAN, HOST : Last month, for the first time in millions of years, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere exceeded 400 parts per million, a scary milestone on the route to a warmer and more unstable climate. And that number will continue to rise as we continue to burn fossil fuels in our cars and power plants unless we can find someplace else to put all that carbon. In a February TED Talk, an activist and visionary named Allan Savory argued that properly managed herds of ungulates - cows - can bury huge quantities of carbon and restore our topsoil at the same time. NEAL CONAN, HOST : DR. ALLAN SAVORY: There is only one option, I repeat to you, only one option left to climatologists and scientists, and that is to do the unthinkable, and to use livestock, bunched and moving, as a proxy for former herds and predators and mimic nature. There is no other alternative left to mankind. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Allan Savory calls this holistic management. We want to hear from farmers and ranchers today who use holistic management, also sometimes known as intensive grazing. We'd also like to hear from skeptics, too, 800-989-8255. Email is talk@npr.org. You can also join the conversation on our website. That's at npr.org. Click on TALK OF THE NATION. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Journalist Judith Schwartz profiles the work of Allan Savory, among others, in a new book called "Cows Save the Planet: And Other Improbable Ways of Restoring Soil to Heal the Earth" and joins us now from Northeast Public Radio in Albany, New York. Nice to have you with us today. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : Thanks. Great to be here, Neal. NEAL CONAN, HOST : And at the same time, cows can both bury the carbon and restore the topsoil. Sounds too good to be true. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : Oh, well, it's actually amazing. The book is really a book about soil. Soil is a hub for so many of our environmental, economic and social crisis, and for solutions. And in the process of all my research, I found that when you look at our situations, our various situations, from the standpoint of the soil, everything turns around. It almost allows for a radical reframing of our problems such as, as you mentioned, climate change. NEAL CONAN, HOST : And really though, the soil is the key to all of the many different problems we have, including climate change and carbon dioxide and the various other problems? JUDITH SCHWARTZ : OK. Well, let's look at excess CO2 in the atmosphere. OK. So the thing to realize is that while we think about this as a sky thing, that it's all about all the fossil fuels that we're burning and all that spewing into the atmosphere is actually also a ground thing. So if you look over time, way, and I mean way more carbon has gone into the atmosphere from soil, from the way we treat the soil compared to the burning of fossil fuels. And once you start to understand this and you understand the processes that release carbon into the atmosphere - you know, so the carbon, I mean, it's heavy tillage. It's leaving soil bare. It's interrupting the life in the soil. It's all these things - soil drying out. Then you can understand that you can actually reverse those processes and, by so doing, bring carbon back into the soil. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : So over time, we're talking gigatons of carbon that's gone into the atmosphere from the soil. And what's so exciting about this is that this is something we can do. It just concerns me that when we see these numbers, you know, we look at the Keeling Curve, the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere going up, up, up. I mean, we just... NEAL CONAN, HOST : Yeah, the famous hockey stick chart. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : Exactly. And, you know, us as individuals, we can only watch this happen, and we can only just shake our heads as carbon global discussions just don't seem to go anywhere. But if we look to the soil, then we can actually do something about it. NEAL CONAN, HOST : So where do the cows come in? JUDITH SCHWARTZ : Aha. So you mentioned Allan Savory and his work for holistic management, holistic plant grazing, which is the use of livestock as a tool for large-scale land restoration. Basically, the thing to keep in mind is that any time you have animals on land those animals have an impact on the land, and that can be either a positive or negative impact, depending on how those animals are managed. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : And when you manage livestock in a very precise way, then - moving them, as Allan said on that little clip - then they serve as biological accelerators, which means that they're kind of kickstarting and keeping moving the biological processes that bring carbon into the soil. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Keep moving them. In other words, what, as I've read, is described as pulsed grazing, a large - relatively large number of animals on a relatively small piece of land and - but not there very long. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : Right. And one of Allan Savory's insights is that while overgrazing is a real problem and it can be devastating to land, under-grazing also has a negative impact on the land. So this way, the land gets the animal impact but not too much, so that the grasses are nibbled within the way that stimulates their growth and pressed - and seeds are pressed in so you get greater biodiversity and their waste adds organic matter to the soil, all these things - but never to the extent that the land is overgrazed. So that's how they keep moving. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : And it's very precise. I've talked to farmers and ranchers who said that not only will they not bring back animals to the land for a certain amount of time, but they wouldn't do it at the same - in the same way in the same season. So everything's - I mean, you can say, in chaos, but everything is in a dynamic state. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Let's get some callers in on the conversation. We want to hear from farmers and ranchers, both those who use holistic management and those who might be skeptical, 800-989-8255. Email: talk@npr.org. Dale's on the line with us from Huron in South Dakota. DALE : Good afternoon. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Go ahead, please. DALE : I attended Allan Savory's school in North Platte, Nebraska in 1984. He revolutionized my thinking, changed the outlook from using the grass - grazing the grass, changed that emphasis from grazing to rest and restoration. We have, for the past 25 years, practiced holistic range management. DALE : We've seen definite increases in desirable plant species production, decreases in undesirable plant production, definite increase in forage production overall, increase in financial returns, increase in overall plant and animal health, a number of desirable aspects of this practice. And I have yet to see any undesirable in our practice. NEAL CONAN, HOST : If it's good both for the planet and your wallet, though, Dale, why doesn't everybody do it? DALE : It takes some learning. There's a learning period definitely. And people tend to be skeptical from new ideas. When Allan started this entire thinking process back in the, oh, late '70s, early '80s, everybody was skeptical, including universities. And he had a huge task to perform in convincing people of the desirable aspects of the practice. People tend to say, it won't work on my place. It won't work where I live. DALE : And that's a tendency people have, but it's basically untrue because they don't know what the practice entails. It's not easy to do. But once you learn how to do it and once your cattle are trained to it, it's a rewarding practice. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Dale, thanks very much for the call. DALE : Thank you. NEAL CONAN, HOST : And, Judith Schwartz, we hear what he had to say. But as you know, a lot of people think cows are not part of the solution. Cows are part of the problem. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : Right, right. And that's why I mentioned that the important thing to keep in mind that whether animals are - have a good effect on the environment or negative effect on the environment, is how they're managed. And I know that people are very concerned about methane. But again, it's useful to know that the methane cycle is part of - is a subcycle of the carbon cycle. And when land is healthy - and this practice is intended, of course, to restore land. When land is healthy, then the methane cycle is in balance because there are - just as cattles do produce methane, there are organisms in the soil that consume methane. So it's a cycle that works when the land is functioning. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Let's get another caller in. This is Michael. Michael with us from Gettysburg in South Dakota. MICHAEL : Hello. I'm calling from some native prairie in North Central, South Dakota, I was out hiking on public land. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Michael, go ahead. I think Michael's cell phone may be betraying him. He may be a little too far away from a tower. One more time. Michael, are you still there? OK. Thanks very much. And call back if you get the chance. Let's see. We go next to - this is Tom, and Tom's on the line with us from Berkeley. TOM : Hi. This is a fascinating topic, but I think it misses, kind of, the point. And that is the problem is not just carbon production. It's carbon production in relation to energy. And there is a known way to produce carbon negative energy. It's an old way: gasification. There were a million gasified vehicles in Europe during World War II whose only waste product is pure carbon that's a soil supplement. TOM : So while grazing herds of cows is a good idea, it doesn't get to the issue, which is how do we make energy in a more sustainable way, where we need it? And small-scale gasification can do that. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Gasification, you mean, of coal? TOM : No, no. Gasification of biomass like wood or walnuts. Like, for example, here in Berkeley, California, we can get a ton of almond shells for $30 and make an enormous amount of electricity. And the only waste product is charcoal, which we then sequester in the ground. That's a carbon negative production cycle that isn't dependent on having ungulates. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Judith Schwartz, you write about not just cows in your book. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : Correct, correct. Yes. Yeah, there are all different problems that we have to look at. I guess I can mention that today is world desertification awareness day. And desertification isn't something that we hear about. But when we think about - at least in this country we might think that it's a third world problem. But here, in this country, when we have drought followed by floods, followed by droughts, et cetera, et cetera, that's what we're dealing with. We're dealing with land degradation. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : And it's a useful - it's useful to think about many of our environmental problems from this perspective because then we understand as we start to think about the functioning of land. And that again brings us back to soil. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : So if we can - just as storing carbon in the soil, it's really important for getting the carbon cycle back in balance. Keeping water in the soil is really important for getting our water cycle back in balance too. NEAL CONAN, HOST : We're talking with Judith Schwartz, a journalist, who's new book is called "Cows Save the Planet: And Other Improbable Ways to Restore Soil to Heal the Earth." You're listening to TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News. NEAL CONAN, HOST : And let's go next to Mark. And Mark is with us from San Rafael in California. MARK : Hi there. Yeah. I appreciate what she's saying, and I think she's correct in a partial solution. And - but the problem that I hear - and I never hear anybody say this, is that 75 percent of the carbon dioxide in the air has been put in there by volcanoes, not by human behavior. MARK : Well, you know, forest fires, and human behavior, and manufacturing and the other animals that do create it only to create 25 percent. And I was at a recent conference with a gentlemen that I can't think of his name right at the moment, that - a Ph.D. that has presented facts in front of the president and Congress. And he pointed out over the last 10 years, about a year and a half ago that I saw him - that the measurement of carbon dioxide from the satellite hasn't increased, which suggests one thing. Even though we have increased our CO2 output. MARK : They told us that the volcanoes are not putting it out. And that means we're in a quiescent period. And when they reverse, we're going to be in a mass of trouble. And that's my comment. And nobody seems to even twig on it, even though it's in every biological - recent ecological textbook. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Well, massive trouble, I think, Judith Schwartz, everybody can agree with though. MARK : Oh, yeah. There's no doubt about that. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : Oh, yes. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Go ahead, Judith. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : Oh, yes. I was going to say that what I'm trying to get at in this book is that so - that many of our challenges right now are an outgrowth of the damage that we've been doing to our lands. And we can reverse that process. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : We're losing millions and millions of land - acres of land every year to land degradation. But we can reverse that by working with the biological cycles and using livestock for holistic management, holistic planned grazing is one of them, but there are many others too, and many other basic principles to follow that will help us from doing the kind of damage we've been doing, and creating pockets of restoration - and even greater than pockets of restoration, large-scale land restoration. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Let's see if we get one more caller in. This is Suzanne(ph). Suzanne with us from Grinnell in Iowa. SUZANNE : Oh, hi, yes. We do our cattle in this way and we found great results. But I do have an answer to your question about why more people don't do it. First of all, there's the cultural aspect of going against the tide, and also it does take an enormous amount of work. SUZANNE : We move our cattle every day, which means we're building fence and taking it down every day. But I - along the (technical difficulties) degradation that's through other agricultural practices, there's also a lot of land that is going to suburban sprawl and to - it's just here right in my, you know, in my backyard. And people don't understand that this enormous potential is being eaten up, literally, by, you know, other forces, you know, putting industrial buildings on prime farm ground and they don't understand what the problem is. SUZANNE : But I do - I mean, the species diversication - I've seen trees growing in places where we haven't had trees because we had open grazing before we did this. And... NEAL CONAN, HOST : Does all that hard work pay off, Suzanne? SUZANNE : Oh, yes. We're getting more grass, and more grass means - and, for instance, we're also more resistant to drought. We had grass last year when a lot of people around us didn't have grass because of the drought. Because when you don't have - we have - the cows trample the grass and they create a mat on top of it so you don't have the bare soil exposed, and that protects you. SUZANNE : There is 80 percent more transpiration of water out of black dirt than there is out of something that's covered. So in a drought situation, which we've had, that makes a big difference to how much grass you can grow and the fact that we're growing more legumes, like more clover in our fields because of this - that also insulated us a little bit last year from the drought situation. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Well, Suzanne, thanks very much for the call, and continued good luck. SUZANNE : Thank you. NEAL CONAN, HOST : And you can find out about, well, not just the way intensive grazing can improve land quality but other approaches, too, practical ideas to do things right now that could improve the soil and, well, potentially save the planet in Judith Schwartz's new book, "Cows Save the Planet." Judith Schwartz, thank you so much. JUDITH SCHWARTZ : Thank you. It was a pleasure. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Judith Schwartz joined us today from Northeast Public Radio in Albany. NEAL CONAN, HOST : Tomorrow, when are kids ready to deal with hard subjects and tragedy? Join guest host John Donvan for that conversation. I'll see you again on Wednesday. TALK OF THE NATION, NPR News. ### Summary:
And Other Improbable Ways of Restoring Soil to Heal the Earth by Judith D. Schwartz and Gretel Ehrlich Paperback, 220 pages In her book Cows Save The Planet, journalist Judith Schwartz argues that the key to addressing carbon issues and climate change lies beneath our feet. Schwartz says that proper management of soil could solve a long list of environmental problems. "The thing to realize is that while we think about this as a sky thing — that it's all about all the fossil fuels that we're burning and all that spewing into the atmosphere — it's actually also a ground thing," she tells NPR's Neal Conan. Schwartz explains how livestock can help restore the land and get the carbon cycle back in balance.
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Jan : Two or three pillows , Shawn ? You re going to be here for quite a while , and I want to make sure you re nice and cozy . Shawn - D : Jan , you do nt really think you can get away with this , do you ? Jan : Of course I can . I have the perfect plan . Man : Oh , yeah . Jennifer Deveraux s a gold mine . Of course bearer bonds are as good as cash . Right . Now , I ll have the funds we need to seal the deal real soon . Man # 2 : Thanks , man . Man : See you later . Man # 2 : See ya . Man : Hey . Get out of my way , punk . Julie : Uncle Mickey , do nt you dare say we will never find out what happened to Jennifer s bonds . Bonnie , would you let Patrick take the blame for something that you had done ? Patrick , would you do the same thing for your mother ? Or perhaps the two of you have been working together all along . Mickey : You know , Julie , as a lawyer , I subscribe to the innocent until proven guilty rule . Bonnie : Thank you , Mickey . Jennifer : You know what ? This is all my fault . I never should have left the bonds sitting around the house . And I should never have been so trusting , either . Kate : I thought you were going to stay up with Belle until she fell asleep . Philip : Well , it got a little too close for comfort . Kate : Oh , too close for comfort ? There s no such thing , Philip . Philip : What do you want me to do , mom ? Are you telling me you want me to go to bed with the girl ? Kate : Why not ? Belle : [ Sighs ] John : Hey , kid . I thought you were going to try to get some rest . Belle : Well , I tried . Then I had a horrible nightmare that I went to go see mom in jail , and she said I had to say goodbye to her because I was never going to see her again . John : Oh , Izzy . Belle : We ca nt lose her , dad . We ca nt . John : I m doing everything I can . You know that . You know , sweetheart , even if she really did these things she s being charged for , I do nt believe that -- that she is responsible for her actions . Therefore , she ca nt be held responsible . Belle , what we re missing here , what we -- what we need is the truth , and until we find it , you ca nt listen to what anybody says , and you ca nt start doubting , either . I m going to keep her safe , I promise . I will protect her life , and I will do whatever it takes to protect her life . Hope : If Marlena could nt remember under the truth serum , what makes you think she ll be able to tell you anything now ? Bo : A night in a jail cell has been known to do wonders for someone s memory . Besides , she did start to tell us something about Victor s death . I think she has an idea who Nicole s accomplice is . Hope : She s already pled guilty to nine other murders . It s not as though she s going to get a reduced sentence -- Bo : We re talking about my father s death here . If she has information about how he was killed , I want to find out what it is before she goes to the death chamber . What the hell ? Hope : Oh , my God . Bo : Where is she ? Crystal : Are nt you dead yet ? What are you made of , anyway ? Aah ! There . Bo : Guard ! What the hell is going -- Trish : What s going on in here ? Bo : That s exactly what I d like to know . Hope : Why is nt Marlena Evans in her cell ? Bo : She s supposed to be in maximum security lockdown . Trish : I do nt understand . Bo : Aw , great . Trish : She was accounted for at the last check , so she could nt have gotten far . Bo : It s commander Brady . Listen , Marlena Evans has escaped county jail . I need every available officer on the scene . Secure all the roads around the jail . Follow code 32 protocol . Do whatever it takes to make sure this serial killer does nt kill again . Marlena : [ Moans ] What -- what happened to me ? Crystal : Quick , we got to move . Marlena : Why ? What s wrong ? Crystal : There s a gas leak . One match , and this place will be an inferno . Marlena : Oh . Crystal : [ Thinking ] And you thought I would nt succeed in life , Dr. Marlena . Too bad you wo nt , you know , live to see all the great things I ll get to do because you died tonight . Philip : Mom , I am 21 years old . What makes you think that my love life is any of your concern ? Kate : Hmm ? What love life ? Philip : Look , mom , I know that you just suffered a very terrible loss , but I also know that you re upset about Sami and Lucas -- Kate : Do nt even mention their names to me . Philip : And I know that you missed out a lot of important stuff with your other kids , too . But , mom , this obsession with Belle and me -- it s not doing anyone any good . It s actually quite creepy , to be honest with you . Kate : [ Sighs ] Who s obsessed ? Why would you be here if you did nt care about Belle ? Philip : No , I do -- I do care about Belle . How many times do I have to tell you ? That is why I ca nt take advantage of her . Kate : Look at her . Shawn has deserted her just when she needs him the most . Her mother s in prison waiting to be shipped off to death row . She needs a friend , Philip . She needs a real friend , someone she can trust implicitly . You know how important honesty is to Belle . Philip : Yes , I know , mom . Kate : Well , the truth is , you re keeping something from her -- something very important . You have feelings for her , do nt you ? Philip : [ Sighs ] Belle : But , dad , is there anything that I can do to help ? John : Just keep believing , and you just keep those prayers coming . Belle : Of course . John : You know , Izzy , your mom s got the answers inside her . I know that she does . Whatever the extenuating circumstances are that has led us to this , she has the answers . Belle : Dad , are you even going to be allowed to visit her ? John : I told you , I found a way in tonight , and tomorrow morning , I ll find myself another way . Belle : Okay , but the last time she was in there , all the other women ganged up on her , and -- you already said that she was hurt again . I just do nt think she can even take it one night . I am so afraid that something is going to happen to her . Jan : Shawnll never be able to resist me in this . It ll be sheer torture . Did that feel good ? You know , I ve been saving myself for you . Shawn - D : And I ve been saving myself for Belle . Jan : Do nt you dare mention her name in this house . Bad , naughty Shawn . You are going to be my love slave . Man : I said get out of my way . Shawn - D : Hey , I m sorry . I m sorry , I m sorry . Man : Get your hands off of me . Shawn - D : Whoa , whoa , hey , bro , easy , man . Let me just buy you a drink . I m sorry . Wo nt be getting very far . Julie : Jen , are you all right ? Jennifer : Julie , I know -- I know that it s only money and that I should nt be upset , but you know what ? That money -- that money belonged to gram . She entrusted it to me . Julie : Darling , none of this is your fault . Jennifer : Yes , and you tried to tell me . So why do I keep trusting in the wrong people ? Marlena ? But Patrick , he was so good to us . And I know what you re thinking -- yes , he took off without even saying goodbye , and I do nt -- I do nt understand that . But I am having a really hard time believing that he would do this to us . Patrick : I ll get that . Patrick : Deveraux residence . This is Patrick Lockhart . Who is this ? Well , Jennifer s here . I can get her . What ? What happened ? Shawn - D : I do nt want to upset Jennifer . I know she s got a lot to deal with , but I have to warn you guys , I m down at the cheatin heart , and there s some guy talking about jen s bearer bonds , like he s thinking about stealing them and something . I - I do nt know . Patrick : It s too late . Shawn - D : What ? Patrick : They were stolen tonight . The police just left . Shawn - D : Well , I got the guy s keys . He s not going to get very far . So , look , I ll call my parents and -- Patrick : No , no , not yet . I ll take care of this . I m coming right over . Shawn - D : Whoa , whoa , whoa , wait , wait , no . Patrick : The Salem P.D. has got other priorities . I know what I m doing , Shawn . Man : It s time to get with the program , Lockhart . Now do what you came to Salem to do . Patrick : I already told you , I m not doing anything to hurt Jennifer Deveraux . Got it ? I owe this to Jennifer . I ll be right there . Earl : Crystal , have you seen my gun and keys ? Crystal : Oh , no , I have nt seen them , sweetums . Earl : Well , maybe you could look on your bed . You know , maybe they fell out when we were ... Crystal : Oh , right . Uh , nope . Not here . That psycho bitch Marlena must have taken them . Earl : How d she get in here ? Crystal : Well , you have nt been paying much attention to your job , now , have you ? Now , look , you do nt want the warden to find out that we ve been hooking up . I mean , you want to keep your job , right ? Earl : Oh , you re tempting me sorely , you know ? But I - I really should -- Crystal : Shh . What took you so long ? Trish : Earl , what are you doing in that cell with crystal ? Crystal : That psycho psychiatrist stole earl s keys , knocked him out , locked him up in here with me . You know Marlena Evans , the serial killer ? She stole earl s gun , too . Hope : Oh , God , Bo . Trish : Earl , is that true ? Earl : Yeah . Look , get me out of here , would you ? Bo : Attention all units , use extreme caution . Escaped prisoner is armed and dangerous . Damn it . Marlena : Oh ... please , somebody help me . Marlena : [ Grunting ] John : Belle , your mom s in solitary confinement . The other inmates ca nt get to her . And though as grim as that sounds , that is the safest place she could possibly be tonight . Belle : Dad , if something were to happen to her , would anyone even know ? Would anyone help her ? Kate : So , you re not going to talk to me for the rest of the evening ? Philip : No . But the fact that we are talking about John and Belle when they are about two feet away is just wrong , mom . Kate : What s wrong is that you ca nt admit your feelings for Belle . What you should be doing right now is taking her back upstairs and helping her fall asleep . Be there for her . Do what she needs you to do . Otherwise , honey , I think you should just leave . Why are you leading her on if you do nt have feelings for her , Philip ? John : This is what we re fighting for right here , Izzy , and this is what we will have again . We will always be a family . Belle : Nothing is ever going to be the same again , dad . Nothing . Shawn - D : Hey , this is Shawn Brady . Is either one of my parents there tonight ? They re out in the field . All right , um , well , I guess you can put me through to the watch commander . Patrick : Hey . Shawn - D : Hey , what the hell are you doing ? Patrick : Look , man , I thought we agreed we were nt going to call the police . Shawn - D : Yeah , last time I did that , that turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life . Why would nt we call the cops ? Unless you ve got something to hide . Do you ? Patrick : Look , Shawn , I ll admit there are certain people who think that I might have had something to do with Jennifer s Bonds disappearing , since I was on the scene , so to speak . But Jennifer s been good to me . The last thing I want to see is her hurt . She s already upset enough by all the accusations that have been thrown around tonight . Shawn - D : I know she trusts you . I know you saved her baby s life . Patrick : Yeah . And that means a lot for me to keep that trust . That s why I want to find these Bonds so I can prove to Jennifer I had nothing to do with this . Where s the guy ? Man : I must have left my keys here . Man # 2 : Sorry , I have nt seen them . Patrick : Hey . Shawn - D : What ? Patrick : Look , man , you said you could nt get ahold of your folks , right ? It s now or never . Shawn - D : Hey , what are you going to do ? Man : They got to be here ! Man # 2 : Hey ! Man : Somebody took my keys ! Patrick : Hey ! Let s take this outside . Now I hear you have something of Jennifer Deveraux s . Cough it up , or you re dead . Jennifer : Where s Patrick ? Bonnie : I guess he got fed up listening to all your family s false accusations . Julie : Oh , for God s sake , somebody find him ! Bonnie : Oh , you ca nt have it Both ways , Julie . We both ca nt be guilty , now , can we ? Julie : I think you re in this up to your bra straps with your little Boy . Bonnie : No , you just ca nt see a family that sticks together . Jealousy does not become you . In fact , green is not your signature colour . Julie : Un - be - lievable . Bonnie : You know , only one Horton here got those bearer Bonds from old gran , right ? Sweet Jennifer was obviously her favourite , and we can all see why . Now who else had the means to come in here and swipe those bearer Bonds besides me and Patrick , huh ? Why , I think it was you , Julie ! How come you re not a suspect ? Jennifer : Patrick -- I ca nt find him anywhere . Julie : Of course not , darling . How many times do I have to tell you he has stolen your money and you re never going to see Patrick again ? Crystal : I was in that holding cell with the girls when Tina got knifed , and that looney tunes shrink , she had this nasty , evil look in her eyes when she did it , and she had that same look tonight . I mean , she knows she s going to death row if she does nt shoot her way out of here . I mean , I ve seen plenty of her type in this joint . The more people she kills , the happier she ll be . Bo : That s not gon na happen . Hope : What are you doing ? Bo : What I should have done in the first place . Attention all units , this is commander Brady . Use extreme caution , and if necessary , shoot to kill . Marlena : They think I escaped . Ca nt they see I m just trying to get back inside ? Help ! Help ! I m just trying to -- Marlena : Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! Oh , please , oh , please ! Oh ... Philip : I am not leading Belle on , mom , and that s why I refuse to take advantage of her . I do not want to be with a woman who still has feelings for someone else . I already went through that once with Chloe . I m not going through it again . John : So did Shawn give you any idea when he might be coming back ? You know , Izzy , when it comes to love , you ca nt lose faith . If it s the real thing , you just never give up . Belle : So , are you saying that I should nt give up on Shawn ? Patrick : I told you to stay the hell away from Jennifer . Man : You re supposed to be the one taking orders . I lifted those bearer Bonds as a warning to you . Do your job , or there ll be even bigger trouble . Patrick : Yeah ? Do you want bigger trouble ? Then you damn well better lay off Jennifer and give me what s hers . Man : No . Patrick : No ? Shawn - D : Hey ! There now ! Patrick : Sure enough . You know , you should nt take what does nt belong to you . That way , we would nt have had to take these . Shawn - D : Oh , we ? What are you doing ? We ca nt just let him go . He committed a crime . Patrick : Yeah , and he should go to jail . But we do nt have time to get hauled in for theft and assault , now , do we ? Man : Aah ! Those bearer Bonds are nothing compared to the price you re about to pay . Shawn - D : Whoa , where are you going ? Patrick : Are you okay ? Shawn - D : Huh ? Where are you going ? You re not gon na go after him ? Patrick : It s too late . Patrick : Besides , we got what s important . Look , man , thanks for your help . I just want to get these back to Jennifer . She s got a lot of problems in the world , man , but ... I m just glad I could take care of this one . Julie : Jennifer , my dear cousin , I hate to say I told you so , but -- Bonnie : No , you do nt . You live to say it . And just this once , I ca nt wait to make you eat crow . Julie : Served with a big dollop of barbecue sauce . Bonnie : Do nt give me any ideas . Julie : You know , Bonnie , I ll just bet this is the last time you ever set eyes on Patrick . Or the cash . Of course , knowing you , you only care about the cash . Bonnie : You ... Julie : Aah ! Mickey : Hey , hey , hey ! Hey ! Hope : How can you give a shoot - to - kill order ? If an officer panics in a non- threatening situation and murders Marlena , you want to take responsibility for that ? Bo : I d be very happy to , yeah . Marlena : Aah ! Aah ! Marlena : Aah ! Aah ! Aah ! Marlena : [ Screaming ] Jan : This is my fantasy , Shawn . Why are nt you behaving the way I want you to ? Shawn - D : Yes , Jan. I want you to . I ca nt take it anymore . I ca nt live without you . Jan : Oh , Shawn . I knew it . It only took the tiniest push for you to realize your true feelings for me . Now all I have to do is find a way to coax you into our little love nest . Patrick : You know , if you want to come with me to Jennifer s to make sure she gets these back ... Shawn - D : Since you re offering , um , no . No , that s okay . I guess you would nt have tangled with that guy unless you really intended on giving Jen her bearer Bonds back . Patrick : Yeah . Anyway , you know where I ll be if there s a problem . Shawn - D : Actually , I m heading out of town . I would go with you to jen s , but I was hoping to be on the road already . Patrick : Where you headed ? Shawn - D : I do nt know . Anywhere . I just need some time to sort things out . Patrick : Yeah , I definitely get where you re coming from there . Shawn - D : Yeah . Well , anyhow , thank you for taking care of my cousin . Patrick : Hey , man , thanks for watching my back . Shawn - D : Yeah . Give jen my best , all right ? Patrick : Yeah , sure thing . Good luck , Shawn . Shawn - D : You too . Mickey : Ladies -- Bonnie : There s only one lady here ! Julie : That much seems clear . Well , I m pressing charges for assault . Will you take my case , uncle Mickey ? Hope : Bo , wait . I know this is a high - pressure situation , but if you could just stop and take a step back and think about this -- Bo : Are you telling me I should put Marlena s safety ahead of my people on the force ? Have you forgotten she s a murderer ? Hope : But to give orders to hunt her down like an animal ? She s our oldest friend . Think about what this is going to do to her family . Do you honestly believe that she s criminally responsible for what s happened ? Do you want to take responsibility for her murder , Bo ? Bo : Marlena is the one responsible for anything that happens tonight . All I m doing is my job . And you ca nt compare her death to the death of my brother , my father , your father , and Mrs. H. The law prescribes a punishment for what she s done . It s the death chamber . So whether she dies tonight or in the death chamber , the end result is the same -- she s dead . And as far as I m concerned , the sooner that happens , the better . Marlena : [ Screaming ] Oh , God . Oh , dear God . I loved Roman and Caroline . [ Sobbing ] I loved them so much . How -- how could -- how could I hurt them ? And why ca nt I remember it ? Aah ! [ Sobbing ] I m so sorry , God . I m sorry . Aah ! I m sorry for ... all the families that I hurt . [ Sobbing ] I m so -- Marlena : Aah ha ha ! Aah ha ha ! God ! I do nt want to die ! [ Screaming hysterically ] Mickey : Julie , I am a defence attorney . You ca nt expect me to prosecute another person . Julie : Uncle Mickey , you re not going to take her side against the family . She attacked me . You re a witness . I could make you testify . Mickey : Why are you putting me in this position ? Do you really think that this is going to help Jennifer ? Julie : Yes . Yes , I think I m the only one in the family that knows what s going on here . Jennifer : Julie -- oh ... Julie : Well , there he stands with the evidence . Bonnie : Well , at least he brought them back . Is nt that worth something ? Patrick : If I could just explain . Julie : I m calling the police . Patrick : I did nt take Jennifer s Bonds . Jennifer : Go on . Patrick : Earlier , when the phone rang and I answered , it was Shawn . Julie : Shawn ? My grandson Shawn ? Patrick : Yes . He was at the cheatin heart , and he overheard someone talking about stealing your Bonds . Julie : [ Gasps ] What a coincidence . Bonnie : You heard the phone ring . Julie : Why did nt you say something to somebody ? Patrick : You were so busy pointing fingers at me and my mom . Look , you can check my story with Shawn . Call his cell phone . Jennifer : How did you get the Bonds back ? Patrick : Well , we went after the guy -- Shawn and I. Bonnie : Oh , my poor Boy . Oh , my gosh . Ooh , are you -- oh , gosh , that must hurt . Are you okay ? Patrick : I m fine , mom . Julie : Let me guess . This guy , this bad guy -- he got away ? Patrick : Well , I figured the important thing was that your grandson did nt get hurt , maam . And that we got Jennifer s money back . Julie : Maam ? Mickey : I do nt understand why you did nt call the police . Patrick : Well , Shawn tried to call , but he only had this guy cornered for a limited time , and the Salem P.D. , they re a little busy right now . Bonnie : And they have nt had the best success record lately , either . Jennifer : Patrick , are you sure that you re all right ? Patrick : Yeah , I m fine . Hey . How about you ? Jennifer : I m , uh , I m good . I am so incredibly relieved . Except I did nt think I was ever going to see you again , and I was blaming myself for trusting you , actually . Patrick : I m really sorry , Jennifer . Jennifer : Why did you leave without even telling me ? Did nt you know how much I wanted you to stay ? Bo : They had her in their sights , but they could nt get a clear shot . Hope : Oh , my God , Marlena s a sitting duck on that roof . Bo : Hey , hey . Hope : We got to get up there . Bo : No . I gave orders to keep that roof clear . I m not giving Marlena a chance to kill another innocent person , especially not you . Hope : What if we can talk to her , convince her to surrender ? Bo : Talk to her ? Hope : There s got to be some other way . Bo : This is the best way . Hope : You gave a shoot - to - kill order , Bo . And Marlena s in a position where that s exactly what s Bound to happen . I ll tell you something . If facts come to light later and a mistake is made , you will regret it , and it ll be too late . Bo : The only thing I will regret is if I m standing here arguing with you while Marlena kills another innocent person . So if you ll excuse me , I ve got a killer to capture . Marlena : Oh ... John ... John ... my love ... whatever I said under that truth serum , I love you . You re the one I love . I need you . I need you . Kate : Hey . How are you holding up ? John : Kate , you did nt have to stay and clean up Belle s kitchen . Kate : I wish I could have done more . You do nt have to worry about Belle , because we think about her as family , and we re going to take good care of her , okay ? Philip : Do nt do this to yourself tonight . Come on . Belle : Do you remember when we were in high school and people used to say , oh , just wait until you grow up and you have real problems ? I used to think that that was the stupidest thing . Philip : It was . Belle : Look at us , Philip . Look how happy we were . Philip : You know what ? We were , were nt we ? But come on . It s not like things were perfect back then . We dealt with some pretty major stuff . Chloe had leukemia . Mimi was homeless . Here . What about puerto rico ? We re smiling in the picture , yeah , but that turned out to be pretty fun . Belle : Well , it was in the beginning . Philip : Look , you know what I think ? I think a couple years from now , you re going to look back on this , and I do nt know what s going to happen , but I do know one thing -- you are much stronger than you think , and your family is one of the strongest families I know . You re going to get through this . I know you will . Belle : Thanks for saying that . I just really wish I could believe it . Philip : You know , it s really late . You should probably get upstairs and go to sleep . You know , I -- I do nt want to be in your way , though , so -- Belle : No , Philip , you re not in my way . You have no idea how much it means to me that you re here . I do nt know what I would do without you tonight . Shawn - D : Private caller ? Shawn - D : Hello . Jan : [ In old woman voice ] Shawn - Douglas , this is Mrs. B. Do you remember me from Alice s funeral ? Shawn - D : Yeah , yeah , of course . You re my great - grandmother s friend . Jan : Shawn - Douglas , I need you to do me a very big favour . Shawn - D : Okay , what is it , Mrs. B. ? Jan : I m all alone at my house in the country , the one I told you about . I heard someone downstairs . I think they were trying to break in . Shawn - D : Okay , well , did you call the police ? Jan : They said it was probably my imagination , but I know someone was there . Now I ca nt go back to sleep . Alice said you were always the to protect and watch over her . Do you think you could stop by , just to make sure everything s all right ? Shawn - D : Um , yeah , I - I guess it s on my way . You re across the bridge on Kent Island , right ? Jan : Red oak road . Do you still have the address I gave you ? Shawn - D : I do , I do . Um , I guess it s not going to be a problem for me to stop by for a few minutes . Um , just make sure that all your doors and windows are locked , okay ? Jan : They sure are . Shawn - D : All right , well , do nt worry . I ll be there soon . I m sure everything is going to be fine . Jan : [ Sighs ] Everything s going to be wonderful , Shawn , but you re going to be here a lot longer than you think . Man : Lockhart just upped the stakes , and Jennifer Deveraux will wind up paying big time . Jennifer : Patrick , I -- I hope that you can forgive me and my family for some of the things that were said tonight . Bonnie : You re not the one who has to apologize , honey . You re still not convinced , are you ? What do you want from us -- blood ? Julie : Patrick , I apologize for ... suspecting you . Bonnie : Ahem . Julie : Both of you . Jennifer : You know , Patrick , I was a reporter for many years , and one of the first things that Jack taught me was to trust my instincts . And I should have known that I could trust you with my life . Bonnie : Well , I am so glad that this is all cleared up . I would nt want anything besides your sorry excuse for a father to tarnish our family s good name . Julie : You ca nt tarnish trash . John : Remember what I said -- I will take care of your mother the way I promised the day that I married her . Everything s going to be just fine . Belle : I love you , dad . Kate : I love you , and I know you re not going to disappoint the people you love . Belle : Hey , Philip ? Philip : Hey . Belle : There s extra pillows and blankets in Mimi s closet . Philip : Great , thanks . Belle : I m going to go upstairs and get ready for bed . Philip : Okay . Belle : Kate , thanks again for everything . Kate : Oh , honey , it was my pleasure . Belle : Good night , dad . John : Good night , baby . Try to get some sleep . Whew . Bo : We finally have our motive . I m sorry , John . You got no more excuses . She killed deliberately , consciously , and with premeditation . That s murder in the first degree . Am I right , your honour ? Judge : Yes , and in this state , the penalty is death . John : John Black . Hope : Hey , John , it s hope . I hate to tell you this . John : What happened ? Hope : I need for you to come down to the county jail immediately . Marlena s escaped . John : Oh , my God . I m my way . Kate : John , what happened ? John : Philip , you re staying with Belle , all right ? Philip : Ye - yeah , yeah . John : Make sure she does not turn on the TV or the radio . Philip : Why ? Hope : Hey , I called John . Maybe he can help us talk her down . Bo : Oh , hope , why did you do that ? He s a civilian . I do nt want him in the middle of this . He s just going to try to keep us from doing our job . Hope : What is our job ? To take Marlena s life ? Bo : No , to put her back in this cell . He wants her to go free . Hope : You think he s going to help her escape . Bo : What -- he is too personally involved . Hope : So are we , Bo . Bo : Well , we do nt have a choice . There s no one on the force who is nt personally involved . That maniac up there has killed two police commanders as it is . Ruiz , commander Brady . What s the latest ? Aw , damn it . Fbi s balking at loaning us a marksman . Ruiz , make sure every officer understands this -- that serial killer is to be stopped by any means necessary . Hope : What are you doing ? What are you doing ? ! Do you really want to see Marlena dead ? Marlena : All right . They think I escaped . I ve got to show them I m surrendering . Next on Days Of Our Lives Lucas : Just give love a chance . Give us a chance . Nicole : Yes . That is excellent news . Brady : Who are you talking to ? Wait , wait , let me guess -- your partner in crime . John : I m going out there ! Bo : No , you wo nt . John : The only way you re going to stop me is if you kill me . Jennifer : Patrick ! No ! Patrick ! ### Summary:
Jan prepares to put her plan to kidnap Shawn into action . Jan pretends to be an old friend of Alice s to lure Shawn to her country home . Shawn stands up to Patrick s acquaintance , stealing his keys to prevent him from leaving with Jennifer s bonds . Patrick confronts his acquaintance and gets Jennifer s bonds back . Jennifer blames herself for losing the bonds and for trusting Bonnie and Patrick . Bonnie accuses Julie of stealing the bonds and tries to choke her . Julie wishes to press charges on Bonnie for assault . Kate criticizes Philip for not taking advantage of Belle while John encourages Belle that he ll keep Marlena safe . Crystal sets Marlena up to make it look like Marlena was trying to escape . Bo orders a massive search with an issue to shoot to kill when he and Hope discover that Marlena is nt in her cell . Hope calls John to try and have him talk Marlena into surrendering . Marlena tries to show that she is surrendering but is shot .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Abby : I have huge news . My dad is gon na give you your company back . Chelsea : You re kidding . Jack : Wait , why would he do that ? Abby : I talked him into it . I laid out all the facts , and I made a strong case on your behalf . Jack : Why would he be that generous ? Why would he give up a fashion line with that kind of earnings potential ? Chelsea : Well , it s not earning that much now . Jack : Well , it will be . Abby : Uncle Jack , my dad can be very kind . Jack : Oh , right . That s what Victor Newman s known for -- kindness . Abby : When he wants to be . Chelsea : Well , honestly , it does nt matter why . All that matters is Victor s letting me go . It s done . This is wonderful news . Thank you for going to bat for me . Abby : You re very welcome . Uncle Jack , be happy for her . Jack : Oh , I - I am . I am . This opens all kinds of opportunities for you . But what are you gon na do with your newfound freedom ? Adam : Well , you never pull strings unless you get something in return , so why are you here ? What do you want ? Victor : [ Sighs ] To help you . Adam : [ Laughs ] You want to help me . Because you re in the business of helping people recently , right ? Victor : I have far more powerful friends in this town than you do . I doubt you have any friends at all . Adam : No argument there . Victor : I m friends with some of the top judges . I m sure it wo nt be too difficult to arrange bail for you , although this is a rather difficult situation . Adam : Bail for me . In exchange for ? Victor : You stopping the paragon virus . Adam : There it is . I see . It s not that simple . The thing is , um , it ca nt be stopped . Victor : Uh - huh . Ca nt be or wo nt be ? Adam : Does it matter ? Victor : Do you know what is at stake here ? Adam : Yeah , I do . I mean , if I go over everything in my head , nothing . Nothing is at stake . I am completely and totally resigned to my fate . Victor : For you , son , everything is at stake . Sage : He looks scared , nick . Nick : He knows we re here . He can hear us , the way he did before he was born . Sage : I love you , Christian . Do nt be afraid . Mommy s right here . Nick : Daddy s here , too , bud . Sage : How is he , Doctor ? Doctor : His vitals are holding steady . So far there have nt been any complications . Sage : So -- so he s getting better ? Doctor : Well , he is several weeks premature , so he s fragile . We need to keep his weight up , get him breathing on his own , and then we ll take it from there . Sage : Is there anything that we can do to help him get stronger ? Doctor : You can see to your own recovery . Sage : No , I m -- I m fine . Doctor : Mrs. Newman , this little guy needs a healthy mom . Nick : Do nt worry . I ll see to that . Thank you , doctor . Sage : Thank you . Nick : All right , come on . Let s get you back to your room . Sage : I m not -- no . I m not leaving . Nick : Listen , our son is doing his part to get better . You got to do your part , too . You got to keep your strength up , otherwise how are you gon na help me help him get better ? Sage : I ll be back , my darling Christian . I ll be back , okay ? Just remember that your mother is fighting for you with every breath that I have . Dylan : So the tracker signal on the missing box of medical supplies just went offline , it went dead . Stitch : Offline ? Dylan : The signal just stopped . Stitch : Those devices were well - hidden . Which makes you wonder if this was ... Both : An inside job . Dylan : Because how could Hilary s kidnappers know about the tracker unless somebody took them off ? Lily : Are you really just gon na hand over the money without any proof that Hilary s alive ? Cane : And no guarantee she ll be returned safely ? Devon : What choice do I have ? Lily : Devon , come on . Devon : Lily , I m gon na do this . This is only $ 1 million . Lily : Only ? Devon : I m not gon na get talked out of handing over this cash , not when it s the one shot I have of getting my wife back . Neil : You know that tracking device ? Gwen : Yeah . Neil : Totally deactivated it . What s going on with her ? Gwen : I m just -- I m worried about her , Neil . These supplies will only last a week . And then what ? Neil : I do nt know . We ca nt go to the hospital anymore . I mean , the police are all over that one , are nt they ? Gwen : What we really need is a doctor for her . Neil : Gwen , do you understand that I would have had a doctor up here in a new York minute if I thought it was nt too risky , right ? Gwen : But what if we re doing her more harm than good ? How long can we keep doing this ? Neil : I do nt know . Babe , we re just gon na have to have faith , okay ? Be patient . That s all . Gwen : What about the kidnapper ? How patient will he be ? Stitch : If Hilary s in some kind of comatose state , she s gon na need more than meds to sustain her , which means we need to find her fast . What s Paul say about the situation ? Dylan : The police are in a holding pattern right now . I m working my own angle . Stitch : And what s that ? Dylan : Uh , something Devon wants to keep under wraps for now . Stitch : Something dangerous ? Dylan : I ll be careful . Stitch : Mac , wait . Hey . Dylan : What ? Stitch : You do nt know who you re dealing with , how well - armed or unstable they might be . Your dad s the chief of police . Pick up the phone and call him ! Dylan : I know I should call , but Devon wants to do this without the cops . Stitch : Okay , but I m telling you this is -- Dylan : Look , he s got his reasons . That s all I can say right now . Stitch : All right , when is this going down ? Dylan : It s tonight . Look , I ll let you know how it plays out , right after I get back from Fairview . Stitch : How s Sharon doing ? Dylan : She sounds good . I think she s ready to come home . Dr. Anderson : Oh , good evening , Sharon . Sharon : Wow , I ca nt believe I just slept the whole day away . Dr. Anderson : Have you ? Have you been upset or uneasy ? Sharon : No , I feel wonderful . Dr. Anderson : No anxiety at all ? Sharon : Not a bit . I ve never slept so well , but I really conked out . Dr. Anderson : My guess -- that s the pregnancy catching up with you . Chelsea : What I want to do -- well , what I ve decided I have to do is leave Genoa city . Abby : Why ? Why would you do that ? Your whole life is here . Chelsea : I need a clean break , Abby . And my son deserves to grow up someplace where he wo nt be judged for being Adam Newman s kid . Abby : Well , this sucks , but , um , I m gon na miss you . And I wish you the best of luck . We both do , do nt we , uncle Jack ? Jack : It s not gon na be that easy for you to walk away from this place . You still have feelings for Adam . Abby : Oh . Chelsea : [ Chuckles ] Abby : Sweetie . Chelsea : It s fine . I [ Sniffles ] -- I will get over Adam . Abby : That s gon na be tough if just hearing his name makes your eyes leak . Chelsea : [ Chuckles ] Abby : But maybe there is something that might help . Chelsea : Is there -- is there a cure for this ? [ Chuckles ] Abby : Oh , I - I wish , but no , there s no cure . But maybe closure . Maybe that would take the edge off . Go see him . Chelsea : No , Adam called . He called me and , um , he made it clear that he -- he wants me to move on . Abby : Like you re gon na let him run your life ? Chelsea : No , it s what I want , too , Abby . I ca nt stay here . Jack : You do nt want to leave things unsaid . Abby is right . Abby : Damn right I am . Do you really want Adam s last words ringing in your ear until the end of time ? You are gon na beat yourself up for the rest of your life for -- for not saying what you need to say to Adam before you bolted . Jack : Go to him . See him . Talk to him . Do nt you need that ? Adam : You know , as much as you think that Newman enterprises is the reason we all live and breathe , for a guilty man ready to face punishment , your corporation does nt really mean much to me , and neither does bail . Victor : Ah . Oh . [ Sighs ] Then you re a bigger fool than I thought you were . Adam : It would appear so , would nt it ? Victor : You know , I gave Chelsea her freedom back . I gave her her company back . Adam : When ? Victor : Today . Adam : Really ? Victor : Yeah . In fact , she s free to , uh , leave town . As we speak , she s probably packing Connor s things . Adam : What are you up to ? Why would you do that ? Victor : Why do you think ? Adam : I do nt know . Maybe it s because you have a new grandson to harass ? Did you hear about the heroic part that I played in delivering the latest Newman heir ? Did you hear about that ? Victor : It s amazing . Every so often , I catch a glimpse of humanity in you . Adam : Wonders never cease . Victor : Yeah . All right . Adam : So , that s it ? You re leaving so soon ? You re out of here ? I get it . You know , it s fine . Time is short . You ve got other children that might actually need your help . I ll just -- I ll just be here . Victor : You know , you ve always wrongfully accused me of neglecting you , for abandoning you . Was nt my choice to raise you on a farm in Kansas . It was your mother s choice . It made you angry , did nt it ? Gave you a feeling of being abandoned . And now you are willing to abandon your own son . Think about what he will feel when he grows up . Victor : [ Sighs ] Talk some sense into that boy . Anyone can do it , you can . Michael : Look , um , since you do nt seem interested in trying to make bail or taking my legal advice , for that matter , I m gon na take off . Adam : Wait a second , okay ? I actually need your help . I ve changed my mind . Michael , you got to help me get out of here . I do nt care if it s just for an hour . Just make it happen , okay ? Please . Cane : All right , listen , if you insist on handing over this money -- Devon : I m paying the ransom . Cane : All right , if you insist on paying it , let me do it . Do nt deliver it yourself . Lily : No , absolutely not . Cane : Devon is too emotional about this , and I do nt know if he s gon na act rationally if the situation becomes heated . Devon : You re probably right about that . Cane : So let me do it . Devon : This is why I ve discussed with Dylan that he s gon na make the drop . Cane : I m telling you , using Dylan is the wrong call . Devon : Why is it the wrong call ? He s ex - military . Cane : And it does nt mean he s street smart . Lily : Why are you so intent on doing this ? What if something happens to you ? Cane : Nothing s gon na happen to me . I know how to take care of myself . Lily : No , I think you re being too emotional about this . Dylan is objective . He ll have a level head about it . Cane : It s your call . All I m trying to do is help . That s it . Sharon : Oh , it s so good to see you ! Dylan : Oh , you look great . Sharon : Thank you . So do you . Dylan : So , you all packed , ready to come home ? Sharon : Um , you know , Dylan , I m afraid not . Dylan : What -- what happened ? When we talked on the phone -- Sharon : I know . You know what I think ? It was , um -- I was getting ahead of myself a little bit , telling you to come here and pick me up to take me home , because the doctor -- dr . Anderson -- helped me see that it s really too soon for me to check out of here . Dylan : Wow , that s disappointing . Sharon : Yeah , I know . I want to be with you and faith . But I got to agree with the doctor on this one . I m really making progress here . Dylan : I can tell . Sharon : Dr. Anderson is wonderful . She has me on this new , safe drug therapy , and it s really working . Dylan : Well , it is good seeing you so happy . Sharon : You make me happy . You and your undying love for me . And I know that I ll be home with you soon . Dylan : I m gon na hold you to that . I m gon na get all my work done so I can be at your beck and call when you come home , okay ? Sharon : I ca nt wait to make love to you and sleep in your arms , me and the baby . Dylan : Soon . All right , you take care of yourself , okay ? Sharon : Okay . I will take care of myself and our baby . Speaking of which , this little boy or girl is ravenous . I skipped lunch . Dylan : Skipped lunch ? You got to feed the baby . Come on . I love you . Sharon : I adore you . Patty : You re Dylan . Dylan : Yeah , I am . Patty : [ Laughs ] I m your aunt Patty . Dylan : Oh ! [ Chuckles ] Hey . Uh , it s , uh , nice to meet you . Patty : Nice to meet you , too . You do look a little like Paulie around the edges . He must be very proud of you . Dylan : I suppose . If you excuse me , I was on my way out . Patty : Wait , wait , wait . You ca nt go yet . I - I have to warn you about Sharon . I m not sure about the drugs they re using on her . Sage : I want to be with Christian . Nick : Just get some sleep for a little while , okay ? Sage : I m not sleepy . Nick : Tell me that when your eyes are nt so droopy . Sage : Okay . Just for a few minutes . Nick : Few minutes . I ll take it . Sage : You re gon na tell me if anything changes , anything at all ? Nick : I promise . Sage : You keep your promises . Nick : Get some sleep . Nick : Oh , geez . I m -- [ Chuckles ] Sorry . Dr. Anderson : No , my fault . Excuse me . Nick : You look very familiar . Do I know you ? Victor : My baby . Look at all this machinery . [ Sighs ] You re gon na be all right , okay ? Christian . You re gon na be a big boy one day . You re gon na fight . You re gon na fight like a Newman . Oh , my poor boy . You re part of this family now . You re a Newman . You re gon na fight . You re gon na make it . I love you . I wish I could hold you in my arms now . Hmm ? You ll be all right . You ll be all right . You ll be all right . I ll see you soon , okay ? [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ] Dylan : You know Sharon s drug protocol ? Patty : Well , I - I do nt have all the pharmacology down pat yet , but I ve been in and out of the institutions long enough to know when they re giving you the high - octane dosage . She was really out of it last night , and the way she was acting , it was odd . Did nt you notice ? Dylan : Uh , I noticed that she s actually happier and , uh , more energetic . It s a big improvement . Patty : Oh . Improvement . Dylan : Yeah . Patty , look , uh , I appreciate your interest in Sharon , but do nt you think I probably know my fiancée a little better than you do ? Patty : Probably . Dylan : Well , thank you for letting me know , though . Patty : The -- the thing that concerns me , though , is the baby . I mean , if they re giving her extreme drugs like that , it s -- Dylan : I m sure that s not what s going on . We re just gon na have to trust the doctors that they know what they re doing . You take care . Stitch : He s holding his own . It s a good sign . Abby : Thank you for telling me that . I m kind of freaking out seeing him cubed up like this . Stitch : Well , I do nt want to intrude , so ... Abby : I appreciate you . Stitch : Okay . [ Chuckles ] Abby : No , I mean it . I m not just saying that . I owe you a huge apology . Stitch : Hey , I was wrong , too . Abby : No , I was wronger . I do nt know what came over me , thinking that I was god s gift to Newman enterprises , solving every crisis in a single bound with a fresh spin and a big smile . Stitch : Well , that smile is pretty lethal . [ Chuckles ] Abby : [ Chuckles ] Stitch : So , what do I owe this sudden burst of appreciation ? Abby : My father , a computer virus , and my sketchy brother brought back from the dead . And now everyone s grieving Delia all over again , including me . And I still ca nt believe that my own brother is responsible for taking that sweet , little girl s life . What is wrong with people ? Stitch : Maybe not as much as you think . Adam may be responsible for you losing your niece , but he s also responsible for this little guy living long enough to make it to the hospital . Michael : Thank you . The DA s gon na push hard for no bail . Adam : No bail -- that s coming directly from Christine ? Michael : Yes . Look , normally I would parade a string of character witnesses before a judge , but -- Adam : It would be a short parade . Yeah , got it . Michael : Is there anybody who would stand up to vouch for you ? Adam : No one that I would ask to do that for me in public . But -- but here s the thing , Michael . Listen to me . You got to get me out of here , okay ? Figure it out . Do whatever it takes . I got to see my son before Chelsea leaves town . Michael : I understand that , but given your recent history of dodging arrest and assuming new identities , no judge will seriously consider giving you another chance to circumvent the law . Maybe Chelsea could help convince a judge , but I do nt think I could talk her into coming down here . Victor : Well , you re giving me excuses why paragon continues to lay waste to Newman enterprises . Fix the damn problem , then you call me back . Jack : Well , I hear you did the decent thing and gave Chelsea back her company . Victor : Offloading a devalued company is a benefit to me and to Newman . Jack : Well , that s a nice soundbite . I think you helped Chelsea to bait Adam , getting him riled up about the possibility of Chelsea leaving town , while that gave him something to fight for , and you can now leverage him into helping you with your paragon problem . Victor : Do I hear another attack coming ? Jack : No , no , no , no . I do nt intend an attack . In fact , I wanted to say thank you . Victor : Really ? Well , I ll be damned . Dr. Anderson : I m Sharon s therapist . Sharon s been very concerned about Sage s premature delivery , and since I had another patient to see here , I thought I d just check in . Not in an official capacity -- just casually -- to bring back some reassuring news to Sharon . That s all . Nick : Oh , yeah , I m all for anything that will aid in her recovery . And I m glad you re being proactive . Our little girl , faith , she s really gon na need her mom . Dr. Anderson : All children do . Patty : Sharon . I m so glad I finally got you alone . Sharon : What do you need , Patty ? Patty : No one is listening to me , and I m really concerned about the drugs they re giving you . You have to stop taking them . Please . Neil : Hey . Okay , so what s going on with the kidnapper ? Any more contact ? What s happening ? Lily : We re doing a ransom drop . Devon : But we have to keep this low key cause we have nt said anything to the cops yet . Neil : That would be a mistake . Cane : That is exactly what lily and I have said . Neil : Let me ask you . Why would you pay out a ransom when there s no solid proof that this person even really has Hilary ? Devon : Cause , dad , this is my one shot at getting my wife back . Neil : I understand that , but do nt you think it would be a mist-- I mean , listen , it s really suspicious that this kidnapper waited this long to demand money . Cane : All right , why is it just $ 1 million ? You re worth more than that . How do you know they re not gon na ask for $ 1 million now and $ 1 million later and never give you Hilary back ? Neil : Exactly . Devon : Guys , guys , I realize there are red flags , but this is the strongest lead we ve had on Hilary in weeks . Lily : I hope this is nt a scam . Devon : I believe my wife s alive , and right now , this is the only way to get her back . Neil : Well , if there s anything , uh , that I can do to help , son , I will . Dylan : Devon , I think we re bringing too many people into this . Lily : No , we have nt told anyone else . Cane : I want to go with you to the drop . Devon : No , no , Dylan s -- Cane : I want to do the drop . Devon : Dylan is gon na go alone . If the kidnapper suspects he s being set up , he s gon na bail . Please bring back my wife . Gwen : Hilary . You re safe here . Please wake up . We need you to -- Gwen : [ Breathing heavily ] Michael : Uh , I m gon na step out and give you two some privacy . Chelsea . Adam : I m surprised to see you . Glad you came . Chelsea : Have you , uh , have you changed your mind about wanting me to move on without you ? Adam : You need to get on with your life , Chelsea . Apparently my father s gon na let that happen . Chelsea : [ Chuckles ] Are you seriously bringing up Victor right now ? You re still so obsessed with his every move , you re monitoring it behind bars now ? Adam : He came here , actually , uninvited . He told me the whole story . Chelsea : Oh . Sorry . I - I should nt have jumped to conclusions . Adam : It was his feeling that you were gon na take Connor and leave town . Chelsea : Victor s right again . I am leaving . Adam : I need one thing from you . Chelsea : Just one ? Adam : Yeah . Chelsea : I can think of a hundred things I want right now , things I ca nt have . Uh , so -- so what is it ? What s your one thing ? Adam : I want to see Connor one last time . Stitch : Adam not only delivered Sage s baby . He kept little Christian here alive with infant CPR . Abby : Wow . I was so depressed about my family s company crumbling that ... I do nt know , just seeing this little life here puts everything in perspective . Stitch : It does . Abby : Do you think you ll ever be able to forgive me for putting this stupid stuff ahead of what s really important ? Stitch : Your work is nt stupid . Abby : You re being very understanding . Stitch : Is that a bad thing ? Abby : It s a very sweet thing . But you know what ? I should let you get back to doctoring before I succumb to another ego trip and ruin this perfect place of peace . Stitch : Actually , I do nt have to get right back to work . How about we celebrate this perfect place of peace with some coffee ? Abby : I d like that . Chelsea : I ca nt -- I wo nt let you see -- Adam : Chelsea . Chelsea : Adam . He s confused enough as it is . His father disappeared from his life once , and I mourned you for too long before trying to move on . I - I wo nt make that mistake this time . Adam : Why are you here ? Chelsea : To -- to make a clean break , you know , to -- to find some closure . Adam : Closure ? How do you do that ? Do you have , like , uh , magic words that you say , something that s gon na make this less painful , everything that we ve been through ? I d like to hear it , please . Chelsea : You have lied to me for the last time . I was willing to give up everything for you , but your need for revenge , it was more important than me , it was more important than our life with our son . Adam : No , that s not true . Chelsea : That is true . Adam : No , I will own every single lie . I will own every single rotten thing I ever did to you , but nothing ever meant more to me than you and Connor . Nothing . Chelsea : I have to go . Adam : Please , please , hey , listen to me . Look at me , please . I m asking for one more visit . I want to see my son one more time , please . Chelsea : I have loved you , Adam Newman . And I am so grateful for the beautiful son you ve given me . Adam : So bring him here . Bring him here . Let me see him . Chelsea : It would nt be good for him . It would nt help him . I ca nt do it . Adam : How you gon na keep me from my son , Chelsea ? What are you doing ? Chelsea : I m sorry . Adam : Chelsea . Chelsea : I need ... Adam , I need ... Adam : Tell me what you need . Tell me . Tell me . Chelsea : I need you to be dead to me . And your son . Victor : I do nt want your gratitude . Jack : Adam seemed resigned to a life behind bars . Suddenly you ve given him something to fight for . Victor : What happened to your family loyalty , Jack ? Jack : Hey , I can be sympathetic to your son and still be loyal to my family . Victor : So you re sticking by Adam and to hell with your useless brother , Billy boy ? Jack : Oh , no , no , I m loyal to both of them . Victor : Really ? You know that someone in your inner circle was behind paragon . Jack : I knew nothing about Adam s involvement in that . Victor : Really ? You might not have been aware of what he was up to directly , but your secrecy gave him the freedom to wreak havoc . So do nt think for one moment I was nt justified in everything I ve done to you . Jack : Whoa , whoa , whoa . You ve forgiven yourself already ? Wow . I marvel at your warped justification . Jack : Good thing Adam has somebody in his corner . Victor : Yeah ? Adam : I ve had a change of heart . I need to talk about your offer . Neil : Oh , no , no , no , no , no ! Whoa , whoa , whoa . Hey , it s me , it s me , it s me , okay ? Gwen : Oh , my God . Neil : What ? Gwen : Oh , my gosh . Neil : What s going on ? What ? Why are you so scared ? Is it Hilary ? Gwen : No , it s not Hilary . Neil : What ? Gwen : I heard something , a noise . Somebody s outside . Neil : Some-- no , it s gon na be okay . Patty : I m genuinely worried about you , Sharon , and the baby you re carrying . It s part of my family , too . Sharon : I understand your concerns . Patty : You do ? I m so glad ! Sharon : You know , the same thing happened to me when my fears and my paranoia grew out of proportion when I was nt mentally well . Patty : No , that s -- that s not it . Sharon : You know , dr . Anderson knows what she is doing . I believe in her . Patty : But what if she s -- Sharon : I m happy . I m pregnant . And nothing is going to change that . Trust me . Sage : [ Groans ] Nick : Hey , hey , hey . What are you doing ? Sage : I could nt sleep anymore . How s Christian ? Nick : Well , it s funny you ask . I was just with him . I had a nice , long conversation with him . Sage : You did ? Well , that s good . What d you say ? Nick : Just giving him the lay of the land , letting him know which teams he can root for , kind of music he can listen to . I also told him how -- how tough his mom is . Sage : Did he listen ? Nick : For now . You know , once he can use his own words , I m sure he ll never listen to me again . Sage : [ Chuckles ] How is he ? How is he , really ? Nick : He s still stable . Sage : He s still stable ? That s good , right ? Nick : That s good . He s gon na make it , Sage . I know it . Devon : What s taking so long ? Lily : I m sure if Dylan has news , he ll call . Wait , where did Cane go , by the way ? Devon : I do nt know . Lily : Hey . Devon : What happened , man ? Why did nt you call ? Dylan : It s bad news . Devon : Is Hilary ... Dylan : No , no , it s the money . Kidnapper grabbed it and got away . Lily : [ Sighs ] Devon : How did that happen ? You said that you knew what you were doing , you can handle this ! Lily : Wait , stop , this is nt helping , okay ? Devon : My wife s still out there now ! Lily : Dylan did nt kidnap her . Dylan : I m sorry . I blew it . I messed up . Lily : Did you identify him , at least ? Dylan : I had a chance to grab the guy , and I took it . I tackled him , but he was too quick . Devon : If anything happens to her now or if she s dead , this is your fault ! Neil : Hey . I checked the grounds . There s no sign that anyone was here , no one . Gwen : I know I heard something about 10 minutes before you got here . Neil : All right , sweetie . I believe you . I do . Gwen : Well , who do you think was out there ? Neil : Well , the kidnapper promised to give Hilary s location after the money was delivered . And the money was delivered tonight . I do nt know . Maybe someone did find out the truth . Gwen : Then the police could be on their way right now . Michael : All right , Jack , would it be possible for you to testify on Adam s behalf at his arraignment ? Jack : Is there anyone else you can ask ? Michael : [ Scoffs ] Who would you suggest as someone who could vouch for Adam as a fine , upstanding citizen of Genoa city ? Jack : Yeah , I see your problem . Michael : We need you , Jack . Jack : It s not that I m unsympathetic . Getting on the witness stand , this would -- Billy would see this as the ultimate betrayal . I ca nt do that to my brother . I ca nt . I have to say no . Michael : I had to ask . Getting him bail of any kind is a long shot , but it s almost impossible without character witnesses . Jack : I have to say , I am surprised it matters to him . When I was with him , he seemed totally resigned to his fate . Michael : Well , now he s desperate to get out , even for a short time . He wants to see his son . Chelsea : You re gon na miss it here , are nt you ? Yeah , I m gon na miss it , too . But we re gon na go on a big , new , exciting adventure , Connor . Do you know that ? It s gon na be so fun . But we re , um , we re not gon na say goodbye to anybody before we leave . It s better that way . Adam : I ll stop paragon just as soon as you get me out on bail . And make it fast . I need to see my son before he leaves town . Victor : So now you need my help ? Adam : Just like you need my help . Jill : Today s about Delia , and I ve come up with a way to honor our sweet , little girl . Michael : Given your history , the nature of the crime , your chances are one in a million . Christine : No one will vouch for this man ! Victor : Your honor , I will vouch for my son . ### Summary:
Abby and Victor go to see baby Christian and tell him to fight . Abby is surprised to learn that Adam delivered him and saved his life with infant CPR . Chelsea decides to leave town once Abby tells her that Victor gave her Chelsea 2.0 back . Abby and Jack persuade Chelsea to go talk to Adam and get some closure with him before she leaves town . Chelsea talks to Adam and tells him that she is leaving town and taking his advice about pretending that he is dead . Adam tells Victor that he will take his deal and stop the Paragon virus in exchange for him using his power to get him out on bail , so that he can say good - bye to Connor before he leaves town . Patty meets Dylan at Fairview and tells him that Sharon s doctor is giving her very high doses of medication . She also tells her not to take the medication , but Sharon just thinks Patty is paranoid and tells her that she has never felt better . Sharon s doctor hangs around the hospital and hides outside Sage s room watching her and Nick . Dylan makes the money drop for the kidnapper but ca nt see the kidnapper because the person hits him on the head and takes the money . Devon is upset with Dylan and says if anything happens to Hilary , it is his fault .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Steve : Hey , Fynn . Fynn : Hey . Steve : Where s Kayla ? Fynn : Looking for you two . She went with John about an hour ago . Joey : So we just missed her ? Fynn : Yeah , we tried calling you , Steve , but it went straight to voicemail . Steve : My phone s dead . You got a charger I can use ? Fynn : Yeah , yeah , sure . It s just here on the floor . Steve : Maybe she left a message . So how has she been feeling ? Joey : Wait , what ? Is something wrong with Mom ? Steve : Joe ... The truth is , your mom has nt been feeling so good . Kayla : This place is such a dump . I ca nt believe that Joey was staying here . John : Yeah . No shortage of cigarette burns , either , if that s what they are . Kayla : Or filth . Where is everybody ? Simone : Oh , excuse me . May I help you ? Dirk : Who the hell are these people ? Kayla : Jade ? Jade : Uh , hey . This is awkward . Kayla : Well , it s gon na get a lot more awkward unless you start talking . Where is Joey ? Simone : Ah , you must be the mother . Kayla : Are you in charge here ? Can you tell me where my son is ? Jade ? Jade : It beats me . I have nt seen him since he got arrested . Kayla : Arrested . What did you persuade him to do this time ? Jade : I did nt persuade him to do anything . Simone : Okay , everyone . Let s release our negative energy and relax . Jade , let me handle this , please . I m Simone . You are ? Kayla : Kayla . Simone : It seems , Kayla , that you ve been kept out of the loop . Do you not speak to the boy s father ? He was here when the police took your son . Roman : They dredged the riverbank where the witness said Deimos fell in . They found no body . Lani : Okay , well , he may have drifted further down the stream . Roman : Yeah , well , the dive team s gon na check it again first thing in the morning . Shawn : So , what s the next step ? Roman : I need you two to head down there , canvass the scene . Lani : Yes , sir . Shawn : Okay , listen . We all know Nicole has caused a lot of trouble over the years , but do you really think she did this guy in ? Rafe : No , I do nt . Deimos : I would have loved you like you ve never been loved before . Passionate , raw , honest emotion . Not that simplistic surface crap you had with Daniel . Nicole : I loved Daniel . Deimos : Oh , please . You would have been bored within six months of marrying him . Playing the good wife , having dinner ready on the table for hubby when he came home from work ... the two of you sitting together on the couch , watching the latest dance competition on TV . Nicole : That sounds wonderful , actually . Deimos : But that is nt you , Nicole , and you know it . You settled . You became the woman everyone thought you should be . You ve been living a lie , and you re still living it . And for what ? What , for Maggie ? For Victor ? Would hurting me help her walk again , help him become a better man ? Oh , please . Either way , Nicole ... you lose . Nicole : I failed Victor and Maggie . But I did nt kill you , Deimos . Deimos : You and I were never about love . We were always about power , control . Nicole : For me , that was true too . And love . Deimos : I m sorry if you misunderstood that . Nicole : I wanted love ... the same way you wanted Nicole to love you . But love makes fools of us all . And I ll keep looking for my king , and you ll keep looking for Helena . And we re both doomed to fail . Deimos : Well , then I guess we really do deserve each other , do nt we ? So , what do you say ? Maybe we should get on that flight to Vegas after all , huh ? I mean , it s flashy , sexy , superficial . And at its heart , it s all about money , right ? I m sure you ll be right at home . Nicole : You go to hell ! Deimos : Ugh . Joey : A subdural hematoma ? How long has she had it ? Steve : Ever since Ava bashed her on the head . Joey : But that s serious , right ? I mean , is she gon na be okay ? Steve : Yes , of course she is . You know how tough your mom is . Fynn : With time , the leftover be in some discomfort for a while . Headaches , migraines . She ll need to be closely monitored . Fynn : You re a doctor . You could nt stop her from coming ? Steve : Hey , hey , come on . Easy now . It s not his fault . You know , your mom would travel the world three times over to find you . Joey : Mom s out here searching for me , suffering because of Ava . It s all my fault . Steve : No . Stop talking like that . Ava used you to get to me . She s my past and my responsibility . Joe . Nothing s gon na happen to your mom . Trust me , all right ? I need to make a call . Can I borrow your phone , Fynn ? Kayla : My son was an accomplice in a robbery ? Simone : I m afraid so . Kayla : I do nt believe th on this woman . Probably ordered some of her lackeys here to put Joey Simone : Your accusations are laughable . John : Is that a fact ? unfortunately for you , one of your members just got busted . You do nt think he s giving you up to the police right now ? Simone : Joey s one of us now . He s family . John : [ Laughs ] He s family ? Family . Let me ask you something . How much loyalty do you think that kid s gon na have to a bunch of thieves he s known for , what , been a couple days ? Let me tell you how this is gon na play out . Your family is going down . In fact , I ll bet the cops are on their way over here right now to bust all of you . Simone : Let them come . We do nt fear the police . Kayla : So , Steve , Joey s okay ? Steve : Yeah , he s all right . Kayla : Thank God . Can you put him on the phone ? Steve : Sure . Here you go . Joey : Hi , Mom . Kayla : Joey . Oh , it is such a relief to hear your voice . I m so glad you re okay . Joey : Hanging in there . Kayla : Good , that s good . Now , why do nt you tell me what on Earth you were thinking ? Shawn : You ready ? Lani : Let s go . Rafe : You know , Roman , if I d walked in on this conversation a few years back , I would nt have questioned a thing . Nicole Walker killing Deimos Kiriakis ? It just does nt add up . She is not that person anymore . Roman : Rafe , we have a witness putting Nicole at the scene . She was arguing with Deimos down by the river off the park . There s a video . Rafe : Of a fight , not a murder . Roman : That s fact . But said witness claimed she was actually there . Says she saw it happen , Nicole killing Deimos . Rafe : Oh , that s convenient , do nt you think ? Roman : Rafe , the witness is Kate Roberts . Nicole : Oh , Rafe . Please tell your commander there s been a misunderstanding . I had nothing to do with Deimos disappearance . Kayla : But , Joey , I mean , were nt things bad enough ? I mean , why would you run off with a girl that you hardly even know ? Joey : Mom , I know , I messed up . This is my second arrest in two months . I m not even done getting nailed for vandalizing Judge McNair s car , and then-- Kayla : Yeah , and now you have been arrested for robbery here . So you may be out on bail right now , but you re gon na have to come back to Los Angeles to stand trial . Joey : I know . I know I disappointed you and Dad and the family . This is me , your loser son . Kayla : Do nt you dare say that about yourself . It s self - pitying , and it s manipulative . You just want me to feel bad for you so that I will forget this whole thing and let you off the hook , but that s not happening . You are gon na take responsibility for what you did . Do you understand me ? You are gon na muster up every little bit of strength and self - respect you have , and you are gon na get your life back on track . Do you understand me , Joe Johnson ? Joey : Yes , I do . I ll figure things out . Kayla : You re damn right you re gon na figure it out . Joey : I will . But right now I m thinking about you and what I ve put you through . I m really sorry . Kayla : Well ... well figure this out . Joey : Yeah . Kayla : All right , put your dad on the phone , would you , please ? And Joey ... Joey : Yeah ? Kayla : I want you to know that I -- I have faith that you are gon na turn this around . And I love you with all my heart . Joey : I love you too . Here . Steve : Hey . Good work . Pretty sure you got through to him . Kayla : I hope so . Steve : So is John there ? The two of you need to get back to the motel . Kayla : We re on our way . Jade : Look , dude . You might think you know Joey , but guess what ? He s no snitch . Whatever you think you know , you do nt . And you surely do nt know us . The cops havent -- they do nt have anything on our family . Kayla : Well , maybe they do nt today , but someday they will . Joey obviously has some kind of weird loyalty to you . But the next little lovesick boy that you bring in here to your troupe , he may not be so committed to your cause . Jade : You have nt got a clue . Kayla : You know what , Jade ? You re right . I do nt have a clue . I do nt have a clue how a pretty , intelligent girl like you , who has her whole life in front of her , is squandering it in a place like this . Stealing , making trouble . And I do nt know if you have any goals . What , are you sitting around getting high all day ? I mean , it s sad . It s really sad . And you , is this the life you want for your niece , for all these kids ? What kind of woman are you ? Shawn : Hey , hey , think I got something here . Good find . Shawn : There , we got it . Got an earring . Hmm . Let s bag this up . Investigator : Yes , sir . Rafe : Roman and I have to ask you a few questions . We need you to listen carefully and to tell the truth . Nicole : You got it , Rafe . Rafe : Okay . Nicole : We all know this is nt my first time . Roman : Nicole , what happened between you and Deimos down by the river this evening ? Nicole : You ca nt seriously be telling me that was the last time he was seen . Roman : Hey , we have a witness saying you were the last one to see him alive , that there was a fight . Nicole : Someone saw us fight ? Rafe : Yes . Roman : There s also a video of the incident . Nicole : Well , then , why the hell am I here ? You saw the recording , did nt you ? Okay , we fought , and it was bad , but then I took off . Tell me you saw that in the video . Rafe : No , we did nt . Roman : Unfortunately , there was no footage showing you leaving the confrontation . The witness dropped the phone . Nicole : You got to be kidding me . Roman : And also claims to have see which means you can help us fill in the blanks here . Can you tell us what that witness could have seen ? Rafe : Right now would probably be a good time to call an attorney . [ Cell phone ringing ] Belle : Hello ? Nicole : Hi , Belle . It s Nicole Walker . Listen , Brady said I could call you with any legal troubles we have with DJ Wear . Belle : Right , yeah . He mentioned that . I thought he bought you out . Nicole : He did . I was wondering if you could help me with a very serious issue . I m down at the station , and I m being questioned about the man I currently work for , Deimos Kiriakis . According to some video someone took , I m the last person to have seen him alive . Belle : Oh . Then ... Nicole : Yeah . Can you come down here ? Belle : On my way . Nicole : Thanks . I ll see you soon . Well , I just spoke to Belle . She s on her way down here . That is , if she does nt remember how much she hates me and leaves me here to rot . Rafe : All right . Off the record . What is going on between you and Deimos , huh ? Nicole : Rafe , it s complicated . Rafe : Well , yeah , I ll bet it is . Why would a witness follow you and Deimos down to the river ? Nicole : Why would anyone follow anyone ? Because they want to spy on them . Wait . Oh , my -- oh , my God . The witness . Please tell me it s not Kate . Damn it . Of course it is . You know what , this makes perfect sense now . Rafe : What does ? Nicole : You ve known all along , and you did nt see it ? That bitch is setting me up . understanding of our ways , our process . You stand here before me , criticizing what you know nothing about . Kayla : Let me just say , first off , this little mysterious process that you have , I have no desire to understand it . I am sure that you bullied my son into driving all your juvenile delinquents around . Simone : A lone arrest , only your son . Question him , not me , not my children . This is a place of peace . Your child had a lapse in judgment . He veered from the family code , rules that we abide by . When he returns to us , he-- John : Oh , God , woman . You are so full of it . You think anybody s really buying this peace and love charade ? Simone : [ Scoffs ] I m not selling . John : Of course you are . You just sold one of your new members down the river . He s gon na take the rap . You re gon na get off squeaky clean , right ? Simone : Like I ve said , this is a place of peace and tranquility . Take your baseless accusations elsewhere . Kayla : Baseless ? I think that that desert sun has fried your brain , lady . You know what , I am glad . I m glad that my son was arrested . Give him one more second here under your idiotic spell , and God knows what he would have done , and he might have ended up in prison for years . You know what , that is not my son s future . But it will be yours . Shawn : Huh . Detective Brady , what is it ? Rafe : So you , Kate , and Deimos ? Nicole : Yes , my ex - business partner , now boss , is jealous because Deimos showed interest in me . Rafe : Hope mentioned a while back she saw you with Deimos . Care to explain that ? Nicole : It s a long story . Belle : And it ll have to wait . Nicole : Thank you for coming . Belle : If you do nt mind , Detective , I d like to speak to my client alone . Rafe : Fair enough . Let me know if you need anything . Belle : Well , start at the beginning . Rafe : Helena Tasso . Nicole : Because I look so much like her , Deimos became infatuated with me , so I used that to my advantage , but not for my own purpose . I did it for Maggie , like I said , and Daniel , because he loved her so much . I mean , Daniel would have hated what Deimos did to her . Rafe : So your connection to Deimos was because of your resemblance to the late Helena Tasso ? Now , do you think that made Kate jealous ? Nicole : Yes . She hated it . You saw the video . Deimos asked me to make love to him on the riverbank . I d be his princess . Roman : But you refused ? Nicole : I walked away . Belle : And then , as the witness supposedly , and very conveniently I might add , dropped the phone and , therefore , stopped recording , she saw you push Deimos Kiriakis into the river . Well , listen . I think , since you have no reasonable proof that my client committed murder , we re done here . And I d like to speak to my client alone . Rafe : Take your time . Roman : But , Nicole , I d suggest not leaving town . Joey : Is Mom coming ? Steve : Should nt be long now . Joey : I m gon na go grab some snacks for the road . Steve : Well , make it quick . As soon as John and your mom get here , we re splitting . Joey : Gotcha . Fynn : I ll make sure there s some gas in the tank . Steve : Hey , before you do that , how about you and I clear the air ? Fynn : Right . Steve : I know I ve been a jerk to you , but you have nt been that cool with me , either . But now I know it was because you were looking out for Kayla . And I appreciate that . I owe you . Fynn : Yeah , no worries , man . Simone : Well , it is crystal clear now . I see what drove your son to come here with my niece and join our family . He was desperate the escape the lack of spirituality in his former life , the tedium . Oh , the boy is his father , no doubt . Kayla : What the hell are you getting at ? Simone : I m just point out the simple fact that your son is a soulful young man who craves adventure , not to mention connection with like - minded people , just like his father does . Kayla : You do nt know my son , and you for sure do nt know-- Simone : Your ex - husband ? Steve Patch Johnson . I know he could nt get enough of my kombucha . It s a tea . And then he told me about his son Joey running away from home . And more notably , he told me about his attraction to danger . But you , Kayla , seem to want to cage the tiger , because you no longer have the courage to live life on the wild side . You did Steve a favor by leaving him . Now he s free to run , explore , embrace the beast within . And he s welcome here anytime he pleases . John : Trust me , you do nt want any part of what s caged up inside of this woman . Kayla : How dare her ? She does nt know a damn thing about me or Steve . The nerve , telling me what Steve needs or that I did him a favor by leaving him . I mean , that s just outrageous . What ? Why are you looking at me like that ? John : Just wondering why you re so upset . Have nt you moved on with Fynn ? Nicole : I know that Kate is nt a highly moral person . No , I d like to amend that . She is a completely amoral person . But to pin this on me ? Why would she do that ? Belle : Listen , you have to stop trying to analyze Kate . Okay , you need to go home , go to bed , and in the morning , Deimos will , we hope , show up , dead or alive , and then we ll have more information . Nicole : I m not gon na sleep tonight , believe me . Belle : Okay , well , you are gon na go straight home , and you re gon na turn off that phone . You will not look for Kate . You will not call her , Skype her , text her , email her , or contact her by carrier pigeon . Got it ? Rafe : Nicole s statement matches the video . Roman : Yeah , we gained nothing concrete on the supposed murder . Shawn : Well , we may have found something that changes everything . John : Oh -- forget I said that . I m sorry . It s just that-- It s just breaking my heart , Kayla . Kayla : What is ? John : Just knowing that you mean everything to Steve . He loves you with every cell in his body . And it s just breaking my heart . The two of you ca nt seem to work things out . Kayla : You know why that is , John . It s because -- it s just like that woman , that obnoxious , ridiculous woman just said . She was right on the woman . Steve craves adventure and danger , so much so that he will put our family at risk . He needs that thrill more than he needs me . John : No , not true . Kayla : Yes , it is . I ve accepted it . And you should too . John : Oh , damn it , Kayla . You do nt get it , do you ? You are part of that adventure . You are the biggest part . Not to mention that you are and always will be the most important person in his life . So would you quit being so damn stubborn and just give the man a chance to make things right ? Lani : With all the evidence , I mean , it s clear that there was a struggle . Rafe : Well , once the blood results are in , we can move forward . Roman : By making an arrest . Belle : We re done . Roman : Nicole , remember what I said about leaving town . Nicole : I m not running . Belle : I ll contact you later . Nicole : Okay . Shawn : Hey , how you feeling ? Belle : Uh , better . Sorry I had to cancel on dinner last night . Shawn : Oh , it s fine . I m almost done here . Are you available tonight ? Belle : Sorry , I m not . Kayla : [ Sighs ] I am so glad that you are all right . Joey : I m doing a lot better now that you re here safe . I m glad you let the doctor tag along . Kayla : Fynn s a good guy . I would nt be here if he had nt brought me . Steve : Yeah , thanks again , Fynn . Joey : Mom , you should nt have come to L.A. , not in your condition . Kayla : Well , you should have thought about that before you ran away . Were you just trying to hurt your father and me ? Were you trying to punish us ? Joey : No . Not exactly . I mean ... I do nt know . I just had to . Kayla : I do nt understand . Joey : It s hard to explain . I had to find myself . Kayla : I hate that expression . Joey : I m sorry . I do nt know how else to put it . But anyway , I did find a part of myself . And it made me realize the man I want to be . Kayla : You want to elaborate on that ? Joey : I do nt want to go looking for trouble anymore . I do nt want to disappoint you , or Dad . Kayla : You re gon na make better choices . Joey : Yeah , I m gon na try . John : You know , making mistakes here and there , not a soul on Earth is immune to that . But what s important is what you take away from them . Joey : Yeah , I get that now . Nice to see you , Mom and Dad . Kayla : I love you . [ knock at door ] Kate : Adams , you re supposed to answer the door . [ Glass shatters ] Well , that was a waste of a perfectly good martini . Steve : Well , it s been fun . I m really looking forward to getting the sand out of my boots . John : You and me both . Listen , partner , I got a cab coming gon na take me to the airport , so ... you have yourself a nice , long drive back home , okay ? Steve : Okay . Let s move . Kayla : Uh , you know , I just need a moment with Fynn alone , if that s all right . John : Hey , listen , partner , before I shove off , I want to talk to you about a client and run some details by you , okay ? Steve : Yeah , sure . John : Yeah , all right . Steve : I ll take this for you , babe . Fynn : Oh . Kayla : Fynn , I just-- Fynn : Look -- yes . Kayla : Why do nt you go first ? Fynn : Okay . I just wanted to say , you do nt need to say anything . I get it . Belle : I m sorry . That came out weird . What I meant to say is , I m not available for dinner tonight . Shawn : Is it because you re not feeling well ? Because if you want , I can just come over to your place , and I can make you something-- or , I take it back . I can heat you up some of your favorite soup . Belle : Aw , chicken and stars ? Shawn : Mm - hmm . Belle : [ Laughs ] Do they even make that anymore ? Shawn : They do . And lucky for you , I ve got a couple cans in reserve at the place I m staying . Belle : Aw , you keep my favorite soup around ? Shawn : Mm - hmm . Well , it s also because Claire likes it . Belle : Ah . Shawn : And maybe-- I do nt know -- if you want , we can watch some Netflix-- Belle : If you say , And chill , I will hit you . [ Laughter ] Okay , I m in . Shawn : Okay , then it s a date . Nicole : May I come in ? You know damn well I am not responsible for Deimos disappearance . And if you had finished your little movie , you d have the proof to clear me . Kate : Or convict you . Nicole : Could you just stop and act like a human being for once in your life ? Go down to the station and retract your statement . I did not kill Deimos . Kate : I saw you kill my husband . Nicole : Excuse me ? Did you just say husband ? Kate : Yes . Nicole : I do nt believe you . There was nt enough time . Kate : There are legal documents that prove otherwise . Deimos and I are married . and in three weeks . Steve : Uh - huh . John : And she s beginning to suspect foul play . Steve : Right . John : And Stefano has risen from the grave and he s here to kill us all . Steve : Well , that sounds good . Hey , man , what do you think they re talking about in there ? John : Partner , do nt worry about it . Trust me , just let go . Steve : Let what go ? Kayla : Fynn-- Fynn : Look , I do nt want to make this any harder than it has to be . Here it goes . You and me , we could be great together , but there s no way I d be able to compete with what you had-- I m sorry -- have with Steve . Seeing you with him and Joey , it could nt be more clear . So , you can go , be with your family . I ll see you back in Salem . Kayla : You re not gon na ride back with us ? Fynn : No , I figured I m out here in L.A. I ll go and visit some friends , and I ll catch a flight back later . You should take the car , ride back with Steve . Kayla : Are you sure ? Fynn : Yeah , of course . Family s waiting for you . Get out of here . Kayla : Thank you , for everything . Fynn : Take care of yourself , okay ? Steve : Hey . Where s Fynn ? Kayla : He s gon na stay a bit longer and see some friends . Where s John ? Steve : His cab showed up . You ready to go ? Kayla : Yeah . Yeah , I am . Joey : Me too . Steve : Let s do it . Kayla : Okay . Ow . Joey : Are you okay ? Kayla : Yeah , I m all right . Steve : Wait a minute . Kayla : Just give me a second . Belle : Two episodes . That s it , then I m off to bed . Shawn : Really ? Come on , you know we can never just watch two episodes . Belle : Well , it has to be that way tonight . I need to be rested if this business with Nicole turns into a big case . Shawn : Oh , that s right . You know , considering it s Nicole , do you think that she really did this ? Belle : That s classified , Detective . Shawn : Got it . Belle : See you later . Shawn : Yep . Roman : Something on your mind , Detective ? Rafe : Victor s plan to take down Deimos . Roman : Using Nicole . You d think he d know better . Rafe : I do nt think she s capable of murder . Nicole : You re lying . Kate : I m going to ask my lawyers to bring over the papers , if you re willing to wait , that is . Nicole : You called off the engagement , and Deimos told me he did nt want to marry you . Kate : What men will tell their mistresses . You see , because we were already married . The only reason I was insisting Deimos take me to Vegas is , I just love weddings so much . Nicole : No one s gon na believe your story . That s never gon na fly . Kate : No ? Really ? Because I have marriage documents , I have a ring , and most damaging of all , I have a video that shows you fighting with my newly wedded and now deceased husband . All of that goes along with a very detailed eyewitness account of exactly how you murdered him . So you really need to face up to it , because you re going down , Nicole . Nicole : I m not gon na let you beat me , Kate . And I m gon na find out what you did to Deimos . And it will be you behind bars . Kate : We ll see . We ll wait till his body shows up , because then you re a dead woman walking . ### Summary:
Steve told Joey about Kayla s illness . Kayla and John showed up at the commune . Kayla found out that Joey was arrested when she and John questioned Simone and Jade about Joey . Rafe and Roman talked about Nicole killing Deimos . Steve called Kayla and told her about Joey . Rafe and Roman went to check on Nicole . Jade let Kayla and John know that Joey would nt snitch on anyone in the compound . Kayla put Jade and Simone in their place . Shawn and Lani investigated Deimos death . Rafe and Roman questioned Nicole about her argument with Deimos . Roman told her about the video of the argument . Nicole called Belle to present her . Nicole realized that Kate was setting her up . When Belle showed up at the station , Nicole told Rafe that Kate was jealous that she was with Deimos . Belle wanted to talk to Nicole . Steve let Fynn know that he owed him for helping Kayla . Simone told Kayla off for the way she was acting . Simone told her that she talked to Steve and she thought it was a good thing that Kayla left him . John took Kayla out of the room so she would nt kill Simone . Kayla was upset about the things Simone said about Steve . John wondered why Kayla was upset when she was with Fynn . Kayla tried to justify why she was nt with Steve anymore , but John tried to convince her to give Steve a chance . Kayla and John went to see Joey . Nicole went to see Kate and slapped her . Nicole wanted Kate to retract her statement . Kate said she saw Nicole kill her husband . Nicole did nt believe it , but Kate said she had proof that she is married . Kayla had a headache when she , Steve , and Joey were about to go home . Nicole did nt believe that Kate and Deimos were married . Kate told her that she had proof that Nicole killed Deimos . Deimos body washed up .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Antonio : Come in . As you can see , I m in the middle of something , so make it fast . Nash : Sir , I got the money to buy you out of the vineyard . Antonio : You re too late . Nash : Huh . What are you talking about ? Antonio : I already sold my share to somebody else . Nash : What ? Antonio : Yep . It s not mine to sell , so I guess we re done here . Nash : No , no , we re not done here . You said that I had a week -- it s only been a couple of days . Antonio : No , Nash -- you asked for a week , I never agreed to anything I took the first cash - in - hand offer that was made . Nash : I got cash in hand . Antonio : Sorry . It s business . Nash : No , no , no . It is personal , and you know it . Sarah : There you go . Natalie : Hey . Sarah , I did nt know you worked here . Sarah : Uh -- apparently , now I do . Natalie : Well , I guess you did nt want a part in the family biz , huh ? Sarah : No , no . I m not begging my grandfather for anything . Natalie : I know what you mean . I used to live off the Buchanan bucks and I thought it was owed to me . But the money was great , it just -- the respect thing was nt happening . Sarah : I hear you . Everyone thinks that a Buchanan kid is a spoiled brat . Natalie : Mm - hmm , I know , and I did nt like that very much , so I actually did exactly what you re doing now . Sarah : You waited tables ? Natalie : Mm - hmm , along with many other things . Sarah : Wow . You made quite a leap there -- from dodging drunks to Buchanan enterprise executive . Natalie : Oh , well , I hardly run the company . Sarah : What are you doing here ? You want a drink ? Natalie : Actually , no . I m here to meet a client , or a potential client . Sarah : Oh . You must mean that guy . Natalie : You ass ! You tricked me into meeting you here . Jared : I do nt think so . Natalie : Oh , yes , you did . You left a message for me about an interesting commodity for B.E. Jared : I do have an interesting commodity -- you re looking at him . John : Hey . Michael : Hey . What s up , huh ? Do -- do you really think -- I mean , do you really think that Lindsay killed Spencer Truman ? John : The D.A. s office thinks so . Nora s prosecuting . Michael : Why , she confessed ? John : I ca nt discuss that , Mike . Michael : Come on , not even with your little bro ? John : Not even with my little bro . Michael : Well , did she kill Spencer Truman because she knew what he had done with Todd s baby ? Come on , John ! You got to at least give me at , man -- I got to know . I got to know if I m about to lose my son or not . Lindsay : Well , look what the cat choked up . What brings Todd Manning to Cellblock C ? Todd : I m doing a piece for The Sun and I d like an exclusive . Lindsay : Like that s going to happen . Todd : Hmm . I m running with the story anyway , so -- I need a little help with the headline , then . Lindsay Rappaport strikes again . And of course , I ll have to add -- maybe in the smaller print below -- why ? Blair : Ok , Miles . You said Todd s son was here in Llanview ? So can you be more specific than that ? Miles : Yes . He s with Michael and Marcie McBain . Blair : What ? Miles : The boy they call Tommy ? He s really Todd s son . Blair : You sick bastard . How dare you mess with other people s lives ! I want you out of here . Miles : Please , just listen -- Blair : Now ! Miles : I can prove it . Lindsay : I have nt confessed to a murder , so how could you possibly know anything about my motive ? Todd : I never claimed to know anything . Does nt mean I ca nt print a story , though . How about this ? What do you think of Lindsay Rappaport killed Spencer Truman because he was blackmailing her with -- with pictures of her naked escapades with the Llanview University men s basketball team ? Lindsay : Well , that would sell a lot of papers , would nt it ? Todd : Yeah , it would . Actually , it would sell more if I said it was the women s team . Lindsay : Do nt tell me -- you would have an unnamed police source , right ? Todd : Mm - hmm . If you do nt like my version , you re welcome to give me yours . Lindsay : I m not going to say one word to you . Todd : Oh . Well , I would hate to be in your shoes when the rest of the press descends on you . Marcie : Oh , great . Todd , would you leave her alone ? Todd : Uh , I ve come to help her . Marcie : Yeah -- huh . I saw The Sun headlines today . She does nt need help from a snake like you . Todd : Do nt say I did nt give her a chance . Marcie : Mm - hmm . Lindsay : Timing is everything . Thank you , Marcie . Marcie : How you doing , huh ? Lindsay : I m ok . Marcie : That s good , you know , because I ve been really worried about you . Heck , what kind of crazy mistake is this , huh ? It s John -- that s who it is , you know ? It s John . He s on a mission to clear Marty Saybrooke and he s just grabbing at straws , you know ? But it s not going to work . It s not going to work because I am going to have you out of here in no time , I swear . Lindsay : That may not be true . I may never get out of here . John : You know I ca nt talk about an ongoing case . Michael : John , this is nt some case we re talking about -- this is my life ! John : Calm down , Mike . Michael : Look , if Lindsay is guilty -- and that is a huge if -- there s only one reason she would ve killed Spencer Truman . John : And that would be ? Michael : She knew . She knew that Spencer had given Todd s baby away and that somehow , we ended up with him . She loves Marcie , John . She -- she would ve done anything to protect that secret . John : That makes sense to me . Michael : No , you -- you do nt -- you do nt understand , John . Now that Lindsay s been arrested for murder , she could spill everything on the witness stand . Rex and I -- oh -- we ll go to jail for kidnapping or -- or fraud at the very least , and that s not the worst part . John , the worst part is that Marcie and I will lose the only child that we are ever going to have . You have to know that . John : You think I do nt know what s at stake ? Michael : Lindsay may have done what she did to -- to protect the people that she loves , John , but I m telling you -- she could bring us all down , all of us . John : She wo nt . Michael : I -- I guess I m just going to have to trust that if she was willing to kill to keep the secret , that she ll keep her mouth shut now . And if she does nt tell a living soul , then that brings me back to the only person who could possibly destroy my family -- you , my brother . Do nt do this to me , John . Please . Please . Tell me now . Tell me what you know . Blair : You have proof that Tommy McBain is Todd s son ? Miles : Yes . Blair : In that folder ? Miles : Yes . It explains everything . Blair : Where d it come from ? Miles : Spencer kept it in a bus station locker . He sent me the keys , but I did nt open the locker until yesterday . Read it . It s the truth about the baby . Miles : Well , go ahead and read it . If it s not true , you can throw it in the trash . But if it is the truth , Todd gets his son . Blair s voice : Dear Miles , obviously you ve opened the locker and understand that Todd Manning is my enemy . Blair s voice : He is a monster . Spencer s voice : He is pure evil . He tried to take away everything I cherished . He tried to steal the love of my life . He tried to steal Blair from me . Death did nt even stop Todd . He came back to destroy me . Spencer : And now , with your help , my friend , I have the perfect way to destroy Todd . Nash : This is way more than business . That vineyard is my future . You sold that vineyard because you wanted to hurt me , right , because you hate me . Antonio : Yeah , you bet I do . Nash : Ah . Antonio : I hate your guts . Nash : Oh . Antonio : You ran off with my wife . Now , I unloaded my part because I want nothing to do with you or Jessica , so I sold it to the first person because the sooner I get rid of that part of my life , the better ! Nash : You sold it out of spite . Antonio : I do nt do things out of spite . Talia : Hey , Antonio ? Jamie ? Antonio : Can she hear us ? Talia : Uh -- not yet . She s listening to the Cheetah Girls , but if you get any louder , she will . And I would hate for her to listen to you two arguing -- Nash : I am -- Talia : Especially about Jessica . Nash : Asking you to cancel the deal with whoever bought it and sell my vineyard to me . Antonio : I ca nt do that . Natalie : You know , you have guts . But I do nt like being manipulated -- end of meeting . Jared : You see this ? You should take a look at this . Natalie : What s that , another phony resume ? Jared : No , it s a SWOT analysis -- strengths , weaknesses , opportunities , threats . Natalie : Please -- I know what a SWOT analysis is , thank you . Jared : I m sure you do , but do you have one for B.E. s South American import division ? Natalie : What , are you offering this in exchange for a job ? Jared : Of course not . You can have it -- if you have a drink with me . Thank you . When I was preparing for our meeting yesterday -- Natalie : I hardly call a meeting you barging into my office . Jared : Huh . Ok , well , then the truth is I had some of my contacts run this analysis so I could impress you with my superior business acumen . To you . But , look , before you take my head off , hear me out . You re a rookie -- it s no secret . I thought I could throw around a lot of fancy numbers and impress you enough to hire me -- I was wrong . You re not just some princess who got her job thanks to nepotism . You re smart , you re real , and you re tough . Green , but -- come on , Natalie . You know it s true -- you re green , but not gullible . And if we put our skill sets together , we can -- Natalie : Just because you can say skill sets does not mean I m interested in yours . Jared : Impressive once again . Natalie : So what is that , plan C ? Nothing else works , try flattery ? Jared : Is it working ? Todd : Can you get me a photo of Llanview University s women s basketball team ? Great . Yeah , that d be fine . Thanks . Starr : Knock , knock . Todd : Hey ! Starr : Hey . Todd : What brings my two favorite people in the world here ? Starr : Well , Jack was playing with a friend who lives around corner I was picking him up , I figured we d stop by , surprise you . Todd : Oh , that s a great surprise . Jack : Hey , can I use your computer ? Todd : Sure . What s that you ve got on , young lady ? Starr : Oh . Um -- I think mom found in it a catalogue . Todd : No , no , no your clothes -- your mouth . It s upturned . Starr : Oh . Well , I m happy -- Cole s mom s going to be getting out of jail soon . And thank you for not saying anything . I know the whole if you do nt have something nice to say about someone is a little hard for you . Jack : Hey , can I print something out , Dad ? Todd : You bet . Yeah , nice does nt -- does nt exactly play on front pages . Starr : Yeah , not in The Sun , but you ve been doing a really good job . Todd : That does nt mean I have to stop worrying about you two . Jack : Three . Look -- this is you , this is Starr , this is me , and this is my baby brother . Miles : I m not proud of it . Blair : Spencer s thanking you for lying to Todd . Miles : I -- I was following instructions that Spencer left for me in a letter . He said that I owed him my life and that he was my only friend , which -- which was true . He got me to lead Todd on a wild - goose chase to Chicago . Blair s voice : I d like to do this myself . But since you re reading this -- Spencer s voice : I assume I m dead . I found a way to hurt all the people who have tried to hurt me -- Blair for breaking my heart , John McBain for relentlessly hounding me , Michael McBain for turning against me , and Todd -- Spencer : Especially Todd , for wanting me dead . He will suffer most of all . Michael : I ca nt live like this , John , you know ? I -- I ca nt wake up every morning wondering if this is going to be the day that I lose my family . John : How does it feel -- waking up every morning knowing you re raising someone else s son ? Michael : He s always been someone else s son , John . That , I can live with . Huh ? He s got a home where he s safe . He has way more love than he ever would ve had if he was being raised by Todd Manning . I am the father that he deserves , and I think the brother that you love . But that s it , John . There s really nothing more that I can say or do . John : I know . It s in my hands , and I ve made a decision . Marcie : The Lindsay that I know -- she does nt give up . And to me , it sounds like you re giving up . Lindsay : Marty Saybrooke s release is being processed as we speak . I do nt see anybody else being charged . It s just me , Marcie . Marcie : Stop . Just stop it . Lindsay : I m just being realistic . You and I both know that this is going to go to court . Nora s going to go after me . She s going to -- she s going to prosecute me , I m her worst enemy . She s going to go after me with everything she s got . Marcie : Well , then you have got to fight this . You have got to fight this with everything that you have . Lindsay : I just do nt know if I have the fight left in me . Marcie : Why -- why are you being defeatist ? Do you want to spend the rest of your life behind these bars ? Lindsay : Of course not . Marcie : Good . Good , because there are people out here that need you . I need you , Tommy needs you -- what about him ? Huh ? Is nt he alone worth this fight ? Lindsay : Of course he s worth fighting for . Everything I ve done , I ve done to protect him . John : You know , Mike , this life as a cop -- it makes sense to me . It s really pretty simple . People break the law and you put them in jail . Michael : Yeah . John : Yeah , so I hate this . I know of a boy that s been stolen from his father and I have nt done anything about it . You knew the truth and you buried it . Michael : There s no question that what I did was illegal . John : Oh , no , Mike -- not just illegal . You know what you ve been doing ? You been living a lie -- we both have . Let me tell you something -- from experience , it never works out . Hmm . If anybody else would ve done this , they would ve been in jail already . I would nt have questioned for a minute what I needed to do . Everybody involved would ve been arrested and that little boy would ve been returned to his biological father . But I did nt do anything -- you know why ? Because my brother s involved . Anybody else would ve been serving their time already , but you re not just anybody . Damn it , you re the only family I got and I -- I care about that kid , too . So I m going to keep your secret . I wo nt tell anybody that Tommy is Todd Manning s son . Todd : Is nt that a nice picture . Jack : Hey , they re called Avatars . There s a whole website about them . Can we hang it up in your office ? Starr : Uh , that might make him sad , because the baby is nt with us right now . Jack : That wo nt make Dad sad . Todd : No , no , no . Oh , no , it wo nt make me sad . I ve got you guys . But , you know , Jack , um , Starr s got a point . This guy here , the little brother -- he s not with us now -- you know that -- even though I ve tried to find him and I ve done everything I can , but I have nt been able to find him . Jack : We ll find him . Todd : Well I do nt think so , honey . I think it s -- maybe it s time to say goodbye to him . Starr : Are you giving up ? Jack : Does this mean he ll never be with us ? Todd : Yes . Yes , that s exactly what it means . Spencer s voice : I gave T.J. to a lawyer who sold children to unremarkable parents with unremarkable homes . However , fate stepped in . The people who adopted the child died in the tornado and the baby fell into the care of Michael and Marcie McBain , a turn of events that even I could nt have devised . So , I suppressed the child s records and developed a new attack for the baby s upbringing . Unfortunately , if you are reading this letter , it means I did nt live to enact the plan myself . But I know you will put the plan in place for me , Miles . Spencer : When the time is right , when the truth will rip the McBains and the Mannings apart in the worst possible way , you will make the truth known . Miles : The folder has everything -- times , dates , documentation -- all about Todd s son . Blair : My God . Miles : As you can see , Spencer wanted me to hold on to the secret until it could cause the most pain and trouble . Blair : Why should I believe anything in that folder ? Miles : Look , I understand that you re doubtful , but why -- why would Spencer lie to me ? He had no reason to . Look , I m -- I m just sorry that I did nt go to the locker and open it up the second I got the letter from the grave . And I m truly sorry that I lied to Todd about Chicago . Look -- I know none of this makes up for what I did . But there it is -- the truth , I swear it . I can see in your eyes you believe it . Blair : Yeah , I do . Miles : Well , it s up to you to convince Todd . Blair : I know . Blair : Oh . Oh -- God help you when Todd finds out . Nash : Well , if you did nt sell it out of spite , then you explain to me , why -- why ca nt you cancel your contract with that other buyer and sell my vineyard to me ? Antonio : Because I made a deal out of good faith , and when I give my word , I keep it . Nash : Glad it s not spite . Well , I m not going to let my dream just go up in smoke . So , why do nt you tell me who that other buyer is ? Maybe he ll sell it out to me -- what s his name ? Antonio : Jared Banks . Nash : Jared Banks . What a koinky - dink . Antonio : You know him ? Nash : Yeah . Yeah , I played poker with him last night -- I lost , he won . So he took his winnings and came right here bought my vineyard . He knew that I needed those winnings to buy it from you . Do nt you think that s strange ? Unless , of course -- unless you were behind it . Antonio : I do nt know anything about that -- Nash : Hmm . Antonio : Nash . But I am getting sick and tired of your accusations . Nash : Oh , sorry . Antonio : You see , as far as I m concerned , I m done with your vineyard and I m done with you . Now , if you want to take all this up with the new owner , you can probably find him at Capricorn . I left the papers there for him to sign . Nash : Hmm . Talia : That was fun . Antonio : Yeah . Jared : To a long and profitable business relationship . Natalie : This is nt working for me . Jared : I m sorry ? Natalie : Your -- your flattery . You re not as charming as you think . Jared : Do -- do you hate all men , or is it just me ? Some guy broke your heart -- I get that . But this who babe - made - of - ice thing you ve got going is nt doing you any favors . I m trying to help you . Natalie : Well , if I needed help -- which I do nt -- I sure as hell would nt ask you for it . Miles : Excuse me , I hope I m not interrupting . Natalie : Not at all . I was just leaving . So , how did it go with Blair ? Did she listen to you ? Miles : Better than that -- I got her to believe me . Natalie : Oh , Miles , I m so proud of you . You did the right thing . Miles : Thanks . Thank you . I could nt have done it without you . I felt you in my corner the whole time , and you know what else ? Natalie : What ? Miles : Doing the right thing it -- it feels right . Natalie : Yes . You know , maybe I should put my money where my mouth is . I ll see you later . Michael : What are you saying here , John ? Are -- are you telling me that you re actually willing to let this thing go ? That you re not going to tell anyone -- not Bo , not anyone ? John : That s what I said , is nt it ? Michael : Oh , John . You have no idea . Thank -- thank -- thank you so much . Thank god ! You know , I might actually get some sleep tonight . When I put my head on my pillow and I close my eyes , I might actually go to sep . John : Maybe that ll make one of us . Michael : No , Johnny . You -- you have to understand , this -- this is the best thing . It s the best thing for -- for everybody . John : Everybody except Manning . But I ve made up my mind -- I ca nt stand the thought of you or Marcie losing Tommy . But let me tell you something , Mike -- know this . Even if I do nt say anything , the truth is going to come out eventually , and when it does , there s going to be hell to pay . Michael : No , Johnny . You -- you re wrong here , ok ? Nobody will ever know , nobody will ever find out . John : Well , Mike , I wish I could be that sure . Michael : John ? What you ve done here , man , you -- you have -- you have no idea . You ve given me my future back . John : I went back and forth on this so many times . I -- I even prayed . Can you imagine that ? Michael : Oh . John : Am I doing the right thing -- no , I m not . But it s what I can live with . Michael : Oh . Johnny , I love you , man . Miles : Oh . Sarah : Anything else ? Miles : Did I do something ? Sarah : Huh -- other than almost getting me killed ? Miles : I m sorry , I do nt even know who you are . Sarah : Sarah Roberts -- ex - girlfriend of a guy named Hunter who you hired to stab my Uncle Todd and hold him captive while threatening to kill me . Miles : Oh . Sarah : Yea-- oh . Miles : Look , I -- I m sorry for what happened to your -- your friend . I had nothing to do with it . Sarah : Right , and now you re going to tell me that you re not the monster that everyone thinks you are ? Miles : Are you going to tell me you re not , either ? Nash : Hey -- you remember me ? Jared : Oh , yes -- the drunk one . Nash : You hustled me in that card game last night . Jared : You think so ? Nash : Now I want to know why . Marcie : Lindsay , you ca nt talk like that in here . People are listening , they could misinterpret what you say , ok ? We can not give the D.A. any ammunition to use against you in court . We need you home . You ca nt spend another night in here . Lindsay : I appreciate that more than you ll ever know . Marcie : Is there anything you need ? Is there anything that I can get you ? Lindsay : No . Marcie : You know what ? I know -- I know what ll lift your spirits . I m going to ask Bo if I can bring Tommy here to see you , ok ? Lindsay : No ! No , do nt do that . This is no place for that little boy . In fact , it s no place for you , either . Marcie : Well , I m not abandoning you . Lindsay , you re stuck in here . You re stuck in jail and you are innocent . You know , you did not kill Spencer Truman . Right ? You re totally innocent . Yes ? John : Look , I -- I really got to get back to work , ok ? Michael : Yeah , I -- I know . Johnny , I -- I do nt know ho I going John : Forget about it . Michael : Forget about it -- oh , yeah . Are you kidding , John ? This is nt anything I m ever going to forget . And this is nt anything you re ever going to regret , either , ok ? Listen to me -- down the road , when you see Tommy hit his first home run or -- or walk across the stage at graduation -- John : Do nt , Mike . Just appreciate what you have now . Do nt look to the future . Just let it go and move on . Ok ? Michael : Ok . Listen , do nt think that I do nt understand what you have done here . I ve known you my whole life , John , and I know that you are a man who hangs on to the rules . And this thing here , this is -- it s all about letting go . John : Yeah , come on in . Natty . Michael : Hi . Natalie : Hi . Michael : I m -- I m going to go -- John : Go ahead . Michael : Spend some time with my family . John : Yeah . Michael : Thank you John : Hey , what s up ? Natalie : It s about Miles . John : I do nt want to hear it . Natalie : Look , I know that you re still upset with me for backing him up , but he s really trying to do the right thing . John : Oh , yeah ? What does that mean ? He did nt kidnap anyone today ? Natalie : When you hear what he did , you re going to change your feelings about him . John : Huh . Natalie : Miles made a huge step into making things right with Todd . John : Oh , I m sure the minute he apologizes , Manning s going to lay a big , wet one on him . Natalie : This has nothing to do with an apology . It s about getting Todd s son back . You re not going to believe this , but his son is right here in Llanview . Todd : When someone you love goes away from your life or from the world -- Jack : Like dead ? Todd : Yeah , exactly like dead -- we have what s called a memorial . That s where we put up a picture of the person and everyone gathers and we all say nice things about that person . Jack : Do you have a good picture of the baby ? Todd : Well , I like this one , do nt you ? So , I was thinking , why do nt we have a memorial right now ? Jack , you can start . Jack : Ok . Well , I never saw him , but I would ve been a good big brother . I would ve taught him stuff like how to draw on the computer . Todd : I think you re right -- I think you would ve been an excellent big brother . Starr ? Starr : Ahem . Um -- I m sorry that things worked out this way . But knowing that he s gone only makes me appreciate my family even more . Todd : Well , I never -- I never got to see him , either . But he still felt like my little boy . Um -- and I guess even though I never knew him , he was a -- hmm -- well , he was more of a hope , I guess , than -- than a -- a baby that I could hold , you know -- a hope that he might bridge a gap , a chance to start over . But , let s see . Starr : Ahem . Todd : Here you go . To my -- to my other son . Starr : To our -- to our baby brother . Jack : Yeah , to our baby brother . Todd : I thought you were working at home . What are you doing here ? Talia : I think it looks nice . It s a very bold color choice . Antonio : I think it s going to take more than one coat . Talia : How many coats is it going to take ? Antonio : I do nt know . Talia : I m not talking about your windows . How many times are you going to have to run your brush over that thing before you stop seeing Jessica here ? Antonio : As many times as it takes . Talia : All right . So then , what we have here is a work in progress . Antonio : Yes , and a clean start -- with time . Talia : To a clean start . Antonio : To a clean start . Hmm . Nash : What game is this , huh ? Jared : No games day . Nash : Hmm . Jared : Just business . Nash : You took my money just so you could take my vineyard . Why ? Sarah : Wait a minute . Do nt you dare compare yourself to me . Miles : I did nt mean it as an insult . Sarah : Right . Miles : You know , I realize that you and Natalie -- you must be cousins , right ? Sarah : Yeah , and she s my aunt , too . So what ? Miles : So that makes you a Buchanan , and a Buchanan working here -- no offense -- must be trying to themselves . Sarah : What s your point ? Miles : That s what I ve been trying to do -- find myself . And you can hate me all you want -- does nt matter , because for the first time in my life , I m looking in the mirror and I do nt hate what I see . Lindsay : I do nt want to talk about Spencer Truman s murder . Marcie : You tell me right now if you had anything to do with this . Lindsay : My lawyer does nt want me talking about it . If I say anything -- Marcie : If you say anything , what ? Lindsay : Go , Marcie -- please . Just leave ! Leave ! Lindsay : Forget about me . Marcie : I ca nt do that . Guard ? I know . I know how to help you , ok ? Um -- and I ll talk to you later . I ll be back . John : What does Laurence know ? Natalie : Well , he knows who has Todd s kid and that they re right here in Llanview . John : Who are they ? Natalie : I do nt know . He did nt tell me , but he told Blair . John : What s Blair doing about this ? Natalie : My guess is she s on her way to tell Todd about it right now . Blair : I just needed to tell you something and -- would you guys mind if I talk to your dad alone ? Starr : Yeah -- no , that s fine . We ll just go home . Jack : I want to stay . Starr : No , Jack , um -- I ll treat you to some ice cream on the way home . Jack : All right . Starr : Yeah , thought so . Todd : And you got a serious look on your face . What is it ? Blair : Um -- I think you should sit down , Todd . Nash : How about you tell me why you re doing this . Jared : Because I can . Rex : Your brother ? Michael : He s going to keep his mouth shut . Natalie : Todd s son is alive , and Blair is bringing them back together right now . Blair : I have something very important to tell you . ### Summary:
Jared cons Natalie into meeting him at Capricorn . Michael questions John if Lindsay could have killed Spencer because she knew that Tommy was really Todd s . Marcie blasts Todd for hanging around Lindsay s jail cell , hoping to get a scoop on the night that Spencer was killed . Nash , angrily , accuses Antonio of selling his share of the vineyard just to spite him for marrying Jessica . Blair blasts Miles for all his lies concerning the real whereabouts of Todd s son . Jared persuades Natalie to give him just a few more minutes of her time . Starr and Jack drop by , unexpectedly , at Todd s office . He tells them the truth about the whereabouts of their baby brother . Michael and John argue once again over whether or not a child should be kept from his or her real parents . John , reluctantly , agrees not to say anything to anyone that Tommy is Todd s son . Nash becomes suspicious that Jared had gotten him into a card game and then he had taken his winnings and bought controlling interests in Nash s vineyard . Miles shows Blair the letter that he had received from Spencer telling him where Todd s son really was . At the club , Nash confronts Jared about buying controlling interests in his vineyard . Jack , Starr and Todd memorialize their baby brother . Blair listens to them . Lindsay urges Marcie to forget all about her .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Kendall : I love this house , Zach . Come on , just give it a chance . You ve been living in hotel rooms and condos way too long . Zach : It s not going to work . Kendall : Ok , so it did nt scream Buy me right away . Go upstairs , look -- look at the -- there s a cool media room -- Zach : Kendall -- Kendall : There s a beautiful bedroom -- Zach : Kendall -- I said , We could nt live here . What I meant was that I -- I ca nt live here . And I -- I ca nt be here . I -- I got to go . Kendall : Wait , Zach -- Zach , wait ! Zach ? Julia : Hey , Tad ! Hi . How are you ? Tad : Hey . Oh , I ve been better , I ve been worse . What are you doing here ? You look great . Julia : I m meeting friends . You ? Tad : Oh , I thought I d raise a glass to Annie McDermott . God bless her , she agreed to the DNA test that we just finished with Emma , so -- Julia : Oh . That s so great . When are you going to find out ? Tad : Not soon enough . In any case , here s to Kate . She may be closer than we thought . Julia : Well , I m keeping my fingers crossed for you and Dixie both . Tad : It s still a long shot , but at least we ll know for sure . Julia : What are the odds ? You search the whole world over for your daughter , and she might be right here in Pine Valley . Krystal : It s adorable . Adam : Yeah . Krystal : How did you get this for our little girl so fast ? Adam : Oh , I got it a couple of weeks ago . Krystal : All this pink ? That s a risky bet . Adam : Oh , I knew it was going to be a daughter , even before the test results came . How can my beautiful wife not have a beautiful , healthy daughter ? Krystal : Hmm . Adam : Colby ! Come on in . Come on in , help us celebrate . The baby s healthy , it s a girl , and we named her . Colby : A girl ? Hmm -- Baby doll number two is a good name . I ll go wring out my shirt with tears of joy . Krystal : Oh , come on , Colby , you ll ruin your mascara . Colby : Yeah , I just remembered I have a Geometry test to study -- Adam : Oh , come on . Come on , that can wait . Right - angle triangles are nt going anywhere . Krystal : Colby , look at this cute little blanket that Adam got for Little Charlotte . Colby : Charlotte ? Adam : Charlotte , as in the -- in your dearly departed Aunt Lottie . Colby : Why was nt I named after dear Aunt Lottie ? You know -- no . Forget it . No time . Ca nt keep up the Chandler name if I flunk my Math . Unless someone lifted my books along with all the other missing things around here . Krystal : Go ahead and study , Colby . Colby : Thanks . I live for your permission . Krystal : What are we going to do about that girl ? Adam : Colby will get used to having a sister . Meanwhile , I have plans of my own . Krystal : Oh . You re going to get randy with me , huh ? Adam : Well -- later . I have a meeting with Barry . I m going to adjust my will . I m going to create a trust to ensure Charlotte s future -- and somebody else . Oh -- her mother . Krystal : You cancel that meeting , Adam . You are not dying on me . Adam : Just in case something happens to me , I want to be -- Krystal : Do nt even -- honey , I ca nt even think about raising our little girl without her daddy by my side . Tad : You look great . Julia : Thanks . Tad : Oh , just in time . Have a seat . What would you like to drink ? Jamie : A beer , thanks . You planning on joining us ? Julia : Oh , no , no . Uh - uh . Girls night out . Jamie : Well , no worries . I was just asking . Tad : No , no , listen . Hey , you know , when the world was still cooling , I used to love girls night out . Julia : Oh . Well , cool . You re in luck , T - rex . Tad : No , I do nt think so . I ve already spent girls night out with a couple of your friends -- not at the same time . Simone : Tad , I love you ! Julia , here . Tad : See what I mean ? Julia : Well , excuse me . Estrogen calls . Erin : Uh -- so , do come - ons have an expiration date ? Josh : A use - by or a sell - by date ? Erin : Ah , let me see , let me see , let me see . I tried to sell you one way too long ago . Josh : Has nt been that long . It s only been -- two months ? Erin : Yeah -- Josh : Has nt gone bad yet . Erin : No , I do nt know . It might ve been pretty stale to begin with . Josh : I had a different brand loyalty . Erin : You only had eyes for Babe . Babe : I m -- I m so sorry . J.R. , please , it only happened once with Josh , and it s over . I never even planned it . I just -- my God , what was I thinking ? How could I be so blind ? I just -- I -- I was feeling locked out , and I could nt -- I could nt get into your head and -- and into your heart , and I just -- something snapped , and I made -- I made a horrible mistake , a one- time , horrible mistake . I have hurt you so much , and I have kept -- when you look me in the eyes , I just -- I could nt -- No more lies , no more secrets -- that s what you said , right , because I believe that we can still -- J.R. : Stop . Just stop it , Babe . I ve jerked you around a lot in the past . And you know what they say -- Karma s a bitch . You re paying me back . Babe : What ? No . No , J.R. , this has nothing to do with payback . J.R. : No , Josh lied to me about having sex with you , and now you re standing by it . It s -- it s a trust thing . It s -- it s a How much do you trust me ? So how am I doing here ? Pass or fail ? Babe : I m the one who s failed . I m sorry . I am so sorry . Josh : You know , for some strange reason , it took me a while to process your mojo . Erin : What ? My mojo ? Well , you know , I think that strange reason might be named Babe , and I think if you ca nt admit that , then there s a party with my name on it -- Erin : Right over there . Simone : He used to blow in my ear like an air hose . Di : No , he did not ! Simone : You know he did -- Di : He did not ! Danielle : He actually thought Oh , I got to get me a piece of that would work . Being underage in a bar sucks . Di : Look at Erin -- looks like she s busy . Danielle : Too busy working it , more like it . Josh : I confess . Erin : Mm - hmm . So I -- you think I got mojo ? Tad : You re killing me . Would you just go over there ? Jamie : I m hanging out with you . We re toasting to maybe finding my little sister . Tad : No , we re not . I m toasting , you re sulking . Jamie : It s girls night . I was nt invited . Tad : And you call yourself a Martin ? Krystal : My baby girl s daddy is healthy and sound , ok ? I do nt need anything else . Adam : Yeah . Ok , well , you say that now . What about when she s older ? What about college ? Krystal : Well , you and I will be sitting in the front row for her graduation . Do nt you even think about bailing on Charlotte or her mother . Adam : Well , that s hardly my intention . Krystal : Well , do nt go making any just - in - case plans for an early departure , either . Adam : Ok , ok . I swear to live to be 110 , as long as you keep me fit with our strenuous , nightly -- um -- exertions . Krystal : How in the world did I ever fall for you , you silver fox , you ? Adam : Yeah . Must ve been my charm . Krystal : You are so good to me . And you re going to be such a wonderful daddy . Little Charlotte is going to grow up to love you just as much as her mommy does . You know I loved raising my first little girl -- even with no money and no home and no man . Adam : Hmm . Krystal : But I am ten times as happy now . And not because of what you -- you give me , but because of the way you love me , the respect that you give me and the laughter that you fill me with . So if I have your heart , Adam Chandler , that s enough . And you ll have mine forever and ever . You know I never got married before , but I never -- I never felt this way before . And I would be just as happy if you were a truck driver or a cowpoke or a gas station attendant , because I do nt care what you do or what you have . Adam : You know , I would be less happy driving a big rig , or poking a cow . By the way , when you poke a cow , where do you poke it ? But I digress . No , what makes -- what makes me happy is providing for the people I love , to give you and Charlotte everything you could ever need . Krystal : Do nt go messing with the finances , Adam . They are just fine and dandy the way you are . And maybe I m a little bit superstitious , but do nt tempt fate . J.R. : Your mother knew . Colby overheard you tell her that you slept with Josh . Colby tried to warn me , but I chose not to believe a word that she said . I believed you . Babe : Please , J.R. Mama -- she -- J.R. : Krystal , Colby , Josh , David , you . How many other people were in on this little secret , Babe ? Babe : No , J.R. , it s not -- J.R. : Tell me , Babe ! Babe : It s not like that ! J.R. : It s not like what ? It s not like -- like tossing your vows out with the trash ? It s not like lying to -- to cover your ass ? It s not like making me look like a fool ? I mean , my God , Babe , my kid sister knew ! Colby : Hello ? You know , what do we pay people around here for ? I m trying to study . It s hard to do geometric proofs when the kid s screaming bloody murder . Who do you have to kill for a babysitter , huh ? You did the deed , you deal with the consequences . Babe : Give him to me . J.R. : I ll take him . Josh : Babe is in love with her husband . Why ? I have no idea . If you ask her , she ll say he s completely reformed . Sobriety has turned J.R. from deadly jerk to the patron saint of husbands . Of course , he did try to kill her -- that was before he sprouted wings . So , now it s my time to move on to happier times -- at least , less complicated . Erin : Well , I think simple , happy -- complicated -- not so much . Josh : Hmm . So you got it out of me . My complete confession -- does that buy me another drink with a sexy redhead ? Erin : I have a confession of my own . Josh : Shoot . Erin : When I -- I approached you last summer -- Josh : Mm - hmm . Erin : My motives were not completely pure . Josh : Well , I hope not . Where s the fun in that ? Erin : No , I mean , I -- I did nt -- I did nt -- Josh : Did nt what ? Find me devastatingly attractive ? Erin : No -- I mean , yes , I do -- I did , I still do . Uh -- I was also doing someone a favor . I was keeping you away from Babe . Josh : For J.R. ? Erin : Yes . Josh : Another J.R. fan -- how the hell does he do it ? I should be drinking cosmos with the ladies after all . Erin : No , it s -- there s more . Josh : What , more true confessions ? I do nt think I can handle any more . Erin : No -- last summer I was nt real big on the L word . But sex ? I was looking for something a little more recreational . Josh : I do nt do any other kind . So , what is your current status on insignificant physical contact ? Erin : It s at an all - time high . Zach : Ok , let s get a drink . Kendall : Zach , it s a little loud in here , there s so many people . Why do nt we go somewhere quiet , then maybe you can tell me why you flipped out back there ? Zach : I did nt flip out . I lost it a little bit , and I -- I think -- uh -- quiet is the last thing I need right now . It would put me over the top . Zach : You know , the house was screaming Buy me to you . Well , it was screaming Get out to me . So I wanted to come here with some people , some music , drinks -- anything . Kendall : Zach , have you been at this house before ? I do nt -- why are we even talking about this here ? Zach : I tell you what -- why do nt we grab our drinks , we ll mix it with some privacy , and I ll -- I ll try to explain it to you , ok ? Kendall : Ok . Deal . Zach : All right . Kendall : Let s go . Erin : No , no -- Danielle : Nice job , lady . Erin : Yeah , sorry for bailing on you guys . Julia : Do nt say I did nt warn you . Di : Take one for the team . Simone : Oh , you are wearing good underwear , are nt you ? Erin : Shut up . Erin : Simone , please . Shut up . Hi . I would invite you back to my place , but it s kind of a dorm . Josh : I know the perfect place . Come on . Tad : You know , somewhere between all the daggers you re shooting at Josh and the sick - little - puppy thing you re doing with Julia , I missed a couple of chapters . You want to fill me in ? Singer : Anxious that s all Jamie : I just -- excuse me for one second . Tad : See if they got any nuts . Del : So , Julia , what can I get you today ? Julia : Well , I m not drinking , I m on duty . So how about a sparkling water with lemon ? Jamie : Josh just left with Erin . It s no big deal ? Julia : Why should I care ? Jamie : So you and Josh -- that was just casual ? No more serious than we ever were ? Julia : Where is this coming from , me and Josh ? Jamie : Well , I saw you two kissing on the beach . You know , a few weeks ago ? Julia : Oh . Oh , that was that night you were there with Linda -- the do nt get me wet or I might melt blonde . Jamie : Yeah , same day . Julia : Well , I do nt know why it would matter to you what I do or with whom . You re the big player . Jamie : Right . Today , Pine Valley , tomorrow , who knows ? I just kind of take it moment to moment . Julia : So do I. Tad : Well done . Jamie : Shut up . J.R. : Nightmares , huh ? It s ok , Daddy s here . I wo nt let anything hurt you . Those monsters ? Yeah . We all have scary dreams . But I wo nt let anyone hurt you . Babe : Thank you , Colby , for bringing Little A down here , but I think we can handle it from here . J.R. : I ve got it covered . Colby : Uh - uh . I m not going anywhere until I know who dropped the bomb in here . Time to call for a body bag ? Josh : That s the good thing about the fall -- clear skies , real crisp . Erin : Look at all those stars . Huh . I mean , you can see why people wish on them . Josh : And why wishes do nt come true . Erin : Yeah , you know , all those stars -- those beautiful , beautiful stars are just really balls of burning gas . They ca nt hear wishes . Josh : Well , even if they could , they would nt care . Josh : You must be freezing . Erin : I m not cold at all . Josh : You know , you deserve a hell of a lot more than this . I have nothing to offer you . Erin : I m not stupid . I know who you are . I know that you are nt going to make any of my wishes come true -- not any more than , you know , the stars are . But you re a lot closer , and you re a lot easier to touch , and I want to be touched tonight . Josh : So do I. Colby : Is it hot in here , or is it just me ? Do you finally know who your wife is ? J.R. : Will you get out of here , Colby ? Now . Colby : Hmm . It s rough being right . J.R. : I told Little Adam that nightmares go away when you wake up . Babe : I wish it were all that easy . J.R. : I told him that his mommy loves him . And I told him that his daddy loves him . And that s all he needs to be safe . Adam : All right . Now , when do we start Lamaze classes ? I take my role as coach very seriously . Krystal : Oh . Well , you just knock yourself out , then . Adam : Mm - hmm . Krystal : But there really are only two things to remember . Number 1 , stay by my head . Adam : Mm - hmm . Krystal : And number 2 -- and you repeat this -- My wife needs the epidural now . Colby : Whoo ! One down , one to go ! Adam : Did we miss something ? Colby : Well , it s only fair to warn one happy couple that the other happy couple is about to bite the dust . J.R. : Give your mommy a kiss good night , buddy . Babe : Good night , peanut . Winifred : Let s tuck you back in , ok ? Oh , such a -- ok . Babe : I love you , J.R. I never stopped loving you . You and Little A are permanently in my heart . I meant every word that I said at our wedding . Babe s voice : I used to think that love , the -- the kind that I feel for you , had to be exclusive , that I could never share the man that I love with someone else -- well , except for our son . Huh . Babe : We ve been to hell and back together . Babe s voice : First , you take care of the alcohol issue . Get yourself checked into a substance abuse program . J.R. s voice : What if I say no ? Babe : I go to the police . And you re on your own . I know that I ve hurt you , deeply , terribly . You ve hurt me , too , but we ve always come back . Babe s voice : This is nt a game , your honor . My husband is innocent . J.R. did not try to kill me . I made the whole thing up . Babe : You pushed me away . You kept me out . You -- you made it hard for me to love you , but I did . I still do , and I always will . Babe s voice : But right now we need to talk . We need to talk , yell , cry -- whatever it is . Babe : Because I am right here . Do nt shut me out . When Colby was missing , you were hurting , and you were -- you were scared and you would nt let me help you . I felt lonely and -- and lost . I felt like you did nt need me . God , J.R. , I m so sorry . Tell me what I can do . J.R. s voice : I do nt need any babysitting . Dad s got Krystal . Why do nt you go home ? I ll call you if anything changes . Babe : I slipped . I screwed up in the worst way . When you asked me straight out , I could nt lie anymore . No more lies , no more secrets . I m there , J.R. Can you forgive me ? You tried to kill me . I forgave you -- or , at least I thought I did . Maybe I did nt all the way . Maybe this Josh thing is a hangover . J.R. : We were in a new place . Things were different . Babe : And I wanted them to be different , so badly . I did , but I do nt know . Maybe I was nt ready to move forward , that part of me was nt , and I just -- I acted out . I do nt know , but I do know that I love you . I love you with everything that is in me , and I want to still be your wife . I -- you are my best friend , my -- my husband , my life partner . Please , J.R. , please , do nt just stare . Please say something , anything to me . Scream at me -- anything . Just tell me what you re thinking . J.R. : Josh told me that you said you love him . Is that true ? Erin : Did I do something wrong ? What -- Josh : I m sorry , I ca nt do this . Erin : You know , it s -- it s no big shock , really . I -- they run from me -- in droves , actually . So I must be some kind of troll or heinous . Josh : No , look , you re a beautiful , amazing , sexy woman . I m just -- I -- I m stuck in one place . I ca nt move forward , I ca nt move back . Erin : Back to Babe . Babe : I love you . That s why I chose you over Josh . J.R. : You did nt -- you did nt answer my question . Did you tell Josh that you love him or not ? Babe : No more lies , no more secrets . I did nt love Josh like I love you . Babe s voice : I love you , J.R. Babe : I love you . Babe s voice : J.R. , I love you . Babe s voice : I love you , and I want to be happy with you and our children for the rest of our lives . Babe : No , J.R. , please do nt go . Colby : J.R. and Babe are on tilt . It s going down . Krystal : Are you trying to pull something ? Adam : Colby , listen to me . I love you dearly . No one -- not Krystal , not Babe , or this new little baby sister . No one is going to replace you in this family . Colby : Ok , Dad , whatever . You guys are about to see some ugly business . Adam : You got to stop trying to wreak havoc . Everything will be fine . Colby : Dad , I m not making this up ! I m serious . Someone is going to get killed in there . Babe : J.R. , please -- please do nt go . Please , I am so sorry ! Please , I love you , J.R. -- Adam : There is no need for such dramatics . Colby : Dad , things are not fine . Babe : J.R. , no . Please , please ? J.R. , do nt go ! Please , sweetheart , I promise you , no more lies . I am so sorry -- J.R. knows . Adam : J.R. , wait ! Babe : Please , please , you have to stop him . Babe : Do nt let him do anything crazy . Josh : I did nt mean to lead you on or anything stupid like that . Erin : You know , I thought men were supposed to get over relationships by throwing themselves into random , meaningless sex . Josh : Yeah , well , it always worked for me before . Erin : Oh . It s a shame . Josh : Maybe you re not random enough . Erin : Hmm . Or maybe you re not who you used to be . Colby : Hey -- no -- hey , open up ! I m supposed to be part of the family ! Babe : Josh Madden s room -- room , please . Krystal : What in blazes are you doing ? Babe : I m warning Josh , Mom . Krystal : No . Honey , how did this happen ? Did Josh tell J.R. ? Babe : Josh told J.R. about us , and he did nt believe him . He thought that he was full of it . It was me . I told him , Mama . I -- I could nt lie anymore . I told him about Josh -- Krystal : You what ? Babe : He looked me in the eye , he asked me for the direct truth , and I could nt lie to him , like you could nt lie to Adam . Krystal : Oh -- oh , Babe . Babe : If J.R. goes after Josh and Josh fights back , they could get hurt , or worse , or -- I do nt know . And if anything happens , it s my fault . Everything that happens -- Krystal : No . Babe : It s my fault . Anything J.R. does tonight -- Krystal : Do nt you say -- do nt you say that , Babe . Babe : Mama , it s the truth , and I m not just going to stand here and do nothing ! Krystal : No , no -- Babe -- Babe , do nt -- Colby : Hey -- no , no , let J.R. go ! Krystal : Honey , you could make it worse ! Zach : That place you took me to tonight was nt just a house . Kendall : It could be a home , Zach . Zach : No , it could nt be a home . It -- it was the spitting image of the house that I grew up in . Everything about it -- the entranceway and the -- the paint and the balcony -- it was just like the balcony I would sit and -- and wait for my dad to come home , and I dreaded it . Kendall : Of course , ok . Well , no wonder you hated it . Of course , you hated it . I -- I m sorry . I -- I thought maybe you had a little commitment phobia . Zach : No , no , not at all . You -- you and Spike , you re my future . Kendall : Just not in that house . Zach : No . My dad took everything away from me . Everything , everyone I ever loved , he would take away from me . Now whenever I -- I feel like I m losing someone that I care about , I d see his face . Kendall : I had no idea . Zach : Yeah . So if you want a house , any house you want . Just not that one , ok ? I ll build you one if you like , just not one with memories . Kendall : Ok . As long as we can create new memories of our own . Jamie : Dad , Julia does nt give a crap about me . Tad : I wonder if I can get a group rate on DNA tests . Because I swear , there are times that you are not my son . You ca nt read women . Jamie : She made it pretty clear . Tad : You know what your problem is ? You re way too much like your mother -- you believe everything people tell you . There are times when the last thing a woman is going to want you to know is what she s thinking . It s a brilliant strategy . Jamie : For what ? Tad : Keep you confused . Keep you off your game . And it works -- you re confused . Jamie : Maybe . Tad : Point made , point taken . Got any more money ? I want some beer . Adam : Josh ? Open this door . J.R. ? Anyone in here ? J.R. s voice : Babe ? Why are you naked ? Kendall : Let me see . Zach : I m not finished yet . Kendall : Come on . Zach : I m drawing a present for my wife , ok ? Kendall : A present ? All right . Well , I do like presents . Zach : I know you do . Kendall : Hmm . Zach : Uh -- Kendall : What -- Zach : Hmm . Kendall : Are you kidding me ? This is gorgeous . What -- Zach : This is what I thought . Like , this would be the main living area in here , right ? Kendall : Uh - huh . Zach : And then you say you want an office- for what , I do nt know -- but I would put it up here . Kendall : Thank you . Zach : And then -- excuse me one second -- kitchen . Kendall : Mm - hmm . Zach : And here s where the cook would live , right ? And then -- um -- the bay window lets in a little light for a nursery . Kendall : Oh , but -- well , Spike will be way past a nursery when this is done . Zach : Yeah , I know -- that s Spike s room over here . Kendall : You mean for our baby ? Zach : Just a thought . Kendall : It s a beautiful thought . Is that something that you would really want ? Zach : It terrifies me , you know , in an odd way , a compelling way , long -- long - term kind of way , but -- but yeah . If we re ready , I would -- I would like that . Kendall : I think , in time , I think we will be . Zach : To our future . Kendall : To our family . Danielle : So what had happened was -- Erin : Did what ? Simone : You know , and that s not -- Babe ! Oh , my God , honey -- oh , my -- you need a drink . Come join us . Babe : Please , I ca nt right now . Simone : Oh , come on . Danielle : You re not still working , are you ? Babe : Um -- no . I -- Erin : Uh -- there may be somebody waiting up on the roof for you . Then again , there may not be . Babe : I love you , Josh . Babe : Thank God you re ok . Josh : Well , why would nt I be ? Babe : You son of a bitch ! Josh ( to Babe ) : J.R. finally did buy it . You re scared out of your mind . This is where all of that ends and you and me start -- for real . Bianca ( to J.R. ) : I m not afraid of you . I ll scream . They ll throw you in jail . J.R. ( to Bianca ) : What if it s too late ? ### Summary:
Adam and Krystal are happily planning their new baby and have named her Charlotte . Colby has a terrible attitude toward them and toward Babe and JR . Babe admits to JR that she slept with Josh . He is devastated . After he finds out , everybody knows that something terrible could happen . Josh is meanwhile attempting to get over Babe and considering hooking up with Erin . Jr goes looking for Josh and starts drinking again . He has a vision of babe and Josh in bed together and laughing behind his back . But he clears his head and knows that he s only imagining it . Babe goes looking for JR but does not find him . She finds Josh instead , on the roof and she slaps him for spilling the beans to JR .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Marina : Wow . Danny : ( Laughs ) Marina : What a beautiful shade of red hair I have . Danny : It looks incredible . I know , I know . I did nt know my nose was that big , but ... and this is the toy dinosaur that you bought for robbie , which he s now named santosaur . I mean , how cute is this ? Marina : Of course , of course . Danny : He is such a funny kid . He s so talented . He s like a van gogh . Michelle : Oh , robbie did that . Can I see ? Danny : Uh , well , yeah . Sure . It s just A ... you know , a painting that robbie did in preschool . Michelle : Wow . A very happy family portrait . Except where s mommy ? Holly : Hello ? Who is it ? Who s there ? What do you want ? Cassie : Blake , have you seen edmund ? Blake : No , I havenT. Oh , my gosh , what happened to you ? Cassie : I got in a run - in with dinah . Blake : Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately ? Cassie : No . Why ? Blake : Well , do nt scream . Promise ? Cassie : Oh , my gosh . Blake : Yeah . Here , have a tissue . Cassie : Look , I m glad I ran into you . If edmund asks , you sent me a videotape of my bachelorette party . Okay ? Blake : Okay , okay . But how could I do that , because I was nt there . Cassie : Look , there s another videotape and I had to use you as an excuse , all right ? Blake : Really ? What s on the other tape ? You got a boy toy I do nt know about ? Cassie : Is that supposed to be funny ? ( Pounding on door ) Edmund : Reva ! Reva , open this door ! Reva ! Reva : What ? Edmund : Jonathan . Where is he ? Reva : Why ? What s going on ? Edmund : Is he here ? Jonathan , get the hell out here ! Reva : No , no , you are in no condition to see him . I do nt know what you think he s done , but ... Josh : Let him go , reva . Reva : What ? Josh : You ca nt keep protecting jonathan . He has to face the consequences of his actions , just like everybody else . He s upstairs . Edmund : Thank you . Reva : No ! No . You re not going anywhere unless you go through me . Tony : No , really , danny , what is this ? You re allowing robbie now to keep his mother out of his pictures he s drawing ? Marina : No , no . Danny would never want michelle out of robbie s life , okay ? It was just ... it s called zoo day . I was there . Michelle : You know what ? Can I talk to danny alone ? Can you guys clear off for a second ? Would that be all right ? Danny : Sure . Michelle : I m sorry . I guess I just expected to be in the picture , and when i wasnT ... Danny : Michelle , it s one painting . He does a million of these and he s not forgotten you . I would never let that happen . Michelle : I really love him a lot , danny . Danny : I know you do . Michelle : And I did nt mean to be away that long . Danny : Look , it s just going to take robbie some time to get used to you again . Michelle : You know , I had another memory . Danny : Michelle , no . You know , you do nt need to do this . You do nt need to ... Michelle : It was about us . Well , it was rick warning me about staying with you , and how you d put me in danger , but i was nt listening . I was just telling him how much I loved you . Look , I really do believe that you would nt try to separate me from my son . I just hope that you know that the michelle that you loved and the michelle that I am now is really , really trying . And I really care . ( Drinks shaking ) ( people laughing ) Cassie : Something , something that is going to calm my nerves . I m sorry , you know ? I should nt be snapping at you . I just get ... I do nt know . When someone jokes about me having a boy on the side or cheating on edmund , I m just ... Blake : It s upsetting you . Cassie : Yeah . Blake : Yeah , why ? Cassie : Why ? Why ? Because it is , blake . Blake : Are you really sleeping with somebody ? Cassie : No , I have nt cheated on edmund . I would nt cheat on edmund , okay ? Blake : All right , all right . Well , then , what is going on , cassie ? Why do you want me to lie ? Cassie : Something s happened , all right ? And I do nt want edmund to know about it . You know how he gets . Blake : I know how he used to get . Cassie : I just do nt want to take any chances , okay ? Blake : On what ? His temper ? Cassie : We all have a boiling point . Does nt ross have one ? Blake : Oh , yeah . I ve pushed him past it several times . Cassie : Then you ll help me . Blake : ( Sighs ) okay , what part of the tape that I sent over to you do you like best ? Dancing on the tables or having reva talk you down ? Cassie : I love you . Blake : Wait , wait , wait . I love you too , but you re kind of dirty . Schmutz . Reva : I wo nt send my son to the wolves . What s wrong with you ? And you , why are you so angry ? Edmund : Jonathan was at the farm with cassie . They were watching a videotape . Cassie became upset and smashed it . Oh , my god . You know what this is about , do nt you ? Josh : Reva . Edmund : Reva ? What was on the tape ? Reva : Did you ask cassie ? Edmund : Yes , and I m fairly certain she lied about it . Reva : Cassie does nt lie to you . Edmund : Oh , god . Do nt be ridiculous . Why would she smash a videotape of her bachelorette party ? It does nt make any sense . Something else was on the tape . Reva : You do nt know what you re talking about . Josh : Reva , edmund has the right to question jonathan about why he was at the farm with cassie . Reva : Not in the state he s in . We both know what happens when he gets like this . You do things that we all regret . Edmund : Everyone s going to regret it if that boy does nt come out here and talk to me . Reva : Go . Get out , now . I do nt want you in my house . Jonathan s made mistakes , but who has nt ? Leave him alone , edmund . Just forget what you saw and go . Edmund : All right . I ll leave , reva . But I m warning you , if you do nt stop your little boy s reign of terror , I will . Reva : You d like that , would nt you ? You would like to have sent him up there to hammer my son into the ground . You know what edmund s like and yet you re willing to send him up there . Well , if you want it so bad , why do nt you do it yourself ? Go on . You go kick him down the stairs . You go beat the living daylights out of him . But you do it in front of me this time . Danny : All right . That looks great , thanks . Marina : Okay , you do nt have to act all calm and collected with me . Do nt you want to slug somebody ? Danny : Like tony ? Marina : He just attacked you for being a good father . You re okay with this ? Danny : Well , marina , I have to keep it together , for robbie . I do . Marina : It never ends , does it ? Danny : What ? Marina : When you re a parent ? Danny : Nope . Marina : How do you know what to do ? Danny : I do nt know , but when somebody is depending on you for everything , you really do nt have a choice . You just do what you have to do . Marina : Well , what if you make some terrible mistake ? Danny : What kind of mistake ? Marina : I do nt know . Any mistake . Danny : Marina , you re great with robbie . Marina : Well , I get to go home at the end of the day , and sometimes I even want to . Danny : Well , so do I , and i canT. But it s okay . It s normal . Marina : No , no . It s not okay . It s not okay , danny . Danny : What s going on with you ? Marina : I had this doll , okay ? I had this doll and at one time , I forgot and I left her outside and this dog , this huge rottweiler , it just came and ripped her to pieces . And when I finally came and got her , she was ... I just ... I canT. I ca nt do it , okay ? I just canT. Bartender : What can I get you ? Miss ? Holly : Uh ... martini . Dirty . Bad edmund : Early valentine s day celebration ? You make me sick . What happened to you . Edmund : I ve come to my senses . I have a life , a woman who loves me . Bad edmund : Oh , well , good . Enjoy it while it lasts . Go on . Have dinner . We can take care of demon boy later on . Edmund : Shut up . Bad edmund : Who knows what jonathan has on us ? Who knows what he s told cassie ? What if he were to find out about the fire in the barn ? About how you tried to open up jeffrey oneill s noggy - wog with a shovel and left him to roast on a spit . Edmund : I carried him out of that fire . Bad edmund : Oh , that s right , you did , did nt you ? But of course , you left cassie s son there . I wonder what she d think about that . Exactly . Edmund : Cassie loves me . Bad edmund : Yes , she does , does nt she ? But I wonder if she loves you enough to forgive your little slip in the barn . I do nt know . I do nt know . She was quick to jump to conclusions about the whole drug thing . Maybe she never really trusted us . Maybe she never will . Maybe she has reason . Edmund : Shut up . Bad edmund : Jonathan is playing with your life , your future , and we ca nt allow that . Edmund : I m not going to ... Bad edmund : Finish him off . Finish off ... Edmund : That part of my life is over . Bad edmund : ( Echoing ) : Finish him off . Finish him off . Finish him off . Edmund : I wonT. Stay away from me . Just stay the hell away from me . Cassie : Hey , edmund . Edmund . Edmund : Hi . Cassie : What are you doing out here . Edmund : Oh , I was just ... what happened to you ? Cassie : Oh . I saw dinah . Edmund : Today ? Cassie : Yeah . And you wo nt believe what she told me happened in the barn . Jonathan : Well , here I am , your all - purpose punching bag . Who wants the first shot ? Reva : This is not funny . Jonathan : You did a nice job with edmund , by the way . You re better than a guard dog . Reva : Do nt think you re getting off scot - free here . Why were you at cassie s ? Jonathan : She called me , remember ? Reva : You promised me you were going to stay away . Josh : Edmund said he saw her tearing apart a tape . Jonathan : Cassie kept pushing me about what happened in her hotel room that night , and i said nothing , but it was nt good enough , so I showed her the rest of the tape . Reva : The rest ? Jonathan : Yeah . Reva : What do you mean , there was more ? Jonathan : There was hours and hours of me and cassie asleep . It was boring stuff , so I edited it out . Josh : Yeah , what else did you edit out ? Jonathan : Nothing . I showed cassie the whole tape . Reva : Well , why did nt you just give her the whole thing to begin ... before putting her through hell ? Jonathan : Because I ... i wanted to see if you would believe me without proof . Josh : Yeah . You also wanted to see cassie suffer , right ? Jonathan : Yeah , I guess i did . She lured me up into her room and then , as far as I m concerned , she s getting what she deserves right now . Josh : And still she s protecting you ! Reva : What do you mean ? Josh : I talked to cassie . I tried to convince her to tell edmund the truth . Everything . To take away the power that this guy has over her . Reva : This is nt about jonathan s power . Oh , my god . You told cassie , hoping that she would tell edmund and he d go crazy , right ? You sent a violent , dangerous man-- edmund-- after jonathan . My god , joshua ! You wanted edmund to kill my son . Coming up on guiding light . Marina : It s too bad michelle ca nt remember what a wonderful person you are . Danny : Yeah . Her loss . She is actually having some memories . I just want her to remember what robbie needs . Michelle : Cupcakes . Tony : Cupcakes . Michelle : And robbie s mommy is going to bring the cupcakes . So I ll show danny what a good mommy I can be . Josh : You like that , jonathan ? Huh ? You like that ? You want to get a little closer ? Jonathan : No . Josh : How about that ? Is that enough ? Jonathan : That s enough . Josh : Edmund has a right to know what s going on with his wife . Why not just bring it all out into the open , right now ? Reva : Because you know why . Jonathan : Mom , I m glad you finally see what s really going on here . Reva : Oh , I see . But I think it s time you were taught a little lesson . Jonathan : Whose side are you on ? Reva : Every time I think we re making a little progress , you do something that makes me realize that I still ca nt trust you . And you ? I do nt know what you re ... do you have any idea what you could have done ? I mean , are you really so afraid of losing me that you would risk my own son ? Josh : Everything I have done since he arrived in town is because I love you . It s because I do nt want to see you get hurt . Reva : I know you keep saying that , but I think you re working against me . And you , I never know what you re going to do next , and you know what ? I ca nt do this . I really canT. I ca nt do it anymore . Not tonight . So , here . You take that . Josh : What the hell are you doing ? Reva : You take this . And go for it . You know what ? Go for it . You re armed , you re armed . Go on . Beat the crap out of each other ! I do nt care . Get each other down on the ground , pound on each other , but leave me the hell out of it . I ca nt take this . Jonathan : Your move , joshua . ( Screams ) ( lamp crashes ) Josh : You got other things to worry about , pal . You got edmund on your tail now . ( Vase crashes ) Jonathan : That s what you think . Hey , dinah - mite , it s me . Listen , I m all in . I tried the nice guy approach and it did nt work , so I want to know everything that happened that night in the barn , and you re going to tell me . Bartender : I ll get you another one . Holly : That s okay . Bring me a cup of coffee ? I said coffee . Bartender : The gentleman over there sent it to you . He wanted you to have the whole bottle . Is something wrong ? Holly : Where is he ? Sebast ... what are you doing ? Why did you send me that wine ? Man : I was hoping you d come over . Holly : Why ? Man : You look like someone I d like to know . Someone who might be able to save my life . Holly : He put you up to this . Man : I do nt understand . Holly : That s sebastian s wine . It s his label . It s the vintage . Who put you up to this ? Tell me . Do nt lie to me . I know he put you up to this . Blake : Mom ? Mom ? What s going on ? Holly : It s him . Blake : What ? Holly : He s back . Blake : Mom , what are you talking about ? Who ? Marina : You must think I am a total nut - job . Danny : Well , yeah , but that s beside the point . This is about harley . Marina : I just promised her that if she went to jail that i would take care of zach and jude . I love them , but ... Danny : Well , that s a lot of responsibility . That must be scary for you . Marina : More like terrifying . Danny : Marina , nobody is and you ... I mean , you re great with kids , so ... what ? Marina : I m a good aunt , a good baby - sitter , but kids need so much more . And what if I ca nt give it to them ? Danny : You just ... you ca nt worry about that . You do your best . You give it all you got and let it go . Pray that they turn out okay . Hey , you re going to be fine . You really are . And if you think about it , think about how lucky those boys are . And they re not going to just have you . That would be ridiculous . They re going to have you and they re going to have frank and your grandfather and rick and me . I mean , I do nt plan on skipping town . Marina : Well , that s very nice of you , but it ll be too hard on you with robbie . Danny : Marina , believe me , after everything that I have been through , being with you could never be hard on me . Tony : Where is everybody , huh ? Michelle : Rick and mel are at the hospital working , and leah is at her grandmother s house , which means ... Tony : We re alone . Michelle : No one will see what we re doing . Tony : No one , hm ? Michelle : Nope . Follow me . Tony : Okay . All right . Hey , what is it we re doing , anyway ? What are we doing ? Michelle : All right , danny wants a fight , right ? Right ? So , I m going to give him a fight . These are my mother s recipes and it s coming up valentine s day , right ? Right ? Which means robbie s class is going to have a party or something , right ? And they re going to need ... come on . Tony : Oh , come on . Michelle : Help me out here . Tony : No , no , no , no , no . See , I do nt have kids . You re going to have to help me out here , michelle . Michelle : Cupcakes , baby . Red cupcakes . Tony : Cupcakes . Michelle : And robbie s mommy is going to bring the cupcakes . So I ll show danny what a goodod mommy I can be . Edmund : Cassie , come here . Sit , please . There is no excuse for what i did . There is no excuse at all , and i should have told you about it ages ago . I m sorry . Cassie : What ? You knew ? You knew dinah tore down our wedding decorations and you did nt tell me ? Edmund : Well , I knew how upset you d be and I ... we were happy . We were very happy at the time , and I did nt want you to know that dinah had spoiled ... Cassie : Edmund , she was on our property . She was on our property , tearing down my wedding decorations . Ripped them to shreds . Edmund : So what happened ? Cassie : We got in a fight , that s what happened . Edmund : Are you all right ? Cassie : Yes , I m fine . You should see the other guy . Edmund : Cassie . Cassie : No , I m fine . I m fine , really . You know what ? I am not going to let dinah marler get to me . We were supposed to have a romantic evening tonight , you and me . I still want that , okay ? Edmund : You re right . You re right , you re right , you re right , you re right . And we re not going to let anyone stop that or get in between us . No one . No one at all , okay ? Cassie : I guess I m not fit for public consumption . Edmund : No , no , no . I have to say you are for some private consumption . Come on . Shall we ? Mm . Jonathan : Terrible . Terrible , all those secrets and lies . Well , one way to smoke out the truth . ( Laughs ) oh , burn , baby , burn . Josh : You like that , jonathan ? Huh ? You like that ? You want to get a little closer ? Jonathan : No . Josh : How about that ? Is that enough ? Jonathan : That s enough . Josh : Is that enough ! Jonathan : That s enough . Josh : You sure ? Jonathan : Yeah . Josh : Good . Because this is over now . This is the end of the line for you . Blake : What did that man do ? Holly : He sent me a bottle of wine from ... the very wine that sebastian had on that godforsaken island . I knew he was up to something , so I was asking him what was going on . Blake : Well , I do nt understand this . What are you talking about ? Sebastian s dead . Holly : There s so much ... there s so much I have nt told you . Blake : From when you were locked up ? Holly : You remember how it was with your father ? How I wanted to leave him about a thousand times but he could nt let go or I could nt let go , and sometimes I would hate him and sometimes I was so afraid of him that ... he d walk in the door and he always made my heart beat so fast . There was nobody like him . Blake : Mom , you do nt have to ... Holly : Except sebastian . ( Sobs ) he got under my skin . I was , like , obsessed with him . It s so horrifying . And familiar and seductive . Blake : Seductive ? Mom , did you ... Holly : No . No . No , we didnT. But I dreamt about it . I m so glad that he s gone . I am so glad that he is dead so he ca nt get to me any more and make me feel things that I do nt want to feel . Do you hate me ? Cassie : Mm . It s amazing . Edmund : Just sit there and let me take care of everything . Cassie : This is good practice , you know . When the baby comes , you re going to be giving lots of baths . Edmund : ( Laughs ) you know , somehow , I think this is different . Cassie : So , are you ready ? If the ivf works , you may be a father soon . Are you ready ? Edmund : Oh , I want to be . I want to be the kind of father that makes a child always feel safe and loved . Cassie : Yeah . Edmund : Do you feel secure , cassie ? Do I make you feel secure ? Cassie : Why do you ask ? Edmund : Because I want you to trust me as a father and as a husband . Cassie , I want you to trust me with anything . Cassie : I do . Edmund : Do you ? Do you think you can trust me under any circumstances ? No ? I did nt think so . Jonathan : I did nt start that fire . Josh : Yeah , right . What ? That guy over there started it ? Is that the story ? Jonathan : I was lighting a cigarette . It happened by accident . Josh : You know what ? Tell it to reva . She believes everything you say , but I donT. I know better . Jonathan : What are you going to do ? Take me up to the top of the loft then toss me off ? Josh : No . No , no . I got something much better than that in mind . Come on . Jonathan : What ? Josh : Let s go . Jonathan : Where are we going ? Josh : Let s go . I promise you it s going to hurt . Blake : Of course I do nt hate you . I knew that there was something more to the story , and now I ... now I think I understand why you were so afraid . Holly : You wanted to know your brother . Blake : Yeah , but not at your expense . All right ? It sounds as if sebastian wanted to own you , like dad did . And I remember , mom . I remember how dad almost destroyed you , and I would never let that happen again . Oh , my god , I could nt lose you , too . Holly : I wish I had told you weeks ago . Blake : Well , me , too . Is there anything else you re not telling me ? Holly : No . Nothing . Let s just go home . Blake : Okay . All right . I m going to get the check . Holly : Okay . Tony : Okay , look . Hey , I m mixing , but it s , like , it s yellow . It s not ... Michelle : You re doing really well . Really good . Look at this . Look at this . Whoa . Yes ! Very hot , very hot . Tony : Nice . Michelle : You ready for the taste test ? Can you do it for me ? Tony : Yeah . See , that sounds like much more fun . I can do that . Michelle : Okay , it s hot . Tony : All right , come on . Hook me up . Let s go . Michelle : Careful . All right . Tony : All right . Here we go . Michelle : What do you think ? Tony : Well , I got to try it first , do nt I ? Michelle : Come on . What ? Tony : It tastes like a big old thing of dough . I mean , a big clump of dough . Michelle : No . Tony : No , no , no . That s okay . Hold on , hold on . I mean , other than that , you know , it s like ... you try it . Huh ? What do you think ? Come on . Michelle : Ugh . Tony : Mm - hmm ? Michelle : Yeah . Tony : Mm - hmm . See ? Michelle : It just needs icing . It just needs icing . A lot of icing . It needs a lot of icing . Tony : You ca nt give those to the kids , honey . Michelle : Why ? Tony : That s bad . Michelle : You know , you could at least pretend to like them . Tony : Hey , I would do anything in the world for you , but these ? Michelle : Mm - hmm ? Tony : Sorry , I ca nt do that . Michelle : Mm - hmm . Tony : You re going to go there again , just like the paint . Michelle : Mm - hmm . Tony : Okay . Mm . That s kind of nice . Michelle : Say you like my cupcakes . Tony : No , I ll keep eating your icing . I do , I love your cupcakes . Michelle : Come on , say you like my cupcakes . Tony : Okay , I love your cupcakes , I do . It s my turn . Your frosting s pretty good . ( Laughs ) Michelle : They re the worst cupcakes you ve ever had , are nt they ? Tony : No , I ve ... I ve had worse . Michelle : Really ? Tony : Yeah , I ve had worse . No , really , I have . Michelle : Really ? When ? Tony : Will you stop doing this to yourself ? Please ? Really . Hey , there s a lot of mothers out there that ca nt cook , they ca nt bake , but you know what ? You ca nt be ... michelle , you ca nt be what danny wants you to be . You know what you are ? You re you . You re beautiful . Hm ? Sexy . You re wild as hell . Okay , you re a little undomesticated , but that s , you know ... ( laughs ) Michelle : So in other words , I suck as a cook . Tony : No . Michelle : Is that what you re telling me ? Tony : No . No , you donT. You donT. You know what we re going to do ? Michelle : What ? Tony : You and me , we re going to go to the store right now . We re going to leave all this and we re going to buy the best red cupcakes we can find . What do you say ? Michelle : That s a good idea . Really badly so the kids will think they re homemade . Tony : Perfect . Yeah . See , it s a good idea , right ? Michelle : Mm - hmm . Tony : Mm - hmm . Do nt go anywhere . Danny : Come back . Marina : I was just thinking . Danny : About what . Marina : How amazing you are . Danny : No , you werenT. Marina : Yes , I was . I know you are serious about helping me with zach and jude , but I ll be okay . Danny : Well , I know you ll be okay , marina , but sometimes it s important to ask for help . Marina : Yeah , well , you re under enough pressure as it is . Okay , look , I had a minor freak- out , but I will be fine . Danny : Okay . So it s okay for me to count on you , but it s not okay for you to count on me . Marina : No . No , I can ... that s a trick question . Danny : No , it s not . No trick . Look , I am just a phone call away , like it or not . Marina : It s too bad michelle ca nt remember what a wonderful person you are . Danny : Yeah . Her loss . She is actually having some memories . I just want her to remember what robbie needs . But ... Marina : Really ? Michelle s having memories ? Danny : Mm - hmm , a few . Marina : Like what ? Danny : Rick , a couple of her mother . Nothing major . I m going to get us some more coffee . Cassie : I do trust you . I depend on you so much , edmund , that it scares me . And I need you so much that it scares me . The thought of me coming home and walking in the door and you not being there ... Edmund : I ll be here until you throw me out , and I wo nt leave unless you want me to . Cassie : That s not going to happen . Why do you think I fought dinah ? I m not going to let her or anyone else come between us . That s why I ve made the decisions I ve made and the choices I ve made . I m not going to let anyone take you away from me . Edmund : I d do anything for you . Cassie : Then just love me . Love me no matter what happens , okay ? Edmund : No matter what , unconditionally , I love you and I love tammy and I love rj and i love will and I love ... I love our unborn baby . Cassie : And we re going to have that baby . I mean , it s going to be difficult , but we re just going to keep trying . Ugh . I m so wrinkly . ( Laughs ) Edmund : ( Laughs ) well , we re growing old together . Cassie : I better get out of here before I turn into a prune . Edmund : No , stay . Wait . Wait right here . I m going to go build a fire in the bedroom so you do nt get cold . Cassie : Oh . Edmund : Mm - hmm . Cassie : That s so nice . I ll stay right heri . Edmund : What the ... ? It s still warm . Hey ! I know you re still in here ! Come out ! Reva : Jonathan ? Joshua ? Oh , my god . Joshua , what did you do ? Next , on guiding light . Gus : If all your badgering has nt gotten me to roll over , what makes you think I m going to do it now ? Alan : Because things are different now , gus . Because you , like everyone else in town , believe harley s guilty . Josh : Come on ! Reva : Joshua ! Joshua ! What are you doing ? Leave him alone ! Leave him alone ! ### Summary:
Michelle becomes mad when she sees a family painting that Robbie has done that does nt include her and she takes steps to change that . Marina has a small freak out in thinking about the future . Danny assures Marina that he will be there for her if she ends up having to care for Harley s children . Edmund shows up at Reva s house looking for Jonathan . Reva finds out that Josh went to Cassie in order to convince her to tell Edmund the truth . She leaves Jonathan and Josh alone to work out their problems and is surprised when she comes home to find the house empty . Jonathan calls Dinah and decides he s done being a ‘nice guy and begins a fire in the barn . Josh plays fireman and then drags Jonathan off to teach him a lesson . Cassie asks Blake to lie for her . Edmund wrestles with his own demons . Holly tells Blake that Sebastian and she shared a ‘connection . Someone watches Holly from a distance . Edmund finds the remnants of a fire in the barn and wonders who set it .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Brooke : Bridget would nt listen to me , Eric . Eric : Brooke , I know how this looks . But I talked to Ridge , and he did nt say anything to make me think they were romantically involved . Brooke : But he did nt say that they were nt . Nick : Hey there . Brooke : Hi . Thanks . Brooke : Nick , this is Eric Forrester , Bridget s father . Nick : Nick Payne . Eric : Nick ? You re Jackie s son ? Brooke : You know his mother ? Eric : I do . We re friends . Nice to meet you . Nick : Sorry about what happened to your daughter . Eric : Thank you . I m gon na call Rick . Nick : Where s Forrester ? Brooke : Ridge is in there with Bridget . Nick : So what s going on ? Brooke : I do nt know , Nick . I honestly do nt know . Rick : Hang on , okay ? I m gon na get the phone . Hello ? Eric : Rick ? Rick : Hey , dad , did you talk to Bridget ? Eric : Well , I m afraid I have some bad news . Your sister s in the hospital . Rick : What ? What happened ? Eric : She took a pretty bad fall . She hit her head . But the doctor says she s gon na be fine . Rick : Okay . I ll be right there . Eric : No , son . No . I just wanted to let you know what was going on . Amber : What is it ? Rick : Bridget s at the hospital . Amber : What happened ? Rick : She fell and hit her head . Look , dad , are you sure she s gon na be okay ? Eric : Yes . Yes , I am . Your mother and Ridge are with her now . Rick : Ridge ? ! What is he doing there ? Eric : It happened at his house . Rick : He should nt be at the hospital , dad . Eric : Bridget asked for him . Rick : All right . You know what ? That s it . I m coming down there . Eric : No , son , no . Now , come on . Bridget needs her rest . All right ? I ll call you if there s any change . Rick : Fine . We ll be here . Damn it ! Bridget : This ca nt continue ? Ridge : You have to sever all ties with me and the kids . Bridget : Why ? Ridge : Because now you re the one who s gotten hurt . Bridget : It was an accident , Ridge . Ridge : Oh , Bridget , it -- but that came about because of all this weirdness everybody s going through because you and I have gotten so close . You have no idea how hard this is for me to say to you right now . Rick : I knew something like this was gon na happen . Amber : What do you mean ? Rick : Bridget fell and hit her head at Ridge s house . And now he s at the hospital with her . Can you believe that ? Amber : Where else would he be ? Rick : He s the reason all this happened , Amber ! God , I can just see him at the hospital now , hovering around her bed , doting on her in front of mom ! You know , I do nt care what dad said , I should go down there and throw him out myself . Amber : If Bridget did nt want him to be there , she would have asked him to leave . Rick : Bridget does nt know what she wants . She s not thinking clearly . Amber : And neither are you . I mean , come on , think about it . Bridget is not a little kid anymore . She is an adult and so is Ridge . Rick : It s not healthy , Amber . Amber : You know , that s what people used to say about us . But if they really care about each other -- Rick : They re half - brother and sister ! Amber : No , they re not . They re not . And I think everyone should just get over it . Brooke : What am I doing here ? Nick : Well , I d say you re -- you re here for Bridget . Right ? Brooke : Well , she s with Ridge . She s in there with the man that I m supposed to marry . Nick : Well , nobody s arguing that this is nt a strange situation . Brooke : Well , I m her mother , and she is hurt . And I m the one who should be in there with her . Nick : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Wait a minute . Wait a minute . Now , you ve already been in there with her , right ? I assume you spoke with her . Brooke : She thinks that the family has turned against her and that we just do nt understand her relationship with Ridge . Nick : They re still involved ? Brooke : Well , obviously Ridge has nt cut it off yet . She s been spending time at his house . I swear , I feel like I m in an episode of The Twilight Zone . This whole thing is so surreal . Nick : Maybe it d be a good idea if you left . Why do nt you let me take you home , huh ? Brooke : No . Bridget might need me . Nick : Well , if she needs you , she can call you . Why do nt you let me take you home ? Ridge : This is one of the most difficult decisions I ve ever had to make , Bridget . But I m making it for you . Yeah , I do feel responsible . Bridget : Ridge , we re both responsible . We ve both been hurting the people we care about . Ridge : Most of all , I ve been hurting you . And I just do nt wanna do that anymore . Bridget : No , Ridge , you have nt -- Ridge : Look , you reached out to me and my kids in the time we needed you most . You were our lifeline , Bridget . Bridget : Was that wrong ? Ridge : Not the way we felt about each other , no . But the way -- the damage it caused , yeah . I ca nt do that anymore . I m not gon na do that to our -- to our family . Most of all , I m not gon na do it to you . Rick : Get over it ? Ridge is taking advantage of my sister . Amber : Your mom was the one who called off the wedding . She dumped Ridge . He has a right to move on . Rick : Not with Bridget . Amber : Why not ? Just because you do nt approve ? Rick : Because this relationship is wrong ! And Bridget knows it better than anybody . And if you ca nt see that , then maybe you should stay out of it . Amber : You re the one getting all bent out of shape . Rick : I m trying to protect my sister . Amber : From what ? You just said she knows what could happen . Rick : This is my family , Amber . Amber : Last time I looked , my driver s license said Forrester , too . Rick : You know what ? I ca nt talk to you about this . Amber : I am entitled to my opinion , Rick . Rick : Yes , Amber , you are . But you know what ? Keep it to yourself . Bridget : We never meant to hurt anybody . Ridge : I know we did nt . But we sure as hell did . Bridget : We re friends . Ridge : Nobody else seems to see it that way . Bridget : I guess , in the back of my mind , I knew this was gon na happen . I just hoped it would nt , you know ? I hoped people would understand . Ridge : I guess that was too much to ask . Bridget : So this is it , huh ? Ridge , you ve done so much for me . You invited me into your house and into your family . You ve shown me what -- you ve shown me what my mom has to look forward to . She s a lucky woman . Nick : Anybody home ? Brooke : Rick and Amber are here watching the kids . They re probably upstairs . Nick : You want to let them know you re here . Brooke : No . I do nt really want to answer a lot of questions right now . Thanks for the ride , Nick . I ll be fine . Nick : I m not going anywhere . Brooke : Please , I just -- I just need to be alone . Nick : Well , when it s time , I ll go . It s just -- not time . Bridget : The sense of belonging I felt in your home , with you and the kids -- that s what I m gon na miss the most . But you re right . We do have to keep our distance . Ridge : This does nt feel fair at all . Bridget : My mom s been in love with you for as long as I can remember . If it s you and I that are keeping you guys apart , that s not fair to either of you or to the kids . I mean , they re the ones that proposed to her . And that was nt easy for them . It took them a long time to accept this marriage . But they did . And now it s my fault my mom called it off . Ridge : Hey , I do nt want you putting this on yourself . Okay ? Bridget : Ridge , you had my mom . You had a future with her . A future you wanted . I just hope you can still have it . Ridge : Do nt you worry about my future . You ve got a future of your own to think about now and school friends and your medical career and -- I think once you put some distance between all of this , you re gon na see things real differently , okay ? So -- you re gon na be okay . Bridget : I know . We all will . Um -- tell the kids I love them . I ll never stop . Ridge : I will . Bridget : Good - bye . Rick : Was I insensitive ? When it comes to my family , I hate to see it compromised . I should nt have taken it out on you . Amber : No , you should nt have . Rick : I m sorry . Amber : Well , I guess that s why I fell in love with you . Rick : My stubbornness ? Amber : No . Your proud , protective nature . You d defend your mother to the end . Rick : You know , she s not the only one . Amber : Oh , yeah ? Rick : I think you know that . Amber : Mm , I do . You know , I want what s best for your mother , too . Rick : Yeah . Yeah . My question is , is it Ridge that s her soul mate or is it someone else ? Amber : She will make that decision , not you . Because you have already made yours . Rick : Yeah . Amber : Regrets ? Rick : Never . Brooke : This is nt me , Nick . This is nt really who I am . Nick : You do nt have to tell me . I know you re not helpless . You re tough . A survivor . You d have to be to put up with this as long as you have . Brooke : I thought he ended it with her . Nick : Well , he should have . Brooke : Maybe if I d just gone through with the wedding . Nick : No . Then you d just basically be hiding from the truth . Huh - uh . No , you handled this like a -- like a true sea captain . You stood up , said no . I admire that . You re stronger than you think you are . You ll get through this just fine . You know , that s a sign of a great woman , you know ? Grace under fire . Brooke : Oh , God . I do nt feel very graceful right now . Nick : Well , it takes time . You know ? You just -- right now , you re sort of like -- you re like a ship without a rudder . You just do nt know quite where you re going . But before you know it , there ll be a big gust of wind come along , and just fill your sails . But you just got ta keep on moving , mm ? Brooke : Thank you . Nick : Mm . [ In a Scottish accent ] Feeling a bit better , are you ? Huh ? Brooke : Yeah . Nick : Well , then . My work here is done . Good night , my fair lady . Brooke : Good night . Ridge : Logan , you are here . What happened ? I came out of Bridget s hospital room , and you were gone . I looked everywhere . I thought I d lost you . Brooke : You have . Announcer : Coming soon -- Ridge : Can you forgive me ? Brooke : Is this the part where I m supposed to throw my arms around you and thank God that you re back ? Announcer : Brooke Logan has had enough . Brooke : There s always been somebody else , Ridge , and I ve always had to accept it . And I probably would have this time , if it had nt have been my own daughter . Announcer : But Ridge is nt giving up . Ridge : I do love you , Brooke . You ve got to know that . Please do nt give up now . Brooke : I know what I m worth . And I know there s a man out there somewhere who would love me with all of his heart . Announcer : Now , can he win her back in time ? Nick : I ll pick you up at 8 : 00 . Announcer : On the bold and the beautiful . ### Summary:
Brooke does nt believe things are over with Ridge & Bridget as she talks about it with Eric at the hospital . Nick brings Brooke coffee . Introductions are made and Eric is pleased to meet Jackie s son . Eric leaves the two of them alone . Brooke says Ridge is with Bridget . Nick disapproves and later asks to take Brooke home . She finally gives in after Nick says Bridget can call her if she needs her . Ridge tells Bridget he will raise the kids himself and not with her . She says they re just friends . Ridge feels guilty about things . He says other people see them more than friends . Ridge knows why Brooke wanted to marry him . ( He s such a great guy . ) She feels Brooke would of been lucky . Bridget loves the kids and does nt want to give them up . She agrees to and tells Ridge bye . Bridget s in tears . Eric calls Rick and tells him about Bridget . Rick s upset Ridge is there . Eric does nt want Rick at the hospital . After the call Rick & Amber fight about their opinions about the Ridge & Bridget relationship . Rick is against it . Amber is for it . He finally tells her to keep her opinions to herself . Amber hurries upstairs . Rick goes to apologize . He was being insensitive , but he does nt compromise about his family . Amber remembers that s one reason why she married him . They kiss . Nick brings Brooke to the house , but he wo nt leave until he s ready . Brooke says she s not always feeling down , but he knows it . He says many kind things which lifts her spirits up . ( Brooke s a strong , independent woman who will bounce back again . ) Brooke thanks him for his help . Nick knows he can leave after making her feel better .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Jackie : [ Sighs ] No , no , no . This is not right . Donna : We made all the changes you requested . Clarke : We improved the construction quality . Jackie : But it s not perfect , Clarke . I mean , you only get one chance at a first impression . This is ours . Donna : It s a good design , Jackie . Jackie : It s not great . It s not flawless and that is what we need . I mean , true elegance is in the smallest attention to detail and -- just fix it . Clarke : All right , all right . The showing s the day after tomorrow . Jackie : There s not going to be a show , is there ? If this is the best we can do . Donna : Okay , we ll try again . Jackie : Thank you . Stephanie : Hello , Jackie . Bail as hard as you can . You and Nick , there s nothing you can do to save this ship from sinking . Jackie : How did you get in the building ? Stephanie : Oh , please . I know the security guards . They know me . Jackie : What do you want ? Stephanie : Throw you a life a preserver ? Please , I heard the conversation between Donna and Clarke and you are absolutely right . You do nt want to put this show on . It s a bad joke , really . Jackie : Get out . Stephanie : I m trying to help you save your reputation . Jackie : Right . You want to help me . Stephanie : Well , if it stops you from destroying the Forrester brand , saves you a little humiliation -- it s a price I ll pay , gladly . Look , Nick made a deal with Taylor . If she helped him psychologically , emotionally -- well , the revelation has happened , has nt it ? Jackie : That revelation is none of your business . Stephanie : I know it is nt . But this company is . It s my family s . My family s business . So , just tell Nick to keep his end of the bargain . Jackie : I will do no such thing . Stephanie : Why ? Because you ca nt or you wo nt ? Jackie : I want you to leave . Stephanie : Wait a minute . Do I have this wrong ? Does nt Nick love you , worship you , adore you ? I mean , is nt it because of you that he blackmailed Eric into selling the company ? Jackie : Okay , stop . This conversation is over . Stephanie : All I m asking is you to talk to Nick , tell him to sell us the company . Nick : You will never have this company . Jackie : I told her to leave . Nick : Then why are you still here ? Stephanie : Because you made a bargain . Nick : I will throw you out myself if I have to . Stephanie : That is nt necessary . Nick : Then get out ! Stephanie : Do nt say I did nt warn you . Jackie : Thank you . Thank you for standing up for me . Ridge : Hey , Doc . Taylor : Oh , did your mother call you over here , too ? Ridge : No , I was just going over some sketches with dad . Taylor : That s a good sign . Ridge : You were meeting mother here ? Taylor : Yeah , she called me and told me to meet her over here at the house . Ridge : Oh , she has nt arrived yet then . Taylor : Well , that s a good thing actually . Gives me a minute to steel myself . Ridge : For what ? Taylor : Oh , she s frustrated with me again . Ridge : Taylor , it s not your fault Nick backed down on this deal . Taylor : Nick did nt back down on anything . He just needs a little more time . He s not ready to sell the company . Ridge : Knowing Nick , he will never be ready . Taylor : Well , he is nt stringing me along . Ridge : You ll be sorry if he is . Taylor : What does that mean ? Ridge : Taylor , my father is creatively blocked like never before . Every day he is away from Forrester Creations , it s like a little bit more of him is dying . If Nick does nt step up and make good on this promise of his , then we may have to handle this thing a whole different way . Stephanie : Hello . Ridge : Hey , mother . Stephanie : Honey , could I talk to Taylor , just for a moment alone ? Ridge : Yeah . I ll be with dad in the kitchen . Stephanie : That son of a bitch lied . Taylor : Excuse me ? Stephanie : Nick has no intention of selling the company . Taylor : Stephanie , I think you ve misunderstood the way this whole thing -- Stephanie : No , no , no . I have nt misunderstood anything that you ve said to me . He told me . I went there to see him last night , and I saw him again this morning and -- Taylor : I know . And I want to know exactly what you said . Stephanie : I did nt say anything . I protected you . That son of a bitch is a thief . His mother is a whore . You can not expect me not to use that information if I can get the company back . I have to . Ridge : Captain Jerry Kramer . Was he based out of Seattle ? Stephanie : Well , I do nt know . Ridge : Marone ship ? Stephanie : Uh , well , I would say , probably . Ridge : That does nt give us much to work with . We ve got to narrow the search criteria . Stephanie : Well , then let s just assume he worked for the Marone Industries . He sailed for them . So , see what you get . Ridge : Okay , here s something . Stephanie : What ? Ridge : Accommodation , 25 years of services , Marone Industries , Jerry Kramer ran tankers to Asian Australia . Stephanie : Well , that could be him . Ridge : Okay , let s see if we can find something more recent . Address , phone number . Here . Here s an ad for a bar . A charter fishing boat in Long Beach , 40 years commercial sailing experience , Captain Jerry Kramer . Stephanie : What s the number ? Ridge : Right here . It does nt guarantee it s him . Stephanie : Well , no , but there s one way to find out . Okay . Let s see what Captain Kramer has to say from himself . Taylor : Well , it looks like the two of you are making some progress . Jackie : Looks can be deceiving . Taylor : You re speaking to each other . That s a start . Nick : I was just leaving . Taylor : Nick , do nt . Jackie : No , Taylor s right . This is your office . I ll go . Taylor : Jackie ! Jackie : I should nt have come in today . It s just that the show is the day after tomorrow , there is so much to do -- Taylor : There are a lot more important things to deal with than this fashion show . Nick : No , there is nt . Jackie : The Marone board expects this collection to be a success . I m doing the best that I can to see that it is . Taylor : Because you love your son , right ? Jackie : It was my idea to take over Forrester creations . I thought that -- Taylor : It would make him happy . Nick : Taylor , I do not have the time or the patience for a group session right now . Taylor : Nick , you re at a very crucial point in your therapy . It s like you re at the top of the crest of a hill , and if you do nt find a way to get over it , you re just going to slide backwards down the slope . Now you ve been harboring resentment at your mother for years and at the same time running from this perfect image that you ve created of her because that s what you wanted . And it s affected every single aspect of your life , everything from your career choices to the way you ve handled your relationships with women . Nick : So I should forgive her ? Taylor : It s not what I want . What do you want ? Nick : I want the least amount of conflict in the next few days , and I do nt want Stephanie Forrester marching in here talking about my breakthrough . I do nt want her hassling my mother , and I do nt want her asking me to make good on my promise to you . Taylor : I m really sorry about that . No , no , this is a very intimate and private matter . This is just between you and your mother . It s only for you guys to deal with . This is none of Stephanie s business . Stephanie : Hello . Yes , is there a Captain Jerry Kramer there ? Kramer : Who s calling ? Stephanie : Oh , my name is Stephanie Forrester . Is he there ? May I speak to him ? Kramer : Are you a bill collector ? Stephanie : No , no . I m not a bill collector . But I do have a very interesting offer for him . Is this Captain Kramer ? Is he there ? May I speak with him ? Kramer : Yeah , yeah , you got me . This is Kramer here . Stephanie : Is it Captain Jerry Kramer that retired from Marone Industries ? Kramer : Yeah . Stephanie : Oh , well , that s wonderful . Can I see you ? Kramer : Come by the bar anytime you want . Stephanie : Actually , Captain Kramer , I was wondering if you would be willing to come up to my home in Beverly Hills . Kramer : Beverly Hills ? Lady , I do nt even know who you are . Stephanie : I realize that . But we do have a very close mutual acquaintance . Jackie Payne . Do you remember Jackie ? Kramer : Jackie Payne ? Stephanie : Yes , it would have been , I believe , Seattle . Quite a while ago , she was a beautiful young British woman . She s been talking about you . Kramer : You sure ? Stephanie : Yes . Telling me how fond she is of you . Kramer : Fond of me ? Stephanie : Yes . Would you be willing to come and see me ? Kramer : In Beverly Hills ? Stephanie : Yes . I think it will prove to be more than worth your while . Kramer : That s a hell of a trek . Stephanie : I know . I know . But it really will be something very interesting for you . Kramer : Jackie Payne . Okay , I could make it tomorrow morning . Stephanie : Let me give you the address . You got a pen ? Kramer : Yeah . Stephanie : Okay . It s 369 Willow Hill Road , Beverly Hills . Just off Benedict Canyon . I ll see you tomorrow . Ridge : Is he coming ? Stephanie : Yeah . If this information that he has is as damning as I think it is -- Ridge : So what are you thinking ? The fashion show ? Stephanie : Mm - hmm . Ridge : That does nt give us much time . Stephanie : Well , we have to take the chance . Everybody will be there . The press , the buyers , more importantly -- I m willing to bet you all of the directors of the board of Marone industries to see launch of their new subsidiary . And I think Kramer is going to be the key . But , if we can pull it off , honey , this will be the most devastating day of Nick and Jackie s lives . ### Summary:
Jackie laments that the changes in the designs are still just not right . Clarke and Donna both think it is alright , and the showing is day after tomorrow . Jackie says they only get one first impression and this must be flawless , fix it ! Stephanie slinks in and warns her bail as hard as she can , but there is nothing she and Nick can do to save this sinking ship . She tells Jackie that she s right . She heard the conversation with Donna and Clarke and she does nt want to put on this show ; it ll be a bad joke . Jackie asks her to get out , but Stephanie stays to heap more humiliation upon her . Stephanie mentions Nick s agreement with Taylor and that revelation has come to pass . Jackie tells her that is none of her business and again asks her to leave . It is nt until Nick comes in and says he will throw her out himself that she does leave . She leaves a word of warning to Jackie – do nt say I did nt warn you . Stephanie tells Taylor that son of a bitch lied . He has no intention of giving the company back . His mother is a whore and she has to use that information ; she just has to . Taylor rails at her that she ca nt use this information . Stephanie has to be more patient . Let Taylor work with Nick a little bit more . And Jackie s past is off - limits , it stays between the two of them . Things are tense at work between Nick and Jackie . He informs her that the Marone Board is breathing down his neck . They expect a profit from this collection . Taylor interrupts but Nick says he has no time nor patience for a group session right now . Taylor reminds him he is at a very crucial point in his therapy . He s like at the top of the crest on a hill and if he does nt find a way to get over it , then he s going to slide backward down the slope . He wonders if he should just forgive his mother . He just wants the least amount of conflict the next few days and he does nt want Stephanie marching in there talking about HIS breakthrough . He does nt want her hassling his mother or asking him to make good on his promise to Taylor . Taylor agrees that this is none of Stephanie s business . However , Ridge and his mother discuss this Captain Jerry Kramer . It s crucial they find him . They do some digging on the internet and find such a person and Stephanie calls and makes plans for him to come see her in Beverly Hills . She exclaims that Jackie Payne speaks so highly of him and she thinks this can be beneficial to both of them . She gloats to Ridge that the showing is in two days with the entire Marone Board there , she thinks this Jerry Kramer can be the key . If they can pull this off , this could be the most devastating day of Nick and his mother s lives .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Right before he was elected mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa stayed up for 24 hours walking the city he hoped to lead. Now he's wide awake and gearing up for the next four years. We're joined by the mayor-elect, Antonio Villaraigosa. FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Congratulations. Mr. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA (Mayor-elect, Los Angeles) : Hello, Farai. Thank you very much. FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Thank you. Well, let me ask you about this walk you took through Los Angeles. I mean, this is a city that lives in the public imagination in good and bad ways. What did you see on that final campaign walk through Los Angeles?--something that broke your heart and something that made you glad. Mr. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA (Mayor-elect, Los Angeles) : Well, first of all, let me tell you why I'm so proud to lead a city like Los Angeles. I say to people that Los Angeles is a city of America's hope and its promise. It's a city where we come from every corner of the earth here to make the American dream happen. It's a place where we come from every part of the United States to remake ourselves and to, you know, find our destiny, if you will. And I'm excited about Los Angeles because I believe in her. I believe in her destiny. I think that the fact that we have so many different people from so many parts of the world is a big reason why LA is the city of America's promise. And our ability to unite those people for a common destiny, our ability to get people to realize that a great city is a city where we're growing and prospering together--a great city is where we're focusing on ensuring that more people are participating in that American dream is a challenge that we face. Mr. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA (Mayor-elect, Los Angeles) : And so what I saw in those 24 hours and what I've seen over the years as a native Angelino is that our assets are precisely the fact that we're so different. There are so many different ethnic groups and racial groups in the city and our ability to make this work is what just makes me excited about the future. Mr. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA (Mayor-elect, Los Angeles) : In terms of the, you know--the challenges and negatives that you may have mentioned, there are many. You know, we have a school district where more kids drop out than graduate. We have the highest poverty rate in America, the dirtiest air, the worst traffic, the highest homelessness rate, the third lowest homeownership rate. We've got many challenges but none that the great people of the city can't overcome. FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Let me ask you, though, you talk about common destiny and bringing together a multiracial city. But as you were prepared to give your victory speech, some of your supporters were chanting, `Si, se puede,' or `Yes, we can,' which is a common Spanish chant at rallies and marches. And yet, even that small thing has seemed to set some people on edge, saying, `Villaraigosa is going to be the mayor of the Latinos, not the mayor of Los Angeles.' Mr. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA (Mayor-elect, Los Angeles) : Actually, you should have seen--there were Latinos saying that. There were African-Americans, there were whites. I mean, people were--saying `Si, se puede,' is just a Spanish slogan. Although it is a--in Spanish, people use that to say that, `Yes, we can,' that it is possible, and it was interesting that you heard that chant and everybody saying it. FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Let's talk about the fact that the last Latino mayor of Los Angeles was Cristobal Aguilar in 1872. Why has it taken so long for there to be another Latino mayor of Los Angeles? Mr. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA (Mayor-elect, Los Angeles) : I have no idea, but I don't want to be known as the Latino mayor. I want to be known as the mayor who happens to be Latino who made a difference. I ran to make a difference. Ultimately, while there is some excitement around the fact that I'll be the first, what I said is, I won't be the last. There will be many after me. The opportunity that comes with being the first is to be a model for the future, for those who come after you. And I believe that the mayor of the most diverse city anywhere in the world has to be a uniter, has to be someone that's comfortable in every community, has to be someone that represents all of us. Mr. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA (Mayor-elect, Los Angeles) : A lot ado was made about the fact that Tom Bradley 30 years ago was elected as the first African-American mayor of a big city. While we remember that now, what we especially remember was that he was effective, that he brought the Olympics, that he made big things happen, that he was there for 20 years, that he was a man who was a giant among public servants in America. And, so, yes, there will be a lot of hoopla around the fact that I'm the first, but focusing on that, frankly, hasn't been something that's at the top of my agenda. Mr. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA (Mayor-elect, Los Angeles) : I want to focus on the schools. I want to focus on addressing the gang and gun violence in our neighborhoods, which is not just a public safety issue but a public health issue. I want to focus on the challenges that we face and the many opportunities that--you know, that make up what LA's dream is all about. FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Well, let me ask you specifically about schools and the intersection of schools and violence. Recently, we spoke with students at Jefferson High School where there'd been tensions between blacks and Latino, leading to a series of fights. Now do you actually have a plan to reduce and end the tensions, not just in that school but in other schools across the city? Mr. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA (Mayor-elect, Los Angeles) : Well, one of the things I've said is in a city as diverse as this, you know, diversity and tolerance have to be a part of every curriculum. We've got to promote the idea that harmony among racial and ethnic groups is key in a city like this. We need to have crisis management teams and mediation teams going into our schools when there are problems and where there are hot spots to ensure that young people have the skills, if you will, and the mechanisms to address conflict in a non-violent means. We need to have a zero tolerance for racial violence and enough police officers in our schools to not only protect the safety of young people of whatever race or ethnicity in our schools but also their safety in terms of passage to and from school. And so those are some of the things that we have to do. Mr. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA (Mayor-elect, Los Angeles) : We have many challenges. But I'll tell you, a lot has been made about some of the incidents of violence. And, yes, there are too many, but let's be clear. At Jefferson High School that you mentioned, there were two incidents, both of which had less than 200 kids--in a school of 3,600. There were two incidents in a school where for years there'd never been a problem. One of the things that happened when I went to Crenshaw High School and Washington Prep, the young people there said at Washington Prep, `You know, for years, for decades, we've been living together. We never see a camera there. We never see a radio station at our school,' even though they're African-American and Latino students making it every day, studying together, working together. We need to focus on the fact that, in many ways, things are working there as well and not just on, you know, the hot spots, if you will. FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Let me get to another hot spot, however, LAPD; fatal shooting of a 13-year-old, officers firing more than 120 shots at an unarmed African-American man, both this year. Now this is your police force. What are your plans to achieve good policing? Mr. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA (Mayor-elect, Los Angeles) : First of all, we have a great department, a department of many fine officers, many of whom put their lives on the line every single day for the public health and safety of the city of Los Angeles. And yet we've also had a history of problems, especially in the minority communities and the African-American communities. And so what I've said is, we've got to restore trust and confidence. We've got to expand community-based policing. The key is accepting the idea that a great department has to be a department that says no one's above the law, not a politician and not a police officer and not a parolee. All of us have to abide by the rule of law. And where an officer is not, they need to be held accountable. FARAI CHIDEYA, host : We only have a little time left, but I want to ask you about your role in national politics. For better or worse, whether you like it or not, you are now seen as one of the leading figures in American politics. And as it comes to issues affecting the Latino community, whether it's immigration, the Real ID bill, immigrant worker visas, people are going to turn to you and ask what you think. How are you going to insert yourself into these debates, and what does Los Angeles need? Mr. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA (Mayor-elect, Los Angeles) : First of all, as you know, I've been speaker of the California State Assembly. I was national co-chair of the John Kerry campaign, the co-chair of the Democratic Party Convention Platform Committee. I've been on the national scene for some time. I'm going to focus on my job as mayor of the city of Los Angeles. I recognize that I have a national role and national stature as the first and, more importantly, as the mayor of a big city, certainly. But I also understand that the best thing that I could do is to do my job, focus on the issues that we face here in Los Angeles. To the extend that I'm effective at doing that job, I'll have a national profile, but my focus is going to be Los Angeles. Make no mistake about that. FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Again, congratulations and thanks for being on the show. Mr. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA (Mayor-elect, Los Angeles) : Thank you. FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Antonio Villaraigosa is the mayor-elect of Los Angeles. FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Coming up, the Supreme Court is set to review the rights of disabled inmates. And can the names you give your children actually lower their test scores? Those stories on our roundtable next. FARAI CHIDEYA, host : This is NPR News. ### Summary:
Los Angeles Mayor-Elect Antonio Villaraigosa built his landslide victory on a platform of affability and optimism that contrasted with opponent James Hahn's subdued style. According to a Los Angeles Times exit poll, it was L.A.'s struggling school system that hurt Hahn the most. And in a city as diverse as Los Angeles, voters said they had more faith that Villaraigosa could ommunicate across the city's many cultural divides. Villaraigosa joins host Farai Chideya.
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: QUEST : Hello. I'm Richard Quest. There's a lot more "Quest Means Business" in a moment where the United States raises the pressure on Venezuela's President, Nicolas Maduro and Jeffrey Sachs will tell us how to avoid a war in Venezuela. And CNN exposes the ugly reality of modern day slavery in Ghana's fishing industry. The moment, some enslaved children became free. As you and I continue together tonight, this is CNN, and on this network, the facts always come first. Pakistan has made good on its pledge to turn over the engine pilot who was shot down and captured by Pakistani and Kashmir on Wednesday. The Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan offered the pilot's release as a gesture of peace as a means to de-escalate the deadly spiking tensions between the two nuclear armed neighbors. The Vice President of the United States Mike Pence says the U.S. will continue dialogue with North Korea after talks were cut short at this week's Summit. The White House has sent the Vice President and other top advisors to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland. The British town of Salisbury is now declared free of the deadly agent Novichok. After the poisonings of the former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia nearly a year ago. Nine sites, it did special decontamination with batches (ph), now declared the final location, Skripal's house free from any ongoing risks. Russia's Foreign Minister says his country is concerned that the U.S. might decide to use military force in Venezuela. Sergey Lavrov made the comments after meeting Venezuela's vice president in Moscow. Russia is one of the strongest global supporters of the embattled Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. And Washington state's Governor Jay Inslee launched a bid for the Democratic presidential nomination on Friday at a crowded field that he joins vying to challenge the Republican Donald Trump in 2020. It includes female U.S. senators, African-Americans, Hispanics and the young gay mayor. And it's likely to grow before the primary season gets properly under way next year. The U.S. is stepping up pressure on the government in Venezuela. The State Department's imposed new restrictions on U.S. visas for dozens of officials who are aligned with Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro. U.S. envoy on Venezuela Elliott Abrams explained the decision. ELLIOTT ABRAMS, U.S. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR VENEZUELA : Maduro's supporters that abuse or violating the rights steal from the Venezuelan people or undermine Venezuela's democracy, they're not welcome in the United States, neither are their family members. QUEST : The latest actions include against Mr. Maduro, U.S. have slapped sanctions on Venezuela's national oil company. The Vice President Mike Pence has called for international crackdown on Mr. Maduro's assets. And the White House has even considered military action. Jeffrey Sachs is our good friend and professor at Columbia University. And Jeffrey believes the Trump administration miscalculated how much pressure it would take to topple the Maduro regime. Why is that, Jeffrey? JEFFREY SACHS, PROFESSOR, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY : They thought that by tightening the financial vice, the army would revolt and overthrow the government. This did not happen. It will not happen and right now, there's basically a stalemate. QUEST : But you'll agree that it is only the army that is keeping Maduro in power. SACHS : Well, in the sense the U.S. was trying to make a regime-change like the U.S. often does, but there isn't going to be a regime change in that U.S. mode. What is needed is a path to new national elections and also not to break this country with famine. QUEST : Right, but you're calling for a lifting of sanctions. SACHS : I'm calling for negotiated path where a government and the opposition realizing the catastrophe that the country is in, says, we need elections and we need stability because the -- QUEST : How -- SACHS : Economy has completely collapsed. QUEST : How can you say this when the opposition leader and self-appointed President Guaido tries to get aid in, the president says aid is not needed when it is desperately and life-threateningly needed. SACHS : Because the aid was a ploy that everyone watching knew well that it was an attempt to provoke a military rebellion, which did not work. Many people watching it close up said, we're not surprised exactly, but I think the U.S. government was surprised that they were told, oh, this will be enough, for this will flip the military. It was actually a rather naive operation. QUEST : OK, but you're taking the view or it sounds that your view is more aligned to that of Sergey Lavrov of the -- and the Russian views concerning Maduro which is to support the -- or at least to work towards the continuation of the Maduro government. SACHS : The idea is to work to elections and to stop catastrophic collapse of the economy and a hyper inflation, and that's what everybody in the neighborhood should want and almost all do want, which is a peaceful way out of this. And I do believe I've been part of such crisis to help them get resolves peacefully where you say, here's where we need to go, and both sides, government and opposition agree, no military interventions, no coups. We just get to free elections next year. QUEST : The concept of free elections is alien to the current government in Venezuela. SACHS : It could be, and if it proves to be alien, then what I'm saying would not work certainly. QUEST : But what makes you think it will work? SACHS : Because there's a lot of discussion underway right now of government within the opposition, saying, as a country we need to find a way out and nobody really wants a war there. And yet that was the prospect that some felt that Venezuela may be facing or was facing. QUEST : Would you be in favor of non-prosecution guarantees of some sort or some sort of safety guarantees to Maduro and his chief henchmen who many will -- in Venezuela will want to see in a court of law? SACHS : I think what is crucial actually is a Venezuelan solution right now. What I'm saying depends on -- may not be possible, but on an agreement between the government and an opposition that detest each other. But that can happen. It has happened in the past. I was a part of such an arrangement in 1989 in the Democratic transition in Poland, and two sides that had battled each other in the streets, in martial law, in opening up, found a way for a peaceful transition, and that, I believe, is in Venezuela's interest, and I think it's feasible. QUEST : It was possible in Poland for a 1,001 other reasons that were happening in neighboring countries. The fall of the Soviet Union, at the same time, the world taken by the EU all these years, it was then to bring Poland in. But I'm worrying -- SACHS : It's interesting. One of the things that made it possible was the Polish pope, Pope John -- QUEST : Yes -- SACHS : Paul the second. Now we have a pope of the Americas who has said, I'm ready to help this process also, Pope Francis. And so I think it's not such a strange analogy actually. QUEST : Jeffrey, finally, if it can't be done, what is the answer? If your plan is well meaning and possible, but some would say naive, but if it can't be done, what is the answer other than sanctions and pushing until the army rebels? SACHS : If this can't be done peacefully, there is no answer. What there will be is consequences that are dire and disastrous. So we hope that it can be done. QUEST : Good to see you, sir. SACHS : Great, thank you very much -- QUEST : Thank you very much for joining us -- SACHS : Pleasure -- QUEST : On -- have a very good weekend. SACHS : You too. QUEST : We will return to the markets and in doing so to the trading post. Teetering on our weekly -- MICHAEL SILVER, CHAIRMAN & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AMERICAN ELEMENTS : Hi, Richard, good to see you. QUEST : Good to see you. Now, you want to make all of this part of the administration's deal with Beijing. But here's the real issue. Rare earth on -- as I was reading your briefing note, rare note -- rare earth on 96 percent in China. SILVER : Correct. QUEST : And the rest of the 4 percent in the rest of the world, China has an entity in? SILVER : They now control that 4 percent -- QUEST : Right -- SILVER : Too. QUEST : So they control everything to do with rare earth? SILVER : Correct -- QUEST : Right, which is a bit like saying for the modern economy, it's like OPEC or Saudi Arabia controlling oil. SILVER : In fact, Don Shelpin(ph) said that four years ago, "the Middle East has oil, we have rare earths." QUEST : Right -- SILVER : So he knew it then. QUEST : And there, rare earth, there's nothing the U.S. can really do. SILVER : No, there's absolutely not, unless we continue down the road we did with the WTO because China has used them as a sword in the past. They've created a price differential that the U.S., Japan and the EU challenged them on and China lost at the WTO on that issue. QUEST : So what's your suggestion? SILVER : My suggestion is that if we're going to have these bilateral discussions, and we're going to be talking about leaving the WTO at some point, which Trump has claimed at times, and when you take into account the fact that with belt and road initiative, China may not need the WTO five, six, seven, eight years from now. The moment that multilateral arrangement is gone, if we don't have a bilateral arrangement that says you must keep the same prices globally as you charge in China, which is what they tried to do as a price differential, we're going to be in big trouble. QUEST : Well, hang on a second. All you're really talking about with pricing is a mechanism, aren't you? You're trying to get a sort of a commonality of price between domestic internal and external. That still will not solve the problem as China has done if it turns off the spigot. SILVER : They've done that too. QUEST : With Japan! SILVER : They did it with Japan -- QUEST : Right -- SILVER : You know, yes, absolutely, they did it in 2010 over the Senkaku Island issue. QUEST : So -- SILVER : Yes -- QUEST : I guess I'm trying to see if there's a permanent long-term solution to the fact that China will control the rare earth minerals which is really the backbone of the IOT economy. SILVER : There's an answer, which is to get it into the bilateral agreement that we're making with them today. Then we don't run the risk that if either party leaves the WTO, then we lose that control. I could very easily see the United States leaving or China leaving, and then all of a sudden they're treating -- if say, America left, then Europe would still be protected under the WTO. Japan will be protected and they could literally cut off the U.S. QUEST : But how -- or why would the U.S. be reluctant to put it into the -- SILVER : It just isn't being discussed right -- QUEST : But why not? Now, come on -- SILVER : Because it's not an issue to -- because of the WTO. QUEST : There's a 1,001 things in the discussions, Bob Lighthizer -- SILVER : Yes -- QUEST : Will obviously -- he's obviously aware of the rare earth's minerals issue. The -- SILVER : It's not part of the discussion right now. QUEST : And you want it to be. SILVER : I -- yes, they're basically on two avenues. One is to reduce the trade imbalance -- QUEST : Yes -- SILVER : By getting them to buy more goods -- QUEST : Yes -- SILVER : And then this whole IP issue, right, about stealing our technology or forcing technology transfers. They're not focused on the raw materials because at the moment it's not an issue, prices are globally balanced. QUEST : Finally, ultimately, the rest of the world is just going to have to live with the fact that the thing that everybody wants is coming out of the earth in China. SILVER : Well, that -- but also it has -- did you know that more than 90 percent of the niobium in the world which is essential for steel comes out of Brazil? They have a sovereign monopoly on niobium, cobalt in Africa, there's millions of examples. So it's a -- there's a bit of a possibility of worst things happening, Richard. QUEST : Good to see you, sir -- SILVER : Good to see you -- QUEST : Thank you -- SILVER : Yes, good to see you, thank you. QUEST : As we continue tonight, child slavery is thriving right in front of everyone's eyes. The CNN freedom project expresses the horrific practice in Ghana's fishing industry. That report is next, this is QUEST MEANS BUSINESS live from New York. ### Summary:
Huawei Will Be Arraigned In Two Weeks In A U.S. Fraud Case; VP Pence: U.S. will Continue Dialogue with North Korea; Salisbury, England Now Free of Nerve Agent Novichok; Russian Foreign Minister: U.S. May Use Military Force in Venezuela; Jay Inslee Launches U.S. Presidential Bid; U.S. Imposes Travel Restrictions on Maduro Affiliates; Optimism on U.S.-China Trade Talks Boosts Wall Street; U.S. Industry Leaders Push Trump Administration to End China's Rare Earth Minerals Monopoly
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Starr : Yes , Your Honor , it s true . My dad was going to make me believe that my baby died so that he could take her and raise her on his own . Blair : Starr , are you okay , sweetie ? Starr : I was just rehearsing my testimony . Blair : Pretty complicated story . Starr : And I d better get it straight . Nora called me . Dad s trial starts tomorrow . David : Namaste , Todd . Todd : Bite me . Téa : I m so sorry I had to leave you , Lola , and I really want to finish our conversation , so -- excuse you . Todd : I want good news from you . I want you to tell me that , what s her name , Janet Kitren -- Téa : No , Lee Halpern . Todd : I do nt care what she calls herself . I want her gone . Téa : You heard her last night . She has immunity . She s going to testify . Todd : Not if I kill her first . Jared : You okay ? You were sound asleep when I left . Natalie : Thank you for letting me sleep in . Jared : I knew you were up late with Chloe . How s she doing ? Natalie : She just misses you . Is nt that right , miss trouble , miss stay up all night ? Jared : Well , she takes after her aunt . Tell her I ll be home soon . Natalie : You found David ? Jared : Yeah , and since a suitcase full of money ca nt convince him to leave town , I m going to plan B. Jack : Aunt Dorian , you re joking , right ? Dorian : Well , actually , this book is quite enlightening . Jack : Not the book , the glow in the dark outfit . Dorian : Really , you sound just like your father . Jack : And that s a bad thing ? Dorian : For your information , this is the attire of humility . Jack : Oh , really ? Dorian : Something you could learn something about . Dorian : I suggest you try it . Please , go to the kitchen and get yourself some breakfast . Jack : Yeah , yeah , yeah . Dorian : Yeah , yeah , yeah ? Dorian : Oh , Namaste . Lawyer : Yeah , can we dispense with all that ? I m your lawyer . I know what you re up to . Dorian : Yes , of course . And , I m sorry , your name was ? Lawyer : Greg Bartlett . Dorian : Right , right . So , where are the papers ? Greg : In triplicate . Dorian : Oh . Dorian : Thank goodness . Really , I do nt know how much longer I can keep this up . Greg : You understand you need to make this happen before he finds out he s heir to the Buchanan fortune . Dorian : Oh , we re very close . No worries . David : Jared ? Jared : Show me the way , David . Enlighten me . Jessica : Hi , thanks for coming by so early . Dr. Levin : I got your message . Are you all right ? Jessica : That s just it . I feel great . You know , like it s just me , no Tess , no Bess . Dr. Levin : After our session at the cottage , I was hoping we d made some progress . Jessica : No , no , no -- it s more than that . You know , I have nt felt this way since before Nash died . I feel like a whole person again . It s finally over . And I want to go home to my baby . Bess : And you ll never know she s really Starr Manning s child . I made certain of it . Natalie : Look , Chloe , Uncle Rex and Aunt Gigi brought you a present . Rex : Actually it s for you . Natalie : For me ? Gigi : You did just get engaged , girlfriend . Natalie : Thank you , thank you . It s really sweet . Do you mind if I wait until Jared gets home to open it ? I was just about to feed this little one here . Gigi : Can I feed her again ? Have you made the bottle ? Natalie : No , we re actually out of formula . Rex : Do you want me to run out and get some ? Natalie : No , no , no -- we have more . It s just , you know , downstairs in the basement . Rex : And you do nt want to go down there . Gigi : Which I totally get . Natalie : No , I m fine . Really , it s fine . Gigi : I ll go get it . Natalie : It s on the bottom shelf . Thank you . It s dumb , right ? I mean -- Rex : Hey -- Natalie : I mean , nothing s going to happen . Rex : If it was me , I d move . Tess locked you up , almost killed you . Natalie : And then I find out that it s not just Tess . It was Jessica , too . Jessica : I want to go home to my kids . Dr. Levin : Well , we all want that , Jessica , but we have to make sure that you re no longer a danger to yourself or anyone else . Jessica : How do we find that out ? Dr. Levin : I d like to put you under hypnosis and ask to speak to Tess . If she s around , she wo nt be able to resist an invitation to make an appearance . Starr : I ran into Dad at Hope s grave . Blair : Yeah , he told me . Starr : He is so sad , Mom . Blair : Well , he should be sad , Starr . He s ruined his life . Starr : When did you talk to him ? Blair : Well , he came by and wanted to see the boys . Starr : And you let him ? Blair : Yeah . Starr : What s wrong with you ? Téa : Murder , brilliant idea . Why did nt I think of that ? Trust me ; you do nt want them to add murder to the indictment . Todd : Then again , if I take her out there is no indictment , is there ? Téa : It s your word against hers , and with her past , she has zero credibility . Todd : And what about when Starr gets up there ? Téa : I make her out to be a furious teenager who s angry at her father . Todd : No , no -- I told you to leave Starr alone . Jared : I have thought about what you said , David . You were right . David : Are you going to atone for your sins by seeking out the true Buchanan heir ? Jared : No , the part about how my soul is sullied . I m a sinner . I ve done time . I have coveted and lusted . I am a big steak eater . And I look at you , all full of bliss , and I want that , David . I want what you have . So , I am throwing myself on your mercy . Téach me , David Vickeroshi . Please . David : I suspect , new friend , that your motives are less than pure . Dorian : And you re sure there is no way that the holding company ca nt be traced back to me ? Greg : The Buddha himself could nt follow this path . With the exception of the house and its contents , which you ve ostensibly given to Maurice Stubbs , these papers make it look as if you re signing over all of your remaining assets to the Llanview Clouds - In - River Zen Center and the – Dorian and Greg : Sunshine - On - Meadow Mind Temple . Dorian : I love those names . I just -- now , if I get David to sign these documents – Greg : Then anything David inherits , including Buchanan Enterprises , will belong to you . Dorian : Oh ! Dorian : If this works – Greg : Oh , it will work . You get David s signature on these papers and he inherits Buchanan Enterprises , what s his is yours . Dorian : Oh ! You are good , really , and you are going to be richly rewarded . Greg : I ve already picked out the yacht . Dorian : Ooh -- ha ha . Greg : Bye now . Blair : Your dad was in a really bad way , and I just could nt say no . Starr : I guess I know what you mean . He was that way to me at the cemetery , too . He kept promising me that he was going to do whatever it takes for me to be proud of him again . Blair : Yeah , except stand up and tell the jury everything you said was true . Dorian : Nora . Nora : Good morning . Dorian : I was nt expecting you . Nora : Well , I m here to talk to Starr . What are you doing with a mink and some sandals ? Are you making a fashion statement ? Dorian : I just had a pedicure . Nora : Oh . Dorian : And what is it you really want to say to me ? Nora : What ? Dorian : That you stole Clint from me ? That you helped Clint steal B.E. from me ? That you ve won ? Nora : Whatever , Dorian . Dorian : Indeed . Téa : Todd , be reasonable . You have to let me discredit Starr s testimony . Todd : No , I ca nt hurt her . Téa : Sending her dad to prison , now that will hurt her . Look , all I m going to do is point out that maybe her motives are questionable , that she jumped up and accused you because she s trying to punish you for what you did to Marty . Todd : She s got every right to be angry at me . Téa : Do you really want go to prison for planning something that never happened ? Todd : Of course I do nt . You know that . Téa : Well , that s where you re headed if you do nt let me do my job . And if you think it s tough to see your kids now , wait until you land back in prison . Jared : I understand your doubts , David . I ve had them myself . I mean , who am I to seek salvation ? I turned my back on my father , and I tried to pass myself off as a Buchanan . I hurt my fiancé , her family . But when you are so far down that all you can do is look up , is nt that the best time to ask for help ? So , I am asking , please , David . Take pity on a fellow traveler . Téach me the way . David : I know why you re doing this . Jared : Why ? David : For Natalie . Rex : Jessica let the other one out on purpose to kill you . Natalie : Mm - hmm , she admitted it . Jessica was just too chicken to do it herself . Rex : And now you ca nt go down to the basement without remembering being locked up . Natalie : It s so much worse than that . I mean , we took Chloe to the doctor yesterday , and I made Jared take the stairs because I did nt want to be in an elevator . I wake up every night with nightmares , thinking I m still trapped in that room , that I m screaming . Rex : Man , Natalie . Gigi : I brought all of it up , and if you ever need anything else from down there , we re right across the lawn . Just give us a holler . Natalie : Thank you . No , it s all right . I mean , there s always somebody here , you know , usually . Gigi : I m just saying . Natalie : No , I know . And I really appreciate it . You know what ? When Jessica comes home , she can just go down to the basement herself . Rex : You re still dealing with this and she s coming home ? Dr. Levin : And now you re completely relaxed . Can you hear me , Jessica ? I d like to speak to Tess , please . Tess , are you there ? Dr. Levin : Tess ? Tess : What ? Bess : Go back to sleep . Tess : He s calling to me . Bess : You have to stay here and keep quiet , remember ? The secret stays with us . Dr. Levin : I need to speak to you . Tess : He s calling me again . Bess : Listen to me . Dr. Levin has no control . I m in charge now . Tess : But I need to tell him about the baby . Starr : The sooner this trial is over , the better . Nora : I know . I know this ca nt be easy testifying against your dad . I m sorry . I really am , but the good news is I ve got a witness who will corroborate your testimony . Blair : Well , who ? Nora : She s been using the name Janet Ketring . She was Marty Saybrooke s nurse . She also had a record , and your father was using that against her to blackmail her into helping him with the kidnapping . Starr : What was she supposed to do ? Nora : She was the nurse in the delivery room when you gave birth . Blair : Are you kidding me ? Nora : The plan was that she was to take the baby into Dr. Joplin s office . Todd assumed the office would be empty since Dr. Joplin would be assisting Starr , and that s where Todd was planning on picking her up . Blair : Oh , my God . Starr : Cole and I said good - bye to Hope in Dr. Joplin s office , and when that nurse took her , that is the last time that I saw Hope alive . Blair : So much for Todd s change of heart . Nora : Well , actually , he did intend to change the plan , according to Ketring . Starr : Wait a minute . So , if the nurse had nt have taken Hope out of that delivery room , then Dr. Joplin could have seen that there was something wrong with the baby and she could have helped Hope . Dr. Joplin could have saved Hope . Blair : Are you saying that Todd may have contributed to Hope s death ? Nora : I m afraid I am . Todd : When Nora calls Starr to the stand , just let her testify . No objections , no cross - examinations . Téa : You ca nt be serious . Todd : Yes , I am serious . You do it my way or you re fired . Téa : Todd , this is suicide . Todd : I already tried that . It did nt work . Téa : Listen to me . I applaud your desire to spare your daughter s feelings , but is nt it a little late for that ? You conspired to kidnap her child , after all . Todd : I know , and I m trying to make it up to her . Téa : Todd , this is your life . I am not going to let you spend the rest of it in prison . Todd : No , if you go hard on Starr , I m going to stand up in court and I m going to stop the trial and I m going to change my plea . Jared : Everything I do is for Natalie . I love her . I m going to marry her . Dorian : Quick , Richard . Right here , okay . Take this and wait for me in the car . Quick , give me that . All right , yes , thank you . Good - bye . Oh , and given this neighborhood and that coat , make sure you lock up . David : You can not change for someone else . It will not work . You must change for yourself . Jared : Oh , I am . Believe me , I want enlightenment as much as the next man . Dorian : Oh , David , how wonderful of you to invite a fellow spiritual seeker for me to meet . Natalie : Yes , apparently Jessica had a breakthrough , and she s coming home . Natalie : Oh , honey , I know that you re starving . All right , well , she absolutely loves the chair in the sunroom if you want to feed her in there . Gigi : Okay , come on , little pumpkin . She s getting so big . Are you ready ? Rex : It s not going to be easy giving her up . Natalie : What do you mean ? Rex : If Jessica comes home , are nt you going to have to step aside ? I mean , she s the girl s mother . If she s well enough to come home ... Natalie : I hope that bitch stays in St. Ann s for the rest of her life . Dr. Levin : Tess , I need to speak to you . Tess ? Tess : I have to go . Bess : You do nt have to do anything . Just close your eyes and go to sleep . Dr. Levin : Jessica ? Jessica : Yes ? Dr. Levin : Tess is not responding . Now I d like to speak to Bess . Bess , if you re still there , come forward now . Jared : Dorian Lord ? Dorian : Jared Banks . Namaste . David : Hmm -- some store in Llanview is running low on these robes . Jared : I m seeking enlightenment from David . Dorian : What a coincidence -- that s also what I am seeking . Jared : Oh . Dorian : Enlightenment . Jared : You surprise me , Dorian , considering your history -- going after Buchanan Enterprises . You ve always had such a high premium on wealth and power . Dorian : To my shame . But you should talk , as you went to the extreme of pretending that you were the true Buchanan heir . Dorian : Oh , my goodness . So much subterfuge , when we had the answer sitting right here . Jared : Oh , so you know the answer ? Dorian : David Vickeroshi -- yes , David Vickeroshi is the answer . He is the one who will lead us to spiritual enlightenment . Though I would nt strain too much , if I were you , because you are marrying into the Buchanan family , right ? You re just totally taken care of . Unless , of course , the true , long lost Buchanan heir should happen to show up . David : Oh , who cares about the Buchanan money ? Let s go chant . They have the best cookies at morning satsang . Jared : Yeah , darn , I m going to have to miss that . I just remembered I have something to do . I ll be back . Dorian : Namaste . Jared : Yeah , right . Jared : She knows . Téa : I am more than willing to fight for you , but you can not tie my hands . Todd : Téa , Blair let me see my kids the other day -- my boys . And they were so thrilled to see me . Now , I know I can win Starr back , but not if you go after her . So please find another way . You re just not going to use my kid . Blair : Nora , you spoke to this Ketring woman , right ? I mean , do you think she s telling the truth ? Nora : She swears that Todd coerced her into helping him with the kidnapping , and that she took the baby from the delivery room and put her in the office of Dr. Joplin s . But she also swears that the baby was healthy and responsive . Starr : How could that be ? Dr. Joplin said that she thought that there was something wrong with Hope . That s why she had the nurse bring her in the NICU . Blair : Yeah , but Aunt Dorian already checked , sweetheart , and she was never admitted there . Nora : I have no way of knowing why Dr. Joplin said what she did . All I know is that Ketring swears that she took a healthy baby and laid it in the crib in Joplin s office , and then she went and had a short conversation with Todd , who told her he was no longer interested in kidnapping the baby . And when she and Joplin went back into the office to get the baby to bring her to you , she had died . Starr : My poor little baby . Blair : Oh , sweetheart . Nora : The point is , Todd paid Ketring to take Hope from the delivery room , take her out of the delivery room to Joplin s office , take her away from medical help -- take her away from doctors who could have helped her . Todd s actions led to Hope s death , and if I can convince a jury of that satisfactorily , that s -- that s felony murder . That s life . Téa : If Starr s testimony goes unchallenged , you will go to prison . Todd : Maybe if I pay some dues , it will bring us back together . You know , we could write each other letters and talk on the phone . Téa : Who are you kidding , huh ? Todd : Téa , if I lose my kids , I might as well jump off another roof . Téa : You want me to find another way ? Fine . I ll find another way . Blair : You re going to charge Todd with murder ? Nora : Hope s death was in direct relation to Todd s actions . Yes , I m going to up the charges to murder . Starr : Wait , but my dad did not know that she was sick . Blair : Starr , Todd s going to fight that . You know he will . Look , I do nt want Téa to go after Starr up on the stand . Nora : She s going to . She s going to try and discredit Starr s testimony . And she s tough . We ve seen her in action . She s going to say some really hurtful and upsetting things -- rude things . And then I ll get to redirect , and I ll try to protect you , but are you going to be able to keep your cool and not let her get to you ? Starr : I am not afraid of Téa Delgado . It is the thought of having to testify against my father for something like murder . Nora : Honey , it s not something like murder -- it is murder . Your baby is dead -- yours and Cole s child . She s gone , she ca nt defend herself , and she only has you to stand up for her . Your father ca nt keep going through life , doing the things that he does , and keep getting away with it . I know this is tough because he s your dad , but he has brought this on himself . Starr : I know . Nora : If you need me , you call me , okay ? Otherwise , I ll see you in court . Blair : We ll be there . Nora : Okay . I ll see myself out . Blair : Thank you , Nora . Blair : Look , honey -- Starr : Mom , you do nt have to say anything . I know that he deserves it . Blair : But you should nt have to be the one to put him away . Starr : I have to . I m Hope s mother . Blair : Yes , you are . Jack : Starr ? I heard you and Mom . Are you really going to put Dad in jail ? Dr. Levin : Bess , come forward . You are the gatekeeper , Bess . You hold all the secrets . If there s something you re keeping from Jessica , you need to tell me now . Is there something you feel you have to face because Jessica ca nt ? Tell us , Bess . Starr : Jack , Dad has done some really terrible things . Jack : But he s sorry -- he told me so . It was so great having him here , just hanging out -- me , Sam , and Dad . It was just like how we used to watch horror movies and fall asleep on the couch . And if he goes in jail , well , we ll never see him again . Starr : We ll have visiting days . Jack : I visited him , and it sucks . He says he s fine , but he s really not . It stinks , it s dark -- come on , he s our dad . Starr : But like Nora said , Jack , he keeps doing these horrible things . He can not keep getting away with them , okay ? Jack : I do nt care what she said . Nora hates Dad . I ca nt believe you re helping her . Téa : Estella , how are you ? Starr : And what are you doing here ? Téa : I need to talk to you about your father . Dorian : Blair , hi . I mean , Namaste . David : Namaste , Blair . Blair : Oh , David , when are you going to stop this ? Todd : How are the kids ? Blair : Just peachy , Todd . Starr found out you paid that woman to be in the delivery room when she was giving birth . Todd : You mean the nurse ? Yeah , she was a good nurse . Blair : Mm - hmm , and if that nurse had nt taken Starr s baby out of that delivery room , Hope might still be alive . Jared : Dorian knows , and she s just trying to sink those claws into David before he finds out that he is Asa s son . Gigi : David Vickers is Asa s son ? Rex : And what the hell are you wearing ? Natalie : Well , looks like they heard you sing , so better give them an explanation . Okay , so everyone knows that Grandpa had an affair with David and Spencer s mother , Emma Bradley . Gigi : Emma Bradley . Why does that name sound so familiar ? Rex : Yeah , to me , too . Natalie : Well , anyway , Spencer turned out not to be grandpa s son , and David actually is . So , please -- you can not tell anybody you know this information , because if David finds out that he is a Buchanan , my entire family will lose everything . Rex : Why ? Natalie : Because Grandpa put a codicil in the will that David would inherit everything if the B.E. stock went down , and with the economy -- Rex : David inherits everything . Jared : Yes , and somehow Dorian found out , and now she s cozying up to David . Dorian : David , now that I ve signed over my house and possessions to Moe and his fiancée , I feel so liberated . David : All those stocks and bonds ? Dorian : Those ? The stocks and the bonds are going to be signed over to the Llanview Clouds - In - River Zen Center and the Sunshine - On - Meadow Mind Temple . Jared : I think Dorian knows that I m on to her . And trust me , orange -- not her color . Rex : It does nt do much for you , either , pal . Natalie : You know , Dorian s got to be faking this whole conversion to Buddhism , you know , just to suck up to him , or marry him . Gigi : Dorian Lord and the guy who washed dishes at the Bon - Jour ? Rex : Do nt ask . Natalie : And if I m right -- Jared : Dorian gets her hands on B.E. again . David : Well done . You are well on your way to acquiring the four immeasurables . Kindness , compassion , joy -- Dorian : And equanimity . David : I knew it was nt a mistake to come back here . The look on your face -- Dorian : Describe it to me . Is it joy , rapture , bliss ? Gigi : He s a monk , right ? I mean , do they get married ? Jared : They might not have to get married . Natalie : What do you mean ? Jared : Well , if she can somehow get herself appointed as David s guardian , then -- Natalie : No , tell me , he would nt let that happen , would he ? Rex : Trust me , Dorian used to be my mother - in - law . She s got more lawyers than teeth . She ll find a way . Dorian : I want you to be proud of me . I am your first student . David : You certainly will be , once you sign those papers . Jared : I think Dorian knows that I am on to her as well , so I m going to have to find another way to keep tabs on her . Oh , can you remember the name of that firm that your dad uses ? Natalie : The P.I. ? Jared : Yes . Gigi : You need a P.I. ? Jared : Uh , well , not just any P.I. I need someone that I can trust . Gigi : Like your future brother - in - law ? Dorian : You know , I want to feel at one with you . I want us to share this bliss . David : Dorian , you know we ca nt have S - E - X. Dorian : Why , yes . But there are other ways , David , that we can share bliss -- much better ways . David : Really ? Dorian : Really , it s quite simple . All you need to do is sign over all your worldly possessions , too . Starr : I am through talking about my dad , and you should nt even be here right now . Téa : I m here as a friend . Starr : You re not my friend . You re my dad s lawyer , and I am the main witness against him . Téa : Starr , there s something you need to know . Your family has nt wanted to tell you , but I think you re mature enough to be told what s really going on . Todd : I did nt do anything to hurt Hope . It was the doctor -- she missed the diagnosis , the RH thing . She admitted that . Blair : Todd , if that baby had nt been left alone in Dr. Joplin s office , if somebody had seen her and seen that she was in trouble , she may have gotten a transfusion , and the baby might have lived . Todd : No , that ca nt be true . Blair : Well , you know what ? Nora seems to think that the jury is going to see it completely different . If you cared at all about your daughter , you would nt let her testify , Todd . You would make a deal with Nora . Todd : I ve talked to Téa . She s not going to go after -- Blair : Make a deal . You trust Téa ? I mean , come on , even you ca nt be that stupid . Todd : I promise you -- I promise you , I got Téa under control . She s not going to even cross - examine her . Starr : Oh , so this is about my dad ? Téa : Yes . Starr : What did he do now ? Téa : Starr -- your father tried to commit suicide . Dr. Levin : Bess ? If you re still there , you must come forward . Bess : You have no idea who you re dealing with , Dr. Levin . Jessica will never find out Chloe is nt hers . Not on my watch . Dr. Levin : All right , Jessica , I want you to come back now . Jessica : What happened ? Dr. Levin : I asked them to come forward . Jessica : What did they say ? Dr. Levin : Nothing -- they never emerged . Jessica : They re gone ? Does that mean that I m integrated ? Dr. Levin : Well , I m hopeful that because you took responsibility for what happened to Natalie , you no longer have any need for your alters . But we have one more test to do . Jared : Are you willing to take on Dorian ? Rex : She did do me a solid at Christmas -- got a Z - box for Shane . But I m not about to let her steal from my sister , or Bo . So whatever you need . Natalie : Thank you . Oh , thank you so much , and thank you for listening . Rex : Anytime . I should get going on this . Bless you . Gigi : Oh , I need a ride to work . Bye , pumpkin . Natalie : Come here , baby . Gigi : Listen , Natalie , we re right there , so anytime you need anything , just give us a call . Natalie : Okay , I m going to call you even if I do nt need anything . I d like to do lunch . Gigi : Oh , I d really like that . Natalie : Me , too . Rex : Hug her and let s go , Morasco . Gigi : Keep your shirt on . Natalie : Bye . Gigi : Bye . Jared : Sweetie , how are you doing ? I know you had a rough night . Natalie : I did nt mind that at all . I m just really going to miss her when Jessica comes home . Jared : Me , too . David : Oh , I m with you , Dorian . But I suppose only in spirit , for I have nothing to sign away . Dorian : Perhaps not now . But -- who can tell where life may lead you ? David : That s right , we only have today . Dorian : And we need to learn from the past . Remember how you felt when you lost Viki s lottery ticket ? Oh , and -- and -- right now , with your consciousness being so very elevated , who knows ? You could come up with some brilliant invention that could bring in millions . And then what would happen to you ? It might corrupt your soul . You ve got to protect yourself , David . Oh , yes , you must . You can not take that chance . So , join me in this gesture , even if , for you , it is merely symbolic . Okay ? Just put your little David Vickeroshi on that . Jared : Hello , this is Chloe . Ha , that was funny . Natalie : Hello ? Dr. Levin : This is Dr. Levin from St. Ann s . May I speak with Ms. Davidson ? Natalie : I m sorry , she s not in right now , but this is Natalie . We met at the cottage . Is everything okay ? Dr. Levin : Yes , your sister is doing very well since that session . Natalie : Really ? Dr. Levin : Her breakthrough the other day appears to have resolved certain issues , but I need to make sure . As you know , her alters have been very concerned about the baby . I d like Jessica to have a supervised visit with Chloe . Could you bring the baby over to St. Ann s ? Natalie ? Natalie : I do nt think that s a very good idea . Téa : A lot can happen in one morning , Todd . Starr : Right now -- Téa : Shh ! John : You said you wanted to talk -- I m listening . Cole : You re the son of a bitch that s been using my mom , huh ? Want to talk about my mom ? ### Summary:
Nora goes to talk to Blair and Starr and informs them that Janet has informed her and the cops that Todd might be indirectly responsible for the death of Starr s baby . Yet both his daughter and ex wife are having trouble testifying against him and convicting him . Todd also admits to Tea that he does not want to fight with his daughter nor testify against her even if it means he must risk going to prison for failure to do so . Dorian gets a lawyer to draw up papers so that she can take the Buchanan fortune from David when he inherits . Jared goes to meet with David in an attempt to prevent David from ever finding out that he has inherited everything from Asa . But he sees the Dorian is also working on David . He and Natalie inform Rex and Gigi what they are up against . And Rex considers helping them by being their PI . Jessica is going to find a way to get out of St. Ann s and back to her baby . And Bess makes it clear that only she can help her . Yet Natalie reveals that she does not want her sister to come back and raise Chloe .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Shawn : How about a free round for the house , eh ? Caroline : Oh , he s at his best . It s St. Patrick s Day . And this is our busiest night of the year , you know . With everything the Brady s and everyone s been through ... [ Irish accent ] We could do with a little happiness . Shawn : That s for sure , darling . Oh , you know , we got a reason to celebrate . Our grandson is getting married tomorrow . Caroline : [ Normal voice ] That s right . Shawn : Hey , to Shawn Douglas and Mimi . May the roof above them never fall in . And those gathered beneath it , may they never fall out . Caroline : That s good . Victor : To Shawn and Mimi . Caroline : I d better make rounds . I see some empty glasses . Ca nt have that . No way . Belle ! What are you doing here ? Is this some kind of bachelorette party ? Belle : No . Caroline : Well , this is not like you to be sitting here alone ... Belle : I know . Caroline : ... Drinking a pitcher of beer . Belle : I know . Caroline : Well , Shawn and Mimi s wedding is tomorrow . You re the Matron of Honor . Should nt you be home getting some beauty sleep ? Belle : I could nt sleep . Caroline : Yes , I do nt have to ask why . Is this some kind of final goodbye to Shawn ? Belle : Not if I can help it . Caroline : What did you say ? Belle : Yeah , as far as the wedding thing goes , you know , I do nt know how yet , but I m definitely stopping the wedding . Shawn D. : Hey , Dad . Bo : Hey , son . Shawn D. : What are you doing out here all by yourself ? Bo : Well , this is an important celebration for your grandpop , but -- I do nt know . I probably should nt have come down . Shawn D. : Yeah , well , it s kind of hard to celebrate anything right now . Bo : Well , you re celebrating your wedding tomorrow . I m sorry your mom wo nt be there . Shawn D. : Me too . Bo : I m glad that you decided to let me come by . Shawn D. : Yeah . What do you say we go in together , huh ? Bo : Ah , no . Everybody will be offering their condolences about Zack and asking where your mom is . Shawn D. : Dad , if you want to sit out here and feel sorry for yourself , that s fine . But there s something I want to say . The only thing that s keeping mom away right now is you . And you are the only one who can bring her back . Carrie : Sami . Sami : Oh , Carrie , you re awake . Carrie : Sami , thanks for everything you did today . It was really nice of you to stick around . Sami : Of course . What else am I gon na do ? You re my sister . You only get the one family , you know ? Lexie says you re gon na be fine . Do you miss your appendix yet ? Carrie : I m thrilled it s gone . Sami : Well , you see ? You should have gone to the doctor as soon as you felt that first cramp . Carrie : I should listen to my little sister more . Where s Austin ? Sami : He and Lucas , they , um , I think they re at the gift shop . Carrie : Sami , you re upset about something . It is nt -- it is nt me , is it ? Sami : Um , no . I do nt think I should talk to you about it cause you re recovering and everything . Carrie : What ? What is it ? Sami : Well , I guess you re gon na find out eventually . It s -- it s my mom . Carrie : Marlena ? What happened ? Sami : I do nt know . There was an explosion and -- and a fire . Carrie : Was she hurt ? Sami : John -- he said she could die . Carrie , I do nt know what I m gon na do . Carrie : Sami . Sami : I ca nt lose her . I ca nt let her die . Carrie : Oh , my God . John : So you said there s bad news about Doc ? What is it ? Lexie : She has nt regained consciousness as quickly as we d like , given the nature of her injuries . John : What does that mean ? Alex : It means that she s been through amnesia and every other trauma known to man . As a psychiatrist , I can tell you it s not so surprising that it s taking her a little bit longer to recover from her injuries . So , Dr. Carver , what you re saying is , Marlena s injuries are not life - threatening . Lexie : Correct . Correct . She s suffering from shock , smoke inhalation , a few first - degree burns . Alex : I want to see her . John : No way . You re the lousy bastard that set that explosion that almost killed her . Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of our Lives . Bo : Shawn , I have done everything I can to convince your mom to come home . I mean , she did nt even tell me where she -- I do nt know how to get in touch with her . Shawn D. : I know . I know . But if you could make her understand that you re not taking Chelsea s side in the trial -- you re not taking her side , are you ? Bo : You know , Shawn , I have loved your mom for most of my life . And she has always , I mean always come first with me . I mean , this whole problem is -- bottom line is , we re all family , and we got to figure out a way to make this work . Shawn D. : Just , without Zack and without mom , I m sorry , it just does nt feel like our family . And I do nt want Chelsea to be part of our family . Bo : I understand how you feel . Believe me . But you understand where I m coming from , right ? Shawn D. : Yeah , I do . You have to choose between two women that you love -- mom and Chelsea . Bo : Yeah . And I ve been trying to protect them . Shawn D. : But you -- Chelsea s like a stranger to you . You hardly know her . Bo : But she is my daughter . Someday , when you have a daughter of your own , you ll understand what I m saying here . Shawn D. : Can I get a beer ? Bo : Oh , yeah . Shawn D. : Thanks . I just had no idea there was so many different kinds of love . Bo : What do you mean ? Shawn D. : I ve loved Belle for as long as I can remember . I ll never stop . It s just things change . And I feel the same way about Mimi . I do love her . Bo : But ? Shawn , have you changed your mind about marrying Mimi cause you re still in love with Belle ? Caroline : Just how are you planning to stop the wedding ? Belle : I do nt know . Caroline : You would nt humiliate Shawn and Mimi and Philip -- Belle : I said , I do nt know . Caroline : I just ca nt believe that you re serious about this . Belle : Well , I am . I still love Shawn , and Shawn still loves me . And I m not gon na let him go commit his life to some other woman . Caroline : What about your husband , Philip ? Belle : You know , I love Philip . I truly do . But it s not the same . And I thought by now that I would , and I do nt . Caroline : I thought you made up your mind about this . You took sacred vows before God . And your husband , Philip , and you have a baby girl -- how can you turn your back on them and destroy their happiness ? And destroy Shawn and Mimi s happiness , too ? Belle : The last thing that I want to do is hurt Philip or Mimi or Claire .. But I love Shawn too much to spend the rest of my life without him . Victor : [ Thinking ] She s feeling that bond with Shawn because Claire s his baby . Alex : When Marlena wakes up , you re going to end up feeling very foolish , John , as usual . Cause she s going to tell you I had no idea that she was going to show up at that cabin tonight . I certainly had no idea that you were going to show up there . Well , someone was targeted there tonight . It was nt you . It was nt Marlena . It was me . In fact , I narrowly missed being blown to bits myself . Abe : You know , I m afraid I have to agree with Alex . If there was an explosive device , it was probably set by Lois . Anyway , we ll know the truth after the fire department completes its arson investigation . Alex : Damn right we will . In the meantime , I d like to see my wife . John : That s not gon na happen . Alex : You have nothing to say about it . Lexie : Well , I do . Marlena is my patient , and right now , I m not allowing either of you to visit . You d only upset her . She needs to rest . Excuse me . Abe : I m gon na go up to the cabin and check on the investigation . John : All right . I m coming with you . Alex : Good luck . I m gon na stay here and wait for Marlena to wake up . John : No , you re not . You re the prime suspect . You re coming with us . Alex : Commander Carver -- or should I say Former Commander -- obviously I am not under arrest here . Abe : No , but I could find a way to insist you come along . Alex : Fine . The sooner I m cleared by the police , the sooner I can get back with Marlena . John : The sooner Marlena gets her past back , the sooner you are out of her life . Alex : She ll never remember you . Sami : I m sorry , Carrie . I did nt mean to upset you . It s just that I just do nt know what to do . I mean , mom does nt remember anything . What if we lose her ? What if we lose her forever ? Lexie : Sami , you re not gon na lose her . Your mother s going to be all right . Sami : Are you sure ? Lexie : Yes . Yes , she s resting right now . Carrie : Thank God she s gon na be okay . Lexie : Carrie , I need to talk to you . Privately , please . Sami : Oh , I d like to go sit with my mom . I promise I wo nt disturb her . Lexie : All right . Carrie : Give her my love . Sami : Yeah , I will . Carrie : Is everything all right ? Lexie : Your surgery was completely successful . Carrie : Whew . You had me scared for a second . So when can I go home ? Lexie : We were able to do the laparoscopic procedure . There are no beds available in outpatient recovery , which is why you re here for the time being . Carrie : Oh , I was wondering . Lexie : Yeah . Anyhow , since we were able to avoid open surgery , you can get up , move around , and go home much more quickly . Carrie : That s great news . Lexie : Yes , it is . Listen , there s something that I need to discuss with you . Something we discovered because of your surgery . Shawn D. : No , I have nt changed my mind about marrying Mimi . I love her . She was there for me , by my side , when Zack passed away . Bo : Comforting each other and making a lifelong commitment are two different things . Shawn D. : I know that , and I m not taking my commitment to Mimi lightly . Bo : But like you said , you and Belle , you ve been together forever , and everyone thought you were gon na end up together . Shawn D. : Yeah , but then she married Philip . For a long time , I had a lot of difficulty accepting that , but I have . I just wish Belle would . Bo : What do you mean ? She thinking of getting a divorce ? Shawn D. : I do nt know . She just keeps telling me that she s still in love with me . Bo : She -- okay . What do you say to that ? Shawn D. : Just that she s married to Philip and they have a child , and I m marrying Mimi tomorrow . Bo : Good for you . Shawn D. : It s just -- I would nt say this to anyone except for you , and I ca nt even believe I m thinking this with all the stuff that s going on , but I still feel torn between Mimi and Belle . Bo : I know how rough that is . Shawn D. : I know you do , because you had to choose between mom and Billie . Caroline : Tell me something . Are you willing to give up your husband and your child to be with Shawn ? Belle : Give up Claire ? No , I would never do that . Caroline : You better face reality . If you leave Philip for another man , he can fight for custody of Claire . Belle : And I ve thought about that . Philip would never do that . He wants what s best for her and that s her mother -- me . Caroline : And what about her father ? Belle : Well , Shawn would be a terrific stepfather . He loves her so much . Caroline : And he s Philip s best friend . Let me ask you something . And I want you to be honest . Belle : Okay , what ? Caroline : Mimi s your best friend , right ? Belle : Yes . Caroline : Okay , so how did you feel when Mimi fell in love with Shawn after you married Philip ? Belle : Well , I -- Caroline : No . Be honest . You were hurt and angry , were nt you ? Belle : Yes , I was . Caroline : Well , do nt expect Philip to feel differently . And hurt and anger drive people to do things they never thought that they could . So Claire is his little girl , and he s a Kiriakis . And he ll do whatever it takes to hang on to her . Belle : Victor never went after Bo , did he ? Caroline : No . He did nt know Bo was his son . Not until Bo was grown up . Belle : But you knew all along . So did you stay married to Shawn because of your other children or because you truly loved him more ? Carrie : I thought you said the surgery went perfectly . Lexie : Yes . Yes , it did . Carrie : What did you find ? Lexie : It s not a problem yet , but it could be . Carrie : What is it ? Tell me . Lexie : Well , okay . When I was reviewing your records , I saw that you had an ovarian cyst rupture when you were in Israel . Carrie : Yeah . The doctor said I was fine . Lexie : Yes . Yes , you are . But there is some residual scarring , which could affect your chances of conceiving . Carrie : Are you telling me I could be infertile ? Abe : Damn . There s nothing left of this cabin . It s been burned to the ground . John : Good job , North . What the hell did you do ? Douse the entire place with an accelerant ? Cop : Okay , Commander Carver . Abe : Yeah , anything ? Cop : Yeah . I can tell you exactly how and why this explosion happened . Sami : Hi , Mom . So I m not supposed to disturb you , but telling you that I love you is nt going to disturb you , right ? Telling you that I need you in my life ? But maybe it will disturb you . It seems like you really wanted to not be around me lately . I mean , except for Belle , you really wanted to not remember anything about our life together -- your real life . You want to hear something pathetic ? Right now , I do nt have one single human on the entire planet that I can talk to . And the thing is , I m really confused . The truth is , I still love Lucas . But I think that I could be happy with Austin , except for that he and Lucas are both still hung up on Carrie . And all I want -- all I ve ever wanted is to be happy , to have a family and settle down . And I know that everything that has gone wrong with my life is my fault . I know every time I am given a choice , I make the wrong one . So I need you , Mom . Please , please , Mom , come back to me . I need your help so that I can make the right decision this time . Please come back to me , Mom . I miss you , and I love you so much . Please remember me . Remember us and forget about Alex North . Marlena : [ Crying ] Oh ! John : You are back ! You are back ! Marlena : John . Bo : No , I -- I never really had to choose between your mom and Billie , cause I never loved and never will love anyone more than I love your mom . Shawn D. : What I m trying to say is there had to be a time when you did love Billie . I mean , you guys had a kid together , right ? Bo : Yeah , yeah . Well , we got involved when I thought your mom was dead . And when she came back -- Shawn D. : You did nt think it was really mom , and that s why you stayed with Billie . Bo : Yeah . Yeah . I mean , I thought I saw your mom die right in front of my eyes . And when she first came back , she did nt know who she was or where she d been . I thought it was just another DiMera trick . The timing was just -- we were at Maison Blanche , and I was getting married to Billie . It was wild . But as soon as I found out that she was your mom , there was no question who I wanted to be with . You know , since your mom and I were kids , she s the one I always wanted to be with . She s the love of my life . That s why it s so difficult for me to have her off someplace where I do nt know where she is . But that s what she needs right now . Shawn D. : I guess sometimes you just have to let go for a while . Sometimes you have to let go forever . Bo : You talking about your feelings for Belle ? Hey , Shawn , if you have those kinds of feelings for her , you ve got some serious thinking to do before you get married tomorrow . Victor : Happy St. Patrick s Day . Caroline : Divorce was not an option . I loved my husband the day I married him , and I love him even more today . The affair with Victor never should have happened . Belle : How can you say that ? If it did nt happen , you would nt have Bo or Shawn Douglas or Zack or even Hope for that matter . Caroline : Well , then I would never know what I missed . Belle ... part of me will always love Victor just as part of you will always love Shawn . Shawn and you do nt share a child , so it s really not the same situation as me and Victor . Belle : Well , I wish Claire were Shawn s child . Everything would be a whole lot easier , would nt it ? Lexie : No . No , Carrie , we have no reason to believe that you are infertile . But the residual scarring could make it difficult to conceive . And the longer you wait ... Carrie : I know . I told you I ve been thinking about it a lot . I just had my birthday . Lexie : Yeah , I know . I know you said you d been feeling like your biological clock is ticking . Carrie : You know , you grow up thinking you re gon na have this wonderful husband and children and career . And I ve been grown up a long time , and I do nt have any of the above . I do nt know if I ever will . Lexie : Oh , honey , of course you will . Carrie : I dream of bringing a child -- children -- into the world , teaching them and guiding them , supporting their school . Lexie : Oh , yeah . I can see you as one of those PTA moms , you know , the school carnivals , the school plays , the book sales , the bake sales , silent auctions . Carrie : I want to be a role model like that . Teach them about community service , share ideas , values , hopefully grow into good citizens that not only love but respect and be proud of . Sami : [ Thinking ] So you have it all planned out . You just have to decide who your kids father is gon na be , Carrie -- Austin or Lucas ? Marlena : No fair . Marlena : No , wait . Wait ! No , no , stop . You stop , okay . I got you . John : No , I got you . John : All right . So what did you find ? Cop : The explosion was caused by a faulty water heater . There s no evidence of arson . Alex : I told you I was innocent . John : So are you saying it definitely was nt arson ? Cop : Not at all . In fact , there was something that might be suspicious . There was a wrench near the water heater , but it could have easily been used to make adjustments , open and close valves . There s certainly no evidence to prove there was a crime committed , and no way to pull prints from what s left of the water heater or the wrench . Abe : So that s it , huh ? Cop : Yeah . Yeah . I ll file my report when we get back to Salem . Abe : All right . Hey , man , thank you . Thanks for everything . John : You may think you ve gotten away with this , but I m gon na find a way to prove that you murdered Lois and burned down her cabin . If the cops do nt bust you for that , well , one way or another , I m gon na take you out . Caroline : You ca nt spend your life wishing , you know ? Shawn is nt Claire s father , so you ve got to stop thinking of that as a possibility . Belle : I know . I just do nt understand how things ended up like this . Caroline : Belle , it s over . You can wonder all you want . You re not gon na have a life with Shawn . Darling , if you love him , you ll let him go . You ll let him find happiness with Mimi . Honey , you did great so far . Come on , now . You can do it . Just be strong . Belle , life is nt perfect . You can , though -- you can live it happily . Victor : Is Belle all right ? She seems upset . Caroline : Oh , she s just having a terrible time accepting Shawn s marrying Mimi . I told her she had to give him up . Victor : The way you did me . Shawn D. : I m marrying Mimi , Dad , end of story . What I feel for Belle and what she feels for me , it does nt matter . Bo : Whoa . Yeah . Yeah , it does matter . I mean , you ca nt go through with this wedding just because you promised . It s got to be what you want -- for Mimi s sake as well as yours . You love her , right , and you want what s best for her ? Shawn D. : Of course I do . Bo : Okay , then answer me this , and answer honestly . If Belle was nt married , would Mimi be the woman you chose to marry and spend the rest of your life with ? Lexie : Carrie , I know that it will happen for you . There s nothing more wonderful than having a child . But , you know , even with the best influences and parents , there s no guarantee of how they ll turn out . If you want proof of that , just look at your sister Sami . You know , you were raised in the same house by the same parents . Carrie : Step - parents -- absentee parents . It was kind of crazy growing up . Lexie : Yeah , well , I m sure Sami will use that excuse for the rest of her life . But look at you . You turned out great . Carrie : I do nt know about that . Lexie : Well , I do . Your children are going to be so blessed to have you as their mother . Just a word to the wise from someone who tried desperately for a very long time to conceive -- do nt wait too long before you start trying . Carrie : Well , it would be nice to find a husband first . Lexie : Oh , come on , Carrie . You have two men in your life , Austin and Lucas , who are both crazy about you . And you did tell me that you have feelings for them . So at the risk of sounding crass , just choose one . You know , just choose one and marry him and get on with making all your dreams come true . Carrie : Wish it could be that easy . Lexie : Why is nt it ? Do nt tell me you re still worried about Sami . Carrie : I told her that I was over him , and at the time , I meant it . Lexie : So ? You re entitled to change your mind , Carrie . You are not responsible for Sami s happiness . Do you really think that she gives a damn about yours ? John : Wow . Marlena : That was my way of saying thank you for giving me back my life . I ll never forget what you did . Merry Christmas . John : This is really fine . Marlena : Wait . Wait . Wait . There s an inscription on the back . John : To JB for giving me time -- M. Marlena : What beautiful , beautiful charms . John : No , not just charms . Those are good - luck charms for your second chance at life . Marlena : Yeah ? My beloved is mine , and I am his until dawn breaks and the shadows fade . Turn , my beloved , and be thou ever mine . John : As this ring encircles your finger , never forget that your love encircles my heart . Marlena : John . Alex : You just threatened me in front of an Officer of the Law . Keep it up , John , and you ll wind up in jail just where you belong . You know , your problem is you just ca nt accept the fact that your life with Marlena is over , that she s in love with and wants to stay with me . So if we re finished here , I d like to get back to my wife . John : Son of a bitch . I know he s behind the explosion that almost killed Marlena , Abraham . Abe : John , John , look . Hey , hey . I m your friend , and I believe that North is bad news , but there s nothing to implicate him in any wrongdoing . I mean , not with Marlena or Lois or this explosion . John : Abraham , he told me what he was gon na do to Doc . Abe : Look , North is smart . He s smart , but we do nt have any proof of anything . And look , buddy , I am sorry , but Alex was right . If Marlena says she loves him and she wants to be with him , then their marriage , it s valid . And there s nothing that you can do about it . The only person that can save Marlena from being a permanent part of his life is Marlena herself . John : Well , then she s just gon na have to get her memory back . Abe : Well , even so , Alex has her under his spell . And there is still the possibility that she could choose to be with him . John : Well , like I said before ... I ll kill him before that happens . Bo : You re taking too long to answer . Shawn , all things being equal , who would you marry , Belle or Mimi ? Shawn D. : I think you already know . But things are nt equal . And I m marrying Mimi , and we re gon na have a wonderful life together . And Belle will accept that and finally commit to her wonderful life with Philip and Claire . Victor : If you had it to do over again , would you still keep the truth from me about Bo being my son and stayed married to Shawn ? Caroline : Yes . But knowing I did the right thing does nt mean I do nt regret it . Heather : Hey , Belle . Belle : Heather . Heather : So , big day tomorrow , huh ? Shawn is gon na marry your best friend ... Meems . Do nt tell me you drank this whole pitcher by yourself . Oh , drowning your sorrows , are nt you ? Belle : No , I m not . Heather : Oh , well , then let s have a toast -- to Belle . Belle : You mean to Mimi . Heather : No , I mean to you . The girl everyone thought would be the happiest woman in Salem turns out to be the biggest idiot , cause she let Shawn Brady get away . Cheers . Belle : That s what you think , Heather . Caroline , I m gon na do the right thing . One way or the other , I m gon na stop that wedding . Marlena : John , I remember . I remember us . Belle : I know that I only have myself to blame . I just do nt know how I can stand by and watch him marry Mimi . Carrie : There s something I need to talk to you both about . Austin : Good , because Lucas and I need to talk to you , too . Lexie : Sami , what the hell do you think you re doing ? Sami : It s about time we had a little chat , Lexie . ### Summary:
Victor overhears Belle admit to Caroline after downing a pitcher of green beer in honor of St. Patrick s Day , that she plans on stopping Shawn and Mimi s wedding because she ca nt be without Shawn . Caroline tries to convince Belle to stay with Philip but Belle throws it back in Caroline s face by questioning her decision to stay with Shawn Sr . instead of Victor . Bo spends the evening outside of the Pub so as not to be bothered with questions about Zack and Hope . Shawn spots him and they talk of Hope and of Shawn s feelings for both Mimi and Belle . Lexie tells Carrie privately that during the surgery it was discovered that it might be tough for her to conceive . Sami eavesdrops as Carrie tells Lexie of her hopes for a family . Lexie declares that Marlena s injuries are not life threatening but Lexie turns down both John and Alex s request to see Marlena . Abe believes Alex s claim that Lois rigged the cabin to explode . Abe and John make Alex come with them to the cabin to discover what set off the explosion . The fire inspector declares that the cause of the fire was faulty wiring but that they also found a wrench near the water heater despite the inability to use that to prove the cause was arson . Marlena has flashes of being with John . Sami pleads with an unconscious Marlena for her to regain her memory of their life together .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Lizzie : What are you doing ? Jonathan : Lizzie , do nt ... do nt say a word . Lizzie : Can you at least tell me where we re going ? Jonathan : Well , it s our wedding night , right ? We re going on our honeymoon . Harley : Wait , wait , wait , wait . That s too vampy . Dinah : What are you talking about , that sex kitten . You should go for it . She s getting her nails done for her new honey . Harley : I m not . Dinah : You re not getting your nails done for Cyrus ? Harley : Cyrus is out of town . And no , I m getting my nails done for me . Marina : Hey , Harley , Dinah . Dinah : Hey . Harley : Hey , Marina . Dinah : My nails are dry . Good luck . Marina : Wow , red . Sexy . Harley : That s not me . Marina : No , probably not . Marlene : Marina , how is your boyfriend ? Marina : Cyrus ? He s out of town . Natalia : This is nice , right , just the two of us ? Rafe : Yeah . Natalia : Like the old days . Daisy : Rafe ? Natalia : Go . Go . Have fun . You just come back for dinner . Try letting go try letting go ... Jeffrey : You might want to be a little more careful with this . Will : Sorry , I did nt know what it was . Jeffrey : Do you always leave this thing around so it can send a few thousand volts into someone . Will : I would nt just do it to anyone . Cassie : I want someone who knows me like Josh and Reva know each other . Someone that can help me without me having to ask for it . Mallet : Can I help you ? Cassie : Sure . Thanks . Reva : Please do nt do that . Josh : Reva , look , the refrigerator is warm . If this little piece gets clogged , that means we re going to have rotten food . Reva : Then let Wanda clean it out or Billy . Josh : Billy does nt care about it . He eats foods that s older than he is . Reva : The problem is you re here instead of tracking down your wife . Josh : And tell her what , that her sister s on the warpath . Reva : What do you want me to say ? I tried to stay out of your lives , but she wo nt let me . It s hard enough being around Cassie . Every time I see her , I want to smack her face , but I do nt do it because she s my sister . But when she comes after me , she calls me a liar , then I do nt so much see my sister anymore . I see the woman who stole my husband . Josh : There . I think that did it . We should have ice in no time . Billy : Hey , I m surprised to see you out here . Bill : Why , this is my project . Billy : I thought you would be with Lizzie . Once she went runaway bride on Jonathan and then came running to you ... Bill : She kept on running . Lizzie : It s freezing outside . Why are we stopping here ? Jonathan : It seems like a nice place to chat . Lizzie : Okay , so now you want to talk . Jonathan : Why did you leave ? Lizzie : Because you grabbed me and threw me in the car . Jonathan : Why did you leave the wedding ? Lizzie : I changed my mind . Jonathan : About trusting me or marrying me ? Lizzie : FYI , it does nt build trust when you kidnap someone . Jonathan : We made a promise . We take Sarah and protect her from the rest of the world . Lizzie : I know that . We will do that , but I also want more . Jonathan : You do nt get to make that choice . Because you , on your own or chasing after Bill put our kid at risk . Lizzie : Our kid ! How did I put her at risk ? Jonathan : Protecting Sarah is all I know . Look at me . If you ca nt make that promise , then you re a threat to her and me . Everybody feels low everybody feels high everybody s feet are on the ground and heads in the sky only love can save the world only world can save the world only love can save the world only love can save the world . Lizzie : Is this supposed to scare me ? You drive up here like we re in some kind of gangster movie . What s next , are you going to dig a hole ? Jonathan : The ground is too cold . Lizzie : That s really funny . Jonathan : Did you think I was just going to let you run away , go to Bill , hang out with him until you felt like it , and then come back to my daughter ? Lizzie : Our daughter . We share her . Jonathan : No , it s not equal . I ve had her her whole life . Lizzie : You took her from me . Jonathan : Because I could nt trust you then and I ca nt trust you now . Not if you choose Bill Lewis . What the hell ! Lizzie : You have had the love of your life , Jonathan . Jonathan : And she s dead ! Lizzie : I know that ! But you have had it . You ve had that . You know something , you ll probably sleep with some strange girls from time to time , but Tammy is always going to be there . She s always going to be in that box of stuff that you just ca nt throw away , and she s always going to be in there . But I do nt have that . I have never had the love of my life , and I ca nt give up on it . I love our daughter just as much as you do . I swear that I do . I do , Jonathan , but I want more . I still want love . Jonathan : I get that , Lizzie . I really do . Lizzie : Jonathan ! Ugh ! Josh : This is not working . This is not getting cold . Reva : Maybe because the door s open . ( Laughs ) Josh : Maybe we better get some of this stuff out of here . Billy , Billy , Billy ... Reva : Of course . Josh : And ... what is that ? Reva : It s Chinese . Josh : Not anymore . Okay . Reva : Please stop doing all of this . Josh : I m just trying to help you , okay ? Reva : You re avoiding the subject . Josh : Stephen and I ran into each other right after Jonathan s wedding fell apart . I m going to say to you what I said to him : Cassie is my wife . I may not agree with everything that she does , but she s my wife . That s the bottom line . Reva : Okay . As long as we all know where we stand . Cassie : Hello . Chad : Mrs ... Cassie , this is Chad from the juvenile detention facility . Cassie : Did something happen with Will ? Chad : No , no . I just want to let you know that the D.A. Is down here to see him . Cassie : Jeffrey ONeill ? Chad : Yeah . I think Will is afraid of him . Cassie : Whatever you can do to protect him , I would really appreciate it . Chad : You know , I ve been thinking about you a lot . Cassie : That s really sweet . I ve kind of been having an awful day . Chad : I have a little break pretty soon , maybe I could bring Will out to see you . Is that something you would like ? Cassie : I would like that very much . Chad : It s time to get him back to his room . Jeffrey : I d like to talk to you about his care . Alan : Then I can count on you ? Doris : Absolutely . Alan : Well , thank you , Ms. Mayor . Beth : Alan , what are you doing here ? Alan : Well , hello there . Looky here . I m just taking care of a few legal matters , Beth , that s all . And what are you and your mommy doing out today ? Beth : Paperwork . There is a lot of paperwork to make her name change legal . Alan : Yeah , so the government will know that you re not a Bauer . You re all mine , Peyton , Peyton Spaulding , that s who you are . Beth : Raines . That s Peyton Alexandra Raines . Alan : Alexandra ? Beth : Raines . Alan : Well , at least you re not a Bauer . Rick : Excuse me ! It would be really nice to get a mixed green salad with baby shrimp and a lowfat balsamic . Anything besides the corn muffins because the corn muffins are making me fat ! If I do nt start getting some food in here , I m going to sing . And , believe me , you do nt want to hear me sing ! Remy : I m finished . Bill : Oh , great , thank you . If you just want to see the foreman ... Remy : You said cash . Bill : Did I ? All right . That s no problem . Thanks a lot . Okay , sure . You worked hard today . All right , okay . Seriously , go . Get yourself an ice cream . Thank you . Billy : Yeah . How come you re not stopping Lizzie ? Bill : Look , she does nt want to be stopped , okay ? Billy : Wait , wait , wait . She left Jonathan and came to you . Bill : I told you that . And it was great for the next five minutes , but then I go in the other room and she takes off and she s gone . Besides , I ve got too much going on . Billy : Would that be ... oh , it s Lizzie . Jonathan : Knock , knock . Reva : Hey . That s my little dumpling , my little sweetie pie . You okay ? Jonathan : Yeah , fine . Reva : I was just wondering , you know , the wedding and how it ended ? Jonathan : The wedding ended okay . Reva : Okay . So what s going on ? Jonathan : I m just here to see my favorite mommy . Do you got booze in here ? Lizzie : Hello ! Hello ! Reva : I kind of would like to know where you went after the wedding ? Jonathan : I went and found Lizzie , and she was with Bill . Reva : Really ? Jonathan : And when he was nt looking , I grabbed her and threw her in my car . Reva : Threw her ? Jonathan : She s very light . Reva : Where is she now ? Jonathan : I left her in the woods . Reva : What ? Jonathan : Chill out . She s fine . I did nt take her cell phone or anything . She needed to understand something . Reva : What , that it s cold in February ? Jonathan : That I ll protect Sarah from anyone . Reva : Lizzie loves that little girl . Jonathan : But Bill does nt . He knows what happened to Sheriff Cross in Tourmaline . Reva : So what , you re going to keep Sarah from Lizzie again ? Jonathan : Hopefully it wo nt come to that . Do you have anything else ? This is disgusting . Reva : No . Jonathan : Do nt play We are all going to be nice about Sarah . Lizzie gets needy , and she gets weak . The last time she got like that , she called Alan and she cost me Tammy . Reva : You just need to understand the kind of fight you are getting into . Jonathan : Fighting is what I do . Reva : Yeah , that s what I do , too . Jonathan : Do you eat broccoli ? Reva : Yuck . That s old , Billy probably spit all over it . Lizzie : $ 430 these shoes cost me . Oh , God , it s cold ! God ! Bill : Jonathan s jacket ? Ashlee : You see , nobody liked her since she became mayor . Coop : Ashlee , nobody liked your mom before she was mayor . Ashlee : Fair enough . But a girl still has to eat and it should nt be just me and her . She should learn how to mix and mingle . My treat . What , what ? Doris : Somebody who lock him up ... Ashlee : Oh , Mom , you can throw away the key after lunch . Doris : Lunch ? Ashlee : Yeah , I thought we would ... sorry . ( Cell phone rings ) Yeah , hello ? No . I have ... of course , I ll be right there . Hold on . Um , guys , I have to go . So I guess these two lovely lads will be taking you to lunch . Have a good time . Do nt do anything I wo nt do . Josh : Hey . Jeffrey : Hey . Jeffrey : Ever been zapped by a Taser , Josh ? Josh : Not this week . Jeffrey : I went to visit Will at his detention center . Josh : What , they had to shock him or something ? Jeffrey : No , but I think he was about to shock me . When we sent him over , it was a temporary hold order . Josh : So when does he get out ? Jeffrey : Well , I m trying to make sure he does nt . And the guard in charge of Will has a crush on Cassie . Josh : A crush ? Jeffrey : And I do nt think she is exactly discouraging it , either . Cassie : Oh , hi . Reva : You were expecting someone else ? Cassie : Actually , yeah , I was . Now is nt a good time . Reva : Well , what I have to say wo nt take long . You know what s weird , spring is right around the corner , but yet it still feels like the dead of winter . Cassie : What do you want , Reva ? Reva : Josh came by the Lewis Construction office while I was there . Cassie : Did he ? Reva : Yeah , he did . And after he left , I realize something : I m angry . Not just today , but in general . When you come through cancer the way I did , you would think that you spend the rest of your days happy and grateful . And I am grateful . I m grateful I get to see another spring and see my granddaughter grow up . But I m not Josh . I did nt see the light . I did nt find my calling . I just moved ahead . Cassie : Jeffrey is nt enough for you ? Reva : Jeffrey is more than enough . And what we have together can be great ... it is great . Cassie : Then what the hell are you angry about ? Reva : I could give you a million different reasons . Tammy being gone . Two of my own children living outside of the country . Alan Spaulding still walking around as a threat to Jonathan and Sarah . Cassie : Me and Josh ? Reva : The point is , I m angry , and I do nt want to be . Not anymore . Cassie : You know what , Reva ? That s not really my problem . Letting go ... Billy : Hey , I will never get used to seeing you roll that thing around . Jonathan : I m kind of in a rush , Billy ... Billy : A tough break . Did you and Lizzie get things worked out ? Jonathan : Yeah , we re cool . Billy : Yeah , especially her . I was with Bill when she called and asked for help . Jonathan : Good , then I know I did the right thing . Billy : You and I have always been okay with each other , but Lizzie is my girl , and I ca nt let you mess with her that way . Jonathan : I wo nt . Just make sure that Bill stays the hell out of her life . Lizzie : I can walk , Bill . Bill : Yeah , right . Lizzie : I do nt need to be at a hospital . Bill : Come on now . I want you to tell me something , which toe am I squeezing right now ? Lizzie : The middle one . Bill : Wrong . I m not squeezing any of them . Your foot is frozen solid , you could have frostbite . Lizzie : Worst yet , I just got a brand - new pedicure . Okay , I ll let them check me out . Bill : Do you know what I m going to do with that loser when I see him . Lizzie : Nothing . Because I do nt care . I had his coat and his cell phone . Bill : I ca nt believe you re still defending him ? Lizzie : I do nt want to see you get hurt . Good news , I can feel my toes . Ava : Can you just get that smudge . Dinah : I forgot my card . I put it in the draw . I need you to find it . Marlene : Sure . Dinah : I see you re sharpening your claws just so you can stick them in my brother again . Ava : Bill likes a little pain . I m actually having my nails painted for a board meeting . You remember those when you used to work at Spaulding . Dinah : Yeah , I ran Spaulding . Ava : That s right , you did , before ... no , no , no . I ll pay for Dinah . Put it on the Spaulding account . We ll deduct it as charity . Dinah : That s okay . I ve got it , Marlene . Thank you . You have a good meeting . Ava : Yeah . All we are saying is give a peace chance Marina : Hey . Frank : Hi . How is your knee ? I m a little shorthanded . Think you can pitch in ? Marina : Sure . Frank : Let me take care of this , and come back , and I ll take my daughter out to lunch , and we can jump right in . Marina : Okay . Just give me a second to call Cyrus . Mallet : Got ya Harley : I ... Mallet : I know what you re up to . I know what you re up to . The police work kind of sucks you back in , lures you back in . What is it ? The unsolved cases , the old coffee , chauvinistic camaraderie , my police scuba thong . Harley : No , no . Stop it . I know why you do it , because it keeps you thinking about Dinah . Mallet : Alan , what are you doing ? You ca nt smoke that stink in here . Alan : I m just celebrating the birth of my daughter . Harley : Is she a month old ? Alan : At least she s not a Bauer . Jeffrey : Look s good . Beth : Okay . Great . I did nt really know who else to go to . Rick s lawyer is his ex - wife , and Alan s lawyers are Alan s lawyers . Jeffrey : They re fine . Beth : I did nt really picture the two of you as friends . Josh : So , um , are we ? Friends ? Yeah , pals , buddies , that kind of thing ? Jeffrey : No . Josh : I did nt think so . Jeffrey : But our lives are connected , that s all . Josh : To say the least . But you do feel it , right , what s happening ? Jeffrey : All right , now I really am starting to feel uncomfortable . Josh : You know what I m talking about . Jeffrey : Yes , I do . Josh : The cracks are getting deeper , Cassie and Reva , Cassie and Will . Everything that has been going on with Jonathan and his baby . Alan , your career , my career . Jeffrey : Everything is all sort of crumbling at once . Josh : It s like that movie with ... who is it , Hercules , and he is holding up the pillars , but the buildings are tumbling down around him . Jeffrey : Well , you hold up your pillars , and I ll hold up mine . Reva : Cassie , where the hell are you going ? Cassie : Well , I was going to the end of the driveway to pick up a delivery . Reva : Well , your driveway is back that way . Cassie : I realize that . I just wanted to see how far you would stalk me . Reva : Stalk ? Please , cut the drama , Cassie . Cassie : That is funny coming from you . Reva : You ca nt run from me . Cassie : Sure I could . Reva : What good would it do ? Cassie : For one thing , it would stop you from judging me and blaming me for your anger issues ? Reva : My anger issues ? You are the one who attacked me ... twice . You tried to take a baby away from her father ... Cassie : Fine . I m angry , too . My son needs my help and all anybody wants to do is take him away from me . Why are you following me ? Do you want to take a hit at me . I bet that would feel good . Reva : Actually , that would feel great . Cassie : Well , go ahead . Reva : But that s not why I m here . I m here because I have more important things to do than deal with you . Cassie : Like the fact that we re lost in the woods ? Billy : Hey , nice coat . You know , at that age , things are so simple . Jonathan : Well , it gets more complicated when you re pretending to be dead . Billy : Well , when Bill came back , he gave people a lot of headaches . He reminded them of you . Jonathan : He wishes . Billy : Well , the point is , he hurt Lizzie and he embarrassed me , so I had to fight him on my own . Jonathan : From the sounds of it , he deserved to be smacked around . I know I did . Billy : Well , he s my son , and if you re going after him , you re kind of saying it is you versus me . Jonathan : You do nt want to do that , Billy . Billy : You have a right to protect your kid , but so do I. Lizzie : Look , no frostbite , thanks to you . Bill : Well , I m going to take care of you , blondie . I am not afraid of Jonny boy . Lizzie : I know . That s what I m scared of . Bill : I ve taken on worse . Lizzie : What does that mean ? Bill : When I walked out and you were gone ... Lizzie : Yeah , well , thanks for finding me . Bill : Yeah , well , I m not sure if I wanted to ... Lizzie : Then why did you ? Bill : I do nt know . Just felt like I had to , I guess . I had the keys in my hand , and then I just started driving , and I felt like I could nt stop until I found you . Crazy , huh ? Lizzie : A good crazy . Bill : Right . Coop : And Doris was flirting with Dad . Buzz : No flirting . There was no flirting . Marina : Oh , Grandpa , you dog you . Buzz : What ? Marina : I thought you were already spoken for . Frank : Everybody in this family is spoken for . Coop s got Ashlee , and Dad has Lillian ... Coop : And Doris . Frank : Marina s got Cyrus and I ve got the force and my desk and a nice box of stale doughnuts . Buzz : Frank , you are so pathetic . We ve got to get you a girl . Marina : Hey , family project , 2008 . Coop : I m in . Frank : I m not . Sometimes it is okay to go it alone . Look at sis , she is doing fine by herself . Marina : Yeah , she usually gobbles up the first man she sees . Harley : Okay , what are we talking about ? Frank : We re talking about you , actually . And how nice it s been that you ve been all by yourself and things have been fine . Marina : Without a man . Ashlee : Mom . Did you have a good lunch . Doris : Yeah , no thanks to you . I had chili dogs . I hope you had had fun while I have indigestion . Ashlee : Mom , a good friend needed me . One day you ll know what that s like . Rick : I m a real Yankee doodle dandy , born on the 4th of July . I ve got me a Yankee doodle sweetheart , she s my Yankee doodle joy . I am a Yankee doodle boy ! Jonathan : What ? What ? Hello . Josh : Okay , well , I ll talk to Cassie about this question business . ( Cell phone rings ) Jeffrey : ONeill . Reva , what s wrong ? Reva : Well , there is nothing really to worry about . I m just sort of , kind of ... well , kind of lost . Jeffrey : Lost ? Where ? Reva : That s the thing about being lost ... I m lost ! Jeffrey : Where were you the last time you knew where you were ? Reva : At Cassie s house . Jeffrey : With Cassie ? Josh : Uh - oh . Jeffrey : Is everything okay , other than you re lost ? Reva : Everybody is still alive , so far . Jeffrey : Well , hang on the phone , and we ll ... Reva : Jeffrey , are you there ? Jeffrey : Reva , can you hear me ? Reva : Hello , Jeffrey , hello . Jeffrey : I lost the connection . Josh : Well , this ca nt be good . Not after Reva told me what she really wanted to do is smack Cassie in the face . Cassie : Why did nt you give him more details ? Reva : I was trying to , but my phone pooped out . Cassie : Maybe you did nt want them to find us , so you can finish telling me how much you hate me . Reva : I never said . I said that you re out of control , and that you re throwing you re life and Joshua s away . Cassie : Now what we re getting to the heart of the matter . Reva : This is nt about me and Joshua . Cassie : Can you just call him Josh . Joshua . Joshua . It is ownership , it is a statement of , I know him in a way you never will . Reva : Yeah , well , I do . Cassie : Reva , he is my husband now . Why do you feel the need to undermine me . Reva : I do nt . Cassie : What did you do before , you called Josh ? Reva : Yep . Cassie : About me ? Reva : I told him if you do nt get your act together , I m not trying to come between you and Josh .... I m trying to stay the hell out of your life . Cassie : You re trying to stay away from him , except for the time you slept with him , and except for the time you spent Christmas in the mall with him . You are failing . Reva : No , Cassie , you re failing . You lost control of Will , R.J. is suffering , and your marriage is crumbling . Cassie : All right , stop . Would you just stop it ! I m sick and tired of you telling me what to do ! I m sick and tired of you . Reva : Then stop trying to be me , because you never can be . Cassie : I am not trying to be you . I can not be that selfish . Reva : I ca nt believe you just said that . Because you are the most selfish person I have ever known . You have no idea what is right in front of you ? Cassie : Actually , I know where I am . Reva : No , I do nt think you do . Cassie : The lighthouse . Reva : We at least found our way . Cassie : Did we ? Reva : When our mama got mad , she used to crack the knuckle in her little pinky . She would crack it so loud , and that s when me and Rusty and Roxy knew it was time to run . Cassie : Do you think she is cracking like crazy , wherever she is now ? Reva : I know she d hate this . Cassie : I hate this . Reva : So do I. Cassie : What do we do about it ? Reva : I know it does nt just go away . We have enough to worry about with Alan and Jonathan , and helping Will , and if we just keep fighting each other ... Cassie : Hey , is that Josh ? Reva : And Jeffrey ? Jonathan : It s just you and me , kiddo , yeah . The way it s always been . And the way it s always going to be . Nobody loves you like I do . Nobody . Nobody . Bill : Have you seen enough ? Lizzie : I m not going to let him take my daughter away from me again . From now on , I am going to fight him with whatever I ve got . Bill : We ll both fight him . Here we go . Everybody wants truth everybody wants hope everybody clings to sex like soap on a rope everybody gets low , everybody gets high everybody s feet are on the ground , and head s in the sky you try letting go you try letting go only love can save the world only love can save the world only love can save the world only love can save the world only love can save the world only love can save the world everybody feels good everybody feels bad but nobody wants to lose love if they already have take it on faith take it on loan take it any way you get it who wants to be alone try letting go try letting go ... only love can save the world only love can save the world only the love can save the world only love can save the world only love can save the world only love ... you ll never know until you try oh , when you try , let your feelings go only love can save the world only love can save the world only love can save the world only love can save the world only love can save the world only love , only love only love can save the world . Coming up on Guiding Light ... Bill : Let me do this . Lizzie : Not a good idea . Bill : Let me get your daughter back . Do you trust me ? Lizzie : We are very hot together . I m just trying to make you happy . Jonathan : How far are you willing to go ? ### Summary:
Lizzie wants to know where Jonathan is taking her . Dinah gives Harley advice on how to handle life . Natalia and Rafe are at a church and Daisy comes in . Natalia say go ahead and be with her . Reva is fuming over Cassie . And is telling Josh about it . Finally Jonathan stops the car , gets out . Lizzie follows . Jonathan asks why she left the wedding . She says she was scared . Lizzie says she wants to be with him ( Bill ) when he asks her . Jonathan says Bill is a threat to him and the baby . She also says she wants her daughter , but also wants more in life . He gets back in the car and drives off leaving Lizzie in the middle of nowhere . Cassie is having a day of it . First she is trying to collect wood . Then gets a call from a guard at that knows about Will . Alan and Beth meet up at the courthouse . Beth is changing Roberta s last name to Raines . Bill talks to his Dad about Lizzie . Reva meets up with Jonathan . Notices he s not happy . Meanwhile Lizzie is still in the middle of nowhere . Reva asks about Lizzie . Jonathan tells her what transpired and that he left her in the woods . Reva ca nt believe her ears . A car come up by Lizzie . The driver is Bill . Ashlee offers her mother lunch . Doris is shocked . Buzz is with Ashlee when she asks her mom to lunch . Then all of the sudden Ashlee s phone goes off . Ashlee says she has to go , leaving Buzz and Doris to wonder . Reva and Cassie meet up . Reva tells Cassie she just realized she is angry . Though things are going good now in her life . Jonathan and Sarah are home , health is good . But there is one threat , Alan . To which Cassie says it is not her problem . Bill takes Lizzie to the hospital . She wants to leave , but says she will let them check her out . Ava and Dinah meet up at a Beauty Salon . Ava is having her toenails done . Dinah is just visiting and asking a lot of questions . Mallet talks to Harley about coming back to the force . Then Alan interrupts with a cigar saying he is celebrating . Josh talks to Jeffrey about Cassie , Reva and Will . Josh wants Jeffrey s help in figuring out what to do . In the middle of the woods , Reva and Cassie argue . Then they find out they are lost in the woods . Billy gives Jonathan advice about Bill and Lizzie . Billy actually thinks Lizzie is better off with Jonathan . Tells him to fight for her . The Cooper clan minus Harley are having a meal talking about Harley , when all of the sudden she appears wanting to know what is going on . Rick is flipping out . Jonathan spends time with Sarah at the park . Lizzie sees this . Reva calls Josh to tell him that she and Cassie are lost . Then the phone goes dead . Josh tells Jeffrey what Reva wants to do to Cassie . Back in the woods Reva and Cassie are arguing again about Josh . Reva tries to tell Cassie she is falling apart and so is her marriage . Reva continues to say RJ and Will are suffering . All because of the revenge Cassie wants on Alan . When things quiet down between Reva and Cassie , Reva tell her about the elder Sarah and what she used to do when Reva , Rusty used to get on her nerves , that was to crack her knuckles . After some talk , Reva and Cassie hug . Now there is a montage of cast members doing there thing while music plays . Josh meets up with Cassie during this time and hugs her . Mallet visits Rick . Jonathan puts a flower on Tammy s grave . Bill and Lizzie kiss during this time also ..........
