<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Nicole : Oh , God . Eric , baby , wake up . What happened to you , Eric ? Oh , my God . [ Crying ] Eric . George : You re not going anywhere . I know what you re up to . Abigail : I m sorry . Chad : For what ? Abigail : [ Exhales ] I just -- I thought that tonight was about the two of us just going out and having fun as friends , right ? Chad : Um , actually , I m the one who s sorry . Abigail : Why ? Chad : [ Sighs ] Well , because I know what we said , but the truth is when I asked you to ride the wild tiger with me tonight , I never wanted to be just friends . Will : Well , is she hungry ? Gabi : No , I just fed her ten minutes ago , but where is her blankie ? Sonny : I do nt know where the blankie is . Maybe it got tossed in the laundry when we were unpacking . We can look in there . Gabi : Can you please just help me look for this ? Will : Okay . Gabi : It s okay , honey . We re gon na find your mantita . It s all right . Will : [ Exhales ] Daniel : [ Exhales ] Jennifer : Hey . Daniel : Hey . Hey , you re the last person I expected after everything-- Jennifer : I know . I just -- I did nt want to leave things the way they were . Daniel : Well , come on in . Come on , let s -- let s talk . Jennifer : Okay , you know what , talk is overrated . Daniel : What ? [ Sighs ] Oh . Dr. Jonas ? Daniel : Hmm . Oh , hey . Hey . Do you have the meds orders for me ? Daniel : Yes . Yeah , I do . Right here . There you go . [ Groans ] Jennifer : Oh . Sorry . Marlena : Look , my son did nt leave the name of the hotel where he was staying ? Annabel : No , he did nt . Nicole walker made his travel arrangements , but she s not here . Marlena : I see that . I just do nt know why he s not answering his cell phone . Annabel : He probably turned his phone off to concentrate . Prepare for tomorrow s big meeting . Marlena : Yes , I m sure you re right . Oh , well . I know he s working hard . Annabel : As always . Marlena : Yeah . I just hope he finds some time to relax . Nicole : Oh , baby . Oh , my God . Eric : [ Shivering ] Nicole : Oh , my God . Eric ? Can you hear me ? Oh , God . Come on ! Talk to me . Oh , my God , what happened ? Eric ? Oh , come on , baby . Kristen : You are so stupid . I m leaving . George : No , no , no . No , you re not . Nick : Is everything okay ? Will : Yeah , everything s great . Just looking for Arianna s blanket because we must have lost it during the unpacking and the moving . Nick : No , I mean , I do nt mean to add to the chaos . I just , um , I brought a gift for her . Will : Oh , great . Nick : Yeah . Sonny : Nick ? Nick : Oh , hey . Hey , Sonny . Yeah , it s like a -- well , babies ca nt see color for the first three months of their life , and they find the high - contrast shapes captivating . That s what I read , anyway . Sonny : Right now , we re happy to try anything , so thank you so much . Nick : Yeah , the rest of-- Sonny : All that ? Okay . Thank you . Will : You re up . Nick : Okay . Will : Oh , my God . That sounds like it worked . Nick : Nah , she probably just got worn out . Will : No , come in . Come on . Come on . Come on . Nick : Oh , okay . Will : I m guessing that you re here to see Gabi , so-- Nick : No , actually ... I came to talk to you . Abigail : Chad , what are you-- you know that Cameron and I are-- Chad : Yes , I know all about you and Cameron . And I think he s a wonderful guy . But I do nt think he s the right guy for you . Kristen : [ Grunts ] Aller ! Oh ! Chip : What s the problem here , George ? Kristen : There is no problem . Chip : Really ? What s in the bag , maam ? Nicole : Eric . Eric , come on , baby . You have to sit up . Eric : [ Groans ] Nicole : Come on . Up , up , up . Come on , you cant-- oh , my God . Come on , baby . You have to get up . Eric : [ Shivers ] Nicole : Eric , you re burning up . You re burning up . I m gon na get you a wet washcloth . I ll be right back . Eric : [ Shivers ] Oh this is soft . Daniel : Yeah . Oh , ye -- no , thank you . Yeah . Appreciate it . Daniel : Hey . Jennifer : Hey . If I m interrupting , I can come back . Daniel : You know what ? No . No , you re not . Jennifer : I found this after we were-- and I did nt know if you wanted it back or if what you said about wanting a do - over was true , so-- I m not meaning to put you on the spot . I need you to trust me , Daniel . Daniel : Trust you ? Jennifer : Yeah . I really do because I know what it looked like when you caught JJ with Cameron s prescription pad . Okay , I just wish I felt like you trusted me to handle my son in my own way . Can you do that , please ? Nick : Uh ... [Clears throat ] I m here because I still owe you an apology . Will : Oh . No , you do nt . Nick : Yeah . Will : No . I mean , you brought me my baby girl . And you put her in my arms for the first time , and that is something that I will never forget . I did-- when I heard what Jensen did to you in prison , I-- maybe you did nt want to let on how much it really affected you . And that is the reason that things got messed up between us . But I just want you to know that I completely understand . And I m -- I m very sorry . Nick : If I was half as good of a person as you are , none of this would have happened no matter what I had to deal with in prison . Will : No . I do nt know about that . Nick : I do . I also know that Arianna is going to have one hell of a father . Gabi : Nick . I wanted to say , um-- is everything okay ? Chad : I had a really good time with you tonight . Did nt you ? Abigail : Yes , but-- Chad : Okay , but when I asked you out , you had plenty of chances to say no . And hey , when Cameron asked you out , you turned him down , so you would nt have to cancel our plans . Abigail : Wa -- it s not like I was choosing you over him . Chad : Right , it was all about the coasters . [ Exhales ] Abigail : Right now I feel like I m still on one . Chad : Look , Abigail , I m -- [ Sighs ] I m sorry , okay ? About everything . And I know I was so angry with Gabi that I let it get in the way of everything . I tried to give you space , and I tried to get over you , but I ca nt get you out of my head , Abigail . And I m not giving up on you without a fight . Nicole : Hey . I m here , Eric . I m here for you now , okay ? Oh , you have to be okay . I need you . I m gon na get you some help right now . Eric : Nicole . Nicole : Oh . Hey . Kristen : Whoa . So suspicious ? I have a bag in hotel . You want to see my lingerie , you just have to ask me , hmm ? Chip : Okay , but I mean-- Kristen : Maybe I call your chief , huh ? What you think ? I call your chief . Oh , my good friend , the governor , hmm ? Chip : What s your complaint , George ? George : This freeloader never checked in , and yet she has a key . Now she s trying to waltz out of here like nothing every happened . No . No , she is a thief . I want her arrested . Ok , I am coming . Kristen : Please . This is ridiculous . I checked in . If I was a freeloader , I mean , would nt I stay one night ? Chip : Well , it s quite common when someone s engaged in a certain profession . Kristen : Oh ! So you think I m a hooker ? George : You know , I think you re on to something , chip . She s determined to get into one particular room . When I said it was nt available , it looks like she took matters into her own hands . Kristen : I will pay for the room again ! If that s what it takes . Please . George : No , it s took late . I m pressing charges . I want to know what you re really doing here . Nicole : Yes , Eric . It s me , it s Nicole . Eric : Why are you here ? Nicole : Well , you -- you left your notes . And I came here , and I found you like this . Can you -- can you tell me what hurts ? Oh . Okay . Look , I m gon na get you a doctor . I m gon na get you a doctor . Here , look . Put your head here . Okay . Lean back , lean back . Eric : [ Shivers ] Nicole : Oh , baby , lean back . Oh , where s my phone ? Oh . I forgot these do nt work . Baby , listen . I do nt want to leave you , but I m gon na go downstairs . I m gon na get you the help that you need , okay ? I ll be right back . I ll be right back . Eric : [ Shivers ] Chip : Come on , lady . Let s do this . Martha : What s going on ? Kristen : You checked me in . Now they think I stole the key . Martha : Oh , I m sorry . There has been a terrible misunderstanding . We ve been so busy dealing with the phone outage , I guess I never finished filling out the paperwork . Kristen : What did I say , huh ? George : Um , I m sorry , maam . Kristen : Well , you are stupid . I m calling my attorney . George : Great . Nicole : Please , I need your help . Jennifer : You ca nt even answer me , can you ? Daniel : Do I trust you ? Always . But do I think you have blinders on when it comes to your son ? That right there , that is a different question . Jennifer : Really ? Is it ? Daniel : Yeah , he s your son . You re going to love him and support him no matter what . Jennifer : And you think he s lying . And you think I m wrong to believe him . But what makes you so sure ? Maybe you re too quick not to trust him . You know , sometimes I feel like you are just sitting there waiting for him to screw up , so you can say , I told you so . Daniel : What , you really think that s what s going on ? You think I m just wait-- Marlena : I m sorry . Excuse me . Do you have a moment ? Jennifer : Yes , yeah . Marlena : Please , I m so sorry to interrupt . Jennifer : No , no . Please . It s fine . I was -- I was just leaving . Excuse me . Marlena : My apologies . Is she okay ? Nick : I just came by to bring that for the baby . Sorry , I should get going . Gabi : Nick , hold on . I m -- I spoke to Kate . She told me . Nick : I was fired . Gabi : I m sorry . Nick : It s probably for the best . Sonny : Hey , Nick . Arianna s finally sleeping , so thank you . Nick : Yeah . Sonny : If you want to get some fresh air and take a walk , will and I got this covered . Gabi : Thanks . Nick : See ya . Will : See ya . Sonny : Aww . Will : That was so nice of you . Sonny : I just figured they could use some alone time . And they were nt the only ones . Will : Hmm . Abigail : Chad ... I did nt see any of this coming . Chad : Really ? It seems to me that life keeps throwing us together . And now that you ve seen that video ... Abigail : We re keeping secrets from the police about a murder investigation . Yeah , that gives us a really special bond . Chad : I m sorry that you re in the middle of this . You re not having second thoughts , are you ? Abigail : No . Chad : [ Exhales ] Okay , I know you want to do the right thing . And I admire that you stick to your beliefs . Abigail : Okay , if this is gon na turn into a conversation about the virgin thing , then-- Chad : Why -- why are you blushing right now ? Abigail : I m not . Chad : You re very cute when you blush , by the way . I m serious . There it is again . I see it . [ Laughs ] Look , it s special that you want to save yourself for the right guy . And I do nt know if that s me , but-- Abigail : No , I do nt know . I do nt know about any of this . Chad : I did nt mean to dump this all on you . I just felt like there was something special that happened between us tonight , and-- Abigail : I need to go . Chad : Wait , let me drive you home at least . Abigail : No , I m fine . Chad : Here , hold on . You forgot this . Take this . Abigail : Thanks . Chad : You re welcome . Nicole : He needs a doctor , and I ca nt call out . Chip : I ll radio for an ambulance . Nicole : Okay . George : He did nt look sick at all when he checked in . Nicole : Hey . Hey , we re gon na take you to a hospital , and you are going to get the best care . Right ? George : Right . Nicole : What is your problem ? George : Well , I guess you ve never been to county general . Last time I was there , I waited eight hours in the E.R. Nicole : Is this the state capitol or Mayberry ? Look , we re getting him to a doctor , and we re gon na get him the best care no matter what I have to do to make that happen . Chad : Hey . Sonny : Hey . Chad : Hi , what s up , man ? Will : [ Laughs ] Hey . Chad : Kate told me you got out of the hospital . Will : Yeah . Chad : Brought the baby home . That s a big day . Will : Yep . Chad : Yeah . Wow , you look like you re feeling better , so that s a good thing . Will : I am , yeah . Chad : Yeah . Is the baby sleeping right now or she-- Sonny : Yeah . I m guessing you did nt come over to offer to change some diapers ? Chad : No . Actually , I just came by to see how will s doing . Will : Okay . And ? Chad : Okay . I guess I kind of came over here to talk about Abigail . Jennifer : I know that you re trying to help me , but you and JJ are a really bad combination right now . Daniel : Jennifer , listen . This is not about me and JJ . Your son , you know what he was going to do ? Jennifer : I understand that , and I know that you think that I m so easy on him . But you know what ? Honestly , I do nt think this is your call to make . Jennifer : Abigail ? Abigail : Hey , mom . Jennifer : Hey , honey . Everything okay ? Abigail : Yeah . Jennifer : You do nt look okay . No , I mean , you do nt have to talk about it if you do nt want to . Abigail : I would nt even know how to put it into words , mom . Jennifer : Do you want to try ? Abigail : Okay , um-- I am a complete and total screw - up . Nick : Maybe we should sit . Gabi : It s okay . I m feeling good now . Nick : You look great . I m sorry you felt like you and Arianna had nowhere to go , that you had to move in with will and Sonny . Gabi : It s okay . I mean , we re all getting along really well . And Sonny -- he delivered my baby . Everything s good between us . Nick : Right . Gabi : Are you sending out resumes ? Nick : Yeah . I m -- it s the plan for tomorrow . Gabi : You should send one to Sami . You know , she really wanted to hire you before . Nick : Listen to us , Gabi . We re married , but from the way we re talking , we could be strangers . Gabi : Well , maybe that s because ... we are . Daniel : Wow , this is a great pickup . I ll arrange for a head ct for Mrs. Senter first thing in the morning . Marlena : Thank you so much . And please be good enough to send a copy to Dr. Holcombe . She s covering some of my patients while I m spending time with Sami . Daniel : Yeah , of course . Yeah . And if there s anything you need from me , please do nt hesitate to ask . Marlena : Thanks . I will . Just this whole situation with john and Brady and now Eric being out of town , I feel like I m pulled in so many directions , I cant-- Daniel : Eric ? Eric is out of town now ? Marlena : Yes . He had to go see the governor about getting the permits to open the new school at St. Luke s . He thinks if he does nt get that done , he will be transferred out of Salem . Daniel : I m sorry to hear that . I hope everything works out . Marlena : So do I. I d be lost without him . Daniel : Yeah . Daniel : Oops , excuse me . Marlena : Sure . Daniel : Hello ? Nicole : Daniel , it s Nicole . Are you at the hospital ? Daniel : Yeah . Why ? Nicole : Oh , thank God . I m in an ambulance with Eric , and I asked the paramedics to take him to Salem . He s really sick . Please , you have to help him . Kristen : [ Humming ] No rest for the wicked . Sonny : Abigail did nt change her mind about keeping quiet about the video , did she ? Chad : No . No , no , no , no . This has nothing to do with that . Will : Great . Then what s the matter ? Chad : [ Sighs ] I , uh , kind of did something crazy tonight . Is it okay if I-- Will : Yeah , sure . Chad : I , uh , I got these V.I.P. Passes to the whoopee world opening , and I asked Abigail to come with me . Will : Okay . Chad : Well , we had this very clear understanding that it was nt a date . At least that s what she thought . Thank you . Sonny : Wait , she s seeing Cameron . Chad : I know , I know , I know . And I do nt like dogging him , but I am telling you , it is not over between us . Will : How can you tell ? Chad : I can just tell , that s all . Look , I just wanted one more chance with her . I mean , what if Cameron s not the right guy for her ? And what if deep down , she thinks it too ? Abigail : Cameron and I have been getting closer and I told him that I was ready to-- Jennifer : Right . But you were nt ready ? Abigail : No . Jennifer : And that s okay . Abigail : No , it s not okay , mom . I mean , how many other virgins do you know that are my age ? Jennifer : Well , I was at your age . Abigail : Yeah , but , mom , that was so long ago . Sorry , you know what I mean . It s just-- I went out with Chad tonight , and it was supposed to be , you know , just friends . And I think somewhere deep down , I knew that he wanted more from me . And I still said yes . And you know what the worst part about it is , mom ? I actually had a really great time . Jennifer : Okay . Well , maybe you did tonight . But you need to stay away from him . He is bad news . Abigail : [ Scoffs ] Eric : This is wrong . Kristen : No , it s not . It s right . Can you feel how right it is ? No . That will never do . Nope . Kristen : Harold ! Harold ! Kristen : Really ? Do you ever work , Harold ? Honestly . Dr. Chyka . Dr. Chyka : I just wanted to check in . I hope my formulations were of use . Kristen : Yeah . Definitely . Marlena : What did she say ? What did-- Daniel : All right , what do we got ? What do we got ? Patient is unresponsive . Pulse is 110 and thready . Temp is 105 . Marlena : 105 ? Oh , Eric . Daniel : Hey , what happened ? Nicole : I do nt know . I found him like this in the hotel . And he woke up , and he recognized me , but only for a second . Please tell me he s gon na be okay . Daniel : Well , first thing we got ta do is get his temperature down . Then we ll figure out what s causing it . E.R. S swamped . Let s get him in here . Yes , sir . Daniel : Straight ahead . Nurse , get the door . Straight ahead . Right in that room . Here we go . Nicole : Oh , my God . Oh , my God . Marlena : Roman ! Roman : Marlena ! I got your message . Marlena : Daniel s got him right now . We do nt know what happened . Roman : What s wrong with him ? Marlena : We do nt know yet . Daniel s -- Daniel s with him , but Nicole said that she found him in his hotel room . He was delirious , he was fev-- sister Annabel said he was fine when he left . He was alone . What the hell were you doing there ? Nick : It s my fault , Gabi . I made a thousand promises about our future and our life together . I want you to know that I meant every single one of them then . Gabi : I do know . I do . But you were lying to yourself , Nick . Nick : Yeah . I guess I just-- I tried so hard to pretend that what happened to me in prison was nt driving every single thing that I did . You know , I thought somehow , that if I had the perfect family -- the beautiful wife and the beautiful baby , that it would just-- it all would just go away . I know it might feel like I just latched onto the first girl that came along , but , Gabi ... you re so special . I m always going to care about you . Always . And I hope ... that even though-- even though we ve been through so much that ... we could still be friends . Gabi : I care about you , Nick . I mean , you know that . And I want you to get the help that you need . But what I need -- what I need is to take care of my brother when he gets out of the hospital and be the best mom that I can be . I have a chance finally to get things right . And I do nt want to do anything else that could screw that up . Nick : I think you made the right decision ... [ Sniffles ] Moving in with will and Sonny . They re good guys . A hell of a lot better than me . Gabi : I need to go . Please take care of yourself . Nick : [ Sniffles ] Abigail : Mom , when dad flipped out because I started to see Chad , you are the one that told him to relax . Jennifer : Yes , but that was before he did what he did at Gabi s wedding , honey . Abigail : Mom , everyone makes mistakes . I ve made plenty . Jennifer : Absolutely . That was more than a mistake . And besides , you just told me that you re feeling really close to Cameron . Abigail : I am . And I do . Sometimes . If I were so sure that he was the right one , why would I keep thinking about Chad ? Oh , this is-- I do nt know what s wrong with me . Jennifer : Honey , there s nothing wrong with you . It s just a confusing time right now . It s okay . Abigail : You have no idea . Jennifer : What ? No idea about what , honey ? Abigail : Nothing . Nothing . Jennifer : Abigail , please . Abigail : No , mom , seriously forget it . I m fine . I just need to be alone , okay ? Jennifer : Okay . Will : Correct me if I m wrong , but did nt you and Abigail break up after the wedding thing ? Chad : Yeah , that would be correct . Will : Yeah . Well , listen . I mean , we all make mistakes , and if I m over what you did , I m sure Abigail s over what you did , you know . And if you had nt done it , then I would nt be a father to my little girl . So in a really convoluted way , I mean , you did me a favor . Chad : Wow . Thanks for saying that , man . Well , I ll let you get back to whatever I interrupted . I ll see you guys later , all right ? Sonny : All right , see you later . Will : Where were we ? Sonny : I think we were right here . Nicole : Marlena , I was there because I found Eric s notes back at the church . The ones he needed for the meeting about the school . I knew how important they were to him , so I tracked him down and-- you know , God , I just pray that he s gon na be okay . Roman : Yeah , we re all doing that . Marlena : I m so sorry . Roman : Why did nt the paramedics take him to the closest hospital ? Nicole : Because I wanted him to get the best care possible , so I insisted that they bring him here , and Daniel s gon na help him . He has to . Daniel : Well , that s strange . Maybe it s viral ? Daniel : No . I m not so sure . Kristen : Would you like a drink ? Chyka : I hope I m not interrupting . Kristen : No . Just making a little something to remember the night by . Because God knows that nobody else is gon na remember , right ? Daniel : I m gon na start a broad spectrum antibiotic while we wait for his cultures . Okay . And if his condition changes at all , you come to me ... Of course . Daniel : Right away , all right ? Okay . Will : Hey . Everything okay ? Gabi : Yeah , everything s great . Is Ari still sleeping ? Sonny : Yep . Gabi : Long nap . Great . You know what that means . Will : She s gon na wake up and she s never gon na go to sleep again . Gabi : Well , I would nt say never , but she is gon na wake up every two hours . She s gon na be hungry , cranky . She s gon na be crying her little head off . Sonny : Was nt she down for , like , five hours the other night ? Gabi : Well , yeah , that was-- that was a fluke . That was a one - time thing . She s not even a month old . You really expect her to , you know , sleep the whole night through ? Will : No , of course not . My mom said I did nt leave her alone for more than three hours till I was one . Gabi : Yeah , I was like that too , and I hope it s not hereditary because if it is , we are in trouble . I m gon na go try to nap for a bit while I can , okay ? Sonny : Get over here . Will : Ah ! Ow . So how old were you when you slept through the night , Mister ? Sonny : Well , I was the perfect baby apparently . I slept through the night as soon as I got home from the hospital . Rarely cried . And you know , when I was six months old , I was speaking in full sentences . [ Laughs ] And then I bowled people over with my highly refined sense of humor ... Will : Oh , shut up . Sonny : Before I could even walk , can you believe that ? Will : Please , you were-- I m sure you were a little nightmare . Sonny : I was . Yeah , my mom said that she did nt sleep or even rest for , like , the first two years . Will : Two years ? Sonny : Two years . Will : You expect three - week- old Ari to sleep through the night ? Sonny : A boy can hope , ca nt he ? Will : I m gon na go sing to her . Kristen : Are you all right ? Chyka : I have to admit this is not simply a courtesy call . There s something you need to know about the drug s aftereffects . Kristen : You mean the fever and the chills ? Those aftereffects ? Marlena : Daniel . Roman : How is he ? Daniel : Well , heart rate s back to normal and the fever s broken , yeah . Marlena : So quickly ? Daniel : He was very dehydrated , so we pumped him full of fluids , and he seems to be responding very well . Marlena : [ Sighs ] Roman : So then he s gon na be okay . Daniel : Yeah . It looks that way . Marlena : I assume you d like him to stay a couple days ? Daniel : Well , actually I m not sure that ll be necessary if he continues to improve at this rate . And I know that sounds surprising considering the state that he was in when he came here , but-- Nicole : Daniel , you are the best . Marlena : Yes , thank you so much . Thank you both so much . Daniel : Well , when the nurses finish checking his vitals , you know , you can go in and see him . Roman : All right . Daniel : Yeah . Roman : Well , thanks . Okay . Daniel : Can I talk to you for a minute ? Nicole : Sure . Daniel : Yeah , I need to know everything that happened from the time you found Eric to the time that you brought him here . Every detail however unimportant it may seem . Nicole : Why , what s going on ? Kristen : The fever and the chills are nt the side effects you re talking about , are they ? Chyka : No . As I said , they should subside quickly . I m referring to the other thing we discussed . Kristen : The promise that you made me that the patient would nt remember anything that happened to him ? That other thing ? Chyka : Uh , yes . That . Daniel : Eric s lab results are not indicative of a bacterial infection . I have never seen a virus hit this hard this fast and clear up just as quickly . Nicole : I m sorry . What are you saying ? Daniel : Well , if I did nt know better , I would say that Eric was poisoned . Kristen : Now you re telling me this ? Chyka : I m sorry . It was only after I gave you those formulations that I was alerted to a problem with the ingredients I used . Apparently , part of the compound was corrupted . Kristen : So ? Chyka : Its properties are likely not as potent as I expected them to be . Kristen : And what does that mean ? Chyka : Obviously the drug worked as expected . But it s very difficult for me to make any promises about the victim s long - term memory at this time . Kristen : So what you re telling me is that this person could remember everything that happened to him ? Is that what you re saying ? Damn it . Eric : [ Groaning ] ### Summary:
Nicole tried to revive Eric . When Eric woke up , he thought about him and Kristen making love , but he did nt see her face . George ( the guy at the front desk of the plaza ) stopped Kristen from leaving . Nick came over to Will and Sonny s place to talk to Will . George and a police officer wanted to know what was in Kristen s bag . Nick apologized to Will for the way he treated him . Will told him he did nt have to apologize . Will told Nick he understood what happened to him in prison . Kristen said she had lingerie in her bag , but George still wanted her arrested because she was a thief . George and the police officer thought she could have been a hooker . George wanted to know what she was doing at the plaza . Eric finally woke up and was in pain . Nicole left to get help . Martha showed up before the police officer put the cuffs on Kristen and told them there was a misunderstanding . George apologized and Kristen left . At the hospital , Jennifer tried to make things work with Daniel , but they ended up arguing over JJ . Their conversation was interrupted when Marlena showed up to talk to Daniel . Nick and Gabi went for a walk to talk about their relationship . Kristen got to the DiMera mansion and pulled out the USB stick from her camera . She looked at the recording of her and Eric together . Eric was brought in to the hospital . Daniel wanted to see what was wrong with Eric . Marlena called Roman to the hospital so he could see Eric . Nicole showed up and told them what happened to Eric . Marlena wanted to know why she was there when Eric was supposed to be alone . Nicole told them why she was at the plaza and how she found Eric . Marlena apologized for her outburst . While Kristen was editing the recording , the doctor who gave her the poison showed up . He wanted to warn her about the effects of the poison . Daniel told Marlena and Roman that Eric was going to be okay . Daniel wanted to Nicole to tell him everything that happened when she found Eric . Daniel thought Eric was poisoned . The doctor said there was a problem with the poison and the person who got it could remember what happened . Kristen was beyond upset that Eric could remember what happened .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Steffy : You had a run - in with my dad ? Rick : Yeah , I mean , I was just trying to talk to him and convince him that I m not using you . Steffy : Did it work ? Rick : I do nt know . I think he hates me now more than ever , if that s even possible . Look , I got to go . I love you . Brooke : Where is my son ? Brooke : ( Sighs ) Brooke : Rick ! Steffy : Oh , my God . Rick ! Rick ? Rick , are you okay ? Rick ? Marcus : Hey , what was that ? Charlie : That did nt sound good . Lt . Baker : Uh , Charles , you check it out . You stay put . Pam : Did you hear that ? Thorne : Yeah . It sounded like an explosion . Pam : I hope no one s hurt . Rick : ( Groans ) Oh , my God . Steffy : Here , now sit down . Sit down . Sit down . Rick : ( Sighs , groans ) I m fine . I m fine . Steffy : Oh , my God , please . Please , let me call an ambulance . Rick : No , you re not gon na call an ambulance . I m fine . Steffy : Let me-- you almost got-- Rick : I did nt , okay ? Not quite . Steffy : Oh , no . You -- oh , my goodness . Rick : Come here . It s okay . Brooke : Rick , oh , my God . Thank God you re okay . Rick : ( Sighs ) yeah . Brooke : Security said that you came up here and you told them not to call anybody . Rick : ( Sighs ) I did . Not yet , at least . Brooke : Oh , honey , we have to get you to the hospital . Rick : I am not going to the hospital , because I m okay . Brooke : You re shaking . Steffy : Here , you re going into shock . Here -- give us -- here , so you can be warm . You can be warm . Rick : ( Sighs ) Thank you . Thank you . Brooke : Sweetheart , your car exploded . Rick : I was nt close enough to get caught in the blast . You missed . ( Sighs ) Brooke : What ? No . Rick : Mom , cars do nt just explode on their own , okay ? Somebody tried to kill me again . Ridge : Or that s what you d like us all to believe . Rick : Look , I did nt blow up my own car , Ridge . God ! What is the matter with you ? Ridge : Just like the house . It s all for show . Rick : It was you . It was you , you son of a bitch . You could have waited a few more seconds , and you actually would have had me . Brooke : Honey . Honey-- Ridge : If I wanted to get rid of you , you d be gone . I would nt need any bomb for that . Brooke : Stop , please ! Both of you ! Rick : You said it would all-- you said it would all end tonight . That I was nt gon na see Steffy ever again . You told me to get in my car and get the hell out of here . You tried to kill me , you bastard ! Lt . Baker : A car exploded ? Marcus : What kind ? Donna : Marcus ! Oh , my God , you re okay . Marcus : Mom , I m fine . Somebody s car just blew up . Donna : Rick . Lt . Baker : That guy is having a very bad week . Owen : Thank -- thank you very much . Man : You want to run a tab ? Owen : Yeah , that would be great . Man : Okay . ( Indistinct conversations ) Bridget : Wow , are you coming undone over here ? Owen : Oh , my God . Bridget . ( Laughs ) I m sorry . Bridget : I did nt mean to sneak up and scare you like that . Owen : ( Sighs ) No , no , no . It s okay . I m just , um , you know , I got tunnel vision , that s all . Bridget : Did you have a bad day ? Owen : It was my last day . Bridget : What ? Owen : Your brother Rick fired me . Bridget : He fired you ? Just like that ? Owen : Yep . Yep , just like that . Bridget : Why ? Because the surf line did nt work out ? But why ? Owen : Well , apparently he s cleaning house . He wants to get rid of all the people that he does nt like , and I m right at the top of the list . It does nt really help that my last name is Forrester or Logan either . I m easily disposed of . Bridget : That does nt sound like my brother . Owen : ( Scoffs ) Yeah , well , maybe not to you . Bridget : I m sorry , Owen . Owen : Well , it s okay . It s okay . You know what ? I thought I found my niche . Who would have thought ? Bridget : I understand . It really does get in your blood . Being able to have that challenge to create a new collection every time and prove that to yourself-- it s exhilarating to create something that no one s ever seen before . Owen : Well , I m surprised you feel that way , I mean , considering your career is in medicine . Bridget : I guess it s in my genes . Owen : Yeah , well , I had my chance , and I loved every minute of it . Thank you , Rick . Brooke : Rick , stop it . That s enough . Rick : No . No , you know what ? You know what he told me , Mom ? Rick , you do nt know what I m capable of . Well , you know what ? Now I do . And so does everybody else . Steffy : Rick . Rick , please . Brooke : Ridge did not do this . Rick : But then who else , Mom ? Who else ? You kept telling me , Do nt push him , Rick , cause he ca nt take it . What were you afraid of ? He was gon na do this ? Brooke : No . No . Rick : He knows what we did , Steffy . Steffy : Mom felt you had to know . I did nt want to hide it from you . I was -- I was going to tell you . Rick : That s why he did what he did . You were there that night , were nt you ? You saw us together . That s why you lit my house on fire . That s why you tried to kill me . You can not stand the fact that she and I are gon na be together , so you d rather see me dead . Steffy : No ! I - I do not believe that . My father would never try to kill you . Lt . Baker : I think that s for us to find out , young lady . Ridge : You called the police ? Charlie : We were in the building when the explosion happened . Ridge : What , investigating him ? Lt . Baker : Let me guess . You think Rick blew up his own car just like you think he set the fire . Rick : ( Laughs ) Taking suspicion off yourself . Charlie : And you think Ridge did it . Rick : That s right . I m not gon na be safe till he s behind bars . Brooke : This is ridiculous . Ridge had nothing to do with this . Detectives , my son is understandably upset , but what he s saying about my husband just is nt true . Steffy : Or what my dad said about Rick . Brooke : All we know is somebody is out there trying to kill my son . We need to find out who it is . Owen : Thanks . Bridget : So my brother is nt exactly making things easy over at Forrester , is he ? Owen : ( Laughs ) Yeah , you can say that again . Bridget : I still ca nt believe my dad made him President of the company . Owen : Yeah , well , you and a lot of other people . Bridget : They re really not happy about it , are they ? Owen : Look , Thorne is the one I feel sorry for . I mean , come on . That job should have been his . Bridget : Look , Thorne is great . I love him . But I do nt know that people would have necessarily wanted him to be President . Owen : What , and you think your brother is a better candidate for the job ? Bridget : Okay , listen . My dad has a lot of guilt about being an absentee father . He s in a difficult position , and so is my mom . Owen : Come on , Bridget . People -- they have messed up childhoods all the time , and they get over it . Your brother is playing right into it . Bridget : Well , you re not the first person to suggest that he probably needs some help . Owen : God , I am gon na miss Forrester Creations . That was a great place to work ... ( scoffs ) Except for Rick . Bridget : There are other fashion houses out there , and I might be able to help you find a way in . Bridget : Sorry . Bridget : Oh , um , hold on one second . Hey , Pam . W - wait . What ? W - was he in the car ? O - o - okay , of course . I ll be right there . Oh , my goodness . I need to go . My -- my brother s car blew up . I-- ( sighs ) I do nt know . Um , can I-- I ll just-- Owen : Just -- no , d - dont . No . Uh , no . Do nt worry about it . Just -- just go . Go . Do what you need to do . Bridget : Um , thanks . Ridge : Go ahead . Investigate your heart out . I ve got nothing to hide . Rick : Neither do I. Lt . Baker : Well , that s a real change of pace for this bunch . Charlie : Investigation s already started . Forensic team is on its way . Brooke : I want protection for my son . There have been two attempts on his life already . Rick : Well , if you lock your husband up , there wo nt be another one . Lt . Baker : Where were you when the car blew up ? Ridge : In the sky lounge . Brooke was there with me , too . Charlie : And you , miss Forrester ? Steffy : Uh , I was at the loading dock . He was going to his car , and I-- I turned around to say bye . ( Sobs ) Brooke : We would like to help you in any way possible . If you need to question the employees , check our security tapes-- whatever it is that you need . Please , just find out who is after my son . Pam : ( Sighs ) Any news ? Thorne : Security said the fire department left , but the C.S.I. guys want access to the lot . Pam : Wow . They got here fast . Donna : Lieutenant Baker ... ( sighs ) and his son were in the building when the car blew up . He and his son were questioning Marcus about the fire at Rick s place . Marcus : Yeah , well , at least I got a rock - solid alibi for the explosion . Pam : ( Sighs ) Not necessarily . The bomb could have been on a timer . Thorne : Who said it was a bomb ? Donna : You listen to me , Pammy . After everything you have done to me , do nt you dare-- do nt you dare throw accusations at my son . Rick : ( Sighs ) Rick : ( Exhales deeply ) ( sighs ) Hey , Madison , just-- yeah . ( Sighs ) um , just-- just tell everybody I m okay , and , um , I dont-- I do nt want any more calls today . Thank you . Steffy : ( Sighs ) Rick : Hey . Steffy : I did nt want to leave you alone . Rick : Thanks for getting your dad out of my office . Come here . ( Laughs ) Steffy : I cant-- I ca nt lose you . I ca nt . I wo nt . I wo nt lose you . Rick : Mm . I know . I know . I know . Hey , hey , look at me . Steffy : ( Sighs ) Rick : I m fine . I m fine . Steffy : My dad did nt do this . Rick : ( Sighs ) Look , nobody wants us apart more than him , Steffy . Steffy : Well , maybe it s not about us . Rick : Listen to me . Grief -- powerful grief can change a person . Think about that . Steffy : Not that much . Rick : ( Sighs ) Steffy : You fired Owen . You got the job Thorne wanted . Rick : I do have a lot of enemies , do nt I ? ( Laughs ) Steffy : Whoever did this could try again . Rick : Steffy , whoever did this does nt realize that I have a lot to live for . Steffy : I m serious . I m worried about you . Rick : I am serious , too . Hey , I asked your father if I could marry you . Steffy : ( Gasps ) What ? Wh -- when ? Rick : Earlier . We were up at the sky lounge ... before everything blew up . ( Chuckles ) Steffy : Rick , do nt joke about this . I m scared for you . Rick : I m scared , too . I m scared that we ca nt be together . ( Sighs ) Steffy : No , we will . We will . We have to . I m not gon na lose you . I wo nt . I wo nt lose you . Rick : You wo nt . ( Sighs ) Ridge : Logan , your son is fine . Brooke : Rick could ve been killed . Ridge : He hardly has a scratch on him . Brooke : You were together in the sky lounge . Ridge : We were talking about Steffy . Ridge : He asked if he could marry her . Do you believe that ? Brooke : He really does love her . Ridge : Or he s just doing damage control , because I found out he had sex with her . Brooke : Uh , yeah . Rick came to me earlier today . And I told him it was unacceptable . Ridge : Ahh . But you did nt tell me . Why did nt you tell me ? Charlie : I ve still got to get a look at those video tapes . Lt . Baker : I know . Donna : Lieutenant Baker , have you learned anything ? Lt . Baker : We re working on it . Marcus : ( Scoffs ) You know , I bet you two feel real foolish now , huh , trying to pin the fire on me ? Lt . Baker : We still have nt established that the two crimes are related . Donna : Well , obviously , somebody s after Rick . Lt . Baker : Maybe a few somebodies , cause from what I understand , that boy has nt been making a whole lot of friends . Donna : Well , he does nt deserve to be blown up . Charlie : Do you agree with that , Marcus ? Donna : Look , will you stop questioning my son ? There s a homicidal maniac that you could talk to , and you know who that is . Lt . Baker : We ll track down the assailant , Miss Forrester . Just give us a little bit more time . Donna : I m afraid my nephew does nt have a lot of time . Rick : I m safe . ( Sighs ) Steffy : You re not , not until the police catch whoever s doing this . Rick : ( Sighs ) Look , Steffy , if you and I ... Steffy : ( Sighs ) Rick : Want a future together , you have to stay as far away from me as possible . Steffy : Wha -- no ! Rick : I m in danger . I do nt want you anywhere near me , okay ? I do nt want to take any chances . Steffy : I wo nt let you got through this alone . Rick : Nothing can happen to you . I would never forgive myself . Steffy : But something did happen to me , something incredible , the other night at your house . I ve never had a connection like that with anyone . I need you , and I will not be apart from you . Rick : Well , if it keeps you safe , then I m all for it . Steffy : I think you should get a bodyguard . Rick : ( Chuckles ) Steffy : I do nt want you to be alone anywhere until we find out who s responsible . And I know you still think it s my dad , but I do not believe that . The police will find evidence , and it will point not to him . Rick : Well , it s gon na be a little difficult . My car is shattered into a million little pieces all over the alley . So good luck with that . Steffy : Well , they ll find clues . Rick : ( Sighs ) Steffy : What are you doing ? Rick : I got to find my P.D.A. I mean , if I do nt call the in - insurance company-- that was a vintage car . Do you have any idea how much that thing was worth ? Steffy : ( Sighs ) Steffy : What -- what is it ? What s wrong ? Ridge : Rick and Steffy slept together , and you kept it from me . Brooke : I just found out myself . And it only happened once . Ridge : Only once , huh ? Just once . How many times would it have had to happen for you to tell me about it ? Brooke : ( Sighs ) Okay , okay . Maybe I should have told you when I found out , but I knew it would make you upset ... Ridge : ( Sighs ) Brooke : And I was afraid of what you might do . I was hoping that maybe I could end it somehow . Ridge : Oh , it s gon na end , all right . It will end . Brooke : How ? How , Ridge ? They re in love . Ridge : Stop calling it that , Brooke . Brooke : ( Sighs ) They re adults , sweetheart . Ridge : She s my daughter . Brooke : Yes . Yes , I understand , and I m not saying that I support this . It s just right now I am thinking more about who s trying to murder my son . There was a terrible explosion . What if he was closer to the car ? Or , God forbid , inside the car ? And he s not doing this to himself , Ridge . You need to believe that . Ridge : Logan , if you believe that ... ( sighs ) that s all I need then . Ridge : I m here for you . I lost a child . It s the worst pain a parent can endure . I do nt want the same thing happening to you . Brooke : Thank you . Ridge : We ll find out who did this . We ll figure it out together . Brooke : ( Sniffles ) Thank you . You are my rock . ( Sighs ) Brooke : How could this be happening ? ( Sighs ) Who is trying to kill my son ? Rick : Lieutenant Baker , this is Rick Forrester . Yeah , hi . Um , there s something here that you re gon na want to see . Whoever it is that s pulling these stunts on me , they re not gon na give up . They re gon na kill me . ### Summary:
Rick is delayed by Steffy as he heads to his car . Before he reaches it , the classic goes up in flames from the explosion . Rick lies on the ground with Steffy hovering beside him . Rick looks up to the Sky Lounge railing with a menacing look at Ridge . Later while all are trying to get him to go to the hospital , Rick points fingers at Ridge and tells him that he missed this time as well in tying to get rid of him . Lt . Baker says someone is having a very bad week . With Brooke caught in the middle and trying to defend both , Rick and Ridge continue to blame the other for setting both fires . Bridget runs into Owen at Cafe Ruse and commiserates with him about losing his job because of her brother who fired him . Steffy is worried that whoever did this could try again . She does not believe it was her dad , and she wants Rick to hire a bodyguard . She vows that she will not lose him . Rick seems strangely unconcerned . He continues to kiss her . Ridge blames Brooke for not telling him that Rick had sex with Steffy . She justifies it by saying it only happened one time . Right now she is more concerned with who is trying to kill her son . Ridge says he lost one daughter and he certainly would not wish that feeling on her too . He will do whatever he can to find the person responsible for these attacks on Rick . Rick looks in his desk for his PDA and finds a note . He calls Lt . Baker , saying the attacks are not going to stop . The note in cut - out magazine print says , the end is near .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Marlena : Uh , victor , I just spoke to Dr. Grant . Victor : And ? Marlena : I m so sorry to be the person that has to tell you this . Victor : Just tell me straight . Marlena : She does nt think he s going to make it through the night . Who are you calling ? Victor : Mayo clinic . Obviously he needs a different doctor . Should ve done this the minute they brought him in . Marlena : I know you re feeling powerless right now . Victor : I m not powerless . I can afford the best . Marlena : Well , all the influence and money in the world are nt going to change this . Victor : No ? Then what is ? Marlena : I m afraid all we can do now is pray . John : I know you re tired of fighting , kid . But you ca nt pack it in . I want you to think about your boy . You think about Tate . You think about little holly . You think about Nicole . You -- you think about your old man , damn it . Because we need you right here in this world with us . I m begging you , buddy . You reach back , and you find the strength to hang in there . Chad : Yeah , that s great . No , I ll be , uh-- I ll be there as soon as I can . Thank you . Gabi : Who was that ? Chad : Pilot . Plane s engine has been fixed , and we re ready to go . Gabi : Okay , so what caused the problem ? Chad : He does nt know . Neither does the technician . But plane s done , and I m ready to go . Gabi : No , you do nt think it s a little weird that nobody can figure out what happened ? Chad : Take a look at me right now . Take a look at this face . Do I look like an aeronautical engineer ? Gabi : No . Chad : No , I do nt . Gabi : No , you look like somebody who has a stolen amulet that is cursed . Chad : Okay , you know what ? You re putting a little bit too much faith in that curse . Gabi : All I know is , since you touched it , bad things have been happening . Chad : Like what , spending a little bit longer in Greece ? I m sorry . That does nt sound so bad . Gabi : Abigail divorcing you . Sprained my ankle . Eli dumped me . Chad : Fair . The divorce was gon na happen no matter what . And staying in Greece a little bit longer has allowed me to figure things out ... in this thing . And now I m ready to get back home and see my son , so ... Gabi : Yeah , I miss Arianna too . Yeah , I have to get back before Lucas spoils her rotten . Chad : You should come-- come home with , uh-- with hope and me . Gabi : Okay . Chad : Okay . Does -- does the outfit come with you , the little-- the little stewardess outfit , does that come with ? Gabi : Oh , stop . Forget-- oh , god , wow . Yeah , me sneaking on sonny s plane as a flight attendant . What was I thinking ? That was crazy . Chad : No , it was nt . Gabi : And I just got in everybody s way . That is exactly what I did . He s gon na get what s coming to him . Deimos : Nicole . Are you all right ? Nicole : To tell you the truth , I ve had better days . Eric : Do nt move ! Deimos : All right , what-- what the hell is going on here ? Nicole : Well , I think it should be obvious . We took care of your pal here , and now we re gon na deal with you . Deimos : Wait , what ? What , you-- you think I lined up with him ? Nicole : We know you did . Deimos : All right , look . I do nt know what that psychopath told you , but I came here to rescue you and holly from him ! Nicole : Well , his words might be lies , but his phone does nt lie . Because Xander got a text ordering him to deliver me to someone tonight , and I m assuming that someone was you . Marlena : I m so sorry to be the person that has to give you this terrible news . I need to go to john . Victor : Marlena . Marlena : Hmm ? Victor : I want to thank you for being so civil to me tonight ... after the way I treated Eric . Marlena : Well ... being cruel to Eric would not bring back Daniel . Victor : I know . I ll never get over Daniel s death . Ca nt lose Brady as well . Maggie : Hello . John : I wo nt let him go . Ca nt let you go , kid . Eli : Is your department gon na give us backup when we go to the island ? My superior wants to know how you got confirmation that Deimos Kiriakis and Xander cook are holding an American woman and child against their will . JJ : We got to one of Deimos operatives . His name is guy mantzoukas . He s got a list of priors as long as my arm and outstanding warrants against him . So we said we d help him if he d help us . And what did he tell you ? JJ : That Deimos is behind the kidnapping of miss walker and her baby . Lani : He also said that Xander cook , aka Xander Kiriakis , is holding Nicole and her baby on the island on Deimos order . Malista . You know this for certain ? JJ : He s been making the arrangements for Deimos to take Nicole and her baby off the island and into his control . Will this man , guy , testify in court ? JJ : Unless he wants to go to prison here . That s the deal we made . Malista . Well , I have to report back what you just told me . But I m sure you ll have your backup . Hope : Can we stop talking now and just get on with this and find Nicole and the baby ? Let s go . Deimos : Okay , you know what ? Maybe you re not aware of this , but I saved Brady s life ! I m the one that paid for the chopper to bring him back to Salem ! He s the one that told me that Xander had you and holly . And ever since he told me that , I ve spent day and night trying to find you . Nicole : Mm - hmm , right , and came rushing to my rescue . Deimos : Yes , yes ! That s exactly right ! All right , you know what ? Where s holly ? We have to get out-- Eric : Hey , you re not touching her . Nicole : I m not going anywhere with you , Deimos . Deimos : All right , Nicole , I realize that you ve been angry with me , but I am genuinely here to help you . Nicole : Just stop ! I know that Xander s been working for you , okay ? And I know that you re the reason that Brady got shot and I spent time in that cage , away from my daughter . So stop treating me like I m stupid , and admit it ! Let s party ! John : I just keep studying his face , just ... just looking for any kind of a sign that he s fighting back . Marlena : Well ... he s young . He s got that going for him . I know he d never want to leave Tate ... or you . And he s found something in Nicole that he thinks is worth living for . John : My god , I hope you re right , doc . Come on , kid . Come on , kid . Chad : So as soon as hope gets back to me , we can , uh -- we can take off . Gabi : Thank you for the ride . I was not looking forward to sharing a private jet with the guy who just dumped me . Chad : Were you , uh-- were you guys that serious ? Or were you serious about him ? Gabi : I do nt know . I mean , yeah . I mean , we were having fun , and it seemed to be going in the right direction . But once he found out that Abigail filed for divorce , that was it . Chad : That s it ? Gabi : Yeah . Chad : What s wrong with that guy ? Gabi : Well , he knew that , um , I used to have feelings for you . Chad : Well , you do nt break up with somebody just because they used to have feelings for somebody else . It s not like you re popping your gum or nothing . Gabi : Yeah , no , popping gum is a deal breaker . Chad : It s gross . I m kidding . Gabi : I know . I do nt know . I guess he thought that once you were free , I d go running back to you , and there was just no way I could prove him wrong . I do nt know . I m not even desperate to be in a relationship , though . Chad : Sure . Sure . Gabi : I m taking a break . I am . I m focusing on my daughter and my business . Actually sounds really good for me . Chad : That s the same plan I have . Thomas and DiMera . Gabi : Okay , good . But listen , now that you , um-- you re gon na go through this divorce , I have a question for you . It s kind of important . Deimos : Are you forgetting ? I shot him ! I left him in the river to die ! Nicole : Yeah , that s what you said , mm - hmm . Deimos : [ Scoffs ] All right , you know what ? Even if I did have you and holly kidnapped , which I would never do in a million years , I certainly would nt hire him to take charge of it ! Nicole : That is such bull . You two have been working together this whole time . Deimos : How is that even possible ? Nicole : You and Xander were alone on the docks after the siege . You had Xander on the ropes , and then you decided he was more use to you alive than dead , so you struck up some kind of deal , and then you sent him to Canada to attack me . Is that when you were gon na swoop in and rescue me ? But , oh , dear . Did sonny and Paul ruin your fun ? So you went to plan b , and , oh , Eric got in the way . It seems like someone s always getting in the way of you being a fake hero . Deimos : Wow . Wow , that -- that is quite the elaborate story . But since it s based on nothing but conjecture , no hard evidence whatsoever ... Nicole : Duplicity and manipulation are always unmasked . Just give the cops a little time , Deimos . Deimos : All right , listen , Nicole ! I m the one telling you the truth here . And believe me , I would like to kill him right now , but I do nt want to waste a second getting you and holly out of here ! Nicole : Well , it looks like you came all this way for nothing , because I am going back with Eric . Deimos : Really ? Really ? Well , can he get you past the armed guards ? Nicole : I m sure that s easy for you , right ? Because they re on your payroll . Deimos : I got past them because I studied the terrain . I paid a local who told me about a secret way in and out of here . And if we want to get out of here alive , we need to go that way now . Eric : I heard the helicopter you arrived on . Deimos : Yeah , yeah . That s right . That s right . I have a helicopter . I have a pilot . I have armed guards just waiting for us . But we have to leave now if we want to get out of here ! Nicole : Right . And what about him ? Deimos : Once we re in the air , I ll call the local police . I ll tell them where to find him . Nicole : Yeah , just like you told everyone that you shot him and went into the river ? Deimos : Nicole ! We have to leave ! Nicole : No ! Maggie : What are you thinking ? Victor : I m thinking how much he reminds me of his mother . If there s a heaven , she s there ... with Daniel and Bo . Maggie : I do nt know about you , but that comforts me . Victor : Too much loss for this old soul . I really do nt know if I can survive it . Maggie : Darling , I do nt know what to say . Victor : What is there to say ? Maggie : [ Sniffles ] Well , I m gon na call Emma , and I m gon na tell her that I wo nt be home tonight . I want to stay with you . Victor : No , you go home . You should be with Tate . Please . That s what Brady would want . Maggie : I love you , Brady . Chad : Why so serious ? Gabi : Chad , can we ever be friends ? Seriously , I mean ... Chad : Oh , this is a serious-- Gabi : Real friends ? Yes . Chad : Really ? Gabi : Yeah , I do nt want to have to walk in somewhere and see you and then have to figure out some plan to avoid you . Chad : Listen , I hate that too , and I understand why we did it before , but now I ... what s the point ? Gabi : Because we were friends . Chad : We can be friends again . Gabi : Good . Chad : Good . Gabi : Glad you feel that way . Chad : Mm - hmm . Gabi : Good , cause there s a bunch of times where I want to take a picture of Arianna if she s doing something cute or if she s saying something really cute , and I ca nt because I cant -- you know , I ca nt call you or anything . And I hate living like that . Chad : Yeah , me too . Gabi : After everything we ve gone through , I d be really sad if you were nt in my life . Chad : Well , we have a lot of great memories thanks to Deimos . Gabi : [ Scoffing ] Yeah . Chad : We ll always have the meat locker , kid . Gabi : Oh , my god . The meat locker . Chad : Was it too much ? Gabi : Please do nt say that . Chad : Uh ... I - I do nt know why -- why hope has nt gotten back to ... Gabi : Yeah , where is she ? Chad : Last I heard , she was with JJ , Lani , and Eli . And I know she was really anxious to get back , so-- Gabi : Oh , my god , Chad . Chad : No . Gabi : What if they found Deimos ? Nicole : You did this , did nt you , you bastard ? Deimos : No . No ! No , he must know that Eric and I are-- Nicole : Eric ! Oh , my god ! Deimos : All right , Nicole , Nicole , we have to get out of here now ! Nicole : Eric , say something ! Deimos : All right , look . I can make sure that you and holly have the life that you both need together , okay ? I can take you somewhere where no one will ever find you . Nicole : Are you hurt ? Eric : I do nt think it s too bad . Deimos : All right , Nicole , listen to me ! Eric ca nt help you right now . Brady ca nt help you right now . If you go back to Salem with Eric , they re gon na throw you in jail , and they re gon na take holly away forever , all right ? I m all you ve got ! Eric : No , you leave her alone . Nicole : I am not leaving with you . I would rather stay here with that animal than go anywhere with you ! Deimos : Oh , my gosh . You re not thinking clearly ! Xander s men have the place surrounded . They must know what the two of you have done to him . They must know that I m here . Why are we wasting time ? Come on . Hey . Eric : You let her go ! Deimos : No ! We re wasting too much time . Where is holly ? Nicole : I dont-- Eli : FBI ! Stop right there ! Sonny : Hey , all hell s broken loose . Chad : W - w - what do you mean ? What happened ? Sonny : Paul was watching where Deimos was supposed to be and was ambushed from behind and left for dead . Gabi : Is he -- is he , uh-- Sonny : No . Yeah , he s at the hospital . The doctors say he s gon na be fine . Gabi : Oh , my god . Sonny : But he s gon na be in there for a while , so he wants me to take over . Chad : Who got him ? Sonny : It s got to be Deimos . Gabi : Have you heard from JJ or Lani or Eli ? Sonny : No , I have nt heard from them since they left for the island . Gabi : They left ? Chad : Well , okay , that must be why hope s not getting back to us . I do nt like the sound of this . Gabi : Do you think that Deimos is gon na do to them what he did to Paul ? Sonny : Actually , I think it s the other way around . JJ : Let go of her . Nicole : Oh , thank god you re here . Eric s been shot . You have to help him . Deimos : You re making a big mistake here . JJ : Yeah , I do nt think so . Lani : Your man guy , we leaned on him . Took him about 20 seconds to roll on you . Deimos : I do nt know what the hell you re talking about . Eli : That s funny . He knows all about you . Lani : The man sang like he was on the voice . Nicole : Eric , how are you doing ? Eric : All right . Hope : He s not losing a lot of blood ; he ll be fine . Eric : How did you find us ? Hope : One of Deimos guys gave him up . Nicole : Deimos and Xander have been working together all along . Deimos : No , no , that s not true . That s what Xander wants you all to believe . Nicole : No , because Xander got a text ordering him to -- to deliver me to someone , and I know it was Deimos . Check his phone . He had it on him when we jumped him . It s right there . Lani : It s all shot up . Deimos : All right , look . Um ... [ Chuckles nervously ] I do nt know who or what you think you have on me , but I do nt know any guy named guy or -- or anybody with that name . I do nt know who the hell he is , okay ? I have a lot of enemies here , so he s probably one of them . Now , the only thing you re gon na find out about me is that I came here to rescue Nicole and holly . Xander s the one that kidnapped her . He s the one that shot Brady . He s the one that kept holly and Nicole prisoner here . He did that , and he did it alone . Nicole : Oh , for god s sake ! Why do nt you ask him if he was working alone ? Eli : Well ? What do you have to say for yourself ? John : Oh , kid . Brady : Are they really moving you to federal prison so soon ? John : Seems so . For , uh -- for quite a while . For good , actually . Brady : This is crazy . John : I did this for my family . It was a choiceless choice , son . Brady : I get it . John : My family means everything to me . I m gon na reintroduce a classic line using more traditional media . Brady : Dad , I got to say , um , I think we just reached a compromise or something . John : I think black is back . Look , I know that we ve had a couple rough years here-- Brady : Yeah , dad , dad , dad , listen , man . I m sober -- I m sober , and Theresa s out of my life . Things are great . John : Well , I have realized that I need to let you lead your own life , and I will just trust your decisions . Brady : Dad ... thank you . Thank you for saying that . But the fact is , dad , I have made so many lousy decisions , and I m probably gon na make a lot more . So when I screw up , you ll still be there for me when I need you , right ? John : Always . John : [ Sighs ] Oh , man . So many things I did nt say . So many things I did nt say often enough . Like what a great kid you were ... and how proud I am of the man that you ve become . Hey , god ... please give me the chance to say that again to him . [ Sniffling ] Oh , I love you , kid . Victor : I , uh ... I do nt know where to start . Please help him . Medical science has done all that it can do , and ... and you re his only hope . My only hope . Daniel : It s gon na be all right . I m here for you ... and for Brady . Marlena : The doctors are coming in to run some tests on Brady . They ll ask us to leave . Why do nt we get some air , hmm ? John : That s a good idea . Marlena : Mm - hmm . John : I ll be back , kid . Daniel : Yo , dude . Wake up . Gabi : So Deimos had Nicole and the baby kidnapped ? Chad : And he and Xander are working together ? Sonny : That s what one of his boys said . He claims he can prove it . Now , if everything s going according to plan , Eli , JJ , Lani , hope are all heading to Xander s island with some Greek cops for backup . Gabi : Is Deimos there ? Sonny : That s what we re hoping for . Chad : Well , I hope they get him , because Deimos has a serious knack for getting himself out of these little things . Sonny : It s JJ . Hey , what s going on ? Where are you ? JJ : We re on the island . Both Deimos and Xander are in custody . Sonny : Great ! Deimos and Xander are in custody . Gabi : What ? JJ : I ca nt talk right now , but I ll fill you in when I get back . Sonny : I have to see this for myself . I m coming to the island . Eli : We re waiting . Xander : I did it all . I was working by myself . Hope : Are you sure about that ? Because I m thinking if you were to provide key details about exactly what happened and who you were working with , maybe , perhaps , you might be able to cut a deal with the authorities . JJ : Otherwise , I d say you re pretty screwed . Xander : I m not saying another word without my lawyer . Nicole : You tell them the truth . You tell them you were taking orders from him ! Xander : Your personal issues with my uncle are your problem , not mine . Eli : All right , let s go . Nicole : Eric , Eric . I cant -- I ca nt leave with them . I ve got to get out of here . Eric : Hope . Can we go get the baby now ? Hope : Yeah , go . Go ahead . Follow them . Deimos : All right , you know what ? Enough of this , okay ? You heard Xander . He said I had nothing to do with his plan . Hope : That s for the D.A. To decide once we get back to Salem . Deimos : I do nt have to go anywhere with you . I m a Greek citizen ! Hope : Good , I m glad to hear it . Greece has an extradition treaty with the U.S. Deimos : All right , you know what ? This is ridiculous . I want to talk to my lawyer ! Hope : You ll get your call once we get back to Salem . They re gone ! Hope : What ? I was waylaid by one of the guards . By the time I had him under control , the woman and the guy took off . Brady : Uh , okay , all right . Am I -- am I dreaming , or am-- or am I where you are ? Daniel : No , no , no , I came to you . They let us do that every once in a while . Brady : Right . Oh , my god , Daniel , are you , uh-- are you gon na take me to the other side or something ? Daniel : No , no , no , that s , uh-- well , that s up to you . Brady : What do you mean ? Daniel : I mean I only had one heart to give you , and that was supposed to be for life . But the warranty does nt cover getting shot , so you have some heavy , heavy lifting to do . Brady : What are-- what are you talking about , man ? Daniel : You need to show your immune system who s boss , stop it from rejecting my heart . Brady : Yeah , I do nt know how to do that . Daniel : Well , I was a doctor , not a mystic . But all I know is , you need to be there for your son and Nicole and my daughter . They need you . So you got things to do , man . Brady : Something I got to tell you , uh ... [ Sighs ] Buddy , I m in love with Nicole . I want her to be my wife . Tell me if you re not cool with it . If you hate the idea , tell me . Please . Daniel : No , no , of course I do nt hate it . I do nt want Nicole to spend her life alone . And I want holly to have a father . And I want you to live a long , long , happy life . Brady : We were gon na be a family . So much for that happily ever after , right ? Daniel : Like I said , that s up to you . JJ : They ca nt have gotten far . Lani : We ll track them down . Hope : Running is not in their best interest . Chad : Hey , you actually got him . Sonny : Paul s fine , by the way . Did your goons tell you that they killed him ? Deimos : I had nothing to do with any of this , all right ? I came here to rescue holly and Nicole and to convince them to come back to Salem with me . Sonny : Yeah , that would be you , a good Samaritan . Chad : And you may have gotten away with what you did to Abigail , Gabi , and me , but I knew you would screw up eventually . And you did . Gabi : After everything that you have done to my family , you better hope that you do nt share a cell with my father . Deimos : You know , I hate to break this to you , sweetie , but your father was guilty . I m not . Gabi : Wow . And just -- I wish Rafe was here to see you in handcuffs . Because after you set it up so that he had to arrest his own father , it would make his day to see you like this . Sonny : Hope , could I have a few minutes alone with my uncle , please ? Hope : We ll be right outside . Sonny : I knew-- when I got back to Salem and I saw my uncle Vic kicked out of the mansion , out of his company , and Maggie in a wheelchair-- that I would get you . And all that crap about you being a changed man , wanting to be a part of my family ... I did nt buy it for a second . And when I saw how crazy you got when Nicole took off , I knew I had a way to bring you down . And look at you-- handcuffed like the two - bit crook that you are . And you did nt just lose Nicole . You lost everything . Nicole : Oh , sweetheart , we are gon na be together forever . Hey . How are you doing ? Eric : I ll be fine . Nicole : Really ? Eric : Really . How s holly ? Nicole : Well , she just had her bottle , and she fell asleep . I mean , after everything this little girl s been through , she is one tough chickie . Eric : Like her mother . How are you doing ? Nicole : I do nt know . I mean , I still ca nt believe we got away from them . Eric : Very considerate of Deimos to give us the secret way out . Nicole : Eric , thank you ... for helping us through all of this . But we bolted , and that ca nt make hope very happy , that she let a fugitive like me escape . Eric : She s got bigger issues , like Xander and Deimos . I want you to know the coast is clear . Once we land in Sicily , we re gon na refuel . We re gon na move fast , so do you know where you want to go ? Nicole : Oh , god , I have no idea . Eric : Hey , Roy . Yeah , we re working on our final destination . What ? She is ? Yeah , put her through . My mom got through to the plane . Nicole : What does that mean ? Eric : I do nt know . Hey , mom . Marlena : Oh , thank heaven . I was afraid you would nt take my call . Eric : Mom , how did you get through to the plane ? Marlena : That does nt matter right now . Uh , honey , it s -- it s Brady . Eric : What about him ? Marlena : His heart is giving out . Eric : Are you saying that ... Marlena : I m afraid it s just a matter of time . Nicole : What ? What did she say ? Hope : Eli got approval for me to escort Deimos back to the states . So we will be flying commercial . But thank you for the offer . Chad : Wait , so you re just-- you re just out -- you re out of here just like that ? Hope : Mm - hmm . Chad : Do you have enough to actually put him away ? Hope : Actually , we have plenty with Nicole s testimony . Deimos : I would nt gloat too much if I were you . This whole thing s gon na get cleared up . And then I m gon na deal with you and your friends . Sonny : Do nt hold your breath waiting for any of that to happen . Deimos : Mm . Nicole is gone . All they have now is the word of a two - bit crook and Xander , who clearly stated that he was working entirely alone . I m not worried . Hope : Time for us to catch a flight . Deimos : Well , I sure hope we re not flying coach . Could definitely use the leg room , you know ? Hope : See you back in Salem . Chad : Bye - bye . Think it ll stick ? Sonny : It has to . Brady : What do you mean-- what do you mean , it s up to me ? Daniel , I m fading away here . Daniel : And if it s your time to go ... well , let me tell just say , it s really not that bad . But something tells me this idea of your dying is ... is premature . Brady : [ Sighs ] Daniel : Look , I got to go . But just so you know , where I m going is fabulous . Brady : Yeah ? Daniel : Oh , surfing 24 - 7 , perfect break . And the sun always shines . Brady : [ Chuckles ] Daniel : But you , my friend , you need to be here . And so what if you need a miracle to stay alive ? Cause I can promise you , miracles ... whew , they are real . And I know my heart is strong enough to keep going . And I believe you are too . Nicole : How bad is he ? Eric : My mom ... Nicole , I m sorry . She does nt think Brady s gon na make it through the night . Nicole : Oh , my god . I ca nt believe this is happening . But it is . It is . I-- oh , god , I need to see him . I need to be with him . Eric : And you know what you re walking into . Nicole : Brady has never abandoned me ... not once , no matter what . So could you just please tell the pilot that we re going to back to Salem ? [ Crying ] ### Summary:
Marlena told Victor what was going on with Brady . Eric put the gun to Deimos while Nicole confronted him about taking her . Lani , Eli , JJ , and Hope told a cop that Deimos was working with Xander to get Nicole . Deimos told Eric and Nicole that he saved Brady and tried to rescue her . She said she was nt going with him . She wanted him to admit to what he did to her . Chad and Gabi talked about Eli breaking up with her . Nicole confronted Deimos about working with Xander . Deimos continued to deny working with Xander . Deimos said he and Nicole had to get out of there . When she screamed no , someone shot through the window . Victor and Maggie went to see Brady . Gabi wanted to be friends with Chad . He agreed to be friends with her again . Deimos tried to force Nicole to go with him . She refused to go with him . When he grabbed her , Eli , JJ , Lani , and Hope came in the room . Sonny told Chad and Gabi that Paul was in the hospital . Deimos was arrested . Nicole told the police that Deimos was working with Xander . Eli asked Xander if he was working with Deimos . John told Brady that he loved him . Victor prayed that Brady would get better . Daniel s ghost visited Victor . Daniel went to see Brady . Sonny told Chad and Gabi that the police were going to get Deimos . JJ called Sonny and told him that Deimos and Xander were caught . Xander said he did everything by himself . Nicole wanted Xander to tell the truth . Eric and Nicole left to get Holly . The police said that Eric and Nicole left . Brady told Daniel that he was in love with Nicole . Daniel was okay with them being together . Chad , Gabi , and Sonny showed p to see Deimos in handcuffs . Sonny wanted to be alone with Deimos . Sonny said he wanted to get him when he came back to Salem . Nicole thanked Eric for helping her . Marlena called Eric and told him about Brady . Deimos told Sonny that he would get away with everything . Daniel told Brady to keep fighting before he left . Eric told Nicole that Brady would nt make it through the night . She said she wanted to see him . She wanted to go to Salem .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Officer : Drop the weapon now ! Get down on the ground ! Shane : Get off of me ! Shane : Help me , dad ! Bo : Focus on my voice ! Drop your weapon ! Brody : No ! Dorian : Let me out of here ! Do you hear me ? Let me out ! This is -- this is an outrage ! I am Dr. Dorian Lord . Do nt you know who I am ? Guard : How can I not know ? You ve been hollering about it ever since I brought you in . Dorian : Oh , and I will continue to do so until someone who has some authority around here listens to me . Guard : You got a visitor . Dorian : Oh , finally . My attorney has rectified this insanity and he s going to get me out of this place ! Hallelujah ! Addie : Sorry , Dorian , it s only me . Starr : You know my mom was putting Jack and Sam to sleep and then I realized that we had nt had any dinner . Do you guys want to be alone ? I ll leave you alone . Langston : No , no . I want everyone that I love right here with me . I ca nt believe my uncle s going to take me away to Colombia . If somebody does nt stop him , I m never going to see you guys again . Clint : Ray , job well done . I ca nt thank you enough for everything that you ve accomplished . Ray : I ca nt believe how fast your courts work . Clint : Yeah , this is going even better than I thought it would . Ray : I m just happy that it s over . Clint : It s not over quite yet . Cole . Addie : Blair called and said you d gotten yourself arrested for contempt of court . Dorian : Addie , please , you ve got to help me get out of here before that awful Ray Montez takes my Langston out of the country to Colombia . Marcie : Michael . Michael : Hi . Marcie : Hi . Michael : I just wanted to see you -- how you were . Marcie : Uh , I m fine . Michael : Yeah ? Marcie : Yeah . Michael : No headaches or blurred vision ? Marcie : No , no , you patched me up good . Well , do you want to come in ? Michael : No , no , I do nt want to interrupt with your -- Marcie : No , no , no , it s okay . Michael : Okay . Marcie : Okay . Michael : You never told me what happened . Marcie : Oh , Gigi and Brody -- they re dealing with some stuff and I stupidly got in the middle of it . Michael : What ? And you ended up with a head injury ? What was going on ? Marcie : I m fine , Michael . Really , I m really fine . I just -- I m just hoping that Gigi was able to work it out with Brody and that everybody s okay . Bo : Freeze ! Put the gun down ! Put it down now ! Brody : I had to do it . I had to shoot him . Bo : Take him down . Officer : All right , now . Gigi : Shane ! Shane : Mom , I m okay . Mom -- Gigi : Oh , my God . Shane : Dad ! Gigi : Wait , come -- come back . Gigi : Oh , Rex , baby . Oh , my God ! Michael : Why would Brody take off with Shane and not tell anybody ? Marcie : He was afraid that they were going to take Shane from him . Michael : Why ? He s Shane s father . Marcie : He was just worried , you know , because Gigi and Rex are getting closer maybe , so -- Michael : I mean , that should nt make any difference . Marcie : Brody , I -- you know , I do nt know what to tell you , Mike . He s just -- he s gone through a lot lately and I just do nt think he s thinking real clearly . Michael : Gigi must be a wreck . Marcie : Yeah , I know . Well , it is the worst thing in the world to lose a child , is nt it ? Michael : I m just glad that you re okay . Marcie : Yeah ? Michael : Yeah . I want to look at that . Marcie : Oh , no . No , no , no , no , it s going to hurt . Please , do nt . Michael : No , it will not hurt . Not one bit , I promise . Michael : Well , it looks good . It looks really good . Bo : Cuff him , take him downtown . Gigi : Somebody ! Help me , he s been shot ! Shane : Dad ! Officer : Stay back . Shane : Let me see my dad . Gigi : Balsom , Balsom , can you hear me , baby ? Bo : Bag this . Oh , man . Gigi : Is he ... dear God , please tell me he s still alive . Bo : Come on , Balsom . Addie : Blair is working her tushy off to get you out of here , Dorian . Dorian : We ve got to get Langston away from that man before he spirits her out of the country . Addie : He s letting her stay at the house tonight . Dorian : Oh , thank heaven . I really did nt think I d ever see her again . Addie : That s why I came here . When I heard you d been arrested -- Dorian : No , no , no , do nt go there , Addie , really . The last thing I want from you , especially you or anybody for that matter is -- is a lecture about how I always act before I think , how my emotions rule me . Addie : That s not why I m here . Dorian : Then why are you here ? Addie : I wanted you to know . If I d been in your shoes , I d have done the same damn thing . Starr : Hey , hey , do nt talk like that , okay ? It s not like we re never going to see each other again . Markko : Yeah , Colombia is nt Mars , you know . People can visit there . But , you know , we wo nt have to do that because there is no way you are going there with your uncle . Langston : You guys heard the judge . I have to go with my Uncle Ray . Starr , you always have a game plan . What do I do ? Cole : I was just on my way to my bedroom . Clint : Cole , there s someone here I want you to meet . This is Mr. Montez , a business associate of mine . Cole : Yeah , I already know Mr. Montez . I saw him in court . He is Langston s uncle . Did he tell you he wants to move Langston away from all the people she cares about and move her to Colombia ? Clint : Umm , we ll discuss this a little later . I want to have a word with Cole . Ray : Sure . Clint : Have a seat , Cole . Cole : How can you do this ? Clint : Do what ? Cole : I know what I saw . Clint : What is it you think you saw ? Starr : I m so sorry . I do nt have any big ideas , Langston . Look where my actions got me anyway . Langston : I ca nt believe Dorian is in jail . She d be able to do something . I ca nt believe that judge , either . I do nt know how to fight this . Markko : I do . Bo : I ve got a pulse . Gigi : Oh , thank God . Bo : It s weak . Gigi : But he s alive , at least . Balsom , you hang in there , ok ? Do nt you leave me . Not now ! Bo : Get the EMTs up here ! Officer : You have the right to remain silent . Anything you say can and will be used -- Shane : No , no , no , no ! You ca nt arrest my dad . Bo : Help is on the way , Balsom . Stay with us . Gigi : Come on ! Shane : Dad ! Dad ! Brody : How is he ? How s the kid ? Shane : Dad , Dad I m all right . Bo : Where the hell are the EMTs ? Gigi : Too much blood . Bo : We ve got to stop that . Gigi : Honey , I m right here , and you re gon na be ok , ok ? Bo : Look , can you give me a towel or a T - shirt , something like that ? Hang in there , Balsom . Hold on just a little bit longer . Gigi : Here , here ! Bo : Good . Come on , Balsom , stay with us . Langston : You know how to fix this ? Markko : Yeah , yeah . Here s the deal . The one way we can stop your uncle from taking you is if you go away first . Langston : Go where ? Markko : Somewhere where the dude ca nt find you . Starr : Wait , you re thinking of running ? Markko : Well , the judge wo nt listen and neither will her Uncle Ray , and Dr. Lord is in the slammer . This is the only thing we can do . Langston : We ? Markko : You re not gon na do this alone . But we ve got ta leave now . We ve got to get a move on , get a head start -- Langston : Well , wait ! We ca nt just leave now . I have to think about this . Markko : There s no time . Langston , your uncle will be back here tomorrow morning to put you on a plane to Colombia . You ll cover for us , right ? The way we did for you and Cole ? Starr : Markko , that did nt exactly work out . Markko : So , we ll plan better . We can do this . Langston : Cole , I know we can , but you d be leaving your family . I d still be leaving everybody else . Markko : We d still be together . Langston : Yeah , until they track us down . Markko : Well , what are we supposed to do ? Just -- just sit here and let her Uncle Ray do whatever he wants ? Starr : No , Markko , that s not -- You know , this is all coming at a really strange time , ok ? It just so happens that your uncle comes to town now when Aunt Dorian is about to adopt you ? Langston : You know , I ve been thinking about that , too . The more I do , the more I think that he did nt just show up out of nowhere . Cole : I saw you shaking hands with that Montez guy , telling him he did a good job ? Clint : Yeah , that s right , he did . That s because we ve been involved in a business venture together . Cole : What business venture . The guy s been locked up for two years now . Clint : He was falsely accused . Cole : Ok , to me it seems it s kind of a big coincidence , is nt it ? The guy you re doing business with turns out to be Langston s uncle . He then shows up and says he wants to take her away to Colombia ? Clint : Do you want something to drink ? Cole : No , Clint . I d rather have some answers actually . I mean how can you be doing business with a guy that s doing what he s doing to Langston and all the people who care about her ? Wait , or is that it ? Clint : Is what it ? Cole : I m not stupid . The deal you re working on with Montez is Langston . Clint : What is it you re saying ? Cole : You want Langston s uncle to take her away from Dr. Lord , do nt you ? To get back at her for taking your company away from you . Am I right , huh ? You re trying to destroy Dr. Lord . Addie : You love Langston so much . She s as much your daughter as Blair is mine . I once let Blair go . I should have fought like a tiger . I should have been like you . Dorian : It was nt your fault . Addie : I know . I was nt strong enough to fight , and Blair and I both suffered for it . I m so lucky Blair understood and came back into my life , but we can never make up for those years we lost . I m not going to let that happen with you and Langston . Dorian : I really appreciate the support , Addie , but what can you do ? Addie : My last name is Cramer , is nt it ? Dorian : Yes . Addie : Well , then . There s always something I could do . Michael : You re really getting ready for this baby , huh ? Marcie : Well , yeah , Starr s due date is in November . And I just wanted to have the crib ready in case , you know , she delivers early . I have nt gotten very far , though . We did do it together last time . Here , is this everything that you need ? Michael : Yes . Marcie : Yes ? Ok . Michael : So , I was talking with Charlie earlier . Marcie : I know . I saw you , remember ? Yeah . Michael : He thinks that -- look , okay -- hydrogen peroxide does not sting . Marcie : What does Charlie think ? Huh ? Michael : He thinks that he still has a shot with Viki . Marcie : Well , um , I do nt really blame Viki for getting angry . I mean , Charlie lied about stuff that was really important , but to just end it there , you know , they were really good together , and that s hard to find , is nt it ? Someone who makes you feel and makes you feel like smiling every time you see them . Michael : Yeah . I think that s what Charlie s counting on , you know , Viki realizing how rare that is and figuring out that when you have somebody like that in your life , you need to hold on to them with everything that you got . Bo : Can you give me another shirt ? He s bled through this one . Bo : Where the hell s the bus ? Officer : They said the road s so narrow they re having a hard time getting through . Second Officer : What do I do with soldier boy , Commissioner ? Shane : His name s Lieutenant Brody Lovett and he s a war hero . Bo : Take him downtown and book him . Shane : No ! This was an accident . My dad did nt do anything wrong . Gigi : Shane , stay here . There s so much blood . Bo : If we do nt get him out of here , he s going to bleed out or he s going to go into shock . Gigi : What do we do ? Bo : We re not waiting any longer . Help me get him up . Gigi : Okay . Bo : Balsom . Gigi : Oh , oh , baby . Bo : You re not going to die on me , not on my watch . Marcie : Are you going to put that bandage on ? I mean , that s why you re here , right ? Michael : Yeah . Michael : Boom . Michael : I got to go to the hospital . Marcie : Sure . Michael : Okay . Marcie : Okay . Dorian : So my attorney is trying to do everything he can to -- to stop that monster who calls himself Montez from spiriting Langston out of the country , but time s running out and I do nt know what else to do . Addie : You can fight . Dorian : How can I do that from in here ? Addie : That s where I come in . Dorian : Addie , that s really sweet , but , honey , I do not think baking a cake and putting a chisel in it is going to work . Addie : I thought of that , but the heat s on to that bit . Dorian : The heat ? Addie : Anyway , I m not sweet , simple Addie anymore . You ve been fighting for me your whole life . Now it s my turn to fight for you . You know my list ? A new entry has just moved to the top . Keep Langston in the fold , no matter what . Starr : You do nt think it s a coincidence that your uncle showed up when he did ? Langston : No , I do nt . It was that psychic Delphina telling me that I was nt alone . That s what started this whole thing . Markko : The whack job conjured the guy up or something ? Langston : No , but remember when I started trying to look up any family I might have ? Starr : Yeah , but you did nt send him one of those letters , right ? I mean , that s what you told me . Langston : Yeah , no , I did nt , but I wanted it so much -- I think I made it happen . Markko : That s a crock . Langston : Okay , well , why else would he be here then ? Markko : The dude just got out of prison . He needed a new start in life and your parents left you a lot of money . Langston : Oh , God . Markko : All I know is this is not your fault . Starr : Markko s right , okay ? You did not make this guy just appear , even though that would be really great because you could send him back to where he came from . God , if only we knew somebody that could do that . Clint : I m not out to destroy Dorian . I do nt do things like that . But if I were , could you blame me ? Cole , she used a loophole in the company bylaws to take away everything that my father spent a lifetime building . Cole : Okay , so why are you doing it ? Clint : Let me ask you something . Do you miss your dad ? Cole : Of course I do . Clint : Yeah , so you loved him , did nt you ? Cole : A lot . Clint : What if he had given you something that he treasured , something that he wanted you to pass down to your children and to their children ? Would you do everything you could to hold onto that ? Cole : Well , I ve never been put in that position . Clint : Have nt you ? What about your child , huh ? That s your father s blood . That s your father s legacy . I know you fought to keep that baby and how hard it was for you to give it all up . You know what I m thinking ? You and I -- we re not that different . Cole : I do nt know about that . But what I do know is Langston s my friend and she s a mess right now . Some lawyer says she has to move away to Colombia with some guy she just met . So I m going to tell Dr. Lord about you and Langston s uncle . Clint : Son -- I do nt think you want to do that . EMT : G.S.W. to the abdomen , upper left flank , no exit wound . Pressure s 50 over palp , heart rate s 170 . Excessive hemorrhaging . His GCS is a seven . Doctor : Get him into the trauma bay and do a fast exam . Spin a crit , hang two units of packed red -- Shane : Mom , I want to see Dad . Where did they take him ? Dorian : Well , look who s here ? Did nt I once drag you out of the dumpster ? What did you do now ? Brody : I did what I had to do . I followed the code . Gigi : We ca nt see Brody right now . Shane : Where is he ? Gigi : Right where he should be , Shane . Michael : Whoa , Gigi . Bo : It s Rex Balsom . Michael : Hey , what do we got ? Doctor : Abdominal G.S.W. Class III hemorrhagic shock , uh , no exit wound . Pressure s down to 60 over 30 . Fast exam showed free blood in the abdomen . Michael : When did this happen ? Bo : About a half hour ago , maybe a little more . Doctor : The golden hour is passing by . Michael : Right , let s go to work . Bo : No , Gigi . Gigi : I want to see him . Bo : No , stay here . You do nt -- no , not now . Gigi : What did he mean by the golden hour ? What does that mean ? Bo , tell me . I want to know everything . Bo : It s a term that , uh , medics used in Vietnam . It refers to the time you ve got after you get hit , uh , that determines whether you make it or not . Marcie : Who writes these things ? Using the Allen wrench . What is the Allen wrench ? Marcie : Okay , I can do this . Again , all right , it , it , it -- how hard can it be , Marcie ? It does nt have to be a two - person job . You can -- you can handle this . You got this , right ? At least you ve got to get used to it . Nurse : B.P. s 40 palp . Michael : The missile tract is deep . Nurse : Pressure s dropping . Michael : Two low two neg units , and run those ringers wide open . Damn it , where is this coming from ? Gigi : What is going on , Bo ? Why wo nt anybody tell us anything ? Bo : They will when they have something to tell . Gigi : But that golden hour thing , there is nt much time . Bo : Look , Balsom s got the best that this hospital s got working on him right now , and he s young and he s healthy . Shane : Mom ? Mom ? Mom ! When can we see Dad ? Gigi : We ca nt . He s in too bad of shape . Shane : I know . They threw him in jail . Gigi : Oh , you mean Brody . Shane : Who else would I mean ? Gigi : Right , right . Bo : I m going to see if I can find out anything about Balsom . Gigi : Thank you . Please let me know . Shane : So , can we please see dad ? Gigi : Would you shut up about Brody ? Okay ? Rex could be dying right now . I m sorry , but I m worried about Rex . Shane : You do nt care about my father at all , do you ? Brody : I saved him . This time I saved him . Dorian : Guard . That man that you brought in here , what did you bring him in for ? Guard : He shot some guy named Rex Balsom . Dorian : Rex Balsom ? My daughter s married to him . Addie : Is he all right ? Michael : He s losing too much blood . More suction and more gauze . Run those IV s wide open . Come on , Rex , work with me , buddy . Gigi : Shane , listen to me . I care about your father . You have no idea how much . Shane : I do nt believe you . All you care about is Rex . Bo : No , hey , let him be , Gigi . Gigi : Did you find out anything ? Bo : They re still trying to stabilize him . Gigi : I have to talk to him . He s got this all wrong . Bo : No , not -- Gigi : But you do nt understand . Bo : Not now . I do understand . Balsom told me . About Shane . Gigi : So you know that he s Shane s father ? Bo : I know . Gigi : I ca nt lose him , Bo , not now . Bo : Oh , you wo nt . We wo nt . Gigi : Michael , how is he ? Is he going to be okay ? Michael : I m not going to lie to you . He s really bad . Bo : How bad ? Michael : Rex has lost a tremendous amount of blood . The bullet s still in there . There is free blood in his abdomen , and there s been damage to his spleen . Bo : But there s something else , right ? Michael : We re worried about his brain . The EMT said that he was essentially unresponsive at the scene , but we re going to have to skip the head ct because he s not stable enough . Gigi : Oh , my God . Michael : All right , we re going to get him up to the O.R. , we re going to do an exploratory lap to open him up , we re going to get the bullet out of there , we re going to assess the trauma , and then , depending on the severity , we might have to do a splenectomy to take out part of the spleen . Gigi : Okay , Michael , straight up . Will Rex pull through this ? Michael : The doctor on call is the best . Gigi : That does nt answer my question . Michael : That is all I can tell you . That s all I got for you . I m sorry , I ve got to get in and finish prepping Rex . Dorian : Guard , is my son - in - law s condition serious ? Guard : All I know is he s still in the hospital . Addie : Want me to call over there ? Dorian : Yes , please , Addie , and let me know if you find out anything right away . Addie : You really are worried . Dorian : Well , yes . Despite everything that s happened , Adriana loves him , and she s -- Addie : I ll call her , too . Dorian : No , no , no , no . Please , Addie . Addie , do not call Adriana , not until we know for certain . We do nt want to worry her unnecessarily . Addie : Rex was shot , Dorian . She d want to know . Dorian : Okay , but choose your words very carefully , because Adriana is going to be devastated . Addie : What s the matter with that judge that put you in here ? How could he not see what a loving mother you are ? Dorian : I just ca nt stand it . Adriana and Langston need me , and -- and I ca nt be there for them . Langston : It s getting late . If Dorian is nt out of jail by now , I do nt think she s getting out tonight . Markko : I m staying here with you . Langston : Why ? What about your parents ? Markko : I just got off the phone with them , told them what was going on . I m not leaving you , Lang . I m spending every minute with you until -- for as long as I can . Starr : Look , we have all night to think of something . There has to be some way to stop your uncle from taking you . Langston : I just do nt know what . Markko : You ca nt just give up . Langston : What else am I supposed to do ? What we need is a miracle . Cole : So give me one reason why I should nt tell everyone that you re screwing up Langston to nail Dr. Lord ? Clint : For the simple reason that it s not true . I am not involved in any dealings that would hurt Langston . You re not afraid of me , are you ? Cole : No , Sir . Clint : Well , that s good . Because I like you , Cole , and I ve enjoyed having you around here . You ve like living here , have nt you ? Cole : Yeah . Clint : Mm - hmm . Nora and I have been good to you , and given you everything you need ? You re a bright young man . You ve got a wonderful future in front of you . And maybe that future would include the Buchanan family , huh ? You know something , Cole ? I value loyalty . I reward loyalty . You hear what I m saying , do nt you ? Cole : Loud and clear . Marcie : Storybooks are full of fairytales of kings and queens and the bluest skies my heart is torn just in knowing you ll someday see the truth from lies when the clouds will rage in and storms will race in but you will be seen in my arms . Rains will pour down waves will crash all around but you will be safe in my arms careful , they might crumble dreams may not come true but you are never all alone because I will always always love you Marcie : When the clouds will rage and storms will race in but you will be safe in my arms rains will pour down waves will crash all around but you will be safe in my arms in my arms . Marcie : It s just you and me , baby . But I promise you , we re going to be happy . We re going to have a happy life . You know what ? Because my love -- heck , it s more than two people . It s more than a family . And that s what we re going to be . We re going to be a family . Gigi : Listen to me , Balsom . We did nt find each other after all this time for me to lose you now . We have a lot to do , a life to plan . A son to raise . You re going to be all right . You hear me ? Meet molly . Langston : Let s take one with all three of us . Markko : Wait , wait . You do nt need it . You got the real us , and we re not letting you go . Langston : Oh , I ca nt go . I do nt know what I d do without you guys . Markko : You think that s Dr. Lord ? Ray : Is the kid gone ? Clint : I handled him . Ray : Mm - hmm . So is he on to what we re doing ? Clint : It does nt make a damned bit of difference if he is . You have full and legal custody of Langston . And you re going to be taking that girl back to Colombia with you . And there s not anything anybody can do to stop you . Langston : Cole , you did nt have to come by so late . Cole : Yeah , I did . Starr : What , is something wrong ? Cole : Yes . Clint Buchanan brought Ray Montez to Llanview . Langston : What ? Why ? Cole : To take you away from Dr. Lord . Dorian : I ve just got to get out of here . I have to be there for my girls . Addie : I ll see what Blair s doing about that , and I ll find out what I can about Rex . Dorian : And Langston , too . I ca nt imagine what she must be going through . Addie : You re not going to lose her , Dorian . I promise you that . I ll come through for you , the way you came through for me all those years . Addie : If it hurts , it can heal . Bo : Balsom , you always get yourself in one jam or another , but you always get out of them . So you do it now , too , kid . Michael : The O.R. s ready . We got to go . Gigi : Baby , I do nt know if you can hear me , but I love you . Come back to me , okay ? Bo : Gigi , remember . Hey , he s strong . He s got a lot to live for . Gigi : I guess I need to find someone to take Shane home . Where is he ? My God , where s -- where -- Shane . Shane . Bo , where is he ? He s gone . ### Summary:
In the shoot out at Llantano Mountain State Park , both Rex and Brody have been fatally wounded . Bo and Gigi are worried about Rex . But Shane is only concerned about Brody and wonders why nobody else cares about his dad . After Ray Montez has won custody of Langston and Clint expresses his gratitude and congratulations for a job well done , Cole overhears their conversation and will not let them hurt his friend , Langston . Addie goes to visit Dorian in jail , knowing that something has happened and promises her sister she will protect her and prevent Langston from being taken from them . Marcie can sense that her friend Rex is in danger and well as Starr s family . And so can Michael .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Kay : What are you doing here ? Did you follow me ? Miguel : No . Kay : Listen , Miguel , about what I did -- Miguel : Kay -- Kay : I know you do nt understand . Miguel : Do nt understand ? Kay , I understand that what you did was wrong . It was more than wrong , Kay . It s a sin . Whatever happened to honor thy mother and thy father ? My God , Kay . The misery you ve caused is just -- Kay : I know , and I m sorry . Miguel : Stop . Kay : Oh , my God . You hate me so much , you ca nt even touch me . Fox : I can . I love you , baby . I do nt care what you ve done , all right ? I just want to hold you and never let you go . Rebecca : My , my , my . Chad , you are a smart boy . I mean , Whitney would never come here . So you chose this sleazy little motel where you could do what comes naturally . I wonder who he s waiting for . I wish I knew . Our little ex - nun Whitney would be in for the shock of her life . Gwen : Poor Theresa , a day late and a few million short , as usual . Theresa : What the hell are you doing here ? Gwen : Same thing as you are . I just did it a little faster . Mother and I already spoke to J.T. Theresa : You re lying , Gwen . Gwen : You think so ? So how much do you have in that bag ? Because it s not nearly enough . Theresa , you re too late . I know your little secret . It s over for you , it is over . Fancy : So , this will be fun , James . You did nt want to go to that Halloween party anyway . We ll have a great time , just the two of us . Wow , we ve got some great stuff . What do you want to play ? James : Pretend . Fancy : With all these toys ? Ok . Who do you want me to be ? James : Daddy . Fancy : Ok , fine , I ll be Daddy , and who will you be ? James : The man . Fancy : Sounds good . I ll be Daddy and you ll be the man . What are we going to do ? James : Aaaaahhhhhh ! Sheridan : Not again , Luis . You really think Chris killed Phyllis ? Luis : That s exactly what I think . And that s why I m here , to arrest your husband for Phyllis murder . Sheridan : No , Luis , you re mad . There is no way that Chris could have killed Phyllis . You are wrong . Dead wrong . Chris : You re insane . You think I killed the maid ? I killed Phyllis ? Spike : I do nt think you killed her , my man . I know you killed her . Whoo ! Wo nt wifey be surprised to find out that the nice Chris Boothe is a cold- blooded murderer ? Fancy : Whoa , whoa , whoa ! James , James , stop it ! What are you doing ? Is this what your daddy and the man did ? James : Bang ! Come on , fall down and grab your leg . Fancy : Grab my leg ? James : Ow , ow , ow , ow , ow , ow . Fancy s voice : Oh , God , did James see the man who shot Chris ? What else has he seen ? Chris : You ve been taking too many of your own drugs . I was nt anywhere close to the cottage . I did nt kill Phyllis . Spike : Sure you did , Chris . That nice gossipy maid is worm food because of you . Chris : I did nt kill anybody ! Spike : The hell you did nt ! Who leaves omega documents lying around for anyone to see ? Give up ? You . That stupid maid found one in the living room , and she recognized the symbol from the paper and was about to call the police . Yeah . Well , thank God I showed up . I had to kill Phyllis to clean up your mess . Chris : I do nt believe it . You fool . Now there s a murder investigation . Spike : Oh , I m a fool ? Look who s talking . You think you can forget all about your connection with Alistair and -- and make nice - nice with lovely Sheridan forever and ever ? You better wake up there , pretty boy . That ai nt gon na happen . Hell , no . Because you re a bad man , Chris . And I got Alistair s file on you , remember ? Yeah , man , you re a black hat . Have nt you heard that the guy that wears the black hat never ever gets the girl ? Sheridan : Let s hear it , Luis . I ca nt wait . Why on earth are you so insistent that my husband is a murderer ? Luis : Well , besides the fact that Phyllis was killed in your living room , first of all , the gold pen which was found underneath her body . It had Chris fingerprints on it . Sheridan : So what ? It s his pen . He said that you would find his fingerprints on it . Luis : Listen , the medical examiner said that due to the lack of blood or skin underneath the victim s fingernail -- Sheridan : Phyllis . Her name is Phyllis , not the victim . Luis : Fine . The medical evidence indicates that Phyllis did nt put up a struggle , which leads us to believe that she knew her attacker . It was someone who was close to her , who could strangle her before she even realized what was going on and could put up a fight . Sheridan : There are a dozen people on this estate that could fit that bill . Luis : That scrap of paper that was found in Phyllis hand , it s the same stock of all the omega documents that we have uncovered . Sheridan : Father s omega society ? Luis : Yes . And I think that you ll agree that it s not too much of a stretch to think that someone killed Phyllis because she found the omega document . Sheridan : And found evidence of father s omega society somewhere here in this cottage ? How is that possible ? Luis : You add it up . Someone associated with omega , with Alistair , had to have put it here . Sheridan : And you think Chris is somehow associated with my father ? Luis : That s exactly what I think . I believe that Chris had omega documents hidden here and Phyllis found them . The man that you trust so much killed her to keep you from learning his one little dirty secret , that he s just another one of Alistair s pawns . Theresa : J.T. told you and your mother my secret ? Gwen : Yeah , why else would I be so happy ? You know J.T. will do anything for my mother . She said speak and he spoke . Whitney : Theresa , honey -- Theresa : Oh , this ca nt be happening , Rebecca : Gwen , where s J.T. ? Did he tell you the secret yet ? Theresa : Ah - ha ! Rebecca : Oops . Theresa : You were bluffing , you do nt know my secret . J.T. did nt tell you anything You know , we got ta get out of here , We ve got to find him first . Fetch , Rebecca , fetch . Gwen : What is wrong with you ? How could you leave J.T. alone ? Rebecca : Well , honey , I -- I had to buy condoms . Gwen : Condoms ? Oh , that was what you were doing before getting the truth out of him first ? Rebecca : Well , a girl has to have her priorities . Gwen : Oh my God . Theresa : J.T. , where are you ? Whitney : I do nt see him anywhere , Theresa . Gwen : Yeah , you wo nt , because we re going to see him first . J.T. : Hey , Becks , I knew that was you . Hey , it s a party , who are your friends ? Rebecca : J.T. , where have you been ? J.T. : Microwave pizza in the lobby , you want some ? Hey , wait a minute , is nt that -- ew , should have got an extra large . Fox : Hush . Kay , it ll be all right . Kay : No , everything s not going to be all right . It s never going to be the same again . Fox : Did you make her cry ? You re making her upset . Kay : No , it was nt him . We have nt even had a chance to talk . Look , I just want everyone to know how sorry I am . And I hope everyone will believe that . Fox : Shh , Kay , it s all right , you do nt need to talk about it . Kay : Yes , I do . I have to . I knew Ivy was setting up my parents . I -- I overheard her talking about it to David in the park . She was paying him to pretend to be my mom s first husband . She was doing everything she could to get my mom away from my dad , and I said nothing . I could ve stopped her . There was no reason for my parents to break up . Fox : It s all right . Kay : No , it s not , ok ? I know what I did was wrong , and I m going to have to deal with that for the rest of my life . But I want you guys to know , I would never do anything like that again . I m telling you , I have changed . I would never do that again . Fox : It s all right . I understand , ok ? I m sure everybody understands now . You were a lot younger back then , ok ? You were upset at your mother , and lashing out against her because she always took Charity s side over yours . Kay : Yeah , it just -- it seemed important at the time . Fox : Maybe you overdid it , all right ? But I understand why you did nt tell . Miguel : Can you ? Because I ca nt . Kay : Miguel . Miguel : Look , if you can justify doing anything you want based on a certain set of events or circumstances , then there is no such thing as morality . Fox : Oh , thank you , Billy Graham . The reasons always matter . Miguel : Well , maybe to a Crane . But not to the rest of us . We re brought up to believe in what is right and what is wrong , ok ? There are certain boundaries you just never cross . Not unless you want to be damned . Fox : Oh , shut up . Kay : Look , if it sounds like that I m trying to justify what I did , I m not . It was really bad . There is no excuse , it was wrong . I destroyed my own family . Fox : Kay , do nt be so dramatic . Kay : You really do nt get it , do you ? Fox : No , I do , I get it . Kay : What I want to know -- what I need to know is , will anyone be able to forgive me for this ? Fox : I forgive you . Kay : I know you do , honey , but what about everyone else ? My dad , my brother and my sister . And you ? Are you going to be able to forgive me for this ? Sheridan : So you think Chris is connected to my father ? Luis : Yes . How else are you going to explain an omega document being found in your cottage , Sheridan ? Sheridan : Here we go again with this . You think Chris is one of Alistair s pawns . Luis : Makes sense . Sheridan : Does it ? You know what , how dare you . You come into my home with this vicious accusation and the thinnest of evidence . No wonder you got bounced back to patrolman . Sheridan : Now why was an omega document found here in my cottage ? Maybe because this is my father s estate , honeycombed with secret passages and secret rooms . Luis : All right -- Sheridan : Some of which we may never even find -- Luis : Come on , now , I think you re getting a little carried away here . Sheridan : Am I ? Just last winter one of the staff found a secret room under the stables filled with English gold from the time of the Revolutionary War . There s a network of caves that lead to the beaches underneath the cliffs that smugglers have used for centuries . Luis : Crane smuggler Sheridan : This conversation is over . If you want to arrest my husband with this flimsy evidence , go right ahead . But you just wait until my lawyers get through with you , because you will never be a cop again . That is if you do nt go to jail first . Luis : Damn it , Sheridan , I am just trying to protect you , ok ? Sheridan : Well , I do nt need you to protect me That s what I have my husband for . Luis : Oh , is that right ? Then where is he ? If he s not the real murderer , then why is nt he here , when the real murderer could be out there stalking the grounds ? Sheridan : Just go . Luis : Answer me . Where is your faithful husband ? Because I ll tell you something , if I was married to you , I would nt leave you unprotected . Whitney : I m kind of getting a workout here . Theresa : I know , we ve got ta keep going , though . We got ta figure out a way to corner J.T .. Whitney . Please come on -- Gwen : J.T. , come back . Theresa : Oh , my God . Ok , all right , you go that way . I m going to go this way . You head J.T. off at the pass , and then you shoo him toward me , ok ? Whitney : I ll try . Theresa : All right , all right , go , go , go . Whitney : J.T. ! Chad : That sure sounds like Whitney s voice again . Chad : No , I did nt see anybody . Rebecca : Damn it , J.T. could be anywhere . Oh , my , here s that naughty Chad s room . You know , maybe next time I see Whitney , I m going to send her over here for a little surprise . Gwen : Got you , sunshine . Now , if you do nt tell me Theresa s secret , I m going to rip you to shreds . Rebecca : I hate hide and seek when it goes on too long . Gwen , if this goes on much longer you are on your own . Rebecca : Oh , my . Thank you , God , for sending me something to amuse me . Gwen , hurry , Whitney s right outside J.T. s door . Hurry , before all is lost . Whitney : Theresa , Theresa , I found J.T. s room . Where are you ? Wish me luck . Whitney : J.T. , J.T. , come out here . Come out here now . Chad : Oh , my God , that is Whitney . Whitney : All right , fine , fine . I m coming in . Gwen : J.T. , tell me the secret . I have got to know what you told Theresa . Gwen : I ca nt understand you . Theresa : Do nt you even think about it , J.T. ! If you tell Gwen anything , you re not going to get your money . Gwen : Do nt -- do nt listen to her . J.T. : Is it all there ? Theresa : Yeah , plus a few million . J.T. : Give me . Gwen : No , no , no . Theresa : The only way you re gon na get your money is if you keep your mouth shut , do nt say anything to Gwen and you get out of town forever . Gwen : No , J.T. , do not listen to her -- I can match her offer . Theresa : Oh that s impossible . I ve got billions . Oh , God , J.T. , this bag is so heavy , I just want to give it to you right now . Oh , we re so close . So close , oh , yeah . Oh ! J.T. : Sorry , honey , give my best to your mom . Gwen : Oh , no . Fancy : So , James , this man you ve seen with your father , have you seen him more than once ? Fancy : Did you see him that night a while back , when you heard all the sirens and saw the police cars with all the flashing lights , when the policemen came to the estate ? Fancy s voice : So this man was also here the night Pilar was shot . Fancy : James , was the man here last night when the police cars came ? When they took the sick lady away to get better ? Fancy s voice : Oh , God -- whoever this man is , he could be Phyllis killer , not Chris . But who is he ? Spike : Man , you know , if I had nt killed that nosey maid , hell , we d all be in jail right now . Chris : And you call me a fool ? My God , you just made things worse . You did nt even take all the evidence . I found that omega document next to Phyllis body . I barely had time to get out of the cottage before Sheridan came in there . I was almost caught . Spike : I guess I dropped it . All right , I owe you one , ok ? Hey , man , maybe we should consider keeping this partnership long - term , what do you say ? Chris : Are you insane ? You stay the hell away from me and mine . And after I get you your money , I do nt ever want to see your face again . Spike : Hmm . You better wake up , because you re living in a dreamland now , buddy boy . Chris : I m not your buddy . I love Sheridan . We re married . We re staying married . We have a family , we have a son . Spike : Whoa , dude , you re tripping me out . You got it bad , man , you re getting kind of nutty here . Hello ? ! That s not even your kid . Alistair hired you to do a job , remember ? Chris : Alistair is dead . Spike : He is still controlling us all from beyond the grave and you know it . We still work for him , my friend . Chris : No , I do nt , ok ? Damn you , Spike , murder ? You killed Phyllis . She was an innocent woman . Spike : Well , what if I did ? Chris : Now , hang on , the cops say that Phyllis knew her attacker . Spike : Sure . Phyllis and I , we go way back . She used to come in my club to dance with that old fool husband of hers . I guess it is safe to say that they re going to be together in all eternity , right ? Chris : You re filth . I should ve called the cops on you myself . Spike : Do nt you ever talk to me that way again , you bastard . All right ? You better make sure I never have to clean up any more of your mistakes . And you leave any more omega documents lying around , smart guy , the next person I kill is going to be you . Sheridan : For your information , my husband is up at the mansion with James . Luis : Really ? Well , then what the hell is taking him so long ? Because if he loved you , he certainly would nt leave you unprotected . Sheridan : You have no right to question my husband s love for me . Luis : He does not love you . He s just another one of those guys who was hired by your father to get close to you . And that s why the omega symbol was found here . Sheridan : You do nt think anyone can love me except for you . Or unless they ve been hired by my father . Luis : Look at your track record . Sheridan : You think that little of me . Luis : No . Sheridan : You do nt think anyone can love me unless they ve been hired by my father . You -- I ca nt believe you . You know , maybe you re on my father s payroll , because you certainly do nt love me . You never have . Luis : You know that that s not true . Sheridan : Do I ? God , you say that you want to protect me ? My father used to say that he always wanted to protect me from you . And you know what ? It s all becoming so clear now . You and my father are exactly alike . Kay : Please , Miguel , answer me . Can you forgive me for what I ve done ? Fox : Kay , you do nt need his forgiveness . You did nt do a damn thing to him . The only people that you ve hurt are your parents , your brother , and your sister , and maybe Ethan . Miguel : That s not true . Sam and Grace are Maria s grandparents . Because of Kay , my daughter does nt even know her own grandmother . Fox : Details . Miguel : My daughter s emotional well - being is not a detail . Kay : Ok , Miguel , I m sorry . Do you think I do nt feel guilty about that already ? Because I do . My mom would love Maria . And Maria would love her . But this can all get better now if you just forgive me , please . Miguel , say something . Miguel : I ca nt talk to you right now , Kay . Kay : [ Sobbing ] Oh , God . Fox : Oh , you re a big help . Sweetheart , it s ok . You do nt need him . Kay : He hates me , everybody in my family hates me . I m sure you hate me . Fox : Hey , I do not hate you , ok ? You are my girl . You re all mine . I love you , I love you . Now , quit crying and let s go home , ok ? Gwen : J.T. , J.T. , please do nt run away from me ! Oh . Rebecca : Oh , Gwen , hi , how s the chase going ? Gwen : Ok , where have you been ? Rebecca : Well , looking for J.T. , of course . Gwen : With a cocktail ? Rebecca : Honey , you know I never exercise on an empty stomach . Gwen : Mother , J.T. is with Theresa . Rebecca : No . Gwen : She has all the money he s ever wanted , ok ? He s going to leave town forever , we re never going to know her secret . Rebecca : Oh . The secret weapon . Gwen : What ? Rebecca : Me . Ok ? It is time you saw your mama in action . J.T. , it s Becky . I have hot cookies right out of the oven , ready to eat . Rebecca : Come on , J.T. , mama misses her bad boy . Do nt you want to come and get a spanky ? J.T. : Oh , I am . I am a bad , bad boy . Theresa : No , no , focus . Do nt listen to her . Rebecca : Oh , I can match Theresa s offer , and then some . Then we can go on a little trip , just the two of us . I know a little farm in Corsica where there s a whole herd of donkeys , if you know what I mean . J.T. : Donkeys ? Gwen : This is never going to work . Rebecca : Oh , of course , it will , honey . There is nothing J.T. likes better than being in a harness . Giddy - up , J.T. , you ll never believe what I have in my corral . Theresa : J.T. , come on , you ve got to go this way . J.T. : Sorry , Mrs. C. , you may have the money , but my Becks , she s got the honey . I m here , Mommy . Come and spank your bad , bad cowboy . Theresa : [ Yells ] J.T. , wait . Whitney : Valerie . I m sorry -- I am so sorry . The door , it was open . I m sorry . But what are you doing here ? Valerie : Whitney , it s not what you think . Whitney : Who is that ? Valerie : I -- I can explain . Whitney : Wait , no . Just -- Rebecca tricked me into coming in here . She knew J.T. was nt in here . But I guess I know who is . Chad . Chad ! Valerie : I -- I do nt think you -- Whitney : No , no , no . Get up . Show your face , you coward . Get up ! Chris : You do nt have to worry about me , Spike . I wo nt make another mistake . But what about you ? You lash out at the least little thing . You re going to get us both arrested . Spike : Yeah , right . Chris : Yeah , right . You shot me . You shot Pilar . And now you ve murdered Phyllis . You got ta stop at some point , or our luck is going to run out . Now get out of here . Spike : Well , your luck is already run out there , pretty boy . You just do nt know it yet . Sheridan : Why did nt I see this before ? You are exactly like my father . Luis : That is a vicious thing to say . Sheridan : Truth hurts , does nt it ? Sheridan : You re so good at judging other people , why do nt you take a look in the mirror ? Just like my father , you re headstrong and controlling . You ve both tried to control my life . Never gave credence to a single word I had to say . Luis : That is not true . Sheridan : Our son died because you would nt listen to me . For months I tried to convince you that Marty was our son , and not Beth s . But you would nt listen to me . All you could think of was poor little Sheridan , she was off her rocker again . And you let Beth kidnap our son . Marty burned to death because you would nt listen to me . And for one reason , and one reason only -- because you had to be right . Luis : You know what ? I m just going to pretend that you never said any of that , ok ? Sheridan : All right , fine . You just keep on pretending . You go ahead and live in whatever fantasy you want to live in for today . Luis : All right . You finally said what you want , ok ? But I am nothing like Alistair . Sheridan : You know what ? You are worse than Alistair . Because he never pretended to love me . He always hated me , and he made it very clear . But you , you swore to love me . Luis : I do . Sheridan : That s not my idea of love . You do nt say that you love someone and not believe a single word that they have to say . I mean , that s the kind of love that you show a child or a dog . That makes you just as bad as my father . And you know what ? That makes you worse . Luis : I am nothing like your father . Nothing . Whitney : You coward , get out here this very second ! Damn you . Chad : Whitney . Are you looking for me ? Whitney : Chad , I -- Whitney : Oh , I m so sorry . Man : Stan . Nice to meet you , can you please stop hitting me now ? Whitney : I m sorry . You must think that I m crazy . I m so -- I m so sorry . Chad : You think that was me , under there ? You think I was here to sleep with Valerie ? Whitney : Yeah . I m sorry . I m so sorry , you guys . Let me , um ... Rebecca , she s the one that sent me in here , Valerie . She -- she was just setting me up . I m sorry , forgive me . Chad , I m sorry . What are you doing here ? Why are you in this tacky motel ? Chad : Crane security reported you were in the area . I got worried . What are you doing here ? Whitney : You can forgive me , right ? Chad : Sure . Answer the question . Whitney : Well , I m just here with Theresa and the whole , you know , J.T. Cornell mess . I m sorry . Rebecca : I m getting impatient , J.T. J.T. : Coming , Mommy . Theresa : I m not going to let you go . J.T. : Get off me . Theresa : All right , look , J.T. , stop . You see this ? You see this ? Lots and lots of money . And you know Gwen and Rebecca , they ca nt match this , right ? And what do they say about a bird in the hand ? J.T. , just take it . Can you really trust Gwen to come up with this much money ? Gwen . Yeah , J.T. , we will come up with -- with that much money . With more money . Rebecca : Yes , and even better , you get me . Now where are you , J.T. ? J.T. : Wait , wait , wait , maybe -- maybe I should think this through . Rebecca : Yoo - hoo , J.T. , stop . Stop , I m getting all sweaty and you know what that means . Theresa : Do nt listen to her , J.T. Do nt listen to her , please . I ve got millions right here , millions . Rebecca : Well , I ve got millions , too , J.T. and would nt it be fun to share it with me ? Theresa : Ha ! She ll spend every dime you have in two seconds flat . Rebecca : Come , J.T. Now that s a good boy . Theresa : J.T. , this way . J.T. , this way . J.T. : How is a guy supposed to decide after all that booze ? Money , sex , money , sex , money , sex -- oh . I m getting dizzy , where s my pizza ? Sex , pizza , and money , oh , how close a guy can get to heaven . Theresa : You re mine , and what I ve got is yours . Now you take this , and you get out of town forever . J.T. : You re right . A bird in a hand . I ll do whatever you want . Fox : Please , honey , listen to me . I love you . Kay : Not me , I m evil . Fox : People are nt evil . They just do evil things . Ok , let me show you how much I love you . We ll make the life together that we always planned , all right ? Hey , I love you . And I will never desert you . Honey , come on . Kay : Miguel hates me . He s ashamed of me . And he s right . Miguel s voice : What I m ashamed of is that even after what you did , I still love you , Kay . I still love you . Fox : Sweetheart , come on . There s nothing left for you here . Fancy : Mm , pumpkin , I love it . You only get this flavor from now until Christmas . So , James , the man you saw with your father , do you know his name ? Fancy s voice : Oh , rats . Some cop I have turned out to be . I ca nt even grill a kid . Fancy : I guess you ve said enough for one night , huh ? James : There he is . Fancy : Who ? Oh , my God . Sheridan : All my life , callous , insensitive men have tried to control me . And you re just one more . Luis : I am nothing like your father . Sheridan : Oh , the hell you re not . You think that I am weak , that I m just a fool who constantly makes mistakes . Luis : So that s the thanks that I get for trying to protect you ? Sheridan : I m not trying to thank you . Who are you to judge who I m with ? You know what , you re one to talk . You , who dated Beth , a well - known psycho . Luis : That s good . At least I did nt marry her . I m not the one who married a murderer . Chris : What is going on in here ? Whitney : Valerie , I m sorry , I m so sorry . Please , please accept my apologies . And you , too . Stan : Stan . Whitney : Right , right . But the person I need to apologize most to is you , Chad . I m so sorry . Chad : Yeah , well , maybe someplace else . Whitney : Right . Good night , then . Stan : [ Laughing ] Valerie : Shut up , it s not funny . Whitney : I do nt know -- I do nt even know what to say to you . These suspicions I have that you are cheating on me , they are so stupid . And I m sorry . Chad : It s ok . Whitney : No , no , babe , it s not ok . I mean , it s not . You love me , and I know you would never do anything to hurt me . And yet here I am , acting like some jealous wife or something . I m sorry , honey , I -- Rebecca : Well , it seems our little philanderer has wriggled his way out of that situation . Hmm , I wonder -- I wonder how I can use his nasty little secret to my advantage . Gwen : J.T. , J.T. , where are you ? Damn it , Mother , why do you always desert me when I need you ? J.T. : Ow . Theresa , knock it off . Theresa : No , I want to make sure that you go , and you go right now . J.T. : Not without my money . Theresa : All right , J.T. , fine . Here . Take it , here it is . Just make sure you are gone ! Gwen : Oh , no . Theresa : Oh , no . Ethan : If anyone lies to me ever again , I m scared as to what I would do . Julian : Is there no end to your lies ? Luis : Was Fancy chasing a murderer ? ### Summary:
Theresa and Whitney chased JT Cornell around the motel complex , waving the satchel full of money around and yelling that he gets it all if he just takes it , keeps his mouth shut , and leaves town forever . However , Gwen and Rebecca are also chasing him around , offering just as much money and also a hearty helping of Bex to boot . He could nt make up his mind which he wanted more , but it seemed like Theresa and her money might have won out in the end . Whitney got sidetracked when Rebecca , having seen the naked Chad lingering in one of the rooms and knowing he was nt waiting for Whit , acted like JT was in that room . Whit burst in , finding Valerie in bed with someone , and assumed it was Chad . However , he showed up later , fully dressed , and quizzed his hunny on why she thought he was having a tryst at the motel . Luis went to Sheridan s cottage to arrest Chris for Phyllis murder and met with opposition and ugly words from Sheridan . It seems all traces of love for him are gone , as she now says he s just like Alistair . Chris met with Spike , who admitted he killed the maid . Chris told him to stay away since he s only making things worse , but Spike knows something Chris does nt . Fancy learned from James about the man who argued and fought with his dad , and shot him in the knee . She also found out that man was there the night Pilar was shot as well as when Phyllis was killed , and then pointed at Spike outside the window and said he s the man . Miguel still refused to forgive Kay for what she did to her family , but Fox loves her and wants to comfort her . She ca nt stop wanting Miguel to forgive her , tho .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: NATALIE ALLEN, ANCHOR, CNN : And welcome back to "CNN Newsroom." I'm Natalie Allen. Let's update you on the top news this hour. Iraqi lawmakers are angry at U.S. President Donald Trump and demanding American troops leave their country. Even members of the Prime Minister's own party say Mr. Trump's visit was disrespectful to Iraq's sovereignty and the norms of diplomacy. The partial U.S. government shutdown is likely to drag on into next week. The Democrats and Republicans are still far apart on funding for President Trump's border wall with Mexico. About 800,000 government workers are furloughed or working without pay during the shutdown. A wild ride on Wall Street, Thursday, at one point, the Dow down more than 600 points and it rebounded to close up 260. Asia markets are hovering around the breakeven mark at the moment. It is the largest protest in Sudan in years. The anti-government demonstrations erupted more than a week ago over rising food and fuel prices. But they've widened to include calls for President Omar al- Bashir to resign after nearly 30 years in office, as the protests show no sign of weakening, security forces were out with tear gas. Witnesses say they fired into crowds. Amnesty International says 37 people have been killed. A similar scene in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where protesters took to the street in outrage because the government postponed voting in the presidential election, but only in some cities. Michael Holmes reports why. MICHAEL HOLMES, CORRESPONDENT, CNN : Firing live rounds into the air and tear gas as well, security forces try to disperse protesters. Angry over their exclusion from a long-awaited presidential election in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As the country votes for a new leader on Sunday, voters in these three cities will have to wait to cast their ballots. They happen to be opposition strongholds against the outgoing President, Joseph Kabila who has been in power since 2001. UNIDENTIFIED MALE (Through a translator) : They need to get us another President and if that doesn't happen, we will create chaos starting from today until a solution is found. If it calls for us to die, then so be it. HOLMES : The Electoral Commission says the postponement in one city is due to violence there and an ongoing ebola outbreak in the east of the country. Reportedly, the second deadliest in history. But the opposition says that's a pretext to take away their vote. In Beni, demonstrators attacked an ebola isolation center, 24 patients fled. In the country's capital, supporters of a leading opposition candidate marched on the headquarters of the Electoral Commission demanding the three cities be allowed to vote in Sunday's election. PIERRE LUMBI, CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR, LAMUKA OPPOSITION COALITION (Through a translator) : The Congolese people who have already been very patient, who have already accepted three postponements and even a two- year wait are saying enough. The Electoral Commission has just crossed a red line.\ HOLMES : This election is meant to lead to the first democratic transfer of power in the country, originally scheduled in 2016. Repeated delays have sparked violence that have killed dozens. Then last week, another postponement reportedly due to problems deploying voting materials. Now, scheduled for Sunday, the final results of the election are expected in January. Although, it is unclear how the votes in the three excluded cities would ever be factored into the election. Michael Holmes, CNN. ALLEN : In Tunisia, protesters clash with police for a third day over the death of a journalist. He set himself on fire on Monday. In video recording, he said it was because of the difficult social circumstances around himself and his family and he called on protesters to demand their right to have jobs. The death resembles a suicide in Tunisia in 2010 that began the Arab Spring uprisings. Authorities have launched an investigation into the man's death. After the death of a second child in U.S. Border Patrol custody, the Homeland Security Secretary says she wants to see the medical conditions at Border Patrol stations for herself. Kirstjen Nielsen will go to El Paso, Texas Friday and Yuma, Arizona on Saturday. This is hundreds of other migrants are being dropped off on the streets of El Paso. Our Nick Valencia has that. NICK VALENCIA, CORRESPONDENT, CNN : This is eight-year-old migrant, Felipe Gomez Alonzo who died in Border Patrol custody on Christmas Eve. He had been brought to the hospital, released and brought to the hospital again. Felipe's mother inconsolable as she waits to find out how her young son died. CATALINA ALONZO, MOTHER OF THE FELIPE GOMEZ ALONZO (Through a translator) : I want them to bring my son here. I need to see him soon. I am very sad that he died. VALENCIA : The family now pleading with the U.S. government to return his body to be laid to rest back home in Guatemala. MARIA DOMINGO LOPEZ, SISTER OF FELIPE GOMEZ ALONZO (Through a translator) : They told us they were doing what they can to get him back, but we just want them to hurry. VALENCIA : Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen calling the case quote, "deeply concerning and heartbreaking," but adding, "It has been more than ten years since a child died in their custody." In El Paso, one of the places where Felipe was held, many migrants are being released this week in part because of the government can't handle the influx. More than 500 migrants in the last 24 hours sent to a network of non- profits. Inside this makeshift shelter, huddled around a table, a handful of migrants just released from Border Patrol custody. Most of them don't want to talk on camera about what they have been through. But one of the migrants agrees, only if we don't show his face. UNIDENTIFIED MALE : (Speaking in foreign language). VALENCIA : So you paid you get out? How much of a bond did you pay? UNIDENTIFIED MALE : (Speaking in foreign language). VALENCIA : He shows us the paperwork they gave him as a receipt for his $10,000.00 bond to get out after three months in custody. He says, he had to mortgage his home back in Nicaragua to pay for it. VALENCIA : What do you say to people that think that you're criminals? That you don't have a business being here in this country? UNIDENTIFIED MALE : (Speaking in foreign language). VALENCIA : You have values and you have morals and you're not here to do bad. You're not a criminal. VALENCIA : Throughout the day here at this bus station in El Paso, we continue to see migrants dropped off by ICE. These are migrants that are dumped on the streets of El Paso with no resources and in some cases, no place to go. The charities that are volunteering to help out these migrants are overwhelmed, calling this a crisis with no end in sight. Nick Valencia, CNN, El Paso, Texas. ALLEN : When we come back, an investigation into the Donald Trump inauguration. Who donated? How much? And what did they get in return? Also ahead, here, tariffs and trade wars -- how the U.S. and China got here and who could fire the next shot. ALLEN : It has been almost two years since the White House falsely claimed Donald Trump's inauguration was one for the record books. It turns out, it was not the crowd size that made history, it was the spending. And now, that inauguration is reportedly under investigation. We learn about it from CNN's Randi Kaye. DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES : Starting right here and right now. RANDI KAYE, CORRESPONDENT, CNN : $107 million. That's how much Donald Trump's inaugural committee raised in donations for the event. Now, Federal prosecutors want to know if any of that money was misspent and perhaps more importantly, did top donors pay big money in exchange for access and influence in the Trump White House? The "Wall Street Journal" first broke the story. REBECCA DAVIS O'BRIEN, REPORTER, WALL STREET JOURNAL : Part of this is certainly looking at what these donors gave and what they expected or what they received, but it's also partly about what happened with the Inaugural Committee's expenditures. KAYE : This all apparently stems from the raid on former Trump attorney, Michael Cohen's office. According to the "Wall Street Journal," investigators seized a recording of a conversation between Cohen and a woman named Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a former advisor to Melania Trump and one of the key planners for Donald Trump's 2017 inauguration. Wolkoff reportedly expressed concern during that conversation about how the Inaugural Committee was spending money. Real estate developer, Tom Barrack who ran the Inaugural Committee denied there was a new investigation, adding he had been questioned about it in 2017. The White House is distancing itself from the probe. SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY : That doesn't have anything to do with the President or the First Lady. The biggest thing the President did in his engagement in the inauguration was to come here and raise his hand and take the oath of office. KAYE : Meanwhile, an investigation by ProPublica found that the inauguration paid the Trump organization for rooms, meals, and event space at Trump's Washington Hotel and that Ivanka Trump, the President's daughter and then a senior executive at the Trump organization was involved in negotiating the prices at above market value for venue rentals by the Inaugural Committee. A spokesman for Ivanka's lawyer told ProPublica that Ivanka said discussions should be at a fair market rate. And it isn't not just about the money. The "Washington Post" reports that certain attendees at the inauguration also reportedly caught attention of counterintelligence officials at the FBI, though it is unclear which attendees. The paper reported that Viktor Vekselberg, a tycoon closely aligned with Putin's government attended inaugural events, along with Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer whose meeting with Donald Trump, Jr. at Trump Towner in June 2016 is now under scrutiny. It is all just part of why Federal prosecutors are zeroing in on the day Donald Trump officially became the 45th President of the United States. Randi Kaye, CNN, New York. ALLEN : The U.S. economy has been booming during the Trump administration, but the President's tariffs and his trade war with China have sent financial markets on a roller coaster ride, especially lately. Some analysts say they could send the U.S. economy into a recession. Here's a look at how we got here. SANDERS : The President is focused on making sure we get good trade deals and not continue to be ripped off by other countries. We have countries like China where we have a $500 billion trade imbalance and that has to be closed. DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES : Today, I am defending America's National Security by placing tariffs on foreign imports of steel and aluminum. ALISON KOSIK, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT, CNN : The E.U. is hitting back at President Trump's proposed tariffs on steel and aluminum. TRUMP : We are putting tariffs on $50 billion worth of technology and other things because we have to. Because we've been treated very unfairly. PETER NAVARRO, WHITE HOUSE NATIONAL TRADE COUNCIL : What we have here is a situation where they have been basically punching us in the body and in the face for years. KOSIK : Europe is targeting things like motorcycles, bourbon, peanut butter, cigarettes and denim. They are classic American goods, but also strategic, hitting industries in states governed by senior Republicans. UNIDENTIFIED MALE (Through a translator) : The Chinese side has to retaliate in order to protect our legitimate rights and safeguard the global free trade order. CHRYSTIA FREELAND, CANADIAN FINANCE MINISTER : Canada has therefore, truly more in sorrow than in anger announced a perfectly reciprocal measured dollar for dollar retaliation response. MATT RIVERS, CORRESPONDENT, CNN : If you were afraid to call it a trade war before, you should not be afraid to use that term anymore after a major escalation in the spat between the U.S. and China. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE : Donald Trump is bent on changing the equation of world trade. TRUMP : We will be meeting with President Xi tonight, I will be and my group, a small group and we will have a small group of representatives and we'll be talking about the thing called trade. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE : We begin with a timeout, the U.S. and China taking a pause in their escalating trade dispute. President Trump and Xi Jinping cut a deal at the G-20 Summit in Argentina, well, sort of of. STEVEN JIANG, SENIOR PRODUCER, CNN : Mr. Trump wants to see China not only buy more from the U.S. but also stop stealing American intellectual property and stop subsidizing its own companies and industries. These are the points long resisted by President Xi and his government because they view this as a strategic move by the U.S. to contain its rise. At this juncture, it is really difficult to see how they can reach a permanent and mutually agreeable solution to this issue because they have remained so far apart. ALLEN : A video of American actor, Kevin Spacey allegedly groping an 18-year-old busboy at a bar in 2016 is now in police custody, that's according to a complaint filed in court. The complaint reveals the accuser told police he lied to the actor about his age the night of the alleged assault. Miguel Marquez has more details. MIGUEL MARQUEZ, NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN: : : Well, despite what is described as a heavy night of drinking between Spacey and the accuser, the accuser was in the frame of mind to while the actual alleged incident was occurring - the sexual assault was occurring - to actually take video of it and send to his then girlfriend via Snapchat. The accuser told police that he had told Spacey that he was 23 the night of the alleged assault. He was in fact 18 years old. All of this happening in the late night hours at the Club Car Restaurant on Nantucket after his shift as a busboy there. It is something that the accuser's mother spoke out about last year. HEATHER UNRUH, ALLEGED VICTIM'S MOTHER : The victim, my son was a star-struck straight 18-year-old young man who had no idea that the famous actor was an alleged sexual predator. MARQUEZ : Now, CNN has tried to contact Mr. Spacey and his representatives for their side of the story. They have not gotten back to us, but shortly after the news broke of these charges against the 59-year-old actor, Kevin Spacey posted a video to his Twitter account. The tone, the style, the substance of it, jarring given the charges that had just been made public. KEVIN SPACEY, AMERICAN ACTOR : I know what you want. You want me back. Of course some believed everything and had just been waiting with baited breath to hear me confess it all. They're just dying to have me to clear that everything said is true and that I got what I deserved. Wouldn't be that easy, if it was all so simple? Only you and I both know it is never that simple, not in politics and not in life. But you wouldn't believe the worst without evidence, would you? You wouldn't rush to judgment without facts, would you? Did you? MARQUEZ : So clearly he uses the Frank Underwood character in that video with a Santa Claus apron on in a kitchen, all of it coming at a strange time and just the way in which he does it was remarked upon by many across Hollywood and around the world. The arraignment for Mr. Spacey on these charges is set right now for January 7th. Back to you. ALLEN : Ahead here, a new invention could have older folks keep moving. These pants won't make you the bionic man or woman, but they could make getting around a lot easier. We'll have that. Plus, we will meet a man who wants to literally barrel his way across the Atlantic. ALLEN : This is the story of a man who could win the award of the most admired father. Hal Vaughan here on the left wanted to spend Christmas with his daughter but she is a flight attendant who had to work. So Hal simply booked himself on her flight, six of them. Mike Levy sat next to Hal on one of the trips and posted these pictures after hearing the story calling Hal Vaughan a phenomenal father. You may be bewitched by Donald Trump's charm or bothered by his tenuous relationship with the truth or bewildered by his command over his adoring base, but one group is not falling under his spell. Witches. CNN's Jeanne Moos explains. JEANNE MOOS, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT : They don't fly on broomsticks. They tend not to be bewitched by Donald Trump. TRUMP : You know I call it a witch hunt and it is a witch hunt. MOOS : Modern-day witches are hard to categorize. DOROTHY, FICTIONAL CHARACTER, WIZARD OF OZ : Are you a good witch or a bad witch? MOOS : Are you a witch? AMANDA YATES GARCIA, THE ORACLE OF LOS ANGELES : I'm a practicing witch. That's how I make my living, yes. MOOS : And which kind of which are you? DAVID SALISBURY, AUTHOR, WITCHCRAFT ACTIVISM : I'm initiated into Wicca, which is the religious side of things. MOOS : Witches tend to side with liberals. And you know what they wish, President Trump would stop saying about the Mueller investigation. TRUMP : It's a witch hunt. That's all it is. The witch hunt as I call it. Russian witch hunt. This is a witch hunt like nobody has ever seen before. MOOS : The author of "Witchcraft Activism" calls the president's use of the term. SALISBURY : It's really disgraceful. I mean, thousands of people were executed in your own suspicion of witchcraft. MOOS : Closer to home, there were the Salem witch trials. Nineteen supposed witches were hanged. GARCIA : There's a lot to be offended by, by Donald Trump, and I think his use of the term witch hunt is very low on that list of priorities for most witches. But nevertheless, it does demonstrate his ignorance as usual. TRUMP : The entire thing has been a witch hunt. MOOS : But if the President stopped saying witch hunt, he'd have to hunt for a new term. Tweeted someone, "I guess he will have to start referring to it as a wild goose chase, but then, that might offend geese." The last time witches got mixed up in politics, a losing tea party candidate for the Senate had to proclaim. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE : I'm not a witch. MOOS : After having said she dabbled in witchcraft in high school. If there's one demographic President Trump hasn't put a spell on, its witches, they'd rather put a spell on him. WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST, FICTIONAL CHARACTER, WIZARD OF T HE OZ : I will catch you my pretty, and your little dog, too. MOOS : Jeanne Moos, CNN -- TRUMP : And it is a witch hunt. MOOS : New York. ALLEN : All right, we have this for you now. If you struggle to get off the sofa, it could be a problem especially for older people. But now, scientists are developing robotic trousers that help the wearer stand up and move around. Here's Jonathan Rossiter from the University of Bristol, part of the Right Trousers Project. JONATHAN ROSSITER, UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL : The Right Trousers Project aims to enable people who are getting older and may have disabilities to maintain their independence for as long as possible. To do that, the idea is to give people power trousers. This enables them to maintain their independence for longer because they can move more easily. ROSSITER : We have spent about two and a half million pounds developing these trousers. Now, that may make them the most expensive trousers in the world, but that also makes them the most exciting and potentially the most useful. The core technologies behind this are artificial muscles. Artificial muscles are really interesting. They replicate human muscles. And you apply stimulus to an artificial muscle and it contracts, and as I apply the air, the balloons inside, our structures inflate and then the whole of the muscle element contracts. And because it contracts, it's got enough energy to pull this which is representing a knee and there is a person's hip here, pull the actuator up. And once somebody can stand up, then they move around their house and then they can move to the kitchen to make a cup of tea or do some cooking. Without these technologies, people who are stuck sitting in their living rooms, in their chairs may not be able to get up, may not be able to move around and then at that point in their lives, they will transition into a care setting and that's very, very expensive and of course it will reduce their mobility and also their cognitive abilities, so slowly, they start to feel less comfortable moving around. Our goal is within ten years, you can walk into a shop, you can buy them off the shelf and you could take them home and you can start using them and that helps to restore your independence as quickly and easily as possible. ALLEN : And finally, this hour, a 71-year-old Frenchman is hoping to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a barrel. That may sound improbable even peculiar, but this barrel is apparently a sophisticated one with a bed and small kitchen. John Jacques Savin set off from the Canary Islands on Wednesday and plans to float two to three kilometers per hour across the ocean. If it goes well, he hopes to reach the Caribbean by the end of March. And an American man has apparently just made history in the Antarctic, Colin O'Brady says he is the first person to trek all the way across the continent alone and without assistance. He tracked his progress online with GPS. The 33-year-old adventure athlete posted on Instagram the trip ended with one of the greatest challenges, but best moments of his life. He surged 129 kilometers in just 32 hours there at the end. O'Brady had been racing another man across the continent since early November tracked by GPS. He is going to wait for him to arrive and then they're going to fly out together. Why not? That's it for "Newsroom" George Howell takes over next. Thanks for watching. ### Summary:
Trump Makes False Claims About Military Pay Raises; Iraqis In An Uproar Over Trump's Trip; It Is The Largest Protest In Sudan In Years; In The Democratic Republic Of The Congo, Protesters Took To The Street Because The Government Postponed Voting In The Presidential Election; In Tunisia, Protesters Clash With Police For A Third Day Over The Death Of A Journalist; Homeland Security Secretary Says She Wants To See The Medical Conditions At Border Patrol Stations For Herself; An Investigation Into The Donald Trump Inauguration; A Video Of American Actor Kevin Spacey Allegedly Groping An 18-Year-Old Busboy Has Surfaced.
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: NEAL CONAN, host : And now the triumphant return of the TALK OF THE NATION's Summer Movie Festival. And this year, we begin with a grain of "Salt." As Angelina Jolie prepares to kick butt, we celebrate the female action hero from the sweet-talking, think "Charlie's Angels," to the tough-as-nails Sarah Connor, quick with a plasma rifle, samurai sword or a six-shooter and, of course, deadlier than the male. NEAL CONAN, host : If you'd like to nominate a distaff dynamo, our number here in Washington is 800-989-8255. Email us: talk@npr.org. You can join the conversation, too, on our website. That's at npr.org. Click on TALK OF THE NATION. NEAL CONAN, host : And, of course, no summer movie series is complete without Murray Horwitz, our favorite film buff, who joins us here in Studio 3A. Murray, good to see you. MURRAY HORWITZ : Good to see you, Neal. Happy summer. NEAL CONAN, host : Happy summer to you. And, well, the female action hero, when did it start? I mean, this is - is this a feminist... MURRAY HORWITZ : Well, I think it's a human thing. NEAL CONAN, host : Uh-huh. MURRAY HORWITZ : ...and it's been - although there probably is maybe a - I don't know if this is sexist or non-sexist - but it's very true that men... NEAL CONAN, host : Mm-hmm. MURRAY HORWITZ : ...as well as, if not more than women, love to see women who, in the fanboy term - you should forgive me - kick ass. I mean, they, you know, they love to see that. But it's not... NEAL CONAN, host : The fact that their clothing is either tight or non-existent much of the time probably has nothing to do with that. MURRAY HORWITZ : Although - it has changed. That's absolutely true. There is a kind of feminist vibe behind this, because in the last couple of decades, few decades, it's changed to where they are - the female action heroes aren't necessarily sex objects and don't show cleavage. I mean, there are certain - we'll get to this in a moment. MURRAY HORWITZ : There are certain - there's one character in particular, who has kind of primacy of place here. But it's from the earliest days almost of cinema. There was the damsel in distress. NEAL CONAN, host : Mm-hmm. MURRAY HORWITZ : You know, you can... NEAL CONAN, host : "Perils of Pauline." MURRAY HORWITZ : ...literally hanging on a cliff, you know? But... NEAL CONAN, host : I think of her tied to the railroad. But - so... MURRAY HORWITZ : That's true too. NEAL CONAN, host : ...but that's okay. MURRAY HORWITZ : But sometimes they would do things to bring about their own safety or to defeat their nemesis. Then in slapstick comedy, you know one of my favorite of all time, Mabel Normand. I mean, Mabel Normand, particularly with Fatty Arbuckle, I mean, she would deliver the good zetz, the good clop when she had to. And so that's a kind of action hero. Even in the mid-years though, there are any number of Belle Starrs and Calamity Janes... NEAL CONAN, host : Mm-hmm. MURRAY HORWITZ : ...and Annie Oakleys. There's actually a movie that - called "Montana Belle." And I'm just trying to think, right off hand, who did it. I'll find it later. Anyway, she - it's an Allan Dwan film. Jane Russell. Thank you. It's Jane Russell who is Calamity Jane, in which she really does a lot of horse riding and, you know... NEAL CONAN, host : Mm-hmm. MURRAY HORWITZ : ...gun shooting and that sort of thing. And then up into the '50s and '60s and '70s, the blaxploitation films, you know. Who could forget "Foxy Brown?" NEAL CONAN, host : We had a clip from "Foxy Brown" just a moment ago. Who could forget that? And indeed. But - so it isn't one genre. You mentioned westerns. Obviously, there's a lot of science fiction heroes. MURRAY HORWITZ : Lot of science fiction. And interesting that you mentioned feminism, because in science fiction and fantasy somehow, some of the -there's a certain liberation and the lid goes off or the limits go off some of the sexual roles. And sci-fi is done rather well by women in terms of making them action heroes. NEAL CONAN, host : Because in the future, roles are - it's not unusual to see... MURRAY HORWITZ : Right. NEAL CONAN, host : ...a woman starship pilot. MURRAY HORWITZ : Right. Exactly. So - or, you know, all bets can be off in sci-fi or in the future. The other thing is women detectives. You know, Kathleen Turner as V.I. Warshawski. NEAL CONAN, host : Mm-hmm. MURRAY HORWITZ : I mean, there's all kinds of - and there are a lot of films out, right now, or in the last, say, 12 months, Neal, that have -animated films. You know, there's Jessie the Cowgirl in "Toy Story" and "Toy Story 2." There's one coming up later this year, one of the "Resident Evil" pictures. And, you know, Zoe Saldana in "Avatar"... NEAL CONAN, host : Sure. MURRAY HORWITZ : ...was an action hero or - we don't say heroine anymore, do we? NEAL CONAN, host : Nobody says heroine, no, no. They confuse it with the drug. MURRAY HORWITZ : But the - then there's also my nomination for contemporary one, for this year's one, is "Alice in Wonderland," who - and this is an example of how things change. NEAL CONAN, host : Sure. MURRAY HORWITZ : In all the storytelling of "Alice in Wonderland," from Lewis Carroll on, she's, you know, kind of wandering through... NEAL CONAN, host : And she fell down the rabbit hole. MURRAY HORWITZ : ...she fell down the rabbit - she's passive and she's going through all these things. NEAL CONAN, host : Mm-hmm. MURRAY HORWITZ : But in this version, she has to become - the whole thing hinges on her embracing the role of being an action hero. She - I don't want to ruin the film for anybody, but she does participate in the climax. NEAL CONAN, host : It's been out for a while now, Murray. NEAL CONAN, host : I think when it's out on DVD, you can give away the ending. MURRAY HORWITZ : Well, let me ask you this: If I told you that there were a -there was a protagonist who goes through a quest of physical fortitude, she reaches her goal by the accomplishment of various feats - she has to navigate a treacherous road, she evades violent airborne primates and she defeats a powerful sorceress through the use of force - you would say that's an action hero, right? NEAL CONAN, host : I would say we're off to see the wizard. MURRAY HORWITZ : That's right. That's Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale on the "Wizard of Oz." She's a kind of action hero. NEAL CONAN, host : Let's get some callers in on the conversation. Your nominee for best female action hero: 800-989-8255. Email us: talk@npr.org. And Toni(ph) is on the line from Baton Rouge. TONI (Caller) : Hi, Neal. It's an honor to talk with you. I've listened to you since I was a little girl. NEAL CONAN, host : Oh, I... MURRAY HORWITZ : It's the thing to say, Toni. You know... NEAL CONAN, host : Well, thank you for making me feel old there, Toni. MURRAY HORWITZ : Right, right. My grandmother had all your records, you know? TONI (Caller) : I'm sorry. NEAL CONAN, host : That's all right. It's kind of you to say. TONI (Caller) : My nomination would be Ripley from the "Alien" quadrilogy films. I think she was one of the earliest kick-ass females. NEAL CONAN, host : Indeed, after - half a century after she battled space creatures in "Alien," Ellen Ripley comes back at it in "Aliens" back in 1986, where she's sent to the planet as an adviser after the company loses contact with a team of Space Marines. In here, well, she's protecting Newt from the queen alien. Ms. SIGOURNEY WEAVER (Actor) : (as Ellen Ripley) Get away from her, you bitch. NEAL CONAN, host : Sigourney Weaver got an Academy Award nomination, I think, for that line. MURRAY HORWITZ : Actually, that line's the least of it. What's great about this - and then when I said somebody has pride of place, it is Sigourney Weaver as Ripley. I mean, this is probably the most comprehensive, most complete female action hero, in the second of those films, in "Aliens." And that's where she - by the way, she doesn't show cleavage. I mean, she doesn't - and she's not all dolled up in any way. NEAL CONAN, host : No. It's all work clothes. Yeah. MURRAY HORWITZ : That's exactly right. And she's fully realized she has to confront herself and things in her... NEAL CONAN, host : Mm-hmm. MURRAY HORWITZ : ...as well as alien forces outside. And she's a real person. She's believable. She's bang on it. And she's the most comprehensively, well-turned character among the female action heroes. NEAL CONAN, host : And in the (unintelligible), a couple of well-turned ankles. No. NEAL CONAN, host : And Toni, thank you so much for the call. MURRAY HORWITZ : She plays a parody of herself, too. TONI (Caller) : Thank you so much, Neal. It's a pleasure to talk with you. NEAL CONAN, host : Thank you very much. Bye-bye. NEAL CONAN, host : Here's an email from Anna: Linda Hamilton in "Terminator" is definitely my favorite female action hero. I will never forget the image of her driving south in her Jeep at the end of the movie, a woman aware of her sole responsibility to save the human race, unbowed by the work and horror ahead. A close second, Sigourney Weaver in "Alien" and "Aliens." But those are some tough broads, she mentions. Though you'd have to think that Sarah Connor, the character, is even more of a force in "Terminator 2." MURRAY HORWITZ : Right. It's "Terminator 2" where she really, you know, does -takes action and really shows herself to be, really, a plot turner in somebody on whom you have to rely to get stuff done. NEAL CONAN, host : Now here, in this scene, she rails at the doctor whose work eventually causes Judgment Day, a global war against humanity. Ms. LINDA HAMILTON (Actor) : (as Sarah Connor) Men like you built the hydrogen bomb. Men like you thought it up. You think you're so creative. You don't know what it's like to really create something, to create a life, to feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death and destruction. Mr. EDWARD FURLONG (Actor) : (as John Connor) Mom. Mom! NEAL CONAN, host : Well, yes, she is going off the edge there, don't you think? MURRAY HORWITZ : And she doesn't just scream and hide as she does kind of in the first movie. I mean, she actually, you know, she collects guns and she uses them. NEAL CONAN, host : Well, she is also, again, in the common parlance, ripped. She is really in shape. MURRAY HORWITZ : She's ripped. She's - yeah. She's really in great shape, and you don't want to mess with her. NEAL CONAN, host : Don't want to mess with her. Let's see if we can get another caller in. This is Kevin, Kevin with us from Philadelphia. KEVIN : Hi, Neal. Thanks for taking my call. NEAL CONAN, host : Sure. KEVIN : I'm about to nominee Beatrix Kiddo, aka the Bride, from "Kill Bill." NEAL CONAN, host : Oh, absolutely. Uma Thurman out for revenge in "Kill Bill 1 and 2." In this particular scene, she - well, she's obviously trying to find - track down the five people who tried to kill her. And then here she battles O-Ren, which is - who's, of course, played by Lucy Liu. Ms. LUCY LIU (Actor) : (as O-Ren) You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you? Ms. UMA THURMAN (Actor) : (as Beatrix Kiddo) You know, for a second there, yeah. I kind of did. NEAL CONAN, host : Lucy Liu, of course, doesn't lose her head, just loses the top of it. MURRAY HORWITZ : It's true. And isn't there's something with an eyeball - I don't want to think about it. NEAL CONAN, host : Anyway. KEVIN : That one scene is awesome. MURRAY HORWITZ : It is. And she is one of the great - you know, again, sort of kick-ass heroes - I've got to stop saying heroine. NEAL CONAN, host : You got to stop saying heroine. MURRAY HORWITZ : And she gets a kind of - what I want to say? There's - if there's an award, there a couple of we have to mention. Uma Thurman maybe one of them. But for somebody who really plays the female action hero a lot, there is a name many won't recognize, but they would probably recognize the figure of Milla Jovovich. And she's done a lot of these characters, including the aforementioned "Resident Evil: Afterlife" that's coming out this summer. But also Halle Berry. I mean, Halle Berry's been a Bond girl, and Halle Berry's been Storm in "X-Men." NEAL CONAN, host : Yes. MURRAY HORWITZ : And she's - and by the way, when it comes to the Bond girls, I'm going to need help from the listeners, because I can't remember which one of them are just kind of stand and pose and which ones of them are real action heroes. NEAL CONAN, host : All right. Kevin, thanks very much for the call. MURRAY HORWITZ : I was going to say, I'm barely aware of the Bond girls, but I decided not to. NEAL CONAN, host : But - let's not go there. NEAL CONAN, host : Let's see if we go next to - this is Ron, Ron with us from Manchester in New Hampshire. RON (Caller) : Hi, guys. It's Carrie Fisher, you know, Princess Leia. She's a, you know, a general. She kills Jabba the Hutt. The moment they bust her out in "Star Wars," she grabbed the guns out of their hands and... NEAL CONAN, host : Starting in the second one, she really picked up the plasma rifle and dealt death. RON (Caller) : I mean, she was a leader through all three films. NEAL CONAN, host : Absolutely. I'm going to agree with you. MURRAY HORWITZ : It's absolutely true. And there's a point here that I want to make about female action heroes. They, you know, the cliche is, oh, women are soft or women are more emotional. You don't want a woman with her hand on the trigger, because, you know, the - and in - one of the things that these movies show us is, in general, the female action heroes really earn their emotional moment. There's that part in "Empire Strikes Back" where Han Solo is frozen and... RON (Caller) : Oh, yeah, my God... MURRAY HORWITZ : Princess Leia just looses it and she does this futile attempt to free him. And - but she does - she earns that right to do it, because she's so cool, calm and collected. NEAL CONAN, host : And the vamp scene, of course, is all a rouse to get her close so she could free him and do in Jabba. MURRAY HORWITZ : It's true. NEAL CONAN, host : So anyway, Ron, thanks very much for the call. RON (Caller) : Thank you. MURRAY HORWITZ : We also, as always, when discussing "Star Wars," we have to say if that's true, we have to give the archetype, which is "The Hidden Fortress" by Akira Kurosawa, where the princess is also an action hero. NEAL CONAN, host : Murray Horwitz, our summer movie festival buff. You're listening to TALK OF THE NATION, from NPR News. NEAL CONAN, host : And here's some email. Brandon in Raleigh, North Carolina: I just wanted to share my favorite female action hero, Major Motoko Kusanagi, who is a Japanese character in the "Ghost in the Shell" anime and manga stories, a cyborg employed as the squad leader of Public Security Section 9, a fictional division of the real Japanese National Public Safety Commission. I love the depth and intrigue of her story, but being anchored by the strong female character makes it unique in the action genre... MURRAY HORWITZ : And this is the - do you say "Ghost in the Shell"? NEAL CONAN, host : He did. MURRAY HORWITZ : That's the one he said? Yes. And also in "Cowboy Bebop," there's a character, Faye Valentine. Anime is one of the genres where these women show up a lot. They're also in Hong Kong films, and in kung fu films, there are a lot of female action figures - or action heroes. I didn't mean to say it. I didn't mean to say it. NEAL CONAN, host : Poseable and... MURRAY HORWITZ : Right. NEAL CONAN, host : The - here's an email from Kevin, and he nominates the best: Hit Girl from "Kick-Ass." This is a movie that was out earlier this year. Here's a scene - Nicholas Cage playing Big Daddy, Hit Girl's dad - is teaching Hit Girl, played by Chloe Moretz how to withstand being shot in the chest at close range while wearing a bullet-proof vest. Mr. NICHOLAS CAGE (Actor) : (as Big Daddy) You're going to be fine, baby doll. Mr. NICHOLAS CAGE (Actor) : (as Big Daddy) How was that? Not so bad. Kind of fun, huh? Now you know how it feels. You won't be scared when some junkie pulls a Glock. Ms. CHLOE MORETZ (Actor) : (as Hit Girl) I wouldn't have been scared, anyway. Mr. NICHOLAS CAGE (Actor) : (as Big Daddy) That's my girl. All right. Up you get, come on. Two more rounds and then home. Ms. CHLOE MORETZ (Actor) : (as Hit Girl) Again? Mr. NICHOLAS CAGE (Actor) : (as Big Daddy) Uh-huh. Ms. CHLOE MORETZ (Actor) : (as Hit Girl) Look, only if we can go by the bowling alley on the way back. MURRAY HORWITZ : That's great. I love the dialogue. NEAL CONAN, host : That's good dialogue. NEAL CONAN, host : Let's get another caller in - Jane, Jane with us from St. Louis. JANE (Caller) : Hi. I wanted to nominate Lisbeth Salander, an up-and-coming movie star. NEAL CONAN, host : Absolutely. That's the character's name. JANE (Caller) : Yeah. NEAL CONAN, host : She's in "The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo," and the second one - I just finished it, and I've forgotten the name. JANE (Caller) : "The Girl Who Played with Fire." NEAL CONAN, host : And then the third one is the "Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest." JANE (Caller) : Yes. I just finished reading all three, and she is completely victimized. There's a reason why the book was originally called "The Men Who Hate Women," or something like that. And throughout it, she just grows stronger and stronger and, you know, she earns her emotional time, like you said earlier. NEAL CONAN, host : She's an avenger and... MURRAY HORWITZ : Right. NEAL CONAN, host : ...also really, really smart. MURRAY HORWITZ : Which was... JANE (Caller) : Oh, my God, incredibly smart. MURRAY HORWITZ : Which reminds me, there is a film in preparation of "The Avengers." And we look forward to seeing a female... NEAL CONAN, host : Another? Uma Thurman was in the last one. MURRAY HORWITZ : Right. NEAL CONAN, host : Oh, yeah, right, of course. Right. Jane, thanks very much for the call. JANE (Caller) : Thank you. NEAL CONAN, host : And Murray, we have to ask you, who is your favorite female action hero? MURRAY HORWITZ : All right. You found me out. I mean, I went round and round. Of course, Ripley is number one. But everybody has sort of secret dirt and things that they know they shouldn't like. One of my favorite - maybe my favorite terrible film of all time is "Conan the Destroyer" from 1984. Do you know that? Isn't that a great movie? NEAL CONAN, host : How can I skip that movie? MURRAY HORWITZ : You can't. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Wilt Chamberlain and Grace Jones as Zula. NEAL CONAN, host : Yes. MURRAY HORWITZ : And never has a character shown more pleasure in killing somebody than Grace Jones. And I really recommend it. It's to be hoped you won't be in your right mind when you actually watch it, but it's great fun. NEAL CONAN, host : Well, I'm going to get to nominate one - Elastigirl, or Mrs. Incredible and her daughter, Violet Parr. In this scene early in the movie, Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl meet for one of the first times. Unidentified Man : Hey, look. Unidentified Man : Mr. CRAIG T. NELSON (Actor): (as Mr. Incredible) Elastigirl. Ms. HOLLY HUNTER (Actor) : (as Elastigirl) Mr. Incredible. Mr. NELSON : (as Mr. Incredible) No, it's all right. I've got it. Ms. HOLLY HUNTER (Actor) : (as Elastigirl) Sure, you've got him. I took him out for you. Mr. NELSON : (as Mr. Incredible) Sure, you took them out. His attention was on me. Ms. HOLLY HUNTER (Actor) : (as Elastigirl) A fact I exploited to do my job. Mr. NELSON : (as Mr. Incredible) My job. Ms. HOLLY HUNTER (Actor) : (as Elastigirl) A simple thank you will suffice. Mr. NELSON : (as Mr. Incredible) Thanks, but I don't need any help. Ms. HOLLY HUNTER (Actor) : (as Elastigirl) Whatever happened to ladies first? Mr. NELSON : (as Mr. Incredible) Well, whatever happened to equal treatment? Unidentified Man : Hey, look, wait, the lady got me first. Ms. HOLLY HUNTER (Actor) : (as Elastigirl) Well, we could share, you know? Mr. NELSON : (as Mr. Incredible) I work alone. Ms. HOLLY HUNTER (Actor) : (as Elastigirl) Well, I think you need to be more flexible. Mr. NELSON : (as Mr. Incredible) Are you doing anything later? Ms. HOLLY HUNTER (Actor) : (as Elastigirl) I have a previous engagement. MURRAY HORWITZ : It's - and I love the fact that it's Holly Hunter as a super hero. NEAL CONAN, host : As a super hero - incredible, yes. Absolutely incredible. Murray, as always, thanks very much. MURRAY HORWITZ : Thank you, Neal. What a pleasure. NEAL CONAN, host : Murray Horwitz is TALK OF THE NATION's favorite film buff, joined us here in Studio 3A. Joined us here in Studio 3A. Join us for the second installment of our summer movie festival next week - same time, same station. The topic: greatest pep talks on film. MURRAY HORWITZ : Win one of the Gipper. Once more into the breach, dear friends. NEAL CONAN, host : Email your nominee now: talk@npr.org. Join us then. This is TALK OF THE NATION, from NPR News. I'm Neal Conan, in Washington. ### Summary:
Chloe Moretz as Hit Girl, a foul-mouthed female super hero in Kick-Ass. From Foxy Brown to Hit Girl, leading ladies kick butt on the big screen. Talk of the Nation movie buff Murray Horwitz returns to the Summer Movie Festival, with his picks for best female action heroes. Horwitz reaches way back to consider all kinds of female action heroes, from Annie Oakley to Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy, really? Sure, Horwitz tells NPR's Neal Conan. She "goes through a quest of physical fortitude, she reaches her goal by the accomplishment of various feats, she has to navigate a treacherous road, she evades violent, airborne primates, and she defeats a powerful sorceress through the use of force." Ellen Ripley in Aliens, played by Sigourney Weaver, is "probably the most comprehensive, most complete female action hero." Not only does she have to confront alien forces, she has to confront herself. "She's a real person" who's not all dolled up, and Weaver earned an Academy Award nomination for that performance. Tell us: In the wild west, outer space or on the streets, who's your favorite?
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Austin : So she looks at me and she says , What are you doing here ? And I said , I m a teacher . Can you believe that ? Carrie : What ? Austin : Yeah . Carrie : What are you-- Austin : Ah , uh , airplane mode . I am not speaking to anybody but you tonight . So come on . Carrie : What ? Austin : Well , I kind of thought this deal would maybe be reciprocal , you know what I mean ? Oh , wait . You have to be available for clients , yeah ? Carrie : Austin . Austin : Yes ? Carrie : My phone is locked in my top desk drawer . Austin : Mm . Carrie : Mm . Austin : Well , I guess tonight s gon na be ... a great night . Carrie : So what do you think about going to see the movie in -- in the square , the outdoor movie ? That could be fun , yeah ? Austin : Yeah , well , if you re talking about fun , I think maybe we could find something a little more private to do , you know ? Carrie : Oh , you do , do you ? Austin : Yeah . Rafe : Hey , Carrie . Austin . Austin : How s it going , Rafe ? Rafe : Good . Carrie : Hi , Rafe . Austin : Wow , man , that is a , uh , man - sized bowl of ice cream you got there . Rafe : Yeah . Austin : [ Chuckling ] I never thought of you as the sprinkles type . Carrie : That ice cream is nt for Rafe . Mike : I just wanna thank you , Mr. Horton , and also let you know that my boss really appreciates you getting those materials for him . Will : Course . Mike : So he thought you might enjoy a night out on him . Will : Oh , thank you . Wow , this sold out the night the box office opened . Impossible tickets , thank you . Mike : Like I said , he s very appreciative . Will : Thanks , Mike , any time . Gabi : Well , look at you , with the Mr. Horton , and the impossible concert tickets . Things have really changed for you , huh ? Will : Yeah , I guess it seems that way . Gabi : Sure does . So maybe there s a way things can change for me . Melanie : [ Giggling ] Oh , hello . I m very glad that you showed up . I m trying to talk our friend here into hanging out with us , but apparently she wants to go home and be boring . Abigail : Yeah , I m sure Chad is just dying for me to tag along . Chad : Actually , you have to . Abigail : Excuse me , I have to ? Chad : Yeah , well , you ca nt have a double date with only three people . Abigail : A double date . Chad : Yes . Abe asked me to show Lexie s half - brother around , show him a good time . Melanie : And we are the definition of good time , so ... Chad : Mm . Oh , look , there he is . Seems like a good enough guy for you . I m sure you ll enjoy meeting him . Melanie : Yeah . Abigail : Actually , we ve already met . Kate : I fully comprehend , Harold , that Stefano has kicked me out , and I am not here to plead my case . I am here to pick up my things . Harold : As I have been trying to explain to madam , Mr. DiMera has had all your personal effects removed . Kate : What ? Harold : There s nothing of yours left in the house . Kate : Well , you ca nt say the man does things in half - measures , can you ? EJ : Harold . Can I come in , or have my things been removed too ? Kate : You ve been kicked out as well ? EJ : Oh , given what I ve learned , I would nt be surprised . Kate : What is your father up to ? EJ : That s what I m here to find out . Marlena : I ca nt tell you how good it is to be talking to you again . You had us mighty worried there . John : And your girl here ? She never let up for a second trying to get home to you , kid . Bo : Yeah , well , I still do nt know what happened with you guys . Hope : Eh ... well , it does nt matter , because everything s fine now . Bo : Oh , yeah , real fine . Stefano had his goons beat the crap out of me . Uh , what happened with you guys in Alamainia ? Did he come after you there ? Hope : Brady , we ll talk about it later . Bo : Where -- where is that son of a bitch now ? Marlena : There s a good question . Kate : I do nt understand what s going on . Why would he turn against you ? He thinks you hung the moon . What exactly did you do ? EJ : Nothing that explains what I just found out . I was just with Samantha . I hear he gave control of Countess Wilhelmina over to her . Kate : Yes , he did . He did . So this is categorically the worst day of my life , because not only have I been kicked out of what I considered my home , he has handed over control of the company that I built from the ground up to that boasting , condescending bitch . EJ : You know what ? You re welcome to your opinions about Samantha , but if I were you , I would nt focus on her . She s not your enemy . She s the beneficiary of your rather spectacular fall from my father s graces . Kate : Oh , my God . She s not my enemy ? After the lies , and the betrayals ... EJ : Oh , come on . Pot , kettle , black , mummy . Why do nt you stop venting , and start trying to figure out what is going on , okay ? Kate : You do nt have any idea ? EJ : No , I have no idea . He should never have given her control of Countess Wilhelmina without running that by me first . So it looks like I m out , right ? Out of the company , out of the family . John : Well , I m sure Stefano s back in Salem . You know the old man . He s not gon na give up till he gets what he wants . Hope : He s gon na come after us again . But we do nt know how , and we really do nt know why . Nurse : Sorry to interrupt-- John : Mm . Nurse : I need a blood sample for the lab . Bo : Uh , could we do this later , please ? Nurse : Sorry , detective , but I m the law around here . Bo : Yeah . Hope : We ll be waiting for you in the hallway , okay ? Try to get some rest ? Bo : Should be no problem after this relaxing conversation we ve been having . Hope : Try . I promise to keep you -- oh , sorry . Uh , I promise to keep you up to speed on whatever we find out , okay ? Bo : Uh - huh . Hope : So good seeing that smile again . I missed it . Love you , Brady . Bo : Love you too . Hope : How do we find out what Stefano really wants ? Stefano : Why not go to the source ? Gabi : Man ... how s your cheeseburger macaroni ? Will : You know , this is nt the first conversation we ve had about this . You seem more than a little interested in my job . Gabi : Well , um , not the job itself . More like what the job s done for you . I mean , you seem more confident , more -- more sure of yourself-- well , that s what it seems to me . Will : Thank you . Maybe I ve changed , maybe I have nt . But , um , either way , I do nt really see why you care . Gabi : Well , because I m your friend . Will : Right . Gabi : All right , fine . There is something I want that I have nt been able to get on my own . Will : Okay . You want me to get EJ to expedite a zoning clearance for you ? Gabi : Do nt make fun of me , okay ? Look , I ve been trying to figure this thing out , and I just thought that maybe you could help me in pulling this thing off . Will : Okay . This thing ? What is this thing ? Am I gon na regret this thing ? Cameron : You know , this really is flattering . Abigail : Flattering ? Cameron : But you really did nt have to go through all this trouble . Abigail : And what trouble would that be ? Cameron : Getting Chad to fix us up . I m cool with girls asking me out . Abigail : Oh . Chad , please tell your friend here that I knew nothing about this . Chad : Actually , I - I did . It was all my idea . Cameron : It s okay , really . I get this a lot . Melanie : Ooh . Well , I guess we do nt have to worry about this one s self- esteem-- Chad : [ Clearing throat ] Actually , uh -- so you two know each other ? Is that -- is that what s going on here ? Abigail : We ve run into each other a couple of times , yeah . Cameron : Literally . Melanie : What are you doing ? Cameron : Making sure I do nt have anything breakable on me . Abigail : That s very funny . You guys have a good time . I will see you later . Melanie : No , no , no , you ca nt go , we re gon na go see an outdoor movie . Chad : Yeah , we already bought your tickets . Abigail : And I m sure that you can give them to someone else . Cameron , it s nice to see you again . Cameron : Abigail . It was nice to see you , and if I promise to stop being a wise - ass , will you go to the movie with us ? Abigail : Cameron . I do nt think you can help it . Austin : It s supposed to be , uh , pickles and ice cream , is nt it ? I mean , that s the classic craving , right ? Am I right ? Rafe : I guess , yeah . Yeah . Oh , well , I ll see you later . Austin : When it s our turn , I am gon na bring you ice cream and wait on you hand and foot . Carrie : I know you will . And I really , really look forward to that someday . Do you think that , um , we should go someplace else ? Austin : No , look , I am not uncomfortable if you re not uncomfortable . Carrie : No , but I-- Austin : Listen to me , Carrie . We said that we were gon na put everything that happened behind us , and I m serious , okay ? And besides , I m really hungry . Come on . Carrie : Okay . Nicole : Rafe . Rafe : Give me that . Nicole : [ Laughing ] Melanie : Uh , they re really good at playing hard - to - get . Chad : It ll all be fine once the movie starts . Melanie : Yeah , because then they ll have a reason not to talk . Chad : Hmm . Melanie : This is very sweet of you , but I do nt think it s going to work out the way you planned . Will : Okay , I ll bite : What do you want me to do ? Gabi : Chad and Melanie do nt belong together . Will : Says the relationship police . Gabi : Okay , this is not funny , all right ? No , I kind of just realized , I do nt know , I wish Chad and I never broke up . Will : Oh . Gabi : No offense . Will : No , none taken . Gabi : You know , and I saw them together , and I was thinking -- I - I kind of thought ... Will : Uh , thought what ? Gabi : Well , you know , he really belongs with me , and I thought that maybe you could help me figure out how to break them up . Will : Wow , what a great idea . Mature , original , guaranteed to work . Gabi : Why do you have to be mean to me ? Will : Gabi , look , I m not trying to be mean to you , okay ? Are you kidding me ? You do nt do something like this . You re not like this . Gabi : What I am is alone , and obviously you do nt give a damn . Will : You re wrong , I do . But that does nt make it right , Gabi . You re asking me to stab my friends in the back ? I ca nt believe you -- you think I would do something like that . Kate : It s a pretty damn grim day when Sami has more sway over your father than either one of us . EJ : I do nt understand this , because you know how he feels about her . Kate : He loathes her . He still does . EJ : The only reason that he would elevate her like this-- Kate : Is to hurt me , my love . EJ : Do you know what you did for him to turn against you ? Oh , you do ... do nt you ? What did you do ? Tell me . What did you do ? Did you lie , hmm ? Did you steal ? Did you cheat on him ? Oh , you did . You cheated on him ? Kate : Oh , please . Could we not talk about this ? EJ : Fine . But at least now I know that he hates you a hell of a lot more than he hates me . Stefano : Uh , you have something that belongs to me . I want it back . Hope : You re mistaken . You sent us on a mission to Alamainia , and we delivered on our part of the bargain . John : If your prize did nt meet your expectations , that s not our fault . Stefano : It became your fault the moment you stole something that belonged to me , and I want what was originally in that egg , not that phony thing that you replaced it with . John : Huh , kind of sounds like whatever s missing is important to you . Why do nt you tell me what it is , and maybe we can help you . Stefano : No games . Or do I have to prove to you that I mean business ? Bo : In order to do that , you re gon na have to go through me . Nicole : You know , um , we can leave if you want . I do nt have to finish this . Rafe : I m good . Fine . Nicole : Liar . Rafe : Do nt worry about me , okay ? Nicole : Oh , do nt worry about you ? Rafe : Yeah . Nicole : Sir Lancelot , I am worried , okay ? I m worried that you jumped in and you told EJ that -- that you re the father of my baby . And you did nt even think it through . Rafe : Well , there was nothing to think through . Nicole : Okay . Rafe : It s the only way we could get the guy off your back . Nicole : Well , it s great for me , Rafe , but what about you ? Your relationship with Carrie was complicated enough before she was lead to believe you were fooling around with the likes of me . Rafe : Look , my relationship with Carrie is dead in the water , okay ? Nicole : Really ? Rafe : Yeah , really . Nicole : Uh - huh . Rafe : And besides , she s trying to work things out with her husband . Now what kind of person would I be if I came in between them , hmm ? Nicole : Off the top of my head , I do nt know , a person like me ? Look , Rafe , this -- this -- you have this whole honorable thing about you , and it s wonderful . But how do you stand it all the time ? Austin : [ Chuckling ] Carrie : [ Chuckling ] Austin : Is something wrong ? Carrie : Oh , just not very hungry , I guess . Austin : You know what , my love ... it s my fault . We should ve left , yeah ? Carrie : Do nt apologize . I really -- I m -- I m really not hungry . Austin : Okay . I get it . I ll tell you what , you know what we ll do ? We ll go to , uh , the movie at the square . It actually sounds like a lot of fun . Let s do it , yeah ? Carrie : Lot of fun ? No , you know what ? You had a great idea . Why do nt we go and spend some quality time alone together ? Austin : I like the way you think . No dessert ? Carrie : Not here . [ Laughing ] Austin : I think I was right . This is gon na be a great night . Carrie : Come on , let s go . Nicole : That girl does nt know what she s missing . Rafe : What did you just say ? Nicole : Nothing . This ice cream is fabulous . Rafe : [ Chuckling ] Kate : So you do nt know what set him off , you do nt know why he turned on you . EJ : No . I keep going over everything . I have absolutely no idea what changed . None . Kate : I think maybe you re over - reacting . I mean , you re saying that he cut you off at the knees , but all he really did was move past your position . I do nt really think there s anything to panic about . EJ : Oh , that ? That s just the tip of the iceberg . You have no idea the things I found . I found out things that go back to the election . I find out things that go back to when John Black had his problems with the law . Kate : What kind of things ? EJ : I m not telling you . Kate : Oh , God . EJ : Let s just say this : My father has been undermining me . Not for days , not for weeks , but for months . Months ! Hope : You should nt be out of bed . Bo : I m not gon na sit in that room and let you level threats at the people I love . Stefano : You know , it s -- it s very difficult to be threatened by a man who s just come out of a coma and is wearing a hospital gown . John : My money s still riding on the patient . But I m here , just in case . Hope : Leave . We ve already told you we do nt have what you re looking for . Stefano : And I m tired of your lies . Do I have to remind you , Mr. Black , how close your beloved Doc here came to an accident while you were away ? Hmm ? As a matter of fact , how much would you like to bet that her luck holds out ? Abigail : [ Coughing ] Melanie : You okay ? Abby , you okay ? Hey , Abigail . Abby . Abby ! Cameron : [ Grunting ] [ Grunting ] Abigail : [ Coughing ] Melanie : Ooh , hey , you okay ? Abigail : Yeah , I m fine . Chad : Oh , man , good looking out . Melanie : Seriously , no kidding . Well done , man . You sure ? Abigail : Yeah , I m fine . Except I was nt choking . Cameron : What ? Abigail : I was nt . I just needed a sip of water or something . Where did you even come from ? You scared the hell out of me . Cameron : You know , usually when I save someone s life , they start with thanks , and then move on to other stuff from there . Abigail : You know , I was right about you . You really ca nt help being a wiseass . Melanie : I ve got -- Ive got this one . Abby ! Hey , um , I know this is not a great time for you , but are you freaking crazy ? Gabi : Well , I mean , you re the one that s doing shady things for EJ anyway . Will : That s not the same thing . That s not even remotely the same thing . Gabi , Chad and Melanie are my friends , okay ? And more importantly , they re your friends . So , I mean , I -- this is nt you . Gabi : Will , what if they do nt last ? I mean , what if I m trying to do something that is already gon na happen anyway ? Will : Then let it happen , okay ? You think you can justify screwing around in your friends lives for your own personal gain ? Gabi , that s wrong . Gabi : Will , please tell me where being right has gotten me . Nowhere . Look , when I was with you , I was -- I was a good girl when I was with you . And I always ended up feeling like I was nt good enough , pretty enough , hot enough . Will : Do nt . That s not true . You know that s not true . Gabi : How do I know that ? If -- if -- if I m as great as you say I am , then why did you just give up ? Look , since I could nt keep you interested , I ve realized -- I realize that maybe I just was nt trying hard enough . But , honestly , I m not gon na make that same mistake again . From now on , if I want something , I m gon na go get it . Will : Do nt talk like that . Gabi : Why ? Why should nt I ? Look , I m tired -- I m so tired of losing . I m tired of you judging me , I m tired-- do I have to spell it out for you ? I mean , you just ... have nt you ... Will : Have nt I what ? Gabi : Have nt you made me feel bad enough already ? Nicole : Thank you for taking me out tonight . Rafe : Yeah , well , you got lucky . Nicole : [ Laughing ] Rafe : I had an opening in my schedule . Nicole : Got lucky , yeah . [ Chuckling ] Okay , let s get back to business , all right ? Let s say that you did do the far , far better thing , and you let Carrie try to work things out with Austin , okay ? Do you really wanna just sit and watch from a ringside seat ? Rafe : I do nt know . It s kind of interesting to watch them try and buck the trend and stay married . Nicole : Uhh ! Stay married ? I m sorry , how do you do that ? Rafe : I have no idea . Clearly . You want some more ice cream ? Nicole : No , actually , I d really like a martini , but it s not really good for the little baby . Rafe : Mm . Nicole : So you just , um , wanna call it a night ? Rafe : Yeah , sounds good . Nicole : Come on , Rafe , what s wrong ? Rafe : Nah , it s just ... going home . I know ... it s gon na be peaceful and quiet . Everything s gon na be where I left it . I miss the chaos . Finding figurines in the freezer . Reading good night moon . I m sorry , no . Let s get out of here , all right ? Nicole : You know , um , Rafe , did you happen to see that , uh-- that flyer for a movie they re playing in the town square ? I mean , would you -- would you wanna check it out ? You know , delay the inevitable ? Rafe : Sure . Sounds like a plan . Nicole : Awesome . [ Chuckling ] Ah , thank you . Rafe : Mm - hmm . Both : [ Giggling ] Austin : I love you . Carrie : [ Chuckling ] Austin : Look who I got back . I m so happy I got you back . Back where you belong . Carrie : I love you too . So much . John : You will stay away from my wife . Just like you re gon na stay away from all of us . Stefano : I think I have delivered my message . But you know what I want , and what I ll do to get it . Good night , all . Rest well ... if you can . Hope : Bo , careful . I m gon na get you back into bed . Come on . Bo : Yeah , that s -- that s a good idea , but I wanna know what the hell s going on here . The whole story . Stefano seems very willing to make good on his threat . Will : I m not trying to make you feel bad . I m not now , and not when we were dating . Gabi : Yeah , well , you made that clear after -- after we made love that you had no interest in me at all . You do nt think that ... that maybe hurt me ? Will : Look , that was nt about you , okay ? It was about me . Gabi : You re just saying that . You know , I - I threw myself at you -- practically threw myself at you -- and you could nt even care less . You think that makes a girl feel special ? Because it does nt . Look , if you do nt wanna help me , fine , but I am not gon na sit here and be lied to . Will : Stop , Gabi . I m not lying to you , okay ? I m not lying to you . The problem with us was never you . It was never you . Melanie : I do nt know if I would ve believed that had I not seen it with my own eyes . Some cute guy is trying to save your life . Abigail : First of all , he did not save my life . And second of all , I was not choking . Melanie : I respectfully disagree . I am a nurse , he is a doctor . Abigail : He s a doctor ? Okay , well , even if he is a doctor , he has some bedside manner . I mean , he did nt even give me two seconds to recover from almost choking to death before he was all over me for not even saying thank you . I mean , that is ridiculous . Melanie : Okay , Abby ... ahem . I have actually seen you say thank you to an automatic door . You look up polite in the dictionary , and your picture is right there . All of a sudden , some cute guy comes , and you jump all over him ? What s going on with you ? Abigail : Have you ever been Heimliched , Melanie ? It hurts . And I just coughed up popcorn in front of how many people ? Melanie : A lot . Abigail : Yeah . Melanie : I m kid -- look , it s dark , and on the plus side , he saved your life . You re alive . Abigail : Okay , I ca nt really see that as a plus side right now . Melanie : Abby , come -- I-- I think he likes you . Abigail : He does nt like me . No , he thinks I am a total klutz . It does nt help that he s right . Melanie : He s not ... no . Look , what you are right now is just kind of ... Abigail : Kind of what ? Kind -- kind of messed up , right ? Yeah . Yeah , I know . I just -- I m still trying to figure out who that person was that lied to Austin and Carrie . Because it just could nt have been me . Except it was . Melanie : It was a mistake . Abigail : No . No , Melanie , it was nt a mistake . It was intentional , it was ... deliberate , it was -- it was awful . Melanie : Hmm . So you do nt really deserve to have a cute guy going after you , yeah ? I mean , so you would rather him think you re just a big pain in the butt , so he would stay away and you can end up alone and miserable , which is exactly what you deserve ? Abigail : Wow . It s so great being friends with Anna Freud . Melanie : Come on . It happened . It s over . Nobody s talking about it , nobody s whispering about it . Tonight was supposed to be about taking a step forward , not two steps back . You ca nt hide from life forever . Yeah ? I ll be over there . Nicole : Oh , they re at the old we re apart and unhappy montage . Rafe : The what ? Nicole : Oh , come on . It s -- it s been a rule since it happened one night . You know , 9/10 of the way through the movie , they split up , they go back to their former worlds , and they find out it s empty and cold . Rafe : Oh , so I m in the montage part of my life right now . Nicole : Exactly . Rafe : That s great . Nicole : Yes , but I have to say , you have handled it with class , and-- Rafe : Oh , thank you . Nicole : You have made my life a lot easier . Rafe : Well , I ll be honest , it s actually nice to spend time with you . Someone who s actually looking forward to something in her life . Nicole : You know , Ive -- Ive seen this movie , and it does nt end well , so how about we go back to my place , I ll make you a cocktail , and I will pretend to have one too . Rafe : Sounds great , but I think I ll pass . I m just kind of a downer right now . Nicole : So ? I would nt mind . Rafe : I would . I do nt like being a downer . Nicole : All right , well ... look , I hope , once you get through this montage , that you will have a big old happy ending , because you sure as hell deserve it . Rafe : Do you want me to walk you home ? Nicole : Nope , I m good . I am good on my own . Thank you . See you later . Rafe : Okay . EJ : You know , I really do nt know what I thought I d accomplish by coming here in the first place . Kate : You thought you could talk to your father . EJ : Well , he s not here , is he ? Certainly does nt seem to be hurrying home . He s probably across town making somebody else s life miserable . Stefano : Not quite . [ Chuckling ] Well , it looks like that old story is true : Misery really does like company . Gorgeous ! Gabi : I m sorry , Will , but the word is out . It s not me , it s you . You know , that s the kind of thing guys say to make themselves feel better about dumping a girl . Will : Gabi , I promise you , this time , I m sure it had nothing to do with you . It was me . It was me not knowing who I was . Uh ... but I know now , heh . Gabi : What is that supposed to mean ? Will : Gabi , it means that things did nt work out between us because things were never gon na work out between us . We did nt last , not because of you , but because I m gay . Abigail : Hi . Cameron : Hi . Actor : You know , you re the most beautiful thing I ve ever seen . Actress : Why are you saying this now ? Abigail : I was wondering , um ... Actor : We could have an amazing life together . Abigail : Do you think maybe we could just start over ? Actress : We can . Cameron : Meaning ? Actress : We will . Actor : I love you so much . Abigail : Meaning you might not have noticed -- actually , I m pretty positive that you have , but , um ... I have nt exactly been on my game since we first met . Cameron : I have no idea what you re talking about . Abigail : Thanks . Well , I d like to forget about most of it , if we could . Except ... I ca nt forget that I did nt say thank you when you did , indeed , save my life . Cameron : So is this an apology , a thank you , or a hello ? Actress : I do understand ! I understand that the man I ... Abigail : What if it s all three ? Cameron : Works for me . Abigail : Good . Cameron : Do you want some popcorn ? [ Both chuckling ] Melanie : There might be hope for them yet . Chad : Ah , you re a real romantic . Melanie : Ah , well , you bring it out in me . Actress : I love you . I think I ll always love you . And , in my heart , I know we belong together . Actor : And I love you . But sometimes ... sometimes that s not enough . Sometimes things are just too complicated to make it work . Bo : So Stefano needed your help to get this coin ? And ... Hope : And ... we got it . Bo : Well , okay-- Hope : And that s all that needs to be said right now . Bo : Why did he want it ? John : Well , that s what we need to find out . And the first thing we have to do is get that coin back from Spencer . Marlena : And what if he wo nt give it up ? John : I do nt think he really has a choice on the matter . Stefano : Ah , well , I ve had a very long day , and I am a little tired . So it would seem that now would be a very good time for both of you to leave . EJ : I am not going anywhere until I get some answers . Stefano : Answers ? EJ : Answers ! About your coup détat at Countess Wilhelmina , about these games that you ve been playing , but most importantly ... about that ! Fun time is over , Father . Stefano : Really ? Huh . I thought it had just begun . ### Summary:
Gabi told Will that Chad and Melanie did nt belong together . She also told him that she wished that she and Chad did nt break up . She wanted him to help her break up Chad and Melanie . He did nt approve of her plan . He did nt want to stab his friends in the back . Kate went to the mansion to get her bags , but Harold stopped her . Harold informed her that Stefano had her things removed from the mansion . EJ came in and wondered if his things were removed too . EJ barged past Harold . Kate asked if he got kicked out too . He said after what he found out , he would nt be surprised if he were kicked out . Kate wanted to know what Stefano was up to . EJ wanted to know that too . She wondered why Stefano turned against EJ . EJ said he did nt do anything . He told her that he saw Sami and heard about Countess W. When Kate insulted Sami , he told her not to focus on Sami . He said Sami was nt the enemy . Kate could nt believe what she heard . EJ was upset that Stefano did nt consult him before giving Sami control over Countess W. He believed that he was out of the business as well as the family . John and Marlena went to see Bo at the hospital . Bo told them that Stefano had his goons attack him . He wanted to know what happened in Alamania . He wondered if Stefano went after them . Hope wanted to talk about it later . Bo wanted to know where Stefano was . Stefano looked through Bo s window . John was sure Stefano was back in Salem . When a nurse came to take Bo s blood , everybody waited outside . When Hope asked John and Marlena how they were going to find out what Stefano wanted , Stefano told them to ask him . EJ asked Kate if she knew why Stefano put Sami in charge of Countess W. When she did nt answer , he realized that she knew . He figured out that she cheated on Stefano . She did nt want to talk about it . Kate wondered why Stefano turned on him . EJ did nt know . She thought he was overreacting . He told her that Stefano has been doing things ever since the election . He said he found out things that happened when John had problems with the law . When she wanted to know what he was talking about , he would nt tell her anything . Stefano told John and Hope that they had something that belonged to him and he wanted it back . Hope said he was wrong . She said he sent them on a mission and they did what he wanted . John said it was nt their fault if he did nt get what he wanted . While they were talking , Bo interrupted them to threaten Stefano . Stefano ended up threatening Marlena . John warned him to stay away from her . Stefano left the hospital . While Gabi and Will were talking about breaking up Chad and Melanie , they got on the subject of their relationship . She said she was a good girl and ended up not being good enough for him . Will said that was nt true . Gabi did nt believe him . If he thought she was good enough , why did he lose interest in her ? Since she could nt keep him interested , she felt she was nt trying hard enough . He told her that she was nt the reason why he was nt interested in her , but she was nt convinced . He confessed to her that he is gay . Stefano walked in the mansion and did nt want to see Kate or EJ . EJ said he was nt leaving until he got answers . EJ wanted answers about Countess W , the games he was playing , and the money that he stole . EJ told him that fun time was over , but Stefano thought it was just beginning . Hope and John told Bo about the coin they found . Bo wanted to know why Stefano wanted it . John said the first thing they needed to do was get the coin back from Spencer .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Rolf s voice : Breathe . Breathe . Yes . Yes , marlena . You can do this . You can . Brady : Chloe , I ll have you know I ve never done this before . Chloe : Hmm . Well , then let me be your first . Brady : And probably the only . Chloe : What are you hesitating for ? This is on the top of my things to do before I go into isolation in preparation for my bone marrow transplant to - do list . And you re right , that name is way too long for a to - do list . Brady : But beautifully enunciated and said with flair . Chloe : Mm . Stop stalling and get in here . Brady : All right . Chloe : [ Laughing ] Bo : Amamn it ! A few minutes sooner , we would have nailed welch at that motel room . Roman : Department s all over this , bo . He ca nt stay underground forever . We ll find him . Bo : Damn right we will . Roman : Listen , um , we have a lead on that tux . The shop owner confirmed that the broken onyx stud that we found on the kiriakis terrace was from one of their rentals that was turned in the day after murphy s murder . Bo : Great . If we could put welch at the scene -- Roman : Bo , bo . Bo : What ? Roman : Larry welch did not rent that tux . Your son did . Belle : Thank you . Rex : Wow . Cassie : Rex , what hap-- what happened ? Are you -- oh , what s wrong ? Rex : Nothing . We just -- we decided we ll always have paris . Here , let me get that . The cab is waiting , so ... Belle : Thank you , rex , for everything , especially for making me feel like I was nt crazy to think that shawn needed me here . Shawn - d : Oh , gran , I see that you could nt sleep , either . How are you feeling ? Alice : Hanging there . Shawn - d : Do you still have a headache ? Can I get you an aspirin ? Actually , I could use an aspirin myself . Hope : Actually , honey , could you get some for me , too ? Oh , gosh , what is wrong with all of us ? Like sands touough the hourglass , so are the days of our lives . Ñ?ñ ; ! Larry : [ Sighs ] Ah . Bewitched , bothered , and bewildered , huh ? At least queasy , dizzy , and confused . I ve gotten under your skin , up your nose . Carbon monoxide poisoning -- it s a gas , gas , gas . Alice : I hate to say it , but I think we all have the flu . Hope : Gran , I thought you took the flu shot . Alice : I did , but this must be a different strain . Hope : Well , I m glad you re spending the night . Here . Put this on to keep you warm . We re gon na give you lots of tlc . Alice : And who s going to give you the tlc you need ? Hope : Mm . Alice : But right now , I want nothing more than the comfort of my own bed . Shawn - d : Gran -- Alice : No offense . Shawn - d : Gran -- Alice : I ll call maggie . I do nt want either of you wandering around the roads at night . You look terrible . Hope : Oh , thanks . Thank you very much , gran . Alice : No offense . Hope : No offense . Of course not . I think one good night s sleep , we ll all feel much better in the morning . Alice : Mm . Bo : You have nt told anyone about that tux being shawn s , have you ? Roman : No , but -- Bo : Okay , okay . We already know that shawn was out on the terrace after the body was found , so it turns out that stud means nothing . We do nt want the D.A. To glom onto this thing and decide that we re covering for somebody in the family . Roman : Well , then we would be if we do nt get this evidence to palmer . Bo : Roman , this is nt evincnce ! Roman : Bo , crime lab says that stud did nt just fall off shawn s tuxedo . It was ripped off , evidently in some sort of struggle . John : Doc ? Marlena ? Come on , wake up , wake up , sweetheart . Sweetheart , come on , wake up . Wake up . Tony : Sleeping beauty . You ca nt wake her now . This time ... she may sleep forever . John : Marlena ? ! Dr. Miller : Nancy . How s the mother - to - be ? Dr. Miller : You look terrific after everything you ve been through . Blood pressure ? Nancy : Craig is taking very good care of me -- of us . Dr. Miller : When I got the call , I thought something was wrong with the baby . Nancy : Um , dad , co-- come on . We need to talk . Craig : Hey , nance , I was looking at this shower head , and I -- Dr. Miller : Craig . Craig : You called him , did nt you ? I thought you were going to wait until the baby ... Nancy : Craig , I ca nt wait . It s atating me alive -- and you , too . Dr. Miller : Nancy , what s going on ? What s wrong ? Nancy : Are nt you even going to ask how chloe is ? Dr. Miller : Is she sick again ? Nancy : No , but I ca nt help thinking , what if -- what if she had remained in foster care ? What if we had never found her ? There would nt be a baby or -- or a bone marrow transplant to save her life . And do you know whose fault that would be ? Why did you lie to me all those years ago ? Why did you make me give chloe up ? Chloe : Mm . Ha ha ha . Oh , brady . Brady : How does that feel ? Chloe : Mm , it feels amazing . Mm . Oh , yeah . I love this . Ha ha ha . Brady : All right , I think it s time for a rinse . Chloe : Yeah . Brady : What do you y?Y ? Chloe : Go for it . Brady : Oh , that s cold . Ah . All right . Head back . Chloe : Mm . Oh , yeah . Brady : Head up a little bit . Chloe : Mm . Chloe : Come here . Rex : Well , I did nt expect to see you here . I just came to drop off some stuff . Cassie : Yeah , the dorm was kind of lonely with you and belle and shawn all gone . Belle : Where did shawn go ? Cassie : He s staying the night at his parents . Belle : Is something wrong ? Cassie : Larry welch is alive . Belle : Yeah , I know . Cassie : Is that why you came back ? What about your once - in - a - lifetime opportunity to study in paris ? Belle : You know , I m 18 . I told myself it was once - in - a - lifetime , but ... I m going to get more out of the trip when my heart s completely in it and not when I m just running away from my problems here . Cassie : What about you ? You here to chaperone ? Rex : Maybe I missed my sister . Belle : I m going to get going . Um , I want to catch shawn before it gets too late . Rex : All right . Belle : Thanks . Rex : See ya . Shawn - d : Aunt maggie s on her way . Hope : Oh , honey , thank you for calling . Shawn - d : Yeah . Hope : Oh , gosh . Shawn - d : Are you okay , mom ? Hope : Hmm ? Oh . You did nt take any aspirin . Shawn - d : Yeah , I -- well , I m taking the pain meds for my hand , and I did nt want to mix the two , so ... you know . Hope : Hello ? Bo : Hey . Hope : Hi . Bo : I juswawanted to let you know that abe signed off on some extra security around the house . Hope : You have new evidence ? Bo : The prints on that matchbook I found outside were larry s , and the motel clerk was able to I.D. Him off this photo . Hope : He was here . He was coming after me . Bo : We re going to catch him , fancy face . Hope : I know . Bo : Are you okay ? Hope : Mm , not great . I think we re all coming down with something . Bo : You take it easy . We ll all feel a lot better once larry s behind bars . You want me to pick up something on the way home ? Hope : No , no , no , no , no . I think -- I think we re fine . Bo : Is shawn there ? Hope : Mm - hmm . Bo : Put him on . Hope : Sure . Honey , it s your dad . He wants to talk to you . Shawn - d : Hello . Bo : Hey , shawn , um ... look , I need you to come down to the station . Shawn - d : Now ? Bo : Yeah , I know it s late , but there s -- there s something we need to get straightened out ... tonight . Hope : Bye , gran . I hope you feel better . Hope : Belle ? I do nt -- what is this ? I - I thought shawn said you already left for paris . Belle : I did . It s just -- I could nt do it . Everyone I love is here , and when I found out larry was still out there , it did nt seem right for me to leave . How are you doing ? Hope : Well , a little headachy at the moment , but aside from that , believe me , this is the safest place we could possibly be . The police I.D.D some fingerprints from a motel matchbook bo found in the yard over there . It s enough evidence for a full - scale manhunt . Belle : He is going to be caught . Hope : Yes . Yes , he is . Belle : So , um , is shawn staying the night here ? Hope : Mm - hmm . I think he was feeling a little down after he missed you at the airport . Belle : He came to see me at the airport ? I knew it . I knew he did nt want to break up with me . You were worried ? Hope , are you okay ? Do you -- do you want to go inside and sit down ? Hope : Yeah , yeah , I do , please . Honey , come on in with me . Shawn will be home soon , okay ? Belle : Okay . Larry : Damn matchbook . That s my punishment for smoking , right ? But they re not going to smoke me out . No , indeed -- it ll be just the opposite . No more playing around , people . It s showtime . Bo : Shawn was all over victor s estate that night looking for his mom . He could have caught his shirt on a branch , anyin you re acting like he s a -- he could be a murderer . Roman : Bo , we have evidence . We have to investigate it , simple as that . Bo : You do nt care that this is your nephew ? Roman : If shawn is innocent , we got nothing to worry about . Bo : Hey , shawn . How s it going ? Ur mom said you might be coming down with something . Shawn - d : Yeah , I m okay . I just -- I want to get home and go to bed . Roman : All right , shawn . This wo nt take long . Why do nt we go into abe s office , so we can talk privately ? Shawn - d : Yeah , all right . Roman : Listen , we , uh ... we have to ask you some questions . Shawn - d : About what ? Roman : Abou colin murphy s murder . Brady : All right , chloe , you ready to hit the slopes again ? It s really cool at night . Chloe : Are you kidding ? We just got ready for bed . Brady : Do nt you want an excuse to get in the tub again ? Chloe : I do nt need an excuse . I am a terrible skier . Brady : Okay , but there s also boarding and tubing and -- Chloe : Brady , I m tired . Brady : You okay ? Want to sit down ? Chloe : Yeah , I mean , this is how I spent my day -- ski 2 feet , spend 20 minutes trying to get up again , ski 2 feet -- are nt you tired ? Brady : No . Chloe : Well , you know what I have to do before it gets too late ? I need to call nancy and craig and make sure that they know where we are . They do nt even know where we are , and I need to make sure that she did nt , like , go into labor when we were gone . Brady : Fine , okay . Craig : Hello ? Chloe : Craig , hi . Is everything okay ? Craig : Yeah , yeah , everything s fine . We re just in the middle of something here , okay ? Chloe : You d tell me if something was wrong . Nancy and the baby ? Craig : Nancy and the baby are fine . Can -- can I call you back ? Where you at ? Chloe : I m at the green mountain lodge with brady . Craig : O - okay . You -- you two have a good time , and I ll talk to you later . Love you . Brady : What just happened ? Chloe : I do nt know . I mean , craig said everything was okay , but he sounded really strange . Brady : Well , do you want to go home ? Chloe : Is that okay ? I just want to make sure everything is okay . As long as it is -- Brady : Yes , and then we ll be right back here together . Come here . Rolf s voice : You re almost there . That s it . You ve made it . Breathe . Breathe . Marlena : No . The pain . ó óc wx;e7$?$ we will return for the second half of days of our lives in just a moment . John : What the hell is going on ? Marlena : Oh ! Oh . Tony : Marlena was walking in her sleep . John : Why did nt you wake her ? Tony : Well , she seemed to be remembering something of her past . I was afraid if I interfered , I -- John : So have you remembered something ? Marlena : I do nt know . I -- I think I was having a dream . I do nt know . Excuse me . John : You touch my wife again , I ll kill you . Tony : If she falls in my arms again , I will catch her . Tony : Hmm . Nancy : You lied to me about my due date so that I would nt know that my baby was craigS. Look at me ! Do you have any idea what kind of life she s had ? Dr. Miller : Nance , you were 19 . What kind of life could you have given her ? Nancy : A better one than -- a better one than she had , not that I would have asked you for help . But do nt you stand there and pretend that you did this for chloe or for me . It was purely a selfish decision on your part , and one that you had no right making . And one that you made because you were ashamed of me . You ruined my life , and you ruined chloeS. Rex : I do nt know why I thought you d be happy to see your twin brother . Cassie : Why is it okay for you to run all the way to paris after belle , to run all the way back to salem after belle ? Rex , you left me here all alone to run after her . That s fine . You see , I understood . But if I want to spend time with shawn because I have real feelings for him or , god forbid , I want to share a secret with him , why is that wrong ? I mean , do you think that I do nt know what it is to have deeper feelings for somebody , to care about somebody , or to be a good friend ? Rex , he trusts me , which is so important right now because his whole world is falling apart . He knows that the trust between him and belle is gone . Rex : Look , what is e e stupid secret , okay ? Why ca nt you tell me ? Cassie : It s called a secret for a reason . Rex : We do nt have secrets , okay ? Secrets mean trouble , and if you re in trouble ... look , what did you do , cassie ? Cassie : Rex , I did nt do anything . It s shawn , okay ? He killed colin murphy . Bo : Look , shawn , um ... nobody s accusing you of anything . We just need you to explain something to us . An onyx stud was found on victor s terrace . It was traced back to your rented tux . Forensics told us it was ripped out of your shirt . Can you explain how that happened ? Bo : Sh-- uh , give us a minute . Roman : Sure . Bo : Thanks . Shawn , look ... whatever happened , we ll get through this together , but you got to tell me the truth . Look at me . Tell me . What happened the night colin was murdered ? Dr. Miller : Chloe , how are you ? Craig : How are you feeling , sweetie ? You look tired . Chloe : What s going on ? Craig : Well , your -- your mother had some things to talk to your grandfather about . Nancy : Look in her eyes . Go on . You look in her eyes now , and you tell us that you made the right decision when you told that lie all those years ago . Because of you ... I never knew that she had been conceived in love . Nancy : I do nt know why I thought that you could at least be sorry , that at least now you could admit that craig and I should have raised her , that you did nt want me to want her . You made sure that you never got to know your grandchild . Nancy : Well , you wo nt get to know this one , either . I do nt want anything from you . No calls , no gifts , nothing . We re going to be a happy , healthy family , and it will be one that you are not a part of ever again . Dr. Miller : Chloe , can you ever forgive me ? Nancy : No . Dr. Miller : Nancy , I respect your wishes . I do nt know what else I can do for you now . Nancy : You ca nt do anything . Dr. Miller : Nancy , I love you , and I pray for the health and happiness of your family , and I will continue to hope that someday , I might be part of your family again . Craig : It s okay . Brady : Come here . Rex : Shawn killed colin murphy ? No . Cassie : Rex , I saw him do it . You rememberhahat night when I went looking for him ? Well , I found him . I was hiding in the bushes when it happened . He ca nt tell anyone else . I m the only person he can talk to . Rex : What ? You ca nt keep this a secret ! You have to tell the police . If you do nt , I will ! Cassie : Rex -- Rex : We have to do the right thing , okay ? We have to tell the truth . Bo : If you know something that could help us solve this crime -- a crime that mightnvnvolve the dimeras -- shawn ... we got to get to the truth . The more time we waste on this thing -- listen to me . You re under suspicion now . The less you say , the worse it looksoror you . Shawn - d : Okay , I need a minute . I just need a minute , dad . > O ; : O okay . Okay . Shawn - d : All right . Roman : Nothing ? Bo : No . He just needs a minute . Leave him alone , okay ? Roman : Bo , I think you could use some help . Rwewer a ahehell not helping him covering up for him -- not in the long run . Bo : He did nt do this ! What about larry or tony dimera ? What reason would my son have for shooting colin murphy ? He s innocent ! Shawn - d : Stop it ! Do nt fight ! Okay ? I ll tell you everything . Chloe : Nancy ... for all the things I held against you for all these years , I m sorry . Nancy : Oh , honey , nothing you can -- Chloe : No , I wanted to say this for a very long time . I mean , I do nt think I ll ever be able to forgive my grandfather for what he did , but when I think about how much misery I caused myself being so angry for so long ... I ca nt keep looking back at a past that I ca nt change . Craig : Sweetie ... Chloe : I have my family , I have my future -- so many things I nerer thought could happen . Nancy : I love you so much . Chloe , you know that I did nt mean for you to walk in in the middle of this . Chloe : Oh , I m glad we came . I mean , when I called , I could tell from craig s voice that something was wrong . Nancy : Everything s okay now . Chloe : I know . Craig : Hey ... it s still valentine s day ! Ghght ? Chloe : Uh ... do you mind if we go back ? Craig : No . Whatever makes you happy makes us happy , okay ? Right ? Hope : Whew ! Are your parents back yet ? Belle : No , no , and I have no idea when they re coming back , but they ll definitely be surprised to see me . Hope : Yeah . Very happy , too , I m sure . I know your mom was having a reallyarard time knowing you were a whole ocean away . Belle : Yeah , she was . So was my dad , but that s only because it was an entire semester . Still , this is going to cost them a lot of money -- I mean , my coming back right away , canceling everything -- but I think they ll understand . Hope : Yeah . Hey , um , would you mind if we sat down ? Let s sit down for a second , okay ? I have to tell you that , um ... I am really , really sorry about what has happened -- all the problems , and what you re going through with shawn . Belle : Yeah . It s -- it s been pretty hard , but it s only because I still do nt understand . It s one thing if someone breaks up with you because they re in love with someone else , or maybe because you had a really big fight , but that never happened with us . Anyway , now atat I know he came to the airport to see me -- wait . Why am I so relieved ? I do nt even know if shawn wanted to get back together with me . He could have been feeling guilty and wanted to apologize for hurting me , or -- Hope : I doubt that very much . Belle : I do nt know . He s been acting really strange lately . Hope : You know , can we just go back a second ? Because you just said that you did nt have a fight with shawn and that you were sure that he had nt fallen in love with anyone , so what was the reason that he wanted to split up with you ? I - I m sorry . That s not my place . That is between you and shawn . Belle : No , no , it s fine . I do nt know why shawn would have a problem if I were to confide in you . I mean , you are his mom . You know him better than anyone else . Maybe you can figure this out . Hope : Okay , well , before I even try to do that or try to shed any light on what the problem really is , I think you should know that I thought it was a mutual decision -- that you both had decided to give each other some space . Yeah , I think that s how he had put it . He said that you both decided to cool it for a while . Belle : That s what he told you ? Hope : Yeah . Yeah , he said it was because , uh ... yorennt handling things so well -- all the problems with your family . Belle : But that s not true . I had nothing to do with this . I never wanted space from shawn , no matter what wasoing on with my family or anyone else . That made me want to be closer to him , not pull away . M m -- now I m feeling sorry for myself , and you do nt need this . Hope : Belle , belle ... honey , this is very important to me , okay ? It involves my son and someone I care very much about . Belle : But -- Hope : It s okay to feel sorry for yourself . You re hurt . Belle : But shawn is your son , and I m sure you do nt want to hear me complain about him . Hope : Honey , stop . You are not complaining , okay ? You are expressing your sadness . You re confused . But there s something else yoyou really need to understand right here , and that is that I love you very much , and I have always been so happy that you and shawn have been together -- so proud of the both of you . So when shawn told me that the two of you were having problems , I -- I m sorry . I just , um ... I guess what I m really trying to say here is that I want to help if I can , and I will not be defensive about my son . But if he has mistreated you , I want to know about it , and I m going to talk to him . Belle : No , no , do nt talk to him . That wo nt help . I know it wo nt help . It s not that shawn is mistreating me . I mean , he has a right to not want to be with me . It s just , I do nt believe it . I know that he still loves me , but why is he pushing me away ? It s like he thinks that he does nt deserve to be happy , like he needs to punish himself . Does that make any sense ? Hope : Honestly , I do nt -- I do nt know . The question is , why ? Why is he punishing himself ? Belle : That s exactly why I came back to salem -- to find out . I mean , I found myself pushing away from shawn , even though I knew he needed me , and I could feel myself already regretting it . Life s too short , right ? Hope : Yeah . Belle : Is your headache getting worse ? Hope : Yeah . I m sorry , honey . Belle : No , it s fine . Maybe I should leave . Hope : No , please do nt go . Stay here with me . I m really glad that you re here . Belle : Okay . Can I do anything for you ? Do you want me to check on zack ? Hope : No , zack s with his grandparents , but could you please get me some antacid out of the medicine cabinet ? Belle : Yeah . Yeah . I ll be right back . Hope : Okay . Thanks , honey . Bo : Shawn , it s okay . Just tell us what happened the night colin was murdered . Cassie : Shawn , no , do nt ! Shawn - d : I ca nt -- cassie , thank you . Thank you for everything that you ve done for me , but I canT. I have to end this right now . John : So ... have you remembered something more ? Marlena : No . Tony : This place . Something happened to marlena here when she was held prisoner , and now she s beginning to retrieve those fragments . Marlena : I do nt know how much more there is to remember , if I were drugged or -- or asleep . It s all so hazy . Tony : I have an idea that may help us -- that s if you go along with it . John : Sweetheart ... this sleepwalking . You ve never done it before . And this voice that you ve been hearing about this man telling you to sleep -- you know , if you go back and drop into this too deep , chances are -- Marlena : You know , you were the one who said I - I could nt go on until I face my past . You re right about that . I ve got to do whatever tony asks . Marlena : What do you want me to do ? Cassie : No ! Do nt tell them anything . Roman : Cassie , that s enough . Bo : What were you gon na say ? Shawn - d : You re all looking at me like I m a murderer ! Bo : You re not a murderer . Shawn - d : I think uncle roman wants me to be a murderer ! You want to know why ? That way , he can wrap up this case and the D.A. S gon na be happy . Roman : Shawn , that s not true ! Shawn - d : It is true ! And you know what ? You want me ? You want me , huh ? Bo : Shawn -- shawn , stop ! Cassie : Shawn ! Hope : Officer ... oh , I m sorry . All of a sudden , I - I do nt -- oh , I started feeling so ... Larry : Sick ? Hope : Larry ? No . There are guards all around the house . You could nt get in here . Damn you , you re not real . Go away . Get the hell out of my life ! Oh ! Larry : Hope ... you re as white as a ghost . Oh , good news -- you re not entirely crazy after all . It s me . Hope : Oh ... no . Larry : It s me ... Hope : No . Larry : In the flesh . Victor : You ve been a very naughty girl , mrs . Kiriakis . You did nt really thinyoyou were going to get away with it , did you ? Larry : Miss black in the living room with a vase ? I do nt think so . John : Oops . ### Summary:
Marlena starts sleep walking . Tony follows her . John goes looking for her . She collapses in Tony s arms just as John walks in . She comes to and jumps out of his arms . Marlena remembers waking up in the big bed . Marlena is ready to face her past . Tony has an idea . Chloe and Brady enjoy a bubble bath together . Brady washes her hair . Chloe lets Craig know where she and Brady are . Chloe can tell something s wrong and they decide to head home . Roman tells Bo the tuxedo stud from the crime scene came from Shawn s tux . Bo tells Roman that Shawn was on the terrace after Colin died . Roman tells him the stud was ripped out of the shirt . At the station Shawn takes another pill . Bo asks Shawn what happened . Shawn takes another pill as Roman and Bo fight . Cassie bursts in and tries to stop Shawn , who says he wants to end things now . Shawn goes beserk then collapses . Rex takes Belle to the Dimera mansion . Belle tells Cassie she ( Belle ) wo nt run away from her problems . Rex wants to know what Cassie is keeping from him . Cassie blurts out that Shawn killed Colin . She tells him how it happened . He threatens to go to the police . Shawn , Hope and Alice all grow sleepy . Shawn pops a pill . Bo asks him to come to the station . Alice goes home . Belle stops by and Hope fills her in on the Larry investigation . They talk about Shawn . Hope tells her she thought the break up was mutual . Belle sets the record straight . Hope grows sick . She sees a blurry image and realizes it s Larry . He forces her to touch him to see that he s real . Nancy confronts her father about giving Chloe up . Chloe and Brady walk in on Nancy s rant . Nancy forbids her father from ever coming near the baby when it s born . He asks Chloe to forgive him . Chloe turns away . Nancy s father leaves and Chloe tells her that she is letting go of the past . Larry waits and watches . He hears Hope talking to Belle . He checks to make sure the gas line is still leaking .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Dillon : Come in . Georgie : Congratulations , Mr. Youngest vice president in the history of ELQ . Dillon : News travels fast around here , does nt it ? Georgie : I m so proud of you . Dillon : Do you know what this means ? Georgie : Stock options , more health benefits , a better retirement package . Dillon : It means privacy . No one bothering us , no one pounding on this door -- especially , the power and freedom to do things like that . Georgie : Mr. Quartermaine . Dillon : How would you like to be my own very personal assistant ? Georgie : Do I need any special training ? Dillon : I like your qualifications just fine , sweetheart . Georgie : Dillon ! Dillon ! Dillon ! A.J. : Dillon ! What the hell you doing in my chair ? Stefan : It s come to my attention that my nephew has made arrangements to borrow a substantial amount of money from you and Mr. Morgan . I m here to inform you the loan wo nt be necessary . Jason : It s too late . The money went this morning . Stefan : Well , the funds will be returned . Sonny : And how s that going to work if the Cassadines are broke ? Stefan : The Cassadines have no interest in your blood money . The deal is off as of now . Sonny : Is that it ? Stefan : I wo nt allow Nikolas to be in debt to people like you . Sonny : Oh . Jason is helping Nikolas as a favor to his sister . You know , the girl you tried to kill ? Stefan : Well , the charges against me are false and will be dropped within the week . Jason : Do you think that makes it over ? Sonny : Okay , you know what ? This is just a waste of my time right now . You re not in a position to give your nephew any favors , all right ? Anyway , you know , actually , you re not going to be breathing much longer . Max ? Stefan : I ll show myself out . Sonny : Thank you . Sonny : Can you believe that guy ? Jason : This has to be over tonight . Sonny : Only if Alcazar is eliminated . Courtney : Sonny seemed really keyed up when he left the hospital yesterday . Carly : Yeah , he s not sleeping well . His nightmares -- they re getting worse . Courtney : Must run in the family . Carly : Are yours still really bad , too ? Courtney : When I have them , yeah , but I do nt have them every night like Sonny does . Carly : Well , you know , the other night when there was the storm , he said that the thunder sounded like an explosion . Courtney : No wonder you re so upset . Carly : Did he say something to you ? Courtney : Well , um -- when I walked in , Sonny was staring out the window , and he said for a second that he thought he saw a woman . Carly : Yeah , he probably did . Courtney : Carly , I could see out the window clearly . There was nt anybody out there . Carly : I do nt mean literally . He s just been thinking a lot about Lily and their first baby and how they died . I know it . He s been calling her name out in his sleep . Sonny has seen a lot of things in his life , but I think seeing Lily die was the worst . And the closer I get to this baby being born , the harder it is going to be for him . Faith : How are you feeling ? Marcella : It s so weird . I keep trying to picture what the doctor did . Faith : You have nt looked ? Marcella : I m scared to . Faith : Do nt be . A lot of women would kill to look like you . Go ahead . You wo nt be sorry . Marcella : Look at that . I m beautiful . Faith : I think so , too . But the important thing -- what will Sonny think ? Maxie : Okay , admit it , you ve been avoiding me . I ve barely seen you since your big night . Georgie : Actually , I m waiting for Dillon . Now is nt a great time . Maxie : You have plenty of time . So , how was it ? Georgie : Fine . Maxie : Fine ? You sleep with a guy for the first time , and it s just fine ? I do nt think so . Georgie : The night did nt turn out like I expected it to . Maxie : I told you , Georgie . You were expecting way too much . That s why you should have waited . Georgie : Maybe you re right . Maxie : It was that bad ? Georgie : No , it was -- it was fine until the smoke alarms went off and the fire department came in and the hotel manager -- Dillon had to convince them that he was wearing my clothes . And then we watched a porno flick , and Mac barged in . Maxie : What ? Georgie : I m still a virgin . Maxie : Mac talked you into waiting , did nt he ? Georgie : No . It was my choice . But what s so bad about being a virgin ? Dillon and I really love each other , and we ve decided to wait . Maxie : Are you sure that s what Dillon wants ? Dillon : I was just thinking about perspective , that s all . A.J. : At my desk ? Dillon : Yeah . You know , I mean , just wondering what it was like to see the world from this perspective . A.J. : Maybe Ned puts up with your babbling . I do nt have the patience right now . What I want you to do is keep an eye on this fax . I am expecting a very important document from London . I need it by closing tonight . Dillon : Wait a minute . No , no , no , no . Why ca nt you just get the overnight fax guy to get it ? A.J. : You want this job or not ? Dillon : Yeah , I ll do it . Okay . A.J. : The minute that this fax rings , you call my cell . Dillon : I understand . A.J. : Unless , of course , it is too much of a hassle for you , this job and all , and you d rather go back to wearing nice orange little vest , picking up garbage out on Route 5 . Skye : Hey . Come on . Take it easy on him . A.J. : You can go now . Skye : Hey , you know what ? Do nt mind him . He kind of gets like this . A.J. : Do nt make excuses for me . Go . Skye : A.J. , he s your cousin . A.J. : He s Ned s brother , Tracy s son -- does nt exactly inspire trust . Skye : You re not going to win him over by insulting him . A.J. : I m busy . What do you want , Skye ? Skye : Hey , have nt I helped you out in the past ? A.J. : When you want something , yeah . Skye : Well , I m kind of thinking that maybe we could work together again . A.J. : No , you were thinking I should give Ned his job back , right ? Well , do nt waste your breath . I wo nt even consider it . Skye : Oh , yes , you will . Stefan : I just paid a visit to your new business associates . I informed them the Cassadines will be accepting no more of their dirty money . Nikolas : That s not your decision to make . Stefan : Why are you putting yourself in debt to criminals , Nikolas , when all you have to do is stay married to Lydia and produce a child ? Our financial troubles would be over . Nikolas : Ah , yes . If only you had managed to kill Emily , all would just be fine . Stefan : One would hope you re above sarcasm . Nikolas : One would hope that you would still be in jail . Stefan : Nikolas , everything I have done has been to protect you . Nikolas : Protect -- protect me ? It s to save your own skin ! Stefan : I ve made mistakes , but if you will allow me the chance to help repair them -- Nikolas : Your help has put me in debt to Lorenzo Alcazar . Stefan : If I had known he was involved , I would never have taken out the loan . Nikolas : All right , you know , I would prefer not to do business with Sonny and Jason , but at least they do nt make excuses for who they are and what they do . They make no pretense of self - sacrifice . Stefan : Dealing with them is a mistake . Nikolas : Possibly , but it s my mistake , not yours . Stefan : Nikolas , I never intended to put your life at risk . Nikolas : I do nt care what you intended . I ll run the family my way , and you ll stay out of it . And you know what ? Do nt annoy me by trying to regain control . Carly : If I actually thought it would help , I might even consider staying in bed until the baby comes . Courtney : Really ? Carly : Yeah . But you know what ? Sonny -- he s still going to worry . He s still not going to be able to sleep . And then we re just going to get on each other s nerves , and we wo nt stop fighting . Courtney : I hate to see you under this much pressure . Carly : Yeah . Look , I just have to keep life as normal as possible for Sonny . It should be okay . Oh , great , I do nt believe this . Courtney : Leave us alone . Carly : Hey , it s all right . You re just going to pass on through , right ? Lorenzo : I apologize for the interruption . The baby s doing well ? Courtney : You do nt care about Carly s baby or anyone else s . Lorenzo : I m glad to see you re enjoying your freedom . I understand a hit - and- run is a pretty serious crime in this country . Courtney : What , you expect me to thank you ? Lorenzo : I did witness the accident , bring the driver forward . Courtney : I do nt owe you anything , and neither does Carly . Carly : Look , we understand your point . You ve made it . You are everywhere all the time . Why do nt you go ? Courtney : Yeah , why do nt you go all the way to South America . Lorenzo : I m sorry to disappoint you yet again . I just purchased the old warehouse complex on Water Street . Carly : You did ? Lorenzo : Yeah , I got a good price . Courtney : Wow , that s great . Anyway , I do nt really see why we re having this conversation right now , so goodbye . Lorenzo : You might want to mention my purchase to Sonny . I promised I d set up a legitimate business outside of his territory . That s what I ve done . I m a man of my word . Sonny : No one said Alcazar was nt smart . He lent the Cassadines money , what , eight or nine months ago ? Jason : February . Sonny : His brother was nt even , what , a couple of months dead ? Nobody knew who killed him , but Luis died in this town . Alcazar probably blamed me . Jason : So what are you thinking ? This is about revenge now for Alcazar ? Sonny : It used to be . It used to be about revenge . It used to be about profit . Now , for whatever reason , it s about Carly . Jason : But I do nt see how the Cassadines fit into this . Sonny : Alcazar wants a foothold in Port Charles . The Cassadines own property here . They ve been shipping through the harbor . Alcazar knows that if he gets them in his debt , he ll become a silent partner . Use the Cassadines legitimate shipping , right ? Jason : Mm - hmm . Sonny : To move his product . And the Cassadines are international , so that way he can use them as a front anywhere he wants . He s been trying to come into my territory , laying out the groundwork . You know what ? I want Alcazar eliminated . But I do nt want , you know , a mob war down on my head . Jason : I can handle it . Sonny : Time -- I do nt want a lot going on right now . You know , Carly s due date is in a month . Jason : I ll be careful . Sonny : I do nt want anything traced back to us . Dillon : Come in . Georgie : Hey . Georgie : You re vice president already ? Congratulations . Dillon : Uh -- hi . Georgie : We had a date , remember ? Dillon : Yeah . It would be nice if you charged your cell phone once in a while . Georgie : Sorry . Dillon : That s okay . A.J. -- A.J. s making me wait for this stupid fax to come in . He s exercising his corporate prerogative and putting me on probation . Georgie : Why ? Dillon : Because he caught me thinking -- about you . Georgie : Me , too . Only , about you . I rammed the med cart right into your Uncle Alan . Dillon : Oh , man . So now he thinks you re , like , an addict . Georgie : Actually , I said excuse me and ran . Dillon : Good call . Georgie : Yeah . Where can I put this stuff down ? I do nt want to mess anything up . Dillon : Um -- you know what ? Why do nt you -- why do nt you just set it down right here . Georgie : Wo nt you get into more trouble for that ? Dillon : No , I wo nt . But I ll get in trouble for this . Skye : Alexis set Ned up . I mean , the whole thing -- the whole rape charge , the whole groupie thing -- total scam . So I m thinking that if you could give Ned his job back , you know , make some public show of support that would -- A.J. : When has Ned ever lifted a finger to support me ? Skye : A.J. , come on . Stop and think about it here . You know , you have the corner office . Just sit back , enjoy , and let Ned do all the work . A.J. : Do you really expect me to step down as C.E.O. of E.L.Q. ? Skye : Well , maybe you guys could share the position or you could create a new position for yourself . You could work something out . A.J. : This really matters to you , does nt it ? Skye : Ned cares about me , okay ? He -- he gave me a chance when no one else would . A.J. : That was me , remember ? When Ned would barely speak to you . Skye : Everything is different now , okay ? Ned has shared his life , his child with me , and I really want to help him . I want to help him , pay him back in any way that I can . So , A.J. , will you give him his job back ? A.J. : No way in hell . Lorenzo : You re late . Faith : These alleys are like a maze . What do you want with this ghost town ? Lorenzo : Speaking of , is she ready ? Faith : Well , you saw her yourself . She s gorgeous . What about Sonny ? Lorenzo : Well , he s angry , combative . I d almost say paranoid . Faith : Well , does nt that make him more dangerous ? Lorenzo : It also makes him vulnerable . This needs to happen tonight . Sonny : All right , what s so important I had to come right away but I m not supposed to worry because it s not an emergency ? Carly : Well , we needed a night out . And since I own the best club in town , I figured , why go any place else ? No crowds , no cover charge . No interruptions . Sonny : Oh , so you got me down here on false pretenses . Carly : Oh . Well , you know me . Sonny : Well , you know I do nt like you down here alone . Carly : What are you talking about , alone ? Kelly s is open upstairs , and your people are lurking around , and I only sent my staff home three minutes ago . Sonny : I just want you to be careful . Carly : I m careful . Let me take care of you . Sonny : How you going to do that ? Carly : Hmm . I know you better than anyone else . Sonny : Yeah ? You think so ? Carly : Mm - hmm . Sonny : Hmm ? Hmm ? Carly : Mm - hmm . Let s see , I know your favorite color is moonlight . Your favorite food is anything I do nt make . Your favorite song -- Carly : Is anything that happens to be playing while you are looking in my eyes . Sonny : You re good , you know that ? Carly : Yeah , well , I like to think so . Nikolas : What do you need ? Jason : Okay , in about 30 minutes , I want you to be in a public place , okay ? Make sure people see you . Try to get some kind of documentation . Use a credit card , order from a restaurant , something . Nikolas : Create an alibi so I wo nt be suspected of killing Alcazar ? Jason : That s right , yes . Nikolas : Okay , just to be clear , I m not suggesting that you kill him , either . I mean , you loaning me the interest buys me enough time -- Jason : Nikolas , he got you to cooperate by threatening Emily , okay ? She s the target for as long as you owe the money . Nikolas : I ll keep her safe . Jason : No , it s better to eliminate the threat . Alcazar s hurt as many people as he s going to . By tomorrow morning , he s not going to be a problem for anyone . Nikolas : All right , what else do you need ? Jason : Just a good alibi , that s it . Nikolas : What about backup ? Jason : No , I do nt need any . Alcazar just bought a new building across town . There s a whole network of alleys around it . He s not going to see me coming . Nikolas : Okay , I guess you know what you re talking about . Jason : Yeah . Courtney : Hey , guys . What s going on ? Nikolas : Hey . I was just asking Jason about Emily . It s good to see you . Courtney : Yeah , you , too . Bye . So , what s going on with you and Nikolas ? Jason : I m just doing something for Emily . Courtney : I thought Emily was getting better . Jason : Yeah , she is . You know what ? I -- I got to get going . Courtney : Is everything all right ? Jason : Yeah , everything s cool . I ve just got to take care of some work , you know . I ll see you at home , all right ? Courtney : Okay . Georgie : I thought we agreed to wait . Dillon : We waited . Georgie : No , wait as in hold off , you know ? Dillon : It s not such a great idea , anyway , I do nt think . I mean -- right ? Georgie : Our first time can not be on top of a desk . Dillon : Would you prefer the floor ? Georgie : We ca nt do it here . Dillon : Why not ? Georgie : Well , with our luck , the desk would collapse or we d end up covered in pizza . Dillon : Hey , sex and food -- that s every guy s fantasy . What ? Georgie : What s the rush ? I mean , if we really love each other -- Dillon : I do love you . But what do we mean when we say wait ? Georgie : You re absolutely right . We need official documentation , a way to seal the deal . Skye : A.J. , I made the same mistake you re making . You think you ve won , and you want to lord it over everyone who ever treated you badly , rub their nose in your triumph . A.J. : This has nothing to do with payback . Ned has made some choices . Now he must suffer the consequences . Skye : So there s no way that you re going to let Ned back into E.L.Q. ? A.J. : No . Skye : On any level ? A.J. : That s right . Skye : Okay . Well , that s what Ned said you d say . I just wanted to discuss it with you because you matter to me . But Ned is suing both you and E.L.Q. for wrongful termination . If you have any questions , you can contact his new lawyer , Ric Lansing . See you in court . A.J. : Yeah , you really care . Carly : You know , we have all night . And we better enjoy it because once our baby s here , no more dancing . No more music in the middle of the night , and we are just going to be praying for two hours of sleep . Sonny : Yeah , if you say so . Carly : But I know you re no good at waiting , and neither am I , but that s all we have to do now . Okay , we just need to wait for this one to be born . And when you get worried , you come and find me and put your hand on my stomach and you feel him in there , alive and safe . You know , he s going to be in our arms really soon . Sonny : You really are good , you know that ? Carly : Well , thank you . It s nice to be appreciated . Sonny : I m serious . You inspire me . Carly : I do ? Sonny : Yeah . What are you hungry for ? Carly : Anything that you cook . Carly : Oh , no . Who s calling ? Let me just check . Hello ? Courtney : Yeah , Carly , look , I m sorry to bother you , but I need to see you right away . Georgie : Georgie Jones and Dillon Quartermaine do hereby -- Dillon : Hereby ? Georgie : Needs to sound official . Do hereby agree to abstain from having sex . Sounds terrible . Dillon : Why are we doing this , again ? Georgie : Because we want our first time to be special , not just rolling around on a desk . Dillon : People in movies do it on desks all the time . Georgie : They do ? Dillon : Ever since black - and - white . Georgie : You know , it would be kind of fun . Dillon : Totally cinematic . Georgie : Definitely . Okay . Type this . Dillon : Yep . Georgie : Do hereby agree to do it on a desk , not for their first time but at a later date in the future . Dillon : Hmm . I m into that . Georgie : Or -- or do hereby agree to abstain from sharing ourselves ? There we go . Dillon : Hmm , sounds more legal . Okay . For how long ? Georgie : Six months . Dillon : How about six days ? Georgie : Six minutes . I did not just say six minutes . Dillon : Two months . Georgie : Six weeks . Dillon : Six weeks . Georgie : Perfect . Hit print . This is perfect . Dillon : Yeah , but we do have to keep this just between us . Georgie : Yeah , do nt save that . Okay ? Sign here . Dillon : Gone . You got a pen ? Georgie : Try the floor . Dillon : There we go . You first , hotshot . Georgie : Okay . Now you . Dillon : Mm - hmm . Dillon : Feel any different ? Georgie : No . Not at all . Maybe we should shake on it . Carly : Hey . Hey , I got here as soon as I can . Did you and Jason have another fight ? Courtney : No , Carly , it s nothing like that . I think Jason s going to kill Alcazar tonight . Right now . Carly : Why ? Why ? What makes you think that ? Courtney : I overheard him and Nikolas talking . Jason said something about Alcazar buying a building where there s a network of alleys . Carly : Does Jason know that you overheard this ? Courtney : I do nt know , Carly . I mean , he does nt tell me anything , but I have a really bad feeling about this . If anything happens to Alcazar , the police -- they re going to question Jason first . Carly : Yeah , right after they question Sonny . Courtney : Okay , so what are we going to do ? Carly : Nothing . Courtney : Nothing ? What if something happens to Jason ? Carly : Jason is doing his job , and you need to let him . You need to just go rent a movie , eat some popcorn . Let it go . Courtney : What are you going to do ? Carly : I started a nice evening with my husband . So I m going to finish it . Faith : Quiet tonight , is nt it ? Sonny : We re closed . Faith : And you re here all alone . Sonny : Get out of here . Faith : You know , my grandmother never intended for it to be this way . She wanted crowds , dancing , party every night . Not a dark room full of ghosts . Sonny : Then maybe you should nt have killed her . Faith : Maybe you should nt have killed my precious husband , may God rest his soul . Sonny : You just love taking liberties , do nt you ? Faith : Do you ever miss the good old days , Sonny ? Before Alcazar and your charming brother showed up ? You know , when it was just five families ? Everything was clear . Everything was polite . Do nt you just long for it to be that way again ? How about we drink a toast to those good old days ? Faith : Here s to how things used to be . Sonny : I like your glass better . Faith : You re paranoid , are nt you ? Anybody ever noticed that ? Sonny : Your grandmother died right here in this room , having a drink with you . Faith : She was old . Sonny : Yeah . The hit woman you hired to kill me collapsed in the Port Charles Grill in front of my sister . Faith : I have no idea what you re talking about . Sonny : And Elizabeth -- we all know what happened to her . Faith : Oh , well , yeah , you do nt believe that ridiculous story about the lemonade , do you ? Sonny : I like your glass better . Faith : Suit yourself . Sonny : Okay , so here we are . A toast to how things are now . Drink up . Lorenzo : Faith is setting the stage . She ll tell you what to do . You have no margin for error . Call me when it s done . A.J. : Nice . Very nice . Dillon : I ll clean it up . A.J. : I guess you did nt get the memo about eating at your desk . Georgie : That would be my fault . You see -- A.J. : Did my fax come in ? Dillon : Oh , your fax . A.J. : Yeah , you know , this fax ? The one I told you to keep an eye on ? You were supposed to call me as soon as it came in . Does any of this ring a bell ? Dillon : I messed up , okay ? A.J. : You know what ? It s too late to make this deal now . Dillon : I m really sorry . A.J. : Do you have any idea what you just cost E.L.Q. ? Dillon : Maybe -- maybe I can email them back and tell them that the fax machine broke down -- A.J. : Georgie , does Mac know you re here , making out with Dillon in some office building ? I guess that kind of makes you like takeout , does nt it ? That s for free . Now get out . You re fired . Jason : I thought you were going home . Courtney : I heard you talking to Nikolas . It was nt about Emily . Jason : She asked me to help him . Courtney , that s all -- that s all I can tell you . Courtney : Are you helping Nikolas by killing Alcazar ? Nikolas : Where have you been ? Stefan : Why would you care ? I was under the impression you ve washed your hands of me . Nikolas : What have you done ? Carly : Lorenzo . Come on , Lorenzo -- Carly : Feel it . Me and the baby -- we re going to be okay . Lorenzo : You all right ? You re safe . You re safe . Sonny : You came here with no invitation . You helped yourself to Carly s champagne . So drink up . Faith : No one s trying to kill you , Sonny . At least not at the moment -- that I m aware of . Sonny : Drink the champagne . Faith : I feel dizzy . Was it poison ? Oh , no , wait -- it s your paranoia sucking the air out of the room . Sonny : Get out ! Faith : Fine . It s a tomb in here tonight , anyways . Elizabeth : Ric ? Ric : Can you see me ? Nikolas : What have you done ? Stefan : I canceled the debt . Courtney : Is Lorenzo Alcazar dead because of you ? Jason : We ca nt have this conversation . Carly : You ca nt die on me . Come on , Lorenzo . Sonny : I m not dreaming . ### Summary:
AJ is very harsh with Dillon as he orders him to stay at the office and wait for a fax . Skye arrives and tries to intervene , but after Dillon leaves the office , AJ excuses himself by telling her Dillon is Ned s brother . They go to Kelly s , where Skye asks AJ to give Ned his job back ; he refuses , so she hands him papers and tells him Ned is suing him and ELQ for wrongful termination . Stefan visits the penthouse , where he tells Sonny and Jason he wo nt let Nikolas accept their help . Sonny has Max show him out . Sonny tells Jason to eliminate Alcazar . Carly and Courtney talk about Sonny s nervousness , unaware that Alcazar is listening . He comes out of hiding and tells Carly to tell Sonny he s bought a warehouse . Jason meets with Nikolas and tells him to establish an alibi in about 30 minutes . Courtney hears them talking and asks Jason what they were talking about . He tells her he s helping Emily . Faith meets with Marcella , then reports to Alcazar . Georgie meets Dillon at ELQ and they begin making out , AJ comes back to the office and insults Georgie . Dillon hits him and he fires Dillon . Carly calls Sonny to The Cellar where she has candlelight and music . They dance and kiss , then Carly gets a call from Courtney , asking her to meet her right away . When she leaves , Faith comes to The Cellar and pushes Sonny s buttons . Courtney tells Carly what she heard Jason and Nikolas talking about ; she asks what they should do . Carly says nothing ; she s going back to her husband . Alcazar is in an alley talking on the phone , he s attacked from behind . When the attacker flees , Jason comes out from hiding , then flees himself when he hears sirens . Carly is on her way back to the club when she spots Alcazar on the ground . She wants to walk away , but she remembers when he helped her when she was in labor and when he pulled her back to the top of the cliff . She walks back . After Faith leaves , Sonny is shocked when he looks up and sees ‘Lily .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Antonio : Your buddies at the bureau said they d send us an actual print if we needed one , but that s not going to be necessary . That s Dorian without a doubt . Now , the question is , what the hell was she doing in Puerto Rico at the funeral of a major drug kingpin ? John : Feds say this guy Santi ; he must have stashed at least 100 million before he got whacked . Nobody knows where . You think maybe Dorian knows where that money is ? Kevin : That s right . A helicopter crashed right outside of Pine Valley . Just give me more info on that . All right , thanks . Kelly : Kevin , what are you doing ? Kevin : Well , I m sorry . I know you asked me to stop checking on your brother , but look at is . The Banner - Sun ran the same story , not in as much detail . Kelly : I hope you do nt blame Paul for this . He was transporting people who needed help . That s his job . Kevin : Yeah , well , one of those people lost their newborn baby in that accident the same day that we had our baby . Kelly : This has nothing to do with us . Kevin : But it does . Do nt you see ? Kelly : No , no , I do nt see . I do nt know what you re talking about . Kevin : We could have lost Ace that day . You went into early labor out there on that farm all by yourself . Look , I know it s too awful to even think about , but those parents are going through the same thing . And if Paul had anything to do with that , well , I have to find out . Kelly : Kevin , please . Please leave Paul alone . Kevin : Hey , I just -- I do nt want him to hurt you . Kelly : He s not going to hurt me . He s my brother . Kevin : He s trouble , is what he is . The F.B.I. was after him for that stuff in San Diego . He s been involved in organized crime . Who knows what he s up to now . Kelly : Maybe nothing . Have you thought of that ? Kevin : Well , not the way he s acting , I have nt . Kelly : Look , he was very upset about that chopper crash . If you keep on this , it s just going to make things worse . Kevin : I m sorry , he s trouble . Kelly : He s family . Kevin : The only thing he apparently wants from his family is their money . Kelly : Kevin , things are going so well for us right now . We have Ace . I do nt want to shut my brother out of that . Kevin : What ? Because he has something on you ? Kelly : No ! No ! My God , where do you get this ? We re happy , are nt we ? I mean , are nt we ? We re happy . Why is it so hard to understand that I would want to share that with my brother ? Kevin : I suppose you re right . We ve been through some hard times . Kelly : Yeah , we have . Kevin : Yeah . Kelly : I want these to be the good times . Kevin : Look ; I just love you two so much . Ca nt help it . I m going to protect my family . Kelly : I want you to . I love it when you do that . But , you know , you know , the one you should be protecting is Asa . He s the one who needs help right now . Kevin : Right , yeah . Evangeline wants to talk to grandpa and me about the charges that are up against him . Kelly : Yeah , you should be focusing on him , not Paul . Kevin : You re right . Yeah . I got to go . Kelly : Ok . Kevin : I ll see you . Kelly : I love you . David : Two turns countercl-- counterclockwise , stop on five . David : Then what ? Dorian : Stop on five . David : Yeah , got the stop - on - five part . What s next ? Dorian : What s next-- David ! David : Hey . Dorian : What are you up to ? What are you up to ? Let me see . David : No , no , it s just I had a brainstorm for Craze . I just wanted to jot down an idea before I forgot -- Dorian : Read it to me , come on -- David : No , no , no , you ca nt contribute . I ll be accused of plagiarism . Dorian : Oh , you -- David : It s nothing for you to worry your beautiful head over . So -- what - just out of curiosity , what were you dreaming about ? Dorian : God . David : Huh ? Dorian : I do nt remember . David : Oh ? Dorian : No . David : You sure it was nt about El Toro Santi s millions and millions of dollars ? Dorian : And why would it be ? David : That smile on your face . That better be about the money and not him . Dorian : Oh , really , David . I knew him for all of five minutes . David : Wonder where he stashed it . Any ideas ? Dorian : No . I have absolutely no idea . Why would I ? David : If you did know , you d tell me , right ? Dorian : Yes . If I knew , I would . David : Still , it sure would be nice to get our hands on that chunk of change , would nt it ? Dorian : Who is it ? Adriana : Mom , you in there ? Dorian : Just a moment , darling . What s going on ? Adriana : Oh . David : Do nt mind us . We re just turning in for the night . Dorian : Well , what do you want , darling ? Adriana : I found this downstairs . It s all about this man named Manuel Santi , a drug dealer they called El Toro . Is he my father ? Antonio s voice : You look like you ve been to a funeral . Carlotta : I have . Adriana s father . Natalie : Now you re mad at me ? John : No . No , but -- Caitlin will always be a part of me . I m never going to be a blank slate again . Evangeline : You know , I d feel a lot better discussing your case in my office , Mr. Buchanan . Asa : Come on , Counselor ; at least if I m going to talk , let me have a little bourbon and branch water in my hand , hmm ? Kevin : It s a lot more serious than you think , grandpa . Dorian : Why on earth would you think a gangster like this would be your father ? Adriana : Why on earth would you have a Puerto Rican newspaper that s all about him ? Dorian : David is researching an article on him . Are nt you , David ? David : That s right . Puerto Rico is muy caliente . And I m not just talking about the weather . Adriana : Fine . You wo nt tell me , I ll find out on my own . Dorian : Adriana , wait a minute , please . I m sorry , honey . I -- I did nt want you to know . Adriana : This article says he did all kinds of horrible things . He ran drugs . He killed people . How could you marry someone like that ? Dorian : I did nt know that at the time I met him . I really did nt . I mean your father could be an absolutely charming man . Wonderful , really . David : I do nt want to hear it . Dorian : Unless , of course , he turned on you . Adriana : Is that what happened to you ? He turned on you ? Dorian : Darling , you do nt need to know . In fact , the less you know , the better off you ll be . Adriana : But he s dead . He ca nt hurt me . Dorian : Even though he s dead , he could hurt you . River : Adriana , are you here ? Adriana : Yeah , River , I m up here . David : Oh , heck , bring some chips and dip . We ll call it a party . River : Is there a problem ? Adriana : Yeah , this . This man , this drug dealer they call El Toro is my father , and I d like to know more about him , but my mother wo nt tell me . Dorian : She does nt need to know any more than that . I ca nt tell you . Adriana : Me estas mintiendo ! Yo se que estas mintiendo ! You re lying to me , Dorian ! River : I do nt really read Spanish , but I think this says $ 100 million . Adriana : Yeah , they think that they hid that before he died . River : Should have known there was money involved . Dorian : I certainly do not know anything about it , River . River : Come on . Adriana : Yeah , I want to talk to Carlotta . She ll be honest with me . David : So you really do nt know anything about your charming , wonderful husband s millions of dollars , huh ? Dorian : If I did know , I would tell you , would nt I ? David : I think we re at the point in our relationship where we can bare all . Taking a shower . You re welcome to join . Dorian : Carlotta , it s Dorian . Carlotta : Is something wrong ? Dorian : Adriana s on her way over . She found out that Manuel is her father . She wanted answers , but I did nt give her any . It s vital that you do the same . Todd : Ok . You want to know what Paul and I were talking about ? We were plotting your downfall . Kevin : Really ? What d you have planned ? Todd : Kevin , I m serious . There s nothing I want more than for you and Kelly and Ace to have a nice happy life . Kevin : Yeah . Todd : I mean , I almost just lost my little daughter , Starr -- I do nt know if you knew that or not -- but it was really hell , and I just would nt wish that on anybody , even you . Kevin : Gee , thanks , Todd , really . Thanks for thinking of me . Todd : You get the hell out of my face . Kevin : Can I -- Todd : I m going to call my children and tell them I love them . Kevin : Thanks . Todd : Hey , honey . You having a good time with mom and Jack ? Good . Oh , I miss you , too , all of you . Carlotta : Hey , Antonio , I thought you were working tonight . Antonio : I want answers , Mami . Why did nt you tell me the funeral you went to was in Puerto Rico and that it was for a major drug trafficker ? Carlotta : What ? Antonio : The funeral , Mami ! Puerto rico ! I want the truth ! What was Manuel Santi to you ? Antonio : Who was he , Mami ? This Manuel Santi -- who was he ? Carlotta : I told you , I went with Dorian -- Antonio : Yeah , yeah , yeah , you told me he was Adriana s father and that Dorian was married to him many years ago , but you did nt say he was Manuel Santi . Carlotta : Well , you did nt ask me . Antonio : What about when I heard you praying for Manny s soul ? You said he was just your friend s husband . Carlotta : Well , I do consider Dorian a friend , and he was her husband , and besides , there are many other men named Manuel -- Antonio : Stop it ! Stop it , ok ? Stop it . The F.B.I. sent us a picture , Mami , a picture from Santi s funeral . It was Dorian . There was a woman standing next to her . I could nt see her face , but you know what ? I could see a bracelet , a bracelet just like the one you re wearing now . My guess is you knew him , too . What was he to you ? Carlotta : Nobody . He was just Dorian s husband . I saw him a few times when I was with her in Mendorra , but Dorian was upset about going to the funeral , and then she wanted someone to go with her , so I went . Antonio : Why would she be so upset , and why would she go to a funeral of a guy who dropped out of her life over 16 years ago ? Carlotta : Well , you re going to have to ask her that yourself . Antonio : I will . Kelly : Is this the baby that Bianca Montgomery thinks she lost ? Paul : Kelly , why would you think that ? Kelly : I do nt know Paul . Maybe it s because this crash happened on the same day that you found me a child . Paul : Oh , right , right . So my helicopter crashes , I nearly kill myself , and I m thinking , wow , you know , Kelly needs a baby , so I ll just grab this one , huh ? I mean , God , Kelly , for your information , Bianca Montgomery had a little baby girl that night . Kelly : I m sorry . It s just I -- I just thought with the timing of everything and -- Paul : Kelly , I had this whole thing planned out with that unwed mother before the crash even happened . I mean , if there s a coincidence , it s just because she had the baby on the same day . I mean , God , I thought I was doing some good here . I thought I was helping a mother out who needed a family for her baby . I thought I was helping you out . I thought I was helping Ace out . Kelly : Look , you were , you were , you were . I just -- I -- I love him so much , I do nt know what I would do if I lost him . Paul : Well , you better put a leash on Manning . Kelly : I ca nt do anything about Todd . I did nt send him after you . I ca nt control him . Paul : Well , you better try ; because you re going to lose Kevin and you re going to lose the baby , too . Kelly : What if I ca nt stop him , huh ? I wo nt just lose Ace . I ll lose Kevin . I ll lose everything . Paul : Kelly , I did nt mean to upset you like this . We ll figure out something with Manning . Paul : Oh , hell , I got to take this . It s the hospital . Listen , I have just as much at risk here as you do . But Manning -- I mean , he s got nothing to lose , which makes him very , very dangerous . Kelly : That s not true . He does nt want this to blow up any more than we do . It s Kevin . Kevin is the one I m worried about . I ve got to get him to stop checking you out . Paul : Let him check as much as he wants . I ve covered my tracks so deep he ll never figure it out . Adriana : I know this criminal , Manuel Santi , was my father . River : Dorian already admitted it to us . Adriana : But she wo nt tell me anything about him , so you re going to . River : Oh , man , what , are you spying on us ? Did Dorian pay you ? David : I come here for the ostrich burger . Rare , lots of mayo , over here . Adriana : Please , Madrina , you have to tell me everything you know about -- Carlotta : Manuel Santi was a very cruel man , a dangerous man , and he had so much power . All he used it for was evil , and that s all I have to say about him . Adriana : I did nt know that you knew him so well . Carlotta : Well , well enough to know that all he did was bring pain and shame on everyone around him . Look , and all you need to know , that even in his death , all he can do is bring you hurt . So do nt ask any more questions about him . Kevin : I have to admit , Colson seems to be coming down pretty hard on Asa . Evangeline : Well , maybe somebody s putting the heat on Colson . Asa : Yeah ? Well , just let me at them . Evangeline : Ok , that s it . No more threats or you re going to end up in jail . Asa : Manning ! Todd : Asa ! Asa : You look weird . Where s the scar ? Todd : It s right here -- my God . Somebody must have stolen it . Kevin : Grandpa , we just talked about this . Dorian : I m going to want to move some of my daughter s money . I tell you what ; I ll call you back in the morning . David : There you are . Dorian : What is that ? David : Oh , that ? Dorian : Yes . How did you get this ? David : It s a -- oh , hell , you said it in your sleep , ok ? Dorian : I did ? David : Yeah , you did . Now , what is the rest of it ? Dorian : That s the problem . I do nt know . Anyway , never mind about -- David : You do nt know ? Dorian : Stop ! Ok , where did you run off to ? David : Well , I thought one of us better keep an eye on Carlotta and make sure she was nt saying any more to Adriana than we wanted her to . Dorian : And did she ? David : No , Carlotta s lips are hermetically sealed , but her emotions ran amok . And I wonder why . I mean , Adriana is nt really her daughter . Unless you re not really Adriana s mother after all . Dorian : Hmm , that s a triple - scam . David : Uh - huh . Dorian : I m not that good . David : Of course you re that good . But it does nt explain the close relationship that you and Carlotta have always shared . Dorian : Carlotta is a -- well , was a very trusted , reliable employee for many years . David : Yeah , but you two together -- it s almost like you re family , like she s your wicked half stepsister or something . Dorian : Carlotta , my wicked half stepsister ? David ? David : Just a thought . Dorian : A very paranoid one . David : Uh - huh . Dorian : I ll be in the shower . Natalie : Hey , Jimmy . Do you know if Paul Cramer s been around tonight ? That medevac pilot ? Jimmy : I d know him . He was here a while ago . Why ? Natalie : Just wondering . No biggie . Hi . I was wondering if Paul Cramer s on duty tonight . He went to Atlantic City again ? Ok . Thanks . Antonio : Well , I m glad Natalie s gone . Jessica has enough questions as it is . Evangeline : Well , I m hoping we can wrap things up soon . Antonio : Yeah , well , if I m going to get over to The Hookup , I better get going . Evangeline : Do you have all the information you need for tonight ? Antonio : Yeah , it s going to help a lot . I ll see you . Evangeline : See you . Jessica : Hey . Evangeline : Hey . Jessica : I want to know what s going on between you and my fiancée . Stay tuned for scenes from the next One Life To Live . Marcie : This is the third hang - up we ve had since you got back from the hospital . David : I am not letting you leave here until you tell me what the problem really is . John : She thinks that I m never going to get over Caitlin . Jessica : Is she right ? Natalie : John and I are history . What do I have to do to prove it ? ### Summary:
Antonio figures out that his mother went to Puerto Rico with Dorian to the funeral of the drug lord Santi . He does nt tell John , who wonders if Dorian knows where Santi s millions are . Antonio grills Carlotta but she tells him to ask Dorian about it . John is distracted by thoughts of Natalie , and she him . Neither will talk about it with their friends . David tries to figure out if Dorian knows where the money is , too . Adriana figures out that Santi was her father , so Dorian confirms that but wo nt give her any more info . River and Adriana question Carlotta , who also stays mum . John visits Natalie but she tells him she wo nt wait around for him to get over Caitlin . Jessica is suspicious about Antonio s late - night job , so she goes to ask Evangeline what s going on . Kevin tells Kelly that he thinks Paul might have done something bad with that helicopter crash in Pine Valley . She begs him to leave him alone . Asa gives him Adam Chandler s phone number so he can find out more information . Kelly is frantic and worried ; she questions Paul about the crash , but he claims that he did nt steal Bianca s baby ; he got it from an unwed mother . Asa has some problems remembering that Todd has plastic surgery , which worries Kevin and gives Evangeline an idea . Todd tries to get Paul to tell him about the crash . Kevin wants to know what Paul and Todd are up to . Dorian phones someone to say she needs to move some of Adriana s money . Natalie asks and calls around to see where Paul is ; she learns he s in Atlantic City again , then she leaves . Antonio s undercover work is at The Hookup , which is the same club where Jessica , Marcie , and Jen are headed for a girl s night out .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Edmund : I was nt there for Lara when she came into the world . Can you please just tell me how she left it ? Dinah : If Edmund is lying , and you re telling him all of this stuff about Lara , you know you re never going to forgive yourself . Doris : I am not interesting in outing these two women . Natalia : Derek , from your class ? I thought you guys were good friends . Emma : His mother said that we ca nt play together . I do nt know why . Olivia : Do you have a problem with us , ladies ? You seem very interested in my family . So where did you hear about us ? From the mayor s press conference ? Oh , wait a minute . You put two and two together , saw my daughter s book report on the internet , and came up with some freakin scandal , right ? Woman : We did nt mean to ... Olivia : Judge us ? Disapprove ? Woman : What my friend is trying to say ... Olivia : That you re shocked ? I d be shocked , too . I mean , your kids going to the same school as the girl with two mommies . I mean , really , it s scandalous . Two women who care about each other , living under the same roof , doing their best to raise a child that they both love . I mean , what is the world coming to ? Natalia : Excuse me . Sorry . She s a little upset . Olivia : No , honey , no . I m not upset . In fact , I ve never been better . Shayne : Hey , Dad , my hands are full right now . Can I-- Josh : Look , son , it s been a couple days since Lara s memorial service . I just wanted to check on you and see-- Shayne : I m fine , Dad . Listen , I ... I really appreciate everything you and Mom have done over the last couple of days , okay ? Um ... I ve got a couple of cold ones waiting for me . Josh : Shayne , I know this is a tough time for you right now . I know you ve got a lot on your mind . Lara s death , finding out that Edmund Winslow , of all people , is her father . Shayne : Not a big deal , dad . As long as he stays away from Mom , right ? Josh : Come work at Lewis Construction . Shayne : What ? Josh : You need ... me you need me , son . And I need you . Dinah : There he is , my hot - shot D.C. connection . How s it going ? Jeffrey : Hello to you , too . How s your head ? Dinah : Well , it depends . If you have decided to handle Mr. Freak , Edmund Winslow or not . You know , he destroys people s lives , you know , not only as a habit , but as a career . Jeffrey : Well , do nt worry about him . Edmund is not going to be a problem . And I think it s a good thing-- I already told you-- that he is here in Springfield so that we can keep an eye on him while he grieves . Dinah : My head is fine , but apparently , you re the one who s nuts . Nurse : Here you go . Reva : You are so pretty ! Oh , he s so handsome . I mean , you have to admit , he s very photogenic . This is the cutest baby sonogram picture you ve seen all day . Nurse : It is my job to remain unbiased , Mrs. ONeill . But he s adorable . Reva : Yes , he is . He s handsome and healthy , too . Nurse : All indications show your son is developing right on schedule . Reva : It s hard to believe that he s healthy . You know , considering the cancer meds , and the chemo and all , that he is keeping me healthy . My little miracle baby . All of the time he s just growing bigger and stronger and smarter and brave . He s just like his daddy . I know I do this all the time . I m really sorry . Every time I get pictures , I do this . Nurse : That s all right . Why do nt you meet me out front . Reva : Okay , thanks , Julie . Olivia : Hey , you know , I just realized I did nt get a chance to introduce you to Natalia . I m so sorry . Natalia , this is Becky s mom and Owen s mom . Their kids go to the same school as Emma . And Natalia , of course , is the other star of my daughter s school project . But I m guessing you already knew that , you know , since you were out there whispering about us behind our backs . Natalia : It s ... it s nice to meet you . Woman : Likewise . We really should be going . Olivia : No , no , no . Do nt you want to ask questions ? Really , it s okay . Like , you know , what it s like to be two mommies together ? Who fixes Emma s lunch in the morning ? Who goes on her field trips with her ? We both have decided to share that responsibility , and the cooking , although she makes a mean chicken and rice and her lasagna is to die for . Natalia : Olivia ... Olivia : And we work together at the Beacon . I do nt know if you knew that . So we work together . But I have to say that I ve never been happier in my entire life because not only is this woman a great mom , but she s smart and she is funny . And let s face it , she s a hottie . Woman : Nice meeting you , Natalia . We re late for a PTA . Olivia : Say hi to Becky for me and Owen , and call , we ll make a play date . That was fun . Hey , what did I say ? Shayne : Well , no offense , Dad , but building shopping malls is really not my thing . Really ? You re not even working at Lewis Construction right now . Josh : Well , actually , I am . In fact , I m sitting at my desk right now , sort of easing may way back into things . I ve been disconnected for too long . It s time to get back into it . Shayne : You torturing Wanda ? Josh : Wanda s torturing me . It s her job . But let s just stick with you for a minute , okay ? Look , I want you to come work with me here at Lewis on a couple of new veterans hospitals . They re already in the pipeline . All you need to do is take over the reins and help me to make them into something special . We ll work together . I have the building expertise , but I believe you re the guy that will be able to relate to these veterans . Shayne : What s the pay like ? Skydiving is nt cheap , you know . Josh : No pressure . Take your time . Thank about it . And then say yes . Shayne : Yeah ? Thanks . Josh : I do nt want to pressure you , okay ? But I will say this : If Lara were here today , I believe this is the kind of project she d be proud of . Call me back . Jeffrey : Okay , here . And here . Here you go . Dinah : What s this ? Jeffrey : Those are surveillance reports on Edmund Winslow . No murder , no kidnapping and no terrorist attacks . Please , help yourself . Dinah : Edmund is not an idiot . If he is planning something , he s not going to do it while you re watching . He s a professional psychopath . And he has probably ruined ... oh , I do nt know , several people throughout his life . And he would nt make a move in any way , at least in a way that you would be expecting it . Jeffrey : Well , Dinah , what if he s not here to ruin anybody this time ? Okay ? What if he is actually here to mourn his daughter ? Dinah : I ca nt believe that you are actually falling for this , too . Jeffrey : I think he s devastated . I can see it in his face . He s haunted . He s like a man who lost everything . Dinah : Shayne is giving him the benefit of the doubt , but at least he has an excuse . Jeffrey : What s that ? Dinah : He s grieving . He ca nt get out of bed , he ca nt even get through a full day . Jeffrey : Well , maybe Edmund is feeling the same thing . I mean , the man lost his daughter . So if Shayne can make a connection with him , you know ? They can understand Lara ... Dinah : Some of daddy love stuff . Are you telling me you know how Edmund feels because Ava landed on your doorstep ? Jeffrey : Actually , I do know how he feels , in a way . Dinah : This is Edmund Winslow we re talking about . You , of all people , know what he is capable of . Jeffrey : Do nt worry , Dinah . I have nt forgotten anything . Dinah : You know , it does nt sound that way to me . Jeffrey : Well , you know ... what do you want me to do , kick him out of town ? And then what , huh ? Then he festers and then he stews , and then he plans his next attack to take out his pain and his anguish on who this time ? Huh ? On Shayne ? On you again ? Or on Reva or my child ? No . I think it s better that we have Edmund Winslow around Springfield where I can keep an eye on him . And then he can start mourning . Dinah : He has nt changed . You re a fool if you think he s changed . Jeffrey : Maybe . Maybe not . You ve changed . I ve changed . Dinah : We re different . Jeffrey : Edmund lost his daughter , okay ? Maybe he is actually , genuinely feeling this pain . Who knows ? Dinah : It s possible . I do nt buy it . Jeffrey : Okay , I ll tell you what , Dinah . If you find him doing anything , anything at all out of the ordinary-- if he runs a traffic light , if he steals a candy bar-- you let me know and I promise you I will get rid of him . Edmund : He s beautiful . You must feel very blessed . Reva : Is there a reason why you re here ? Edmund : I m sorry . I was walking through and I saw you in here , and I thought ... I always wanted a baby . Cassie and I tried when we were together . Oh , I wanted to give that to her so badly . I was devastated when I could nt . Reva : So devastated that you thought it was in your best interest to snatch Michelle Bauer s newborn baby ? Edmund : I know what I did was wrong , Reva . I know I m the last person in the world who deserves to have a child . But I had one , nonetheless . A great one . No , she was more than great . She was incredible , inspiring , selfless . Everything I was never courageous enough to be . I had a child , Reva , and then that child was taken ... Reva : You know , when Cassie lost Tammy , all she wanted to do was crawl into a hole and die . I never believed I d see her smile again . I never thought she d feel joy . I only thought she d have this incredible pain for the rest of her life . And then someone would tell a story about Tammy , or they d remember a song that she used to like to hear on the radio , or someone would tell a joke that would make her laugh , and Cassie ... even though she felt like she was drowning , it was like a lifeline for her . It was like someone was reaching out their hand to pull her back to shore . Edmund : You understand . Reva : Yeah , I understand . But I wo nt let you use my son that way , even if it does help you . Because Shayne is starting to live again , and pulling him back there for your own selfish reasons ... no , I wo nt allow that . Edmund : What if it helps him , too , Reva ? You could be depriving him of one chance to heal . Reva : Yeah , well that s a risk that I am willing to take for my son . Edmund : You do nt doubt that Shayne loved Lara , do you ? Not for one minute . Reva : No . Edmund : Not one second . Reva : Of course I do nt , no . Why , do you ? Oh , so that s why you re here ? Is that what this is all about ? You re here to test Shayne s love for Lara , is that it ? Edmund : Well , that s what you re doing to me , too , is nt it , Reva ? Reva : Yes , for good reason . Edmund : Love s always the reason , is nt it , Reva ? Why we do the good things , the bad things . Reva : I wish you d stick with the bad . You re so much better at it . Edmund : You take care of yourself , Reva . Take care of that baby of yours , too . Reva : Dinah ? Are you okay ? Dinah : Yeah . Yeah . My head hurts , still . Sometimes . Reva : Do you want me to take you to Cedars so you can see your doctor ? Dinah : No . No , no , no , that s okay . It is what it is . Reva : You know , Edmund s kind of like that head injury of yours . He s pesky . He s exacerbating , potentially life - threatening . Dinah : That s like someone else I know . Reva : Yeah , well , I m sorry that I tricked you into getting you to go up to the cabin with me . I was just trying to do what was right for Shayne . Dinah : No . You were doing what was right for you . Reva : I was protecting him . Dinah : From me . Big , bad Dinah . Reva : Maybe I was wrong , okay ? Dinah : I m sorry . I did nt quite catch that . Reva : Maybe I was wrong , okay ! About you and Shayne . About all of it . Maybe I ca nt help him and you can . Shayne : Shayne s not home right now . Edmund : You busy ? Shayne : Extremely . There s plenty of cockroaches in this place . I ve only killed three of them . Edmund : And I thought you were a man of peace . Shayne : Well , I guess there s a lot you do nt know about me . Edmund : And vice versa . We could leave it at that , you know ? You go your way , I could go mine . Shayne : We could or whatever . It s not like talking about her s going to bring her back now , is it ? Edmund : You want to grab a drink ? Shayne : You mean , grab a beer ? Edmund : I can drink beer . Shayne : You can ? You buying ? Edmund : Sure . Shayne : Okay , I m in . Olivia : Do nt you think you re overreacting just a little bit . Natalia : What on earth were you thinking , causing such a scene in front of those women . Olivia : Who cares ? They re a couple of pathetic gossips . Natalia : You made them think that-- Olivia : What ? What ? That the rumors were true ? What would you have had me done , turn the other cheek ? Natalia : That would have been one way of handling it , yes . Olivia : No , no . That s your religion , that s not mine . I do nt believe on getting walked on , not by anybody . Somebody kicks me , I kick them back . Natalia : And that s what s best for Emma ? Olivia : Oh , I think she would have been proud of what I did today . Natalia : Perpetuating a lie ? Olivia : No , no . Showing those women I do nt tolerate that narrow - minded crap . Natalia : Oh , please . You did nt take the high road . You felt like picking a fight , and that s exactly what you did . Instead of explaining the situation to them , the a whole misunderstanding with Emma s project , you just decided to make everything worse . Olivia : So what ? So what ? Natalia : So now those women think ... Olivia : That what ? They think that we are lovers ? Natalia : You love ... you love messing with their brains and just making them believe that we re a couple . Olivia : So what ? What is so wrong with people thinking that we re gay ? Is it really the end of the world to you ? Natalia : What are you saying ? Are you saying that you want people to believe we re in a relationship ? Olivia : I m just ... I m saying that who cares what people think ? Natalia : I do . I do nt know how many times I have to tell you I care what people think because I m a mother . Olivia : Yeah , me , too . I do nt want Emma going through her life worried about what people think or say behind her back . Natalia : I do nt , either . But you could have walked away and ignored them . Olivia : Is that what you want to teach Emma ? That she should just run away from people who try to bully her ? Natalia : You were taunting them . You made everything so much worse . Olivia : To make a point . Natalia : What ? What point ? Olivia : This is none of their business ! Natalia : Well , Doris Wolfe made it their business when she turned it into a news story . Olivia : I do nt care what Doris Wolfe says or does . We know the truth . Natalia : Perception is reality . Olivia : Oh , because Doris Wolfe said it , then we must be lovers ? Natalia : Please stop twisting everything I say around and just listen to me . What you did back there was wrong . Olivia : So being two mommies together , this is just a really terrible , horrible thing ? Natalia : I did nt say that . Olivia : It sounded that way . Natalia : Oh , okay . You have your beliefs and I have mine . Olivia : See , I thought that you believed in us , that you believed in this family and you and me and Emma . Natalia : I have to go . I have to go meet up with Frank again . Just tell Emma that I will see her tonight . Olivia : Okay . Great . Edmund : To Lara . You know , we could do more than just drink to her . Shayne : Wow . You sound like my dad . Edmund : ( Laughs ) Now , there s a first . Shayne : That s strange . Edmund : Her life was cut short because she tried to help others . Maybe we could build something in her honor , something that could continue at least the spirit of the work that she started . Shayne : I know that she loved children . Edmund : A pediatric wing to the hospital . Or perhaps a children s cancer clinic . I lost a child . There must be millions of people out there who feel the same way that I-- and you-- feel right now . A children s hospital . It makes a certain amount of sense , does nt it ? Lara always told me that children love light , so lots of windows . Lots of windows . She was the sunshine herself , was nt she ? Shayne : Where did you learn how to draw , kindergarten ? Let me see that . Edmund : We all did , did nt we ? Shayne : What it needs to have ... it needs to have a patio in the center of the clinic . Somewhere where the children can play in the sunshine , but they d also be safe and supervised . Something like this . And then all the rooms in the circle will look out into the patio , so that the children that are too sick to play can still feel like a part of the action . What ? Edmund : Nothing . Nothing , go on . Shayne : Something like this . We re so far from home ... Dinah : What you did , kidnapping me ... Reva : Ah , you know , can we refer to it like borrowing , because that s really-- Dinah : That was so annoying , it made me want just ... it s pretty damn clever of you . It s something I d do myself . Reva : Oh , and that is exactly what I m aiming for . Dinah : You could do worse , okay ? Reva : We are , you know , kind of similar . I mean , we re both dramatic . In fact , when you fainted , I thought you were faking . Dinah : Well , maybe I was . Maybe I was . Reva : Oh , you see . That s why I could never trust you . Dinah : Oh , really ? Reva : Yeah . Dinah : You know , I always thought you were the biggest pain in the butt . Reva : I am a pain in the butt . Dinah : See , good . At least you admit it . Reva : Can I trust you ? Dinah : I care for your son . God knows why . Back in Germany , when I met him , he started off as a project . You know , something to make me feel good about myself . Then ... what is this , anyway ? Is this a therapy session ? Reva : No , Dinah . It s just ... I ve got a lot on my plate right now , with the pregnancy and the chemo , and I ve got a husband who refuses to put the toilet seat down . I just ... I have a lot to do to get ready for this little guy s arrival , and I just feel like I do nt have the time I really need to take care of my big little guy . So that s ... that s kind of where you come in . Dinah : Are you asking me to baby - sit Shayne ? Reva : No . I m asking you to help him get past his grief . I m asking you to help him get through this thing with Edmund , whatever it is . Because whether we want to admit it or not , Edmund and Shayne are connected . And no , I never predicted that I would think that you d be right for my son , but ... you get him in a way I do nt . Dinah : What do you need from me ? Reva : I need you to be you . Dinah : That s a new one . ( Laughs ) Hey , do you need a ride home or anything ? Reva : No , no . No , I ve got my car , and I m fine . But , Dinah . Dinah : Yes ? Reva : Do nt hurt my kid . Frank : She should be here shortly , so ... Natalia : Sorry I m late . Frank : Hi ! Oh , hey , are you kidding me ? Here , here , let me help you . I am dying to hear the end of that story that you were telling . Natalia : What story ? Frank : You know , that guy in Chicago with the pizzas and all that . Natalia : Oh , with the ... ( laughs ) Well , it was just a running joke in my neighborhood that this one guy was keeping Joe s pizza place afloat because he it was ten pizzas a day , and the guy , were you this skinny ... you needed to be there . Frank : Oh , gosh . I m glad I waited . Natalia : I know . I m sorry we did nt get to have our picnic . Frank : Oh , me , too . But you know , no worries . We ll do it another time . Natalia : Okay . Frank : Well , this is nice . This works for me . Natalia : It works for me . Frank : Good . So ... how s Emma ? Natalia : Ah , she s okay . She ... she s just upset . Frank : Uh - oh . Am I going to have to get a little tough with that kid who broke her play date ? Give him a parking ticket for his tricycle ? Natalia : It was nt Derek s fault . Frank : Are you okay ? Natalia : Yeah . I just ... it bothers me when little kids get upset like that , you know ? But Emma s tough . She ll get through it and she ll be fine . It s just part of growing up , right ? Frank : Yeah , well , some of us are still going through it . Natalia : Do nt sell yourself short . You are one of the good guys , Frank Cooper . You are ... you re the best one out there . Bartender : Let me guess , martini , two olives . Olivia : Make it a double . Clive : You can put that on my tab . Unless the beautiful lady objects . Olivia : The lady does nt object . Not so far , anyway . I m Olivia . And you are ? Jeffrey : ( Whistling ) Reva : Hey , please tell me that s a new flat - screen TV ? Jeffrey : Well , almost ... almost as exciting . Reva : Yeah ? Jeffrey : It s a train set . ( Laughs ) And it s got , you know , top of the line tracks , the caboose , everything . Reva : I had no idea you were into toy trains . Since when ? Jeffrey : Well , since I knew I was going to have a little baby boy . And , well , I kind of like them myself , so ... Reva : Yeah ? Interesting . But what if the little guy here likes dolls and cooking ? You ll have to buy him an easy bake . Jeffrey : Nah ! Trains . What kid does nt love a train ? And little Revo here ai nt gon na be any different . Reva : Revo ? Jeffrey : No . Reva : Really ? No , no . ( Laughs ) Jeffrey : Hey , I saw Josh and Shayne . They re going to be working together at Lewis Construction . It s a father - son thing , and that s what this train set is ... Reva : I do nt think Shayne is going to agree to that . Jeffrey : Well , Josh says it s a done deal . He s going to focus on Shayne , and that way we can focus on this little baby right here . And that works for me . Reva : A train . ( Laughs ) You big baby . Jeffrey : Do you think he wants a doll , really ? Josh : Yes , come in . Edmund : I hope I m not interrupting . Josh : Do you need a ride to the airport ? Edmund : Thank you , but I m not going anywhere . Not yet , anyway . There s just too much to be done . Josh : Terrorizing innocent people ? Edmund : I m not here to fight , Josh . I was hoping we could actually bury the hatchet . Josh : Edmund , you tormented Reva , you tormented Cassie . Your record with my friends and family is poor , at best . I do nt see us playing any poker together any time soon . Edmund : Well , I m sorry to hear that , Josh , because that is just going to make things more difficult for Shayne . Josh : What about Shayne ? Edmund : Well , did nt he tell you ? We re going to be working together . Your son and I. Shayne : Where did you come from ? Dinah : Do nt stop . I did nt mean to interrupt . What you ve got going on there ? A private hospital ? Shayne : It s nothing , really . It s just ... a bare bones idea right now that Edmund came up with to honor Lara . He asked me to work on it with him . Dinah : Wow . No way . You re not gon na do that , right ? Natalia : You take such good care of me . Frank : Natalia , it s just a glass of wine . Natalia : I do nt know what I did to deserve it . I do nt know what Rafe or I would have done without you these past few months . You have been the most amazing friend . A lot of other guys would have turned and ran when they found out my son was going to go to prison . Frank : I wish I could have done more . I wish I could have gotten him off or at least gotten him a lesser sentence . Natalia : You did the best thing . You stood by me . You supported me when ... I just hope that you feel that way in the future , that you wo nt regret standing by me . Frank : What are you talking about ? I would never , ever regret standing by you . Are you kidding me ? Listen , when Rafe gets out of prison , I m going to throw him the biggest homecoming this town has ever seen . Natalia : I m not just talking about Rafe . Frank : Are you okay ? What s going on with you ? Natalia : I know mom s are nt really supposed to talk like this . We re supposed to be so strong and brave , you know , no matter what , right ? But I just ... I really just wish sometimes I could just go away and just get away and clear my head , you know , and not have to face things . Frank : Look , I m ... I m just going to throw this out there , okay ? My buddy , Stan , he has a time - share in the mountains , and he said whenever I want it , it s mine . It s mine for the asking . So ... why do nt we go ? Okay , bad idea . Sorry . ( Laughs ) It s just a thought . Natalia : No . Actually , I think it sounds perfect . Frank : Really ? Natalia : In fact , I would love to go away with you to the mountains . I would love that . I ca nt think of anything I d love more . I do nt know I do nt know ... Olivia : Okay . Okay , that was funny . I bet you say that joke to all of the girls . Clive : Another martini for this smoking - hot lady . Olivia : You know , if I have anymore of them , I m not going to be able to ... unless you want to give me a ride home . Are you free for dinner tonight , Clive ? Clive : Sorry , business meeting . How about you give me your number ? Olivia : Okay . You know what , Clive ? I think that you are just a really sweet and charming guy , but the truth is ... I m living with someone . Clive : Whoever he is , he s one lucky guy . Would you listen to the words I ve said even though there are things ... Edmund : Shayne started drawing and it was like the light went on inside him . Losing someone like Lara , someone so giving and full of life , you can feel as if there s just not any life left in the world . This ... this children s hospital , Josh , it could ... it could be a sort of light . It s something Lara could have been behind herself , maybe even thought of . That s what Shayne saw . That s what he sees right now . It s why he wants to do it . Look , I know , I know what you re thinking . You re thinking I just do nt have much construction experience . Josh : Yeah , that s exactly what I m thinking , Edmund . Edmund : Okay , okay , Josh , look , I m humbling myself here . I m asking for your help . The H.B. Center you built in Tulsa was first class . It was beautifully designed . All I m asking is that you sit down with me and tell me some of your experiences , your mistakes , your successes , to help us make this dream of ours into a reality . Shayne s and mine . Come on , Josh ! You know what it s like to have a son like Shayne . Someone who makes you want to be a better man , wants you to wake up in the morning and be a better man . Imagine what it s like for me to find out I had a child like that , I had Lara . Her knowledge , her courage and her selflessness . Please , Josh , I need this . And Shayne needs it , too . Dinah : We ve been over this a million times . Shayne : What , are you my mother now ? Dinah : Oh , that s not funny . Shayne : Ooh , I know . It was nt meant to be funny . Dinah : We have no way of knowing if Edmund is for real . Shayne : He seems pretty for real to me . Dinah : What if he is using you ? Shayne : Then I m going to find out , wo nt I ? Dinah : Then it s going to be too late . Shayne : Whatever happened to you picking up a hobby ? Huh ? Dinah : I m worried about you . I m worried about you because what happens when Edmund finds out how Lara died ? Shayne : Then what do I do ? Walk away from this project ? Just leave Lara dead and buried . Dinah : No , no . You do nt forget her , no . But you can work on it with somebody else , with Josh . He s a builder , he knows what he s doing . Shayne : Yeah , and Josh also thinks I m ... Josh thinks that I m a hero . Do you know what that feels like ? Dinah : Unfortunately , no . Shayne : Well , I hate to say it , but it sucks . Because he s always putting me on a pedestal . I can do no wrong . A guy like Edmund ... Dinah : He s a masochist . He s a psycho . Shayne : He treats me like a regular guy . I m just some dude who dated his daughter . End of story . Why ca nt you understand that ? Dinah : I do understand that . Shayne : Then what s the problem ? Dinah : Of all people , why Edmund ? Shayne : Why not Edmund ? Who else is there ? Dinah : Me . Coming up on Guiding Light ... Alan : We have to show this town that the Spaulding s are stronger and more unified than we ve ever been before . Coop : This wedding is not going to happen . Alan : No one will ever laugh at me again . Coop : I ca nt have you stop me . ### Summary:
At Cedars Edmund runs into Reva . Olivia and Natalia confront the two women that were gawking at them . They were also friends with kids living together . Josh offers Shayne a job t Lewis Construction . Jeffrey gives Dinah reports he has on Jeffery . Dinah warns Jeffery that Edmund could be up to his old tricks and to be careful . Jeffery seems to think Edmund has changed and tells Dinah so . At the hospital , Reva and Edmund have words . They talk about Cassie . Edmund says he messed up with Cassie and he was sorry . Reva realizes why Edmund is at Cedars and laughs . It seems he is there for a blood test to prove he is Lara s father . Reva is walking home and see Dinah holding her neck . Reva asks if she needs to help her to Cedars . Dinah says she is ok . Reva tells her she was wrong about her . That maybe Dinah can help Shayne . Shayne and Edmund meet . At their place , Natalia is livid at Olivia for making such a scene at Towers with those women . Olivia sees no problem with people thinking she and Natalia are gay . Edmond and Shayne have drinks at Company . Reva and Jeffrey are at home . Jeffrey has brought home a toy . He is going give it to the baby . Reva is not too thrilled . Then Jeffrey tells Reva about Shayne working at Lewis Construction . At Shayne s , Dinah sees Shayne working on a construction project on paper . Shayne tells her that he is working for his father . She is not pleased . Natalia talks to Frank . She tells him she wants to get away to clear her head . She agrees to go with him to the mountains . Olivia meets with Clive to set a date . Dinah and Shayne talk again and this time things are about the same . Shayne tells Dinah , that Josh thinks he is a hero . He does nt feel that way . Shayne asks , Who is there for me ? . Dinah answers , Me .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Luke : Doctor , my vital signs will perk up plenty if my wife and I could have a little privacy for a round of strip poker . Monica : Well , you wo nt even survive the first hand if you do nt have the bypass . Tracy : Have you called Dr. Julian . Monica : Yes , Tracy , I have , and he has nt responded . Luke : Musicians . Monica : Luke , you re running out of time . I m going to have to do the surgery . Luke : No . Georgie : Maxie just came home and somebody grabbed her from behind , strangled her with a phone cord . Coop : Is she all right ? Georgie : Barely . She s giving a statement to Detective Harper right now . Coop : She got a text message ? Georgie : How did you know about the text message ? Mac : So , how are you doing ? How are you holding up ? Maxie : When can I leave ? Mac : Listen , I d like you to stick around just a little bit longer . I m bringing in a suspect . I want you to take a look at a lineup . Johnny : What s with the cuffs if you re just taking me in for questioning ? Lucky : I m following orders . Johnny : Then you re wasting your time . Lucky : Well , you can take it up with the commissioner . If it were up to me , I d bring you in , too . Johnny : For what -- having a meeting in a private home ? Lucky : I m sure Emily would be real honored knowing you re doing business with the man who killed her . Maxie : Yeah , sure , I could do a lineup . Mac : Ok . We ll get through it as fast as we can . Maxie : At least I m safe here , right ? Det . Harper : Commissioner . Mac : We ll be right outside , ok ? Georgie : Maxie did nt get a text message --I did . It said , seen your sis . I thought the killer was playing games . How did you know ? Coop : I m a cop -- well , or I will be soon , all right ? Everyone s already calling this guy the text message killer . I just assumed . Georgie : Did Emily get a message ? Coop : An untraceable message came through on the mayor s phone , all right ? Anthony did nt do it . Most of the cops think it refers to Emily . Georgie : How much do they know about this guy ? Coop : He s a professional , very disciplined . He likes structure , but he does nt mind playing games . Now , following a pattern is important to this guy , so it makes sense that Maxie would have received a text message just like all the others . Georgie : Yeah , I guess . Coop : Now , where is she ? Is she ok ? Georgie : Oh , hold on . Hey , Mac . No , no , no . I m ok -- just a little jumpy . What s going on ? Ok . I ll be right there . Coop : Is Maxie all right ? Georgie : I have to go to the station . I have to look at a lineup . Mike : Yeah , ok , sure , honey . No problem . It s kind of dead in here tonight anyway . Coop : You and Maxie need to look at a lineup ? Georgie : Yeah , I saw a glimpse of the guy . Coop : You did nt tell me that . Do you think you can identify him ? Lucky : Do nt you even care that Zacchara s got Emily s blood on his hands ? Johnny : So , you re the judge and the jury now , huh , super cop ? Lucky : You know what -- shut up ! Jason : Lucky , you should take yourself off this case . Lucky : You know what ? You are the reason Emily got killed . She trusted you . And how did you honor her ? You brought the Zaccharas into town and let them kill her . Johnny : I did nt see you helping anybody out at the ball . Where were you ? Lucky : Oh , you hid behind your crazy father pretending to be a hero while you ve been a killer all along , just like you . Lulu : Hi . I got your message . It s my dad , is nt it ? Bobbie : It s -- it s bad , sweetie . I m sorry . Lulu : How bad ? Bobbie : Luke needs a triple bypass tonight . Lulu : But he s -- he s going to make it , right ? He s -- he s going to be ok . He has to be ok . Skye : Hey , I got your message . Lulu : My dad needs an operation tonight Skye : Oh my God . Lulu : He s going to be fine , huh . Bobbie : We have a choice here . We can either give in and be terrified or we can stand strong , and we can be positive , and we can make sure Luke knows that we are pulling for him . Because in this type of surgery , attitude is everything , and my brother is nt a positive thinker , so we need to tell Luke to cut the crap and live through this . Tracy : You should nt even be here tonight , much less doing a quadruple bypass . Monica : I am the head of Cardiology , and I have done thousands of quadruple bypasses . Tracy : Have you done one since Emily died ? I did nt think so . Monica , you have nt begun to deal with Emily s death . We ll wait for Dr. Julian . Luke : Oh , no , this is my heart we re talking about . I get a vote . Monica : Luke , you can wait for Dr. Julian -- that s your prerogative . But I am saying that the longer you delay , the greater the risk that you wo nt survive no matter who does the surgery . Tracy : I do nt appreciate the scare tactics , Monica . Monica : They re not scare tactics , Tracy . I m just telling him the truth . Luke : Let s get it over with . The suspense is killing me . When will they start the surgery ? Bobbie : Uh -- well , once the details are worked out , Monica wo nt be wasting any time , and the OR s already set up , so -- Lulu : Did you call Lucky ? Bobbie : I left him three messages . Lulu : He s probably got so much going on , he s not even checking . I m going to go find him . Bobbie : Lulu , um -- Lulu : No , do nt let them start until we get back . Bobbie : I ca nt promise that , sweetie . Lulu : Well , make them wait . Do nt start until Lucky and I come back . Skye : Wow , Lulu s really scared . Bobbie : Yeah . Skye : That s supposed to be your cue to tell me that everything really is going to be okay ? Bobbie : I used to think that my brother could beat anything , that he would live forever or he would go out in a blaze of glory in the middle of some wild adventure . But as it turns out , Luke is only human after all and he ca nt scam his way out of this one . And I m just as scared as Lulu . Maybe even more because I ve seen this kind of surgery and I know how devastating it can be . And I can only imagine what kind of shape his heart is in . Epiphany : Your schedules for the upcoming week , ladies . You ll notice some important changes . Nurse Crowell , is there a problem ? Nadine : Uh -- itchy elbow . Epiphany : You re both starting on a surgical rotation . Nurse Crowell , do you need to see a doctor ? Nadine : Uh -- no , maam . Sorry . Epiphany : You ll start tonight , you ll start tomorrow . And for whatever s wrong with that elbow , make sure it s not contagious , then fix it . Nadine : Yes , maam . So glad I do nt have to work . I have no business being in the O.R. tonight . Regina : Why not ? Nadine : A family superstition . When your elbow itches , someone s about to die and do nt give me that look . It itched like crazy before the ball at Wyndemere and look how that turned out . Regina : Tell me you re not serious . Nadine : Something terrible s going to happen in this hospital tonight . Monica : Once we open the chest cavity , we will put you on a heart - lung machine , and I will go in and repair the damage and we take you off the machine . Luke : And hope for the best . Monica : Well , simply put , but , yes , that s about all we can do . Luke : Well , consider it the ultimate adventure . Monica : You can consider it anything you want , but if you do nt have this procedure -- Luke : I fold . Monica : Okay . I ll see you when we re all done . Tracy : You need to rethink this . Luke : You ve been hounding me to have this operation for days . Now you want me to back out ? Tracy : No , now I want you to wait for Dr. Julian . Luke : Tracy , having a coronary every other day or so -- it s wearing me out . Tracy : Luke , Monica s in no shape to operate . Luke : She seems okay . Tracy : No . She s about to implode from grief . Luke : Well , she s here , wife . The kid is off playing his guitar in a garage somewhere . Besides , she s head honcho -- that should count for something . Tracy , I promise that as soon -- Tracy : Do nt . Do nt promise me anything . Luke : Why not ? Tracy : Because you break more promises than anybody I know . Luke : When this is over , what do you say we go back to Vegas for a little second honeymoon ? Or maybe hit the casino -- at Monte Carlo ? Maybe we can buy a racehorse and win the Triple Crown . Or just snuggle down together and hate the holidays . You see ? I m making plans . I got a future . I ll be back . Coop : Oh , Maxie . Maxie : I m so glad you re here . Coop : Oh , your sister told me everything . I m so sorry this happened to you . Are you sure you re okay ? Maxie : Um , yeah . I mean , if Georgie had nt shown up when she did -- Coop : And the guy was just waiting for you when you came home ? Maxie : No , I did nt hear anything , I did nt get any sort of vibe -- I mean , he could ve been in that house for hours . Coop : You re sure you did nt see him at all ? Maxie : Not his face . I mean , I -- I do remember trying to fight him off . He had gloves on . He was just really strong . Mac : Wait a minute . Sweetheart , that s good , that s good . You re remembering more . But you re the one who actually saw him . Georgie : It was only a flash , like I told you . He was running away . Mac : All right , well , tell us again . Come on , maybe she ll remember something else . Georgie : Uh -- he was wearing black , he -- medium height -- Det . Harper : Mac ? Georgie : Brownish -- Mac : Excuse me . Det . Harper : We finally got Johnny Zacchara s police records unsealed . He s got repeat offenses for speeding , reckless endangerment , fistfights , antisocial behavior , and one accusation of rape . Mac : Game s over , you bastard ! Spinelli : Welcome , tightly strung legal one -- huh . How may the Jackal be of assistance ? Diane : Not that Jason would care or comprehend , but as he called , I was about to slip into a tub full of Himalayan bath salts with two fingers of scotch and some early Shirley Bassey , so what does he want ? Spinelli : Wow , that sounds really lovely . I apologize on behalf of my master for interruption of your -- oh . Jason : Johnny got hauled in for questioning about Emily s murder . I want you to get him released . Diane : Why ? Are you planning on killing him ? Trevor : Did you knock ? Mr. Vaughn : The cops just dragged Johnny out of here in handcuffs . Trevor : What for ? Mr. Vaughn : They re questioning him about the Quartermaine girl , and someone strangled the police commissioner s daughter , almost killed the kid . Trevor : So they re blaming him ? Mr. Vaughn : No , they re just harassing him , trying to keep him in line . You better get down there . Trevor : No , no , no . We re going to let him sit in the joint for a while , give him the opportunity to appreciate everything -- including me . Diane : Your life and mine would be so much simpler if you would just let the police hold Johnny Zacchara in jail . Jason : Okay , Diane , just make sure you review his police records before you go down there because you know how the PCPD can -- Diane : What -- Spinelli : The vespid s record , the young vespid s record -- one for you and one for commissioner Scorpio , as well . Diane : How d you get this ? Spinelli : I m the Jackal . I rule the internet . Enjoy your Himalayan bath salts . Jason : Thanks for getting those so fast . Spinelli : Yeah , well , it was a pedestrian task at best . But why would -- why would Stone Cold wish to secure the warped one s release ? If I may be so bold , are -- are you really planning to facilitate his termination ? Or is Stone Cold wisely wishing for the septic son to owe him a favor , thereby furthering the possibility of a truce between the Zaccharas and Mr. Corinthos , Sir ? Jason : I do nt -- I do nt think Johnny killed Emily . And I do nt want the cops wasting their time trying to prove that he s guilty when the real killer is out there picking out a new victim . Det . Harper : Easy -- Coop : Settle down ! Mac , come on ! Det . Harper : Take it easy , take it easy ! Lulu : Johnny , what happened ? Lucky : He may have killed Emily . Mac : And he tried to kill Maxie ! Det . Harper : With all due respect , this man has not been charged with anything . He s only here for questioning . Johnny : I did nt do it . Lucky : Lulu , what are you doing here ? Lulu : Dad is having surgery tonight , you need to be there . Mac : Go . Go , Lucky -- that s an order . Lucky : Okay , listen , I m going to check in , I ll meet you out front . Det . Harper : I ll take Zacchara to holding . Johnny : I hope things go okay for you . Lulu : Yeah , you , too . Bobbie : I know it s your idea of hell to be surrounded by concerned family . But Lulu s gone after Lucky and they re going to be back here any minute . Luke : Will you be in the O.R. ? Bobbie : No . No , not this time because it s pushing the envelope on procedure . And besides , the kids need me . Luke : Do you think that Monica is up to this task ? Bobbie : What has Tracy been telling you ? Luke : Bobbie , I m asking as your brother . Do you think Monica can put aside her grief over Emily and do this job ? Bobbie : Absolutely . If I did nt , I d be out there tracking down Dr. Julian myself . Luke : You ve seen plenty of these cut - and - paste jobs . Do you think that I can make it through ? Bobbie : Come on , Luke . After the life you ve led , a quadruple bypass is nothing . Luke : Huh . You know , if it were nt for you , I would ve checked out a long time ago . A long time ago . I probably never would ve even met Laura . Bobbie : Laura will always love you , and I m sure she s pulling for you now . Luke : Barbara , she s sitting in a room staring at the wall . And that s all she s ever going to do . She s gone . I ve lost her . But I m not through -- not yet . I ll be back . Bobbie : You re damn right you will be . Luke : Hey , um -- try not to throw Tracy out a window while I m under . Bobbie : I m not making any promises on that . Luke : Love you . Bobbie : I love you , too . Luke : Blaze . Skye : Well , you re not an easy man to see these days . Luke : Well , they told me a beautiful young woman was trying to get in to see me . I hoped it was you . Skye : Where s Dr. Von Skimmerman when you need him , huh ? Luke : Ah , we had some fun , did nt we ? Skye : Hey -- you stop it . Now , you are sounding way too final . There is no way you are allowed to die . Luke : So what s in it for me if I do nt ? Skye : Well , you ll just have to wait and see , now , wo nt you ? Epiphany : My third - shift surgical nurse just called in sick , so that means , Nurse Crowell , that you will be assisting in the O.R. tonight after all . Nadine : Okay . It s not always accurate . I mean , people do die when my elbow does nt -- Regina : Put something on it ! You re creeping me out . Nadine : Yeah . Tracy : I want you to try to reach Dr. Julian again . Monica : If he s not here by now , it s too late . Tracy : Monica , do you even remember what happened with Alan ? You convinced yourself you were the only person that could perform the surgery and then you froze . Monica : I froze because the damage was far worse than I expected and I realized that he was dying . Tracy : Luke is nt . Put him on a machine for a couple of hours , then find another doctor . Just do nt put his life at risk because you refuse to deal with losing Emily ! Monica : That is not what I am doing ! Tracy : You do nt even know how much pain you re in , Monica . Monica : Okay , I can not take this right now . Tracy : Monica ? If you think you re going to escape Emily in that operating room , you better think again . Det . Harper : There s no hurry . Maxie : I told you that I did nt see his face . Mac : Nothing about these men seems familiar ? Maxie : No . Yeah , I -- I mean , I -- I know Johnny Zacchara . Mac : Well , do you think it was him ? Det . Harper : Keep an open mind . We re talking two counts of murder and two of attempted murder . Maxie : I do nt know . I m sorry . Mac : Georgie ? Georgie : I -- it could be any of them . I told you , I only saw him for a second . They re all medium with brownish hair . Mac : Face the right . Mac : Face the wall . Mac : Take them out . Mac : Okay . Maxie : I m sorry . Mac : It s okay , it s okay . You re -- you re both trying as hard as you can . Maxie : Wait . I remember something . Jason : I mean , Lucky s all over the place . First , he says Anthony s the killer , then he blames Johnny , but the person he really wants to blame is me . Spinelli : The law - abiding one no doubt resents the fact that you are the true father of baby Jake . Jason : You know what ? He s got every right to be angry about the situation , but not if it means Emily s killer goes free . Spinelli : I mean , Officer Spencer should be taken off the case . Clearly , his hatred precludes impartiality . Jason : And Lucky keeps making it that much easier for the real killer to get away with it . Maxie : It s weird how the memory works . You know , Detective Harper s cologne reminded me . The guy was holding me so close , I could smell it . Mac : Was it the same cologne ? Maxie : No , but it was -- it was similar . It was a clean smell , like soap or shaving cream or something . Georgie : So we should nt mention this to anyone , right ? Not even other cops ? Mac : That s right , for now . Coop : Hey , how did the lineup go ? Georgie : We did nt recognize anyone . Mac : I need you to take these girls home . Maxie : No . No , I m really sorry , Dad . I just do nt think I could go home yet . Coop : Well , where would you like to go ? Georgie : How about Kelly s ? It s -- it s a public place . It s pretty safe . Mike will be there . Coop : Let s go . Come on . Georgie : I ll call you the second we get there . Det . Harper : You re free to go . Mac : Not until we run your prints and check for outstanding warrants . Det . Harper : He cleared the lineup , Sir . Mac : I still think you did this . Diane : But you have no proof , do you , Commissioner ? Probable cause , evidence ? Here s a thought -- motive . Is my client under arrest ? Mac : What do you mean , Your client ? Diane : I will take that as a no . You will release him at once . Thank you . Mac : Since when does Sonny Corinthos attorney represent Johnny Zacchara ? Luke : Is that you , cupcake ? Lulu : Lucky s here , too . Lucky : Hey . Luke : Hey . It s so good to see you both . Take care of each other . And keep an eye on Barbara Jean , will you ? Lulu : You sound like you re not coming back . Luke : Oh , no , of course I am . We ll be ice fishing before you know it . Lulu : Ugh . Lulu : I hate ice fishing . Luke : Well , then it ll be like old times . So , cowboy , you got the place surrounded ? Lucky : No . Luke : God , I hate you re a cop . Luke : I -- I hate it . But it s almost worth it just to see your mother laugh when you told her . Take care of your sister . Be a better father to your kids than I was to you . Lucky : You were great to me . Lulu : Me , too -- when you were around . Luke : I wish we d stayed on the road after you were born . But your mother wanted you to grow up in a house with family around . You ca nt fault her for that . Lulu : Yeah , you disappeared a lot , but you always came back . Lucky : Yeah , and you ll be back this time . Luke : That s the plan . You are both amazing . Strong , smart . You got your old man to thank for that . Regina : Excuse us . We re here to take you to your surgery , Mr. Spencer . Luke : Oh , they sent the pretty nurse , did nt they ? Lucky : And we ll be waiting for you . Lulu : Yeah , so you better come back . Luke : Oh , sweetheart -- oh , hey , wait -- hold on . Um -- one more thing . You -- be sure to help Nikolas take care of your mother . You -- you visit her as much as you can , and both of -- Lulu : Look , if you keep talking , you re going to have another heart attack . Luke : If I have taught you anything , I hope I ve taught you to enjoy the rush , because life is a thrill ride . You go after what you love . Be strong and courageous and do nt let anybody tell you how to live . Lulu : I love you , Dad . Lucky : I love you , too . Lucky : He s going to be okay . Lulu : You re such a bad liar . Johnny : What are you doing here ? Diane : I m here for the money , Mr. Zacchara , make no mistake about it . Johnny : Who sent you , Jason ? Diane : Yeah . Johnny : Why ? Diane : God only knows . Now , do you want my counsel or not ? And be quick about your answer , because I have a hot bath and a smart cocktail waiting . Unless you prefer to spend the night in jail . Johnny : No , I need to go check on a friend . Whatever Jason Morgan is expecting in -- Diane : You can discuss with Jason . Johnny : Okay . Yeah . You can represent me . Diane : Consider it done . Mac : Your client is a suspect in a serial murder case . He has a serious rap sheet . Diane : Serious , Commissioner ? A hormonal teenager who drives too fast ? Maybe got himself into a couple of fistfights ? This is an overprivileged young man with a troubled family life . Mac : He is a suspect in a serial murder case . Diane : That your own daughters could nt identify in a lineup . Now , had my client , for instance , worked as a -- oh , I do nt know -- soldier of fortune , let s say -- if his record included assault on a police officer , attempted murder , dealing with loan sharks to pay off gambling debts , and a nasty explosives incident in a mine owned by the Jacks family in Australia -- oh , wait a minute . That s you , is nt it ? Mac : What about Roberta Mason ? Diane : White trash looking for a large settlement . Nothing more , nothing less . The charges were dropped , the accusation was withdrawn . Mac : Well , your father really took care of that one , did nt he , Johnny ? Diane : Are you charging my client with anything ? Mac : My daughter almost died tonight . Diane : Then I suggest you get out there and find the man who tried to kill her . Mac : I think he is standing right behind you . Diane : Harper , is it ? I m going to suggest that you convince the commissioner to back down immediately , or face dealing with some very negative publicity . And after the debacle at Wyndemere , that is the last thing this department needs . Mac : Turn him loose . Diane : Thank you , Commissioner . Johnny , my card . Enjoy the rest of your evening . Trevor : Johnny , you all right ? What are the charges ? Johnny : Do nt worry about it . Ms. Miller already did your job for you . Trevor : Oh , I got it , I got it . Come on , we ll talk about it on the way home . Johnny : I got someplace to be . Georgie : I touched base with Mac . You need to eat something . Maxie : No , my throat still hurts , and I have a huge knot in my stomach just thinking that killer is still out there . Georgie : Where s Coop ? I thought he was going to stay with you ? Maxie : He said he had something to do and he d be right back . Georgie : Maxie , can I get you anything ? There s some chicken noodle soup in the back , and -- Maxie : How do you think he got into our house ? Georgie : Dad is going to figure that out , okay ? Maxie : Georgie , but what if you did nt -- Georgie : You re okay . Maxie : I think I m going to be sick . Logan : Georgie , hey . Have you seen Lulu ? Georgie : No , no . Scott : Hey , Logan , have you given any more thought to becoming a cop ? Logan : Yeah , I have , and it might be a sweet deal if it was nt coming from you . Scott : Okay , how about we take a small step here and I sit down to a cup of coffee with you ? Logan : Sure , Dad , have a seat . Scott : Thank you . Logan : Look , I get that you re trying , I get it . I get that you re trying to help , you know , me and Lulu , and I appreciate it . Scott : Well , how s it going with you lovebirds ? Scott : Hello ? Bobbie : Scott , it s Bobbie . Luke is going in for a quadruple bypass right now , and you may not care , but I need you . Scott : I m on my way , Bobbie . Listen , Luke s not doing very well , so Lulu -- she probably needs a friend , okay ? Lulu : Mom -- if you can hear me , Dad really needs you tonight . We all do . So stay with him . We ca nt help him now . And he loves you so much , and he needs you more than he ever has . So find him and save him and bring him back to us . Epiphany : Mr. Spencer ? Luke : Hello , beautiful . Epiphany : Dr. Archer , this patient is nt out yet . Andy : 10 , nine , eight -- Luke : You want to come back to my place and spin a few 33s ? Andy : Seven , six -- Luke : I got lots of Motown . Luke : Toussaint Dubois and the Saints . We could light one up -- Epiphany : Dr. Archer , I think he s had more than enough . Andy : Good call , Nurse Johnson . Three , two , one -- yeah . Monica : Are we ready ? Epiphany : We re ready , Dr. Quartermaine . Emily : Ready , Dr. Quartermaine . Lesley : Oh , thank you so much . Bobbie : Oh , you re sweet . Lesley : Thank you . Bobbie : That s great . Lesley : That s very dear of you . Lucky : Thank you . Scott : Hey , Bobbie , how s Luke doing ? Bobbie : Oh , hey . Thank you , both of you , for coming . Well , we have nt heard anything yet , but it s still early . Logan : Where -- where s Lulu ? Is she okay ? Bobbie : Yeah . She s in Luke s room , 1014 . Lucky : What are you even doing here ? Bobbie : Lucky -- Scott , Luke , and I go way , way back . I called him because I need him here tonight for me . Lesley : I think maybe Laura would want you here , as well , Scotty . After all , you ve hated Luke for so long , you re practically family . Scott : Well , you know , Luke always knows when I m around , so maybe that ll make him mad enough to keep breathing just out of spite . Monica : Clamp . Emily : Is there a problem ? Epiphany : Dr. Quartermaine ? Is there a problem ? We need to keep moving . Emily : Do something , and do it now . Epiphany : Doctor , we re losing the patient ! What do you want us to do ? Monica : I do nt know . Skye : Hello , Lucas Lorenzo Spencer . Luke : Damn . It turns out there s a heaven after all . Skye : Oh , you re absolutely right . But that is nt where you re going . Luke : Oh , come on , blaze . Sure it is . Look at you . The white light -- Luke : The angel bells . Skye : Have nt you ever heard of hell s bells ? Luke : Ah ! Luke : What the – Georgie : Drink that while it still has fizz . Maxie : I do nt know why my cell phone seems so scary all of a sudden . You re the one who got the text message , not me . Georgie : Do you want to maybe go over the text message ? Maybe figure something out ? Maxie : I thought you said that s what the cops were doing . Georgie : Yeah , Mac downloaded it and saved it , but maybe you and I could figure something out that the cops might miss . Okay ? Listen , my cell phone is in my car , so I m going to go get it . Are you going to be okay here ? Maxie : Well , hurry , okay ? I mean -- it s just I thought Coop would ve been back by now . Georgie : Okay . Georgie : What are you doing ? Logan : Shh . Lulu : I lost my mom . I ca nt lose my dad , too . Trevor : What were you thinking with a stunt like that ? Sending your silly lawyer to get John out of jail -- do you really think that I m going to let you cut me out ? It was nt enough to lose your sister ? Jason : What -- what does that mean ? Trevor : Oh -- you know , you try another stunt like that , and you re going to lose somebody else very close to you . Trevor : Do you need to lose someone else ? Hey ! Skye : I d reconsider if I were you . It s awfully hot out there . Monica : I am so sorry . Epiphany : Dr. Quartermaine ? Regina : His pressure s going to bottom out . Epiphany : Dr. Quartermaine , this patient is bleeding out . Monica : Uh , I -- I ca nt . ### Summary:
Despite Tracy s protests , Monica will have to perform the surgery on Luke because the other doctor is not available . As he prepares to go under , he seems resigned to death . Amazingly , Trevor wants Johnny to remain in jail while Jason wants him out , after the boy is hauled in for questioning . Neither of Mac s daughters is able to recall more than vague details as they try to pin down who attacked Maxie . Trevor threatens Jason for helping Johnny . Monica freezes during surgery , resulting in Emily s spirit trying to help her and Luke going to Hell .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Liam : Oh , my god . Oh , my god . Beth . Oh , my baby girl . Let me look at you . Let me look at you . Oh , wow . Steffy : Liam , what are you doing ? Liam : Steffy ... this is beth . She s alive . Steffy : No , that s not her . That s phoebe . Liam : This is beth . Hope : [ Sighs ] Vinny : Hey , hey , hey ! Nice hotel . Thomas : Well , hope and I are having a little honeymoon . Vinny : A little alone time , huh ? Thomas : [ Chuckles ] That s the plan . Vinny : Good for you , bro . You know , I m kind of bummed you did nt invite your old friend to the wedding , though . Thomas : Eh , it was just family . Vinny : Yeah , no . I got you a wedding gift , anyway . It s , uh , something to make your honeymoon a little bit more of a party . Wyatt : Hey . I - I got your text . Are you all right ? Flo : I have to talk to you . Wyatt : Okay . Yeah . What is it ? Flo : I have to tell you something . It s about thomas . Wyatt : Okay . Why ... why are we talking about thomas ? Flo : No , no , no . It s -- it s not like that . There s nothing , like , going on between us in that kind of way . Wyatt : Okay . Flo , um ... should I be worried , here , or something ? Uh ... Flo : I just ... I just want you to know that -- that I love you . And there is no one in the world who I would -- I would rather be with . And I want this to work out between us more than anything . Wyatt : I -- me , too . I mean , why would nt it ? You know , you re -- you re living here now . We -- we finally found each other again . We re -- we re committed to each other . Flo : And that s why I need to be honest with you . I ca nt put this off any longer . Vinny : My wedding present to you . Thomas : No , thanks . I m good . Vinny : Come on , it s your honeymoon ! Have a party with the wifey . Trust me . You ll thank me later . Go have fun with the new mrs . Forrester , all right ? Hope : [ Sighs ] Steffy : What is going on with you ? Why are you calling phoebe beth ? Liam : Because phoebe is beth . Steffy : Look , I - I know douglas told you that , but he s a little boy . He has no idea what he s saying . Liam : Listen , steffy , he s in there right now . Go talk to him yourself . You ll see . Steffy : This is my daughter we re talking about . Phoebe . Beth is gone . Liam , I m sorry . There s just no way beth could be alive . Liam : Douglas heard his father saying that beth is still alive , and that phoebe is her . Steffy : Why would he say such a thing ? Liam : This is what they were talking about after the wedding . Thomas told flo not to let it slip , the secret , right -- a secret that has to do with hope . It s -- this is all making sense now . She s the secret , steffy ! That s beth ! Brows for days . Flo : Before I say anything else , I - I want you to try to understand everything that I ve gone through since I came to los angeles . Wyatt : Well , yeah . You ve had a lot of changes in your life . Flo : Yeah . Yeah , a lot of -- a lot of amazing changes . Like you . Wyatt : Okay . But I -- I sense a but coming on . Flo : I did someone a favor . Someone who I thought was a friend . And I got wrapped up in something that I am ... I am so ashamed of . But ... Wyatt : [ Murmurs ] Flo : If I had nt come to los angeles , I - I would nt have reconnected with you . I would nt have found out who my father was , that I m a logan . I - I would nt have this amazing family . I wouldnT ... I would nt have this job at forrester . I would nt be living in this house with this ... wonderful man that i never stopped loving . Wyatt : I - I know . I love you , too . But I ve -- I ve known that something has been up for a few days now . [ Flo sighs ] And whatever it is , we will get through it . Okay ? You just -- you just have to be honest with me , all right ? Do nt -- do nt hold back . Flo : You deserve the truth . Everyone does . I need to come clean . Wyatt : Right . Uh , about thomas ? Flo : And your brother . And hope . Thomas : Hey , there , beautiful wife . Hope : Heh ... uh , where d you go ? Thomas : Oh , I just went over to the valet . I forgot to get my ticket from them . You have nt touched your champagne . Hope : I was waiting for you . Thomas : Well , I am here now . It s time to get this started . Hope : You know what , it s still pretty early . So , I mean , let s do something . I - I hear there s a great spa in the hotel . Thomas : Maybe tomorrow . Today we could , uh , give each other massages . That way , we can stay in the room . Just be alone with one another . Like a couple would on their honeymoon . That s what I want . I want us to be together . I want to show you just how much I love you . I m your husband now . I want us to be together . You know , fully commit to each other . The way a husband and wife should . Steffy : This is ridiculous , liam ! You re not making any sense ! Liam : No , it s finally starting to make sense . This -- this is why flo slipped up . Steffy : What ? Liam : Wyatt -- wyatt asked her what was wrong , and she said she s never had a baby . Steffy : O - okay , liam , I -- I think you might be having a breakdown . Let s just sit down for a second -- Liam : I m not having a nervous breakdown ! Beth is not dead . She s in there . She s in that room right now . Steffy : Stop . Stop ! You re gon na say that while douglas is in the other room ? ! Liam : Douglas is the one who told me ! Steffy : He s in pain from losing his mom ! All this talk about death and heaven , maybe he thinks phoebe is an angel . Liam : Okay , what about the doctor ? The doctor confirmed -- there is no record of flo giving birth . How do you explain that , steffy ? Steffy : I do nt -- I do nt know . I do nt know . Maybe there s an explanation . There has to be . Flo will straighten it out . Liam : Flo ? ! Oh , my god ! Fl-- flo has known this whole time ! Steffy : You need to stop . Liam : Th-- [ Sighs ] Steffy : You are jumping to conclusions . Making assumptions that -- from a boy that told you that ! Liam : Steffy , I believe him . I believe douglas . He s j-- he s just repeating what his father told him . I know this is hard for you to digest , but your brother s not the man you think he is . He s a horrible person . And he has had a secret with flo , and that s it ! That s the secret , in there ! That s beth ! That is my baby ! Liam : You just -- you got to hear me out . Steffy : You re not thinking clearly . Everything you re saying is insane . Liam : I know -- I know it sounds insane , steffy . I know that . It is insane . But it fits , okay ? Look -- wh - why has hope been so attached to phoebe all this time ? What -- what is that about ? Now it makes sense . Steffy : Okay . Liam , I - I know you want it to be true . I know you wish beth was alive -- Liam : No . No , no , no . Okay . Okay , just [ Sighs ] Listen for a second . The -- the private conversation between thomas and flo that I overheard , right -- he was intense . He s , like , threatening her to keep the secret until the day she dies . Why ? What is the one thing that your brother wants more than anything ? Hope . What is the one thing that would cause her to leave him ? Steffy : Beth was stillborn ! She died when hope gave birth to her . Liam : You just -- you just have to trust me , steffy . I - I know that that s beth . I -- every fiber of my being knows that that little girl is the baby that hope and I lost . I - I -- I just -- I know it . Steffy : But you saw beth at the hospital that night . You saw that she was nt breathing . She was nt alive . Hope held her . How do you explain that ? Liam : I do nt know yet . I do nt know . But -- Steffy : Liam ... Liam : [ Sighs ] Steffy : I am so sorry . But beth is gone . That s phoebe in there . That s flo s birth daughter . Liam : Well , there s only one person who can verify that . And that s flo . Thomas : I , uh , got a little gift for you . I thought the color would look perfect on you . Hope : Heh ... Thomas : I hope you like it . Hope : Um ... it s -- it s nice . Thomas : Does that mean you ll , uh , try it on for me ? Just , uh ... heh ... thought it might help us connect . You know , there s no pressure . But , um ... I mean , I thought it would look gorgeous on you ... my beautiful wife . Hope : Okay . Wyatt : My brother and hope . What happened with you and thomas ? My brother said he heard the two of your arguing at hope s wedding . Flo : He did ? Wyatt : Yeah . And -- and something about a secret . Is that what this is about ? Flo : Yeah . This is something that I ve wanted to do for a really long time now , but everyone kept talking me out of it . Even if it means risking losing you , I - I -- you need to -- Wyatt : Wait , you re not -- no . Hey , you re not gon na lose me . All right ? Whatever it is -- I - I do nt care what it is , okay ? I m not -- I m not going anywhere . Flo : Can you just hold me , wyatt ? Wyatt : Yes . Yeah . Flo : This might be the last time I ever feel your arms around me . Wyatt : Whatever this is , it ca nt be that bad . All right ? So stop worrying . Hey , look at me . Talk to me . All right ? What is it ? Look , you said it had to do with -- with hope and liam , right ? Flo : Yeah . And their baby , beth . Wyatt : I -- Liam : We need to talk . Wyatt : What are you doi-- we re in the middle of something here . Liam : Yeah , well , it ca nt wait . Wyatt : [ Stammers ] She s about to tell me something about you and hope and beth . Liam : Oh . You know , what hope and I have been through this last year destroyed us . It did nt just ruin our marriage . It ruined our lives . And y - you -- you let it happen . You sat back , and you watched us crumble . Yeah , I know your secret . You ve been lying to us for months . You were never pregnant . And you certainly never gave birth to phoebe . It s time , flo . Admit it . I m phil mickelson . Douglas : Where did liam go ? Steffy : Uh , he -- he went out for a bit . Douglas : Are you mad at me , aunt steffy ? Steffy : No , douglas . I m not mad at you . Douglas : Are you gon na call my dad ? I want to stay here with you tonight . Steffy : [ Chuckles ] You are gon na stay here . After your play date . We re gon na have a sleepover , remember ? Douglas : That s beth crying . Steffy : No , it s -- it s phoebe . I ll be right back . [ Murmurs ] Come here . I got you . Shhh . Mommy s got you , phoebe . Mommy s got you . Thomas : Heh ... wow . You , uh ... you look ... beautiful . Wyatt : Liam , what are you even saying right now ? Liam : Just tell wyatt the truth , flo . Wyatt : You are accusing her of lying about her baby ! Like , I know you re upset about thomas and hope , but I m not gon na let you take your bitterness out on flo . Liam : Wyatt , she already told you she never had a baby . Remember that ? Wyatt : She explained that it was too painful , all right ? ! Giving up phoebe , that was hard for her ! Liam : Gi - giving up -- yeah , she gave up phoebe . That does nt mean she gave birth to her . Wyatt : Oh , my god . Liam : You know , I called the hospital in vegas . The doctor was on vacation when you supposedly gave birth . She never even heard of you . She never delivered your baby because you never had one ! Wyatt : So what ? ! You probably called the wrong doctor . Liam : We re talking about the doctor s name on the birth certificate , wyatt ! The certificate that she signed . I m sorry , that you faked . Wyatt : A fake birth certificate ? ! Liam : Just admit it , flo ! Just tell the damn truth for once ! Wyatt : Hey , stop yelling at her , all right ? You are accusing her of things . Clearly this is a mix - up ! Flo : No , he s right . [ Sobs ] He s right . I ve never been pregnant . I ve never had a baby . Liam : [ Sighs ] Wyatt : What ? Flo : [ Exhales deeply ] Liam : Who was pregnant ? Who had the baby ? Look , we both know the answer . Just say the name , flo . Just say the -- say the name ! Please ! Just say the name ! Flo : Hope ! Hope ! Hope is the mother . It s -- it s hope . ### Summary:
Liam continues to look at Beth and with Douglas smiling Liam tells Steffy that this is Beth she is alive . At the same moment while Thomas is meeting his friend , Vinny , Hope opens her purse and takes out Beth s ultrasound . Wyatt rushes home and wants to know what is wrong . Flo says it is Thomas and not like he might think . Vinny hands Thomas a packet of three pills and says it is his honeymoon , this is all to the good . Thomas hesitates but puts them in his pocket . He goes back to Hope and wants to start their celebration . She suggests they have time now so they could go down to the spa . He says that would be nice if they could give each other massages like couples do . He states again despite saying earlier he would go slow and take his time , he now wants to be with her as a married couple . He hands her a pretty shopping bag and thinks what is inside will look good on her . She opens it and it is a frilly almost nothing . He asks if she will try it on for him although he knows she will look good in it . She goes to another room to change . When she returns from the bathroom , Thomas has had time to put the pills inside a magazine on the bedside table and time to take Hope s phone out of her purse and put it on mute and puts it in a faraway desk drawer . He takes off his shirt and wants to proceed . Flo tells Wyatt that before she starts she wants him to understand all that she has been through since she came to L.A. She got involved in something she is ashamed of . Then she met him who she had never stopped loving . He tells her not to hold back ; just be honest with him . She will not lose him no matter what she says . Sadly she tells him it involves Thomas , Liam and Hope . Liam tells Steffy that he is not having a nervous breakdown . He believes Douglas and that his dad told him Phoebe is really Beth . And Flo .. she knew all along and that is the secret Thomas was threatening her not to tell . It all makes sense now . Steffy counters his every word . Hope held that dead baby and she is sorry but Beth is gone . That is Flo s baby in there . Liam says there is only one way to find out ; he is going to see Flo . Liam bolts into Wyatt s just before Flo can admit anything . Liam looks like he could throw darts at her . He says he knows the secret now . And he hopes she remembers what she has put he and Hope through , losing their marriage , losing their baby . He knows she was never pregnant . Wyatt looks on in horror . Douglas wants to make sure Steffy is not mad at him ; he wants to stay the night . She says no she is not mad , that will still happen after his play date with the girls . A baby cries and Douglas says that is Beth . She corrects him and says no , it is Phoebe . Wyatt rails at Liam for jumping to the wrong conclusions about Flo . As they argue back and forth finally Flo jumps up and says Liam is correct . She never was pregnant . Liam says they both know the answer but just say now who gave birth . Flo finally admits it was Hope .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Steffy : Okay , you know what you have to do . Thomas : Oh , yeah , yeah-- steal the secret formula from the bad guys and save the planet from nuclear annihilation . Steffy : This is nt fun and games . Thomas : I m sorry . Come on . What are the odds ? You and Liam ending up at the same resort as Hope and me ? Steffy : Well , luckily , they do nt know that yet , and it s up to us to keep it that way . Thomas : Uh , look , Sis , about that-- uh , I get that you re counting on something happening between Hope and me while we re here , but if it doesnt-- Steffy : ( Groans ) Oh do nt even go there , Thomas . Thomas : I m just saying . Steffy : And all I m saying is this is a huge opportunity . You have to make Hope yours by the time you head back to L.A. and you will , all right ? With my help . Thomas : What are you up to now , Steff ? Steffy : Just do nt worry about that right now . Just remember , keep Hope on this side of the resort . Thomas : Yeah . Steffy : I will keep Liam on the other side of the resort , all right ? Good luck . Thomas : ( Sighs ) Liam : Hi . Man : First time in Cabo ? Liam : Uh , yeah , yeah . I , um , was planning on coming here last summer with my girlfriend , but it did nt work out . Man : Enjoy . Liam : Thanks . Thank you . ( Sighs ) Hope : Today is all we have . It s just about you and me . Liam : And a beautiful beach in Cabo . Hope : This trip is gon na be something that we will remember forever . Liam : Oh . Bill : Hey , kid . You and Steffy having the time of your lives ? Dumb question . She must be slathering suntan lotion all over you . Liam : Actually , Dad , I do nt know where my wife is . Thomas : ( Sighs ) Miss me ? Hope : Mm - hmm . Steffy : This is perfect , Claudia , e - exactly what I had in mind . Claudia : Your husband is a very lucky man . Steffy : Yeah , he is . But this is nt for him . Thank you . Hope : Everything okay ? Thomas : Yeah . You know , I have a surprise for you . Hey . I think you re gon na like it . Steffy : Hey , Bill . Bill : I just spoke to Liam . He said you ve been disappearing on him . What s going on ? Steffy : ( Chuckles ) Oh ! What s going on ? I do nt know , a little Hope Logan is what s going on . She s here with Thomas . Bill : You re kidding me . Steffy : Thomas did nt know this is where Liam and I would be when he booked their reservation . Bill : So tell him to take Hope somewhere else , or you and Liam leave . Steffy : Liam does nt want to . Bill : Because Hope s there ? Steffy : They do nt know the other s here . And Thomas and I we ve been able to keep it that way so far . But do nt worry , all right ? I got a plan . Bill : Oh , great . I remember your last plan in Aspen . Steffy : ( Sighs ) And it worked , did nt it ? This one will , too . Look , I got ta jet . Katie : Hey . Bill : Hey . Katie : Is that Liam ? Bill : No , but I ve spoken to him . Katie : Let me guess , he s miserable in Cabo . Bill : I happen to think this little trip is the best thing for my son and his wife . Katie : Maybe . But I m willing to bet that he ca nt get Hope out of his mind , even in paradise . Liam : Oh . Man : Your wife still has nt joined you ? Liam : Yeah , I - I ca nt imagine what s keeping her . Man : Should I leave this or return it to the kitchen ? Liam : Oh , no . No , please . I m -- I m sure she ll be here soon . Nice . Man : You re welcome . This habanero salsa is very spicy . Please be careful . Liam : Oh , yeah ? Okay . Hope : You did this ? ( Gasps ) Oh , my gosh . Thomas : ( Chuckles ) Hope : Wow . Thomas : Incredible , huh ? Hope : I do nt know what to say . Thomas : Say you like your mariachi music con ceviche . Hope : ( Laughs ) Thomas : ( Chuckles ) Hope : Hey . All of my love , Thomas . Thomas : Mm . Steffy : Okay , do nt say it-- I ve been a bad girl disappearing on you . Liam : Where have you been ? Steffy : I was just arranging ... something . Liam : Arranging what ? Steffy : You know , that s for , uh , me to know and for you to find out . Liam : Uh , uh , uh , Steffy , no , I would nt do that . The waiter said-- Steffy : ( Coughs ) Liam : Yeah , it s -- it s hot . It ... Steffy : ( Squealing ) Liam : Yeah , okay , it s habanero salsa . If you would have been here , you would have known that . Um , are you okay ? Uh , just ... Steffy : ( Squeals ) Liam : Yeah , breathe or something . Steffy : ( Gasping ) ( clears throat ) Liam : You all right ? Steffy : Uhh ahem . ( Chuckling shakily ) Yeah , you tried to warn me . Liam : Yeah , sort of . ( Chuckles ) Steffy : Well , there s only one thing hotter than that in Cabo-- cha - cha - cha . ( Laughs ) Liam : Okay . Well , why-- look , let s finish up here first , and then we ll head down to the beach before you ... disappear on me again . Steffy : Ah . ( Chuckles ) Liam : Yeah . Bill : Hey . Katie : Hey . Where did you go ? I -- we were talking , then you just bolt out of here . Should I be insulted ? Bill : You should be encouraged . Katie : Oh . Really ? Bill : Mm - hmm . Katie : Why ? Because you finally are coming round to my way of thinking , that Hope and Liam deserve to be together and you just have nt been able to admit it yet , right ? Bill : Katie , sweetheart ... Katie : Yes ? Bill : Love of my life ... Katie : Mm - hmm . Bill : ( Silly voice ) There is no Hope and Liam anymore . Katie : ( Giggles ) Bill : ( Normal voice ) Hope and Thomas Forrester , however-- Katie : Oh , please . I m sure Steffy would love that , but she should nt hold her breath . Bill : I do nt know . Alone at a romantic resort together , Tommy boy works a little magic ... Katie : Hmm . Bill : Maybe a little assist from cupid s arrow Hope wo nt stand a chance . Hope : The man thinks of everything . Thomas : ( Chuckles ) I wish I could take credit for all of this . Hope : Oh , and modest , too . Why has nt some fantastic girl come snatched you up ? Thomas : There s only one girl I want to be snatched up by , Hope . Steffy : Babe ? Liam : Yes ? Steffy : So ... I m thinking . Liam : You re thinking ? What are you thinking ? Steffy : Yeah , I m thinking that we should just go for a ride , drive up the coast go to a private cove go skinny - dipping . What do you think about that ? Liam : Really ? Steffy : ( Laughs ) What ? ( Laughs ) Babe , we dont-- we do nt need a mariachi band to make beautiful music . No , we do nt . Mm . Liam : All right . Steffy : Okay . ( Laughs ) ( sighs ) Thomas : What ? Steffy : Where have you been ? I texted you , like , ten minutes ago . Thomas : I just made reservations for dinner in town . Steffy : No , no , no restaurants in town . Have dinner in your suite . You have a pool . It d be a lot more conducive to , you know ... I can arrange everything . Thomas : No , Steff , look . I appreciate what you did this afternoon but I am Ridge Forrester s son . I know a thing or two about planning a romantic evening . Steffy : ( Groans ) No , you re right . I - I m sorry . Just -- I have a lot riding on what happens here in Cabo . Thomas : I know . Look , things are gon na work out for the both of us , Steff . Now get back to your hubby before he comes looking for you . Steffy : ( Scoffs ) Thomas : ( Chuckles ) ( Sighs ) Katie : After everything that happened with Thomas and Brooke , I m not exactly a big fan of his . I mean , he s handsome and charming . Bill : But you still believe Hope and Liam belong together . Katie : Yeah . A - and I m sure Thomas does nt agree with that . But I do nt think he ll ever be able to win Hope s heart , no matter what he does , because her heart belongs to Liam , and it always will . Thomas : Claudia , thank you for coming right away . Claudia : Not a problem , Senor Thomas . I trust you and Senorita Hope enjoyed yourself this afternoon . Thomas : Oh , very much , thank you , but tonight , I m gon na take matters into my own hands . Claudia : Perhaps a romantic dinner on a private patio . Thomas : Not just a romantic dinner , the romantic dinner of all romantic dinners . Claudia : Leave it to me . I will be taking care of that . Thomas : Thank you . ( Exhales deeply ) Liam : ( Sighs ) Steffy : ( Singsong ) Voice smile for the camera . Liam : What are you doing ? Steffy : ( Normal voice ) I love having sexy shots of my husband readily accessible when he s not -- ooh . Liam : ( Chuckles ) How much more readily accessible can I be ? You have me all to yourself . Steffy : Mm . Liam : And besides , hey ... Steffy : Hmm ? Liam : You have nt explained to me why you kept disappearing on me earlier . I mean , it s -- it s almost-- Steffy : Almost like I m keeping something from you ? Liam : Uh ... ( sighs ) Steffy : That s because I am . Thomas : ( Chuckles ) Hope : ( Laughs ) When you aid that we were going to dinner , I thought you meant some nice little restaurant tucked away in the cliffs . Thomas : I want it to be a night we ll both remember ... for the rest of our lives . Katie : You will never convince me that Steffy is not a manipulator . She manipulated what happened in Aspen , and she ll do it again if she thinks that Hope is getting too close . In any case-- Bill : In any case , my son and his wife are in Mexico , and I am here ... with my beautiful , hot sexy wife . Katie : ( Giggles ) Bill : Now does nt that give you any ideas ? Katie : Oh . Bill : Cause it gives me one . Maybe two ... Katie : Mm . Bill : Three ... Katie : ( Giggles ) Bill : Four ... five . Steffy : All right , open your eyes . This is what I ve been keeping from you . Ahoba or Coconut scented , both organic , 100 % pure , massage therapist recommended .. Liam : Wait a minute . So the -- the whole time that you were disappearing ... Steffy : I was getting a crash course how to give you a mind - blowing massage . Liam : ( Laughs ) Steffy : Luckily for you , I m a quick study . Liam : Oh ! Jeez . Steffy : Lay on the bed . Liam : Okay . ( Grunts ) Steffy : Up , up , up , so I ll know how to concentrate on all the right ... spots . Liam : Oh ! Steffy : ( Laughs ) Liam : ( Chuckles ) Steffy : So you re gon na have to surrender your body to me , okay ? Liam : ( Muffled ) Mm . Steffy : Here we go . All right . ( Sighs ) Like all expert masseuses , I m gon na expect a tip for services rendered . I think you can come up with something . If not , I got a few suggestions . ( Whispering ) How about I ... cha - cha - cha ! Liam : Oh , right . ( Chuckles ) Thomas : Yeah , I know this is nt how you pictured things a few months ago . You were still with Liam and planning a - a future together . Now ... everything s changed , and here you are . Hope : Yeah . I m in Cabo with one of the sweetest guys I know . Thomas : Yeah , sweet . Hope : Oh , God , I m sorry . Thomas : No . Hope : No , I m sorry . You -- you know what I mean . Thomas : ( Sighs ) ( chuckles ) I know we re good together , Hope . I - I know how I feel when I m with you . I ... what it s like to get lost in those ... gorgeous blue eyes . ( Chuckles ) Hope : ( Chuckles ) Thomas : Only I also know that ... ( sighs ) you re still not over Liam , and you still think about him , and what was ... Hope : ( Sighs ) Thomas : What might have been . But I m not gon na let that stop me from wanting you or ... believe that we could have something special , too , because we can . ( Chuckles ) We already do . We just ... we need more time , more nights like this . I love you , Hope Logan . I am the happiest man alive ... ( Chuckles ) Just ... loving you . Hope : ( Sighs ) ### Summary:
Steffy gives Thomas the good old pep talk again about how he needs to keep Hope on one side of the resort while she works her magic on Liam on the far side . Bill calls to see how Liam is doing and Liam admits he has not seen his wife in a while . Bill calls Steffy and he is surprised to find that Hope and Thomas are there . Steffy says not to worry , she has a plan . Thomas surprises Hope with a romantic dinner on the beach , complete with mariachi band . He proclaims that he wants it to be a night they will remember the rest of their lives . Steffy is still not pleased ; she wanted him to plan the dinner in his room where it is more conducive to a seduction . Katie shares with Bill again that she does nt think anything will happen between Hope and Thomas as her heart belongs to Liam . Steffy explains all her sudden absences to Liam by saying she was setting things up and learning how to give him a massage . She straddles him and begins . Hope enjoys her dinner on the beach . Thomas says he knows she is not over Liam yet , but he believes they can have something special too . They just need more nights like this . He admit he loves her and he s the happiest man alive , just loving her .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Megan : This is Megan Su , and I m holding an advance copy of Restless Style , the magazine that has been the hot topic of conversation for weeks . Ever since the controversial article about billionaire Victor Newman s wife Sabrina hit newsstands just days before her death , Restless Style has sold millions of copies nationwide . Now the magazine is turning that spotlight inward , exposing an internal turf war among its partners . And , according to the article , the man at the center of the power struggle is one of its partners , Jack Abbott . Is this article a ploy to sell magazines , or are you as heartless as this article states ? Jack : The article is 100 % accurate . Yes , I want total control of Restless Style . Just watch me get it . Sharon : Hey , did you hear anything from Nick ? Phyllis : Yeah . Um , they pulled a body out of the tide pool , and , um ... Nick and -- and , uh , Nikki are going to identify it to see if it s Victor . Sharon : Oh , poor Nick . Wow . Oh , he must be going through hell right now . Noah : Did Dad check in ? Sharon : Hey , Noah , how did you get here ? Noah . Noah : I was careful . Okay , what s the latest on Grandpa ? Sharon : We re still waiting to hear . Noah : I dreamt about him last night . He told me not to worry about him and that he was finally at peace . I hope it s not a sign . Nick : Yeah , the guy s a real piece of work . Just keep me posted , all right ? Okay , thanks , Michael , I ll do the same . Nikki : Who s a piece of work ? Nick : Adam . He has declared himself king of Newman Enterprises . He fired Neil . Nikki : Oh , my God , everything has fallen apart since your father disappeared . Should nt we have heard from the authorities by now ? Nick : Look , Mom , why do nt you go back to the motel ? I can handle the I.D.ing of the body . Nikki : No . I have to do it . I have to be here . Man : Senora Newman , Senora Newman ? Nikki : Oh , thank God , you re here . Man : My apologies , but ... we found this man in a tide pool . Karen : Hey ! Devon : Hello . How you doing ? Karen : This is so sad . I ca nt believe Ana has to leave for New Hampshire today . Devon : She s , uh , she signs up for her classes tomorrow . Lily : Yeah , and she moves into her dorm room . Karen : Wow . You know what ? I got her an mp3 player so she can download all her favorite music . Neil : Wow , that was very , very generous of you . Karen : Well , she s a sweet girl . I m gon na miss her . Lily : Yeah , we re all gon na miss her . Hey , will you help me bring out the food , Devon ? Devon : Yeah . Karen : Have you told them about being fired from Newman ? Neil : No , they were upset enough about Ana leaving . The last thing I wanna do is give em bad news , right ? Karen : I know , I know . Besides , you know what ? You re not gon na be gone for long . Neil : Neither will you . Once Vicki returns , sanity will be restored . Karen : Still , it must be tough . I mean , losing Victor and now Ana . Neil : So , do nt go anywhere , okay ? Karen : I promise . Neil : I ll get it . Whoa ! Lily , Devon , the guest of honor has arrived . Lily : Hey ! Karen : Yay ! Neil : Good to see you . Tyra : Are we early ? Neil : No , you are right on time . Ana : Are these all for me ? Devon : Do you know anybody else who s about to go on the biggest adventure of her life ? Ana : I wish you guys could all come with me . Lily : We wish we could , too . Neil : Sweetheart , we are so happy for you , but we are gon na miss you . Tyra : Oh , yeah . Guess this is gon na be our last little get together for awhile , huh ? Karen : Must be hard to see Ana go . Tyra : Actually , it wo nt . I ve decided I m moving to New Hampshire with her . Cane : Can I help you ? Man : Yeah , how you doing ? I got the , uh , stuff you ordered . Cane : Uh , sorry , Mate , you got the wrong house . Chloe : Wait , is that my stuff ? Wait ! Hi , where do I sign ? Man : Right there , Maam . Cane : When did you order this ? Chloe : My husband-- he gets so upset when I do nt tell him about every little thing that I buy . Man : I ll get your stuff right away . Chloe : All right , thanks . Cane : We have nt even been married 24 hours , and you re already starting to remodel ? You know , I should ve , uh , stayed single , instead of letting you scam your way into my life . Chloe : Look at the receipt . My name is on it , not yours . Cane : So you bought all this weeks ago , huh ? Chloe : Yeah . Before you asked me to marry you , even before you asked me to move in . Cane : And now you expect me to pay you back , right ? Chloe : Get over yourself , Cane . It s for the baby . I actually bought some really cute stuff . Do you wanna see it ? Now look how cute that is . Cane : So what other embarrassing things did you get ? Oh , look , it s Elmer . It s the giraffe you loved as a kid , right ? Chloe : Yep . Cane : It s to replace the one your mom threw away . Chloe : No , it s for the baby . Not for me . It s going in the nursery . Lily : Oh , that s mature ! Devon : We re just showing our true selves , you know ? Lily : Oh , yes , you are . And what are Ana s new friends gon na think when they see these pictures ? Devon : That she has the coolest brother in the world , and that she ca nt wait to show him off on family day . Lily : You know what ? I am so glad that you re his sister , too , because now I can share the grief . Devon : Ha . Ana : Happy to help . Miss Karen , would you like to take a picture with me ? Karen : Uh , only if I can make funny faces , too . Devon : Please . Please . Karen : All right , here we go . Ready ? Ana : Yes . Lily : One , two ... Tyra : ( Laughs ) Neil : Tyra , hey . Let me ask you something . Um , when -- when did you decide to move to New Hampshire with Ana ? Tyra : Uh , last night , actually . We stayed up late talking . Neil : You were talking about Yolanda being her birth mother ? Tyra : She still resents me for not telling her . I ca nt let leave angry with me . Neil : Correct me if I m wrong , but she s gon na be living in a dorm , right ? Tyra : Mm - hmm . Neil : So when are you ever gon na get a chance to see her ? Tyra : Ana and I have never been apart before , ever . Neil : Okay , so then-- then you ll see her on the weekends . We all will . Tyra : I have never been a weekend mother , ever . And I refuse to start now . I ca nt afford it . Neil : Since when can you afford to move to a brand - new city where you do nt even have a job ? Tyra : I see what this is . You just do nt wanna have to hire a new manager for Indigo . Neil : No . I m just fond of ... the manager I have now . Tyra : Oh , that s sweet . Neil : Hey , Tyra ? Do nt go , please . Lily : Okay , everyone , it is now time for our good - bye cake . Ana : Is -- is it chocolate ? Lily : Oh , yes , it is . It s in the kitchen . You wanna help me get it ? Ana : Yes ! Tyra : I ll help , too . Megan : What s your perspective on the behind the scenes drama at Restless Style ? Jack : The partnership has divided into camps . I guess you could call us warring factions . And this latest article about me is just one of many battles that have been fought since the magazine was launched . Megan : You do nt seem to mind . Jack : Controversy sells magazines . I m in the business of selling magazines . Megan : But how can you and your partners continue like this ? Wo nt one or more of you have to go ? Jack : I guess your viewers will have to buy the magazine to see how this all plays out . Phyllis : Yeah . No comment . Sharon : What was that about ? Phyllis : Oh . The Mexican authorities issued a death certificate for Victor . Sharon : Oh , no . Phyllis : Listen , Sharon , I think you should tell him . Sharon : Listen , Nick and Nikki have not even I.D. that body yet . I think the Mexican authorities rushed this certificate . What if that s not Victor ? What if he s still alive ? Phyllis : Listen , he can go online . You think he s not gon na find out on the internet ? Sharon : Noah has been through this before when Nick s plane went down . You know , he used to leave little notes all over the place telling his father where he was just in case he came back . And you know what ? Nick did come back . Phyllis : I just think that if he goes on the internet and finds out , and then , uh ... realizes you did nt tell him , he ll never forgive you . Sharon : Hey , Honey ? Noah : Is there any news on Grandpa ? Sharon : Well ... there s really no easy way to say this , um ... the Mexican authorities have issued a death certificate for Victor . Noah : They really believe he s dead ? Sharon : Well , you know , that does nt mean that you have to give up hope . Because remember , when your father was missing , you did nt give up on him and he came back . Noah : What -- what , so that s it ? They just stopped looking ? Sharon : Your father s still doing everything he can to try to find Grandpa . So let s not us give up on him yet , okay ? Nikki : Show me the picture . Nick : No , Mom , it s not a good idea . Nikki : Yes . Man : That s not Senor Newman . That s the man that chartered the boat . Man : You know his name ? Man : No . Nikki : Oh , my God . Walter : I know you . Nikki : Oh , yes , I know you , too . You re David s friend . Walter : Walter . Walter . Nikki , right ? Nick : Do you recognize him ? Nikki : No . No , it s just ... what an awful way to die . Nick : We do nt know this man . Please keep looking for my father . Man : This man was on the boat with Mr. Newman . It s , uh , hard to imagine your father surviving and he did nt . Man : He s right , Senor . You must accept the fact that your father is dead and that we may never find the body . Cane : I m sorry . I jumped down your throat before . Chloe : Well , did you not hate any of the stuff that I got ? Cane : No , it s great . Chloe : Well , see the advantages of being married to a stylist ? We have great taste . Cane : Will you do me a favor and , um ... wait a little longer before you announce the marriage ? Chloe : You know that we ca nt keep it a secret forever . Cane : Yeah , I know . There s something I have to do though before we go public . Chloe : Okay . Chloe : Now when Daddy says , Wait a bit longer , does he mean 15 minutes ? Or 10 ? Megan : Any comment on the Mexican authorities issuing a death certificate on your nemesis Victor Newman ? Jack : Is that true ? My heart goes out to Nicholas , his son . I have some idea of what he s going through . I recently lost my own father . Megan : Well , Nick Newman used to be your stepson . Will this change your game plan for war at Restless Style ? Jack : I ve said all I m gon na say on that subject . Megan : What about Victor Newman ? Jack : What about him ? Megan : Well , the article about you says that you re A backstabbing snake who double - crossed his own partners to satisfy a long - standing vendetta against Victor Newman . If Victor Newman was the subject of your next exposé article , what would the title be ? Jack : The man with a black hole for a heart . Noah : I need you to be honest with me . Phyllis : Um ... what s up ? Noah : My mom goes into protective mode when she has to tell me things she thinks I ca nt handle . Phyllis : Well , you know , she s your mother . I mean , that s what we do . We protect you . Noah : You really think my grandpa s dead , do nt you ? Phyllis : I think you should talk to your mom about this . Noah : No . I wanna know what you think . Phyllis : Noah , the boat that your grandfather was on was wrecked , and they found a body . And your dad and Nikki are going to identify it today . Sharon : Sweetheart . Sharon : Who the hell gave you the right to talk to him like that ? Phyllis : I could nt lie to him . I - I just -- I could nt do it , Sharon . What if they body they find-- what if it s Victor ? Sharon : And what if it s not ? What if Victor s still alive out there somewhere ? Phyllis : I - I-- do you want him to sit around his entire life thinking that his grandfather s gon na come home someday ? Sharon : Phyllis , I make the decisions about my son , not you . Nikki : Well , the good news is that was nt your father . Nick : I wanna believe he s out there somewhere , Mom , but ... that storm was just so bad . We may never find his body . Nikki : I know . And when I saw that picture of that guy-- the condition he was in-- your father s strong , but ... I do nt think he could ve beaten that . Nick : It s hard to give up hope . Nikki : Let s go home , like we planned , okay ? Nick : Okay . Tyra : So , um , I was thinking about what you said earlier , about me leaving . Neil : Yeah ? You changed your mind ? Tyra : Look , you guys have worked really hard to make Genoa City home for me . I appreciate it . I do . You know , I love my job , and I love hanging out with all of you guys . Neil : But ... Tyra : But Ana s 11 , Neil . She s an 11-year - old girl . She s going away to a strange school where there ll be , like , hundreds of new people and ... I do nt know , she s gon na have to work harder than she s ever worked before . She s gon na need her mother . Neil : You know what I think ? Tyra : What ? Neil : I think her mama needs her more . Tyra : Look , I just ... I do nt want her to think I m sending her away because I do nt want her . Neil : You do nt have to prove how much you love her . Tyra : Okay , tell me you do not wake up every single morning worrying about your kids . Neil : Of course I do . Of course , I love my kids , but I - I had to let go of them at some point , right ? Tyra : Yeah , but Ana s only 11 , Neil . She s an 11-year - old girl . I know she acts like she s all grown up , but deep down inside , she s a scared little girl . She is . And she just had her whole world turned upside down . And now she s going away to this school and someone s gon na say something one day-- I do nt know who-- it might be a teacher who will tell her she s not as good as she thinks she is , or maybe a boy she has a crush on , and you know , wo nt like her back , and then what ? Neil : Uh , right . So then you have to live in that neighborhood when -- when that happens ? Tyra : Well , I do nt wanna be halfway across the country , that s for sure . Come on , Neil . Neil : You know something , Tyra ? See , I mean , this is coming from my heart . I really admire you , because you are one incredible mother . Tyra : Well , thank you . Coming from an incredible father . Neil : Well , thank you . Karen : So , Tyra , you all , um , packed up ? Devon : You know that , um , family week falls in October . Ana : Wow . Lily : Yep , and Devon and I , we already have our plane tickets . Devon : That we do . Ana : Awesome . Lily : Oh , I got it . Cane : I know I should ve called first . I m sorry . Lily : We re just throwing Ana a going away party . Cane : Are she and Tyra going back to Seattle , huh ? Lily : New Hampshire . Your grandmother helped Ana enroll in some music school there . Cane : Oh , really ? I , um ... I did nt know . She did nt tell me about that . Lily : Yeah , well , you know , you ve been busy with other things . Cane : Um ... that s what I , um ... that s what I need to talk to you about . Ana : Mr. Cane ! You came to my party ! Lily : Come in . Cane : Congratulations , Sweetheart . I - I hope you , uh , remember us when you re famous . I heard the good news . That s wonderful . Tyra : Oh , she better remember you guys . Your grandmother has been very generous to us . Thank you . Cane : Thank you . Ana : Um , Mr. Cane , would you like some cake ? Cane : Um ... um , no , Sweetie , I just wanted to come over and say how happy I am for you . And I think you deserve this . Ana : Thank you . Tyra : Yeah , thank you for everything you ve done for us , Cane . Cane : It s no big deal . Um ... will you walk me out ? Lily : Yeah . Cane : Bye , Sweetie . Ana : Bye . Lily : So ... what did you wanna ... talk about ? Cane : I - I wish there was a better time for this . Lily : Well , do you wanna meet me later ? Cane : No , no , no . Um , I wanna tell you now cause I do nt want you to hear this from anybody else . Uh ... I married Chloe . It was supposed to be you . Lily : You know , you should probably go . Cane : I ll never stop loving you . Lily : You should go . Neil : You okay ? Lily : Yeah . I m fine . Neil : All right . Phyllis : So it was nt your father ? Oh , Nick , who was it then ? Chloe : Hi , Sharon , sorry I m late . My husband and I-- we just could nt seem to get our acts together this morning . If you know what I mean ? Sharon : Oh , you re married ? Chloe : Oh , yeah , Jack did nt tell you ? Cane and I eloped yesterday . Sharon : Oh , um , that s -- that s nice . Phyllis : All right . So -- so , wait a second , are they calling off the search ? Nick : Not yet . Phyllis : So you think your dad may still be alive ? Nick : Well , I m hoping . Phyllis : Oh , my gosh , I m hoping , too . Nick : Well , I m gon na get some sleep on the plane ride home . Phyllis : Listen , I ll see you soon . Sharon : Hey , wait , no , let me talk to him , please . For a minute ? Thank you . Sharon : Hey . Hey , Nick , it s me . So the body they found was not your dad s ? Nick : Uh , no . Sharon : That s wonderful . Thank God ! Nick : Yeah , how s Noah holding up ? Sharon : Well , he ... you know , he s -- he s hanging in there . Nick : All right . Tell him , uh , tell him I ll call him later and that I love him , okay ? Sharon : I will . Hey , you come home soon and safe , all right ? Bye . Phyllis : Oh ! What -- what did you do ? I wanted to talk to him ! Sharon : What ? I thought you were done talking to him . Phyllis : No , I was nt . Sharon : Okay , well , I m sorry . It s just that , you know , I m worried about him . And Nick has this-- he has this habit of just pretending like everything is okay and nothing s wrong , and he just walls himself up inside like he did with Cassie . Phyllis : Okay . But it s not your job to take care of him . Sharon : Well , I have to try to break through to him . I mean , I have to , because this is kill him . Phyllis : Stop obsessing about my husband . You re not married to him anymore . Jack : We re all worried about Nick , Phyllis . Phyllis : Um , Nick and Nikki are on their way home . Jack : And Victor , I understand the Mexican government has issued a death certificate ? Have they found the body ? Phyllis : Talk to Sharon about it . Phyllis : Excuse me . Sharon : They found a body yesterday , but it was nt Victor s . Jack : And yet Nick and Nikki are still coming home ? Sharon : Well , I guess they do nt believe that he s still alive . Jack : And you re hoping the opposite ? Sharon : Am I crazy ? Jack : No , you always had a soft place in your heart for the guy . Sharon : Well , so did-- so does Nick , it s just the he has this thing about him where he wo nt admit it , and that s why I worry about him . Jack : Yeah , I worry about him , too . That s always been a complicated relationship . I know . I was Nick s stepfather during some pretty formative years . Sharon : And he really adored you , Jack . Jack : Well , not anymore . No , that came to a screeching halt when he wrote that article . Not that I do nt still care a great deal about him . Sharon : And you explained that in the interview , right ? Jack : Not really . Chloe : And I just want you to notice how nouveau her jewelry is compared to , you know , the Town and Country look of her clothes , you know ? Here and here . Phyllis : Well , you know what ? I - I think -- I think that-- that you should stop doing that , cause I notice your ring , okay ? And I got an invitation to your engagement party . Chloe : Oh , well , you know , I was nt really trying to ... Phyllis : Oh , you were . You were . Subtlety s not your strong suit . Chloe : Um , did you R.S.V.P. to the party ? Phyllis : No , not yet . In fact , I do nt think Jill will want me there after she reads the latest issue of Restless Style . Chloe : Well , you do nt have to worry about it , because , uh , it s not happening . Cane and I eloped yesterday . Phyllis : Oh , really ? You re missing out on the big Chancellor wedding , huh ? Chloe : Yeah , you know , I just thought it was silly with the baby coming and everything . Phyllis : Mm - hmm . Chloe : But , um , why is Jill going to be upset because of the new latest issue ? Why ? Phyllis : Chloe , I m sure that you re very preoccupied with your morning sickness because of the baby coming , but , um ... you should really read the magazine that you work for . It s the David Chow article . Chloe : I can do that . Ana : Take care of Mr. Neil for me . Karen : I will . Lily : I am gon na e - mail you every day . Okay ? Ana : Okay . Lily : Okay . Neil : You take good care of yourself , okay ? Ana : I will . Neil : Be a good girl . Tyra : Thank you . Thank you . Neil : Thank you . Devon : Come here . Devon : I love you . Tyra : I love you , too , Baby . Devon : You re gon na have fun . Ana : Do nt cry . Devon : Yeah , you tell that to yourself . Love you . Ana : I love you , too . Tyra : You ready ? Ana : I m ready . Tyra : Get your bag , Baby . Tyra : Bye , Sweetie . Lily : Bye . Devon : Hey . Okay ? Ana : Bye . Karen : Here , Lily , let me , um , let me clean that up , okay ? Lily : Oh , thank you , thanks . ( Sighs ) So ... Neil : So . Lily : This really sucks . Devon : It does nt help that Cane showed up either . Neil : Uh , Lily , would you like to talk about it ? Lily : No , not really . I m actually gon na take off for a little bit , so ... Neil : Sure , okay . We ll see you later . Lily : Okay . Bye . Neil : Drive safe , Honey . Neil : Um ... Devon , you know that your sister is still your sister wherever she goes , right ? Devon : Yeah . I know that . I made a deal with her , I ll stay in school . I m gon na change my major to music , though . Neil : Well , how about that ? See ? That right there-- that s what I wanted to hear . Devon : You like that ? Neil : Yes . Jack : So the interview airs tomorrow . Sharon : Wow . That s fast . Jack : Well , it was scheduled to coincide with the release of the new issue of Restless Style . Sharon : Great . Now everyone will be talking about you . Jack : Well , that s why I agreed to the interview . People get to watch the punching back get knocked around on television and then read the article . Not that I was much of a punching bag . Though I did nt duck the in - fighting . I mean , I talked about Nick and Phyllis and the troubles I had with them , the fact that I did nt think Nick had what it takes to be a success in this business . Noah : So that s what you think of my dad ? Jack : Noah ? Noah : I thought you two were friends . And you go around talking about him like this ? Real nice , Jack . Jack : I m sorry . I did nt know he was there . Sharon : Maybe you should listen to him . Nick s not just your business partner or your enemy , nor should he be after the history you two have shared . Jack : I still think of myself as Nick s friends . Sharon : Oh , you could ve fooled me . I think you fooled Noah , too . You know , his grandfather was just pronounced dead , and you re throwing punches at his dad . What kind of a friend is that ? Jack : You re absolutely right . I should ve kept my mouth shut . But we ca nt ignore the problems we have with him and Phyllis . Sharon : Yeah , I know that I agreed with you on the direction of this magazine is going , but this is tearing the family apart and it has to stop now . Nick : There s a slight delay . It wo nt be long . Nikki : Oh , Honey , you re exhausted . Just close your eyes . Try to rest a little bit . Nick : Yeah , that s the plan . Nothing to do but wait till we get home . Lily : Hi . Cane : Hey . Lily : Ana just left . Cane : I m sorry . Lily : Devon and I-- we already made plans to visit her , and we re gon na write her every day . Cane : I told you that I m only marrying Chloe so that I can establish the legal rights over the baby . After that , I m gon na divorce her , Sweetheart , and I m coming back to you . Lily : You married her so quickly . Cane : I had to get it over and done with . I am not gon na stay married to her for a second longer than I have to . Tell me that you ll wait for me . Say that you ll be there for me after this is over . Because it is the only thing that s gon na keep me going . Neil : Whoa . What s up , Mister ? You going somewhere ? Devon : Hey , yeah . I m going to the registrar s office and make good on my deal with Ana , sell my business books , change my major to music . Karen : I m glad you decided to stay in school . Devon : Thanks . Hey , you guys are more than welcome to stay here . I m only gon na be gone for a little bit , so ... Karen : All right . Neil : All right . Catch you soon , all right ? Devon : See you guys . Neil : Be good . Karen : What do you say we head back to your place , huh ? Neil : My place , huh ? Karen : Yeah . Neil : Why do nt we go to your place ? Karen : What s wrong ? Neil : Karen , um ... all right , I m happy for Ana , it s just a little strange , you know ? She s gon na have a fantastic life , I m sure . Karen : Yeah . Neil : And Tyra will land on her feet . Karen : Of course she will . Neil : But ... my place is just gon na feel kinda empty without em , that s all . Jack : Listen , I m sorry to hear the news about Victor . How is Nick doing ? Phyllis : He s a little shell - shocked . He s hired a search & rescue team to find Victor . Jack : Victor or Victor s body ? Phyllis : Depends on who you ask . Jack : Hey . I think I owe you an apology . Noah : Hmm . Why d you say those things about my dad ? Jack : Because sometimes I can be a real jerk . Noah : Mom said the same thing just now . Jack : Your mom was right . I m sorry I disrespected your dad and Phyllis . Worst of all , I did it at ... the nastiest possible time . Noah : You never cared about my grandpa . Jack : Well , your-- your grandfather and I had our problems . I always respected the man as a businessman . And I happen to know he loves you a great deal . And in a strange way , I m gon na miss him . Noah : You miss fighting with him . Jack : Yeah , that sounds weird , does nt it ? Listen , you re gon na miss him for all the right reasons and so is your dad . And I was wrong to say those things about him . I m sorry . Noah : My dad is a good man . He d never talk trash about you . Jack : Noah , your dad and Phyll-- never mind . You re right , sometimes I let my mouth go off without thinking . And I m sorry if what I said hurt you . All I m asking is that you be a bigger man than I am and try to forgive me . If you ca nt , I understand that , too . Noah : Look , I do nt wanna be pissed at you . Jack : I do nt wanna give you any reason to be . Cane : Tell me you believe we ll be together again . Lily : Cane , I want to believe it , but what if it does nt happen ? Cane : It will happen . Lily : And how do you know that ? Cane : Do you remember the first time we kissed , at our divorce party ? All my life , all I ve ever wanted is a real family and home . And when I kissed you , I found both . Lily : You slept with Chloe . Cane : I do nt remember a single thing that happened that night . But I do know this , Sweetheart , I love you . I do nt love her , and I do nt want her and that baby is the only thing that we have in common . The rest of my life-- my heart belongs only to you . Cane : Please tell me that you ll wait for me . Please tell me that you wanna be with me again . Chloe : Hey , Guys . So , uh , did Cane tell you the big news ? Lily : Yeah , he did . Um , congratulations . I have to go . Cane : Lily , Lily , Sweetheart-- Lily : No , Cane , this where is you need to be , okay ? Chloe : Sorry for interrupting . Cane : No , you re not . Chloe : Look , wait , wait , no , no , do nt go . I have to show you something . Okay , I think that you should read this article on David Chow . Chloe : Especially the part ... about your mom . Nikki : Nicholas ? Man : We re preparing for take - off . Please , fasten your seatbelt . Nikki : I m not gon na be staying . Could you give this to my son when you reach Genoa City ? Thank you . Victoria : You ll never guess who the new C.E.O. of Newman Enterprises is . Jack : We both had to start over . Only difference is , my father lived an honorable life . Jill : So that s a threat , huh ? Kay : I just do nt trust you anymore . ### Summary:
Jack is conducting a television interview to diffuse the expose written in Restless Style about him . Nick and the fate of Victor is the discussion at Restless Style as Sharon and Phyllis continue to feud ; this time about who has the right to worry about Nick . Noah searches for answers about his grandfather s disappearance , only he is not quite sure to ask because Phyllis , Jack and Sharon are all singing different tunes . Devon and Lily throw Ana a going away party as she prepares to go to New Hampshire , Tyra shares that she will be accompanying her . Neil pleads with her to stay and Karen ca nt wait to see her go . Cane tells Lily he has married Chloe and ask that she wait for him , while Chloe s purchases for the baby arrive at her new address . Chloe ca nt wait to tell all of Genoa City that she is married to Cane . The body identified by Nick and Nikki is not Victor but Walter s . As they prepare to return to Genoa City , Nikki bails .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Erica : Oh , it was a wonderful party . Bianca : Hey , your sweeps party swept them off their feet . Bianca : I m just sorry that the rest of our crew had to leave early , especially Uncle Jack . Erica : Well , Jack called and Lily is fine and , of course , that s all that matters – and , of course , it s not as if I was abandoned entirely . Jeff : Well , I just hope that my escort skills were up to par , milady . Erica : Well , all that time in the third world , and you still make a – a glamorous evening first - rate . Bianca : You know , I can stick around . Help you carry all those ridiculous pile of gifts upstairs . Erica : Oh , honey , no , no , no , no . It s late . You go home . Bianca : Ok . Erica : And do nt forget to kiss Miranda for me . Bianca : All right . Erica : Ok ? Bianca : Just one stop and then the kiss courier will be on her way . Erica : All right . Bianca : Good night , Jeff . Jeff : Good night . Bianca : It was really good to see you . Jeff : Good night , Bianca . Erica : Erica Kane is back . This was such a glorious night . I guess the party s over . Jeff : Not if you do nt want it to be . Jack : Well , those doctors -- they certainly did a good job , sweetheart . Those stitches will be out in two weeks , 14 days . I ll let you tell me how many hours , minutes , and seconds that is when you wake up , ok ? And I ll be right here , right here when you open your eyes . Everything s going to be just fine . Krystal : Oh . Ring , damn it . And let it be Adam or Babe , anybody but the cops or the coroner . Sydney : I found all of these in my room , but I did nt put them there . Colby is trying to set me up , Mrs. Chandler , because Sean dissed her , heaven forbid , and she ca nt deal . I did nt take them , I swear . Colby : Oh , my God . My family is nice enough to take in a pathetic stray like you , and you steal from us ? Krystal : Ok , you re in the clear , Sydney . Just leave the box and go to bed . Now , you , park it and take what you ve got coming . Babe : You promised me , over and over again that you would not ruin my marriage , you would never say anything about it to J.R. Josh : He did nt buy it , Babe . He trusts you . He does nt believe there is an us . So why are you up here slapping me and not home kissing him ? Babe : To make sure you re still breathing . Josh : J.R. finally did buy it . You re scared out of your mind . David s voice : Every time Josh and Babe are in bed together , he is laughing at you behind your back . Bianca : What are you doing in Josh s room ? J.R. : Uh -- just hanging out , watching Kimmel . There s always room for one more . Bianca : You re drunk . J.R. : And you re here . Lucky you . Erica : The clips we showed -- they just howled over those . Jeff : I loved that bit , the bit about New Beginnings becoming almost fiery endings when the hair dryer got set on fire . Erica : True story , but , of course -- Jeff : No , no , you were great . I mean , you did nt miss a beat . You -- you got up on the chair . Erica : In these heels ? Jeff : Yeah , that was great . You were wonderful . Erica : Thank you . Well , it was difficult at first , but then things calmed down a bit , and I really felt that I started to connect . Jeff : So did I. Erica : That s what I liked best about tonight -- that I really felt a connection . I do nt mean just with the press and our guts , but I -- I mean I really felt that I connected with myself , or should I say reconnected . Jeff : I felt a reconnection , too . Adam : Revolting . I guess depravity must run in the DNA . You destroy your family while your son destroys mine . Krystal : The whole Chandler family is about ready to go kabob , and all you can do is think about yourself . Colby : No , I m thinking about all the stuff Sydney stole from us and how she should be punished . Sydney : You framed me . Krystal : You know , something tells me if I dust for prints , I m going to find a whole bunch that match your mitts . Colby : Oh -- ok , fine . Take her side . I should ve known that you trailer - trash girls would stick together . Krystal : Oh , you know what ? You are really , really flirting with disaster -- pushing a pregnant woman with a load on her mind . But you know what ? I ll harness the hormones long enough to get one thing clear -- you are one king- sized pain in the rear , Colby Chandler . And yet , your father loves you to pieces anyway . Why are you hell - bent on booting every single one of us from his life ? Babe : I will not let you stand here and rip on my husband . This is about what you did ! Josh : Babe , I told J.R. the truth . He told me to go to hell -- what changed ? Babe : He asked me point - blank if I had an affair . I could nt lie to him . Josh : Then do nt lie to me . You did nt tell him because you had to -- you told him because you wanted to . Babe : Oh , that is not true . Josh : I can feel it , Babe . You are so ready to dump J.R. and end this joke of a marriage . This is where all of that ends and you and me start -- for real . Babe : What is wrong with you ? You stab me in the back and you think , what , that you can just kiss it all away ? Josh : I -- I did this for you . I did nt have a choice , Babe . Babe : Oh , ok , ok . So this was part of the plan all along ? To rub us in J.R. s face ? You swore to me you would keep your mouth shut and move on with your life . Josh : If you still wanted a marriage . Babe : I do . Josh : If J.R. really was going to change -- Babe : He has . Josh : If you were safe with him -- Babe : I am ! Josh : Babe , you -- you came over , you ran over here to make sure that I was nt dead . That proves to me that you re anything but safe . Nobody is with J.R. on the warpath . He is out there right now full of hate , craving revenge , and you know it . Babe : J.R. and I -- we have a future together , an amazing future , and I will not let you mess that up . Josh : Babe , I will do whatever it takes to get you away from him before he hurts you , because he will hurt you again . This whole J.R. transformation , it s an act . I saw it in his eyes , Babe . Babe : No . Josh : It s -- he s evil , he is sick . Babe : Why are you doing this to me ? Josh : Because I love you . Babe : Then please let me go ! Josh : Back to a guy who smiles when he talks about ripping people s heads off ? To a guy who gets a sick thrill out of stomping on people s hearts ? You re going to stand there and tell me -- right here where you and I made love , where you told me that you loved me -- and say that that s the guy that you want to be with ? Babe : Yes . Yes . I love J.R. I want to find him , I want to hold him , I want -- I want to make sure that he s ok , so why are nt you listening to me ? J.R. is my life . J.R. : Josh really is nt here . But as soon as I track him down , I ll send him your way . Huh -- but I m not so sure he ll make it . Bianca : What do you want with Josh , J.R. ? J.R. : I -- I just want to talk . You know , compare notes on him and Babe in the sack . I wonder how many times they did it right here , yeah ? Ooh . That s a step up from the Pine Cone . J.R. : You know , the Pine Cone is where Babe pretended to do Josh to ditch Jamie , only Babe really did Josh . I mean , is nt that -- is nt that hilarious ? Bianca : It s time for your father to come pick you up . J.R. : Oh , come on , lighten up . Babe s an equal opportunity slut . She staged some hot lesbo action with you . I only wish you two would ve gone all the way and got naked -- I mean , talk about hot . Hold on a second -- I just want to get a visual . Oh , yeah . I would nt do that if I were you . I said I would nt do that if I were you . J.R. : You see , Bianca , someone has to pay . It kills me but someone always has to pay . Jonathan : Hey . How is she ? Amanda called me . Jack : She s fine . She needed a -- a few stitches is all . Jonathan , Lily s going to be waking up soon , but if you want to go in now and see for yourself that she s all right -- Jonathan : Before she wakes up , because if she sees me , she ll -- Amanda : All right . Sean : Oh , hey , look -- Amanda and I both have sodas . Well , technically , we re having a drink together , so how about a little heads - up if you feel another freak - out coming on ? Brooke : I m so relieved about Lily . I mean , Amanda called me , and all I could hear was knife and hand . Jack : Yeah , right ? Huh . Brooke : Yeah . Jack : It s a hell of a nice thing you did -- inviting Amanda to come live with you . Brooke : Ah . You know , she s a great girl . Jack : Yeah . Brooke : What about you , you know , taking Sean in ? And he s a handsome guy . You re going to have a handful . Jack : Yeah , I m sure I will . Brooke : Yeah . Jack : I like it , you know ? Brooke : Yeah . Jack : I like the full house . I like waking up , hearing all the voices , refereeing fights over bathroom time , reminding the kids that yes , they do , in fact , have to eat breakfast . Brooke : And that cold pizza is not a breakfast item . Jack : Very good . Brooke : So , anyway , did you enjoy any of Erica s party ? Jack : No , I did nt . Brooke : You bolted on the queen ? Brooke : When is the beheading , because I really want to cover it for Tempo . Jack : Brooke , it was nt like that at all . Erica went -- practically went running out of the place when I told her that Lily was hurt . But then I let her know it was nt anything serious , and I should just take care of it , and she should stay with her guests and -- backup escort , Jeff Martin . Brooke : Oh , so , what , Jeff has a special beeper , and he just waits to get a call for -- for substitute duty ? Jack : Actually , I was the substitute . Jeff was in the starting lineup . Brooke , I was supposed to be out of town . It s a -- Brooke : Oh . Jack : Whole long story . Brooke : Well , I m glad -- I m glad it all worked out . Jack : I can hear you think -- you kill me . You re sitting there thinking Erica s the kind of woman that needs constant male attention , and you know what ? Maybe you re right . Maybe she needs those things the way you and I have to have oxygen to breathe , but even if that is true , ok , if that is the case , she s certainly not going to let a thing like that get to her and take it to a whole other level , you know ? Brooke : No , of course , not . Jack : Erica and I are fine , we re just fine . Erica : Thank you so much , really . Everything was wonderful . Man : It was our pleasure , Miss Kane . Adam : Erica is a remarkable mother . She did nt want her son , she did nt raise her son , but she managed to mold him in her own image -- a philandering home- wrecker . Jeff : One more word , and I ll wreck you . Hmm ? Adam : Where is your son ? Erica : What do you want with Josh ? Adam : A word -- about keeping his loins away from my son s wife . Your degenerate offspring already seduced Babe , and now my son s marriage could go up in flames at any moment . Erica : Whatever Josh did -- Jeff : Or did nt do -- Erica : We ll handle it . Adam : Oh , oh , is nt that precious ? Mama letch and daddy letch defending baby letch . Josh is nt in his room . I want to know where the hell he is . I want that weasel at my feet , now ! Jeff : Erica and I will deal with our son . Go home and deal with yours . Erica : You do nt know where J.R. is ? Well , he s on a rampage , because of Babe and there s no telling who J.R. will hurt now . Bianca : What do you mean , Someone has to pay ? J.R. : Well , is nt it obvious ? Someone has to pay for the minibar . I cleaned that sucker out . J.R. : Oh . Well , sure , you know , I have mega bucks , but why should I be stuck with the tab ? I mean , after Josh did Babe , do nt you think I deserve to have a drink ? Or 12 ? What do you think ? Bianca : I think it s late . I m going to get you a room so you can sleep this off . J.R. : Oh , come on , come on . Are we having fun here ? Bianca : You know what ? Stay here . I ll make sure the manager does nt restock the minibar , have somebody watch your door so that you do nt sleepwalk your way into trouble . I have to get back to my daughter . J.R. : Miranda . Miranda -- the most beautiful girl I ve ever seen . You know , a child comes into this world -- pure innocence , hope . Everything in the beginning is beautiful . But it does nt stay that way . No matter what you do , there is no hope . There s no trust , there s no love . Someone has to pay . Did you know about Josh and Babe ? Bianca : This is none of my business . It s between you and your wife and your AA group . J.R. : You know what I think ? I think you do know . I think you might have even put Josh up to it . See , I m not stupid here . I see what s going on ! Bianca : You ve had too much to drink . J.R. : Lies and secrets . Lies and secrets , lies and secrets ! Bianca : J.R. , calm down . J.R. : No , you -- you put me up to this -- you and Kendall both , to get revenge ! Bianca : No , you need to sit down . J.R. : No , I hurt you , I hurt your sister . The Kane girls have hatched a plan to get back at me and take my marriage , rip my heart up to shreds , and watch me bleed ! And guess what -- it worked . Oh . I m bleeding plenty . Babe : J.R. is in pain . He needs me . Josh : You ca nt save him , Babe . You ca nt fix him ! You need to start thinking about yourself . And you need to start thinking about your son . What kind of a man is Little A going to grow up to be if he s raised by J.R. ? Babe : My mama told me not to play with fire , and I should ve listened to her . I never should ve let my guard down . I should ve pushed you away . What the hell was I thinking ? Josh : You were thinking you wanted to be with someone who sees you for the incredible woman that you are . Babe : Why did nt I lie ? Just one more time , I -- I could have saved my marriage , I could have saved my family . I could have saved everyone . And now it s too late . Bianca : Your imagination is working overtime . J.R. : What is that ? That -- is that a French thing ? A gay thing ? Bianca : Excuse me ? J.R. : All this cool , calm , and collected . France is great . Yeah . Babe and I , we went there once . You parlez , right ? Bianca : I speak French . J.R. : Notre amour ne meure jamais . Bianca : Our love will never die . J.R. : That s what I told Babe on our trip . But our marriage bit the big one when she started to voulez - vous couchering avec Josh . Whoo - la - la ! Hey , I said no phones . Bianca : I m done , J.R. J.R. : Well , I m not . Bianca : I m not afraid of you . I ll scream . They ll throw you in jail . J.R. : What if it s too late ? Bianca : You want to know if it s too late , J.R. ? We talked about that once , remember ? About being survivors . About not repeating our parents mistakes . About honoring our children . And I told you that I believed in you . And that the old J.R. that I used to know did nt have to be lost forever . Because you could make different choices . Better choices . Is this what you choose ? Is this how you want to honor your son ? If so , then yeah . It s way too late for you , J.R. J.R. : I hate what I did to you . I hate what I did to Kendall . You guys -- you guys were my best friends . The best friends that I ve ever had . God , I had such a crush on Kendall . I remember those times where we d sit . The time we -- we had our first beer , and we were talking about our crazy life and our parents , and -- what happened to that ? I miss it . Bianca : I miss it , too . J.R. : Babe did this to me . She made me lose my friends . She made me lose my mind . She pushes me to the brink every single time ! Bianca : J.R. , you re doing this to yourself . J.R. : No , I have done nothing but try to make this situation right ! Bianca : Stop it ! Do nt you dare play innocent victim with me . J.R. the wounded . J.R. the wronged -- it s not real . You re what s wrong . You lash out , and you hurt people and you cause worlds of pain . And then , you always land on your feet . No lessons learned , no time done . And now , after everything that you have done , you want somebody to hold your hand ? Forget it ! Life sucks ! Life is tough . So deal with it . Stop ranting and raving and turning yourself into a monster . This is not a French thing . It s not a gay thing . It s just good advice . Take it . Babe : I did this . Josh : J.R. actually has you feeling guilty for this . This is insane . Babe , none of this is your fault , do you hear me ? You are a beautiful , smart , amazing woman . J.R. is an idiot . Do you see what he s doing to you ? This is -- this is your life with J.R. Babe : J.R. said that if -- if we just loved each other , then no one could get in our way . Josh : Babe , if that was true , then why would he care what happened to us ? What you have with him should be untouchable . It should be unbreakable , no matter what . Like the other night . You and him were about to make love . I do nt care . I still do nt care . All I care about is how we feel for each other . Babe : But how -- how do -- did J.R. tell you ? Josh : No . I heard . Babe : You what ? You -- you heard ? You were listening to us in our bedroom in our home ? Josh : Babe , I did it out of concern for you , all right ? Hayward -- Babe : Oh , no . Josh : Hayward ratted us out to J.R. I -- look , I would have backed off . I would have done what you wanted , but he kept -- Babe : No -- Josh : Drilling into my head how dangerous J.R. is . Babe : No , no . You did nt do this out of concern for me , you did it out of concern for your ego . J.R. told you that you could nt have me , and you just had to prove him wrong . Josh : Do you really think that s who I am ? Babe : You sneak into my house ? You eavesdrop on private , intimate conversations ? I have no clue who you are . Josh : I had to be sure . Babe : No , you had to win . Josh : Do nt do this . Babe : You and I are over . Josh : No , listen to me . You could have lied to J.R. if you wanted to , but you did nt , because you wanted to find out the truth , too . You wanted to find out if J.R. really changed , or if he s still the same psycho that he always has been . Babe : No . No , I told J.R. the truth , because he trusted me with everything that was in him . There s no way that I could spit on that trust . Josh : But you already did . The only difference is now he knows . Krystal : Call me , Babe , as soon as you can . Colby : Mama and baby doll ? Krystal : Oh . Colby : Hmm . They should make figurines . Sell a boxed set at the 99-cent tramp store . Krystal : Would you give it a rest ? My head is splitting . Colby : Well , take some aspirin -- and a hike . Or better yet , I ll take the hike . You crack open the safe and spot me 10 grand , and I m gone . Krystal : I know what you re doing . Cranking up the sass , taking potshots at Babe and me . All to keep your daddy s attention . You have his attention , Colby . And not because you run around like a brat out of hell . Because you re his daughter . And his love for you is there always . Colby , that s the great thing about the heart , you know ? It just keeps expanding to make room for all the people that you love . Adam s heart is -- is bigger than ever . But there s always going to be a space that says Reserved for Colby . No matter how many new additions this family takes on , nobody is ever going to take that from you . Colby : Babe and Josh is nt the only secret I know about . I know about you and Tad Martin , too . Jonathan : Hi . Thank you for calling me about Lily . I got to say that I was surprised to see your number pop up on my phone after what I did at BJ s today . Amanda : I called because I thought you d want to know . Jonathan : I appreciate it . Amanda : I went to check up on Lily today . And somehow all this stuff about you came up . Lily wanted to know if you and I were going out . And she said we should , because we re so much alike . And I -- I tried to tell her no , that you two are the ones that belong together . But it made it worse . And she got so upset . It crushed me , Jonathan , and it landed Lily in the ER . Second - best friends , friends with benefits -- I ca nt even do friends anymore . And it makes me sad for all of us . Jack : I just so badly want things to go back to normal , you know ? Brooke : Well , now that Erica s party is over , I m sure she ll come back home and things will get back to life as usual . She is coming home soon , right ? Jack : Of course . Of course , she is . We ll have Erica back very soon . Erica : Do nt you dare blame Josh . Have you forgotten that your apocalypse of a son tried to kill his wife ? Adam : Josh has been slithering around my family nonstop , hell - bent on destroying all of us . Jeff : Is my son in danger ? Adam : Well , I would nt know . I would imagine there are probably thousands of enemies out there looking for him right now . Jeff : I ll find Josh before J.R. does . Erica : Oh , this is all your fault . Adam : Oh , really ? Are you regretting your dalliance ? Do nt blame me . Erica : Congratulations , Adam . You ve created a whole new generation of criminals . Colby is a liar , and J.R. is a wannabe murderer . You re a curse on your children . You ve doomed them all . Babe : I just do nt want anyone hurt . I do nt want to see J.R. behind bars . Josh : J.R. -- will not use you as an excuse to hurt anyone else . J.R. : Want some nuts ? Huh ? Nuts -- Bianca : You tried to kill your wife . And she took you back . J.R. : She lied . Bianca : She loves you . J.R. : Did you know that I gave up all my shares of Chandler stock to her ? I gave her full custody of Little Adam -- huh -- just to prove how sorry I was , how much I loved her . She made me look like a fool . Her and Josh . By the way , where is your brother ? I really do need to have a chat with him . Bianca : Yeah -- leave him out of this . If Babe leaves you , it s not because of Josh , it s because of you . Who you are right now . A guy who thinks that a bottle of booze gives him a license to kill . J.R. : Shut up . Bianca : You know , when you were up for attempted murder charges , I asked Babe how she could possibly stand by you . J.R. : Shut up . Bianca : I was afraid for her . I told her that she was delusional if she thought that you could change . But you know what she said to me ? She said that the angry , violent J.R. was gone . That you were a good man . She did nt make a fool out of you , J.R. You re the one who made a fool out of her . J.R. : Babe said she loves me . She said that she loved me , and she lied ! Erica : J.R. , you stay away from my daughter . Jack : Hi , sweetheart . Hi . It s Daddy . Honey , you re in the hospital here , because you -- because you hurt your hand . But do nt you worry . You re going to be better soon . Erica : You are drunk , and you are disgusting . And I do nt give a damn what Babe did to you . Go to a meeting . Go to -- go to a million meetings , preferably on another planet . I ll stand right here till you sober up if I have to . But one thing is for sure . You will never hurt anyone I love again . J.R. : Wow . Mother - daughter tag team . Yeah . Might be tough . But I think I could take you . Babe : J.R. ? Adam : Guess again . Krystal : Tad and me , huh ? Colby : Mm - hmm . I know all the dirty details . Oh , yeah -- and the part about J.R. s mama -- whew . Krystal : Tad was running his big old mouth again , was nt he ? Just blabbing away . If I told him once , I told him 1,000 times -- keep the lip zipped . Colby : Well , he did nt zip it . And I know everything . Krystal : You know nothing . Because nothing s all there is to know . You know , maybe the reason why you ca nt feel your father s love is because you ca nt feel anything at all . I mean , the people that you love are in pain , and it could get a heck of a lot worse . I mean , what if J.R. goes off and -- and hurts someone , or worse ? Colby : Babe had sex , and J.R. got wise . Really , what s the worst that could happen ? J.R. : Well , for such a small thing , you have some big stones . You both do . Erica : You shut your filthy mouth . Bianca : Oh , no way , J.R. You are not leaving this room . No one is going to suffer tonight because of you . J.R. : Oh , I m getting out of here . Erica : You stay away from us , and the door . J.R. : All right . You got that door ? That s fine . Bianca ( on the phone ) : There s been an accident at the Valley Inn . Josh : He s still breathing . Erica ( to Bianca ) : J.R. has done enough damage to our family . It has to be over . ### Summary:
JR goes to Josh s room , waits for him and discovers some booze . He drinks it and Bianca finds him . SHe tells him he s made a mess of his life and it is he who made a fool of Babe and not the other way around . He tells her that he believes that she put her brother up to sleeping with Babe in order to get revenge upon him for what he did to her and to Kendall . Erica comes in and confronts JR . He wants to go out the door but Erica and Bianca prevent him from leaving so he jumps out the window . Babe goes to find Josh and tells him they are through . She only loves JR . He asks her if that is true , then why is she looking for him instead of being with JR ? LIly is in the hospital after freaking and cutting herself from hearing Amanda tell her that Jonathan loves only her(Lily ) . Jonathan and Amanda are outside in the waiting room . She is angry at him and tells him that Lily encouraged her(Amanda ) to date Jonathan . But she reminded Lily that he only loves her(Lily ) and it caused Lily to get herself put in the ER .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Kevin : Cement is thick , and brick by brick , I m bricking up a jerk . Kevin : Oh , everybody s a critic . That s all right . You re allowed your opinion , as long as I have a live audience . Ian : Kevin -- Kevin : Alive for now , anyway . Ian : Kevin -- I ca nt move . Kevin : Huh , no kidding . I wonder why . Ian : You drugged me . Kevin : Well , maybe just an elephant s dose of sedative mixed with an agent that causes paralysis from the neck down . You know , I ve been thinking about marketing that , but , you know , I ve been building my future . Ian : What are you doing ? Kevin : Oh , Danny s the bricks , the bricks are walling Ian : You ve lost your mind . Kevin : Oh , Ian , so have you . So have you . You think I ll let someone I love throw her life away on a bloodsucker like you ? Lucy : Where is he ? Rafe : I told you , do nt worry . Lucy : Too late . I m worried . You should be worried , too . Ian should be back . He should have had Joshua here by now . Jamal : She s right . Rafe : Lucy , just stay calm . Jack : Calm ? Stay calm ? Rafe , we have bodies lying on the ground here , and you re saying , stay calm ? Alison : Jack -- Jack : No , do nt Jack me . You guys killed them . Rafe : Jack , relax , they re not dead . Jack : Look at them . Rafe : They re going to wake up in a few minutes , ok ? Casey : They ll be ok . I mean , they ll be better than ok , all right ? They ll be fangless . Jack : Are you guys crazy ? We have to do something , like C.P.R -- Rafe : That s not necessary . Alison : Jack , please do nt -- Rafe : You know what ? Let him be , let him be . Jack : Reese -- Reese : Get off me ! Caz ? Cazwell , it s me . Caz : Thirsty . Jack : Jamal , Jamal , give him some of that water . Give him -- Caz : No . No , not that . Real water . I said I was thirsty , not hungry . Reese : No . Caz : No , what ? Just asked for some plain old , cool h20 . I mean , what seems to be the problem ? Reese : It s gone . It s all gone . Caz : What is gone , Reese ? I mean -- Reese : Everything s changed . The fun s over . Rafe : Oh , now , come on . Depends how you look at it . I say the fun s just beginning . Reese : What are you trying to say ? Rafe : What I m trying to say is , if he has nt already , our friend Caleb probably already sensed the loss of his two prime toadies . Jamal : And then once he knows , then what ? Casey : He ll come flying to us . Rafe : That s right . Like a bat out of hell . And we better be ready . Livvie : Caleb , please . Caleb : You do nt understand . Livvie : But I do . I can feel it , too . There s something happening , but I need you here . Caleb : I have no choice . Livvie : But you do . All you have is a feeling . Caleb : A bad feeling . Livvie : Bad enough to leave me here alone on our first night , the night I finally came back to you ? Caleb : I ca nt just ignore it . Livvie : Please . Caleb , please . We have everything we need right here . We re complete now . Whatever the slayers are doing , who cares ? There s only two of them . Caleb : And there s only two of us . Livvie : No , that s enough . This is our world . Caleb : Listen to me -- Livvie : Please . Caleb , please stay here . Stay here and love me , please . Caleb : Do nt be afraid . Livvie : I m not . I m not . As long as we re together and we re here , I have nothing to ever be afraid of ever again . Caleb : I have to face him one last time . Livvie : Please . Caleb : I ll finish it . This is for us . Livvie : Fine . If it s for us , then let it be us . Caleb : Wait -- what are you doing ? Livvie : If you re going out there to face this , you re not going alone . I m coming with you . Caleb : You are not going anywhere . Livvie : I m not going to let them split us apart again . Caleb : And I m not putting you in the middle of my war . Livvie : It s not just yours anymore . I m in the middle already . I am your lover . I m your partner in all things for all time . I m going with you . Caleb : Hey , listen to me and listen good . I am not losing you again . I wo nt chance that . It s me that they want . Livvie : So how can you just walk into their arms like this ? Caleb : They ve tried to destroy me before and failed . Livvie : But this time -- Caleb : They ll fail again . Livvie : God , I hate this . Caleb : I ll be back soon . So soon , you wo nt even know I m gone . Listen , there is something I want you to do while I m gone . Can you do this for me ? I want you to wear this very close to your heart , ok ? Livvie : Your ring . Caleb : It will keep you safe . Livvie : Oh , Caleb , please . Stay with me , please . I do nt -- I do nt have a good feeling about this . Please stay . Caleb : Whatever it is , I ll be back for you . Livvie : You swear that to me . Swear it . Caleb : Believe in me , Livvie . Believe . Caz : You mean it ? I m not a vampire ? Jamal : You re a free man . No more cravings . Caz : Free . Rafe : Hey , free and human again . Caz : Slayer -- Alison : Lucy , no , look out ! Caz : Thank you . Oh , God , thank you , thank you . Thank you . Oh , God , thank you . Joshua : Thank you , scarecrow and Auntie Em . You re disgusting . I never did trust you . Caz : I never thought I d feel like this again . Joshua : If you like the way that feels , Judas Punk , I ve got this whole new explosive experience here for you . Caz : Whoa . My legs are still wobbly . Rafe : You sure you two can handle it ? Casey : Yeah , yeah , no sweat , man . We ll catch you up top , ok ? Rafe : All right . Reese : Traitor . Alison : Look , one of these days you re going to figure out that this was for the best , ok ? Reese : How about you try some of my best ? Lucy : Alison ! Alison : It s ok , it s ok . Wow , you are really miss congeniality even without those fangs , are nt you ? Reese : You know , I just hope I see it when Caleb kills you all . Alison : That s fine , that s fine . Jack : All right , Reese , let s go home before they actually throw you in the water again . Reese : I do nt need you to help me . I can walk myself . Jack : Ok , well , then walk , ok ? Alison : Ok . Rafe : You ok ? Alison : Yeah , yeah . I m ok . We did it . We did this . Rafe : Almost . Almost . I need you to go home now , ok ? Alison : No , I do nt -- no , I do nt want to go home . I want to stay here with you and Lucy . Lucy : No , you need -- you need to go home . You ve done a lot . You ve helped a lot . It s fine . Rafe : She s right . I do nt want you here when Caleb shows up . Lucy : No , we can take it from here . We can handle it . Rafe : Yeah . All right , we ll take care of ourselves . Lucy : We will . Listen , I promise you that I will not take my eyes off of him . You know us slayers , we watch each other s backs . Do nt worry . I wo nt take my eyes off of him . Alison : Ok . Rafe : It ll be best if I just know you re safe . Alison : Ok , ok . Rafe : Ok . Alison : Ok . Ok . Rafe : Ok . Alison : Thank you for watching him . Rafe : I love you . Alison : Love me enough to come home , ok ? Rafe : That s the plan . Lucy : Rafe ? Rafe : Hmm ? Lucy : Something has happened to Ian . I can feel it . Something s happened . He should have had Joshua here by now . He s not here . Ian : Kevin , you -- you ca nt do this . Kevin : Ca nt ? It looks like I can . Ian : Listen to me . You have to let me go . Kevin : Have to -- have to -- oh , you re right . I ve got to write that down in case I forget . Let Ian out some day -- year -- whatever . Ian : I have to find Joshua . Our lives depend on it . Kevin : Yeah , of course they do . All of our lives depend on you -- our hero . Thanks for that report there , chicken little . Back to you , Kevin . Do I look like Lucy to you ? Ian : Lucy -- got to save her . Kevin : Yeah , well , not this time . You know , I have saved Lucy from herself more times than you can count . You d need more than two hands to count that high . But saving her is exactly what I m doing right now . Ian : You have to save her -- Kevin : From you . You know , you re literally one of those people that can just suck a person dry . And even Lucy deserves better than that . Ian : You re too smart to think you can get away with this . Kevin : You know what ? I am smart , and I will get away with this . No one s ever going to find you in here . Home improvement -- it s all in the details . Now , there s just one more detail to take care of before I can finish this project . Lucy : What do we do ? What do we do ? Rafe : Do what you have to do . Just go . Go find him . Lucy : What ? Are you out of your mind ? I just promised Alison I would nt take my eyes off of you . I m not going to do it . Caleb could show up any minute . Rafe : I know what you promised , ok ? But just go , all right ? Just get back as soon as you can . Hurry . Lucy : Ok . Ok , I ll track down Ian , and I ll be back before you know it . All right . Oh ! Rafe : Lucy , what the hell happened ? Lucy : Oh . Caleb . Caleb : Hell is exactly right . Ian : If you do this , you ll just be a murderer . Kevin : Well , that s the thing . It is nt murder if the deceased is nt human . Therefore , no one would condemn me for ridding the world of you . Ian : I wo nt let you do this . Kevin : You do nt seem to have much of a choice . Rafe : Just have the music ready , all right ? Whatever happens , you stay back . Whatever happens . Lucy : Be careful . Caleb : So , you found my secret garden . I m impressed . Rafe : Yeah , so were we . But , you know , it s not nice to take something this special and keep it all to yourself . Did nt your mother ever teach you to share ? Caleb : I was never good at that . And when people play with my toys uninvited , I get cranky . Rafe : Yeah . Well , I guess I just got sick of waiting for an invitation . Caleb : You should have left the band alone . Rafe : Really ? Because I thought if I took your little electric nightmare orchestra and turned them into human beings , maybe -- just maybe -- it would improve their playing . Caleb : You thought wrong . Rafe : See , I do nt know . Just go with me on this one because I m thinking we could even improve your songwriting if we could just add a little humanity . Lucy : Wow . Cousin , that was nice . So , now ? Now ? Rafe : No . No , Lucy , just stay back . Caleb : Not bad , slayer . Rafe : Thanks . Caleb : But not good enough . You see , if you re going to hit first , make sure you hit the hardest because you may not get a second chance . Lucy : Rafe -- Rafe ? Rafe -- Caleb : It s your turn now , junior . Rafe : No , Lucy ! Caleb : You re all on your own . Rafe : Lucy , the music ! The five notes . Rafe : No ! Lucy ! Jamal : Caz , my man , some night , huh ? Caz : Best night of my life . Casey : Just goes to show you , man , it s never too late , hu - man . Caz : Human . Oh , I do like the way that sounds . And feels , too . Jamal : Yeah , even if you re not immortal now ? Caz : Hey , my soul is my own again , man . Jamal : That s what I m saying . Casey : Speaking of souls , we did leave some people down there . The night s not over yet , so if it would nt freak you guys out too much , you want to join me in a little prayer ? Caz : A little what ? Casey : Trust me , it ll come back to you as soon as we get started . And I can guarantee you somebody s there on the other end and they ll definitely be happy to hear from you . Jamal : That s a nice guarantee , huh ? Caz : Yeah . Casey : Hey , dude , it s me . This is just a heads - up for you on a couple of our friends who are underneath our feet someplace nearby . There s a big fight going down , and they could definitely need your help slugging it out . So look out and pull through for them , ok , big guy ? Peace . Over and out . Jamal : Amen Caz : Amen . Jack : Reese , come on . Reese : Just get away from me , Jack . Jack : I know it s not what you wanted , but it s not the end of the world . Reese : Yeah ? How would you know ? Alison : Look , this is all for the best . Reese : No . You need to stay away from me . I should have taken a bite out of you when I had a chance ! Alison : Yeah ? Why did nt you ? You always say that you want it , but you never do . Why did nt you ? Reese : It s because of you . Jack : Because of me ? Reese : Yeah . You have this really uncool effect on me . Alison : Look at that . You actually make her a little bit nicer . Reese : Shut up ! Alison : Oh , is nt that strange ? Reese : You know , I should -- I may not have fangs , but I can still -- Jack : Whoa . Alison : Hey ! Jack : Easy , easy , all right ? Alison : No , no , that s fine . Jack : You two cut it out . Alison : Your little friend here is just too stupid to realize that you have a second chance . It s not my fault . Reese : What ? And be like you ? What a joke . Do nt you get it ? I liked what I was . Jack : And so did I. And I like this , too . Come on . Let s go home . Alison : Do nt do this . This is just going to be Livvie all over again . Jack : I m sorry , Alison . Alison : Do nt do it . Reese : It s not over between us . Livvie : Caleb , where are you ? Come back to me . Please come back to me . Rafe : You ok ? Lucy : Yeah . Yeah , I think so . I m sorry I lost the music . That player thing ended up on the bottom . Rafe : No , no , look at me . Ok . You re lucky that s all you lost . Lucy : Yeah . Speaking of lost -- what do you think ? Do you think it worked ? Rafe : I do nt know . We should know in a minute . Lucy : Oh , Rafe , what if it did nt ? What if it did nt work and he did nt change ? Rafe : Well , whatever happens , he s not going to wake up happy , I can tell you that . Lucy : No . Caleb : Son of a bitch ! Rafe : Caleb ? Caleb : Congratulations . This is nt over . Rafe : For you , it is . Lucy : Guess what , pal -- you re mortal . Yeah , hundreds of deaths gone . Hundreds of years -- poof -- just like that . Gone . Caleb : I do nt need any power to kill you . Rafe : No , Caleb . There s going to be no more killing , no more blood . Lucy : And no more victims . Rafe : It s over . Livvie : No ! Caleb ! Joshua : And so it s finished . The king is mortal , which means he can be terminated . The king is dead . Long live the new king , and welcome to his brave new world . Stay tuned for scenes from the next Port Charles : Desire . Joshua : Hello ? Livvie : You have just been disconnected . Joshua : What ? Livvie : Where is he , Joshua ? Where s Caleb ? Ian : Come on , say something . Say something . ### Summary:
Ian regains consciousness to find that Kevin is building a wall to seal him in . He realizes that he ca nt move , and Kevin informs him that it s because of the drug he injected . Kevin sharpens a stake in preparation for killing his wife s vampire lover . Ian s strength returns and he busts through the wall . He attacks Kevin but thinks better of biting him . Instead , he takes off to save Lucy . Livvie tries to stop Caleb from leaving her , but he feels obligated to go to the hot spring when he senses a problem there . Before leaving , he gives Livvie his ring for protection . Jack is angry with Rafe and the others for killing Caz and Reese , but he soon learns that they ve been cured , not killed . Caz takes the change very well , but Reese is furious . Joshua listens the happenings at the hot spring , disgusted by Caz s elation at being human again . Jamal and Casey help Caz back aboveground . Alison tries to help Reese and is rewarded with a slap in the face . Rafe insists that Alison leave before Caleb shows up . After promising Alison that she wo nt take her eyes off Rafe , Lucy decides to try to find Ian , but she s stopped by Caleb s arrival . Joining hands with Caz and Jamal , Casey leads a unique prayer for help for her friends still underground . Reese blames Jack for her inability to bite Alison . Alison is stunned by Jack s loyalty to Reese . Rafe uses his slayer powers against Caleb , who gets the better of the slayer by rendering him immobile . Caleb then grabs Lucy , who turns on the music . Caleb s attempt to break her neck is stopped by Rafe , who manages to push the head vampire into the healing pool . Lucy falls in with him . As soon as they hit the water , the mysterious red light bathes the entire area . When Caleb emerges from the water as a human , he congratulates Rafe but vows that this is nt over . Livvie screams when she realizes what has happened to her lover . Joshua toasts his victory just before flipping the detonator switch . Still listening , he hears the blast from the explosion .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Kevin : Hey , Mike . Whoa , looking a little ragged . Michael : You re not holding a coffeepot , so keep moving . Kevin : Mm , I m thinking caffeine is the lasing you need . Lauren and Fen are out of town . I bet you re living off the stuff and working 26 hours a day . Michael : So what s up with you ? Kevin : Nothing . Just came in to sign off on some payroll , then I m taking Chloe and Delia to see the house . Michael : It s about time you two got a place of your own . Kevin : Well ... ( Sighs ) I would nt go and buy a housewarming gift just yet . Chloe has only agreed to see the house , and that was after some serious pressure from Jill and Mrs. C. She has nt signed off on the moving company just yet . ( Chuckles ) Kay : Oh , for heaven s sake , Sister . They re not moving to Timbuktu . Esther : ( Sniffles ) Kay : I mean , she s a married woman now , and she most probably would like her own home to raise her own family . Chloe : Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . You , dry your tears , and you , stop making it sound like I m gon na move and get some frilly apron and become Suzy Homemaker . That is so not happening . Let me tell you , this is how today s gon na go down , okay ? I m gon na go , I m going to look at the house , I m going to say , Thanks , but no , thanks , and then I m gon na come home , and I will be back in time for dinner . Esther : Okay . ( Sighs ) Chloe : Poor lady . Sofia : And how long is your gut telling you that we have to keep pretending to be on the outs ? Tucker : Depends on when we find out if the sale of Beauty of Nature to Newman is binding . Sofia : It better be soon , because I am about this close ... to being done with the whole thing . Tucker : I know . I know you do nt like deceiving Neil . Sofia : You say that like it s no big deal ... but , Tucker , I made a vow to my husband , and I am failing miserably . Every time I lie about what supposedly went down between me and you , I am disrespecting Neil , and he does nt deserve that . Avery : Hi . Let me help you . Daniel : Oh , thanks . I m meeting Michael for a last - minute prep session . Avery : Did Phyllis give this to you ? Daniel : Uh , not exactly . It was in an envelope . She told me to throw it away , but curiosity kind of got the best of me , and , well , I thought Lucy might like it , so ... I kept it . Avery : I m glad you did . Your grandfather gave it to Phyllis . I m sure he would be happy it s staying in the family . I have to go . See you later . Daniel : Yeah , see you later . Ricky : I just finished my latest piece . Phyllis : Okay , thank you . Ricky : So I was-- I was just thinking , maybe next time I could write something with a bit more substance than all this fashion fluff . Phyllis : Um ... I assigned you a story-- Daisy the demon mother . Ricky : ( Sighs ) Phyllis : I - it was so juicy , it would discredit her with the judge , um , but you missed your deadline . Ricky : Well , I , uh , I have been spending a lot of time with her , just like you asked . It s just she has nt spilled any of her secrets yet . Phyllis : I - I think that you can get her to talk . Ricky : I ll keep on her . I wo nt let you down , Boss . Phyllis : I appreciate the effort . Ricky : Hey . I was just thinking about you . Daisy : I need you -- now . Ricky : Okay , I m on my way . Good night , you two . Harmony : Oh , have a good one . Y - you know , that kid is one hard worker . I mean , he was the first one in today and close to being the last one out now , and he --and he writes pretty good stuff , too . But that s not admiration I see in your eyes , is it ? Phyllis : No , it s not . Harmony : What , are you having regrets about hiring him ? Phyllis : I agree with you . His contribution to the magazine is very impressive . He s smart and he s on it , but you do nt make the same mistake as I did . Do nt let that guy into your inner circle . Neil : You two get into it again ? Sofia : Um , it was just a misunderstanding . Tucker : Neil ... Sofia : That s all . Tucker : Stay out of this . It does nt concern you . Neil : You re upsetting my wife , so it does concern me . Sofia : I love that you want to step up , but right now ... ( Whispers ) It is nt helping . Neil : I m sick of the way you re treating Sofia . Friendship and loyalty obviously mean nothing to you . Tucker : That is nt true . I m just as upset about all this as Sofia is . Neil : Wow , strange . I m hearing these words . I ai nt buyin it . Tucker : Well , then I wo nt waste my time trying to sell it . You re entitled to your opinion , even when it s wrong . Neil : ( Clears throat ) Um ... ( Clears throat ) Sofia : I m sorry . Kay : If you are not interested in living in that house , then why in the hell are you looking at it ? Esther : ( Sniffles ) Chloe : ( Sighs ) Delia . Kevin got her all excited ... Kay : Well-- Chloe : About the tree house , the game room . I mean , and I can not say no to her . Esther : Yeah , who can ? Kay : Well , what if she takes a liking to the house ? Chloe : Mnh - mnhn Kevin said that it s Unique and Old - school ... Kay : Ugh . Chloe : Which is real estate code for It has nt been renovated since avocado green and yellow were in style . Esther : Ew . Chloe : I - I m sorry , but my daughter likes pink , pink , and more pink . Kay : ( Chuckles ) Chloe : There s no way that she s going for disco domicile . Kevin : So why are we even talking about houses when you re about to go to court ? Daniel : Oh , hey , man , look , I am psyched for you if your biggest problem is trying to figure out where to live . You and Chloe earned this happy ending . Kevin : Hmm . You re gon na get yours , too ... ( Knocks on table ) Tomorrow . What time should I be there ? Daniel : Ah , I appreciate the offer , but you do not have to go . Kevin : It s no sweat . Daniel : No , seriously , I do not want my stuff bringing you down . You re all good . You re off the hook . Kevin : All right , well , if you change your mind-- Daniel : I will give you a call if I change my mind . Kevin : Okay . Ready to go face the judge ? Daniel : Yeah , I think I got a pretty good shot at getting sole custody . Michael : Yeah , barring any surprises , I d have to agree . More , please . Daisy : This has been the worst day . A pipe burst upstairs and is leaking water into my bathroom . The sitter had to take Lucy to story time so I can wait for the manager . ( Sighs ) The one day I wanted to spend with my daughter , and I ca nt . Ricky : ( Clears throat ) Relax . You re not gon na lose tomorrow . Daisy : Like you know anything ! You were supposed to get dirt on Phyllis , and you have nt , and you were supposed to come up with some brilliant plan to make sure Daniel never gets custody , and you have nt , either . Ricky : Sit . Daisy : ( Sighs ) ( Sighs ) Ricky : Daisy , I m on your side . Now nefarious plots take time . Daisy : ( Scoffs ) Whatever . Ricky : ( Laughs ) Look , boss lady s done a lot of really bad things in her past , but they re all a matter of public record . Daisy : ( Sighs ) Ricky : My instincts tell me there is something-- there is something in her past , and when I discover it , I m gon na wreck her . Daisy : Would nt it be great if you found a secret that caused Daniel to lose custody of his daughter ? Then I d get Lucy and he would hate his mother , and she d be all alone . Then maybe he d want to spend some time with me . Ricky : Yeah , maybe . Mm , but I do nt think I m gon na be able to get that kind of ammunition before the hearing although I am working on something that will guarantee that Daniel walks out of that courtroom a loser . Phyllis : You know , I m saying this to you because you re a good woman , so keep your relationship with Ricky professional only . I do nt want you being collateral damage . Harmony : Gotcha . Phyllis : Good . So I have to get home , try to unwind . Oh , it s gon na be hard with that custody hearing tomorrow . Harmony : Listen , I ve been praying for your family like I said I would , and tonight , I m gon na say an extra one . Phyllis : Thank you . Phyllis : Hey . Avery : We need to talk . Phyllis : Oh , okay . Um , uh , Harmony , this is Avery . She s helping with , uh , Daniel s case . Harmony : Nice to meet you . Avery : Nice to meet you . Harmony : Uh , well , listen , I m gon na get out of here and give you two some privacy . Good luck tomorrow . Phyllis : Wh - what ? What s going on ? Do you have news about the case ? Avery : No , this is a personal visit . Daniel has the book that Dad gave you ? You told him to throw it away ? Kevin : Hey , Babe . You about ready to go see the house ? Chloe : Sure , um ... you know what ? If we hurry , we can get back in time for dinner . So I ll go grab Delia , and well-- Kevin : Hold on , Chloe . I get it . You have issues with the house . Chloe : Well , it -- it s free , and it has all these really cool rooms , which is awesome , but it also has Angelina s stink all over it , which is not so awesome . Kevin : I do nt want to force you into this , but I promise you , we are not gon na find a house that says The Fishers more so than this one . Chloe : You really think that you can live in it day in and day out , knowing that Angelina totally turned our lives upside down ? Kevin : Yeah , because to me , the house has always been ours . Chloe : What do you mean ? Kevin : I mean that when I m in the kitchen having my cereal , I imagine you coming into the kitchen with your pajamas and your fuzzy slippers , growling about how you need some coffee . And if I m in the backyard , imagine Delia in the tree house , waving at me . And there was this one time I was sitting by the fireplace , and I thought , oh , right here-- right here , this is exactly where we are gon na take Delia s prom photos . Chloe : ( Chuckles ) Kevin : I never once looked at Angelina and thought I want to spend the rest of my life here with her . It was always you . I could picture us growing old there together . Okay , oldish there together ... Chloe : ( Laughs ) Kevin : Sitting on the front porch , yelling at the neighborhood kids to get off our lawn and to dress better . I want to make those dreams a reality , okay ? So let s go look at the house . And if after we see it , you can look me in the eye and say , No , I do nt want to do any of those thing here in this house with you , then I will call my mother , tell her to put it on the market , and I will never mention it again but you have to at least give it a chance , okay ? Neil : I m sorry for losing my cool , my temper with Tucker . I just could nt help it . Sofia : You do nt have to apologize . It s all good . Let s forget he was even here . Neil : Okay , I m all for that . So how about we , uh , have a little business talk ? Sofia : Or we can discuss what a genius little Moses is with those blocks . He just stacks em right up . Neil : Mm . ( Chuckles ) I d rather discuss offering his mama a job at Chancellor Industries . Sofia : Oh , Neil-- Neil : I ve already spoken to Katherine , and she s on board . You d be a valued member of the company , not someone who s taken for granted and kicked to the curb for speaking her mind . Sofia : I , um ... ( Chuckles ) I ca nt work for Chancellor because I still work for Tucker . I ve been lying to you . Phyllis : ( Stammers ) You re shocked that I got rid of that book ? Avery : Dad could have thrown it away , like you wanted to , but he did nt . He held on to it because it meant something to him . Yes , you meant something to him , and even though there was no possibility of a reconciliation between the two of you when he was alive ... ( Sighs ) Ca nt you see he wanted you to remember the good times after he was gone ? Phyllis : Are you kidding me ? Are you kidding me ? You re kidding me right now , are nt you ? You -- you were there . You heard our last conversation , did nt you ? You heard what he was saying to me . Avery : Why ca nt you just give him the benefit of the doubt ? Phyllis : Because he does nt deserve it . Not from me . Not from you , Avery . Daisy : No , wait , do nt do anything . Ricky : Daisy . Daisy : Maybe I could win without some dirty tricks . I mean ... ( Sighs ) If I just made Daniel realize that we need to raise Lucy together , he would understand , and ... Ricky : You think that he d go for so-- oh , no , wait . You re crushing on Daniel . Daisy : No , Lucy deserves both of her parents raising her together , not trading her of every other weekend . It could happen . Ricky : News flash-- Daniel would nt be fighting for sole custody if he wanted you around , and when he wins , you will never see him or Lucy again . Daisy : Get ... out . Get out ! Ricky : ( Sighs ) When you finish doodling Daisy Romalotti all over your notebooks like some silly schoolgirl and reality kicks back in , you give me a call . Michael : Okay , here s my version of the locker - room pep talk . It s almost over . Do not provoke Daisy in any way and , please , be on your best behavior . Mm . Daniel : Hang on . Michael : Okay . Daniel : Mm . Hey , Daisy , what s up ? Daisy : I m running late . There was a leak upstairs , and it damaged my bathroom . I m -- I m waiting here for the manager , so , uh ... do you think that maybe you could come and pick Lucy up here instead of meeting at the coffeehouse ? Daniel : Yeah , sure . I ll be there soon . Kay : There we go . Tucker : Thank you . ( Sighs ) I got ta tell you , when that engineer activated those implants and Devon could hear ... Kay : Mm - hmm . Tucker : That was one of the best moments of my life . Kay : Well , I am thrilled . I mean , absolutely thrilled . When , um , when did all this happen ? Tucker : Yesterday , at Memorial . Kay : Well , I was there seeing Billy s baby . Had I known , I could have come over and-- Tucker : Yeah , I know , and I m sorry . I m sorry . I think , uh , we all just got caught up in the excitement of what was happening . Kay : Oh . Well ... Tucker : And we forgot to let you know , but that s why I stopped by in person , to tell you it was nt personal . It was just an oversight . I m sorry . Kay : I appreciate that . Tucker : So I did nt get to see the baby yet . Kay : Mm . Tucker : How is the newest Abbott ? Kay : Oh , handsome little tyke . From what you told me , uh , his homecoming turned into quite a melee . Tucker : Yeah . By the time I got there , the , um , the you - know - what had already hit the fan . Kay : Hmm . I assume that , uh , you were none too pleased to hear that , uh , Beauty of Nature is back in Victor s hands . Tucker : Yeah , nothing about that company has gone the way I planned . Neil : So the argument at Devon s studio , the blowup at the club ... Sofia : All fake . See , we had to convince everyone that Tucker s firing me was legit so that I could get a job with Beauty of Nature . The idea was to infiltrate-- Neil : See where they were vulnerable . Tucker would go in and buy -- steal the company out from under them . Sofia : Yeah , that s pretty much it , but when Victoria would nt give me a job with Beauty of Nature , Tucker wanted me inside Newman Enterprises , so I can find out what Victor was planning to bid on Beauty of Nature . Neil : And you went along with it . Sofia : It was eating me up inside . It was tearing me apart , lying to you . Neil : ( Sighs ) I thought we trusted each other , treated each other with respect . Sofia : Neil before we were married , I did this kind of thing for Tucker all the time . It was just part of the assignment . And this go - round , I thought it was gon na be more of the same . Neil : ( Sighs ) Sofia : It was a mistake ... one I m trying to rectify . Neil : I ca nt do this right now . Daisy : Can you put these on while I get her diaper bag ready ? ( Sighs ) Daniel : Hi , Miss Lucy . Hi , Miss Lucy ! Hey , hey , how you doin , hmm ? Come here . Ohh . Mwah ! How you doin , huh ? You want to sit with me while we put these shoes on you ? Daisy : Here s her jacket if she gets cold . ( Sighs ) Daniel : Left foot , get that one in . Yeah , that s your left . I think that s your left . Is that left tight ? Daisy : Here . Here we go , Miss Lucy . You like when mommy and daddy get you dressed . Ohh . Would nt it be fantastic if it was like this all the time ? Daniel : ( Sighs ) Daisy : Here . Daniel : You know , it s like your mind is stuck on this repeat setting , and every time I see you , you say , Would nt it be great if we d be this happy family , all together ? But ... my answer has nt changed since the last time I saw you , so I m not gon na bother wasting my breath . Hi , you ready ? Daisy : ( Sighs ) Daniel : You ready ? Daisy : You know , with all the trouble I m having with this apartment , maybe I ll just move and not give you the forwarding address . Enjoy your time with Lucy while you can . Lucy : Baa . Avery : The man in that hospital bed ... he was nt the man who raised us . Even you have to admit , he was a good father . Phyllis , he was ! Do you not remember the family trips he used to take us on , the beach in the summertime ? Playing on the front yard , building snowmen , laughing ? He always ... he always tried to make everything perfect for his girls . You know , after you left and Dad went to prison , he tried to make everything as normal for me as possible . He would tell me to bring my homework so that he could help me , and when I would break down and cry cause the kids at school said something terrible , he would tell me that they were just jealous because their dads were boring stuffed shirts , and our dad was on an adventure . ( Sniffles ) ( Exhales slowly ) That s the father that I want to remember . Phyllis : Do you hear what you re saying ? Are you listening to yourself ? Avery ... you did homework with a convict , you were crying in the visitation room in a prison . Avery : ( Sighs ) Phyllis : That is not a normal childhood . That is not . He took so much more than he gave . Avery : You re not listening to me . Phyllis : I am listening to you . I m really listening . Avery : You re not listening to me . I m mad , too . I m very mad that he stole from all those people , but I ca nt ... I - I - I do nt know how to just shut off my feelings and pretend like he did nt mean anything to me . Phyllis : But that -- that-- the question is , what did you mean to him ? That s what-- that s what it really is . ( Voice breaks ) What did you mean to him ? He acted like the dutiful father all the way to the end , but that was nt for you . It was never for you , ever , ever . It was for him , so he looked good . It was for his image , Avery . Avery : That s not true ... Phyllis : It is true . Avery : That s not true . Phyllis : It is true . What did he leave you in the will ? Nothing . Nothing . He did nt say anything , not even a little footnote . He left you nothing , and do nt tell me it s because , oh , your love was so deep , you know , all that stuff was understood . It -- it -- that s not why . He played you your entire life . He played you against me your entire life , and it kills me that you ca nt see this . Kevin : Okay , one big step , and then a turn to the right . Chloe : ( Laughing ) Kevin : Good . One more , one more , one more , and voila . Huh ? Delia : Whoa . Chloe : ( Chuckles ) Wow , way more out of style than I thought-- like Shoulder pads in the 80s out of style . Kevin : You know , I totally thought that you were gon na say , Whoa , its totes retro . Chloe : Uh , that s one word that would apply , I guess . Kevin : Yeah , okay . So , Delia , what room do you want to see next ? Delia : My room . Kevin : Your room ? All right , everybody upstairs . Let s go . Chloe : Okay , let s go Kevin : You like it . I can tell you like it . Chloe : Well ... Michael : I can not believe I forgot to file that motion today . Uh ... all right , uh , push my morning meeting , and I will file it before Daniel s hearing . Mm , you re a lifesaver . Thank you , Chantal . Thank you . Phyllis : Hello . Michael : Hey . How s my best buddy ? Phyllis : Oof , horrible . I m trying to get out of the office . It s just not happening and I just want to go home , drink a glass of wine , take a long , hot shower . Michael : Oh , well , okay . Um , well , I hope you get to scrub - a - dub - dub soon , Phyllis . Um , I will talk to you tomorrow . Avery : Hi , Michael . Michael : ( Sighs ) Avery : That was my sister on the phone ? Michael : Yes , yes , that was , and , uh , she s in no mood to talk , if you were thinking of giving her a ring . Avery : Well , I think I m part of the reason she s so peeved . Michael : Oh ? Avery : Yes , and I m just as upset with her . Michael : Well , it sounds like we re all having a stellar evening . ( Slaps barstool ) Sit down . Avery : ( Exhales slowly ) Daniel : Come on . Daisy : Wait , wait , I didnt-- I did nt mean what I said . Please . Look , I ... ( Sighs ) I just think I should have custody of Lucy so I could take her away from all this tension , but I do nt want to leave . I just-- I want her to have a family , the best possible life . Daniel : I do , too , and that s why she belongs with me . Come on , you want to get out of here ? Come on . Oh ! Thank you . Wah ! Daisy : Here , I ll get the door . Michael : Well , the subject of your father is like a whole ... field of land mines to Phyllis . Just one wrong step , and boom ! Avery : She is the one person that I m supposed to be able to talk to about him and I ca nt . Avery : How are you ? Michael : ( Laughs ) No , no , no , no . I plead the fifth . Avery : No , come on , Counselor . You graduated kindergarten , and that is where we all learned to share . Michael : All right . Um , Fenmore is still not back , and now Lauren is up there , too . Avery : In Canada , right ? Michael : Yep . We argued about her going . I wanted her to bring Fenmore back . She does nt think it s safe . Avery : Because of Daisy . Michael : ( Sighs ) Exactly . Well ... Lauren s feelings are justified , given what Daisy put her through , put our family through . We just ca nt keep living this way , though . ( Sighs ) Neil : Hey , that is it . Perfect . Thank you so much . Woman : You re welcome . Neil : Yeah . Hey , we re good . Harmony : Hey , Neil . Neil : Hey . Harmony : What you doin ? Neil : Oh , y - you know what ? I - I left my phone here earlier , and luckily , someone turned it in . That s all . Harmony : You know , I like hearing that there are honest , good people left in this world . Neil : Yeah . We need more of that , do nt we ? Harmony : What s up with you ? And do nt tell me Nothing , cause I could tell something s off . Neil : ( Clears throat ) Got a lot on my mind , that s all . Harmony : Business ? Neil : Yeah , yeah , a certain-- a certain business arrangement that I was nt privy to kind of blew up in my face . That s all , so ... Harmony : Well , I do nt really understand all that corporate mess , but I can buy you a cup of coffee and listen ... Neil : Mm - hmm . Harmony : If you want to talk it out . Neil : ( Chuckles ) Yeah , okay , right ? I could use a cup of coffee , I guess , and --and an ear to listen to . Harmony : ( Snaps fingers ) Well , all right , then . Hey , uh , listen , uh , a cup of your strongest , and we ll be right here . Neil : Come on . There you go . Thanks . Harmony : Thank you . Neil : Mm - hmm . Harmony : So did you lose out on a big account or something ? Neil : ( Sighs ) No . Someone I trusted let me down . Kay : Neil spoke to me about bringing Sofia on at Chancellor . Tucker : Did he ? Kay : Mm - hmm . Um , do you think she would accept a position ? Tucker : Well ... ( Sighs ) Her future endeavors were nt part of our exit interview ... Kay : Uh - huh . Tucker : So you d have to ask her . Kay : Well , when Neil told me what happened , I simply could nt believe it because , uh , we stood toe - to - toe while you were in the hospital , uh , trying to protect your company , and after all , uh , you are a godfather to her child , and I always felt you had a special bond . In fact , it was an unbreakable bond . Tucker : Well ... things are nt always as they appear . Kay : That s a very good choice of words . It really is . This cataclysmic rift that ended your professional and-- a - and personal relationship with Sofia ... ( Chuckles ) That s not real , is it ? Harmony : Do you think this person was trying to tear down your trust like they did ? Neil : No . No , I think they made a bad judgment call . Harmony : Did they apologize ? Neil : Profusely . Harmony : Well , if this person was nt trying to mess with you and they said that they were sorry , I think maybe a little forgiveness is in order . Mistakes do nt have to cost what we charge for em sometimes , and was nt it yesterday when you were talking to me about forgiveness ? Maybe this person needs some of that right now . Neil : Maybe . Thanks for that pep talk . Harmony : I was just returning the favor . Tucker : Since when did you become a conspiracy theorist ? Kay : Oh , since I have firsthand knowledge of your business tactics , and since , uh , Sofia just happened to leave McCall right when Beauty of Nature came into play . That was the idea . She could gain access , give you the inside track . Tucker : Congratulations . You got me . Kay : You know , I highly disapprove of , uh , you asking , um , Sofia to lie to her husband . Tucker : It figures you d see it that way . Kay : But , you know , as a businesswoman ... I applaud your efforts . ( Laughs ) I think it was one hell of a-- of a strategy . ( Laughing ) It was wonderful . Tucker : ( Chuckles ) Kay : Beautiful . Tucker : ( Chuckles ) Well , thank you . ( Laughs ) Chloe : I mean , there s a lot that needs to be updated , uh , aside from the 70s retro look . I mean , the appliances , too ? I m sorry , I just think it s -- it s just too janky for me . Kevin : Okay . I ll call my mom . Chloe : Please do , and tell her that you re sorry , but she wo nt be selling our house . Kevin : You re serious ? Chloe : I did nt want to love it , but I do . I do , and who does nt love a house that has air hockey ? Kevin : Air hockey . Chloe : And a pink room ? And our dreams are totally gon na come true in this house . Kevin : We re home . Delia : ( Groans ) Kevin : Mwah . Chloe : Mwah . ( Laughing ) Delia : ( Groans ) Kevin : ( Laughing ) Are you getting squished ? Chloe : Squish her ! Delia : Oh , no . Chloe : Squish her ! Delia : Whoa . Michael : Unfortunately , there s no solution to our problem . We can move out of the building , but we re still in the same town , and Daisy will make sure she bumps into Lauren whenever she wants to . Avery : There s got ta be something that would make Lauren feel better . I mean- Michael : She nixes-- she nixes every one of my ideas . If she -- if-- if she were just a little bit more rational about the situation , I mean ... ohh . I am not berating my wife . Avery : No . Michael : I love her with all of my heart . I m sorry , I m just ... mm , I m just venting . Avery : Oh , please . Phyllis is my sister . I understand the need to vent . To our fascinating families . Michael : ( Laughs ) Oh , they do keep life interesting . Avery : They do . Michael : ( Laughs ) Daniel : Mom , I m sorry Avery busted your chops about the book . Phyllis : Oh , it s all right . It was nt about the book . It was about George . Daniel : Well , maybe I could have just thrown the thing away anyways . Phyllis : No . It s a good book . Lucy : ( Babbles ) Daniel : ( Gasps ) Phyllis : What ? I loved it when I was little . She may love it , too . Phyllis : What s going on ? You okay ? Daniel : Daisy said some things that just did nt sit with me too well . Phyllis : What d she say ? Daniel : That she d take Lucy , run away someplace , not tell me where they went . Phyllis : Unbelievable . Daniel : She apologized , and she made it out like she did nt mean it , but it reminded me of the old coldhearted Daisy that I ve dealt with before ... Lucy : ( Babbles ) Daniel : And why I m fighting for Lucy . Daisy : I changed my mind . Ricky : Well , that did nt take too long . Daisy : I ca nt lose custody of Lucy . Do whatever it takes to make sure that does nt happen . Do it tonight . Victor : One bad day , and you fall back on bad habits . Nikki : I have nt touched a drink . Victor : I m talking about Jack Abbott . Ricky : By the end of the night , you ll be well on your way to having full custody of your daughter . Daniel : Lucy -- whered she go ? ? ### Summary:
Michael is so distracted by the fact that Lauren refuses to bring Fenmore home that he forgets to file an important motion for Daniel s custody hearing . Daisy still has her heart set on having a family with Daniel and Lucy , even though Daniel keeps telling her that her dream will never happen . Daisy tells Ricky that she wo nt resort to tricks to get sole custody of Lucy but changes her mind after Daniel rejects her idea of them being a family one more time . Daisy tells Ricky to do whatever it takes to make sure Daniel does nt get custody of Lucy . Phyllis and Avery have another argument about their father George because despite everything , Avery wants to remember George as a good father while Phyllis thinks that George just pretended to be a good father for the sake of looking good to other people . Avery and Michael share drinks and talk about their complicated families . Kevin takes Chloe and Delia to see the house . Although Chloe had every intention of not liking the house , she loves it and decides to make the house the Fisher home . Sofia tells Neil the truth that she still works for Tucker , and the distance with her and Tucker was a ploy to infiltrate Beauty of Nature and later Newman Enterprises and find out Victor s bid for Beauty of Nature . Neil is hurt by Sofia s lack of trust but a talk with Harmony makes Neil see that Sofia did nt intentionally break his trust . Tucker goes to Katherine s to apologize for not letting her know the day Devon had his implants turned on so she could be there . Tucker tells Katherine that everyone was so excited about what happened that they forgot to tell her . Katherine figures out that Tucker was pretending to fight with Sofia so that she could infiltrate Beauty of Nature and Newman Enterprises . Katherine congratulates Tucker on his brilliant business move , but as his mother she is nt happy that he made Sofia lie to Neil .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Shawn : You know what ? You do nt even have to say it . I heard enough . I m sorry . I know I m in the way . Sage : You re not in the way . Shawn : Really . Not a big deal . I ll get my stuff . Sage : Shawn , we want you to stay . Shawn : You want me to stay . But you never signed off on me moving in . Sage : That does nt matter , Shawn . Shawn : Our deal was that you would cover my medical expenses and adopt my kid . Nobody said you had to take care of me . I m gone . Sage : Okay , Shawn , I m not comfortable with that . Even if we did nt know who you were , we would never feel comfortable letting a pregnant woman go to a place she did not feel safe . Right , Nick ? Phyllis : Jack announces that he s washed his hands of pass key and he just storms right out of here ? That s great . That s awesome . We re gon na do this ourselves . Billy : Or not . Phyllis : Billy . Billy : What if he s right ? Think about it for a second . Phyllis : What are you talking about ? Billy : Victor could sue us for stealing this company . Phyllis : Oh , yeah ? He s gon na sue us from jail ? Billy : Phyllis , what if he finds out that you were behind Adam s kidnapping ? Phyllis : Yeah , Victor does nt scare me . There is nothing he can do to me that is worse than bringing Marco Annicelli in my life . Nothing . And besides , this deal is ours . We walk away now , we risk losing billions . Billy : If you do nt walk away , you risk losing Jack . Neil : What s going on , man ? Jack : Something a shot of scotch wo nt fix . In fact , I better start realizing there are some things that just ca nt be fixed no matter how much you love someone . Noah : Talk to me . What s going on ? You re making me feel like you re having second thoughts about this marriage . Marisa : No , I want that more than anything . [ Sighs ] But if the judge decides against you -- Noah : Hey , whatever happens in court , I will find a way for us to be together . Marisa : You ll try . But if we both end up in prison -- Noah : Stop , stop . Have a little faith , okay ? Our future starts today . Luca : I told you , do nt worry . I ll handle the problem . Hey . Did , uh , the judge come back with a verdict yet ? Summer : I do nt know . I could nt sit there and watch my brother on the stand knowing that my grandfather s gon na be going on trial soon , too . Luca : And you blame me for that . Summer : Well , you are partly at fault , so ... excuse me . Luca : Victor brought this upon himself , summer . He practically forced your family to turn him in . Summer : You know what , Luca ? I am not gon na go into this with you right now . Luca : Summer , it s the rea-- Summer : Look , my grandfather has a lot of pride , and they kicked him out of his own company , okay ? Luca : That call I was just on ? It was from a couple of Newman division heads . They re extremely unhappy , just like you . They re used to dealing directly with Victor . They do nt like Victoria s management style . You know , they expected Adam to take his father s place . Summer : Yeah , well , the truth is , so did my grandfather . Victor : We have nothing to say to each other . I m going back to my cell . Victoria : Dad , wait . Please hear me out . I m having some trouble with some of the department heads at Newman . They re anxious about the change in leadership , and I was hoping -- Victor : [ Laughs ] Really ? Victoria : It s not funny . Victor : Oh , it s , to me , very funny . I needed a little humor to brighten my day . Victor : I knew it was only a matter of time before you would come for help . Victoria : That s not what I wanted . Victor : Despite turning me in to the police and despite helping remove me from the board of directors at Newman , you re still here . So why would I want to rescue you ? Victoria : You know me better than that , dad . I do nt need rescuing . Victor : Then why are you here ? Victoria : A couple of nervous - Nellie executives need you to give them a call to reassure them , and then we can go back to business as usual . Victor : Are you kidding me or what ? I m not gon na make the call . You , your mother , and the rest of the family thought you could run this whole thing without me ! Well , try it ! Are you getting a little nervous now ? ! Luca : Why would Adam pass up on his chance to be top dog ? I mean , is nt that what the man has always wanted ? Summer : Well , maybe all that talk about Connor and Chelsea being his top priority was nt just talk . I do nt know . Do you really think that Newman is in trouble ? Luca : I think things could be salvaged if she gets some help . Nikki : Give me a moment with my granddaughter . Luca : Of course . And let me just say , I hope everything works out with your grandson , Mrs. Newman . Talk to you soon . Nikki : You know , it would mean a lot to your brother if you were there when the verdict comes in . Summer : [ Sighs ] Nikki : Or is your loyalty only extended to your grandfather these days ? Summer : Grandma , somebody has to stand by grandpa . Nikki : Victor can take care of himself . He s made that abundantly clear . Summer : Grandma , that s just talk . I ve spent a lot of time with grandpa , and he is hurt . He is not okay . He needs you just as much as your kids and your grandkids do . Maybe even more . Nick : Sage and I completely agree that we do nt want you to go anywhere where you re not safe . Shawn : Before , you were saying you did nt think this was a good idea . Nick : I hesitated because I m worried . Sage and I -- Sage : Nick . Nick : We just do nt want to do anything , uh , you know , break any of the agency s rules to jeopardize the adoption . Shawn : Oh . Well , you do nt have to worry about that . It s not like I m gon na report you guys for letting me live here . This place is great . Sage : Will you stay ? Shawn : And if anyone asks , I ll tell them this proves you re not just in this to get my baby . You actually give a damn about me . Sage : [ Sighs ] Of course we do , honey . We are all in this together . Nick : Absolutely . Sage : Oh . I ll get it . Oh , hey , Sharon . Uh , faith s finishing her homework . I ll tell her you re here . Sharon : Oh , no , no . Do nt bother . I ca nt stay . Shawn : Hi , Sharon . Sharon : Hi , Shawn . Nick : Did you hear something from the courthouse ? Sharon : From Dylan . He heard judge Moxley is ready with her verdict . Nick : Wow . That s fast . I do nt know if that s good or bad . Sage : Go , go , go . Just ... Nick : Yeah . Sage : ... Call me afterward , okay ? Nick : Yeah , I will . Sage : Okay . Shawn : You guys really are a close family . Sage : What do you mean ? Shawn : It seems like exes are nt really ex , are they ? Jack : I realize Phyllis has good reason to hate Victor . Neil : She s hardly alone in that . Here . Jack : At some point , though , you have to ask yourself is it worth it . Is this endless game of king of the mountain worth sacrificing your values ? Neil : Well , you have nt always taken the high road when it comes to Victor . I mean , neither have I , for that matter . Jack : By the way , thank you for taking the high road and breaking up that fight with me and Victor , looking after him . Not that he deserved it . Neil : I do nt claim to be noble . But like I told Nikki , how can our foundation to help others make an exception with Victor , huh ? Jack : And manage to do it without being driven to drink . Neil : Exactly . Jack : [ Sighs ] This constant need to top each other has to stop , or we become the very thing we hate . Phyllis : Are you suggesting we walk away from this deal ? Billy : No , not -- not us . You . Phyllis : Billy -- Billy : I already lost the love of my life , okay ? I m not gon na stand here and watch you lose Jack . Phyllis : I am not going anywhere . He is the one who got on his high horse and bolted out of here . If I can make him understand that I can not quit right now -- Billy : Let s be honest about this . Jack understands you better than anybody in the world . Phyllis : Yeah , well , he does nt need to judge me so quickly . Billy : He has shown you in so many ways that he supports you and loves you . Phyllis : Yeah , well , this is the time that counts . Billy : Maybe you need to take the advice that you gave me , okay ? Maybe you need to fix this before it s gone . Phyllis : You just told me that was the worst advice I ever gave you . Why am I gon na follow that ? Billy : That was totally different , okay ? Victoria despises me . We re past repair . You and Jack , you re not . You can fix this . Phyllis : Says who ? All right , all right . I know Jack loves me . Billy : And ? Phyllis : And I love him very much . But we have worked very hard on this deal . We can not just give up . Billy : No , no , no . Who said anything about giving up ? Phyllis : All right , then explain . Billy : We delay the rollout of pass key until Victor is in jail and he ca nt touch us . We got nothing to lose . Phyllis : We control the product . Billy : Yes . Nobody s gon na beat us to market on this . Billy : Look at that . The verdict s in . I got to go . Where do you need to be ? Phyllis : I know where I need to be . I just ... when I cave in with Jack , it makes me feel weak . Billy : There is nothing weak about wanting to be with the person that you love . I lost Victoria because of the mistakes that I made . Do nt make the same mistake , Phyllis . I do nt know how that ll feed her , honey . She and your daddy had to run back to the courthouse . Faith : Oh . They got to be there for my brother Noah . But it s not like he s a criminal or anything . He s really nice . Shawn : Sometimes even nice people get in trouble . It s cool your dad s got his back . Faith : Daddy will be there for your baby , too . Since you do nt want him . Sage : Uh , I think what faith is trying to say -- Shawn : It s okay . She s just being honest . It s not that I do nt want the baby , faith . It s just that your dad and Sage will be better parents than I can be right now . Faith : What about later ? Will you want the baby back ? Sage : Faith , do nt worry . Shawn has decided to pick our family to raise her baby . Faith : Forever and ever ? Shawn : Well , technically , I have up to a year to change my mind . Sage : But ... you wo nt . Shawn : The plan is to give birth and keep moving , but ... I do nt know how that ll feel , walking out of the hospital without the baby . Faith : If you miss him , you can always come and see him . Right , Sage ? Victoria : McCormick and Gibson are balking , too ? No , it s fine . I ll handle it . Just keep me updated . Nick : Hey . Victoria : Noah and Marisa are inside . Nick : Is his attorney here ? Victoria : Yeah , Leslie is keeping everyone calm , but the judge is still in chambers . Sharon : Are you okay ? Victoria : Yeah , I m fine . Sharon : I think maybe you and your sister need to talk , so ... Nick : Yeah . Sharon : I ll let you know if the judge comes in . Nick : Thanks . Do I even need to ask what s going on ? Victoria : I went to the jail , and I asked dad to help me push down a potential mutiny at Newman . Nick : So , what d he do ? Laugh in your face ? Victoria : How did you guess ? Nick : Vick , what d you expect him to do ? Give you a hug ? Look , he probably is hoping for a crisis so he has to come back in and look like the savior . Victoria : You understand him so well , Nick . I wish you would just change your mind and join me . You know we d make a great team . Nick : Vick , I got too much on my plate right now . But you do nt need me . And you certainly do nt need dad . You got this . Billy : Hey . You all right ? Victoria : I am very far from all right . Noah : Look , I m prepared for the verdict to go against me . But there must be something more I can do or say so it will affect Marisa s chance of going free . Marisa : No , no , please do nt worry about me right now . Just listen to Leslie . Leslie : I m advising you to do what s best for you . Trust me . We ll worry about Marisa later . Noah : That still leaves the cover - up . Leslie : You addressed that by putting most of the blame on your grandfather . Given judge Moxley s feelings towards Victor , I think that ll work in your favor . Victor : This time is for family members , not for the likes of you . Luca : Your family turned you into the cops and booted you out of the boardroom . You ought to appreciate a visit from someone who s not flesh and blood . Victor : I do nt . Luca : Especially when Newman is beginning to crumble from within . Victor : For someone who draws his check from Jabot , you seem to know a lot about the inner workings of Newman . Luca : Now , Victor , I ca nt help if certain division heads have reached out to me personally to express their lack of confidence in Victoria . Victor : Victoria happens to know what she s doing . Luca : I know her pedigree , Victor . I also know that she s insisting that no major financial decisions be made without her approval . Now , that may impress outsiders and potential investors , but it can alienate those who have to carry out her orders . Victor : I do nt give a damn . She will stay where she is . Luca : Things are rocky at Newman , and there is another way to keep the company strong . Victor : Oh , yeah ? And what s that ? Luca : You re looking at him . Victor : [ Laughing ] I would nt trust you to park one of my cars much less run my company . Luca : Hear me out , okay ? For now , you re confined . No doubt Victoria s a top- notch executive . But even she would admit she was surprised that Adam did nt even make an attempt to take your place at the top . Victor : Continue . Luca : And her idea of hands - on control has quite a few people wondering where the hell the company s headed . Victor : I do nt give a damn how many people wonder . Luca : I ll take that to mean you re waiting . Victor : For what ? Luca : For your family to see their dividends and trust funds start to suffer and beg you to come back and save the day . Victor : And you do nt agree with that tactic ? Luca : What if Newman takes a nosedive and there s nothing left to save ? I m your insurance policy , Victor . Help me take over , and I will keep Newman in the black until you re back . Victor : Hmm . And you , uh , look after my interests , right , and you keep my seat warm until I get back ? Is that it ? Luca : Absolutely . Victor : Hmm . Hell of an idea . Hmm . Luca : I m glad to see I ve finally earned your respect . So , when do we start ? Victor : [ Laughs ] You re a young punk , are nt you ? Huh ? You know when we start ? When hell freezes over . Jack : Yes , I think Victor should be punished . Neil , he s in a cell right now , cut off from his family , awaiting a trial that could put him in prison for years . That is nt enough ? Neil : No , I d agree with that . Revenge gets you nowhere , though . My desire to punish Hilary and Devon was so strong , man . It consumed me . It took over my life . By the time I realized my mistake , the damage was already done . Jack : I m worried Phyllis is gon na do something she regrets . How do I stop that from happening ? Neil : Now , that -- that right there , that should probably be the first rule of our foundation . Jack : What ? Protect those you love ? Neil : No . You ca nt always save someone from themselves . They have to want it . Hey . I m gon na let you two talk . Phyllis : Neil s right . You have to want it . And I do . Billy : If you re worried about Noah , you know that I do nt want him to go to jail . I said so on the stand . [ Sighs ] Vick , what is it ? Victoria : Everything . Billy : Then talk to me about it . Please . You can talk to me about it . Victoria : [ Sighs ] Summer : Hey , uh , we should hurry . Nikki : The judge is on her way in . Elise : Having heard all the testimony and reviewed the evidence , I ve -- Leslie : Noah , what -- what are you doing ? Sharon : Nick , what is he doing ? Noah : I apologize for interrupting , your honor , but I was hoping that I might be able to say a few words . May I ? Elise : You ve already taken the stand under oath , Mr. Newman . Noah : I understand that . That s the problem . I ... feel that I may have misled the court . Leslie : Your honor , can we have a minute ? Noah : Leslie , please . I need to do this . Elise : Does the district attorney have any objections ? Christine : Not at all , your honor . Elise : Mr. Newman , how is it that you ve misled this court ? Noah : I sat up there and I - I blamed my grandfather for convincing me to commit a crime as if it was Victor Newman himself who covered up the accident and tried to run from justice . But that s just not true , is it ? It was my choice . Sharon : We ve got to stop him . Noah : I just want to be perfectly clear about this . My mistakes are my own . And the responsibility lies with me alone . No one but me should be held responsible for something that I did or failed to do . Elise : I ve made my decision . Bailiff : Will the defendant please rise for sentencing ? Elise : You know , when I walked back into this courtroom today , I was nt entirely sure I was making the right decision . Despite how we re portrayed , even judges have their doubts sometimes just like everyone else . But after hearing the defendant s statements just now , I m convinced that my decision in this case is both sound and appropriate . It s no secret , Mr. Newman , that I know your grandfather . It comes somewhat as a surprise therefore that given in your own words here today , you ve proven to be your own man , not controlled by anyone other than yourself and your own conscience . And for that , your family and the people who love you should be very proud . I also believe that Billy Abbott , the victim in all of this , does nt want anyone else to suffer needlessly for what was unquestionably a terrible accident . But be that as it may , Noah Newman , this court finds you guilty of hit - and - run causing great bodily harm . Summer : Oh , my God . Elise : However , given this is your first offense and having weighed all the other considerations , I m sentencing you to 12 months probation and 60 hours community service . Noah : [ Sighs ] Elise : Court dismissed . Marisa : [ Chuckles ] Leslie : Um , you know what ? About that other matter -- Christine : Yeah , we ll -- we ll talk . Noah : You worried ? Oh , my God . I m just so relieved this whole thing is over . Hey , hey , Billy . Uh ... thank you again ... I ... for ... I do nt even know how to say it , man . I just -- Billy : You do nt have to say it . I know what you re trying to say . I m just glad that it s over . Hopefully we can all move on . Summer : [ Sighs ] Oh , my God ! You re free ! You re free ! [ Laughs ] Oh , I m so happy . I m so happy . Noah : Bye . Marisa : Thank you . Billy : Vick . I meant what I said to him . Hopefully we can all move on . I - I hope that we can do the same . Phyllis : I m not going to apologize for wanting Victor to suffer . He deserves it . But I do regret allowing my hurt and my anger to turn into this out - of- control fire . I was so determined to make Victor suffer that I was willing to throw everything I care about into the flames , and that includes your love and your respect . And for that , I am very sorry . Jack : I m sorry , too . I m sorry I ca nt go back and change the things that happened to you . Phyllis : [ Sighs ] Victor hurt you , too . Jack : No , right now I want to focus on how grateful I am for whatever it was that brought you here , because I needed you . Phyllis : Well , we have your brother to thank for that . Jack : What did Billy do ? Phyllis : He made me realize that , yes , punishing Victor has been my ultimate goal , but I was giving Victor the ultimate Victory by allowing him to turn us against each other and to make a mockery of our marriage . Jack : Wow . I love you . I do nt want to change you . Phyllis : [ Sighs ] Jack : I do nt want to tame you . I love your fire . I just like it a little better when you re able to control the flames . Phyllis : [ Chuckles ] I can enjoy that , too . That s good . As a matter of fact , I feel like I m getting a little heated up right now , but I want to tell you something . I said that you did nt have any fight in you , and I was wrong . You fight , Jack , and when you win , you -- it s because you fight smart . And you can teach me a thing or two about that . Jack : Do I also owe that little epiphany to my brother ? Phyllis : [ Laughs ] We talked about it , yes . Jack : And what about the project ? Phyllis : [ Sighs ] Look , we still believe in pass key . But we will hold off rolling out the prototype until Victor is behind bars . How does that sound to you ? Jack : That sounds like the perfect compromise . Phyllis : Good . But what were we saying about that fire ? Jack : Well , I was about to say why do nt we go home and fan the flames ? Phyllis : Okay . Jack : Here . Phyllis : Okay . Sage : Faith , did you finish all your homework ? Faith : Mm - hmm . All of it . Sage : All of it ? Wow . Okay . Will you go upstairs and draw me a picture ? Faith : Can I draw a shark eating another shark ? Sage : Eww ! Yes ! Absolutely ! Please do ! Faith : [ Giggles ] Sage : I m sorry about that . She s so excited to be a big sister . She does nt really think -- Shawn : Faith just said what we ve been dancing around . Like , how is this going to work ? Do I just hand off the baby and walk away or can I see him if I want to ? What exactly are the rules ? Sage : I have nt really thought about it . Shawn : I could always pop over once a year for birthday parties or every other week for play dates . Even better , I can live in your guest room till he s 21 . Just his aunt Shawn , one big happy family -- Sage : Shawn , please stop . Nikki : Hi . I thought you d want to know that Noah was given probation by judge Moxley . Victor : If that s all you came to say , you may leave . Nikki : Well ... I know that you care about your grandson . You would have been so proud of him . He took full responsibility for everything that he did . He did nt try to blame you at all . Victor : Noah s freedom will not mean a damn thing as long as he s under the spell of that woman . Nikki : Her name is Marisa . And they re very much in love , Victor . Victor : I do nt give a damn what her name is or that they re in love . Love to that kind of woman means she gets what she wants . Nikki : Is that what you think that I -- Victor : What the hell are you even talking about ? You helped put me in here , did nt you ? To push me out of my company , did nt you ? You re gon na regret that decision , I promise you . Victoria : I did nt mean to give you the wrong idea . This is nt about us , Billy . Billy : Come on . Come on . It s not too late to change for us . Look at Noah and Marisa . Look what they overcame today . We can do the same thing as that . We can get over all the bad things that have happened , all the misunderstandings , and we can -- we can do this again , Vick . God knows that I want that . If you want that -- Victoria : I do nt want that . Billy : What do you want ? Victoria : What I ca nt have . Billy : You miss us . I can tell you miss us . Victoria : What you see is that sometimes it s hard to be alone at home and at work . But that s just a temporary feeling , Billy . Billy : Do nt say that . Victoria : What I know deep down is that I should be running Newman , just like I know that you and I should go our own separate ways . Noah : I m free to start over , free to be with the woman I love . Marisa : Well , I still have my own day with the judge , so ... Noah : Listen , I talked to Leslie , okay ? She s very confident that the D.A. S gon na drop the charges because I got probation . Marisa : Well , let s hope . Then this nightmare can finally be over . Noah : Yeah . So we need to get you divorced immediately , right away . Marisa : Why are you in such a hurry ? Noah : Because , um , you re gon na look pretty damn silly wearing this ... Marisa : [ Gasps ] Noah : ... If we re not officially engaged . You did say yes , right ? I heard that , right ? You said yes ? Marisa : Yes . Yes . Nick : To our son . Sharon : You know , I was so happy for him , the way that he did the right thing and he took responsibility for his actions . He did nt try to use the Newman name . It reminds me of another great man I know . Nick : Who s that ? Sharon : His father . Nick : [ Chuckles ] Well , I ca nt take all the credit . You know , half his chromosomes do come from you . Sharon : With all the wrong turns we took , we must have also done something right as parents . And now we get to do it all over again . Dylan and I with Sully and you and Sage with the new baby . You do still think the adoption is the right thing , do nt you ? Nick : You know , if it was just a matter of signing papers and waiting for the baby to be born , but ... now Sage wants to move Shawn in with us . It s just ... complicated . Sharon : She wants Shawn to live with you until the baby s delivered ? Is nt that a bit extreme ? Nick : I guess Shawn was living in a sketchy neighborhood and Sage wants her to be safe , and so do I. I do , but ... I do nt know , it just seems , like , cruel to me . I mean , what happens ? So we move her in and we wait for the baby to be born , and then it s like , hey , thanks for the baby . There s the door , and we ll see you around . Sharon : Hmm . Well , everyone s just trying to do the right thing . Nick : I guess . I just ca nt stop thinking that somebody s bound to get hurt . Sage : I m sorry , Shawn . I do nt want faith to hear you and get confused about where we all stand . Shawn : Faith s got her head screwed on straight . No chance of her getting the wrong idea . Sage : She likes you . We all do . Shawn : I really was kidding before . You do nt have to worry about me popping in for visits . Sage : But if that s what you want -- Shawn : I do nt . It would hurt way too much , being a part of the baby s family as a friend . I ... I do nt want that . Sage : I know you re gon na do the right thing for you , for this baby , for everyone . Summer : Hey . Luca : Hey . Summer : Um , so my brother got probation . Luca : I m happy for you . Does this mean you no longer blame me for everything that goes wrong with your family ? Summer : [ Chuckles ] No . Um , I m actually in no mood to be angry at anyone today , including you . But my good news may not be your good news since Marisa s now with Noah . Luca : Well , she s still married to me . Noah : Actually , you know what ? Um , I m gon na keep my lawyer on retainer to handle Marisa s divorce . Luca : Congratulations on avoiding prison , Noah . Noah : Thank you . Luca : Of course , Marisa may not be so fortunate . Marisa : Oh , my luck changed for the better when I discovered there s life after you . Summer : Oh , my gosh . [ Chuckles ] Oh , wow , your ring is so beautiful . Good job . Good job . Luca : Is nt that rushing things ? Noah : You think it s rushing it ? I think that the world should know how we feel about each other . Marisa : And when the lawyer draws up the papers , all you have to do is , uh , sign , and then everyone can move on . Luca : I would nt think of standing in your way , Marisa , if that s what you really want . And if it s really your idea . Noah : [ Sighs ] Stalling , Luca . Luca : Am I ? Noah : Yeah , you are . You re just sitting there wondering what s in this divorce for you . Jack : We ought to argue more often . I sure like this making up . Phyllis : Oh , we could just have make - up sex and forget about the arguing . Jack : Anything else I can do for you ? Phyllis : I think I m craving chocolate . Jack : Your wish is my command . Phyllis : [ Laughs ] Phyllis : [ Sighs ] Nikki : You know , I did nt just come here to tell you about Noah . Summer is concerned about you , and I thought , well ... maybe you needed me . Victor : I do nt need anyone . Nikki : Victor , if you truly believe that , you re worse off than our granddaughter thinks . Victor : Kindly get out . Nikki : Okay . Well , the family and the family business will keep running . Maybe then you ll realize that you ve lost more than your freedom , much more . Nikki : Victor , please . Victor : And the family business keeps running ? There are already people coming out of the woodwork to complain about Victoria s leadership . Even that peacock Luca Santori thinks he can take over . Nikki : Okay . Victor : You just remember , when the company falls apart and the family falls apart , you only have yourself to blame . I will not forgive you for this ! Cane : It s time that I make a choice . I either love you enough to trust you again or I do nt . Chelsea : Adam does nt care . Newman enterprises is not important to him anymore . Nick : Leopards do nt change their spots , Chelsea . Luca : I just need someone to talk to . Stay with me ? ### Summary:
Victoria goes to Victor for help because some department heads were having a problem with her authority . Victor just laughs at her . Jack , again , shows resistance to the Passkey project and wonders what else Phyllis will do . Billy urges Phyllis to walk away from the project before she loses Jack . She finds Jack at the Top of the Tower and claims she wants to change , make smarter decisions . They go home and make love . Summer tells Nikki that she s spent a lot of time with Victor and he is nt doing good . She thinks he might need Nikki more than he s letting on . Shawn s apartment was broken into so Sage invites her to live with them . Faith is excited about this but she says some things that force Sage and Shawn to talk about the rules once the baby is born . Shawn says Sage and Nick do nt have to worry about Shawn popping in . It would hurt too much to remain in their lives . Nick comes home and raises some concerns about Shawn living with them , it might be putting the adoption at risk . Shawn offers to leave since the Newmans only agreed to take care of her medical expenses and adopt her baby . Sage wants Shawn to stay and Nick relents . Sharon stops by to let Nick know that Judge Moxley has come back with a verdict . They go back to the courthouse where Victoria on a business call . Nick offers her some encouraging words before heading into the court room . Billy arrives and tells Victoria she can talk to him about anything . She s about to when Summer and Nikki arrive ruining the moment . Noah tells Judge Moxley that he is the only person to blame for his actions . Judge Moxley sentences Noah to probation and community service . Relieved , Noah thanks Billy for the things he said on the stand and wants to know how he can make it up to Billy . Billy says he can never listen to Victor s advice again . Billy tries again to make Victoria understand they should be together but Victoria says , though it hurts right now , the pain is temporary . Noah gives Marisa an engagement ring . At GCAC , Noah and Marisa run into Luca and Summer . Summer points out the ring and Luca comments on how soon this is happening when Marisa is still married to him . Nikki visits Victor in jail but he wants nothing to do with her .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Kate : [ Sighs ] André . It s Kate . I m about to meet Eduardo for lunch . Even though I m doing this , I despise you for putting me in this situation . Eduardo is the best man who has come into my life for a long time . And I swear to God , if doing your bidding costs me this relationship ... André : Do I need to remind you that those chips are key to the worldwide tracking application I ve developed ? With them , our company stands to make billions . Without them , we go under . Kate : There are other ways to retrieve the microchips . André : Oh , I m sure there are . [ Chuckles ] And if you think it s distasteful trying to retrieve those from Eduardo ... you should see my methods in dealing with a thief . Kate : [ Sighs ] Eduardo : So ... how s it going ? Myron : I m certain that once the task is completed , you ll have everything you need to eliminate DiMera as a competitor once and for all . Eduardo : I had hoped the task would be completed by now . Myron : I am aware of the urgency . Eduardo : Good . Keep at it . Deimos : Come on . [ Chuckles ] Nicole : Wait , tell me again . Wait , why did we leave the bedroom ? Deimos : Sustenance , my darling . Sustenance for round two . Nicole : Oh . Deimos : Mm - hmm . Nicole : You need to brush up on your arithmetic , sir . We just finished round two . Deimos : Hmm . Even more reason to raid the fridge . Nicole : Have I told you how much I love you today ? Deimos : You know something ? You only told me that once . Nicole : Just once ? Deimos : Yeah . Nicole : What ? I m gon na have to fix that . Nicole : I love you , Deimos Kiriakis . Deimos : I can not believe how lucky I am . I really do nt deserve this . Nicole : Do nt say that . Of course you do . I would nt love you if you were nt worthy . You know I m a very discriminating woman . Deimos : [ Chuckles ] And it meant a lot more to me that you waited till you were sure . Nicole : I am . I am absolutely sure . Deimos : I m gon na honor your love , Nicole . I promise you . And I am gon na make you happy . Happier than you ve ever been in your life . Nicole : [ Laughs ] Nancy : Chloe ? Please wake up . I need you . Holly needs you . Oh , God , sometimes I wish you d never told me the truth . This whole situation s out of control . Chloe , honey , please wake up . Tell me what to do . Deimos : All right . So what do you say ? Uh , late breakfast , brunch , dirty martini ? I m sure it s 5 : 00 somewhere in the world . Nicole : [ Chuckles ] Actually , can I take a rain check ? I want to visit Chloe in the hospital , and maybe if I m lucky , I ll see Holly too . Deimos : Yeah , no , I understand -- of course . Nicole : You know , I keep offering to stay with Holly so Nancy can visit with Chloe , but she just wo nt take me up on it . I ... I do nt know . Sometimes I feel like Nancy s deliberately trying to keep Holly and me apart . Deimos : You do nt let anyone keep you from spending time with that little girl . You understand ? Nicole : Yeah , well ... I do nt know . Maybe I m just being paranoid . I love you so much . I guarantee you are gon na get sick of hearing me say that . Deimos : That s never gon na happen . Nicole : All right , I ll call you from the hospital . Deimos : Okay . Nicole : Hi , Brady . I m in a rush . I m sorry . I will see you later . Brady : I ll see you later . Deimos : So how did your visit with the Salem inn go ? Brady : I dropped a swab of Holly s DNA off at the lab . They re gon na expedite the results . It s not gon na be long before we know once and for all whether Holly is Nicole and Daniel s child . Eduardo : Oh , hey . Kate : Hey . Eduardo : Where are you going in such a hurry ? Kate : I was tracking you , actually . Eduardo : Why were you doing that ? Kate : I was wondering what was more important to you than me . I thought we had lunch , that lunch date . Eduardo : Well , the lunch date I believe is starting right now , and in truth , nothing is more important to me than you . Kate : [ Chuckles ] Eduardo : Absolutely nothing . Kate : Oh . You went all out . [ Chuckles ] Eduardo : I d say you re looking typically exquisite today . Kate : Oh , thank you so much . Eduardo : And not to put too fine a point on it ... but I did have the chef fly some halibut in from nova Scotia . Kate : Is there an ulterior motive there ? Eduardo : Well , you know , I might be trying to get on your good side . Kate : I think that , um , you might be there . Eduardo : Excellent . I like the view . What are you doing later , kid ? Kate : I think that depends . Kate : I m not going-- Eduardo : I have to take this . So ... forgive me . I ll be right back . Nancy : Chloe ? This secret we re keeping is horrible . Nicole keeps pressuring me about this amazing connection that she and Holly share . And why would nt she ? It s her own flesh and blood . It s taking all the willpower I have not to tell her the truth . Nicole : There she is . [ Chuckles ] My sweet little angel . Theo : What are you doing ? We could be getting to the good stuff . Claire : The good stuff ? Theo , after listening to 12 hours of Valerie s day - to- day existence -- ugh . You know , I think the highlight of that woman s life is listening to someone s heart through a stethoscope . Can we just , like , take a break and go see a movie or something ? Theo : Claire , this was your idea . Claire : Yes , yes , I know , cause I wanted to help you . But , God , it s just a total snore . I mean , maybe I can take it home with me . I m sure if I have any trouble sleeping , it ll just put me right out . Theo : All right , well , if it s that boring , then maybe you could just leave . I m gon na stay and I m gon na listen to every single word , because I know that I m gon na hear something that ll show me the type of person Valerie really is . Okay , and then I can finally prove to my dad that she s nothing more than a liar and a fake . Claire : Theo , okay , look , I know you re a very detail - oriented kind of guy . But this much detail , it can drive a regular person crazy . Theo : Regular ? Deimos : Nicole already loves that baby so much . Brady : We ll find out soon enough if it s hers . But I m not gon na risk breaking her heart . I need to know . I need to be 100 % sure that it s -- hey . Who would that be in there ? You guys going to the park ? Yes , we are . Brady : All right , buddy . We ll be back in about an hour for his nap . Brady : Okay , thank you . Enjoy yourselves . Have fun . We will , wo nt we , pumpkin ? See you all later . Brady : Bye - bye . Deimos : I thought Eve Donovan had taken over nanny duties . Brady : She had . Tate s gon na miss her . Deimos : Miss her ? What are you talking about ? She taking a break ? Brady : Yeah , she s taking a break . She left . She went back to New York . Deimos : Really ? Why is that ? Brady : Well , she had a couple reasons , but her number one reason was you . Deimos : Me ? Brady : Yeah , she referred to you as a ... what did she call you ? Oh , yeah , Royal pain in the ass . Deimos : Oh , come on . Brady : Deimos , you treated her like a servant . Deimos : She told you that ? Brady : Yeah , she did tell me that . Why would nt she tell me that ? Nicole : Uh , may I hold her ? I know what the pediatrician said about germs , but this little peanut and I have been closer than two people could possibly be . Huh ? Nancy : Of course , you can hold her . Nicole : Oh , my goodness . Yes . You are the prettiest little girl that I ve ever seen . Yes . [ Gasps ] And those eyes . Yeah , they seem so familiar , huh ? And why would nt they be , huh ? I ve been staring into your mama s eyes for years . You know , she s my bestie . Mm - hmm . And we re gon na be pals too . Yes , we are . And I m gon na come visit you every day from now on . Nancy : Uh , I m afraid you ca nt do that , Nicole . You ca nt take care of the baby anymore . Nicole : What ? I do nt understand . Nancy : It s too stressful bringing her back and forth to the hospital , and my daughter needs me too . The doctor said if I spend more time with Chloe , talking to her , that she might come back to us sooner . Nicole : But , Nancy , I told you I would help take care of Holly whenever you needed me to . Why have nt you called me ? Nancy : Because she-- she belongs with family , Nicole . I m taking her to Chloe s place in Chicago so that she can be with her grandfather Craig and her brother , parker . At least until Chloe wakes up and can take care of Holly on her own . It s for the best . Nicole : But ... Theo : So by regular , did you mean normal ? Claire : Theo , I am-- I m so sorry . That is not how I meant for that to come out at all . I mean , really , who in this crazy world is normal , anyway ? Look at our friends and our families . Like , take Ciara , you know ? She can not function unless she spends a half hour on the treadmill each morning . And then there s Joey , who has this ridiculous fear of going barefoot . Like , he even showers with flip - flops . And then there s me -- look at me . Theo : I am looking at you . Claire : Theo , I m the worst . I am addicted to social media , my own reflection , and I m obsessed with hipster lingo . You know , I m as close to being a millennial cliché as there is . [ Sighs ] Theo , I m so sorry . Please forgive me . I completely adore you just the way you are . You know , and of course you re a genius with detail . One of us has to be . Thank God you re studying computer programming and will rule the silicon valley someday . Because all of your normal friends are going to need jobs . Myron : Almost there , boss . Who the hell are you ? Kate : I m Kate Roberts . Eduardo : Kate ? What are you doing here ? Kate : Well , looking for you , obviously . Eduardo : Myron , uh ... Will you give us some privacy ? Myron : Sure thing . Eduardo : Yeah , yeah , so ... what are you doing here , really ? Nancy : There s nothing to worry about , Nicole . All the arrangements have been made . Holly should nt be shuttled back and forth from the hotel to here . I mean , she needs the stability of a home . And she ll have that with parker and Craig . Nicole : But what if it takes Chloe longer to come out of her coma ? Do you really think carting Holly all the way back to Chicago is the right thing for her ? I mean , she s just a little baby . She should be with her mother . Nancy , please . Do nt take Holly out of Salem , okay ? She will have a wonderful home , and you and Chloe could come visit anytime you want to , and then you can put all your energy into helping Chloe and you wo nt have to worry about Holly all the time . Please , I promise you I will take good care of her . I could nt love her any more than if she were my own . Nancy : Stop it ! Just stop it right there . Nicole , there s no chance in hell you re getting your hands on this baby . Nicole : What ? Deimos : I m sorry . I do nt buy it . I do nt buy that eve left Salem and her nephew because she thought I was a-- Brady : A royal pain in the ass . Deimos : All right , whatever she thinks of me , okay ? It just does nt make sense . There must ve been another reason . Brady : There was another reason . She teaches in new York , but that s besides the point . The point is , you need to learn how to play well with others . Deimos : All right . Okay , fine . You made your point . And yes , okay , I acknowledge that it has been an adjustment , after all those years in prison . You know ? Being with family . But I m getting there . Okay ? I m -- I m working hard at nurturing relationships with people that I care about , my family . And honestly , I owe that to Nicole . I mean , she has been a wonderful example for me . Brady : You re a very lucky guy . Deimos : I know that , Brady . Believe me . Theo : Did you just hear what I heard ? Claire : Yeah , play that back on speaker . Valerie : Oh , sweetie , there s no one more important to me than you are . You re my favorite guy . Always and forever . Theo : That s it . That s what we ve been looking for . Claire : Smoking gun . Theo : I mean , why would she even pretend to like my dad when she s got some other man in her life ? And that ca nt be her son . No one talks to their son like that . You know what ? I knew it . I knew it . I knew it . Valerie : Jennifer ? Jennifer : Valerie , hi . How are you ? Valerie : I m good . Jennifer : Oh , please , sit . Valerie : Oh , sure . Jennifer : Oh , it s really nice to see you . I have been wanting to tell you how much , um , we really enjoyed having you at our house for Christmas . Valerie : Oh , my , it was so special for me . Thank you for having me . You know , I did nt get to mention that I so enjoyed reading your late husband s book . It was fascinating . Jennifer : Thank you . He -- he was a wonderful writer . Valerie : I read a lot about him online , and you were very much a part of that , obviously . Jennifer : Yeah . I ve heard a lot about you and Abe lately . It seems , um , you re spending some time together , getting to know each other . Valerie : Yeah ... that s right . Jennifer : Well , he s a good man . And I think he s been really lonely since he lost Lexie . Valerie : Mm . He s been a very good friend to me . Jennifer : Good . Listen , I m just sitting here , taking a coffee break . Would you like to join me ? Valerie : I would like that very much . Thank you . Jennifer : Sure . Nicole : Nancy , what is wrong with you ? Why are you acting so hostile ? Nancy : Why are you being so rude ? Nicole : Rude ? I m not being rude . It s totally natural for me to feel a bond with Holly . Nancy : Why ? Why are you so attached to her ? Nicole : I thought you understood . I delivered her . I named her . Chloe is my best friend . Nancy : I know . I know that . I m -- I m sorry . I m sorry for snapping at you . It s just ... lately , my blood pressure s been so high , seeing her so helpless . I just took my anger and my frustration out on you , and I should nt have . [ Sighs ] Nicole : It s okay , Nancy . We re both worried about Chloe . And we re tense and upset , but I just want to do everything I can to help . Nancy : Nicole , I know you do , but ... do nt you understand ? Chloe does nt want the baby anywhere near Deimos . And I can not go against her wishes . Nicole : Of course not . Okay , well , you know , Chicago s not that far . I could drive there and I can help Craig with parker and Holly anytime he needs me . Nancy : Okay , but we do nt know what the baby s schedule is gon na be , so do nt just drop in . Call first . Nicole : Yeah , I would . Definitely . Can I ... can I just hold her one more time , to ... say good - bye ? Kate : Well , I thought you were ... well , I thought maybe that you d be taking your call back here . Eduardo : No , I peeled off to the side room to take my call . Did nt you see me walking by there ? Kate : No , I - I did nt because I was looking at my messages because I was calling my assistant to tell them no further interruptions . Eduardo : Mm . Kate : And I thought maybe you would like to do the same thing . That is , if you really meant it when you said you wanted to stay on my good side . Eduardo : Well , I did . And therefore , I will . You know ... somehow , I get the feeling that , uh ... I really need to eat . So why do nt we go and get back to our lunch ? Claire : Hey , Theo , wait . Okay . You do nt want to go to your dad unless you are positively certain that your suspicions are true . Theo : You re right . Claire : Mm - hmm , right , so why do nt we just fast - forward this and listen to the live stream and hear what Valerie s up to right now ? I mean , maybe we can find out who that boyfriend of hers is . Could it be that Eli guy that she was texting ? Theo : Well , I do nt know , but I do like your idea about listening to the live stream . Claire : Mm - hmm . You re welcome . Now , uh , hit the button on the left . Jennifer : I know that you lived in Salem years ago , and I remember you dated my cousin David . Valerie : Yes , I did . At a time that was , um ... controversial , to say the least . Jennifer : Yeah , really , sadly . I mean , it s hard to believe now that people could be so ignorant and small - minded . Valerie : It is . But thank God times have changed . Jennifer : Yeah . Yeah , thank God . So what brought you back to Salem ? Valerie : Well , right now , I m just filling in at the hospital . I work in the surgical division . I m a heart specialist . Jennifer : Oh , wow . Valerie : Yeah . Jennifer : That s awesome . But you just talked about filling in . I mean , is there a chance maybe you would stay on ? Valerie : Oh , well , there is an offer on the table , but I m just not sure I m ready to make the move back yet . Jennifer : Yeah , I understand . Valerie : Speaking of which , I should get going . Jennifer : Oh , okay . Valerie : But , you know , Jennifer , I -- we should do this again . I really enjoyed our talk . Jennifer : I would really love that . Valerie : Let me get your information . Jennifer : Oh , okay . Valerie : Wait . What is this ? Jennifer : Hmm , let me see . Um , well , I can tell you it s ... it s a listening device . It s a bug . Valerie : Yes . Yes , it is . And I m pretty sure ... I know exactly who planted it . Claire : Oh , my God . Mrs. Wesley ? I need you to sign some treatment documents for your daughter . Nancy : Yes , of course . Nicole , I ll be right back . Nicole : Okay . Hi . [ Chuckles ] Nicole : Okay . Oh . Holly . Breaks my heart . Breaks my heart to think that this is gon na be the last time that I hold you for a really long time . Oh , God . It ca nt happen . You know that , kiddo ? It just ca nt . Chloe : Aaah ! I want to go home ! Nicole : I know you do , sweetheart , but you re doing great , okay ? And when this is over , there s gon na be three of us in this room . It s gon na be a miracle . A new little person . And you will hold your own flesh and blood in your arms . Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! Nicole : Oh ! Chloe : [ Gasping ] Oh ! Nicole : Oh ! It s okay . Chloe : Oh , my God . Is he okay ? Nicole : Yeah . She is perfect . Chloe : Oh ! Nicole : Oh , my gosh . Okay , you ready to meet your mama ? Yes ! Yeah . Nicole : You will love her as I do . Yes . Oh , here she is . Chloe : Hi . Nicole : Oh ! Oh , yes . Oh , she looks just like her mother . Chloe : Yeah , she does . Nicole : You were really brave through all of this . Chloe : I could nt have done any of it without you . Nicole : Oh , my goodness , I was so scared . But I would nt have missed it for the world . Come on , Chloe . You need to come back to us . Yes . A mother needs to be with her child . Yes , she does , huh ? Yeah . That s my girl . Come on . Deimos : DNA results ? Yeah , yeah , it s the proof we need . It s right here . Deimos : What ? What does it say ? Brady : It says the sample was compromised . The results are inconclusive . Deimos : Damn it ! How the hell could that happen ? Brady : I do nt know . I do nt know . I must ve mishandled the swab or whatever . Deimos : Nicole is at the hospital with Chloe . She thinks Nancy s gon na show up with the baby . I m gon na head on over there , and I m gon na get it right this time . We need to get the proof , no matter what the hell it takes . Gah ! Look at us . We re rapidly losing credibility as handymen . Eduardo : You know ... this room , right over there , when I first laid eyes on you . Thought to myself , that s a face I will never forget . Also thought ... we d never have a chance . Kate : Why would you think that ? Eduardo : I have tremendous respect for the women to whom I was married -- eve , Adriana . But this is different . You have ... such power , Kate . You re incredibly compelling in your beauty , but ... I mean , you re just so flipping brilliant too . You know , in business , you re ... I ve never seen anybody better . You can hold your own with anyone . Kate : You re not threatened by that ? Eduardo : I m not . I m not . I m inspired by it , actually . You make me want to be successful on a level I never imagined possible . And I will be . I m gon na make you as proud to be seen with me as I am to be seen with you . Kate : My cell . I have -- I have to go . I m so sorry . Thank you so much for this . Eduardo : Did nt you tell your assistant to hold your calls ? Kate : I ... it s not business . It s Adrienne . Eduardo : Oh . Kate : Yeah , she needs my help . So ... Eduardo : Sure , well , by all means , go and be with her . See , that s another thing . You have such a heart . So few people know it . I feel privileged to be one of em . Hey , you know what ? Just one second . I m gon na have the chef pack up some desserts for you two . Just one second , one second . Theo : You lied . You told somebody that you were walking in central park ? Valerie : Oh . Theo : No , no , no , central park is in new York city . Abe : Theo , you should nt have been eavesdropping . Theo : Dad , I was nt eavesdropping . I just heard it . Abe : I m sure there is a reasonable explanation . Valerie : Well , I m not so sure how reasonable it is . I was talking to my department head in D.C. And , um ... I hate to admit this , but Theo s right . I was lying to him . Hello , Theo . I know you re there . I know you planted this thing in my purse . So I know you re listening . We need to talk . Meet me at the pub . Theo : So she s , uh -- she s on her way over here . Claire : God , you re kidding . Theo : No . Um , you better get out of here . I ll take it from here . Claire : Sure ? Theo : Yeah , go , go , go , go . Get . Nicole : You are the most beautiful little girl in the whole world . And I ca nt believe I m not gon na see you every day . [ Chuckles ] Oh , gosh , I want to be there to see your first smile and to hear your first word . But I promise ... I will be here every day to check on your mommy . And I will come visit you in Chicago . That is , if your grandma lets me . I do nt know . She seems threatened that I feel so close to you . I guess she s just possessive of you . But I delivered you and I named you . And I m entitled to feel a bond to you , right ? [ Sighs ] Oh , my God . Nancy : Nicole ? I need to tell you something , sweetheart . Deimos : Ladies ? Eduardo : Oh , hey . Where d you go ? Kate : Ladies room . Eduardo : Oh , I m sorry I took so long . Kate : No , that s okay . That s fine . Thank you so much . That s so sweet . I really have to go . Eduardo : Yeah , yeah , I know . Please , uh ... give Adrienne my best . Kate : Yeah . Eduardo : Oh , no . Kate . No ! Valerie : I appreciate your meeting me here . The two of us , we need to talk-- about why you planted this bug on me . Theo : All right , let s talk-- about everything . Nancy : I have to go . I ll be in touch , Nicole . Deimos : Nancy , wait . Nicole : Nancy . Nancy , do nt run out like this ! Nan-- Deimos : Nicole , I know how hard this is for you to say good - bye to Holly . But you re gon na see her again soon , okay ? Nicole : No , I wo nt . Nancy is taking her away , at least until Chloe comes out of her coma . She s taking Holly to Chloe s place in Chicago . Oh , yeah , she said I can visit , but I have to call first , which actually means I m not welcome . Deimos : Well , maybe she just needs some time , you know , to work things out . Nicole : What ? Did you see the way she ran out of here ? Nancy is afraid that I ve become too attached to Holly . And the awful truth is , she s right . I never got a chance to hold my two babies , and that s why I feel so strongly about Holly . And , I mean , I may never-- I may never see that sweet little angel again , and it s killing me . I just-- Deimos : Look at me . Look at me . You will , my love . I promise you . You will . Nicole : [ Crying ] I hope so . Deimos : Come here . Nicole : [ Crying ] ### Summary:
Nancy went to see Chloe at the hospital . She wanted Chloe to wake up for her and Holly . Nicole told Deimos that she thought Nancy was trying to keep her from Holly . Nicole left to see Chloe . Brady told Deimos that he took the swab to the lab . Nicole showed up at the hospital after Nancy told Chloe that Holly was her ( Nicole s ) daughter . Nancy let Nicole hold Holly , but Nancy would nt let her take care of Holly . Nancy also said she was taking Holly to Chicago . Nicole begged Nancy not to leave Salem . When Nicole said she would love Holly like her own , Nancy said she would never get her hands on the baby . Theo and Claire listened to Valerie s conversation and assumed she was seeing another guy . Nancy finally agreed to let Nicole help her with Holly , but she wanted her to call first . Theo listened in on Valerie s conversation again . Brady got the DNA results . Deimos wanted to know what they were . Brady said the results were inconclusive . Deimos was going to the hospital to get the results right . Valerie found the listening device in her pocketbook . She wanted Theo to meet him at the pub so they could talk . Nancy overheard Nicole bonding with Holly . Nancy wanted to tell Nicole something until Deimos showed up . Valerie met Theo at the pub to find out why he planted a bug in her pocketbook . Theo agreed to talk to her . Nancy took the baby and left . Nicole told Deimos that Nancy was taking the baby to Chicago .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Liam : And they all lived happily ever after . Well , that s not bad . That s a good way to live , happily ever after , right ? Beth : Yeah . Liam : I know . That s what I think . Can I give you a piece of advice , though ? If you re not happy , it ai nt ever after . [ Exhales deeply ] So ... Beth : [ Babbles ] Liam : Now what ? Now ... what ? Hey . Do you wanna see your sister ? Maybe ? [ Mumbles ] I do nt know . Steffy : Liam , hey . Liam : Hey . You busy ? Steffy : Just catching up on some work and hanging out with kelly . What are you doing ? Liam : Uh , yeah , we were just , uh , reading some stories , catching up on some father / daughter bonding , but , um , we are ... alone tonight again . Steffy : Oh , yeah . Yeah , thomas mentioned that he and douglas had plans with hope . Well ... you guys wanna come over ? It s fun time here . [ Laughs ] Liam : You are too good at reading my mind . Steffy : Eh , it s practice . Liam : That would nt put you out , would it ? Steffy : What ? ! No , of course not . Any chance I can get to have the girls together , and you , of course . Liam : Well , then , we are on our way , are nt we ? Steffy : All right . See you soon . Brooke : Ridge . You re a surprise . Ridge : Pleasant one , I hope ? Brooke : Does that answer your question ? Ridge : You smell nice . I miss you . Brooke : I miss you . But ... we have to be separated right now . Ridge : Yeah . Uh ... [ Clears throat ] I keep telling myself we re doing this to protect our relationship . So I m doing something that you do nt agree with . Brooke : Well , I do understand why we re doing this . [ Sighs ] But I still love your arms around me . Ridge : Yeah ? Brooke : Yeah . Ridge : And I understand that thomas is with hope right now . Tell me she s not trying to convince him to sign over his little boy . Hope : I realize this is a big deal -- your agreeing to share custody of your son . Thomas : I love douglas more than anything in this world . Hope : No , I know . And by signing those papers , you re giving me legal standing . You re letting me be the mother that douglas needs , the mother that you promised him . We re gon na raise him together . I mean , is nt that what you wanted ? Thomas : Yeah . Hope : So you wo nt regret it . I promise . Thank you , thomas . Thank you so much . I mean , we need to tell douglas right away . He ll be so excited . Thomas : Hey , hey . Hope : Where is he ? Thomas : No rush . No rush . Look , douglas -- douglas is gon na find out soon enough , and when he does , he will be just as happy then . Look , I signed those papers because you ve been such a wonderful , loving , incredible mother to my son . But that s not the only reason . I also signed them because I love you . And I would do anything for you . And maybe now we can move forward to have the family that you and I dreamt of . So here we are . I ve given you what you want . We share douglas in the eyes of the law . And now it s time to celebrate . Ridge : [ Sighs ] I know it s not a popular fact around here , but thomas is douglas father . The kid lost his mom . He needs his dad now more than ever . Brooke : And hope has stepped in to that mother role . She s immersed herself in it . And douglas is thriving under her love and her care . I mean , come on , ridge . Is shared custody really such a horrible thing ? She just wants a legal say in that boy s life . Ridge : She has no right to it . Beth is her kid , not douglas . Brooke : She wants to protect douglas if necessary . Ridge : Well , I m telling you it s not necessary . Brooke : Ridge , you refuse to acknowledge the things that thomas has done . He s lied . He s manipulated . And not just hope . His little boy . Douglas is afraid of his own father , so , yes , my daughter has a right to be concerned . Thomas : I just gave you half the rights to my son . That s a pretty big way of expressing love . Yeah , I wanna be with you so bad . [ Sighs ] Look , if we could just get past our differences , I know we could have this incredible future together . Hope : I am so grateful that you re sharing custody with me . I just ... I just wanna go tell douglas . Thomas : Forget about douglas . Hope : You re worrying me . You re not telling me anything . I do nt even know if he s in the building or if someone s looking after him . Why ca nt I just go see him ? Thomas : I knew you were gon na pull something like this . Our craftsmen begin each day ... Steffy : I am so happy to see you , beautiful girl . Liam : I feel like she can tell . Steffy : Oh , what gave it away ? My huge , goofy grin or , like , the tightest hugs ever ? Liam : I do nt know . All of the above . Steffy : [ Laughs ] Liam : Your mama s got a lot of love to give , do you know that ? Steffy : Oh . I miss you every day , you know that ? And I know you re safe and-- Beth : [ Babbles ] Steffy : Yeah . I know you re safe and secure with mommy and daddy , and that s -- that s all that matters -- that and I get to see you from time to time . Liam : [ Chuckles ] Ridge : This is for you . Careful . It s hot . Brooke : Thanks . Ridge : [ Sighs ] I have a request . Come sit . Can we please table the inevitable fight we re gon na have about our kids and talk about us ? I came here to see my beautiful wife cause I miss you . We took our rings off . I m staying at dad s house . It just ... doesnt make sense . Brooke : [ Whispers ] Yeah . [ Normal voice ] I hate this . I miss you , too . I miss falling asleep with your arms around me . I miss ... silly , stupid things we talk about over dinner . [ Laughter ] Making love . And I miss talking about anything that does nt have to do with hope and thomas . Ridge : I miss that , too . Brooke : But ... we ca nt ignore the things that our children have done , ridge . And the things that thomas has done , it s scary and frightening , and it s not okay . Now , I know you love your son , and I know that you re sick of hearing this . Thomas is incapable of raising that little boy . And he should nt be anywhere near my daughter . He is obsessed with hope . Hope : Where is douglas ? Thomas : He s safe . He s just out of our hair for a minute so we can be together . Brooke : I m not comfortable not knowing where he is , especially now that we share custody . Thomas : You will find out where he is after we ve celebrated . Brooke : Okay , I do nt understand . Why wo nt you just tell me where he is ? Thomas : Just focus on me for , like , one minute . Hope : I m trying to tell you that I am worried about your son . Thomas : And I m trying to tell you that there s no reason to be . Hope : I wanna see him . Thomas : What about what I want ? Has that ever mattered to you ? Did it matter a minute ago ? Or no ? No , you were just manipulating me , putting on a face so I would sign on the dotted line . Hope : Where is douglas ? Thomas : You wanna see douglas , fine . I will take you to his storage room as soon as we re done . Hope : Storage ? You have him locked up somewhere ? Thomas : It s not-- look , he s fine . Hope : You left him by himself ? What is wrong with you ? Thomas : I told you , we need time alone . You know , grown - up time ? Hope : You know what ? Why do nt you just tell me where he is , and I ll go find him myself ? Thomas : That kind of defeats the purpose . Hope : Where is he , thomas ? Thomas : That s for me to know and you to find out , okay ? But not now . Now just trust me . He s fine . And .. hope ! Hope : Douglas ? ! Where are you ? ! Douglas ? Thomas : Hope ! Hope ! Hope ! Hope ! Ridge : I do nt think you know how much it hurts me to have you talk about my son that way . Brooke : I do know , ridge . Disparaging thomas is the last thing I wanna do . He was my family , too . Ridge : Then why d you turn our back on him ? Brooke : This is nt about me . This is about what thomas did . He betrayed everybody s trust by keeping that horrible secret . Ridge : He knows he made mistakes . He s trying to apologize for it . He s trying to make it right . Brooke : He s making it seem like that , ridge . But I do nt believe him . I do nt trust him . Not for a second . Do you know that he got right up in my face and he started calling me names and going off on what a horrible person I am and that he does nt want me in your life anymore ? Ridge : Well , that s just not true . Hope : This really happened during one of his unhinged moments . I believed him then , and I believe him now . You and I both know what he s capable of . I just do nt know how it s going to escalate . Steffy : I was surprised when thomas told me about he had plans with hope this evening . Liam : Trust me , I was , too . I mean , halloween was bad enough . Steffy : Yeah . Liam : But at least , you know , I could justify that because it s a family party . It s at eric s , you know . Douglas wanted to see her . Fine , but ... like , what , some random night ? Like , I do nt feel good about that . Steffy : What do you think is going on ? Liam : I know that hope is desperate to get thomas to share legal custody of douglas with her , and I do nt know . Maybe she s even pulling it off . But for hope to ... [ Sighs ] To deliberately put herself in thomas orbit after everything that s happened , I mean , that s just-- that just shows how attached she is to douglas . I do nt know . It does nt feel right to me . Hope : Douglas ? ! Douglas , where are you , douglas ? Thomas : Hope , would you wait ? Hope : No ! Douglas ! Douglas : Save your breath . Douglas ca nt hear you . Hope : Who are you , and how can you be so cruel to your son ? ! Thomas : Damn it , hope . Hope : [ Panting ] Thomas : Hope . We re not doing this , okay ? We re going back to the office so we can have the evening that I planned for us . Douglas is fine . Everything s fine . You just have to trust me . They say life is all about making choices . Liam : I do nt know . It s like hope has tunnel vision , you know ? All roads lead to douglas , which is kind of a problem because we just got our daughter back , so you know if she s gon na be obsessed with someone , I feel like it should be with beth . And yet ... at the same time , I ca nt begrudge douglas the attention hope is giving him . I mean , he s just lost his mom , and he s this sweet , special , amazing boy , and ... I do nt know . It makes me question if I would even mind hope s focus on him if it were nt for thomas . Steffy : Yeah , I understand how you re feeling . I still have issues with thomas , but IM ... trying to get past them . Liam : Yeah , but of course you are . He s your brother . Steffy : Well , I m really doing it for my dad . I mean , he s trying so hard to heal our family . The least I can do is make the effort . So just trying to understand why thomas did what he did . Liam : Any , uh , big insights ? Steffy : It was hard on him growing up . Dad was busy with work . He was going back and forth between brooke and my mom . He saw when our family was broken . Suffered a lot . It s just crazy . Liam : What ? What is ? Steffy : Just how history repeats itself . Dad fell for a logan , and now thomas has , too . Ridge : Tell me something . What horrible things are you implying thomas is capable of ? Brooke : Thomas offered you custody of douglas in exchange for sex ? I could nt even imagine , ridge . But I know that he is unpredictable , and he s emotionally unstable . And he s not getting the help that he needs . A couple calls to his mom every week is not going to help him , ridge . And taylor has nt been here . She has nt seen how dangerous he is , how unbalanced . She ca nt look him in the eye and see that he s actually manipulating her . Ridge : Why are you making him sound like he s some budding serial killer ? He made a mistake . He kept a secret . He s trying to -- to make amends right now , but you wanna punish him for the rest of his life . Brooke : No , I donT. I would love to see that he gets the intensive help and therapy that he needs and to get a grip on his emotions . I would love that day . But you know what ? He s not even close . So until then , I do nt want him anywhere near douglas or hope . Hope : Please , thomas , just tell me where douglas is . Thomas : Just stop asking me that . Hope : I do nt understand why you wo nt just tell me . Thomas : Because I wanna talk about us , okay , and the future that we could have as a family . Nothing s lost-- Hope : Dont -- dont get any closer . Thomas : Look , I ve betrayed your trust . I made a terrible decision , and if I could go back and change it , I would . I would have told you about beth right away . But I canT. I ca nt go back and change it , but what I can do is change myself . I could become better , okay ? But you have to -- you have to believe me , and you have to understand me . Look , I got caught up in a lie , and it was dr . Buckingham s fault . It was nt my fault . And -- and -- and yes , I played a part , but dr . Buckingham was the person who did it , and I do nt know why I m getting all the heat for this . I came in at the end , but you know what ? None of that matters , because what I want is for us to be a family . That s it . You , me , and douglas . Brooke : Okay , just let me go , thomas . [ Panting ] Thomas : Look , I gave you rights to my son . That shows you how much I love you . Hope : I mean it , thomas . Thomas : I need you . Hope , we can be a family . You , me , and douglas -- we can . Okay ? We can be a real family . Hope : [ Panting ] ### Summary:
Liam reads stories to Beth and wonders what to do now . He will call her sister . Steffy is feeding Kelly and senses he needs something to do since he is alone and invites him over . Ridge drops in on Brooke . He says he keeps telling himself that he is doing this out of protest to help Thomas but he misses her . She smells good . She gives him a kiss and says she has missed him too . He says he knows it is not a popular thought but Thomas is Douglas s father . He does not need shared custody . Hope has Beth . She does not need Douglas too . Brooke tries to make him see that Douglas is thriving as he is now with Hope in his life so there is no harm in shared custody . Thomas starts to sign the papers . Hope is pleased and says now they can be a family and she will be Douglas s mother just like he promised him . When done she is so happy that she wants to run find Douglas and tell him . Thomas says forget Douglas ; they need to celebrate and can tell Douglas later . He says again how much he loves her and wants to be with her . She gets back to Douglas , that she does not even know where he is or if he is still in the building . He says if she wants to see Douglas he will take her to him when they are done . They need time alone ; you know like grownup time . She wants to go now and he says that is for him to know and her to find out . She runs out with him after her . Ridge wants Brooke to sit down and table their children for now . He hates being at his dad s house and had rather be here . She says she hates it too but she can not just brush aside what Thomas did and is still doing . But Ridge is turning a blind eye to all of that . And he is the one who moved out . Ridge says he does not think she knows how much it hurts him when she talks about Thomas this way . She says she is sorry but she does not believe Thomas for a second and still does not trust him . They both know what he is capable of . Steffy tells Liam that she was surprised when Thomas told her what he had planned for him and Hope . He says maybe she can do this but it does not feel right that she would put herself in harm s way with Thomas . It is like she has tunnel vision and all roads lead to Douglas . Steffy says she understands . She still has her issues with Thomas but is trying to get past it . Thomas had it hard growing up . He saw when his dad went back and forth between Brooke and their mom . Hope runs thru the halls and climbs stairs to an room where he corners her in a dangerous section with warning signs all around . Ridge tells Brooke that she is going to punish Thomas for the rest of his life and that is not fair . Meanwhile Thomas has Hope cornered and she can not move either direction . He puts his hands on her and begs her now that he has signed the papers to be with him as a family and they can raise Douglas . The both look deeply into each other s eyes and then she manages to break loose and she runs past him and as he turns he slips between the railings and falls into a vat of bubbling chemicals that are steaming and hissing . Coming up , face up , we see it is Thomas .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Provided & Proofread By Suzanne Steffy : So how does it feel to hold my fate in your hands ? Liam : Uh ... familiar . Steffy : You re awfully good at it . So what s the verdict ? Am I going to a tropical paradise to lick my wounds ? Liam : ( Sighs ) Steffy : Or am I moving back in with the man I love ? Hope : I know Steffy is with Liam right now ... ( Scoffs ) Wearing as little as possible-- Oh , it s so hot outside-- trying to convince him to go back to her . ( Sighs ) Rick : Yeah , well , it worked in the past . Hope : Gee , thank you for that . Rick : I m just saying , you do nt have to stay hunkered at Mom s . Got to the beach house . Hope : ( Sighs ) Rick : Claim your man , if that s what you want to do . Hope : ( Sighs ) Ridge : Taylor , you re an extraordinary woman . Steffy would be lucky to end up like her mother . Taylor : Except for the unlucky - in - love part . Ridge : ( Sighs ) Taylor : No , I take that back . Loving you was ... it was definitely the best thing that ever happened to me in my life . Unfortunately , losing you was ... ( Inhales sharply ) Right up there with one of the worst . Ridge : For that , Doc , I m sorry . Taylor : I ve accepted it . Ive -- Ive moved on ... and quite happily , I might add . But when I do see Steffy walking the same path , all that hurt comes back , Ridge , you know ? Wondering ... ( Sighs ) Why do you feel like you can never win ? Why do you always feel like you re second best , like ... ( Sighs ) Like you ll never measure up ? What did you do wrong ? Ridge : Taylor , that was never the case . Taylor : We were pretty good together , were nt we ? Ridge : Yes , we were . And I never regretted one moment I spent with you . Rick : I ll drive you to Liam s if that s what you want . I ll stay in the car if you think better of it or disappear if you decide to stay . Hope : Well , that s very sweet of you , considering how you really feel . Rick : You know , just showing up would do it-- knock Steffy right off that playing field . Hope : ( Groans ) I have made too many decisions based on Steffy . It can not be about her . It s got ta be what s right for me . Rick : Which is ? Hope : I ve got ta stay true to my convictions . If I do nt , I get lost . You know , it s just like when I was taking the pills . I was nt being true to myself-- like when I was living with Liam before we were married . ( Scoffs ) We still are nt married . ( Chuckles ) Rick : It sounds like you know your own heart . Hope : My head knows my heart . My heart only knows how much I love Liam . Steffy : Think about it before you answer , okay ? Weigh the pros and the cons . Liam : ( Sighs ) Steffy : You and me , making hot nights like this even hotter , early morning walks on the beach , sharing our lives with each other , and knowing that I would never , ever leave you . And then behind door number two , you have Hope , a girl who bails on you , walks out on you over and over again , who needs to grow up and learn about compromise and commitment . You do nt have to wait . You do have another option . Me . Liam : It-- Steffy : You know what ? Liam : ( Sighs ) Steffy : Here s how I see it , okay ? Liam : Okay . Steffy : Okay , you ... ( Sighs ) Found a note from your wife on your wedding day that said Good - bye . You turn to your ex - wife , me , and things get a little , you know , hot and heavy . But then we realized it was a big misunderstanding , right ? And that she did nt write the note . And Hope forgave you . But then we have a bigger problem . The tablet accidentally records us in your hotel room . Liam : ( Sighs ) Steffy : Hope watches the video , and she completely flips out . Liam : Understandably . Steffy : Yeah . I - I m not denying that , no . But then the papers arrive to validate the marriage , and what does Hope do ? She rips the papers up . She walks out on you . She goes back to her mommy s place . Tell me , Liam , is this really the life you want to have ? Taylor : You know , I can pinpoint when I was happiest . Ridge : I bet I can guess when that was-- when our family was together and intact . Taylor : You , me , Thomas , Steffy , and Phoebe-- it was right after I had the twins , and we were sitting on the bed , and you and Thomas were there on the edge , and I was holding the girls . Sometimes I just -- I wish-- I wish you could just freeze those moments , you know ? Ridge : I totally agree . Taylor : And then there are those moments in time that I wish had never happened . Ridge : ( Sighs ) Losing Phoebe . Taylor : I think about her every day . I wonder what she would have been like right now . Ridge : Having you as a mother , she would have been extraordinary . Taylor : ( Sighs ) Well , do nt leave yourself out , you know . She was a daddy s girl . You were her hero . You were a wonderful father . Ridge : Oh , I do nt know about that . Taylor : Just as your other children . They ll tell you . Ridge : Hey , I m proud of them , especially Steffy . She has grown so much in the last year . Taylor : Yeah , well , she s had the brat beat out of her by -- by love . Ridge : Still , growth is good . Taylor : ( Chuckles ) Ridge : ( Sighs ) Taylor : ( Sighs ) I just ... ( Sighs ) I just feel for Steffy . I - I - I want more for her life than what I ve had to go through . I - I do nt want her feeling like part of her life is missing , because Hope is with Liam . Ridge : Is that really how you feel ? Taylor : Do you really have to ask ? Ridge : But ... you and Thorne-- I mean , I thought ... Taylor : How can I give my heart to another man when still so much of it belongs to you ? Rick : It seems like I missed quite a wedding . Hope : ( Groans ) The entire day was insane . ( Sighs ) Rick : What was it like to see Deacon ? Hope : ( Sighs ) I mean , that s what started the whole chain of events . I - I got this knock on my door , and I was expecting it to be my driver . I opened the door , and I m just-- I m speechless . I m standing there face to face with my dad . And it was ... it really was just the best wedding present . I could nt rush him out . I mean , I did nt want to . I - I -- oh , I wanted to stay there and talk to him , even though it was making me later . Rick : And meanwhile , everybody s wondering where you are . Hope : Mm - hmm . Yeah . So I go outside to get there after Deacon has left , but the car s driving away , which I could nt believe . Rick : Why did the driver leave ? Hope : I do nt know . I guess because I was late . I do nt know . Anyway , a gardener drove by , and I kind of hijacked him . Rick : So -- so-- so the gardener s the one that took you to the chapel ? Hope : Yes , he was , but , you know , we re almost there , and suddenly , road block . Rick : Shut up . Hope : No , I m serious . Rick : Uh , Mom did nt tell me that part . Hope : So I finally-- finally get to the chapel , and Mom and Ridge are just like , Where have you been ? We ve been so worried about you . And I m looking around , but no Liam . Rick : Because he went back to the hotel to find you . Hope : Yeah . So I went to the hotel , and I got there and no idea that Steffy was there hiding in the bathroom . I do nt think I even realized how messed up Liam looked . I was just so focused on-- on getting married . You know , and that s when I found out about the note that Deacon left , you know . ( Sighs ) Liam thought it was from me calling off the wedding . I -- and when I think about it now-- Rick : No , no , dont -- dont . Do nt . Hope : ( Sighs ) Rick : Just fast - forward to the wedding for me . Hope : It was ... magnificent . But it does nt matter , because that day will never be my wedding day . ( Scoffs ) Steffy : My point is Hope always walks out on you . That s how she deals with her problems . You know , I have never walked out on you , and I never will . Liam : Never s a long time , Steffy . Steffy : And I can still say that . Whether your marriage is valid or not in this country , you and Hope , you both said your vows , and it was real . Liam : I agree . Steffy : Hope wants to have another wedding , because she feels that her wedding in Italy was tainted . Okay , fine , yeah . Go do that . But moving out ? Liam : Well , she s not , technically , moving out . I mean , she s staying at her mom s , cause she s angry , and she wants to sort things out . And you know Hope and her principles . And you know this is one of the things I love most about her . I mean , even when things are nt easy , she sticks with them . And Hope needs things to be a certain way . And living with a man when she s not married does nt work or her . Steffy : But you are married in every way that matters , and if she does nt get that , than she does nt deserve you . What is that ? Liam : The -- it s -- it s my VCR . Steffy : You have one of these ? Liam : I m sorry . Um , not everything is available on DVD , including Bob Hope movies . Steffy : How come I never knew about these Bob Hope movies when we were married ? Liam : ( Scoffs ) Because it never even occurred to me that you liked him . I mean , do you know how much it blew my mind in Aspen when you told me you were a fan ? Steffy : Like I said-- simpatico , simpatico . We re so alike . What else do you need to know ? Liam : ( Sighs ) Hope : Rick , do you believe in happiness ? Rick : Sure . Hope : Why ? Rick : Well , I ve been there , for one . I ve seen it with Mom and Ridge and with Eric and Stephanie , in their weird way . ( Chuckles ) Hope : Maybe it s just me . I mean , do nt get me wrong . Ive -- Ive been there . I ve felt it . When I was in Italy , I was ... overjoyed . But ... I just feel like there s always going to be something , some kind of secret that s just waiting to blow your world apart . Rick : Mm - hmm . Love is a struggle . Hope : Well , it should nt have to be . Rick : Well , an attitude like that , you re gon na set yourself up for disappointment . Love is forgiveness , too . Hope : Yeah , I ve been hearing a lot of that , lately . Rick : Well , maybe you should consider moving back in with Liam . Give him a chance to be the husband that you need . Hope : ( Scoffs ) You make it sound so easy . Rick : Well , it could be , if you love the guy . Hope : If I do that , I mean , if we re really going to do it , then it s -- it s got ta be the right time . Rick : I think you should be having this conversation with Liam . Liam : You re the most fun I ve ever had . You make me laugh when nothing in the world seems funny . Steffy : ( Scoffs ) Liam : On top of it all , you re my best friend . Steffy : Yeah . But there s Hope . Liam : Listen , I understand what you re saying . When things get tough , Hope heads for the door . But look at me . Things get tough , I head for you . I have hurt Hope really badly . Steffy : Yeah , but we ve apologized over and over again . Liam : ( Sighs ) Steffy : And her response is walking out on you . I mean , how you guys supposed to work this out if she s not even here . Liam : I know . I know . I m trying to see this from Hope s perspective , and I completely understand her not wanting a wedding tied into what happened between you and me in that hotel room . Steffy : Okay . Okay . So -- so confront her . You -- you guys should fight about it . You guys should be doing it right here . Is this -- this what you want for the rest of your life ? Liam : It s not that simple . Steffy : Yes , it is . Steffy : Liam ... Hope has made your life miserable . She has . Look , I ve been there with you , loving you , right beside you . I have always had your back . Liam : ( Sighs ) Steffy : You need to tell her . You need to tell her that she ca nt walk out on you anymore . You need to tell her that you re done . Go talk to her . Go talk to her . I will give you an hour . After that , I ll be gone . I ll be lying in a cabana , drowning my sorrows in Mai Tai s . But I d rather be right here with you . Go . And then come back ... to me . Liam : ( Sighs ) Ridge : I could have lived a very happy life with you and our children . Taylor : I believe that , too , Ridge . Ridge : I always wanted to be in two places at one time . Taylor : Well , that would have worked out great for you . Ridge : I have never stopped loving you . Please do nt doubt that . Taylor : I know . And I know that you ve also given Brooke yet another ring , and you re about to get married for , what , the millionth time ? ( Scoffs ) ( Inhales sharply ) And I m sad about that . But I put on my game face . But I do nt want that kind of life for our daughter . I do nt want to see Steffy go through that the rest of her life , always wanting to be with the man she loves , the man she was meant to be with . And in spite of everything that s happened with Hope , I do believe that Liam is that man for her . Liam : Okay if I come in ? Hope : Sure . Liam : Thanks . Hope : I was just thinking about calling you . Liam : Can I just say one thing ? Hope : Okay . Liam : I ve been trying to , um ... Hope : ( Clears throat ) Liam : Understand your position . I know you re ticked off . I know that you re staying at your mother s until you can wrap your head around this and decide if I m somebody you want to be married to . I get that . I also get that you do nt believe in living with me unless we re married . Here s what I m confused about . We re already married . We -- we made vows . We had a priest pronounce us man and wife . Hope : Uh , technically , the ceremony was nt legal . Liam : I ... ( Sighs ) I m sorry about what happened with Steffy . Hope : ( Sighs ) Liam : I genuinely thought that you had left me , and you re gon na have to-- you re gon na have to give me some forgiveness and some understanding on that . We can work through this , but I need you with me . Hope : ( Clears throat ) Liam : I need you at home with me as my wife . And so I m here . I m asking you to leave this place and come home with me . But I need to get an answer from you . Will you come ? ### Summary:
Steffy asks Liam how does it feel to hold her fate in his hands . She can go to a tropical paradise and lick her wounds or move back in with the man she loves . Hope tells Rick that she knows Steffy is with Liam right now .wearing as little as possible because it is so hot .. all in trying to convince him to go back to her . Rick tells her that s worked before , but Hope does nt have to hunker down here at her mom s . She can go to the beach house and claim her man if that is what she wants to do . She could knock Steffy right off the playing field . In Ridge s office , he and Taylor walk down memory lane by her saying loving him was the best part of her life . But losing him was right up there with the worst . She does nt want to see Steffy doing the same thing and ending up feeling second best , like she does nt measure up . Ridge says he is sorry ; he never regretted one moment he spent with her . He brings up Thorne and she says she can not give herself to another man when so much of her heart belong to him . Hope tells Rick that this ca nt be about Steffy . It has to be her and her convictions . Steffy urges Liam to think of the pros and cons . She lays it on thick about the hot steamy nights they always have , the early morning walks on the beach , the life they share and she would never walk out on him . And then behind door number two , he has Hope who will always bail on him . They said their vows yet Hope now wants another wedding and is not living with Liam . She spies the Bob Hope tape and remarks again that they are so simpatico . Liam says he hears what she is saying . When the going gets tough , Hope heads for the door , but look at him ; he heads for his best friend , Steffy . She says he needs to tell Hope that she can not do this to him . Steffy has been with him all the way , always had his back . She gives him one hour – go to Hope , be done with her and then come back to her . Liam knocks on Hope s door and wants to come in . He laments that he knows she is ticked at him , and he s genuinely sorry for what happened with Steffy but due to the circumstances Hope is gon na have to give him some forgiveness on that . He knows Hope does nt want to come back until they are married , but they are married or can be . He needs her to come home with him and work through this and all he asks is that she come .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Kyle : I ca nt wait for our honeymoon to start . Mariah : It would be a shame if power came in and decided to get in the agency business , as well , stealing all your clients so we could service all of their needs , making you obsolete . Theo : This could be fun . Nick : You re dropping your petition for custody ? Adam : You re all my witnesses . I am giving up the right to raise my own son . Nick is his father in almost every way that counts . Chelsea : [ Sighs ] I wish you d let me go to court with you . Nick : I just do nt want anything to set adam off . If he sees you with me -- Chelsea : I know . I know . I just wish you had someone there with you for moral support . Nick : Well , brittany did ask summer to come and testify about my parenting skills . Chelsea : Which is ridiculous that you need somebody to do that . Nick : Well , once the judge signs off on adam s petition , then this is all gon na be over . Chelsea : Well , the custody battle will , yeah . Nick : Judge sanders wo nt have any reason not to let christian come home with me , where he belongs . Kyle : Home , sweet home . Lola : I guess this means that our honeymoon is officially over . Kyle : Not quite . There s still one more thing left to do . Lola : Oh , mr . Traditional strikes again . Kyle : Well , breaking the rules can lead to seven years of bad luck . Lola : I think you re confusing carrying your bride over the threshold with breaking a mirror . Kyle : Just in case , I d prefer to err on the side of caution . Lola : [ Giggles ] [ Door unlocks ] Oh , my god , kyle . What have you done ? Mariah : Absolutely . You have an amazing media presence , that s for sure , but i can leverage that into new relationship that will just blow up your brand . We can start today , yes . Just make an appointment with my assistant . All right , I look forward to seeing you soon . Bye . Theo : I m impressed . Mariah : I can die happy . Theo : I know we got off on the wrong foot . Mariah : What do you want , theo ? Theo : A do - over . Mariah : Let s see , I am juggling about 1,000 things . I m turning power communications into a kickass company , I m working 24/7 . Letting you into my life so you can steal my job , that seems like an awesome idea . Theo : Well , you re too smart for that . You saw right through me the other night . Mariah : And right now . Theo : If we find a way to work together , there d be something in it for both of us . Mariah : Yeah , the unemployment line for me and massive bonuses for you . Theo : I was thinking more obscene paychecks for both of us . Look , at least give me a chance to tell you what I have on my mind . Mariah : [ Inhales sharply ] All right , theodore , dazzle me . Additional sponsorship Nick : [ Exhales sharply ] Brittany should be here by now . Chelsea : I know , just try to relax . Nick : I just need this over with . Summer : Hey . Look who I found outside . Nick : Thank god . Chelsea : Uh , brittany ! Hi ! Brittany : Hi . Chelsea : It s so nice to meet you . I m so glad you re representing nick in his case . Nick : We both are . Brittany : It should be a simple , straightforward hearing . Nick : Well , as long as I get my boy back . Brittany : I do nt see why you wouldnT. Summer : Well , once I tell them what an amazing dad you are , it should be a no- brainer . Brittany : Now , everybody needs to be on their best behavior today . Nick : We will be . Brittany : Good . We should get going . Nick : Uh , can I just have a minute with chelsea ? Summer : Yeah . Sure . Chelsea : You got this . Nick : I just , uh ... wanted to say thank you , for everything . I know this has nt been easy on you , either . Chelsea : Adam is connor s father . You are christianS. Nick : I just love him so much . Chelsea : I know , I know . And he loves you , too . Nick : I have to bring him home . Chelsea : You will . Okay , go . Go . I do nt want to be the reason you re late . Nick : Thank you . Let s do it . Theo : I have a list of 50 people who could be the next big thing on the influencer scene , all with different audiences , levels of potential , very personal brands and interests . Now , with some grooming , the right music , clever hashtags , your humor , a dozen could be breakout . I mean , major money- makers . All I need is someone to help them grow their brand . Mariah : Someone like me . Theo : Who better to teach them how to maximize their raw talent ? Mariah : So , basically ... do your job for you . Theo : Well , I thought , together , we could work our magic and secure the back . And you could show devon you re the power in power communications . Mariah : I do nt need to prove anything to devon . Theo : Dude s loyal , but , eventually , he s gon na want something in return for that loyalty . Making bank is one of the qualities a boss looks for in his top managers . Mariah : Okay , no bull . How many people do you have with real potential ? Theo : Five . Maybe six . Mariah : Show me two , and I ll think about putting them on a trial . Theo : You choose . Mariah : Okay . Interesting . All right . Indio and tallulah . I want to meet them today . Theo : They re based out of chicago . Mariah : Then what are you still doing here ? Chelsea : Why are nt you at the courthouse ? Adam : Uh , because being in two different places at once is nt my superpower . Chelsea : Adam , you need to get over there . Adam : No , actually ... I donT. Kyle : Now that we are a mature , stable married couple , I figured it was about time we had our own furniture instead of rey s hand - me - downs . Lola : Look at this amazing sofa , and these pillows ! I love these pillows almost as much as I love you ! Kyle : Oh , glad I still rank number one . Lola : Not even close . This is the most amazing surprise , and you are the best husband ever . You ve thought of everything . Kyle : Yeah . Except for leaving a note for the delivery guys to turn on the air conditioner . I wanted our apartment to be our oasis , not a sauna . Lola : It s okay . We can handle the heat for a few minutes . Kyle : Yeah , well , till the ac kicks in , I have an idea of how to cool off . Lola : [ Chuckles ] Kyle : Less clothes equals less heat . Lola : Hmm , really ? You know , I find the opposite to be true . Kyle : Well , it s a working theory . Lola : Based on a faulty premse . Kyle : I -- I just need a little more time to refine it . Lola : Mm . Well , I am sorry I have to cut your experiment short today . You need to leave . Kyle : What ? Did I do something wrong ? Lola : You ve actually done everything right . But I m so tired of you showing me up , and I want to do something for you . So just let it be a surprise , please . & Kyle : Well , great . Surprise me . Lola : I need time to prep ! Kyle : [ Chuckles ] Lola : So can you just give me a couple of hours , please ? Find something to do . Kyle : Wo nt be easy , but i guess I can manage a few hours away from you . But for what I m giving up , this better be good . Lola : [ Chuckles ] Kyle : Oh ! [ Laughs ] Chelsea : Are you trying to screw this up for nick ? Adam : God , even when I m ding the right thing , I am still the bad guy . Chelsea : If you are serious about giving up your fight for christian , you would nt be sitting here . Adam : I dropped my suit . The petition that I filed with the court made it official , chelsea . I m not gon na waste my going to court . Chelsea : I honestly thought you wanted what was best for christian . Adam : Look , I did my part . If nick wants his son back so badly ... tell him to do the rest . Chelsea : You could so easily help them both . Adam : It s not my problem . Nick : Where the hell is adam ? That s a very good question , mr . Newman . Brittany : Good morning , your honor . Ms. Hodges . Brittany : My client and i appreciate you making room on your calendar for us today . Nick : Yes , I ca nt tell you how grateful I am . Well , I was very clear about wanting all parties present . Brittany : Yes , we are aware of that . Well , then why is nt the plaintiff here ? I do nt like to be kept waiting . Brittany : Which is why we were here early , your honor . Nick : Yes , sir . The last thing I want to do is waste your time . Well , I wish your brother was as considerate . If he s not here soon , I m gon na have to move on to my next case . Nick : But -- You can reschedule with my clerk . Nick : No , your honor . Nick : Sorry . Can you handle this ? Summer : It s summer . Chelsea : Summer , I need to talk to your dad . Summer : Well , he s kind of busy . Chelsea : It s important . Summer : Okay , well , what is it ? Brittany : Your honor , you have adam newman s petition stating he s relinquishing all claims to christian newman . Yes , and given his adamants at the last hearing , I d like him to explain why he s going to do that . Let s just say I m surprised at his sudden change of heart . Nick : What , you think he was coerced ? I d like to speak to your brother before I make any decisions . Summer : What do you mean , that he wo nt come ? Make him come , drag him here if you have to ! Um ... adam says that he wo nt come . Well , no sense in us being here , then . This hearing is canceled . Theo : Aww , you got to stay , zoe . There s gon na be tons of people at the opening you ll want to meet . It ll be a great opportunity to build your brand . Oh . Got to go . I ll put your name on the vip list . Look who s back from his honeymoon ! The boring married guy . Kyle : Buzz off , theo . Theo : What s the matter ? Wedded bliss not all it s cracked up to be ? Kyle : [ Sighs ] Theo : Is that why you re here in this park , alone ? Kyle : Do nt start . It s too hot for a fight . Theo : Well , speaking of hot , you ll never guess who I was just talking to . Actually , I ll give you a hint . Booze is not her friend . Kyle : You better not mean zoe . Theo : Is there another underage girl you had to rush to the hospital with alcohol poisoning ? Kyle : Leave her alone , theo . Theo : She wants to catch up with you , man . Kyle : Are ou kidding me ? She s still in town ? What the hell do you want from me ? Theo : Dude ! Chill . Hey , not everything s about you . Kyle : And what does that mean ? Theo : Well , I know you ve been all about wedding plans and settling down , but the rest of us are still living life . Kyle : Yeah , what does that have to do with zoe ? Theo : Well , the opening of the grand phoenix is coming up . It s gon na be huge for anyone in the social media biz . I invited zoe and summer . Kyle : Yeah , zoe s not an influencer . Theo : She s working on it . It s gon na be a great opportunity for her to see and be seen . And can you think of anything hotter than pics of summer and zoe with me right in the middle of them ? Kyle : It s messed up , and you know it ! Theo : Is the guy with the new wife jealous ? Bring lola . We ll get group shots . Kyle : I m warning you , theo . Theo : Great catching up . I got to go . Lots to do before the opening . Kyle : Drop this game , or you ll be sorry . Theo : Welcome back . I missed you . Brittany : Your honor , in addition to the petition adam newman filed , he also submitted a sworn affidavit which clearly states his desire to drop all matters regarding the custody of the minor in question . I also have statements from the social worker and the psychologist assigned to this case , and those reports give glowing accounts of nick s ability to parent . I would still like to speak to adam newman . I made that clear , and he defied my order . Brittany : But my client is here , your honor . Yes , but I do nt know if he put undue pressure on his brother . Nick : Whoa , you think I m the reason adam s not here today ? I have no way of knowing that until I speak to him . Summer : Look , you ca nt blame him . Adam is just a selfish jerk who loves watching people s lives blow up . Brittany : Summer . Summer : No , it s true . He s doing this to hurt my -- And who are you , young lady ? Nick : This is my daughter , your honor . She came today to be a character witness for me . Summer : Look , my dad would never do these things that you re accusing him of . He is a good , honest , decent man , and he s an amazing father , and christian should have never been taken away from him , and if you ca nt make this right , then you are no better than adam yourself . You are one word away from a contempt charge , ms . Newman . Nick : Sweetheart . It s okay . Thank you . You can go . Your honor -- We are done here . Chelsea : No , you are not leaving unless you are going straight to the courthouse . Adam : Chelsea . It is funny that you think that you can stop me . Chelsea : Well , it s so simple ! Just go and tell the judge that you re dropping the case . I mean , what is stopping you ? There is no reason that you -- oh . Oh , it s not that you wo nt do it , it s that you ca nt do it . It s too hard to see the dream of you raising christian slipping away , is nt it ? Adam : God , you think you know me so well , do nt you ? Chelsea : Because I do . Yeah , everybody thinks that you re using christian to hurt nick , but , really , there s -- there s so much more than that . You want your son to be a part of your life , of course . You want to see him grow up . You want to teach him how to play soccer and navigate high school and girls and college applications . So you let that all go , and it s killing you . But you did it for christian , and that s why you do nt want to go to the hearing . Because it s too painful . Hurts too much . Adam : [ Scoffs ] Well , that was -- that was beautiful , but it is completely false . Okay ? I am fine with this . The newmans are right . I do nt give a damn about christian . He was simplyjust a means to an end . Nothing more . Sometimes , bipolar I disorder The young and the restless will continue . Kyle : Whoa ! What lit you up besides this heat ? Summer : Nothing . Nothing . Kyle : Hey . What s going on ? Summer : Uh , nothing , I m just , uh -- I m an idiot . Kyle : Says who ? Summer : Um , says my dad and his lawyer and the judge at the custody hearing . Kyle : Whoa , what happened ? Summer : I tried to help my dad get christian back , but i just made things a lot worse , so . Kyle : Oh . Summer : Yeah . Kyle : You want to talk about it ? Summer : Um , you know , I would literally rather talk about anything else than that right now , so . How , uh -- how was your honeymoon ? Kyle : Honeymoon was sweet . But it s definitely over . I just got home , and I ve already run into theo . That guy s a major jerk . I do nt know how we ever became friends . I -- I should nt trash him . You two are close . You d never get why I m so pissed at him , anyway . Summer : Um ... you know , I -- I know a lot more than you think I do . About you and theo and zoe . Kyle : What d he tell you ? Summer : Uh , he told me that you guys got zoe super wasted when she was 17 , and that you had to take her to the er , and then you had to pay her dad off to keep quiet . Kyle : Bastard . Summer : Okay , well , I m never gon na tell anybody , and that includes lola . Kyle : Thanks . Summer : Well , I ca nt really say the same thing for theo , though . Kyle : Yeah , his favorite pastime is taunting me with it . Summer : Okay , well , maybe you could just , you know , tell lola yourself . Kyle : No way ! She freaked out when I gave her the pg version of my life in new york . If she ever found out about this , she would -- [ Sighs ] I got to hope she never does . Summer : Okay , well , is nt that kind of like waiting for the bomb to go off rather than diffusing it ? Kyle : I know what I m doing . Summer : Okay . Look , it s your call , but things could end up a lot worse in the end . Kyle : [ Sighs ] Theo : Now that everyone s been introduced , let me break it down for you . Indio : This better be good , theo . We had all - access passes to the north coast music festival . Theo : Trust me , you ladies wo nt regret coming to this meeting . No , if you let power communications guide your careers , you ll level up in record time . Indio : We ve done okay so far , calling the shots for ourselves . Tallulah : Do we really need a big company like this ? Mariah : No . Absolutely not . Theo s just playing you . You guys are just pawns in this little battle between the two of us . My suggestion would be to get out while you can . If you hurry , you can still make the opening acts of the music festival . Theo : [ Laughs ] That -- oh , man . You almost had me . Mariah : You should have seen the looks on your faces . It was classic . Tallulah : Oh , my god . I was totally freaking out . Theo : Well , now we can get to work . Who s doing shots ? Mariah : Shots ? Theo : Yeah , we re all about the business , but the business is all about fun . That s just how we roll . You in ? Mariah : Four shot glasses and a bottle of your best tequila ! Tallulah : Ooh ! [ Trills ] Indio : Yes ! [ Laughs ] Theo : There we go ! That s what I m talking about . Tallulah : Best business meeting ever . Brittany : Your honor , can we at least request that christian be returned to his home until this matter is resolved ? I still have very serious concerns about whether or not your client is the appropriate person to parent this child . Nick : Because of that video that adam leaked ? Mr. Newman , I almost charged your daughter with contempt . You keep it up , and I will go through with it this time . Nick : I do nt care . You do whatever you need to do . My son ca nt speak for himself , so I have to do it for him . So if that means you got to throw me in jail , then you do it . But I will be heard . Lola : Are you ready ? Kyle : I ve been ready since you kicked me out . Lola : Are you sure ? Okay , here goes ! It s time for brewers baseball ! Kyle : [ Laughs ] What is all this stuff ? Lola : Well , do you remember that time that you , um , bought us these tickets and you had to sell them because there was a conflict with a certain type of honeymoon ? Kyle : Yeah , easy call . Lola : Well , turns out , baby , that you get your honeymoon and the game , too . Kyle : What -- Lola : I taped the entire home stand , all four games , and ... Kyle : Whoa , whoa , whoa . There s more ? Lola : Cheese fries , brats , peanuts , popcorn ! Kyle : Ooh ! I thought I was getting a gourmet feast ! Lola : Wait , are you disappointed ? Kyle : So not . This is the best surprise ever . Lola : Take a seat . Two cold brews . Kyle : Oh ! Just the thing to beat the heat ! Kyle : What was that ? Lola : The ac s been making weird noises , but it s probably from working overtime . It s no big deal . Kyle : Good ! I do nt want anything else to ruin the post - honeymoon vibe . Lola : [ Sighs ] Anything else ? Did something happen while you were out ? Kyle : I , uh -- I ran into theo . Lola : Yeah , and what did that creep have to say ? Kyle : Nothing worth spoiling this private stadium experience over . Lola : Are you sure ? Kyle : Positive . Lola : Okay , then . Let s play ball ! Salud ! Tallulah : Mm ! Indio : Whoo ! Mariah : Ugh ! All right , uh , where were we ? Oh , uh , yes , building your online presence . Obviously , it needs to be strong . Theo : But it s important to be selective about the platforms you choose . You need to think outside of the followers box . Theo : Yes , it s easy to get obsessed with that number , but other metrics are just as important . Mariah : It s very , very important to build your brand the right way , and that starts by honing in on your goals . Theo : Yeah . They need to be specific , measurable , and achievable . Mariah : Zero in on what you like , what you know . You re never gon na engage with your audience if you re not authentic . Theo : Once you ve established your base , power communications can help you take things to the next level . Mariah : Absolutely . We ll handle all of your bookings , your sponsorship deals , media strategy . Theo : You ll never have to wait in line at a club again . At premiers , you ll own the red carpet . Mariah : Power will make you the shining star of the influencer world . Theo : And all you have to do is sign a contract and watch your careers explode . Mariah : So , girls ... what do you say ? Indio : It s a lot to take in . Tallulah : Yeah , we ll need some time to think about it , but ... we re excited . Mariah : I m not gon na lie , so are we . Summer : Oh ! Hey . Tessa : Hi . Summer : I m just here to see theo . Tessa : Mariah . Summer : Well , hopefully when the grand phoenix opens , we wo nt have any more awkward run - ins like this . Tessa : Yeah , I call dibs on the phoenix lounge . Summer : Oh , okay . Indio : Thank god we ordered a car . Tessa : Well , um , I , uh , guess we should go in . Summer : Yeah . Okay . Theo : That was a good meeting . Mariah : It was amazing ! I -- I ca nt believe it ! Cheers . Theo : Mm ! Mariah : Yay , us ! We did it . [ Laughs ] Mariah : [ Laughs ] Chelsea : How about we go get something cold to drink ? Connor : I need to work on my footwork . Chelsea : Ah . So this is my life now , huh ? Soccer mom . Connor : Yeah ! Cool , huh ? Chelsea : Yeah , it s very cool . I ll enjoy it a lot more when we re not in the middle of a heat wave . Connor : Dad said real soccer players do nt let the weather bother them . Chelsea : Did he ? Connor : Mom ? Dad ! We were just talking about you ! Adam : I heard . Connor : I ve been working on the moves you taught me . Adam : Yeah ? Oh , look at that ! That s great ! Chelsea : Yeah . Connor : Hey , if you re not busy , you want to hang out ? Adam : Well , that s up to your mom . Chelsea : Yeah . I do nt see why not . Connor : You re coming with us ? Chelsea : No , why do nt you spend so time with your dad ? Connor : Want to play video games ? Adam : Do you mean do I want to get my butt kicked in galaxy warrior ? Connor : [ Chuckles ] I ll give you a handicap . Adam : Oh , yeah , a handicap ? All right . You got it . Connor : The console s in the car . I ll get it ! Adam : All right , bud . Chelsea : [ Chuckles ] Adam : Thank you . Chelsea : You ve given up enough . Adam : Look , I told you , i do nt -- Chelsea : I heard what you said , but I know how much losing christian has cost you . Brittany : Nick , we should go . Take your attorney s advice , mr . Newman . Nick : Not till I ve had my say . You know , today was the day i thought this nightmare was gon na finally be over . No more waking up ... not seeing my little boy s face at my breakfast table ... not getting to drop him off at camp for the day or read him stories at night ... or give him a hug before he goes to bed . Because he was home , you know , where he belongs . And as much as I wanted it , I know christian wanted it 100 times more . That boy has been shuttled from one to another so many times , it ll make your head spin . I gave him the stability he deserves , and you took that away from him , again , because you were concerned he was being used as a pawn in this stupid battle with my brother , but thank god adam woke up and realized he was wrong . He did the right thing . I mean , this hearing should be a mere formality . Adam did everything he needed to do . For you to say he s got to be here is ridiculous . Brittany : Nick . Nick : It s true . You re keeping me from my son over a technicality . You re not letting him go back to his home for one minute longer is wrong ! And it s cruel . And you need to remember why we re doing this . It s to do what s best for this little boy . And some arbitrary rule is keeping you from doing that . You should advise your client that insulting the judge is not the way to get his son back . Nick : Your honor . I am sorry that I m worked up , it s just -- my son ca nt speak for himself , so I have to do it for him . And if I could just tell you a little bit about him , I mean ... he s such a good boy , you know ? He s got the biggest heart in the world . He s so quick to share all of his toys with his little buddies , he genuinely feels bad when his team beats the other one . He s perfect , and I wish I was a lot more like him . He has so many good traits . And despite my many flaws ... he loves me . So I beg you , please , do not punish this little boy because i lost my cool again . And just ... just let him come home . Kyle : [ Groans ] It s like an oven in there . The air conditioner s blowing out hot air . Lola : Oh , forget about it . It s gon na -- [ Gasps ] Oh , my god , he s stealing home ! Kyle : Go , go , go , go , go , go ! Lola : Go , go , go , go , go ! Kyle : Yes , safe ! Brewers win ! Brewers win ! Lola : Yes ! Whoo ! Kyle : Oh ! [ Laughs ] Lola : Yeah . Kyle : ... And dead of heat stroke . Unless ... mmm . Lola : I thought we were watching baseball . Kyle : Oh . Seventh - inning stretch . Lola : But the game is over . Kyle : This one s just getting started . Lola : You know that it s over 100 degrees in here and the ac s broken . Kyle : Ooh . Fortunately , our shower s still working . Lola : What about the game ? Kyle : Mm . That s why god invented pause buttons . Lola : [ Giggles ] Kyle : [ Grunts ] Tessa : Hi . Summer : Hey . Mariah : Hi ! I did nt see you come in . Theo : Hey . You want to grab a table ? Summer : Uh , I thought it might be fun to check out the roof deck at the club . Theo : Sounds good . Uh , as long as you drive . Mariah : [ Chuckles ] Summer : Yeah , of course . Theo : Been real . Mariah : Yeah , let me know when your clients get back to you . Theo : Yeah , of course . Later . Mariah : Bye . Tessa : Well , that is definitely not what I expected to see when I walked in here . Mariah : Snowflake ? Tessa : No , you and theo acting like bffs . Mariah : Is that what it looked like ? Tessa : Yeah . Exactly . Mariah : Good . Then that means I have him exactly where I want him . Summer : What s going on with you and mariah ? Theo : Jealous ? Summer : No . Ha , ha . I do nt think that you re her type . Theo : Oh . Summer : But , I mean , you guys are pretty friendly . Theo : Well , it was nt easy , but totally worth it because now I have her exactly where I want her . Chelsea : I know how much connor means to you . How could christian mean any less ? Adam : He does nt , chelsea . Chelsea : You know , there s this story in the bible about these two women fighting over a child . When the king threatens to give them each half , the real mother offers to let the other woman have him . Adam : As I recall , solomon gave the boy to her . Chelsea : The point is , you did a beautiful thing . Adam : Well , I did it for christian . Chelsea : Even though you did nt go to court , you showed what an amazing father you are . Adam : Mm . Well , some people would nt agree with that . Chelsea : Well , connor does , that s for sure . That kid has you on a pedestal . He thinks everything you do is amazing . He came home a few days ago saying you were -- what was it ? You re the best card - shuffler in the world ? Adam : Well , I showed him a little razzle - dazzle . Chelsea : [ Chuckles ] Adam : Do nt worry , I m not taking him to vegas any time soon , I promise . Chelsea : I know . I know you would never do anything to hurt him . Adam : Yeah . Look , I , um ... I have nt led the best life . You know , some of the things that I ve done have been ... well , let s just say that a lot of regrets should be my personal slogan . But , I promise , that part of my life will never touch connor . Chelsea : I m really glad to hear you say that . I think it s important for you guys to be close , for your sake , for connor s sake . There is still good in you , adam . Adam : Do you really believe that ? After everything that s happened . Chelsea : I do . And connor -- I mean , that kid s got really good instincts , and he thinks you re pretty awesome , so ... actually , um ... someone else saw the best in you . You told me so when you gave me this . Adam : Mom s handkerchief . Chelsea : I was saving it to give to connor , you know , when he finds the person he wants to marry , but I thought maybe you could give to him instead . Connor : Got it ! Chelsea : Hi ! Oh , you got it ! Connor : Check this out . We can play anywhere . Adam : Yeah ? Like even if we want to get ice cream ? Chelsea : Oh ! Connor : That s a great idea . Chelsea : Mm . Adam : [ Laughs ] Kid s smooth . Chelsea : Yeah , well , he learns from the best . Adam : All right . Double scoops if you can score on me , okay ? Chelsea : [ Laughs ] Let s see . Adam : All right , we got to go this way . Chelsea : Oh , this is a competition . [ Laughs ] Adam : Okay . Whoa ! Who is this ? Uh - oh . Chelsea : [ Laughs ] Adam : Oh , look at that ! Look at that ! Oh , this is gon na be a good game . Chelsea : [ Laughs ] Adam : [ Chuckles ] Oh ! Stay away from that . Christian : Daddy ! Nick : Hey , buddy . Christian : What s wrong ? Nick : Oh , nothing . I think I just got a little something in my eye . Christian : I thought you were sad . Nick : No . Not sad at all . In fact , I could nt be happier . You know why ? Because you re coming home with me , for good . ### Summary:
Mariah and Theo meet with two influencers Mariah wants to sign to Power communications and Theo and Mariah are trying to outsmart each other because Mariah wants to keep her job and Theo wants to take Mariah s job . Lola and Kyle return home from their honeymoon and Kyle surprises Lola with new furniture for their apartment . Lola later surprises Kyle with a day of watching Brewers baseball because she recorded the four games they missed while they were away on their honeymoon . Kyle and Lola later shower together to cool off because their air conditioner does nt work . Kyle runs into Theo at the park and he continues to taunt him with Zoe because Theo invited Zoe to the opening of the Grand Phoenix . Kyle later runs into Summer at the park and she tells him that she knows what happened with Zoe in New York and advises him to tell Lola the truth before the secret comes out or Theo decides to tell Lola . Nick goes to court but is surprised when Chelsea calls and tells Summer that Adam wo nt be going to court . Chelsea thinks that Adam does nt want to go to court because it hurts too much to tell the judge he is dropping his custody suit . Chelsea Adam and Connor spend the day at the park while Billy watches them and Chelsea returns to Adam his mother Hope s handkerchief and tells him he should be the one to give it to Connor so he can give it to his bride when he finds the person he wants to marry . The judge wants to cancel the hearing and reschedule it when Adam is available but Nick makes a heartfelt and emotional plea to the judge and later he tells Christian he can come home for good this time .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Olivia : Who is snapping up Spaulding stock ? No , of course you can find out . When a block of shares that big sells , it has to be reported . That s the best you can do ? The buyer has a Springfield address ? Get me more information , or I m getting a new broker , you moron ! Alexandra : Oh , look it , darling , mommy s working away and insulting somebody . Olivia : What are you doing with her ? Sweetheart . Hi , baby . What ... how did you get your hands on her ? I gave my nanny strict instructions not to let anybody like you ... Alexandra : Well , I can be very persuasive . You know that . Olivia : And my nanny s going to be very fired . Alexandra : Look ... oh , come on . Olivia , you work such long hours . I mean , I just thought Emma would be missing you , that s all . Olivia : Nothing is ever all with you . Alexandra : Fine , fine . It was a very bad idea . So , darling , you wave bye - bye to mommy , okay ? Olivia : No , just leave . Do nt touch her . Alexandra : We ll go onto to another adventure . Olivia : Come here , sweetheart . Come here . Ooh . Alexandra : Oh , come on , I m only trying to be a helpful auntie here . Olivia : Give me a break . I know what you re up to ... Auntie . Phillip : Me . ( Phone rings ) Eden : Hello ? Harley : Hi . It s me . I m sorry . I know I m late . But it gets worse . I ca nt make it . Eden : You ca nt ? Harley : No . I m sorry . I know I said I was going to help you with the decorations for your party . They did get delivered , right ? Eden : Yeah , I expect them any time now . Harley : Okay , good . It s just that this work thing came up , and it s really important . I ca nt get out of it . Eden : Harley , you know what ? It s okay . I was going to cancel anyway . I have a really horrible headache . Harley : Oh , good . I mean , not good that you have a headache , but good that I m not screwing you up . And listen , if I finish up soon enough , maybe I ll head over to your place afterwards , okay ? Eden : No , it s okay . Why do nt we just talk tomorrow ? Harley : Okay . Sorry . Eden : Okay . Harley : Bye . Harley : Hey , it s me . Where are you ? Jeffrey : I m busy . Where are you ? Are you at the docks ? Harley : Not yet . Jeffrey : Well , why not ? What are you waiting for ? Get down there . The gilded lily is set to tie up about now . Harley : Do nt worry . I will get down to the docks in plenty of time to check out to check out Marie Greene s shipment . Jeffrey : All right . You confirm its arrival and then you get out of there . That s it . Harley : Listen , I was thinking about that , Jeffrey . If those drugs are being smuggled in the antiques , I want to prove that , you know ? This could crack the case wide open . Jeffrey : In and out , terrier . That s an order . Now go , and keep me posted . All right , you got all your gear ? Okay , get to work . Salerno s at some christening , and he s not going to be back for a while . This is a perfect opportunity for us to get this place wired . I want to be able to hear every single word that s spoken in there . Agent : We could really use a mole , someone on Salerno s crew . Jeffrey : Yeah , we could . Rick : Hey . Mel : Hi . Michelle : Well , this is a surprise . Mel : Well , we thought we d just come by for a visit . Rick : Yeah , while our family s are still intact . Ed : What he s trying to say is they brought me over to say a fast good - bye . Your brother s not crazy about this , but I got a call a little while ago , and we re all set . I m definitely going to Africa . Rick : Well , can you blame me ? We re on borrowed time here , are nt we ? Ed : You see , a seat opened on a diplomatic charter to Africa ... tonight . Michelle : Tonight ? Ed : Got to be at the airport in two hours . Rick : So , can you all believe he s leaving tonight ? Ed : There wo nt be another flight for two weeks , Rick . Rick : ( Sighs ) dad , you just told us about your plans . I mean , listen , ca nt we have just a little time to get used to the idea ? This is crazy . Ed : But you think the whole idea is crazy . I mean , thank god your sister is on my side . Michelle : I just know how important it is for you to feel like you need to make a difference . And I also realize that Dr. Sandarac needs his help . This epidemic is taking over this village . I did think we d have a little more time to ... Ed : To say good - bye . Michelle : I ca nt believe you re going . Ed : And the faster I get over there , the bigger a difference I can make . If I do nt get on that plane tonight , it s just going to be selfish . Mel : You ve never sounded more like a doctor , Ed . Ed : Well , I m in good company , sweetie . Rick : Two hours . Two hours . Ed : It s going to be fine . Now , listen , this is how I want you to think of it . I am on call . They need me in the ER , and it s just that the ER is 10,000 miles away . Where s Danny ? I want to say good - bye to him , too . Michelle : Danny s not here . He had an important business meeting . And he s going to be really upset that he did nt get a chance to say good - bye to you . I just ca nt believe that you re really going . But it s the right thing , dad . It is . It s the right thing . It is . Ed : Thanks . Alexandra : Olivia , all I m trying to do is give a lonely little girl some attention . Olivia : Oh , please . Just give me a break . You re trying to be a helpful auntie ? This is nt a visit , it s a guilt trip . Alexandra : Oh , not at all . Although I will admit I am concerned about this precious little child . Olivia : You are unbelievable . Alexandra : Well , no , no . She spends all day with a sterile nanny while you re off dedicating your day to business and money and self - interest . Olivia : Oh , you have no idea how wrong you are . Alexandra : Well , you know , in my day ... Olivia : In your day , you did nt come home to your kids because you did nt raise them , Alexandra . I know my Spaulding history . Alexandra : Fine , exactly my point . Olivia : Emma is going to be fine . In fact , she is fine . She knows that everything that I m doing here is to give her a bright and beautiful future , do nt you , sweetheart ? Fyi : We do nt make women feel like bad mothers because they re maintaining their careers . It s very passé . Alexandra : Well , you know , still I wonder who you love more , this child or all of this . ( Baby coos ) Olivia : Both . How s that ? Besides , somebody has to keep an eye on things around here . Alexandra : Oh , what ? It might as well be you ? Olivia : I ve got my finger on the pulse of this company , yes . For example , someone has been buying up large , large blocks of stock recently . Alexandra : Who ? I certainly wish it were me . If I had a little bit more clout , I d make sure that things are run a bit differently around here . Oh , do nt leave on my account . Olivia : Well , actually , I m not . I have a nanny to fire . ( Baby crying ) it s okay , sweetheart . Okay , sweetie . Besides , I was just leaving when you got here . Alexandra : Oh , were you ? Olivia : Yes , yes . So your little ploy to shame me out of the office did nt work . I ll be back behind that desk tomorrow morning . Alexandra . Hey , up here . Do nt you so much as go near my daughter again without my permission . You got it ? Alexandra : Well , Olivia , if my little ploy did nt work , why are you gone and I m still here ? ( Metal clang ) Olivia : A few minutes with Auntie Alex can ruin anybody s day . She s done that to me so many times . Are you smiling ? Bill : My , my , my . Look who has a life . Olivia : Hi . Is that so hard to believe ? Bill : Well , considering the corporate pressures those Spaulding types put on you ; I m surprised they let you out of the office . Olivia : Well , do nt tell anyone , but I escaped . Bill : Is that right ? Olivia : Yeah . Bill : Well , now , there s a secret I do nt know if I can keep . People need to know . Spaulding is a publicly traded company . ( Clears throat ) Olivia : Cut me a break , just this once ? Bill : Well , maybe just this once . I guess the last thing your stock needs is a jolt of crummy pr . I mean , it s tanking on its own , pretty badly . Olivia : You follow the Spaulding share price ? Bill : Well , it s hard not to when the media is doing a story or a number on it every other day . But what I do find amazing is how fast the stock can go down . Olivia : Well , that will change , you know . I mean , the basic principle of the stock market is to buy low and sell high . Spaulding stock might be really appealing to somebody who is looking to make a killing in the end , when things turn around . Bill : I would nt know . I m just a simple hammer - and- nails type of guy . Olivia : I do nt know . You run one of the top construction firms in the region , and I certainly would nt call you simple . Bill : Well . You calling me a liar ? Olivia : I ll go with disingenuous . Bill : That s a big word . Olivia : That s big money , which is probably what you re making , right ? Bill : Well , now , that is a personal question . Olivia : Yeah , so ? Bill : Well , I m doing okay . Olivia : Well , good . So you probably want to do something smarter with your cash than to throw it into a savings account . So do you play ... the market ? Bill : Who , me ? Olivia : Mm - hmm . Bill : Nah . I would nt know what I was doing if I tried . ( Clattering ) Dock worker # 2 : What are you doing in here ? Tony : Get out of here . Go out of here . I m on Salerno s business . Go . Get out of here . Go . Get out of here ! This is unbelievable , you know that ? Salerno told you to ... he told you that this was none of your business . You ignored him . You came to me , sniffing around for information . What s going on ? Danny : Well , Tony , I want to be involved . Tony : You do , huh ? Danny : Yeah . Tony : That why you went through my stuff when I blew you off ? Checking to see if I wrote anything down about tonight ? Danny : What are you talking about ? Tony : Danny , you think I left that pad ? You think it was nt an accident ? I left it on purpose , all right ? Danny : Whoa , Tony . You set me up . Tony : I needed to know if I could trust you . Obviously I ca nt . Rick : Yes , it is , dad , but you can make a difference right here in Springfield . You know that . Mel : Rick , honey , your father has got to follow his own path . Rick : Mel , your parents live ten minute away . Now , come on , you ve never been through something like this before . Mel : Honey , look , I m going to miss him , too , okay ? But he s made up his mind . Let s not make this any harder . Ed : Now , see , that s why you re my favorite daughter - in- law . I m going to count on you to keep your eye on these two , you know ? Mel : I ll do my best . Rick : So , have you called roses and holly ? Ed : I m going to call roses from the airport . Holly knows about this . Michelle : I think we should make a toast , okay ? Rick ? Rick : Go ahead . Michelle : All right . Here s to ... Ed : ( Laughs ) oh , come on , you two . Please . Come on . Michelle : I can do this . I can do this . Okay . Here s to the bravest man I ve ever known . Ed : Oh , sweetie . Rick : Um , actually , dad , Mel was asking me about how you get recruited for a doctor in a place like this , so maybe you could tell her about it . Ed : Oh , yeah . Sure . I mean , once the international agencies know that you re willing to go overseas , then they just contact you . You put your name on a list , and they get to you and say , When do you want to go ? What area are you interested in ? Rick : Help me here , Michelle . Help me . How can you think this is the right thing for him to do ? Michelle : How can you not , Rick ? Rick : Last time he left , years went by until we saw him again . Is that what you want ? Michelle : Rick , look how excited he is . Look at him . He wants this so badly . He needs this . Rick : What about what our family needs ? I mean , is it so terrible to want our father around to be a part of our lives ? I mean , another doctor could easily fill in that slot until he s ready to go , right ? Michelle : He s ready now , Rick . Rick : Are you ready ? Be honest . Are you ready for our father to leave ? Michelle : No . Rick : All right . Then talk him out of it , Michelle . Michelle : What ? Rick : He will not listen to me . You re the one who talked him into going to Africa in the first place . Tell him it s too soon . Tell him that we need him to stay . Michelle : I ca nt , Rick . Rick : Okay . Then in two hours , our father is going to be on some plane and we re not going to see him again . Is that what you want ? Danny : Tony , I m trying to prove myself to Vinnie . Tony : Danny , Salerno gave you one thing to follow , and that was to stay out of it . You could nt do it . Why ? Danny : I do nt know , you tell me . Tony : You re not fit to take orders , you know that ? You think you re too good for everyone in this crew , Vinnie included . Am I right ? It s true . Danny : That s not true . Tony : ( Scoffs ) that s not true . Danny , you were begging Salerno to take you back in . Did nt you ? Danny : Yeah . Tony : You said that he was the boss . He knows everything , everything s right , goes by him . You could nt follow it . Goes to show you . Proves it . Danny : What , Tony ? Tell me what ... Tony : You should nt have gotten back in , Danny . You do nt belong in this game anymore . Go find something normal for yourself before you create more problems . ( Sirens approaching ) you know what ? Listen to me . That s the cops . He called the cops . You get out of here . We better split . You and I can deal with this later . Danny : Sorry . Tony : You understand ? Danny : Yeah . Jeffrey : Danny , what are you doing here ? Get out of here . Danny : No . Too bad , ONeill . I got work to do . Jeffrey : Yeah , frank , it looks like it was a false alarm . I m sorry . Yeah , I ll get back to you . What are you doing , Danny ? I told you to get out of here . Danny : If these crates contain the goods to nail Salerno , I ll be done with him and done with you . Jeffrey : Hey . Hey ! Danny : What ? You think that Salerno s smuggling antimonious in from san Cristobel . How else are we going to find out ? Jeffrey : Danny . Danny : I do nt believe this . There s nothing in these crates ! They re clean . There are no drugs in here . Jeffrey : Is that the last one ? Danny : Yes ! ( Sighs ) Jeffrey : Satisfied ? Danny : Do I look like I m satisfied ? Jeffrey : It s a bad lead , Danny . That s what happens sometimes . Danny : Why would Salerno be so protective of these crates ? Jeffrey : Danny ? You want to get this guy ; you want this to be over . So do I. But these things take time , Danny . Stakeouts take time ! Danny : ONeill , I know how it works . Jeffrey : You want to nail him ? You re going to have to listen to me , okay ? You re going to have to do what I tell you to do . That s the only way we re going to bring him down . Alan : Gus . How are you ? How s ... how s work going ? Gus : Slow and steady . Good to run into you . Alan : Well , I m glad to hear that . Gus : Yeah . You going in ? Because if you re going in , just ... I ll give you a little heads up . I was talking to Phillip . Alan : Really ? About what ? Gus : Well , Spaulding . What else ? And he was telling me how he s not going to be going back right away . Alan : Wait a minute . You did nt tell him about the mob and the drugs , did you ? Gus : No . No , I did nt . And I suggest that you do nt . Well , you know that . Two reasons , let me remind you . First of all , ONeill would fry you for giving out information about an undercover operation . Number two , Phillip , god help him , he might go nuts again from such bad news . Alan : Well , do nt worry . I m not going to tell Phillip anything specific . I m going to keep it all general . Gus : Okay . Alan : But thanks for giving me a heads up on this . Gus : Oh , I m just trying to keep the damage down , you know ? The less that it causes ... Alan : So am I , son . Gus : Good to see you . Hey . Harley : Hi . Gus : Hi . How s it going in there ? Harley : Not good . Gus : Why , what happened ? Harley : I will tell you later . Actually , I m dropping in to see your sister . Or not . I hear the water running . She is never going to hear me knocking . Gus : Well , why do nt you stop knocking and start using the key that she keeps under the mat ? Harley : Well , are nt you the helpful brother ? Gus : So it was a bad night ? Harley : Pretty much . First I had to bail out on my plans with your sister to go to the docks . Then there were the docks , which made me feel even worse . Gus : And you re at Eden s because of what ? Harley : Because I m trying to salvage some part of my evening . Gus : Right . And so it did nt go well at the docks ? Harley : I do nt want to talk about it . Gus : Well , did they make the bust ? Harley : I do nt know . Maybe it did , I do nt know , and I do nt care . Frankly , the last thing on my mind right now is ... antimonious . Gus : Harley ? Hello ? Alan : Are you ready to get some dinner ? Phillip : Uh , yeah , in a minute . I was speaking with Gus a little earlier . Alan : Yes ? Phillip : Yeah . He did nt give me any details . Alan : Mm - hmm . Phillip : But he led me to believe that the situation at Spaulding is much worse than what I thought . Alan : Well , I hope this investigation gets over as soon as possible , Phillip . Phillip : Our stock s taking a pounding . Alan : Yes , I know it is . And I m concerned about that , but I m more concerned about you . I mean , you ve been a real trooper , understanding that we want your transition back into the company to happen slowly . I would never have agreed to this , except ... Phillip : I know , dad , except the stock ca nt take another hit . Alan : Right . Phillip : No , I understand that . It s okay . It really is . No , you did the right thing . Olivia should be in charge at Spaulding for the time being . At least until the investigators find what it is they re looking for . It s all for the best . Danny : Honey . Michelle : Oh , Danny . Oh , thank god you re all right . Danny : I m fine . How did it go with your dad ? Michelle : He s gone . Danny : I m sorry . I m sorry . Michelle : I know you had to go . Danny : I wish I could have ... Michelle : It s okay . I understand , you had to go . Danny : I m sorry . Michelle : Did you find anything ? Danny : No . No ! Nothing . Nothing . Nothing . Michelle : Hey . You have me , okay ? We have each other . Alan : Next , on Guiding Light . Michelle : Take any action against Danny and you re gong to regret it , Tony . Tony : You do nt belong in here , all right , Michelle ? I m sorry . Danny ... Michelle : Do nt turn your back on me , Tony . You do not want me as your enemy . Harley : You re the connection for smuggling drugs into Springfield from San Cristobel . Eden : I am doing what I have to do to save my life , Harley ! ### Summary:
Olivia was still trying to get her grubby paws on Spalding stock when Alex wandered in with Emma . Danny left Michelle to meet the ship at the dock . After he left , Ed , Rick and Mel arrived so Ed could bid tearful goodbyes and ride off into the African sunset . Gus told Phillip that the woes at Spalding are nt just corporate and that he should nt set himself as the fall guy for the company . Phillip grilled Alan about what the problems at Spalding really are . Harley skulked around Pier 14 looking for clues . Jeffery ordered her out of the area after she spied Danny lurking around for his own clues . Olivia suspects Bill may be the one buying up Spalding stock , though he denies interest . Tony found Danny hiding behind boxes , caught red - handed lurking around . Tony admitted he set Danny up and ca nt trust him now . Danny made Tony believe he left but instead he stayed . Jeffery showed up and they came up empty - handed after going through one of the boxes . Harley found antimonious inside a box of Eden s wedding decorations .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Pam : That was brilliant . Stephanie : That was wonderful . Pam : Good job , sweetheart . Steffy : Yeah , you guys are hot . Thank you . Pam : Good job , girls . Steffy : Thank you so much . Hot , hot , hot . Pam : ( Chuckles ) I ca nt even believe that Brooke is letting this happen . Stephanie : I do nt think she really has much of a choice . Steffy : She is right . I am the new spokes model for the bedroom line . It s my baby now . Pam : All right , now we re all alone . You got to tell us what happened last night with your cutie - patootie . Steffy : Uh ... Hope : Mm . Oliver : That is the way I like to start off my day . Hope : Mm , yes , but man can not live on kisses alone , so ... Oliver : Cinnamon rolls ! Hope : Yes ! I know they re your favorite , so I got up early , and I made them for you . Oliver : You re the best . Hope : Well , it s the least I could do after what you did for me yesterday . Oliver : Hey , you re the one that handled the press like a pro . Hope : Yeah , but I could nt have done it without you . I mean , looking out into the audience and seeing your face is the only thing that helped me . Plus , you were so understanding about what did nt happen last night . Most guys would ... well , let s just say , you re not most guys , okay ? You re my guy . Of course , Steffy would like nothing more than to change that , ( chuckles ) Oliver : Speaking of Steffy , uh ... after you left , she ... stopped by . Hope : Please tell me you did nt let her in . ( Sighs ) Oh , God . What now ? Oliver : Steffy was already inside when I got back from my swim . Hope : Okay . What did she want ? Do I even have to ask ? Oliver : Do nt worry . I set her straight . I told her I did nt forgive her what --for what happened at -- at the launch . Hope : For her to go to such great lengths to humiliate me like that is just ... ( sighs ) unbelievable . Plus , not to mention , it could have cost Forrester the entire youth line . I mean , that s why dad had to drop her from the campaign , which is just gon na make her resent me more . Oliver : Or maybe , just maybe , she ll start taking responsibility for what she s done , stop blaming you for everything that s happened , realize that you did nt steal her father . Just be patient . Who knows ? Maybe ... I do nt know , you and Steffy could be friends again . Hope : Yeah , I m not holding my breath . Oliver : Do nt give up on her , okay ? Hope : ( Sighs ) Meanwhile , she ll just keep dropping by your place crying on your shoulder . Or was there more to it ? What exactly happened last night , Oliver ? Steffy : Okay , well , there was a kiss . Pam : ( Gasps ) Stephanie : Does that kiss have some special meaning ? Steffy : Unfortunately , Oliver did nt crack . Pam : Well , that s not good . I mean , if little Miss Hope does nt get jealous , what -- what s gon na happen with your plan ? Steffy : Actually , I may have to start rethinking some things . Stephanie : Rethinking in what way ? Steffy : I m playing games with Oliver , and last night I ... I realized I could actually have feelings for this guy , and I think he feels the same way . Look , he said some things that-- he read me really well . He knows what I m about . Steffy : ( Sighs ) Pam : Oh , I - I m just totally confused . I thought that you were going to the beach house to , you know-- Steffy : No , I -- no , I did . But he saw my plan . He called me on it . Look , I know I should have-- I know . I should have punched him , but he was just being his honest , straightforward self , really . Pam : Yeah . Steffy : Yeah . Pam : Regular boy scout . ( Chuckles ) Steffy : Yeah . Yeah , he -- he kind of is . Look , I m -- I m just starting to see things differently . Pam : Uh - oh . Steffy : No , that does nt mean I m not determined to get rid of the Logans . I am . Pam : Hallelujah . Steffy : Look , we are so close to having them out of the company . We ca nt stop now , and look , I - I know this is a risk , but it s gon na be worth it . Once Hope is gone , then Brooke follows . Look , I - I got a photo shoot to go to . And I do nt want to keep that cutie - patootie waiting . See ya . Oliver : Nothing happened last night ... not like you re thinking , anyway . Hope : So Steffy was nt coming onto you ? Oliver : I did nt say she suddenly turned into a nun . It was her typical flirting , but once I cut through that , I saw the real Steffy , the -- the vulnerable one . Hope : Mm , the Steffy I used to know , before she started attacking my family and coming after my boyfriend . Oliver : You have nothing to worry about there . Hope : Even though she s willing to give you something I m not ready for ? Oliver : I m a patient guy . I m not gon na pressure you into doing anything you do nt want to do . Okay ? We have all the time in the world . When we re ready , we ll know . Right now , being with you like this ... Rick : Hello ? Hope : ( Chuckles ) Rick : Is nt there something in the personnel manual about kissing the boss daughter during work hours , or ... Hope : You should know , big brother . You used to lock lips with Steffy around here all the time when you two were engaged . Steffy : Did someone mention my name ? Oliver : Rick was just enlightening us on the proper office protocol . Hope : ( Chuckles ) Rick : Uh , Steffy , y - you ready ? Steffy : Do nt I look ready ? Oliver : All we need is the photographer . Brio : Sorry I m late . My assistant bailed on me at the last minute . Stephanie : Yeah , so I thought we could , uh , volunteer Oliver to help . Brio : Great . Stephanie : Brio , there s some stuff I want to show you in the , uh , in the office-- some proofs , please . Oliver : Uh , I - I guess I ll set up . Steffy : All right , let s get down to business . You know , my first photo shoot was a disaster . I was stiff , up tight , a total virgin . You probably felt the same way , Hope . Oh , I mean , your photo shoot . Rick : Uh , Hope , can I speak to you outside for just a second ? Hope : Yeah , mm - hmm . I wo nt be long . Steffy : Hey . Oliver : Here s some music I brought for the shoot . Steffy : Oh , thanks . Look , um , I wanted to thank you about last night . It made me think about a lot of things . Rick : Talk to me . Hope : About what ? Rick : Well , Oliver , for starters . You re crazy about him , huh ? Hope : ( Chuckles ) Rick : And the feeling is mutual ? So what s the deal with Steffy ? Hope : Is nt it obvious ? She wants Oliver , too . ( Sighs ) The campaigns say it all . Brio : That s it . Great , Steffy . Great . Steffy : Yeah ? Oh . Brio : That was wonderful . Steffy : Thank you . Thank you so much . Wow . Stephanie : ( Sighs ) That was great . You look absolutely fabulous . Steffy : Do you really think people are gon na miss Brooke as a spokes model ? Stephanie : Honey , after they see you , they re not even gon na remember she was ever alive . Steffy : Oh , that s not biased or -- no . Stephanie : No . Oliver : I m not biased and-- sorry . Steffy : No , no , you re part of the photo shoot . I would love to hear a guy s opinion , would nt we , Brio ? Brio : Hey , what man does nt like sexy lingerie , right ? Oliver : Uh ... ( chuckles ) I m not a lace and teddy type . Steffy : We re not meaning on you , silly . On me . We re taking the bedroom line into a whole new direction-- youthful sensuality . Stephanie : Yes , youthful . No more old-- definitely no old and saggy . Steffy : So , Oliver , your honest , red - blooded male opinion ... you like what you see ? Rick : So Steffy s after your man , huh ? Hope : You say that like you do nt think it s something she d do . But you saw her just now . I mean , what is it about her that guys ca nt resist ... besides the obvious ? Rick : You re -- you re asking me ? Hope : Well , who better to ask ? You were almost married to her , or have you forgotten ? Rick : No , hardly . But look , it ... ( sighs ) it s important that you know that it was nt always smooth sailing for us . I mean , we came together under extraordinary circumstances . Hope : Phoebe s death ? Rick : Yeah . I mean , she was hurting , and -- and she was vulnerable . And her dad thought that , um , you know , that I was just trying to get -- get back at him because we had a rivalry , and in some ways , that was -- that was true . But Steffy suffered . I hurt her . I made her suffer , and for that , I will never forgive myself . Hope : ( Sighs ) You still care about her ? Rick : Yeah . Yeah , I guess I do . But she s different now . I mean , she s ... ( chuckles ) she s tougher . And she s a little bit more self - protective . But there are times , Hope , when -- when I - I see that twinkle in her eye , or that-- that smile of hers , and I - I do wonder ... Hope : You wonder what might have been ? Rick : Yeah . But , look , I ... ( chuckles ) I m not looking to get anything going , if that s , you know , the impression I m giving you . Hope : Well , yeah , but , I mean , you would nt mind just hanging out , you know , for fun , so why do nt you ? Rick : Why do nt I what ? Hope : Ask Steffy out . Rick : Oh , I get it . Ask Steffy out meaning keep her occupied , so she wo nt go after your man . Is that what you re really asking me ? ( Chuckles ) Hope : ( Sighs ) Come on . When was the last time I hit you up for a favor ? Rick : Asking Steffy out ? I mean , that s a little above and beyond . Hope : You just said you still have a thing for her . Rick : Wha -- I didnt-- Hope : Yes . Rick : Wait , no , I did nt say I have a thing for her . Hope : Okay , but I did hear you say that you would nt mind spending time with her , right ? Rick : I - I did say that , yeah . But look , I do nt even know how she feels about me , especially with Steffy on the warpath against all things Logan . Hope : But you re not even gon na try ? For your adorable baby sister ? Rick : Wow . So this thing with Oliver is -- it s serious . Hope : I can not even put it into words . ( Sighs ) You know , I - I think he feels the same way about me , but he s a guy , you know ? He s -- he s got certain ... Rick : Certain expectations . Hope : ( Sighs ) Yeah . I mean , last night , let s just say he went a little ... well , he wanted to go a little further than I m comfortable with . But he was totally cool about it , you know ? Did nt push . But with Steffy out there and available , it just ... Rick : So this-- this is where I come in ? You need me to remove temptation by distracting her . Hope : Look , I trust Oliver . But Steffy ... I mean , whatever she is doing with him , it s not because she has real feelings for him . You know , it s all a game . She s just messing with me . Pam : ( Gasps ) How did the photo shoot go ? Stephanie : Well , Oliver definitely has eyes for her . Pam : See ? I knew it . She s your namesake , Steph . So her plan s gon na work after all , right ? Stephanie : I m concerned about all of this . She s walking an emotional tightrope . Her father s on one side . Brooke and -- and Hope are on the other . I mean , I just -- I m worried . I m -- I m -- I m worried about it . Steffy : Hey , you forgot these . Oliver : I thought you went to change . Steffy : Look , I wanted to talk to you now that we re alone . Oliver : I do nt think we should be . ( Chuckles ) Steffy : Why ? Afraid your girlfriend s gon na get the wrong idea ? Oliver : Just so you know , I told Hope that you stopped by after she left . Steffy : So that s why she was giving me the evil eye . Oliver : She s not like that . Steffy : Look , I - I do nt want to talk about Hope . I just wanted to , um , thank you again for everything you said last night . You said some amazing things . Oliver : And I meant it , all of it . You got a lot going on inside . Did I upset you ? Steffy : What , do I look upset ? Oliver : No , you look ... like you did in front of the camera . Steffy : What , amazing ? Vivacious ? Bold ? Go on . ( Laughs ) Oliver : All of the above . Steffy : And a little vulnerable , too ? Look , um , I do nt usually open myself up to a lot of people , but with you , I feel like I can be myself , my real self . I do nt feel like I can pretend and that you wo nt judge me , even when everyone else is . Now I can see why Hope s into you . You know , you deserve a great , great woman , Oliver : I m -- I m gon na go . Ill -- Ill , uh ... see you later . Steffy : ( Sighs ) hmm . Hope : Hey , I want to talk to you . Steffy : Mm , I guess I know what this is about . Hope : ( Sighs ) Steffy , look , I know you wish that I would just disappear and never come back , okay ? But that s not how it always was . You and I used to be so tight . What happened ? We re acting like rivals . I feel like we re following in the footsteps of our mothers , okay ? You and I are the future of this company , and we should be working together instead of ripping each other apart . Steffy , I want to be friends again . And I really feel like we can be if we just work at it , but ... we both got to be in this . Okay , I m willing if you are . So are you ? Steffy : Wow . Wow , that s a great strategy , Hope . Way to go . I never expected that at all . Hope : No , that s not a strategy . Steffy : I bet . Hope : I hate the tension between us . Steffy : I bet . You see it happening , do nt you ? That s where all this peace and good will is coming from . Hope : I dont-- I do nt know what you mean . Steffy : Oh , come on . That pitch ? It s really , really great , but it s not about our family . This is about Oliver . You re afraid you ca nt compete . Oh , and I bet you already told him that I m using him to get to you , but news flash-- Oliver is a great guy . Not only does he get me , he likes me . And I m not saying he does nt like you . It s just you re a little girl . He s too old for you . You ca nt give him what he needs . So I say , he s single . I m single . Let the best woman win . And since you re just a school girl ... Hope : ( Sighs ) Steffy : That woman will be me . ### Summary:
Hope brings Oliver some of his favorite homemade cinnamon rolls and a few kisses . She thanks him for what he did for her last night . He has to confess that when she left him Steffy took over . Hope is fearful of just what she might have done . Oliver advises her to give it time . She might end up being friends with Steffy after all . Steffy fills in Pam and Stephanie of her plans . She is playing games with Oliver , but she realizes she may have true feelings for him . Steffy shows up for her photo shoot . She struts her stuff in skimpy virginal white lingerie in front of Oliver . She tells him she is beginning to re - think last night . She twists the knife a little when she mentions the word virgin in front of Hope . Rick has a talk with Hope about Oliver . He wants to know how Steffy fits in with this . He gives his experience with her . They got together after Phoebe s death under very extreme circumstances . It s different now . She s tougher , more self protected , but he still sees that smile in her eyes occasionally . He s not going to get together again with her , but they can accept hanging out together . Hope would probably like that so Steffy would nt go after her man . Rick could remove Steffy s temptation by going out with her himself .for his favorite baby sister . Steffy makes sure that she and Oliver are alone so she can flash some more flesh . Hope spies them and when Oliver leaves , she tells Steffy they need to talk . She wants to be friends with her again , but it will take both of them to do that . Steffy thinks that is great strategy , but she knows Hope is only saying this because it is about Oliver and Hope knows she can not compete . Newsflash – Oliver gets her and likes her and Hope is just a schoolgirl and can not give an older guy what he needs .. so he s single , Steffy is single so let the best woman win . And since Hope is just a schoolgirl , Steffy boasts that woman will be her .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Taylor : Ridge , do nt let yourself be pressured about this . Brooke : You said you made a decision . Taylor : Yeah . Brooke : We d like to know what it is . Are you going home with Taylor , or are you coming home with me and Hope and R.J. ? Ridge : Well , actually , I m not the one to make the next move . Man : Ridge , how does it feel to be back on top ? Ridge : Were we ever not on top ? Girls , would you meet me in my dad s office ? Thank you . Man : Jackie M. had to have you sweating a little . Ridge : Well , actually , I thought I saw Jackie sweating a bit there . It s probably all the time she spends in bathtubs , you know , opens up the pores . Katie : Thank you . So , um , why are we here ? Bill : Scene of the crime . Katie : Oh , right , me getting sloshed at the bar . Bill : Our first meeting . You think I ca nt be sentimental ? Katie : And then me passing out in your bed . Bill : Maybe I m hoping history will repeat itself . Katie : I think that might have been a onetime opportunity . I m trying to make a concerted effort to stay conscious in public . Bill : ( Chuckles ) Katie : I guess that night I was , uh , feeling the strain of doing the right thing . Bill : And here I thought that came naturally to you . Katie : ( Laughs ) Jackie : Oh . Whip : I do nt care what you say . We put on a better show . Bridget : It was nt about the show , though . It was supposed to be about the clothes . Owen : Well , it sure was nt about the quality . Jackie : Well , we were apples and oranges . Nick : The crowd loved us . We were hot . We were cooler . We did nt lose anything . Bridget : I m getting a drink . Man : So how about an interview with you and Ms. Logan ? Ridge : Uh , sorry . Gon na have to do that later . Taylor : Whew . Big night , huh ? Brooke : ( Sighs ) I have a feeling that the biggest thing about it has yet to happen . Ridge : I know you both think of me as having two homes and two families , but I ve been getting some good advice lately , and I now think that s a mistake . Taylor : Good advice from whom ? Ridge : James Warwick . He s suggesting family counseling . He thinks that would be the best idea-- isolating the conflicting parties until an accord is met . Brooke : Lock the seven of us up in a room and wait till somebody snaps ? Ridge : The conflicting parties . Now I do nt have a conflict with Thomas , nor does Steffy with R.J. Taylor : James thinks the three of us should go away somewhere ? Ridge : I love you both . I ve said that since the beginning . Taylor : You -- the two of us ? Brooke : Taylor and me ? Taylor : In therapy together ? Ridge : You know , I do nt know why we did nt come up with this idea a long time ago . Taylor : Because it s crazy . Brooke : It s never gon na work . Owen : So why do nt we just shoot it here ? Whip : Well , because it s television , Owen . You kind of need to be in the same room as the camera . Owen : No , I m talking about shooting it here . That way , I ve got all of you guys here to back me up . Jackie : Well , darling , they re not interested in the rest of us . Nick : San Diego wants to see the hometown boy who s done good . Is there some sort of a problem ? Outstanding warrants ? Pam : ( Chuckles ) Owen : No , there is nt . I m just not like all of you . I ve never lived my life in the public eye , and I do nt really want to start right now . They re gon na make a fool out of me . Look , Bridget , why do nt you go with me ? Whip : Uh , no , she ca nt . Bridget : Uh , uh ... ( Sighs ) Whip has me doing these interviews in L.A. Jackie : Darling , you know I would go with you if I could . Pam : Well , I could go . No , I ll back you up , Owen . I ll make you plenty of good meals and make sure you re taken care of . Owen : Pam , thank you very much . I really appreciate-- Clarke : I ll go with you , Owen . In fact , I can drive us there . Nick : Perfect . Problem solved . Owen : ( Sighs ) Okay . All right . Fine . I guess I ll go . But I m gon na miss you . Jackie : Yeah . Ridge : I want you both to listen to James , to hear him out . Taylor : James , you know how much I appreciate your work , and I respect you , but I really think Ridge , Brooke and I , you know , we ll work out things like we always do . James : And you ve been trying to do that for how many years ? Taylor : ( Sighs ) Brooke : Personally , I think it s Ridge s decision to make . James : Well , as to who Ridge shares his intimate life with and how , I could nt agree with you more . But as of this problem he s having with conflicting loyalties , well , let s face it , Ridge does not have two separate families . He has one very large dysfunctional family . And you two ladies , I m afraid , are ground zero of the dysfunction . Brooke : I never wanted to be that . James : I m not accusing anyone . Taylor : Okay , um , I get your point , James . I mean , if there were a way to help Brooke break this habit of -- of dangling R.J. like a hooked worm over Ridge ... Brooke : What ? Taylor : What ? Brooke : That is so unfair . You re the one who insists that Ridge keeps coming over to your house ... James : Excuse me . Time - out . Brooke : And be there with your children ... James : Ti -- time - out . Brooke : Who are grown ! Taylor : Oh , my God . Brooke : ( Sighs ) James : Or shall we let this escalate ? Or should we just assume you ladies have made my case for me ? Taylor : ( Sighs ) Katie : Did I give you the impression that I m a good person ? I m so sorry . Bill : Hmm . I drew my own conclusions . Katie : I do nt know if you met me at a low point or not . I think I was just making a course correction . Bill : By walking out on your husband . Katie : Mm . Bill : Ah , fiancé . Katie : Right . Yeah , he was never my husband . He was actually someone else s husband . And I was wrong to think that he could ever be mine . I guess that s what I mean when I say I was feeling the strain of doing the right thing . Bill : Then I guess it would be a mistake to say that I did the right thing tonight . Katie : Oh ? Having regrets ? Bill : Well , if I d been living according to my principles , I would have made sure that Forrester lost the fashion challenge tonight , panned them in Eye on Fashion and then picked the carcass clean when Eric was forced to file bankruptcy . Katie : I m confused . How would that have been the right thing ? Bill : By everything I believe in . But instead , I made the selfish choice . I found something I wanted more , whether it made sense or not , whether I deserved it or not . Bridget : I forgot to get the milk . Nick : That s why God made all - night mini - marts . Bridget : Why did I say yes ? I do not do interviews well . Nick : Neither do I. Bridget : That s really not saying much . You sound terse . I sound breathy . Nick : You do nt have to do interviews if you do nt want to . Bridget : ( Scoffs ) Just ignore me right now . I m sorry . Nick : Think you re gon na have trouble sleeping tonight ? Bridget : What , are you studying to be Clarke ? Nick : I started putting one of these in my lunch pail since second grade . Bridget : No . Nick : No ? Bridget : But thank you . Nick : ( Sighs ) I do have to hand it to myself . I married very well . You re rich . You re making me richer . You re stupefyingly talented . I mean , what you did on that runway tonight was pretty amazing . And I know you wanted to win . Bridget : Part of me did , yes . Nick : I m sorry . Bridget : No , it s fine . I m fine . I m just being awful . Why did I even want to win ? I do nt deserve that . My father has been in this business for how many decades ? Honestly , if I had won , I would have felt a lot worse than I do right now . Still , I just ... Nick : Hey , people like to win . It s not a character defect . Bridget : I think people get what they ve earned . Nick : ( Scoffs ) Well , if that were the case , I would nt have a snowball s chance in hell of being with you . I love you . And I love our life . Nick : Let s go home . Bill : You re not eating . Katie : Neither are you . Bill : What are we doing here ? Katie : I do nt know . I guess something big happened tonight , and we re just trying to figure out what to do next . Bill : So how temporary is this , these feelings you have for me ? I mean , is there some , uh , minimum daily requirement of me not being despicable that I have to live up to ? Katie : ( Laughs ) Bill : If a dog crosses the street in front of my car in the morning and I do nt run it over , does that mean I can evict an old lady in a wheelchair and her orphan grandchildren in the afternoon ? Katie : No . Bill : So you re saying I should just go ahead and flatten the dog ? Katie : I m saying I do nt have to tell you what to do to be decent . You know . Bill : I know you think I did something decent this evening-- not calling in my markers on the judges at the fashion challenge . Katie : I think you did something fair . You allowed it to be an honest competition , and Forrester won . Bill : Forrester and your Royalty campaign . Give yourself some credit . Katie : ( Sighs ) It s not just me . It s -- it s Eric and Ridge s designs . It s the models . It s the show . It s -- Bill : Okay , stop . Stop . I do nt even think I could teach you to be to be a hard - nosed chief exec . Bill : I do nt know how smart it was letting the judges off the hook . With a Jackie M. win , I could have taken control of Forrester Creations within a month . And I doubt your good opinion of me will last even that long . Katie : Why not ? Bill : Because if it s not the old lady and the orphans , it ll be something else . Katie : So why do you think I like you ? Bill : That s exactly what I m wondering . Here you ve got me throwing out my old rule book just so I do nt drive you away . So I guess I m asking what the new rules are . Do I have to keep throwing away multimillion - dollar deals to keep you looking at me that way ? Is that what I have to do , Katie Logan ? Brooke : Big Bear ? Ridge : James feels that would be ideal . James : It s essential that the three of us are isolated . Listen , I have used these techniques successfully with the heads of corporations who are suing each other , with divorcing couples who are like warring with each other . I guarantee you will come out of this process with a deeper appreciation . But what you have to make your minds up before you go in is what is more important-- your families , your love for this man here or your constantly feeding your egos in public places very loudly and at every possible opportunity . Ridge : Look , we need this , all of us . Please tell me you ll do it . Whip : ( Sighs ) Now he wants financial statements . Jackie : Well , what s the harm in that ? Whip : What -- what s the harm ? Jackie , it is a-- it s a talk show . It s not a-- it s not a business forum , okay ? It s San Diego . They want to see a hometown surfer boy who makes good . They want to see Owen in a swimsuit , you know , preferably a small one . Jackie : You re selling him short , Whip . Whip : ( Sighs ) Jackie : Do nt do that . He s determined to present himself well . He wants to make a good impression . Whip : I think you re being very patient with him . Jackie : He gives me everything that he has . What kind of ingrate would I be to complain just because he does nt have a PHD in talk show patter ? What ? Whip : Nothing . I do nt know . I do nt know who I like better , you who you really are or the one that I put up on that stage tonight . Jackie : ( Laughs ) Well , you know what ? Neither do I. Give him these , would you ? Whip : We should have won tonight . Jackie : I do nt mind . You were wonderful . Whip : No . No . You were , Jackie . You were ... ( Sighs ) You were wonderful the way you -- you took command of that stage , you and that whole getup . Jackie : ( Laughs ) Whip : You know , you can do anything , really . I mean , you-- you can have anything . You just -- I mean , you just hold out your hand , and ... Whip : You can have whatever you want . Brooke : Bad things can happen in Big Bear . Ridge : Oh , come on , Logan . You ve always loved it there . Brooke : I do . And I know you mean well , Ridge , but I m not sure this is the best way to solve our problem . Taylor : So -- so what do you suggest , Brooke ? Brooke : I do nt know . Are you saying you re willing to go through with this ? Taylor : How much time would we need to , uh , go through this technique you wanna do ? James : As long as it takes . I mean , if there s anything more important in your lives that you have to ... Brooke : I will do anything , of course . Taylor : Well , I have-- I have a lot of patients , but , um , I would reschedule them . Ridge : Thank you . James : Excellent . We re gon na have an adventure , ladies . And I promise you , by the end of it , this veil of conflict that s been down over your lives for years will have disappeared . Katie : You do nt have to give up million - dollar deals for me , Bill . Bill : I did tonight . Katie : I think deep down inside you knew that it was wrong . You -- you do nt have to change for me , not really . You just have to look inside yourself to the person who s hiding in there . Bill : Katie , I ll warn you again . I m not a good person . Katie : You did a good thing tonight . Bill : You benefited . So did I. Does that make me good ? Katie : Maybe I just see something in you that you do nt . Bill : And maybe you re kidding yourself . Katie : I do nt think so . Look at you . You want something you ve never wanted before . Bill : That s true . You know when I knew it ? When I told you I was going to take control of Forrester Creations and I asked you to run it with me and you said no . Katie : Believe me , I was nt being noble . Bill : I know you were nt . You were just being you-- loyal , devoted , committed to your family and the people you care about . That s top priority with you . Katie : Yes , it is . Bill : I had a taste of what that can feel like tonight . I believe that being in charge is the finish line . Get there first , and you win . Katie : What do you win ? Bill : More of the same . More than anybody else . Katie : You know what I think ? I think you do nt really like that game , Bill . Bill : Well , you re right about that . I love the game , Katie . It s my life . Katie : It does nt have to be . Bill : I m not so sure . Katie : Give yourself a chance . Bill : When I say that I want something , I mean that I want it in my name-- money , property , Forrester . But I do nt want you in that way . I want you under my eyes . I want you in my arms . Maybe you look like a- a doorway to someplace I ve never been , to feelings that I ve never experienced . I know you re going to hurt me . That s right , it can be done . You see , I m going to go about this all wrong , and then I m gon na drive you away . I m gon na lose you . And do nt tell me I wo nt . And then I ll close up like a fist . And knowing all that , I still find myself thinking ... I need you , Katie Logan . And I ve never needed anybody . ### Summary:
Both Brooke and Taylor ask Ridge which one he is going home with . He informs them this will not be his decision . He brings James in and tells them that he advised family counseling . They think it is crazy and will never work . The Jackie M gang go back to their office grousing among themselves about the outcome of the fashion show . Whip suggests an interview with the home town boy in San Diego . Owen is against it and does nt want to leave town without Jackie . Clarke volunteers to drive him . Nick tries to cheer Bridget up after her loss . Bill and Katie dine and discuss some of their past . He states that he made his selfish choice tonight because he wanted something more .. whether that makes sense or even if he deserves it . He wonders how long her adoration will last . She says he did something fair tonight so he has nothing more to prove . He s glad as he d hate to keep throwing million dollar deals away to keep her looking at him . Whip and Jackie congratulate each other about the showing . He gives her a kiss on the cheek . Taylor says she has patients , but she can reschedule . Brooke gives her okay too which pleases Ridge . Katie tells Bill that he does nt have to change himself . There is a lot of good deep down so he just needs to find it . Perhaps she sees something that he does nt . The finish line is not the only thing in life . He needs to give himself a chance . He admits that in the end he knows she will hurt him , but he wants her in his life , in his arms . He s never said that to anyone before . He gets up and bends down and tenderly kisses her .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Eric : Something s going on with you and Quinn . Katie : I think she and I just have really different world views . I mean , I -- I do my best to play by the rules , and she ... she does nt . Eric : She s an unconventional person . Katie : Yeah , that s one way of putting it . A - and I know she s your wife , and you -- you want to think the best of her . Eric : Yes , and I do . But if something s not working between the two of you , we have to deal with that . It s not just work , is it , Katie ? Look , you said you wanted to tell me . So tell me . I want to know . Quinn : I should nt be here . At your place . Ridge : Well , technically , the guest house is on the estate , so it s your place . Quinn : You know what I mean . Look , Katie is making threats . We have to do something . Ridge : Brooke talked to her and she told her not to say anything . Quinn : And we re gon na believe that she s just gon na listen to Brooke ? I mean , she s holding it over my head , ridge ! She s waving it in my face every time she does nt get what she wants . Ridge : She s not gon na say anything to my dad . She does nt want to hurt him . Quinn : Yeah , but she wants to hurt me . Telling Eric about our little ... our -- our indiscretion , it just might be worth it to her . I m telling you , Katie is becoming a very dangerous threat . Sally : Coco , please stay and talk to me . Coco : I was talking to Thomas . Thomas : Coco , listen to your sister . She s hurting . Sally : You need to hear this from me . What I did to you was beyond wrong , and I know that I probably do nt have a right to ask , but ... if you could find it in your heart to give me another chance ... Sally : I have already been given way more forgiveness than I deserve . But all I want now is a chance to make it up to you . Thomas : Coco , thank you for hearing me out , but I m gon na let you guys figure this out on your own . Coco : So , he s -- he s really working here ? Sally : Head designer . He wants to be my partner . Ca nt believe it , either . You know , there s only been one person that s ever had as much faith in me as he does . That s my little sister . I hate myself for the way I betrayed you . Eric : Katie , we ve always been very candid with each other , have nt we ? Katie : Yes , we have , but I know your wife is a delicate subject . Eric : There was tension between you two in the past . Katie : And I have really honestly tried to move on from that . Eric : And so has she . I ve been very happy that she wanted to have you come and work at the company with us . Katie : You did nt wonder why she wanted to do that ? Eric : It s kind of her thing these days , is nt it ? Katie : Mm . Eric : I mean , first , it was Steffy and then ridge and now you . Katie : So you see a pattern . Eric : I see her trying to get everyone to come together . Katie , I understand . Your designs are nt being used , they re not being featured in the collection as much as you would like . It s frustrating . I get that . This is just the beginning for you . Something wonderful is happening here , Katie , and you re a part of it . The family is coming together , we re all getting along . It was just a few months ago that ridge was doing everything he could to get Quinn out of the company , and now we re practically living under the same roof together . He s in the guest house . Katie : Really ? That s convenient . Ridge : Just give Katie what she wants , and she wo nt be a problem . Quinn : I ca nt do that . Ridge : It s a pair of earrings , Quinn ! Quinn : And a pendant ! And a bracelet ! And then what else ? It s -- it s the principle ! Her pieces do nt fit into the collection . Ivy and I have worked so hard to establish ourselves as designers who are innovative and original , and Katie s pieces , they re -- oh , they re pedestrian ! Ridge : All right , then give her her own signature line . Quinn : Her own line ? You re not even listening to me . Ridge , you re an artist . You know what I m talking about . Ridge : You re not listening to me . Eric is my dad . I m his son . He ca nt find out about this . Ever . Saul : Oh , good . You re leaving . Thomas : I am giving sally and coco some space . They need a little privacy . Saul : I do nt know what things were like over at Forrester , but here at spectra , we have an open - door policy . Anyone can just walk on into that office , so excuse me . Thomas : Not a good time , Saul . Sally s in there trying to patch things up with her little sister . You want that , do nt you ? Saul : Yeah , of course I do . How can you ask me that ? Thomas : Because you are the one who used coco as a spy at Forrester . Saul : No . No ! Shirley and I , we were trying to save the company . Thomas : Spectra is not that kind of business anymore . If we re gon na be working together , that s never going to happen again . I know that times were tough . You did what you had to do . But from here on out , I need your support and your best judgment . Saul : Tell you what , I ll do whatever sally needs me to do . Thomas : You re extremely loyal to her . I appreciate that . But , Saul , you made a mistake . A big one . You used that little girl in there to spy on Forrester . You forced a wedge between those sisters . You better hope they can fix that . Coco : I m so glad you did nt go to jail , sally . And I was just as relieved as you were when Thomas stepped in and saved spectra , but ... but that does nt fix things between us . Sally : I know . Coco : Why do you think it hurts so much ? You re my sister , sally . And I love you . But you used me . Sally : Yes , okay ? I should have stopped it , stepped up , and protected you . I let you down . Coco : My whole life , you were the one that I could trust , that I could count on . Mom and dad were gone , but I never felt alone . I never felt scared because I always knew that my big sister would be there for me . But I do nt feel that anymore . Sally : I know I made a mistake . But it wo nt happen again , I swear . Coco : Your turned me into a criminal . You jeopardized my future and my friendship and everything that I thought you wanted for me ! I would never do that to you , sally . Never . So how could I ever trust you again ? Katie : Listen , I do nt want whatever s going on between Quinn and me to misrepresent how I feel about being a part of the company . I am so grateful to have been brought on . I mean , being at Forrester s exactly what I need right now , to be in the middle of things , taking things in . Eric : Good . I m glad to hear it . Katie : I love being in an office . I really do . And I guess I did nt realize how much I needed a job . I mean , I m stuck in that big beautiful home all by myself , and it was just making me a little crazy , and I -- I guess I ve been a little lonely . Eric : You re not dating ? Katie : Not really . Eric : No time ? Katie : [ Laughs ] I guess I have nothing but time , but I just have nt been lucky with men , you know ? I mean , there was bill , who was obsessed with my sister , and I guess you can say the same thing about ridge . Eric : There are other men in los Angeles . Katie : That s true . Very true . But I want a good one , you know ? Eric : [ Chuckles ] Katie : I suppose there just are nt that many men like you . Quinn : I brought this on myself . This was my dumb idea , to bring Katie back to Forrester . Ridge : You must have known that she might say yes . Quinn : Yes , of course , but I did nt think Eric would put her on my team . I was just trying to appease her . Ridge : Just keep trying . Quinn : She s taking advantage . Ridge : And you gave her that power . Quinn : You re the one who told her what happened in Sydney . Ridge : Quinn , just use her jewelry . Quinn : No , I -- I - I ca nt . I wo nt do it . It is nt good enough , and I m not gon na be blackmailed . How did this happen ? How did we let it come to this ? Saul : Sally knows that I m here for her . Thomas : I m not questioning your loyalty , Saul , or how much you care for her . I can see that . But you should never have encouraged sally to betray her little sister . Sally : I miss my little sister . I hate the distance between us . Coco : I do , too , but ... but I have to protect myself . Sally : Not from me . Coco : You could have ruined any chance I had in the fashion industry . You could have gotten me fired , sally . Or blackballed . Or worse ! Sally : Yes , and I am grateful that that did nt happen . You still have your internship and your relationship with R.J. Coco : Yeah , but you did nt care about any of that when you let grams hook me up to that camera . You sent me into Forrester to be your spy . Sally : I panicked , coco , okay ? This -- this company was going under , and I felt like I had to do something drastic . Horrible , thoughtless , but not completely unforgivable . It ca nt be . Come on , coco . I confessed . That has to count for something . I was willing to go to jail for what I did . I took full responsibility . I even made sure that everybody knew that you had nothing to do with it , especially the Forresters . You say that I do nt care , but I do . So much . All I want is a chance to prove that , and I know that it s gon na take some time and a lot of work , but I am not going to stop trying . Just please do nt give up on me . Eric : You were involved with two of the most eligible men in los Angeles . Katie : [ Laughing ] Yeah , and look how that turned out for me . Eric : [ Chuckles ] Katie : I - I suppose that bill and ridge do share a lot of the same qualities , even though they would never admit it . I mean , they re both powerful and successful and good - looking , good fathers ... I just -- I want someone who s gon na stand up for me , you know ? I mean , someone stable and thoughtful and -- oh , my god , I hate using this word , but -- reliable . Eric : Why , you think because it sounds boring ? Katie : Yes , frankly . It does . But I just -- I want someone who s gon na be there for me , no matter what . Eric : That does nt seem like such a tall order . Katie : Yeah , well , you d be surprised . Eric : You have nt met anybody like that ? Katie : Well , at the risk of sounding repetitive , there are not that many men in los Angeles like you . Eric : Look , I know what you re talking about . As we grow up , we start to look for different attributes in a partner . Qualities like loyalty become much more important . Katie : Yeah , that s a big one , is nt it ? Eric : It is for me . I experience that wonderfully with Quinn . And with you , my loyal friend . I love that we can be so open and honest with each other . Ridge : Give Katie what she wants . If that s the price we have to pay for what we did , so be it . Quinn : It wo nt be ! You know it wo nt be ! What were we thinking ? Why ? Why did we do this to ourselves ? Ridge : Do what to ourselves ? We kissed ! It did nt mean anything . Quinn : If it did nt mean anything , why did nt we stop ? Ridge : We did stop . Quinn : No , we did nt . It happened over and over . At the house , on the beach in Sydney , and ... we risked everything ! My marriage , your relationship with your father ... you lost Brooke , and for what ? For some twisted desire for danger ? Ridge : It does nt matter why . It s over . I do nt think about it . Do you ? Coco : You do nt know what you re asking . Sally : Begging , coco . I m begging . Coco : Sally , you were my rock . Sally : I took something precious , yes , and I destroyed it -- the trust we had , your faith in me ... I m your big sister ! That always came first , okay ? Growing up , I -- I had one job . To look after you , to make sure that you were safe and happy . So I ca nt imagine that moment when you looked out and saw the Forrester designs on that runway , on our runway , finding out that we made you a part of it , that I let it happen ... I betrayed you . Once . But never again . Coco : You say that ... Sally : I mean it . Coco : But how can I be sure ? Sally : Look at me . Think about everything that we have been through . It has always been us against the world . On the playground , at school , at home ... what did I always say to you ? Coco : You d say , do nt worry . Just hold on to me . Everything will be all right . Sally : So do nt let go . Please , do nt let this tear us apart . You are way too important to me . I need you . Coco : I need you , too , and I do nt like feeling like this . Sally : Then let s just -- let s just put this behind us . Come on , can we do that ? Can we just find a way to move on ? I want that more than anything . Please . Please , coco . Just tell me that you will forgive me . [ Gasps ] Coco : Yeah . Sally : [ Exhales sharply ] I will never let you down again . You can count on me . Always . Coco : Okay . Eric : Yeah , I need to get back . Katie : Yeah , well , me , too . I need to get back to the office before Quinn starts looking for me . Eric : Katie . Talk to her . You know , she may not agree with everything you say , but she ll -- she ll listen . Katie : I hope so . Eric : It s communication . It s a very big part of what we do at work there , huh ? It s like this -- touching base , having lunch together once in a while . Katie : Well , this was certainly the highlight of my day . Eric : Mine , too . Well , what about tonight ? Do you have plans for dinner ? Katie : Tonight ? Eric : Yeah , why do nt you join us ? Wyatt s coming over ... Katie : Oh , is it just the three of you ? Eric : No , ridge is joining us , as well . Katie : Oh , well , then , um , sure , yeah . I d love that . Thank you . Eric : Good . It might give you and Quinn a chance to calm things down between you . Katie : Yeah , we ll see . Eric : You know , you can tell me anything . If something s going on , I want to hear about it . Good or bad . It s not speaking out of turn . It s being a friend . Quinn s undivided loyalty has spoiled me , I know . I guess I -- I expect that from everyone now . Ridge : We re gon na do whatever it takes to keep this from my father . Quinn : You need to talk to Katie . Ridge : I do nt need to talk to her at all . We re gon na give her what she wants . Quinn : Why , because of a few meaningless kisses ? Ridge : No , because it was wrong ! That s why . Quinn : But so is she ! Ridge : I do nt even -- Quinn : What ? ! I am not going to let her control me , and I m not gon na let her make me feel guilty ! I feel bad enough -- I do ! -- With whatever this is between us , and if I could go back , I would -- I would take it all back ! Ridge : So would I. Quinn : I would never go up to San Francisco . Ridge : It d just be me , right ? At a symposium by myself ? No tequila . Perfect . Quinn : No , no tequila , because the tequila is what made me open up to you in the first place . Ridge : Oh , that s what it was ? Quinn : Yes ! Ridge : I do nt even like you . And I ve never liked you . ### Summary:
Eric guesses it , something is going on with Katie and Quinn . Katie says she knows Quinn is his wife and he wants to think the best of her . Eric says Katie said she had something to tell him and he wants to know . Quinn tells Ridge that Katie is waving it in her face and wants to hurt her . Katie is becoming a very dangerous threat . Sally tells Coco that she knows she has no right to ask since she did her wrong but she hopes she can find it in her heart to forgive her . All she wants now is a chance to make it up to Coco . Thomas says he will go on and let them talk . Sally stuns Coco when she says Thomas has forgiven her and wants to be her partner . Eric tells Katie they have always been candid and the whole family is now getting along . Ridge wanted to get rid of Quinn and now he is practically living under the same roof . Ridge tells Quinn to give Katie her own signature line . Eric can not ever find out about the two of them so give Katie what she wants . Quinn laments that she was just trying to appease Katie . She did nt actually think she would take the job . But she will not let her blackmail her . She does not know how it came to this . Saul says Sally knows he is here for her . Thomas says he knows that too but he should never have expected Sally to betray her little sister . Sally tells Coco that she still has her job and she still has RJ . She just panicked and this is not totally unforgivable . She was even willing to go to jail and let everybody know this was not Coco s fault . She knows it will take time and a lot of work but please just do not give up on her . Katie tells Eric that she is so grateful that Quinn took her in . She did not know how much she really needed a job . She was just rattling around in that big old house , not even dating . Eric tells Katie that she is due to meet the most eligible guy in L.A. Katie laughs and says she needs someone who is loyal and reliable , a man who will be there no matter what . She says there are not many men in L.A. like him . Ridge tells Quinn to give Katie what she wants if that is the price it has to be . He says they kissed but it did not mean anything . She says yes but it happened more than once and for what .for some twisted desire for danger . He says he does not think about it and it is over . Thomas tells Saul to stay out of the office for now as Sally is talking to Coco and since he got the spy work going with Coco he owes her that much . Thomas claims he forced a wedge between those sisters and he had better hope they can work this out . Coco says she always felt her big sister would be there for her and she does not feel that way anymore . She turned her into a criminal . She is not sure she could ever trust her again despite what Sally says . Sally says she took something precious from her and she regrets it . She looked after her most of her life and she knows how she must have felt when Coco realized how much a part of this she became and was betrayed . But Sally will never let that happen again . Coco is not sure . Sally reminds her all they have been through . It has always been them again the world . Coco cries and says she remembers Sally always told her everything would be all right . She needs her and does not like feeling like this . Sally says they need to find a way to just move on . Just tell her she will forget this . Coco nods yes and they hug . Sally retorts that she will never let her down again . She can count on her always . Eric reminds Katie that communication is the best as he is living proof . He invites her for dinner tonight . It might heal things between her and Quinn . Ridge says they will do whatever it takes to keep this from his father . Quinn says she feels bad enough and she is not going to let Katie make her feel guilty . Before he knows it he is telling Quinn that he never liked her and she should never have gone to San Francisco or had that tequila . He kisses her and they fall back on the bed .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Liam : Am I still bleeding ? Hope : Nope . Liam : Um ... do you want me to go ? Hope : Why ? Liam : Because I m making a fool of myself . Hope : ( Chuckles ) How would I know ? I m made a fool of all the time in trashy tabloids . Liam : No . Hope : ( Giggles ) Liam : No , they do nt even touch you . You re so far above that . Anybody can see that , not just me . Steffy : You having a bad day ? Oliver : Steffy . Steffy : Relax . You do nt have to call security . Oliver : You think I d do that ? Steffy : ( Singsongy ) I m back . ( Normal voice ) I got unfired . My good name was saved-- my not - so - good , not - that - bad name . Oliver : How ? Steffy : Actually , somebody at Spencer Publications got ahold of my laptop . Oliver : I hope you got the police involved and you pressed charges ? Steffy : ( Scoffs ) And give their headlines a new lease on life ? No way . You know , all I want is for people I know to believe me . But I guess I m such a bitch on wheels , they think I m capable of anything . Oliver : You are not a , uh , female dog on wheels . Steffy : You say the sweetest things . Oliver : I believed you . Steffy : Yeah , you believed me . But why did nt my dad ? Brooke : ( Sighs ) Brooke : Ridge , is that you ? ( Scoffs ) Stephanie : You do nt answer your do -- front door anymore ? Brooke : What are you doing ? How did you get in here ? Is Hope with you ? Stephanie : Brooke , wild horses could nt drag that girl back to this house while you re still in it . And now you can stop blaming Steffy for the scandal that you re involved in , because she was nt responsible for it . It was your dear brother - in - law Bill . Brooke : ( Laughs ) Steffy : You know , I suppose I make it easy for people to believe the worst in me . I ve been awful to Hope , more awful than I meant to be to Brooke . I was nt even that nice to my sister . Every time I d mention Phoebe , I d just say , Oh , God , how I miss her so much . You know , somebody oughta slap me and say , Then why were you such a female dog on wheels when she was alive ? Oliver : ( Scoffs ) I do nt believe that . Steffy : I missed , like , what , three of her last birthdays in a row ? I was in London . I could nt be bothered . Oliver : You were twins . It was your birthday , too . ( Chuckles ) Steffy : Yeah . You know , I - I wish you knew her . You would nt have given me a second look . What am I saying ? You do nt even look at me . ( Chuckles ) Oliver : I look at you . I m looking at you right now . Stephanie : Oh , Spencer will deny it , I m sure , but I believe he probably did it in order to sell more magazines . Brooke : Uh , I m sorry , but that s just too convenient . Steffy is the one who put that supposed tribute together . Stephanie : But the boy that worked on her laptop computer has confessed to the whole thing . Ridge will fill you in on all the details . That s not why I m here . Look , this situation has caused irreparable damage between she and her dad . I want to know what you re gon na do about it . Brooke : ( Gasps ) Hope : You do nt even know me . Liam : Well , maybe I do . Ridge : Hope ? It s me . I need to talk to you . Hope : It s my dad . Liam : Oh , my God . You patched me up for nothing . He s really gon na kill me this time . Brooke : Irreparable damage to Steffy ? I m the one who ca nt leave the house without an avalanche of cameras in my face . I m the one the headlines are screaming , devours her young . Stephanie : Well , live life the way you do , and these things happen . Brooke : ( Sighs ) Stephanie : Look ... ( Sighs ) Steffy s devastated by the fact that her -- her father s lost faith and trust in her . And you re responsible . Brooke : No . No . Steffy is . And you re really no help with this relentless campaign against my daughter and me . Stephanie : The point I m trying to make is Ridge s loyalty to you , undying loyalty to you , has created a wall between the two of them . And if you re any kind of a decent wife and human being , you ll try and do something to help mend that relationship . Steffy : You know , I wish you could tell me something honestly . Oliver : Tell you what Steffy : What do you like about me ? What do you see in me ? And please , do not tell me my looks . Oliver : I like that you re smart and funny , and you got guts . I like that you re unsinkable . You re never really down for that long . I mean , you always got a plan , right ? Steffy : Go on . Oliver : ( Laughs ) Steffy : What s wrong with my looks ? Okay , I m just kidding , all right ? I know you re not attracted to me . Oliver : I never said that . Steffy : It s always been about Hope . Oliver : That s not really in my control . Not that it really matters now . She s done with me . Steffy : That s this week . Oliver : Nope . ( Laughs ) She says she ca nt get past the , uh ... you know . Steffy : Well , maybe we should just go somewhere , you know , start over . Oliver : Start what over ? Steffy : Everything . You know , I m suddenly worth a lot more money than I was last week . You know , I could probably , like , arrange something where you and I do nt have to work . I mean , ever . You know , is nt there someplace you thought maybe you just might end up ? Oliver : Yeah . Married to Hope . Having kids , getting old together . Steffy : Huh . Well , then , uh , I guess we re gon na have to get her back for ya , huh ? Ridge : I apologized to Steffy as soon as I found out , but it was nt enough . Anyway , that s my problem to solve . Naturally , you were the next person I wanted to tell . You re taking this very well . Hope : Well , you know , I m just really glad to hear that it was nt Steffy . You know , but I don -- I do nt think that you ve ever heard me , you know , blame Steffy for all this . Ridge : No , and I very much appreciate that . It ca nt have been easy for you to hear , though , seeing as Bill Spencer s married to your Aunt Katie . Hope : Hey , Dad ? The horrible thing is nt that the whole world knows what happened . The horrible thing is that it did . Ridge : That s what your mother feels , too . She does nt care what anyone thinks except you . If I did nt believe that she and Oliver never intended for that to happen-- Hope : You know , I - I - I believe it , too . Ridge : Then come home to us . Your mother s destroyed by this . Hope : I ca nt . Ridge : Even though you accept that it was a mistake ? Hope : Yeah , uh , I do . It s just -- doesnt make that big of a difference to me . Ridge : Okay . By the way , I found out that Bill Spencer had help sabotaging your mother s tribute . A young guy named Liam Cooper . I have a feeling that he may not be done with us . There may be another shoe to drop . So I m asking you to please be careful , be aware of him , okay ? Cause he will say anything . Hope : Okay . Yeah . Ridge : All right , sweetie . Bye . Hope : Good night . So ... is it true ? Will you really say anything ? Brooke : Once again , your version of reality does nt square with the facts . Steffy is the cause of Steffy s problem with me . She ca nt accept my marriage to Ridge . Stephanie : Well , that s the stepmother s lot in life , is nt it ? But you re supposed to be the grown - up here . You re the one that s supposed to show a little patience , make the initiatives . Does nt a husband have a right to expect that ? Brooke : I am not going to take lessons from you on how to be a good mother and a good wife . Stephanie : Well , I think that you better start taking some lessons from somewhere , because sleeping with your daughter s boyfriends and husbands is nt part of the program . Brooke : Stop . You are such a hypocrite . Here you are saying that it is my duty as Ridge s wife to support him and his daughter . And I have done that , and I will continue to do that . But meanwhile , all you can do , Stephanie , is throw obstacles between Hope and me . Stephanie : ( Scoffs ) Hey , I -- hope -- I m not keeping Hope at my house against her will . Brooke : Well , then what are you doing ? She should nt be there at all , and I want her back . Stephanie : Even if she packed her bags and drove away from my home , she would nt come here . My bet is she d go right to LAX and get on a plane to somewhere , anywhere where you are nt . It would be the best thing in the world for her . Brooke : ( Sighs ) Liam : ( Chuckles ) You know -- you know , there probably was a time when I would ve said anything . And then my mom got sick , and that changed . All -- all -- all I m saying is everything I ve told you is the truth , but your dad s probably right still . You should stay a million miles away from me . Liam : Boyfriend again ? Hope : Mm . Liam : You know , I - I could tell him what I did . Hope : No . No . Liam : Probably killing him to be apart from you right now . Hope : ( Sighs ) Hope : Hello . Oliver : I - I know you do nt want to talk to me , but do nt hang up . I know you do nt want to see me . I just got ta tell you , I - I m not giving up , okay ? I just --I just ca nt . I love you too much . Hope : I m sorry , Oliver . It s just too hard . Oliver : Itll -- itll get a little easier every day . Hope : Yeah , and y - you know , maybe one day we can be friends . Oliver : Dont -- dont say that . Hope : Look , nothing I can say right now is gon na make it better . It s just gon na hurt . So I - I m gon na go . Oliver : I ll call you in the morning . Hope : I wish you would nt . Ridge : Sorry I m late . Brooke : That s all right . You had to see Steffy . Your mother was here . Ridge : She did nt think I could tell you myself ? Brooke : ( Laughs ) Do nt let her guilt - trip you into feeling like you re a bad father . You ve done everything for that girl . You ve been there . You re loyal , patient . Ridge : She s my daughter . I , uh , I should have believed her . Brooke : Yeah . Well , Steffy has nobody to blame but herself for her lack of credibility . And she should be the one to admit that . Ridge : She s still so young in so many ways . Brooke : Mm - hmm , she s young , and she s hurt , and she s angry . But most of all , she loves you , and she always will . So how d it go ? Ridge : I apologized . Brooke : And -- Ridge : She agreed to come back to Forrester . Brooke : Oh , wow . That s great . Well , it s a start . Ridge : I do nt know , Logan . I just have this sick feeling that ... nothing s ever gon na be the same . I broke my daughter s heart . Brooke : She would nt . Ridge : I m not so sure . Brooke : ( Scoffs ) There is no way Steffy would sell 25 % of the company back to Bill Spencer . It was the high point of her life when she got it away from him . Ridge : Yeah , well , I do nt have very charitable feelings towards the guy either . Brooke : She made her decision . She s coming back to work . So ... Ridge : So that you know , I stopped by to see Hope . Of course , she had to be told . Brooke : How did she seem ? Ridge : All right . But she s not ready to come back . Brooke : I just ca nt stand that she s not here with us . Ridge : Unfortunately , it happens , Logan . 18-year - olds leave home , and they do nt come back . Brooke : Do nt say that . Look , I - I could let her go if I had to , just not this way . Steffy : All right , maybe Hope wants to punish you a little bit . Oliver : Maybe she really wants it to be over . Steffy : You never heard how she talked about you , Oliver . Oliver : That was before . I betrayed her . Steffy : Well , you did nt know . You did nt even mean to . Oliver : I ca nt use that as an excuse anymore . If it really was Hope that I treated that way , it d be just as bad . Steffy : Look , you only did what you were led to do , all right . Brooke was in control . Now just give it some time . Y - y - you can afford to have some faith . It s not like she s seeing somebody by now . Liam : I mean , I-- I used to be like you were . I - I - I was nt rich or anything , and -- and I did nt have a famous name , but my mom was really high in demand as a model , and she did okay . And , I mean , I got to go to school with a bunch of kids who were like me , privileged and golden . And -- and then , uh , and then my mom s cancer came , you know , and -- and the years of sickness , and the money trickled away . I coul -- I - I couldnt-- I could nt finish school , and I could nt graduate with all the s -- the stupid golden children that had everything . And-- and I felt like-- I felt like the current was just dragging me further and further away , and nobody even noticed . And I - I wanted to be , like , you know what ? Just -- just wait . Just wait until life catches up with you . You know , wait until you run into that brick wall called reality . And I -- you know , most of them never will . It -- their parent s money is like a fortress . It s like-- it s like an amusement park that they do nt ever have to leave . And -- and then I realized something . That the current that was ... ( Chuckles ) that was dragging me away , it was nt just the worst thing . It was also the best thing that could ever happen to me because it taught me that you cant -- you ca nt be golden and empty . Your life has to be about something , even if you do nt know what yet . Hope : Mm . Liam : Do you , um , do you know why I m telling you this ? Hope : Yeah . Yeah , I do . Liam : I mean , youve -- youve had a fall from grace , too , and you re standing outside of your old life , and you do nt know how to get back in , and you re not sure that you want to . But I - I have this crazy idea that I want to tell you it s gon na be okay . It s gon na be more than okay , because -- because , Hope , this is the first step towards something so much bigger and so much better than perfect SATs or the not very hard climb up the -- up the ladder at the family business . Hope : What ? Why are you looking at me like that ? Liam : And I m staring . I m sorry . I m totally staring . I do nt mean to . Hope : No , but ... but why ? Liam : I do nt know . I - I ca nt help it . I mean , I got ta tell ya , there s a part of me that hopes it s true , that you and your ex ca nt get back together . I know -- I know that-- okay , I know that s wrong to say , but , oh , my God , I ve never met anybody like you . I ve never met somebody so beautiful and sweet and --and forgiving . I mean , I look at you , and I see -- I see all things good . And --and I see something so pure and so lovely , and I - I want to be a part of that . And I ... ( Chuckles ) I know -- I know I probably should nt be around you . I know your dad thinks so . Hope : ( Laughs ) Liam : And , uh , and I want-- I want to -- I want to prove him wrong . I want to prove that I can be good for you . I want to show that I wo nt ever let that light in your eyes die out . And ju -- I just , um , I hope I get to see you again . Hey , um , uh , one more thing . Hope : What ? ### Summary:
Steffy confides in Oliver that her not so good name is now revived . Someone at Spencer Publications cleared the record . In her pity party , she asks Oliver what he likes about her . She knows he s all about Hope ; he hardly looks at Steffy .... guess she will have to help him get Hope back . Stephanie barges into Brooke s bedroom and assures her that wild horses could not get Hope to come back as long as Brooke is home there . She says Ridge will fill her in on all the details , but a guy at Spencer Publications was the one who was responsible for altering the video . She s there to try to convince Brooke to help Ridge mend his relationship with Steffy . Ridge drops by Hope s while Liam is still there . She stashes him in the closet . Ridge tries to convince her again that the sexcapade was an accident and that he wants her to come home . In talking about the video , he tells her that Liam was also involved so steer clear of him . Liam reveals to Hope that everything he s told her is the truth , but her father is right ; she should stay a million miles away from him . Oliver calls and begs Hope not to hang up . He loves her too much and he s not going to give up . Ridge laments to Brooke that he broke his daughter s heart and he s afraid it will never be the same . Brooke does nt believe Steffy will sell her shares back to Bill Spencer and she s happy that she is returning to work . She only wishes Hope would come back home . She does nt want to lose her his way . Steffy tells Oliver just to give it some time . Hope is not seeing anyone else so have some faith . Liam scores points as he pours his heart out to Hope about his childhood . He s had a fall from grace too .and when he looks at her , he only sees something so pure and lovely and good and he wants to be part of that despite what her dad said . He wants to prove that to her . On impulse he kisses her and she leans in for more .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ford : Who were you expecting ? Husband number two ? Aubrey : Just go . Just take your money and get out of here . Cutter : See , that s the thing . I m not gong anywhere . You are . Aubrey : What are you talking about ? Cutter : This is my house , so get the hell out . Aubrey : There s no way in hell Clint sold you this house . Cutter : True . He did nt sell it to me . He gave it to me . It was part of the deal . I get the money and the house , he gets his daughter back . Everybody walks away happy . Except maybe Tess . Tess : I ca nt believe that you re here . Ford : You actually look happy to see me . Tess : Of course , I m happy to see you . You re busting me out . Now hurry up . Untie this thing . The sooner I m free , the sooner I can give Cutter Wentworth a shave hell-- Ford : First things first . Cutter : So now that I m home , everybody out . Rama : Surely you do nt mean me . Aubrey : There is no way Clint would give up this place . It s been in the family for decades . Cutter : Not anymore . Aubrey : You seriously strong - armed him into giving up his home ? Cutter : Well , it s not like he s coming back . The dude just had a massive heart attack . He s gon na be lucky if he gets out of the ICU , much less walk up those stairs . Rex : I do nt want you to acknowledge me . In fact , all your flashy TV confession is gon na get you is a really long stay in Statesville prison for killing the only man in Llanview who s a worse father than you . Maybe if we re all lucky , you ll die in there . Viki : Oh , my God . Rex : He was fine a minute ago , and then he just passed out . Viki : We need a doctor ! Here ! Now ! Destiny : Can you see what s happening ? Dani : The doctor s talking to Matthew s parents . Destiny : Can you tell what they re saying ? Bo : What do you mean he s not ok ? Dani : No , I ca nt . Des ... Destiny : What ? Dani : This just does nt look good . Come here . Nate : What s going on ? Dani ? Dani : Matthew s in trouble . Dr. Pryor : The trauma of the subdural hematoma along with the surgery caused Matthew s brain to swell , and it may well herniate . Nora : What does that mean ? Dr. Pryor : I m sorry , but your son-- Bo : He s still alive . Nora : Yeah , his heart s beating . It s beating really well . Dr. Pryor : Yes , but we re not seeing brain activity . Nora : I do nt know what that means . What does that mean ? What are you saying ? Bo : Are -- ahem . Are you saying ... our son is brain dead ? Rick : Man . You have got to get yourself outta this low - rent rut . You re never gon na get your film career off the ground at this rate . You need something special . You need an angle . Hello . Ye ask and ye shall receive . Deanna : Hey , Nate . I was just hoping you might have word on Matthew by now . But since your phone s off , I m guessing you re still at the hospital . Anyway , I m at the Buenos Dias just grabbing a cup of coffee . It s all I can afford these days . So yeah , come over when you re done , and we ll celebrate . I m sure Matthew s gon na be fine . Ok . Bye . Dani : What are you doing here ? Nate : I came here to be with you and Destiny and see how Matthew s doing . How bad is it ? Dani : We do nt know yet . His parents are still in with him and his doctor . Nate : I thought he had surgery . Dani : He did . They brought him back just a little while ago . Destiny : His head was all bandaged up . He had all these tubes and wires . It was like he was nt even there . Dr. Pryor : The swelling damaged the area of the brain that controls his breathing reflex . If we disconnected the respirator , his organs would shut down . He d die . Bo : You do nt know Matthew . He s a fighter . You got ta give him a chance . Dr. Pryor : I know what a shock this is . It s almost impossible to accept . But the EEG shows almost no activity in Matthew s brain . Bo : But maybe it s some kind of a coma . Maybe it s temporary . Dr. Pryor : It s not a coma . Nora : Two years ago ... Matthew was in a car accident . He was paralyzed . And when you doctors said that it was hopeless , that he would never walk again , I believed you . But Matthew did nt . He begged us to support him . And he ran away to get the treatment that he needed . And then he proved us all wrong . Because he walked ... he ran ... he played basketball . So I am not going to let you try to talk me out of believing in my son again . Because he is a survivor . And he will survive this . Bo : My wife s right . We want another test . Rex : He was fine and then-- Dr. Gangemi : I need to shock him . Rex : We were arguing . We were kind of going at it . And then he passed out . The machines went crazy . He s gon na be ok , right ? Dr. Gangemi : Let s go again . Charge 300 . Clear . Joey : Do nt you dare stand there and insult my dad . Cutter : Why not ? It s my house . Rama : You know , it does seem to be his . Aubrey : Why ? Because he says so ? Joey : Because my father gave it to him . Aubrey : What ? Joey : Cutter would nt commit Tess until Dad gave him the house . Aubrey : Why would you do that ? With the money he gave you , you could buy 10 houses . Cutter : I did nt want 10 houses . I wanted this one . Aubrey : Why ? What s so special about this one ? Cutter : You and your husband live here . And now I can throw you out . Tess : What are you doing ? Ford : Something I ve been waiting to do for a long time . Tess : What the hell ? What the hell ? Ford : Come on . You would ve done the same thing . It s something to remember you by . Tess : I would ve gotten you out first . Ford : Nobody s going anywhere until I get what I want . Aubrey : So this is revenge , huh ? Because I fell in love with Joey ? Cutter : If I ca nt be with you , why should he ? Joey : You do nt have to worry about that , Cutter . Aubrey and I are through . Aubrey : I m very sorry that I hurt you , Cutter , but this does nt change anything . I love Joey . Joey : Leave me out of this . Rama : I warned you to be careful with Cutter s heart . Aubrey : All these years I had your back . Now you have what you always wanted-- walk - away money . Cutter : That s not all that I wanted , and you know it . Aubrey : Well , I m not that girl anymore . I just wanted out . Is that too much to ask ? I fell in love . Cutter : With the mark . You ve got an hour to pack . So do you . Do nt forget the kid . I m turning his room into a sauna . Joey : So you just want us to wake up Ryder ? Cutter : Not my problem . If you guys are sick of playing Mommy and Daddy , maybe you should just give the baby back to Tess . A little baby - sitting might snap her out of it . Tess : What exactly do you want ? Ford : Information . Tess : From Tess ? Because if you waste any more time , she s not gon na be here . Ford : What are you talking about ? Tess : We re in the Psych ward . Any second , they re gon na come in and start hitting me with the drugs and the electroshock . They want their precious Jessica back . Ford : Then if you want to stick around , you better start talking . Tess : How can you be so cruel ? Ford : I do nt want Jessica back any more than you do . But I ve got my son to think about . You made me a deal when Cutter brought you in here . You said if I got you out of St. Ann s , you would tell me something about Joey and Aubrey s marriage that would make the judge reconsider custody and give my son back . Well , I m here , so start talking . Dr. Gangemi : Clear ! Rex : Oh , my God . Viki : Rex , Rex , let s go outside . Outside . Sit down . Sit down . It s gon na be ok . They re gon na take care of him , ok ? Listen , hey , I m surprised to see you here . Rex : I came to see Natalie . Clint made the TV confession . I should ve stayed away . I could nt have . Maybe this would nt have happened . Viki : Why ? What do you mean ? Doctor , how is he ? Dr. Gangemi : Alive . We were able to get him back into a normal sinus rhythm , but his heart , it s too damaged . I m sorry . I ordered an O.R. and he needs an L - vad . Viki : That s a ventricular assist device . It s gon na take some of the pressure off his heart . Dr. Gangemi : It ll buy him some time while we wait for a suitable donor . Rex : Donor ? Viki : Do whatever you have to do , please . Rex : What are you saying ? Clint needs a transplant ? Viki : Yeah . I m so sorry . He did nt want anyone to know . Anyway , but you re his son , and you should know the truth . Rex : What truth ? Viki : He s dying . Dr. Pryor : I can do a CPS-- a cerebral perfusion scan . It ll give a more detailed picture of the blood flow to the brain . Nora : Why did nt you do this test before ? Dr. Pryor : The apnea test is generally accurate . Nora : Generally ? Bo : This other test -- is it dangerous ? Dr. Pryor : No , it s relatively non - invasive and very reliable . It ll confirm one way or the other . Nora : Then do the test . Do it . Nate : Everybody looks kind of scary after an operation , and he s still unconscious , right ? As soon as he wakes up , he ll be fine . He ll probably lay me out just for being here . Destiny : I hope so . Nate : Me , too . As long as it means Matthew s ok . Destiny : I m gon na go call Shaun . He d want to be here . Dani : Ok . We ll be here . Hey , thank you . Nate : For what ? Dani : For being here . It s not like you re friends with Matthew . Destiny : Guys , guys . Come here . Come here . Dani : What ? Nurse : Cerebral profusion ? Dr. Pryor : The parents insisted . I ca nt blame them . I d demand the same thing if it were my kid . How do you accept that your child is never coming back ? Dani : Oh , my God . Matthew looked worse than I thought . Nate : Yeah . Dani : Where do you think they were taking him ? Nate : For tests ? Maybe surgery ? Dani : No , Nate , he just got out of surgery . Nate : I do nt know , Dani . Dani : His parents will know . Nate : Maybe we should nt bother them . Dani : But Destiny s gon na want to know what s up . We could ask a nurse or something . Come on . Nate : They re not gon na tell you anything if you are nt family . Dani : Maybe you could pretend to be his cousin . Nate : I ll see if I can find a nurse . Dani : Hey , hey . When Matthew wakes up , I m gon na tell him how great you were with this . Nate : Let me do this . Dani : I m gon na go find Destiny . Viki : The last heart attack was much worse than anyone knew . And without a new heart ... he ll die . Rex : He never said . I thought he was getting better . Viki : No , he did nt want anyone to know . He thought that the last few months had been so hard on everybody , and so he was trying to spare us . Rex : If I had known , this would nt have happened . Viki : No , Rex , no . Rex : No , we were arguing , Viki , or I was . I screamed at him . I told him that I d rather see him dead . I did this . I did this to my own father . Viki : No , you did nt . Rex : The same thing happened with you and Tess . That s what brought on your own heart attack . Tess : Should ve known you were nt here for me . Ford : What does it matter ? As long as you get out of here , right ? Look , you got yourself into this mess by marrying Cutter , and I m not going to lose Ryder because of it . You need to tell me what you know about Aubrey and Joey right now . Tess : So you can sell me out the way Cutter did ? Hell , no . Aubrey : Where are we supposed to go ? Cutter : There s a decent shelter in Angel Square . You better hurry . All the best beds fill up fast . Joey : I ll get Ryder . I ll take him to Mom s . Aubrey : We have to stay together . Otherwise , we ll lose custody of Ryder . Joey : Fine . Then we ll stay together . For now . Rama : But what about me ? Viki : Well , yes . Obviously , I was under a lot of stress at the time , and that did nt help . But , Rex , this situation is completely different . Clint s heart was already failing . Rex : And I pushed him right over the edge . Viki : But you did nt mean him any harm . What he did to you was -- God , it was vicious . It was cruel . You had every right to be angry . Rex : I guess . Viki : You know , I was married to that man for many , many years . We raised our children together . Rex : It s kind of hard to believe . Viki : Yeah . Ever since his father died , he s just become more and more like him . But you have to know that underneath , somewhere , there s a really good man . And I saw a glimpse of that today when he made his confession , you know . I hope you get to see it , too , before it s too late . I need to call Joey and let him know his father s in surgery . Dani , hi . What s wrong ? Dani : Have you seen Destiny ? Viki : No . Why ? What s the matter ? Is it Todd ? Dani : No . No , it s Matthew . Nora : Where s the list of neurologists ? Bo : It s on your computer . Nora : Ok . Bo : Station called . Nora : Go . Matthew s gon na be a while . I ll be fine . Hey . What are you gon na say when they ask you where you ve been ? Bo : I m gon na tell them the truth . Matthew got hurt , but he s gon na be fine . Nora : Love you . Destiny . Destiny , what is it ? Destiny : I heard her . Nate : Who ? Destiny : The doctor . She was talking about Matthew . Nate : What d she say ? Destiny : He s not coming back . [ Sobbing ] Rick : Hey , you . Deanna : Deanna . What ? You do nt remember my name ? Rick : Ha ha ! Yeah , Deanna , I remember your name . You should ve let me put it up there in lights . Everybody would know it . How you doing ? Deanna : Good . Good . I thought you were headed back to L.A. Rick : Yeah , I should be out there in post on Hold the Pepperoni IV , but I lost my lead actress , and without her , I just lost the will to go on . Deanna : Mm . Good luck with that . Rick : Hey , where you going ? Where you going ? Where you going ? Why do nt you sit down ? Keep me company . Who knows -- maybe , just maybe I ll let you buy me dinner . It s the least you could do after leaving me high and dry . Tess : The old bait and switch ? No way . That s what got me in here in the first place . Ford : What got you in here in the first place was Cutter Wentworth . Tess : So I should trust you instead ? You already tried to sell me out . If you want the dirt on Aubrey and Joey , fine-- after I m free . Ford : Unless , of course , you knock me out and take off . Tess : I would nt do that ... again . Ford : Yeah , and I would nt have you committed -- again . Tess : Why ca nt you just trust me ? Ford : How about you trust me ! Aubrey : Well , enjoy your house and all your money , because I never want to see you again . Cutter : What did you think was gon na happen ? We d just be friends ? I loved you . Aubrey : I loved you , too . Cutter : I gave you every chance . We could ve walked with the Buchanan fortune together . But no -- you wanted to play house with-- Aubrey : I did nt mean to hurt you , Cutter , ok ? Ca nt you just give them back the house ? It s not like you need it . Cutter : And make you the hero ? No . No , you deserve this for making me look like a fool . I wish I could be there to see his mom s face when you walk in the door . I m sure she s gon na make things really cozy for you . The girl who lied to her son and cost her family half its fortune . Good one . Rama : It wo nt last long . With Tess back in therapy , Jessica will be home in no time . She ll take Ryder -- and Joey will have no use for you . He ll throw you out , which is what you deserve for betraying Cutter . Ford : Fine . Tess : You ll get me outta here ? Ford : No , I think I m just gon na have to find another way to get Ryder . Say hi to Jessica for me . Actually , wait . Never mind . I can do that because I m sure I ll be seeing her soon . Tess : Joey and Aubrey s marriage is a fraud . Rick : Oh , come on . Come on . Sit with me . I m not gon na bite . Come on ! So you look great . Deanna : Thanks . Rick : You do . You look great . So are you with ... the boyfriend ? Deanna : No . That did nt work out . Rick : Did he at least float you the money to help you look for your mom ? Deanna : He s not rich , and I m not a charity case . Rick : See ? That is the proud girl that I know and love . You want to work for it . There s nothing wrong with that . You just need a break . Deanna : Well , not a lot of those around . Rick : There is always a spot for you at Rick Powers Productions . I m just saying you can make bank in just one scene . Dani : Des , what happened ? Nate : She overheard Matthew s doctor talking to someone . Destiny : The nurse . He s never gon na get better . Dani : What ? I do nt understand . Nate : I m gon na call work and tell them I m not coming in . Dani : No , hey , do nt call out of work . Go to work . I ll stay with Destiny . Des , I ll be right there . Nate : You sure ? I do nt feel right leaving you . Dani : No , no . We ll be fine , ok ? We have each other . We probably need to talk some stuff out . Nate : Ok . She needs tissues . Dani : I ll get some . Just go to work , ok ? You ve done enough . Nate : You killed my father , you son of a bitch ! I am so sorry . Dani : Des ... it s ok . Nora : Hi , Rachel , honey . It s Mom . I need you to call me as soon as you get this , ok ? It s very important . It s about your brother . Rex : Bo ? They took Clint in for a procedure . What is it ? Bo : It s my son . They re taking him in for a test . Something to do with blood flow to the brain . He s strong . Rex : He s a fighter . Bo : And he s gon na pull through this . Rex : You know , when Shane was so sick from cancer , I felt helpless . My kid needed me , and I could nt fix it . Bo : They brought Matthew in after his surgery , and when they brought him back into his room ... Rex : Yeah ? Bo : The doctor wanted to-- she opened his eyelids so that she could check his pupils , and then I could see them , and ... they were blank . It s like the lights were off . Ahem . I ca nt get that out of my head . Ford : So Cutter s not her brother ? Tess : He s her lover . They re scamming Joey . You give that to the judge , she ll revoke temporary custody and give you a chance to state your case . Ford : Tess , why did nt you say something in the hearing ? Tess : Because I made a deal . I keep my mouth shut , and they give me half of what they re taking from Joey . Ford : From your brother . Tess : He s not my brother . Ford : I do nt understand . Were nt you getting enough from Ryder s trust fund already ? Tess : Think of it as insurance . Ford : How s that working out for you ? Tess : It s getting me out of here , now , is nt it ? Aubrey : Who asked you ? Rama : You did , when you used me to get back at Clint . I did everything you asked , Aubrey , and what did it get me ? My husband s in jail , and nobody cares , not even my good friend Aubrey . Aubrey : We stopped being friends the day you blackmailed me into taking you in here . Nobody forced you to abandon your husband . You saw an easy payday , and you took it . Rama : I love Vimal , ok ? Aubrey : Oh , really ? Then I feel sorry for him . How do you think he s gon na feel when he finds out you ve talked him into going into jail so you could be rid of him ? And then you lied about being pregnant so he would be out of the way and you could sleep with Cristian Vega . Rama : Oh ! Tess : Come on . I ponied up . Now untie me . Ford : Tess , I m sorry . I ca nt . Rama : Unlike you , I never betrayed my husband . And I refuse to discuss my marriage with a woman who uses sex to make money . Oh ! Ford : You have to understand . I finally got a shot at getting my son back . I bust you out of here , and the judge is never gon na give me custody . I made a promise to my son . Tess : You made a promise to me . Cutter : Ok , ladies , the fun s over . Let s not-- Ford : I m sorry , but once I get custody-- Tess : It ll be too late . Please . They re gon na erase me . Ford : You know I do nt want that , but I ve got my son to think about right now . Tess : You re only thinking about yourself . Your son is in a mansion with a ton of people taking care of-- Ford : He does nt have me . And I made a promise not to abandon him . Tess : What about me ? You made a promise to me , Ford . Please , please do nt leave me . You re gon na miss me . You re gon na miss me . Bobby ! Bobby ! Do nt leave me here ! Please ! Cutter : Not the lamp ! Not the table ! Guys , are you-- not the china ! Girls . Tess : Ok , ok , think , think , think . There s got ta be a way out of here . Ford : Me . I m your way out . We do nt have a lot of time , so let s go . Cutter : Do nt tear it ! Aubrey : You crazy bitch ! Rama : Better a bitch than a dyed blonde whore ! Aubrey : I do not dye my hair ! Joey : Enough ! I need help with Ryder . Cutter : Ahh . Rama , the Brahmin Brawler . Almost sad to see you go . That was hot . Rama : I m not going anywhere , Cutter -- not if you want me to keep your dirty little secret . Ford : This is impossible . Tess : Close your eyes . Ford : How is that gon na help ? Tess : Just do it . Now undo my bra . Ford : The mechanics are completely different . Tess : I have faith in you . Tess : See ? Maybe I should trust you . Ford : We should go . Tess : Yeah . Let s go . Orderly : What s going on here ? Viki : I ... I saw my niece Danielle . Nora : Oh , my God , those kids . Oh , they must be wondering what s going on . Viki : She just said that Matthew was hurt . Nora : We do nt even know how it happened . One minute he s fine , and then he s got a headache , and then he passes out . We bring him to the hospital , and they find a bump on the back of his head . We have no idea how it got there . Matthew ca nt help us . He comes to , he s so confused and disoriented . They found some bleeding on the brain , so they took him to surgery . Viki : Were they able to repair whatever that was ? Nora : Yeah . Mm - hmm . Yeah , that s not the problem . The problem is that he is ... he has some swelling on the brain and the doctors say that-- you know , they do nt really ever know . You know , they re not right all the time . Viki : Where s Matthew now ? Nora : He s having tests . He s gon na be fine . Oh , my God . Look at everything he s survived . He s a miracle . Bo : I m sorry , Balsom . Rex : No , do nt worry about it . What can I do for you ? Bo : You re doing it . The rest is up to Matthew . Rex : Yeah , he s tough . He takes after his old man . Bo : I hope not . Rex : I d say he s a lucky guy . Bo : They re doing another test and-- Nurse : Mr. Buchanan ? Your son s being brought back to his room . Bo : How d it go ? Nurse : I could nt say . The doctor will meet you in your son s room and discuss the results with you . Bo : Thank you . Rex : Do you want me to come with you ? Bo : I think Nora and I better handle this alone . But thanks , Balsom . Rex : I m here if you need me . Bo : What are you doing here ? No , it s not Shane , is it ? Rex : No , no , no . Shane s ok . Gigi s fine . I m fine . We re all fine . I m gon na stick around in case you need me . Bo : Thanks . Cutter : What secret ? Everybody already knows that Aubrey and I are nt related . Rama : I m talking about your other secret , Cutter -- the one that not even Aubrey knows . Aubrey : We re leaving . Joey : Rama , can I give you a ride ? Aubrey : Are you serious ? Joey : Do nt start . Rama : Thank you , Joey . As always , the gentleman . But you know what ? I think I m gon na be staying here . Aubrey : What ? Cutter : Yeah . Anybody who can take a piece outta you has got ta be good company . Joey : Are you coming ? Aubrey : Yeah . Nothing for me here . I m so sorry about all of this , Joey -- for bringing Cutter into your lives and for losing you your house . Joey : Yeah , well , you re sorry about a lot of things . Aubrey : Not about meeting you . Or that we have Ryder . I am going to make this up to you . I promise . Orderly : Who are you ? Ford : I m new here . My name is James . Orderly : This is a restricted area . Ford : Yes , I know that , but I was told to come in here and remove the patient s bindings . Orderly : Who told you that-- Sister Sheila ? Ford : Yes . Sister Sheila said that I should remove her bindings and take her for a walk around the grounds to calm her down . Orderly : Except there s no Sister Sheila . Tess : Ford ! Ford ! Ford : Tess , I m sorry ! Ok , all right , all right . Viki : Rex ? I got your text . Clint is out of surgery ? Rex : The doctor s in with him . Viki : Did you speak with him ? Is Clint-- Rex : He s alive . That s all Gangemi would tell me . He s waiting to talk to you . Viki : I was with Nora . Rex : You heard about Matthew ? Viki : Yeah . Rex : Any word ? Viki : No . They ve taken him for more tests . That s all I know . Dani : Hey , we know how doctors are , the way they talk . Maybe it did nt mean what you think it means . Destiny : She meant it . Dani : Ok , but you remember when they all said that Matthew was never gon na walk again ? Doctors -- doctors do nt know everything . This is Matthew . We ca nt give up on him . Is Matthew gon na be ok ? Dr. Pryor : I m sorry . I can only discuss my patient with the immediate family . Dani : I may not be family , but you definitely are . Destiny : Dani , I m not family . Dani : Des , you know how much Matthew loves you . That makes you family . Bo : How d it go ? Viki : No one seems to know exactly how Matthew even bumped his head . Doctor , how is Clint ? Dr. Gangemi : The operation went smoothly . I got the L - vad attached . It s working properly . Viki : Well , that s good . That s very good news . Dr. Gangemi : I wish it were . Dr. Pryor : The CPS showed more brain activity than we first thought . Nora : I knew it . I knew it . He s gon na be ok . Oh , yes . Bo : Is he , Doctor ? Dr. Gangemi : During the surgery , I was able to get a good look at Clint s heart . This last attack was catastrophic . Even with the L - vad , he wo nt last long . Bo : Does it mean that he s gon na be ok ? Dr. Pryor : Not necessarily . There s been a substantial decrease in the blood flow into his brain . Bo : You mean ... Dr. Pryor : There s only a minimal chance that he will recover . Destiny : How did this happen ? Rick : I ll clear the set . It ll be just you and me . You can audition the talent . You can pick anyone you want . Come on . So what do you say ? You want to give this Hollywood thing another shot ? Deanna : Nate ! Rick : You want Nate ? You can have Nate . Hey . What about dinner ? Deanna : What s wrong ? Nate : Matthew s dying , and it s my fault . I killed him . Rex : So what happens now ? We just wait for a donor ? Dr. Gangemi : There is a silver lining here . With the L - vad , Clint moves to the top of the transplant list . With a little bit of luck , he could come out of this ok . All he needs is a heart . ### Summary:
Ford visits Tess in a padded room where she is strait - jacketed . She wants him to bust her out . He wants her to tell him what she knows about Joey and Aubrey first . Tess tells him about Cutter and Aubrey s scam but he still wo nt get her out of the strait jacket because it will jeopardize his chances of getting custody of Ryder . He changes his mind and frees her , but as they are walking out of the padded cell they run into an orderly who throws Ford out . Cutter kicks everyone out of Buchanan Mansion . Joey is done with Aubrey but will play the part until Ryder s custody is settled and then leave her . Rama says Aubrey deserves it after betraying Cutter . Aubrey accuses Rama of sleeping with Cristian . Rama says Aubrey makes money with sex . They slap each other and it escalates into a brawl . Aubrey promises to make it up to Joey . Rama tells Cutter that she is not leaving because she still has a secret . Dani and Destiny worry about Matthew . The doctor tells Nora and Bo that Matthew has no brain activity . Nate is there with Dani and Destiny but his mind wanders to the day that he hit Matthew in a rage and caused his head trauma after learning that Matthew had killed Eddie . Nate meets Deanna at the Buenos Dias and throws up . He tells Deanna that Matthew is dying and that it is his fault . The moviemaker from the Minuteman Motel hears Nate say he killed Matthew . While Rex is talking to Clint , the machines start beeping . Viki reveals to Rex that Clint is dying and needs a transplant . Rex comforts Bo while Viki comforts Nora . Matthew s doctor reports that the new test showed more brain activity , but that he only has a minimal chance of recovery . Clint s doctor tells Viki that Clint s heart attack was catastrophic and that he wo nt last long without a heart transplant .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Marlena : Um , hi . It s me again . I m sorry to keep calling you , but I -- I ca nt reach you and I m worried sick and I miss you and ... I just love you so much . John : I love you too . Marlena : [ Gasps ] John ? John , is that you ? Hello ? John : Over here . Marlena : [ Gasps ] Oh ! Billie : As much as I love hearing the sound of my own voice , and I do , I m getting bored with this one - sided conversation . You are a stubborn S.O.B. , Bo Brady . You re holding out for Hope . I got it . I got that . But I do nt know where she is . I do nt know how long she s gon na be . [ Door opens ] Hope . Hope : Brady . Bo . [ Sobbing ] Nicole : So let me get this straight . The money you stole from John Black s investors in order to frame him ... is missing ? EJ : Millions , Nicole . Billions . Billions of dollars that I put in these offshore accounts . It s gone . Every last penny . Nicole : I do nt understand . You re rich . You do nt need the money . EJ : You -- you re not listening to me , sweetheart , okay ? My father cleaned out those accounts , you understand ? My own father . Nicole : Why ? He does nt need the money either . EJ : Because he wanted to prove ... I m not ready to take over the family business . He wanted to demonstrate ... that I do nt have his confidence . That I m incompetent . That I m a fool . And he s right . I am a fool ... for thinking that he ever believed in me . He never respected me . Never did . Never will . Sami : Stop it . Lucas : What ? Sami : You did not have to come all the way down here just to give me Allie s doll . She ll be fine . She ll be very happy to see Lucy , thank you . Lucas : All right , look . You took off your wedding ring . Sami : Yes , I did . That s what you do when your marriage is over . Thank you for this . See you later . Lucas : Whoa , whoa , wait a minute . Where do you think you re going ? Sami : Home . Lucas : Could you not go home just for a while and find something to do , just for me ? For a while , please ? Sami : I do have an errand to run , but what are you up to , Lucas ? Lucas : You ll see . Patience . Try it on sometimes . You ll love it . Sami : [ Chuckles ] Rafe : Just stop it , stop . Stop it , just listen to me . Carrie : How-- Rafe : I m not letting you go until you hear the truth . Carrie : How could I possibly listen to you , Rafe ? I asked you point blank if you slept with Nicole . You looked me straight in the eye and you said , no . Rafe : I know . Carrie : And now , she s having your baby . Rafe : Just -- just stop , stop , Carrie , come on , listen , listen . Would you please just give me a chance to explain everything ? Please ? John : Mmm . Marlena : What happened ? Where were you ? Are you all right ? Oh , you look pale . John : Hey , hey , slow down . I m fine now that I m with you . Marlena : I could nt reach you . I did nt know where you were . I could nt get a call back from you . I did nt know what was going on . John : I ll tell you everything , just-- just give me a minute to look at you . Marlena : I was so scared . John : I was scared . And what kept me going was visualizing this moment of looking into your eyes and holding you in my arms . Marlena : Everybody was trying to reach you . It was like you fell off the face of the earth somehow . John : Yeah , well , kind of felt like I did . Alamainia , it s just like hell . Marlena : Tell me . Tell me what happened . John : Short answer ? Stefano DiMera . Nicole : You re wrong , EJ . Stefano loves you . EJ : Fooled you too , did he ? [ Sighs ] Nicole , my father does nt give a damn about me . He never did . Nicole : I should nt have told you about the election . EJ : No , I m glad you did . It must have infuriated him when I became mayor after all the lengths he went to , to insure Abe s Victory . Nicole : I do nt understand why he wanted you to lose . EJ : Because it was my achievement . It s my accomplishment . It s all about power with my father . He has to believe that he has all the control ... and I have none . Sami : Just give me one hint . Please ? Lucas : No , no , no , no hints at all . It ll spoil the surprise . Just try to meet me at your apartment in , like , an hour . Sami : I can do that . Lucas : All right . Sami : I just have one errand to do . I have to go to your mom s and drop off all her stuff . Yes , yes , her royal highness demanded that I return every last Countess W cosmetics sample , ASAP . Lucas : Not pretty . You want me to go with you ? Sami : No , I think I ll be fine . I already called the office and the wicked witch will not be at home today , so I should be safe to go in , drop it off , and make my escape . Lucas : Good , good . I want you to have one day without any stress or drama . Sami : Lucas , I do nt think I ve had a drama - free day since I turned 16 years old . Lucas : [ Chuckles ] That s good . Sami : It s true . Rafe : All right , all right , Carrie . Carrie , l-- all right , what s going on between Nicole and me ... it s very complicated , okay ? Carrie : [ Angry laugh ] You know what , Rafe ? Rafe : No , no-- Carrie : I really do nt care . I do nt care . Rafe : Carrie , please , please , would you just hear me-- just listen to me for once . Sami : Oh , what s going on here , Rafe ? Rafe : Oh , boy . Sami : Still juggling both women and our divorce is nt even final yet . Rafe : Not now . We re in the middle of something important , all right ? Sami : Oh , it s important . Are you sharing with her the fact that you got Nicole pregnant ? You believe me now , right ? That he slept with her ? Obviously ? Rafe : All right , that s enough . Enough . Sami : But maybe Carrie does nt mind , you know ? We re very different . Maybe she does nt mind sharing her boyfriends . Though I think it will get messy once the baby comes and there s Austin to consider too , so-- Carrie : Go to hell , Sami . Lucas : Well , so much for a drama - free day . Gorgeous ! Marlena : That really was my worst fear . That he would turn you and Hope into his pawns . And to hear that it was over some stupid porcelain ... egg ? I-- John : Well , it turns out what he was really after was what was inside the egg . It was a gold coin . It was engraved with some kind of a code . Hope and I tried to decipher it . We did nt have enough time , but we did manage to get it out of the country . Marlena : Ooh , where is it ? John : I turned that over to the ISA . Marlena : You know , as much as I loathe and despise him , it was still hard for me to believe that he was behind that brutal , vicious attack on Bo and Roman . John , Bo could have died . I mean , he s still fighting for his life . John : The lousy bastard showed me a live video of one of his henchman following you around town with a loaded gun . He was ready to shoot . Marlena : I did nt know that . John : I know . And that did it . That s when Hope and I decided to allow ourselves to be hypnotized to do the old man s bidding . Marlena : He was never going to turn you back , was he ? John : Hell no . Marlena : He would have left you right there , with -- with none of your memories ? You never would have come home . John : But I am home . Because of you . The night that we found that egg while under hypnosis , I found a photo of you that I could not take my eyes off of . Marlena : Oh . John : Did nt understand it at first , but something made me keep looking at that photo and I kept looking at it and looking at it and finally I had this breakthrough . I knew who you were . I knew of our love for each other . Marlena : Thank God . John : And as determined as the old man was to separate us forever ... our connection was stronger than he was . Marlena : It always has been . Always . Hope : Brady , I m here . It s okay now , I m -- I m here , Brady . I m here . Billie ? Thank you . Billie : Oh , I did nt do anything . Hope : Yes , you did . I spoke to Kayla on the way home . She said you ve been here almost every day . Billie : Oh , everyone s taken their turn . Hope : She said his coma was medically induced . Billie : The doctors thought that that would help his body to heal . Hope : And is it ? Is he getting better ? Billie : He s stable . I think he was waiting for you . Hope : Listen to me , Brady . Fair is fair . I came back to you . So you damn well-- you d better come back to me . Please ? EJ : Do you know why I told my father I was running for mayor ? It was because I wanted to redeem the family name . Oh ... I mean , for my children . For his grandchildren . Nicole : EJ , Sydney and Johnny are very proud of you . EJ : It was only really a half - truth though , Nicole . I wanted my father s respect . I wanted him to be proud of me . Nicole : Well , if he s not , that s his loss , not yours . EJ : I know that , but-- [ Scoffs ] Wh -- what am I doing ? I do nt think there is anything more pitiful than a grown man crying over his failures . My goodness . Nicole : EJ , they re not your failures . EJ : You know what s interesting ? I had to grow up this fast . You know , one minute , I m this child living with my mother in this beautifully mundane existence . And the next minute , I m this young man who s been called upon by this Stefano DiMera to be the heir to this throne . Nicole : I know . EJ : You know ? When-- [ Scoffs ] When did he realize I was such a failure ? When did he realize I was such a disappointment ? And why do I care ? Nicole : I know why . Rafe : Carrie , Carrie . Carrie : Rafe , Rafe , leave me alone . As much as my sister drives me insane , she was right just now . You and I have nothing to say to each other . Rafe : Oh , that is not true . Carrie : No ? Rafe : No . Carrie : Would you like me to put it in perspective for you ? I thought Austin was sleeping around on me . He is nt . I never dreamed you would , okay ? So much for thinking that I was a good judge of character . Rafe : But you do nt know the whole story . Carrie : Well , I hate to break it to you , Rafe . I do nt care . Okay , look . I admit it hurt like hell to find out that you lied and you slept with Nicole because I thought that we had something . It does nt matter . Whatever I thought that we had is over and done . I am 100 % committed to Austin and my marriage . Rafe : Okay . Just one question then . What made you finally decide to go back to Austin ? Marlena : I probably should nt ask you this , but I do nt think I ll get a good night s sleep unless I know . John : You wanna know if anything romantic went on between Hope and me . Marlena : You married her last time you were under Stefano s control . John : No , we did not sleep together . Marlena : Would you remember ? John : I d remember . You re the only girl for me , Doc . Does nt matter where I am or who I am . Marlena : [ Laughs ] I m so relieved . Say , did you get the divorce ? John : Unfortunately , no . We went to the courthouse , we relinquished our passports , filed the petitions , ultimately wound up in the country for the requisite period of time , but then all the chaos started . Never got a chance to finalize it . Marlena : Maybe your pals in the ISA can help you out . John : [ Sighs ] Marlena : You were -- you were one of their biggest agents . I mean , I think they owe you that much , do nt you think ? You could ask them . What ? What s the matter ? John : It s about the ISA . Marlena : Yeah ? John : They brought me in , Doc . I m back in the spy game . Rafe : I mean , one minute you re telling me that you re not sure that you could ever go back to Austin , and the next thing I know , you re recommitting to your marriage . What happened ? I m the father of Nicole s baby . Carrie : I ca nt believe that you would even ask me that . I found out that Austin was nt sleeping with Abigail and we have about 20 years history together . He s my husband . He loves me . Rafe : He loves you . Hmm . How about you ? You love him ? Carrie : Of course I do . He s a great guy . And yeah , he made a mistake . But so did I. Rafe : Well ... like I said , I ... wish you all the happiness in the world . Carrie : Great . I ll see you around . Rafe : Carrie ? Carrie , listen to me . Listen . I never meant to lie to you . All right . I m sorry . I did nt mean to hurt you . Carrie : Yeah . I bet . Nicole : EJ , my father was a bastard too . I mean , he made me do things I was so ashamed of and even as an adult , I could nt say , no . And when I disappointed him , I felt like a piece of garbage-- totally worthless . Then I realized he was the piece of garbage , not me . His opinion did nt matter to me anymore and Stefano s should nt matter to you . EJ : I appreciate what you re saying . I do . And you re right . I m sure I should just wash my hands of it . Nicole : But ? EJ : First , I m gon na prove to him that he s wrong about me . I m gon na prove to him that I m worthy of this name . Nicole : Okay , EJ , do nt . Please , you will destroy yourself in the process . EJ : Nicole . Please ... just tell me that you still love me . MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Billie : I ll be right back . Hope : Listen to me , Brady . We ve ... been through way too much to let this bastard win . You need to fight ... with everything you ve got . Because I m not going on without you . And I ll be damned if I m gon na have to tell our little girl she does nt have her daddy . Ciara : Mommy . Hope : Oh , baby . Oh , my God , Ciara . My baby . Thank you . Nicole : You -- you should get that . EJ : Nicole , please listen . I do nt care who that is , all right ? They can wait . Nicole , please , would you just listen to me ? Listen to me , please ? Just give me one more chance . Just one more chance . I promise you wo nt regret it . Sami : Hey , so I m just gon na leave all this crap in here cause I-- what are you doing here ? Nicole : That s a good question . Um , I should go so you two could be alone . EJ : Nicole , would you just-- Nicole : You know what , I ll just send for my things , thank you . EJ : Just wait ! Sami : Was it something I said ? Marlena : Please tell me you re not serious . John : You know , I ve been wanting to tell you about this . Marlena : Well , why did nt you ? John : Well , things were a little hectic . I was arrested for a crime that I did nt commit , been trying to build Basic Black from scratch here , I went over to Alamainia , I m being held against my will . Marlena : So I finally get you back and I find out that you re in the intelligence game again ? I thought we were done with dangerous things in our lives . John : Yeah , well , so did I. I ve been inactive for years . When the agency first approached me about going undercover , I told them , get out of here . Marlena : Well , then , why are you working for them now ? John : Something big is happening with Stefano DiMera . Marlena : Ugh ! John : They wanna watch his every move . Marlena : Not Stefano again . John : No one knows him better than I do . No one wants to defeat him more than I do . Marlena : Have you forgotten what he s done to you ? To us ? To Bo ? To Hope ? When can we stop looking over our shoulders and finally begin to feel safe again ? John : When he has a life sentence without parole . That s why I m doing this . To make that day happen . EJ : What the hell are you doing here , Samantha ? Sami : How was I supposed to know Nicole was gon na be here ? I m sorry , look , I do nt wanna be here . It s not like I m here for a cup of tea . I hate this viper s nest . EJ : Then why are you here ? Sami : Your evil stepmother insisted I return all her valuable Countess W product and these fi -- ooh ! Oops , sorry . EJ : Okay , well , if you re finished . Sami : You were a lot nicer to me last night when I was drying your sopping wet shirt . Look , do you wanna ... talk about it ? EJ : [ Scoffs ] No . I do not . Sami : Right . Okay , well , sorry for being such a nuisance . By the way , I called the plumber . He managed to fix my sink . Nicole : You look lousy . Well , that s if it s possible for someone who looks like you to look lousy . You look lousy . [ Clears throat ] Okay ... let me guess . Carrie . Rafe : I came this close to telling her that the baby you re carrying is nt mine . I m sorry . You know what ? Just hate lying to her . I do nt want her to think that we slept together and-- [ Sighs ] You should have seen the look in her eyes . Tore me up . Nicole : I can tell . Oh , God , you know what ? Would you , please just go to Carrie and tell her the truth ? I ca nt stand to see you this way . Rafe : I made a commitment to you and I intend to keep it . Nicole : Which is the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for me , but seriously , Rafe-- okay , you know what ? Rafe Hernandez , I release you from your commitment to me . Now come on . You -- youve already protected me from EJ as much as you can . I will wing it from here . Please , go tell Carrie that we are just--[Clicks tongue]--Buds . Buds . Just buds . Rafe : Hey , bud . I made a promise to you , all right ? I m gon na keep that promise . Besides , Carrie s going back with Austin . Not that I think that she would ever say anything , but , you know , if word could get out , it s too risky . Listen . As far as the world is concerned , that baby in there , it s mine . Now and forever . Hope : Oh . Billie : Caroline s in the waiting room and she ll come get Ciara in a little while . Hope : Thank you . Thank you so much for everything . Oh , baby . Let me look at you . Come here , let me see . Oh , you lost a tooth . I missed you so much . Ciara : I tried to call you , Mommy . I learned how to Double Dutch . Hope : Really ? Oh , I ca nt wait to see , honey . Ciara : I wanna show daddy too . Hope : He s gon na be so proud . Honey , I know it s hard to tell , but daddy , he s getting -- he s getting stronger every day . He really is . And soon , he s gon na be home with us before you know it , riding bikes with you and ... probably trying to learn how to do the Double Dutch himself . Ciara : He d be terrible . Hope : I know . But do nt tell him , okay ? And sweetheart , I promise you ... once daddy s home , I m never leaving you like this again . Not ever . Not ever . Lucas : Do nt peek . Do nt peek . Sami : Lucas , I am not in the mood for games today . Lucas : I know , I know . That s why we re gon na snap you out of that mood . Right ? Right , kids ? All : Yeah ! Johnny : We love you , Mommy ! Sami : Oh . Lucas : All right . Go ahead , you can look now . Sami : Wow . Johnny : It s a tent , Mom . We re making a campsite . Lucas : That s right . Allie : We re gon na make S m ores . Lucas : Yeah , we are . But we re gon na use the stove in the kitchen . Not the real fire . We re not finished setting up the whole thing yet , you know ? Wanted to do it before you got here . Sami : Oh , that s okay . I would nt know the difference . I mean , camping s not really my thing . Lucas : Yeah , I know , I know . That s why we re doing it indoors , we got you . Johnny : So there s no bugs . Lucas : That s right , or snakes or tigers or anything crazy . Sami : Oh , tigers , yeah . Um , wow . Wow . I dont -- I do nt know what to say . Thank you . Lucas : Well , just say you re gon na forget about the first half of your day and have a good time with us . Come on . Come on . How about it ? Sami : What happens next ? Lucas : Cue the ambience . Remember the word of the day ? Ambience ? Check it out , Mom . Sami : What s this ? Allie : [ Whispers ] Nature . Sydney : Nature . Sami : Nature ? That s really nice , Syd . What s yours , Allie ? Allie : I m fishing . Sami : Oh . Lucas : Yeah , you are . Sami : I can see . Oh , you caught something . That s awesome . Lucas : That s really good . Johnny : The fire . Sami : You forgot the flames . Johnny : Mom , you know I m not allowed to use matches . Lucas : Yeah . Sami : [ Laughs ] Lucas : It s true . Teach em how it works . Billie : Why did nt you tell me you got back into Alamainia ? Spencer : I had to get in and out fast . Billie : Well , Hope filled me in on the parts you left out and of course , she does nt know that I m working with you . Spencer : We were lucky to get to her and John before Stefano s men did . Billie : This coin -- this -- this half coin with the code on it that John and Hope found , it sounds like it s a real lead . Spencer : Yes , we have experts working to crack that . Look , in the meantime , tell me more about this file you found at the mansion . Billie : Well , I wish that I could . I was interrupted before I could find anything more incriminating but my gut tells me it s there . So I m going in for a second look . Spencer : Be careful . If Junior catches you snooping around-- Billie : I will be careful . But I will find the proof to put EJ and Stefano away . They are not gon na hurt anyone I love ever again . EJ : Listen , enough with your lame excuses , all right ? I need you to find out what happened to the money in those accounts now , you understand ? Now ! Thank you very much . Marlena : Just call them . Tell them you ve changed your mind , you do nt wanna do it anymore . Carrie : Aw , damn . John : I got it , Pumpkin . Carrie : Oh , my God ! You re back . Oh , we were so worried about you . Does this mean Aunt Hope s back too ? John : Yeah , she s at the hospital with Bo . [ Phone rings ] Excuse me a second . Marlena : Sure , go ahead . [ Phone continues ringing ] John : Be right back . Carrie : Okay . It s so good to see him . And he really is okay ? Marlena : Yes , he is okay . But you looked a little bit upset when you walked in . Carrie : Really ? Marlena : Mm - hmm . Carrie : I do nt know why . Marlena : Oh . Maybe you re upset and do nt wanna talk about it . Carrie : How did I end up with a psychoanalyst for a stepmother ? Marlena : Because you re such a lucky girl . Carrie : I am lucky . [ Sighs ] Truth is ... I m still a mess . Marlena : I thought you d made your decision . Carrie : I have . Austin is my husband and I m gon na do everything necessary to save my marriage . Marlena : And Rafe ? Carrie : What about him ? Marlena : Oh . Okay , we wo nt talk about him . Carrie : He s having a baby with Nicole . Marlena : [ Laughs ] He s not . Carrie : It s true . It s the truth . So much for Rafe Hernandez being one of the last good guys . I guess he s been sleeping with her for a while . Marlena : Oh , my word . Carrie : So , you see . My decision was nt really that tough . Only ... Marlena : Only what , sweetie ? Carrie : There s just a teeny little problem . I ca nt make myself forget about Rafe . Sami : Oh , my gosh . All of you remember , you ca nt have too many . You will get a tummy ache , I promise . Thank you . Lucas : For what ? Sami : What do you mean ? You wanted to give me this drama - free day . And that did nt quite work out . But you did the next best thing : You actually made me laugh . You are thinking about calling she who will not be named , right ? Your future bride ? It s okay . Call her . Lucas : You sure it s cool ? Sami : Yeah . Lucas : You are gon na love her when you meet her , by the way . Sami : [ Chuckles ] Oh , yeah . I m sure I will . Lucas : Yeah . Sami : [ Laughs ] Looks like Lucy wants some S m ores , huh ? Yay . Does she want one ? Nicole : Hey . Am I that boring ? Rafe : Hardly . Just checking the job listings . Have nt you heard ? I got a kid on the way . Nicole : Uh , no , no , no , no . Look , I never expected you to support us , okay ? I ve got everything covered financially . Rafe : Do I look like a deadbeat dad to you ? I intend to hold up my end of the financial obligation . Nicole : Okay , well , thank you for your offer , sir , but I m not taking your money . Besides , you re , like , the best fake baby daddy ever . [ Chuckles ] Carrie : I should nt have said that . I really love Austin and I am going to do everything I can to make our marriage work . Marlena : And you still care about Rafe . Carrie : I do nt understand why . I have no business feeling hurt about him and Nicole . Marlena : Honey , I just want you to be happy . Carrie : I will be . I already am . Really , I am . John : All right . Time to catch up with my number one favorite stepdaughter . Carrie : Oh , my goodness . Oh , we will , we will . But not now . You and Marlena , you enjoy being back together and we ll catch up soon , I promise . I m so glad you re back . John : Me too , me too . Carrie : I ll see you soon . John : Okay , we got a rain check . Carrie : Thank you , Marlena . Marlena : Bye , sweetheart . John : Is she okay ? Marlena : She ll be fine . Do nt try to distract me . Was that the agency ? John : Well , you ll be glad to hear that they already have an agent on the ground here in Salem . They re working hard to track down those funds I was accused of stealing . Marlena : So you re willing to put your life and our future at risk . What , to try to convict Stefano DiMera ? Do nt do that . Do nt do that to me . Do nt do that to us . Billie : EJ , you home ? Hello ? EJ : Are you looking for this , Billie ? Hope : Look . Okay . Okay . Maybe this is nt fair . I just got here . I should probably be more patient , but I m not . I need to know you re coming back to me , Brady . I need to know I m not gon na lose you . You need to fight . I love you , Beauregard . I love you , Brady . Bo ? Bo . Brady ? ### Summary:
John and Marlena reunited . While Billie was visiting Bo , Hope showed up at the hospital . EJ and Nicole talked about the missing money . EJ said Stefano cleaned out the accounts . EJ thought Stefano did that to prove that he was nt ready to run the family business . EJ thought Stefano wanted to show that he did nt have the confidence and that he was incompetent . He believed Stefano thought he was a fool . EJ agreed with that because he was a fool to believe that Stefano believed in him . Rafe wanted to talk to Carrie , but she was nt willing to listen . He wanted to tell her the truth . She said that she asked if he slept with Nicole , but he told her no , yet Nicole is pregnant . He wanted her to give him a chance to explain . Nicole tried to convince EJ that Stefano loves him , but EJ was nt convinced . EJ brought up what Stefano did to him during the election . She did nt understand why Stefano would want him to lose . He said because it was his achievement and accomplishment . Stefano had to have all of the power . When Rafe tried to talk to Carrie , Sami interrupted them and caused trouble . John told Marlena that Stefano turned him and Hope into his pawns . He told her that they had to get the egg because Stefano wanted what was inside the egg . He said they gave the egg to ISA . She could nt believe that Stefano was behind Bo s attack . He told her that Stefano had a man following her around town . They continued to talk about the situation and how he got his memory back based on her picture . Hope talked to Bo and told him she was there . She thanked Billie for being there for Bo . She told Bo that she wanted him to come back to her since she came back to him . EJ told Nicole that he wanted to run for mayor to get Stefano s respect as well as redeem himself with his children . He talked about his failures as well as his past . He wondered when Stefano realized that EJ was a failure and why did he care . Nicole knew why he cared . John told Marlena that nothing happened between him and Hope . Marlena wanted to know if he and Hope were divorced . He said no . She thought the ISA could help . He told her that he was back in the ISA . EJ told Nicole that he was going to prove to Stefano that he was worthy of his name . She did nt want him to do that because he would destroy himself . He wanted her to tell him that she loved him . He tried to kiss her . While Hope tried to get Bo to fight for his life , Ciara walked in the room . Sami showed up at the mansion and interrupted EJ and Nicole before they could kiss . Nicole ended up leaving so they could be alone . John and Marlena got into an argument over him being in the ISA . EJ wanted to know why Sami was there . She said Kate wanted her to return all of Countess W s stuff . After a little while , she left . Billie told Spencer that she was going to look for the files again . He warned her to be careful . While she was looking for the files , they were gone . EJ ended up catching her again .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Roxy : I missed Abby . Devon : Hi ! Yeah . Yeah , you did . But guess what , she said that she s going to promote the new label . And , I got big news , too . Look at this . Tucker : Devon ? Seeing a lot of you today . Devon : Yeah , how about that ? The guy fires me and suddenly I ca nt get rid of him . Tucker : So , how s the new gig ? Or have nt you started yet ? Devon : Oh , no , no , no-- it s well underway . Tucker : Well , I hope it works out for you . Devon : Well , thank you , I ll make sure it does . Tucker : See you later . Roxy : Well , that was awkward . Devon : Yeah . Okay . It s going right behind my desk . It s my first art purchase . Roxy : But you ve bought art before . Devon : I know , but this is nt a print . This is an original . Roxy : Devon ! Devon : I know , right ? [ Chuckles ] Roxy : [ Gasps ] I m so happy for you . Oh ! All your hard work is finally paying off . Devon : Thank you . [ Chuckles ] It s nice , right ? Neil : Well , what a surprise . Where have you been hiding this beautiful , gorgeous girl ? Nice to see you , Roxy . Roxy : Oh , did you see this ? Neil : Did I see this ... This is-- Roxy : The first piece in your son s art collection . Neil : The first piece – That s – that s a , Shepard Fairey original , is nt it ? Devon : Yes , it is . Neil : Yeah , the price tag for one of these is usually in the thousands . Devon , do nt you think you re getting a little ahead of yourself ? Genevieve : Jill s little stunt is all about undermining me . She does nt even care about Jabot . To not even consult with you about me leaving town ... Jack : Actually , she did . Genevieve : You knew ? Jack : We spoke briefly . Genevieve : It s a power play on her part . Why would you let her get away with that ? Colin : It s kind of quiet around here without Delia . Jill : Well , she ll be back soon , hopefully . Colin : Hmm . I mean , it s got ta be tough to go on the road and leave a loved one in the hospital . Jill : Oh , I m not going on the road . I delegated that-- to Genevieve . Colin : Ooh , are nt we sneaky ? Jill : Well , I ca nt leave Chloe and Delia alone at a time like this this , and I said to myself , Well , why should you , for heaven sakes ? Genevieve s always bragging about what a great PR person she is ; she can just prove it . Colin : Hmm . Well , it solves a few problems . It definitely works for me . Jill : Oh . Well , then that s all that s important : what works for you . Colin : Hmm ... Jill : Oh , my God , Katherine s home early . Do me a favor-- go out through the kitchen . She wo nt see you . Colin : [ Chuckles ] Jill , you re not under age . Jill : I know , but it s just been a really hard week , and I ca nt deal with her right now . Colin : It s Katherine . You can deal with her in your sleep . Jill : Listen to me . I will pick a time and a place for this particular battle with her . Now , please go out to the kitchen . Colin : Hell , no . Katherine : Well ! Colin : Kattykins . What a glorious day . Katherine : What is he doing around here ? What ? What ? Jill : I have no idea . I asked him the same thing , just before I threw him out . Adam : Heather . Heather : You re back . Did you have the surgery ? Adam : Mm - hmm . Heather : And ? Adam : Regained my peripheral vision . Heather : Completely ? Adam : A hundred percent . Yeah , I know . It was an experimental procedure , risky , no guarantees , and I got lucky , I guess . Heather : Well , congratulations . Adam : Thank you . I meant to thank you again for letting me go . You know , your reaction ... It s not exactly the same reaction I got from Sharon . Avery : Jury selection is very important . We have someone flying in from the Innocence Foundation . He s gon na help us investigate suspected jurors . Sharon : Investigate , like , their backgrounds ? Avery : Mm - hmm . Sharon : Is that even legal ? Avery It s essential . There are cases I probably would nt have won if I had nt picked the right 12 people to decide . Now , Ricky s not a professional . He s a grad student in journalism , but he s dedicated . He s crazy–smart , and he s really good at what he does . Paul : Ricky . Hi ! Ricky : Hey . Paul : Wow , It s good to see you . You ve grown . Ricky : Happy birthday , Dad . Paul : Thanks . That s , uh , best present I could ask for , a visit from my son , you know ? Wow . Have a seat . Ricky : [ Laughs ] Thanks . Paul : This is amazing . Ricky : So I m going to be in town for a while . Paul : Really ? So , what are you -- um , what are you going to be doing ? Ricky : The internship that I told you about ... They ve got me here on this project I ve been working on . Paul : Wow ! That s cool . So , um , maybe you can finally meet your sister and spend some time together . Um , she has this case she s working on , though . So we might have to work it out time - wise . Ricky : So I ve heard . Avery : Okay , let s talk about Adam . I know , but we may have to call him as a witness . We have nt found Koa , and Adam is the only other person who saw that video of you trying to save Skye . Look , it s on record . He testified to it at the first trial . Sharon : Yeah , and he was in love with me then . Now , he hates me . Avery : You are the first person that he wanted to tell about his vision being restored . Sharon : Well , he was angrier than ever when he left . Avery : Well , I talked to him afterwards . I tried to smooth things out . I do nt know if I got through to him , though . Sharon : That s the thing with Adam . You never know where you stand because he prides himself on being able to lead someone on and then screw them over in the end . Avery : Like with your wedding . I know . But that video . Even if we ca nt see it ... If he could just describe it , it s the clearest path we have to creating reasonable doubt . Sharon : I understand all that . But still , putting Adam on the stand is taking a risk . Heather : You know , I really would nt have expected that from Sharon . I knew , obviously , that things were nt good between the two of you . Adam : Look at us , huh ? After all that we ve been through , and you re happy for me . Um , I do nt know , when I told Sharon about this , it was like – like she could nt be bothered . I mean , I understand . But ... Heather : God , that bad , huh ? Adam : Yeah . Yeah , it s gotten that bad . Heather : [ Sighs ] I m sorry , Adam . I – I know how important she was to you . Adam : Hmm . So , how are you ? You gon na be busy , involved in the case ? Heather : Yeah , I mean , I ca nt talk about that with you . Adam : Wait , wait . Sharon s my ex , so ... Heather : Um , and also because I m calling you to the stand . I actually have a subpoena for you right here . Adam . So I m to be a witness for the prosecution , huh ? Heather : It s not a problem for you , it is it ? Adam : See you in court , Counselor . Paul : I m sorry about having to cut our last phone call short . I , uh , have been tied up with this murder case . Ricky : No , it s cool , Dad . You re slammed . Paul : Tell me something , is this , uh , internship covering the cost of your rental car ? Ricky : You re kidding , right ? Paul : Well , yeah , kind of . Paul : I was thinking that might be the case . But , uh , I ve got an extra car you can use . Ricky : Oh , no , no , you do nt have to do that . Paul : It s just sitting there . Ricky : Okay . Okay , thanks . Yeah , thanks . Paul : Good deal . So you want some coffee ? Something to eat ? Ricky : Actually , um , the boss is expecting me downtown . Paul : Oh , okay . um ... Downtown ? Do you want to try and meet later , maybe ? We can-- we can find Heather , maybe . That might be nice ... Ricky : Yeah , yeah . Uh , that sounds great . Jack : I will grant you there is probably some one - upmanship in Jill s behavior , but she is seriously concerned about Delia . Her condition s very serious . Genevieve : I think it s just the gleeful way that she passed the assignment on to me , like she d won some great victory . Jack : Once you get back from this trip , none of this is gon na matter . I will be squarely in charge of Jabot . You ll be running your own department as you see fit , without any interference from Jill . Genevieve : Liking the sound of that . Okay , Jack . I am going . Kiss me goodbye ? Jack : Sure . Genevieve : Bye . Tucker : Hey , Jack . Glad I ran into you . You know , I m not sure how serious you re taking my proposal . Jack : Well , how serious should I take it , given how our last little partnership ended ? Tucker : Jack , if you want free reign at Jabot , your best bet is to partner up with me . You can write your own contract . You tell your attorneys to put whatever safeguards you want in there . Jack . Thanks . No thanks . Tucker : We do nt have to be buddies to do business . I mean , look , you ve made a lot of deals with Adam , have nt you ? Jack : Oh , well , that was to serve a larger cause – to bring down Victor . I have no beef with Katherine . Tucker : Well , that surprises me . I d have thought you d be miserable , being kept under her thumb . But , maybe that s just the way you like it . Katherine : I ll put a stop to this . We ll get a restraining order . Jill : No , no , no , no . This is not your place , and besides , it does nt matter . Katherine : Jill , did you see the grin on his face ? It s a game to him . Jill : Katherine , let it go . Katherine : Do you really like him around here ? Is it that flattering to you ? Oh , dear God in heaven , you already ... Did you really throw him out , or invite him in ? Jill : A little bit of both . Katherine : Oh , boy , you are helpless . No , no , you are . ( Mumbles ) Jill : Who are you to be judging me this way ? Katherine : When are you ever going to learn , and stop parading some slick- tongued sharks about my home , and your bed ? Jill : My home – it is my home , and I can do what I like in my home . Katherine : Are you ever going to learn ? I m just expressing my concern . Jill : Oh , the hell you are ! Katherine : Oh , you re too smart for this , for heaven sakes . You re being manipulated again . Jill : [ Sighs ] Well , I will not stand here and be moralized to by you . I m definitely too smart for that ! Devon : Look , Neil , I know that you re not that familiar with the music industry ... Neil : I have been in the business world for a minute . You do nt want Katherine thinking you ve been reckless with her investment , do you ? Devon : No , of course not . She s gon na love the end result , though . I m gon na recruit the best of the best . And in order to do that , I have to create an impression . If the talent walks into my studio and it looks like they re in a dentist s office , they re gon na turn around and walk out . Neil : Okay , fair enough . So , tell me about your plans . Devon : Uh , well , I ve been checking out warehouse space downtown . I m gon na do a build out , and uh , hopefully it will be done soon because I have state of the art equipment on order . I need a place to put it . Neil : Sounds like a lot of money up front ... Devon : yeah , but it-- you have to spend it to make it , right ? Neil : Uh , you have a budget , though , right ? I mean , you do nt want to have nothing left for all this talent you re hoping to find . Devon : What , do you think I have nt thought of that ? Neil : Come on , Devon . This is me you re talking to . I m your biggest fan , and I want you to succeed . Devon : But if it s left all of to me , you think I m going to fall on my face ? Neil : [ chuckles ] Katherine is used to doing business a certain way . If she loses faith in you , then that s lights out , that s the end . Devon : Well , then how about we start with a little faith from you first , Dad ? Neil : Roxy , it s always a pleasure . Devon , I ll see you later . Roxy : I did nt think he would react that way to your art . Devon : Yeah , well Just do nt worry about it . Paul : Devon ! Devon : Hey ! Paul : Good to see you . Yeah ! Devon : Good to see you , too . Paul : It s been a while , huh ? So , what s going on ? What s new ? Devon : I am starting a new record label . Paul : On your own , or ... ? Devon : Well , it s a subsidiary of Chancellor Industries . Mrs. Chancellor put me in charge of it . Paul : Well , that s great . I did nt know Mrs. Chancellor was into music . Devon : Yeah , for a while now . She s just been , I guess , waiting for the right person to come along to run things . Paul : Well , looks like she found the right one . Congratulations . Devon : Thank you very much . Paul : Well , take care , good luck to you . Devon : Thank you . Adam : May I help you ? Avery : I was just following up . It was an interesting conversation we had earlier . Adam : Yes , it was . The one where you pleaded with me to be on your client s side . Come on , I give you more credit than that . Avery : You miss your connection with Sharon , or you would nt have gone to see her . Adam : I m not testifying for you . Avery : Well , that s really not up to you . I can require that you take the stand . Adam : Yeah , I think I know what those are called . They re subpoenas , right ? Avery : Yeah . Adam : Well , I got one about five minutes ago from Heather Stevens . Genevieve : I m only calling because I have messages for you from back home . Colin : Go ahead . Genevieve : I was told to deliver them in person . Colin : I m a little preoccupied right now . Genevieve : Colin , I m leaving town . Your associates made it seem as though it were urgent . But if you want , I can just call them back and tell them that you ve got better things to do . Colin : Yeah , no , look , I ll drop by . Genevieve : Good . Make it quick . I ve got a plane to catch . Jill : I am so , so sorry . You were right . I should nt have made you leave like that . Colin : It was pretty unreasonable of me to expect you to deal with Katherine , given everything you re going through right now . But tell me , how did it go ? Jill : I told her to go to Hell . Colin : Ha , ha , good answer . Jill : You are welcome in my home any time you damn well please , okay ? Colin : Does that mean that we re back together and you ve forgiven me ? Jill : You ll have to forgive me , but I m not a real big fan of commitments right now . Colin : Okay , well , at least I know you like my company . Jill : You ve been a great comfort to me with everything that s going on , and it means a lot to me . Colin : I ll take that . Why do nt we go up to my suite , get something to eat , something to drink , or none of the above ? Jill : I like that idea . What time ? Colin : I have an errand to run . Here s the key to my room . Go up there when you feel like it . Jill : Okay . Katherine : Here you are . Paul : Thank you . This really is nt necessary . Katherine : Well , yes , it certainly is . I m just so grateful that you solved the mystery of Tucker s missing son , quickly and discretely . Paul : You know , I ran into Devon earlier , and he told me that he s running Chancellor s new record label ? Katherine : Mm - mm . Well , you know , it s a good way to get to know my grandson . Paul : How does his father feel about it ? Katherine : Tucker ? Paul : Mm - hmm . Katherine : Um , I m not sure he knows . Paul : So you have nt told him that Devon is his son , either , have you ? Katherine : Well , Paul , I just do nt think the time is right . Paul : Really . I strongly disagree . Katherine : Well , as you say-- Katherine : Uh , excuse me .. Jack : Good , you re home . You need to be prepared-- I m sorry , are you in the middle of something ? Katherine : Well , we ll talk when I m free , all right ? Jack : Is this about Jabot ? Katherine : Well , yes , of course it is , but we will talk soon . Please , Jack . Adam : You should see the look on your face . Avery : Given your intelligence , and your self - absorption , you must have thought about the consequences to yourself if you lie on the stand and take back your previous testimony . Adam : Uh , yes . You mean , if I come clean and say that I never saw a video of Sharon trying to save Skye s life , right ? Avery : That would be grounds for a perjury conviction , and I do nt think a judge would go very easy on a repeat offender . Adam : Hmm , help me out here . What you re doing now , is that considered witness intimidation ? Avery : I m just reminding you that when you take the stand , you re under oath , and the courts take that very seriously . Adam : Good to know . Avery : I ca nt wait to cross - examine you . Adam : Should be a lot of fun . Katherine : Now , Paul . I had the intention of going to Tucker and letting him know that Devon is his son . Paul : What stopped you ? Katherine : He did . He was his usual , nasty , harsh self . I was nt about to subject Devon to that . They already do nt get along . Paul : You know , forgive me for saying this , but I think you re letting your hurt feelings cloud your judgment . Katherine : Oh , I m looking out for my grandson , Paul . Tucker had over 20 years to find him , and the fact that he did nt proves right there that he has no interest in being a , uh , father . Paul : I have a son . I chose to let him be raised by his grandparents . Katherine : Mm - mm . Paul : Some people might say that I do nt care . I do care . I love him deeply . And if someone were to keep the fact that he is mine away from me , I would be furious . Katherine : Yes , you would . But Tucker ? You can not put yourself in his place and imagine how he feels because you have a heart . He does nt . Tucker : Jill . Jill : Hello , Tucker Tucker : How you doin ? Jill : Mmm . Tucker : Hey , what s this I hear about you pullin double - duty at Jabot and Fenmore s both ? Does nt leave you any time for fun , does it ? Jill : Are you worried about my social life ? Tucker : No , just does nt seem hardly worth the effort , does it ? Puttin in all those hours . Unless you ve got some sort of deal I m not aware of . Say , if Katherine offered you an ownership stake in Jabot ? Tucker : No ? You really should have insisted . You know , if I still owned the company .... Jill : What , you re telling me that you d offer me a piece of the pie ? Tucker : What would you say if I did ? Jack : She d tell you that she does nt want to be a pawn in one of your games . Is nt that right , Jill ? Jill : If you two lovely gentlemen will excuse me , I ve got a date with a real man . Colin : So what about these messages ? Genevieve : In a hurry , are you ? Colin : It s this place . It creeps me out . You almost killed me here . Genevieve : Surely those are nt the only memories you have of us in this house ? Colin : You said this was urgent . Genevieve : Well , your colleagues back in Australia made it seem that way , although I would nt call them right now-- they do nt seem too happy already . Colin : Why would they call you ? Genevieve : They said they tried to reach you and they could nt . Colin : No calls . Genevieve : I do nt know what the problem was . Did nt it used to be Caleb who took care of these things for you ? Colin : What things ? Genevieve : Leadership issues ? I do nt know ... I have them in my notes , upstairs . Colin : Well , get them . You knew I was coming . Genevieve : Who you calling ? Colin : Jill . I got to tell her this is gon na take longer than I thought . Genevieve : Well , actually I need to speak to her , too . I have a question about the trip . What ? Does nt she know that you re here with me now ? Oh . Sorry . I ll tell you what , I ll go get some more wine , and I ll let you make your call in private . Colin : I ll get the wine . You get the messages . Be quick about it ! Genevieve : Fine ! Fine . Bye - bye . Dead . Ha , ha . God forbid we should keep Jill waiting . Avery : This is Ricky , the grad student I was telling you about . Sharon : Thank you for coming out . Ricky : I m glad to help . Avery : Uh , here . The names I circled are the ones I need you to check out . Ricky : Okay . I m on it . Sharon : So how do you choose a juror ? What do you look for ? Avery : In your case , I look for divorced women , single heterosexual men , and older married men who do a lot of volunteer work . Rescuer types . Ricky knows what he s doing . Heather : Ricky ? Ricky : Hi ! Heather : I m Heather . Ricky : I know , I recognize you from FacePlace . Heather : Paul told me that I might see you here today . Wow ! Well , it s really nice to finally meet you . Uh , but I have to go into court right now . Ricky : Jury selection . Heather : Yeah . Paul told you ? Ricky : No , no , actually I-- D.A. : Ready ? Heather : Yeah , yeah , actually , there s a couple of things I need to talk to you about before we start . Ricky : Uh , I can come back later . Heather : You know , you could stick around . You actually might find it interesting . Ricky : Yeah , Heather , listen , I should probably-- Heather : You know what , I really have to go . But , later , okay ? Ricky : Okay . Paul : You know , it s one thing to go to war with Tucker over a company . But this is nt fair to Devon . Katherine : Paul , everything I am doing is for Devon . I m giving him a chance to follow his life - long dream , for starters . Paul : What if one of his life - long dreams is finding his father ? Katherine : You know , I spent years wondering what happened to -- what happened to the child that I gave away . I tell you something ... Id be better off not knowing . He could reject Devon the same way he s rejected me . Paul : And Devon could reject Tucker . He might not want to have anything to do with him . But that is their choice , not yours . I m not just doing this for Devon s sake , either . I m doing it for yours . I know how fiercely devoted you are to family . You are going to want a relationship with Devon . You are going to want to know your grandson . So what happens in a week , or a month , or a year , when Devon finds out that you re his grandmother , and that you have been lying to him ? He will be devastated . Katherine : Do nt you think I want him to know that I am his grandmother ? Do nt you think I want to feel free to make up for everything that he s been through ? But right now , I can not take that chance . Paul : What , that Tucker will shut him out ? Katherine : Worse . Worse , take him in . Devon is this beautiful , easy - going young man . He s got a good heart , he s smart . He ll learn all the wrong things from someone like Tucker , and that s the truth . Paul : So you re worried that Tucker s going to be a bad role model for him ? Katherine : I do nt want my grandson to morph into a Gordon Gecko , Jr , do nt you understand ? Paul : That s not gon na happen . There are too many people that love and care for him , like Neil . Look , the greatest gift that you can give your grandson is to let him know he is your grandson . Look , if you re not willing to tell him , I ll tell him myself . Katherine : You signed a confidentiality agreement . Paul : I did , I did . But that s how strongly I feel about it . I will stake my reputation on this . Katherine : More than your reputation . Paul : There comes a point when I have to do the right thing , and this is the right thing . They both have a right to know . Neil : Katherine , I need to speak with you about this deal you made with Devon . Katherine : Neil , it will have to wait . Neil : No , it ca nt . I m sure it was very well - intentioned , but it s messing with the way that I m trying to parent my son . Devon : You get what I was trying to tell Neil earlier , right ? Roxy : Totally . He ll come around . Devon : Yeah ... Tucker : Wow , what you got there ? Devon : Well , Tucker , this is a Shepard Fairey original . Tucker : So it is . It s beautiful . Is it yours ? Devon : As of today , yeah . It s going in my new office . Tucker : Congratulations . You know , when I started my first label , I bought a little modernist drawing , but my label and my art collection have gotten a lot bigger since then . But I will never forget that moment-- the first time I held a Picasso in my hands . If you pick bands the way you pick art , you might just give me a run for my money . Jack : Junior . Adam : Jack . Let me buy you a drink . Jack : Oh , we re buying drinks , you celebrat -- oh , that s right , you had your eye surgery . I guess congratulations are in order , huh ? I got ta warn you , though . No matter how good your eyesight is , you ll still have a warped and selfish view of the world . Sharon : So , Adam is testifying for the prosecution ? Avery : Mm - mm . Sharon : They subpoenaed him , right ? He has no choice . Avery : I got ta tell you , he seemed eager to do it . Sharon : How can he be like this ? Avery : Ooh . Ricky : Everything you wanted to know about your potential jurors but were afraid to ask . Avery : This is excellent , thank you . Perfect , just what I wanted . Do you know the prosecutor ? Heather : You re working for her ? Avery : What s the deal ? Genevieve : Uh , the really good stuff is on the far wall . Colin : I ve been admiring your collection . Genevieve : Oh , well , that s good , since that s all you re gon na have to contemplate for a while . Colin : Genevieve ! Genevieve , open the door ! Genevieve : I ll take that . Colin ... to you . Ha , ha , ha ha ! Colin : Genevieve : Genevieve : La - dee - dah ... Colin : Open up ! Next , on The Young and The Restless : Jill : Colin , where are you ? Colin : Genevieve , you card - carrying bitch , let me out ! Ashley : Tucker did nt do anything to Diane . Abby : You better watch your back . Cane : You have nothing to worry about . Lily : I stopped believing your promises about a hundred lies ago . ### Summary:
Devon shows Roxie his first original painting that he bought for his office because he wants it to look classy when he is auditioning new talent . Neil thinks that buying the painting was nt a good business decision and warns him that Katherine wo nt be happy about how he is using her investment . Neil later tells Katherine that he knows she had good intentions but giving Devon a job is interfering with the way he is trying to parent his son . Tucker looks at the painting and tells Devon that if he picks talent the way he picks art he may just give his record label a run for his money . Tucker tries to persuade Jack or Jill to partner up with him to get Jabot back but both of them turn down his offer . Jack tries to warn Katherine about Tucker but she tells him that she does nt have time to talk now and they will talk later . Paul has an awkward conversation with his son Ricky who is in town to help Avery with Sharon s case . Paul advises Katherine to tell Tucker and Devon the truth but she does nt want Tucker to turn Devon into Gordon Gecko JR . Paul tells Katherine that he is going to tell Tucker and Devon the truth even though it would be breaking the confidentiality agreement he signed . Paul thinks that Devon and Tucker have a right to decide if they want to have a relationship and Katherine does nt have the right to keep the truth from them . Heather and Ricky meet in person for the first time since they had only written to each other on FacePlace and Heather is nt happy that Ricky is working for the defense . Avery tells Sharon that Adam is testifying for the prosecution and seems eager to do it . Avery assures Sharon that she is ready for him and even eager to cross - examine Adam . Genevieve locks Colin in the wine cellar of her house in order to keep him from going to a romantic dinner with Jill at the mansion . Genevieve smiles as she leaves the house with her suitcase to do the marketing tour for Jabot .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ben : You wo nt drop that match , Abigail . You do nt have what it takes . Abigail : Maybe before , I did nt . But you do nt know who I am now , Ben . You do nt know how you ve changed me . You ve threatened me . You stalked me . You terrorized me and my entire family . And you enjoyed doing it . You enjoyed making me beg for my life . You enjoyed knowing that I would never feel safe again . You enjoyed knowing that I d always be looking over my shoulder . And that I would never be the same again . You did nt just scare me . You changed me into a person ... Ben : Abigail-- Abigail : Who could douse you with lighter fluid ... [ Chuckles ] And enjoy watching you go down in flames . Joey : You look like crap . Steve : Well , that s funny cause I feel like a million bucks . Help yourself . Joey : Hungover ? Steve : No . Joey : Really ? Steve : I might have had one too many , but I feel fine . Joey : You and mom get in a fight last night ? Steve : Why would you ask that ? Joey : It s not the first time you ve been hammered after fighting with her . Steve : Do nt you have someplace you need to be ? Joey : And I saw the flowers . I m not giving up on us , and neither should you ? Steve : That -- that note was private . Joey : That note was face up on the table ... along with a ring . Dad ? Why is mom giving up ? Kayla : Hello . Fynn : Hello yourself . How are you feeling ? Kayla : Why am I here ? Oh , my God . Fynn : Headache ? Kayla : Epic . Fynn : I d think so . Kayla : What happened ? Fynn : Well , you came into work and you collapsed . So I ordered that cat scan that you turned down . Kayla : I was fine . Fynn : Kayla , you are nt fine . Look at this . Kayla : Subdural hematoma . Fynn : Right . If we re very lucky , it ll go away on its own . If we re not so lucky ... Kayla : I could have an aneurysm or worse . Ben : You might want to do this , Abigail , but you ca nt . Abigail : Oh , yes , I can . I have to . Ben : Your conscience wo nt let you . Abigail : Oh , no , no , Ben . Let s not make a mistake here . My conscience is quite clear . It s really no different than putting down a rabid dog . It s my duty . Chad : Abby ! Abby ! Ben : I love you , Abigail . Chad : Abby ! Ben : So much ! Chad : What the hell are you doing ? Abigail : What needed to be done . No , no ! Do nt do that ! Chad : Stop , Abby ! Abigail : Stop ! He needs to die ! Ben : [ Screaming ] Abigail : No , no ! He deserves it ! You re ruining everything ! No , do nt ! Stop ! Do nt ! Chad : Are you okay ? Abigail : No ! Chad : Did he hurt you ? Abby , did he hurt you ? Abigail : [ Shrieks ] Chad : What ? Are you okay ? Abigail : You stopped me . Why did you ... why did you stop me ? Chad : Abby , it s okay . Abigail : He needs to die . Ben : [ Panting ] Jade : Hey , sorry I m late . Oh , hey , Mr. Johnson . Steve : Hey . Jade : Can I have one of your fries ? I m starving . Steve : Yeah , help yourself . Jade : Thank you . Steve : So what are you kids gon na do tonight ? Jade : Mm , I was hoping Joey would finally give me a ride on that motorcycle of his . Joey : No can do . Have nt earned the right . Unless my dad , who s really , really just an all - around great guy , could , uh , cut me some slack ... remember what it s like to be young . Steve : Forget about it . It s not gon na happen . Joey : I see I have nt learned my lesson . You see , I abused alcohol , which is a very serious offense . Trying to drown your troubles in booze shows a real lack of maturity . Steve : Do nt be a smart - ass . Jade : He s right , Joey . No one likes a smart - ass . You know , I ve heard from all sorts of people that you were always the most respectful , obedient young person . I think Joey should be more like you . Steve : You ve got spunk . Jade : Can I be honest with you , Mr. Johnson ? Steve : Can I stop you ? Jade : No . [ Chuckles ] These fries are terrible . Steve : Yeah . Jade : Come on , Joey . Let s go to the pub and leave your dad to eat in peace . Always good to see you , Mr. Johnson . Steve : Good to see you too . Fynn : Okay , now that we ve established that your condition is a potentially serious one , why do nt we cut the crap ? Kayla : What ? Fynn : Look , this is serious and you know it . So tell me one more time . What was the cause of the initial head injury ? And do nt give me this cock - and - bull about falling down the stairs . Kayla : Nice bedside manner-- Fynn : What happened ? Kayla : Okay ! I - I was knocked unconscious . I was hit on the back of the head with I do nt know what . Fynn : Who did it ? Kayla : Look , me telling you who it was or why it happened , it really does nt help you . Let me see that cat scan again that you keep waving in front of my face . Well , you know what ? The -- the bleeding does nt look severe enough to require surgery . Flynn : It was severe enough for you to pass out . Kayla : Look , I m not minimizing it , okay ? Here , here , this is what I think . We keep monitoring it and we ll make the decision about surgery down the road . Fynn : Okay , we are not monitoring it . I will monitor it . I do nt trust you anymore . Kayla : Look , if anything changes , I promise you I will have the surgery . Fynn : Okay , you win for now . I m gon na prescribe you some anti - seizure meds and-- Kayla : And salt tabs to raise my sodium levels . Fynn : I hate having a doctor for a patient . Kayla : So do I. [ Chuckles ] Fynn : If your condition does nt improve in a week , I m scheduling surgery . Agreed ? Kayla : Agreed . But listen , hey , can we keep this between us ? I really do nt want my family to know about it . Fynn : Well , I m afraid it s a bit late for that . Ben : [ Panting and choking ] [ Screams ] Abigail : Hush little baby do nt say a word mama s gon na buy you a mockingbird and if that mockingbird do nt sing Chad : No one gets in or out but that . Abigail : Mama s gon na buy you a diamond ring Chad : Abby . Abigail : Hush little baby do nt say a word mama s gon na buy you a mockingbird and if that mockingbird do nt sing mama s gon na buy you Chad : Hey , Abby-- Abigail : Do nt touch me , Chad . Just do nt touch me . [ Whispering ] It s okay . Chad : We need to talk . Abigail : [ Humming ] You let him live . Why did you do that ? Why did you do that ? Why did you let him live ? Chad : I did that for your sake . Abigail : [ Scoffs ] [ Crying ] You let him live . Chad : Because I could nt let you kill him . Abby , okay , think about it . You are upset and you re -- and you re not thinking . You would regret killing him for the rest of your life . Abigail : Chad ! At least I d have a life . [ Crying ] He s going to kill me . Yes ! Chad : JJ and I would never let that happen . Ben : [ Panting ] Abigail : You ca nt stop him , Chad . You ca nt stop him . Nobody can stop him . Ben : [ Screaming ] Abigail : The fire would have stopped him . Yep , it would have . That fire would have stopped him , but you put that out . So when he kills me now , it ll be your fault . Hush , little baby do nt say a word mama s gon na buy you a mockingbird and if that mockingbird Jade : Hey . So I heard that blue window is playing in Chicago the week we re on spring break . Joey : Yeah , and they re definitely sold out . Jade : And my ex - boyfriend is one of their roadies and he can get us in for free . Joey : Your ex - boyfriend s a roadie ? Jade : Yeah , one of them is . Joey : One of them ? How many are there ? Jade : Um , I also have a girlfriend who will let us stay at her place and we can stay in Chicago the whole week . Sounds like fun , right ? Joey : Yeah , it does , but ... no , I just think that-- Jade : But what do you think ? Give me one good reason you should stay in Salem . Kayla : It s too late ? Fynn : Well , I left Steve a voicemail saying you d been admitted . Kayla : Did you say why ? Fynn : No . Kayla : I wish you had nt done that . Fynn : Look , I m sorry , Kayla . I know you do nt want your family to worry . I just thought that Steve needed to know . Kayla : No , I do nt want him to be any part of this . At all . Fynn : I do nt understand . I thought you two were getting married . Kayla : It s on hold indefinitely . Is my cell phone around here someplace ? I d like to call Steve and tell him not to come . Steve : It s too late , sweetness , I m already here . Now come on . What s going on ? Are you all right ? Kayla : Fynn , could you give us a second ? Fynn : Right . Sorry . Steve : His message said you were in the hospital . He did nt say why . What happened ? Kayla : It s none of your business . Abigail : [ Humming ] JJ : Chad ? Chad : We need a squad car here now . Ben s here . JJ : What ? Chad : He s tied up , but I need you here ASAP . JJ : Abigail , T - Thomas , were they hurt ? Chad : No , they re okay , but we need an ambulance . Ben was hurt pretty badly . Now just get here . I need to get back to Abby . I just talked to JJ and the police are gon na be here any minute . Abigail : No , we do nt have a lot of time . I need to kill him now . Ben : [ Screaming ] [ Panting ] Steve : Kayla ... I know you re upset with me , but please do nt shut me out , not now . Kayla : I do nt need this . Fynn should nt have called you . Steve : Well , it s a good thing he did . You re in the hospital . There s something wrong . Come on , let s -- let s get through this together . Kayla : I m fine . Really , it -- it s nothing . Steve : I do nt think these monitors and IVs are for nothing . Kayla : Well , Fynn is just-- he s just overly cautious . And these monitors just say that I m fine . And they re gon na take out the iv and I m gon na go home . But , you know , I really do need to take it easy and fighting with you is nt exactly doing that . Steve : So let s not fight . Just tell me what happened . Kayla : Maybe you should just back off and give me some space . You know , this condition could be stress related and have I been under a lot of stress lately ? Yes , I have . And when did it start ? The second that you walked off that elevator out there . Steve : I know that . And I m sorry . Kayla : I know you are . It does nt change anything . I just need time . Trust me . And if we re gon na have a chance to be together in the end , you have to give me time now . Time for me to make sure that I m doing the right thing . Steve : Okay . I get it . But , Kayla , I cant-- I - I mean , I physically ca nt walk out of here and leave you here without knowing what happened . Kayla : I have what s called a subdural hematoma , which means that there s been some bleeding on the outside of my brain , which causes pressure , and then I passed out . Steve : Is that life - threatening ? Kayla : It should go away on its own . Steve : You re shining me on . Kayla : No , I m not . Look , Fynn is watching me like a hawk . I m a doctor . Everybody here around me is a doctor . I - I m gon na be fine . Steve : What if it does nt go away on its own ? Kayla : Then I ll have surgery to relieve the pressure . Steve : How did this happen ? Did you fall down , hit your head or something ? Kayla : It s from Ava knocking me unconscious . Steve : [ Exhales ] Abigail : Take him . Take him . Chad : Abby-- Abigail : Take him ! Chad : Abby , Abby-- listen-- Abigail : Take him . Chad : Listen to yourself . You are asking me to take our infant son so you can go upstairs and kill a human being . Abigail : Take him . Chad : That s not you . Abigail : Take him . Chad : That s not you . Okay , look at our son . Look at him . Look at him ! He needs us . Ben will never be able to hurt you or Thomas again unless-- unless you walk up those stairs and you murder him . And then our son-- our baby boy is gon na grow up without a mother . Now the police , they re on their way . And if you do what you say you want to do , then that lullaby that you were just singing him will be the last one that you ever sing . Abigail : [ Crying ] Chad : It s okay . Abigail : [ Sobbing ] Chad : No one should ever have to go through what you went through , but the three of us , we are not gon na let that psycho destroy our lives . Abigail : Thomas ... [ Crying ] Chad : Okay , we are stronger than that . Look at me . You are stronger than that . I know you are . You were right . We do not have a lot of time and we need to talk , okay ? I need you to tell me everything that happened here so I know what I can and can not tell the police when they get here . I want you to look at our son . Okay ? And I want you to think about how much he needs his mother . And I need you to tell me every detail about what happened here . It s okay . Abigail : [ Crying ] Joey : I do nt know , I just ... I just feel like I should nt be away from them for an entire week . I mean , they re at it again-- Jade : Joey-- well , look what happened-- look what happened the last time you tried to help them out . You unleashed a crazy lady on them and then killed the crazy lady and almost went to prison . Joey : You know , if you were just a little louder I think my Grandma in the kitchen could hear I killed someone . Jade : Sorry . Joey : Maybe you re right . Maybe they do nt need my help . Steve : Kayla ... I m so sorry . Kayla : I know you are . But you were nt the one that hit me on the head . She was . Steve : But it s because of me that she was ever in our lives to begin with . We both know that s true . And I m understanding more and more why you ca nt get past the way I live , but I just want to be-- Kayla : Come on , Steve , please . Can you just give me some space ? Just having you here , going around and around , I just ... Steve : Listen , if I promise not to pressure you into anything , will you just give me a chance to get you through this ? Kayla : I do nt need any help . I m not an invalid . I - I - I do nt need you hovering over me . I took care of myself and Joey for a long time without you around . Steve : That s right . Everything you re saying is true . But you left out one thing . You love me , Kayla . You told me so . And you know damn well how much I love you . And no matter what spin you put on it , you re in a serious situation here . There s no reason for you to be pushing me away except fear . Kayla : After these last few months , I think I ve earned the right to be fearful . And even though I do nt ... I do nt blame you for what s happened , I ca nt erase the fact that I am lying in this bed because of the danger that you brought into our lives . And our baby could have gone to prison for murder . And now he s trying to figure out how to live with that . So you can stand there and say that ... love conquers all , but ... I ve learned the hard way that that s not true . And now I just ... I just have a splitting headache , so ... you want to help me out ? Just go . Just go away . Please . [ Sobbing ] Chad : It s okay . Abigail : [ Sobbing ] Chad : It s okay . Abigail : When ... [ Crying ] When I saw Ben standing there staring at me ... I thought I was crazy . And then when he touched me , that s when I knew that he was real . And I had Thomas with me . I had Thomas with me and he was in the same room as the baby . [ Crying ] And I told him .... [ Sobbing ] Chad : Okay , keep going . Abigail : [ Sniffing ] So I had to get Thomas away from him and I ... I made him think that I ... I made him think that I wanted to ... be with him so that I could get him away from Thomas . And told him that I wanted him to take me to bed . [ Sobbing ] Chad : It s okay . That s okay . That was so smart , all right ? You were so brave , and you did anything you could to keep Thomas safe . Abigail : [ Sobbing ] I ... I wanted to take Thomas away from him , but , Chad , I really ... I wanted to hurt Ben , I did . I wanted to hurt him so that he felt just as much pain as he made all of us feel . [ Crying ] [ Sniffing ] [ Panting ] So I ... [ Sniffling ] Ben ... Chad : Okay , just breathe . Just breathe , just breathe . Just breathe . Just keep talking to me . Abigail : When we were in the bedroom , we were kissing and I was on top of him and then I - I reached over and I grabbed the scissors and I stabbed him and then ... Abigail : Then I tied him up and then you know what happened . Then I l - lit him on fire . Chad : Yeah , okay . Abigail : I put him on fire then . [ Sobbing ] That s what happened . Chad : I am so sorry that I was not there for you . Okay , and I m so sorry that you had to do all of this alone . Okay , I m sorry . But you did everything you had to do to keep Thomas safe . Yes , you fought back . It was self - defense . You had to do it . Abigail : No , no ! Chad : Yes . Abigail : No ! No , it was nt self - defense . Chad : Yes-- Abigail : No , Chad ! You re not listening ! Chad : It was self - defense . Abigail : Listen to me ! It was not self - defense . I wanted to kill him . I wanted to kill him . Chad : Stop it . Abigail : No ! Chad : Stop , stop , stop . Abigail : I wanted to kill him . Chad : It was self - defense , and when JJ gets here , that is exactly what I am gon na tell him . You are gon na sit here , and you are gon na look at your son , and you are gonna-- you are gon na think about how much he needs you in his life , do you understand me ? Ben : [ Panting ] Chad : Where do you think you re going ? Ben : [ Groans ] Steve : Kayla says the surgery is no big deal , but it s brain surgery . That s a big deal , right ? Fynn : It s not certain that Kayla will need surgery . Steve : Well , when will you know ? Maybe she should nt put it off . Fynn : Look , I m sorry , but Kayla made it pretty clear she did nt want me talking to you about her condition . That s entirely up to her how much or how little she wants to share with you . So if you ll excuse me . Here s your prescription for the anti - seizure medication . We ll be monitoring you , and see how you respond . Kayla : Thank you . Fynn : Kayla , I d really like you to stay tonight , just so we can check you out in the morning , first thing . Kayla : You know , I know the trauma and I know the procedure . So I ll be very careful at home , and I think I ll be a lot more comfortable there too . I promise you if anything happens , I ll come right back . Fynn : I do nt like it , but I know I m just wasting my breath . Kayla : Yes , you are . Thank you . You ve been great . Fynn : You call me any time , day or night . Kayla : I promise . Fynn : Did I tell you I hate having doctors for patients ? Kayla : Yes , you did . Thank you . Fynn : [ Chuckles ] JJ : Cuff him to the gurney . He s in shock . JJ : Cuff him , both hands , and do nt take your eyes off of him . Lanigan , I want you to be in the bus with him . Crater , I want you to follow in the squad car . I do nt care what anyone else tells you . He is in custody . At least one of you is with him at all times . And if he makes a move , shoot him . Ben : Arrest her . Arrest her ... Lani : What did he say ? JJ : He s a psycho . It does nt matter what he says . Get him out of here . Ben : [ Panting ] Fire ... JJ : Move it . Ben : Bitch ... flaming fire ... JJ : The paramedics say he has second or third - degree burns on his legs . Chad : They re gon na find a stab wound too . When she found him in the living room , he dragged her up to the bedroom , so she stabbed him in the shoulder in self - defense , then she threw a kerosene lamp at his feet when he came after her . Lani : So you were there . Chad : No , she told me . Lani : Then I think we should hear that directly from her . Chad : I do nt think so . She s in no shape to be questioned . Lani : And that s not your call . Chad : It sure as hell is my call . Now maybe if you guys had done your job in the first place , my wife would nt have gone through what she just went through . Now you want to strong - arm me , I will have an army of lawyers after you and every newspaper in this country will have a front - page story about my wife s heroism and your staggering incompetence ! JJ : Easy , Chad . Easy . We can do it in the morning . Chad : If I say so , and I will only say so after my wife has seen a doctor . You know , after everything he has done to her and was about to do to her , I would think that you guys would be treating my wife as a victim and not a witness . JJ : Can I talk to her ? Just to tell her I love her . Chad : She s exhausted . Keep it short . Mr. Kendall um ... JJ : It s over . Abs ? He wo nt ever bother you again . I love you and I love Thomas . Just thank God you guys are all right . It s going to be okay . Chad and I are gon na make sure that everything is okay . I m gon na stick around for a while . But I ll say good - night before I go . Chad : It s okay . I cleaned the bedroom . I told the police that it was self- defense and they believed me . It s done . It s all over now . Abigail : [ Exhales ] Damn you , Chad . Damn you . Damn you , Chad ! Because of you , I am never gon na be free now . Ever . [ Cries ] How could you do this to me ? How ? [ Crying ] [ Sobbing ] ### Summary:
Abigail lights Ben on fire but Chad bursts in to put out the flames , which upsets Abigail because she wanted to kill Ben . Steve briefly chats with Joey and Jade before receiving a call from Fynn about Kayla being in the hospital . Fynn goes over with Kayla that she had bleeding on the brain which caused her to pass out . Steve arrives but Kayla wants him to back off . Kayla admits the bleeding was caused by when Ava knocked her out which Steve feels responsible for . Kayla and Steve argue back and forth with Steve wanting to help her through this but Kayla wanting time and space . Jade and Joey eat together at the Pub where Jade convinces Joey that he should spend spring break in Chicago with her . Chad and Abigail go over what happened . Abigail is mad at Chad for stopping her , feeling that Ben can now never be stopped and still wants to kill him . Chad calls JJ to bring the police and an ambulance . Chad tells Abigail that she ca nt kill Ben because of Thomas and that they will tell the police it was self - defense . Ben breaks free of being tied to the bed and sneaks downstairs but Chad knocks him out . The police arrive and Ben is stretchered out . Chad tells JJ and Lani that it was self defense which Lani questions , upsetting Chad . Kayla is released from the hospital and goes home to find the flowers and note that Steve left . After the police leave , Chad tells Abigail that it s all over but Abigail remains upset with Chad for not letting her kill Ben and says she will never be free because of him . Chad holds her as she cries .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Bill : Katie ! Good . You re still here . Katie : Bill , what are you doing he-- Bill : Maybe I m not too late to stop this insanity . Where is he ? Katie : I m assuming you re talking about Ridge . Bill : Yeah , Ridge . Tell me he did nt marry the dressmaker . Katie : [ Chuckles ] Bill : I mean , that s what the whole setup was about , right ? What , did you have a minister come over ? Katie : Actually , Ridge is nt here . And he wo nt be . At least not to live . I broke up with him . Bill : That s my Katie . Caroline : Hey , handsome . Rick : Wow . You look beautiful . Caroline : It was deliberate . Rick : Well , lucky me . Caroline : No . Lucky me . Because you forgave me after I came so close to screwing everything up . Rick : It s all right . It happens sometimes in marriage . What matters is that we survived . Caroline : I m sorry . Rick : You do nt have to keep apologizing to me . It s behind us . Caroline : Well , then let s make our reunion official . Bill : You re not putting me on , right ? I mean , you really gave that poseur the old heave - ho . Katie : I would nt exactly put it that way . Bill : Put it any way you want . I just want to hear you say it again . Katie : Bill ... Bill : Oh , come on . Indulge me . It s music to my ears . Katie : I ended things with Ridge . Bill : But this whole setup here with the flowers and the champagne and the caterer ... it looked like you were headed the other direction . Katie : Yeah , I know that s what you thought . Bill : And you let me believe it . Katie : Yeah , I did . You re kind of cute when you re outraged . Bill : So you think I m cute . Katie : Not as cute as you think you are . Bill : What brought you to your senses ? Katie : I never really lost them . Ridge and I had something ... really good for a while , and ... somewhere along the way , we just stopped connecting with each other . Bill : You know what this means , do nt you ? Katie : Why do nt you tell me ? Bill : That you re free to come back to me . Rick : How did I manage to snag the sexiest wife on the planet ? Caroline : I could live up to that billing . Rick : I wish I could . Caroline : It s easy . So just follow me . Rick : Caroline , my day s not done . I have to go back to the office . Caroline : No , Rick ... Rick : I m sorry . Caroline : [ Scoffs ] Your job is really starting to irritate me . Rick : Yeah , I know . But we knew this going into it . Caroline : What about time for us ? I mean , I want to feel close to you again . Rick : Yeah , I want that , too . Caroline : I reach out for you at night , and it s like ... you do nt even feel it . You do nt respond . Rick : I know . I m sorry . Lights go out and my head goes down . I just -- I ve never been this tired before in my life . Caroline : I -- I know , and I do nt want to add any more extra pressure on you . I just -- I miss snuggling with my husband . So ca nt you just put off the office and have some snuggles with me ? Rick : You re not making this easy on me . Caroline : Good . Rick : But I m gon na have to take a rain check . Try not to be too late . Caroline : Rick ? Are we okay ? Rick : Yeah , never better . Katie : You know , Bill , I m -- I m just a little confused . I mean , where is this sudden desire to reunite our family coming from ? Bill : Okay , look , I understand that it -- that it seems sudden to you , but it really is nt , Katie . I mean , I ve had a lot of time to re - evaluate , to ... to think about what s really important , what matters most . That s our little family -- you , me , and Will , and ... to be honest with you , it started to drive me a little crazy thinking that you were gon na hand that over to Forrester . Katie : But I did nt . Bill : Well , you had that whole setup going here tonight . And it freaked me out . I thought I was going to lose you . And that was unacceptable . So I was thinking that ... maybe we re on the same wavelength -- the reason you broke up with Forrester . Katie : And you want to know if the reason is because of you . Bill : Is it ? Katie : I broke up with Ridge because of us -- Ridge and me . We were nt connecting . I know you do nt want to believe this , but losing the ability to draw was a big deal . Designing is how he defines himself . If he s not a fashion icon , then who is he ? And then he started working with Caroline , and this miracle happened . Somewhere along the way , we stopped functioning as a couple . Bill : Well , uh ... I guess that s my cue to say , uh ... I m sorry . I know you guys had something . But he s the most self - indulgent human being I know , so I do nt feel that way . I m just glad he s gone . Caroline : Hey . Ivy : Hey . What re you doing here ? I thought you and Rick were having a night in ? Caroline : Uh , yeah , so did I. Turns out he had to go back to work . I , uh ... thought I d camp out here for a little while . Am I interrupting you ? Ivy : Mnh - mnh . No . I m just , uh -- just texting a friend . Trying to plan my night . Hey , is everything okay ? You seem kind of troubled . Caroline : It s more like frustrated . Ca nt get any quality time with my husband . Ivy : Well , he has a very big job . Caroline : I know , and I m trying to be the supportive and patient wife , but ... I have a lot of making up to do to Rick . And it s driving me nuts , because I ca nt get started . I want to show him how committed I am to our marriage , but for that to happen , I need him awake , alert , and in the room . Maya : Hey , babe . I got your text . What a great surprise . Rick : Yeah , I had to get out of there . Maya : Well , you came to the right place . Come here . Rick : All I need are those eyes . Maya : Do nt you forget it . Rick : Not likely . So , you settling in nicely ? Maya : Oh , I can not tell you how much I m loving this apartment . Thank you for it . Rick : You deserve it . I know it s been hard . Maya : Do I like sneaking around , hiding our relationship , being fired ? No . But I keep my eye on the higher goal . Because once you have control of Forrester Creations , we come out of hiding . Rick : Still have to figure out a way to get my dad s signature on the paper . Maya : You will . You re brilliant . Rick : Eh . Maya : You okay ? Rick : It s just so hard to be alone with her . Maya : Something happen ? Rick : You know , it s easy to run the con when I m at work , be lovey - dovey in front of everybody , convince my dad that I really want this farce of a marriage . But when I m at home , alone with Caroline , it s like I just want to jump out of my skin , and she wants a full relationship . I ca nt give that to her . Maya : And you better not . Cause I did not sign on for that . So , what do you tell her ? Rick : I tell her that I ve been tired , stressed out , overworked . She looks at me all distraught . That s fine . That s her bad karma coming back to her . There was nothing wrong with our relationship . She s the one that looked elsewhere . That s on Caroline , not me . Maya : You know what you ca nt lose sight of is the motivating factor in all of this . Caroline betrayed you with Ridge , of all people . And you were committed to that woman . You doted on her , and she threw your love in your face . Rick : That she did . Maya : And now what ? She s sorry ? She wants to act like nothing ever happened ? Rick : Every time Caroline touches me , all I can think about is her hands on Ridge . Then I start thinking about all that time spent behind closed doors , collaborating . Then all the questions start up in my head . She lied to me before . Is she doing it again ? How far did it actually go ? I know they said it was a few kisses , but ... Maya : You know what I want this apartment to be for you ? Rick : What s that ? Maya : A Caroline - free zone . A happy place . Okay ? Starting now . Ivy : Well , you and Rick went through a rocky patch , but you re on the other side of it now , right ? Caroline : Mm . We re working on it . Still got a ways to go . Ivy : Must ve been really hard to see Maya and Rick together . Caroline : Think the worst part was that it was my fault . You know ? I basically wrapped Rick up in a little present and left it on her doorstep . How did I not see that coming ? Obviously , I was nt thinking straight . Ivy : Maya might have taken advantage of Rick while he was vulnerable and won him back for a second , but Rick made his position pretty clear when he fired her . Caroline : I just wish that we could get away , you know , for a weekend , go somewhere romantic . Ivy : Well , you re resourceful . Just arrange something . Whisk him away . Caroline : Rick is not very whisk - away - able currently . He s just all about the job . Ivy : That just means you might have to work around that for a little while . Caroline : Take my punishment . Ivy : Is that how this feels ? Caroline : In a way , yeah . You know , and it could -- it could just be me , you know ? My own guilt . I think part of me just feels like I dont ... deserve to be forgiven . Ivy : Hey , you made a mistake . You made a mistake . I mean , you got caught up in a forbidden attraction , you momentarily lost your head . But strong marriages survive , Caroline . You and Rick are gon na be fine . Caroline : If he ever comes home . Thank you for the pep talk . Ivy : Any time . Apparently , I am very good at solving everybody else s problems . Caroline : [ Chuckles ] Ivy : Hey , uh , are you gon na be okay here by yourself ? I need to go to a friend s house and check out her new apartment . Caroline : Oh , no , yeah , go ahead . Um , I want to be back at the guest house , anyway , when Rick gets home . Katie : This attention is all very flattering , but I think you re forgetting something very important . Bill : What ? Katie : Brooke . Bill : Who ? Katie : That s not funny . This trip to Milan is temporary . She s going to be back . Bill : And if we re together , she ll be happy . Katie : Yeah , I m not so sure about that . Bill : Are you forgetting what your sister said to you ? She wanted to see us reunited . Katie : I know my sister really well , and what she says and what she does are two totally different things . She still has feelings for you . Bill : Well , let s suppose that s true , and I do nt think it is . She has nt acknowledged them . She has nt acted on them . And you know what ? It does nt matter what Brooke feels . It s what we feel , and we should ve never let go of us . That was a mistake , and I want to right that wrong , Katie . I want us back . I need us back . Katie : Bill , God ... Bill : All right , look , look ... I hurt you in any number of ways , and I ca nt go back and change that . I can only learn from it , and I have . We are what s important , you , me , and will , and I want to put our family back together . Now , it s known around the world -- Dollar Bill Spencer gets what he wants . Katie : Want to say night - night to Daddy , right ? Bill : Hey ! Here s my big boy ! Look what I got for you . Look what I got for you ! You want the dunk - it ball ? Katie : There you go . Bill : You want it ? Yeah ? You want it ? Hi , big boy . Katie : He insisted on saying good night . Bill : Yeah ? I love you so much . [ Chuckles ] I really miss this , Katie . Well , uh ... I guess I should get going . Katie : Bill , you -- [ Sighs ] You do nt have to rush off . Bill : [ Whispers ] Yes ! [ Normal voice ] You mean that ? Katie : Yeah , I mean it . Rick : All right . You ready to see your bridal suite ? Caroline : Yes , please , now . Rick : Here we go . Caroline : [ Gasps ] Promise me that you ll never stop surprising me . { Present time } Maya : I hate this part . I miss falling asleep in your arms . Rick : Yeah . Well , it wo nt be too long now . Maya : It ca nt come soon enough , our life together . Rick : We ll have it . Maya : I m not complaining . I just ... I just know that what we have lying ahead of us is terrific . Just remember that when things get too tough for you over at the guest house , I am here for you , always . Rick : I ll be taking you up on that . Maya : And you re right . It wo nt be long . Once Eric signs complete control of Forrester over to you , there is no limit to what we can be . Rick : I m gon na try to get my dad to sign those papers again soon . Maya : Okay . Rick : Come on . Do nt give me that look . Maya : I know that ... I m not the only this is rough on . I see the toll it takes on you . But when things get really tough , just do what you did tonight . Bring it all to me . Not so fast . ### Summary:
Katie picks up her favorite book of poetry . Bill barges in wanting to now where the dressmaker is . He hopes they are not planning on getting married as he knows what this whole setup tonight was . She says no , as a matter of fact he is not here . He will be finding a new place to live . He says that is his Katie . This is music to his ears . She thinks he is kind of cute when he is enraged . He thinks this will work great . They are free to get back together . He wishes he could say he was sorry but he s not ; he s just glad Forrester is gone . Caroline puts on a sexy red teddy and is looking forward to tonight . Rick tells her she looks fabulous but he will have to take a rain check . He has to go back to the office . She says she is beginning to hate his new job as CEO if this is the way he avoids her . Ivy drops by later and Caroline confides in her that she has a lot of making up to do but in order to do that she needs Rick to be alert and in the same room with her and that is not happening . Rick goes to Maya s new place and she gushes how happy she is . Rick admits it is very hard to be alone with Caroline . It is okay to be lovey - dovey at work but at home he wants to jump out of his skin having to be close to her . He complains that it was her that looked elsewhere , not him , so it s all on her . Maya says he can not lose sight of the motivation here . It was Caroline who turned to Ridge of all people . But this apartment is a Caroline - free zone and they need to take advantage of it . Ivy tells Caroline that she needs to whisk Rick away from the job and make a romantic weekend . Caroline says yes if he would ever come home long enough but right now he is not very whiskable . Bill tells Katie that he wants to right this wrong . He hurt her any number of ways but they are important and he wants to put his family back together . She asks about Brooke and he says that is behind him . Brooke always wanted him and Katie to salvage their marriage . Nothing she has done lately has challenged that . He has had no contact with her . Katie gets Will and tells Bill that he does nt have to leave so soon . Caroline faxes Rick and says she is waiting ; please come home . Rick and Maya make love and then he has to leave . She tells him this will all be worth it although she misses falling asleep in his arms . When he needs to get away from the guest house he can always come here and lay it on her . They kiss as he walks out the door , unbeknownst that Ivy is visiting a friend in another apartment close by and is on the other side of an open door and spies them .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ridge : ( Sighs ) Brooke : There , that s better . Ridge : Better than what ? Brooke : Better than that frown you had on your face when I first walked in here . Ridge : Oh , yeah , sorry about that . Brooke : Bill Spencer ? Ridge : Bill is after this company . And he s not above instigating her divorce in order to get that . Brooke : Well , I certainly hope Eric does nt let that happen . Ridge : Even if there s a chance of that happening , I think you need to call off your sister . Donna : Three , four , five , six , seven , eight . ( Sighs ) Oh . Bill : Sorry . Donna : ( Sighs ) God , do nt apologize . It s your house . Bill : Yeah , but if you need your privacy , dont-- Donna : No , no . ( Sighs ) Bill : You want to talk ? Donna : Not really . Bill : ( Sighs ) Bill : You know , nothing s gon na take away the pain that you re feeling but time . And being in denial about the circumstances surrounding your mother s death wo nt bring you any closure . You have to face some hard facts , Donna , and the first one is that if it were nt for Stephanie Forrester , your mother would be alive today . Stephanie : Is there something that you want to talk about ? Thorne : Yeah . What s going on with you and dad ? Stephanie : I do nt know . ( Chuckles ) I m actually more concerned about what s going on with me and Donna . Thorne : You re not staying in the guesthouse anymore , so she got what she wanted , right ? Stephanie : No , not really . She wants the police to investigate me regarding her mother s death . And now that Spencer s involved in her divorce settlement , I m concerned that he might be able to p - pressure the police to do just that . Hope : What are you doing ? Oliver : Creating a little privacy . Hope : Why ? You do nt want anyone to know what we re working on ? Oliver : I do nt want your father to walk in on what I m about to do with his precious daughter . Hope : My fatherd be less upset about an innocent kiss than catching us fooling around with his designs . Oliver : Innocent is nt what I had in mind . Hope : Hmm . Brooke : Your father s the one who should be taking to Donna , not me . Ridge : He tried . She left . Brooke : Has he tried since then ? Ridge : He just does nt want to make this situation any worse than it is . Brooke : Well , neither do I. Look ... ( sighs ) I agree . Bill is not the one who should be giving advice to Donna . This should be about Eric . Eric should be focusing on his marriage and making things right with her . Then all this talk about Bill using Donna to get his foothold back into the company would be meaningless . Eric : All right , that s enough about that . Ridge : Brook was just expressing her concern . Brooke : ( Sighs ) Eric : Well , thank you , but the only people who should be talking about my marriage are my wife and me . Bill : If we re being perfectly honest , you have to hold Eric responsible , too . Donna : For my mother s death ? No . Bill : Why was Stephanie on your property ? Why was she there ? Because Eric invited her to stay . Donna : ( Sighs ) I ... I do nt blame him . Bill : He should be blaming himself , begging you for your forgiveness . Donna : Well , he did . Bill : Look , Donna , if Eric wants you back , he s got ta step up , and I know three simple ways he could do that . Donna : What , like-- like a test or something ? Bill : Like a husband wanting to give his wife what she needs . That s what you want , right ? Donna : Well , yes . Bill : Then that s what you should get . Oliver : Like that ? Hope : What ? Oliver : Do you like that ? Hope : ( Laughs ) Um ... ( laughs ) yeah , uh , a lot . Um , but , what if ... what if we use this track over something like ... that ? Oliver : Yeah , I - I like that . Thorne : Dad is not going to let that happen , Mother , okay ? He s not going to let anyone come after you . Besides , the police already said that you are not responsible . Stephanie : ( Mutters ) He s been like a rock , though , through this . It s almost as though we re in sync again . Thorne : Hmm , I guess time does heal everything . Stephanie : ( Laughs ) Either that , or you live long enough to figure out what s really important to you . Thorne : Yeah , and that s a future with dad , huh ? Stephanie : Well , I think if there was ever a moment that it might be possible , this is it . Ridge : Dad , listen , we just want to know what s going on . Eric : What do you want me to say , Ridge ? That I want Donna back ? That I want to salvage what s left of my marriage ? Well , it s true . I do . I do want my marriage back if it s possible to save it . I m just not certain it is . Brooke : Listen to your wife , Eric . Donna s made it very clear what she needs from you . Now I know it s not in your nature to take sides , but I really think that s what you re going to need to do if you want your marriage to survive . Donna : You say that there s an easy way to fix this . I ... I just do nt see it . Bill : I m saying it should be relatively easy if Eric really loves you . Donna : ( Sighs ) Look , he loves me , Bill . I know he loves me . That s not the issue . It s this -- this thing with Stephanie . He just feels he needs to protect her . Bill : If Stephanie is innocent , he should have no qualms about having her investigated . Donna : He wo nt do it . Bill : Well , he might , now that the stakes have changed . You ve left him . That puts a different spin on things , just like your mother s death . A trauma like that has a way of changing one s perspective . It s like the way you feel about your house . It does nt feel like a home anymore . It s the place where your mother died . Now Eric ca nt possible expect you to live there any longer . Donna : Have Stephanie investigated ... get rid of the house . Bill : Yeah . It s about priorities , and you need to be priority number one . Not Stephanie , not the company , not anything . Donna : Look , Bill , I dont-- I do nt care . I do nt want the company . A - and I know that s next on your list . ( Sighs ) Bill : All right . So you re okay with Eric going in there every day ? You re fine with him sharing that connection with Stephanie . Donna : No , no . Bill : All right . Then there you have it . Have Stephanie investigated . Sell the house , and quit the business , or get rid of Stephanie . If he can do those three things , Donna , then he s worthy of you . If not ... Donna : What ? Bill : We ll cross that bridge when we come to it . Bill : Set the meeting . Donna : Oh , God , I ca nt . I ca nt , Bill . I just -- I m not strong enough . Do you think that maybe you could help me ? Bill : Sure . Sure . I ll set the meeting for you . Donna : ( Sighs ) Eric : ( Sighs ) Donna ? Bill : She wants to see you . Eric : ( Sighs ) Bill . Bill : We re leaving for Forrester Creations now . Be there . Eric : Well , Bill Spencer tells me that he and Donna are on their way over here as we speak , and that she wants to speak to me . Stephanie : Oh , are you waiting on Ridge ? Eric : No , uh , Donna and Bill . Stephanie : They re coming here ? Eric : Yes , Bill tells me that Donna wants to see me . Stephanie : She did nt call you herself ? Oh , boy , he s pulling the strings on this one . Eric : Yeah . Yeah , I know . Stephanie : Eric , I m concerned about this . I mean , look , Donna has said some pretty strong things regarding her mother and her death and me , and I would nt want Spencer-- Eric : Oh , dont -- dont-- do nt worry about that . Now you are not responsible for any of what happened to Beth . It was an accident . I m not gon na have anybody believe anything different . Stephanie : Thank you . Hope : It s really coming together . Oliver : Yeah . A few more tweaks , I think we-- we might have a winner . Hope : Yeah . Oliver : ( Chuckles ) Hope : ( Chuckles ) No , that was cute . I like that . I like that . ( Sighs ) Well , I think we make a good team . Oliver : We do , but you d work well with anybody . Hope : Oh , why ? It s cause I m so nice , right ? Oliver : ( Chuckles ) I guess you re tired of hearing that . Hope : Oh , it s -- it s not a bad thing . It s just , I do nt know , nice is kinda boring . Oliver : Are you kidding me ? No way . When it s real , it s amazing . The world is full of people that seem nice . They smile , say the right things . But it s just a shell . With you , it s down to the bone . Hope : Mm . Oliver : It s who you are . You really care about people , and that s awesome . I do nt think it s boring at all . It s incredible . Hope : ( Sighs ) Oliver : Would you hate me if I said that was nice , too ? Hope : No . Donna : Oh , Eric . I m not ready for this to be over . Please come through for me . Bill : I made security a little jumpy . Boo ! Ahh , Stephanie . I d advise you to say as little as possible . Stephanie : I m sure you would . Eric s waiting for you , Donna , but I would nt count on anything . He s not gon na let you go after me or the company . Bill : He wants you back . He ll do what it takes to make that happen . Eric , your logo-- it just does nt look quite right . There s something missing . Eric : No . No , there s not , Bill . Bill : You brought backup for a meeting with your wife ? Eric : Your presence here is the imposition , Bill . Donna and I have very important things to discuss . Brooke : Eric s right , Donna . You should talk on your own . Donna : No , I - I want Bill to stay . Not because I - I do nt trust you . It s because I-- I do nt trust myself . Being here and seeing you , having all these emotions , I just , um , I want to stay on track . It s too important . Ridge : It s obviously very important to Bill . Bill : Donna s here because she wants to save her marriage . Was I wrong in assuming you want that , too , Eric ? Eric : No . No , you re not wrong . Donna : The last few days have been horrible for me . Eric : For me , too , Donna . Donna : I know I said that I ... I - I think it should be over , but , um , but I think that there s a way that we could save this . Just ... ( sighs ) I - I do nt want promises , Eric . I need you-- I need to be certain that our marriage is your priority . Eric : We ve discussed this . Of course , it is . Bill : Let her finish . Donna : I have , um , three reasonable requests . And for the sake of our marriage , for the sake of our future , I ... I hope you can meet them . Ridge : You ve come here to deliver another list of demands ? Brooke : Ridge , let s hear what Donna has to say . Ridge : Am I the only one that has a really bad feeling about all this ? Bill : You do nt trust me . You think I m manipulating Donna . But I m not the one who hurt your sister , Brooke . And I m not the one who was nt faithful to her . Nobody believes that kiss was innocent , Eric . Eric : None of this has anything to do with unfaithfulness or infidelity , Donna . Bill : Did you or did you not invite your ex - wife to live in your guesthouse ? Eric : We ve been over all this , Donna . Bill : Did Beth die as a direct result of Stephanie s presence in your home ? Ridge : Oh , come on . Wait a minute here . Brooke : What happened to our mother was an accident . Eric : Donna , you do nt need Bill to speak for you in this . He has nothing to do with this . You want to save our marriage , and I -- and so do I , so let s -- let s go somewhere and talk about it . Bill : What I m saying has everything to do with it , Eric , and if you ca nt grasp that , then no amount of talk is going to do a damn thing . Go on , Donna . Tell Eric what you need from him . Donna : I hate this . I - I hate that this ... this mess is our life , Eric . I mean , we had something so precious . And then -- and then Stephanie got between us , and everything-- everything just seemed to make it worse . And then I ... I saw that kiss with you two , and I - I know you did nt cheat , Eric , but you did break our marriage vows . I love you , Eric . And I pray to god that this can work out , but I do need three very important things from you . Eric : What are they , Donna ? Donna : One , I ... I can not live in that house where my mother died . I ca nt do that . Eric : All right . We ll move . Well -- well go somewhere else . Donna : Okay . And two , I ... I do nt want you working here , or I do nt want Stephanie working here . Eric , I think she s responsible for my mother s death . I - I ca nt have you working with her . And lastly , I want a full investigation on my mother s death . I want Stephanie questioned by the authorities . I want her to take a lie detector test . Ridge : Donna , do nt you see what he s doing here ? Bill is setting you up . He wants you to divorce dad , but he does nt want it to look like it s his fault . Donna : No , this-- this is the only way I m going to be comfortable , Eric , with our marriage . Sell the house . You can not work hand in hand with Stephanie . And I want a full investigation . Can you do this ? Can you do this for me ? Eric : ( Sighs ) And if I do nt agree , then ... the marriage is over ? Donna : Eric , I just have too many questions . I need to know that we , our marriage , is a priority to you . And if you ca nt do these things , and all these things I think are very reasonable , if you ca nt do these , then our marriage is not a priority . I ... I ca nt be your wife . ### Summary:
Bill apologizes for walking in on Donna s privacy . He tells her that Eric should be begging her for her forgiveness if he wants her back . She deserves that . He does nt say it will be easy . And the dynamics have changed since she left Eric . If he can have Stephanie investigated and sell the house and the company , then Donna has a chance . Ridge tells Brooke that he d like her to call her sister off . He does nt want to see Bill with his foot back in the door . Eric walks in and does nt want to hear them talking about him . He does want Donna back , but it is not that easy . Thorne asks Stephanie what is going on between her and his dad . He realizes she is not staying at the guest house any more . Bill calls Eric and informs him that Donna wants a meeting with him . Stephanie sees her first and warns her that Eric will not go after her or the company . Eric does not want Bill to be present , but Donna insists . She starts that she wants to be sure that their marriage is his # 1 priority . Ridge has a really bad feeling about this and sees this as Bill just throwing out another set of demands . Eric wants to go someplace and talk by themselves , but Bill keeps sticking his nose in it . He suggests Donna go ahead and tell Eric what she wants . She tells him there are three important things she needs from him . She ca nt live in the house where her mother died . She can not have him working at FC with Stephanie . He will have to let the company go and she wants Stephanie fully investigated by the authorities . Ridge speaks up and points out that surely Donna can see that Bill is setting her up . He wants her to divorce Eric , but to have it look like it s not Bill s idea or he wo nt be at fault . Eric understands her demands and if he does nt come through then the marriage is over .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Steve : Sweetness ? Kayla : I m right here . Steve : [ Grunts ] Kayla : How are you feeling ? Steve : Like I - I got a wad of cotton between my ears . Kayla : That s the anesthesia wearing off . You ll be back to your old self in no time . Steve : Does that mean the surgery worked ? Kayla : Well , the engineer was very , very optimistic . He said that the bionic eye is functioning perfectly . And the surgical team had no trouble connecting it to your optic nerve . Steve : Well , sounds like everything s good . Unless you mind being married to a cyborg . Kayla : [ Chuckles ] No . I am willing to live with it . Steve : So am I. If it means I get to see you again . Kayla : Well ... should we take the bandage off and find out ? Steve : Okay . Claire : Hey , tripp , I - I heard your dad was out of surgery . Tripp : Yeah , yeah , they just brought him back to his room a little while ago . They said the procedure went well , so I m just waiting to go see him . Claire : Okay . Well , I can wait with you . Um ... so , ciara came by the loft . Tripp : She - she did ? When ? Claire : Uh , when I was on the phone with you . That s why I had to go all of a sudden . Tripp : And how did she seem ? Claire : Uh , still really angry at the world . Actually , I take that back , she was angry at everyone except for ben weston . You re right . She totally developed some really weird bond with that guy . Rafe : You see , we ve already been over this , ben . Fire marshal says someone intentionally set that fire . Hope : And not only did you have access to the cabin , you also have a history of setting it on fire . Rafe : Mm - hmm . Hope : Why not just make it easier on yourself ? The judge will be a lot more lenient if you just tell the truth and confess . Ted : And why would my client confess when he s not guilty ? Rafe : Who are you ? His lawyer ? Ted : And I m advising him not to say another word till at least we get a chance to confer . Rafe : Huh . What s the going rate for selling your soul , hmm ? What s he paying you ? Ted : For the record ? Six hundred dollars an hour . But mr . Weston is not the one who hired me . Hope : Then who did ? Ciara : Me . Rafe : What ? Stefan : Gabi . Back so soon ? Gabi : Not by choice . You forgot to sign the gabi chic papers . Stefan : I guess I kinda left in a hurry , did nt I ? I ll sign it now . Gabi : So , what happened when you got to the clinic ? Were you able to talk abigail out of getting that abortion ? Chad : Uh - oh , this ... sounds serious . Abigail : I do nt know how to tell you this . Chad : What is it ? Abigail : I ve been keeping something from you . Chad : Okay . Abigail : Oh , god . Chad : Abby , you re , uh , you re starting to scare me . Abigail : I m pregnant . Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives . Stefan : [ Clears throat ] Got to the clinic just in time . Gabi : And ? Stefan : And it took some convincing , but ... she decided to keep the baby . Gabi : Convincing , that s a dimera term for threatening ? Stefan : I made her see the truth ... that if she s gon na accept her alter as part of herself , she has to accept her choices as well , which means ... accepting my child . Gabi : That s pretty impressive considering she hates your guts . Stefan : Part of her does . Part of her still loves me . And that part of her will live on through this child . Gabi : Yeah . Ca nt imagine chad being very happy about this . Stefan : We ll find out soon enough , wo nt we ? I m sure she s telling him as we speak . Chad : You re pregnant ? Abigail : Chad , it-- Chad : Whoa , whoa , whoa ! Abigail : No-- Chad : [ Laughing ] Are you kidding me ? You re preg -- we just-- we were just talking about having a baby . Now you re pregnant ? Whoa , why - why that-- babe , you-- you re not happy ? Abigail : No . Chad : W - why ? This is ama -- what ? This is amazing . Abigail : It s not yours . It s stefanS. Any object . Any surface . Kayla : You ready ? Steve : Ready as I ll ever be . Kayla : Okay . Steve : [ Sighs ] Feels okay . Kayla : [ Sighs ] Steve : But I ca nt see anything . I ca nt see anything at all . Claire : So ciara was just going on and on about how she would ve died on the side of the road or something equally tragic if ben had nt found her . You know , it s weird , it s like he s her knight in shining armor . Tripp : Yeah , or maybe she has stockholm syndrome . Claire : Is that where you think that some crazy guy s totally normal ? Cause if it is , then I - I think she definitely does have that . Tripp : Yeah , and the only problem is I do nt know how to cure her . Claire : Maybe you should try talking to her ? Tripp : Yeah , I think the operative word there is try . She s still mad about finding you and me together . Claire : Okay , tripp , I have a really weird question . You do nt think that ciara has feelings for ben , do you ? Tripp : What ? No . Why - why would you say that ? Claire : Okay . Look , tripp , I told you , it was a weird question , okay ? It s just the way that she s talking about him . You know , it s like , she s really attached to ben , and I kind of suggested that the reason that she s into him is because after what happened with chase , she just does nt think that she deserves anyone normal . Tripp : What d she say ? Claire : Oh , she read me the riot act for daring to give her advice , but , to be honest , I think I hit a nerve . Hope : Why , ciara ? Why in god s name would you hire an attorney for ben ? Ciara : Cause he needed help . Rafe : Help ? Ciara : And he did nt have anyone else . Rafe : Where did you even get the money ? Ciara : When I turned 21 , I finally got access to the first part of that trust fund grandpa vic set up for me . It s my money , mom , and I can spend it any way I want . Hope : And this is how you re going to spend it , defending a convicted criminal ? How the hell do you live with yourself ? Ciara : Mom , stop . Hope : No , I will not stop , after what he tried to do to you . Ciara : He did nt do anything to me . You do nt have any proof that he set that fire . It was an accident . Hope : An accident ? Well , ben obviously decided not to share the whole story with you , honey . Ciara : What do you mean ? Hope : We got back the preliminary report from the fire marshal . The fire was deemed suspicious , meaning it s likely it was intentional . Gabi : I know you never met stefano . Stefan : Look , look , if you re gon na tell me I should consider myself lucky , save it . Gabi : No , actually , I was gon na tell you that maybe you should try to learn more about him . Find out what kind of father he was , and then you can be the exact opposite . Stefan : I never met the man , but I ve heard quite a bit about how he treated his children . Specifically how he wanted to control them . Gabi : Oh , he was much more than controlling . He was manipulative and cruel . Stefan : Look , gabi , you do nt have to fear for the life of my unborn child , okay ? I m very much looking forward to becoming a father . I consider it an opportunity to make up for my own childhood . I plan on being very involved , very hands - on . There , that should-- that should do it . Gabi : Listen , I m sorry about the mix - up , with the gabi chic papers and the paternity tests-- Stefan : Oh , please , gabi , there was no mix - up . Chad : It ... is stefan s ? Abigail : I m sorry . Chad : That was -- that was-- Abigail : Three months ago . Yeah . That s how far along I am . Chad : I mean -- okay , but you and I were together . We were together when I - I took you home from the police station . Abigail : I know . I know . Chad : Three months ago . Abigail : I know . You have no idea how much I do nt want this to be true . I just wanted to come , and I wanted to tell you that it was yours , and I just wanted to give you an answer . And I went , and I got a paternity test done , and I ... [ Cymbal shimmering ] I m so sorry . Kayla : Thanks again , hank . Well . That was good news . Steve : [ Grunts ] My progress is well within the normal limits . Kayla : You heard what he said . He said that your - your optic nerve is still healing , and that s why it s taking a little time for it to sync up with the bionic eye . Steve : I guess we ll just have to wait and see . Too bad I m no good at waitin . Kayla : He said he d be back in 24 hours . And , after all these months , what s - what s - what s one more day ? Steve : You re right , baby . And it s gon na be a good day . Tripp : Hey . Just wanted to come and check in on the patient . Kayla : Hi . Steve : Hey , tripp . Tripp : Hey , can you see me ? Kayla : Uh-- Steve : Not yet . Kayla : No , um , your dad s optic nerve is still trying to adjust to the bionic eye . But the engineer was just here , and he said it s to be expected , so there s no reason not to be optimistic . Tripp : Yeah , your brain s probably just still trying to figure out this new upgrade . Kayla : Listen , I have a few more questions for the engineer , so I m gon na try to catch up with him . Tripp : Okay . Kayla : Good to see you , tripp . Tripp : Good to see you . Steve : Those fries I smell ? Tripp : Yeah , I even brought hot sauce . Steve : Ooh . Just what the doctor ordered . Tripp : Yeah , so how re you doing ? Steve : I m , uh ... I m still a little groggy , but a hundred percent . Minus the eyeball . How re you doin ? Tripp : I m good . I m good . Steve : No , you re not . I can hear it . Something s wrong . Tripp : Dad , this is nt the time . Steve : No ? What re we supposed to do , just sit around here , making small talk ? Wait for me to see ? The hell with that . Just tell me what s going on . Tripp : It s ciara . Steve : Oh , I thought so . I heard she was back . Tripp : Yeah . Yeah , she is . Which is why I was hoping that we could work things out . Steve : Did nt go like you hoped ? Tripp : No , definitely not . Nope , I m starting to think that our relationship is just a lost cause . Ciara : You knew about that report , and you did nt tell me ? Ben : Sorry . I was afraid you would nt believe me . Rafe : Yeah , it kind of makes you wonder what else he s keeping from you . Ben : Ciara , I swear to god , I have no idea how that fire started , but I had nothing to do with it . I would never hurt you , you know that . Ted : Ben is not the only one who knew about the fire marshal report . That s right . I read the report . And while the marshal said that the fire could have been suspicious , he did nt point to any definite cause . A lot of possible evidence , but really nothing conclusive . Rafe : Mm - hmm . Yeah , well . It s a preliminary report . Ted : Right , right . But if the case was so open - and - shut , well , do you think there would be at least one shred of evidence that would link my client to that fire ? Rafe : Right , right . So , uh , if your client did nt do it , who did ? Now , you do realize that no one lives within a 5-mile radius of that cabin . Ted : Since when an arsonist has to live in the area ? As far as I m concerned , it could be someone from salem . Someone who has something to gain by framing my client . Rafe : [ Laughs ] Framing . Okay . Let s say you re right . Let s say he was frameD. How exactly would someone do that , because ... he just happened to run into ciara . No one knew that he had taken her to that cabin . Ted : Perhaps he was framed after the fact . Hope : Excuse me , what are you suggesting ? Ted : What makes me a very good lawyer is that I do my research . And I found out that you tried your damnedest to keep my client from being released from shady hills . Maybe you resented the fact that he was a free man . So , you decided the best way to bring him back into custody was to make sure he was to be blamed for that fire . Guys , after all , we both know this is not the first time you ve been involved in an illegal cover - up . Gabi : What re you talking about ? It was obviously a mix - up . Stefan : Right , right , you just , uh , happened to hand me the results of abigail s paternity test . Gabi : I was trying to hand you the gabi chic contracts , and I got the wrong paper . Abigail told me that you were her baby s father in confidence . Why would I want to expose her secret ? Stefan : Because you wanted me to stop her from ending the pregnancy . Gabi : Okay , and why would I help you ? You ve ruined my life . If anything , I want to hurt you . Stefan : I certainly wo nt argue that . Maybe it , uh , was nt about hurting me . Maybe it was about hurting abigail . Chad : You re pregnant with , uh ... with stefan s child ? Abigail : I m sorry . I just keep thinking , I wish I would nt have ever even gotten the test , I mean ... I just , I wanted to put this whole night and everything with stefan behind us , and ... I wanted to give you some good news , and ... I made it worse . I mean , baby , I would do anything to change these results , you have-- you have to know that . The last thing that I want is to go and have stefan s baby . I mean , I went to a clinic today because I was gon na end the pregnancy . Chad : Why did nt you ? Abigail : Because I spoke to someone who made me realize I could nt do it . Chad : Who ? Abigail : Stefan . Rafe : I d watch my mouth if I were you . Accusations against the commissioner are not taken lightly in this department . Ted : Wow . Detective , are you threatening me ? Rafe : Maybe . Hope : No . No one is threatening anyone here . But if you are suggesting that someone in this department set your client up , you better have proof . Ted : Well , that s the great thing about being a defense attorney . I do nt need proof . And right now , I m just pointing out the fact that it could be many different explanations for what happened that night . Railroading my client to fit your theories is unhelpful to anyone-- Hope : Your client has exhibited a pattern of behavior very similar to this crime in the past . He once before set fire to the very same cabin , and that is enough to make him a suspect . Ted : Not enough to hold him without charging him . I mean , unless you have uncovered evidence that would directly implicate him . Rafe : No . We do not have evidence that directly implicates him . Ted : Then I m gon na have to ask da trask to release my client immediately . Hope : And I m gon na make sure she refuses . Rafe . Keep an eye on him ? Rafe : Mm - hmm . Do nt worry . He s not going anywhere . Hope : Ciara ? Ciara : I m not going anywhere either . Mr. Laurent ? Shall we ? Ben : I should ve just told you everything , and I m sorry that I didnT. Ciara , just please ... tell me you still believe me . Stefan : You said it yourself , gabi . Abigail told you the truth in confidence . For all I know , she had no intention of telling chad she was -- she was pregnant . Now , spilling her secret to me , that puts a pretty big , uh , wrench in the game , do nt you think ? Gabi : Abigail s my friend . Why would I want to hurt her ? Stefan : Because she hurt you . Sent you to prison . Well , I -- well , her alter did . Gabi : With your help . Stefan : I played a part . But her false testimony , ultimately , that s -- that s what sends you to prison . If it was nt for-- if it was nt for abigail , your , uh , cell mate would ve never beat you up , right ? Which apparently has left you barren , yes ? Gabi : I might not be able to have children anymore , yes . Stefan : Right . Whatever , my point is , is that if it were me , I d hold a pretty big grudge . Gabi : Right , well , I m not you . And abigail was not in her right mind when she said that . And I m not gon na blame her for something that she did nt even know was happening . Stefan : [ Groans ] Gabi , that s very , very good . Very ... convincing . You ve obviously been rehearsing all the right things to say . Gabi : I do nt need to rehearse anything . But you re right about something : There is someone to blame for everything that s happened to me , and that person happens to be you . Stefan : Then why are you working with me ? Gabi : Well , because , as much as I may hate you , and I hate you , I love my company that much more . And it s the only way that I can run it . Stefan : Let me make sure I understand this . I ... help gabby , and I m the root of all evil ? Abigail gets a free pass . Gabi : Abigail s my dear friend . I only want what s best for her . Chad : You told stefan about the baby ? Abigail : No , he - he found out by accident , and then he managed to show up at the clinic . Chad : And - and he convinced you to keep it ? Abigail : He made me realize some things . Chad : Like what ? Abigail : Like , when you have did , your alters exist to help you deal with-- the parts of yourself that you re ashamed of . Chad : I - I do nt care about the dids ! Stop using all these dids as an excuse ! Abigail : I understand ! I understand that this is hard for you , but if I m going to be integrated , I ve got ta accept those parts of me ! Chad : Give me a break . Abigail : I do ! Because it was nt just me . The truth is , I did it . The baby is not gabby s , it s mine ! Chad : And stefan s ! Abigail : What does that mean ? What does that even mean ? Chad : You keep using-- using these alters as an excuse . Are you sure that it s not just that you re in love with stefan ? For mild - to - moderate eczema , Tripp : You know , I was so excited when I heard ciara was back in town , and I thought I was finally gon na get the chance to make things up to her . But she did nt want to talk to me . And after I insulted ben , forget about it . Steve : Ben weston ? Tripp : Yeah . Yeah , can you believe that ? It s like she thinks this guy walks on water , and she does nt blame him for the fire or anything else that happened . Steve : Have you had a chance to talk to her since ? Tripp : Yeah , well , I ve tried like a million times . Called , texted , but I have nt gotten anything back . Steve : Well , like I told you , ciara s stubborn . Like her old man was . Rest his soul . You just let her know that you ... still care about her and that you ll be there when she is ready . Tripp : That s enough ? Steve : Sure , it is . You know , when kayla and i first got together , I did everything I could to push her away . But she never gave up on me . I thank god she didnT. Cause all these years , she s been my anchor . You could be ciaraS. Claire : Aunt kayla , hi . How is uncle steve ? Can he see ? Kayla : Uh , no , not yet . But it s still early . I - I just met with the engineer , and he said there s just no reason to be alarmed . Claire : Okay , well , I will keep thinking good thoughts just in case . Kayla : Thank you . I appreciate that . Claire : Mm - hmm . Kayla : Is everything all right ? Claire : What ? Oh , yeah . Yeah , I m fine . Kayla : Are you sure about that ? Claire : Yeah . Yes . You ve got enough on your mind already . Kayla : Listen to me . We are family . I am here for you like you are here for me . And , you know what , I could use a distraction . Claire : [ Laughs ] Well , okay . Um ... have you ever been into a guy who was into some other girl ? Kayla : Mm . David banning . Claire : Seriously ? Kayla : Seriously . He was the center of my universe . Until he dumped me for renee dimera . Claire : How d you get over it ? Kayla : Well , I did nt at first . In fact , I pined for him for a long time , just wanting to get back together with him . And then I think I finally just realized that david and I were nt meant to be . And you know what , it s a good thing , cause I would ve never met your uncle steve . Claire : Okay . Well , then , do you think that there s still maybe some hope for me ? Think that I can find someone who loves me as much as uncle steve loves you ? Kayla : I am sure of it . Stefan : No matter how it happened , I m very grateful that I found out about abigail s pregnancy before it was too late . Gabi : So . She s keeping the baby . Did you guys talk about custody and visitations ? Anything like that-- Stefan : I m sure we ll come to some kind of agreement . Gabi : Chad is gon na be thrilled about this . Stefan : I do nt care how chad feels . He ca nt keep me from being a part of my child s life . Gabi : And , what , you think you can keep him out of the picture , is that it ? Stefan : My only concern is for this child . Gabi : Right . Your connection . Your only connection to gabby . The b - b - y one . Stefan : Right . Gabi : I know how much you ve , uh ... missed her . And now that she s back in your life , except-- Stefan : Except what , gabi ? Gabi : Well , abigail s not gabby , the b - b - y one . Stefan : Why are you pointing this out to me ? Gabi : They re one and the same . I was just wondering . Since you ca nt have gabby ... is it abigail you want ? Abigail : I do not love stefan . I can barely even stand the man , chad . You have got ta know that I love you . Chad : Oh , well , gabby loves stefan , and apparently , gabby s a part of you . Abigail : Gabby freakin knew how to play the piano , okay ? I m at my grandma s house-- Chad : Piano ? Who cares ? Abigail : It doesnt-- whatever , the point is , not everything about gabby stayed with me . Chad : Except that . So when you ... And stefan talked about the baby , did you guys figure out how it was all gon na work ? He gon na move in with us ? We gon na be a happy family ? He s gon na get it on wednesday , we get it on sunday ? Did you guys figure all that out ? Abigail : It s too soon for that , and I would never make a decision like that without talking to you first . Chad : Except this one . Abigail : You are my husband . You are the man that I want to live my life with . Chad : I m just not your child s father . Abigail : You re not his biological father , no . But you are gon na be a father in all of the ways that count , and ... unless you do nt want to . Chad : Do you have any-- do you have any idea how hard it has been for me to try to ... forget that you slept with stefan ? Do you ? To try to pretend like I did nt walk in on my wife with another man ? You know how hard that s been ? And now you re asking me to raise his child ? You want me to have ... Abigail : I m sorry . Chad : You want me to have a daily reminder ? Of what happened ? Kayla : Hey ! Steve : Hey . Kayla : You did nt save any fries for me ? Steve : No . Afraid tripp and i polished em off . Kayla : Ah . Thanks a lot . Steve : Sorry . So , did the engineer have any good news ? Kayla : Well , I asked him to double - check all his data from the most recent trials . There were several simulations where the eye did nt begin to work for a few hours . Steve : How many hours has it been ? Kayla : I do nt see that it would hurt to check again . I m , uh , I m gon na shine a light in your eye , all right ? Steve : Okay . Kayla : Could be bright . Anything ? Steve : It s totally dark . Well . He said he d be back in 24 hours , right ? Kayla : Right . Twenty - four hours . Steve : Mm - hmm . Kayla : So . How was tripp ? How s he doin ? Steve : He s having a little trouble with his love life . Kayla : So is claire . I just saw her . Gave her some advice . Steve : I did the same with tripp . Kayla : You think it worked ? Steve : I hope so . Claire : Tripp , hi . Um , so I - I just talked to my aunt kaylA. I guess the eye is taking a little bit longer to work than they expected ? Tripp : Yeah . Yeah , yeah , but they ll have a better idea by tomorrow , so I think I m just gon na go homE. Claire : Okay , well , before you do , there s something that you should know . Ciara is coming back to live with us at the loft . Tripp : She is ? Claire : Mm - hmm . Tripp : Well , maybe she has nt really written me off . Maybe - maybe she can still forgive me . Ciara : So the fire marshal was nt sure if the fire was set on purpose ? Rafe : No . Can you think of another explanation ? Ciara : It s just ... ben took care of me . He cooked me dinner . He made sure that my leg was nt bothering me . I mean , he was the one who saved me in the first place . Why would he try to kill me ? Rafe : I know , it does nt make sense . You did say that he was off his meds . Ciara : No . That s not it . I mean , yeah , he freaked out for a minute , but ... I got through to him . I know I did . Rafe : Hmm . You two , uh ... you got close ? Ciara : We talked about a lot of things . Things that I ve never talked about with anyone . I m pretty sure he has nt either . After a while , I started to see him as a friend . Rafe : Yeah . Abigail thought that way too . Ted : Good news , detective . My client is free to go . Rafe : Huh . Kayla : Your surgeon thinks that we should keep your eye covered . To promote healing . Steve : Okay . Kayla : That feel okay ? Steve : Mm - hmm . Your sweet , healing hands always feel good , baby . Kayla : [ Chuckles ] Can I have my spot back ? Steve : Sure . But , you know , you do nt have to stay . I know you have other patients . Kayla : Today , you are my only patient . And I am gon na stay right here so the first thing you see in the morning is me . Steve : I like that . Well ... what time is it ? Kayla : Um , quarter to . Steve : One hour down . Twenty - three to go . Tripp : Probably should nt get my hopes up , but if I have another chance with ciara , who the hell cares , right ? Uh , thank you so much . Um , so I think I m -- I think I m just gon na head back to the loft . You know , who knows ? Maybe ciara s already there . Claire : All right , um ... I think -- I think I ll just hang out here for a little while and let you guys have some alone time . Tripp : Thank you . You re the best . Claire : Bye . Rafe : There you go . Hope : Do nt get too comfortable . This is nt over . Not by a long shot . Ted : That s fine . We still have a lot of paperwork to file . But do nt worry , we ll be out of here in no time . Commissioner , where do I sign ? Hope : This way , mr . Laurent . Ben : Thank you . Ciara : I know you would never lie to me . Ben : I wouldnT. Ever . Ted : T s are crossed . I s are dotted . Let s go . Ben : Thank you . Stefan : I m interested in abigail for one reason only . She s the mother of my child . Gabi : I m not sure I believe that . Stefan : That must be disappointing . Considering how honest you ve been with me . Gabi : Abigail is a married woman . Okay , and you need to respect her marriage to chad . Do not add to her misery . Stefan : You know , abigail S ... very lucky to have a good friend like you . Or at least someone who s pretending to be . Gabi : Okay , what-- you know what , what is up with you ? Why do you keep questioning my intentions ? Stefan : Because we re working together . And I like to know who I m dealing with and what they re capable of . Abigail : I know that I m asking a lot of you . Especially after ... everything that Ive - Ive done . It S ... completely unfair . But chad , please tell me that we can work this out , because I - I love you , and ... Chad : I know you do . I know you re hurting . Baby , I do , okay ? I know you ve been through a lot . Abigail : [ Sniffles ] Chad : I wish I could tell you that everything s gon na be okay this time . But I canT. I canT. I ca nt , not this time . Abigail : Please , no . No , please . Do nt leave . ### Summary:
Steve had the surgery . Kayla took off the bandages , but he could nt see . Claire and Tripp talked about Ciara s attachment to Ben . Ciara hired Ted to represent Ben . Hope did nt understand why Ciara got Ben a lawyer . Ciara believed Ben was innocent , but Hope told her that the fire was deliberate . Gabi pumped Stefan about whether Abby had the abortion . Gabi apologized for the mix up , but Stefan knew she did it on purpose . Abby told Chad that she was pregnant with Stefan s baby . Chad reminded her that they were together once , but she told him that she had a paternity test done . Kayla found out that Steve s problem was expected and they had to wait . Tripp went to see Steve . Steve wanted to know what was wrong so he told him about Ciara . Ben swore to Ciara that he did nt set the fire . Ted suggested that someone might have framed Ben . Ted hinted that Hope might have set the fire . Gabi denied giving Stefan the test results on purpose . She told him that Abby was her friend and she would nt hurt her . Stefan did nt believe her because Abby sent her to prison . Abby apologized to Chad . She told him that she wanted to get an abortion . Chad wanted to know why she did nt get it . She told him that Stefan talked her out of it . Rafe did nt like Ted s accusation . Ted thought Rafe threatened him . Hope assured Ted that Rafe did nt threaten him . Ben wanted Ciara to believe him . Stefan thought Gabi exposed Abby to hurt her . Gabi denied Stefan s accusation . Stefan did nt believe Gabi . She insisted that Abby s her friend . He did nt understand how Abby got a free pass , but he did nt . Chad and Abby argued because she wanted to keep the baby . Abby told him that she had to accept everything her altars did and that the baby was hers . It was nt Gabby s baby . Chad was tired of her using that as an excuse and wondered if she wanted Stefan s baby because she loved him . Steve gave Tripp advice about Ciara . Gabi wondered if Stefan and Abby talked about custody . Stefan did nt want to talk about it . He did know that Chad was nt going to keep him from his child . Gabi wondered if Stefan wanted Abby . Abby and Chad continued to argue about Stefan and the baby . Chad was upset that Abby wanted him to raise Stefan s child . He did nt want a daily reminder that she slept with Stefan . Kayla checked Steve s eye , but he could nt see yet . Claire saw Tripp again and told him that Ciara was moving back to the loft . Tripp thought he had a chance with Ciara . Ciara talked to Rafe about Ben taking care of her . She did nt think he would hurt her . Rafe reminded her that Abby felt the same way she did . Ted told everyone that Ben was free to go . Hope warned Ben that their investigation was nt over . Ben thanked Ciara for her help . She knew he would nt lie to her . Gabi reminded Stefan that Abby s married and he should nt add to her misery . Stefan thought Abby was lucky to have Gabi pretend to be a good friend . Abby wanted to make things work with Chad . Chad wanted to tell her that things would be okay , but he could nt . He walked out of the house .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Sami : Do nt you ever talk to me like that again . Do you hear me ? Rafe 2 : Oh , great . Here come the waterworks . Sami : You tell me to back off , or I ll be sorry ? I m your wife . I m not supposed to care that you re acting like a complete stranger ? Is that what you want ? Me not to care anymore ? You want me to pretend like everything is all right in our marriage when actually it s frightening and horrible ? Rafe 2 : Yes ! Okay ? That is exactly what I frickin want . Because I am sick and tired of being badgered by you . Sami : Do nt shout at me . Rafe 2 : And if you do nt listen to me -- if you do nt listen ... you are going down too , do you hear me ? You re going down too , just like Fay Walker . Stefano : Ah , Katherine . Kate : Oh ! Finally , the car is here . Stefano : All right , look . Kate : Mwah . Stefano : I m sorry I kept you waiting . Kate : Well , was it business , I assume ? Stefano : Yes , there was a shipment stuck out there . Kate : Well , now I feel like a complete idiot , dressed like this for a black tie charity event and we only stay ten minutes ? Stefano : Well , I m anxious to get home . Kate : I never would have guessed . Stefano : Look , I want us both to be there when my son arrives , all right ? We both should welcome Chad DiMera into his new home . Huh ? Abby : Hey . Chad : Oh , how s it going , Abigail ? Abby : Okay . Chad : Oh . Abby : I m meeting a friend here . Chad : Oh , well , have fun . Abby : Chad , wait . Why do nt you , uh , why do nt you stick around ? Cindy s really nice . You ll really like her . Chad : Actually , I really ca nt . I got a lot to do . So I ll just-- Abby : Studying ? Chad : Packing . I m moving into the DiMera mansion tonight . Abby : Oh , so soon . Chad : Yeah , why would I wait ? Abby : I do nt know , to think about it some more ? Chad : And why would I do that ? Just because you re not so high on the idea ? Abigail , I hardly know you . Why the hell should I care what you think ? EJ : You must be exhausted . Nicole : Yeah . But I am not leaving until I know my mom s okay . EJ : I ll stay with you . Nicole : No , EJ . EJ : No , Nicole , I m not-- Nicole : EJ , really , listen-- EJ : No . Nicole : You have been so-- EJ : Mm - mm . Nicole : Caring . And kind . And I ca nt tell you how much it means to me to have my husband by my side . My husband . I like saying that . EJ : Mm - hmm . Nicole : Mm - hmm . EJ : I noticed . Nicole : Do you like referring to me as your wife ? EJ : Yeah , of course I do . Nicole : It s just , I do nt hear you say it that much . EJ : I say it a lot when you re not around . What ? What is it ? Nicole : Well , I know ... I m a bit needier than usual . But I was just wondering if , um ... EJ : What ? Tell me . Nicole : Do you love me ? Me ? Even a little bit ? Taylor : [ Crying ] Mom . Mom , it s me , Taylor . Mom , can you hear me ? [ Crying ] You re waking up . That means you re gon na be okay . You fell , Mom . That s why you re here in the hospital . You took a bad fall down the steps of the DiMera house . Do you remember that ? Mom , do you remember what happened to you ? Rafe 2 : Time for you to have a little accident . Fay : No , no ! Aaaah ! Taylor : Mom ! Mom , what is it ? Mom , what s wrong ? Mom . Sami : No . No , it ca nt be true . You did not try to kill Fay Walker . Rafe 2 : I did nt ? What do you think I was doing when you walked in on me in her hospital room . Huh ? Reading her a bedtime story ? About to clean her bedpan ? I was injecting an air bubble into her I.V. Sami : No . Rafe , no . Rafe 2 : No , no , that s the other thing , babe . I m not Rafe . EJ and Stefano ... they switched us . EJ : The , um ... the truth is ... the truth is that my feelings for you have changed . And the way you ve cared for my children , your devotion to them . I m very grateful for that . Nicole : That s it ? Oh , God , I m sorry . I did nt mean to put you on the spot like that . I guess I m deluding myself . EJ : How so ? Nicole : Honey , because ... here you are with me . Not wanting to go until we know my mom is all right . And you could have gone home . Not that I would be mad , but you did nt . You wo nt . I guess that s why I ... I thought you d fallen in love with me . Fay : [ Crying ] Taylor : I ll go get Lexie , Mom . All right ? I ll be right back . Fay : No ! No , no ! No , no , no ! Sami : What are you talking about ? You re not making any sense . Rafe 2 : They switched me . What , do I need to spell it out for you like everything else ? Sami : Switched you ? How ? With who ? What do you -- what do you mean ? And why would you try to kill Fay ? Rafe 2 : Because Fay knows about the whole thing . She knows who I am . Which is why I decided I needed to throw her down the stairs . Which , under normal circumstances , would have worked fine . But evidently she s built like an old brick outhouse . Sami : I still do nt understand . Why you would do something like that . This does nt make any sense . Rafe 2 : Because , like I said . She knows the whole deal . She knows that EJ and Stefano are paying me to impersonate your dork - ass husband . Which also means when they find out that I m not doing such a good job , well , they might just kill me . So I need to keep Fay from singing . Know what I m saying ? Sami : I have to get out of here . Rafe 2 : No , no , no . I do nt think you re going anywhere . Huh ? What , are you gon na go tell the cops ? Huh ? Your Uncle Bo ? Your daddy ? Sami : No . I swear to God , I swear . I wo nt tell anyone anything . I promise-- Rafe 2 : No , you re not gon na tell anyone anything cause you re never going anywhere . Ever again . Sami : [ Choking ] Abby : Fine . You do nt care what I think ? Have a nice life , Chad . Go and pack for your big move . I ll never tell you what I think again . Chad : Abigail , look , I didnt-- Abby : Hey , wait . Chad : Okay , all right . Abby : I have an even better idea . Why do nt I never even talk to you again . Hmm ? How would that work for you ? Chad : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Look , what I was trying to say-- what I meant to say was ... I did nt mean to lash out at you , all right ? I m just -- I m really insecure about this right now . So I do nt need you telling me it s a bad idea . I just do nt want to hear that , you know ? Abby : I ... yeah . I m sorry , too . This is obviously a really rough time for you . And you re right . I hardly know you . So it s not my place to give you advice about anything . Much less where you re planning to live . Chad : I m not that naive , you know . I ve read all about the DiMeras . Heard all about them . And trust me , okay ? At first I wanted nothing to do with them , all right ? The thought of being a part of the DiMera family even made me sick . Like , literally . Abby : What changed ? Chad : Well , I -- you know , I got to know them as people . All right , not just names on the internet . Or in newspaper articles . All right ? They made me feel like I belonged . Like I had a purpose . You know ? Abby : Interesting . Chad : That they accepted me for who I am . And I ve realized ... that they re not that different . When you talk to them . Okay ? And , you know , they re my family . So ... Abby : Yeah , okay . I get that . And I will never say another word about them again . Because ... they re your family . Chad : Right . Abby : So good luck with the move . Chad : Thank you . Um ... Abby : Did you hire a moving company ? Chad : Um ... no , no . I do nt have that much stuff . My friend , he s supposed to meet me here . But it looks like he s a no - show . Abby : Oh , that s too bad . Chad : Yeah , it is . Hey , if you re not busy ... why do nt you , uh , come by and check out the new digs , huh ? Help me get settled in ? What do you say ? Kate : So I asked Harold to prepare the bedroom for Chad . And we moved in the larger desk into the bedroom from the adjoining study . Stefano : Excellent . Kate : And I also asked him to hang some more artwork . I thought that Chad would appreciate that Warhol that s in the guest suite . If that s all right with you ? Stefano : Oh , of course . Kate : Okay . You know , it s just ... well ... Stefano : What ? Kate : Well , I just wonder , you know , how long he s gon na stay . I mean , if he s planning on living with us permanently ... Stefano : Katherine . I asked him to move into the house . All right ? I told him I want him to be part of the family . So that means he can stay as long as he likes . Ah . That s not a very thrilling idea for you , is it ? Kate : No , it s not Chad . It s not Chad at all . He s a very impressive young man . He s smart and he s -- he s good - hearted . He is , I feel for him . His mother s gone , he s lonely . Obviously lonely . Stefano : Well , if it s not about Chad , then who is it about ? Kate : You . Rafe 2 : [ Sighs ] Should have done that a long time ago . Sami : Rafe , why are nt you answering me ? I asked you if you re threatening me . And you re , like , in a trance . You totally tuned me out . What is the matter with you ? Rafe 2 : Oh , I m sorry . I m sorry . Oh , God . You know , it s my head . I ... I m sorry . It s just not right . I say things I do nt mean , I lose my temper . And I ... you know , I listen to myself sometimes , I ca nt even believe it s me . You know ? Sami : Okay . Do you have control now ? You want to talk about us ? Rafe 2 : There s nothing that I wanna do more than talk about us . But it s just that the department s got me on a stakeout tonight . Sami : Right , you mentioned that . Rafe 2 : Okay , listen to me . Listen , as soon as I put this thing to bed I promise you that s all we ll do . We ll talk about us . Only us . Sami : Why do nt I believe you ? Nicole : Why are nt you saying anything ? EJ : Because I just do nt think that this is the time or the place for us to be discussing our feelings for one another . Okay ? Nicole : Oh , God . You re right . You re right , I need to focus on my mom . Not my own needs . I m just so grateful that you re here , EJ . And I just ... I got carried away . EJ : It s okay . You re allowed , you know . A little bit . Nicole : And you know what , EJ , when I look at you , it all comes back to me . Why I wanted to marry you . Why I so badly wanted to have a baby with you . And now we re raising your children together . And we re being honest with each other about everything . It s a dream come true for me , EJ . How -- how could I be so lucky ? Taylor : Mom , please . Do nt speak yet . It s taking too much effort . Fay : [ Mumbling ] Got ta help . Got ta help . Got ta help her . Taylor : What ? Got ta help who ? Fay : Got ta help Nicky . Nicky , got ta help her . Help Nicky . Abby : You want me to help you move in ? Chad : I mean , you do nt have to . I mean , I know you re busy . I know you re probably -- probably meeting someone here . Abby : No , no , no . I can -- I can call her and make it later . Chad : Oh ? Abby : This is a really big step for you and you need a friend around . Moral support . Chad : It could be helpful , yeah . But , uh , you know , I also want you to meet my father . And maybe you ll see that he s not the Stefano DiMera everyone maligns and mistrusts . That he s the man who welcomed me into his family , a guy who cares for his kids and grandkids more than anyone I ve ever known . Abby : Okay , sure . I would like to meet him . Chad : Yeah ? Stefano : I do nt understand . You are not happy about Chad moving in because of me ? He s my son , for goodness sake . He s a DiMera . Kate : Yes , that s exactly my concern . Stefano : I do nt follow . Kate : You DiMeras are not only smart and witty and charming , you are also quite curious . Stefano : Look , Chad is a very bright and curious young man , yes . Which means to me that he is willing to respect any boundaries that I put up . Kate : Oh , now I see . He s just going to look the other way . Stefano : Well , if that s the way he s directed , yes . Besides , I do nt see anything in our house that is in the least bit suspicious , okay ? You worry about nothing , as always . Kate : God . Oh , I know . I m married to Stefano DiMera and worry about nothing . Stefano : All right , look . The thing that is important now , the most important thing is that we make Chad feel welcome in our home , in our lives , hmm ? Loved and respected . Kate : All right , fine . I m going to do my very best to welcome him and to love him . Stefano : Good . Finally our family is living a normal life , and by God , I m going to keep it that way . [ Sighs ] Sami : Obviously your priorities are in order . Your work is more important to you than our problems , resolving this problem in our marriage . Rafe 2 : You know , it s like talking to a frickin wall over here . Sami : Excuse me ? Rafe 2 : Yeah , yeah , it is , you know ? I mean , do nt you get it ? The bad guys , they do nt sleep , Sami . You know that . Sami : All right . All right , fine . Go have fun with your bad guys and we ll talk about this some other time . Maybe next week . Is next month okay ? Maybe-- maybe next year . Maybe we ll wait until 2012 . Rafe 2 : Okay , I get it . I know that I have not been the world s greatest husband , and I m sorry for that , but you need to understand that sometimes work does come first . I m a cop . Is nt that what you do ? You dedicate yourself , your life to making people safe ? Sami : I know your work is important to you . You have made that clear from day one . Rafe 2 : Really ? Really ? Do you know that ? Because it seems to me like if you did , you would nt be dragging me on the other side of town for some frickin relationship talk when you know that I have to operate some serious stakeout . Sami : I dragged you out here ? Is that what you think ? Rafe 2 : See ? Here we go . Sami : I brought you here because I thought this place would help you remember how important we were to each other . Rafe 2 : Okay . Okay . I get it . Sami : You do ? Rafe 2 : Yeah , I do . This is a very special place , so I ll tell you what . Why do nt we come here tomorrow , we ll have a picnic and I ll make love to you all day long if that s what you want . You know what ? I ll feed you some grapes , I ll give you a nice little back rub , a massage . How s that sound ? But right now I need to go and operate my 12-hour stakeout shift because it s not gon na operate itself . Sami : 12 hours ? Rafe 2 : Maybe longer . So do nt wait up . Sami : [ Sighs ] Taylor : You got ta help me . Why ? Mama , what does she need help with ? Oh , God . Nicole : I love you so much and I ve never felt it more than right now . I ve never felt it more . Stefano : Welcome to your new home , Chad . Chad : Thanks . Is it okay if my friend Abigail comes inside ? Stefano : Of course . Any friend of yours is always welcome here . Mary , what are you doing ? Mary : I m sorry , Mr. DiMera . I was just making sure all the blood was scrubbed out from when miss Fay fell down the stairs . Nicole : Taylor . How s Mom ? Taylor : She just woke up . Nicole : She did ? Oh , uh , well , did she talk ? Did she say anything ? Taylor : Uh , only that she needed to help you . Nicole : What ? Help me ? Taylor : Yeah . She seemed really worried about you and I - I - I just -- I could nt get her to explain why . Nicole : Okay , well , I should go in there and tell her that I m fine . Taylor : Yeah . EJ : You go on in . Nicole : Okay . EJ : Okay ? Nicole : I ll be back . EJ : Okay . Taylor : [ Sighs ] EJ : Look , just-- Taylor : Do nt , do nt . EJ : Taylor , about the-- Taylor : Do nt , EJ ! McCarthy : Well , Detective Hernandez , glad you re back . I have updated printouts of all the latest area crime , so if you want to-- Rafe 2 : Not now . I got a tip on a drug dealer holed up in a motel , so we ll stake the place out , try and nab the guy . McCarthy : Oh , not alone , you re not . Rafe 2 : What ? McCarthy : I m going with you . Caroline : Oh ! [ Chuckles ] Hi . Sami : Grandma , how are the kids ? Caroline : Oh , they re sound asleep and Will is out with Gabi . Sami : Well , thank you . Um , uh , I ll go check on them in a minute . Caroline : Okay . Everything okay ? How s Fay Walker ? Sami : She s good . She s gon na be okay , I think . It s Rafe I m worried about . Caroline : No improvement ? Sami : No . If anything , he is worse , Grandma . He is worse every day . Caroline : You want to talk about it ? Sami : I found him in Fay s hospital room and he had the lamest excuse for being there . He said he was there for me . Caroline : For you ? Sami : Weird , right ? And then all these alarms went off , so we had to leave her room , but I swear , he-- Caroline : He -- he what ? Sami : He seemed like he was gon na smile the whole time we were in there . Caroline : Smile ? That woman s had a terrible accident . Sami : Yeah . Maybe I m imagining things . But when we talked about it-- Caroline : What happened ? Sami : I confronted him and he threatened me . Caroline : Oh , God . In what way ? Sami : Grandma , I swear to God , there was a moment -- and I ca nt believe I m gon na say this -- but I swear , there was a moment when he was looking at me that I thought he wanted to kill me . Caroline : Sami . Sami : And he said that I d be sorry if I did nt back off . Look , I know it s crazy . I know I m over - reacting . I mean , I can -- I hear it , I-- Caroline : Sami , you re always saying you re over - reacting but maybe you re not over - reacting . Maybe this accident has caused Rafe to become angry and vengeful . Sami : Look , it s so hard to be objective , but there s one thing I know for sure . I know I m right about the thing with Johnny and how wrong it was for him to try to teach Johnny to be aggressive like that and fight other kids like that . I know I did the right thing , putting a stop to it , and I just wish to God that EJ had nt found out about it . Caroline : Oh , great . Sami : And he said that he was worried about Rafe contaminating our kids and that if he felt there was a problem , he was gon na get involved . Like , great . The last thing I need . Caroline : I guess you re afraid that EJ s gon na use Rafe s behavior to demand full custody of the kids , huh ? Sami : EJ said that he s worried that Rafe is a bad influence on my children and he s worried that he could corrupt them , and the thing is ... Caroline : What ? Sami : I agree with EJ . I think he s right about Rafe . Kate : And that concludes the grand tour . Did you like your room ? Chad : Yeah , it s great . I mean , it s huge . Abby : Like the rest of this house -- estate -- mansion-- whatever . Chad : Yeah , my bathroom , it s like the size of a studio apartment . Kate : Well , I m going to leave you to get settled then . Chad : Wait a minute . We re not done yet . Kate : No ? Chad : Yeah . There s something that I want to say to you . Nicole : Hey , Mom . Taylor said you were worried about me . Well , you do nt have to be . And I do nt need Taylor to help me . I do nt need anyone s help , Mom . Not anymore . I know I used to be angry with you , and then I grew up . Well , I sort of grew up . And I only came to you when I needed money and you bailed me out of desperate situations . You were always there for me and you always gave me everything I wanted , even when I was horrible to you . And yet , you stood by me , no matter what . I guess that s what they mean by unconditional love . A mother s love . EJ : Hey , I m back . Taylor : I m busy . EJ : You re surfing the internet . Taylor : Searching for an apartment . EJ : What ? Taylor : In Chicago . EJ : Taylor , please . Taylor : I m leaving town , EJ . I m getting out of your life for good . EJ : You ca nt do that . Please , your mother needs you . Your sister needs you . I need you . Rafe 2 : Because there s no point in the two of us staking out the motel . McCarthy : But I ve got orders . Commander Brady wants two detectives covering stake - outs . We were briefed on it last week . Rafe 2 : You re like a dog with a bone . McCarthy : I m just going by the book , Detective Hernandez . Rafe 2 : Okay . Book it is . We ll leave here in five . Grab a couple of two - way radios . [ Sighs ] Damn her . Kate : Do you really want to have that conversation now ? Abby : Look , I should be going anyway . Chad : No , no , no , no , no , no . It s okay for you to hear this too , okay ? It was Kate who found my actual birth certificate . I would nt know my real dad or any of my real family . I would nt even be here right now if it were nt for you . So I just wanted to thank you , okay ? And I m hoping that we can get to know each other better , especially since we ll be living together . Kate : I d like that too , and I appreciate you reaching out to me like this , I do . Stefano : [ Applauding ] Wonderful , wonderful . My wife and my son start anew and we ll love each other . [ Chuckles ] [ Speaking Italian ] Group hug , huh ? Kate : [ Laughs ] Chad : Uh , you know , I really do nt do those , so instead , you want to get the-- Stefano : Well , maybe you better learn to do those because our family is very expressive , right , Katherine ? Kate : Oh , yes , indeed . Stefano : Aha ! Heh heh , hey ! Ha ha ! Mwah ! Ah ! [ Applauds ] Well , that calls for a toast , hmm ? Chad : Uh ... Abby : Wow . Did those just appear out of nowhere ? Stefano : Well , I ll tell you the truth , I was hoping that maybe -- maybe Chad s brother and sister would be here , but in their absence , I would like to , uh , welcome the charming Miss Deveraux , hmm ? All right , so , there you go . Kate : Thank you , my love . Stefano : [ Exhales ] We want to welcome you to your new home with open arms and open hearts . Salute . Rafe 2 : McCarthy , you actually read these updates ? McCarthy : Not yet . Rafe 2 : Yeah , well , I did . We got an anonymous tip that that home invasion thief we ve been looking for for months , he s gon na strike a certain house tonight . McCarthy : So ? Rafe 2 : So ? You re all over that , huh ? Stake the house , grab the perp , make the collar . McCarthy : Should nt we do that together , since this tip seems more solid ? Rafe 2 : We could do that . I could give up my stakeout . We could team up . But if we catch the thief , I m getting all the credit , being the lead detective . Go and be the hero or lose the mark and that promotion that you ve been wanting . You ve got to think about your future , kid . McCarthy : Okay , I ll do it on , uh , one condition . Rafe 2 : Yeah , what s that ? McCarthy : From here on , you address me as McCarthy or Detective McCarthy . Deal ? Rafe 2 : Sure thing , hot stuff . I mean , Detective McCarthy . [ Sighs ] Caroline : So , is this it ? Is it over between you and Rafe ? Sami : [ Sighs ] Grandma , I know I promised to love him in sickness and in health , and I did not make that promise lightly . I know he had a head trauma from an accident that I caused . I know he s been diagnosed with hypoglycemia . Caroline : But ? Sami : But I feel in my gut that he s not acting like this . He s not acting like someone I do nt even recognize because of a head trauma or anything medical . Caroline : What are you saying ? Sami : There s something else going on . I m sure of it . Taylor : I wo nt leave until my mom is able to go home , until she s all right , and then I ll come and visit her all the time . EJ : Taylor , please . Taylor : As far as Nicole needing me , I think that s a bit ridiculous , considering there were years that went by when we hardly even spoke . I think she ll survive my not living down the hall from her . EJ : Taylor , you are extremely important to her . Taylor : I think it s more important for her marriage to survive , do nt you think ? EJ : Taylor , please . Taylor : You have no say in this , damn it . Nicole : Mom , I was so scared when you told me you were sick , but having you move in with us was one of the best moments of my life . Being able to take care of you for once . And then having Taylor move in , too . It was so great and so comforting to have my mom and my sister back in my life . And EJ , he has been so wonderful to me and to my family . Mommy , I fell in love with him all over again . And he makes me so happy . Fay : [ Moaning ] EJ , no . EJ , no . Sami : It s a crutch , Grandma , do nt you see ? Every time he gets angry or every time he forgets something really important , he -- he plays the victim . He blames the accident . Caroline : But , darling , what if it is the accident ? Sami : It is nt . I know it is nt . I know in my gut , I know in my heart it is nt , so I just have to find out the real reason Rafe has been acting like this . And when I do , then I ll make a decision about our future . Rafe 2 : [ Chuckles ] What ? Holy frickin jackpot . Oh , oh , oh . Look at that . Well , Fay Walker , you re about to be treated by the world- renowned Dr. Hernandez , whose specialty is death . EJ : [ Sighs ] Taylor : [ Laughs ] And then there s you . Contrary to what you seem to think , EJ , I m the last person you need to have around . In fact , you need me gone so that you can devote yourself to my sister and to your kids and to making a family for those kids , and I m just gon na get in the way of that . EJ : Okay . Can I speak now ? Taylor : No , you may not . Nicole : Mom . Fay : [ Whimpering ] Nicole : Mom , Mom , what is it ? You said , EJ . What about him ? Fay : He -- he -- he -- a secret . [ Gasping ] Nicole : Shh , shh , shh . Mom ? Vivian : He needs a mother figure now that he does nt want anything to do with you . Taylor : Why did she get so scared ? What is she afraid of ? Rafe 2 : Time to say good night . ### Summary:
Fake Rafe had a fantasy about telling Sami the truth about who he is and what he did to Fay . Sami snapped him out of it when she wanted to know if he was threatening her . She wanted to know what was wrong with him . He apologized and grabbed his head . He said it was his head . He said things he does nt mean and loses his temper . He said he could nt believe the things he says . Sami wanted to know if he had control now and if he wanted to talk about their marriage . He wanted to , but he had to go on the stakeout . When it was over , he promised they would talk . She said she did nt believe him . She was upset that work was more important than fixing their marriage . The two kept going on about their problems . At Java Cafe , Chad and Abby ran into each other . Abby told him she was meeting a friend . When Chad was about to leave , she wanted him to stay . He told her he could nt because he was moving in the DiMera mansion . She thought he should wait . He did nt know why he should wait . She wanted him to think about it . He wanted to know why he should do that . He did nt want to do that just because she did nt like the idea . He did nt care what she thought since they hardly know each other . Abby was okay with that and did nt want to talk to him again . Chad apologized for lashing out at her . He s insecure about this right now . He did nt need her telling him that it was a bad idea . Abby apologized . This was a tough time for him . They talked about why he was willing to live with the DiMeras . The DiMeras welcomed him . He wanted her to meet Stefano and she agreed . At the hospital , EJ and Nicole talked about their marriage . She told him that she loves him , but did nt want to pressure him into feeling the same way . He did admit that his feelings for her changed . Taylor cried when Fay opened her eyes . Taylor asked if Fay could hear her . She told Fay that she fell for why she was at the hospital . She asked if Fay remembered falling down the stairs . Fay thought about Fake Rafe throwing her down the stairs . Fay got agitated . Taylor wanted to know what was wrong . Fay started crying . Taylor wanted to get Lexie , but Fay stopped her . Taylor told her not to speak . Fay said they ve got to get Nicole help . Taylor wanted to know why . Fay fell unconscious again . Taylor came out of the room and saw EJ and Nicole kissing . At the DiMera mansion , Stefano welcomed Chad to the mansion . Chad wanted to know if it was okay for Abby to be there . Stefano was okay with it . Chad wanted to thank Kate for telling him about his father . He also wanted to get to know her better . Kate wanted that too . Stefano liked seeing them getting along . Taylor told Nicole that Fay was worried about her . Nicole went to check on Fay . EJ tried to talk to Taylor , but Taylor did nt want him to . She told EJ that she s leaving town . She was going to leave his life for good . EJ told her that her mother needed her and he needed her . She said she was nt leaving until Fay was better . Then she would come back to visit . She did nt think Nicole would need her considering all of the time that went by when they did nt speak . EJ said she was important to Nicole . Taylor thought it was more important that his marriage survived . He did nt have a say . Nicole told Fay not to worry about her . She did nt need Taylor to help her . She did nt need anyone s help anymore . She told Fay that she is grateful for everything she s done for her despite how she treated her . When she mentioned EJ and how she loved him , Fay started saying his name . Sami went back home and opened up to Caroline about Fake Rafe . Fake Rafe went back to the hospital . He found scrubs and planned on going after Fay . Taylor told EJ that he could devote himself to Nicole and the kids if she were gone . She thought she was just in the way . Nicole tried to calm Fay down . Nicole wanted to know why Fay said EJ . fay said his name again and a secret .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Michael : No ! Marcie : Oh ! Michael : Oh ! Marcie : Michael . Michael : Oh . Kelly : Hey . Kevin : Hey . Kelly : You should see our little guy . He is smiling , smiling , smiling . Kevin : Oh , yeah ? I m sorry , honey , we just reconfigured our accounting system and I have to check it out in case Todd manages to get someone to access our company account . Kelly : You have got to stop blaming Todd . Woman : I have nt seen him this morning . I m in a hurry , but come on in Commissioner . Bo : Did your son , Travis , come home last night ? Woman : Look , Travis is a good kid . He s never been in any kind of trouble . Bo : Well , he s been communicating with a young 13-year - old girl who s now missing . Woman : Well , I hope you find her . And I m sure Travis will call , but right now I ve got to get to work . Bo : Mrs. OConnell ? Do nt tell me that you re not even interested in this young girl s welfare . Now , I just told you that she s been communicating with your son . Mrs. OConnell : All right . Travis did nt come home last night . Unfortunately , that s not unusual . Marcie : Why did you scream like that ? You scared me half to death ! Michael : Well , you screamed . Marcie : You screamed first ! Who the heck did you think I was anyway , Michael ? Michael : I was having a bad dream . Marcie : Yeah , probably about someone catching you spying ! Michael : You know , you were nt supposed to be home till tomorrow . What are you doing here ? Marcie : I took the early bus because I wanted to see you . I thought Jen took these away from you . Michael : I missed you . I swear I was going to tell you , ok ? I tried to leave it alone ! Marcie : Yeah , but you did nt , did you ? Michael : No . But I got John involved . I told John about the Paul Cramer - Dr. Long connection and he s suspicious , too . Marcie : Yeah , that s great , Michael . That s really , really great . Michael : Wait a second , you re mad at me ? I got Johnny involved . He s got my back . Marcie : You lied to me . I asked you not to . You swore to me that you would nt , and then you just went ahead and you did it anyway ! I ca nt even believe you ! You know , you can lose your residency over this ! How could you do this ? I m not -- I – Lindsay : I just want to know how you re doing . I miss you . Jen : Yeah , not enough to stop seeing Rex . Lindsay : Do you still have feelings for him ? Because if you do -- if you do , just tell me . Jen : My God , is that what you think this is about ? It s about you . I can not stand by and watch you trash your life again . I wo nt do it . Nora : Hey . You did nt know that Starr was going to run away . You re not a mind reader . Matthew : Yeah , but I wish I would ve told her mom that she was acting weird . Hey , Bo , did you find her ? Bo : Not yet . But we will , so do nt you worry . Matthew : She was hugging me so hard , like she d never see me again . Nora : You know , if Starr was determined to run away , there was nothing that you were going to be able to say or do to stop her . Bo : That s good advice , bud . You listen to your mom , ok ? Todd : Hey . Anything ? Bo : I talked to this kid Travis mother . He did nt come home last night . Jessica : Hi . Antonio : Hey . Jessica : Hi . Antonio : Just got your note . Jessica : Hi . Ah , I think she needed a change of scenery . Antonio : Yeah ? I m sure she s going to do a little crying at the loft after staying at Llanfair . Jessica : Nah , she just wants to run around and be social , you know . Antonio : She needs a yard , more room . Jessica : Well , have you seen those houses that they re renovating on Culpepper Street ? They re right near the Edgemont School District , and that s really great . Antonio : You talking about buying ? You know I ca nt take on that kind of financial responsibility right now . Jessica : Well , if we sold the loft , you could have my half . Antonio : No . Jessica : Well , ok , then we ll call it a loan . Antonio : I said no . Look , why do nt we just concentrate on getting married first , ok ? Jessica : Soon . Antonio : Soon . Jessica : Antonio -- you know that I want to be with you -- I really do -- but there s just some things that I have to do on my own first . Antonio : Right . I understand . Jessica : Do you understand ? Antonio : I m trying , really . Really , I m trying , ok ? It s just that I see you taking care of Jamie , and you re offering to help me buy a house . Jess , if you re sure this is what you want , then why do nt you just marry me ? Roxy : You know what , never mind . Rex : Whoa , you re playing the ponies again , are nt you ? You know , you lose every time ! Why do nt you stick to the slots ? At least then you have to have the quarter before you can play . Roxy : I m not playing the ponies . I m not ! It s my business . It s just going a little bit slow right now and I m overextended . But the good news is , on the plus side , I m going to go work for Nigel at the hotel . Rex : Good . Maybe you can toss a few dollars my way . Roxy : What , are you broke ? Rex : Totally maxed my credit cards . Roxy : Well , why do nt you go ask your little blonde barracuda over there , because she s rolling in it ? Rex : She does all right . So ? Roxy : Ca nt she throw you a little something extra -- you know , for your time ? Rex : I m not her gigolo , Roxy . We ve got this , you know , chemistry . Bo : This kid Travis tends to fend for himself . His mom says he stayed out all night before . Todd : Now he s got my girl with him . I ll kill him . Blair : Todd -- Matthew : Do nt hurt him . Starr ran away because of me . Nora : Oh , Matthew , honey , that -- that s not true , ok ? Matthew : Yes , it is . She was upset and I made her feel worse . Nora : Ok , why do you say that ? Matthew : Because I told her that you and Bo are always nice to each other and I thought that you might get back together , but I knew that her parents never would because they re always fighting . That s why she ran away . Marcie : I m sorry . I did nt mean to go crazy like that . I should nt have went off on you . Michael : Hey , hey -- Marcie : I completely overreacted . Michael : Shh . If anybody here should apologize , it s me . I made a promise and I broke it . I m sorry . But , you know , I got to admit ; I did nt expect that big a reaction . I mean , if I did I would nt spy on Dr. Long , but -- Marcie : I do nt want to lose you . Michael : You re not going to lose me . Marcie : I know , but people think that . You know , look at Al . One day he was here , and the next minute , he was nt . Michael : I know . I know . But I am not going anywhere . Marcie : Promise ? Michael : I promise . Marcie : What if -- what if Dr. Long knows that you re spying on him ? What if he catches you ? Michael : Nothing is going to happen to me . Except I m going to go to sleep because this leg kept me up all night last night . Marcie : Oh , I m sorry , and I m yelling at you and screaming at you . I m sorry . Michael : No , no . Marcie : I m going to let you go to sleep , ok ? Michael : No , I just do nt want you to worry about me , sweetie , ok ? Marcie : Ok . Michael : Because I m not going anywhere . I m going to stay right here , right next to you . Marcie : Ok . Go to sleep . Michael : Forever . Matthew : You think Starr s parents are mad because of what I said ? Nora : No , honey , they re just worried about Starr , that s all . Matthew : Yeah , me , too . Bo : Hey , Matthew . You know , Starr s parents have been going through a real unhappy time right now , and Starr was upset about that before she came to New York . So nothing you said made her run away . Matthew : I was nt trying to be mean . I was just trying to say how hard it is to get your parents back together . Nora : Hey , Matt ? You know that running away is nt the answer , do nt you ? Matthew : I m not going to . But I know why Starr did . She wants two parents . Jessica : Antonio , you know , even if I were ready to get married right now , I could nt possibly plan a wedding , not with my mom being as sick as she is . Antonio : You know that s just another excuse . I mean , first of all , I would never stop you from taking care of your mom . All right ? And , truly , I do nt understand why you ca nt do eveththing you want to do in life . Jessica , I love you , ok ? I just want to make it official . It does nt mean that we have to change our day - to - day life . Jessica : But things for me would change . Antonio : How ? Jessica : Well , first off , I d be Jamie s legal step mom , and that s a big deal . And I would -- I d love to be her mother , I really would , and I d love to be your wife , but I just do nt want to lose myself in that , you know ? I just think that there are things that I have to work out on my own first . Roxy : Hey ! So when s the big day ? Natty told me you guys are getting hitched . So , just want to wish you congrats , best wishes , felici - dada . You know , we can block out a whole bunch of time at Foxy Roxy s for you and all the bridesmaids . So when s the big day ? Antonio : I got to go , ok ? You going to be here for a while ? All right . Roxy : So was it something I said ? Jessica : No . Something that I said . Riley : Oh , come on , Marcie , you do nt really want to watch it , do you ? Marcie : No , no , listen , do nt . You know , everyone can identify with how painful it is to lose someone , you know ? It s ok . Riley : Yeah , well , I would nt have made it without my friends . Jen : Listen , if you want me to take this stuff about Flash out -- Riley : No , it s your film . I ll just have to deal , all right ? You can leave it in . But I ll be back . Jen : Ok , you saw the footage . Hand over The Killing Club . Marcie : It s really rough . I -- Jen : Ok , who watched your boyfriend while you were out of town and made sure he was nt spying on anyone ? I mean , I know it did nt work , but still -- Marcie : I know , I really did appreciate it . Jen : So I say you owe me . Marcie : All right -- but only the first chapter . Jen : I love murder mysteries . Marcie : I know , I do , too . They re Michael s favorite . Well , until I actually started thinking Michael actually might be living one . Kelly : Paul , you re just -- you re kidding , right ? Kevin : All right , well , let s sit down . So , there was no favor ? Is that it ? Kelly : No , no , there was , but -- when we were separated , Paul was really there for me . It was probably one of the worst times of my life , and I did nt really even know if I wanted a brother , and he changed my mind . Paul : Yeah , you know , I mean , maybe Ace can have a little brother someday -- or a sister . Kevin : Yeah , well , I m glad you were there for her . Paul : Me , too . Definitely . You know , I remember when you first told me you were pregnant . I was so thrilled that my nephew was going to have a great little childhood that we did nt have , huh ? I mean , I almost want a kid myself someday -- though I have been concerned about our mother s mental illness . I mean , what do you think , Kelly ? Do you think Ace has got that gene ? Kelly : Why would he ? Paul : Well , you could fill a mental hospital with our family . You got Addie , you got Dorian -- Kelly : What does Dorian have to do with this ? Paul : Well , do nt you think it s a little insane to lie about someone being your daughter ? Or maybe it s just desperation . I do nt know . I mean , what do you think , Kelly ? Could someone be desperate enough to lie about being a mother when she is nt ? Travis : We got to go to the grand canyon . Starr : Do you think we ll make it that far ? Travis : We ll make it wherever we want . Starr : No , ready ? Turn it over , bring it back . Travis : Where d you get that ? Starr : My dad taught it to me , but it s more fun doing it with you . ( Clock striking 4 pm ) Antonio : Evangeline . Evangeline : Hey , Antonio . Antonio : Hi . Evangeline : How you been ? Antonio : Good . Thought I might find you here . Got a minute ? Evangeline : Yeah , sit down . Listen , I -- I heard that you had to move out of Llanfair with Jamie , and I talked to R.J. about it , so I do nt think anything like that s going to ever happen again . Antonio : Really , you know what , it s not that big of a deal . I mean , R.J. will always be R.J. Anyway , it helped me kind of realize that Jamie eventually is going to outgrow the loft and I need to start saving up a little extra money so that I can buy a house . On that note , did you -- did you , by any chance , ever hire a P.I. ? Evangeline : Well , I ve hired people to do casework , but no one permanently . Why ? Are you leaving the L.P.D. ? Antonio : No , no , I m just looking for a little extra work , that s all . Evangeline : Well , I d love to have you back . Antonio : Great . Great , then I look forward to hearing from you . Evangeline : Deal . Kelly : I -- I do nt know why you re saying these things to me , Paul . I mean , I did nothing to do with what s going on with Adriana and Dorian . I mean it has nothing to do with me ! Paul : All right , Kelly , Kelly , it s no biggie , ok ? I just meant that when you first told me you were pregnant , I was nt sure if you were just making it up to try and get Kevin back . But , you know , I know the baby s real , and it sure as hell saved your marriage , just like Adriana saved Aunt Betsy s millions for Dorian . Kevin : All right , listen , I m with Kelly here . I do nt get the connection . Kelly : Wow , I -- I really messed up by confiding in you . Paul : Oh , come on , Kelly , you do nt mean that . Kelly : I got to go check on Ace . Paul : Sometimes I do nt know when to shut up . I did nt mean to hurt her , all right ? I -- I had too much to drink last night , and I guess I m still feeling the effects . Kevin : Yeah , looks like it . Paul : Yeah , whoa . You know , alcohol is a dangerous thing for me . It just gets me into a lot of trouble . Yeah . See you later . Kevin : Yeah , I ll see you . Travis : I used to call my little sister Shrimp Girl . Starr : Why ? Travis : Well , when she was a baby , she was kind of pink and she d curl up into , like , a little ball like a shrimp and then go to sleep . You know , my sister did nt hate Shrimp Girl as much as you hate Shorty . Starr : I do nt necessarily hate it . I just do nt like talking about it . Travis : Yeah , I do nt like talking about Shrimp Girl , either . Starr : You miss her , do nt you ? Travis : Yeah . Wo nt you miss your brother when we go ? Starr : But I wo nt miss him following me around and copying everything I do . Travis : Yeah , my sister did that , too . Hey , um , we were going to watch TV , right ? Evangeline : Five minutes ago , you said you would stop overreacting . R.J. : That was before you did something silly like rehiring Vega . Evangeline : Ok , this is a perfect time for you to start being the new you . R.J. : Ok . I tell you what -- because I care about you , we re just going to let that go for now , ok ? Evangeline : Good . Then you can tell me what your problem is with Rex Balsom . R.J. : And where do you get that ? Evangeline : I m observant . R.J. : Hmm . Ok . If you back off me and Balsom , I ll back off you and Vega . Hmm ? Evangeline : So evasive . You do know that I can always get my new P.I. to look into it ? R.J. : Well , you do that . Jen : Who s that in the background ? Riley : I really ca nt tell . Jen : Hold the camera . I m sorry . Riley : Uh , do nt be . Jen : No , it s me . I -- I just like things with us the way they are . Riley : Well , do nt you ever think about it ? Jen : Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately ? Riley : Have you ? Well , the question still stands . Jen : Sure I have . Yes , but I do nt want things to change between us . Riley : Friends till we re 40 , huh ? Kelly : I ve never seen Paul act like such a jerk . Kevin : Yeah , I m sorry I invited him over . Kelly : I m sorry I ever got close to him . Kevin : What was that all about , desperate mothers and long - lost kids ? Kelly : Oh , I do nt know . I mean , just his warped idea of making conversation , I guess . Kevin : Yeah , I guess . Thanks . Kelly : Sure . Kevin : Must be something to it , though . ### Summary:
Marcie gets upset when she finds that Michael is still spying on Dr. Long and Paul Cramer . She is worried that something will happen to Michael if he is discovered . Dr. Long sneaks into Michael s room when he thinks he s sleeping . Todd and Blair plaster Starr s poster all over NYC . They meet with Travis mother . In their secret place , Starr and Travis review a map and decide to travel to the Grand Canyon . They confess that they miss their siblings . Their parents go on TV to plead for their children to come home . Rex and Lindsay return from an overnight trip . Lindsay is confronted by Jen who is afraid that she is trashing her life . Roxy asks Rex for money . Rex confesses that he is maxed out on his credit cards . R.J. is planning to foreclose on Rex as soon as he misses two payments . Antonio continues to pressure Jessica to marry him . Jessica senses that Antonio is unhappy when she leaves him and Jamie to visit Viki and work on her column . Evangeline hires Antonio to do part time P.I. work . Paul upsets Kelly about the baby by making reference to Dorian pretending to have a child how could anyone pretend to be a mother ? Kevin ca nt help but wonder why Paul would make such a big deal about it . Jen and Riley view the documentary she s made about the band . Riley asks if she s ever thought about them together . States she wants remain friends .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: John : Hey . Evangeline : Hey . John : Thanks for coming . Evangeline : Yeah . Evangeline : So you said there was something important that you wanted to talk to me about . John : First off , I have something for you . Evangeline : What s the occasion ? John : Well , we ll get to that later . Can I see your hand ? David : Hey , I really need your help . I m doing a supplement for the December issue of Craze . Dorian : Uh - huh ? David : Yeah , it s kind of a buy everything at the last minute because you re lazy and thoughtless kind of column , but I need a title . What do you think about Taking the Yu out of Yuletide ? Dorian : That s wonderful . David : No , it s terrible . I could do Selfish , sloth - like Santas . Although , that s offensive to people who own two - toed sloths -- or three - toed , for that matter . Did you know that the three - toed sloth only walks six inches in about an hour ? Dorian : David ! David : What ? Dorian : I m sorry , honey , i really have more important things to think about right now . David : More important than the land speed of the three - toed sloth ? Dorian : Honey ! David : How d we get on this subject ? Dorian : Please ! We are waiting for that envelope from Mendora , right ? We need that information . David : Yeah , I know we do . You said that the messenger called . It s going to show up today . Dorian : They said it would arrive at noon ! Noon ! Look at the time . Is it noon ? David : It is noon . Dorian : It is . And where is the package ? Oh . Well . David : Mm - hmm . Dorian : Thank heaven . David : More important . She s the reason i got this stupid job in the first place . Dorian : Thank you ! Oh , yes ! Ha , ha , ha ! Ha , ha , ha , ha , ha ! We are going to be rich , rich , rich , rich ! David : Extraordinarily , obscenely , grotesquely rich ? Dorian : No ! Victoria Lord Riley Buchanan Carpenter rich ! Viki : Oh , my goodness ! Oh , grandchildren are just a pure gift , are nt they ? Carlotta , you re so lucky to have her ! Carlotta : I know . She s the joy of my life . You know , my heart breaks for her , too . Viki : Aw . Carlotta : You know Antonio has all but given her over to R.J. Gannon ? He ca nt even bear to be with his own daughter . And I feel like it s all my fault . Viki : No , no , that s not true . Carlotta : No , he feels like I betrayed him and that his whole life is a lie . Viki : Honey , Antonio s just going through a really terrible time right now . Carlotta : I know , maybe we should nt second - guess ourselves . Maybe I should have told Antonio years ago that he was Manny s son . Maybe then if I had , then he would nt be so angry now . Viki : It s not just you , though , you know ? I mean , he s turned away from Jessica , too . Carlotta : And now she s engaged to Tico . Viki : Well , come on , that s just because she s hurt and she felt that she was rejected by Antonio . I tell you , I pray to god that she will take her time and think about this before she does something really rash like marry him . Carlotta : Yeah . I ca nt imagine what Antonio must be going through right now . Natalie : Come on , Antonio , ok , I know that you love Jessica and you know that you love Jessica . Jessica loves you . I mean , the two of you are not going to give up on each other . Antonio : We already have . Natalie : Well , I do nt buy that . Antonio : She just married my brother . Natalie : She does nt love Tico ! Not the way she loves you . Antonio : No , she loved Antonio Vega . That s not who i am anymore . I m Manuel Aanti . Natalie : Well , you know , I really do nt care what you call yourself or who you real parents are , you re still the same person inside . Sonia : God , Antonio , I ve been looking for you everywhere . Antonio : Yeah , well , you found me . Sonia : Well , you know what ? I know you re upset about Tico and Jessica s engagement , but I need you right now , so you re just going to have to accept it . Antonio : What , you do nt think I accept it ? Hell , I just watched them get married . Tico : I want to make love to you . I want to be as close as two people can be . I want you to be my love in every way . Evangeline : You re giving me a piece of string ? Thanks , I guess ? Is this some sort of new fashion trend I m not aware of ? John : Yeah , I m going Kaballah . It s very popular with the young kids on the west coast . No , you -- you said you were nt comfortable with no strings attached anymore . Evangeline : My phone message . John : You said you wanted at least a few strings with us . Here s one . Evangeline : Let me get this straight . Are you telling me that you re ready for a relationship ? Strings and all ? John : Strings and all . Antonio : What Jessica and I had is over . Natalie : Can we have some privacy , please ? Antonio : There s nothing more to talk about . Natalie : Ok , just one minute . Give me a minute , please . Antonio : I mean it , Natalie . I do nt want to talk about Jessica . Natalie : Ok , we re not talking about Jessica . Let s not . It s about you . You know , you may consider yourself a Santi , but you are nothing , nothing like them . You re not the cold - hearted killer that Manuel Santi was . You know who you are ? You re the brother of Cristian , your real brother . A guy who really , really looked up to you , who was nothing but good and caring and kind , and who died for those that he loved . I just wish he was here to help you through this right now . Antonio : Yeah , well , he s not . Sonia : Hey . You ok ? Antonio : I said I was , did nt I ? Jessica and I are done , but I swear to god , I m going to prove Tico s not who he says he is , show her what kind of man she really married . Jessica : I -- I ca nt . I ca nt do this . Tico : What s wrong ? Did I do something ? Jessica : No . It s not you . I m sorry . Tico : Jessica , we re married . We re husband and wife . Jessica : I know . I -- I know . I just -- it s just all moving really , really fast . I -- I m just not used to being your wife yet . Tico : This is about Antonio , right ? Jessica : No , Tico , it s not ! The last few days -- they ve been incredible . I just -- you know , maybe if we could just go away somewhere , a honeymoon , somewhere far away from Llanview . Tico : I ca nt take a honeymoon right now , Jessica . I have business that requires my presence here in Llanview . It s just not possible , not right now . Jessica : I m sorry you re upset . I d completely understand if you wanted to annul the marriage . Tico : Is that what you want ? David : The key to the missing santi millions . Dorian : I just hope it matches . David : Oh , come on . It s got to match one of the codes or the numbers on the paper you brought back from Mendorra . Dorian : Mm - hmm . I ve been looking for that key ever since last summer when I went to Mendorra . David : Yeah , and got beaten up by that Santi thug . I do nt want to talk about that ! Dorian : Mm - hmm , a small price to pay for a big prize . David : Yeah , the question is , which account does it match ? I mean , those codes and those numbers are old . They could go to banks , who knows , anywhere in the world . Dorian : You know , there are markings on the key , and maybe that s some kind of a hint for us to find out which of these banks the safe - deposit box belongs to . David : Ok . Dorian : Only -- well , hey , I -- I ca nt read that . David : Neither can I. I ll get the magnifying glass . Dorian : Oh , that s where it is . Though I ll tell you , I always did suspect that Manuel had stashes of money hidden all over the world , so maybe that $ 100 million that was hijacked from Antonio in Puerto Rico was just one of them . David : Yeah . Well , with this key , we re one step closer to getting $ 100 million of Santis all to ourselves . John : How s it feel ? Evangeline : It feels pretty amazing . I m not sure exactly what it means . What strings are we agreeing on here ? John : Ones we want . It s up to us . Evangeline : So , what , what , are you saying that we re going steady now ? You going to give me the honor of wearing your varsity jacket ? John : You re making this tough . No , I was never very good at high school sports . What do you say we just -- we say we re taking a step forward ? Evangeline : Forward . I really like the way that sounds . John : Yeah ? Evangeline : Yeah . John : Yeah ? Evangeline : Yeah . John : So what are you doing tomorrow night ? Evangeline : What , are you inviting me to an Eagles game ? John : Mm - hmm . Evangeline : I ve never been to a football game . John : You ve never been to -- what am I going to do with you ? No , I just -- I thought if we were going to move forward this thing , I mean , honestly take a shot at taking steps forward , then we need to share with each other things we like to do , you know . So what do you think ? Evangeline : It sounds excellent . I would like nothing in this world more than to go to a football game with you . John : Yeah ? Evangeline : Yeah . Paul : Jen , you d better be trying to get R.J. Off my back or your mom is going to have some seriously unwanted publicity when her sex tape hits the internet . Paul : And if Jen does nt come through for me , I have plan B. Rex : Ahem . Ok , why d you call me ? What do you want now ? Paul : Well , hi , Rex . Rex : Do you have your half of R.J. S money or not ? Paul : Nope , not yet , but I do have these . Rex : Oh , they ll look great on you . Paul : They re worth a fortune . I m looking for somebody to fence them . Do you know anybody ? Rex : Why are you asking me ? After the way that you blew the art heist , I m done with you . Paul : Come on , Rex . Rex : Ok , where d you get them , anyway ? Because honest to god , if you stole them from Lindsay , I m going to have to break your neck right here , right now . Paul : Oh , no , no , Rex , I would never do anything like that to Lindsay . So come on , you going to help me or not ? Rex : Not . Paul : That was definitely not the answer I was looking for . Sonia : I want to find out who El Tiburon is more than anybody , and not just for my own selfish reasons but for you , too , so you can finally have some peace of mind . Whatever happens , you re nothing like Manuel Santi . Antonio : What if you re wrong , huh ? What if I m just like Manuel Santi ? Carlotta : You know , I m worried sick about Antonio . He told me the other day I should give up on him -- Viki : Oh . Carlotta : That he s no longer my son . He even called himself Manuel Santi . Viki : Oh , Carlotta , listen , Antonio is a very , very good and loving man because you made him that way , ok ? And he s strong . He s going to get through this . And hopefully -- hopefully , he and Jessie will find their way back to each other . Carlotta : Oh , I pray that you re right . Viki : I think they re both just acting out of hurt and pain right now . I just hope and pray that neither one of them does something that they will ultimately regret . Tico : Are you having second thoughts about this marriage ? Jessica : No , no . This is what I want . You are what I want . Tico : Then why even suggest the idea of an annulment , Jessica ? Jessica : I do nt know , I just -- I just felt your disappointment , and I knew that I was already failing you -- Tico : No , do nt -- do nt even say that . Jessica : It s just it s not fair . Of course , you know , of course you d want to make love to your wife . It s just it s my problem . I m sorry . Tico : I can wait , ok , for as long as I have to . I love you , Jessica . Your happiness and your comfort means -- means a lot to me . So when we do make love , I want it to