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ethan : I love you so much . I ll love you forever , only you . Ethan : Oh , wow ! Gwen : Hey , you ok ? Ethan : Yeah , yeah , I m sorry . I had a pretty intense dream . Gwen : Hmm , did it have Spanish subtitles ? Ethan : Look , Gwen , I thought we settled this last night . I love you , not Theresa . I want to be with you , and only you , not Theresa . Gwen : Ethan , that s what you say , but-- Ethan : Let me guess , you do nt believe me , right ? Gwen : Honey , we ve had this discussion so many times , but Theresa always manages to creep back into our lives . Ethan : Not this time . Gwen , she s moved on . She s -- she s starting over with Jared . Gwen : Maybe . But have you moved on ? Ethan : Look , would I have agreed to represent Julian in a custody suit against Theresa if I was still pining away for her ? You saw how mad she got at me at the mansion when I started defending Julian s rights as little Ethan s father , right ? Gwen : Yeah , I -- yeah . Ethan : Ok , ok , well , then there you go . There you go . You have no reason to worry . I m going to shower and shave . You should snooze . Gwen : Well , for once it s not Theresa I m worried about , Ethan ; it s you . Can you really let her go ? Theresa : That s correct . I want hourly updates on my mother s medical condition . And since the Crane Foundation funds much of Harmony Hospital s budget , it should nt be a problem . Thank you . Jared : Hey , Tess , I got your message . Everything all right ? Theresa : Jared , it all depends on you . Jared : Uh - oh . Theresa : I want you to sit down , have some coffee if you d like . There s something that I need to discuss with you . Jared : Why do I feel like I m going to be fired ? Of course , you ca nt fire me because I do nt work here . Theresa : I m hoping you will . Jared : I will what ? Theresa : Work here at Crane with me . I m offering you the executive position that you interviewed for . Jared : Oh . Theresa : Did you -- did you take another job ? Jared : No , I just -- well , I do nt want you to give me the position just because I m , you know , dating the boss . Theresa : Oh , no , no , no . No , that s not why I am offering you this position . I think that you ve got the knowledge and expertise that I m looking for , as well as the loyalty you showed me when you helped me defend my rights as little Ethan s mother in front of Julian and Ethan last night . Bottom line , I think that you d be a strong asset to me and to Crane Industries . So , if you re still interested , the job is yours . Chris : I love making love to you in the morning . Sheridan : I love it , too . And I love you . Chris : Something the matter ? Sheridan : I was just thinking about everything that happened last night -- the mansion getting robbed , Pilar getting shot , all on the heels of you getting shot right outside the cottage . Chris : Sheridan , I m fine and Pilar will be , too . Sheridan : I just ca nt understand how the burglar got a hold of my family s alarm code . Chris : Well , it must be like you said . Rebecca got it from Julian , and then she gave it to one of her escorts . Sheridan : Yeah , I guess so . At least Luis is on the case . If anyone can find out who robbed the mansion and shot Pilar he can . He wo nt rest until whoever hurt his mother pays and pays dearly . That goes for anyone who helped the guilty party . Chris : I m going to shower and shave . Sheridan : I ll start breakfast . Chris : Let s go out for breakfast this morning , my treat . Sheridan : Really ? I d love to . Chris : Great . Oh my , you are ravenous this morning , huh ? Luckily , I ca nt get enough of you either . Sheridan : You know , I want you to hold that thought till later . I just want you to know how I feel to have you and James in my life . After the mansion being robbed and Pilar being shot , I know that I can feel safe and sound with you . I can trust you with my life . Chris : I m hardly a knight in shining armor . Sheridan : But you are to me . You are the one man who has never hurt or disappointed me . All the other men in my life have let me down , even Luis . Sam : Fancy . Fancy : Chief Bennett . Good morning , sir . Sam : Sam will do for now . Fancy : How s my mother feeling ? Sam : Better . Although hearing Pilar was shot really shook her up . Fancy : Yeah , I can imagine . I mean , Pilar worked for my mother before she worked for my family . Sam : Were you at the fair when Luis got the call ? Fancy : Yes , Luis was beside himself . We all were . I still ca nt understand how someone got my family s private alarm code to get into the mansion and rob it . And the worst part is , Pilar just happened to be there when it happened . Sam : Where s Luis ? Fancy : I have nt seen him yet . He must have stopped by the hospital to see Pilar on his way in . Maybe she remembered something about who shot her . Sam : Well , maybe . But even if she does nt , Luis will not rest until he finds the culprit . Luis : You got that right . Sam : Nothing new with your mom ? Luis : I do nt give a damn who the hell did this . But when I find him , I m going to deal with them myself , my way . Chris : You know , I am so proud of you , Sheridan . You were amazing to watch . Sheridan : Luis is a good teacher . Chris : I can see that . The way Fancy and he moved in sync together , I would never have guessed that was Fancy s first time doing the tango last night . They really had chemistry together . I mean , you could feel it , with every move and every -- every look . Sheridan : My muffin s a little gooey . Chris : Is it ? No , it s fine . You want something else ? Sheridan : Oh , no , I ve had my fill for now , thanks . Chris : So , what do you want to do today ? Sheridan : Well , now s as good a time as any to tell you . I ve been thinking about what to do ever since I lost Marty and our baby . I want to have a purpose . I want to get involved in something outside the home . I mean , do nt get me wrong . I love being your wife . And I love being a mother to James . But he s going to be in preschool soon , and I do nt want to spend my days filling my days . I want to work . Chris : What , as in get a job ? Sheridan : Not just any job , one at Crane . Chris : Good for you . So , what would you do at Crane ? Sheridan : Well , since Fancy left her job to train to be a cop , I thought I d talk to Theresa about taking over Fancy s job in fashion design . I was on the best - dressed list every single year I lived in Europe . When I came back to Harmony for what was supposed to be a quiet life , I got away from all of that , but fashion s in my blood . So ... Chris : Why not make it a career ? Sheridan : Exactly . Chris : I think it sounds perfect . Sheridan : And since Theresa opened a day care center at the Crane complex , I can have James at the office with me . Chris : This is just all to perfect . Sheridan : So I have your blessing ? Chris : Go knock it out of the park . Sheridan : Thank you , sweetheart . Chris : You know , great minds , they must think alike because I ve been thinking about it as well . Sheridan : Really ? Chris : I wanted to get James settled after Maureen s death and thanks in large part to you , he s doing better than I could ever hope for . Spike : Yeah , and the rug rat s not even your son . Chris : So , it s about time that I go ahead and get an accounting job . Sheridan : Are you allowed to work in accounting again after your involvement with the mob and the witness protection program ? Chris : Well , yeah , as long as I fly right , which I swear I will do . Sheridan : I know . Why do nt you work at Crane ? I m sure if I asked Theresa will hire you . Sam : Luis , need I remind you about keeping a cool head ? You ca nt use your position on the force to play vigilante . I mean even talking about getting revenge on who shot your mom could compromise your bid to make detective again or , of course , put this department in a bad position . Now , I do nt want to take you off this case , but I will . Luis : Do nt take me off the case . I m just angry , ok ? Sam : Luis , I understand where you re coming from . I mean , Spike drugged Jessica , turned her into hooker . I did nt want to go to prison for killing him . So I m just going to bide my time and let him do himself in . Luis : Well maybe he already has . Spike s still my number one suspect for shooting my mom and robbing the mansion . Sam : Well , nothing surprises me about Spike . I was going to talk to Jessica about what she knew , but after I read your report , it seems that Spike has an alibi and a pretty strong one at that . Luis : After you read my report ? I have nt even written my report yet . Sam : It s right here . Fancy : I better go get ready for class . Fancy : Is there a problem , officer ? Luis : Is there a problem ? Fancy : Mm - hmm . Luis : Yeah , I think there is a problem . You wrote this report , did nt you ? Jared : So , you re offering me the executive position I interviewed for ? Theresa : That is correct . This will be your starting salary , plus stock options , full health insurance , and a complete benefits package . Jared : Well , that s more than I thought it would be . Theresa : Why ? I reviewed your resume . You did nt tell me that you graduated from law school and you passed the bar with flying colors . Jared : Yeah , and I have my MBA . I m a double threat , you know . It s common nowadays . You have to know the law inside and out to really get ahead in the marketplace . Theresa : Well ? Jared : Well , if I do take the job , I would have to insist on a six - month review . At which point in time , I d like my stock option to be doubled . Theresa : Doubled ? Jared : Well , you ll see my contributions to the company will more than justify it . And if not , just fire me . Easy as that . Theresa : Well , you certainly are nt shy about asking for more . Jared : Well , you want the best , you got to pay for it . Theresa : You re hired . Jared : Well , thank you , Mrs. Crane . Theresa : Well , thank you , Mr. Casey . I think we will work very well together . Jared : Well , so do I. Theresa : Ok , why do nt you just sign your life away and I m just going to make some notes . Jared : Happy to . Theresa : Thank you . Jared : This IRS form has Ethan s name on it . Theresa : Oh . Uh , that must have been left in by mistake . Jared : Well , did you offer the job to Ethan before ? Theresa : I did . And obviously , he turned it down . Jared : Why ? Theresa : He had his reasons , Jared . Jared : Were you one of them ? Theresa : Excuse me ? Jared : Look , I know you were in love with Ethan for years , and now you and I are dating and working together . Theresa : So , what does one thing have to do with the other ? Jared : Well , you tell me , Mrs. Crane . Are you trying to get me to fill Ethan s spot here in the workplace and out in the real world ? Ethan : I hate that this happened to you . You ve got to be all right . Please be all right . Pilar : Ethan . Ethan : Oh , Pilar , Pilar , I did nt mean to wake you . I m sorry . Do nt talk , just go to sleep . Pilar : No , Ethan . I ll rest later , after we talk . Ethan : Pilar , you need to rest . Do nt exert yourself , ok ? Just , just -- Pilar : I -- please -- I should have said something before now when I may not have much time . Ethan : Do nt even say that . Listen to me , you re going to be fine . Pilar : Ethan , please . Please , it s ok , just let me -- Ethan : Ok , ok . Pilar : Let me say what I need to say . Ethan : Shh , ok . Pilar : You ve said that I ve always been like a second mother to you , right ? Ethan : Yes , that s right . I love you very , very much . Pilar : And I love you , Ethan . I m going to give you the same advice I gave my son , Miguel . Do nt let anybody stand in the way of your happiness , ok ? Leave Gwen . You belong with little Ethan and Jane and Theresa . They re your family , Ethan , not Gwen . They re your family . Sheridan : Just think -- if you work at Crane , the three of us can go in together every day . We can drop James off at daycare and we can take turns visiting him during the day . Chris : You know , I appreciate the offer , but I just do nt feel comfortable taking a job at the company . I want our marriage and our jobs to be separate . Sheridan : Why ? Chris : Because I want to be an independent man . Independent of Crane s family money , independent of yours , and of the company s . Now , can you understand that ? Sheridan : Chris , wow ! I mean , not only do I understand ; I love you even more for it . Chris : You do ? Sheridan : Yes . All my life , men have used me for my money . I mean , Luis and Antonio were nt like that , and I know you re not either , but refusing to let me help you makes me have so much more respect for you and see what a wonderful man you are . Spike : Oh , my God , that Boothe is an idiot to let a golden opportunity like Sheridan pass him by . Gwen : Hey , you guys . Chris : Hey . Sheridan : Hi . Gwen : How are you , sweetheart ? Chris , hi . Chris : Hi . Gwen : I m surprised to see you guys here . Sheridan : Chris was just treating me to breakfast . Gwen : Oh . Chris : Gwen , please , join us . Gwen : Well , thank you . Chris : I m getting a text message . Chris voice : Damn ! Sheridan : Something the matter with James ? Chris : No , just a head hunter trying to get in touch with me . Excuse me for a moment . Sheridan : You look tired . Did nt you sleep well ? Gwen : No , I did not and neither did Ethan . Sheridan : Yeah , last night was intense with Pilar being shot and the mansion being robbed . Gwen : Yeah , but it s more than that . You know , it s -- it s Theresa . Sheridan : I thought Theresa was letting go , moving on , giving up on Ethan for good . Gwen : Well , in some ways she is . Sheridan : Then what s the problem ? Gwen : It s Ethan . I m not sure if he can let her go . Pilar : You need to be with Theresa . Ethan : But I m married to -- I m married to -- Pilar : Please just -- please hear me out in case -- Ethan : Shh , I m listening to you . Pilar : Ok . Jane is your daughter with Theresa , and little Ethan is your son . Ethan : My son ? My son ? Pilar : I mean -- I mean , he s like a son to you . You re the only real father that boy has ever known . Ethan : Pilar , I love that little guy so much . Pilar : And I know you still love Theresa . So be with her , Ethan . Ethan : But I love Gwen . I do . And Theresa -- your daughter has moved on with Jared . Pilar : No , leave Gwen and Theresa will leave Jared to come back to you you belong together -- Ethan : Shh , shh . Relax -- Pilar : You and Theresa belong together . Ethan : Please , please , just rest . Pilar : Please . Ethan : I have -- Pilar : Just promise me you ll think about what I ve said . Please . Ethan : I promise I will , but -- Pilar : Please , Ethan . You know in your heart I m right . You belong with Theresa . Go be a family with Theresa . Pilar : Oh , Holy Mother . I know that encouraging a married man to forsake his wife is a sin , but Ethan belongs with my Theresa and his two children . He belongs with Theresa . Theresa : I do nt want you to think of yourself as an Ethan knock - off , Jared . You are you , and that is more than fine with me . Jared : Yeah and I know you and Ethan go way back . Theresa : And now , it s time for me to move on . And I m trying to put my past with Ethan behind me . I m trying to start living a life that does nt include the emotional chaos that loving him caused me , us , and everyone else . Now , focusing on this company and starting to date again , that s part of moving on . And , Jared , people are nt interchangeable . I could never replace you , Ethan , or my mother with other people even if I tried . Jared : I believe you . Theresa : Good . You know , I m glad you asked because we ve already had enough drama about me being Mrs. Crane . And I do nt want you to feel like I m playing you for a second time . Theresa : Excuse me . Yes ? Ok , just give me a couple of minutes , please , and then put the call through . Thanks . Ok . Jared , you ready ? I know it s short notice , but I need you to familiarize yourself with Das Fitzen - Mueller right here . I need you to understand everything that s going to be said on that call in order for me to close this deal . You got it ? Jared : Well , talk about taking the plunge . Theresa : Can you handle it ? Jared : No sweat . Fancy : Yes , I wrote the report for you , Luis . Luis : Why , huh ? What are you trying to do ? Fancy : I was trying to help you . Your mother s in the hospital after being shot during a burglary at my family s home . And since I was with you at the start of your investigation , and I knew you would nt have time , so I did it . Luis : Yeah , but you ve never done a police report before . This has to go to the court , which means it has to be accurate . Sam : Luis , it was a well - written report , very thorough , in fact . Fancy : Thank you , Chief Bennett . Luis : Do nt coddle her , Chief . Sam : I m not . I m just saying that it was a very good report . Luis : Thanks . Fancy : That s it ? Luis : Thanks a lot . I appreciate it . But do nt ever do it again without asking me . Fancy : But you said to be a good cop , that means to take the initiative . Sam : She s got you there , Luis . Luis : Yeah , but you re not a cop yet . You re just a cadet in training , which means that you defer to me . Fancy : Like my servants at home defer to me . Luis : Exactly . Fancy : Yes , sir . Sam : Unbelievable . Luis : What ? Sam : You two . Luis : Who two ? What are you talking about ? Sam : You know exactly what I m talking about . You just do nt want to admit it . Luis : Yeah , what about the case ? Sam : Yeah , the case . I would love to pin this on Spike , but unfortunately he has an alibi , so it looks like we re going to have to find another suspect . Luis : Not necessarily . Sam : Chris stated that he saw Spike at the fair the same time your mom was shot . Luis : Yeah . That s if you believe Chris . I do nt . Sam : Why not ? I mean , do you know something about Sheridan s husband that the rest of us do nt ? Theresa : Herr Mueller , your marketing department could increase revenue close to 75 % by merging with Crane Industries . Theresa : I m sorry , I do nt speak German . Mueller : I said that I doubt that our revenues would increase by as much as you say . When Folks Deutschland quoted us , they were loathe to promise a 20 % increase . Theresa : Well , you have to look at our prospectus . I mean , Crane s past performance speaks for itself . Jared : I d have to agree with Herr Mueller on this . A 75 % increase sounds like a ridiculous amount , do nt you agree ? Theresa s voice : What is Jared doing ? Mueller : [ Speaks German ] Jared : Well that s what I thought at first . Then I realized that every business that merged with Crane saw at least an 85 % increase in revenue . Mueller : Wunderbar ! Jared : Just think what Crane Industries could do with Das Fitzen - Mueller . Sheridan : Why would you think Ethan ca nt let go of Theresa ? Gwen : Because it bothers him so much to see her moving on with Jared . Sheridan : He did nt actually say that , did he ? Gwen : No , he denies having feelings for her but I know better . He says he loves me and that he chooses me , but the way he looks at her , Sheridan , I mean it s so obvious he s still in love with her . I told him he needed to make a choice . If he wants to be with Theresa , then he should be with Theresa because I do nt want to be married to a man who s in love with another woman . Sheridan : But he chose you . Gwen : You know , he always does and I do nt know if it s out of obligation or if it s because he really does love me and wants to be with me more than he wants to be with Theresa . Sheridan : I m sorry you re going through this . Gwen : I so want to believe that Ethan s with me because I have his heart , but at this point I m just really afraid that part of his heart s still with Theresa . You know , enough about me . You and Chris seem to be doing great . Sheridan : He s wonderful . We both decided we want to work like you and Ethan do . I m going to speak to Theresa about taking over Fancy s job at Crane . Gwen : That sounds perfect . Sheridan : Yes . And I offered to get Chris a job in Crane accounting , but he turned me down . He said he wants to be his own man . He does nt want my help or my money . Gwen : Oh , honey , that s a relief . Sheridan : It is . I can completely trust Chris . He has no agenda , no secrets , no connection to my father at all . I mean , Chris is exactly who he says he is . Chris : I do nt want to risk being seen with you , Spike . Our business is over so leave me alone . Spike : That s a no - can - do there , buddy . Chris : You ve already caused enough problems . Spike : What s the big deal ? You gave me an alibi , so now I m in the clear . Chris : Yeah , for now . You almost killed Pilar with that shot . Spike : Well , so , she did nt die . I guess it must be all the praying that I hear she does . Chris : Damn it , Spike . No one was supposed to get hurt . Spike : What was I supposed to do , huh ? Let Pilar call the cops on me ? Chris : Oh , so you go and shoot her ? I mean , that s a smart move . Spike : Hey , man , mamacita did nt see my face and it got me the hell out of there . Besides , Deputy Lopez ai nt got nothing on me , thanks to you giving that alibi . Chris : Sam and Luis are watching you . They know you re dirty . They re just waiting for you to muck up . Spike : Are they really ? Well , let them wait because I ai nt be getting dirty again any time soon . Chris : And what s that supposed to mean ? Spike : You ll see . Chris : What do you know about the dead Johns that Luis is investigating ? Spike : That s none of your business . Chris : You know , I do nt even want to know . Just get the hell out of my life . Spike : That s another no - can - do there , Boothe . You see , our partnership is nt over yet . Hell no , man , it s just getting started . Sam : Well , do you have any evidence that Chris is not on the up and up ? Luis : Evidence ? No , I do nt have any evidence , ok . I ve just got a bad vibe that something s not right with him . Sam : Well , normally I would trust your vibe , but I ca nt help but wonder if something more is nt going on . Luis : Like what ? Sam : Well , would you be this suspicious of Chris if he was nt Sheridan s husband ? Theresa : And thank you , Herr Mueller . We look forward to a long and profitable relationship with Das Fitzen - Mueller . Yes ! We did it ! One of Germany s largest companies is now part of Crane . Jared : Well done Frau Crane . Theresa : Thank you , Mr. Casey , I mean , Herr Casey . I could not have done it without you . Oh , thank you . Jared : Well , you know , I m just trying to earn my keep . Theresa : Oh , you re doing more than that . I still do nt even know how you did it though , you know . I mean , how did you know the increased sales figures from all the other companies that merged with Crane ? I mean , none of that was in the file that I gave you . Jared : I studied up on Crane before the interview . You know , I wanted to be up to speed . Theresa : What can I say ? You re amazing . I mean , you answered all of Mueller s concerns without missing a beat . Jared : Yeah . Sheridan : My advice is to give the situation with Ethan some time . Gwen : Yeah , but why ? You know , every time things come to a head and Ethan , you know , chooses me over Theresa , I sit back . I wait for him to prove he means it by distancing himself from her , but Theresa always finds a way to draw him back in . Sheridan : But that was before Theresa decided to move on . Gwen : Is this a case of Ethan wanting what he ca nt have ? Sheridan : Theresa just started dating Jared . Ethan probably needs a little time to let it sink in , just like Luis did when he learned I was dating Chris . Chris : I gave you the Crane family s alarm code . What more do you want ? Spike : Well , since you re asking , I just overheard your super - rich wife offer you a job in accounting at Crane Industries . Chris : Yeah , well , you would have heard me turn it down . Spike : Wrong answer . See , you re going to tell your little wifey - poo that you are going to take the job so you can be close to her and that little brat all day . Chris : Absolutely not . Spike : You re going to use your job to embezzle millions of dollars from Crane into the Bank of Spike . Chris : I said I wo nt do it . I ve already given you the code for the mansion s alarm system and a phony alibi . I m not doing anything more for you . Spike : Not unless you want your arrangement with Alistair to marry Sher - Sher kept a secret . Chris : You re not going to blackmail me any more . Spike : But I am . And you know that as well as I do . Luis : You think that I m suspicious of Chris because he s married to Sheridan ? No , ok ? There s a lot more than that . Sam : Chris saved your life in Hawaii . Luis : Yeah , I know that , ok ? I used to think that he was a good guy . Sam : Well , what changed your mind ? Luis : Lots of little things . One time , I was talking to Sheridan on the phone . Chris was eavesdropping . When Sheridan hung up , he stayed on the line . He said , Sheridan is mine now , ok ? Now , I m sorry , but good guys , they just do nt say stuff like that , ok ? Sam : I hope you re wrong . Anyway , I read your report about the attack on Jessica . You know what ? I m so happy that you and Fancy got there when you did . Luis : Well , Simone and Paloma deserve the credit . They did an amazing job of protecting Jessica as long as they did . Sam : I was surprised by what you wrote about Fancy . Luis : Why ? I thought she did a good job . Sam : Do you think Fancy will make a good cop ? Luis : I do nt know . Being a cop is nt just a job ; it s a way of life . Sam : Is it ever . Luis : Well , we made the sacrifices . I m just not sure that Fancy can make those sacrifices or even should . Sam : It s a tough call . Do nt get me wrong . I love what I do . I could nt see myself doing anything else . But I have to wonder if working those long hours took a toll on my marriage to Grace . If maybe that s why she left me and the kids to be with David . Luis : Well , I m still not sure that you can actually be a cop , be totally committed to the job , and have a relationship . Fancy s voice : You ll see it s possible , Luis . I m going to show you firsthand . Luis : I m not sure you can be a cop and have a relationship . Sam : You can if the right person comes along . Fancy : This was just faxed to you , Luis . It s marked urgent . Luis : It s the ballistics report from my mother s shooting . Well , I should have known . Sam : What ? Luis : The bullet that was used to shoot my mother matches a bullet that was used in a Harmony nightclub shooting -- a nightclub that Spike owns . Fancy : Wait , how is that possible ? Spike has an alibi . Chris said he saw him at the fair at the time your mother was shot . Luis : Here s another interesting match . The bullet from the gun used to shoot Mama matches the one that hit Chris . Fancy : Is nt that just coincidence ? Luis : I do nt think so . Maybe Chris is the one that needs an alibi and not Spike . There s something going on here . I m going to find out what it is . Spike : Now , you better get used to being under my thumb for as long as I want , maybe even forever . Now , let s get back to Sheridan , shall we ? You re going to tell her that you changed your mind and you want the job in the accounting department . And once you re in there , I trust you to embezzle millions of dollars for little old me . Chris : I said I wo nt do it . Spike : Really ? Boy , well , have it your way . I guess I ll go join Sheridan for a cup of joe and tell her all about you and Chicago . Chris : Wait , you know about that ? Spike : I told you I read Alistair s file on you , my brother . I know everything . Spike : Well , what do you know ? It looks like Sheridan s free just in time for our little chat . Sheridan : I wonder where Chris disappeared to . Chris ? Chris ? Spike : Looks like I wo nt have to go to Sheridan after all . She s coming straight to me . Man , I ca nt wait to see the look on her face when she finds out what a bad boy her lying fraud of a husband has been . Jared : We probably should nt do this in the office here . You know , do nt want the boss lady to catch us . You know how she can be . Theresa : Oh , do I ever . Jared : Well , I could kiss you all day , but I have work to do . Theresa : Right . Ok . Why do nt you have legal review this before I sign it , please ? Jared : I will do that . And then off to Europe it goes . Theresa : Jared , your office should be ready , just look for your name on the door . Theresa : All right , Whit , come on , you ve got to answer . Theresa : Whit , hi , it s me . I m sorry . I m just going to go ahead and leave you this message anyway . I offered the job to Jared and he accepted it . He s amazing , Whitney . He really , really is . I think working with him is just going to be like a dream come true . As for what happens outside the office , well , who knows . But I do nt know , I think I m starting to fall for him , Whitney , big - time . Theresa : I think Jared Casey is the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with . Fancy : Do nt , Luis , do nt ! Kay : Ready , aim , fire ! ### Summary:
Jared accepts Theresa s job offer , and makes himself useful right off the bat . As a thank you , she lays a passionate kiss on him , just in time for Ethan to walk in and see . If looks could kill ..... He had just gone to visit Pilar , who begged him to leave Gwen and be a family with Theresa , Little Ethan , and Jane . She said he is Jane s father , and Little Ethan s too , then covered it by saying L.E. thinks of him as his father . Once he sees Theresa and Jared he seems to lose the urge to follow Pilar s request . Gwen met with Sheridan in the Book Cafe , where Chris had taken her for breakfast , and told her friend she thinks Ethan still loves Theresa and wishes he d go with her if he does , because she does nt want a man who does nt want her . Sheridan advised her to wait and give him time . While they talked , Chris met with Spike behind the book shelves . Spike heard him turn down a job offer by Sher for becoming an auditor with Crane Enterprises , and wanted to threaten him into taking the job and siphoning off millions for him . Luis is still intent on proving Spike shot his mother , and also thinks Chris is involved . Sam tells him it s probably only because he s married to Sheridan , but Luis tells him he has reason to believe Chris is nt what he says he is . His proof does nt impress Sam , but when the bullet analysis comes in linking the bullet that entered Pilar with the one that was used in a shooting at Spike s old bar , and also to the one they got from Chris leg , it seems clear something is nt right . Fancy kept trying to get Luis attention while also kissing up to Sam , but is nt happy when she hears Luis telling Sam he does nt think Fancy is cut out to be a policeman .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Steffy : Come back to Forrester . Thomas : Even though I m financing the enemy ? Eric : I do nt condone what sally did . And I have big issues with this investment of yours in spectra . Steffy : I - I get -- I get why you did it , Thomas . Sally was a victim of bill s real estate ploy , and you wanted to step in . And maybe we ll find out if it was a right move or not , but that does nt even matter . You belong here . We want you back . Thomas : Even you , dad ? Saul : We do nt need him , you know . Sally : Need ... ? Saul : That tall friend of yours . Why is he in fashion anyway ? Thomas should be playing basketball . Sally : For the clippers or the Lakers ? Saul : No , uh , some European league . Or maybe -- maybe there s a , um , a far east team or Antarctic , huh ? That d be good . Sally : Absolutely . Saul : Yeah . [ Chuckles ] Sally : Well , as much as you would like to ship him off , he has helped us out tremendously . Saul : Maybe . Unless he s about to take it all away . Sally : He s not . Saul : He s meeting with his family right now . But -- but enough about that . We do nt have to rely on him , because , um , I ve got some designs . Sally : Saul -- Saul : And money . I have some money , too . Sally : Oh , you do ? Saul : Now , it s a modest savings . Not Forrester - esque , but enough . It would keep us afloat for a few weeks . We can do this , sally . You and me -- oh , what a team ! Come on . Forget about Forrester and partner up with me . You re all set . Looks like you were low on towels , so I left a few extra . If there s anything else , do nt hesitate to call . Rick : Merci . Maya : Uh , you know , I , uh , I think we need a few more towels . Rick : Pay no attention to my wife . Maya : What ? Rick : Well , sometimes when she s looking at pictures of our child , she tunes the rest of the world out . [ Chuckles ] I understand . I m the same way . Do you have a son or daughter ? Maya : A daughter . Her name is Lizzy . [ Gasps ] Adorable . Maya : Oh , thank you . We miss her very much . I bet . You go home to her soon ? Maya : [ Sighs ] Not soon enough . Vivienne : You ll get through this . You will . Nicole : Grow to accept it , you mean ? Never being able to have my own baby ? Vivienne : The doctor did nt say never . Nicole : We went to two different doctors . They both said the same thing . Scarred , infertile . Vivienne : Possibly . Nicole : Because I brought this angel into the world . Rick : Hey . Maya : Hey . Rick : What you working on ? Maya : Uh , Lizzy s schedule . I do nt want any one person to be overburdened , you know ? Rick : Oh , it s too bad my mom s on her honeymoon . She would have watched Lizzy in a second . Maya : I mean , Nicole would , too , happily , I m sure , but I just do nt want to ask too much . So , that is why I m hoping that my mother will be able to take an evening or two . Bonjour . Vivienne : Bonjour ! Oh , how s Paris ? Maya : Uh , it s beautiful . It s beautiful . But you wo nt believe this . The shoot that rick and I came here to do turned out to be much bigger than we thought . It s actually a huge campaign now , so we re gon na have to stay a little longer . Vivienne : Oh ! You re gon na stay longer ? Um , how much longer ? Maya : Not sure . Maybe another week . Vivienne : A week ? Maya : I know . I know . It s terrible . And we had to leave Lizzy with Nicole because our nanny had a last - minute emergency , and now it turns out that she s gon na be away even longer than we thought , so we ve been calling people frantically to see if they can help out . Coco and Pam have been absolute life savers . Vivienne : You know , I m trying not to take it personally that -- that you would , uh , turn to Pam and coco instead of asking your mother . Maya : That s why I am calling , to ask if you would help . Vivienne : Is that photo shoot that important ? Maya : Oh , mom , wait till you see it . Vivienne : I m sure it s a great opportunity . Nicole : Hand me the phone . Vivienne : Oh . Nicole : Hey . Maya : Nicole ? Nicole : What s this about a photo shoot ? Maya : Oh , my god . You will not believe . Nicole : Yeah , well , do tell . I m sure it s something pretty epic to keep you away from your baby . Sally : Partners , huh ? Saul : I mean it , sally . My grandfather knew how to save , and I inherited a bit , and I have nt squandered any of it , so let me invest it in you . But first give Thomas his money back . Sally : You have $ 100,000 ? Saul : Well , not exactly , but I have enough to keep the sewing machines turned on . And , uh , I have something else , too . Sally : What ? Shirley : What s going on in here ? Saul : [ Chuckles ] Thomas : So you re saying the only way I return to Forrester is if I get all my money back from sally , cut all ties . Is that where we re at ? I get my job if I ditch sally ? I care about her . We are in a relationship . You get that , right ? Ridge : I do nt think relationship is the right word here . Thomas : You want me to choose between love and family . Maya : Yeah , you know , that s the hardest part , being away from Lizzy for so long . But , Nicole , just wait until you see the shoot . You ll be blown away . Just picture Forrester gowns all over Paris . We re mixing couture , history , famous landmarks . It s gon na be huge for me and for Forrester . Nicole : Wow . Yeah . Worth every sacrifice , I m sure . Maya : Yeah , it will be worth it for the coverage , but , um , you know , I hope I m not asking too much of you . Nicole : Taking care of Lizzy ? Not at all . Maya : [ Chuckles ] Nicole : Is that funny ? Maya : Oh , no . I m sorry . It s rick . Hey , rick . Rick , I m on the phone . Babe , can you give me a minute , please ? Nicole : I should let you go . Maya : It is getting kind of late here . Oh , no , no , no . Just half a glass . Rick ! Nicole , you should see the glass of wine this man is pouring . And is that escargot ? Yes , I want some . Nicole : Well , I should get back to Lizzy . She s getting tired . Maya : Okay . Hey , thank you so much for spending so much time with her . I really appreciate it . But if it ever becomes a hassle , I can find someone -- Nicole : Hassle ? Never . Maya : Is something wrong ? Nicole : No . Maya : You just sound a little stressed . Nicole : I m fine . Enjoy your wine and escargot and posing in front of the Eiffel tower or wherever . I ve got everything under control here . Maya : Are you sure ? Nicole : Do your thing , Maya . Do nt you worry . Lizzy s in good hands . Saul : I think I ll go check on those fabric orders . Shirley : Uh , do nt stop ordering the cheap stuff just because we have an investor . Saul : I know , I know . Sally : Hey , Saul ? I appreciate what you said . Thank you . Shirley : Was he , um , giving you a pep talk ? I felt like I was interrupting . Sally : Something like that . Shirley : Hmm . Sally : Saul s so sweet . He s believed in me from the beginning , and he really thinks that we can make this company work and be legitimate . Shirley : We can , thanks to Thomas Forrester and his very generous investment , an investment that could go away if his family talks him out of it . Ridge : I do nt approve of what you did . But no , I m not asking you to choose . You re my son . I love you , and I want you to be happy . When I heard about you writing a check , it just ... it upset me . And yes , maybe I did nt handle it the right way . But you belong here . Thomas : You mean that ? Eric : We all agree . Steffy : Your personal life , that s your business . Even your investments . I do nt like you throwing money at sally , but do what you got to do . As long as you re doing it here . Ridge : You re part of this family and part of this company , and you helped make Forrester what it is . Steffy : I know that you felt unappreciated , but we re gon na change that . Dad and I are gon na make sure of it . Eric : What do you say , tom ? Come back . Ridge : We could use your help . Steffy : Forrester creations is your legacy as much as it is mine . Do nt walk away from it . Maya : That was odd . Rick : Odd how ? Maya : Um , yeah . The -- the call was weird . Um , Nicole . She -- she did nt sound like herself . Rick : It s not something to do with Lizzy , right ? Maya : No , no , she reassured me that Lizzy s fine , but she was in this mood , you know , like she was trying to make me feel guilty for being away . Rick : Well , I m sure that s not what she meant . You know what it probably is ? You re misinterpreting . You re already feeling your own guilt about being away that you re reading too much into what other people are saying . Maya : [ Sighs ] Yeah , you re probably right . I just hope she s not as stressed as she sounded . Nicole : It s not just me , right ? You find it weird , too , Maya calling around town , asking Pam of all people to watch Lizzy ? Vivienne : Well , I did nt want to feel insulted , but -- Nicole : Well , it s insulting . Vivienne : She did nt want to burden us . We both work so hard . Nicole : Burden ? This child is not a burden . At least not to me . I love her . Vivienne : Maya knows that . We all know that . Nicole : You re worried about me , are nt you ? Vivienne : It s been a difficult day . Nicole : Yeah , it has . Steffy : I d feel a lot better if Thomas had given us an answer . Ridge : He needs time to think . I get that . Steffy : What does he need to think about ? Why would he not come back to his family company ? Ridge : [ Sighs ] Maybe sally s offering something that we ca nt . Steffy : He can still see her . Hell , he can invest in that sinking company if he wants to . Ridge : Yeah , maybe he s just too upset to come back . Steffy : Oh , too upset , too stubborn . Ridge : He s a Forrester , after all . Steffy : [ Sighs ] Thomas : Busy ? Sally : Hey . No . Never -- never too busy for you . How d your meeting go ? Did they tell you to rip up the check you gave me and never to see me again ? Thomas : I thought they would , but they did nt . Sally : Oh , so they do nt want you back ? Thomas : No , they do . They do . But I can come back without the terms and conditions . My investments and my personal life are my business . Sally : That s -- that s -- that s great . So , what did you tell them ? Nicole : You probably think I m being too emotional , but ... Vivienne : Too emotional ? Listen , being told that you might not have a baby of your own , there s no such thing as too emotional . Nicole : [ Voice breaking ] Maybe it would nt be so hard if ... if I had nt already given ... and now Maya s in Paris , taking pictures . And how is being some modeling star more important to her right now ? Vivienne : No . No , it s not . Nicole : Sure seems like it . Vivienne : [ Sighs ] Nicole : I just ... I do nt know what s happening to me right now . Vivienne : You re hurting . That s understandable . Nicole : I thought I d have another child . I never questioned it . Vivienne : I know . I know . Nicole : Maybe daddy was right . Maybe I should have never given her away . Maya : You know what I just realized ? Nicole s tone . Rick : What about it ? Maya : It reminds me of when she first got to los Angeles . She had all the anger underneath , almost threatening . Rick : She was confused back then . She was trying to piece together stories that she was hearing . It s totally different between you two now . Maya : I just hope that nothing I ve done has made her question that . Rick : Oh , come on , Maya . Please . She carried our child for us . She loves you . You do nt have to worry about Nicole . But we do have to worry about that maid that was here earlier . Maya : What ? Rick : Well , she went to all the trouble turning down our bed . She s been doing all these things around here . I mean , gosh , we re just completely ignoring all her hard work . Maya : [ Chuckles ] Well , we may have to remedy that . Rick : Yeah , we just might have to do that . Maya : Mm - hmm . Rick : Listen to me . Lizzy s okay . It s all right . Everything is all right . Steffy : I m guessing we got through to Thomas . He just needs to stew about it for a while . Ridge : You re probably right . Steffy : There s no reason for him not to come back . Ridge : Love , maybe . Steffy : We told him he can keep seeing sally . We re family , and we re gon na be there for him even when his crush on sally is over . He has to stay at Forrester . Thomas has to know that . Sally : Well , this is cool . You can go back to work . Thomas : Yes , I can do that . Sally : That s what you told them ? Thomas : No , I did nt tell them anything . I wanted to tell you first . Sally : Tell me ... ? Thomas : Sally , we should talk . Sally : Okay , that they re not making you pull your investment , but maybe you feel like it s the right thing to do because you re going back to your family s company to be loyal -- Thomas : Sally , sally , hey . Calm down . My investment stays . Sally : Yeah ? Thomas : Absolutely . Sally : Oh . Okay . Thomas : I stay , too . Sally : S - stay ? Stay where ? Thomas : Stay here . Sally , I m -- I m tired of waiting for handouts and -- and hoping for my -- my turn in line . My time is now , with you . Sally : With me ? Thomas : Sally , yes . With you as -- as your lead designer , as your investor , and ... as your partner . Sally : Partner ? Wait , you want to be my -- Thomas : Your partner . Yes . How does that sound ? Sally : I mean , it sounds great . Thomas : Sally , sally , look at me . We are going to be the hottest design team in L.A. , All right ? Sally : Oh , my god . You re serious , are nt you ? Thomas : Sally , I m absolutely serious . This is what you came here to do -- put spectra on the map . Sally , come on . It s happening . Sally : Ah ! [ Laughs ] Shirley : Ladies and gentlemen , the design team of spectra fashions , Thomas Forrester and sally spectra ! Thomas : Sally , you came to L.A. with a dream , and I m going to see to it that that dream comes true . I m giving you the one piece that was missing , the one thing that was holding you back -- a partner . Sally : You . Thomas : Me . ### Summary:
Eric says they do not condone what Thomas did but they do want him to come back to Forrester . Steffy says he belongs here . Thomas thinks they are asking him to pick between Sally and his family and work . Sally says he is meeting with his family right now . Saul speaks up and says he has money , just enough to keep them afloat for a few weeks so just forget Forrester . She can give Thomas his money back . He closes his eyes and starts to kiss her . She anticipates it and moves her head so the kiss lands on her cheek . Shirley interrupts when she walks in . Saul leaves after Sally thanks him for what he offered to do . Viv tells Nicole that the doctor never said never ; possibly she still can have a child of her own . Maya calls from Paris and talks to Viv . She reports that Rick has more business and they may have to stay for another week . Viv says she will try not to be offended that they asked Coco and RJ to watch Lizzy and not her . Maya says that is why she is calling now to see if she could help in this added time . Nicole chimes in that she is sure the time will be an added pleasure and they will handle it . Maya thanks her and says she really appreciates it . Nicole tells her not to worry as Lizzy is in good hands . Later Rick tries to assure Maya that all will be okay . Nicole tells Viv that she knows she must think she is too emotional today but Lizzy could never be a burden to her . She never questioned but what she could have another child .maybe her dad was right that she should have never given her baby away . Ridge speaks up and says Thomas belongs here ; they all agree on that . He is part of this family and helped make Forrester Creations what it is . Steffy tells him that FC is as much his legacy as it is hers so do not walk away from it . Steffy tells her dad she wishes Thomas had given them an answer . Ridge says that Thomas simply needs more time and probably wants to talk to Sally first . Thomas laments to Sally that they want him back and they did not tear up the check and even told him his personal life is his business . She asks what he said to that . He says he is tired of waiting for handouts and waiting his turn in the company . His place is with her so he is not taking his money back . He wants to be her partner here at Spectra . They can be the hottest designer team in L.A. She wanted to put Spectra on the map and that is exactly what is happening . He lifts her off her feet and they hug and kiss . He says she came to L.A. for her dream and that is going to come true . He is now her partner . Steffy says there is no reason Thomas can not come back to work since they told him he could still keep seeing Sally . She can live with that until his crush will eventually be over .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Reva : I do nt expect you to get over losing Lara , but you will progress . Mallet : For us to have a baby of our own is not going to happen . Dinah : You can always adopt . Reva : Can you be at a memorial service tomorrow ? Dinah : Shayne wants a memorial service for Lara ? Reva : Well , it was my idea . Shayne : This is Shayne Lewis . Your daughter was the best person that I ve ever met . Josh : It s a nice idea , having a memorial service for Lara . Reva : I think it will help Shayne . Josh : You said you left him a message ? Reva : Well , I did nt want to leave it on his voicemail , but I told him that it was important , that it was about Lara , and to call me . I mean , there s still time . Josh : Maybe I should go over there . Reva : You know , I asked him if telling us about Lara helped , and he said it did . Well , actually , he nodded . He s been stuffing down his pain for so long , he really needs to grieve . Josh : Maybe this will give him the chance . Reva : I ca nt even imagine . The love of your life is there one minute , and the next she s gone . Josh : Actually , I do nt have to imagine . Jeffrey : Hey . Reva : Hi . Jeffrey : Have you heard from Shayne ? Reva : Not yet . Josh : I m heading over there right now . Jeffrey : You ... you re sure you want to do this ? Maybe ... maybe he is nt ready . Josh : Well , it s not an intervention . We re just trying to show some support , that s all . Dinah : Mailbox full ? Damn it , Shayne . Hi . Yeah , can I get a number for the motel off of Highway 52 ? The one right off the Springfield exit . Not that one . The dive right next to it . Thank you . Mallet : You probably did nt need to bring all of that . You know , they ll probably just tell us what we need to know . Marina : I know . I just want them to know that we went online , and we got our facts , and we re prepared ... for this thing . Unless you think that this whole thing just screams , These people obviously do nt know what they re doing . They had to go to Howtoadoptababy.com , in order to get through their interview . Damn , where is ... do you think anyone just heard me say that ? Because I do nt want them to think I cuss . Because I do nt cuss . You know I do nt cuss . Mallet : I know . I know , sweetheart . Marina : I just do nt want to screw this up , okay ? I do nt want them walking in here and telling us , no baby for you . I mean , the doctors did that , and we almost gave up . And now ... Mallet : We re going to be fine . We re going to be fine , and we re going to be parents . Doctor : Excuse me , Remy Boudreau ? Remy : Yeah ? Doctor : Dr. Malkin , Dean of Admissions at Johns Hopkins Medical School , and an old classmate of your father s . Remy : Oh , it s nice to meet you . You trying to reach my dad ? Doctor : Oh , no , no . I m having lunch with Clayton later . It s nice to catch up when I have a chance to meet him in town . And I thought , while I m here , why not give his son the good news in person . Congratulations , Remy . You ve been accepted into Johns Hopkins Medical School . Josh : Do you mind if I come in for a minute ? Shayne : No . Come on in . Josh : Your mother told me you were walking . Shayne : Yeah . I would ve called , but I figured that she went ahead and told the whole town , so ... obviously , I was right . Want a beer ? Josh : Well , it s a little early , but , yes , I ll have a beer with my son . That sounds great . Thank you . Um , here s to ... progress . Do you mind if I sit ? Shayne : Please . Josh : Are you sure that you do nt want me to help you may be find a bigger apartment ? Shayne : I m all good , Dad . Thank you . Why did you come buy , to sell me a condo ? Josh : Your mom left you a message yesterday . Shayne : Well , is she okay ? I was with her at the sonogram , and she was fine . What s ... Josh : She s okay , and the baby s okay . The message was about Lara . Your mom and I would like to have a memorial service for her . Shayne : I do nt mean to seem ungrateful , but , you know , please tell Mom thank you , and I will see you later . Josh : Son , son , son . Lara deserves this , and so do you . Shayne : I do nt deserve this . And , more importantly , Dad , I do nt want this . So before you guys go making any of your big plans ... Josh : Actually , we already have . Shayne : Hello , this is Shayne Lewis . I do nt know you . I do nt know how close the two of you were , but I thought you should know that your daughter was a very special person , and I miss her . I miss her every day . And I m sorry . I m sorry for your loss . Reva : Hi . You re early . Dinah : So , Shayne agreed to this ? Reva : Josh is talking to him now . Dinah : Now ? Reva : Uh - huh . Dinah : That s great . A great surprise . Reva , please , call this off . I would have said something to you yesterday , but you were too busy walking away from me . Reva : Do nt tell me how to take care of my son , Dinah . Dinah : I would nt have to if you were doing a better job of it . Reva : Shayne is mourning . And until recently , he was doing it all alone . This is what families do . They rally around each other in their times of need . It s healthy , and it s normal , which is probably why you do nt understand it . Dinah : This is nt about me . I do nt know exactly what Shayne needs any more than you know , but what I can tell you is that he does nt need this . Was I talking to myself the other day about hand - holding from Mommy is not going to do the trick here . Putting Shayne through this service , you do nt know what it will do to him . Reva : Oh , and you do ? Dinah : Honestly , no . But I m the one he is talking to right now . And if I m saying it is a bad idea , that should be enough to give you pause . Reva : I do nt pause when it comes to my family ! What , do you think I hesitate when someone I love is in trouble ? No . I do nt expect Shayne to show up here and have all of his pain just disappear . But I do expect for him to come in here and maybe find some peace . Dinah : Then maybe I should introduce you to your son , because I do nt think you know who he is right now . Christina : I want you to ask me who just did well on her MCATs ? Remy : I was there , remember ? Christina : How could I forget ? But it s so much fun to tell people . Do you know that I just spent the entire morning calling all of the med schools that I applied to and telling them my updated score . Do you know that I think I m going to get into one of my top draft picks ? Remy : Draft picks ? Christina : Remy , I ve been dreaming about this for years . I ve had more than enough time to organize the schools into tiers by their ... are you okay ? Remy : Yeah . Yeah , I just got off my shift . What do you see over there ? Christina : Um ... doctors . No , wait . Surgeons . Is this a test ? Yeah , definitely surgeons . You know , I thought about being a surgeon . You know , something specialized , but I do nt have to decide that until later , right ? I wonder if they do that every day , come over here and talk about their cases . Or maybe it s best to leave it at work , you know . Just to know inside that maybe you saved a life today . To know that every day ... well , you know , being a paramedic . What ? Remy : I ca nt hang long . I have to go to a memorial service . Christina : No wonder you re acting so strange . Why did nt you tell me ? Who died ? Remy : Shayne s girlfriend . Christina : Oh , my God . I did nt even know he had a girlfriend . Remy : He mentioned it a few times when we used to e - mail . He did nt bring it up , so I did nt ask when he came back . Word got out she died in some kind of accident over there . I should have asked . Christina : You did nt know . Remy : It all makes sense now , you know ? The drinking , getting into fights . Losing someone so violently can make ... can make you act out . Christina : I m going with you . I mean , I m not demanding that I go with you , but I m just saying that if you want me there , I ... I will be there if you want me there . Remy : I do . Thank you . Marina : This is taking a lot longer than I thought it was going to . I promised Reva that I would be there for Shayne , for that memorial service for his girlfriend . Mallet : Oh , yeah . Oh , yeah . Well , I ll finish up . Why do nt you go ? I ll finish up . Marina : Can we even do that ? Mallet : Well , yeah . I mean , our answers are almost identical on everything . So , you know , I ll do it . And if I get stumped , I ll call you . Marina : Really ? Mallet : Yeah . Marina : Okay . We re really going to do this . Thank you . Good luck . Mallet : Thank you . Reva : The only reason you re here , Dinah , is because Shayne has picked you to depend on , but I do nt trust you . I never have . And when I think about the things you did to my sister ... Dinah : That s right . You ve never done anything wrong . I m a different person now , Reva . Reva : I do nt buy that . People only change so much . Dinah : And that s exactly the kind of thinking that s keeping you from seeing who your son is . Reva : Maybe this was a mistake inviting you here . Dinah : You and Josh wo nt accept that he is not the same Shayne . You re having a memorial service for someone who does nt exist anymore . Reva : I understand that he s changed . Dinah : I do nt think that you understand how much . He tells me things . Reva : Well , he used to have better judgment . Now there s a change . Dinah : I can help him . Reva : He s not your project . Do you ever wonder why you re so alone , Dinah ? Do you wonder why nobody ever sticks around for very long ? It scares the living daylights out of everyone who loves Shayne that he s picked you to confide in . He s heard the highlights , but he does nt have the benefit of knowing all of the lousy things you did when you came back to town . Nor was he in a position to understand everything you did when you left town ! You worry that I do nt know who my son is ? I worry more that you do nt know who you are . Dinah : Well , I m doing what I need to do . You re pregnant . You re battling cancer . You have a lot going on , all right ? You leave Shayne to me . Reva : You should go . Shayne : I love you guys , but I need you to drop this . I mean , thank you for the thought , and thank Mom , too . But , Dad , I do nt want to be a part of a memorial service for Lara . Josh : I believe it will help . Shayne : And I believe that you do believe that . Josh : Look , everybody needs to feel connected , like they re not alone , especially at a time like this . Shayne : Do nt sermon me right now , please . Josh : Just ... Shayne , this was a last - minute thing . I do nt even think there will be many people there . Why do nt you just come with me , and take a look at what I m talking about , and then make your decision . Shayne : You know , I do nt know what everyone expects from me , but I obviously ca nt give it to them , okay ? Josh : Nobody expects anything from you . We re trying to give you an opportunity to say a real good - bye to Lara . Otherwise , if you do nt do that , you ll grieve for the rest of your life . You wo nt move on . Do nt you think she would want you to move on ? Shayne : Do nt say that . Josh : I m sorry . I apologize . Look , I know right now it seems like this pain that you feel is never going to go away , but you re young . You have your whole life ahead of you . You have the opportunity to live an extraordinary , meaningful life , accomplish great things . Look at what you ve achieved already . But you re stuck right now in a bad place . And you think there s no way out . But there is a way out . You just need a little help seeing it , that s all . The service will be at the chapel in about an hour . I hope we see you there . Jeffrey : Here you go . Reva : Oh , they re beautiful . Jeffrey : Well , they re not from me . I found them outside . Reva : Oh . For Lara , with love . Jeffrey : Who are they from ? Reva : It does nt say . Dinah : Your voicemail is full . I came by yesterday , and you were nt here . Shayne : Yeah , come on in . Hey , what s up ? Dinah : Did you talk to Josh ? Shayne : Yes , I did . Dinah : I tried to stop it . Your mom is convinced that you need to suffer through a memorial service . Shayne : Did you just come from there ? Dinah : Yeah . Look , you ... you do nt have to go . Shayne : You do nt think I should go ? Dinah : No . There s going to be a bunch of people there who never knew Lara , talking about her like they do . And it will tick you off , because it does nt take much . Shayne : So that s your reason why I should nt go , because I might get a little cranky ? Dinah : And you re going to sit there the whole time blaming yourself for her death . Shayne : I knew I should never have told you about my personal business . Dinah : If you had nt , you would still be in a wheelchair . And a lot easier to find . You ve been doing a pretty damn good job of avoiding me . Shayne : You and everyone else . But nobody seems to want to give me any time . Dinah : You needed to tell somebody . Shayne : I told you because you would nt shut up . Dinah : The nicer people are at that service , the more it s going to make you feel like you killed her , which you did nt . That was an accident . Shayne : You sure about that ? Dinah : Yeah , it was mistake . Shayne : Yeah ? It was my job to clear that field . Dinah : It was an accident , okay ? And no one will blame you . You almost died in that blast . And your family means well , but they can not force feed you closure . You know , I hate that word , too . I hate that word , too . Shayne : Yeah , me , too . Dinah : They should let you get there when you get there . Shayne : I keep hearing about there , and it sounds like a great place . Everyone says that when I get to there I m going to be back to normal again . Everything is going to be just fine . I m going to go back to doing great things . I m going to have hope - tinted glasses looking at the world there . Dinah : Shayne , you do nt have to go . Mallet : Here we go . Thank you . Woman : Mr. Camaletti ? Mallet : Yeah ? Did I forget to sign something ? Woman : No . It looks like everything is here . I thought we might start with an informal interview . Mallet : Oh , well , my wife just left for a memorial service . Woman : There are many interviews involved . Joint , individual , formal , informal . We can at least start the process , if you re okay with that ? Mallet : Um , yeah . Let s ... um , sure . Remy : Let me pay for this , and then we can go . Christina : Okay . You got into Johns Hopkins Medical School ? I m sorry . I saw the envelope . I could nt resist . Remy , why did nt you tell me ? This is one of the best medical schools in the country ! Remy : I do nt know . Christina : Is it Shayne ? What s going on with him ? Is that ... or maybe you just thought that I was nt going to get into a school that good , so you do nt want to hurt my feelings ? Remy : No , that is nt it . Christina : What , then ? Your parents must be over the moon . Remy : I do nt know if I want to go . I do nt know if I want to be a doctor , okay ? We should get to the church . Reva : You know , maybe they re from Lara s father . I mean , we do nt know much about him . Josh : Well , you would think he would have signed the card , though . Besides , how would he even know about this ? Reva : Maybe Shayne sent them . So he really said he would nt come ? I mean , did he say that ? Josh : Actually , he did nt say much , except he does nt want this . Marina : You look like you re on duty . Jeffrey : Just waiting to greet the guests . Remy : Sorry we re late . Jeffrey : That s okay . So is Shayne . Reva : Hi , guys . Josh : Thank you for coming . Reva : We re just about to get started , so , um , you can go ahead and sit down . Jeffrey : This is a lot for you . Reva : No , no . It s fine . I m fine . Let s just start . Josh : We ca nt have a memorial service for Lara if Shayne s not here . Reva : There are still things that can be said , even without him here . So just call him again in a few minutes . Josh : Okay . Mallet : Well , we thought there was a possibility , you know , given the medical advancements , but , well , not in our case . So that s when we started thinking about adoption . And we really want a family , and we really want to give a kid a home . Woman : Had you considered adoption during your previous marriages ? Mallet : No . No , it was never the right time . I do nt think it was really the right marriage . I think Marina is the first relationship I ve been in where I truly feel like we re a team . And maybe that s because we were really good friends before she was my wife . But , um , she s taught me so much . Woman : She sounds like quite a woman . I look forward to meeting her . A quick question about your employment history . Mallet : Yeah . Woman : I see an eight - year gap between your job in Florida and the Warden s position . Mallet : Yes . That ... I was working , um , security in the private sector . Woman : Well , if you could write your client references for that period of time , that would be helpful . Mallet : No problem . Yes . Of course . Reva : You can come up and say something if you d like , or you do nt have to . We could all just sit quietly with our thoughts . Dinah : I ll sit on the inside in case you want to leave fast . An empty room , crowded too soon leave through the fire escape Reva : I m glad you came . Picture myself , running like hell making my getaway Marina : I guess I ll go first . I m sad that I will never have the opportunity to know Lara in person , but I am so glad that while she was here , she got to know what it s like to be loved by Shayne . The happiness and the comfort of knowing that you re with a really great guy , one that never fails you . If Shayne says he is going to hit a homer for you , he does . And if you feel like you are so mad that you just need to throw plates , Shayne will stand by your side and hand you those plates . It s rare to find someone in this world that is so determined to make everything around him better . Remy : Um , I m not too good at this kind of thing , you know . Shayne , you re the strongest person I know , man . You re strong all around . You re the closest thing that I have to a brother , and that s a feat unto itself . I m not always a treat to be around . You can ask her . Christina : He s not . ( Laughter ) I do nt know you , but I do know about loss . After my mother died , my grandmother used to say to me , Chrissy , do nt be greedy with your sadness when you ve got someone still here who wants to take it away . It always seemed to help me . Josh : Shayne , your mother and I have something for you that we hope will help . That s a press release that will go out tomorrow , announcing that the new building that is going up at the H.B. Lewis Memorial Hospital will be named in honor of Lara Pasano , who was killed while doing her part to make the world a safer place . It s a small way of connecting her forever to this family in the way that Shayne had intended . Reva and I will also be establishing a scholarship to be awarded to the student who best exemplifies her and Shayne s dedication to helping others . Dinah : You want to go ? Josh : Lara will never be forgotten . Shayne : I need to say something . She was my best friend . I loved her very much . And I do nt know what else to say . Everything that I wanted ... ever wanted from this world was all ... was all wrapped up in the life that we were planning together , and then she was gone . And I felt like I was nt ... I was nt really living , you know . I was kind of existing ... kind of . And then Dinah found me . I know that I have nt been easy to deal with . But it has been really good to be home , to see all of you . Especially my parents . Dad , I m really sorry about earlier . I just did nt know if I could do this . Josh : That s okay . You re doing fine . Shayne : And I want all of the bad stuff to be behind us . The accident , everything . Okay ? Because I need you to know that you are the best man I ve ever met , and I do think that you and Mom should still be together . But I guess , obviously , Jeffrey , you make her happy , and you better keep it up . And , Mom , I m really happy that you re having this baby . I have nt told you , but I m happy , because I ve never seen you smile so much . And you were right the other day when you said that you are going to make it . Reva : I m sorry , but I believe what I said that we ... we re going to make it , the two of us . Frank : What happened to you ? Mallet : Nothing . A long day . Lots of paperwork . Frank : I thought you had the day off ? Mallet : Yeah . Um , we ... um , I should let Marina tell you . She s going to be here soon . She went to that memorial service for Shayne s girlfriend . Frank : Yeah , I heard about that . That s a shame . Mallet : So we went to an adoption agency today . Frank : What ? Mallet : Yeah . Frank : I m going to be a grandfather ? Grandpa Frank ? Grandpa Frank ! I do nt know , that s not going to go well with the ladies . Mallet : Can you remember that this is about me ? Frank : Come on , man ! Congratulations ! Well , it s not just about you . It s about Marina and the baby ! That s awesome ! Mallet : No , no , no . Frank , slow down . There s no baby yet . I mean , they do nt just pass them out . You do nt just go to Baby Mart and get one at the checkout counter . Frank : Are you okay about all of this ? Mallet : Yeah , I m great about this . This is what I want , more than anything . I want a family with Marina . But , Frank , it s a complicated process . You know , I mean , I do nt want to get her hopes up . I do nt want her to get disappointed . She keeps reassuring me she s in no rush to be a mother . Frank : Well , you know what ? I ve got to tell you that even as a kid , she wanted to have kids . She had 50 million little baby dolls , and she d dress them up and push them around in a stroller . And then she d be like , Dad , Dad , look , are nt I a good mother ? Are nt I good mother ? She was adorable . Mallet : Thanks , Frank . That s all very helpful . Hey . How was it ? Remy : Thanks for helping me out back there . Christina : Remy , you re the one who helped me out . Remy : This is kind of weird , you know ? What Shayne said to us ... I almost felt guilty . Christina : Why ? Remy : Because he lost someone , and I m sitting there with someone . Christina : He was talking to us like a real couple . Remy : Yeah . Christina : It was kind of weird . I guess we are , right ? I mean , we re at least married . I told you did nt have take me if you did nt want to . Remy : I wanted you to be there . Christina : I m going to miss you when you go to Baltimore . Remy : I do nt want to go . Christina : That s insane . Johns Hopkins Medical School , Remy . Remy : I got in because of my dad . Christina : Uh - uh . They do nt give free passes to schools like that . I m not going to sit here and let you sell yourself short . Remy : I d rather do that than sell out . Christina : Then go talk to the Dean . Remy : And say what ? Christina : Ask him why you got in . Ask him if you re qualified . If not , then pass on the offer . You accidentally married a very wise woman . Remy : One of the better mistakes I have made . Christina : Uh - huh . I should say so . ( Laughter ) Reva : Why do nt you and your dad come home to the house were with us ? We ll have dinner together and we can talk some more . Josh : Sounds good to me . Shayne : I need to go . But , I wanted to , um , say thank you for doing this . It really would have meant a lot to Lara to know that my family loved her without even knowing her . Josh : I hope it helped . Shayne : It did . I love you guys . The ship is sinking , I ve got to swim for it I got a feeling we re better off anyway . I do nt care what they say . So , break me out tonight . Reva : You know , he may want to be alone . Oh , this could be . The only chance we get . We ve got to take it . But do nt do it now . We ll never make it . Let s lose this crowd . Break me out . Break me out . Remy : Dr. Malkin ? Doctor : Remy , I thought you would off celebrating that you got into Johns Hopkins . Remy : Yeah . Yeah , I have a question about that . Did I meet your med school requirements , or was this just a favor for my father ? I mean , you can tell me . I know my dad can be very persuasive . Doctor : ( Laughs ) I m impressed . You know , most students would nt care . They d take a favor where they can get it . Remy : So it was a favor ? Doctor : Most certainly not . Remy , not only did you meet our qualifications , you exceeded them . Your admission package , your test scores , your work here as an E.M.T .... I mean Clayton can be persuasive , but he had nothing to do with this . You ve earned this all on your own . Remy : Oh , thank you . Doctor : You re fortunate . You know , most of our applicants have the desire to be a great doctor , but you have the merits to become one . I look forward to seeing you at orientation . Remy : And , Dr. Malkin , thank you , but I know someone who has both , both the desire and the merit . Doctor : And you re saying you do nt ? Remy : I appreciate the offer , but I ca nt accept , not knowing there s someone who deserves it more . Marina : It was just so sad . You know ? The thing that Shayne wanted most in his life was to have a future with this girl . What do you do when you lose a chance at the one thing you want the most ? Mallet : Well , I m sorry I was nt there for you . Marina : No . It s okay . How did it go with the agency ? Mallet : The agency ... the agency was good . I turned in all of the paperwork , and I talked to one of the adoption counselors . And , um , we are off and running . The process is under way . ( Laughter ) Marina : We re very lucky , you know ? Everything that we want ... we can still have it . Dinah : Shayne ! Shayne : What are you doing here right now , Dinah ! Dinah : So that was your good - bye ? Shayne : Just leave me alone , please ! Dinah : What you said at the church ? Shayne : Leave me alone ! Dinah : I thought I knew what was holding you together , but this was it . You knew you were coming here ? Shayne : I really do nt want you here for this right now . Dinah : Please . Help me understand . What about having everybody there drove you here ? Shayne : I ve been here ! How many people do you know park on train tracks ? Dinah : The fire . You went in ... you went in thinking that you were going to just what , suffocate ? Shayne : It should have already have happened . Dinah : No . No , no one should have died in that blast , not you , not Lara . Shayne : It was nt the same blast ! Lara died , and after that happened , I just did nt give a ... I was supposed to clear that field . It was on me . I missed one . And after she was gone , I figured , what the hell . I went back to that field , and I walked through it . Dinah : You walked through an active mine field ? Trying to get yourself killed ? Shayne : If there was any justice in the world , it would have happened . Reva : I guess we should take these back to the house . I just wish Shayne were coming with us . Josh : I think this was good for him . That s the most he s said since he s come back . Reva : He s still in so much pain . Edmund : Lara Pasano s memorial service ? Jeffrey : I m sorry you missed it . Were you a friend ? Edmund : I was her father . Coming up on Guiding Light ... Reva : My son , your daughter . Edmund : Fate , Reva , connecting us again . Dinah : Do nt be an idiot . Do you think Lara would want this ? Shayne : You knew nothing about her ! Edmund : Hate me all you want , but because of Lara , we re part of each other s lives again , whether we like it or not . Dinah : I ve got nothing , just like you . I ve got no boat , no paddle . Shayne : What the hell are you doing ? Dinah ! ### Summary:
Reva asks for Josh s help in the memorial service . Jeffrey asks Reva if she is sure she wants to have this service . Shayne is at his place fully dressed laying on his bed listening to music through headphones . Mallet keep reassuring Marina they will be fine . Remy gets an excepted to John Hopkins Medical School . Josh goes to see Shayne to ask him to join them at the memorial service . A faceless man listens to the message left by Shayne about Lara . As Reva is putting up the poster to announce the service , Dinah comes in . Reva and Dinah argue about Shayne hand what each think is wrong with him . Dinah tells Reva this service is a bad idea . Christina and Remy are at Company . Remy is in a somber mood . He tells her a friend died . Marina and Mallet fill out questionnaires . Back at the Chapel Dinah and Reva are still arguing over Shayne . Reva tells Dinah that she hurt Shayne when she left town . Shayne is talking with Josh . He tells Josh he does nt want to be part of Lara s memorial service . Josh is still trying to convince Shayne to come that it would be good to grieve . Josh tells him he ll be at the chapel if he is needed or if Shayne changes his mind . Things are taking shape at the Chapel when Jeffrey brings a vase of flowers . Mallet goes in for his interview a bit nervous . Back at Company , Christina learns about Remy s being accepted to John Hopkins . People start arriving for the memorial service . Already there is Marina and Remy . Just after Reva tells Josh they get started he leaves . Reva is about to go in , but before she does , she see Shayne arrive . The memorial starts as Josh speaks . Shayne goes up to speak . After the interview , Mallet goes to Company to talk to Frank . Frank gets excited . Mallet tells him to slow down . Josh and Reva hug Shayne . Shayne then goes on top of a roof to jump but hesitates . Remy goes to see his advisor and tells him he is not accepting the offer to go to John Hopkins . Mallet and Marina dine at Company to celebrate . Dinah finds Shayne and tells him not to jump . She asks for him to tell her so she can understand . He tells her what and how it all happened . Reva and Josh talk . A visitor comes to the Chapel . To everyone s shock it is Edmund . Edmund is Lara s father ! ! !
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Carl : This-- this was all you could get ? Amber : You said I needed a hair from his head to run the paternity test . Carl : Okay . Well , the follicle s there , which is good . It s just not a lot to work with . Amber : Look , I am gon na pop any time , and before that happens , I need to know this is not the father . Well , what are you lookin at me for ? Work , work , work ! Liam : How many women would stick around ? But Hope is trying to be so understanding about Amber and the baby . And I hate the way that it s messing with us , but ... before it happens , I want to take her away , you know ? Just the two of us spending some time together before our lives change forever . Bill : You know what , Liam ? That s exactly what you should do . And how about you take my plane and fly her off somewhere ? Liam : Are you serious ? Yes ! Oh , you re the-- oh , thank you . Thank you , Dad . This -- I have the perfect place in mind . We re gon na have the most amazing time before the baby comes . Bill : Look , Liam ... Liam : ( Sighs ) Bill : Your life is going to change when you have the baby . There s no way around that but it does nt mean your relationship with Hope has to change . You two have something special . You ll make it work . Liam : Thank you , Dad . Hope : Mom , I hate the way you re beating yourself up over this . Brooke : I really hate to do this to you , especially with all the complications in your own life . It s a lot to take on . Hope : Oh , what , you -- you mean the baby ? Liam becoming a father , having a child with Amber-- that ? Yeah . Brooke : You know , as long as you re involved with Liam , Amber s gon na probably be a constant in your life . So will her mother . Hope : Yeah , and I never thought that it would be easy , you know ? I never thought that , but ... God , I just-- I - I love him so much . I tried not to . I really -- I really tried , but it s just-- it s impossible . Because when he is away from me , I feel like a part of me is missing . I have to give us another chance . I have to , because if I do nt , then ... then I m cheating us both . Brooke : I just wish the circumstances were different . Hope : Me , too . And I know this sounds really , really silly to say this , but , um , oh , there s just-- there s still a part of me that really wishes this baby were nt Liam s . Brooke : Unfortunately , the paternity test proved that Liam is the father . Hope : I know . I know , and I - I should nt waste any more time wishing that things were different , cause it s pointless . I know it s pointless . I mean , Liam and I , we -- we just have to make the best of it . Brooke : Honey , I know you re determine to make a life together . But I just want you to be prepared that things might change when the baby s born . Hope : I mean , a - a lot could change once the baby s born . I know that . I do nt know how I m gon na feel , and I certainly do nt know how Liam s gon na feel , but --but what are we supposed to do ? Just pretend that we do nt care about each other ? Because that I-- that -- we ca nt do that . It s just not fair to us . Brooke : ( Sighs ) Nothing is fair . Hope : ( Sniffles ) Mm . Liam and I were so happy before Amber manipulated her way into our lives . You know , she just-- she pulled all the strings , and -- and now she s getting exactly what she wanted . And before you know it , she s gon na be holding a little Spencer baby in her arms . ( Sighs ) Amber : Please , please , please , let this be Liam s baby . Carl : Do nt you mean Oliver s ? Amber : You know what I mean . Carl : Look , this is still gon na pay off for me , is nt it ? Amber : No one wants that more than me , Carl , okay ? So just get to work . Carl : Ooh , almost forgot . I need the baby s D.N.A. from the original test . Amber : Carl , I swear-- ( Sighs ) Carl : What ? Amber : Nothing , nothing , nothing . Just get to work , please , okay ? My future is riding on this . ( Sighs ) Justin : A big publishing firm in New Zealand is selling . Are we interested ? Bill : How desperate are they ? Justin : The owners have to dump it . We should be able to buy it cheap . Bill : All right , well , put a deal on the table . Justin : Sounds good . I am on it . Bill : Come in . Justin : Hey . Marcus : Hey , Pop . ( Chuckles ) Justin : ( Chuckles ) How you doin ? Marcus : Oh , I did nt mean to interrupt you guys . Um , I ll come back later Bill : No , no , no . No problem , Marcus . We just wrapped up here . Marcus : Thanks . Justin : How s everything goin , Man ? Marcus : Uh , everything s good . I ca nt complain . I just wanted to come by and touch base with you . It s been a while . Justin : It has . Are they keeping you busy since you ve been back from International ? Marcus : You can say it s been a little crazy over there at Forrester right now . Bill : I m pretty curious about that Brooke / Ridge situation . Marcus : Yeah , it is a little , uh , crazy , my Aunt Brooke leaving the company and ending her marriage all of a sudden . Bill : My wife has been pretty tight - lipped about it . Justin : Mine has , too . Bill : Something significant had to happen to blow things up . Justin : And Brooke is starting a charitable foundation , yeah . Marcus : Well , yeah , that s the word on the street , but , uh , I was nt in the meeting , so I ca nt confirm that . Bill : So how is it being back ? You miss Paris ? Marcus : Oh , well ... ( Chuckles ) I love Paris . Um , actually , you know , I worked my butt off over there . I met a lot of people and-- Bill : A lot of people , huh ? Marcus : Mm - hmm . Bill : Women ? Marcus : Yeah , a little somethin , somethin , you know . ( Laughs ) Bill : Hard to come back to L.A. ? Marcus : Well , you know , there s a lot of great people and good - looking women in L.A. , too , Bill . Bill : Yeah , there s a couple . You gon na enjoy the local talent ? Marcus : Actually , it s funny you asked . I was thinkin about gettin myself a little bachelor pad . Justin : Ah . ( Laughs ) Bill : Just be careful who you let follow you home . Marcus : I feel you on that . Amber : ( Sighs ) Carl : ( Scoffs ) I can not work with you hovering . Amber : Ca nt you just go faster ? Carl : Look , paternity tests are complicated . There is a lot involved . You have to trust the process . Now this is gon na take a while , so why do nt you go knit some baby booties or something ? Amber : I am not leaving Carl : Put this on . Make it look like you could belong here at least . Amber : Okay . ( Sighs ) ( Grunts ) Carl : ( Laughs ) Sure you re not havin twins ? Amber : Really ? Carl : Quick . Hide . Hide . Carl : Hey , Kim . Kim : Hey , Carl . I did nt see you on the schedule . Carl : Oh , I m pullin some , uh , O.T. It stands for overtime . Kim : Dr. Unger needs a full workup on this stat . Carl : Will do . Kim : Thanks . Carl : ( Sighs ) That was close . Amber : ( Groans ) Unh - unh , unh - unh , unh - unh , unh - unh . Do nt even think about it . Carl : You heard the woman . I ve got to-- Amber : That test can wait . Carl : Now you re gon na get me fired ? Amber : Listen to me . A lot worse is gon na a happen if you do nt get this test done , and if it turns out right . You could go to jail . We both could . Carl : Jail ? Amber : Yes , for fixing a paternity test . It is called fraud . Carl : But no one s ever gon na know . So what if it s not Oliver s ? You re still passin this kid off as Liam s . Amber : ( Sighs ) I ca nt if it s Marcus s . Carl : Why ? It s the same difference . You ju-- Marcus ? As in Marcus Forrester ? Amber : Yeah , exactly . So now do you see what my problem is ? That is why I have to find out what the results are before this baby is born . ( Sighs ) Get to work . Get to work . What are you doing ? ( Sighs ) Brooke : Has Liam worked out a custody agreement with Amber ? Hope : Not yet , no . Uh , she s still delusional , thinking that she and Liam are gon na end up together . I - I mean , Liam s committed to raising his child , but other than that ... Hope : Are you expecting someone ? Brooke : No . Hope : Oh , hi . Liam : Hi . Hope : Oh , I m glad to see you . Come in . We were just talking about you . Liam : Yeah ? Hope : Uh - huh . Liam : Hi , Mrs. Forrester . Brooke : Hi . It s so strange . We were -- I was just asking Hope about you and Amber . Hope : Mom . Liam : Ah . No , Hope . It s okay . We ca nt run from it . Brooke : So the due date s coming soon ? It s gon na be a lot of changes . Liam : Mm - hmm . Hope : Yeah . Liam : Yeah , yeah . But just for today , I , uh , I do nt want to talk about that anymore . So , Hope , I want to just fly away with you . I -- just you and me . Hope : What ? Liam : My dad is letting us borrow his jet . I want to take you away from all of this for , like , a couple of days . Hope : Seriously ? Liam : Yes . Hope : Oh , that would be amazing ! Liam : Well , just so you know , the jet s ready now , so if you want to go now ... Hope : ( Stammers ) I have to pack and stuff . Liam : No , you-- no , you do nt . We ll get anything you need . Hope : So where are you taking me ? Liam : Uh , it s my surprise , but you re gon na like it . Hope : Okay . Brooke : Yes , go . Of course . You and Liam need to do this . Hope : Okay , but , Mom , I mean really , if you do nt want me to go , then I wo nt . I ll stay here . Brooke : Oh , Honey , shh . Shh . I ll be fine . Hope : Okay . Oh , my gosh , thank you . Brooke : ( Laughs ) Oh ! Hope : I love you so much . Brooke : I love you , too . Hope : I love you . Brooke : Mm - hmm . Hope : Okay , okay , okay . Let s go . Let s go . Liam : Okay . Okay . Brooke : Go . Have a good time . Hope : We will . Thank you . Thank you . I love you . Thank you . Oh , my gosh , this is exactly what we need . Exactly what we need . So what do you think ? Justin : Actually , I m glad you re here , Son . We can finish having the conversation that we had before . Marcus : Okay , what about ? Justin : About you taking my name , the family name . Marcus , it would mean a lot . I know Eric s been a great father figure to you . Marcus : Yes , yes , he has . Justin : Mm - hmm . Marcus : But you are my biological dad , so I get it . But I love Eric , man . Um , but there is something about blood and family . Bill : Oh , yeah . Blood ties are forever now my son is stuck with that tramp and ... and her mother . God help him . Justin : Dollar Bill , I do not envy the spot that you re in . Brooke : ( Sighs ) Oliver ? Oliver : Hey , Mrs. Forrester . Brooke : You just missed Hope . Oliver : Actually , I came to see you . Brooke : Oh , okay . Come in . Oliver : I , uh , heard about you and Mr. Forrester . I m really sorry . Brooke : Thanks . So I m ... ( Sighs ) I m guessing you came to ask about Hope . Oliver : Yeah , um , I m still crazy about her . Brooke : I know . Oliver : I mean , I have nt seen her in a while . We have nt had any scheduled shoots I was ... Brooke : So you re wondering how things are going with Liam ? Oliver : Yeah , I - I wish she d get over him . ( Chuckles ) Brooke : I do nt think that s going to happen . Hope : ( Sighs ) Liam , this is beautiful . You went all out . Liam : This is nothing . This is the beginning . Wait till we get there . Hope : Where are we going ? It s a secret . You re not gon na tell me . I know . I know . I know . But that does nt even matter , because I m going to be with you . ( Giggles ) Man : Mr. Spencer ? Liam : Yeah . Man : Welcome aboard . Liam : Harlan , hi . Hey , um , I m Liam . My father is Mr. Spencer . So how are we doin ? We -- we re about ready to go ? Harlan : Well , we re workin on the flight plan . Liam : Okay . Harlan : It might be a bit before takeoff . Liam : No rush . We re , uh , we re not in any hurry . Harlan : In a couple hours , you ll be in Cabo San Lucas . Liam : Oh , Man ! Hope : We re goin to Cabo ? Liam : Uhh , I thought of everything except telling the pilot it s a surprise . Hope : You know what ? It s not a problem at all . No problem , because I am so excited . This trip is the best thing you could have come up with . Liam : Yeah ? Hope : Yeah . Liam : Just the two of us . Hope : Mm . Liam : No worries . No distractions . Hope : This is a trip that we are going to remember forever . ( Chuckles ) Oliver : Hope was really upset with Liam last time we were hangin out . But I have nt heard anything from her , so I m guessing they worked it out . Brooke : They ve had their ups and downs , but I believe they re on solid ground now . Oliver : Everything s gon na change once this baby comes . Liam s gon na get all caught up in raising this kid , trying to be a good dad , which I - I totally respect , but it s gon na put Hope in the backseat , and that s not fair . He should let her go . Brooke : They tried to be apart , but Hope really wants to be with him . Oliver : Hope has her whole life ahead of her . She should nt get hooked on all this drama . It s not right . Brooke : Well , I - I know . You and I may agree with that , but it s not our decision to make . Oliver : It s just messed up , all right ? Liam is having a baby with Amber . Amber ! She s trouble Liam s gon na have all these problems , and Hope s gon na get dragged into it , because he wo nt let her go . She deserves a better life than that , Mrs. Forrester . Brooke : Sometimes , you just have to let life go where it may . Oliver : That s not good enough . If I ever have the slightest chance of getting her back , I m gon na take it . I ca nt turn my back on her . I just ca nt . I know I can make her happy . I just need-- just need one more chance , you know ? And if -- if you could maybe put in a good word or something , you two are really close , I d really appreciate it . Hope : So for the next few days , nobody exists but us , all right ? All we have to worry about is where we re going to have dinner tonight . Liam : Yeah . Hope : You know , only focus on the important decisions , like -- like what kind of suntan lotion to buy . Liam : Yeah , or what color Speedo I m gon na buy-- turquoise or fuchsia ? Hope : Exactly . It s a very important decision . Mm - hmm . Liam : Yeah , thank you . It is . Hope : ( Laughs ) Liam : You have a really beautiful smile . Hope : You know , the second that we got on this plane , a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders knowing that I was going to have you all to myself , if only for a couple days . Thank you . Liam : I just want to be with you , just you . Amber : ( Sighs ) ( Groans ) Carl ? Carl ? Carl ! Carl : Jeez , Amber , what ? Amber : How can you focus with music just blaring in your ears ? Carl : Justin Bieber calms me down . Amber : Okay , how s it going ? Carl : I told you . It s gon na take me time . Amber : Well -- well , we do nt have time . Time is not what we have , okay ? Carl : I m working as fast as I can . Amber : ( Groans ) Amber : ( Sighs ) ( Grunts ) ( Sighs ) What are you doing ? Carl : I m getting something to eat . Amber : ( Scoffs ) No . No , not now . Carl : I have low blood sugar . It will even me out . Amber : Carl ? Carl : Mmm . Now this is good . Mozzarella on rye . It s from the deli across the street . God , it s good . Amber : Okay , put the sandwich down , okay ? Carl , put-- put the sandwich-- oh , oh , oh , no , no , no , no , no . Carl : What s wrong ? What s wrong ? Amber : ( Whimpering ) ( Breathing rapidly ) My -- my water-- my water broke . ( Gasping ) Carl : The baby s coming ? Amber : Oh , yeah . Oh , no . Yes , yes , it s coming . It s coming . ( Gasping ) Oh , oh ... ( Breathing rapidly ) We do nt know who the father is . We do nt ... who the father ... ( Breathing rapidly ) Oh , no . ( Groans ) ### Summary:
Carl takes the one hair strand that Amber gave him . He says it s not much to work with . She hurries him to do this before she pops . She must rule this certain guy out as the father of her baby . She badgers him to get with it or they both could go to jail for fixing the first paternity test . She cries for him to get to work . Bill tells Liam that he has something special with Hope ; they can make this work . Hope concurs with Brooke that Amber and her mother will always be a part of her life because of the baby , but she loves Liam so much so they can make this work . A part of her , of course , wishes the baby was nt Liam s . But it s pointless to keep thinking that . Brooke wants her just to be prepared once the baby is born ; things could change . Soon Amber could be holding a little Spencer baby . Marcus drops in on Bill to find Justin and they hook up . He talks about the pretty women in Paris , but he wanted to get home and stay a while . Justin wants Marcus to consider again taking his name . He knows Eric means a lot to Marcus , but blood ties are important and he d really like him to think seriously about it . Bill chimes in that yeah blood ties you together . Liam surprises Hope and wants to whisk her away on the jet for a few days . The pilot tells them they will be ready soon to go to Cabo San Lucas . Hope does nt mind him ruining the surprise ; this will be something they will remember the rest of their lives . After she leaves , Oliver stops by and wants to talk to Brooke about Hope . She says Hope and Liam have had their ups and down , but she thinks it is going to work out . Oliver still thinks it is not fair and he should let her go . There is too much drama . Liam is having a baby with Amber . Hope deserves a better life than that . If he has the slightest chance to get her back , he is going for it . He just needs one more chance and asks Brooke to put in a good word for him . In the middle of fussing at Carl for eating his sandwich and not working , Amber panics and tells him that her water broke . She is having the baby now before they know who the father is .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ashley : Thanks , everyone . Let s conference again tomorrow , 1 : 00 P.M. Paris time . And , camille , could you please shoot over those mock - ups of the logo for abbott exchange as soon as you can ? Merci . Au revoir . Jack : I got off on the wrong floor . Oh , wait . This is our living room . Ashley : And here I am , living . Jack : And working . Ashley : Which you ve often done . Jack : I can help you get office space , you know . Ashley : What is it , jack ? You just do nt want to hear the two words abbott exchange ever again ? Jack : Jabot will always be the brand that represents our family . The company people associate with john abbott . Ashley : I m very proud of my father s accomplishments . Jack : I d think you would be a little more respectful of his name . Ashley : Fun fact -- it s my name , too . Jack : All the more reason . Ashley : Are you just intimidated ? You re afraid that I m gon na bring more notoriety to the family name than you ever did ? Jack : Yes . Not the good kind . Ashley : Oh . Shall we review all the shame you ve brought to the family name ? Abby : Good . You re both here . Ashley : Hi , honey . How d it go last night after we left ? Abby : Not good . [ Sighs ] Terrible , actually . Jack : Why ? What happened ? Abby : There s no easy way to say this . Um ... neil died last night . Nikki : You are back . Victor : Hi , sweetheart . I was just wrapping up . Nikki : Oh . After spending the night here . Victor : So , victoria must have told you that she saw me last night ? Nikki : You went straight from the airport to our daughter s house and then here . Do you have any idea how that makes me feel ? Victor : Baby , I did so because there was something very important I had to deal with . It was a time - sensitive issue . Nikki : Oh , well , it s good to know that I m third on your list of priorities . Victor : You know that s ridiculous , okay ? You know how important you are to me . Nikki : And yet you are here . And you still have nt told me what you were doing in las vegas . Victor : And I will . I promise . Nikki : Mm . Well , you can start by explaining this . Victor : What the hell is that ? Ooh . A medical bill . Nikki : Yes , um , a psychiatrist s bill , actually . Victor : Mm - hmm . Nikki : There s no patient s name on it , but I highly doubt you re seeing a psychiatrist . Victor : You re right about that . Nikki : Then who is , and why are you paying the bill ? Victor : I will tell you . But you had better promise me not to let anyone else know about this conversation . Nikki : All right . Victor : I m sorry , jack . Whatever it is , this is not a good time . Jack : There is never a good time for news like this , but I knew you d want to know . Victor : Know what ? What ? What ? Devon : You okay ? Lily : Yeah . I do nt know how to do this . Devon : I do nt know , either . But we re gon na figure it out together , okay ? Come on . Eat something . If you have nt already . Lily : [ Sighs ] Mattie : Uncle devon ? Devon : Hey . Hey , man . Mattie : I ca nt believe he s really gone . Charlie : This just feels like a bad dream . Devon : I know . I know . If you guys need anything , you know I m here for you , okay ? Charlie : Yeah . We re here for you , too . Devon : Thank you . Why do nt you get some food , all right ? Cane : Hey . Devon : Hey , man . Come on . Cane : You all right ? Devon : Mm - hmm . [ Inhales deeply ] -Did lily get any sleep last night ? Cane : Probably as much as you did . Lily : I m sorry , nate , but there must have been warning signs . Nate : There s still a lot we do nt know . Lily : But you re a doctor . Are nt you supposed to know how something like this could happen ? Nate : Doctors do nt have all the answers , lily . Lily : I just want to know why my dad died . What did we miss ? What did we do wrong ? Devon : Lily , just -- let s take it easy . Lily : I just want to know why nate did nt realize that dad was sick -- why none of us did . Nate : I do nt have all the answers , lily . But I was about to tell devon and ana what I do know before you arrived . If you like , I can do that now . Cane : Yeah , if you could , that would help , thanks . Lily : Nothing will help me understand how my dad could die with no warning . Devon : Let s listen to what nate has to say . Nate : I spoke to the paramedics who responded to devon s call , and the er doctor who was on duty . Devon : You know I could nt figure out why he did nt show up to the opening of the restaurant . And the , when he stopped responding to my texts and calls , I -- you know , I came here to check on him . I went upstairs and saw him in bed , and he was just ... he just looked like he was asleep . His eyes were closed , and he looked peaceful . And ... when I tried to wake him up , he ... Lily : So how does that happen ? I mean , how does someone as young and as healthy as my dad just die like that ? How ? Nate : From everything I ve seen and heard , it sounds like a massive stroke . Lily : A stroke ? Nate : It s possible he had high blood pressure and never even knew . That s why they call it the silent killer . Mattie : So he did nt feel any pain , then , right ? Nate : From the way he looked when devon found him , I d say he died in his sleep . Peacefully . Cane : Well , at least we can be grateful for that . Additional sponsorship Jack : I m with abby right now . She was with devon last night . He found neil . Victor : I just spoke to him , you know ? He and I were gon na have lunch when he came back to town . Jack : I know . It s unreal . Victor : I ca nt believe this . Nikki : Victor , what is it ? Victor : Neil winters passed away . Nikki : What ? [ Gasps ] Oh , my god . Jack : Is that nikki ? Victor : Yeah . I ll put you on speakerphone . Nikki : Jack , what happened ? Jack : Devon found neil unconscious . He called an ambulance , and it was too late . Nikki : Oh , my god . [ Voice breaking ] How is devon doing ? Jack : Abby says the whole family s taking it pretty hard . Victor : This is a terrible loss for all of us , I can tell you . Jack : Victor , I know how much neil means to you , and ... that s why I called . Victor : Thank you , jack . Thank you for calling . It s very decent of you . Jack : It s things like this that render everything else inconsequential . Victor : Yeah , it certainly does . Give my love to abby . Jack : Will do . Victor : Whew ... Nikki : [ Sobs ] Oh , my god . [ Sniffles ] Ashley : Devon and lily are nt picking up . Jack : They re probably still in shock . Ashley : They ve both been through so much . Abby : It s too much for one family . I mean , especially devon . He just lost hilary less than a year ago . Jack : I know . And now neil . Ashley : I mean , it s devastating when you lose your father , but if ... when it s somebody as wonderful as neil ... Abby : I know how much you cared about him . Ashley : [ Crying ] It s just so wrong . [ Sobs ] Neil should be here . Jack : You re right . Genoa city without neil winters . [ Sighs ] It s just wrong . Nate : We re letting all your calls go to voicemail for now . Devon : Yeah , I do nt feel like talking to anybody , so ... Nate : Ana said she ll get back to everyone with , uh , details about the service . Devon : [ Scoffs ] I do nt even know how to begin to start thinking about that . Lily : About what ? Cane : The , uh , funeral arrangements . Lily : Oh , god . I ca nt even deal with that . Cane : That s all right . You do nt have to . Devon : We ca nt put it off , lily . Cane : No , no , no . Nate and I will -- we ll call the funeral home . We ll deal with this . Do nt worry about it . Nate : We wo nt make any decisions without speaking to you first . Devon : [ Sighs ] Well , neil gave me a packet of information in case something ever happened . Cane : Okay . Where is it ? Devon : It s in my office somewhere . Cane : All right . I ll go look for it . Devon : Thank you . Cane : [ Sighs ] That s what family s for . Nate : I ll go check on mattie and charlie . Devon : You hanging on ? Lily : Barely . Devon : If you feel yourself start slipping , just hang on to me , cause I wo nt let you fall . Okay ? Mattie : I just do nt understand . Grandpa seemed fine last night . Charlie : He was totally pumped about mom coming home from prison . Mattie : The whole way back from lakewood , he was laughing and telling lame jokes . Charlie : Me too . Ana : Oh , let me take care of that . Devon : I got it . It s fine . Ana : Oh , come on . I m here to help . Devon : I just -- I - I need to do this , all right ? Ana : Devon -- Devon : I m fine . I m fine . Nikki : Look at those eyes . They had seen so much . Victor : Phew ... Nikki : Through it all , they were always filled with such warmth and -- and kindness . Genuine compassion . Victor : He meant a great deal to you , did nt he ? Nikki : He understood my struggles . He accepted my weaknesses even when I -- when I could nt overcome them . Victor : I will always be grateful to him for that . Nikki : I do nt know if i would even be here right now without him . [ Scoffs ] He saved me more times than I can count . Victor : I remember . [ Sighs ] This is awful . It s just awful . Nikki : What about his children ? His grandchildren ? Those are the ones I m worried about . I can only imagine how they re feeling right now . Ana : I let tessa know we had to cancel our session for today . She and mariah send their love . Devon : Okay . Ana : I did nt mean to upset you before . Devon : You did nt upset me before . I just -- I do nt want you to act like I m the only one hurting here . Ana : We re all suffering . But you lost hilary less than a year ago . I saw what that did to you . Devon : It s a bit different . Ana : Still a huge loss . Devon : Yes , it is . Especially to them . And they need me to be strong . They need me to be the man that neil taught me to be . Ana : He would nt want you to deny your own feelings . Devon : I m not denying my feelings . I m just being realistic . Ana : Realistic about what ? Devon : Well , he raced down here from lakewood to try and be at the opening of the restaurant . Ana : He wanted to be there . Devon : I know he did . He wanted to do it for me . He knew how important it was to me , and he pushed himself to be there on time . Ana : Devon -- Devon : And if he had nt felt the pressure to be there last night , maybe he would have stopped and got some rest , or he would have at least gotten himself checked out if he was nt feeling well . Ana : Devon , you ca nt -- you ca nt blame yourself for what happened . Nate : I just heard from malcolm . He was on a shoot in new york . Canceled everything as soon as he heard the news . He s on his way . Devon : Cool . Good . Nate : Everything okay ? Ana : Devon s blaming himself for neil s death . Nate : That s crazy . Ana : That s what I told him . Devon : I just forced too much onto him , all right ? Forced him to take on too much . Lily would have never gone to prison if I had nt pushed for her to be prosecuted . And that s a lot of stress . It s a whole lot of stress that caused the stroke that ended up killing him . Lily : Yeah , you re right . But ... you did nt cause him the stress . I did . Jack : Thanks . Ashley : I d offer you a penny for your thoughts , but I m sure they re worth a lot more than that . Jack : I was just thinking about the last time I saw neil . He moved upstate , and we promised ourselves we would always stay in close touch . I d make a trip up to lakewood . He d let me know when he was down here . Last time , we met halfway in oshkosh , at a little italian joint . Wherever we met , it was the same thing -- we d sit for hours in a restaurant and talk and laugh and [ Chuckles ] Tell stories . The same old stories . I mean , we never got tired of them . Ashley : Heh . I m sure when the place closed , you guys were the last ones in there , huh ? Jack : Yeah , we closed quite a few places . Never got enough of each other . We ... always made plans for the next get - together , and somehow ... this last one did nt come to fruition , you know ? Abby s restaurant opened and lily was freed and ... it did nt happen . It was supposed to be a celebration . Ashley : What was the occasion ? Jack : My becoming C.E.O. Of jabot . Ashley : I m sorry you did nt get to celebrate that , jack . Jack : I ve got lots of treasured memories of neil . One in particular stands out . Ashley : [ Chuckles ] That one time he let you win the game [ Laughs ] Of one - on- one , right ? Jack : [ Laughing ] No . No , that was a good one , but no . I was thinking of this one perfectly ordinary day that almost ended in extraordinary tragedy . Ashley : [ Sighs ] Because of neil , it did nt ? Jack : I had gone up to the cabin to self - destruct . Just found out that I was nt an abbott -- or so I thought . Anyway , I decided pills was the way to dull my pain . And just before I fell into that hole , I called neil . He was there in a heartbeat . You know , he never once told me not to take the pills . Ashley : Probably cause he knew it would nt do any good . Jack : He told me to stop feeling sorry for myself . [ Voice breaking ] I still had a family who loved me . And he left , just like that , saying he knew I would make the right choice . Ashley : Jackie , you made the right choice . Jack : Because of neil . He dropped everything and came when I needed him . Ashley : That s the measure of a true friend . Jack : That s the way he was . That is the way I will remember him . Mariah : I m gon na have to make a statement on gc buzz . Tessa : If you need help putting anything together , please ... Mariah : No , I ca nt do anything without devon s input , obviously . Tessa : It s probably the last thing on his mind . Mariah : Yeah , but people are gon na be calling -- you know , fans , employees , industry people . And we owe it to them to get it right . Tessa : What are you thinking ? Mariah : I m thinking that I have two choices . And I do nt really like either one of them . Tessa : What ? Mariah : No , I just thought of something that neil said to me once . Not choosing is the same thing as not living . Tessa : Smart man . Mariah : Yeah . Nate : Neil died from natural causes . Lily : No , there is nothing natural about someone dying at his age . Nate : I know it s hard to accept , but these things happen sometimes . I - I wish I could tell you why . Lily : I know why . I do . Because I saw him more than any of you these last few months . He moved to lakewood to be near me . Okay ? He was worrying about me all the time , thinking that something bad was gon na happen to me . He had nightmares every day that I was in trouble and he could nt get to me . Okay ? ! He s gone because of what I put him through ! [ Crying ] And I killed hilary , and now I killed my dad , and I ca nt take this anymore ! Devon : Lily , come -- Cane : Hey . Hey , lily . Lily ! I got it , I got it . I got it , I got it . [ Door slams ] Lily . Lily ! The young and the restless will continue . Abby : Um ... I ca nt believe he s gone . Nikki : This is gon na take a while to sink in . Abby : I know , um , neil meant a great deal to both of you . Victor : We were just talking how much he ... how much he had helped nikki . Nikki : My life wo nt be the same without him . Abby : I just ca nt stop thinking about lily and devon . So lost and confused , like they could nt believe the news . I mean , how does a man so vital go lay down to take a nap and then just never wake up ? Nikki : I do nt think anyone is ever prepared to hear news like this . Abby : It just made me realize ... Victor : Hm ? Abby : [ Inhales ] Dad , I know that it s stupid and selfish for me to think about myself right now , but ... if anything ever happened to you ... Victor : I m all right , my sweetheart . Abby : I just wish business did nt take you away from us as much as it does . Victor : Well , sweetheart , whenever I go on trips , it is because of very important business . It does not mean that I love you any less , okay ? Abby : Of course . Victor : And it s at times like this that I realize how much you all mean to me . Okay . Jack : [ Sighs ] Mother s asleep . Hey , you okay ? Ashley : I m so not okay . Jack : Neither am I. Ashley : It s your fault . Wait , something I said ? Ashley : You talked about how much time you and neil spent with each other . How you worked to maintain your friendship even though he moved away . And I did nt do that . Jack : Wait , wait , wait . Paris is a lot farther away from upstate wisconsin than genoa city . Ashley : It s the 21st century , jack . There s lots of ways to stay in touch when you really want to . Jack : You were busy . Ashley : Yeah . I was busy . Nice way of saying that I was consumed by my selfish ambition . Jack : No . No . You were driven , and neil always admired that -- Ashley : I just thought we had more time . [ Sobs ] I just thought he d always be there . Jack : Ashley -- Ashley : Whenever I needed him , like he always was . Jack : There s no way you could have known how this was gon na turn out . Ashley : Jack -- jack . I cared deeply for him . Neil and I had gotten very close before I left genoa city . Jack : I knew . And you know what ? I liked it . My dear friend and my sister that I adore -- it does nt get a lot better than that . Ashley : I thought we could just pick up where we left off whenever we wanted . I just ... I just wish I d picked up the phone . Jack : Neil would not want you having any regrets . Ashley : It s hard not to have regrets , jack . I m never gon na know what might have been . Devon : She s still not answering the phone . Charlie : Yeah , she s not responding to any of our texts , either . Mattie : You do nt blame her , do you , uncle devon ? Devon : No , of course not . Guys , she s -- your mom just lost her father . You know , that S ... he was her whole world . So ... she does nt know what she s saying or what she s thinking . She s just -- she s just feeling a huge loss right now , and she s doing whatever she can to not think about it , including blaming herself . It s just the mind s way of trying to block the pain . That s all it is . Mattie : We should go back to the house in case she shows up there . Devon : That s a really good idea . Nate : I ll drive you . Charlie : Thanks . Devon : Cool . Um ... why do nt you go with them and make sure they re all right ? I m fine . Really . Okay ? Drive safe . Mariah : Devon ! Devon : Hey . Mariah : Hi . Devon : Hey . Mariah : I hope I m not intruding . Devon : No . No , you re not at all . Come in . [ Sighs ] Here we are again . Mariah : Sucks as much this time as it did the last . Devon : Mm - hmm . Mariah : I m sorry . That was the wrong thing to say . Devon : It s okay . It s okay . You re absolutely right . It does nt get any easier . Mariah : I d do anything to fix this . Devon : What s ironic is , I have all the money in the world , and I can never seem to buy what I want the most , which is time . Mariah : Does nt matter how much we get with the ones we love , it s never enough . Devon : Just seems like life has been a series of goodbyes . From dru to katherine to hilary and our child ... now neil . Cane : Hey . Lily : [ Sighs ] Cane , please donT. Cane : I just want to be with you . Lily : [ Sniffles ] I know I should nt have said that in front of mattie and charlie . Cane : It s okay . They understand . We all do . But you know what , sweetheart , it is not true . Lily : [ Sighs ] I just keep seeing him . When he was waiting for me outside the prison . And it was gray and cloudy . But his smile lit up the whole world . Cane : He was excited that you were coming home . Lily : It felt like I was home when he was holding me in his arms . And I did nt want to leave . But I knew that we had to go back to genoa city . [ Sighs ] You know , he drove mattie and charlie because he knew that you and I had to talk . And I was getting ready to go , and he said , I love you , baby girl . [ Inhales deeply ] I did nt know those would be his last words to me . Cane : Listen . He loved you . And this past year , all he talked about was you getting out of prison . And your release was gon na bring him so much joy , and it did . Lily : I know . I could see how happy he was . Cane : So please believe me . Sweetheart , you did not cause his death . Lily : It s like when my mom passed away . You know , I was young , and I had my dad . [ Sighs ] But now I do nt have him , and I -- [ Sobs ] I feel so alone . Victor : I remember the first day neil winters walked into my office . Nikki : You recognized his talents right away . Victor : Did nt take long to realize how brilliant he was . One of the best executives I ever had . He was a good man . He was a man s man . Nikki : And a woman s man . Victor : [ Chuckles ] Very few people in my life that I could call a really close friend . That I felt an affection for . Almost like my son , you know ? Nikki : I know how much you ll miss him . Victor : Damn . I still ca nt believe it . Neil winters is gone . He s gone . Nikki : Victor ? Victor : Yeah . Nikki : Promise me something . Victor : What , my sweetheart ? Nikki : That you wo nt go away and not tell me where you are , and I wo nt have any way of reaching you . Victor : What , are you afraid something like this is going to happen to me ? Nikki : Well , abby said that when devon found neil , it was too late to help . If you ever needed me and i was nt there -- Victor : My baby . I do nt want you to worry about that , okay ? I do nt want you to worry about that . I have a lot of good years left . Do nt you forget it . Nikki : Neil thought the same thing . Ashley : [ Sighs ] I m just trying to make sense of it . Jack : You know , I do nt think we can . Ashley : I was thinking about malcolm . Did you know that -- I mean , genetically speaking , that nobody is closer than your sibling ? Jack : You d think that would help them get along better . Ashley : I was wondering if malcolm knows that . If he s aware of -- of that . I mean , all the fighting they did , and how unimportant it all is . Jack : I m sure that s what he s thinking about , yeah . Ashley : I hope so . I mean , you know ... they were half - siblings . But there was nothing half about the way they loved each other . Jack : I hope that s what malcolm s thinking about . Ashley : Me too . Jack : If there s any sense to be made in any of this , maybe it s a reminder for us . Ashley : Of what ? Jack : That no matter what happens , we re always going to be brother and sister , and everything else , as you say , is unimportant . Ashley : You want to call a truce ? Jack : What do you say , sis ? Mariah : Oh , um , before I go , I wanted to ask you how you wanted me to handle this on - air . Devon : Yeah . I know that s important . I just -- I do nt think I can think about it right now . Mariah : Of course . Well , why do nt i write something , and then , when you re ready , you can take a look at it ? Devon : That d be great . Mariah : And if there s anything else I can do ... Devon : I ll let you know . Mariah : Take care of yourself . Devon : I will . Thanks . Eh ... why d you have go and do that , man ? Is there anything that I could have done or I could have -- I could have said ? That we could have said to keep you here ? I miss you . And I love you . Why did you have to leave us , though ? I - I really need you , man . I really -- I really need you more than anybody knows that I do . I just -- I really need you . Tessa : [ Playing melody ] I ve never been the one who tries never felt the need to stay always on the run , chasing sun but you wo nt let me go you wo nt let me even when I try even when I ve wanted to you wo nt let me give up , give up holding on to you every time I fall you re the voice that carries through I m still learnin , learnin , learnin how to count on you Nikki : So ... right before jack called , you were about to tell me why you were taking all these trips . Victor : [ Sighs ] Mm . Sweetheart , if you do nt mind ... considering what just happened , let s discuss that another day . Nikki : Oh , victor -- Victor : No , sweetheart . Let s mourn neil right now . And , you know , support those who were close to him . Nikki : Including each other . ### Summary:
Neil Winters friends and family begin the grieving process for their friend , father and grandfather and Nate explains to Devon and Lily that from talking tpo the paramedics and ER doctor that attended to Neil he may have died from a massive stroke caused by undiagnosed high blood pressure . Nate also tells Devon and Lily that they can take comfort that he died peacefully in hos sleep . Devon blames himself because if he had nt made sure Lily went to prison for the death of Hillary and his unborn child that Neil would nt have been under so much stress . Lily blames herself because Neil decided to move to Lakewood to be near her at the prison she tells everyone that Neil had nightmares about her being in trouble and him not being able to get to her . Cane follows Lily when she leaves Devon s penthouse and after a talk Lily allows Cane to hold her while she cries . Victor and Nikki share memories of Neil while they cry together and Nikki asks Victor to promise not to leave town without telling her where he is going so that if anything happens to him she can be there right away . Jack and Ashley also share memories of Neil as they grieve and they decide to call a truce with each other . Ana and Nate worry avout Devon who they feel is in shock but later when Devon is alone he imagines Neil at the penthouse and he asks him why he left him when he needs him the most . Neil diappears and then Devon sits on the steps of his penhouse and cries and finally mourns Neil s loss .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Jack : Livvie . Livvie : Jack , I really messed up . Jack : What happened ? What d you do ? Livvie : It s Caleb . He s thrown me out for good this time . Jack : Well , I doubt that . Livvie : Look , are you going to ask me to come in or not ? Jack : Yeah come in . So you ok ? Can I get you some water or something ? Livvie : Yeah , maybe tissue or something . Jack , I m really sorry to come here . I just -- you know , I really had nowhere else to go , you know ? Jack : I ve heard that before . So , talk to me . What happened ? Oh , Caleb found out you stole the ring . Livvie : Gosh , why do I do this ? Why do I have to destroy everything that I touch ? Jack : You seem to have a knack for it . Livvie : Yeah , no , you are right . I am a horrible person . I am just -- I am a really horrible person . Jack : No , I -- I ca nt believe I m saying this , but you re not horrible . You re not completely horrible . Livvie : Gee , thanks , Jack . Jack : No , Livvie , you re a girl that I once knew who -- you just want to be loved . Livvie : You re just saying it because you do nt hate me anymore ? Jack : No , I do nt know why I m saying it , but you -- you -- I mean it . I do , I mean it . And I think you just got lost somewhere along the way . Livvie : So then you understand . Jack , maybe you can help me . Jack : No , no . No , Livvie . Livvie : Please , Jack , you can help me find my way back . Jack : No , even if I wanted to , no way . Livvie : Yes , you can , Jack . You are the only one who knows me , I mean , like , the real me , the way I was before . Please . Livvie : Who is that ? Jack : I do nt know , but whoever it is , I ll get rid off them . Livvie : No , no , no , listen , I do nt want to see anyone , I do nt want to talk to anyone . Jack : Hey , relax , relax . Go splash your face . It ll make you feel better . I ll be right back . Livvie : Jack ? Thank you . Jamal : Yo , jack . Jack : Hey , Jamal . What s up , man ? Jamal : You got to help me out , dude . Jack : What s going on ? Jamal : Look , come on , pack your bags , I ll -- Jack : Whoa , whoa , whoa , slow down . Tell me what this is about . Jamal : Imani s gone , ok , and you re going to help me find her . Jamal s voice : Imani , had an amazing time on our date last night . Looking forward to many more . Jamal . Imani : Bye , Jamal . Kevin : Look , Lucy , I m sorry . I did nt mean to upset you . Lucy : No , I m sorry . I -- I know you re just trying to be a good friend right now . But -- Kevin : It s ok . I know a consolation prize when I hear one . Lucy : Ian and I are going to work this out . We re going to figure this out and we re going to be just fine . It s just every once in a while , I sort of lose my focus , you know , just , like , for a beat . Kevin : It s ok . You re entitled to do that . Lucy : Right . I need to go . So are you going to be ok ? Kevin : Yeah , my ride should be here any minute . Lucy : Great . Then I ll see you later . Kevin : Would you do one thing for me , though ? Bring Christina by soon . I miss her already . Lucy : Sure , I ll do that . I -- I ll give you a call . Kevin : Thanks . Lucy : Hi . Chris : Hey , Lucy . Lucy : Hey , have you seen Ian ? Chris : No , I need to find him . It s really important . Lucy : What ? Why ? What are you talking about ? Chris : He took more of the serum , this time a much more potent dose . Lucy : Oh , my god . Oh , no . Chris : Yeah , yeah , oh , yes , and I have no idea what it might do to him . Lucy : We ve got to find him . Chris : Yes , we do . Kevin : Ian . If you re looking for Lucy , she already left . Ian : Oh , good . Good , good , good . Gives us a chance to talk . Jack : All right , all right , it s going to be all right , all right ? Just relax . Tell me exactly what happened . Jamal : I do nt know what happened , ok ? Imani -- she just took off . Jack : And that worries you because ? Jamal : Because she s in the middle of something right now , ok ? It s just this crazy situation . Jack : Ok , like what ? Jamal : This guy who s obsessed with her , he offed another guy , and he s basically trying to pin the whole thing on Imani . Jack : Ok , what kind of sick freak ? Jamal : One with a badge and a gun , ok , insane , right , that kind of guy . Jack : Whoa , you telling me this is a cop ? Jamal : He s a sheriff , which basically makes him untouchable . Jack : And if he finds Imani -- Jamal : It s not going to be good , yeah . Jack : Why d she leave anyway ? Jamal : I was getting all in her business and I stirred things up again , ok ? Jack : So she freaked out and left . Jamal : Yeah . Look , I got to find her . Can we go now ? Jack : Dude , ok , I m in your corner , all right ? Jamal : Good , I knew you d be there for me . Let s go . Jack : I ll be right back . Let me grab my stuff . Jamal : Would you stop talking ? Livvie : No , wait , Jack . Please do nt go . I need you , Jack . Kevin : Ian , are you feeling all right ? Ian : Oh , oh , yeah , yeah . You know how hectic a blended household can be , especially when one of the members is a vampire . Kevin : Yeah , I know you and Lucy have been having some problems with that . Ian : You spoke to Lucy , Lucy spoke to you . Kevin : Yes , she did , and she made it clear to me she wants to work through it with you . Ian : It s just us here , Kevin . Kevin Collins , Kevin Collins . Call me doctor , call me doc . It s just us . Will you play a game with me ? All you have to do is tell the truth , and I will do the same . Ok , I go first . I think you wanted this from the very beginning . You wanted to try to find a way to maneuver yourself back into Lucy s life . Kevin : You do nt seem to be feeling very well , so maybe -- Ian : Maybe what ? Maybe I should feed ? I should feed . Ok . I ca nt show Lucy . I ca nt show her . Kevin : You ca nt show her what ? Ian : What you ve been whispering in her ear this whole time -- whisp , whisp , whisp , whisp . Ian is a vampire , and the day will come when he will do what comes naturally . Kevin : All I was going to suggest is that maybe you need a little help . I tell you what , why do nt we just go page Chris ? Ian : Why ? It s just the boys talking . Just a friendly chat . Kevin : Look , Ian -- this is nt feeling too friendly anymore . Ian : Ok . You got me . You re right . Maybe I need to feed on you . You will feed me . It s what comes naturally . It s my instinct . You need to help me get in touch with my dark side . Please ? Please ? Kevin : Ian , whatever it is you feel like doing , whatever it is you want to do , I m asking you , do nt do it . Do nt do it , and get a hold of yourself , not just for my sake but for LucyS. Ian : Always do what s best for Lucy ! Always ! Always ! Kevin Collins , Kevin , Kevin , call me doctor , call me doc ! Do not toy with me , boy ! Do not pretend you have not dealt with the dark side . Kevin : Of course I have . Ian : And tell me , what did you do ? Did you fight it like I did or did you embrace it ? Kevin : Ian -- Ian : Share with me , teacher ! Share with me what you felt ! Ah ! The sweet , sacred sense of liberation when the darkness comes ? Did you feel it ? Because I have to tell you , in my whole life , I have never felt stronger . Man : Excuse me , miss . I could nt help but notice you sitting alone and -- Imani : What do you want ? Man : Well , I did nt mean to bother you . I just -- well , I m new in town , and you re very attractive , and -- well , forgive me . I m not very good at this . Imani : Listen , listen , I am really flattered , but I m not from around here and I m not really available . Man : Oh , well . Well , whoever he is , I m sure he s a lucky guy . Imani : Thanks . Jamal , I miss you . Jamal : Livvie ? Dude , tell me this is nt what it looks like . Jack : Hey , hey , Jamal , nothing s going on here , believe me , I promise . Jamal : So why is she even here ? Jack : I do nt know why she s here . Jamal : But you let her in . Jack : Yeah . Jamal : The woman you were going to hate for the rest of your life . You let her in . Jack : I did hate her . Jamal : But obviously not anymore . Ok , so tell me something -- I do nt know , tell me , what changed here ? Jack : I do nt know ! Livvie : Would you two please stop talking about me like I am not here ? Jamal : Well , you know what , that s the question of the day , that s the question of the day , Livvie -- what are you doing here ? Livvie : Jack is just being a friend . Jamal : A friend ? Livvie : Is it really that hard to believe , Jamal ? Livvie : You were once my friend , remember ? Jamal : Oh , no , no , no , no . That was a long time ago , before you flipped out and went psycho and tried to destroy -- Livvie : I m psycho ? Jamal : Yeah , you are psycho ! Livvie : What about your girlfriend ? Jamal : What , my girlfriend ? Livvie : Why do nt you take a good , hard look at Imani before you start throwing the psycho around . Jamal : Hold on , hold on , what do you think you know about Imani , anyway ? Livvie : Plenty , trust me . Jamal : Well , come on . Livvie : No , forget it . Jamal : We re listening . No , no , we re listening . Livvie : Forget it . Jamal : No , no , you brought this up . What do you think you know about Imani ? Livvie : When you find her , maybe you ll find out for yourself . Jamal : That s your friend ? I do nt need to listen to anything you say because I know they re all lies anyway . Now , if you re done , me and Jack , we got to go . Are you down with this ? Jack : Yeah . Jamal : Can we move ? Livvie : Jack , please , do nt leave me . I need you . Jamal : God . Jack : Look , Jamal needs my help . I got to go with him . Livvie : Jack , I have nowhere to go . You can not abandon me right now . Jack : Look , I m going to go with Jamal . You stay here . Livvie : I can not be alone ! Jamal : Let s go , please ? Livvie : I ca nt be alone right now . Do nt you see ? My heart is breaking . I have no one to talk to . Everyone has turned their back on me . Jamal : Oh , there you go . Jack : Livvie , go talk to your dad . You guys seem to have a good relationship now . Jamal : Yep , that s a good idea . That s good , go to your dad . Come on , Jack , let s go . Livvie : No , it is not a good idea ! My father is trying to get himself better right now . I can not worry him with my problems . Jamal : You know what , it looks like you got a lot to me . Jack , let s go . I got to go . Jack : All right , let s go . Livvie : No , wait , wait . Jack : Livvie -- Livvie : Listen to me , I understand that you have to help Jamal . I just -- well , I want to come , too . Jack : Oh , no . Jamal : What ? Livvie : Please , I will help ! I just -- I want to come along . Lucy : Oh , Chris . Anything ? Did you find him ? Chris : I checked every floor up to this one . There s no sign of him . Lucy : Oh , my god . Ian , why ? Why did you do this ? Why did you take that drug ? Why did nt you stop him ? Why did nt you ? Chris : I thought I d talked him out of it . Lucy : You thought ? Chris : Yeah , I told him the serum was nt ready , and he seemed to accept that . But then when I turned my back , he must have taken it . Lucy : Why did you turn your back then ? You knew what he was thinking , you knew what his state of mind was . Chris : Do nt blame me for this . You re the reason he took it in the first place . Maybe if he had nt felt so threatened by your live - in ex - husband , he would nt have done it . Lucy : Kevin -- Kevin does nt live with us anymore , and Ian knows how much I love him . Chris : Well , between this whole vampire thing and Kevin waiting in the wings -- Lucy : Kevin -- he s not waiting in the wings . He s not waiting at all . Chris : I do nt know . Well , in Ian s mind , he s on stage , Lucy . That s what drove him over the edge . That s why he took the serum . Lucy : No , it s not . He took the serum because he wants to be normal for himself . Chris : No , he took it for one reason , and you re that reason . Ian : Share with me , Kevin . Share with me , Kevin . Share with me , Kevin . Kevin : Ok . All right . What would you like to know ? Ian : How did it feel ? How did the power feel rushing through your veins ? Kevin : I felt hatred and anger . But most of all , I recall feeling dead inside . Ian : Oh , no , no , no . Well , you re better now . You re all better , and that s good , that s good , that s good , because now you can sit and look down in judgment on me . And you can fill Lucy s head with worries of the day when I finally snap ! Kevin : I wo nt apologize for that . Ian : And that s fair . And I will not apologize for killing you . Say good night , Collins . Lucy : No , Ian ! Ian ! Jamal : You got to be kidding me , right ? You re kidding me . Do you honestly think that I will go anywhere with you ? Livvie : I m not going to cause any trouble , Jamal , I swear . Jamal : Oh , my god . Livvie : Do nt you understand ? I can not be alone right now . Jack : Livvie , Livvie , Livvie , listen to me , this is not about you . Jamal needs my help , so I ve got to go . Livvie : I want to come , too ! Jamal : You know what , you know what -- Jack , on second thought , I think I can cover more ground on my own , ok ? Jack : No , Jamal , dude -- Jamal : No , no , no , no , Jack , because you know what , you know she s not going to give this up . She ll probably end up following us and making the whole situation worse . Livvie : No , I wo nt , Jamal ! Jamal : Stop , ok , because I ve got to focus right now on one thing , and that thing is not Livvie . Jack : Hey , wait a minute -- Jamal : Jack , just forget about it , ok ? Just handle your situation . Jack : What is your problem ? Why are you doing this to me ? Livvie : Jack , I m sorry . I m sorry . I know you must hate me . I m sorry . Jack , you re all I have right now . Jack : All right . Just calm down , ok ? It s ok . Are you calm now ? Livvie : Yeah . Yeah . Thank you . Jack : So what was the thing between you and Imani ? Livvie : Jamal was right , Jack , it s nothing , really . Jack : No , no , no , look , I know when you re lying , so tell me the truth . Livvie : I m not proud to say this . I was really upset one night . Jack : I m sure about Caleb . Livvie : Jack , do you want me to tell you or not ? Jack : Go . Livvie : Like I said , I was nt in the best of moods that night when I ran into Imani . And I do nt remember who started it , but she pushed me over the line . I bit her . Imani : Oh ! Jack : You what ? Are you telling me Imani s -- Livvie : No , jack , that s just it -- she got right back up like nothing happened . Imani : Blood ? I m bleeding . You . Livvie : No . Imani : Oh , baby , you just made a big mistake . I do nt think so ! Livvie : And then she pushed me away . I m strong , Jack , I m a vampire , but she pushed me away like I was nt even there . Jack : And then what ? Livvie : That s it . She just insists that nothing happened . But I am positive something did . I know it . Oh , yeah , I almost forgot . Jack : What ? Livvie : Jack , when I bit her , I got sick , I mean violently sick . Jack : So you re telling me you and Imani got into it , you bit her , she looked at you in a strange way , and because you did nt turn her into a vampire , you think she s a freak ? Livvie : Fine . Ok , I over exaggerated a little bit . Sorry , I don like people looking at me that way . You know , Jack , fine , if you want me to leave , I ll leave . Just tell me . Jack : I said you could stay . I meant it . So stay . Jamal : Ok , Imani . Where are you ? Jamal : Where do I even -- Jamal : Hello ? Hello ? Yo , anybody there ? Hello ? Imani : I ca nt . I ca nt do this to you . Jamal : Damn , was that you , Imani ? If only I knew where you were at . Just if I had some kind of clue . Come on . Jamal s voice : There s got to be some kind of mistake . This is a sketch of you . Imani she seems like a really cool lady . You talk about her like she s still here . Imani s voice : I guess she s still alive in my heart . Jamal : That s it . That s where I ll start . I am coming to see you , Medea . Lucy : You do nt want to do this . This is not what you want . This is nt you . Ian : This is exactly what I am . Lucy : No , it s not . Ian : You said it did nt matter . Lucy : It does nt matter . You know that . And you know that I love you ! Ian : Stop the lies . You do nt love me . You re a slayer and I m a vampire . Lucy : Ian , please . Ian : We all knew this day would come , and now the day is here . Get out of the way . Lucy : No ! No . Ian : Do you really think you can stop me ? Lucy : I m sorry , but I know I can . Now , listen to me , look at me very carefully -- this is nt you . This is that drug . It s making you have all these symptoms . It s making you this way . Do you hear me ? Ian : Look around you , Lucy Coe ! This is your life ! Lucy : Ian ! Ian ! ### Summary:
Finding Olivia crying on his doorstep , Jack invites her inside and listens as she blames herself for her misery . While he tries to comfort her , Jamal starts pounding on the door . Olivia ducks out of sight so that Jack can answer the door . Filling Jack in on the situation with Imani , Jamal urges him to pack a bag and help him find her . Jack is prepared to go until Olivia returns and begs him not to leave her . Jack assures Jamal that it s not what it looks like , and he fully intends to help look for Imani . When Jamal refers to Olivia as psycho , she advises him to take a good look at Imani before tossing that word around . Seeing that Jack is prepared to leave her there alone , she decides to accompany the guys in their search , but Jamal would rather do this alone than have her along . After he leaves , Olivia reluctantly fills a skeptical Jack in on her strange encounter with Imani . Meanwhile , at a diner , Imani rejects a potential suitor and calls Jamal , but she ca nt bring herself to speak . Convinced that it was Imani who called , Jamal thinks hard about where she could be , and he decides to start with her grandmother in Alabama . After leaving Kevin , Lucy runs into Chris , who is frantically looking for Ian . When Chris explains that Ian took a super dose of the serum , Lucy tries to blame him for this , but Chris informs her that she is the reason her lover stole the serum . A crazed Ian confronts Kevin at the hospital . After alternating between uncontrolled rage and tearful pleas for help , he gives in to his dark side . As Ian bares his fangs to kill his wheelchair - bound rival , Kevin throws a pot of hot coffee on him . Lucy arrives just as Ian prepares to smash a chair down on his enemy . While she distracts him and tries to talk him down , Chris manages to jab a needle into the raging vampire s neck .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Philip : You want to get married ? You re kidding , right ? Belle : No , let s elope . We could go to Vegas . We had such a good time when we were there before . Philip : Okay , belle , where is this coming from ? You -- you re tired of being a single parent so you want to enlist a hand . Belle : Of course not . Claire does nt have anything to do with this . Philip : Then what s going on ? First you did nt want to commit , then you did . Belle : [ Scoffs ] Philip : Then you did nt , then you did . Belle : Okay , well , I m through being indecisive . Philip : Until you change your mind again . Belle : Would you stop ? I m not gon na change my mind . I want you and only you , forever . And you want that , too , right ? So ... marry me . Philip : I m sorry , but the answer is no . Nicole : Hi . Dario : Mind if I join you ? Nicole : Join , please . [ Laughs nervously ] Dario : I ve been dying to know what you decided . About the con . Nicole : Oh . Good question . Um ... I said I d do it . But now I m wondering if I m making a huge mistake . Dario : Remember , you ve got ta be all in if you re gon na do something . Nicole : I am . I am . I m all in . It s just ... the mark is already suspicious . He served 30 years for murder . I mean , he claims he s innocent , but getting on this guy s bad side , it-- it could be deadly , you know . Deimos : I do nt need your forgiveness , you bastard ! Helena s death was your fault and yours alone ! [ Breathes heavily ] As I said , I forgive you . Of course it s easy for me to be magnanimous now that I have all your money , all your power . You ve been rendered utterly irrelevant , impotent , pathetic . So why do nt you do yourself a favor and accept that fact that you ve been defeated . It s time for you to roll over and die , old man . Victor : Never . Dario : Well , is it too late for you to back out ? Nicole : Unfortunately , my ally is at least as dangerous as my enemy . Dario : And you went into this situation voluntarily ? Nicole : I know , right ? Dario : Well , you ca nt run scared or you ll be screwed . Nicole : Thank you . Thank you , that makes me feel so much better . Dario : Have confidence . You re good . You re really good . Nicole : How do you know ? Dario : Cause you re smart , you re beautiful , you re successful . Nicole : And I m blushing . Dario : And on the bright side , it s no fun if it s not a challenge . Nicole : Fun ? Wait , I must be doing something terribly wrong . Am I supposed to get a rush out of this ? Dario : I do nt like scamming people . I do what I have to to survive . But the art of the game is pretty damn beautiful . Nicole : Well , my game so far is pretty sad . Dario : Why ? Nicole : Because I let the mark think he was in control , and a few seconds after that he accused me of conning him . Dario : And you said ? Nicole : I admitted that I was offered to manipulate him and that I turned it down . And I let him make the next move . Dario : Really ? See , I told you , you re a natural . Now , just keep letting him think he s playing you , so he wo nt even see it coming when you go in for the kill . Brady : Granddad . Victor : Thank you for coming so quickly . Brady : Philip said you had a setback . How do you feel ? Victor : Enraged . Deimos paid me a visit . Justin : How dare he come here . Brady : Do nt worry about it . We ll put security guards outside your room . Maggie s too . Victor : I do nt want him just kept out ; I want him destroyed . Brady : All right , what can we do ? Justin : You ve heard about uncle Vic s grand plan . Nicole is going to seduce Deimos into marrying her and then she s going to swindle him out of everything he stole . Brady : Yes , I know about the plan , and I think it s a horrible idea . Victor : The train has left the station . My only concern now is ... she does nt have enough time to make the necessary inroads . Brady : Grandfather , my concern is that Nicole is going to be hurt , maybe worse . Victor : It was her decision . Brady : It was her decision . Are you kidding me ? Are you kidding me with this ? Justin : All right , look , look , look , Brady and I both agree that we need a better plan . And I think I have one . Philip : Do nt be upset . Belle : I m not . You re right . It was a stupid idea . Philip : It was not . Do you know how hard it was for me to say no ? I do want to marry you , but it has to be for the right reasons . Belle : I love you . You love me . We want to spend our lives together . What s a better reason than that ? Philip : [ Clears throat ] Claire got arrested , you and Shawn had a huge fight , you come over here all emotional , and-- in the light of day , you might not feel the same way . Belle : That argument with Shawn made me realize that I have-- [ Sighs ] I have wasted so much of my life on him , taking the blame for everything , feeling ignored , feeling totally worthless . Philip , I could have spent all of that time with you , and I wish I had . I just do nt want to waste any more time . Philip : Then do nt act like it does nt hurt . You believe what you re saying . I know you do . I also know you too well . You do nt want to get married because you re suddenly convinced that you want to spend the rest of our lives together . You want to get married so you do nt have to think about how much you miss Shawn . Nicole : You know , you keep coming along at just the right time . Dario : Lucky you . Nicole : Yeah . Dario : But I can only be so helpful if you do nt trust me with the deets . Nicole : I told you , I just do nt want to put you in a bad position . Dario : Bartender s oath . Remember ? Discretion always . Nicole : Thank you . Dario : So come on , spill . Nicole : Okay . [ Laughs ] Dario : So you look like this guy s dead Greek ex . That s -- that s creepy . Nicole : Mm - hmm , it is . And Victor says I m gon na be this guy s Achilles heel , which is why I m the only person who can do this . Dario : And what s in it for you ? Nicole : Partial control of Titan . But more important , justice for Maggie . She ll probably never walk again , and that s all Deimos fault . Dario : Anyone who can hurt Melanie s grandmother is scum as far as I m concerned . Nicole : As far as everyone s concerned . But Deimos has gotten away with so much already . I mean , how can I stop him ? Dario : You said he was suspicious . Does he still seem interested ? Nicole : Yeah , I guess . Dario : Does he know the two of us are friends ? Nicole : No , why ? Dario : I can nose around for you , get a lay of the land . Nicole : Hmm . Now , why would you do that ? Do you think there s something in it for you ? Victor : No , no , no , that sounds dangerous , especially for you . You might lose your job . Justin : Only if we get caught . Victor : Well , we better not . Brady : I m on board . But let s tell Nicole that we have a new approach . That way she can stay the hell away from-- Victor : Will you stop worrying about Nicole ? Brady : Somebody has to . Victor : Believe me , she can take care of herself . Brady : Grandfather , what is the point of having her go after Deimos if we are-- Victor : She d be the perfect cover . She ll keep my brother engaged and he wo nt even see us coming . And who knows , I mean , she s good at getting her way with men . She might just succeed . Dario : I told you , it s exciting . Nicole : And ? Dario : Gives me a chance to spend more time with you . Nicole : [ Chuckles ] And ? Dario : I was thinking you could cut me in , say , 10 % of your take . Nicole : Oh , I knew it . No . Dario : Come on , I ve got the experience . Nicole : I m doing all the work . Dario : So my free advice means nothing , my skills ? My concern for your well- being ? Nicole : Fine . 10 % , no way . A quarter mil . Dario : A quarter ? Nicole : That s my final offer . Dario : Done . [ Laughs ] By the way , most important piece of advice now that you re paying for it , do not fall for the mark . Nicole : Oh , my God , have you gotten a load of this guy ? He s creepy , and he s sleeping with Kate Roberts . Dario : Well , she must see something in him . Nicole : She married Stefano DiMera . Need I say more ? Dario : All I m saying , it happens more often than you think . Nicole : Did it happen to you ? Dario : Maybe . It s an easy trap to fall into . You re acting your heart out trying to sell your cover . Before you know it , you re believing it yourself . You re in love , and it s too late to back out . Nicole : [ Scoffs ] Trust me , I hate what he did to Maggie . And that is never gon na change . Dario : Good . To a successful and lucrative partnership . Nicole : [ Sighs ] Deimos : Woke up and you were gone . I have no idea where you went so I m going home . I do hope you re not about to disappoint me . K. Brady : Is this your idea of sticking it to Deimos and Nicole at the same time ? I ca nt believe that you would ask her to do something like this . Victor : Listen , I know you suffer from derangement syndrome when it comes to Nicole . Hop into bed with her if it makes you feel better . Brady : Okay . Justin : Uncle vic . Victor : Believe me , she was more than anxious to get on board . And she s being very handsomely compensated . Brady : Let me ask you something . What would Maggie say about all this ? Victor : Maggie s not gon na know about it , even though it s for her and for you . We have to get the Kiriakis empire back in the family . Justin : If things get out of hand , we can get Nicole out of there . Brady : If it s too late ? Victor : Oh , do nt be so melodramatic . Justin : Brady , she s a willing participant . Brady : She does nt know that we have another plan . Victor : And she s not going to know . Everything we say in this room stays here . Understood ? Belle : Philip , you are so wrong . Shawn and I have been over forever . I signed the divorce papers . He s moved on . I ve moved on , and I am so happy to be free . Philip : Keep telling yourself that . We ve been through this before . Belle : Well , you and I are not college kids anymore . We know who we are . We know what we want , and I want you . I love you . Philip : Do you realize that s the first time you ve even said that ? Belle : Really ? Philip : Yes . Belle : And now that I m saying it , you re pulling away . Philip : What ? Belle : I mean , it s like you wanted me when you could nt have me , but now that I m ready to commit , you just do nt . Philip : [ Clears throat ] Okay , are you just in the mood for a fight tonight ? I have told you that I wanted you , belle . I have been 100 % clear . But I do nt think you know what you really want . Actually , you do , you re just not ready to accept it . Belle : You think I want Shawn ? Philip : It s always been belle and Shawn , Shawn and belle . I know how this story ends . I do nt want to live it again . Belle : So you re scared because you think that I m gon na break your heart ? I get it . Philip : I love you . I want you to be happy . I think Shawn s the guy that makes you happy . Belle : No . He s the guy who makes me miserable . Philip : How ? He did nt pay enough attention to you . You went out and slept with somebody else . He got angry . You wanted to work things out . You said you owed it to Claire . You owe it to yourself , belle . Try harder . Get back the family and the life that you miss so much . Belle : You re wrong . You re completely wrong . Chad : Hey . Thomas : [ Cries ] Chad : You want your bear , huh ? Thomas : [ Cries harder ] Chad : It s okay . Daddy just needs to make a little pit stop so he can get some caffeine because you re not letting me sleep at all . Oh , no , you do nt get any because I let you stay up all night watching TV with me , which is gon na be great , okay . That s gon na be our little secret . Hey , hey . Okay . Oh , it s fine . It s okay . It s gon na be a lot better when mom gets home . Thomas : [ Crying ] Chad : Want a blankie ? And some milk ? Yeah , I miss her , too , buddy . It s okay . You just got ta get some sleep . What , do you want me to beg ? Huh ? Plead ? I could bribe you . But you re a baby , so what-- what am I gon na bribe you with ? Sing ? I m a terrible singer . That s okay . Thomas : [ Coos ] Chad : That s it . Oh , sleep . Sleep . Theo : Hey . No handcuffs , so does that mean you re free ? Ciara : No , we just got out on bail . Except for jade , cause she did nt call her parents to tell them that she was arrested . Hope : We ll be back for your court date . Ciara : Belle said that we might get off easy . Theo : Well , you should . Mark s the one who needs to pay . Hope : Hey , hey , hey . I do nt want to hear that kind of talk , Theo . What mark did to you makes me angrier than I can say . But vandalizing his father s car , what did that accomplish ? Ciara : Nothing . Hope : Exactly , nothing . Now , he s playing the innocent victim . And I m afraid he s going to get away with it . And just so you re prepared , I fully expect judge McNair to make an example out of you and all of your friends . Belle : Why do nt we go to the pub and get some breakfast ? Claire : I m not hungry . Belle : Honey , everything is gon na be okay . Claire : Would you stop saying that ? Shawn : Hey , take it easy . Do nt talk to your mom like that . Claire : Why not ? You do . Shawn : Look , just because you did the wrong thing does nt mean that you get to get mad at us . Claire : Oh , okay , helping Ciara was the wrong thing . And -- and spending the night in jail was good for me , right ? Tough love . Belle : Honey , it was too late to go before the judge . There was nothing we could do . Claire : Grandma hope brought us breakfast . And aunt Kayla came to see us , too . But not you guys , cause you were either mad or ashamed or you probably just did nt care . Belle : That is not true . Claire : Just go back to fighting , okay . I will be in the car . Joey : Where s dad ? Kayla : He does nt know we re here . Joey : Oh , because telling him would require talking to him , and God forbid you have to do that . Kayla : I did nt want him slapping you on the back and congratulating you for being a chip off the old block . Now , the two of you have matching police records . It s lovely . Let s go . Joey : Well , what about jade ? Kayla : She needs to call her parents . Joey : She said they wo nt bail her out . So could you do it ? Kayla : No . Joey : Mom . Kayla : I am not responsible for her . Joey : You go on about how important it is to help people . Her parents do nt care about her at all . Kayla : Have you met them ? Joey : Well , no , but-- Kayla : This is ridiculous . Excuse me , can I get jade Michaels telephone number ? Joey : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Wait a minute , that s -- that s personal information . You ca nt just give her-- Kayla : Well , then I will ask my brother the police commissioner or maybe I will call information , or you know what , I could drive across town and get it . Here you go . Kayla : Thank you very much . Hope : I bet you re ready to get out of here . Abe : Oh , I thought I d find you here . Ciara . I d like to have a word with you ? Theo : Sure . I ll call you later . Ciara : Great . Hope : Let s go . Theo : So what s up , dad ? Abe : I m gon na get right to the point here . I know you re not going to like this , but from now on , I want you to stay away from Ciara . Joey : Calling jade s parents was a pretty jerky thing to do . Kayla : Right , and getting her out of jail was so cruel of me . Yeah , I m the meanest mom in the world . Joey : No , you re not , hers is . You do nt know what they ll do to her . Kayla : And you do ? Look , jade s actions deserve consequences , as do yours . And I m not just talking about last night . Look , I need to go see some patients , but when I get back , I really want you and -- and me to have a serious talk . Joey : Oh , boy . Fynn : Good morning . Maybe not . Kayla : I ll fill you in on rounds . Do nt leave this office till I get back , all right ? Joey : Okay . [ Sighs ] Belle : Your great - grandmother s gon na be upset when she sees how much food you re leaving on your plate . Claire : Well , dad s probably back there telling her I belong in juvie , so what s a little leftover bacon , you know ? Belle : You know what . I went before the judge for you today . I represented you and your friends , and I bailed you out of jail , so why am I getting all this attitude ? You realize that you re an adult , right ? This arrest will go on your permanent record . Claire : God , mom , it s not like I robbed a bank . I mean , what was I supposed to do , tell Ciara to laugh it off and just ignore what mark did to her ? Mom , you re the one who always told me to stand up for what I believe in and to stand by my friends . Belle : Vandalizing a car is not a heroic act , Claire . Shawn : I am so tired of listening to this argument . You made a mistake , and the more you avoid taking responsibility for your action , the worse your punishment s gon na be . Claire : Wow , seriously ? Shawn : Yeah . Claire : Mom . Belle : I completely agree with your father . Claire : Wow . Wow , the only time you two agree on something , it s that I suck . Belle : Oh , come on , Claire . Shawn : Hey , will you put your phone away ? We re not done yet . Claire : Oh , my God ! I do nt believe this . Theo : I do nt get it . Why ? Abe : [ Sighs ] I do nt have to tell you that Ciara s having a really hard time right now . Theo : Yeah , which is why she needs her friends . Abe : And she s acting out in ways that just are nt healthy , and I do nt want you to get caught up in something that might get you hurt , could get you in trouble . Theo : Dad , she was raped . It s not her fault . Abe : Of course it s not her fault . Theo : Well , I m not gon na treat her like there s something wrong with her . Abe : She needs professional help . Now , eventually , she ll get herself all straightened out , but until then-- Theo : Dad , she needs me . I need her , too . I care about her so much . Abe : I know . And that s another reason I want you to keep your distance from her . I do nt think you re ready to be this serious about her . Theo : You do nt think I m ready to be this serious about anybody , do you ? Abe : Ciara is not in a place where she can be involved in a relationship . She needs to heal and get stronger for herself . Some time apart would be good for both of you . Theo : Dad , no ! You re so wrong . You re wrong . I m gon na be with Ciara , and you ca nt stop me . Abe : Theo . Theo ! [ Sighs ] Ciara : I m gon na get something to eat . Hope : Ciara , wait . I want to talk to you for a minute . Ciara : Mom , do you know what mark did ? He put a picture of Theo up that said short bus and then he called me a party girl slut . Hope : Honey , it makes me sick . Ciara : He basically said that I was asking for what chase did to me . I swear , it was like being raped all over again . Hope : Baby . Ciara : I m not gon na just sit there and take it anymore . I m not gon na play the victim again . And I do nt care if that means breaking the law . Hope : Ciara , you have to care . Listen , you have to care . Do you really want to let people like mark ruin your life because they provoked you to do something stupid ? Listen to me , please . Baby , I really think you need to see Marlena , please . Ciara : I told you , I will . Hope : When ? Ciara Alice , when ? You did nt show up for your first appointment , nor did you reschedule . Baby , you need help to get through this . Your 18th birthday was ruined because of your drinking . You spent your prom night in jail . This self - destructive behavior is hurting a lot of people , not just you . See , it s hurting your friends . Ciara : Okay , so everything s my fault then . Hope : No , that s not what I m saying . Please , just hear me out . I just want you to accept that you need help to deal with this , baby . Ciara : I do nt want to deal with it , mom , okay ? Do nt you get it ? I m never gon na get over it , and you re just making it worse . Hope : Ciara . Ciara . Ciara ! Theo : Hey . Do you want to go get some coffee ? Did your mom punish you ? Ciara : No , she did nt have the chance . We got in a huge fight , and I just could nt listen to her anymore . Theo : Yeah , I got in a fight with my dad , too . Ciara : Why ? You did nt do anything wrong . Theo : Yeah , well , he told me I should stop seeing you for a while . But I told him no way . There s nothing that s gon na stop me from being with you . Ciara : Maybe you should , uh-- maybe you should listen to him . I m -- I m totally screwed up . Theo : No , you re not . Hey . You re not . Okay , you re perfect . Ciara : No , I m not ! I feel like a stranger is walking around in my body . I hate everyone , and I hate everything . Nothing ever makes me happy , and I do nt feel like anything ever will . Theo : Well , you make me happy . Ciara : Yeah , but what about Claire ? What about Henry and Joey and jade ? They all have records now because of me . Theo : They -- they were doing with they thought was right , okay ? They had a choice . Ciara : My mom said that I m hurting all the people around me . And she s right . Theo , I care about you a lot , okay ? But I would nt be a good friend if ... Theo : If what ? Ciara : You should listen to your dad . You should stay away from me . Theo : Ciara , no . What -- what are you-- Ciara : No , Theo . Theo : What are you talking about ? Ciara : Theo , you re a great guy and you deserve better . Okay . Just -- just-- Theo : Wait , Ciara . Ciara . Ciara : You deserve better . Theo : What ? Just -- just-- Belle : What ? Claire : Henry recorded my performance at prom last night and uploaded it to YouTube . He -- he just texted to say it s -- it s , like , gone viral . It has thousands of views already . Belle : That s great , honey . Shawn : Okay , can we not change the subject here ? Claire : Oh , mom , you should check out these comments . Apparently I m edgy , now that I m a felon . Belle : Oh , my God , you are not a felon ; it s a misdemeanor . Claire : Whatever . I got ta go tell Ciara , okay ? Belle : No , Claire , wait . We re not-- Shawn : Wait , Claire , get-- Claire , get back -- get over here . Belle : I just -- I do nt know what to do with her . Shawn : She s been playing us off each other for way too long . I think we need to stick together . We need to show her that we re on the same team . We are , are nt we ? Belle : Of course we are . Kayla : Something wrong ? Fynn : I was just wondering if you re doing anything after work tonight . Kayla : Other than grounding my delinquent son , no . I do nt think so . Fynn : Might you be interested in joining me for dinner ? Kayla : Are -- are you asking me on a date ? Chad : He was up , like , 20 times last night . He finally got some-- got some sleep . I hope he naps for a little bit . Although , the more he sleeps , the less he s gon na sleep tonight so that s -- Ciara : Man , no wonder you look exhausted . Is -- is Abigail napping ? Chad : No . She , uh ... she s -- she s in the hospital . Ciara : Oh , my God . What s wrong ? Chad : Nothing , nothing . She s just , you know , she s just been stressed out about Ben , and she kind of ... she s getting good care , and she s gon na be home soon , so ... Ciara : God , I mean , should I write her a card or ... what do you say to-- I just -- I feel really bad for her . Chad : Thanks . You know , we re both just really grateful to have you helping out with Thomas , especially with Abby being gone . Were -- arent you supposed to be here later or did I get my times mixed up ? I thought you were gon na be here this afternoon . Ciara : No , actually , I was hoping maybe I could work more hours . I mean , especially now that Abby s gone , maybe I can even work full time . Chad : Wait , what about school ? Ciara : I m not going back to school . I m done with everyone there . Thomas : [ Crying ] Ciara : Hi . Thomas : [ Stops crying ] Ciara : So much for a long nap . Chad : So your mom s on board with you just quitting school ? Ciara : No . I mean , she s not really on board with anything , but that s why I m moving out and getting my own apartment . Chad : Look , Ciara , I would-- I would love to have you full time . Do nt you have , like , two months left of school ? Ciara : Yeah , so what ? I ll get my GED or something . Chad : No . Look , I m sorry . I d love to be able to help you , but I ca nt . Shawn : Look , I m sorry about last night , belle . I ca nt expect Claire to hold herself responsible for her actions , then turn around and blame you . Belle : Well , she s out of control with me . Shawn : With me , too . Belle : Well , it s hard to say no when you want to be the nice parent , right ? I ve just -- Ive screwed up so much , and I do nt know how to make it up to her . Shawn : You know , I would never ever say this in front of Claire , belle ... I m kind of proud of what she did last night . Belle : But you were so mad . Shawn : Yeah , I was mad because she had vandalized a judge s car , and now that bastard mark is untouchable . You know , but Ciara needs all the support that she can get , and I m glad that Claire was there for her . Belle : Me , too . Shawn : You know , I was thinking the other day about how you were always there for Chloe when she had nobody , and she did nt make it easy on you . Belle : Oh , my God , do you remember that time she put glue in Mimi s shampoo ? Oh , my God ! Shawn : Oh , God . Shawn : I m -- I m sorry . I do nt say this enough , but I m glad that Claire takes after you . Belle : Well , I m glad she takes after you . Let s just hope she does nt drive a motorcycle through a church window to stop a wedding anytime soon . Shawn : That was embarrassing . It was so bad . Belle : I know . Shawn : What ? Belle : Nothing . What were you saying ? Ciara : Look , if you wo nt give me more hours , then I guess I m just gon na have to find another job . I hate to do this to you , but-- Chad : Okay , listen , Ciara . Ciara : Look , look , you re not gon na stop me from quitting school and moving out . That s happening , with your help or without it . Thomas , you want to go back to your daddy ? Chad : Okay , just-- just wait a second . How about this , all right , Ill -- Ill give you a raise . You can work the exact same amount of hours , just get more money , okay . You can save up for-- for an apartment or whatever you want . But the deal is you have to finish your senior year . Okay ? How does that sound ? Kayla : Oh , I am -- I am-- I m really not ready to go on a date or-- [ Stammers ] Fynn : No , I did nt mean a date date . Kayla : Oh . Fynn : Just ... Kayla : Oh . Fynn : Eating alone gets tiresome after a while , you know . Everything I cook comes out of a tin . I just thought it d be nice to have dinner with a friend for a change . Kayla : Well , in that case , I d love to . I m sorry . I m gon na go check on Joey . Fynn : Okay . Joey : Hey . Thank God you re out . Jade : I ca nt believe your mom called my parents . Joey : I m -- I m sorry . I tried to get her to just bail you out . Jade : You know , they re pissed that they had to fork over the bail money and ... [ Sighs ] They said they re kicking me out . Joey : What ? Jade : They re sending me to live with my uncle in the middle of nowhere Florida . His wife left him and he needs help on his farm . They think it ll be like boot camp . You know , I ll spend my time picking fruit and paying them back . I ll never do anything bad again . And you ll be out of my life . Joey : Hey , hey . Hey . Jade : [ Sniffles ] Joey : Hey , that s not gon na happen , okay ? Let s go to L.A. Let s do it today . ### Summary:
Philip turned down Belle s proposal . Deimos tried to kill Victor , but he changed his mind and left . Nicole told Dario that she had second thoughts about her plan . He talked her into doing the plan . He wanted some of the money . Justin and Brady did nt like Victor and Nicole s plan . Justin had another idea . Dario warned Nicole not to fall for Deimos . Philip advised Belle to make things work with Shawn . Belle left Philip s room . Claire was upset with Shawn and Belle for letting her stay in jail . Abe wanted Theo to stay away from Ciara . Joey wanted Kayla to bail Jade out of jail . When she bailed Jade out , it led to an argument . Claire gave Shawn and Belle a hard time about being in jail . Theo and Abe got into an argument over Abe not wanting Theo to see Ciara . Theo refused to stop seeing Ciara . Hope wanted Ciara to get help . Ciara left the house and met Theo in the park . He tried to make her feel better , but it did nt work . She agreed that he should nt see her anymore . Shawn and Belle agreed to stick together in order to help Claire . Ciara went to the DiMera mansion and talked to Chad about Abby . She wanted to work full time because she was dropping out of school . Chad refused to help her . He was willing to help her , but she had to finish school . Joey wanted to go to L.A. with Jade .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Whitney : You got the gun with latoya s fingerprints on it . You really did save my life tonight . Fox : Yeah . Yeah . Well , somebody had to do something in there , right , guys ? Whitney : Yeah . Theresa : You see ? Fox knew what he was doing the entire time . He distracted puff dog and his men with all that wheeling and dealing and used that to get the evidence we need p put latoya in jail . Fox : That s right . And once we give that gun over to the cops , they can dust it for prints , they can run their ballistics test , and I think puff dog and latoya will be facing multiple charges . So you re not really going to have to worry about them coming after you ever again . Whitney : Thank you , fox . Thank you very much . Fox : You re welcome . Ethan : All right . I m sorry , man . I misjudged you . You were nt trying to put whitney into more danger , you were using your head to entrap latoya . It s good work . Fox : Wow . Thank you . Thank you very much . Chad : And I owe yo an apology , too . I mean , I should have have known you would nt play fast and loose with syd s singing contract . You know how much my producing her meant to me . Fox : Right . Um -- actually , you re not going to be producing her first C.D. Anymore . It cost my family a fortune , but the crane lawyers already inked the deal and syd s working for puff dog now , chad . Chad : How could you , man ? You knew syd was my ticket to the big time . You lousy son of a -- whitney : Oh , no , no , no , hey , hey , hey -- fox : I m sorry . But I really did nt have another choice in there , chad . Chad : No , if you were smart enough to get the gun , you were smart enough to fake the deal . Fox : Puff dog s too smart for that . I had to offer that guy something legit to get us out of there alive tonight , chad , ok ? This is the price . Whitney : No , chad completely understands that , right ? You did what you had to do for us -- chad : No , the hell I do . Who the hell are you to sell me out like that ? You knew syd was my ticket to the big time . You just gave her to puff dog . Now I got nothing , man . Nothing . David : You re not going to let ivy s words get to you , are you ? Grace : Well , it s hard not to when at least some of them are true . David : I do nt think you re a tease . And I m sure sam does nt , either . Ivy just does nt know you . Grace : Well , maybe not , but at least one thing she said is right . I have nt been fair to either you or sam . I mean , both of your lives are just a complete mess because I ca nt make a decision . Sam was the only husband I knew . I mean , I had a family and a home . It was storybook . David : Until I came along . Grace : Well , yeah . But you know what ? It was incredible finding out I had this whole other life before even met sam . I mean , a husband who still loved me and a son . I might not remember that time in my life and I do nt remember our marriage , but my feelings for you are starting to come back . I mean , I feel so connected to you and john . I ca nt imagine what my life would be without the two of you . I mean , I do nt even want to think about what that would -- ivy : Brilliant . Truly brilliant , david . I did nt think you had it in you . Taking grace away to all those romantic places where you were supposedly together and in love ? She ll never suspect that you never met her before you came to harmony , much less shared a conjugal bed . David : I just -- I just want to give the relationship between grace and me a chance , a real chance . And if you and john are right and she has genuine feelings for me -- ivy : Well , then this trip should do the trick . Make it happen , romeo . Make her fall in love with you when you take her away . Give yourself a wife , your son a mother . You know it s what you want . David : Grace , I do nt want to put any pressure on you . But I have to admit that I am hoping that you ll fall in love with me all over again . I just want to create the most romantic atmosphere I can . I want you to see that I love you more than anything in the world . Grace : I just do nt want you to be too disappointed if I do nt remember . David : Well , of course I d be disappointed , but I do nt think I will be . I want you to see that we can recapture the magic of when we were first married . We can have that great love again . Mrs. Wallace : Come on , precious . Come on , have your drink , huh ? The gin will calm your nerves down . Oh , all right , I know you re upset about luis , but there s nothing we can do about it . Beth : My sweet boy is sleeping like a little angel . Mrs. Wallace : Your little sweet boy ? Oh , yeah , right . No , that is sheridan s baby , not yours . Beth : Nobody will ever know that , mother . Charlie s dead at the bottom of the deep blue sea . Nobody else but you and precious knows the truth . So unless you guys want to join charlie , you ll keep your big yap shut , right ? What about you , precious ? All right , what s she upset about ? Mrs. Wallace : Well , let s just say that your plan to raise sheridan s baby with luis may not pan out . Beth : And why is that ? Mrs. Wallace : Because luis is missing . Beth : What ? Mrs. Wallace : Yeah . He went underwater , you know , to try and get sheridan s baby , which everyone thinks was in the car with charlie when she went off over the bridge . Beth : No . But the baby s been here the whole time . Mrs. Wallace : Duh . Thank you very much , missy . Luis may die because of you . Sheridan : Luis ! Luis , where are you ? Sam : Hey , what s this I hear about luis going under ? Diver : A big wave hit him . Have nt seen him since . Officer : Wee searching the water with the spotlights , but there s still no sign of him . Diver : There s such a strong undertow , not even a strong guy like luis could fight it . I do nt think there s any way he could survive out there . Sam : We got to do something . Sheridan : Oh , god , no . Plplease , god , no , not luis . I ca nt lose him , too . I love luis so much . He has to come back to me . No . I love him too much to lose him . Antonio : Sheridan and luis ? My wife and my brother in love ? Singer : I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet and i would fly on the wings of the bird I knew could take me highest breathe in , breathe out you keep me alive you are the fire burning inside of me you are my passion for life beth : Ok , why are nt they telling us what s happening with luis ? Mrs. Wallace : Because there s nothing new . The last report said they were searching for him . They obviously have nt found him yet -- if they ever do . Singer : If you go away on this summer day then you might as well take the sun away all the birds that flew in the summer sky when our love was new and our hearts were high when the day was young and the night was long and the moon stood still for the night bird s song if you go away if you go away if you go away but if you stay I ll make you a day like no day has been or will be again we ll sail on the sun we ll ride on the rain we ll talk to the trees and worship the wind then if you go I ll understand leave me just enough love to hold in my hand if you go away if you go away if you go away if you go away please do nt go away beth : No , no , no this can not be happening . I ca nt lose luis now , not after all the trouble I ve gone to ! Mrs. Wallace : Oh , she has got to mean all the pain and torment that you have caused innocent people . Beth : No , luis ca nt die now . He just ca nt ! Mrs. Wallace : Oh , it is ironic , is nt it , bethie ? Huh ? Huh ? If luis dies , it s because he was trying to find sheridan s baby that you stole from her just to snag him . Yes , missy . Whoo ! All the evil things you did to try and get luis for yourself could turn out to be the thing that kills him . So , come on , precious , hey . Come on . Let s clap here . Let s clap for bethie ! Good job there , honey ! You really know how to get a man ! Bravo ! Bravo ! Beth : Shut up ! Mrs. Wallace : Yeah ! Beth : Stop your stupid clapping ! Mrs. Wallace : This is not how I thought things would end for luis . But you ll never get him . No , no man wants to be with you . They would rather die than get stuck with you . Beth : I will get luis . You just watch . Mrs. Wallace : Hey . Hey , where do you think you re going ? Beth : I m going to that bridge . I do nt care if I have to dive in and pull luis out of the ocean myself . I will not lose him this way -- or any other way . Precious , look after the baby until I get back . David : I m sorry to have put you in a position to have to choose between me and sam . Grace : No , david , it s not your fault . David : Yes , it is . If I had nt come to harmony -- grace : Then I never would have known the joy of finding out I had another son . Or getting to know you again and spending time with you and caring for you . David : You mean that ? Grace : Well , yes , david , I -- I feel like I ve grown much closer to you . And at the same time , I ve grown apart from sam . And then there s ivy just waiting to sink her talons into him . I m afraid if I do nt make a decision soon , she s going to make one for me . Grace : You know , I should have figured . Well , I better get down to the old bridge because I m not going leave things this open for her . Sheridan : Luis ! Luis ! Sam : Look , I know the conditions are getting worse by the minute , but if any of you were in luis situation , he d keep looking for you no matter what . So please do nt give up , ok ? Keep up the search . Ivy : Do you think they ll be able to find luis ? Sam : They have to . I just hope to god he s still alive when they do . Sheridan : Please , luis -- pleaseomome back to me . Please do nt leave me . I love you so much . Antonio : My wife and my brother in love ? I mean , there were times that they seemed close and connected . But in love with each other ? What the -- sheridan and luis ? My own brother ? What in the hell s going on here ? Hey , hey , luis . It s all right . I m here now . Come on . Luis : Look , my sheridan would never run away . Antonio : Your sheridan ? What the hell are you talking about ? Almost every time I walk away , I come back and I hear you talking about sheridan like she s the most important person in your life . Luis : All right , listen , antonio -- hank : No , lighten up . We re all on edge here . No need to take it out on each other . Antonio : I m asking him a simple question . Now , am I going to get a straight answer or not ? Sheridan : I do nt want to be away from you ever again . Antonio : You wo nt be . From this day forward , you and I are going to be together forever , ok ? Sheridan : Luis -- antonio : Luis ? Could the truth have been staring me in the face this whole time ? Sheridan : I ca nt lose luis , too . I just ca nt ! Sam : Sheridan , listen , we re doing everything we can to find him . Pilar : Ok . It ll be ok . We wo nt lose him . The strength in our faith will bring him back to us . Hank : Bad news . The divers refused to continue the search , and the coast guard ca nt find any divers that are willing to risk these waters . Luis is on his own . Sheridan : No . No , luis ! Hank : Sheridan ! Luis is my best friend . I m not going to let him die out there . I m going in and get him back . Sam : I m going with you . Ivy : No , sam , wait . Do you think that s wise ? I mean , you have children besides ethan to consider . Sam : I have to . Luis would do the same for me . Diver : You people have a death wish if you re going to go out in that water . Officer : You ll never make it . Hank : That s a risk we re willing to take . Antonio : What s going on ? Sam : Luis went under , and he has nt come back up yet . The divers think it s too dangerous to continue the search , so hank and I are going to go and get him ourselves . Officer : I m telling you , it s freezing down there , and the current is too strong . You re both going to end up dead . Hank : We re willing to risk it to save luis . Sam : That s right . Antonio : Well , I m going , too . Sam : All right . Sheridan : Antonio -- pilar : Mijo , please , I wish you would reconsider . Antonio : No . No , mama . Luis rescued sheridan from the kidnapper , and , well , I m going to try to rescue him . Sheridan : Please be careful . Antonio , I -- I want you to be careful . Antonio : I ll be careful . I promise I ll bring luis back . Chad : You deliberately stole syd from me to give to puff dog . Fox : No , it s true I used syd as a bargaining chip , but , chad , I did nt do it to hurt you , ok ? I did it to save our lives . Chad : You used something that did nt belong to you , man . Fox : I used the one thing that I knew puff dog wanted -- syd singing for his label -- and it worked . Look at us . We re all he , , we re all breathing . Chad : You screwed me , man . You messed up my career before it even got going . Whitney : Ok , chad , chad , stop it . Ok ? What is the matter with you ? Chad : Well , have nt you been listening ? Fox ruined my shot at the majors . Now , if I ca nt be a big - name producer , you ca nt be a singer . So by stealing syd , fox stole your shot to be a star . Whitney : Ok , did you not eat today or something ? Because you are so not getting this . Fox did what he had to do to save our lives . Puff dog was going to kill us . And giving away syd s contract is a small price to pay for our lives . Now , instead of being angry with fox , you should be thanking him . Sasam : Yeah . Listen up . Luis is missing , all right ? We need more searchlights brought in to help sweep the area . Right there ? Diver : That s the area . Sam : Ok . Good . Thanks . Grace : Oh , my god , luis . Sam : Grace , what are you doing here ? Grace : Well , I knew luis would never give up on his search for sheridan s baby , so david and I came to see if we could help . Sam : Just pray that we find luis . Grace : We ? Sam : I m going in to find luis myself . David : I ll help you . Grace : No , david -- sam : Look , thanks for the offer , ok , but the water s a little too rough for you . David : I ve been diving for years . I m used to rough wate .. anything to get the right picture , right ? Sam : Whatever you want . John : I want to go in , too . Grace : No , absolutely not . I wo nt allow it . David : Listen to your mother . John : All right , I ll stay here with mom , but be careful , all right ? David : I will , I will . Grace : Yes , david , please be careful . David : I will . Ok . Let s go . Ivy : This is going better than I thought . Beth : Everybody s too busy to notice poor sheridan standing at the edge of the bridge all by herself . And since nobody knows that I m here , I could just push her . And then they d think that she fell to her death by accident . Then -- then I would nt have to worry about her royal blondeness hooking up with luis after he s rescued . Then I d get sheridan s baby and her man all to myself . Get ready to join charlie at the bottom of the sea . whitney : How can you possibly come down on fox after he just saved our lives ? Chad : Damn it , whitney , he stole my singer . Whitney : How are you not getting this ? Fox did not set out to steal syd . He was looking for a bargaining chip to use with puff dog , and he found it . And I m glad he did , or we might all be dead rit t now . Theresa : Whitney , can you understand chad s frustration ? Whitney : No , no , actually , I do nt because singers are a dime a dozen and our lives are priceless . And the fact that you do nt get that is beyond me . Ethan : Whitney , I think chad s more angry at the situation than anything -- whitney : Ok , no , no , no . You guys need to stop defending him because I think chad is furious with fox for trading syd s contract for our lives . Chad : Do nt you get it ? Syd s contract was nt for fox to trade . Whitney : Do you not see how petty you re being ? Huh ? Puff dog was going to kill us all . So I do nt care what deal fox had to make . Nothing is more important anan our lives . Chad : Syd was my artist , all right ? My future was based on producing her C.D. It could have gone platinum . But now that s all gone because of fox . Whitney : Oh , my god . So what you re telling me is that syd s contract is more important to you than our lives . Is that what you re saying , chad ? Mrs. Wallace : Oh , I just hope luis is going to be all right , you know ? Hey , can you believe that idiot daughter of mine ? Rushing down there to that bridge like -- like she s going to make a lick of difference . What does she think she s going to do , dive in and save luis ? She can barely swim . She ll probably drown . Oh , gee . With every cloud , there is a silver lining . Oh , no . No , if she drowns , then who would make sure that we re taken care of ? Oh , no . No , no , no . Precious , unfortunately , we need beth to live . But I hope that she never gets luis . I hope they have found luis and charlie because then charlie s going to tell them everything . And then luis and sheridan will be able to have their baby back . And beth will get life in the slammer , and that is a perfect ending to this mess . Whoo ! Luis : You nurtured me back to health . You know something ? I do nt even want to go back to my old life with sheridan and those other humans . Precious , you know , if you ll have me , I want to stay here with you . Mrs. Wallace : To perfect endings . Beth s voice : Torching your house did nt kill you . Neither did shooting you or drowning you . But even you ca nt fly , sheridan . Sohehen I push you off this bridge , you re finally , finally going to die . John : What s going on ? Sheridan : Beth , what are you doing ? Beth : Saving your life . You did nt realize how close you were to the edge , you were so upset about luis . Sheridan : I was ? Beth : You were seconds away from -- from falling . Somehow , I just managed to pull you back just in time . Sheridan : Thank goodness . John : Are you ok , sheridan ? Sheridan : I guess . Yes . Beth , thank yofor saving my life . Beth : Well , what are friends for , huh ? Sheridan : Yeah . John : That s what I love about living in harmony . Everyone goes to bat for each other . Sheridan : Yeah . Beth : Yeah . Beth s voice : Yeah , I wish I had a bat to go after sheridan with . Pilar : Beth ? Beth : Hmm ? Pilar : I am surprised to see you here . Who s watching the baby ? Beth : Oh , mother and precious are watching after him right now . We saw what was happening tv , and I just had to come down here because I was so worried about luis and sheridan and the baby . Sheridan : Oh , god -- my baby . My poor baby . And luis . They have to find them . I ca nt lose luis and my baby , too . Beth s voice : Too late , sher - sher . The baby s already mine . And luis will be , too , once they find him . Hank : No sign of luis . What about you ? Any luck ? Antonio : No . The storm s got the silt so churned up in the water , I can barely see a few feet in front of me . Hank : Fighting these currents is damn near impossible . David : Anything ? Hank : No , nothing . Sam : Damn it . I did nt see luis , either . Hank : These currents are so strong , they could have pulled luis out to sea . Sam : God , I hope not . Antonio : I m going to go look over in that direction . Hank : Antonio , no , it s too far out . Sam : Hank s right . You might not make it back . Antonio : Well , I ve got to try . Luis is my brother . Sam : Antonio ! Antonio ! Tt armstrong was the yummiest crush of my life , Singer : You are my passion for life mrs . Wallace : Luis has been missing a long , long time . If they have nt found him yet , I m not sure they ever will . Oh , I know , precious . I m sorry . I know you have a thing for luis . But you got good taste , precious . Luis is delish , mr . Yum - yum and then some . You know , if I were younger -- a little bit younger -- I d go after him , and I d get him , too . Oh , yes , I would . Boy , in my day , oh , I could nt keep the fellows away . They all wanted me . And most of them had me . Oh ! Man : Yo ! Hey ! Second man : Hey , man . Third man : Goodo o see you . Fourth man : What s up , man ? First man : Good to see you . Mrs. Wallace : Hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey ! Whoo ! Who s ready for some afternoon delight ? Mrs. Wallace : I thought so . Give that to mama . Man : Whoo ! Mrs. Wallace : Ok , now , who wants to boogie first ? Mrs. Wallace : Ok , boys , calm down . Edna has enough to go around for everybody . Mrs. Wallace : Whoo ! Oh . I was nt anything like beth . I never had to resort to the insanity that she has unleashed to try and get luis . No . If bethie -- oh , if bethie had just been a little bit more like me , sheridan would nt have stood a chance . Sam : Anything ? Hank : No . You ? Sam : What about antonio ? Hank : I have nt seen him . Sam : Damn it . I hope he does nt come up missing like luis . Let s check over here . Come on . Sheridan : I just do nt see anyone . Do you ? Pilar : No . And the waves keep getting bigger . John : Mom , it ll be all right . Everyone s going to make it out -- even luis . Pilar : Both my sons ? Dios mio , por favor , protege mis hijos . Sheridan : My baby . My poor byby is out there somewhere in the dark , cold water . And luis and antonio . Oh , please , god , let them all be all right . Beth s voice : Come on , luis . You have to be ok . Ivy : Oh , please , god , let all the summers that sam spent on the water give him the wisdom and the knowledge to bring luis back safe and sound . Sam : Anything ? Hank : I did nt see either of them . Antonio : Guys , over here ! I found luis ! Sam : Oh , thank god ! Hank : I just hope it s not too late . Sheridan : Luis ! Antonio found luis ! Pilar : Oh , thank god ! Grace : Our prayers have been answered . Beth s voice : Please , luis , you have to be ok . You just have to be . Sheridan : Come back to me , luis . Please come back to me . Hold on , I m comin playing ] whitney : What s more important to you , chad , syd s contract or our lives , huh ? Fox : Ok . I think everybody can chill out a little bit . I m sure there s an explanation . Look , whitney , chad does nt even know what he s saying right now , ok ? There s no way that he d put more importance on syd s contract than on your life . I mean , he loves you . Is nt that right , chad ? Chad : Fox , look , you just stay out of this , ok ? You re making things worse . Whitney : Oh , no , chad , you ve done that all by yourself . You know , it s obvious to me now that syd is more important to you than I ever was . Hank : Antonio , where are you ? Antonio : Over here ! I have luis over here ! Sam : I just hope we can get to luis and antoniinin time ! Ivy : Please , god , cing all of the men back safely . Sheridan : My baby . What about my baby ? Beth s voice : Your baby is at home with his grandma edna and auntie precious , but you ll never know that . You ll end up thinking he s as dead as charlie . Pilar : Por favor , dios mio , bring my sons safely back to me , and the men that are risking their lives to save them . Please . Antonio : Hurry up ! I m about to lose him ! Sam : We ve got you ! Hank : We got you and luis both ! Come on , luis ! Ivy : I ca nt see anything . Can you ? Grace : No , and I ca nt hear anything , either . Ivy : You re right . Beth s voice : They have to save luis . They have to . I did not go to all of this trouble to be a single mother . Sheridan : I think I see something . Pilar : It s them ! Sheridan : Yes ! Officer : All right , let s hoist that man out of the water . Prepare to give luis C.P.R. If it s not too late already . Diver : Got it . Sheridan : No . Please , god . Luis . Luis ! Pilar : Thank god ! Beth : Thank god is right . Diver : He s not breathing . Sheridan : Oh , god . Please , you have to save him ! Please ! Diver : One , two , three , four , five . Sheridan : Luis , you ca nt die . Luis , you ca nt leave me ! Please , you have to be all right ! Diver : One , two three -- ç ñ ] Ñn?Y?Ylqxc Whitney : Wow . Syd is obviously more important to you than I ever realized . You seem more concerned about losing her stupid contract than the fact that puff dog almost killed us all tonight . Chad : Whitney , look , all right , it s not what I meant . Whitney : Unless maybe it s not just syd s contract that you re really upset about , right ? Chad : And what are you saying ? Whitney : Maybe you re really upset about losing syd herself . Maybe that s what this was all about . Huh ? And you know what ? I got to get out of here . Fox , would you mind , please , taking me back to the hospital ? Chad : No , no , I ll take you . Whitney : No , chad , I do nt really want to be around you right now . Ok ? Can we just go , please ? Fox : Yeah . Yeah , let s go . Diver : One , two , three , four -- mrs . Wallace : Thank you , angels ! Thank you for finding luis ! Now , please , just save him , ok ? And if you can dredge up charlie , that would be perfect , too . Weobi mean , look , if they did pull luis out of the water , I do nt see why they ca nt pull charlie out of the water , too . I mean , there s a chance that she survived . And I , for one , have all my fingers crossed that she did because charlie horse is the only one who could tell luis everything that beth has done . And then -- then luis and sheridan are finally going to be reunited with their baby . And beth will be done for . Mrs. Wallace : Right ? Sheridan : Luis , please be ok . Diver : Two , three , four , five . Sheridan : Please , please . Diver : One , two , three , four , five . Hank : You ok , antonio?Ci antonio : Yeah . I m just trying to stay warm and catch my breath . It s the roughest I ve ever seen it out there . Grace : Where s david ? I anan , everyone came ashore but him . Hank , have you seen david ? Hank : David ? Come to think of it , no , I havenT. Grace : Oh , no . Hank : I mean , he was right behind us when we brought luis back to shore . I just assumed he made it back . Grace : Oh , my god . You know , he must still be out in that water . We have got to find david . Ivy : David ca nt drown . I need him to take grace away from harmony . Hank : We ve got another man missing -- david hastings . He never made it back to shore with the rest of us . Grace : Please , you ve got to find him . It s david . I ca nt lose him . I ca nt lose my husband . Ivy : I wonder where sam s gog g to take me on our honeymoon . Sheridan : Luis , please , you have to be all right . Sheridan : Oh ! Diver : It looks like he s going to be all right . Sheridan : Oh , thank god ! Oh , luis , you re all right . Oh , thank god you did nt leave me . Beth : Damn you , sheridan . I m the one that should be holding luis , not you . Pilar : Antonio . Mijo , thank god you re all right and that you saved luis . I -- I was so afraid when you went in after your brother , so afraid that I would lose you both . Oh , god . Antonio : Maybe I should have been the one that had been lost . Pilar : Why would you say such a thing ? Sheridan : We ve been looking for our baby , and we are so tired . Beth : I ll help you find your baby -- not . Grace : Please , my husband is out there . You have to help him . Ivy : You re driving sam away , grace . You re driving him right into my arms . ### Summary:
Grace is frantic because she is thinking of her marriage and all their problems . She ponders what to do and how to get things back to the way they were . Whitney stand by her decision and tells Chad that she believes Fox is a hero for what he did . Fox meanwhile is delighted by his love is sticking up for him and having relationship troubles . Beth panics about all that is going on and attempts murder so she can have what she s always wanted . Antonio proves that he really cares for Sheridan after he hears some heartbreaking news . More search teams look all over for the baby , Charlie , and Luis who has also gone missing .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Kate : Ortiz , that is exactly the development that we ve been waiting for . Okay , so you just sit tight . I ll give you a call . Bye . Lucas : Oh , wait , wait , do nt tell me . Kate : Lucas . Lucas : That phone call had something to do with Jordan . Again . Kate : Well , actually , all of our guesswork concerning Jordan s background is about to come to an end . You can take that to the bank . Jordan : [ Gasps ] Rafe : Hi . You see ? I knew this thing was good for something . Gabi : [ Sighs ] Will : Arianna s asleep . I m gon na go meet Sonny and , uh ... Gabi , what s going on ? Gabi : I ca nt find Arianna s scarf and I promised Caroline I would take her to the pub tonight , so ... Will : Did you check the closet or -- or maybe-- Gabi : Yes , yes , I checked everywhere and I m not gon na take her out in the cold without it . Will : Okay , well , maybe tonight s not the best night to go out -- I can call Grandma Caroline and we can postpone-- Gabi : I need to go . Okay , I have to go . I need to get out of this apartment and get my mind just off of-- Will : Nick ? Nick : [ Sighs ] How about a beer ? Sonny : Sure , do you want-- Timothy : Do you know God s will ? For all you know , a miracle could appear and change your life . It could be happening as we speak . Eric : I believe in miracles . But we re talking about something different here . Clearing my name , if it s even possible . Timothy : It s not different . What we re talking about Father Eric , is faith . Ricardo : Well , I m outside of his place right now , but it looks like he s got others with him . Should I eliminate them too ? Stefano : Not so fast . Not so fast . Who exactly is there with Dr. Chyka ? Daniel : Do you know a woman named Kristen DiMera ? Chyka : Oh , yes . Daniel : How did you meet her ? Chyka : Through my benefactor . Stefano DiMera . Stefano : Damn it ! Tell me who is with him ! Gabi : I am trying so hard to just not let this get to me , but I m sure that if you Google what to do if the guy you thought you killed suddenly shows up , nothing will come up . Will : Gabi-- Gabi : I mean , seriously , does he remember that I hit him over the head with a rock ? Does he remember that Kate and I and Sami dropped him into the cold , freezing river ? Does he ? Will : I do nt know . Gabi : Okay , I study every look on his face , every breath , every gesture , trying to figure out what he knows , what he does nt know , and I still do nt know . Will : All right , it s totally possible that Nick does nt remember any of it . Maybe my grandmother is right and this -- this new guy , Mr. Greetings is the only one who knows the whole story . Gabi : Oh , that s -- that s supposed to make me feel better , Will ? Will : Gabi , I m just saying . Gabi : Okay , so what , this old guy is just biding his time getting ready to blackmail all of us ? Oh , yeah , that s supposed to be a lot better than Nick not remembering anything . Will : Gabi , the truth is we do nt know who knows what . Gabi : I mean , it serves me right , would nt it ? No , no , no . Not Nick , not my ex - husband trying to get revenge on me , but some bizarro birdwatcher who thinks he s stumbled upon some ATM that just spits out cash until the end of time ? This is a nightmare , okay ? And you do nt get -- I mean , Nick knows . He has to know . I m waiting for him to do whatever it is he s planning on doing . It s just driving me crazy . Will : Gabi , please try to stay calm . Gabi : Calm ? So stay calm ? If someone tells me to stay calm one more time , I m going to lose it ! Okay , you do nt get it , all right ? This is torture . I wish that Nick had never come back . Nick : Looks like business is good . Turn a profit yet ? Rafe : [ Laughs ] Jordan : [ Laughs ] Rafe : Sorry . Jordan : Careful . Rafe : No , I got carried away . But I just wanted you to know how excited I am for our date tonight . Oh , do nt tell me . Something came up . Jordan : No , no , I am totally into it too . It s just that we might not be alone . Rafe : Come again ? Jordan : I invited Sheryl to come . Rafe : That s cool . Jordan : Really ? Rafe : Yeah , that s , uh -- yeah , really because -- well , no . I know you had your problems back in Birmingham , so it s great you re mending fences . Jordan : You are the best . Rafe : Yeah . I guess this means that you sort of dropped the idea that Sheryl is in town as the result of some sort of conspiracy orchestrated by Kate ? Yeah ? I mean , Kate has been totally supportive lately , right ? Lucas : So , what is it that you re putting into play for Jordan ? Oh , wait , wait , wait . You know what ? Forget I asked . I do nt wanna know . Kate : Okay . Suit yourself . Do you have anything planned for this evening ? Lucas : No . Although I was asked . Kate : By ? Lucas : By Sheryl . She s hanging out with Jordan and Rafe . She wanted me to join em , but I decided against it . Kate : I think you should go . Lucas : I ca nt just act like she does nt work for us , Mom . Kate : Oh , honey , come on . Oh , you mean the employer - employee thing . Tricky relationship , the boundaries of the workplace ? Come on , yadda yadda yadda . Lucas : You know , I hate yadda yadda yadda . Kate : You like Sheryl , yes ? Lucas : Mm - hmm . Kate : Sheryl likes you , yes ? In this all too loveless world , that s all that really matters , Lucas . Lucas : Such a romantic . Kate : Ah , hopelessly romantic . Lucas : What do you want ? Kate : You know , that is so cynical . And the favor I need is just really , really little . Tiny . Daniel : So Stefano DiMera hired you to work with his daughter , Kristen , at her request ? Chyka : Yes , Miss DiMera was working on a project . Ricardo : Mr. DiMera , whoever s in there with Chyka seems to have tied him up . Stefano : Say that again . Ricardo : Chyka is tied up . It looks like they re questioning him . Stefano : None of the answers to any questions that are asked of him are to leave the cabin . Will : Hey . How about we take Arianna over to Grandma Caroline s together ? Gabi : No , you had plans to see Sonny . Will : I can call him . Gabi : It s okay , Will . Thank you . You have been so great through all of this . Will : So have you . Talk later ? Gabi : Okay . Will : Okay . Gabi : [ Sighs ] Nick : Does it bother you ? My being here ? Sonny : It s a free country , Nick . Just as long as you pay for your beer you have every right to be here . Nick : Salem s a small town . We re bound to run into each other sooner or later . Who cares if I throw you a little bit of business ? It ca nt hurt . Look . If the cold shoulder is about me accidentally showing up at Arianna s christening-- Sonny : You already explained that , Nick . You were there to see Hope . Or whatever you were doing th -- oh , yeah , you wanted to surprise everybody . Is that what you came here to tell me ? Because I already heard it the first time . Nick : Okay . I got it . Sonny : Good . Nick : But I also wanted to tell you that I meant it when I said that I wanted to try and change things . Sonny : I m gon na give you a little advice . Stop running around town making sure everyone knows what you wanna do and just do it . And when you do it , look around , see if anyone notices or even cares . Enjoy your beer . Nick : [ Scoffs ] Kate : Oh , honey . I think you should go with Sheryl . Go with Sheryl and the gang , have a lovely time , and when Jordan and Rafe decide to call it a night , just give me a call . Lucas : Why ? Oh , wait , wait , wait . I told you I did nt wanna know and I meant it . Kate : But you will do what I asked , right ? [ Gasps ] Look who s here . Sheryl : Hello . Kate : Hi , Sheryl . Sheryl : Hey . Lucas : How you doing ? Sheryl : Hi . Kate : You out for the evening ? Sheryl : Yes , I am . You sure I ca nt get you to join me and Rafe and Jordan ? Kate : Oh , Lucas was just going to call you to see if it was nt too late to tell you that he had changed his mind about coming . Sheryl : Great , then we can go together . Kate : Wow , that s fortuitous . [ Laughs ] You will remember to handle that thing for me , right ? Lucas : Yeah , I will . Right . Kate : Have a good time . Sheryl : Thanks . Good to see you . Kate : Bye - bye . Sheryl : Bye . Kate : Ortiz , it s Kate . Meet me in the usual place and bring that thing that we were talking about . Yeah , I m going to have to handle this personally . Jordan : Honestly , I ll never be 100 % sure about Kate , but I also do nt want to dwell on it , especially tonight . Rafe : Well , okay . Deal . Let s go . Okay , what was that for ? Jordan : For being so cool about Sheryl coming along . And you are pretty irresistible even with that cane that you re sporting . Rafe : Oh , yeah ? Think I m irresistible with it , wait till you see me without it . And that will be very soon , by the way . Jordan : Oh , be still my heart . Rafe : Come with me . Jordan : [ Laughs ] Eric : I m surprised at the stance you re taking . You tell me to have faith . But from the beginning I felt that you did nt believe that I could be cleared of the accusations against me . Timothy : You misunderstand . When I talk about faith , I m not talking about a miracle suddenly bestowing the thing on you that you wish for . I m talking about your faith in God . And what he wants . Daniel : So let s talk about this project with Kristen . Nicole : Yeah , let s . And let s give this project a name . You know what I m talking about , doctor , right ? What ? Daniel : What ? Wha -- you have to let me do this my way . You ca nt jump the gun and blow this whole thing . Chyka : No . No , I ca nt . He ll kill me . Stefano : You know what you have to do . Call me when it s done and not before . Nicole : Well , hit him up with another injection then . Daniel : Okay , shh . You need to pay attention to me , Dr. Chyka . You have no choice . You answer my questions . Everything I ask requires a response , is nt that true ? Chyka : Yes . Daniel : I ca nt hear you . Chyka : Yes ! Daniel : Now I want you to put everything out of your mind and you focus on what I say . Only what I say . Chyka : I will . Daniel : Now what exactly did Kristen DiMera pay you to do ? Chyka : I was tasked with creating a very specific drug cocktail for a very specific purpose . Daniel : And that was ? Chyka : Part one was a sedative to insure compliance . And part two was a memory suppressor . Daniel : And the third part ? Chyka : A powerful aphrodisiac . So strong as to erase any resistance to sexual desire . Daniel : Were you told who this drug cocktail was for ? Chyka : I was . Father Eric Brady . Timothy : You are a highly compassionate person , Eric , and a gifted priest . But everyone has a blind spot . And yours has limited you to seeing this situation from just one perspective . Eric : Which is ? Timothy : Yours . And it speaks of an arrogance , a narrow - mindedness . Eric : If this situation is nt about me , then who ? Timothy : Your God . I instructed you before that you must truly look at the choice before you . Examine each choice , not just from the perspective of your own needs , but from those of your God ... of His will . And allow Him to reveal the path you will take . Will : How s everything down here at the saloon ? Sonny : Quiet . You know , there is a customer that you ll be glad you missed . Will : Nick was here ? Sonny : On his Nick has changed world tour 2014 . Will : Did he give any sense whether he-- Sonny : Remembered or not ? No . If this is possible , I will trust him less than I did before this happened . So -- hey , look who s here . Rafe : Well , hey . Will : Hey , Rafe . Rafe : Hey , Will . Will : You look amazing . Rafe : Yeah ? It s the cane . Jordan says it suits me . Will : It does . You look distinguished . Rafe : Well , not really , but , uh-- Rafe : I do nt see Sheryl . Jordan : Yeah , I do nt either . She may be coming with Lucas . I m not sure . Will : My father s coming here tonight ? Rafe : Maybe with , uh , Jordan s friend , Sheryl . Will : Wait , is he seeing her ? Jordan : No , no , nothing like that . Rafe : Well , he d like to be . Jordan : Rafe , you do nt know that . Rafe : Yeah , I do . I know the signs . Lucas : You know , Sheryl , before we go any further , there s something we should say out loud . Sheryl : Okay . Did I put you in an awkward position by asking you to go out with me tonight ? Lucas : No , no , not at all . And I ll tell you why . This is good . And -- and at work it s also good , but it s just a little bit different . Sheryl : Right , separate . Lucas : Yeah , I just think we should both be aware of that . Sheryl : No , I get it . You have been very clear . And I agree . The folks at HR have nothing to worry about . Lucas : Oh , good . That was easy . Sheryl : Well , I strive for efficiency . Lucas : Whoa , look out . Sheryl : [ Laughs ] Are you ready to go and meet Jordan and Rafe ? Lucas : Yeah , I am . Sheryl : All right . Rafe : I wanted to give you this before four s a crowd . And on that day , you can not spontaneously invite friends . Jordan : Opening day tickets to Wrigley ? Rafe : Mm - hmm . So you have approximately six weeks to learn as much about baseball as you know about football , and yes , there will be a test . Jordan : And I will ace it . Rafe : Then you will be the perfect girlfriend . Jordan : Oh , so you think we ll still be dating then ? Rafe : That s not funny . Jordan : Come here . Rafe : That s not funny . Uh - uh . Okay . Okay . Lucas : Sheryl , little added bonus coming here tonight , you get to meet my son , Will , and his boyfriend , Sonny . Sheryl : Oh , hi . Lucas : Sonny runs the place . Owns it . Sonny : Nice to meet you , Sheryl . Sheryl : Nice to meet you . Will : It s very nice to meet you . Heard about you through the grapevine . Sheryl : Oh . I ve actually heard all about your beautiful daughter . Will : Oh , you have ? Sheryl : Mm - hmm . Well , then you d like to look at 8,000 pictures or so . Sheryl : Your dad showed me a few ... Lucas : Yeah . Sheryl : But I d be happy to see more . Lucas : Yeah ? Will : Really ? Sheryl : Please . Will : Okay . Sheryl : [ Gasps ] Oh , my gosh . Will : Yeah . Sheryl : She s perfect . Sonny : We think so . Sheryl : Oh , what a sweetheart . Oh , the little shoes . Kate : Wow . Leaving on the lights when you go out , Jordan . That s very wasteful . But thanks for the help . Game on . Lucas : Jordan , do nt go thinking your boyfriend s that generous . We got some bleacher seats with an obstructed view behind a pillar . Rafe : Who invited him again ? Hmm ? Lucas : That s all right . I ll take the cheap seats off your hands . It s all right . Rafe : I ll bet . Lucas : You ca nt get up the ramp with your cane anyways . Rafe : Oh , okay . So you think I m gon na still have my cane by the time opening day comes around . Yeah , think again , my friend . Jordan : Well , in all seriousness , Rafe does have a point . He has made amazing progress . Rafe : I had help . A lot of it . Kate : Okay . [ Sniffles ] So , whatever you re hiding is not in the living room . [ Sniffles ] So it has to be in here . Cause I know there s something . Because I can smell it . [ Stifles sneeze ] Daniel : So your target was Father Eric ? Chyka : I told you , yes . Daniel : And this drug cocktail you created , was it effective ? Chyka : Very much so . Daniel : Do you have proof of what you did ? Documents , formulas ? Chyka : Of course I do . Daniel : Where are your records ? Where do you g-- Nicole : [ Gasps ] Ricardo : Nobody moves . Kate : [ Sighs ] Aha ! So just what is it that you do nt want me to see ? All right . It s been a while . Let s see if I still ... have it . Damn it . Great . Rafe : Really ? Calling me cheap in front of my date ? That s just bad form , Lucas . Lucas : Well , if the shoe fits , you got ta wear it . Rafe : Does nt . Does not . Sonny : Hey , everyone . Sheryl : Hey . Sonny : Just wanna let you know I m taking off with Will . But if you want another round , Cory will take care of you . Jordan : Cool . Sheryl : Thank you . Lucas : I actually wanna have a quick word with Will before he goes . That okay ? Sonny : Yeah , go for it . Lucas : All right . I ll be right back . Sheryl : Of course . So ... Rafe : Everything okay ? Jordan : My early patient just got earlier by three hours . Rafe : Oh , no . Oh , right , okay . So let me guess . You got ta go . Jordan : I have to . I ca nt be off my game for a patient . Sheryl : Hey , you might as well not even try , Rafe . She was just like this in Birmingham . Work always comes first . Rafe : Okay , okay . But you do nt have to go just yet , do you ? Your empty apartment ca nt exactly compare to me , can it ? Hmm ? Lucas : Look , I did nt wanna do this in front of Sheryl . I just wanna make sure everything s okay with you . Will : Yeah , sure . Why ? Lucas : Talking about Nick . Thought that guy was gone for good . Nick : Gabi . Gabi : Um , hi . I m -- I m here to see Caroline . Nick : Yeah , um ... I was actually -- I was here for the same thing . The waitress said she went to bed early . Uh , she was -- she was tired . Gabi : Oh . Um , well , uh-- Nick : It s okay . Ari . You can see Caroline tomorrow . Wow . Gabi , she s so beautiful . Can I hold her ? Eric : Nicole . Nicole : Get out . We re so close-- Daniel : No , Nicole ! No , no . Chyka : Close ! Ricardo : So what has he told you ? Daniel : Aah ! Nicole : Daniel ! Oh , my God , Daniel . No ! Ricardo : One down , two to go . Nicole : [ Whimpers ] Nick : That was ... completely out of line , me -- me asking . She just -- she looked so cute , like always , and , uh -- uh , I m sorry . I m sorry , it s just I was thinking about the last time that I held her . She was so much smaller . That was nt even that long ago . The night , uh -- um-- the night ... anyway , I m -- I m sorry . I did nt mean to-- Gabi : Um , you just -- you just caught me off guard . Nick : It wo nt happen again . Gabi : Wait . Um ... for a minute is fine . Nick : Are you sure ? Gabi : Yeah . Hey . Hey . I m letting go right now . Nick : Hey . Hi . Hi . Hi , beautiful . Lucas : Your mom told me about the stunt Nick s trying to pull , trying to get Gabi to move to New York city with him . What s that guy thinking , man ? He s unbelievable . Will : That s one word to describe it . Lucas : He does nt have anything on you anymore . You realize that , right ? So if he tries to pull anything on you or Gabi or anybody else , just tell me first this time , okay ? Will : Okay . I will . Thanks , Dad . Rafe : I ll walk you home . Jordan : No , no , no . You stay . You guys have fun . Drink for me , within reason . It s early . Sheryl : I m actually gon na give y all a chance to say good - bye . The ladies room beckons . Rafe : All right . By the way , he has no idea what he s talking about . Those Cubs seats are primo . I m telling you , they are . Jordan : Well , I do nt care . My attention will be on something or someone else besides the game . Rafe : Really ? Jordan : Yeah . Okay , okay . Rafe : Oh , come on . Jordan : I got ta go . Rafe : Just five-- Jordan : [ Chuckles ] Kate : [ Sniffles ] Oh , God . All right , let s try this ... again . Come on . Yes ! Bingo . Oh , my God . I knew it . I saw this coming a mile away . Lynda -- Lynda Cechert . Eric : Hey . Nicole : Oh , my God . Mmm . That s good . Eric : No . Mmm . Nicole : [ Laughs ] Mm - hmm . Eric : Mmm . [ Giggling ] Mm . Nicole : Hmm ? Eric : Mm . Nicole : Oh , my God . Eric : [ Laughs ] Nicole : [ Laughs ] Fine ? [ Laughs ] Eric : Thy will be done . Nicole : Daniel . Ricardo : Back up ! All the way against the wall . Chyka : One down , two to go . One from three is two . Nicole : Shut up . Ricardo : Shut up ! Nicole : Okay , look . I do nt need to know who you are . Just let us go . This is so important . Ricardo : Oh , really ? Well , listen , that does nt really concern me because I m here to shut this down for good ! Nicole : Do nt you get it ? Once you listen to me , you ll be on our side . I mean , this all started with him when-- Ricardo : Whoa , whoa , seriously ? That s your move ? [ Laughs ] Whatever . This is gon na be so easy to shut you up . Daniel : Aah ! Ricardo : [ Grunts ] Nicole : [ Gasps ] Will : My head is totally spinning . I mean , when Dad said to come to him if Nick tries anything , I-- Sonny : Well , you re not thinking of telling him , are you ? Will : Dad ca nt know . No . Sonny : Okay , okay , okay , okay . How , um -- I got a new idea . Will : Shoot . Sonny : How about we do nt talk about Nick tonight ? Will : What the hell are we going to talk about ? Sonny : We do nt need to talk at all . Nick : I ve had some time to -- to process things . You know , like -- like when I m alone . But -- but also with my new friend , who s -- who s a good talk - to . You know what I think , Gabi ? I think you and me are a lot alike . You know , we -- we both --we have these strong feelings and sometimes we get passionate about those feelings and that passion makes us lose control . It makes us make mistakes . You know ? I ve made em . You have too . But I also think that no matter what , there s always a way to start over . There has to be a way to a clean slate , right ? The trick is wanting it and being willing to put everything you have into getting it . But if you do that , it s -- it s possible . Am I making sense ? Gabi : Mm - hmm . Nick : Oh , look at you , Gabi . You got this beautiful little girl . [ Chuckles ] You must tuck her into bed every night and say to yourself that no matter what has happened in the past , well , the mistakes are in the past . And that the only thing that matters is making life for this little girl as perfect as possible . Gabi : Yeah . Yeah , I do that . Nick : I want that too . I mean , is nt that what hope is all about ? Hey . Here . Gabi : Hey . Oh , sorry . Nick : It s okay . Thank you for -- for letting me hold her . For trusting me . Feels like a -- like a good first step . Do nt you think ? Okay . Well , um , bye . Gabi : Say good - bye . Nick : Have a good night . Kate : Hey , Lucas , you are not going to believe-- Lucas : Where are you ? Kate : Well -- well , that s really not your problem . What about Jordan ? Is she getting ready to leave ? Lucas : She left already . Kate : How long ago ? Lucas : I m not exactly sure . You see , she s -- Jordan : Arthur , I m home . Eric : Holy Mary , Mother of God , pray for our sinners . Now at the hour of our death . ### Summary:
Nicole and Daniel tried to get Dr. Chyka to talk about Kristen . Dr. Chyka mumbled that he would kill him . Stefano sent his henchman to kill Dr. Chyka , Daniel , and Nicole . Dr. Chyka told Daniel and Nicole how he came up with the drugs for Eric . Kate got the key to Jordan s apartment so she could see what she s hiding . Daniel continued to get Dr. Chyka to confess to what he did . Stefano s henchman came in before Dr. Chyka could finish confessing . Daniel fought the guy off , but he hit his head . He was knocked out . Gabi ran into Nick at the pub . Things were awkward between them when he wanted to hold the baby . She did nt want him to hold her , but she changed her mind . He talked to her about things changing and getting better for them . Kate found all of Jordan s ids in a box . Nicole tried to talk Stefano s henchman out of killing them . Daniel fought the guy again . Kate heard Jordan coming home and tried to hide . Daniel and the henchman continued to fight over the guy . The gun ended up going off .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Kevin : Hey , Mike . Michael : Hey . Eden : Hey , what can I get for you ? Michael : Uh , something strong , something very strong . Eden : I know just the thing . Michael : No , whoa , hey , oh , no , should I be concerned ? Kevin : ( Chuckles ) No , just a new drink she came up with . Michael : Oh , God , oh , God . That means yes . ( Exhales ) Kevin : Actually , it s really , really good . Kevin : So what s the deal ? Why so tense ? Michael : Certain days , I really earn my money from Victor more than others . Kevin : I do nt understand how you can stand to work for him at all . Michael : Well , you know , I know he goes to extremes sometimes , but it s ... all in the name of love . Now look , I m not saying I agree with his methods , but everything he does has been out of a , you know , a very intense , albeit misguided ... ( Sighs ) Desire to protect his daughter . Kevin : Well , his Methods broke Delia s heart . I mean , if I were trying to protect her , would I be justified in banishing him to the other side of the planet like he tried to do to Billy . Michael : I do nt think either of us are in a position to judge , considering . Kevin : Well , at least it s over for now . Michael : For you , maybe . For Billy , there s still gon na be a whole lot of fallout . Kay : I want some straight answers from you , young man . There s a big gap between when you got out of prison and when you came here for Thanksgiving . Billy : Yeah . Well , maybe one day , I ll fill you in . Kay : How about now ? Chloe : Katherine . Delia s looking for you . Kay : Oh . We have a tournament going-- old maid . I m losing my shirt . Billy : ( Laughs ) That s my girl . Chloe : ( Chuckles ) Chloe : So why did nt you tell her about Victor ? Billy : Fact is , everything he did , I let him do . I gave him the opening . I m the one that messed up my life . Ultimately , this is my fault . Nikki : Ohh . Victoria : I missed you so much ! Nikki : I m sorry I stayed away so long . Victoria : No , no , it s okay . You did right . I know you were taking care of yourself . I just missed you . ( Giggles ) Mwah ! Nikki : Well , when you are done talking with your father , we ll have a good chat . We ll get all caught up . Victoria : Oh , no , we re done . We re done . I was just giving him a heads - up about something . Victor : I am going to the stables now . Victoria : ( Sighs ) Nikki : Wow . Well , when I saw the two of you talking , I assumed you had settled your differences . Victoria : How much did he tell you about what happened ? Nikki : Just that you were upset with him . Victoria : Really ? That s it ? Nikki : I assumed it was a business disagreement . Victoria : I really hate to be the one to tell you this , but Dad is up to his old manipulative ways again , and this I think is probably the worst thing that he s ever done . Ronan : Yeah , it s Malloy . I m gon na need a subpoena for Nikki Newman s rehab records . Okay . Daniel : Well , how was Thanksgiving ? Kevin : Delia came home . It was great . Michael : And we had a big Italian Thanksgiving at Gloworm with a big Italian . Daniel : ( Sighs ) Man , that sounds good . Kevin : What ? The Romalotti family Thanksgiving was nt Italian ? Daniel : Vegetarian . Kevin : Could nt have been any worse than last year s , uh , turkey alla crayola that your mom made . Michael : ( Laughs ) Daniel : Mm ... Eden : ( Sighs ) Vegetarian Thanksgiving , huh ? Daniel : ( Sighs ) Eden : Oh , I hope that does nt mean-- Daniel : Oh , ho , that means tofurky . Eden : ( Laughs ) I m so sorry . ( Inhales sharply ) Hmm . I ll have to take you out for a burger later . You know , erase the memory . Daniel : That would be nice . Devon : All right , well , let me think of something and then I ll call you back , okay ? ( Sighs ) Devon : ( Chuckles ) Abby . How s it goin , California girl ? Really ? It s that warm out there ? ( Chuckles ) Well , that s awesome . No , no , I m not jealous of you at all . ( Chuckles ) Oh , things are going just great . I have a studio full of sound equipment coming in , and no actual studio to put it in , and , uh , no way to pay Katherine back for it , either . Yeah , well , I do nt feel comfortable owing her anything . Devon : And another problem just walked through the door , so can I call you back ? Okay , thanks . Harmony : Hey . Devon : You re still around , huh ? Harmony : Puttin down some roots for a change . Devon : Well , good luck with that . Harmony : I know you do nt have much faith in me . Devon : Mom , do nt start makin promises . Harmony : No , I was nt going to . Listen , Devon , I m -- I m not here to beg for you to approve of me . Devon : That s good to hear , cause I do nt have time to play that game . I have my own stuff to deal with , and what you do-- it really does nt make a difference to me one way or the other , since you re not a part of my life . Harmony : ( Exhales slowly ) Emily : So how was your honeymoon ? Tucker : Fantastic . Emily : Good . Have you shared with Ashley that you re seeing a therapist ? Tucker : Yeah . I have nt told her yet that it s you , though . Emily : Why is that ? Tucker : I wanted to wait and see how it worked out . Emily : Is it working out ? Tucker : Yeah . I wish I did nt have to come all the way to Chicago to see you , but , um ... I think it s worth it , cause you re familiar with all the people I m talkin about ... except for Devon . Hell , I barely know Devon . Yeah , he did come to the wedding , though . Did I tell you that ? Emily : Hmm . That s quite a step forward . What about your mother ? Tucker : She was nt invited . Emily : What do you suppose your son makes of that , when he sees how you regard the parent / child relationship ? Billy : Katherine and Victoria both told me that you were an incredible mom while I was gone . You should nt have to go through that stress by yourself . Chloe : I did nt . My mom was great , and your family . Billy : Good . Guess I owe everybody . Kevin : Hey , Babe . Chloe : Hi . Kevin : Mwah ! Chloe : Mwah ! Kevin : So how is our girl ? Chloe : Another terrific day . Kevin : That s great . Billy . ( Sighs ) Billy : So you really think of Delia as Your girl , huh ? Kevin : Yeah , I do . Billy : That s good . I mean , you ve come to her rescue , uh , more than a few times when I could nt , when Jana took her and this last thing . Besides putting up with me for her sake , that s love , Man . ( Chuckles ) Kevin : ( Sighs ) Yeah , no kidding . You are high - maintenance . Billy : I know it ! Chloe : I guess you guys are okay with each other now . Billy : Mm , I mean , you could do worse . Kevin : And you have . Billy : ( Laughs sarcastically ) Who am I to stop you if you want to be Mrs. Rodent ? Kevin : Ohh ! And we were doing so well . Billy : Oh , Buddy , did you think I was gon na stop with the chipmunk jokes ? I mean , I ca nt . I mean , look at you . It s just comedy gold . ( Chittering ) Kevin : Do nt pull on my face , and get off of me . Billy : ( Laughs ) Nikki : Oh , I m so glad Delia s recovering . I can imagine what Chloe s going through . Victoria : Yeah , well , can you imagine what Delia went through , Mom ? Did you know that she thought that Billy did nt come to see her because he was mad at her for being sick ? Nikki : ( Tsks ) Ohh . That poor little thing . Victoria : Yeah . It s really unforgivable what Dad did to Delia , and never mind what he did to me . Nikki : You know , that word Unforgivable gets thrown around a lot these days . Victoria : Mom , please , tell me you re not gon na look past this one . Please tell me that you re not . Nikki : I m just -- I m just ... making sure that I have the whole picture here . So you re saying that your father was able to find Billy when nobody else could , enabling Billy to save Delia s life ? Victoria : What about everything else ? What about the blackmail ? Did you know that Jill and I thought that Billy was dead ? ( Scoffs ) You know what that feels like . You went to Mexico looking for Dad . Do you remember that ? Nikki : Yes , I do , and your father was wrong . I m just saying that sometimes people do the wrong things for the right reasons . Victoria : Wow . Okay , wow . I forget sometimes what a soft spot that you have when it comes to him , so ... Nikki : Victoria , do nt be this way . Victoria : No , Mom , please . It -- it s fine . You know what ? It s fine . I do nt want to argue . It s your first day home . Come on . I m sorry . I have to meet Billy anyway . I love you . Nikki : I love you , too . And give him my love , okay ? Victoria : Oh , I will . See ya . Nikki : ( Sighs ) Victor : Did she fill you in ? Nikki : I do nt have time to talk about it . I - I have a meeting to go to . I m late . Victor : I ll come with you . Nikki : No . Uh , it s not that I m upset with you or anything , it s just -- I do nt know . I prefer to go to those things alone . Victor : Why ? Nikki : ( Exhales sharply ) I just do . Victor : Okay . Nikki : And , Victor ... I really do nt think you should be treating Billy like the devil . I mean , he -- he s a flawed person just like all of us , and I can understand going to extreme measures to protect your family . Ronan : Nikki Newman disappeared from rehab right before the murder . The next morning , when we pulled Victor Newman off his jet , his excuse was he was going to look for her . Man : Do you think she was here in town ? Ronan : She might have been on that plane . Who knows ? Here s all of her information . I want her bank records , credit card statements . I want to know about any traveling she s done . Give me something that s gon na pinpoint her physical location on those dates . Man : You got it . Devon : Hey . Hey , I m sorry I had to cut you off before . Abby : Oh , no , it s totally cool . Listen , I found you a business angel . Devon : Really ? Abby : Yeah , it s this woman in California . She s way into music and she recently came into quite a large sum of money ... ( Laughs ) And , uh , and she s looking for an investment , like a start - up . Devon : And you told her about me ? Abby : N -- she already knew all about you , actually . Devon : How s that ? Abby : Uh ... ( Laughs ) Uh , it s because , um , she is , um , she s me . What do you say , Devon ? Will you let me be your angel ? Tucker : Devon s just as upset with Katherine as I am , maybe even more so . Emily : Now he s upset with you , too , and you re asking him to set that aside and give you a chance to make up for past mistakes when you re not willing-- Tucker : When I wo nt do that for my mother . That s what you re saying , right , Emily ? Emily : I m interested in what you re saying . Tucker : Okay . I do nt think you can compare the two situations . Katherine gave birth to me and handed me off to strangers . Now maybe I did nt look hard enough for Devon , but I could nt even be sure he existed . Emily : If Katherine were here , would nt she tell you that she did what she could to make sure you went to a good home ? And you did go to a good home . We ca nt say the same for Devon . Tucker : So , what , I m worse than she is ? Emily : I m not attacking you , Tucker . I m just exploring the inconsistencies of what you re telling me . Let me ask you something . ( Sighs ) Do you believe , really believe , that ... if a parent fails a child , they do nt deserve forgiveness ? Tucker : Some do nt , some do . Emily : So you do , and Katherine does nt ? ( Sighs ) Do nt you think your son sees right through that ? Tucker : What are you gettin at ? Emily : I m just questioning how successful you can be winning your son s acceptance if you re not willing to walk the talk . If you re clinging on to resentment and -- and judgment so tightly , how can you fully embrace your son ? Victoria : Thank you . Billy : You know , you re in a much better mood than I thought you would be after talking to your father . Victoria : Well , that s cause I was visiting with my mother . Billy : She s back ? Victoria : Yeah . I had to fill her in on the whole saga . Kevin : Ooh . Victor s gon na get it . Victoria : ( Sighs ) I do nt know . She was kind of strangely Zen about all of it . So where s Delia ? Let s go see her . Chloe : Oh , she s upstairs playing cards with Katherine . ( Chuckles ) Kevin : I do nt know if we should go up , uh , all four of us together . It might be too many visitors at once . Chloe : No , actually , I think -- I think she should see all of us together , getting along . Billy : Yeah , well , it might blow her little mind . Chloe : Well , she ll know it s because of her . We all love her so much , and all of the other fights that we ve had in the past , they just do nt matter , right ? Billy : Hmm . Chloe : So she s what comes first , and I want her to know that . Victor : After my last exchange with you , you re lucky I let you in my house . What do you want ? Ronan : Actually , I was hoping to talk to Mrs. Newman . I understand she s back in town . Victor : To find that out , you should have called-- could have saved yourself a trip . Ronan : So she s not here , then ? Victor : No , she s not . Ronan : Okay . Well , perhaps you can help me , then . I m curious about her whereabouts on the night of Diane s murder . Victor : Why is that ? Ronan : Because if she was in Genoa City-- Victor : She was nt . Ronan : So you know for a fact where she was , then ? Victor : If she had been here , she would have come to see her family . Ronan : Of course . Well , when she gets back in , would you have her give me a call ? Victor : Next time , you call me before you arrive here unannounced . Is that clear ? Now show yourself out . Victor : Young punk . Victor : ( Inhales deeply ) Michael , I need to see you . Yep , the ranch . Thank you . Nikki : Anyway , I - I want to apologize for ... any of you who may have been at that meeting when I showed up very drunk and made a spectacle of myself . Um , I m so sorry . I ... I have been in rehab ever since then , and it is a struggle , I ll tell you that . I mean , it s ... ( Exhales sharply ) Talk about one day at a time . I - I ca nt even really say that . It s like one hour at a time , sometimes less , but ... I have a family and a life that is worth fighting for , so that s ... what I intend to do . Thanks . ( Applause ) Harmony : My name is ... Ha -- ha ... ( Clears throat ) My name is Harmony , and I m an addict . All : Hi , Harmony . Harmony : I m , uh , new in town , and I m just starting over . I have , uh , a son who lives here , and -- and-- and that s why I came . He did nt grow up with me , though , because I was an unfit mother . I would see him whenever I went to visit my mom s , and ... you know , to get some money , and I remember him always crying for me and ... ( Sighs ) He -- he would just be hollerin , you know ? Whenever I got ready to leave him , my mother would actually-- she d have to peel him away from me ... ( Tapping podium ) But now , he do nt want nothing to do with me . You know , I m -- I m just gettin to the point where I can -- I can look in a mirror at myself , and -- and kind of be proud of who I am , but my son-- he s a whole other kind of mirror . I see myself through his eyes , and I see what I was and how much I hurt him , and it just makes me want to run away and get high , you know , to just drive that pain out of my brain . But then , I know that I would just have even more regrets , and I can barely stand the regrets I already have . Tucker : What would it take to get you to move back to Genoa City ? Emily : Oh , I am , uh , pretty happy where I am . Tucker : Interesting . Emily : Why is that ? Tucker : Well ... ( Sighs ) You re pretty good at , uh , convincing other people to face up to their unfinished business . There s a saying , is nt there ? Physician , heal thyself ? Devon : Uh , Abby , I do nt know if I d feel comfortable taking your money . Abby : Well , um , that s good , because I m not giving it to you . I am investing it , so you can make us both rich-- richer , in my case . Devon : ( Laughs ) Well , you , uh , you do have great ideas , especially when it comes to marketing and promotion . Abby : I know ! This -- this could be great , right ? Devon : ( Sighs ) Sure . Why not ? Let s do it . You got yourself a deal . Abby : Yes ! Great ! Okay , okay , I - I have an appearance , but I will be in touch . We re gon na talk numbers . It s so great . This is gon na be great . Bye , partner . Devon : All right , bye . It s unbelievable . Daniel : Hmm . Eden : Got ta be one of the cooler things she s ever done-- not that it s a long list , but ... Daniel : ( Scoffs ) Devon : ( Chuckles ) Wow . Well , I have a way to pay for the equipment now . I still need a place to put it , though . Daniel : I know a place you could put it . Nikki : Hey . I was really impressed with what you did . That could nt have been easy , opening up like that . Harmony : It helps me . Nikki : It helped me , too , listening to what you had to say . Deacon : Harmony , my name s Deacon . I , uh , I really enjoyed what you had to say . Harmony : Thanks . Deacon : Yeah . It s good to see you , Nikk . Nikki : We re in the middle of a conversation . Deacon : Yeah , okay . I m sorry . Okay . Harmony : Must be a story there . Nikki : ( Sighs ) Pay no attention to him . Well , it looks like the group is getting back from the break . It was really good to meet you , and I hope I see you here again . Good luck with your son . Ronan : So no charges on Nikki s credit cards ? Ronan : ( Sighs ) Its Malloy . Yes , thank you . All right . ( Replaces receiver ) We got the subpoena . The rehab hospital s being served as we speak . Michael : So you think it s possible that Nikki was here in Genoa City the whole time she was missing ? Victor : The possibility never occurred to me . I thought she was in Iowa . Michael : And you never discussed it ? Victor : No , but I will . But right now , we do nt have time for that , so I need you to get down there as soon as possible , okay ? Michael : Okay , okay . Just to be clear , I am looking for witnesses and/or evidence that Nikki was not in Genoa City the night of the murder . Victor : Exactly . Now let me remind you , Malloy is very desperate to pin this murder on someone . We must not allow him to pin it on Nikki . Is that clear ? Michael : Gotcha . I ll be in touch . Victor : Thank you , Michael . Kay : What a wonderful surprise . Nikki : Oh , thank you . Kay : Oh , my , we have so much to catch up on . Nikki : I know . I m happy to see you , but you know what ? I thought you would have heard by now . Kay : Oh , hello , Darling . Harmony : Hey , hi . Kay : Uh , you -- youll remember Devon s mother , do nt you ? I -- she goes by Harmony now . Nikki : Ohh , yes . When I said I hoped we would see each other soon , I did nt know it would be this soon . Harmony : We were just together at a meeting . Nikki : Mm - hmm . Kay : Oh , I m glad you re getting to know each other . Harmony is staying with us . Nikki : Really ? Kay : Mm - hmm . Nikki : Oh , well , then we do have a lot to get caught up on . Victor : She has not come back yet , no . She s not answering her phone . Michael : I ll be at the hospital in a minute . I m meeting with the director . Victor : ( Sighs ) Man , oh , man , oh , man , oh , man , oh , man . Listen , I ll let you know as soon as Nikki tells me who you should see to find proof of her whereabouts the night of the murder , okay ? Michael : Listen , Victor , Dubuque s a relatively small town , and Nikki stands out . If she was here that night , there ll have to be someone who saw her and remembers . Victor : I hope you re right . ( Sighs ) ( Hangs up phone ) And I hope to God you were nt anywhere near the murder scene . Ronan : It s official . According to an eyewitness , Nikki was visibly upset after seeing a tabloid article about Diane s lawsuit against her . Afterward , she took off . No one knows to where , and 24 hours later , Diane was dead . Man : Plenty of time from when she disappeared to the murder ? Ronan : Oh , yeah . I mean , she had means , she had motive , and now she has opportunity . Man : Hmm . Ronan : Maybe that s what whoever left us this pillow wanted us to know . Billy : Oh , Man . ( Chuckles ) She really wears out quick , does nt she ? Victoria : Yeah . Chloe : Well , she just needs a nap . It s from all the excitement from being around you . Billy : Mm . Victoria : That s how we all feel . Billy : ( Chuckles ) Kevin : Yeah , you wear all of us out . Billy : Look , I gotta-- I got ta go . I promised Jack I d help him with a thing . Victoria : A thing ? Billy : Yeah , it s a secret marketing deal he s got going on . I - I really do nt know , but it should nt take long , and I will see you back at the house . Victoria : All right . Billy : Okay ? All right , bye . Victoria : Bye . Billy : See you , Guys . Victoria : ( Sighs ) So tell me about your wedding . I want to hear all about your plans . Chloe : Ooh , my favorite topic , yay ! Victoria : And also if there s anything that I can do to help , I would love it . Kevin : Oh , be careful before you make that offer . She has given me a to - do list that is yea long . Victoria : No , but really , if there s anything I can do at all , just let me know . Chloe : Well ... ( Sighs ) Be my matron of honor . Eden : So why did nt Noah tell you that that suite was available ? I mean , he must have known about it . It s right there in his dad s building . Daniel : Eh , well , he probably also knew that Devon did nt have the funds to pay for it , but now with The bank of Abby backing you , you should be all set , right ? Devon : Yeah , and the best thing about the place is it has personality and character . I like that . Daniel : Yeah , well , it should . It used to be the Newman art foundation . Ca nt put that in a cube farm . Eden : Well , where s the foundation now ? Daniel : Newman Towers . Devon : And how great is that that it s in the same building as Restless Style ? If we want to hold a press conference , just take the elevator up . Daniel : I would nt sound too excited about it when you talk to Nick , or he ll jack up your rent . Mm - hmm . Devon : Oh , okay , I ll keep that in mind . Thanks . Kay : I wish you could stay longer . Nikki : I know , me , too , but I have nt seen Summer in so long . It was great to see you again , Harmony . I hope to see you soon . Harmony : You , too . Nikki : Okay , bye - bye . Kay : Bye . You two really hit it off . Harmony : She s so friendly , even though she ... knows about my past . Kay : Nikki would never judge you based on that . Harmony : Well , that s something new . Kay : What s the next step for you ? Have you been thinking about that ? Harmony : I have . Kay : I suppose a new job is top of the list . Harmony : Yeah , I put in applications at some restaurants , but , you know , on paper , I do nt look like such a good bet . Kay : It just so happens I ve been thinking of getting a personal secretary ... Harmony : Mnh-- Kay : And adding it to my staff . Harmony : Mnh - mnh , mnh - mnh . No , Mrs. Chancellor . Look , I - I - I mean , thank you , that s kind , but when it comes to getting a job , I want to do it myself . Kay : I respect that , but you ll still let me support you regarding Devon , wo nt you ? Finding a way to reach out to him ? Harmony : You know , I do nt know if there s anything that can change the way that he sees me . I mean , short of going back in time and doing it all different . Kay : I know what you mean . I wish I - Id handled it differently when I found out that Devon was my grandson , but what s done is done . All we can do now is try to make better choices and hope that s enough . Harmony : ( Sighs ) Mm - hmm . Devon : All right , cool . Thank you very much . Bye - bye . It s a done deal . Nick s gon na drop the lease , and he says I can pick up the keys anytime I want . Eden : Oh , my God . Congratulations ! I m so happy for you . Devon : Thank you . Daniel : Congratulations . So you ve got funding , you ve got new digs . What s next ? Devon : I guess I should think of a name , maybe let Abby have a say . Daniel : ( Inhales sharply ) Ooh , maybe that s not such a good idea . Devon : No ? Eden : Yeah . Naked Records ? Daniel : Ugh . Eden : Actually , I do nt know . I kind of like that . Daniel : What ? Eden : Yeah . Devon : That s not bad . Daniel : No . Devon : No ? Cause-- Daniel : No . Devon : Okay . Eden : Huh . Daniel : What ? Eden : Oh , um , a friend of a friend from England is moving to Genoa City . Well ... Eden : Give her my number . I know a company that might be hiring . Devon : Hmm . Kevin : You know , if you d have told me six months ago that you were gon na ask Victoria to be your matron of honor and that she was gon na say yes-- Chloe : I know , it s crazy , but , you know , she has really been there for us since Delia s been sick . I mean , she s really the best friend I could ask for . Kevin : ( Stammering ) Chloe : Besides you . A huge -- whoa , whoa ! Those were in order . They re in order . Careful . Kevin : You are so cute when you re being so obsessive . Ahh . So ... what are your plans-- what are you thinking about for after the wedding ? Chloe : Oh , I - I think I have a honeymoon stack here somewhere , buried in paper . Kevin : And what about after the honeymoon ? Where do you want to live ? Chloe : ( Sighs ) Definitely not here , that s for sure . Kevin : No , definitely , no . Chloe : I do nt know . I m kind of worried about moving back into your apartment complex . You know , there are just so many people around and all the germs . And with Delia s , you know , with her immune system , I do nt think it s safe . Kevin : No , that would nt be good . So then I guess we re talking about getting our own , new place . Chloe : I guess we are . Kevin : All right , one dream house comin up . Chloe : ( Gasps ) Ooh , you make me so happy . Kevin : Come here . Chloe : Mm . Mm , I feel a honeymoon book underneath me . ( Giggles ) Kevin : Mm . Kay : Hello . Tucker : Hi . Uh , it s for you . A peace offering . Kay : Red Hots ? Tucker : Yeah , um ... I read your book a while back , and you said they were your favorites . Kay : And you remembered that ? Tucker : Oh , it kind of stuck with me , since they re my favorites , too . Kay : Well , I guess that means we have at least one thing in common . Tucker : Maybe more than that . Kay : ( Sighs ) Come on in . Tucker : Thanks . You want to tell me what she s doin back here ? Victoria : Hey , Billy . I m home . Billy : Hey , you re back . Victoria : Yes , I m back . Billy : Hello , hello , hello , hello , hello . Victoria : Hello . Billy : Good to see you . Victoria : Good to see you . Billy : Mm . Victoria : Ohh . Billy : Hi . So I have you set up here on Skype .... Victoria : Ohh ! Billy : Ready to talk to Reed . Victoria : That is so sweet of you , so sweet . Billy : There you go . ( Laughs ) You re all set up . There you go . Victoria : Mm , thank you . Oh , boy . Hey , hi , Baby . Happy birthday ! Reed : Hi , Mom . I got your present . Victoria : Oh , good ! Do you like it ? Reed : Yeah , it s so cool . Victoria : Hey , was-- was that-- where are you ? Billy : Hmm . ( Laughing ) Victoria : What-- Reed : Gotcha ! Victoria : ( Gasps ) Wait , the-- you are here ! Oh , my goodness , I m so happy to see you . Mwah , mwah , mwah ! ( Giggles ) Ooh . Reed : Mm . Victoria : I m so glad you re here . Billy : ( Chuckles ) Michael : Well , your instincts were correct . Malloy had already subpoenaed the hospital for Nikki s records before I even got there . Victor : Are you serious ? Michael : It gets worse . I do nt think the police know this yet , but another resident reported her wallet stolen the same day that Nikki disappeared , and it was found by Nikki right after she returned . Victor : Were any charges made on the missing credit card ? Michael : No , but one was used to rent a car . It was paid for later in cash . I contacted the car rental company . They said the mileage was equivalent to the distance between Dubuque and Genoa City and back . Victor : Huh . Deacon : What do you say there , Nikk ? Nikki : Oh , look who s here-- my stalker . Deacon : Oh , come on . I m just happy you re back . I mean , even if you were nt really gone that long . Nikki : What do you mean ? Deacon : I saw you when you came back this summer . Ronan : Mrs. Newman , I m gon na need you to come down to the station with me to talk about the night that Diane Jenkins was murdered . Nick : Are you accusing my mother of murder ? Ronan : Where did you go when you left the center ? Nikki : I - I do nt recall . Emily : I - I was looking for Tucker McCall . Ashley : Emily , is that you ? ### Summary:
Devon accepts an offer from Abby to invest in his record company , and Daniel helps him find a space for his studio . Harmony goes to a meeting and Deacon and Nikki are moved by her story . Nikki is surprised to find Harmony living at Katherine s when she goes to visit her . Harmony turns down an offer from Katherine to be her personal secretary . Tucker tells his therapist Emily that he told Ashley he is seeing a therapist , but he did nt tell Ashley his therapist s name . Emily tells Tucker the same thing Katherine did , that they must fix their relationship if he wants a chance to work things out with Devon . Tucker tells Emily that she also must deal with her past and he wishes that she would return to Genoa City . Chloe asks Victoria to be her matron of honor , and she gladly accepts the honor . Billy surprises Victoria by bringing Reed for a visit so they can celebrate Reed s birthday as a family . Victor worries that Ronan now considers Nikki a suspect in Diane s murder so he sends Michael to see what he can find out from the rehab center before the police find out anything . Michael discovers that someone reported a wallet stolen the same day that Nikki disappeared and Diane was killed . Michael says that the wallet was later found and returned by Nikki to the person who reported it stolen . Michael then tells Victor that the only unauthorized charge on the card was a rental car . Michael talked to the rental car company and found out that the car had the exact mileage from Dubuque to Genoa City and back . Deacon tells Nikki that he saw her when she returned to town last summer . Ronan enters Crimson Lights and asks Nikki to come with him to the police station for questioning . Victoria is surprised when after telling Nikki what Victor did to Billy , she tells her that Victor was only protecting his family even if he went about it the wrong way . Nikki tells Victor to stop being so hard on Billy because he is flawed like all humans and makes mistakes . Tucker brings Katherine some red hots because both he and Katherine like them , then he gets ready to have a talk but he is nt happy when he sees Harmony at the mansion .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Jackie : I ca nt believe this is happening . Deacon : Jackie , come on . Calm down . Jackie : After what my husband s done ? Do you have any idea what he s thinking ? Deacon : He probably thinks you re getting some on the side . Jackie : Must you be so crude ? Deacon : What ? That is what this boils down to . Jackie : But hiring someone to spy on me ? Deacon : No , no , not just someone , Jackie -- me . Jackie : Yes , you . And I do nt understand that ! And I do nt understand why you would say , yes . Deacon : Well , gosh , he really did nt give me much of a choice . Jackie : Right . He held a gun to your head . Deacon : Ah , actually , he did . It was big and it was shiny and it was silver . Jackie : What ? Deacon : Yeah , your husband , he s got a real flair for the dramatic . Jackie : No . Deacon : Yeah . Jackie : Oh , deacon , I do nt believe it . Deacon : Was that just concern that I saw in your eyes , Jackie ? I do nt know . I think it was like some kind of loyalty test or something . Your husband straight up thinks he s Don Corleone . Jackie : Do nt you make light of this . Deacon : I m not making light of it . When I was standing there in his study , and he had that gun pressed against my temple , I swear to you , I thought that he was going to pull the trigger . Than I started thinking about how this guy must feel . The woman that he adores , she s acting strange . She s hitting the sauce , missing curfew -- Jackie : One time -- Deacon : Okay . Jackie : That happened one time . Deacon : Okay , the point is , he s not doing this out of spite . Jackie , he s doing this because he loves you . Deacon : What ? Jackie : Unless of course he knows what happened between us and that he s just playing some kind of perverse game by hiring you ? Deacon , do you think that s what s happening ? Massimo : I may have a lot of friends but not a lot I can trust . Stephanie : Friends do nt need to explain . I can see how upset you are . I know you love Jacqueline . Massimo : Yeah , well , I ca nt bury my head in the sand , Stephanie . I mean , if something is going on and I pray it s not . Stephanie : But you think something is . Massimo : Yeah , but I ll find out soon enough , one way or the other . Stephanie : Jacqueline told you that she was with Lauren the other night but she wasntT. Massimo : I was so furious . Stephanie : So , what else did she say ? Massimo : She said that she drank too much . So , she pulled over to sleep it off . And she was too embarrassed in the morning to face me . Stephanie : It s so silly to concoct an alibi like that . Massimo : This should be the happiest moment in her life . Her son is marrying a woman that she adores . Her grandson is on the way . What does she do ? She turns to the bottle , stays out all night , lies to me . What is that supposed to mean ? It means something is going on . Stephanie : Well , I can tell you who it s not going on with -- my husband . Massimo : For all our sakes , Stephanie , I hope you re right . But if Jacqueline is having an affair , it s not going to be for long . I hired Deacon Sharpe to keep an eye on her . Deacon : Jackie , I can see how stressed you are . Just try and relax . What happened between us was nt -- Jackie : There is no us , Deacon . What happened the other night , it was -- Deacon : It ll never happen again , Jackie . I know that . I ll tell you who should be worried -- Eric Forrester . Jackie : Eric ? Oh , no . Deacon : Oh , yeah . Yeah , he s the only one on Massimo s list of suspects . And I ve got the job of figuring out whether or not he deserves to be there . Jackie : I still ca nt fathom out why he hired you . Deacon : Jackie , Massimo made it very clear to me that if I did nt take this job , he was gon na find somebody else to do it . God knows what that guy would find out . At least this way , I know what Massimo s thinking . And if I know that means that I m going to tell you , okay ? The only reason that I m doing this is to protect you . Nick : Okay , so we re good with that , right ? Brooke : Yeah , it s great . Nick : Massimo can be the best man . Brooke : And I ll call Katie to see if she wants to be my maid of honor . Nick : Katie -- I like that name , yeah . I ca nt wait to meet her . Brooke : I know . Nick : Flower girl ? We need some cute , young little girl to carry the flowers down the aisle . Any ideas ? Brooke : That would be Hope ? Nick : Oh . Brooke : Mm - hmm . Nick : All right . Brooke : Yeah , she s already been practicing . Nick : Ah . Thus , the missing petals . Brooke : She takes her responsibilities very seriously . Nick : Well , it s a big day for mom , very big day . Ca nt have anything can go wrong . Brooke : I m sure that Sergei will make sure nothing goes wrong . Nick : What about Ridge ? Brooke : What about him ? Nick : Well , I do nt know . We have nt heard much from him lately . Do you think that s because he s accepted this or do you think this is the calm before the storm ? Stephanie : You ca nt be serious . Massimo : I am not going to be deceived , Stephanie , especially by my own wife . I had to take some kind of action . Stephanie : But to hire Deacon to follow her around ? Massimo : I have my reasons . Stephanie : I ca nt imagine what they could possibly be . Or can I ? Deacon resents Eric as much as you do . I hope this is nt some set - up where you think you re going to catch my husband and your wife in the act because that is not going to happen . Mass , Jackie and Eric have worked it all out . They re friends . They re business associates . There s nothing else there . Oh , my god , hiring deacon . [ Stephanie sighs ] Why would you do that ? That s so -- I want to tell you something . That is going to come back to haunt you in a big way . I have to go . Massimo : Stephanie , thank you for coming . Jackie : Deacon , please . Deacon : Do you really want me to stop ? Jackie : What I want is for all of this to end . Deacon : Speak of the devil . Hey , mass . Massimo : Where are you ? Deacon : I m actually watching your wife , as we speak . She s with a guy . Massimo : Who is it ? Deacon : I do nt know . He s a handsome devil . Giving her a drink . He s a waiter . Iced tea , I think . Massimo : Well , he s not going to be handsome for long now , is he ? Where is the restaurant ? Deacon : It s in Beverly Hills . She stopped off after doing some shopping . Massimo : So , there s nothing out of the ordinary ? Deacon : Nada , big guy . But do nt worry . I m keeping a close eye on your wife . Jackie : Oh , oh ! What on earth possessed you to tell him that I was shopping ? Deacon : What would you rather I did ? Tell him the truth ? Jackie , do you have any shopping bags in your car ? Jackie : What ? Deacon : You ca nt go home empty - handed . Do you have any shopping bags in your car ? Jackie : Um , no , I do nt . I ll stop out . I ll stop and get some . God , I m so afraid . Deacon : Shh . I m with you . It s okay . I m with you . Jackie : Deacon , will you stop ? You stop . Stop . Do nt do this . Deacon : Do what ? Jackie : Do nt do this . You know what I mean ! Deacon : Stop at a store on your way home . And buy something to wear . Just not too sexy , okay ? Brooke : Actually , Ridge has nt been as quiet as you think . Nick : Have you seen him ? Brooke : He stopped by the other day . To apologize for walking out on me , when I you told him that you and I were getting married . Nick : He s hurting and I know you re hurting for him . I know that . Brooke : How could I not ? [ Brooke sighs ] Even though you and I are planning a wedding , I still -- Nick : Ca nt stop feeling for the man that you ve loved . That you still love . That you always will love . Guess what ? Brooke : What ? Nick : I understand that . I really do . But I want you to understand something , too . Okay ? This marriage has no shot , unless we re completely honest with each other about everything , even Ridge . Brooke : You do nt pull any punches , do you , captain ? Nick : I like to think , I like to lay it on the line . Brooke : Oh , yeah ? Nick : Yeah . Brooke : Well , then -- I think I ll lay it on the line . There s this guy , you know , this guy that s stuck by me . And he s very patient and very understanding . And he loves me with all that he is . Even after I ve taken him on this hell of a voyage . Most men would ve bolted by now but he did nt . You did nt . I love you , Nick . Nick : Really ? Brooke : Really . Brooke : Your beeper . Nick : What ? Brooke : Your beeper . Nick : Beeper ? Brooke : Yeah . [ Beeping ] I got ta take this . Brooke : What do you mean ? You re leaving ? Right now ? Nick : Yeah , I have to . Sorry . Brooke : Going to the office ? Nick : Yeah . Brooke : Hmm . Nick : Guess what ? Brooke : What ? Nick : I love you , too . See ya , beautiful . Massimo : I was expecting you sooner . Jackie : Hello , darling ! Did nt Hudson did nt give you my message ? Massimo : Oh , yes , yes . He said you had something to take care of and then you would be right back . Jackie : Well , you know , the time -- it just got away from me . Massimo : That seems to be happening a lot these days . Jackie : I picked something up for you . Would you care to peek ? Massimo : Later . Right now , I d really like to know what s going on with you . Jackie : Please , Massimo , please . Not that again . Massimo : They say that confession is good for the soul . Jackie : What exactly would you like me to confess to ? Fine . Fine . You want a confession . Than I will confess . I will confess everything ! I will confess to loving you more than you could possibly , possibly know . Massimo : Damn it . [ Massimo sighs ] I just ca nt keep my eyes off of you . Jackie : I m yours . I m yours , Massimo . And I always -- I always will be . Ridge : Dominick Payne . Pain - in - the - ass is more like it . Sea captain , world traveler -- yeah . And yet no stories to tell . What do we really know about you , little brother ? What do you really know , Brooke , about this guy you re about to marry ? Nick : Eddie , Nick : Eddie , you have yourself a good night . Maya : Nick , is that you ? Nick : Why did you page me ? Maya : I did nt know how else to reach you . Nick : I thought we had an understanding . Maya : We do . But I need to see you . Nick : No . No , it s too risky . Maya : The boat -- just a few minutes ? Nick : We ca nt take that chance . Maya : I ll be very careful . Nick : There s too much at stake . Maya : But -- Nick : Just lay low . Everything will be fine . Maya : When will I hear from you again ? Nick : We should nt even be having this conversation . Maya : Nick , please -- Nick : I got ta go . Damn it . ### Summary:
Jackie shows up at Deacon s where she frets over the fact that Massimo has hired Deacon to spy on her . Deacon tells her that if he had nt taken the job , Massimo would have hired someone else and that would have been a bad thing for them . Jackie wonders if Massimo is playing some perverse game with them . Massimo calls Deacon while she is there , and Deacon concocts a story that Jackie is at a restaurant in Beverly Hills on a shopping trip , and that he is watching her closely . As Deacon comforts Jackie , he begins kissing her , and she weakly asks him to stop . He continues , but she finally raises her arms and pushes him away . He grins and tells her to do some shopping on the way home so Massimo will see the bags . Stephanie visits Massimo and they discuss his problem with Jackie . Stephanie assures Massimo that it s not Eric that Jackie is seeing . But Massimo is nt sure . Massimo says Jackie should be happy , but she s drinking , lying and staying out all night . He does nt understand it . Stephanie chastises him for hiring Deacon Sharp of all people to spy on Jackie , and warns him that he will live to regret that . Nick and Brooke are talking about their wedding . Massimo will be best man and Caitlin will be asked to be bride s maid . Hope will be flower girl . They discuss Ridge , and Nick wonders why he has been staying away . Brooke tells him that he did stop by to apologize for running out on her after she told him about the wedding . Nick assures her that as long as they continue to communicate with each other their marriage will last . That Brooke should be able to tell him anything , and that he understands how Brooke would still have feelings for Ridge after being in love with him for most of her life . Brooke tells Nick she loves him and they kiss . Just then Nick s pager goes off and he tells her he has to go to the office , and rushes out . When Jackie arrives home , Massimo greets her with questions on what s going on with her . Exasperated , she again tells him she loves only him and kisses him . Ridge enters the Marone building after hours and uses his key card to get into Nick s office . He is curious who his so called brother really is . He wonders why a sea captain and world traveler never has any stories to tell . As he s snooping around Nick s office in the dark , he hears Nick arrive and speak to the custodian outside the door . Then he storms in and makes a call using a number from his pager . A female answers and asks when she and Nick can meet . On the speaker phone , Nick tells her they ca nt meet , it s too dangerous , there s too much at stake . He hangs up in frustration , as Ridge watches from the shadows .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Sonny : What are the advantages of the new hires ? They wo nt have a personal agenda . As for the remaining staff , I am so proud of their dedication and hard work . I know that we got off to a rocky start , but I am confident , if we work together as a team , we will bring titan success it s never seen before . Justin : Finally , a CEO I can be proud of , and he happens to be my son too . Sonny : Yeah , well , you were nt so proud when I fired the 50 employees that Deimos hired in my first week . Justin : Well , you asked me to reserve judgment until you had the chance to get settled , and now that you have , I can see that you re taking titan in the right direction . Sonny : Well , thank you for the support -- from you and uncle vic . It means a lot to me . With Deimos out of the picture for good , nothing s gon na stop me from achieving everything I set my mind to . Gabi : I still ca nt believe he s really dead . Rafe : Well , I m just sorry you had to be the one to find him . Gabi : Yeah , yeah , I could ve done without Deimos dead body appearing and shocking the hell out of me . But you know what ? After everything that he s put me through , what I ca nt stand is that JJ is being held for his murder . And until the police-- Rafe : Yeah . Gabi : Have evidence to prove that , there s no way that I will ever believe it . Jennifer : I do nt understand how they can hold you here without any solid proof . JJ : Lani s account of me attacking Deimos -- it s pretty damning , mom . Abigail : She was high on halo like everybody else . No one was thinking straight . JJ : The guy s blood s on my shirt . I keep thinking if I did kill him , I d at least remember shoving that knife in his chest . Jennifer : Right , you do nt remember because you did nt do it . JJ : Look , I appreciate your faith in me , both of you , but knowing how much I hated this guy , I ca nt help but think it s possible I did kill him . Chad : [ Sighs ] Do you want to be my wife ? Abigail : Yes . Chad : Okay . Abigail : Okay . Chad : Why ca nt I stop thinking about her ? Rafe : Listen , as far as I know , JJ has nt been charged with anything , and Trask-- I doubt she can even make a case with the evidence that she has . Gabi : And you do nt think Lani s testimony s damning enough ? Rafe : Lani was drugged just like everyone else . Gabi : Okay , but what about the blood on JJ s shirt ? Rafe : The blood on his shirt , come on . You know , a halfway decent defense attorney could come up with 100 reasons as to why it was there . Gabi : Do you think he did it ? Rafe : I do nt know . Honestly , I do nt know . But even if he did , he was under the influence of a hallucinogen , so he might not be held accountable . Gabi : Okay , but listen , even if he was following orders or acting to protect some sort of innocent party , it -- the guilt of killing a living soul-- I mean , I -- Ive seen the man be upset because he could nt help a victim because he did nt have time for them , maybe because he could nt , and-- why are you looking at me like that , Rafe ? Rafe : Just sounds to me like you still have feelings for the guy . JJ : The reason I became a cop was the protect the people I love . And I thought , when I became a detective , I d finally be able to bring down Deimos . Guess in -- in the end , even dead , he ended up taking me down . Dario : Hey , um ... Abigail : Dario , um , what are you doing here ? Dario : I m so sorry to interrupt , but I need to speak to you . It s important . Jennifer : This is important too-- Abigail : Mom , please . Jennifer : We re both alike , you and I. I will do whatever it takes to keep the people I love safe . JJ : Are you talking about me now , mom , or Abigail ? Abigail : I do nt know what this is about , but I really need to be in there with my brother . Dario : I know you re worried about your brother , and I am sorry to take you away from him , but for me this is a question of survival , of life and death . Abigail : What do you mean ? What happened ? Dario : I -- I ca nt talk to you about it here . Will you -- will you please come with me ? Abigail : Thank you . Dario : Mm - hmm . So I just learned that check on me sooner than later . Abigail : How soon ? Dario : I do nt know . Could be tomorrow . Could be today . Since they ve gotten more aggressive with the laws , they ve amped up the screening process , so if they sense that something s not 100 % legitimate , they can just arrest and deport me on the spot . Abigail : And if you re deported , um ... Dario : Yeah , I m pretty sure my Mexican drug lord pal will be waiting to take me out the minute I cross the border . Abigail : [ Sighs ] Dario : Which is why it would be better , if the officials do come and check on me , that we are already married . Abigail : My brother is being accused of murder . I ca nt really just run off and get married . Dario : I know , I know , I know , I know , I know , I know . The timing ... sucks . But if I get kicked out of the country , I m not gon na have a future . Abigail : Yeah , I get that , but I just ca nt do-- I ca nt do that . Dario : Having a five - minute ceremony is nt gon na stop you from being there for your brother . Abigail : I -- I know , but I j-- I mean , it s just the idea . I mean , the idea that I would run off and do something that is supposed to be joyous and life- affirming , but meanwhile , my family s going through hell-- Dario : W -- okay , but would it -- would it help them if you deny yourself that joy ? Abigail : Okay , I m sorry , did you say deny myself joy ? This is nt a real marriage . It s -- this is nt going to bring me any joy in the least , and , I mean , I m sorry if that sounds harsh , but I ca-- Dario : No , I get it . I -- I understand . And I did nt mean that it would bring you actual joy . What I meant was it would nt be so strange if you were to do something positive and life - affirming , like you said , while your brother s going through this rough time . I mean , you could use it maybe as a way to lessen the pain . People do that all the time . Abigail : Oh , come on . You know damn well nobody is gon na look at a marriage between you and me as a joyous , life - affirming occasion . It s ... Dario : Yeah . I suppose not . That s not it , is it ? Abigail : What s not it ? Dario : You caring about what other people think-- that s not you . Maybe you re having cold feet . Abigail , I ve told you before , if you ve changed your mind , I ll understand . But I need to know , and I need to know now , if you will marry me today . Gabi : Rafe , you know how some drugs make you say or do something that you normally do nt do ? Rafe : Oh , boy , did you-- did you do something when you were on halo that you regret ? Gabi : I did nt stab Deimos if that s what you re asking me , no . Rafe : That s not what I m asking . Gabi ... Gabi : I danced , okay ? Rafe : Danced ? Gabi : Yes , yes . Rafe : You mean , like you danced on the table ? Gabi : No , I danced with JJ . Rafe : So what s wrong with that ? Gabi : It wasnt -- it was nt the dance part , that was-- I do nt know . Rafe : What -- what part was it ? Do I even -- do I want to know ? Gabi : No , it was the way he made me feel when he was holding me . I felt like I was just ali-- I dont -- it sounds-- this is weird , but it was-- Rafe : Sounds intense , huh ? Gabi : Yes , it was intense . It was intense because , at that moment , I felt like I was still in love with him , okay ? JJ : This is the last thing you need , I know . Jennifer : Mm - mm , do nt you worry about me , cause I m fine . And you will be too once-- once the police see that you re innocent . JJ : I know you want to believe that . Jennifer : Cause it s true . I gon na make some calls , but I will be -- Ill be right out here , okay ? Hope : Oh , Jenn . Jennifer : Oh , my goodness , thank god that security footage exonerated you and Rafe . Wait , what are you doing here ? Hope : Well , my job , I hope . Jennifer : No , they said that you were in the hospital . They would ve have released you this quickly . Hope : Well , they did nt . I snuck out . Jennifer : Wait , you what ? Hope : I snuck out . Jennifer : Why would you do that ? Hope : Cause I need to be here for you and JJ . Jennifer : No , you need to be in the hospital . I m taking you back there . Hope : No , Jenn , listen , I need to make sure the whole truth , the real truth , comes out about everything and make it very clear that a crime was committed under extraordinary circumstances-- Jennifer : Wait , you mean because everyone was on halo , right ? Hope : Yeah . Justin : I m headed over to the police station right now to represent JJ . I ll do everything in my power to free him . Sonny : I just wish I could do more to help JJ . But unfortunately , I just do nt remember anything about-- I m gon na have you arrested ! Deimos : You know what ? That s almost as funny as you running titan . You do nt wanna make this any harder than it has to be . You can either give me the amulet , or I can take it from you . Justin : Sonny ? You okay ? Sonny : Yeah , I m good . I m just -- I m just-- I m just fuzzy from the halo , I guess , you know ? But I m happy that you re helping out JJ . I think that s great , and I m sure you re gon na prove that he did nt kill Deimos . Justin : Yeah , I hope you re right . Sonny : Is it possible that I-- no , no , no , no , I would ve remembered if I had . Paul : Remember what ? Sonny : How long you been standing there ? Paul : Long enough to see that something s bothering you . You wanna tell me what it is ? Sonny : It s just work . Paul : You re not planning on doing another mass firing , are you ? Sonny : No , no , no , as strongly as I felt about getting rid of all the people that Deimos hired , it s hitting me now just how jarring that was for the company , and I need to be extremely careful with the decisions that I make moving forward . Paul : Well , I knew you d come back to me . Sonny : Yeah , where did I go ? Paul : To the mother ship , I thought . You know , I was starting to think that the sonny I knew had been taken over by aliens . Sonny : Come on , I was nt that bad . Paul : Maybe . But , you know , standing here , spouting logic and reason , it s a far cry from the power - hungry despot who wanted to take over the world and did nt give a damn who he trampled along the way . Sonny : Luckily , I have you to keep my ambitions in check . Paul : Well , I m glad I m here . I m glad I m good for something . Sonny : You re good for a lot of things , Paul . Paul : What is it ? Sonny : I do nt want to lie to you . Paul : Then do nt . Sonny : I remembered something from last night . Paul : I m listening . Sonny : I was arguing with Deimos in the corridor . And ripped the amulet from my neck . Paul : Then what ? Sonny : Nothing . I ca nt remember past that . I do nt know . Paul : Okay , okay , maybe you did nt argue at all . Sonny : What do you mean ? Paul : Well , because of the drugs , maybe your mind conjured up a memory . Look , look , either way , you said that you were arguing with him in the hallway , but they find Deimos killed in the living room . I mean , there s a time gap-- that someone could have stepped in . Sonny : To finish the job ? Is that what you mean ? Paul : Maybe . Now , now , now , you have nt shared this memory with anyone ? Sonny : No , no , no , only you . I wanted to keep it a secret . I m just worried that JJ s being held under false pretenses . Paul : No , I called my sources downtown . I mean , they barely have a case . Sonny : Oh , so does that mean that he could be released ? Paul : Maybe by the end of the day . Okay , um , unless things change , let s -- let s just keep this memory between us . Rafe : So you re saying that you do still having feelings for JJ . Gabi : No , it was just in the moment . It doesnt -- it did not mean anything . Rafe : Oh , cause when the drug wore off , then you did nt have those feelings . Is that what you re saying ? Gabi : No -- JJ and I are in the past okay ? And that s it . We re done . Rafe : You re sure ? Gabi : Yes , I m positive . Rafe : Positive . Gabi : Okay , I m building a future with Chad , and I could not be happier . Chad : Hey . Jennifer : Hey . Chad : Hi , how s -- ? Jennifer : Hi . Chad : How s JJ s case coming along ? Jennifer : Uh , Hope is interviewing him right now . Chad : Without a lawyer ? Jennifer : He decided he did nt want anyone to represent him in -- for this preliminary interview . Chad : Okay , w -- if it s about money , then I-- anything I can do to help ? Jennifer : No , it s not-- oh , thanks , but Justin is gon na represent him , and , you know , give us the family discount , so he s on his way here now . Chad : Okay . You sure there s nothing I can do ? Jennifer : Actually , there is something you can do . Chad : All right , name it . Jennifer : You can talk Abigail out of marrying Dario . Chad : Uh , she divorced me , Jennifer , so not sure I have much of a say . Jennifer : She loves you . Chad : How do you know that ? Jennifer : I know-- I know that . Chad : I m with Gabi now , so . Jennifer : That does nt mean you still do nt care about Abigail . And even if you never get back together , you still share a child , so I think that s reason enough-- Chad : Yeah , I -- I know , of course I care -- I care about Abigail , her happiness means everything . Jennifer : Right , then why would you let her throw her life away and marry someone that is not right for her ? Chad : Everybody knows how I feel about Dario , but she s an adult -- she s not gon na listen-- Jennifer : What , so do you think it s okay to just let her make this terrible choice ? Chad : Okay , you know what ? I came here to talk to her about something that s not this , so , um ... she s not with JJ anymore ? Jennifer : No , she was , and then Dario came by and said that he needed to talk to her . Chad : She just left ? Jennifer : Yes , and he said it was something very important . Chad : Okay . Jennifer : And so she s gone . I do nt know where they went . Maybe the club ? I have no idea . Chad : Okay , the club , then I m gon na go . Thank you . Thank you . Let me know if you need anything . Abigail : Is this your way of testing me to see I ll really go through with this ? Dario : You did nt answer the question . Abigail : I told you I would marry you -- I announced it in front of my ex- husband . I do nt really know what else you need . Dario : I need to know that you ll do it today because , if immigration does pop in , I ll already be legal . Abigail : Ugh , okay , but if they know that we are going to get married , then-- Dario : What s -- what s the problem , Abigail ? Is it Chad ? Did something happen last night ? Abigail : Why would you ask me that ? Dario : Because other than you having cold feet or caring what people think , I ca nt think of any other reason of why you d be hesitating right now . Abigail : Nothing is going on with me and Chad , but if that is what you are worried about , then-- Dario : No , oh , no , no , no , I m worried -- I m worried about getting deported . Okay , look , I know this is sudden , all right ? But the fact that we do nt have time to invite anyone , that I m not gon na tux , that you re not gon na get a beautiful dress , should prove to you that this has nothing to do with romantic feelings on my part . Abigail : But we ca nt just walk into a court and demand that a judge marries us-- we ve got to have an appointment , there s the-- Dario : I -- I already reached out to the courthouse to make an appointment in case you did say yes . Ugh . Courthouse is fully booked . Mayor Carver ? Abigail : What are you doing ? What-- ? Dario : I m gon na see if he can marry us . Abe : Why , hello . You know , there does nt seem to be anyone here . Can you take my order ? Dario : Of course , and maybe , while you re waiting , you would nt mind doing a small favor for me and Abigail . Abe : Well , how small ? Dario : By the power vested in you by the good people of this town , would you pronounce us husband and wife ? Let s party ! you were-- Dario : In love ? Well , no , we -- we have been for a while . That s why we can not wait any longer , because , you know what they say , once you ve found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with , you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible . Abe : Well , I would nt want it said that I stood in the way of true love , but , if the groom does nt mind , I would like to hear from the bride - to - be as well . Abigail , I would do anything for you and your family . Abigail : I know that , yeah . Abe : So before I do this , I want you to look me in the eye and answer one question . Is getting married to this young man , so soon after you got a divorce from Chad , is that what you really want ? Rafe : Well , you re not the only one who had a little halo - induced romantic moment last night . Gabi : Really ? You and hope danced too ? Rafe : Oh , yeah , we danced . Yeah , we did , and I asked her to marry me . Gabi : What ? No way . Rafe : Yeah , way . Gabi : Wait , Rafe , what did she say ? Rafe : Well , she seemed willing , it s just , um , there s a little hitch . Gabi : What do you-- ? Okay , let me guess . You think because she was high on halo that she did nt mean it ? Rafe : No , that s not what I think at all . She seemed like she was totally genuine -- it s just that she wants closure in Bo s death . And the only way she feels she s gon na get that and get justice for him is by taking care of Deimos . Gabi : I mean , the guy s dead . It sounds like justice to me , you know ? Rafe : Yeah , that s exactly what I was thinking . Gabi : Okay , and ? Rafe : Okay , yes . So I m gon na propose again . Gabi : Yes ! Rafe : But I need your help . Chad : What -- you got -- you got the amulet now , you ca nt say hello anymore ? Sonny : Well , you obviously did nt want it , or you would nt have buried it in the sand . Chad : I buried that thing for a good reason . Sonny : Well , I can think of 20 million good reasons to dig it up , and that s what I did . Chad : Fair . I did nt believe that thing was cursed either , but I m telling you , it s wicked , all right ? And the -- the party last night-- proof . Sonny : So you re blaming the amulet for Deimos drugging all those people ? Chad : Yeah , he obviously wanted it , and drugging us was just the way he chose to do it . Sonny : Well , if it is bad luck , then Deimos is the ultimate victim of the curse cause he was the last person to have his hands on it , and now he s dead . Chad : Uh , no , except Deimos is nt the only victim because JJ s life hangs in the balance . Hope : This is what we know for sure . Lani claims that she saw you attack Deimos . Justin : A memory that is highly suspect , since she was also under the influence of halo . Hope : Yeah , but there s also the issue of the blood on his shirt from Deimos . Justin : Strictly circumstantial -- could have happened any number of ways . Hope : Well , that is all we have so far . Justin : In other words , you have no case . Hope : And if there is no new evidence that comes to light in the next hour or so , the Salem pd will have no choice but to let you go . Until then , sit tight , and hope for the best . Maybe even say a few prayers . Justin : Looks like you re pretty much off the hook . JJ : We ll see . Justin : Did nt you just hear what hope said ? They have no case against you . JJ : So far . But even if I m not the one who stuck that knife in Deimos chest , one of us did . She s nationally recognized thing about picking out women s jewelry , let alone the most important piece of jewelry that a woman could own . Gabi : Come on , you do nt have to worry -- I mean , your stylist little sister is going to help you , and I m not gon na disappoint , okay ? Oh , I saw something in Janet s window that s perfect . Rafe : Really ? Gabi : Yes , I did , yeah . Rafe : Okay , but hope has to like it . Gabi : Yeah , I mean , she s gon na love it . Not because it s a stunner-- it s because with it , she gets you . Rafe : Yeah , she does . It s like a two for one bargain . Gabi : Yeah , seriously . Look , it s really important to find the right ring , but it s more important to find the right guy . And hope did that . She chose you . Rafe : That is very sweet of you . Gabi : I love you . Rafe : Now let s get out of here and find that perfect ring before someone else takes it , okay ? Gabi : Let s go to Janet s . Sonny : I m confident JJ will be cleared . My dad s working on getting him released right now . Chad : Yeah , so the , what , evidence is circumstantial ? Sonny : I mean , thanks to Deimos , none of us remember what happened . Chad : Except for Lani . She saw JJ attack him . Sonny : And maybe she did . Maybe it was the halo remembering . The bottom line here-- we might never remember who killed that son of a bitch . Chad : Who cares ? Deimos has himself to thank for it . Sonny : It s kind of fitting , is nt it ? The victim s own action providing a cover for the killer ? Chad : Yeah , well , yeah , I would nt say that maybe , you know , it wo nt come back to haunt someone . Sonny : I mean , not as long as our memories do nt come back . Chad : Yeah , I m glad he s gone -- along with the amulet . Sonny : That thing really spooks you , does nt it ? Chad : Yeah , that s what I get for not buying into my father s superstitions . Sonny : Yeah , he did have a few that were out there , even for Stefano . Chad : For good reason . Sonny : You think ? Chad : Yes . I never believed in luck . I believed that if you -- if you wanted something , you would just go out , and you would take it . Sonny : And now ? Chad : I do nt know . I m starting to think that maybe we do nt have as much control over our lives as we d like to believe . Abigail : My marriage to Chad was over long before we actually made it official , and I want to marry Dario . And it would be really great to have somebody that I knew do it , but I understand if that makes you uncomfortable in any way . Abe : Yeah , well , I m going to call Jennifer to see if she s okay with this . Abigail : I am an adult , and I think she s kind of busy with JJ right now , so . Abe : I m not going to perform the ceremony without talking to your mother first . In fact , I ll give her a call right now , so , excuse me . Abigail : Yeah . Gabi : Listen , I want you to like it too , okay ? We re gon na go through a lot of them , and we re gon na find exactly the right one . Rafe : Mm - hmm , definitely , definitely . Gabi : Okay . Rafe : The right one . Gabi : Oh , well , this is a surprise . Chad : Oh . Gabi : Hi . Chad : Hey , good one , I hope . Gabi : Of course . Rafe : Hey , take it easy . Why are you here ? Sonny : Hey , sorry , I was gon na call -- I was gon na call you and talk to you earlier today . I need to reschedule that play date with Arianna for next week , if that s okay . I m just really swamped with work right now . Gabi : Yeah , I mean , just let me know what day works for you . Sonny : All right , perfect . I m gon na head back to work , and I will check my schedule and get back to you on that . Gabi : Okay , good to see you . Chad : Later . Rafe : See you . Chad : Where are you two headed ? Rafe : Where are we-- ? Uh , we re just -- she s doing a little secret thing , helping me out . Gabi : Yeah , but I can meet up with you after coffee , if that s okay . Chad : Great , I got my own secret thing happening . Rafe : Oh . Chad : Just kidding , no , I m heading over to club TBD , actually , to talk to Abigail . Gabi : Everything okay ? Chad : Yeah , no , we re just working out Thomas schedule . Gabi : Okay , well , we could probably meet you up at the club when we re finished . Chad : Cool . Gabi : All right , I ll see you . Abigail : Well ? Abe : I spoke to your mother . Abigail : And ? Abe : She gave her blessing . Abigail : Great . Abe : Grudgingly -- she did nt sound too happy about it . Abigail : Well , she will be . Eventually . Abe : All right . Well , let s do this . I do nt carry a wedding manual around with me , but I am going to try to do the ceremony from memory . And , given the hasty nature of this ceremony , I do nt suppose you two have written vows . Dario : I -- I actually have something I want to say , if that s okay with you . Abigail : Of course . Dario : You re so beautiful . You are so beautiful , inside and out . How smart , funny , and brave you are . But what I love most about you is your generosity , and I ve seen firsthand how you give yourself completely to the things that matter most . Your family , friends , people you care about . You never hold back . You do nt hesitate . When you see somebody in trouble , you re right there , putting their needs before your own , doing whatever it takes to make sure that they re protected , safe , happy . No matter what it costs you . My vow is to love you with the same generous spirit you ve always shown me , to put you first . And to prove to you every moment of every day that I am worthy of all the times you ve done that for me . Abe : Abigail ? Dario : You do nt have to say anything . Abigail : Oh , no , um , yeah , no , um ... I ll say something , um ... [ Clears throat ] [ Exhales ] You know , um , everything that you say that I -- I did for you , you did for me . You were there for me when-- when no one else was , and I never really felt like I had to explain myself , even-- when things were kind of crazy . You just let me be who I am , and that really meant a lot to me . JJ : Those my release papers ? Justin said I d be able to go home within the hour . Hope : No , I m sorry . JJ : For what ? What s wrong ? Hope : These are nt your release papers . This is a record of new evidence in the case against you . JJ : I do nt believe it . They found my DNA underneath Deimos fingernails ? Hope : Which confirms Lani s testimony that you did , in fact , engage in a physical altercation with the victim . JJ , the fact that you were under the influence of a hallucinogenic drug ... JJ : Was an extenuating circumstance , I know . Hope : One the judge will hopefully take into account . You know , I do nt want to do this , but because of the new DNA evidence , we re gon na have to charge you with-- JJ : With murder . Hope : You have the right to remain silent . Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . You have the right to an attorney . If you can not afford one , one ... one will be provided . Do you understand the rights I just recited to you ? Sonny : [ Gasping ] Oh , my god . Oh , my god . Dario : I will love , cherish , honor , and keep you all the days of my life . Abe : Abigail , would you repeat after me : I , Abigail Deveraux , take you , Dario Hernandez ... Abigail : I , Abigail Dev ... ### Summary:
Rafe and Gabi talked about whether JJ killed Deimos . Gabi was convinced he was innocent . Rafe wondered if she had feelings for JJ . Jennifer and Abby were talking to JJ about what happened with Deimos . Dario showed up at the station to see Abby . He said it was a matter of life and death for him . Dario told Abby that immigration was going to check on him soon . He believed that it would be beiger if they were already married . She thought the timing was completely wrong . She did nt want to marry Dario while JJ was in trouble . Dario thought it would be good for JJ if she got married now . Dario wondered if Abby was getting cold feet about getting married . He told her that he wanted her to marry him that day . Gabi explained to Rafe that she felt like she was in love with JJ when they danced . Jennifer ran into Hope at the station . Jennifer wanted Hope to go back to the hospital , but she wanted to help JJ . Sonny thought about fighting with Deimos . Sonny believed that he could nt have killed him . Paul wanted to know what he meant . Sonny blamed what he said on work . Sonny told Paul that he remembered arguing with Deimos and he took the amulet . Paul thought that it was a coincidence . Paul did nt want Sonny to tell anyone else . Gabi assured Rafe that she was building her life with Chad . Chad showed up at the station . Jennifer asked him to stop Abby from marrying Dario . Chad reminded her that Abby divorced him and that he s with Gabi . She still thought he could help her . Dario continued to push Abby to marry him . Abby tried to stall to keep from marrying them , but Abe showed up at the club . Dario asked him to marry them . Abe wanted to make sure that Abby was doing the right thing . Rafe told Gabi that he proposed to Hope , but she turned him down . Chad and Sonny ran into each other and talked about the amulet , Deimos , and JJ . Hope talked to JJ about his case . Justin showed up at the station to see JJ . JJ still wondered who killed Deimos . Rafe wanted Gabi to help him pick out an engagement ring . Sonny told Chad that Justin would get JJ off . Sonny said none of them may figure out who killed Deimos . Chad was glad that Deimos and the amulet were gone . Abe told Abby that he would nt perform the ceremony without calling Jennifer . Abe was ready to perform the ceremony after all . Dario wrote his own vows for Abby . Abby recited vows for Dario . Hope told JJ that there were new charges against him . JJ s DNA was found under Deimos fingernails . Hope told JJ he was getting charged with murder . Hope read JJ his rights . Sonny remembered seeing Deimos dead body . Chad showed up while Dario and Abby were getting married .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Michelle : I found it upstairs on the observation deck . Does nt that feel good ? Tony : Yeah , yeah , well ... Michelle : Does nt that feel good ? Tony : I m sure the bird is not going to be too happy about it . Michelle : What kind of bird do you think this was ? What is it , like , an eagle ? Pigeon ? Seagull ? Tony : Do you mind ? Michelle : Do nt you realize that it s not all about all work and no play ? Danny : I need to do something about michelle . Ross : Step into my office . Buzz : What do you want ? Have anything . Zach : That . Buzz : A burger ? Good choice , but your mom would shoot me . How about , instead of that , how about ... this ? French toast . Zach : Yum ! Buzz : Yum ! Yum it is . You know something ? Zach , I should teach you how to cook , you know ? Because every member of the family is part of this restaurant . Sort of like ... company is sort of the cooper home . It s our place . If I can keep it standing . You want to help me open up ? Zach : Yeah ! Buzz : Come on . Let s go ! Frank : Not so fast . Someone just called and bought out the whole place for a private party . One of the waitresses took the message . Buzz : That s great . Frank : No . Buzz : You do nt think so ? Frank : I do nt think we want these people s business . Buzz : ( Sighs ) Frank : See what I mean ? Lizzie : Daddy , joey is a great guy . You re going to love him . And he ll be really comfortable over at company anyway . Phillip : Well , I m looking forward to speaking to him . Lizzie : About what ? Phillip : Well , I just want to see what his intentions are . Lizzie : His intentions ? Okay , what decade are we in again ? Phillip : Darling , you re old enough to understand this . You re a spaulding . That makes you a target for every poor boy in town who wants to get ahead . Lizzie : Daddy , joey s not like that , though . Oh , what ? So now you think he s a gold- digger ? Phillip : Well , it s been suggested that he may be more interested in the good life than he is in you . Lizzie : Suggested by who ? Phillip : Your friend tammy . Reva : Well , yeah , sure . It s not a problem . I can do the promo . Yeah . All you have to do is bring me a huge cup of coffee , and I ll meet you there . Josh : Well , how soon does he need the specs ? Reva : Yeah . Okay . Josh : All right , well , three weeks and we ve got a deal . Reva : Great , bye . Josh : Okay , now ... yeah , i can deliver . Okay , call me when it s done . Thank you . Bye - bye . Hi . Reva : Hi there . Josh : Busy morning . Been to the office already , got the car washed , picked up the dry cleaning . Reva : Did you ? Josh : Yeah . Reva : Well , I did a load of laundry , stopped by the station , and hit the summer sale at the mall , all before noon . Josh : The modern couple : Dynamic , on - the - go ... Reva : Doing everything we can to forget how much we miss our kids . Cassie : Check credit card summary . Enter account number . Yeah , bill , I m still here . Mm - hmm . No , that s okay . We re all busy . Yeah . I need to get those referrals from you , though . You promised them . Will you call me later ? Okay . Thanks . Bye . That s right . These identity thieves do nt know who they re messing with . Phillip : Okay . Well , we d better get over to company . Lizzie : Oh , can I meet you there ? Because I have something I have to do first . Phillip : All right . Do nt be late . Lizzie : All right . Guess who ? Yeah , I m down in the lobby . You d better get down here right now . Okay ? Bye . Josh : That would be fine , just to continue . Thank you . Yes . Bye . Listen , reva , our kids are doing exactly what they re supposed to be doing . They re going out into the world . That s what we want . We would nt want them living with us forever . Reva : Would nt we ? Josh : Reva , they re independent thinkers , you know ? They re out there trying to do good , and that means we succeeded as parents . Reva : You re just much better at this than I am . Josh : Not true . Reva : Yeah , you are . And you ve had time with them . You ve been with them all along . You re ready to let them go . Josh : I would nt say that I m ready . Reva : Yeah , well , I still feel like I have a lot to make up for . And now I want to do it and they re gone . Josh : It s okay to be proud , reva . They have an adventurous spirit . They want to sink their teeth into life , and they got those qualities from their mama . Reva : I guess I just miss being a mama . Sandy : Nice , reva . Real nice . Ross : I m not going to be able to help you with this , danny . Danny : Why not ? Ross : Because , quite frankly , I m not inclined to do you any favors given what you ve done to michelle . Danny : Ross , I am only thinking about what s best for michelle . I m doing this for her own good . Ross : Oh , yes . Because you love her so much . Danny : I do . Do nt you ? Ross : Like my own daughter . Danny : Then help me . Ed would want you to help . There is something you need to know , though . Ross : ( Sighs ) which is ? Danny : If you do decide to help me , you ll be making a certain enemy . Michelle : Did I see a smile ? Did I see ... ? I did , I did . Michelle : Will you stop , please , michelle ? Come on . Michelle : Come here . I want you to drop the blueprints . Come with me . Tony : Look ... Michelle : Hand ? Tony : Okay , all right . What are we doing ? ( Laughs nervously ) Michelle : All right , turn around . I want you to look at this room , all right ? Tony : I m looking , okay ? Michelle : We have ... the idea is to have a fresh perspective so we can figure out what we want to do , all right ? Tony : Okay . So close your eyes . Close them . Tony : What ? Michelle : Close them , so we can sort of imagine what it s going to be like . Tony : Okay . All right . Okay , all right . Eyes are closed . Fire away . Let s go . Michelle : All right , I m thinking ... I m thinking we start with the upstairs first , you know ? We start small . So I m getting the feeling for , like , funky couches , little tables , you know , sort of like a coffeehouse feel , but funkier . Tony : Okay . Michelle : A place where you can just relax , unwind , have a fun meal , nobody judging you or expecting you to be anyone but who you are . Tony : We are talking about a club , right ? Or are we talking about heaven ? Which one ? Michelle : Oh , well , we re already up in the clouds . I do nt know . Throw in a couple of angels and who knows ? Tony : Angels , huh ? Michelle : You peeked ! Tony : I did . Michelle : You re not supposed to peek . Tony : Just at the end , that s all . Michelle : You re supposed to be picturing how you want things to turn out . Tony : I was . Buzz : Frank , we never turn away paying customers . Frank : They re not customers , they re spauldings . Zach : I m a spaulding ! Buzz : Yes , you are . Frank , when they walk through that door with money , they re customers . Anyway , I think it s going to help . Frank : Really ? How do you figure that ? Buzz : Well , I mean , look , the kid loves the place . He loves it . When phillip comes in here and , you know , sees the attachment to this place , you know , maybe he ll change his mind about leveling it . Beth : So I still do nt understand why you decided on this place rather than the country club . Phillip : Um ... listen , there s something you should probably know before we go in . Buzz is nt going to have company much longer . Beth : Buzz is going to sell company ? I ca nt believe it . Phillip : Well , he did nt have much choice . Actually , he did nt have any choice . Beth : Why ? What do you mean ? Phillip : I had the governor exercise eminent domain . The place is set to be razed . Beth : You ? You want to tear down company ? Phillip : Yeah . To build something better in its place . Beth : No , but phillip , wait . This place is part of our history-- not just the town s , ours . We spent a lot of time here . A good chunk of our relationship was formed at that counter in there . Phillip : Beth , it s a commercial property ; it s not a museum . Beth : It does nt bother you to bulldoze the past ? Phillip : I do nt need the building . I have lots of wonderful memories , and I will always have them . Beth : So what are we doing here ? Did you come here to gloat ? Phillip : No . I m here in the spirit of goodwill . Beth : You consigned the place to a wrecking ball . Phillip : Beth , look . We re all moving forward : You , me , buzz , all of us . That s life ; it s progress . And you do nt have to worry about buzz . He s getting top dollar for this property , and I m throwing him a little business here before he closes just to show there are no hard feelings . Beth : Yeah , well , somehow i doubt the coopers will see it as much of an olive branch . Phillip : Well , then , that s their problem , because it s a done deal . This place is history , and there s nothing that they or anybody else can do about it . Frank : You re doing such a good job . Zach : Hi , daddy . I m helping . Dinah : Lovely couple . Very handsome . Junior princess , huh ? You re very difficult to get in touch with . I do nt know why that is . The rest of your family does nt seem to ... ( gasps ) Tammy : I m not used to being ordered to the lobby . Lizzie : Well , I m not used to having my father being lied to by my friends . Tammy : What are you talking about ? Lizzie : Um , hello , tammy . You told my dad that joey was some kind of money- grubber and he was more interested in my family s bucks than me . Tammy : I did not say that . Lizzie : Uh , yeah , you did , okay ? You lied to my dad yesterday , and now you re lying to me . Tammy : Yeah , because I know you hate lying so much . Lizzie : Why would my dad make that up , tammy ? Come on . Tammy : He misunderstood what I said , okay ? In fact , he got it pretty much backwards . What I actually said was that you re trying to buy joey . Lizzie : Oh . That was really nice of you , too , tammy . Tammy : It s true . I mean , you can offer joey all kinds of things that I ca nt : Limo rides , fancy meals , tuxedoes . And that s exactly what you re doing to hold onto him , using the old spaulding edge . Lizzie : ( Scoffs ) you know , maybe I offered him something you could have but did nt , all right ? Maybe ... maybe I m the edge . Tammy : What s that supposed to mean ? Lizzie : You really do nt get it , do you ? How long did you think joey would wait to get what he wanted , okay ? Joey s a guy ! Tammy : You slept with him ? Lizzie : No , not yet , but close . I mean , why not , right ? I ve done it before . Tammy : With who ? Lizzie : Tammy , I went to private school , okay ? No parents around at lights out , and an all - boys school right across the street . I got a killer education . I m what you call a quick study , and joey is going to reap the benefits . Tammy : You skank ! Lizzie : Do nt touch me ! Cassie : Hey ! Hey , hey , hey ! Guys . What are you guys fighting about ? Lizzie : Sex . Joey : What are you doing with that ? Dinah : Well , I , uh ... my goodness , you gave me quite a scare . Joey : Who are you , and why are you sneaking around here ? Dinah : My name is elaine shultis . I ... I was nt sneaking around . I was just taking a look . But I might ask you the same question . Joey : I m joey lupo , and i work here . Dinah : Oh , really ? Well , that s nice , that the farm owners have actual farmhands . My clients will love that . Joey : Um ... Dinah : I m a realtor . Joey : Nice to meet you , but the place is nt for sale . The winslows just moved in . Dinah : The winslows . Oh , my goodness . I thought I was at the roberts place . I have the wrong address . Oh , I m so embarrassed . What a shame ! This place is charming . How do you know the family ? Joey : Um , I used to go out with her . Dinah : This one here ? She s a beauty . What , not anymore ? Joey : No . It did nt work out . Dinah : Oh . I m sorry to hear that . ( Car horn honking ) Joey : Oh , that s my ride . We should get going . Dinah : Oh . Oh , sure . Joey : Mind ? Dinah : No , no . Not at all . But I should slip my card under the door in case the winslows , was it ? In case they do , indeed , want to sell . Um , I hope ... Joey : Lady , come on . Dinah : No , I know . I just , I thought maybe I had them in here , but do nt worry about it . Go . Go . I m sure they re here . Thank you . Give me a call . Look me up if you ever need to sell . Oh . ( Laughs ) my , my , my . Thank you very much for keeping this for me , cassie . Just what I needed . See you soon , girlfriend . Phillip : Come here , zach . Zach : Daddy , look at my table . Phillip : Yes , I see your table . Got the fork on the correct side and everything . What s this ? Buzz : Just setting up for your party . Zach wanted to pitch in . Frank : Yesirree . He S ... he s a born worker . Beth : Well , you were right . This is a great idea . So relaxing . Frank : Great . Now my day is complete . Alan : I ca nt believe I allow you to walk the street , frank . Why do nt you remind me once again why I did nt press charges ? Buzz : Frank , could you go get the drinks ? Please ? Frank , please . Do you want to get punched in the nose ? Alan : No . I m here to have a meal with my family . Just keep frank away from the steak knives , all right ? Buzz : No promises . Hey , did you sign off on your son s plan to knock this place down ? Alan : Phillip does nt need me to sign off on anything . Buzz : After all the meals you ve had here ? Alan : Buzz , phillip is doing what needs to be done here . Now , I realize this is very difficult for your family , but you re going to survive . It s not personal ; it s business . Buzz : It s my business . Phillip : Whoa . Hey , there s granddad . Alan : Well , well , well . This should be an interesting gathering , huh ? Beth : Interesting , that s a word . Phillip : All right . Zach : Here you go , grandpa . Alan : Well , thank you , zach . Are nt you the good little waiter , huh ? Beth : Phillip , it s not a big deal . Phillip : I just wanted to tell you , I rented out the place today in the spirit of good faith , and I d like to try to keep things civil between us . After all , buying up this property is strictly business . Buzz : I keep hearing that . Phillip : But I m not going to sit back and watch you use my son as a pawn . Michelle : So first I was thinking the bar would be there , but then ... Ross : Hello , michelle , tony . Tony : Hey , ross . Michelle : What brings you here ? Ross : Well , rumor has it there s a plan that this is going to be springfield s newest hot spot . So I thought I d stop by and take a look . Michelle : Uh , yeah . We re calling it light . Ross : Light . Michelle , I hate to be the bearer of bad news , but you re going to run into a lot of opposition to this plan from the planning board and the landmark commission , and to be quite frank , from me . Michelle : Why ? Why would anyone be against a great new place like this ? Ross : Uh , to begin with , this lighthouse , while technically bauer property , has been declared a landmark , and with that come regulations as to what you can and can not do to it . Michelle : Yeah , well , we ll deal with all the red tape . We re going to go 100 % by the book . Ross : Well , there s another reason I m against it . I will not allow springfield s beloved building to be turned into a potential front for illegal activities . Tony : Not going to happen , ross . Ross : Well , I m sorry , tony , but your history is common knowledge . Michelle : Wait , wait , wait , wait . Wait a minute . Tony : Listen , ross , it s not going to happen . Michelle : This is my project , all right ? Talk to me , not him . Josh : Sandy , what reva was really trying to say ... Reva : No , you know what ? I m perfectly capable of extracting my own foot out of my mouth . ( Cell phone rings ) Josh : Okay then . Fair enough . I ll just take this call . Excuse me . Hello ? Reva : And you know I did nt mean to imply that you were nt my son , too . Sandy : Just shayne s more your son . Reva : No , sandy . Marah and shayne are my kids by josh , and so it just ... it s different . It just makes it different . It s not more or less or less or more ; it s just different . Sandy : Hey , it s okay . You do nt have to explain . You guys have made me part of your family . We use words like mother and son , and that means a lot to me . And you re right : I am different . I m very different than your homegrown brood . In fact , you do nt really know who I am at all . Tammy : Mom , you already gave me a talk on the birds and the bees . You do nt have to go over that again . Cassie : I was nt going to . I think we need to move on to the next talk . Tammy : What s that ? Cassie : The one about why you have sex , not how , tammy . I m talking about commitment . Tammy : As opposed to what ? Fun ? Cassie : Pressure . Tammy : Oh , stop it , please . Cassie : Tammy , we need to talk about this . Tammy : No , stop . Just stop it . I do nt need a lecture on sex because I m not having sex . Or do nt you believe me ? Cassie : I just think it s very important that we discuss this . Tammy : God , everybody thinks I m a liar ! Cassie : Tammy , wait a second . Tammy : No , stop it . This is so stupid ! Cassie : Tammy ! ( Sighs ) Dinah : Nice wheels , cassie . Coming up , on guiding light : Lizzie : I ve got big plans for joey and me tonight . I think you know what kind I m talking about . Cassie : Hello ? Anybody there ? Michelle : This lighthouse is not going to be turned into some glass - topped version of vinnie salerno s social club , all right ? So you can relax . Tony : Michelle , this is nt about you ; this is about me . Right , ross ? Michelle : No , no , I do nt think so . This is about me , is nt it ? Ross : I just want to keep you from making a mistake . Michelle : Yeah , see ? See ? The last time my lecture was about danny , right ? Now this time it s about tony . Are you here as the mayor , or , oh , are you here as my father s springfield ambassador ? Ross : No , I am here as your friend , michelle , and until recently , we were like family . Michelle : I appreciate your concern . Look , at the fourth of july barbecue you said a lot of really great things about giving back . Ross : As I remember correctly , that was right before you left . Michelle : Well , I heard you , and that s what I want to do . I want to make my family proud by giving back . And not just my family , but the whole town . I ll deal with the permits , I ll deal with the public hearings , all of it , because it s going to be worth it . It would be nice if we had a little help from somebody in the government , though , but , you know ... what do you say , ross ? Give us a little hand ? Ross : I say I ll take it under consideration . Michelle : What does that mean ? Ross : It means that you have a chance , and for what it s worth , it s good to see you smile again . I ll be in touch . Tony : Take care , ross . Thank you . Michelle : Did ... did he just say yes ? Did he just say yes ? Did he just say yes ? Tony : Well , I will say it was nt a no . Michelle : You thought he was going to say no , did nt you ? You did . Admit it . You thought he was going to say no . Tony : Wait . Okay , okay . Relax . I just ... I donT ... I do nt think many people can say no to you , michelle . Reva : Is that some kind of challenge : You do nt know me ? Sandy : Well , okay , reva . Aside from the easy surface info , what can you really say about me ? Reva : Well , what I do nt know about you I just do nt know about you yet . It s going to take time , which is all I have right now , so come on . Let s do things . Let s have some fun . What do you say ? We do nt know very much about each other at all , so let s find out . Cassie : Hi . Sorry . Danny : That s okay . What s going on ? Cassie : I got sidetracked . Look , I got a fax from the bank , danny . Danny : ( Sighs ) I told these people to only deal with me about these loan payments . Cassie : This is so overdue . Danny : Cassie , I know , i know . Cassie : And now they re tacking on late fees . Danny : I know . I m very ... Cassie : Do you see how much you still owe here ? Danny : Yes , I know . Look , I know . I do nt have to look at that . I know . I ve got a meeting later today to deal with it . Cassie : You keep telling me that . Danny : Okay , do nt worry about it . Cassie : You keep telling me that you have meetings , okay ? And I m sorry that I have to keep saying something to you ... Danny : It s okay . Cassie : ... But my hotel is on the line , danny . Danny : I understand , yes . Cassie : I built this place . I ca nt lose it . Do you understand ? Danny : Yes . Yes . You and edmund have both made that very clear . Cassie : What are you talking about ? Danny : Well , edmund paid me a visit-- cornered me , really-- at company yesterday , telling me that I had to do whatever I had to do to raise the money . You did nt know . So he S ... well , watching your back behind your back . Yeah . And I should tell you , the look in his eyes kind of reminded me of the old days , if you know what I m saying . Cassie : Look , the subject is you and the money , not edmund . Danny : I ... that s fine . I m on top of it . I am . DonT ... what S ... what s the matter ? Cassie : Oh , my gosh . Danny : What ? Cassie : I had a pair of sunglasses sitting right here , and now they re gone . Someone took them . Danny : Maybe you put them somewhere else . Cassie : No . No , they were right here . I m sure of it . Danny : Were they expensive or something ? Cassie : Wait a minute . First the computer and now this . Someone s messing with me . Danny : What happened with your computer ? Cassie : No , it ca nt be connected . It ... it ca nt be connected . Danny : Hey . Hey , what s going on ? Cassie : I just am still having problems with these identity thieves , and I guess it just has me totally paranoid . Danny : Still ? Cassie : Yes . Danny : Is there anything i can do to help ? Cassie : Just ... just get the money , okay ? Danny : I m on it . I m on it , I m on it . I ll call you after my meeting , okay ? Deal with that identity thing before it gets worse . Cassie : Maybe I left them in the car . Dinah : ( Sighs ) very good work . Joey : Yes , I grew up in springfield , sir . Lizzie : You do nt have to say sir after every sentence . Phillip : So , agriculture . Is that what you re interested in ? Joey : I m more into business , politics . Phillip : Politics ? Joey : Yes , sir . Um ... yes . I mean yes . It s an election year this year , and I think it s important that we keep up on the current issues and try to make a difference . Alan : You are registered to vote ? Joey : Of course . Alan : Who are you voting for ? Beth : Alan ! Joey : You can ask me any questions on the stock market or the global economy . I m well up - to - date on that . Phillip : Really ? Lizzie : Uh ... Phillip : All right . Lizzie : Well , let me ask you a question , and let me do it over here . Come on . Listen , sweetie , you re doing a great job , okay ? You re like a pro , but ... Joey : But ... but I m blowing it . Lizzie : No , no . Everything is going to be fine , okay ? Michelle : Really , all I get from people in this town are restrictions , you know ? Do nt do this , you re not supposed to do that . Danny would lock me in a box if he could . But not you . Tony : No . You do nt belong in a box . Michelle : See , that s like the nicest , weirdest thing anyone has ever said to me . Tony : I m not too good with words . ( Laughs ) you really want this , do nt you ? Michelle : Do nt you ? Tony : It s just ... it s danny , you know ? I donT ... he has no idea how lucky he is to have you , you know that ? Michelle : I m going to take that as a yes . Joey : I stayed up all night preparing for this . Lizzie : Preparing for what ? Joey : I went to the library and I checked out a bunch of books on business and politics , but I came off so lame . Lizzie : Oh , joey . Well , listen , my dad and grandpa were wrong for grilling you like that . Joey : No , they werenT. You know , it s cool . It showed that they really cared . Otherwise they would nt have done it , right ? Lizzie , they re exactly how you said they d be , you know ? Just normal people . Lizzie : No , no . I said sort of normal . ( Laughs ) Joey : I feel so stupid trying to come off as this biz whiz kid . I do nt know anything about norway or the stock market . I do nt even care that much about money . ( Sighs ) I just wanted your family to like me . Alan : Joseph ? Elizabeth s mother and I would like a word with you . Joey : Sure . Alan : I want you to know that we overheard what you said right now , and I was very impressed with your attitude , especially toward my family . Beth : And I think that you have been a very good influence on lizzie . Joey : Please . Lizzie does nt need my influence . She s pretty good on her own . That s why I like her . Alan : Well , you re in good company . Joey : Now I feel like I can be myself . ( Laughter ) look , I m going to go outside , I m going to put my tie in the car , and I ll be right back , all right ? Lizzie : Okay . Joey : Tammy ? Tammy : Hi . Joey : What are you doing here ? Tammy : I did nt know it was closed . Joey : Yeah . The spauldings are renting it out . Tammy : Yeiçno carrierringconnect 1200 Lizzie : Yes . Well , this day has been amazing . Tammy : I m supposed to ask why , right ? Lizzie : Oh , it s all because of joey . You would not believe how cool he is with my family . They love him , tammy . Tammy : What about you ? Lizzie : Well , let s just say the day is going to get even better . I ve got big plans for joey and me tonight . I think you know what kind I m talking about . Bye - bye . Buzz : You know , you might want to check back into that mental hospital for a tune - up . Phillip : I know exactly what I m doing , buzz . I m righting the ship . Buzz : It was your family that screwed up , not mine . We re the victims . Frank lost a girl , he lost his job . Harley lost a husband . I believed in alex . Phillip : And we all could have moved on , all of us . But no . You and frank , you had to make trouble . Buzz : No , you made trouble . And now you want to take this place away from me . Phillip : It s taken . Buzz : You want to take this place , rip it down , because of some bizarre personal grudge . You go ahead and try , okay ? But be warned , my friend : You are in for the fight of your life . Phillip : Well , I m ready for that . Are you ? Cassie : That s right . I ve got your attention now , do nt I ? What , did you think I would nt fight back ? That s right . Why do nt you quit hiding like a coward while you re stealing my life and come out and face me in the open ? Come on ! Reva : Next , on guiding light : Cassie : Show your face , you coward ! Dinah : Decapitation ? Whose head s about to roll ? Jeffrey s ? ### Summary:
Danny goes to Ross for help with Michelle . Phillip rents out Company for his dinner with Lizzie and Joey . Ross warns Michelle and Tony that he and the local government will be against their plans for the lighthouse . Joey makes a good impression on Beth and Alan . Lizzie tells Tammy that she s going to ‘give Joey what he wants that she ( Tammy ) would nt give him . Reva tells Sandy that since Marah and Shayne are gone it means that they have more time to get to know one another . Dinah breaks into the farmhouse and later slashes Cassie s tires . Phillip tells Buzz that his tearing down Company is as personal as it gets and business has nothing to do with it . Danny tells Cassie about Edmond threatening him . Michelle accuses Tony of freaking out every time she gets near him . Michelle tells Tony that the only way to conquer his fears is to face them head on , and then takes her shirt off . In the garage Cassie grabs a tire iron and challenges her imposter to come out and face her .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Singer : I just wo nt love you for the the rest of mine . I do nt want to fight . I just want to be with you . I just want to live my life the way I was meant to Singers : I want a love that hurts . I want to say it Kendall : Ah , here we are . Thank you , honey , for walking me to work . Zach : I m just taking care of my wife and her little baby . I know you did nt sleep well last night . Kendall : Yeah , it must have been all those belly - button balloon dreams . Zach : It was my father s shooting , I know that . I want to promise you something . No one will get to you or me . Or our kids , ok ? Kendall : Ok . Zach : Promise number two -- no more bad surprises . You all right ? Kendall : Yes , I m good . Zach : You re good ? Kendall : Mm - hmm . Zach : That s why I m bringing you to a bar ? Because you re good ? Kendall : Yeah , well , this is -- this is the Fusion morning start I need . I got my smoothies , I got tons of work to do , so it s good . Zach : Have one for me . Kendall : Ok . Zach : Mmm . Kendall : Mmm . Zach : Bye . Kendall : Hello , hello . Annie : Hi . Kendall : Ok , what do we have here ? Annie : Ok -- ahem -- too trendy . Too blah . Too -- Kendall : Too . Annie : Exactly . Here -- peach mango . Kendall : Thank you , thank you , thank you . Annie : Ok , so you said we need a cutting edge package for a cutting edge product . We have nothing , and we are completely running out of time . Kendall : Ok , well , all we need is something that tells people that Fusion is back . Annie : Right . Kendall : Yeah . Annie : No problem . Um -- I thought Babe would be here by now . Kendall : Yeah , well , she s home . Krystal needs her more than we do right now . Annie : God , I hope they find her baby soon . Me , too . All right , if we do nt do this now and focus , we are going to be in big trouble , so I -- I do nt want to have to cancel the Jack and Jill wedding shower . Annie : Yeah -- as much as I love the idea of watching you throw me a party -- um -- there s a little problem . Kendall : You do nt like the food ? You want to change the menu or take a person off the guest list or add a person ? What ? Annie : You might need to take somebody off the list . Me . Julia : Hey . Ryan : Hey . Julia : So , why is nt my own house safe for my child anymore ? Ryan : It is safe now . The gun was nt loaded when Emma found it . Julia : Whose gun was it ? Ryan : We do nt know yet . Julia : Well , we find out whose gun it was , or I kick everybody out . Josh : Oops . Josh : Sorry . I did nt expect you in so soon . I just came by to drop off the forecast for the Byrum deal . Hannah : Mm - hmm . Just leave it and go . Josh : Your buttons are off . Singer : I want a love that hurts Greenlee : I want this delivered right away . Man : You got it . Singer : Just want our love to last and watch my dreams come true . I want to hold you close and never let you go Kendall : So life is nt roses and buttercups in fiancé land ? Annie : Ryan s great . He s the best . Do you like this ? Kendall : No . Well , that s what Ryan is good at -- is being great . Annie : Last night , Ryan moved me and Emma and Kathy out of Wildwind . Kendall : He s a fast worker , too . What do you think of this ? Annie : Emma found a gun there . Kendall : She found a gun ? Annie : It was nt loaded , and the safety was on , but still -- Kendall : Well , whose gun was it ? Why would somebody leave it where a child can find it ? Annie : I m afraid it was Jonathan s . I think he might have shot Alex Cambias . Kendall : No . No , no , slow down a second . Annie : You saw how angry he was in court . Kendall : Yeah , of course , I did , but him and everyone else in that room . It does nt mean that he -- he took the gun and ran after Alex . Annie : I m not going to put my daughter in danger . Kendall : Well , you should nt . But if the danger is over -- Annie : Well , is it ? Look , I love Ryan , and I want a future with him , but not if it means putting my daughter at risk . Kendall : Right , ok , so you would cancel your wedding to Ryan , because you think maybe Jonathan went after Alex ? Are you overreacting a little bit ? Annie : I swore when I took Emma and I ran from Terry that I would never put her in another position that would jeopardize her safety ever again . I want her to be safe . I want her to know that she s safe , not hope . Kendall : You ve got Ryan the white knight Lavery , Annie , ok ? He is all the protection you and Emma will ever need . Annie : But he ca nt control his brother . And I m not taking any chances with my child . Kendall : Do nt you like Jonathan ? Annie : Of course , I do . I mean , I did . If you had seen him -- Kendall : I have seen him . I was kidnapped by the Jonathan that you ve never met . I know how scary he was . This -- this is not the same man . Annie : When he came in the house last night , he was so amped . It was -- it was weird . I mean , he said he had been jogging . Kendall : Ok , well , endorphins will do that to you . Annie : Yeah , but there was a weird look in his eyes . I know it sounds crazy , but it almost reminded me of days of Terry , this look of -- of fear and danger . Honestly , it made my stomach turn . Julia : I m calling the cops . Ryan : Hold on , hold on . Hold on . Whoa . Julia : Look , Alexander Cambias was just shot . That could have been the gun that did it . Ryan : Just -- Julia : I m calling the authorities . Ryan : Just let me -- let me check it out . Let me check it out . Give me an hour . Julia : You re worried that it belongs to your brother ? Jonathan : I need coffee . I m going to get more coffee . Does anybody want coffee ? Di : I ca nt , I m late . I should be sucking down smoothies and -- and being brilliant right now . Del : Yeah , I ll get my own , thanks . Di : Hey , I ll see you tonight at the shower . Del : Right . Di : Ok . Ryan : No , the gun does not belong to Jonathan . He had nothing to do with Alex getting shot , nothing . Julia : I would love to believe that . I m not his brother . Del : Is there a problem ? Where is it ? Ryan : Ahem . Ok , you see ? It s impossible to shoot . You see the safety ? Locked . Ava : Oh . Who s got to hang in there ? Sean : A friend . Ava : Hmm . Everything is going to be chill ? What s her problem ? Sean : How do you know I m e - mailing a girl ? Ava : Well , you do nt say those kind of sweet things to a guy . Hopefully . Sean : Um -- Colby s going through a rough time right now with her family . See , her mom just had a baby -- her stepmom just had a baby . And her dad -- Ava : Oh , my God , that sucks . You know what ? We should go to the mall . Sean : I have school . Ava : Well , cut . I mean , we re living in the same house , and you re what -- my half - sister s cousin ? That definitely deserves some chill time , do nt you think ? And I mean , I really -- I -- I need some new clothes . I mean , this skirt is huge on me . You do nt want me to have to take it off and just walk around here half naked , would you ? Sean : Would nt want that . Ahem . Ava : So , we hit the mall . Sean : I ve missed too much school already . They re thinking of booting me out . Ava : And ? Sean : And my Uncle Jack would kill me and disown me . Is he still home ? Ava : No . Just us . Ok , ok , I ll tell you what . Why do nt you just give me the money ? And I ll go to the mall by myself . And if you re lucky , I might even buy you something hot . Sean : Yeah , I m broke . Ava : Oh , yeah ? Because that s a bummer . You could really use some new pants . Sean : Why ? What s wrong with these ? Ava : Just the fit . I mean , you ve got a cute butt . You might want to show it off sometime , you know what I mean ? Sean : Rain check . Ava : Yeah , definitely . Sean : Ok -- I ve got to finish getting dressed . I m already late . Ava : Ok , you know what ? Go . Learn something really important for me , would you ? Ava : Damn it . He was telling the truth . Josh : Hannah wants to restructure the employee pension plan . Lily : It needs better diversification to maximize the return . I studied the summary when I first joined the company . A 2 % increase over last year would be an excellent improvement . Josh : Sounds good . Can I see it ? Lily : I have a copy in my top drawer . Zach : Good morning . How s my schedule look ? Lily : It s on your desk . Hannah : Oh -- good . You re here . The China market closed down 5 % . And Europe s on the slide , too . Industrials , especially . I thought it might be a good time to acquire that German company we discussed . I did the numbers this morning . They re pretty solid . How s your family ? Zach : Thank you , they re good . Kendall s having a bit of a hard time because of the shooting . Hannah : I m sorry to hear that . I do hope she ll be ok . Zach : She s going to be fine . I ll take care of it . Tell me about this German company . Hannah : You take care of your family . I ll take care of business . Derek : Sorry to interrupt . I got a status report on your father -- thought I d Deliver it in person . Alexander got stabilized enough to move , so he s transferred to the state psychiatric hospital . He s in the infirmary -- in the lockdown wing . Zach : Thank you . Derek : I knew you d want to know . Zach : All right , I ll tell Kendall . She ll be relieved . It s finally behind us . Hannah : Everybody s happy , then . Josh : How are you doing ? Hannah : What do you want ? Josh : You need any help ? Hannah : No . Josh : Well , if you do -- anything at all -- I m here . Kendall : Thank you , Alan . Alan : No problem . Kendall : Mm - hmm . Ok , I get that you want to protect your child . But from Jonathan I mean , yes , he was furious at Alex , but I do nt think he took a gun and ran after him . Annie : It would nt be the first time . Kendall : It worked for you . Were nt you the one who prayed that Terry would die ? Annie : I did . And Emma loves her Uncle Jon so much . I do nt want to shut him out of our lives . Kendall : Well , then do nt . I mean , the only proof that you have that Jonathan did anything was he took a run . Annie : Yeah , that and a hidden gun . And Jonathan s weird mood . I do nt know -- my gut s been telling me that something s going on with Jonathan . And what about Terry ? Terry was able to fool people . Maybe -- maybe Jonathan is , too . Kendall : You re getting married . Ok ? You are freaking out right now , and you ve got so much stuff going on . I mean , you think that all of these little things are -- are big enormous deals . But maybe they re just little things . All right ? So why do nt you just think of this as pre - wedding jitters , and let s get ready for our party ? Annie : My instincts were so wrong with Terry . Today , I -- I m not sure what I feel . Except that these colors are all , all wrong . I do nt know what to do ! Kendall : All right , yes , they are wrong . Well , listen , ok , if you re going to cancel this wedding , can you let me know ? Because I have to cancel the shower . Annie : No , I do nt want to . Kendall : All right . Well , then just stop , ok ? Take a deep breath and get over this . Have a smoothie , something . But please focus . Focus on what s important -- you and Ryan and your future together . Oh , my God . I just told you to marry Ryan . What ? That s weird . Wow , I -- who would have thunk that ? Annie : I know . And I want that more than anything . But I ca nt risk my daughter s safety . Kendall : I m all about safety . Spike is going to spend a lot of time at your place . Annie : Well , there s more than Spike and Emma at risk . It s my marriage . Kendall : Oh , my God -- you really take something and run with it , do nt you ? Annie : Ok , just -- just hear me out . I trust Ryan 100 % , but he and his brother grew up with violence . How is that going to affect my marriage ? I -- I do nt want to start off my new life like this , all wary and -- Kendall : I think things will be different with Ryan this time . Annie : This time ? Kendall : Yeah , back when Ryan and Greenlee were married , she freaked out about Jonathan . But Ryan would nt listen to her . He defended Jonathan , he always took Jonathan s side , and it was not good . It caused problems . Annie : That s what I m talking about . See ? That s it right there . I should just cancel everything . Kendall : Oh , would you stop ? Stop -- take -- what -- listen -- stop a second , ok ? You are freaking out about Jonathan . But Ryan listened to you . He did . He moved you out of the house . Ryan took your side . He did nt take Greenlee s side until it was too late . Singer : I see through your eyes what you see . You were meant for me . No place that I d rather be . Do nt want to think about the way things might have been living without you , girl could never have been Singers : I want a love that hurts I want to say it Ryan : Trust me , Julia , I do nt want my little girl anywhere near a gun , either . Julia : That s good . Because I ve had enough guns in my life . That is all behind me now . Whoever brought that rifle into this house is in a lot of trouble . Jonathan : Good morning . How is Emma ? I missed the cereal song -- Julia : Jonathan , what do you know about that gun ? And you better damn well tell me the truth . Di : Del , that s your gun . What the hell did you do ? Jonathan : Julia , I never saw that gun until last night . And I am freaked out , as well , that Emma could walk up and find it . Julia : Mm - hmm . Well , maybe you should have hidden it better . Ryan : Julia , he just told you , it s not his . Jonathan : I would never endanger Kathy or Emma . Julia : Last chance to tell me if this is yours . Otherwise , I m going to call the cops . Ryan : He just told you , Julia . Jonathan : Ryan , it s all right . It s my history . Ryan : No , it s not all right . I mean , Julia , he -- Jonathan ca nt even buy a gun right now . Julia : Oh , Ryan , when did having a record ever keep anybody from getting their hands on a weapon ? Ryan : Ok , the point is , there s no evidence at all that this belongs to him . Julia : Annie was concerned enough to call you and ask her to take -- ask you to take her and the girls away . Jonathan : Wait , what ? Wait -- Annie still thinks that s my gun ? She thinks that I used that to shoot -- damn it , Ryan ! Ryan : I talked to Annie . I talked to her . Jonathan : Yeah , great , great . I m not doing this again , Ryan . I m not . I m not going to screw up another one of your relationships . Ryan : What are you talking about ? You re not screwing up a thing . Jonathan : What am I talking about ? Ryan : You re not . Jonathan : Annie s upset , and you re defending me . Does that scenario sound familiar to you ? Come on , man . Annie was one of the only people that could see me for me . Because she was nt here when I was such a mess . And now this -- one gun , ok ? One time , and she s going to look at me the way everybody else does ? I mean , she s going to -- she s going to sit around wondering . She s going to be watching me . She s going to be waiting to see When will Jonathan lose it again ? Ryan : No , your real friends know that you are a good man , Jonathan . Julia : Jonathan , I ve only known you to be honest . You have to realize I just need answers . Jonathan : I gave you my answer , Julia . And if I m a problem for Annie , then I m going to stay away . And that goes for here , too , Julia . If that s what you want , then I will stay away . Ryan : You have nt done anything wrong . Jonathan : Yeah . Obviously , not a popular vote . Ryan : Ok -- just -- Julia , do me this , will you ? Before you slam my brother , can we just check this out a little bit ? I mean , there s a lot of people that live here . This gun could belong to anybody . It could be Jamie s . Julia : Jamie has been at Tad s office with Amanda . Or racing around trying to find his little sister . He did nt exactly have time to shoot some guy and then come back and hide the gun in the wall . Ryan : Fine . You want to find the gun s owner , then I will get the cops involved . I ll go take care of it right now . Del : Ok , yes , yes . It is my gun , ok ? Hannah : Why would you think I need help ? And if I did , why is it any of your business ? Josh : You spent the night here , did nt you ? The clothing change was a dead giveaway . Hannah : I had a lot to do . Derek : Well , whoever shot your father did nt do him any favors missing his heart . He s paralyzed from the neck down . The only thing he has left -- his mind -- or what s supposedly left of it . Zach : Oh . There s my dad . Trapped in a sanitarium , faking his own insanity within a broken body . That s his punishment . It s like one of those Russian dolls , you know ? It s a prison within a prison within a prison . Derek : And we caught up with the guy who helped Alexander get that picture and note to you . His testimony would prove your father was lucid , if he only was brave enough to talk . Zach : Do we want that ? Derek : Hmm . Well , anyway , my caseload is getting so high , that shooting s going to have to go on the backburner . It could become a cold case real soon . Josh : You know , when I interned at the hospital with the schedule I had , it did nt make sense to go all the way home , turn around and come back . So we all slept at the hospital a lot . Sometimes , I d sleep there even when I did nt have to . No place to go . Hannah : Doctor , business whiz , TV producer ? What , now you re a detective ? Josh : Diagnosing , detecting -- it s easier when you ve had the condition yourself . Hannah : Do nt think we have anything in common , hmm ? I need ownership transition papers on Revan on my desk by the end of the day . Josh : You know , sometimes , we get so focused on the work , on the project , on the deal , we forget about the rest of our lives . We forget there s something else . More . Hannah : Huh . That line might work at happy hour , but this is an office , not a bar . And I m not some bimbo on a barstool . I m your boss . Josh : Are you afraid of more ? Is that it ? Hannah : Do nt get personal . Josh : Well , it does nt have to get personal . Ava : Hi , Lily . You want to go shopping on your lunch break ? Lily : I ca nt . My break s not for another hour and 17 minutes . Ava : I could wait . Ava : So boring . You know what ? There are these to - die - for pants that would look so awesome on me . Actually , they would look good on you , too . You could borrow them . Lily : My break s only an hour long , and even with favorable traffic conditions , there still would nt be enough time for me to -- to find an outfit that I would like and then try it on and then pay for it and then get back to work on time . Ava : So you miss a little work -- it s going to be fun ! Lily : I do nt like shopping . Ava : But everybody likes shopping . Lily : There s too many people , and there s too much red and -- and they touch me . Ava : Lily , come on , I wo nt let them . So , well , just say yes , please , just this once ? I ll never bug you about this again , I swear . Lily : Why do nt you go by yourself ? Go buy the to - die - for pants ? Ava : Fine . Ava : But you know it wo nt be any fun without you , Lily . And besides , Ava does nt have any money . Lily : That s ok . You can use my credit card . Ava : No , Lily , I -- I could nt . That just would nt be right . Lily : Oh , it s ok -- you re my sister . I want to make you happy , and shopping makes you happy . Ava : Thank you , thank you , thank you ! Zach : Hey , Lily -- ahem . Can I talk to you for a minute ? So that was your mysterious Ava , your half - sister , huh ? Lily : Yes -- did nt I tell you she looks just like me ? Your face looks angry -- did I do something wrong ? Zach : No , Lily , you did nt do anything wrong , but I think you re about to make a mistake . I think she s using you . Julia : And I pull an all - nighter at the hospital playing catch - up after the strike , and I -- I think that I can just come home and see my little girl , relax , get life back to normal , but , no , Kathy s at the Miranda Center , and I have to deal with this ! Del : With what ? Julia : You brought a gun into this house ! Del : And I hid it in the wall ! Julia : Yeah , what were you thinking ? Del : Why are you in such a twist about this , Julia ? You ve had guns before . Jonathan : Julia , listen . The gun was nt loaded . The safety s on , the child lock was on . Julia : That does nt make it ok , and I want an apology . Del : I m sorry . Julia : No -- that s it ? Ca nt you even say it like you mean it ? Del : What is your problem , Julia ? I -- I followed all the rules . There were no bullets in it , the safety was on , the child lock was on , and it was hidden . Julia : Yes , where two little girls could find it . At the hospital , I see the damage that comes from guns all the time . Nice people think they re just going to get a gun for their protection , but there s -- there s a mistake and lives are ruined or lost . Del : There -- there s nothing wrong with a little protection around here , Jules . Julia : Or was it justice ? I mean , you flipped out after Cambias slid on that competency hearing . Was that your answer ? Del : That scum killed my sister , ok ? He belongs in the ground not the hospital . Di : Listen , just because he flipped out on that monster does not mean he did anything . Ryan : Del ? Did this gun go off in the direction of Alex Cambias ? Del : No . It has nt been fired in a long time . Di : Del will get rid of the gun -- right now . I m late for work . I will see you guys later . Take care of it . Del : Consider it taken care of . Julia : Del ? One more thing -- I want your key . Zach : Ava wants you to go shopping with her , because she wants you to buy her things . Lily : But I want to buy her things . I just do nt like going to the mall . Zach : Yeah , I do nt , either , but if you spend all your money on your sister , then you re going to have no money left for yourself . Lily : But it would help me to get to know my sister . After I see the things that she buys , I ll know what she likes , and I ll know what to - die - for pants are . She said I could borrow them . Zach : Hmm . I think you can get to know your sister without spending all the money you re working so hard to earn . Lily : It s ok . My dad pays all my credit card bills , so I can save all the money I -- Lily : I earn to go to MIT . Zach : Well , maybe you should run that past him . Lily : Ok . Zach : Hey , Lily ? Sometimes people get hurt , because people that are close to them are -- are using them . And I do nt want that to happen to you . Lily : My dad knew that Jonathan was lying , but I did nt , because I loved my husband . So the closer people are to us , the closer we have to watch them , right ? Zach : Just take care of yourself , please . Lily : I will . And I ll close your door because everyone seems to want privacy today . Zach : You can leave it open . Hannah : Oh ! Hannah : Coffee break s over . Josh : Well , that beats a cappuccino any day . Hannah : Get dressed . Get out of my office . This never happened . Josh : What , no performance bonus ? Hannah : Do nt even consider telling anyone . Josh : Whatever you say , boss . Hannah : Oh . I still want the Revan documents at the end of the day . And your filing system needs organization . You might want to get Lily to help . Josh : You got it . By the way -- if you need your dry - cleaning sent out , I m just down the hall . Hannah : Ahem . Del : You really want me out because of this ? Jonathan : Is nt that a little harsh ? Julia : The gun may be gone , but the problem is still here . Jonathan : The only problem Del has is hitting on Amanda . Julia : You know , Del , it does nt bother me so much that you have a gun , but the fact that you are hiding it . I have to think of my daughter first , and I want you out of here . Jonathan : Julia , give him a second chance . Del : Uh -- no , no . That s fine . It s Julia s house , Julia s rules . Julia : I did nt have a choice . Ryan : So -- Ryan : Mystery solved . I am sorry that everybody came down on you first , Jonathan . I hope you do nt hold that against Annie . Jonathan : No . No , I do nt . I m -- I m cool . As long as you and Annie are good , I m -- I m golden . All right , so let s just forget about this . I mean , what you need to be worrying about right now is getting ready for your shower . Annie : You know , maybe there should nt be a wedding . You marry a man , you marry his family . And with Jonathan , you never know -- something sets him off , you do nt know what he ll do . It s not the life I want for Emma . Kendall : You are getting married . That s it -- you re getting married . I do nt want to hear another word about this -- none . Di : I m so sorry I m late . Kendall : That s ok -- the smoothies already melted hours ago . Di : There was a problem at the house , and it just got a lot bigger . That was just Del -- Julia s kicked him out . Annie : What ? Why ? What did he do ? Di : Well , rifles may be a standard -- I do nt know -- accessory in Pigeon Hollow , but it seems not so much here in -- in Pine Valley . Annie : It was Del s ? Di : Hmm . Annie : Oh , my God . Oh , my God , I completely freaked out . I thought it was Jonathan s . Kendall : See , you see ? That gut instinct of yours was bad and wrong ! Annie : Oh , no ! Kendall : I told you it was the pre - wedding jitters ! Annie : No , I feel terrible ! He must think I m awful . Kendall : Ok , so , then , you know what ? Apologize to him and let s get on with the wedding and the party , ok ? Di : Yeah , and you know what ? Wildwind is now gun - free , so just move back in . Annie : Well , we re so close to the wedding , maybe I should just stay at the penthouse . Di : No ! Come on , it ll be no fun without you there . Kendall : Uh - oh . You guys , we re not going to have any fun unless we get this done , ok ? Di : Yeah , ok , ok -- Kendall : So we ll fill you in , and you -- we got to get you ready for this party , ok ? We need to change you . We have 50 wedding guests expecting to see a gorgeous bride - to - be , ok ? Man : Ms. Slater ? Kendall : Yes ? Man : This -- your office directed me here . This is for you . Kendall : Oh , thank you . Man : Sign right there . Kendall : Ok . Thanks . Hmm . Annie : Who s it from ? Who s it from ? Kendall : I -- you know what ? There s no return address . Annie : Well -- Di : What ? Do nt keep us in suspense . Annie : Really . Kendall : We may have a silent partner . Del : Anytime you feel like losing a paycheck , you know where to find me . I ll catch you at work . Jonathan : Deal . Del : Here you go . Julia : Thanks . Del : Yeah , I ll see you . Ryan : Yeah , I ll see you -- I ll see you at the wedding . Del : Yeah . Ryan : All right . Julia : Del ? Were you telling the truth before -- that you did nt shoot Alexander Cambias ? Kendall : Fusion Green -- pure , organic cosmetics , all natural products packaged in recycled materials . Di : Ah . Kendall : Sustainable cosmetics keeping you and the environment beautiful . Annie : This is the big idea we ve been looking for . Kendall : Yeah . Di : Oh , my God -- it s Fusion s comeback . Green is my new favorite color . Kendall : Yes , this is very edgy , very edge . It s exactly what we are looking for in Fusion . Oh -- Fusion goes green , Fusion banks more green than ever . Who in the hell sent this ? Greenlee : You are cordially invited . Ryan : Julia , Del already answered that question . Del : One more time -- I did not shoot Alexander Cambias . If I did , he d be in the morgue , not the hospital . Ryan : Hmm . Julia : Your gun just happened to show up on the same night , then ? Del : My gun had nothing to do with the Cambias shooting . Aidan : Is that yours ? Del : Yeah . Aidan : Del s right -- it s not the gun . Julia : What , just like that ? Aidan : I spoke to the police . That model is not the gun that shot Cambias , all right ? Josh ( to Kendall ) : Not only are you throwing a party for your ex , but your husband is a no - show . Zach ( to Hannah ) : If you have unfinished business with me , let s deal with it right now . Janet ( to Jenny ) : Who s crying ? Which one ? Stop it ! Stop , baby ! Stop crying . ### Summary:
Greenlee writes a letter to Kendall and tells a messenger to get it to Fusion immediately . Zach brings Kendall to work and assures her that he will protect her , Spike and their unborn baby . Annie shows Kendall some possible layouts for Fusion that will not work at all . Annie hopes that they find Krystal s baby soon . Annie tells Kendall she may have to take her name off the list for the party that she is giving for Annie and Ryan . Ryan and Julia both arrive at the door of Wildwind at the same time . Julia questions Ryan about the gun that was found hidden inside the house . Josh barges into Hannah s office and catches her dressing . Josh lays the files on the desk and leaves . Annie lets Kendall know that Ryan moved her , Kathy , and Emma out of Wildwind . Annie tells Kendall about the gun and her suspicions that Jonathan might have shot Cambias . Kendall feels that Annie is overreacting to this . Julia threatens to call the cops . Ryan insists that she let him handle this . Del wants to know what the problem is . Ryan shows Del the gun . Ava has a chat with Sean about Colby and the hard time that she is going through now . Ava suggests that they go to the mall but he declines her offer . Ava then asks Sean for money . Hannah goes into Zach s office to talk to him while Josh watches closely at the door . Derek comes up to Lily s desk and asks to see Zach . Derek tells Zach that Cambias has been stabilized and moved to the psychiatric hospital in lockdown . Josh goes in to see Hannah and asks her how she is doing . He offers her help in anything she needs help with . Greenlee addresses an envelope to Ryan Lavery . Di asks Del if that was his gun and what did . Jonathan denies shooting Alexander Cambias . Derek tells Zach that Alexander is paralyzed from his neck down . Josh enters Hannah s office and slams the door shut as Zach and Derek watch from across the hall . Hannah and Josh begin to kiss and get undressed . Ava visits Lily at work and asks her if she wants to go shopping . Zach listens to Ava and Lily talking . Lily offers to let Ava use her credit card . Julia is extremely upset about the gun being in the house . She demands an apology from Del. Di watches in horror and disbelief as Julia orders Del out of her house for the safety of her daughter , Kathy . Josh and Hannah stop kissing and get dressed and Hannah orders him out of her office . She tells him that they must never speak of this again nor will it happen again . He leaves Hannah s office . Di tells Annie and Kendall that the gun belonged to Del. A messenger brings an envelope in to Kendall . Kendall opens the envelope and realizes that they may have a silent partner . Kendall reads the layout and realizes that it is exactly what they were looking for . Kendall wonders who it came from . Greenlee begins writing an invitation . Aidan tells Julia and Ryan that Del s gun was not the gun that shot Cambias . Hannah throws a shotgun away , piece by piece , in the river at the docks . She turns around and sees Zach watching her .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Bill : It s our time . Katie s moved out . This is our home now . Brooke : But Katie was supposed to get the house . This is her home . This is where she was going to raise will . Bill : Katie does nt want it anymore , Brooke . She s letting me keep it . She s moving into a new place . You do nt have to worry . I am offering Katie an incredibly generous package . And this is my home again . This is where I want us to start our life together . Ridge : You always look great , but you ve never looked better . Katie : Thank you . I feel good . Ridge : I guess divorce can have that effect on you . Katie : [ Chuckles ] Yeah , I guess so . I mean , I will always struggle with the fact that will will grow up in a house without both of his parents , but that home was becoming increasingly dysfunctional , and it was nt healthy for any of us , so I moved out . Ridge : You gave Bill the house ? Katie : Yeah . I never liked that house . And , you know , since I left , I - I feel -- I feel good . I feel better . I have nt had a drop of alcohol . Ridge : Wow . Katie : [ Chuckles ] Ridge : Good for you . Katie : Yeah . I m free . And I m vindicated . Ridge : Cause you always knew something was going on with Bill and Brooke . Katie : Yes . And they denied it over and over again , and it -- [ Sighs ] It made me feel crazy , but I was right . Which is why it does nt surprise me that they re together right now . Sasha : [ Sighs ] This is nice . Really nice . Thomas : I m really glad you stopped by . Sasha : [ Chuckles ] Thomas : It s been so crazy around here . I have nt even had a chance to enjoy my own balcony . Sasha : Well , I told you I am on a mission . Thomas : And -- and what s that again ? Sasha : To make sure that you are relaxed and having fun . Thomas : Ca nt you see what I m doing ? Sasha : Yeah . And how does it feel ? Thomas : I could get used to it . Sasha : You better . Cause this is just the beginning . I ve got big plans for you . Thomas : [ Chuckles ] You know , you could nt have come at a better time . Sasha : Eh , I could just sense you were in need of a little sunshine . Thomas : More than ever . Sasha : Did something happen ? Thomas : [ Sighs ] It s just some family drama . Sasha : Family drama . I know all about that . Thomas : Yeah . Sasha : You know , I do nt want to pry , but I m here if you want to talk about it . Thomas : I - I - I do nt want to bore you with all the details . Steffy moved out and she s -- she s staying with me right now , so ... Sasha : She and Wyatt ... ? Thomas : It s complicated . Things got a little crazy , and , uh , I do nt know , our family s kind of falling apart at the seams . Sasha : Well , that s all the more reason for you to be taking care of yourself . And I m sure they would agree . Come on . It s a gorgeous , beautiful day out . You deserve to let it all go . Thomas : [ Chuckles ] Sasha : And I m gon na make sure that happens . Ridge : Well , Quinn s back and we re forced to look at that disaster every day , and , uh , she moved in my dad s house , sharing his bed ... bed my dad used to share with my mom . Katie : Whoa . Stephanie must be rolling over in her grave . Ridge : I wonder if -- if something s going on with dad , you know . Maybe he s losing it a little bit . Katie : Well , besides Quinn , has he shown any other signs ? Ridge : I do nt know . He s just not listening , you know ? He s , um ... making some bad choices . Katie : [ Sighs ] Maybe it s just a phase , you know ? He s trying to recapture his youth . Ridge : [ Laughs ] Yeah . I d like to believe that , but I do nt know . I think -- I think something s going on . That s why it s so important we get the shares from Bill now . Brooke : [ Sighs ] I feel terrible that your marriage is coming to an end . Bill : Well , do nt . Katie is more than okay with it . Brooke : How can you say that ? Bill : Cause I just saw her . I talked to her . She s over it , Brooke . She s ready to move on with her life , cash her check , and move on . Brooke : Bill , she was incredibly hurt by this . And I ca nt help but feel responsible . Bill : You do nt have to feel guilty . If you talked to Katie , she would tell you that she is happier than she s been in a very long time . Now it s our turn to be happy . We re free , Brooke . We re free to be together . Sasha : Tell me this does nt feel nice . A little vitamin d , ocean breeze , fabulous company . [ Chuckles ] Thomas : It is nice . I should spend more time out here . Sasha : If I were you , I d just move all my stuff out here . Thomas : And just sleep out here under the stars . Sasha : Pfft . Sure . Why not ? Thomas : Well , now that Steffy s living with me , I might have to . Sasha : [ Sighs ] You re a sweet brother . Thomas : Ah . I d do anything for my sister . Sasha : She s lucky to have you . [ Scoffs ] I m lucky to know you . Thomas : I m the lucky one . Sasha : Mnh - mnh . Trust me . Thomas : Come on . Look at everything that you ve done for me so far . You ve got me to relax and clear my head and just let go . That s not an easy thing to do , all right ? And you ve done it . Sasha : I like it . Now we re talking . We re making progress . Thomas : So far , so good . Sasha : I like what I m hearing Thomas : Oh , my goodness . Sasha : Keep it up , keep it up Sasha : Hey , how about I go get us some more to drink ? Thomas : Hmm . Yeah , sounds good . Sasha : Maybe something a little stronger than water this time , like ... soda or lemonade ? Thomas : N - no . You re getting crazy . Sasha : It s out of control . Thomas : Just take it down . Sasha : [ Laughs ] Thomas : Yeah , that d be awesome . There s lemonade in the fridge . Sasha : Okay . Be right back . Thomas : Okay . Sasha : Two lemonades coming up . Thomas : Thank you . Sasha : Whoa , hold the phone . Thomas : Huh ? Sasha : Are there a million bajillion locks on this door , too , or is that just the front door ? Thomas : [ Chuckles ] There s only one . I m sure you can handle it . Sasha : All right . Thomas : All right . Sasha : I ll be right back . Thomas : Okay . Ridge : I wish I knew what s going on with my dad . Katie : Listen , I understand your concern , but he s not gon na take it any further , okay ? He s not gon na let Quinn start making decisions for the company . Ridge : He s already done it . She s the one talked him in to being C.E.O. Katie : Okay , well , he s not gon na marry her . Ridge : How do we know that ? Katie : Because he cares about you and -- and Steffy and he has respect for the family . Ridge : Not anymore . Katie : Just stay close to him , okay ? I mean , do nt isolate him . If you do , then it s gon na make him even more vulnerable to Quinn . Ridge : You know what ? I wish I had your attitude , but I ca nt . Something s going on , and Steffy , Thomas -- we need control of this company . That s why I m glad that Brooke is helping us . Katie : Yeah . You and Brooke have been spending an awful lot of time together lately . Ridge : It s been good having her to talk to . What ? Katie : Nothing . It s just , you know , the way you re talking , I just ca nt help wondering if something s happening between you two . Bill : Ca nt deny it , Brooke . There s nothing keeping us apart , nothing holding us back any longer . We re not keeping secrets , we re not hurting Katie . We can start our lives together right here , right now today . I know that s what you want . I know you love me . That s why you re here . Brooke : I ll admit I was glad that you called . I was going to reach out to you anyway . Bill : Ca nt tell you how happy that makes me hearing that . Brooke : You might not be so thrilled to hear what I have to say . Bill : Is this about Katie ? I do nt want to talk about my soon - to - be ex - wife . I do nt want to talk about the past , unless it s our past . We should be focused on us , Brooke , celebrating . Brooke : This is not about Katie . Bill : Then what is it ? Brooke : It s Quinn . Bill : What s that crackpot have to do with anything ? Wait a minute . Forrester got in your ear , did nt he ? You re here to talk about my shares in the company . Sasha : Your lemonade , good sir . Thomas : Oh , oh , oh , oh . Thank you , darling . Sasha : My pleasure . Thomas : Mm - hmm . [ Sighs ] Both : Cheers . Mmm . Sasha : Ah . This is paradise . I mean , not for you because you ve traveled all over the world and been to so many exotic , wonderful countries . But for me , [ Sighs ] Just not being in my tiny apartment with no air conditioning in this heat wave ... Thomas : Hmm . Sasha : This is heaven . Thomas : You re welcome anytime . Sasha : I will take you up on that . Thomas : Mm - hmm . Sasha : Okay , question . Thomas : Mm - hmm ? Sasha : How you feeling ? Like , how relaxed are we ? On a scale from let s say 1 to 10 , 1 being completely miserable and 10 being totes blissed out . Thomas : Uh , t-- 8 . I m 8 . Sasha : 8 ? ! Thomas : Ah . Sasha : Ew , we can do better than that . Thomas : No . Sasha : Not yet . Thomas : Mnh . Sasha : Okay . Sit back . Lay back . Thomas : What ? Really ? You want -- Sasha : Yep . Mm - hmm . Lay back . Close your eyes . Come on . Thomas : [ Sighs ] Sasha : [ Sighs ] Okay . Go here with me . Thomas : Okay , okay . Sasha : All right . There s an ocean breeze . Feel it against your skin . Only we re not in Venice . Thomas : Hmm . Sasha : We re in Hawaii . Thomas : Hmm , uh , what island ? Sasha : Hmm ... Maui . Okay , take a deep breath . You smell that ? It is a floral fiesta of gardenias . Feel the sand between your toes . See the dolphins frolicking about in the water . Oh , and what s that ? Oh , my God . In the distance , a beautiful double rainbow . Thomas : I see . It s beautiful . Sasha : Hmm . It s almost like we re there . Someday . Thomas : Never been ? Sasha : Mnh - mnh . But it s on my bucket list . Thomas : Oh , we ll have to go sometime . I ll , uh , I ll show you around , take you surfing . Sasha : I d really like that . Katie : Yeah , the way you re talking , I just ca nt help but think you and Brooke -- Ridge : No , no , no , no , no , no . Do nt do that . Please do nt . I m focused on the business , on the family , on my dad . I do nt have time for anything else , nor do I want anything else . Katie : Yeah , but you want Brooke to get bill s shares . Ridge : I want Brooke to get the shares so we can get Quinn out of the company . That s it . And -- and yes , that s in Brooke s hands right now . Katie : You re putting an awful lot of faith in her . Ridge : Stop ! What is -- Katie : It s just that I m getting a feeling . Ridge : Stop having feelings ! Katie : Okay , maybe you re not even aware of it . Ridge : I m not aware of what ? ! Katie : You and Brooke were pretty good together . Ridge : Wow . I m not discussing this . Not now , not ever . It s about the business , nothing else . Katie : All right , all right , cool . I ll stop . Yeah , I know you re stressed and got a lot on your plate . But I do have to warn you , if you re not careful , Bill and Brooke are gon na get together . Brooke : The Forresters and the entire company , they re having a big issue with Quinn . Bill : Well , tell them to take a number and get in line . Brooke : She s designing for us again . And she moved into Eric s house , into the family home . Bill : That has nothing to do with me . I m not responsible for that nightmare . Brooke : Quinn is in our lives because of you . Bill : Because of me ? Brooke : You share a child together . Bill : What does that have to do with anything ? Brooke : [ Sighs ] Bill : Come on , Brooke . What is it ? Cut to the chase . Brooke : Assign the shares to ridge . Bill : [ Laughs ] You re joking . You re not joking . No way . Brooke : Bill , let him manage the company , please . Protect us from Quinn and the damage she s going to cause . Bill : He could nt manage a gas station . I am not giving him my shares , period . Brooke : [ Sighs ] Bill : You think I m gon na give him all that power and control for nothing ? Brooke : Fine . Then let him buy the shares at a healthy profit . He s willing to pay . Bill : I do nt want to talk about my shares . I do nt even want to talk about profit , believe it or not . All I want to talk about is us . You and me . All the memories we ve shared . And I want to make new ones . Memories that will last a lifetime . Thomas : Okay , relax , relax , relax . Pinkies up , pinkies up , thumb up , thumb up . There you go . No , up , up . Sasha : Oh . Thomas : Now shake it . Shake it . [ Gasps ] Wow . Sasha : Boom ! Thomas : Yeah . You re a real Hawaiian native now . Sasha : Shut up , jerk . Thomas : [ Laughs ] Sasha : A girl can dream . Thomas : Yeah . Sasha : But seriously , I think it s time for me to say mahalo , cause I got to get going . Thomas : What ? No . No , no , no . You ca nt leave . We have things to do like watch the sunset . Sasha : And I would love to do that , but I promised wardrobe I d come in for a fitting . Thomas : I ll call them and cancel it . Sasha : You are gon na get me fired , Forrester . Thomas : You are not gon na get fired , all right ? You re the best model we ve had in years , and you re the best cheerer - upper I ve ever seen . Sasha : [ Chuckles ] Really ? Thomas : Honestly , Sasha . Put a really big smile on my face . You took me all the way to Maui . Sasha : [ Chuckles ] Thomas : Means a lot . Sasha : You know , I realize that we re just starting to get to know each other . But I really am enjoying spending time with you . Thomas : Me , too . Sasha : It s really special . Katie : Listen , I know you do nt want to hear this , but I think it s fairly inevitable that Bill and Brooke get together . Ridge : [ Laughs ] I know you do nt want to hear this , but Bill is no good for anybody . He just drags people down . For her , it s just too much baggage . Katie : Yeah , well , you have nt seen what I ve seen . Ridge : What are you doing right now ? First you accuse me of having feelings for Brooke , and now you re saying that Brooke and Bill are inevitable . I do nt understand . Katie : I know Bill very well . And when he wants something , he usually gets it . Ridge : What do you mean ? Katie : I mean you might just get Bill s shares of Forrester . Ridge : [ Sighs ] Bill : You said you d always love me . Brooke : I always will . But Katie -- Bill : Oh , come on . Katie , Katie . Enough with Katie ! I wanted to give Katie the life , the marriage , that she deserved . I wanted to . But I could nt , because I wanted you . It s always been you . I m sorry that Katie was hurt . But she is moving on with her life , Brooke . She s moving forward . And you need to do the same . You need to let go and move on . Brooke : Oh , God , Bill . It s not that simple ! Bill : It is very simple ! I am offering Katie an incredibly generous package . I m writing her a check for $ 50 million , maybe more . I m throwing in the plane . She does nt even know that yet . She can have it . I want a new jet . Brooke : [ Sighs ] Bill : And you know what ? Here s something else . Katie has nt signed the divorce settlement yet . You encourage her to sign it , officially ending our marriage ... and I will make you a deal . And it s the only deal I ll make . I wo nt sell my shares of Forrester . I ll give them to you . Brooke : Give them to me ? Bill : On our wedding day . It will be my wedding gift to you . Give them to Forrester if you want . I do nt give a damn . Do whatever you want with them . I could nt care less . As long as I have you . Brooke : [ Sighs ] Bill : I ll gift you my shares when we commit ourselves to each other . Exchange vows ... till death do us part . Brooke : [ Sighs ] ### Summary:
Bill tells Brooke this is their time . Katie does not even want the house . He is giving her a very generous $ 50 Million package and the jet so now they can start their life together . Ridge tells Katie that she has never looked better . She says she realized the situation was not going to get better and it was unhealthy . She was in denial for a long time but now she has moved out . Sasha stops by Thomas s and they enjoy soaking up the sun . He is glad she stopped by and she says good as she has big plans for him . He is ready for that as he says he has a lot of family drama now . She says he needs to let all of that go and just enjoy the day . She will make sure that happens . She brings him some lemonade and says this is paradise .maybe not to him who has been all over the world but to her anyplace other than tiny little apartment of hers with no air conditioning is heaven . They close their eyes and she makes him envision being on some exotic island . Katie tells Ridge that Stephanie must be rolling over in her grave with Quinn now in her bed with Eric . But maybe Eric is just trying to recapture his youth in this phase of his life . She does not want to see Ridge isolate himself from Eric as that will only make him closer to Quinn . Brooke says Katie has to be hurt by all of this and she still feels responsible . Bill says Katie feels better than she has in a long time but now it is their time . They are not keeping secrets from Katie and they can start their life right here today . She admits she was glad he called but he might not be glad when he hears what she has to say . He says he does not want to talk about Katie ; they should be focusing on their future . She tells him about Quinn and suddenly Bill knows Brooke is going to bring up the 12 ½% . Bill says Quinn or no Quinn he is not giving up his shares to Ridge . All he wants to talk about is them , nothing else .. new memories that will last a lifetime . Ridge says he is not having feelings for Brooke ; it is strictly business . He wants Brooke to get those shares , simple as that . Thomas tells Sasha she is the best cheerer up that he has ever seen . He does not want her to go . He can cancel her photo shoot . She hesitates long enough for him to kiss her . Katie tells Ridge that she knows he does not want to hear this but Bill and Brooke will be a couple now . Ridge says no , Bill it not good for anyone . Bill tells Brooke enough with Katie , he does not want to dwell on that . He wants Brooke , it will always be Brooke . He is sorry for Katie but she has moved on and they need to as well . He even reveals that he will not sell the shares but on their wedding day he will give them to Brooke . She can give to Ridge or whatever she wants but it will have to be on their wedding day when they say their vows .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Dr. Ramirez : No , Mrs. Forrester . We ve already discussed this . Felicia is not a candidate for a partial liver transplant . And it s too risky for you . Stephanie : But we ve already done the testing . We know the dna matches , the tissue matches -- you do nt have another donor available . I m available ! What are we going to do , stand here and argue and she dies ? Felicia : Why ? Why is it so cold ? Eric : I ll get you a blanket , sweetheart . Felicia : Daddy ? You said a sore throat wo nt kill me . But it s a bad one . Eric : Sweetheart , you had a tube in your throat to help you -- to help you breathe . But it s gone now . Felicia : Ca nt you make it go away ? Dr. Ramirez : I do nt have what you need yet . Felicia : Okay . Stephanie : Do nt you walk out of here on me . Brooke : I m sorry . I did nt mean to raise my voice . Ridge : It sounded like that was a long time coming . Brooke : I was angry with you at first . But -- Ridge : Your dad walked out on you when you were a child . Then I did the very same thing years later . Brooke : But you did nt disappear . You still saw us . Ridge : You know , you can break a bone -- an arm , a leg -- and in time , it ll heal just fine . But you break it all over again in the very same spot , and no doctor will ever be able to set it right . Stephanie : What do you plan on doing for her ? Dr. Ramirez : I m doing it , everything medicine can do . Stephanie : Then let me be the donor ! Dr. Ramirez : No . Stephanie : Why not ? You see how she is . Dr. Ramirez : Because it s more likely to kill you than to save her . Dr. Ramirez : You do nt qualify , Mrs. Forrester . Your age , your blood pressure , your kidneys -- you ca nt get by with half a liver , either . Stephanie : So I ll never have another drink again . Dr. Ramirez : I took an oath to do no harm . That comes first . You re telling me that you grew up dreaming about being a doctor that would do no harm first . I do nt believe that . I think you grew up wanting to be a doctor that would save lives , somebody s life , anybody s life . Because I think you understand the sacredness of it , the beauty of it , the wonder of it . The spark of life that has nt gone out yet is so precious . One more day with air in your lungs , one more day with the sun on your face . That s more important than anything . Dr. Ramirez , I ve had my life . I ve had all of the joy , the beauty , the love , the passion , success anybody could want . I have no regrets . But that girl in there has just started . She has her whole life ahead of her . And I am not going to let her go , and you have no right to ask me to do that . Take part of my liver . I do nt care what the risk is , it does nt matter to me . I m not going to stand by and watch her die . This old body gave her life once before , and it can do it again if you would just let me . Just let me . I ll sign any papers that you need , and so will my husband . If something goes wrong , no one will hold you responsible . Dr. Ramirez : I have no interest in surrendering my obligations in this case . I ll have a transplant surgeon here in an hour . Ridge : I knew your family history . Why did nt I know what turning away from you and the kids would mean ? Brooke : I m not a child anymore . Everybody s parents disappoint them . Ridge : When I asked you to marry me years ago , I asked you to trust me and rely on me . You did so without hesitation . And you got kicked in the teeth for it . Is it any wonder what happened next ? Nick was the anti - me . He was the guy who never turned away . Brooke : This is nt about Nick . Ridge : No , it s probably about your father . We know that now . We re still living our story , Logan . We have been since the day we met . Nick was the choice that fear made for you . Nick is a lesson I have to learn . But this is nt over for us . This is the part where we both learn how to come back together . Taylor : Hey -- is three the critical number ? Because the fourth one did nt taste like gasoline . Nick : I ca nt believe the guy has such good taste in women and such miserable taste in booze . Taylor : Oh , Ridge does nt like bourbon . No . No , that was a Christmas gift from a patient . My guess is that she did nt like it and she just passed it on . Nick : Oh , like people do with fruitcakes . Taylor : Strangely enough , when you re a psychiatrist , patients do nt give you fruitcakes . Nick : Very good . You made a joke . Taylor : Oh , I do that every three or four years . Nick : Well , I certainly know you married one . Taylor : Now that is funny . Nick : Let s face it , the guy with the perfect teeth -- I mean , all he does is think everyone exists just to look at him . Add a little cash and ego to that , the guy s clueless . Taylor : Okay . Okay , now if he s so clueless , then how come he has us all right where he wants us ? Nick : What do you mean , us ? Taylor : Mm - hmm . Batting around between him and Brooke . Nick : Brooke s not a part of his life anymore . And you re not a part of his anymore , either . Which should be a good thing . Taylor : That s right . I have whole new vistas ahead . Bourbon ! Nick : You know what I think ? I think that you re looking for the next best thing . And you think the next best thing is this . Being drunk , probably cause the local liquor store delivers to your front door . Now , it s true , sometimes the best things in life are free . But that does nt necessarily mean they re going to be delivered to your front door . Taylor : I do nt know about that . Look at you . You know , I got ta admit , you re make -- you re making me feel -- I do nt know -- funny things . I mean , you re making me feel things -- Nick : I was hoping that would happen in a different place . What do you take in your coffee ? Hey . Well , you may not feel as fresh as a daisy , but you feel better . Taylor : You know , maybe I m not an alcoholic . Maybe I m just a bloody mess . Nick : I m afraid I would concur that diagnosis . Taylor : Your pants will be out of the dryer in a minute . Nick : Pants are overrated . Taylor : You act like people throw up on you all the time . Nick : It s the hazards of boats and bars . Taylor : You know , a woman learns nothing about a man when his pants come off , but let her see what he s got in his pockets . Nick : Wallet -- change -- stupid key ring -- lucky rock . Taylor : From Africa ? Brazil ? Nick : Hope s aquarium . She gave it to me for good luck . Taylor : That s sweet . Nick : Well , I have my health and I m happy . Taylor : So you can never lose this ? Nick : Actually , I ve lost it about five or ten times , but I keep going in her room and stealing another one . She keeps saying , there s lots of lucky stuff in the world . Taylor : How come they never taught me about that in medical school ? They only taught me about the part where people throw up in your lap . Nick : Well , that can be lucky , too . Eric : All right , Felicia is in the operating room next door . They re prepping her right now , okay ? What are you going to give her ? Nurse : It s just a relaxant . Eric : Is that -- is that going to put her out ? Nurse : It s very mild . You ll feel a bit dopey . Stephanie : Oh , I love feeling dopey . I live for it . Eric -- Eric : What ? Stephanie : I want you to go home right now and come back with my will . I took you out of it . Eric : Nobody cares about that right now . Stephanie : You know what ? Never mind , it s okay . There are two wills . Just burn the top one . Eric : May I have some time alone with my wife ? Will you stop talking about wills and documents , for god s sake ? Stephanie : You re right , I ll be fine . Eric : Stephanie -- I ca nt lose you . Stephanie : Oh , honey , get a grip . You ve spent most of your life trying to lose me . That s been your mission . Eric : It ca nt be helped that you and I hate each other s guts from time to time . But you re my pride . You re the mother of my children . You re everything to me . Stephanie : Did they give you one of these dopey shots , too ? Eric : Oh , stop it . Stephanie : God help me , I love you . I know I ve been hard on you . Being loved by me would ve put most normal men in their grave a lot sooner . You , it just made vain and useless , but that s not so bad . Eric : Yeah , well , thanks for that . Stephanie : Tell the children I said something wonderful about them . You know , make something up . You re good at that . Tell them I love them . Eric : Mm - hmm . Stephanie : Tell them I have no regrets . Eric : Then how come I have so many ? Stephanie : Those come with the perfect jawline . Dr. Ramirez : The transplant team is on its way -- with a liver that s a perfect match for your daughter . Eric : What ? Are you saying that -- Dr. Ramirez : Your wife will be keeping hers . All of it . Somebody upstairs heard you . In fact , everybody upstairs heard you . Eric : Did you hear this ? Stephanie : No , but why are you two grinning like monkeys ? Ridge : How is your father these days ? Brooke : He left me a message on my birthday . Ridge : Did you call him back ? Brooke : That s just the way it is with us . Ridge : After all this time ? Brooke : I think you should leave that sort of thing to Taylor . She s the shrink . Ridge : I m sorry , I did nt mean to offend you . Brooke : No , no , I think part of what you were saying is true . Yes , my father did abandon me as a child . But I do nt really believe that s the reason why I feel the way I do about Nick . It might be why I m afraid to be with you . But none of that really matters , because I like my life the way it is . Ridge : Logan -- there really is nt any life for me apart from you . Brooke : I m sorry , Ridge . Because I want a family , I want a husband , and a quiet life . And I m going to have that . But not with you . Ridge : Because of him ? Brooke : Do nt blame Nick . Ridge : I m talking about the man who broke your heart long before I came along and finished the job . Brooke : Goodnight , Ridge . Stephanie : Thank you . Do you have children at home ? Nurse : She can get dressed whenever she s steady enough . Eric : Nurse , is she -- is she going to remember any of this ? This conversation we re having ? Nurse : Probably not . Eric : Thank you . Stephanie : Just your type . Eric : You re insane , you know that ? Stephanie : So ? Eric : Here . Stephanie : What are you doing ? Eric : What am I doing ? Stephanie : Yeah . Eric : Here . Think back , Stephanie . Stephanie : Oh , I m afraid to . Eric : Think back . My god , you re wonderful . You gave me my daughter back . You did battle with death , and you won . Then you were ready to do it again -- put your life on the line for her . There s no one else on earth like you . Thank god . [ Stephanie chuckles ] I love you . I love you like there s no -- no yesterday . I can not live with you without wanting to strangle you in your sleep every night . But thank god for the day I met you . And for the day I agreed to that shotgun wedding . Stephanie : You re so dramatic . Eric : When I lie awake at night trying to make sense of all the years , make sense of all the no account victories and defeats in life -- what s it all for ? The answer is you . It s you . You are magnificent . I have never deserved the best of you . And I never deserved the worst of you . But without you , I would be lost , lost , lost . Stephanie : I know , honey , I know . How long is Felicia s surgery ? Eric : They said 8 , 10 , 12 hours . Stephanie : Okay . I do nt want to talk now , honey . I think I have to take a little nap . Eric : Yeah , I think that s probably a pretty good idea . Stephanie : Where are you going ? Eric : I m just getting up . Stephanie : Where will you be ? Eric : Right here . Stephanie : Okay ### Summary:
Stephanie coerces Dr. Ramirez to accept her as a liver donor for her daughter , Felicia . She does nt care about the risks . At first he flatly refuses because of her age , her blood pressure , her kidneys . He finally relents when she is adamant that she will not stand by and let Felicia die . They prep them both for surgery . Feeling a little dopey from the relaxant , Stephanie and Eric reflect on their lives and he admits how much he loves her . She s his everything ! Ridge shares with Brooke that all her insecurities about her father abandoning her has caused her to reject Ridge and choose Nick as the safe one . She does not agree this is the feelings she has for Nick . Nick continues to ply Taylor with bourbon to teach her a lesson about drinking . Drunk as a skunk , she philosophizes then promptly keels over and upchucks in his lap . Taylor has found a new hero . Dr Ramirez tells the Forresters that the transplant team is on the way with a liver , a perfect match for their daughter .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Sami : Okay , okay . Just find the earring . That s all you have to do is just find the earring . It s got to be here somewhere . I mean ... it s just ... okay . God , you would think with all the sunlight , the diamond would sparkle . Stupid leaves or-- anything . Oh , my God , this could take all day . [ Screaming ] Let me go ! [ Screaming ] Nick : The project we talked about-- this one s on the house . Sami : Let go of me ! Nick : Gabi , no ! Gabi : Oh , my God ! Kate : What s this really about , Nick ? Rafe : See that ? Jordan : I did , I did . Rafe : Yep . Figured . I think I just earned myself a double stack . Jordan : I thought we just came here for a coffee . Theo : Rafe ! Rafe : What s going on , little buddy ? Good to see you . Come here , man . Abe : Wow . Rafe : Hey . Abe : Great to see you up and walking again . Rafe : Well , uh , thanks . Abe : Hey , Jordan . How are you doing ? Jordan : Hi , Mr. Carver . This is your son ? Abe : Theo . Rafe : Yeah , well , look at you guys . Like something out of a magazine . Abe : Yes , wearing the latest hiking attire . Theo : Hot chocolate ! We came here for hot chocolate . Jordan : Oh , now that sounds like a good idea . You know , I ve never had it here . It is as good as they say it is ? Theo : It s really good . Come on . Jordan : Oh , okay . Abe : Well , she seems ... Rafe : Different ? Yeah . Abe : [ Laughs ] Yeah . Rafe : Completely different . Abe : [ Laughs ] Maxine : Good morning . I came by to bring you something you may need today . JJ : Ooh . You re looking sharp . Jennifer : Thank you . JJ : What s up ? Jennifer : Today s Daniel s disciplinary hearing . JJ : Oh , yeah . I forgot . You okay with that ? Jennifer : Yeah . Yeah , I m fine . JJ : So , uh ... what do you think is gon na happen to him ? Something really bad ? Anne : Momentous day , huh ? Theresa : What ? Anne : Well , it has the potential to be , anyway . Theresa : Why ? What are you talking about ? Anne : Under a rock much ? Dr. Dan s hearing -- it starts any minute . Theresa : Yeah , I know . Anne : And I have got the perfect thing to make it go ba - boom . You want to play ? Harold : Breakfast is served , sir . EJ : I have to skip breakfast this morning , Harold . Sorry , I have to represent the hospital board at some sort of disciplinary hearing . Should be scads of fun . Harold : I ll just set one place for ms . Sami then , sir . EJ : Actually , no , I think Samantha left a while ago , Harold . Sami : No ! No ! No ! No ! Let me go ! Let me go ! Nick : Not this time , bitch ! Sami : No ! No ! No ! No , do nt ! Aah ! Daniel : What is all of this ? Maxine : Letters from your patients and some of us who work at the hospital too . Daniel : Oh . Maxine : Bunch of us nurses got together and made some phone calls , and everyone we contacted said they d be glad to write a letter about what they thought of Dr. Jonas . They run from you were very helpful to you saved their lives . Daniel : This is from , uh-- Maxine : Yeah . I talked to her myself . She sent an email in right away . Jennifer : This hearing , really , is mostly a formality . Normally , Daniel would just give a formal statement , and that would be that . JJ : But I do nt get it , cause Dr. Jonas saved Theresa s life . I mean , she d be dead if he had nt done what he did , so why try to punish him ? Jennifer : Since when do you care how this goes for Daniel ? Anne : Come in . Okay . Check this out . Theresa : What is it ? Anne : A statement . Give it a read . All right , so here s how it s gon na go down , okay ? Dr. Dan , Danny boy , he s gon na read his statement , okay ? And then everybody s gon na do the whole okay , we re done here . Thanks so much . Whatever , we re adjourned , that whole routine , right ? That s when you make your entrance . Theresa : I can just walk in ? Anne : Well , no . Do nt just walk in . Come in all shoulders slumped and maybe a little mascara stain from all the crying . You know , you re like an emotional wreck , okay ? Theresa : Okay . Anne : All right . You re gon na read this statement out loud , but you re gon na make your voice crack a little just a few times like this . Listen . Here . I was-- [ Voice breaks ] I was so ashamed . Theresa : Wait , why was I ashamed ? Anne : Read the statement , sweetheart . You miraculously recovered all memories of what happened that evening . Theresa : Dr. Jonas said he wanted to get high with me ? Anne : High with me , yeah . Well , I had a little wine last night . I let my imagination flow . And just keep reading . It gets way better . [ Chuckles ] Okay . Sami : [ Gasping ] Nick , please ! Please let go ! Nick : [ Grunts ] Sami : No ! No ! No ! Let me go ! Let me go ! Nick : You think you re getting away this time , Sami ? Think again . Sami : No ! [ Panting ] JJ : Hey , I do nt care what happens to the guy . It just seems like , you know , if they re gon na punish him for something , it should be for hurting you . Jennifer : Well , that is very sweet . But you re right . Daniel did save someone s life . And they can hardly call a disciplinary hearing for me getting my feelings hurt . And I think that you should know they asked me to write a letter on Daniel s behalf . And I just want you to know that I did . JJ : That must have been kind of hard . Jennifer : Um ... no , it was nt . It s what I had to do . Okay , do nt be late for school . Love you . JJ : Love you too . Daniel : Jennifer said this about me ? Maxine : Why not ? It s true . From the heart . Daniel : Yeah . Right , okay . Well , I got ta get going . [ Sighs ] Maxine : What s that ? Daniel : It s Parker s . He gave it to me for good luck , I guess . Maxine : Aw . When parker grows up , he s gon na be proud he s got the best dad in the world . Theresa : What if they ask me questions ? Anne : Well , that s okay . Let them . Let them ask you questions . But remember your main talking points , okay ? And dont -- dont say you did drugs with him because Dr. Goody - good , he came in here , and he got tested the minute he hit the hospital that night , all right ? But he did push them on you . You got that ? Theresa : Yeah . Anne : All right . Oh . And he made promises to do drugs with you , like , I do nt know , the next week . Theresa : Okay . Anne : Oh , and do nt forget to make a really big point about the fact that he was trashing Jennifer , all right ? She s boring , total missionary . Stiff as a board . Oh , my God . Kick it up a notch . Say that he told you that he needs just a little bit of pharmaceutical before he gets into bed with her . [ Laughs ] Oh , my God . If that does nt send this bitch running out of the room , nothing will . Have you ever seen her when she is really embarrassed ? She gets , like , a rosacea . Theresa : Um , Anne , you do know that I do nt actually remember anything that happened that night , right ? Anne : Wonderful . Then the facts wo nt get confused with what you re saying . So just read the statement as written , okay ? Theresa : Yeah , but , I mean , come on . It s obviously all lies . Anne : And I m sorry-- you have a problem with that ? Come on . Okay . Kate : This is not a negotiation , Mr. Ortiz . You will do this today . No . No . Come here . [ Sighs ] Pick up the receipt , fly to New York , go to the Fairmont storage facilities on the upper west side . And then you use the I.D. That says you re Nick Fallon to pick up the things that he had sent there . I do nt care . Throw them in the Hudson . Down a rat hole . Whatever . Just let me know when it s done . Jordan : So one of my jobs is to check and see how strong people are . Do you want to see if you can try and push my hand away ? Theo : Yeah . Jordan : Oh ! You are very strong . [ Laughs ] Abe : [ Chuckles ] You know , when I met her a few weeks ago , she seemed so reserved , almost impersonal . Rafe : Oh , well , yeah . She has opened up . Yes , with everything . She s -- Abe : Well , she s got you up and walking again . Rafe : Well , yeah . Yeah . I m kind of like a robot with run - down batteries , but I m getting there , thanks to her . Abe : Well , you should know that your job is still waiting for you at the department . Theo : We re going exploring . Rafe : Oh , are you ? Well , okay . Let me know what you find , then . Theo : Okay . Rafe : Okay . Abe : Let s go . So long , guys . Jordan : All right , take care . Hey , stay strong , Theo . Theo : Bye . Rafe : That was amazing . The interaction you two had-- never seen that before out of you . You re a natural . Have you worked with kids much ? Sami : [ Sighs ] EJ : Samantha . I thought you left a long time ago . Sami : Why would I ? EJ : Because you re driving the children downstate to a field trip , remember ? Sami : Of course I remember . I know the shortcut , and we do nt have to be there till later . EJ : Huh . Sami : Anyway , I have to get going . I ll see you later . EJ : Samantha ... why do nt you tell me what you re really up to ? Rory : Well , hey , man . Bev : JJ , hey . Rory : Yo . Hey , dude , we re calling you . JJ : Yeah ? Rory : Yeah . JJ : Oh , okay . Well , I ve got an early class to get to . So I got ta go . Sorry . Bev : Whoa , wait . Hold up . How come you have nt answered any of my texts ? JJ : My phone has really bad battery life . Yeah , it s old now . I m getting a new one soon . Rory : Huh , I guess that s why you re not calling me back either ? JJ : Yeah , it is . Look , I ve really got ta go . Rory : Well , hey , what s your class ? JJ : [ Clears throat ] History . Rory : You re playing me . Come on . Hey , you re the guy who said that history s only worth going to if you re totally stoned . So ... who wants to get ready for class ? Bev : I do . Anne : Listen , it s real simple , sweetie , all right ? Jennifer is a colossal pain in our asses . And I do nt care how much she pretends she does nt care about Danny boy . You bring him down , and it is gon na kill her ... which is something we ve been dying to see , right ? Kayla : Theresa , there s a lot of flow charts you need to put into t computer at the nurses station . Theresa : Right . Yeah , I m on it . Anne : Yeah , flow charts . Kayla : I got a text from your dad when they landed in L.A. Theresa : Yeah , mom texted me and said they had a good flight . Thanks . Kayla : Yeah . Okay . Jennifer : Yeah . No , that s not even possible until this afternoon . Okay , thank you . Daniel : No , do nt administer it unless he gets agitated . I prefer he be fully awake . Rafe : You never answered my question . Jordan : About ? Rafe : If you ve worked with kids much . Jordan : Sure . Teenagers , some very little ones too . Rafe : Oh , wow . That must be tough , though , just seeing them struggle like that . Jordan : It is when they do nt understand why . Rafe : Right . Jordan : But they are almost always upbeat and ready for anything . And when you can help them , it is just the greatest feeling . And they just laugh and come alive and-- what ? Rafe : What ? Jordan : What s so funny ? Rafe : [ Laughs ] Nothing . I was just-- no , I actually -- I just like seeing you like this . Jordan : Like what ? Rafe : Enthusiastic . Jordan : Okay . Enough questions . It s time to get you out and get some fresh air . It s gon na be snowing soon . Sami : Nothing is going on . I m just in a rush . EJ : Really ? Why ? Sami : I have something I have to do . Then I have to rush back here to take the kids downstate for their field trip . EJ : I see . What exactly is it that you have to do beforehand ? Sami : Why all the questions ? EJ : Because I m concerned . You come back last night late , you looked disheveled . You were upset , much in the same way you are now . Sami : I m disheveled ? EJ : No , you re upset . Sami : I m not upset . I m just rushed . Last night I was upset to come home to find police swarming our house and looking through our things . EJ : I already explained that to you . Sami : Yeah , you did . And then you told me casually that my brother had stopped by-- my brother whose life has been utterly destroyed by that woman you call a sister and-- oh , right . I forgot you knew all about that , did nt you ? You just decided not to say anything . EJ : Why are you keeping something from me ? Sami : Because that s what we do , EJ . Face it . It s our specialty . Abe : Not too far , son . Stay where I can see you . Theo : Pretty . Abe : Theo ! Come on , man . We re going hiking , remember ? Theo : Okay . Coming . Sami : Okay . Okay . Pull it together . You just have to find that damn earring . Rory : All right . Well , let s go to the park , find a spot , and do it , dude . JJ : No , seriously , man . I got ta get to class . I need good grades this semester . Rory : Okay , okay , hold on . Take position , kid . You heard me , all right . Okay . Hey , what do you think , Bev ? This guy claims to be JJ Deveraux . Bev : Hmm . Rory : And okay , he looks like JJ . Bev : I do nt know , officer . You think he s an imposter ? Rory : Damn straight , because if he is JJ , he d want to get high . JJ : Okay , give it a rest , man . I m not interested . Bev : Whoa , what is wrong with you ? Rory : Yeah , man . Why do nt you want to hang out with us ? Bev : You re not still freaked out about that thing with your dad , are you ? Rory : Yeah , man . Hey , forget about that stuff . Come on with us . It ll be fun . Bev : It s not like we re gon na get caught . We ll go up high , like , by the rocks . That spot ? Rory : We ll get totally baked , and you ll be buzzed for class . JJ : I do nt want to get baked , and I do nt want to be buzzed during class , okay ? I do nt want to be a loser . Now , is that clear enough ? Kayla : If anybodyd like to make a remark before we start , please do so now . EJ : [ Clears throat ] Well , as counsel for the boards , having read the incident report , frankly , I do not know why we are here . Westbrook : Mr. DiMera , the evidence is a bit thin , but once a meeting has been requested , the committee is required to follow through . Please have Dr. Jonas come in . Kayla : Please state your name for the record , doctor . Daniel : My name is Dr. Daniel Jonas . I would now like to make a statement . Maxine : Theresa , what are you doing over there ? Theresa : I was just thinking . Westbrook : On the evening of October 25th of this year , encountered a university hospital employee named Theresa Donovan at her apartment . I found her-- Anne : I would like to know why you were there , Dr. Jonas . Westbrook : Excuse me . All questions will wait until after the statement has been read . Anne : Well , I think it s drug - related , so I think-- Westbrook : This is my meeting , ms . Milbauer . No questions until after the statement has been read . Daniel : And I am not here to discuss why I was there or anything else of a personal nature . My understanding is that this hearing is about my conduct as a doctor , and that is all I will be testifying to . Ms. Donovan was unconscious when I arrived , and I determined that she was suffering from a drug overdose . I called 911 , then took steps to ensure that her airway remained open and worked to revive her , but I was unsuccessful . When the ambulance arrived , she was transferred to university hospital , treated for the overdose . Fortunately , she made a complete recovery . Kayla : Thank you , Dr. Jonas . Daniel : And for the record , since I m sure I m gon na be asked , I was not under the influence of any drug that evening . Hospital tests performed on the night in question confirm that . Also , I would like these entered into the record . These are 127 letters from patients and staff members attesting to my ability and/or integrity . And I deeply appreciate everyone who did this for me . EJ : Well , as I ve said from the beginning , I see no reason why a doctor who saved a woman s life should be called before this committee . However , here we are . So , Dr. Westbrook , do you have a conclusion ? Westbrook : I do , but first , I d like to thank you for your testimony , Dr. Jonas . Kayla : Excuse me . Theresa . Theresa : I - I have a statement . Kayla : Is it regarding these proceedings ? Theresa : It s about Dr. Jonas , yes . Sami : Oh , God . I have dirt all over me . I mean , I could have lost that earring anywhere . Where the hell was I ? Too many places . I mean , between carting the kids around and dragging a dead body . I mean , I just lost the earring , that s all . I just -- I lost it . Sami : Seriously ? Theresa : Um , what Id-- Kayla : Please state your name and position for the record , please . Theresa : Okay , I m Theresa Donovan . I work here at the hospital as a general assistant as assigned . Kayla : Okay . If you have something to say , now s your chance . Theresa : This has been a bad year for me . I got involved in drugs and did a lot of things that I regret very much . I know Dr. Jonas is here because of what happened on October 25th . I want to say to everyone that I m very sorry that I was the cause of so much trouble . As far as that night goes , I do nt remember anything about it . All I know is when I woke up , e nurse told me that Dr. Jonas saved my life . I will always be grateful to him . That s all I have to say . Westbrook : Thank you , ms . Donovan . You may leave now . Kayla : Dr. Westbrook , if you could render your decision . Westbrook : Gladly . Anne : Wait , wait , wait , wait just a minute . Can anyone spell whitewash here ? Now , I have done some investigating on this incident on my own time-- EJ : And why was that ? Anne : Because that young , innocent girl -- she works for me . Now I happen to know that some neighbors heard loud noises coming from her apartment that Friday night . Kayla : Okay , are the neighbors here to give statements ? Anne : Well , no . But I can tell you-- Jennifer : Well , then it s not permissible . Because third - party statements are automatically ruled hearsay according to the hr handbook , which you wrote . Kayla : Dr. Westbrook ? Westbrook : I hereby rule that there is no cause for any further action to be taken in the matter of Dr. Daniel Jonas and the events of October 25th . Thank you for your help . This case is closed , and we are adjourned . Kayla : Thank you . Daniel : Thank you . Thank you so much . Thank you , sir . EJ : Hey . Congratulations , doctor . Daniel : Thanks . Yeah , a little surprised you were with me on this . EJ : I will never forget what you did for my brother . That , and I know what it s like to be the victim of a witch hunt . Daniel : I hear you . EJ : But mainly , it was because that vile woman had no grounds , none whatsoever . Good luck to you . Daniel : Thank you . Okay . Rory : We re your only friends , man . Everybody else at school , they think that you re some freak who gets arrested and then goes off and breaks all the windows in the square . Bev : We actually care about you . Rory : But if you re too good to hang out with us now , then fine . Find out how much life sucks when you re all alone , dude . Rafe : It s weird . Every year I ve been in Salem , there s been snow on the ground by thanksgiving . Jordan : It ll come . Rafe : Yeah ? What s the weather like in Birmingham this time of year ? Jordan : I do nt know . Rafe : You do nt know ? What , you do nt talk to friends or family back home ? Jordan : No . Hey , by the way , what happened with your sister and the modeling job ? Rafe : Well , funny you ask . Actual , she texted me last night and turned it down . Jordan : Oh , well , I m sure you re happy about that . Rafe : Well , yeah . You know , I would miss her and that baby . Jordan : Hey , do you want to sit on the bench for a little while ? Rafe : Sure . Jordan : I ll wheel you closer . Rafe : No , no , no . I m gon na walk it from here . Jordan : That s a little further than you re used to . Rafe : Well ... you do nt think I can do it ? Huh ? Jordan : Okay . Rafe : I m kind of feeling that . All right . Why not then ? Yeah . Jordan : Oh . Rafe : That s right . Yeah . I ll show you . Ta - da . Sami : Oh . Hi . Kate : Well , look at you . Sami : I lost my balance , okay ? Kate : You went back there . Sami : Yeah , to the scene of . So what did you want to talk to me about ? Kate : Oh , I do nt know . Someone s dead . I thought maybe we should touch base , make sure everything s covered . Sami : Look , as long as Nick stays underwater or floats out to sea , we re golden . Kate : Oh , really ? Cause there s more to it than that , Sami . Sami : Like what ? Kate : Like I used Nick s phone to text hope to let her know that Nick arrived safely in New York and is doing swell . Sami : Okay , but , you know , ease off the communication . It s not a game . Kate : Whatever . And I arranged for his things to be picked up that he had sent there previously . And they will disappear . Sami : Perfect . Kate : I called your son , and it seemed that Gabi was still in bed , which says to me that she s having trouble sleeping . Sami : Right , I m sure . Kate : You do know that she s the wild card in all of this , right ? Sami : [ Laughs ] No kidding , Kate . She s the reason we re in this mess . Kate : So are you gon na tell me why you were down by the river ? Sami : I lost something . Daniel : I do nt think Anne was very happy . Jennifer : Well , then my day is complete . Daniel : No , seriously , the way you shut her down , it was well done . But what I appreciated mostly was the way you supported me . This letter-- it was so kind , so warm . Jennifer : Well , I was asked if I would write it . And I immediately knew that I had to . Daniel : But the words you used to describe me-- Jennifer : Yeah , every word in that letter is true . You are a great doctor . Kate : You lost the other one ? Sami : It s a good thing EJ did nt notice . He gave them to me for valentine s day . Kate : My God . This is 30,000 at least . Sami : Those earrings cost $ 30,000 ? Kate : No , one . One , Sami . One is 30k . And now its twin is somewhere down by the river . Sami : Oh , my God . It might not be , okay ? It might be at the house . I might have lost it anywhere . It s gon na turn up . I am going to find it . Kate : God , let s hope that a lost earring is the only other problem with all of this . Okay , look . We have to go talk to Gabi now . Sami : What ? I ca nt . I have to go take the kids to the natural history museum downstate . You talk to Gabi , all right ? Thank you . Hey , did you check that flash drive that Nick gave you ? Kate : No ! No , not yet . Sami : Okay , well , you should when you get a chance . I mean , who knows what kind of incriminating evidence he s got on that thing . Kate : Okay , look , do nt start making up imaginary problems , okay ? Do nt . Just go . Sami : [ Sighs ] Rafe : [ Chuckles ] [ Laughs ] Jordan : Oh . Rafe : Sorry . Sorry . Sami : Oh , my God . Whoa ! Oh ! Abe : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Sami : Oh ! Oh , my gosh . [ Laughs ] I m so sorry . Are you okay ? I am just totally out of it this morning . Theo : It s okay . Sami : I m sorry . Abe : You know , somebody is in a rush here , huh ? Sami : Yes . Yeah . I really am . I do nt have time to chat , but hi , Theo . Hi , Abe . Bye . Theo : Bye . in there ? Come here . Theresa : Hey . Anne : Do nt you hey me , you little backstabber . Theresa : Look , Anne , I already told you that I ca nt just go in there and lie , okay ? I could get in trouble and-- Anne : I told you you would nt , did nt I ? For God s sake , this was like the chance of a lifetime , okay ? Little jenny and Dr. Dan would be out on the street right now , but no . Suddenly the druggie gets a conscience ? Theresa : Yeah , well , maybe it s about time . Anne : What ? Theresa : Maybe it s time I realized who my real friends are . JJ : Aunt Kayla . Kayla : Oh . JJ : Hey . Kayla : Hi , JJ . How are you ? JJ : I m well . Um , are nt you supposed to be at that thing with my mom ? Kayla : You mean the hearing ? JJ : She told me that Dr. Jonas was , like , on trial . Kayla : Well , no , not really . And it s over anyway . JJ : Oh , okay . Well , I hope -- I hope it was nt too hard on my mom . Kayla : Do nt worry . Your mom s fine . So is Dr. Jonas . In fact , I m kind of hoping that it s a new beginning for them . They deserve better , JJ . And I realize it s maybe not what you want to talk about , but if they decide to be friends again , I hope that you ve figured out that you really do nt have a say in it . You know , bub ? All right , I ll see you later . Okay . Daniel : Jennifer , thank you . This was very nice of you to say . Jennifer : Well , it s true . Why not say it ? That s what all these letters attest to , is nt it ? You are a talented , gifted doctor . It s too bad you re such a poor excuse for a human being . Jordan : I ll just-- Rafe : Sorry . Kate : So am I connected to the office network yet ? I m gon na send something over . No , no . Do nt stand by . I m just gon na check it out , see if it s worth it . Okay . Well , Nick , let s see what your all - too - weird brain came up with this time . What the hell ? Kate : No , no , no , no , no , no , no ! No ! No ! Damn it ! Damn it . Sami : Come on , kids ! Time to go ! Time to hit the road . We got ta have some fun . Oh , my God , $ 30,000 . I have got to find your mate . ### Summary:
Anne plotted with Theresa to make it seem like Daniel wanted to get high with her the night she overdosed . Theresa was nt really comfortable with telling that part since she did nt remember anything from that night . Anne tried to convince her that it would be a great way to destroy Jennifer and Daniel . Sami had a nightmare about being attacked by Nick while she was looking for her earring . Maxine showed up at Daniel s place to let him know that patients and staff members wrote letters in his defense . Daniel was moved when he saw Jennifer s letter supporting him . Jennifer prepared for Daniel s hearing . JJ did nt think it was fair that Daniel was punished for helping Theresa . Jennifer was suspicious of JJ s change of heart towards Daniel , but he managed to cover his tracks . Jennifer seemed to believe JJ s story . Kate called someone to make sure that Nick s personal things were destroyed in New York . EJ noticed how nervous Sami was and wanted to know what she was doing . Sami did nt tell EJ what she was doing . EJ wanted to know why she was acting so weird . Sami brought up Eric and Kristen . Abe and Theo went hiking and he found Sami s earring . Sami went back to the park to find the earring , but it was gone . JJ s friends tried to get him to get high , but he refused . JJ s friends told him that he did nt have any friends and that he would be lonely without them . Daniel s hearing began and he explained what happened the night Theresa overdosed . Daniel informed everyone that he was nt high that night . Theresa interrupted the proceedings because she wanted to talk about Daniel . Anne was excited because she thought Theresa was going to destroy Daniel . Sami continued to look for the earring . While Sami was looking , There was a shot of something with NF on it . Theresa ended up telling the truth about what happened to her . Anne was upset that Theresa did nt say that Daniel was high with her . Daniel was let off the hook . Kate met Sami at the park and they talked about Nick and Gabi . Sami let Kate know that she lost her earring and that it could be at the mansion . Sami asked Kate if she looked at the flash drive yet . Kate did nt check it out yet . Daniel thanked Jennifer for her help . She let him know that he was a great doctor but a poor excuse for a human being . Kate opened up the flash drive and it contained weird images . Kate was upset because she thought her computer had a virus on it . Sami looked at the earring that she did have with her while Theo looked at the one she lost .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Austin : Hey . This is a nice surprise . Carrie : Austin . Austin : I did not know that you would be up here . Carrie : I could nt sleep . Austin : Me neither . Carrie : [ Exhales sharply ] Austin : Too much on my mind , I guess . Carrie : I had a great time tonight . Austin : Me too . Carrie : When I first decided to come back to Salem , you know what worried me the most ? Austin : Sami ? Carrie : No . Seeing you . I thought it would feel awkward , you know ? Austin : It does nt , does it ? Carrie : It s nice ... catching up with you , feeling close . What ? Austin : I just ... I ca nt believe you re not with Mike anymore . Carrie : I ca nt believe that you re still single . I mean , you re a catch , Austin . What were those women in New York thinking ? Austin : Oh , wow . Well , thank you for the compliment , but I do nt think the problem was with them . I think it was me . I just was nt that interested . Carrie : Why was that ? Austin : Let s just say I think there s a reason why we wound up here tonight . Carrie : Back in Salem ? Austin : Yeah . Up on this roof . For the second time . Carrie : And what reason would that be ? Austin : Fate . Lois : If you knew how close I came to finishing off Marlena ... then that idiot husband of hers walked in . Fortunately , they did nt see this , so ... they do nt suspect a thing . Well , at least John does nt , and he ll convince Marlena that you re the one trying to harm her . Alex : [ Exhales sharply ] Lois : What s wrong , Alex ? Can you hear me ? Oh , we ca nt have that . If you wake up , you ll tell everyone I m trying to kill Marlena . No , no , no , no , no . That will never do .. Philip : I think it s time . Belle : What ? Do nt say that . Philip : Honey , I hate this . We ca nt find an organ donor , and she s suffering . We have to say goodbye to our little girl . Mimi : I got you some coffee . Shawn D. : Thanks . Mimi : Tell me what to do cause I feel so useless right now . Shawn D. : There s nothing you can do . I ca nt believe this is happening . My brother is gone . Mimi : I know . I ca nt believe it either . I m so sorry , Shawn . Shawn D. : And Belle and Philip do nt even know . Mimi : Maybe that s for the best . I mean , everything that s going on with Claire ... Shawn D. : I ca nt believe this is happening . A damn hit - and - run driver ? How s it -- whoever it is -- how can they live with themselves right now ? It s one thing just to hit somebody , but then -- then to drive off and to just let a little kid lie there ? I hope to God whoever did this pays . Chelsea : God , this is so awful , Max . Max : I know . I m really sorry . I do nt even know what to say . Chelsea : I loved Zach . I mean , I loved him the minute he came into my life , and now ... why did this have to happen ? Abe : Young boy s life snuffed out just like that . Officer Hammond : It s a real tragedy . Abe : I want to find whoever did this to my son and make sure they re punished . I guess you think I m crazy calling him my son . That he was . Lexie and I adopted him after he was born , and we raised him as our own . Well , you see , it was nt till later that we found out that Bo and Hope were his biological parents . Who would do this to a boy ? Who would run him over and then just flee the scene ? I want you to find him , and I want you to toss him in jail . And I hope he never sees the light of day . Hope : I ca nt stand it . He s so still . What are we gon na do ? Bo : We have to do what s right for Zach . Lexie : It breaks my heart to say this , but no matter how hard it is to accept , we ve lost Zach . Hope : Stop saying that . He s got to be all right . If we just give him some time , he ll wake up , right ? Lexie : Hope , you know how much I love Zach . I would give anything if we could make him well again , but we ca nt . Hope : I do nt believe that . There s got to be another doctor -- a specialist . There s got to be someone , Lexie . Lexie : Two specialists have already examined Zach . They ve looked over his cat scans , his MRI , his EEG . They both agreed there is no brain activity . As ... as senseless as this tragedy is , you have a chance to turn it into something positive . Bo : Positive ? Our little boy is lying here brain - dead , and you think something positive can come from this ? Hope : Stop talking about it like it s hopeless because it ca nt be . It just ca nt be . I ca nt lose my baby . Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of Our Lives . Philip : God , we love you , Claire . You know , you have nt been with us very long , honey , but we ca nt imagine life without you . You have made your mommy and your daddy so happy , and we do nt want to say goodbye to you . Belle ... honey , she is dying ... and we have to find a way to accept that . Belle : I ca nt . I ca nt let go of my daughter . Philip : Honey , help me . Please do nt make this any harder than it is . Belle : I m sorry , there s something that I have to do , and I need you to come with me . Philip : Honey , I do nt want to leave her alone . Belle : No , the nurse will stay with her until we get back . Wo nt you ? Nurse : Of course . Belle : We ll be right back . Philip : Where are we going ? Belle : You ll see . Philip : What ? Shawn D. : I ca nt believe we ve lost him . Mimi : Shawn , he s in heaven . Shawn D. : I do nt know if I believe that . Mimi : Well , how are you gon na get through this if you do nt believe it ? Shawn D. : I just do nt know anymore . Imagine what my parents are going through right now . They waited so many years to have another kid , and I know that my parents love us both , but Zach was kind of their miracle baby , you know ? And unlike me , he did nt give them any problems . He was just ... he was a great kid . I do nt know if I can deal with this . You know , he was so much fun . I used to tease him , right ? And he was young , but he would throw it right back at me , you know ? And he had a great arm . I would tell him all the time , if you want to pitch in the majors , you can , buddy . Who knows if he could . I know it was a long shot , but you never know . And now we ll never know ... about anything . Officer Hammond : We re developing a strong case . Abe : I m glad to hear it . Officer Hammond : Still pinning a few things down , but , yeah , it looks good . Abe : Well , sir , why do nt you tell me what you got ? Officer Hammond : Sorry , sir . As the Former Police Commander , you know we ca nt say anything until we bring the suspect in . Abe : Right , right . I should nt have asked . That boy means the world to me . Well , I m glad that you re going by the book because I sure as hell do nt want you to blow this case . Officer Hammond : God . If the evidence holds up , people are gon na be plenty shocked . Max : Did you hear that ? Sounds like they I.D.d the driver . Chelsea : Yeah , let s hope so . What do you think they could do to him or her ? Max : Well , it s vehicular homicide at the very least . And leaving the scene of an accident -- the charge could be bumped up to murder . One way or another , someone s going to jail for a very long time . Chelsea : Well , I wo nt feel the least bit sorry for them . Lexie : Please forgive me , but I have to talk to you about donating Zach s organs . Hope : I do nt want to hear this , Lexie . Lexie : I m sorry . I know this is the worst possible time to talk about this , but it is the only time . Zach may be gone -- Hope : No , he s not gone . Bo : We ca nt do this right now . Lexie : As you know , child organ donors are very rare . Hope : No , I can not do this to my baby . You re asking us to let Zach die to save someone else ? Lexie : Hope , I would nt be asking if there was any chance for Zach . You have to know that . Hope : The answer is no . Carrie : You think it s fate , huh ? Austin : What , you do nt believe in fate ? Carrie : Sometimes I do . Austin : Well , all I know is I have nt been this happy in years , and I think it s because of you . Carrie : You ve had the same effect on me , too . That s why I could nt sleep . I kept thinking how happy we used to be until I ruined everything . Austin : No . We re both responsible for that . Let s the past be the past . It s a new year , new opportunities . Carrie : Agreed . Austin : Good . Good . I m just glad we found each other again . Carrie : [ Sighs ] I do nt think I ve seen this many stars . Austin : It s because you live in L.A. Have nt had someone to talk to in such a long time Austin : This feels so right . ... What we have in common and your company was just the thing I needed tonight somehow I feel I should apologize cause I m just a little shaken of what s going on inside I should go ... Carrie : What are you thinking ? Austin : I do nt want to mess this up by moving too fast . I want a future with you . Carrie : I want that , too . But there is a problem . Lois : You know , it did nt have to be this way , Alex . When I think back , I was in love with you even before I became your patient . You were so kind ... so sensitive . For a time , I really thought you cared , but I was deluding myself . With you , it was always Marlena . When that ISA . agent showed up and told me you were still alive , and you were back with Marlena , it was like somebody stabbed me in the chest . Did you think I would just forget all the pain that you caused me ? That I was gon na let you and Marlena live happily ever after ? Not a chance . And there s no way you re gon na stop me now . Belle : Heavenly Father , please hear my prayer . My baby girl is fighting for her life . The doctors say that there s nothing else they can do . They say ... they say that it s time to say goodbye . And I do nt know how . She s the best part of me . And I ca nt understand why you d want to take her from me . Her life is in your hands now , and I m begging you ... please do nt let her die . When I was in church here on Christmas Eve , I begged you for a miracle to save her , and I had faith that there would be one . And if you re testing my faith , it has nt faltered . If you re gon na take her from me , just help me understand why . Otherwise , I m begging you to send me a sign that you re gon na spare her . Philip : Honey ... let s go be with her . Come on . Belle : Philip , wait . Philip : What ? Belle : That s a sign . God sent us a sign . Hope : I ca nt believe what you re asking of us . My boy is still alive . He s still breathing . Look at him . You say there s no hope , but you ve been wrong before . Why would you even think of taking Zach s organs ? Lexie : Hope , Zach is nt breathing on his own . I know how painful this is for you to hear , but the respirator is the only thing that s keeping him alive . Zach is gone . He is not coming back , no matter what we do . Hope : No , it s not . Lexie : I know it s a painful , wrenching decision . It s one I wish I did nt have to ask . But Zach would save a life ... maybe even more than one . As devastating as it is for you to lose him , think of what it would mean to another family whose child is waiting for an organ transplant -- a child who would die without one . Hope : I hate the thought of any child dying . Lexie : I know . I know . You know what Philip and Belle are going through right now . Hope : Oh , God , yes . Lexie : Well , we re not sure , but there s a possibility that Zach might be able to save their daughter s life . Hope : Oh , my God . Bo : No one could have foreseen something like this happening , but if Zach could save little Claire s life , I know that s exactly what he d want to do . And if we could spare Belle and Philip the kind of pain that we re in ... Hope : Belle loved Zach so much . Zach loved Belle so much . We have to do this . Bo : We give you permission to take Zach off life support . And , uh ... we ll allow donating his organs . Hope : Oh , baby . Lexie : You re doing a wonderful thing . I ll get the paperwork started . Bo : Hey , Tiny Man . It s been our -- it s been our privilege to , uh , to have been your parents . And we re very , very , very proud that we could share your life with you . We re gon na miss you . We re gon na miss you . I love you , Tiny Man . I ll always love you . Hope : Oh , my beautiful little boy . You ve brought us -- God , you ve brought us so much joy . Oh , baby . Oh , baby . I love you . I do nt want to go on without you . Mimi : Zach worshiped you , Shawn . His little face would light up every time he saw you . I mean , whether it was you picking him up from school or taking him to ice cream , whatever . Shawn D. : That was the thing about Zach . He was so appreciative of every little thing at such a young age . I thought I d be able to protect him , you know -- keep him from making the same mistakes that I made . Damn it , who could have done this ? I do nt understand , but I swear to you , I m gon na find whoever did this to my brother . Victor : How did it happen ? Jennifer : He was at a sleep over at the Morrisons , and he got up in the middle of the night , and he went downstairs without the family knowing . Victor : But why did he go outside ? Jennifer : I do nt know . Hope does nt know , but he apparently went out the back door and wandered into the street . Whoever ran him down never even stopped . Chelsea : Max , why did this have to happen to Zach ? Hope : I ca nt say goodbye . I ca nt let him go . Oh , Zach . Oh , God . Oh , Bo .. Lexie : You just made one of life s most difficult decisions . It was the right thing . Bo : Let s just hope something good comes from this . Lois : [ Laughing evilly ] I m a walking cliché , Alex -- the patient who fell in love with her therapist . And , yes , I really did love you . But I m not good enough for you .. You made that oh so very clear when you married Marlena . Do you have any idea how humiliated I was knowing the two of you were together again ? All the old wounds were just ripped open . That s why I have to kill you , and then Marlena will be next . Austin : So , oh , it s Sami . Sami s the problem . You think Sami s gon na come between us again ? Carrie : I hope not . I mean , she says she s grown up , and that she would nt interfere . Austin : And you do nt believe her ? Carrie : I would love to , but it s not just Sami that I worry about . Austin : Then what ? Carrie : It s us . I mean , how do we know what we re feeling is real , and that we do nt just have stars in our eyes ? And are we thinking clearly here ? Austin : Hey , hey . I m thinking clearly . I know what I feel for you is real . Carrie : What makes you think that when I go back to L.A. , We ll be able to keep this up a half a continent apart ? Austin : I told you . I m gon na be coming to L.A. a lot on business . We can work it out . I m sure of it . Carrie : It s awfully late for a phone call , is nt it ? Austin : Yes , it s awfully late . It s business . Okay , I have to take this .. Will you just please give me a minute ? Carrie : Okay , I ll check in with my office , too . Austin : Okay . Yeah , hey , what s going on ? Look , do nt worry , Nicole . Everything is gon na go smoothly . The only thing that I feel bad about is not knowing who Highstyle s C.E.O. is . Carrie : Thanks . I m with Austin now . He s on the phone with somebody . It s going well . Okay , it s going great . Um , good . Okay , well , I ve got tons of ideas for the company , and it s my number - one priority when I get back , but Austin s a close second . I sound happy because I am happy . I feel like all my dreams might be coming true . Austin : This takeover s gon na come out of left field for Highstyle s C.E .. O. , and she s gon na feel like she s been ambushed . Yeah , I hear you . I just wish I would have been able to warn her . Carrie : My god , Austin , I do nt believe it . Lexie : Oh , why is this taking so long ? Abe : Well , that s the third time you ve said that . Lexie : Sorry . Waiting out test results -- you think I d be used to it by now . Abe : I know . You re just anxious because it s Zach . I m upset , too . What s happening is like we re losing him all over again . Lexie : It s so much worse . Abe : I know , sweetheart . I know . You know , that sad day when we had to let him go , at least he was alive and well , and we knew that he was going to his real parents -- wonderful people that love him . Lexie : I know . I know we thought we had a long , full life with him . We d get to watch him grow up , and he d always be a part of our lives . Nurse : Dr. Carver ... sorry to interrupt , but these just came back from the lab . Lexie : Oh , thank you . Abe : Are those Zach s lab results ? Lexie : Yeah . Now we get to see if there s any hope for Claire . Victor : [ Thinking ] If I tell Shawn he s the father of Belle s baby , it ll destroy Philip . But my grandson has a right to know . What kind of a father am I if I let Philip go on thinking that little girl is his ? Mimi : Shawn , I mean , this is probably the worst thing that your family has ever gone through , but just remember what your uncle Mickey said -- anger and revenge are nt the answer . Shawn D. : My uncle Mickey s a lot more forgiving than I am . Mimi : I just hate seeing you so bitter . Shawn D. : I ca nt change how I feel . Right now , I hate the person who did this . Mimi : Shawn , when you hate someone , it only hurts you . Nothing good comes of it . Shawn D. : But the hate is the only thing I have right now . Max : Look , Chelsea , let s go to the cafeteria and get you some food , okay ? Chelsea : I ca nt eat . I m too upset . Max : You think I m not ? Zach was my nephew , but if you keep crying like this , you re just gon na make yourself sick , and Bo and Hope need us to be as strong as we can right now . Chelsea : I m sorry , but I just do nt understand why all these horrible things keep happening . Why do I keep losing everyone that s closest to me ? Max : Okay . Officer Daniels : Just got the report back . Officer Hammond : Everything s here -- forensics , statements , and photos . Officer Daniels : For two rookie cops , we did damn good . How are we gon na break it to detective Brady ? Officer Hammond : It s gon na tear his family apart . Hope : Officers , tell me what you found . I need to know who did this to my son . Hope : Who killed my son ? Was it a drunk driver ? Was it ? Who ? Officer Daniels : We can definitely rule out a drunk driver . Bo : How come ? You know something . Tell me . Officer Hammond : Detective Brady , can we speak with you alone ? Hope : Absolutely not . Bo : The worst thing that could ever happen to us has happened . We need to know two things -- who was driving the car that hit our son and how they re gon na be punished . Philip : What s that ? Belle : It s baby s breath . It must have fallen out of one of the flower arrangements . Philip : Baby s breath ? That s what this is called ? Belle : Yeah . When I was visiting my grandmother in Colorado , I saw a patch of this growing wild , and I did nt know what it was , and I just knew I loved it because it was so delicate . And anyway , I asked her what it was , and she told me , and she said that when an angel whispers a prayer to God , and the prayer is answered , that the angel thanks God with an offering of baby s breath . Philip : Really ? We could use an angel to whisper our prayers to God right now , huh ? Belle : I think we have one . Finding this here right now -- I think that this is Claire s guardian angel asking God to save her . Philip : Belle ... Belle : Philip , please , just -- just try to have faith a little bit longer . I do nt think God s gon na let us down . Nurse : Mr. and Mrs. Kiriakis , Dr. Carver needs to see you both right away . It s an emergency . Belle : Oh , my God . Claire . Austin : I got to go . I ll see you in the morning . Yeah , bye . What ? Carrie : You are not gon na believe what I found . Austin : What ? Carrie : Look . Austin : Get out ! I remember that night . They were , like , everywhere falling from the sky . What -- where d you find this ? Carrie : Over there by our initials . Austin : That was a magical night . Carrie : This is another one . Can I ask you a question ? Austin : Shoot . Carrie : Do you still feel the same way about me ? Lois : Once I have you out of the way , there s nobody to stop me from killing Marlena .. [ Gasps ] Let go of this . Alex : You re a monster , Lois . Lois : Let go of me . Alex : [ Grunting ] Your days of threatening Marlena are over . Lois : I do nt think so . Alex : Aah ! Lois : You re not gon na get the chance to say anything to anyone . Say goodbye , Alex . Carrie : Come on . You still have nt answered my question . Austin : You do nt know how I feel about you ? You need to hear it ? I love you . I ve never stopped loving you . The question is , do you still feel the same way about me ? Carrie : I do ... very much . Austin : Then what do you say that we take things a little further ? Carrie : [ Sighs ] I was hoping you d say that . Austin : Come here . Belle : Is she okay ? Philip : What s happening ? Lexie : Calm down . There s no change in Claire s condition , but there is other news . Belle : What ? Philip : Is it good news ? Lexie : We found a liver for Claire . It s a match . Belle : Oh , my God . Did you hear that ? She s gon na live . She s gon na live .. I told you to have faith . Philip : Yeah , wait , wait , wait . It looks like maybe Lexie has something more to tell us . Lexie : Well , you have to keep in mind , Claire is very weak . There s no guarantee that this will save her . Belle : But it s a chance , and it s a chance she did nt have an hour ago . Lexie : Yeah , yeah , well , if the liver transplant is successful , if her body does nt reject it , then this will save her life . But , look , I have to warn you , the transplant may be too late . Chelsea : You know what ? Life is unfair . First my parents get killed in a car accident , now my little brother . I keep hoping that this is just some kind of nightmare that I ll wake up from , and it ll be like none of it ever happened . Max : Hey , hey , we just need to hope the cops found the right person and that whoever did this is gon na be put away for a very long time . Chelsea : I want him put away forever . I mean , I know it wo nt bring Zach back , but at least we know he did nt get away with it . Shawn D. : I mean it . When the police find this driver , I hope they show him no mercy cause I want them to suffer like we re suffering now . Bo : When you find the driver of that car , you keep him away from me cause I swear , I ll tear him apart . What is going on with you ? Tell us what you found out . Officer Daniels : We know who did it . Lucas : What are you doing -- trying to seduce me ? You re trying to get me to give you another kid because the one we have hates you so much ? Belle : I can not do this . I ca nt . Lexie : Are you saying you do nt want the transplant ? Hope : Who killed my son ? ! You tell me now ! Who killed him ? ! Who killed my boy ? ! Max : Chelsea , what s wrong ? ### Summary:
Austin is pleasantly surprised to run into Carrie on the roof . Carrie worries that what they feel for each other may not be real but Austin insists that it is . Lois yells at Alex for not returning her affection after she fell in love with him while she was his patient . Lois tries to unplug Alex s life support but Alex grabs her arm . Lois is able to free her arm and threatens to pull the plug . Abe orders the cops to find the driver who hit Zach . The cops reveal that they have a suspect but wo nt tell Abe anything until they bring the suspect in . Lexie urges Hope and Bo to donate Zach s organs but Hope refuses to allow it . Lexie convinces Hope to do it by reminding her of Claire s organ need . Hope and Bo confront the officers for the results of their investigation . The officers declare that they know who killed Zach . Philip tries to convince Belle to take Claire off life support . Belle brings Philip to the hospital chapel to pray for Claire and when she spots a bunch of baby s breath on the floor , she considers it a sign from God . Lexie announces to Belle and Philip that they ve found a liver match . Mimi tries to help Shawn through his grief as Max helps Chelsea through hers .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Rafe : Well , I m still gon na start setting up appointments with anyone who has a vested interest in seeing ben behind bars . Hope : I just do nt think it s anyone on ... Rafe : What ? Hope : On this list . I do nt believe it . Rafe : What ? Hope : I know who it was . Rafe : Who ? Hope : Ben . Rafe : Ben ? Hope : Ben planted the evidence . Claire : Ben , if we play this smart , if we work together to break up tripp and ciara , i think that we could both end up getting exactly what we want . I mean , you have to admit you ve got nothing to lose . Ben : Uh , yeah , I m not too sure about that . Claire : Wait , I m sorry . What ? I thought you were . Ben : Claire , like I ve told you before , I ve been working really , really hard recently just trying to be a decent person . Trying to make amends for the past , I ... this ... is nt right . Claire : Actually , it is . If you just think about it . See , tripp and ciara are not good together , okay ? And they will not be happy as a couple . I m so sure of it . So what we would be doing is just kind of nipping it in the bud before they get too deeply involved and therefore more deeply hurt by each other in a breakup . Do you see where I m going with this ? Ben : I suppose . Claire : Great . So you re in . Ben : I know I may regret this . But yeah , I m in . Ciara : Why are you two shaking hands ? What s going on here ? Claire : What ? Two people ca nt shake hands ? Ciara : Not when those two people are you and ben . Since when did you guys get so chummy ? Jennifer : You re not wanted here . Stefan : Abigail s not returning my calls . Jennifer : Good . Stefan : No . My contact at the hospital told me that she was nt able to meet with dr . Evans . Jennifer : Oh , you re spying on her now ? Stefan : No , I m just concerned . Jennifer : Well , abigail does nt want any part of you or your concern . So I think that you should respect her wishes and stop causing trouble for her and chad . Jj : Look , I know it looks like gabby with a y is behind the text of stefan and hiding the wig or whatever else . But there might be another explanation . Chad : Like what ? Come on , dude . Do nt leave me hanging . Just say it . Jj : Look , I think it s possible that gabby is nt back at all . Gabi : [ Sighs ] Uh ... Abigail : It sounded important , so I hurried . Gabi : How long have you been standing there ? Abigail : Just walked in . You seem kind of jumpy . Why s that ? Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives . Stefan : I swear I m not trying to cause trouble . Jennifer : Then what are you doing ? Stefan : I m worried about abigail s state of mind . Is she here ? Jennifer : No . Stefan : Then may I come in and ask you a few questions ? Please ? Jennifer : I ll make a deal with you . I will answer every single one of your questions if you stop badgering my daughter . Stefan : I did nt think I was , uh , badgering abigail , but if that s what you want-- Jennifer : That s what I want . Stefan : Okay , fine . Jennifer : Fine , you can come in , and you d better make it fast . Stefan : Okay . [ Clears throat ] Do you know why abigail did nt go to see dr . Evans ? Jennifer : Yes , because marlena was nt feeling up to it yet . Stefan : She ca nt see someone else ? Jennifer : We suggested that , but abigail believes that marlena knows more about her case than any other therapist , so she s willing to wait . Stefan : Okay . But if she s suffering from D.I.D. Again-- Jennifer : We do nt know that . Stefan : But-- [ Chuckles ] But if she is , then would nt it be best to have it diagnosed right away ? Jennifer : That is abigail s decision and not yours . Stefan : Unless my gabby s the one in control . Jj : What made her split before was not being able to face that she killed andre . Well , she s faced that now . Chad : Um , but -- but she s pregnant with stefan s child . That s enough to throw anyone off balance . Jj : If gabby was out long enough to go buy a wig , why did nt she just throw it on and go straight to stefan ? Chad : I do nt know . Maybe she s better at keeping her under control this time . Jj : Yeah , maybe . Chad : Look , I ... we need to take care of this before it gets worse . All right ? We need to get her help . Jj : There might be another explanation to what s happening . Chad : What s that ? Jj : What if my sister is nt sick at all ? What if she s being set up ? Gabi : I m sorry , I just , uh-- I want this to go well . Abigail : What are you talking about ? Why was it so important for me to come over here ? Gabi : Why do nt you , uh , take a seat ? Here . I , um -- I wanted to apologize for what happened the other day . And chad , he -- he told me about finding the wig in your bedroom and that you were pretty upset at him , and I just feel like it s --it s all my fault . Abigail : Well , how would it be your fault ? GabI : Your tea s getting cold . Abigail : I gave up tea and coffee . Gabi : It s herbal . Low caffeine . Something wrong ? Abigail : Yeah . If you think I m falling for this , you re wrong . Little dakota s nose was quivering in fear . At humana , we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy . And part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan . Humana can help . With original medicare , you re covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits when you re sick . But keep in mind you ll have to pay a deductible for each . A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co - insurance , but you may pay higher premiums than you do with other plans . And prescription drug coverage is nt included . But , with an all - in - one humana medicare advantage plan , you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits . You get all this coverage for zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas . And humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals . So call or go online today . Find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide . Discover how an all - in - one medicare advantage plan from humana could save you money . There is no obligation and the book is free . Rafe : Ben was trying to frame himself ? Hope : No . Me . Rafe : You ? Hope : Yes . Rafe , do nt you remember what jj said ? That whoever planted that can might have been trying to help us but only made things worse . Rafe : Yeah . Hope : Well , what if it were the complete opposite ? What if the person was trying to upend the entire investigation ? How about that ? Rafe : Okay . Okay , now i see where you re going with this . Hope : Right ? Oh , my god . Oh ! Ben knew that when he did nt leave salem that I would eventually find evidence to bury him . Rafe : Yeah , and because he s clever , he went to the site of the cabin on fire , he left that can of accelerant knowing exactly where you would find it . Hope : Exactly . Rafe : And that ultimately you would be determined that it had been tampered with . Hope : Bingo . And if it did nt , I m sure he would have been more than happy to help his attorney stumble upon the fact that the fingerprint had been transferred onto the can . Rafe : And everyone would think that you had done it . Hope : Yeah . Rafe : Because you were so determined to bring him down . And by everyone , I mean me . Hope : Rafe . Rafe : No , I played right into his hands . Right into them . Hope : You did . Rafe : Yeah . Hope : Thank god . Thank god that you did . Rafe : Wh-- Hope : Because you double checked the print , you stopped me from playing right into his hands . If we go to trial based on what I found , it would have blown up in our faces . Oh , my god , this is a second opportunity . This is a second chance for us to nail that bastard . Oh , god . Claire : We were shaking hands because ben said that he needs a job and I said I d put in a good word for him here at the café . Ben : Right . And I was just thanking her . Tripp : Wait , so you wanna work here ? Ben : I mean , I ll take whatever I can get at this point . Ciara : Since when do you want to help ben ? I mean , you re not exactly his biggest fan . Claire : Well , he could nt afford to buy breakfast this morning , and honestly I just felt kind of bad for him . Especially after the police had to admit that the new evidence against him was phony . Which means that he s innocent . Right ? Is nt that what you re always saying ? Ciara : Yeah . Claire : Did nt stop you from kicking him out of our apartment , though . Sorry , sorry . Uh , I did nt mean to make you feel bad . I know that you had no choice but to ask him to move out . Ciara : What does that mean ? Claire : Well , there s only one reason that you being around can make tripp feel uncomfortable . Ben : Well , I can think of more than one reason about-- Claire : No , no . She does nt want him to notice that she has a thing for you . Tripp : I - I do nt get any of this . Why did you have to kick ben out ? Chad : What makes you think that abigail s being set up ? Jj : Because of what I just told you . She insists that it does nt feel like the last time . Chad : Well , that would explain the time lapse . Jj : She says that when she wakes up , she does nt remember getting sleepy , and pregnant women get tired , obviously . Someone could be taking advantage of that . Chad : And the wig ? Jj : Could have been planted . Abigail checked . She does nt have any record of buying it . Chad : If she paid cash she wouldnT. Jj : Well , I pointed that out and she admitted that could be right . Chad : What about the text to stefan ? Jj : Someone could have used her cell . Chad : How ? I mean , her and I are the only ones that know the code on that cell phone . And I sure as hell did nt send it . You know , and then there s the other question . I mean , who would want her to think that she s splitting again ? Stefan ? Jj : He definitely benefits if gabby with a y is out . But abigail thinks it s gabi with an I. Gabi : I m sorry , you re not falling for what ? Abigail : Well , you re inviting me over for tea . You re apologizing . Claiming you never intended to make trouble . Gabi : I really do nt know what you mean . Abigail : You knew exactly what you were doing when you told chad about the text message I supposedly sent to stefan . Gabi : Look , I swear to god , I only told chad because I was worried about you and it was nt until later I realized I was doing exactly what stefan wanted . Abigail : Which is what ? Gabi : Well , he wanted me to ask about the text so that he could tell me he thought the gabby alter was back and he wanted me to tell chad I was worried about you and I did . Abigail : You are too smart to be played by him . You re in on the game , are nt you ? Gabi : Abigail , what game ? Abigail : I do nt care what you say . You are not on my side . Can you swear that you are not doing anything to get between chad and me ? Gabi : Yes . Yes , I have been honest with you . And I admit it did take me longer than what I said to get over what you did to me when you were nt yourself . But when I saw that you felt really bad , I was able to let go of that resentment . And I want to help you . I really do , especially if your alters are back . Okay , please believe me . Fact is , every insurance company hopes you drive safely . Hope : I should have known that something was off . Rafe : NO . Hope : It was just too damn easy . Rafe : No , you were just trying to protect your daughter . Hope : I ignored my instincts . Rafe : We go get him . We go get him now , we bring him in here . We confront hiM. Hope : Wait . I do nt know . Rafe : He thinks he s gotten away with it . We surprise him . We get him in here . We get a confession out of him . Hope : Wait . Not yet . Tripp : Ciara ? Ciara : I told you , I did it for us . Claire : Oh , come on . You did it for grandma hope , and you know it . Ben accused her of trying to frame him , so how could you let him live with us ? Tripp : Yeah , and how would your grandma feel about you getting ben a job ? Claire : I did not guarantee him a job . I just said I d put in a good word for him . And , you know , besides , you feel really bad for saying that about grandma hope , right ? Ben : I just wanna put the whole thing behind me . To make a fresh start . Ciara : I hope you can . And if they offer you a job here , I think you should take it . Claire and tripp get free meals all the time . Ben : Ah , well , free food does nt sound half bad . Ciara : Why do you think we re here ? Tripp : Yeah , but you re probably sick of the menu by now , though , right ? So let me treat you to lunch somewhere else . Claire : Oh , look at you . Big spender . Why would you pay if you do nt have to ? Tripp : As long as it s to go . You okay here ? Ciara : Yeah , no problem . Claire : See ? Everything s cool . All right , I m gon na go help you pack that up . Stefan : All right , look . You ve been through this before . So do you think abigail s alters have come back ? Jennifer : Stefan . This is a really painful subject and it s really none of your business . Stefan : I - I understand that . I already know that abigail has lost periods of time and she sent me a text message that she does nt remember sending . Has there been any more incidents-- Jennifer : I am not going to inform on my daughter to you . Stefan : So there has been . Jennifer : Do nt you put words in my mouth . Stefan : Look . Abigail is carrying my child , so I m more than just a nosy bystander . Jennifer : No , you re an interested bystander . You are actually rooting for abigail to have a relapse , especially if your gabby is back . Stefan : Hold on . Jennifer : That s what you want . Stefan : No , you and I made a deal here . I would nt confront abigail if you answered my questions . Jennifer : No , I know that , but donT ... okay , fine . Fine , there was something , but you promised to leave abigail alone . Stefan : Tell me . Tell me ! Jennifer : Chad was here the other night , and he went in abigail s room and he found a black wig . Stefan : A gabby wig ? Jennifer : Yes . Chad : So you and abigail think that gabi -- like , what ? She s gaslighting ? Jj : Look , I do nt wanna think that , but abigail brought up some stuff that I could nt argue with . Chad : Like what ? Jj : Like gabi finally admitted that she was way more pissed off at abigail than she said she was . Chad : It makes sense . I mean , she did send her to prison . Jj : And she probably ca nt have kids because of the beating she got there , yeah . Chad : I thought gabi knew that abby was sick when she lied on the stand . Jj : Well , she said she did . But then they finally had it out and gabi admitted that , uh ... Chad : She lied about pretending ? Jj : Yeah , I guess so . Anyway , uh , they said how sorry they were and they made peace . But abigail thinks gabi did nt mean a word of what she said . Chad : Then why would she say it ? Jj : To get abigail to trust her . Chad : I mean , if gabi was gon na do something like that to make abby think she had D.I.D. Again , that d be ... it d be ridiculously cruel . Jj : Yeah , well , remember way back when you and melanie jonas were talking about getting married , and gabi hired that creep andrew to kidnap melanie ? Well , that was pretty cruel . But gabi did it . Abigail : I want to believe you , but I have known you for a long time , and I can tell when you are nt being straight with me . Gabi : This is -- this is stefan s fault . Okay , he s trying to convince you that I m not really your friend . Abigail : No . Mm - mm . Not him . Gabi : What are you talking about ? He s trying-- he s making sure that you do nt trust anybody but him , and you can not let that happen . Chad already told me that-- that you re upset at him and your mom . Abigail : I - I was , but I m -- Gabi : But you can not push me away too . I am your best friend . I would never do anything to hurt you . You have to believe me , okay ? Abigail : No . I do nt believe you . Not for A ... minute . Gabi : Mm . [ Scoffs ] You re catching on way faster than I thought you would . But it s not gon na make a difference . [ Groans ] Okay . Here . All right , it s time for a little field trip , gabby . Hope : Jumping in head first without thinking , that s what got me into trouble in the first place . I ca nt accuse ben based on a theory . We need proof . We need solid evidence . And we have to build this case twice as carefully . Everyone knows that I have a vested interest in getting ben because of ciara . Rafe : Yeah , that s what-- smart . Okay . Then what s our plan ? Hope : I wanna keep it close to my vest . Just between us . Rafe : Done . Hope : We let ben think that he has the upper hand , while we get what we need to nail him . And just when he thinks that he s gotten away with it ... pew ! We send him away forever . Ciara : I m sorry that I asked you to move out . I just ... thought it was for the best . Ben : No , I get it . Staying with you was only supposed to be temporary . Ciara : Where have you been sleeping ? Ben : I just went back to the homeless shelter . It s really not that bad . Ciara : If you need to borrow any more money , I-- Ben : No . No , I do not . You ve helped me more than enough . Trust me . When I get a job , I ll find a better place to live , but to be honest , the thing about the shelter , I wait about half as long to take a shower now as I did when I lived with you and claire . Ciara : [ Laughs ] Oh , my god . Claire is the one who takes forever . Ben : Mm . Yeah , it s her fault . Ciara : No , I mean-- I looked through the keyhole once , and she was singing into her hair dryer like it was a hand mic or something . She put on this whole concert . It was ridiculous . Ben : Well , I tell you what , you do nt sing , well , you may not sing , but it takes you an hour to dry your hair . Ciara : It does not . Ben : I timed it . Ciara : Okay . [ Laughs ] I guess it takes me longer than I thought to , uh , put on the natural looK. Ben : Oh , you do nt need it . I ve seen you first thing in the morning , and you are beautiful . Sorry . Ciara : No , we re cool . Thanks . Tripp : You ready ? Ciara : Yeah . Stefan : So she s got the wig ? The one that gabby wore . Jennifer : I suppose . Do not-- do not say a word to abigail about this-- Stefan : Does she know about it ? Jennifer : Chad showed it to her , she has no idea how it got in her room . Stefan : All right , so gabby s back , that proves it . Jennifer : What are you doing ? What are you doing ? Stefan : I m the only one that gabby trusts . Jennifer : No , but abigail-- Stefan : What are you doing ? Jennifer : I m not gon na let you pressure her right now . No . Stefan : I wouldnt-- I would nt do that . Jennifer : Oh , really ? All of a sudden , you re a man of honor ? You knew that abigail had this illness and you do nt tell her husband or her family so that you could have gabby all to yourself , right ? Stefan : I was trying-- Jennifer : What ? Stefan : I was trying to protect her . Jennifer : Protect her ? You had sex with her ! You do nt care about her . You care about yourself and your -- and your sick needs at my daughter s expense . My daughter may be sick again and look at you . You are thrilled about it ! You are --you are so sick ! You disgust me ! Gabi : Oh ! Abigail , I mean , you re really packing on the pregnancy pounds . All right . Listen , you should cut down on the carbs , okay . Trust me , it s not gon na hurt the baby . [ Sighs ] Yeah , I guess this is how gabby would dress pregnant . Hope this stuff still fits . ( Woman ) one year ago today mom started searching for her words . Ciara : I love the food at the café . Why did you say you thought I might be sick of it ? Tripp : Honestly , I was just trying to get away from ben . [ Chuckles ] Now I might end up working with the guy . Ciara : Come on . He needs the money . Tripp : Yeah , but there are-- there are plenty of other towns where they have plenty of other jobs that do nt know ben s record . Ciara : You re not gon na like what I m about to say . Tripp : No , but you re probably gon na say it anyway , are nt you ? Ciara : Mm - hmm . Can you just try and give him a chance ? Tripp : Why ? I mean , who in this town is going to be thrilled when ben walks up to take their order ? I mean , you do realize that we have to wear neck ties ... Ciara : Yeah . Tripp : On this job . Ciara : He s not that person anymore , tripp . Tripp : Mm - hmm . Ciara : I mean , the doctors let him out of his institution . They would nt have done that if they thought otherwise and marlena agrees . Tripp : Yeah , but there s a big gap between okay , you know , maybe the guy is different now and then wanting to hang out with the guy . Ciara : His dad used to beat him and his sister up when they were kids . Tripp : S - so ? Nothing s his fault ? Ciara : No , I m just-- I m just saying that he has a good heart . You know ? I mean , look at all the time and effort he put into fixing my dad s bike . Tripp : Yeah , well , he probably felt guilty trying to burn you alive . Ciara : He did nt do that . Would you please just not judge him based off of who he was ? He s a totally different person now . Even claire s come around . She sees that he s not so bad . Claire : I did nt know you had worked in a restaurant before . Ben : Yeah , back before doug s place-- it was called club tbd . Are you really gon na try to help me get a job here ? I mean , I know the whole thing was an excuse , but-- Claire : Yeah , but it s a very good excuse that can work in our favor . It ll give us a cover for hanging out while we work out how to break up tripp and ciara . Ben : Yeah , claire , you know , I ve actually thought a little bit more about that , and , uh , I m not gon na be any part of that . Claire : What ? Ben : No , I just did nt like the way you lied to her . You know , and then I had to back you up , and I really did nt like that -- it was the first time I ve ever lied to her since we met . Claire : No offense , ben , but you ve done a lot worse than lie to people . Ben : I was nt in my right mind back then , claire . She was the first person that I connected with when my head was on straight . I won her over . She s always gon na be special to me . We ve been honest , completely , from the very start , and what we have is just ... pure . Claire : Okay . You know , pure is fine . Pure is great , I guess , but , um , you know , tripp s the one she s having sex with . And it s gon na stay that way unless we do something about it . Ben : Yeah , you want to do something dishonest . Claire : Ben , like I told you before , and I really thought you understood me , they are wrong for each other . Okay ? And we re gon na help them figure that out . I belong with tripp , and you belong with ciara . Are you on board with me or not ? Stefan : Uh , I m not a monster . I ve always thought of gabby as the true essence of abigail . And I would never pressure her . It s bad for her and it s bad for the baby . And whether you like it or not , I am that child s father and I will be there for abigail if she needs me . Jennifer : No , you wo nt need to be because I m gon na be there for her and jj and her husband and we re gon na take care of all of her needs , and if you love her and that baby as much as you claim , you will leave her alone . Stefan : With all due respect , I will be there for my child . Jennifer : And I will be there for mine too . And you ve already hurt her enough , so I m just telling you , if you do anything to jeopardize her mental health , I promise you , you will regret it . Stefan : Understood . I do nt know how to convince you that I will never harm her . Jennifer : Take this . Take this ! Stefan : What-- Jennifer : And get out of my house . Get out of my house ! Get out of my daughter s life ! Get out ! Stefan : Okay . Okay . Chad : I would never forget what gabi did to melanie . But neither would gabi . And I thought she was over all of that . Jj : Well , my sister came back from what she did . Chad : I mean , everything kind of points to the contrary . Jj : Yeah , I know , but I think we at least owe it to abigail to keep our minds open to the idea that she might be right . Chad : But we would nt be sitting here , speculating , if she would just go see a doctor and she wo nt , so , I do nt know , maybe I m the one that has to ... you know , force her . Jj : Force her how ? Chad : I m just saying , I have -- I have a son to worry about too . I need to protect him as well . Jj : Yeah . Yeah , look , I get that , and I want her to see a doctor too , so does mom . We re gon na get to the bottom of this . Gabi : [ Sighs ] Welcome back , fake gabby . Let the games begin . Tripp : Well , I know at least ben does nt live here anymore . The guy snored like a truck driver . Ciara : I never heard him . Tripp : Yeah , well , maybe because your snoring drowned him out . Ciara : Me ? [ Laughs ] I do nt snore . Tripp : [ Chuckles ] Ciara : Oh ! [ Laughs ] Tripp : Okay . Okay . I can not believe you just did that . This is like my favorite shirt . Ciara : Hmm . I guess you re just gon na have to take it off , then . Tripp : Oh , okay . Well ... [ Sighs ] Better ? Ciara : Mm . Much . Tripp : Well , uh , you know , uh , see , um ... oh . Ciara : No ! Tripp : Oh , well , I guess you re just gon na have to take it off , then . Ciara : [ Chuckles ] I could . Tripp : Uh - huh . Ciara : I could do that . I could . Or I could do this . Tripp : Okay . Okay . All right . Ciara : No , no , no , no , no . You-- Tripp : Uh - huh . Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm . That s a good one . Ciara : It is so on . Tripp : That s a good one . Ciara : Oh , my god ! You got it in my eyes ! Stop ! Tripp : Okay , okay . Claire : Ben , this plan is nt gon na work if you keep going back and forth . Hope : Hi . Claire : Grandma hope , hi . Hope : Hi , honey . Claire : What are you guys doing here ? Hope : We d like a moment alone with ben . Claire : Okay , well , if you re gon na give him a hard time about sitting here with me-- Hope : No . It s not that . Actually , I ... I d like to apologize . I m gon na apologize to him . Jj : Hey , mom . Jennifer : Hey . Jj : You look upset . Jennifer : I am upset . Stefan was just here and he was asking me all these questions about abigail . Jj : And what , he thought he d get that from you ? Jennifer : Jj , he did ! He did get that from me because I -- because I made a deal with him that if I was honest with him and answered all of his questions , he would leave abigail alone . Jj : Mom , he lies for a living . Jennifer : I know that , jj ! But I told him . I told him about the wig and now he believes that his precious gabby is back . Jj : Listen , mom , I m sorry you had to deal with that creep . Jennifer : Abigail did nt have to deal with it because she s not here . Jj : You know where she went ? Jennifer : No . I tried calling her , it went straight to voicemail . Jj : I talked to her before you came home , she did nt mention any plans to go out . Jennifer : Oh , god , I hope she s all right . Abigail : Gabi ? Are you here ? Gabi : No one s here . Great . Ciara : Wait ! No , no , no , no ! Tripp : Yep , yep , yep , yep . Ciara : You win ! You win ! You win ! You win ! Stop ! Tripp : Well , you know , if i win , that means I should get some sort of prize , do nt you think ? Ciara : Yeah . [ Laughs ] You got this ketchup everywhere ! Claire : I m gon na go , uh , give this to fran . Ben : Thank you . So I m assuming you saying you want to apologize to me would get claire to leave , right ? Hope : No . I meant it . I want to apologize to you , ben , for arresting you on the basis of faulty evidence . It was obviously planted , as you had stated . And I am sorry . I -- I treated you unfairly . Ben : I just want to put the whole thing behind me . Hope : Thank you ... for being ... so gracious . Thank you . Ben : Likewise . Rafe : Right , we got ta get going . Hope : Bye . Ben : See you . Rafe : That was really cool how calm you stayed . I know that could nt have been easy . Hope : Worth it . Rafe : Yeah . Hope : Next time ... he s not gon na see me coming . Jj : You know , mom , I , uh-- I would nt worry . When I talked to abs , I said I think she should see another doctor until , you know , marlena can see her , and , uh , she said she d think about it . Jennifer : Really ? She did ? Jj : Yeah , yeah . You know what ? Maybe that s where she is right now , getting the help she needs . Jennifer : Okay . Jj : Yeah . Abigail : What the hell am I doing here ? Stefan : Gabby ? Gabi : Ugh ! Damn , that hurt ! Chad : Gab ? Hey . Hey , hey , hey , hey . Gabi ? Gabi ? Gabi ? Gabi : Ow . Chad : Hey . What happened ? What happened ? Gabi : Chad , abigail attacked me . Chad : Wh-- ### Summary:
JJ talked to Chad about what s going on with Abby . JJ thought Abby could be getting set up to look like her altars were back . Gabi drugged a cup of tea and struggled to hide the evidence when Abby showed up . Stefan went to see Jennifer about Abby . Jennifer wanted Stefan to leave Abby alone . Stefan wondered if Gabby was the one controlling everything . Ciara wanted to know why Claire and Ben shook hands . Hope thought Ben planted the evidence against himself . Rafe was surprised that Ben would frame himself . Hope explained her theory to Rafe . She thought Ben was trying to frame her . Hope was thankful that Rafe double - checked the evidence against Ben . Claire told Ciara that she was trying to get Ben a job . Chad wondered why JJ thought Abby was set up . JJ explained how Abby was set up . Chad did nt know who would set her up . JJ thought it could be Stefan or Gabi . Abby confronted Gabi about her suspicions . Gabi tried to deny the accusations . Abby drank the drugged tea while they were talking . Rafe wanted to get a confession from Ben , but Hope wanted to wait . Tripp and Ciara were surprised that Ben wanted to work at the café . Ben told them that he needed a job . Stefan wondered if Jennifer thought Abby s altars were back . Jennifer refused to answer him . Jennifer got mad at him because she thought that Stefan wanted her altars back . She finally admitted that Chad found a black wig . JJ told Chad about Gabi taking long to forgive Abby . Chad had trouble believing it so JJ reminded him how Gabi acted when he was with Melanie . Gabi tried to convince Abby that she was helping her , but she did nt believe her . Abby passed out so Gabi grabbed a wig . Hope wanted to get solid proof before she brought Ben in for questioning . She wanted to let Ben think he had the upper hand before they nailed him . Ciara apologized to Ben for throwing him out . Jennifer did nt want Stefan to say a word about what she told him . Jennifer yelled at Stefan for being happy that Abby was sick . Gabi took Abby to the DiMera mansion . She put the wig on Abby and changed her clothes . Ben decided that he did nt want to work with Claire anymore because he did nt like lying to Ciara . Claire threw up in Ben s face that Ciara was having sex with Tripp . She thought she belonged with Tripp and he belonged with Ciara . Stefan wanted to be there for Abby , but Jennifer wanted him to leave her alone . Stefan wanted to be there for his child . Jennifer threw him out of her house . Chad wanted Abby to get help . Rafe and Hope showed up just after Claire told Ben they had to work together . Hope wanted to apologize to Ben . JJ went hoe and Jennifer told him about her conversation with Stefan . Gabi went back to the Kiriakis mansion and ransacked the living room . She hit herself in the head with a tray . Hope apologized for arresting Ben . He wanted to put everything behind him . Abby wondered why she was at the mansion . Stefan saw her on the couch . Chad found Gabi on the floor and said Abby attacked her .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Cassie : Get away from him ! Holly : Where are Blake and Michelle ? Sebastian : They re coming . Are you nervous ? You re not afraid of flying , are you ? Holly : Right now I m more concerned about where we re going than how we re getting there . Sebastian : You already know where we re going , Holly . Think about it . What island is accessible from Miami by yacht ? Holly : Santa Domingo . Where Roger kidnapped me . Sebastian : He wanted the story to come full circle , Holly , and end there . Holly : I am such a fool to go along with this . Sebastian : No , no , it makes complete and perfect sense . You are doing this for your own peace of mind , for Roger , and admit it -- you re also doing it partly for me . Tony : Oh , Michelle . Michelle . Michelle . Michelle : Shut up . Just shut up . ( Knock at the door ) Limo driver : Ms. Santos ? Ms. Santos ? Oh . Oh . Sorry . I m here to drive you to the airport . Michelle : Oh . Limo driver : I ll wait down stairs . Michelle : Oh . Oh , what am I thinking ? What am I thinking ? Tony : ( Laughs ) I do nt know . That it s about time ? Michelle : I got to go , Tony . Tony : Michelle , Michelle , please , you do nt have to ... you do nt have to go and do anything . Just stay here . Michelle : I want to go . Okay , this ... this would have been ... look I just ended things with Danny , all right ? And it will be really easy for me to jump into things with you , but I ca nt . I ca nt do that , okay . It would be a mistake . Tony : I ... I do nt think so . Michelle : I ca nt ... I ca nt do this , Tony . Tony : Okay . All right . Michelle , what is it you hope to accomplish with this trip ? I do nt get it . Michelle : I do nt know . To get away . To have an adventure . Maybe get some of my memories back . Tony : Oh , yes , so much for acting on impulse and instincts , huh ? Michelle : Tony , it s my instincts that s telling me that I need to do this . I ve got to find out if there s something more . Tony : ( Laughs ) oh , yeah . More , right ? You mean you and Danny , huh ? Tammy : Wait . Just wait . I just always imagined candlelight . JB : Better light up enough of those so I can still see you . Tammy : You always say the perfect thing . JB : You inspire me . What are you doing standing all the way over there ? Come here . You look even more amazing in this light . Does it make you nervous , being at your uncle s place ? Tammy : No , I m not nervous . JB : ( Clears his throat ) hey , you re doing good , Tammy . Better than good . I want you now -- with the candles lit and you exactly like you are . Let s go to the bedroom . Tammy : Well , what s the rush ? We have all night . Nurse : No , you need to rest . Not talk . Sandy : Reva . Tell her ... tell her ... Nurse : Let the sedative do it s job . Sandy : Tammy . Nurse : I m sure your mother will be back in the morning . In the meantime , try to get some sleep . Sandy : Reva . Reva : You re home . Josh : Yeah , it s me , darling . You need to sit down right now , Reva . Reva : No , no , no , we have to go to the hospital , because Tammy called and Sandy s awake . Josh : Reva , Reva , you could see him tomorrow in the morning , okay . Reva : No . No , now . Now . We have to go now . Josh : No , you re not in shape to go anywhere right now . Reva : Everything s so crazy . I do nt know what to do . And I do nt know what to think . Josh : It s okay . It s all right . It s okay . I ll take care of it . I ll handle it . ( Phone rings ) Reva : I do nt think you can . I do nt think you can fix this . Josh : Just let it ... let the machine pick it up . Reva : No , no , no . Might be the hospital . Josh : Re ... Reva . Reva : Hello ? Hello ? JB : It s not that I m rushing . I just ... I do nt know . I waited a long time for this . Trust me , tonight s the night . Tony : Michelle , what is this , you know , your memory thing ? You making it about you and Danny again ? I mean , what ? Michelle : Look , Tony , when you and I are together , I know that we have a spark , okay ? But I ca nt be with you any more than I can be with Danny right now . Tony : Michelle , Danny and I are not the same . Michelle : I know that . Tony : We re not . Michelle : I know that . But there s something missing from me . And I m not going to find it by staying around with you or letting Danny fix me . When I woke from the coma , Tony , my whole life has been about just finding myself and figuring out who I am . But somewhere along the line , you know , it became about me and Danny and then me and you . And now you and Danny turning against each other . Tony : No , no , no . Michelle , you did nt do that , okay . Michelle : Tony , look , I m walking away from this , okay , and I m going to look for something else . And I do nt know if I m going to find it . But I know that I have to go . Tony : What are you looking for ? You know what ? Fine . I ca nt stop you , and I wo nt . Michelle : No ? Tony : No , I wo nt . Because you know what ? You seem like you re pretty clear on what you want . So I ll tell you what . You go for it . Michelle : Thanks . Holly : I know what you re thinking . You think there s something in your eyes , something in your voice that reminds me of him . If that was true , I would run in the opposite direction . Sebastian : Why do you always do that ? Holly : Do what ? Sebastian : Cut Roger down every chance you get . You know , it s almost like you only allow yourself to focus on his negative aspects . Holly : ( Laughs ) as opposed to what ? Sebastian : His positive . You know what I think . I think you re afraid to acknowledge the good parts of him , because then you would have to really deal with how much it hurts to lose him . Holly : I have spent plenty of time recalling every facet of that man . So you spare me your thumbnail psychoanalysis . Sebastian : No , no , I can see it . I can see it so clearly . There is a desire in you . Holly : And what is that desire , doctor ? Sebastian : The desire to speak to my father one last time , to make one final statement , to put closure on this relationship . This long personal involved relationship . So go ahead . Use me . Holly : Use you ? Sebastian : Yeah , use me . I m Roger . Say whatever it is you need to say to him . Come on . It could do us good . Both of us . Cassie : What the hell do you think you re doing ? Dinah : You do nt know ? I feel sorry for Edmund . Cassie : Shut up , Dinah . Jeffrey : Ladies , please . Cassie : I ca nt believe this . I ca nt believe you . Jeffrey : Mrs. Winslow , actually you just barged into something completely consensual . I do nt understand what the problem is . Dinah : Yeah , I do nt see how we re causing any trouble . Cassie : The trouble is you re doing the same old thing . You re trying to worm your way back into my life , Dinah . Dinah : I m sorry . How does this kiss have anything to do with your life ? Cassie : Because you know Jeffrey and I are friends . So you ... Jeffrey : Actually I kissed her . Cassie : Well , do you have some kind of a death wish or something ? She s insane , Jeffrey . She s a murderer . You have to stay away from her . She s dangerous . Jeffrey : She might , you know , have a bit of an edge , but ... Cassie : A bit of an edge ? ! Jeffrey : Look , I appreciate your concern , okay ? But I think I can handle this . Now if you will excuse me ? Cassie : No , we re not finished here . Dinah : Hello , Edmund . Edmund : So , I see you and Jeffrey ONeill are picking up where you left off . Dinah : Wow , I am so surprised how many people caught that kiss . But it was even more surprising to see how upset it made Cassie . Edmund : Please , Dinah . You ca nt be all that surprised by it . Dinah : I guess . I do nt think Cassie wants to see me very happy . I mean why else would she flip out like that just because I was kissing Jeffrey ONeill ? Tammy : Um ... maybe we should order some room service -- have some food for later ? JB : ( Sighs ) there may not be a later . Look , Tammy , if this is nt what you want ... Tammy : No . Oh , no , I want it . I do . I just want it slower . What are you doing ? JB : Look , I m not going to pressure you . Okay , you only get one first time . And I want yours to be so special that you ll remember it for the rest of your life . So ... I mean , you re not ready . It s obvious . So , I m going to ... I m going to take off . Tammy : No ! Do nt go . Sandy : Leave her alone . JB : Why ? She s my girl . See . Tammy : Sandy , what s wrong ? JB : ( Laughing ) ( busy signal ) Reva : Has he said anything ? Josh : Yeah , thank you . Thank you very much . I appreciate the information . That was the nurse on duty . She said that Sandy has gone back to sleep . So there s no reason for us to go over there right now . Reva : No . But if he wakes up , I want to be there . Josh : Reva , he s going to be fine . And that s because of you . You saved his life . Reva : There s more to this than you could possible imagine . Josh : Why ? Reva , look there s nothing in the world you ca nt tell me . You know that . So come on now , talk to me . Reva : Sandy ... Josh : What ? Reva : He s ... Sandy s not my son . He s not Jonathan . Tony : You got it all taken care of , okay . What else ? Michelle : I do nt know . I said good - bye to Robbie . I turned the stove off . I ... take care of yourself . Tony : Do nt worry about me . Have fun on your trip and I hope you find what you re looking for . Michelle : Hey . Tony : Be safe . Edmund : Cassie does nt know about your history with Jeffrey ONeill . All she sees is you still in town involving yourself with the people she s involved with . Dinah : You mean involved acquainted with , not involved involved ? Edmund : Which do you like more ? Getting under Cassie s skin or getting under mine ? Dinah : Look , this is not going to be too hard to work out . Cassie has a man like you who loves her and is very committed to her . And I have -- well , whatever is going on between Jeffrey and me . Edmund : What exactly is going on between you and Jeffrey ? Dinah : I m not sure . But let s just say it s probably still a lab experiment . The point is that Cassie and I both have men that we desire . And that s enough . What else would a woman ask for ? Cassie : I am not going to stand by and watch Dinah get her hooks into you . Jeffrey : You know what ? You do nt really have much to say in the matter , Mrs. Winslow , you know . You got your own problems , do nt you ? You got your hotel , you got your family , you got Edmund . I suggest you worry about that . Cassie : How could you even consider getting involved with her after everything she s done to me ? I mean , I thought that you ... Jeffrey : That I what ? That I cared about you ? Cassie : Forget it . Forget it . You know , it s none of my business . It s your life . If you want to run it , ruin it . Let s go . Let s just go to Reva s , okay ? Edmund : How are you doing ? Cassie : Fine . Fine . Great . I have an extra shirt up in your suite . I m going to go get it . Josh : Maybe the blood test was wrong . Reva : They ran it three separate times with the same result . Sandy is nt my son . Josh : My God . Reva : I was so shocked . Sandy was nt . Josh : What ? Wait a minute . Are you telling me that he knew about this all along ? Reva : I think so . ( Crying ) Josh : You know , I knew there was something off with that kid from the very beginning . I chalked it up to the way he was raised . You have an abusive father , you re going to shut down . Reva : Yeah , well , I wanted him to feel safe , you know , to trust us . Josh : So did I , Reva . And we tried the ... if we keep working at it hard enough eventually he ll open up strategy . Reva : No . Please do nt be bitter . Josh : You risked your life for him . That operation could have gone wrong for you , Reva . And after what ? After everything we done for him . Bending over backwards to make him feel like he s a part of this family . What was he after do you think ? Money ? And inside track to the good life ? Was that it ? Reva : I do nt know . That s why we have to talk to him . Josh : I do want to talk to him . You want to be there when he opens his eyes ? So do I. Let s go . Come on . Reva : Maybe we can find some answers . Josh : Maybe so . I do nt really care about answers though . Because I m just basically going to tear his head off . Tammy : This is all so new to me . Please do nt give up on me . It would kill me if you left . JB : If you re not ready , you re not ready . Tammy : I am ready . I am . I keep telling you that . I want to be with you . JB : Why ? What about me makes me so great ? Tammy : I like the way you make me feel . JB : I make you feel nervous . Tammy : No . Well , maybe a little but ... only because I like you so much . I like the way you talk to me . The way you look at me . And especially the way you touch me . Yeah , like that . Holly : Where s Michelle ? Sebastian : I ca nt think about them now , okay ! I can not put off this trip . It has to happen now ! Holly : Roger was not a happy man . He was not a good man . He was a monster in more ways than I can count . Look , I know , you think you want to know the truth about him , but think again . You have no idea what you re getting into . Sebastian : I spent months with him , Holly . Holly : Months . Sebastian : Yeah . Holly : You spent months hearing everything from his point of view . And he could be very persuasive . No one knows that better than I. But sooner or later , everyone who came into contact with him was hurt . And anyone who got to close to his heart such as it was just ... it was a crushing burden . It left me just gasping for air . Sebastian : Well , maybe that burden was better than having nothing at all . Holly : I doubt it . Roger demanded everything from every part of you . You body , your mind , your ... your very soul . And anything less than complete devotion he regarded as betrayal , punishable by banishment or death , according to your offense . Sebastian : But you loved him , did nt you ? Holly : I was in his thrall . Let s put it that way . Sebastian : You know what I think ? I think that it could nt have all been bad , otherwise you and your bags , you would nt be here . Let s put it that way . ( Phone rings ) Holly : Hello ? Ross , where is Blake ? We re waiting for her . What do you mean she s not coming ? She ca nt get away ? Sebastian : Okay , we re all set to board as soon as Chrissy and Michelle get here . Holly : Forget it . The trip s off . Reva : Wait , wait . Please wait . Josh : You know , I was just thinking to myself . It s actually a good thing that s he s still here in the hospital , because when I m done with him , he may require more medical attention . Reva : Can you just hold on ? Josh : Yeah . You know , you wanted to be here . You wanted to talk to him , we re here . Reva : He saved Tammy s life . Let s just give him a chance to speak , okay , before we jump to conclusions and make any decisions ? Josh : Honey , he took this family for a ride . He sat with us at our dinner table in our home with that smug smile on his face ... Reva : Enough . Enough , enough . Josh : Sizing us up . Reva : Stop . Stop it ! Josh : Thinking of us as marks , Reva . Reva : Please stop . I know you re upset . I m upset too , but you have to let me handle this . Josh : Reva , you ... Reva : I m going to go in there . I m going to go in myself . Josh : Absolutely not . Reva : No , Joshua , please . Please . I have so many questions . So may things in my head since I found out that he s not Jonathan . He s not my son . You have to let me handle this . Josh : Go . Tammy : What are you doing here ? Dinah : No , no , Tammy ... Tammy ... look . No , I would nt hurt you . Tammy : What do you want ? Dinah : Uncle Edmund , he ... I m Dinah . Hi . JB : Who s that ? Tammy : No one you need to worry about . What , are you stalking me or something ? Dinah : No . No , I m not . It s a long story . But Edmund allowed me to crash here the other night and I forgot something of mine . Do you mind if I just get it ? That s all . Tammy : Get it and get out . What are you going to do ? Blab to the world about Cassie s daughter ? Dinah : Relax . I m not going to rat you out . I know what it s like to be young and in love ... or whatever . JB : Much obliged . Dinah : Okay . Thank you . Cassie : Wow , this is perfect . Why am I not surprised that you re hanging around Edmund s suite again , huh ? Dinah : I was just leaving . Cassie : No , no , no . Not until we get a few things straight , Dinah . Dinah : All right , you know what ? If that s what s going on here , you need to know something right off the bat . Sebastian : Whether my sister can come or not , we are going to Santo Domingo . I need to find what my father left there . And so do you . Holly : You know , maybe we can just wait until Blake can travel . And where s Michelle ? Sebastian : I ca nt think about them now , okay ? ! I can not get out off this trip . It has to happen now ! Cassie : You know your sweet Tammy ... do nt so much as breathe my daughter s name . Do nt say a word . Shut up and listen . Dinah : Fine . Cassie : What are you doing sniffing around outside Edmond s suite . Dinah : I forgot something here the other night when I stayed . That s all . I was coming to pick it up . Cassie : Really ? What else did you take when were you in there . Dinah : Nothing . Cassie : Well , let s find out . Dinah : You know , you do nt want me to get too close to Edmund . You do nt want me to get too close to Jeffrey . What is it you want ? Tammy : I ca nt believe this . My mom is out there . Cassie : You are jealous of me and Jeffrey . That is completely sick . You need to speak someone , get some professional help . Tammy : They re gone . Dinah really did nt tell my mom that we were in here . JB : Where were we ? Can you refresh my memory ? Tammy : Um , we ca nt stay here . What if my mother comes back ? Jeffrey : Josh . When did you get back ? Josh : A couple of hours ago . Jeffrey : Well , that s good timing , because Reva needs you . Josh : Oh , I see . You know about what s happened then . Jeffrey : Oh , yeah . Reva asked me to investigate Jonathan s disappearance . Josh : Well , actually I m more interested in the non - Jonathan at the moment . Jeffrey : Yeah , well , I ca nt say I blame you . Especially if the reports that I ve been getting should make matters from bad to worse . Josh : What ? Jeffrey : Yeah . I just do nt want to have to pull Reva aside and confirm to her that Sandy might have killed the real Jonathan . Reva : See . I told you he s not here ! Where is he ? Sandy ? Oh , Sandy . Sandy . Reva : Come on . What are you doing ? Sandy : Tammy . Tammy , Tammy ... Reva : You re not suppose to be on your feet . Get back into bed . Nurse : This is the second time I ve caught him trying to leave . Reva : Shhh . Just lie still . Lie still . Can I have a minute alone with him , please ? Nurse : Sure . Reva : Shhh . What ? Sandy : Not Jonathan . ( Coughs ) Reva : I know . I know you re not . Is that why you were trying to leave ? Sandy : Tam ... Tam ... Tammy . Reva : Tammy . Tammy , what ? What ? Sandy : Tammy ... trouble . Reva : Tammy ? I do nt understand . I do nt understand . Easy , honey . Sandy : Trouble . Reva : Easy . Easy . Easy . Holly : What s our flying time to Miami ? Sebastian : You are not going to regret this . This is going to be an unforgettable trip . Okay , time to board , ladies . Yeah , we re about ready to depart . Is the boat ready ? You re sure ? After all the work I put into this , nothing can go wrong . Do you understand ? Nothing . Tony : What kind of work are you talking about , pal ? Airport employee : Excuse me , sir , only private planes leave from this gate . Tony : Yeah . No . You know I ... I knew that . You see the thing is my problem I do nt know exactly what airline flies direct to , you know , Miami . You think you could help me out ? Huh ? Cassie : Dinah , I want you to back off . I want you to stay away from Edmund , Jeffrey , and all the people I care about . Dinah : So you do care about Jeffrey ? Cassie : He s my friend . Dinah : And you want a little more , is that it ? Cassie : Stay away . Do you understand ? Dinah : You know , Cassie , I would like to , but you re the one who followed me down here . Look , I know that I did terrible things to you and your family and I have admitted that . But I am trying to move on with my life and that s kind of hard to do with you shadowing me the way you do . Cassie : I shadow you ? Dinah : Yes . And you rub all of my old mistakes in my face every chance you get . I would like to get passed this . I think that we should try to get over the resentment and the bitterness . It s not healthy to hang on to for either one of us . Think about it . Cassie : She s unbelievable . Edmund : Actually , she makes a certain amount of sense . Cassie : What ? Edmund : Cassie , what would be the ideal way to resolve this situation ? Cassie : For Dinah to leave town . Edmund : Agreed . But she s not going to do that . So the next best thing for us to approximate her leaving town . Cassie : What does that mean ? Edmund : Steer clear of Dinah and let her steer clear of you . Cassie : She wo nt , though . Edmund : Give her the chance . Cassie : I have given her chances , Edmund . And I have been haunted by every single one of them . Edmund : Okay , Cassie , either your spare blouse has the identical stain on it or you did nt make it to the suite . Cassie : I do nt care . Let s just go to Reva s . Come on . Edmund : Okay , but it ll be a wasted trip . Josh and Reva are at the hospital . Cassie : Josh is back ? Thank God . That s great . Maybe he can handle the whole Sandy situation . Lord knows Jeffrey s going to be busy sticking his tongue down Dinah s throat . Edmund : Yes and I do nt see how that s any concern of yours . Cassie : Okay , do you have to be so naive ? Dinah is trying to do everything she can to get to me , Edmund . Edmund : And I think she is succeeding . Will you please explain to me , why Jeffrey seeing Dinah affects you ? Cassie : Okay . Because ... number one , not that you re happy with it , but Jeffrey is around me all the time . Because number two , he lives at my hotel . And number three , we have a history . Edmund : So ? Cassie : So ? Dinah wants to be a part of that , okay . She wants to leech onto and I m not going to let her . And that is why it s my business , okay . Dinah : Cassie , you have put me way ahead of schedule . So , on to phase two . JB : You can bring some of those candles in the bedroom if you want . Tammy : I m sorry . It s just too weird staying here knowing that my mom could come back at any second . JB : Call her . Tammy : Huh ? JB : Call her . Find out where she is . Maybe you re worrying for no reason . Tammy : Okay . ( Phone rings ) Cassie : Hello ? Tammy : Hi , Mom . Where are you ? Cassie : Hey , sweetie . I m at Towers . We re heading out . We re getting ready to go to the farm . Tammy : Great . Bye . Cassie : Wait . Where are you ? Tammy : I m just hanging out with Kyra . Cassie : Everything okay ? Tammy : Everything s great . Bye . You re a genius . And we can stay . Josh : Sandy killed Jonathan . Jeffrey : Well , it s just speculation at this point . Josh : Tell me everything you know about this from the beginning . Reva : Okay , start again . Tammy ? Sandy : In trouble . With ... Reva : Tammy s in trouble . I wish I understood what you re trying to say . What ? Computer . The computer . That s great . You could type what you re trying to say , what you re trying to tell me . Here . Reva : That s Tammy s new boyfriend . Sandy : Jonathan . Reva : No , no , his name is JB Sandy : Jonathan . Reva : Oh , my God . This is ... this is Jonathan ? My ... ? He s with Tammy . He s with Tammy . But why would he do that ? Why would he want to be with Tammy ? I do nt understand . Does he know she s his cousin . Sandy : He knows . Reva : Well , why would he do that ? Sandy : To hurt you . Reva : We have to find them . Do you have any idea where they are ? Sandy : Not sure . Reva : Josh is outside . I ll get him and we ll find them . Joshua ? ! ( Crashing sound ) Tammy : Wait one second . There . Now no one can stop us . Reva : Sandy . Oh , my God . Are you okay ? Sandy : I m coming with you . Reva : No . No , you re not . Sandy : Yes . Reva : No , you re getting back in that bed . Reva : All right . All right . Okay . Do you have clothes here ? Easy . Gus : Ruth , what s going on in there ? Open this door . JB : Good girl . Tammy : Not tonight . Tonight I m through being a good girl . ### Summary:
Cassie goes off on Dinah and Jeffrey when she catches them kissing . She later catches Dinah coming out of Edmund s suite again and continues to harass her . Edmund tells Cassie that she should just let the past go . Dinah overhears and comments to herself that it is time to go to ‘phase two . J.B. continues to pressure Tammy into sleeping with him . After several attempted delay s Tammy tells him that she is ready and they start to make love . Sebastian , Michelle and Holly leave for Santa Domingo . Reva tells Josh the whole truth about Sandy and the two of them go to the hospital to be there when Sandy wakes up . Meanwhile , Sandy desperately tries to get a hold of Reva to tell her that Tammy is in trouble . When Reva finally comes to see Sandy , with the help of his laptop he makes her understand that J.B. is her son Jonathan and that he is with Tammy to hurt her . Reva starts to leave to look for Tammy , but Sandy insists on going with her .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Murphy : It s gon na be a hell of a day . Jill : Yeah , especially when you tell me exactly what we re doing here , Murphy . Cane : Okay , what do you mean ? Lily : Yeah , I thought we were here to mark the anniversary of her passing . Jill : Well , according to Murphy , Katherine has some instructions from the great beyond , and she intends to deliver them herself . Murphy : Wonderful seeing you two again . Lily : You , too . Cane : You , too , Murph . Kevin : Maybe you guys can get some information out of Murphy , because he will not say a word to us . Murphy : My lips are sealed . Billy : Hey . I just got your text , and I broke several of our fine city s traffic laws trying to get here as fast as I could . Victoria : Thank you . Billy : [ Sighs ] So , is everything okay ? Victoria : No , um , yeah , everything s fine . The baby s fine . It s about Johnny . Today is his preschool orientation , and I have to be there . I promised him . Billy : Well , you -- you ca nt just walk out of here . I mean , your health s got to come first -- yours and the baby s . Victoria : I know , but that s just it . We ve been given the all clear . Dr. Chiverton signed the release , and I m just waiting for the paperwork , but I m a prisoner of bureaucracy at our son s expense . [ Sighs ] Billy : Not if we stage a prison break . Nikki : [ Inhales deeply ] [ Exhales deeply ] [ Sighs ] Jill : Thank you so much for coming , Victor . Victor : Anything for Katherine . Jill : Agreed . That s why I ve decided that you and I are calling a truce for today . Ah , but after that , may the best woman win . Victor : Okay . Jill : And speaking of women , where is Nikki ? Victor : She should be any minute . Nina : Is this a private gathering , or can anyone join in ? Paul : Hey ! Hi ! Nina : [ Chuckles ] Paul : How are you ? Nina : I m well , thank you . How are you ? Paul : Fine . How s L.A. ? Nina : God , never mind that . How are you ? I heard about the shooting . Paul : Oh , it s gon na take more than a bullet to take me out . Nina : [ Chuckles ] Esther : Nina . Nina : Oh ! Esther : Welcome back . Nina : Hello , Esther . Thank you . It s good to be here . Esther : Good to see you . Nina : Hey . Jill : Where s chance ? Nina : Oh , unfortunately , he could not make it , but he wanted us to know that he is going to follow Katherine s instructions and do something today that would make her proud . Devon : Afternoon , everyone . Nina : Hi , Devon ! Neil ! Hi . How are you ? Hi . I do nt think we ve met . Hilary : Um , I m Hilary . Nina : I m Nina . Nice to meet you . Jill : Hilary is Neil s bride . Nina : Oh , congratulations . Hilary : Thank you . Jill : I have nt had a chance to offer you my good wishes since your quickie wedding . Hilary got him to the altar so fast that it made my head spin . Nina : [ Chuckles ] Neil : Why do nt you stop insulting me and my wife , Jill ? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black . Does it make you feel good ? Jill : If you re gon na insult me , you better take your sunglasses off and look me in the eye . Neil : I ca nt look you in the eye . Jill : Why , Neil ? You ve never been bashful . Lily : Jill -- Neil : No , lily . It s okay . I ca nt look you in the eye ... because I ca nt see . Victoria : Uh , excuse me -- uh , I think you have the wrong room . Billy : I thought you wanted to make a break for it . Victoria : [ Chuckling ] Billy . Billy : No , no . I am your orderly ... Victoria : What are you ... Billy : ... Clifford fefferman . And you are my patient , Eunice neidermeyer . Victoria : This is a little crazy . Billy : We are going down to x - ray to get you a brain scan , and that s our cover in case anyone asks . Victoria : Okay . Well , what s wrong with my , um , brain ? Billy : Where to begin ? Victoria : [ Chuckles ] Billy : Where to begin ? Victoria : Okay , just -- what is this ? Billy : Take that . It s gon na cover up the baby . Victoria : Okay . Uh , sure . Okay . Billy : You can thank me when we re out of here clear . Victoria : Thank you . [ Chuckles ] I was gon na thank you . Billy : All right . Victoria : I was gon na thank ... Billy : Coast is clear . It s time to move out , Eunice . Victoria : Eunice is the worst name ever . Billy : It suits you . Neil : And then the lights started flickering , and I went over to the electrical box , which I should nt . I grabbed the two loose wires , and I put them together , and the next thing I know , I wake up in the hospital , and everything s completely dark . Lauren : Oh , Neil . Esther : You poor thing . Michael : I m so sorry . Neil : No , stop it . Stop ! Stop it , all of you ! Okay ? There s nothing to be sorry about . I - I m -- this is just temporary . Lily : Of course it is , dad . Jack : And we ll all do everything we can to help you . Hilary : Yes , we will . Victor : Neil . I ll fly in the best doctors , okay ? Whatever you need , you call me . Neil : Thank you , Victor . That means a lot . What I really need is for all of you to stop treating me like a child -- like I m a victim -- because I m not . I m not blind . I just ca nt see right now . Neil : This is Katherine s day , and let s just keep it about her , all right ? Colin : You heard what the man said . Jill : Murphy , the stage is yours . Victor : Whoa , whoa . Nikki is not here yet . Just wait a minute . Nikki : Oh , yes , she is . Victor : There she is . Hi , my sweet . Nikki : Hi , darling . Victor : So ... Nikki : Okay , let s do this ... for Katherine , of course . Murphy : It s so good to see so many of Katherine s loved ones here . I know how much it would mean to her , but instead of me telling you , I ll let her tell you herself . I m sure you re all marveling at the forethought it took for me to write all these letters . There are those of you who will think it s my desperate attempt to cling to life just a little bit longer , while others will call it nothing more than a grandiose , a self - important dog and pony show . Yes , Jill , I m talking about you . Murphy : But I believe I ve taken pen to so many papers because I do nt want to leave you all . So I m going to ask you to humor the dead woman . Quite frankly , I leave you no choice . I want you to carry out a little ritual . It s inspired by a ceremony I participated in on my bucket - list trip with my dear ... sweet ... [ Voice breaking ] Husband , Murphy . Michael : Hey . Want me to do it ? Murphy : Yeah . Michael : Okay . Got it . Many of you used to come to me for advice or support and even a good , swift kick in the rump . No doubt you re all missing my unvarnished brilliance now . Well , you re in luck . I m going to give you another chance to confide in me . It s your turn to write a letter . Put down all your thoughts , your hopes , dreams , troubles , whatever s on your mind . Afterward , place the letters in the bowl I provided and light them on fire . The smoke will then deliver your words to me . Jill : God , this is why we re gathered here together ? To play pen pals with a ghost ? Michael : For you cynics in attendance , I d like you to participate anyway . Just the act of writing down your feelings may help you clarify them and maybe even manage them . Or perhaps you ll envision me listening closely , raising an eyebrow , drumming my fingernails on the side of my cheek , and then telling you exactly what needs to be done . Jill : [ Chuckles ] Michael : Either way , I trust you ll find the answer you re looking for . Jill : That ll be the day . Michael : Now start scribbling , everybody , and remember I love you all . Murphy : [ Murmuring ] Kevin : Yeah . Yeah . Murphy : That was ... Kevin : We love you , too , Mrs. C. , So let s get to work . Murphy : Thank you . Colin : So now she s giving us a homework assignment . Devon : My grandmother always knew how to surprise . Esther : This is gon na be so much fun . Jill : Oh , settle down , Esther . Paul : Dear Katherine , there have been a lot of changes in the last year . Chris and I just celebrated our first anniversary , thanks to you . And at the same time , you sent Nikki on a journey that would change her life . Well , it -- it changed mine , too . You helped bring our son back to us , and I can never thank you enough . Nikki : Things are good . The kids -- all of them -- are doing well . Victor and I are talking about a vacation . Those are all lies , Katherine . I ve been drinking again . If only you were here . You would ... Lauren : Katherine , I did something really stupid last year , and I put my marriage at risk . But , you know , Michael and I were able to put things back together better than ever . But now things just do nt seem right , and I do nt know why . Michael : Lauren and I could nt be happier . But , um , I m sure you already know that . I can feel you smiling down on us . Colin : Go ahead . Snarl if you want to . As if you did nt dislike me enough before , now I ve gone behind Jill and Lauren s backs and dragged their new boutique into a money - laundering scheme . Not that I had any choice . It s the only way to keep Jill and my family safe , and I d do anything to protect them . I love them that much . Esther : You know , Mrs. C. , I put up with Jill for your sake , and I try to keep the house as beautiful as the day you left it , but without you -- I m sorry -- it s just not the same . Murphy : My dear Katherine , I ve done like you asked , sweetheart . I m living my life to the fullest -- bowling , fishing . I ve even taken up ballroom dancing . And one of these days , I m gon na take you in my arms and trip the light fantastic . Nina : Thanks to that letter you left me , I was able to get over Paul . And my writer s block is gone , too . The main character in my new book is a feisty titan of industry with a heart worth more than all her billions . Sound familiar ? Lily : You gave me my incredible wedding in France to cane and helped me in so many other ways . Now it s my dad who needs help . Cane : Hilary s playing the dutiful wife and Devon the dutiful son , but how long can that last ? Devon : I know dad needs her . I m not sure he can get through this without her . I m not sure I can , either . She s all I think about , and she s all I want . I have to believe there s a way we can still be together . Hilary : Would you like to dictate that to me ? Neil : Hold on one second . You know , I think I got this . I can write in my sleep . If you do me a favor , I want you to read it back . Hilary : Yeah . Neil : Okay ? Hilary : Okay . Neil : Okay . It s done . [ Sighs ] Hilary : Dearest Katherine , I miss you very much . You must meet a lot of angels up there in heaven , but I ve got one of my very own right here . Lily : Why are you doing that ? Neil : What happened ? Lily : He just ripped up his paper . Neil : I d like to know the reason for that , too , son . Devon : I did nt like what I wrote , so I m gon na write a new letter . You guys can go back to writing yours . Victoria : Did you see Johnny s face when I walked in ? Billy : All I saw was this flash come running up to hug you . Victoria : He thinks you re cool , too . Billy : Yeah , second place . I ll take it . Victoria : Well , I m just really glad that he made a new friend . Billy : Yeah , they re probably in Colton s backyard right now , digging up earthworms as we speak . Victoria : Before you know it , they ll be graduating high school . Billy : Got to enjoy every second of it . Victoria : Yeah . Ca nt believe it s been a whole year since Katherine passed away . I m sorry I m missing her remembrance today . Billy : Me , too , but , hey , you know she d understand . And you re still tired from the orientation , so ... Victoria : You could still go . Billy : I could , but I want to be here for you and the baby ... if that s okay with you . Victoria : Uh ... yeah . It s okay , as long as you make me something to eat . I m starving . Billy : All right . What do you want ? Victoria : Uh , surprise me . I ll be right back . Billy : Sounds like a plan . Abby : Hey . What s up ? Billy : Hey , I need to ask a favor -- one I never thought I d be asking for . Kevin : When you willed me this key last year , there was only one door I wanted to unlock . It took me awhile , but I finally opened my mind to other possibilities , let my imagination run wild , and , to be honest , it s taken me to some pretty scary places . Jack : I trust you and dad are having a grand old time up there , Katherine . As for what s going on down here , I finally said goodbye to Phyllis . I just pray she s at peace . Victor : I ll spare you the details of my current project involving Phyllis . You most certainly would not approve . I know that . I just wanted to say that I miss you , Katherine . I really do . I think of you every day . Murphy : Finished ? Jack : The rest is up to Katherine . Murphy : Thank you . Jill : Here you go , Murphy . Murphy : You did nt write anything . Jill : I have nothing to say to Katherine , since , obviously , Katherine has nothing to say to me about this music box . So , put that in your bowl and smoke it , huh ? Murphy : Thank you , Victor . Oh . Hilary : Okay , almost there . Neil : Okay . Hilary : Okay , here it is . Just put it in . Neil : Okay . Murphy : Oh , no , no , no . It s okay . No problem . Kevin : Here , here , here . Murphy : Got it ? Jack : We got it , Neil . Not to worry . Kevin : Thanks . Murphy : All right , thanks . Murphy : Thank you . Jack : Oh , only for you , Katherine . Yeah . Murphy , I got one more . Murphy : Thank you , Jack . Oh , are we ready to do this ? All : Yes ! Murphy : [ Clears throat ] Nikki . Nikki : Yes ? Murphy : As Katherine s closest friend , it s only right that you do the honors . Victor : Go ahead , sweetheart . Go ahead . Jill : It s only right that you do the honors ? See ? Always second place . It s the story of my life . Colin : Not anymore . Nikki : [ Exhales shakily ] Murphy : All right , in closing , Katherine had this to say . My dear friends and family , thank you for trusting me once again with your innermost desires and fears . For those of you who are content and at peace , I celebrate with you . For the rest , I know this little ceremony is nt the solution to your problems . Some challenges are too great , even for me to solve . And human nature is prone to giving in to deceptions and secrets . Even our best intentions can end up complicating things . It s not always easy to take one day at a time . But life must be lived and lived to the fullest . That s my wish for all of you . Until next year , my loved ones , take care . Katherine . Victor : This is Victor Newman . Dr. Cutler : Thank you for getting back to me so soon . I wanted to let you know that I m here at the facility , and I ve just examined Phyllis . Victor : So , what s the prognosis ? Do you think you can bring her out of her coma ? Victoria : Mmm . That was perfect . Is nt it interesting how you do nt realize that you re craving something until you get a taste of it again ? Billy : [ Sighs ] Yeah , you -- you always did love my PB & j ; sandwiches . Victoria : [ Chuckles ] Yeah , I did . So does Johnny . You know , he asked me if you d make him one on his first day of school . Billy : That is gon na be something , huh ? Watching him walk into that classroom ? Victoria : I hope he s all right . I mean , I hope he ll be okay when we leave him there . Billy : Johnny s a champ . It ll be me who s bawling my eyes out . Victoria : [ Chuckles ] It was harder than I thought it would be today -- walking into the classroom and seeing those little chairs and that little -- that pink toy tea set . Billy : Yeah . Yeah , you remember the , uh -- the me that Delia pretended to serve us from it on parents day ? Victoria : Yeah . She was wearing that big pink feather boa . It was too big for her . Billy : Yeah . Victoria : I m sorry . I did nt mean to make you sad . Billy : No . Those are great memories . But I got to make some new ones today , like when Johnny was telling his teacher how he was born on the planet krypton . [ Chuckles ] Victoria : Yeah . Um , I m gon na put these in the dishwasher . Billy : Let me -- let me get them for you . You should get some sleep . Victoria : That s not gon na happen . I mean , Hannah s gon na be home with Johnny soon , so ... Billy : I could stay if you want me to . Esther : That was a beautiful ceremony . Lauren : Mm - hmm . It was . I know Katherine approves . Do nt you , Jill ? Cane : Maybe she s apologizing for not writing a letter . Nina : It ll be the first time since I ve known Jill that she s been at a loss for words . Murphy : Ladies and gents ... [ Up - tempo music plays ] Katherine specifically wanted a party , not a wake , so let s have a party . Esther : [ Chuckles ] Murphy : Esther , would you trip the light fantastic with an old codger ? Esther : [ Chuckling ] Oh , you do nt have to ask me twice . Michael : May I ? Lauren : I would love to . [ Chuckles ] Cane : Come on , baby . Let s show them how it s done . Lily : [ Chuckles ] Neil : Oh , right over there ? Hilary : Do you want to give it a try ? Neil : What ? What are you talking about ? Out there on the dance floor ? No , no , no , no . I ve stumbled enough for one day , but there s no reason that you should sit this one out . Hilary : It s okay . Neil : No , it is nt okay . Where s Devon ? Devon ! Devon ! Devon : Yeah , right here . I m right here , dad . Neil : Hey . Devon : Hey . Neil : Come here . Um , how would you like to dance with my beautiful wife ? Huh ? Go on . Victor : Well , then , you can start immediately ? Dr. Cutler : Within the hour , yes . Victor : When could one expect results ? Dr. Cutler : If it works , we ll know very quickly . Victor : Well , I have every confidence in you , doc . Dr. Cutler : As long as you understand ... there are no guarantees . Victor : I expect to hear from you . Goodbye . Paul : Nikki , do nt you think you should sit down ? Nikki : I m fine , Paul . Really . Paul : I think it would be a good idea if -- Victor : Excuse me . What s going on ? Paul : Uh , she seems a little shaky . Nikki : No , I m not sha-- I mean , I m -- Victor : Sweetheart . Nikki : Look -- look at everybody here today , okay ? Every-- everybody I - is upset . It s an emotional time for everybody , and I do nt need the two of you hovering over me , so ... if you just excuse me , I - I need a couple minutes alone . Ohh . [ Sighs ] [ Exhales deeply ] Stitch : You okay ? Nikki : Hey ! What are you doing ? You ca nt -- you ca nt sneak up on somebody and -- and scare them like that . Stitch : I was just jogging through the park , Nikki . You feeling okay ? You do nt seem like yourself . Nikki : Oh , that s rich , coming from somebody who stole some man s identity . Stitch : Okay , you seem a little off , and I do nt think it s your M.S. Nikki : Okay . Well , there you go , then . You ve solved my problem , so , uh , you can just run along . Victor : What s going on ? You re meeting with a doctor now ? Is there something I should be concerned about ? Nikki : Absolutely not . Victor : Doc ? Stitch : You might want to take her home soon . Nikki : Oh , my God . Victor : Okay , sweetheart . The festivities are over with . Let s say our goodbyes . I ll take you to the ranch , okay ? Nikki : Yeah , thanks a lot for your unsolicited advice there , Dr. Rayburn , or whatever you re calling yourself these days . Murphy : Thank you for coming . Victor : Thank you so much . Nikki : Thank you so much . Victor : Esther , nice to see you . It was a very nice party . Thank you . Nina : So , I m sorry to see cricket s not here . Paul : Oh , she had a trial she could nt get out of . Nina : Maybe if she had been around , you would nt have spent the afternoon watching Nikki . Paul : I am concerned about her . She s had a tough go of it lately . Nina : Yeah , I heard you found out you two share a son . Paul : That s right , Nina . It s a complicated situation . Nina : It does nt really change the fact that you and cricket are married . Tied the knot right here , as a matter of fact . Paul : Is there something you want to say to me , Nina ? Like , happy anniversary ? Nina : You ended it with me to be with cricket . So you two had better be the real deal . Lauren : Oh , thank you for the dance . We have nt done that in a long time . Michael : Yes , yes , it was nice . Mwah ! Lauren : Nice ? Michael : Yeah . Lauren : Oh . Kevin : So , what do you think ? Did Mrs. C. Get our messages ? Lauren : I thought so at first , but now I m not so sure . Michael : Oh , I think she d have plenty to say to you . She d -- she d say something like , uh , do nt you even consider leaving town , young man . You stay here in Genoa City and make a good living for yourself . That s what she d say . Kevin : I think that she probably regretted waiting till the end of her life to fulfill her bucket list . She would tell me to complete my destiny , steamroll over anyone to get there , and do nt worry about the consequences . Colin : Leave it to Katherine to stir things up . Cane : Yeah , let s just hope you were honest in your letter to her , since , you know , you ca nt be honest with me , your own son , huh ? Colin : And what would you mean by that ? Cane : I do nt know . Maybe since I caught you lying to me about the things you were doing -- that sketchy looking guy yesterday . Colin : Do nt get upset . Everything s under control . Jill : Wait . I hope you re congratulating your father . Cane : Wow . What am I congratulating him for , huh ? Jill : For throwing in his lot with Lauren and me . He is now a legitimate businessman in the boutiques . Colin : That I am . This woman s changed my life . Cane : Wow . Well , let s hope you can be honest with her for both your sakes . Excuse me . Colin : [ Sighs ] Right . Jill : What s with him ? Colin : So , I saw you gazing rather deeply at Katherine s picture . Is everything all right ? Jill : I do nt know . Writing these letters and burning them ? And then gathering everybody here and putting us through this ridiculous exercise ? [ Sighs ] Could nt I just be like a normal person and go to the cemetery and put flowers on her grave ? Cry in the privacy of my own home ? I mean , is nt it bad enough that my heart is breaking because she s gone ? [ Sighs ] See , why do I have to jump through hoops all the time to prove myself to her and inevitably fail ? Oh , Colin , not a single damn thing has changed . Colin : [ Chuckles ] That s where you re wrong . You ve changed . Look , she sent you on a journey . Now , I guess for the first time , you did nt finish up back where you started from . You finished up with me ... right here . Jill : Oh , my God . Oh , my God , Colin . I finally figured out what this means . Devon : This feels really good . Hilary : Okay . Neil needs us . Jack : Hey , buddy . How you doing ? Can I get you anything ? Neil : Hey , Jack . Just a description of my wife . Jack : [ Chuckles ] Neil : How s she look out there ? Hey , come on , Jack . Is it that hard to describe ? Are you just tongue - tied by Hilary s beauty ? And kiss everywhere Jack : She s a knockout , Neil . She s absolutely radiant out there . Victoria : [ Sighs ] It was a good day . Billy : You know , it could be like this every day . Victoria : You need to go . Billy : Okay , but I ll be back , you know . I ll be there for Johnny s first day of preschool and his first tee - ball practice and every other important event in his life . You can count on it . And you can count on me , Vick . I m gon na prove it to you . Victor : You were kind of quiet in the car , my sweetheart . Nikki : Uh , it felt good to turn my mind off for a little bit . Victor : [ Sighs ] Yeah . Katherine asking us to write down our feelings and thoughts . Nikki : Yeah , she probably would nt like what I said . Victor : Why ? Nikki : Ah , I guess I got a little maudlin . The whole thing is stupid . What -- what does a letter do , anyway ? Victor : Baby , are you okay ? Nikki : [ Sighs ] Yeah , I guess I just would have rather had my best friend in the flesh , that s all . Victor : Baby , you always have me . You know that , do nt you ? Nikki : I know . I know . Victor : Okay . Dr. Cutler : This may be your last chance , Phyllis . I hope it works . I know how many people are anxious for you to wake up ... and hear what you have to say for yourself . Jill : Oh , I have an idea . Why does nt everybody come back to our house now ? Cane : Sounds good to me . Michael : Good idea . Let s go . Jill : Continue the party . Neil : Okay . Jack : You good ? Okay . Neil : Thank you . Thank you . Devon : Okay ? Neil : Okay . [ Clears throat ] Devon : Let s go . See you , Jack . Lily : Bye . Jill : Bye . Sweetheart , would you mind going back to the house and helping Esther welcome the guests ? Colin : Where will you be ? Jill : I ll be right here . I want a little private moment . Colin : See you back at the house . Jill : You crafty old devil all this time , I ve been staring at this box , day in and day out , trying to find a clue as to where the treasure was . And it turns out that the hunt was the treasure , and along the way , Colin and I found each other again , and , oh , Katherine , I swear to God , I have never been so happy in my whole life . And I have to believe that you were trying to tell me that the -- the journey was what mattered , not the destination . So thank you . Thank you , because you and this music box -- you really worked your magic . So , I do nt need this anymore . I m gon na give it back to you . I hope whatever journey you re on right now , you are having the time of your life . ### Summary:
Billy visits Victoria in the hospital where she is wanting to make her quick exit but she is confined for the time being . Everyone sees a picture of Katherine as they await the beginning of the memorial service . Nikki pours herself a drink and gulps it down in order to calm her nerves . Jill thanks Victor for coming to the celebration . She asks about Nikki s whereabouts . Neil , Hilary , and Devon arrive . Jill and Neil exchange some sarcastic words . Jill tells Neil to look her in the eye and tell her that . Neil tells Jill that he can not look her in the eye because he can not see . Jill hugs Neil as a way of apologizing to him . Billy helps Victoria to leave the hospital . Neil tells the group what caused his blindness . Victor promises to get the best doctors for him , but Neil insists that his blindness is only temporary . Nikki arrives for the celebration where Murphy reads a letter from Katherine , but he begins to cry so Michael has to take over . Katherine s letter gives them all instructions to write her a letter and then burn all the letters together . Everyone begins to write their letter to Katherine . Neil writes his letter and then asks Hilary to read it back to him . Devon listens to the letter and then rips his letter up . This alerts Lily as to why he tore the letter up . Victoria and Billy arrive home . She asks him to fix her something to eat which he does willingly . Everyone finishes their letter to Katherine . While placing the letters in the silver vase to be burned , Victor s letter falls out . Jack starts to steal the letter but then has a change of heart and gives it to Murphy to be burnt . Murphy lets Nikki burn the letters which unnerves Jill . Jill holds the music box and is deep in thought . Neil calls for Devon to dance with Hilary . The doctor calls Victor to let him know that he just examined Phyllis and is ready to begin the treatment . When Nikki begins to stagger at the ceremony , Paul rushes to her side . Nina watches them . She asks Paul about his marriage to Cricket . Cane confronts Colin about his meeting with Kurtz . Jill comes up and tells Cane that Colin is a legitimate businessman . Nikki insists that she needs some time alone when she runs into Ben and is really sarcastic toward him . Victor joins them and wonders what is up . Victoria tells Billy that is time for him to go . Billy promises to stand by her . Jill finally realizes what Katherine has in store for her . She asks for some time alone with Katherine . Jill leaves the music box with Katherine . When Jill leaves , someone steals the music box .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Jj : [ Sighs ] [ Knocking continues ] Whoever you are , it better be important . Jennifer : Hi . Happy fourth of july . Jj : Hey , mom . Jennifer : Oh , I m sorry . You were in the shower . But listen , I was gon na call , but I did nt want to because I did nt want to give you the option of saying no . Jj : [ Laughs ] Pleasant good morning to you too . Jennifer : Listen , I know that you have been just a little bit depressed with haley having to go back to china and-- Jj : Well , actually-- Jennifer : No , I just want to tell you -- doug and julie are having a party and-- and I want us to go , and I think the best thing for you right now is to get out of the apartment , just to take your mind off haley . Jj : Mom-- Jennifer : No , no , no , we re going -- we re going to the party together , and it s gon na be great . And I know this is the last thing you want to hear right now but maybe -- maybe it s a good time for you to meet somebody , I do nt know . I mean , I know it s soon-- Haley : Come on , jj . I washed your back . Just get rid of who s at-- oh , my god . Jennifer : Uh ... [ Laughs ] My sentiments exactly . Doug : So glad you could make it . Lani : Thank you for inviting me . Doug : Why would nt I ? Julie : Well , maybe she does nt want to party with us so soon after breaking up with eli . Doug : Well , that was subtle . Julie : Well , I said breaking up--I did nt say broken heart . Doug : Gotcha . Okay , I am going to check on things in the kitchen . Would you care to join me ? Lani : Actually , julie and i should talk . Doug : Well , all right . But , uh , perhaps you have nt noticed , but julie gets a little protective when it comes to her family . Lani : Thank you , but I m up for it . Doug : Okay . Lani : [ Laughs ] There s something you should know . Julie : Look , you do nt have to explain . I understand you were grieving for your baby . But you -- youve got to remember , that was eli s baby , too . And I think it was just asking too much , him -- him seeing you taking care of david and -- rafe s little david , and wanting to practice your mothering skills . And-- you know ? It s so upsetting to doug and me as well , but at this point , perhaps it s just for the best . Lani : [ Sighs ] Eli : Hey , grandma . Happy fourth of july . Hi . Well , did lani tell you the good news ? We re back together . Carrie : [ Sighs ] Oh . Roman : Hey . Carrie : Oh . Hi , dad . I was just gon na come down . Roman : Mm - hmm . Waiting for rafe to go , huh ? Carrie : Excuse me ? Roman : You mean to tell me that , uh , that was nt rafe i just saw sneaking out of your room ? Rex : Well , hope , if there s anything we can do ... Eric : Yeah . Rafe : What is it ? What happened ? Hope ? Hope : Why are you coming from upstairs ? Rafe : Me ? I was , uh ... Hope : Hmm ? Rafe : Huh ? Hope : What were you doing up there ? Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives . Carrie : Am I grounded ? Roman : Am I wrong ? Carrie : No . It was rafe . And I m just gon na speed this up and tell you exactly what you want to know . Yes , rafe spent the night here last night . Rafe : The reason that I was upstairs-- Eric : He was bailing me out . Literally . Uh , there s a -- shower in the front room was leaking . I just asked him to check it out for me . Hope : Why did nt he say that ? Why -- why did nt you-- does nt matter . Rafe : Well , are you gon na tell me what s wrong ? Obviously , something s bothering you . What s going on ? Jj : So melinda finally made herself useful and reached out to our senator . He --he fixed it so haley can stay here while she s applying for her green card . Jennifer : I -- that is so wonderful ! Jj : Yeah . Haley : Yeah , I -- I m so happy . Jennifer : So that s it . I mean , the whole nightmare is over ? Jj : Seems to be . Jennifer : Okay , so now we just have to work on getting these charges dropped that eve trumped up against you . Jj : Mom , you were there . It was dad who pressed those charges . Jennifer : Your dad is a puppet and eve is the puppet - master , and if she thinks for one minute that I am not gon na tell the whole world that this is all about revenge and abuse of power , she s got another think-- Jj : Mom , calm down . Dad -- dad was here . He had the charges dropped against me . Jack : Hey , I just saw john and marlena storming out of here . They were furious . Eve : Yeah . Marlena was , anyway . She did nt want to hear the truth . Jack : Uh - huh . And which truth would that be , now ? Eve : Talking about ben weston . She s been deluded into thinking that he did nt set those fires , so john and marlena came in here just to strong - arm me into dropping the charges . Jack : Wait -- wait , how could marlena strong - arm you ? And -- and why does she care about ben weston ? Eve : You know what , jack , i think that she s just probably professionally embarrassed . I mean , who s gon na want to go see a shrink who has , you know , been fooled by a serial killer pyromaniac ? Huh ? It s like ... I do nt think it s gon na do much for her credibility as a character witness either , actually . Jack : All right , all right . I should have told you that i had dr . Rolf s diary . I know that you were right . Eve : Why are we talking about that ? Jack : You had every right to be angry with me for keeping it from you . Eve : What does that have to do with this , I dont-- Jack : Because I know you now , and you re keeping something from me . So there you are with your depression Rafe : It was claire ? Hope : She s so lost . Why did nt I see that ? Rafe : I know how much you love her . Hope : Marlena will do everything she can ... to get her the help that she needs . Rafe : Yeah . Rex : Sorry , um , understandably so , maybe there -- maybe there should be no barbecue today . Hope : Huh ? Uh , no , no . You ... you should go ahead . I , um -- I just , uh , will be heading back to the hospital to be with shawn and claire . Just came by to pick up some food . Eric : Hey , is there anything else I can do for you ? Hope : No . Happy fourth . Rafe : Yeah , happy fourth . [ Door opens , closes ] I did nt need you to cover for me . Eric : Listen , I did nt lie to cover for you . I lied because hope does nt deserve any more crap in her life . Roman : Listen , maybe I m butting in here , but did you forget this is salem ? There are no secrets . No privacy . What if austin finds out about this ? Carrie : Yeah , dad , um , austin and I split up . Roman : When ? Why did nt you tell me about it ? Carrie : Well , I just -- i thought you had a lot going on with grandma . Roman : Well , yeah , I mean , this is a hard way to find out about it , but nobody knows better than I do how sad it is when a marriage comes to an end . Is -- is noah okay ? Carrie : Austin and I are very committed to making sure that he is . Roman : Good . Sweetheart , I am -- I m so sorry . Carrie : I -- I should have told you -- I m sorry . Roman : You re damn right you should have told me . Carrie : [ Weepy laugh ] So weird . No matter how messy things are , I tell you about it and I almost feel like I can handle it . Roman : Come here . Carrie : [ Laughs ] Eli : Okay , well , I can tell by the look on your face that lani did not tell you we re back together . Julie : I did nt give her a chance -- she did nt get a word in edgewise . I was a --I m so out of line . I am so sorry . Lani : It s okay . You were upset , and with good reason . I was in a bad place and I was hurting eli . I -- I did nt think that I was trying to replace our david with rafe s but I was , and eli is helping me sort that out . Julie : Oh , I m so glad . I m -- I m just so glad ! And for both of you ! Eli : Thank you . Doug : Eli s here ! Hey ! Eli : Hey . Doug : Hi , grandson . Eli : Good to see you . Doug : There seems to be a different dynamic from when I -- i left the room . Julie : Yes , well , eli told me that they are back together again , and I just went on and on and just apologized to lani . And everything s fine now . Doug : Well , uh , julie does get there eventually . I m so happy that you could work things out . Eli : Thank you , thank you . Lani : Thank you . Eli : Well , we just came by to tell you guys -- now we re off to a picnic by the lake . Julie : Oh . Well , what about our party ? I mean , jennifer and jj are coming . You d be with family . Lani : You know what ? Family sounds nice . Thank you . Julie : Oh . I ll get it . [ Phone beeps ] Doug s place , julie speaking . Sarah : Hi , julie . I just called to tell you that rex and I are reviving the horton / brady barbecue at the pub . Can you and doug come ? Julie : Sure , sure . Love to , love to . Uh , and eli and lani are here . Sarah : Oh , well , bring them . Could you also tell jennifer and jj ? Julie : I ll call right now . Jennifer : Your dad dropped the charges ? That s , uh , quite a change of heart . Jj : I dont -- I do nt think he has a heart . Not after what he did to haley . He s getting -- he s getting something out of this , I just-- just ca nt figure out what it is . Haley : Yeah , but you -- you said that he told you he wanted to do something nice for his son . Jj : It s like mom said ... that guy is not my father . Jennifer : I -- I think that jj s right . I mean , I even told him that kayla recreated the drug that helped will get his memory back , hoping that he would want to take it , but no . He said he has no interest at all in remembering the man he used to be . Eve : I m not hiding anything-- Jack : Yes , you are . I saw you . The way you went on about marlena just now ? You re acting cornered . When you re cornered , you go on this was felt all the way to vegas and across southern california . In an area with poor construction that can be devastating . We ve seen it in other parts of the world before . By the time it , of course , reaches to where we are in los angeles area , the intensity is much laureate . We felt it -- much lower yet . We felt it , and people were chiming in from different parts of california . Hundreds of miles , hundreds of miles apart , declaring that they had felt it . Was this stronger , lester , than other earthquakes that you ve experienced ? It s among the strongest . Keep in mind i covered the disasters in japan and also in haiti and they were sizable after shocks after that we had felt . But it s been a long time since I felt one this -- that went on this long . I think they -- the length of it was what was -- disturbing , having been through these , sometimes it will feel like , okay , it s a little rocky , and then boom , you ve got almost a second shock . This one was just this steady roll like you re on the ocean . And in the past ten days , there have been two earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater centered nearby where this one hit . To what extent is there concern about aftershocks and potentially more earthquakes ? Just from -- not having spoken to anybody about this particular quake yet , you know , aftershocks are almost a certainty when you get an earthquake of this size . Whether they ll be of a sides that we see here in los angeles is to be determined . I would expect just from the experience of covering a number of earthquakes that we would , you know , we would get some aftershocks along the way . Lester , we are thankful that you and your family are safe . We appreciate your joining us . Our joe fryer is in los angeles , as well . I want to get right to him . Joe , at this point what s the latest , any reports of any significant damage or injuries ? We re checking around . So far there are no reports of significant damage or injuries . We know it was felt in the los angeles area , but we also know L.A. Is a good distance away , a good two - hour drive from where this earthquake was centered . We are here in universal city , much like lester . We could also feel the earthquake . It was one of those situations where everyone sort of started to look around and go , is this an earthquake . Again , we felt the same thing lester did . Sort of a rolling motion which is very different from sort of an aggressive jolt . But it did seem to last longer than most of the earthquakes that we feel around here that are nt terribly aggressive . So the good news is no reports of any injuries . We know it was felt across california . Someone in a live truck said it felt like someone had jumped on the back bumper and was jumping up and down . Another person says that he was riding in a car and says he could feel the motion . Some people looked up and felt like they could see sort of the buildings swaying a little bit in downtown los angeles . It s something that nearly everyone seemed to notice , but it was nt so aggressive that we re seeing things falling off of shelves or things being damaged to a serious degree . The big question will be if there are people who live closer to where this was centered , certainly it s not as well populated out there . But -- was there nature severe damage out there . All indications are that this was a relatively shallow earthquake . Those tend to cause more damage . It depends on how powerful the earthquake is and exactly where it happens . And we will continue to track that and those questions throughout the afternoon . Joe fryer , thank you for that reporting . We will have much more tonight on nbc nightly news and continuing coverage about state - of - the - art . Rex : Aww , you make that yourself in shop class ? Eric : Yeah , well , I would nt mock it if I were you . I been tailgating with this thing at every packer game since we traded our first round draft pick for , uh , brett favre , actually . Rex : Looks like they used that at valley forge . Eric : I prefer charcoal flavor over your propane fumes . Actually , this contraption right here will beat your little thing on any given sunday . Actually , any day of the week . Rex : All right , well , game on , cheesehead . Sarah : Oh , wow , men being competitive . That never gets old . Carrie : I agree , because in all your emails you never told me the real story about you and my brother . Andrew wanted nothing to do with his volcano demonstration . Sarah : Uh , what -- what do you mean ? What story ? Carrie : Oh , well , I just was nt sure that you and rex would be able to work things out . Sarah : Oh ... [ Laughs ] Right , yeah , well , um , we did . We had to do some work , but we did do more than work things out , cause we got married yesterday . Carrie : I heard . Eric performed the ceremony . Sarah : Yeah , well , um , rex did nt really give him much of a choice . Carrie : Well , you look very happy . Congratulations . Sarah : Thank you . I hope that we can be as happy as you and austin . Carrie : Well ... careful what you wish for . Sarah : What does that mean ? Carrie : That austin and i have split up . Rex : Not smelling any charcoal over there , man . You know what you got ta do ? You gotta -- you got ta light it on fire . [ Laughs ] No , that s right . You re -- you re trying . [ Laughs ] Hey , dad , how do you feel about beef tartare ? Sarah : Oh , carrie . I am so sorry . What happened ? Carrie : Hard to say , exactly . Um , austin and I ... I do nt know , we just -- we stopped communicating . Sarah : After all this time ? Carrie : [ Sighs ] I know . Um , we tried counseling and neither one of us is sure that the marriage can be saved . So I just thought I d come back here , give it a break . Maybe time will help . Sarah : I hope so . I -- I may be completely overstepping here , but is it gon na be awkward with rafe coming today ? Carrie : What do you mean ? Rafe : Happy fourth of july . Eli : Hey ! Rafe : Hey . Lani : Oh , hi , sweet boy . Rafe : There he is . We re heading to the pub . Doug : So are we . Shall we go ? Julie : One minute . Rafe , are you sure that s such a good idea ? Rafe : Is what a good idea ? Julie : You at the barbecue . You know what I mean ? Sarah : Well , it s just that doug and julie are gon na be here , and I do nt think that they ve forgiven rafe for wanting to go through with the divorce . Carrie : Oh , right , yeah . Sarah : What d you think i meant ? Why else would it be awkward to have rafe here ? Carrie : No reason . Sarah : Carrie . Come on , it s me . You ca nt fool me . What s going on ? Carrie : Okay . Rafe and I slept together last night . Eli : You know what ? Lani and I will let you guys talk , and we ll meet you at the party . Rafe : Okay . Lani : [ Quietly ] Chicken . Eli : Got that right . Rafe : Well , I m glad they left , actually , because there s something that I ve been meaning to say to both of you , and that is I m sorry . I m sorry . I m sorry things did nt work out between me and hope , and I am sorry ... that I hurt her . I promised you that I wouldnT. Julie : So , why do nt you keep your distance today ? Let hope go to the barbecue ... relax with her family ... and not have you around as a constant reminder ... I do nt have to go into details . Rafe : All right . Well , hope s not gon na be there . She s gon na be staying with , uh , with shawn and ... have you not talked to hope yet today ? Both : No . Rafe : So you do nt know what happened with claire ? Ciara ? Doug : What are you talking about ? Rafe : Oh , boy . Okay . Uh , well , there s something that I need to tell you , and I m sorry you have to hear it from me . Jj : I m sorry to ruin your fun , but you ca nt touch haley . Her case is now out of your hands . Eve : Okay , today may be a federal holiday-- Jennifer : Oh , thank you for pointing that out . You re just a walking civics lesson , eve . Eve : [ Chuckles ] But tomorrow I will be making the call , and I m not gon na take the word of somebody who breaks the law like jj . Jennifer : I know that you do nt remember , but that is your son she s talking about . Did you lose your spine when you lost your memory ? Jack : Eve is right . Technically , haley chen is still an illegal ... Jj : Undocumented . Jack : Immigrant , and she has no right to be in this country . Jennifer : Okay , mr . Mayor , if you are all law and order , why did you have the charges dropped against jj ? Jack : That was -- will horton-- Jj : Wait , will ? What does he have to do with any of this ? Jennifer : Kayla gave will rolf s diary , so you ... dropped the charges to get the diary , which is really interesting , because you said that you were nt interested in getting your memory back . But I am thrilled that you are even thinking about that , jack . Are nt you ? Jack : I m just trying to keep my options open . You never know , there may be something -- something I want to remember . Eve : Like his children . When he looks at them he s very concerned , and why would nt he be ? Without his influence , they re obviously very unstable human beings . Jj : Look , I -- I ca nt speak for abigail , and I ca nt speak for anyone else in the family , but I would be perfectly happy for you to forget all about us . For good . Let s get out of here . Roman : [ Laughs ] Eric : You smell that ? Rex : Yeah , lighter fluid . Eli : Okay ! Rex : What s up ? Eli : Yo , I smell that charcoal down the block ! Eric : I heard that . Rex : Get in there , grab a beer . Eli : Smells like real barbecue ! Roman : Wait a minute , whoa . Uh , I thought doug and julie were coming with you two . Doug : Let me get this straight : Hope and bill and shawn - douglas are all at the hospital right now with claire ? Rafe : Yeah . Yeah . Listen , again , I am really sorry that you had to hear this from me , and , uh , you re right . You re right , I m gon na take a pass on the barbecue . This should just be family , so ... Julie : Rafe . Rafe , I know you love ciara , and you ve never judged claire , so ... that makes you family . Doug : Julie s right . We think you should come with us . Sarah : I -- I guess I should nt be surprised . I mean , you have history with rafe and you re both going through a break - up . Carrie : Okay , so you have to promise eric s lead , okay ? I had a one - night stand with rafe , and hope can never-- [ Door closes ] This is hal . Hope : Got to the hospital and I quickly realized that shawn and belle needed some , um , time alone with claire . Sarah : Yeah , what they must be going through -- it s just so terribly , terribly sad . Julie : Hope . Sarah : Oh . Julie : Hope , I ca nt believe what has happened . Jj : Hey , roman . Roman : Hey . Jennifer : Hey ! Jj : You remember haley . Roman : Yes , how are you ? Good to see you . Uh , listen , haley , could you do me a favor ? Go on in and maybe get yourself a drink or something ? I need to , uh , talk to jj and his mom . Haley : Um , yeah . Yeah , sure . It s nice to see you again . Roman : Good to see you again . Jj : I ll be in in a second . Haley : Okay . Jennifer : Uh , I do nt think this is going to be good news . Roman : No , it s not . Eli : Claire ? I do nt know how she s ever gon na get past something like this -- I mean , did nt anyone see that she was going off the rails ? Julie : I should have . I should have -- Ive known her since the day she was born . I ve just been so busy running everybody else s life . Lani : Julie , this is not on you . You do nt run other people s lives -- you fight for your family . Julie : Darling , what s the difference ? Lani : It s a big one . Claire is gon na appreciate having someone as tough as you in her corner . Doug : Well said . Carrie : Um , hi . I have something to tell you . Sarah and I were talking about you and me , and hope walked in . Rafe : What ? Well , did -- did she hear you ? Carrie : She did nt act like she did . Rafe : Oh , for god s sake . Well , I sure as hell hope she didnT. It s not like she needs more bad news in her life . Rex : All right , you ve had both burgers . Which one s better ? Sarah : [ Sighs ] Yours is cooked perfectly ... Rex : Yes . Sarah : But -- but ... there is nothing like the sear on a charcoal grill burger ! Rex : Oh , come on ! All right , you know what ? The judge has rendered her verdict , and apparently the best man won . Eric : That s right . Rex : Happy for you . Rex : Sarah . Sarah , come here . Hi , everybody . Julie : Ah , hi ! Rex : So we re celebrating like two things today . We re -- we re reviving a very special family tradition and we re sort of having a wedding reception at the same time . Rex : So sarah and I are doubly happy that we can all be here together , and I could nt help but notice that there -- there are 13 of us here , symbolizing the --the 13 colonies -- is that right ? Sarah : Did you actually count ? Rex : What ? Sorry , my wife is a stickler for accuracy . Sarah : I am just saying that if I m counting , there s more like 16 or 17 of us . Rex : Maybe I can get , like , a small little break ? Sarah : All right , yeah , fine . There s 13 . Go on . Rex : All right , we re moving on to something a little bit more serious . Almost 250 years ago , our forefathers-- Sarah : And foremothers . Rex : That s -- yes , you re absolutely right . In spite of their differences , they figured out that if they stuck together , that they could overcome any obstacle . From a united front they could conquer anything . So I would like to raise a glass to everyone here ... and to the ones that have left us and to the ones who ca nt be here but are forever in our hearts . And just like this great country in the good times and the bad , if we stand together , we endure . To family . All : To family . Julie : Thank you . Eve : Happy fourth of july . Jack : Happy fourth of july . Rafe : Happy fourth of july . Yeah . Mm - hmm . It s gon na be your first fourth of july , little man . Now , there s gon na be some loud noises . Do nt be scared , okay ? I got you . Yeah , I gotcha . [ Rattle rattling ] Yeah . Eli : Hey , is it cool with you if we do nt hang with the crowd ? Lani : Are you afraid that I ll be hovering over david the entire time ? Eli : [ Laughs ] Actually , I was afraid I would . Lani : Really ? Eli : Yeah . I was watching him all day . I mean , I saw rafe feeding him the bottle , and I wished it was me with my son . I get it now . I get how you felt . Lani : I keep thinking about shawn and belle and ... I mean , they must be going through hell . Eli : I guess that s what you sign up for when you have a kid . You hope for their best , but you handle their worst , and you try to bring them through it . Lani : Yeah , that scares me to death . Eli : Yeah . Me , too . But , um ... I d like another shot at it . Lani : Me , too . Someday . Eli : Yeah , someday . Yeah , I -- I think the first step , for me , at least , would be to have a wife . A wife that I love and respect . Eli : Someone who makes me laugh . [ Both chuckling ] Um ... a wife that I know would be a great mother . Who I would spend the rest of my life with . Lani : Sounds like a -- a very reasonable first step . Eli : Yeah , I think so . Lani : [ Laughs ] Well , actually , uh , for me the first step would be having a husband who I love and respect . Someone who makes me laugh . [ Laughs ] Sit down . Someone who is kind and generous ... who I know will make a great father . Who I can share my life with . Eli : Wow . Uh , well , since we re totally on the same wavelength here ... I have a question for you . Lani : Shoot . Eli : Lani price ... will you marry me ? Lani : [ Laughs ] Yes . Yes , eli grant , I will marry you . Rex : We did it . Sarah : [ Laughs ] Rex : We got our families together . Sarah : Mm - hmm . Rex : Nice work , horton . Sarah : Ah , not too shabby yourself , brady . Carrie : [ Sighs ] Okay . Roman : [ Laughs ] Carrie : I have to leave now or I ll miss my flight . Roman : I m so glad you came back for the memorial , okay ? Thank you so much for that . Be happy , okay ? All right . Carrie : I ll do my best . Roman : I love you . Carrie : I love you . Okay . Roman : Good - bye . Carrie : I m off to ohare . Eric : [ Laughs ] Whirlwind of a trip . Carrie : You could say that . Thank you for keeping my secret . Eric : Of course . Both : Okay . Rafe : Hey . Hope : Hey . [ Fireworks crackling , popping ] So big . Rafe : Yeah . Yeah , they do that . Hope : Yeah . Rafe : Remember us pulling ciara from the burning cabin ? Hope : Of course . Rafe : Never crossed my mind that it was claire . Hope : Mine neither . Rafe : I m sorry . Hope : I know . Rafe : Yeah . Listen , uh , I know we re not married anymore , but ... you ever need anything , I m here for you . Hope : The way you were there for carrie last night ? Rafe : Oh . So you do know . Hope : Do nt worry about it . It , um ... does nt matter , right ? Not anymore . Here . We re not married , so ... [ Fireworks crackling ] Right ? I might go check on my-- my dad and julie , okay ? Rafe : Okay . Jj : You doing all right ? Haley : Mm - hmm . Yeah , I m not afraid of eve anymore . Jj : Just -- with the news about claire . I mean , she tried to kill you and tripp , too . Haley : Yeah , but she didnT. You know , I ve decided that I m a pretty tough cookie . Jj : Mom , you doing all right ? Jennifer : Yeah . Yes . Just remembering watching the fireworks over london with your dad . I was so happy , my heart was bursting . Jj : You deserve better than him . Jennifer : The him he is now , anyways . I do nt know , I think I should just , um ... shelf the old memories ... of jack . Eve : Jack , the fireworks are over here . ### Summary:
Roman went to Carrie and asked her about Rafe sneaking out of her room . Rafe came downstairs and wanted to know what happened . Hope wanted to know why he was upstairs . Carrie admitted that Rafe spent the night with her . Rafe was about to tell Hope why he was at the pub when Eric covered for him . Rafe wanted to know what was going on with her . Jennifer went to JJ and talked to him about getting the charges dropped against him . JJ told her that Jack had the charges dropped against him . Jack asked Eve why John and Marlena stormed out of her office . Eve lied to Jack about why they were mad at her . Jack knew she was keeping the truth from him . Hope told Rafe about Claire . Rafe was surprised by what he heard . Hope wanted to go back to the hospital to be with Shawn and Claire . Eric told Rafe he covered for him because Hope did nt need to be hurt again . Carrie admitted that she and Austin split up . Roman felt sorry for Carrie . Eli talked to Julie about his reunion with Lani . Julie and Doug were happy about their reunion . Sarah called Julie to tell her about the Brady / Horton bar - b - cue . JJ told Jennifer that he thought Jack was getting something out of dropping the charges . Jennifer let him know that Jack did nt want to take the drug to get his memory back . Jack demanded to know what Eve was hiding . Eve tried to explain to him how Ben is being treated like the injured party when he killed her daughter . He apologized to her for his accusation . Eve and Jack ran into Jennifer , JJ , and Haley . Eve wanted to call ICE on Haley . JJ told Eve that she was nt going to have Haley arrested . The Bradys and Hortons began the cookout . Sarah and Carrie reunited at the pub . Sarah told Carrie that she and Rex got married . She hoped to be as happy as she and Austin . Carrie told her that she split up with Austin . Carrie told her what happened with Austin . Sarah wondered if things would be awkward with Rafe at the party . She wondered what she meant by that . Rafe ran into Doug , Julie , Eli , and Lani at the town square . Julie wondered if it was a good idea to go to the cookout . Sarah meant that it would be awkward for Rafe to be there after the divorce . Carrie thought she meant something else . She did end up confessing to sleeping with Rafe . Rafe apologized to Doug and Julie for hurting Hope . Julie wanted Rafe to stay away from the cookout . Rafe told them that Hope was nt going to be at the cookout because she was going to be at the hospital . They looked shocked so he wanted to tell them what happened . JJ told Eve and Jack that Haley was nt going to be arrested . Eve was determined to have Haley arrested . Jennifer realized that Jack got the diary . She put two and two together and realized Jack wanted his memory back . Jack told Jennifer that he wanted to remember some things . JJ did nt want Jack to remember the family . Doug and Julie were so shocked by what happened with Claire and Ciara . Rafe decided not to go to the cookout , but Julie wanted him to go . Carrie wanted Sarah to keep quiet about having sex with Rafe . Unfortunately , Hope was inside and heard what she said . Hope did nt confront Carrie about what she did . She told them that she wanted to give Shawn and Belle time alone with Claire . Doug and Julie interrupted them . Everyone at the cookout talked about what happened with Claire . Carrie went to Rafe and warned him that Hope overheard her talking about having sex with him . She told him that Hope did nt react to it . Eli and Lani went to the park . They talked about what Shawn and Belle were going through . They also talked about being parents . He said he would like another chance to be a father . She wanted another chance to have a kid too . They both wanted to get married before having any kids . Eli asked her to marry him and she accepted . Carrie had to leave to make it to her flight . Rafe talked to Hope about what happened with Claire and Ciara . Rafe wanted to be there for Hope if she needed anything . She confronted him about being with Carrie . She gave him back his ring .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Viki : Hi . Got your message . Well , thanks . I think I will come in . Oh , I m fine , thank you . Nice of you to ask . I was beginning to think you dropped out of my life again . Todd : I m back . Viki : Barely . Are you staying ? Todd : Yeah , and I want to get to work . Are you still offering that job at The Banner ? Oh , excuse me -- The Banner Sun . Viki : Yes . Todd : Well , I accept . Viki : Good . Todd : Unless you think it ll upset Kevin too much . Viki : Kevin has nothing to do with the newspaper anymore . Kevin is far too busy with Buchanan Enterprises . Todd : And my wife . Viki : Todd , that s not true . Todd : That s just an observation . As far as I m concerned , they deserve each other . Let s talk about that Banner job , hmm ? I m thinking Editor in Chief . Kevin : I m having a hard time here , Renee . Kelly told me she s coming to Houston to see a friend named Jean Ebersol . I called every Ebersol in the Houston area , and I got nothing . Renee : That is very strange . I mean , I m surprised that she has nt tried to contact your grandpa at the ranch . Kevin : Then there s Duke . I called him to see when we could meet , get together . He said he was too busy . Too busy ? Since when is he too busy to meet with his father ? What ? Renee : I saw Duke earlier in the week . Kevin : And ? Renee : And he said that he s feeling a little alienated from you . Kevin : Why ? Come on , Renee , if my son does nt want to see me , I think I m entitled to know why . Bo : John , got a little present for you here . John : You do nt waste any time , do you ? Bo : No , I wanted to either get it in your pocket or hanging off your belt before you changed your mind . Nora : Congratulations , John . Welcome to the madhouse . John : Thanks -- I think . Reporter : Agent McBain , do you have a comment on the Haver arraignment ? Second reporter : Is nt it true you got a little too close to the music box murder case ? First reporter : Was that in the works before you resigned from the F.B.I. ? Bo : Folks , folks , we re going to have a press conference right after the arraignment . Man : Here he comes ! Woman : Over here ! Reporter : Dr. Haver , do you have anything to say ? Officer : Stay back . Stay back . Room , please . Reporter : Come on , Dr. Haver , give us a statement . Give us a statement . Second reporter : How s it feel -- First reporter : Come on , I ve got a deadline . Stephen : Hello , Johnny ! Excuse me , ladies and gentlemen . I see an old friend . John , I hope you enjoyed our little game together . But like all good things , you know -- and remember , we all kill the things we love in the end . And -- checkmate . Officer : All right , out of the way . Second officer : Back it up . Reporter : How many women have you killed ? Officer : Come on , come on . Reporter : Dr. Haver -- John : Down ! Down now ! Down now ! Man : It came from over there ! Bo : Get down ! Get down ! You , get down ! John -- John : Hallways are clear ! Bo : Stay down ! Stay down ! John : How does he look ? Bo : Looks bad . Renee : Kevin , a boy -- a young man Duke s age -- young people sometimes need to have a separation process . Kevin : If there s something bothering him , tell me . Renee : Ok . Duke came by the ranch to see your grandpa and me , and Asa made the mistake of mentioning something about Blair . Kevin : Oh . That s terrific . That s just terrific . When is he going to quit , huh ? He ca nt get it that I have nothing going on with Blair anymore ? Nothing is going on with her . For god s sakes , I m here to find out what s going on with Kelly . Renee : Ok . I will be blunt . Duke has never gotten over the fact that you and his mom quarreled so much . Kevin : And we ve talked about what happened with Lee Ann . Renee : Yes , and then you got a divorce from Cassie , and then you married Kelly , and then Duke and Kelly had to struggle to like each other . Kevin : And now grandpa s telling him that I m going to run off with Blair . Renee : There is a pattern here . Kevin : Well , I ve got to talk with him . Ok , I got to spend some time with him so we can get this thing resolved . Renee : Kevin , Duke loves you very , very much , and he admires you tremendously . Once he sees how committed you are to Kelly and once he learns that he might have a baby brother or a baby sister , he will come back to you . Kevin : He s my son , Renee . I love him . But to cut me off like this ? I mean , he s my son . Roxy : You re not going to believe this stuff . Not only does it wipe out wrinkles , it ll make your husband horny again . Woman : Oh , it sounds fabulous . John : Natalie -- Natalie : I m -- I m so -- I m sorry . John : No , you do nt have to -- Natalie : I m so sorry . John : Natalie -- Rex : Hey , Natalie , are you here ? Natalie : Hey . Hey , Rex . Rex : You ok ? Natalie : Sure . Rex : Listen , I heard about what the Haver guy did , convincing you that Cristian was still alive . It s worse than cruel , babe . Woman : You are a godsend . Roxy : And do nt forget to slather it on . There ll be so many guys following you , it ll be like there s c notes just dripping out of your purse . Woman : Ooh , I hope so . Bye , Roxy . Roxy : Bye , honey . Take care . Use it ! Rex : Mom -- got to love her , huh ? Natalie : You think ? No , I mean , I m ok . I know Cristian s not coming back ever , so -- I m ok . Roxy : Hey , honey , where were you before ? I saw you . You looked like you were beyond the beyond . I hope you were on the love boat , cruising along with Johnny McBain . Natalie : Stop it , Roxanne ! Please , just stop it ! Stop trying to hook us up , all right ? Marcie : What if she lives with her dad and her brothers ? Stop . Michael : Yeah , like a certain you - know - who that we both know . Marcie : Ok , ok , maybe she ll only have one brother and he ll be nothing like any of mine . Michael : And she ll have a boyfriend who s sweet and handsome and dead sexy . Marcie : Stop . And smart and generally perfect , but not at all based on you . Michael : No . Marcie : Maybe she should have two boyfriends . Michael : No . Marcie : Why ? Michael : Well , because . Ok , ok , she could have two boyfriends , but she d have to be like a wild chick -- you know , like that girl , the one that you were telling me about that used to sit at your table at the cafeteria , the one who came up with all those really grisly ideas on how to kill -- Marcie : Oh , Leslie . Michael : Yeah , Leslie . She was -- interesting . Marcie : Yeah , Leslie was interesting , all right . Marcie : No , no , no , I ca nt -- I ca nt believe I m trying to write this novel . Michael : You re not trying . You re doing it . It s going to be great . Marcie : I guess . Michael : Are you still going to call it The Killing Club ? Marcie : I do nt know . It is kind of loosely based on that group that I had in high school , you know , where everybody was trying to make up all those stories about people that they hated and killing them . Michael : I ll kill you . I ll kill you with kisses . Ha - ha - ha . Singer : That I ever wanted she is Michael : Oh -- Marcie : Oh , what ? Michael : Beeper . Marcie : No . Michael : Hospital . Marcie : No ! Michael : Sorry , I m sorry . Marcie : No , Michael -- Michael : I have to -- I have to go . Marcie : No , you do nt . Michael : I do . Marcie : No . Michael : I m sorry . Marcie : Please ? Michael : Bye . Marcie : Please ? Oh . Michael : Bye . Marcie : Michael . Singer : The day that I met you and now I know Roxy : Since when do nt I get an opinion ? Natalie : Roxanne , just leave it alone . Please , I am telling you right now , just leave it . We re friends . That s it ! Roxy : Friends . Great . Then work it , girl . Work it ! Natalie : Ok . I m going to try to ignore her . Do you think that ll work ? Rex and Roxy : No . Roxy : What are you here for ? You want highlights ? Rex : Oh , my God , please , do nt touch . No . I came because I got something to show you . Ultra Violet is doing great , so I m taking the profits and expanding . I am buying the Pyramid Theater . Natalie : That creepy old place ? Rex : Yes , I know , I know , some rotten things happened there , but I m turning it into a restaurant . Roxy : We ll call it Rox and Rex . Rex : I m sorry , we ? Roxy : Rex and Rox , then . Rex : Want to see the plans ? Roxy : Great , I d love to . Spread them out over there on my desk . Natalie : Guys , go right ahead . I m -- I ll catch up with you later . Natalie : Mom . Viki : Hi there , sweetheart . Natalie : Hi . Viki : Hey , how are you , huh ? Natalie : Doing ok , I guess . Viki : Good . Natalie : Are you here to check up on me ? Viki : No , no . Came to see how you were , that s all . Natalie : Uh - huh . Viki : How was dinner with John ? Natalie : Well , it actually got canceled . But we ended up going to Capricorn later to watch his mom sing , and she was really great , so -- Viki : Well , that s great . Natalie : Yeah . Viki : Hey , I m here . Do you have time to do a manicure ? Natalie : Well , I absolutely do . Would you please have a seat ? Thank you . Viki : Thank you . Bo : All right , you let me know the minute you hear . Maam , I appreciate you coming forward like this , but the man that you pointed out over there as the shooter -- he s a police officer . Woman : All I know is I saw him with a gun . Bo : All right , I appreciate you coming forward . Thank you . You got anything ? John : Astrid 9 millimeter . Still warm . Found it in the trash . Bo : Bag this up , get it to forensics . Astrid 9 millimeter . Thanks . You had one like that at the range last week , did nt you ? John : Yeah , I use one for a backup . Bo : Hey , look , I m going to stick around here . Why do nt you get over to the hospital , see if you can talk to Haver . He looked bad , and I do nt think he s going to make it . John : Ok . Bo : Thanks . Rex : So I m going to leave the stage as it is , all right ? I m even thinking about keeping some of the scenery pieces . Lots of mismatched chairs around the tables . Roxy : Ooh , organized disarray . I m real good at that , right ? Rex : Actually , I m thinking about hiring someone -- Roxy : Gorgeous girls wearing nothing but feathers , on swings , flying over the tables -- Rex : I m sorry -- swings ? Roxy : And all the waitresses will be dressed like different kinds of birds . You know , we ll keep that feather motif going on . Hey , we re on a roll now . Your mama is so proud of you , baby . Matthew : How d you learn to -- Starr : Shh . Matthew : How d you learn to do that ? I never buy things on the Internet . Only my mom does . Starr : You just start swiping credit cards . How else are you going to learn ? Matthew : So you buy stuff on the Internet all the time ? Starr : I used to . Now I really do nt like being in my room alone . It just creeps me out . I always think that there s someone behind me . You know what , Matthew ? Why do nt you call your dad while I go return this to my mom s purse ? Ok . Bo : Did you get statements from everybody ? Robert : Names and addresses , too . Bo : Anything ? Officer : They re pulling the security tapes and we re doing the second sweep now . Bo : All right . Start letting these people leave , then . How the hell did somebody get in here with a gun and then get out without anybody even seeing them ? Bo : Buchanan . Matthew : Hi , Bo . Bo : Hey , Matthew , how s the party ? Matthew : It s ok . Mom said you might come , too . Bo : Oh , she did ? You know what ? I do nt think I m going to be able to make it . I m really busy . Matthew : Well , could you come later ? I want to tell you and mom something together . Bo : No , son , I do nt really think I can . Matthew : Please ? It s really important . Bo : Ah , yeah . Ok , sure . As soon as I finish up here , then I ll come by , all right ? Matthew : Great . Bye . Bo : Do nt let maintenance in here until C.S.U. finishes sweeping the place , ok ? Officer : You got it , Commissioner . Bo : Thank you . Todd : All right , Kevin , make yourself at home . Daddy s back . Marcie : He was lying at the bottom of the stairs -- what was left of the stairs after the fire had -- Michael is just going to be blown away when he sees how much I ve written . No -- what s wrong ? No ! No ! No , no , no , no , no , no ! Come on , come on ! Oh , God , why is this happening ? No , come on , please ! Please , no ! Please , please , please do nt do this to me ! I ve always been so good to you . Please , come on ! No , give me back my pages ! Blair : It s heavy . It s from Todd . Kevin : What ? Blair : Viki probably told him about the party , Kevin . Kevin : And so he violated a court order by coming this close to your house ? Blair : You re surprised by that ? Kevin : Well , what do you want to do with it ? Blair : I -- I guess I m going to let Jack open it . Blair : Todd s spoiling the party . I tell you , if this is Todd -- Bo : Hi . Blair : Bo , hey . Oh , excuse me . Please come in . Bo : Sure , thank you . Blair : Jack . Bo : Hey , Kev . Kevin : Hey . How you doing , Bo ? Bo : How s Kelly ? Did you two meet up in Houston ? Kevin : Oh , no . You know , I made a mistake . She was nt there , actually . And frankly , I m getting a little worried . Uh -- you know what , do nt worry about it . I mean , she s going to call me . Bo : Well , it s been a while . Kevin : Yeah , yeah . But you know , I saw Asa , and he had a smile that would nt quit . Bo : Yeah . He makes more sense down there . I noticed that . Blair : I m sorry , Bo . I wanted to tell you when you walked in the door . Jack -- whatever -- Todd brought this by . He s violated the court order . Bo : Oh . Did you see Todd deliver this present ? Blair : Well , I did nt exactly see him , but it was nt delivered by any , you know , delivery service . Bo : Yeah , but that does nt mean that he did drop it off personally . Blair : Bo -- Bo : See , without proof , I ca nt do anything . Blair : Well , I just do nt want Todd to spoil Jack s birthday party . Please , I hope that you will stay , though . Bo : Ok . Kevin : She s pretty much on edge . Bo : Yeah , yeah , I noticed that . Hey , did you and Duke get together when you were in Texas ? Kevin : Oh , well , that s -- that s another problem . He s -- he s going through a phase called my dad is nt perfect , so my dad does nt get to see me phase . Bo : Oh , man . Kevin : Yeah . Well , I can only hope and wait , you know . Bo : Yeah . Oh , he ll come around . Matthew : See , I told you he was coming . Bo : Hey , there , buddy . Matthew : Hi , Bo . Kevin : Hey . Nora : Hi . Oh . Well , hi . Bo : Hi . So , son , what is this big news that you wanted to share with me ? Nora : News ? What news ? Matthew : Well , see , everybody knows what great dancers you and mom are , right ? Nora : Oh , please -- Bo : Gee , that was a long time ago . Matthew : Yeah , I know , but you have -- you won awards . You have trophies . Nora : Honey , that was way before you were born . Matthew : So I want you to win another trophy , so I entered you in a contest . Bo : You did what ? Matthew : I did it online . Starr helped . Nora : Starr helped ? Matthew : It s the biggest contest ever . It s in New York City . And plus I already paid the 20 bucks , so you have to say yes . Nora : How did you pay $ 20 online ? Starr ? Starr : I -- I did it with my credit card , and Matthew will pay me back with his allowance . Nora : Honey , you really ca nt go ahead and make decisions like this for people . Bo : Yeah . Matthew : But you ll do it , right ? Look , here s the printout . It shows you when it is and what time . And plus , it s for amateurs . Bo : You know what ? Why do nt we just talk about this later ? Matthew : Yes , I know you ll do it ! And plus , I know you ll win . Kevin : Hey , Jack , let s open that up there , buddy ! What is that ? Blair : What is it , what is it ? Jack : A toy . Kevin : That s right , man ! Let s take that out there and rev it on up . How do you get that open ? Oh , of course . Nora : Any word on Haver ? Bo : Moved him to Intensive Care , but John has nt talked to him yet . Look , you know , about that dance contest -- Nora : Oh , Bo , you know what ? Do nt worry about it . Just let it slip away for a couple of days . Matthew will forget all about it . Or not . Bo : Yeah . He seems really excited about it . Nora : I know . Bo : Excuse me . Nora : Well , I ll go back to ice cream . Bo : Buchanan . Officer : Commissioner , this is Sergeant Rollin , C.S.U. We traced the weapon that was used in the shooting . Bo : All right , let s have it . Sgt . Rollin : You are not going to like it . The gun is registered -- to John McBain . Michael : John , Haver s awake . You can see him now . John : Thanks . Good luck with the nails and all that . Viki : Darling , you know what ? I really -- I do nt want you to hang around here , ok ? I m going to see the doctor , and then I m going right back to my office . Natalie : Yeah , well , Roxy s been there alone by herself . She s probably swamped , so I -- Viki : Exactly . I promise you , I will call you . I ll tell you everything the doctor said . I swear , ok ? Natalie : Ok . I ll call you later . Viki : All right , all right . Bye . Natalie : Thank you . Viki : Ok , thank you . Natalie : Mom , please , this is so serious . Do nt blow this off , ok ? Viki : I wo nt . Jordan : When you told me of your schedule , I m not surprised that you re as tired as you are . I suspect most college presidents are . Viki : Yeah . And I guess -- I mean , that s really all it is , right ? Jordan : Well , no . You have a faint heart murmur . And though your E.K.G. is not completely specific , it s not completely normal either . Viki : Oh ? Jordan : I really do nt want to be blasé about this and laissez faire . Promise me that you ll have a workup done by a cardiologist . Viki : Oh , yeah , absolutely . I mean , sure . I ll -- I ll schedule one immediately , yeah . Jordan : I can do you one better . We can get you in this afternoon to see someone on staff . Viki : No , no . No -- you know what , I have an awful lot to do today , and -- no , I promise I will schedule it . Believe me , I ve battled with breast cancer , so I do listen to doctors , ok ? Nurse : Accident victims are on their way in . Jordan : I have to go . Viki : Yeah . Jordan : Call me . We can follow this up , ok ? Viki : Thank you , thank you , doctor . Jordan : All right , good afternoon . Viki : I appreciate you seeing me . Thank you . Bo : Viki , how are you ? Viki : Bo , hi . I m fine . How are you ? Bo : Great . Listen , I m in a hurry . Michael : I m sorry , John . You re going to have to wait a few minutes before you go in there and see him . John : He s still conscious , right ? Michael : Yeah , and he s asking for a cop . Michael : Hello ? Marcie : Michael ? Michael , it s frozen . I pleaded , I begged , I promised it anything that it wants , but it s frozen ! Michael : What is ? Marcie : My computer ! I ve written pages and pages of stuff , but they re all frozen ! Michael : Ok , take it easy . When I get home , I ll see what I can do , ok ? In the meantime , do nt worry about it . You wrote it once . You can always write another version . Marcie : No , no , I ca nt ! I ca nt ! It s some of my best stuff . I ca nt write it again . I was really getting into it ! Nurse : Doctor , he s hemorrhaging . Michael : Marcie , I have to go . Michael : Just -- just lie back , Dr. Haver . Just lie back , ok ? Nurse : He suddenly started hemorrhaging . Michael : We need to get him over to O.R. right away ! Stabilize him and get him to O.R. Stephen : The man who did this -- Michael : Just lie -- Stephen : I know the man who did this . I know him . He murdered me . He -- he s John McBain . John Mc-- Michael : Ok . One amp epi . No pressure ! Come on , come on ! ### Summary:
Haver is shot and wounded seriously as he is being taken to arraignment . Bo is told the gun used was registered to John . Before he dies , Haver accuses John of shooting him . In Texas Renee tells Kevin that Duke has some problems with Kevin – Duke feels alienated because of Kevin s past relationships with other women . Todd accepts Viki s offer for a position at The Banner . Blair is having an unbirthday party for Jack , since they missed his birthday due to the New York trip . Natalie reminisces about her kiss with John . Kevin returns to Llanview , and Blair convinces him to come to Jack s party . Todd spies outside , and does nt like the fact that Kevin is there with Jack and Blair . Starr and Matthew plot to get Bo and Nora back together . Michael and Marcie share some intimate moments together , but he is called back to the E.R.
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Donna : I m fired ? Ridge : Oh , come on , Brooke . Brooke : No , ridge . This is not debatable . Not after the tawdry sex show my sister put on in front of the press and most of our loyal buyers . Donna : Tawdry sex show ? Brooke : I do nt know what got into you out there . This could cost us our entire line . That is unless I find a way to salvage things . If any of it s salvageable at this point . Dr. Kibe : I ll make sure that your patients are covered for as long as you need . Taylor : Oh , thank you so much , dr . Kibe . I really do appreciate that . I do . Oh , phoebe , you remember dr . Kibe ? Dr. Kibe : Hi , phoebe . Nice to see you again . Phoebe : You , too . Dr. Kibe : You take good care of your mom . We re really going to miss her around here . Phoebe : Mom , oh , my god ! You quit your job ? You re gon na turn yourself in -- Hector : What ? No , you ca nt . I wo nt let you . Taylor : Hector , I m not quitting my job . I m just taking a leave of absence . Phoebe : Why ? Taylor : I m really not in the position to be giving advice to people when I ca nt even handle on my own life . My life is an entire mess . Besides , the police are still investigating . Hector : I just talked to my contact at the police station . So far , there are no solid leads . The APBs have nt panned out , forensics has come up empty . It looks as if this case is nt going to get solved , Taylor . As long as you do nt say anything . Taylor : Well , I should have been honest in the first place . Hector : Phoebe and I lied to protect you , Taylor . If you confess -- Taylor : I know . Both of you will pay the price . You do nt have to keep repeating yourself , hector . Hector : Well , maybe I do . The more time you spend with throne and his little girl . Stephanie : Oh , my sweet baby girl . You are so beautiful , and that dress is exquisite . I think grandpa -- I think he should put you into modeling right now . Alexandria : Oh , grandma . Stephanie : We could use a little innocence on the runway after today . Thorne : The preview did nt go so well ? Stephanie : Well , let s just say the supermodel did a rather provocative show . Interestingly enough , Brooke did nt like it at all . Thorne : She thought it was too risqué ? Stephanie : I think she was jealous . Thorne : Jealous that ridge is working with Donna ? Stephanie : Jealous that she has been so easily replaced . Thorne : Are you saying that there s something going on between ridge and her ? Stephanie : No , I guess I m saying this is classic Brooke . But then you know all about that , do nt you ? She dumps one man for another . Then when she s finished with t want anybody else to have him either . I think she s jealous . Ridge : Oh , come on , Brooke . You saw the reaction . Envy . Brooke : Not everybody . Several of the buyers walked out . Ridge : We were just trying something different , that s all . Brooke : I m not talking about your designs , ridge . They re spectacular , as always . But what you did out there could nt have been further from what this line is all about . Donna : Okay , hold it . I admit I m not some seasoned pro like you . But you re acting like I demeaned myself -- and Brooke s bedroom . And I do nt see it like that at all . Brooke : Because you re too inexperienced to realize it . Donna : Fine . I m inexperienced . But I also know what I felt from practically everyone in that showroom . There was an electricity . Excitement . Which means we were a hit , even though it was me on that runway , and not you . But that s a real problem here , is nt it ? In your heart , you wish you were still the face of Brooke s bedroom . For all the obvious reasons -- and some y refuse to admit . Especially to yourself . Taylor : I ll come get you in a minute . Hector : Why did you tell phoebe to wait outside ? Taylor : Because what I had to say , I really do nt want her to hear . Look , hector , we have to set something straight here . All right ? I really do appreciate everything you ve been doing for me . I know that s what you have been trying to do , is the best thing . But it really is starting to feel like you re taking over my life . And I m not going to let you do that . Hector : Even if it means saving you from yourself ? Taylor , you re barely functioning . You re saying and doing things -- we have to stay strong , sweetheart . And committed . And in order to do that , I think we have to leave L.A. I think we have to get as far away from throne and his little girl as possible . I can help you forget . Taylor : No -- no , that s really not the way I want do that , hector . Thorne is taking me to AA , and I m getting better -- and I do nt think running away from my problems are the answer . Hector : I should be taking you to AA . I love you . I would do anything for you . Taylor : What , like steamrolling me into covering this whole thing up ? Like pressuring me to keep quiet , when I was already in shock ? I was practically not even rational when I was trying to make decisions about this whole thing ? Hector , really , come on , think about it . I mean , what s happening right now is almost worse than what happened . I ca nt do it . I ca nt let you make choices for me . I ca nt let you take control of my life . It is nt healthy . It is nt healthy for you or me , or our friendship . Donna : I should have known you d behave this way . I mean , you re married to nick when you re still in love with ridge . Plus , you re stuck over at Marone , when you want to be here where all the action is . And if that were nt enough , your kid sister is stepping into your role on the runway . Getting kudos from press and buyers . When you re used to being center stage . No wonder it s driving you crazy . Brooke : It s not driving me crazy . I m just trying to protect you and Brooke s bedroom from becoming the laughing stock of the world . Ridge : That s not what s happening here , Brooke . Donna is as committed to this line s success as I am . Donna : Which is why I did everything that ridge told me to do . Brooke : So now you re blaming ridge for this disgusting display ? Ridge : No . This disgusting display , as you put it , was all my idea . I told Donna what to do . And she was very committed to it . And for the record , no one could ve done it better . Not even you . Brooke : If that s meant to hurt me , ridge -- Ridge : Hurt you , Brooke ? Oh , come on , for god s sakes . You know how I feel about you . You know how I feel about Brooke s bedroom . Nothing would make me happier than for you to come back here and work with me . Donna : But you ca nt . Can you , sis ? And we both know why . The secret to a great relationship ... Stephanie : Hello ? I would like to talk with you , if you could spare me a few moments . Taylor : Actually , I ve got nothing but time . Stephanie : Oh , light case load ? Taylor : Well , it s more like no case load . Because I m taking a leave of absence . Stephanie : That might not be such a bad idea , Taylor . Funny , you know , I was just with throne . He did nt say anything about this . Taylor : It just happened . So what brings you here ? Stephanie : I just wanted to say thank you . Thank you for being so kind to throne and the baby . Darla would really be grateful . I know I am . Look , with -- having decided to take this leave of absence , maybe you could find it convenient to spend a little more time with Alexandria . You know , you re such a person of great character and integrity , honesty . She could nt have a better role model -- Taylor : Stephanie , please . You know , this is not what I want to hear right now . Stephanie : From me . Because of everything that s happened between us . I m not happy about that , any more than I am about admitting that I m wrong . Which I so rarely am , of course . I should have stood by you when ridge left . I m sorry . It s just that he had the heart attack , and I -- I was so afraid he was going to die . That s no excuse for my thoughtlessness and insensitivity to you . I m sorry . I really am . Well , you know , Brooke s made her decision . She married nick and she s certainly not going to give that stock back without a fight . Of course , that makes me the biggest fool of all . Brooke : I have no idea what you re talking about . But if you think after what happened out there today , that makes me want to come back to work with you -- Ridge : Brooke , what exactly did she do that you found so objectionable ? I had to get their attention . You ca nt expect me to sell a new spokesmodel doing the same thing that you did . That would nt work . Because you are incomparable , Brooke . And fortunately for me , and the line , I saw something in Donna . I saw a spark that made going in a different direction the way to go . So , that s what I did . I ran with it . And I m glad I did , because it s gon na do big things for Brooke s bedroom now . Donna : Which is what we all want . So what s the problem ? Brooke : The problem is -- I asked you what the bedroom line meant to you , and you made me believe that you understood it was all about sophisticated sensuality . But what you did out there on the catwalk -- that flew totally in the face of that . Ridge : Okay , what we have here is a big , fat misunderstanding . You have your own concept of the way you think this line should be marketed . I have a different one . And that s not really surprising , considering you do all your work from Marone , and you re prevented from even being around me these days . Brooke : Nick has his reasons , ridge . Ridge : Yeah , well , you guys are married now . So why do nt you just tell him to get over it ? Especially considering I m working my butt off trying to get on with my life here . Brooke , we both know this is no way to run a business . We need each other . I need you to make all this happen . Come on , we know what we can accomplish when we work side by side . That s where all the energy -- that s where all the creativity and the spark has always come from here . Brooke , please . Say you ll come back . You know you want to . Brooke : Hello ? Nick -- no , no , everything s fine . I ll be there shortly . Ridge : Call him back . Tell him the plans have changed . Brooke : I have to go . Taylor : We all have regrets , Stephanie . Stephanie : Yes , we do . And I let you down in the worst ways possible . I know it came at a very steep cost to you . Taylor : Thorne told you everything ? Stephanie : About going to the AA meeting ? Yes , I think it s a good idea . Taylor , I love you . I want our friendship back . And I know it ca nt happen overnight , but if you could just -- if you could find it in your heart to forgive me . I lost one daughter - in - law already , I ca nt lose you , too . Taylor : I did nt want that either . Stephanie : You know , you re so important to all of us . I know throne would nt be doing as well as he is , if it were nt for you . Taylor : No . Stephanie : No , it s true . You ve been a real comfort to him and to that sweet baby girl . And I -- I know you do nt like being called a saint , but in this case , I think maybe -- Taylor : Oh , I m far from it . Trust me on that one . I do nt have any answers . I really do nt . I -- the only thing I can do is -- Stephanie : Just keep doing what you re doing . You know , and being a friend there . For him . Being friends with me again , maybe letting me back in your life . You think you could find it in your heart to forgive me ? Taylor : The real question is , can I forgive myself ? God ! Stephanie : I m sorry . I m sorry . I m sounding so selfish . I know you re going through a lot . Sweetheart , if I can help you , I promise you I ll do that . I promise I will . Look , Taylor -- please , I do nt want anything to ever come between us again . Please ? Please ? Donna : Sorry , ridge . I know how much you wish you and my sister could still work together . Ridge : Brooke and I make a great team . Even when we disagree , like today . Donna : She respects your talents . Ridge : I respect hers . I just question why is she letting a jerk like Nick control her life ? Donna : She s given up a lot for his lordship . Ridge : Yeah , all in the name of love , huh ? Donna : You do nt believe she knows her own heart ? Ridge : I believe that she believes she does . Donna : Which leaves you where ? Ridge : Right here with you . Which is a pretty darn nice place to be . Donna : Even after what happened today at the fashion show ? Ridge : Oh , because of it . You were a hit , Donna Logan . Just like I knew you would be . Donna : Well , you made me feel so comfortable out there . Like it s -- it s where I belong . Ridge : It is where you belong . Donna : Well , Brooke did nt think so . Ridge : She ll have to get over it . Donna : So , this really is nt the end of the road for me ? Ridge : Are you kidding ? This is just the beginning . Donna : I hope so . Ridge : Are you doubting me ? Donna : No . Ridge : Are you doubting me ? Donna : No . Never . Ridge : Good . That s what I like . Unabashed adulation . Donna : I knew it was a mistake telling you what I did . About measuring all my relationships by you . Is there any wonder why I ve never met the right man ? I mean , they all pale in comparison . Ridge : Well , I do have my faults . I know that s hard to believe . Donna : I m just saying , you re every bit as wonderful as -- as I remember you . More so . I m really happy that you re in my life . My sister might take you for granted , but I never will . Brooke : Oh , my god . What have I done ? ### Summary:
Taylor arranges to take a leave of absence from work . It s not fair to try to help others when she can not even manage her own life . Phoebe is shocked and Hector is livid . He wo nt let her do this or confess to the police . He tries to guilt her into it , especially keeping her away from Thorne and his little girl . She demands that he ca nt his force his ‘friendship into something more or run her life . Brooke reams Donna out for her tawdry behavior on the runway and that it could ruin the entire line with the company . Donna sees the real reason though – Brooke is jealous , wishing she was still the face of Brooke s Bedroom and still working closely with Ridge . Ridge says he is glad they did what they did ; it s going to do big things for Forrester . He tries to blame their misunderstanding on her working from Marone and not being there side by side at Forrester . He begs her to come back . Reluctantly she leaves , but sister , Donna , is there to comfort him . He flatters by giving her glowing praise for being a natural . She reciprocates by saying she is glad he is in her life ; all other men pale by comparison . She kisses him . Stephanie gives Thorne her version of the fashion show and that she thinks Brooke is jealous of Donna . She visits Taylor and tries to mend fences and offers an apology . She praises her for helping Thorne and Alexandria . She begs for her forgiveness , stating she has lost one daughter - in - law already , she ca nt lose her too . Taylor breaks down and says the real question is can she ever forgive herself ? Brooke returns to Marone wistfully thinking , shedding a tear , what has she done ?
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Rafe : Jordan was telling the truth . She did have a baby . About six months ago . Ted : So what happened to it ? Rafe : Well , the baby was with a friend just like jordan said , and I tracked him down and brought the baby back with me . Hope : Where is he ? Lani : Hey , eli , I got the evidence for the case . I wanted to see-- Tripp : So since my fiancée and I apparently passed our ice interview ... Haley : For now . Tripp : Who wants to plan a wedding ? Jj : Might want to start with a date . Tripp : But we actually discussed that on the day home , and we agree , right ? Haley : Tomorrow . Jj : Tomorrow ? Tripp : Yeah , I mean , haley only has 30 days and the clock s ticking . Ice will be all over this , so why wait , right ? Jj : Yeah . Yeah , right . Claire : Then you ve got to do it . Release the recording of tripp and haley s lie , and we can blow up this demented charade once and for all . Eve : Well , I will alert the media and jack s supporters that we are going to throw a big rally , and this time tomorrow [ Chuckles ] Haley chen will be history , you ll get tripp back , and jack will be on his way to the mayor s office . Jack : A word of caution . Do nt play the friend card with me again . I m proud of who and what I am . I m every bit the man I want to be , so save your judgment , your moral superiority . You re smug , you re arrogant . Abe : You did not just call me arrogant . The next thing you know , you ll be calling me well spoken . Jack : What s wrong with that ? Abe : [ Chuckles ] I guess you would nt know . And if you did , the man you ve become would nt give a damn . Jack : The man I ve become is sick and tired of being disrespected , condescended to , and all I m trying to do is improve the lives of the people of this city . Abe : Oh , what a lie . What a lie that is . All you re trying to do is chip away at the long - held values of this community and this country . And frankly , it makes me sick at heart . Eve : Jack , do not let him get under your skin . Jack : I ca nt wait to beat the hell out of him on election day . Eve : You know what , we re one step closer to making that reality . Salem will be yours . Jack : Ours . Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives . Lani : Who is this precious little guy ? Oh , my god . Eli : Jordan ridgeway s son . Lani : She was telling the truth ? Eli : Yeah , rafe just brought him back from california . He asked me to take care of him while he makes some sort of arrangements . Lani : Yeah . Hi , little guy . Eli : Yeah , what s wrong ? What s wrong , little man ? I fed you , changed your diaper , gave you the little binky thing . I do nt know what else to do . Lani : Did you burp him ? Eli : That would be a yes . Lani : Yeah . Let me try . Eli : That would be a hell yes . Lani : Hi . Hi . Hi , sweet boy . Hi . [ Chuckles ] What s all the fuss about ? You afraid of that big , old scary man ? Eli : I am not scary . Lani : Oh . He s actually amazing . [ Both chuckle ] Like you . You just wanted to see what was going on . Did nt you ? [ Chuckles ] What s your name ? He does have a name , right ? Eli : Yeah . Lani : Well , what is it ? Eli : David . Rafe : [ Chuckles ] The baby s fine . David is with eli in the interrogation room . Hope : Rafe , how can you be so sure the baby s jordan s ? Rafe : Ah , well , I tracked down california public records . I was able to find the birth certificate that listed jordan as the mother , and then I was able to track down jordan s most recent address . So I went door to door , and boom , I hit the jackpot . I went to a house and the woman said jordan gave her money and supplies and she would be back as soon as she could . Hope : Except now she s in bayview . Rafe : Yeah . Yeah . But I did what I promised jordan I would do , which was find her baby and bring it back to her . Ted : Because bringing the baby back to his mother who is a patient in a psych hospital is a huge improvement . Rafe : Were nt you gon na resign ? Ted : Oh , you do nt know . Rafe : No , I dont -- what are-- Ted : Abe would nt accept my resignation , despite all your best efforts to get rid of me . I m sorry , rafe , but I m not going anywhere . Rafe : Huh . Great . Abe : You know , this race is just -- it s just gotten so ugly . Jack and eve , they ve whipped people into a frenzy over this immigration issue . They ve convinced people that haley chen is some sort of dangerous criminal , and I m almost as bad because I ve shown her some compassion . Sheila : And wisdom and strength , and more brain cells than those two combined . Abe : I do nt know . I do nt know , sheila . You know , for the first time , I think I might lose this race . Eve : I am going to alert the media that we re gon na throw a huge rally here , and then after we drop that big old bombshell , there is no doubt in my mind that I am looking at salem s next mayor , jack deveraux . Jack : I like the sound of that . Eve : You bet . Jennifer : I need a word with you . Jack : Uh , I think after our last conversation , it s best if we just stay as far away from each other as possible . Jennifer : I disagree . Jack : Like I said before , I think it s best if we just avoid each other , hmm ? Jennifer : Come on , jack . We share kids , we share grandkids , and god forbid if you re elected mayor , given our jobs , we are going to be spending a lot of time together . Unless of course that s incentive for you to drop out of the race . Jack : Almost but not quite . Anything else ? Jennifer : I wanted you to hear it from me first . The spectator is officially going to endorse abe carver for mayor . Jack : Ah , so much for unbiased coverage . Jennifer : It was adrienne s decision . Jack : Oh , et tu , adrienne . My own sister . What do you think about that ? Jennifer : Your sister would have voted for the old jack in a heartbeat . Jack : I thought I was nothing but a screw - up in my political days of yore . Jennifer : No , because even the old , ruthless jack would never relentlessly pursue haley chen , sacrificing her at the altar for your blind ambition . Jack : Stop right there . I may be ambitious , but this election is mine to win , because my message resonates with the public . And you know why ? Because people are sick and tired of being taken advantage of . Jennifer : Oh , really , jack ? Who is haley hurting ? Jack : How about our son for starters ? Jj obviously cares for haley , even though she s already roped his cousin into a green card marriage . Does nt it bother you just a little bit that she s using both our son and our nephew ? Jennifer : Oh , my gosh . Somewhere in there you care , do nt you ? Tripp : Hey , thanks again for stepping up as my best man . I do nt expect you to throw me a bachelor party or anything . Not unless you really want to . Hello ? Jj : I m sorry , man . What d you say ? Tripp : Are you sure you re on board with all this ? Jj : Yeah , yeah . No , I m sorry , it s just my head was somewhere else . Tripp : Dad ? I mean , I d be ticked off too if my dad pulled something like yours did . Jj : Not my dad . Claire . Tripp : What s going on with claire ? Jj : Look , it s the weirdest thing and it s probably nothing , but , uh , jordan ridgeway claims that she did nt set that first fire at the cabin that almost killed ciara . Tripp : Yeah , and she s in a psych hospital now , so ... Jj : Yeah , no , maybe she s telling the truth , maybe she s not . But right after I found that out , haley and I had to put the ring back in claire s jewelry box . There was a lighter exactly like the one I found at the crime scene when ben tried to burn abigail alive . Haley : That s right , I remember you were telling me about that . Tripp : You do nt think claire-- Jj : No , no , no , no . No , of course not , but I want to know where she got it . She told me that she found it around here when ben was living with you . Tripp : I mean , during her brief smoking phase , she kept that secret away from everybody . What s the big deal ? I mean , there s a lot of lighters in the world . Jj : No , I know , but the cop in me ca nt help but wonder . What if that lighter is the missing dot that connects ben to that fire ? Claire : Sorry , guys , I was just -- um-- what are you doing ? Jj : You and I , you and i talked about me taking this lighter to the cops . Claire : Yes , I never said yes . Jj : Is -- is there a problem ? Claire : No , of course not . There s not a problem , but i just -- it s just a lighter . What could -- what could you possibly do with it ? Jj : I am not sure , and I know it s a long shot , but even if there s a chance we can connect that lighter to that fire ... Claire : It s just that it s been lying around here forever , and it seems like kind of a dead end to me . Tripp : Maybe , but if ciara s dating the guy who tried to kill her , we owe it to her to find out whatever we can . Claire : It s true . Yeah , of course . All right . Here you go . Jj : Wish me luck . Claire : Good luck . Lani : I ca nt believe his name is david . Eli : Maybe he was named after someone special , like our son was . Lani : Like david abraham ? How old is he ? Eli : Rafe said about six months . Lani : That s how old our baby boy would be . If he was born on his due date . Six months . Eli : Yeah , I know . Lani : Hi . Hi , sweet boy . Hello . Ted : So who s the baby s father ? Rafe : Oh , the birth certificate leaves that field blank . And the neighbor had no idea . Ted : No daddy . Mommy is in a loony bin . Uncle ben is a serial killer . Any other next of kin ? Haley : Clyde s in prison , thank god . Rafe : There s no one else that we know of . Ted : So what the hell are you going to do with the baby ? Sheila : You re not a quitter . And there s no way in hell you re gon na lose to a guy who does nt know jack . Abe : He s as sharp as a snake , and he and eve have me on record supporting haley s right to be in the country . Sheila : But it was the right thing to do . Abe : But it s not a popular position in today s political climate . He will twist my words into a weapon against me . Sheila : Well , then fight back . You re standing up for what s right , abe carver , and plus you can sleep at night knowing you still have your integrity . Abe : Yeah , I do nt know about that . Sheila : So what d you do , like pay your parking ticket late or something ? Abe : Found out that my new interim da is a blackmailing son of a bitch . Sheila : Well , fire his ass . Abe : It d all come out that I hired a crooked lawyer and never took the time to vet him . Sheila : Because you trusted your commissioner . Abe : Oh , it does nt matter . And all on the heels of trask leaving the office . Sheila : So that s why the jerk gets to stay ? Optics ? Abe : For now . Sheila : That s a hell of a risk . Abe : Yeah . I know . But I decided that it was better for the town to have a corrupt district attorney than a corrupt new mayor . Ted : Quite the hero , saving the baby . But did nt you think you needed more of a plan ? Rafe : Well , I was nt going to leave david in the care of someone who could nt look after him indefinitely . Hope : No , of course not . Rafe : Right . Hope : Hey , I ll call child protective services , ask them to take the baby until we can confirm with jordan s doctors in the morning , make a more long- term plan . Rafe : No . No , not yet . Lani : Ooh , david needs a diaper change . Do nt you ? Eli : I just changed him 20 minutes ago . Lani : Then it s my turn . Eli : Then you will need this . There you go . Lani : Hi . Jj : What s this ? Eli : Meet jordan ridgeway s son . Lani : David . Jj : David . Jordan has a kid ? Lani : Who needs a diaper change right away . Eli will explain everything . Jj : That s not weird . Eli : Rafe just brought him back from california . He was sure that that baby was some sort of delusion , but clearly jordan was telling the truth . Jj : Well , if she told the truth about the baby , then maybe she told the truth about not setting that cabin fire . That s why I m here . I m hoping you can help me . Haley : This wedding dress thing , man , it s way too hard . You know what , I d rather talk about cake . What s your favorite ? Tripp : Chocolate . Claire : Red velvet . Oops , sorry . Do nt mind me . I m just the dumped ex . Oh , come on , I m kidding . I m kidding . Carry on . Haley : [ Chuckles ] Chocolate is my favorite too . Claire : Oh , my god ! Tripp : What ? Claire : Well , the deveraux campaign just tweeted and , guys , they re holding a rally tonight at the square . Tripp : That sounds like something to avoid . Claire : Oh , oh , my god . Get this . Hashtag , ice . Hashtag , haley chen . Haley : Wow , they re not gon na stop until they ve ruined my life , will they ? Claire : [ Sighs ] It s so unfair . So terribly unfair . Jack : I may not remember my relationship with my son , but I care . I told you that . Jennifer : It s just been so long since I ve seen a glimpse of the old jack . Maybe he really is in there . Hope : Why should nt I call child protective services ? Rafe : Because when david is placed in foster care , it will be a bureaucratic nightmare for jordan to ever get him back , you know this . Hope : You feel responsible . Ted : Of course he does . Rafe : Thank you , ted . Hope : Okay , okay . What s the alternative ? Rafe : Well , david obviously has a father who might be able to look out for him . There s potentially next of kin . I do nt know , I need to speak with jordan , so ... do you not have somewhere else you can go ? Ted : I ll leave you to it . Rafe : Yeah . Ted : Enjoy your evening together . Rafe : [ Scoffs ] Hope : Oh . Rafe : Something important ? Hope : Mm - hmm . Reservation reminder . Our re - rescheduled anniversary dinner . Rafe : Right . That s tonight . Hope : Mm - hmm , yeah . I honestly thought that I was gon na have to cancel it when you took off to california , but now that you re back , I-- should I confirm ? Tripp : No , look , this rally is just more of jack and eve s bull , all right ? They re gon na jump up and down , yell and scream about what a fraud we are and how our marriage is a big sham , but you know what ? They can say whatever they want . They ca nt prove anything , so ignore this . It means nothing . Haley : Mm - hmm . Claire : Jack and eve really are just so horrible . But , guys , you do nt by chance think that maybe we actually really need to be there ? Haley : Eh , no , no , I donT. Claire : But if we re there , if we re there then we can hear what they have to say . We can get a feel for their supporters and their angle , and that can help us prepare to fight back . Tripp : I mean , maybe -- maybe claire s right , we should go . You know , we can show people that we re a committed couple . You can flash your ring . Claire : My ring . Which looks amazing on you . Haley : Claire , I know how much this sucks for you , but I m sorry , and again , just thank you so much for everything . Claire : I m just glad it s all working out for you . Tripp : We should head over there . Haley : Yeah , I guess might as well , right ? Claire : How bad can it be ? Tripp : Well , no , no , hold on . There s no way you can show up with us . You re supposed to be my ex . Claire : That s right . [ Chuckles ] All right , yes , yes . And do nt worry , I will do my best to play the angry ex - girlfriend . Tripp : All right , all right . We ll see you back here then ? Claire : All right . Tripp : All right , cool . Claire : Okay , bye . Only I will not be pretending , and haley chen will not be coming back here tonight . Or ever . Sheila : If you want the opinion of an average person , nobody cares about your boring - ass policy positions . Abe : So you re saying I m boring ? Sheila : I mean , I m just saying , people do nt care about details . They just want to know that their lives are gon na get better . Abe : Well , they are better . Things are better . Employment s up , crime is down . And yet there s all this anxiety , anger . Sheila : And jack s put a face on it . And it looks like haley chen . So take a page , do something bold and get the people s attention . Abe : Such as ? Sheila : Well , you know what they say , when they go low ... Abe : We go higher . Sheila : Hell no . We go even lower . Abe : They do nt say that . Sheila : Well , I do . So sit back and listen , honey . [ Clicks tongue ] Okay ? Eve : Oh , hey . Is this woman harassing you , jack ? Jack : No more than usual . Eve : Actually , I m glad I ran into you , jennifer , cause we wanted to alert the media that we re gon na throw a big rally right here tonight , and trust me , it is something that you do not want to miss . Shall we , jack ? So what was that about ? Looked pretty intense . Jack : Jj . Eve : Jack , just do not let her get to you , okay ? Cause you are doing the right thing for this community and for jj , even if he doesnt-- does not appreciate it . Jack : I just -- I feel for him a little . Eve : Of course you do , because you have a heart . Now is not the time for us to lose our nerve because tonight we go in for the kill . Rafe : I very much want to have an evening alone with my wife . Hope : Good . Glad to hear it . What ? What ? Rafe : Come on , hope , you got ta understand . Hope : What ? Rafe : Jordan , she s worried sick about her baby . Hope : Of course I understand that she s worried about her baby . Rafe : Okay . Hope : She abandoned him and did nt mention it for weeks . Rafe : She was nt thinking clearly , which obviously she regrets , which is why she tried to sneak out of bayview . Hope : You have to call bayview right away . You have to let her know that david is okay . Rafe : Well , she ca nt accept calls . Hope : Okay , then call her doctors and theyll-- Rafe : She does nt trust her doctors . Hope : She only trusts you , right ? Rafe : I promised her . Hope : Why do some promises mean more to you than others ? Rafe : Oh , hope , ple-- please . Can you just try and understand ? Hope : I ll cancel . Sheila : You know my nickname at statesville was dozer . You know why ? Abe : I can only imagine . Sheila : Cause I m a digger and I do nt stop until I get what I want . I mean , I ll go dark web if I have to . I mean , all this fancy opposition research is just digging up dirt , and I m all over it . Okay , senator harper deveraux was a crazed killer . And jack deveraux , he s using his amnesia as a selling point . I mean , you should be beating the pants off this guy . Abe : But I m not . Sheila : Because you re being too nice . I mean , deveraux is a rapist . You have nt even brought that up once . Abe : The woman he raped is a friend of mine . I wo nt put her through that . Sheila : Well , there s other stuff , and do nt even get me started on that bitch , eve . I mean , the woman s like a lady macbeth . Abe : What did you say ? Sheila : Do nt give me that look , okay ? I took a shakespeare class at statesville . I mean , the man s a genius . The two - backed beast , that gets me every time . But I got it , okay . How do you feel about playing matchmaker ? Jj : Hey , mom . Jennifer : Hey . Hi . What are you doing here ? Jj : I heard jack and eve were having a rally . Was nt gon na miss their latest circus . Jennifer : He s worried about you , you know ? Jj : The hell he is . Jennifer : How you doing ? I know this ca nt be easy with haley marrying tripp . Jj : Frankly , mom , I really do nt want to talk about it . Jennifer : I m proud of you , you know that ? You always stand up for what s right . All right , I need to go to the press area . I love you . Claire : Wow . Guess this is the place to be . Jj : Guess so . Claire : Yeah . Um , by the way , what did the police say about the lighter ? Jj : They re gon na see what forensics can come up with . Claire : Okay , that s great . Haley : Are we sure this is a good idea ? Tripp : Just think of it as fact finding . And plus , who cares what anybody says here , all right ? Tomorrow , you and I will be married , you ll be a legal resident , and no one can ever touch you again , okay ? Eve : Hello , salem . Good evening . Eve : Good evening , yes , yes . Our future mayor , mr . Jack deveraux ... [ Cheers and applause ] Thought it was critical to keep you informed on an important issue that concerns all of us in this community about our safety and our rights as american citizens . All : Yes ! Tripp : It s okay . Eve : Now as you know , we have an illegal immigrant living right here in our midst . Boo ! Claire : Boo ! Eve : A criminal -- that s right a criminal that mayor abe carver does nt think is a threat to our community . But I m happy to say that after a fair trial , a judge has ordered haley chen to be deported within 30 days . [ Cheers and applause ] But what did miss chen do , huh ? Instead of obeying the law that she has been breaking for years , haley chen continues to game the system . She s planning a fraudulent-- she is planning a fraudulent marriage for the sole purpose of gaining her green card . No way , no way . Eve : Yes , and she will be entitled to those benefits , those -- those benefits that you , the hard - working taxpayer have earned . That s right ! Never ! No ! Eve : Does she deserve a free ride here ? All : No ! Eve : No , she doesnT. Oh , well , look who is here . Let s ask her ourself . Haley : That s not what I want . Send her back ! Haley : That s not what I want ! All : Send her back ! Send her back ! Send her back ! Claire : What ? Come on . I have to play the jilted ex - girlfriend , right ? All : Send her back ! Send her back ! Send her back ! Send her back ! Send her back ! Send her back ! Send her back ! Send her back ! Send her back ! Send her back ! Rafe : Hope . Hope , you know that there is nowhere else that I would rather be than with you alone tonight . You know that , do nt you ? Hope : Rafe ... I love you . Rafe : I love you . Hope : I love you so much . But every time you take off , you make a choice to put that person first . Rafe : You know I would be here for you if you needed me . Hope : I need you . I keep telling you that I need you . Every time I turn around , you re off with another ex . Rafe : Every time I turn around , you re with ted laurent . Hope : Someone told me that I need to figure out whether I really ... want to be in this marriage . Rafe : What ? Hope : I do nt know . Do I ? Rafe : No ... Hope : I have to go . Rafe : Hope . Oh , come on . This-- Sheila : So all we have to do is get jack away from that bloodsucker eve and then give him a friendly little push towards his sweet little ex . Then jack will come to whatever sense he has , problem solved . Abe : Look , there is no way in hell that I m playing matchmaker , and jennifer is too good for the man jack s become . Sheila : Okay then . Well , I ll keep digging . But there has to be something . Like , he had to pay off , like , a hooker back in the day or maybe he did a deal with the russians or-- Abe : Sheila , stop . Please . Sheila : [ Sighs ] Eve : So it s my honor and privilege to introduce to you salem s next mayor , mr . Jack deveraux . Claire : Yeah ! Jack : Thank you , everybody . I love you too . Thank you ! Thank you ! Jack ! [ Cheers and applause ] I want to thank you all for coming out here tonight , for supporting these issues , issues that impact all of us . Now , this issue in particular , we wanted to make sure we avoided media spin , so we wanted to bring it directly to you , the people . Yeah . Jack : Right ? Ms. Donovan , please . Eve : Let the fireworks begin . Yeah ! Yeah ! So there you are with your depression Lani : Oh , it s okay . It s okay , little guy . You re gon na be just fine . Yeah . Rafe : [ Exhales ] Eli : Perfect timing . Rafe : Hey . How s he doing ? Eli : He s all yours . Lani : He s great . Rafe : Yeah ? Lani : So good . Yeah . Rafe : Good , good . Listen , I hate to ask you guys this , but I got ta go see jordan right now , and I ca nt take him with me . I was just wondering if maybe you could watch him a little while longer . Lani : Of course . Of course . Eli : I kind of have plans . Lani : It s our pleasure . Eli : Oh , what she said . Rafe : Yeah ? Eli : Yeah . Rafe : Thanks , you guys . I really appreciate it , really . Really , I do . You re the best . Thanks . Lani : Guess what . We get to keep you a little longer , yeah . That little smile . Say hi . Ted : Well , this is a surprise . I thought you and rafe would be here celebrating his return home . Where is he ? Jordan . Hope , you okay ? You okay ? I m sorry . Hope : Me too . Abe : Sheila , I m grateful for you help . Sheila : Really ? Cause I ca nt tell , cause you shot down every idea . Abe : They were enthusiastic , they were colorful . They re just not right for me . Sheila : So I guess law and order abe does nt need advice from ex - con sheila from the hood . You know , I m gon na get going . Abe : Sheila , sheila , wait , wait , wait , wait . You have no idea how much your support means to me . Sheila : Thank you . Abe : No . Thank you . Jack : Uh , what s the problem ? Eve : I do nt know . I m so sorry , everyone . We seem to be having a little bit of a technical difficulty up here . We ll be right with you , okay ? Jack : Eve ... Eve : Jack , the file is gone . Jack : Gone ? How can it be gone ? Eve : Do nt touch it . It s just gone , okay ? There s no confession here , no proof the engagement s a fake , there s nothing . Jj : This is the big announcement ? The screen s as blank as jack deveraux s brain . Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . Tripp : It seems like a pretty big build - up to nothing . Jennifer : Excuse me , I m going to go file my non - story . Jack : This is a disaster . Eve : No - no - no , it isnT. I m sorry about this little technical snafu here , but we really do have a very big announcement for you today . The carver campaign is bringing you a fake marriage . [ Crowd boos ] That s right , but we are going to bring you a real one . That s right , I m happy and thrilled to announce that jack and I are getting married . ### Summary:
Jack and Abe argued over the way Jack has become . Jack could nt wait to beat him in the election . When Abe walked away from him , Jennifer wanted to talk . She told him that the Spectator was backing Abe . Jack was nt surprised . When Jack said that Haley was using their son and nephew , Jennifer thought that he cared . JJ told Tripp and Haley that Claire had the lighter Ben used to burn down the cabin . JJ wondered if Claire s lighter was the one that burned down the cabin . When he was about to take it , Claire walked in and wondered what he was doing . She tried to keep him from taking the lighter . Tripp said that they owed it to Ciara to find out if she was dating the guy who burned down the cabin . Claire agreed to let him take the lighter . Rafe told Hope that Jordan had a baby . He left the baby with Eli . Lani bonded with the baby . Ted wanted to know who Jordan s baby s father was . Ted wanted to know what they were going to do with the baby . Abe talked to Sheila about Jack and the election . Hope said she would call CPS , but Rafe did nt want her to . Lani continued to bond over David ( Jordan s baby ) . JJ saw them with the baby . When she left , JJ showed Eli the lighter . Rafe thought it would be too hard for Jordan to get David back if he is in the system . Rafe wanted Ted to leave them alone . Rafe and Hope talked about their anniversary plans . Eve did nt like seeing Jennifer getting closer to Jack . Eve took Jack away from Jennifer and told him to stay away from her . Rafe and Hope argued over him not wanting to turn the baby in . JJ showed up at Jack and Eve s rally . Claire showed up at the rally too . At the press conference , Eve brought up Haley getting deported . Haley and Tripp were at the press conference . The crowd wanted Haley to get deported . Hope told Rafe that he keeps putting people before her . She told him that every time she turned around , he was with an ex . He told her that she was always with Ted . Sheila told Abe that they could get Eve away from Jack . She thought that Jack would change if he were with Jennifer . Abe did nt want Jennifer with this Jack . Sheila said she would come up with another plan . Rafe asked Eli and Lani if they could watch David a little longer while he went to see Jordan . Eli did nt want to , but Lani did . She was happy to spend more time with him . Ted found Hope at Doug s Place . He wanted to know where Rafe was . He assumed that Rafe was with Jordan . He asked if she was okay . He kissed her . The footage that Eve wanted to show at the press conference did nt play . Eve told everyone that she and Jack were getting married .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Fox : Look , I m still not sure what s going on . Ivy . I just told you , Fox . Whitney said she has to be with you , and I was wondering why she would use a word like that . I mean , why do you have to be with my son , whitney ? What s the rush ? Whitney : Rush ? Ivy : Yes . You were planning on marrying chad and having a family with him until you found out he was your half brother -- what , a week ago ? And now suddenly you re driven to be with my son . Why is it so urgent that you re with fox so soon after being with chad ? Whitney s voice : Oh , my god . Ivy must have realized I m pregnant , that I need to be with fox to pass off chad s baby as his . Tabitha : Ivy has whitney on the spot about something , but what ? Tabitha : Oh , I ca nt hear a bloody thing with this old relic ! Hell s bells , endora . Why am I making it so hard for myself ? I m a witch , for crying out loud . I have the very latest in dark side technology . Watch mummy , my little demon . This will bowl you over . [ Tabitha laughs ] General hellectric -- oh , so damn dependable . Ivy : So , whitney , why do you have to be with my son ? Tabitha : Because you re all knocked up and about to show . But the baby s chad s , so no one must know . Ll cool j has nothing on me , endora . Well , let s get back to see what s going on at the hospital . Well , what s with this bloody reception ? I seem to have picked up young jessica s shopping channel . Nurse : This new bag from mark will be great for the gym . Jessica : More than the gym . Look at all those pockets . And I ve put the rest of your order inside . Nurse : Sweet ! The lace trim cami set ! Kenny will love me in these . I should have ordered two sets . Tabitha : Ooh , those are rather nice . Hmm , very stylish . I wonder how much they are . Jessica : They are still in stock . Only $ 16 for the set . Nurse : Jessica , order me another . Jessica : You ve got it . Tabitha : Hmm . That young jessica is going to give alistair crane a run for his money one of these days . But back to business . Whitney s best friend , theresa , is preggers , too . But which of her two babies is whose complicates already bad news . Which of her two babies is whose complicates already bad news . Theresa : I do nt know how you can do it . I do nt know how you can ask me to let our baby die . Ethan : Theresa -- um -- I know that -- that asking you to sacrifice one child to save the life of another is -- it s almost too awful to consider . But the fact is , the alternative is even worse . Eve said that by keeping both of these babies , we lose both of these babies . You ca nt do that . You canT. Gwen deserves to be a mother . You know what -- what we robbed from her , the happiness that we took from her in los angeles when she saw us kissing on television and she lost sarah . We owe her . You owe her a child of her own . The only way for that to happen is for you to have this procedure . Theresa : But which one lives , ethan ? Yours and gwen s , or yours and mine ? Sheridan : Mrs. Wheeler , you re not who you say you are ? Kathine : , It , Sheridan : Why not ? Katherine : Because I did nt have the courage . I just did nt have the courage , and even now I m dreading it . But the time has come . I ca nt avoid it any longer . I -- I have to tell you the truth . Martin : What did you say ? Luis : Uh -- no , I was just -- I was thinking about my father . How angry I still am at him , you know , for bailing out on our family the way he did . Martin : Yeah , but that was years ago . Luis : Yeah . Yeah , we re still paying the price , though . Martin : I m sorry . Luis : Do nt be . It s not your fault my father s a deadbeat . Oh , god , you know , when I think of all the sacrifices that I made trying to fill that man s shoes -- unfortunately , my family needed more help than I could even give them . Martin : You should nt blame yourself . Luis : I donT. I do nt at all . I blame my father . Like now , for instance , theresa s got this life - and - death decision that she has to make with her babies . And he should be here for that ! He should be here to give her advice , and he isnT. Well , I tell you something , boy , if I could get my hands on that jerk , I -- well , I would ring his neck . Martin : Hey , luis , I need to tell you something , something I should have told you and sheridan when you first came to mexico , but I couldnT. Luis : What s that ? Martin : I hope you can forgive me , but the truth is I ve been lying to you since the moment we met , and it s time that you knew the truth . Singer : I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet and i would fly on the wings of the bird I knew could take me highest breathe in , breathe out you keep me alive you are the fire burning inside of me you are my passion for life luis : So you ve been lying to me ? Martin : And I m ashamed of myself for it . Luis : I thought so . I thought that something was going on , and so did sheridan . You know , we both felt this connection to you and mrs . Wheeler , and so did mama and julian , and no one could put their finger on it . Martin : Well , your instincts were right . When sheridan and I were alone earlier at the cottage , she asked me if I was keeping any secrets . I should have owned up to it then , but I didnT. Luis : Yeah , so what is it ? Huh ? Is there some sort of connection between you and mrs . Wheeler and alistair ? Huh ? Did you already know him ? Is that why he tried to kill us down in the jungle ? Is that why she came back here and shot him ? To , what , settle some sort of old score ? Martin : I ca nt -- I ca nt answer for my wife . All I can do is speak from my own heart . Now , you re a fine man , a good son , a strong and loving partner to sheridan , and you ve always been honest with me , and I appreciate that . But I ve kept things from you , lied about my real connection to you and to everyone else in harmony . Luis : What , so you have some sort of connection to me ? Martin : Yeah . Luis : What ? You used to live in harmony or something ? Martin : Harmony used to be my home . Luis : What ? Martin : I lived in harmony years ago . That s when I first met alistair crane . Katherine : Sheridan , I have nt been honest with you and luis since we first met in mexico . In fact , I ve been deceiving everyone since . Sheridan : Deceived us how ? Katherine : I know that you and luis were very surprised that I tried to kill alistair . Sheridan : Even though my father tried to murder all of us down in mexico , you never did strike me as a woman who would take justice into her own hands , shooting someone that you do nt even know and then trying to kill my father again in the hospital . Katherine : Sheridan , I did nt just meet alistair . I ve known your father for years , and I hate him with a passion . Gwen : Thank you . Oh -- dr . Russell , are you sure that your prognosis is correct , and there s no way at all that theresa could carry both of these babies to term ? Eve : Gwen , I wish I could give you some hope , but there is nt any . I ve gone over theresa s tests several times , and the results are incontrovertible . There s just no way that both babies can survive . One of them has to be sacrificed in order to give the other one a chance to live . Gwen : God . Eve : I know . Whatever s going to be done , whatever decision is going to be made -- it s going to have to be made soon . Because the longer both babies are in theresa s womb together -- they are fighting for nutrients , grabbing each other -- the harder it s going to be for both of them . And at some point soon , both babies are going to cease to be viable . Gwen : And if theresa does nt do what s necessary to save one of the babies , they re both going to die . She s going to be guilty of taking two lives instead of acting to save one . Eve : Maybe theresa will see that . You just need to give her a little time . Gwen : Yeah , whatever time is left . Eve : You know , I m going to give you another sedative because I want you to get some rest . Eve : There you go . Gwen : Thank you . Eve : Now , I m going to be in the E.R. Gwen : Mm - hmm . Eve : Call me if you need anything . Gwen : I will . Eve : Ok . Gwen : God , please , please , help ethan change theresa s mind . Help him make her see that sacrificing one baby to save the other is the right thing to do . Please , god -- please , save one of my babies . Theresa : So answer the question . Which baby do you sacrifice in order to save the other ? Yours and gwen s , or yours and mine ? Ethan : I ca nt choose which baby to take . For all we know , both of those babies could be gwen s and mine . Theresa : It could be ours , ethan . There could be one from each . But you know what ? It really does nt matter because I ca nt make a decision , and you ca nt , either . That s why I am putting it in god s hands . Ethan : Why do nt we let dr . Russell decide ? She could -- she could save the stronger of the two , the one with the best chance to survive . Theresa : Well , then dr . Russell will be playing god . Ethan : And you re not ? I mean , by doing nothing , you re condemning two babies to die . How is that not worse than -- than choosing to save one over the other ? Theresa : I m choosing to let god s will be done . All right , I m just listening to my heart , and so should you . Ethan : What are you talking about ? I just want to be a dad . I just want to be a father . I just want to help love a life that I helped create , that s it . Theresa : You can still be a father , ethan , no matter what happens to these babies . If god takes one of them , or if he takes both of them , I can give you the family that you ve always wanted . Ivy : Well , whitney ? What is the rush ? Why do you have to be with fox so soon after being with chad ? Fox : Look , mom , whitney and i have been close for a while now . And now that we re free to love each other , why wait ? Ivy : Why rush ? I mean , it s almost as if whitney is hiding something . Is that it , whitney ? Are you hiding something from my son ? Fox : Ok . Mom , come on , please ? Whitney is not taking advantage of me . Why would she ? Ivy : Oh , my goodness . Of course , why did nt I see it before ? I know exactly what whitney s up to . Fox : And what s that exactly ? Ivy : Whitney has to be with you , fox , because she s pregnant . Fox : Is this true , whitney ? Are you pregnant ? Ivy : Do nt make me call sam and have him bring home a lie detector . Whitney : Yes , fox . Your mother s right . I m pregnant . Fox : Well , I ca nt believe it . Ivy : I ca nt , either . Did you learn nothing from kay antheresa having illegitimate children ? Whitney : Fox , listen to me -- I m sorry , ok ? Fox : No , sorry ? Why ? Why ? I could nt be happier . Ivy : What ? Whitney : You re happy ? Fox : I m ecstatic ! Ivy : Oh , good lord . Fox : I said -- I told you that I wanted to make a life with you . I wanted to settle down and have a family and children . Now all we have to do are the I dos and we re all set ! Whitney : So you re ok with being a father to my baby ? Fox : Am I ok with it ? I m going to have nurse precious teach me how to change diapers -- on a doll , not on mrs . Wallace . Whitney : Nice . Fox : It s kind of gross . Ivy : Yeah , fox -- I think the joke is on you . Fox : And how s that exactly , grandma ? Ivy : Well , that s just it -- I do nt think I will be grandma , at least not to whitney s baby . Tabitha : What is it with these mortals , endora ? They never learn from past history . Tabitha : Yeah , well , you re right about that . Less work for us , but , you know , it s not just whitney . Theresa s the same way . All she s ever really wanted is ethan , and y she continually mucks up landing him in the most outlandish ways . Like this two babies , who s your mother ? Fiasco going on at the hospital . Oh , yes , yes , of course we can watch , endora . But let s start with gwen , shall we ? Oh , she s still very worried about losing her child . Little does she know she may lose her husband , ethan , as well . Gwen : Oh , god . Where s dr . Russell ? Ethan : I do nt know . Gwen : Oh , god ! Eve : Is theresa having more false labor pains ? Gwen : No , she s in labor ! Ethan : I think she s in trouble . Eve : Yes , of course she s in trouble . Did nt I tell you not to try and have both these babies ? And would you listen ? No , because you never do , and now both babies are in peril because of it ! Gwen : Oh , god , dr . Russell , please -- please , you have to save these babies ! Please ! Eve : I ll do the best I can . Gwen : Oh , god ! Theresa : Ow ! Theresa : Gwen ca nt give you children . I can . Ethan : Oh , my god . Theresa : Ethan , just admit that you want to have children with me , that you want to start a life with me because you still love me . Ethan : Do nt do this , please . Do nt do this . Theresa : Do nt help you see the truth ? Ethan : The truth ? The truth ? I m married to gwen , and I love her . Theresa : I know you re married to her , but you love me . Ethan : No . Theresa : Ethan , you were going to ask me to marry you , remember ? And the only thing that stopped you was finding out that gwen was pregnant . Ethan : Yes , all right . All right . I married gwen because she was pregnant , but then I fell in love with her all over again . I fell in love with the baby we had together . When we lost sarah , it broke my heart . Theresa : You blame yourself for sarah s death because while gwen was pregnant , you still wanted to be with me . Ethan : I just made a mistake . I made a mistake by letting you draw me back in in los angeles , that s all . Theresa : No , you were following your heart . It just -- it led you back to me . Ethan : You re delusional , ok ? I stayed with gwen , even after sarah was gone . Theresa : Out of guilt , ethan . Ethan : No , because I love her . Theresa : You feel sorry for gwen , but you love me . And my being pregnant with your child proves it . Ethan : You seduced me . Theresa : Ethan , you knew it was me in your bed . Even gwen said that you can tell her apart from any other woman , yet we made passionate love together . Ethan : You drugged me ! You drugged me ! Theresa : Ethan , are nt you tired of fighting it ? Just be honest . Just tell me that you love me . Tell me that you want to be with me . Tell me that you love our baby that we made together , and put our family first . And follow your heart . Just follow it back to me . singer : You are my passion for life luis : So you knew alistair ? How ? Martin : I worked for him at crane industries . Luis : So did my father . Martin : You know , working for alistair was hell . He was a cruel and vengeful man . He relished in other people s pain . He reveled in crushing his opponent , real and imagined . I mean , I thought that alistair might have mellowed during the years that I had been away , but , hell , no . In fact , if anything , he s more hateful now than before . I mean , I thought I had left that bastard behind forever , but there he was in my fac laughing , laughing at my desperation to get the antidote to save my wife and sheridan after they were bitten by those snakes . Luis : Oh , yeah . Well , let s not forget that he used paloma as bait to lure me into that aztec temple that he rigged to explode . Martin : That s right , and it was a miracle that we all survived that , and a wake - up call for me . And I knew , luis , right then and there , that I could nt ignore my past any longer . I had to go back to harmony to make things right with the people that I had wronged before and make alistair pay for hurting me and my loved ones . Sheridan : You knew my father ? Katherine : I knew alistair very well . Sheridan : How ? Katherine : Our families moved in the same circles for generations . My father and alistair had many business deals together . Sheridan : Oh , my god . That s how julian was forced to marry his first wife , ivy . She was a signing bonus in a deal her father made with mine . Katherine : Hmm . When I first met alistair , he was very charming . But as time went on , I realized it was all an act . And he gradually revealed himself as the monster that we know and that we loathe . God , sheridan , he could be so cruel . The least of his cruelty is he could cut you to the core with a look , with a comment . Sheridan : I m so sorry . I know my father can be unkind . Katherine : Unkind ? Sheridan , alistair is monstrous . He should die for the pain and the suffering he s inflicted on so many innocent people ! Like you . When I think of it , I could just choke the life out of him with my bare hands . Using large familiar banks as a front , their e - mail inquiries sound phoney . But if that does nt work , they come back with a threat . A member of your family will be killed . To know more , see global national with kevin newman . Gwen : Dr. Russell , what is happening ? Eve : First baby s coming . Ethan : Push , push , push harder , come on . Theresa : Ok . Gwen : Theresa , come on , you can do it . Look , you give us these two babies , we re going to give you little ethan back . Theresa , push harder . Theresa : I am ! Ethan : Breathe -- breathe through it . Breathe through the pain . Come on ! Eve : The first baby is almost here . Come on , theresa , push one more time , hard ! Eve : Got it . Gwen : Dr. Russell , do ethan and I have a son or a daughter ? Ethan : Eve , what s wrong ? Gwen : Eve , why is nt our baby crying ? Eve : I m sorry , gwen . Your baby is dead . Gwen : No . No . Theresa : Gwen is nt your future . I am . Ethan : No . Theresa : Ethan , you love me . You love the child that I m giving you . Ethan : Theresa , I ca nt deal with you when you re like this , all right ? Theresa : What ? I m being honest . Just admit that you love me . Admit that you want to be with me and not gwen . Ethan : No , no ! This is los angeles all over again . I m not going to do this . I m not going to make the same mistake . I wo nt let you lead me astray . I love gwen , ok ? Theresa : No , ethan , you feel sorry for gwen . You feel guilty for the part that you played leading up to sarah s death . Ethan : Stop it . Stop it . Theresa : You do nt love her . Ethan : Yes -- yes , I do . Theresa : No , you care about gwen , but you do nt have the passion for gwen that you do for me . Ethan : Look , being pregnant has -- has created some sort of hormonal hallucination for you , ok ? I do nt know what you re talking about . Theresa : I know how passionately we made love the night I disguised myself as gwen . And deep down , you knew it was me . Ethan , we created a life together , maybe two , and you ca nt turn your back on that now . Ethan : You re insane . Theresa : I m right . Gwen s pregnancy kept us apart before . Let my being pregnant with your baby bring us back together the way that we re supposed to be . Ethan : No . I canT. I ca nt and I wonT. I m with gwen now . Theresa : Ethan -- theresa : Feel our baby . Feel what our love created that night that we were together . This is your family -- you , me , and our baby . Ethan : Please let go . Theresa : No , just be honest . Tell me that you love me . Tell me that you love our baby . Just tell me . Tabitha : Watching theresa pull out all the stops with ethan reminds me of eva peron when she was working her wiles on the general . Evita , as I called her , never gave up until she got what she wanted . And our theresa is exactly the same way . But , you know , I suspect that ethan is going to succumb to her full- court press very soon . Tabitha : Oh , you re right there . Gwen will be devastated . And the boys down below will be elated . Ok , endora , it s your turn . You can change the channel now . Go back to whitney s woes at chez bennett . Endora : Ah , ah . Fox : Well , of course you re going to be a grandmother , mother . Whitney just told you she was pregnant . Ivy : Yeah , is she ever . Whitney : Fox , you know what ? I would love to go check out your new place . I want to just lay down , so you do mind if we go ahead and check it out ? Fox : Yeah , yeah , yeah . No , I ll keep you company . Let s go . Ivy : Fox , before you go -- fox : Hmm ? Ivy : I d like you to think about something . Did you sleep with whitney while she was still with chad ? Fox : Oh , mother , come on ! No , ok ? No . I do nt want to talk about this with you ! Ivy : Fine . If that s true , then just whose baby do you think she s carrying ? Fox : It s not mine , is it ? Ivy : Exactly . That is why whitney has to be with you . She s desperate to pass her brother s baby off as yours . Fox : Is this true ? This true ? Were you using me this whole time ? Whitney : I did nt know what else to do . Look , I thought about ending the pregnancy , but I could nt do that . And then theresa mentioned what a wonderful father you would be . Ivy : Oh , theresa ! I should have known . Fox : Well , you were using me . You were using me . That s why you were so desperate to have me have sex with you right away , right ? You wanted me to think that I got you pregnant so that I d marry you and raise chad s baby as mine ? Is that it ? Whitney : I did nt want the whole world to know that my baby was the product of incest , fox . Fox : So that makes it ok for you to lie to me ? Whitney : No , no ! I m sorry . Ivy : No , whitney , you re not sorry . You re a slut and a sneak . Ellsreally fresh . luis : That edge in your voice when you talk about alistair -- it sounds like you hate the man just as much as I do . Martin : Luis , you have no idea . Alistair made my life a living hell . For years he threatened to fire me . He kept me from finding other work unless I did everything that he asked me to . Luis : Why did nt you just quit ? Leave town ? Martin : I had obligations -- you know , commitments to other people I could nt let down . And alistair knew that , and he used it to keep me under his thumb . Luis : Well , I know all about that . Alistair made my mother s life a living hell . Worked her to death because he knew she could nt quit , you know , not with all of us kids to feed . Martin : Alistair lives to inflict pain on people . Luis : Yeah . The man s a sadist . You know he always has been . Sheridan even told me that he treated his own wife like hell . Martin : Oh , you re absolutely right . Alistair felt nothing but hate for sheridan s mother . Sheridan : You hate my father so much that you want to kill him with your bare hands ? Katherine : I do . Sheridan : Why are your feelings towards him so intense ? What did he do to you ? Katherine : I had a lovely time tonight . Alistair : So I noticed . You danced with every man at the country club at least once . Katherine : No , I didnT. Alistair : I watched you , katherine ! The only man you did nt dance with were the hired help ! Katherine : Oh , you re exaggerating , alistair . Yes , my dance card was full , but I enjoy spending time with our friends . Alistair : Well , I do nt like it ! You looked like a slut , making eyes at every man there ! Katherine : That s not what I was doing . Alistair : Damn it , woman -- katherine : Ow ! Alistair : Do nt tell me what you were doing ! Katherine : You re hurting me , alistair . Alistair : I saw you throwing yourself at everything in pants , and I wo nt stand for it ! Katherine : No -- alistair : You want to be a whore ? You remember whose whore you are . You re mine ! Katherine : Oh ! Alistair , please , not like that . Alistair : You ll be my whore any way I want you to be ! You like being friendly , katherine ? Well , get friendly . Company s coming . Sheridan : Please tell me . What did my father do to you to make you hate him so much ? New tylenol cold with coolburst demo # 12 . Theresa : Go on , ethan . Tell me that you would sacrifice our baby for yours and gwenS. Tell me that you do nt love me . Tell me that you do nt love our baby . Tell me that you do nt want to be with me . Theresa : Tell me that you do nt have the same passion for gwen as you do me . Ethan : I canT. I ca nt ! I canT. Yes , I would be with you now if I had nt gotten gwen pregnant , and we d be married and happy if I was nt married to her . Theresa : Then leave her . Ethan , leave gwen and be with me and our baby . Make us a family . Make our dreams come true . Gwen : Honey , one of our babies died just like sarah . Ethan : I m so sorry . Gwen : It s not your fault . It s theresa s fault ! Gwen : First she kills sarah , then she refuses to sacrifice one baby to save the other ! Ethan : The second -- the second one is coming , ok ? Theresa : Ow ! Ethan : The second one . Have faith in that , ok ? Theresa : It hurts so much ! Eve : Something is not right . Gwen : What ? Eve : Ok , theresa , push ! Theresa : Ok . Eve : Push hard ! Theresa : Ok . Gwen : Oh , god -- please , dear god , let the baby be ok . Eve : Ok . Ok , the baby s out . Gwen : Dr. Russell , is our baby ok ? Please , please tell me our baby s ok ! Eve : Oh , god , I m sorry , gwen . This baby did nt make it either . Ethan : Oh , god . Gwen : I lost both my babies ? Eve : I m afraid so . Ethan : Oh , my god . Gwen : Oh , my god . No . No , no . Fox : Whitney , you committed incest with your brother ? And now you re using me so that everyone will think your inbred baby is mine ? Ivy : That is exactly what she planned to do , you lying slut ! Fox : She s right . You re no better than your mother . Whitney : Fox , please do nt hate me , ok ? I was just trying to protect my baby , save him from being labeled a complete freak ! But I did nt mean to use you , ok ? I do care about you . Ivy : My son deserves to be loved , not cared for like some pet rock ! Fox : I loved you . Whitney , I loved you , and you took advantage of that to get in my pants . You seduced me . Ivy : Shameless hussy . Whitney : I m so sorry , fox . Fox : Yeah , you are sorry . You re also disgusting and I hate you . Whitney : Please -- fox : Just get out of here ! Get out of here -- front door , back door -- I really do nt care ! Whitney : No , fox ! Fox : Just take tact freakazoid baby with you , will you ? We re done here , ok ? Whitney : Fox -- fox : We re done ! Whitney : No , please ! No . Ivy : No , what ? Whitney : Oh -- um -- oh , I m sorry . Um -- you were saying that you wanted to make sure I was with fox for all the right reasons . And you wanted to make sure I m not rushing into a relationship with him so soon after chad . Well , the answer is definitely no . I mean , I want to be with fox because the thought of not being with him is too upsetting . Fox : Hmm . Whitney : I do nt have anything to hide , ivy . Nothing at all . Tabitha : Ooh ! Is nt all this suffering in harmony marvelous , endora ? Tabitha : Ooh - hoo , yes ! Whitney s headed on the road to ruin that her mother took . And gwen , ethan , and theresa are locked in a torturous triangle for some time to come . And , yeah -- and as for our amigos down under -- Tabitha : Well , only hades knows what s in store for them . Huh , my little witchlet ? Huh ? Luis : Well , did you know sheridan s mother ? Martin : Oh , yeah . I saw firsthand how cruel alistair was to katherine . I mean , it was -- it was horrible having to stand by and watch him abuse her the way he did . And I ll tell you this , luis -- alistair deserves to die for the way he treated katherine and their children . Luis : Yeah , the man s a bastard . Martin : There s more . Crane was cruel to your family , as well . He took full advantage of your father , martin , made him do things that he would have never done otherwise . Luis : Are you telling me that you knew my father ? Martin : I should have told you sooner , but , yeah , I knew martin well . Luis : Well , tell me what he was like ! Tell me everything that you know about him ! Sheridan : How well did you know my father ? Katherine : I knew your father intimately -- through your mother . Sheridan : U knew my moth ? Katherine : Yes , I should have owned up to this sooner , but katherine and I were very close . In fact , it s almost as if we were the same person . I was privy to every insulting , degrading , vicious thing that alistair did to her . Sheridan : Tell me about her . you know ! Please , tell me . Tell me everything . Whitney : There s something I have to tell you , something very important . Fox : Sounds kind of serious . What is it ? Luis : You re positive that my father is still alive ? Martin : Yes , positive . Gwen : Both of my babies died because of that little slut ! Ethan : Gwen , it was a dream ! Gwen : You know what ? ### Summary:
Tabitha and Endora watch the citizens of Harmony with the bowl ; Tabitha does some rapping about them . Whitney has a daydream about Fox and Ivy hating her if they found out she was pregnant , so she vehemently tells Ivy that she has nothing to hide and that she has to be with Fox because the thought of being without him is so upsetting . Theresa and Ethan argue about her options . She uses the situation to try to get Ethan to admit that he still loves her and wants her , and that he s only with Gwen out of pity . After relentless badgering , he admits that he would be with Theresa now if he had nt knocked up Gwen . She urges him to leave Gwen now for her . Martin tells Luis they he used to live in Harmony , worked for Alistair , and that he also knew Luis father well . Katherine admits to Sheridan that she knew Alistair for years and that she was good friends with her mother . Gwen has a nightmare about the babies dying .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Jonathan : What about the police , Lizzie ? Lizzie : Go , go , now . Alan : Are you out of your mind ? ! Lizzie : It was the only way I could know that she would nt grow up under this roof ! Bill : So Jonathan wins , huh ? Lizzie : Nobody wins . Sarah gets her freedom , but somebody has to take her place . Alan : No one gets in and no one gets out . Dangerous , oh , sleep in my bed watching , waiting , hope I m stating lights go up to the black to the blue so just stand to the night synchronized we fight you re coming back to me you re going sing with me you re coming back to me you re going sing with me systems crashing bells are ringing anarchy still frozen me I have looked to the stars I have looked to the sea all these questions now is it him or me you re coming back to me ... Bill : Termination of lease ? Hey ! Lizzie s coming back ! Lizzie : Prison break . Alan : Going somewhere , Elizabeth ? Lizzie : Um , I was just feeling kind of lonesome , Granddad . Alan : Well , it s good thing I invited your mother over for a visit . Lizzie : Mom s coming here ? Alan : Yes . You seem surprised . Lizzie : Well , the way she left with Rick ... Alan : Well , your mother is a little confused right now , conflicted , but the one thing we share , and we ll always share , is our daughter Peyton , and our love for you . Lizzie : I just need some fresh air , Granddad . I m going to wait for mom out here . Alan : Fine . I have a meeting to attend to at Towers . If you need anything , just ask one of the guards and they ll get it for you . You re coming back you re coming back you re coming back you re coming back you re coming back you re coming back Natalia : Oh , sorry ! Bill : Hey , hey , hey , Natalia , it s okay . Natalia : Sorry . I was told this room was supposed to be vacated . Bill : No , it s a misunderstanding . It s still Lizzie s room . Natalia : Oh , because I have on my sheet ... Bill : Your sheet . That s a mistake . In fact , she just upped for another year . So all s well in Springfield . Sorry , I ve got to run . Bill : Alan , you ca nt keep her prisoner . Alan : Bill , Elizabeth came home because she knows what is best for her . Bill : Tell you what , I ll make a deal with you , you let Lizzie off the hook and Ill-- Alan : I do nt do deals with you , Bill . Bill : She hates you , Alan . You re the reason she had to give up her child . Alan : Bill , I realize I make a convenient villain , but the truth of the matter is she gave up Sarah because she is nt ready to be a mother at this stage of your life . Bill : She was afraid of what you would do to Jonathan and Sarah . Alan : She is nt afraid . She is heartbroken . That s why she came home to the man who will always love her . That s why she came home to her family , where she feels safe . Vanessa : Voila . Dinah : Platinum . You always did know how to land on your feet , did nt you ? Vanessa : How about my girl ? Dinah : I tend to land on my head . It s a joke . It s a joke . My head s way better . Vanessa : I have a confession to make . This lunch is a test . Dinah : To see if I remember which fork to use ? Vanessa : There s a job opening up at the studio producing . Dinah : So you wanted to know if my brain was in gear before you offered me the job , is that right ? Vanessa : You mad at me ? Dinah : That depends . How did I do ? Vanessa : You did beautifully . You passed with flying colors . Dinah : I appreciate it , Mom , I really do , but I ca nt take it . Vanessa : Dinah , do nt get all proud on me . Dinah : I m not ... Vanessa : I would nt offer the job to you ... Dinah : ... Suggesting that you are doing that , Mom . This is not about special favors . If anything , you would bend over backwards to prove that you re not playing favorites . Vanessa : Than say yes . Dinah : I ca nt . Vanessa : You do nt want to work with your mother ? Dinah : I do want to work with my mother ... when I m ready . And I m not . Vanessa : Dinah , having a job would be really good for you and this is a good job . It would give you a routine and money ... Dinah : Mom , I have it covered . Hello , I have it covered . I m letting you off the hook . I m going to pay for lunch to prove it to you . Vanessa : Okay . I hope you know what you re doing . Bill : Lizzie ! ( Dog growling ) Hi . Hey there , doggie . Dogs love me . Dogs and kids . Ooh . Must smell my cat . ( Cell phone rings ) I ve got to take this . Bill Lewis . Wanda : You re as bad as your father . Bill : Hey , there , Wanda . What s up ? Wanda : You ve forgotten . Bill : No , I did nt forget . Happy birthday . Wanda : The meeting today , the one with the European investor that I ca nt pronounce his name . Bill : Is that today ? I have my P.D.A. right there . Wanda : You are such a liar . I can tell you re out of breath . Ten to one you re all sweaty . Bill : What are you insinuating , Wanda ? Wanda : I hope she s worth it . Bill : Me , too . Wanda : I knew it ! Listen , you better get your butt in gear and high tail it to this office . Bill : Yeah , see you in a bit . Look , if you see Lizzie , will you tell her my heart beats for her . Dinah : Hey , you okay ? Olivia : Yeah . Dinah : You re not reassuring me . Olivia : I ll live , or not . Scotch on the rocks . Dinah : Do nt you think you should just have some water ? Olivia : No , no , do nt think . Just join me . Dinah : Do nt you think it s a little early . Olivia : Nah , it s not too early . One drink . I ll buy . Dinah : I m not broke . Do I look broke ? Olivia : No , I m sorry . I just ... I need some answers . I thought maybe you would have some . Dinah : Answers ? From me ? All right , ask away . Olivia : When you were shot , did you see that white light that they talk about ? Dinah : I had a headache and I felt like my skull was coming apart . Olivia : So you did nt think you were dying ? Dinah : There were times afterwards that I wanted to , yeah . Olivia : The pain ? Dinah : Well , the pain was easy . What I could nt handle was being a patient-- less then , you know , people feeling sorry for me , Mallet s guilt and the debt . I got tired of that kind of attention , believe it or not . Olivia : Nobody likes that kind of attention . Dinah : What exactly is up with you ? Olivia : I think we ve still got it . You can pick . Dinah : No . Not exactly my type . You have fun though , all right ? Olivia : Thanks . Bill : Mr. Montrose , welcome to Springfield . Montreau : Montreau . Bill : Montreau , sorry . Wanda : Tea ? Bill : Wanda , tea , that would be nice . I d love some . Montreau : She s charming . Bill : Yeah , she is . What brings you to Lewis Construction ? Montreau : I thought I made that clear on the phone . My employer , the C.E.O. of Post Script , Incorporated , has heard good things about you . Bill : I looked up your company on the internet , but I could nt find a match . Does your boss have a name ? Montreau : I will tell you that he is one of the wealthiest men in Europe and looking to expand in the U.S. Bill : This is great , but how did we get so lucky . Montreau : You dislike all of the secrecy . Bill : Dislike . Distrust . Montreau : I appreciate your honesty . I will speak to my employer and get back to you . Bill : Great . Montreau : Thank you . Bill : Oh , stop drooling . Get me a coffee . Beth : So it s true , you and Sarah moved back in here ? Lizzie : Well , you re half right . Hey , it s your big sis . Beth : Lizzie . Lizzie , where s Sarah ? Lizzie : She s with Jonathan . Beth : Jonathan has no right ! Lizzie : It was my choice . Beth : You let him have your baby ? Lizzie : I love her . I need her to be safe , Mom . Beth : What s the deal ? What s going on ? Lizzie : Granddad let s Jonathan leave town with Sarah , he let s them live in peace , and I move back in . Beth : He forces you to give up your baby , and then-- Lizzie : It was my idea . I was here when you and Rick and Granddad were fighting over Peyton , and all I could think of was the same thing happening to Sarah , or worse . And I just could nt do that , Mom , I could nt ! Beth : I will not let him do this to you . Lizzie : No . What you re going to do , Mom , is protect your baby , because that is what you need to do . It gets easier , right ? Can I , um ... Beth : Yeah . Ava : Okay , one more . Bill : Peekaboo . Emma . She s still the prettiest little girl in the town . Ava : She certainly is . Bill : This must be fate . Guess who s signing C.D.s , Hannah Montana . Ava : Hannah Montana . The Hannah Montana ? She loves Hannah Montana . Bill : I ve got a great idea , why do nt I take her . Ava : Well we did tell Olivia ... okay , you can go . Emma : Yes ! Ava : All right . Well , you call me when you are done , and I ll come pick her up . Bill : Okey - dokey . Ava : Have fun ! Bill : We will . Oops , you know what , I made a mistake . She s not signing C.D.s today . She s signing them tomorrow . But I ve got another idea . Why do nt we go visit Granddad Spaulding , huh ? Yeah , let s go . Let s go . Lizzie : Fresh air , I almost forgot what it smells like . Beth : This is ridiculous . Any time you want to leave ... Lizzie : I tried . Granddad is just one step ahead of me . Beth : I m going to talk to him . Lizzie : As long as I keep up my end of the bargain , he leaves Jonathan and Sarah alone , and that is what matters . Beth : You re a prisoner . Lizzie : I can leave ... if I bring the driver . Beth : What about friends ? Dating ? Lizzie : Honestly , there is only one person I would want to see , and he is totally off limits . Beth : Bill . Lizzie : Can we talk about something else , please ? Okay , how are you and Rick ? Beth : He s fine . He s great . No pressure . He has his part of the house , and I have mine . Lizzie : I need a sandwich . Bill : Oh , oh , look at there , Emma , it s raining bouncy balls . ( Horn beeps ) Guard : Can I help you ? Bill : I ve got a special delivery here , Emma , Mr. Spaulding s granddaughter to see him . Guard : Do nt I know you ? Bill : Look , you want to prevent him from seeing his granddaughter , huh ? It will be on your head . Let s go . Guard : Hold it . Bill : I appreciate it . Olivia : Do nt tell me , you re Nick and your Jamie . Jamie : Close . Nick : I m the one with the tattoo . Olivia : You have a tattoo , really ? Where ? No , I ll find it . Jamie : How about another round of drinks ? Nick : Maybe she s had enough . Olivia : No . Bite your tongue , or I will . Ava : Olivia ! Olivia : Ava is a little serious , but you give her a drink , and she loosens right up . Come , join the party . Ava : No , come on . Officer : Detective ? Mallet : What , I m busy . Officer : You re going to want to deal with this . Routine traffic stop , but no license , no registration . Mallet : You know the routine . Officer : Take a look . Lizzie : Now , this is something that I could not have at the Beacon , a giant frig full of everything . I am not even going to work out after this . Nobody s looking at my body . Bill : Who s fault is that ? Oh , my goodness , you should patent this thing . Lizzie : This place is like Fort Knox . How did you get in here ? Emma : Hi , Lizzie . Lizzie : Granddaughter , you re slick , very slick . Bill : Do you have any pickles . Lizzie : If my granddad finds out ... Bill : You have nt even told me you re glad to see me . Lizzie : You have to go . Bill : Lizzie , what are you doing living in this house with the man who made you give up your child . Lizzie : This is the only way I can be sure that he leaves Jonathan and Sarah alone . That s the deal . Bill : A deal ? It s a gun to your head . There s another way . Lizzie : We re talking about my daughter . She comes first . I want to know she can grow up safe and happy , and without a family like this . She is not going to turn out like me . I m going to do the right thing , even if it kills me , okay ? Bill : I get it . I get it . You are brave and passionate ... Lizzie : Now you re trying to get my sandwich . Bill : I m trying to get you out of here . Lizzie : I ca nt go anywhere ! Bill : Come on , Lizzie , come on . We can fix this . Alan : Well , my good day just got better . Beth : I m glad somebody thinks so . Alan : You and our baby daughter Peyton are ... Beth : Are leaving . Unless you plan on locking us up , too . Alan : Oh , you ve been talking to Elizabeth , who , I m sure , is exaggerating . Beth : Are you going to tell me that you did nt threaten her daughter , that you did nt force her to live here in exchange for Sarah s freedom ? Alan : She gave up her daughter and chose to move back into the house on her own free will . Beth : You re going to stand there and look me in the face and tell me that . I know you , Alan . Alan : Yes , you know me , Beth . And you know what matters to me , you , Peyton , and Elizabeth . Now , I do nt always get it right . As a matter of fact , when it comes to the people I love and my children , I generally get it wrong . But , Beth , you could help me . You could teach me to be a good father to Peyton . Beth : No . I m not going to get taken in by you again . Have you talked to Phillip recently ? Alan : Why do you say that ? Beth : Just all of this talk about children ... Alan : Are you not telling me something ? Beth : No . No , I m not . I have to go . Mallet : Hey , Bonnie , where is Clyde . Let me guess , you hit the gas when you meant to hit the brakes . Dinah : You re not going to believe me . Mallet : Driving 60 in a 30 zone , forgetting your driver s license , proof of insurance . Not so good . Dinah : I was in a hurry to get here . Mallet : You were in a hurry to get arrested ? Dinah : No . I was in a hurry to catch you before you went off to dinner . Mallet : Wow , do I smell what I think I smell . Dinah : Yes , I had a craving , and they were having a special two for one , and I got one for you and one for me . And I forgot my wallet back at the sandwich shop , and , you know , I get mixed up a little bit sometimes still . Would I make this up ? Mallet : No . It s just some people might consider this a bribe . Dinah : Mallet , do you think I would resort to something like that ? Mallet : Yes . Yes , I do . Dinah : Well , you re right . Book me . Olivia : I m having fun . Ava : You re hanging out at the bar drinking with Cody and Zach ? Olivia : Yeah , yeah , I am . Pick one . Ava : I do nt care . I m taking you home and I m calling Gus . Olivia : No . No , Gus is with Natalia . And she is his wife and he wants to be with her , so ... I called him so many times and he has nt called me back . You can tell where they are . Ava : So he is sleeping with his wife , and you re out at the bar drinking and hitting on these guys . Olivia : I m having fun . At least they make me feel pretty and sexy and alive , if only for a night . Ava : I want you around longer than a night . I want you to be dancing at my wedding and spoiling my children . And I want you to tell me when I screw up , like moms do . I do nt want you checking out early . I want you to be with me , and I want you to keep that doctor s appointment . Dinah : I used to think handcuffs were sexy . Mallet : You just concentrate on chewing . I did nt want the guys to think you re getting preferential treatment . That s why had to do the cuffs . Is this still happening , you re forgetting stuff . Dinah : Little stuff . I remember the big stuff , the important stuff . Mallet : The important stuff . That s hard to forget , like coming home to your wife . Dinah : Or your husband ? Mallet : Yeah . Curling up , watching a movie together , falling asleep on the couch together . Dinah : Your skin ... Mallet : Yeah , your hair . Dinah : Does this mean you re going to let me off easy ? Mallet : Well , the jury is out on that one . Food , chew . Dinah : Uh - uh . Mallet : Detention . Montreau : It went great , if I do say so myself . Bill Lewis bought it . Weird gig , it reminds me of the time I played killer number two on the C.S.I. , Miami . Do you think I can put this on my resume ? ( Laughter ) Totally . Bill : Lizzie , can we just go ? Lizzie : No . I have to get Roxie . Bill : You can send for Roxie . Lizzie , if you want this , you have to choose it right now . Lizzie : Tell me , what is this ? Alan : I have to hand it to you , Bill . Bringing Emma was very clever , but not very smart . Lizzie : Granddad , no ! No ! Alan : A deal is a deal , Elizabeth . Guard # 1 : He s all yours . Guard # 2 : What are the charges , Mr. Spaulding ? Alan : Criminal trespass , breaking and entering , and possible kidnapping . Your taste in men is atrocious , Elizabeth . Lizzie : Who is good enough . A guy like you ? Alan : All right , all right , make me the bad guy . Make me the bad guy ! I am not going to sit on the sideline and watch you throw away your life with another loser . Lizzie : Let me go , Granddad . Alan : Do you think you re just another relative to me ? Another relative that sits at the dining room table . You are my pride and joy . Lizzie : Property , you mean . Alan : No . Do you think I want all of these guard dogs around ... Lizzie : I think it makes your day ! Alan : Elizabeth , I want you to stay here and want to be here with me . I want you to smile again . I want you to want to be here with me . I want it to be the way it used to be when we used to talk , and you used to ask me questions about the business . You would tease me and we would play chess together . I just want you to ... Lizzie : Ow , you re hurting me . You re hurting me . Alan : All right . It s been a very ... a very hard day , Elizabeth , but I think tomorrow will be better . Now , you just ... I think you need to get some rest , okay , sweetheart ? Bill : Come on ! What kind of hotel is this ? Do I at least get free cable ... Mallet : Shut up ! Shut up ! Bill , how about you concentrate on cultivating a new attitude so maybe you can adopt some new friends . Bill : You know what I need ? I need a lawyer . Look , Mallet ... Mallet : Yeah , right . Right . This is when I get the speech . Go ahead , Bill , tell me how you are innocent . Bill : I m not going to say I m innocent . If there was a woman that you cared about , would you just turn your back on her ? Mallet : Your sister ought to be in there with you , but , what the heck , I ll give you two five minutes . Bill : What did you ever see in that guy ? I just do nt know . Dinah : At least he has brains enough to stay clear of Alan Spaulding . Bill : Sis , I would have made you proud . Dinah : I stopped breaking and entering a year ago . You see where it gets you . Bill : He has Lizzie prisoner . You have to get me out of there . Dinah : Bill , you are not going to get anywhere storming town hall . You just have to compromise . Bill : Just get me out of here . And I ll return the favor with whatever you need . I m your brother and I love you . Dinah : I ca nt . Bill : What do you mean you ca nt help me ? Are you short for cash . Just call Mom . Dinah : I ca nt help you . Not now . What do you mean not now ? Bill : Are you serious , what do you mean not now ? Dinah : I know you will find your way out of here . But I ca nt do this right now . Bill : Dinah ! Dinah ! Dinah , you ve got to get me out of here ! Dinah ! Rick : There he is . Nothing fatal I hope ? Alan : Just a scratch . I do nt want to risk getting a staph infection . By the way , did Beth tell you that she brought Peyton by to see me . Rick : Not you , but to see Lizzie . Listen , Alan , I m glad you got a chance to visit with Beth . You wo nt be doing that anymore . Alan : You really think so ? Rick : Alan , I hold all of the cards here . I have Peyton , do nt I ? Alan : I m her father . Rick : When has that ever stopped a child from leaving your house . Alan : You re not going to win this game , Rick . You do nt have the bank roll or the backbone . Beth : Oh , Peyton , I ll charge a few things . Do nt get me wrong . Shopping never solved anything . On the other hand ... Beth : Maybe that s your sister . Maybe she changed her mind . Maybe we can hurry back to the house and take her home with us . Bill : So you came through , huh ? Mallet : Who ? Bill : Dinah , my sister , your ex . She always comes through . Mallet : Hey , Bill ? Bill : Yeah ? Mallet : Dinah did not post your bail . Bill : She did nt ? Then who did ? Hey , you , how did you know I was here ? Ava : It s for me to know . Mallet : Hey , Bill , why do nt you do yourself a favor and stay away from the Spaulding house . Bill : I appreciate this , I really , really do , but you need to know something . Ava : That you have a thing for Lizzie ? You made that perfectly clear . Bill : And you still bailed me out ? Ava : I m in the investment business , and you are my investment . Just in case you decide to sell out Lizzie ... Bill : Oh , charging commission ? Ava : Nothing you ca nt handle . Bill : Hmm . Here we go . Ava : Thanks . To , um , freedom . Bill : And to screwed - up relationships . Ava : Ours is not screwed up . Bill : Well , ours is not a relationship . Ava : Lizzie ? Bill : So do you want your money back ? Ava : I told you . Bill : Yes , I m an investment , like hog bellies . Ava : You really tried to rescue her ? Bill : Someone had to . Ava : Someone did nt . You did . So , did you tell her ? Bill : Tell her what ? Ava : Our little thing that women want to hear and men hate to say . Bill : Oh , that thing . Ava : Are you in love with her ? Bill : Oh , you know what I m going to do ? I m going to pay you back . I m going to pay you back every penny . Starting with this drink right here . Ava : Okay . Bill : Thank you . Thanks again . Enjoy the rest of your day . Excuse me . Bye . Ava : Hmm . Sugar me sweet , made me believe that I m all you ever wanted make me feel beautiful again I want to be sure I give my all without giving my soul away so I can use my heart again I ve been afraid ... Nick : Too bad your friend could nt stay . Olivia : Am I not enough for you ? NickMore than enough . Jamie : Hey , can I cut in here ? Olivia : Why not . We re all friends , right . Nick : I think I had a dream like this once . ( Laughter ) Jamie : Easy . Are you all right ? Nick : Maybe we should take her home . It s getting kind of late . Olivia : No , it s not too late . We re just getting started . Dinah : Let s go ahead over to the gym and work off this hob gobbler . Mallet : Yeah . That s a great sandwich . Thank you . Dinah : Any time . Mallet : How s Tuesday ? You brought me lunch , and I would like to return the favor . I think that s fair . Dinah : Oh , you do nt need to do that . Mallet : How is Tuesday . Dinah : I am grateful for everything you ve done , believe me . Mallet : Dinah , I do nt want gratitude . I want lunch with you . Dinah : Tuesday is nt good ? Wednesday ? Thursday ? Dinah : Look at that . I have so much to do . Mallet : You have to go to the gym , free weights , swimming with the dolphins ... it s just lunch . Dinah : My mother offered me a job . Mallet : Oh , really ? That s awesome . When do you start ? Dinah : I do nt . Mallet : What ? I m lost . Dinah : I do nt work for my mother . I ca nt see you . I really ca nt do anything because I have to make sure ... really know that I m getting better . Mallet : Dinah , you know a lot of this is just in your head . Dinah : Exactly . Mallet : You waiting to become whole again or something before you allow you to have yourself a life ... Dinah : You know what , maybe you re right ? Maybe it is psychological . Maybe I m still overcoming brain injury . Mallet : Okay . Whatever it is , I m here . Let me help . Dinah : I know you want to . I know you want to . I ca nt let you . Thank you . Guard : I told you I would be back . Bill : I m standing right here , is this Spaulding property ? Guard : Yeah . Bill : How about now ? Guard : No . Bill : Lizzie ! Liz ! Lizzie ! Lizzie ! Lizzie ! Lizzie ! Lizzie ! Lizzie ! Coming up on Guiding Light ... Olivia : I hate sitting around and waiting for my damn heart to stop . Gus : What can I do for you ? Olivia : Let her go . I wo nt tell if you wo nt . Natalia : Hi there . You must be feeling a lot better . I want my husband back . I want my life back . ### Summary:
Both Lizzie and Bill are having rough mornings , apart . To make matter stranger for Lizzie , she agrees to see her grandfather later on that day at Towers after his meeting there . Bill then runs into Alan . The discussion they have is about Lizzie and her being a mother . Alan says she is unfit . Vanessa and Dinah have breakfast together . Vanessa is very concerned with Dinah . She wants Dinah to have a job . Dinah says when she is ready . Bill gets a call from Wanda , the trusty Lewis Oil secretary . She is upset with him . He was due in the office . Dinah and Olivia meet for coffee . They talk about Dinah near death experience . Olivia wants to know what Dinah saw . Bill finally arrives at Lewis . Beth is surprised to see Lizzie on the Spaulding Mansion grounds . And asks her if it is true she is moving back in . Lizzie says she is half right . Ava is at a shoe store when Bill sees her . Ava is not alone , she is with her little sister , Emma . Bill makes up at story to get Emma to go with him . Then he says lets go visit Grandpa Spaulding . They arrive and Bill asks to get in . Lizzie is filling her mouth with a sandwich when Bill surprises her . They talk about her . Beth talks to Alan about Lizzie , Jonathan and Sarah . She gets angry at him . Alan wants Beth to help him be a good father and grandfather . In his words , To teach him how . Dinah finds herself in trouble with the law . Driving without a license . Mallet is nt too pleased . Ava orders Olivia home . Olivia says no . Ava says she wants Olivia around to see her children grow up . Things cool off between Mallet and Dinah , when they have lunch together . Some guy is plotting against Lewis . Alan and his security guy come and throw Bill out . Lizzie is horrified . Dinah visits Bill in jail . Mallet tells her what he is charged with . She is not happy with Bill and tells him so . Dinah leaves without posting bail . Alan visits a imprisoned Rick . Alan tells him he is going to fight him for custody of Bertha . Before Alan leaves he tells Rich he has neither the money nor backbone to fight him . Rick just stares at him . Lizzie fakes being asleep when Alan comes to see her . He quietly closes the door . Mallet offers Dinah a job . Dinah says Vanessa offered her one . Mallet tells Dinah he is there for her . She says she knows and thanks him . Bill is outside Spaulding Mansion yelling for Lizzie . Lizzie walks to the front door and just looks at Bill ......
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Jamal : Jack , would you hold on for a second and just talk to me ? Jack : Hey , will you give me a beer , Frank ? Jamal : Huh ? Frank : Look , I ca nt talk right now , ok ? Jack , Jamal . Jamal : Hey , what is up with you and Reese ? Or have you forgotten she s a vampire ? Jack : Hey , nect . Jamal : No , no , I know that . That s a good thing . Jack : Jamal , I m not buying with her . Jamal : No , just trouble . I know that . Jack : Get a life , man . Come on . Jamal : Me ? No , you need to get a life , ok , and stop throwing yours away because Tess kicked you to the curb . Jack : Whoa , whoa , whoa , hold on . You want to see how hurt I am hat ? Watch and learn , big boy . Hey , am I blind , or are those the brightest blue eyes I ve ever seen ? Jamal : Wow . Wow , wow , what a place , what a place , what a place . We got vampires , ex - vampires , guardian angels , all kicking it in the same spot like it s one big , happy family . I m feeling a little out of place here . Casey : Ho - ho - ho . Jamal : What , you got a bad day in guardian angel land or something ? Casey : I am a supernatural disaster . That s what I am . Jamal : Ok . Now what s up with you ? Casey : I had one job , Jamal , just one job . I screwed up . Man , now the big boss will probably take away my earthly privileges , yank me back upstairs -- Jamal : What s up ? Casey : Hey , Ricky . Ricky : Did I hear you right ? Does Jamal here know that you re a -- Casey : Angel ? Yeah , go ahead , go ahead , say it loud and proud . You know what , everybody else on this planet probably knows anyway , with me and my big mouth that I just ca nt keep shut . Joshua : Yeah , that s a good question . You ve been quite the chatty little cherub , have nt you ? If you re not careful , they just might clip your wings . Jamal : Why do nt we get out of here . Joshua : Before you go , you and I need to have a conversation since all the cards on the table . You know , light and shadow do nt mix . You have a choice to make . You either ditch the angel or get the hell out of the band . Elizabeth : Rafe , you maniac ! Rafe : What are you doing here ? Elizabeth : You scared me to death . I followed you . I knew you guys were up to something . Ian : You nearly got yourself killed . Elizabeth : This is it . This is the place that I saw when you played that music . What is it ? Ian : It s like a giant hot tub for vampires . What do you think ? Elizabeth : That you know more than you re telling me . You guys broke into Caleb s place to get down here . What is going on ? Caleb : I m not going to ask again . Let her go . Tess : It s all right , Caleb . Caleb : No , it is nt . Start talking . Lucy : We just wanted to spend a little time with Tess . Caleb : Like the time we spent together ? Lucy : I do nt think you and i will have another evening like that , do you ? Alison : Look , we just wanted to have a little girls night out . What s wrong with that ? Lucy : That s right . What , you ca nt let your girlfriend go out with her girl friends every once in a while ? You have a problem with that ? Caleb : I think you should go now , sweetheart . Tess : Why ? Caleb : Because the ladies and I are going to discuss their manners . Tess : But , Caleb -- Caleb : Just go . Lucy : Ok , see , here s the thing -- I ca nt quite figure out how to destroy you . So in the meantime , we thought maybe we d get Tess away from you and convince her what you really are -- a vicious , cruel animal . Caleb : Well , why do nt I just prove it to you . Jamal : You know , this is a private conversation , all right ? Joshua : Ok . Well , ricky , this could be our last conversation if you do nt make a decision really quick . Ricky : Joshua , wait . Hold on . Casey : Yo , Ricky , if you -- if you make the wrong choice , you could be losing your soul . You know , spend the rest of eternity roasting in the deepest pits of hell . Ricky : Thanks . No pressure there . Joshua : You know , you ambassadors of the light are just so poetic . Casey : Yeah , well , you know what , you tall , dark , and evil bloodsucking monsters are always hunting for new recruits , are nt you ? Joshua : Our recruits usually know where to find us . Jamal : Not if they know exactly who you are . Joshua : Well , Ricky knows who we are , and he s known what we are for quite some time . Yes , Ricky ? Casey : He s right , Jamal . Joshua : So , what s it going to be , Ricky ? The pearly gates or the rock n roll hall of fame ? Casey : Ricky , I believe in you . Ok , you have a good heart . You ll make the right decision . Jojoshua : We wo nt press our lifestyle on you , Ricky , not if it s not your thing . But if you want to fly with the angels , then you just ca nt play with the band . Jamal : Ricky , do nt listen to this guy . Joshua : Fame , power , recognition , and the chance to play your music . Or else what do you want to do , be a chauffeur again ? Drive around the sort of person that you might have become ? Casey : Think about it . Think about it , Ricky . Think about all you could be giving up . Joshua : Oh , you might also want to think about what you just might receive . Ricky : I m staying with the band . Jack : Hey . Woman : Miss me ? Jack : Now , what do you think ? Reese : Hey , mort , what s going on ? Woman : I thought you said your name was Jack . Reese : Why do nt you lose the bimbo so we can hang out . Woman : Hey , you -- Reese : Do nt even start with me , all right ? This one s off - limits . Jack : Whoa , whoa , whoa . I ll tell you who s on and off - limits . And as you can see , I have a date . I ll catch you later . Reese : Yeah . Whatever . Jack : Yeah , whatever . Now , where were we ? Reese : Ugh . Frank : What can I get you ? Reese : I ll have a bloody mary . Rafe : First time we shared plans with you , you took them straight to Caleb . Then Alison finds you sucking face with Joshua ? I would nt trust you for the time of day . Elizabeth : Fine . Then do nt tell me anything at all . I ll just go tell Joshua . Rafe : You see ? That s what I m saying . You d do that , would nt you ? Elizabeth : Not if you tell me the truth . Tell me what is really going on here , or I will go back to him . It s your choice . Ian : She s kind of got us . Rafe : Yeah , I hear you . And Alison would probably get pretty ticked if I took this stake and stuck it through your heart , huh ? Ian : Hmm . So there s only one more thing to do , is nt there ? Rafe : Yeah , that s right . Ian : Excuse me . Elizabeth : What ? No ! No ! Put me down ! Oh -- let go of me ! Lucy : You re not going to hurt us . Caleb : Oh , really ? Lucy : Really . Why do nt you just let Alison go , ok ? Just you and me . Caleb : And then what ? Lucy : Then we ll pick up where we left off . You sort of poofed out of there , did nt you , and disappeared . Caleb : I would nt count on that happening this time . I thought I told you to leave . Tess : Not until you let them go . Caleb : I m tired of looking over my shoulder and seeing their faces , and I am sick of the games they play . Tess : I m still asking you to walk away . Caleb : They re like little gnats . The only way to stop them is to catch them and crush them . Lucy : Alison , I want you to run . Get out of here now ! Go ! Alison : No , I wo nt leave you ! I wo nt leave you ! Caleb : Then I get two birds with one stone . Tess : No , no . You are not someone who destroys anymore . You said that I made you different . Prove to me that you ve changed and let them go , please . Caleb : Do nt you understand ? The only way this stops is if I stop it . Tess : The man that I love does nt kill . The man that I love is better than that . Caleb : They are trying to tear us apart . Tess : Do nt you see ? I m yours . Nothing they say could ever take me away from you . Please , do nt waste your time with them . Come on . Let s go . Just come with me . Please . Alison : Lucy . My God . Ok . I m going to be ok just as soon as my legs stop shaking . Lucy : No , you re going to be fine . We got to find Rafe and we have to find Ian and tell them Caleb might be on -- let s go . Joshua : You made the right decision , Garza . Congratulations . Casey : Yeah , Ricky . Do nt be packing any sweaters , though . Hell s a little toasty . Joshua : I think you need some time with your fashion consultant . Casey : Shut up . Joshua : I ll give you a couple of minutes . Jamal : Tell me---- please , tell me you have a plan . Casey : Yeah . Yeah , sure he s got a plan . You got a plan to die ! Ricky : So what ? You know what ? Everybody s got to die sometime , but not everybody gets a chance to live . You know , I ve been a nobody my whole life , and I am -- I am the drummer of the hottest rock n roll band in the world . I got something good going and I ca nt give that up ! Jamal : Something good ? Dude , you are tripping . Something good ? Casey : Exactly . Earth to Garza . Do you really think -- these are vampires . Do you honestly believe they re not going to turn you into an honorary one ? Huh ? If you do , then you re just as crazy as them . Ricky : You know what , that s chance that I m willing to take . Casey , I m just telling Joshua what he wants to hear . When I m done getting what I need from this gig , then I split . Casey : You want to scam the devil , huh ? Do you have any idea what you re risking ? Ricky : My eternal soul . I know . I know the drill . You keep telling me the drill . Casey : Yeah , you are trading in your whole life , Ricky -- your whole life for a lousy 15 minutes of fame . 15 minutes . Ricky : Yeah , I know , which I ve never had before . Casey : Oh -- Ricky : Hey , hey , here do nt go getting your halo all in a knot . I ll be fine . Casey : No . No , you wo nt . Jack : I like the way you move , Tiffany . Woman : Tammy . Jack : Yeah , whatever . Tammy : Why do nt we go someplace -- Jack : What , a little more intimate ? Tammy : Yeah . You read my mind . Tess : Why have you brought me here ? Caleb : I just want you to be somewhere safe . Are you all right ? What did they do to you ? Tess : Lucy and Alison -- they tried to trick me , that s all . But they would never hurt me . Caleb : I ca nt stand the thought of anyone hurting you . I guess that s why I lost control . Tess : There was no real harm done . Caleb : I never wanted you to see me so angry , so close to doing harm . Tess : But you stopped yourself . You were tempted to turn to your old ways , but you did nt . Caleb : But everybody keeps trying to poison your mind . They keep telling you what a monster I am . Tess : Let them talk . I know what s in my heart . I exist because of you , and you -- your very soul exists because of me . Caleb : No one can ever take that away from us . Tess : We know who we are and how good we are together . Let me show you how much you mean to me . Elizabeth : Ow ! No , you ca nt do this to me . Come on , stop it ! Ian : Sorry . Elizabeth : Do nt . You know , I can still scream for help . Rafe : Oh , yeah . Thanks for reminding me . Here you go . Elizabeth : Ah ! Uh - uh ! Rafe : All right , you know what ? We will be back soon . I promise . All right . Lucy : They ve got to be somewhere . Look around -- Ian : What are you guys doing here ? Lucy : Hey . Hi . Well , it s kind of a long story . Caleb found us with Tess . He got really mad and spooky , and he sort of kissed us and kissed us off , and went poof and vanished . Alison : Which means we have a vampire on the loose , and he s not happy at all . Rafe : Ok , then we d better work fast . Lucy : Yeah . Kevin : What the hell s going on here ? Elizabeth : I do nt know . That s what I was trying to find out , and this is what I get for my troubles . Could you please untie me ? Lucy : Did you try ? Did you go in yet ? Ian : Not yet , no . I ve had a bit of a distraction . Rafe : Alison , your mother showed up . Alison : What ? Where is she ? Rafe : I ll explain later . There s not time . Ian : Caleb could be here any minute . Lucy : Oh , right . Rafe : Yeah , so guess if you re going into the spring , it s now or never . Ian : Now , then . Lucy : Wait , wait . Are you absolutely , positively sure that it s safe ? I -- Ian : I want to be with you as a man , not a vampire . Kevin : Oh ! Alison : Oh , God . Kevin : Oh , that s beautiful . That explains everything . A vampire ? Well , Lucy , you always were a sucker for a hard - luck case . Ian : Stay out if it , Kevin . Kevin : And you thought I was the crazy one in this marriage ? Lucy : Oh , Kevin , please , just go . I will explain everything to you later . Just -- listen , go . Please . Ian : Maybe I ll explain something to you Alison : No , Ian ! Rafe : Whoa , whoa , whoa ! Alison : No , Ian ! Ian ! Mother ! Joshua : I would like to speak to you , Elizabeth . I do nt want to leave any more messages on your machine , so please call me back . I m losing patience . Frank : Now , are you here to order a drink or admire the decor ? Joshua : Well , thank you . I ll have a glass of red wine . Frank : There you go . Joshua : That should be a 10 . You may keep the change . Frank : Whatever you say . Joshua : Good boy , Frankie . You just passed the first test . Ricky : Ca nt you understand why I m doing this ? Why I want the best of both worlds ? Casey : All I understand is that you are being a self - centered jerk , Ricky Garza . That s all you re being . Ricky : But you love me anyway , right ? Casey : This is nt funny . You think this is funny ? You just bought yourself a one - way ticket to hell , do you realize that ? Do you understand ? Ricky : Not -- not if you save me . Casey : No , I do nt think so . I do nt think so . You going to let me do all the heavy lifting ? Are you getting some kind of rush having both sides fight over you ? Is that what it is , Ricky ? Ricky : Oh , will you cut me some slack ? Joshua : Ok . Did you two reach a decision ? Ricky : Yeah , yeah , we re cool . Casey : Yeah . You want him ? Keep him . Joshua : Ok , Ricky , how about the limo outside ? Would you like a ride to the studio ? Ricky : Sure . Jamal : Hey , it s all right . You tried . Casey : The rules say I can only show them a way . The rest they got to follow with their heart . Only I guess it was nt in Ricky s heart . I lost him , Jamal . Reese : Well , well . Does nt this look nice and cozy . Not for long . Reese : Yeah ! Reese : Whoo ! Yeah ! Ah , let s see . Tess : I m so happy . I was right . I knew I could change your ways . Caleb : I love you , Tess . I want you . I want to please you . I want to set you free . Lucy : Oh , my God ! Alison : Mother ! Mother ! Caleb s voice : Sweet Elizabeth , how I wish it did nt have to be like this . Elizabeth s voice : My girl . Alison s voice : No ! Get away from me ! Alison : Mother ? Mother ! Mother -- Rafe , Rafe , save her ! Do something , please ! Ian : Elizabeth ? Lucy : Ian , no ! Oh , my God ! What s happening ? Alison : Rafe ? She s dead . She s dead . Oh , God . Stay tuned for scenes from the next Port Charles : Surrender . Reese : You going to take me on ? Because I m ready for it . I m famished . Rafe : Whatever happens is not your fault . Alison : Lucy ! Caleb : Feeding -- feeding takes me to a place where everything seems so alive . I need to take you there . ### Summary:
Jack picks up a woman at the Recovery Room . Joshua gives Ricky an ultimatum , and the drummer chooses the band over his angelic girlfriend . Jamal and Casey try to talk some sense into Ricky , but it s no use . Ricky thinks it will be fine , since Casey will surely come to his rescue , but Casey informs him that he s on his own . Jamal tries to console the depressed angel . Reese becomes jealous when she sees Jack with the woman . Saying to keep the change , Joshua gives Frank $ 100 and pretends to believe it s only $ 10 . Frank takes the money , fully aware of how large the bill really is . Joshua is pleased that Frank has passed his first test . Reese is gleefully trashing Jack s place when he comes home and catches her in the act . Caleb is prepared to get get rid of Alison and Lucy , but Tess talks him out of it , and he whisks her away to the villa . Lucy and Alison race to warn Ian and Rafe that Caleb could be on his way . Kevin steps out of the bushes as Lucy s car pulls out . Meanwhile , Elizabeth threatens to run straight to Joshua if Rafe and Ian wo nt tell her the truth . Instead of telling her , they tie her up and gag her . Alison and Lucy fill the men in on what happened . Kevin finds Elizabeth and unties her . Kevin hears Ian talk about being a vampire , and Ian picks a fight with him . When no one is looking , Elizabeth jumps into the water , her mind filling with memories as she floats to the surface with a peaceful expression on her face . Ian turns on the music and everything is immediately bathed in red light . Baring his fangs , Caleb tells Tess that he wants to set her free .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Phyllis : Sharon . Is this a dream ? Or a nightmare ? So tired . Sharon : Phyllis , no . Please stay awake . Nick : [ Chuckles ] All right . You should nt have . Victoria : Well , happy wedding day . Nick : [ Chuckles ] Yeah , other than the fact that we never officially got married . Come in . Victoria : How s the bride ? Nick : You know , I think she s out looking for a reason not to make it official . Chelsea : And Phyllis just walks in at nick s wedding ? I thought -- I thought she was in Georgia or someplace down south . Billy : She was . Chelsea : Oh , my God . I ca nt even imagine what went through Jack s mind . Billy : With Kelly standing right there . Chelsea : So , it s , like -- so , it s , like , you -- you find the love of your life , and they make you crazy and happy and -- and crazy some more , and then something happens , and they re gone , and you grieve . [ Sighs ] But you move forward , and then suddenly , they just -- they just walk in ? Billy : In a white dress , no less . I m sure Sharon really appreciated that little detail at her wedding , which is ironic because you do nt want the groom s ex busting in in a white dress , especially when it s Phyllis , who could probably kick your ass , even fresh out of a coma . I could keep explaining the joke . Maybe it gets funnier as I am talking . Chelsea : No , I got the joke . I m just ... Billy : Wondering what it would be like if Adam walked in the door . Lily : You playing games ? Devon : Hey . What ? Lily : Well , you re all focused on your phone . Here s some cake to keep your energy up . Devon : Do nt tell me that this is the -- Lily : Nick and Sharon s wedding cake ? Yes . Yes , it is . Devon : I told the kitchen to donate everything , though . Lily : Well , there were some pieces left behind . I make a mean wedding cake , too , so , cheers . Devon : Cheers . Sounds like a hell of a non - wedding they had . Lily : Oh , I know . This was not the day that Nick and Sharon had planned . But , of course , for Jack and Summer , it s pretty much a miracle . And then there s poor Kelly . Devon : Why poor Kelly ? Lily : Well , obviously , everything s changed . Devon : What s changed ? Is Jack gon na break up with her now or something ? Lily : Uh , Phyllis is back . [ Chuckles ] People who loved her and thought they lost her now have a second chance . Devon : So , the fact that Jack and Kelly are in love does nt mean anything now ? Lily : It s not the same kind of love . Devon : Well , how do you know that ? Lily : What do you think Jack s gon na do -- go to Phyllis and say , oh , I m sorry . While you were in a coma , I moved on ? Devon : Well , do you think Jack s gon na tell Kelly just cause of Phyllis medical condition , he owes her his whole life ? Is that how it goes ? Lily : Okay , I m not saying what s right or wrong . I m just saying it is what it is . And what do you care who ends up with who , anyway ? Jack : Kelly , what s going on ? What are you doing ? Kelly : How is she ? How is Phyllis ? Sharon : You came back . You came back after all this time . And now here you are , and you re awake , and I m sure my face is not the one you want to see right now . Phyllis : Good guess . Sharon : But I need you to stay awake , please . I need to talk to you . I need you to listen . I need you to help me . And you owe me that much . Phyllis : I owe you ? Chelsea : Uh , yeah , for a moment , I did think about what it would be like if Adam walked in , which I think kind of makes sense in this situation , do nt you think ? Billy : Why ? Because he was a beloved citizen of Genoa City , and an accident put him in a coma ? Chelsea : Because he was a big part of my life , and he died , and I do nt really know why you re making such a big issue out of this . Billy : Because Adam and Phyllis are not the same thing . Look , Adam -- Adam s dead . He s not coming back . And all of two people mourned his death -- you and Victor . And I m sorry , but most people are very relieved that he s not coming back . Chelsea : You re sorry . Are you really ? Billy : No . I m not . And I hate it that you feel pain when you think about his death , but am I glad that the man is gone after everything that he did ? Yeah , I am . Chelsea : Okay . I understand that , but I ca nt apologize for where my mind went . Billy : Look , it s a simple question . Let s just say that Adam made a deal with the devil , which would nt be hard to believe , because I m sure they re good friends . Chelsea : Billy . Billy : No , but I m asking you . If Adam were to return to the land of the living and walk through that door , what would you do ? Victoria : Thanks . Nick : Sure . Victoria : You know , I m pretty sure that Sharon wanted to marry you this morning , so why would nt she want to marry you now ? Nick : You re not the only one confused by this . I found a note saying that faith was up at the main house with bonnie , and Sharon was going to the hospital . Well , now faith s upstairs in bed , and Sharon is still not home . Victoria : She went to see Phyllis . That seems more like a death wish than trying to get out of the wedding . Why would she want to see Phyllis ? Nick : It s this whole secret thing -- the one that Sharon thinks Phyllis knows . Victoria : The one that Mariah told dad when he was paying her to be Cassie . I thought you guys put that all to bed . Nick : So did I , but , evidently , it did nt stay that way . And now Sharon s out looking for answers and sending all of my calls to voicemail . Victoria : Do you want to go to memorial ? Nick : I ca nt hover around Sharon and make it seem like I m trying to rescue her . Victoria : [ Scoffs ] Why stop now ? Sorry . Nick : Uh - huh . Look , Sharon and I are in a different place now . Victoria : Yeah , a place where you want to hover and rescue her . But do nt . Sorry again . Nick : Well , no one s gon na let Sharon see Phyllis , anyway . It s late , and Phyllis is sedated , so it s a nonissue . Victoria : Which is a great thing , because even if Phyllis is recovering from a coma , if things get tense between them , Sharon is gon na wind up on the losing end . Sharon : Okay , I did nt mean that you owe me . It s just ... it was so strange , you coming into the wedding today . Phyllis : Nick said you did nt make it official . Sharon : No , we did nt , because you were the priority -- making sure that you were okay . Phyllis : You were worried about me ? That s nice . Sharon : When you spoke to Nick , did you tell him anything ? Phyllis : Tell him ? Tell him what ? Sharon : I know it s late , and you re tired . Phyllis : It is . I am . The meds are kicking in . I just -- Sharon : Okay , okay , but I just -- I need you to try to concentrate . Phyllis : To sleep . Sharon : Yes , of course , after . But right now , do you remember if I told you something in confidence -- something that nobody else knows ? Jack : Phyllis is Phyllis . She did the impossible . Kelly : Well , that s great . It sounds like nothing is impossible for her . Jack : She s sedated now . The doctors want her to rest , obviously . Listen , I know things have been chaotic lately , and I m sorry . The suitcase -- Kelly : Summer was here earlier . She wanted to pick up some of her mother s clothes . And it made sense , you know ? Phyllis should be surrounded by her -- her own things -- familiar items , familiar faces . It will help her ease the transition . Summer had no idea that we had put Phyllis things in storage , so you ll want to get them out as quickly as possible . Jack : She had to have some idea we d put things away . Kelly : She did nt know . It came as a complete surprise to her . Jack : Okay , if she s upset -- if she said something to you that -- Kelly : No , she did nt . She -- she was just honest . Look , her mother has come back to her . If my father came back to me ... I m very happy for her . Jack : Did she ask you to leave ? Kelly : No . Jack : That is not her decision to make . As upset as she is , she does nt get to decide who comes and goes here . Kelly : No , Jack . It was my decision . Jack : You do nt have to go . Kelly : Then what do I do ? What do we do ? Chelsea : We both know how I would react if Adam showed up . You saw -- I almost screamed when that freaky maintenance guy walked in while we were ... Billy : In the middle of ... Chelsea : Exactly . And I told you in the moment -- for a second , I thought it was Adam . You saw how I reacted , so , there . You got your answer . Billy : No , I do nt . I m not asking if Adam walked in and saw us on the couch . I m saying if your late husband were no longer late . Chelsea : I know what you re saying , Billy . I also know that it has been almost exactly one year since Delia died . Billy : Since Delia was killed . Chelsea : I know it must bring up so many feelings and so many emotions for you . Do you -- do you have any plans for the day ? Billy : I do nt know . They re -- they re doing something at Dee s school , and ... I do nt know , Chels . Seeing all of her little friends . Chelsea : I wish there was more I could do for you . Billy : Well , then you could tell me the truth . Adam took Delia from me . He took her from all of us . Do you miss him ? Do you mourn him ? Do you have conversations in your head with him the way that I do with Delia ? Chelsea : Adam is gone , Billy . He ca nt hurt anybody anymore . And he s not gon na come walking through that door , no matter how many times you ask me . But if you ask me how I felt when you walked through the door , I felt happy -- very happy -- for myself , and I was happy that you looked happy . So , can we just go back to that feeling , please ? Cause I like it . I like it a lot . [ Chuckles ] Please ? Billy : Okay . So , we -- what -- we let go of all the Adam stuff ? Chelsea : It is already let go as of this moment . Billy : All right . Okay , that s what we ll do . Chelsea : I have an idea . I have a good distraction . Let s watch a movie . Hmm ? Why do nt you look through the queue while I find us some dessert ? Uh , something fun and mindless . No violence , no deep thoughts . Billy : Yeah , you know how I love those deep thoughts . Chelsea : Okay . Perfect . [ Sighs ] Billy : Whoa . Chelsea : What ? Billy : It looks like miss Chelsea has a freaky streak . Devon : Listen , Jack s gon na do whatever Jack s gon na do . All I m saying is , just cause you think he s gon na dump Kelly for Phyllis , does nt mean he s actually going to do that . Lily : Look , Kelly s my friend . I do nt -- I do nt like the idea of seeing her get hurt . Devon : Maybe Jack does nt like the idea , either , and he wo nt hurt her . Lily : Okay , Devon , no offense , but you do nt get it . I mean , I know that you and Roxy were together for years , but you never took it to the next level . I mean , Jack and Phyllis were married before . They d be married right now if she had nt had that accident . So , yeah , what Jack and Kelly had was great , but it s just not the same kind of commitment . Devon : Like marriage means things are perfect . Lily : Well ... [ Sighs ] Devon : How d that work out for you and Daniel ? Lily : Wow . Well , that was a low blow . Thank you . Devon : I did nt mean for it to be . I m sorry . Lily : Okay . Devon : I m just trying to figure out why Kelly has to be the one that gets thrown under the bus . Lily : I do nt want Kelly to get hurt . All I m saying is that there s three people in that relationship right now , and one of them is gon na get crushed . Jack : I know you want answers . I do nt have the answers . Kelly : But you do , Jack . In your heart , you know . It s done . It s sweet of you to want to protect me , but -- Jack : No , no , l - listen to me . I m being honest with you . I do nt know what comes next . Kelly : [ Scoffing ] Come on . I heard you . I heard Billy at the hospital tell you . He said ph-- Phyllis is the woman that you love , and you did nt say otherwise . Jack : Well , of course I care about her . Kelly : No , not care , Jack . Love . You love her . It s the kind of love that overshadows everything . And we can box up her clothes and her things , but this is her home . You are her fiancée . This is where she belongs , okay ? Which is why you have to let me leave . Jack : You re getting way ahead , and I do nt even know that you re going in the right direction . Phyllis needs to recover , to reunite with -- with friends , people -- all the people in her life . Kelly : Yes , including you . Look , we talked about this -- what would happen if Phyllis came back . I understand . I get it . You can say goodbye to me . It will hurt , but you can do it . I do nt think you could say goodbye to Phyllis again . Phyllis : I may have been passed out for a year , but I m pretty sure you and I are nt best buds . And I m pretty sure if you told me a big secret , I would have told the whole world . Sharon : I ca nt argue with any of that . But , evidently , I did tell you something . Phyllis : Evidently . I have an excuse for things to be fuzzy . You do nt . Sharon : Actually , I do . I went through a period of instability . I went off my meds . I did some things . Phyllis : Yeah , like marry Victor ? We know . Sharon : Please . This is hard for me to say . Phyllis : How selfish of me . Please , go on . Sharon : I had ECT -- Electroconvulsive therapy . Phyllis : I know what it is , and it s not nothing . Sharon : But between my medication and my therapy , I m healthier now . I m healthier than I ve been in years . Phyllis : Yay . Sharon : But I ve lost part of my memory . Phyllis : Hmm . I get it . So , if you do nt remember , then who s to say there s a secret at all ? Sharon : I did . I told someone that I had a secret before I had the E.C.T. , And I said that you were the only other person who knew what it was . So now I ve come to you for help . Phyllis : Or you re gon na mess with a coma girl s head . Is this some kind of game ? Lily : So , cane said that dad was fine when he dropped him off at home . Devon : Well , I m sure Neil would love you reporting back like he needs a babysitter . Lily : Why are you being so rude to me today ? Geez . I m just saying that Hilary is out of town and that he ca nt exactly drive himself , so we need to go and check on him . Devon : Lily , the man punched a guy in the face the other day in a bar . He s not exactly staying home , feeling sorry for himself while his wife s away on business . If he needs our help , he ll let us know . Lily : Yeah , but still , I mean , Hilary s been a rock for him , and now she s out of town . Devon : Well , do you like her now ? Lily : [ Chuckles ] Okay . Let s not get crazy here . And you know what ? With your love - life status , you should really be in a better mood . Devon : What do you mean my love - life status ? Lily : Well , I happen to know that you borrowed a suite in the middle of the day . Devon : How do you know that ? Were you following me ? Lily : I was nt following you , but I work here , and housekeeping loves you , and they want to see you happy . I do nt know why you did nt say anything . But Dad said I should just -- Devon : You told Dad about this ? Why ? Why do nt you just mind your own business ? Chelsea : Turn it off . I -- [ Sighs ] Billy : Ballroom dancing how - to video . Who knew that was Anita s thing ? Chelsea : It s not . It s mine . Well , with Connor and work , I have nt been able to get to the gym . This is good for your heart rate and your core , and it s -- it s really none of your business . Billy : But I want it to be my business . Chelsea : We can watch a comedy or action . Billy : No , there s -- there s plenty of action right here . Billy : [ Hispanic accent ] Hold your partner firmly but with gentle control . Now , that is what I m talking about . Feel the muscles under her skin . The pressure of your hand on her lower back . Billy : You heard the man . Chelsea : [ Chuckles ] You re such a jerk . Billy : No . [ Hispanic accent ] I am your firm but gentle partner . Feel the energy , the heat . That is passion . Chelsea : [ Chuckles ] That is Argentina . Chelsea : Oh . Billy : [ Normal voice ] No , no , no . You need your exercise , and I need mine . [ Hispanic accent ] But this is Argentina . Look into your partner s eyes . Feel the connection . That will guide you both . Jack : I just do nt know . I - I m out of my depths here . This is a moment I never saw coming . Kelly : Well , I think I m -- I think maybe I did . Hell , maybe I knew it all along . I do nt know . Jack : Phyllis is back . I do nt know how she did it . I do nt -- I do nt know how it happened the way it did . Hell , I just found out she almost got arrested . A year in a coma -- she almost wound up in jail . Instead , she s in a hospital , sedated ... with no idea what she missed in this last year . Kelly : No idea about me . No idea we fell in love . No idea I m in the place that rightfully belongs to her . Phyllis : So , did you come to mess with my head since I messed up your wedding ? Sharon : Why would I do that ? Phyllis : Which one of us was in a coma ? A little payback . Phyllis , you have all the answers . I mean , who says that to a woman who s been asleep for a year ? [ Sighs ] Summer told me the doctor does nt want me pushed . And yet here you are anyway . Maybe you came to see my brain short - circuit . Sharon : I came here for answers . Honestly , the last thing I planned to do was slow down your recovery . Phyllis : For your sake ... not for mine . You know , since you need my brain so much , maybe you know the answer , Sharon . At the very least , I mean , you have to have some idea . You tell me . Maybe I ll return the favor . Sharon : So you do you remember something ? Phyllis , please . You have to tell me . Devon : Listen , I do nt mean to snap at you , but this gossiping about me to dad and the staff and making up stories . Do you not have enough work to do here ? Lily : Why are you being so private about it ? I mean , dad loves you and wants to see you happy , and if this woman can do that for you , then that s great . Devon : Who says that there s a woman ? Lily : Then what -- you just needed a nap in the middle of the day ? Devon : No . Lily , I just do nt need you talking about me to dad or anyone else , please . Lily : Why ca nt you just talk about it ? I mean , is she special ? Is that why you re so tense ? Devon : Yes , she is . She s very special , and you have no idea how much this woman means to me . Billy : You okay ? Chelsea : It mattered when you came back tonight . It mattered a lot to me . Billy : When I walked in , I could feel it . This is where I needed to be . Nick : Here . Victoria : Thanks . When Billy walked in , I already knew that the baby and I were fine . It s just that ... [ Sighs ] ... Seeing him was just ... Nick : You felt relieved . Victoria : As if Billy was gon na somehow make everything okay , which is completely irrational . I know that . It s just that those feelings came from a different time when Billy and I were in a different place . And now he -- he had just come from a date with Chelsea . And , you know , him showing up does nt mean that anything has changed . Nick : Well , a date is one thing . You have a history , a marriage , maybe a baby . Victoria : You do know that this baby might be Ben s , right ? Why are you all of a sudden pulling for me and Billy , anyway ? Nick : I m not , but just like you have nt exactly been thrilled about Sharon and me . You want me happy , just like I want you happy , and I ll do whatever it takes to make that happen . Victoria : Well , I will be very happy if this baby is not born until his due date . [ Clears throat ] Other than that , I do nt need to be thinking about men right now . [ Sighs ] You know , I ll say it again -- I ll stay here with faith if you want to go to memorial . Nick : [ Sighs ] I should say no again . Victoria : But ... you wo nt . Nick : It s just Phyllis and Sharon alone together -- I just do nt see anything good coming from that . Phyllis : [ Chuckles ] I m in a hospital bed , and you re making demands . It is so good to know you re as selfish as ever . Sharon : This is nt about me . It s for Nicholas . Phyllis : Humanitarian of the year . Sharon : From what I know , this secret could really hurt him . Phyllis : So , you want me to tell you a secret that can hurt Nick , the guy you want to marry ? I mean , which one of us is doped - up here ? Sharon : No . It s not like that . Nick is the last person I would ever want to hurt . Phyllis : [ Sighs ] Then why not let it go , genius ? Sharon : Because then it could come out at any time , and it could hurt him -- destroy him -- without warning . Now , I love Nick , and I know that some part of you will always love him , too . So , please help me figure this out for nick s sake . Jack : No , she does nt know about you . Does nt know about us . The doctors do nt want her overwhelmed with too much too soon , and they ve advised that we keep her away from any media resources where she could find out too much about the last year . Kelly : And you were happy to comply . Jack : She s so fragile right now . Too much stimuli would overwhelm her . And I m honestly not used to a Phyllis that needs this much protecting . Kelly : Well , listen , from everything I heard , she sounds incredible and a little bit frightening [ Chuckles ] To be honest . Jack : Yeah , that s the way she would have it . Kelly : Look ... [ Clears throat ] ... All that matters is that she loves you , and she needs you right now , okay ? More than ever ... no matter what you said to her when you flew to Georgia . Jack : I said to her that I need to move on with my life . That was for my sake , not hers . She did nt hear a word of it . Kelly : Jack . I am the woman who should nt be in your life . I m not frightening . I m not tough as nails . So you need to let me do this , okay ? Jack : No , wait , wait , wait , wait . Please , just listen to me . I do nt know about tomorrow . But , please , do nt leave like this now . Victoria : Hi , sleepy girl . Faith : Aunt Vicki ? Victoria : Yeah , um , your mom and dad had to go out for a little while , but they ll be right back . Come on , let s get you back to bed . Oh . You ca nt sleep , huh ? Yeah , come here . It s probably kind of hard after a crazy day like today . You know , your brain ca nt stop thinking about all the things that happened , what they mean , what they do nt mean . You know , grown - ups are like that , too . Faith : Noah said when people belong together , it always works out . Victoria : Yeah . That s true ... I mean , if they re meant to be . Sometimes , it s kind of tough to tell what that is . But not for your mom and dad . You know , they re gon na get married because they want to get married . It s as simple as that . Faith : Does that mean you and uncle Billy will get married again , too ? Chelsea : Adam ? Lily : Well , that s great . It s someone special . So , I m -- I m guessing it s not Esmerelda ? Devon : It does nt matter who it is , okay ? I m not gon na get into this with you right now . Lily : Well , what s going on ? Did you guys hit a rough patch or something ? Is that why you re tense ? Devon : No . Lily , I do nt know if you ve realized this , but I m an adult . I m a grown man , and I deserve some privacy , okay ? Lily : Okay , but I m your sister , and I want what s best for you . Devon : I know you do , and I love you for it , but why are we still talking about this ? It s been a long day , has nt it ? Lily : Yeah , you know what ? It has been a long day . It has , and tomorrow , Nick and Sharon will probably become husband and wife . I m gon na wake up to the husband that I thought I lost , the children I thought I d never see grow up , but you know what ? That s life . It s always pushing forward , and I think that if you care about this woman , which , obviously , you do , then just have faith that good things can happen . Okay ? I have faith for you . Devon : Thank you . Lily : I love you . Devon : I love you , too . Lily : Stop being so grumpy . Devon : I ll try . Phyllis : So , this secret that can hurt Nick -- does he know it exists ? Sharon : He thinks it s nothing . Phyllis : And you do nt believe him . You know , trust is one of those things you might want to have with the guy you marry . So why do nt you trust Nick when he says it does nt matter ? Sharon : You keep asking me questions instead of telling me what you know . Phyllis : Am I not recovering from my coma fast enough ? Sharon : Phyllis , I m begging you , okay ? You have always loved having the upper hand over me , and you have it now . I admit it . And if that s not enough for you , then maybe you should do this -- you should help me for Summer s sake . Phyllis : Oh , you re dragging my daughter into this ? Sharon : Summer is a really great girl , and I m the one who s been there for her while you ve been gone . She and I have bonded in a very special way that I never expected . Phyllis : You and my kid ? Nick : Hey , you two . Sharon : Nick ? Nick : What s up ? Phyllis : Oh , no . Let me tell him . Devon : Yes , this is Devon Hamilton . Hi . I need the jet warmed up and , uh , ready to go . As soon as possible , actually . I m gon na be traveling alone . I need to get to New York city . Victoria : Uncle Billy . Oh , yeah . Well , you know ... [ Clears throat ] ... He s wonderful , and he loves his family , and he loves you . He can be a really great guy sometimes . He really can . But , you know , maybe he and I are nt like your mom and your dad , and maybe -- maybe we re not meant to be . You know ? I do nt know . I wish had , like , a crystal ball that I could look into the future . I could see what family your little cousin was gon na have . That would be cool . Hey , let s get you to bed , okay ? Come on . Faith : Will the baby be here for Halloween ? Victoria : Wow . I do nt know . That s a really good question . I guess we ll just have to wait and see , right ? Why ? Do you have a costume picked out ? Faith : Delia helped me last year . She s gone now . Victoria : Yeah , I know . I could help you this year if you want . We could pick something out . I know that Delia would want you to have fun , and she d want you to be happy . [ Chuckles ] Faith : She d want you and uncle Billy to be happy , too . Victoria : You re right . She would . She would want that . [ Sighs ] Jack : I love you . Phyllis : I get out of one hospital , I make my way back to my family , and instead of holding hands with my daughter , I ve got this one asking me about a big , bad secret , after you came and asked me if I remember something that she told me . Sharon : You asked her that ? Nick : Yeah , to ease your mind . Phyllis : Ugh . How sweet . Nick : Look , I m telling you , this secret that s hovering over us -- it does not exist . And we should have never dragged you into this , Phyllis -- not now , not like this . I m sorry . Phyllis : So , someone hit delete on your hard drive ? Is that for real ? Nick : Yeah , Sharon s had some memory loss , which is why we both came to you looking for some answers . Phyllis : Cause Phyllis knows all . Nick : All right , look , it s time to go , okay ? Faith needs you , and Phyllis needs her rest . Phyllis : So sleep-- tired . Sharon : If you think of something -- anything ... Nick : Come on . Nick : I love you . Nothing has changed . Sharon : Everything has changed . Nikki : A lot has been going on around here , including Phyllis being back . Summer : This is , uh -- this is Austin . He s my , uh -- he s my friend . ### Summary:
Nick comes downstairs and looks at the pic of him and Sharon which is on the mantle . There is a knock on the door and it is Victoria , bearing gifts for Nick s and Sharon s wedding . Nick lets Victoria know that he is upset over Sharon , who is trying to find a way to get out of their wedding . Billy lets Chelsea know that Phyllis showed up at Nick s and Sharon s wedding . Billy asks Chelsea how she would react if Adam came walking through the door . At home , Jack finds Kelly coming downstairs with her suitcase . At the Athletic Club dining room , Lily brings herself and Devon a piece of Sharon s and Nick s wedding . Lily begins to dive into Devon s personal life which infuriates him to no end . Sharon visits Phyllis at the hospital to find out if she divulged a secret . Phyllis does nt know what she is referring to . Sharon begs Phyllis to help Nick before he is hurt by this secret . Kelly tells Jack that Summer was there to get Phyllis some clothes . After talking for awhile about Phyllis , Jack tells Kelly not to leave like this . Billy asks Chelsea if she misses Adam . Chelsea lets Billy know that this all over with Adam and suggests that they watch a movie . Billy turns on the television and is shocked by what he sees . Chelsea comes back to see what Billy is surprised by . Devon and Lily discuss the possibility of Jack leaving Kelly for Phyllis since she is home . Billy and Chelsea start to sway with the man s instructions on ballroom dancing . Victoria asks Nick if he wants to go and check on Sharon and Phyllis at the hospital . Nick has his reservations but finally agrees to go , leaving Faith with Victoria . Faith comes downstairs to find Victoria there . Victoria and Faith have a chat about herself and Billy and if they will ever get back together . Both Victoria and Faith realize that Delia would want them to be happy as they make plans for Halloween . Devon orders Lily to mind her own business concerning his love life . Devon makes plans to go to New York to be with Hilary . Nick interrupts Sharon and Phyllis . Nick apologizes to Phyllis for disturbing her . Billy and Chelsea make love as do Jack and Kelly .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Adam : Colby , you ca nt be asleep already . I know you re angry with me . You re upset about this whole trust situation . You just have to understand -- Damon : Hiya . Annie : You re good . I want you to teach me everything . Liza : All right . Well , before I file this lawsuit , I want you to read this over carefully . Jake : All right . Well , why do nt you just tell us what the specific claims are that we re gon na make . Liza : It s listed right here on page 2 . Basically , you re gon na go after a misrepresentation of facts , intentional infliction of emotional distress -- those are the big ones . We re gon na go after compensatory and punitive damages , and we re gon na list every shady stunt that David has ever pulled . You know the second that we file this the press is gon na be all over this . And any evidence that we bring to this is pretty much gon na guarantee that his reputation and his career are over . So I just want to make sure that everything in here is 100 % correct . Jake : Ok . Amanda : God , I do nt want to get up on the stand and relive all this . Tad : Hello ? Jake : Hey , I do nt know if we re gon na have a choice . He does nt want to seem to leave us alone . Tad : Thanks a lot . That was Jesse . Apparently , Hayward brought a friend back with him . Greenlee : Just get me out of here . Jake : What friend ? David does nt have any friends . Who did he bring back with him ? Tad : Jesse could nt say -- just that Hayward showed up with someone . Liza : And how does Jesse know ? Tad : Because I asked him as a favor to do some follow - up on David s reappearance . He said three people got off the plane that brought Hayward back -- Hayward , the pilot , and someone else -- hat , coat , could nt tell who it was . Amanda : Where are you going ? Tad : Well , Hayward s pilot , so far , has been holed up at a hotel until now . Apparently , Jesse s guy says he s headed over to ConFusion to get a late night supper . So I think I m gon na go over and shake the tree , see if I can come up with a little information about Hayward s new buddy . Jake : I m gon na go with you , ok ? Tad : Oh , jinkies , this should be fun . This is a finesse job . We re gon na finesse this , ok ? Jake : Sure . Tad : It s Hayward s pilot . It means he works for him . A head - on confrontation is not gon na work . Jake : All right . Tad : Is this thing on ? Jake : Yes . No problem . Finesse is my middle name . Tad : No , Joseph , Henry is your middle name . Jake : Why you got to tell everybody that ? Amanda : Be careful . I hate this . Why did David have to come back ? Liza : Because that s David . That s the way he plays . Amanda : Let me see this . If we end up in court , then David could be in town for a lot longer . You know , maybe we should wait to file this , see if he leaves like he said he would . Liza : Oh , please . David lives for confrontation . He s probably waiting for us to file something . Wait , where are you going ? Amanda : I m going to go talk to him . Liza : Amanda , please . That is not a good idea . Amanda : I can get through to him . I can convince him to leave . Liza : Amanda , please . Amanda : I have to end this . Greenlee : How long ? David : Ryan and Erica ? Greenlee : Yes . How long has it been going on ? How long ? David : I m not sure . A few months , I think . Greenlee : Oh , no , no . No , no , no . I will not crack . I will not let them do this to me . Tell me , did he even mourn me at all ? David : Greenlee -- Greenlee : I have to know . David : Yes . Of course , he mourned you . He was devastated . I saw his pain . Everyone did . Greenlee : Including Erica . And she used it -- no . No , no , no , no , no . As much as I d like to , I ca nt blame all of this on Erica . He was supposed to love me and never stop loving me , never give up hope -- not so soon . Did it even matter ? He s moved on . He gave up on us . I never should have walked away tonight . I should have gone in there and let him know what he s done to me . David : Wait a minute , wait a minute . What do you think you re doing ? Greenlee : I am gon na go back there and let Ryan know that I m alive , and I am going to make him hurt . Scott : What do you want ? Annie : I want to learn everything there is to know about Chandler Enterprises . And since you re double checking all the divisions for the big audit , I thought now would be the perfect time . Scott : Annie , first of all , I m not an accountant . I m struggling myself here . And secondly , I m working at home so that I can concentrate -- peace and quiet , without all the office interruptions . So if you do nt mind -- Annie : No , no , no . I want to help , Scott . I want to help . So just let me know which divisions are being audited , let me know how your spreadsheets are laid out , and I ll backstop you . Scott : I appreciate the offer , Annie , but it s complicated , and it s time consuming and I -- Annie : Excuse me . Are you saying the numbers are too big for my pretty little head ? Scott : No , I m just saying that I m under a time crunch , and I do nt have time to play teacher . Annie : I will let you know I worked on budget a lot when I worked at Fusion , and I was really , really damn good at it . Scott : I m sure you were . Annie : Kendall and Greenlee were stupid to fire me . Scott : I do nt think you were let go because of bad math skills . Annie : Ok , fine . That s fair . Greenlee was a vindictive little brat who wanted to make my life a living hell . But that being said , I can crunch numbers in my sleep . Let me help . Scott : No . Annie -- Annie : Let s see . Scott : Ok . Annie : Ok , so you re making sure each division has met their all events task for their income and their expenses . Scott : Yeah . Ok , so maybe you do know something about this . Annie : Let me do it with you , Scotty . We ll make a great team . I m sure of it . Adam : I want an answer . Who the hell are you ? Colby : Get out . And do nt come barging in my room like this again . Adam : This is my house . Colby : Fine . You want me to move out , I can be gone tonight . Adam : You did this on purpose , rubbing that boy in my face because you re mad at me . Colby : You re the one who came in here uninvited . And it s not like I m parading him around in a towel in the halls . Adam : I want him out . Damon : Wow . Wow , the guy who falls for you is in for a treat . Colby : Yeah . Dad is , uh , pretty alpha . How s your head ? Damon : Better . Still throbbing a little . Colby : Well , I brought you some food , an icepack and an aspirin . Damon : Wow , thanks . And thanks for , you know , believing me . Nobody else seems to want to . Colby : Well , you have a big knot on your head , and you would nt have hung around if you actually tried to rob us again . Damon : You know , this place has its upside . You know , the service is really good and so is the staff , even if the management hates my guts . Colby : My father is nt the one you need to convince you re innocent . Damon : Do nt waste your time . It s pretty clear Bailey has already given up on me . Erica : Val actually texted me . He told me about the first headline of the night . Ryan : Oh . Erica : Kane cuffs hubby 11 . Do nt laugh . It s not funny . Ryan : Ok , I m sorry . I m sorry . Erica : They just all assume I m the serial bride . Ryan : Well , I personally -- I do nt care at all what they think . Erica : That s good , because believe me , I have no intention of changing anything . I am very happy with things the way they are . I promise I will not be cuffing you . Ryan : Ok , if that s a reporter , I swear to you -- Erica : Ok . You know what ? Just send them away . Please do nt hurt anybody . Ryan : I ca nt promise anything . Opal : I caught the news . Just loved the announcement . I m so excited for the two of you . Ryan : Hello , Opal . Opal : Oh , hi . Ryan : Hi . Erica : Yeah , I could tell . Ryan : Yeah , exactly . Thank you very much for the surprise . Opal : Oh , what surprise ? Ryan : What are you talking about ? That surprise . Opal : Oh , lovely . Well , I wish I could take credit for it , but that s not my work . Greenlee : Get out of my way . David : Wait a minute , wait a minute . You ca nt let your anger do this to you . Your first instincts were good . You walked away . Greenlee : I want to make Ryan hurt . I want him to know what he s done to me . David : I understand . But you ca nt . Greenlee : Why not ? David : Greenlee , I ve been down this road before . I know what it s like to want to punish someone , to make them pay , to make them feel the same pain that you re feeling . But you have to ask yourself , How is it gon na play out ? What are you even gon na say ? Greenlee : Exactly what I m feeling . David : Yeah , but you re feeling all sorts of things right now , are nt you ? All right , so you go in there . You reveal yourself . You start screaming , lashing out , accusing . What good will that do ? Ultimately , what will it accomplish ? Greenlee : Do you think I ll just make a fool out of myself ? David : I think your first thoughts back in Gloucester were good . You did nt want to come back here unless you can walk back into his life the way you were when you left him , right ? Unless everything was exactly the same way . Greenlee : But it ca nt be , and it s never gon na be the same no matter what I do . Get me away -- from him , from all of this . Help me start a new life somewhere -- anywhere . Anywhere but here . Scott : I am under too much of a deadline to bring you on board now . Besides , Adam has already paired me up with J.R. , remember ? Annie : You and I both know J.R. has not been dependable lately . He s been taking time off , disappearing for days at a time . I am dependable . Come on , Scott , I m bored . Scott : Well , maybe you should get back out into the workforce , then . Annie : Hello ? What do you think I m trying to do ? Scott : Annie , I do nt need you . Chandler Enterprises does nt need you . Annie : Why are you being so negative ? You and I both know we would make a great team . Scott : We would not make a great team , and you know why . Adam : If my pacemaker leaps out of my chest and runs screaming into the night , then my daughter is to blame . What s going on in here ? Annie : Scott s afraid to work with me . Damon : Now that your dad s seen me and thinks I m some one - night hookup , do you think I can get out of here without being nailed for breaking and entering ? Colby : I thought you agreed to spend the night . You might have a concussion , you know ? Damon : Nah , just a bump -- hard head . Colby : So , where you gon na go ? What are you gon na do ? Damon : Not sure yet . Colby : So you re just gon na take off , not even talk to Bailey ? Damon : Pretty clear she thinks I m a lying thief , so -- Colby : You are not kidding about the hard head , huh ? Oh , God , guys can be so thick sometimes . You are not going anywhere yet . David : You ready ? Greenlee : Yes . David : You sure ? It s ok . Before we leave , I want you to be absolutely certain that you re done with all of this -- done with Ryan , with Pine Valley . Greenlee : Do nt worry . I wo nt be having second thoughts . If he came through that door right now , I d only want to see him hurt , see him in the kind of pain I m in . David : He did think you were dead , Greenlee , that he was never gon na see you again . Greenlee : He trashed everything we had by sleeping with Kendall , and then , of all people , Erica . Man , he really twisted the knife in my back by handing over my company to her . I mean , he knew how much Fusion meant to me . I just wish I could take something from him -- from both of them -- the way they ve taken everything from -- from me . David , there s something I have to do before I go , but I ll need your help . David : Help with what ? Greenlee : I need you to get something for me , and it wo nt be easy . But I m gon na leave them a little farewell present before I go . Greenlee : Go away . Amanda : David ? David , it s Amanda . Liza : Hmm . Well , someone is not happy about Ryan and Erica being together . Tad : The guy on this end -- he matches the guy s description . Jake : You know that already ? What do you want me to do ? Tad : I just want you to disappear for awhile , ok ? Just let me work the guy first . Jake : All right . Go ahead . Tad : Um , do me a favor . Give me any beer in a bottle . Just surprise me , ok ? How you doing ? Man : Fine . Hey , could I refill of this coffee ? And any sign of that delivery I m supposed to get ? Bartender : I just checked , and I ll keep an eye out . Tad : Just the bottle . Thanks . Mm . God . Tastes good . I ve been looking forward to this ever since passing over the Boston V.O.R. Man : You a pilot ? Tad : I m George -- George Grayson . Scott : I am not afraid to work with her . I am under a serious crunch with the audit coming up , and I am not taking her on just because she is bored and has this impulsive urge to learn the business . Annie : There s nothing impulsive about it . I have thought about this for a really long time . Adam : Mm - hmm . Annie : Listen , Chandler is a family business , right ? Well , I m family now . I want to be involved in all of it , and I am just as invested in the future of this business and company as you or Scott or J.R. or anybody else . Scott : I really do nt have time for this . Annie : All right , listen . Remember what you said when we were all reading the merit trust ? You said you wanted Scott to build Chandler Enterprises into a company that gave back to the community , right ? Into a company that our family could be proud of . Well , that s what I want , too , and I have a lot to offer . Adam : She s right . I want to give her that chance . Erica : Well , whether you sent the wine or not , thanks for stopping by . Opal : Well , I am just as happy as a clam at high tide for the two of you . Erica : So are we . We were just finishing up . Opal : Oh , oh , oh . I can take a hint . Erica : Yeah . Ryan : Ok . Well , good night . Opal : You treat her good , you hear ? Ryan : Yes , I hear . Good night , Opal . Thank you very much . Ok , if Opal did nt set up the surprise , then who did ? And how did they get in here ? Erica : It was Opal . She denied it because she thought maybe I d get upset because she was pushing again . Ryan : Yeah ? I mean , maybe . It s just not really like Opal not to take credit for something . Erica : Trust me . Oh , you said that you wanted to call Emma before she went to bed . Ryan : Oh , yes . I do . Thank you , thank you , thank you . Erica : David . I thought that you had left town . David : I did , and I am . I m moving back to Malaysia . I just came back to town to tidy up a few things first , one of them having to do with Kendall . Erica : Come in . What about Kendall ? David : Well , obviously , she s been out of town for awhile , and I was her doctor after the transplants , so I just wanted to make sure that she had the proper care when she comes home . So I want to give you the name of a good doctor , and also my contact information in Malaysia just in case either one of you needs to get in touch with me . Erica : Yes , that s a very good idea . David : Cool . Oh . I left my pen and paper and my pad at home . Do you have something I could write with ? Erica : Sure . Of course , I do . I ll be right back . David : Thank you . Ryan : Hayward ? What the hell are you doing here ? Amanda : I wonder why David tore that up . Liza : I do nt know . Well , he and Erica used to be together . Maybe he still has a thing for her . Amanda : Erica ? I never once heard him talk about her like that . Old friends , maybe , but never any jealous remarks about Ryan . Liza : Did you hear that ? Amanda : Yeah . David : I was just being a little OCD . It was nt exactly hanging in line here , so , there you go . Ryan : So what are you doing here ? Erica : David s actually on his way to Malaysia . He stopped by to give me some information to give to Kendall -- a referral for a cardiologist here , in case she needs one . David : That s right . See that , Ryan ? Nothing nefarious . Erica : Oh . Ok , I need to take this . Excuse me . Hello ? Could you hold on for a minute , please ? David , take care . David : You , too , Erica . Erica : Ok . Ryan : Hey , David , I heard what you did to Amanda and Jake -- tried to take their child . David : Well , what can I tell you , Ryan ? I m not a very nice person . For what it s worth , I do regret what I did . Well , lucky for them , they wo nt have to worry about me any longer . Ryan : I do nt even think you understand the meaning of regret . David : Do you love Erica ? Has she really taken the place of Greenlee ? Ryan : If you hurry , maybe you ll be able to catch the red - eye to Malaysia , David . David : Oh , do nt worry , Ryan . I ll be gone before you know it . Trust me , I wo nt be turning back . Tad : This is after the First Gulf War . I left the Air Force , but I went into the import - export business . I could nt stay out of the sky . So when I started having to go back and forth between Canada every week , I thought I d buy myself a 414 to indulge myself . Man : Nice . Tad : Can I buy you something stronger than coffee ? Or are you on the bottle- to - throttle clock ? Man : No , thanks , Mr. Martin . Tad : What ? I told you my name s Grayson . Man : No , it is nt . It s Martin . And my boss warned me about you . Adam : Annie has a way of easing into things , and watching during an audit can get you well - acquainted with the company s various distribution techniques . Annie : Adam , I will not let you down . Adam : Well , then I will let you two to go at it . I m gon na have a drink after that round I had with Colby . Annie : Adam . Adam : All right , a soda . That does nt mean I ca nt pretend there s Scotch in it , can it ? Annie : Please do nt be angry . Scott : I do nt have time to be angry . You won . You got what you wanted . Here , correlate each department s quarterlies with the matching audit . Annie : I d rather help you with the spreadsheets . Scott : You agreed to follow my lead . So get to it . Bailey : What s going on ? Why could nt you tell me over the phone ? Colby : I wanted to talk to you about Damon . I do nt think he did what the police are accusing him of . Bailey : You ve seen him , have nt you ? What , did he break into your house , too ? Damon : See ? Told you she would nt believe me . Amanda : I used to hear all sorts of weird noises in this house . Thought it was haunted for awhile , but then I just realized it s big and old . Liza : Mm . Hey , listen . You know what ? We should just get out of here . David s not here , and it would nt look very good for Jake s case if he found us here . David : What are you two doing here ? Amanda : I came to talk to you . David : Oh , let me guess . Your husband sent you . And Liza here has his lawsuit ready to file if I -- what ? Do nt get out of Dodge ? Liza : Well , I mean you did tell Amanda that you were leaving . David : Did you notice the boxes ? I m out of here , all right ? Amanda : Then when are you back ? David : As I told your husband , I just came back to tie up a few loose ends . All right , look . If you people want me to leave this town so badly , why do nt you just get the hell out of my way and let me do what I need to do ? Liza : Mm . All right , then . Tie up your loose ends . Just do nt take too long doing it . David : Greenlee ? Greenlee . Greenlee : Oh . David : Are you all right ? Greenlee : Yeah . I just need a pain pill . I got all twisted up back there . I ll be ok . David : I ll get you some water . Then I want to examine your back . Greenlee : No , forget the water . Did you get the flash drive ? David : Yeah . Yeah , I have it right here . Ok ? No . No . I want to examine your back first . Come on . Greenlee : Oh . David : What s on that flash drive anyway ? Why did you have it hidden over at Ryan s ? Greenlee : Ow ! If I tell you now , it ll ruin the surprise . Tad : I really think you have me confused with somebody else . Man : No , I do nt . Dr. Hayward described you and your brother in pretty good detail . Said one of you would probably corner me , ask me some questions . Do nt waste your breath . Doc is a good man , a good employer . I do as I m told . Bartender : This what you were waiting for ? Man : Yeah . Thanks . Nice to meet you , Mr. Martin . Tad : He made me . Hayward warned him . What the hell is that ? Jake : What , this ? Well , I overheard the conversation that he was waiting for a box . Tad : Yeah , so did I. Jake : Good . Tad : Come to think of it , Fusion s a pretty weird place for a drop - off . So , what the hell is this ? Jake : Well , I intercepted the box . I was outside , I saw the guy . I made him think the box was for me , right ? So luckily I had a box in my car . It was about the same size . I peeled the label off this box and put it on that box , and now David s gon na get a pair of my brand new sneakers . Hope they fit . Tad : You re a genius . So , what s so covert that he had to have it delivered here ? Erica : What is it ? You seem pretty upset . Ryan : No , I just -- something does nt feel right about Hayward . Erica : I know what you mean . If he had just wanted Kendall to have the number of a doctor here , I mean , he could have texted , he could have phoned -- anything . Ryan : He was looking at this thing when I came down the stairs . I have no idea why . Something was taped here in the back . Erica : What do you think it was ? Ryan : I have absolutely no idea . But he took it . David : So , what are you trying to do anyway ? Greenlee : Well , I need to log into the system first , but they ve changed the passwords . David : Well , that s a big surprise . It s only been almost a year . Greenlee : Not Bianca . Not Kendall . Greenlee : Not Ryan . David : Try Erica Kane backwards . Greenlee : I love you . David : It s an old trick used too often at the hospital . I used to chew the doctors out all the time for being so unoriginal . So , now that we ve solved that mystery , what exactly are you planning to do ? Hmm ? What s on that flash drive ? Greenlee : It s a worm . Kendall and I made a deal back when Cambias took over Fusion . If we ever lost control of the company , we could crash the whole system -- wipe out everything . I meant what I said . I d rather see Fusion go under than have Erica running it , and that s what I m going to do before I leave town . David : Is something supposed to go kablooey ? Greenlee : Yeah . It should have a readout of files as they re deleted . David : Maybe they improved the security system , put a new firewall or something . Greenlee : I will not let her win . I will not let her have this company . I will not let her win . Ah ! Oh , God ! Oh , God . Bailey : What are you doing here ? Where have you been ? Damon : At the Chandler s . Bailey : Why ? Damon : I needed a favor . The point is , when I was there , someone broke in , set off the alarm . Bailey : Oh , these things are getting really coincidental , are nt they ? Colby : Bailey , please just listen . Damon : Look , forget it . Forget it . She s already made up her mind . Bailey : You re wrong . I just want to know the truth . Damon : The truth is I got hit in the head by whoever broke in . But you re right . It s not looking good for me . I got to find out who this jerk is before I go down for what he s done . Bailey : Wait , Damon . Please do nt do anything stupid . Damon : What would be stupid is sitting around here , waiting for him to pin all his break - ins on my ass while you keep doubting me . Colby : Where are you going ? Damon : I can take care of myself . Do nt worry . Bailey : Damon , wait . Annie : There you go . What s wrong ? Scott : This is nt making any sense . I ve gone over it a dozen times . Annie : What is it ? Scott : The third quarter detail -- it does nt match up with the yearlies . Annie : Well , do you want the preliminary detail or the final ? See -- look at the name of the file there . Scott : Oh , my God . Stupid , stupid . Thank you . I m sorry I was rough on you earlier . That was a good catch . I would have been going around in circles forever . I guess I m just getting tired . Annie : You re just doing too much on your own . You need help , Scott . And I can give it to you . You just have to trust me . Scott : I want to trust you , Annie . But I also want to trust myself when I m with you . Amanda : You were right to get me out of there . I was about to let loose on him again . Liza : Yes , well , you see , threats are not gon na do anything good . We just have to sit back and see if he s gon na make good on his word and get out of here . Hey , did you find anything ? Jake : Kind of , sort of . Amanda : Is that the medicine David was using when he was faking his illness ? Tad : Uh - uh . One of those is a major narcotic . You know , for pain ? It s awesome . Jake : Stop it . Behave yourself . These right here are steroids , and these over here are immunosuppressants . Liza : What is that ? Jake : That is proof that David was nt using this on himself . Maybe he was treating somebody . I do nt know -- maybe a transplant , or perhaps stem cell therapy . Ryan : David ! Erica : Listen , why do nt we just go to Jesse and let Jesse take care of this . Ryan . Ryan : Too late . David ! David ! Erica : I thought David lived alone since Amanda left . Ryan : Apparently not . David : That s it . We re out of here . Greenlee : No . No , David . David , no . I have to finish this . David : Greenlee , forget about it . You ve got to go . Greenlee : I ve got to finish this , David . David : That s enough . Greenlee : Wait . Wait -- look . It s working . Yes ! ### Summary:
Adam sneaks into Colby s room and tries to talk to her ( unbeknownst to him that it is Damon ) under the covers on the bed . Colby comes in with a tray . Damon comes out from under the covers . Adam demands to know who Damon is . Annie tries to get Scott to let her help him with the finances of Chandler Enterprises , but he refuses . At Jake s and Amanda s apartment , Liza goes over the material that she is planning on filing against David if he does nt leave town . Tad gets a call that David had someone with him when he came back to town . Tad insists on talking to the pilot to find out information on David and his companion . Amanda leaves the apartment to go talk to David . Greenlee spots Ryan and Erica making love . David catches her outside of Ryan s condo . At Wildwind , Amanda demands to know how long Ryan and Erica had been together . Adam sides with Annie when she wants to know more about Chandler Enterprises . Opal stops by Ryan s to congratulate Ryan and Erica on their relationship . Greenlee comes up with a plan to get revenge on Ryan and Erica and asks for David s help . Liza and Amanda visit Wildwind and find David gone , but finds a torn up tabloid paper on the table . Liza comes to the conclusion that it must have been torn up by someone , who did nt want Ryan and Erica together . David visits Erica on the pretense of giving Erica the name of another doctor . David steals a flash drive from behind a fixture on the wall . Ryan comes in and wonders what David is doing here . Liza and Amanda hear a noise on the patio , but soon comes to the conclusion that the house may be haunted . Tad questions the pilot , who soon sees through Tad and knows exactly what he is doing . The pilot reveals no information to Tad . Jake intercepts a package meant for David and finds the package is full of medications . Ryan looks behind the fixture on the wall and finds that something had been taped there , but had been removed by David . Ryan and Erica go to Wildwind , looking for David and finds Greenlee s sweater . Greenlee manages to plant a virus on Erica s computer before she collapses . David carries her out of the office . Colby tries to reunite Bailey and Damon , but with no luck .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ridge : Come on . Rick : ( Straining ) I got you . Ridge : Pull me up . ( Grunts ) Rick : ( Groans ) God ! Ridge : Rick ! ( Panting ) Taylor : He s joining the military ? Stephanie : That s what his father told me . Taylor : Rick ? Our Rick ? Stephanie : ( Laughs ) Not my Rick . I make no claim to him . Taylor : Well , why would he do something like this ? Okay , why do you think he s doing this ? Stephanie : He s working an angle . He s always working some angle . Taylor : I guess you re trying to tell me that this has something to do with Steffy . Stephanie : Yes , and with you , with -- with her-- ( laughs ) her father , his father , with everybody . I mean , he s alienated just about everybody in the family , so I think he s probably desperately trying to get back in our good graces . Taylor : By joining the military ? Stephanie : And probably to impress Steffy , but you can bet that he s got something else up his sleeve . Taylor : Well , what does Ridge think about this ? Stephanie : Well , you can only imagine . Taylor : So he thinks there s an ulterior motive ? Stephanie : Well , why would nt he ? Taylor : I know . Because we all know that Rick has his sights set on Steffy . Stephanie : Yes . ( Sighs ) His mother and father , however , think he s very sincere . They think he s trying to , uh , regain his integrity . Taylor : ( Sighs ) I do nt even know if that s possible . Stephanie : Well , you know that , and I know that , but they do nt seem to understand that . Taylor : ( Sighs ) Brooke : ( Sighs ) ( sighs ) ( breathing heavily ) Oh ! Oh , my God ! ( Gasps ) Oh ! Brooke : Rick ! Rick : ( Grunts ) Ridge : ( Grunts ) Rick , come on . Pull me up . Rick : ( Groans ) Aah ! ( Grunts ) Brooke : Ridge . Rick ! Oh ! Oh , my God . Thank -- thank God . Rick : ( Panting ) ( Panting ) I would nt let you die . Ridge : ( Panting ) Rick : I would never let you die . ( Panting ) Stephanie : Do nt start fretting about this . Taylor : ( Sighs ) I - I just wish I could find some kind of solution , Stephanie . I know that-- that she s way in over her head , and Rick is nt going to back off . He s -- he s going to keep trying to have this relationship . Stephanie : Well , we ve got to keep him from doing that . Taylor : They re adults . There s only so much we can do , Stephanie . Stephanie : ( Chuckles ) You try telling that to her father . Taylor : Oh , I - I know . I know Ridge is not gon na stand for it , especially after what happened with Phoebe . Stephanie : Well , you have to support him on this . Taylor : I do , believe me . I am , because we know we ca nt trust Brooke or Rick to have any kind of logic about this . ( Inhales deeply ) But like you , I worry about Ridge . I m worried about him probably as much as I am Steffy . I do nt know where this thing is headed . Stephanie : You still love him so much , do nt you ? Taylor : ( Sighs ) Stephanie : You know , he and Brooke are on just absolute opposite sides of this whole situation . I - I m not so sure that the marriage is gon na survive it . Taylor : I just want Ridge to survive it . Will you call me if you hear anything ? Stephanie : Oh . What in the world happened to you ? Ridge : It s all right . I m okay . Do nt worry about it . Stephanie : Well , where have you been ? Ridge : ( Sighs ) Upstairs on the roof . Stephanie : The roof ? Oh , you were nt up there with Rick . Oh , did he do this to you ? Ridge : No , mother . He did nt do anything to me . Stephanie : Look at you . Look at you . Your shirt-- I mean , it s -- wha-- Ridge : I almost fell . Stephanie : Off the roof ? Ridge : Yeah , I got into it with Rick . Stephanie : Did he try and push you off ? Ridge : No . It was nothing like that at all . It s my own damn fault . Rick : ( Sighs ) ( groans ) Brooke : Rick ! Rick : Hey , Mom . Brooke : Oh , my God . I was just up on the roof , and I could nt get to you . What happened up there ? Rick : ( Sighs ) It was crazy up there . Brooke : ( Sighs ) Were you and Ridge fighting ? Rick : No , no . God , no . We were nt fighting . Brooke : But he was over the ledge . Rick : I know . He just -- he tripped is all . Brooke : So he tripped and fell over the ledge ? Rick : Well , no , he-- he came at me really fast , and I just -- you know , I - I ducked down out of the way , and he just kept going , and he -- he tumbled over . I did nt push him , though . I did not push him . I swear . ( Sighs ) Brooke : So you saved him . Rick : Well , yeah . I had to save him . He would have fallen . Brooke : Oh , honey , thank God . Oh , God . ( Sighs ) Rick : It s all right , Mom . I did nt do anything ... Brooke : No . Rick : Anybody else would nt do . Brooke : No , but you did . You did it . Rick : I know , but listen , you ca nt be blabbing to anybody about this , all right ? Brooke : Oh , honey , I am so proud of you right now . I m gon na tell everybody . Rick : No , you re not gon na tell anybody . Okay ? Please . People are gon na think I m a hero , and believe me , I m not a hero in any of this . Brooke : Then you were fighting . Rick : No , Mom , we were not fighting , okay ? We were -- we were arguing . It s -- it s -- but it did nt have anything to do with that . Brooke : Well , then the family should know . Rick : No , the family can not know . Mom , my position with the family right now is very sensitive . I do nt want them to think that I m trying to take advantage of this , okay ? Look , maybe this can change things with me and Ridge . Maybe hell -- hell forget about what I did to Phoebe , and maybe he ll let Steffy and I be together , and-- look , the only people that can know about this are you , Ridge and me . That s it . Brooke : ( Sighs ) Rick : ( Sighs ) Rick : Promise me you will keep this between us . Brooke : Honey , if this truly happened the way that you described it-- Rick : It did ! Ask Ridge . He ll say the same thing . Brooke : Well , then you saved his life . Rick : I did ... Brooke : This is a breakthrough . Rick : What any decent person would have done , okay ? Brooke : Well , that is my point . The family should know . Rick : The family thinks I m a con artist , and you know what ? They re right . I m trying to fix all that , like I said before . If I take advantage of this-- well , look , I m trying to let them know that I m -- m trying to change . Brooke : Oh , Rick-- Rick : ( Sighs ) I ve lost a lot , Mom . I mean , I - I lost my job in this company . I lost the respect of my family , and I want that all back . But it all hinges on Ridge , and -- I do nt know-- what happened up on the roof today , may -- maybe it ll help . Brooke : Yes , it will . How could it not ? Rick : You really think so ? Brooke : You saved Ridge s life today . If you were nt there , he could have died . Rick : That s true . Brooke : So now all you need to do is just stay away from Steffy . Rick : And it all begins , with , you know , my relationship with Ridge . I mean , that is what we re talking about , right ? Brooke : Yes , of course . But-- Rick : Well , think about it . I mean , you said that today might be a major breakthrough , and if Ridge can forgive me , the healing can begin . And like I said before , I just -- I want to be able to walk in here , Mom , and face Ridge and face the entire family . Have their respect back-- that s my goal . And you know what ? I m not gon na accept anything less than that . Ridge : Steffy was like putty in Rick s hands . He was working her , Mother . He was really working her . Could nt really hear what they were saying , but I could see how vulnerable she was to him , and he saw it , too . Stephanie : So you followed him up to the roof , and -- and he s responsible for this ? Ridge : No , no . Me going over ? No , not at all . Actually , he saved my life . Stephanie : Oh , God . How do you feel about that ? Ridge : ( Sighs ) Did Rick intend to kill Phoebe ? No . But she should nt have been in that car . Did he intend to kill me ? No . I should nt have been on that roof . Phoebe and I both-- just in the wrong place at the wrong time . Stephanie : You know how he ll put a spin on this . Ridge : Yeah , like he always does-- Stephanie : Well , you ca nt let him get-- Ridge : To his advantage . Stephanie : You ca nt let him get away with it . Rick : ( Sighs ) Steffy , I will never give up on us . You asked me to win your father over . I will . I promise , Steffy . It may already be happening . Rick . Brooke : ( Sighs ) I saw everything . Oh , my God , Ridge . I - I do nt even know what this is about , and I m not even going to ask , cause I m just so grateful that you re alive . ( Sighs ) Oh , you must be in shock . Ridge : I was . Brooke : Do you want me to take you home ... Ridge : ( Sighs ) Brooke : Get some rest ? Ridge : No , no , no , no . Brooke : I talked to Rick about this . ( Sighs ) Ridge : What did he say ? Brooke : He does nt want anybody to know . Ridge : To know what ? Brooke : That he saved your life . Of course , I want to tell the whole world . ( Sighs ) Ridge : You gon na respect his request ? Brooke : Well , I think there s certain people who should know , like Stephanie and Eric and Taylor . Ridge : So pretty much all of the people that are down on him , all of his enemies . Brooke : What Rick did was heroic , and for him not to want to even say anything , I mean , that s even more remarkable . Ridge : Well , he always knows how to handle his mother . I ll give him that . Brooke : What are you saying ? Ridge : He wants you to tell everybody , Brooke . He s counting on that . Brooke : You re not even grateful for what he did ? Ridge : He was hitting on Steffy , so I followed him up to the roof to confront him . I got angry , and I lunged at him , and that s when I went over the side , and actually , he pulled me back up . But do nt you see , Logan ? I would nt have been up on that roof if Rick had just stayed the hell away from my daughter . Taylor : ( Sighs ) Stephanie s right . I ll never stop loving Ridge . ( Sighs ) Oh . Oh , we were such a beautiful family . We had it all . ( Sighs ) We had it all , Ridge . And it was all destroyed because of the Logans . ( Sighs ) First Brooke and then Rick . ( Sighs ) He took Phoebe away from me , and I ca nt let him take Steffy . I ca nt . Stephanie : So here you are , you little son of a bitch . You waiting for Steffy ? Rick : ( Sighs ) You re unbelievable . No , I m actually heading home . Stephanie : Ahh . I heard about the escapade up on the roof . Rick : Yeah . That s between Ridge and me . Stephanie : That s why you re waiting for Steffy , is nt it ? You re going to toot your own horn . Rick : Good night . Stephanie : You know , you can try and milk this little heroic deed of yours all you want . It is nt gon na change anybody s mind about you . Rick : That s really not my intention . Stephanie : Mm - hmm . Rick : And you know what ? I m not surprised at all that you re not even modestly grateful . I did save your son s life today . Stephanie : Well , you would nt have had to do that in the first place if you d stay away from his daughter . Hmm . When do you ship out ? Oh , the army s gon na be poorer having you in its ranks . Rick : Stephanie , not that it s any of your business , but I was rejected by the army today because of my recent paralysis . Stephanie : ( Laughs ) Rick : Oh , that s funny . Yeah , thanks . Stephanie : You are a piece of work , you know that ? Is there anything you wo nt stoop to ? Rick : Yeah-- justifying myself to you . Stephanie : You knew they would nt take you all along . Rick : Oh , please . Stephanie : You did this to impress that little girl . Rick : No , I do nt need to impress Steffy , okay ? We re crazy about each other , and we re gon na be together in the future . In fact , the future is now . Stephanie : Not as long as I draw breath . Rick : Oh , you know , God forbid I am ever faced with the decision to save your life . Stephanie : Well , do nt . I d rather die . Rick : ( Sighs ) Brooke : Rick saved your life today . Does that not mean anything to you ? Ridge : Oh , he s gon na get major mileage out of that , especially with you . Brooke : I ca nt believe your attitude , Ridge . He did nt force you up there on that roof . Ridge : Brooke , I saw him with Steffy . I would have followed the guy all the way to hell . He has no right to be with her . Brooke : That s not the point . Ridge : No , Logan , that s exactly the point . If he continues to pursue my daughter , bad things are gon na happen . Does he care ? No , he does nt . He does nt give a damn . Brooke : Ridge , all he wants , all he cares about is your acceptance . Ridge : That is bull . If that were the case , he would stop working Steffy , but is he gon na do that ? No , he s not . And this whole thing with the army , that s just a crock . He s only doing that to impress her . Brooke : Oh , that is unfair . Even Rick is nt bold enough to enlist in the Army hoping for a deferment . Ridge : Oh , come on , Brooke , they have access to his medical records , and he knows that . There s no way they were gon na take him . Brooke : ( Sighs ) Even if you re right , and I do nt think you are , what does that say ? Ridge : It says that he s rather obsessive and should be institutionalized . That s what it says . Brooke : Or that maybe he really does care about Steffy . Ridge : Oh , come on . The guy does nt love anybody . Brooke : ( Sighs ) Ridge : His history proves that . You had Phoebe , Taylor , Ashley and now Steffy . Come on . You really think he loved all those women ? Brooke : Oh , my God , Ridge . You re making it sound like he s some deranged person . This is my son you re talking about . Ridge : I know , Logan , and I ve tried to be sensitive to that . But you always-- you always seem to kowtow to him . You -- you -- you do whatever he thinks and protect him . Well , I ca nt continue doing that either . I ca nt continue doing that as long as it involves my daughter . He has to stay away from my daughter , or there s gon na be big trouble . Brooke : And you do nt fault Steffy at all ? It takes two , Ridge . Ridge : Oh , Logan , come on . Rick is an expert at manipulating women . Brooke : And he s manipulated me all his life , is that what you re going to say ? Ridge : ( Sighs ) Oh , Logan . Look , I know this has been hard for you , too . It s been very painful going through all this . But I ve had a few things happen to me , and he s been at the center of a of it . He s got to stay away from my daughter , Brooke . I m not gon na risk losing my other daughter . I can not do that . Brooke : ( Sighs ) Ridge-- Ridge , if you forbid somebody from doing something , they want to do it even more . Ridge : So what s your point ? I should just let this thing run its course ? Hmm ? Brooke : You may not have a choice . They re adults . Besides , Rick s problem is nt Steffy . It s acceptance-- by you , by me , his family , his father . And he saved you , Ridge . Thank God . Do nt think about his motives or the reasons why or what he wanted to cash in on . He saved your life today . Does nt that account for anything ? You say that he s out to destroy you . Well , it seems like you re out to destroy him . Is that what you want to do ? I think you re a bigger person than that . Just let him stay ... ( sighs ) and give him a place here in the company . Ridge : ( Whispers ) Oh , my God . Brooke : It s the family business , Ridge . Make him feel like he s part of the family . And if you ca nt do it for him , do it for me . Ridge : ( Sighs ) Brooke : Give my son a reason to feel good about himself , please . I know that that s what he wants . Can you do that for him ? Can you do it for me ? Ridge : ( Sighs ) Brooke : Ridge , please . I love you . Do this for him , or do it for me . I do nt care . I m begging you . ( Sighs ) Please , Ridge . Ridge : ( Sighs ) ( sighs ) ### Summary:
Stephanie tells Taylor that Rick is joining the Army . Stephanie knows he has some angle . She guesses that he is trying to get back in everybody s good graces . After dangling over the edge of the building and struggling , Ridge is finally pulled upright with Brooke witnessing the entire recovery . Rick tells Ridge that he could never let him die . Brooke praises Rick and is grateful . She wants to tell the entire family that he saved Ridge s life but Rick nixes that . The situation is too sensitive right now . He will settle for Ridge just letting this vendetta go and allow him and Steffy to be together . If Ridge is grateful , maybe the healing can begin now . Stephanie sees Ridge immediately afterwards and ca nt believe the story Ridge is telling , that it was his own stupid fault . Rick actually saved his life , but Ridge was just in the wrong place like Phoebe at the wrong time . He tells Brooke the same thing . But he adds that he never should have been up on that roof except he saw Rick hitting upon Steffy . He would have followed him to hell to stop him . He s trying to be sensitive , but Rick has to stay away from his daughter , nothing else will do . He can not risk his other daughter like that . She keeps reminding him that Rick saved his life today . Keep him on at the business and make him feel good about himself . That is all he wants . She s begging him to do this for her . Stephanie confronts Rick about the little rooftop escapade . She laughs when she hears what he stooped too and about his being rejected by the Army .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Krystal : Hello ? Hello ? David : Krystal . Do nt ever answer my phone again . Krystal : It was just a hang - up . David : I want to share my life with you , but some things need to remain private . Krystal : You scare me when you re like this . David : I m sorry . I m just under a lot of pressure these days , but that does nt mean I do nt love you , ok ? Krystal : I m just glad you re home . David : Where else would I be ? Krystal : Well , the other day , I did nt know where you were . Everybody was at the wedding . You left without a word . You came back without a word . You were gone for a long time . Where d you go ? Opal : I came as soon as I could . You ok ? Ryan : Come on in . Opal : I admit I m curious why you did nt want me to bring Emma . Ryan : How is she doing ? Opal : She s having milk and cookies with Petey . Feel like your soul s been ripped out , do nt you ? Ryan : I need to talk to her . I need to talk to Greenlee , Opal , and I really want you to help me . Reese : Ok , so you hate me , but you do nt hate Gabrielle , and if Bianca leaves , if she goes , so does that beautiful baby girl . She is gone , and I know you do nt want that . Zach , please , please help me . Zach : I m not helping you . We do nt deserve that child . Erica : Kendall , you ca nt turn your back on Bianca . She s your sister . She needs you . Kendall : Well , she did nt need me when she decided to make a baby with my husband . Erica : Oh , come on . It was nt like that exactly and you know that . Zach was the donor . That s what he was . Bianca : It s ok , Mom . She s right . It was my fault . I went behind her back . I ve lied to her , and I did have a child with her husband . Erica : You had a beautiful baby girl who needs us to fight for her . Surely you do nt want Reese to have access to Gabrielle . Kendall : Well , that is one thing Bianca and I still have in common . I want Reese far away from that baby . In fact , the further away from Pine Valley Bianca and Gaby are , the better . Erica : Bianca , too ? Are you kidding ? She s your sister . Kendall : Sister ? We share blood , nothing more . David : I was at a consult in Manhattan . I left a note . Krystal : I did nt see it . David : Really ? I should have called . You re right . I m sorry . Sometimes I get so busy with work , I just do nt see anything else . I have all the time in the world to look now . David : Son of a ... David : Dr. Hayward . Frankie : Ok , let s get started . Nurse : It s Gayle . You wanted me to call if there was any news . Mr. Chandler and Ms. Dillon have just arrived . David : I ll be there as soon as I can . Krystal : Let me guess , an emergency ? David : Yeah , that s the reason why I do nt want you answering my phones . It could be complicated , ok ? Is that clear ? Krystal : Sure . Erica : This is unacceptable . You two love each other , and yes , these are difficult times , but we will get past this . We always do . Kendall : If you want me to kiss and make up so you feel better , I m leaving . I m leaving right now . Erica : You know what I want you to do ? I want you to show a little understanding . Kendall : Ok , listen , I already said that I agree with Bianca . I want that baby far away from Reese . Is nt that enough ? Erica : Ok , I m going to tell you the truth here . Sometimes I do nt recognize you anymore , not since the coma . Kendall : Yeah , well , a lot of things have changed . I woke up and discovered my sister and her lover and my husband decided it was a good idea to have a baby and not tell me . Erica : Honey , you know exactly that -- Bianca : No , Mom , it s ok . Obviously , understanding is not a part of Kendall s vocabulary anymore . Kendall : There s so many other words , like sperm donor . That s a good one . Erica : Ok , that s enough . You know what ? If you re not with us , then you can leave . Kendall : I am not with you , but I am in agreement that I do not want Reese to have any access to that baby , and I will do anything to make sure that does nt happen . Woman : Ms. Kane . Erica : Oh , Ms. Stillman , thank you so much for coming to meet us here . This is my other daughter , Kendall , who will be helping us as well . And , please , tell me what our best strategy is to make sure that Reese Williams never comes near my daughter Bianca s beautiful baby girl ever again . Ms. Stillman : I m afraid it s not that simple . There s a clear case supporting Ms. Williams position . Bianca : So , Reese could get partial custody of my child ? Reese : You do nt mean that I do nt deserve my daughter . You have seen me with her . You know that I am a good mother . You know how I am and that I love her . Zach : Mistakes were made . There are consequences . Reese : Ok , so you hate me . That s fine . You can hate me . You can despise me . You can want me gone , but I know you do nt want Gaby gone . And if Bianca gets full custody , you re going to lose her , too . Zach : That s Bianca s choice . I ve got to respect that . Reese : Bianca s choice ? Is it Bianca s choice or is it Kendall s choice ? Is that where all this is coming from ? Me gone , the baby gone , her life back to where it was before all -- Zach : Ca nt blame her for that . Reese : This is Kendall s decision . It s what Kendall wants . What the hell do you want ? Zach : She s my wife . Reese : Ok , who s Gaby ? Zach : Do nt do that . That s not fair . I said I was going to be the donor . I never said I was going to be a father to her . Reese : That s a fine idea over dinner and drinks , but once you ve held her in your arms , and you have rocked her to sleep night after night , and you ve stopped her tears , you become attached . Zach : Ok , all right , we do nt need to discuss that . Bianca has made a decision . Reese : That s fine , but it s not her decision to make . Zach , just because I did not carry that child , it does nt mean I do nt love her , Gaby , as much . Zach : No one says that you do nt love her . No one said that . I love her , too , and it does nt matter how we feel . Bianca has a right to do what she s doing . Reese : No , she does nt . She is hurt and she s angry , and she wants to punish me , and Kendall wants to punish you . And you know what ? You can stand there . You can act all stoic . You can act rational . You can act calm . That s fine , but I know you do nt want to lose Gabrielle any more than I do . Just help me , ok ? Just please help me . If you help me get custody , I promise you , I wo nt take Gabrielle away , and you can see her as much as you want . Zach : What are you asking me right now ? Are you asking me to choose between Gabrielle and Kendall ? J.R. : Excuse me , the planning meeting for the Babe Chandler Wing benefit -- is that going to be in the main conference room ? I d like to get my donation in . Adam : J.R. , can I speak with you a second ? J.R. : Sorry . What is it ? Adam : What are you doing ? A contribution ? J.R. : Since when have you been against contributing to the hospital ? Adam : Well , I guess you ve been so busy holding Amanda s hand that you re completely unaware that Chandler Enterprises has just had the worst quarter in the company s history . J.R. : We ll turn it around . Besides , I m not the one who poured all that money into Fusion while playing footsie with Erica . Are we going to ever see any of that investment back ? Adam : Yes , and then some , eventually . In the mean time , it s best to think before we spend . David : Saw that article in the business section . Seems Chandler Enterprises is going the way of the Titanic . Adam : We ll recover . David : Well , if you need a loan to keep the lights on or food on the table for Little A , you just let me know . J.R. : We ll be fine . David : Good . So , I can count on you both for a generous donation to Babe s wing , right ? J.R. : There will be enough zeros to put us on top of that list . David : Babe would be happy to hear that . Adam : That arrogant -- J.R. : We just have to stay one step ahead of him , Dad . Adam : Not by donating six figures when we ca nt afford it . You keep your checkbook in your pocket until we discuss this . Frankie : You are doing great . The baby s doing great as well . Are you taking those prenatal vitamins ? J.R. : Only if I promise her one of those chocolate truffles right afterwards . Amanda : J.R. s been a great coach . He s been pouring milk and orange juice down my throat , putting way too many leafy greens on my plate . J.R. : Yeah , but I do offer one of the best foot massages in town . I ll wait for you outside . Frankie : Looks like you and J.R. are really making this work . Amanda : He s been great . Frankie : What happens when he finds out Hayward s the father ? Amanda : He wo nt . Frankie : Listen , Amanda , secrets have a way of coming out . Amanda : Not this one . You protect the secret . J.R. protects me . This baby is safe from David . That s all I care about . Annie : Hi . Aidan : Hi . How are you feeling ? Annie : I m better now . Aidan : I saw the judge today . He s reviewed your case . Your competency hearing has been postponed indefinitely . You ll still have to go back to Oak Haven . You ll get a new psychiatric evaluation with the new doctor , and you wo nt go anywhere near the isolation unit . Annie : You did this . You could have walked away like everybody else , but you never gave up on me even when I fought you . I know I have a long way to go , but I m going to work really hard to get better for you and for Emma . Can I see her ? Do you think I can see Emma before I go back to Oak Haven ? Opal : Greenlee , can you hear us ? This is Opal and Ryan . Do nt be afraid to show yourself , honey . We love you . Ryan loves you . He misses you . He wants to speak to you . Give us a sign , honey . Give us a sign that you re with us , that you feel our energy and our love . Ryan : I need you , Greenlee . I need you , ok ? The whole world has gone to hell . Opal : Ryan -- Ryan : I want the people that killed you . I want them to be held responsible . Opal : Ryan -- Ryan : Please , I m doing things my way , but I need to know it s ok with you . Please , just tell me it s all right -- Opal : Ryan , stop , stop . The spirits are sensitive . You are vibrating anger here . If Greenlee was close by , you just sent her soul running . Ryan : I m sorry , I m sorry . Please , do nt stop . Please , do nt stop . Do nt stop , do nt stop . Opal : Greenlee , can you hear us ? Can you feel Ryan s love ? Come to us , honey , come to us . Give us a sign . Ryan : Do you feel anything ? Opal : No , I m sorry . Not even a tickle . Ryan : You ve got to try again , Opal . Please , you need to try again . I need her . Kendall : Ca nt you just file something with the court so Bianca and the baby can go back to Paris ? Ms. Stillman : That s not an option . Ms. Williams may have no biological tie to the child , but she and Bianca took steps to give her equal rights . The court will view her as a parent . If you take Gaby out of the country , you ll be charged with kidnapping . Bianca : My own child ? Ms. Stillman : Ms. Williams has filed for custody in Pine Valley . The baby was born here . No one s going anywhere until this is resolved . And I have to warn you , a case like this can go on for years . Erica : So we fight . Ms. Stillman has outlined an option for us , our best option if we want to win this quickly . Bianca : Anything . Erica : We put Reese s character on trial and that should be easy . We expose her lies , her cheating . We prove that she s an unfit mother . Kendall : Well , I agree with Mom . That should nt be too hard , should it , Bianca ? Adam : What luck , a meeting of the most powerful women in Pine Valley , the brain trust of Fusion . Erica : Adam , I m busy . Adam : Busy making bankruptcy plans , maybe hoping for a government bailout ? Erica : Excuse us . We ll be right back . Adam , I m in the middle of a very important meeting . Adam : My investment is very important , too . And due to the untimely demise of Greenlee Smythe , I m very worried about my money . Erica : We ll discuss this later . Adam : No , we ll discuss it now . Reese : I m not asking you to choose between Gabrielle and Kendall . Zach : Yes , you are , and it s not going to happen . Nothing s going to come between me , Kendall , and the boys , not even Gaby . Reese : Please save your family , ok ? Please save your marriage . All I m asking you to do is just help me . I ca nt do this on my own . Just tell the court that I am a good mother . Tell the court that I m a good person . Zach : I think they re going to be ready for that . Reese : All right , well , then can you just talk to Bianca ? Zach : No , I ca nt . Reese : What ? She ll listen to you . She ll listen to you , Zach , and she wo nt stay angry at you . Just tell them . Tell her that it s in Gabrielle s best interest to have both of her parents in her life . Zach : Gabrielle s best interest is not being in a tug - of - war with her mothers . Reese : I love her . Zach : If you love her so much , maybe you ve got to let her go . Reese : I wo nt . Zach : All right , well , then you re going to fight Bianca and Kendall and Erica , the Kane clan . I do nt know . I do nt think it s going to work . I think you ve got to let her go and move on . Reese : No , not without my daughter . Zach : You do nt have a chance in hell . David : How was your exam ? Amanda : Fine , if it s any of your business . David : Speaking of our business , how s it going ? Amanda : Not here . David : Are you making progress with J.R. or are all those stars in your eyes getting in the way ? Amanda : This kind of stuff takes time , you know . David : Well , you better not let it take too much longer or J.R. s going to hear things about you that he just does nt want to hear . Amanda : Meet me at the casino later . David : It s a date . J.R. : Hey , is Hayward bugging you ? Amanda : Just the usual . J.R. : Will you be able to make it home ok ? I ve got to go sit in on the meeting , you know , for the Campbell s Heart Health benefit . Amanda : Oh , yeah , I have some errands to run . I ll see you soon . David : Dr. Hubbard . Frankie : Dr. Hayward . David : So , tell me -- how is Amanda Dillon doing ? Adam : You lied about Fusion s finances . Erica : I did no such thing . Adam : Do nt try to outmaneuver me , Erica . I can be a very dangerous opponent . Erica : Ok , Adam , if you must know , we are in the middle of a meeting with a lawyer for Bianca . She and Reese are having some problems . Adam : Already ? Erica : Their marriage is over . Adam : Before it started . You should know a thing or two about that . David : You did examine Amanda , did nt you ? Frankie : Picture - perfect first trimester . David : That s great to hear . Let me see the chart . Like you said , it s all very good . You are aware of what would happen to a doctor who altered documents or falsified reports , right ? Frankie : Well , you d probably have his license stripped , his career and his dignity , well , trashed , then you d boil him in oil . But lucky for me , I play by the rules . Krystal : There you are . Hi , Frankie . Frankie : Krystal . Krystal : The planning committee is going to get started without us if we do nt hurry up . David : Keep up the good work , Doctor . Krystal : I ca nt wait to show them my ideas . David : Oh , wow . Aidan : I do nt know whether it s possible for you to see Emma . I m going to run it by Ryan , but he s not in a very good place right now . Annie : If there s any way Ryan could find it in his heart to let me see our daughter , it would mean everything to me . Aidan : I ll ask him , but I ca nt make any promises . Annie : Thank you . That s what I like about you . You re the only person who tells me the truth . Aidan : It s usually easier that way . Annie : What would I do without you ? Opal : It s no use . It s no use . The spirit is not willing . Ryan : You ca nt give up . Please , Opal , I need to reach her . I really do . I need to talk to her . Please , I have to know . Opal : The Greenlee that I knew , Ryan , she would not want all these thoughts of revenge and payback . She would want you to be happy , to live in peace with Emma . Ryan : Well , then you did nt know Greenlee at all , did you ? Because she always stood up for herself . She never backed down from a fight . Opal , we were on our way to be together , to be happy , finally to be together , and it was taken away from us . She would want justice just as much as I do . Opal : You know , if you truly believe that Greenlee would be shoulder to shoulder with you on this , then why are you so desperate to have her permission ? Maybe the spirit has spoken . Maybe you should listen to those doubts . Ryan : Thank you for coming , Opal . Please give Emma a kiss for me and tell her that I love her . Opal : That s something you should do for yourself . David : The committee loved your ideas . I knew I was right to recommend you to oversee this benefit . Krystal : Oh , I am just so thrilled to contribute to such a good cause , and to honor our Babe . David : She would be very proud of you , as I am . Krystal : Well , I hope I live up to your expectations -- and Babe s . David : Are you kidding me ? Something tells me you re going to raise so much money for healthy hearts , you just might put me out of business . J.R. : I d triple my contribution for that . David : Yeah . Just make sure that check does nt bounce . I ll see you later . Krystal : Where are you going ? David : A consult . You want the name of the patient ? J.R. : You ok ? Krystal : Yeah , I m fine . And I have a pile of work to do if I want to throw the most knock - your - socks - off benefit this hospital has ever seen . J.R. : If there s anyone who could do it , it s you . So are you really happy with Hayward ? Krystal : Yes , I am . How about you ? You got a baby on the way . How are you doing ? J.R. : I m good . Krystal : I meant what I said . Babe would want this for you -- moving on with your life . J.R. : I guess we both are . Adam : A marriage that lasted five minutes , the Kane women with their heads together ? When do you start beating the tom - toms ? Erica : Stop that . Stop it . Adam , you are expecting a grandchild . That should really be taking all of your attention right now . Adam : If it s mine . Erica : Well , there , you see ? You ve got plenty to occupy yourself with . Adam : I want my money back , Erica . Erica : And I will give your money back , Adam . But right now my priority is my family . Adam : Which means you re distracted , which means I may never see my investment again , unless drastic measures are taken . Erica : Oh , it would be just like you to twist my personal family crisis to your advantage . Adam : That fire in your eyes , I ve really missed that , Erica . Erica : I have to get back to my meeting . Adam : Of course . Oh , into the lion s den . Brave man . Zach : How are you doing , Adam ? I thought you d be too busy pulling Chandler from the ashes to come and drink here . Adam : What , Chandler Enterprises , Chandler family ? All are just fine . I ll see to it . Zach : Ok . Ladies -- ahem . Reese came to me for my help , and I told her to leave town and never look back . There you go . Kendall : Well , that is so noble , so very Zach . Now tell us what you really think . Ryan : What the hell do you want ? Reese : I just need a few minutes . Please . Ryan : You got five . Reese : Ryan , I need your help . Ryan : You need my help ? Reese : Bianca s trying to take Gabrielle away from me . Ryan : Well , you might want to go to Zach and ask him for a hand , considering how close you two are . Reese : Yeah ? Well , he does nt want to have anything to do with me . Ryan : So what are you doing , then . What ? Are you going around asking for forgiveness from anybody that can stand to look at your face ? Because it s too late , Reese . You ca nt take anything back , ok ? You ca nt save your marriage . You ca nt bring Greenlee back from the dead . Reese : Look , I deserve your hate , but I had to try , you know ? We have both lost a lot , and I just do nt want to lose Gabrielle , too . Ryan : What exactly do you want me to do ? Reese : You ve known the Kane women for so many years , and I just -- I thought if you could just tell me how to get through to them , how to make them understand that I deserve Gabrielle in my life just as much as they do . Ryan : You had your tongue in Zach s mouth the night before you got married , and you broke Bianca s heart . And now you re trying to pitch me a good - mommy routine ? Your five minutes are up . Reese : I m not evil . I just -- I made a big mistake . Ryan : Get the hell out . David : So , what do we have to celebrate -- aside from a very healthy pregnancy ? Dr. Hubbard tells me everything . Amanda : Can we just get this over with ? David : Sounds good . Let s get to it . So what s the news ? You and J.R. looked very cozy at the hospital . I like that strategy . He ll never know what hit him . Amanda : David , J.R. s been trying so hard to stay sober . David : That s very touching . Amanda : I saw you at the wedding . David : Excuse me ? Amanda : I saw you outside the chapel in Connecticut -- the day Greenlee died ? Erica : Ms. Stillman thinks that our best option to win this thing is to focus on Reese s character . Zach : You mean , assassinate it . Kendall : There s plenty to work with , is nt there ? Erica : Of course , there is . All we have to do is tell the truth about Reese . She s an opportunist , she wanted to marry into a rich , famous family , and she used the baby with Bianca to solidify that position . Bianca : That s not really true . Kendall : Well , it s true enough to put the judge on our side . Zach : Guys , come on , you re doing it all wrong . You got to go for broke . Tell the judge that she came into town , because she wanted to have a sexual relationship with me . She claimed to love you , never did -- just threw herself at me any chance she had . Ms. Stillman : Is this true , Mr. Slater ? Zach : What do you want me to testify ? Bianca : Do we have to be so personal ? Ms. Stillman : If you want to win . And we ll also have to hear from Mrs. Slater . Erica : Well , I do nt see why that s necessary . Until recently , my daughter was in a coma . Kendall : Yeah , and I woke up to find my husband holding a strange new baby -- his baby . Erica : Maybe we do nt have to go into all of this . Kendall : No , no , it s absolutely relevant , is nt it ? While I was in the coma , my husband became obsessed with this baby and the woman who he met in Europe that convinced him to father the child . Not only did Zach agree to be the sperm donor , but Reese and that baby moved into my house . Bianca : Hey , hang on . I -- I was completely behind that decision . Kendall : Even though Reese pretended to be in love with my sister , it became quite clear she really wanted my husband . They spent more and more time together and eventually I realized she was stealing everything I loved . Erica : This is a private meeting . Reese : I have something to say . Erica : Say it in the courtroom . Reese : I m not going to fight you . I ll sign whatever you want me to sign . Full custody to Bianca . Bianca : I m going to talk to Reese -- Erica : I do nt think that s a very good idea -- Bianca : Alone . You can really live with this decision to never see her again ? Reese : I have hope . I hope that one day you might not be so angry . One day you might remember the good we did have , and you could forgive me . And then , if that day comes , there might be another when you pick up the phone and you ll call me and you ask if I want to see our beautiful daughter . Maybe you ll even let me be in her life . Bianca : I ca nt even get past today . Reese : I understand . But I can still hope . Not even Erica Kane can take that from me . Bianca : So we ll sign the papers tomorrow . Adam : Um , I could nt help but overhear -- Reese : Ok , not now , all right ? Adam : What you re doing is very honorable , very self - sacrificing . And I m sure you feel you re doing the right thing and in a more human environment , you d be right . But that group is not a group you want to turn your belly up to . David : You re hoping I was up to my neck in some nefarious deed so you can use it against me ? Amanda : You ? Never . You have nt answered my question . David : Because it does nt deserve answering . And if you ever try anything like this again , you might just tick me off . And if that happens , J.R. just might find out the truth . What do you think he s going to say once he finds out that this whole baby - makes - three world that you created for him happened because I paid you ? A set - up to take away his son ? Amanda : A sick setup . David : Which you agreed to . Now , get on the ball , Amanda . I m sick of repeating myself . Amanda : I m waiting for the right moment . David : Waiting is for losers . You create the right moment . You set up a situation that looks like Little A is in danger , and you make it look like J.R. did it . Preferably , he ll be drunk off his ass . Amanda : Oh , you make it sound so easy . David : It is . J.R. is a negligent , incompetent imbecile who does nt deserve to be a father . Amanda : Are nt you forgetting one little fact ? Adam will never let you have custody of Little A , ever . David : Hmm , well , you do nt have to worry about Adam . I have plans for him . Pretty soon he ll be out of the picture altogether . Ryan : Are you here to hit me again ? Aidan : I m here for Annie . She d really like to see Emma before she goes back to Oak Haven . Ryan : No . Aidan : Listen , Annie was attacked , all right ? Sinclair attacked her . She could ve died . Ryan : Well , Greenlee did die and now Sinclair is fine , and she s under control , so -- Aidan : So , because you re mad at the world , you re going to make Annie pay ? Ryan : Let me ask you something . Why should I care what Annie wants ? She ambushed me in Connecticut . Because she did that , because I spent so much time talking her down , trying to get that gun away from my head , Aidan , I could nt get to Greenlee in time . Aidan : Listen , I know Greenlee s gone . And there s nothing that you and I can do about it , but Annie s still alive , and she s trying to get better . If she could just see Emma -- Ryan : Yeah , well , Annie can go to hell , and so can you . Zach : I m glad Reese is doing the right thing . Kendall : You think it s right to give up your child so easily ? That s not like you . Zach : Long day . Kendall : Very . Zach : What do you want to do ? Kendall : Well , your room is ready . Zach : My room is ready ? Kendall : Mm - hmm . I ve had the downstairs bedroom made up for you . ### Summary:
At Wild Wind , the phone rings just as David is in the shower . Krystal answers the phone , but no one says anything . David comes out of the shower and sees that Krystal has answered his phone . David orders her not to ever answer his phone again . They kiss . At Ryan s house , Ryan looks at a pic of Greenlee when there is a knock on the door . It is Opal . Ryan inquires as to how that Emma is . Ryan lets Opal know that he needs to talk to Greenlee . At the casino , Reese confronts Zach about his conversation with Kendall in which he had told Kendall that he wanted Reese out of town . Reese urges Zach to help her get custody of Gabrielle . Zach refuses . Gail calls David and tells him that J.R. and Amanda had arrived at the hospital . Zach lets Reese know that she does nt deserve Gabrielle . At the hospital , Adam reads J.R. the riot act for wanting to give a hefty donation to the hospital . Frankie gives Amanda a good report on the baby .Aidan visits Annie in the hospital . Aidan lets Annie know that the competency hearing had been postponed indefinitely . Annie wants to see Emma before she goes back to Oak Haven . Erica , Bianca , and Kendall have a meeting with Miss Spellman about the custody hearing . Adam interrupts the meeting and tells Erica that he wants his money . Reese gives Zach an ultimatum either Kendall or Gabrielle . Zach chooses Kendall . David asks to see Amanda s medical report . David warns Frankie about falsifying documents concerning a patient . Krystal arrives for the meeting with the board concerning the fundraiser . Opal and Ryan hold a seance to try to connect with Greenlee , but with no luck . David and Krystal come out of the meeting into the waiting area . David commends Krystal on how that she had handled things in the meeting . J.R. interrupts . David leaves , leaving Krystal and J.R. alone . J.R. questions Krystal if she is happy with David . She affirms that she is . Zach arrives at the meeting and lets Erica , Kendall and Bianca know that Reese had asked for his help in getting custody of Gabrielle . Reese visits Ryan to ask for his help , but Ryan refuses . Amanda and David meet at the casino bar . David reminds Amanda that he wants her to help him to get Little A. Amanda is reluctant to do as David asks . Amanda lets David know that she had seen him at the inn in Connecticut . David warns Amanda to do as he asks or face the consequences of her actions . David also vows revenge on Adam . Aidan visits Ryan to see if Annie can see Emma . Ryan refuses . Zach arrives home to Kendall only to find out that Kendall had had him a room made up downstairs . Reese arrives at the meeting to let Bianca know that she will not fight Bianca for custody of Gabrielle .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Liam : Cheated on you ? Hope : ( Sighs ) Liam : Hope , I - I do nt even understand where you got that from . What are you talking about ? Hope : The night before we were supposed to get married , you and Steffy . Liam : No . No . We s -- we stayed up all night at the club . We crashed by the pool . I promise you . Hope : ( Scoffs ) Okay , well -- you should nt have even have been out with her in the first place , Liam . Liam : I know . I know . Hope : But it doesnt- I do not -- I do nt want to get into the details . I do nt want to talk about it , because it s over . It s done and it does nt matter . Liam : Of course , it matters . If it s keeping us apart , it matters . I mean , I - I - I may have acted like a jerk , but I stayed true to you . Steffy : Do nt ask me why , but Hope s not forgiving Liam . Thomas : Yeah . It s not the worst thing Liam s done . Just one thing too many , I guess . Unless there s more . Steffy : No . No , it was all very innocent . Well , as innocent as it can be at a Hollywood club after midnight . But you know what I mean . Thomas : Right . Steffy : Yeah . Thomas : It s just weird a few months ago , I d be happy about all this . You know , Hope being available . Steffy : So , you re not now ? You just kissed Hope at the press conference . Thomas : ( Scoffs ) I m not dumping Caroline , Steff . Steffy : Yeah , but you ve only known her for , what ? Like a nanosecond . Hope-- how long have you been pining for her ? You proposed to her . I know you still have feelings . Thomas : Not that it even matters . Let s face it , this is Hope and Liam that we re talking about . He s in there talking with her right now . He obviously ca nt let her go . For all we know , they re already back together . Katie : Do we even know if Liam s coming home tonight ? Bill : Why would nt he ? Katie : What about Steffy ? Bill : I ll call her . She ll come . Katie : Yeah , I bet she will . Bill : Katie ... Katie : Hmm ? Bill : I really want tonight to be pleasant . Katie : ( Sighs } Bill : Please put aside your animosity ... for Liam . Katie : Maybe .. for you . Bill : Good girl . Katie : ( Chuckles ) Bill : ( Sighs ) Brooke : Yep , the alterations are being done right now , right ? Ridge : Yes , right now . Just tell Mother not to worry . Brooke : Ridge says not to worry . My Forrester Original is going to be ready in no time . I do nt know . I do nt know , but Ridge says it s going to be something really , really special . Ridge : Yes , I did say that . Brooke : Stephanie says she ca nt wait to see it . Oh , and also , I ... ( sighs ) Ridge : Sorry , Mother . Brooke has to go . Brooke : ( Giggles ) What ? Steffy : If Hope and Liam get back together , I will try my best to be supportive , but I highly doubt it will happen . Thomas : I ... ( Sighs ) I just wish she would move on . Not necessarily with me , but .. Steffy : Mmm , because of Caroline ? Thomas : Yes , exactly . Steffy : You know , Caroline s a great girl , and , you know , you guys have been hitting it off . Steffy : But if she is the consolation prize , you wo nt be able to hide it from her . Hello . Bill : How soon can you get to Liam s ? Steffy : Hmm , why ? Bill : We re having dinner , the four of us . Steffy : Wait , the -- the four . You mean Katie , too ? Bill : Yeah , of course , Katie . She s looking forward to it . It s been a tough week for Liam . I want him to be reminded about what matters , surrounded by the people who care about him most . Join us . Steffy : I m on my way . Liam : Is there something I m not getting ? Hope : Let s drop this . I m gon na go . Liam : Listen , listen . I have some growing up to do . I know this . But it would be a whole lot easier if I could do that by your side . Hope : Tough . Liam : Damn it . This is nt easy for me . I m trying , okay ? I m trying really hard to understand how this one night with Steffy can ruin everything that we ve worked for . I love you . Hope : Oh , please , stop saying that . Liam : That is how I feel . I love you , and I never meant to hurt you , and I screwed up , and I m so sorry . Hope : ( Sniffles ) Brooke : Strange , you know . All this time , I ve been perfectly content with our relationship . Ridge : Well , I would certainly hope so . Brooke : With our marital status , I mean . I just do nt think we need to be married to prove how much we really love each other . Besides , everybody forgot we were nt legally married anyway . Ridge : Wait a minute , are you saying you really do nt want to do this ? Brooke : No . Quite the opposite . Ever since you proposed to me , all I can think about is marrying you . I think I m gon na be very happy being your wife again . Katie : That is so unfair . Bill : What ? Katie : If there was ever a night when I needed a glass of wine , tonight is the night . Bill : Mmm . Well , you know what ? It s probably better this way . You ll watch what you say to Steffy . Katie : Well , we ll see . Bill : Excuse me . Katie : ( Groans ) Bill : You want a taste ? Katie : Mm - hmm . ( Laughs as they kiss ) Thomas : Dinner ? Steffy : Yes , with Bill and Katie ... and Liam , unless he runs out the door screaming when he sees us . Rick : Hey , Steffy , I thought you d be at the press conference . Did you hear about Thomas big moves ? Steffy : Oh , that he s designing for Hope or that he kissed her ? Both sound great to me . I got ta go . Dinner awaits . Thomas : With Liam . Rick : Oh . Thomas : ( Whispers ) Yeah . Rick : Well , that s encouraging . Thomas : ( Normal voice ) I guess . Rick : Oh , it s pretty obvious that Steffy and Liam are making their way back to each other . You and Hope wo nt be far behind . Just be there for her . You ll see what happens . Hope : I know you re sorry , but that does nt change what happened . So go , be with Steffy . Liam : ( Scoffs ) What are you gon na do ? Start dating Thomas ? Hope : I do nt know . Life goes on . Liam : Do nt do this . Hope : You ll be happy with her . And it s what your dad wants , so ... Liam : Oh , God , stop . Hope : You re becoming more and more like him , you know ? Liam : Hope , what does that mean ? Hope : It s just ... I mean , the man that I fell in love with would never ... you re just -- you re different . That s all . I mean ... and maybe I just ca nt handle being with a Spencer . Maybe I am too prim and proper , but I m not going to change who I am , and I ca nt pretend like it does nt feel like you took that sword around your neck and pierced it through my heart . Liam : I ll make it up to you . Hope : There s no need . You were my first , and that is always going to be so special . But you ve changed . Liam : Hope . No . Hope : Yes , you have , Liam ... Liam : No . Hope : Because the man I fell in love with was Liam Cooper . And you are William Spencer III now . Liam : I-- Hope : That innocence that we had is gone . The trust is gone . Liam : Hope , listen-- Hope : No . ( Sniffles ) Please go . Go be happy with her . Liam : ( Sighs ) ( Chuckles ) I do not know who this person is that you think I ve become , Hope , but I am the same guy that you fell in love with . I ll prove it to you . I ll do anything-- Hope : Liam , I do nt love you anymore . Liam : What ? Hope : I do nt . Liam : You -- I-- you do nt mean that . Hope , you do nt mean that . Hope : You have hurt me too much , and -- and I - I just-- I dont -- I do nt have any love left to give . Liam : Okay . Hope : I m sorry . Hope : ( Sobbing ) Brooke : I m definitely going on record with this . Ridge : With what ? Brooke : This is going to be our best wedding yet . Ridge : Somebody s aiming high . Brooke : Well , yeah . Ridge : The thing is , how would you compete with Malibu , Puerto Vista ? Brooke : ( Sighs ) Oh , gosh . I do nt know . But there just seems something so right about this , like everything is finally coming to an end , a culmination . Ridge : Happily ever after . Hope : ( Clears throat ) Yeah ? Rick : Hey . Hope : Hi . Rick : You okay ? Hope : Mm - hmm . Yea , Liam , uh , was just here . Rick : Oh . Is he on his way home now ? Hope : Uh , yeah , I - I guess . I do nt know . Rick : He has to be . Steffy got a call about some sort of dinner over there . He s not worth it , you know ? Hope : Mm - hmm . Rick : You see that all , right ? Meanwhile , there s -- there s guys out there like Thomas and ... Hope : ( Sighs ) You know what ? I m -- Rick , I m not ready to jump into anything right now . Rick : Of course not . I - I know that . Hope : Okay . Rick : But when it s time , you know , when you need someone on your arm , why not Thomas ? He s a good guy . Hope : You have never thought that . Rick : ( Chuckles ) Well , he s grown up . We ve all grown up . And okay , you know you d be helping your brother out . ( Sighs ) I want someone good in my life , the opposite of Amber . It just feels like we both wasted so much time on the wrong person . Somehow I feel that s about to change . Liam : Hello ? I know you re here . I saw your car . Bill : Hey . Steaks are almost done . Liam : Hi . Oh , not tonight , please . Let s just-- Bill : You want to mope around , mope around , but we are having dinner together . Katie : How did things go with Hope ? Oh , sorry . Liam : That s ... Bill : Are you surprised ? Liam : No . Did you set an extra place for her just in case ? Bill : That s not for Hope . Steffy : Hello . Am I late ? Bill : Not at all . Liam : Hi , Steffy . Steffy : Hi , Liam . Bill : Right on time . Katie : What do you mean , these steaks are almost done ? They re still way too rare . Bill : You want to cook yours longer , go ahead . Liam and I like it rare . Liam : Actually , that s not-- Bill : Red wine , red meat . That s how Spencer men like it . Uh , this is empty . I m gon na get you some more wine . Steffy : ( Chuckles ) Bill : So far , so good . Katie : What are you hoping for tonight ? Bill : I m going to build my son back up . I was nt around when he was a kid to teach him how to be a man , but I am now . This is the start of his transformation . We re gon na put Hope in the past , and he s going to focus on a woman who deserves him . Tonight , Liam learns how to be a Spencer . Liam and Steffy : ( Speaking indistinctly ) Ridge : Well , I better get to work on my vows . Brooke : Yes , yes , you should . And I want huge proclamations of love . Ridge : Huge . Huge . Brooke : That s right . Huge . Commitment , adoration . Oh , and do nt you forget honor and obey . Those are the most important . Ridge : Honor and obey . Brooke : ( Laughing ) Ridge : Okay , you got it . You got it , Logan . Honor and obey . Honor and obey . Hope : So Liam s my Amber . Rick : ( Chuckles ) I m not saying that he did all the scheming that Amber did . Hope : But he knows how to lie . And he s completely wrong for me . Rick : Just be glad you did nt actually marry the guy . Thomas : Hey . Hope : Hi . Thomas : I just came back to check up on ya . Liam s gone ? Hope : Mmm , yeah , he went to dinner with your sister . Thomas : So I hear . One minute he s asking for a second chance , the next , he s off with Steffy . Hope : No more chances . I ve given enough . So has Liam . And I ca nt be with a man who would behave the way he did the night before our wedding . Bill : What ? Liam : That s still mooing . Bill : The proper way to eat a steak is rare . Eat it . Liam : ( Mouths words ) ( Sighs ) Katie : How many bottles are you planning on going through tonight ? Bill : I do nt know . How many do we have ? Katie : You do nt have to drink that if you do nt want to , Liam . Bill : He s fine . Liam : He s right . I m fine . But if I start talking about getting a tattoo , stop me . Katie : Let s hope your daddy is not talking to you like this anytime soon . Bill : Will you leave him alone ? We re celebrating . Steffy : Mm , Well , maybe celebrating is nt the right word . Bill : Well , that s what I m doing . My son is manning up , leaving behind childhood fantasies . Are nt you , Liam ? You are looking to the future , new addition the family , our son , Steffy . Katie : I m not sure Steffy qualifies as a new addition . Bill : You know what ? You make a good point . She is a well - established member of our family . And we are going to celebrate her staying that way . Liam : I m not so sure that s -- Bill : It s no secret that I want you two back together . With Hope , you ve been regressing . Liam , come on . That s not what being a Spencer is about . Look at these women : Katie , Steffy-- Spencer women- two of the strongest women I know . With Katie , you have love , strength , guidance . Is nt that what you want , Liam ? You had it when you were with Steffy . And you could have it again . A true partner . Hope turned you into a boy , but you re not a boy . You re a man . You re a Spencer . Start acting like it . ### Summary:
Liam denies that he did anything with Steffy the night before their wedding . He claims that he stayed true to Hope . Thomas tells Steffy that a few months ago that he would have been happy about all of this with Hope being available , but he s not dumping Caroline for her now . And Liam is with her as they speak so they could be back together now . Steffy says if they do , she will try to be supportive . Bill asks Katie nicely if she can put her animosity behind her as he really wants the family dinner tonight to be special . Bill calls Steffy and asks how quickly can she get ready to meet the family for dinner . She says she is on her way . Rick stops by but Steffy is out the door . Rick tells Thomas that he hopes that he will be there for Hope . Liam keeps saying over and over that he never meant to hurt Hope and he does love her . She reminds him that he is becoming more and more like his dad and maybe she is just too prim and proper to be with a Spencer but she ca nt change that . He s changed and maybe he belongs with Steffy now ; that is what his dad wants . They may still love each other , but the trust is gone . She advises him to go be happy with Steffy . He says he will prove it to her that he s the same guy she fell in love with . She blurts out that he has hurt her too much and she does nt love him anymore . She holds it together until he walks away and she ends up crying . Brooke and Ridge discuss yet another wedding for them . She wants to do this , but does nt feel they have to be married to prove their love and everyone else has already forgotten they are nt legally married anyway . He does nt know how they are going to compete with their former weddings , but she says it is going to be the best ever . Liam arrives back at his house to find Bill and Katie there setting up the place for steaks and wine . He sees an extra plate , but no it s not for Hope , but Steffy as she walks in the door . Bill whispers to Katie that tonight is the beginning of Liam s transformation . He was not around when Liam was growing up but tonight he s going to teach him to be a Spencer man – rare meat and red wine . He can forget Hope and be with a good woman who really loves him . Liam does nt even want the rare steak ; he says it is still mooing . Bill says they are celebrating . His son is manning up and leaving childhood fantasies behind and looking toward the future . Hope turned him into a boy but he s not a boy anymore so he should stop moping and acting like one .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Frankie : Jennifer , what happened ? Everything was fine , in fact , better than fine , and now all of a sudden , it s go away , Frankie . Jennifer : Just go away , all right ? You should nt have anything to do with me . Jennifer : You should nt be in here . Frankie : I heard you crying . Did you expect me to ignore you ? Jennifer : Yes . Frankie : I m not going anywhere until you tell me what happened . What -- what upset you like this ? Lexie : You want me to convince Carrie that she should nt choose to be with Austin . Sami : I m glad we understand each other . Lexie : Oh , yeah , I understand . You re blackmailing me . Sami : And you are cheating on Abe , so you can get off your high horse . Now , all you have to do is make sure that Carrie does nt choose Austin . Otherwise , you can say goodbye to your happy life with Abe and Theo . Lexie : Sami , there s just no way . Austin : Carrie , I mean , I do nt mean to push , but we re a little anxious here , okay ? So , which one of us did you imagine yourself with ? Carrie : I should have known all along . Actually , I think I probably did . Austin : I love you , but you re killing me . Come on . Lucas : Yeah , that s right . Listen , if you ve made your decision , please tell us which one of us you want to be with . Roman : John -- John , why in the hell did nt you tell me about Marlena s accident ? John : Well , because it was nt an accident . And I ve kind of had my hands full trying to prove this explosion at Banks cabin was a setup by North . I m sure it was designed for two purposes , Roman . One was to kill me and Doc , and the other was to make sure North destroyed all the evidence that linked him to Banks death . Roman : How is Marlena ? John : Fine physically , as long as North stays away from her . You know he s gon na kill her just like he did Lois . Roman : What ? John : That s why I m glad you re back in town . Now you can help me keep her safe . Marlena : I ve regained my memory . Alex : Oh , yes ? Marlena : Oh , yes . Everything ... John , Roman , and every terrible thing you ever did to me over the years . Alex : I m so very sorry to hear that , Marlena . Marlena : I m looking at the man who stole my past . And you tried to take my future . You know what ? John was right about you . Chelsea : My life is on the line here , Mom . And if you re not gon na fight to save me or fight for the man you love , then I m gon na do whatever it takes to fight for us both . Billie : [ Thinking ] I care about Shawn , but Hope is Bo s wife . She s the one who should be with him at their son s wedding . Fr . Jansen : Belle , did I understand you to say this wedding must stop ? Victor : [ Thinking ] Did Belle find out that Shawn s the real father of her baby ? Belle : Yes , Father , that s exactly what I said . I m sorry , but this wedding has to stop . Philip : Belle , what are you doing ? Mimi : I ca nt believe you waited until now . I guess you just wanted to humiliate me . Shawn D. : I know why Belle stopped the ceremony . Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of our Lives . Roman : John , are you sure North tried to kill Marlena ? John : Oh , yeah . Roman : All right , I ll tell you what -- let me be sort of a devil s advocate here , if you will . North came along , stole Marlena out of your life , all right ? The woman you love does nt even remember being married to you . Not only that , she wants to renew her vows with North .. Are you absolutely sure this is not a personal vendetta on your part to get back at North ? John , listen to me . I am just saying , question yourself here , all right ? You re telling me this man is very evil . Could nt it be just as possible that he s innocent , but your anger and your jealousy wo nt let you accept that ? John : [ Exhales sharply ] Alex : John would like any reason to kill me . He s hated me from the moment I arrived in Salem . Marlena : Well , John loves me . That s how he knows that what you re doing is wrong . You manipulated me , Alex , and you lied to me . Alex : Oh , no , no , no , no , no . I told the truth about the most important thing . You and I were married years ago . We still are , and you are my wife . Marlena : Not for long I m not . Alex ... [ Whimpering ] Alex ... [ Whimpering ] You re hurting -- you re hurting me . Shawn D. : Thank you . Belle : I knew you would nt want to go on . Shawn D. : You re right . What are you doing here ? No one invited you . Philip : Belle , you stopped the entire wedding just because Chelsea s here ? Belle : I saw her come in , and I knew Shawn would nt want her to be here . Shawn D. : Why would you come here ? I do nt care that you want to be part of this family . That is never going to happen . You want to know why ? Because I do nt have a family anymore . Zack is gone , and my parents are split up , and that is because of you . Chelsea : I m your sister . I -- I just wanted to reach out to you and wish you a good future . Shawn D. : No , no , it is too late for that , okay ? I do nt care about any of that . Bo : Shawn ... Billie : Chelsea , what are you doing here ? Jennifer : [ Sighs ] I came upstairs to get my purse , and when I opened my closet , I saw the storage box with my wedding dress in it . Frankie : Jennifer ... Jennifer : And it just made me think of my wedding day -- my second wedding day when Abby was with me , and she helped me say my vows to Jack . And it made him feel so good . It made him feel like the three of us were a family again . And now Abigail does nt have her dad , and Jack Jr. is never going to know his father . And here I am spending time with you , enjoying myself when I should be mourning the death of my husband . Frankie : You re gon na mourn Jack for the rest of your life . You re always gon na miss him . Sit down . Listen . You two -- you and Jack loved each other very much , okay ? He was your husband . I do nt know what else to say except ... you have every right in the world -- in fact , you owe it to yourself and your kids to move on with your life . Carrie : I know that it sounds cliché , but I really do care about both of you so much , and either way , the three of us will end up being family . I just hate the thought of hurting either one of you . Austin : We understand . Lucas : That s right . We can take it . At least , I know I can . Carrie : Okay , I m just gon na get it out . Lexie : Excuse me , Carrie . I need to go over your discharge instructions with you . Lucas : Actually , Lexie , Carrie was just gon na tell us something really important . Ca nt it wait a minute ? Lexie : No , I m sorry . I m pretty busy right now . I have to do it now . Why do nt you come with me into my office , okay ? Carrie : Oh , oh , okay . I ll come back as soon as I can . Sami : Are you all right ? Carrie : Yeah . Ooh . Lexie : Be careful . Carrie : Okay . Aah . Lexie : Have a seat . Careful , careful , careful . Carrie : Okay . Lucas : We ll be here . Carrie : Sorry . Lucas : That s all right . Sami : So , who won the Carrie lottery ? Austin : What do you mean ? Sami : Which one of you did she choose that she wants to grow old with ? Lucas : How do you know that s what we were talking about , huh ? John : Damn it , Roman , I ve been here . I ve seen the man in action . This is nt just some jealousy . The man s a killer . Roman : John , all right . Do nt jump all over me , okay ? I am trying to be the voice of reason here . Somebody s got to be cause I do nt want to see you going off half - cocked with no hard evidence to back you up . Cause I do nt want to see you being the one that winds up behind bars like you did after Lois Banks died . Giving her that truth serum was not exactly the smartest damn thing you ever did in your life . Marlena : [ Whimpering ] Alex : Feeling empowered , Marlena ? Marlena : I have my memory back , and the first thing that I m going to do is divorce you . Alex : Oh , really ? What makes you think I m going to allow you to do that ? Marlena : Allow me ? Alex : Yes . I will not let anything come between us . Now that you have your memory back , you must recall the price I made you pay whenever you disobeyed me . Marlena : No . Alex , no . No ! No , no , no , no , no , no , no ! Alex : I see you do remember . That s good . So , we should nt have any further problems then , hmm ? Marlena : I thought Lois Banks was insane , but you made her that way . You killed her , Alex . You killed her , did nt you ? And you made it look like a suicide . Alex : Yes . Marlena : [ Gasps ] Alex : [ Chuckling ] Looking for something ? Now , I see that you re frightened , and that s very good because if you try to scream , it will be the last sound you ll ever make . Chelsea : I brought you and Mimi a gift . I did nt think that anyone would see me sitting back here . Shawn D. : Belle did , and I do nt want your gift . Billie : I am so sorry , Shawn . It is totally inappropriate for Chelsea to be here . Bo : It was a mistake for you to come to the church , Chelsea . Chelsea : I m really sorry . God , no matter what I do , it s always the wrong thing . All I do is make mistakes . Shawn D. : Yeah , it was a very big mistake coming here . Can you tell her to leave ? Can you do that for me , for mom , and for Zack ? Can you throw her out of my wedding ? Bo : No , son , I ca nt throw her out , but I understand how you feel . I ll -- I ll take her out of the church . Come on , Chelsea , let s go . Shawn D. : You know , you ca nt hurt her , but you can hurt me by not staying here and watching me get married . Bo : I m sorry , son . Shawn D. : No wonder mom could nt live with you . No wonder she left you . Bo : Chelsea , let s go . Shawn D. : I m very sorry , everyone . I could nt go through with one of the most memorable moments of my life with that person here . Thank you for knowing what I would want . Mimi : Oh , for a minute there , I thought Belle did nt want me to marry Shawn . Belle : Actually , Mimi , since the wedding is already stopped , maybe I should tell you what I really want . Jennifer : Just going to Shawn and Mimi s wedding today just really hits home for me . That s all . And I m not expecting you to understand , Frankie . I mean , you re not married . And there is a closeness that you share when you re married that does nt compare to any other relationship . Just knowing someone so well . You know , I knew the punch line to every single one of Jack s jokes , and I still laughed anyway . We would put our children to bed at night , and we would just stand there , and we would watch them breathe . And we would put our arms around each other , and we would think , my gosh , how did we get so lucky ? And it s just these incredible memories that are just for me and Jack . And now they re just for me . Frankie : But your life is nt over , Jen . Jennifer : Oh , do nt say this . Do nt say , Jack is gone . He s dead , and you need to move on without him . Frankie : But do nt you ? Jennifer : I m a mother . My children are enough for me , and I can take care of them all by myself . Frankie : I know you can . Absolutely . That s not what Jack wanted . He told me to take care of you because he wants you to be happy and not just as a mother , but as a woman . Jennifer : No , do nt say that . Frankie : Why ? Jennifer : Because the time that we have been spending together and being together and you hugging me and kissing me -- Frankie : You re kissing me back . Jennifer : Yes , I am ! And that is the point . It is a betrayal of everything that Jack and I shared together . Frankie : You know , I really thought that we were getting to a better place with each other , but ... I should go back to D.C. , okay ? My leg is better . Jennifer : No , but I do nt want you to go ! Frankie : Then what do you want ? Jennifer : I do nt know what I want . I want ... I do nt know . I feel things for you that are terrifying to me . I m starting to feel things . Frankie : You ve been honest with me . Can I be honest with you ? Jennifer : Yes . Frankie : I m not just starting to feel things for you . My feelings for you have not changed at all . Lexie : So , are you clear on everything ? Carrie : No heavy lifting for a week and pain medication only when needed .. Lexie : Do nt be a martyr , and definitely take one before going to sleep . Carrie : Will do . Thanks , Lexie . Lexie : Uh , Carrie , before you go ... Carrie : Is there a problem ? Lexie : Well , that all depends . Um , Lucas said earlier that you were about to tell him and Austin something important . Carrie : I did it . You re gon na be so happy with me . I finally made a choice about my future . Lexie : About whether to spend it with Austin or Lucas ? Carrie : Sounds so presumptuous , does nt it ? I still ca nt even believe that both of them want to marry me . My Grandma Caroline joked that all of us should have such problems . But it really has been hard , especially knowing that I m gon na hurt one of them . I care about both of them a lot , but you were right . You said that I could nt drag it out any longer and that I needed to listen to my heart and finally make a choice and decide . Lexie : About that decision , Carrie ... Austin : Somehow , Sami , you always end up at the right place at the wrong time to overhear other people s private business . Lucas : Mm - hmm , that s what Sami does . She ruins other people s happiness .. Sami : That is an awful thing to say . And for the record , I am not doing anything . I m just standing here . Lucas : And eavesdropping . You re not happy , so you ca nt stand it if anyone else is happy , right ? Especially your own sister . Sami : I did nt overhear anything . Lexie told me . Austin : Lexie ? Sami : She and Carrie are friends . Lexie told me that Carrie is struggling with a really important decision . And I can put two and two together . I ca nt believe the way that Carrie is stringing you both along , but it must be nice to have two men who want to marry you . Lucas : She s not stringing us along . She s not like you . She s made her decision . She s in Lexie s office now . She s gon na come back here , and she s gon na tell us . Sami : Wow , it s just like a reality show . One man will have his heart broken tonight . The other , if he accepts the rose , he ll have the bride of his dreams . Stay tuned . I ca nt believe you re both letting her jerk you along like this . But since it is a contest , I know who I m rooting for . Lucas : Oh , yeah ? Who s that ? Fr . Jansen : I imagine Belle was going to say that we all need to have a bit of respite , a bit of recovery time before we proceed with the ceremony , a time to reflect on the love of these two young people who have come before God to join their lives together . We ll proceed in a few minutes . Belle : [ Clears throat ] Kate : You know , Belle , you did nt have to say anything about Chelsea . She was sitting in the back row . I do nt think Shawn would have even noticed her . Belle : I know she s your granddaughter , but , Kate , she came here to cause trouble . Kate : Well , of course . I would nt want her to disrupt the ceremony . That would have been unconscionable . Look , it s just that I -- you know what we talked about . I felt so responsible for Chelsea and Billie and everything that s been going on between them . I ve been thinking about that , and you know , I realize that of all of my children , Philip was the only one who ever had the consistent love of both of his parents . And well , I think that s the reason that he s turned out to be such a loving father and loving husband . Belle : Yes , it is . Kate : I ca nt tell you how grateful I am that Claire will always have a loving , stable family . Oh , and there s your precious little girl . Belle : Hi , baby ! Hi ! I had her in the nursery . Why did you bring her out here ? Bonnie : Well , call me sentimental , but Shawn and Mimi are Claire s Godparents , and years from now , when she s looking through the family photo album , she ll be so happy that she was here with her mommy and her daddy . Bo : My son is in there getting married , his mother s off God knows where , and I am stuck out here with you . Chelsea : Whose choice was that ? Go back in there if that s where you want to be . Bo : I would if I could trust you to do the right thing and leave , but , no , I ca nt . You never do the right thing . Billie : You re being way too nice , Bo . Chelsea : Mom ! Billie : Oh , do nt play innocent with me . You knew exactly how everyone would react if you walked into that church today , but you did it anyway , just like you did it at Zack s funeral . You know what I think ? I think that you just ca nt stand not to have everyone s attention focused on you 24 hours a day , especially your father s . You do nt care anything about Bo s life . You just want to get what you want . Chelsea : Fine , I get it . You both hate me . I m not allowed to be a part of anything important that happens to anybody in this family . And you d both be much happier without me , would nt you ? But you know what ? Just be careful what you wish for because it just might happen . Marlena : [ Gasps ] Alex ... you d never hurt me . I know you would nt . In fact , you know , when I think about it , really think about it , I realize that those -- those so - called memories were just -- they were nt even real . You must know that John talked about you all the time , kept filling my head with , I do nt know , notions about you ... all the terrible , horrible things you must have done to me , but I realize those were nt true . And I -- I got to apologize . I m feeling kind of embarrassed about it . I -- I m so sorry . I should never , ever have believed a bit of it , not for a second . Alex : [ Clears throat ] You are not the only psychiatrist in the room , Doc . Did you actually think I would fall for any of that , hmm ? It s obvious that you remember John and even more so that you remember the truth about your past with me . And that truly is a shame because now -- now that you have your memory back , I m afraid you re going to have to die . Marlena : [ Gasps ] Jennifer : I m making things worse . I m sorry . I never should have told you how I feel . I mean , you put your life on hold for me twice , Frankie , to be here for me and my children . You do not need to be pressured about your feelings . I keep changing my mind . I do nt know what I want . It s probably driving you completely crazy . Frankie : Jennifer ... Jennifer : But you know what ? I have nt told anybody about how I feel -- no one . If Hope were here , I would have told her because I always spill my guts to her cause she s my cousin , but she s really like my sister -- Frankie : Excuse me , please , can I say something ? Jennifer : Sorry , yeah , sorry . Frankie : Okay , look , what I meant when I said my feelings had nt grown was there s no way they could grow . Jennifer : Okay . Okay . Frankie : Because what I felt for you in high school , it was real . I loved you . That has nt changed . True , I ve never been married . You re right . But when we were 17 ... [ Exhales sharply ] I knew in my heart that you were the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with . And I know now that you re the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with . I just said way too much , but who cares ? You know , it s the first time I feel safe saying it , so I m gon na ... you considered me your friend , and I considered myself damn lucky to have your friendship and Jack s , too . I guess what I need to know is do you have any room in your heart for me ? Sami : I hope Carrie chooses Austin . Lucas : Like hell you do . You know there s no chance between you and me . Sami : Yeah , so ? Lucas : So that s why you want Austin . Sami : Oh , so you re saying of all of the men on the planet , the only one I have to choose between is you or your brother ? Lucas : You ca nt have me . That s why you want Austin . And you want me to lose Carrie . Sami : Well , that part s true out of spite . Lucas : Mm - hmm . Sami : I m not above it , but I m not like my sister either . She s been in this town a couple weeks , and already she s going back to her old habits . See , I have plenty of time . I can meet the right guy , and we can have kids and live happily ever after . But Carrie , she s worrying about her biological clock , so she ca nt help it . She s going back to her old reliables -- Austin or Lucas . Your problem , Lucas , is that you ca nt accept the fact that Austin and Carrie really love each other . They always have , and they always will . There s a brief blip in the radar when she went off with Mike , but he fell off his white horse , and she realized she made a huge mistake and that the man she really loves is Austin . Congratulations , Austin . I hope you and Carrie are very happy together . I know you certainly deserve it . You waited long enough . Lucas : You know what ? That s such a load of crap . There s plenty of guys in this world for you to go after , but you do nt care about that . You do nt leave Salem unless you have to . You only leave your apartment unless you have to . You know what , Sami ? You re never gon na give up on the man you want this time because you ca nt have me . And right now that poor bastard is Austin . Lexie : I know that we ve been talking about how anxious you are to start a family . Carrie : Is there a problem ? Lexie : [ Exhales sharply ] Sami : Now , all you have to do is make sure that Carrie does nt choose Austin . Otherwise , you can say goodbye to your happy life with Abe and Theo . Lexie : Uh , you said that you ve made a choice between Austin and Lucas , but you have nt told them yet , right ? Carrie : I was just about to when you came in . Um , but I think you know who I ve been leaning towards all along . I ve chosen Austin . Lexie : Oh . Uh , look , I know we talked about this before , but , um , I m afraid it s not as simple as I thought . Choosing Austin is a mistake that you ca nt afford to make , Carrie .. Jennifer : I , uh -- I wish there was some kind of timetable that I could tell you exactly when I m gon na be ready . But then again , I do nt even know if I ll ever be ready for the commitment that you re talking about . Frankie : I understand . Jennifer : But I mean , it s a possibility . I mean , that s what Jack would have wanted . He made that perfectly clear . And I know it s not all about what Jack wanted , but I do -- I want -- I want love in my life . I want that for myself and for my children . And it is a mystery to me why my husband was taken away from me and why I m still here , but I also know that Jack would not want me in this house just shutting myself off from the world . And I want you to stay . I want you here . But I ca nt promise you anything , and that s a lot to ask . I know that . It s so much to ask of you . Frankie : No , no , it s okay . Jennifer , I want you to take as much time as you need . In the meantime , I ll be here . Jennifer : Okay . Frankie : Okay . Jennifer : Would you , uh -- would you help me put this box back up ? Frankie : Sure . Jennifer : Be really careful with it . Frankie : All right . All right . Jennifer : Thank you . Frankie : Sure . Okay ? Jennifer : Yeah , it s gon na be okay . Frankie : Okay . Austin : Lucas , you re being very hard on Sami . Lucas : Do nt tell me you re buying her line . Austin : She s known all along how I feel about Carrie . Lucas : Yeah , yeah , and it has nt stopped her from making an obvious play for you , has it ? Austin : We have a history . We definitely have a history , but we re friends now , business partners , and I think we re very clear on that . Sami : Definitely . Austin : Thank you for your best wishes . Lucas : Yeah , that s if she chooses you . Austin : Either way , I m grateful for your support . Sami : Thank you , Austin . I m grateful that you believe in me . Lucas : [ Thinking ] Sami s rooting for Austin to marry Carrie ? I do nt think so . No , she s plotting something . Carrie : Uh , how could it be a mistake to be with Austin ? I love him , and he wants to be a father as much as I want to be a mom . Lexie : When we talked about giving you an OB referral , I did some preliminary testing to put in your chart before your first appointment . Carrie : Is this about my ovarian cyst ? You said that it would be difficult to conceive , but I m still able to have children , right ? Lexie : This is something completely unrelated . Um , please , have -- have a seat . In my work - up on you , I did some genetic testing and discovered something disturbing . You and Austin share a genetic marker that could be problematic . Carrie : Meaning ? Lexie : Meaning if you have a child together , there is a high probability that he or she might have a genetic syndrome causing severe birth defects . They could even be life - threatening . Carrie : Oh , my God . Wait a minute . When did you test Austin ? Why did you ? Lexie : Um , well , Austin was tested when he was engaged to marry Sami . Uh , I pulled his file as a precaution knowing the decision that you were about to make , and that s when I noticed the genetic markers . Carrie : [ Exhales sharply ] Austin and Lucas are brothers , and Will s fine . Lexie : Well , but they have different fathers , Carrie . It s very complicated . Honey , I know this is nt what you want to hear . And of course , you would love your child healthy or not , but , um , knowing how torn you were about whether to start a family with Austin or Lucas , um , I -- I took the precaution of pulling out the file . Certainly this might factor into your decision . Carrie , from a medical point of view , Austin is the last man you should conceive a child with . I m so sorry . John : Look , Roman , you came back for Shawn s wedding . Maybe you ought to get over there . You re family . I know that Shawn will be stoked to have his Uncle Roman see him get hitched . Roman : Yeah . Poor kid . His mom s awol . I am running a little late . Okay , I ll tell you what -- I will go , but only if you promise to call me if there s any trouble whatsoever , all right ? I ll leave the beeper on even during the I do s . John : First person I call . Roman : And if you do nt call me , I ll get back in touch with you before I hit the reception . John : Sounds good . Nurse : Mr. Black . John : Hmm ? Nurse : Did nt you get the message from your wife ? John : What message ? Nurse : I left it on the counter for you . Dr. Evans wanted to see you . John : She s awake ? Nurse : She has been for quite a while now . John : Marlena ? God . Doc ? Bo : Chelsea , I understand you want to be part of the family , and you re feeling like you re not welcome . Chelsea : It s because I m not . Bo : Come on . Your mom and I love you . Maybe we wo nt be one big , happy family , but we can certainly do better than this , and we need your help . Now , coming here to the church , it was an honest mistake . I ca nt think of any reason you d want to hurt Shawn on his wedding day . But before you guys hook up again , let s figure out a time and place where the two of you can see each other without hurting anybody s feelings , okay ? Chelsea : Okay . Thanks , Dad . You always know how to talk to me . Bo : Okay , I m gon na go get the car . Chelsea : Okay . Billie : Bravo ! Bravo ! Chelsea : Would you knock it off ? Billie : Why ? I m impressed . That was quite a little show you put on there , hot shot . Can I think of a reason you d want to upset Shawn ? Oh , yeah . Oh , yeah . So that you can drive an even bigger wedge between Bo and Hope and between Bo and Shawn . You want to completely cut your father off from the people he loves the most . Chelsea : Whatever it takes to keep me out of jail . I will not spend the best years of my life rotting away in a prison cell . I do nt care who has to suffer . Shawn D. : I m sorry . Mimi : Why ? Shawn D. : We d be Mr. and Mrs. Brady right now if Belle had nt stopped the wedding . Although , I m glad she did cause if I would have looked up and seen Chelsea first , I do nt know what I would have done . Are you okay ? Mimi : I m okay . Shawn D. : Do you still want to marry me ? Mimi : Yes . Shawn D. : Well , then , on with it . Mimi : [ Chuckles ] Shawn D. : Can I get everyone s attention , please ? Um , Mimi and I are ready to get on with the ceremony . I just want to thank you all for your patience . If I could get my best man and matron of honor back up here . You know , I m actually glad that we had this little delay cause now my Goddaughter can take part in the ceremony . Well , when my family lost Zack , it was the most difficult thing we have ever gone through as I m sure you all saw today . But I learned a very valuable lesson during all that , and it was to never take anything in life for granted -- not love , not each other , and especially not our children . Making our children happy is the biggest responsibility we can have in life . So , where is Father Jansen ? Have we lost him ? Uh , Father ? Oh , great . Great . Fr . Jansen : So , shall we pick up where we left off ? Mimi : Yes . Shawn D. : Yes . Fr . Jansen : If anyone here has reason why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony , speak now or forever hold your peace . Lexie : Carrie could still choose Austin , even with all your lies and schemes . Sami : I am not gon na let that happen . Alex : What s going on ? Is Marlena all right ? John : You ought to know , you son of a bitch . You did it ! Kate : Choice is to make sure Philip never finds out that Claire is not his daughter . Fr . Jansen : When God joins a man and woman in matrimony , it s for life , and no one shall come between them . ### Summary:
Jennifer reveals that she got upset over finding her wedding dress in the closet . Frankie encourages Jennifer to move on with her life but Jennifer sees their time together as betraying Jack . They both admit that they have feelings for each other . Lexie interrupts Carrie before she can reveal her choice . Lexie , while they are alone in Lexie s office , tells Carrie that choosing Austin is a mistake because she and Austin both have a genetic marker that would threaten the life of any baby conceived between them . Lucas and Austin confront Sami when she admits to knowing of Carrie s decision . Sami claims that she wants Carrie to choose Austin but only Austin believes her . Marlena stands up to Alex now that she remembers how horrible he was to her but Alex reminds her of how violent he was when she disobeyed him . Marlena tries to convince Alex that she trusts him but Alex does nt buy it . Alex vows to kill Marlena . Roman arrives at the hospital upon hearing about Marlena s accident and John asks Roman to help him keep Marlena safe . Roman plays devil s advocate to question whether John is simply jealous of Alex . John finally gets the message about Marlena wanting to see him but ends up finding Marlena limp and unconscious . Belle goes along with Shawn s assumption that the wedding was stopped because Chelsea had arrived . Shawn is offended when Bo chooses to leave with Chelsea rather than throw her out . Once outside the church , Bo and Billie band together to reprimand Chelsea . Once Bo steps away , Chelsea admits to Billie that she was purposefully trying to drive more of a wedge between Bo and his family . Belle decides to prolong the interruption and Kate and Bonnie use the break to guilt Belle more about having Claire raised by two married parents .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Viki : No , no , I think she s fine with Brody . Clint : You know , it d be nice if he could use the front door like everybody else . Viki : Lois said he asked permission before he went upstairs . Clint : It s good he checked with the staff . Maybe next time he could check with us . Viki : Clint , it s not a problem . Clint : Do you know what a loose cannon Brody is ? Viki : Hey , Brody is the one who figured out where Jessie had gone , you know ? It s because of him that she and baby came home safely . Clint : Yeah , well , she just said goodbye to that little baby . Last thing she needs is a broken heart . Remember , it was only about a month ago that Lovett was catting around with Gigi Morasco . Viki : Do nt believe everything you hear . Clint : You think Brody truly cares about our daughter ? Viki : Yeah , I do . I also think that Brody is exactly what Jessie needs right now . Jessica : No , I -- I want to be alone . Brody : Jessica -- Jessica : Please . Just go . Brody : Sorry . I m not going anywhere . Rachel : He really looked great that night . Killer smile . Nora : He s my baby . Rachel : Oh , yeah . Matthew s cute , too . Bo : Hey , John . John : Hey , Bo . What can I get you ? Bo : You can get me a new chief of detectives . John : Vega s going to be hard to replace . Bo : You re not kidding . John : You got anyone in mind ? Bo : I m looking at him , McBain . Michael : Marcie McBain , will you marry me ? Marcie : Michael , what are you doing ? Michael : What , I got to say it again ? Marcie : We re already married , Michael . Michael : Have you never heard of renewing your vows ? Marcie : You know , if you want to do this for the gifts , I may be willing to do this -- Michael : Listen , listen to me . I want to do this , but I want to do this for us , okay ? We just went through something awful , and we made it through . And we are back together . And we are having a baby . Marcie : We are going to have a baby as soon as we hear from Blair and Todd . Michael : It s a brand new beginning . Marcie : It is . Michael : Yeah . So , you ll marry me ? Again ? Marcie : Michael , yes . Starr : I just wanted to make sure that everything made sense . You know , all the legal stuff . Cole : Well , it does . I mean , when I signed that , I gave up being Hope s father . Starr : Right , and when I signed the pre - adoption agreement , it was a promise to Marcie to give her my baby . Cole : Yes , and she promised to adopt her . Starr : But she s not hers . Not officially , not until I sign these papers . Marty : I heard a car pull up . Starr : My mom and dad ? Marty : Yeah , the baby s here . Nora : For your information , I was looking at photos of Matthew . Rachel : Because he ll always be your baby ? Nora : That s right , and so will you , and do nt you ever forget it . I just hope he s okay with me marrying Clint . Rachel : You have nt told him ? Nora : I have nt really had the chance . You know , Jessica taking off with Chloe , and then Clint s granddaughter died -- Rachel : You have nt seen Matthew ? Nora : I ve seen him . I just have nt -- he was so upset about Jessica , he was so upset about Starr . You know , it just did nt seem appropriate . Rachel : Whatever you say . Nora : Oh , now what , you think I m stalling ? Rachel : Yeah . Because you re not sure Clint is the Buchanan you want . Bo : We ve taken some hits lately . Antonio and Talia . So the department needs you . John : I m so good for morale , right ? Bo : Yeah , you are . So , what ? You re going to pour drinks the rest of your life ? John : Someone s got to . Bo : Hire a bartender . You re a cop . John : Yeah , a cop who does nt want to have to call the mayor s office every time I write a parking ticket . Bo : We ll deal with that guy . John : Bo , look , you know , I played by the rules , and Marty paid the price . Bo : Why do you think I m here ? You re the best , John . John : Bo , you re the best . I m sorry , no sale . Clint : Viki , I ll be taking off now . Would you call me if Jessie needs anything ? Viki : Of course I will . Clint : Okay . And Charlie s coming back soon ? Viki : Yeah . He just went to check on a job site . Clint : Good . Viki : Are you worried about me ? Clint : Ex - husband s prerogative . We just said goodbye to our granddaughter . It s not a good time for you to be alone . Viki : I m fine . Are you going home to Nora ? Clint : I am . Viki : Do me a favor . Clint : Name it . Viki : When she asks you how you re feeling , tell her . Let her in . Ex - wife s prerogative . Clint : Now , you call me . Even if Jessie does nt need anything , just let me know how she s doing . Viki : I promise , I will , I will . Jessica : Why are you here ? Brody : What are you talking about ? Jessica : I mean , after everything . You saw me . I told Nash s father to shoot you . Brody : That was nt you . Jessica : Yes , it was . Bess is a part of me . Tess is a part of me . Brody : And that s okay . Jessica : No , it s not okay ! It s not okay ! I let Tess out . I wanted her to hurt Jared and Natalie . Brody : You were grieving for Nash . Jessica : I could nt think of anything else . I could nt -- I could nt think of anyone else . And I did nt take care of her . I did nt care of -- Brody : I am so sorry that your baby died . I m so sorry you lost Chloe . Jessica : My baby did nt die ! Do nt you understand ? I did nt lose her . I killed her . I killed her . Cole : Should nt they have come in by now ? Marty : Yeah , they re probably just putting -- putting all their things together . Cole : How much stuff does she have ? Marty : Oh , goodness , you d be surprised . Especially if you re going to a new place , you know . Blair : Hey , you two want to meet Hope ? Starr : She s beautiful . Blair : She is . Starr : Hi . Blair : She s yours . Got her ? Starr : Hello . I ca nt believe that she s here . Cole : It s like this dream that I kept having , only I do nt have to wake up and make myself believe that it s not true . Starr : Do you want to hold her ? Cole : I ve never held a baby before . Blair : She wo nt break , Cole . Starr : You did nt get to hold her before . Here . Cole : Hi . Hi . Marty : I remember you when you were that age . Cole : I think she looks like Starr . Starr : I think that she looks like the perfect mix of all of us . Cramer , Manning , Saybrooke , Thornhart , all of us . Todd : Good luck , kid . Cole : Now I know how you lifted that car off of me . You did something impossible because it was me , and I would do anything for Hope . It s okay . It s okay . Viki : Oh , Charlie . Viki : I ve never been so glad to see anyone in my whole life . Charlie : Yeah . Is it over ? How d it go ? Viki : Watching my daughter say goodbye to her baby ? I do nt ever want to do that again . Charlie : How s she doing ? Viki : I think she s all right . She s upstairs with Brody . Charlie : How you doing ? Viki : I do nt know . I feel -- I feel responsible . Charlie : How are you responsible ? Viki : My daughter s husband dies , and I went to Africa for a month . Charlie : No , Viki , I m not going to let you do this . Viki : Do what ? Charlie : Look , I spent my whole life blaming myself for every bad thing that ever happened to Jared , and I used that as a reason to get drunk , and to stay drunk . All I know is that I was nt any good to him that way . Look what happened . It s sad . It s so sad . You ca nt blame yourself . It s not your fault . Brody : You did not kill your baby . There is not any part of you that could do that . Jessica : She died of Rh disease , because Nash and I were nt the same blood type . And if I had gone to the doctor s appointments , then she would be okay . She would be alive right now . Brody : You do nt know -- Jessica : Yes , I do ! I do know that , Brody ! I knew that the night that she was born ! Why do you think I stole Starr s baby ? Brody : Because you were in pain . Jessica : No , I was nt in pain . I did nt feel any pain , I did nt feel any guilt . I made sure I did nt . Brody : You re feeling it now though , are nt you ? You re in a whole world of pain . Not Bess . Not Tess . You . Jessica : So ? Brody : So you re handling it . Jessica : If you call this handling it . Brody : It does nt have to be pretty . The only way past it is to get through it . Jessica : I do nt think I can do this . Brody : Yes , you can . All right ? And I m going to be with you . Every step of the way . Rachel : I do nt want to see you marry Clint to avoid your feelings for Bo . Nora : Listen , our son was in an accident . It was only natural for us to get a little closer . Rachel : Closer is one thing . Almost make out ? That s a whole different deal . Nora : Okay , we did nt almost make -- now , stop it . That did nt happen , okay ? Sweetheart , Bo and I were divorced for very good reasons , okay ? I love Clint . We have something wonderful , and I do nt want to throw that all away on an almost moment with my ex . Rachel : Then why are you dragging your feet announcing your engagement ? Nora : I m not dragging my feet about anything . I know what I want . I want Clint . Clint : That s good to hear . So , what d I miss ? Bo : You used to like enforcing the law . John : I still do . What I do nt like is bureaucrats who rewrite the law to suit themselves . Bo : John , John , do nt let the system get in the way of you doing what you re supposed to do . John : Yeah , what am I supposed to do ? Bo : Once a cop , always a cop . John : What , you re quoting my old man back to me now ? Bo : You re lucky , John . You have a gift . A legacy . Do nt just throw all that away . Michael : This is Michael . Todd : Yeah , it s Todd . The baby s here . Michael : Great , okay . Yeah , we ll -- we ll be right over there . Charlie : Jessica could nt have asked for a better mother . Viki : Not like she had a choice . Charlie : Hey , she knows how much you love her . You were the one who got through to her when no one else could . Viki : Yeah , I know , I know . But , Charlie , I just wish I had seen the signs , because then the baby might not have -- Charlie : No , no , Viki -- what s done is done . And , yeah , after some time , Jessica will heal , but she ll get through this . Viki : I wish I could be as sure of that . Charlie : Well , you can . I guarantee it . Viki : You do , do you ? Charlie : Yes . She s got you . She s got Natalie and Jared . Viki : Oh , Natalie and Jared . Charlie : What , they re not in trouble , too , are they ? Viki : No , no , no . They never even had a proper wedding . They had to carry that awful secret around with them -- Charlie : Well , they got married , did nt they ? I mean , that s what really counts . Viki : Yeah . But she wanted a big , happy celebration . Charlie : Well , you know , nothing in the rulebook says that you ca nt marry more than once . Viki : That s right . Maybe when this is all over , things settle down , maybe they can do that . Charlie : Yeah , maybe we could -- we could be right there with them . Charlie : No , Viki , Viki -- I m kind of thinking of something else . Charlie : Marry me , Viki . Nora : So what happened with Jessica ? Clint : It s hard to talk about . Nora : Okay . If you change your mind , I m right here . Clint : I m going to tell you everything , just not right now . Nora : Okay . You know what ? I am starving . How about some Chinese ? Clint : What about next month ? Nora : For Chinese ? Clint : For our wedding . Nora , I want to set a date . Is there a reason in the world that we should nt get married as soon as possible ? Bo : I m not trying to push your buttons . John : Come on , Bo . Quoting my dad , reminding me of my legacy ? Bo : No , you do nt need reminding . John : Then what are you here for ? Bo : To tell you to quit kidding yourself . This ? Come on , this is not you . John : It is now . So what can I get you ? Bo : At least promise me that you ll give this a thought . John : I ll give it some thought . What ll it be ? Bo : Well , I just wondered what it would take for me to rent the place out . How much notice would I have to give you ? John : For you ? A day or two , why ? Bo : Well , Clint s getting married . Thought I might throw him a party . John : So your brother s marrying your ex - wife ? Bo : Yeah . You got a problem with that ? John : No , no . Do you ? Brody : I ve felt what you re feeling , remember ? I pretended to be Shane s father . I shot the guy who really is his dad . All because I could nt face the truth . Jessica : You loved him like he was your own . Brody : And deep down , I knew he was nt mine . Just like you . Jessica : But you got better . Brody : Because you helped me . Jessica : I did nt -- I did nt do anything . Brody : Are you kidding ? You understood me , just like I understand you now . I feel like I know you better than anyone . And it s because -- I ve never loved anyone like I love you . Starr : Do you think she s hungry ? Blair : Well , she just polished off about a half of that bottle , and they gave her some solid food right before she came over here . Starr : But we do nt have any baby food to give to Marcie . Blair : Jessica gave dad a list of things that she likes and does nt like . Marty : Maybe -- you want me to take a picture of all of you ? Cole : No . Marcie : Hi . Starr , Cole . Starr : Hi , Marcie . Cole : Hi . Starr : This is Hope . Marcie : She s gotten so big . Starr : I know Jessica took really good care of her . Michael : She looks like a happy healthy little girl . Starr : She is . She s perfect . Cole : Do you guys have a car seat ? Marcie : Yes , we just got one . Michael : Top of the line . Todd : Probably time for Hope to try it out , right ? Starr : Wait . Charlie : I was kind of waiting for the perfect time , but you and I have nt exactly been having -- perfect times . I ve been carrying it around so long it s kind of worn the velvet off the box . Viki : It looks pretty good to me . Charlie : And anyway , I just figured that it s when things get rough that people really need to take care of each other . Viki : Oh , Charlie . Charlie : No , wait , let me just say this . Because , you see , from the moment I laid eyes on you I knew that you were someone very special . And I guess I always thought that when I did finally ask you to marry me I would have some big romantic speech , but as you know I m not really a big romantic speech kind of guy , so I was just kind of hoping that , you know , the right words would just come to me . Viki : How s that working out ? Charlie : Uh , not so well . So let me just say it then . Viki , you re in my heart and you re not going anywhere . I love you , and I m going to love you forever . Viki : That was perfect . Charlie : So , um -- does that mean your answer is -- Viki : My answer is yes . Viki : I will marry you , Charlie Banks . Nora : You want to get married now ? Clint : Uh - huh . Nora : What about everything that your family s going through ? Clint : Yeah , maybe you re right . Maybe we should wait a little while . Nora : You know , it s just -- it may take Jessica a few months to feel better . Clint : That does nt mean she ca nt come to a party . Nora : Okay , Clint , a wedding is a little more than a party . Clint : Why are you saying this ? You think it might upset her ? Nora : Well , I do nt know . I guess you d know better than I would . Clint : Yeah , and I think it would help her . Maybe it would help everybody . You know , remind everybody that come what may , life goes on . Nora : Yeah ? Well , okay -- I mean , I just do nt want Jessica to feel pressured into doing something that she s not really up for yet . Clint : Like you do ? Nora : What ? Clint : Feel pressured ? Nora : I do nt feel pressured . Clint : Are you sure ? Nora : I m sure . Are you kidding ? I love you so much I d marry you tomorrow . Clint : Then let s do it . Just you and me . Nora : What ? Do what ? Clint : You forget that you re marrying a man who has access to a corporate jet . Clint : You know , we could be in Las Vegas in a matter of hours . Nora : Oh , you re serious . Clint : Nora . Nora : Yeah . Clint : I love you . Nora : Well , I love you . Clint : I ca nt wait to spend my life with you . So let s get married tomorrow . What do you say ? Bo : I could not be happier for my brother and my ex - wife . John : Now who s kidding himself ? Bo : Hmm , you got to get out of this bar business , John , before you start giving advice to the lovelorn . John : Bo , do you want to drink or not ? Bo : Nah , I m still on duty . John : I m thinking you got off duty about ten minutes ago . Bo : But I m still a cop -- just like you . You want to come to your senses , John , you better do it in a hurry . Because our boy , Fish , he s angling for a promotion . John : You could do worse . Bo : This is not you . This is not you , John . Jessica : How -- how can you love me ? All I do is hurt people . And if you do nt believe me , you go and you ask my sister . You ask her husband . You ask Starr , ask Cole , ask Michael , ask Marcie . Ask my mother ! You should have seen her face when I had to give away the baby . Brody : No one s blaming you . Jessica : Yeah , right , because I m sick . Poor Jessica did nt know what she was doing . Brody : Your husband had just died . Jessica : Lots of women lose their husband . And they do nt lock people up in rooms . They do nt steal babies that are nt theirs . Do nt you understand , Brody ? I m no good . I m poison . And I wo nt let you stay with me -- I ca nt . I ca nt . Brody : You ca nt let me love you ? Try and stop me . Starr : I never signed the final adoption papers . And in order for this to be official , I have to sign them . And then Hope will be yours . Blair : Sweetheart , um , the papers can wait . Starr : No , they ca nt . I made a promise to Marcie . Blair : I know that you did , but she ll understand if you need some more time . And you need to be sure that you want to sign these now . Marcie : Thank you . Starr : Hey , there . I love you . Starr : Your mommy has been waiting a very long time for this . Marcie : Wait , I was wondering about your locket . Starr : I stopped wearing it as soon as I found out that the hair was Jessica s baby s . Marcie : I just thought maybe you might want a locket of Hope s hair . Starr : That would be really nice . Marcie : Okay . Marcie : Now you can keep it close to your heart . Starr : Thank you . Marcie : Of course . Starr : Here . Marcie : Hi . Starr : Say hello to your mommy . Marcie : I can never thank you both enough . You ve given us so much and I know how hard this is for you . Starr : No , really . It s okay . I think you guys should just go now . Marcie : Starr , we ll love her with all of our hearts . Michael : That s a promise . Cole : Hey wait . I wanted you guys to have this . My dad wrote these poems . He used to read them to me , so I was hoping one day you could read them to Hope . Michael : Yeah , for sure . Thank you . We will . Todd : Oh , hey , wait . You need this diaper bag . Also , Jessica wrote this note to you guys . Blair : Oh , it s just a list that Jessica gave us of all the things that she likes and dislikes , and what she s afraid of . Todd : She s afraid of squash . Michael : Oh , yeah , me , too . Marcie : Okay . Nora : You know what ? Clint : What ? Nora : Maybe you re right . Maybe we should get married as soon as possible . Clint : Are you sure ? Nora : Yes . But , um , can we not -- can we get married in Llanview ? Clint : Oh , so you do nt want to drive - through ceremony ? Nora : I want everybody around us . Clint : Yeah , so do I. We can get married wherever you like . Nora : Oh , that s good . That gives me a chance to buy a wedding dress . Clint : Oh , now , do nt take too much time . Nora : Oh , you ve never shopped for a wedding dress then . Viki : That s the most perfect diamond ring ever . Charlie : I am a little better when it comes to buying concrete and copper pipe , but I saw it and I just thought it looked like you . Viki : Charlie , how long have you had this ? Charlie : Yeah , well , you remember the time we pretended to be engaged , so that Natalie would nt figure out that Jared was planning to propose ? Viki : When Roxy shot off her -- that was Christmas . You ve been carrying this around since then ? Charlie : Well , I kind of liked pretending to be engaged to you , and I really liked the look on Natalie s face when we told her . And I just decided that I d like to feel that way all the time . Viki : But you never said anything when we decided you were going to move in . Charlie : Yeah , I know . We were just -- arguing that night . It just did nt seem like the right time . And , like I said , I was always looking for the perfect time . But you know what ? I walked in here today and I saw you -- looking so sad after Chloe left . I thought maybe -- maybe we just do nt get -- perfect moments . Maybe all we get is now . Viki : You always know exactly what I need even when I do nt . Jessica : It still smells like her , oh . I remember every morning I d get up and we d play peek - a - boo . And I d hold the blanket up over my face and I d say , Where s Chloe ? There she is . Where s Chloe ? There she is . Where Chloe ? There she is . Marty : I m proud of you . I know how hard that was and I know how much it hurts . Um , I wish there was something I could do . Cole : I know , I know . Marty : I love you . Blair : Um , we ll be right out here , okay , if you need us . All right ? Todd : Hang in there . Marty : I m going to get going . You do nt mind if Cole stays a little while , do you ? Blair : No , it s fine . This is going to be very difficult -- for them . But some day I -- Marty : It wo nt be as painful ? But they ll never forget it . Neither will we . Bo : Hey . Nora : Hey . John : How did it go ? Marty : [ Clears throat ] You should have seen him . Cole was -- he was really tough . That was -- he really loves that little girl . Blair : Thank you -- for being here for Starr today . Todd : Well , of course . Where else would I be ? Blair : Right . Um , you just were nt -- you were nt so you today . Todd : Thank you . Blair : Sure . Todd : She s a tough kid , is nt she ? Not afraid of anything . Remember all those snakes and lizards she had ? Blair : Michael and Marcie , they ll love that little girl . Todd : Our own granddaughter . Blair : Hmm . You know what ? Starr s right . Um , you know , I think she looks like all of us . Todd : She does nt look like Patrick Thornhart very much . Blair : She s a little baby . Todd : She s got your eyes . Starr s smile . She ll probably like snakes and lizards , too . God , you know , I just -- I ca nt help but wish -- Blair : Do nt . Do nt . Charlie : Is everything okay ? Viki : For me ? Charlie : Uh - huh . Viki : It s wonderful . But for Jessica , I mean , what she s feeling now . Charlie : Yeah . But you know what ? At least she s not lying to herself anymore . Viki : No , you re right . And as bad as this is , at least she has a future again . Oh , my God . I Hope -- I Hope that Jessica finds a man who is as wonderful and as good as Charlie Banks . Brody : It s okay . It s all right . Everything s going to be all right . Marcie : There you go . You got your bunny ? You know it s time for a nap , though . Michael : Yeah , in a nice new crib that Mommy and Daddy spent 37 hours putting together for you . Marcie : Mommy and Daddy , huh ? Michael : You got Mr. Bunny . Marcie : She does . And then there s that other -- Michael : There s -- I think the list said that his name is Marvin . Marcie : [ Gasps ] Marvin . Michael : And if you crank him up , he plays music . Marcie : Oh , bring it , Marvin . Michael : Listen to that . Marcie : [ Whispering ] Do you like that ? There you go . Huh ? You re all set . You ve got everything you need . Starr : When I was pregnant , I used to try to picture what she would look like . Cole : And now we know . We saw our baby girl . Starr : I just wish we had more time with her . Cole : Here . There . Right next to your heart . ### Summary:
Starr and Cole and their parents get ready to give the baby go Marcie and Michael . But Starr and Cole both reveal that they may be having second thoughts about giving their baby up . Jessica is devastated and blames herself for the death of her baby and all that Tess and Bess have done . Brody comforts her and tells her he loves her more than anything . Charlie proposes to Viki and tells her he loves her more than anything . Clint tells Nora if they are getting married , they must set a wedding date . Yet Rachel tells her mother she knows that she may not be certain that Clint is the right man for her and Nora may not be over Bo .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Todd : I m not worried about Blair . Kelly : It s a woman with a man or vice versa , and I am not worried about Kevin , so neither should you be . He likes women . Why is that a big deal ? He likes women . So what ? Todd : And I imagine he -- Kelly : So what ? Todd : He took a vow when you got married to be faithful to you . Kelly : Of course he took a vow , and he intends to keep it , and no matter what you or Asa or Kevin -- Todd : Can I have my phone back , please ? Kelly : No ! No matter what the rest of you think , he will keep that vow . Here s your phone . I wish you d all just stay out of my marriage ! Flash : Our next song is dedicated to a very special friend of ours , Al Holden , Llanview s own Voice of the Night . Flash : Al just went through some really , really major surgery , but thanks to his mom , he made it , and she gave him a part of herself to save his life , and we heard they re doing fine . Stay strong , Al ! Marcie : Help ! Somebody help . Larry : What happened ? Does he have a pulse ? Doctor : No pulse , no breathing . Larry : Asystole . Start C.P.R. Doctor : One , two , three , four , five -- Marcie : What s happening ? Larry : Amp . of epi . Hyperventilate him . Doctor : Six , seven , eight , nine -- Nurse : You ll have to wait out here . Marcie : No , no ! Doctor : 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 . Two , three , four , five , six – Nora : Hey , Bo , Antonio -- what s going on ? Where s Bo ? Daniel : Bo is at the hospital , remember ? Nora : He arrested Antonio ? Daniel : Excuse me , Nora . I have a warrant , duly signed , and the officer present here made the arrest , so what s the problem ? Nora : Does Commissioner Buchanan know about this ? Jessica : Antonio , listen . The baby s with your mother . I went home and I got my checkbook . So if we make it to night court tonight -- Daniel : Night court is not an option . Let s just get him booked and processed . Nora : Wait , wait , wait , what s the charge ? Daniel : Homicide . Antonio : Nora , I did nt kill Keri . R.J. : Oh , now shut your lying hole , boy . You know , I never thought I d live to see the day that the L.P.D. got it right the first time . Nora : R.J. , Stand back . R.J. , just -- R.J. : This boy killed my daughter , and I will be there to see them put the needle in your veins . Nigel : Full house , queen s high . Roxy : Damn ! You are too lucky . Nigel : Oh , Miss Kelly , I m so sorry . I thought everyone in the household had retired . In fact , I thought you were in Harrisburg with Mr. Buchanan . Kelly : No . Nigel : Just give me a moment to tidy up . Kelly : Nigel , it s OK , really . Roxy : Well , I think I better get out of here before Nigel wins the pants off of me and I m walking home in nothing but my thong . You know , for someone who does nt know diddly about gambling , you sure know how to get the job done . Nigel : Mr. Buchanan always makes me be his practice partner in poker . Allow me to walk you out . Roxy : Ciao bello , everybody . Kelly : Sorry about before . Todd : Forget it . Kelly : Yes , that little meltdown was bound to happen . Todd : Yeah . Does that happen on a regular basis ? Kelly : No . No . It s just been a really stressful week . Todd : Hmm , hmm , hmm , hmm . Or it s your way of telling yourself something . Kelly : What ? Todd : Never mind . Are you OK ? Because I really have to get going . Kelly : No , wait , Walker . Actually , I d like you to tell me what you meant by that . Todd : No , I do nt think you want to hear . Kelly : Come on , Walker . You can tell me now . Todd : I see you working really hard to try to convince the world that you have this perfect marriage , but you re lying to yourself . Life with Kevin is nt as great as you say it is , and you wo nt admit it . Blair : The lieutenant governor is here , but the big cheese has nt showed up yet . Well , I m still waiting to hear from you . Kevin : There you go . Blair : OK . So , you going to fill me in ? How come the governor canceled his plans to go to D.C. and you re here meeting with him ? Is he looking for resignations ? What ? Kevin : Well -- Blair : Wait , wait , wait . Kevin : OK , OK . Are you ready ? Blair : Yeah . Kevin : Suppose I told you that there was nt a meeting at all , that I just set you up to get you here because I knew you d follow a hot story . Blair : What ? Kevin : I m just saying theoretically , so -- Blair : Theoretically ? Kevin : Yeah . Blair : You see this martini here ? Kevin : Mm - hmm . Blair : Theoretically , I would pour it down your pants . Kevin : And then ? Blair : And then I d bite the olive and then say you were desperate , Kevin . Kevin : Desperate , huh ? Well , maybe you d be right . Officer : Receipt of your personal items . Initial there , sign at the X. Antonio : Yeah , I know the drill . R.J. : No , come on , get it right , get it right . I do nt want to see him walk on some paperwork snafu . Nora : R.J. , shut up . Let the sergeant do his job . Excuse me , Daniel , I know you re acting D.A. , temporarily , but I do have a right to be briefed on this case . Daniel : Read the file . The case is solid . R.J. : He pushed my daughter off the roof in cold blood ! Antonio : No ! I did not kill Keri ! But you know what ? If I had a father like you , I d think about jumping , too . R.J. : Listen to me , you gutless punk ! Officer : Hey ! Hey ! Daniel : Get him out of here ! Cristian : Nora , they ca nt do this to Antonio . He did nt kill Keri . He would never do something like that . R.J. : No , I hope to God that is his defense , huh ? El manito says he could nt do it ! That s beautiful . Nora : OK -- excuse me , excuse me for a second . Just excuse me for a second . R.J. ? R.J. : What ? What ? Nora : Come here . Just come here . Keri s death -- it s devastated all of us , OK . Devastated us . It s a terrible , terrible loss . And the pain you re feeling right now , I know it , OK ? I ve seen it . I ve glimpsed it . I understand . But there s nothing more that you can do here tonight . There s nothing more , R.J. Max : My boy , my beautiful boy . Bo : You should have called me before you served that warrant . Daniel : You knew I was about to make an arrest . Bo : Yeah , but I should have been notified before you went to Antonio . Daniel : You told me to leave you alone , so I did . And besides , there s no way to know how long you would be indisposed . Bo : You could have waited a few hours . Daniel : No , I could nt ! That would have given Vega all the time he needed to take that baby and leave town . Bo : He would not have run . Daniel : Well , I could nt take that chance , now could I ? So I brought him in . Commissioner , by the way , I do nt work for you . Nora : Sorry about him . Bo : It s not your fault . Nora : Sorry I had to pull you away from Gabrielle . Bo : Well , hopefully , she ll sleep for a few hours now . Nora : Well , it s really amazing , is nt it ? She s going to be OK . They both are . I mean , what a miracle to be able to save a life like that . Bo : But I could have lost her . Nora : She s going to be OK , right ? And so is Al . Bo : Yeah . What s your take on Antonio s case ? Nora : Oh , I reviewed the file , and unfortunately , Daniel Colson had every right and all the evidence behind him to arrest Antonio . Jessica : But Antonio s innocent , and you believe that , right ? I know you believe that . Nora : It does nt really matter what we think . It matters what the judge in the preliminary hearing s going to think , and that s going to be soon . Bo : With the evidence that they have , Antonio will probably be indicted . Cristian : But you ca nt let him go down for something he did nt do . Bo : No . If he s innocent , we will find out . Flash : Just to meet you Flash : Thank you guys so much . You guys have been great ! So I hope to see you soon , but stick around because the music goes on ! Jen : A little service , please ? Rex : Alone already ? Sad . Jen : No , I m with Ron , Marcie s brother , but he got a phone call and he just split . Rex : Ooh , I smell scandal . Does the rev know ? Or is he just too busy with bible bingo to check in with his beautiful wife once in a while ? Jen : We spend plenty of time together . And at least I know if he s with a prostitute he s helping her try to get out of that life , not paying for her services . Rex : I do nt pay for it . I just hook people up , if that s what they want . Got to be a full - service club . Jen : Whatever . Rex : But thank you for your concern about my sex life , but I knew you had to wonder who could possibly replace you . Jen : No , I do nt ! Rex : No ? You re here , like , every night , half the time alone . You know I m going to be here . Jen : I like the music . OK ? Rex : Yeah , OK , so admit it -- you figured out that you re just no church lady . You re bored out of your mind because you want to be bad . Riley : I wonder how Al s doing . Flash : No news is good news , right ? Riley : Yeah . Max : You re so smart . You re smart . Look , maybe you can help me understand why you re gone and -- and I m still here . You had everything going for you , I mean , a great future , a wonderful girl that just loves you . You love her . Did you know that you were the most important thing in the world to me ? Ever since you came back , nothing mattered more to me than you . I just -- uh -- look -- look , I just -- all I wanted was to be there , to watch you grow into the man , the kind of man I was never capable of being . No -- God , this hurts ! Oh . Uh -- Al , I love you . I do nt think you could ever know how much I loved you . I -- I -- I -- Max : I have to go . I -- I -- I better tell your mother . Todd : Do nt worry , you re not going to lose her . You re not going to lose her . You re not going to let that happen . You re not going to lose her . You re not going to lose her . You re not going to lose her . Blair : Do you really want to fix things with Kelly ? Kevin : If you knew . Blair : Tell me , Kevin . Kevin : Well , look , I have done everything I can think of , all right ? I ve been more attentive . We ve done couples therapy together . But , you know , something we had , it s like -- Blair : What ? Kevin : We lost part of it . Blair : Well , if you ve lost it , you re not going to find it in an affair . Kevin : I did nt have an affair . Kelly did . Kevin s voice : You ve reached Kevin Buchanan . Please leave a message . Kelly : Oh , damn . Nigel : So sorry , Miss Kelly . He literally twisted my arm . David : Oh , stop exaggerating . Miss Kelly knows that I m not capable of violence . Hey , you do nt mind me stopping by , do you ? Al s voice : Marcie , I can only pray that you know how much I love you . I know you love me . I can feel it . You make me feel it in my heart , you re so kind , always so gentle , so beautiful . So , listen , do nt sit around moping over me . Promise you ll find somebody who loves you like I love you . Do that for me , Marcie . Marcie , I m not going to leave you . I ll be there . Listen for me . I ll be in the wind that moves the clouds across the moon when you look out your window , the wind that rustles the gold leaves across the sidewalk as you walk to class . I ll be your voice of the night always , always telling you how much I love you . Ron : Hey , Marcie ? Marcie ! Hey ! David : Hey , hey , I rarely apologize for anything , you know , and I never apologize if I m not truly sorry , but , Kelly , how could I be sorry ? That kiss -- Kelly : David , just go . David : Look , you re overreacting , all right ? Kelly : Oh , really ? You think I m stupid or what ? David : No , I do nt think you re stupid . Why would you say that ? Kelly : Because you said earlier that Dorian told you that Blair went to Harrisburg and you could have only known that if you were over at Dorian s house because she -- David : No , no , no , now , just hold on a second , OK ? I ran into Dorian at the Palace , all right ? Kelly : What doe she have on you , David ? David : This has nothing to do with -- she has nothing on me , OK ? Why would you say that ? Kelly : Because it must carry some hell of a prison sentence for you to come over here and do Dorian s dirty work . David : Look , I think we ve just got a misunderstanding here . Kelly : No , I understand completely . Dorian is using you to destroy my marriage . Blair : Kelly had an affair , but who d she have the affair with ? Kevin : No , it does nt matter . Blair : Oh , it does matter , Kevin . Come on ! Kevin : Look , I never should have mentioned it . Forget it . Blair : Well , you know what ? You did and it s too late . Kevin : Blair , forget it Blair : Now , I m not going to forget it and I m not going to let it go . Kevin : Drop it . Blair : No ! Kevin , you need to talk about this with someone . Do nt you ? Do nt you think that it would be better if you did ? Evangeline s voice : This is Evangeline Williamson . Please leave a message at the tone . Thank you . R.J. : Yeah , Evangeline , this is R.J. Look , you probably heard already that they ve arrested Antonio Vega for Keri s murder . Well , look , I need your help . The baby , Jamie , is staying with Carlotta , and I need you to take some legal action . You got to do something . You got to get this baby back where she belongs , where -- where Keri wanted her , and that s with me . Jessica : Antonio ? You have a few friends here . They let me come in for a few minutes . I guess I do nt have to ask you how you are . Antonio : Well -- I m kind of used to this place . I used to work here not too long ago . Jessica : Yeah . I brought you some stuff to read . Antonio : Oh . Thanks . Jessica : Oh , and this is one is your favorite , remember ? Antonio : They took this from me when they processed me . Jessica : I know . Listen , if there s anything else you need , I ll get it for you , OK ? Antonio : Nothing . Thanks . Jessica : Well , I called your lawyer and he should be here any minute , and he also said that after the arraignment tomorrow morning , you should be let go . Antonio : Actually , there is one more thing that you can do for me . Jessica : Sure , anything . What ? Antonio : I want you to try and -- and get this out of your mind . Jessica : Antonio , I ca nt just forget about the fact -- Antonio : Shh . Look , there s no sense in both of us staying awake all night worrying about it . Please . Get some sleep . Jessica : OK , I ll try . I talked to Bo , and he s on your side , I know it , but even he said with all the evidence against -- Antonio : I am not going to be convicted of Keri s murder . Jessica : Antonio , innocent people get convicted all the time . It happens . Evangeline : Not when they re represented by me . I d like you to defend you , Antonio , that is , if -- if you ll let me . Stay tuned for scenes from the next One Life to Live . Evangeline : And you deserve the best defense attorney that you can get . Antonio : And that would be you ? David : How much do you laugh when you re with Kevin ? Kelly : What ? Todd : You came all the way to Harrisburg because of Kevin . Gabrielle : How s Al ? ### Summary:
Midnight Logic plays at Ultra Violet & dedicates a song to Al . Blair & Kevin sit down to dinner & discuss his marriage problems . Todd & Kelly argue over what Blair & Kevin are doing together . He finishes it up by getting in her face as a sort of threat to back off . Antonio s arrested & put in a cell . Evangeline offers to help in his defense . Nora calms down RJ at the police station . Gabrielle recovers from her surgery . After attempts are made to revive Al , he dies . Rex continues to taunt Jenn about her past , saying she ll never be happy as a minister s wife . Marcie says goodbye to Al & finds the tape he made for her . Max says his goodbye to him . Todd heads out for Harrisburg , trying to keep it together . David comes by to visit Kelly & they wind up kissing . Kelly turns around & accuses him of being sent by Dorian to destroy her marriage . Todd sees Blair & Kevin sitting & talking together .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST : Our coverage on CNN continues right now. See you tomorrow. WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST : Happening now, breaking news, Green Zone hit, new violence in Baghdad as two rockets fell just moments ago in the city Green Zone, that's home of the United States embassy 24 hours after the Iran's missile attacks on bases housing U.S. troops. Striking back, new details of the tense moments following Iran's missile attack and how President Trump weighed immediate retaliation. Tonight we're learning how Iran let the White House know that it was done launching missiles. Intel warning, U.S. officials fearing possible further Iranian aggression including terror attacks, cyber offenses, even assassinations by Iran or its proxies. Iran's missiles, the twin attacks revealing only a glimpse of Iran's full capabilities which experts say include weapons with pinpoint accuracy that reach American interests far beyond the Middle East. I'm Wolf Blitzer and you are in THE SITUATION ROOM. We're following breaking news. Iraqi military officials are now confirming that two rockets landed just a short time ago inside Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone which includes the United States' embassy. No word yet on who fired the rockets or where they came from. This comes just one day after Iran fired more than a dozen missiles at Iraqi bases housing U.S. troops. And tonight, CNN has learned that President Trump and his team have considered immediate retaliation for those attacks, but decided to hold off. And just moments ago following a briefing by the administration on Iran, two Republican senators emerge railing against what they heard with one calling it the worst briefing he has heard in years. We'll talk about all of this with Congressman Will Hurd of the Intelligence Committee. And our correspondents and analysts are also standing by. But first, let's get to more on the breaking news. Our Chief International Correspondent, Clarissa Ward is joining us from Erbil in Iraq right now. Clarissa, first of all, what are you learning about these rockets that just hit the Green Zone in Baghdad? CLARISSA WARD, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT : So, Wolf, very initial picture that we are getting is that no casualties were caused by these two Katyusha rockets that landed inside the heavily fortified Green Zone as you mentioned is where of course the U.S. embassy is also housed. There were sirens echoing across that part of Baghdad as those rockets went into that area. It's important to underscore for our viewers, Wolf, that rockets landing in the Green Zone is not an uncommon phenomenon in Iraq, but at the same time in this context, obviously, this cannot be seen outside of all of the events that have transpired in the last 24 hours. And I think really underscores that while Iran's official reaction may be over, there may still be other unofficial reactions to come. Again, we don't know who is responsible for this rocket attack, whether it was one of the Shiite militias that is in fact loyal to Iran, but certainly, this underscores the very real vulnerabilities that U.S. forces and also civilians are facing in Iraq. Here in our hotel in Erbil we saw more than 100 U.S. military contractors, they have all been evacuated from places like Baghdad, also Balad Air Base, south of Iraq as well, really giving you a sense of just how real the concerns are, Wolf. BLITZER : Yes, let's not forget there are still hundreds, hundreds of American diplomats, military personnel, defense contractors, other Americans inside that Green Zone where the U.S. embassy is in Baghdad. Clarissa Ward joining us. She's in Iraq right now. Be careful over there, Clarissa. Let's go straight to the White House right now. Our Chief White House Correspondent, Jim Acosta is joining us. Jim, what are you learning, first of all, about how this tense situation and how it unfolded over the last 24 hours or so? JIM ACOSTA, CNN CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT : Yes, Wolf, for now, President Trump appears to be turning down the temperature and welcoming what he sees as a decision from Iran to pull back from the brink of war, but a White House official tells CNN some consideration was given last night to striking back at Iran. Ultimately the decision was made to hold off until the facts came in. Still the potential for Iranian retaliation remains as the Trump administration is warning cities here in U.S. to be on alert for terror attacks and cyber threats. ACOSTA (voice-over) : The day of the Iran fired missiles at the U.S. forces as retaliation for killing one of the regimes top general, President Trump defended his decision to de-escalate the crisis by holding back. DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES : Iran appears to be standing down which is a good thing for all parties concerned and a very good thing for the world. No American or Iraqi lives were lost, because of the precautions taken, the disbursal of forces and an early warning system that worked very well. ACOSTA : In the hours after the Iranian barrage that struck military bases where U.S. forces were taking cover, the President and top advisers were huddling in the situation room awaiting words of casualties. CNN has learned that there were some consideration given to striking back at Iran, but President Trump and his team ultimately decided against the counter attack after reports on the ground indicated there were no U.S. service members killed. That's despite the President's tweet days earlier, warning, "If Iran attacks and American base or any American, we will be sending some of that brand-new beautiful equipment their way and without hesitation." During an address to the nation, the President tried to justify his move to take out the Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. TRUMP : Soleimani's hands were drenched in both American and Iranian blood. He should have been terminated long ago. ACOSTA : but he did not offer new information to back up his claim that Soleimani was on the verge of killing more Americans. Mr. Trump also attempted to blame former President Barack Obama for the crisis falsely claiming that the Iran nuclear deal some how paid for the missiles. TRUMP : The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration. ACOSTA : The President is also claiming that he will block Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. TRUMP : As long as I am President of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon. ACOSTA : But Democrats say that the Iran deal would have accomplished that had the President remained in the agreement. SEN. TIM KAINE, (D) VIRGINIA : If we had stayed in the deal, we had enforceable action against Iran that they would never get weapons. ACOSTA : The President also announce he would slap new sanctions on Teheran, but even some in his own party aren't sure that will bring Iran back to the bargaining table. SEN. RAND PAUL, (R) KENTUCKY : I think sanctions have actually pushed Iran away from the negotiating table and made it less likely to have a diplomatic solution. At this point, there are so many sanctions on Iran. I don't know what else we do to actually increase them. ACOSTA : With federal law enforcement officials warning U.S. cities to be on alert for potential terror threats and cyber attacks carried out Iranian proxies. The administration is asking Americans to remain vigilant. ACOSTA : Now during his remarks earlier in the day, the President also called on NATO to step up its involvement in the Middle East. The President who has repeatedly criticize the alliance in the past, spoke with the NATO secretary-general earlier in the day, the administration we're told was also leaning on other countries like Switzerland to act as a back channel during last nights violence. Democrats, in the meantime, are complaining that the White House has yet to explain a coherent strategy on Iran. The President didn't mention one in his statement earlier in the day. But one thing is clear, after days of tension between the U.S. and Iran, it's not just Teheran that's backing away from war right now, Wolf, it's the President, too. Wolf. BLITZER : All right, Jim, thank you. Jim Acosta at the White House. Top officials on the Trump administration briefed members of the House and the Senate this afternoon. Reaction was mostly along party lines with some very huge exceptions. Our Senior Congressional Correspondent, Manu Raju is up on Capitol Hill. Manu, two Republican senators are railing against what they heard from this Trump administration official and that's very unusual. MANU RAJU, CNN SENIOR CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT : Yes, Mike Lee of Utah and Rand Paul of Kentucky, two Republicans who do from time to time break from party orthodoxy, you know, national security issues but are close allies of this President came out railing against this briefing arguing that it was -- in Mike Lee's words, one of the worst briefings he has had on a military issue in the nine years in serving in the Senate. What these two Republicans, in particular, were concerned about were the administration official's contention that it did not to be a congressional debate over pushing forward on the military action in Iran, and also the suggestion that the existing authorities that were proven in 2002 that going to Iraq were sufficient to carrying out the attacks going forward. Now even one, I mean, Mike Lee, I asked him whether or not he believed that the attack that the President should have authorized the attack that led to the killing of the Soleimani, and the top Iranian general and he said he was agnostic on that, because he said there was -- there was a lack of specificity about what actual planned attacks of Soleimani were that were under way, but nevertheless, they came out making it clear they were disappointed. And in the words of Mike Lee, the argument that Congress should not have a role was "un-American." SEN. MIKE LEE (R-UT) : Probably the worst briefing I have seen at least on the military issue in the nine years that I have served in the United States Senate. To come in to tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran it's un-American, it's unconstitutional and it's wrong. That was insulting. That was demeaning to the process ordained by the constitution and I find it completely unacceptable. I walked into the briefing undecided, I walked out decided specifically because of what happened in that briefing. RAJU : Now Democrats pushed the administration, I'm told, behind closed doors in both the House and Senate briefing to explain what the imminent nature of these threats were. Now, I am told that the administration suggested the attacks could be planned and issued happen within days while Soleimani was alive and those targets were in the region around Iraq not in the U.S. homeland. But they did not lay out specifics about time frames or they did not even say that whether the ayatollah himself had approved of the planned attacks that had been planned by Soleimani raising concerns from the Democrats in particular that these attacks would may not have been carried out and that the risk to the United States was not worth it in going after the top Iranian general. And Wolf, at the same time, Democrats in the House are planning to push forward tomorrow on a resolution to limit the President's authority in Iran. Expect a vote in the House to go down along party lines warning the administration that if he were to go forward his hands essentially would be tied and would not be able to carry on an endless military campaign against Iran. And those two -- or Mike Lee said that he would support a similar measure being pushed in the Senate side. Tim Kaine of Virginia has his own companion measure and he told me earlier today, Wolf, that he plans to push ahead with that measure despite the apparent de-escalation of a military campaign against Iran. Democrats in the Senate and the House are pushing ahead to try to pull back in case the administration decides to go forward. Wolf. BLITZER : And I'll speak in the next hour with Republican Senator Rand Paul. We'll get his thought because he wasn't happy with that briefing either. Manu Raju up on Capitol Hill, thank you. Let's go to the Iranian capital right now. Our Senior International Correspondent Fred Pleitgen is in Tehran for us. Fred, we know U.S. officials are still concern about threats from Iranian proxies in the region. How was this all playing out where you are in Tehran? FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT : Well, I think that Iranians first of all are quite happy, Wolf, that the President has decided not to strike back after the Iran retaliation for the killing of Qasem Soleimani. The Iranians from the beginning have said that they were going to retaliate and they said it can end after that. And they wanted it to end after that, and not turn into a wider conflict. The other big thing for the Iranians, iu think, was to show case the ballistic missile technology. You know, we talk a lot about Iran's proxy forces in the region, how dangerous they are to the U.S. assets there, but the Iranians have now shown that their ballistic missile technology which they developed here in Iran is dangerous as well. It can travel a long distance. It's very accurate and can, indeed, threaten American assets in the region from Iranian territory. I wanted to read you one headline that I actually just found in Iranian media reads, "Trump's big retreat from the threat of the Islamic Republic of Iran missile strike," that of course coming after President Trump's speech today where he announced that he was not going to retaliate. We also have already heard the supreme leader come out and call all this a slap in the United States' face. Whereas the Foreign Minister Javad Zarif came out and said that Iran's actions with their ballistic missiles show that Iran does not want war. However, there are also Iranian official, also the foreign minister by the way, who are saying that people lead the fundamental issue between Iran and specifically the Trump administration has not been solved and that is the maximum pressure campaign which they believe keeps fueling those tensions between Iran and the United States, and of course, keep flaring up. And the President, of course we know, has announced new sanctions just today against the Iranians. And the Iranian supreme leader came out and said that ultimately the goal of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to, as he put it, kick the United States out of this region, Wolf. BLITZER : Fred, are the Iranian state media telling the people in Iran right now that the Americans were in fact killed in those missile attacks yesterday? PLEITGEN : Yes. Yes, they certainly are. Some Iranian outlets are, not all of them are. But there are some outlet indeed who are saying that there were heavy casualties from these missile strikes. Obviously offering no evidence in contrary to what the United States is saying, and what the President said that there were no American casualties there. In fact there was one outlet that said that up to 80 U.S. service members had been killed in that attack and more 200 had been wounded, again, all of this without any sort of evidence being shown. We actually asked some people in the street of Tehran, and none of them seemed to give that very much credence. We do find that the folks here in the country are quite well informed about what's goes on in world affairs. But certainly, there are some outlets who have said those kinds of things, Wolf. BLITZER : All right. Fred Pleitgen in Tehran for us, thank you so, so much. Let's get some more on all of this. Republican Congressman Will Hurd of Texas is joining us. He's a member of the Intelligence Committee and former CIA clandestine officer as well. Congressman, thank you so much for joining us. And I know you, like all of your colleagues now have received a briefing, a classified briefing on the situation with Iran. Based on the evidence you saw, are you convinced that an attack from Soleimani was imminent against Americans? REP. WILL HURD (R-TX) : I do. You had some very sophisticated consumers of Intelligence that talked about how credible this information was. There was a level of specificity. But I could go even further beyond this immediate threat. Qasem Soleimani has been a threat and key threat to the United States for a very long time, and taking him off of the battlefield has had a significant impact. It showed the Iranian regime that there is going to be consequences to their reign of terror. And making sure that -- I know today that the replacement for Soleimani is looking over his shoulder, and other Iranian generals are double-checking, and thinking again about the decisions that they can ultimately make. We have to remember that these Iranian generals are not interested in becoming martyrs. They want to live a long life. And I'm sure this has given in pause about leaving Tehran or the safety of Iran. And we should respond to attacks and potential attacks on our facilities, on our people, on our allies. I've been in the embassy that was hit by rockets and I've been in an embassy that was almost overrun in my previous life in the CIA and we should be making sure that we're sending a message to our diplomatic staff and our military that we're going to protect them when this does happen. BLITZER : But at the same time, and you just heard law makers from both parties, I have some very sharp criticism of the briefings they've been receiving today. You heard Republican Senator Mike Lee of Utah calling it, in his words, the worst briefing I've had in a military issue in my nine years in the Senate. Those are his words. Rand Paul also, not very happy with what he heard. I'm going to be speaking with him later here in THE SITUATION ROOM. So, how do you -- you emerge saying it's all good and they emerge saying this was a disaster? HURD : Well, it's two separate briefings, but I believe it was the same individuals. I'm sure the details were the same. And here is my belief, Qasem Soleimani was the head of the most well- armed and well-equipped terrorist organization in the world, and this is what happens to the heads of terrorist organization. It was not like we hit him in the middle of Tehran, he was in Baghdad. He wasn't transmitting through Baghdad to go to Barbados on vacation. He was there in order to work with their proxy elements in to order to attack further Americans, in order to attack our allies. And I do not believe that if terrorist gets to hide behind the uniform of their country, you can't hide behind that. You are still a terrorist. And so if this was an attack in Iran, I think we'd be having a different conversation. I don't think that anybody is interested in a World War III or an attack inside the country of Iran. And so I think that's where some of these debates are. I think having a debate is healthy, making sure that our men and women in the military understand that we're thinking about these views of great American power, and that we're putting them in harm's way or having these kinds of debates. So I think that maybe where the difference of debate is. But ultimately, I believe taking Qasem Soleimani off of the battlefield was a good thing. And what we are seeing is a continuation of what the Army War College when they did a study, I believe it was at the end of 2018, when you look at Iranian behavior, and there's no consequences, they're not seeing consequences, they continue to escalate activities in a place like Iraq. And now what we see in their response with the 15 missile launch into Iraq last night, this was I think a further data point to show that they are going to change their behavior. In part, I believe this was a attempt -- a face-saving attempt by the Iranian regime. We know that -- and you talked about it in the previous segment, Wolf, about how the Iranian state media is claiming, I think it was 80 Americans were killed. We know that is a lie. We know that didn't happen. And so they're showing pictures of the launches and they're using information operations with their own people. I think the next step is now, we need to be working more with our European allies to have them join this maximum pressure campaign to continue to put pressure on the Iranian, to try to make them become a normal country. BLITZER : You know we're getting some important new information coming in, Congressman, as we're speaking from our Pentagon correspondents, Barbara Starr and Ryan Browne, let me read to you what they are now telling us and we'll get your reaction. The top U.S. general made clear Wednesday night that Iran meant to kill U.S. troops in the ballistic missile attack on U.S. forces in Iraq. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley told reporters Wednesday and I'm quoting him now, "I believe based on what I saw and what I know that they were intended to cause structural damage, destroy vehicles and equipment and aircraft and to kill personnel. That's my own personal assessment." That's General Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. And they point out, Barbara Starr and Ryan Browne that Milley is delivering a very different message from what some other administration officials have flooded that Iran deliberately tried to avoid killing American personnel at those two Iraqi bases. What do you think about that knowing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Milley is clearly a very, very serious guy? HURD : Look, I think General Milley is concerned with his troops. I think what we do know is that our troops are, you know, are dealing in a dangerous world, and that the Iranians have the ability to launch those kinds of attacks. So, some of the intelligence questions we should be asking is were we going to be able to see those attacks in advance and could have potentially done something in advance? I think that's a broader conversation that Congress could ultimately be in. And, you know, what was the interest and the plans and intentions of the Iranian regime when they did those missile launches last night. So one thing we do know, our men and women are in dangerous situations, we should be protecting them. And we also know that you now have the Shia militias that are, in essence, proxy forces for the Iranians, that they have capabilities independent of the Iranian regime. But I also think that they are questioning the commitment of the Iranian government and to their activities in Iraq. And we have to remember why are we seeing increased activity by the Iranians in Iraq. It's because the Iraqi people were sick and tired of a Iranian puppet as the prime minister in Iraq. And they stood up and they protested and the prime minister said he would step down, and now in a caretaker area. So the Iranians are concerned about losing control of the country. The Shia militias are concerned that, you know, their biggest backer could be potentially waffling. So this is still a tricky situation but -- and this is why we need to make sure that we're working with our allies among this issue. BLITZER : Yes. And I'll just leave you with this because I know you got to run, Congressman. General Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says there were no U.S casualties, because the U.S. military had early warning various tactics, they took defensive measure, procedures. "We took sufficient, defensive measures that were -- that as a result, there were no casualties to U.S. personnel, coalition personnel, contractors or Iraqis." It's not because the Iraqi -- the Iranians wanted to avoid U.S. casualties, it's because the U.S. military was smart enough and had early measures to avoid U.S. casualties. An interesting development indeed. We'll continue to follow up on that. Congressman Will Hurd, thanks so much for joining us. HURD : Always a pleasure to be with you, Wolf. BLITZER : And stay with us for more on the late breaking news that's developing rockets hitting inside heavily fortified green zone areas in Baghdad. That's the home of the United States embassy in Iraq, where there still hundreds of Americans. Plus, more on the House Democrats new push to limit President Trump's war powers. ### Summary:
Two Rockets Land In Baghdad's Heavily Fortified Green Zone; WH Official: Trump Weighed Striking Back At Iran After Missile Attack But Decided To Hold Off; Two GOP Senators Blast Administration After Iran Briefing; Feds Issue New Warning Of Terror, Cyber Treats Posed By Iran; Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) Is Interviewed About Tension Between Iran And U.S., Iran Briefing; Top U.S. General Says Iran Intended To Kill U.S. Troops, Differing From Anonymous Administration Officials; Differing From Anonymous Administration Officials; Iran Crisis Ignites Foreign Policy Debate Among 2020 Democrats; Iran's Real Firepower.
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Hope : How did you pull this off ? Oliver : Just had to get past the guard and Stephanie ... and the reporters . ( Chuckles ) Hope : Oh . Only that , huh ? ( Chuckles ) Oliver : I had to see you . Steffy : What are you doing here ? Get in here . Did anyone see you come into the building ? Liam : No . Steffy : Then I suggest you slither out the way you slithered in . If my uncle or my dad see you here-- Liam : I - I know . Your dad punched me in the dace . Steffy : Oh , you re lucky that s all he did to you . You know , I have half a mind to give you black eye myself . Liam , how could you do this to me ? Owen : You re home early , baby cakes . Do you want me to , uh , pour you a glass of-- Bridget : ( Chuckles ) Owen : Uh ... Bridget : Appice ? Owen : I thought you were ... I thought you were Jackie . Bridget : Uh , yeah , apparently . Owen : So , uh , you like the outfit ? Jackie picked it out . Bridget : ( Sighs ) Owen : ( Chuckles ) Bridget : Looks like it took her all of ten seconds . ( Chuckles ) Owen : Hey , the woman knows what she likes to come home to . Bridget : Yeah , I guess-- a hot dinner and an even hotter dessert . You know , you re -- you re really sweet the way you indulge her like you do . Owen : Mm , she makes it easy . Bridget : It s not exactly combat , is it ? Owen : Hey , I got the sexiest wife on the block . What can I say ? Bridget : Sexy and very understanding . Owen : Yeah , well , it s the least that I can do after everything I ve put her through , but , uh , every once in a while , the price seems a little teensy bit steep . Brooke : ( Sighs ) Ridge : Feeling better ? Brooke : Mm - hmm . Ridge : I do hope I m not losing my touch . Brooke : Mnh - mnh . Ridge : Hey , listen . I know you re distracted about Hope . Is there anything I can do to help ? Brooke : Touch me again . Bridget : You know , you re quite the homemaker these days . Owen : Uh , thank you , I think . Bridget : ( Laughs ) And you manage to hold down a job , too . That s impressive . Owen : Oh , is that , uh , what you call it ? Bridget : It was a tough day at the office ? Owen : Well , let me see . I got to , uh , be the half - naked tour guide-- or outback guide-- and I got to ride on the back of Jackie s Harley wearing next to nothing . Bridget : ( Scoffs ) Oh , you know , I tried to intervene . Owen : I know you did , and I appreciate it . I do . Bridget : I - I think Jackie s coming around . Owen : Yeah , well , too bad Nick is nt . He does nt want me in the building unless it s to shoot one of those ridiculous ad campaigns , and then I rush home , and I cook a home - cooked meal for Jackie so she s got something to eat when she gets home . Bridget : You poor , underappreciated thing . Owen : Look , Bridget , I m not-- I m not complaining . I do nt mean to . I just -- I love Jackie . But sometimes I feel that it s Jackie s world that we re living in . Bridget : Yeah , just remember , we re -- we re lucky to be a part of it , though . Jackie : ( Sighs ) Oh , my word . What a perfectly exhausting day I ve had . Bridget : ( Chuckles ) Hello . Jackie : It s so nice to be home with my family . Bridget : Hi . Jackie : Oh , darling . Oh , I love you . Mwah . Bridget : ( Sighs ) Jackie : Hello , darling number two . Mwah . Bridget : ( Chuckles ) Jackie : ( Laughs ) ( Sighs ) Oh , dressed for dinner , I see . Owen : Oh , yeah . Jackie : What are we having ? Owen : A little chicken tetrazzini . Jackie : Mmm . Got anything spicier for dessert ? Hmm ? Hmm ? ( Giggles ) Liam : That s -- I mean , that s why I m here . I wanted you to hear my side of this . Steffy : Oh , I know your side , Liam . You recorded a private conversation that I had with my father , and you used it against me . Liam : No , no , I did-- I did nt record it . I mean , not on purpose . It was by accident . Steffy : Oh , fine . Then you put it in my tribute to Brooke , and you plunged me in the middle of a scandal . Liam : No , I did nt do that . I was wiping all the files from your old laptop s hard drive for recycling , and then the audio file started to play , and Justin Barber came in , and he overheard it , and he used it to get into your network of your new laptop to-- to edit the tribute . I was against it . Steffy : Then why did nt you call me ? Why could nt you just warn me ? I trusted you , Liam . Do you have any idea how much you messed up my life , not to mention Hope s . Oliver : All right , let s eat . I got all your favorites-- orange chicken , broccoli beef , fried rice . Hope : Mmm . Oliver : Our song-- Love Uncompromised . Hope : Yeah , it used to be . Oliver : It ll be again . Hope : ( Sighs ) She felt lost ... Brooke : The perfect escape . Ridge : We are the perfect escapees . Brooke : There s so many things we just want to forget . Ridge : Or face together . Brooke : Like Stephanie , Hope , Donna ... Ridge : Bill Spencer , crazy Liam ... Brooke : ( Laughs ) Oh , God . Maybe we should escape some more . ( Sighs ) Ridge : ( Sighs ) Heard from your sister lately ? Brooke : Donna ? Ridge : I really wish she had nt done what she did . Brooke : Oh , I know . Now Bill has his claws back into the company . Ridge : 12.5 % , but he wants more . Brooke : But I do nt think Steffy will sell her 25 % . Ridge : I really hope not , because that would give him a bigger stake in the company than the rest of us . Brooke : No , she would nt do that to you now that you ve worked out your differences . Ridge : She s still hurting , though . I think something was lost when I would nt believe her . Brooke : You were nt being unreasonable . All of the evidence pointed to Steffy . You were as much a victim as she was . Ridge : And all because of Liam . I d like to strangle that guy . Liam : You re right . I should have called you . I never should have let Barber get away with it . Steffy : Then I hire you to investigate the thing , and you stonewall it . Liam : I know . I know . For what it s worth , I never cashed your check . Steffy : ( Scoffs ) Why did you do it ? You know , I talked to you that day after you gave me the report . You know , honestly , I thought we were gon na become friends , but I guess it was all a lie . I do nt get it . Liam : I dont-- I - I have no excuses , okay ? It was totally wrong . It was totally uncool . I d made a whole lot of mistakes , and I was just-- I was looking out for my own skin . Steffy : So why are you here ? Are you , like , a masochist or something ? Liam : No , I m -- to say I m -- I m sorry . I do nt expect your forgiveness , but , I mean , if there s anything I can do to ever make it up to you , I will . Hope : You still wear it . Oliver : I do nt take it off . Hope : Hmm . Hmm . Hope : There s our song again . ( Sighs ) We came really close to getting back together that day after Jason serenaded us . ( Chuckles ) Oliver : It did nt work out then . But ... it will tonight , Hope . Ready for some entertainment ? Hope : Oh , no . Do nt tell me he s , like , hiding in the bushes or something . Oliver : That would be a nice touch , but no . Time to check out the heavens . Owen : So I was , uh , thinking . Jackie : Mm - hmm . Owen : Maybe we could talk about something . Jackie : Well , of course , we can . What is it , darling ? Bridget : I think I m gon na head upstairs and just get some rest . Jackie : Ooh , must be serious . We re scaring Bridget off . Bridget : No , I m -- you guys just need some time alone . Jackie : ( Chuckles ) Bridget , you know there s absolutely nothing that Owen and I ca nt discuss in front of you . Well , almost nothing . ( Chuckles ) Is nt that right , darling ? Bridget : ( Chuckles ) Jackie : So tell me what it is , and then we can get on with our lovely evening . Aha . I sense that the two of you have been talking about this . So , Bridget , feel free to put in your 3 pence , and , Owen , you ve got the floor . Owen : Look , okay , listen . I - it s -- this is about my role in this marriage . Jackie : Okay . Owen : All right , I m here-- I m here every single day . I m -- I m cooking . I m going grocery shopping . I m keeping house , Jackie , I-- Jackie : Oh , oh , oh , and you re not being paid , and you feel you re being taken for granted , and how insensitive of me . Okay , from now on , you are getting one huge allowance . Owen : No , Jackie , it s not about the money . Jackie : It s not ? Owen : No , I-- listen to me . I love to cook for you . I do . But every single night ? Jackie : But darling , darling , darling , I ca nt cook , and I m at work , and you re not . Owen : Yeah , I m not because of Nick . Jackie : Aha . ( Clicks tongue ) Now we re getting down to the nitty - gritty . ( Sighs ) I need wine . Would you fetch me a glass , darling ? Bridget , do you want something ? Bridget : Oh , no , I - I m good . Owen : No , no , no , no . Wait a minute . This is -- this is exactly what I m talking bout . You just asked me to fetch you a glass of wine , Jackie ... Jackie : ( Sighs ) Owen : Like I m a cocker spaniel . Come on . Jackie : Owen , please . Fetch -- it s -- it s a British term . Everybody uses it , and anyway , you re not a cocker spaniel . You re a German shepherd . He s a German shepherd , is nt he , darling ? Bridget : Right , a German shepherd . But , Jackie ... Jackie : Mm - hmm ? Bridget : Owen is trying to tell you something serious . Jackie : Okay . What s on your mind ? Owen : Jackie ... Jackie : Mm ? Owen : I love you . Jackie : I love you , too . Owen : I , as a man , I - I need some sort of a purpose . I need something to do . I - I - I want a job . I mean , I - I love my old job . I was -- at Jackie M. I was good it . I was really good . Jackie : Mm - hmm . Owen : And I understand that I - I made my bed , and -- and Nick does nt want me anywhere near the company , but I want to go back to work , and I want to go back to work , and I want to do something other than just be this ... this ridiculous hunk of meat in these weird ad campaigns . Jackie : Okay . I will be more sensitive to that . Promise . Promise . And -- and I will talk to Nick on your behalf , but when I feel the time is right , okay ? Now I ve got something I want to say that s very important , and I want to say it to both of you . Come here . Bridget : Okay . Thank you . Jackie : Help you up . Owen , what you re doing with Bridget is extremely important . Bridget : ( Sighs ) Jackie : You are taking care of our unborn child . There s no job more valuable than that . ( Snaps fingers ) And for the record , you re more to me than a beautiful face and a drop - dead gorgeous body . ( Chuckles ) It s what inside that I adore . It s your -- your heart and your -- your goodness and your kindness and the fact that you re willing to indulge me , too . Darling , you are much , much more to me than just my sex object . You know that , do nt you , Bridget ? Bridget : Yes , I do . Jackie : Draw me a bath ? Owen : ( Chuckles ) Steffy : You could have stopped it . When the tribute was getting played for all the reporters , you were there . You knew it was being sabotaged . You just let me go ahead , and you let me play it anyway . Liam : I know . I regret that . I ll always regret that . Steffy : Justin Barber pressured you to keep quiet , did nt he ? Liam : Yeah , but , you know , that s no excuse . I d lose my job . But what I did to you and your-- and your relationship with your father ... and Hope , I mean , my God , she -- she is the person who got hurt the worst . Hope : ( Sighs ) I did nt know you were a stargazer . Oliver : What , you never noticed the way I look at you ? Hope : ( Chuckles ) Oliver : ( Chuckles ) All right , very good . Clear night . Moon s almost full . I ve been checking it out a lot these last few nights , ever since we broke up . Hope : Why ? Oliver : I guess it puts things in perspective . It s always up there circlin the earth , steady , constant , something you can count on . Hope : Hmm . Oliver : Gives me hope . Here , check it out . Hope : Okay . All right . ( Sighs ) Uh , it s a little out of focus . Wait . What is-- ( Sighs ) ( Laughs ) You are crazy , Oliver Jones . Oliver : Oh , I m crazy ? Hope : Yeah . Oliver : Have been since I met you . Hope : Hmm . Chinese food , Chinese lanterns , Chinese symbol . And now it s written on the moon . Oliver : On the moon . In the stars . It s all I ever think about , Hope , cause that s what you mean to me . And that s what s been missing since I lost you . Owen : So what ll it be ? Lavender ... Jackie : Mm . Owen : Or white tea ? Jackie : Hmm . I feel kind of lavender - y tonight . Owen : Uh - huh . Lavender it is . Bridget : Hmm . On that cue , I think it s time for me to exit . Good night , guys . Jackie : Oh , no , Bridget . Do nt go . Please stay . Bridget : ( Sighs ) Jackie : In fact , could you fetch me the-- bring me the glass of wine , please ? Bridget : ( Sighs ) Um ... wow . I see the queen is in her element . Jackie : ( Sighs ) ( Chuckles ) Owen : Surrounded by her worker bees . Jackie : ( Sighs ) Bridget : I see . Well , your wine , your highness . Jackie : Thank you . Oh , my . It is good being the queen bee . Bridget : ( Giggles ) Steffy : You know , not to let you off the hook , but Hope s a lot stronger than people think . Liam : It still kills me what all this did to her . I mean , she s so sweet . She s so innocent . She s the last person in the world I d want to hurt . Steffy : Really ? Liam : Yeah , I mean , the thought of her going through a scandal like this makes me sick to my stomach . Steffy : So I m guessing you met her . Liam : Uh , we talked . Steffy : Where ? Liam : At the loading dock after your dad ... after I ran into his fist . Steffy : Huh . Liam : She , uh , took me to-- Steffy : The , uh , guesthouse where she s staying ? Liam : Yeah . Steffy : Yeah ? Liam : Sort of . Steffy : Hmm . Liam : She patched me up . Steffy : Hmm . Yeah , I see . And you ca nt stop thinking about her , can ya ? Liam : ( Laughs ) Oliver : Did we pass the test ? Hope : What test ? Oliver : Uh , never mind . Hope : You mean , um , do I still see visions of you and my mom whenever we kiss ? Oliver : I did nt want to say those words , but , yeah . Hope : Hmm . I m not sure . That s what I m here for that s what I m here for Oliver : No Mom ? Hope : No Mom . When you need someone to find you when you re hiding from it all Oliver : Still no Mom ? Hope : Unh - unh . That s what I m here for Hope : ( Sighs ) You still wear it . ( Chuckles ) That s what I m here for Oliver : It s written on the moon . It ca nt be wrong . Hope : ( Sighs ) ( Laughs ) Oh , um , Oliver ? Oliver : Whoa ! Hope : There s -- uh , yeah . ( Laughs ) Oliver : ( Laughs ) Hope : ( Laughs ) God . Oh . Hmm . ( Laughs ) ( Sighs ) Thank you . And thank you for never giving up hope . ### Summary:
Hope is amazed that Oliver was able to get past Stephanie , the security guards and all the reporters . He brings out her favorite Chinese food plus our song . Liam sneaks into Steffy s office and she chastises him for even being there when her dad forbade him to come back to the building and then there s the little thing of his involvement in the video tampering .she should punch him in the nose herself . Owen fixes dinner for Jackie in his almost apron only , but turns around and finds Bridget there instead . He comments to her that he loves Jackie but sometimes the boy - toy image gets to him at work and he feels like it is all Jackie s world . Lying in bed , Ridge asks Brooke if she has talked to Donna lately . He s still suspicious of Bill . He d like to strangle Liam for his part in the video sabotage . Jackie has to practically drag it out of him , but Owen points out that he has to have a sense of purpose and not just cook dinner and buy the groceries . He needs to go back to work , but Nick wo nt let him . She admits she needs to be more sensitive to him ; he s more than her sex object . Poor Bridget , she is still sticking around when Owen gives Jackie her lavendery bubble bath . Liam tells Steffy that he will always regret what he did to her and Hope by keeping quiet . Oliver drags out his telescope and gazes at the stars and gets Hope to check it out . She sees an image of the Chinese hope . He s too much , first Chinese lanterns , Chinese food and now Chinese hope symbol . It leads to a kiss . He asks if it passes the test .. of him and her mom . She s not sure and needs another kiss . And if the Hope symbol is on the moon then it ca nt be wrong . As they kiss again , she thanks him for not giving up .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Hope : Finally ... finally , I ll be at peace . Sami : Whoa . Rafe : Hmm . Hi . Sami : What are you doing here , rafe ? Tiffany not allowed to go out on school nights anymore ? Rafe : [ Chuckles ] You and I were nt done talking when you took off . Sami : No , actually , we were . I think we ve said everything we need to say . Rafe : Oh , I do nt think so . You were saying something about there being a chance . Yeah ? Were you talking about us ? Were you ? Sami : Yes . You know I was . Come on , rafe . You know that if I thought we had a chance of getting back together , I would walk away from ej in a heartbeat . [ Sighs ] It s just a stupid dream . Rafe and I are over ... really over . Nicole : So here are my terms . You prove that arianna is innocent before brady does ... Ej : And he does nt find out you set her up . Nicole : You prove arianna is innocent before brady does , and I keep my little tape to myself , and no one will hear you admit that you kidnapped sydney . Deal ? Ej : Deal . Nicole : [ Clears throat ] Did you ever think that something like this would force a truce between us ? Ej : No . I never thought anything would force a truce between the two of us . And neither will anybody else . So we need to keep this a secret . Chloe : Carly , hi . Carly : Hi , chloe . Chloe : Have you seen daniel ? Carly : No , no , but I just got out of the O.R. , So ... Chloe : Yeah , I tried you on your cell . Uh , I did nt think you were on duty tonight . Carly : No , I wasnT. There was a big pileup on the interstate , lots of injuries , so they called me in . Did you want to speak with me ? Chloe : Yeah , um , actually , I wanted to make sure that daniel wo nt find out that I m asking for a paternity test . Carly : It s confidential information between you and your doctor . Chloe : Yeah , but daniel s a doctor . You guys talk . Carly : I said that I would stay out of it if this is daniel s baby , and I meant it . Chloe : Okay . So I guess I have to wait till the end of the week ... if it even matters . Carly : What does that mean ? Chloe : Oh , come on , carly , this is all your doing . Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are nds through the hourglass , so are is stays the days of our lives . Ej : I mean it , nicole . It is imperative that this stays between the two of us . Nicole : Oh , come on , ej , you know better than anyone how good I can be at keeping a secret . Ej : You better be ... because you do nt need any questions or suspicions any more than I do . Nicole : Fine , then let s get the hell out of here . Rafe : Well , what do you know ? Once I ve beaten my head against the wall and nothing , finally give up , and it falls into my lap . Oh , god . If I had half a brain in my head , I d just forget what I just heard . Hope : Ciara ... she could spend ... the rest of her life watching her daddy with another woman who does nt care anything at all about his little girl . They could have children together ... children he ll love more than he loves ciara . Baker : What do you understand ? Baker : Yeah , that s right . Do you understand ? I got to go . How d you find me ? Nicole : Well , you have to admit , dick , this whole everyone thinks you re dead thing kind of limits your mobility , and since you were nt at your charming motel , I figured you were here . Baker : What do you want ? Nicole : I ve got good news . Baker : That d be a first . Nicole : Yeah . Yeah . Well , guess what . We are off the hook for setting up arianna hernandez for the muggings . Baker : What d you do-- whack ej ? Baker : Okay , you totally underestimate me . No , I gave him an offer he could nt refuse , and since I m the only one he suspects , we are in the clear . No one will ever be the wiser . Sami : Oh , my god , that dream ... it s the truth . [ Scoffs ] What is wrong with me ? I mean , what kind of woman are you ? Ej ... he s become the kind of man I always thought he could be . Carly : You seem really upset . Chloe : Are you surprised ? Carly : Did something happen ? Chloe : Daniel is rushing to want to get married . Carly : Oh , boy . Chloe : And since I ca nt marry him until I m sure you keep your mouth shut about me sleeping with someone else , I had to make up some excuse . So I told him that father matt said that there was a problem with my annulment . Carly : Oh , lies on top of lies . Chloe : Yeah , except I thought I was gon na get away with this one because father matt was out of town . But guess what . He s back , and daniel ran into him and asked him about the annulment , and now he knows that I lied to him again . Carly : And he thinks you re trying to get out of marrying him . Chloe : Yes , and he wondered if I ve ever really loved him , and then he stormed out , and I have nt seen or heard from him ever since . Carly : This is all because of me . Chloe : Well , I m the one who slept with someone else , but you re the one who wo nt let me marry daniel until I find out who the father of this baby is . I hope you re happy . Carly : Chloe , I m not happy at all . Daniel : Carly ? Bo ? Hey . Bo ? Bo ! Hey , hey , hey , bo , bo . Talk to me . What is that ... ? [ Sniffs ] Gasoline ? What the hell ? Hey . Bo . Bo ! Hey , hey , bo . Come on , bo , come on . Do nt you quit on me , bo . Come on . Hey . Bo . S. Sami : Um , hey . Rafe : Ej home ? Sami : No , he s at a meeting . Rafe : He tell you where he was going ? Sami : Why are you asking me questions about ej ? Rafe : Just tell me , did he say who he was gon na be with ? Sami : Yeah , he s meeting the investigator that s in charge of your sister s case . Rafe : Oh . That s interesting . Sami : Why ? Rafe : Well , because I just saw him . He was with nicole . And he was talking to her about keeping some sort of secret truce . Sami : [ Exhales sharply ] Carly : Look , the last thing I want to do is to cause more misery for daniel than I already have , okay ? I truly hope this baby you re carrying is his . Chloe : My baby will be his in every way that matters , no matter what . Carly : You said it yourself . Daniel is a doctor . If the baby is nt his , he will find out . The baby s blood type could give it away , which could be devastating for both of you . Chloe : I know . Carly : But if the baby is his , I give you my word that I will forget all about you and this other man . Chloe : Because you care about daniel and want to make him happy . So do I. The thing is , I think it may be too late for that . The situation s gotten so out of hand . Carly : Chloe , I m sorry . Chloe : Things have gotten so bad that , even if this baby is daniel s , he may not want to have anything to do with me anymore . Baker : So let me get this straight . Ej , who hates your guts , is willing to keep quiet about the fact that you framed arianna hernandez . Why ? Nicole : Well , I told you . I can be very persuasive . Baker : Yeah , you have something on him , and it is very big . Nicole : Mm , if only sami knew , that would be so glorious . Baker : Worth going back to prison for ? Nicole : He does nt have anything on me -- nothing concrete . Baker : Except the fact that you agreed to the deal . Nicole : Right . So I guess I will just have to settle with the satisfaction of watching ej trap sami into a life with a world - class bottom feeder . Baker : Okay , well , as much as I would love to , uh , chew the fat with you , you really have to get going . Nicole : Wait , wait . Why ? Are you expecting your mystery partner in crime ? Baker : I do nt know after tonight . Nicole : Oh , did you two have a falling out ? No more fun bashing strangers in the park ? Baker : I was trying to protect her . Nicole : Oh . Wow . Wait . Dick ... do nt tell me there s a heart under that cynical hide of yours . Baker : Oh , no , you know me-- always looking out for number one . Nicole : You know , I m really gon na miss you . I really am . Baker : Mm - hmm . Nicole : Mm - hmm . Baker : So this is it , huh ? Nicole : Yep . This is it . Take care of yourself . Baker : You too . Daniel : Bo ! Hey , come on , man . Come on , bo . Bo . Bo . Stay with me , bo . Come on . Do nt you quit on me , bo . Come on . [ Siren wailing ] Bo ! Come on . Hang in there , bo ! Come on . They re on their way . Bo . The way they should Carly : My whole take on the situation changed when I realized vivian was behind this . Chloe : Mine too . But the bottom line is I did what I did . Carly : But you re in this mess because vivian hates me . So how do I help you ? Chloe : I do nt know . Carly : Chloe , daniel loves you so much . Chloe : Yeah , now he knows that I lied to keep from marrying him . And I ca nt even explain to him why . You should have seen the look on his face . I m just beginning to wonder if daniel and I are nt meant to be together . Even if this baby is daniel s , I still slept with another man . That does nt change anything . I - I did nt trust daniel . I doubted him . I - I -- maybe I did nt love him enough . Carly : Hey , listen , chloe . Maxine : Oh , there you are . Carly : Hi . Maxine : I was just gon na have you paged . Carly : Uh , what is it ? Maxine : Dr. Reed wants a surgical consult in the E.R. Stat . His words , not mine . Carly : I ll be right there . Chloe : My god . I did this . There s got to be a way to keep this from getting worse . There has to be . Sami : Ej would never make a truce with nicole . He hates her as much as I do . Rafe : Sami , I was there . I know what I heard . Sami : Did you confront them ? Rafe : No , I did nt want to say anything till I found out what you know , which , obviously , is nothing . Sami : Did you hear the whole conversation ? Rafe : No , but I heard ej tell nicole that it has to stay a secret . Sami : There s a lot of reasons for that . Maybe ej wanted to make sure that nicole does nt screw things up for arianna s case . Rafe : Why do you feel the need to cover for him ? Why ? Sami : What are you saying ? Rafe : I m saying you do nt want to look at what s right in front of you , sami . Sami : Okay , then why do nt you spell it out for me ? Rafe : Okay , fine , I will . You want ej to be a better man . In fact , you think that he is a better man for some reason , and clearly he is not . He s lying to you . He s sneaking around behind your back . I mean , for god s sake , he s making truces with nicole . Sami : Wait a second . Are you saying you think that he and nicole have gotten back together ? Rafe : I do nt know . Obviously , they re doing something together . It does nt seem to be good . Sami : Why are you telling me this ? Rafe : [ Scoffs ] Because I care about you . And I thought that you should know . Sami : You care about me , but you do nt care enough about me to actually want me to be a part of your life . Well , ej does . He wants me to be in his life . And maybe that s where the problem is . Daniel : All right , it looks like some kind of drug overdose , so let s get a line in him . Pulse is thready , breathing s irregular . He s completely unresponsive . Roman : Drugs -- that just does nt make any sense . Boy , that smell of gasoline is strong , though . Woman : It s all over this guy . Daniel : I just got here . I did nt get time to call 911 . How did an ambulance get here ? Roman : Some guy called . Would nt leave his name , though . Daniel : Well , whoever it is , your brother owes him his life . Now , come on , we ll treat him on the way to the hospital . Come on , he needs to be there yesterday . Let s go . Roman : So , tell me , is my brother gon na make it ? Daniel : Well , that depends if I got here in time . Hope : You were nt supposed to die from the drug . But I guess it ll have to happen that way . Tten Rafe : Sami , I - I did nt want to screw things up for you , that s all , okay ? Sami : Well , you didnT. I m fine . Rafe : Okay . It s just -- I know what I heard . I felt like I had to tell you . Sami : Well , thank you , agent hernandez . I appreciate you telling me , and now you are officially relieved of your duty . And you can go back to worrying about , you know , which color corsage to pick out for tiffany s prom . Rafe : [ Chuckles ] Sami , there s nothing going on between us . Sami : And there s nothing going on between you and me either . You made sure of that . Rafe : You had to go running back to ej , did nt you ? Sami : Yeah . Well , that s just how I am . Rafe : I guess so . You want to keep blinders on and pin ej as this great guy because he s the father of your children , go ahead . That s fine by me . It s your life , is nt it ? But you re on your own . Sami : Fine by me . Rafe : Great . Chloe : Father , hi . Thank you so much for meeting me . Matt : It s against my better judgment . Chloe : You re upset with me . I get that . Matt : You lied to your fiance about something very important , chloe , and you dragged me into it . Chloe : I had no idea that daniel would run into you . Matt : That s beside the point , and you know it . Chloe : Yeah , I know . I - I just wanted to thank you for not telling him everything that you know . Matt : I had to respect the confidence of your confession . You know that too . Chloe : Yes . But what you do nt know is I m pregnant . Matt : What ? Chloe : Yes , it s true . And I have to know if you ll continue to keep my confidence . Hope : Still here ? Shocking . Thought you would have left town after you made sure you tipped off bo s brother . Baker : Who s , uh , bo s brother ? Hope : Stop it ! I know exactly what you did . Baker : Look , somebody had to save you from yourself , duchess . Hope : Save me from myself ? How dare you ? Baker : You listen to-- Hope : How could you do this to me ? Baker : You listen to me . You conk a few prominent citizens on the head because you had a breakdown ? The law might let you skate on that . You off your husband ? You re going away for a long , long time . Hope : That s my problem . Baker : It s my problem too . I helped you with some of those muggings . Look , at first , I thought you were in it just for the thrill and the money . I did nt realize you were a nice lady who d just been pushed too far . I may not be much in the morality department , but I m not gon na stand by and do nothing while you go down for killing your ex . Maxine : Bp--110 over 65 . Pulse--80 . Daniel : Okay , I want a chem panel and a blood and urine tox screen . Maxine : I m on it . Carly : Bo ! Daniel : Carly . Carly : I heard he was admitted . Hey , I m here , okay ? I m right here . What happened to him ? Daniel : I just went over to your place to see you , and I found him unconscious . Carly : Oh , my god . Daniel : Well , it looks like a drug overdose . Carly : No , daniel , he does nt use drugs . Daniel : Carly , I need to drop an art line . Can you please wait outside ? Carly : No , I ca nt ! Will you just save him , please ? Just save him ! Daniel : Okay . Think fast , go slow Ej : Hey , you , um ... ey . Ej : Hey . Sami : Hi . Ej : Hey , you , um ... you okay ? You okay ? Everything all right ? The kids okay ? Sami : Yeah , yeah , the kids are fine . They re asleep upstairs . Um , how -- how are you ? How was your meeting ? Ej : Uh ... did nt go very well . Sami : Who was it with again-- an investigator or something ? Ej : Yeah , I m just trying to , uh ... you know , find some information to corroborate the statement that arianna gave to the police about her whereabouts when the muggings had taken place . Sami : So what happens to arianna now ? Ej : Uh , well , you know , most of the evidence is fairly circumstantial . There S ... no motive necessarily . There are no eyewitnesses . I mean , you could put her in front of a lineup , but none of the victims could remember anything about the person who assaulted them , so ... there is some forensic evidence , but nothing too serious . Sami : Well , it sounds like you re on top of it . Ej : Yeah , no , I think I ve managed to put some of the major obstacles behind us . Sami : Good . But that -- that s it ? That s all you can tell me ? Ej : Mm . Sami : You know , cause you were gone , um , for a long time for a meeting that basically is the same -- right , same information ? You know , I mean , if you go out with your friends , I mean , you do nt have to tell me . Like , I m not your keeper . I get it . It s fine . I just was curious . Ej : Well , it s okay . No , I ll tell you . Um , actually , I bumped into nicole on the way home . Rafe : Shot of bourbon . Man : Bad day ? Rafe : [ Scoffs ] You ever hear a quote about ... how you keep doing the same thing over and over and expect it to turn out differently is the definition of insanity ? Yeah . Well , today ... I finally got sane . Ahh . Nicole : [ Grunts ] Rafe : [ Scoffs ] Keep em coming . Hope : I thought you ... were the one man on my side . Baker : I am on your side . Hope : That s what you all say . That D.A. Said he was serving the public . And he let the only witness go in a kidnapping case because somebody got to him . Baker : I do nt know what you re talking about . Hope : And justin , my good friend justin -- he walks around looking wounded because I ca nt feel what he wants me to feel . Baker : Honey ... Hope : Do nt ! Do nt you honey me . I had the situation under control until you called the cops -- not just any cop , the brother of my ex . Baker : That situation , no matter what you think , was not-- Hope : It was ! It was under control ! So what -- so what about daniel jonas ? I had the gun . I could have handled him . But then what ? The cops show up . It all goes to hell ... because of you . Baker : Yeah , that s right ... cause of me . Yeah , I got our little jollies out of our little capers , but this ... is nt funny anymore . Hope : You stay out of this . Baker : Let me help you . Hope : You want to help me ? You think I m too weak ... too emotional to run my own life ? You want to run it for me , huh ? Like hell you will . Get out of my way . Baker : Where are you going ? Hope : To finish what I started . Carly : How was his chem panel ? Daniel : It s normal . Carly : Thank god for that . I ca nt figure out how he overdosed . He does nt even use medication . Daniel : You know , I do nt think he did this to himself . Carly : What do you mean ? Daniel : Well , there was gasoline all over him , all over the living room . Carly : What ? Daniel : Oh , and then some ambulance just showed up because some anonymous person dialed 911 and said something s gon na happen to bo , so-- Carly : I do nt believe this . Daniel : Okay , hey , could you just wait outside for a minute ? Carly : No , I m not gon na wait outside ! Daniel : Hey ... Woman : Doctor , his respirations are shallow . Carly : Look , we have to intubate him . Daniel : No , not yet . Carly : He could stop breathing , daniel . Daniel : All right , 0.2 milligrams of flumazenil , I.V. Carly : Daniel ! Woman : His sats are dropping . Carly : He s hypoxic ! We have to intubate him now ! Daniel : No , no , I want the meds to work . Hey , you are not a doctor in this room . You are a loved one . Now , I am asking you to trust me , and I m ordering you to wait outside . Maxine : Come on . Come on , honey . Let -- let us do our thing . Carly : I love you . Please do nt leave me . Daniel : It s okay . Okay , bag him . Come on . I got this . I got this . Keep an eye on the monitor . Woman : His sats are better . Daniel : Okay . Watch the monitor . Woman : Nice and slow . Sami : You saw nicole tonight . What were you doing looking under rocks , ej ? Ej : [ Laughs ] Um , actually , I bumped into her down at the pier . Sami : Was it a full moon ? Ej : No , we had the strangest conversation , actually . Sami : Well , it s nicole , right ? It s bound to be strange in some way . Ej : Well , for some reason , I ca nt quite seem to fathom what , she told me that she wants to make things right between the two of us . Sami : But you did nt buy it . Ej : Of course I did nt buy it . I mean , it s nicole . She does nt do anything unless it serves herself . Sami : So what d you do , laugh in her face ? Ej : No , I decided that I would just go along with what she said , cause I wanted to find out what she was up to . But nicole made a call . I mean , she was up to nothing . Sami : Well , I would nt say that . She s definitely up to something . I mean , she had that whole plan down at the pier where she was gon na say on live tv that you had tricked me about the townhouse . I mean , she s trying to make you look bad , and then , all of a sudden , she tells you she wants to make things right ? No , she is up to something . Nicole : Look , we had a deal . And if you think I m letting you out of it , then you do nt know me very well . Hey , I pay top dollar for that roach motel I rent from you , and my lease says that I get a parking spot . Oh , yeah ? Well , then tell that to the guy who s in my space . Better yet , why do nt you have his piece - of - crap car towed ? And you better do it before I get back tonight , okay ? Or there will be hell to pay . Ugh . Man : I was wondering if you d like a refill . Rafe : [ Clears throat ] No , I m good . So ... could use a favor . Matt : Does daniel know that you re pregnant ? And ... and he assumes it s his ? Well , then the reason you do nt want to get married is because the sacrament of marriage is something you do nt want to enter into under these conditions ? Chloe : [ Scoffs ] I wish I was that good a person . But , no , the truth is carly manning says that if I marry daniel without knowing who this baby s father is , then she s gon na tell daniel that I slept with another man . And she does nt even know that this man is her and daniel s son - in - law . Matt : [ Exhales deeply ] Chloe , I wish I could offer you some words of wisdom or comfort , but I just do nt know what to say . Chloe : You can say what I ve been saying to myself a thousand times a day-- what were you thinking ? What s wrong with you ? No wonder everyone keeps leaving you . You re not worth it . Matt : Now , chloe , that kind of thinking got you into this mess . You are a child of god . You are worth it . Chloe : I do nt know what I would do if I lost daniel . Matt : He could find out the truth from someone else , you know . Chloe : I know . And then he d hate me . Matt : Even if it s his baby ? Chloe : Well , he would love our baby , but it would be over between him and me . And if that happens , I - I just do nt think I could go on . Matt : Well , then there s only one thing you can do . Carly : How is he ? Daniel : Well , he s stable . Carly : [ Sighs ] Thank you . Thank you . When I think about what could have happened if you had nt gone over to the house ... Daniel : Yeah , I know . Carly : Who -- who could have done this to him ? Daniel : Roman -- he s looking into all of that . Carly : Has he regained consciousness ? Daniel : No , but we got most of the drugs out of his system , so he should be coming around , and hopefully he ll tell us what happened . Carly : This was his ordinary night , and I almost lost him . Daniel : Hey , come on . Come on , let s go sit down . You need to sit down . that gla Ej : I mean , honestly ... after talking to nicole , I think her life is boring , you know ? I mean , she does nt seem to have a man in her life . She has nt got a child anymore . She lives in one room . Sami : Yeah , but she s got that glamorous tv job , right ? Ej : In salem . Salem -- I mean , it s hardly hollywood or baghdad , you know ? And this idea that she has some huge bombshell that she s gon na drop ... I mean , really , a bombshell ? It s nicole . She s trying to get more attention towards herself . Sami : Well , maybe I should burst her bubble , tell her that I know everything , so she knows she does nt have one on you . Ej : I think that s a great idea . Sami : You know ? Ej : But actually , I do nt even think you need to do that , because I think she already knows . You see , that s why she s trying to make peace with me . She knows she s gone too far . I do nt think we re gon na have any trouble from nicole ... none . Sami : Well , I hope you re right . Ej : I m right . Just trust me on this one . Sami : It s funny you say that , trust me , and in my head , it echoes every member of my family telling me not to . But , um ... I do nt know , ej . Lately it just ... seems right . Trusting you has gotten me this far , right ? Ej : You have no idea how happy that makes me . Sami : Um ... I have something I have to tell you too . I , uh -- I spoke to my mom today . And she ... she wanted to ask me if it d be okay if she sold the townhouse . Ej : Oh . Um ... what did you tell her ? Sami : I , um ... I told her that it d be okay with me . Ej : Okay , so , um ... uh , do you have any idea of where you re going to live ? Sami : Well , it s funny you ask , because , um ... actually , ej , I was sort of hoping ... that the kids and I could stay here ... with you . Nicole : Oh ! Oh , you idiot ! Man : I m so sorry . Nicole : Oh , my gosh , this blouse is gon na be ruined . Man : Come back to the kitchen . Maybe we can get the worst of it out . Nicole : Yeah , uh , you better hope so , or your tips are mine for the rest of your life . Unbelievable . Rafe : She has nt called ej since she left the pier . This is just gon na tell me where she lives ... which might just be enough . Chloe : There s only one thing I can do ? You mean tell daniel everything , right ? Matt : Doing it your way has gotten you in deeper and deeper . Chloe : [ Scoffs ] Yeah . I really do have a knack , do nt I ? I am so positive that I have this proof that daniel s having an affair with carly , and what do I do ? I do nt walk out on him . I do nt go out and get drunk . [ Sighs ] I end up sleeping with another man ... and not just any man , but daniel s daughter s husband . Do you think that there s any chance in this world that daniel could understand any of that ? Matt : I know he loves you very much . Chloe : But what if that is nt enough ? Matt : [ Sighs ] Chloe ... you do nt want my advice . You want me to promise I ll keep quiet . And I will . Chloe : Thank you . Matt : I just hope you find it in yourself to tell daniel the truth . And I ll pray for you . Chloe : Please pray that daniel forgives me if he finds out what I ve done . Daniel : I m gon na go check on bo . You want to come with me ? Carly : What do you think ? Roman : Hey . How s bo ? Daniel : He s stable . He s gon na be all right . Roman : Really ? Daniel : Mm - hmm . Roman : Oh , man . All right , all right , that s good news . Thank you . Carly : Uh , daniel told me a little something about what happened . Do you know anything more ? Roman : Well , smoke detectors in the house , fire alarm on the security system all disabled-- that and the presence of a accelerant . Whoever drugged bo ... Carly : Wanted to burn him alive . Roman : Exactly . Carly : That person is still out there ? Roman : Yeah . But the good news is somebody tried to save him . But the call was made on a disposable cell phone . Carly : What -- what kind of person would want to do something so awful to a man like bo ? Hope : Surprised to see me ? Lucky I know this hospital inside out ... no trouble at all figuring out where to find you . But you know what the best part is ? There s no one in the room next to you . It s kind of like I m meant to be here . Bo ? Still unconscious , huh ? Good ... but not good enough . Sami : Ej , what are you talking about ? Nicole : Oh , my god . It s a trap . Carly : Code blue . Get the crash cart , stat ! Daniel : Crash cart ! Carly : Bo ! ### Summary:
Hope was about to strike the matches and set Bo on fire , but she blew the flame out . Daniel showed up at Bo s house just in time . Rafe overheard EJ and Nicole talking about a secret . He debated on whether he should say something . Hope had briefly decided not to light Bo on fire , but she convinced herself that Bo does nt care about Ciara and lit the match again . Daniel knocked on the door and that stopped Hope from lighting Bo on fire . Daniel walked in Bo s house and found him on the floor . Hope was hiding in the kitchen and she was going to kill him . Chloe talked to Carly about Daniel . Sami had a fantasy about kissing Rafe and he ended up at the DiMera mansion . He wanted to know where EJ was going and who he was supposed to be meeting . Nicole talked to Dr. Baker about how she was in the clear as far as EJ is concerned . She did nt tell him how she knows she s off the hook . The police were about to show up at Bo s house and that was another way that Bo was spared . Rafe told Sami that EJ and Nicole are hiding something . Sami did nt want to believe him . Roman told Daniel that someone called an ambulance . Hope overheard that piece of information . Rafe was upset that Sami did nt believe him and he left . Hope confronted Dr. Baker about calling the ambulance . He tried to warn Hope that she could go to prison for killing Bo . She did nt care . Carly found out that Bow as admitted in to the hospital . Rafe was at the pub and Nicole showed up too . Hope continued to yell at Dr. Baker and then she decided to finish the job . Sami asked EJ about who he met earlier . EJ managed tot ell Sami what she wanted to hear and she believed it . Chloe talked to Father Matt on the pier . He talked to her abut her situation . Rafe searched through Nicole s things while she was in the kitchen with a waiter at the pub . Hope was able to sneak in Bo s room and warned him that she was going to finish him off .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: AJ : You ok ? You ok ? Miranda : Help . Now . I m having a day . Total meltdown . AJ : You took it out on my room . Thanks . Miranda : Dude . I did nt have anything to wear on my date with Hunter . AJ : So , that means you can go all diva ? Miranda : Brooke said I could try on some of Colby s clothes . God , she was tiny . I m trying to fit into her jeans . AJ : [ Chuckles ] So was half of Pine Valley High a few years ago . Miranda : Ha ha . Help me up . AJ : [ Chuckles ] AJ : Can you even breathe in those ? Miranda : Does it matter ? They re perfect . They re , like , vintage retro - chic or something . First I ve got to get all the way in them . Pull ? AJ : Um ... Miranda : On three . Ready ? One , two , three . Aah ! Ah ! [ Inhales sharply ] Oh , no more carbs . [ Sighs ] Hey . My ass -- how s it look ? AJ : Um ... extremely well defined . Miranda : Think it ll look hot for Hunter ? AJ : Well , from what I hear , anything with a pulse gets that guy going . Miranda : I m looking for some honest input here . AJ : He ll definitely think you look hot . Miranda : Was that so hard ? Come on . Help me pick out a top . Brooke : Oh , Celia . I was hoping you would be back . You are gon na be so happy when I tell you that Pete Cortlandt was able to work his magic and retrieve that copy that you thought was lost forever . Celia : Great . Brooke : What s the matter , honey ? You look like you lost your best friend . Celia : My guardian does nt like the idea of me associating with the people that come into the center for help . I ca nt work for you anymore , Brooke , or I ll be cut off . Brooke : Well , does he know how much you help those women ? Celia : He does nt care . Brooke : Oh , honey . I m so sorry . Celia : You ve been so good to me . I do nt feel right leaving you with so much . Brooke : First of all , you are the one who has been good to me , and I do nt care about the work . I - I - I do nt . Celia : Mm . Brooke : Has your guardian always been ... Celia : Controlling ? Awful ? Crazy ? Yeah . But that wo nt stop me anymore . Brooke : Okay . [ Laughs ] I like that spunk . What is the plan then ? Celia : Whatever I want it to be . I m 18 now , so I can totally make my own decisions . So , if it s okay with you , I m gon na keep volunteering . Angie : I know these last few years have been difficult for you and Kendall . Zach : Well , sometimes you just ca nt work things out , no matter how hard you try and how much you love each other . But Kendall and the kids -- they re happy , healthy , and safe . That s the most important thing . Jesse : So , babe , what are you doing home so early ? Is everything okay ? Angie : Uh , that depends . I have some news that might not sit well with either one of you . Jesse : This does nt sound good . Angie : David Hayward is out of jail . And he s back in Pine Valley . David : What did you do that you do nt want me to find out about ? Griffin : I m calling Security . David : This has nothing to do with you . Cara : How did you get out ? David : You can relax . I did nt escape . I was paroled , which means I m a free man . And I just want to talk to Cara . Miranda : This might work . AJ : You know , you re going to a lot of trouble for a guy who s basically a walking man ho . Miranda : I think you re jealous . AJ : Ha ! Of that douche bag ? Yeah , right . Holy shit ! Miranda : Is that good or bad ? AJ : Ah , you re not wearing a bra . Miranda : No , strap lines were showing . AJ : Yeah , there a whole lot more than strap lines showing now . You ca nt wear that on your date . Miranda : Oh , thank you , Sister AJ . Be serious . AJ : No , I am serious . Take it off . Miranda : You wish . AJ : Fine , but you know what ? I think the trailer park called , and they want their trash back . Miranda : Screw you ! I think that s the meanest thing you ve ever told me . Griffin : There is no way I m leaving you alone with my sister . David : Why do nt you let your sister make that decision for herself ? Griffin : You know , I got a better idea . Why do nt we see what the police have to say about you harassing her ? Cara : Griff ! I ve got to face him at some point . Griffin : No , you do nt . You do nt ever have to talk to that son of a bitch again . Cara : He was the baby s father . Griffin : Cara , you ca nt seriously be thinking about telling him the truth . If he finds the -- Cara : Just listen to me , okay ? Will you trust me ? I can handle this . Griffin : You say what you came to say , then you do us all a favor and disappear . David : I see your brother has nt lost his bedside manner . Cara : Why did you come back ? David : Do I really need to say it ? I want to know what happened to our baby . AJ : Hey , I m sorry , ok ? The trailer - trash line -- too far . Miranda : Way too far . AJ : I just -- I do nt want him thinking you re gon na put out on the first date . Miranda : It s a blouse , not a condom . AJ : Yeah , well , a guy like that does nt give a shit what a girl wears , as long as he can take it off fast . Miranda : Our you trying to totally ruin this for me . This is my first date . AJ : What are you talking about ? We ve both been on a million dates . Just the other week -- the game ? You and Dobrowski , me and Lindsay . Miranda : That was nt a date . That was just us hanging out like we always do . This -- I mean , this is the first time someone s asked me . Just me . I want there to be a second time . AJ : Yeah , well , 10 minutes with Hunter , the He - Man and you may rethink that . Miranda : Why ca nt you just be happy for me ? AJ : I m -- Bianca : Hey , guys . Wow . It looks like a mall exploded in here . Miranda : I still ca nt decide . Bianca : You know , she made me bring her over here to get your stamp of approval . Miranda : Boy , that was a mistake . Bianca : Okay , well , first things first . Can you actually breathe in those jeans ? Miranda : Yes , Mom . Bianca : Good , cause they look awesome . [ Laughs ] Oh , and I -- I ran by the mall . This might work . Miranda : [ Laughs ] Oh , my God . I love it ! What do you think ? And be nice , please . AJ : Excellent ! It really matches your eyes . Miranda : [ Laughs ] Thanks so much , Mom ! Oh , you re a lifesaver . Bianca : Oh , wait , Miranda . AJ : [ Laughs ] You scored . Bianca : [ Laughs ] I m very glad she liked it . AJ : Yeah , me too . Bianca : All right , I ll see you downstairs . AJ : All right . [ Sighs ] Miranda : Hey , Mom . Oh , my God . Where did my mom go ? Hunter just texted me . He s early ! We re never going to make it back in time . We got to book out of here . AJ : Whoa , whoa ! What s the big deal ? Just -- just text him and tell him to pick you up here . Miranda : Oh . Right . [ Chuckles ] Thank you . AJ : Hey , seriously , though . About before ? I did nt mean it . Miranda : I know . [ Laughs ] God , even when I totally hate you , I love you . [ Sighs ] Jesse : Hayward was supposed to be in for another three to five , minimum . Angie : He already did five years . Jesse : He should have gotten life . Angie : Jesse , do you care to remember that I would still be blind if it were nt for him ? Jesse : Baby , that does nt let him off the hook for what he did that night . Angie : Jesse Hubbard , ca nt you find one ounce of forgiveness in your heart ? Jesse : I m sorry , baby , but I m not feeling the love over here . Angie : The man has lost everything ... including the baby that he was having with Cara . Has nt he been punished enough ? Cara : Well , did nt you get my letter ? David : Of course , I got your letter . I could nt stop reading it . Cara : Okay , then you know all there is to know . I had a miscarriage . David : And you sent a letter ? Our baby died , Cara , and you could nt come and tell me that in person ? Cara : I m sorry , David . David : And what about the dozens of letters that I wrote to you that went unanswered ? Five years , Cara -- not one single response . Cara : Look , after everything that happened that night , and then ... I had the miscarriage , I just -- I could nt bring myself to deal with your pain , too , and if that makes me a coward , David , I m sorry . David : You once told me that you wanted to be a part of our baby s life . I assumed that meant that you wanted me to be a part of your life , as well . Was I wrong ? Cara : Does that matter now ? David : That s not an answer to the question . Cara : I thought I was never gon na see you again . And after I had the miscarriage , I rejoined Doctors Without Borders , and yes , I got your letters . I got every one of them . David : Then why did nt you answer them ? Cara : Because I did nt read them . I burned them all . I wanted to erase all our memories , because I thought I was just gon na go crazy if I did nt . David : Was that the thing you were talking to Griff about earlier ? The thing that you did nt want me to know about ? Cara : [ Crying ] David , look . I am not proud of the way I handled things , but whatever you and I had , I had to put that behind me . David : Then why are you still wearing the necklace I gave you ? Cara , what we lost , it ca nt just be forgotten or erased . You may be able to push aside what happened to our baby , but I ca nt . I m sorry , but I need to know -- I need to know what happened . I need your help to understand . Cara : No , I m sorry , okay ? No , I m s-- I ca nt do this , David . David : Cara ! Can you at least tell me ... Was it a boy ? Was it a girl ? Cara : I told the doctor I did nt want to know . David : [ Sighs ] [ Breathes deeply ] David : Well , well , well . Look who we have here . Hello , JR . It s me -- your old friend , David . Miranda : Everyone , this is Hunter . You already met my mom . Hunter : Good to see you again , Ms. Montgomery . Bianca : You too , Hunter . Miranda : This is Brooke English . Hunter : Nice to meet you . Brooke : Nice to meet you too , Hunter . Miranda : And you know AJ , right ? Hunter : What s up , kid . Bianca : [ Chuckles ] Brooke : So , where are you guys headed ? Hunter : I m not sure yet . I thought we d head down to the mall , check out what movies are playing . Get a bite to eat . What time would you like her home by ? Bianca : Uh , use your judgment . Miranda knows the rules . Hunter : Cool ! Nice to meet you all . Bianca : Have fun . Miranda : Bye . David : Your neurological responses are surprisingly good . No wonder they have nt pulled the plug . Pulled the plug-- such an evocative expression , do nt you think ? Sounds so simple . But it really is nt . You see , because to actually pull the plug , one would want to really want to turn this machine off . See , the first thing one would do , would be to silence the alarms . Like this . And then again . [ Clicks off switch ] Like this . And then , of course , there s the circuit breaker , which helps the machine switch into backup if need be . [ Chuckles ] There it is . You see , that s the only way that you can actually turn this machine off without causing a major racket or having the backup battery kick in . [ Chuckles ] Would you look at this ? [ Chuckles ] The plug is already loose . Maybe I should take a look at that , do nt you think ? Hunter : So , cool we blew off the movies ? Miranda : So cool . Hunter : I d rather just hang anyway , you know ? Miranda : Totally . Hunter : So tell me ... what s Miranda really like ? Miranda : Uh ... [ Chuckles ] I do nt know . Nobody s ever asked me that question before . Hunter : Well , what do you like to do ? What are you into ? Miranda : Um ... drawing . [ Chuckles ] Hunter : Draw me something . Miranda : Oh . [ Laughs ] I do nt know if I can do that . Hunter : I be you can do anything you put your mind to . Miranda : Okay . David : [ Sighs ] I ca nt have you dying before your time , JR . [ Sniffles ] I may have tried to end your miserable life five years ago . From the looks of things , this is much better than I ever could ever could have hoped for . Yeah . That s right . Because you re in jail now , just as much as I was . David : Only difference is I m a free man now . The way you are must be much worse . You do nt deserve any better , JR . Not after what you took away from me . Even death would be a reprieve for you . So enjoy your living hell , JR . I hope you never leave it . Jane : What ll it be , AJ ? AJ : Ah , the ushe . Miranda : What are you doing ? Did you follow us ? AJ : What ? No . I thought you were going to the movies . Miranda : Oh , well , for your information , Hunter just wanted to talk . Get to know me better , cause he s a gentleman . AJ : [ Laughs ] Yep . Miranda : What is that supposed to mean ? AJ : Now you re getting pissy with me when I agree with you ? Miranda : Whatever . Now that you even asked , but it s going really well . I think he s really into me . He asked me what I like and what I do nt like . He even asked me to draw something for him . AJ : Cool . Miranda : Yeah . AJ : Ah , you might want to go reclaim your seat . Miranda : Hey . Hunter : Miranda , do you know Sally ? She graduated last year . I was just showing her your drawing . Sally : Yeah , awesome unicorn . Miranda : Thanks . Hunter : Sit . Sit . Miranda : Oh . Hunter : Wait till you hear what Sally s been up to since graduating . Bianca : [ At Marissa s gravesite ] [ Sighs ] Boy , did I need you today . Miranda went on her first big date . She was so stressed out about what to wear . And get this -- I saved the day by buying her something she actually liked . I wish you could see what a beautiful woman she s become . Oh , AJ was there , too . He s gotten so handsome and strong . Confident , like you . You d be so proud of them . We were supposed to do this together . Watch the kids grow up , go on dates . Graduate . Get married . [ Sniffles ] It s never going to be the same without you . [ Voice breaking ] And I will never stop missing you . [ Sniffling ] David : Who were you really out to kill that night ? Did you even know ? And what would have happened had I not seen you peeking out of the tunnels ? Had made my way to get behind you , tried to stop you ? David : When I saw her lying there , I almost put the gun to my own head . But then I realized that you were still alive , and I did the only thing I could do . David : I had no qualms about pleading guilty . I told them I wish I had been a better shot . [ Sighs ] Hunter : Sally s in a band . Is nt that amazing ? Miranda : Yeah , cool . Um , listen , do you want to go grab some ice cream ? Hunter : I ve got a better idea . Sally invited us over to her place for a little party . Sally : I ve got some X and some killer weed . Miranda : Uh , actually , I was just thinking maybe you and I could -- Hunter : Sally liked you , Miranda . Sally : Yeah , you re pretty hot . Miranda : Um ... thanks . Hunter : Sally s a switch - hitter . But she prefers the ladies . I thought maybe the three of us could go get wasted and see which one of us she likes the most . Sally : I could make you feel real good . Miranda : No -- what ? No , I m not doing that . Hunter : Why not ? I thought you of all people would be into a little experimentation . Miranda : What are you talking about ? Hunter : Look at your mother . She s into girls . Come on , Miranda . You afraid to get your freak on ? AJ : Miranda . Miranda , wait ! Hunter : Guess Mommy has nt taught her how to be a freak . AJ : What the hell just happened ? Hunter : Chandler , piss off , man . Your little friend s a noob . AJ : I asked you what you did to her . Hunter : What , are you trying to get into it ? AJ : [ Grunts and punches Hunter ] Pete : Hello , Celia Fitzgerald . It s Pete Cortlandt . We met the other day when you dropped your bag . Ever since then , we ve pretty much been missing each other . So , I figured I would take the initiative to reintroduce myself . I really hope this is nt freaking you out . I m not some , like , cyberstalker or anything like that . I m just somebody who really wanted to talk to you . Pretty much I missed my chance . So if you have nt gone running to the police already ... Celia : [ Chuckles ] Pete : Take a look out your window . Look down . I promise you it s all good . Jesse : Look , Angie , you do nt understand . Angie : Oh , I understand . You re trying to get Zach to help you put David back in prison . Well , you both need to know right off the bat , I m the main reason he s out . Zach : You ? Jesse : How ? Angie : I went to the parole board and testified on David s behalf . Jesse : You what ? Angie : Listen , this whole town had him convicted before Marissa s heart even stopped beating . And we all know that was JR s doing . Jesse : Angela , why did nt you tell me this before ? I ca nt -- Angie : Because I did not want to hear your arguments against it ! We ve been through enough . I ve been through enough . You find it in your heart to just let the man be . Jesse : Now you see why I ca nt give her anything else to deal with ? You see how upset she gets just talking about David Hayward . If she finds out that her daughter s been kidnapped -- [ Sighs ] It d kill her . Vlad : Maybe this time you do as you re told . Cassandra : [ Crying ] No . Griffin : Cara . Leaving town right now is the last thing you should do . As soon as David finds out you ve split , he s gon na know you re hiding something . Cara : And he s not gon na stop until he finds out the truth . Griff , what have I done ? Griffin : The only thing you could do . With that man as that baby s father , you had no other choice . David : No . No . No way . You are not gon na wake up . Not now . No . I wo nt let you . ### Summary:
AJ is surprised to find Miranda in his room trying on some of Colby s too- small clothes . She s trying to look hot for her date with Hunter , but when she puts on a teeny top without a bra , AJ strongly objects and wants her to take it off . When he calls her trailer trash , Miranda takes offense , but he still admonishes her to be careful not to appear too easy . Miranda just wants him to be happy for her that someone asked her out . Bianca enters with a new top for her daughter which AJ approves of . He then apologizes to his friend for being so rough on her which gains him a nice hug . AJ remains silent when Hunter arrives to pick up his date . Later , he runs into Miranda at the coffee shop , but she s not happy that Hunter is talking to another girl . When they invite her to a drug and sex party , Miranda runs away , but AJ punches Hunter down . Bianca visits Marissa s grave and bemoans not being able to raise their children together , as they were supposed to . She will always miss Marissa . Celia glumly returns to Cortland Manor and informs Brooke that she can no longer help with the Miranda Center , but she asserts her rights as an adult to make her own decisions and keep volunteering . When she returns to her room , Celia finds a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and a video message from Pete . When she looks out her window , she is happy to see him standing there holding a red rose . Zach assures Angie that , even though they re no longer together , Kendall and the kids , are healthy , happy , and safe . Angie informs Jesse and Zach that David Hayward is out of jail and back in Pine Valley . She also asks her unforgiving husband to understand that David has lost everything . She then tells them of her involvement in getting David out on parole and asks Jesse to just let him be . Jesse tells Zach he ca nt tell Angie about her daughter s kidnapping , because it would kill her . Meanwhile , Cassie struggles against the ties that bind her as Vlad strokes her leg . David demands that Cara tell him what she did , but Griffin tries to keep him away from his sister . When Cara insists that she has to talk to David , Griff backs off . David is upset that she never wrote or visited him when he was imprisoned , but she could nt deal with his pain as well as hers , so she burned all his letters to erase all their memories . She still does , however , wear his necklace . She claims she never knew the baby s gender and walks away crying . Wiping his tears , David is started to see the name JR Chandler on a patient s door and sneaks in to say hello to the man on a ventilator . After perusing his records , David turns off all alarms and threatens to pull the plug on the machine keeping JR alive . Finally , David decides to let him enjoy his living hell for what he took away from him . Sitting down next to him , David asks if JR even knew who he wanted to kill that night . Regardless , Marissa was hit when he tried to stop JR from firing his gun , then he shot him and pled guilty . Seeing JR s finger move , David decides not to allow him to wake up and puts his hand around his throat .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Victoria : How long have you been up ? Billy : Oh ... ( Chuckles ) Hi . Long enough to feed Lucy , clean this place up a bit . And now we re gon na go pack up the rest of Jana s stuff , after which I am taking my two girls out on a picnic . Right ? Victoria : Do you really think that s a good idea ? I mean , the press is in an uproar about Kevin and Jana , not to mention the bombshell that you dropped about Daniel and Lucy . Billy : Oh , come on now . ( Clears throat ) We are not gon na hide in this house . It s gon na be a good day . You ll see . Lucy : ( Giggles ) Billy : Mwah . Right ? Yeah . See ? Good day . Lily : Listen , are you sure this is a good idea ? Because Abby was really upset that you were confiding in me instead of her . Daniel : Yeah , but she s just too close to the situation , which is about to get a whole lot messier . Lily : Okay . Daniel : My mom found out that Lucy is Daisy s baby . Lily : Okay , that is not good . What ? Daniel : No , it s not good . It s not good , because you know she s not gon na let this go . Lily : Okay , well , still , I m not the person that you should be talking to . Daniel : I told you , I ca nt talk to Abby about this . Lily : No , I m not talking about Abby . I m not even talking about her . I m saying that you should talk to , like , a lawyer or something . Michael : All right , I have got five minutes to spare . Lauren is climbing the walls , and I am still looking for Kevin , so whatever you have to do-- Phyllis : I found Daniel s baby . It s Lucy Abbott . What are you doing ? Michael : I m calling Lauren . Phyllis : No , no , no , no , no , no . Michael : I m calling Lauren . Put-- Phyllis : You re not calling Lauren . We need a game plan . Once this goes public , Michael , there s no turning back . Sam : ( Knocks on door ) How s Fanny ? Sharon : Well , um , I gave her a bottle first thing , and she seems to be getting her appetite back . Sam : Excellent . Uh , this is for you , by the way . Sharon : Oh , what is it ? Sam : Uh , that is an old laptop . I thought about taking it to the recycling place . Then I thought about you . It does nt have much oomph , and it tends to crash now and then , but if you can deal with that , it s yours to use while you re here . Sharon : Do you have internet here ? Sam : I do . I am not a total luddite . It ll probably pick up on the wireless signal from the house , and then you can , uh , be connected with the outside world . You know , I mean , if that s what you d like . Leslie : Spencer wo nt even discuss a deal . Adam : No sense of humor , eh ? What about bail ? Leslie : Uh , you re quite the flight risk , would nt you say ? You know , for a man who s facing some serious jail time , you-- Adam : Says who ? Leslie : Says the D.A. Adam : I already have a plan in motion . I ll bet you a billable hour I ll be out in time for dinner . Noah : I m liking 17 better than 15 . Devon : Yeah . Noah : And you see that shadow across my chin ? Devon : Mm - hmm , they can always retouch it , though . Just talk to Giselle when you get back to New York . Noah : ( Sighs ) That should have been yesterday . I wish I was nt holding them up . Devon : Yeah , well , you had to watch after your aunt s baby . They can wait another day . Noah : Yeah . Nick : Hey , Devon . Devon : Nick , how you doin ? Nick : Good , good . How are you ? Devon : Good to see you . Mr. Newman . Victor : Hello , Devon . Devon : How are you ? Victor : Nice to see you . Devon : Nice to see you , too . Um , I am really sorry to hear about Sharon . Nick : Thank you . Victor : All right . Noah : Hey , um , thanks for coming by . It felt good talking about something else for a change . Devon : Yeah , of course , Man . Take it easy . Noah : Yeah , Man . Devon : All right ? Nick : Good to see you , Bud . Devon : Good to see you , too . Victor : Nice to see you , Devon . Devon : Have a good day . Nick : Sorry to interrupt . Noah : It s okay . What s up ? Victor : Adam claims to have in his possession two letters written by your mother-- one addressed to you , one addressed to Faith-- supposedly written just before she died . Noah : Well , where are they ? I want to see them . Nick : Well , there s a catch . Adam wo nt let us see them unless we agree to drop the charges against him . Noah : ( Sighs ) Victor : In other words , the decision is yours , Son . Rafe : Daisy s baby is-- I - is Lucy ? Daniel : Yeah , and I want her to stay with Billy and Victoria , because they can give her everything that I ca nt . Rafe : Great . So why do you feel you -- you need a lawyer ? Daniel : My mom found out last night , and you know how she gets when she s after something . I do nt want her ripping that family apart because of her own desire to raise the kid . Lily : Yeah , so any advice ? Rafe : Legally , the most effective thing you can do is sign over your parental rights to the adoptive parents . Michael : If you think I m keeping this from my wife , you re out of your mind . You do nt know my wife . She s crazy . You know that . Phyllis : You re not gon na tell her on the phone . That s a bad idea . She flipped out yesterday when she heard the baby was born in Genoa City . Now knowing that it s right under her nose with Billy and Victoria , a - a beacon for her deranged mother ? It s her worst nightmare realized . You re not gon na tell her yet . Michael : She has an appointment with a contractor this morning . I ll wait till I can see her . Phyllis : ( Sighs ) Billy and Victoria do nt even know that I know this yet . Only Daniel . Michael : Daniel knows Lucy is his ? Phyllis : Yeah , he s known for a long time . Michael : I was right . I was right . He did let Daisy go in Canada . ( Thumps finger on tabletop ) You told me no , but I was right . Phyllis : All right , okay , I know . I know . Yes , you were right . Michael : I knew it ! Phyllis : It explains a lot . I know . I need help with this . What am I gon na do ? This is my son s child . Michael , that baby belongs with my son and me , not with them . This -- this adoption was obviously illegal . But then I think about that baby , and it s so happy ... ( Voice breaking ) With Billy and Victoria . They re such great parents . They love her so much . She has such a great home . Michael : Well , maybe that s your answer . Phyllis : ( Normal voice ) Mnh - mnh . I need to know that you re in my corner as a friend and a lawyer . Michael : ( Sighs ) Phyllis : Because the way I m feeling now , I may ... I may need you as my lawyer . Michael : Well , I ... I ca nt agree to represent you without telling Lauren first . And are nt you , you know , ahead of the game ? You have nt even talked to Victoria and Billy about this . Phyllis : Well , I m -- I m on my way over there right now . Michael : No , no . I dont -- I -- no . That s , um , I - I do nt want you charging over there and making accusations and demanding to see the baby . Phyllis : I m not-- I m not gon na charge over there and demand to see the-- Michael : You know how you can be ... Phyllis : How-- Michael : Yes . Phyllis : Really ? How can I be ? Michael : You need to be calm . You need-- Phyllis : I m just gon na go talk to them . Besides , you re crazed , right ? Michael : Yeah , I m crazed . Phyllis : Yeah . Michael : I m crazed . Cell phone rings ) Michael : Hello , Victor . What s up ? Victor : Michael , I m sorry to disturb . I know you re trying to find your brother , but this is about Sharon . I need to see you right away . Would you mind coming to the ranch ? Michael : Of course . Uh , yes , I ll be there . Sam : So there you go . You ve got a DVD player , word processing , the internet . Sharon : This is so great . Thank you . Sam : Well , wait to thank me before you see how slow it is . Molasses goes faster uphill than this . Sharon : ( Sighs ) Okay . Uh , wait . I ca nt check my e - mail . Someone could track me here . Adam : So if you re Noah , the only way to get that letter is to drop the charges . Do nt you think that trumps the joy of sticking it to me ? Am I right ? Leslie : Emotional blackmail ? Stay classy , Adam . Adam : That family abandoned Sharon . They treated her like something on the bottom of their shoe . Her son all but told her to go to hell the last time he saw her . And now she s gone . Leslie : I know this is a difficult time for you , all right ? And I m sure being in here does nt help . Adam : ( Clears throat ) Anyway , that s the plan . Just be ready to come down here when the D.A. releases me . Nick : We can not give in to him . These are a mother s last words to her children , and this punk wants to hold them hostage so he can get out of jail ? Noah : I agree . It sucks . But what about Faith ? As much as I want my letter , if I never got it , I could deal . Like I said , I have a ton of good memories growing up with you guys . But when my sister gets older , she wo nt even recognize Mom s face . Nick : That s not gon na happen . I wo nt let her forget her mother . Noah : Mom should be more than a story or a picture . And whatever that letter says , it ll bet the only words Faith can hold on to . Nick : Okay . Well , I m gon na go down there then , and see if Adam s telling the truth for once . Victor : Son ? Make this your negotiation , and not Adam s . You do nt give that bastard a thing until you know that these letters are real , all right ? ( Sighs ) Adam : Ahh , took you long enough . Nick : You got a deal . Noah wo nt press charges , in exchange for Sharon s letters , if we confirm they re real . Then , and only then , will the D.A. get the call . Adam : Come on now . Who do you think you re dealin with here ? I give you the letters , you re gone , and I m screwed . You drop the charges . Then I ll get you the letters . Sharon : ( Reading ) I was Sharon s assistant at Beauty of Nature . She was so sweet to work for-- not a diva bone in her body . All the kids loved it when Mrs. Newman chaperoned dances and field trips . Most of our patients at Fairview sanitarium were off in their own worlds , but Sharon fought hard for her recovery , for her children . Nothing was more important to her than those kids . A fitting end to a disgusting human being ? Lily : That sounds pretty final . Rafe : It is . Lily : Is that his only option ? Rafe : Most effective weapon he has against Phyllis , should this end up in court . Once you sign your parental rights over , legally , the baby s new parents hold all the cards . I know this is a tough decision . Daniel : Draw up the papers . I ll sign em . Lily : W - wait . Hello ? I mean , can we talk about this first ? Rafe : I , uh , I need to call the office . Daniel : What ? Lily : Well , Daniel , I just -- I want you to think about this first . Billy : That is the last of Jana s stuff . ( Clears throat ) Victoria : ( Sighs ) What are we gon na do with it ? Billy : Well , for right now , I m just gon na leave it in the basement , which is where she belongs , 6 feet under . Victoria : I - I really wish you would nt talk like that . Billy : Why not ? I mean , she kidnapped two innocent kids , snatched them right out of their house . Victoria : Okay , look . I m not defending Jana . I m not . But we do nt know the whole story , Billy . What if she s sick , or -- or she has some problem ? Billy : Oh , she -- she s sick . She s definitely sick , okay ? Victoria : Or she-- Billy : And I m not gon na let her near my family again , or anybody else out to hurt us . ( Makes silly noises ) Victoria : ( Sighs ) Billy : Hi . Come on in . Um , is there any news yet ? Anything about Kevin or-- or --or Wack - job ex ? Victoria : Oh , my God . You know . Nick : No letters , no deal . Take it or leave it . Adam : I guess the visit s over then . Nick : Well , if you ca nt even substantiate your claim-- Adam : Doris has seen them . I told Dad about it . I m surprised he did nt mention it . Nick : He did nt . Adam : Well , ask the woman . That should be all the proof you need . That is , of course , unless you despise me so much that you just ca nt bring yourself to do the right thing . Nick : Look , Loser , this is not about you versus me . This is about two kids who deserve to hear their mother s last words , because I love them way more than I could ever hate you . That is the only reason I am giving in to your sick demands . Michael : So this is about Sharon s will ? Victor : It s in probate . I would like things to be expedited , make sure this all gets finished before Adam gets out of jail , which I am afraid may happen sooner ... Michael : ( Sighs ) Victor : Than any of us hoped , all right ? Michael : All right , I m on it . Noah : Good luck finding Kevin . Michael : Thank you , Noah . Victor : Would you mind answering that , Michael ? Thank you . Michael : You got it . ( Clicks tongue ) Noah : ( Sighs ) Michael : Spencer . Victor : Hello , Mr. Walsh . Nice of you to come . Spencer : What s going on ? Victor : Well , it seems that Noah here wants to drop charges against Adam . Spencer : I go out of my way to get him locked up after that stunt at the church-- Victor : I understand your sentiment , Mr. Walsh . But Adam claims that he has certain letters in his possession . Spencer : Letters ? Victor : Letters that he claims were written by Sharon before she died-- one to Noah , and one to his sister Faith-- and he claims to know where they re located . Spencer : So if Noah here plays ball , then ... Victor : You got it . That s how despicable a man he is . Spencer : Why give in ? After everything Adam s pulled , I would think you d want him locked up . Noah : We do . Trust me . But right now , those words from my mom take priority . They re the only thing my sister and I have left of her . Victor : Yes , Nicholas ? All right , I ll move things forward . Okay . A deal has been made . Spencer : ( Sighs ) I ll make the call . Victor : ( Sighs ) Daniel : What is there to think about ? Lily : Uh , I do nt know . The rest of your life , maybe ? Daniel , you do nt want to be a dad right now , but what about down the road ? Daniel : That day may never come . Lily : Okay , listen , I just-- I want you to think about this , okay ? If you sign those papers , Billy and Victoria could take Lucy halfway around the world and not even tell you where they are . I mean , you do nt want to be a dad right now , but wh - what about ten years from now ? Or five years ? Or even a year ? Listen , do nt do this . Do nt sign away your only child . Victoria : Did Daniel tell you ? Phyllis : No , I figured it out on my own . Lucy : ( Babbles ) Phyllis : How long have you known ? Billy : Since Sharon s funeral . I did nt get a chance to tell Victoria until after we found the kids , so ... Lucy : ( Babbles ) Phyllis : Hey . Phyllis : Victoria ... ( Sighs ) I m sure this is hard . I m sure you re terrified that somebody s gon na find out , somebody else . I understand how you feel . Listen , I - I would understand if you said no , but do you mind if I hold her ? Just for a second . Uh , you do nt have to do it . I just ... Victoria : It s , uh , I - it s okay , yeah . Lucy : ( Babbles ) Victoria : It s -- it s you . Okay . Phyllis : Yeah . Okay . Hi , Sweetie . ( Laughs ) Hey . Oh , my goodness . Lucy : ( Babbles ) Phyllis : Hello . Lucy : ( Babbles ) Phyllis : Hi . Here . Here you go . Lucy : ( Babbles ) Phyllis : ( Chuckles ) Hi . Phyllis : Okay . We re adults . We re friends . We can figure this out , o - okay ? It does nt have to be dramatic . I think ... I think you both ... know that -- that she needs to be with her family , and ... that s the right thing to do . Victoria : Thank you . Thank you so much for understanding . Phyllis : Oh , yeah . Billy : ( Sighs ) Phyllis : Um , I think you misunderstand me . I meant her real family . Billy : Lucy is with her real family . Lucy s down for her nap . ( Sighs ) I think it s time you left . Phyllis : Oh , I m ... not leaving . We have a lot to discuss . Billy : No , we do nt , and you are leaving . Victoria : Listen to me , please . Billy : I should have never let you through that door . It was a mistake . Victoria : From the day that we adopted Lucy ... ( sighs ) I knew that her biological parents were out there somewhere . I mean , I m not stupid . I just ... they were nt a threat , you know ? They were just nameless , faceless people that-- they just wanted a better life for their daughter . So to find out that it s someone that we know , someone that might want her and might want to take her away from us , it s -- Phyllis : Right . I - it s awkward a - and hard . Listen , Victoria , um ... my -- my son was taken away from me when he was a toddler . Billy : It s not something you get over , is it ? I m sure Daniel has his scars , too . Victoria : We re the only parents that Lucy knows . We stay up with her all night long when she s sick , and , I mean , when we go into her room in the morning , she smiles at us , and we talk to her , and we read to her , and we -- we sing to her , and we re not just her adoptive parents . We re her mom . We re her dad . We re -- we re her family . Phyllis : I really understand . I know . Listen , you guys , she s so young . She ll adapt quickly . She s so young . Victoria : ( Scoffs ) Billy : Okay , Phyllis , I have entertained this long enough . Go now . Get out of my house . I want you out . Daniel : Right now , I have to think about what s best for Lucy , and if signing away my parental rights is the only way to keep my mom from screwing things up for her ... look , I do nt mean to sound harsh about it . Lily : No , it s -- it s fine . It s just ... I m just thinking about how hard Cane and I fought to have our babies . And then , you know ... Daniel : And then he died . He died protecting them , which is why I have to do this . I mean , I want parents that would do anything for Lucy . I want parents that would sacrifice anything the way you and Cane did for Matty and Charlie . Rafe : If you , uh , if you need another minute ... Daniel : No . No , you know what ? I m cool . Let s -- let s do it . Leslie : Congratulations . Once again , you have played the system and won . Adam : ( Clears throat ) Was there ever any doubt ? Leslie : You better know exactly where those letters are , Adam , because Spencer Walsh is escorting you personally to retrieve them . Adam : I m honored . Sharon : ( Reading ) Can you believe she was going to marry that monster ? Maybe now that poor baby can grow up in peace . Sharon Newman was the worst kind of trash . Good riddance to a real wack - job Sam : Hi . Uh ... Sharon : ( Sobs ) Sam : Sorry , I did nt mean to startle you . Sharon : No , I just-- I - I mean , I - I did nt , um ... Sam : You -- you were just up so early workin , I figured you might like a hot breakfast . Sharon : I - I just-- I need some , um , time to myself right now , Sam , please ? Sam : Sure . Sure . I - I m sorry again . Just , uh-- Sharon : No , thank you . Thank you . Can you just go ? Thank you . Sam : Of course . Sharon : ( Sniffles ) ( Sighs ) Noah : Look , when I talked to my mom in jail , it was bad , Devon . It was really bad . I mean , I - I said some terrible things to her . So what if these letters , like , I mean , what if they make it worse ? Devon : ( Sighs ) All I can tell you is when Dru died , n - none of us had a chance to say good - bye , and I d have given anything to have a message from her . Look , you ll handle it , Man . Noah : ( Sighs ) Adam : The letters are right here . Victor : What do you think ? Nick : This is definitely Sharon s handwriting . Victor : ( Sighs ) Nick : Now why do nt you beat it ? Cause I m done with you , and you stay the hell away from my family . Adam : And a cheery farewell to you , big brother . I think I ll stay a while , have a drink , celebrate my freedom . Spencer : If you would nt mind , I d like copies . If we could piece together Sharon s final moments , maybe I can close the case file . Victor : We ll let you have them once we have read them , okay ? Sam : Hey . Sharon : Yes ? Sam : I just wanted to say I m sorry again about before . Sharon : You know , I m -- I m really the one who should be apologizing . You were just trying to help . Sam : Hey , it s -- it s not necessary , but I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine , if that s all right . Come on in . Come on . Sharon : Who s this ? Sam : This is Piper from next door , and she is here to visit her lamb . Sharon : Fanny ? Sam : Her parents do nt have a barn , so I offered to keep her little 4-h project right here . Sharon : Well , nice to meet you , Piper . I m Sheri . Piper : Hi . Noah : ( Reading ) Dear Noah , I ca nt stop thinking about the last words we said to each other when you saw me in jail-- not because I was hurt by them , because you were right . The past couple years . I ve let you down terribly , you and a lot of other people . I m praying you wo nt let that stop you from living the life you were meant to live . Go back to New York . Follow your dreams . Be amazing , and whatever happens , I hope you wo nt ever feel you were responsible for any of this . When you find out what I have done , please do nt blame yourself , Noah . You re a good person with an incredible soul , and it was a joy and a privilege to have you in my life . All my love forever , Mom . ( Sighs ) Noah : ( Sniffles ) Nick : I fought so hard to bring you into this world as peacefully as possible , surrounded by calm ... Faith : ( Babbles ) Nick : By love , but instead , there was ... Faith : ( Babbles ) Nick : Heartache and terrible loss . Faith : ( Babbles ) Nick : I wish I could go back and do things over . Sadly , I ca nt . I made my choices . I ruined my life all by myself . You re better off with your daddy now . He ll dry your tears and kiss your boo - boos , and bring you up to be the beautiful young woman I know you re gon na be . Just remember , Faith , no matter what happens or what people say , your mommy will always , always love you . Faith : Mommy . Nick : Yeah , she ll love you . Faith : Mommy ? Nick : You are my precious angel . Faith : See mommy ? Nick : Yeah . And I ll be yours , too . Faith : Mommy . No , no , Mommy . Nick : Yeah . Noah : ( Sighs ) Faith : ( Babbles ) Noah : ( Sighs ) Nick : ( Sighs ) Phyllis : Billy , I - I ca nt believe the way you re acting . Billy : The way I m acting ? Phyllis : I would think that you , of all people , would understand after what happened to Ashley . Billy : ( Scoffs ) Okay , you are not Lucy s mother . Daisy is a fugitive , and your son has no interest in raising a child . Phyllis : Yeah , well , I have interest . Victoria : Really , do you ? Is -- is that what s gon na happen ? Or are you gon na hire a full - time nanny to do that job while you run around chasing the latest , hottest story ? Phyllis : A - are you kidding me ? Are -- really ? Uh , you just lost custody of your own son to your ex - husband , Victoria . Victoria : Oh , we both did , okay ? We both did . The only difference is you were officially declared an unfit mother . Do you really want to go there , Phyllis ? Phyllis : Sure . Let s go-- Daniel : Door s open . Mom ? What are you doing here ? Nick : I know you were worried about what your letter might say . Noah : Mom forgave me . She did nt hate me . Nick : Oh , Son . Whatever you said to your mom that day , they were just words . Faith : Uh - oh . Nick : She knew that . She would nt hold it against you . Noah : I guess you re right . Nick : Your mom was so proud of you . And you got nothing to feel guilty about . You did nothing wrong . Noah : ( Scoffs ) That s what she said in her letter . I know you hated letting Adam go , but it was so worth it , Dad . Faith : Uh - oh . Noah : Thank you . Sharon : Would you like to feed her ? It s okay . Do nt be scared . Fanny was scared at first , too , but she gets better every day . You d be surprised how strong she is . Here . Give it a try . Bottle ? Go ahead , Fanny . Yeah , be a good girl . Take your bottle . Now be a good girl . Piper : ( Chuckles ) Sharon : ( Laughs ) Adam : To you , Babe . Victor : The only people who believed your lie that you re a good person are gone and dead , so I think it s time for you to leave town , do nt you ? Adam : ( Clicks tongue ) You d like that , would nt you ? Which is exactly why I m gon na stay around . Adam : Adam Newman . Michael : ( Quietly ) We have a problem . Victor : What problem ? Michael : Sharon had Vance put a codicil in her will right after Valentine s Day . Adam : A codicil ? What codicil ? Michael : ( Sighs ) She wanted Adam provided for as the only Newman heir without a birthright . She left him her house on the ranch . Adam : The house ? Are you serious ? Victor : ( Quietly ) Are you sure ? Adam : And it stipulates I can never be evicted ? Victor : ( Normal voice ) How the hell did that happen ? Adam : Leslie , thank you . You just made my day . Adam : ( Sighs ) Dad , well , I guess ... things have changed . The worm has turned . Good news for once . I guess I ll see you back home . Nick : I got those , uh , copies of the letter for you . I did nt want to just fax em to you . Spencer : Understood . Nick : What s wrong ? Spencer : I m sorry to even say this . But these words -- the-- the phrasing Sharon s using ... Nick : What about em ? Spencer : Have you ever considered the possibility that this was nt an accident ? Nick : Sharon did not kill herself . Do you hear me ? Spencer : I m sorry if I overstepped . All right , if I ... Nick : Yeah , they re yours . Just please , do not mention that to anyone ever again , please ? Spencer : ( Sighs ) Devon : You know , I do nt envy Noah for having to make a decision like that . But if it comes down to him getting his mom s letter , then ... Lily : Do you ever think about your dad ? Devon : Not really . Why ? Lily : I do nt know . I m just thinking about a friend of mine who wants to sign away his parental rights so that his baby daughter can be adopted by a loving family . Devon : Well , speaking as someone who grew up in the system , uh , if your friend knows that his kid would be better off with the other family , then , you know , more power to him , especially if she s still that little , cause it s a lot better off than , you know , what I had to go through before meeting Dru and Neil . Lily : Yeah , I just ... ( Sighs ) I do nt know . I just hope he s making the right decision . Daniel : When I pulled in the driveway and I saw your car , I could nt believe it . So why would you come here ? Phyllis : I wanted to see Lucy . Victoria : Please . No . She wanted to take Lucy . Phyllis : No , I wanted to talk . Billy : Oh , yeah , you wanted to Talk . Daniel : Well , this conversation is over . Phyllis : What is-- what are those , Da-- what is -- what is that that you re signing ? What is that ? Daniel : I am signing away my parental rights . Phyllis : No . Oh , my God , Daniel , you are not doing-- no , my God , Daniel , you ca nt do that ! Daniel : I just did it . I just did it . It s over . Back off . Phyllis : Let me tell you something , this is not over . This is not over , and I am never , ever backing off of this . Woman : Police ! Anybody here ? Neil : I want Malcolm to be the father of this child more than you think , but if it is nt , I m gon na tell him . Lauren : So what are you gon na do ? Chloe : I m gon na sue him for full custody . ### Summary:
Daniel talks to Lily and tells her that Phyllis knows that Lucy is his daughter and he has to figure out a way to protect Lucy and make sure she stays with Billy and Victoria . Lily advises Daniel to consult a lawyer who tells him the best way to make sure that Lucy stays with Billy and Victoria is to sign away his parental rights to Lucy . Lily tells Daniel to think about this before he takes such a drastic step but Daniel is sure that he needs to do this to give Lucy the best possible life . Phyllis tells Michael about Lucy and asks him to be her lawyer if need be even though he also thinks that it is best for the baby to stay with Billy and Victoria . Phyllis goes to talk to Billy and Victoria to try and explain that she and Daniel should raise Lucy . Daniel arrives and signs the papers giving up his parental rights to Lucy . Daniel tells Phyllis to let this go now because it is over but Phyllis tells Daniel that she will never give up on Lucy . Sam gives Sharon a very slow laptop so she can connect to the outside world and she checks her faceplace page to read the messages that people have left about her some of the messages are kind but some are harsh saying that she was a bad mother and the world is better off without her . Sharon gets depressed but Sam introduces her to Piper who will be using fanny as her 4H project and Sharon is happy to help the little girl make a connection with the lamb . Noah decides to drop the charges against Adam because he wants Faith to have Sharon s last words to her so that she will have more then a picture to remember her mom . Noah reads his letter and feels happy that Sharon was nt angry with him about their last argument . Nick reads the letter Sharon wrote to Faith and finds it hard to hold back tears . The DA reads the letters and suggests to Nick that Sharon may have committed suicide but Nick tells him that Sharon would never do that and tells him not to mention the possibility to anyone . Michael and Leslie tell Adam and Victor that Sharon left a codicil in her will that leaves her house to Adam meaning that he ca nt ever be evicted from the house .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Eric : Everything looks beautiful . Stephanie : Thank you . Well , everyone should be here in five or ten minutes . Eric : How are we gon na do this without Phoebe ? Stephanie : Well , it s what Ridge wants , is nt it , really ? I mean , is nt this to honor Phoebe ? I think we just have to try . Eric : Yeah . Here , join me . Brooke : You re gon na fill up on these little-- oh , you want another one ? Donna : Cookies , a little Christmas cake every day . Katie : ( Laughs ) Nick : Is my boy ready to go ? Brooke : Oh , yeah . Nick : We are on a mission . I will have him back to you as soon as I can . Brooke : Okay . Nick : Okay , time to say good - bye to everybody . Brooke : Oh , here . Take this . Jack : ( Fusses ) Nick : Say Bye . Donna : Bye . Katie : Bye - bye . Brooke : Bye . Nick : Here we go . Bye . Brooke : I look at Jack and Hope and R.J. , and I think what a wonderful time Christmas is for them . And then I think about Taylor . This is gon na be a very difficult year for her . Donna : Well , we ve all been praying for her . Katie : I do nt know how she s gon na get through this holiday . Rick : ( Crying ) ( sniffles ) It really does nt feel much like Christmas this year , Phoebe . ( Sniffles ) Everybody s getting together and pretending that this holiday means something this year , but I got ta be honest , it does nt mean anything without you . Rick : ( Sniffles ) People are just opening their presents . Dad s gon na play the piano and sing Christmas carols . Angels we have heard on high-- that was your favorite . Rick : ( Sniffles ) It should have been me . It should have been me . ( Sniffles ) Oh , God , I would give anything . It s all my fault . Taylor : I do the same thing . Rick : ( Gasps ) Taylor : I can think of a million reasons to blame myself . But she s gone , and we re still here . And somehow , we just have to find a way to live with it . Stephanie : ( Chuckles ) You need help when you get up in years , honey . Felicia : Yeah , I know . Merry Christmas . Stephanie : Merry Christmas . Brooke : Hey . Ridge : Hey . Jack like his present ? Brooke : Yeah , he did . Ridge : We re picking him up tonight , right ? Brooke : Nick is gon na bring him over later . Can you do this ? Ridge : ( Groans ) I think I need this . Come on . Let s go join the group . Stephanie : Oh . Well ... ( sighs ) Merry Christmas . Ridge : Merry Christmas , Mother . Brooke : Merry Christmas . Stephanie : Merry Christmas , Brooke . Merry Christmas , kids . Where s your mother ? Steffy : Um , she s not coming . Stephanie : Oh , well , is there anything -- why not ? Thomas : Uh , we tried , but she s struggling . Brooke : She really should nt be alone tonight . Stephanie : I think Brooke s right . Steffy : Well , she just-- I do nt think she can handle it . It s just that her spirit s -- Stephanie : I know . This is all-- look , she s grieving . I understand that . But that s all part of this whole process . I mean , I think your mother needs to be here tonight . Steffy : You mean well , Gram . But I just think it s too much . Stephanie : For your mother to be here with the family ? Steffy : She just does nt want to come here with everyone pretending that Phoebe did nt die . Ridge : That s not what we re doing . We re just celebrating Christmas . Being a part of a tradition like that could be exactly what she needs to heal . Stephanie : Well , honey , I think we all need to-- to heal and rejoice together . And I - I really think it s important that your mother s here . Brooke , why do nt you and Bridget , um , get the food from-- from the kitchen , please ? Brooke : Oh , yeah . Stephanie : Uh , Eric ? Will you please start playing the piano ? Eric : Absolutely . Marcus : Okay , so does Stephanie know that this will be their last Christmas together , and that Eric s coming back to you ? Donna : Well , no . I mean , he did nt want to ruin her Christmas . But he s gon na tell her soon . Jackie : Hi ! Katie : Oh , look who s back ! Nick : Amazing . Hi . Katie : Hi . I was curious about your mysterious mission . Hi , sweetheart . Jackie : Oh , my , did nt Nicky tell you ? ( Laughs ) we ve just come back from the hospital . We were delivering presents to the children . Nick : Just my way of saying thank you , uh - huh . Katie : ( Gasps ) Nick : You know , that hospital saved this boy s life when he was born , not to mention the treatment a certain heart patient got , so it s just our way of giving back . Katie : And you took Jack with you , huh ? Nick : I did , cause I had to have someone to hand out the presents . Katie : So you brought Santa with you ! Hello ! Hi , Santa . Taylor : Will you put those over there ? Rick : Yeah , here . Taylor : ( Sniffles ) Rick : ( Sighs ) Is that Phoebe s ? Taylor : ( Laughs ) Yeah . Steffy used to drag hers everywhere , but ... ( sniffles ) Phoebe only used hers at night whenever she got scared or she had a bad dream . So I just bring it over here and I - I just kind of put it up here like that . There . ( Sniffles ) Rick : Our star will shine forever . Taylor : That s what she was . Rick : Still is . ( Sighs ) Taylor : I can still-- I can feel her lighting my way . Rick : I ll give you some time with her . Taylor : ( Sniffles ) Taylor : I can feel you here with me . I know you re here . I miss you so much . Merry Christmas . I loved you so much . I still love you . ( Sniffles ) Donna : Oh , honey bear . I wish you were here . But just so you know , I am drinking eggnog in your honor . Eric : It ca nt be as good as mine . Donna : It s , um , pretty lame , actually . ( Laughs ) Eric : Well , next year , you wo nt have to put up with that . Donna : I ca nt wait . I miss you . Eric : I miss you , too . I promise , this will be our last Christmas apart . Donna : Merry Christmas , honey bear . I love you so much . I ll call you soon , okay ? Marcus : ( Laughs ) An ornament . That s cool , ma . Donna : Oh , well , it s not just any ornament . Look . ( Giggling ) Marcus : ( Chuckles ) It s a picture of us . Donna : Yeah . Marcus : Our first Christmas . Donna : Well , since I was nt there for the real one . Marcus : Hey , Mom , you know what ? In a lot of ways , this is my first Christmas . I mean , look , I have my mother with me . The one I wondered about my whole life . I mean , I knew you d be something special , but you re amazing . Donna : ( Laughs ) I just wish that things-- Marcus : No , Mom , it does nt matter , okay ? We re together now , right ? Donna : Yeah . I love you . ( Laughs ) Marcus : ( Laughs ) I know . Donna : Merry Christmas . Marcus : Merry Christmas , Mom . Donna : ( Laughs ) Nick : Oh , and another one . To Jack from Daddy and Katie . Katie : What , too much ? Nick : It s not like he would know the difference . You could give him the same gift over and over if you want . Katie : Oh ! Jackie : Do nt you dare listen to your Daddy , Jack . You give him another gift right now . Katie : Yes , we want another gift . Nick : And another one to ... Katie and Nick : Jack . Katie : That s right . Nick : Yes , is there anything in here for me ? Thorne : Was that Donna you were talking to on the phone ? Eric : Yes . Thorne : I just want to say that ... ( sighs ) I m sorry . Eric : Yeah , you should be . Thorne : So when are you going to tell Mother ? Eric : That can wait until after Christmas . Felicia : Say ... ( chanting ) Thomas , Thomas , Thomas . Thomas : There you go . Bridget : Whoo ! All : ( Cheering ) Bridget : That looks great . Thomas : ( Chuckles ) Hope : Will Taylor like the star ? I made it for Phoebe . Felicia : You did , sweetie ? Thomas : She will love it . Thank you , Hope . Eric : Rick . You re here . Rick : Yeah . Um , well , I just-- I wanted to bring gifts for the kids . You would nt mind handing these out , would you ? Eric : No , no . I think you should do that . Rick : No . No , I ca nt do that . I m -- I m hated here . Eric : No . There s no hatred in this house on Christmas . I want you to stay . Stay for me . Come on . Steffy : ( Sighs ) Bridget : I know . I m so glad that they wrote . I have nt heard from them . Hey , are you okay ? Steffy : He should nt be here . Eric : ... It s the only thing that does , and so my ... Bridget : He just needs a lot of support right now . Steffy : Bridget , my sister-- Bridget : I know . I know , but it was nt his fault . He just happened to be driving the car . Steffy : Yeah , recklessly . Bridget : He could nt control it . Pho -- Phoebe was attacking him . She was yelling . She was scratching him . Steffy : I do nt know about that one . Bridget : Honey , I do . I took some scrapings underneath her fingernails , and the lab identified them as Rick s skin . I m sorry , but his version of the story is true . ( Sighs ) She was attacking him . That s what made the car crash . Eric : ... Little cute dresses . Rick : ( Chuckles ) Ridge : I thought you were coming to my parents house . I got worried when Steffy and Thomas showed up without you . Taylor : I ca nt . I just want to be here with Phoebe . Ridge : I know . But phoebe s not here , Taylor . She s with the family , watching us trim the tree , sing carols , open presents . That s where our daughter is right now . Come with me . Taylor : ( Sniffles ) Ridge : Let s go celebrate Christmas together . Let s celebrate Phoebe . Come on . Taylor : ( Sniffles ) Donna : Nick s a good dad . Katie : Yeah , he is . Donna : Do you think he ll make a good husband ? Katie : ( Sighs ) Donna . Donna : Oh , come on . It s not as if you have nt thought about that . Katie : No , I have nt thought about it . Donna : Well , for the record , um , I think Nick finally met the right match . Nick : Let s go . Hey . Katie : Hi ! Nick : We saw you , so we thought we d come on down here . Katie : Oh , I m glad you did . Oh , hello . Hi . Hi . Nick : Wait a minute . We have to wait here for a second . Katie : Oh , look -- mistletoe . Nick : ( Gasps ) Yeah . You know what that means . Katie : I do . I know what that means . ( Gasps ) ( kissing repeatedly ) Nick : ( Whines ) Katie : ( Laughs ) Nick : ( Whines ) Katie : Oh , okay . For Daddy , too . Nick : For me , too . Me , too . Mm . Steffy : ( Whispers ) Look who s here . Eric : ( Speaking indistinctly ) Rick : ( Laughs ) Stephanie : Eric ? What have you done ? Eric : Rick is welcome here . Stephanie : Ridge just left to go and get Taylor . What do you think s gon na happen when they walk in the door and see him ? Brooke : Stephanie , it s Christmas . Stephanie : I know that . Eric : Rick has every right , as much of a right to be surrounded by people who love him as Taylor does . I do nt want this to degenerate into some kind of a conflict , all right ? Rick s a member of this family and a member of this celebration . Now that s final . Stephanie : You son of a bitch . Brooke : ( Gasps ) Taylor : Wait . Wait . Wait . Wait a minute . ( Sniffles ) Ridge : Taylor , you can do this . Taylor : No , I m sorry . I ca nt . I ca nt . Please , I do nt want to do it . Please , just tell everybody I love them . Please ? Ridge : Okay , um , if you change your mind ... okay ? Taylor : ( Sighs ) Eric : ( Chuckles ) Eric : Angels we have heard on high All : Sweetly singing oer the plains and the mountains in reply echoing their joyous strains ( extended ) Gloria ... All : In excelsis Deo ( extended ) Gloria ... All : In excelsis Deo ... Thorne : Here she comes . All : Shepherds why this jubilee ? Why your joyous strains prolong ? What the gladsome tidings be ? Which inspire your heavenly song ? Ridge : It s our star . All : ( Extended ) Gloria ... in excelsis Deo ( extended ) Gloria ... All : In excelsis Deo Hope : Do you like it , Taylor ? Taylor : The star ? Hope : I made it for Phoebe . Mommy says I can see her when I look up at heaven at night . That s why I made her a star . Taylor : ( Sniffles ) Thank you . It s perfect . It s beautiful . And Phoebe is here with us . She s here right now . She s in your star . She s in our hearts . She s in this whole room with all the love we have for each other . So Phoebe is here . Taylor : Merry Christmas , Phoebe . ### Summary:
Stephanie decorates the Christmas tree . Eric plays his usual Christmas carols on the piano . She joins him . It s going to be hard to have a joyful day without Phoebe . Brooke gathers her kids together , and laments it will be hard for Taylor too to get through this holiday . Rick kneels at the grave of Phoebe and cries that this holiday wo nt mean a thing without her . Taylor walks up unexpectedly . She shares with Rick that she can still feel Phoebe lighting her way . Stephanie is disappointed that the others came , but Taylor chose not to . She thinks she needs to be here tonight . Nick makes a generous donation of Christmas presents for the kids at the hospital . He returns with Jack in his own Santa suit . Donna tells Marcus that Eric is spending Christmas with his family , but he will tell Stephanie soon that he s returning to Donna as his wife . Marcus feels like this is his first Christmas , the first one that really matters . Eric talks to Donna on the phone and they both declare they miss each other , but they will be together soon . Rick slips into the Forrester house bearing gifts for the kids . Eric asks him to stay , but Rick nixes that as he knows that he is hated here . Eric says there is no hatred in his house this night . Ridge shows up at the grave and convinces Taylor to come celebrate . Phoebe would want that . Against Stephanie s strong disapproval , Eric tells her that Rick is welcome there like everyone else . He needs their love and understanding as much as Taylor does . That s final ! Ridge comes in , but Taylor needs a few moments outside alone . The rest gather and sing carols around Eric at the piano . Taylor comes in and puts her arms around Steffy and Thomas , and Ridge points out the Christmas star on the tree . Hope says she made it for Phoebe so she can look up and see her in Heaven . Taylor thanks her and looks up at the star and says , Merry Christmas , Phoebe .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Jake : Big blue , big blue . Yes . Nice . Ok , I need yellow -- Amanda : Trevor is down for the count . You wore him out putting that thing together . Jake : Oh , yeah , that s good , honey . Just hold on a second . Amanda : All right , listen . I thought you were going to finish it tomorrow . Jake : I am . I m just 20 pieces away from an architectural geniosity thing here . No , I need a red corner . I need a red corner . That s an orange corner . I need a red corner . Amanda : Ahem . I got your piece right here . Jake : What ? Amanda : You have to find it , because toy time is over . Jake : No , honey . Amanda : It is time to play with me right now . Jake : Really ? Amanda : Mm - hmm . Jake : Oh , yes . Fantastic . Fantastic . Whoa ! Jesse : One eyewitness is all I need to nail your slick ass , Mr. Hayward . One eyewitness . Hey . You re home early . That s not a complaint . You ok ? Angie : I m fine . I thought you said you d have all this all cleaned up by the time I got home . Jesse : Yeah , well , you got home earlier than I thought you would , baby . Hey , I got it . I got it . Angie : I ca nt live like this ! Jesse : Baby , what is it ? Work ? Hayward ? I swear to God -- Angie : It s not David . Jesse : Then what is it ? Angie : I m just tired . That s all . I want to go change . Jesse : Baby , there s something you re not telling me . What is it ? Angie : Ah , Angela Hubbard . Dr. Beldon : Angela , it s Dr. Beldon . I m calling about your latest test results . Any chance you d be able to come down to the hospital to discuss them ? Angie : Could we meet somewhere else outside the hospital ? Dr. Beldon : Not tonight , I m afraid . And this ca nt wait until tomorrow . Angie : Uh , is there a problem ? Dr. Beldon : I d rather go over everything in person . Angie : Sure . Ahem . Bianca : Hi , Reese . It s me again . It s around -- uh , well , it s really late there . I m sorry . You re probably sleeping . Uh , I will call tomorrow , earlier , so you can talk to your girls and hear all about their adventures in Pine Valley . Oh , you should see them with the horses . Last night they both wanted to sleep out in the stables . Do nt worry . I did nt let them . They , um , miss you . We really need to talk -- tomorrow , I hope . Greenlee : I wish I d never let myself fall for David . Ryan : What does that mean , Greenlee ? Is it over between you two ? Greenlee : I married him for the wrong reasons . I was hurt . I wanted to hurt back . Ryan : Hurt me back , you mean . Greenlee : I also believed in him , maybe too much . [ Thinking ] If I walk away from you -- which you ve told me multiple times I m free to do -- you ll go to the police with this evidence , make them think that I m the one who sabotaged Erica s plane ? Ryan : Greenlee ? Greenlee : Yeah ? Ryan : You can trust me . You know that . Greenlee : I do know that . Ryan : You re not wearing your wedding ring . Greenlee : I took my wedding ring off tonight . David : Greenlee s at the hospital visiting Ryan Lavery . Get on it . Now . [ Hangs up ] Bianca . Bianca : Hello , David . David : I m happy to see you ve decided to stay in Pine Valley . Greenlee is grateful to have you at Fusion . Bianca : Listen , I do nt know what you re trying to pull now , but I know Greenlee s looking for her own apartment . David : Hmm . Not anymore . She was just going through an emotional time . Bianca : Maybe because Ryan almost died at your feet ? David : You know , Bianca , I m a very powerful man , but not even I can bring on an aneurysm . And Greenlee knows that . Maybe the four of us should get together for dinner sometime . Bianca : Four of us ? David : Oh , I m sorry . That s right . Reese did nt come here with the girls . Well , I hope that does nt mean your marriage is the one that s on the rocks . It s good seeing you . Greenlee : You do nt need to listen to my troubles right now . Ryan : Does it look like I m going anywhere ? Greenlee : It s my problem . I m going to have to deal with it . Ryan : Greenlee , I get why it s hard for you to leave Hayward . I understand . He saved your life , and he helped you get back on your feet . But that does nt mean that you owe him your entire future , ok ? So if walking away is what you want -- Greenlee : It s more than that . Ryan : Then explain it to me . Greenlee : You really need to rest . Ryan : Despite everything that s happened , all that I want is for you to be happy . That s it . And now I see that you re not . So if there s anything that I can do to change that , please , I want you to tell me right now . Brot : Sorry to interrupt . Ryan : No , no . No problem . Everything all right ? At the casino , is everything cool ? Brot : Yeah . I m actually here for Mrs. Hayward . I have orders to bring you down to the station right away . Jesse : Baby , you just got home . Angie : Well , it ca nt be helped . Jesse : Ca nt somebody else handle this emergency ? Angie : Only one chief of staff . I wo nt be long . Jesse : Angela , you are the boss . People are supposed to be jumping through hoops for you , not the other way around . Angie : Yeah , well , it does nt always work that way . Jesse : One hour -- just take one hour to sit down and have some dinner . Angie : Jesse , I have to go in now . Jesse : Fine . Do whatever you got to do . Angie : Baby , I m sorry . I m sorry , ok ? I just have a really , really bad migraine . Jesse : Just one more reason not to go back to the hospital . Angie : Listen , sweetheart , please , could you do me a favor ? Jesse : Name it . Angie : Find me some ibuprofen . Jesse : Done . Angie : Thanks . Amanda : Uh - uh . Jake : Yeah . I got to -- Amanda : Uh - uh . Uh - uh ! No , Jake ! Jake : Just a second , baby . Hello ? Angie : Hey . Listen , it s me . Can you please pick me up outside the loft and take me to the hospital ? Jake : Yeah . Yeah , I can do that . Ok . Sorry , baby . Amanda : No . What ? What are you doing ? Jake : Oh , the hospital needs me . Amanda : Jake ? Jake : I m sorry , baby . Amanda : That was Angie , was nt it ? Jake : It was , yeah . Amanda : You can not be the only doctor on call . Jake : Well , no . But she s actually helping me out , if you want to know the truth . Amanda : By keeping you on 24/7 alert ? Jake : Honey , you got to understand that David came on , he s looking to get rid of us in the worst way possible . So we figure the more hours we put in , you know , the more indispensable we become . Amanda : And more exhausted . Jake : Well , yeah . But that s why we re working together , you know ? I take care of her , she takes care of me . Amanda : I want to take care of you . Jake : Oh , baby , you do . You do take care of me . I love you so much . I know that you take care of me . All right , I got to go . No , I ll be back , and I love you . I love you , and I ll see you soon . I wo nt be long . Greenlee : Well , at least you can tell me why you have to bring me in . Brot : I just got a call and was told to come and get you . That s all the information I have . Greenlee : Does my husband know about this ? Brot : I do nt have any details . Ryan : Why would David know about this ? Greenlee : I m just trying to figure out what s going on . Ryan : Hey , Brot , why do nt you just call down to the station , huh ? I mean , your orders were nt to arrest Greenlee , right ? Greenlee : It s no problem . I ll go . Ryan : Hold on a minute . Maybe you wo nt have to go . Greenlee : No . Whatever it is , it ll probably be easier if I just straighten it out in person . I ll be ok . Ryan : Will you call me to let me know that ? Greenlee : I promise . Ryan : Ok . Jesse : You look busy . Natalia : What are you doing here ? Jesse : Ca nt a father visit his daughter at work ? Natalia : Yeah . Just a little strange when they work at the same place and the daddy s been suspended . Jesse : You did nt just say that . I just wanted to make sure nobody s giving you grief , since I m not here to watch your back . Natalia : Oh , I did nt need you here to watch my back while you were here . Jesse : So you say . Oh . So , what , you finally snagged that snake Domenico , huh ? Natalia : Do nt look so surprised . Jesse : I m not surprised . Good work . You just make sure you double - check his priors . That one has a habit of slipping through the cracks . What ? Just trying to help . Natalia : Ahem . You probably should nt be here . Jesse : I was suspended , not fired . Natalia : You still should nt be weighing in on casework . You know that . Jesse : All right . Fine . Forget what I said . Natalia : All right . Wait . Look . Dad , I understand that it s hard -- you not working . Jesse : I m working . Natalia : On what ? Jesse : Hayward . If I can prove he had a hand in that plane crash , I can get his ass finally out of that hospital and behind bars where he belongs . What ? Natalia : Nothing . Jesse : You know it ai nt nothing . If you got something to say , say it . Natalia : All right . Uh , well , since you re not my boss at the moment , I guess I ll be blunt . We both know that you want Hayward out of Angie s life for good . But if there s one thing we know about Hayward , it s when you push him , he pushes right back . You keep trying to nail him , you could be the one that pays with your job . Do you really think Angie needs one more thing to worry about , Dad ? Angie : Why would nt Dr. Beldon tell me tell me the results on the phone ? Jake : Well , wait a second . You like to deal with your patients face to face , right ? Angie : He sounded grim . Jake : Do nt do that . Do nt always expect he worst . Angie : No , it s more than that , Jake . I mean , I ve been feeling a little off . Jake : But the meds have been working , right ? Angie : Well , the periods of vision loss have been fewer and shorter since I ve been taking the triazole meds . Jake : Have you been experiencing any side effects that I do nt know about ? Angie : Constant headache . I m exhausted . Queasiness . Jake : Hmm . I think that s just the stress . Where are we meeting this guy ? Angie : In one of the private consultation rooms . Jake : Great . This way , David wo nt bother you . Angie : Well , Dr. Beldon -- he understands my need for privacy . Jake : Good . Lead the way . Angie : You do nt have to come with me . Jake : I did nt come down here -- no . I m not letting you face the music alone . Let s go . Show me . Bianca : I raided the cafeteria . The doctor recommended ice cream . What are you doing ? Ryan : I got to go check on Greenlee . Bianca : No . You ve got to get back into bed . Ryan : No , I got to . There s something going on , ok ? I need to check on it . Just -- Bianca : What are you talking about ? Ryan : Greenlee was just here , and she all but admitted that her marriage to David was over . Bianca : Really ? Ryan : And then Brot shows up and then says that she s got to be down at the station and -- Bianca : What , do you think she s in some kind of trouble ? Ryan : I do nt know what s going on . I just know that she looked scared . And if she did tell David to take a hike -- Bianca : She did nt . I just saw David . He made it seem like everything was fine . Ryan : Wait a minute . But you said that -- Bianca : I know what I said , but I think I was wrong . From what I could tell , David and Greenlee are nt splitting up after all . Greenlee : Now that we re here , can you find out why you had to bring me in ? Brot : I will . How about you just have a seat right here for now ? Iris : Greenlee ? Greenlee : Mayor Blanco . Iris : I see Officer Monroe found you . Greenlee : You know about that ? Iris : No . After speaking with your husband , I was the one who put the order to bring you in . And here he is : Your accomplice . Natalia : Order whatever you want . It s on me . Jesse : So you must have really wanted me out of that station . You never pay . Natalia : Now , do nt make me regret it . Jesse : You re actually in luck . I ai nt really that hungry . Natalia : Why do nt you have a beer , then ? Jesse : You think this is gon na get my mind off Hayward ? That s what you re doing , right ? Natalia : Look , I do nt blame you for wanting to nail this guy . After all the stunts this creep has pulled you and Angie , I want to bring him down myself . But you were the one who taught me to keep my cool when stuff got hot . Jesse : I ai nt nowhere near the deep end on this one , kiddo . Natalia : Not yet . Jesse : Oh , nice . Nice to know you got faith in your old man . Natalia : I just -- I do nt want to see your hate for Hayward turn into something worse , Dad . Ok ? Worse than a suspension . Like , permanent unemployment or prison . Jesse : You have nt seen close - up the effect this man has had on Angela . She ca nt eat . She ca nt sleep . She s a wreck , and there s nothing I can do to help her . Natalia : Angie s a strong woman . She can take Hayward . Jesse : She should nt have to ! Natalia : Your love is her rock . Your love is what s gotten her through this garbage so far . Natalia : Oh . Yes ? Fowler . Yes . Ok . Right now ? All right , I m on my way . I got to get back . Jesse : I ll drive . Natalia : Look , stay . Stay here . Relax . Rodriguez is doing meter readings around the corner . I m gon na catch a ride with him . All right ? Finish your beer . I love you . Jesse : I love you , too , baby . Get out of here , kid . Natalia : All right . Singer : I thought I d left behind here I lay beside you and watch you as you sleep Amanda : Hey . How s the other work widow doing ? Jesse : Huh . Jake at the hospital , too ? Amanda : Just when I thought he was in for the night , your wife called . Jesse : They do make a good tag team , do nt they ? Amanda : For Workaholics Anonymous . Jesse : Well , they do have lives to save . Amanda : What about saving themselves ? Amanda : Hey . What would you say to a kidnapping ? Angie : He made it sound urgent . Now he keeps me waiting . Jake : Well , the desk said he had a patient emergency . It s gon na be fine . Jake : Come on in . Hey , Harold . Dr. Beldon : I did nt expect to see you here , Jake . Jake : Yeah , well , you know . Dr. Beldon : How are you , Angela ? Angie : Can I tell you in five minutes ? Dr. Beldon : Perhaps you d rather Dr. Martin wait outside ? Jake : Sure . Angie : No , no , no . I m fine with him staying . So I told you that the symptoms seem to have abated . The peripheral vision is better . I have nt been taking the triazole drugs for long , but something s happening . Dr. Beldon : Yes , the triazole drugs appear to be helping . Jake : That s great , right ? Angie : So the culture test -- Dr. Beldon : Shows that the infection attacking the retinal cells has slowed down significantly . There was something else that came up on your blood test results . Angie : Just say it . Dr. Beldon : Your H.C.G. is elevated . Angie : By how much ? Dr. Beldon : According to the blood test , your beta level is at 425 . Jake : Whoa . That usually means you re -- Angie : Huh ? I m pregnant ? Whoa ! I m having a baby ? Dr. Beldon : That s what the test results indicate . Angie : I ca nt believe it ! Jake ! Jake : I know . So , Doc , how far along are we , exactly ? Dr. Beldon : For conception dating , we d need an ultrasound at five to six weeks gestation . Angie : Do you remember last month when I told you that I thought I was ? Jake : Yeah , but you were nt . Angie : And now I am ! Dr. Beldon : You should make an appointment to see your Ob - Gyn as soon as possible . Because of your age and the infection , more tests should be done right away . Angie : Infection . The experimental drugs that I ve been taking -- could they hurt the baby ? Jake : Well , Doc , wait . If I may , the infection s localized , so it really -- it should nt cause a risk , right ? Dr. Beldon : Correct . But if you plan on going to term with this pregnancy , I d have to recommend you stop taking the medications right away . Natalia : Hey . What s going on in there ? Brot : Beats me . I was just the transport man . Natalia : Look , I was thinking of asking to have you put on this case I m covering . I need someone with military expertise . So if you re down , this would be perfect . Brot : Well , I actually wo nt be here . Natalia : What ? Why ? Brot : I have to check into the hospital . Natalia : The hospital ? Brot : Yep . And I get clearance today . Once I do , I ll be out of here . Greenlee : I m not saying anything until my lawyer is present . Iris : [ Chuckles ] Oh , your wife -- she s pretty funny . David : Yeah , I think so . Maybe you should explain . Iris : Oh , David . David did nt have me bring you here , because you were in any sort of trouble . I just wanted to express my gratitude to you both for your continued support . Greenlee : Seriously ? Iris : I told you . I told you she would nt be amused . David : Oh , we ll laugh about it later . Iris : Yeah , well , you re a very lucky woman . I will be forever in this man s debt for saving my daughter s life . Greenlee : You never told me that . Iris : You see , Greenlee , even if Chief Hubbard did come up with a case against David , I d use my sway with the D.A. s office . Yeah , to intervene on your behalf . David : Hopefully it will never get to that . Iris : Well , just know that someone always has your back . I brought you two something to enjoy , to show my gratitude . Iris : And -- oh , I must take this . So please enjoy . Greenlee : Thank you . Iris : It s good to see you . Greenlee : Good to see you . David : Thank you , Iris . Iris : You re welcome . David : Wow . Greenlee : How dare you . David : Is there a problem ? Greenlee : You knew I was visiting Ryan . That s why you dragged me down here to get me away from him . David : And why would I do something like that , Greenlee ? Greenlee : Because that s what you always do -- to control people , hold them hostage with the secrets you have on them . You wanted me to think you were carrying out your threat . David : You need to calm down . Greenlee : Tell me something . Does the mayor know about your little blackmail scheme , that you re prepared to frame me for Erica s plane crash ? David : The mayor knows nothing about our arrangement , and she never will . As long as you keep your wedding vows , you have nothing to worry about . Greenlee : Even if keeping them makes me nauseas ? David : You ve had enough running around for one day . What do you say we go back to our room and open this nice bottle of champagne , and we spend a nice , quiet evening alone together ? Bianca : I appreciate that , Natalia . Ok , I ll talk to you later . Bye . Ryan : Well ? Did she say why Greenlee was called in like that ? Bianca : Yep . The order came from Mayor Blanco . Apparently , she wanted to thank David and Greenlee for their campaign support . Ryan : So she sent a cop to drag her in ? Bianca : According to Natalia , there was champagne . According to her , David and Greenlee looked like the were having a good time . Why do nt you have some of this ice cream before it melts ? It s nice running a company with a partner who could get hauled off by the cops at any moment . Come on . Doctor s orders . You ok ? Ryan : Why would she be having champagne with David after the way she talked about him ? Bianca : I do nt know . Who knows what goes on in that marriage ? Ryan : Yeah . Bianca : Ryan , what s this about ? You and Greenlee ? Ryan : No , no , it s not about me and Greenlee . This is about Hayward . I do nt want to see Greenlee hurt again . I do nt want Hayward to be the one to do it . I do nt want any of it , and especially when I thought that she was walking away from the guy . Bianca : That would be nice for all of us . Ryan : I had this dream when I was on the operating table . It was a year after our wedding , and there she was . She was alive , only things were different . Kendall and I never -- I d waited . Bianca : Hey , you ca nt change what happened . Ryan : No , I ca nt . And I guess if she wants to go back with Hayward , then I m just gon na live with it . Bianca : Not if you re still in love with Greenlee . Jake : Hey . You ok ? Angie : Ok ? Ok , Jake ? I m blessed . I did nt think I d ever be pregnant again . Jake : I know . It s amazing . Angie : But why now ? I need this medication that could hurt the baby , Jake . What if I already hurt the baby ? Jake : Step into my office . Now , you heard Dr. Beldon , right ? He said the baby s gon na be fine , most likely because you have nt been taking the meds for very long . Angie : But if I stop taking it , I could go blind permanently . I mean , that s what s been happening to me before I started on the meds . Jake : You do nt have to figure this all out right now . Ok ? Angie : Well , there is one thing that I do have to do right now . I have to tell Jesse the truth . Jake : Yes , yes ! I ve been wanting you to do that the whole way along . Angie : Oh , God , Jake , how do I drop this on him at once ? Jake : Oh , please . Jesse s Jesse . He s strong . You need him , he needs you . Together you ll figure it out . Right ? Huh ? Angie : Yeah . Jesse : You two -- Jake : Hey ! Jesse : Are impossible to hunt down . Jake : Hello , kids . What are you doing here ? Amanda : Well , first , tell us if you re finished with your emergency , because it looks like you are . Jake : Yes , yes , we re finished with our emergency . Amanda : Good , because we re here to rescue you both , and you do nt get a vote . Jake : Is that right ? Jesse : That is right . You ve taken care of enough sick souls for one night . Now it s my turn to take care of you . Come on , you . Natalia : Well , you ca nt just say you re going to the hospital and then walk away , Brot . You re not sick , are you ? Brot : Nope . I m actually having another operation on my eye . Natalia : Another ? How many have you had ? Brot : This will be lucky number 33 , with the eighth operation on my eye . Natalia : Wow . I had no idea . Brot : Yeah . I should go for the world record , right ? Natalia : So , um , when you have this procedure , will you look diff -- different ? Brot : Look , it s not cosmetic surgery . I m done with trying to get back what I had . This is the way I am now and I m cool with it . The only reason I m having this operation is to -- so the eye can function the way it s supposed to . The last thing I want to do is allow my physical condition to get in the way of my job . Natalia : Is it a painful procedure ? Brot : No . Not if they give me enough drugs to knock me out . Natalia : So how long are we talking about here ? You gon na be out of work for a while or you gon na stay in the -- Brot : Whoa , whoa . What s up with all these questions ? Natalia : I m just curious . Brot : I guess it s not every day you meet someone who d go through something like this . Natalia : No , Brot , I m curious because I care about you . Bianca : If you love Greenlee -- Ryan : Are you seriously pushing for Greenlee right now ? Bianca : I personally think you d be better off without her . Madison certainly seems like a lot less trouble . But we ca nt help who we fall in love with , can we ? Ryan : I have this under control , Bianca . Bianca : I m sorry . Maybe a part of me thinks that if you and Greenlee get back together , she d stop making the lives of the people I love a living hell . And you smiled when you talked about her before . We were supposed to get married together . You and I were madly in love with our brides - to - be . Ryan : Can we not do this , please ? Bianca : I was with you when you lost her , Ryan . Ok , I did nt realize how truly , deeply you loved her until after she was gone . And now ? Just seeing your face when you thought she might be free ? Ryan : This is not me trying to get her back , ok ? That s not what this is about . Bianca : Ok , ok , but I know you . I know your fight . And that s what people do when they love someone . They fight to hold on and remember why it means so much . And it is nt always easy , and sometimes things happen that you do nt -- Ryan : Hey , is everything ok with Reese ? Bianca : Everything s great . I am done giving love advice for today . You need some rest . Ryan : Hey . Thank you . Bianca : Anytime . David : You ll find that this vintage is a lot better than the cheap swill that Iris gave us . I m sure the concierge will enjoy that bottle . And since we did nt have time for dinner , I figured you were hungry . I had your favorite sent up . Greenlee : What a wonderful surprise . You really should nt have gone to so much trouble to make such a special night for us . Oh , but then again , you are such a loving and generous husband . You know what s missing , though ? Some -- ohh -- beautiful music . Greenlee : Shall we dance , darling ? David : Why do nt you tone it down a notch , all right ? Greenlee : Did you honestly think you can bring me back here , romance me , and I just fall back into your arms ? David : Of course not . Greenlee : Hmm . I do nt understand why you think I m gon na come around and love you again , as if your little blackmail threat never happened . David : Because I believe we can get through anything if you stay away from negative influences . Greenlee : Like Ryan ? My father ? They are the problem here ? David : You ca nt deny that they have nt exactly been very supportive of our marriage . Greenlee : We do nt have a marriage , thanks to you . Not anymore . David : Like I said , we can get through anything . Here . This ll calm you down . Greenlee : The only thing that s gon na make me feel better is if I smash this over your head right now . David : You do nt want to hurt me , Greenlee . It ll destroy both of us if you do . Greenlee : Both of us ? Because the last thing you want to do is send me to prison for the rest of my life . Amanda : Now , is nt this so much better than working all night ? Jesse : Here we go . Wine for all . Angie : None for me , thanks . Jesse : Just a glass , baby . Jake : Honey , we have juice or soda , do nt we ? Jesse : And this is your favorite wine . Come on . Angie : I do nt want any , baby . Jesse : Angela , I want to make a toast , ok ? Angie : Why are you being so persistent ? I do nt want any wine ! Jesse : You do nt want any wine , you wo nt have any wine . Angie : Uh , listen , I m sorry . I overreacted . It s just been a long day . Jake : Baby , we have sparkling water , do nt we ? I think we have a whole case of it . I love sparking water -- with a splash of cranberry ? Because we can toast to that . Angie : I m fine . Amanda : You got to be careful about turning down wine , Angie . People are gon na start thinking you re pregnant . Jesse : Yeah . Wait a minute . Are -- a baby ? Baby , are you ? David : I knew you did nt want to do that . Greenlee : Clearly you have no idea what I want . David : In time , you ll accept what I already have . I know it s not gon na happen overnight , and for a while you ll be fighting me , I m sure . Just as you ve expected forgiveness for all the underhanded things you ve done , in time , it will come around . We have been through way too much , Greenlee . I gave you back life , you gave me mine . That is a bond that we will always share . [ Puts her wedding ring back on ] There it is . So much better . You keep that ring right where it is from now on . Greenlee : I need a shower . Ryan : Greenlee ? You there ? Are you ok ? David : Greenlee is fine . Ryan : Where is she ? Why are you answering her phone ? Greenlee : Is that my cell ? David : It s Ryan checking to see if you re ok . Go ahead , talk to him . Would nt want him to feel worried , now , would we ? Greenlee : Hi . Ryan : Hey . What s going on ? Are you all right ? Greenlee : I m fine . Ryan : Well , you do nt sound fine . Why is David answering your phone ? I thought you two were -- Greenlee : It was just a big misunderstanding . Ryan : It did nt sound like -- Greenlee : I m fine , Ryan , and I need to go . Angie : Mm - hmm . I m pregnant . Jesse : Oh ! Hmm . A baby ? For real this time ? Angie : Mm - hmm . Jesse : A baby ? You got a test and everything ? Angie : Mm - hmm . Jesse : Oh , my God ! I love you so much . Angie : I love you , too . Amanda : This is the best news , is nt it ? Jake : Great news . It s great news . Jesse : Oh , my God , this is -- this is crazy . I mean , a miracle -- kind of like miracle crazy , right ? I mean , last time we thought we were and we were nt , and now we are ? Angie : Mm - hmm . Jesse : How far along are you -- we ? Angie : Well , I do nt know exactly . Jesse : How long have you known ? Angie : I just found out today . Jesse : Can you believe this ? Amanda : Congratulations . Jesse : Wait a minute . I could hug the whole world . Come here . Amanda : Oh , congratulations ! Jesse : Wait . Ok , it s not a dream , right ? Somebody pinch me . Pinch me . Angie : No , it s not a dream . We are definitely having a baby . ### Summary:
Jake tries to build an architectural design with blocks when Amanda comes in and snatches up one of the blocks . Amanda hides the block and tells Jake to find it . Jesse goes over evidence to try to entrap David when Angie comes home from the hospital . Bianca calls Reese and leaves her a message . David listens to Greenlee s conversation with Ryan . David calls someone and tells them to put the plan into motion . Ryan lets Greenlee know that she can trust him that she can tell him anything . Ryan holds Greenlee s hand and sees that she is not wearing her wedding ring . Brot interrupts Greenlee and Ryan to take her to the police station . Greenlee fears the worst . Angie gets a call from her doctor to meet him . Angie calls Jake for help which interrupts Jake and Amanda s lovemaking . Jesse visits Natalia at the police department and commends her on the case that she is working on . Bianca visits Ryan . Ryan lets Bianca know that Greenlee had just visited him , but something just was nt right . Brot brings Greenlee into the police station where she is joined by Iris and David . Iris thanks Greenlee for all the help that she and David had given her in her campaign and surprises them with a bottle of champagne . Angie finds out that she is pregnant . Angie is thrilled by the news , but is still concerned about her blindness . Ryan lets Bianca know that he had had about Greenlee . Brot lets Natalia know that he is going to the hospital for surgery on his eye . Jesse and Amanda arrive to take Jake and Angie away for a relaxing dinner . When Jesse wants to pour them a glass of wine , Angie refuses . Amanda gets a clue that Angie may be pregnant . Angie confesses that she is pregnant . Jesse is overjoyed . David and Greenlee arrive back at the hotel for a celebratory dinner , but Greenlee does nt want any part of the dinner . Greenlee threatens to break the bottle over David s head . David puts the wedding ring back on Greenlee s hand and refuses to let her take it off . Ryan calls Greenlee , but talks to David instead . Greenlee assures Ryan that she is fine .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Roman : [ Sighs ] All right , john . Yeah , okay , well ... I m sorry . Hang in there . Hattie : What ? No world on marlena ? Roman : He has no idea where steve took her . Hattie : Oh . Well , he ll find her . He always does . Roman : Let s hope so . Hattie : Yeah . Hey , listen , roman , um ... in the interests of a little more cheerful workplace , uh , do ya suppose that we could be a little less irish around here ? Roman : What s that supposed to mean ? Hattie : Well , I just -- I mean , under all the blarney ... it s a pretty gloomy group . Roman : That is a cultural stereotype and not even accurate . Hattie : Oh , no -- look . Look at you . You always expect the worst possible outcome of things . Roman : That s not really true , but unfortunately , sometimes that s what we get . Hattie : Yeah , well , you know what ? I never catch you smilin . I mean , here s a guy that s fallen in love with me and he s been kissin on me . He thinks you even got ta go to confession about that . Roman : Who said anything about falling in love ? Hattie : Well , I did . Cause you never talk about it . Anyway , you ve kissed on me twice , so I got a question to ask you . Is this thing goin anywhere or not ? Roman : [ Laughs ] What the hell are you talking about ? Kristen : Well ... it is springtime , honey . And I finally can plant some flowers for you . Brady : Mama s gon na have to do the planting though , because daddy s terrible at planting . Kristen : Hi . Brady : Hi . Kristen : How d you know I was here ? Brady : [ Sighs ] When you kinda disappear , it s usually about rachel . Like the time we were talking about her , and then you ended up at the hospital with mickey . Kristen : Yeah . But she s doing fine , right ? Brady : Yeah , yeah , she is . Kristen : Oh , good , thank god . I mean , thank god they do nt have to go through what we did . Brady : [ Whispers ] Yeah . Eric : The doctor said that this last test was just a formality before they release her . Sarah : Yeah , I know , i just ... I - I wanna , I m -- I m ready to bring her home . Eric : Just gon na be a few more minutes . Is everything ready , or you need me to do anything ? Sarah : No , no , we re good . Eric : We re good , meaning you and xander . Sarah : Yeah , meaning me and xander . Eric : Nicole said the two of you got engaged -- when were you planning on telling me ? Sarah : Oh , uh , eric ... xander and I got engaged , so ... can that be the end of that particular discussion ? Eric : Or just the beginning . Sarah : My love life is none of your concern . Eric : I m not interfering with your love life . I m thinking about the man being mickey s stepfather . Did you ever think that I might have a problem with that ? Xander : I know you ll be happy with what s in this envelope . And I assume I ll be happy with what s in the one that you handed to nicole walker . I altered the results ... to say that the samples did nt match . Xander : Very good . There s a little bonus in there to ensure your discretion . I ll take that secret to my grave . Xander : As will I. Well , nicole ... I hope for your sake you back off now . Because I ll do a hell of a lot more than doctors and lab results to keep sarah from finding out the truth . Nicole : I do nt believe it . I thought for sure xander switched those babies . But kristen is nt mackenzie s mother -- she really is sarah and eric s little girl after all . Abe : Okay . What s wrong ? Nicole : I - I - it s right here in black and white , but I just do nt believe it . Ben : Is this really happening ? Ciara : [ Laughs ] Ben : Are we in a room with four walls instead of bars ? Ciara : Uh - huh . Uh - huh , this , uh ... this is really happening , ben . Ben : Is there a shower in there ? Ciara : Mm - hmm , there is . Ben : Are there 19 tattooed convicts in there ? Ciara : [ Laughs ] No . You know what ? I specifically requested a room with no convicts ... just for you . Ben : You did ? Ciara : I did . Ben : You have no idea how much I ve looked forward to a hot shower without an audience . Almost as much as this . Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives . Ben : I have nt really shaved babe -- I m gon na give you beard burn . Ciara : You know , funny-- I was nt thinking about beard burn ... at all . I was actually thinking about something else . Ben : I really hope we re thinking along the same lines . Ciara : Mm - hmm . I m pretty sure we are . But ben ... after being there ... let s just go slow . Okay ? Go have a shower . We have all day and night to be here , and more than anything , i just ... I wanna feel like all that is over , you know ? Ben : How did I get so lucky ? Ciara : You re just finally getting what you deserve . Now , go . Hello ? Hi . Yeah , this is room 513 . I , uh , I m gon na need a few things sent up . Abe : What is that ? Nicole : They re test results . Abe : Are you all right ? Nicole : No , they re not-- they re not mine . They re mackenzieS. Abe : Well , I heard she was going to be fine . Nicole : Oh , she is . This is nt about the cancer . As a matter of fact , eric and sarah are taking her home today . Abe : [ Sighs ] Why do I get this ... sick feeling of deja vu ? What are you up to now ? Nicole : Oh , that s nice ... coming from an old friend . Abe : I am a friend , yes . Which is why I know you re up to something . Nicole : Okay . If I tell you , will you promise not to say anything ? Abe : That depends . Nicole : Abe ... when I tell you this , I know that you will wanna keep it between us . O - okay , let me buy you lunch , okay ? Come on . Kristen : Hey ... do you , um , do you ever think that you re just never gon na get past this ? You know , that life does nt have any meaning and it never will-- Brady : Let s just say that my faith ... yeah . It s been sorely tested . Kristen : One thing that keeps me going is to think ... think about mickey and her being all right because ... you know what , this is-- I sound crazy . Brady : Hey , hey , hey . Because what ? Kristen : Because as long as she s alive , I feel that rachel is still here with us . Sarah : You do nt really get to say anything about it . Eric : This is nt about me . This is about me being a concerned father . You know all the things that he s done . Sarah : I know all the things that he s done for me and my daughter . Eric : Our daughter . When you get all stand by your man , and that man is xander , it makes my head explode , cause you know I never liked him anywhere near my daughter . Xander : Tell us how you really feel , padre . Roman : Wow . Later , okay , hattie ? Hattie : No . No , not okay . How bout right now ? You know , you -- you would rather die than talk about your feelings . A - and your face gets all scrunched up if somebody says the word relationship to you . Roman : Abe just came in and he called about marlena . Scuse me . Hattie : That is a one - woman man ... always trying to find the one that got away . Roman : Hey , nicole . Nicole : Hi . Roman : Abe , I got your message . Abe : Hey . Roman : John did nt find anything new , huh ? Nicole : Listen , uh , roman , eric s going crazy . He needs to stay at the hospital , but he wants to help find marlena . Roman : Well , I m not sure ... what he could be doing that john is nt already doin , so , uh , listen , I , uh , got some stuff to take care of in the back . I ll send , uh , hattie over with some menus . Nicole : Thank you . Thank you . Abe : [ Sighing ] Okay . Let s try this again . What are you up to now ? Nicole : I got a dna test on mackenzie . Abe : Oh , boy , why am I not surprised ? You do nt think eric is her father . Nicole : Or that sarah is her mother . Eric : What , is that supposed to make me feel awkward ? It didnT. In fact , I d be happy to tell you how I really feel . You re just still a crook who smuggled blood diamonds ... tried to strangle my cousin on her wedding day . Sarah : Damn it , eric , we are in mickey s hospital room , all right ? Ca nt this wait for later somewhere else ? Xander : I never denied my past -- I m not that person anymore . Sarah : Xander , did you not hear what I just said to eric ? Not now , not here . Eric : And you re not that baby s father ... so never , ever forget that . Xander : Trust me , I m very , very clear ... about who her father is . Brady : You know , I been thinkin ... Kristen : Hmm . Brady : And I know it s a long shot , I know that it probably would nt even be able to happen but , uh ... Kristen : What ? Brady : Why do nt we think about ... trying to conceive another child ? Kristen : I -- no , I could nt , I could nt , I mean ... it - it just -- it would nt be right , brady . Brady : Why would nt it be right ? Kristen : I just feel like ... I feel like we would be betraying rachel . Brady : I -- why ? I do nt understand why you would think that . Kristen : Because ... she s in our hearts and the thought of replacing her right now while she s still in here ... Brady : I understand . You re not ready to ... think about having another baby . I get it . But , hey , I have another idea . Kristen : [ Laughs ] Okay . Brady : How bout this . We re in this together , right ? Kristen : [ Whispers ] Yes . Brady : We re grieving . I m never gon na stop missing her , you re never gon na stop missing our little girl , so ... Kristen : Okay . Brady : [ Exhales ] Maybe we could do something to help . The only reason mickey is-- is healthy is because of those people at that hospital , right ? Kristen : Yeah . Brady : The workers , the doctors , the nurses -- everybody . We could set up a charity ... under rachel s name , you know ? So that any kid that came through there -- boy , girl , whoever -- they would be able to have the same treatment as mickey got . What do you think ? Kristen : That is so beautiful . It s a beautiful idea , brady . Brady : Yeah ? Kristen : Yeah . Ciara : You know , I was thinking we could conserve some water . Ben : I ve said it before . You have the best ideas . Ciara : Mm - mm , not so fast . Ben : I did nt expect a spa day . Ciara : It only gets better from here , ben weston . Kristen : Do you think that i could -- I could do more than just give money , I mean be involved ? Actually do something . Brady : Oh , my god , yeah , yes ! We can set this up any way you want . I think that s a great idea , I-- let s -- let s do it , let S ... sweetie , you know what , mommy and I , we re gon na go do something good . We re gon na go do something good . Let s go do it -- come on . Kristen : Hey . Brady . Nicole : So that s what i think happened that night . Abe : So eric and sarah s baby died and ... somehow xander managed to make the switch . Nicole : Yes . And I know from experience that it s possible . Abe : So there s the birthmark ... and you saw xander threatening the doctor . Nicole : That doctor who then immediately took off to parts unknown . Abe : But there s -- there are the test results . Nicole : Oh , abe , this is salem . Can we really trust test results ? Abe : [ Sighs ] If you re right ... this is all very sad . Nicole : It s awful . And I have a horrible feeling that I m right . And an even worse feeling of what it will do to eric . Eric : I imagine you were very clear that brady was ceo of titan ... right up to the moment that you got victor to give you a job . Sarah : Eric-- Eric : After brady s daughter died . It s very textbook to kick a man when he s down ... but I m not down . And you re not taking my daughter away from me . Sarah : Eric , stop it . Please ... just look at me . You are right , okay ? I m sorry --I should have told you that xander and I were engaged the moment it happened , personally . And xander and I know exactly who mickey s father is . Xander ... you have to respect that eric s concerns are valid and you have to accept that . You -- you have to respect the fact that just because you re mickey s father does not give you the right to dictate my life . So because of mickey , our lives are always going to be intertwined . Now , I suggest that we all try and act like grown - ups . Xander : I will if he does . Eric : And I will if you stop provoking me . Sarah : Oh , my god ! This is supposed to be the happiest day of my life -- my child is not going to die and i get to take her home today , but I m too busy dealing with you two ! Xander : Sarah ... I m sorry , I was out of line . Eric ... I apologize . Sarah s right . I know I have to prove myself so you ll trust me . Eric : I m gon na help you get mickey home , help get her settled in . Xander : That s no problem . I actually have some business to attend to . Eric : You mean you need to go blow something up ? Sorry . Xander : Just ... give her a kiss good night for me . I ll see you later at home . Sarah : [ Sighs ] Eric ... I know that it is hard for you to believe ... but xander really does love me and mickey , and there is nothing that he would nt do for us . Ben : Smooth as a baby s bottom . Ciara : Mm - hmm . Ben : There is no end to your talent . Ciara : Actually ... I am just getting started . Kristen : I need you to know you mean so much to me . You re the best thing that s ever happened to me , brady . And I am so sorry that my grief keeps me from letting you know how grateful I am that I still have you . Brady : Oh ... [Murmurs ] . Kristen : I love you . Brady : And ... I feel the same way , I really do . So let s go down to that hospital and meet with seth burns , and let s get this charity started for this little girl . And then we re gon na pick out some beautiful flowers , and we re gon na plant them . By we I mean you -- I do nt know how to plant . Kristen : I am so glad you found me today . Oh ... god . You know what ? Mommy and daddy will be back . And we will plant those flowers . Brady : You re gon na plant the flowers . Come on , let s go . Abe : You know , I ... I do nt deny that xander is capable of this , but why ? I do nt think he would do anything that does nt serve his own self - interests . Nicole : I m not sure why he did it . Maybe to get closer to sarah or to hurt kristen . I mean , those two have a pretty sick relationship . Abe : Trying to figure out xander s mind makes me a little bit nauseous . Nicole : Yeah , well , I do nt know how xander thinks , but i know all too well how he operates . And when he s threatening to destroy your life or hurt someone you love , he gets this menacing look on his face , and that s exactly how he looked at raynor . Abe : Raynor ? Nicole : The doctor he bribed . Abe : The doctor you think he bribed . Nicole : No , abe , I ca nt prove it , but I know he did it . Abe : Nicole ... are you doing this to get at the truth ... or settle a score with xander ? Roman : Yeah , get me , uh , couple cases of pale ale . Yeah . No , that ll do it , thanks , bart . Take care . Hattie : Hey . Now that you re off your phone call , you can join the foreign legion where you can avoid my question . Roman : [ Laughing ] I m not avoiding any question . Hattie : Well , you sure as hell did nt answer it . Roman : Hattie , we re at work , okay ? We got things to do here , we got things to do out there . You know that as well as I do . So this is not the time or place to talk about whatever in the hell it is you wanna talk about . Hattie : Hmm . Well , you know what it was ? It was a yes or no question , so you can answer it with a single syllable . What is it , yes or no ? Roman : Hattie ! Hattie : Oh . I see . Okay . If that s the way you feel , I am done with this job , and I am done with you . Ciara : There we go . All done . Ben : I do nt think so . Sarah : Um ... eric told me that you asked to hold mickey . Kristen : IM ... so sorry . Sarah : Oh , no , no , no , no . Do nt be . I - I totally understand . Kristen : I just-- Sarah : I mean , I think ... I do , I-- how could anyone understand what you re going through ? Um ... you know , this ... this may be wrong , but the hospital has this program where volunteers can hold babies whose mothers canT. Brady : Kristen said that she did nt wanna just give money . She wanted to do something . Kristen : Yeah , no , that sounds nice . Sarah : Yeah ? Kristen : Yeah . Sarah : You know , kristen , i do nt think ... I do nt think I could ever be as brave as you . Kristen : Oh , my god , brave . No . No , IM ... definitely not brave . Sarah : Oh , no , I disagree . Of course you are . Of course you are , you re here , you re gon na try to help other children . You got your marrow tested to try and save a child s life when you ... you went through the worst thing . You lost yours , you ... that is very brave in my book , kristen , very , very brave . So if there is anything that-- that we can do to help your charity , you have to let us know , okay ? Is nt that right , eric ? Eric : That s right . Sarah : Okay ? Kristen : Thank you . Sarah : Take care of her , okay ? Brady : I will . Thank you . Kristen : Oh , my god , she was so sweet . Brady : Yeah . She really was . Kristen : And she s right . I mean , she does nt understand , but ... cause they get to take their baby home . And we re never going to be able to . Nicole : I thought about what you said , and ... I realize now that I was crazy . I was crazy to think that you would switch the babies . Xander : Right ? Very crazy . Nicole : And besides , there was no reason for you to do it . Xander : No kidding . And look , you and eric are happy -- or at least as happy as that dead fish will allow himself to be -- and sarah and i are so happy . Just leave well enough alone , yeah ? Nicole : Do nt worry . I m going to . Abe : Well , what was that all about ? Nicole : I just told xander what he needed to hear . Ben : You will be blessed with a loyal and loving friend . Well , that s an understatement . My loyal and loving friend saved my life . Ciara : Ben , I was just being selfish . Because ... I just -- I really ca nt imagine living my life without you in it . Ben : Read yours . Ciara : You will find your forever love . You see , I think this is wrong . Because I ve already found him . Ben : I think you forgot something . Ciara : I did not . Ben : Yeah . Ciara : No . No , I just was nt finished . You will find your forever love ... between the sheets . Does that seem like it could apply to us ? Ben : Mmm . Well , there s only one way to find out . Ciara : Hmm ? ### Summary:
Nicole was shocked by the paternity test results . Abe came up to her and wanted to know what was going on with her . She wanted to make sure he would nt say anything to anyone first . They went inside the pub to talk . Roman went to their table to talk to them about Marlena . Roman walked away so Nicole told Abe everything concerning Mickey . She told him about her suspicions about Xander . He was nt sure why Xander would do that . She was nt sure , but she was convinced he bribed Dr. Raynor for something . Abe warned her to be careful dealing with Xander . She realized she had to get through to Dr. Raynor . Kristen and Brady were at Rachel s gravesite . He asked her if she would want another child . She thought they would betray Rachel by having another one . He suggested that they start a charity in Rachel s name . She loved the idea of them doing that . Eric found out that Sarah was engaged to Xander . He was nt happy about it and wondered when she was going to tell him about it . She did nt think it was a big deal , but he did . They ended up in an argument over it . Xander gave the lab tech his money to make sure no one found out about him switching Mickey s test results . Xander walked in Mickey s room and heard Eric and Sarah arguing . Eric told Xander about his list of crimes . Eric and Xander ended up arguing too . They eventually stopped arguing . Eric went back to talking to Sarah . He thought she could find a better man . She threw up his relationship with Nicole . He told her that Nicole would nt lie to him again . Nicole ran into Xander . She let him know that she believed he did nt switch the paternity test results . He told her to be glad she and Eric were happy . He advised her to leave the situation alone . She agreed that she would drop it . He walked away and she told Abe about Xander . She said she told Xander what he wanted to hear .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Reva : It s really a beautiful tree . Cassie : Beautiful . Tammy : How do you explain why you fall in love ? Cassie : This is not love . Tammy : Yes , it is . I love him . Cassie : If you go now , do nt ever bother coming back . Reva : It s hard not to feel hopeful this time of the year . Do nt you think ? Cassie : To tell you the truth , Reva , I m trying hard not to think right now . Josh : Hi . Waitress : Merry Christmas , Mr. Lewis . Josh : Thank you very much , Merry Christmas to you , too . You have nt seen Tammy Winslow tonight around here at all , have you ? Waitress : Tammy , no . Is she missing ? Josh : No , no . She s just ... she took off with a friend and it is snowing , so I m worried . Waitress : I ll keep an eye open . Josh : Thank you . I appreciate it . I m just trying to get her home safe . Sandy : She will be home safe if I have anything to say about it . Coop : Merry Christmas , Alexandra . Alexandra : You , too , Coop . Lizzie : I m so glad you had time for this . I missed you so much . Alexandra : Oh ! Wait a minute , dear , stand back and let me look at you . What is it , something is different ? Lizzie : No . I m doing wonderful . Alexandra : Really ? No , there has got to be something-- new haircut ? Lizzie : Something like that . Cassie : It s not right . Reva : Well it s not something either one of us wanted , but now we re going to have to find a way to deal with it . Cassie : I would do anything for her , you know that-- she knows that , right ? Reva : She s strong , honey , and smart . She s just like her mama , and she s brave . And I have to believe that she will be all right . Cassie : Reva , I m so glad you re here . I m so glad we re in this together . Jonathan : Oh . So ... where to ? Tammy : I ll be okay . I do nt care where we go , as long as I m with you . Jonathan : You sure ? We can still turn back . Tammy : I know . We can do anything . So how fast does this thing go ? How far ? Jonathan : Well , it goes as fast and as far as you want it to . Tammy : Show me . ( Engine starts ) ( rock music playing ) Josh : Go home , Sandy . You ve done enough . Sandy : We have to find Tammy and bring her home . Josh : We will . Her family will find her . Sandy : I can help find her and keep her away from Jonathan for good . You do nt know what he s capable of . You do nt know him the way I know him . Josh : Actually , I think I know Jonathan just fine . And I know you . Sandy : You think you do . Josh : Look , whatever happens between her and Jonathan , she has obviously made her choice : She does nt want to be with you . Sandy : I m right for her . I m not going to hurt her . Josh : You all right have , in some ways , worse than Jonathan did . Sandy : I love her . I ll fix it . Josh : Sandy , do you honestly see this as some kind of a second chance for you , or third or fourth chance ? You re just going to ... you re going to come in , you re going to rescue her in some way , and we re all going to accept you ? Because I ve got to tell you something : I do nt really want to see Tammy with you , anymore than I want to see her with Jonathan . Sandy : You re making a big mistake . Josh : It wo nt be my first . Alexandra : Oh , yes . Well I ca nt quite put my finger on it , darling , but there is something definitely different ? Lizzie : Yes , there is . Alexandra : Uh - huh . So , it s not the hairdo . It s not those shoes . Lizzie : Well ... Alexandra : Oh , good heavens . Coop , is nt it ? Coop took you dancing . Lizzie : What ? Alexandra : Well , it s an archaic expression for ... well , they used to call it a dance , a wonderful dance . Lizzie : Oh , yes ! Yeah , dancing . ( Laughter ) Alexandra : Yeah . Lizzie : Oh , aunt Alex . I never I knew I could be this happy in my entire life . But do nt worry , we re doing it right , you know , responsibly . Alexandra : Uh - huh . Uh - huh , okay . All right , well ... Lizzie : What s wrong ? Alexandra : I just need to step back here and take a breath and sort of take all of this in . ( Cell phone rings ) oh , excuse me . It is your grandfather . I better take this . Lizzie : Dancing . Hmm . Quinn : Well , well , things must have gone really well with your guy , huh ? Lizzie : Quinn , hi . Quinn : Hi . And just think , it s all thanks to me . Hmm . Cassie : I know it s hard to face-- especially when you ve tried so hard , but the truth is , he is still the same angry and violent boy who came to Springfield in the first place . Still determined to hurt all of us . What he did to Tammy was awful . Reva : She found a way to forgive Jonathan . And I believe it was that forgiveness that helped him , inspired him to try to be a better person . Cassie : People do nt change , Reva . They say they do . They say they will , they say they ll try , but they do nt . Look at Edmund , same thing with him . Just wait , the same thing will happen with Jonathan . And when it does ... Reva : What are you doing ? Cassie : I m taking the tree down . It s a lie , Reva , Christmas , the tree . I do nt want any of it . Not without Tammy . Until my daughter comes home , and alone , there will be no Christmas . No Christmas . Reva : Sweetie ... Cassie : No Christmas . Reva : Tammy will be home . I know her . She s going to come home because Jonathan wo nt allow her to stay away . Believe me . Tammy : Let s go inside because I m really ready to order some food . Jonathan : You re hungry ? Tammy : Starved . Jonathan : Me , too . Wait . We ve got to do this right . Tammy : Oh , you re crazy ! Jonathan : I have done this once before , the night of your wedding . Tammy : Okay , do nt call it my wedding night , all right ? It was something else ; it was something new , the start of us . Jonathan : So is this . Tammy : Mmm . Jonathan : Get those lights . Tammy : Wow . Jonathan : It s the last one they had . Tammy : That s not so bad . I ve stayed in hotels like this before . Jonathan : When ? Tammy : With my mom a long time ago . It was what we could afford . She always used to pretend like the whole room was velvet and gold and we were princesses . It s funny . Jonathan : What ? Tammy : I was thinking later on we actually did get to live in a real castle , me and mom . I could nt have cared less , though , but what mattered was that she was always there to take care of me and love me . Jonathan : Tammy ... Tammy : Now , I know that you ll always be there . Everything will be okay as long as I m with you . Jonathan : You gave up a lot to be with me . Tammy : Maybe , but I ve got the one thing in the world I wanted the most . Sandy : We found them together in the barn , and Tammy stood up holding his hand in front of the whole family , and she looked us in the eye and she said she wanted him , that she loved him . I was ... so close . You know she was almost mine . Ava : It s over . She is not yours anymore . Tammy and Jonathan , the two of them , when they re together , they have something . They have a connection . It s obvious . Sandy : We had a connection , too . Ava : Maybe , but you know what ? It s time you move on . It s time to let it go . Sandy : I ca nt . Ava : She does nt see who you really are . She does nt deserve to be with you . Maybe she never deserved to be with you . You deserve to be loved . Sandy : Ava ... Ava : She just does nt understand . If she did , she would nt be doing what-- no , uh - uh . Sandy : You know who I am , and you do nt care . You know what I ve done . Ava : Just do nt , okay , do nt . Sandy : Ava , I need you . You understand that ... Ava : Stop it , okay ! Stop it ! You re freaking me out . Coop : Look , she said stop , right ? The last time I heard , stop means stop ! Quinn : Have you thought about going to St. Lawrence with me ? Lizzie : I wo nt be able to , but maybe we can do dinner some time . Quinn : Dinner , yeah . Lizzie : And while you re thinking about old times , you need to consider lending me that old penthouse if you re not going to be there . Quinn : You mean for you and Coop the wonder waiter . Lizzie : You know , he works so hard , and I want to do something nice for him . Quinn : Sure , why not . Lizzie : You wo nt regret it . Quinn : Oh , of course I wo nt . Lizzie : You re the best . Quinn : Second to Mr. Coop , that is , right ? That s all right . I like a challenge . Lizzie : I m surprised how easy that was . Alexandra : Lizzie ? Is that a new friend of yours ? Tammy : We ve got plain crackers , cheese crackers , peanut butter crackers . This tv gets five channels . It s every girl s dream . Jonathan : Yeah , right . Tammy : Hey . We re here together , and that s all I ve been dreaming about . We told the world tonight who we are , and how we feel . We should be celebrating us . On Christmas . Jonathan : Well , there s no tree , and no presents . Tammy : So we ll come up with our own traditions . Jonathan : I got it . ( Rap music playing ) yeah , yeah ! Yo , we got D.J. Johnny John , Big John Stud , the original bad boy with the beautiful Tammy , holding it down out of town . Yep ! Jingle bells , this room smells , the carpets are all stained oh , what fun it is to ride in a one - room roach parade dashing down the road in my beat - up Chevrolet through Springfield we go laughing all the way Tammy : Ha - ha - ha Jonathon : hear my cell phone ring it s mommy Reva Shayne she says north pole just burned right down and you re the one to blame . ( Banging on the wall ) Tammy : Ooh . I guess you should turn it down . Jonathan : Like hell , we re celebrating . ( Banging on the wall ) yo ! Why do nt you deck the halls in there , or something . We re trying to have a little Christmas in here . Merry Christmas ! Jingle bells , jingle bells ... Tammy , you re not merry . Tammy : Sure I am . Jonathan : No , you re not . ( Music stops ) I dragged you away from your mom and your family and a really great Christmas to bring you to this . Tammy : I do nt care . Jonathan : Do nt lie to me . Tammy : You know how I feel about you . Jonathan : Yeah , I do . But I know something else , too . You want to go home . Reva : Jonathan is not the same person who hurt Tammy . Cassie : Do nt waste your breath , Reva . Reva : He only wants what is best for her , Cassie . Cassie : He thinks he s best for her . Reva : Well , you know what ? She made her own choice . Cassie : Yeah , after the wedding , after what Sandy did to her . I ca nt blame her for being confused . And maybe I was too hard on her . Who would have thought ... really I mean , whoever would have seen that coming ? Reva ? Did you see this coming ? Reva : I just-- I had a feeling that Jonathan cared about Tammy , and then I saw what a hard time he had at the wedding . Cassie : What hard time ? Reva : Tammy s easy to love , sweetie . She has a rare soul . And Jonathan-- I mean , after Nate died , he tried so hard to put the pieces back together , and has tried to be a better person . Cassie : A better person ? He s still burning down houses . Reva : We do nt know that . I mean , the police did nt come up with any kind of report . Cassie : You know , I wish I could just lock Tammy up to keep her safe . Reva : Tammy is a grown woman , Cassie . Cassie : Then tell me , what am I supposed to do ? How am I supposed to keep them apart ? We ca nt just sit back and let this happen . Reva : We ? Cassie : Reva , yes . You are my sister . I ca nt do this alone . I need you to help me keep my daughter safe . I need you to help me keep her away from Jonathan . Coming up on Guiding Light ... Coop : Okay . Ava : Leaning on you a little too much ? Coop : You know what ? ( Laughter ) Cassie : You know as well as I do this just can not happen . Josh : If you try to separate them now , you might make things worse . Cassie : I m losing her , Josh , I m losing my little girl . Sandy : Back off , Coop , this is nt your business . Sandy : Ava , are you okay ? Ava : Yeah , yeah . Sandy : She s fine . See you later . Coop : I think I ll stick around if it is all right with Ava . Ava : Yes . Coop : All right . I guess I m not going anywhere then . Sandy : So you re going to gang up on me , too ? Take your best shot ; everyone else has . And why not you , too . I did try and give you everything , though ? Ava : You what ? You tried to give me everything ? You never loved me . I did nt even see that because I was so worried about trying to get you to feel something for me that I did nt even notice it . You ... you made me think the entire time we were married that I was the problem , that it was my fault , that what I was feeling ... you were saying things to me like I love you , but I knew deep down inside , something was wrong ! Sandy : I was trying to do my thing . Ava : I knew something was wrong . I knew it ! If you cared for me , and you felt anything for me , you would ve never done what you did to me , you never would ve left me . You left me . No call , no letter , nothing . You just took off . This . Sandy : It s your ring ; keep it . Ava : You know what ? You gave it to me for the wrong reasons . I was wearing it because I was hoping to have a life with you , that I know I will never have . I do nt want it . Sandy : So that s it , you re just going to walk away ? Actually , that s perfect because you are abandoning me when I need you . That s ... Ava : You left me first . Sandy : Good times . Coop : Uh , are you okay ? Ava : Oh , my gosh . I think I m going to be okay . Alexandra : Lizzie , this friend of yours ... Lizzie : Quinn , I have known him forever . And that is exactly why he is just a friend . He s one of those old , you know ... Alexandra : Pals ? Lizzie : Right . Alexandra : Oh . Well , Lizzie , he s the kind of friend you agree to go out to dinner with in exchange for what , a key to his was it a penthouse ? Lizzie : Were you eaves dropping ? You are unbelievable . Alexandra : Yes , well , what does Coop think about all of this ? Lizzie : I m doing it for Coop . Alexandra : Oh , really ? And does he see it that way ? Lizzie : I m happy ; he s happy . And I think that s all that matters . Alexandra : Ah ... Lizzie : And sure , I mean , I ll get another job sooner or later . But in the meantime , it s not like I m cheating on Coop . I m doing this for him ; Quinn knows it . Alexandra : You know there are other ways to get by , my darling . For instance , heaven forbid , you could come home . Oh , come on , Lizzie , we re a family . We re you re family , darling . I mean it s the holidays . I mean ... do nt you miss us ? We miss you ? Lizzie : Sometimes . Alexandra : Hmmm . Well , you know what ? I think I have an idea why you re doing this , because I have a feeling you just sort of miss yourself . Do nt worry , darling , I understand . ( Laughing ) we miss you , too . Cassie : You can work on Jonathan ; I know he ll listen to you . And I will work on Tammy . Maybe some time away . I could send her to Paris to visit with Marah . Reva ? Reva : Look , there s Josh . He s here . Cassie : Honey , I know this is hard on you , too , it s your son , but you know as well as I do , this just can not happen . Any luck ? Josh : No , I m afraid not . Nothing . Cassie : I m glad you re here , Josh . We were thinking of ways to keep Tammy and Jonathan apart . Josh : Actually , I m not sure that is such a good idea . Cassie : Why ? Josh : Cassie , if you try to separate them now , you ll make things worse . In fact , I think you ll drive her farther away . Cassie : I ca nt just stand by and watch . Josh : Yeah , but if you fight her on this , she s going to fight even harder . You ve got to let her figure this thing out on her own . Cassie : I do nt think I can see them together and not keep them apart . Josh : Cassie , look . You raised a smart girl and you know that . You ve got to give her time . If there s no future in this , she ll see it . Reva : You think so ? Josh : Yes , I do . I think she ll see that it s not going to workout and she ll want to come home . But that s exactly why you ve got to leave the door open for her . Otherwise , she wo nt feel like she s welcome here . Cassie : You guys have been through this . How do you let your kids go ? Josh : ( Laughing ) well , because you have no choice . Reva : And because you know it s the right thing to do . Because you ve been on their side of it , even though it does hurt . Josh : After all of the bruised knees , and all of the excruciating school plays and the birthday parties-- one day after another , and one day comes and they leave and walk out the door , which is exactly what they re supposed to do . But then you re wandering around in this big , old empty house . And sometimes ... sometimes they make choices you do nt agree with , and every part of you wants to change that or fix it , but you ca nt do it . Reva : Tony and Marah ? Josh : Oh , yeah . Well , my first instinct there was to lock Marah in her room for the rest of her life and take Tony , you know , on one of those drives out to the woods with Billy and the pickup and the pig , but I did nt do that . I let her get to that point herself where she figured it out . She knew that Tony was nt the guy and she walked away . And you ve got to let Tammy get to that place on her own . Cassie : I just want her to be happy , that s all I ve ever wanted for her , but ... Reva : But what ? Cassie : I ca nt live with this , not with him . Tammy : Of course I miss my mom . It s Christmas . We have stuff . Jonathan : Christmas stuff ? Tammy : I know it sounds lame . Jonathan : No . Tammy : It is just what I m used to , that s all . But things change . Jonathan : No , Tammy , why should you have to give up all of your holiday stuff for me . Tammy : Us . Jonathan : But you should nt have to choose . I mean , what if I m not worth it ? And you know what I do . I hurt , I break , I burn things . Tammy : What are you doing ? Jonathan : Here . Call your mom . Tell her that I forced you to come , tell her that you made a mistake . Tammy : No . Jonathan : Tammy , it s not too late . Look , I want you to do this now , while things are still good between us , before I screw everything up like I always do . Come on . I want you to walk away . Ava : Sandy , he s all I ve ever known my whole life . Even after he left me , all my decisions and everything revolved around him . Now he s gone . Coop : Well , this is your chance to start over . Ava : Yeah . Coop : Come on , is nt working at Springfield s hottest new club exciting enough for you ? It has got to be . Let me see a smile . There you go . Ava : Oh , yeah . Of course it is , and you ve been really sweet . Thank you . Coop : True , but I still owe you . You just saved me for having to work 24-hour shifts continuously . Ava : If I end up hanging out here more frequently , then I may need a friend I can lean on . Coop : That s fine . A little , a lot . It does nt really matter . Ava : A little , a lot . I m leaning on you too much . Coop : You know what ? When we start to fall over , you ll know . Ava : ( Laughing ) there you go . Hey , there she is . Lizzie , come here . Come here . Let me tell you , you just missed an incredible moment . Lizzie : Really , did I ? Coop : Ava find finally kicked Sandy to the curb . Ava : I did and I could not have done it without you . And your timing , it was incredible . Lizzie : I feel sorry for Sandy . He has had a tough time . Coop : Well it is Sandy s own fault . Lizzie : Ava , do you mind if I speak to you in private . You do nt mind ? Coop : No . Please , go ahead . Cassie : Reva , you do nt have to go . Reva : No , I do nt mind , honey . I promise I wo nt get him riled up . I ll be as quiet as Santa on Christmas eve . Josh : Cassie , you ve got to sit down and relax . Cassie : Well , that s nice , you know how much I love eggnog . Wow . Josh : Yeah , I kind of figured I d give it a kick , sort of a peace offering . Cassie : Peace offering ? I m not mad at you . Okay , well that s not exactly true . Josh : Yeah , I kind of got that . Cassie : I am ... I m mad at the world , Josh . Having to give up Hope and watching Tammy humiliated on her wedding day , and Jonathan , and then you bringing up this whole thing about Jeffrey s past , it s just too much . Cassie : Is that damn eggnog ready yet ? Josh : Yes , it is . It s ready and it s strong . Cassie : How strong , that s the question . Josh : Well , you tell me . Cassie : I do nt know , I m pretty shy about my opinions . Josh : Yeah , me , too ( laughs ) listen , um , about this thing with Jeffrey . Cassie : Josh ... Josh : No , no . If you re done with it , I m done with it . Cassie : I am . And I do nt blame you . I never would . Josh : Thank you . Cassie : Besides , I knew there was nothing to it , so there s no reason for us to talk about it then or now . Josh : Exactly . Cassie : Especially when there are other , more important things to talk about now . I m losing her , Josh . I m losing my little girl . Josh : You do nt have to . Cassie : You told me to leave her alone . Josh : No , I told you not to lay down the law . But you re still her mother , and she needs you . You need her . Go for it . Jonathan : Do it , Tammy . It s the right thing . Tammy : And what about us ? Jonathan : Call your mom ! Tammy : Do nt ! Jonathan : Do nt what ? Do nt ruin your Christmas , do nt throw things ? Tammy : Shut up ! Jonathan : Do nt throw a fit ? Tammy : Just shut up ! You almost just gave up on us , and pushed me away . We re past that , okay ? We re in this together . I m where I belong . ( Glass breaking ) Jonathan : Oh , no . Let s go . We re getting out of here . Tammy : What , you do nt want to stay here and watch infomercials and eat crackers with me . Jonathan : Not here . Let s go . Tammy : Go where ? Jonathan : Anywhere else . This place is not good enough . Not for you . Come on . ( Laughter ) Lizzie : Look , I know you ve had a tough time lately . Ava : Yeah , I m still standing up , still alive , thanks to you and Coop , you ve been so great . Lizzie : Well that s sort of what I wanted to talk to you about , Coop . Ava : What about him ? Lizzie : Well , um , I noticed you ve needed a lot of time lately-- his time-- you know , someone to listen to , lend a friendly ear . And Coop s really amazing about that . Ava : He is . Lizzie : And he s happy to do it , but he has had so much lately . I mean , there s his dad with that heart problem . And he s been picking up the slack on that end . And then his sister s just fresh out of prison , and she s running my family s company already . And he s basically raising her two sons on his own . And that s just the beginning of it . I mean , it s like ... well , yeah , everyone in town goes to Coop for advice and help . Ava : Just like me . Lizzie : Exactly , and you know , he actually confessed to me last night , that-- well that s just pillow talk , I guess I should nt publish that , but , you know , I m just worried about him . I think he s taking on too much . I hate to lay this on you , I really do , Ava . Ava : No , it is fine . The last thing I want to do is be a burden , and Coop never mentioned anything to me about that , so ... Lizzie : Well , he would nt . Whenever you have any problems , just do nt call Coop , you can call me and we can do brunch . Ava : Brunch ? Lizzie : Brunch . We re friends now , are nt we ? Ava : Okay , brunch . Coop : Hey , time s up . All right . Oh . Ava , I ve been meaning to ask you , Cooper , and family and friends and Christmas , you ll be there , right ? Ava : Ah , I would love ... um , yeah , you know what ? Thanks for asking me , but I ca nt . Coop : Ah , why not ? Ava : Ooh , there s a customer over there I have . Time for me to check in anyway . Thanks . Coop : Yeah ... is she okay ? Lizzie : She s fine . I told her whenever she needs me , I m here for her . Coop : Well that was awful nice of you . Lizzie : I know . Well , I guess it was just the Christmas spirit . Coop : Uh - huh . Well , I like that about you . Lizzie : Do you ? Coop : I do . Lizzie : Then maybe we ll have to make it Christmas every day . I ll have to make sure of it-- day and night . ( Laughter ) ( musical intro playing ) Friday mornings all alone one by one the stars have said goodbye yeah , pictures in a thousand words , a thousand miles turning into song and I want you to know ... Cassie : Tammy , wherever you are , and whatever you re thinking , I just , um , I want you to know that I love you . With all of my heart . And even though I said what I said , you have to know that you can always come home . Just know that . And , please , honey just come home . I love you . Josh : She knows now . That s a good thing . She knows she can come home . Reva : Well , R.J. S fine , visions of sugar plums dancing in his head . So what do you say ? Why do nt we get busy on this tree so that we can have a wonderful Christmas . And I want you to know ... Cassie : It will be a wonderful Christmas , it will when Tammy comes home . Lucky to know you ... Jonathan : Guess what ? I think we re lost . Tammy : Lost ? Jonathan : Does this road look familiar ? Tammy : I ve never been here before in my life . I ve got a feeling this road is nt on the map . Not any map that we ve got . Marina : He really was nt that into me . Alan - Michael : Hey , hot stuff , feel like using them cuffs ? Olivia : Flattery will get you a cup of coffee . Gus : Maybe the judge is going to let him out . Alan : I m going to get out of this place one way or the other . Alan : Zach , you re coming with me . Harley : Give me back my son ! ### Summary:
Alexandra runs into Lizzie and notices that something seems different about her and guesses that it is about her and Coop . Quinn surprises Lizzie and asks about her going to Switzerland with him , she turns him down but says she would nt mind borrowing the condo again . Sandy tells Josh that he is nt going to give up on Tammy and Josh tells him that Tammy has made her choice and she does nt want anything to do with him whether or not she is with Jonathan or not . Ava tries to comfort Sandy and tells him to move on and when he wo nt take no for an answer , Coop steps in to help Ava out . She finally lashes out at Sandy for hurting her and tells him she is moving on . Sandy destroys the fishing shack of Tammy and Jonathan s . Coop and Ava are having a close moment when Lizzie finds them and tells Ava not to go to Coop for all of her problems . Josh and Reva both advise Cassie not to give up on Tammy and not to push her away . Jonathan tries to do the same with Tammy and she tells him not to pull away from her for her sake . Cassie calls Tammy and tells her to come home , no matter what and Josh and Reva help her trim the tree .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Buzz : Marina s missing . Coop : I know . Buzz : We do nt know where she is or if she s safe . Coop : Pop , I know . It s pretty much all I can think about . Buzz : So why are we doing this ? Coop : Because we are not cops . Because Frank and Harley are doing everything that they can possibly do right now . Buzz : There s nothing we can do about it except just hope and pray and keep a light lit for her . Coop : Well , we can win this damn election for her . Buzz : Where d you find him ? Ashlee : You know , I almost hate to say it , but I do nt think Coop is entirely wrong . Coop : Well , thank you . Way to have my back . Dad , Doris Wolfe s new campaign commercial is in full swing , in heavy rotation on just about every local station . All right , you can even log onto the internet to see this commercial on her web site . Buzz : Oh , come on , who logs onto the internet to watch commercials ? Coop : Really ? Why do nt you come take a look at this ? All right , Dad , there have been 14,000 hits since last Friday alone . Doris : Springfieldians , today I call upon you to say yes . Say yes to those who want to take this great city of ours into a prosperous future . Buzz Cooper wants you to believe that he s a man of the people . It s a lie . He s the establishment ; just ask his son , the police chief . And worse , he s a hypocrite . Ask his granddaughter , a cop , and her notorious thief of a boyfriend . Coop : Um ... she made this before Marina ... Buzz : I do nt care . Coop : Me either . Buzz : How do we get her ? Coop : That s a good question . I want to show you something that I ve been working on . Okay , here we go . Just tell me what you think , okay ? Commercial narrator : When you go into the booth on election day and pull that lever , who will you really be voting for ? Stop and ask yourself why the richest man in town is backing this candidate , and what he expects to get for his money . Buzz : Got anything else ? Coop : What ? Okay , all right . Yes , there is something else that I ve just been kind of working on and ... you ll see . Billy : He came from humble beginnings . The son of Greek immigrants , he found himself in a land that really only asked one thing for success : That you pull yourself up by your bootstraps and you do it on your own . And that s just what he did . Buzz : Was that the voice of Billy Lewis ? Coop : He s got a good voice . Buzz : Morgan Freeman was nt available ? Coop : Okay , I m feeling like you re not feeling any of this right now . Buzz : Call up Ashlee . Tell her to bring her equipment . Buzz : And I want you to know , Springfield , that I will always put you -- you-- first . Together ... ( laughs ) ... we can build a community we re all proud to call home ... oh , cut . Coop : Just keep going . We can always do another take , Dad . Buzz : Oh , come on , there s not going to be another take ! Coop : Well , you ca nt quit now . We barely got started . Buzz : It s just going to get worse . Take my word for it . I mean , this ... this ? It s not me . Coop : Dad , we re just trying to help you win . Buzz : I do nt want to lose . I know this town . I know it as well as I know anything . That s got to count for something . Ashlee : Well , what do you have in mind ? Buzz : A love letter . Buzz : There s a customer that once suggested that we call this place Crossroads , which I think is pretty much right because when you haul yourself up to the counter here , you re just as likely to be seated next to a CEO as a truck driver . So , I think Company is a good name . I mean , company as in keeping company . Because when you re here , in this town , in a place we call home , and you re likely to be in very good company , indeed . Coop : Perfect . I m liking this . Buzz : Yeah ? Coop : So , what s next ? Buzz : I do nt know . You know , I m just winging it . Let s get out and talk to people and see what they have to say . Ashlee : About what ? Buzz : About this place ; what makes this place this place . I mean , if I have any platform , that s what it is . I mean , not messing up this thing we love , you know ? Coop : All right . Well , I d stay away from controversy . That s my advice . I d want to make this a feel- good piece . Buzz : Uh - huh . Well , let s see what happens . Coop : Why does that make me nervous ? Uh - huh . Rick : Mmm , best coffee in town . Especially if you like a mixture of dirt and motor oil . Thank you , Buzz , courtesy of Co2 on Main Street . Buzz : Well , thanks for the plug , Rick . But we re talking about Springfield here . Rick : We re not talking about the bad coffee ? Buzz : No , we re not . Rick : What can I say ? It s a ... it s a ... Springfield s a great town . I grew up here . Love it . Buzz : Lots of barbecue ! Rick : Lots of barbecues ! Yeah , lots of time cooking burgers , but , you know what , I have to say Springfield s a lot like the town I grew up in , Buzz . And I just hope that my little girl loves it as much as I do . I mean , we re like family . I love ... I can sincerely say I love everybody in this town . Buzz : Rick , wait ... come on , come on ... Rick : What the hell do you think you re trying to pull ? Alan : What s the problem , Rick ? Rick : What s the problem ? You think I was nt going to find out about you snooping around , asking Beth s doctor questions ? What do you think , I m an idiot ? Alan : I was just checking to make sure she was getting good care . You know that she means a lot to me , as well as the baby . Rick : My ... my baby , Alan . You stay away from Beth and my baby or I will make you pay . Do you understand that ? Alan : Tell me something , Rick , why are you so threatened by me ? Rick : Because you are a sick man . You are a sick man who s obsessed with my baby ! Buzz : So ... Jeffrey : You sure you want me to talk ? I mean , because , you know , you and I , we ... Buzz : Well ... Jeffrey : Okay . Okay . Let s see . I originally came here for a job . I thought I was just going to be in and out , but I ended up staying . I suppose there s a lot of reasons why people stay ; I just never thought that , you know , I wanted this , a community . Buzz : And yet , you re here . You ran for mayor . Jeffrey : Yes , I did . I did . ( Laughter ) I did . I think it s something about , you know , being accepted in a place like this . Buzz : So ... Olivia : Hi . Hi , Buzz . You got a minute ? Jeffrey : Well , I m actually kind of , you know ... Olivia : Excuse us . Be right back . Jeffrey : Sorry . Olivia : Why are you here ? Jeffrey : Well , I had a meeting . Olivia : Look , I kicked you out of the hotel . Jeffrey : You kicked me out of my room . I did nt know I was banned . Olivia : Okay , all right . In the future , I would prefer it if you would just ... are you ... are you recording this ? Buzz : Well , you know , this is supposed to be about the town . Olivia : Well , it s not big enough for the two of us , if you ask me . Buzz : I ll come get you guys later . Blake : All right , not right now , Mom . Okay , later . There s something I have to do . Okay , bye . Okay . I m ready . Are we rolling ? Buzz : Yeah . Blake : Yeah ? Buzz : So , you know , take your time . Blake : I m good to go . So , what exactly do you want to hear ? Buzz : Well , I just wanted to talk about Springfield . Blake : Right . Buzz : You wanted to be mayor . I know it s tough for you , okay ? Blake : Yeah , I really did . But , if I ca nt be mayor , I think you re going to be good . Buzz : It s not about me . It s not . It s just about , you know , the town . It s about Springfield . It s about giving your thoughts , your memories . Really . Blake : I love it here . I love it here . I ve had the happiest times of my life , and I ve had the saddest . It s funny ... Buzz : It s funny ? Good , let s go with that . Go ahead , it s funny . Funny s good . Blake : No , no , no , no , no . It s not ha ha funny , really . It s ... for such a normal looking town , this place has a very intense effect on people . It s like an electricity . It definitely brings out the best in people , and the worst . I m sorry . This is probably not the stuff you want to hear , the bad stuff , huh ? Buzz : No , go ahead . Just say what s on your mind , good or bad . Blake : Really ? Buzz : Absolutely . Blake : I was born here in Springfield . I m from Springfield . Of course , I did ... well , my mom took me away when I was a little girl , to get away from my dad . But I came back here . I came back here as an adult and I got married . A couple of times . Then I found Ross here , the love of my life . Well , it did nt actually start out as love ; it started out as revenge against my mother . But we did get married and we really did fall in love . And we had all of our children here . Of course , we were nt quite positive Ross was the father of all of them because there was issue with Rick , sort of , that happened . But ... Coop : Hello ? Um , I m not sure that s what we re going for here . Blake : Well , listen , what do you want from me ? Because I can help . I was in PR for a long time . No , I really ... let me help , please . If Doris wins , I may have to move to Oakdale , okay ? Coop : ( Laughs ) Right . We ll get back to you . Blake : I really want to help . Coop : Thanks , Blake . Buzz : This is nt going so well . Coop : No , Dad , you know what , it s fine . It s fine . Buzz : You think so ? Coop : I do think so . If we can just make sure you have one of these on you , that would certainly help . Buzz : Oh , that will help , yeah . Yeah . Ashlee : ( Laughs ) You know , I could get on camera and talk about Springfield . Buzz : ( Laughs ) I ll bet you d have an interesting take on it , would nt you ? Coop : As long as it s a positive take . Ashlee : Yeah , I can do that . Coop : Good . Frank : Okay , you know what ? You tell the State Police that s just not good enough . Take it to the top , if you have to . We re talking about my daughter here . Ashlee : Frank , hi ... Frank : Not now , Ashlee . Ashlee : No , I just wanted you ... Frank : Right now is not a good time . Do you understand ? Do you have any idea what we re dealing with ? Buzz : Frank ... Frank : Pop , how much more , huh ? How much more can happen to this family ? Buzz : I better catch up to Frank . Coop : Dad , and say what ? Buzz : I do nt know . I do nt know . You again . Olivia : Me again . Buzz : Yeah . Olivia : So , what is this ? Buzz : This is nothing important . Coop : This is , um , a campaign video . Pop is going around asking people what makes Springfield so special . Olivia : Special ? Now there s a word for it . Buzz : Okay , it s a bad idea . With Marina missing ... Olivia : So , when do I get my turn ? Buzz : You want to ? Olivia : Half of the town lives in my hotel . Who knows this place better than I do ? Buzz : Ah , well , we can sit right over there . Olivia : Can I say one thing and one thing only ? This town needs you , Buzz Cooper . Buzz : Oh , well , thank you ... Olivia : Because it is a wreck on wheels , and there s no fixing it . Although you ... you could do more than anyone possibly could . As a matter of fact , I think you should be elected by unanimous vote . Buzz : Well , you know , thank you ... Olivia : And the fact that you wo nt is just further proof of how messed up the town really is . Buzz : Well , you know , that s ... Olivia : I mean , really , let s be honest here . Mayors are great for fixing potholes and cutting ribbons . I mean , we really sit down and talk about that expansion that I m working on . It s really your constituents that have me worried . It s kind of like running for mayor of the looney bin . Buzz : Well , that s a great slogan for my campaign . Olivia : No , come on . Name me one other town where everyone you know has been married five or six times . And they re still looking for a mate . I mean , it s insane , right ? And then ... then there are the secrets . And you know the ones I m talking about , the ones that come out at the most inopportune times and usually in front of a crowd . What s that about ? Coop : We re running out of tape here . Olivia : Well , then you need to reload because I have nt gotten to the rivalries and the grudges and the people that hatch plots ... Buzz : No , honestly , we have to do another take ... Olivia : I really , truly believe that the surgeon general should just put one of those warnings on all of the signs heading into the city and be done with it . I got to go . Coop : Well , you wanted interesting . Well , there s a whole seven seconds that we have about Olivia talking about what a great mayor you re going to make . So , I m sure we can salvage something . Buzz : This is lunch time at Company . Let s check out the crowd . Dinah : Look , I do nt know why you insist on doing this . Mallet : I m just trying to help you . Dinah : You know what , your help has been smothering me and that is what created all of this to begin with . I do nt want to do this , all right ? Mallet : What s all this , Buzz ? Buzz : Look , I m sorry . I did nt mean to stop you ... Mallet : No , it s fine , it s fine . It s fine . What s with the camera ? Buzz : Well , it s a video we re making . It s about , you know , the town . It s for the campaign , you know ? What people think about the town , you know ? Why they came here , why they stay . You know , stuff like that . Mallet : Why they stay ? Wow . When you find out , let me know . Buzz : Well , obviously , this is not a very good time for you , so ... Mallet : No , you know what , Buzz , what the heck ? It s a perfect time . Because I m sure you ve been getting a lot of rave reviews , right , about Springfield ? Maybe I can add some balance . Buzz : Balance ? Mallet : Yeah . I know when I came back to Springfield , I came back to fix very specific wrongs , make things right , you know ? I m sure other people have tried to do the same thing . But what I ve found out is that it does nt really work out that way . Buzz : Mallet ... Mallet : Because when you get back here , what you do nt realize is there are fresh mistakes to be made . I mean , so you can forget about fixing the mistakes of the past , you ve got the present . You ve got the present to screw - up ! I mean , you can screw that up really nice and good . So , that s what I ve learned , Buzz , about Springfield . And I know other people think it s some kind of , I do nt know , Ellis Island of redemption . Who knows ? I do nt know much . I guess , actually , what I do know is I think the milk went bad , Buzz . Buzz : Sorry about that , Mallet . Mallet : Me , too . Alan : Well , Mr. Spielberg , how is your little documentary coming along ? Buzz : I was just trying to do a little piece on the town , you know , to show why it s different . Alan : Are the natives cooperating ? Buzz : Oh , forget about it . Alan : You know what your problem is , Buzz ? Buzz : Oh , please , tell me what my problem is , Alan . Alan : You re a dreamer . Buzz : You say it like it s a bad thing . Alan : Your dreams are the reason you are where you are today . Buzz : Here with you ? Alan : You know , it s one thing to dream about flipping hamburgers , but there s another thing to have that same dream to try to govern this city . Buzz : Oh , come on . This town began with a dream . Alan : This town began with people who were smart , who saw an opportunity for commerce and enterprise . Now , if they had a dream about anything , Buzz , it was about how to make a buck . Buzz : You would think that . Alan : And you think a fairy came along and sprinkled pixie dust everywhere ? No . It was smart people , smart families like the Spaulding s , like me , who were nt afraid to crush the little people for progress and make this city the great city it is . Buzz : You actually mean that ? Alan : You think this is Oz ? It s ancient Rome . This is the coliseum . And there are a few lions and the buffet is endless . Frank : Hey , Pop . Buzz : Hi . I came to see how you re doing and to apologize . Frank : For what ? Buzz : Well , you know , Ashlee , and that bit with the camera . I m sorry . Frank : Do nt worry about it . Buzz : Any leads on Marina ? Frank : No . Absolutely nothing and it s killing me . I wish I could do more , Pop . Buzz : I know . Frank : Harley s in New York with that Foley scum , you know ? And I know she s tearing that town apart , but nothing , absolutely nothing . I ve got a cell phone out there that s completely turned off so I ca nt trace it , and that is my one link to my daughter . Buzz : Frank , they ll find her . She ll be back with us . Frank : God , I hope so . What the hell was Ashlee doing with that camera ? Buzz : It s nothing . It s just stupid . Frank : Well , what was it ? Buzz : It was a campaign video I was making . It was an idea I had , something about Springfield . It s not working out very well . Frank : What s your idea ? Buzz : It s just a notion I have about this town , and how the people feel about it , and , you know , how things work here . Frank : Exactly how do things work here , Pop ? Buzz : Not as well as I thought , Frank . Doris : Let me guess , you were back there in the kitchen telling the working man how he can count on you . Buzz : Doris . Doris : Not that any of them are registered to vote . Buzz : Oh , lighten up , big D. Doris : You know what I was while you were back there doing a Woody Guthrie sing - a - long ? I was in a main ballroom hosting a $ 200-a - plate luncheon for my campaign . And you know what I got when I finished my speech ? Buzz : Dessert ? Doris : Mmm , a standing O . In fact , I could nt get them to stop . Buzz : Maybe it was just because you stopped talking . Doris : Hmm . It was because I connected with those people , Buzz , the real citizens of Springfield . The people that make the wheels go round in this town , they heard my message and they said yes . Buzz : I bet they did . Doris : That s it ? No snappy comeback ? Buzz : You know , maybe they just deserve you , Doris . Maybe we all do . Blake : I m from Springfield . Of course , I did ... well , my mom took me away when I was a little girl . Coop : Okay . That s some place that we can mark as an edit . Ashlee : Yes . I ll mark the time code . ( Knock on the door ) Wait , I ll get it . Hey . Buzz : Hey . Coop : Hey , Dad , where d you disappear to ? Buzz : I stopped by the station to see Frank . Coop : Uh - huh . Is there any word about Marina ? How s Frank doing ? Buzz : I do nt know . I wish I could help . I wanted to say something more than , It will work out , but , you know , it just ... Coop : Well , Ashlee and I , we re putting some of the interview clips together if you want to take a look at it . Buzz : No , no , no . I do nt need to do that . Coop : Okay . All right , I ll tell you what , I ll just burn the whole interview on a DVD , and I ll just give it to you . You can watch ... Buzz : No , I never need to see it . I never , never have to see it . Jeffrey : Hey , you finish the video ? Buzz : Oh , yeah . Jeffrey : I hope I did nt end up on the cutting room floor , as they say . Buzz : We all ended up on the cutting room floor . The project is D.O.A. Jeffrey : Oh , what killed it ? Buzz : A severe lack of will . Jeffrey : Marina ? Buzz : Yeah . No . Mostly no . It s just a question of faith , really . Jeffrey : Okay . Wow . Well , you know , I never really had much faith in anything to begin with , so ... Buzz : So ... Jeffrey : So maybe if you keep the climb short , you have less far to fall , you know what I mean ? Buzz : Did you get that out of a fortune cookie ? Jeffrey : Well , if I did , I d probably ask for my money back . Buzz : You know , when I was young , I drifted a long time . I wasted a lot of time , a lot of life and I came here and I thought things would change . You know , I mean a change of lifestyle , a change of perspective , a change that would be profound . Jeffrey : Well , it seems like you found it . Buzz : No , what I found is pixie dust . Jeffrey : Excuse me ? Buzz : Something an acquaintance told me today . The change did nt come from this place , it did nt come from the air around here . It does nt work that way . Bad things happen to good people all the time , and there s nothing inherently here , the reality here , that can keep that at bay . Jeffrey : Okay . Buzz : What is the point ? That s what I want to know . Jeffrey : The point ? Buzz : Of trying to make it better . Jeffrey : Well , when you figure that one out , let me know , okay ? Thanks for the coffee . Hey ! ( Laughter ) How you doing ? Buzz : Ava ? Mind if I borrow your daughter for a minute ? Ava : I m not quite clear on exactly what you want . Buzz : That s okay . I m not exactly clear myself . Ava : You just want me to talk about Springfield ? Buzz : Let s talk about you . When exactly did you come here ? Ava : Well , gosh , I guess it s been over two years now . Wow ! Buzz : Glad you stuck around ? Ava : Well , there was a time where I ... let s not talk about that . Yes , I m glad I stuck around . Buzz : Things have changed for you a lot . Ava : Yeah . Things were complicated when I first came here . There was a guy-- I guess I was a little naive-- and I guess I let him use me a little bit , too . But I m not that person anymore . I m not . I know exactly what I want and who I want to be . Buzz : Something else changed for you , too , though . Ava : Yeah . I did nt know my biological parents . In fact , I actually did nt even know that they existed . Buzz : But then ? Ava : But then they were here . I mean , they were nt together together , but they were both here . Here they were . And it was just kind of like we found each other . Buzz : That s unusual . Ava : Yeah . Yeah , it was really unusual . And , man , it was hard . It was really hard at the beginning . And ... and it was incredibly hard . It still is , but we re ... we re finding our way , and we re ... we re making it happen . And it s worth it . It s worth it to all of us . Yeah , man , it was a coincidence completely , moving here to this new town and finding out that my mom and dad both lived here , too . What are the chances of that ? Dinah : No , it was nt easy for me , not in this town . Buzz : If it s hard , you do nt have to go into it . You ve got a lot of other things on your mind , too , so maybe ... Dinah : Oh , no . No , it s okay . In a way , I do nt mind the distraction . Where were we ? Buzz : Beginnings . Dinah : Right . Springfield . I was on the road a lot as a kid . I grew up in traveling shows , in carnivals . And I was gone for a while , and I actually made it back a few times . But the first time , before I had to leave , that s when I met my parents . I know it sounds strange . Buzz : No , maybe not as much as you think . Dinah : Well , I met them . And they met me . And , well , it was complicated . It was nt that easy because sometimes I was nt the easiest person to be around . Buzz : Well , Ross did nt even know that you were his daughter , right ? Dinah : No . I made a connection to my mom , Vanessa , at first . And that s when it all came out- - how she got pregnant , by who . And , well , I miss my dad . Buzz : We all miss your father . Dinah : I can honestly say , though , that when I had to come back , and when I met them , when I got to know my mom and dad , it changed my life . They changed my life . And then I needed to go again . And then I came back . And that s when I met Mallet . And he changed my life again . Can we stop ? Buzz : Of course . I did nt mean to you know ... Dinah : No , I ... I do nt think anyone sees something that good coming , ever . Buzz : Rick , some people think there must be something really wrong about this place based on the divorce rate alone . Rick : Oh ! Okay , now I see why you wanted to interview me a second time . What s wrong , Buzz , was nt Josh and Reva around to be interviewed ? Buzz : Oh , I ll get to them next . Rick : Yeah , there s no question about it . If you have a family law practice in this town , you re going to make a lot of money . Buzz : So there s something about love that we just do nt get here . Rick : No , I do nt know about that . I would dispute that , actually . Buzz : Well , okay , what is it , then ? Rick : I do nt know , I think it s kind of inspirational , if you ask me . Buzz : ( Laughs ) All the divorce ? Rick : Hey , listen , you ca nt have a high divorce rate without a high marriage rate , right ? I mean , I think guys like us , who have been married and divorced a few times , and had their lives absolutely decimated ... Buzz : Yeah ? Rick : Yeah , I mean , we understand something . I think men ... we still keep on trying . We believe in love and marriage and having a warm meal occasionally . Billy : Buzz , you know , when I got your call and I thought , a little more voiceover work , right ? Buzz : No . We decided to go in a different direction ? Billy : Oh , come on . I thought this was going to be my second career . I always wanted to do those movie trailers where the guy says , In a world where nothing is quite the same . Buzz : ( Laughs ) I love it . Another stop on the Billy Lewis reinvention tour . You know , some people call you the comeback kid . Billy : Oh , come on , hey . Tell them not to , seriously . Buzz : You ve been up and down and back again a couple of times , at least . I mean , the booze , prison ... Billy : Buzz , you driving at something here ? Buzz : Oh , I m sorry . Tell me if I m getting too personal . I m just interested in your take on something , though . Billy : For you , anything . Buzz : You left town once in shackles . You served your time , and then , you know , you could have gone anywhere . You could have gone back to Oklahoma . You could have gone to a new place for a fresh start . But you did nt . You came here . I guess I m just curious as to why . Billy : Sometimes I m curious myself . ( Laughs ) Buzz : Seriously ? Billy : Yeah . Well , I think maybe it s because , you know , I thought maybe here I d catch a break . Buzz : How so ? Billy : Well , you know , this town is nt exactly full of ex - cons , but some days you really think it is . Buzz : How is that ? Billy : You know , maybe it s because I felt maybe I would nt be the only person who was looking for a second start , you know ? You see , everybody here has failed one time or another . And , you know , when they do , they ... you pull yourself up . You try again . You say , I ll do it better the next time , or a third time . I mean , hey , when you see somebody else doing the same thing , really trying , you stick out your hand , you help them because you ve been there . Buzz : I think I know what you mean . Frank : Damn it , that s just not good enough ! This is my daughter we re talking about ! Buzz : ( Laughs ) Well , it looks like I m in the hot seat myself now . I can tell you I do nt know how this is going to come out in the end . My son s a whiz at this , but it may be a mess . Maybe not . But I think with any luck at all , I m going to get my point across . I d have to have my head rapped around all day long , and that is this town , and the people that make up this town ... I wasted a whole lot of time this afternoon thinking that I had it all wrong , but I did nt . I did nt have it wrong . Because this town is special . I do nt know , maybe it s because we re buried on some ancient burial grounds , you know ? ( Laughs ) No , that would be bad luck , would nt it ? Maybe because there s a big , old hole in the ozone layer and you can look straight up to the sky from here . Or maybe it s that beacon on the old lighthouse that guided lost sailors . But it is Springfield . It draws people in . Why ? There are a lot of reasons , I guess . Redemption , second chances , people find their long lost kids , kids they did nt even know they had . People find love who have no business even looking again . People just find each other . Are we drawn here for a reason ? I think so . There are no guarantees . Bad things happen ; that s just life . But if you re here and you can somehow keep the faith that we re all in this together , well , then you might find exactly what you re looking for . ( Music ) The pressure s on so fast I lost track , did I really say that ? Really say that boiling point so low like a fever grows like a fever grows on a slow boat home , because when I stand back and catch my breath , I see it s all right all right all right all right , so let s prevent you chasing me see my failings facing me again again burning me and branding me when I could be reaching outer space like a child s first day ... Buzz : Like I said earlier , there s a reason this place is called Company . ### Summary:
Buzz decides to film a love letter to and from the citizens of Springfield about Springfield after viewing a slanderous commercial Doris released attacking Buzz and his family . Buzz , Coop , and Ashlee hit the streets to interview Rick , Jeffrey , Blake , Olivia , and Mallet . All start off with kind words but ultimately end up pointing out the flaws of Springfield and its people . Buzz feels sad and defeated . Alan tells Buzz he is chasing a dream of what Springfield is not . Buzz is preoccupied with the search for Marina and Doris bragging that she is indeed the candidate that touches Springfield . Maybe the people do deserve her , Buzz asks himself . Ready to throw in the towel , Buzz gets a second wind after seeing Olivia and Jeffrey smiling and hugging Ava , their daughter they discovered in Springfield . Buzz takes a different approach . Second chances . Redemption is the theme of his documentary . He now interviews Ava , Dinah , Rick , and Billy , who have all found a second chance at a life they thought they would never know or have . Finally Buzz interviews himself . That is what Springfield is , a special place to find second chances , redemption , long lost children , love , and each other . All of them are in this life of ups and downs together . Desperate to help ease his son s pain , Buzz asks all of their friends and neighbors to gather at Company to show their support and love for Frank and Marina .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Damon : I really do nt have time . I have a ton to do before Bailey gets here . Colby : Please ? It ll just take two minutes . Please . I just really want to show you something . Please ? Ok . Damon : Ok . Tad : [ With high - pitched voice ] Just in time . Come on in . I need your lungs . Opal : Hey , what do you think ? Colby : So , what do you think ? We decided to give Stuart a special welcome . Tad : [ Normal voice ] And by special welcome , we mean all the fattening food and -- ahem -- useless decorations any kid could want . Colby : Yes . Colby : So what do you think ? Damon : It s awesome . Thanks . Tad : You re welcome . Greenlee : Morning . Scott : Morning . Hi . What are you doing here ? If J.R. sees you , it ll be World War III . Annie : Ok , ok . You have been so generous . Moving in here so I could stay at the gatehouse . So I want to do something special for you . Scott : Do nt worry about it . You -- Annie : No , I insist . You ve taken care of my needs . Now I want to take care of yours . J.R. : Good morning . How do you feel ? J.R. : Oh , trust me , you ll live . And this ll help . Marissa : Oh -- what is that ? J.R. : It s only the greatest hangover remedy of all time . Marissa : It s revolting . J.R. : Yeah , but it works . Marissa : Yeah , you re just trying to finish me off . J.R. : I would never do anything to hurt you again . Erica : And send that right up , please . Thank you . Oh , and a bagel . Ca nt come to New York without having a bagel , right ? Thanks . David : No , it s all right . It s ok . It s your husband , that s all . Greenlee : What time is it ? David : It s all right . Here , here . Greenlee : Oh , my God , I ca nt believe I fell asleep . David : All right , let me help you here . Greenlee : Give it back . David : Wow . Damage control against Erica , huh ? Greenlee : She wo nt just lose Fusion . When I m done with her , Erica will be so humiliated , she wo nt show her face in public again . David : So you re going to shame Erica Kane into obscurity ? [ Claps his hands ] Tell me more . Greenlee : Oh , no . Oh , no , no , no . This is my deal . I do nt want anyone pointing a finger at you . David : Oh , come on . I ll be fine . Greenlee , you have to know , if the shoe were on the other foot , Erica would use every resource to gain the upper hand . Greenlee : That s true . David : Right . Well , I m a huge resource , so come on , use me . David : Let me help you take Erica down . I mean , heaven knows , she deserve what she did to you , right ? I ca nt help you , if you do nt tell me your plan . Greenlee : I called my father s office yesterday , and his assistant said that he was going to New York to meet up with Erica . David : Ok . Greenlee : So I went to Fusion late last night , and I got the accounting books for her Miranda line . David : That s the cosmetics line , non - profit , right ? To benefit the Miranda Center ? Greenlee : Yeah , supposedly . I m going to make it look like Erica s been dipping into the till , acting like she s all about helping the needy , when she s really all about skimming cash to line her Gucci pocketbook . David : I m impressed . Greenlee : I mean , she s already done time for insider trading . It s not much of a leap . The problem is , I ca nt figure out how to finesse these numbers . David : Well , I ve done my share of creative accounting . Let me take a look at them . [ Turns pages ] This , my darling , is what they call a slam dunk . Erica : What are you doing here ? Jack : I come bearing the olive branch of peace . After our confrontation yesterday , I did some serious thinking . Erica : About ? Jack : You -- me , us . All the years we ve known each other -- how we have come so close so many times to making this work , and each and every time , the very same thing gets between us . Erica : Our children . Jack : That s right . I do nt want to fight anymore . I do nt want to fight with you , I do nt want to fight with Greenlee . I love and care about both of you , and I want you both in my life . It seems to me what I need to do is compartmentalize . In other words , sometimes Greenlee will be my focus . Other times , you will be my total and utter focus . Erica : And now is -- my time ? Jack : Our time , I m hoping . Erica : I m so sorry . I m really so sorry that I took those contracts off your desk . I mean , I saw them just sitting there and -- I do nt know -- Jack , the competitor took over in me . I guess that just says how much I want to -- win Fusion . Jack : Apology accepted . With a condition . Unless we re talking about something nuclear , I do nt want to hear the word Fusion again . Erica : Oh , deal . Jack : Done . Now , it s a beautiful day . What would you say to me taking you for a carriage ride in Central Park ? Erica : Oh , I d say I love it . Jack : Great . Erica : But later . Because first , I do have some very important business that I have to take care of for that company whose name I dare not -- do nt want to speak . Jack : [ Laughs ] And what business would that be ? Erica : Oh , you ll see . Just as soon as you help me take off these clothes . Annie : It is seriously the least I can do to say thank you . Scott : Ahem . Annie : Now , I have nt had to cook in a while , so I m a little bit rusty , but I promise , it s edible , ok ? Go ahead , dig in . Scott : I m not hungry , and you have to go . Annie : And you have to eat . No offense , but you look terrible . Scott : Thanks . Thanks . Yeah , I was pulling an all - nighter at Chandler . Annie : See ? If you keep up at this pace you are going to wear yourself out . Come on . Annie : Sit and eat . Oh , I forgot . I have to show you something . Scott : Now what ? Annie : I found this in the pantry , of all places , Scotty . Hey . Scotty . Scott : Hmm ? Annie : Is this your stuff ? Scott : My dad called me that when I was a kid . Annie : Well , I do nt -- I just figured it might be important . Or I thought maybe you d want to take this stuff and move it into a new box . What ? What is it ? Scott : The secret weapon . Marissa : Oh , my God . Ooh . No , I do nt need this sludge . I m fine . Hmm . J.R. : Yeah , I d stay horizontal for a while -- at least till the room stops spinning . Marissa : Oh , this is nt supposed to be happening . I left you . I left this house , and now I m back in our bed . J.R. : It s ok . You re sick . Marissa : No , J.R. You cheating on me with Annie makes none of this ok . I should nt be anywhere near you . J.R. : I should nt have been anywhere near a glass of 160 proof . That s why you re here . Because you found me with a drink in front of me . I m sorry you re hurting because of it . I m just glad that you did nt walk away . Opal : All righty , here you go . I got to go finish decorating that cake . Krystal : Ooh , yes . Opal : It s almost ready . Krystal : Oh , I got to go get Marissa . Colby : Hey , uh -- since she slept at the mansion last night in J.R. s room , are they -- Krystal : No . No , they re not back together . Marissa just had a little bit too much to drink , and J.R. had her stay at your place , because she could nt make it back here on her own . I ll see you in a little bit , ok ? Mwah . Tad : So , you got any big plans while Stuey s in town ? You know , do some shopping , do some shows , hit the clubs ? Damon : [ Chuckles ] I just want to hang with him . Tad : Come to think of it , in honor of Stuey s arrival , I did some digging around the basement last night , and I ve come up with a few things I think he might need . This may come in handy . It s got -- it s got mega resolution in there . You can plug it into your -- ah , hell , I do nt know -- it works . I put in a new memory card in there . Damon : Cool . Tad : Oh , yeah . And I have something else that comes with instructions . Every day while he s here , Stuey has to wear this so I know he grows up rooting for one team . [ Holds up a little Phillies T - shirt ] Damon : You know , I m from Ohio , ok ? It s the Reds or the Indians , that s it . Tad : No . Every time Stuart s here , he has to wear this so he knows he grows up rooting for one team . I m glad for you . I m glad that you get to spend some time with your son . Damon : I m going to give Bailey a shout -- make sure she s on the road . Colby : Damon may not show it , but this all means a lot to him . Damon : Bailey s not answering her phone . Colby : Well , makes sense . She s driving . Damon : No , I told her I d call her . She said she d answer from the hands - free . Why is nt she picking up ? Annie : That s the secret weapon ? Scott : Yeah . After my mom died , you know , I could have gone to a really dark place , but I did nt , because my dad had become my dad . Annie : Mm - hmm . Stuart adopted you ? Scott : Yeah . You see , my mom -- she knew how sick she was . And she knew that -- she knew I d grow up without her , so she wanted me to be prepared . So she told me that she loved me , and that Stuart would always be there to take care of me , and to always be a good boy . Annie : Hmm . Scott : And those words -- they just chipped away at me . Good boy -- Annie : Well , that does nt sound so bad . Scott : It was . See , I did nt want to disappoint Mom . And I was under this constant pressure . But I was just a kid . You know , I could nt be good all the time . You know , sometimes , I would sneak a candy bar before dinner , or I said I d finish my homework when I actually had nt . And the more bad things that I did , the more guilty that I felt . Until one day , I just could nt take it anymore . I just -- I lost it , and I started bawling like a baby . I told my dad I could nt do it , that I could nt be good all the time . Annie : And what did Stuart say ? Scott : He said that nobody could be good all the time . Not even him . And then he told me this story about -- hmm -- how , when my mother used to make brownies , and she would catch him sticking his finger in the batter , and then she would laugh and , you know -- she -- she said that she did nt expect perfection from anybody . That she knew that I would be tempted , that she knew that I would do things that I was nt supposed to do , and it did nt make me bad . It just made me human . Annie : So why the hat ? Scott : The hat my dad got for me . And he -- he said that I should put it on whenever I had those bad feelings . That -- Annie : Hmm . Scott : It was my secret weapon against the guilty feelings . See that right there ? Annie : Mm - hmm . Scott : [ Chuckles ] And the funny thing is , it actually worked . It actually made me feel better . Annie : So ? Put it on . Scott : I ca nt . It does nt fit anymore . Marissa : So we ve already established that I feel like hell . How are you ? J.R. : Last night , while you were passed out , I talked to Dr. Jones . Marissa : I heard . Looks like you re in full remission . That s fantastic , J.R. , for you and A.J. J.R. : I was so scared . I thought that was it -- no more second chances . And I hope it s not too late for us . A.J. : Do nt ever leave us again , please ? Damon : All right , Bailey , I m seriously worried now . Just please give me a call as soon as you get this . Tad : Hey , come on , try to relax , ok ? I know they re fine . Damon : No , you do nt know that . Damon : Damn it . I thought it was Bailey . Liza : Yeah , well , I -- I have some bad news . She s not coming . She s -- she s not bringing Stuart here to Pine Valley . David : All right . Now , we re going to have to be very subtle here . We re going to have to show that a portion of the money brought in by the Miranda line , which was supposed to be used for charitable work , was actually diverted to fund one of Erica s for profit projects . Greenlee : Fusion Glam . David : Excellent -- yes , exactly . Right ? People bought Miranda thinking they were helping the less fortunate , but the books will show that the money was used by Erica to launch a new project . That is called theft , making her a Class - A felon . Greenlee : Hmm . And that makes you a genius . What ? David : You came down real hard on me for going after Ryan . You said that you would end our marriage if I did anything like that again . But for whatever reason , you re ok with me helping you ruin Erica . Greenlee : Your plan was a secret . You did it behind my back , because you did nt trust my commitment to this marriage . This is completely different . I m working with you , not against you . David : Ok , so , it s all right to be devious as long as we re being devious together ? Greenlee : Yes . Greenlee : [ Chuckles ] You trust me now ? David : More than anyone I ve ever known . All right . Jack : Wow . Wow . Let me just go on record and -- I was telling you that I do nt consider this business . I could sit here and watch you try on dresses for your gala all day . Erica : Well , these are not just any dresses . I mean , these are by the most brilliant designers in New York . So ? What do you think ? Jack : Stunning . Erica : You said that about every single dress I ve tried on . Jack : Yes . Well , you see , the sad truth is , you could put on a potato sack and still take my breath away . Honestly , you look gorgeous in each and every one of them . Erica : All right , then . Erica : Then this is it ? Jack : All right . Erica : This is the dress . You re sure ? You re sure you like it ? Jack : I really , really like it . Erica : All right , then . Erica : Ok , then my -- my gala business is done , and we can move on to our -- our personal business . Jack : Monkey business . Erica : You just need to give me a moment , ok ? I just need to make a call about getting the perfect pair of shoes for this perfect dress . Jack : You go . Erica : Ok . Jack : I m going to watch you , though . Jack : Hello ? Greenlee : You re the best . Thank you , thank you , thank you . Jack : Well , that s nice to hear . What did I do ? Greenlee : For getting Erica out of town like I asked so I can do what I need to do . Jack : No , no , no , no . This -- this trip was Erica s idea . I had nothing to do with it . How the hell did you even know we were here ? Greenlee : Your assistant Charlene told me . Jack : I m hanging up now . Greenlee : Wait , wait , wait , wait . Do nt say anything to Erica . She ca nt know I m working on something . Jack : Now listen to me , because I m not going to say this again . I do nt know what you re up to , but I do nt want to be any part of it . Understand ? Erica : Who was that ? Jack : Jean Jacques , my Paris client . He is haut maintenance . Erica : Hmm . Why are you lying to me ? Annie : I was never very close to Stuart . But I do know that he was a remarkable man . Scott : [ Sighs ] Remarkable does nt even come close . Annie , he was hands - down the best person that I have ever known . Hmm . Giving , compassionate , selfless . Annie : Just like you . Scott : No , do nt say that . I am nothing like my father . J.R. : I told you that stuff would work . Still , I m going to have Lucretia whip you up some toast . A.J. : And cookies . J.R. : And cookies . J.R. : All right . I ll be back . Krystal : Hey . Marissa : Yeah ! Krystal : Hey , handsome ! Mmm . Marissa : Hey , A.J. , you want to go help your daddy with those cookies ? Maybe you can bring one back for Nana . Krystal : Ooh . Marissa : Yeah ? Krystal : Get me a cookie . Cookie , cookie , cookie . [ Sighs ] I was so worried about you . I came by to take you home and J.R. said he did nt want to wake you . He said you got drunk to protect him . Marissa : Oh , God -- ever since I woke up with my head pounding and my stomach inside out , I ve been asking myself why . Why did I help J.R. after what he did to me ? Oh , but I think I know why . Krystal : Whatever it is , you can tell me . Marissa : I drank because I did nt want to feel anything . You know , especially not what I was feeling for J.R. I just wanted to drown it . You know , to make it disappear . But I still feel it . I ca nt stop loving J.R. Annie : Well , look at that . We re all still one , big , happy family . Jack : Why would I lie to you ? Erica : That s what I just asked you . I can tell when you re not being straight with me . I can see it on your face right now . Jack : Well , you re right . Actually , that was not Jean Jacques on the phone . Erica : Who was it ? Jack : It was the front desk . I called down to ask them to hold all the calls to this room because -- I do nt want any interruptions . David : You re smiling . Greenlee : I m dreaming , actually , of the day that I finally beat Erica . And when that happens , we re going to celebrate . I mean , huge , because then , I ll have it all . I ll have everything I ve ever wanted . David : Fusion . Greenlee : And you . Liza : She only got five minutes away from her house , and then she realized that she just could nt do it . She could nt leave her son . Tad : So that s it ? It s off ? The trip to Europe ? Everything ? Liza : Yeah . She s going to stay in Ohio with Stuart . Tad : Damon , do nt you do it . All right ? Just let me get on the phone and see what I can do . Damon : No , just -- stay out of this . Colby : Unbelievable . Liza : Honey , I m just the messenger here . Colby : No . No , you -- you scared Bailey into not coming . Liza : Why would I do that ? Colby : Why ? Why , why , why ? We all know why . You want Damon gone . Jail , Ohio -- it does nt matter as long as he s far away from me ! But slamming him with Stuart , Mom -- that -- that is just cruel . I -- no , I ca nt do this . Liza : Colby , I would never do that . I -- Liza : I did not call Bailey on that decision . Look , if you do nt believe me , you -- Tad : No , no , I do . I do believe you . Liza : So why does nt Colby ? All I m doing is trying to protect her . Tad : She does nt need protection . Liza : Oh . Tad : Damon s a good kid . Liza : Yeah , well , of course , you re going to say that . You re biased . You re his father . Aside from the fact you re exactly like him . Or you were at his age . Tad : Ergo , Damon is going to hurt Colby the same way I hurt you ? Liza : What , can you blame me ? Tad : No . I ca nt . Scott : I m sorry , but you have to understand I am nothing like my father , and I never will be . And as hard as I try to be one of the good guys , I m not so sure that I am . Annie : After everything you have been through this past year ? You could have changed in so many ways . You could have become angry or bitter . You have nt . You are still the same kind , gentle man that you have always been . And Stuart is up there smiling at the way you ve -- you ve stepped up , Scott , for this family and for Chandler . He s admiring your strength and your loyalty . Scott : No , no . Annie , I have nt done a damn thing for this family . Look around you . It is still a train wreck . And as for Chandler -- I do nt think I have what it takes . Annie : Of course , you do . Scott : No , no , there s this constant pressure . This -- just like when I was a kid . You know , these two sides battling it out over these decisions that I have to make . Every day , I have to choose between what is ethical and what is profitable . And if I choose what is ethical , then the company loses out on money , power , prestige . And if I choose the bottom line , then I lose my soul . Krystal : No matter how badly someone hurts you , it is possible to go on loving them . Marissa : So what am I supposed to do now ? Krystal : [ Sighs ] I think you just have to ask yourself if -- you love him enough to forgive him . Or at least try . You have done it before . Marissa : I came here yesterday to see A.J. J.R. was supposed to be at his 3-month checkup . And when he said that he was nt going -- Krystal : What ? Marissa : No , he went . I mean , he s ok . I mean , he s more than ok . Krystal : Whew . Marissa : Looks like he s in full remission . But when I thought that he was just giving up , I got so scared , terrified that I might lose him -- even though I had already . Krystal : No , no . You have not lost him . He loves you so much , he would do anything to get you back . And I have a feeling that you re willing to give him another chance . J.R. : Hi . Guess I ll just put this down somewhere . Marissa : No , just wait . Um , would you mind if J.R. and I just talked alone ? Krystal : Oh , no , no , no . Not at all . Marissa , call me if you need anything , ok ? Marissa : Ok . Krystal : All right . Marissa : I want to try to forgive you . J.R. : You wo nt regret this . Marissa : I said I would try to forgive you . No guarantees . J.R. : However you want to work this out , I m on board . Marissa : Well , I ll move back into the mansion for A.J. , but I want a separate bedroom . J.R. : Done . Marissa : And you need to do some serious work , J.R. Convince me that I m not a complete idiot for sticking around . Prove that this marriage is worth it . That you re worth it . J.R. : I swear . I ll do whatever it takes . Marissa : A lilac ? A.J. : You bet . Marissa : Oh . And a chocolate chip cookie ? A.J. : No nuts . Now will you stay ? J.R. : Huh . Marissa : Yes . But as much as I like these presents , they re not why I m staying . I m staying because I love you . I love you so much . Come here . Annie : Running a big corporation is hard . I do nt doubt that , but I know you , Scott . And I know you would never get to the point where you would sell your soul . Scott : Do nt listen to me . All right ? Blowing things out of proportion because I am exhausted . This -- this was the first decent breakfast I have had in weeks . Annie : Hmm . Well , it wo nt be your last . I should probably escape through the terrace before anybody seems me . You get some rest . Scott : Hey , Annie -- thanks for the food . And for listening . Annie : Anytime . Scott : Hmm . Annie : It -- it was just a friendly kiss . Get some rest . Colby : Sorry for taking the long way up . I just -- well , I figured you would nt want to see anyone right now . Damon : Why does this always happen ? Everyone who s supposed to be there for me just blows me off , ditches me . Is it my disorder , or does everyone just hate me ? Colby : It s not you , it s them . It s Bailey , it s her parents . And come on , Damon , not everyone ditches you ! Tad is here , and I am here . Damon : I do nt want to be your obligation . Colby : No , you re not my obligation . You re my friend , you re -- you re someone I can talk to . You understand all of my crazy family drama because you re going through it , too . Damon : Well , you do have a crazy family . Colby : Hmm . Well , since my dad left , every -- everything is falling apart . J.R. and Marissa broke up and Scott told Annie she could stay . I hate it here . And I ca nt go be with my mom because you saw my mom -- she just wants to control everything about my life . The only time I can breathe is -- is when I m with you . Damon : Same here . Colby : My mom -- she -- she bought that for me -- this -- when I was , like , 6 years old . And she used to take me shopping all the time . I mean , all the time . And we d pass these stores that have the Safe Haven signs in front of it . And she said , Whenever you get lost , just go in one of those . You re my safe haven now . Tad : Are you ok ? Liza , I m sorry . About about the way we just -- well , about the way it happened . You know , the last thing in the world I ever wanted to do was hurt you . Please tell me you know that . Liza : Well -- look , come on , we had fun . We had a lot of fun . Tad : Yeah . Liza : [ Chuckles ] Remember that time that we got -- we got caught in the man cave by Jake ? Found the evidence . Tad : Lace evidence . Liza : Yes , and me . Oh , that was a shocker . Tad : You . Liza : Yeah . Liza : Or what about the time that you played that practical joke on me in the police station , pretending to get arrested for flashing ? Tad : I told -- how many times do I have to tell you ? I do nt want to tell you the story again , ok ? That was nt flashing , it was supposed to be jaywalking . It s not my fault that the cop had a dirty mind . Liza : You know , for a second there , I really did think that you did it . Oh , man , those were some crazy times . [ Sighs ] I miss em . Yeah , I miss you . Tad : I miss you , too . Liza -- I care so much about you . I always have . And I m always , always going to , but I told you , I -- my life is so insane right now . Liza : Yeah . Tad : I mean , take a look around . I ca nt -- I ca nt possibly take on anything else right now . I m sorry . Liza : I -- not -- I m not good enough for you ? Tad : You know that s not true . Liza : Then what is it ? Krystal : Hi . Um -- I m going to go check on the girls , so -- Liza : Got my answer . Tad : Liza ? Liza : Do nt . Just do nt . Ok ? Do nt say anything , Martin . [ Sniffles ] Colby : Make love to me . Greenlee : We did it . Erica s books are cooked and so is she . David : The Miranda line just became Erica s personal piggy bank . Greenlee : That s it . Oh ! I won . Fusion is all mine . David : All right , let s not pop that champagne cork just yet . Greenlee : What are you talking about ? We have everything we need to nail her . David : Yes , yes , but we have to be smart about this . We ca nt let it happen overnight . If we confront Erica with these numbers , she s going to know right away it was us . Greenlee : I ca nt hold off , David . There s no time . This needs to happen now . David : Yeah , it will . It will , ok , but we have to work it so someone else -- an outside party exposes Erica . Greenlee : You re right . But who ? David : Do nt worry about it . I ll make it happen , ok ? Greenlee : Are you sure ? David : Yeah . Greenlee : I owe you . Big . I owe you everything . David : I m your husband . Your partner for life . You will never owe me , Greenlee , ever . Scott : George , hi . Scott Chandler . Yes , I received the documents last night . Thank you . I know that you are preparing for a trial right now . And I appreciate the turnover . However , I just have one question . J.R. : Well , Polly s making up your room , right next to A.J. s . A.J. : Yay ! Marissa : Yeah ! J.R. : Hey , buddy , why do nt you take Marissa s presents upstairs for me ? Marissa : Ok . Well , um , I guess I should go over to Tad and Krystal s and get my stuff . Can I borrow one of your cars ? J.R. : You feel up to driving ? Marissa : I can take care of myself . J.R. : Ok . Marissa : What the hell are you doing here ? Annie : Well , Scott was nice enough to let me stay at the gatehouse . What about you ? I did nt think you d ever step foot in this place again . Oh . Do not tell me you re giving J.R. another chance . J.R. : Hey , Marissa , thought you d like some -- get out . Or I ll call the police . Annie : Relax . I just came to get the rest of my stuff . [ Sighs ] Well , look at that . We re all still one , big , happy family . ### Summary:
In New York , Erica is on the phone when she gets an unexpected visit from Jack . Meanwhile , in Pine Valley , Greenlee and David are plotting Erica s downfall . J.R. offers Marissa a green drink when she wakes up with a bad hangover . Marissa is thrilled that J.R. is in remission . Damon is concerned when he can not reach Bailey who s supposed to be driving from Ohio . Krystal , Opal , and Colby decorate the house to welcome Stuart back . Liza drops by to let Damon know that Bailey has decided not to go study abroad and wo nt be bringing Stuart to Pine Valley to be with his father . Seeing that he s exhausted from working all night , Annie makes Scott breakfast , then presents him with a box of his things from his childhood . Scott remembers how Stuart adopted him after his mom died and helped him realize he could nt be perfect . A.J. runs into J.R. and Marissa s bedroom and begs her not to leave them again . Erica models dresses for her gala for Jack . Jack receives a phone call from Greenlee , thanking him for getting Erica out of town , but he wants no part of her plan . When Erica asks Jack who was on the phone , he lies to her . Erica sees through him and wants to know why he is lying to her . Jack admits lying to her , but instead tells Erica another lie . Colby accuses Liza of keeping Bailey from coming to Pine Valley . Tad assures Liza know that he believes her explanation and apologizes for the way their relationship ended . As they discuss what went wrong , Krystal walks in and interrupts them . Liza realizes that it is Krystal whom Tad wants . Liza leaves crying . Upset , Damon runs out of the house , so Colby takes him to her house and tells him he s her safe haven in a storm . When Damon shares the same feelings , Colby asks him to make love to her . Jack and Erica make love . Marissa agrees to come back to the mansion for A.J. but demands her own bedroom and tells J.R. that he ll have to prove to her that their marriage is worth saving . Annie arrives at the mansion through the front door and J.R. orders her out , but she pushes her way in , claiming she s their for the rest of her stuff , and shouts that she ca nt believe that Marissa is giving him a second chance . When Scott joins them in the foyer , Annie comments that once again , they re one , big , happy family .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Victor : [ Sighs ] You should nt be here . Chloe : Well , I am . Bravo , Victor . You pulled it off . You re walking free and Adam is locked up in your place . Victor : I want those two journal pages . Where are they ? I want them now . Chloe : You just got out of prison . You should nt be worrying about the details . You should be having a nice steak with a hot woman . I mean , you got some tequila . That s a good call . Victor : Listen to me . You re in my territory now . You hold up your end of our bargain . I want those two pages . You got that ? Chloe : Why do you want those pages so badly ? That s a rhetorical question . I mean , I know you want them to clear Adam s name . You know , it just makes you a lying liar , because you told me that you wanted him to suffer . So I said , Please sign me up . And then you used me , all that talk about Dee Dee . Victor : Keep your voice down now . Chloe : Good for you , Victor . You re free . But I am going to make sure that Adam serves every single day of that 30 years . Victor : You re playing a very dangerous game , girl . I want those pages . Chloe : You keep on talking about the pages . I mean , I told you I was gon na burn them . Victor : Shh , shh , shh , shh , shh , shh , shh . What do you mean , you re gon na burn them ? What the hell are you talking about ? It s a bluff . Chloe : Well , it was . And then it was nt . Because I burned the pages . Victor : You did what ? Michael : There were some surprises , but at the end -- Adam : He just let him go . Judge Gates just let him go right now . And then my father s at home and he s just enjoying his life . He s free as a bird . He s reveling in it . And I m stuck in here , right ? We got to prove that he set me up , Michael , all right ? We got to find those pages , and he ll be back in here where he belongs , and I ll be free ! Michael : You know what ? I appreciate your determination . And , as always , I need you to know what we re up against . Now , Victor clearly did a good job of hiding these pages . Natalie and Kevin have used their not - inconsiderable brain power to try to locate the evidence , but they have nothing . We need a cohort , the forger , something -- Adam : No , or , you know , Victor could just admit that he set me up , tell us who he s working with . Michael : Well , you know , that does nt seem likely because he would have to implicate himself . [ Clears throat ] And the truth is , Adam , we may never find those pages . Adam : That is not what I want to hear you say , all right ? Not right now . I m not gon na rot in here ! Michael , my family needs me ! Anita : Baby , I just heard the news . Victor s out roaming the streets . [ Scoffs ] Does Adam know ? Chelsea : It s awful , Mom . He s already shutting down . He told me he does nt want me to bring Connor to visit him . What am I supposed to tell my son ? Daddy does nt want to see you ? Anita : No ! No , that s not it . He wants to see Connor . He just does nt want Connor to see him in there . And can you even blame him , trying to explain why he ca nt go home with mommy and Connor ? Chelsea : What am I supposed to tell my son , though , Mom ? Anita : Well , we ll just think of a cover story . That s what we re gon na do . Daddy went away for business for -- for 30 years . Chelsea : No , I m not lying to Connor . It just teaches him that he ca nt trust the things I say . I have to tell him the truth . I have to tell him daddy has been framed and daddy is a loving , kind , amazing man who is innocent . Anita : Okay , kiddo . I know you re in love . But let s not go crazy here . Adam is not innocent ! And Connor is gon na know that the minute he figures out the Internet ! Okay , so he did nt murder Old Lady Bingham , but he did plenty enough to land his butt in jail ! Chelsea : Do not speak that way about Adam . He s still my husband . Anita : And I m your mother . And I m just telling you the truth . 30 years is a long time to be alone , Chelsea ! Chelsea : It s not -- I ve been telling you , Mom ! It s not gon na be 30 years ! It s not ! I - I m gon na find this evidence to clear Adam s name , and then he will be home . He will be back with me and Connor in this room where he belongs , okay ? And then you ll do your thing . You ll fawn all over him , and then you ll lie and say you had faith in him and in us the entire time . I can see it happening already . You know what you are ? You are a hypocrite . Anita : Listen , you . I m on your side . Do nt you see that ? Do nt you get it ? I am your mother . We are family . Chelsea : Family . Yeah . Well , Victor and Adam are family . Sometimes family tears you apart . Victoria : [ Sighs ] Come on . One more . Nick : Mm , no , no . I think we ve celebrated Dad s freedom enough . Victoria : It s not for a toast . It s liquid courage . If I m lucky , maybe I ll be so hung over tomorrow that I wo nt know when Dad fires me . Nick : Ah , there s that bright - eyed optimism you re famous for . Victoria : I m a grown woman terrified that my daddy s gon na be mad at me . How is this my life , Nick ? Nick : They named you Victoria Newman . You never had a chance . Victoria : Very helpful . I appreciate that . I m sure Dad is plotting a dozen different ways in which to punish us right now . Nick : Look , Vick , Dad s gon na do what Dad s gon na do , and whatever it is , we ll deal with it . Trust me -- morning s gon na be here soon enough . Victoria : No , it wo nt be . I m gon na be staring at the ceiling all night dreading sunrise . I m gon na go talk to him tonight . Nick : Hmm , no , no . That idea is just the worst . Jack : Billy is a grown man . He does nt need his mommy playing matchmaker between him and his ex - wife . Jill : Victoria is the only one that s ever been able to get Billy to grow up . Jack : Yes , and Billy blew it up again , and here we are . You ca nt force them to be together any more than you can force him to make nice and work with Cane . Jill : I do nt want him to make nice ! I want him to remember that he hates to lose . I m trying to light a fire under his competitive instincts , okay ? Maybe once he claws his way to what he wants , he ll be ready to do the same thing with the woman he loves . Billy : Want to hear you say it . I want to hear you say that you re here to be with me , not to get back at Jack . Phyllis : You need proof I want you ? Take me upstairs . I ll give you all the proof you Victor : For your sake and your other daughter s sake , you better be bluffing . Chloe : Delia lived inside of my heart . And do you know what exists there now ? It is a white , burning hate for Adam . So I took those damn pages , and I burned them , and now Adam will pay for everything that he deserves . Victor : What about your other daughter ? I had her taken care of . That was our agreement . I have the ability to take her away , as well . Chloe : Yeah , go ahead . You try and take Bella away from me , and I will tell every single person that you hired me to frame Adam . I mean , how many laws did we break together ? Um , uh , too many to count . And all of this ? All of this will go away for good . No one can hurt me , Victor , not even you . Victor : You have overstayed your welcome , okay ? Nikki : Victor , dinner s ready ! Chloe : Oh ! You know what ? I m starving . Should we just have a nice homecoming dinner ? Victor : Get out . Now . Get out . Nikki : Victor , who are you talking to ? Michael : We re fine . My client had a very emotional visit from his wife , but he s under control now . You have my word . Adam : All good . Michael : You want to get written up already ? Adam : I d like to kick the walls down and get out of here is what I d like to do . Michael : Yeah , well , as your lawyer , I would suggest that that would not work . Day at a time . Yeah , I know . It sounds impossible . But right now , you do nt have any other options . Adam : Just tough it out , right ? Chelsea said she wanted to bring Connor by . Michael : And you said never . And that did nt go well . Adam : You ve spoken to her ? Michael : Hmm . I ve sat in this chair . I ve sat in that one . You do what you have to to survive -- emotionally , mentally , physically . To see your son , to have him see you -- Adam : I m not gon na let him see me like this . Michael : I understand that . Adam : Look at me . Michael : I understand that . But Chelsea only sees Connor s confusion . And she -- she wants to fix it . She wants to fix your confusion . Adam : Why do nt you fix it ? You re the one who can help me . Figure out a way , Michael . Find those pages . Get me out of here , man . I m begging you . Nick : Look , Dad just got home , all right ? Let s give him a little time to get settled in , at least for Mom s sake . You know , they could use some time alone . With any luck , tomorrow morning Dad will be focused on Newman Enterprises and not us . Victoria : Is that what you expect or just what you hope ? In court , you said that you wanted to fix things with Dad , and that s great . But what if he was behind the oil spills ? Maybe he s trying to see how we would handle things . And he ll say that we failed . Nick : Newman Enterprises is still afloat . We did not fail . Victoria : What if Luca gets to Dad and tells him that I was nt around and that he had to fill in ? Nick : So what ? You re gon na get to Dad before Luca does ? Dad knows Luca is full of it . We ca nt go around scrambling for Dad s approval . That ll look weak . Dad hates weakness . Victoria : Yeah , but he also hates excessive confidence . Nick : True . So basically we can never win with him . Victoria : The question is , what dad are we getting ? The loving and protective father [ Sighs ] or the wrathful one ? Nick : Impossible to predict , so we stay hopeful but wary . Victoria : Then we do nt predict . We go right now . Nick : No , no . Sit down . Victoria : I will go without you if I have to . Nick : [ Sighs ] Well , you know I m never gon na let you do that alone cause I m a sucker , so let s go . Hey . Jack : There was a time I thought Billy and Victoria had a chance to put things back together . They have tried time and again . They make each other miserable , Jill . Jill : Ah . Look at that lonely , unmarried woman . Does she look happy and content to you ? Jack : Her father just got out of prison . I m sure she has more on her mind than just romance . Jill : You know , Billy used to be Victoria s support system against Victor , which she sorely needs . And Victoria was Billy s common sense , which obviously he needs . The truth is , the two of them are better together . They re just too stubborn to admit it . Jack : If he figures out what you are up to , he is going to run in the other direction . And God knows how badly he s gon na spin out this time . Jill : As far as I m concerned , things could nt get any worse . > > You re every fruit on the vine Intoxicating , so sublime Oh , oh , oh You re the ecstasy I m searching for You re the fire burning through my core You re my ecstasy and so much Michael : I ll make a deal with you . I will go to Dylan . I will appeal to him to redouble his efforts to find the woman who met with Victor , the missing journal pages , whatever it takes to prove that you were set up . But you have to promise me something in return . Adam : Anything . Michael : Stop punishing yourself for being in here . Adam : I m not punishing myself . This is Victor s doing . I know that . Michael : No , no , no , no . You know that intellectually . But every time you push Chelsea away , you re beating up on yourself , not Victor . Know who the real enemy is here . Adam : The real enemy is Victor . And right now , he s at home at the ranch enjoying it , enjoying his maids and his -- and his -- and his home - cooked meals and his tequila and his ... family . I m stuck in here . You know , it makes me miss the days when Sharon set that place on fire . Makes me want to do the same , actually . Michael : [ Chuckles ] Not quite the things you want to say within earshot of a guard . Adam : I ll be on my best behavior , all right ? You have my word . Just get me out of here . Michael : No one s giving up on you . Not me . [ Chuckling ] And certainly not Chelsea . Anita : Baby , you ca nt avoid the inevitable . That s why it s called the inevitable . Chelsea : You really do nt think Adam is coming home , do you ? Anita : No . No , I do nt . And neither does the judge , and neither does the prison warden . Chelsea : Okay , you know what ? I ca nt be around this right now , Mom . I ca nt be around this negativity . Anita : It s reality ! Chelsea : Adam and Connor need positive thoughts . We need to work together as a family , to stick together . Anita : Okay , sweetie . Whatever . Fine , Chelsea . Chelsea : Okay , do nt humor me . Anita : No , I m not . I -- Chelsea : Do nt ! Adam is coming home . And as for me , I m gon na go see my son and kiss him good night . You should go . Anita : Listen , you want to be mad at me , go ahead . Be mad at me . You want to cry to me , that s okay , too . But whatever you do , Chelsea , do nt shut me out , because you can not do this alone . Chelsea : You re right , Mom . I ca nt do this alone . That s why I need Adam to come back . Anita : [ Sighs ] Phyllis : You still think I m here to get back at Jack ? Billy : If you are , good job . Phyllis : [ Chuckles ] Billy : So what happens now ? You bolt for the door again ? Say this is a mistake ? Phyllis : No . It s not a mistake . It s incredibly selfish and incredibly dishonest , but it is not a mistake . You know , I realized tonight that Jack is nt the man I married . That man would have cheered me on . He would never have let me go after Victor on my own . He would have smashed that mustache right into the dust before I even said a word . This Jack thinks everything is about revenge , and the old Jack would have just called it justice , you know ? Billy : It s still all about Jack . Phyllis : That s because he s not you . You do nt treat me like I m damaged . Billy : You re not . Phyllis : I m serious . You re not trying to cure me . Billy : You re perfect ... in your fired up , brilliant , pissed off , sexy way . Phyllis : [ Chuckles ] We want the same things . Including each other . Billy : [ Sighs ] Victor : That was my assistant . I just wanted to make sure that she had all the necessary files on my desk in the morning . Would you kindly tell Celia I do nt feel like dinner tonight ? Sit down , sweetheart . Nikki : Really ? Victor : I d rather have a drink with my wife . Nikki : Your wife . Still and always . I like that . Victor : It was touch and go for a while , was nt it ? Nikki : I do nt know . Was it ? Victor : Yeah . It was . Nikki : Did you and I both know deep down that we would end up together like this ? Victor : [ Sighs ] Nikki : So many times we ve filed divorce papers . I just ca nt picture my life without you in it . Victor : Why do we do this ? Nikki : I do nt know . Victor : Why do we get into these fights ? Do nt you think we ve reached an age where we should get over that ? Nikki : You d think . Victor : Or is it so deeply ingrained ? Nikki : [ Chuckles ] Victor : Huh ? You know why we have these fights ? Nikki : Why ? Victor : Because we feel passionately about each other . That s why . Nikki : No one can deny that . So , what s gon na happen tomorrow at the office ? Victor : I do nt know . I m just out of prison . You want to talk about business ? Nikki : [ Chuckles ] I just want to make sure that you understand how hard the kids worked for Newman . And it would be very important that they understand that you appreciate their hard work . Nick : Is that how it s gon na go , Dad ? Victoria : Before you answer , there s a few things that you Jack : Focus on Chancellor . Take Colin for a cruise . Start a hostile takeover . Leave Billy and Cane alone . Jill : I do nt worry about Cane . Jack : Has it ever occurred to you to just tell Billy you want him to succeed and forget this puppet show , yanking his chain ? Jill : Of course I ve tried that , Jack . Jack : Let Billy live his life the way he sees he needs to . Jill : You really love your brother , do nt you ? Jack : Yes , I do . And I have faith in him . Can you say the same ? Jill : [ Scoffs ] How can you be all daffodils and sunshine when your own personal life is so -- Jack : In flux . Jill : Well , it s fluxed , all right . You know something ? Phyllis better straighten out or some other woman s gon na snap you up . Jack : I m not interested in some other woman . Phyllis is it for me . And deep down , I know she knows that . Billy : There it is . Phyllis : What ? [ Laughs ] What s what ? Billy : That look . Phyllis : Hmm ? Billy : The look in your eye I ve been waiting to see , that you re here , that you re all in . Every other time you ve been holding back , but now I can see in your eyes that ... you re here . Phyllis : It s gon na be so hard telling Jack it s really over . I do nt know what choice we have . We ca nt keep lying and hiding this way , you know ? I want this . I want you . And I want a life and a future and everything that comes with it . Billy : No doubts ? Phyllis : No doubts . I ve made so many mistakes in my life . I made so many . But this , you ... This is not one of them . Nick : Sorry if we re interrupting . We wanted to see you tonight . Hope you ve been celebrating . Nikki : Everything s back to normal . It s even better now that you re here . We can have a real celebration . We have champagne and sparkling cider on ice , so let s do a toast . Victor : Uh , you have something on your mind ? You want to tell me something ? Victoria : Yes , actually . Um , I have -- These are the company actions regarding the oil spills , the press releases , and the transcripts , et cetera , et cetera . Victor : Okay , well , together we ll sort out this mess . Nick : It s clear someone was trying to damage Newman Enterprises , but Victoria would not let it happen . Victoria : Yes , well , that does nt answer the question -- Who wants to see us fail ? Adam : Anita , what are you doing here ? Is something wrong ? Something happen to Connor or Chelsea ? Anita : No , they re fine . This is just me visiting you . Oh , brings back memories . Old boyfriends . Adam : Oh , oh . Okay . Well , you know , I m not -- I m not gon na be here very much longer anyway , so ... Anita : Yeah , I ve heard . Chelsea s all fired up about proving you re innocent . Adam : Yeah . She will . The thought of going home to her , that s -- that s what keeps me going . Anita : I hear you . The thing is ... What does that mean for Chelsea , waiting alone at home for the next 30 years ? Adam : That s not gon na happen . I told you . I m not gon na be in here much longer anyway . Anita : Adam ... You re a realist . And realistically speaking , you are stuck . And that means Chelsea is stuck , too . I am watching my tough , little girl crack into a million pieces . [ Voice breaking ] Adam , I ca nt ... I ca nt watch her just shrivel up and wait for a day that s never gon na come . [ Sighs ] I m sorry . I just ... Do you see what I m saying ? Adam : You want me to let her go ? Chelsea : [ Sighs ] Mom , I told you I do nt feel like talking about it anymore Chelsea : Chloe . Chloe : How great is this ? Oh ! Reunited , and it feels so good ! I know . I m sorry . I should have called . But then I just thought that this would be so much more fun . So , surprise ! Chelsea : I ca nt believe -- Uh , when did you -- Chloe : When did I get sprung from WhackoLand ? Um , I did the work . It was hard . It was a lot . A lot of therapy . [ Chuckles ] One on one , group , music therapy , art therapy , talk therapy . Therapy , therapy , therapy . But then the doctor said that I was okay finally and ready to go back into the world . Chelsea : Good for you . Um , when did you get back into town ? Chloe : You re my first stop . Chelsea : You came here first . Because of me or because of -- Chloe : I m not here to cause any trouble with Adam , if that s what you re asking . Listen , I m never gon na forget what he did , but I ve learned that hate is toxic and it poisons the brain . It also makes you want to run down people with your car , which is illegal and generally not a very good idea . Chelsea : Well , I - I do understand the feeling . Recently I was tempted to do something not so great to Victor , so ... Chloe : [ Chuckles ] See ? We still have so much in common . Chelsea : Hurting Victor s not gon na bring Adam back . Chloe : Back ? From where ? Did he -- Did he go somewhere ? Chelsea : You have nt heard ? Chloe : No . Chelsea : Adam is in prison . He was convicted for a murder , a murder that he did not commit . Chloe : Adam was punished for something that he did nt do ? [ Laughing ] Victor : You know , of course , I had nothing to do with those leaks . Nikki : Oh , they know that . It was never even a possibility . Victor : Is there anyone you think might have caused the sabotage ? Victoria : Luca Santori has been on the list , but he was also very helpful in handling the fallout . Victor : Oh , yeah ? Well , that s why he probably caused it -- because he wanted to seem like a hero afterward . Nick : It s a fair point . Summer believes in him , though . Just when I thought she was done with him , she now thinks he is reformed . Victor : Oh , boy . I will talk to her tomorrow . I guess I m gon na have a busy schedule . [ Doorbell rings ] Nick : You expecting someone , Mom ? Nikki : No . Nick : I ll take care of it . Victoria : Those files include a proposal for further action . Victor : Thank you , sweetheart . I will deal with it in due time , okay ? Victoria : How ? What s the plan ? Victor : We will discuss it tomorrow . Victoria : We re all here now , Dad . I have a right to know what the plan is . Jack : And hopefully that plan includes an end to Victor s feud with my wife . Jill : Billy ! [ Laughs ] Billy . Are you and Bethany having one for the road , honey ? Ooh . That s too upscale for that little ditz . Who is she this time , son ? Phyllis : I have to leave in a couple hours . Billy : No , no , you can stay . Phyllis : [ Chuckles ] You re not gon na get sick of me ? Billy : We ll play it by ear . Phyllis : You love me . Billy : So bad . Phyllis : [ Laughs ] Billy : You have no idea . I do nt want you to leave . Even if when you get back , I know that you re gon na be here for good . Phyllis : Tomorrow I m gon na be free , and then there will be nothing that will be keeping you and I apart . Jill : [ Breathing heavily ] Michael : I spoke with Dylan . Adam : And he s gon na help us find the pages , right ? He s gon na continue to look for them ? Michael : Officially this case is closed . You have been convicted . Word has come down that the officers need to focus on other cases . Adam : But he knows I did nt do this . He knows that . And those pages , they re out there , Michael . I m telling you . Michael : Unless they are nt . You re forgetting Victor is not incarcerated anymore . He can come and go as he pleases , which means he can hide these pages for as long as he wants -- if they have nt been destroyed already . Adam : No , no , no , no , no . He did nt destroy anything . Listen , that s not how he works . His partner that he s working with , something went wrong there , okay ? They re not seeing eye to eye . Michael : Well , did he give you any indication that was the case ? Listen to me . Natalie and Kevin have nt come up with any new information . Until something changes , Dylan has nothing to go on and he is not permitted to investigate further . Adam : You said you were nt gon na give up on me , too . Remember that ? You remember you said that to me ? Michael : And I meant it . I m not giving up on you . There s no way . Look , we just ... We just have to face reality here . Adam : I am facing reality , which is why I need one more thing from you . Victor : I do nt think anyone invited you over , now did they , Jack ? Next time you come over , kindly make an appointment with my secretary . Nick : You know , Vick and I were just heading out . Jack , why do nt you come with us ? Jack : I ll leave as soon as I ve had a chance to talk with your father . Nikki : See ? Your father s not angry with you . Victoria : Uh , yeah , well , just because he s not yelling does nt mean he s not angry . Nick : All right . Vick , let s go . Jack , I know you re not staying too long , right ? Victoria : Coming . Victor : How dare you come here and defend your wife after she nearly ruined my appeal ? Nikki : Victor , Jack has made it very clear he s not interested in a war . Victor : I m asking you again . What are you doing here ? You just said your piece in front of the judge . Jack : I just counseled a friend to be up front and honest whenever it truly mattered . What matters to me is Phyllis . And here s the truth . She is scarred , deeply scarred , and your saving her from Ian Ward does nt undo the damage . Victor : What s your point ? Jack : Even if Phyllis is nt ready to move on , you can be . Call it a truce . Walk away . This feud has gone on too long . Victor : A truce only works if both parties agree . Now , I have better things to do than discuss your wife . But for your information , if you think that she is not contemplating revenge , then you do nt know your wife . Phyllis : I do nt want to go . Billy : Then stay . Phyllis : No . I need some time alone to think about what I want to say to Jack . And when you kiss me like that , I really ca nt think . Billy : You already moved out . Jack knows that things are nt right . Tomorrow you ll tell him that your marriage is broken and that there s no way to fix it . Phyllis : He s -- He s not gon na let go easily . Billy : I do nt blame him . I know this is gon na hurt him . But in time , we ll be together and be out in public , and he ll see us and he ll accept it . Phyllis : He s gon na accept that his ex - wife and his brother have fallen in love ? Billy : Well , maybe not accept it . Does it change your decision ? Phyllis : No . Billy : I love you . I wish I could tell everybody I know , but I love Jack . And I do nt want to hurt him unnecessarily . Phyllis : This is gon na hurt him . Billy : I know . And I m sorry . But you and me are necessary . We need each other . Jack : You re finally home with your wife , with your family . Focus on them rather than giving me marital advice . [ Cell phone rings ] Nikki : Please answer that , Jack . And remember , I - Id like to be alone with my husband on his first night home . Jack : I know you think you deserve her . I hope you re right . This is Jack . Yeah . Nikki : You almost make it sound like you re not interested in revenge . Victor : Jack and Phyllis Abbott are hypocrites . Nikki : What about the kids ? You holding a grudge against them ? Victor : They did well by Newman Enterprises , you know ? But now I m back . Nick : Dad seemed ... calm . Victoria : Yeah , like a cobra about to attack its prey . Nick : You know , Dad is who he is , all right ? He s either gon na freak out or he s not . He s either gon na make our lives a living hell or he s not . Victoria : Adam s in jail . We re about to be fired . Because , of course , at the end of the day , there can only be one Newman standing when everything s said and done . Chelsea : This is nt funny . Chloe : [ Laughs ] Chelsea : Victor framed Adam . No matter what you may think of my husband , he s not capable of premeditated murder . Chloe : I know what he s capable of . Chelsea : Chloe . Chloe : I mean , how did Victor even frame him ? I heard that he s in jail . Chelsea : Well , apparently he got out today . You know Victor and his money . He can pay for whatever he wants , including some jerk who wants to frame an innocent man , and now Adam is in jail . Chloe : [ Laughs ] Chelsea : Stop . This is nt funny . Chloe , you ca nt come into my house and laugh about my family s tragedy . Think about my little boy . I know how you feel . I know that you hate Adam . I m just asking you for a little bit of support right now . Chloe : I m sorry . How -- How is Connor ? Chelsea : He s sweet and perfect and innocent , and he s wondering where his dad is . So what am I supposed to say to him ? [ Voice breaking ] How am I supposed to tell him that he ca nt see his dad because there are vicious people out there in the world that want to hurt people , selfish people ? [ Sniffles ] What do I say ? That he s gon na have to grow up without his dad for the rest of his life . I do nt know what I m -- [ Sniffles ] Chloe : I - I , um , I - I should nt have come here . Chelsea : Chloe . [ Door closes ] Adam : I was on edge all evening , and the guard , he was baiting me and , uh , waiting for me to snap , and I did . Michael : Okay , I have no idea what you re talking about . Adam : And I threw a punch . I threw a punch and it was a bad idea . He got his -- his help . The other guards , they threw me in solitary and I ca nt have visitors . Michael : Really , Adam ? That s -- That s the story you want me to tell Chelsea ? Adam : Yeah . Michael : The reason Connor ca nt come visit ? You realize that will keep Chelsea away , too . You think of that ? Adam : I do nt want her here . Not like this . What ? It s a year , turns into 10 , then it s 20 years . I do nt want her wasting her life in here . Michael : That s not for you to decide . Adam : I love her , but she deserves more than this . [ Sighs ] I got to set her free , Michael . I need your help . Billy : Whatever color you want , Mom . Go for it . Cause after tomorrow , I m gon na have everything I need . [ Sighs ] The rest is window dressing . [ Sighs ] Phyllis : Hello ? Jill : Do come in , Phyllis . Let s chat . Lauren : Why did nt you tell me you were leaving my company ? Chloe : What are you doing here ? Billy : What are you doing here ? Jill : What were you doing in here ? ### Summary:
Chloe pays Victor a visit at the ranch . Victor demands the missing pages from her but she tells him that she burned them . Nikki comes out and wants to know who he was talking to ; but Victor , as usual , bypasses the question . Victor tells Nikki that he just wants to have a drink with his wife . In Walworth , Michael and Adam discuss the missing pages and who the mystery woman is that was helping Victor . Chelsea comes home to the condo to tell Anita that Adam does nt want to see Connor . Anita tries to get Chelsea to think about herself for a change instead of all about Adam . At a table at the Athletic Club dining room , Victoria and Nick discuss Victor plotting revenge on them since he is out of jail . In the Athletic Club bar , Jack tells Jill not to matchmake when it comes to Billy . Billy and Phyllis kiss passionately . Michael orders Adam to do whatever it takes to survive in this place . Adam asks Michael to find those pages . Nick tells Victoria to let Victor and Nikki get a good night s sleep before she confronts him . Jack reminds Jill how many times Victoria and Billy have tried to make it work but it always fails . Billy and Phyllis make love . Chelsea argues with Anita over the fact that she is so negative . Victoria and Nick pay Victor and Nikki a visit . Jack orders Jill to leave Billy alone . Jill sees how sad Jack is over Phyllis and tells him that she had better straighten up . Victoria gives Victor all the information on a disc that he will need concerning the oil spill . Anita visits Adam to convince him to let Chelsea go . Chloe pays Chelsea a visit and just laughs when she finds out that Adam is in jail . Chelsea becomes unnerved and lashes out which results in Chloe telling her that she should not have come . Jill visits Billy and finds a woman s blouse lying on the floor . Upon going upstairs , she hears Billy and Phyllis in bed together . Adam lets Michael know that he needs to set Chelsea free .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ridge : All right , almost there . Do me a favor and turn one more time . Okay , right there . How s that feel ? Good ? Antonia : Good . Very good . Ridge : Not too tight in here ? Brooke : Antonia . Pam told me you re acting now . That s amazing . Antonia : Thanks . Yeah , my new agent s been sending me on lots of auditions . Ridge : Oh . Brooke : Oh . Well , you re the one getting the callbacks . Ridge : Well , if you win something , make sure you wear forrester . Antonia : Oh , only the best . Ridge : Of course . All right . That ll do for today . Antonia : Thank you.- Ridge : Thank you so much . Brooke : Let us know if you book something . Ridge : That nice ? Yeah . [ Door closes ] Hey , uh , I was looking at your book , and it said that you canceled a meeting . Maybe we have time to do something different . Brooke : Oh ! Oh , that s -- yeah , there was a meeting . Um , but thomas booked that last quarter , and he s not coming in now , which is a relief . Ridge : Well , let s not talk about that . Why do nt we , uh , just spend some time together ? You wanna do that ? Brooke : Mm , okay . Ridge : Yeah ? Brooke : [ Chuckles ] I m glad that we re making up . But I still have nt changed my mind about one thing . Shauna : You re back . Flo : Have you just been sitting here the whole time waiting for me ? Shauna : No , I ran an errand on my own . Please tell me one of us was successful . Did you see wyatt ? Flo : I did . Shauna : Did you talk to him ? What d he say ? Flo : [ Sighs ] Wyatt : [ Scoffs ] Now he sends me the report ? Sally : So you just leave the door open now ? Wyatt : Well , I mean , you ... [ Door closes ] You did always say you wanted to feel more at home like you could just walk in at any moment . Sally : And I did . Wyatt : Good . Good , because I want you to feel like you are welcome in any room of this home . Katie : Back pain , fatigue ... hey . What s going on ? I thought you guys were going to the bank . Will : The stacks will be just as fresh tomorrow . Katie : Oh . Bill : Better to stick around , make sure you re feeling better . Katie : Well , I m certainly feeling better now . Mmm . Will : Should we tell her the truth , dad ? Bill : No secrets in this house . Katie : Please do nt tell me that you canceled your plans cause you re worried about me . Bill : No , mr . Dealmaker over here got a better offer . Katie : Better than hanging out with you ? Bill : All - you - can - eat pizza party by the pool with alex . Tess is on the way to pick him up right now . Will : Is that okay ? Katie : Yeah , of course . Sounds like fun . Will : But if you need me to stay here and take care of you , I can say no . Katie : No , absolutely not . You go have a good time . Bill : Come on . You heard your mom . Get your swim stuff . I ll meet you downstairs . Katie : All right . Mwah . Will : Feel better , mom . Love you . Katie : I love you , too . Brooke : I appreciate that thomas is your son , and you love him very much and you wanna make sure that he s happy and healthy and safe , but , ridge , you have to admit , he is a troubled man . Ridge : I m not gon na allow him to be demonized . Brooke : That s not what I m doing . Ridge : It kind of is . Brooke : You re just really protective of your children , and I m really protective of mine , and I ca nt help wondering how so many people knew about beth , and yet they did nt say a thing , and it took an innocent child to tell the truth . I m sorry , but I m not going to be able to forgive anybody who stayed silent . Shauna : You were nt gone very long . How d it go ? Flo : Well , I brought food . I thought we could have dinner and talk . Shauna : He was nt hungry ? Flo : Oh , no , no , he s always hungry . He just already had plans ... with ... sally . Shauna : Hmm . Wyatt : How d the meeting go with my mom ? Sally : The meeting part was okay . She made it very clear that she s not very happy about you seeing me again . Wyatt : [ Chuckles ] Well , it s a good thing it s not up to her . I ve missed you . You know ? I mean , just seeing you walk through that door and holding you like this ... I know I ca nt get ahead of myself . I just ... tell -- tell me it s not just me . Sally , I -- I want you so much right now . Katie : The entire time that flo has been with us , she has been lying and keeping this secret . Bill : And people think I m cold - blooded . Katie : I just thought that when she got emotional because of hope , that was because she was feeling a connection to her cousin . It just hurts . I have her father s heart beating inside of me , and I can feel how-- how devastated he would be . I told flo that he would have hated what she s done . Brooke : Flo should have been prosecuted . Ridge : There was no way to do that without putting thomas at risk . Brooke : Okay , so thomas just has to apologize , and then everything s all right ? Ridge : Come on . You and I will deal with him . Brooke : What about shauna ? Ridge : What about shauna ? Brooke : She played a part in this , too . She convinced flo to keep quiet . As far as I m concerned , shauna fulton is just as guilty as anybody . Shauna : Do nt give up on a man like him . Flo : I m not giving up . I love him , mom . I always will . Shauna : Then who cares who he s spending time with ? Honey , you re the love of his life . Flo : You know , I made him a little video , and I showed it to him . It s all these pictures and good memories that we had . I think it s cute . Shauna : Oh , that s sweet , honey . I m sure he loved it . Flo : Yeah . I think he did . Shauna : Of course he did , but you had a beautiful relationship , and you can have that again . You re the woman that he wanted to spend his life with . This thing with sally , honey , it s not gon na go anywhere . Flo : No , not quickly , anyway . Wyatt said something . He said that , um , they have nt completely gotten back together , not like ... in every way , if you know what I mean . Shauna : Mm - hmm . Wyatt : [ Mumbles ] Sally : I ... [ Sighs ] I do want you , wyatt . I missed you and us and-- and feeling this way . We were so good together , and I ... I think we can be again . [ Exhales deeply ] I just canT. Managing lipids Bill : You do nt really talk about your transplant anymore . Katie : I think about it ... a lot since we found out that flo is storm s daughter . What about you ? You think about it ? Bill : Sometimes ... when I m watching you and will together . I think about the risk you took bringing him into the world , how worried I was . Now I m just grateful . Katie : Me , too . My brother gave me this incredible gift-- this ... this heart . He gave me the life that I have . You know , it s crazy . I used to feel so ashamed of my scar . It used to bother me so much , made me feel so guilty , but ... it s such a part of me . It represents my connection to storm and my future with you and will ... everything that s most precious to me . Bill : Katie ? Is everything all right ? You d tell me if it was nt , would nt you ? Katie : What do you mean ? Bill : Well , you have nt been feeling like yourself , and now you re talking about your heart . Katie : Because of flo . [ Sighs ] I m just tired , you know ? I just-- I m just run down . I ve got this --this pain in my back , my lower legs . Bill : All right , listen , uh , I m taking you in to see the doctor just to be safe . Ridge : We ca nt get distracted by other people . We got to put our family back together . Brooke : Well , shauna ... is putting herself in the middle . She s wanting to thank you for not fighting flo s release . Ridge : Shauna s looking after her kid , the same way we re looking after our kids . Brooke : Ridge , you do nt see what she s doing ? She already came to see me . It s only a matter of time before she sets her sights on you . I - I just do nt want you anywhere near that woman-- that horrible , horrible woman . Shauna : So sally and wyatt have nt slept together ? Flo : Well , I was trying to be a little bit more subtle about it , but no , they havenT. Shauna : And he told you that ? Flo : Well , no , mom . He did nt just , like , outright say it like you did , but he implied it , yeah . Shauna : Honey , that s wonderful . This is the best news ever . Flo : Is it , though ? Is it good news ? Shauna : Yes . Flo : I - I do nt know . Most people take it slow cause they wanna build something solid . That s what wyatt wanted to do with me . It could just mean that their relationship is serious . Shauna : Well , it sounds like it s a little insecurity if you ask me . Flo : Really ? You think so ? Shauna : Yes , I mean , if sally really thought that this was gon na work out , she and wyatt would be so hot and heavy right now , I m telling you . Flo : Or maybe she s being cautious because wyatt dumped her for me . Sally : It would be so easy to just pick up right where we left off . And -- and you were right before . I ... I am feeling everything that you are . I m just being cautious , and if ... if that makes me seem insecure , then-- Wyatt : No , no , no , no . No , it doesnT. Sally : [ Sighs ] It s just , I have reason to be . And I m not saying that to try and hurt you or make you feel bad . It s just , this time around , I am committed to being completely honest about everything . Wyatt : And I m guessing I may live to regret that . Sally : I m just not ready to take off my armor yet . Wyatt : Armor ? You re gon na put that image in my head ? I mean , I can go a million ways with that . That s just cruel . Sally : [ Giggles ] Sorry . Wyatt : [ Scoffs ] Listen ... when this happens for us , and it will ... I - I want you to be as confident , as certain as I am about us . I do nt want there to be any doubt , all right ? So -- so tell me , what -- what can I do to make you feel reassured ? I m leah . And that s me , Bill : I mean , come on now . You have nt been feeling right for a while . Katie : Off and on . I m -- I m fine . It s nothing . Bill : You re fine ? Really ? We have this house to ourselves . If you were fine , we d be doing more in this bed than just talking . I m calling the doctor . Katie : It s not necessary . Bill : Well , if the doctor agrees , I wo nt mention it . Katie : Bill , please , I - I really do nt wanna go any-- Bill : Katie ? Katie ! Katie ? Katie , can you hear me ? Katie ! Brooke : Oh ! You know , we just -- we have so much to deal with , and shauna s a complication that we do nt need right now . Ridge : I agree , so why are we talking about her ? Brooke : Because I do nt trust her . Any moral person would know that what flo did was unforgiveable , and they would have stayed away from the family , but not shauna . She showed up on our doorstep . She barged in our front door , and then she demanded a free pass for her daughter . I mean , who does that ? There has to be boundaries , ridge . Please tell me that you wo nt let her get to you , that you wo nt have anything to do with her , please . Ridge : Okay . Brooke : Okay . Thank you . Shauna : Your wife might not appreciate what you ve done , ridge , but I do . Ridge : [ Groans ] Shauna : Nothing happened , ridge . Brooke will never hear a word from me about this , okay ? I m telling you , you re looking at this all wrong . So what if sally s the one that put on the brakes ? I mean , it just gives wyatt & more time to come to his senses . So you need to get in there so that you and wyatt can get back together . Sally : I m not questioning your feelings for me or mine for you , okay ? I donT ... I do nt doubt this . It s just what S ... what s going on up here , you know , all the what ifs . Wyatt : But what ifs can be good sometimes , you know ? Like -- like what if I m -- I m happier than I was before ? You know , what if wyatt has been working out a lot more , which is pa - pow , right ? Sally : It s the bad what ifs , you know ? Like what if ... [ Sighs ] I m just not lucky in love ? Wyatt : What ? Do nt say that . What ? Sally : Well , I mean , look at my history , wyatt . How many times am I gon na lose out to the other woman ? Wyatt : [ Scoffs ] Sally : I just ca nt do it again , especially not with you . I love you too much . You know , as hard as I tried , I could not get you out of my system . And that s why I m being cautious , not because I doubt you , but because I love you . Wyatt : Sally ... Sally : No ... [ Sighs ] Look , that ca nt be news to you , but sometimes love just is nt enough . There s other factors that have to add up , and if I m being honest with you , a lot of those factors are not working in our favor . Wyatt : Like what ? Sally : Well , for starters , your mom is -- has made it very clear how she is not a fan of me , okay ? And your father s definitely not a fan either . Wyatt : Oh , okay . I mean , I ca nt even imagine what your grams has said about me , huh ? Come on . Sally : [ Sighs ] Okay . I mean , so how does that work ? Wyatt : Hold -- hold on here . Sally : No , look , I do nt mind taking on the entire world when it comes to my career , but I am out of the romeo and juliet phase , wyatt . I just ca nt handle another heartbreak . I want commitment . I want a solid future with the man that I love . Wyatt : You deserve to be happy . All right ? You deserve to not have to be asking those what ifs . All right ? In spite of everything that s happened to me , you have stayed true to who you are , like your thoughts and feelings-- those-- those have been more important to you than anything else , just like your desire to work at forrester . And that s -- that s -- that s always been something I admired about you-- your never say die attitude , you know , your creativity , your passion . You are special . And you ve brought something just so unique to my life , and I ... I ... I messed up . I caused you pain . I mean , you probably-- you probably think that I m like everyone else , like I m another ... another guy who s -- who s taking advantage of how incredible you are or-- or does nt see how lucky he is , but you know what ? That s not true . I - I have never forgotten how good we are together . That s the kind of relationship that you deserve , the kind of guy who-- who is courageous and as committed as you are , a guy who knows what he wants , and -- and he just-- he goes after it . That S ... that s why ... Sally : Wyatt , what are you doing ? Wyatt : What does it look like ? Okay ? I do nt have a ring , but ... Sally : [ Gasps ] Wyatt : I love you . Marry me , sally . Marry me . ### Summary:
Ridge works with a model for one of his designs . Brooke comes in and approves and then he says he heard she cancelled a meeting so maybe they can find something else to do , wink wink . She replies that this was one Thomas set up and now he is not here and that is for the best . She has not changed her mind about that . She knows how protective he is of his children and her of hers . She wants to remind him that Thomas is troubled . Ridge says he is not going to let her demonize him . Brooke says it is astounding how many people knew Beth was alive and never said anything . She will never be able to forgive any one would kept silent and let a little child tell the truth . She goes down the list of Flo and even her mother who convinced her to keep quiet . She is just as guilty as Flo . She tells Ridge that Shauna has already come to see her and it wo nt be long before she sets her sights on him and she does not want him near that horrible , horrible woman . He says he wo nt . Flo returns and her mother is all ears to know what happened . She had her own errand so she hopes one of them was successful . Flo tells her that Wyatt was expecting someone else ; she assumes the redhead . The one thing she learned is they are going to take it slow . Shauna thinks that is great and it still leaves room for Flo to pursue . Flo says or it could mean they are very serious and do not want to make mistakes and will do it right this time . Shauna still thinks taking it slow only means Wyatt will have more time to come to his senses . Meanwhile Sally shows up at Wyatt s for dinner and as they kiss he wants her to feel comfortable in any room of his house . She says she is thinking more and more this could work . He wants to know what more can he do to make her feel that . Bill and Will come back having put off their banking business . He asks how Katie is feeling and she replies she is fine but she does have some pain in her back and lower legs . She has been looking up some symptoms on the internet . He gets up to call the doctor and when she tries to get up she ends up on the floor . Wyatt and Sally continue their conversation with her saying she never got over him and that is why she is cautious . It s not that she does not love or trust him but she has to have a man who can make a total commitment . He agrees that is important and he d like to show her he can be that guy . Quickly he gets down on his knees surprising her . He says he has no ring but just pretend . He d like her to marry him .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Duke : I do nt understand , Kelly . What do you mean you re not Ace s mother ? Kelly : I love Ace more than anything else in this whole world . In every way that matters , I am his mother . Every way but one . I did nt actually give birth to him . Duke : Well , then who did ? Kelly : I believe Babe Chandler did , the woman who kidnapped him . Marcie : Michael , I m fine ! This is ridiculous ! Michael : You are not fine . You passed out . Marcie : I fainted . It s not a big deal . Michael : Well , it could be . We ll know once we get the results of your blood work back . Marcie : Why are you overreacting ? Michael : Because I love you , Marcie ! And if something is wrong with you , well , I need to know ! And -- because I love you . Daniel s voice : You re holding on to the hope somewhere deep down inside that you and Bo will get back together again . It s never going to happen . Nora : Daniel , you are so full of it . I do nt want to get back together again with Bo . I mean , sure , we had a great marriage and everything , but it s been over for years , and I m ok with that . I m ok with everything . We re doing great . We ve got this whole parenting thing down and we got the working thing down . The parenting , working , no romantic - ing . Nothing romantic - ing . We re not romancing . We re -- we re not doing any of that . Ridiculous ! Paige : Am I -- am I early ? Bo : No , no , you re right on time . Come on in . Bo : Oh . Paige : Rose , just in case . Bo : Oh , great . Then you got all the bases covered . Paige : So you re really going to make us dinner ? Bo : Yeah , of course . What , did you think I was just another pretty face ? Paige : Well , what s your specialty ? Bo : Scrambled eggs , usually . But tonight it s steak . Paige : Oh . This is good because I love -- love steak . Boy , did I get lucky . Bo : Yeah , but I also made some backup dinner reservations , you know , just -- just in case . Paige : Here you are making reservations and I m bringing three bottles of wine . Bo : Quite a pair , huh ? Well , why do nt I open one of these bottles of wine ? Paige : Uh , just a minute . I have nt given you a proper hello yet . Starr : Dad . Dad ? Dad ? It s just you . Dorian : Hello , dear . Any word from your father ? Starr : No . Dorian : He s probably in Paraguay by now . How s your mother ? Starr : I do nt know . She has nt come out of her room . She s just lying there like a blob . Dorian : How long has that been going on ? Starr : Ever since I got home from school . Dorian : Where s Jack ? Starr : Jeanette took him to the movies . I m thirsty . I ll be right back . Blair : Starr , I figured it out ! I -- Dorian ? Dorian : What did you figure out , sweetheart ? Blair : This letter . Todd did nt write it . Margaret : Look who s up . It s Mr. Sleepyhead ! I did nt know that you were such a late riser . You have been sleeping all day . I hope that you re hungry . Well , you wo nt be able to eat with your hands tied to the bed , will you ? I guess there s no harm in me untying them . You re certainly not going anywhere , are you ? Oh , you can barely move , much less walk . Poor baby -- ah ! Margaret : I really wish you had nt done that , Todd ! Duke : Babe Chandler is Ace s biological mother ? I mean , Kelly , you were pregnant , were nt you ? Kelly : I had a son . He died . Duke : Kelly -- Kelly : There were complications , and I did nt want Kevin to know that there might be something wrong with the baby , so I left town and that s when I had him . Duke : You were all alone ? Kelly : No , my brother Paul was with me . Duke : And you did nt tell dad ? Kelly : I was terrified . I thought he would leave me . Duke : You thought dad would leave you because your baby died ? Kelly : He was going to divorce me before I got pregnant . He was chasing Blair all over town . Me being pregnant and having his child was the only thing keeping us together . And it sounds so silly now , and insane , but he was my whole world back then . I loved him so much . Duke : So , what did you tell dad ? Kelly : After my baby died , Paul got me another one . Duke : He got you another baby ? Kelly : He told me that -- that there was this homeless woman and that she had given birth to a son and that she did nt want him . Duke : Wait , Kelly , so you just took the baby and passed it off as dad s and yours ? Kelly : I knew -- I knew that Kevin and I could give that child a good home , and we did . And the moment I held Ace , the moment I looked into his eyes , I knew that he was mine , and I could not have loved him more than if he were my own . Duke : But then you found out he was nt some unwanted baby ? Kelly : Yeah . Paul lied to me , and that s when I started looking for Ace s biological mother . And that s right before he was kidnapped . Duke : So you figured whoever Ace s biological mother was was probably the one who d taken him . Kelly : Well , things started making sense . David and I tracked her to North Carolina , and we ve been trying to catch up with her ever since . Duke : Well , I understand now why you did nt want to involve the police . Kelly : I could nt take that risk . Duke : And dad knows all about this ? Kelly : He knows everything . I wanted him to let me do this my way . But , no , he has been having a private investigator follow me . Duke : Kelly , if Babe Chandler is Ace s biological mother , then you have no claim to him . So what are you going to do when you find him ? Riley : You sure you re ready for this ? Jen : Yes , I am . Promise me that you do nt think I killed Paul . Riley : I m sorry I even doubted you for a minute . It was just my -- it was just my dad was putting thoughts in my head -- Jen : Your dad ? Oh , great , great . The D.A. thinks that I killed Paul . Riley : No , no , no , he s just digging around . That s what he does . He does nt trust anyone . Everyone s a suspect , ok ? But I m not going to let him hurt you , I promise . I love you too much . Jen : I love you , too . Riley : Come on . Riley : No , no , no , no , let your voicemail pick it up , please , please . Jen : Oh , it s Marcie . I saw her at the gym this morning . She was nt doing so great . I ll get it . Hey . Are you ok ? Marcie : Yes , but I m in the hospital . Jen : At the hospital ? What happened ? Marcie : I got dizzy and I fainted , but I m fine . Michael s being really silly . He s making me take all these stupid tests , and he wo nt let me leave . Jen : Good . Marcie : No ! No , no , Jen , it s not good because I m fine . Could you come over here ? You know , maybe you could try to help me convince Michael to let me go . Jen : I ll be right there . Riley : Marcie s in the hospital . Is she ok ? Jen : Yeah , but I just want to make sure for myself . You want to come with me ? Riley : Absolutely . Jen : I m sorry . It looks like our plans kind of got ruined . Riley : We got time . Jen : Yeah ? Riley : Yeah . Blair : No , he did nt write the letter . Dorian : Oh , Blair ! Blair : I ve been reading it over and over again , and somebody else must have written it . Starr : Mom , you re exactly right . Blair : I know I am . Dorian : Then who ? And why ? Blair : I do nt know . He has a lot of enemies . Anybody could ve written it . Dorian : All right . Let s say they did . But then where is Todd ? Blair : I do nt know that , Dorian , but I do know that he loves me and he loves his kids . Dorian : Oh , you are in such denial ! Blair : I am not in denial , Dorian ! Dorian : Oh , yes , you are . Blair : You tell me , why would he write this and leave without saying goodbye to us ? Especially his kids ? Dorian : You told me that he said he was afraid of hurting you again -- Blair : I know what I told you . Dorian : Of letting his family down ! Blair : Those were his demons calling him . We talked about it . I talked it over with him . He was fine . He wanted to marry me . I know that he did not write this letter . Dorian : All right , he did nt write the letter . Now let s prove it . Todd : Margaret -- Margaret , I m sorry . Put the knife down . Margaret : But you ve made such a mess ! Somebody has to clean it up ! How are you feeling ? Todd : Like somebody who s been shot , Margaret . Margaret : Look , you left me no other choice . You would nt come with me willingly . I said that I was sorry ! Did nt I take the bullets out of your legs ? Todd : Margaret , I -- I need to go to the hospital . I may have an infection . Margaret : Look , I took very good care of you . The wounds -- they re healing very beautifully . You just wo nt be able to get out of the bed . That s why I put on these nice , comfy pajamas . Todd : When did you do that ? Margaret : Last night after you fell asleep . Oh , but do nt worry . I did nt peek . Well , maybe just a little . Todd : I m sorry . I m sorry that the food fell off . I should nt have done that . Margaret : Yes , you are right . And if you do it again , I am going to tie you back up . Todd : It s just that I -- I miss my children . Margaret , I miss -- I miss Starr . Maybe -- maybe I could call and let her know I m ok . Margaret : No . No , no , no , no , I do nt think so . Todd : Well , I promise Blair will never find out what s going on . I promise . It ll just be our secret . It s just that I miss my children . I -- I promise that Starr will never know where I am . Now , what do you say ? Bo : Whoa . I hope you like your steak well - done . Paige : We , it just looks like we re having Cajun . Bo : Hmm . God . You know , I could scramble up those eggs that we were talking about before . Or we have the backup dinner reservation , so -- Paige : I m actually not that hungry . David : Hello , Starr . Starr : Hurry up and get in . David : Charming . Starr : Hurry up . Blair : So , David , can you help us ? Please ? David : Yes . I spoke to a very dear friend of mine who s a forger -- a handwriting expert -- from Holland . She should be able to tell us if Todd wrote the letter or not , since you do nt seem to want to take my word for it . Starr : Give him the note . Dorian : All right , fine . This is a note Todd left for the nanny . David : Mm - hmm . Dorian : And this is the note that he left behind in the hotel room . David : Ok . Ok . I will be back as soon as I can . Blair : David ? Thank you . David : Do nt mention it . After all , you re soon to be family . Starr : Aunt Dorian ? Dorian : What ? Starr : I know that my dad did not write that letter . He could nt have . Todd : How about it , Margaret ? Let me call my daughter ; let her know I m ok . Margaret : No . I m sorry , Todd , but I ca nt trust that you are nt going to give Starr some secret little message . Todd : I wo nt , I promise . Margaret : No ! I said no ! End of discussion ! Why do nt we talk about something else ? Todd : You look beautiful in that dress . It s still got blood over it . Why are you still wearing it ? Margaret : Well , I altered this dress with my own two hands just for you . Oh , and if you need to know , Blair is the one that picked it out . Todd : What ? Margaret : Yes , I found it in her closet just a couple days ago . I did nt think that she would mind if I borrowed it . Todd : You really are crazy . Margaret : Be nice , Todd . Todd : You know , if you re trying to look like Blair , forget it . You do nt stand a chance . And that dress is hideous . It s a joke . Blair hates it . I hate it . Margaret : Ugh ! How dare you talk to me that ! Kelly : What will I do when I find Ace ? I have asked myself that question so many times . Duke : And ? Kelly : And if he s safe and Babe Chandler seems like a good mother , then I guess I will have to let her have him and say goodbye . Duke : But , Kelly , what if you think Babe is nt a good mother ? I mean , Ace still does nt belong to you . Kelly : That does nt matter . Because I meant what I said . I will do whatever it takes to keep that boy safe . I will do what s right for him . Jen : Hey . Marcie : Oh , hi . Riley : Hi , Marcie . Jen : How you doing ? Marcie : I m fine . Hi . Jen : Did the tests come back ? Marcie : Stupid tests -- I m fine . Michael is just completely overreacting . Jen : Well , maybe not . Michael : Jen , Riley . Riley : Hey man . Jen : Hey . Is Marcie ok ? Michael : Well , your test results came back normal -- aside from the fact that you are severely dehydrated . Jen : Yeah , probably because you re working out too hard and not eating well enough . Michael : What s she talking about ? Marcie : You were nt supposed to say anything ! Jen : Well , this is serious , Marcie . I m worried about you . Michael : What does she mean , not eating right , working out too hard ? Marcie : It s nothing , Michael , really . It s absolutely -- Michael : No , it s not nothing . This is because of that Hayes guy , right ? Because he told you that you needed to lose weight and start exercising ? Marcie : Well , that s not a bad thing . Michael : It is a bad thing if you re pushing yourself that you re so -- this is all because of that stupid book ! Doorman : Hiya , Starr . Starr : Hi . Doorman : Got a package for your mom . Starr : Ok . Aunt Dorian , I need tip money . Dorian : Yes . Here you go . Thank you . Starr : What is it ? Who s it from ? Dorian : Yes , who s it from ? Blair : Todd . Margaret : If I had known you hated this dress so much , I never would have worn it . I m sorry that I slapped you . You just make me so mad sometimes . Honestly , if I did nt love you so much -- Todd : Where are we , Margaret ? Margaret : In the mountains . Todd : Which mountains ? The Alleghenies ? Margaret : Oh . I chose this cabin because it was so secluded and pretty . Do nt you think it s pretty ? And I thought that you would love to watch the snow falling outside this window . Soon it will snow and snow and we ll be all snuggled in tight . Snowed in all winter like two bunnies . Todd : All winter ? Margaret : We re going to be here all alone in this cabin , just the two of us , for a long , long time . Bo : That was -- Paige : It was so nice . Bo : It was amazing . Paige : Are you expecting someone ? Bo : No . No , just ignore them and they ll go away . Paige : Maybe you should answer it . Nora : Bo ? Bo Buchanan ? Are you in there ? I saw your car outside , and it s -- I need to talk to you . It s really important . Please be in there . It s real -- hi . Bo : What is it ? Nora : What d you do , fall asleep on the couch watching All My -- Nora : I , um -- hi , Paige . Paige : Hello . Bo : You said that it was important . What s up ? Nora : Uh -- Paige : You know , I m -- I m just going to go freshen up a little , all right ? Bo : Nora ? Nora : Hmm ? Bo : What is it that s so important ? Nora : Uh , yes . Well , I just wanted you to know that what happened the other day with me going over Daniel s head and dropping the charges against Dorian and David will never happen again . Bo : That s what you came over here to tell me ? Nora : Yes . Because , you see , Daniel and I -- well , Daniel s my -- he s -- we re friends -- good friends . We re -- we re together , and I m on his side , so there . Bo : Fine . Nora : Fine ? Bo : Fine . Nora : Ok . Good . Good . Well , as long as that s clear . Bo : It s clear , it s clear . Is there anything else you wanted to tell me ? Nora : Um -- Paige : I m -- I m going to take off , ok ? Bo : Whoa , wait . Nora was just leaving . Paige : No , no , it s all right . I should check in at the hospital anyway . I had a really great time . Thank you . Bo : Me , too . Paige : I ll call you later . Bo : Ok . Paige : Bye . Bo : Bye . Paige : Bye . Nora : Bye , Paige . Bo : Well , there she goes . Thank you , Nora . Nora : What ? I did nt chase her -- I did nt even know Paige was -- what in the world are you doing answering the door anyway , when it s obvious the two of you were -- were in the middle of something ? Bo : I thought you were going to knock it off the hinges . Nora : Oh , I was not . Bo : And what s with the tone ? Nora : What tone ? Bo : Just now -- the tone when you said , You two were right in the middle of something . Nora : Oh , there was no tone . I did nt have any tone . I mean , we -- it s awkward . I mean , that s all . It s just awkward . I mean , it was very obvious that you and Paige had just -- Bo : Had sex . We had -- had sex . Do you have a problem with that ? Marcie : You think my book is stupid ? Is that what you really think ? Michael : That -- that is not what I meant . I love The Killing Club . You know that I do . But pushing yourself to the point of passing out because your jerk agent thinks that you need to look perfect to sell books ? That s stupid ! Marcie : He never said that ! Jen : We re going to take off . Marcie : No , Jen , I want you to stay , really . Jen : Listen to Michael . He s a doctor and he loves you . Riley : Hey , feel better , Marcie . Marcie : I will . Jen : Call me later , ok ? Marcie : I will , I will . Michael : I do love you , Marcie . But you got to promise that you re going to stop all this nonsense ; that you re going to stop pushing yourself so hard , and that you re going to start eating right ! Marcie : No , I m not going to do it . Starr : Wow . Dad bought you that ? Blair : Read what he wrote . Dorian : The fifth time s the charm . I promise it s going to be forever this time . Love , Todd . Blair : It s five diamonds . We joked about it last week about it being our fifth -- our fifth wedding . Blair : So , what d you find out ? David : Well , I have some good news and -- Blair : Ok . David : I have some bad news . The bad news is Todd wrote the letter . Blair : What ? Dorian : What s the good news ? David : I was nt wrong for a moment . Blair : But why would he do it ? Why would he send me this beautiful necklace and then -- and then just walk out ? It just does nt make any sense . It does nt make any sense ! Todd : You re not going to be able to keep me up here all winter because people are going to come looking for me . Margaret : Oh , I do nt think so . Do you remember that letter that I made you write ? Well , as far as Blair is concerned , you walked out on her and the children . You abandoned them . Todd : She s going to come looking for me , letter or not . Margaret : Oh . Are you sure about that ? Really sure ? Because I know about your history with Blair -- all the harm and the broken promises . I ve done my research on you . Todd : I ve changed . I ve changed because of Blair , and she knows that . Margaret : Oh , does she ? People never really change , do they ? Blair is not going to be coming to look for you . No one is . Todd : What do you want from me , Margaret ? Margaret : I want you to fall in love with me . Todd : And you think shooting me is the way to go ? Margaret : Oh , stop being so negative ! We are going to be staying here in this cabin locked up until you do . Todd : Well , you just go ahead and shoot me . You can shoot me 20 more times if you want . I do nt love you , and I never will love you , ever . Margaret : Stop saying that . Listen , if you d just give it a little time , maybe you will -- Todd : No . Never . And you d better get that through your head . Margaret : Well , I thought you might say that . I guess I ll have to move on to plan B. Todd : What s plan B ? Kelly : I have loved this boy since the day he was born . How could I let someone take him if she would nt be able to provide for him in the same way that I can ? Duke : Kelly , it s not your call . You re not his mother . Kelly : I m the only mother he s ever known . And what kind of mother would I be if I abandoned him when he needs me most ? Duke : All right , Kelly , you know what ? Let s assume Babe is a terrible mother , ok , that Ace is better off with you , and somehow you get Ace from her . What then ? I mean , do nt you think that she s going to come right back to Llanview and try to take him again ? And maybe next time go to the police with D.N.A. evidence ? Kelly : It wo nt matter . Because if I have to take Ace , I will take him and disappear forever . Michael : So you re going to keep this up , huh ? Working out too hard , not eating right ? Marcie : That is not what I m doing , Michael . Michael : You re going to sacrifice your health for book sales ? That s genius . Marcie : Michael , I worked really hard on The Killing Club , and I m going to do whatever I need to do in order to make this book a success ! If you do nt like -- Michael : Yeah , even if it kills you ! Paige : Hey , is everything ok in here ? Michael : Everything is fine , Dr. Miller . Just having a little disagreement with my patient . Marcie : Oh , well , now I m your patient ? Paige : Your girlfriend is your patient ? I do nt think so . No way . I want you off this case right now . Michael : No . Paige : You know what ? That s not a request . Marcie : Listen , I m fine . Really , I m fine . And anyway , Michael was about to release me . Paige : Michael , if you value your job , you will leave this room now . Michael : Take good care of her . We might not always see eye to eye , but she means the world to me . Blair : Why would he do it , Dorian ? Why would he send me this beautiful necklace and then just leave me ? Dorian : I do nt know , honey . I mean , in a way , I -- I really did want to believe that Todd did nt write the letter . Blair : I was so sure . But he did , and you know what ? Now he s gone . Starr : Wait -- no , mom , that s not true . There s a missing piece to the puzzle , and we have nt figured it out yet . Blair : Dorian -- shh -- would you take Jack and Starr home with you tonight ? Because I just need some alone time , all right ? Starr : Mom , no ! Dorian : Of course . Starr : No ! Blair : Starr , it s not open for discussion . I just need some to think , ok , honey ? Starr : But , mom -- Blair : It s ok . Dorian : It s fine . Jack and Starr will be in good hands with us , and we ll -- Blair : You listen to me . I love you more than anything in the whole world , and I am never going to leave you . You got that ? Just give me some time , all right ? Starr : Ok . Blair : Ok . Starr : I love you . Blair : I love you . David : Listen -- Blair : Go with Aunt Dorian . Dorian : Come on , honey . David : Blair , for what it s worth , I truly am sorry that this happened to you . Todd : What s plan B , Margaret ? Margaret : I may be a little confused at times , but I am not stupid . I know that you ca nt force someone to love you , that they have to feel that on their own and give it to you . But I love you with all of my heart . I wish you would know that and accept that , and that you would return that love to me . But I accept that you do nt . That s why I came up with an alternate plan . Todd : Which is what ? Margaret : Do you really want to know ? Well , then I will tell you exactly what is going to happen . And I think you re going to say what an absolutely perfect little plan it is ! Nora : I do nt have a problem with you and Paige sleeping together . I really do nt . I mean , what you and Paige do is really none of my business . Bo : Sounds like you do . Nora : Well , I do nt , ok ? I do nt ! I mean , it may bother me a little bit , ok , but , you know , why would nt it ? I mean , come on , can you blame me ? We used to be married , Bo . That s all . It s just a little strange . Bo : What is so strange about it ? I mean , you re in relationship . Nora : Yeah . Bo : You and Daniel are sleeping together . Nora : No , we re not . Bo : I thought you were . Nora : Yeah , I know you thought that . And I let you think that , but you thought wrong . We re not . Bo : Well , you know something ? It really does nt matter because we are not married now . We can sleep or not sleep with whoever we want . Nora : Oh , yes , I m -- I m very aware of that . Yes , you made that painfully clear when you started hooking up with Lindsay while we were still married , in fact . Bo : Well , at that time , we had split . See , we were still married when you hopped in the sack with Sam . Riley : I want the first time we make love to be when we re completely focused on each other . Jen : So do I. Riley : I ll be upstairs in a few . Jen : Do nt be too long . Riley : Are you kidding ? P.C. Paul Cramer . Duke : Hey , no -- thank you , man . I owe you one . Kelly : Was that your friend , the state trooper ? Duke : We have an address for Kate Anderson , a.k.a . Babe Chandler . Kelly : Oh , give it to me ! Duke , come on ! Duke : Kelly , what you re planning -- I do nt know . I just -- I do nt think it s right . Kelly : Please . Please give me the address . You ve helped me so much that -- I have to find Ace . Duke : She s here in New Orleans . Kelly : Thank you so much . Duke : Yeah . Kelly : Thank you so much . I will never , never forget this . Duke : You want me to come with you ? Kelly : No . I think I need to do this on my own . Nora : I did nt hop into the sack with Sam . It was nt sexual or romantic . It was nt like that . Bo : Well , then , what was it like ? And do nt give me that garbage about trying to save my life by giving me a child . Nora : Garbage ? Bo : There were other ways to go about that , Nora . You did nt have to sleep with your old boyfriend . Nora : Hey , I -- I thought you forgave me for Sam . Bo : Well , I lied . The fact is I do nt forgive you for cheating on me , and I never will . Blair : You bastard . Damn it , damn it , damn it , damn it ! How could you do this to me ? No ! No ! Margaret : The end . That s it . That s plan B. Todd : There s no way in hell I ll ever do that . Kelly : My baby . Bo : You do nt want to move on . You wo nt let go of me . Antonio : What is it ? Cristian : I ve been lying to everybody . Margaret : You deserve to die ! ### Summary:
Kelly tells Duke everything about Ace . Duke gets information about Babe s whereabouts but is reluctant to give Kelly the information after finding out the truth about Ace s parentage . She finally convinces him that she needs to see for herself what kind of a mother Babe is to Ace . Blair is convinced that Todd did not write the letter that was left for her . She gets David to have it checked by a forgery expert . Before David can come back to tell her that it is really Todd s handwriting , Blair receives a package that Todd had sent . In the box was a ring with 5 diamonds , one for each of their marriages . The card he enclosed said that this time it was forever . Blair asks Dorian to take Starr and jack so that she can have some time to herself . She starts to destroy the living room , slashing through Todd s face in the portrait over the mantel . Margaret has Todd tied up to a bed in the cottage . She releases one hand for him to eat and he proceeds to grab her by the neck . She manages to get free and ties Todd back up again . He tries to convince her to let him talk to Starr to let her know that he is ok . Margaret refuses . She tells him that he is going to be a prisoner until he loves her . Todd assures her that that will never happen . She tells him that she will go to Plan B then if that s the case . Nora interrupts Bo and Paige evening after they ve had sex . Nora is embarrassed and Paige leaves to go to the hospital . Bo and Nora fight and Bo tells her that he s never forgiven her for sleeping with Sam . Riley and Jen make up . As they are about to go upstairs to make love , Jen gets a phone call . As Jen is on the phone , Riley sees an I.D. bracelet fall out of Jen s pocketbook with the initial P.C. on it . At the hospital , Michael runs some tests on Marcie and finds that she s dehydrated . Marcie calls Jen to come get her from the hospital , but instead Jen tells Michael that Marcie has been over exercising and under eating . Michael is upset that Marcie is in the hospital now because of her stupid book . Paige comes in and hears them fighting . She kicks Michael out of the room , telling him to leave if he values his job .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Stuart : J.R. , every time I see you , I remember how happy I am you re home ! Babe : Ditto for me on that . Baby , I was so worried . Adam : About J.R. ? Or about your lover Jamie Martin ? Jamie : Yo , beer me -- fast . Woman : Look who s back . Sounds like you re making up for lost time . Jamie : Hey , Chelsea . Chelsea : Hmm . Is that just for beer or are you making up for lost time in general ? Jamie : Chelsea , you know I think you re -- but I have to be honest with you , even if no one else can manage it . I ve met someone . Chelsea : Where is she ? Jamie : It s complicated . Chelsea : Hmm . I hear you . Well , if you ever want to uncomplicate things , you know where to find me . Reggie : Please do nt tell me you just sent away Ms. Booty Call . Are you just crazy or just plain stupid ? Which one ? Jamie : You tell me . I m going to be a father . Kendall : Can I talk to you for a minute , please ? Greenlee : It s called a cell phone . Use it to call someone who cares . Ryan s otherwise engaged . Ryan : What s going on ? Kendall : I would rather not say with the peanut gallery . Greenlee : Tough noogies . I m not leaving . Kendall : If you know what s good for you , you will leave now . Ryan : You stop talking . You -- you just stop altogether . Greenlee : No , no . Let her run off her mouth . She just digs herself in deeper . You ve ripped your way through the penal code . I mean , what crimes are there for you to -- jump bail . You want to jump bail . Kendall : No , I never said that . You know what , fine , if she s not going to leave , can we please do this someplace else , please ? Greenlee : Far , far away ? You re here to bum a ride on Ryan � s private jet . Ryan : Ok , all right , Greenlee , just take it easy for a second . Kendall s not going to jump bail and I am not aiding and abetting . Greenlee : Right . Mum s the word . Great . Call the pilot , gas up the jet , and spare us all the pleasure of her company . Need a little mad money ? I d be more than happy to bust open my piggy bank . Ryan : Kendall , what s going on ? Kendall : I d rather not say in front of the mouth that ate Pine Valley . Greenlee : All right , enough chitty - chat . She s an adult . We have to respect her decision . Our little girl s leaving the nest . Why do nt we just , you know , remodel her room so she ca nt come back . Ryan : Kendall s not on the jet yet . Greenlee : Let s fix that . Unless you ve got a little case of the heebie- jeebies and you re scared of the big , bad judge . Oh , my God . This is nt about Kendall and the law . This is about Kendall and the Lavery . You still have a thing for her . Sick . Twisted and sick , the both of you . Ryan : Greenlee , Greenlee , do nt storm off . Greenlee : Oh , it d be great fun to stick around and hear what Your Highness has to say about who she wants to leave , but I missed my scheduled lobotomy . Ryan : We re not finished . Greenlee : And wo nt be anytime soon . Do nt worry , I wo nt amble to the other side of the hall . Volcano - jumping really is nt my thing . The one you re diving into , it s going to be a doozy . Ryan : So was Greenlee right ? You here because you re getting ready to leave town ? Kendall : Would it matter to you if I were ? Reggie : Does Babe have , you know , a Jamie bun in the oven ? Jamie : It s true , man . Reggie : Oh , my good . Look , are you sure Babe s not hiding the truth about , you know , the whole baby thing ? That s a whole lot of hurt wrapped up in pink and blue . Jamie : It s going to take some getting used to . Reggie : No , Jamie , sneakers take getting used to . This is big . This is bigger than big . Jamie : So what do you say , you want to do the best - man thing at my wedding ? Reggie : The wedding ? So now you re going to marry her ? What , does she know about -- Jamie : I m not going to let someone else raise my kid . Reggie : Well , it s cool . You know , write a couple of checks , you know , visit here and there . Come on , marriage ? Jamie : My mom thinks I � m too young . What s the big deal ? People get married and have kids every day . Reggie : Yeah , and people also get divorced , you know , and fight over their kids or dump them or tear each other to pieces and let the kids watch . Jamie : That s not going to be me . My mom and dad did me right . Come on , Reg , I can do this . Reggie : Why would you want to ? Every guy I know who settled down with a kid , you know , they ca nt stop complaining about how they got trapped or how much diapers set them back . Jamie : Look , I want to do the right thing . Reggie : Ok , one sec . Hello ? Yo , what s up ? It s Jerry Springer . You know , he s on the phone and he wants to hear all about you and how , you know , your baby s mother is married to your brother . Jamie : Well , tell him after what happened today , Babe s not going to be married to J.R. much longer . Tell him he can count on it . Babe : Jamie is not my lover , and you saying so is just hateful . J.R. , please can we just get out of here ? Adam : Such dramatic flare . How do you account for your rendezvous with your husband s brother at the Pine Cone Motel ? Stuart : Adam , Babe is right , you re just being mean and hateful . This is husband - wife business , and you re not either one . So why do nt you just -- just put a sock in it , ok ? Babe : J.R. , please , can we just talk about this alone , someplace other than here ? J.R. : We will . Right now I need to talk with my father -- alone . Babe : Fine . No problem . Forget I even existed . Stuart : Babe , Babe , you want me to -- want me to come with you ? Babe : I should probably be alone right now , but thank you for everything . Oh , you re sweeter than any one person should ever be . Stuart : Oh , I guess it s my job to be nice enough for two . Adam : Now , where were we ? J.R. : Uncle Stuart , can you give me a minute alone please ? Stuart : I m not sure I should . J.R. : It ll be fine . Stuart : I hope so . Be nice , Adam . J.R. , you know I love you , and if you need me , you know where to find me . J.R. : Yeah . Stuart : Ok . Adam : Well , now we can talk , man - to - man . J.R. : Man - to - man it is . You know , I ve been spending a lot of time down at the office since Ryan left me in charge . Adam : You d rather talk about Chandler Enterprises ? J.R. : Well , do nt you want to know what it s like for me down at the helm , sitting behind a desk ? Adam : Certainly . But I do nt see how that takes precedence over your wife cuckolding you with your brother . J.R. : Hmm . You know , your employees have given me some great insight about you . Adam : I can only imagine . J.R. : Yeah , they hate you down there . Adam : Well , they re underlings . I do nt pay them to like me , I pay them to do what I want . J.R. : Well , they say that you can be vindictive , spiteful , domineering . They hate you , fear you . They have no respect for you at all . Actually , that s one hell of a trifecta . Adam : Yeah , well , bully for them . They do nt have any trouble cashing the checks I write . J.R. : Well , I just figured maybe you wanted to know how your employees were thinking about you . Adam : They re morons and they can go to hell , for all I care . What I care about is how you re reacting to today s revelations . J.R. : Ah , yes , our man - to - man . Adam : Yes . J.R. : You followed my wife . Adam : Yes , reluctantly , I had her followed , yes . My intelligence was undeniable . I did it for your good . J.R. : Mm - hmm , of course . Was it money well - spent ? Adam : What , you mean that I find your wife and your brother alone together at the Pine Cone Motel ? Yes , that s true . They were practically in flagrante . J.R. : What , you want to give me the details ? Adam : I know it s a bitter pill , J.R. I m very sorry about that . J.R. : Are you ? Adam : J.R. , do you think I want this ? My son s life a shambles , his marriage , although mercifully brief , was one of total deceit ? That s not what I want for your life . It brings me no joy . J.R. : Oh , come on , Dad . I thought this was man - to - man . And Babe and Jamie over at the Pine Cone means that you were right and I was wrong ? This shoots you right over to the other side of ecstatic ! Ryan : You want to leave , there s not much I can do . Of course , I could pull a Greenlee and call the cops . Kendall : Damn it , Ryan , would you care if I left ? Ryan : Well , my accountant might if I say sayonara to $ 2 million in bail money . Kendall : Oh , the money ? The money ? That s what matters to you ? Ryan : Well , um , obviously , it matters to you , too , Kendall . I did nt see you ponying up crisp hundreds for bail . You know who you are ? You re kind of like the girl who goes to powder her nose when the check comes at dinner . Kendall : Is that what you see when you look at me ? You see a moocher who wo nt pay you back ? Ryan : Oh , no , no , no , you ve paid me back , like , a thousand times over , because you know what they say -- payback s a bitch . Kendall : Oh . That s what this is about . It always comes back to that -- who did what to who way back when . Ryan : Yeah , the elephant in the room , baby . Nobody really knows he s there until somebody steps on the peanut shells . Kendall : Not bad as excuses go , but I do nt buy it . Ryan : I m sorry , excuses for what ? Kendall : To hide what you feel . Ryan : Why would I want to do that ? Kendall : Because you re just as afraid as I am . Ryan : Oh , I m not the one on the line for murder one . Kendall : No , Ryan , this is nt -- forget the case . This is about us . Ryan : Oh , I m afraid of you ? Kendall : You re afraid to admit what you want . Ryan : Never really had a problem with it before . Kendall : No , I know you , Ryan . You re just like me . We re the same person . We try to one - up each other . We dance so hard that we forget what matters to us and what we want deep down . Ryan : Oh , and you ve dug deep lately ? Kendall : Yes , I have . Ryan : And what is it you want , Kendall ? Kendall : You . I want you . Greenlee : I say this with endless , eternal love and devotion , Leo -- you so phenomenally tick me off . It s all your fault . You swoop into Pine Valley , some goofy , gorgeous prince charming , and reinvent love the way a proper prince should . To teach me to love you , to stand there like some dork and give love a big thumbs - up . Poof -- you re gone . I know you ve noticed . I took it off . I dared fate to send someone to love again and it happened , with a different kind of prince altogether . Pablo . And of course , I found love , and then promptly lost it . But now he s back . And it seems that more of my heart is at risk . You know , if Ryan � s right and Pablo � s life is in danger , should nt I run as far and as fast as possible ? How can I love him and let him love me if I risk losing him ? Because if the worst happens and Pablo -- I just do nt think I could put myself through that kind of pain again . David : Do nt go through it again . I sure as hell wouldn � t . Not now , not ever again . J.R. : I bet you your face aches from the effort it takes to not grin . I bet you if you could do a one - man wave , you would do it right now . Adam : Am I supposed to feel guilty about this ? That I spent two decades of my life protecting my son ? J.R. : You have , have nt you ? Adam : Yes , I have . You want me to quit ? I ca nt ! You re still my son ! I respect you as a man , but I love you as a boy ! I know it may insult your adult male pride , but ask any parent , you ca nt begrudge a father that privilege ! J.R. : I hear you , Dad , ok ? No matter how old I get , you re never going to forget the kid I was . Adam : Yeah . J.R. : You know , I remember a Christmas -- a Christmas when I was 6 , hmm ? Adam : The years blur at my age . J.R. : Oh , come on now . You remember . It was right after you had declared my mother unfit and you had the court order custody to you . As I recall , that was for my own good , too . Adam : You were a child . You were a child . Children do nt understand these things . J.R. : Yeah , but a child understands Christmas presents , right , and you got me truckloads . Adam : I got you some toys . Is that a crime ? J.R. : I did nt ask for them . I asked for my mother . Adam : I know ! I know ! You resented having lost your mother so soon . I understand that . Your mother was taken out of your life way , way too soon . But Dixie is not Babe . Babe does not have your best interests at heart the way Dixie did and the way I do . You want to dredge up history ? Son , you are a strong - willed , single - minded , capable opponent . You re strong ! What do you think made you that way ? Cookies and milk ? Dixie ? That ridiculous adolescent Tad Martin ? No , I did that ! I taught you those lessons ! And someday you may realize that and thank me for making you strong ! J.R. : Yeah , yeah , I know , I know -- lessons from from when I was 6 years old at Christmastime . You know , I m curious , Dad . I m curious to know how it made you feel to see your child crying for his mother ! Did that give you a rush ? Adam : Son , you ve got your eyes on the past . You ve got to focus on what matters now . J.R. : This does matter ! I want to know what kind of genes I have in me ! And what kind of man that is so desperate to prove to the world that he s right ! That he -- and that he goes as far as to hurt his own son . Or worse yet , disowning his own grandchild . Adam : That is not my grandchild . Oh , my God . You believe her , do nt you ? J.R. , open your eyes and see Babe for what and who she is . The chances of that baby being yours are minimal at best . J.R. : What if she s not lying ? Adam : Do nt be absurd ! J.R. : Has it not , like , even occurred to you that maybe she s telling the truth about everything ? Adam : No , it has nt , quite frankly , no ! But if you re so sure that kid is yours , fine , prove it ! Brooke : Babe . A little chilly out here , is nt it ? Babe : It s pretty frosty inside , too . The real thing used to calm me down . Brooke : Oh . Babe : Thought it was worth a shot . Brooke : How s that working for you ? Babe : About as well as you d expect . Brooke : So , when did you have your last cigarette ? Babe : Quit cold turkey for J.R. He asked me to and I said yes , but I would ve anyway . He just smelled so good . I just would nt want to go and spoil that . Brooke : You miss it ? Babe : Not nearly as much as I love J.R. Brooke : Well , it s good timing since you re pregnant . Babe : You here to see Adam ? Because he s busy crawling up one side of J.R. and down the other . Wants J.R. to send me packing . Brooke : Actually , that is why I m here . I d like to do what I can to keep that from happening , because I m sure as hell not going to let you marry my son . Jamie : I ve thought this through , planned it out . Reggie : Oh , oh , really ? So where are you , the baby , and Babe going to live , at home with your mother ? You think your mother s all up in your business now ? Wait till she starts telling you you re burping the baby wrong , you know ? If you get any quality me time , oh , no , it wo nt be me , you , and a frosty at the bar . Your honey - do list will be six miles long . Honey , get new diapers . Honey , warm the bottle . Honey , this . Honey , get a new job because the baby needs new sneakers . Jamie : God , Reggie , like I � m not scared enough . Reggie : I mean , if you want to do this , no , Jamie , you re not nearly scared enough . Jamie : I ve never been a dad . Reggie : And you might not even be one , so why even go there ? Jamie , you really -- you played me out back there , telling me that you and Babe was just a one- shot thing . Oh , I � m not attracted to my brother s wife , I m not going after my brother s wife . Please , Jamie . This is nt about you doing right by your baby . This is about you wanting to do it again with Babe , is nt it ? Babe : The baby is J.R. � s , ok ? I mean , I told Jamie and I ll tell you -- I got pregnant weeks before I even knew that J.R. � s family existed . Yeah , eventually , we got around to do you have any brothers or sisters talk , but not for a while . We were busy . Brooke : Maybe you met another young man and you did nt get around to having the talk with him , either . Babe : I know where you re going . Do nt bother . Brooke : Maybe you just got more than you bargained for . Babe : You ve never made a mistake in your entire life , have you ? Ever done something that you wish you could just take back ? Never wished to God that you could just press delete and it d all just go away ? Brooke : Babe , when I was your age , I made loads of mistakes , believe me -- I mean , mistakes that make me cringe to this day -- and sometimes at night , instead of counting sheep , I go through the list and I press delete many times over . Jamie is my son . I love him . And if I can keep him from that kind of regret , I will do it . Babe : So we have a deal . It s over . Never happened , move on , next topic . Brooke : And that s great for everybody concerned , except you ve overlooked one thing . My son truly cares about you , and I m afraid that s going to get him in a lot of trouble . Ryan : That s a very bold statement . You want me ? Kendall : So badly that I ache . And even though I m terrified and you do nt believe me and you probably do nt even want to hear it , this is such a relief , Ryan . All the denial , all the times I was trying to keep it from you , afraid that if I got too close you would know the truth -- or worse yet , I would . I feel so good that I can just say it out loud , that I can admit to you and myself that I need you . And it s ok . Is nt it ? Ryan : Wait . Wait a minute . That night on the roof , when we made love and you said it was nothing -- where was all of this then ? Kendall : It was locked up . It was locked up inside of me . I mean , things were crazy . Me being the prime suspect to murder , you the Cambias heir , a huge estate between us , and then , to top it off , the past . But then things -- things changed . Ryan : And what was so momentous ? Kendall : My conversation with J.R. Ryan : You talked to J.R. about this ? Kendall : No , not -- not about us , not by name . But he wanted advice and I told him to just forget about the noise and forget about the chaos , but just remember what you want and how far you re willing to go to get it , and that s all that really matters . Ryan : Did he listen to you ? Kendall : I listened to myself . That s why I � m here . I want you . And I do nt -- I do nt care about anything else . I m not going to let the sight of you and Greenlee alone in this room stop me . Ryan : I m not sure that I know what you want me to say . Kendall : You do nt have to say anything , Ryan , please . Please just -- please do nt say anything . David : Why do you think I come here ? Because the alternative is to go home to an empty cabin where no one else lives , sit in silence , watch the clock , and wait for that door to open and for someone to walk through , knowing that will never happen . That s what happens when you love someone and you lose them . And I will never , ever make that mistake again . Greenlee : Would you rather that Anna had never come into your life ? Or Leora ? David : No . As painful as those memories are , at least I have them . And I have my job at the clinic , patients , friends who really need my help . You know , enough to build a day around , maybe even a life . Hey , I have nt gone over the falls yet , right ? Greenlee : Is that all we can hope for -- not going over the falls ? David : Well , maybe that s not all we can hope for , but maybe that s all we can expect . I ll tell you right now , if Anna came back into my life and said she wanted to have another child , I � d say no . Greenlee : Is nt that kind of chicken ? David : Oh , please . You want the love heals all things speech , go to Myrtle . I m sure she ll be happy to serve you up a plate of that . Greenlee : With tea and cookies and a shot of brandy on the side . David : Yeah . Thanks , but no thanks . I ve had my fill , and I m sure as hell not going back for seconds . Greenlee : You d really trash a chance at being happy again ? David : You see , I guess that s a matter of perspective . I see it as a chance of never being unhappy again . Greenlee : But is that really living ? Does it honor what we ve had and what we ve lost to resign from the world like that ? David : You get your leg caught in a bear trap and it gets cut off , what do you do ? Do you take your other good leg and put it in that same trap ? No . You cut your losses and you crawl away . Kendall : What ? What s wrong ? Ryan : It s you . Kendall : What about me ? Ryan : You re pregnant . Adam : You are Babe � s husband . You have every right to go to the doctor , demand to see the files , her records . Find it in the files . See how pregnant she is and whether or not you re the father . J.R. : While I appreciate your advice , Dad , I m not 6 , I do nt work for you . Suppose I do nt want to go in there and browbeat the doctor and throw my weight around as a Chandler ? Adam : Well , then all you will have shown is that you d rather prove me wrong than face the facts , and you ll throw your life away to do it . Babe : Jamie s a good guy . I knew it the second that I met him . I mean , he s got this sweetness and this energy about him , and he still gets all excited about all these things we just take for granted . If I had met him first -- Brooke : But you did nt . You met J.R. Babe : Who I love to death . All you guys think this is just , like , a shot of hormones with a beer chaser , but J.R. loves me . I mean , he knows who I am and -- and how I got to be me . He loves me no matter what . There s no pedestal , no fantasy girl , just the real thing . Brooke : You ca nt just brush off what Jamie feels as a crush because it s not that easy and it s not going to go away that fast , and you have to understand where he is coming from . And part of it may be my fault as his mother that I kept him a boy too long , but now he s a man , and he wants everything that that entails . Babe : Look , Brooke , no disrespect , but Jamie is about to wreck everything . Brooke : Well , nobody wants that , least of all Jamie . Babe : Well , then can you please just pass this along to him -- to cut it out before I lose my husband for good ? Brooke : So , how s the father - to - be ? J.R. : You tell me . I look ok , do nt I ? Brooke : Yeah , you look fine . You look fine . I think marriage definitely agrees with you . I m -- I � m very happy for you and I m very proud . And I have to go , actually . I have a Tempo cover story that s calling finish me , finish me . So you guys get inside there and keep that baby of yours warm , all right ? I ll see you . J.R. : See you . Bye . Brooke : Bye . Babe : Bye - bye . J.R. : Brooke s right , you got to be freezing out here . Babe : Well , just gives you an excuse to warm me up . You always were good at that . J.R. : Um , come inside before you catch a cold . Jamie : I mean , how the hell did this happen ? My brother hates me , his wife might be pregnant with my kid , my mom s head explodes because she thinks that I ve tanked my future , my dad s off wherever doing his PI thing , trying to get some dirt on Babe , and I m left here trying to figure out how one night turned my entire life upside down . Reggie : I hear you , man . One night s all it takes . You do what you do and you figure the rest will sort itself out . Then , bam , the night comes back to haunt you but good . Jamie : So what now ? Reggie : Did you ever think about if it was a boy or girl , they both could be named Jamie ? That s funny , right ? Good stuff , I know . I m good , I m good . Jamie : I hope you have a really strong stomach because you re going to be eating that glass . Reggie : Oh , excuse me . Do nt ground me , Dad . Officer : How about we take a trip down to the station instead , son ? Babe : That s right . You just relax . Get undressed and come to bed . I remember the first time I saw you undress . I just knew you had class . An aura of confidence , my mama used to say , kind of a swagger without coming off cocky . Oh , now , that just is nt right , all those knots and tight spots . But do nt worry . I know how to make it better . Kendall : I was pregnant when we made love on the roof . Ryan : I did nt know that then . I do now . Kendall : Why did you let me say all of those things ? I -- I opened up my heart to you . I gave you the truth . Ryan : No , you gave me the truth that you wanted me to hear . I want the rest . I want all of it , Kendall -- you , me , defenses down , the two of us against the world instead of against each other . Kendall : You want everything . Ryan : Yes . Will you give me that , Kendall ? Will you ? Babe : You just close your eyes . I ll make the whole world disappear . What ? J.R. : You re showing . Babe : Oh . I guess I am . Wow . Makes it seem more real , huh ? But do nt worry . I talked to the doctor , and he said that this is nt going to change anything between you and me . J.R. : You know what , I ve got work to do . Excuse me . Jamie : Busted . Reggie : You guys want to haul me down to the station or something ? Do what you do . Whatever . Officer : A little quick with the temper , huh , kid ? You want to go to the station ? Fine by me . Or maybe you two leave now , we wave bye - bye , and you remember the legal drinking age is 21 . Jamie : Yeah , we were just about to leave , Officer . Reggie : Do nt you guys have something else better to do , I mean , instead of playing bouncer in this joint ? Why do nt you go write some parking tickets or why do nt you just help that old lady with her cat that s stuck in the tree or something like that ? Or why do nt you do something that s more like work and hunt down that murderer that s loose on the streets ? Jamie : We were just leaving . He does nt mean it . Reggie : Yes , I -- Officer : You d better listen to your buddy , son . He s got your back . Jamie : Reggie , just tell them you re sorry and let s get the hell out of here . Reggie : No , these are the guys that should be sorry , calling me son . The only man that calls me son is Jackson Montgomery , my father , the one man who actually could ve had the Center City gang in jail for offing off Michael Cambias . But , no , that s too much like work for you , right ? You d rather haul off some innocent , pregnant woman to jail . Officer : You know , I ve got a son . If he said something that stupid , I d want the nice officer to cut him some slack . Your slack s used up . You got about two seconds to get out of here . Reggie : Look , listen , stupid , how about your boss who s all up in my man Jack � s business ? Jamie : Now we re going . Now . Now . Officer : If your man Montgomery had kept his nose clean , he d still be on the case , son . Jamie : Reggie ! Greenlee : If magic or miracles or any of that stuff exists , I mean , is nt now the time to prove it ? David : Expecting a miracle because you want one ? It s called magical thinking . It s for children and lunatics . Greenlee : I think you re wrong . I think a miracle did happen . Just not the one I wanted . David : Hmm . Please do nt say Pablo . Greenlee : No . Me . I m still here . David : Oh . Oh , so that s your sign that it s ok to defy logic and reason and fall in love again ? Greenlee : Maybe it is . I mean , is nt that what we re supposed to learn , to let go of fear ? David : Maybe the lesson is to avoid fear altogether by not loving at all . Kendall : Ryan , why ca nt we just be together , just like we were before ? Ryan : Well , then you d be lying to yourself again . Kendall , look at us . Look , we are not the same people that we were before . We ca nt go back , so let s move forward . Let s move to someplace new , something -- something better . You know what s at stake here . Kendall : I do . < < On the next All My Children : Babe : Stop torturing me , J.R. Tell me you love me or just tell me to leave . Erica : It � s your fault that Reggie landed in jail . Brooke , you have been a walking disaster since the day I met you . Kendall : Is that supposed to be the murder weapon ? They � re going to find out everything . ### Summary:
Kendall has an encounter with Ryan where they both reveal their feelings for each other . Greenlee sits by a rock and talks to Leo about her love life failing , and is joined by David Hayward who encourages her to give up on love . Adam urges JR to see the reality about Babe s infidelity and the unlikelihood that he s the father of her baby . Brooke urges Babe to make her marriage with JR work , and to stay away from Jamie . Jamie confides to Reggie that he s very motivated to be a father . Cops suddenly come and confront Reggie and he pushes one of them over .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Gabi : You have to check out-- on the Countess W. page-- Chad and I are getting amazing responses from the feedback page . Abigail : Yeah ? Gabi : Mm - hmm . It says that they think that we re a really cute couple . Abigail : Great . Except you re not . He s with Melanie , remember ? Gabi : Oh , no , yeah , I know . Of course . I mean , the public does nt know that , right ? You know what ? Mad World probably has a website too , where we can see responses about you . Abigail : Please . Chad : So is it a bad thing that I like chick - flicks ? Melanie : It s a little sappy . Abigail : See , now there is a cute couple . Gabi : Definitely . Melanie : Hi . Gabi : Not for long . Daniel : You wanted to see me right away ? Everything okay with the baby ? Nicole : Baby s fine . But we just wanted to give you a heads - up . [ Clears throat ] EJ knows I m pregnant . Daniel : What ? I thought you were keeping this a secret . Both : Yeah . Daniel : How did he take the news that he s gon na be a father again ? Nicole : Well , we decided that Rafe is the father , not EJ . Daniel : You do know that biology does nt really work that way , right ? Rafe : Does now . I saw EJ badgering Nicole about the baby , and I just , uh-- I stood up and said it was mine . Daniel : You did ? Rafe : Mm - hmm . Daniel : Wow , he just , you know -- he just believed you ? Nicole : No , of course not . He wants a paternity test . Daniel : Yeah . Of course he does . I m sure he does . Did you think about that little detail ? Nicole : Look , what matters most right now is we are the only ones who can know the truth , because there is no way in hell I m letting EJ near my baby . Austin : This is the best day that I ve had in quite a long time . Carrie : Really ? Austin : What , are you kidding me ? Here you go . Not only are we back together , but I ve moved into our very spacious hotel room again , and that means all of our stuff is reunited too . So now we re like one big , crowded , happy family . Carrie : One , big , happy family that barely fits in that room . Austin : That s right . Carrie : I ca nt believe how much stuff we ve accumulated since we ve been back . Austin : That s right . I m the pack rat between us , right ? Carrie : Mm - hmm . Austin : And that s why I think that we should start looking for someplace more permanent . You know , like a house . Carrie : For just the two of us ? A house has more space than we need . Austin : Not if we re planning on having kids . Carrie : Kids ? Austin : Carrie , we ve talked about it . And , really , when you ask yourself , I mean ... what are we waiting for ? Marlena : Will . I m glad I found you . I d like to talk to you , after that last thing you said . Will : I do nt think so . Marlena : Why do nt you just look at me for a second ? You do nt have to talk , not if you do nt want to . But I ca nt believe you want to handle this all by yourself . I ca nt believe you do nt want someone to help you and share your life with . Will : I do . I m tired of fighting what I know is true . Marlena : Good for you . Will : I m gay . I said it and ... you know , this time , I m -- no fixies-- I m not going to take it back . I m gay . Lexie : What do you mean , I m in danger ? What are you talking about ? Celeste : I consulted my tarot cards earlier today . And they revealed that your life , my beloved daughter , is in great peril ! I did nt know what to do , so I jumped in my car and drove for two hours straight to get here . Abe : You came all the way here because of your tarot cards ? Celeste : Do not mock my gift . You both know , I am never wrong about these things . How have you been feeling ? Lexie : Fine . [ Sighs ] Okay , I ve been having some headaches . Abe : And she fainted earlier . Lexie : But Dr. Jonas was here , he checked me out , he says I m fine , so there s nothing to worry about . Celeste : No , my darling . I m afraid you re wrong . Marlena : You told me you were gay , and the sky did nt fall and ... you told me you were gay ... and I still love you with all my heart . Will : Thank you . Both : [ Chuckling ] Will : Listen , I m so sorry . How I ... I was so -- I lost my temper with you earlier and I ve been so difficult . And I - I m fully aware of how supportive and patient you ve been with me . And I want you to know how much that means to me and ... how much I love you . Marlena : I do know that . And you must never worry about apologizing to me . I m just so glad you were finally able to admit your true feelings . Will : Finally . Marlena : Mm - hmm . Will : I know . You must think I m pretty lame , because , like , I could nt even admit something that was so obvious to you -- so obvious to pretty much everybody . Marlena : No . I think you re one of the bravest men I ve ever known . And I am exquisitely proud of you . Carrie : We have nt talked about the whole issue of kids in a long time . Why-- why d you bring that up today ? Austin : You know what ? I m sorry , I m getting kind of ahead of myself , are nt I ? First things first . I get it , I get it . Carrie : Right . We need to take things slow . We need to concentrate on rebuilding us before we start talking about building a family . Austin : You re right . You re right . And I completely understand . And even though Abigail lied about our sleeping together , Carrie , I should have told you from the start . I should have told you from the start . And I promise you that I will never make that mistake again . Carrie : Austin , please , stop apologizing . We both made mistakes . And now it is time to move on . Together . Daniel : Come on , Rafe . This is a gynormous commitment . I mean , are you really okay with your family and friends thinking-- Rafe : Letting them think that Nicole is having my baby ? Yeah , yeah , I am . Daniel : What ? Rafe : What s the alternative , doc , huh ? What is it ? Letting EJ raise this child-- this poor , innocent kid ? I m gon na stand by and let that happen ? No . Nicole : Okay , okay . [ Overlapping chatter ] Daniel : I know , cause I ve been there ! Nicole : Daniel . Come on , please . Rafe : I did nt say anything . Nicole : Listen to me . Look , Rafe , I am blown away that you want to do this . But Daniel has a point , right ? You could really screw up your life . Are you absolutely sure ... that you want to do this ? Because I am incredibly grateful for what you ve done already . And I promise ... I ll be okay if you want to bow out . And God only knows how we could keep up this secret . So just talk to me . Tell me . I will understand . Chad : What are you guys up to ? What are you doing ? Abigail : Lots of fun stuff . Studying . Some more than others . Chad : You know , if , uh , Professor Reed gives you any trouble about your grade-- Abigail : He wo nt . He wo nt . Chad : Melanie told me what happened , and , um ... I m really sorry . Abigail : Do nt be . It was my own fault . I never should have lied about sleeping with a married man . Gabi : Just does nt really seem like something you d do . Abigail : Yeah , I know . Scary thing is , I was actually starting to believe my own lie . Now it kind of feels like I just woke up from some bad dream , but ... I ca nt believe some of the things I did . I just really loved him . I guess I still do . Melanie : Yeah , well , it ll hurt for a little while , right ? Abigail : [ Sighs ] Melanie : But that ll all go away and you ll forget all about Austin , and then-- and then you ll find the man that you are supposed to be with . Abigail : Thanks . Rafe : I am not abandoning you . It was my idea to say I was the father . Nicole : I was already keeping this pregnancy a secret . Rafe : I know . You know as well as I do , EJ s gon na do whatever he can to get sole custody of this child . Nicole : Yeah , I know . Rafe : He screwed up my life in more ways than one , so I look forward to repaying the favor . Nicole : Thank you . Rafe : Yeah . Daniel : All right , I , um , I got to get going . I m needed for a consult . Nicole : Yeah , okay . Well , um ... I guess we re through here . Rafe : Yeah . We ll let ourselves out . Daniel : Okay . All right , well , uh , do nt forget to follow up with your O.B. Nicole : I will . Daniel : Good . And if you need anything ... call me . Nicole : [ Clears throat ] Thank you , Daniel . Nicole : Rafe , I , uh-- I do nt know what to say . Rafe : What should I say ? Just figure out what we re gon na do with this paternity test , you know . Nicole : Well , we can always go back to my original idea and I can disappear . Rafe : Yeah . That was some idea , by the way . Really ? Disappear ? You know EJ would do whatever the hell he could to find you , especially now that he knows you re pregnant . Nicole : Okay , yes , you re right . That ship has already sailed . Rafe : Yeah . What needs to happen is Daniel needs to help us switch this paternity test . Nicole : No , no , no . Not Daniel . He s already done so much for me already , okay ? I do nt want to drag him any further into this mess , okay ? Look , he could lose his license-- or his life-- if EJ finds out . Rafe : Okay . What then ? Nicole : I do nt know . I guess we re gon na have to come up with a plan , to switch those tests , on our own . Abe : Celeste , Celeste , would you just stop with these predictions of doom . Ca nt you see you re upsetting Lexie ? Lexie : Honey , it s okay . I m used to my mom s theatrics . Mom , listen , I appreciate your concern . But I m fine , really . Celeste : Please , Alexandra , you must take me seriously . Lexie : [ Sighs ] Celeste : Well , think about it . How did I even know you were ill ? You must get checked out today . Do not put this off ! Abe : That s enough . Celeste : I m sorry . I do not mean to scare my daughter , but I fear , if she does nt heed my warning , she could die . Marlena : Pardon me . In the middle , if you do nt mind . Will : [ Mouth full ] Excuse me . [ Laughter ] Ca nt believe I said those two words . IM ... [Slurps ] Gay . I m homosexual . I m a--[Slurps ] Marlena : Mmm , I think that s four words . But how do you feel , now that you ve said it ? Will : Hungry . Just kidding . Relieved . So relieved . I mean , it s like I ca nt believe that just saying those two words makes such a big difference , you know , but it does . Marlena : I m so glad to hear you say that . Will : What Sonny told me , and it s true , it s like this huge weight has been just lifted from my shoulders . Marlena : It is so good for me to see you finally feeling at ease with yourself . Will : I would nt go so far as to say ... at ease . Marlena : Why ? Are you having some little doubts ? Will : No , no , no . I mean , I m definitely gay . But , um , you know , I m just worried about what that means . You know , I m worried about my future a little bit . Marlena : Well , sure . It s natural to be a little worried about your future , no matter what . Will : I know you said it s gon na work itself out , but ... I do nt know , I feel like I just gave up a couple of my hopes , you know , a couple of my dreams-- several of my plans . I do nt know , it s just like , you know , now what ? Melanie : Mmm , mmm . King me . Chad : Yikes . My father is a chess master and I am getting schooled at checkers . I give up . Melanie : Oh , sore loser . Chad : Uh , no , I just got a better plan . Gabi : You know what ? They re posting stuff about Melanie too . Melanie : What ? What are they saying ? Gabi : Uh , let me see . Uh , love the red hair . Very bubbly and fun . Chad : Same things I say every day . Melanie : Do nt make me blush . Gabi : Oh , no . Melanie : What ? Gabi : Uh , no , no , no , it s nothing . Do nt even worry about it . Melanie : Well , obviously it s something . Gabi : No , no , never mind . Chad : Mel . Melanie : Let me see . Oh , no . Lexie : We have nt seen you in months , and you-- Celeste : I know . I m sorry , I ve been very busy . Abe : Reading your tarot cards . Is that what this is about ? Celeste : Alexandra knows . Do not dismiss what I tell you . Lexie : [ Sighs ] Celeste : Abraham . Abe : [ Sighs ] Celeste : I love my daughter so much . And I feel in my heart that she s about to face a great challenge-- the challenge of her life . Lexie : Okay , okay , you are getting way ahead of yourself , Mom . I have nt even gone in for tests yet . Celeste : I know . This is why we can not stand here and keep arguing . You ve got to get the tests done tonight . You ca nt wait . Lexie : Okay , I m a doctor . Okay ? If there s anything wrong , which I m sure there is nt , one day wo nt make a difference . Abe : You know what ? Why not do it ? Lexie : What ? Abe : Yeah , why wait if we do nt have to ? Um , we re not gon na get any sleep tonight , not after all this drama . And then we can reassure ourselves that you re gon na be fine . You re chief of staff-- you should be able to fit yourself in . Lexie : [ Sighs ] Okay . Okay , fine , fine . Mom if you ll stay with Theo Ill-- Celeste : Absolutely not . I m going with you , darling . You need your mother . Just as Theodore needs his . Lexie : All right , all right . But I m doing this just to humor you . Celeste : Thank God . [ Sighs ] Carrie : Now , I was thinking , since we have nt had a lot of time to look for a house , and since my income s been pretty sad lately , maybe we could just rent for a while ? Austin : You know , I was kind of thinking the same thing-- renting s a great idea . However , I was looking around online and I happened to find this-- this one place . Carrie : [ Gasps ] Oh , my gosh , Austin . It s like a little gingerbread house . Reminds me of our place in Switzerland . Austin : It s so much like Switzerland -- isnt it?-- In Salem . And it s right next to the university . It s right next to a park . It s got a backyard . And the backyard s not very big , but there s plenty of room-- Carrie : Room ... for kids ? Austin : No , for dogs . What do you mean ? Yes , I m kidding -- kids . I know that you said we re not there yet . So-- Carrie : You ve been thinking about this a lot . Austin : Well , we ve actually talked about it a lot . Carrie : You re gon na be a wonderful dad . I mean , you already were a wonderful dad when you thought Will was your son . Austin : Yeah . And I know that was a difficult time for us . But I guess I just miss being a dad . I just want another shot at it . Carrie : Of course . Austin : At some point . And I absolutely understand what you re saying . It s a big commitment and we ve been through a lot the past year . And you re right . We have to concentrate on us . It s just ... babies change everything , do nt they ? Carrie : Yeah , you re right . Babies do change everything . Chad : What s wrong ? Melanie : [ Sighs ] Someone posted , in the Mad World comments section , about how I used to post videos as Premiere Party Girl . Abigail : That was , like , forever ago . Gabi : Yeah , it sucks . Melanie : Apparently , I m a con artist , um , a gold digger and ... Gabi : Slut . Chad : What ? All right , well , whoever this salemspy59 is , I m gon na kill em . Melanie : It s okay . Chad : No , they re not gon na get away with posting lies about my girlfriend . Melanie : Mmm . They re not necessarily lies . I ll just -- Ill be right back . Chad : No , where are you going ? No , Melanie-- Abigail : Wait , wait , Mel . Chad : Come on . Lexie : Daniel , I d like you to meet my mother Celeste Perrault . Mom , this is Daniel Jonas my friend and colleague . Celeste : Nice meeting you at long last , doctor . Alexandra s told me wonderful things about you . Daniel : Likewise . Celeste : Thank you for arranging for her to get these tests done right away . Daniel : Oh , my pleasure . Why did you want to get these tests done tonight ? Are you experiencing symptoms ? Headaches ? What s going on ? Lexie : No , no , no , no . Actually , my mother sort of insisted . Abe : Or her tarot cards did . Daniel : Her what ? Lexie : Honey . Anyway , we figured , since we were able to find a sitter for Theo tonight , that we might as well go ahead and put her mind at ease . Daniel : Okay , well , the lab is all set up for whenever you re ready . Lexie : Okay . Daniel : Okay . Lexie : No time like the present . Daniel : Amen . All right . Celeste : Good luck , darling . Lexie : Okay , thanks , Mom . Abe : Love you , sweetheart . Lexie : I love you too , honey . All right . [ Door shuts ] Austin : Mmm . It s my mom . I ll just take it later . Carrie : No . Go ahead . Austin : Yeah ? Carrie : Yeah . Austin : Okay . I ll make it quick . Mom . Yeah . Nicole : [ Clears throat ] You know , Rafe , if you want to leave , because it s hard for you to see Carrie with Austin , that s okay . Rafe : Come on . No . I m fine . I ll get us some menus . Nicole : Okay . Rafe : Okay . Nicole : Mm - hmm . Menus . Carrie : Rafe . Rafe : Carrie . Carrie : I saw you come in with Nicole . Rafe : Yeah . Actually , I m really glad I ran into you . Something I want to tell you . Chad : Are you feeling any better ? Melanie : A little , yeah . I m just kind of embarrassed . Chad : Why ? Melanie : I do nt know . It does nt matter how hard I try and change my life -- my past just always comes back to haunt me . Chad : Well , who cares about one post , out of a thousand , on some dumb message board ? Melanie : I guess I care . You do nt know what I used to do to people . I used to use -- how awful I would treat them . Chad : Well , hey ... I m not exactly a saint either . I mean , why do you think I was shipped off to boarding school ? I think the important thing is , is that we re not those people anymore . We ve changed , right ? Now , I love the person that you are today . You are fun , beautiful , smart , strong . And there s not one thing that I would change about you , not even your past . Melanie : Thank you . Marlena : You ve taken a very big step today . I think we can save the decisions for the rest of your life until tomorrow . Will : Yeah . I know it s gon na take a lot of time to figure things out . Marlena : But , you know , remember that being gay does not mean you ve got to give up on your dreams . Will : I know . Marlena : They may just take a little different shape than you re expecting , that s all . And we all have that happen to ourselves . Will : Yeah . Marlena : Will ... I m curious ... what got you to this today ? Did you find somebody that interests you ? Will : No . No , let s not rush things , okay ? Marlena : Okay , okay . Will : I m not ready to date guys yet . I m -- I do nt know . I do nt think I m ready to be that open yet . Marlena : Is there anybody else you feel you can talk to ? Will : Sonny , of course . But , um , I mean , he ll be okay , because I think he already knows . You know , if he has a brain cell in his head-- I m sure he knows . Marlena : He ll be a very good friend for you , and somebody you can talk to . Will : Yeah . I mean , I talk to him a lot already . I just do nt want him -- I do nt want to turn him into , like , my gay - life coach or anything . Seriously . Marlena : Ahh ! What about your other friends ? Will : Well , the ladies will be crushed . Marlena : Of course . Will : Of course . No , I think they ll be okay . Um , except for I m a little worried about , uh , Gabi . Because I think she might feel betrayed . You know , I think , um , she ll think that I purposely led her on and that I wasted her time . Marlena : Wow . But , knowing Gabi , I think she ll understand that you were confused , and that you never meant to mislead her . Will : I hope so . Marlena : The big one-- your parents . You thought about telling Sami and Lucas ? Carrie : It s okay , Rafe . You do nt owe me any explanation . Rafe : Yes , I do . You need to know the truth . Carrie : Whatever s going on with you and Nicole ... that s okay . It s none of my business . I want you to know that Austin and I are working things out . Rafe : Oh . Well , that s , uh , that s good . I m really happy for you and Austin . That s good . Carrie : And I m sorry that I got you involved in my marital problems . I realize that it was always Austin that I ve loved and , uh , I just really regret what happened with us . Rafe : What you re saying-- what we felt for each other-- Carrie : It was a mistake . It was nt real , it was just a reaction to the tension in my marriage . Rafe : Yeah . Carrie : And yours . I m sorry . Rafe : Yeah , no , do nt . Do nt , please . No need to be sorry . It s just , well , like I said , I m really happy for you and Austin . Carrie : Thank you . Rafe : So I ll see you around , then . Carrie : Of course . Hope things work out for you and Nicole . Melanie : Okay , sorry I freaked out about what that jerk posted . It s just kind of a sensitive subject for me . Gabi : Oh , no , no , no . We totally understand . I mean , I d flip out too if somebody was calling me a slut . Melanie : Can I borrow your computer ? Gabi : Yeah , sure . Why ? What s up ? Melanie : At least I know my way around the web . I did run my own site . Abigail : What are you gon na do ? Melanie : Well , I m gon na hack in and delete the post . [ Computer keys clicking ] Gabi : You can do that ? Melanie : Absolutely . Abigail : Why not let the webmaster do it , Mel ? Melanie : Just feels so much better taking it into my own hands . Chad : See , that s another thing that I did nt know about you . That s very impressive . And you re pretty hot too . Melanie : [ Guffaws ] Abigail : I m just glad you re not letting that creep get to you . Melanie : Well , so long , salemspy59 . May you rot in your parents basement forever . Abigail : I will second that . [ Hands slap each other ] Good work . All right , well , I am ready for that exam . So I m gon na head out . What about you , Gabi ? Ready to call it a day ? Gabi : You know what ? I still have some questions about some things , so I m just gon na go over my notes and-- Abigail : Okay . Good night . See you later , lovebirds . Chad : See you later . Melanie : I ll call you later . Yeah , let s go . Gabi : You know , Chad , do you understand that question about the League of Nations ? Chad : Um , yeah . You know , I was stuck on that for a while . Pretty sure the professor just wants us to regurgitate page 436 of the text . Gabi : How did you know that ? Chad : Well , I studied extra hard so I would have some playtime . Melanie : Hey . Nicole : Hey . Rafe : What ? Nicole : What happened ? What did Carrie say to you ? Rafe : I have a confession to make . Nicole : That does nt sound good . Rafe : I wanted to tell her the truth . That if she heard we were sleeping together or that you re carrying my baby , it s a lie . Nicole : Rafe . Rafe : I did nt say anything . Nicole : Thank you . Rafe : Thank God , I did nt . You know what she told me ? We were a mistake . That s it . She always loved Austin , and I was just a distraction . I get it now . Nicole : I really am sorry . Austin : So my mother wanted me to tell you that she s very happy that we re working things out together . And she wants to invite us to dinner . Carrie : That s great . Just as long as it s not at the mansion , okay ? Austin : Yeah , yeah , sure . Sure . Carrie : Hey , Austin , you do nt have anything to worry about . Whatever I thought that I felt for Rafe , that s over . You re the only man I m thinking about . Austin : Are you sure ? Carrie : Completely . Want me to show you ? Austin : What ? Carrie : Come here . Austin : What ? Carrie : Get up . Lexie : So we should have the results soon . Daniel s putting a rush on it . Abe : Oh , great , great . Lexie : Mom , listen , I just want to tell you that even with all of your crazy predictions , I ve missed you so much . I ve really -- I m so glad you re here . Celeste : Oh , thank you , my darling . Me too . Lexie : And Theo is going to be so happy you re here . He s missed you so , so , so much . Celeste : And I missed that little boy so , so , so much . Lexie : Are you gon na be staying long ? Celeste : I m gon na stay as long as I m needed . Abe : All right , I ll set up a room in the house . Celeste : That s very kind of you , Abraham . There is something else I have to tell you both . It s something important . Lexie : What is it ? Abe : This is nt something else you ve learned from the cards , is it ? Celeste : No , this is something else entirely-- a secret . Lexie : What kind of secret ? Celeste : Alexandra , this is a secret I ve kept from you for many years , but now I feel like I have to come clean about it . You must know . Lexie : Okay , well , tell me . [ Door opens ] Daniel : I , uh ... I have your test results . Melanie : So I m going to call the webmaster at Mad World and have him block salemspy59 from posting any more comments . Chad : I think that s a good idea . I mean , the guy s a loser . Melanie : [ Giggles ] Will : You know , I do nt think I should . I do nt think I should come out to either of my parents . Marlena : Well , they may surprise you . Will : Mom s not gon na surprise me . She always makes everything a production starring herself ... Marlena : [ Laughs ] Will : Written by herself . Produced by herself . Marlena : Yeah . All righty . What about your dad ? Will : I do nt know . After our conversation earlier , I learned he has no idea . He s not gon na be thrilled . Marlena : Hey , Will , do nt sell him short . Will : I do nt want to . I mean , it s just that he did nt like Sonny and me messing around , because he was afraid about what other people were gon na think about me . Marlena : Honey , no matter what you decide , please remember , your parents love you so much . Almost as much as I do . Will : Yeah . I know . Thank you . I never could have gotten this far without you . Marlena : I m not sure that s true . You are such a strong young man . I m so proud of you . And your road may be a little bumpy . It wo nt be easy all the time . But you are going to be happy . And no one deserves it more than you do . Abigail : Oh ! Abigail : I m sorry . Cameron : Oh , no . Abigail : What s the matter ? Cameron : What the hell is your problem ? Why do nt you watch where your going ? Carrie : Mwah ! I want to go out to our place . Austin : Our place . Our place -- I like the sound of that . Carrie : I want to be with you . It s been a long time . Austin : You do nt have to tell me twice . You know , I think we d get there quicker if we went out the back door . Carrie : Lead on . Austin : Nicole . Nicole : Hey , Austin . Austin : Rafe . Nicole : [ Clears throat ] Wow . That was , uh , quite the PDA show . Rafe : Oh , yeah , that-- that s amazing . Yep . But you know what ? Nicole : Hmm ? Rafe : It s all good . Nicole : Is it ? Rafe : Yeah . EJ s not supposed to find out that that s his baby , right ? Nicole : Right . Rafe : Well , that ll be a lot easier to keep that secret if Carrie s not in my life . Daniel : I ve gone over your test results several times . And I m sorry to say , uh , I do nt have good news . ### Summary:
At the hospital , Nicole and Rafe were waiting for Daniel . Nicole told Daniel that EJ knew about the baby . Daniel thought she wanted to keep the baby a secret . He wanted to know how EJ took the news . She told him that she and Rafe said Rafe was the father . Daniel asked if EJ believed them . Nicole told him that EJ wanted a paternity test . Daniel asked if they thought about that detail . Nicole said the only thing that mattered was that they were all the only ones who knew the truth . There was no way she was going to let EJ near her baby . Daniel asked if Rafe was okay with his family and friends thinking he was the father of Nicole s baby . Rafe felt he had no other alternative because he did nt want EJ to raise the baby . They all continued to talk about the baby . They also talked about the paternity test . Rafe suggested that they get Daniel to switch the results . Nicole did nt want Daniel to switch the results because he s done enough already . She suggested that they find a way to switch the results themselves . Marlena and Will talked about him being gay . She reassured him that she loved him no matter what . Lexie asked her mother what Celeste meant about her being in danger . Celeste told Lexie that she consulted her Tarot cards and they revealed that her life was in danger . They did nt believe the cards , but Celeste said they are never wrong . Celeste asked how she was doing . Lexie said she had headaches . Abe said Lexie fainted earlier . Lexie said Daniel told her that she was okay . Celeste was worried that she was wrong . Abe wanted Celeste to stop with the predictions because she was upsetting Lexie . Lexie was used to it . Celeste wanted Lexie to take it seriously since she knew she was sick . Celeste wanted her to get checked out today . She did nt want Lexie to put it off . Abe wanted her to stop , but Celeste was worried that Lexie could die . Lexie mentioned how they have nt seen Celeste in months . Celeste said she has been busy . Abe thought she was busy reading her Tarot cards . Celeste warned him not to dismiss what she was telling them . Celeste declared her love for Lexie and she knew that Lexie was in danger . Lexie thought Celeste was getting ahead of herself because she has nt taken the test yet . Celeste said Lexie had to get the test done tonight . Celeste said she could nt wait . Lexie finally caved and took the test . At the hospital , Lexie introduced Celeste to Daniel . Daniel wondered why Lexie wanted the test done tonight . Lexie told him her mother insisted she get it done . He said the lab was set up . Carrie ran into Rafe and Nicole at the Brady Pub . Carrie told him that she was going to make her marriage work . She said Austin is the man she loved and she regretted what happened between her and Rafe . Rafe wanted to know if she thought what happened between them was wrong . She considered it a mistake . She wrote it off as a reaction to the tension in their marriages . Rafe said he was happy for her . Carrie hoped things worked out with him and Nicole . Nicole wondered what happened . He said he wanted to tell Carrie the truth about the baby . Nicole was upset . Rafe said he did nt tell her . He told her that Carrie said what they had was a mistake . He said how she loved Austin and that he was a distraction . Nicole apologized to him . Celeste told Abe and Lexie that she had a secret that she wanted to come clean about . Just as she was about to tell the secret , Daniel said he had the results and they were nt good .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Nick : [ Sighs ] All right , Dad . Here s your aspirin . Victor : Thank you , son . Very kind of you . Nick : Some water . All right . So , you want to tell me what s really going on now ? Noah : So , I got you scheduled for your usual shift tomorrow and the day after . And you got a double on Saturday . Mariah : I have a double tonight , so I really wish you d have asked me if I was available for another one . Noah : Are you available ? Mariah : What are you doing here ? Should nt you be off celebrating your parents disgustingly happy engagement ? Noah : Yes . Our mom is marrying my dad . And it is great news , so I d appreciate it if you do nt ruin it with your little attitude . Mariah : I am not gon na put on a phony smile to make you feel better , dude . Noah : Fine . Just put on a phony smile for the customers , okay ? Because we re paying you for that . Mariah : Not for long . Noah : What is that supposed to mean ? Mariah : It means that I was very serious about getting out of this sorry - ass town . And once I make enough cash to do so , I m gone . It should nt be too long now . Noah : Are you planning winning the lottery ? Mariah : Something like that . Trucker : It s beautiful country , huh ? You still have nt told me where you re headed . Since you were hitchhiking , you must really want to get there . Christine : What do you think you re doing ? Paul : Hi , Nikki . Nikki : Oh , hi , Paul . Paul : Hi . Can I join you ? Nikki : Well , sure . Uh , I do nt have much time , though . Paul : Oh , I do nt , either . Just a quick hello . How s that ? Nikki : Oh , that s nice . Paul : Good . Oh , man , do you mind ? I m dying of thirst . Nikki : Oh , no , do nt -- do nt drink that ! Paul : Why ? Vodka ? Victor : What do you mean it s time to be honest with you ? What are you talking about ? Nick : Your change of heart about Sharon and me . I started asking you about that . All of a sudden , you get a headache and try and get me off the subject . Victor : Son , I had a headache . Do you think I m misdirecting you , or what ? Nick : Yeah . I think you are . And it tells me I m getting close to something , like maybe you have nt accepted my engagement after all . Victor : Son , did I bring a bottle of champagne , or did I not ? And did nt I toast to your future ? Nick : To my future . Not my future with Sharon . Victor : What can I do to make you believe that I meant a toast to both of you ? Nick : Can you blame me , after the lengths you went to try and uncover Sharon s supposed secret ? Victor : Supposed secret ? Have you forgotten that Sharon herself said that she s hiding something that could be devastating to you ? Nick : Yeah , well , did you have to use Mariah and grill Sharon s psychiatrist to do that ? Victor : You bet . Nick : Well , what do you got planned next , dad ? Because that s what concerns me . Victor : You do nt need to worry about a damn thing from me , okay ? Sharon : Oh . I did nt know you were still here . Victor : I should be leaving . Enjoy the rest of the champagne , and congratulations again , okay ? Nice seeing you , son . Sharon : Oh , and Victor ... Victor : Yeah ? Sharon : If you really mean it , about wishing us well , you are welcome in our home anytime , and we would love to have you attend our wedding . Victor : Yeah . The next days should be very interesting . I m looking forward to it . Nice to see you . Nick : You too , dad . I mean , that s an act , right ? You do nt believe a word that just came out of his mouth , do you ? Noah : So , what s your big secret , huh ? How are you planning on putting together all this money ? I mean , other than playing the lottery , which you have less chance of winning than being struck by lightning . Mariah : I would nt be too sure about that , because I am way past due for some good luck . Noah : You would nt know good luck if it came up and bit you in the -- Mariah : Excuse me ? Noah : If you ask me , you like being miserable . Mariah : I did nt ask you , and you re wrong . Noah : Really ? Than why do you keep on pushing away people who are just trying to help you ? Mariah : Oh , was Sharon trying to help me when she kicked me out ? Noah : She did nt know that you were Cassie s twin . Mariah : [ Scoffs ] Exactly . That s all that I am to you people , is Cassie s twin . You do nt care about me or what I want or who I am . Sharon thinks she can just slot me into Cassie s place and that I m just gon na forget about the life that I had before . I m just gon na become the daughter that she lost . Noah : The daughter she never had , and she s just trying to make up for it . Mariah : I already have a mother . Noah : Oh , right . You mean the one who just pops in and out of your life whenever it suits her . And now you have somebody that s willing to be there for you whenever you need it . So will faith . Maybe even Summer . Mariah : [ Chuckling ] Oh , yeah . Because Summer has been so supportive . Noah : What do you expect ? You keep on insulting the people that she loves . Mariah : Oh , my god . And she had to act like a 5-year - old earlier and run and tell everybody what big , bad Mariah did . Oh , Noah , did you hear what that witch said to me , how my mother was never gon na get better ? Noah : [ Chuckles ] Well , Mariah , that was a sad thing to say . Mariah : And then you had to go on and indulge the drama queen by giving Austin a break so he could take her home . Noah : Summer was hurt . She needed somebody to be there for her , so I was . It s the kind of loyalty that we show our family -- the kind of loyalty my family might actually show to you , too . But you re just too stubborn to accept it . Your loss . Paul : Oh , Nikki . You -- you have been on the wagon for the past couple of years . You ve worked very hard to stay clean . So -- so , why sabotage it now ? Nikki : I did nt . Paul : Well , then ... Nikki : That was Barbara Goldberg s drink . Paul : Barbara Goldberg ? You mean the G.C. Police foundation Barbara Goldberg ? Nikki : We were going to have a meeting , discussing a charity event that we were having for the league of disabled officers . She called me a few minutes ago , and she ca nt make it . I was about to have the waiter take it away . Paul : Well , I m sorry for jumping to conclusions . You know , when you said earlier that , uh , you could nt handle any more stress , I just thought ... Nikki : Things have been difficult , yes , but not that difficult . Believe me , Paul , you have nothing to worry about . I would nt dream of losing my sobriety again , not after how my life spun out of control after the last time I did . And , besides , I feel a lot better after talking to you . Paul : You do ? Nikki : Well , knowing that Dylan is nt in any trouble with the police , for one . And when you took him down to the station the other day , I was sure that you suspected him of having something to do with Ian s disappearance . Paul : Well , I can certainly understand why you might think that . Nikki : Yeah , well , you set me straight on that . You also let me know you want Ian caught as badly as I do . Paul : Yes . Nothing would mean more to me . Nikki : Are you looking for someone ? Paul : Well , yeah -- Chris . I was supposed to meet her here . You have nt seen her , have you ? Nikki : No , I have nt . But I know if she walks in and sees the two of us here , she would nt be very pleased , so I m gon na head off . Paul : And , listen , about the vodka , I , uh ... Nikki : Oh , do nt mention it . Barbara , hi . It s Nikki . Um , listen , I - I m afraid I m not feeling very well . I m not gon na be able to make our meeting . Well , I appreciate your understanding . I - I will . I will . Thank you . [ Clears throat ] Bye - bye . Paul : Oh , d Christine : How did you get in here ? Dylan : One of the Dawkins -- let me in . Christine : Why would he do that ? Dylan : I told him I came to see Paul . Christine : Did you ? Dylan : Uh , yeah . Why else would I be here ? Paul : Well , Paul s at the athletic club , and , uh , you have no business looking through a confidential file . Especially not one on Ian ward . Dylan : Well , I just happened to notice it while I was waiting . I did nt -- I did nt open the file . Christine : Well , I m sure you re anxious to know what s going on with the investigation . Dylan : Uh , of course . Yeah . It affects my mother . Christine : You , too , right ? I mean , that s really what you re concerned about , is nt it ? Dylan : Uh , what exactly are you implying , Christine , and why ? Because the last time I saw you , at Paul s party , you treated me like a friend , and now I feel like I m a criminal being cross examined here . Christine : Well , you have to admit , I have cause for concern . A man who s being questioned in the disappearance of Ian ward is snooping around the police chief s office ? Dylan : Hold on . I was nt snooping around . And like you said , I was questioned . I was nt arrested , and I m not gon na get arrested , because I did nt do anything wrong . Christine : Well , I m sorry if you feel I m treating you unfairly . I m sorry . I do think of you as a friend . I m just asking you to consider how this reflects on Paul . Dylan : I do nt -- I do nt follow . Christine : You re in the room where the evidence is . It s completely inappropriate . Dylan : And suspicious . That s how you see it . Christine : I think a great number of people around here would , yes . Dylan : Maybe . But the truth is , I had no motive for coming here except to talk to Paul about Nikki ... and what Ian being on the loose is doing to her . Christine : That s all I hear about -- how hard this is on Nikki . Dylan : I understand this whole thing s been tough on Paul , too . Christine : And if you do nt want to make it worse , you will leave and promise to never do anything like this again . Paul : [ Chuckles ] Anything like what ? Sharon : My skepticism for your father is as healthy as yours , but I figure as long as he made the gesture of good will , why not play along ? Nick : You re a lot nicer than me . I pretty much called him out while you were upstairs . Sharon : Oh . What did he say ? Nick : He just denied having any agenda other than -- Sharon : Protecting you . Nick : Exactly . Where have we heard that before ? Sharon : Well , at least now we have a way of dealing with him . Good cop , bad cop . Nick : [ Chuckles ] Meanwhile , neither one of us got the real story behind his visit . Sharon : Yeah . But I do nt think it would matter if we did . You know how your father is . Once he gets something in his head , there s no stopping him . I figure , you know , let s just enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts . We ll plan our wedding . Nick : All right . Let s do that . So , what s next ? Book a venue ? Call a minister ? Sharon : We have to get to that , yes , but , first , there is a matter I need to take care of , and you have one , too . Dr. Cutler : Keep searching the building and the grounds for her . The woman just came out of a coma , for god s sake . She could nt have gone far . No . We have nt contacted miss Newman s family yet ... or the authorities . We just need to get her safely back in her room and everything will be fine . I have another call . Do your job and find her . Yes ? Victor : This is Victor Newman . Has Phyllis made any additional progress ? Trucker : You know , I m trying to help you out here . [ Chuckles ] Ca nt you be a little more friendly ? [ Grunts ] Victor : Well , doc , what about Phyllis ? Dr. Cutler : As of this moment , her situation is still unresolved . Victor : I m disappointed to hear that . Dr. Cutler : Frankly , so am I. Victor : Well , I want you to press on with the treatment , and I expect to hear good news soon . Dr. Cutler : Well , if that s all -- Victor : No , there s , um , something else I want to discuss with you . I need a recommendation . Dr. Cutler : For ? Victor : A reliable DNA lab . Okay ? Reliable meaning I do nt want them to tamper with the results . Dr. Cutler : There s a place in Sweden . Victor : Near Stockholm ? Okay . And I can depend on their confidentiality ? All right . Thank you for your help . Bye . There you are . Nikki : I almost did nt come . I am still very upset with you . Victor : I know you are . That s why I asked you to come over . Nikki : Do nt think that you can talk your way out of this , Victor . What makes you think I have nt already gone to Sharon and Nicholas and warned them that you plan to interfere with their engagement ? Victor : But you have nt , because I just came from there , okay ? And I brought a bottle of champagne , and I drank to their future . Nikki : [ Sighs ] Of course . Any excuse to play more games . So , what did they think of your little toast , not that I think they bought it ? Victor : I do nt care if they bought it or not . I went over there and did what I had to do . Nikki : While you were lying about your best wishes , did you also lie about the meeting you had with Mariah ? I think you probably forgot to mention that and that you have paid her off for god knows what . Sharon : Hi , Mariah . Mariah : Hello . Sharon : How s the job going ? Mariah : It s what I ve always wanted to do with my life -- cut lemons . I m going on break now . I m gon na go down the street and get some food . Noah : Hey , guys . Nick : Hold up , Mariah . Mariah : Well , I just said that I was going off the clock . Sharon : We would like to ask you something first . Nick : Both of you . Sharon : I would appreciate it if you d give me the courtesy of hearing me out . Paul : And that s all there is to it , you found Dylan in here ? Christine : Standing over a confidential file . Paul : He was nt reading it . There s no harm done . Christine : What if detective Harding or one of the other officers had walked in instead of me ? Paul : They did nt . Dylan : Paul , I - I apologize for putting you in that position . That was not my intention . I just want an update on the search for Ian . I ll get out of here . Paul : Okay . You know what ? Let s let this go . There s nothing new I can disclose right now . Dylan : Okay . I hope you wrap this up soon , cause we ll all be better off when this is over . Paul : [ Chuckles ] I m counting on that . Dylan : I ll see you around . Christine . Paul : He did nt know the file was on my desk . Christine : Even so , you have to set some boundaries with him . Paul : Chris , really ? You know , there is nothing nefarious going on here . He is a good man . Christine : Yes , he is a good man . That s irrelevant . He ca nt waltz in here and peruse your files , especially not ones he may be involved in . Paul : Okay , so now he knows the situation , and it wo nt happen again . Christine : Oh , my -- do you hear yourself ? Paul : What ? Christine : The position you re taking , the excuses you re making for him . It s got to stop . Victor : I do nt know where you get these ideas from . Nikki : Oh , you do nt ? Victor : No . Nikki : You have already paid Mariah to do unspeakable things . Why would it be any different now ? Victor : I paid Mariah to uncover Sharon s secret . She did nt do it . So she s no longer employed by me , okay ? Nikki : So you gave her money for what , to bartend for you ? Victor : Sweetheart , she came to me saying that she was flat broke , she could nt pay her bills . So I gave her some money . Nikki : Why did nt she go to her mother ? Victor : Because she does nt like her mother , does nt want anything to do with her . Nikki : So she came to you ? Victor : What s unusual about that ? I have empathy with that girl , okay ? I ve been in that situation -- flat broke , could nt pay my damn bills . Nikki : Okay . Well , I guess I ll find out soon enough if that s true . Victor : Could we please not bicker about this ? I got to go on a trip . Nikki : What trip ? Victor : Business trip . I need to take care of something . Nikki : [ Sighing ] Oh , god . Victor : Only I can take care of it . But if you do nt want me to go , I ll stay , I ll send someone else . Nikki : No . You know what ? If it s that important , go . Victor : You sure it s all right with you ? Nikki : It s fine . I ll be fine . Victor : I ll be back very soon . Nikki : All right . Victor : Okay ? Bye , my sweetheart . Okay . I love you . [ Smooches ] Nikki : I love you , too . Victor : I want you to double security around the house , okay ? Ian ward is still at large . I want you to make sure that my wife is safe . Yep . Noah : Dad , I know what you re gon na ask me . Nick : Really ? Noah : Yes . And the answer is of course . I would love to go to the packers / bears game with you this weekend . Nick : [ Chuckles ] It that your not - so - subtle way of asking me to buy tickets for us to the game ? Noah : Yes . Nick : Okay . We might be able to work out some kind of agreement , but you re gon na have to do something for me first . Noah : Seems fair . Nick : It s very important to your mom and me that we have the people we love the most at our wedding , and , miraculously , you fall into that group . Noah : No accounting for taste , huh ? Nick : And , son , I would be extremely honored if you would stand up for me at my wedding . Noah : [ Chuckles ] Wow . Nick : Wow ? That s -- that s all you got ? Noah : Yeah , it s all I got . Nick : I ll never forget the look on your face when I had to tell you I was divorcing your mom . The way you looked at me -- it s like you did nt know me anymore . I was a different person . I so badly wanted to be able to explain it to you , but I did nt understand it myself . When your sister died , Noah , I was just -- I was so lost . Noah : I just remember mom crying all the time and you guys constantly fighting . I - I remember thinking it would be a miracle if you ever spoke again . Nick : Yeah , it s not like the other times that your mom and I got back together . We never dealt with the pain or the resentment . We never had a chance to make it . It s different this time . Noah : I can tell . You guys are happy . You re really happy . Not trying to be . Nick : Yeah , there s no more of that . We re exactly where we belong . Noah : I always found it hard to believe in happily ever after . Maybe I m wrong . Nick : So I m gon na take that as you saying you will accept my offer . Noah : Dad , I will be right there next to you when you marry mom . Nowhere else I d rather be . Mariah : You want me to be a bridesmaid ? Sharon : Along with Summer , yes . Mariah : Really ? Sharon : Yeah , really . It would mean a lot to me . Mariah : And that matters to me why ? Sharon : I know you and I did not get off to a great start . Mariah : Oh , you mean because you gave me up for adoption ? Sharon : I explained that to you . Mariah : And you think that that just erases everything that s happened ? You think I m just gon na forget all of the horrible things that you said to me once I was back in your life ? Why would I want to be in your wedding , knowing how you feel about me ? Sharon : Because you do nt know I feel about you . You re basing all of that on one unfortunate argument , and there is so much more to it than that . Mariah : Whatever . I do nt even care . Sharon : I believe you do care . I believe you care so much that it scares you . Mariah : Oh , thank you for that instant analysis , dr . Freud . Sharon : And you can keep fighting me , you can keep telling me you want nothing to do with me , and it wo nt stop me from reaching you . I will never give up on you . Mariah : You already did . Sharon : I wanted a better life for my child , for my children , than I thought I could give . And it breaks my heart that you did nt get that . You were betrayed by the woman you thought was your mother and by the man you looked at as a father . But I am not like those people . Mariah : Are nt you ? Sharon : No . And if you ll let me , I will be the mother you have always deserved . In the meantime , it would be nice if you were a part of the wedding . Not only is going to be a new beginning for nick and me , but it could be a new beginning for our family . Noah : We re going to the green bay game , then ? Nick : Is that the only reason you agreed to be in the wedding ? Noah : Yes . Nick : Well , how does 50-yard line sound ? Noah : It ll have to do . Nick : Okay . You re a great kid . You know that ? Noah : It s in the genes . Nick : Sometimes I look at you and just ca nt believe how well you turned out , considering everything I put you through . Noah : Look , dad , you know , no matter how hard it was for me and how angry I was at you for leaving mom , I always knew you loved me . That was huge . I m lucky . Nick : You are . I know I do nt say it enough , but I am so proud of you , son . I m proud of the man that you are , and I m very proud that you re gon na stand up for me . Noah : So , is that , uh , what mom s doing over there with Mariah , asking her to be a bridesmaid ? Nick : Yeah . She wants her to walk down the aisle with Summer and faith . Noah : Summer in the same room as Mariah ? Nick : Yeah , I think they can handle it for one day . Noah : Yeah , it s probably what they said about tom and jerry , too . Nick : Okay , first off , nobody has ever said that about a cartoon cat or mouse , ever . It s absurd . And secondly , there s always hope , right ? Noah : Sure , there s hope , and , you know , then there s flat - out delusion . It s gon na be an interesting wedding . Nick : Well , let s just hope Mariah even agrees to come . Sharon : It s a chance for us to start over or at least put the past behind us for a period of time and have fun . Mariah : Fun ? Sharon : Yeah . Well , a positive experience , then . I know faith would like to have you there . Mariah : Oh , so now you re bringing faith into this . You would nt be trying to guilt me into saying yes , would you ? Sharon : No guilt . This is an honest - to - goodness invitation , straight from my heart . Mariah : Let me think about it . Sharon : Sure . Okay . But just so you know , I am gon na keep asking you every day , up until the wedding , so , you know , it means that much to me . Mariah : When is this magical day ? Sharon : We have nt set the date . So I guess , really , I could just keep postponing it and then asking you to be a part of the wedding every day between now and the end of time , and then eventually you would have to say yes . Mariah : Fine . Sharon : Fine that I keep asking you ? Mariah : Fine , as in yes , I ll go . I ll be your bridesmaid . Sharon : You will ? Mariah : At least I ll get a free dress and a meal out of it . Sharon : At the very least , and you might get a lot more in the long run . Christine : I am worried that you re heading down a troubling direction , personally and professionally . Paul : Oh , really , because I did nt arrest Dylan for standing over my desk ? Chris , the last time I checked , that was nt a crime . Christine : People are watching you during this investigation . They know Dylan s your son , and they are waiting for you to cross the line . I mean , the minute you give him some special consideration , you will be off this case and possibly out of a job . Paul : I wo nt let that happen . Christine : You say that , but if you find evidence that proves he committed a crime , can you stay neutral ? Paul : There s not gon na be any evidence . Christine : Because there is nt any or because you re looking the other way ? Paul , I am worried . I m worried that you re being too easy on him . You have to keep your guard up , and you have to be objective . Paul : You know what ? I m gon na act on the facts and the facts alone . Christine : And the facts say he has a hair - trigger temper and a bad history with Ian , that he chased him out of Nikki and Victor s home , that there was blood on the driveway , that he was caught in the vicinity of the racetrack where Ian s wallet and car were discovered . I m asking you to be prepared for whatever else we find . Paul : And you think I have nt thought of that already ? Really ? Come on . Christine : I promise , I am not trying to criticize you or put you on the spot . I am just trying to look out for you . Paul : Okay , fine . I appreciate your concern . Christine : I hope so . Paul : It ll be okay , Chris . I promise you , I will do everything I need to do . Nikki : [ Slurring ] Yoo - hoo ! Hey , stranger ! Dylan : Hey . I did nt , uh , see you when I walked in . Nikki : Hi . Well , good . I m glad it s just that . I was starting to think you were purposely ignoring me . You have been ignoring my phone calls . Dylan : Uh , sorry about that . I ve been , uh , been busy . Nikki : Too busy to join me now ? Dylan : Is this better ? Nikki : Much better . Dylan : I know you ve had questions for me ever since Paul and I left his party . Nikki : Oh , no , really . I - I talked to Paul , and everything is fine . It s all good . Dylan : It s all good ? Nikki : You re not in any trouble with the police . Dylan : He said that ? Nikki : And you re not in any trouble with me . Dylan : Uh , for what ? Not getting back to you on those phone calls ? Nikki : You know , sometimes the things that we do are not in our control , and I just want you to know that I do nt blame you for anything . Paul : [ Sighs ] Paul : What happened to all the furniture ? Avery : Uh , Ian dropped by earlier , and Dylan got a little upset . Paul : I thought you told me you would nt do anything stupid where Ian was concerned . Dylan : I did nt . I waited till he left , and then I trashed the place . Come on . Relax . I just -- I broke a few pieces of furniture , and I felt better afterwards . End of story . Paul : It does nt look that way to me . Paul : Come in . Dawkins , what s the word ? Dawkins : They re about to start dragging the quarry lake for ward s body . Paul : Okay . Keep me posted on that , will you ? Dawkins : I also have news for you on that call from ward s life - insurance company . Paul : Was it someone purporting to be Dylan McAvoy ? Where was the call placed from ? Dawkins : It came from the landline at Avery Clark s apartment . Dylan : I m not really sure what you re talking about . Nikki : Well , I m just saying that we all make our choices , and some choices are better than others , right ? Dylan : Yeah . Yeah . Right . Nikki : And I take full responsibility for all of my actions on all of the for -- the , uh , um , the fallout -- all of the fallout of my actions . I am just so happy to have you in my life . Dylan : I m -- I m happy to be in your life , too . Nikki : I just wish that I could ... Dylan : Wish that you could what ? Nikki ? Nikki : Hmm ? Dylan : W - when was the last time you had something to eat ? Nikki : Oh . This morning , I think . Dylan : I m gon na grab you something to eat , and I ll refill that , too . What are you drinking ? Nikki : Tea . It s just tea . Dylan : Okay . I ll be right back . Nikki : Thanks . Nick : Well , that was a good day s work . Sharon : It s good to get that off our to - do list . Nick : You know , Noah did nt say it in so many words , but I could tell he was really touched that I asked him to be a part of the wedding . Sharon : I think that underneath the skepticism , Mariah was , too . Nick : I m glad everything went so well . Sharon : Yeah . It was a step in the right direction , if nothing else . Nick : Yeah . Things are really starting to come together . Sharon : I am happier than I ve been in a long time . Nick : So am I. Sharon : Do nt let your father get to you . Nick : It s just I ca nt help remembering dad trying to stop Victoria and Billy s wedding . I mean , he even had Vick arrested at the wedding . Sharon : Hmm . What happened to that agreement we made earlier to put him out of our minds ? We ca nt let him ruin this special time for us . Nick : He ca nt ruin it , anyway , even if he is still trying to track down that secret . Sharon : Do you think that s what he s doing ? Nick : It does nt matter , anyway , cause whether dad knows it or not , he s trying to track down something that we ve already put behind us . Come here . Victor : And what are you doing here again ? Mariah : I want to know when you re gon na give me the rest of the money so I can leave town . Victor : My dear girl , you must not have listened to me before . I told you that I will pay you your money if and only if I can substantiate your claim that faith is not my son s daughter . Mariah : Well , it better be soon , because Sharon asked me to be a part of her wedding , and I said yes so she would get off my back , but I do nt want any part of it . Victor : Please do nt waste my time . Just know that if my trip is successful , then Sharon s secret will be blown wide open -- all right ? -- And that wedding is not gon na take place . Michael : Why are you so interested in Mariah s annulment ? Do you two have a thing for each other ? Victoria : You want to search his desk . Nick : Would you let me ? ### Summary:
At Sharon s home while Nick gets Victor something for his headache , he takes a plastic bag out of his pocket and steals the wine glass that Nick drank out of . Also , he gets in Faith s backpack and steals her hairbrush . Nick brings Victor back his aspirin and then wants to know what is going on . At the Underground , Noah tells Mariah her schedule for the week which she resents . Mariah asks Noah about Nick s and Sharon s engagement . A truck driver on the highway picks up Phyllis and asks her where she is headed . She does nt reply . At the Athletic Club dining room , Paul joins Nikki at her table and starts to take a drink of her glass , but Nikki stops him . Paul smells it and asks if it s vodka . Victor refuses to let Nick know what he is up to by being there . Victor reminds Nick of the secret that Sharon has been keeping from him as well as everyone else . Mariah lets Noah know that she may be leaving this town before too long . Noah asks her where she is getting the money to leave town , but Mariah refuses to tell him about her deal with Victor . Mariah begins to lash out at Summer to Noah for her actions and how he let Austin have the night off in order to take Summer home . Noah defends Summer which unnerves Mariah . Paul reminds Nikki of the ramifications of her drinking again . To keep from telling him the truth , Nikki tells him that the drink was for Barbara and that she called and cancelled . Paul feels better about the drink and Nikki s explanation . Paul looks around the room for Christine . Nikki gets up to leave so Christine will not see them together . In the foyer , Nikki calls Barbara and tells her that she needs to cancel that she is nt feeling well . Christine asks Dylan why he s in Paul s office with the file on Ian Ward lying on the desk . Dylan does nt like Christine s accusations and accuses her of treating him like a criminal . Christine apologizes but tells Dylan not to let this happen again . Paul walks in and wants to know what s going on . Nick and Sharon think that Victor had a hidden agenda for bringing them a bottle of champagne in order to celebrate their engagement . Dr. Cutler tells everyone to find Phyllis and get her back in her room before her family finds out . Victor calls Dr. Cutler for an update on Phyllis , but he also lies . Victor asks Dr. Cutler for the name of a DNA clinic that he could trust with the results of a DNA test . Dr. Cutler gives him the address of one in Sweden . When the truck driver lays his hand on Phyllis leg , she picks up a rod and hits him with it . He moves his hand quickly . Nikki visits Victor and tells him she is still upset with him for his interference in his children s lives . Nikki also questions him about the money that he gave to Mariah . Victor lies to Nikki and tells her that Mariah needed money for bills . Nikki does nt exactly believe him . Christine warns Paul about Dylan being in his office so close to evidence concerning the case of Ian Ward . Christine warns Paul to set some limits for Dylan . Nick and Sharon arrive at the Underground . Noah accepts Nick s invitation to be his best man . Sharon asks Mariah to be her bridesmaid but Mariah , at first , refuses but then gives in and agrees . Victor lets Nikki know that he is going out of town . Phyllis is 235 miles away from Genoa City . Mariah asks Victor for more money .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Sonny : So there s no reaction ? Will : Well , the article is nt live yet , sonny . Sonny : But truvista said it would be posted today , right ? Will : And it should have hit by now . Sonny : Unless your mom used her clout to put a stop to it . Will : She knows it s going to humiliate her . Sonny : The one it s going to humiliate is Abigail . If people put together she s the one that had an affair with EJ ... Will : I - Ive got another call . It could be my editor . Sonny : Oh , go , go , go . I ll talk to you later . Sonny : Hey ! Abigail : Look who I have . Sonny : Hey , sweet girl . Did you have fun with your godmother today ? Abigail : Oh , we had so much fun . She is just a little angel . Is will around ? JJ : All right , ready ? Pick one . You got it , buddy . [ Laughs ] Mary Beth : Now , that is a cute kid . Gosh , is it yours ? Eve : Jennifer , come on , it s only fair that I have some time to absorb what this proposal says . That s just to find out whether it s fair or not . Jennifer : Listen , eve , you have a habit of moving the goalposts , and that is not going to happen here . We are going to settle this suit once and for all , right here , right now , one way or the other . Eve : [ Scoffs ] And I m just supposed to accept on faith that this is as good a deal as the last one you proposed . Aiden : So I suggest you get your lawyer here ASAP , because-- Jennifer : Because it s not as good a deal . It s worse . Brady : [ Sighs ] Tom : Hey , Brady . It s been a while . Brady : Hey . I know . I ll have a glass of water . Tom : And a vodka on the rocks with a twist , right ? Brady : No , just the water , okay ? [ Sniffs ] [ Clears throat ] Thank you . Ahh . Theresa : Um , Brady , are you in a rush ? Daniel : What did you do to Eric now ? Nicole : Did nt you hear what I just said ? I testified in front of a grand jury about Kristen for Eric . Daniel : Okay , I do nt care what you did or did nt do in front of a grand jury . Nicole : W - what is going on with you ? Daniel : No , I just talked to Eric . He told me that he ca nt be a priest . And when I asked him why , all he said was that he hates you . So tell me , Nicole , why someone who does nt hate anybody or anything hates you . I thought they d be done in there , but they re waiting on another witness . Now , you can either go in and hear the testimony , or you can go back to the station . Kristen : I m not going in there . They can deal with the witnesses themselves , right ? Let s go . Eric , wait . Eve : [ Laughing ] Have you completely taken leave of your senses ? Really ? Why on earth would I sign a proposal that is worse than the last one you had on the table ? Jennifer : Well , because it s the last offer you re going to get before we go to trial , where you could possibly end up with nothing , zip , nada . So do you want to call your attorney ... or do you want to see me in court ? Eve : [ Scoffs ] Nicole : I went with Eric to the Vatican . They cleared him . They said he could be a priest again . Daniel : Then why wo nt he ? Nicole : I - I do nt know . It s -- it s -- it s complicated . It s all that church stuff I do nt know how to explain very well . Daniel : Nicole , Nicole . Nicole : It s just he ca nt ... in his heart forgive me for what I did . He thinks it disqualifies him from the priesthood . He thinks he does nt deserve to be a priest anymore . [ Sighs ] You know , Kristen raped him ... humiliated him , and turned his life into a nightmare , and I m the reason he ca nt be a priest anymore ? Kristen , just walk away . Kristen : Eric , you re such a good man . You were such an inspiration to your parishioners , and all the things you did for the kids at St. Luke s ... for you to have to walk away from that , it s so unfair . Eric : It s unfair ? That s all you have to say ? Kristen : Well , it is . Eric : Well , you re gon na have to excuse me . I m due inside the grand jury room . It seems like they want to talk to me about things that are unfair . Kristen : No . Sonny : She went to sleep the minute I put her down . Abigail : Aw . Sonny : You wore her out . Abigail : We had so much fun together . She s so sweet . That little smile of hers-- gosh , she s so precious . Sonny : You seem so happy . Abigail : Do I ? Sonny : Uh - huh . Abigail : I do nt know about happy , but , yeah , I ve definitely been doing better lately . I mean , that whole mess with Sami and EJ was just so stressful , you know ? And now I feel like it s finally behind me . I have to go . I have some errands to run , and then I got to check on my mom and see what the progress is with the lawsuit . Sonny : Yeah , thank you for watching Ari . Abigail : Yeah . You do not have to thank me . Seriously , I will watch -- mwah-- that little peanut anytime you guys want me to . Sonny : Abigail . Abigail : Yes . Sonny : Tell your mom I said good luck with everything . Abigail : I will . Thanks . Paige : [ Sighs ] Mary Beth : Whoa . Paige : That question was , a , lame and , b , mean . Gosh , is the kid yours ? Mary Beth : It was a joke , okay ? I was just trying to be funny . Paige : Well , it was not funny , and I do nt believe you . Mary Beth : Okay , you need to calm down . Paige : How about this ? I ll calm down when you stop being such a jerk to JJ . Mary Beth : Wake up , Paige . He s not a good guy . Paige : I m not listening to this anymore . Mary Beth : You better listen , because anyone who walks around telling everyone how much they ve changed has nt changed one bit . Okay , and he only wants one thing from you , and when you give it to him , you get dumped . And then where will you be ? No JJ , no Stanford either . [ Sighs ] JJ : Hey . You did nt have to do that . I can defend myself . Paige : Then why did nt you ? Eve : Well ? They re right . This is worse than the last offer . Eve : [ Scoffs ] Aiden : Eve , your royalties on the sales of the book wo nt kick in until after the first edition s run is exhausted . Eve : So , in other words , Jenn gets the lion s share . Aiden : And to be clear , eve gets a piece of the movie money , but has no say in who writes , directs , produces the film . In exchange for that , a one - time payment , courtesy of Victor and Maggie Kiriakis , will serve as compensation . Also , there will be a rider that will be-- Eve : You know what , Aiden ? Please , do nt even bother , because I read it , okay ? [ Sighs ] How bad is it ? My advice -- take the money and run . Eve : What ? The odds at trial are not in your favor . Eve : Wh-- [ Scoffs ] Right . Where s a pen ? Let s get this over with . [ Sighs ] Daniel : So what you re saying is , it does nt matter that I brought Kristen back to Salem and she s being charged . It s not gon na help Eric in the long run ? Nicole : Well , it does nt matter to Eric , in terms of the priesthood , but everything else does matter . Daniel : [ Sighs ] Nicole : Daniel , you brought justice . That s what we all wanted . Daniel : No , but Eric wanted to be a priest again . And now he ca nt have it ? He wo nt have it , no matter what ? You know what ? I need to go pick up Parker . Nicole : Daniel , wait . Daniel : This is-- Nicole : Wait , wait , please . Please , just wait . I swear , I swear to you , I tried to do absolutely everything I could to help him , in Rome , in the grand jury room . I m up to fixing this . I am . Daniel , please ... we can still find a way to be friends , ca nt we ? Daniel : We are not friends . That is one thing we are not and never will be . Theresa : Hey , tom said grandma s napping . Brady : I ll have to catch , uh , Caroline another time , then . Theresa : Brady , I , um ... I do nt know how long it will take , but I promise you , as soon as I hear back from Nevada about the annulment papers going through-- Brady : Yeah , yeah , yeah . Listen , it s great . I already sent everything in on my end . It s fine . Theresa : And I m sorry . I read in the paper about Kristen coming back . Brady : Yeah . She s back . She s back in all her bitchy glory . Theresa : Yeah , again . Bet you ca nt wait to get her alone in a room and just let her have it . Brady : That s the last thing I want to do . Kristen : You told me I have a right to be in that courtroom when witnesses give their testimony . Kristen-- Kristen : So get me in there ... right now . Melinda : Thank you for being here today , Mr. Brady . I want to discuss the night you were drugged in your hotel room in the state capital . Eric : You mean the night that I was raped . Will : [ Sighs ] Nothing , right ? Sonny : No , the story s not up yet . I ve been hitting refresh , like , every 30 seconds . Will : [ Laughs ] You re more stressed out about it than am . Sonny : Abigail brought Ari home . Managed to get my guilt in gear all over again . Honestly , I would have told her about the article , but it s not my place . Will : [ Sniffs ] Abigail : Hey , will . Will : Abigail , hi . Um ... thank you for taking Ari out today . Abigail : You guys have to stop thanking me for this . Seriously , I love spending time with my goddaughter . Will , are you there ? Will : Yeah , I m here . Abigail : Everything okay ? Will : Um , Abigail , do you remember my editor ? You met -- you met her , um , the other day ? Abigail : Right . Will : Well , she s -- she works for truvista magazine , and they just hired me on staff . Abigail : Oh , my God ! That is amazing . Are you serious ? Congratulations . Will : Thank you . Actually , we re awaiting my first story . It comes out today . Abigail : That was fast . Will : It s a cover story . Abigail : The cover ? Will : Yeah . Abigail : This is incredible . I mean , I knew you were working really hard and everything , but , God , what an honor . Will : Thank you . We re -- well , I m actually waiting for it to go live online right -- right now . Abigail : I ll totally have to favorite the link when it comes out . Will : Abigail , listen . Abigail : Oh , you know what , will ? I m getting another call , and it might be my mom about the lawsuit , so I m gon na go . But I m so thrilled for you . And I ll read the whole article as soon as it comes out . Okay , talk soon . Sonny : What happened ? I thought the whole point of the call was to tell her . Will : She did nt give me a chance . Her mom called on the other line , and ... look , I ll call her again in a few minutes , okay ? I ll try again . Sonny : [ Sighs ] Aiden : Well , eve , you made the right decision ... ending this . Eve : Well , I will certainly try to keep that in mind . Aiden : All right . Eve : Your turn . Jennifer : Not yet . There is a few things we need to get straight first . Daniel : [ Sighs ] You know what , Nicole ? Eric is the one who s been suffering here , and I have nt lost sight of that , and that s why I have pushed aside what I am truly feeling , because-- because the disgust , the distress , the whatever you want to call it , disillusion , pales in comparison to what you put that man through . Nicole : What do you mean ? Daniel : And I am not gon na keep quiet anymore , because you have lied to me over and over and over again . The way you used me for your damn agenda with Eric ? Nicole : Are you blaming me for Jennifer ? Daniel : No , I am blaming you for not being my friend . I have stuck up for you , and what I got in return was you lying to me and about me . And everything I m saying about me , magnify that a hundred times over for Eric . Nicole : So this is it ? You re just gon na despise me until the end of time , yell at me every time you see me ? Daniel : Every time I see you , I feel sad ... bereft ... because I lost a friend ... forever . Jennifer : You said you read the rider . Eve : Yes , I did , Jennifer . Jennifer : Okay , so then you understand what s required of you . You are not to speak about jack in public , about his book , about the movie -- anything . I will not have you trashing him . Eve : Oh , come on ! I have nt said one word that remotely comes close to trashing jack Deveraux . Jennifer : You tried to take over his whole movie , and you were gon na ruin his story , and I am not gon na allow that to happen . So I m telling you -- one word , one stunt , eve , and the money goes away . You signed this document . You will live by this document . Eve : Your message of condescension , has it concluded ? Jennifer : No ... because you have nt told me that you understand the terms . Eve : Of the gag order ? Jennifer : [ Scoffs ] Eve : Oh , please . Yes , I u - n - d - e - r - s - t - a - n - D. Jennifer : Honestly ? Eve : Yeah , and why do nt you give me my money ? Jennifer : I will look at the payment schedule , and I will make sure that you get your first check very soon . Eve : What do you mean very soon ? When is very soon ? Hey ! I need that money to live on . Jennifer : I know you do . I really hope it makes you happy . My guess is it wo nt . Eve : [ Groans ] JJ : I did nt go after Mary Beth because she s your friend . And I respect that even if I hate her . Paige : I know she s been hard on you . So has Rory . Bev too . JJ : Well , Bev and I are nt friends anymore . Hey , nothing happened with us . I told you that . Paige : Just with the girls in England . JJ : Paige , come on . Paige : Sorry , that was stupid . It just came out . [ Sighs ] Hey , Parker . You really love to play , do nt you ? Paige : And that s so great . JJ : [ Sighs ] Oh , that s my mom . She wants me home . Yeah , but I - I do nt want to ditch you guys , so ... Paige : You go . I love being with Parker . JJ : So ... we re -- we re good , right ? All right , see you around . Brady : Last night was the closest I intend to get to Kristen . My focus right now is to be on my dad , helping him get better . Theresa : Right . Yeah , of course . I mean , I think that s really noble and honorable , Brady , but ... I mean , you have to be realistic . You heard what the doctors said , right ? Brady : No , yeah , I did , I did , but I m having other doctors brought in on the case-- trauma doctors , doctors that have expertise in comas . Theresa : I see . Brady : And Kayla and Daniel are gon na help me round them up and get them there . Theresa : Wow . That s -- that s ambitious . I bet this whole thing would be a lot easier to focus on if you knew that that DiMera woman was just gon na be sent to prison for the rest of her life , right ? Brady : Well , everyone should pay for their crimes . Do nt you think ? Theresa : Yeah . Of course . Brady : I got to go . [ Sighs ] Theresa : Right . I ll see you . Brady : See you . Theresa : [ Exhales deeply ] Hey , um , can I have a shot of vodka , please ? Tom : Yeah . Theresa : [ Sighs ] Judge : If there is any distraction , she will be escorted out . Thank you , your honor . Judge : Will she testify in rebuttal ? We reserve that right at this time . Judge : Let s continue . Melinda : I want to go through this carefully , item by item , but I know you may have some issues , Mr. Brady , with your memories of the events of that night ? Eric : I was injected with a memory suppressant , yes . I have no personal recollection of what happened to me . I unfortunately know every detail because it was recorded on videotape . So I had to relive it , you could say ... every sick , horrible moment of it . Daniel : Hi . Everything going okay ? Paige : Oh , yeah , we re having so much fun , right , Parker ? Daniel : Are you ? Yes , yeah -- where s JJ ? Paige : Oh , he got a text from his mom , and he had to go home . Daniel : Oh . Paige : I hope that s not a problem . Daniel : No , no , no , no . Of course not , no . Paige : Oh , and just so you know , I ll be able to babysit anytime you need someone , because I finalized my deferment with Stanford . I ll be going to Salem U this -- well , for my freshman year . Daniel : Right . Okay . Paige : But only if you want me to . Daniel : What ? Paige : Babysit , I mean . I understand if you do nt . Daniel : Yeah ? Are you giving me an out because of your mother ? Look , I told you , Paige -- it s not an issue for me . When I think of you and JJ , all I think about is just two great kids -- excuse me , adults . Daniel : Right ? Who are so lucky to just have each other . Paige : [ Chuckles ] Aiden : I ll tell you what-- I will get going so you can tell JJ the news . JJ : Good news ? Aiden : Mm , great news . Jennifer : [ Sighs ] Oh . Aiden : All righty , I ll talk to you later . Jennifer : Mm . Aiden : Okay , bye - bye . Jennifer : Bye - bye , Aiden . Thank you . Aiden : Yeah , yeah . Jennifer : Case closed . JJ : Wait . What -- what ? Jennifer : Yes . JJ : Are you kidding ? Jennifer : Eve settled . Your dad s legacy is protected . It s done . It s a done deal . JJ : This is , like , unreal . [ Laughs ] Jennifer : I know ! It s so great , but it s not unreal . It s so wonderful , and everything else that we ve been worried about is gon na be over too , honey . JJ : Know what ? You did it , mom . I am so proud of you . Theresa : Where s the fire ? Eve : [ Sighs ] Theresa : Wait . Settlement ? You settled ? You s -- you signed this ? Eve : The lawsuit is dead . Theresa : But look at this-- you did great . This is a lot of money . Eve : It s not great ! I did nt do great , and it s not a load of money , Theresa ! Theresa : Well , it s a lot of money to me . Eve : Well , there was a hell of a lot more money on the table before somebody came and snatched it away from me and Paige ! Theresa : Jennifer ? Eve : Yes , Jennifer ! God , she is such a bitch ! [ Screams ] Nicole : Brady , Brady , Brady . I m glad I caught you . I just wanted to check on you , make sure you re okay now that Kristen s -- Brady : Now that Kristen s back -- right , that seems to be the question on everybody s mind . Nicole : Well , I m not everybody . Brady : No , you re not . Come on in . Nicole : Thank you . Brady : Thanks for checking in on me . I , uh , heard you testified . Nicole : I did . I know you re only sending in a written statement . I get it , I guess . You want to keep your distance . But let me just say that between my testimony and Eric s , Kristen is dead in the water . Brady : [ Sighs ] Was she there ? Nicole : No . Shocker . Like she has the courage to sit there and listen to all of us lay out the cold , hard truth about her . Brady : Right . I guess . Nicole : Well , I did see her outside the courtroom ... alone . Brady : And ? Nicole : Your name was brought up ... yours and Eric s . Eric : I started feeling like something had happened to me several weeks after the incident . Those memories were like nightmares . In a way , they were . Melinda : And after the video of you and miss DiMera having sex was shown publicly , you never saw her again , is that right , until today ? Eric : No . I saw her again . I tracked her down right before she left town . Melinda : Did she admit what she had done to you ? Eric : No , she s too clever to say anything directly . But she let me know how much she hated my mother and she wanted her punished , to see her suffer , and planning what she did to me was the best way to accomplish that . Melinda : Did she say anything else ? Eric : Yes . She had no regrets . My world was lost to me , and she had no regrets . Melinda : Thank you , Mr. Brady . You may step down . Judge : Miss DiMera , do you wish to take the stand in your own defense ? Kristen : No , your honor . Brady : Kristen talked to you about me ? You know , I -- sorry . I do nt want to hear about it . I do nt want to know . I m trying to get her out of my head anyway . Jennifer : I know , believe me . Okay , I should nt have brought it up . Brady , I m sorry . Brady : Do nt be -- no , no , Nicole , it s okay . It s okay . Just no more . I do nt want to hear her name . I do nt want anyone to mention her name , cause my focus needs to be on my dad right now and helping him get better . That s what I want to think about . That s what I care about ... not her . Eve : You should have seen her , Theresa , dripping vindictiveness while she delighted in telling me that that settlement was worse than the one that I left on the table before . I mean , you know what ? I bet you she s in a conference call right this very second with , like , Maggie , Victor , hope , even ... Daniel , crowing , bragging about her triumphs . Theresa : Even Daniel ? Eve : What ? Theresa : [ Gasps ] You re still into him . I can tell by the way you said his name . Eve : Oh , please . The last thing I m interested in -- any of Jennifer Horton s ex - boyfriends , really . The only thing that I m interested in , I m gon na tell you this , is getting out of this hellhole , having my surgery , getting my voice back on track , so I can start all over again . But you know what ? I ca nt even do that because Paige is staying here ! Theresa : Oh , huh . My little chat with her did nt get her to see the light of day about JJ ? Eve : Please . My daughter was accepted into Stanford . She saw through you in about three seconds , honey . Theresa : [ Scoffs ] Whatever . Eve : Whatever ? No , it s not whatever . I m stuck here , Theresa ! Jeez ! But I ll tell you this much . That JJ Deveraux -- he is out of here . He has got to go . Daniel : You know , the hospital works with Salem u premeds . Paige : Yeah , so I heard , yeah . Daniel : I know the people who run the program . I could let them know about you . Paige : Oh , wow . That d be so great . Daniel : Yeah , no problem at all . Paige : [ Laughs ] It s JJ . He said the lawsuit is settled . That is such amazing news . Oh , my God . Daniel : Oh , my gosh , it is . It is . Paige : I ve got to get to my mom s . Daniel : Go , yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah . Paige : Oh , see you , sweetheart . Thank you for being so much fun today . Mwah . [ Laughs ] Oh , wow . This is-- Daniel : This is -- this is time for you to go ! Paige : [ Laughs ] Daniel : Go , go , go , go , go . Paige : Bye . Daniel : See ya . Oh , my gosh . Hey . Hey , there , big guy . Do you have a hug for your dad ? Parker : Yeah . Daniel : You do ? Let s see it . Bring it in here . Oh , ho , ho , ho , ho ! Thank you . I so needed that . Parker : [ Blows raspberry ] Daniel : Mm , oh , and I love that . Parker : [ Laughs ] Daniel : I love that . Will : I totally forgot to get more diapers . Sonny : Oh , I forgot . Here , I ll go , I ll go . Will : No , I got it . Just stay here and try to ... [ Chuckles ] Keep calm . [ Chuckles ] Sonny : [ Sighs ] Finally , it s live . Abigail : [ Chuckles ] There it is . Will wrote about Sami and EJ ? Theresa : Have you not noticed that JJ is all over Paige like a cheap suit ? I mean , you d have to give that kid a lobotomy to get him away from her . He s such a whiny , little loser . I am so glad that kid is out of my life . Eve : I m sure you are , because it s allowed you to set your sights on a totally different income bracket altogether , has nt it ? Theresa : Now , that was a total non sequitur . Eve : If Brady s dad had nt had such an unfortunate accident , who knows ? You two might still be hooked up . Theresa : Topic s off - limits , eve , remember ? I give you blood for you stupid throat surgery , you forget what you think happened that night with john black . Eve : Honey , I m your big sister . Now , what ca nt you tell me ? Theresa : [ Scoffs ] Pretty much anything , actually . Eve : Come on , I ve had a really lousy day . Come on , entertain me . Theresa : No . No , and if you keep this up , I ll tell my friends at the hospital to give you too much anesthesia . [ Smooches ] [ Smooches mockingly ] Theresa : [ Sighs ] Jennifer : Oh , hey , ba-- oh , I was hoping you d be here soon . Aiden and I had champagne because we could not be happier about how everything worked out . Abigail : That s great news , mom . Dad would be so happy . Jennifer : Baby , what happened ? Are you okay ? Theresa : Wow . Look at you -- doctor dad by day , bounty hunter by night , huh ? Daniel : Parker ... here s a book for you , honey , okay ? Daddy s gon na be a minute , and then we are gon na go home . Okay . Theresa : Sorry . It s just that everybody in this town -- theyve kind of been talking about what a hero you ve been lately , and I was kind of hoping you could be more of a hero by helping Brady out . Daniel : What are you talking about ? Theresa : Well , you know , he s been looking for a specialist who can work a miracle with his dad , and ... Daniel , I m just worried that he s , you know , getting his hopes too high . He s setting himself up for a fall , because from what I heard , john s probably not gon na come out of that coma . But , I mean , I m not a doctor , so I was just wondering what you think . Do you think he has a chance ? Daniel : Well , here s a question for you , Theresa . Just how worried would you be if john could come out of that coma ? Nicole : Do you really think there s a doctor who could help your dad ? Brady : I do . I have to believe that . Eric : Brady ... just listen to me . I know we have a ton to work out between us , but I just came from the courthouse , and ... Bailiff : Okay , the jury s gone . Please rise . The jury s indictment , post- deliberation ... grand jury of the city of Salem hereby charges Kristen DiMera with four counts of assault , two counts of battery , hindering an investigation , evading arrest , one count of violating another person s civil rights , one count of evasion of privacy , conspiracy , three counts of illegal use of restricted pharmaceuticals ... and , oh , yes , one count of rape . How do you plead ? Kristen : Not guilty , your honor . Brady : Look ... we re all here today hoping for the same thing . We want to see Kristen put away . Eric : Well , I watched the jury today . Kristen is nt getting out of it this time . Judge : Plea of not guilty is noted and accepted by this court . Melinda : Your honor ... the state requests bail not be granted . The defendant is a flight risk with means . There should be no equivocation on this matter . Judge : Not so fast there , counselor . We need to have a lengthy discussion on this very point . Melinda : I m sorry . What ? Theresa : I have no idea what you re talking about , Daniel . Daniel : Well , since the night john was brought into the hospital , you ve been very ... very uneasy . Theresa : Yeah , because I was worried about Brady . Daniel : Mm . Well , someone else , I might buy that . Theresa : [ Scoffs ] Okay . Daniel : But I know you pretty well . I spent a lot of time watching how you think and act . I know the things you covet . Theresa : [ Chuckles ] Daniel : I know who you hate . I know you re always trying to get an angle , information , and it s all very ... uh , curious . Hmm . Well ... got to go . All right , are you ready ? Come on , let s do this . Yeah ! Paige : Mom ? [ Laughs ] I just heard . JJ told me the news . Is it really over ? Eve : It s wonderful , is nt it ? Paige : It s fantastic ! Maybe now we can all be friends ? [ Giggles ] Eve : Yes , I m sure we can . JJ : You look , like , totally pale . Jennifer : Baby , say something . What is it ? What happened ? Abigail : I did nt think that it could get any worse , but ... it has . Will : I got the diapers . How s Ari ? Sonny : [ Clears throat ] Asleep . Will : Sonny , what s wrong ? Sonny : How the hell could you do that , will ? ### Summary:
Jennifer demanded that Eve take the last offer on the table before the case started . Eric and Kristen ran into each other at the courthouse . Kristen s lawyer advised her to leave the court and not listen to the case . Kristen wanted to hear what he had to say . Aiden explained some of the terms of the settlement to Eve . Eve s attorney advised her to take it . Kristen walked in the courtroom just as Eric said that she raped him . Jennifer did nt want Eve to badmouth Jack in any way . Eve finally agreed to Jennifer s terms . Jennifer told JJ that the case with Eve was finished . Eve told Theresa that she took a bad settlement . The prosecutor questioned Eric about what Kristen did to him . The judge asked Kristen if she wanted to speak in her defense . Kristen said no . Eve continued to rant to Theresa about how she was ripped off . She was determined to get JJ out of the picture . Will s article was finally online . Eric went to see Brady and saw Nicole at the mansion . The judge read all of the charges against Kristen . Kristen pled not guilty to all of the charges against her . The judge wanted to set bail for Kristen . The prosecutor wanted bail to be denied . The judge wanted to talk about it . Kristen had a smug look on her face after the judge made his decision .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Sami : Rafe . Rafe . Rafe , you hear me ? Rafe ? Stefano : Do nt you see , Elvis ? This car accident that Rafael has been in , eh , and his apparent recovery , it all works in our favor . EJ : Without a doubt . Yeah . Nicole : Sydney ... whenever you smile at me ... I feel great about everything . I really do . And I know that you are supposed to be asleep right now , but I just want to spend a few more minutes with you . So let s make a deal . I wo nt tell anyone that you stayed up past your bedtime if you do nt either . Sound like a plan ? Little five ? Yeah , fiver . Yeah , yeah , yeah . [ Laughs ] Are you excited for your birthday ? Huh ? We re gon na have a big birthday party for you , and you get to make a wish and blow out your candles . It s gon na be the best birthday ever . Especially now since your mommy agreed to sign those custody papers , I get to be a real part of your life now forever . You know , I miss Brady very much , but I am getting better at putting him out of my head . Because spending time with you is the best thing in the world . And I am not gon na let anyone change that . Nothing is going to wreck my future with you , kiddo . Nothing . No one and no how . Lee : Relax . You ll get your heart within the hour . And I guarantee you it s a healthy one . It ll be a perfect fit . Ben : So then I can notify the hospital ? Tell em to prep my patient ? Lee : You re good to go , Dr. Walters . Do what you got to do . Jennifer : Dr. Walters ? Jane : Turn back around , damn it . Bo : No . Gabi : So frustrating . No matter what I do , I keep getting zero . I just -- I ca nt get this . I hate calculus . Will , hello ? Will : Oh . [ Laughs ] Sorry . Gabi : What are you thinking about ? Will : Mom and Rafe . It s weird that we have nt heard from em yet . Gabi : Yeah , custody hearing should definitely be over by now . Will : Yeah , it s not like my mom to forget to call me . I mean , especially when it s this important . Gabi : Maybe she checked in with Stephanie . Will : Oh , right , cause Allie s there . Actually , I think they might have already picked up Allie . I m gon na call over there just to make sure . Gabi : Oh , wait , wait , wait ! Uh , this is maybe why you did nt hear your phone ring . Cause it was tucked in between the cushions . Must have fallen out of your pocket . Will : Thank you . That would explain a lot . Now let s see if mom tried to get in touch . Oh , my God . Oh , my God . No . Sami : He opened his eyes , Daniel . I swear , he opened em . He was looking at me . Daniel : But not talking ? Sami : No . Daniel : No recognition ? Sami : No . I do nt know . I mean , I do nt know . He was looking at me , but it was almost like he did nt even know I was there . He did nt say anything . I asked him if he could hear me , if he could see me , and , uh ... he -- he did nt respond . Daniel : That s going to change , Sami . Sami : How do you know ? What if there s ... brain damage ? Daniel : Let s not go there . There are plenty of reasons to be hopeful . I am so sorry , Sami . I mean , for this to happen on the heels of Johnny s surgery ... I mean , I-- but I know you . You , Sami , are a strong woman . Sami : No , I m not . I m not . It s Rafe . He makes me strong . Daniel : You know what ? I do nt buy that for a minute . Strength is who you are . It s in your DNA . Sami : I hope you re right . Anyway , I just wish ... Daniel : What ? Sami : I wish I had nt ... you know it s my fault , right ? I mean , you know the accident-- Daniel : No , no , no . Now why would you say that ? You said it . This is an accident . You just said it . Sami : He was in the car because of me . He was chasing after me because he knew I was gon na ... you re right . It does nt matter now . What matters is Rafe and getting him to wake up . Right , sweetheart ? You have no idea how much I need you . So , please , just -- just wake up . Please come back to me . Please . Stefano : All right . I just got an update on Hernandez s condition . EJ : Prognosis ? Stefano : Well , it s a little iffy . He either can make a complete recovery or ... EJ : Or not , right ? Stefano : Well , he could have permanent brain damage . EJ : Father , this accident has been very fortuitous for us . Stefano : Perfect timing . Bo : No , no , no . Do nt do this . Not now . Please do nt do this . Jane : Ignore him . He s stalling . Put a bullet in him , Burt . Sami : I want you to know , Rafe , I m really sorry . I m sorry that I worried you so much that you felt you had to chase me down . I know that the accident was my fault . I will never forgive myself . But I m gon na be able to tell that to you . To your face , cause Dr. Jonas is really hopeful that you re gon na wake up soon . And you have to . Cause we need you . We need you to get better . Okay ? Rafe , you hear me ? Will : Hey , Mom . Sami : Hey . Oh , hey . I m so glad you re here . Will : I m sorry . We would have been here sooner , but I just now got your message . Sami : No , it s okay . I knew you d come . Gabi , I m sorry . I am so sorry . After everything you were just-- I m sorry . No , come . Come , sit . Gabi : Hey , Rafe . It s me , Gabi . Rafe ? He s not responding . Sami : Yes , I know . But Dr. Jonas is extremely optimistic . He is very hopeful that Rafe s gon na wake up soon because Rafe s so young and strong . Gabi : Has he been awake at all today ? Sami : Yes . Yeah , he was . For a little bit . A while ago , he opened his eyes . Will : Did he say anything ? Sami : No , no , he did nt , but he will . Gabi , he s going to come back to us . Because he knows how much we need him . He s gon na get better soon , and he s gon na wake up . He s gon na come back to us . EJ : What do you mean , tonight ? Stefano : I mean now . As in immediately . EJ : There are still issues that we need to have resolved . Stefano : All right , so we ll just improvise , all right ? For goodness sake . The clock is ticking , Elvis . What is it ? Huh ? Are you changing your mind ? Look , are not the children important enough for you to go through with this plan ? EJ : Do nt bait me . You know full well my children mean everything to me . Stefano : All right , then there is no room for ambivalence . Either you go along with this plan or you give them up . Now which is it going to be ? Ben : They should have been here by now . What the hell s the delay ? Maxine : I have no idea , Dr. Walters . No one tells me anything . Ben : Great . There s no time to waste , Maxine . I want you to call in the transplant team and prep an available O.R. Maxine : Right away , doctor . Ben : Hey . Daniel , I thought -- arent you-- Daniel : Shift ended about 20 minutes ago . Hey , congratulations on getting your heart . Ben : Well , it s not here yet . But on its way apparently . Daniel : Right . Right . You know , do you mind if I , um , observe the surgery ? Is that okay ? Ben : Sure . No problem . Lee : Why so shocked , dear ? Come on . This is America . Profit rules the day . You know that . And people want to figure out how to maximize their profits . Jennifer : What are you talking about ? Lee : There s no way you wo nt sing like a cricket to the cops . And , well , given the volatility of the situation , we just ca nt have that . Jennifer : I wo nt talk . You have my word I wo nt go to the cops , I wo nt go to anyone . Lee : Right . Well , I feel so much better . Jennifer : I will be quiet . I swear to you . The cops are the last people I want to talk to right now . Bo : Whoa , whoa , hold on a second . Just take it easy . Jane : Shut him up , would you ? Turn around . Bo : What ? You re gon na shoot me in the back ? And you re gon na explain that how ? Jane : You were fleeing from justice . That s how . Will you just shoot him already ? Bo : Whoa , hold on there , trigger . Just take a breath and think about this . If I m running away , how are you gon na explain what you ve done to my face , huh ? Burt : Easy . You jumped me . We fought . Bo : And we ve proven that I can take you down , but there s two of you . Got the warden here . And I would definitely go after the big guy with the gun . Gabi : How did it happen ? Do you know of the accident ? Sami : I was upset , and I left the loft , and Rafe got in his car to follow me . Gabi : Why ? Sami : Because he knew I was about to do something stupid . And he was trying to protect me . Well ... I understand if you want to blame me . Okay , I do . Gabi : No . No . He s gon na be okay . I know he is . Sami : I know it too . He has to be . EJ : Look , of course , I want to go ahead with the plan . I m just a little bit thrown , that s all , because I thought we had more time . Stefano : And now we do not . All right ? Look , fate has given us an opening here . We have to take advantage of it . Nicole : Here is to not always getting what you want ... and finding out that sometimes you get what you need . Mary : Excuse me . Nicole : What is it , Mary ? Mary : This arrived in today s mail for you . Nicole : Today ? Mary , what time is it ? Okay , rule number one ... always give me my mail and messages as soon as I walk in the door . Do nt leave my mail in the foyer table , okay ? Mary : It will never happen again . Nicole : All right , and tell Harold the same thing , please . Mary : Yes . Right away . Nicole : Thank you . Sami : I just should have listened to him . Will : What do you mean ? Sami : I was too emotional to be driving , and Rafe knew it . That s why he followed me . Oh , God , if I just was nt so impulsive . Will : No , Mom -- Mom . Stop , okay ? This is nobody s fault . This is nobody s fault . Gabi : Will s right . My brother would nt want you blaming yourself . All that we need to do now is pray for him to get better . Jennifer : I wo nt . I ... I swear to you . I wo nt go to the cops . Because I have feelings for Dr. Walters , for Ben . Lee : Really ? Since when ? Jennifer : Actually for a while now . You know , we ve gotten to know each other . He s been really , really wonderful to me . I think I might be falling in love with him actually . Lee : Aw , that s sweet . Romantic . Jennifer : Yeah , you know , we met at University Hospital , and we just had this immediate connection . And , you know , we ve gone out several times , and he s wonderful . Not only is he an incredible surgeon , he s a great guy . He s kind . He s caring . You know , I am in awe of him actually and all the lives that he has saved . And I know , I know that s why he does this , because it s important , and his patients are the most important thing in the world to him . Lee : So we re all saints , right ? I mean , for helping him find organs . Jennifer : Yes . Yes , because this is all for a good cause , obviously . Anyway , the point is , I would never do or say anything to hurt Dr. Walters . I am telling you , I feel strongly about this . This is so important . This is the end justifying the means , and I want to be a part of it . I want to help you . I want to help all of you if you ll let me . Stefano : All right , Marco , so how is everything progressing ? Uh - huh . All right , fine , so , I mean , we can go forward tonight , huh ? Excellent . Sami : I went to see Johnny earlier . He asked about you . He was wearing that FBI hat you got him , of course . No surprise there . I told him that you would come see him soon . So you have to do that , okay ? Do nt make a liar out of me . Johnny really needs you , Rafe . All the kids do . And me . Especially me . I need you so much . You have to know you are the best thing that s ever happened to us . I wake up every morning , and I see you next to me . And I ca nt believe that I am not still dreaming . You re perfect . Your love and your support ... your sense of humor ... and your big heart . It s what s gotten me through . It gets me through . Lee : So you think you can help us ? Jennifer : Yeah . Yeah , I do . Look , I know how difficult it is to get viable organs for transplants . I mean , lee , my whole family , they are members of the medical community . So obviously they trust me , which means I can help facilitate the transfer of the organs , which means we can save more people . It s a no - brainer . Lee : You lying little-- Jennifer : [ Groans ] Jane : I am sick of this . No more stalling . It ends . Carly : [ Screams ] Gabi : We should nt have left , Will . Will : Mom said she would call if anything changes . Gabi : I know . I know , but I want to be there just in case . I mean , look , I want to be there when he wakes up . Will : Okay . Then let s go back . Gabi : Okay . We have to . Oh , my God . I need to call my mom and tell her what s going on . No , I ca nt . I ca nt tell her what s going on , not after what happened with Arianna . I ca nt tell her . Will : Hey . Hey . Listen to me , okay ? Rafe is so tough . He s the toughest person that I know . And do you think he s gon na let something like this take him down ? There s not a chance , okay ? Okay ? There s not a chance . Stefano : Hey , it s always good to hear your voice again , Giuseppe . [ Chuckles ] Oh , no , I m doing very good . How about you ? Bravo . Allora , what I want to do is I want to order one of your special handmade dolls . It s for my grandchild . Her birthday is coming up soon , so ... oh , no , as soon as possible . Mille grazie , Giuseppe . [ Speaks Italian ] Ah , ciao . EJ : Hey . Heard you talking about Sydney s birthday . Stefano : We are going to spoil her like crazy . EJ : [ Laughs ] Absolutely . And , God willing , Father , it s gon na be a watershed day . For all of us , huh ? The beginning of some new stability in our lives . Sami : I ve been thinking a lot about -- about Christmas ... and how we gave each other the same present , the key ... to the safe house . It s , um ... it s amazing ... you know ... how lucky we are to have found each other . That we finish each other s sentences , that you know what I m thinking and how I m feeling and ... and you know how I m gon na react sometimes before I do . I love you so much . But the really amazing thing ... is how confident I am that you love me . I know you do . Me . This crazy woman who has been so screwed up for so long . You make me feel like I m a good person . And no one s ever ... treated me with that much respect before . Hey , you even get me to exercise some self- control once in a while . Right ? I mean , a little bit sometimes . But that s why I need you so badly , Rafe . Cause who s gon na protect me from me , right ? Rafe : No one . Sami : [ Exclaims ] Bo : How d you guys find me ? Carly : We ll explain later . Hope : First , we need to figure out what to do . Carly : If we call the police , they ll arrest you both . Jane : You too , sweetheart . Whoever you are . [ Sirens wailing ] Aiding and abetting . Bo : It sounds like that decision has been made for us . Jennifer : Lee , do nt do this . Please do nt do this . Lee : Well , since you asked so nicely . Jennifer : Listen , I can help you . Okay ? You need me . Please . Lee : I do nt think so , hon . Unless you can tell me who else knows about our little body parts business . Jennifer : Nobody . Nobody knows . I swear to you . Listen , whatever you re thinking about doing-- Lee : Not thinking about it anymore . It s practically a done deal . Jennifer : What is ? Lee : Maid of Athens , ere we part , give , oh , give me back my heart . Jennifer : What ? My heart ? What are you talking about ? Lee : It s Lord Byron . Jennifer : Oh , God . Lee . Do nt do this . Listen to me , do nt do this . I can help you . Do you hear me ? Let me help you . Please , let me help you . Please . Thatcher : Paperwork s been faxed to University Hospital . Lee : Excellent . We re all set here , Nurse Thatcher . Thatcher : Does Warden Smith know about this ? Lee : Not yet . I ll tell her after surgery . Thatcher : Okay , well , what if-- Lee : Do nt worry about it . I ll handle the consequences . If there are any . Now let s get started . Jennifer : [ Panting ] Stefano : All right , Marco said that everything is in order , so take a look . EJ : Father , the research is very impressive , but is it enough ? Stefano : Will you stop it ? Of course , it s enough . It has to be . Man : Ladies and gentlemen , we ve arrived in Salem and right on time . Thanks for riding with us . And be sure to take all your belongings . Maxine : Team is ready ? No , he s with a patient . I ll let him know . Thanks . What can I do for you , Daniel ? Daniel : Well , I m here to observe the transplant surgery . Ben inside ? Maxine : No , he s with a patient . Paperwork was just faxed over . Daniel : Great . You know what ? I ll take it to the O.R. Super . Maxine : Great . Thanks . Daniel : The heart s from the prison . Maxine : Yeah , apparently , a inmate fell . No brain activity . But the organs are still viable . Daniel : Wait a minute . Maxine : Is there a problem ? Daniel : I do nt get it . Maxine : Can I help ? Daniel : No , I m gon na have to confer with Dr. Ben on this . Maxine : Okay . Abe : What in God s name is going on ? Want to fill me in ? Bo : What s the report say ? Abe : A Mr. Huntington called in after hearing a gunshot . He s a local farmer . Bo : Good for Mr. Huntington . Abe : Look , I am very happy that you re safe . Obviously . But you have any idea how deep you re in ? Hope may never get out of prison . And you , Bo , you risked everything . Bo : To save my wife . Hope : Abe , please . Come on , you ve got to help us . Something terrible is going on in that prison . The warden was planning to kill me . Bo : And Burt , the state cop , is her buddy . Hope : Yeah , he was about to shoot Bo in the back . They were going to claim that he was fleeing arrest , and it s not true . They re lies . All lies . Pierce : And why should we believe you ? Lee : Heart of gold you got there , girl . Heart of gold . Sami : You heard me ? Rafe : Every word . Sami : I m sorry . It was too many words , right ? I talk too much , I know . I ca nt help it . Rafe : I like -- liked it . Sami : How do you feel ? Should I call the doctor ? Rafe : No . [ Sighs ] I just like ... like being with you . Sami : I m so sorry about the accident , Rafe . I m so S ... Rafe : Shh . That s okay . It s okay . Sami : I love you . I love you so much . Rafe : I love you too . EJ : And as long as Samantha and Rafe fall into our little trap ? Stefano : Of course , they will . There s no doubt . EJ : Okay . Fine . I m on board . Stefano : Finally . He has come to his senses . EJ : No , no , Father , I never took leave of my senses . Things are just moving a little too quickly for me . But I see your point . I think this can work out very serendipitously . Stefano : Indeed . And no one will ever know that Rafael has been set up . EJ : No , not by team DiMera , huh ? [ Laughs ] Abe : So according to your statement , Salem County Correctional Facility runs a black market body parts operation . Carly : That s right . Abe : And Jennifer Horton can back up the statement ? Carly : Jennifer has been working in the prison for me for the past two weeks trying to help Hope , but the point is she found proof that the warden was involved in something illegal . She will back me up . She left the prison right after I did . Abe : A message has been left on Jennifer s voice mail . We have a squad car on the way to her house as we speak . As soon as we find her , we can verify your story . Pierce : I m Detective Pierce . Bo : We know who you are , Detective . Pierce : Mrs. Brady , I just finished conducting an interview with Detective Stevens and Warden Smith . Bo : You might want to consider taking them up to polygraph hill . Everything they re telling you is fiction . Pierce : They told me that you were fleeing arrest . Hope : What ? You ca nt see through that ? There is something going on in that prison , something illegal , detective . Check the records of the infirmary if you do nt believe me . I am telling you , healthy patients are dying . Pierce : That kind of investigation will require a warrant . And the word of an escaped prisoner does nt exactly justify one . Bo : What about the word of a distinguished police officer ? Hope : Bo . Bo : With one of the best records in the history of this department . If you stop seeing things in black and white , detective . Pierce : What I see is a convicted felon and her police commissioner husband gone rogue . Bo : Yeah , if you did your damn research , you d find out that your detective is dirty . He and the warden kidnapped me and were holding me prisoner , and they were gon na kill me . That s how this happened . You know , I m beginning to think you re dirty . Pierce : And I might think the two of you are making this up just to cover your asses . Hope : When did this become a he - said , she - said ? Just check the records of the infirmary , and you ll see . Bo : Yeah . A good detective looks at all the facts . Not just what he sees on the surface . You want me to think you re not dirty , detective ? Pierce : I resent that accusation . Bo : Get the warden in here . I ll prove to you what we re saying is true . Thatcher : Heart s on its way to the hospital . Lee : Good . I ll call Warden Smith and fill her in . Carly : So what s the verdict , Mayor Carver ? Am I arrested ? Abe : Not yet . We re waiting on everyone s statements ... gathering evidence . Carly : May I make a phone call ? Abe : Yeah , go ahead . Carly : Thanks . Abe : I ll wait outside . Daniel : Hello ? Carly : Daniel , it s me . Daniel : You know , I ca nt talk right now . I m on my way to a-- Carly : It s important . I just came from the prison . Daniel : What ? Carly : Listen to me very carefully . They have been killing inmates for their body parts . They ve been doing it for years . Ben : Heart s arrived . You ready to go ? Jane : What is this , Nick ? Why the hell am I being questioned by an escaped prisoner and her accomplice ? This maniac attacked Detective Stevens . Held a gun on both of us . Bo : Why were you with Detective Stevens ? Does nt it seem a little convenient to you , Nick ? That the two of them just happened to find me out there in the middle of the forest ? Jane : Detective Stevens and I have been in close contact since the suspect broke his wife out of prison . Bo : I m sure you have . Jane : He found evidence that Commissioner Brady was in the area and he called me . I am an officer of the law , Detective Pierce . I had every right to be there . I was hoping this man would lead us to his wife . Pierce : Well , that sounds perfectly reasonable to me . Bo : Till you discover it s bull . Pierce : You know what , we ve wasted enough time . The warden here s gon na get a commendation for her work , and the two of you will spend the rest of your lives in prison . Nicole : Hello ? Harold ? Someone s ringing the door . Are you gon na get it ? Unbelievable . This is so not happening when I m lady of the manor . Again . Man : This woman says you know her ? Taylor : Look at you . More beautiful than ever . Nicole : Taylor . Taylor : Hi . I ve missed you so much . This woman is my sister . Sami : It s okay . It s okay . Just sleep . Okay ? You get your rest . You get your rest , cause soon you re gon na be back home . The kids and I are gon na wait for you , and then we are gon na start our wonderful life together . Stefano : It is time . ### Summary:
Stefano believed that Rafe s accident will work out for him and EJ . Jennifer reached for her phone while Lee was talking to Ben . Jennifer was surprised to know that Lee was talking to Ben . Bo saw Hope and Carly hiding in the bushes as Jane and the cop were about to kill him . Will checked his voicemail and did nt like what he heard . Sami told Daniel that Rafe opened his eyes , but he was nt responding to her . Sami pleaded with Rafe to wake up . Stefano told EJ that he could recover or he could have permanent brain damage . Jane told Burt to shoot Bo . Will and Gabi showed up at the hospital to see Rafe . Daniel walked up on Ben while he was talking to Maxine about the heart transplant . Daniel wanted to observe the surgery . Jennifer tried to convince Lee that she would nt go to the police . Jennifer tried to convince Lee that she would nt go to the police . Jennifer was using her phone behind her back . Lee was nt convinced that Jennifer would nt go to the police . Bo continued to stall so Burt would nt shoot him . Bo wanted to know how Jane and Burt were going to explain the bruises on his face . Jane did nt care about that and wanted Burt to shoot Bo . Jennifer offered to help Lee with their operation . EJ overheard Sami talking to Rafe about the kids and her love for him . Jennifer s phone ended up beeping so Lee caught her in her lie . Lee knocked Jennifer on the floor and her phone broke . Carly created a diversion by screaming allowing Bo to take Burt s gun out of his hand . Rafe opened up his eyes again . Bo managed to get handcuffs on Burt and Jane . The police were nt too far away from where Bo , Hope , Carly , Jane , and Burt were waiting . Lee had Jennifer on a table to perform surgery on her . Lee was going to take out Jennifer s heart . Jennifer pleaded with Lee not to perform the surgery . A mysterious woman arrived in Salem to see Nicole . Abe wanted to know what was going on with Bo and Hope . Hope asked Abe to help them . She told Abe how Jane tried to kill her . A man walked in the room and wanted to know why he and Abe should believe her . Rafe was able to talk and Sami was ecstatic . Bo and Hope told the detective that something was going on at the prison . The detective was having trouble believing them . Bo wanted him to get Jane in the room and they can prove that they are telling the truth . Lee performed heart surgery on Jennifer . Carly called Daniel and told him that the people at the prison were stealing organs from the prisoners . The detective that questioned Bo and Hope believed Jane s story and not theirs . Nicole got a surprise when Taylor ( Nicole s sister ) showed up at the mansion . Stefano brought a Rafe look alike in the room to show EJ .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Massimo : There are certain things that a man can not allow . People who betray me pay a price . You understand ? Deacon : Yeah . Massimo : No , you do nt . Deacon : Whoa , whoa ! Massimo , take it easy ! Massimo . Massimo : But you will . Prepare to die . Brooke : Eric ! Hi . What a nice surprise . Eric : Oh , I m sorry . I see you already have visitors . Brooke : No , I was just putting Hope down for a nap . Come in . Eric : I guess hope is exhausted . From what I hear , she s had a very busy day . Brooke : Word travels fast ! Eric : It does . You signed adoption papers ? Brooke : As soon as we re married , Hope will be a Marone . Eric : Yeah . Well I have to admit , I was hoping that you and hope would always be Forresters . And this little guy as well . Brooke : I wanted that , too . So much so , that I convinced myself that s what was happening . How is Ridge ? Eric : I think you know the answer to that . Brooke : I just keep hurting him . I do nt want to do that , anymore . Eric : You know what ? Ridge is back at Forrester , where he belongs . And he has his family to help him get through it . So do you by the way . Brooke : Yeah , the Marones have been great . Brooke : I m not talking about the Marones . You will always be a part of my family , as far as I m concerned . Brooke : Really ? Eric : Yeah . Oh , and I think I can prove that , right now . Pat . Thanks very much . I do nt hand these out to just anybody . Nick : Quite a day , huh ? Jackie : And it s not over yet . Nick : Do you realize that since I ve met Brooke -- I ve becoming a Marone , gotten engaged , have a son on the way and now I ve adopted a daughter . Huh ? Jackie : Well , that s nice , Nicky . Nick : Nice ? The drapes are nice mother . This is my life . I was expecting at least a swell out of you . Is nt this what you ve always wanted ? Jackie : Darling , I m sorry . It s what I ve dreamed for you -- and more . Nick : I thought you d be a bit more excited about this . Jackie : I am excited . I m just -- Nick : Just what ? What is it ? Jackie : I just do nt want anything to go wrong . Deacon : Massimo , please . Massimo : You re scared . That s good . Feel it ! Remember it . Because this is what happens if someone tries to cross me . Deacon : I -- I have nt done anything to you . Massimo : I know . And now you never will . Welcome to the family . Brooke : You made this for me ? Eric : Yes I did . I hope you do nt mind . Brooke : Mind ? No , I do nt mind . It s stunning . Eric : Good , then , I would say it s fitting . Brooke : The way I m growing -- I hope it does fit ! Eric : Not to worry . I left lots of room for expansion . Maybe not quite enough , but some . Brooke : Eric , you did nt have to do this . Eric : No , but I wanted to , I know it must ve felt when Stephanie turned against you -- but for what it s worth , you still have my support . You and ridge are going your separate ways , and I think that s very sad . But it does nt change how I feel . Brooke : Me , either . I love all of you . And I always will . Nick : Wrong ? What exactly do you see going wrong here , mother ? Jackie : Nothing . For you and Brooke , nothing . Nick : Oh . So this is still about the old man being mad about you for staying out all night . Well , what do think he s going to do ? Make you wear a big scarlet A to the wedding ? Jackie : Please do nt joke ! Nick : You are really upset about this . Jackie : Nicky , I just found him again -- Nick : Well , it s not like your marriage is ending , or anything . He ll get over it . He s just making you sweat it out a little bit . Jackie : I wish it were that simple . Nick : Well , it will be . Where is he ? Jackie : He s in the study . With Deacon . Nick : What the hell s that all about ? Jackie : I do nt know . Nick : It s not like they have anything in common . Probably just asking him for another chance . Jackie : What ? Nick : For a job . Jackie : Oh . Nick : Ca nt really help but feel sorry for the guy . Jackie : Well , do nt . The man is trouble , Nicky . Nick : Mother what is this all about ? What , do you think he s a bad influence ? The old man can handle a small fry like Deacon Sharpe . As a matter of fact , deacon s the one you ought to be worried about . Jackie : You know what I do nt understand ? Why you had to invite him here in the first place . Nick : He s trying to fit in , mother . So cut him a little slack . Jackie : I think you ve done enough of that for everybody . I mean , Nicky . What were you thinking ? Welcoming him into the family ? Nick : He s Hope s father . I want him to be part of her life . Jackie : Yes , I know . It s just that you do nt know what he is capable of . I mean , Nicky , he could turn her world upside - down . Nick : When did you become such a pessimist ? Bottom line is I did nt know my father , growing up . And I do nt want that for Hope . Now I love you , but you re just going to have to get used to it . You re going to be seeing a lot more of Deacon Sharpe . Deacon : This is how you treat your family , right ? Massimo : I need to know I can trust you . Deacon : You could ve just asked . I ve told you , over and over -- Massimo : Words ! Are meaningless . Actions are what matter . Today s your lucky day , Deacon . Because I m going to show you how you can prove your loyalty . I ve got job for you -- it s a very important job . Deacon : A job ? Massimo : Yeah . You did say you d do anything to be part of my organization . Deacon : That was before you put a gun in my face . Yeah . Massimo : Okay . It s your one and only chance , Deacon . This assignment is one of a very sensitive nature . It is going to require cunning , discretion , and above all , loyalty . It struck me today that maybe you were the right man for the job . But if you re not interested- Deacon : Go on , tell me about the assignment . Massimo : You tell me . Are you in or you out ? Deacon : I m in . Massimo : Congratulations , Deacon . You re one of us . Jackie : What is it with Deacon ? He s charmed even you . Nick : Do nt be so hard on the guy , mother . You barely know him . Jackie : I know all I need to know . Nick : Now you sound like Eric Forrester . Jackie : Eric Forrester ? ! What does Eric got to do with this ? Nick : Well , obviously he s colored your opinion of Deacon . Eric was never able to give that man a second chance . I just happen to think this family is a bit more charitable . Are nt we mother ? See you . Jackie : What could they be doing in there ? ! Deacon : A hell of an initiation ceremony you ve got there , Massimo . Massimo : I trust I made my point . Deacon : So what s this job ? Massimo : It concerns my wife . Deacon : What about your wife ? Massimo : You two are already friends , sort of . Deacon : I would nt go that far . Massimo : You ll go further . I want you to get her confidence . I want you to get her to be able to confide in you . And then I want you to come and report back to me . Deacon : What the hell do you want me spying on your wife for ? Massimo : Why do you suppose ? She s been lying to me . The other night she stayed out all night . Claimed she was drunk , too humiliated to come home and face me . Deacon : You know , I mean , it could happen . God knows I know I ve done it before . Massimo : I have no doubt she was drunk . She seems to be making a habit of it , these days . But there s more to it . She was nt alone -- and I want you to find out who she was -- Deacon : Whoa , whoa , whoa . I am not your guy , no . Massimo : I suppose I could hire a detective . But I think I ve got the right guy . Deacon : Massimo , your wife went to bat for me . Now you re asking me just to turn on Jackie ? Massimo : So much for your unbending loyalty . Deacon : Wait a second . Massimo : No , do nt worry about it . I ll get someone else . Deacon : Someone else ? Massimo : Yeah , listen . I have a lot of associates who would be only too happy to help me out . Deacon : You bring me in here . You put a gun to my head . You ca nt just ask me to -- Massimo : Yes I can ! And I will . Deacon : All right , Massimo , fine ! I ll do it . If this is my only way I can prove my loyalty to you then -- I m your guy . Massimo : Good . Maybe this is the start of a real profitable association . Deacon : All right , who do you think she s running around with ? Massimo : Why are you acting as if you do nt already know ? Deacon : Massimo , how the hell would I know who your wife s running around with ? Massimo : He has nt exactly been subtle . Deacon : Who ? Massimo : Eric Forrester . Deacon : That s who you think . Massimo : Well , I do nt have proof , but that s where you come in . Deacon : Just out of curiosity -- once I get this proof for you ? What are you going to do with it ? Massimo : You leave that to me . Deacon : That s what I m afraid of . Massimo : No , no no . Just remember one thing , all right ? You do nt say one word of this to Brooke , Dominick , or anyone else . Deacon : I got the message . I definitely do nt want to be on your bad side . Massimo : Good talking with you , deacon . Deacon : Yeah , same here . Hey , thank you so much for everything . Okay . Jackie , thank you for everything . Especially your hospitality . Jackie : So , darling , what was all that about ? Massimo : What , that ? I just did what everyone asked me to do -- I welcomed him into the family . Nick : Shirley s taking her nap ? Brooke : Shirley ? Nick : Yeah . Seriously , do nt you think hope looks like Shirley Temple ? Oh , come on , you know she does . I was thinking , we were doing all this name- swapping , we might as well change her first name , too . Brooke : No ! How about we stick with Hope , okay ? Nick : Okay suit yourself . What s in the bag ? Brooke : A wedding dress . Do you like it ? Nick : Wait a minute . I m not supposed to see that , am I ? Before the big day ? Brooke : Only if it s on me . Nick : Oh , okay . It s nice , beautiful . Brooke : Eric Forrester made it for me . Nick : I figured there d be a Forrester infiltrate this wedding somehow . Brooke : I do nt have to wear it . Nick : Do you want to ? Brooke : Yes . Nick : All right , then you should . Brooke : Does it bother you ? Nick : I would tell you if it bothered me . Let s make that a rule , okay ? This ll be our first rule . If I m doing anything that ticks you off , you make sure you tell me . Got it ? Brooke : Got it . Nick : Good . Brooke : Where is this coming from ? Nick : Where s what coming from ? Brooke : This attitude . Nick : My mother . I do nt like the way her and the old man are getting along . You know , they re just not communicating . That s the key to relationships -- communicating . Otherwise , you have all this misunderstanding and hurt feelings underneath of it . They should be happy right now . And they re not . So you promise me . Now , you -- you make sure that if you need to say something to me , or if I m doing something , you get it off your chest , okay ? Brooke : You sure ? It might be opening Pandora s box . Nick : I can handle it . For example , if I m ever being annoying -- because I can be annoying sometimes , do you know that ? Brooke : You ? Nick : Mm - hmm . You just let it out , okay ? You just tell me . Brooke : Oh , I will . Nick : Promise ? Brooke : Promise . Nick : Swear ? Brooke : Swear . Nick : Double swear ? Brooke : Okay , now you re being annoying . Nick : Atta girl . Where did your head just go now ? I saw a whole switch in you . What are you thinking about ? Brooke : Oh , I was just thinking about today . It was a nice day . Nick : Did you just say nice ? You said nice again , did nt you ? My mother said nice . No one s ever used the word nice to describe my life , or my day , or anything . What is that all about , anyway ? Nice ? Brooke : Yeah , I know , my life has nt really been nice . It s been scandalous and shameful , never nice . Nick : I got to give you the nod on this one , kid . You ve gone through a lot . Brooke : Well , I just made wrong decisions . Nick : Well , now you re going to start making right ones , right ? Brooke : Right . Thank you . Nick : For what ? Brooke : For just always being sure about everything . I mean , it does nt seem to drive you crazy the way I m always being pulled in opposite directions . You re always on an even keel . Nick : I m the captain . That s my job . Brooke : Well , thank you for being my captain . Deacon : Yeah ? Jackie : What happened in there ? Deacon : You re not going to believe this . Jackie : Try me . Deacon : Well , Massimo and I , we had a little heart - to - heart . I do nt really think he believed your story from the other night , Jackie . Jackie : What ? He confided in you about that ? [ Jackie sighs ] Is he playing some kind of game ? Deacon : Yeah , yeah . It s called I , spy . Jackie : What ? Deacon : Jackie , he s hired someone to keep an eye on you . Jackie : Oh , my god . Do you know who ? Deacon : Yeah . Me . ### Summary:
Massimo takes the gun away from Deacon s head . He then tells Deacon he needs his complete loyalty and offers him a job spying on Jackie . He tells Deacon that Jackie has been lying to him , and that he needs Deacon to gain her confidence and find out who she s seeing . Massimo thinks it s Eric Forrester . Out in the living room , Nick and Jackie have a conversation about how upset Jackie has been . Nick tells her that Massimo will get over his anger . But he s still concerned about how weird Jackie has been acting . They discuss Jackie s distrust of Deacon . Nick does nt understand why Jackie wo nt give Deacon a chance . Nick finally leaves . Jackie paces the living room trying to figure out what they re doing in the study . When they finally come out , Deacon thanks Jackie for a lovely evening and leaves . Massimo tells Jackie he was welcoming Deacon to the family . Jackie sneaks out to the garden and calls Deacon , who tells her about the job Massimo offered him . Jackie is dumfounded . Eric Forrester shows up at Brooke s door with a wedding dress he has made for her . He tells her she will always be a part of the Forrester family regardless of what Stephanie says . She s grateful , they hug , and he leaves . Nick shows up , Brook shows him the dress . He likes it . She asks if it s ok if she wears it on their wedding day . Nick says if she wants to wear it she should . They have a long conversation about keeping the lines of communication open between them . Nick makes Brooke promise to always tell him when something is bothering her . She thanks him for being so calm even when she s so uncertain about everything . She calls him her Captain .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Marty : Where is that tape ? Oh , where s that tape ? I know I had it . I know I did . Where d I put it ? Ok . Oh , Liam , I have to find that tape . If it falls into the hands of the wrong people , everyone is gon na know that you re John s baby , and not Brody s . Oh ... Destiny : Do you think they caught Dr. Saybrooke yet ? Matthew : I do nt know . Destiny : I ca nt believe she was just running around here with a kidnapped baby . Matthew : And a gun . We re lucky she did nt use it on us , because she seemed pretty freaked out about something . Destiny : So was Brody . I ca nt believe he let us bring him to the hospital . Matthew : Yeah . Well , I m glad we did because he s actually gon na be ok now . Destiny : I hope so . Whew . This was some crazy night . I m glad you were with me . I could nt have handled it all on my own . Matthew : You ok ? Destiny : Yeah , especially after what you said . Matthew : What did I say ? Destiny : That when we , you know , you said it meant something to you . Matthew : It did . John : Right now , we re trying to find out where Marty has taken Liam . Bo : You put out an Amber Alert ? John : First thing we did . I got units at all the transportation hubs . So far , no sign of Marty or the baby . Bo : Any activity on her credit cards ? John : Not yet . Bo : A disturbed woman with a weapon and a 4-month - old child . I do nt like the odds , John . Marty : Oh , how could I do that ? As long as I had that tape , I was safe . Had to get careless . Oh , my God , it was so stupid , stupid , stupid . Marty : You re delusional . Natalie : Well , right back at you , Marty , but luckily , you spilled it all to your shrink . Marty s voice : I can live with what I ve done , and so can John and Natalie . John will never know that Liam is his son . Natalie : I ca nt wait to tell John , Marty . I m gon na tell him what you did , that he has a son , a son that he wanted and a son that he loved . It s time to make it right , Marty . Marty : Yes . It is ! Aah ! Rick : Not , bad , baby . Not bad , baby . Of course , if would ve been better with that other chick . What was her name ? Donna , Deborah ... Deanna . Yeah . That Deanna , man , you could ve been a star if that boyfriend had nt shown up . Man , you were hot . Speaking of hot , yes ! Yes . That is exactly what I m talking about . Wes : Mmph ! Mmph ! Whoa ! Dude ! Cutter : No . Look . Wes : Knock it off . I do nt swing that way . John : Marty has been in therapy with a Dr. Buhari . We re headed to her offices now . Bo : Well , good luck . Is Natalie ok ? John : She s holding up . Bo : How about you ? Are you holding up ? John : I m fine . It s tough on Brody . It s his little boy out there . Viki : Is there any word on Liam ? Brody : Not yet . How s Natalie ? Viki : She finally fell asleep . God forbid , if she finds out her son is not safe , I dont-- Brody : I hated lying to her . Viki : Oh , please , no more than I do . Brody : Problem is , now the media has the story , it s gon na be all over the TV . So could you-- Viki : I will make sure she s not watching . Absolutely . Yeah . John : Is Natalie ok ? Viki : Well , she s asleep . I hope she stays that way until you find Liam . John : We re on the move . You ready ? Brody : Let s go . Bo : And then Marty took off with the baby . Nora : My God , Natalie must be frantic . Bo : I think they re trying to hold off telling her . Nora : Wait . I do nt understand . I mean , Marty seemed ok the other day . How does she go from there to delusional overnight ? Bo : I just hope she does nt let anything happen to that child . Nora : Oh , my God , they have no idea where Ma-- Nora : Oh , I ll get that . Blanca Morales . Blanca : It s nice to be recognized . Nora : Yes . Well , I m sure you recognize the commissioner of police . Bo : What are you doing here ? Blanca : This is just a courtesy call . I m here to give you a heads - up about my next broadcast . Nora : Which we would care about why ? Blanca : Because it concerns Eddie Ford s murder , and Eddie Ford s murder concerns you , or someone very close to you . Bo : What do you want ? Blanca : I want the WVL audience to know that there s only one reason why the investigation went cold . Nora : Which is ? Blanca : You re covering for your son . Matthew committed that murder , and it s time for the public to know . Matthew : I should get home . Destiny : You sure you re ok ? Matthew : Yeah . Yeah . Nothing has happened so far , so I guess that news lady changed her mind . Destiny : Yeah . Matthew : I ll see you tomorrow ? Destiny : Sure . Good night . Dani : Des , hey , what s going on ? Destiny : Nothing . Dani : What do you mean , nothing ? I just saw you kissing Matthew Buchanan . Cutter : It s not what you think . Wes : I think you just tried to kiss me , and if that s your thing , you know , whatever floats your boat . Cutter : I m not gay . Wes : It s not a problem . I know a lot of guys in the Navy that are , and we got along just fine , even when they did nt ask and I did nt tell , but I m straight . I like the ladies . Cutter : I m sorry . Wes : No . You do nt have to apologize . It s 2011 . I mean , come out of the closet . Cutter : You do nt understand . Wes : Yes . I do . I do . You should be proud , ok ? This thing , it s not fair to your wife . Cutter : You are my wife ! Rick : Hey ! Would you shut that kid up , already ? I m trying to work here . Rick : Yo ! Do nt make me come over there . Marty : It s ok . We just have to retrace our steps . That s what you do when you lose something . We ve got to go-- but I ca nt go out and look for something because someone might see us . Marty : I know , I know , I know . I do nt know what to do , either , because if someone else finds that tape and tells John -- and they ll tell him -- hell find out that you re his baby , not Brody s , and I ca nt have that . No . No , no , no , not until I say so . Oh ... ok . What do I do ? What do we do ? I do nt understand . This is just not fair . Everything was going so well . I really did everything . I got rid of everything . I got rid of everything that could hurt us , everything . Oh , it s ok . It s ok . Receptionist : I ve rescheduled you for next Friday . Ok . See you then . John : John McBain , LPD . This is Officer Lovett . We need to speak to Dr. Buhari . Receptionist : Oh , I m sorry , Lieutenant . She s not in . John : I ll need a contact number . Receptionist : I just tried it . She s not picking up . Natalie : Mom , what are you doing ? Viki : Oh , honey , I was straightening up a little . I was hoping you would sleep longer . How you feeling ? Natalie : Like I hit the ground going 90 . Viki : Oh . Natalie : How can I not remember something that hurts so much ? Viki : I hope you never remember . That last thing I want is for you to have to relive what Marty put your through . Marty : I know . It s ok . Everything is all right . You know , everything was gon na be all right , because we were all gon na be a family . I was gon na be a family with John . No . That tape out there waiting for everything to blow up sky high . Marty : Oh , my God , they found us . Oh , my God , they found us . Natalie : I really do nt want to talk about Marty . Viki : Oh , absolutely . I m sorry . Natalie : No , no . I just want to think about how lucky I am . I m alive , and Liam is safe . Do you think that maybe we could call the baby nurse and have her bring Liam to the hospital ? Viki : No . No . That s just not a good idea , honey . Uh - uh . Natalie : Oh , Mom , please ? I really , really need to see him . Viki : Natalie , you ca nt . Natalie : Why not ? Wes : Did you just say I m your wife ? You crossed a line . I m out of here . Cutter : Look . I m not playing games , ok ? You are my wife . Wes : I m a dude . Cutter : No , you re not . You re Tess . Wes : Wes . Cutter : Tess is Wes , ok ? You have this condition . Wes : You have the condition . Cutter : No . Look . There are multiple personalities inside of you , all right , and before you were Wes , you were Tess , my wife . That s why I kissed you . Wes : Just crazy . Cutter : Tess is real . This is real , and she s very important to me , all right , which is why I need her to come back . Tess , can you hear me ? Remember , we got plans , you and me , very important plans that are gon na make us rich . Wes : Rich ? Cutter : That s right . That s right , but I need you to come back to me , ok ? It s safe now . Brody is gone , and I ll make sure he stays gone . It s just me now , and I m gon na take care of you . John : Ok . When did you last hear from her ? Receptionist : She was here a few hours ago . Then I went on break , and when I got back , Dr. Buhari did nt answer , which is strange because she s supposed to have office hours tonight . John : Did she leave a note explaining where she may have went ? Receptionist : No , nothing . Brody : Does she do this often ? Receptionist : Never . It s not like her to cancel patients without telling me . I was turning people away all evening . John : Who was the last patient she saw ? Receptionist : Let me check . Marty Saybrooke . Brody : John . John : I need the keys to the office . Receptionist : I do nt think I m authorized to-- John : I need the keys now . Rick : I m not going anywhere until you shut that kid up . Rick : Hey , I m talking to you . Marty : Shh shh . It s ok . It s ok . Stop crying , ok ? You re just making it worse . You re just making it worse . Just go away ! Leave us alone ! Rick : Fine . If I ca nt get any peace and quiet , then I m gon na call the cops . Marty : No . No . Oh , no . Please do nt call the cops . Natalie : Why ca nt I see Liam ? Viki : Well , first of all , you have to rest . That s why . Natalie : Well , I ll rest much better if I could just hold him and make sure that he s ok . Viki : Honey , I know how much you miss him , you know , but , uh-- Natalie : But what ? Viki : Well , bringing him here now , it s just not an option , sweetheart . Natalie : I do nt understand . Viki : Oh ! Natalie : Dad ! Viki : Oh , good . Natalie : How are you ? Clint : Oh , never mind me . I did nt get shoved off a building . Nurse : Mr. Buchanan ? Clint : Yeah . You can take that away for now . I do nt need it . I ll call you when I want to go back , and do nt argue with me . I paid for half of this hospital . Aw , sweetheart , look at you . I had to see it to believe it . Natalie : I m fine . Clint : Well-- Viki : She s not fine . She s getting better . Clint : Well , thank God for that . Anything ever happened to you , I do nt know what I d do . Natalie : Yeah . Well , I m not the only patient here . Are you sure it s ok that you re out of bed ? Clint : Yeah . I m like my daughter . They ca nt keep us down for long . Natalie : Yeah . That s right . Too tough to kill . What was that look ? Clint : What look ? Natalie : Oh , you know . You re not telling me something . Bo : I do nt know where you get your information . I do nt really care . You re wrong . Nora : You breathe my son s name on television , and I swear I will sue you and your TV station . Bo : And that garbage you call a news program , we ll shut it down . Blanca : I d like to see you try . I score more viewers in this market than anyone else , even Phyllis Rose . Just ask my sponsors . Bo : You re not gon na have any sponsors when this is over . Nora : Oh , no . He s right . Sponsors hate the smell of bad publicity , and you are gon na smell like a pile of manure after a heat wave . Your credibility is gon na be shot . Blanca : My credibility is just fine , Mrs. Buchanan , because Blanca Morales tells it like it is , and you may not like it , but one thing I learned in journalism school is that if it s the truth , it s sure as hell not defamation . Dani : Ok . So I had no idea that you and Matthew were-- I mean , how long have you guys been going out ? Destiny : We re not exactly going out . Dani : But you were kissing him . Destiny : Yeah . It s no big deal . Dani : Des , I saw you guys , and the way you were looking at each other , it seemed like a very big deal . If you do nt want to talk about it-- Destiny : Ok , ok . Things are different since we-- Dani : Since what ? Destiny : We hooked up . Dani : You hooked up like you mean-- Destiny : Sex . We had sex . Matthew : Was that Blanca Morales I just saw downstairs ? Nora : Yes . It was . Matthew : What was she doing here ? What d she want ? Nora : She wanted to tell us about her plan . Matthew : Plan ? What plan ? Bo : She s gon na go on TV and say that you killed Eddie Ford . Dani : I ca nt believe it . Destiny : I know . Dani : I thought you and Matthew were just friends . Destiny : We still are . Dani : What ? So how did this happen ? I mean , how did you guys end up -- you know . Destiny : I ca nt really explain it . Dani : Could you try ? Destiny : Can we not talk about it right now ? Dani : Yeah . Sure . Destiny : Look , Dani . I m sorry . It s just , it s weird . You used to go out with him . Dani : No . A long time ago , ok , and I have a boyfriend now , even if I want to throw something at his head . Destiny : You re mad at Nate ? Why ? Dani : His brother s ex - girlfriend showed up , and she s -- you know , never mind . Forget about it . I want to hear about you and Matthew . Destiny : It just happened , you know ? It was in the moment . Dani : What kind of moment ? Come on , Des . It s not like it just happened out of nowhere . Destiny : He was really upset . He s been dealing with things alone for so long . Look . He just wanted someone to understand . Dani : Hey , understand what ? Matthew : I have nt even been arrested . How could Blanca Morales just go on TV and say that I killed Nate s dad ? Nora : Ok . It s just a threat . I think that she wants to scare you into admitting something or anything . Do nt worry . We warned her not to do it . Bo : We told her we d sue . Matthew : Sue for what ? Nora : Defamation . I could build a very good case . I just do nt understand how she came up with you as a suspect . Bo : Who s she been talking to ? Nora : Well , there s only one person who knew that he killed Eddie Ford . Bo : No . Clint gave me his word . He s not gon na say anything . Nora : Bo , there is no one else . Matthew : Guys , it was nt Uncle Clint . Nora : Well , you sound awfully sure of yourself . Who was it , then ? Matthew : Destiny . Destiny : Look . I could nt stand seeing Matthew like that . I just wanted to make all the bad stuff go away . So did he , and next thing we knew-- Dani : Well , ok . Did it help ? Did the bad stuff go away ? Destiny : Not really . Dani : Des , are you sure you ca nt talk about this ? Destiny : Dani , I want to . Blanca : Destiny , my number - one girl . Destiny : Do nt even try it , Blanca Morales . I m not your friend . Blanca : How can you say that after you handed me the biggest scoop of my career ? Dani : What s she talking about ? Blanca : Thanks to Destiny , my audience is finally gon na know who killed Eddie Ford . Cutter : Tess , I know you can hear me . Wes : Wes , Wes Granger . I was a Navy SEAL with Brody Lovett . Cutter : No . Brody is not your old Navy buddy . He s your ex - fiancé . Well , technically , Jessica s ex - fiancé . Wes : Jessica ? Cutter : Never mind . Wes : No , no . I know her . She was at St. Ann s with Brody . She helped him . Cutter : Ok . All right . Yeah , and Brody probably told Jessica a lot about Wes , and that s how he became one of those other personalities I was just telling you about . Wes : No . No . Cutter : Look . The fact of the matter is , the only reason you re here is because Jessica flipped out , because Brody fathered the baby of her twin sister . Wes : Brody would nt do that . He s true blue . Cutter : That s what Jessica thought , but it s true . Brody admitted to it . He slept with Jessica s sister . Wes : Brody would ve given his life for me . He had my back . How could he do something like that ? Brody : John ... John : Yeah . Marty : I m sorry . I m so very sorry . I just have had a really tough day . Had a difficult doctor s appointment , and babies , they sense everything . So please do nt call the police . I mean , what would they do ? They could nt do anything about a crying baby , could they ? Rick : Maybe not , but you can . Ca nt you give the baby a bottle or something ? Marty : I tried . Believe me , I tried . I ve tried everything . There s nothing working . Rick : Oh , what the hell ? All right . Hey , hey , yo , yo . Yo , man . What is going on ? You and me , we need to have a little talk . Rick : Yeah . Well , ok . Shh shh . Natalie : Ok . If there s something I need to know , then I want to hear it . Viki : What you need to do is rest , my dear , and you , too . Clint : Yeah . Natalie : Mom , I can tell that you re both hiding something . Viki : Natalie , Natalie , honey-- nurse : Could you wait outside ? I just need a few minutes with the patient . Viki : Oh , yes . Of course . We will be right back , ok ? Natalie : Uh , thanks . Do you know if Marty Saybrooke was taken into police custody ? She might have even been brought here for psych eval . Nurse : Sorry . I do nt have that information . Natalie : Ok . Maybe it s on the news . Do you know where the remote is ? Viki : This is awful , ok ? Brody does nt want me to tell Natalie about Liam . You do nt want me to tell her about your heart condition . I m lying for both of you , and I m a terrible liar . Clint : Oh , that s just until she gets stronger , all right ? This would be too much for her , Viki , and you know that . Nurse : Here you go . Natalie : Thank you . Reporter : The hunt continues for Dr. Margaret Saybrooke , who has abducted one of the youngest members of the Buchanan family-- baby Liam , only 4 months old . They were last spotted in Angel Square only hours ago . Dr. Saybrooke is armed and should be considered dangerous . Natalie : Mom ! Cutter : Hey , hey , hey , do nt you waste any tears on Brody Lovett , all right ? You do nt need him , and Tess does nt take crap from anybody . That s why I love you , baby , and that s why we re gon na go places together , you and me . As long as we stick together , we are golden . Jessica : Cutter ? Cutter : Tess ? Jessica : No . No . Where am I ? Where s Brody ? Brody : We need a doctor in here . Receptionist : Oh , my God . John : Too late . Brody : She s dead . John : Would be a couple hours . Brody : When Marty was here . John : When Marty came to see me earlier , she had this signed piece of paper from Dr. Buhari to prove that she had been to her appointment . Brody : She must have already killed her when she saw you . John : She was already coming undone . Rick : There . See ? See ? There you go . Cool . We re cool . Yeah . Yeah . Yeah . All right . All right . See ? Everything is all better . Marty : How d you do that ? Rick : I do nt know . I guess you were right . Maybe he just misses Daddy . Marty : Ok . Well , hey , whatever you did , thank you . Rick : Yeah . No problem . No problem . Sometimes it just takes a man s touch , if you know what I mean . Marty : Yeah , which reminds me , his father is gon na be home any minute , so you really should get going . Rick : If he s the one that tore this place up , maybe you do nt want him back . You get into an argument or something ? Marty : No . Rick : Then what the hell happened in here ? Natalie : I just saw it . I just saw that Marty took him . Did Marty take my baby ? Is it true ? Nurse : She wanted to watch the news . I m so sorry . Clint : It s ok . It s all right . We ll take care of it . Natalie , you got to try and stay calm , all right ? Natalie : Brody told me that Liam is at home . Is it true ? It was nt , was it ? Viki : No , darling . It-- darling , you ve been through so much , you know ? Natalie : Oh , no . This ca nt be happening . Viki : Hey , hey , they re gon na find him , ok ? Natalie : Oh , no ! Viki : Listen to me . Brody and John are out there right now looking for him . Clint : Natalie , the whole department is out there . They are gon na bring that boy back . Natalie : You do nt know Marty . You did nt see her . She would do anything . Viki : No , no , no . No . She s not gon na hurt Liam . She is not gon na hurt Liam . She s a mother , as well , you know . Natalie : So what ? She tried to kill me . She tried to kill Kelly . So what would stop-- oh , God ! Oh , God , oh , God , oh , God ! Clint : Natalie , I am going to take care of this . Honey , I m gon na give the little boy back to you , I promise . John : Before Marty showed up in my office , I was talking to Kelly . Kelly said she d overheard us . Brody : She must ve gone over to your place , found Kelly there , stabbed her , left her for dead . John : Natalie showed up with Liam . Marty ran into her while I was at the hospital . Brody : Marty was attacking Natalie , getting ready to steal my kid because of you , you son of a bitch . You let it happen . Bo : Destiny went to Blanca Morales ? Matthew : No , no . Blanca Morales went to Destiny and started asking all these questions . Nora : And Destiny just told her that you killed Eddie Ford ? Matthew : It was nt like that . Destiny was just trying to help me . She was trying to protect me . Bo : By going to Blanca Morales ? She s a reporter , Matthew . Matthew : Destiny was just trying to help . Besides , it s not like Blanca was wrong , is it ? Anyway , what if she s not afraid of being sued ? What if she does go ahead with the story ? Then what are we gon na do ? Dani : I did nt know there was another suspect in custody . Nate does nt even know that , and he s Eddie Ford s son . Destiny : That s because there is no one in custody . She s just blowing smoke . Blanca : Are you Nate Salinger s girlfriend ? Dani : Yeah . Why ? Blanca : It must have been very painful when Nate was unfairly accused of killing his father . Dani : So who did it ? Blanca : It s all coming out tomorrow , so why not ? The killer is Matthew Buchanan . Marty : No . There was no argument . I just misplaced something , got a little crazy trying to find it . Thank you . I d really like to straighten up before my husband gets back , so , once again , thank you . You ve been very nice . Rick : Hey , whatever . As long as you keep the kid quiet , I ll be the nicest guy you ever met . Marty : All right . Rick : Honestly , I really would nt mind the noise , but I have work to do . Oh , hey , speaking of which , if you are ever in need of a job , just give me a call . Yeah . Yeah . You re one hot mama . Marty : Oh , my God . Ok . That was too close . That was way too close . John : Get your hands off me . Outside , Officer . This is a crime scene . Move it . Brody : You vouched for her . Your word got her released , and now look what she s done . My son is out there . Do you really hate Natalie and me that much that you want to see this happen ? John : Listen to me . You re upset , and I understand that , so I m gon na let it go , but you ever say something like that to me again , and I ll kill you . Brody : Uh ! John : Brody ... every moment we waste here takes us one step further from finding Liam . Cutter : All right . Listen to me . Jessica , you do nt want to be here . Trust me . Why would you want to live in a world where the guy that you love slept with your sister , made a baby together ? Brody loves that baby . He loves the son that he had with Natalie . He does nt even care about you , and you know it . That s why you left . Wes : I told you to keep your hands off me . Cutter : Wes ? Wes : And do nt you forget it . Cutter : No , damn it . No . You re not-- Wes : I m not a chick , and as far as Lovett goes , if he did have a kid with Jessica s sister , sounds like he s trying to do the right thing . As long as he s standing by the mother and stepping up for the kid , I do nt got a problem with that . Natalie : I knew it . I knew something was wrong , but everyone kept telling me Liam was ok . Viki : Oh , sweetheart , I m sorry . We did nt want to lie to you , but you needed to recover , honey . Natalie : I do nt care what happens to me . I do nt care what happens to me if I do nt have Liam . Viki : Now you listen to me . You have to be there for your son , ok , and you have to have faith . Come on . You have to trust John and Brody . He s not gon na rest until he brings his son home , and , believe me , your father wo nt , either . Dani : No . You re crazy , ok ? Matthew Buchanan did nt kill Eddie Ford . Destiny : Do nt say that on TV . You ll ruin Matthew s whole life . Blanca : I m sorry . I have to go . Destiny : Please . Matthew means everything to me . Do nt do this to him , please . I m begging you . Ohh ... Blanca : Clint Buchanan . What a surprise . I left you a message , but I never expected you to return my call . Clint : I do nt like you , Morales , but I know that you have got a large audience . Now , considering I ve given the media a lot of material lately , I m asking you to return the favor . Blanca : If you re asking me not to run with the Matthew story , I-- Clint : I m asking you to help my daughter . Now work with me . Let s bring her little baby back where he belongs . Destiny : She s gon na do it . She s gon na ruin everything . Dani : Relax . How , ok ? She ca nt just say whatever she wants just because it makes a good story , right ? It has to be true . Destiny : Look . You do nt understand . Dani : Des , nobody is gon na believe her , ok ? Besides , Matthew s mom is the D.A. , and his dad is the commissioner . They ll prove she s totally lying . Destiny : What if they ca nt ? Dani : Why not ? It is a lie ... is nt it ? Bo : It s not enough for Blanca Morales or anyone else to report a rumor . Now , they have to prove it . Nora : There s no proof , none . Matthew : But as soon as she says it on TV , everyone is gon na be suspicious . What if they start looking ? I m not gon na have everyone talking about me in Llanview . I d rather be in jail , honestly . Nora : All right . Hey , do not say that . Matthew : How are you gon na stop people from looking into it ? What , are you gon na tell everybody who works for you that I m off limits ? I know you , Dad . You could nt do that , and you ca nt keep covering up for me for the rest of my life , Mom . You could get disbarred . You could lose your job forever . Nora : Not if we go about this the right way . Bo : Your mother and I have thought a lot about how we re gon na handle this . Matthew : And what if I do nt want you to handle it ? Bo : What do you mean ? Matthew : I m gon na end this right now . Blanca : Good evening , Llanview . I m Blanca Morales . Viki : Clint , I want to get the word out as much as you do , but do we have to use Blanca Morales ? Clint : Would you prefer Phyllis Rose ? At least Morales is a legitimate newswoman . She s got a very large audience . So we just put our personal feelings aside , and we do this for Natalie and for little Liam . Viki : Ok . I wo nt argue with you . Blanca : Ready when you are . Viki : Oh , ok . Honey , just tell me one more time that you re ok with this . Natalie : Anything . I ll do anything to get my son back . John : Ok . Move it because we are leaving the scene now . CSU is on the way . Brody : John , I m sorry . What I said , I was out of line . John : Forget it . Let s go find your son . Blanca : Good evening , Llanview . I m Blanca Morales . I ve a very important story to bring you tonight . Behind me , you see Clint Buchanan and Victoria Lord , baby Liam s grandparents . They are joined by their daughter Natalie , who was hospitalized earlier tonight after being thrown from a roof . That s right . She fell 3 stories and lived , only to discover her little boy had been kidnapped by this woman . Reporter : Yet those who survive now get only a fract-- Blanca : Her name is Marty Saybrooke . She has a gun . She has this infant , and she must be stopped . Marty : He got a good look at us . Oh ... ok . I m gon na have to get out of here before the whole thing falls apart . Ok . Clint : Help me find my grandson . It s time that we bring that little boy back to his mother . Now , if anybody has information that brings him safely back , I will present them with this check for a million dollars . Dani : Destiny , just tell me that woman was lying . Destiny : Please stop asking me . Dani : The thing that Matthew is so upset about , the reason you guys ended up together , it is nt that , is it ? It s not Eddie Ford . Oh , my God ... Matthew killed Nate s dad ? Matthew : I ca nt keep waiting for somebody to figure this out . I ca nt live like this . I ca nt sleep . This thing is weighing on me like a ton of bricks . You know what ? You ca nt live like this , either . I m ready to turn myself in ... now . Wes : Oh , my God . Marty ? ### Summary:
Marty has Liam in a room at the Minuteman Motel with her as she searches desperately for the tape that would prove Liam is John s baby if someone else got to it . The pornographer next door gets annoyed with Liam s screaming and threatens to call the police . Instead , he quiets Liam himself . Brody blames John for Liam s kidnapping because he was getting Kelly Cramer to the hospital at the time . The police put out an all points bulletin for Marty . John and Brody go to talk to Marty s Psychiatrist but she has gone missing . The receptionist tells them the last patient she saw before disappearing was Marty Saybrooke . John and Brody go into the office and find her stabbed on the floor . Natalie is awake in the hospital . Viki tries to dodge her questions about Liam , Marty , and Clint . Natalie discovers from the TV news that Marty kidnapped Liam . Cutter kisses Wes in an attempt to bring out one of the female alters with no luck . Wes says Cutter should come out of the closet because it is nt fair to his wife . Cutter informs Wes that he is his wife . He explains the alter egos and tries to coax Tess out without success . Cutter tells Wes about Brody , Jessica , Natalie , and Liam . Jessica emerges . Cutter continues to try to coax Tess out , but Wes returns and punches Cutter . Dani sees Mathew kissing Destiny . Destiny admits to Dani that she and Mathew are not dating but have had sex . Blanca Morales goes to Bo s house and warns them that she intends to expose Matthew as Eddie Ford s killer in her next broadcast . Matthew tells his parents that Destiny inadvertently leaked the information . Blanca tells Dani that Matthew killed Eddie . Clint calls Blanca and asks her to help find his missing grandson . Blanca does a newscast from the hospital . The pornographer sees the newscast and recognizes Marty . He is excited to hear the one billion dollar reward . Marty , however is already leaving the hotel room . She runs into Wes in the parking lot .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ciara : Oh , claire brady . Claire : [ Laughs ] Ciara : I absolutely can not believe that you pulled this off . I mean , this boutique is so exclusive . They do nt just let dresses leave the shop like this . This is amazing . Claire : Yeah , well , all i really had to do was explain that you had some bride - to - be jitters , and you d just feel a lot more comfortable if you could try em on at home . Ciara : Yes . Yes , you are a total life - saver , because this decision is gon na be a lot easier to make without some random sales lady staring at me . Claire : Hey , whatever you need , I m gon na make it happen . You have my word that I m gon na do everything I possibly can to make sure that you and ben have the most memorable wedding ever . Jake : Hey , hand me that wrench over there . The middle , will ya ? Damn it . [ Grunts ] Ben : What s up with you , man ? Jake : I do nt know . I guess I m a little distracted . Ben : Anything to do with a particular woman ? Jake : Well , gwen says that she might wanna get back together . Ben : The jealous , possessive , roller - coaster - from - hell that you ca nt quit ? Jack : Yeah , that s the one . Ben : Uh - huh . Jake : You know , with her , it can be really , really good . But eventually , something always messes it up . Ben : Huh . Well , at least you got over your most recent problem , right ? She returned the book to you , got you off the hook with your ex - boss . Jake : We got past that problem , but then-- Ben : But then what ? Something else happened ? Jake : Yeah . Gabi . Gabi : Yes , I know I called ten minutes ago , and I ll call in another ten . Damn it , they said the dna results would be done within the hour . Rafe : It has nt even been an hour yet , gabi . You got ta be patient . Gabi : Patient ? Rafe : Yeah . Gabi : Do you realize what this means ? When I get these results , my life is gon na change . Rafe : If you get the results you want . Gabi : No , it has to be . Okay , these results have to confirm the truth that my husband is really , truly still alive . Lani : What was that ? Eli : I have no idea . Marlena : It sounds like it came from the kitchen . Abe : I ll go check it out . Valerie : I ll go with you . Julie : No , no , calm down , everybody . Take it easy . As a restaurant owner , I know exactly what that sound was . My good dinner plates hitting the floor . Marlena : Oh , no ! Lani : Are you sure ? Julie : I know a clumsy caterer when I hear one . Vivian : Who are you calling clumsy ? Julie : Oh ! Lani : Oh , my god . Eli : Vivian ? Julie : How did you get in ? What are you doing here ? Vivian : Sorry for the noise , but I was nt invited to the wedding , so I had no choice but to crash . Lani : This ca nt be happening . Vivian : But it is . Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives . Abe : Vivian-- Vivian : Did you really think I d miss this day ? A chance to give the bride my very best ? Julie : You are not welcome here , vivian , and you are not going to stop the wedding . Vivian : Seems I already have . Oh , and there s the blushing bride . Did you really think i was gon na let you get away with killing my son ? Abe : My daughter did not murder your son . Vivian : Oh , you re all complicit in this , every one of you , celebrating the wedding of a killer to a callous bastard who exonerated her . Julie : Somebody get her out of here . Vivian : But the only one who will pay the ultimate price is the woman who put a bullet in my son . Eli : There s no way in hell-- Vivian : You just stop right there , I swear to god . The thing with depression , you get ... stuck . Ciara : [ Sighs ] You know , I just -- I love the way it feels and it looks . I mean , it s really beautiful , is nt it ? Claire : Yeah , well , if you like it , that s what matters . Ciara : Yeah , okay , but what do you think ? I mean , you are the fashionista , the one with the blog and all the followers . Claire : Do you want my honest opinion ? Ciara : Yes . Yes , I do . Claire : Ciara , I hate it . I think that it s basic , and i think it looks like something that belongs on top of a wedding cake . Ciara : Um-- okay , yeah . Okay , yeah , I guess you re right . Claire : Look , I m only trying to help you make the perfect choice . Cause if I do anything to screw up your wedding , we both know your fiancé will kill me . Ciara : What ? Claire , please do nt say that . Claire : It s true . Ciara , ben actually threatened me , so I m not taking any chances . Ben : Gabi slugged gwen ? Jake : Oh , yeah , and then gwen went right after her on the desk right there , and if gabi s brother had nt shown up to take her to court , god knows what would ve happened . Ben : Wow . Jake : Wait a minute . What if that s what this whole thing is about ? Gabi s nutso idea that I m her dead husband-- maybe it s to game the judge into thinking that she s bonkers so that he ll send her to the looney bin instead of prison . Sorry , do you want me to say mental institution or hospital ? Ben : I do nt care what you call it . Jake : Okay , so -- anyway , hopefully the pain in the ass gets what she deserves . Ben : Look , man , as you know , I m not a fan , but gabi s had it rough . Well , when she and stefan fell in love , he looked past all her crap . He understood what made her tick . Made her feel safe . Jake : I ca nt figure out if that makes him brave or stupid . Ben : No , man , I saw it up close . It was the real deal , and they were nt even together that long before he died , and now gabi s looking at you , and she s so desperate to believe that you re her real husband so that it makes her life make sense again . Jake : But it s crazy . Ben : Yeah . Well , if you have nt figured it out yet , gabi s not one to let crazy stop her . Rafe : I know how much you want stefan to be alive , but you have got to remember the facts . Okay , the facts . He was declared brain dead . His heart was given to julie . Gabi : I know . I know all that . You just do nt want him to be alive . Admit it , rafe . Rafe : No , that is not true . I just do nt want you to be gutted all over again if you find out he s just a guy named jake who is a mechanic . Gabi : No , rolf , admitted that he brought stefan back to life . Rafe : Rolf . You are putting your trust in rolf , in that psychopath , after everything that he has done to you ? Gabi : No , I -- I trust what i feel -- what I feel in my soul , and when I saw jake , I knew it was stefan . When I kissed him , i kissed stefan . I kissed my husband , not some stranger . You ca nt fake chemistry . Stop-- do nt look at me like I m crazy . Stop . Dont -- dont-- Rafe : I just do nt want your heart to be broken all over again . Gabi : It s gon na be the opposite of that . It s gon na be whole again . Look , when I get these test results back , I m gon na prove you wrong . Rafe : Okay . Gabi : I m gon na prove jake wrong , and I m gon na prove everybody wrong . Vivian : That s better . Marlena : Vivian , I know you re mourning the loss of your son , but this is not the way to handle this . Vivian : It s the only way , and you of all people , dr . Marlena evans , should understand the psychology of vengeance . Look at your faces . Such disappointment , such horror . Oh , it s understandable . You thought you were coming to a wedding , to a joyous event , when in fact you re at an execution . -That s how a home and auto bundle is made . Vivian : Are you ready to give your daughter away for keeps , mr . Mayor ? Ah-- [ Screaming ] I thought you were smarter than that , detective . Pity , till death do you part will come before the wedding night . Abe : Vivian ... I almost lost my son to a bullet . I understand your pain . I know how hard forgiveness is . This-- this kind of revenge , it wo nt end your suffering . Vivian : Actually , I m feeling pretty damn good right now . Abe : Please , vivian , I m begging you to spare the life of a young woman who meant your son no harm . Please , let my daughter live . Rafe : It s from eli . Gabi : Maybe that bitch dumped him at the alter again . Rafe : Something s up . I got ta go . Ciara : Ben threatened you ? Claire : Yeah , yeah , when we were in the square , you know , when you went to go take that work call , he let me have it . Ciara : Yeah , okay , but he could nt have said those words exactly , that he was gon na kill you . Claire : Okay , maybe I m exaggerating a little bit . I m sorry , but ciara , he was really intense . It freaked me out . Ciara : Well , you said that he told you he was gon na give you a second chance , and he told that to me , too . Claire : Yes . Yeah , he did . Look , I m sorry for even bringing up that other thing . It is so not important . And like i said , it s understandable he does nt fully trust me . I get it . Look , I m just determined to show him and you and my grandparents and everyone that all I really wanna do is make everyone s life better and happier . Okay , back to you . You need to try on some more wedding dresses cause you re getting married soon , and if the other gowns are as hideous as this one , I just do nt know what we re gon na do . [ Laughs ] Ben : So are you taking gwen to the wedding as your date or what ? Jake : Hell no . Look , even if we did get back together , marriage is not on the table for us . I do nt want her getting any ideas . Gabi : Oh , good , you re here . Jake : Should nt you be , i do nt know , in prison or in a psych ward or an ice skating competition ? Gabi : Oh , for your information , I was acquitted . Jake : Acquitted ? Gabi : Mm - hmm . Yeah , there s no proof that I did anything wrong . Jake : Other than try to fry my brain . Gabi : I told you that rolf lied to me and framed me . Obviously , the judge believed me , too . Jake : Oh , yeah , you , you re free . At least until the next looney tunes crime you commit . Enjoy the fresh air , but for now , we got ta fix this thing . Ben : She s still here . Jake : Go ! Shoo ! Skate away , nancy , I got work to do . Gabi : You might wanna come with me . Jake : Why the hell would i wanna do that ? Gabi : Hm . Dna test results are in . I m going to the hospital to get them . Jake : Why would I give a damn ? Gabi : Because you could find out that you re about to be a very rich and powerful man with a very amazing wife , and not some stupid mechanic . Jake : Whoa ! Ben : Hey ! Gabi : Look , I know you do nt believe me , but once these results are in , and you find out that you re my husband , you re gon na have to accept it , finally . Vivian : Let your daughter live ? I do nt think so . Lani : Vivian , I know that you hate me , blame me , and will never forgive me for what I did to your son , and I get that . And I am so sorry for your loss . And I deeply regret that I am the one who was responsible for it . But vivian , please , please think about what you are doing . If you pull that trigger , you wo nt just be getting your revenge on me . Vivian , I m pregnant . So you would nt just be killing me ... you would be killing my unborn child . Is that really , really what you wanna do ? Ciara : Claire , this is totally the one . It s perfect . I m so , so happy that you insisted that I try it on . Claire : You looked like an angel in it . It s so beautiful . Oh , my god . When ben sees you , it is gon na take his breath away . Ciara : Gosh , I really hope so . Claire : I know so . Hey , do you wanna get boba tea or something and just celebrate ? Ciara : Oh , I would love to , but I have a quarterly report due in the morning , and I have a zillion other things to do . I mean , I do nt even have enough time to bring all these dresses back to the shop . Claire : I ll take them . Ciara : Really ? Claire : Yeah . Yeah , it s not like I have anything better to do . I can only play so much uno with my grandfather . Ciara : Right . I mean , if it s really not a problem . Claire : Not at all . No . Ciara : Well , then , that would be great . And claire , I-- I wanted to thank you for everything . Claire : Hey , come here . You do not have to thank me . Please , after all , what is a maid of honor for ? Ben : Thank you for the invite , but I ll pass . Gabi : Oh , you do nt wanna see the results ? Jake : Not really . Gabi : But this could change your whole life . Jake : I like my life the way it is . Gabi : Oh , with that skank , gwen ? Jake : Will you stop calling her that ? And if anybody s a skank around here-- Ben : Okay , know what , guys ? I m gon na take a break . I m gon na be back in a little bit . Jake : Well , there you go . You scared him off . Gabi : You re the one that s scared . You re the one that s scared that those results are gon na be out there in black and white , and you re not gon na be able to laugh at me anymore . Jake : Unless you paid somebody to give you the results you want . Gabi : What ? Jake : Then I ll have plenty to laugh about . Gabi : I did nt pay anybody , damn it . Those results are legitimate . Jake : Unless they re not . Gabi : I would never do something like that . Bribe somebody for something so important ? That would be beneath me . Jake : Beneath you ? [ Laughs ] Gabi , nothing is beneath you . And because I look so much like your dead husband , and your great , big bed is , well , empty , then maybe you really want a nice , warm body to lay next to . Gabi : Huh . Jake : Or beneath you -- maybe you think waving the dna results will land -- ah-- Rafe : Damn it . Valerie : Oh , god . Lani and eli have already lost one baby . Please , have mercy . Julie : We re begging you , vivian . Spare the life of this girl and the life of my unborn grandchild . Vivian : You dare to ask me for anything . You took my son from me . You think that empty words and excuses are gon na save your sorry soul ? Valerie : Oh ! Vivian : This is the end . Abe : Vivian ! No . Back off ! Ciara : [ Chuckles ] You should ve knocked . Ben : Why ? Ciara : Well , because I was trying on wedding dresses , and what if you had seen me in one ? I mean , that s bad , bad luck , ben weston , do nt you know that ? Ben : There s no such thing as bad luck . Not for us . Mm , so , did you say yes to the dress ? Yeah ? Ciara : Yeah , and it s pretty incredible . Claire actually found it . And ben , this dress , it s one of a kind . It s like a friggin dream . Ben : Yeah . Well , I m glad claire came through for you . It s good . Ciara : She really is trying , ben , and she s been so sweet . So I just wanted to thank you for giving her a chance . Ben : Oh , yeah , whatever my fiancée wants . Ciara : Mm - hmm . Your fiancée is actually kinda wondering why you re at home in the middle of the day . Ben : Jake got a little sidetracked . I figured I d give him some time , maybe help you with the wedding favors . Ciara : Sidetracked with what ? Ben : Gabi came by making noise about being acquitted . Ciara : She was ? Ben : Mm - hmm , yeah . But i think she was mostly there to tell jake that the dna results are ready . And soon he s gon na actually find out if he really is good old jake lambert , garage mechanic or the hugely formidable and powerful stefan dimera . Ciara : Do you think he even cares , or is he just chalking it up to gabi being crazy and obsessive ? Ben : I mean , I know he pretends not to care , but deep down , I think he wants to know the truth . Why would nt he ? Jake : Ah . What the helld you do that for ? Gabi : You are completely deluded if you think that i would fake some dna results because I m attracted to some grease monkey . I do nt want you . I do nt want anything to do with you , jake lambert . I want my husband back . So I m going to that hospital , and I m going to get those results , and if you are not --stefan , that s a big if -- I will never step foot in this place again . All right ? But if you are , I will be back . Jake : Ahh , damn it . Vivian : Oh , no . No ! Rafe : It s over , vivian . Vivian : No , oh , no ! Rafe : It is over . Vivian : Oh , damn you ! Damn all of you . Rafe : You have the right to remain silent . Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . Vivian : Do nt worry . I have plenty to say . Rafe : Good . You can say it on the way down to the station . Vivian : This is nt over . You think you ve won . You think you re safe . You ll never be safe . I ll find you and send you to hell . Rafe : Shut up , okay ? Just shut up . Threats of violence ? You realize you almost murdered someone for no reason ? It appears as though your son might actually be alive . Limu emu & doug Vivian : Alive ? But that s impossible . Rafe : Well , you would think so , but apparently not . Vivian : Is this some sick joke ? Rafe : No , no , this is no joke . We do nt know for sure if it s stefan , but we are currently in the process of determining his identity . Julie : I saw him myself . The resemblance was amazing , so much so , I nearly fainted dead away . Vivian : Alive ? Tell me about my son . Rafe : I will , down at the station . Thank you . Julie : Oh . Eli : God , lani , I am so sorry . Lani : You texted rafe . That s why he showed up . I m alive because of you . Julie : I do nt think I m gon na book weddings here anymore . They do nt seem to go well . Marlena : Eli , lani , I will completely understand if you do nt want to do your vows at this point . Lani : [ Sighs ] I do nt know . With everything that has happened today , my mom fainting , gabi crashing the wedding , vivian trying to kill me-- this was supposed to be a happy day . What do you think ? Eli : I ll do whatever you want . Lani : I do nt know . If I could just get some sort of sign . [ Door closes ] Oh , my god . Ciara : [ Laughs ] Okay . You know , I thought you said that you wanted to help . Ben : This is nt helping ? Ciara : Not exactly . Ben : Mm . Ciara : Oh . But you know , I do find you so irresistible . Ben : Well , I m sure your maid of honor will have no trouble finishing up the swag bags . Ciara : Oh . You know , she did offer to take care of everything . Ben : Perfect . Ciara : [ Laughs ] Ciara : Mm , oh , maybe this is the bridal shop . I should probably take this . Ben : Ohh . Ciara : Hello ? What ? No , no . That makes no sense . Are you sure ? Oh , my god . Um , all right , well , there s nothing that you can do , like , at all ? All right , then . Thank you . Bye . Ben : What s wrong ? Ciara : My dream wedding dress , it s ruined . Jake : Hey . Gabi : What are you doing here ? Jake : I have extra time on my hands . Gabi : You do nt trust me . Jake : No , actually , I donT. Gabi : What , you think that i would actually alter the results or pay somebody to alter them ? Jake : I think you d do whatever it takes to get what you want . Gabi : Stefan love that about me . Jake : How about you go get the damn results ? Gabi : Why do nt you wait right here ? Jake : Fine . Lani : Oh . Julie : Oh , tamara s back . Tamara : What s this ? Tears ? And they do nt look happy . Are you all right ? Lani : Yeah , I m fine now that you re here . Are you okay ? Tamara : Oh , I had a good meal at the hotel . Lani : Okay . Tamara : Billy finished his call , and he offered to bring me back . But what happened ? Julie : I ll tell you what happened . Two women -- miserable , selfish women who do nt understand the meaning of love wanted to destroy our joy today , but abe disposed of one of them -- gabi hernandez -- and rafe arrived in the nick of time and managed to wrestle that damn gun away from vivian alamain . Tamara : Oh ! Stefan s mother ? A gun ? Oh , my baby . Billy : A gun ? I -- you okay ? Valerie : Yes , yes . We re all safe now -- and fine now that lani is safe . And what julie said is true , darling . You are surrounded and protected by all the love we have for you . Tamara : And what better way to show it than to be here and to watch the two of you get married . Abe : You know , after all that s happened , lani and eli are nt sure that they wanna continue with the ceremony . Marlena : Eli ? Lani ? Eli : Looks like you got your sign . Lani : Okay . Let s get married . Valerie : Yes . Yes . New tide power pods one up the cleaning power of liquid . Ciara : [ Sighs ] There are nail polish stains all over the gown , ben , and they ca nt get them off . Ben : Ciara , I m sure there s something they can do , do nt worry . Ciara : No , ben , it s completely destroyed . And you know what , I do nt understand it . There was nt a single mark on the dress when I tried it on , and I put all the dresses back in the garment bags myself . I just do nt get it . Ben : Well maybe you can just get another one . Ciara : Another one ? Ben : Yes . Ciara : Another one ? Ben : Yes . Ciara : Ben , that was a one- of - a - kind dress that s -- that s all I got . Ben : Ciara , there s still time to get another dress . It s okay . Ciara : I ve tried on practically every gown in this town , and the wedding is so close , I -- I just do nt understand . How could this happen ? How could nail polish get all over my dress ? How ? Vivian : Well ? Where is he ? Tell me about my son . Rafe : Well , it all started when a man named jake lambert came to town . Vivian : Jake lambert -- I do nt know anybody by that name . Who is he ? Rafe : He s a mechanic . Vivian : A mechanic ? Oh . Rafe : Yeah . Vivian : My son was not a mechanic . He was the heir to a fortune . He went to the best schools . He spoke four languages . Jake : Well ? You gon na open it ? Gabi : Yes . Yes . Marlena : Well , all righty then . [ Laughter ] Why do nt we pick up where we left off ? Julie : Yes . Marlena : Eli , would you like to say your vows ? Eli : [ Exhales ] Lani , we have been through so much these past two years . Hell , these past few hours . Eli : That s funny ? Valerie : Yes . Eli : Honey , I will never regret one second of our life or our love . We fell in love because of the child that we shared and lost , david abraham , and we will love him and remember him every single day . We will also make sure that his little brother or his little sister , that they know how brave and beautiful he was , like his mother . Last time we were here , lani , you sacrificed everything that was dear to you to save my grandmother s life . You even let me blame you for breaking my heart , when the truth is , your heart was breaking , too . But you do nt have to sacrifice anymore , cause you will never be alone again . Lani , I love you , and I ca nt wait to be your husband , now and forever . Lani : Eli , you are the love of my life , and my dream come true . It took every bit of strength that I had in me to walk away from you that day . And I never got to say the vows that I wanted to say . But I knew that I could never live with myself if I did nt do everything that I could to save your grandmother because I love who you love . Your friends are my friends . Your family , my family . David abraham will always be a part of us , but our heartbreak over losing him will only make us appreciate and care more deeply for the new child that we are about to bring into this world , a world that you make bigger and brighter every day . Eli , you are my world , you are my everything . You are the best person that I know . I love your kindness , your gentleness , your humor . [ Laughs ] You make me feel so special and safe , and I promise that I will be the best wife to you and mother to our child . Eli , you make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world . And I ca nt wait to love you for the rest of my life . Marlena : Wow . Now that eli and lani have exchanged vows , it s time to exchange rings . Abe : It s here , it s here . Eli : Thank you , sir . Marlena : Eli , I give you this ring as a symbol of my love . Eli : I give you this ring as a symbol of my love . Marlena : With all that I am . Eli : With all that I am . Marlena : And all that I have . Eli : And all that I have . Marlena : Lani . [ Laughter ] I give you this ring as a symbol of my love . Lani : I give you this ring as a symbol of my love . Marlena : With all that I am . Lani : With all that I am . Marlena : And all that I have . Lani : And all that I have . Marlena : I now pronounce you husband and wife . You may kiss the bride . Lani : We did it . I love you . Marlena : Now , eli and lani would like to celebrate their union by honoring a tradition called jumping the broom , which is a symbolic way of sweeping away all the old , bad energy . Julie : Halleluiah to that ! Valerie : Yes ! Marlena : And welcoming in all the positive in your life . Abraham ? Eli : Okay . Lani : Ready ? [ Laughs ] Julie : Yes , yes ! Marlena : Now , this ceremony is also a call for support from the community , so let s show this young couple our love as they start their life together . Let s help them make the transition by counting to three . And a-- All : One , two , three ! ### Summary:
Ciara and Claire looked at wedding dresses that Claire got a boutique to send over to Ciara s place . Claire said she would do anything to make Ciara and Ben s day memorable . While Ciara was trying on wedding dresses , she brought up Ben . Claire said he threatened her . She said she wanted to make everyone happy . Jake told Ben that Gwen wanted to get back together with him . Jake said something always messed things up between them . Jake brought up what happened with Gabi . Jake wondered if Gabi said he was her husband to trick the judge . He said he hoped she got what she deserved . Everyone was surprised to see Vivian at the wedding . Julie told her that she would nt stop the wedding . Vivian asked Lani if she thought she was going to get away with killing her son . She put a gun to Eli when he went over to her . Vivian said the wedding was an execution . She shot the gun in the air . Abe told her that he understood what she was going through . Eli tapped his phone . Abe asked Vivian to let Lani live because she did nt mean to cause any pain to her son . Gabi was impatient about the DNA results . She told Rafe that the results will let her know that Jake is Stefan . Rafe said Stefan s heart was in Julie . He thought she should nt trust that Rolf brought back Stefan . She said she knew it was Stefan when she kissed him . She said the test will prove that everyone was wrong . Rafe got a text from Eli and left . Gabi went to see Jake . He was shocked to find out that she was acquitted . He said she was free until the next crime she committed . He told her to leave . She wanted him to go to the hospital for the results . She said he would have to accept that he was her husband . Gabi brought up Gwen and insulted her . Jake was upset when Gabi insulted her . Ben left the room . Gabi and Jake continued to argue . He accused her of fixing the results . He said she wanted him to replace her husband in bed . She slapped him . She said she would never be in the garage if he was nt Stefan . Vivian did nt want to let Lani live . Lani apologized to Vivian for killing Stefan . Lani told her she was pregnant . She said Vivian would be killing an unborn child . Vivian did nt care and unlocked the safety on the gun . Rafe showed up and got the gun from Vivian . He handcuffed her . Rafe yelled at Vivian for almost killing someone for no reason . He told her that her son might be alive . Vivian thought it was a joke . Julie said she saw him . Rafe left with Vivian . Lani wanted a sign that they should finish the wedding . Tamara and Billy came back . Eli said Lani got her sign . They said their vows to each other . They ended up getting married . Ben met Ciara . She told him that she found a dresss . She told him Claire got it for her . He said he was glad she came through . He told her what happened with Gabi at the garage . They got a call from the boutique saying the wedding dress was messed up . Ciara did nt understand how nail polish got on the dress when it was nt on there before . Claire was shown in her room painting her nails with green nail polish .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Kay : I will leave the two of you alone to -- to have your little talk . Neil : Actually , Katherine , I , uh , I came to drop off something . Kay : You mean , you came here to see me ? Neil : Well , there were some contracts that you asked me to review . I made some adjustments to the language and some tweaks to better protect Chancellor . Kay : You made a special trip , just stopped here to see me after a long , tiring business day ? Neil : Well , since it was done ... Kay : You know , given what I overheard when you arrived , um , I would say this trip is , uh , more about Harmony than it is about me . Hmm ? Ashley : I thought ... that Beauty of Nature was a done deal and that you had let it go . Tucker : I do nt want to argue about this again . Ashley : I do nt , either . I do nt , not when things have been so good between us . Tucker : I ve been enjoying that , too . Ashley : So why do you want to start with this again ? Nick : Lauren pulled a gun on you ? Daisy : All I tried to do was buy something for my baby . Phyllis : At the boutique ? Daisy : She was like a crazy person . She picked up a gun . Phyllis : Okay . Daisy : She was gon na kill me . Phyllis : You re -- you re making this up . Daisy : If you do nt believe me , why do nt you call the police ? They just hauled Lauren away . I m still shaking . Nick : Well , it makes sense that Lauren would nt want to be around you , right ? Daisy : I was shopping . It s a public place . Phyllis : Yeah , uh , the same place where you tried to poison Lauren in her office . Daisy : What is this ? It s my fault she pulled a gun on me ? Nick : Daisy , Daisy , look , ev - everyone -- everyone has made mistakes , all right ? It sounds like you re both still paying the price for it . Michael : What the hell happened ? Jill : Michael , Michael ! Avery : Michael , we do nt want to -- keep our voices down . We do nt want to be overheard . Jill : Listen , Daisy came into the store , okay ? She was acting all innocent , but in reality , she was taunting Lauren in that -- that sneaky little way she has . All of a sudden , Lauren pulled a gun on her . Grainger : Mr. Baldwin . Figured you d want an update . Michael : Yeah , I do , Grainger . What can you tell me ? Grainger : Your wife s been charged with assault with a deadly weapon . Do you recognize this ? Michael : No , I do nt . Grainger : We ve confirmed that Mrs. Baldwin has a permit , but that does nt give her the right to draw a weapon in her place of business . Michael : Of course . When will she be arraigned ? Grainger : There s a backlog . Not until tomorrow . Michael : My wife is not spending the night in jail . Avery : I ll go to the courthouse and see if I can get the arraignment for tonight . Michael : Thank you . Michael : I did nt even know my wife had a gun . Jill : She told me about it . Michael : When ? Jill : In February . Michael : After Daisy was released . In February , you knew about-- Neil : Yes , Katherine , you are correct . I did come to see Harmony . Kay : Neil , she told me earlier that the two of you had argued . Now listen . I do nt mean to butt in , but we have all come so far , and I hope , whatever the problem is , that both of you will work it out . Neil : Yeah , well ... ( Clears throat ) I hope so , as well . Kay : Good . I have an errand to run , several , in fact , so if you ll excuse me , and , uh , have at it . Harmony : Have you lost your stark raving mind ? You show up here unexpected and running off your mouth like that-- Neil : If you had nt hung up the phone on me-- Harmony : Well , I was done talking . Neil : Oh , yeah ? Well , what was that about , uh , me getting -- what was it , deciding to get , uh , real with you , huh ? Harmony : Yeah , uh - huh . Yeah , that s right , I said it , and you still are nowhere near ready . Neil : Come on . I m ready . Let s get to it . Let s put -- let s put everything , right now , on the table . Tucker : An extraordinary business opportunity fell into my lap . Beauty of Nature-- Ashley : Is sold , from Genevieve to Victor , and now she wants to negotiate a power play with you behind his back . Tucker : Ashley , we ve been over this . We have to separate my work from our relationship . Ashley : Honey , we re married . We are married . Sometimes , that has to make a difference . Tucker : Like now . Ashley : Yeah . I m not comfortable with you associating with Genevieve . I m sorry . I - I - I do nt want you to be heading up a company that is in direct competition with my family s business . So I m asking you , as your wife ... please just walk away . Tucker : I ca nt answer you now . Ashley : Tucker ... Tucker : I do nt want to lie to you or deceive you , and right now , I do nt know if I can do what you re asking . Daisy : I have nt done anything wrong since jail . I did nt do anything to Lauren . Nick : No one s blaming you . Phyllis : Yeah , uh , maybe you should try to be more self - aware next time . How about that ? Daisy : I did nt come here for advice . I came to talk to Daniel . I ve been calling him and texting him . Phyllis : He s out of town . Daisy : Well , when you hear from him , tell him to call me . Phyllis : ( Whispering ) Oh , my God , she is so manipulative . It takes everything I have not to rip her face off . Nick : ( Whispering ) Well , do you think the Lauren story is for real ? Phyllis : I do nt know . I do nt know . She said some things to me . It might be true . We should get to the station . Lauren : Ohh . ( Sniffles ) I am so sorry . Michael : Let s just concentrate on getting you out of here , all right ? Now how did this happen ? Lauren : ( Sighs ) ( Sniffles ) Michael : Why did nt you tell me about the gun ? Lauren : I wanted to . Michael : What you said was ... you could nt keep coming to me for protection every time you saw Daisy . Lauren : That s right . I could nt keep leaning on you . Michael : Well ... it s a big leap from that to arming yourself . Lauren : ( Sniffles ) Look , Michael , this was not a rash decision . I bought the gun . I got a permit . I had lessons . I practiced . Michael : Okay , so you had a weapon . All this time , you were walking around with a weapon . Lauren : No . Mostly , it was in my office , but I never , ever had it around Fen . Michael : All right , just-- still , I do nt understand why you hid this from me . Lauren : I - I knew you would nt approve , and I knew you would start reading all sorts of things into this . Michael : All right , what ? Like , such as -- such as what ? Lauren : ( Voice breaking ) That I m unstable ... and that you would try some logical way to fix this , and you could nt . You ca nt . ( Sighs ) I - I had the gun , and I - I felt like I could defend myself and you and our family . And -- and even when I was nt carrying it , I felt like I had some sort of control . Can -- can you ... understand that at all ? Michael : The thing is ... you lost control today . How ? Lauren : I do nt know . It s like something snapped . Tucker : ( Sighs ) Beauty of Nature is an extremely lucrative company . You know how badly and for how long I ve wanted it . If you could just be objective , then maybe you could see things differently . Ashley : You do nt think I can be ? You think I m too close to the situation ? Tucker : Maybe . Ashley : Okay , so maybe-- maybe you should talk to somebody else . You should talk to Sofia . Absolutely . You know , Tucker , now that everything is okay between the two of you , she always has your best interests at heart , and McCall s . You know that for sure . Tucker : I do nt think we should involve her in this . Ashley : Uh , did she resign because of Beauty of Nature ? I know that you had your falling - out when the company was for sale . Tucker : ( Sighs ) Sofia s resignation was related to Beauty of Nature , but not in the way you mean . Ashley : Well , then how ? Tucker : Sofia and I never had a falling - out . It was all a ploy . Neil : Okay . Hey , uh , can you , uh , can you please come here and sit down for a minute ? Please ? Harmony : Whatever . Neil : Harmony , I , um , I hated that you felt like you could nt celebrate with Devon because Sofia was there . Harmony : Nobody cares if I miss one party . Neil : Like I said , Devon will , if this kind of behavior starts becoming a habit . Harmony : Just Devon ? Neil : Me , too . When you bowed out today , I missed you . We do nt have to avoid each other like this because of -- of one kiss . Harmony : Just act like nothing s changed . Neil : Yeah . Harmony : Yeah , well , I ca nt do that . Neil : And why not ? Because you -- you-- you said it yourself , right ? You said-- did nt you say ... it was just a kiss ? Harmony : I was wrong . Neil : You were ? Harmony : The fact ... is that I liked it . And do nt get me wrong , because I do respect the fact that you have a - a wife and a baby . I do , but I ... I really liked it . And that s why I ca nt be around you , you know , because it may-- uh , maybe it did nt mean anything for you , but for me , it was more . And just being around you after-- it just aint-- it -- it ai nt easy . Neil : Hey . It was nt easy for me , either ... because that kiss , it meant something to me , too . Nick : It really happened like Daisy said ? Jill : Yeah , pretty much . Michael s in with Lauren right now . I really wanted to stay around and see Lauren again . Phyllis : How is Michael holding up ? Jill : He s keeping it together , except ... Nick : What is it ? Jill : It tore him up when I told him that I knew Lauren had purchased a gun . Phyllis : Um ... Lauren confided in me , as well . She asked me not to tell Michael . Lauren : ( Sighs ) So ... Daisy came into the boutique , saying that she had a gift certificate . Michael : Specifically for the boutique ? Lauren : She was rubbing it in my face that she could stay there . Michael : And what did she say to exacerbate the situation ? I mean , did she make any overt threats ? What ? Lauren : That she loved the clothes , especially on Fen , when he was at school or hanging with his friends . Michael : So you bought into her whole scenario with Fen ? Lauren : Yes , of course I did ! Why would nt I ? I mean , you would have . Someone says that they re stalking our son-- of course I m gon na listen . Michael : Lauren , you know , Lauren , I m on your side . Lauren : And then I had that gun . It was in my hands before I knew it . Michael : You were frightened . You felt someone had just threatened our child . Well ... Lauren : I never wanted to be this person , Michael . I never wanted to be a burden to you . Michael : You are not now , nor will you ever be a burden to me . I love you , Mrs. Baldwin . But we can not continue to live this way . Harmony : So you mean , all this time , you ve been feeling this , too ? Neil : Definitely . Harmony : Every time I see you , I want to kiss you again . Neil : Like when we were ... like when we were dancing earlier . Harmony : Your arms around me just felt so ... but I was so scared , you know , that everybody would know and see . I swear , Neil , I do not want to make trouble for you . Neil : Harmony , I - I know , I - I understand that . I know you do nt , and it-- acknowledging what s going on ... it ll help both of us . Harmony : How ? Neil : We talk , right ? We , um , we talk this out , and we agree that we re not gon na let it happen again , ever . And in time , it will become easy to be around each other . But beyond that , we ve become friends , and , Harmony , I - I dont-- I do nt want to lose that . Harmony : ( Chuckles ) Wow . That is just so damn ... logical . Neil : It could work . Harmony : It could ... if I was nt an addict . But you see , temptation and me , it --that s just a constant battle , and that s why I go to a meeting practically every day . Neil : I m an addict , too . Harmony : I just know that if I keep being around you , I can say that I wo nt make a move , that I wo nt fall for you , but I d be lying . So what I got to do is I have to stay away , so that this doesnt-- this does nt mess up things for you or Sofia or Moses ... Neil : Okay , listen , you do nt have to worry about all this . Harmony : And -- and -- and I need your help , okay ? You can not pressure me into being somebody that I m not . Ashley : You lied to me about Sofia ? Tucker : Nobody-- nobody could know that we were still working together . Ashley : Not even your wife ? Tucker : ( Sighs ) Ashley : Did you think I would nt like your tactics , or did you just not trust me ? Tucker : Oh , come on , Ashley , you know I trust you . Ashley : No . Look , I got ta get out of here . I - I - I got ta get out of here . Tucker : No , no , Baby , please ... Phyllis : Hey , what are you-- what are you doing here ? Avery : Uh , I was with Michael when he found out . I went to the courthouse to see if I could move the arraignment to tonight , but , uh , no luck . Nick : Well , at least you tried . Avery : Well , that s not gon na be much comfort to them . Is Michael with Lauren now ? Phyllis : Yeah , he s been there a while . Avery : Okay . I ll just , um , I ll wait over here . Michael : And once you re free , I ll want to put some distance between you and Daisy . I m afraid what ll happen if you two continue to cross paths at home . Lauren : And how do we do that ? Michael : ( Sighs ) By moving out of our apartment . Lauren : Michael , that is our home . Michael : I know , I know . You said that when we discussed this before , but now I have to insist , Lauren . You agree , do nt you ? Lauren : Yeah , of course . We have to do that . And what about Fen ? Michael : He ll be okay . Lauren : We ca nt go get him tomorrow . Michael : Hey . It s just a delay . It is just a delay . We will all be together again very soon . Grainger : Time s up . Nick : Can I get you some coffee ? Phyllis : No , I ca nt stomach it . Michael : Hey . Phyllis : Hey . Lauren : Hey . I did nt expect to see you guys here . Phyllis : Where else would we be ? Lauren : ( Voice breaking ) This is really embarrassing , you seeing me like this . Phyllis : Oh , no , hey , listen-- Grainger : Maam , please do nt touch the prisoner . Michael : Uh , uh , Grainger ... look at-- I love you , and I will see you tomorrow , all right ? Phyllis : ( Clears throat ) Lauren : I love you . Nick : Daisy told us what happened . Avery : She came to see you ? Phyllis : Yeah , she was looking for Daniel . Can we help in any way , Michael ? Michael : Uh , well , you know , she s in jail . I m trying to get a grip on all of this . ( Chuckles ) Sh - she got a gun . Lauren got a gun . She got a gun without telling me . Phyllis : I - I - I know . I know , she -- I know . Michael : So , what , Jill told you , too ? Phyllis : No , no , Lauren told me . Lauren -- Lauren confided in me a while ago . Michael : And you kept this from me . I mean , you re my friend . You re supposed to have my back , meaning ... do you realize what you ve done ? Phyllis : Ow . Ow , Michael . Come on . Michael ! Michael : Just -- just listen . Just -- no , listen to me . Look at where we re standing , Phyllis . My wife -- my wife is gon na spend the night in jail . Phyllis : Okay , I realize that . Michael : If you had used your brain ... Nick : Okay , hey , come on . Michael : And told me what was going on with her-- Nick : That s enough . Michael : If she had used her brain , she would not be facing an assault with a deadly weapon charge . This could so easily have been attempted murder . Nick : Why do nt you just step back and hear her out , okay ? Phyllis : Okay , yeah . Listen . Listen . She confided in me . Michael : What-- does that mean anything ? What does-- Phyllis : She confided in me , okay ? I kept my mouth shut . I would have done the same for you in that situation . Michael : This is not like a confidence that you would normally keep . There is nothing normal about this . There s nothing normal about what Daisy did to my family . Was Lauren getting locked and loaded-- was nt that a red flag for you ? Phyllis : I - I understood at the time . I completely understood . Michael : No , no , no , no , no . She may have said that she could handle this , but she obviously could not , and now she is facing-- you ... you could have prevented this . Avery : Okay , emotions are running high right now . This is not helping anybody . I think we should go our separate ways , Michael . Phyllis : Yeah , I agree . I agree . Michael : Yes . Yes , I think that would be good . Jill : I never thought that Lauren would go on the defensive that way , not that I blame her . I certainly hope Michael can get some leniency for her . Kay : Oh , come on . He s going to fight with everything in him . Jill : Look , I do nt mean to cut this short , but I got ta get back to work . Kay : You mean you re gon na reopen this place ? Jill : I refuse to let that little witch shut us down . Kay : Well , Jill , where in the hell is your staff ? Huh ? Jill : I know . I have nt been able to reach anybody , and I ve got ta prepare some documents for the bookkeeper and-- Kay : Well , uh , listen , I ll watch over the sales floor while you do that , okay ? Jill : Are you serious ? Kay : I like to think I have a way with people . Jill : ( Laughs ) Katherine Chancellor clerking at the boutique . That is ridiculous . Kay : Is that a Thank you ? Jill : Sure , it is . Kay : ( Laughing ) Harmony : I am gon na be spending time with Devon . I mean , I m not gon na neglect my son because ... there may be some things percolating between me and you . Neil : Glad to hear that . Harmony : But I really need you to stay away from me . Neil : I will , despite how tough it ll be ... since I feel the same draw when I m with you . ( Sighs ) I certainly do nt want to cause you any trouble , and I do nt want to make your life any more difficult than it already is . Neil : Hi , Sofia . Yeah . ( Clears throat ) Yeah , sure . I could do that . All right . Bye - bye . Neil : Got ta go see Sofia . Harmony : Well , you should nt keep your wife waiting . Harmony : Good - bye , Neil . Kay : Ah . Here we are . Woman : I still ca nt believe Katherine Chancellor was helping me . Kay : Well , what s the fun in living if you stop surprising people ? Woman : Thank you . Kay : Thank you . Ashley : Katherine . Kay : Hmm ? What ? Oh . Oh , my goodness . Ashley : ( Chuckles ) What are you doing behind this counter ? Kay : ( Clears throat ) Well , uh , they were , uh , shorthanded . I was available . So , uh ... Ashley : ( Laughing ) Kay : May I be of service to you ? ( Laughs ) Ashley : Well , yes , you may . Kay : Uh - huh . Ashley : I was on my way back to work , and I remembered that I need to pick up a gift that I ordered for little John . Kay : Oh , the new nephew . Ashley : Yes . Kay : Oh , God , he is so adorable . Ashley : Is nt he so cute ? I know . Kay : Ah , aha , here we are . Yeah , that s -- Ashley : Here . Kay : Hold that for me , would you ? I think it goes that way , this goes in there , and then-- Ashley : Mm - hmm , there you go . Thank you . Kay : That s for the baby . You know , um , are you going back to -- to the office ? Ashley : Mm , yeah . Kay : Well , I m so sorry you have to go back so late in the day . Ashley : Well , you know how it is . Kay : Uh , maybe , uh , well , since you re gon na be tied up , maybe I can convince Tucker to have dinner with me . Ashley : Oh , maybe . I do nt really know what his plans are . Kay : You know , it s actually wonderful now that we re finally speaking , you know ? Because there was a time that we barely spoke without getting on each other s backs . Ashley : Mm - hmm . Kay : But , uh , we can talk about almost anything now . It s an honor , you know , and -- and , uh , especially when he told me about Sofia s situation . Ashley : He told you about that ? Kay : Yesterday . There s nothing wrong with that , is there ? Harmony : Hey . Tucker : Hello , Harmony . What s up ? You got a date or something ? Harmony : ( Sighs ) I m on my way to a meeting . I m just running early , so I thought I d kill some time . Can I get an iced tea ? Tucker : Well , you re not your usual effusive self . Why are you in a funk ? Harmony : Well , you know , it was really great celebrating Devon s new song today , but ... all went downhill from there . Tucker : I ll drink to that . Harmony : What happened to you ? Tucker : Uh ... ( Exhales slowly ) Ashley and I have been butting heads lately . Harmony : Really ? You two look pretty in sync to me . Tucker : Mm - hmm . How is it that the one woman you love more than you ve ever loved anyone can make you feel like the biggest disappointment on the planet ? Harmony : Because you actually care what that one woman thinks . Tucker : Hmm . Ashley s the only one I ever wanted to spend my life with , but this marriage thing ... ( Sighs ) I just do nt know if I can cut it . Phyllis : After Daniel lost custody in the hearing , I did nt think this day could get any worse . Ohh . When are we gon na catch a break ? Nick : ( Sighs ) Well , there is some good news . Phyllis : Yeah ? What is it ? Nick : This hellacious day has finally come to an end . Phyllis : Not soon enough . Nick : Well , there is nowhere in the world I d rather be than right here with you . Does that help ? Phyllis : Yeah , it does . It helps a little . Avery : Here , have a cup of coffee , take a moment , and get your head together . Michael : Well , that would take about , uh , a million moments . Avery : What s next in the strategy ? Michael : Um , all right , I m gon na make a personal appeal to the district attorney and the judge tonight . I have to talk to them before the arraignment to ensure that Lauren is home by tomorrow . Um ... I -- the more I talk to her , it scared me . Avery : Why ? Michael : She admitted that she snapped , did nt even think to stop herself . Avery : That could happen to anyone , Michael . Michael : No , no . Been down this road before , and I keep praying that ll never happen again . Now I m just ... terrified . ( Chuckles ) I m terrified at what might happen next . Ashley : Of course , there s no problem with Tucker confiding in you . I just -- I was nt aware that , uh , he had told anybody else about Sofia . Kay : I ve got an idea . Why do nt you , uh , play hooky tonight ? Could you ? Ashley : Oh , I wish I could ... Kay : Ohh . Ashley : But , you know , no matter how much you wish it was different , sometimes work gets in the way . Kay : Nonsense . Now come on , you can take off at least one night . It s not gon na hurt anything . Ashley : I really ca nt . I will take a rain check , however . Thank you . Kay : Sure . Ashley : See you later . Hello . Jill : Hi , Ashley . Ashley : Good - bye . Jill : ( Laughs ) Was it something I said ? Kay : No , I think it s something I said . Harmony : Every relationship hits some bumps , you know . Tucker : I think it s more-- more than that with Ashley and me . Harmony : That s the drink talking . Tucker : I ve been feeling this way for-- for a while now . I ve just never said it out loud . Harmony : So why are you out - louding to me ? Tucker : I do nt know . Maybe because you ve seen me at my worst . Harmony : This is true . Tucker : ( Chuckles ) Harmony : ( Laughs ) Sofia : Good little boy ? Yes , you are ! Yes , you are . You re just such a sweetie . Neil : Sofia . Sofia : Oh , hey . Neil : Hi . Sofia : Mm . So did you , uh , handle the business you needed to take care of ? Neil : Yeah . Yeah , everything is , uh , everything s fine . Sofia : Mm . Say Hi ! Neil : What s the big news ? Sofia : Well , when I went to Mommy & Me class this afternoon , after lunch , our little Moses sat up all by himself ! ( Laughs ) Neil : What ? Moses , you -- you -- you did-- you sat up all by yourself ? Sofia : Look at him . Neil : My son sat up all by himself . Oh , my goodness , what are you doin , Buddy ? Sofia : ( Laughs ) Neil : Congratulations . Congratulations . I knew you had it in you . Sofia : Ohh . Neil : That s just my boy . Avery : Look , Daisy made a veiled threat at Lauren s child . She was goaded , she reacted , and from what you ve told me , she acknowledges her behavior and she regrets it . This does not sound like someone who is completely out of control . Michael : Well , you have not seen my incredibly strong , independent wife fall apart . I have . What if she ca nt handle seeing Daisy again ? Avery : But you re moving out of the building . Michael : Yeah , and after that ? After that ? What if -- what if Lauren is even more hostile towards Daisy , or better yet , what if she never wants to leave the house again ? I have a son . I - I have a son . How is that gon na affect him ? Avery : ( Sighs ) I wish there was something I could do . Michael : Listening helps . Avery : Well , then I m glad to do it . Michael : ( Cries ) God ... ( Cries ) ( Sighs shakily ) Daisy : Our mother was too busy with her vendetta against you to give us a thought . If it were nt for you , my brother and I would have had a mother-- our real mother , and for that , we are gon na make you suffer ... like we did . Lauren : ( Exhales sharply ) It s never gon na end . ( Voice breaking ) It s never gon na end . Jack : My lawsuit against Genevieve Atkinson got the notice of the S.E.C. Man : Well , yours was nt the only one . Nikki : Today s the day . Victoria s about to adopt her son . Chelsea : Maybe it s a sign , you know , that I saw him on -- on the day that I m supposed to give him up . ### Summary:
Neil pretends to bring some papers by for Katherine to look at , but really all he wants to do is see Harmony . Katherine sees through his plan and leaves them alone to talk . Daisy visits Nick and Phyllis to inform them that Lauren aimed a gun at her , but Nick and Phyllis feel no sympathy at all for her . At the Athletic Club bar , Ashley can not believe that Tucker will not let this rest concerning Beauty of Nature . At the police station , Michael and Avery find out that Lauren will not be arraigned until the next day . Jill tells Michael that she knew that Lauren had a gun since February and did nt tell him . Lauren and Michael have a talk before she is locked up until her arraignment . Neil and Harmony discuss their kiss and the effects that it was having on them and their loved ones . Michael blames Phyllis for knowing about the gun , too and not letting him know . Michael tries to calm Phyllis down after blaming her for not telling him about the gun . Katherine visits Jill at Fenmore s Boutique and offers to help her clerk . Jill is surprised by the offer . Harmony lets Neil know that she will be spending more time with Devon . She also orders him to stay away from her . Harmony finds Tucker sitting alone at the Athletic Club bar . They discuss how their lives have gone downhill all day long . Tucker is nt sure he can handle marriage . At Crimson Lights , Avery asks Michael what his next strategy is concerning Lauren . Michael reveals to Avery that Lauren told him that she completely snapped when it came to Daisy and her talking about Fen .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: bartender : There you go . Two club sodas . Billy : Thank you very much , sir . Hello . Reva : Where is he ? Billy : Who ? Reva : Josh ! He s missing and so is my son , and I do nt think it s a coincidence . So talk . Billy : I have nt seen josh in a couple of days . Okay . I know what you re thinking . Josh flipped out and that he took jonathan somewhere to teach him a lesson or maybe do something even worse . Reva : That s exactly what i m thinking . Billy : Well , for once , I hope the hell you re right . Buzz : You know what you have to do , right ? Coop : Pop , you ve been saying this like a dozen times . Buzz : It s important . Coop : So just chill . I ve got it covered . You have some more cooking you have to do and it s almost show time . All right ? Lizzie : Hey . Coop : Hey . Lizzie : Where s buzz ? We need to go over the books . Coop : Sorry , but you ca nt go in there tonight . Harley : Wow . Business is booming . Must be those pink menus . Buzz : Actually , we re closed for the evening . Frank : Look who s here . Look who s here . Harley : Hey ! Hi . Buzz : And coop will be around , soon . Harley : Oh , i get it . You re doing a thing . Zach : It s not a thing . It s a party . Buzz : Give the man a cigar . Marina : How about some crayons . Frank : That s a good idea . Marina : We can color . Harley : You re doing this because the trial starts tomorrow . Frank : What do you know . She s starter than she looks . Harley : You guys are smart to take advantage of me because once that verdict is read , my availability might be limited . Gus : What , are you slumming it ? Alan : Time s running out , gus . Trial begins tomorrow morning . You only have a few more hours to come to your senses . Gus : If all your badgering has nt got me to roll over , what makes you think I m going to do it now ? Alan : Because things are different now , gus . Because you , like everyone else in town , believe harley s guilty . Gus : Harley is not going to prison . Alan : You know , in the past few days , you ve really changed , gus . I can see it in your eyes . You have that look of a beaten man . Gus : Maybe you should take a closer look . Alan : Tell me something , when was it exactly that you lost faith in harley ? Gus : I have never , never lost faith in harley and I never will . I believe in her , and she loves me , and she needs me . Alan : She needs you ? A lawyer who is about to be disbarred , who does nt have enough money to even put a roof over his head , let alone defend her ? Now , if she needs you , she s more desperate than I thought . Gus : Not everything is about money . Alan : No , no , it s not . It s about what you feel inside , your conviction . How effective do you really think you re going to be in that courtroom given what you know in your heart to be true ? Gus : My client is going to get the best defense that money can not buy . Alan : Fine , bring on the witness . Cross - examine all you want , make the best defense you can muster up . Deep down inside , there will be this little voice within you whispering , harley is a murderer . Gus : You just want to keep pushing my buttons over and over . Is that it ? Jeffrey : Hey , hey , hey . What s going on here ? Break it up . Come on , gus . What is this ? Alan : A desperate act from a very desperate man . Gus : Come early . Get yourself a good seat . Jeffrey : Well , it does nt look like you ll be getting any ties for father s day . Alan : My son needs a strong dose of reality . Jeffrey : Why are you baiting him like that ? This case is out of your has been , alan , okay . Just leave it to the professionals , would you ? Alan : You know , that s like asking me to leave it to chance . Mr. Oneill , i leave nothing to chance . Lizzie : This is my restaurant . I can go in there . Coop : Yes , so it but tonight we actually need it . Lizzie : We . Does this have something to do with harleys s case starting . Coop : Yeah . Lizzie : Right , so it s like a hang in there harley party ? Please , come on , she s guilty . Ca nt you see that ? She killed my father . Coop : Lizzie , look , sorry , coop : Lizzie , look , sorry , you ca nt go in there , not tonight , okay ? Lizzie : This is my place . I can go in there . Coop : Come back tomorrow . Lizzie : No , i m going . Coop : Look , lizzie , this is your last chance , okay ? Lizzie : What are you doing ? My last chance ? I own this place . Coop : All right , that s it . Lizzie : What are you doing ? Let go of me . Coop ! Buzz : Harley , do nt talk like that . Frank : Hey , listen , i know it s really tough for you , okay , but just for tonight , just kind of try to put it out of your head . He s made all of your favorites , and mine . Harley : Smells great , whatever you ve been slaving over , dad . Buzz : We re going to have a do tonight , one when you re acquitted and maybe one every day in between . What do you say ? Harley : I say , when do we eat ? Buzz : Have I got a meal for you . I hope it s not burning . Frank : Thanks for going along with all this , okay . He s really worked hard . Anyway , um ... Harley : He does nt need it as much as I do , frank . Frank : Before he gets back and this all starts rolling , i just want to say that ... Harley : You know what , do nt say anything . Do nt say anything . It s all right . I am going to take dad s queue tonight , okay . I m not getting down . I m not getting mushy . I just want to spend tonight having a great time with my family . What do you say ? Gus : Okay , now , everybody keep your eyes closed . Do nt open them up . Nope ! Okay . Now . Harley : Ooh , I ca nt believe this . Oh , gus , it s perfect . Zach , is nt this the coolest , most beautiful house you ve ever seen ? Gus : Welcome home , babe . Harley : First the acquittal , now this . You have given me a whole new life . Gus : I m just glad that i could help . Harley : Help ? You made all this happen . Without you there would be nothing but an empty lot here , and I d be in a prison cell . I ... I love you . I love you , gus , i love you so much . I love you , so much . Gus : Alex , does your brother have you tailing me now ? Alexandra : Well , alan , my brother dear , is no longer here , and if he was , he d be absolutely furious . Billy : The best thing is , since we last worked , we reorganized the company ... Reva : Excuse us a second . Thanks . Billy , where is he ? Billy : Reva , excuse me . Reva shayne lewis . Jack roper . Jack roper , this is my sister- in - law , reva shayne lewis . Jack : I ve heard a lot about you . Reva : Yeah , yeah , whatever . Where is joshua . Billy : I guess you did nt hear me when i told you just a little while ago that I do nt know where ... Reva : Oh , no . I did hear you . I just do nt believe you . Jack : Is there a problem ? Reva : There wo nt be a problem as long as billy answers my question , like now . Billy : What would a family be without a few problems , which is what we re having now in the midst of a meeting which has nothing to do with her but i think if you give me a couple seconds I can square this all away . Darling , if you do nt mind , would you step over here . Reva : No , sorry , darling , but i m not going anywhere until you tell me where josh is and what he s done with my son . Jonathan : No more . Josh : Come on , jonathan yourself , not going to throw in the towel already are you . You just got started , pal . Jonathan : I ca nt . Josh : You re really all talk . You re always whining about how i do nt treat you like i treated my other children . Well , this is exactly how i treated shayne . I worked him hard . I pushed him to push himself so he would get well , and guess what , it worked . In fact , in the end he even thanked me . Jonathan : Well , he obviously had brain damage . Josh : ( Laughs ) I m not the one who needs rehab on my leg , jonathan , it s you . So if you want to stop , you want to quit , go ahead . It s not the thing shayne would do , but you re not shayne , are you . Jonathan : Oh , this is the lamest reverse psychology ever . Josh : No really , I m serious . If you want to stop , go ahead , stop . Some people can handle the pain , some people ca nt handle the pain . If you re done , get off the machine . Jonathan : Ten more reps . Josh : Shayne would have done 15 . Jonathan : 20 . Josh : Go . Jonathan : Three , four ... Reva : I m waiting . And so is your client . Billy : Reva , I have no idea where he is . Now will you just leave me alone . Jack : You know , why do nt you two work this out . We can reschedule if you ever get this settled . Billy : This will be over just ... That s great . That was lewis best client . The emphasis is on was . Reva : Sorry , but I had to find out whether you were covering for josh . Billy : That s it , i m sorry . Reva : No , you better not be lying to me , billy lewis . That s it ! Gus : You know , when i look at you , i can honestly see where all my troubles began . You , running your little drug thing out of spaulding . What an idiot I was , such an idiot . Alexandra : Uh - huh . Gus , are you getting any sleep at all , because you look like hell . Gus : For example , if I d married the girl , if i d married harley , she would nt feel like she had to go to phillip by herself and deal with it by herself , that there would be only one way to deal with this . I m fine . Alexandra : Where are you living now ? Gus : I m sleeping at harley s office . Alexandra : Oh , good , sounds comfy , cozy . I know you ca nt have any cash . How can you possibly defend her properly ? Gus : I m not the one on trial . Alexandra : I know what the stakes are for harley , i truly do , but gus , you ve risked a great deal yourself . You gave up your job . You ve been forced out of your home . You have given up everything to help harley in this . Gus : I love her . Alexandra : I know . I know . But that s why ... Oh , well , here . Boy , if ... Take these . I want you to give harley the best possible defense you can . Gus : I canT. They clash with my outfit . Alexandra : I ve never known family heirloom pearls to clash with anything . Sell them . You give her the best possible defense . Gus : Whose side are you on ? Alexandra : I m on love s side . Harley : All right . They re delicious , daddy . He s trying so hard to make this fun . Marina : This is fun . What are you talking about ? Come on , everything is going to be fine , just as soon as gus clears you . Harley : Yes , I think we know what the odds of that are . Let s talk about some celebrity marriage that just broke up . Marina : We can talk about whatever you want , okay ? I know you re going to get through this . Harley : What are those kids working on ? They re scribbling furiously over there . Marina : I do nt know . They would nt tell me . I have a feeling it s something for all of us . Harley : I m thinking zach s the ringleader . Marina : Such a sweet kid . Harley : They both are , so innocent , so unaware . Anyway , when is coop going to get here ? I hope before frank eats all the food . Marina : He ll be here soon . He just had the take care of something real quick . Lizzie : Oh please , please ... ! Coop : Lizzie , just relax , alright . Lizzie : No ! I m not staying in here . You re crazy . Coop : I m leaving you her right now . Just till after my family is done at company , all right . Then i m going to take your cell phone , your purse , anything you can use to get out of here . Lizzie : Give it ! Coop : Lizzie , just relax . There is light and food . You re going to be fine . Lizzie , you re staying ! Lizzie : I m not staying here . No , no , no . Coop : I gave you fair warning . You brought this all upon yourself . Lizzie : Please do nt leave me here . I can not stay here . Josh : Five more , go . Jonathan : Why are you doing his ? Josh : I think you re in one that needs to do the explaining , pal . Come on , lets go . Go , push , push , push . Jonathan : Me , i m an open book . Josh : Sure you are . Up again , up again . Go , go , that s two . Jonathan : I m the kid you love to hate , the kid who starts fires for no reason . Josh : ( Laughs ) no jonathan , i think you have plenty of reasons , you just keep em to yourself . Come on , lets go . Up , up . Jonathan : How about this reason . The fact that I hate everyone and everything , especially reva . Josh : You know what , that is a crock . And you and I both know it . You know , you keep playing this bad boy crap , but I think there s something else going on inside your head . I want to know what it is . Jonathan : Stay tuned for the next episode . Josh : Why did you do it ? Why what kind of a kid buys a brand - new car for his mom and trashes it on the very night he gives it to her ? Jonathan : You re nuts , man . Josh : Oh , you think so ? Come on , why did you do it ? I know you did it . The question is , why did you do it ? Jonathan : Why do I do anything ? Because I felt like it . Josh : That s a weak answer , just like your approach to this rehab . Jonathan : What do you want me to say ? Josh : I want you to tell me the truth . Tell me the truth , jonathan . Jonathan : I smashed that car because it was sitting outside waiting to the smashed . Jonathan : You could nt wait to destroy something shiny and new . Jonathan : Nothing stays that way . Nothing lasts . Josh : That s the point you were trying to make . Jonathan : Maybe . Josh : Bad attitude , jonathan . Jonathan : Well , it s my attitude , and I do nt have to explain swat to you . Josh : No ! You do have to explain it to me because you hurt the woman i love . You confused her and that does not set well with me . Come on now . Jonathan : It was a mistake . Josh : What was a mistake , taking a two by four to the car ? Jonathan : No , buying her the car in the first place . Josh : Why ? Jonathan : Because . Josh : Why ? Jonathan : Because i do nt want reva s gratitude . I do nt need it . Jonathan : Why ? Jonathan : Because i do nt want to depend on it . Josh : What ? Her gratitude ? Josh : Yeah , anybody s . Josh : What do you think would happen if you did ? Jonathan : I ll get screwed like i always do . Every time i think i can count on somebody maybe , maybe they ll come through for me , but they never do . They always fail me . Always . Josh : When is the first time somebody did nt come through for you , jonathan . How did they hurt you ? Come on ! Do nt sack out on me ! ( Screaming ) reva : Joshua , joshua , what are you doing ? Leave him alone ! Leave him alone ! Buzz : Coming up on guiding light ... Jeffrey : Do you know officer church ? You know what , it does nt matter because you ll get to know him a lot better on the way to the station house . Alan : The station house ? Jeffrey : Yeah , the station house . You re under arrest . Reva : I had to know what you had done with jonathan , where you had taken him . It s a good thing I showed up when i did . Josh : No , reva , you re wrong about that , as usual . Reva : Are you all right ? Josh : He s fine . Jonathan : Actually , i feel a little hurt to tell do you truth . Josh : Reva , he was working out . I was spotting him . It s as simple as , that all right ? I think we were beginning to make some progress . Reva : Progress ? By pushing him to the brink of agony the way you did with shayne ? Josh : Getting back to normal is nt easy after you ve been hurt , it is , jonathan ? Jonathan : I do nt know . I ca nt say that i ve ever been normal . To tell you the truth , i think i overdid it a little . Reva : Gee , I ca nt imagine how that happened . Josh : I m in the middle of something . What do you want ? Reva : I think you ve had enough for one night . Put this on . I ve got the car outside . Go on . Dust off the old minivan . Go ahead . Wait for me . Jonathan : About the car , the other car , i know that you know already . I m sorry . Reva : Josh told you ? Jonathan : You have to talk about something when you re on the brink of agony . I kind of figured you knew anyway . Reva : Here s the keys . Go on . What the hell were you thinking ? Josh : You know , i could ask do you same question . What the hell were you thinking when you busted in on billy s meeting ? Reva : Word flies fast . Josh : Reva , we re going to be luck if this guy answers our phone calls from now on ... Reva : ( Laughs ) you know what ? I told billy and i ll tell you , too , i had to know what you had done with jonathan , where you had taken him , and it s a good thing I showed up when i did . Josh : No , reva , you re wrong about , that as usual ! Alan : Mr. Oneil , i m not trying this case , and I m not on the jury , but I want to make one thing very clear to you . Jeffrey : What s that ? Alan : I will not tolerate a verdict of not guilty . Jeffrey : Well , you know , alan , I fully expect harley cooper to be convicted of her crime . But let me make something clear to you . Alan : Well ? Jeffrey : Harley may have killed your son , but she s a good person . As a matter of fact , she s a far better person than phillip ever was . Alan : How dare you . Jeffrey : And if i ever sympathize with a defendant in a case , it would be this one . With everything phillip did , he was a murder waiting to happen , you know that . Alan : Are you saying my son should have died ? And you call yourself a professional . Jeffrey : Merely stating a personal opinion . Alan : Philip deserves justice . Let me tell you one thing , if i think for one minute that your personal opinion interferes in the outcome of this case , you will be very sorry . Jeffrey : That sounded like a threat . Was that a threat ? Alan : You call it whatever you want . Just see you deliver a guilty verdict or it will be one loss you will remember the rest of your life . Jeffrey : See , that , that was a threat , alan . Officer church . Officer church : Is there a problem , mr . Oneil . Jeffrey : Nothing you ca nt handle . I take it you heard all that . Do you know officer church ? You know what , it does nt matter because you ll get to know him a lot better on the way to the station house . Alan : The station house ? Jeffrey : Yeah , the station house . You re under arrest . Alan : What ? Jeffrey : You know , you re going to miss my opening statement . That s a shame because it s going to be a good one . Lizzie : ( Crying ) it s going to be okay , lizzie . It s going to be okay . Please , just calm down . Calm down . Please open . Come on , please ! I do nt want to stay in here . Please . ( Screaming ) ( gunshots ) please . Get out of my head . Please , please . Please , please , stop . Daddy , please help me . Please help me , daddy . Daddy . I miss you . Please . Daddy . Alexandra : Please , take these . Gus : Honestly , I canT. Alexandra : Please , gus , you would be doing me an enormous favor . Gus : Really ? How s that ? Alexandra : Because every time i look around at the terrible damage that s been done out of family loyalty and i have to realize how lucky I ve been , a lot more than a lot of other people . Gus : Especially phillip . Alexandra : Especially phillip . I know i ca nt undo anything that s been done , but maybe i can at least affect some of the results of what I put in motion , okay . I mean , maybe I can ease some of the pain i ve caused . So i want you to take these . I want you to sell them . I want you to use the money for a good purpose to , save the woman you love . Gus : Alexandra , i ... Alexandra : I have to do it this way , okay . It means more . And if i could give you one piece of advice , please , you believe in her all the way , no matter what anyone says , no matter what your brain starts to tell you , no matter what . It may not be easy , but important things are never that easy , are they ? And good luck tomorrow . Gus : Wait , wa , wait . Listen to me . I m sure you want to give these to an important family member or something . Alexandra : I just did . Buzz : Frank ? Frank : What ? Buzz : Get some bread and cut it up . Let s get the show on the road ! Come on , let s go ! Can you believe I hired these guys . Find yourself falling down your hopes in the sky that your hard like gum on the ground and you try to find yourself the obstructions and the cruelty of everyone else and you wake up to realize your standard of living somehow got stuck on survive when you re standing in the deep water and bailing yourself out with a straw and when you re drowning in deep water and you wake up making love to a wall well it s these little times that help to remind it s nothing without love nothing without love , without without love , nothing without love nothing without love . buzz : Let s have another toast . Frank : Oh , absolutely . Let s do it . Harley : Frank , please . Frank : I canT. Harley : Well , good . No more wine , no more toasts . Marina : Yes , it gives us something to drink to . Harley : Could you get her under control ? Frank : We want to tell you how much we love you . Marina : Yes . Harley : I already know how much you love me . You ve let me know a million times . Thank you . I ca nt take anymore . I m going to see what those kids are doing . Jeffrey : Thank you , officer church . Officer church : This way , sir . Alan : Wait , wait . I m not going anywhere . You ca nt arrest me . Jeffrey : You know , you re right , but i m not arresting you . Officer church is arresting you . It looks like he s going to be trouble . Better put the cuffs on him . Alan : What ? Officer church : Put your hands in front of you , sir . Alan : What are the charges ? Jeffrey : Well , let s see , threatening an officer of the court in an attempt to influence him in the disposition of his duties . It s a very serious charge , alan . Alan : This is maddening . Jeffrey : Well , technically , it s a felony . Alan : All i was trying to do was ensure that ... Jeffrey : Yeah , save it . Save it for the judge , that is if he can fit you in . I hear there s going to be a very big trial down there tomorrow , and the courthouse is going to be very , very busy . Better find him a nice , chilly holding cell . I ll be down soon . Alan : This wo nt stick , you know . Jeffrey : Alan , you re right , this is about justice . It s not about revenge . Reva : You do nt think i have reason to worry ? I got home and the living room was trashed . You were gone , jonathan was missing , what was I supposed to think ? Josh : I do nt know , reva ? What did you think . Did you think I took him into a field , maybe dropped into a lake ? Reva : Maybe . Josh : You just have no trust for me at all , do you . Reva : Not when you get it into your head you have to protect me no matter what the cost . Josh : I brought him here to begin rehab on his leg , reva , what s the problem ! ? I thought maybe I could get through to him , maybe get him to open up just a little bit . Reva : Or else ? Josh : You know , reva , if he s going to become a member of our family , and that s a big if as far as i m concerned , but if he is , I want to know what s going on in here . I want to know why he would start a fire or why he would buy you a brand - new car and then destroy it . Reva : You were nt thinking of that . You told jonathan that i knew that he was the one who damaged the car . Why ? Josh : Why not ? Are we just going to pretend it did nt happen ? Reva : I was nt pretending ! I was waiting until things calmed down . I m having hard time trying to figure out how to handle a kid that is so angry and mistrustful without having to fight with you , too ! Josh : We want this same thing , reva , do nt you understand that ? Me and jonathan , we were getting somewhere , reva . He was ... I think he was going to say some things to me that maybhe has nt said anybody else and then you walked in . Reva : And what , ruined everything ? Josh : You did nt have to go busting in the way you did ! Reva : It looked like you were hurting him . Josh : Come on , reva , do nt you realize the corner you re painting me into . I m the bad guy if i ignore jonathan . I m also the bad guy if I engage him . Reva : Engage him ? You re terrorizing him ! Josh : I know what this is about ! You do nt trust anyone where jonathan is concerned ! I ll tell you why , reva , because you have so much guilt built up inside of you over the last time you trusted somebody to do good by jonathan . Do you really think I m like alfred ? Do you really think that i m like the guy who abused your son ? Harley : What are you guys working on over here ? Zack : We made a story for you , mommy . Who helped us ? Harley : Lynn . Zach : Do you want to read it ? Harley : She s a good artist . Yes , of course i want to read it . It s beautiful . Once upon a time there was the world s greatest mom . Is that me ? Zach : Yes . Harley : Wow . I look so pretty . And she had two boys who really loved her . You guys look so cute . But mommy needed a house . Zach : Is nt it a nice house ? Harley : I can ? Thank you . So uncle gus made sure she had one . They all moved in . Something was missing . Daddy was missing . So he came down from heaven so we could all be together . Now it was nt just a house anymore . Because when we re all inside , we can say , mommy , we re home . That is beautiful . Zack : Did you like it ? Harley : I loved it , sweetie . Thank you so much . Buzz : I think mommy needs a breath of fresh air . Harley : Yeah . Thank you . I m fine . I just need one minute , okay . Find yourself falling down your hopes in the sky that your hard like gum on the ground and you try to find yourself the obstructions and the cruelty of everyone else lizzie : I m sorry . I m sorry . I did nt mean to hurt anybody , i did nt mean to do it . I m sorry . Coop : Oh , lizzie , i m back . Lizzie : I ca nt believe you d ever leave me in there . Coop : What s the problem ? I told you i was coming back and here i am . Lizzie : You left me in there by myself . Coop : Did something happen in there ? I picked this place because i thought you liked it here . Lizzie : I hate it . Coop : I heard you talking . You said something about ... Lizzie : Shut up , coop ! Coop : Oh , my god . You are blee ... How did this happen ? Lizzie : How do you think it happened ? I tried to get out because some moron stuck me in a place that he thought i liked . Coop : You panicked ? Why were you panicking ? Lizzie , what happened in there that freeing you so much that you cut your hand ? Lizzie : I m just claustrophobic , that s all . Like my dad and granddad . It runs in my family . Do nt ever do anything to me like that again . Coop : Lizzie , i am sorry , okay ? I did nt think putting you ... Lizzie : See , that s the problem . Nobody thinks . I m sick and tired of people seeing me as this cold monster that does nt have any feelings because you know what , i have feelings . I have a lot of em . Reva : Why would nt I feel guilty ? I entrusted my son to a man who neglected and abused him . Jonathan s the way he is because of my mistake . Josh : Well , do nt compound it by shutting me out , reva . Reva : That s not what i m trying to do . I want to trust you . The way I trusted you with all my children . But jonathan is a special case . Josh : I understand that . Reva : Then why do you keep pulling stunts like this ? Josh : Reva , when you say stuff like that , it sounds to me like your trust for me is conditional , and you re the only one who knows what s good for this kid , just you , no one else . Reva : If I knew what was best , I would nt be going crazy right now . Josh : You know something ? I was nt a bad dad , reva . I made a pretty good father . I have good instincts . If i did nt have good instincts , marah and shayne would have been much more of a problem than they were . Reva : Jonathan is nothing like them . Josh : Yeah , well you got that right . Reva : See . You see , right there . That s the kind of harshness i m talking about . I ca nt have that around him . He had a lifetime of that . No more . No , no more ! Josh : Reva , all i m saying is ... Reva : I know what you re saying ! And what i m saying is do nt try to ruin something that i m trying to fix . Josh : Okay . Fine . You know , I would say that we have a deal , except for the fact that i know that no matter what i do tomorrow , no matter how different it is , it s going to be wrong ... In your eyes . Reva : Josh . Wait-- ( song ) When you find yourself falling down Your hopes in the sky but your heart like grape gum on the ground And you try to find yourself In the abstractions of religion and the cruelty of everyone else And you wake up to realize Your standard of living somehow got stuck on survive And when you re standing in deep water And you re bailing yourself out with a straw When you re drowning in deep water And you wake up making love to a wall Well it s these little times that help to remind It s nothing without love When you realize your only friend has never been yourself or anyone who cared in the end That s when everything fades or falls away Cause the chains which once held us are only the chains which we ve made And when you re standing in deep water And you re bailing yourself out with a straw When you re drowning in deep water And you wake up making love to a wall Well it s these little times that help to remind It s nothing without love Love , love , it s nothing without love ( Deep Water by Jewel ) ### Summary:
Reva ruins a business deal for Lewis Construction because she has only one thing on her mind . Josh gets close to having Jonathan admit some feelings and is interrupted by his wife . The two argue over what is best for Jonathan . Jonathan apologizes to his mother for ruining her car . The Coopers throw a party for Harley . Coop locks Lizzie into a florist shop and she has flashbacks of blood & a gun . Gus argues with his father about turning his back on Harley . He ( Gus ) then receives help from a member of his family that he did nt anticipate . After a conversation with Jeffery ONeill , Alan is arrested and taken to the police station .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Nick : You do nt mean that . Sharon : I ca nt do this anymore . Nick : So that s it ? You re just gon na walk away ? Sharon : There s no reason to stay . Nick : I can think of three very important reasons . Sharon : So now you remember your family ? How convenient . Nick : Look , I know Phyllis leaving N.V.P. is nt gon na magically make things better , Sharon . But it is a start . Do nt give up on us . Sharon : There is no us . I ca nt just get over this . Nick : I m not asking you to . I know that it s gon na take work-- a lot of hard work from both of us . Ten years , Sharon . Sharon : God , I wish you had felt that way six months ago . Nick : So do I. More than you know . Sharon : I just do nt have it in me to try . Nick : You wanted Phyllis gone from Newman Towers . She is gone . Sharon : Because of Victor , not you . Nick : I tried . Sharon : Looked more like you tried to save Phyllis . Nick : For only one reason . Sharon : Nick , who are you lying to ? Nick : No one . Sharon : You know what ? If you wanted to reconcile , you would ve done anything . I told you I need some time to myself , you would nt even leave . Nick : Fine , I ll move , if that s what you want . I ll do whatever it takes . Jack : Glad you called . Phyllis : Oh , it s been a tough week . I just wish I could get Jabot to cheer you up a little . Jack : You already have . So what is this good news you ve got for me ? Phyllis : And ... it went well . Jack : Excellent . Phyllis : Mm - hmm . Jack : Great . Phyllis : Yeah , yeah . I m still worried . Jack : We re still talking , right ? Phyllis : Right . Jack : That s excellent news . I m not sure I can take two pieces of good news in one . Phyllis : I meant what I said earlier . And if you ll still have me , I d like to come back to Jabot . Neil : No , go . I ll call you later about it , all right ? Thanks . Hey , Victoria ? Victoria : I m just on my way out . Can this wait till tomorrow ? Neil : Yeah , why did George Granville fax Brad that he accepted of a deal . Victoria : It went through . Neil : So then , uh , if you knew , why d you give it to Brad ? Victoria : I did nt give him anything . He took the initiative . He has a connection with George Granville . Look , Neil , it was late . Granville was stalling you . We needed to make some really quick decisions . Neil : Yeah , a decision I might still be unaware of had I not found out . It s my fault . I should ve followed up . I promise to keep you informed next time , we will stay in sync . Victoria : Definitely . Neil : Okay , so then , thank Brad for closing the deal . Victoria : Brad is a key player for us , I think . Neil : Agreed . As is George Granville right now . Victoria : Brad will handle that , since he s the one who made the deal . Neil : Brad ... is gon na be working with me on this ? Victoria : I ve put Bradley in charge . He s the go - to - guy on this one . Neil : Hey , Vicki , wait a minute . I was placed in charge of this acquisition , right ? Victoria : Listen , I feel terrible about this . Neil : Is there some reason that you think Brad , might even argue , more qualified , as his boss . Victoria : Believe me , this is not the reason . Neil : So you re marrying the guy had nothing to do with your decision ? Victoria : We have a mutual respect for each other . Neil : Hey , Brad , we re not through with this . Brad : Through with what ? What the hell I m talking about . Granville s written acceptance on the deal , Neil ? Phyllis : Yeah , absolutely . I do nt wanna work for people that s not gon na happen to you . Jack : Welcome home . I can say this makes you a very wealthy woman . Phyllis : Amen . Jack : Well , boy , am I hoping you re our lucky charm . Phyllis : As I am you . But I m gon na do an excellent job . Well , then I m -- I m definitely your girl . Thank you for giving me a second chance . Jack : Are we ? Sharon : I waited for you , Nick . I tried to be patient . Nick : I tried to understand your feelings . Sharon : But this ... wasnt just a one - night stand . Nick : What I did was so wrong . And I know that things will never , ever be the same for us again . We love each other . I know we do . I know we can be happy again . Sharon : I doubt it . Nick : All it takes is for you to be willing . Sharon : Listen , I need some time away from you , Nick . So I m taking Noah away on a trip . Nick : Maybe some time apart will be good . You know , you can cool down . Where are you going ? Sharon : Paris . Nick : Paris ? When ? Sharon : Right now . We re already packed . Miguel s on his way over . Paul : What s the deal with Victor ? J.T. : Things are dicey there with Victoria . Paul : How d that play out ? J.T. : I m off the job . Paul : To bad . J.T. : Mmm , maybe , maybe not . Carlton was about to marry his sister in law . I ll just dig up the old file . Paul : Anything interesting in there ? J.T. : Well , let s see ... I think before he came to Genoa City , he was married and divorced from a crazy woman by the name of Lisa ... Yeah , I know about her . I also know about his marriage to Cassandra Rawlins . That s where he made most of his money . Paul : Oh , yeah , tell me about it , on second thought , do nt . It s a long story . J.T. : Anything before that ? Paul : Wow , you know ... he was pretty much a man of mystery . It was a ... difficult investigation . J.T. : You know , I get the feeling that anything he did before Genoa City is a mystery . Paul : Did you check into the Cleveland connection ? You know , we looked into that a couple of years back , remember ? J.T. : Yeah , yeah , I wanted to talk to you about that . Because you got your hands on some sealed court records at some point , right ? Paul : Yes , I gave them to Nikki Newman . If you recall , we were investigating the boy she accidentally shot when she was a kid . J.T. : Mm - hmm , mm - hmm . Paul : She thought that Brad might be the boy s brother . J.T. : You think you can get me a copy of those ? Paul : You know , J.T. , let me ask you something . J.T. : Shoot . Paul : How certain are you that you should be investigating Brad at all ? Brad : Well , this is a real shame , Neil . I thought you d be on board with this . I ve always considered you a team player . Neil : Yeah , well , the thing is , I m not the benchwarming type . This was my deal to make . You and Victoria took it away from me . Brad : Now that could nt be further from the truth . In fact , I was hoping you d be my right hand man on this . I think you have a lot to contribute . Neil : Wow , that s awfully magnanimous of you ... offering to let me be your subordinate on a project that you stole away from me . I think I ll pass . Even I m not that much of a team player . Brad : Well , maybe once you ve cooled down , you ll think better of it . Phyllis : Um ... thank you , but not tonight . I m not in the mood for celebrating . Jack : Okay , another time ? Phyllis : Definitely . Jack : At least I know you re coming back to Jabot . Phyllis : Well , I m glad to be where I m wanted . I ve given up a lot . Jack : Yeah , this whole thing really has been quite hard on you , has nt it ? Phyllis : Yeah . But give me 24 hours , I ll be back to my old self again . Jack : This is not fair to you-- any more than it s fair to my family what s happening to Jabot . It s not fair . Phyllis : I m sorry I have nt been there for you . Jack : You re here right now . And that s all that matters . Nick : You wanna take Noah out of school ? Sharon : I already talked to his teachers . He s taking his schoolwork with him so he wo nt fall behind . Nick : I do nt agree with this . I do nt think taking Noah to Paris right now is a good idea . He s gon na know something is wrong . But if it s what you really want ... Sharon : It is . Nick : Okay , then I m not gon na try and stop you . But when you come home , we re gon na talk . And we re gon na try and figure things out and see where things stand for us . Sharon : Well , do nt hold your breath . Noah : Daddy ! Nick : Hey , little man . Oh , so tell me , are you excited for Paris ? Nick : Wish you were coming with us . Nick : Yeah , I do , too . But I ll come next time . Noah : Mom says we re gon na take a boat down the Say . Sharon : Seine , honey . Nick : Yeah . I want you to take a lot of pictures , all right ? You know , show me how much fun you re having . Noah : I m taking my new camera . Nick : Oh , yeah , the one Aunt Victoria gave you for Christmas . Noah : Yep . Nick : Good . Sharon : All right , we d better get going . Noah : I have an idea . Why do nt you come meet us when you re finished with work ? Nick : I wish I could . I just ca nt do it . I need you to do a favor for me . I want you to be the man , all right ? And take care of your mom . Noah : I will . Nick : Okay . And we re gon na all be together again very soon . I promise you . Sharon : All right , honey , let s go . Noah : Bye , Daddy . Nick : Bye , buddy , I love you . Noah : I love you , too . Nick : Have fun . Victor : Brad Carlton closed the deal with George Granville ? Neil : Wait a minute , Victor , you got ta listen to this . Victoria -- she rewarded him . Now he s in charge of our new acquisition . Victor : He should nt be in charge of that . You have been with this company you should ve supervised the acquisition in the first place . Neil : I really appreciate that , uh , faith in me . But according to your daughter , it s not my call-- not even your call-- it s hers . Victor : Well , there s some people around here who delude themselves in thinking that I have relinquished control of this company . Neil : Victor , do you know how much I wish I were reporting to you ? But technically , I m reporting to your son and your daughter . This is nt the first time that something like this has happened , you know ? Victor : Ever since Brad Carlton has been on board ? Neil : Yeah , that sounds about right . Victoria s doing everything she can to increase his power . Meanwhile , Victor , I m being marginalized . And I have to wonder if there s still a place for me here at Newman enterprises . Victor : Neil , kindly stop thinking that way . You know that I value your enormous contributions to this company . You have been a great executive . In fact , I intend to use you more and more to counteract Brad Carlton s influence on my daughter . Neil : Well , thank you , Victor . But you know what s strange to me ? The Victoria I ve always known , she never would ve made a bad business decision just to please her fiancé . Victor : I agree . Neil : If I might say , Victor , um , I ve talked to both of them . It s pretty clear that Bradley is using your daughter . Victor : My sentiments exactly . Neil : I mean , it s not funny , but he ai nt subtle . Victor : No , he ai nt , is he ? Neil : There is one other possibility , though . Victor : What s that ? Neil : Well , maybe Victoria truly believes that Bradley is the right person to spearhead this . Victor : I think it s about time I had a talk with my daughter . Phyllis : I guess it s just you and me tonight . ( Telephone rings ) Hello ? Hello ? Is anyone there ? Jack : Hi , it s me . Phyllis : Hey , are you checking up on me ? Jack : No , I was sitting here at the bar about to order another drink . And I decided to call you instead . Phyllis : Mmm , self - control . I m impressed . Me , on the other hand , I have no self - control . Jack : Oh , I think self - control is overrated . Phyllis : Yeah , it is overrated . Life is overrated . Jack : Hmm , I do nt like the sound of that . Phyllis : You know what is nt overrated ? Ice cream . It s the most underrated substance there is . And it has magical powers very few people know about . Jack : People meaning men . Phyllis : ( Giggles ) Jack : Nice to hear you laugh . I was worried about you . Phyllis : Mmm , you do nt have to worry about me . I just need wallowing time , that s all . Nick : Hey , babe , it s me . I was hoping to catch you before you took off . I miss you and Noah already . I know you want some space right now . But I wanna show you how much you mean to me . And I ca nt do that ... if you re not here . You know , Sharon , when I bought those tickets , I envisioned the two of us strolling arm - in - arm through Paris . You know , eating in a ... in a little bistro where the waiter is making fun of our bad French . It was supposed to be our second honeymoon . But you and Noah went ... alone . That s not what I wanted at all . I still ca nt believe this is happening . Other couples get divorced , Sharon , not us . I really hope you find the peace you need . And that you come home and decide to give us another chance . Travel safe . I love you . J.T. : So you do nt think I should be digging into Brad s past ? Paul : Well , let s see ... you slept with the woman he s about to marry . You re close to his daughter . J.T. : You think that s a conflict of interest ? Paul : Do nt you ? J.T. : Well , I think if Victor s right and Brad s hiding something , then Colleen and Victoria deserve to know about it . Paul : What about Victor ? I mean , he s paying us . J.T. : This is what you trained me to do . It s what I do for a living . Paul : And if you find out something that will directly affect everyone , Victoria and Colleen may be better off not knowing . J.T. : Victor is our most important client . I ve already said no to him once . If I say no to him again , we may lose him . Paul : Okay . Do nt you think it s at all interesting that he called you and not me ? J.T. : You were out of town . Paul : Come on , J.T. , you re smarter than that . He was using you to get to Victoria . What makes you think he s not using you now ? J.T. : So you think I should drop the case ? Maybe , uh , hand it over to you ? Paul : It s your call . But it might be wise to quit now , before you have to make a choice you do nt wanna make . Brad : Thank you . Neil : Hey , Brad ? Brad : Yeah ? Neil : Listen , um ... I think I owe you an apology . Brad : Oh ? Neil : I put a lot of hard work into acquiring that company . And when Victoria told me that you were heading it up , I was shocked , naturally . So , I m sorry . I overreacted . Brad : I understand . Neil : I hope we can avoid any more problems like this in the future . Brad : You know what ? In retrospect , I probably should ve told you what I was doing . Neil : Well , you still can . I d like to know . Exactly how did you wind up in the catbird seat ? Victor : So I understand you put Brad Carlton in charge of the acquisition . Victoria : You made a promise to Neil that was nt yours to make . Victor : Neil winters is the most qualified man for the job . Victoria : Well , that s for me to decide . Or maybe not . Are you here to fire me ? Victor : I m here to find out why you made that decision . Victoria : Neil was nt closing the deal . Another company made an offer . We had to move quick , or we were going to lose out . So Brad took it upon himself to contact the C.E.O. , who s been out of the country . Victor : And he had neither the courtesy nor the respect for Neil Winters to inform about that ? Victoria : It was the middle of the night . Bradley saved this deal . If it was anyone else , you d be offering him champagne . Victor : That still does nt explain why you put him in charge . Victoria : I thought he should be rewarded . Victor : Closing that kind of a deal is not indicative of how well someone will run a company . Victoria : Come on , he s got tons of experience . Victor : How the hell can you possibly compare the size of Jabot with Newman enterprises , for heaven sake ? Victoria : I think Bradley will surprise you . Victor : He is not the most qualified man for the job . I m telling you that . Victoria : I guess we ll see . Victor : At what expense to Neil Winters ? And at what expense to Newman Enterprises ? How far are you willing to give the advantage to Brad Carlton for your own personal reasons ? Brad : I discussed my vision for the company with Victoria , and she decided I should run with it . Neil : And that was that , huh ? Brad : That was that . Neil : Okay . That makes sense . I m just not sure if everyone else will ... see it the same way . Brad : Meaning ? Neil : Most of the world wo nt know the whole story . How you pulled off a near- miracle while the rest of the world was sleeping . All they ll see is a woman executive giving a huge promotion to her soon - to - be - husband . Brad : So you re concerned they ll jump to the same conclusions you did ? Neil : I d hate to see Victoria s reputation sullied over this . Brad : Well , so would I , Neil . But once things get rolling , I m confident it ll erase any doubts . Neil : Maybe you re right . Maybe the business community will accept it . But ... you could reverse the destruction of the rain forest and turn a profit-- and Victor would still question your motives . And if were in your shoes , that s the last place I d wanna be . Especially right before marrying his daughter . But , hey , if you wanna single - handedly take on the great Victor Newman , more power to you . Victoria : I knew it ! I knew it ! You re using this to slam my relationship with Bradley . Victor : Would you please look at the facts ? Neil Winters has years of operations experience with Newman Enterprises . Brad Carlton has none . This is a very difficult merger ! Victoria : And Brad s connections will be invaluable . Victor : Is this how you treat your most trusted employees ? Victoria : All right , listen , I m sorry . I m very sorry if Neil feels shut out , all right ? But you never should ve offered him this job without consulting Nick and me . Victor : Oh , are you telling me you consulted with Nicholas ? Victoria : We have our own way of working together . Victor : Mm - hmm . You re very sure of yourself , are nt you ? Victoria : Dad , come on , give me a little credit here . Victor : As far as I m concerned , Neil Winters is the most qualified man for the job . But you believe in Brad Carlton . Is nt that the truth ? Victoria : I do . Victor : That tells me all I need to know . Phyllis : Hello ? Nick : Hey , it s me . Phyllis : Nicholas ? Nick : I know I should nt be calling . Phyllis : Uh , no , that s okay . I ve been thinking about you . Nick : I just ... wanted to hear a friendly voice . Phyllis : How s it going ? I bet Sharon s happy I left . Is she easing up on you ? Nick : It was nt enough . She s leaving for Paris tonight . She s taking Noah with her . Phyllis : Oh , Nick , I m sorry . Nick : She also told me that as far as she s concerned , our marriage is over . Phyllis : Oh , Nicholas ... that -- that does nt mean ... Nick : No , I think she means it . Victor : I will see you tomorrow at the office . Brad : Victor . Victor : Hello , Bradley . Brad : So what did Daddy dearest have to say ? Victoria : He heard about the decision I made today . Brad : On the wisdom of it ? Victoria : Of course , he did . Um , he had a field day . Brad : Was it a short grilling or a full - blown interrogation ? Victoria : Oh , I explained my reasons for handing you the project . And he accepted them . Brad : Just like that ? Victoria : It seemed that way . Brad : Hmm . You know , I bumped into Neil when I was leaving the office . Victoria : Oh , so then we both had pleasant encounters . I can guess what he had to say . Brad : Well , actually , he was pretty level - headed . Victoria : Not when I saw him earlier . Brad : Maybe he d gotten it off his chest . Victoria : Maybe . Brad : There is something he said that got me thinking . Victoria : Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , you re not bowing out of this , are you ? Brad : No , of course not . Victoria : Good , because you re definitely , definitely the right person for this job . Brad : No argument there . But , Victoria , people are going to ask questions . Victoria : Oh , okay , well , let them ask . Brad : Honey , we both know you made that decision for more than the one reason . Now I want you to come out of this thing looking really good . We need to figure out some way to spin this . Victoria : That s easy . I ll just play up your connections with George Granville . Brad : Oh , my connections , yes , of course . Sweetheart , I closed this deal because of some researched . Not because the man and I are lifelong friends . Victoria : Okay , okay , do nt worry . We ll make it all plausible . Brad : I m still surprised Victor took it so well . Victoria : I gave him my reasons why you re the best man for the job . Brad : And he did nt fight you on it ? Victoria : I m as shocked as you are , but no , he did nt . Victor : I expected you d be much further along than this . J.T. : There is nt much of a paper trail before Brad came to Genoa City . Victor : Perhaps it s time I hire someone with more experience , J.T. J.T. : No , no , I can do this . Victor : Then kindly step it up . J.T. : I m making progress . Victor : This is everything you ve collected ? J.T. : Everything I can confirm . I ve still got a few leads to chase down . Victor : Do me a favor ? Do nt waste my time . I already know all this . Phyllis : I do nt understand this . I thought my leaving N.V.P. would help . Nick : Well , the way Sharon sees it , you left because of dad , not me . Phyllis : Oh , I can not believe I was forced to quit my job for nothing ! I should nt have fought so hard to keep it , right ? I probably made things worse for both of us . Nick : I m hoping Sharon will change her mind-- give us another chance . I do nt wanna give up . Phyllis : You and Sharon have a lot to hold onto . Neil : Yes , hello , is , uh , Rita Bikel there , please ? Thank you . Ms. Bikel , hi , this is Neil Winters . We met at the world Chem conference in Houston last fall ? Yes , Newman Enterprises , that s right . You have a good memory . Listen , anyway , uh , you said if I was ever in need of an executive search firm to give you a call . Well , I m calling . I might be looking for a job . Brad : This does nt add up . Victor hates me . Victoria : That s pretty strong . Brad : Victoria , come on . He refuses to participate in our wedding , but he s okay with me running the company instead of Neil ? It does nt make sense . Victoria : Okay , well , I did nt say that he was thrilled about it . But you know my father-- the bottom line is everything . If he thinks that this decision is best for his empire , it does nt matter how he feels about you personally . Brad : No , no , no , he has to realize that there s at least a possibility this is primarily about politics-- solidifying our power base . Victoria : To be honest , I do nt think my father believes I m capable of being that . Brad : Well , if that s true , it serves him right for Victoria : He has to accept you at Newman Enterprises , maybe one day , he ll be able to accept us as a couple . Nick : So what about you ? Will you be okay ? Phyllis : Oh , you know , I ve started over so many times , I would nt know what to do if things were stable . Nick : Are you and ... Jack , uh ... Phyllis : Me and Jack ? Nick ... you ca nt ask me that . Nick : You re right , I do nt . ( Doorbell rings ) Phyllis : Hang on a sec . Jack : Hiya . Phyllis : Jack ! Jack : Surprised to see me ? Phyllis : Uh , yeah , very , very surprised . What are you doing here ? Jack : Oh , I thought I could use a little wallowing myself . Phyllis : Oh . Champagne ? What are we celebrating ? Jack : Oh , champagne is a versatile elixir . It s not just good for celebrating . You drink enough of it , you forget what had you so unhappy to begin with . Phyllis : Sounds like I need that . Jack : Then stay right here . I ll go get a couple glasses . Phyllis : Okay . ( Cork pops ) Phyllis : Ooh , wow ! Hey , I have to go . Nick : Okay . Jack : It s the last bottle of anything decent they had chilled in the store . Phyllis : Great . Jack : To new beginnings . Michael : A woman is dead because of this , Gloria . Neil : There s an up and coming company that is interested in yours truly . Nikki : Well , what if that does nt work out ? What then ? Are you gon na go back to Phyllis ? ### Summary:
Phyllis has quit her job but never really did get a clear answer as to whether she can come back to Jabot or not . Jack looks at her for a moment and then welcomes her back with a hug . We need you Phyllis . You will do well back at Jabot . She tells him that Daniel is speaking to her again and that NVP is behind her now . He is happy for her and is glad to have her back in his life again . Sharon does nt care what Nick says . She knows that Victor was the one that pushed to get Phyllis out of the company , and that Nick still fought it . I ca nt go back , she says . The marriage is over . I will be taking Noah with me to go to Paris for a while . He will be coming to say goodbye and then will be going to the airport . Nick hates this but will not stop her . We will talk when you get back . Noah comes to say goodbye to his father , and then Sharon ushers him out the door , with only a quick look back at Nick . Neil sees Victoria and asks why his deal was given to Brad to handle . She tells that Brad has experience , but Neil knows that he has a great deal of experience as well . Victoria says that it is settled and that Brad will be in charge of this part of the business from now on . Neil goes to Victor and they both agree that this is too much for Brad to be taking on . Neil says that Victoria is either using the company to make her boyfriend happy , or she really believes that Brad is the great businessman that he portrays . Phyllis is home alone . She was with Jack and then she headed home to be alone . She gets some ice cream and sits on the couch . Nick calls . He tells that Sharon has gone to Paris with Noah . Phyllis kicks herself . She could have kept her job and left for nothing . As they talk , Jack comes over with champagne . Nick can hear him in the background . Phyllis whispers that she has to go and she hangs up . Neil has left the building . He heads to the Athletic Club and finds a quiet area . He gets out a business card and dials the number on it . Hi Rita ? Hi this is Neil Winters from Newman Yes we met at a conference last year . You told me to call if I ever needed a job as an Executive Lead
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Shawn : Yeah , Max , I m sorry your girlfriend took off . I know she was important to you . Look , right now , I need an update on the warehouse shooting , all right ? Call me with something , anything . Carly : Shawn ? Luke : I know , Anna . I m so sorry . Anna : I ca nt believe she s gone . Carly : How does a hospital lab just blow up ? Do nt they have safety precautions for that ? Johnny : Did nt the reporter say it was a gas leak ? Carly : I do nt know . Oh , my God . Do you know what she was doing in that lab ? She was looking for a cure for Jason . Johnny : You gon na be okay ? Carly : Yeah . Yeah . I m fine . I just , uh ... it s sad . It s awful . I - I ca nt believe this . Johnny : I thought you and Robin did nt get along . Carly : We could nt stand each other . But Jason loved her . Sam : Can you just tell me what s going on ? Monica : Well , the preliminary scans are good . The cerebral edema has abated , and his vitals are excellent . Sam : Why do nt you look happier ? Monica : Well , the -- the site of the injection is so very delicate and very difficult to reach . Sam : Yeah , but Patrick said that it went well . Monica : [ Sighs ] Sam , Patrick had just lost his wife . Sam : Yeah , I know , and he thinks that Robin died because of Jason . Is -- is there any way that you think he could have botched the surgery on purpose ? Sonny : Hey . For a second there , you had me scared . I thought I d lost you . Kate . Kate : Hmm ? Sonny : We are back together now , right ? Michael : The doctors say you -- you re gon na wake up soon and you re gon na have a lot of questions . But I - I ... I do nt think I should be the one to tell you that your boyfriend and your little girl are gone . Blair : Excuse me . I m looking for a patient . It s my daughter . Starr Manning . Epiphany : Your daughter was brought in last night . Blair : Well , where -- where is she ? I mean , how badly was she hurt ? Epiphany : Well , she s stable . Um , but we re waiting for the results of her scans . Blair : T - the person that called me and contacted me said that there had been a - a car accident . Epiphany : Yes , she was found and brought in by a bystander . Blair : Okay . But she was nt traveling alone . She was traveling with her -- her boyfriend and her baby girl . I mean , where are they ? Where -- where are hope and -- and Cole ? Michael : If my dad had anything to do with this ... if he shot out the other car s tires ... [ Sighs ] ... Then he s the reason that your family s gone . Kate : When I m with you in your arms , it s easy for me to forget all the ways that -- that life is against us , all the reasons why we should nt be together , all the pain that we ve already caused each other . Sonny : What about all the good that we ve done to each other ? Kate : The good -- the good does nt ever last , Sonny . And I realize I - Ive asked you to invest in this , and I ca nt change the rules this late in the game , but I do nt know if I can continue going this way that we are . Sonny : Okay , when you pulled that dress out , you -- you -- you said it was a reminder of all the terrible things or -- or , you know , everything that I caused you , right ? Kate : It s impossible to forget , with or without this dress . Sonny : I do nt want you to forget , but I do nt want you to pretend that -- that it never happened . I just do nt want you to live there . Kate : Someone once said those who do nt learn from their pasts are doomed to repeat them . And , you know , we fit that perfectly . Sonny : Every time that I do -- do something you do nt agree with or every time you doubt me , I do nt want you pulling out that dress , reliving that terrible , painful day in our life . Because y - y - you do that , it s always gon na be the three of us . Kate : What do you mean , three of us ? Sonny : You , me , and the woman wearing that dress . Anna : Thank you for coming . [ Sniffles ] I m so , um -- I just feel terrible . I do nt know . I m just in shock , you know ? Luke : I wish there were words . But , of course , there are nt . There s nothing I can say . It s so painful . But the only way through it is to lean on those who love you and see if they ca nt help . Anna : Thank you . It s just so overwhelming , you know ? I , um ... I - I ca nt ... [ Sniffles ] Sorry . Luke : Here . Anna : Thank you . It s not fair , you know ? It s just not fair . She went through so much , and she overcame so much . I mean , starting with her parents and that great mixed - up childhood we gave her . Luke : Oh , please . You and Robert made her strong , self - reliant . She got her brains from both of you , but luckily for her , she only got her looks from you . Anna : [ Voice breaking ] She was such a beautiful girl . [ Sniffles ] She was [ Sniffles ] Just brilliant , you know ? She was really ... brilliant and [ Sniffles ] A little headstrong , but there s nothing wrong with that , right ? Luke : No . Nothing . Anna : And she dedicated her life to helping others . That s just ... I mean , that s what she was doing in the lab . She was trying to help Jason . Johnny : What is it between you and that guy , all this undying loyalty ? Carly : That guy s name is Jason . He s my best friend . And he s always been there for me , and that s why I have to be there for him . Monica : I know that Patrick would nt do anything to deliberately hurt Jason in that O.R. I just meant that I do nt think his frame of mind is clear to give a post - op assessment . Sam : Wait a minute . So , you re saying that -- he said that everything was okay , but he could be wrong ? Monica : Well , Robin managed to synthesize that formula just hours -- hours -- before the surgery . And on paper , the solution looked perfect . Sam : Perfect -- but , what ? It might not work on Jason ? Monica : I do nt know , Sam . Look , as I said before , his vitals are good . He s responding well . We just have to wait and see . Sam : Okay . I mean , so , what do you think ? When Jason wakes up , he probably should nt be exposed to anything painful or upsetting , right ? Monica : I think keeping him calm is to his interest . Sam : Okay , so , I probably should nt tell him about Robin . Monica : No , you did exactly the right thing by not mentioning Robin to him before the surgery . Sam : Okay , I just -- I - I do nt want him to relapse . Monica : Neither do I. And I - I do nt think , uh , Jason should know about Robin until ... Well , until Patrick says it s all right . Blair : [ Voice breaking ] The police are certain that Cole and hope did nt survive ? Epiphany : Someone from the PCPD will be contacting you to go over the details . Blair : Hope s my -- she s my granddaughter . She was so beautiful . She was so funny . She -- where -- where is Starr ? Oh , my God . She s got to be beside herself . I - I - I need -- I need -- I need to go to my daughter . Do you know where she is ? Epiphany : She s -- she s stable . She does nt know . We gave her a sedative , and she has nt woken up yet , okay ? Blair : Thank you . [ Monitor beeping ] Baby . Oh , baby . It s gon na be okay . Mama s here . Michael : So , you re -- you re -- you re her mom ? Blair : Yes . [ Sniffles ] Who are you ? Michael : Uh , I m Michael Corinthos . I - I brought your daughter to the hospital . Blair : So you -- you saw the accident ? Michael : No . No . Me and my brother got there , uh , after . I think their car lost control , and it plowed through a - a guardrail . Blair : [ Sighs ] Michael : And , uh , the passenger side was hanging over the edge of a cliff , and I - I do nt know how Starr got out . Blair : W - w - what about hope ? Hope and Cole ? Luke : Are there any more details about the explosion ? Anna : Uh , yeah . Well , they ve said that it is a culmination of a series of unrelated random mishaps . I do nt even know what that means . I mean , basically , if one thing had happened differently , blah , blah , blah , you know . Luke : Culmination of random mishaps ? Anna : [ Chuckles ] Luke : Oh , that s nuts , is nt it ? Anna : Mm - hmm . I ... Luke : Well , the what - ifs , you ca nt -- you ca nt think about what - if . That will consume you , and it s a dead end . Anna : What if -- what if she had nt been there ? Anyway ... Luke : Do nt do it . Anna : Yeah . I know . But this is the trouble right now because Robert is living in that . He s consumed by it . Luke : Robert ? He knows ? Anna : Yeah . He s here . I sent for him . You know , he had to come . And that s why I called you , because I have this feeling that -- that this is gon na drive him to do something really stupid . Anthony : I m in trouble , John . If you do nt hide me , I m a dead man . Dante : Where s Anthony ? Tracy : What are you doing here ? You re trespassing . Dante : Your husband , Mrs. Zacchara , is he still missing ? Tracy : I do nt keep tabs on him . Dante : No , but you care about him enough to lie for him , right ? Tracy : Wow . I m having the strangest sense of déja vu . Oh , that s right . It was you last night here asking the same questions . Dante : Yeah . Yeah . You were completely unhelpful then , too . Tracy : [ Chuckles ] Which begs the question -- why waste both our time by coming back ? Dante : Two more innocent people just died because of your husband . Have I got your attention now , Tracy ? Let s try this again . Where is Anthony ? Anthony : Sonny showed up at the Quartermaines last night . He was out for blood . He was gon na whack me point - blank , but Tracy stepped in . Johnny : Well , I got to say I m surprised , considering you blackmailed her into marrying you . Anthony : My wife cares , John . Johnny : Either that or she knows you left a copy of the evidence you have against her with your lawyer in case something happens to you . I know how you are with insurance policies . Anthony : Tracy was not gon na let Corinthos kill me in her living room . I mean , that man has no subtlety , no finesse . I tell you , if Jason Morgan had been up and around , I would be dead right now . He -- he would have at least had the sense to take me out with a long - range rifle . I do nt know . I - I guess I m lucky Sonny chose the direct approach . Johnny : Well , I guess who can blame him , right ? You tried to kill his son for the second time . Anthony : I did nt try to kill Corinthos or his cop son last night . Scout s honor . Johnny : You tried to kill him last summer . What s to say you did nt finish the job tonight ? Anthony : That shot that I took at Dante was for you , John , to save your ass ! Johnny : You were upset because Sonny told the entire world about your arrangement with Claudia and how you re actually my grandfather , so you were upset . You wanted to get back at him . Why not kill his son ? Anthony : Believe me , if Dante had died last night , it would have been exactly what Sonny deserved , but I swear to you , I did not shoot ! Johnny : Really ? And -- and he believed your proclamations of innocence ? Anthony : It s like he stopped being a father and started being a businessman , and I saw it happen . Sonny got cold . And I knew I had to get the hell out of town . He got the jump on me , ambushed me on my way to the airport . Johnny : How d you survive ? Anthony : Maybe fate does nt want me dead yet . I - I mean , that s the only way to explain it . Sonny s a hell of a shot . He took out both my rear tires as I was on that windy stretch of the 115 right over the canyon . My car spun away from the edge , and if it had nt , I d be a crispy critter at the bottom of the ravine ! Johnny : And you re sure it was Sonny ? You -- you saw him pull the trigger ? Anthony : Sonny was hands - on last night . He was nt gon na hire some goombah to do the job . He wanted to kill me himself . Kate : I know it seemed like I was asking you to choose between me and your children , and that was never my intention . Sonny : I do nt want to talk about Anthony right now . But I do -- I do think we should talk about my children , because every -- every time -- every time I mention their name or their mother or you re around them , you -- you -- you react all cold . Kate : Because I do nt want to be intrusive , Sonny . Sonny : I know you think you -- you re on the outside because you and I never -- Kate : I am on the outside . I m on the outside . All of your children and the many mothers , they form a unit . I m not a part of that unit . Sonny : I do nt want you to think that I care about my kids more than you . But it s different . It s -- it s -- it s a different kind of love , a different kind of caring . Look at me . What I -- what I feel for you is strong . It s so strong , that -- that -- that it scares me sometimes . Kate : [ Voice breaking ] Yes . Right . Fear is very scary . It -- it clouds your judgment , distorts your perspective , poisons every fact of your life , and you try to rationalize with it . And so you try to run from it , but you have to face it or it never goes away . And sometimes , it never , ever goes away . Sonny : We can -- we can deal with -- hey . Hey . Kate : What ? It s stupid . Sonny : We can deal with the fear , okay ? All we have to do is think of last night for what it is , just -- just ... a moment , very difficult moment in our lives that we survived . We can just put it behind us . Michael : She woke up once . I did nt -- I did nt tell her anything . The , uh -- the doctors put her back to sleep pretty quick . I - I do nt know how much she ll remember . Blair : I appreciate everything that you ve done , really . Thank you . Michael : Again , I wish I could have done more , uh , Mrs. Manning . Blair : It s , um , it s Cramer . Um , Blair Cramer . Michael : Look , I m -- I m glad you re here . It just ... it would nt have felt right , you know , for me to tell her . Blair : Maybe it ll be easier if she hears it from me . Michael : Look , I - I only spoke to your daughter once when I first got to the accident . And she was so focused on saving her family . She seemed ... really brave . Blair : You have no idea . You ... you have no idea how brave my little girl is . Oh , God , girl , you re gon na have to be so brave right now . But I m here for you . And you re gon na get through it , okay ? You re gon na get through it . [ Lane ] Your anti - wrinkle cream is gone . Anna : Mac tried to stop him , and I - I told him that this is nt the way for him to remember his daughter . But he insisted , and he went in , and he locked the door , and then whatever he saw in there , you can imagine ... he took off . He never said a word , and , you know , I - I do nt know where he is . Luke : He s going to need some time , Anna . Anna : Yeah , look . He sent me this text . Wait a minute . Here . Here . [ Sniffles ] Luke : I m sorry . I ca nt do this . I love you . Good - bye . Anna : Good - bye . I think we need to find him . Blair : Um , can you tell me anything more about this accident ? Michael : Well , when the car started to slip , I , uh ... [ Sighs ] I grabbed onto it . I tried to use all of my weight to pull it back , but ... it was -- it just fell . Blair : And hope and Cole ... d - did she say anything what -- what , you know , maybe what caused the accident ? Michael : Another car swerved into her lane . We -- we found another car spun out on the side of the road when we got there . Blair : Well , where s the driver ? Tracy : I have nt seen him ! But if he was bleeding when he lost control of the car , does that mean that somebody shot him ? Dante : Maybe . Tracy : So , why are you questioning me ? Why are you treating Anthony like a suspect ? Dante : Well , because we re gon na be treating this as vehicular homicide . Tracy : Really ? So , go after the person that shot him -- your father ! Sonny : We are a lot alike . Listen to me , okay ? Life is too short . Look what just happened to Robin . Whatever time we got left ... I want to spend it with you . Carly : Hey . Did they , uh , say when he was gon na wake up ? Sam : No . No . Not -- not for a while . You should , um , you should probably go . Carly : Well , I just wanted to sit with him , you know . I came as soon as I heard about Robin . Sam : You need to go . Now . Carly : Is he okay ? Did the drug Robin make for him work ? Sam : We do nt know yet . Patrick pulled off an incredibly dangerous procedure . Carly : Before or after Robin died ? Sam : If you want to talk about this , we can go out into the hall , Carly . Carly : What the hell happened , Sam ? Sam : So far , everything looks good . The doctors are dealing with a lot of variables . We re not gon na know for quite some time . Carly : So , all we can do is wait ? Sam : [ Chuckles ] Oh , no . You are not gon na wait anywhere near him . I m not gon na risk you upsetting him . Carly : What are you talking about ? I m here to support Jason . Sam : Well , then , why do nt you put him first for once instead of dumping all your problems on him again , like you did before the last surgery ? Coming in here , getting him all upset over Michael two minutes before he got his head cut open . Carly : That s not what happened . And Jason was fine with that . Sam : I was not fine with it , Carly . I m not gon na let you pull this crap again . Kate : Life s too short . I m sorry . Sonny : For what ? Kate : [ Voice breaking ] I m sorry for -- for sleeping with you and then expressing all these concerns and questions . Sonny : Hey , hey , hey , hey , hey . You were just being honest . Kate : You know , Olivia would have another name for that . Sonny : Forget Olivia , okay ? She can keep her opinions to herself . This is about you , me , and nobody else . We just got to keep everything out in the open , put everything on the table -- hopes , fears -- Kate : Hearts . Hearts . Sonny : I m all in . Kate : Me too . Johnny : So , you got off pretty easy , all things considered . Anthony : You ai nt kidding . [ Winces ] The others were nt so lucky . Johnny : The others ? Starr : No ! You need to help me get Cole and hope out . They re my entire life ! Please ! Do nt you have any children ? Anthony : A son . Starr : What if your son was locked in that car ? Anthony : That s Corinthos . I m out of here . Starr : No , no ! Please ! No ! Anthony : N - nothing . I m just glad I made it . Michael : I - I never saw the driver . The car was empty when we got there . Blair : Well , did -- did Starr tell you anything ? Michael : No , she was just focused on getting her family out of the car . Blair : Obviously , the driver was fine because he was able to walk away . I mean , a - are the police at least looking for him ? Michael : They know who it is . Um , they found the car s registration . Blair : H - have they arrested him ? I mean , does he have an explanation for killing my granddaughter ? ! Michael : His name is Anthony Zacchara . Okay . The cops have nt been able to find him yet . Dante : We have nt identified Sonny as the shooter . Tracy : He showed up here last night gun in hand ready to shoot Anthony . Fortunately , I was able to stop him . Dante : Wow . Nice of you to tell me that now , Tracy . Tracy : Sonny killed those two people , and you know it . Dante : Actually , I - I m doing this by the book , so I m compiling a list of suspects and witnesses , and Anthony fits both those categories . Tracy : Uh - huh . And Sonny took a bullet for you , so now you re gon na return the favor by covering for him . Dante : Actually , the only person who s committed a crime here so far is your husband for fleeing the scene of an accident . And if you are covering for him , we ll just get you for aiding and abetting . Tracy : You know what ? If you do nt have a warrant , you need to get out . Dante : [ Chuckles ] Tracy : Go ! Edward : Oh , what a glorious morning . There s not a cloud in the sky . Tracy : [ Sighs ] Are nt you cheerful . Edward : [ Chuckles ] It s a beautiful day in the neighborhood . Your gangster husband has fled the country , and Luke has nt been seen in quite awhile , and nothing can change my mood today . Carly : Wow . Did you forget what happened in Hawaii ? Sam : [ Scoffs ] Carly : You are so incredibly insecure , you have no idea what s going on . I m here for Jason . He needs me . I m his friend . Sam : There is too much at stake , and I will act in Jason s best interest . You will either leave under your own power ... or I will have security throw you out . Carly : You know Jason would want me here . He has to be devastated about Robin . Sam : He does nt know . Carly : What ? Sam : I have nt told him about Robin , and I will not tell him until I think it s okay . Carly : That is the stupidest thing I ve ever heard . Glad that one s over . Yeah , I know what you mean . Edward : W - w - why are you insisting that I sit down ? Tracy : Because there s something you need to know , and I want you to hear it from me before you read it in the paper . Edward : Oh , God . What have you done now , Tracy ? Has ELQ stock gone south ? What ? Tracy : There s been an accident at the hospital . Edward : Oh , God . Bad ? Tracy : One fatality . Edward : A - a - anyone we know ? Tracy : Robin Scorpio . Edward : How ? Tracy : She apparently was trapped in the lab when it exploded . Edward : Oh , God . No . Damn it ! No . Tracy : I m sorry , daddy . Luke : Anna , Robert s in a world of pain . Well , you both are , obviously . But I - it does nt necessarily mean that you need to panic . We re talking about a man here who s seen and done everything , all kinds of terrible situations . Anna : Not the death of his daughter . Robin was the best part of us . She was the only thing that we ever got right . Luke : Well , I would nt go that far . Anna : Yeah . I would . And Robert , he was the master of the last - minute rescue , you know ? He was always in the right place at the right time . I think he feels like he should have saved her , you know ? Luke : Well , that does nt mean that he s gon na do something to himself necessarily . Anna : You did nt see the look on his face after he saw his daughter s body . Luke : You re sure you re not overreacting ? Anna : Well , I do nt know . Maybe . Mac saw it , too , you know ? We both tried to stop him , but it was like he could nt hear us . Luke ... you were his friend for so many years . Where would he go ? Luke : I have an idea . I might know . Anna : Okay . Luke : I ll find him . I ll find him . Anna : All right . Carly : Do you know the history between Jason and Robin ? How the hell could you not tell him ? Sam : Because Jason s condition was getting worse . Any stress would have triggered a fatal seizure , so I made the decision as his wife not to tell him about Robin before the procedure . Carly : Okay , okay . I get why you did nt tell him before . But as soon as he wakes up , you re gon na have to tell him . Sam : No , not until the doctors tell me it s okay . Carly : Sam , do you hear yourself ? Do you even know the man that you re married to ? Jason hates being handled . He hates being told what he can not and can do . You -- I m telling him as soon as he wakes up . Sam : No , you are not . This is exactly why I am not letting you back in there to see him . Sonny : Why do nt we , uh , go back to my place , right ? [ Sighs ] I ll cook some dinner . You can have a glass of merlot , and we can just be together . Kate : Did you check on Jason in the hospital ? Sonny : Uh , no . They told me that they would call me if anything changes . Kate : All right . Well , look , I would love to go with you right now , but I have to make some phone calls . Sonny : Yeah . Kate : I obviously have to clean up a little bit . Sonny : See you later , beautiful . Kate : See you later , gorgeous . Sonny : Mm . All right . Bye . Kate : Bye . [ Sighs ] Ca nt let you do this , Kate . Carly : So , you re just gon na lie to his face ? Sam : I m gon na protect him until I think he s safe . Monica agrees with me . Carly : Monica ? Oh , gosh , yeah . Monica . We all know how well she understands Jason . How about not at all ? Sam , Jason loves you . Do nt screw this up . He needs to know . He will never forgive you for not telling him . Sam : I do nt care , Carly . What ? So ? I would rather have Jason pissed and alive than dead . Carly : And Jason would rather die than be treated like some incompetent who ca nt manage his own life . Sam : I - I do nt know why you ca nt seem to wrap your selfish , little brain around this . I get to make the decisions , not you . Carly : You do nt know him . Sam : If you think you re gon na go in there and shoot your mouth off , you re gon na wind up killing him . It s not gon na happen . Carly : You ca nt stop me from seeing him . Sam : I can stop you . I am his wife now , Carly . I have rights . And if you think you re gon na go anywhere near him , you re insane . Carly : You try and stop me . Sam : I will notify the hospital that you are banned from his room , and I will post security outside this door if I have to . Carly : You can put security anywhere you want , but I will make sure Jason gets what he needs . Blair : Okay . You said that your brother is a cop , right ? So what in the hell are they doing to bring in this Zacchara guy ? Michael : They have an APB out on him right now . They want to bring him in for questioning . Blair : Questioning ? He killed two people . He should be -- have a warrant out for his arrest . Michael : The cops ca nt be sure it was his fault . Blair : Well , who the hell s fault would it be , then ? [ Monitor beeping ] What is it that you are nt telling me ? Starr : Mom ? Blair : Hey . Mom s here . It s gon na be all right . Starr : What happened ? Where are Cole and hope ? Anthony : I knew when Sonny realized my car did nt go off the cliff , he d be back to finish the job . I had nowhere else to go , John , no one else I knew who could handle the situation . Johnny : All right , well , you can stay here just for a little bit . Anthony : I knew I could count on you , son . Johnny : Do nt read too much into that , please . Anthony : Good enough . I appreciate it . Thank you . [ Sighs ] I m gon na go take a load off . Been a long time since I had to walk that far . Kate : What s the matter , Johnny boy ? Cat got your tongue ? Dante : Hello ? Kate ? Hello ? Kate ? Anybody here ? Maxie ? Carly : Jason would want to see me . Epiphany : Jason ca nt let us know that right now , and Sam is his wife . If she says you re banned , then you re banned . Carly : Are you kidding me ? After all the money I ve given this hospital , all the charity benefits I ve thrown at my hotel , I ca nt get in to see my best friend ? Epiphany : You keep on giving me grief about this and I ll make sure that the ban expands to the entire hospital . Your call . Carly : [ Sighs ] Sonny : Everything okay ? Carly : I do nt know . Sam banned me . I - I got in for a few minutes , and he seemed to be okay . Sonny : Is Jason awake ? Carly : Not yet . But the procedure went well , so ... well see . Hope she was telling me the truth . Sonny : Why do nt we -- I was just gon na say why do nt we ask Robin ? Cause I expect to see her , you know . She -- she saved Jason s life , you know . Carly : I know . Sonny : [ Groans ] Sam : Please understand . I could nt tell you . [ Sniffles ] We ca nt lose you . Edward : Why is it that the bright , meaningful lives are cut short and t - they take the good ones and -- and they leave people like Sonny Corinthos here to go ahead and make people miserable and create more chaos ? And yet they take Robin . Tracy : Daddy , you know life is nt fair . Edward : It sure the hell is nt . You know , this world needs more people like Robin , and -- and yet they take her . Well ... you re -- you re with the angels now , my -- my sweet , little Robin , and my Lila . [ Chuckles ] And may you forever rest in peace . Anna : Oh , Robert . I am not going to lose you , too . Luke : I thought I might find you here . Enjoying the view ? ### Summary:
Sonny asks Kate if their making love means they are back together . She is afraid to keep making the same mistakes . He asks her not to take out her bloody wedding dress every time something bad happens because she should nt live in that place . He asks her to think of last night as a very difficult moment that they survived . He says he wants to spend whatever time he has left with her . She agrees to stay with him . When Sonny leaves , she puts on Connie s lipstick and perfume . Connie says she ca nt let Kate do that . Shortly afterwards , Connie Falconeri shows up at Johnny s door . Dante goes to Crimson looking for Kate and happens to see a pistol under a wardrobe closet Luke goes to see Anna . Anna tells him that she is afraid Robert is going to do something stupid . Luke says Robert will need time . Anna shows Luke Robert s goodbye text message and says she thinks they need to find him . Luke thinks he might know where Robert went so he goes to find him . Luke finds Robert standing on the bridge that Robin liked to spend time on , Carly is shocked by the news of Robin s death . Johnny thought she hated Robin . She says she did but Jason loved her . Johnny asks her what is up with her and Jason s undying loyalty . She tells him that Jason is her best friend and she has to be there for him . Sam wonders to Monica whether Patrick could have purposely botched Jason s surgery . Monica vehemently disagrees but says she does nt know if Patrick has the presence of mind to give an accurate postoperative assessment . She says Robin only made the protocol a few hours before it was given to Jason so they have no way of knowing how well it will work . Monica thinks Sam should avoid telling Jason about Robin . Carly goes to see Jason . Sam tells her to leave because she is nt going to risk having her upset Jason the way she did before his last surgery . Carly thinks Jason must be devastated about Robin . Sam says she is nt going to tell him about it until she thinks it is ok . Carly says she is going to tell him . Sam says that is why she wo nt let Carly see him . Michael talks to the still - unconscious Starr Manning in the hospital . He hopes his father is nt the person that shot out the other car s tires causing the accident because that would make him responsible for her family being gone . Blair Cramer arrives at General hospital looking for her daughter Starr Manning . Epiphany tells her that Cole and Hope did nt survive and that Starr does nt know it yet . Michael tells Blair as much as he knows about the accident . Blair wonders where the driver of the other car is . Michael says the police are looking for Anthony Zacchara . Starr wakes up and asks for Cole and Hope . Dante goes to the Quartermaine Estate looking for Anthony . Tracy insists that she has nt seen him and tells Dante to go after his father . Tracy tells Edward about Robin s accident . Anthony shows up at Johnny s penthouse asking Johnny to hide him . He tells him that Sonny is after him and that Sonny shot out both his back tires last night and caused him to crash his car . He says he knows that when Sonny finds out that the car did nt go over the cliff , he will be back to finish the job . Johnny agrees to let Anthony hide there .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Bill : You trust me ? Katie : Yes . Bill : You know how much I love you , how devoted I am to you and will ? Then what does it matter how Brooke feels about me ? Katie : Because she did this behind my back . She never wanted me to find out . Bill : She did nt want to upset you , Katie . Katie : No . If she never intended to act on it , then why did she say anything ? She wanted you to reciprocate . Brooke : I had to be honest . Eric : Brooke , you need to stop this . Now , you ca nt help how you feel any more than Katie can help how she feels . You love your sister . You would never do anything to jeopardize her marriage . Nicole : You know , you do nt have to hang out here and keep an eye on me . Maya : I just thought you might need to talk . You sure you re not at all concerned that Sasha and Zende are working together again ? Nicole : Asking Rick to pull the plug on them was a mistake . Zende s forgiven me , and I hope Sasha will , too . Maya : But in the meantime , she s spending a lot of time with your boyfriend . Nicole : I trust Zende . Maya : But you re not sure about Sasha . Sasha : Are nt you glad we get to be doing this again ? Feels good , getting back into our rhythm . [ Chuckles ] Zende : I enjoy working with you , too , but you know I m committed to Nicole , right ? Sasha : Who ? Zende : Your best friend of I do nt know how many years . Sasha : Ohh ! You mean the girl who stabbed me in the back . Yeah , I m ... not so sure we re besties anymore . Zende : She did get Rick to give us another shot . Sasha : We earned that shot . The only reason she told Rick to take it away from us is because she did nt want me near you . I m not gon na thank her for feeling guilty and changing her mind . Sasha : You know , Nicole s always been jealous of me . I mean , who can blame her ? Sasha : But to think that I ca nt be trusted around her boyfriend ? You know , maybe I should teach her a lesson , prove her right . Nicole : You know how it s always been between Sasha and me . Maya : You mean how you competed over guys ? Nicole : Yeah . And if Sasha was around , I would nt even get a second look . But all that changed when I moved to L.A. Now I m the one with an amazing boyfriend , and it s Sasha s turn to be jealous , right ? But that s the thing . Girls like Sasha do nt get jealous . They get what they want . Rick : Hey . Everything okay ? Maya : Yeah , we were just talking . Rick : I was gon na go down to Zende s photo shoot . You two want to tag along ? Nicole : Sure . Maya : Yeah . Why do nt you go down there and show them what a good person you are ? Sasha : And it would serve her right . Zende : Uh , can you move your shoulder to the -- yeah , there you go . Sasha : You know , paranoia can actually make bad things happen . Zende : Nothing s gon na happen . Sasha : Well , Nic thinks it will ! It s why she talked to Rick and got me let go . What -- what kind of friend does that ? She s supposed to ... be like a sister to me . Zende : Sisters argue sometimes . Sasha : No . No , she burned me , Zende . There s a difference . Zende : Okay . All right , all right , well , let s use that , right ? Let s make this interesting , okay ? Channel whatever it is you re feeling right now and put it into the shoot . You ready ? Sasha : Yeah . Okay . All right . Zende : There we go . Brooke : Katie thinks that I deceived her , that I hid my feelings in order to get close to Bill and then take him away from her . She called me sick . Eric : She s wrong . Brooke : Eric , she had a whole list of things that I had done to you , to Stephanie , to -- to the family . Eric : Brooke . You ve acknowledged those mistakes . You ve apologized for them . They were a long time ago . You re not the same person anymore . You ve changed . And she knows that . She has to realize that you re not a threat to her family . You re part of it . Katie : I wanted to help Brooke . I wanted to give her an opportunity to contribute , to be vital again . She wasted that chance . She wo nt let another one . [ Sighs ] I ca nt have her at Spencer . She ca nt be a part of our lives anymore . Thank you for understanding that . Bill : I do . Katie : Even if you do nt agree ? Bill : You re my wife , Katie . It s my job to protect you , give you what you need . Katie : [ Sighs ] That makes me feel really good . I love you . All right . I m gon na go pick up will . And I will see you at home . Brooke : [ Sighs ] You know , I ca nt stop thinking about what I could have done differently . I could have turned down the job or I could have taken the job and just kept my mouth shut . Eric : I have an idea , something to take your mind off Bill and Katie . Brooke : [ Sighs ] Okay . What s that ? Eric : Why do nt we all go out to dinner -- Rick and , uh , Maya and Nicole , and we can celebrate our future grandchild . What do you say ? Brooke : That is a wonderful idea . Eric : I ll run it by Rick . Brooke : Thank you , Eric . You re very thoughtful . Eric : I think we need to take time to be , uh , thankful for the things that are really wonderful in our lives . I ll , um , I ll check with Rick . I think he s down at Zende s photo shoot . Brooke : Okay . I m just gon na finish up a few things . I ll be right there . Eric : Hmm . Zende : Yes . Perfect ! That s exactly what I m looking for . Zende : Right . To release all that tension . Just -- just let it go . Release it . Sasha : I like a little tension . Be exciting . Zende : Yeah , there we go . Ooh , that s sexy . Here we go . Zende : [ Chuckles ] These are gon na be so good . Zende : Yeah , bring your -- yes , yes . Exactly . Stay . Stay . Zende : Whoa . What s up , guys ? Nicole : Do nt stop on our account . Zende : You know what ? Uh , I think we need a break anyway . Rick : How s it going ? Sasha : You tell us . I mean , do you like what you see ? Rick : It s not bad . Maya : Yeah , we were just talking about how well you two work together . Zende : Yeah , we really appreciate the opportunity , by the way . Sasha : And I intend to make the most of it . Rick : See , that s the kind of attitude we like around here . Sasha : Well , that s me . A real go - getter . Is nt that right , Nic ? Nicole : Right . Rick : Yeah , I m glad you two were able to work things out . Eric : So , this is where everyone s hanging out ? Rick : Hey , dad . Come to check out the photo shoot ? Eric : [ Chuckles ] No . Not really . I bring an invitation . Brooke and I want to take everyone out to celebrate us becoming grandparents again . Rick : [ Chuckles ] Maya : Oh , that is so sweet . Thank you . Nicole : Yeah , it sounds great . Does nt it , babe ? Zende : Yeah , that sounds like fun . You go ahead . I ll see you when you get home . Nicole : You re not coming ? Zende : No . Just have fun with your family . Eric : So , where should we go ? Maya : Il Giardino s good . Nicole : You really do nt want to go ? Zende : Brooke and Eric want to celebrate their grandkid . It s cool . I get it . Nicole : I m sure you d be welcome . Zende : This is sort of , you know , you and your sister s thing . I m trying my best to accept it . But I think this is something you should do without me . You re not mad , are you ? Nicole : No . You ve been so sweet about all of this . I just did nt want you to be bored at home all by yourself . Brooke : Oh , Katie . If you ll ever need me ... I m here for you . Katie : I wo nt ever need you , Brooke . Not ever again . Katie : Hey . Building a train station ? Will : Yes . Katie : Yes . Will : Building train . Katie : It s nice to be home . Nothing is more important to me than you . I love you . I love you . [ Chuckles ] And I love our family . And daddy loves you . Will : Where s daddy ? Katie : Daddy s at work . Will : Is he coming back ? Katie : Yeah , he is . Because I m not gon na let anything happen to our family . Brooke : I m almost done . I promise . And then I ll be ready to go . Bill : If it was up to me , you d be leaving this place right now . Rick : I got to say , there s really something to this . Maya : Zende did nt want to join us ? Nicole : He felt that it was a baby thing . Did nt want to intrude . Maya : It s a celebration . Nicole : Yeah . We ll have fun . Maya : Yes . We will . Rick : Hey , you know , you two , you should come check these out . Take a close look at this . Eric : Yeah , Zende is really wonderful . He has a real eye for this . Nicole : Oh , you do nt have to tell me . Eric : Hmm . And your friend Sasha , she s lovely . I mean , she s pretty . You notice that at first . But there s an energy and an intensity here that I did nt see before . Zende and Sasha really bring something out in each other . Zende : Oh . Sorry . I did nt hear you knock . Sasha : Yeah , I did nt . Zende : Okay , uh ... you did a good job today , by the way . I think Rick was really impressed with us . I m sorry . What are you doing here ? Sasha : I did nt come here to talk about work , Zende . I heard you and Nicole earlier . Whole family s going out to celebrate her pregnancy , and you decided to stay home ? Zende : Well , I m sure Nicole will tell me all about it when she gets back . Sasha : Hmm . Not that you d want to know . Come on . This pregnancy has to be hell , especially for a guy like you . I mean , does Nicole actually expect you to wait ? Zende : Yeah . Actually , I am waiting . Sasha : And waiting and waiting . And after the baby s born , you ll probably be waiting some more . Who knows for how long . Popping out a kid is nt easy . Nic s gon na need time to recover . And after all that , you ca nt just expect her to be ready to jump your bones . Katie : [ Sighs ] Brooke : Does Katie know that you re here ? Bill : No . Brooke : Well , then I think you should go . Bill : I had to make sure you were all right . Brooke : You need to focus on your family . Bill : I am focused on my family . But I know what this is doing to you . I know what your sister means to you . Brooke : Katie cut me out of her life . And she had to do that to feel secure . Bill : I m not giving up on the two of you . This can be fixed . And I m gon na do everything I can to get through to Katie . Maya : Okay , we ll see you there . Are you sure you do nt want to give Zende a call and see if he ll change his mind ? Nicole : No , he s fine at home . Besides , wo nt hurt for him to miss me a little bit . Maya : Uh - huh . I like the way you think . Sasha : I m not scaring you , am I ? Zende : Are you trying to ? Sasha : I m just trying to understand , Zende . How can Nicole expect you to wait while she s carrying her sister s baby ? Zende : It was Nicole s decision . Sasha : Hmm . It s great for Maya . Not so great for you . Zende : Well , you do nt hear me complaining , do you ? Sasha : No . No , you are far too sweet and thoughtful for that . Not to mention handsome , sexy , sophisticated . Never met a guy like you . The way you photograph me , how in sync we are ... I know you re attracted to me . You do nt have to say it . I can feel it every time we re together . Zende : You and Nicole are friends . Sasha : We ve known each other our whole lives . I ve never seen her be this selfish , expecting you to wait while she carries her sister s baby ? I see how frustrating it is for you . But it does nt have to be . We can keep it quiet . I m good at keeping secrets . I m like a steel trap . Call it ... friends with benefits . Whatever you want . Nicole never has to know . Brooke : I broke her trust , maybe for good this time . Bill : You told the truth . You were honest about your feelings . Brooke : Bill , I appreciate your support , but do nt do that . Do nt defend me . We ve upset Katie enough . She s not that strong . This stress and this anxiety , it s not good for her . Katie : I miss you so much . You gave me your heart so I could live . You wanted me to be happy . Everything you wanted for me has come true . Now Brooke wants to take it all away . But I m not gon na let that happen again . Brooke : Katie can only take so much . Bill : She just needs a little time . Brooke : She needs to know that she can depend on you . She ca nt question that . I m worried about her , Bill . Bill : I m worried about her , too , Brooke . I m worried about both of you . Brooke : [ Laughs ] [ Squeals ] Katie : Get out of my house ! [ Sobbing ] How could you do this to me ? Bill : I m going back to your sister . I hurt Katie . I do nt want to lose my family . Brooke : You will always be the greatest love of my life . ### Summary:
Sasha flirts with Zende before the camera . She says Nicole is jealous and she ought to teach her a lesson , give her something to be jealous about . He recommends that she put all that energy into the shoot . Brooke confides in Eric that Katie called her sick for revealing her feelings toward Bill . Eric says Brooke is part of that family not a threat and Katie will come to understand that . Katie tells Bill that she wanted Brooke to feel vital again but she can not be part of their lives anymore . He does not believe that but says she is his wife and it is his job to protect her . They hug . Katie goes home and plays with Will and tells him nothing will come between her and her family . Eric suggests they all get together and go out to dinner and he will set it up . When he does , Zende declines and tells Nicole this should just be family . Sasha perks up her ears and obviously a light bulb goes off in her head . Alone , Bill shows up and tells Brooke that if it were up to him she would not be back here at Forrester . He wants to make sure she is all right . He knows what her sister means to her . Brooke says Katie cut her out of her life . He replies he is going to do all he can to get through to Katie . Sasha shows up at Zende s room at Eric s and walks on in , he is without his shirt on . She gives him a good look up and down and mentions it will be a long time before Nicole will want to jump his bones . Then she gets fresher , she puts her palm on his chest and tells him how hot and sexy he is . He backs away , she follows . He reminds her that Nicole is her best friend . She worms her way out of that .. no one has to know . Bill tells Brooke that Katie needs a little time . Brooke says Katie can only take so much . Katie pours herself a drink .. the drink she always blasted Bill for having every day . Katie continues to look at her family pictures and says Brooke did so much to get them back together and now she wants to take them apart again , but she will not allow that .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Steffy : You know , I understand Hope s hurt . Seeing that video-- yes , it was a shock . And I m not trying to make light of her pain , but you guys are supposed to be married . She ca nt just walk out on you . Liam : What do you want me to say , Steffy ? She needs time . Steffy : Well , she needs to grow up . I tried talking to her . I - I tried to explain to her . Liam : I know . But what -- what am I supposed to do ? Steffy : Let her walk . Liam : ( Sighs ) Brooke : Of course , you can stay , Honey ... Hope : ( Sighs ) Brooke : For as long as you want . But are you sure ? Hope : Yeah . Brooke : ( Sighs ) I really think it would be easier to get through this with Liam by your side . Hope : ( Sighs ) Maybe . Maybe not . I dont -- I do nt know . I just know that I need some time . Dayzee : Mm . ( Sighs ) Marcus : Okay , back , back , back , back . Dayzee : Yeah . Marcus : ( Sighs ) Dayzee : ( Sighs ) ( Sighs ) Marcus : Man , I love holding you . I never want to let you go . Dayzee : ( Chuckles ) Marcus : ( Sighs ) Dayzee : And you wo nt have to as soon as you get home . I m so glad that Eric and Bill were able to call in favors and set the bond hearing for tonight . Marcus : Yeah , me , too Dayzee : ( Sighs ) Marcus : Our second night of marriage-- man , I ca nt wait to be spending it with my wife . Ooh . Dayzee : ( Chuckles ) Tony : Refills ? Thomas : Mm . Caroline : Thanks . Thomas : Sure . Tony : Finding anything ? Thomas : Well , we re on the right night . Caroline : We re just waiting to see if Anthony comes in the frame . Tony : Why ? We know Marcus hit him . Thomas : I know . It s just ... something feels funny about it . ( Sighs ) Caroline : Your grandma knows how to text ? Thomas : Oh , yeah . She s hip . What s she texting you about ? Caroline : She s just reminding us about the bond hearing . Thomas : Maybe we can find something that helps . ( Sighs ) There s got to be more to what happened to Anthony , more than Marcus even realizes . Justin : Showtime . Let s get you out of here and back home . Steffy : You know , I made a mistake the day of your wedding . I never should have told you to go through with it . Liam : But you were trying to do the right thing . Steffy : Yeah . Yeah . I was ... I was trying to be the bigger person , but look where it got you . I - I tried to respect your relationship , but you know what ? Hope is just too much . Liam : Steffy , come on . I mean , Hope has every right to be hurt . Steffy : Yeah , yeah . Definitely . Definitely . She should be screaming at you . She should yell . She should cry . But she should do it right here , standing right here , looking right in your eyes . A marriage going to survive ? Liam , I know , okay , she s innocent . Yeah , she s innocent . But she s crazy . You know what ? I think she s even crazier than her mom . Liam : ( Sighs ) Steffy : And you know what ? I dont -- I do nt mean to be rude or anything , but it s true . Liam : ( Sighs ) Steffy : Have nt you had enough ? So ... Leilani : Your car had the same damage ? Caroline : From that pothole right outside . Thomas : Yeah , flat tire , busted rim , just like Marcus . It s just something s not adding up . Leilani : Hmm . Thomas : If the accident s caught on camera , maybe we can find out what . Justin : Thank you for your time this evening , your honor . My client has admitted that this accident is his fault . Texting while driving is a crime , and he accepts full responsibility . Thankfully , his exemplary behavior during the time of the accident and immediately following may have saved the victim . Marcus immediately got out of the car , called the ambulance , waited until the ambulance arrived , and then followed Mr. Walker to the hospital . He has made a grave mistake , posing a danger to himself and others . The lesson has been learned , and he will never do it again . Respectfully , we request that Marcus be released on bond until which time his trial is scheduled . Eric : ( Sighs ) Brooke : Are you sure you do nt want to go back there and sit down with him , talk this out ? Hope : Talking is nt gon na do anything at this point . I just -- I just really need some space . Brooke : Okay . ( Sighs ) Take all the time that you need . Just make sure that he knows you re going to be coming back eventually to work this out . Hope : Or what ? I might lose him to Steffy ? Steffy : So what did she say ? Liam : Uh , that she s horrified . Steffy : I mean , if she ca nt understand the situation-- Liam : No , it s not ... ( Sighs ) It s because it was on our wedding day . That s why it s such a big deal . Steffy : Yeah . Well , you know , at least it was before the ceremony . Liam : Yeah . Steffy : ( Chuckles ) Liam : So you really , um ... you really tried to calm her down , huh ? Steffy : Yeah , I tried . I tried ... for you . ( Sighs ) You know , she , um ... she said I could have you . Liam : What ? Steffy : Yeah , she even tried giving me her -- her wedding ring . Liam : Oh , come on ! That-- Steffy : No , you know ... Liam : ( Sighs ) Steffy : She s had everything she s ever wanted , Liam , and now she s just throwing it away . Yeah , I - I saw , um ... I didnt -- I did nt hear your actual voice but ... I saw them , you know , from across the way . Liam : ( Sighs ) Steffy : And it was really , really beautiful . But Hope thinks that day was ruined . Do you really want to tie yourself to someone like that for the rest of your life ? I m not supporting this , Liam . It s time to let her go . Caroline : This should be around the time . Thomas : Yeah . Oh , look , it s Anthony . Caroline : It s not a great angle , but ... Thomas : Oh , my God . Caroline : Oh , my God . Go back . Thomas : Yeah , yeah . Caroline : Pause it . That s it . Thomas : We ve got to get to the hearing . Woman : Your honor , I d like Lieutenant Brad Baker to make a brief statement . His investigation will provide you with the more accurate characterization of Marcus Forrester than what the defense is selling . Man : All right . Lieutenant , what can you tell me about Mr. Forrester ? Lt . Baker : Well , your honor , Marcus Forrester is a serial texter . On the day of the accident , he sent or received 157 texts . At least one of them was behind the wheel , because it was only 27 seconds from his last text to his fiancée to his 9 - 1 - 1 all . He did nt see the victim , had no awareness of a pedestrian until he felt the impact . Mr. Walker could have very easily been killed . Woman : Yes , and so could Mr. Forrester s next victim . I mean , I fear he s gon na climb back into his car and forget about all these positive lessons he s learned . I mean , are we really supposed to believe that a man who sends over 100 texts a day wo nt be tempted to open his phone behind the wheel ? That will be a difficult habit to break . You know , Marcus may need stronger reinforcement . Dayzee : That s not fair . Marcus is-- Man : Young lady , sit down right now . Even though these are my chambers , courtroom demeanor is expected . Control your client s family , Mr. Barber . Justin : Sorry . Man : Another outburst , and they all leave . Now what kind of reinforcement are your proposing ? Woman : The people respectfully request that bond be denied . Stephanie : What ? Marcus : Denied ? Dayzee : ( Scoffs ) Hope : You sound like Steffy . Brooke : ( Chuckles ) I do nt really agree with her very often , but ... ( Sighs ) Given what you and Liam have been through to be together , are you really going to let it end like this ? Hope : That s not what I m doing . Not -- I m -- I m not doing that . I m -- I m just taking a step back . I - I think I m owed that . I am just trying to process how any of this really could have happened . I ... I just know that I can not my acknowledge marriage started the day my husband almost left me . Brooke : If Steffy takes advantage of this ... ( Sighs ) Hope : ( Scoffs ) She will . I m not stupid . Steffy s a threat . And with Liam s track record , she s probably over there right now . Liam : Somehow letting go of Hope just does nt seem possible . Steffy : And yet it s so easy for her to give up on you . She does this to you over and over again . She s a child trying to function in an adult world . But it s not her fault . No , it s not her fault . She was trained to believe that she can have whatever she wants . Liam : ( Sighs ) Steffy : Life is nt perfect , Liam . ( Scoffs ) Come on . It is not perfect . If you re lucky enough to find that one person that you could share the rest of your life with , someone like you , you do nt need it to be perfect . Liam : I know . I agree . You -- you lean on each other . You make each other stronger . Steffy : Yeah . That s how you make a marriage work . Liam : You always wanted me to find a true partner . Steffy : Yeah . I tried to accept Hope . I tried to believe that she was a good person . But let s look at the history . ( Sighs ) She walks out on you on a consistent basis . You really want to be with someone like that for the rest of your life ? You want someone to just blow things out of proportion , to just storm off whenever , and then to realize they were a complete idiot ? How many-- how many times has she moved in and out of this house ? Do you remember Aspen when you , um ... when you brought me back ? And we went back to that house together , and , um , on the door , there was a note from Hope ... Liam : ( Sighs ) Steffy : I ca nt deal with it . I m going back to L.A. Liam : Yeah , I know . Even then you were ... trying to make yourself believe we could work . Steffy : Mm . Yeah , and I gave you an annulment . In the back of your mind , I knew that you had this giant What if ? You need this time with Hope . There s a reason you tore up those annulment papers . You were nt sure . But now you should be . You should tell Hope , Thanks for the memories . She is nt the person for you , Liam . I am . Liam : ( Sighs ) Justin : Your honor , I can not understand why my colleague does not want my client released tonight . Considering the nature of his crime , it does not warrant such a harsh-- Woman : It seems we have a difference of opinion on the seriousness of drivers paying attention to the road . Justin : Well , by all means , it is serious , your honor , and my client fully understands that . He is ready to stand trial , but he has preparations . He has a new wife of two days now . And they have an infant they need to make arrangements for , Sir . Woman : Maybe he should have thought about that before running his car into a pedestrian . Justin : Uh , who , by the way , your honor , is receiving the absolute best care . Marcus is intending on paying for reconstructive surgery to correct a lifelong foot problem . The physician here can testify on his behalf . Your honor , Marcus is doing everything he can to make this right . Man : ( Sighs ) Mr. Forrester , I am very impressed with your dedication to the victim and your appearance of remorse . You seem like a very nice guy . But nice guys break the law . A man is in the hospital because of what you did . Luckily for him , you come from a family of considerable wealth and can pay for his recovery . However , I have information of private jets , residences abroad . It seems to me you d easily flee if you wanted to avoid a trial . Stephanie : Your honor , Marcus is not a flight risk . Man : Excuse me . Your family is used to exercising power and influence . That will not happen in my court room . Marcus Forrester , you will be held until trial without bond at the L.A. County jail . Dayzee : ( Sighs ) Stephanie : Oh , no . No . Eric : Oh , God . Man : Mr. Forrester will be remanded immediately to county jail . Dayzee : I love you . Marcus : I love you . Dayzee : ( Sniffles ) Dayzee : ( Sobs ) Thomas : What happened ? Eric : He did nt get bail . He has to stay in jail until the trial . Thomas : They ca nt do that ! Dayzee : ( Sobs ) Brooke : I warned her to stay away from Liam , but she could be over there right now . It should be you . Legally or not , Liam is your husband . Hope : Not yet . I mean , my -- maybe he will be , maybe , but things will really have to change . Brooke : Honey , mistakes happen . I know . I m speaking from experience . Hope : ( Sighs ) Brooke : The best way to face these things and handle them is with your partner . I m sorry , but you are leaving the door wide open for Steffy to make a move . Hope : Okay , well , if Liam has learned anything from all this , he will steer clear of her . I ca nt change how I feel . I can not change who I am . And if Liam loves me , he ll understand that . ( Sighs ) Steffy : I m not saying you do nt need Hope in your life . Liam : ( Scoffs ) I need you both in my life . Steffy : I m talking about Bob Hope . Liam : ( Chuckles ) Steffy : Did -- did you think I was talking about someone else or something , really ? Liam : See , okay ... ( Stammers ) Hope does nt really get his humor . You get his humor , but Hope does nt get it . Steffy : Well , well , what else do you need in a marriage ... except a little laughter and the ability to stay put , fight through things , and work together ? You know , what happened in Italy wasnt -- it was nt only because of that -- that letter . It was because you were with me , someone who you re connected to , someone to lean on if -- if you need it . That s why we kissed . It was nt a misunderstanding . It was a man finding solace in his best friend . Do I have to hit you over the head before you get it ? Liam : No , no , no . I m sorry . No ! I just -- I do nt ... come on . I do nt know what you want me to say . Steffy : I want ... ( Sighs ) Say good - bye to Hope . Put her in your past . Look to your future . Your future is us . Your future ... is with me . Liam : ( Sighs ) Texas Battle : A texting driver is 23 times more likely to get into a crash than a not - texting driver . For more information and tips on how to avoid texting and driving , go to www.stoptextsstopwrecks.org ### Summary:
Steffy tells Liam that Hope needs to grow up . She ca nt just walk out on him and she told her that . But Steffy admits that she made a mistake that day at the wedding . She should not have advised him to go after Hope . Hope might be innocent , but she s crazy . She wonders if Liam has nt had enough . He s beside himself when he hears Steffy say that Hope offered her her wedding ring . That day was ruined for Hope and Liam should nt tie himself to her for the rest of his life . Hope explains to Brooke that she needs some time here at her house and not with Liam . Brooke advises her to take all the time she needs but just to make sure Liam knows that she is coming back to him to work this out . Marcus holds Dayzee and kisses her passionately and then realizes they are on camera and not allowed to touch . Thomas and Caroline are at Dayzee s looking at the security camera footage for that night that Anthony was hit . Justin manages to get a bond hearing with the judge and pleads Marcus s case that he admits to his wrongdoing and will never do this again . Detective Baker is allowed to make a statement and informs the judge that Marcus is a serial texter making 157 texts on that day . The judge makes Dayzee sit down with no more outbursts or he will clear the courtroom . After hearing from both sides , the judge rules that Marcus will be held over for trial without bond ; he is to be remanded to the county jail . Hope tells her mom that she is just taking a step back , she thinks she is allowed that after all her husband almost left her . She is not stupid , Steffy is a trap . She is probably over there right now . Steffy keeps feeding Liam what he wants to hear . Hope is a child ; he does nt need to be saddled with that every time something goes wrong and she walks out on him . She s moved in and out of this house so many times . He originally tore up the annulment papers and there was a reason for that . Hope is not the person for him ; Steffy is . She does nt believe what happened in Italy was just because of the letter . It was because they were connected . He needs to let go of the past and look toward the future with her . She leans in and kisses him .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Colin : We need to treat the cancer aggressively with an immediate course of radiation . Shayne : I do nt want to go . I do nt want you out of my life . Reva : That would hurt the baby ? Colin : That s why I m recommending a c - section . Reva : No chance in hell . Shayne : What did you expect to find in Bosnia , exactly ? Dinah : I did nt know . Something . Anything . Shayne : Well , it worked . Phillip : Today is the big day ! Alan : Yes ! A big day of disappointment for Doris Wolfe and Buzz Cooper , when their star witness does nt show up . Phillip : What makes you so sure he wo nt show ? Alan : Well , let s just say I took care of Mr. Foley . Phillip : You did ? Alan : I ca nt imagine he is going to show up . Phillip : Huh . Well , I hope you re right . Because if his testimony comes to light , they re going to have a pretty good case . Because you did , you hired him to kill Jonathan Randall , right ? But I know he ended up running over Tammy Winslow instead , but , still , if the grand jury hears that you were behind all of that , you could have a problem . Alan : Luckily for me , son , I do nt think any of that is going to happen . I ll see you later . Phillip : Yeah , unfortunately , Dad , I think you re right . Doris : Hey . There are a few things I want to go over with my star witness before the hearing gets started . Where is the little devil ? Buzz : He s probably on his way . Daisy : No . I ... I do nt think he s coming . I think something s wrong . Doris : Well , he d better show up , or he s fired . Edmund : Hello , Dinah . Dinah : You startled me ... during my private time . Edmund : Ooh , sorry . Dinah : That s fine . It s a public park . Plenty of room for you , too . Edmund : It is , is nt it . It s a lovely one at that . The pond , the swans . Dinah : Yes , I like to read here , quietly . Edmund : Me , I come to walk , listen to music . Dinah : Britney ? Edmund : Ah . It s one of Lara s favorites . Dinah : Very sweet . Edmund : It is , is nt it ? Unlike you . You know , you ca nt win Shayne back by giving him Lara s music box . You destroyed the only moving image of the woman he loves , just as you destroy everything you touch . Josh : Good morning , son . Shayne : Good morning , Dad . Listen , I m not having a good one , okay ? I m not in the mood for the father - son heart - to - heart chit - chat , fix my life thing right now . Josh : Well , thank God for that . Because you know what ? Neither am I. Look , you know what ? We got to cut through the crap and we got to think about something else here . Because this situation between the two of us is not working out at all . We re not friends . We re not business partners . I m not your coach . I m not your minister . I do nt want to be any of those things . I just want to be your dad . Shayne : Okay . Josh : Okay . Moving on then , here s the deal : I wo nt talk to you about Lara . I wo nt talk to you about the accident or Edmund or anything else that needs to be solved . We re just going to be two guys from the same family who just happen to be hanging out , okay ? Shayne : What did you do with my father ? Josh : ( Laughs ) Shayne : Yeah , that s okay because I can hang . Josh : Football ? I also have brought , um , let s see . Hang on . Super bowl III , a classic , Joe Namath , the Jets and Colts . And I also have Call Of Duty IV , which I m going to warn you right now , I happen to be surprisingly skilled at . Shayne : You have what ? Yeah , well , I better warn you back , so am I. Why do you have that ? Josh : Okay . Okay . And just one more thing . Hold on . ( Clears throat ) Pizza ? And beer . Shayne : Beer ? Josh : Uh - huh . Shayne : For you ? Before noon ? Josh : The breakfast of champions . Shayne : Okay , champ . How about some eggs first ? Josh : Do you have hot sauce ? Shayne : And ketchup . Josh : Oh , boy . Reva : Hey . Hey , you re not dressed yet . We re going to be late . Jeffrey : Late for what ? Reva : We have another birthing class this morning . Jeffrey : You re kidding me , right ? Remy : No , no . And this one is going to be amazing . I had us signed up for that particular class because the woman who teaches , teaches it , wrote this book . Jeffrey : Reva , we re not going to a birthing class . Reva : Oh , come on . Do nt you want to know everything possible about what s going to happen in the delivery room ? Jeffrey : Did you not hear one word that that Colin told us last night ? Reva , your cancer is spreading . You need radiation . They re going to deliver the baby today , a c - section . Today , Reva . The doctor has cleared his schedule , and he is waiting to hear from us . Reva : Well , I m going to deliver this baby when I m absolutely positive that it can survive on its own , and not a minute sooner . Now , hurry up , come on . We re going to be late . I ll meet you in the car . Lillian : Here s some water , honey . And I did as you asked . I called Cedars . He was nt admitted . So he just probably lost track of time . Daisy : I just-- I do nt know why he would do this . Lillian : Well , I m sure he has some sort of an explanation . Daisy : We were just so happy yesterday . Things were really good with us . He ... he gave me this . Lillian : Very pretty . Daisy : No , it s not . It s not pretty . It s just-- it s his . It s why he gave it to me , because we re together . And he agreed to this , he agreed to testify against Alan because of me , because he loves me . Lillian : Daisy , love does nt always mean the same thing to men as it does to women . Daisy : There is something wrong , or else he would be here . Buzz : Okay . Let me get this all straight , okay ? The grand jury hears everything , and then they hand out an indictment , right ? Doris : Yes . Buzz : And then Alan goes in the slammer ? Doris : Well , he s out on bail , but they ll set a trial date . Buzz : That s it ? That s all ? Doris : Well , that s the next step . Buzz : I do nt ... when does the trial begin ? Doris : Well , I-- that s normally anywhere from six months to six weeks . Buzz : Oh , no , no , no , no , no ! This is unacceptable ! I need this not to take as long ! Doris : That s ... Buzz : He has to suffer right now ! Doris : That s the process , Buzz . Buzz : Oh , no , no . Daisy ? Lillian : Is he here ? Doris : No , he s not . And your boyfriend needs to get his ass in here right now ! Buzz : Get him on the phone . Tell him if he does nt show up now , the whole thing falls apart . Alan : What ? No Grady Foley ? Well , let s see , he has 17 minutes before he has to testify . I m sure he ll be here . He would nt want to disappoint you . Reva : Come on . We re already ten minutes late . I ca nt believe it took you so long to change your clothes . We ll just kind of slip in quietly . Jeffrey : Well , we should nt be going at all . Reva : Well , we re not that late . We ... Jeffrey : Are you going to pretend , like this , all day long ? Are you going to pretend that this is nt something critical right up to the last minute ? Reva : I m not having a c - section . I m going to take this birthing class , and I m going to prepare myself for when the baby is ready to come . And you can come with me or not . Janice : For some women , contractions can be more comfortable on your side . Others prefer to walk until the final stages of labor . And some patients find that a warm shower can be helpful . Reva : Are there actually showers in the birthing room ? Jeffrey : This is ridiculous . That s a ridiculous thing to ask . Reva : Well , no , actually , honey , it s not . I mean , I would be the one that s in labor , right ? So if I want to take a shower , I will . Or if I want to take a walk on a treadmill , I ll do exactly that , because the decision is up to me as far as how this baby actually comes into the world . Janice : It is important to make sure that your wife is comfortable . Reva : Yeah . Jeffrey : I need some air . Reva : As far as birthing tubs , I ve been doing some reading about that . Are there birthing tubs in any of the rooms ? Janice : Uh - huh . Reva : Oh . Josh : Oh . Oh ! We should have stuck with the pizza . Ach , ach . Shayne : Are you kidding me with this ? You should nt have put so much hot sauce on it . Josh : Oh , the hot sauce was meant to drown out the awfulness of the eggs . Do you have something ... oh , man .... that I can wash this down with ? Do you have some juice , coffee , or ... Shayne : ( Laughs ) Yeah , I ve got something for you . Josh : Maybe we should pop open one of those beers or something . Look , look , look , you know what ? Shayne : It s fresh -- Josh : No . Can we go ? Maybe throw the football around a little bit somewhere . Because , to be honest , the room smells like eggs and socks . Shayne : It smells like victory . Smells fine to me . Josh : Get yourself ready . We re going out , all right ? I ve got the pizza . I ll get the car , and I ll meet you . Shayne : I m coming , I m coming , I m coming . Phillip : Hey . Dinah : Cousin Phillip , wow ! Home at last . Wow ! I wish my father would have lived to see this day . Phillip : Me , too . Dinah : I was going to stop by and visit you . Phillip : No , something s always coming up . Dinah : Yeah . At least you re out now . Phillip : Yeah , well , not completely . ( Laughs ) I still have my limits . Dinah : Other than that , how are you ? Phillip : I m good . I m good , yeah , yeah . It s a little strange being back . Some things are the same . Some things are very different . Still settling in . When I do , you ll know . Dinah : I ll know ? Phillip : Have you heard ? Dinah : What ? Phillip : The news about Lizzie s kidnapping . Yeah , she finally figured out who did it . Phillip : You seem a little tense . I thought you d be more relieved . This could clear Bill . Dinah : I am relieved . I am relieved . I just , I do nt think you know how stressful it all was . Sometimes it feels like it will never really be over . Phillip : Well , I guess I can understand what you d feel that way . But , with the news , maybe it is finally over . Are nt you going to ask me who did it ? Dinah : Yes . Of course . Yeah . I thought , I was just waiting for you to tell me . Phillip : Grady Foley . Dinah : Wow . Just Grady ? Phillip : Well , I do nt know . I mean , who else would be involved ? Dinah : His brother ? Phillip : Cyrus ? Dinah : Yeah . I m not saying that he would do anything like that . I mean , I m not trying to ... Phillip : Pin it on him ? Dinah : No . Phillip : No , no , I understand . Dinah : So is Grady in custody ? Phillip : No . He s not in custody . Dinah : Wow ? Did he just leave town ? Where is he ? Phillip : I ca nt answer your questions about Grady . Dinah : Wow , so he could still surface ? Phillip : Anything s possible . Josh : Oh , man . Oh ! Shayne : You could do better . Josh : No . I m done . I m done , really . We should have stayed back and watched Super Bowl III . Shayne : What do you mean you re done ? Josh : ( Laughs ) I m sorry . Shayne : You re turning into my old man right before my eyes . Josh : Hey , hey , hey . I was a minister for a year - and - a - half . Okay . I did nt have a lot of time to go to the gym . Shayne : Oh . Josh : I had a higher calling . Shayne : Oh , that s right . That s right . So , I think we need to get you back into shape there . I m going to need to drag you to physical therapy with me . Christina is real good . She s cute , too . Josh : Of course she s cute . She s what , 20 years old . Shayne : You know what ? You re right . She s too young for you . Josh : ( Laughs ) Oh , what . Shayne : ( Laughs ) No , no , no . What s your limit when it comes to dating ? Josh : Well ... Shayne : What s your limit when it comes to dating ? High end ? Low end ? Josh : Why are you even asking ... Shayne : Just give me a ball park figure . Josh : ... Me that question ? Shayne : Because I need to know for when I start fixing you up with someone . Josh : Oh ! I see . Shayne : So , tell me . Because if 20 too young , well , then , is 60 too old . Josh : Age has nothing to do with it . It s not important . What is important is a-- yeah , personality . Shayne : Personality , yeah . Here s to personality . ( Laughter ) Josh : Nice to see you smile , son . Shayne : Give me that pizza . Edmund : Tossing around the old pigskin , I see . Josh : Edmund ! Nice to see you . Would you like a beer , maybe a slice of pizza ? Edmund : Ooh , what s on it ? Josh : Pretty much everything . Edmund : Sure . Josh : Okay . Actually , you know what ? It s a good thing that you re here , because , I m sorry , I ve got to go . I have a lunch meeting with your Uncle Billy . Shayne : Next time you should invite Billy . Josh : Yeah , but then we d have to get more pizza . Shayne : Oh . Josh : I ll see you . Shayne : All right . Edmund : I saw your good friend Dinah , today . Dinah : Be sure to tell Lizzie that I m very happy that everything is resolved . I ve got to get back to the station . I m late for an edit session . Phillip : Well , actually , I did nt tell you everything . Bill figured out that Grady was the kidnapper . And Grady grabbed him . Dinah : What ? Phillip : Yeah . But Bill got away . Dinah : Oh , my God ! Phillip : Yeah . Yeah . How scary is that ? I bet that makes you want to run over there and check on him , make sure he s all right . Dinah : Of course I do , yes . Phillip : Yeah . I can tell . Dinah : Yeah . Phillip : Well ... it s so good to see you . ( Laughs ) Dinah : Yeah . Phillip : I ll catch you later . Dinah : Yeah . See you later . I m dead . Buzz : Damn it ! Doris : Okay , they re giving him two more minutes . Find Grady Foley and get him into that courtroom . Daisy : Did you do something to him ? If you hurt him , I will never forgive you . Alan : I guess I ll just have to live with that . Lillian : Do nt talk to him . Daisy : He might know where Grady is ! Alan : I can assure you that I do nt have any idea where Grady is . Doris : Okay . That s it . They broke for lunch . It s over . Buzz : Oh , no . Let me talk to them . Doris : You ca nt talk to them . Your not a material witness . Besides , nothing you have to say will make any difference . You ll probably help Alan s case . And you , you tell that boyfriend of yours that that was the most humiliating experience of my entire career . He s fired ! Alan : What a pity . I ve wasted this entire morning when I could have been home getting a massage . Daisy : I hate you ! I m sorry , Grandpa . I do nt know what happened . I know Grady was planning on being here . He s going to call , he will . He ll call , or he ll just show up , because he would nt leave without saying good - bye . I know he would nt . Reva : Your books are really so amazing . And I ve read-- whoops ! Every single one of them . I love the way you explain every step . I mean , I ve been through this before , but it all makes me feel a whole lot calmer . Janice : Oh , I m so glad that that helps . Good luck with your baby . Reva : Thank you . Thanks . It is your loss . You know what ? They do have birthing tubs here in some of the rooms . It is a little weird , but they lower the lights and they play this beautiful music . It s very peaceful . Jeffrey : These are for you . Admitting papers . You re scheduled for 3 : 00 . Reva : I m , I m not signing those . Jeffrey : Well , they re already filled out and signed . Reva : That s not legal . Jeffrey : I have your power of attorney , remember ? Reva : This is the not your decision to make . Jeffrey : It s my baby , too , Reva . Let s go home and pack your bags . Shayne : So what do you say ? How about it ? Edmund : No , thanks . It s not my game . Shayne : H m mm . Edmund : You know , I found the music that was on Lara s music box , downloaded it onto my IPod . Shayne : That s not exactly IPod kind of music . Edmund : ( Laughs ) No . No , but it reminds me of my daughter . I m glad Dinah found that music box and gave it to you . I guess she thinks it makes up for what she did . Shayne : It kind of does . Edmund : Shayne , do nt let Dinah fool you . She s very good at worming her way into people s lives and making herself invaluable to them . Shayne : With the exception to what happened the other day , Edmund , Dinah s been a very , very good friend to me . Edmund : Good . I m glad . I just think you should protect yourself . Protect yourself against someone who will do anything and hurt anyone to get what she wants . Dinah : Grady , it s Dinah . So I ve been hearing that Lizzie has been running around town telling everybody that you are the kidnapper . So I really need to know what s going on . Do I need to leave town ? What do I need to do ? Call me . Look , do nt call me at ... just call me . I ve wasted my time I ve tried all no way to decide I tried ... Buzz : Grady ! Grady ! Where the hell are you ? Where is he ? How could you let him out of your sight ? Lillian : Buzz , stop this . Daisy : I sat here and waited . I waited for him half the night . I do nt know where he is . I want to see him more than you . Buzz : You want to see him more than me . Lillian : Honey , honey , he s just really upset . He s going to calm down , and then we re going to go and we ll find Grady , okay ? Daisy : And then what ? Then when Grady gets back , and Grandpa s going to be so mad at him . The whole thing is ruined . Lillian : Well , boys like Grady are not always trustworthy . Daisy : You do nt know anything about him . Reva : Just hold on ! Stop a minute ! You are so out of line ! Jeffrey : I m trying to keep my wife alive . That s my first priority . Reva : Well , I m not going home to pack a bag . Jeffrey : Okay , fine . Then we ll check you in now , and then we will go home and get your bag after you have the baby . Reva : I am not going in there . Jeffrey : Okay , then we ll go home and get your bag and then we can come back here . Reva : No , no . I m going to go home . I m going to go home , and you re bu-- I ca nt have this argument again ! Jeffrey : What are you doing ? Reva : I just , I m going to go home without you , and you re going to go somewhere . Jeffrey : Reva , what are you doing ? Reva : We need some time apart . Shayne : So you ready to lose your butt in that game of Call Of Duty ? Dinah : It s me . Shayne : Hi . What is it ? What s going on ? Dinah : I m scared . Reva : No ! Do not come in ! I told you to go away . You need to find some place else to sleep tonight ! Oh ... hi , I m sorry . Josh : Is this a bad time ? Reva : Well , that depends . What do you want ? Josh : I just had lunch with Billy . We have some paperwork for you to sign before we can file taxes . Reva : Oh . Do you have a pen ? Josh : I think you keep the pens in that drawer over there . Reva : I knew that . Josh : Do you mind if I grab a beer ? Reva : You re honestly going to drink a beer in front of me ? Josh : Yeah . Every drop , actually . Reva : In the fridge . Josh : Thank you . Jeffrey : Doris , hi . Clerk said I would find you here . Doris : Well , here I am . What do you want ? You ve got ten minutes . I m having a really bad day . Jeffrey : Okay . Thanks . I m looking for precedents , husband forcing his wife to have a procedure to deliver a baby prematurely due to health reasons . Doris : Is your baby in danger ? Jeffrey : No . Reva is . Daisy : Please call me . I do nt know why you re not here . I do nt understand what s going on . Please , if you re in some kind of trouble , you can tell me , okay ? I love you . Lillian : Buzz , Buzz ? Buzz : Yeah ? Lillian : What are you doing ? Throwing Alan s head away ? Buzz : Yeah . Lillian : Well , let me tell you something . You re going to make yourself sick . You are . Listen , we all want Coop back . Believe me , I do , too . But throwing Alan away or putting him in jail is nt going to change anything . Coop will still be dead . Buzz : Yeah . It s not fair . Lillian : I know it s not fair , but your behavior is nt fair either , Buzz . You have your little granddaughter out there crying her eyes out . Marina needs you . Frank needs you . I am so worried about you . Buzz : I do nt need anyone to worry about me ! Lillian : Yes , you do ! I think you do . Phillip : You look happy . Alan : I am happy . I m celebrating my freedom . Do you care to join me with a cigar ? Phillip : I take it the grand jury ruled in your favor . Alan : Well , actually , Phillip , they did nt even get that far because I made certain that they did nt have anything to hear . Phillip : How exactly did you arrange that ? Alan : Remember , I always taught you to know your enemies and stay one step ahead of them . Phillip : No . I m just asking you in this case , how did you make that happen ? Alan : I sent Elizabeth to talk with Mr. Foley and make him a deal he could nt refuse . Phillip : You sent Lizzie to deal with her kidnapper ? Alan : Phillip , while you ve been gone all of these years , I have been watching Elizabeth . I can assure you , she can handle any situation . Phillip : You sent my daughter to deal with the man who had tormented her ? Alan : I know how to deal with Grady Foley . Phillip : Grady Foley has been dealt with . He ll never hurt Lizzie again , and neither will you . Alan : Wait a minute . What do you mean ? Phillip : There is nothing that I will not do to protect my children . I know that now . Do nt you ever hurt her again . Dinah : Right now , I need to really get out of here . I need to pack my bags , and I need to get out of here . But I do nt know where I d go . I ca nt figure out where I d go . Shayne : What s going on ? Dinah : You know what ? I never really thought that I would get away with this , you know ? But now I m going to lose my brother and my mother and everybody , you know ? It was never my idea to grab Lizzie . Shayne : Okay . Hey , calm down . What happened ? Tell me what happened ? Dinah : Everybody knows ! Everybody knows that Grady kidnapped Lizzie . Once he is arrested , he is going to try to nail everything on me , of course , unless he s left town , which is my only hope . But I do nt know if it is too late . Shayne : Too late for what ? Dinah : My brother found out about Grady , so Grady locked my brother up somewhere . The thing is , Bill is back . So what if Grady told him about me ? Shayne : Slow down . Okay ? It s 50/50 , there s still a chance that he did nt say anything . Dinah : No , if he was planning on killing Bill , no . I-- it is possible . Okay ? Why not ? Why would nt that happen ? Shayne : Okay . Just sit down for a second . Dinah : No . I do nt want ... ! No . You see , it s over for me . It had all gone away , it had all gone away . It was in the past . I had my life back . And now ... Shayne : Listen , you can still wind up in the clear here . Okay ? It s going to be okay . Maybe Grady is gone . Yeah , maybe he locked Bill up and then he split . You said yourself , they have nt found him . They have nt arrested him . Dinah : Not yet . Shayne : Okay . Then so what ... what s going on ? Dinah : No . So , so , so ... it s the waiting . See , it s the waiting . It s almost worse than being charged . Shayne : It s okay . Why did you come here right now ? Why did you come here to me ? Dinah : I had no one else to turn to . I ca nt talk to anybody else about this . You re the only one who ... Shayne : The only one who what ? Dinah : Understands me . Just stay , stay , stay till the morning you can take , take , take what you want if you leave me , if you do nt believe me that I ... Dinah : I ca nt . Shayne : You come over here , and you tell me that your entire world is crashing . Come here scared out of your mind . And now you re , you re pushing me away ? Dinah : Yeah . I need to find out my part in this kidnapping . Shayne : Hey , it s okay for you to need me . Dinah : I do nt need you . Shayne : Hey ... Dinah : You are everyone else s hero . You re not mine . Shayne : Wow . Okay , if you want to lie to yourself , I m going to let you . But you know that I was you a few months ago . Dinah : You ve never been me . You ve never been me . You have been unconditionally loved from the first day you were born . The moment you got back into town , you were almost smothered by that . Shayne : I know what it feels like not to be able to count on anyone . And you know , that I know what it feels like to be alone . We are not so different . Dinah : Oh , okay . Shayne : We re not . Dinah : Well , you know , you have never cared about anybody who has left you . Reva is sick . Lara has died . And Marina , you left her . So you have never been with anybody who has deliberately left you , had a choice and did not choose you . Shayne : Dinah , none of that matters . Dinah : Yes ... Shayne : None of that-- how does that matter . Dinah : It does matter because nobody who has ever loved you ever wanted to leave you . Everybody who loves me has never wanted to stay . So it does matter . It does matter . Come on ! I have to do this on my own . You can not help me through this . Shayne : I want to help you through this . I can get you through this , and I want to . Please ! Why are you so certain that I m going to hurt you ? Dinah : Because I do nt know that . I do nt know that , but I do nt want to have to think about that and always wonder . So I am going to probably handle this on my own , okay ? And that s how I m going to have to deal with it . And I m sorry that I have to be the first person to ever walk from-- away from you and not choose you , but I think I need something else , Shayne . Shayne : Do nt do this . Do nt do this . Dinah ! Lillian : Well , I ll make some lunch , for everyone . I think I better go upstairs and check on him . Are you going to be okay , sweetie ? Daisy : Yeah . Lillian : Promise me . ( Cell phone beeps ) Daisy : It s a message from Grady ! Dear Daisy , sorry to disappoint you , but I knew I could nt really change . You ll be fine . You ll find someone else . A guy who can be good for you , and a guy who deserves you . I did love you in my way . Grady . Phillip : Sorry , Daisy . Everything that I ve owned is in my four bare walls it s just me with my head and my four bare walls and the things that I did and you can write me off as the carpenter s son who was afraid of life so he decided to run to some but you better to believe me when I tell you I m gone cause I m gone , I m gone ... Reva : You better take it easy , little guy . Your mommy is not going to stay mad at your daddy forever . It will all be over once he realizes that I m right . ( Knock on the door ) The bar is closed to ex - husbands . Hi . Messenger : Reva Shayne ONeill ? Reva : Yeah , that s me . Messenger : These are for you . They re from the D.A. s office . Reva : Well , are you sure they re not for Jeffrey ? That s me , all right . Okay . Thank you . There you go . Hold on a second . Okay . Here you go . Thanks a lot . Have a good day . That bastard ! Lillian : You re supposed to go to court today and face Jeffrey . Colin : That is the worst idea I ve ever heard . Olivia : Emma . Natalia : Do you have her ? Olivia : I do nt have her . Reva : Mel , hi , it s Reva . Olivia : Phillip ... Reva : I need a lawyer . Olivia : You took my little girl , you bastard . ### Summary:
Phillip goes to see Alan . Grady is a no show at Doris office . And Daisy says she thinks she knows why . Edmund tries to cheer up Dinah . Shayne gets a visit from Josh , who just wants to play a friendly game of toss with a football . When Grady does nt show , Buzz get nervous . Buzz asks Daisy to call him on her cell . Then Alan appears at the door of the courtroom . Overhearing their conversation , Alan tells them , He has 17 minutes before court starts . I am sure he would nt want to miss it . Phillip and Dinah meet at the park in the gazebo . Dinah asks Phillip what s it like being back . Dinah asks questions about Grady of which Phillip tells her he ca nt answer . Shayne tells Josh that he s going to fix him up with someone and wants to know his type . Josh laughs it off . Edmund arrives and Josh excuses himself . Back at the gazebo , Phillip feels uneasy . Grady is a no show by lunch . Doris has told all that the jury has gone to lunch . Buzz is furious . Daisy is scared . And Alan is smug . Reva and Jeffrey decide to go home from the hospital . Dinah is alone in her room . She calls Grady , but gets his voicemail . She leaves a message . Then after hanging up she gets out a suitcase and packs . At Grady s , Buzz is outside calling his name . Daisy and Lillian are with him . Lillian tells Daisy to find Grady . Outside the hospital Reva and Jeffrey get to the car . Reva gets in and drives off leaving Jeffrey there . Jeffrey arrives at Doris s office . He wants to know why he s there . She tells him about Grady . Daisy is outside Grady s on the phone crying . Lillian gives Buzz some advice about dealing with Daisy and himself . Phillip goes home to see Alan happy . Alan tell him he s free . Phillip asks how he did it . Alan tells him he sent Lizzie to deal with Grady . Phillip is furious that Alan sent Lizzie back to whom kidnapped her . So much so Phillip order Alan never to go near Lizzie again . Dinah goes to see Shayne and tells him about what she knows about Lizzie s kidnapping . Shayne tries to calm Dinah down . Dinah and Shayne end up in an embrace and kiss . She pulls back and tells him she does nt need him or anyone else . She leaves his place . Back home Daisy gets a text message . In short he is sorry and that he could nt change . That he did nt love her that he used her . Reva finds papers that have Jeffrey legal guardian . Reva is not at all happy .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Thorne : You re dreading this as much as I am . Eric : More , given what s going to happen when that elevator door opens . Thorne : Yes , and Deacon Sharpe rolls out . Eric : Uh - huh , and then he and his cohorts operate their new company out of this building . Thorne : As a subsidiary of Forrester . Eric : God help us , yes . And if I appear anything less than cooperative -- Thorne : You ll risk alienating Bridget again , dad . Eric : Yeah , which I do not want to do , given everything that s happened with us the last few weeks . Thorne : Wo nt be easy . Dad , you ca nt let Deacon or Amber or Sally get under your skin . And you know they will . Probably the minute they get off that elevator . Sally : So , what do you say , hot - wheels ? You ready for action ? Your big moment has arrived . Deacon : No , no , no , this is our big moment . Yours , mine and Amber s . Let s do it . Sally : Lets go . Amber : Okay . Sally : Okay , whoa , wait , wait , wait . Hey , what is this ? Where is everybody ? Where s the brass band ? Where s the press , clamoring to report our triumphant arrival ? Come on , I mean , it is nt every day that Forrester creations spawns a brand - new offspring . Deacon : Well , somehow , I think Eric might see it a little bit differently , but all the same , it would be nice to see a couple familiar faces . Amber : You know , Eric s probably in his office . Sally : Well , I hope he s not in there planning to sabotage us again . He did that to you already once , deacon . I hope he s not in there planning an encore . Eric : Well , there they are . Hello , everybody . Welcome to Forrester . Jackie : Brooke ? Are you all right ? Brooke : What are you doing here ? Jackie : You do nt look well . It s not the baby , is it ? Brooke : Not the way you mean , no . Jackie : But something is wrong ? It s your marriage , is nt it ? It s already beginning to feel the strain . You and Ridge , you thought that you could raise Nicky s baby together , but you re beginning to realize that that just -- [ Jackie sighs ] Ah , Brooke . Please , talk to me . You know that I care about you . Whatever has happened , you can talk to me . Brooke : I was in bed with Ridge . I wanted my husband so much and he wanted me . But he could nt make love to me . Because I m carrying his brother s child . Ridge : Ozzy , hey . You got here fast . Oscar : No point in delaying the inevitable , right ? Ridge : Not with something this important , no . Oscar : So go ahead , lay it on me . Or maybe I can save you the trouble . You re gon na tell me that you think I m -- Ridge : The man for the job . You look a little surprised . Oscar : A little bit . I mean , do nt get me wrong , I think it s great that you feel that way , but I just -- Ridge : Look , all modesty aside , I think you ve got a lot to offer . So , to prove that , I think you should throw a party . Oscar : A party ? Okay , what do you mean for the family ? Ridge : Well , the family can come if they want to , but mostly we just want to make sure there are a lot of sexy models there . And all the press we can pack in . What better chance to expose yourself , huh ? Oscar : Expose my -- um -- do nt you think Bridget might be a little -- we re not talking about the same thing , are we ? Ridge : Why do nt you tell me what you re talking about ? Oscar : My engagement to Bridget . What are you talking about ? Ridge : The job I planned to offer you here at Logan designs . I thought this was a good time to get you on board and going . But now that I know what you re really up to , I m having second thoughts . Sally : Glad to see ya . I thought nobody was here . Eric : I m afraid that when it comes to a welcoming committee , Thorne and I are it . Deacon : Well , that s okay , I was kinda hoping we d keep things kind low - key for now . Eric : Actually , I assumed as much . That s why I nixed the boys choir , and the cheerleaders , an l the rest . Amber : Okay , so where are our new digs , huh ? I m ready to get cracking . Deacon : Yeah , me too . Thorne : Do you want to show them , or shall I ? Eric : No , no , I ll do the honors . Oscar : Look , I know what you re thinking . And yeah , things are moving a little fast , but we re planning a long engagement . Anyway , when you know something s right , you know it s right . Ridge : And you know it s right ? Oscar : Yeah . Yeah , I do . And it s not that I blame Bridget s old man for exactly flipping cartwheels when we told him about it . I mean , she s always gon na be his little girl and he s going to watch after her , especially what Sharpe did . But I m telling you , I m not him . I m not Deacon . Ridge : So you re gon na treat her right ? Oscar : Yeah , yeah , I m gon na treat her right ! I m gon na treat her the way she deserves to be treated ! Ridge : You know what , Ozzy ? As long as you take it slow and easy , I m happy for you and bridget . Oscar : Good . Ridge : Good . Congratulations . Maybe finally Bridget can put all that bad time with Deacon behind her because of you . Sally : So , this is it , huh ? Amber : You expect the three of us to share my old office ? Thorne : Well , we realize it s close quarters , but -- Deacon : But nothing else was available in the executive wing , right ? Eric : We knew you d understand . Amber : Well , I do nt , okay ? Either you re behind this company or you re not and this gives me every indication that you re not ! Eric : Amber , as soon as there s another office . Deacon : Okay , okay , Eric , this is gon na be great . We re gon na make this work . Right , ladies ? Sally : Absolutely . Amber : I guess a little togetherness never hurt anybody . Deacon : You see ? See , that s the kind of attitude that s gon na make this company great . I like that , it s good . Sally : Right , now all we need is something to make it official . Deacon : What did you do ? Sally : I had a plaque made up . It s got the company name and logo on it . How do you like it ? Deacon : Sally , I do nt know what to say , I mean , you should nt -- Sally : Listen , after everything you ve done for me , Deacon , it was the least I could do . Deacon : Hey , come on , I did nt really do anything . Sally : You did . I was going down for the count . You saw that and you did something about it . You re the one who come up with the idea of forming a brand - new company . Sharpe Designs was exactly what I needed . Amber : Me , too . Deacon : All right . Amber : Looks like Sharpe Designs is up and running . Sally : And heading for enormous success as a Forrester subsidiary . Which makes us all winners . Right , Eric ? Jackie : Darling , I m -- I m so sorry . Although I ca nt say I m surprised . I know that you and ridge -- you love one another , but you re just human and you re asking too much of yourselves . Which I think you re starting to realize after what happened -- or did nt happen -- between you and your husband last night . Brooke : I m sure that Ridge and I are nt the only married couple to have to go through something like this . Jackie : No , I m sure you re not , but this is -- well , it s very different and it s certainly more complicated . Brooke : You do nt need to remind me . I know what we re facing . Jackie : I wonder if you do . Brooke : Jackie , please -- Jackie : I do nt want to make this more complicated than it already is . But given what happened last night , and everything else you re going through . I know you want to hold your marriage together , but there comes a time when you have to ask yourself if that s even possible . Brooke : I do nt want to hear this . Jackie : I do nt want to say it , Brooke , but I will because you are like a daughter to me . And it pains me to see the torment that you re going through , especially when there s an alternative . You know how my son feels about you . Brooke : And you know how important my marriage is to me . Jackie : What about the father of your child , Brooke ? Or have you forgotten that ? Brooke : No , of course not . I have nt forgotten Nick , he s an amazing man -- Jackie : Who s more in love with you now than he s ever been . You do know that , do nt you ? Brooke : None of this going to be easy for any of us . Jackie : It s only going to get harder , as well . That s if you do nt do something to change it . Oscar : So , I d be working in promotions ? Ridge : Right here at Logan designs . Oscar : Corner office , plenty of perks ? Ridge : You gon na be wanting your own parking place next , too ? Oscar : This job , it was Massimo s idea , right ? Ridge : He s the one that asked me to interview you , yeah . But we both felt you d be a good fit . You know , given your experience in promotions . Oscar : Oh , yeah . Look what I got to show for that . Ridge : The point is , we have a of lot confidence in you . You know what , the bucks ai nt bad either . So -- what do you say ? Bridget : Oh , looks like you re getting all settled in . So , the hospital is going to drop off some physical therapy equipment . Which we can set up -- somewhere . Deacon : Somewhere . That s great , because anything that helps me get the hell out of this contraption and start walking again -- Bridget : I know it s hard not to get frustrated . Deacon : Nah , I m just glad you re going to be working with me . It s a shot in the arm . Amber : And to think , Bridget just happened to land a rotation in rehab this semester . Bridget : Actually , Amber , I asked to supervise Deacon s therapy . Part of an independent study . Deacon : Thank you . I appreciate it . As a matter of fact , I appreciate everything you ve done for me . Eric : Well , um -- Thorne and I need to get back to our offices . So , I ll see you all later . Are you coming , sweetheart ? Bridget : Yeah , I ll stop by before I leave . I just want to check up on that PT equipment first . Eric : Okay . Deacon : Thanks again , Eric . Bridget : So what do you think ? Eric : I do nt like this . Thorne : I do nt either . Eric : I mean , I realize that she s engaged to Ozzy , but with Bridget helping Deacon with his physical therapy , it just -- Thorne : Yeah , and who knows how he ll try to manipulate that ? Eric : He s not above it . Unless I can come up with some kind of an idea to keep that from happening . Eric : Calling it a day already ? Deacon : I did nt realize we had to punch a clock , Eric . Eric : Which is your way of telling me that Sharpe Designs is your company and you re gon na run it the way you see fit . Sally : Do nt worry Eric , you ve got the three musketeers here and we are gon na do you proud . Deacon : And we re gon na do you proud too , Bridget . Listen , I ve given you every reason in the book to never speak to me again , and yet you still do . I guess that s just cause of who you are . Bridget : Deacon -- Deacon : No , it s true . I mean , here you are helping me and Sally and Amber . We ve done nothing but give you grief . You ve told us to hang in there and believe in ourselves . Things are looking up now , and it s because of you . Who the hell could nt be in love with you ? Amber : Well , okay then , looks like we should be heading off . Bridget : I ll take you to the lobby . Bye . Eric : Ridge ! Ridge , I need to know if you ve hired Oscar Marone yet . Ridge : You must be psychic . He s here right now . Eric : Please tell me he s not working there already . Ridge : No . I m planning to change that . How d you know we wanted him here at Logan ? Eric : Massimo mentioned it . Look , I ll explain it later . Look , I -- I really need Ozzy here at Forrester . The sooner the better . Ridge : What ? Eric : It s a long story . But with Deacon Sharpe setting up his shop here -- Ridge : Let me guess . This has something to do with Bridget ? Eric : Yes . And how vulnerable she is to Deacon , given everything he s been through . That s why I think it s best if -- Ridge : If her fiancé was there . Eric : Yes , before Deacon has a chance to get to her again . Brooke : Jackie , I know you mean well , but -- Jackie : I m not criticizing you , Brooke . I m just trying to point out -- look , you said it yourself , Nicky is an amazing man who came into your life when you needed him the most . Brooke : Why are you bringing this up now ? Jackie : Because I think you ve forgotten just how special my son was to you once . Brooke : No , he s still very special . Nothing s going to change that . Jackie : Good , because you and Nicky -- you share some incredible memories . He brought something into your life that no man ever has . Brooke : Do nt -- Jackie : What ? I mean , what ? Are you re afraid to remember just how uncomplicated , how exciting it was ? Brooke : No , no , of course , I m not afraid -- Jackie : I am not trying to upset you . I m not . I just want to remind you of what you had with Nicky , and what you could have again if you just let yourself . Brooke , I want to be your mother - in - law . I want to love you and care for you just like the daughter I never had . You should be happy . You deserve a wonderful life with a wonderful man and that does nt mean that Ridge is nt a wonderful man , but there is another man . There is . The father of your child . And he wants nothing more than to spare you the heartache that your life with Ridge has just become . He wants to raise your child , his child , with you . He wants to be a devoted father , a devoted husband -- Brooke : No , stop ! I have a husband ! Ridge is my husband ! Jackie : But if he ca nt make love to you , Brooke , what kind of husband can he be ? Oh , sweetheart , it s going to be all right . It s going to be all right . ### Summary:
Sally , Amber and Deacon arrived for their first day at Forrester Creations . Bridget dropped by to help Deacon with his physical therapy . Eric is determined to keep them apart . He called Ridge and asked him to let Oz work at Forrester instead of Logan Designs . Brooke told Jackie about Ridge s inability to make love to her because of the baby . Jackie reminded Brooke about how Nick felt about her . Ridge met with Oz to talk about a job at Logan Designs . Oz thought he was talking about the engagement to Bridget . Ridge gave Oz his approval for the marriage and congratulated him . Ridge wanted Oz to work on promotions for Logan Designs .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Nikki : Now , Katherine , just give him-- Kay : Come on . Come on , you big lug . Say something . Nikki : Give him a chance to get his bearings . He just woke up . Kay : You re right . Nikki : Victoria , get the doctor . Kay : Yeah , you re right . You re right . Uh , Sweetheart , you just relax . You ve been through a lot to - today . Murphy : Oh , my pi-- ( Breathing heavily ) Meggie : ( Laughs ) Murphy : Oh , my-- Kay : Murphy , you re in the hospital . You had a heart attack . You had two , actually . It s all right , Sweetheart . The doctor s on his way . Nikki : The doctor s here . Kay : Oh , hi . Uh ... Dr. Ananda : Murphy ? Follow this , Bud . Kay : Uh , Doctor , he , uh , his eyes are open , but -- but he does nt say anything . He wo nt hold my hand , and ... and what is it ? Is he awake , or is he not ? Neil : You ready to head out ? Sofia : I think we should head back to the office . Neil : Head back to the office ? Now ? Sofia : Yes , OKeefe and his team flew in from Australia tonight . We re meeting with them tomorrow morning , 10 : 00 A.M. , about the biofuels project . We have a lot of work to do . Neil : Okay , Sofia , I - I want to reschedule . Sofia : We ca nt reschedule . These executives flew halfway around the world to meet with us . Neil : Us ... and Katherine . Sofia : We ll cover for her . I do nt think the Aussies will mind . Neil : I do . Sofia : ( Scoffs ) You know what ? You do what you want . But I do nt think Tucker s gon na like it . Ashley : Hey , Jack . Jack : Hey , I m on my way to the hospital to see Katherine . Do you want to come with me ? Ashley : Uh , yeah . Leaving the office now . Jack : Well , uh , tell you what , meet me there . I , uh , have some news for you . Ashley : Oh , please tell me it s not bad . Jack : Interesting . You ll never guess who showed up on my doorstep tonight . Diane : You re marrying Nikki again ? Do nt you ever get bored with that ? Victor : To be with someone you deeply care about ? No . You should try it . Diane : Oh , no . ( Laughs ) I m good . Victor : Yeah ? Diane : But congrats . I hope the two of you are very happy . You know , it s too bad your children ca nt harness marital bliss the way you and Nikki have . Victor : ( Chuckles ) Diane : I heard about Nick and Phyllis-- tragic . Victor : Do nt believe everything you read , okay ? Diane : Now how about what I see ? The Naked Heiress ? ( Laughs ) Abby -- what a kick . And Adam ? I suppose every family needs a psycho . Victor : Or someone to burn the house down . Diane : We ve both had a lot of change . So catch me up on all the news . New children ? Grandchildren ? Victor : You do nt give a damn about my family , Diane Jenkins . What do you want ? Diane : I m just trying to be friendly . Victor : Mm - hmm . No time for games . Diane : Nor have I. Victor : ( Chuckles ) Since when ? Diane : Since I have a son to think about . He s a good boy . He deserves a decent life . I m just trying to find out if that s possible in this town of petty ... backstabbing inbreeds . Victor : ( Chuckles ) If this town is so terrible , why the hell did you come back ? Diane : Well , you should know better than anybody-- a boy needs his father . Victor : Unless he s unfortunate enough to have been fathered by that son of a bitch Jack Abbott . The only person I hate more is his punk brother Billy . Diane : Hmm . You re not happy with all the publicity he s been giving you and your family in Restless Style ? Victor : A bunch of B.S. Diane : Well , then tell me , what s really happening in the Newman family ? Victor : You do nt give a damn . Now I got ta go . What are you really up to , Diane Jenkins ? Diane : Perhaps we ll see each other again before I go . Victor : You never know . Ashley : Okay , all set . Tucker : Well , I ll see you tomorrow . Ashley : What are you talking about ? You re not coming ? Tucker : Katherine made it clear she did nt want me there . Ashley : Tucker , that does nt matter . It s the right thing to do . Tucker : Not for me . Ashley : Look , I know that you and your mother have a very complicated history-- Tucker : We do nt have any history . Ashley : Okay . Still , I - I think ... Tucker : ( Sighs ) Ashley : I think you need to be at the hospital . Tucker : I have work to do . Ashley : You know , I ve never seen this side of you before . I do nt think I like it very much . Nikki : There s the doctor . Kay : Uh , what s happening ? Please , what s happening ? Dr. Ananda : Your husband has suffered a cerebromedullospinal disconnection . Billy : You have layman s terms for that ? Dr. Ananda : Well , it s known as locked - in syndrome . He s literally locked in his own body . Nikki : Okay , so ... so in other words , he s awake . He s conscious . He -- he just ca nt move ? Dr. Ananda : Complete paralysis of all voluntary muscles except his eyes . Kay : Mm . Dr. Ananda : That s the only way he can communicate -- by blinking . Kay : Will he recover ? Dr. Ananda : Unlikely . Nikki : ( Gasps ) Meggie : So you re saying he ca nt move or speak , and he probably never will ? Dr. Ananda : I m sorry . Nikki : Oh , Katherine . Kay : Uh , uh , uh , can I see him ? Dr. Ananda : Absolutely . I ll check back later . Nikki : Do you want me to go with you ? Kay : No . Nikki : All right , um , I m -- I m gon na go get some of Katherine s things . Meggie : I ll help . Nikki : I can manage on my own . I ll see you at home . Meggie : ( Sighs ) Victoria : She s just worried about Katherine and Murphy . Murphy : I ve seen someone pull the plug , and -- and to this day , I feel that it was the wrong decision . Kay : The doctor thought I should put you on a ventilator . And all I could see was my dear friend John Abbott hooked up to all those machines , and no chance for recovery . I decided I could nt do that to you , my love . ( Voice cracks ) So I gave up . John : You gave me back my dignity , Katherine . That s all you wanted for Murphy . No regrets , my old friend . Kay : ( Sighs ) Billy s so right . We re blessed . Neil : We ll , uh , reschedule for early next week . Katherine should know more about what s going on with Murphy-- Tucker : No . We re going ahead with the meeting as planned . I do nt want to give the impression that we re not ready to move forward . Neil : We re not without Katherine . Tucker : Then get ready . The meeting s tomorrow . The clock is ticking . It does nt stop because Murphy s in the hospital . Sofia : You better get to work . Ashley : So Diane s back in town . That s your big news ? Big whoop . Billy : Hey . Ashley : Hi , what s going on , you guys ? Billy : Well , Murphy s awake . He s got , uh , something called locked - in syndrome . Victoria : Yeah , um , basically he s a prisoner in his own body . He ca nt move or speak , but he s aware of everything going on around him . Jack : Oh , dear God . Ashley : Oh , my God . That is awful . Victoria : Yeah . Billy : You know , I m gon na go . Ill -- Ill be back . ( Clears throat ) Ashley : You okay , Billy ? Jack : Billy , are you-- Billy : Yeah , I m good . Jack : Is he okay ? Victoria : I do nt think so . Kay : Uh , Joe Jr. and Pearl called . I told them not to get their blood pressure up . Compared to the war , this was just a piece of cake . ( Chuckles ) Jack : Hey , may we come in ? Kay : Oh , come in . Come in . Ashley : Hi there . Kay : Uh , please say hello to the most stubborn man alive . Ashley : ( Chuckles ) Jack : Hey , Buddy . Ashley : Hey , Murphy . It s good to see you awake . Jack : Have the police given you any more information about what happened at Murphy s car ? Kay : Well , just that there were several muggings at the festival that day . Ashley : Really ? Jack : Wait . They think he was robbed ? Kay : Mm , that s what they want to ask him about . Jack : Well , how are they going to accomplish that now ? Kay : Well , the doctor said that he understands everything that s being said to him . He can blink , uh , once for Yes , twice for No . Ashley : Have you tried it ? Kay : I just do nt want to push him . I mean , it -- it s all right , Sweetheart . You do nt ... you do nt have to try to do anything until you re ready . Ashley : You know what ? Maybe we should go , huh ? And let Murphy rest . Kay : Well-- Jack : Yeah . Hey , Murph , you take care , okay ? Kay : ( Sighs ) Jack : Do nt let her give you a hard time . Ashley : Take care . Kay : Uh , listen , thank you for coming . Ashley : Of course . Kay : Bye . ( Sighs ) Hmm . Ashley : Hey , uh , Katherine s with Murphy right now . He s awake , but unfortunately , he ca nt move or speak . Victor : What ? How s Katherine ? Jack : Katherine needs her friends right now . Victor : Have you seen Nikki , by the way ? Ashley : No , I have nt . Victor : She was supposed to be here . I wonder where she is . Nikki : ( Sighs ) Deacon : ( Quietly ) Nikki just came into Gloworm . Meggie : Well , how does she seem ? Deacon : Thirsty . Meggie : You re on . Deacon : I ll take care of Nikki . You take care of Victor . Nikki : Could I please get a drink ? Diane : Drink ? Nikki : Oh , my God . Diane . Diane : Long time , no see , Nikki . ( Sighs ) Nikki : What are you doing here , Diane ? Diane : Apparently the same thing you are-- havin a drink . Nikki : No , no . In Genoa City ? Diane : What are you havin ? Nikki : Well , I am trying to order dinner to go . Diane : It s so hard to get good service these days . Bartender ? Martini , and my friend here wants a-- Nikki : I ll have a club soda , please . Funny , I suddenly lost my appetite . Diane : Happens when you ve had a couple . Nikki : You never did say what you re doing in town . Looking for your next vic-- husband ? Diane : I hear all the good ones are taken . Nikki : Mm , well , that never stopped you before , did it ? Diane : I have no idea why you re so suspicious of me . Nikki : Really ? Well , now let me see . Where shall I begin ? You stealing Victor s sperm , trying to impregnate yourself with it ? And , uh , then there was passing off Jack s son as Victor s . Diane : You and your once - and - future husband really have to let this stuff go . Nikki : What , you ve seen him ? Diane : I thought he would call you the moment he left me . ( Chuckles ) I m in town one day , and he s keeping secrets from you already . Jack : Victor , I wondered if you knew an old friend of ours is back in town . Victor : You re talking about Diane Jenkins . I saw her at the club . Jack : You saw her , or you met with her ? Victor : I saw her . Jack : Innocent people were harmed when you used Patty to get revenge on me . If you re doing the same thing with Diane-- Victor : I hate to disappoint you . I have no clue why that woman came back to town , all right ? If she is plotting against you , I know nothing about that . Jack : Would you tell me if you did ? Victor : You re wasting my time . Victoria : Is Billy back ? Ashley : No , not yet . Victoria : ( Sighs ) Ashley : You okay ? Victoria : Yeah . I m just worried about Billy . I know he s probably thinking about what he went through when you took your dad off of life support . ( Sighs ) I d like to help him . ( Sighs ) But , you know , it s funny . He knew exactly what to say when I lost the baby , and ... ( Sighs ) I know that he needs me right now . I want to be there for him , but I have a feeling that he just wants to be alone . Ashley : I m so sorry about your baby . Oh , you know , Billy knows you love him , and he loves you so much . Victoria : Why does he keep shutting me out ? Ashley : He just needs a little time . He ll come around . John : You ve been here ten whole minutes , and you have nt burst into flames . Billy : Well , it s a miracle , Dad . I kinda feel like I m in hell anyway . John : Bad things happen , Son . Billy : Come on . I mean , there s you , CeeCee , Chance . There s my baby . And now we have Murphy . You know , Dad , I think I m right at my limit . John : You know , all those other times that you ve been pushed to the edge , where d you end up ? Jimmy s . Where are you now ? Does nt that tell you something ? Billy : Yeah . I think I took a wrong turn . John : No , Son . You stopped running , Billy . Ashley : Hey , Billy . Victoria wondered what happened to you . Billy : Hey , Ash . ( Clears throat ) Murphy , um ... Ashley : Nothing new to report . Billy : ( Scoffs ) ( Sighs ) Ashley : Vicki told me about the baby . Billy : Yeah . The doc says we can try again , so it s ... Ashley : If I d known ... oh , Billy . You did nt want me to know . Billy : I m sorry . Ashley : ( Sniffles ) Sweetie , I m the one that s sorry . Billy : ( Clears throat ) Oh , I just did nt want to bring up any bad memories , you know ? It almost killed you when ... when you lost your baby . Ashley : I m okay now , though . I am . ( Sighs ) Well , I mean , obviously , when I see Faith , it still hurts a lot . But I m at peace because I know she s where she belongs . And so am I. You do nt have to worry about me anymore , Billy . Billy : Okay , yeah . I ll just turn that off . No problem . Ashley : Oh , shut up . Billy : ( Chuckles ) Ashley : Come on . Let me take care of you for a change . Billy : It s just ... Ashley : Hmm ? Billy : I look at Murphy in that bed , you know , and I ... I - I see Dad . ( Chuckles ) Ashley : Yeah . Billy : And losing him , and everything else I ve lost recently . Ashley : What about everything you ve gained ? Billy : Yeah , well , Victoria s the best thing that s ever happened to me ... Victoria and Delia . Ashley : Well , I know Dad would agree with that . Billy : Me , too . Victoria : Hi . Billy : Hey , Vick . ( Clears throat ) Victoria : I did nt mean to interrupt . Ashley : No , that s okay . I ll go see if Katherine needs something . Billy : ( Chuckles ) Victoria : I was , um , I was kind of wondering where-- Billy : Yeah , I didnt-- I did nt want to shut you out . I m just havin a ... bit of a problem today . It s just , you know , I m -- I m sorry . I just-- Victoria : It s okay . I m here . I m not going anywhere . Billy : Are you sure ? I mean , it s not too late . You could take off . Victoria : No , I m sure . You just tell me what you need . Billy : How about you just come home with me ? Okay ? Victoria : Okay . Tucker : You see this ? OKeefe s concerned we have nt allocated enough money for byproduct disposal . He says we ve underestimated the amount of waste we re gon na generate . Neil : ( Sighs ) Well , we re gon na have to find the dollars somewhere else in our budget . Otherwise , our profit margin wo nt be enough to make the project viable . Tucker : Well , find it , preferably without bloodshed . Sofia : ( Sighs ) Neil : ( Clears throat ) Sofia : So ... Neil : Hmm ? Sofia : You want to order dinner ? Neil : I would rather finish our work and then have dinner with someone whose company I enjoy . Sofia : Look , what s the matter with you , Neil ? Look , I know why you do nt like Tucker . I mean , he came into town . He stole your friend s company . He screwed up your whole life , but all I ve ever done was try to be nice to you and your family . What did I do to you to deserve so much anger and resentment , huh ? Why ? Neil : Sofia , my life has been turned upside down in more ways than I can count these last few years . Some of it s been my fault , some of it just fate . It s made me lose faith in people . I do nt trust the way I used to . That s no excuse for the way I ve treated you . I m sorry . Sofia : So , uh , Thai or Italian ? Neil : ( Chuckles ) Kay : Look who s here . Victor : Hi , Murphy . You want to say something ? Let s let him rest . Kay : I ll see you out . Victor : By the way , did Nikki say where she was going when she left here ? Kay : No , I did nt see her leave . I mean , did you try her cell ? Victor : Yeah . She did nt answer it , nor is she at the house . Kay : Oh , I do nt know , Victor . She had a tough day . She probably went home and just fell into bed . Diane : Victor told me all about the wedding . Nikki : Really ? Well , that s interesting , seeing as we have nt finalized anything yet , except I do know this for sure-- you re not on the guest list . Diane : I would have thought marrying Victor would cure your terminal insecurity . But then there are no guarantees when it comes to Victor . One slip , and you re out . Nikki : Boy , you have not changed one bit . You re still the lonely , bitter woman who s only happy when you re making others miserable . There s no telling what damage you ve done to that poor son of yours . Diane : Kyle is a well - adjusted , happy boy , because unlike your children , he does nt have an ex - stripper , pill - popping alcoholic mother who bounces from husband to husband while he s shipped off to boarding school . Nikki : ( Scoffs ) Listen to you . You -- you re delirious . I love my children very much . Diane : In between rehab and men . I have been with my son 24/7 since the moment we left Genoa City , while you ve been living off Victor s money , I ve started a whole new life . I built a company out of nothing , and I raised that boy all on my own . And he feels safe and loved and secure . How dare you criticize my parenting ? It shows how pathetic you are , putting me down to make yourself feel better . You may not have reached bottom yet , but you re damn close . Enjoy that takeout . Nikki : Vodka tonic , please . Diane : Jack , its Diane . I hope I did nt wake you and Phyllis . Jack : Phyllis is with Summer tonight . Diane : Great . I ll be right over . Jack : Not tonight , Diane . Diane : I have a surprise for you . You re gon na like it . Jack : ( Sighs ) Billy : Why do hospitals have to smell like hospitals ? Why ca nt they smell like , I do nt know ... Victoria : Jimmy s ? Billy : Jimmy s . Jimmy s is a good idea . Victoria : Yeah . Billy : Dad would have liked that . I should have thought of it back then . I could have put some fine scotch in his I.V. I should have done a lot of things , but I was too busy running . ( Bottles clink ) Billy : Let everybody else figure out the life - and - death stuff . Victoria : Oh , come on . Nobody s judging you . Billy : Are you kidding me ? Everybody s judging me . Can we get the ballots , please , for Billy Abbott s ability to run away ? From my mom ... ( Whispers ) Ooh , he got an 8 . ( Normal voice ) From Jack Abbott , my big brother , we have a respectable 9.5 . ( Claps hands ) That s very good . And for me , well , I give myself a 10 . Victoria : All I have to say is people deal with grief in different ways , and you ... you just -- you like to be alone . Billy : Well , I ca nt really do that anymore . I ca nt go to Jimmy s and get drunk every time things go a little out of hand . Besides , I m not alone anymore , am I ? Am I ? Victoria : Mnh - mnh . Billy : Mnh - mnh . I want to do it all with you . I want to beat you so bad at Donkey Kong . Victoria : Hmm . Billy : And then I want to get tattoos , and then I want to have some crazy sex in your father s office . Victoria : Yeah . We ve done that all already . Billy : I know . I want to do it again . Victoria : Again ? Billy : I want to do it again and again and again . I want to keep ridin this crazy ride until we fly off the edge of the mountain like Thelma and Louise . Victoria : ( Gasps ) You know what ? I love that movie . Billy : You do ? Victoria : Which one are you in that movie ? Billy : Well , I m Geena Davis . Victoria : Okay . Billy : Yeah . Victoria : I just love it when a man is risky . Billy : Well , you re the one takin all the risks . There s no guarantee here . Are you okay with that ? Victoria : Yeah . I m all - in . John : I would go easy on that stuff if I were you . You want to be at your best with Diane . Jack : I can handle Diane . John : Well , she said she had a surprise for you . And knowing her , that could be trouble . Jack : I m hoping it means she wants to talk about Kyle . John : And she could be using the boy to get to you . Jack : I am not gon na let this opportunity pass me by . I want Kyle back in my life . I want to be the father to him that , well , that you were to me . John : Well , now you be careful , Son . Do nt let the bright future that you could have with Kyle pull you into a dark past that would be better left behind . Diane : Surprise . Jack : Kyle . Hey , Buddy . Kyle : Hi , Dad . Jack : ( Sighs ) Come on in . Come on in . Diane : Thank you . Jack : Look at you . Wow . Kyle : ( Giggles ) Jack : You look more and more like your grandfather . So you still playin hockey ? Kyle : Mom s afraid I m gon na get my teeth knocked out . I think that d be cool . Diane : ( Laughs ) Jack : ( Laughs ) Diane : Oh , tonight Kyle just wants to play that-- that awful video game you sent him . Kyle : Alien Death Ship 4 , and it s awesome . Girls hate it . Jack : Well , you know , maybe that s a good reason for it to be just us guys tonight . Diane : Uh , Jack , I think-- Kyle : Yeah , that would be great ! Diane : Okay , just for a while . All right . I love you . Kyle : Love you , Mom . Jack : So come on . I m not very good at video games , but you can show me . Come on . Kyle : ( Chuckles ) Jack : ( Chuckles ) Kyle : I ll teach you how to kick some alien butt . Jack : ( Laughs ) Neil : You know something ? This hotshot P.R. firm you hired costs as much as the biofuel equipment and the manpower combined . Sofia : Well , our potential buyers are young and media - savvy . We ve got ta convince them that biofuels are economically smart and cool . Neil : Mm . Sofia : All right , Cane agrees with me with this . I mean , he really does know how to work those guys over . Neil : Cane . Sofia : Hmm ? Neil : We should hire Cane . Sofia : Hello ? We already have . Neil : No , no , no . I m -- I m talking about hire Cane for P.R. He s young , hip , Australian , right ? Another added bonus , he s already on payroll , which means he s not gon na cost us a dime . Sofia : So if we do nt outsource the P.R ... Neil : Uh - huh . Sofia : And hire Cane instead ... Neil : Right . Sofia : We should have the cash we need for the byproduct disposal . Neil : Whoo , look at you . Sofia : ( Laughs ) Neil : You ve got it ! Sofia : High - five , Baby . Neil : High - fi-- wait . O - okay . High - five ? I m a little old for that . How about a handshake ? Sofia : You ca nt keep me hangin like that . Come on . Neil : Huh ? Sofia : This is a time to celebrate , Brother . I mean , we worked through a problem . Neil : Mm - hmm . Sofia : It s time for a celebration . Show us s - some love . Neil : I guess it is time to celebrate . Meet in the middle . Sofia : ( Laughs ) Neil : Ooh ... yeah . Sofia : See ? Now that was nt so bad now , was it ? Neil : No , it sure was nt . Victor : Nikki ? Meggie : Oh , she is nt here . Victor : Oh . She was nt at the hospital . Do you have any idea where she is ? Meggie : She said something about getting some things for Mrs. Chancellor . Victor : Katherine did nt say anything about that . Meggie : Oh , uh , maybe I misunderstood . Victor : Or is it perhaps that you know more than you are letting on ? Meggie : Victor , you and Nikki have been so good to me . I - I really do nt want to hurt either of you . Victor : What are you talking about ? Meggie : Well , I ve been keeping something from you , something important . Victoria : Boy , I got ta tell you , that was my favorite episode by far . Billy : You said that about the last five episodes . Victoria : I know . I just ca nt help it . I m just kind of , like , a sucker for Jim and Margaret . They have , like , the perfect life . That s the life that I want for you and I. Billy : Okay . Well , I have to tell you , that twin bed thing-- not so perfect . Victoria : Hmm , yeah . Okay , so we ll just skip over that part . Billy : Okay . ( Clears throat ) Another thing . Victoria : Mm - hmm ? Billy : I doubt Margaret ever wore a thong . Just sayin . Never wore a thong . Victoria : Okay , so a king bed and lots and lots of thongs . Billy : Now I like the show . Victoria : ( Laughs ) Billy : Actually , you know what my favorite episode is ? Victoria : What ? Billy : The one where Jim and Margaret make a baby . Victoria : There is no such episode . Billy : Mm - hmm . There will be . Trust me . And it will be perfect . Victoria : What ? The baby ? Or the making of the baby ? Billy : Both . Both . Uh - oh . Uh - oh . Victoria : ( Chuckles ) Billy : Here comes Jimmy . Mm ... Victoria : Oh . Billy : Jimmy . Victoria : Jimmy ? Billy : Margaret . Victoria : ( Giggles ) Billy : ( Chuckles ) Victoria : ( Sighs ) Tucker : Thanks . I ll see you at 10 : 00 sharp . Diane : Tucker McCall ? Well , what s a nice billionaire like you doing in Genoa City ? Tucker : Havin a drink with ... Diane : Diane Jenkins . Tucker : Diane Jenkins . You re Diane Jenkins . Diane : Yes , I am . Tucker : It s good to meet you , Darlin . Kyle : Come on . Shoot ! Shoot ! Jack : I m try -- I ... ( Groans ) Kyle : Wow , watch out ! There s another one . Epic fail . Jack : What s that ? 11 now ? Kyle : ( Laughs ) Yeah , you kind of suck . Jack : ( Laughs ) Kyle : ( Chuckles ) Who s that ? Jack : That ? That is your grandfather . That was a great guy . Kyle : Hmm . Jack : You would have liked him . He would have liked you , too . And he was probably better at video games than I am . ( Laughs ) Kyle : I like playing with you . Jack : Yeah , me , too . What do you say I try for an even dozen ? Kyle : ( Chuckles ) Jack : Here we go . Ready ? Start with this ? Kyle : Yeah . Jack : Go . Kyle : No , left . Left . Jack : No left ? Kyle : See ? Through that door right there . Jack : I thought you said No left . I m sorry . Here we go . How -- how do you make a jump ? Kyle : I meant , No . Left . Kay : Ronan s going to ask you some questions tomorrow , Murphy . No , dont-- do nt worry about it . Do nt worry about it . ( Sighs ) You just get some rest . We can just deal with the police tomorrow , okay ? Get some rest . Oh , get some rest . Meggie : I replaced some liquor bottles in the bar last week . The next day , one of the bottles was almost empty . And then yesterday , the bottle was gone and another opened . Victor : What are you saying ? Meggie : Well , someone s drinking your booze . Maybe one of the staff . Nikki : ( Slurring words ) Thank you very much . Deacon : Hey , why do nt you go take a break ? I ll watch the bar , all right ? Nikki : Hey ... its Deacon Sharpe , my A.A. buddy , Buddy . My guardian angel . Yes , you are my conscience . Deacon : ( Sighs ) Nikki : Now get lost . I do nt want to hear a lecture . I do nt want a pep talk . And I sure as hell do nt want to hold hands and recite ... Deacon : ( Sighs ) Nikki : Prayers . I just want to feel the buzz in my head that tells me all is right with the world . So you just scamper along . Bye - bye . Deacon : I ll tell you what , you can relax , cause I did nt come here to preach . ( Sighs ) Deacon : I came here to drink . Nikki : ( Gasps ) Uh - oh . What do you know ? What do you know ? Deacon : ( Sighs ) Skye : Get out . Go to Sharon . Get rejected . See how it feels . Diane : What s your angle ? Deacon : ( Chuckles ) Diane : Why are you so interested in Nikki Newman ? Nikki : Why are you interrogating me ? Victor : Were you drinking ? ### Summary:
At the hospital , Murphy wakes up much to Katherine s relief . Katherine urges Victoria to go get the doctor . Murphy tries to talk , but ca nt . Dr. Ananda arrives and examines Murphy . Dr. Ananda tells Katherine that Murphy is locked inside his own body . Sofia and Neil discuss the meeting that is scheduled for tomorrow . Neil wants the meeting rescheduled , but Sofia lets him know that they can not do that . Jack lets Ashley know that he has news for her that she will never guess who had appeared up on his doorstep . At the Athletic Club bar , Diane meets Victor but neither is too glad to see the other . Diane can not believe that Victor and Nikki are getting remarried again . Diane mentions Abby and Adam . Victor asks Diane why she is in town , but she evades the question . Ashley asks Tucker to accompany her to the hospital to visit Katherine , but he refuses because Katherine does nt want her there . Ashley finds out from Jack that Diane is back in town . Billy lets Ashley and Jack know that Murphy is awake but is locked within his own body and can not talk . Jack and Ashley visit Murphy . Deacon , on the phone , talks to Meggie . Deacon lets Meggie know that Nikki just walked in . Meggie wonders how she is . Deacon offers Nikki a drink which she refuses . Nikki meets with Diane and they hurl insults at each other . After her confrontation with Diane , Nikki orders a vodka tonic . Billy and John talk . Ashley catches up with Billy and offers him her condolences in the death of the baby . Victoria arrives to help Billy deal with this . Billy asks Victoria to go home with him . Billy and Victoria watch episodes of Father Knows Best . Diane calls Jack and wants to stop by . Jack gets a visit from Diane and Kyle . Victor questions Meggie about Nikki s whereabouts . Meggie tells Victor about the missing liquor from the bar . Deacon and Nikki have a drink together .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Annie : Do you have to get that ? Scott : Ohh . Nah . Whoever it is , they can wait . This , on the other hand -- I ve been waiting forever for this . Annie : Are you sure you do nt have to answer ? You are the big boss now . Scott : Let J.R. handle this one , huh ? What ? Annie : I love that he has to take orders from you now . Annie : Ohh ! Seriously , Barry , leave us alone ! Scott : Ok . [ Sighs ] It s J.R. Opal : Bianca Montgomery , as I live and breathe ! Oh , you are a sight for sore eyes , my darling girl ! Oh , I m so sorry . I am the one that pushed your mama to go to pigeon hollow . I m so sorry . Bianca : It s not like she could ve stayed away . Mom loved Palmer . Opal : Yes , I know . But , you know , it should ve been me dealing with Palmer s will . Then none of this would ve happened . Bianca : Oh , stop . You had no control over Palmer s last wishes . Opal : Well , I feel like I do nt have much control over anything anymore . I m just at my wit s end . Bianca : I was wondering , you must know people from pigeon hollow , right , through Palmer ? Opal : Yeah . Bianca : The more people searching who are familiar with the area -- Opal : Oh , honey , do nt worry . I am on it . That is under control . I just promise you that I am going to find your mama , and we will bring her home . And once we do , we are gon na lay a smackdown on that doctor and Mrs. David Hayward . David : So what do you think ? Red ? White ? Hmm . Surprise , surprise -- there s even champagne . Greenlee : Perfect . Then maybe we could order Erica s head on a platter and invite Bianca to come while we carve it up . Greenlee : I m sorry . I do nt have time for this . Woman : Mrs. Hayward , any word on Erica Kane s plane crash ? David : Excuse me . We re trying to have dinner here . Greenlee : It s ok . If you re looking for information on Erica , I would suggest contacting the Pine Valley Police Department . They re working on the investigation . Reporter : What will happen to Fusion if she does nt resurface ? Greenlee : It will be difficult for the company for many reasons . But we have survived all kinds of crises , and I have no doubt we will survive this . Reporter : Are you prepared -- David : Ok , you know , now I have to ask you to leave . Singer : No , do nt let go hold on , baby love is coming David : Ca nt order that wine fast enough . Greenlee : You know , forget the wine . I ca nt do this . I have to get back to work . Krystal : Hey , hey , where are you going ? Jack : I have to find her , Krystal . I ca nt give up . Krystal : I m not suggesting that you give up , but heading out of here in pitch - blackness ? Come on , Jackson . What if something happened to you ? Jack : That s a chance I have to take . Caleb : Open your eyes . Temperature s dropping . We got to get back to the cabin . Erica : Not yet . My -- my ankle . Please . Caleb : Hey , hey , come on . Focus . You think I want to be doing this ? Erica : No . I think you d just as soon I die so you can be alone again . Caleb : Oh , right . Is that what you think ? You think I m incapable of caring , hmm ? You think I do nt know ? Erica : Know what ? Caleb : About loss . Krystal : Come back inside , get some rest . You ll have more energy to search in the morning . Jack : Morning ? Krystal , morning could be too late . Jack : I already feel bad enough that I let this happen . I mean , why did nt I see this coming ? Erica , Greenlee -- two forces of nature obviously on a collision course . It was only a matter of time . Krystal : Jackson , you did the only thing you could . You tried to love them both . Jack : Now what am I gon na do ? Because if Erica is dead , then Greenlee will be just as dead to me . Greenlee : Can I come in ? Opal : Well . I m kind of surprised that you would have the nerve to show up here . It s all over town about you and Dr. Doom -- Greenlee : Being responsible for what happened to Erica . Yes , I ve heard the rumors . I did nt come here to defend myself . I came here because I need your help . Opal : What could you want from me ? Greenlee : Information . Anything you can tell me about Erica s trip that we may not already know . Opal : Well , all I ve got is the same dirt as everybody else . Oh , unless you re thinking that maybe I would ve gotten some messages from the great beyond , psychically speaking ? Is that it ? Greenlee : Have you ? Opal : Do you think that I would be standing here with you right now if I had ? Anyway , since I lost Palmer , I am no longer messing with other dimensions . It s just too painful . Greenlee : Oh , God . You do nt think Erica s with Palmer ? Opal : I will not even allow myself to think that , no . But if she is , be prepared to be haunted for the rest of your life . Erica : It should nt be this cold in June . Caleb : Oh , you re complaining again . That s a good sign . Erica : What d you lose , Caleb ? Caleb : My house . Hmm . Erica : That s not what you meant . Was it a woman ? A family ? The owner of the locket I found ? Caleb : You want a campfire story ? I ll tell you a real scary one . Erica : No , I do nt want a story . I want the truth . Because , Caleb , you out here -- something just does nt add up . That locket and the look in your eyes when I told you about my children and how much I love them -- I saw some recognition in there , in you . Caleb : You have no idea what you saw . Erica : Why are you up here , all cut off from the rest of the world ? What happened to you , Caleb ? Look , you know I m not gon na stop asking . And you want me to stay awake , right ? So you keep talking . Caleb : All right . Once upon a time -- maybe -- there was a man , and maybe there was a woman , and maybe together they had what everybody ever dreamt about . And then maybe one day they lost it . It all just went away . The end . Scott : So I was thinking we should move your things into my room , hmm ? Annie : But then where are you gon na -- oh . Oh , really ? Scott : Unless you re not ready ? Annie : No , I -- I am . I am ready . You do nt know how happy that makes me . Scott : Ditto . Just be prepared -- I hog the covers . Annie : Thank you , Scott , for tonight . It was really , really special . Scott : That was just a warm - up . Bye . Annie : Bye . Annie : Waiting up for me ? J.R. : I was working . Annie : Oh . I thought maybe you were in here thinking about how sleeping with me would get me out of your system . J.R. : You ca nt actually believe that I was serious about that . Annie : I do nt put anything past you . But I found a better way . J.R. : A better way of what ? Annie : A better way of getting these thoughts out of my head . J.R. : Thoughts of me ? Annie : Whatever it is , it s gone . At least for me , it is . J.R. : Oh . So you had an exorcism ? Annie : I guess you could call it that . But Scott would probably call it the best night of his life . Annie : Yeah , the whole getting you out of my system thing ? Completely unnecessary . One night with your cousin and , boom , you re out . J.R. : Just like that ? Annie : Just like that . J.R. : Mm - hmm . That s good . That s great . That makes it a whole lot easier on everyone else . Annie : Mm - hmm . Now , if only you could do the same with Marissa . J.R. : Huh . You have no idea what s going on with my marriage . Annie : I know she s not sleeping in your room . And I know you re still looking at me like you -- J.R. : You re overselling it , Annie . It s like you re trying to convince yourself that Scott s the answer . Annie : He is . I have no doubts . J.R. : You might want to tell your face that . Annie : Why ca nt you just let me be happy ? J.R. : Because you do nt let -- Scott : Is there a problem ? Annie : No . Just J.R. getting in my face again . Scott : Like it or not , J.R -- J.R. : It s not . Scott : Annie s here for good . So either find a way to live with it -- J.R. : Or get out ? As much as you two would love that , I m staying put with my wife and my son . Scott : So how do you propose we deal with this ? J.R. : Well , after everything that s gone down , we re still family , right ? Now that my father s gone , it s pretty clear that we need each other more than ever . Greenlee : I still ca nt believe this is happening . Opal : You know what they say : Karma is a you - know - what . It comes back to bite you every time . Greenlee : I did not do this to Erica . Opal : Oh , no ? You look mighty concerned for a gal who had no part . Greenlee : Because everyone and their mother is blaming me . Opal : Maybe that is because you re guilty as sin . Greenlee : What happened to nice opal ? Remember her ? The one who power - walks in the park ? The one who told me not so long ago that she was proud of the way I was handling myself ? Opal : Yeah , well , that was before you set my Erica up and did lord knows what to her airplane . Greenlee : For the last time -- Opal : Oh , stop it ! Just save it , ok ? I know that you ve been having a tough time . I know that it ca nt be easy to come back from the dead , but that does not give you the right . These are people s lives we re talking about here . Greenlee : Well , do nt you think I know that ? Opal : Just because your life got turned upside down does nt give you the right to torch Erica s ! Now , you may not have shot down her airplane personally , but I got a pretty good hunch that you set those wheels in motion . And if I were you , I d stop by a church on my way home . Greenlee : I ve already sent up my prayers , believe me . Opal : Yeah , well , for your sake and for Erica s , I just hope to heaven there s somebody up there listening . David : All right , great . Bianca . Hi . It s great to see you . Listen , um , I just want you to know if anything s happened to your mother -- Bianca : You ll never forgive yourself ? David : I ll never get over it . Because I care about her -- you know that -- just like I care about you . Bianca , you were like a daughter to me . Bianca : That was a long time ago . David : But my feelings have nt changed for you or for Erica . I would never wish either of you harm . Bianca : Fine . I ll give you that . You do nt want my mother dead . David : Thank you . Bianca : But you re still hiding something , David . I can see it , feel it . If you honestly care about me , you ll tell me what it is . What happened to my mother s plane ? David : I said everything there is to say . Bianca : Are you kidding me ? You have nt said anything . Do nt forget I know you well . You lie as easily as most people breathe . David : I would never lie about my feelings for your mother . Bianca : No . No , you d only lie to me about my own daughter . David : That was complicated . Bianca : What is nt ? Huh . You think I m an easy mark ? You win me over , you ll win over the whole town ? Not happening , David . You and Greenlee are on your own . David : Did nt you come here to get something to eat ? Bianca : Suddenly I m not so hungry . Jack : If we re gon na stay , let me get this fire back up . Krystal : All right . And as soon as day breaks , we ll get moving . Deal ? Jack : Deal . You drive a very hard bargain . Krystal : Yeah . Hmm . Probably why I m still single . Jack : No , you re still single because Tad martin is a fool . Krystal : No . No , no , no , no . You know , I -- I m not even sure I want Tad . I mean , really , I think it was just proximity . Hmm . I must ve been crazy to try to rekindle something with my ex anyway . I mean , that s just -- blah . It s like going back to a dry well . Hmm . Red flags all over the place . I am sorry . I -- look , I did nt mean -- I was talking about Tad and me . No , Jackson , you and Erica are a completely different situation . You two are on the path to happily ever after , no matter how long it s gon na take you to get there . Jack : You really think so ? Krystal : Yeah . I really do . Erica : So is that really what happened ? You were in love , and you lost her ? And so you banished yourself up here to this forest ? You live up here in some sort of self - imposed punishment ? Caleb : Is that what I said ? I do nt remember saying any of that . You know , maybe I m just saying stuff just to keep you from falling asleep . Erica : I do nt believe that . Caleb : Well , I m sure you do nt . Erica : What I do believe is that keeping secrets in is never a good idea . Caleb : Yeah , well , it depends on the secrets . There s a big difference between secrets and having respect for somebody s privacy . Erica : During one of my divorces -- Caleb : Number 22 . Erica : No , number 6 -- Erica : I was fighting for custody of my little girl Bianca , and I had a secret . I had a terrible secret . And if it had come out -- well , I lied . And I asked the man I loved to lie right along with me . Caleb : The lawyer ? Erica : Jack . Caleb : So what happened ? Erica : He could nt do it . Jack had a lot of integrity . He still does . I mean , I did nt see it that way at the time . Oh , God , I was -- I mean , I was so angry at him . Caleb : Did you lose custody of your kid ? Erica : Yes , I did . And I lost the man I love . So what I m saying is that I understand how you feel , Caleb . I understand what it feels like to lose someone you love and to believe that it s all through your own fault . Caleb : You know what I think ? I think you ought to take a breather . You re wearing yourself out . You re wearing me out . Erica : Ok , I ll stop talking on one condition -- that you start . Caleb : I ve got no more to say . Erica : Ok . Then I guess I ll just have to tell you all about my cosmetics company . Caleb : On second thought -- Erica : Caleb , you gave me just a tiny glimpse into your life , and then you -- you shut down . I want to hear more . Caleb : There s no more to tell . Erica : Tell me about that locket . Did it belong to this woman ? Was she beautiful ? Was she as stubborn as you are ? Did she break your heart or did you break hers ? Caleb : You -- you really do nt know when to quit , do you ? Erica : You loved her . I can see that from a mile . A man gets that look in his eyes . Caleb : You know what ? You talk too much . Annie : What is this , J.R. , some kind of trick ? J.R. : No trick . We re all family , right ? Scott : That s the idea . Annie : Last time I trusted you , it cost me my marriage . J.R. : But you moved right along , did nt you ? Scott : Oh , no , no , no , no . Do nt talk to her like that . J.R. : I m just stating a fact . Annie s in the picture . Scott : Yeah , she is . And just so you know , she s going to be moving into my room . Marissa : She is ? J.R. : Of course she is . Scott : So that means you need to start treating her with some respect . So this truce , is it for real ? J.R. : It s for real , for the sake of this family and for the sake of the company . Scott : Good . Good . Because we re all Chandlers , right ? Erica : Why did you save me ? Caleb : Because you were there . Erica : I do nt think you want to live up here all by yourself anymore for the rest of your life . I still do nt know why you were running . Caleb : Who s running ? Erica : You were running from something -- life , love , all the things that real living entails . You could have that all again , you know . Caleb : Have what ? Erica : The things I ve been talking about -- joy , love , hope . Caleb : Who are you ? Erica : I m Erica Kane . Caleb : We re gon na freeze if we stay out here . Jack : Krystal ? Krystal : Hmm ? Jack : This bracelet -- this is Erica s bracelet . I know . I bought it for her . That means she was here . She was here in this cabin . Krystal : Well , that means she s close by . Jack : All right , look , I know you think it s stupid -- Krystal : No , no , no , I do nt care how dark it is . Let s go . Let s -- Bianca : Bonjour . Hanging in there . How are you guys ? Oh , yeah , of course . Put her on . Hi , Miranda ! Are you having fun with mommy Reese ? Oh , sweetie , I know . I m worried , too . But that s why I m here , remember ? To help find her and bring her home . She s gon na be ok . That s right -- because she s a Kane woman , just like us . I love you , Miranda . And give your little sister a kiss for me , ok ? One for Reese , too . I ll talk to you later . Bye . Bianca : Hi . This is Bianca Montgomery . I m Erica Kane s daughter . Thank you . Um , listen , I m trying to start -- raise some money for a rescue fund , and I was hoping your company could help . All donations will be matched by Fusion cosmetics . Greenlee : Ahem . Bianca : Uh , yeah . Can I call you right back ? Thanks . Greenlee : You ca nt do that . You do nt even work here . Bianca : I swear to God -- Greenlee : I m the CEO . Let me . Please , Bianca . I want to help . Caleb : Ohh . I m gon na put you down and I m gon na go get some more firewood . All right ? Here we go , kid . Right here . Erica : Ok . Caleb : All right ? Erica : Someone s been here . Ohh . Erica : Hey , Caleb , someone s been here ! Hey -- Jack ? Jack : Erica . Erica : Jack ! Jack ! Jack : Ohh ! Marissa : That peace offering to Scott seemed kind of out of the blue , huh ? J.R. : Not really . I just want things to calm down around here . Marissa : Yeah , this whole situation is just so strange . I do nt even know how else to describe it . J.R. : Well , strange is a pretty good description , actually . I have an idea . It might help to make things a little more normal around here . Marissa : Normal s good . J.R. : Move back into our bed . I miss you . I miss my wife . Marissa : I want to forgive you , J.R. I do . And I think that I will . I m sorry . I m just not ready . Greenlee : Whatever you need , Fusion s resources are at your disposal . My resources are at your disposal . Whatever I can do . Bianca : No , thanks . Greenlee : This is nt the time to be proud , Bianca . Erica needs your help . Does it really matter where it s coming from ? You re angry with me . I understand that , but do nt let it get in the way . You re going down there to help , right ? Bianca : I crossed off the ones I already called . Greenlee : I ll pick up where you left off . Hey . David : Hey yourself . Greenlee : We re calling everyone we can think of , rounding up as much money and as many people as we can in the search for Erica . David : Great . What can I do ? Bianca : We re ok . David : Bianca , I d like to help . Bianca : No . Greenlee : You know , having David is not such a bad idea . Erica might need a doctor . Bianca : I heard you lost your medical license . David : That does nt mean I lost my skills . Say what you like about me as a person , but no one can argue I m an excellent physician . Ask your sister . Bianca : Oh , even if you were to come , is nt it illegal for you to treat patients . Greenlee : I do nt think Erica will mind . Do you ? Jack : I ca nt believe it . I ca nt believe it . I was so afraid I was never gon na see this gorgeous face again . Erica : Oh , gorgeous , Jack ? I have nt even showered in days . Jack : Oh , no , you have never looked better to me . Erica : I was scared , too . I was -- I was so scared . But I knew . I knew you d find me . Jack : You bet . And you re here and you re all right . You re all right . Ohh . Oh , but your leg . Honey , are you in pain ? Erica : Not anymore . Thank you . Krystal : Ahh . God . Caleb : Who the hell are you ? Krystal : Ohh ! Oh , you scared me . Hi . I m Krystal , Krystal Carey . Caleb : What are you doing on my property ? Krystal : I m a friend of Erica s from -- from back home . Were you the one who found her ? Well , you re gon na have a lot of grateful people on your hands . She s a very , very popular woman . What s your name ? Caleb : Hmm . Krystal : I would nt do that if I were you . Bianca : She s really ok ? Jack : I do nt suppose you d like to talk to her , would you ? Bianca : Yes , please ! Erica : Hi , sweetheart . Bianca : Hi , mom . You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice . How are you ? Erica : I m fine , honey . And you did nt have to fly all the way to Pine Valley . Bianca : Yes , I did . And I ca nt wait to hug you the minute you get home . Erica : Me , too . Bianca : I love you , mom . I love you so much . I ll see you soon . Erica : I love you , too , so much , sweetheart . Bye . Bianca : She s alive ! My mom s alive ! David : Bianca , that is wonderful news . Greenlee : I knew she d pull through . I just knew it . Bianca : Do nt . Greenlee : Bianca ? Bianca : Let me make something really clear . My mom s coming home and I m beyond grateful , but that does nt mean I ve forgotten . You both had something to do with this . What , I have nt figured out , but I will . Jack : All right , the rangers are on their way . Erica : Oh , thank goodness . Jack : What happened ? Are you up for talking about it ? Erica : Yeah . After -- after I met with doc Waller , I called opal . And , Jack , she told me that something had happened at Fusion . Jack , I did nt do it . I would never steal money from the Miranda center . Jack : Of course you did nt . I know that , believe me . We ll get that all straightened out when we get back home , believe me . Erica : And I was really desperate to get back to Pine Valley , so -- well , right after we took off , the pilot -- the pilot announced that we had engine trouble . And he said that I should brace for impact . Jack : Oh , my God . Erica : And the next thing I knew , I was being carried out of the wreckage . Jack : Wait a minute . Carried out ? By who ? Erica : Yeah , by that man . He lives up here in the mountains and he saved my life , Jack . Krystal : So what happened out there ? Was Erica bad off when you found her ? Caleb : Her plane took a nosedive from 35,000 feet into the ground . What do you think ? Krystal : So , uh , so you saved her ? You kept her safe all this time ? Caleb : Just get her home and be gone by the time I get back . Marissa : I just think that it s important for us to take things slow , you know , wait until we re all a little more comfortable . J.R. : Do you have any idea when that might be ? Marissa : Yeah , I do -- when I m positive that you really mean it . I ll move back into your bed when you want me there , not when you want to want me there . J.R. : Uh - oh , incoming ! Grr ! [ J.R. laughs , then kisses A.J. ] Ahh . A.J. : Kiss Mommy now . J.R. : Huh . Marissa : I think it s past your bedtime now , buster . J.R. : Yeah . Good night , buddy . A.J. : Good night . Marissa : Come on . Let s go . Good night , J.R. J.R. : Good night . Should nt you be upstairs christening your new bedroom ? Annie : Scott s working on the nanotech project . I guess I should go keep the bed warm . J.R. : Yeah , you do that . Annie : J.R. , What you said before about us all working together and getting along ? I hope you meant it . J.R. : Why would nt I ? Annie : I know things got a little weird . J.R. : Yeah , well , it s done now . Everything s set . Annie : Thank you . J.R. : Good night , Annie . Annie : Good night . Bianca : My mother did not skim money from the Miranda center . It s named after my daughter , for God s sake . David : Yeah , I was -- I was shocked about that , too . I -- I just thought maybe it had something to do with desperate times . Bianca : When s the last time you saw Erica Kane desperate ? The focus right now is on mom being ok . But once she s home safe , we re going to find out who did this . Krystal : I hate to break up the happy reunion , but -- Jack : No , we need to get out of here . We need to get you to a hospital , have that leg looked at , and then we need to get you home . Erica : Home-oh , that sounds so good . Krystal : Yeah . So who is the grizzly mountain man out there ? He seems a little scary . Erica : Oh , he s not so scary . He -- just a little rough around the edges is all . Krystal : A little ? Erica : No , he saved my life . I actually have to write him a check for destroying his house . Jack : You do nt have to worry about that . I ll take care of that when we get back , ok ? Erica : Well , at least I need to see him to say thank you . I mean , I just do nt want to leave without saying good - bye . Jack : Sure . Krystal : Oh , um , he left . Erica : Oh . Then there s nothing stopping us . Jack : Well , let s get you home , then . Let s get out of here . Erica : Ok . Oh , Palmer s box . There -- it s under there . Krystal : Oh , this ? Erica : Yes . Krystal : Ok . Erica : Ok . So -- Jack : All set ? Erica : Let s get out of here . Jack : Ready ? Erica : Yes . Let s go home . ### Summary:
J.R. remembers his talk with Annie in which he proposed making love again to get her out of his system . Marissa interrupts him and asks about Scott and Annie . Scott and Annie are in bed , kissing . Scott receives a phone call from J.R. which he ignores . Bianca visits Opal to ask her about Erica . At Krystal s , a reporter questions Greenlee about Erica s disappearance and the influence it will have on Fusion . Jack wants to continue looking for Erica in the dark , but Krystal talks him out of it . Caleb stands by Erica . When Greenlee asks for her help , Opal refuses . Scott asks Annie to move into his bedroom at the Chandler mansion . Annie joins J.R. in the living room and tells him that since she slept with Scott , J.R. is out of Annie s life for good . Bianca comes face to face with David and demands answers as to where Erica is . David refuses to tell her anything . J.R. asks Marissa to move back into their bedroom , but she refuses . J.R. suggests that they call a truce to their differences and try to be a family . Bianca allows Greenlee to help with the search for Erica but refuses David s help . Caleb takes Erica back to the cabin . Erica spies Jack s things inside the cabin . Erica yells for Caleb just as Jack and Krystal come running back to the cabin . Jack and Erica are happily reunited . Krystal comes face to face with Caleb . Caleb watches as Jack carries Erica away from the cabin . Bianca vows to find out who set Erica up for stealing money from the Miranda Center .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: John : Claudine , see if you can get me Statesville on line two again , please . Marty : John , I need to talk to you . John : Hey . Marty : It s important . John : What , is Cole in some kind of trouble again ? Marty : No , no , Cole has nt done anything . I have . Miles : All right , Marty , you re on . Let s hear your deepest thoughts . Marty s voice : I was in Blair s room , I saw Spencer , I saw the scissors -- I remember ! Hannah s voice : There could be so many explanations for that , so many -- Marty s voice : No , no , there is only one explanation -- I killed Spencer Truman ! Blair : Anything I can do to help ? Cristian : I do nt know . Let s see -- some crazy racist is out to kill me , my brother s cut me out of his life and left town , possibly for good -- even though he s the only one who can save Jessica s life -- and the woman I love may be dying . No , I do nt think you can help . Blair : Well , I think you re wrong . I can . Nash : Damn it , Clint . Why does nt he pick up ? Antonio : You left him a message , right ? Nash : Yes , I left a few messages . I told him you re coming back for the transplant , but he should ve gotten his messages by now . Antonio : It s ironic , is nt it ? I cross the ocean to get away from Jessica , and now I m going to be a part of her life forever . Michael : The tests should take about an hour . You know , it might be a good opportunity for you to step out -- [ Alarm ] Get a bite to eat . Nurse : Dr. McBain , she s failing . Viki : Jessie ? Jessie ? Clint : Michael , what s happening ? Viki : Michael , please , what -- what s going on , please ? Michael : Out of the room , please . Viki : What ? Michael : Now . Nurse : Now , please -- Viki : What ? Nurse : Please go , please . Michael : Get me Dr. Pearce , stat -- we re losing her . Dr. Pearce : What happened ? Michael : Her liver -- it s not synthesizing enough clotting protein . She s got gastrointestinal bleeding , and my main concern is Hepatic Encephalopathy . Dr. Pearce : No way to know while she s unconscious . Viki : What -- Michael , what is that ? Hepatic -- can you fix that ? Nurse : I m -- I m sorry . We ll be out to talk to you in a moment . Viki : She has to hold on , she just has to . Clint : We are not going to lose her , not after we found a way to save her . Viki : Yeah , how ? Antonio s not even here ! Clint : She is going to hold on ! She s got too much to live for -- her daughter , Nash . We are not going to lose her . Viki : Michael , what -- what is it ? Michael : The liver damage is causing other complications . Her kidneys are failing . Nash : Antonio , I wish I could be the one to save her . Antonio : Right -- so you could be the hero . Nash : No , that is not what I meant by that at all . Antonio : You know , even if you did play the white knight , there are no guarantees . Nash : Guarantees ? Antonio : That Jessica will be with you forever . I mean , look what happened to me . She professed her undying love to me , up and down , then left me for the first guy who walked through the door . Nash : You think that s what I m worried about ? That s not what I m worried about . All I am thinking about is not letting Jessica die . Would you think about that ? Can you think about that ? No , you ca nt , because all you re obsessed with is your bruised little ego . Well , to hell with that . This is about saving Jessica s life . Can you think about her ? Antonio : You re right . You re right , I was being a jerk . It s a tough situation I m in . I just -- these feelings for Jessica -- and then I -- never mind . This whole thing is -- it s bigger than me and my feelings , you re right . Nash : Antonio , this is nt about one - upping you . All right , I -- I understand the sacrifice that you re making , it s not just emotional . It s physical and emotional . I mean , you re in love with Jessica , and you re risking your own life to save her , when , inevitably , you re still going to lose her . Antonio : It s reality . Nash : It s harsh . But I m not so callous that I do nt feel very bad about what you re going through . I understand all too well what you re going through . I just wish we did nt have to drag you back into our lives , I m sorry . Antonio : Drag me back ? What the hell s that supposed to mean ? What , are you insinuating that I would nt help Jessica unless I was forced ? Nobody had to drag me . Nash : Right , I m sorry . It s a poor choice of words . Antonio : Yeah . Let me repeat myself , ok ? Maybe this time you will get it . I am not doing this so that you and Jessica can live happily ever after , I am doing this because it s the right thing to do . John : What have you done ? Marty : I -- I do nt know how to begin , but I -- I know you re the person I have to tell because you re going to -- you ll know what needs to be done . John : Ok . Does this have something to do with the panic attacks you ve been having lately ? Marty : Yes , it does . Um , I did nt know the source of the panic until now , and -- and I did nt deliberately try to hide the truth from you . I -- I did nt know what the truth was until yesterday -- John : Oh -- oh , ok , ok , slow down . What truth are we talking about here ? Bo : John ? I need to talk to you . I think we caught a break on the hate crime case . John : Uh , ok . Marty : Uh , no , that s ok , go ahead . I ll -- I ll wait here . John : Yeah ? Just give me one minute , ok ? What do you got , Bo ? Bo : When Balsom was here a while ago , I think he may have inadvertently given us a tip . John : What kind of a tip ? Bo : Well , someone we know might be keeping a secret . Hannah s voice : So , in the dreams , do you -- do you know what you re supposed to do with the scissors ? Marty s voice : And that s when I start getting scared . Hannah s voice : And what s scaring you , Marty ? What is it ? Is it some thing or someone ? Marty s voice : It s -- it s someone . There s someone else in my dream . Marty s voice : It s a woman , and she s wearing white . Hannah s voice : And why would that be ? Marty s voice : Uh , white , white -- white is , um , the good guys . They always wear white , and it s also the color of death in some countries . Hannah s voice : Yeah . Marty s voice : And purity -- um , brides wear -- wear white . It s a bride . Oh , my god . Hannah s voice : Marty -- Marty , what is it ? Who is the bride in your dream ? Marty s voice : The bride -- it was Blair . , My god , the scissors -- I ca nt -- I killed Spencer Truman . Miles : The woman I love killed the only person who s ever loved me . Spencer s voice : I hope I ve proved by now that I am your friend , and that you can believe and trust me . Everyone gets what they deserve in the end . Bo : Balsom s been digging into this Tate Harmon s background . John : What , outing the guy on TV was nt enough ? Bo : Well , he was wrong about that , but the point is he thinks that the guy s hiding something . John : Any idea what ? Bo : Balsom talked to this old friend of Harmon s . This old friend says that Harmon , as a teenager , went away to this camp , and when he got back , he changed . John : Changed ? What -- changed how ? Bo : The camp was in Wyoming . John : Wyoming ? Bo : Mm - hmm . Yeah . You think that s a coincidence ? Marty : Hello ? Miles : I need to see you , Marty , right away . Marty : Miles , this is nt a good time , ok ? I m in the middle of something important . Miles : Whatever it is , this is more important . It s about Spencer s murder . Marty : what about it ? Miles : We need to talk about this in person -- and keep it between the two of us . Come to my suite at the palace , I ll be waiting . John : I do nt know , Bo . At link is tenuous at best . And I ve seen that guy Harmon around -- it s not like he s keeping a low profile . Bo : Yeah , but he could hide in plain sight . John : And our guy likely had surgery in Wyoming . I kind of remember when Harmon retired , he blew out his shoulder . Maybe it was nt the first time . Bo : His medical history could be public record , could even be on one of those sports websites , so I ll get Sahid to check into that . John : Hmm , all right . I m going to try to find out the name of that camp he went to . Bo : We re on to something . John : Hmm . Oh -- you re not going to tell the mayor about this , are you ? Bo : I do nt know -- you know , then he can hold one of his press conferences and he could tank our whole investigation -- I do nt think so . John : Yeah . Cristian : Nobody can do anything for me right now , ok why are you even here ? Blair : Well , I came here to work on a song , and if you were nt so defensive , maybe you d get a chance to hear it . You know , Cristian , I can be your friend -- just like you were a friend to me when , you know , rode to Starr s rescue the other night at the movie theater . Cristian : Wait a minute , I did nt exactly volunteer for that . Blair : Yeah , but you went along with it , and I ca nt tell you how much I appreciate that . I wish that I could bring Antonio ho and I wish that I could heal Evangeline and Jessica , but I ca nt . But I can be here for you . You can talk to me . I can be your friend . Layla : Hey , Cristian , Blair . I heard you were here . Cristian : Did you hear something about your sister ? Layla : I just got back from the clinic . She s the same . Blair : Layla , I am just so sorry about Evangeline . Layla : Yeah , me , too . I ve never seen my sister hold so still . She even tosses and turns when she sleeps . It s -- I just ca nt describe it . But thank you for -- you know . I ll let you know if there s any change . So I -- I guess I will set up . Cristian : Whoa , wait a minute , set up ? You do nt have to work . Are you crazy ? Layla : I need to stay busy . Vincent : Um , then I ll catch up with you guys later . Layla : No , um , stay -- for a little while . Have a drink , maybe ? Vincent : Ok . Layla : Ok . Cristian : All right , it s -- it s this waiting that s killing me . Not being able to do anything , it makes me so damn angry . At least when I boxed , I could go to the gym and beat up on something . Blair : You still love Evangeline , do nt you ? Cristian : I was angry about her relationship with Todd . Blair : You and me both . Cristian : But , yes , I still love her , very much . Blair : Cristian , if Evangeline got better and came back to Llanview , would you tell her that ? Would you try to start all over again ? Cristian : What about you ? If Todd comes back from where he is , will you admit that you love him and start over again ? Michael : Well , Dr. Pearce is doing an emergency hemodialysis . This should remove the excess protein and fluid from her blood . That should restore her kidney function . Clint : And you said Jessie was also suffering from portal hypertension ? Michael : And the vessels , the blood vessels in the liver , are blocked . This is hindering blood flow . Viki : If the blood supply is cut off -- Michael : It could affect her heart and her brain . Viki : How is she , doctor ? Dr. Pearce : Her kidneys are functioning for now , but once a patient s in failure , there s a domino effect . There s nothing more I can do until the donor is here . Clint : Doctor , could -- could we possibly see her ? Dr. Pearce : Yes , of course . Jessica : Do I look that bad ? Clint : You are beautiful , Jessie , as always . Jamie : Are we there yet ? Antonio : No , not yet , sweetheart . Jamie : When Jessica s better , will she come to Spain with us ? Antonio : No , no , she wo nt . It s like I told you before , ok ? It s just you and me from now on . Nash : Hi . The pilot s opened up a phone line so I can try Clint again . Clint : Hello ? Nash : Clint ? Finally -- I ve been trying to reach you . Clint : Hold on . Hold on a minute . I got to take this . I ll be right back . [ Clint sighs ] Nash , we re having a crisis . Nash : Why ? What s wrong ? Clint : First of all , are you with Antonio ? Nash : Yeah , yeah . No -- so you have nt gotten any of my messages ? We re on a plane right now back to Llanview , Antonio s agreed to be the donor . Clint : Oh , thank god . When are you going to be landing ? Nash : Uh -- a couple hours . Clint : Nash , I pray that s soon enough . Bo : Oh , honey . You know , something is -- what is it ? Is it Jess ? Paige : I called the hospital on my way over here and things have gotten bad . Bo : S anybody found Antonio ? Paige : No . Bo : And he s the only match ? Paige : Yeah -- besides Viki , but she ca nt donate because her health is far too fragile . Bo : She s going to fight you on that . Paige : Oh , she already has , tooth and nail , and I do nt blame her , but there s a really good chance she would nt even survive the surgery . Bo : How long can Jess wait ? Paige : Jess is very weak , and she s getting weaker . It has to be done really soon . Bo : I can only imagine what my brother s going through right now . Clint : Jessica s worse -- her kidneys are failing . They had to put her on emergency dialysis and that stabilized her , but she s still very , very we , Nash . She ca nt hold on much longer without the transplant . Nash : I want to talk to her . Viki : So , anyway , Natalie said that she loves you and she wants to come and see you , and she s going to do that as soon as she feels better , ok ? Jessica : I -- I want to see her , too . Clint : Nash is on the phone . He found him , he s with Antonio . Michael : Has Antonio agreed ? Clint : Yes , he has . Viki : Oh , thank God ! Honey -- Clint : Jessie -- Jessie , are you strong enough to talk to Nash ? Is that ok , Michael ? Jessica : Please , I need to hear his voice . Michael : That s fine . Absolutely . Viki : Yeah ? Here , let me -- just turn your head . Here you go . Jessica : Nash ? Nash : Hey . Babe , you just hang on , ok ? I m coming home . Jessica : I m not sure I can . Nash : Uh -- now , you have to . I ve already started arranging for your coming- home party . You ca nt have a party without the guest of honor , right ? Jessica : I love you so much . I need you here . Nash : I m on my way . I love you , too . Jessica : I need you to do something for me . Nash : Anything . Jessica : I need you to put Antonio on the phone . Cole : Team Valor . What -- what does that mean ? Yes -- no . No . John : Cole ? Cole : Hey . John : Hey . How you doing ? You -- you feeling ok ? Cole : Yeah . Uh , what s up ? John : Was -- I was just wondering if you knew where your mom was . Cole : Oh , she left me a message saying she had a meeting to go to , did nt say where . John : Right , right . So what are you doing ? What is all this ? Cole : Huh . Just memorizing lines for the play I m doing at school -- the musical . John : The musical ? Cole : Yeah . Want -- want to help me ? John : How ? Cole : Well , you could read the other part and see if I remember mine . John : Read the other part ? Is this something I m going to have to come see ? Cole : Yeah , if you want . John : Well , I ll tell you what -- you surprise me , all right ? I do nt think I could stand it twice . What are you doing ? You know , you should -- you should get a girl to help you with this . You know , they -- they eat that kind of thing up . Cole : Actually , I think I m going to stay away from girls for a while . Marty : Ok , I m here . What did you want to tell me about Spencer s murder ? Marty s voice : I killed Spencer Truman . Cole : I just do nt understand how the whole thing works . I do nt understand how some people can fall in love a million times in their lives , and other people just fall in love with one person forever -- like my mom . John : Look , when someone has what your mother and father had , I d consider that pretty damn lucky . Cole : But I hate seeing her miserable . And I do nt want her grieving over my dad the rest of her life , and I hate seeing her me -- and I know my dad would want her to be happy . John : Look , maybe it s none of my business , but has something happened lately to make her seem so unhappy ? Cole : Huh . Yeah -- me . John : Wrong . I know that s wrong . You know , I know your mom a little bit , and to hear her talk about you -- you re one of the truly good things in her life right now . Cole : So you and my mom are -- just friends ? John : Friends , yeah . Cole : Well , I know you guys , you know , had a burger a couple times . I just did nt know if maybe it could turn into something else . John : Sometimes a burger s just a burger . Cole : Yeah , I guess it would be kind of strange for you and my mom to get together . John : Yeah , why s that ? Cole : Because you re nothing like my dad . You know , he was a poet , a pacifist , he laughed a lot . Not that -- you know , it -- you -- you re a really great guy , and -- and my mom could do a lot worse . John : Yeah , thanks . Cole : Wow -- yeah , that did nt come out right . That s not what I meant -- that s not how I meant it to sound . What I m trying to say is I really like you , and my mom -- well , she s great , and why am I talking to you about this ? Oh , my goodness . Uh -- I am really sorry . It s none of my business . I -- I do nt know . I just -- I ve been thinking a lot lately , and I m kind of in a weird mood , so just pretend that none of that happened , please . Marty : Where did you get that , Miles ? Miles : It fell into my possession . It does nt matter how . The point is , I know the truth now . Marty : I did nt know I killed Spencer Truman -- I -- I blocked it out . But now that I know , I m going to – Miles : He was my best friend , my only real friend . Marty : I know , and I plan to pay for what I did . I planned to turn myself in . I was down at the police station when you called , just getting ready to confess everything to John . Miles : I was afraid that you would do something crazy like that -- that why I needed to talk to you first . Marty : I do nt understand . Miles : Confessing to the police is the last thing that you should do . Vincent : You want me to take you home ? Layla : No . I ca nt go home . I d just be going out of my mind , staring at the phone , waiting for it to ring , waiting for someone to tell me good news about my sister -- or bad news . Vincent : Yeah . I know it s hard for you -- all this waiting , not being able to help her . Layla : Evangeline is the best person I know . Ever since we were little , I d try to be like her . I d tag along with her and her friends , get in her way when she was getting ready for a date . Vincent : And she put up with you . Layla : Not really . We fought a lot . But sister stuff , you know ? We knew how to push each other s buttons . Whew . Until now , I always knew that she would be there for me whenever I needed her . She s going to -- she s going to get through this , I -- I know it , I know it . She has to . Blair : Oh , Cristian , if Todd were to come home , I -- I really could nt tell you . You know , there s just way too many wounds to heal , you know ? He d probably never get over the fact that you and I were even together . But I can tell you when we were in Chicago , there was -- there was a moment , a moment where it kind of felt like it did before . It was good times , and I wish we could ve made that last , you know ? What are you doing ? What -- you got me talking about me , and I was the one that asked you the question about Evangeline . Cristian : Ok . I ll answer your question . When Evangeline comes back , I m going to tell her how much I love her , and that I never stopped loving her -- and that I want her in my life . Blair : Sometimes you never know how much you love somebody until you almost lose them . Jessica : Nash , let me speak to Antonio , please . Nash : All right . Jessica wants to talk to you . Jessica : Antonio ? Antonio : Yeah ? Yeah , I m here . Jessica : I m so sorry . I wish I did nt have to ask you to do this . Antonio : Do nt be sorry . Please . I want to help . This is about you getting better . Jessica : Thank you . I m always going to be grateful for this . Clint : Antonio ? Antonio : Yeah ? Clint : Hurry . Marty : I have to confess . Miles : You need to think about your son . If you go to prison , who s going to take care of him ? The courts -- they could take him away from you , and they could put you away for a long , long time . Cole would be without his only living parent . He d be alone , just the same way I was . I would nt wish that on anyone . Marty : No , no , it s not going to happen . Miles : You need to keep quiet about this , Marty . For your son s sake , please . Marty : What about you ? I killed your best friend . Miles : No one will ever hear about it from me . I d never hurt you . I love you . Blair : I m not drunk but I ai nt sober and I do nt mind sitting here alone yeah , I m as empty as October when there s nothing going on you can make me laugh god knows I need it you can tell me all about yourself paint me a picture bet I ve seen it oh , but you ca nt ever tell come on and try to hold me you ca nt hold me too tight I ai nt afraid to walk away with nothing as long as I feel something I loved someone till I was empty and they just left me here like this waiting for something else to hit me a bottle a bullet or a kiss and with his leaving went my last tears and I may have turned my back on love but I still have a heart in here somewhere so before it turns to dust come on and try to hold me you ca nt hold me too tight I ai nt afraid to walk away with nothing as long as I feel something you re a chance I got to take so come on and try to hold me I got nothing left to lose so you ca nt hold me too tight I ai nt afraid to walk away with nothing as long as I feel something I just want to feel something oh , God , help me feel something . Layla : I think I m ready to go home now . Vincent : Cool . I ll take you home . Layla : Thanks . Um -- I m not sure if I m ready for , you know , company . Vincent : Hey , look , there s no worries , no sweat at all . I ll take you home , make sure you re safe , make sure your door s locked . And if you re tired , you know , you re upset , you re feeling a little anxious , give me a call . Layla : Thank you . Beautiful song , Blair . Blair : Oh -- Layla : Beautiful . Blair : Give her my prayers , ok ? Layla : Thank you . Bye . Blair : Thanks . You know , there was a time when Todd said my music saved his life . I wish I could do that again . Cristian : How about a toast ? Blair : To what ? Cristian : To things getting better . Blair : All right . Cristian : Wait , wait , wait . Blair : To the both of us . Cristian : Cheers . Bo : I m going to call Nigel . I m going to see if Pa s up to hearing about Jess . Paige : Bo , if you do nt tell him , and the worst happens , he might not survive it . I just -- I want you to be prepared for what might happen . I love you . Bo : Ok . Nigel ? Hey , it s Bo . Listen , um , I want to talk to you about Pa. Viki : My darling Jessie , I love you so much , and you have so much to live for . There are so many people who love you and need you . Clint : Jessie ? You hang on . Hang on , Jessie . Nash and Antonio -- they re going to be here very soon . Jamie : Are we there yet ? Antonio : Hmm -- not yet , sweetheart . Pilot : Look , I know you re all anxious to get to Llanview , but we have a problem . Nash : What ? Pilot : Thunderstorms . We re going to have to delay our arrival . Cole : All right , well , I better get to rehearsal . Thanks for listening -- again . John : Yeah , hey , wait , uh -- look , Cole , I do nt mind talking to you , all right , you know that . Cole : Yeah , me , too . And if I see my mom , I ll tell her that you were looking for her . John : Ok , thanks . Cole : All right , see ya . John : See ya . Hey , Marty , it s -- it s John . Uh -- look , call me . You disappeared from the police station before we could talk . Marty : Miles , you ca nt keep my secret -- it is nt right . I would nt burden you like that . Miles : I ll be getting something in return . Marty : What -- what do you mean ? What would y be getting ? Miles : Your undying gratitude -- and your hand in marriage . Blair : Todd ? Marcie : You re interested in Marty Saybrooke . Miles : Marty Saybrooke -- will you marry me ? Jessica : I m dying , are nt I ? Nash : If we do nt get to her , she s going to die . Or is that what you want ? ### Summary:
John tells the receptionist to get him Statesville back on the phone . Marty comes in and tells him that she has to talk to him . Miles comes back into his hotel room Marty tells John that this is nt about something that Cole had done , but her . Miles listens to the tape that he had stolen out of the psychiatrist s office that contained Marty s conversation with her psychiatrist friend . Miles finds out that Marty had killed Spencer Truman . Christian sits up against the wall at Capricorn . Blair comes and tapping him on the backside , asks him if there is anything she can do to help . Christian fills her in on everything that had been going on . Antonio , Jaime , and Nash head back to Llanview for the transplant . Nash is frantic that he can not get in touch with Clint . Michael explains to Clint and Vikki that the tests would take about an hour . The nurse notices that something is wrong with Jessica . Michael orders Vikki and Clint out . Michael tells them that they are losing Jessica . Michael finds out that Jessica had gastrointestinal bleeding . Michael comes out and tells them that Jessica s kidneys are failing . John questions Marty as to what she had done . Marty lets him know that she does nt know quite how to begin .Bo comes out of his office and tells John that he thinks that they have gotten a lead in the hate crime case . Miles finds out that Marty had killed Spencer Truman . Bo fills John in on the situation with Tate and his link to Wyoming . Marty gets a call from Miles to meet him in his hotel room that they need to talk about Spencer Truman s murder . John goes back to join Marty , but he finds her gone . The doctors ca nt give Vikki and Clint much hope for Jessica s recovery . Nash calls Clint and lets him know that he is on his way home with Antonio . Paige goes to see Bo and fills him in on Jessica s condition . Nash asks to talk to Jessica . Jessica asks to talk to Antonio . John questions Cole as to where Marty is . Miles plays the tape for Marty in which she had confessed to the murder of Spencer Truman . John questions Cole had something happened lately that had made Marty so unhappy lately . John lets Cole know that he and Marty are only friends . Cole lets John know that he is nothing like his father . Marty asks Miles where had he gotten the tape . Marty tries to explain to him that she had blocked it out . Miles asks her not to confess to the police that she had killed Spencer Truman . Miles tells Marty to not let anyone ever know what she had done . Miles also lets her know that he will never let anyone know what she had done because he loves her . Vikki and Clint sit vigil by Jessica s bedside , hoping and praying , that Nash and Antonio will make it home in time to save Jessica s life . The pilot gives Nash and Antonio that they are having thunderstorms and will have to delay their arrival into Llanview . Miles tells Marty that he will keep her secret forever in exchange for her undying gratitude and her hand in marriage .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Jake : They come around like flies . Hi , Babe . I m sorry I m late . I m sure you re starving . Can I ask you something , Mrs. Martin ? Why is it you never wear your wedding ring ? I mean , are you trying to tell me something ? What is it ? Amanda : Jake , I went back upstairs after the shoot was cancelled and my ring was nt where I left it . Jake : Oh . Well , maybe you dropped it , Babe . Maybe it fell into something . Did you look ? Amanda : I looked everywhere . Annie : I m gon na stay here as long as I want . And if you do nt let me , I ll tell Marissa everything . I m sure she d love to hear how you cheated on her while you were in D.C. with your father s wife , and how you could nt keep your hands off me once we got home . J.R. : I was working you . Annie : No , you wanted me . I wonder if Marissa s gon na find it as funny as you do . J.R. : You can threaten to tell Marissa everything that happened , but it still wo nt keep you from getting kicked to the curb . Annie : This is not a joke , J.R. You could lose everything . J.R. : And you need to think before you blackmail . This is my father s house . He decides who stays , not me . And since he only sees you as a greedy , cheating liar , what do you think he s gon na say ? Face it , Annie . You re fighting a war you ca nt win . Ryan : Great . You can just leave the proposal on my desk . I ll check it out in the morning , ok ? Thank you . Hey . Madison : Well , the uniform makes it official . You re looking at your newest cocktail waitress . Ryan : Fulfillment of a lifelong dream , I m sure . Madison : I was left under such a mountain of debt after Henry died . I think the new dream is just coming out from under it . Ryan : Hmm . When do you start ? Madison : My first shift s in a few hours . Ryan : Jumping right in ? Madison : I m just serving drinks , I m not making them . How hard could it be , right ? I should go home , get changed . Ryan : Hey , Madison ? I m not done with you yet . David : I never expected this marriage to be anything more than an understanding between friends , two people willing to support , protect each other . Now that it is something more , something real , I want you to know , Greenlee , I m in love with you . Greenlee : You re an amazing man , David . You brought me back to life in so many ways . I ca nt tell you how much that means , how much you mean to me . I m sorry we waited so long to make our marriage real . David : I just wanted it to be right . Greenlee : It is right . You make me happy , David , really happy . It s been a long time since I felt so good . David : Hmm . I m happy , too . Greenlee : I know it was nt easy putting yourself out there , and I do nt want you to feel like it was a mistake and that I do nt care . Because I want to give you my heart , and I will . I just need time . David : I did nt say I love you to get you to say it back . I just wanted you to know how I feel . You re not there . I understand that . That does nt change anything for me . Greenlee : You re the one who warned me not to say certain things unless I felt the same . David : We re together . Our marriage is real . That s what s important . Ryan : Given your background , I m assuming you do nt have tons of experience in the service industry . Madison : Well , I do Erica and Greenlee s bidding every day . Ryan : Ok . And I m sure Erica and Greenlee are very demanding , but I have a feeling they do nt try to grope you on the job all the time . You see , what happens here is guys come in and they have a few drinks and , you know , they tend to get a little friendly with the wait staff . And not only that , there s people that do nt know when to leave the tables . You know , they get down thousands of dollars , and you are the one they take it out on . Madison : Well , being yelled at is nothing new . When my father was nt hitting me he was putting me down . I survived . Ryan : Oh , ok . I d like you to do a little better than just survive , Madison . Madison : For the longest time I was afraid to stand up to my father . But when I finally did , everything changed . I finally felt like I was in control , and it felt good . Customers can pitch a fit . I ll slap a smile on my face , bring them another drink . And if they re still not satisfied , I ll call the biggest bouncer and have them escorted out to the pool to cool off . How s that for customer service ? Amanda : I can not believe that I lost my wedding ring . I m so sorry , Jake . I never should ve taken it off for the photo shoot . Jake : Can you just relax ? Just relax , ok ? Amanda : That ring was supposed to be on my hand forever . And when you put it on there , we made promises . That ring was a promise that we would always be a family . Jake : Ok , ok , but the ring does nt equal family , right ? The ring s just a symbol of our love . Nobody , nothing is ever gon na get in the way of what we feel for each other , ok ? The ring ? Come on . Amanda : I know , but I liked having a reminder . And I like looking down at it and thinking of you when I could nt be with you . Jake : Well , I m here right now , and I m not going anywhere . Natalia : Well , if I m interrupting , I can -- Amanda : Oh , hey ! No , you better stay because we have to celebrate you doing a kick - ass job at the photo shoot . Natalia : I do nt know about all that kick - ass stuff , but let me see . Yeah , I killed it . Jake : Yes , you killed it ! We need to make a toast . We re gon na need a bottle , a full bottle ! Go ahead . Thank you . Amanda : Hey , did you invite Brot to help you celebrate ? Natalia : Hell to the no . But Ciro may be stopping by after his other shoot if it s not too late . Jake : [ As Ciro ] Oh , I can hardly wait for Ciro to come by and say hello . What ? He is fantastic . He is the -- actually puts a very bad taste in your mouth , this Ciro . Yes , yes . No , no , do nt do it ! Yes ! Oh , too close . Natalia : I know . It s too much , right ? But after you get to know him , you know , after he breaks in , like , he s a pretty good guy at the end of the day . Jake : [ Normal voice ] Really ? Jake : Really ? Natalia : Really . Jake : What , Babe ? Amanda : Another poem from Amandafan . Jake : Stop it . He s so creative . Roses are red , violets are gray , I think about you more every day . You re on my mind from the moment I wake . Your eyes , your smile -- you re so beautiful , Amanda , it makes my heart ache . Annie : You better come up with a way to convince Adam to let me stay in this house or you will be meeting with a divorce lawyer right alongside me . J.R. : Oh , sure . That should nt be a problem . My dad only caught us in bed together . I m sure he ll definitely listen to me when I ask him not to throw you out . Annie : Fine . Then maybe Marissa . Maybe she can talk to him . J.R. : That would be a great conversation . Yeah , she can plead your case for you while my dad tells her everything that he walked in on . That should work out swell for us . Annie : I m not leaving . J.R. : Yes , you are , Annie . It s inevitable . The only question is , are you gon na leave here empty - handed or you gon na leave with enough cash in your pocket to start over ? Annie : Keep your money . I want my home . J.R. : Annie , with what I m offering you , you could buy a new home . Hell , you could make one from scratch . You make it just the way you always wanted . Annie : As long as it s far away from here , right ? Forget it . I m not letting you just ship me off . J.R. : If you pass on this , you ll have nothing . You ll have no home . You ll have no husband . You sure as hell wo nt have any money . It s your choice . Amanda : I never should ve responded to that e - mail . All it did was encourage him . Jake : Well , you thought it was from me , Babe . Amanda : Well , I should ve asked . Instead , I wrote a love note to a weird fan , and now he thinks I m interested . Jake : It s a few weird poems . Amanda : It s more than that . He s been writing on every message board , he s been filling my inbox at work up nonstop , and now this is the first time he s written to my personal e - mail . I mean , how does anyone even get that address ? Natalia : Well , it s closed now . If he tries to send you anything , it ll bounce right back . Jake : Can you track this guy ? Natalia : Yeah . I m trying to trace the I.P. address now . That way , we can find a general location . Jake : Babe , were you not telling me for a reason ? You did nt want to tell me this guy was harassing you , that it was ongoing ? Amanda : I did nt want you to try and get me to quit my job . Jake : I would never do that to you , but you do nt deserve this . You do nt deserve to be going through this . We have to find a way to make sure this guy ca nt contact you anymore . It s as simple as that . Amanda : Ohh . I m gon na go freshen up before Ciro gets here . Jake : So what do you think ? Natalia : Well , I got something , but I do nt think you re gon na like this . J.R. : This is your chance for a fresh start , a new life , and you never have to see any of us ever again . Annie : I do nt want a new life . I like the life I already have . Emma : Mommy ? Annie : Sweetie . Hey . What are you doing awake ? Emma : I heard people fighting . Annie : Uh , no . You must ve just been dreaming . It s nothing , nothing to worry about . Why do nt you go back upstairs , and I ll be in to tuck you in , ok ? Emma : I want you to come now . Annie : Honey , J.R. and I are in the middle of a really important conversation . Emma : Please , Mommy ? I m scared . Annie : Ok . Ok , let s go . Ok , let s go . Clock is ticking . You better come up with a solution that s gon na be good for all of us . Ok . All right , let s get cozy , huh ? Emma : Yeah . Annie : All righty , big girl . All right , scooch over . Oh , let s see here . All right . The last time we left Princess Emmaline , the beautiful Princess Emmaline , she was living in the biggest , most beautiful castle in the land . But the queen knew that -- the queen knew that there would be a time for her and Princess Emmaline to say good - bye and move on . Emma : What about the king ? Was he going , too ? Annie : No , sweetie . When Queen Annabelle woke up , her king was gone . An evil sorcerer had -- had cast a nasty spell and he disappeared . Emma : Oh , no . Will the queen ever see the king again ? Annie : Uh -- Emma : Are you crying , Mommy ? Marissa : J.R. ? Oh , please tell me that you did nt take a drink ? J.R. : Well , I thought about it . I wanted one bad . But Brooke cleared out all the alcohol after Dad s last scare . Marissa : Look , I know that this whole thing with Annie has you conflicted , ok ? Part of you wants her gone . You never thought that she was right for Adam in the first place . But the other part of you has to be racked with guilt . Annie saved your life , and your father repays her by falling for Brooke . Not exactly the gratitude that she was expecting or deserves . So now you do nt know what to think , so your first instinct is just to grab a drink and feel nothing . But , J.R. , I want to help , ok , but you have to talk to me . Please . J.R. : Marissa , I screwed everything up . Annie : It s just been a hard day for Mommy . Um , Adam decided that he does nt want to be married to Mommy anymore . Emma : Why not ? Annie : Well , um , Adam has nt been feeling very well and his heart hurts . Emma : Once Adam s heart feels better , will he want to marry you again ? Annie : No , baby . Adam s heart ca nt be fixed this time . Emma : Does that mean we have to find a new kingdom , like Queen Annabelle and Princess Emmaline ? Annie : Yeah . But it ll be fun , wo nt it ? It ll be an exciting new adventure -- come here -- I promise . J.R. : Marissa , there s something -- there s something I need to tell you , something I should ve told you a long time ago . But I love you , and I do nt want to hurt you . Marissa : You do nt have to protect me , J.R. I mean , whatever it is , we ll work through it together . J.R. : You ve been so amazing to me . You stood by my side . You got me through the hardest thing in my life , and I know it was nt easy . All I ve ever wanted to do was spend the rest of my life with you and A.J. , and I thought that I had that , especially after I went in remission this last time . But now -- Marissa : Oh , my God . You got your test results back , did nt you ? The ones that we ve been waiting for to see if all the cancer is gone ? It was bad news , was nt it ? Oh , my God . Greenlee : David ? David s voice : Hey , sleepyhead . Sorry to leave without saying good - bye . You looked so peaceful , I did nt want to wake you . Something came up with one of the shareholders . If I do nt deal with it tonight , the whole plan to gain control of the hospital could fall through . Hope you understand . Sleep well . Love , David . David s voice : I m in love with you . Liza : Should nt you be celebrating with your wife ? Do nt tell me : Problems in Paradise already ? Madison : Ok , so we ve covered drunks and back - talking bullies . Is there anything else you want to go over before my shift starts ? I do nt know . Maybe the dos and donts of dating the dealers ? Ryan : Laugh now , but you will be on the front line soon enough . Madison : I ca nt wait . Ryan : Hey , will you give me a second ? And do nt forget you said that . Madison : Hello ? I know . I m sorry . I can explain -- no , no , no . No , no , please . I will be right there . Ryan : Hey , is something wrong ? Natalia : Whoever this guy is , he does nt want us to know who he is or where to find him . Jake : Of course not . He s trying to cover his ass . Natalia : I know , and he s doing a hell of a good job at it , too . Unfortunately , I do nt think changing Amanda s e - mail address is gon na be enough to stop this guy . Amanda : Hey . Natalia : Hey . Amanda : What ? Why do you look so serious ? Jake : Nothing , Babe , but it s just Natalia ca nt find anything on this guy . But the good news is he ca nt find anything on you anymore . Ok ? Amanda : Well , it creeps me out knowing that he was able to get to my personal e - mail address . Jake : Well , that s closed now . It s not gon na happen anymore , ok ? J.R. : Marissa , you just need to listen to me . I did nt get my test results back . As far as I know , I m still in remission . Marissa : Oh . Oh ! Thank God ! Thank God . I just thought because the look on your face -- but , I mean , if it s not about the blood work , then why are you so upset ? J.R. : Colby ? What s wrong ? Colby : Dad -- he s gone . Madison : I ll be back in time to start my shift . Ryan : Are you sure that that was purchase orders ? You sounded pretty upset on the phone . Madison : I m sorry . I ca nt afford to lose my day job . I got to go . Jake : You re like one of Charlie s Angels . Yeah , you got the hair rocking , you re a model , you solve crimes . Natalia : Yeah . Right . Were nt they private detectives ? Jake : Well , they were cops . They were all cops . No . Julie Rogers -- she was actually a model before she joined the agency . See ? Just like you . Amanda : Was that Jaclyn Smith s character ? Jake : No , no , no . Jaclyn Smith played Kelly Garrett . She was Kelly Garrett , and she s the only actual angel that lasted all five years of the series . And Farrah Fawcett was replaced by Cheryl Ladd , and Kate Jackson was replaced by Shelley Hack . You guys do nt know ? I ca nt believe you do nt -- you never watch ? You do nt know this -- Amanda : How do you know that ? Jake : Because I wanted to be Charlie Townsend , the secret voice , the mysterious voice on the speakerphone . [ As Charlie Townsend ] Hello , Angels . It s time to get to work . [ Normal voice ] That s what -- my whole life . Ciro : Hello . Natalia : Oh , Ciro , you made it . Ciro : For you , my angel , anything . Amanda : Oh ! Natalia : Ah ! Ciro : What , my accent amuse you ? Natalia : No , no , no . We were just -- Jake was just saying that I reminded him of one -- Jake : It s a long story . It was about angels . Natalia : Charlie s Angels . Ciro : Oh , ok . Well , I do nt know about those angels , but I do have the Ciro eye for beauty , and Natalia is like no other I have seen . Actually , I had my assistant put in some of your pictures on my phone . Look . You want to check it out ? Natalia : Yeah . Ciro : Will you excuse us ? Jake : What an ass . He s got the Ciro eye . And he s very rude , I think . Amanda : Why ? Because he does nt know Charlie s Angels ? Jake : No . Because you re standing here , and he does nt even acknowledge you ? I mean , who raised this guy ? Amanda : Please . I have enough people fawning over me . I do nt need Ciro to join in . Jake : You re worried about your e - mails , right ? Amanda : Actually , I m more worried about my wedding ring . I really wish I knew what happened to it . Jake : Babe , what do you say I go upstairs and take a look around for you , ok ? I m good like that . Amanda : Honey , I ve looked . Jake : Babe , five years of Charlie s Angels . I think I ve got a few more , you know , detective skills a little more advanced than yours . I m just saying . Give me five minutes . I ll take a look , all right ? Do nt let anybody touch that . Singer : And let the music set you free Liza : Wow . I save you from a prison cell , and this is the thanks I get ? I get the cold shoulder ? David : You had your own reasons . That , plus a rather sizable paycheck . Liza : I would ve gotten that anyway , but I pulled off the impossible in that courtroom . Of course , I could nt have done it without Greenlee . She took a really big risk on that stand . She could ve ended up in a prison cell right next to you . Which is why I m surprised she s not sitting here with you . David : Liza , let it go . Liza : I mean , Greenlee was willing to do whatever it took to make sure that you went free . Well , I mean , I guess that s to be expected . You did save her life . She owes you . David : Greenlee does nt owe me a damn thing . Liza : Is that the problem ? Huh ? That she s -- you guys are even , and now she s free to go back to Ryan ? David : Greenlee hates Ryan now . She would nt take him back even if he crawled back to her . Liza : Ok . So what s the problem ? You know , during that trial , you were more concerned about protecting Greenlee than you were yourself . You were even willing to go to prison to make sure that she did nt testify . You obviously really love her . But judging by the look in your face , she does nt love you back ? Am I warm ? Wow . With Amanda , you were willing to pull out all the stops to control her . You faked a disease . You emotionally blackmailed her . But with Greenlee you re not forcing it ? Just sitting here alone drowning your sorrows ? Wow . You must really have it bad . Colby : Dad could nt stand the thought of losing Brooke again , so he went with her . You have to admit that s really romantic . Marissa : It would be if he were nt still married to Annie . Colby : That s what lawyers are for . And , I mean , Barry -- he knows how to draw up Dad s divorce papers by heart . J.R. : Did Dad say when he was gon na be back ? Colby : Not anytime soon . He made that clear . He was in no rush to come back home . Marissa : Meanwhile , Annie s devastated . After all that she did for Adam , for J.R. , I ca nt believe that your father would just leave her like that . Colby : I should probably find Scott and let him know . Marissa : So that was nt what you were gon na tell me , because you did nt know that Adam left with Brooke . J.R. : No . But I m glad he did . No , what I was gon na confess was I ve been trying to get Annie out of this house for weeks . I told you that I would back off , but I lied , and so did Colby . It was nt her idea to place that camera over there . That was mine . I was only trying to help . Marissa : We can talk about this later , ok ? I think Colby could use some support right now . J.R. : Marissa , I love you . Greenlee : Huh . Stealing samples or company secrets ? Jake : No . I was trying to break into Amanda s e - mail . Greenlee : And you think my marriage is messed up ? You and Amanda must have some serious trust issues . Jake : No , you got it all wrong . She s got this Amandafan person who sends her these weird e - mails and these funky , scary , freaky messages , and that s the ones that I know about . There s probably a lot more , so I m trying to get in to see what else is happening . And now you ve got some sort of company , I do nt know , log - in thing that -- can you just -- Greenlee : Scoot over . Jake : Thank you . Oh . Greenlee : There s the e - mail , but you still need Amanda s password . Jake : I need Amanda s password . What ? Well , we do nt have trust issues in our marriage . Greenlee : Ahem . Jake : So what are you doing here so late ? Should nt you be home celebrating with your husband with his acquittal and everything ? Greenlee : I have work to do . Jake : You have work to do ? Is he gon na throw you a perjury party ? Because you were on the stand and , you know , you said things -- Greenlee : You re the last person who should be giving lectures on obeying the law . I mean , you ve broken one too many -- like the time that you and Tad tied up David at Erica s penthouse so Ryan could get me alone ? Jake : I was trying to , you know , pray that maybe Ryan would show you that your marriage was a sham . Say it . Say you love David . Greenlee : Do nt tell me how I feel . Jake : You say the words and say I love him . I want to hear you say I actually love him -- Greenlee : Get out , Jake , before I call security and report a break - in . Jake : Ohh . So soon ? I got -- whew . I just want to say one thing . You are my friend , ok , and I love you . So when you want to leave your husband , you ll come to me and I ll help you . Although , I do believe he ll make that very difficult . Liza : Yeah , I know what that feels like when you want someone and they do nt want you -- anymore , at least . It s absolutely humiliating . And worse than that , it hurts like hell . So you drink . You drown the pain . David : When that does nt work ? Liza : You get angry and you want to hurt them back . David : I would never do anything to hurt Greenlee . Liza : That s good because I do nt have any more room in my schedule to defend you . David : You know , it s so ironic . Everybody thinks I m this monster , this heartless bastard that manipulates women , drives them to do desperate things . What about Ryan , hmm ? I mean , look at all the things he s done to the women in his life . I mean , Annie -- she went crazy , right ? Kendall -- she leaves the country . Greenlee winds up locked up in some castle tower somewhere because he s convinced he can get her to love him again . And how is that any different from me ? It is nt . So why does everyone think that he s the better man ? Liza : I thought you said that Greenlee hates Ryan . David : She does . But that does nt mean he s gon na stop keeping her on the hook . He can go around telling everyone he s done with Greenlee , but that s a bunch of garbage . Trust me , he s not through with her until he gets my wife . Greenlee : What are you doing here ? Madison : I forgot my phone . I just wanted to grab it before work tonight . Greenlee : We do nt have anything scheduled tonight -- or , at least I do nt . Are you working on something for Erica ? Because you work for me now , not her . She s not allowed to poach you behind my back . Madison : No , it has nothing to do with Fusion . I got a night job to make a little extra money . Greenlee : Doing what ? Madison : It s in no way a conflict of interest . Greenlee : What s the job , Madison . Madison : I m cocktail waitressing at the casino . Greenlee : Ryan hired you ? Madison : I start my first shift tonight . Greenlee : No , you do nt . Madison : What ? Greenlee : I need you focused . If you re up all night waiting tables for Ryan , you ll be falling asleep on me . Either you work for him or you work for me . You ca nt do both . Madison : Who says ? Greenlee : Me . Amanda : Charlie would be so disappointed . You came up empty - handed ? Now , that is so not like an angel . Jake : I never said I wanted to be an angel . I wanted to be Charlie . And I m sorry . I never said that I d actually find the ring . I just said I d look for it . Amanda : Now , what kind of attitude is that ? Jake : Does Natalia look uncomfortable to you at all ? Hmm ? Look at her . Why do nt you go help her out . Amanda : Ok . Hey . What you got over here ? Ciro : Hey . We re just looking some of the photos . Natalia : Excuse me . Ciro : Sure . Natalia : What s going on ? Jake : Thank you . I go up there , right , and I look into Amanda s e - mail , her Fusion mailbox . There s over 30 e - mails in there from the Amandafan , and 5 more since she closed the personal . Natalia : I told you he was nt going away quietly . It sounds like he s borderline obsessed with her . Jake : I mean , the last time some freak got fixated on the women of Fusion , people died . Natalia : The Satin Slayer killings . I studied that case in the Academy . Jake : Right , and I m not saying this person is Alexander Cambias . I m just saying , you know , who is this nut job ? I m just begging you , please , do whatever you can to keep this person away from my wife . J.R. : I know that you re worried about Dad , but him going off with Brooke ? That s a good thing : Give him time to relax . That was doctor s orders , remember ? Colby : Well , you were nt concerned about Dad s heart when you jumped back into bed with Annie . J.R. : That was a mistake , but at least Dad knows the truth about Annie , what kind of person she really is . Colby : And what kind of person does that make you ? You know , you did nt have to sleep with her . We would ve found another way to get her out of here , a way that did nt destroy this family . That s what we were trying to prevent . J.R. : I know , I know . I just did nt realize how hurt Dad would be . Colby : Dad s not the only one that s gon na be hurt . What about Marissa ? She obviously has no clue . How d you manage to keep her from finding out ? J.R. : Dad did nt come home by the time she got here . He never had a chance to tell her , but Annie still could . Colby : You have nt kicked her out ? J.R. : No . She played the pity card . Marissa agreed to let her stay the night , and now she s trying to blackmail me into letting her stay longer . Colby : Ok . And what did you say ? J.R. : I told her she was wasting her time . Once Dad gets home , she s gon na get thrown out anyway . Colby : Dad s not coming home anytime soon . And if she finds out , she ll have all the leverage . You ca nt let that happen . Annie : Thank you so much for letting us stay . I mean , it was hard enough having to tell Emma that Adam and I are nt gon na be married anymore . But the idea of having to move her in the middle of the night -- it was just too traumatizing . Marissa : Yeah . Well , it would nt have been very easy on both of you . How are you holding up ? Annie : You seem to be the only person who cares . Everyone else is foaming at the mouth trying to get us out of here . I m surprised Adam has nt gotten security to kick us out yet . Marissa : Adam left town with Brooke . They do nt know when he s gon na be coming back . I m so sorry . Just know that you re not alone in this , ok ? I ll be here to help you in any way that I can . Greenlee : David ? David , I m home . Why are nt you ? Madison : Back in plenty of time , ready to start my shift as promised . Ryan : Hey . So you got everything worked out at Fusion ? Madison : Yeah , yeah . Everything s good . Ryan : And everything with Greenlee is ok ? She sounded pretty upset with you on the phone . Madison : Well , as long as all my work gets done , Greenlee and I should have no problem . So where do I clock in ? Singer : It s just another fragile high in this cruel , cruel world just another in this cruel , cruel world ### Summary:
When Jake asks Amanda where her wedding ring is , she owns up that someone stole it . The stalker is shown with Amanda s wedding ring . Annie blackmails J.R. into letting her stay at the mansion . Madison shows Ryan her new cocktail waitress outfit . David and Greenlee have just finished making love , but when he tells her that he loves her , she can not return the sentiment . Greenlee kisses him . Ryan warns Madison about the dangers of working at the casino . Amanda apologizes to Jake for losing her ring . Natalia interrupts them just as Amanda gets another text message from her stalker . Annie begs J.R. to find a way to get Adam to let her stay at the mansion or else Marissa will know everything . J.R. offers Annie enough money to build a house of her own or buy one . Natalia runs a check but ca nt find any info on the stalker . J.R. tells Marissa that he messed up everything . Annie tells Emma that Adam does nt want to be married to her anymore . J.R. tries to explain to Marissa what happened , but Colby interrupts them with news that her dad is gone . Greenlee wakes up and finds David gone . David gets drunk sitting on a park bench as he remembers telling Greenlee that he loves her . Liza joins him . Jake tells Amanda and Natalia about Charlie s Angels when Ciro joins them . In talking to David , Liza realizes that he has it bad for Greenlee . Colby tells J.R. and Marissa that Adam left town with Brooke . Marissa tries to console Annie while J.R. watches . Greenlee catches Jake trying to break into Amanda s e - mail account . Greenlee helps him to gain entrance . Jake begins to give Greenlee advice on her marriage to David . Greenlee puts Jake out . When Madison tells her about her night job , Greenlee forbids her from working for Ryan . Madison reports to work at the casino . David watches Madison with Ryan .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ben : Cake for breakfast ? Ciara : Hey . Ben : Hey . Ciara : Not just any cake . Wedding cake . Ben : Oh , man . Serious business . Ciara : Yes . Yes ! You have no idea . And I totally need your help , so help me . Ben : Okay , um ... that one . Ciara : Yeah , you do nt even know what that is . Ben : Does nt even matter . Ciara : Uh - huh , yeah . Ben : Cause whatever you want , I want . Ciara : Uh - uh , no , no , no , no . You are not getting out of this so easily , here . Try it . [ Chuckles ] Oops , got a little bit right there . Let me get it . Ben : Mm . Delicious . Ciara : Yeah , so you like the butter cream ? Ben : Butter cream s okay . Ciara : Yeah . Ben : But that s not what I was talking about . Victor : I want maggie out of that damn prison now . I do nt care how you do it , justin , just get it done . [ Beep ] Bust her outta there myself if I have to . Xander : It s all right , uncle . I just came from the prison infirmary . Maggie s okay . Learning that she did nt kill adrienne or her granddaughter has taken a weight off . Victor : Yes , well , lucky thing that you came along , saved her life . [ Monitor beeping ] She needs to heal now at home where she belongs . Did you tell sarah the good news ? That maggie s not responsible for the baby s death or adrienne s ? Xander : I spent most of the night looking for sarah . Could nt find her anywhere . Sarah : [ Groans softly ] Brady : Good morning . Gabi : Good morning , sunshine . It is time for your medication . Abigail : No . No , you re not real , no . Gabi : Ah . Abigail : No , you stay back . Gabi : Come on , abby . Abigail : No , no , no , no ! No ! Stop , stop ! Stop , please , stop , stop ! Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives . Abigail : No , stop , stop , stop , no , no , no , no . Chad : Hey , hey , hey . Hey . Abigail : Oh , thank god . Chad : You okay ? Abigail : No , I m not . I m not okay . Chad : What was it ? Abigail : Gabi was just -- she was here , and she was trying to jab me with a needle in my arm , but I-- I know that it wasnt-- it was nt real , right ? Chad : No , gabi was nt here . But she did do the same thing to someone else last night . Gabi : It s up to you . Decide what you wanna do and who you wanna be . [ Elevator dings ] I need your help . Kayla : I m in the middle of something , gabi . Excuse me . Gabi : Listen , okay , your hospital has something that belongs to me , and I want it . You are the chief of staff , so I need your help . Kayla : We stole something from you ? Gabi : No , ben weston did . Ben : Definitely the praline . Ciara : Praline ? Ben : Mm - hmm . Ciara : Yeah , okay , so praline with the butter cream frosting . Ben : Mm - hmm . Ciara : Okay . Um , next thing is the date . Do you have any requests ? Ben : I say we do it tomorrow . But there is no way that I m letting you walk down that aisle until I get you a real diamond and a band . Ciara : No , come on , I love this diamond . This is enough diamond for me . I love it . Ben : Not happening . Ciara : Baby , I love it . Ben : Uh - uh , you will be my one and only wife , and my one and only wife is getting a real engagement ring . Ciara : Okay , so ballpark on the ring then ? Ben : Well , according to my research , it s apparently about two months salary . Ciara : Two months , okay . Two months , two months . That means we are getting married at the end of july . Ben : [ Heavy exhale ] I m counting down the days already . Ciara : Yeah , me too . Ben : I am . Ciara : Yeah . Ben : I really am . Ciara : Mm - hmm . Ben : I really hate to leave , but I have to get to work . Ciara : Leave me or the cake ? Ben : Cake s pretty good . Ciara : Yeah . Ben : But you . Definitely you . Ciara : [ Gasps , laughs ] Wow . Victor : We were trying to protect maggie , and we broke sarah s heart . What we put her through . It was nt even necessary . Damn orpheus . If we d known what was going on from the beginning , if we d known the truth ... Xander : I just hope once sarah knows that maggie was nt responsible for her baby s death that , I do nt know , it ll just bring her some comfort . Victor : If you ever get to speak to her again . Xander : I have to find her first . Looked all over salem , I-- hmm . Maybe there is one place I did nt look . Brady : Here . This is gon na help you . Sarah : Thanks . I m an idiot . Brady : You re not an idiot . You re just in pain because of your loss , sarah . That s it . Sarah : Yeah . But still , drinking is nt the answer , which is what I was preaching to you right before I drank myself stupid . Brady : I tried to slow you down , you were nt having it . Do you remember anything ? Like , anything ? At all ? Sarah : Yeah , I remember ... I remember us toasting to getting even with victor and xander , and then I ordered a bottle of champagne and drank it all . Brady : Every last bubble , and I offered to drive you home . Sarah : No , home is the last place that I d ever want to sleep . Being under the same roof as xander is-- Brady : Yeah , I figured that . That s why I brought you here . Brady : Oh , my god , did we-- your migraine strikes , and the struggle is real . no , I slept here . Brady : Did we sleep together ? Um , no . No , I slept here . And I even turned my back when I gave you my shirt to put on , so ... Sarah : Ooh , thank god . Brady : Yeah . Sarah : No , it s not you . It s just -- it s - it s -- I - I have ... a personality flaw ? When I get overwhelmed , I just-- I tend to jump into bed with whoever s kinda standing in front of me . Like , when I found out that rex cheated on me , I jumped into bed with xander , as if rando sex that you regret ever makes the pain go away . Brady : Yeah , well , xander and victor made you fall in love with a baby that was nt yours , so ... that kinda pain does nt just go away , sarah . So it s okay . Sarah : Neither does the pain of giving up the chance to raise your daughter with the woman you love . Brady : You know , we re not the only victims . Maggie , uh -- I mean , they set out to protect maggie , but they ended up just compounding her guilt and her grief . Sarah : I told my mom i forgave her . She still seems sad though . Brady : It s all got ta end . Just victor and xander , their lies , their games , all their crap , it s got ta end . And look , I know you and i decided to team up last night to take em down , but I know maggie is your mother and you love her , and she happens to be victor s wife , so if you want out , I get it . It s okay . Sarah : My mom deserves so much better than a man who s as toxic as victor . Even things that he does in the name of love hurts her , so count me in because there is nothing that I want more than for victor and xander to pay for what they did to us . Xander : Maybe sarah reached out to brady about seeing the baby again . I can only imagine how much she misses her . Victor : I doubt brady s gon na let sarah anywhere near that little girl since she ran off with her . Xander : Still , it s worth a try . Sarah needs to know her mother s innocent . Victor : Yeah , and I m sure you re hoping that it ll bump you back into her good graces . Xander : What you said was true , we broke sarah s heart and I -- and I ca nt forgive myself for that . So I m never gon na stop trying to make it up to her . I ll never stop proving to sarah how much I love her . Gabi : I had the drug that was going to get stefan s memory back . Kayla : Stefan ? Gabi : Yeah , and I just needed one more minute , and I was gon na do it , and everything was gon na be all right . Kayla : Gabi , stefan , um ... stefan is dead . Gabi : Kayla , no he s not . Kayla : I was his attending physician . I know that he was brain dead , and you donated his heart to julie . Do you remember ? Gabi : You do nt understand . I saw rolf , he told me he saved stefan . Kayla : That s not possible . Gabi : Okay , this is wilhelm rolf we re talking about . Anything is possible with that man . He told me -- he swears he saved stefan . Kayla : Gabi , you know grief manifests itself in many different forms . Gabi : Kayla , this is not grief , and this is nt a hallucination . Gabi : I ve seen him . He s alive . And that was the drug to restore his memory . Kayla : So how does ben weston fit into all this ? Gabi : Okay , well , I was about to inject him , and then ben took the syringe . He refused to give it back to me , he brought it back here , and I want it back . Now . Chad : Luckily , ben was there and was able to stop gabi from injecting jake with whatever was in that syringe . Abigail : So gabi tried to do the same thing that she did to me to this guy who looks like stefan ? Why ? Chad : Who knows ? She needs to be stopped . Eli : Hey , we got your message . Chad : Hey , thanks for coming . I want gabi arrested now . Eli : I know you re angry , okay , but we do nt have any proof . Chad : Yeah , we do . She struck again last night . This time I can prove it . Ben : Hey , sorry I m late . Ciara had me sampling wedding cake . Jake : Do nt sweat it . I still owe you for saving me from that syringe - wielding maniac . Ben : Glad I could help . She give you any more trouble after I left ? Jake : Eh , more of the same . Still trying to convince me I really am her dead husband . Ben : Only problem with that theory is that your heart is beating in your chest , not someone elseS. Jake : Yeah . The way she talks , she actually believes it . Ben : Do nt tell me gabi s starting to get to you . Hey , are you actually thinking you could be stefan dimera ? We find ourselves in challenging times Lani : Ben as a witness to gabi trying to inject jake is a good start , but why did nt jake report it to the police ? Eli : Well , when i investigated the assault on ben at the garage , I got the impression that jake s not a fan of the cops . Chad : Well , we do nt need jake ; we have ben . He s a good enough witness . Lani : And you said that ben turned the drug over to dr . Evans . Chad : Yeah , it s being analyzed as we speak , so that s in then . We have her , right ? We have enough to put gabi behind bars . Eli : We ll check it out . Lani : Feel better . Abigail : Okay . Chad : So then what ? We -- I mean , that s great , right ? We have it , we-- we finally have enough to put gabi in prison . She ca nt hurt anyone else . Abigail : It s great - ish , sort of . I mean , I m still having hallucinations , and no one knows how to stop it . Chad : Actually , I may have a solution to that . Ciara : You up for a visitor ? Victor : Hey , what a nice surprise . Ciara : Hi . How are you doing , grandpa ? Victor : Ready to get out of this joint . Ciara : Yeah , yeah , you must be driving them all crazy , huh ? Victor : It s a gift . Ciara : So how s maggie ? Mom told me everything . You must be so relieved that she s gon na be okay . Victor : Yeah , I just need to get her home so she can heal . Ciara : I know . And I know how much you love her , and I know how crazy it must be making you that you ca nt be with her . Victor : Maggie s the love of my life . And it s the best news that her nightmare is over and she ll be home soon . Ciara : Speaking of news , I actually have some news of my own . Victor : What the hell is that ? Ciara : Ben and I are engaged . Victor : And that s the good news ? Jake : I mean , I got a lifetime of my own memories . So how could I be stefan dimera , right ? I mean , but gabi , she claims that that freak rolf has implanted other people with fake memories , which is a little jaggy . Ben : It s also true . Jake : So what , she could be right ? My memories could be fake ? Ben : Do you want her to be right ? Jake : What if that drug actually could make me access my real memories ? You know , if it were true and all . Ben : Look , the thing is , whatever gabi s claiming is in that syringe , we do nt know what the hell that drug is for real . That s why I gave it to my therapist , told her to bring it to the hospital lab , have it analyzed . Jake : Any word back ? Ben : No . I can check . Do you want me to check ? Jake : No , no , it s all right . I mean , look , the whole thing is so off - the- charts weird . It s probably not true . Ben : Well , just so you know , if I thought for a second that you were really stefan and I knew that drug was safe , I d tell you to take it . Jake : But you do nt think I am , right ? Ben : Stefan was a good friend of mine , and I miss him . But what I honestly think is that gabi is so desperate to believe the impossible because she loved stefan so damn much . Kayla : You tried to inject a mechanic with one of rolf s potions ? Gabi : Yes . Kayla : You really do belong behind bars . Gabi : Stop looking at me like that . I did nt actually do it . Kayla : Well , you are lucky that ben intervened . Gabi : Lucky ? Oh , if it were nt for ben , I would have my husband back . He got all self - righteous and he wanted to have the serum analyzed when I already know what s in it . Kayla : You are a suspect in abigail s drugging , and now you go and try to drug an innocent man . Gabi : Will you just focus here , okay ? The only illegal act that has been committed is that ben stole my serum , and the only chance that I have to be with the man that I love . Brady : How you feeling ? You feeling better ? Sarah : Aspirin , caffeine , a good friend . Yeah , I guess . Brady : Good , cause we re gon na have to be on our a game if we re gon na take on victor and xander , know what I mean ? Sarah : Understood . Is there a plan ? Brady : There is . And I m gon na put it in motion this morning . Sarah : Okay . What is it ? Brady : Well , our first order of business is to get you back on your feet . So I want you to order a big greasy breakfast . Then I want you to maybe hit the gym and get that alcohol out of your pores , and then I ll be back here and I ll fill you in , all right ? Sarah : Mm - hmm . Ca nt wait . Hey , brady . Thank you for taking care of me . Brady : I m glad I was here for you . Xander : Brady , I was wonder-- sarah ? Xander : What the hell ? Brady : You should just leave . Sarah : It s okay , brady . I ll handle xander . Brady : Are you sure ? Sarah : Yeah . Thanks . I ll be fine . I ll see you later ? Brady : You will . I got plans for you . Xander : What is this ? What s happening ? Sarah : What does it look like ? Ciara : I would really like your blessing , grandpa . Victor : And I would love to give it to you . But I canT. You re a smart , beautiful woman , and you deserve better than a necktie killer . Or the washer on your finger . Ciara : Yeah , but grandpa , I love him . Victor : It ll pass . Ciara : Ben has saved my life more than once . And he saved my grandma julie s life . He s the best man that I know . Grandpa , he is kind and he is honest , and he has worked so incredibly hard to put his past behind him , and every day that I wake up , he shows me what real love is . And if you could just see the man he is now , then you would understand that . Victor : Stubborn . Like your father . Ciara : Yeah , and I know where my father gets it from . Victor : You re making a big mistake . Ciara : Even if I am , which I am not , but if I was , grandpa , it is my mistake to make . Oh , and by the way , I quit . Ben : Thank you for your help . It s fine . That was dr . Evans service . She s not reachable . Jake : Any word when she might be ? Ben : No , man , I m sorry . I d swing my the hospital myself , but we promised mr . Lamarca we d have this repair done before lunch . Jake : I m the one who almost got jabbed with the thing , so maybe someone at the lab will talk to me . Ben : I do nt see why not . Jake : Hold down the fort ? Ben : I got you . Jake : Back in a bit . Gabi : If you do nt give me that drug immediately , I m going to sue this hospital for making me believe that my husband was dead when he isnT. Kayla : And what proof do you have ? You know this is ridiculous . Gabi : Well , it s not gon na look ridiculous when everybody sees my husband is alive and well . So go ahead and waste the hospital s financial resources battling a lawsuit that you re gon na lose . Go for it . Kayla : You know what , you can just calm down , all right ? I ll go check the lab . Gabi : Thank you . Not . Eli : Exactly the woman we re looking for . Gabi : What ? What do you want ? Eli : A statement regarding your assault on jake lambert . The syringe . Gabi : I did not assault him . Lani : That s not what ben told chad . Gabi : Well , ben has a big mouth . Lani : And he s also a witness , so maybe this time you will end up in prison , exactly where you belong . Chad : So I got a call this morning from a doctor in florida . His name is dr . Marquart , and he s an expert in psychopharmacology . Marlena thinks that he can really help you . Abigail : Really ? That s -- that s great . When s he gon na be here ? Chad : Not here . He s not gon na be in the hospital here . Abigail : What do you mean he s not gon na be in the hospital ? You re -- are you saying you re thinking of committing me again ? It s starting to happen every day . Chad : Well , no -- I would-- commit you ? No . I ve done that once . I will never do that again . I promised you that . That was the worst mistake of my life . But you are having these hallucinations , and we need to figure out why . We need to get rid of them . So I think it s really exciting that this dr . Marquart wants to help . Abigail : So I d have to leave salem ? Gabi : [ Chuckles ] Oh , wow , I get it . This is because you re not over the fact that eli fell in love with me . Lani : No , I m not over the fact that you threatened to blow up an innocent woman s heart for revenge . Gabi : Sorry , you put a bullet in my husband . Eli : About the assault-- Gabi : Okay , can you just stop talking about that ? Because I m trying to help stefan remember who he is . Lani : And you think that jake lambert is stefan , whose heart was removed from his body and put into julie s ? Gabi : You saw him . Tell her , it s stefan . Lani : You know what , gabi , why do nt you just tell us everything down at the station ? Gabi : I m not going anywhere with you . Please . Stefan . Lani : Wow . You do look like stefan . Gabi : That s because he is . Stefan , this is the woman who shot you . Jake : It s jake . Eli : Mr. Lambert , we ve been told that gabi assaulted you with a syringe . Jake : Oh , that s actually why I m here . I d like to know more about the drug she tried to inject me with . Gabi : Then you believe me ? Victor : You re quitting titan ? I thought you liked your job . Ciara : Okay , let s -- let s rewind a bit , grandpa . Shall we ? You mostly offered me the job to try to get me away from ben , and I only accepted because you promised me that you would back off and give me and ben peace . Do you remember that ? Victor : You drove a hard bargain . Ciara : Yeah , and you ve barely kept up your end of the deal . Only reason why I stayed on these past couple of months is because , well , I was convinced that you and xander framed ben for murder , and I wanted to expose you . Victor : We didnT. Ciara : No , you didnT. I know that , but you also never gave ben a break . Look , if you ca nt trust my choice in men , how can I expect you to trust my business decisions ? Victor : We re family . Ciara : No , I know we re family , but that s not-- that s not nearly enough of a recommendation . I mean , xander is family , and quite frankly , grandpa , the guy is kind of a tool . Victor : He just saved maggie s life . Ciara : I know , and I m very , very grateful for that . But , I mean , you ca nt honestly tell me that you trust him completely to be ceo . Victor : Well , there s nothing wrong with keeping tabs on what s going on . And I like to know that someone that I trust implicitly is keeping an eye on him , making sure he stays on the rails . That s why I need you . Could be a raise in it . Interested ? Ciara : Okay . I will consider changing my mind about working with xander if -- if you change your mind about ben . Victor : You really love him ? Ciara : I really do . Victor : And he s gon na buy you a proper ring ? Ciara : Yes , he is , grandpa . Victor : All right . If you stay on at titan , I will do my best to accept weston . Ciara : No , grandpa , I m gon na need more than you just doing your best . Victor : Fine . I will accept weston as the man you love . Ciara : Okay , but do you really mean that ? Victor : Of course I mean it . Ciara : Yeah ? Victor : You happy ? Ciara : Yeah ! Grandpa . Xander : You slept with brady . Sarah : Hmm . I do nt wanna kiss and tell . Xander : Brady just got his daughter back . Kristen s in prison . He s romping around with you . Where is mickey anyway ? Sarah : Oh , I guess you have nt heard . Rachel is gone . So is kristen . Xander : Wait , what are you talking about ? Sarah : Kristen knew that she would be prosecuted for stabbing victor if she ever stepped foot back in salem , so she took rachel and disappeared . Xander : And brady just let her go ? Sarah : He wanted her to have the opportunity to raise her child . The only child that she will ever have . It s his gift to her . So he has lost his daughter and the woman that he has loved , so congratulations on the whole baby switch thing , cause you gutted us all . Xander : Sarah , I know how much you loved that little girl . Sarah : Because you let me believe that she was mine . You let me bond with her , and you knew the truth . Xander : See , if I could just-- Sarah : Just shut up ! God ! I do nt wanna hear it , I do nt wanna hear any more excuses or explanations . You and victor destroyed everything that I thought I knew about my life . So when I ran into brady at the pub , he understood . He understood my pain because it is his pain too . And then one thing led to another , and you know . Xander : I know how angry you are , I do , but -- and I know-- Sarah : You know what-- Xander : I know you dont-- Sarah : I have to take a shower . Just be gone when I m out . Chad : We are gon na leave salem . The kids and I , we re going with you . Abigail : Yeah , but I -- I mean , I d have to stay at the clinic . Chad : Yeah , we re gon na be-- we re gon na be nearby . We re gon na see you every day . Abigail : No , I mean , what about dimera ? You just got back in charge . Chad : Being your husband is more important that anything else in the world to me . When I call him , I ll just tell him that we re set , okay ? I think it s best . Abigail : No , I do nt want to . I cant -- we ca nt do this to our kids . It s not right . I do nt wanna uproot them . I donT. Chad : Honey , we did it when we went to paris . Abigail : That s different . Thomas is older , and he s building friendships now , real friendships , and he s excited to go to summer camp . I mean , I do nt wanna do that to him or charlotte . I want them to have as normal a life as possible . Chad : Shh , hey . Abigail : Or I could-- I could go by myself . Ciara : Hey . Ben : Oh , oh - oh . Hey you . Ciara : Hi . Ben : What are you doing here ? Ciara : Um , where s your boss ? Ben : He s at the hospital . Ciara : Is everything okay ? Ben : No , yeah , he s fine . He actually wanted to go check up on the status of that drug at the lab from when gabi tried to inject him . Ciara : Why ? Ben : As crazy as this sounds , I think gabi s starting to convince him that he actually might be stefan . Gabi : I knew it . I knew you would see the truth . I knew you d want your old life back as much as I do . Jake : Ease up , turbo . I m only here because ben said the syringe was being analyzed . I m curious . Gabi : Okay , and you want your memory back , I know . We re gon na make that happen as soon as kayla comes back with the drug , okay ? Jake : My memory s just fine . Gabi : No , it isnT. It isnT. Jake : Is she always this , I do nt know , difficult ? Eli : You have no idea . Gabi : What is taking her so long ? Eli : Gabi , just slow down . All right , we re in the middle of an investigation . That drug could be evidence . Gabi : I did nt steal it . It belongs to me , okay ? And once I give stefan a dose , he s gon na remember how crazy in love we were and the amazing life that we had . Victor : I deserve it . Everything you wanna say , every bit of your anger . Brady : That s not why I m here . Victor : I do nt want your forgiveness . Do nt expect it . Not gon na ask for it . But I do hope that one day you can see it in your heart to let me make it up to you , especially now that you have your daughter back . Brady : I do nt have rachel back . Victor : I do nt understand . With kristen in jail . Brady : She s not in jail . Kristen and my daughter are gone . And it is your fault . When it comes to beautiful hair , why are we always ... Ben : I did nt think I was gon na see you until tonight . Did you get everything checked off your wedding to - do list ? Ciara : Ah , no . I am just getting started , but I did check off something pretty major that I wanted to share with you . Ben : You found a dress ? Ciara : No . Ben : Flowers ? Ciara : No , not even close , and this is way bigger than flowers , ben . Ben : Ah . Ciara : I got my grandfather s blessing . Ben : Victor s blessing ? Ciara : Yeah . Ben : How did you manage that ? Ciara : I do nt know , ben . I guess your girl s just got mad skills . Ben : Oh , god , you re not kidding . Victor : You just let that woman run off with your child ? Brady : That woman-- that woman deserves to be with the daughter that she thought was dead because of you . That woman , if she comes back to salem she goes to prison because of you . I let kristen go be with her daughter and be the woman and the mother that she s always wanted to be because it was the least I could do for the woman that I love , given the crap that you and xander put her through . Victor : I admit we made mistakes . Brady : Mistakes ? Victor : Out of love . I do love you , brady . Brady : You have a very funny way of showing that . Victor : Well , let me prove it to you . Ask me anything . Anything you want me to do , I ll do it . Anything . Brady : Fire xander . Sarah : What the hell are you still doing here ? Xander : You did this to hurt me , did nt you ? Sleeping with brady . Sarah : My god , do nt flatter yourself . You are out of my life . Now get the hell out of this room . Xander : While you were sleeping with my cousin to punish me , I saved your mother from committing suicide . Lani : Mr. Lambert , are you interested in pressing charges ? Gabi : Would you just give it a rest , please ? I did not drug abigail and I did nt assault stefan . Jake : Name s jake . Gabi : Come on . Finally , okay , where is my drug ? Kayla : I have the results of the analysis . I know what was in the syringe . Gabi : Of course you do . It s a serum to help get stefan s memory back . Kayla : No , actually . It was the same compound used in the drugging of abigail . Chad : No , we re a team . Remember , we re a team ? Abigail : Yes , I know . You re right , we are a team , but you could be one part of the team that would stay here with our kids , and this part of the team would go and take care of herself so that I can make our family whole again . Chad : I , uh -- I do nt know . Abigail : Thomas and charlotte need their dad . Chad : And I need my wife . I promised you I was never gon na abandon you again . Whatever we go through , we go through together . ### Summary:
Victor demanded that Justin get Maggie out of prison . Xander showed up to let him know that Maggie was relieved to know that she did nt kill anyone . Victor wanted to know if he told Sarah the truth . Xander said he could nt find her and wondered if he talked to Brady about the baby . Xander refused to stop proving his love for her . Abby thought Gabi was trying to stab her with a needle when Chad walked in the room . He told her that Gabi was nt in the room . He told her how Gabi tried to inject someone who looked like Srefan . Eli and Lani walked in and he told them about Gabi and what she did . They were going to check on it . Gabi was at the hospital and told Kayla that Ben took something from her . They ended up talking about whether Stefan was alive . Gabi said her injection would have gave Stefan his memory back , but Ben took it from her . Ciara told Victor about her engagement . He thought she deserved better than a killer . She defended Ben to him before telling him that she was quitting because he did nt trust her . He was willing to give her a raise . Ciara would only agree to come back if he changed his mind about Ben . Victor finally agreed to accept Ben in her life . Kayla told Gabi that she basically cimmitted a crime . She told Kayla that Ben was the one who committed a crime . Kayla walked away as Eli and Lani approached her about what she did to Jake . Chad found someone who could help Abby , but the person was in Florida . Abby thought he was trying to have her committed again . He told her they would have to relocate there . She did nt want to make the kids move so she decided to go alone . Sarah was surprised to wake up in Brady s bed . She was wearing one of his shirts . She felt stupid for drinking so much . Brady knew she did nt want to be at the same place as Xander so that was why he brought her to his place . Sarah wanted to know if they had sex . He set her straight and told her they did nt have it . She was relieved and then they talked about Maggie . She told him that she forgave her , but she was sad . Brady wanted Victor and Xander s schemes to end . Sarah wanted them to pay for what they did . Brady was about to leave when Zander walked in the room . Brady put Xander on notice before he left . Xander wanted to know what was going on between them . She would nt tell him . She did tell him how Kristen and Brady disappeared with Rachel . She yelled at him for what he did to her . She told him that Brady understood what she was going through . He told her while she was sleeping with Brady , he was saving her mother from committing suicide . Gabi reminded Lani that she shot her husband . Lani told her that Stefan s heart was removed and transplanted into Julie . Jake showed up at the hospital and Gabi called him Stefan . Lani noticed the resemblance too . Gabi wanted to give him the serum so he could get his memory back . Brady went to Victor s room . Victor assumed he had his daughter back . Brady told him that Kristen left with the baby and said it was his fault . He told him that Kristen would go to prison if she stayed there . Victor was willing to do anything to make things right with him . Brady wanted him to fire Xander . Kayla announced that the drug Gabi had in her syringe was the same drug used on Abby .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Steffy : Ivy ! Ivy , Ivy , wake up ! Ivy , come on . Wyatt : Liam , this is very real for Ivy . Liam : Yeah , I realize that . Wyatt : Do you ? Because Ivy almost lost her life , and she remembers everything , that Steffy pushed her and about 5,000 volts of electricity that went through her . Liam : Yeah , I know , Wyatt . It was a horrible accident . So -- so you re not gon na talk to her about lifting the restraining order ? Wyatt : I did nt say that . Just you -- you got to understand . This is not a game for Ivy . She s legitimately , like , terrified of Steffy right now . And that s why she got the restraining order in the first place . And that s also why it s not gon na be easy to convince her to drop it . Vivienne : Julius , Sasha just got here . Julius : She s just passing through , love . Vivienne : Oh , is that what she said ? Julius : More or less . Vivienne : Oh , well , she s Nicole s oldest and dearest friend , and I m sure if she came here , she plans to stay for a little while . Julius : Viv , three or four days is a long enough time for a visit . And let s not try and convince her to stay , okay ? Zende : Whoa , uh , sorry . I thought ... Sasha : Well , go on . You thought ... ? Zende : Well , I thought you , um ... Sasha : You thought I was someone else ? Zende : Right , look , I m -- I m really sorry . Sasha : Do nt be . I m not . Vivienne : Well , we practically raised Sasha . [ Chuckles ] You could nt get any closer than those two . And knowing Nicole , I bet you she s gon na try to convince her to stay , I bet even move in with them . Julius : No . She s leaving . We ve discussed it . Vivienne : Well , what exactly did you discuss ? Julius : About her showing up unexpectedly . Vivienne : Does she have a problem ? Is there something about Sasha I do nt know ? Sasha : You re staring . Zende : Uh ... I - I just -- uh , I just did nt expect ... Sasha : What ? A half - naked girl to be standing behind a changing screen ? Zende : [ Chuckles ] I guess that is where they re usually found , right ? Are nt you gon na cover up ? Sasha : Are nt you gon na tell me who you are ? Liam : Okay , serious question . Do you think that Steffy is a threat to Ivy ? Wyatt : I do nt think she wants to be , but ... Liam : But what ? You re not convinced ? Wyatt : A lot of bad stuff went down between those two . I mean , when Steffy fired Ivy , she did nt take it very well . It was hard on her . We were both ready to blow out of here , so we actually , you know , we went to dad and tried to convince him to start our own fashion house . Liam : Wait , wait , wait , wait . What ? ! Wyatt : Yeah , so we would nt even be here right now if he agreed to it . But anyway , to answer your question , no , I do nt think Steffy deliberately pushed Ivy into the electrical panel . But it s weird , though , do nt you think ? Bad stuff does seem to happen to Ivy when she s around Steffy . Steffy : Ivy , come on ! Wake up ! Answer ! [ Gasps ] Ivy : What happened ? Steffy : Ivy , Ivy , are you -- Ivy : Steffy , Steffy , do nt come anywhere near me ! Steffy : No , it s -- it s okay . You fell . You fell . Ivy : Steffy , get out of this house . Steffy : Let me just call -- Ivy : Go ! Get out of this house , Steffy ! Steffy : Ivy , I need to know if you re okay . Ivy : I m fine ! I m fine ! Just get out ! Get out ! [ Breathing heavily ] Vivienne : Is there a problem with Sasha ? Because if there is , you could -- Julius : There s nothing to worry about , darling . Vivienne : Oh . Then she did say something to you . Julius : We talked about it . I already told you that . Vivienne : Yeah , but you did nt tell me what she said . Julius : About life , this , that , okay ? Vivienne : Oh . So you do nt want to tell me what she said . Julius : It was nothing . She has her issues , right ? We all do . Vivienne : Yeah , I mean , no more than our girls had , I suppose . Julius : Listen , Sasha will not be staying in los Angeles . Now , can we drop this ? Vivienne : You re upset ? Julius : No ! It -- it s just that , you know -- you know , you keep beating this thing in the ground . You know what I mean ? I mean , I ca nt even putt with all this yammering . Vivienne : Well , you sound like you have something against Sasha . Julius , what is it ? Sasha : Hey , um , can you zip me up ? Zende : Um , yeah . Sure . Sasha : Thank you . Zende : So , you must be new here . Sasha : Yep . Fresh off the plane . You ? Oh , wait , no . Let me guess . You re a model . Zende : Yeah . How d you guess ? Sasha : Well , I mean , look at you . [ Chuckles ] You are really not cut out for a desk job , that s for sure . Zende : I guess you re right about that . Where you from ? New York ? Paris ? Sasha : I wish . I m from the Midwest . Zende : Oh . Wait . This is nt your first modeling gig , right ? Sasha : [ Scoffs ] No . Of course not . Zende : Oh , where d you work before ? Sasha : I was a cashier . [ Chuckles ] Zende : Wait , what ? What am I missing ? Sasha : I m -- I m not a model . Zende : Oh . Sasha : Gotcha . Zende : Yeah , um , I m not a model , either . Sasha : Get out . Zende : Nope . Actually , this is my office . Sasha : What ? Are you some kind of big executive or something ? Zende : Not quite . I m sort of an intern . Sasha : Huh . So , do you just sneak up on all the girls , sort of intern ? Zende : I thought you were my girlfriend . Sasha : Oh , you have a girlfriend . That is just too bad . She work here ? Zende : Yeah . Her name s Nicole . Sasha : Wait , you re Zende ? Lt . Baker : [ Sighs ] Baker . Ivy : Uh , lieutenant baker , it s Ivy Forrester . Steffy was just at my house . Lt . Baker : What happened ? Ivy : She came over here to Wyatt s , and -- and she had the restraining order . She wanted me to rip it up . She kept moving towards me when I refused , so I tried to reach for my phone so that I could call you -- I could call the police , and that s when she was moving towards me and I -- and I fell and I hit my head . Please , you have to do something . You have to stop her . Lt . Baker : All right , calm down , ms . Forrester . Is Steffy still there ? Ivy : No , no , she s not . She s gone . Lt . Baker : Are you alone ? Ivy : Yes . Lt . Baker : All right , lock all your doors . I ll send a squad car over . Call a friend to come sit with you . I ll take care of this . Ivy : Thank you . [ Groans ] God . [ Grunts ] [ Panting ] Ah . Wyatt . I m so glad it s you . Wyatt : What ? Who else would it be ? Ivy : [ Sighs ] Steffy was here . Liam : Ah , ah , ah , hey . You re not supposed to be here . Steffy : Ivy is nt in the building . Liam : Well , how do you know ? Steffy : Because she s at Wyatt s . Liam : Uh , you sure ? Steffy : Yeah , yeah . Liam : Okay . Sorry . I ... this is rough . I know . Steffy : Yeah , it s -- it s been hell . Liam : But -- but it s also temporary . I just spoke to Wyatt , and he s gon na have a conversation with Ivy . Steffy : I do nt -- I do nt know if that s gon na help . Liam : No , it will . You give it time , she ll calm down . Steffy : That s what I was hoping . Liam : Listen , the longer you stay away , the more reasonable she ll become . And look at it positively . How many people wish they could work from home ? Am I right ? Steffy : No , this person does nt . Liam : It s just for a little while . So , you know , grab your files . Actually , I ll have them sent to you . In the meantime , Steffy , you should get out of here before Ivy shows up , because that could be bad . I know . I know . This , too , shall pass , all right ? Steffy : I do nt -- I do nt know . I , um ... I went to see Ivy . Liam : What ? ! Where ? Steffy : She s at Wyatt s . Liam : Steffy , what are you -- [ Sighs ] . Vivienne : So , what do you have against Sasha ? Julius : Nothing . Vivienne : I know you , Julius . Julius : Baby , listen , I m a little bit out of sorts today , okay ? Vivienne : Why ? Julius : I did nt sleep well last night . Hey , listen , any news about the job interview ? Vivienne : Julius , Nicole and Sasha are like sisters . Julius : Sasha is nothing like Nicole . Vivienne : Well , I tend to disagree with you . And to be honest , I think it would be wonderful if Sasha decided to stay in los Angeles . Zende : Wait , you know my name ? Sasha : [ Scoffs ] I ll bet a lot of women around here know your name . Zende : Okay , well , I still do nt know yours . Sasha : Why do nt you take a guess ? I mean , you ve already seen me in my underwear . Zende : [ Chuckles ] Sasha : Am I misty ? How about kitty ? Zende : No . Give me a hint . Sasha : Okay . Well , we have a mutual friend . Well , more than a friend to you . Zende : No . Sasha ? Sasha : The one and only . Zende : [ Chuckles ] Wow , Nicole talks about you constantly . Sasha : Yeah , well , she better . We re practically family . Zende : Wow . I had no idea . Sasha : No idea what ? Zende : No , that you , uh ... Sasha : Oh , beautiful ? Captivating ? [ Chuckles ] Zende : And so humble . Sasha : [ Chuckles ] Ay , yi , yi . Well , Nicole is a lucky girl . Zende : I know . Sasha : Oh . Humility . Nice . We share that . Nicole : Oh , good ! You ve met ! Sasha : Oh , yeah . We ve met . Ivy : Does nt a restraining order mean anything to this woman ? ! Wyatt : Well , what did Steffy want ? Ivy : She wanted me to rip it up ! Wyatt : What ? Ivy : Yeah . Wyatt : And what did you -- what did you do ? Ivy : Well , I told her she ca nt be here and that she has to leave , but ... ugh ! Wyatt , I was -- I was so scared . I just ... Wyatt : Okay . Ivy : I just keep getting these flashbacks about what happened at Forrester and then her pushing me . Wyatt : I know , I know . Shh . It s okay . It s okay , all right ? Okay , look , you re gon na get these flashbacks , okay ? You re gon na need the time to recover . But you re also gon na have to realize that maybe this was an accident , a - a tragic , horrible accident . Steffy did nt intentionally , like , mean to hurt you . Ivy : Wh-- Wyatt : And when she came by , maybe she was , like , trying to just check up on you , see how you were doing . Ivy : No , she was nt ! She -- Wyatt , she just wants to go back to work . That s why she wants me to drop the restraining order , okay ? That s it . And then when I refused , she kept walking towards me , and that s when I fell and I hit my head . Wyatt : What ? Ivy : Yeah , I - I was reaching for my phone cause I thought she was gon na attack me . Wyatt : Are you okay ? Ivy : Yeah , it s just a bump . It s fine . Wyatt : Oh , my God . Come . Sit down . Sit down . Just come sit . Ivy : I - I took care of it all . Wyatt : How ? Ivy : I called lieutenant baker . Liam : Steffy , why did you do that ? Steffy : I - I - I thought I could get through to her ! This is so stupid , Liam ! A restraining order ? Really ? Liam : Yes , a restraining order , which you violated ! Steffy : I wanted to apologize to her . I wanted to reason with Ivy . Liam : Yeah , well , guess what ? There s a court order saying you ca nt do that , not right now . Steffy : I know , I know , but I just felt like maybe -- Liam : No , no , no , no ! There s no buts ! There s no buts , Steffy . You do not have a choice in the matter . If you violate that order , you are in big trouble ! Steffy : I know , I know . Liam : What -- okay , how -- how did she react when she saw you ? Steffy : She was scared to death . I told her how bad I felt and I wanted to put everything behind us . [ Sighs ] Liam : And then what d she say ? Steffy : She was petrified . I tried to calm her down , and then she kept backing up . She ... Liam : She ... ? Steffy : She -- she grabbed her phone and ... Liam : She grabbed her phone and then what ? What ? Steffy : Okay , okay . She fell . She -- she tripped , and -- and she -- she hit her head . Liam : Oh , my God ! She got hurt again ? ! Steffy : [ Sighs ] : Nicole : So , what do you think ? Sasha : Ehh . I would nt throw him back just yet . Nicole : Ohh , high praise from this one . Zende : Yeah , I get the feeling . Nicole : Well , I think he s legit . Sasha : I told him he s a lucky man . Nicole : Stick around here and you ll find yourself one of those , too . Sasha : Yeah . Maybe . Nicole : Do nt think I m letting you go back . You just got here . Sasha : We ll see . Nicole : And your visit with my parents -- I hope it did nt weird you out . Sasha : No , no , no . Your mom and I have always been so close . Nicole : But my dad ? Sasha : What about him ? Nicole : Like I said , Sasha , I mean , it seemed like you two were arguing or something when I walked in . Sasha : [ Chuckles ] Mr. Avant and I , we just see things differently . Zende : What things ? Sasha : You know , life , family , ehh . Nicole : Just do nt let my dad scare you away , okay ? Sasha : Right . Julius : Sasha will not be staying in los Angeles , and I do nt want you encouraging it . Vivienne : Why do nt you like her ? Julius : Listen , Viv , we already got a full plate . We got one daughter who s pregnant . We got everything that s going on with Maya . We do nt need another one . Vivienne : Sasha can fend for herself . Julius : Good . Let her do it back in Illinois . Wyatt : Did you really have to call the police ? Ivy : Yes ! Yes , I think I did ! Wyatt : Okay , okay , calm down . I m just -- I m not judging you . I was just asking . Ivy : Wyatt , after everything I ve been through with Steffy , I do nt want her anywhere near me , okay ? That s why I got the restraining order in the first place . Look , I m not out to get this girl . That s not the whole point of this . Please tell me you do nt believe that . Wyatt : No , I do nt -- I do nt believe that . I get why you re scared . But it consumes you , and -- and maybe over time , you re gon na realize that Steffy is nt a threat . Ivy : I want Steffy to leave me alone . Do you know how hurt I could have gotten today ? When Steffy s around , bad things happen . Steffy : Ivy s okay . She just has a little bump on her head . Liam : Oh , my God . Did you touch her ? Steffy : No , no . Liam : Okay , what about after she fell ? Steffy : Well , yeah , I touched her to see if she was okay . I wanted to take her to the hospital . Liam : The hospital ? ! Steffy : No , but just in case ! But she s fine now . Really , she s fine . [ Sighs ] Liam : You can never go over there again . Steffy : I know . I know it was dumb . I just thought we could talk it out . Liam : There s no talking it out . There s no approaching her . There s no getting anywhere near her . Please look me in the eye and say you understand that . Steffy : Yeah , I do . Liam : Okay . Okay , I m sorry . I m sorry . Steffy : No , I m sorry . Liam : Listen , it s gon na be okay . We have a wedding to plan . Let s just focus on that . Steffy : Okay . Liam : Agreed ? Steffy : Yeah , yeah , okay . Liam : All right . Liam : Uh , yeah , come in . Lt . Baker : Just who I was looking for . Lt . Baker : Your second violation of the day . You re not even supposed to be in this building . Liam : I - I know , but we only came here to -- to pack up her stuff . Lt . Baker : I see . And your excuse for paying Ivy a visit ? Steffy : I - I - I wanted to apologize . We re family . And it -- it was an accident , lieutenant . Lt . Baker : And then I hear there was a second so - called accident ? Steffy : Ye - yeah , she -- she tripped , but it was nt serious . Lt . Baker : Oh , it was very serious . The moment you came close to that woman , you broke the law . Liam : Li - listen , it was a mistake , and I promise you it wo nt happen again . Lt . Baker : Oh , it certainly wo nt . Steffy Forrester , you re in violation of the temporary restraining order . You are under arrest . ### Summary:
Zende apologizes for thinking Sasha was Nicole and had peeked in on her . Sasha says she is not ashamed and does nt mind that he did . They both admit they are not models but would like to be . She asks if all interns sneak up on their girlfriends . She is astonished to find out that he is Nicole s boyfriend , Zende . She tells him that Nicole is a lucky girl . Wyatt and Liam argue the facts about the restraining order . Wyatt says he does not believe Steffy did this on purpose but is nt it funny that bad things happen to Ivy when Steffy is around . Vivienne hopes Sasha will stay in town longer because of Nicole but Julius tells her not to encourage this . Sasha will not be staying in town . She thinks he sounds like he has something against Sasha and she does not know why . Ivy is out of it for a few minutes with Steffy hollering for her to wake up . When she does she tells Steffy she is okay but just leave this house . Ivy then calls Lt . Baker and tells him that Steffy was just here . She fell and hit her head and he must do something about this . He tells her to lock the doors and he will send a squad car over . Wyatt comes first and she fills him in on Steffy being here . A restraining order must mean nothing to Steffy as she would not leave before coming in . She did not come by just to see how she was . She wants to go back to work and kept brandishing the restraining order in her face . Steffy goes back to FC . Liam tells her to leave before Ivy might come and it will look bad . She admits she already has seen Ivy . She went to Wyatt s . He asks why she keeps doing this . She violated the restraining order . She says she wanted to explain . He says she has no choice . If she violates it she will be in big trouble . He is amazed that Ivy got hurt again with Steffy always the one to be there . Ivy tells Wyatt that she is not out to get Steffy but she wants her to leave her alone . Steffy tells Liam that Ivy is okay , she just has a little bump on her head . She wanted to take her to the hospital but she is fine . She says she knows it was dumb but she just wanted to talk it out . She understands Liam now that she can not even do that . Lt . Baker walks in and tells Steffy the second violation is no excuse . She is not supposed to be in this building . And he hears there is a second accident with Ivy ; that is very serious . She realizes that was against the law . Liam says it will never happen again ; Baker says you bet it wo nt , Steffy is under arrest .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Steffy : Oh , my god ! Liam : Steffy ... Steffy : How could you , liam ? I am taking care of our child ! We have a family . And you re here with her ! Brooke : Mmm . [ Giggles ] Ridge : Mmm . Brooke : Oh , god , it s been a long day . Ridge : Yeah . Brooke : Yeah . Ridge : What a great show , though , right ? Brooke : I know ! Hope and thorne and everybody , they did such a great job . It was amazing . Ridge : Yes , they did . I was nt sold on this whole re - launch thing , but I got to tell you , hope and her team , they came up with a great collection . Brooke : [ Giggles ] It s true , hope for the future had a triumphant day . Ridge : Mm - hmm . Brooke : The designs and the dancing , it all worked out . Ridge : Mmm . Brooke : Hope should be very proud of herself . Ridge : Mm - hmm . Brooke : And now , she just needs to focus more on the baby . Bill : I told you how this would go down . Was I wrong ? Justin : No , it was just -- Bill : No , I was nt wrong ! You caught liam and hope together at the fashion show . And do nt tell me you re feeling guilty about sending me that picture . You knew damn well I d show it to steffy . Justin : Yeah , but I did nt think you would propose to her again . Bill : Well , that s what you do when you want a life with someone , is nt it ? Look , I m offering steffy a way out of this mess , a way to be happy . She will never have that with liam . She will always have to share him with hope . Steffy has to decide to stop being a pawn in liam s game and move on with me . Ridge : Yeah . Hope needs to focus on her pregnancy more . And she needs to reduce her stress and take care of herself . Brooke : And liam has been a big help in that regard . His support means the world to her . Ridge : Sure . As long as she understands that his priorities lie with kelly and with steffy . They re a family . Brooke : Liam will have two families now . Ridge : Well , he ll be there and he ll ... he ll support the kid , and he ll be a good dad . But his commitment is to steffy . It took a while for these guys to get there , but they re there now . They re gon na get married very soon . Justin : [ Sighs ] Bill , you know steffy wants to marry liam . Bill : Past - tense . Wanted to . I do nt think she does anymore . Justin : You said steffy went over to forrester ? Bill : Mm - hmm . Is that really a shocker ? I mean , this is steffy we re talking about . She s not gon na sit around boo - hooing . She wants answers . Justin : Steffy s gon na confront liam . Bill : You do nt think that s a good idea . Justin : Depends on how you want this to end . Bill : I want it to end with the truth . Yeah , I want to be vindicated , and if that picture s any indication , I will be . Hell , I would nt be surprised if steffy finds liam and hope in each other s arms . And if she does ... [ Thunder rolls ] ... The end is here . Liam : I m sorry . Hope : We did nt plan this . Steffy : You -- do nt ! You do nt talk to me . Liam : It s -- steffy , it s true , though , it just ... happened . Steffy : Is that supposed to make me feel better ? That our relationship is so inconsequential , you could just throw it away ? Liam : I m so sorry . I m -- Steffy : No , no , no . Stop . Stop . You do nt -- you do nt get to apologize to me . Not after everything I did for you , after all the times i apologized to you . Oh , my -- I ca nt even -- I ca nt even look at you . You know , you talk about principles and you talk about values , and look what you just did ! How could you do that , liam ? How could you ? Not just to me , but to kelly ! Our little girl ! Brooke : [ Sighs ] Ridge : Hey , wow , look at you . You look more relaxed . Brooke : Oh , yeah . I feel more relaxed . It was a long day . Ridge : Yes , it was . Did you see liam before he left ? Brooke : No . Are you looking for him ? Ridge : No , steffy was . Brooke : Wait , steffy was at the showing ? Ridge : She came by after . I do nt know , I just ... I kind of felt like there was something wrong . Bill : Steffy does nt deserve to be treated this way . I mean , deep down , did she know it was going on ? Okay . But she was nt ready to give up . She was determined stay loyal . And for what ? For what ? To be treated this way ? To have to beg and grovel for liam s forgiveness ? It had to hurt like hell . And I m sorry about that . But steffy needed to know the truth . She had to see it for herself . Justin : That s gon na be an ugly confrontation . Bill : Yeah , especially because my windshield - wiper son will make more of a mess of it than it already is . He ll apologize and beg for her forgiveness . I m sorry , steffy , but I -- i just need more time to make up my mind ... you got to be kidding me . I mean , I -- I hope she will finally kick him to the curb . Justin : How likely is that ? Bill : More likely than it was this morning . Justin : Like you said , steffy was nt completely in the dark . She knew liam s feelings for hope . They were almost married before kelly was born . So , yeah , she gets the picture now . But she also put a lot of work into that relationship . Bill : There s proof , justin . I mean , steffy has seen undeniable proof that liam and hope want each other , that they belong together . Liam : I do nt , um ... I do nt really know what to say here . Steffy : Oh , do nt say anything . You knew I did nt want you to come here . You could have been at home with me and kelly . I thought we were doing this , liam . We live together . You asked me to marry you , and i said to wait , so you turn to hope ? Liam : That s -- but that s not the situation , though , steffy . Steffy : You knew I wanted to marry you ! Hope : I should go . I should let you two talk . Steffy : Oh , now you want to leave us alone . Unbelievable . Unbelievable ! You both made me feel so guilty for so long ! For one horrible mistake with bill . You know , I did everything i possibly could to regain your trust , and now you re here ? With hope ? You are such a hypocrite ! I really ca nt believe this . All this time you were spending with hope , working on her line . How long has this been going on ? How long has this been going on ? Liam : Steffy , I -- I tried to talk to you about this . The situation is different now , and I got a lot to figure out , but this -- this was not planned , okay ? I have nt been sneaking around behind your back . We just -- we got caught up in a moment . Hope : He s telling the truth . Steffy : So you get caught up in the moment and , what , you just ... you just give in ? I just had your child , liam . I ca nt even do that yet . Liam : Steffy , I -- I feel ... I feel awful , but this is not what you re saying it is . Steffy : Then tell me ! Tell me what it is ! You act like you re so innocent , but you do something like this . What I did was wrong , and i begged for your forgiveness . I begged and I pleaded only to find you two messing around . Well , I m done . I am done begging . Liam : Steffy , you have -- Steffy : No , I m out . No , I m out , I m done . No , you ve destroyed our family ! Brooke : Steffy seemed upset ? Ridge : She seemed tense . Brooke : Well , that s understandable , right ? It was hope s big day , and liam wanted to be there at the showing . Ridge : Yeah , but steffy should nt have to worry about them spending time together . Brooke : Is that why she came to the office ? Ridge : I do nt know . It just -- it seems that way to me , you know , the relationship they have , and ... hope s pregnancy . Brooke : It has complicated things for all three of them . Ridge : I m glad you see it that way . Brooke : Well , I do see it that way , but I also see that it was meant to be . Ridge : Yeah . Now , liam and steffy , they already have a baby , so was that meant to be , too ? I guess so , huh ? Brooke : Liam s gon na be a great father to both of them , but hope s pregnancy has given him reason to reflect on his relationship with her . Ridge : Their relationship exists because of bill s lies and manipulations . Brooke : [ Sighs ] Ridge , that s not fair . Ridge : I do nt know if it s fair or not , but every problem , every complication , everything points back to bill spencer . Justin : You were right about hope and liam , I ll give you that . Bill : Damn right , I was . I was right about all of it . What did I say ? You got to see the big picture . Connect the dots . Liam and hope will end up together , and when they do ... Justin : Steffy will turn to you . Bill : She has before . Justin : Look where that got her . That s what got this whole mess started in the first place . Liam , hope , hope s baby -- given all of that , you ll be the last person steffy turns to . Bill : You re forgetting one thing . Justin : Oh , what , your -- your winning personality , your irresistible charm ? Bill : Nah . That only works on you . It s meant to be . Steffy and I are written in the stars , justin . She has nt accepted my proposal yet , but she will . It ll happen . It s been obvious to me from the beginning . This only ends one way . Steffy with me . Hope : I have never seen her like this . She was so hurt , liam . Liam : I know . Hope : What have we done ? Liam : Well , we told her the truth . We did nt plan this . And , um ... it s gon na be okay . It ll be okay . Hope : She is heartbroken , liam , and we did that to her . Liam : I got to find her . I mean , shock like that , I donT ... I do nt know what she might do . Steffy : May this ring be a sign of a love that will never end . Looking for a reason why why the dark comes out some days why it takes your peace away Steffy : Liam ! And it breaks you down inside when your peace like a river runs dry like the desert land I ve seen the darkness fall and rise up from the sand from the sand Steffy : Oh , my god ! Wish I had the words Steffy : [ Gasps , screams ] [ Panting ] Oh , my god ... Hope : Mom ? Brooke : Hope ! What are you doing home so early ? Is everything okay ? Hope : No , is -- is ridge home ? Brooke : No , he ran out . What s going on ? You seem upset . Hope : Something happened , and I hope that you ll understand . Brooke : Understand what ? Hope , I ca nt help you if you do nt tell me what it is . Hope : Liam and me . Brooke : Liam and you what ? What happened , hope ? Liam : Steffy ! Hey , steffy ! Are you here ? Stef-- Amelia : Shh ! Liam : Hi , amelia . Amelia : Kelly just went down . Steffy : Um , listen , have you seen steffy ? Amelia : Uh , she left a while ago . I thought she was going to forrester to see you . Liam : And she has not come back ? Amelia : No . Liam : And she has nt called ? Amelia : No , is everything all right ? Liam : Yeah , I just -- I -- I just got to find her . Where are you , steffy ? Bill : Show s over ? Steffy : You could say that . Bill : You saw liam . I was nt wrong to show you that picture . You needed to see what was going on with hope and liam . You understand ? Steffy : Yeah , no , I , uh ... I get it now . I still do nt believe it . I just keep replaying it in my mind . Bill : You know I m always here for you . I know you do nt want me to say that , but ... I m happy to see you . Steffy : You warned me . And I did nt believe it . I just thought I knew better . Bill : What happened ? You found liam and hope together , did nt you ? Steffy : You were right . You ve always been right , bill . How many times has he blamed me and he s made me feel guilty ? Accused me , judging me . I begged for him to come home . We have a child together . I was with ... I was home with our child , and he was with hope . He was in a dressing room . The father of my child was half - naked with hope ! ### Summary:
Steffy opens the dressing room door to find Liam making out with Hope or at least half way there with his hand up her robe and kissing all over her . Steffy tells him he has a child she is caring for . They are a family and here he is with her ! Bill tells Justin that Steffy will always have to share Liam with Hope . It is time they all move on . Ridge gives Brooke a foot massage then tells her that Hope needs to focus on her own pregnancy and leave Liam out of it . Liam and Steffy will be married soon . Hope tells Steffy they did not plan this . Sheepishly Liam says he is so sorry . She tells Hope not to say a word ; she is talking to her husband . But to Hope she says she talks about values and principles and now look at her . Bill tells Justin that it is not right that Steffy has to beg all the time for Liam s forgiveness . It is time she gives up and maybe that will be today . He hopes she finally kicks him to the curb . Hope wants to leave and Steffy says that is rich . Now she wants to leave but could not leave her husband alone . And all this time how long has it gone on with him pretending to work with Hope . She says what she did was wrong but she begged for his forgiveness and she will never do that again . He destroyed her family . She leaves with a determined look on her face . Brooke is surprised when Ridge says Steffy stayed away but she did come by his office and he thinks she will see Liam after the showing today . Every complication points back to Bill Spencer . Justin tells Bill that he will be the last person Steffy will turn to even if she and Liam split up . Bill says no , this only ends one way , him with Steffy . Liam tells Hope all of this will be okay . They told Steffy the truth that they did not plan this . He has to go find her now . With this shock no telling what she might do . She drives around in the rain thinking of good and bad times with Liam and their baby . But then it flashes again in her eye of catching Liam and Hope together in a compromising situation . Liam rushes home but finds no Steffy . Hope rushes home and tells Brooke things are not all right . Something happened with her and Liam . Bill turns around and there is Steffy . He asks if the show is over . She says he could say that . He reminds her that he was not wrong to show her the picture ; she had to know . She says she still can not believe it but it is playing over and over in her mind . She knows he warned her but she did not believe it . He s always been right . How many times has Liam judged her and blamed her . She was home with her child while he was with her . He s not innocent at all .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Noah : Whew . Fancy , what s going on ? Fancy : Just leave me alone . Noah : Whoa , whoa , hey -- why , all right ? Come here . Look , we were having a good time , and then you fell asleep and I went to get us something to drink , and then , bam , just like that , you re back to hating my guts . What s up with that ? Fancy : Noah , you always told me if our relationship were to end you d never love anyone the way you love me . You swore if you ever met another girl she d just be someone to pass the time with , that she d never mean what I mean to you . Vows are solemn promises , and you vowed you d never love another girl the way you love me . Just get away from me , Noah . I do nt want to talk to you -- not now , not ever . Julian : Sweetheart , you must be exhausted . Eve : Oh . Yes , I am really tired . We took care of all the tsunami victims so far . Some people were really badly hurt . What about you , you poor thing ? How are you feeling ? Julian : Oh , not too bad for someone with a hole in his back from an ice pick . Eve : Oh , I still ca nt believe Liz that did that to you . Julian : Your sister s a truly deranged woman . Eve : Hmm , that s putting it mildly . Julian : To ever imagine that I would have sex with her , she d force me -- that s just insane . Eve : I m sorry that she just could nt take no for an answer . Julian : Did I thank you for saving my life ? Eve : Yes , you did . Whitney : Mom ? Eve : Whitney . Julian : Whitney . Eve : Oh , honey . Oh . Oh , I was so worried about you . Are you ok ? What happened to your head ? Whitney : No , I just fell when the earthquake hit , but I m fine . Look , I came here because I need to tell you something . Eve : How s the baby ? How s Miles ? Whitney : The baby is fine , too . Eve : Ok . Whitney : I came here because I have made a decision . I ve made a decision that s going to change my life and it s going to affect everyone . It s going to affect Chad , it s going to affect Fox , and it s going to affect the baby , too . Eve : Oh , honey . You re going to tell Fox . You re going to tell Fox that Chad is really the baby s father . Ivy : Where are you going ? Fox : I m going to go talk to Kay . Ivy : No , you re not . I told you , she is bad news . Why do you want to get involved with somebody who s just going to cause you trouble ? Fox : Well , you still have nt told me why you think so . But what I really do nt understand is why she flipped out on me all of a sudden . Ivy : I just do nt want you to have any illusions about Fox . It did nt mean anything to him . He said -- he said he thinks you re a sweet kid , but that s it . He s not interested in anything else . I told you , I lived here , remember ? I know her better than you do . You do nt want to get involved . You do nt want to be her friend or anything else . Ivy : Oh , Sam . Kay : Hey , Dad . Ivy : I m so glad you re ok . Did you hear anything about Fancy or Noah ? Kay : Where s Jessica ? Sam : Well , I did nt hear anything about Fancy or Noah , but I did hear something about Jessica . Simone was right . She s still with that damn Spike . Jessica : Spike , is this where we re going to live ? Spike : For a while , yeah , until we find something better . Jessica : But it s such a mess . Spike : What d you expect ? We just had a tsunami and an earthquake . The whole town is trashed . Jessica : Yeah , but you said until we find something better . How can we with no money ? Uh -- Spike : Oh , we ll make money , sweetheart , just as soon as you get back to work . Jessica : What ? Spike : Yeah , baby . You re going to use what god gave you to make us some serious coin . Theresa : We can talk in here . I do nt want to wake little Ethan up . Alistair : Fine . Fine . Come on , sit down and we ll discuss our arrangement . Theresa : No . Alistair : Theresa , what do you mean , no ? We have a deal . I help you get Jane and Ethan back and you become my very special friend , hmm ? Sheridan : Please do nt take him away from me . I ca nt lose another child . Ethan : Sheridan , I m sorry . I ca nt believe Alistair has refused to help you try to keep that little boy . Gwen : He is awful , but , honey , there is nothing that we can do about it right now . For just -- for right now , you need to let Mark go , ok ? Katherine : It s not human to make Sheridan suffer this way . Martin : There s nothing human about Alistair . Pilar : Absolutely nothing . That man is pure evil . Sheridan : Please , do nt take him away from me . Fancy : Ugh . Noah : No , hey , hey . Fancy ? Look , what the heck happened , all right ? What are you so mad about ? Fancy : I am not mad . I m just bored , ok ? Noah : Bored ? Look , you were nt bored last night or even this morning . Come on , you were loving being with me . We were talking and laughing and having a great time . Fancy : Maybe you were having a good time . Noah : Look , so were you , all right ? I thought something was starting to happen between us . Fancy : Something between us ? That s absurd . Noah : Wait , absurd ? Come on , are you telling me you re not interested in me now ? Fancy : Not not , not ever , ok ? I mean , why would I waste my time on a guy who ca nt even buy me a nice dinner ? Noah : Fine . All right ? But we still have to get through this together , all right ? We have to stick it out and find a way to get along until we re rescued . Fancy : I m not staying with you , Noah . I m getting out of these clothes and then I m getting out of here , right now . Noah : Fancy , look , where do you think you re going to go ? Oh . Sam : It s just so frustrating . Even if I knew were Jessica was , I ca nt even get close to her because of the restraining order . Imagine that -- my own daughter has a restraining order against me . Ivy : Sam , do nt be hurt . It s like Simone said -- Spike has Jessica brainwashed into thinking that he is the only person who cares about her . Sam : If I ever get my hands on him , I swear to God , I -- Kay : Fox ? Where are you going ? Oh . You re probably going to go find Whitney , right ? I mean , did it even occur to you that maybe you should try to help my dad ? Fox : Yeah , actually , it did . I m going to go find your sister . Now , do you want to come with me or are you just going to stand here , act superior ? Jessica : I m sorry . I ca nt do it , Spike . I ca nt sleep with strangers . I do nt want to . Spike : Not even for me , Jess ? I guess I do nt even mean enough to you . Jessica : No , I love you . And I know you love me , right ? Spike : Oh , baby , I would nt be here if I did nt . I love you so much I hate to ask you to do this , but we need money . Can you think of another way to get it ? Jessica : Well , where are you going to find the johns after the earthquake and the tsunami ? Spike : Honey , you leave that to me . There s always a market for someone hot and fresh like you , sweetie . Jessica : I wish we did nt have to . Spike : Hey -- I got just the right thing for you . Take one of these , baby . Jessica : Uh -- Spike : This ll help you feel real nice , ok ? Jessica : What is it ? Spike : Do nt worry about it . It s just something to help you relax . Take it . Take it . Good girl . Good girl , sweetie . Now , you wait right here and I m going to go out and get you your first customer of the day , ok , baby ? Jessica : Hmm . Spike : Ok . Good girl . Martin : Listen , is nt there some way that you can just leave the child -- you know , give Sheridan a little time to figure out , you know , that the boy s mother wanted her to have him ? C.P.S. Agent : I m sorry . I feel bad , but I have my orders . Katherine : But ca nt you see that the child wants to be with her ? Are nt you supposed to act in the best interest of the child ? Pilar : I mean , really . The little boy just lost his mother . Has nt he suffered enough ? C.P.S. Agent : Please . You re not making this any easier . Mark : No . Sheridan : It s all right , sweetheart . I m here . Theresa : Please do nt do that . Alistair : Theresa , you better get used to me touching you . I m going to become a very big part of your life from now on . Ethan : How about taking the earthquake as a sign , huh ? Somebody up there wanted to interrupt your little date with Alistair . Give up this crazy idea of allying yourself with him , will you ? Theresa : No . No , you re not going to be a big part of my life . I ve changed my mind . The deal is off . Eve : Oh , Whitney . Oh , honey , you re doing the right thing . The truth is always the best . Whitney : No , no . Mom , you do nt understand . I m not telling Fox the truth . Eve : Whitney , you have to tell him . You ca nt just keep lying . Sooner or later , it s all going to come out and it s going to cause everyone so much pain . Whitney : Who exactly are you to lecture me about lying , when your lies are the reason that my life is completely torn apart ? Julian : Whitney , your mother has paid dearly for keeping her past a secret . Whitney : Not as much as I have , Julian . I am in love with my brother , which I might have been able to avoid if I had known I had had a brother out there somewhere . Julian : Look , it s tragic , but you ca nt blame Eve . You know that my father manipulated the whole thing . Eve : He made us think that Chad died right after birth . Whitney : Ok , look , whatever . I do nt really even care . I do nt even want to talk about it anymore . I came here to tell you something . I came to tell you I ve made a decision about my life , ok ? I ve decided to join a cloistered convent and I m leaving Harmony forever . Fancy : Let go of me ! Noah : Hey , Fancy , you ca nt go out there , all right ? It s too dangerous . Fancy : I ll be fine . Noah : Fancy , I m serious , ok ? The streets are still flooded . There s probably downed power lines everywhere . Fancy : You re just saying that to get me to stay here with you . Noah : Well -- well , yes . You know , I want you to stay , all right ? I want you to know that I was having a great time with you . Fancy : Well , I am not having a good time . Noah : All right . I get it , ok ? Fancy : Good . I have no desire to continue this conversation , so just leave me alone . Noah : You did nt hate me when I saving you from drowning in that tsunami , and that was nt the first time I saved your derriere , all right ? You actually seemed to like me . Fancy : You re projecting because you have a crush on me . Now , I m leaving . Noah : Ok . Look , if you want to go so badly , fine . But at least let me help you . Fancy : I do nt need your help . Noah : Yes , you do . All right ? Now follow me . Fancy : I do nt need -- Noah : I said just follow me , ok ? Kay : Spike is the best thing in your life ? Then you re in worse shape than I realized . Sam : He put you out on the street to sell yourself . You call that love ? Ivy : Jessica , he does nt love you . He is using you . Simone : Spike loves controlling you , getting you hooked on drugs , using you for sex , using the money that you get from having sex with strangers . That is not love . That is sick . Jessica : They were right . It s time for me to go home . Jessica : Spike -- Spike : Where the hell do you think you re going ? Jessica : Nowhere . I was just letting some air in . Man : You were nt lying , friend . She is a little ripe , ai nt she ? Jessica : Spike -- I ca nt do it , not with him . Spike : Shh . You took the pill I gave you ? Jessica : But it did nt help . Spike : All right , well , I ll give you something else to take the edge off . Ok , listen , sugar , you got work to do . This guy is looking for a good time and you are going to give it to him . Jessica : No . Man : Hey , what s going on ? I ai nt got all day . Spike : Nothing , buddy . Hold your water , ok ? Thanks . Jess , what s going on here ? Do nt you love me enough to do this ? Jessica : Yes , but -- Spike : Ok , then you need to do this for us . But if you do nt care enough , well , I guess we re through , then . Jessica : No . Please , Spike , do nt say that . Spike : I m sorry , babe . I need to know that I can count on you . And you remember this -- if you lose me , you got nothing . You got nobody . Sheridan : It s all right , sweetie . I m here . Ethan : Sheridan , honey , listen . You have to let him go . Sheridan : Ethan , he wants to stay with me . Ethan : That agent has orders to take him , and she s got every legal right to do so . Sheridan : How do I know I ll ever see him again ? Ethan : All I can tell you is that I ll try to figure out a way to get you temporary custody . Sheridan : Do you think that s possible , I mean , with my father against me now ? Ethan : I do nt know . I do nt know , but we all know Alistair s influence , but I ll do everything I can to make sure that you get this little boy back . Gwen : I know this is painful , but for right now and only for right now you need to let him go , because you do nt want to do anything that could hurt your chances of getting custody in the future , right ? Sheridan : Right . I want you to go with the nice lady , ok ? Do nt worry . I ll come for you , I promise . I ll see you again very soon . C.P.S. Agent : It ll be all right , sweetie . Sheridan : I lost Marty . I ca nt lose Mark , too . You have to help me . Ethan : I m going to start doing some research right now on how you can get him back , ok ? Sheridan : Ok . Gwen : If there is a way , you know that Ethan is going to find it . Alistair : Oh , you ca nt be serious , Theresa . You re reneging on our deal ? Theresa : I never should have made the deal with you in the first place . It was my mistake to let you think that I d ever join forces with you . Alistair : Well , you re the one that pursued me and you re the one that s going to benefit most out of this whole arrangement . Theresa : I know . Alistair : I know . So , but now you re telling me that you no longer want Jane back or Ethan back , the supposed man of your dreams . Theresa : No , I do want them back . It was just the earthquake and the tsunami -- they were signs . Alistair : Signs ? What kind of signs ? Theresa : It was fate s way of telling me that I was making a terrible mistake . Alistair : You want us to believe that fate came along and hurt those people in a devastating earthquake and a crushing tsunami to warn you about me ? I thought I was the only who was that self - centered . Theresa : All I know is I ca nt make a deal with you . Alistair : And all I know is if you do nt make a deal with me you re going to lose Jane and Ethan . Is that what you really want ? You want to spend the rest of your life without your daughter and without Ethan , the man of your dreams ? Theresa : You re wrong , Alistair . I m not going to spend the rest of my life without my daughter or Ethan . I m going to get them both back without any help from you . Alistair : And just how are you going to do that ? Theresa : I m going to expose Gwen and Rebecca for what they did to me and what they did to Ethan . I know in my heart they were the ones who sent the information to the tabloid revealing Ethan s true paternity . Alistair : Aha , and you kept this information quiet until it was useful , hmm ? Theresa : But I know Gwen and Rebecca were the ones who sent it . All I ve got to do is prove it . Alistair : And just how do you propose to do that ? Theresa : Find the evidence I need . Alistair : Hmm . Theresa : It s somewhere in the mansion . Alistair : Ah . The mansion -- my home . Is that the mansion you mean ? Theresa : Of course , Alistair . That is where Gwen and Rebecca live . Alistair : Oh , yes , that s right . Yeah , that s a good plan . Although I think it s going to be a little difficult , especially if I make sure that you never set foot in my mansion ever again . Fancy : Ugh . Stop following me . I m leaving . Noah : Huh . I do nt know how you think you re going to get out of here , all right ? Fancy : Well , just stay out of my way and watch me . Noah : Whoa , hey , look -- just -- look , sit down until I tell you to move , all right ? Look , sit down ! Noah : Ah . That ll make a good raft . Look , we can both get out of here on that . Fancy : Um -- I do nt remember inviting you to leave with me . Noah : Hey , look , you re not leaving without me , all right ? It s just too dangerous , so get it out of your head . All right . Now , I m going to swim over there , get the pallet , and bring it back to the window . Now , you stay put . Got it ? Noah : Ow . Noah : Fancy , stay there . There s a bunch of junk in the water , all right ? Spike : Honey , I thought you loved me . I guess I was wrong . I d just hate to see it end like this . Jessica : No . Spike . Do nt go . Spike : Ok , then you need to do this for me . No , for us . Jessica : I will . I can do it . Just do nt leave me . Spike : No , baby , I wo nt leave you . I ll be right outside , honey , ok ? And , look , you take one of these . This will help , all right ? Here , baby . This will help set you up . Go ahead . Go ahead , take it . Good girl . Man : Ahem . Are we going to do it or what ? Spike : Yeah , brother , we re all done talking . You kids have some fun , ok ? Jessica : No kissing . Man : Ok , all right . Where s the bed ? Jessica : There s no bed . Man : I guess we re just going to have to do it on the floor , then . Come here , baby . Jessica : No , stop it ! I -- I ca nt do this . I do nt -- Man : Hey , that s cute . That s a good act . Jessica : Oh , Spike , thank God . Man : What the hell are you doing ? I ai nt even done yet . Fox : No , that s the thing -- you are done . Jessica : Oh . Kay : Oh , my God . Jessica , are you all right ? Jessica : Kay , Fox , what are you doing here ? Kay : We re here to take you home . Fox : Let s get the hell out of here . Come on . Kay : Come on . Fox : Let s go . Whoa . Spike : No , nobody s going no place . You re all going to die . Eve : Whitney , you ca nt leave Harmony , honey . You ca nt leave your son . Whitney : Mom , I have to leave . Chad will take care of Miles . Chad knows now that Miles is his son . Julian : You told him ? Eve : Oh , honey , I m so glad . Julian : Well , he must have been in shock . Whitney : Well , he was , but -- actually , he was pretty happy about it . Eve : Yeah , but the important thing is that he knows the truth , so now you just tell Fox the truth , then all the lies will be over and -- and Fox will be hurt , but it s so much easier to deal with the truth . Whitney : Is it ? It s easier to deal with the truth ? Ok , well , I have some truth for you , then . The truth is that Chad and I made love again last night -- Eve : Oh . Whitney : Knowing that we were half brother and sister . Eve : Hmm . Whitney : And you want to know what ? I liked it . Spike : Hey , you re not trying to leave me , are you , baby ? You said you loved me , and you know I love you . Kay : You do nt love her . You re just using her . You re turning her into a whore . Spike : Shut your mouth , bitch ! Jessica and Kay : Stop it ! Jessica : Spike , stop it ! Jessica : Stop it ! Fox : Damn it ! Let s get the hell out of here . Kay : Come on , Jess . Fox : Come on . Let s go . Jessica : Oh -- wait . Spike . Are you ok ? We ca nt just leave him here . Theresa : You ca nt keep me out . Alistair : Ca nt keep you out . I can do anything I want , Theresa . I took Sheridan s baby away . What makes you think I wo nt hesitate to keep you away from Ethan and Jane ? Theresa : You re a bastard . Alistair : Oh , yeah . You know , that s what I like about you . That s why I think we re going to make a terrific team -- because you have such spirit and such fire . Theresa : We ll never be a team . Alistair : I thought you were smarter than that . You go against me and you re going to lose . Theresa : I ll take that chance . Alistair : Hmm . Be smart . Come on , be smart . In order for you to get Ethan and Jane back , all you have to do is be my friend . Theresa : I ca nt do that . Alistair : Then you choose to be my enemy . And you know what that means , do nt you ? Fox : Is it ok if I talk to her for a second ? Kay : Yeah . Fox : Jessica ? Hey . Is it ok if I say something now ? Look , he says he loves you , right ? So how does he show you ? He sells you to a guy like that , a bum like that ? Right ? Look at this place . Come here . Take a minute and look around here . Look at this place . You know what ? This is the best he can do for the woman that he supposedly loves ? Jessica : He ca nt help it , because you and my daddy and my brothers all went after him . You destroyed his nightclubs . That s why we re so broke . Fox : Well , there s a lot of ways to make money , Jessica . You know that . Jessica : He said if I loved him I d do it . Fox : Yeah ? Well , if I loved a woman , I d scrub toilets . I d do whatever it took to make sure she was safe and happy . Are you safe and happy ? Jessica : He does love me . I know he does . Fox : Hey . Whatever that guy feels for you , it s not love . Look at me , Jessica . Your sister loves you . Your dad loves you . And they d never expect you to do anything like this . Look around you . The only thing your dad and your sister want from you is to let them love you , let them take care of you . Jessica : Then why ca nt I feel it , that they love me ? Fox : I do nt know . Maybe it s because you re angry that your mom left with David Hastings . You know , that hurt your dad a lot . It hurt your sister a lot . Maybe that s why they did nt realize how hard you took it . Look , what I m saying is you can not throw your life away to get back at your dad and your sister , not when so many people care about you , Jessica -- I mean , really , really care about you . You re a smart girl . Hey , look at me . You re a smart girl . And you got to know the way Spike s treating you , it s not right . I bet you ve tried to leave him before , right ? Jessica : Yes . Fox : Yeah ? Kay : Jess , you need to make a choice right now . Ok ? Come home with us to a place where people love you and want to take care of you , or you can stay here with Spike and be forced to sleep with these strange men , and then you could end up in jail or worse . Is that what you ve always wanted ? What do you want your life to be ? Katherine : Have some tea , darling . Sheridan : Thank you . Katherine : Ethan is a wonderful lawyer . If anybody can get that little boy back for you to keep , it s Ethan . He can do it . Sheridan : I have faith in Ethan , but with Alistair working against me , I do nt know if anyone can help me . Katherine : Darling , try not to think about Alistair right now , if you can help it . Alistair s evil . We know that . I guess our only consolation is knowing that he s going to get what s coming to him when he leaves this life , hopefully soon . Ethan : Oh , no . Gwen : What ? Ethan : It s not good news . Sheridan : Ethan , what did you find ? Am I going to be able to get Mark back ? Alistair : Are you sure you want to be my enemy , Theresa ? Theresa : No , Alistair , I do nt want to be your enemy . I just want you to let me do what I have to do . Alistair : If you were my friend , you would nt have to waste all this time rummaging through my mansion looking for this so - called evidence . Theresa : No , no . I m through with listening to your empty promises and your lies . I will never be your friend ever . Fancy : What s taking so long ? Noah : I m just trying to see if this is going to work . Would you mind keeping your pants on ? Fancy : What are you doing now ? Noah : Trying not to die . Fancy : What ? Noah : If I make the wrong move and that wire hits the water , I m toast -- literally . Oh . Oh . Sam : Fox , Kay , where have you been ? Jessica : Daddy ? Sam : Jessica . Thank God . Ivy : Oh , thank God you re home . Fox : Hey -- Kay : Hmm ? Fox : I wanted to talk to you because -- I really thought we were getting along just fine , you know , everything s going great , and then I -- what happened ? Kay : Nothing . I was given some bad information , so I m sorry that I snapped at you . Fox : Yeah ? Kay : Yeah . Ivy : Fox , I am so proud of you for bringing Jessica home . How did you do it ? Fox : Kay did it . It was all Kay . Kay : No , it was Fox . It was all you . Eve : Oh , Whitney . Oh , god . Honey , why ? Julian : How could you and Chad sleep together knowing you re brother and sister ? Whitney : How ? Because we re in love . That s how . And I know that it s wrong . I know . I mean , you all told us not to live together because something like this would happen , and we did nt live together and it happened anyway , so -- Eve : Oh , baby . I m so sorry , honey . You must be just devastated . Whitney : No , no . Actually , I m just mad . You know , I m mad that I have to give up my life because of what you two did , and now I have to join a convent because of it . I m mad . Eve : No . You do not have to do that . Whitney : Yes , Mother , I do . I have to go join a convent , and I m never going to see either of you again . Julian : My darling , she does nt mean that . Eve : Oh , yes , she does . Yes , she does . I ve lost my baby girl , Julian . I ve lost my little girl . Sheridan : Ethan , what did you find out about Mark ? Can I get him back ? Ethan : Sheridan , I m sorry . It does nt look very likely . Sheridan : Do nt tell me there are relatives already trying to claim him . Ethan : No . There are several married couples who have already applied to adopt him . Sheridan : Oh , no . No , that ca nt happen . I ll fight for him in court . Ethan : Sheridan , listen , I m sorry , but as a single woman , you re at a disadvantage . Unless a relative shows up to claim him , the court will most likely grant custody to a couple . And if that happens , you probably wo nt get to see him again . Sheridan : That s just -- that s not right . That s not fair . I ca nt lose another baby . Katherine : It s not fair . Ethan : I agree , I know . It s not fair , it s not right . I wish I could give you better news . I m sorry . Sheridan : I know . Thank you . You know , I just -- I need to be alone right now . Ethan : What did I say to her ? Gwen : Look , you just told her the truth . Let her go out there , she needs some time to herself , some time for this all to sink in . She s had her heart broken again . Ethan : Yeah , I know . I just feel bad about it . Gwen : Believe me , I do , too . Honey , I am really just hoping and praying that we do nt lose Jane . God help us if Alistair helps Theresa , because we re going to lose our baby . Theresa : There s nothing more to talk about . Alistair : Ah . Now , that s a shame . What if I told you I could get you what you want today ? Theresa : Today ? Alistair : I ll get your Jane and Ethan back today . Fancy : Come on , Noah . Stop stalling and get me out of here . Noah : Fancy , shut up ! Fancy : You re just trying to keep me here so you can get me drunk and try to take advantage of me . Noah : Oh , come on . Do nt be an idiot , all right ? Fancy : What ? I ca nt hear you . I mean , I m tired of waiting . I m leaving . Noah : Fancy , no , no -- Fancy : Oh , my God ! Eve : If we go to trial and I lose , what do you think I m going to get ? Mike : You could spend the rest of your life in jail . Fancy : I ve got to get us out of the water or we ll both be fried . Whitney : It will ruin everything if people know that you re really Miles father . Fox : What ? ### Summary:
Fancy is in a hurry to get away from Noah after reading the letter he keeps in his wallet , but he is simply puzzled by her change in attitude . Nonetheless , he tries to get some driftwood outside the window to make a raft and finds a fallen hot wire waving above the water . As he is trying to get it out of the way , Fancy acts up , causing his hand to slip and hit the live end , knocking him against a wall and down into the water , unconscious . Fox and Kay find Simone , who has been left by Spike to service a John for him , and Fox talks her into coming home with them . His actions and words melt Kay s heart again , and she lets him know she is still interested once they get home . Of course Ivy is nt too happy with that , but then , Sam is happy enough for all of them when he sees his prodigal daughter has come home . Sheridan tries to beg the CPS woman to let her keep Mark , but to no avail . Later , Ethan goes online to see if he can help her get him back and finds several married couples have filed to adopt him . This breaks Sheridan s heart all over again . In the bedroom , Alistair is gloating over the fact Theresa is his special friend , but she puts the brakes on , throwing him for a loop . She says she s changed her mind about partnering up with him , and he lets her know there will be hell to pay for that . Whitney tells Eve and Julian what happened with Chad , then says she is going to join a convent and it s all their fault . Fancy is in a hurry to get away from Noah after reading the letter he keeps in his wallet , but he is simply puzzled by her change in attitude . Nonetheless , he tries to get some driftwood outside the window to make a raft and finds a fallen hot wire waving above the water . In trying to get it out of the way , Fancy acts up , causing his hand to slip and hit the live end , knocking him against a wall and down into the water , unconscious . Fox and Kay find Simone , who has been left by Spike to service a John for him , and Fox talks her into coming home with them . His actions and words melt Kay s heart again , and she lets him know she is still interested once they get home . Of course Ivy is nt too happy with that , but then , Sam is happy enough for all of them when he sees his prodigal daughter has come home . Sheridan tries to beg the CPS woman to let her keep Mark , but to no avail . Later , Ethan goes online to see if he can help her get him back and finds several married couples have filed to adopt him . This breaks Sheridan s heart all over again . In the bedroom , Alistair is gloating over the fact Theresa is his special friend , but she puts the brakes on , throwing him for a loop . She says she s changed her mind about partnering up with him , and he lets her know there will be hell to pay for that . Whitney tells Eve and Julian what happened with Chad , then says she is going to join a convent and it s all their fault .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Victor : I realized that things |t go on as they are now . Nikki : Well , we re all reassured to hear you say that . Victor : It s also occurred to me ... Victor : ( Breathes deeply ) How very lucky I am to have all of you here now . Abby : We love you so much , Dad . Victor : Made a decision . I will not fight for Newman . Victoria : Dad , what are you saying ? Victor : I m leaving the fate of the company to the three of you . Abby : ( Scoffs ) But why ? Victor : Because Newman Enterprises ... is all of your legacy . Billy : You do nt think I know that the show s in trouble ? Yeah , I ve been sweating the ratings numbers all month . ( Stammers ) Mm . ( Chuckles ) Nobody wants R.S. TV to succeed more than I do , but it s not gon na happen over this phone call , so if you-- Johnny : ( Crying ) Billy : Look , I got ta go . My kid needs me , okay ? ( Sighs ) Avery : ( Sighs ) ( Stereo turns on ) Avery : ( Sighs ) Man . Avery : Ow . Avery : Really ? ( Sighs ) Avery : ( Sighs ) Phyllis : Hello . Avery : Hi . Wow , come on in . Phyllis : Oh , thank you . Pee - wee s Playhouse . Avery : Uh , you say that every time you come here to visit , which totals three times , by the way , now . Phyllis : Okay , but you have nt been in town that long . Avery : Well , I ve been here over a year . Phyllis : Over a year ? Avery : Mm - hmm . Phyllis : Well , you should have invited me over more often . Avery : Uh , I have invited you over to dinner almost once a week since I moved in . Phyllis : Okay , this is why I do nt come over , because of your crazy attention to details . Avery : Actually , it s facts . Phyllis : Facts , okay , facts , yeah , whatever you want to call it . Listen , did you , um , talk to my daughter ? Avery : Yes , I did . You have nt heard from her ? Phyllis : No . No , she s dodging me . I m trying to give her her space . Avery : Even after the accident ? Phyllis : Yeah , I - I do nt want to get on her about the accident . Nobody was hurt , thank God . You know , I just -- I ... next crisis . Anyway , wh - whatd she say ? Avery : Well , you know , Summer is a lot like I was as a kid . Phyllis : No , she s not . Avery : Well , I think , in a lot of ways , I was misunderstood , and I think Summer feels the same way . Phyllis : What did she say about me , Avery ? Avery : ( Sighs ) Phyllis , she s confused , and she s angry that you cheated on Nick . Phyllis : Did she say anything good ? Avery : No , not yet , but I did gain her trust , so at least I can keep an eye on her . Phyllis : So she can reconnect with me ? Avery : Exactly . Phyllis : I feel like she s on the verge of taking off and leaving my life forever . I m not gon na lose my daughter . Avery : Okay , we re not gon na let that happen . Phyllis : No , we re not gon na let it happen . I have a new plan . I have a new plan to get Summer back in my good graces . Avery : What s that ? Phyllis : I am going to win Nick back . Chelsea : ( Sighs ) Chelsea : ( Sighs ) Adam , it s me . Um , since you re not picking up , I guess you re still troubleshooting with that client . ( Exhales sharply ) Anyway , um , I m just here missing you , wondering what time you ll be done , so ... call me as soon as you can , okay ? Sharon : ( Coughing ) ( Thud ) Adam : ( Coughs ) Sharon ! ( Coughing ) Adam : Here , I got you . I got you . Avery : You only want to be with Nick because of Summer , or you want to be with Nick because of him ? Phyllis : Oh , no , no , of course because of him-- I mean , well , both , both . I - I - I never stopped loving Nick . Avery : Even when you slept with Ronan ? Phyllis : Listen , sleeping with Ronan was a mistake . It was a mistake . Everything was up in the air . I - I was so absolutely confused . I - I did nt even think I had a future with Nick . Avery : And now you do ? Phyllis : He w -- he would give me a second chance . I mean , I - I think he d give me a second chance , after everything we ve been through . Avery : I guess . I mean , I do nt know . I ca nt speak for Nick , so ... Phyllis : I do nt expect you to speak for Nick . I just need to talk to Nick . He s not returning my phone calls . Avery : Well , with everything that s happening at Newman , I m sure he s got a lot on his hands right now . Phyllis : Why ? What s happening at Newman ? Nikki : I m sure you re all as shocked as I am , but I m grateful that you did nt push him for more of an explanation . Abby : What if he really does want us to be the ones to save Newman ? Nick : Or not save it . Victoria : We ll all get back together after we ve thought about it , and I ll talk it over with Billy . Nick : I know he s your husband , but he also just became this family s enemy . Billy : What s the matter ? Could nt sleep , huh ? No ? Johnny : ( Fussing ) Billy : Oh , come sit down with your dad . All the tension around here got you excited , yeah ? Johnny : ( Coughing ) Billy : Keeping you up ? Uncle Jack and Grandpa fighting , and you and me-- we re stuck in the middle . Johnny : ( Crying ) Billy : I know ! Well , let me tell you something , Buddy . Let me tell you something . Johnny : ( Fussing ) Billy : No matter who s running that company , an Abbott , a Newman ... it s your company , Son . Nick : Mom , you should get something to eat . Nikki : Uh , I guess I could go to the cafeteria really quick . Abby : Do nt worry . He s in good hands , okay ? Nikki : I know . Nick : Come on . I can walk you down there . Nikki : So how do you feel about what your father said ? Nick : I do nt know . Nick : Who is it ? Nikki : I do nt know . Hello . Nikki : Oh , my God . Nick : Mom , what s wrong ? Nikki : The ranch is on fire . Adam : Sharon . Sharon , can you hear me ? Hey , do you know where you are ? Adam : Sharon , you got ta focus . Stay with me . What happened ? Sharon : Sad ... they were so mean to me . Adam : Th - they ? There was -- there was someone else in the house with you ? Sharon : Nikki and Victor . Adam : Wait , wait , just -- just now ? Sharon , were you alone in the house just now ? Sharon , were you alone just now in the house ? Sharon : Mm , yes . Yes , and they would nt stop . I just wanted them to stop . I wanted them to stop ! Avery : The Newman coup happened earlier today . Phyllis : A - and you know this because you re Victor s attorney , right ? Avery : Actually , Nick told me . We ran into each other after I saw Summer . Phyllis : Oh , my God , how much more can he take ? I - I ca nt believe this is happening to him . I - I need to talk to him . Avery : Are you sure he would want that ? Phyllis : When you re in a crisis , you turn to the people you care about the most . Thanks for letting me know , Sis . Talk to you later . Avery : Oh , come by the playhouse anytime . Phyllis : Um , listen , I - I really appreciate what you did for me today with Summer . I really think that I can turn things around with her ... and with Nick . Avery : Phyllis , I really want you to be happy . Avery : Huh . ( Sighs ) The hell with it . Billy : How s your dad ? Victoria : Well ... physically , he is fine , but he told us something that was kind of out there . Billy : What d he say ? Victoria : My dad says he s not fighting for Newman . Billy : Is he on heavy medication ? Victoria : No . He was totally rational . Billy : Well , this solves all our problems . Victoria : What are you talking about ? Billy : I ... ( Clears throat ) We can ditch the corporate intrigue . I do nt have to play double agent with my brother anymore . Victor gave up , Jack won ... Victoria : ( Sighs ) Billy : And you and I , we are officially out of the cross fire . Victoria : My father might not want to fight back , but I still do . Victor : Hi , my baby . Abby : Ohh , Nikki s gon na kill me . I was nt supposed to wake you up . Victor : ( Chuckles ) Do nt you worry , okay ? I do nt get to spend enough time with my beautiful girl . Abby : ( Sighs ) ( Sobbing ) Victor : Do nt you cry , my baby . Do nt you cry . Abby : ( Sobbing ) Victor : Everything will be all right , okay ? Everything will be all right . Abby : ( Sighs ) Sharon : Victor , Nikki ... they were calling me names . They said I was ... a loser and stupid , like I attacked them . They attacked me ! Adam : I know you blame them for everything that s come down on you . Sharon : But it s true . They did this to me . Adam : Just-- I do nt want you upset . We wo nt have to talk about it , okay ? We wo nt talk about it anymore . Sharon : Adam , they did this . Adam : I m gon na get you some aspirin . I ll be right back . Adam : ( Exhales slowly ) Chelsea : Adam ! Are you on your way home ? Adam : How you feeling ? Chelsea : Lonely , and worried about you . Adam : Why ? Chelsea : Because I m not the only one who lost a baby . Adam ? Adam : Yeah . Chelsea : Are nt you done with work yet ? Adam : I m -- yeah , I - I am . Um , I - I got out of my meeting . I didnt -- I did nt want to bother you about this , but I m on the other side of town . My car broke down and , uh , I m waiting for the tow truck driver to-- to come all the way out here . Chelsea : W - well , Ill-- I ll come get you . Just tell me where you are . Adam : I do nt want to drag you out in the middle of the night . Do nt worry about me , all right ? Ill -- Ill be home as soon as possible . Nikki : I wish they would have let us get closer . I feel so helpless . Nick : We need to figure out if anyone was in there . Excuse me . What happened ? Was anyone hurt ? Man : The house was empty . None of the staff were here , and nobody was injured . Nikki : Oh , thank God for that . Man : Guard on the property saw the flames and called 9 - 1 - 1 . That quick action helped us to keep the fire from spreading to other structures on the ranch . Nick : Do you know how it started ? Man : It s too soon to know , but the house is clearly beyond saving . Nikki : What ? No , no ! Nick : Come on , Mom . Mom , Mom ! There s nothing we can do . Nikki : Oh , my God , no ! Nick : It s gone . Nikki : Nicholas ! ( Sobbing ) Abby : ( Sniffles ) It s just awful seeing you like this . We were just getting used to having you alive again . ( Laughs ) Victor : Well , the doctors tell me that I ll be out of here pretty soon , you know ? Abby : I know they think this is because of some medical thing , the bumps on your head , but whatever . ( Scoffs ) Victor : You-- what do you think ? Abby : I do nt think it s a coincidence that you passed out right after losing Newman Enterprises . Victor : I think it was just a coincidence , you know ? Abby : Why ca nt my Uncle Jack just have his own family company and you have your family company and everybody just be happy ? Victor : You re always caught between the Newmans and the Abbotts , are nt you ? Abby : But you know what I never , ever understood ? Victor : What s that ? Abby : The hatred , the way you guys look at each other , like it would kill you to leave the other one standing . Victor : I just do nt like the man , you know ? Abby : What does it get you , Dad ? When will it stop ? When will enough be enough ? Nick : ( Sighs ) This does nt seem real . Nikki : I m glad it s dark outside . We ca nt really see it . I do nt think I could bear it . Nick : Mom , I can drive you back to the hospital . Nikki : Oh , my God . We have to keep this from your father . Nick : How are we gon na do that , Mom ? Dad could pick up the remote in his room , see the-- Nikki : I ll make-- I ll make sure that that does nt happen . He should nt have to cope with something like this , at least until he s released from the hospital . Adam : Here , take these . Some aspirin will make you feel better . Sharon : I do nt know if anything will make it better . Everything s fallen apart . Everyone s gone . Adam : Everyone ? Not me . Sharon : Why are you ... how ... ? Adam : Sharon , just-- just lay down . Just take the aspirin . Sharon : Ohh . Adam : Come on . You re gon na lay down , you re gon na get some rest , okay ? You need to sleep . Sharon : Ohh . Adam-- Adam : Sharon , just sleep , okay ? ( Sighs ) Sharon ... what have you done ? Billy : Victor wants you , Nick , and Abby to decide what happens to his company ? Victoria : That s what he said . Billy : Well , Jack s not gon na buy it . He ll love hearing it , but he wo nt buy it . He will be delighted to think that he finally forced the old man into submission , though . Victoria : I ll bet . So how did Jack take your decision to work with him at Newman ? Billy : He seemed pleased . Victoria : Suspicious ? Billy : No , I told him that I was doing it for the sake of my children and their children and so forth and so on , and ... Victoria : All right , good . Then I m glad it went well . ( Sighs ) Billy : Do you really still want me to do this ? I mean , Victor s taken himself out of the game . There s no real reason ... Victoria : Listen to me . I am gon na need you more than I even anticipated . This thing with my father-- he s challenging his kids . I have to save my father s company . Billy : ( Sighs ) Get it . It ... Victoria : Hey , Nick . We were just , um , we were just talking-- what ? There was a fire at my parents house . Nikki : How has he been ? Abby : Fine . He woke up for a little while . Nikki : Was he in pain ? Abby : No . He was Dad , only lying down . ( Chuckles ) Nikki : ( Chuckles ) Abby : ( Sighs ) I m so glad he s okay . Nikki : Yeah , me , too . Abby : Were you able to relax a little ? Nikki : Um ... Abby : What is it ? Avery : Nothing like a roaring fire on a chilly fall night . Nick : Yeah , unless it s your childhood home burning down . Avery : What ? Nick : Nothing . I m sorry , I got a lot on my mind . Avery : Oh . Then I ll leave you to it . Nick : Um ... no , I think I d prefer it if you stayed , if you want to . Avery : Are you sure ? You look like you want to be left alone . Nick : I thought I did , but ... Nick : ( Sighs ) Avery : ( Sighs ) Nick : So did something drive you to drink tonight ? Avery : No , absolutely not . Nick : Then why are you here ? Avery : Mm ... I m here for the same reason you are . I m just looking for a hot , steamy ... game of chess . Nick : ( Laughs ) Avery : ( Laughs ) Nick : Me , too . Perfect . This is exactly what I need to take my mind off things . Let s do this . Avery : Yeah , like the takeover , right ? Nick : Um , yeah , and my dad is in the hospital . Avery : What ? When did that happen ? Is he okay ? Nick : He s gon na be fine , but he will be crushed when he hears there was a big fire at the main house . Avery : Oh , my God , you were nt kidding before . Nick : No , it s gone . I mean , completely gone . Avery : Oh , Nick , I m so sorry . What an awful day . Nick : Yeah , I was thinking this qualifies as one of the worst days ever ... but then , I do nt know . Things turned around pretty quickly . Avery : Good . How did that happen ? Adam : ( Thinking ) Sharon , I had to head home . Until you talk to me , do nt leave the house and do nt speak to anyone . This is serious . I m gon na have to do some major damage control for you . Avery : Ah , the Sicilian defense . Clever . It s very clever , but it is no match for the Latvian gambit . Nick : The lat-- you made that up . Avery : Maybe . Nick : Okay , only girl ... in the chess club in school . Avery : ( Laughs ) Maybe . Nick : So tell me what it was like for you growing up . I m guessing you were super ambitious ... Avery : Mm - hmm . Nick : Top of the class type stuff . Avery : Mm - hmm , mm - hmm . Yes , yes , but I was nt always the smooth operator you see before you . Avery : Oh , oh , Dear . Nick : Jeez . Avery : Sorry . Nick : So at some point , you were saying , then , you must have been a real klutz . Avery : Yeah , like my whole life , actually . I have so many stories where I do something so embarrassing that most people would never leave their house , and for me , it s just another day . ( Laughs ) Nick : I think you should tell me one of those stories . Avery : Ah . Okay , well ... there s a good one from law school . I had my first mock trial . Uh , I was lead counsel and totally prepared , of course , and I had the facts , I had the attitude , I had the best gray pinstripe suit . Nick : Ooh , very professional . Avery : Yes , I thought so , too , until I walked into the class and my fellow students were snickering and laughing . Nick : Toilet paper on the shoe ? Avery : It was so much worse than that . Nick : ( Chuckles ) Avery : So much worse . I had put my skirt on inside out . Nick : ( Laughs ) Oh , that s -- Avery : ( Laughs ) Nick : Okay , so did you change ? Avery : No , I could nt ! The -- there was no time . The judges were ready to go . I had to present the entire case looking like a lunatic . Nick : And how d you do ? Avery : What do you think ? I kicked butt . Nick : Of course you did . Avery : Of course I did , and to reward myself afterwards , I went and I got this huge slice of greasy pizza , which I promptly dropped on my lap . Nick : ( Laughs ) Okay . Avery : ( Laughs ) Yes-- Nick : That is such a good story . Avery : How -- however-- no , no , no , wait , wait . Since my skirt was still on inside out , I won the case and I saved my suit . Double victory . Nick : Look at you . All right . Avery : Mm - hmm . ( Laughs ) Nick : Ahh , okay . Double victory . Avery : Mm - hmm . Nick : You know , this is exactly what I needed to take my mind off things . It s perfect . Victoria : I just-- I do nt even understand how this is possible . Losing the company and the house all in the same day ? Billy : Okay . Victoria : ( Sighs ) Billy : You know ... maybe the house being destroyed is a warning . There s been all this destruction lately . You and I are preparing to head into battle . Maybe we should nt . Maybe something s trying to tell us that we should try things differently this time . Victoria : How ? Billy : ( Sighs ) I do nt know . We could give up on Newman . ( Chuckles ) We could stop getting involved in this silly never - ending feud . I could back out of my deal with Jack . Hell , I ll sell Restless Style . And then maybe you and I , we can start fresh . Maybe we can start our own company , make something of our own that we can pass down to our son . Victoria : ( Sighs ) Adam : Hey , Chelse . Chelsea : Mm , hi . Uh , how s your car ? ( Sniffles ) Adam : You should head on up to bed . Chelsea : No . No , I want to hear about your meeting and ... ( Inhales sharply ) Is that smoke I smell on you ? Victor : Has Abby left ? Nikki : Yeah , all the kids went home . I m gon na spend the night . Victor : Sweetheart , you do nt have to do that . Why do nt you go home and sleep in your comfortable bed ? Nikki : There s no other place I d rather be than right here by your side . Victor : Have you been crying ? Avery : Checkmate . Nick : Yeah . That s well - played . Avery : You thought you had me five moves ago , but I employed the Kasparov endgame . Nick : ( Laughs ) Avery : ( Laughs ) ( Sighs ) It s late . I should probably go . Nick : I ll walk you out . Avery : Okay . Nick : Thanks for the game ... and the company . Avery : Well , I should be thanking you . It s been far too long since I thoroughly trounced someone at chess . Nick : Trash talk like that only is begging for a rematch . Avery : Anytime , anywhere , but you should brush up , or I will pummel you again . Nick : Mm . Hey , let me ask you something , did it ever occur to you that I might let you win ? Avery : Not for a second , Newman . Nick : Good night , Avery . Avery : Good night . Victoria : I do nt want to give up on Newman , okay ? I - I do nt . I mean , it means too much to me . But beyond that , I - I just feel like if -- if I do nt fight for this company , my father s gon na look at me like I m a failure . Billy : Okay , that s not fair . You were nt running the company when it was taken over . That was all Sharon . Victoria : I feel like my father wants for his children to prove to him how much we love him , and to show him how grateful we are for everything that he built for us . Billy : If that s true , that s not love . That s just another one of his head games . Victoria : ( Sighs ) He s challenging us . I know it . Billy : He s challenging you . Look , your father either loves you and accepts you or he does nt . ( Scoffs ) And if he does nt realize how much you love him , then , Honey , I am truly sorry for that , but that is his problem . Victoria : This is important , Billy , not just to my dad , to me . I m gon na get Newman Enterprises back , and I want you to fight with me . Nikki : I have nt been crying . Victor : I do nt believe you . What is it ? Nikki : It s just-- it s just been a hard day . Victor : I know you too well . There s more to it . What is it ? Nikki : Why do nt I read to you ? You always like that , and it ll help you relax . Victor : Sweetheart , with everything you and I have been through ... everything that has happened to both of us ... ( Breathes deeply ) And the pain we have caused each other , and the love , I do nt think there are any more secrets . Why do nt you tell me what s bothering you ? Adam : Yeah . Engine on my car caught fire . Chelsea : While you were driving ? Why did nt you tell me ? Adam : Well , I-- I did nt want to worry you . Um , I - I m fine . I do nt want to worry you , and there s nothing to be worried about . I -- see ? I m -- I m fine . The car is nt , but I took a cab home . Chelsea : Why do nt we just go upstairs ? And you can take a shower , and I ll bag your clothes to be cleaned , and then you can just crawl in bed with me . Adam : ( Sighs ) That sounds good . I m just , uh ... ( Exhales sharply ) I m just pretty wired . So I m gon na stay up . I think I might make myself some food . Chelsea : Okay , well , Ill -- Ill sit with you . Adam : No , you do nt have to . Um , I ll be up-- I ll be up later . Chelsea : You do nt want me to keep you company ? Adam : ( Sighs ) I just think that you should get as much sleep , as much rest as you can after ... our accident . Chelsea : Okay . Chelsea : ( Sighs ) Adam : ( Sighs heavily ) Sharon : Adam ? Adam : I thought I would get your voice mail . You should be resting . Sharon : ( Sighs ) Oh , God . I - I had the worst dream . It was ... ( Sighs ) Adam , I m so scared . I ... what happened tonight ? Adam : You had too much to drink . Just stay put . I will be there in the morning . Sharon : Why ca nt you just tell me what happened ? Adam : I left you a note . You see it ? Sharon : Yes . Adam : Heed the note . Do nt go anywhere . Do not talk to anyone . Do nt even answer your door . Sharon : Why , Adam ? What happened ? What did I do ? Adam : It does nt matter . But I promise , everything s gon na be okay . I ll fix everything . Cane : Jack needs someone who can take the reins . Why not me ? Genevieve : I need answers , and I m willing to pay for them . Phyllis : I m sure you feel a lot of guilt . Summer : You re the one that should be feeling guilty . Phyllis : And you are blaming the accident on me ? ### Summary:
Adam gets Sharon out of the main house and calls the fire department . Later Nikki and Nick are told that nobody was in the main house but they ca nt save it . The fireman says they were able to keep the fire from spreading to the rest of the ranch . Nikki decides not to tell Victor about the fire . Sharon tells Adam that she just wanted the voices to stop . Since she is drunk , he gives her some aspirin and leaves her a note telling her not to talk to anyone until he can do some major damage control for her . Adam continues to lie to Chelsea . When he arrives home , he tells her that his car engine caught on fire that is why he smells like smoke . Sharon dreams of the fire she started and then calls Adam and tells him she had an awful dream . Adam tells Sharon to read the note and that she should nt worry because he will fix everything for her . Victor shocks Victoria , Nick , and Abby by telling them that he wo nt fight for Newman Enterprises because he wants the three of them to fight for their legacy . Victoria tells Billy about what Victor said and he advises her to forget about the company . He thinks they should start their own company to leave as a legacy to their children . Victoria tells Billy that she thinks Victor is challenging his children to prove their love to him , and she has to fight for the company because it s a part of her . Victoria asks for Billy s help . Phyllis goes to Avery s place to tell her she has decided to fight to save her marriage because it is the only way she can get Summer back in her life . Avery heads to the Athletic Club where she bumps into Nick . As they play a game of chess , he tells her about his bad day and then he thanks Avery for taking his mind off things by beating him at chess .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Bridget : I think you re supposed to say I do . Nick : Well , I do nt think I have to say anything . I would prefer you use my full name . Dominick , if you please . Seager : Do you , Dominick , take this woman to be your wife , for better or worse , in sickness and health , forsaking all others , for as long as you both shall live ? Nick : I do . Seager : If anyone can show just cause why this man and woman should not be we d , let him speak now or forever hold his peace . Hector : Well , fancy meeting you here . Taylor : Hector ? Hector : Yeah . The maitre d always calls me for backup whenever somebody orders snails . I mean a person could choke on one of those shells . Taylor : Oh , well , you re not supposed to eat the shells . Hector : Oh , I know . Such tragedy in French restaurants could be prevented . Are you waiting for anyone ? Taylor : Oh , let s see . My daughters take turns blaming me , and each other , for everything that s going wrong in the world . And my son is shacking up with an illegal alien that he married in Vegas . My husband , who is still hung up on his ex - wife , is not speaking to me right now because I m working -- because I m not sitting home being ornamental . No , I do nt think I m meeting anyone . Hector : Then how about I join you ? You never know when one of those things will crawl onto your fork . Taylor : I feel safer already . Seager : Since I find no impediment , I call upon each of you present to be a witness and an ally to the union Bridget and Dominick now make . Do you affirm your continued support and love as they grow in their marriage ? All : Yes , we do . Seager : Do you offer them your care and counsel in times of trouble ? All : Yes , we do . Seager : Do you celebrate with them the decision they have made to choose each other ? All : Yes , we do . Seager : Then Bridget , Dominick , I ask you to declare before this company your solemn vows . Repeat after me . I , Bridget , take you , Dominick -- Bridget : I , Bridget , take you , Dominick -- Seager : -- To be my wedded husband . Bridget : -- To be my wedded husband . Seager : I will trust you and honor you . Bridget : I will trust you and I will honor you . Seager : I will love you faithfully -- Bridget : I will love you faithfully -- Seager : -- Whatever may come , for all of my days . Bridget : -- Whatever may come , for all of my days . Seager : As I give you my hand -- Bridget : As I give you my hand -- Seager : -- So I give my life to your keeping . Bridget : -- So I give my life to your keeping . Seager : So help me god . Bridget : So help me god . Seager : I , Dominick -- Nick : You mind if I put this in my own words ? Seager : That s allowed . Nick : Thanks . I ve always felt that the best gift in life is the gift of giving . And I want to thank you for what you ve given me . You ve given me your life . Your love . And now , you re gon na give me a child . I promise to honor that . And I promise to give you my best as a husband and as a father to that child . So help me god . I m done . Seager : May we have the rings , please ? These rings are a symbol of the union you have declared , and of the love between you , which , like a circle , will be without end . May they always remind you , and all others , of the vows you have made this day . Bridget , take this ring , place it on Dominick s finger and repeat after me . With this ring , I thee we d . Bridget : With this ring , I thee we d . Seager : Dominick , place this ring on Bridget s finger and repeat after me . With this ring , I thee we d . Nick : With this ring , I thee we d . Seager : By virtue of the authority vested in me by the state of California , I now pronounce you husband and wife . You may kiss the bride , sailor . Taylor : How s your soup ? Hector : It s cold , but good . Taylor : Chilled soup is generally served cold . Hector : What ? Taylor : I did nt say anything . Hector : Okay , you re right . This is nt my kind of place . I ve only ever been here to check the sprinklers in the kitchen . Taylor : Mm - hmm . But tonight , you had a yen for haute cuisine ? Hector : I could ve had cold soup at home . No , I tracked you down . Taylor : I see . What , am I a fire hazard ? Hector : In that dress ? Oh , yeah . No , I stopped by your office to check up on you . And when you were nt there -- Taylor : Well , they re not supposed to let people track me down . Hector : You know , you re right . The receptionist thought I was some deranged kind of patient . And then , Dr. Kibe recognized me . You see I m not rich enough to have psychiatric problems . I think she could see that right off . Or maybe I do . Want me to lie down , tell you my dreams ? Taylor : No , no , I m off - duty now . No . Besides -- Hector : Oh , no . Do nt tell me you re letting ridge talk you out of going back into business . Taylor : You know , I do nt know , maybe he s right . Really , what business do I have helping people sort out their problems when I ca nt even sort out my own ? I m really starting to think that coma caused some kind of misfire in my brain . Hector : Taylor , your only problem is that you re under appreciated like me . Taylor : Is that your diagnosis ? Hector : Yeah . So why do nt we sit here and eat stuff that s hard to pronounce and appreciate each other for a while ? Taylor : You know what ? That sounds just fine . Massimo : To my seafaring son , of whom I am so proud , and the lovely lady who brought him to ground . Salu . Eric : Hear , hear . Welcome to the family , Nick . You know , not many people impress me , but you ve made a very , very good start . Nick : Thank you . Jackie : So , how do you feel about apologies ? Bridget : Well , I ve learned how to make them . I m sure learning how to accept them will be a lot easier . Jackie : Thank you for loving my son . Do you think you could find it in your heart to forgive me ? Bridget : Believe it or not , I understand . Jackie : Thank you . Congratulations , darling . Bridget : Mom . You ve got to stop crying . You re gon na make me start again . Brooke : I ca nt help it , sweetheart . This is the day that every mother dreams of . I m so happy for you . Bridget : I honestly did nt know I was allowed to be this happy . Brooke : Of course you are . Nick : You should listen to your mother . Massimo : Oh , wait . We need a picture of the bride . Eric : Absolutely . Nick : He s your father - in - law . Bridget : I m coming . Brooke : It was beautiful . Nick : It was . Brooke : You love her . Nick : I do . And she ll always know that . Brooke : Thank you . Taylor : And then there s Thomas -- and Ridge s solution to Thomas . Hector : Which is ? Taylor : Never mind . I get a sick feeling even thinking about it . Hector : It s a contest ? I m sorry , that s just the way ridge thinks , right ? Everything s a contest with him . You and Brooke were a contest . And the winner got to see him stop scowling for a day and a half . Taylor : You do nt have much use for my husband , do you ? Hector : Well , you know , he makes clothes that 99 % of the world ca nt afford or would look foolish wearing . So if you want to call that useful -- Taylor : Okay , let s change the subject . Hector : You just ca nt let him make you feel lousy about being you . Do you not see how spectacular you are ? I mean , Taylor , for pete s sake , if you re such a dud , what possible hope does the rest of the human race have ? So your kids are acting up and your marriage is rocky -- guess what ? Those are nt failings . That s life . Taylor : Yeah , but when the things I work the hardest at turn out so disastrously wrong , that s not life , that s me . Hector : No , that s not how it works . The best things that you do in life , you do nt know that you re doing em . It s the day - in , day - out ordinary stuff that you do nt even pay attention to . Until somebody else adds it all up and shows it to you . Let s go . Taylor : Where ? Hector : I want to show you something . Eric : I thought I might find you here . Brooke : Sorry , all the reports that I needed to look at were here on your desk , so I thought I would just work here . I ve got a thousand things to do before the end of the quarter . Eric : I think what you already accomplished tonight is damned impressive . Brooke : Our daughter . Married . Eric : Yeah . Any other woman you would ve fought tooth and nail to hang on to nick . Brooke : I m just glad that she finally has the life that she deserves . And it felt good , for once , to be the mother that she deserves . Nick : I d like you to come inside now , okay ? Bridget : Oh , wow . Nick . Nick : So -- tonight ? Tonight s about life . Tonight s about the start of our life together . I love you . Bridget : I love you , too . Very much . Nick : You ca nt tell me your old man bought that for you , too . Bridget : Nope . I m not gon na be able to wear things like this much longer . Nick : I have always thought that pregnant women s bellies are sexy . Bridget : Really ? Nick : Does that sound kind of perverted to you ? Bridget : Well , why do you think I married you ? Nick : You probably could have done a lot better , believe me . Bridget : Hmm - mm . I looked you up in the catalogue of all the men in the world . Nick : I did nt know I was in there . Bridget : Mm - hmm . You know what it says next to your name ? Nick : Pervert ? Bridget : Besides that . Nick : What ? Bridget : Unafraid of love . What are you thinking , baby ? Nick : Good things . Good things . Brooke : Good - bye , Nick . Ridge : Working late ? Or just pretending to ? Brooke : What are you doing here ? Ridge : The same . Saw your car in the parking lot as I was leaving . How was the wedding ? Brooke : Perfect . Ridge : Hmm . So what are you doing here ? Brooke : Go home , Ridge . Ridge : I do nt have a home . Thank you for asking , though . Taylor asked me to move out . Brooke : Why ? Ridge : Long story , Logan . Long story . So here we are . Brooke : Have we ever been alone and free at the same time ? Ridge : Alone ? Maybe . I do nt know about the free part . Brooke : And now that we are -- Ridge : And now that we are -- I need you more than ever . ### Summary:
Brooke looks on with Eric , Jackie and Massimo as Bridget and Nick say their vows and are pronounced man and wife . Taylor is dining alone at Cafe Russe when Hector shows up in a suit and tie and joins her . He tells her how they are both underapprieciated . They begin to connect as Hector tells Taylor that they should get out of there . Brooke is alone , daydreaming about Nick and whispers good - bye to him , in Eric s office when Ridge comes in . He tells her Taylor kicked him out and that he needs her more than ever . Bridget and Nick consummate their marriage .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Thorne : Do you want a cue ? Thomas : No need . Jake : What about music ? Thomas : Jake , no music . Pam : A Forrester show with no music ? Thomas : This is nt a show , Pam . It s a presentation . Look , you ve all seen the numbers . Thorne : He s right . The numbers are down . Thomas : All we need is a solution , and I have it . Thorne : All right . Well , let s finish up , get going . Jake : All right . All right . Marcus : You guys are doing this today ? Brooke : Yes , Marcus . Marcus : Wow , I sure missed that memo . Bill : There was nt any memo . Brooke : Nobody knows about it . Oliver : Why not ? It s huge . Bill : Brooke s Bedroom was the biggest money maker this company s ever seen . Rick : What s this ? Brooke : Where have you been ? Rick : I was out with someone . What s going on ? Bill : Oh , nothing much . Well , unless you ve seen the quarterly report . Have you seen the quarterly report , Rick ? Rick : No . Not yet . Brooke : It s bad -- really bad . We re operating at a loss . I know it was nt your fault . We re dealing with a lot of factors here . Bill : Still , it happened on your watch , and Thomas is taking full advantage . Rick : How s that ? Bill : He s making a presentation to Eric . Rick : Again ? Bill : But this time , he is armed with a fistful of nasty data . Rick : [ Sighs ] Bill : But we have an answer of our own . Rick : Yeah , what s that ? Bill : Brooke s Bedroom . Rick : Your old line ? Bill : An extremely profitable line -- one that could turn this company around . Rick : But who s gon na be the spokesmodel ? You mean you ? Donna : So darn cute ! Oh , and he knows it , too , just like his daddy . Katie : Yes , they are alike in many ways . Donna : Both demanding , right ? [ Chuckles ] So , um ... have you heard about the drama at Forrester ? Katie : Well , I heard about Eric and Taylor . Donna : There s that , for what it s worth . Katie : I m sorry . I know you were hoping for something with him . Donna : Oh , do nt count me out . Taylor s -- Taylor s a pest . Katie : Brooke thinks Taylor is using Eric . Donna : Oh , she so is . I mean , she -- she has Thomas going after Rick s position . Katie : Again ? He just does nt give up . Donna : Now Thomas is doing a pitch today to Eric . You better believe Taylor s behind that one . Eric : Brooke s had a lot going on . Taylor : We ve all had a lot going on . You know , Brooke has been dealing with losing Ridge , and you just lost Stephanie . I do nt know . I ve had so many losses , I ca nt even keep count . But I thank God for you . Eric : And now you and I ... we have everything . Taylor : We have a lot to be grateful for . You know , all of these business decisions , they do nt matter . They do nt mean anything . All that matters is us . Eric : You re right . Come here . Hello , Pam . Pam : Thomas is ready for you down in the showroom . Eric : Good . We ll be right down . Pam : Yeah , and do nt forget you have the flight right after for Genoa City . Eric : Yes . Thank you . Pam : And remember to bring a big coat , cause it s cold in Wisconsin . Eric : All right , Pam . Thank you . All right . Let s go see what your son has in mind for us . Mm . Marcus : Okay , we ll see you guys in a few minutes . Rick : [ Clears throat ] You re serious about this ? Bill : You do nt think your mother s capable ? Rick : Well , if anyone could , you know , pull it off , you can . Brooke : I m doing it to help the company , Rick . Rick : Yeah , well , God knows we need something . Hope : Sorry . I did nt know ... Brooke : Come in . Hope : [ Sighs ] Bill : How are you doing , Hope ? Hope : Great . What are we talking about ? Rick : Have you heard about Thomas presentation ? Hope : Uh ... yeah , it s all over the office . Rick : Yeah . Pretty ridiculous , is nt it ? Hope : No , I think it s serious . I mean , Eric s giving him an ear . Rick : Well , we ve got a little surprise of our own . Hope : We do ? Rick : Mm - hmm . Mom ... to the rescue . Hope : How ? Rick : Well , how else ... but by re - launching her lingerie line ? Caroline : So , where have you been ? Rick : Not now , Caroline . Caroline : Oh , boy . His favorite line . [ Mockingly ] Not now , Caroline . Rick : We are in the middle of a crisis . Thomas is vying for my job -- again . Caroline : Well , maybe if you did nt spend all your time at Dayzee s . What is your attraction to that place , anyway ? Marcus : Okay , it s all set . Brooke : Lighting , music ? Marcus : Yes . We re on it . Rick : Who has the cues ? Oliver : I m your man . Bill : All right . Sounds like we re a go . Brooke : We all have to be on our toes here . You know what s at stake -- the future of Forrester Creations . There s no way I m gon na let Thomas and Taylor take over this company and ruin it . So let s go out there and show em how it s done . Hope : Let s do it . Marcus : Logans , Baby . Hope : [ Laughs ] Okay ! Brooke : All right . [ Sighs ] Bill : Is nt this better than sitting around waiting for a phone call ? Brooke : [ Laughs ] Thank you . Jake : Okay . Everyone s on their way . Thomas : Good . Jake , you re at the door . Once I start , no interruptions . Jake : Got it . Pam : Do you want refreshments afterwards ? Thomas : Yeah , Pam . Put some champagne on ice . Pam : A celebration ? Okay . Taylor : So , now , you got everything in here that you need for Nikki and Victor s wedding ? Eric : Yes , I m sure everything s here . Taylor : Okay . Pam : You have gloves and earmuffs ? Taylor : Yeah , I put it in . Eric : I do nt need earmuffs , for God s sake , Pam . Taylor : Hi , Sweetie . Mwah . Thomas : Thanks for this . Eric : I m looking forward to it . Thomas : Yeah , me too . Eric : Where s Brooke ? Taylor : I do nt know , but , you know , Eric has a flight to catch , so we better get started . Thomas : Okay . Eric : The floor is yours . Thomas : All right , everyone . Let s get started . Both : Okay . Eric : Sit here . Thomas : [ Clears throat ] [ Sighs ] Look , this should nt take very long . You all know the bad news . This last quarter , our numbers took a serious dive , and we re suffering a loss we may not recover from unless we make changes . The good news is , is there is a solution . That s what I would like to present to you today . Katie : Oh , you re still here ? Donna : Yeah , yeah . I thought I d stick around . Katie : Any particular reason why ? Donna : Oh , just did nt have a chance to talk with the baby and all . Katie : Okay , well , what s on your mind ? Donna : How are you ? Katie : I m good . I m good . I m happy . Donna : You and Bill ? Katie : We re good . You know , I mean , things have been a little challenging , I guess . Donna : Yeah , well , a baby changes things . Katie : Yeah , I keep trying to explain that to him . [ Chuckles ] But he just keeps complaining that I m not available enough to him , if you know what I mean . Donna : Are you ? Ah , gosh , you know , I hate to bring this up , but , um ... [ Sighs ] I just -- I ca nt help -- Katie : What ? What ? Donna : Brooke and Bill -- everything they shared when you sent them off to Aspen . Katie : [ Sighs ] Brooke : [ Sighs ] A lot s riding on this . Bill : Only the entire future of the company . Brooke : [ Sighs ] Bill : But it could nt be in better hands . Brooke : I wish I had as much faith in me as you do . Bill : Oh , come on . You ve already got that Logan spirit . Now you need to apply the words that I live by . You fight to the death . Take no prisoners . Brooke : You re wrong . Bill : About what ? Brooke : The company . You said that it could nt be in better hands . Well , the truth is ... I could nt be in better hands . [ Sighs ] Well ... I better go suit up for battle . [ Laughs ] Thomas : As you can see from this graph , our margins are shrinking . As fabric prices go up , so does our cost per unit , so we passed it along to the buyer , but they re not buying . We ve priced ourselves out of the market . Rick : Not the luxury market . Thomas : You re right . The 5 % , and even they re looking elsewhere for a bargain . Rick : So , you want to ignore our customers who gave us our reputation ? Thomas : [ Sighs ] Look , I understand what you re saying , but trends change . The world is more casual . Even the rich do nt dress up to go to dinner anymore . The tie , the monogram , the cuff links -- they all have their place . But that s not the future of this company , and that s not gon na change the quarterly report you gave us , Rick . Let s move on . This is an analysis of our expense breakdown . Raw materials , production , labor , marketing , boutique expenses . Let s go with boutique expenses . Bill : How you doing ? You need any help ? Brooke : Garter . Bill : Here you go . Brooke : [ Sighs ] Thank you . Ah . The piece de résistance . Bill : You look stunning . Brooke : [ Laughs ] Turn your back if it s too much , Stallion . Bill : [ Chuckles ] Brooke : All right . So , the lipstick . The lipstick and how are we doing on time ? Bill : Cutting it close . Brooke : Cyanide crimson or drumbeat red ? Bill : Cyanide , definitely . Thomas : As you can see , brick and mortar is killing us . Our boutiques are a drain on the bottom line , and they have been for years . So we need to consolidate . Centralized warehousing , price - point discounts , and an aggressive online presence . Rick : Many of our boutiques have had good sales , Thomas . Thomas : Well , not good enough . Let s move to production costs . Brooke : [ Sighs ] Bill : It s a big night for someone . Brooke : Yeah . Well , that s what I m going for . Bill : You re nailing it . Brooke : I hope so . Bill : You look stunning , Brooke . Brooke : [ Sighs ] Katie : You re worried about Brooke and Bill ? Donna : [ Chuckles ] No , I m not worried . I m just , you know ... Katie : You are . You re worried . Donna : Katie , you walked out on your husband and baby and left them in Brooke s care . Katie : I was suffering from severe depression . Donna : I know ! I know , and I m not blaming you . I just ... it just -- it had an effect on them . The question is ... how much ? Katie : [ Sighs ] Thomas : There you have it . Costs are up -- labor , marketing , production . The only thing that is nt up is sales . Why ? Because we re afraid of change . But the world has changed . We need to find a new paradigm , a way to cut into that 95 % who ca nt afford us . Young adults and college grads , they do nt want a fashion boutique . They want a fashion experience . A fashion gallery where they can be seen , hang out with friends , drink coffee , and , yes ... buy beautiful , hip , affordable Forrester Originals . Where they can order online at the store with the fashion technicians or purchase the app and order from home . With everything warehoused , everything shipped to your front door -- the same day , in most places . Rick : It was nt gon na work the first time you pitched it . It s not gon na work now . Thomas : Why ? Because it s different ? Well , let me ask you something , Rick . Give me one example of a line that we ve produced during your tenure that s shown a profit . Just one . Rick : [ Chuckles ] Brooke : [ Sighs ] I just need to finish my hair , and then I ll be ready . How do I look ? Bill : Incredible . Let s go knock em dead . Brooke : Oh , Bill . Bill : Yeah ? Brooke : I ll never forget what you ve done for me today ... even if it does nt turn out the way we were hoping . Bill : It will . Thomas : Rick , the fact is you gave it a shot , but you failed . You could nt give me one example of a line you ve produced that s shown a profit . Rick : I have nt been president that long , Thomas . Thomas : We need to make a profit right now in order to turn this company around . Bill : Ladies and gentlemen , the most profitable line in the history of Forrester Creations . Feast your eyes -- the new Brooke s Bedroom line . Katie : Yes , Brooke and Bill got close in Aspen . That was the whole point . Donna : That does nt concern you ? Katie : It did for a minute , but not anymore . Donna : Well , you know , if you re cool with it ... Katie : Listen , Bill is a huge supporter of Brooke , especially after everything that s happened with Ridge and Hope . Donna : Yeah , she s been through a lot . Katie : He s even convinced her to go back to Forrester and get more involved in the company . Donna : So I ve heard . Katie : And I think it s a great idea . It s the best thing for her , and it s all because of Bill . Seriously , I m sure she s , like , slaving away behind a desk as we speak . Bill : Ladies and Gentlemen , Forrester Creations proudly presents the future -- the new Brooke s Bedroom line . Bom , bom , bom I m so cool and I m so groovy when I go bom , bom , bom bom , bom , bom I m so cool and I m so groovy when I go bom , bom , bom Brooke : This is how we made profits before , Eric . If it worked once ... why not do it again ? Eric : I like it . Brooke : I knew you would . Eric : Sorry , Thomas , Taylor . Brooke s Bedroom it is . Hope : Yes ! Hope : Oh , my God ! Hope : Oh , my . You are so beautiful . Oh , my God . Congratulations . You did so good . Eric : You guys were great . Rick : Yes . Eric : Good job . Hope : I m so proud of you . Oh , my God ! Thank you . Eric : Good , huh ? It s great . Brooke : [ Sighs ] [ Laughs ] Bill : You did it . Brooke : [ Sighs ] We did it . ### Summary:
Thomas tells Pam that they do nt need music . This is not a show ; it s a presentation so the cues are ready . The numbers are down . They just need a solution and he has one . Thorne says they need to finish up and get going . Marcus and Oliver are surprised to hear of this as they did nt get a memo . Bill tells them there was nt one , but Brooke s Bedroom Line was the biggest moneymaker the company has ever had . Rick walks in and tells his mother that he was out with someone , but what is going on here right now . Bill asks if he has seen the quarterly report . It is really bad ; they are operating at a loss . Brooke says she does not hold him responsible as there were a lot of factors . Bill says but it did happen under Rick s watch and Thomas is now taking advantage of that . He s making his presentation to Eric again , but this time he has a fistful of nasty data . But they have a presentation of their own , one that could turn this company around – Brooke s old Bedroom Line . Rick says if anyone can pull this off , it s Brooke . She says she is doing it for the company . Hope pops in and they fill her in . Then Caroline manages to get Rick s attention and she asks where he s been . When he says he does nt have time now , she berates him for never having the time and perhaps that is why Thomas is trying to take over now . Everything seems to be ready so Brooke tells them they all need to get out there and show them how it s done . Donna visits Katie and asks if she s heard about the rumblings at Forrester . Katie says yeah , only that of Eric and Taylor living together now . She s sorry as she knows Donna was hoping for something with Eric herself . Donna says do nt count her out ; Taylor is just a pest . She s got Thomas now going after Rick s position . Donna tries to be subtle but manages to get the conversation around to Katie s relationship with Bill . Katie says it has been challenging as Bill does nt always feel she gives him enough time or attention . Donna brings up his involvement with Brooke and wonders if Katie is worried about that . Thomas starts his presentation and says it wo nt take long . They all know the bad news in that the company took a big dive at the last quarterlies , and they may not recover from that unless they make immediate changes . But the good news is there is a solution and that is what he d like to present today . Brooke tells Bill that she is so grateful for being in his good hands so she better go suit up for battle . She asks his opinion on everything right down to the color of lipstick , Cyanide Crimson . Just before Thomas is through , a glaring announcement is made by an unseen Bill . All are stunned as he introduces the new Brooke s Bedroom Line ; feast their eyes on it . A bevy of beauties march out in their lingerie and strut their stuff . Everyone in the room is amazed when the curtain is pulled and there is Brooke on her bed , sexily dressed all in red teddy , garter belt and short robe . She looks right at Eric and says this is how it could be done . It worked once so it could work again . He gets out of his chair and approaches Brooke , winks at her and says he likes it . He turns and says he is sorry to Thomas and Taylor , but Brooke s line it is . Brooke accepts hugs from all of her family and dirty looks from Taylor , Steffy and Thomas . She exits and goes directly to Bill in the wings and hugs and thanks him for making this happen today . They really pulled this off . He looks like he wants to eat her up but holds back . She seems a little uncomfortable as they gaze deeply into each other s eyes .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Jack : What the hell are you talking about ? Victor : In the event of her death , Diane Jenkins wanted me to be Kyle s guardian . Jack : Wow , you really are power drunk , are nt you ? You think you can claim my son ? Victor : Read the damn thing . Let it sink in . We can discuss visitation . Jack : You will never take my son . Victor : If you read it carefully , he is already mine . Ashley : Thank you . Nick : Hello ? Ashley : Hey , Nick . It s Ashley . Nick : There you are . I ve been trying to get a hold of you . Ashley : Um , well , I wanted to tell you that Billy left the country , maybe for good , and the way Victoria found out was just awful . Nick : Are you with her now ? Ashley : No , I was for a little while , but she needed some time alone . ( Sighs ) Heads - up -- when she s ready , she s gon na need you badly . Nick : ( Sighs ) Does Abby know ? Ashley : No , I left word for her to call me . Nick : You know , no offense-- sometimes your brother can be an ass . Ashley : Billy runs when things get messy . I m not excusing it , but that s just what he does . Nick : All right , you ve been busy dealing with this . But did you get a new phone ? I ve been trying to get a hold of you on another number . Diane : You should have just let Abby take responsibility for what she did to Tucker . Then there never would have been a video of her confessing . Ashley : She s trying to do the right thing . That s why she made the video , and now you re using it against her . Diane : ( Clicks tongue ) I think that s what they call irony . Ashley : You are such a bitch ! Diane : ( Grunts ) Ashley : I misplaced that phone . Um , I m really not sure where it is . Nick : Then you never got my call the other night . Ashley : No . What was the message you left ? It must be important for you to bring it up now . Nick : ( Sighs ) Tucker : Why are you really here , Katherine ? Kay : I told you . Tucker : To make a peace offering ? Have me sign a few deal memos ? Or to rub my nose in the fact that you stole control of my company ? Kay : I stole nothing . You handed me control , and the judge reinforced that decision . Tucker : My name is on that company . I will damn well get it back . Kay : You do that . In the meantime , you were questioned by the police for Diane s murder ? Now what is it they think you know , or , um , what is it they think you have done ? Ashley : Nick , why do nt you just tell me what the message was ? Diane : ( Grunting ) Get your hands off me , or I ll be the one pressing charges ! Nick : Shut up . You shut up . I am sick of you threatening my family . I m telling you right now , I m not gon na let it happen anymore . I will kill you before I let you hurt them again . Do you hear me ? I ll kill you . Nick : So you have nt played your voice mail . Nothing s been deleted . Ashley : I assume not . Nick : Okay , uh , my printer s on the other line . I got ta go . Thanks for letting me know about Vick . Ashley : Sure . Sorry to be the bearer of bad news . Phyllis : Hey . Were you talking to that jerk Malloy ? Nick : Why would I be ? Phyllis : I do nt know . Because detectives always have just one more question . Nick : You did nt answer Diane s text , and neither did I , so there s nothing left to ask . Phyllis : That s true . But , you know , I kept on saying things like karma is gon na bash Diane in the head . I never meant that I was gon na be the one to deliver it . Nick : I never thought you did . Phyllis : So we should talk about our next cover , right ? I mean , everybody s going to think that we re -- we re doing a Diane murder story . I think we should talk about some counter - programming . Maybe we should do something light and fluffy . Nick : Yeah , why do nt you put some ideas together ? I got somewhere I got ta be . Phyllis : Okay , somewhere-- like , as in now ? Nick : Yeah . Phyllis : Okay , bye . Ronan : Get this to forensics ASAP . I want to know if Adam Newman s ring left the imprint on the victim s arm . Oh , hey , hey , hey , hey . Check with the lab about the D.N.A. results for this fingernail . Phyllis : Editorial . Ronan : Phyllis Newman . Phyllis : Yes ? Ronan : Detective Malloy . I have a few more questions for you about the night of the murder . Victor : That s rather childish and pointless , Jack , since Michael Baldwin left the original with the courts . Jack : Michael can file it wherever he wants to . I am Kyle s father . Victor : And I m his guardian , as you just read , per his mother s wishes . I know that boy has been through a lot . I wo nt insist on taking him home with me , but eventually , he ll end up where he belongs . Jack : That boy is my flesh and blood . He has my genes . He has my name . Nothing s going to change that . Victor : I wonder if the courts will see it that way . Jack : How could the courts see it otherwise ? Victor : Because you know damn well that he was conceived without your knowledge , without your permission . You barely saw that boy ever since he was a baby , and when you did , you did it at Diane s discretion . Now as per her wishes , I m his guardian . All this is a moot point anyway if you ca nt take care of that boy . Jack : Who says I ca nt take care of him ? Victor : Might be pretty difficult to do from inside a cell in case you re convicted of his mother s murder . Tucker : You got a spy on me ? Is that how you know about the cops ? Kay : How does nt matter , Tucker . But if you re a murder suspect ... Tucker : Oh , you gon na show me the ropes ? You ve been down that road before , have nt you , Mrs. Chancellor ? Kay : If there s a reason the police are questioning you , then I need to know for the company s sake . Do you understand that ? Tucker : Oh , are you afraid , uh , McCall , Unlimited s gon na take a hit ? Its reputation might be damaged ? That happened the day you took over , Lady . But if you re accusing me of something-- Kay : I asked you a question , Tucker , damn it ! And I m entitled to ask it ! Tucker : You re not entitled to squat . Now get the hell out of my house . Ashley : ( Quietly ) Come on . Ashley : ( Gasps ) Phyllis : Well , look who s here . Ronan : It s me again . I just had a few things I needed to clear up with you . Phyllis : I told you everything I know about the night that Diane died . I told you everything . But maybe you re here to tell me a few things and give me an exclusive ? Ronan : ( Sighs ) Phyllis : Really ? You want to see your name in print ? Ronan : Mnh - mnh . Phyllis : Just so you know , we re going with fall fashions , so you do nt get to see your handsome face on the cover . Ronan : ( Sighs ) The night of the murder ... it was just you and Nick Newman here all night , right ? Phyllis : Right . That s a big yes . You could have asked me that on the phone . ( Sighs ) What s that ? Ronan : That ? That s a picture of evidence from the crime scene . Phyllis : It s a fingernail . I m sure you re running a D.N.A. test on that . Ronan : ( Chuckles ) I would , but its fake-- acrylic , actually . But you already knew that , did nt you ? Phyllis : You should talk to Jill Abbott . She knows fingernails . I know computers and magazines . You know , things like that . Ronan : Yeah . Phyllis : Yeah . But , honestly , I would nt have pegged this for an acrylic nail . Ronan : Come on , Phyllis . See , we both know that this is yours . ( Sighs ) And I need you to explain to me how it ended up in the vicinity of a corpse . See , like I said , just between you and me right now . Or if you want , it could be between you and a grand jury later . Nick : Ashley ? Ashley : Nicholas ? Nick : What are you doing out here ? Ashley : Not sneaking up on people . Nick : I m not sneaking up on you . Ashley : Well , then why are you here ? I m not gon na say anything else until you answer me . Phyllis : So you want to talk to me about fingernails . Is that it ? Specifically a fingernail that you found in a park ? Ronan : A fingernail I found near a murder victim . Phyllis : So this one fingernail that could have been there for months , maybe years , magically you assume is mine ? Is that what it is ? Okay , yeah , I ll play along . So what little I do know about acrylic nails is that they re glued to someone s real nail , so I assume you ran a D.N.A. test and came up with nothing , so you re here late at night fishing , right , Detective ? Ronan : ( Chuckles ) Phyllis : Is this why you came back to town ? Because it does nt seem very worth it to me . Ronan : Okay . You said that you had these done the day before you and Nick pulled an all - nighter , right ? Phyllis : You want to hold my hand , Detective ? Is that what you want to do ? You better buy me dinner and drinks first . I ll be honest with you , it s still not gon na happen . Ronan : Jill Abbott s retired , but I did talk to the woman who did your manicure . She s seen some torn - up nails in her days , but yours ? ( Exhales sharply ) Nails ripped off , the paint was chipped . There was dirt just shoved all up under there . But you were a good tipper , so you have that going for you . I have it all in her sworn statement that she gave me , including the day that she got this so , so , so sexy shade of pink , which was the day after the Diane Jenkins murder . So that means you lied to me , Phyllis . Now why would you do that , Phyllis ? Phyllis : I shaved my legs this morning . You want to talk to my razor ? Ronan : That s not the only lie you ve told me , is it ? No , it s not . Your sworn statement s filled with lies . So now s your chance , right now , to come clean . You can start with that lie about how you did nt go to the park after Diane texted you , cause you were there , were nt you ? Yeah , you were there . That s probably where you got your-- your manicure all messed up ... after you grabbed that rock and bashed her head in with it . Kay : You may not like what I ve done or how I have done it , but my job is to protect McCall , Unlimited , even if it does hurt your precious pride . Tucker : ( Chuckles ) Hurt ? ( Exhales sharply ) Man . You ca nt hurt me , Lady . But you sure as hell can piss me off-- the way you used my own living will as an excuse to stage a coup ? Kay : Oh , the judge thinks you need me . Do you understand that ? Tucker : Well , that judge can take a flying leap . Kay : Did you tell the police that ? Tucker : ( Sighs ) Kay : You can take a flying leap ? Tucker : You re a dog with a bone , are nt you ? You have to be in every little bit of my business . All right , your friend Detective Malloy was here . Kay : Ronan ? R - Ronan is here , for this case ? Tucker : Yeah . There s another dog with a bone . He likes to throw his weight around . Now apparently Diane texted a bunch of people the night she died . Most likely , some of your nearest and dearest were on the receiving end . Malloy followed up . Kay : What did you say to him ? Tucker : I told him the truth . I was here all night . Ashley verified . Kay : ( Sighs ) Okay . Tucker : Okay . You got your information . ( Sighs ) Now get out . Kay : Well , I hope that s all there is to this ... Tucker : ( Sighs ) Kay : Because I warn you-- should it come back to haunt the company , I promise you , Tucker , I will-- Tucker : ( Sighs ) ( Inhales sharply ) ( Sighs ) Ahh . ( Sighs ) Jack : You think they re gon na haul me in for Diane s murder ? You re the one she had arrested on domestic abuse charges . You re the one who tried to skip town . Yeah , even I bought that garbage about you looking for Nikki . You were just trying to cover your butt , trying to get away with murder-- again . Victor : I seem to recall that you caused quite a ruckus with Diane at Gloworm when you could nt find Kyle . Jack : So what ? It was nt my business that was tanked by being lured into an ambulance . Victor : And then you became infuriated once you found out that Diane had sent Kyle away , which perhaps motivated you to kill her . Jack : You keep it up . You ll see how far I ll go to protect my boy . Kyle : Dad ? What s goin on ? Phyllis : That s a lovely visual about the victim . Thank you for that . Ronan : What , you did nt look at Diane s lifeless body after you murdered her ? Why not ? Too upset that your nails were broken ? Phyllis : I messed up my nails potting flowers . Ronan : Flowers ? ( Laughs ) That s fantastic . I mean , that s fantastic . I knew you were funny , but that s -- that s above and beyond . Phyllis : My kid likes sunflowers . Ronan : Right . So after you had a long , hard , all - nighter with Nick , you just ran home to help your kid pot flowers ? Phyllis : I did nt Run home . Ronan : Really ? Well , considering that You called the nail salon in a panic at about 8 : 00 A.M. for an emergency Mani , well , then I would assume that you were potting flowers with your kid at , what , 7 : 00 A.M. ? Phyllis : When are you leaving town again , Detective ? In the dark of the night , absconding with another vital internal organ ? Ronan : I d be happy to stop by your penthouse , Mary , and see how your garden grows . Phyllis : If you stop by my penthouse , you better have a warrant , because I m done with this investigation , and I m done with you . Ronan : Ohh , I thought we were just getting to know each other . Phyllis : I have work to do . Ronan : Okay . It s okay . I can take a hint . But I just want to be clear about a couple things real fast . I do think something happened that night . I do think that you went to the park after Diane texted you , and I do think things got messy , and what just happened between us here right now-- you just jumped up a couple notches on my suspect list , okay ? And that s all on the record , so you can quote me on that . Phyllis : Pick up , Nick . Pick up . Pick up . Pick up . Nick : We re at a crime scene in the middle of the night . I do nt think either one of us is out here for a leisurely stroll . Ashley : I lost something . Nick : Your phone ? You think you misplaced it here ? Ashley : Did you want to say something ? Nick : I m lookin for your phone , too . Ashley : So you said to yourself , I m gon na go look for Ashley s phone at a murder scene ? Nick : I saw your car parked by the curb . I thought I d come and help . You were here that night that Diane died , were nt you ? Ashley : That must have been some voice mail you left on my cell phone . The kind of voice mail you do nt want the cops to find out about . Nick : I do nt know what s on your phone , but I m sure it s not good . Ashley : Maybe the police already have my phone and Ronan Malloy is just biding his time before he comes at me again . Nick : ( Sighs ) I had a visit , too . Look , I do nt think we should be here talking about this . How about a cup of coffee ? Ashley : ( Sighs ) Sure . Be careful . Parks and recreation has nt cleaned up the poison sumac yet . Tucker : Ashley , uh , I know you , uh , ca nt find your cell phone , so I m trying your room . ( Sighs ) Katherine was here asking about Malloy and his questions . I told her the truth-- that I was here all night with you . ( Sighs ) I got some other things I want to tell you , but it s too much to leave on a message , all right ? Will you just , uh , give me a call when you get this ? ( Sighs ) ( Sighs ) ( Sighs ) ( Sighs ) Jack : Hey , I - I thought you d gone to bed . Kyle : I needed some water . You guys are still talking ? It s pretty late . Victor : We re just-- it s a business talk , Son , okay ? Nothing for you to worry about . You just get some rest . If you need anything , just call . You can count on me , all right ? Jack : It s late . Victor was just showing himself out . Victor : I ll see you soon , and we ll have plenty of time to talk about everything , all right ? Nice to see you again . Jack : So what do you say we go on upstairs ? I ll tuck you in . Come on . Kyle : You guys were talkin about Mom . What do you know about how she was killed ? Victor : Thank you for coming , Michael . ( Sighs ) Michael : Is this about Diane ? Victor : Indirectly . Jack is now aware that Diane wants me to assume custody of Kyle . Michael : I m sure that went well . Victor : Well , I told him that for the time being , uh , Kyle could stay with him , but eventually , he needs to be where he belongs . Michael : With you ? Victor : Yeah . Michael : Victor , Kyle just lost his mother , his one constant throughout his life , and now you want to get the courts involved and disrupt this child s life even more ? Victor : I m simply following what it said in the document . Diane Jenkins wanted me to assume custody of that boy . That s all . You got ta make it happen . Kyle : You and Victor got kind of loud . Jack : What d you hear ? Kyle : Not a lot . Mom s name . Jack : Well , Victor and I are both pretty upset about what happened to your mom . And , you know , voices get raised and-- Kyle : Why wo nt you just tell me what you said ? Jack : Because it was a whole lot of nothing . Kyle : Was it about the person who did this to Mom ? Jack : Yeah , we-- we batted around a couple of theories . Kyle : Like who ? Who would want to hurt her ? Jack : Kyle , when you were a little boy , I never got to spend as much time with you as I wanted . Now you re ... almost a man , and I suspect time will go a lot faster now . Chances are , you re gon na see some things online and in the newspapers ... ( Sighs ) About your mom and what happened to her . Or kids in the schoolyard are gon na be talking . Kyle : Like what ? Like more than one person hating my mom ? I already know that . I m not stupid . Jack : No , I know you-- of course you re not . No , I m talking about the investigation , and I do nt know everything , but I do know that a lot of people are being questioned about what happened the night your mother was ... killed . Kyle : You mean suspects . Jack : Well , no ... ( Stammers ) Not suspects . More people who may or may not have some information . But in that group are some people you know , people you care about , people you love . Kyle : Dad , are you one of them ? Do the cops think you killed Mom ? Man : Malloy ? Ronan : Mm - hmm . Man : You ve got a visitor . Ronan : Cover it up . Kay : You have the audacity to come back here after what you did ? Nick : So I was there that night at the park that Diane died , if you have nt figured that part out . Ashley : It kind of occurred to me . Nick : Diane had lost it on me twice by then . She d act like we were a couple , ask me for money . It needed to end . Ashley : So what happened ? Nick : Well , we had it out at the park , and then , uh , when it was over , I noticed that my phone had accidentally called yours . Ashley : Oh , no . Oh ... Nick : So chances are , there s some pretty funky stuff on your voice mail . How d you lose your phone ? Ashley : I d had a really bad day . Diane was making threats against somebody that I love , and , uh , I was nt happy about it . So I went to the park to discuss it with her . Nick : And that s when you lost your phone was during your ... conversation ? Ashley : What if the police found my phone ? What if they know that I was there ? What -- what if they listen to the message ? Nick : All right , we ca nt jump to anything just yet . Right now , this is just between you and me . Phyllis : ( Sighs ) Is this why you needed to leave so quickly ? Ronan : I m sure that you ve already heard , but there s been a violent murder in your friendly little Midwest town here . I m here working the case . Kay : Well , I m sure you have deep sympathy for the victim-- or the murder victim . Uh , your victims-- Nina , Chance , and whoever else gave you the benefit of the doubt . Kay : I am talking to you . Ronan : You re talking . You know what ? Maybe it s because I did nt grow up here , but I do nt feel the need to kiss your ring every time you walk into a room . Kay : I m not -- not about to leave until you give me an explanation as to why you left the way you did . Ronan : Well , then you re gon na be waiting a while . Kay : You disappeared without a word . I think that s just disgusting . Oh , by the way , did you know that Chance reenlisted ? Ronan : ( Sighs ) Well , Chance is a good man . Kay : And you re a snake . Ronan : Yeah , that s it , a snake with a job to do . Kay : That s it ? I mean , no answers , apologies , uh , explanations , none of that ? Ronan : No , none . I m fresh out . Kay : I ca nt stand the sight of you . Nick : Uh , I just came by for something to drink . Ashley had the same idea . Ashley : Yeah . Anyway , I should get going . It s good to see you both . Nick : Yeah . Bye . Ashley : Bye . Phyllis : Okay , um , listen , answer your phone sometimes . And , um , also , Malloy came to the magazine office , and he was all in my face about finding a missing nail at the crime scene , and he decided it s mine . Nick : All right , he s just trying to play games with everyone that Diane sent a text to . He s trying to find something that sticks . Ashley : ( Gasps ) Hi . Tucker : Hi . Jack : I am not going anywhere . I m not being arrested . I m not being taken away from you , and I will not let anyone or anything take you from me . Kyle : You said stuff will be online . Jack : Yeah . Yeah , some pretty nasty things are gon na get said about a lot of people . Kyle : Including Mom ? Jack : Including Mom . And you re gon na have to do your very best to ignore it all . They re theories . They re speculations . And the more outrageous , the more they get printed . The bigger lies , the more hits there are on that web page . But when the police are certain they have the right person ... Kyle : Then the person will be arrested . They ll nail whoever hurt my mom . Jack : Yes . They will . They will . Michael : You re going to go to war with Jack now ? How is that the best thing for his son ? Victor : You and I both know that Diane always wanted me to be the father of that boy . She could nt do it biologically , so she did it legally . She knew damn well that I would provide stability . I ll be a father that he can rely on . Michael : Well , Jack was nt overly involved in Kyle s life before , but he s been consistent since Diane came back to town . Victor : He can not be a good father from behind bars , can he now ? Michael : You think he ll be arrested ? Victor : Do you know how furious he was when he found out that Diane had sent that boy away without informing Jack ? That s motive for murder . Michael : Jack s not the only one with a motive . Victor : Of course not . Plenty of others . Tucker : I left a message for you at the club . Ashley : What happened to your wrist ? Tucker : Uh , it s , uh , maybe carpal tunnel . Katherine came by . Ashley : What did she want ? Tucker : You know , she found out the cops had talked to me . She probably wanted more ammunition to stand between me and my own company . Ashley : Did she get it ? The ammunition ? Tucker : You and I were together the night Diane died , just like we told Malloy . Ashley : That s right . So she can back the hell off . Tucker : Ashley , come on home . Ashley : I ca nt . Please do nt ask me again . Ronan : Fake nail . Real liar . No D.N.A. evidence , huh ? There s got ta be a way to link this back to Phyllis Newman . Nick : You know , I can call the D.A. s office . Phyllis : What , and tell em to back off ? Nick : It s worth a shot . Phyllis : I do nt need protecting , because I did nothing wrong . Nick : Well , I m just trying to help . Phyllis : I know you are . Thank you . I know . Listen , my point , um , is if Malloy thinks I was wandering around that night , that makes me a liar . It makes us both liars , and we have no alibi . I mean , not that ... we need an alibi , cause we both did nothing wrong . You know , I - I just-- that s why I came here to tell you . Nick : Thanks for the heads - up . I appreciate it . Phyllis : See you tomorrow . Nick : ( Sighs ) Good night . Nick : Hello ? I will kill you before I let you hurt them again . Do you hear me ? I ll kill you . Deacon : ( Chuckles ) Honey , I saw what you did . ( Sighs ) Jack : Hey . What do you say we go upstairs ? I ll get you tucked in . You know , I can sit in the chair there , hang out till you fall asleep . Kyle : It does nt matter . Jack : You re not alone . You hear me ? You re not alone . It s not always going to be like this . It ll get better . Kyle : No . It wo nt . Michael : I ll be in touch regarding Kyle and any information my contact at the D.A. s office might have about Diane s case . Victor : Well , I ll be very interested to see what they come up with . Meanwhile , thanks for coming by . Good night . Michael : Good night . Victor : ( Taps tabletop ) Victoria : Billy left because you took Delia away from him . Chloe : Yeah , and he tanked his life because you broke his heart . Deacon : Diane pissed off so many people . I m just trying to figure out if you re one of em . Victor : You ought to be able to lift Adam s fingerprints off it , and by dinnertime , he ll be in jail . ### Summary:
Jack tells Victor he will never take Kyle away from him no matter what the document Diane signed says and Victor tells Jack it will be hard to take care f Kyle if he is in jail for killing Diane . Ronan questions Phyllis again and tells her that he has a sworn statement from her manicurist which says that her nails were broken and dirty when she came in to have them fixed the day after Diane s murder . Phyllis tells Ronan that her nails were dirty because she was potting sunflowers with Summer but Ronan says she had to have done that at 7 AM because the manicurist says that she came in to fix her nails at 8 AM . Nick calls Ashley and wonders if she has deleted her messages and Ashley tells him she lost her phone and got another one then Ashley recalls losing her phone at the park the night Diane was killed . Nick later meets with Ashley and tells her that he met with Diane at the park and they had a heated conversation and after he left he noticed that his phone had accidentally called her so she might have some weird stuff on that message . Ashley tells Nick that she also had a heated confrontation with Diane that night and lost her phone . Nick later gets a call in which he hears himself tell Diane that he will kill her before he lets her hurt his family . Tucker has a rash from poison sumac that is in the park and he puts alcohol on it and covers it with a bandage . Katherine is worried that Tucker being a suspect in Diane s murder could hurt his company but he tells her he was with Ashley that night so everything is fine . Ronan ca nt find any DNA evidence on the fake nail but he has proof that Phyllis is lying so she moves up on the list of suspects . Phyllis tells Nick about her conversation with Ronan and he tells her he will talk to the DA so Ronan will stop bothering her . Michael tries to persuade Victor not to take Kyle away from Jack but he is determined to enforce the agreement Diane signed and bee Kyle s guardian . Katherine ca nt stand to look at Ronan after he refuses to explain why he left so suddenly after his surgery . Victor looks at Diane s picture in the newspaper and remembers standing at the stream in the park and looking down and seeing Dianne s lifeless body in the stream .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Brooke : You do nt have to stay . Deacon : I got nowhere I got to be . Brooke : It s valentine s day . I m sure Quinn is waiting . Deacon : I have a little time . Brooke : I kept [ Sighs ] Saying this to myself , saying that it was just another day , but you know what ? It s not . It s not just another day . People are out . They re celebrating their relationships . They re enjoying each other . They re toasting and hugging and kissing and loving each other , and here I am . I m here -- alone . I do nt want to be alone . Wyatt : [ Sighs ] Mom . Quinn : Can I come in ? Wyatt : That depends ... on what you have hidden behind your back . Quinn : It s a mix of your favorite . Wyatt : Somebody shoot me . Bill : Okay ! That s my boy ! Liam : What ? Bill : Not letting some sappy fake holiday pull you away from work . I thought for sure I was gon na walk in here and you were gon na be gone , out buying overpriced flowers . Liam : Yeah , yeah , yeah . No , that s the next step . First I got to finish this poem . Bill : Excuse me ? Liam : Help me out . What s a word that rhymes with love ? Bill : You got to be kidding me . Liam : Yes , dad . I m kidding with you -- although Ivy probably would appreciate a poem . Bill : No . No . Even if women say they want the poem , it s not true . It s all about jewelry -- specifically , diamonds -- which is why I had my boy Phil the jeweler in my office today . I ve already picked something beautiful out for Katie . Liam : Nice . Bill : So , um ... you hanging out with Ivy later ? Liam : I am . Why ? Bill : Oh , I do nt know . I just , uh -- well , Steffy s in town , so I just was nt sure brunette Forrester you may be spending your time with . Steffy : You want me to join Liam ? Ivy : Yes . Steffy : He really told you that ? Ivy : Steffy , I support this plan . Look , at first , I was a little thrown because it seems drastic , but I ve seen the way that Rick is running this company . If I had the power to change things , I would . Liam : Very subtle . I m -- I m proud of you . I thought you liked Ivy . Bill : I do if you do . Liam : I do . I do -- very much . By the way , I told her about our plan . Bill : Taking over Forrester ? Liam : Yeah . Bill : Liam , are you out of your mind ? ! Steffy : I m just a little surprised you re backing a takeover . Ivy : Trust me -- you would not be surprised if you ve seen how Rick s been treating me , and not just here at the office but at home , as well . Steffy : But if that were nt the case , you d still support Liam , right ? Ivy : Uh , meaning ? Stephanie : Meaning , obviously , you two are close . So , is that why you re here ? You re here to give me a message ? Ivy : I did nt even know that you were here at Forrester . It s just ... I m here with you now , and I thought I would take this opportunity to try and tell you how I feel . Steffy , find a way to make it work . You and Liam in charge -- that s exactly what this company needs . Wyatt : Well done , mom . Not a nut in the bunch . Quinn : I told you they re your favorite . Wyatt : Mm . Quinn : I know my son . Wyatt : And I know you , mom . Quinn : Mm - hmm . Wyatt : You did nt come here just to give me a valentine , so what do you want ? Quinn : I just did nt want you to be alone , that s all . Wyatt : Sorry your wife left you -- here s a box of chocolates ? Quinn : Something like that . Wyatt : Mm . Do nt worry about me . I m moving on . I have no choice . You should probably go home , though . Deacon s waiting for you . Quinn : No . He went to Brooke s . Brooke : All of the years ... the men ... the relationships ... I never thought I would be alone . Deacon : Hey . You ll never be alone ... cause you can always turn to me . Bill : I just told you yesterday you can not talk to Ivy or anybody else about the takeover ! Liam : Dad , Ivy s not gon na go running her mouth to Rick , okay ? And , besides , she s one of the reasons I m pursuing this in the first place , although at this point , I do nt even know if I m gon na pull it off anymore . Bill : What are you talking about ? Why not ? Liam : Steffy . Bill : So she did nt say yes yet ! You re a Spencer ! Get her on board ! Oh , Liam , come on . You re not naive enough to think that she was just gon na hand her shares over to us right away , are you ? Liam : No . No . Of course not , but -- Bill : Then what s the problem ? Why are nt you going ahead with your plan ? Ivy : Take your shares and Thomas . Add them to what bill is allowing Liam to use , and you guys are well and truly on your way to taking over Forrester . I mean , you could get us out from underneath Rick s thumb . Ivy : Yeah , maybe , but I have my father to consider . He s still might want to run Forrester . Ivy : I mean , does he really , though ? I mean , should nt he just be focusing on designing ? He seems pretty happy working with Caroline right now . Which is something I m sure you re thrilled about . Steffy : You know what ? I do nt mind the teamwork . It s their relationship that s ridiculous . If anything , that encourages me to go for the takeover . Ivy : Are you sure there s nothing else holding you back ? Steffy : As in what , Ivy ? Ivy : I just mean is there anything else that could be holding you back from wanting to run a company with Liam ? Steffy : Because I am still in love with him -- is that what you mean ? Brooke : Ready for another ? Deacon : Uh , no . Uh , thanks , though . Brooke : Oh , go ahead . I m sure Quinn does nt mind the smell of alcohol . Deacon : Yeah , but I got to drive home , and I m kind of afraid the cops might . Brooke : Well , you can just stay here . I mean , we got plenty of rooms . Deacon : I appreciate that , but , uh ... Brooke : Oh , I know . No , this is perfect . You call Quinn and she can come over , and you and Quinn and I -- really , I m serious -- we can stay here , and we can tell stories about Hal-- not Halloween . Valentine stories . Deacon : Maybe you need to take it easy and make this your last one , okay ? Brooke : No . Deacon : I -- [ Sighs ] Brooke : Oh , wait . Did I tell you about the , uh -- the engagement ? Deacon : Uh , no . Brooke : Bill and Katie . They re -- they re engaged . Deacon : Well , that s good , right ? I mean , that s what you wanted . Brooke : Yeah . Deacon : Well , I mean , last time we talked , you had a plan in mind with a certain designer , and I think maybe you re feeling a little lonely tonight , so maybe it s a good time to put operation get Ridge back in effect . Brooke : [ Laughs ] Yeah . No , I do nt -- Ridge turned me down . He just wants to be with Caroline , so ... Brooke : I do nt -- I do nt know . I mean , that is Rick s wife . Really , I do nt -- I just do nt understand what is wrong with this family . Deacon : Look , forget about Ridge . The guy s - he s a fool . You re talking about family ? Brooke , we have a family . Quinn : Truth is ... I do nt trust Brooke . I mean , she can use Deacon s concern for hope to ... Wyatt : What , seduce him ? Quinn : Yeah . Wyatt : Okay . You do nt trust Brooke . I get that . But my question to you is , do you trust Deacon ? Quinn : He stood by me ... through more than most men would , so , yes , I trust Deacon . Deacon : Why do nt you sit down ? I ll put you down right over here , okay ? Right -- right -- there you go . Brooke : Ohh . Deacon : Is that better ? Brooke : Better ? Hmm . No , I do nt know . I think I felt better standing . Deacon : You want some coffee ? Brooke : You want me to stay up all night ? Deacon : Okay . Uh ... maybe what we ll do is go with some water . Give me that . Brooke : Ooh . Ahh . [ Chuckles ] Deacon : Listen ... we have a daughter together . That makes us family . So , if you re ever having another night like this , you can always turn to me . Brooke : My drinking buddy . Deacon : Yeah , well ... it s the best kind of drinking buddy -- the kind who knows to tell you when you ve had enough . Brooke : Ohh . Wow . I ve always had a man to come home to ... to share a bed with . And now I ... I do nt know . I - I did nt think I needed that . I do nt want to need that , you know . I do nt want to need that . It s just ... I m so ... lonely . Deacon : It s okay . Brooke : [ Sighs ] Lonely . Bill : I m telling you right now , once Steffy sees what s going on at that company , it s not gon na take much to convince her to fix it . She s no fan of Rick s . Liam : I know . I know she s not . I know that . But there s an emotional price to pay for her coming back and working with me , and I m not sure she s ready to do that . Bill : Did she say something to you ? Liam : Yeah . Yes . Yes . She said something . She says she ca nt go through with this . She ca nt run Forrester side by side with me as long as all we are to each other is co - workers . I mean , there s a reason she stayed in paris as long as she did , dad . Bill : She still loves you . Liam : Yes . Yes . She does . Bill : Wait a minute . Are you telling me that if the two of you were together , that Steffy would sell us her shares ? Liam : [ Scoffs ] Bill : Liam ! Liam : Dad , I m not -- I m not going there , all right ? I m not opening up that can of worms again , and , in fact -- I do nt know -- maybe I should just forget about the whole thing . Bill : Maybe you should forget about that plant . Liam : Plant ? What -- oh , Ivy ? Oh , that s cute . That s real cute . Bill : Okay , look -- she s perfectly nice , okay ? I have nothing against her . But , Liam , it s a new relationship . It does nt compare to what you had with Steffy . Liam : Ohh . Bill : And -- and -- if there was any chance that the two of you can get back to where you were , this time both as a couple and running that company , you ve got to do it . Ivy : I understand how hard it must be for you to come back to L.A. And to work so closely with Liam and to see him and I together . I mean , Steffy , I promise I wo nt flaunt our relationship in front of you . Liam wants this . He wants to make a big difference here at Forrester , and I believe he can . Steffy : I believe in him , too . I married him . I was expecting a child with him . Ivy : Okay . So why not run a company together ? Ivy : Because I just came here for a quick visit . I wanted to see some friends . I was nt expecting Liam to offer this . This is hard to process , okay , Ivy ? I need time to think about this move -- what it would do for me and my dad . If I come back and lead this company with Liam -- we are working together long hours -- you would nt feel weird about that ? You would nt feel threatened ? Ivy : No , not -- not at all . I trust Liam . And I trust his feelings for me . Come back , Steffy . Run Forrester Creations . Steffy : Ivy , I got to say , I am impressed with your confidence . But I do nt think you understand the extent of my relationship with Liam , the depth of our feelings . Ivy : [ Scoffs ] Yeah . You re probably right . I ll never really know what kind of relationship you and Liam had , but I do know what we have . So , I think it might be you who , unfortunately , does nt know the depth of feelings . Steffy : If I return to los Angeles , I will not sit front row to you and Liam . I will not run this company and work all day with Liam -- he s the man that I love -- and watch him go home with you . If I come back , I come back to all of it . Liam : You want me to go back to Steffy ? Bill : You would be with the woman you were always meant to be with . Liam : Dad , Ivy -- Bill : Ivy loses a boyfriend , and a new one at that . Big deal . Look , you d be doing her a favor . Her family s company will no longer be hell on earth . I m telling you that , in time , not only will she understand , she will thank you . You can not give up on your idea of taking over Forrester . Do nt give up on this takeover . You had good reasons for pursuing it in the first place . We get control of Forrester ... and all the Spencers benefit . Deacon : Okay , I found em . Deacon : You should , uh , take two of these . It s gon na help with the hangover tomorrow . There you go . Brooke : Thank you . Deacon : Okay . Get a good night s sleep . You re gon na feel better . No , no , no , no , no , no , no . You re gon na take it with water . Brooke : Yeah . Okay . Just -- this is what I need . I just need aspirin , water , sleep . I ll be fine tomorrow . Really , I will . It s -- it s okay at work . It s just -- it s here at night is ... Deacon : Okay . Well , let s -- let s change things up with the night , then . I mean , if you start feeling like this again , call me or call your sisters . You can call Bridget or hope , Rick or R.J. I mean , Brooke , we all care about you . You ca nt drink away the loneliness . Believe me , I ve tried . It only helps in the moment . You want me to check on you later ? Brooke : No . No . Really , just go . Go . I ve taken up enough of your time already . Go back to Quinn . Have a good evening . Come on . Deacon : Okay . Brooke : Thank you . [ Sighs ] Mnh . Mnh . [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ] [ Groans softly ] [ Sighs ] ### Summary:
Brooke tells Deacon that it is Valentine s Day and she is sure Quinn is waiting so he should go . He says he has a little time . She says she tried to convince herself that it is any other day but couples are together and out kissing and hugging and yet here she is alone . Quinn knocks on Wyatt s door and asks if she can come in . He says that depends on what she has behind her back . She brings out a huge red Valentine heart shaped box of candy . Bill tells Liam despite what women say , it is jewelry they crave and he has already had his jeweler by this morning and picked something out for Katie . He wonders Liam s plans with Ivy considering Steffy is back in town . Liam confesses he told Ivy about their plans . Bill says he is out of his mind . Steffy is surprised to hear Ivy say she is along with their plan to take over FC . Steffy says she still has her dad to consider . He might want to still run FC . Ivy says he seems happy with just designing with Caroline . Maybe there is another reason that Steffy is hesitating .and they end up discussing Liam . Wyatt enjoys the chocolates but says he has no choice in his life but to move on . And he is sure she did not stop by just to bring him some candy . Brooke tells Deacon that after all these years she did not think she would be alone . He turns down a drink since he is driving .she says he can stay here if he d like , plenty of room . He tries to get her to make this her last drink but she grabs another . Deacon tells her that Ridge is a fool so forget him and if she wants to talk about family , they have one . Quinn tells Wyatt that she does not trust Brooke and that is where Deacon is . Wyatt reminds her that she can trust Deacon though . She admits yes that she does trust him , more than she does any other man . Deacon gets Brooke to sit down and offers her coffee or some water which he trades off for her drink . He tells her that she can always count on him . She calls him her drinking buddy , then says she has always had a man to come home to and share a bed with . She does not want to need that , but she is so lonely . She leans on his shoulder . Liam tells Bill that there is an emotional price for Steffy to pay and he is not sure she is ready for that yet . Bill guesses that she is still in love with Liam and if he were with her that she would sell them their shares . Maybe it is time to forget that plant ( Ivy ) . He s got to do it if there is any chance . Ivy says she thinks Steffy can make a difference and she and Liam can run the company together . Steffy says she has no idea what this might do to her father . And she would think Ivy would feel threatened for them to work such long hours . Ivy says no , she would not feel threatened at all as she trusts Liam , so please come back and run FC . Steffy is impressed with Ivy s confidence but she does nt think Ivy understands the depth of her and Liam s feelings . She says she will not work all day with Liam and then watch him go home with Ivy . If she comes back she will come back to all of it . Bill tries to convince Liam that he needs to be back with Steffy , the woman he was supposed to be with . She will thank him so do not give up on this . Get control of FC and all the Spencer s will benefit . Deacon gives Brooke some aspirin and says she will sleep better now . He tells her to get a good night s sleep and she can always call him or her sisters . The drink will only help for the moment . She gives him a hug and convinces him to go back to Quinn and have a good evening . When he leaves , she puts down the aspirin and water and goes for the booze again .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Hope : Oh , my gosh . Aiden : Hey . Hope : Hi . I am so sorry . It look longer than expected . Aiden : Oh , no problem . Hope : No problem ? You sure ? Because when I was coming around the corner , it looked like you did have a problem . Aiden : Uh , well ... you know how we ve been round and round about keeping our professional lives separate ? Hope : I do , yes . Aiden : Well , I know I m going to sound like a hypocrite here , but , um ... I need some information ... cop to lawyer . Hope : Clyde Weston , right ? Sonny : The truth is , the things that have gone wrong for us , a lot of it was my fault , not yours . Will : S - Sonny , no , that is nt true . Sonny : Okay , let me explain . Of course , you re responsible for what you did . But I need to take responsibility for what I did too . Will : Are you -- are you talking about Paul ? Sonny : No , you ... and everything I ve done to you from the very beginning . Serena : Look , Roman , I - I understand . Right now I m holed up in my hotel room . Roman : Not leaving town . Serena : Not leaving town . Roman : Serena , make sure you stick with that . Serena : I know that you do nt think much of me right now , but when I make a promise , I-- Roman ? Roman ? Ugh . [ Sighs ] Victor : Listen , Daniel , I m sorry I did nt get back to you before today . I know you left a slew of messages . Daniel : Yeah , forget it . We re here now . Victor : Yeah , I m glad . So you two have really been through it the last couple of days , to say nothing of Eric and Nicole . Can I get you something ? Daniel : Yeah . Answers ... about Xander . Xander : Commissioner . So , uh , what s next for me ? My understanding is that within 24 hours , the police-- Roman : Shut up ! Just shut the hell up , you son of a bitch . You re not gon na get away with what you did to my son . Xander : I guess that means I m free to go . Nicole : I m almost ready , Daniel . You know , a girl needs a few more minutes to prepare before she-- Eric : We need to talk about what happened . Nicole : Yeah , okay . Well , what I d really like to concentrate on is , um ... look , we went through a really scary time , and we re still alive , still ticking and kicking , and is nt that what matters most ? Eric : What about the fact that we almost made love ? Roman : Okay , cook , Kiriakis , whatever the hell your name is , here s the deal . We ve got two victims that say you tried to kill them , and we have your alibi . Xander : Which I assume you checked . Abe : We did . And there are several people in Chicago who swear you were there all night . Roman : And if they re lying , they ll go down with you . Abe : We traced pings off cell towers showing that you used your phone when you were in Chicago . Roman : Or somebody did . Abe : And your credit card was swiped a couple times . So the upshot is the DA is not going forward at this time . Xander : Thank you , commander carver . Abe : You know , you re still a person of interest . We ve got eyes on you . Do nt leave town . Xander : I would nt think of it . And , please , give your son and miss walker my sympathies . Abe : Fella , if I were you , I would nt push my luck . Victor : Brady filled me in on what my nephew did . All I can say is it s hard to fathom and absolutely unforgivable . I understand the police have him in custody . Daniel : They do . Victor : And he s been charged ? Brady : He must have been by now . Daniel : I called the station , but they had nt gotten back to me . Victor : Well , still , you must be relieved . God knows I am . The man should nt be walking around free . Daniel : Well , that s why we came to talk to you , because you re the one who freed him . Nicole : What happened ... what almost happened ... well , it was -- it was complicated , right ? I mean , not-- I m not saying it s not important . I m -- what am I saying ? I m -- when we were fighting for our lives , things were so overwhelming . Eric : Yes , I know it s true . Nicole : But now ... I mean , thank God we re not in that position anymore . We can put that behind us and ... you know , we do nt have to worry about it anymore . We do nt have to think about it . Eric : [ Scoffs ] What are you trying to say ? You want me to just forget about it ? Nicole , we ca nt pretend we-- what we almost did never happened . I ca nt , and I wo nt do that . I will take beauty into my own hands ... where it belongs . Aiden : Why did you say Clyde Weston ? Hope : Because ... [ Sighs ] Because he s been a problem for us before . Aiden , when you brought up the idea of keep things separate and then-- Aiden : You jumped right to Weston , like you had information on him . I thought you said you stopped investigating him . Hope : I have . Aiden : Look , if there s something that you know , I m sure there s a-- Hope : Whoa , whoa . Try not to assume , okay ? Aiden : Then why is Weston the first person you thought of ? Hope : A little while ago , something fell into my lap about your client . I m sorry . I reacted the wrong way . Aiden : [ Sighs ] Okay , what fell in your lap ? Hope : Clyde Weston , your client .. had a meeting with Stefano DiMera . Sonny : Will , we love each other . Will : Yes . Sonny : We have a lot in common , but at the same time , we re very different . Will : Well ... okay . Sonny : I ve known who I am for a long time . I figured out who I was and how I felt . It s been a long time since I came out . I ve been able to live in the open . I ve traveled the world , had relationships . Will : You mean-- you mean Paul ? Sonny : No , not just pa-- that s what I m trying to say . It was very hard for you to come out , sometimes overwhelming . Will : But , Sonny , I had you . You were always there for me . Sonny : And that s what I m talking about . Anytime it was rough for you , you came to me for help . Will : And you were there . Sonny : Yes , I tried to be , but I also took advantage of you . Victor : You re not talking about the charges Alexandros was facing in Scotland ? Brady : Murder charges . Daniel : You helped him get it knocked down to simple misdemeanor . Victor : I wish to hell I had nt . Listen , you two did nt come here today thinking I had something to hide , did you ? Daniel : Do you ? Victor : Of course not . He was my nephew . He was a screwed - up kid . I just thought at the time that he needed a break . Daniel : So you had your lawyer file an appeal , promise he d leave the country . Victor : You take care of family , Daniel ... especially when they re young . If I d known how he was going to turn out , I d have let him rot . Brady : Granddad , whenever we talked about Xander , you were always very vague . Victor : I did nt think the details were important . Obviously , I was wrong . Daniel : I think it would be good to know that he was charged back then with first - degree murder . Victor : You know what s baffling ? Is that ever since then , he s been very good at following orders . I mean , when you two told me he was up to no good , I let him have it . I told him to leave Salem . Brady : Let me guess ... he promised that he would , right ? Victor : Well , obviously , he lied to me . Brady : Well , he s in custody now . Just do nt try to get your lawyers to help out this time , all right ? Victor : That bastard s on his own . Nicole : Eric , we can talk . Of course ... of course we can talk , and I just -- I want you to know , please , that what you said ... I was so happy , so grateful . I mean , just knowing that everything I did to hurt you , all the lies and all the horrible things you said about me and how-- listen ... and how you -- how you felt about me , how you thought about me ... the idea that all of that was gone ... Eric : I punished you . I punished you for way too long . I needed you to know that I was wrong . Nicole , I meant every word I said to you right before-- Nicole : I know , I know , before ... before we almost died ... when it was just ... just us ... and all those feelings ... they were so raw and so ... and then we almost ... okay , but now , I mean , this -- this time , this right-- Eric , the thing is ... look , we went through -- through a horrible time and just knowing that you cared , that s -- that s what kept me going . But I love Daniel . I do . I ... I want to be with Daniel , and I - I thought ... I thought you already knew that . Eric : I - I just thought we needed to talk it out . Nicole : And we are , I m glad we are . I m glad that you pushed this ... because it s given me a chance to ... to tell you how much you mean to me ... even if I still love Daniel more than I ever have . Eric , I hope you understand . You understand , right ? Aiden : You know what ? I do nt want to know anything more about what fell in your lap . Hope : Then you re in luck . That s all I ve got . Aiden : Okay , well , now maybe you can call off whoever you have following my client . Hope : Aiden , I am not having him followed . Aiden : No ? Hope : But DiMera , on the other hand , yes , he is always on our radar . Aiden : Fine . Hope : Okay , hold on a second . What ? You think I m lying ? You think I said I shut down the investigation when I did nt ? Hey ... we can either talk about this , or we ca nt . Aiden : We ca nt . Hope : Okay , fine . Then I consider it dropped . What should we have ? Aiden : You know what ? This was a bad idea . Hope : Wait a minute . Ah , ah ! Wait a second . No , no , no . You started off saying you wanted information , cop to lawyer , right ? You do nt get to walk away until you tell me what the heck is going on here . Will : Sonny , where the hell are you getting this stuff ? Sonny : No , okay-- Will : You never took advantage of me . Sonny : Hang on , okay ? Hang on . That did nt come out right . But I did make a mistake . And here s what I did wrong . I did nt know at the time , but , frankly , I should have been more responsible . We started this up , and I let it fall into a relationship . And I ll admit -- it was incredible that I was the first man -- the only man that you ve ever been with . Will : Sonny , I love you . You re the only man I ve ever loved . Sonny : But you slept with Paul . And you slept with that guy in Los Angeles . I m not mad at you . I m not blaming you , but something like that is not ndom . It means something that you slept with two other guys . It means that you were nt ready to get married . Serena : [ Sighs ] Xander : Hey . Serena : You re out . Xander : Free as a bird . See , I was in Chicago when Eric and Nicole were getting all toasty . Lots of people saw me and talked to me . I m solid . But that does nt mean I do nt have a problem . Serena : Meaning me , I guess . Xander : Saw that statement you gave to the police . Serena : How did you see my statement ? Xander : In it , you said that I was dangerous ... that I had a scary past , that maybe I had it in for Nicole and Eric . Luckily for you , you did nt get more specific than that . Serena : You mean lucky for you . Xander : When the cops come sniffing around again , Serena , and they will ... stick to facts . Skip whatever you think I might have been up to . Then you and I ll be just fine . Serena : Is that a promise ? Am I supposed to just forget about what you did to Eric ? Am I supposed to forget that you tried to kill the man that I love ? Xander : [ Chuckles ] Sorry . Yeah . The man you love-- I almost forgot . That s the other thing we have to discuss . I need to make something absolutely clear to you about Eric . Eric : Nicole , all I want is for you to be happy . I know it s strange ... you know , after all this time to finally ... have the chance to be open and honest with each other . Nicole : I know . Eric : So how do you want to tell Daniel about what happened ? I mean , it s going to hurt him pretty badly . Nicole : Well , I , uh-- I almost told him . But I was nt thinking straight . I had ... cobwebs in my head . And then I started to see things more clearly . And I thought to myself , why ... why would we tell him what we almost did ? Why would we hurt him ? I know that s not what we both want , right ? Eric ... let s keep this between us . Eric : You mean lie to him ? Nicole : Well , it s not lying if-- Eric : You mean you do nt want to tell Daniel something that important ? Nicole : But you re not understanding-- Eric : Nicole , I m not gon na do that . I ca nt . All the feelings that I ve had ... back when we were together ... they came rushing back to me . And I know you had the same feelings too . Nicole : Well , I-- Eric : Nicole , that was a very important moment for us . We almost-- Nicole : We did nt , though . We did nt . Eric : Nicole , I m not-- Nicole : No , Eric , we did nt ! And now we have to ask ourselves , what is the right thing to do ? Do we really want to hurt someone that we both love ... and tell him something that we did nt do ? The answer is very clear to me-- do nt say anything ... not to Daniel , not to anyone . Eric : Can you live with that ? Can you take the time that we had together ... what we were feeling ... and just put it in a box ... like it was meaningless to you ? Daniel : I think someone s ready to ditch this place . Brady : Hey , how about two people ? How s it going ? Aiden : [ Sighs ] I , um ... I have this case . Uh , there seems to be a lot of evidence against my client , but most of it came from a jailhouse snitch . Hope : Okay . Aiden : Yeah , this is a guy that you put behind bars , so I need anything I can get on the guy . Hope : To discredit him . Aiden : Right . Hope : Mm . Aiden : Which means ... I need you . Hope : [ Chuckles ] Aiden : Mm . Will : Sonny , that is so bogus . Do nt say things like that . It s not right . Sonny : Will , it s okay . Will : No , no , it s not okay , Sonny , and it s not true . I wanted to marry you . I want to stay married to you forever . Sonny : That s what I wanted too . But I did nt take into account what you needed ... before we got engaged , before we walked down the aisle , frankly , what you need now . Will : I do nt want to listen to this . Sonny : What do you want to do , will -- sweep everything underneath the rug , never face the truth ? We re gon na end up hating each other . Will : I could never hate you . Sonny : You could . And you will if we do nt face these problems , if we do nt solve these problems . Will : That s what we re doing , Sonny . We are facing this . We will solve whatever . Forget Myers . You never liked that guy . From now on , you pick the therapist . How about that ? Sonny : I want to understand what s going on today . I do nt want to push this into some future therapy session . Will : I m not trying to avoid what you re saying , Sonny . I m not . Sonny : Will , you know what happened when I found out that you slept with that guy in la ? The first thing I wanted to do was find Paul and sleep with him . Xander : True love is a wonderful thing . It makes life worth living . Serena : Stop . Xander : It also makes people do some really stupid things ... like when you told Eric about the diamonds . Serena : I had-- Xander : Shut up and listen . I realize that you thought you were protecting poor Eric the innocent . But you were nt , were you ? It s not smart , Serena . Now Daniel knows , Nicole knows , the police know . It s gon na make some of my business dealings much more difficult . Serena : You cant-- Xander : I m not going to tell you to shut up again ! Here s the good news . There s no proof . It s my word against your lies . All the emails have been wiped clean . That thing does nt look like it s worth anything anymore . In fact , the only thing that s left is that fat stack of cash sitting in your account . But you signed those contracts to write articles for my pharma company , so that covers that . [ Inhales sharply ] In fact , the only thing that is nt covered is your big mouth . Serena : I wo nt say anything . Xander : Oh , I really hope you mean that . It seemed to come out awfully fast , did nt it ? So I ll make you this promise . If anything about my business ventures makes it from your mouth into a police file , I ll know about it . And I ll go after Eric ... not you , him . Serena : Please do nt ... Xander : I know that you are just dying to redeem yourself in his priestly eyes . But your first priority , first and foremost , should be to make sure there s still an Eric for you to redeem yourself to . Okay ? I hope I have nt been ... [ Sighs ] Vague . Daniel : I went by the front desk , and I was told that Kayla signed some release forms . Brady : You are finally good to go . Nicole : We were just talking about what happened and how lucky we are to be alive . Brady : Going over it in your mind has to be upsetting . I mean , the thoughts and the feelings and the fears that you had ... Eric : I m glad you re all good , Nicole . Thanks again for everything , guys . I m gon na go get some fresh air . So , if you ll excuse me .... Brady : Is he okay ? Nicole : Like I said , we shared a lot . You know , it s hard to deal with . Daniel : Yeah , no kidding . Brady : Uh , I m gon na catch up with him , see if I can talk to him a little bit . Nicole : I think he s pretty talked out . Brady : Just in case . Nicole : Okay . Brady : See ya . Nicole : What ? Daniel : You still care about Eric a lot . I see it in your eyes . Nicole : Yeah . Okay , well , I mean , I m ready to go , if you ... Daniel : Wait . Wait , wait , wait . You know , I ve been thinking . Nicole : Hmm ? Daniel : It s great that you re getting out of here . But why go home and be alone ? Why not come to my place ? Nicole : Just for tonight ? Daniel : I was thinking ... for good . Hope : Martin OLeary . Aiden : Mm - hmm . Hope : [ Scoffs ] Yeah , I remember him . I forgot what we finally charged him with , but , uh , he was a real con artist . Talked a blue streak , definitely willing to say anything he thought might help his case . Aiden : Yeah , that s what I was thinking . Hmm . Hope : I ll text you . I know how much you hated doing this , but , really , I am happy to do it . And by the way , Mr. Jennings , you re not a hypocrite . Both : Mm . Hope : [ Chuckles ] Aiden : What ? What s so funny ? Hope : You may not be a hypocrite , but once you get what you want , you know how to flip the romance switch . That is for sure . Aiden : Oh . You see right through me . Hope : Yeah , I m a cop ... Aiden : You are a cop . Hope : What d you expect ? Aiden : You are a cop , but you are so much more than that to me . You are , really . So are you ready for the , uh -- the holiday ? Hope : Are you kidding ? I ca nt wait . Aiden : Yeah , well , chase-- he s super psyched for it . Hope : Yes , Ciara too . She s so excited . Aiden : That s great . What ? Hope : You ve made such a difference in her life . I hope you know that . Something was missing for both of us . Aiden : Without a dad ... Hope : And then you came along ... and the sun came out . Will : Oh , my God . All this time you just wanted an excuse to sleep with Paul again , and I gave it to you ... Sonny : Will ... Will : [ Stammers ] Because of what I did . I knew you still loved him . I knew-- Sonny : Will , will , will , listen to me . I was hurt ... so I wanted to hurt you back . This is nt easy to admit , but it s true . Will : So ... you did ... hurt me . You slept with Paul . Sonny : No , no , I did not . That would be totally unfair , to him and us . But the thing is ... I started thinking . How did we get to where we are right now ? Arianna was ten months old when we got married . Will : We were in love . Sonny : Because I wanted to get married . It was my agenda . I had already asked Paul . I was ready . Will : So was I. Sonny : You were nt . You were running around like crazy trying to deal . Everything was so new to you . Will : Sonny , no , do nt do that to me . I knew who I was . I was fine , and I knew what I wanted . Sonny : When you found out that you were gay , you jumped into a committed relationship . Now , be honest with me . Was nt it somewhat comforting to latch on to me ... to feel somewhat normal ? Nicole : Um ... Daniel , I ... Daniel : Okay , yeah , I know it sounds kind of impulsive . But it s not . I ve been thinking about this for quite a while . And , yes , I m the one always saying , let s go slow . And , yes , I have some trust issues . But it hit me last night ... that if I had nt always been like that , then maybe this nightmare that you went through never would have happened . Nicole : Daniel , you ca nt blame yourself . Daniel : No , no , no , that s not what I m saying . I mean , just running all over hell , trying to get to you in time and fighting to get to you ... alive ... it just suddenly hit me like a bell . I do nt want you anywhere ... than right by my side . Nicole : Baby , that is so sweet . Daniel : Life s too short . It s too short . Whatever time we got , we got to live , and we got to live it . Nicole : [ Chuckles ] Daniel : Right ? I was even thinking-- I ve always been so careful with parker , making sure that he does nt get too close to anybody ... in case things did nt work out , but ... my little man ... he loves you to death . Nicole : I love him . Daniel : Please just say ... yes . One word , just one word -- yes . Nicole : [ Inhales deeply ] Oh . I love you . Brady : Eric . You seemed a little off back at the hospital . Hey , listen ... I know that Xander put you guys through hell , locking you up in that room , but ... you survived . Y - you re fine . I mean , everything s gon na get better . Eric : Of course . Brady : Is there anything you want to talk about ? Sometimes that helps . [ Chuckles ] Maybe just ... do you want to talk about what really went on in that room , when you two were locked in there together ? Will : That s enough , Sonny . Seriously , you may think that you have everything analyzed , but you re wrong . You re just wrong . Sonny : Let s talk about California . Will : What about it ? Sonny : That job was very appealing for you ... to take off , get out of here . I saw the excitement in your eyes . Will : No , Sonny , my family-- my family needed me . I was there to support them . Sonny : It opened the door for you , will , to freedom , a chance to explore the new you . Will : It was a job , Sonny . That s it . Writing a screenplay -- it was the first time I d done something like that . It paid like crazy . Sonny : Do you remember what you said to me before you left ? You said that our life was boring . Will : Oh , hey , no , Sonny , no , I did nt mean that . I was -- I was feeling defensive . Sonny : Look , I - I understand . You did nt say it to be mean . But if I had nt traveled the world ... if I had nt done the things that I did , I might ve thought being here was boring too . You never got a chance to do all that before we got married . Will : Sonny , let s do that . Let s have an adventure . T can watch the club . We ll do whatever you want ... anything . Sonny : That s not the answer . Nicole : Ha . Oh ! Daniel : What ? Nicole : Shoot . I ... left my discharge papers on the table . Daniel : Oh , boy . Okay , I ll be by the elevator . Nicole : Okay . Roman : Hey , Daniel . Is Eric still here ? Daniel : Uh , he just took off . Roman : Ah , damn it . I ve been trying to call him . His phone must be off . Daniel : Well , he went out to get some air . What , uh -- what s going on ? Roman : I need to tell him something . I also need to warn you and Nicole . Daniel : What ? Roman : Xander s out . Victor : I want this to happen yesterday . There is to be absolutely no connection , no paper trail between Alexandros and me . Good . Well , double - check and get back to me . Xander : Uncle Victor . Victor : You better be on a burner cell . Xander : I am . It ll be destroyed when we re finished . I just wanted you to know that I am out of police custody . They essentially have no case . Victor : Well , stay away from me until you re absolutely sure they have nothing to go on . Xander : Yes , sir . Victor : Oh , and do nt call me . I ll call you . Xander : I understand , uncle . Victor : Like hell you do . If you understood , you would nt be in the mess you re in . Trust me , I do nt give a damn about you , but I do about myself . I do nt want my wife or Daniel or Brady or anybody knowing that we re connected . Is that clear ? Xander : Yes , sir . Victor : If any one of them finds out , you do nt want to think about what s going to happen . Xander : [ Sighs ] Brady : You know you can tell me anything , right ? Eric : I always think of myself when it comes time to make a choice . I always think I know which way to go . Right now I m ... I ve never been so confused . [ Sighs ] Brady : You mean because of Xander ? You re not gon na refuse to testify , are you ? Eric : No , no , I m going to testify . In fact , in a way , I just ... I just feel so strange about what happened last night . Brady : Eric , you knew the guy back in Africa . Obviously , he s good at fooling people . You re not responsible for what went down . Eric : Brady , I know that you re trying to help me right now , but ... [ Sighs ] All right , I m just so exhausted . I just ... I think the best thing for me to do is be alone ... so I can think . Brady : Okay . All right , but just so you know , I have a ... I have a son that I want to show you . So you might want to come by the house . He s a fantastic reminder that life is really good . Talk to you soon . Daniel : Why in the hell would the DA say she has no case ? Roman : His alibi s rock - solid . We re still trying to break it . Daniel : What about Nicole s word , Eric s word ? What , that means nothing ? Roman : Of course it does , Daniel , but you know we need more than that , and like I said , we re working on it . Roman : All right , I got to get back to the station . You tell Eric what I said . Also tell him I m doing everything I can . Daniel : Damn it . Nicole : Daniel , hey . Is something wrong ? Aiden : [ Sighs ] Hope : What ? Aiden : All right , sorry , but I just -- I ... I m having a little trouble getting that little fight we had out of my head . I have to ask , is Clyde Weston always going to be an issue for us-- Hope : Bah - bah - bah ! Shh . Tell you what . Aiden : What ? Hope : Let s agree right now to forget all about him , okay ? Deal ? Aiden : Been there , done that . Okay , do nt you remember coming to my office , telling me that it s okay if I represent him ? I do nt know -- maybe that was just some word game with you . Will : Then what is the answer ... for us ? Sonny : You said before that maybe we should try a new couples therapist . I think it s a good idea . Will : Done . Sonny : But I also think you should try your own therapist ... alone ... someone to talk to , get advice from , without having to worry ... what I m hearing or what I m saying . Will : [ Sighs ] That s , um ... that s huge . Sonny : Will ... I would nt trade what we ve had for anything . But these last six months ... we both know we ca nt go on like that , right ? We got to take every day and use it ... figure out where we re going . And I think we can get through it ... no matter what . Will : [ Sighs ] [ Chuckles ] Eric : [ Sighs ] Serena : I ve been looking for you . I am ... I m so sorry . Eric : I do nt want to hear how sorry you are ... or more excuses or how much you love me ! Serena : I m not ... I m not talking about that . I m talking about Xander . Daniel : Uh , listen , I just got some news , but not here , okay ? Let s just go to my place and talk in private . I think someone is itching to get out of here . Nicole : Yes . Daniel : Yeah . Dr. Jonas , Dr. Rich needs you to look at a patient s arm . He asked if you d hurry ? The man s agitated . Daniel : Okay , okay , uh , this will be quick , all right ? Do not go away . Nicole : Okay , I wo nt . Right here . [ Chuckles ] ### Summary:
Eric wanted to talk to Nicole about how they almost had sex . Nicole let Eric know that he means something to her , but she s in love with Daniel . Sonny blamed himself for a lot of the problems he had with Will . Sonny has been out for years , but Will is still adjusting to being gay . Aiden wanted Hope to stop investigating Clyde . Hope wanted answers , but he could nt give her any . Hope was willing to drop it for now . Sonny realized that he pushed Will to get married . Will did nt want Sonny to keep blaming himself for what happened between them . Xander went to Serena s place to tell her not to testify against him . Eric just wanted Nicole to be happy . Eric asked Nicole if she was going to tell Daniel what happened . Nicole wanted to keep it between them . Eric did nt want to lie to Daniel . Nicole panicked when Daniel and Brady arrived in her room . Aiden wanted Hope s help with another client . Will refused to accept the fact that Sonny blamed himself for their problems . Sonny shocked Will when he admitted that he wanted to sleep with Paul when he found out that Will cheated in California . Xander warned Serena that he would hurt Eric if she talked to the police about him . Eric wanted to get out of Nicole s room and get some air . Daniel realized how much Nicole cared for Eric . Will was upset that Sonny wanted to have sex with Paul . Sonny explained what he meant by wanting to be with Paul . Daniel wanted Nicole to go home with him for good . Victor called Xander and warned him not to say anything about him . Hope and Aiden were about to talk about Clyde again when someone approached them . Sonny thought Will should see a separate therapist . He also told Will that they could nt go on the way they were lately . Xander showed up at the hospital and Nicole spotted him .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Steffy : I wo nt abandon my mother on christmas . Hope : That s not what I m asking you to do . Steffy : It s kelly s first christmas . Liam : We should all be together . Hope : Yes , we should . Steffy : But that s not gon na happen . Hope : Liam needs to spend christmas with his daughter , and you are kelly s parents . This is gon na be a moment you re gon na cherish forever . I do nt want to stand in the way of that . Liam : So ... there s no problem , then . Hope : As long as taylor is not there . Liam : [ Sighs ] Hope : I wish things could be different , but the way things are , the way taylor is acting ... I m sorry , we ca nt celebrate christmas with your mother . Taylor : I ca nt thank you enough for your support today . Reese : You deserve it . I wish you had more of it in your life . Taylor : I do . I do . Yeah . My daughter , she s been absolutely incredible . But I m just so excited about christmas . I mean , this is my granddaughter s first christmas . Reese : Yeah , you -- you can really feel the magic of christmas when you share it with a little one . Taylor : I know , it s so true . I still remember when mine were little . Yeah , the anticipation , the stampede of little feet running down the stairs on christmas morning . Reese : Sounds like your daughter wants kelly to have the same type of memories . Taylor : Yeah , well , brooke and hope are unpredictable , so I do nt know about that . Reese : Uh , you said that steffy mentioned something about adoption . Taylor : Yeah , she s thinking about it . If you have any advice , I would love it . I would really appreciate it . Reese : Adoption is a marvelous way to build a family , but steffy should know that it s very complicated and very expensive , upwards of $ 50,000 . Taylor : Oh , money is nt a concern at all . I would spend 10 times that amount if it meant kelly getting the sister that steffy wants for her . Reese : Well , having a loaded grandma is definitely a plus . Taylor : No , I just want to be helpful in any way I can . Oh , speaking of which -- oh , my gosh . Oh , my gosh . I told steffy I would be right back . I ve got to go . I really do appreciate meeting with you today . It s been lovely . I love talking to you . Reese : Um , I ve got it . Taylor : No . Reese : Yes ! Taylor : No , we ll split it . Reese : My treat . I insist . Taylor : You sure ? Reese : Yes . Taylor : Thank you . Reese : I hope I get to see you this holiday . Taylor : Oh ! Yes . Me , too . And I want to get you a gift . To thank you for everything you ve done . Reese : No . The only gift that I want to receive from you is more of your time . Maya : You re sure this is nt a bad time ? I m not -- I m not interrupting anything ? Hope : Oh , no , no , no , no , no . Liam : No . Hope : No , we re happy to see you . Maya : Well , I m happy to be here . And lizzy s thrilled to be home . Liam : Aww . So , rick is at the house with brooke ? Maya : No . It s just lizzy and me . Hope : Oh . Did rick stay in paris for work ? Maya : You have nt heard . Rick and I are getting a divorce . Hope : What ? Liam : Whoa . Hope : Oh , I am -- I am so sorry . Liam : Are you okay ? Maya : It s for the best . Liam : Yeah , but that s still got to be hard . Maya : The divorce is nt final yet , but we just wanted to tell everyone before christmas so it did nt get awkward . Hope : Well , I know that we are thrilled to have you and lizzy home , and we love you both so much . And this is going to be a wonderful christmas . There wo nt be anything to make it awkward at all . Liam : No . Taylor : This is what christmas is all about , spending time with friends and family and people we care about . I ve been wanting to tell you -- I ve been spending time with someone . Steffy : Oh , a new friend ? Taylor : Uh , yeah , a man . Yeah , he s been showing some interest . Steffy : Anyone I know ? Taylor : Zoe s father . Dr. Buckingham . Brows for days . Hope : Rick said he d call after his meeting . Look , I mean it . Anything you need , all you have to do is ask . Especially when it comes to helping with lizzy . Liam : Uh , hold on . Your mom may have something to say about that . Maya : That is true . Liam : [ Laughs ] Maya : Brooke can not wait to spoil this child . Hope : [ Laughs ] Well , i mean , we can watch her when she s in a business meeting , or whatever . I mean , she ca nt hog lizzy all to herself . Maya : [ Chuckles ] That sounds great . Thank you so much . I can not tell you what your support means . But if you are serious about babysitting , you might want to speed it up because you will have a little girl of your own soon . Liam : Ah , yeah , um , a little girl without a name . Maya : Well , it s an important decision , guys . Come on ! Hope : I mean , we want her name to be meaningful ... Liam : Yeah . Hope : ... And , um ... you and rick named your daughter after our grandmother , elizabeth , and , uh , we were kind of wanting to honor the logan family , especially the women , too , and we were wondering if maybe we could share the name ? Maya : Share it ? Liam : Elizabeth . Hope : So , um , yours , obviously , is lizzy forrester , and ours would be beth spencer . But that s -- that s if it s okay with you . Maya : It s touching that you would even ask , but of course . Lizzy , beth -- they re beautiful names . Hope : [ Giggles ] Thank you ! Maya : And this will make lizzy feel even closer to her baby cousin . I think it s lovely . Hope : [ Squeals ] I think so , too . Maya : [ Laughs ] Liam : Holy cow , it s settled . Our daughter s name is beth . [ Laughs ] That s it ! Sir ? Sir ! The check ? Reese : Of course . I was just coming to find you . You re late . [ Laughs ] Steffy : I m happy for you . I knew dr . Buckingham was into you at the party . I just , uh , did nt know you were ready for something like that . Taylor : I did nt say I was . I just said I enjoyed spending time with him . He s a very fascinating man . He s so easy to talk to . I was really able to open up with him . Steffy : You did nt tell him about bill , right ? Taylor : No . But I was able to just really ... share my emotions with him about the painful history with brooke and how our issues have been passed on to you and hope . Steffy : Well , I m glad you have someone in your corner . But , remember , you are vulnerable , and you re dealing with a lot , so I think you should just ... take it slow ? Taylor : Oh , honey , no , look , I m not getting ahead of myself . Although , I do have to admit , um ... things did go a little beyond the friendly stage . Steffy : What do you mean ? Taylor : He kissed me . Liam : You okay ? Hope : [ Sighs ] I just hope rick calls me back . Liam : Mm . Hope : I m sad about him and maya . I do nt know . Do you think maybe we should have waited to ask about the baby name ? Liam : No ! Why ? I mean , she was all for it . Hope : You do nt think she felt pressured to say yes ? Liam : No , I -- well , you heard what she said . Beth and lizzy are gon na have this special bond forever . Hope : Beth . Liam : Beth . Hope : [ Giggles ] Liam : It feels right . Hope : [ Sighs ] It does . Gosh , I am getting really sentimental all of a sudden . [ Laughs ] Maybe it s the season . Liam : Yeah , or the pregnancy . Hope : Or both . Liam : Mm . Hope : Mm . You know , it is a really beautiful time of year . There should nt be any conflict or tension or bad feelings . I want to -- I want to avoid that for your first christmas with kelly . Liam : I know . Hope : You know , I think of all the holidays I spent at eric s house -- everyone coming together , singing carols around the piano ... and I do nt recall anyone ever arguing . Liam : Well , that ... is the magic of christmas . Hope : Mm . And this year s gon na be just like that , too . And the next year is gon na be even better because kelly will be old enough to get really excited and ... beth will be here , too . Mr. Buckingham ? Reese : Uh , dr . Buckingham . Yes , sir . I m sorry , dr . Buckingham , but your card has been declined . Reese : That s impossible . Try to run it again , please . I did , sir . I can try another card , if you d like . Reese : No . No , no , no , no , no . I - I do nt have time for that . Just let me see -- what s the total ? There you go . Now , I ve got to get going to work , and I m gon na give my credit card company a call . Thank you . Hi . Oh , hi . Steffy : Zoe s dad kissed you ? Taylor : Yeah . It was very sweet , very innocent . I do nt think it ll go anywhere . Steffy : Did he kiss you out of the blue ? Taylor : No , we were talking very honestly , and he was being very supportive and understanding ... I definitely was not expecting to be kissed . Steffy : Oh , come on . You liked it . And why not ? He s intelligent , he s handsome ... Taylor : Yeah , he is , and he said he wanted to see me during the holidays , and I think that would be a good idea . But I did also tell him that my first priority was spending time with my granddaughter , every minute that I can . Unless that s not all right with you . Honey , what is wrong ? Steffy : No , I - I m fine ... Taylor : No , something s wrong . I m your mother , and I know when you re upset . Steffy : Mom , I m fine . Hope came -- she came by earlier . She wanted to talk about christmas . Taylor : Oh , no . Oh -- oh , my gosh . Tell me she didnT. Is she trying to keep liam from seeing kelly on christmas ? Steffy : No , she wants them to be together . All of us spending time together as a family over christmas . Taylor : Oh , okay , well , that s a relief . But I can see why you would be a little bit upset . I mean , having to be there and watch hope right in the middle of your celebration with your little girl with liam . Steffy : No , I -- I wo nt have to . Taylor : What do you mean ? Steffy : I wo nt be there . Taylor : Yes , of course you will . If liam wants to spend christmas with kelly , of course . Steffy : She can be with him , and we can celebrate on our own . Taylor : What ? Why ? That makes no sense at all ! Why are you not going to be celebrating christmas as a family ? Liam : So , what do you want to do till santa gets here ? Hope : Uh , we could make more cookies . Liam : [ Chuckles ] Any more cookies , I m gon na start to look like santa . Hope : Ooh ! Keep in mind that we have to wrap kelly s present before we go to eric s because we wo nt have time after . Liam : Right . Yeah , we got to get on that . Do you think , um ... do you think we went a little overboard with the presents ? Hope : It s your daughter s first christmas . Liam : Yeah . Hope : [ Giggles ] Liam : Yeah , it s gon na be awesome . Hope : I hope so , too . Hey , liam ... you know I would never do anything to keep you and kelly apart , especially not over the holidays , right ? Liam : Yeah , I -- I know . Hope : I just have concerns about taylor celebrating with us . Look , I know this has to be hard on steffy , but .. hon , I mean , you understand , right ? Steffy needs to tell her that she ca nt spend christmas with us . Taylor : She was just a little fussy . She s back asleep now . Steffy : Mm , good , thanks . Taylor : Honey , I want to know what s going on . Why -- why are nt you spending christmas with liam and kelly ? You know , you ca nt miss spending time together as a family . Steffy : I have to , mom . Taylor : Why ? I do nt understand . Steffy : Okay , but I ll be with you . Taylor : Me ? This is about me ? That s it . [ Gasps ] Oh , my gosh , she did it . She did it ! She s making you choose between me and your daughter ! At christmas ! Steffy : Okay -- mom ! Liam s gon na be with kelly , and then he s gon na drop her off . Taylor : Oh , no ! No , honey ! No , it s christmas ! Steffy : It s fine ! It ll still be christmas . We can celebrate together . We can call thomas -- Taylor : No ! No ! No , no , no ! No , you re going , and you re going to spend the day -- the whole day -- with your little girl . You re going to eric s with liam . Steffy : Mom , I do nt want you to be alone . I want you there with me . Taylor : No ! I canT. Steffy : Mom , please , can you just stop ? Taylor : No ! No , it s not fair ! But that s the way it is . What I did to bill was awful . If I could go back and erase that night , I would , honey . I would , but I canT. I have to pay the consequences for it , not you . Now , you re going to go , and you re going to be the strong , amazing woman you are . And you are going to focus all of your energy on your little girl . If you could ask for one thing for christmas , I know what you d ask for . [ Voice breaking ] Your family back . You , liam , and kelly under the same roof , married again . It s okay . You can say it . It s what you want . It s the way things were meant to be . Broken romance leads to dreams unfulfilled in a heartbeat our fates are sealed if the truth can set you free , why are nt you here with me ? If the truth can set you free , why are nt you here with me ? Our deepest feelings slowly drift away as the sun sets on our yesterday if the truth can set you free , why are nt you here with me ? If the truth can set you free , why are nt you here with me ? Here with me ### Summary:
Hope says again she wants Liam to spend the first Christmas with Kelly . That is not a problem but not as long as Taylor is there she will not come . Taylor and Reese continue to talk and she tells him that Steffy is considering adoption . If he has any advice she would welcome it . As she offers to pay the check he notices her big wad of cash and says it should not be a problem for someone with her bank account . He hopes he will see her over the holidays and leaves her with a kiss . He insists on paying the check yet tries to slip off without paying when he sees how much it is . The server spies him and catches up . But his credit card is denied so he has to dig for cash and has just enough ( not for a good tip though ) . Then he spies someone coming in that he definitely does not want to see and he ducks out fast . Hope and Liam commiserate with Maya that her holidays wo nt be as fun as it should be . Hope asks if they might ask her a favor . They know Lizzy is an Elizabeth and since that name is a Logan namesake she wonders if she would share it with their baby – there would be a Lizzy and a Beth . Maya is delighted and course she would share , and bring the two cousins even closer with a special bond . Steffy is shocked when Taylor tells her that she has being seeing someone who has shown an interest in her – Zoe s father . Steffy tells her to just go slow if this has progressed to a kiss already . Taylor says is was just a sweet , innocent kiss so it probably will not go anywhere . Taylor thinks it is a relief that Liam will get to spend Christmas with Kelly but it should mean as a family , not just Liam and Kelly . Steffy says she has to . Taylor goes berserk and says Hope did this ; she made Steffy choose . She wants her ...... she demands that she go to Eric s and be there with her family . She tries to make a crying Steffy say that she wants to be together all under one roof , married to Liam the way it should be . Sadly Liam looks over the festive room and picks up a new ornament Baby s First Christmas while Steffy with tears down her face sadly looks at the portrait of her and Liam on the wall .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Austin : So she looks at me and she says , What are you doing here ? And I said , I m a teacher . Can you believe that ? Carrie : What ? Austin : Yeah . Carrie : What are you-- Austin : Ah , uh , airplane mode . I am not speaking to anybody but you tonight . So come on . Carrie : What ? Austin : Well , I kind of thought this deal would maybe be reciprocal , you know what I mean ? Oh , wait . You have to be available for clients , yeah ? Carrie : Austin . Austin : Yes ? Carrie : My phone is locked in my top desk drawer . Austin : Mm . Carrie : Mm . Austin : Well , I guess tonight s gon na be ... a great night . Carrie : So what do you think about going to see the movie in -- in the square , the outdoor movie ? That could be fun , yeah ? Austin : Yeah , well , if you re talking about fun , I think maybe we could find something a little more private to do , you know ? Carrie : Oh , you do , do you ? Austin : Yeah . Rafe : Hey , Carrie . Austin . Austin : How s it going , Rafe ? Rafe : Good . Carrie : Hi , Rafe . Austin : Wow , man , that is a , uh , man - sized bowl of ice cream you got there . Rafe : Yeah . Austin : [ Chuckling ] I never thought of you as the sprinkles type . Carrie : That ice cream is nt for Rafe . Mike : I just wanna thank you , Mr. Horton , and also let you know that my boss really appreciates you getting those materials for him . Will : Course . Mike : So he thought you might enjoy a night out on him . Will : Oh , thank you . Wow , this sold out the night the box office opened . Impossible tickets , thank you . Mike : Like I said , he s very appreciative . Will : Thanks , Mike , any time . Gabi : Well , look at you , with the Mr. Horton , and the impossible concert tickets . Things have really changed for you , huh ? Will : Yeah , I guess it seems that way . Gabi : Sure does . So maybe there s a way things can change for me . Melanie : [ Giggling ] Oh , hello . I m very glad that you showed up . I m trying to talk our friend here into hanging out with us , but apparently she wants to go home and be boring . Abigail : Yeah , I m sure Chad is just dying for me to tag along . Chad : Actually , you have to . Abigail : Excuse me , I have to ? Chad : Yeah , well , you ca nt have a double date with only three people . Abigail : A double date . Chad : Yes . Abe asked me to show Lexie s half - brother around , show him a good time . Melanie : And we are the definition of good time , so ... Chad : Mm . Oh , look , there he is . Seems like a good enough guy for you . I m sure you ll enjoy meeting him . Melanie : Yeah . Abigail : Actually , we ve already met . Kate : I fully comprehend , Harold , that Stefano has kicked me out , and I am not here to plead my case . I am here to pick up my things . Harold : As I have been trying to explain to madam , Mr. DiMera has had all your personal effects removed . Kate : What ? Harold : There s nothing of yours left in the house . Kate : Well , you ca nt say the man does things in half - measures , can you ? EJ : Harold . Can I come in , or have my things been removed too ? Kate : You ve been kicked out as well ? EJ : Oh , given what I ve learned , I would nt be surprised . Kate : What is your father up to ? EJ : That s what I m here to find out . Marlena : I ca nt tell you how good it is to be talking to you again . You had us mighty worried there . John : And your girl here ? She never let up for a second trying to get home to you , kid . Bo : Yeah , well , I still do nt know what happened with you guys . Hope : Eh ... well , it does nt matter , because everything s fine now . Bo : Oh , yeah , real fine . Stefano had his goons beat the crap out of me . Uh , what happened with you guys in Alamainia ? Did he come after you there ? Hope : Brady , we ll talk about it later . Bo : Where -- where is that son of a bitch now ? Marlena : There s a good question . Kate : I do nt understand what s going on . Why would he turn against you ? He thinks you hung the moon . What exactly did you do ? EJ : Nothing that explains what I just found out . I was just with Samantha . I hear he gave control of Countess Wilhelmina over to her . Kate : Yes , he did . He did . So this is categorically the worst day of my life , because not only have I been kicked out of what I considered my home , he has handed over control of the company that I built from the ground up to that boasting , condescending bitch . EJ : You know what ? You re welcome to your opinions about Samantha , but if I were you , I would nt focus on her . She s not your enemy . She s the beneficiary of your rather spectacular fall from my father s graces . Kate : Oh , my God . She s not my enemy ? After the lies , and the betrayals ... EJ : Oh , come on . Pot , kettle , black , mummy . Why do nt you stop venting , and start trying to figure out what is going on , okay ? Kate : You do nt have any idea ? EJ : No , I have no idea . He should never have given her control of Countess Wilhelmina without running that by me first . So it looks like I m out , right ? Out of the company , out of the family . John : Well , I m sure Stefano s back in Salem . You know the old man . He s not gon na give up till he gets what he wants . Hope : He s gon na come after us again . But we do nt know how , and we really do nt know why . Nurse : Sorry to interrupt-- John : Mm . Nurse : I need a blood sample for the lab . Bo : Uh , could we do this later , please ? Nurse : Sorry , detective , but I m the law around here . Bo : Yeah . Hope : We ll be waiting for you in the hallway , okay ? Try to get some rest ? Bo : Should be no problem after this relaxing conversation we ve been having . Hope : Try . I promise to keep you -- oh , sorry . Uh , I promise to keep you up to speed on whatever we find out , okay ? Bo : Uh - huh . Hope : So good seeing that smile again . I missed it . Love you , Brady . Bo : Love you too . Hope : How do we find out what Stefano really wants ? Stefano : Why not go to the source ? Gabi : Man ... how s your cheeseburger macaroni ? Will : You know , this is nt the first conversation we ve had about this . You seem more than a little interested in my job . Gabi : Well , um , not the job itself . More like what the job s done for you . I mean , you seem more confident , more -- more sure of yourself-- well , that s what it seems to me . Will : Thank you . Maybe I ve changed , maybe I have nt . But , um , either way , I do nt really see why you care . Gabi : Well , because I m your friend . Will : Right . Gabi : All right , fine . There is something I want that I have nt been able to get on my own . Will : Okay . You want me to get EJ to expedite a zoning clearance for you ? Gabi : Do nt make fun of me , okay ? Look , I ve been trying to figure this thing out , and I just thought that maybe you could help me in pulling this thing off . Will : Okay . This thing ? What is this thing ? Am I gon na regret this thing ? Cameron : You know , this really is flattering . Abigail : Flattering ? Cameron : But you really did nt have to go through all this trouble . Abigail : And what trouble would that be ? Cameron : Getting Chad to fix us up . I m cool with girls asking me out . Abigail : Oh . Chad , please tell your friend here that I knew nothing about this . Chad : Actually , I - I did . It was all my idea . Cameron : It s okay , really . I get this a lot . Melanie : Ooh . Well , I guess we do nt have to worry about this one s self- esteem-- Chad : [ Clearing throat ] Actually , uh -- so you two know each other ? Is that -- is that what s going on here ? Abigail : We ve run into each other a couple of times , yeah . Cameron : Literally . Melanie : What are you doing ? Cameron : Making sure I do nt have anything breakable on me . Abigail : That s very funny . You guys have a good time . I will see you later . Melanie : No , no , no , you ca nt go , we re gon na go see an outdoor movie . Chad : Yeah , we already bought your tickets . Abigail : And I m sure that you can give them to someone else . Cameron , it s nice to see you again . Cameron : Abigail . It was nice to see you , and if I promise to stop being a wise - ass , will you go to the movie with us ? Abigail : Cameron . I do nt think you can help it . Austin : It s supposed to be , uh , pickles and ice cream , is nt it ? I mean , that s the classic craving , right ? Am I right ? Rafe : I guess , yeah . Yeah . Oh , well , I ll see you later . Austin : When it s our turn , I am gon na bring you ice cream and wait on you hand and foot . Carrie : I know you will . And I really , really look forward to that someday . Do you think that , um , we should go someplace else ? Austin : No , look , I am not uncomfortable if you re not uncomfortable . Carrie : No , but I-- Austin : Listen to me , Carrie . We said that we were gon na put everything that happened behind us , and I m serious , okay ? And besides , I m really hungry . Come on . Carrie : Okay . Nicole : Rafe . Rafe : Give me that . Nicole : [ Laughing ] Melanie : Uh , they re really good at playing hard - to - get . Chad : It ll all be fine once the movie starts . Melanie : Yeah , because then they ll have a reason not to talk . Chad : Hmm . Melanie : This is very sweet of you , but I do nt think it s going to work out the way you planned . Will : Okay , I ll bite : What do you want me to do ? Gabi : Chad and Melanie do nt belong together . Will : Says the relationship police . Gabi : Okay , this is not funny , all right ? No , I kind of just realized , I do nt know , I wish Chad and I never broke up . Will : Oh . Gabi : No offense . Will : No , none taken . Gabi : You know , and I saw them together , and I was thinking -- I - I kind of thought ... Will : Uh , thought what ? Gabi : Well , you know , he really belongs with me , and I thought that maybe you could help me figure out how to break them up . Will : Wow , what a great idea . Mature , original , guaranteed to work . Gabi : Why do you have to be mean to me ? Will : Gabi , look , I m not trying to be mean to you , okay ? Are you kidding me ? You do nt do something like this . You re not like this . Gabi : What I am is alone , and obviously you do nt give a damn . Will : You re wrong , I do . But that does nt make it right , Gabi . You re asking me to stab my friends in the back ? I ca nt believe you -- you think I would do something like that . Kate : It s a pretty damn grim day when Sami has more sway over your father than either one of us . EJ : I do nt understand this , because you know how he feels about her . Kate : He loathes her . He still does . EJ : The only reason that he would elevate her like this-- Kate : Is to hurt me , my love . EJ : Do you know what you did for him to turn against you ? Oh , you do ... do nt you ? What did you do ? Tell me . What did you do ? Did you lie , hmm ? Did you steal ? Did you cheat on him ? Oh , you did . You cheated on him ? Kate : Oh , please . Could we not talk about this ? EJ : Fine . But at least now I know that he hates you a hell of a lot more than he hates me . Stefano : Uh , you have something that belongs to me . I want it back . Hope : You re mistaken . You sent us on a mission to Alamainia , and we delivered on our part of the bargain . John : If your prize did nt meet your expectations , that s not our fault . Stefano : It became your fault the moment you stole something that belonged to me , and I want what was originally in that egg , not that phony thing that you replaced it with . John : Huh , kind of sounds like whatever s missing is important to you . Why do nt you tell me what it is , and maybe we can help you . Stefano : No games . Or do I have to prove to you that I mean business ? Bo : In order to do that , you re gon na have to go through me . Nicole : You know , um , we can leave if you want . I do nt have to finish this . Rafe : I m good . Fine . Nicole : Liar . Rafe : Do nt worry about me , okay ? Nicole : Oh , do nt worry about you ? Rafe : Yeah . Nicole : Sir Lancelot , I am worried , okay ? I m worried that you jumped in and you told EJ that -- that you re the father of my baby . And you did nt even think it through . Rafe : Well , there was nothing to think through . Nicole : Okay . Rafe : It s the only way we could get the guy off your back . Nicole : Well , it s great for me , Rafe , but what about you ? Your relationship with Carrie was complicated enough before she was lead to believe you were fooling around with the likes of me . Rafe : Look , my relationship with Carrie is dead in the water , okay ? Nicole : Really ? Rafe : Yeah , really . Nicole : Uh - huh . Rafe : And besides , she s trying to work things out with her husband . Now what kind of person would I be if I came in between them , hmm ? Nicole : Off the top of my head , I do nt know , a person like me ? Look , Rafe , this -- this -- you have this whole honorable thing about you , and it s wonderful . But how do you stand it all the time ? Austin : [ Chuckling ] Carrie : [ Chuckling ] Austin : Is something wrong ? Carrie : Oh , just not very hungry , I guess . Austin : You know what , my love ... it s my fault . We should ve left , yeah ? Carrie : Do nt apologize . I really -- I m -- I m really not hungry . Austin : Okay . I get it . I ll tell you what , you know what we ll do ? We ll go to , uh , the movie at the square . It actually sounds like a lot of fun . Let s do it , yeah ? Carrie : Lot of fun ? No , you know what ? You had a great idea . Why do nt we go and spend some quality time alone together ? Austin : I like the way you think . No dessert ? Carrie : Not here . [ Laughing ] Austin : I think I was right . This is gon na be a great night . Carrie : Come on , let s go . Nicole : That girl does nt know what she s missing . Rafe : What did you just say ? Nicole : Nothing . This ice cream is fabulous . Rafe : [ Chuckling ] Kate : So you do nt know what set him off , you do nt know why he turned on you . EJ : No . I keep going over everything . I have absolutely no idea what changed . None . Kate : I think maybe you re over - reacting . I mean , you re saying that he cut you off at the knees , but all he really did was move past your position . I do nt really think there s anything to panic about . EJ : Oh , that ? That s just the tip of the iceberg . You have no idea the things I found . I found out things that go back to the election . I find out things that go back to when John Black had his problems with the law . Kate : What kind of things ? EJ : I m not telling you . Kate : Oh , God . EJ : Let s just say this : My father has been undermining me . Not for days , not for weeks , but for months . Months ! Hope : You should nt be out of bed . Bo : I m not gon na sit in that room and let you level threats at the people I love . Stefano : You know , it s -- it s very difficult to be threatened by a man who s just come out of a coma and is wearing a hospital gown . John : My money s still riding on the patient . But I m here , just in case . Hope : Leave . We ve already told you we do nt have what you re looking for . Stefano : And I m tired of your lies . Do I have to remind you , Mr. Black , how close your beloved Doc here came to an accident while you were away ? Hmm ? As a matter of fact , how much would you like to bet that her luck holds out ? Abigail : [ Coughing ] Melanie : You okay ? Abby , you okay ? Hey , Abigail . Abby . Abby ! Cameron : [ Grunting ] [ Grunting ] Abigail : [ Coughing ] Melanie : Ooh , hey , you okay ? Abigail : Yeah , I m fine . Chad : Oh , man , good looking out . Melanie : Seriously , no kidding . Well done , man . You sure ? Abigail : Yeah , I m fine . Except I was nt choking . Cameron : What ? Abigail : I was nt . I just needed a sip of water or something . Where did you even come from ? You scared the hell out of me . Cameron : You know , usually when I save someone s life , they start with thanks , and then move on to other stuff from there . Abigail : You know , I was right about you . You really ca nt help being a wiseass . Melanie : I ve got -- Ive got this one . Abby ! Hey , um , I know this is not a great time for you , but are you freaking crazy ? Gabi : Well , I mean , you re the one that s doing shady things for EJ anyway . Will : That s not the same thing . That s not even remotely the same thing . Gabi , Chad and Melanie are my friends , okay ? And more importantly , they re your friends . So , I mean , I -- this is nt you . Gabi : Will , what if they do nt last ? I mean , what if I m trying to do something that is already gon na happen anyway ? Will : Then let it happen , okay ? You think you can justify screwing around in your friends lives for your own personal gain ? Gabi , that s wrong . Gabi : Will , please tell me where being right has gotten me . Nowhere . Look , when I was with you , I was -- I was a good girl when I was with you . And I always ended up feeling like I was nt good enough , pretty enough , hot enough . Will : Do nt . That s not true . You know that s not true . Gabi : How do I know that ? If -- if -- if I m as great as you say I am , then why did you just give up ? Look , since I could nt keep you interested , I ve realized -- I realize that maybe I just was nt trying hard enough . But , honestly , I m not gon na make that same mistake again . From now on , if I want something , I m gon na go get it . Will : Do nt talk like that . Gabi : Why ? Why should nt I ? Look , I m tired -- I m so tired of losing . I m tired of you judging me , I m tired-- do I have to spell it out for you ? I mean , you just ... have nt you ... Will : Have nt I what ? Gabi : Have nt you made me feel bad enough already ? Nicole : Thank you for taking me out tonight . Rafe : Yeah , well , you got lucky . Nicole : [ Laughing ] Rafe : I had an opening in my schedule . Nicole : Got lucky , yeah . [ Chuckling ] Okay , let s get back to business , all right ? Let s say that you did do the far , far better thing , and you let Carrie try to work things out with Austin , okay ? Do you really wanna just sit and watch from a ringside seat ? Rafe : I do nt know . It s kind of interesting to watch them try and buck the trend and stay married . Nicole : Uhh ! Stay married ? I m sorry , how do you do that ? Rafe : I have no idea . Clearly . You want some more ice cream ? Nicole : No , actually , I d really like a martini , but it s not really good for the little baby . Rafe : Mm . Nicole : So you just , um , wanna call it a night ? Rafe : Yeah , sounds good . Nicole : Come on , Rafe , what s wrong ? Rafe : Nah , it s just ... going home . I know ... it s gon na be peaceful and quiet . Everything s gon na be where I left it . I miss the chaos . Finding figurines in the freezer . Reading good night moon . I m sorry , no . Let s get out of here , all right ? Nicole : You know , um , Rafe , did you happen to see that , uh-- that flyer for a movie they re playing in the town square ? I mean , would you -- would you wanna check it out ? You know , delay the inevitable ? Rafe : Sure . Sounds like a plan . Nicole : Awesome . [ Chuckling ] Ah , thank you . Rafe : Mm - hmm . Both : [ Giggling ] Austin : I love you . Carrie : [ Chuckling ] Austin : Look who I got back . I m so happy I got you back . Back where you belong . Carrie : I love you too . So much . John : You will stay away from my wife . Just like you re gon na stay away from all of us . Stefano : I think I have delivered my message . But you know what I want , and what I ll do to get it . Good night , all . Rest well ... if you can . Hope : Bo , careful . I m gon na get you back into bed . Come on . Bo : Yeah , that s -- that s a good idea , but I wanna know what the hell s going on here . The whole story . Stefano seems very willing to make good on his threat . Will : I m not trying to make you feel bad . I m not now , and not when we were dating . Gabi : Yeah , well , you made that clear after -- after we made love that you had no interest in me at all . You do nt think that ... that maybe hurt me ? Will : Look , that was nt about you , okay ? It was about me . Gabi : You re just saying that . You know , I - I threw myself at you -- practically threw myself at you -- and you could nt even care less . You think that makes a girl feel special ? Because it does nt . Look , if you do nt wanna help me , fine , but I am not gon na sit here and be lied to . Will : Stop , Gabi . I m not lying to you , okay ? I m not lying to you . The problem with us was never you . It was never you . Melanie : I do nt know if I would ve believed that had I not seen it with my own eyes . Some cute guy is trying to save your life . Abigail : First of all , he did not save my life . And second of all , I was not choking . Melanie : I respectfully disagree . I am a nurse , he is a doctor . Abigail : He s a doctor ? Okay , well , even if he is a doctor , he has some bedside manner . I mean , he did nt even give me two seconds to recover from almost choking to death before he was all over me for not even saying thank you . I mean , that is ridiculous . Melanie : Okay , Abby ... ahem . I have actually seen you say thank you to an automatic door . You look up polite in the dictionary , and your picture is right there . All of a sudden , some cute guy comes , and you jump all over him ? What s going on with you ? Abigail : Have you ever been Heimliched , Melanie ? It hurts . And I just coughed up popcorn in front of how many people ? Melanie : A lot . Abigail : Yeah . Melanie : I m kid -- look , it s dark , and on the plus side , he saved your life . You re alive . Abigail : Okay , I ca nt really see that as a plus side right now . Melanie : Abby , come -- I-- I think he likes you . Abigail : He does nt like me . No , he thinks I am a total klutz . It does nt help that he s right . Melanie : He s not ... no . Look , what you are right now is just kind of ... Abigail : Kind of what ? Kind -- kind of messed up , right ? Yeah . Yeah , I know . I just -- I m still trying to figure out who that person was that lied to Austin and Carrie . Because it just could nt have been me . Except it was . Melanie : It was a mistake . Abigail : No . No , Melanie , it was nt a mistake . It was intentional , it was ... deliberate , it was -- it was awful . Melanie : Hmm . So you do nt really deserve to have a cute guy going after you , yeah ? I mean , so you would rather him think you re just a big pain in the butt , so he would stay away and you can end up alone and miserable , which is exactly what you deserve ? Abigail : Wow . It s so great being friends with Anna Freud . Melanie : Come on . It happened . It s over . Nobody s talking about it , nobody s whispering about it . Tonight was supposed to be about taking a step forward , not two steps back . You ca nt hide from life forever . Yeah ? I ll be over there . Nicole : Oh , they re at the old we re apart and unhappy montage . Rafe : The what ? Nicole : Oh , come on . It s -- it s been a rule since it happened one night . You know , 9/10 of the way through the movie , they split up , they go back to their former worlds , and they find out it s empty and cold . Rafe : Oh , so I m in the montage part of my life right now . Nicole : Exactly . Rafe : That s great . Nicole : Yes , but I have to say , you have handled it with class , and-- Rafe : Oh , thank you . Nicole : You have made my life a lot easier . Rafe : Well , I ll be honest , it s actually nice to spend time with you . Someone who s actually looking forward to something in her life . Nicole : You know , Ive -- Ive seen this movie , and it does nt end well , so how about we go back to my place , I ll make you a cocktail , and I will pretend to have one too . Rafe : Sounds great , but I think I ll pass . I m just kind of a downer right now . Nicole : So ? I would nt mind . Rafe : I would . I do nt like being a downer . Nicole : All right , well ... look , I hope , once you get through this montage , that you will have a big old happy ending , because you sure as hell deserve it . Rafe : Do you want me to walk you home ? Nicole : Nope , I m good . I am good on my own . Thank you . See you later . Rafe : Okay . EJ : You know , I really do nt know what I thought I d accomplish by coming here in the first place . Kate : You thought you could talk to your father . EJ : Well , he s not here , is he ? Certainly does nt seem to be hurrying home . He s probably across town making somebody else s life miserable . Stefano : Not quite . [ Chuckling ] Well , it looks like that old story is true : Misery really does like company . Gorgeous ! Gabi : I m sorry , Will , but the word is out . It s not me , it s you . You know , that s the kind of thing guys say to make themselves feel better about dumping a girl . Will : Gabi , I promise you , this time , I m sure it had nothing to do with you . It was me . It was me not knowing who I was . Uh ... but I know now , heh . Gabi : What is that supposed to mean ? Will : Gabi , it means that things did nt work out between us because things were never gon na work out between us . We did nt last , not because of you , but because I m gay . Abigail : Hi . Cameron : Hi . Actor : You know , you re the most beautiful thing I ve ever seen . Actress : Why are you saying this now ? Abigail : I was wondering , um ... Actor : We could have an amazing life together . Abigail : Do you think maybe we could just start over ? Actress : We can . Cameron : Meaning ? Actress : We will . Actor : I love you so much . Abigail : Meaning you might not have noticed -- actually , I m pretty positive that you have , but , um ... I have nt exactly been on my game since we first met . Cameron : I have no idea what you re talking about . Abigail : Thanks . Well , I d like to forget about most of it , if we could . Except ... I ca nt forget that I did nt say thank you when you did , indeed , save my life . Cameron : So is this an apology , a thank you , or a hello ? Actress : I do understand ! I understand that the man I ... Abigail : What if it s all three ? Cameron : Works for me . Abigail : Good . Cameron : Do you want some popcorn ? [ Both chuckling ] Melanie : There might be hope for them yet . Chad : Ah , you re a real romantic . Melanie : Ah , well , you bring it out in me . Actress : I love you . I think I ll always love you . And , in my heart , I know we belong together . Actor : And I love you . But sometimes ... sometimes that s not enough . Sometimes things are just too complicated to make it work . Bo : So Stefano needed your help to get this coin ? And ... Hope : And ... we got it . Bo : Well , okay-- Hope : And that s all that needs to be said right now . Bo : Why did he want it ? John : Well , that s what we need to find out . And the first thing we have to do is get that coin back from Spencer . Marlena : And what if he wo nt give it up ? John : I do nt think he really has a choice on the matter . Stefano : Ah , well , I ve had a very long day , and I am a little tired . So it would seem that now would be a very good time for both of you to leave . EJ : I am not going anywhere until I get some answers . Stefano : Answers ? EJ : Answers ! About your coup détat at Countess Wilhelmina , about these games that you ve been playing , but most importantly ... about that ! Fun time is over , Father . Stefano : Really ? Huh . I thought it had just begun . ### Summary:
Gabi told Will that Chad and Melanie did nt belong together . She also told him that she wished that she and Chad did nt break up . She wanted him to help her break up Chad and Melanie . He did nt approve of her plan . He did nt want to stab his friends in the back . Kate went to the mansion to get her bags , but Harold stopped her . Harold informed her that Stefano had her things removed from the mansion . EJ came in and wondered if his things were removed too . EJ barged past Harold . Kate asked if he got kicked out too . He said after what he found out , he would nt be surprised if he were kicked out . Kate wanted to know what Stefano was up to . EJ wanted to know that too . She wondered why Stefano turned against EJ . EJ said he did nt do anything . He told her that he saw Sami and heard about Countess W. When Kate insulted Sami , he told her not to focus on Sami . He said Sami was nt the enemy . Kate could nt believe what she heard . EJ was upset that Stefano did nt consult him before giving Sami control over Countess W. He believed that he was out of the business as well as the family . John and Marlena went to see Bo at the hospital . Bo told them that Stefano had his goons attack him . He wanted to know what happened in Alamania . He wondered if Stefano went after them . Hope wanted to talk about it later . Bo wanted to know where Stefano was . Stefano looked through Bo s window . John was sure Stefano was back in Salem . When a nurse came to take Bo s blood , everybody waited outside . When Hope asked John and Marlena how they were going to find out what Stefano wanted , Stefano told them to ask him . EJ asked Kate if she knew why Stefano put Sami in charge of Countess W. When she did nt answer , he realized that she knew . He figured out that she cheated on Stefano . She did nt want to talk about it . Kate wondered why Stefano turned on him . EJ did nt know . She thought he was overreacting . He told her that Stefano has been doing things ever since the election . He said he found out things that happened when John had problems with the law . When she wanted to know what he was talking about , he would nt tell her anything . Stefano told John and Hope that they had something that belonged to him and he wanted it back . Hope said he was wrong . She said he sent them on a mission and they did what he wanted . John said it was nt their fault if he did nt get what he wanted . While they were talking , Bo interrupted them to threaten Stefano . Stefano ended up threatening Marlena . John warned him to stay away from her . Stefano left the hospital . While Gabi and Will were talking about breaking up Chad and Melanie , they got on the subject of their relationship . She said she was a good girl and ended up not being good enough for him . Will said that was nt true . Gabi did nt believe him . If he thought she was good enough , why did he lose interest in her ? Since she could nt keep him interested , she felt she was nt trying hard enough . He told her that she was nt the reason why he was nt interested in her , but she was nt convinced . He confessed to her that he is gay . Stefano walked in the mansion and did nt want to see Kate or EJ . EJ said he was nt leaving until he got answers . EJ wanted answers about Countess W , the games he was playing , and the money that he stole . EJ told him that fun time was over , but Stefano thought it was just beginning . Hope and John told Bo about the coin they found . Bo wanted to know why Stefano wanted it . John said the first thing they needed to do was get the coin back from Spencer .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Patrick : Robin . Sonny : You all right ? Kate : Yeah . Sonny : You just seem like you got a lot on your mind . Kate : [ Chuckles ] Am I that easy to read ? Sonny : Kind of . Plus , all the caramels are still in the -- are still in the box . Kate : I m sorry . I do nt want to spoil the evening . Sonny : There is nothing that you should apologize for , cause you ve been through so much in the past months . And it s only normal that you re gon na not figure things out , right ? Kate : It did nt just happen to me , Sonny . Sonny : Are you talking about what Johnny said last night about Connie ? Kate : Yeah . I am . Johnny : Thanks again for everything for tonight . Lulu : Well , you found the singer . Johnny : Come on . The new haunted star -- it was your idea . If I have nt said it a hundred times before , this place looks awesome -- much better than anything I could have done . Carly : Hey . Johnny : Hey . Carly : It was a great night . You should be proud . Lulu : Oh , thank you . Johnny : See ya . Lulu : Too bad my husband was nt here to help me enjoy it . Dante : So , we got a team at Archie boles apartment , see if they could find anything else to tie Heather Webber to those letters . Anna : Okay . It certainly helped he admitted to writing Maggie Wurth s suicide note . Dante : Yeah . Anna : That means she murdered that young doctor . God , she could be planning something like that for Luke . We have to find her . Olivia : Maria , what are you doing ? Heather . Why are you in this room ? Heather : It s tea time . Care for a glass ? Luke : Help ! Anna Devane is in danger ! Heather Webber s gon na kill her ! He - e - e- e - e - e - e - lp ! Todd : I did nt think you were gon na show up tonight . Blair : You know what ? I ... did nt know if I was , either . But I ... I needed to see you . Um , and I m glad that you arranged ... for -- you know , for us to talk . Todd : Right . And now , all of a sudden , I have no idea what to say . Blair : Maybe I should go first . Todd : No , no . I will . Johnny : Well , that was a hell of a night , huh ? What did you think of Starr s , by the way ? Carly : Well , to be honest , I spent most of the night watching her father . I was ready to jump in in case Todd started something . Johnny : Oh , and here you were so confident he would be on his best behavior . Carly : He was . I was right . And Starr sang beautifully . I mean , her and Michael , they were on cloud nine when they left here . Johnny : Yeah , they re dating . What do you think about that ? Do you mind ? Carly : Would it matter if I did ? Michael can be stubborn . Johnny : I wonder where he gets that from ? Carly : I think they re perfect for each other . I really do . Johnny : Yeah , well , look , after everything that Starr s been through , she wants to find a little happiness , more power to her , huh ? Carly : I think she s a remarkable young woman . I do . I think she s strong and compassionate . I do nt know how she can forgive Kate for causing that accident . I mean , if it were me , I do nt think I ever could . Kate : I was thinking about what Johnny said happened in the interrogation room , how Connie came on to him again . Sonny : Connie , not you . Kate : Well , it s just another painful revelation , Sonny . How many of those are you supposed to take ? Sonny : Kate , the worst is behind us . Kate : I just -- I do nt know . I wish it would have happened differently , Sonny . I wish I would nt have left you standing on that street corner . Sonny : You were pregnant from a rape . You were traumatized . You did nt know what you were doing . Kate : I should have trusted you . I ran away . Sonny : Why do you think like that ? Look , you re doing everything that needs to be done . You re getting better . Kate : Because I wanted you to believe that I did nt love you , Sonny . But I want you to know now that I did . I always did -- then , now , always . You re the only one for me . You know that ? Sonny : Yeah . Kate : And I want to prove it to you . Todd : I know that I ve -- well , you know -- I ve done a lot of bad things . You re no slouch in that department . Do nt -- I -- I always kind of thought that that ... was what made us work . Right ? Some weird way . That we made each other better . Todd : Yeah . I have your room service . Todd : Great . Okay . Right here . There you go . Oh , and , uh ... Todd : Yeah , that s great . Thank you . Will you be requiring anything else ? Todd : No , I m requiring that you leave . You sure ? Todd : Yeah , I m sure . And that you nail this to the door , okay ? You re doing a great job . Blair : Okay . So , um ... you were saying ... Todd : Yeah , I was saying . You know what ? Let s sit down , right ? Before the food gets cold . Blair : Sure . Cause there s , uh ... nothing worse than lukewarm food . Todd : Right . Nothing worse than that . Dante : Yeah , ma , I need you to call me as soon as you get this . It s an emergency , okay ? Anna : All right , keep me posted . Thank you . Dante : Nothing ? Anna : No , I have all available units out . Nothing . No sign of Heather at all . So the newspaper office is already closed . Her son s apartment turned up empty . Dante : Yeah , I called G.H. Steve s in surgery . Anna : What about your mother ? Did you contact her ? Dante : She s not answering her calls . Anna : Heather could be anywhere . Dante : [ Sighs ] Doing who knows what to who . Anna : I fear she s already done it -- to Luke . Luke : Anna Devane s in danger ! Somebody ! [ Sighs ] Oh , come on , Spencer . Nobody s gon na help you . There s nobody out there . You got to save your own sorry ass if you re gon na be able to help Anna . What do I got to do ? Olivia : You really think I d go anywhere near that tea ? Heather : It s my own special blend . Olivia : Is that what you call LSD ? Heather : You really think I d spike this tea , Olivia ? Olivia : It would nt be the first time . Heather : Ancient history . What was I supposed to do ? That horrible woman adopted Steven Lars . Olivia : You sold him to her ! Heather : Details . Olivia : You re forgetting the most important one . You wound up drinking your own Mickey and melting your brain . Heather : I must admit , I did lose my grip on reality for a while . Olivia : Yeah , how could anyone tell the difference ? Heather : I do nt know . Can you ? Patrick : Robin . Is it really you ? You came back . But you re gone , so I ca nt ... it ca nt be . Is it really you ? Robin : Patrick . Patrick : Robin . You came back for me . Lulu : Maxie , hey . What -- wait , wait , wait . What s wrong ? No , he s not here . I thought that Patrick had left . O - okay , okay . Calm down , calm down . We re gon na find him , okay ? I m leaving right now . Okay . Bye , bye , bye . Not like I have to wait around here anyway . Patrick : I knew that was nt the last time I was gon na see you . I could nt lose you -- not the way I did . What s wrong ? Robin ? Robin : Save me . Patrick : You re safe . You re safe . I ll never -- I m never gon na let you -- Luke : [ Grunting ] Damn ! How tight are these knots ? ! Oh ! Heather must have macraméd a hell of a potholder at Ferncliff ! [ Grunting ] Oh , Spencer it s useless . Okay . Okay . On to plan B. Oh , there is no plan B. Who am I kidding ? Unless ... Heather : What s wrong with the walls ? What s wrong ? They re melting . And everything s dripping . It s all darkness . Olivia : Okay , Heather , I m -- I m calling a doctor . Um ... Heather : Oh , geez . Gotcha ! You should see the look on your face . Olivia : What , do you think this is some kind of joke ? Heather : You think I would intentionally take LSD ? Olivia : I would nt put anything past you , Heather ! You re freakin crazy ! Heather : What did you say ? Olivia : You heard me . I said you are crazy . What else would you call it ? You re standing in the police commissioner s hotel room , dressed as a maid , faking an acid trip ! If that s not crazy , what would you call it ? ! Dante : Team finished up the preliminary search of Archie Boles apartment . Heather gave him a whole letter from Luke to go by . Anna : This was in his apartment ? Dante : Yeah . Anna : Oh , wow . Well , that s Luke s handwriting . It s intended for me . Dear Anna ... Sonny : Okay , okay . Wait , wait , wait . Kate : What ? Sonny : [ Breathes deeply ] Kate : What ? Sonny : Are you ready ? Kate : To go all the way ? Sonny : It s just been a while since we ve been together . Kate : I know that . Does nt change how I feel about you . I love you . Sonny : I love you , too . I just -- listen -- listen to me . Okay ? I know that you ... you re dealing a lot with finding out about Connie and ... what Joe Jr. Did to you . Kate : You re not Joe Jr. Sonny : Uh , yeah , but , you know , I know that ... to be vulnerable with someone else ... I understand if -- if it s gon na take some time . And I m -- you know , I m good . I m willing to wait . Carly : Whoo ! You really did it . Johnny : Yeah , it s all in the wrist . Carly : You know what I mean . I mean , you re finally out from under Anthony s thumb . You have a successful , legitimate club . You re managing a talented singer . And you finally broke free from the life you always hated . Johnny : Yeah . You forgot the most important part -- something -- well , someone -- who made all the difference in the world . Carly : Yeah ? Johnny : You . To you . Carly : To you . For getting everything you ve ever wanted . Johnny : It was nt easy , you know ? Then again , if it was , I ... I do nt know if I d fully appreciate it . Carly : You sound so happy . Johnny : You know what I think ? For the first time in my life , I am . Carly : You know what ? We should drink to that . Carly : Who else should we drink to ? Michael , Starr ... I m gon na drink to Todd Manning . Johnny : Why the hell would I want to drink to that guy ? Carly : Because we have less of a mess with Todd if I did my job right . Johnny : Do I even want to know ? Carly : Oh , I set up a romantic dinner for him and his ex - wife , Blair , so he could finally tell her how he feels about her . So who knows ? I mean , even Todd ca nt mess this up . Johnny : [ Scoffs ] Todd : How about Starr tonight , huh ? [ Chuckles ] Singing in front of all of those people . Blair : Oh , my gosh . How about that ? I was so , so proud of her . And she sounded beautiful , did nt she ? Todd : Yes , she did . Blair : Yeah . Todd : She gets that from you . Blair : I m just glad that we were both there -- for Starr . Todd : Right . I think that us being there -- you know , our support means more to her than anyone else s . Blair : I do nt know about that . She seemed pretty focused on that Michael boy . Todd : Yeah , that Michael boy . You re okay with that ? Blair : I think he s a lovely boy . Todd : He s a lovely boy who tried to send our daughter to prison . Blair : Maybe that s because she tried to kill his father . Todd : No , she did nt . She waved a gun around . That whole thing was blown way out of proportion . Blair : Okay , Todd , do you really want to discuss where she possibly got that idea , huh ? Todd : Yeah , let s do that . Let s clear that air . I -- I admit that ... Blair : Really ? Todd : ... I might have created a situation where Starr followed my terrible example and threatened a known gangster . Blair : Oh . Todd : But we talked about it , and Starr and I have never been better . You saw her tonight . Did you see her smile ? Blair : Yes , I did . [ Chuckles ] Todd : I think it was really nice for her to have us there together . Blair : Well , I think she was more surprised that we were nt hurling insults at each other . Todd : Or knives . Blair : Yeah , right . Like you could even hurl anything . You were so nervous , your hands were shaking . Todd : You saw that ? Blair : Well , yeah , I had to hold them down to calm you down . [ Chuckles ] Todd : Only person in the world who could ever calm me down . Blair : Like old times . Todd : They do nt need to be old times . Blair : Todd ... Todd : No , hold on . Blair : ... This is a lovely evening . Todd : I ve been trying to figure out a way to say this , and I -- I do nt have to . I mean ... we both know what s going on here . Blair : What ? Todd : We belong together . We should get back together . Kate : You know you re the one constant in my life , Sonny ? You re the reason why I can learn to trust myself again . Sonny : If you had not reached out to me last summer and helped me get my head on straight , then I would nt be in the condition right now to be able to stand by you . You know -- hey -- what you did for me -- Kate : Can you just shut it and let me thank you ? I m thanking you . Sonny : Listen , that s what I m trying to tell you . You do nt have to thank me . Because I love you . Kate : When the truth came out about Connie , I was so afraid ... that we would be different together . Sonny : Hey , you know what ? Connie can not take anything from us . You know why ? Kate : Yes , I -- Sonny : Because she s already tried , right ? And she s failed . You understand ? Kate : Sonny , I do nt think we ve ever really been together . Because I have so many secrets . Ever so long , I just made myself numb to everything . And I just want to feel ... your skin on my skin . I just ... I just want to feel alive . Blair : Do nt say things like that , okay ? Todd : Why not ? We would already be back together if I had nt screwed the whole thing up . Blair : Well , I ca nt argue with that . That s for sure . Todd : You re here ... and you re here because we are connected . And I m not just talking about our children , although we have really good children . Blair : I need you to listen to me . Todd : We were kids . We were sitting in a bar , having a beer . We played that stupid game -- who s more pathetic ? Who s a bigger loser ? And who would have thought that those two people would grow up and have something special in their lives like we have Starr ? Blair : We are not those people anymore . Todd : Jack -- he looks just like you ... Blair : Please , Todd , just stop talking . Todd : ... Especially when he s telling me how much he hates me . Blair : Would you stop talking ? Todd : You want me to stop talking ? Blair : Yes , please stop talking . Carly : You know , I sometimes think about that conversation we had outside of your car in the freezing cold . Johnny : That was a crazy night , huh ? Carly : Yeah . Johnny : There s a lot of things I d like to forget about that night . Carly : I remember I tried so hard convincing you to not waste your life on revenge , you know , and to focus on your gifts and your opportunities . Johnny : Yeah . And I heard you . I did . It just took a long time for everything to ... sink in . Carly : I have to say , as much as I wanted to help you , I did nt really think you could turn your life around and -- Johnny : Come on . Carly : I m so glad I was wrong . I know Lulu helped with the details , but tonight was your night . Johnny : Oh ... Carly : Really . I mean , you made it all happen . Johnny : Well , there s just one thing that could make this night even better . Carly : What s that ? Johnny : This . Patrick : Where d you go ? I ll keep you safe . Come back , Robin . Come back . Please ... please ... there you are . Do nt scare me like that . Lulu : Patrick , what is it ? What s wrong ? Patrick : Nothing s wrong . Nothing s wrong . I m gon na keep you safe . There s ... there s nothing ... Anna : . .. That I was the type to settle down . Happiness will never -- this is so weird . Dante : I know . It s disjointed , right ? But it s basically the same message as the letter that Heather had forged . Anna : Yeah , so ... why bother with a forger ? Why not just use this letter ? Dante : For whatever reason , Heather was unhappy with the letter . Anna : Maybe there s something more to it . Maybe he found a way to tell me where he is . Luke : Okay , Spencer . Showtime . [ Grunting ] Heather : Were you always this suspicious ? It s not very attractive . Olivia : Why do nt you answer the question , Heather ? Hmm ? Heather : Like why am I dressed like a maid in commissioner Devane s room ? Well , that answer to that s so simple , even you could come up with it . Olivia : Okay . Heather : I m a journalist . Olivia : So this is all for the newspaper . Heather : Right . When Anna Devane was appointed commissioner , well , the circumstances were rather questionable . So what better way to dig up the dirt than to pose as the maid ? Olivia : Except you do nt work in this hotel , so this is breaking and entering , and I m calling security . Heather : Oh , there s no need for that . I m happy to leave . Olivia : Whoa , whoa , whoa ! Heather : No , I ve got no problem with getting out of here myself . Olivia : Heather , wait , wait ! You are not going anywhere until we ve had a little chat . Heather : Well , I hope it s not about the tea cause that s my secret recipe . Olivia : I do nt give a crap about your tea . I want to talk about why you were seeing a forger . I saw a man walking down the hall from Steve s apartment . Turns out this was the same guy that had the police thinking that first - mate Briggs killed Lisa Niles . Heather : I would nt know anything about that . Olivia : Mm - hmm . Heather : As you may recall , I was otherwise detained around the time that Lisa Niles went dead . Olivia : Anthony Zacchara hired a forger to throw suspicion on somebody else . You obviously figured it out somehow because you clearly were in need of this guy s services . Heather : Why , might I ask ? Olivia : I do nt know . But I m sure my son can figure it out . Heather : Your son . Olivia : Yeah . That s right . That get your attention ? My son , detective Falconeri . He knows all about this . He s probably filling in the commissioner right now . They re putting all the details together as we speak . Dante : It does nt say anything about any place in here . No nothing that says where Heather may be holding him . Anna : Yeah , but if Heather forced him to write this letter , he would have known she would read it first . Dante : Yeah , but is nt there like a phrase , something -- something that maybe only you and Luke know about ? Anna : No , no . It s just the way it s written , overall . It s -- like you said , it s disjointed . It s -- it s as if Luke was trying to get to a point of what he was saying but he could nt . Dante : Well , maybe that s the clue . Maybe a letter from Luke does nt sound like a letter from Luke . Anna : Right . Let me see . Luke : One hand . Yeah , good . Damn it . [ Grunting ] Oh . Anna : All right , it s a code . Dante : Code ? Anna : Yeah , look . See ? How I wish you understood me -- first letter H. Every day I have the same thought -- first letter E. An intelligent woman like you ... Dante : First letter -- a. So what do we got ? We got H. Anna : Yeah , h - e - a-- Dante : He s spelling Heather s name . Anna : Of course he is . Heather -- it s the first letter of every sentence . I - s -- is . Holding ... Dante : Holding . Anna : Me -- m - e . . .. In the ... Dante : The woods . Yeah , Heather s holding me in the woods ? There s a lot of woods around Port Charles . Anna : I know . Lulu : What the hell is wrong with you ? Patrick : I m sorry . I do nt know . I thought ... Lulu : Maxie thought that you went home , and she called me , freaked . Obviously for good reason . Patrick : I was about to go home . I just needed to clear my head for a second . Lulu : Well , it did nt work . Why would you kiss me ? Patrick : I did nt kiss you , Lulu . I -- I kissed Robin . Kate : Oh , thank you . Sonny : No , no , I should be thanking you . Kate : I m so grateful for you . Sonny : And I m so grateful for you . I know it s been hard carrying around this darkness ... but at least we re at a place now with no more secrets , no more pain . It s just you and me ... together . Kate : I almost ended everything between us , Sonny ... the way I ended the lives of Starr Manning s boyfriend and little girl . Sonny : Hey , hey , do nt -- do nt even think about that right now . Kate : Part of me will never forget . Carly : Looks like we made a mess of your desk . Johnny : Yeah . Carly : You need to get a couch . Johnny : Yeah , I had nt totaled the night receipts yet . Good thing . Carly : Um ... I got to get going . Johnny : Oh . Carly : I got to go home to Josslyn , so I think after you total the night s receipts ... Johnny : Yeah ? Carly : ... You should come over . Johnny : Oh , that may take me a while , so maybe you should come back here , huh ? Carly : Or we could call it a night . Johnny : [ Laughing ] Are we gon na quit while we re ahead ? Is that it ? Carly : I have a tendency to push things past the breaking point , so maybe I should just practice some restraint . Johnny : I m not sure I like the sound of that . Carly : Michael has finally accepted us . Kate and Sonny are way too wrapped up in each other to care . Even Todd s not bugging us anymore . Johnny : Yeah , I wonder how long that s gon na last . Carly : Todd should be way too busy with Blair to care . Bye . Johnny : Bye . Nighty night . Blair : You should nt have done that . Should nt have done that , Todd . We should nt have done that . Todd : Why not ? What are you -- okay , I m sorry . No , I m -- I m not sorry . It was great . Please ... let s kiss some more . Blair : No , no . You know what ? Todd ... we re not together . Todd : You said yourself this was like old times . IM ... Blair : Yeah , but what old times are you talking about ? They were a lot of them , Todd , and most of them were bad , okay ? Yeah . Todd : You re the only person that I feel okay with . Blair : Okay , you re making more into all of this -- Todd : And you care about me even though you say that you do nt . And you keep talking about bad times , but all I remember are good times . Blair : Well , I ... Todd . Todd : What ? Blair . You re the only right thing I ve ever done in my life . Blair : Oh , Todd . What -- wh - what are you doing ? Todd : I should have done this a long time ago . Then I spent all those years locked away from you , and I ... [ Breathes deeply ] Blair , I love you . Marry me . Again . Blair : Get up , get up . Oh , my God . Todd : Um ... this is a little rushed . You re right . I ... you ve only been talking to me again for like 12 hours . Blair : Oh , Todd . Todd : Please ... put me out of all of my misery . Please say yes . Blair : No . Todd : Yes . Blair : The answer s no . I ca nt marry you . Lulu : I know that you re grieving , and maybe you thought that you saw Robin for a second -- Patrick : She was standing right where you were standing . She was right there . Lulu : That s impossible . Patrick : Why , Lulu ? Because she s dead ? Lulu , she said my name , okay ? If she s dead , she ca nt say my name . Lulu : That s -- Patrick : She said she needs help . Lulu : She does nt need help . Patrick : I have to go find her . Lulu : Patrick , no ! If Robin was here , she sure as hell would nt want this . Patrick : I did nt mean to kiss you , Lulu ! Lulu : I m not talking about the kiss ! I m talking about the drugs ! You re still taking pills , and you re seeing Robin because you re high . Anna : Okay , so we know Heather was seen in the woods near route 59 . Dante : Where we found Anthony Zacchara s body . Anna : Right , exactly . Oh , my God . What if that s not the only body buried there ? Luke : Oh ! Law of averages . Something has got to ... work . Aha ! Oh , yeah . Oh , you re so beautiful . Heather : I hope you re happy . Once Anna hears about a forger , she ll know the letter s a fake . Olivia : What letter ? Dante : If Luke was where we found Anthony Zacchara s body , would nt the dogs have picked up the scent ? Step ... two . Olivia : Why would you forge a letter to Anna Devane ? You know what ? You know what ? Forget about it . I do nt even want to know . But I m pretty sure the police will . Anna : All right , Luke . She s got you in the woods . But where ? Luke : Careful , Spencer . Make this count . Dante : Falconeri . Olivia : Dante . Dante : Mom , why are you not answering your phone ? Olivia : I m sorry , baby . My phone ringer must have been off , but I ve got to tell you something -- about Heather . Dante : That s why I m trying to find you . We re looking for her . Olivia : She s here , in the hotel -- in Luke Spencer and Anna Devane s suite , to be exact . Dante : Okay , I want you to listen to me very carefully , okay ? Anna : This place is certainly remote . [ Sighs ] I reckon we will find Anthony s body here . Luke : Okay , here we go . Here we go . Ooh ! Oh , yeah . Olivia : I think Heather might need a trip back to Ferncliff . She started worrying about some letter that she forged to Anna Devane . Does that mean anything to you ? Dante : Yeah , look , we know all about it . You need to get away from Heather Webber . Olivia : But I got her here right now , honey . I ca nt just leave her -- Dante : Mom , mom , you need to listen to me . Heather killed Maggie Wurth to protect Steve . We think she might have done the same thing to Luke . Commissioner , over here . We found something . Anna : [ Gasps ] He s in the shack . Luke : Okay , come on , baby . Light my rope . Dante : We ll take care of Heather . You just get out of there . Olivia : Got it . Johnny : I may not have a second chance with Carly , but I do think it is possible for Sonny to forgive you . That s all I came to say , Kate . Connie : Wait . Johnny : That s all I got for you , Kate . Connie : Kate ? Do nt you recognize me ? Your old bed buddy , Johnny ? God . It s Connie ! Johnny : Kate could benefit from some therapy . Connie : Yeah , well , she s whining and moaning that I shot out Anthony s tires , which I most definitely did not do . Johnny : Maybe you should tell them you did . Patrick : You know , IM ... I m just tired . I -- it s been a really long day , and I m a little bit out of it . Lulu : You re hallucinating Robin . Patrick : Lulu , I ... I think about Robin all the time , and sometimes I see her . It s just tonight , it s a little bit stronger . That s all it is . Lulu : Look at me . You re on amphetamines . Are you taking them from the hospital ? Patrick : You know , I -- I do nt have time for these little kind of detective games . I need to go see my daughter . Lulu : No , Emma should not see you in this condition . Patrick : It s not a condition , okay ? It s permanent because I lost my wife , so let me go . Lulu : No . Lulu : Do you want to keep denying it ? Or should we talk about this ? Johnny : You miss me already , Carly ? Connie : Guess again . Todd : I -- I can do better . I can do better . I - Ill take you someplace really romantic . You love the water . We ll get in a plane . Blair : I do nt want to go anywhere . Todd : We ll go down to key west . I should ask you to marry me in key west , because that s where we had our honeymoon . Blair : You can , um ... you can take me anywhere , but ... the answer s still gon na be the same . Todd : What ? This is a fresh start . You d love Port Charles . Jack would love it . Sam would really love it . Blair : Jack is not coming , and neither is Sam , okay ? There s not going to be a fresh start , Todd . There s just -- Todd : Why ? With Tomás out of the picture , there s nothing standing in our way . Blair : He s not . Todd : He s not ? What ? Blair : Look , I ca nt marry you ... because I m marrying him . Dante : Look , mom , are you listening to me ? Heather Webber is more dangerous than any of us ever realized . You have to get out of there -- now ! Olivia : Got it . Luke : Oh , yeah , this rope has got to be at least as flammable as I am . Oh , yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah . Heather : What did Dante have to say ? Olivia : Well , it looks like I owe you an apology . PCPD questioned that forger , and he said he never saw you . Heather : Because he never did . Olivia : Well , I guess I jumped to conclusions , so I am really sorry , Heather . Why do nt you say -- what do you say we call a truce ? Heather : Truce ? Olivia : Yeah . This is stupid . I do nt want to keep playing these games that neither one of us is gon na win . Heather : You think neither one of us will win ? You do nt know me very well . Luke : Oh ! The idea is freedom , not self - immolation ! Olivia : You do nt have to worry about me causing any more trouble . In fact , I m gon na call Dante right now and let him know that I made a mistake and that you were never even here . Heather : You ve already made your last call . Luke : Fire must have weakened the rope a little bit , right ? Right ? Uh - oh . Uh- oh . Anna : I know where Luke is . Dante : Heather s at the metro court . Anna : What ? Heather : You were so sure I drugged the tea . As if I would do something that predictable . It was harmless . But this is nt . LSD , highly concentrated -- all for you , baby . Anna : I know where Heather took Luke . Luke : Okay . Anybody got a plan C ? Oh , damn . Patrick : I do nt have a problem , Lulu ! Lulu : Really ? Then why are you lying ? Dante : Heather Webber , put your hands in the air ! Todd : I m the guy that you should be marrying ! Connie : You got me to take the blame for shootin out Anthony s tires , and you know I did nt do it . Luke : [ Grunts ] Anna : Luke ! ### Summary:
Patrick sees Robin on the deck of the Haunted Star . She asks him to save her . When he tries to embrace her , she disappears . Lulu finds Patrick . Seeing Lulu as Robin , he kisses her . Lulu concludes that Patrick is hallucinating because he is high . She reaches into his pocket and finds the pills . Blair and Todd go to Todd s room to talk . He says he wants to get back together . She does nt want to talk about it . He kisses her . He gets gown on one knee , presents her with a ring , and asks her to marry him again . She says no . She tells him that she is already engaged to Tomas . Carly tells Johnny that she is happy that Michael and Starr are dating . She says she is happy that she was right about Johnny having the ability to change his life . He says only one thing would make this night better . They make love on his desk . Kate wants to prove that she loves Sonny with sex . Sonny does nt want to rush things if she is nt ready . She insists that she is ready so they make love . While they are sleeping afterwards , Kate has a dream in which she remembers her conversation with Johnny where he suggested that Connie should say she caused Starr s accident even though she really did nt . Connie pays Johnny a visit . Olivia finds Heather in Anna s room at the Metro Court wearing one of the housekeeper s uniform and holding a tray with a pitcher of iced tea . Heather claims that she is there to uncover dirt on Anna for her column . Olivia asks her why she was seeing a forger . Heather denies knowing a forger . Olivia informs her that she told her son , the cop , about the forger and that the police will figure out what she is up to . Heather concludes that Anna will find out that her letter is a fake . Anna and Dante decipher the code in Luke s original letter that spells out Heather is holding me in the woods . Anna wonders if Luke is buried in the woods where they found Anthony s body . Anna remembers the shack in the woods . Luke screams for help from inside the garden shed where he is tied to a chair . He unsuccessfully tries to free himself from the ropes . He then manages to light the candle on the table using one hand and his mouth . He tries to burn his rope with the candle , but he drops the candle and paper on the floor ignites . Olivia calls Dante and tells him that Heather is in Luke and Anna s room . Dante tells her to get away from Heather . Heather fills a syringe with LSD and says it is for Olivia .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ryan : You better run , Miranda . Spike s coming to get ya ! Kendall : Slow down . Be careful . Greenlee : The big kid , too . Erica : Oh , Kendall , everything looks just beautiful . Jack : Look at that , sweetie -- my favorite wine . Zach always remembers . Kendall : Yes , he does . I just -- I hope he hurries back with those pies , right ? Kendall : Zach , it s open . Come on , we re waiting for you . Zach ? Bianca : Kendall ? Erica : Oh , well , I mean , of all days for the electricity to go out at Spike s school . Jack : But the show is going on . Thanks to you . Erica : Well , this Thanksgiving pageant is very important to Spike . Jack : Honey , I think it s important to all of us . Erica : Just so afraid he s gon na look out in the audience and -- Zach wo nt be there . Jack : But the rest of us will . Erica : Why am I so jumpy ? Jack : Because David Hayward is still alive . Look , all of us that know him who have ever had anything to do with him , we re all just waiting for the other shoe to drop . Krystal : We have a little problem . Opal : Little problem , my butt . Krystal : Thank you , Opal . I was gon na try to ease them into it . Amanda : Into what ? Krystal : Well , obviously it s Thanksgiving and -- Opal : We have no turkey . Amanda : Oh -- Tad : How did this happen ? Krystal : I do nt know , Tad . You know , we ended up changing our plans to have dinner at Zach and Kendall s . Opal : And when we could nt do that -- Krystal : I invited everybody to come over here , and I closed the restaurant down for half a day . Tad : I remember all that . Just get back to the bird . Krystal : I thought it was in the freezer . Tad : Krystal , you got ta be kidding me . Krystal : I m not kidding . No . Please . Trust me . I ve looked everywhere . I ve called all the restaurants , the stores , and there s not a turkey in town . Marissa : It s ok . We ll just have hamburgers or something . Tad : Hamburgers ? On Thanksgiving ? Amanda : Turkey burgers . But Jake has to work anyway , so -- Krystal : I do think I have a prime rib . I could cook that . Tad : That s brilliant . That s brilliant . Let s just break out the fireworks . We could serve hot dogs . Or better yet , let s hide candy and get out the ham . I just love a good ham . No , no , no , no , no . On Thanksgiving , we got a little something in Pine Valley called tradition . This family needs a Thanksgiving dinner , now more so than ever . So after the play , we re gon na come back here . We re gon na have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with a traditional turkey , so you just count on it . Ryan : Ok , you can go over there and you pick out whatever pie you want , all right ? Emma : Spike likes chocolate . I wish we were going to his house . Ryan : Yeah . Me , too , sweets . Me , too . Hey . Hey , guys . How you doing ? Woman : Hi , cutie . You look pretty . Ryan : Hi . How you doing ? Emma : Madison ! Madison : Oh . David : How thoughtful , Liza . Now what did you bring me for Thanksgiving ? Liza : This is a turkey sandwich , and it s for me . I m not feeling particularly thankful . David : Would you like to know what I m thankful for ? Liza : If I were you , I would run like hell . Greenlee : I m not running anywhere . I m here for just one reason -- to make sure you re being sent away . David : Well , it certainly looks that way , does nt it ? Greenlee : What s that supposed to mean ? David : It means I m being transferred to lockup today . But I wanted to see you first . Greenlee : Do you have any idea how sad you are ? David : Why ? It s the truth . Greenlee : The truth ? You do nt even know what that word means . David : You know I love you , Greenlee . That s as true now as it ever was . Greenlee : I do nt care . David : You have every right to be angry with me . Greenlee : I m not angry . I m disgusted with myself for ever allowing you into my life . Zach is dead because of that . David : I know you re very upset about Zach , but he died in a plane crash that neither you nor I was responsible for . Greenlee : Oh , that s right . It s never your fault . David : I asked you here right now , because I wanted to give you my very best , ok ? And I am so happy , Greenlee , that you re free . That you re safe . Greenlee : You wanted Ryan in a jail cell , and now it s got your name on it . Enjoy it . Ryan : It s good to see you . Madison : Yeah , well , it s good to be seen . Sorry . That was lame . Ryan : No , it s all right . It s ok . Madison : Terrible news about Zach . Ryan : Yeah . It really is . Madison : I tried calling Kendall at the house , but -- Ryan : She s going through such an incredibly bad time . I just -- I m sure she really appreciates it . Emma : What are you doing for dinner ? Madison : I have to work . Ryan : Hey , Ems , why do nt you go and grab that pie ? Choose whichever one you want , ok ? Ok . So -- how are you really doing ? Madison : I m hanging in . You doing Thanksgiving with Greenlee ? Ryan : Madison -- Madison : Ryan , please do nt . I heard about what Greenlee did , how she was willing to go to prison for you . She must really love you . Ryan : I really never meant to hurt you , Madison , and I m so sorry that -- Madison : If you tell me that some lucky guy is gon na come along and sweep me off my feet -- Ryan : Ok . Ok . All right . But he is gon na be very , very lucky . Madison : I should go . Happy Thanksgiving , Ryan . Ryan : Yeah , yeah . You , too . You , too . Emma : Hey . You ca nt work today . Even the Pilgrims and the Indians had Thanksgiving day off . Come eat turkey with us and Greenlee . Ryan : Yeah , I mean , it s true everybody s missing Zach right now . Nobody should be alone . Emma : Please come , Madison . I never get to see you anymore . Madison : Oh , sweetie , I know , I know , but I ca nt come to dinner tonight , ok ? Maybe another time . I got ta go . Jack : Greenlee , why would you go see David in jail ? Greenlee : I just wanted to be sure that he was really going to be locked away . Jack : Let him send you a postcard from prison . I do nt want you anywhere near that son of a bitch . Greenlee : Ok . I get it . Jack : Good . Greenlee : Can we drop it ? Jack : Yes . Greenlee : Today is supposed to be about Kendall and the boys and Zach . Jack : You re absolutely right . Come here . Greenlee : You re being such a dad . I kind of like it . Jack : Yeah . Me , too . Listen , I have to go take care of some things . I ll be back soon , all right ? Come here . Erica : All tight . Greenlee : Do you blame me for Zach s death ? Erica : Why would nt I ? This whole tragedy started with you . Kendall : I hate this . I hate feeling like I could fall apart at any second , and everybody knows it . Bianca : Have you ? Kendall : Have I what ? Bianca : Fallen apart ? Kendall : No . I ca nt . The boys need me to be strong . Bianca : But I do nt . I fell apart mid - conversation yesterday . Caleb did nt know what to do . Kendall : I think Spike senses something . Bianca : What do you mean ? Kendall : He just keeps asking me over and over , When is Daddy Zach coming home ? And I just keep changing the subject , or I come up with some lame excuse . Then he looks at me with those big , beautiful , innocent eyes and it s like -- it s like he knows , Binx . Bianca : All the teachers at school are aware of what happened to Zach and that Spike has nt been told yet , so I m sure none of them said anything . Kendall : I know . But he s got to see it in me . I mean , it s like I m just going through the motions here . I ca nt -- I ca nt let him see me like this today . I ca nt . It s too important . I m gon na let Spike have his big moment -- in the pageant . And then I ll tell him . That s exactly what -- that s what Zach would have wanted . You know what ? I got ta get the camcorder . The camcorder . Bianca : What ? Kendall : Zach -- he got the batteries all charged up and ready to go . He knew I d probably forget . I always reminded him about his cell phone , and he always reminded me -- [ Sobbing ] Bianca : Hey , hey , hey . Kendall : [ Sobbing ] I m sorry . Sorry . Bianca : Oh , do nt be sorry . Do nt be sorry . Kendall : I do nt know how I m gon na do this . I do nt know how I m gon na get through today . I do nt know how . How ? Spike : Mommy ! Kendall : [ Sniffles ] Oh , God . Do you think he heard ? You do nt think he heard ? Bianca : No , I do nt think so . I ll go upstairs , ok ? Kendall : No , no , no , no , no . I want to see them . I want to see them . Ha ha ha hi ! Babysitter : Spike wanted to wear his costume in the car . I hope you do nt mind . Kendall : No , no , no . That s fine . Bianca : Hey , you look great . Pretty cool , Spike . Kendall : Yeah . Let me -- let me look at you , Mr. Indian Chief . Yeah . Spike : Is Daddy Zach here ? Kendall : Um -- you know , it s a really busy day for everybody . Mm - hmm . And we are all so excited to see you in the play , are nt we ? Bianca : Yeah . We should get going . We do nt want to be late , ok ? Come on . Let s get in the car . I ll -- oh , yeah , grab a coat . Come on , bud . Ok . We ll be right back out . Greenlee : You know how much Zach meant to me . Erica : I know how much self - preservation means to you . But today s not about you . Tad : Erica ? Erica : Hi . Tad : How s Kendall doing ? Erica : Oh , about what you d expect . Tad : If you need anything -- Krystal : Anything at all . Erica : Thank you . Excuse me . Krystal : It s tough being a mother sometimes . Erica : Thank you . Ryan : There s Greenlee . Emma : Hi , Greenlee ! Ryan : You head over . Hey . Greenlee : Hi . Ryan : Hi . Wow . Tough day ? Greenlee : I went to see David , and I did nt want you coming with me , because I did nt want you to get into any more fights with him . Ryan : So you went to see him on your own ? Greenlee : I went , I said what I had to say , and then I left . He s going to jail , and I m spending Thanksgiving with the man I love . I d call that a fair exchange . Ryan : What did he have to say ? Greenlee : I ll tell you later . Hi . Ryan : Spike , you look ready for your big day . Come over here . Let me see . Let me see you . Let me see you . Oh , my goodness . You look so great . Erica : Hi . I love you . And everyone here does . And Bianca and I have made sure that everyone knows exactly what your wishes are . Your little boys are going to have their best Thanksgiving . Kendall : I do nt think it s gon na work . Erica : Of course , it s gon na work . No one here is gon na tell Spike that Zach is gone . Kendall : I m sure everybody will be able to hide it . Everybody but me . David : For what it s worth , I am sorry for what I put you through . Liza : The thing is , I thought I knew you . I thought I knew what you were capable of . And I just underestimated you . David : It was never my intention to make you look bad . I recommended you for that D.A. position because you re a damn good lawyer . And , I admit , a pretty good friend , too . Liza : I got ta go work on your papers for the transfer . [ Hands him half her sandwich . ] Have a good Thanksgiving , David . David : Thanks . Liza : No more visitors for him . Damon : Tell this file is all you wanted . You re not really working today . Liza : You re not really working today . Damon : Are you serious ? You re gon na spend your holiday with that dead dude ? Liza : Work s got ta be done . Damon : Carve him up tomorrow . Liza : You know what ? Go be with your family , all right ? I got turkey on 7-grain bread . I m good . Guard : Sorry . No visitors . Jack : I m Hayward s attorney . David : Well , if it is nt my father - in - law . Good to see you , Jack . Jack : I ve got this feeling you do nt think you re finished with my daughter , but you are . So I m warning you -- do nt you go anywhere near her and do nt you try to contact her . David : You know something ? I think I outrank you , Counselor . She may be your daughter , but Greenlee is still my wife . Jack : Do nt you even say her name . David : Ok . You know something ? Why do nt you get the hell out of here . I got Thanksgiving dinner to -- Girl : This is a wonderful day . Emma : A day to give thanks . And now each of us wants to say what we re thankful for . Ryan : This is it . This is it . Spike s coming up next . Emma : Now , Chief Spike , what are you thankful for ? Spike : Mommy , Daddy , brother , sister , and Daddy Zach . Daddy Zach loves Thanksgiving . Erica : Bravo . Greenlee : He was excellent . Ryan : He was . Emma was excellent , too . She s like an old pro . I mean , this is Spike s first time . He s , like , amazing . It s serious star power , that kid , right ? Erica : He gets that from me . Ryan : Of course , he does . Of course , he does . What d you think , Mom ? Kendall : He was wonderful . I just wish Zach were here . Erica : Oh , I think that Zach knows . Tad : All right . Now , you make sure you get Jenny and our little squaw back to the restaurant . Put their turkey bibs on , ok ? Krystal : How in the world -- Tad : Where is the trust ? Just get ready for a traditional Thanksgiving turkey . Krystal : Where are you going ? Greenlee : I just wanna talk . Ryan : It s not a good time . Greenlee : But she s obviously in so much pain . Ryan : She is in a lot of pain , but every time she sees us , she remembers the way that Zach died , ok ? She knows that we re here . If she needs us , she ll come to us . Hey . right now I think we should just find Spike and tell him how great he was , ok ? All right ? there he is . Hey , Spike . You were so good . You were like a little rock star . Greenlee : You did an excellent job there , buddy . Ryan : You were so good . Look , I want to find your sister , too , so why do nt you give your mommy a big hug , ok ? You were great . All right . Kendall : Hey , buddy . You know what ? You were the best one in the whole play . You know that ? You were . You knew all of your lines . Everybody is so proud of you . Everybody . Erica : So proud of you , honey . Bianca : Come on , hot shot . I think there are other people who want to congratulate you . Get autographs . Erica : No , no . I ll go . David : I did nt do a damn thing to provoke him . He should be the one locked away . Jack : You know what ? Lock me in here with you . We ll finish this right now , you miserable -- Jesse : Nobody is finishing anything . How did you get in here ? Liza : You used your credentials to get in here . Are you crazy ? Jesse : You know why he did this . Liza : You know what ? We re gon na deal with that later . Right now , the prison bus is here to take you away . You have to go . David : Great . Jesse : Let s get out of here . Liza : You ok ? David : Yeah , right . Is nt it illegal to misrepresent yourself as someone s legal counsel ? Hey , we might be seeing each other before you know it , Jack . Jack : I ll look forward to it . David : Yeah , well , be careful what you wish for . Kendall : Did Spike see me run off ? Erica : No . No . He did nt . Kendall : I just -- I saw him on stage looking -- he was looking for Zach , and I just -- I just could nt . Erica : You did . You did . You were just fine . Kendall : No , Mom , it does nt feel like it . Erica : I know . I know it does nt feel like it , honey . It s -- it s still so fresh . Kendall : So -- time helps ? Is that what you re saying , that one day I ll just be over it ? Erica : No . No , I think we both know that it s not gon na be like that . Kendall : I just wanted the boys to have the perfect life , to always feel safe and -- and loved and wanted . Erica : And they have all that . Kendall : No , but they do nt , Mom . They do nt . They do nt . Not anymore . Erica : Of course , they do . They have you . Kendall : I know I m supposed to be strong for my children , but I m not . I m a mess . Erica : That s not true . You will get through this . Kendall : No , Mom , I wo nt . I wo nt . I do nt have it in me anymore . Erica : Kendall , I want you to look at me . Look at me . You do have it in you . Greenlee : You were a pretty impressive little pilgrim . Emma : It was the best play ever . Can we do it again ? Ryan : Hey , Ems , you know that Thanksgiving is about more than just costumes and pageants , though , right ? Emma : Well , kind of . Ryan : It s about being grateful and appreciating all your friends and family and everybody you love . Emma : Spike was sad that Uncle Zach did nt make the play . Ryan : Yeah , we were all very sad about that . Emma : So I gave Spike my turkey silly band . That s appreciating , right ? Ryan : Yes , it sure is . Greenlee : That s really great , Emma . Emma : Thank you for being my daddy . Ryan : Hey . Jack : Oh . For you . I ll let you take the coat . I just came by to wish everybody a happy Thanksgiving . Greenlee : I told Ryan about my little visit today . Jack : Did you ? Yeah , well , that s -- that s partly why I came by . Ryan : Hey , Ems , why do nt you go upstairs and put your doll to bed ? It s getting late for the doll . Emma : Ok Ryan : Ok ? All right . Ok . Jack : So they put Hayward on a bus . He s on his way to prison . It s over . He s finally out of our lives . Greenlee : Well , at least we have something to be thankful for . Ryan : I m just gon na run down to the car . I forgot my phone down there . I ll be right back , ok ? Yeah , this is Ryan Lavery . I m just calling to make sure that David Hayward is being transferred . So he s on his way to prison ? That s very good news . Yes . Erica : Honey , I know that there s nothing that I could possibly say that could make this hurt feel any better . But one thing I know is that every woman in our family , every single one , has had to face challenges . And we have . They knock us down , but we get up . Kendall : I do nt know how I m gon na tell Spike and Ian . Erica : You will find the words , and we will be there with you . Bianca and I are in your corner no matter what . And your grandmother is with you , too . And she always said to you that you will find your strength . Kendall : I think it s time to go home . We have to have a family meeting . Jake : Ok , so we re in this club because they have too many -- too many birds . Tad : Tons . I told you , every year they do the same thing . They order way too many , so it s no big deal for you and I to amble into the kitchen and liberate one . Jake : Ok , and that s why you need me . You want to rope me in to help you do that , with taking a bird . Tad : I roped you in because it s our duty as fathers , as Martins . Jake : Sure . Tell that to my parole officer . Tad : Would you stop whining ? God , you make me tired . Listen , are we gon na stand here arguing , or are you gon na help me get into the kitchen , put a bird in this coat , and fly the coop ? See what I did there ? The coop thing -- Jake : Too much bird talk . I get it . Tad : All right . This is your moment , young Dr. Martin . But are you in , or are you out ? Jake : Gobble , gobble . Emma : My doll s asleep . Greenlee : Oh , well , she looked pretty tired . Emma : Hey , where s Daddy ? Ryan : Hey , Zach . Look , I know you and I had our moments , but what you did for Greenlee and what you did for me -- the only way that I could possibly repay you is to make you this promise right now , that I -- I will be there for your family . I will be there for Kendall and the boys . I know you had a chance to be with Spike a lot this last year or so , and you were there for him and you helped him , and I -- I ll do the same for Ian , ok ? I ll make sure whatever they need , they have . I ll make sure that they never -- they never forget you . I owe you that much . David : That was a very touching speech . Happy Thanksgiving , Ryan . You look surprised . Ryan : I should nt be , though , should I ? So who d you drug this time , Hayward ? David : It s a real crime , you know , how poorly they pay those brave men that transport prisoners . But it should ve been you , not me , on that transport bus . Certainly not Greenlee . I should ve taken you out when I had the chance . Left you high and dry . Ryan : You never , ever go near her ever again . David : What are you gon na do ? Huh ? You re in no position to be making threats . [ Pulls out a gun ] Ryan : This your new plan , is it ? David : Hey , you know me , Ryan . I ve got a million of them . Ryan : It s not gon na work any better than your last one , Hayward . David : Really ? The only mistake I made last time was not killing you when I had the chance . I am a great believer in second chances . Greenlee : You know what a slowpoke your daddy can be sometimes . He ll be back soon . Emma : Maybe he went to buy you a present . Greenlee : A present ? Emma : You know , a thank - you present . Jack : Greenlee does love presents . Emma : Ever since she was a little girl ? Jack : Actually , I do nt know . You see , I was nt -- I was nt around very much when Greenlee was a little girl . I did nt even know she was my daughter for a long time . Emma : Really ? Jack : Really . I missed a lot of Thanksgivings with her , so I am particularly grateful that she s in my life . Greenlee : Me , too . Krystal : I do nt know about anybody else , but I am getting hungry . Jesse : Hey , what say we spark up the grill and slap some burgers on that puppy ? Damon and kids : Burgers ! Burgers ! Marissa : Oh , no , let s wait a little longer . Amanda : Oh , come on . Tad and Jake said that they d be here . Opal : Yeah , but you never know what could happen when those two tricksters go off together . Opal : What do you got there ? Krystal : How in the world did you pull that off ? Tad : Faith , baby , faith . Jesse : You know , back in the day , they used to shoot turkey thieves . Make it right tomorrow . Tad : Done . Kendall : You know how you keep asking me , Where s Daddy Zach ? And why did nt he come to your show today ? Spike : He said he was going to come . Kendall : Yes , and you know , I know he would have been so proud of you . How great you did on your part . You did just perfect . You were amazing . Something happened , Spike . There was an accident . Erica : You were wonderful with Spike tonight . Kendall : No child should ever have to go through that . If my kids end up hating Thanksgiving -- Zach would nt want that . I do nt want them to ever forget about him . Erica : Of course , they wo nt . You ll see . They have so many wonderful memories of him . You ll tell them stories . Zach loved them so much , and they loved him , and they will never forget him . Kendall : Thank you for being here , Mom . Erica : Of course . It s where we belong tonight . Are you all right ? Listen , why do nt we open some food ? Why do nt we have our little Thanksgiving dinner ? Kendall : No . Mom , I m really -- I m just -- I m really , really tired . Erica : Well , I know it s very comforting for you to hold on tight to this photo of Zach . Kendall : Yeah , it is . Erica : Honey , I could stay here tonight if you want me to . Kendall : No . No , Mom . You really need to go be there for Jackson . Erica : I do nt think that you should be alone tonight . Kendall : I need to get out of here . I need -- I just need to breathe . There s no air in there . Erica : All right , then I ll stay with you . Kendall : Mom -- Erica : All right . I ll leave . I m so proud of you . Tad : [ Clinks glass ] I d like to make a toast . Jake : Oh , boy , here we go . Opal : All righty . Jake : You ca nt eat all that . Tad : Folks , I give you -- me . Jake : Oh , fabulous . I love this . Tad : The luckiest man in the world . And I just have to stop and think about it , you know ? Last year at this time , I had no idea that I had yet another son , and this year I m stuck -- with the knucklehead who seems -- seems to have disappeared . Anyway , well , anyway , let s not forget my beloved brother . Huh ? Jake : You got me . Tad : My lieutenant . My partner in crime during the very fowl crime that was committed tonight . Tad : I know . I should stop . I should stop . But anyway , anyway , I also have , last but not least , I also have the rest of you , you know ? My beloved friends and my family . And that s quite a blessing , you know ? That s enough for any man . And I think -- actually , I know losing Zach has made me -- made all of us more aware of that , you know , exactly what we have . Each other . Truth is , there s a lot of pain out there , you know . A lot of suffering and a lot of loneliness , and when you re on your own , sometimes it feels like it s too much . When you got your family -- and your friends -- and your kids -- you can get through anything . Greenlee : Ha . Hey , could you go look for Ryan ? Jack : I m in the middle of a game . Yes , I ll take a look . Greenlee : And if he s not down in the garage , could you check the roof , because sometimes he goes up there to get some fresh air . Jack : Sure . Do nt let her cheat . All right ? Ryan : What are you gon na do , Hayward ? You gon na kill me and kidnap Greenlee ? David : Both great ideas . Ryan : Well , you re gon na have to get through me first . [ Grunting as he fights for the gun ] Tad : We ve all seen a lot of tragedy in the last year . A lot . And sometimes it s easy to lay in bed at night and worry and wonder , how much worse can it get ? How much more can I take ? But that s really a waste of time , because -- with you , I know for sure -- as long as you got somebody to love and somebody to love you , it gets better . It always gets better if you just hang on . And that s us , you know ? That s Pine Valley , right ? We struggle , we screw up -- Tad : But we persevere . Together . So what do you say , huh ? Let s raise a glass . Amanda : Right . Tad : To this wonderful , crazy thing called family and this wonderful , crazy place we call Pine Valley . Never a dull moment . Happy Thanksgiving . All : Happy Thanksgiving . Ryan : Hayward . Who s there ? Hayward . Who s there ? Whoever s there , come out ! ### Summary:
Tad and Jake steal a turkey from the yacht club because since they had plans to spend Thanksgiving at Kendall s house Krystal did nt make a turkey . Tad reflects and tells his friends and family how lucky he is to have them in his life . Tad also tells everyone that Zach s death has made him appreciate life even more and then everyone toasts and wishes each other a happy Thanksgiving . Spike s school has a power outage so the Thanksgiving play is held at Fusion . Kendall s friends and family gather to make sure that Spike and Ian have a happy Thanksgiving . Kendall cries as Spike tells the crowd that he is thankful for his mommy , his daddy , his brother , his sister , and his Daddy Zach who loved Thanksgiving . Erica is there for Kendall as she takes the boys home after the play and tells Spike that Daddy Zach had an accident and died . Kendall holds Spike tightly as he cries and then goes out to get some fresh air . Liza spends Thanksgiving alone , as she makes sure David gets on the bus that will take him to prison . Ryan calls the police station to make sure David got on the bus , then he looks up at the sky and promises Zach he will be there for Kendall and make sure that Ian and Spike never forget him . David comes up behind Ryan and tells him he gave a nice speech and tells him he paid the bus driver to let him off the bus . David pulls a gun on Ryan and is ready to kill him . Ryan and David struggle for the gun and almost strangle each other until a shot rings out and David falls to the ground . Ryan turns around and is shocked to see Erica holding a gun .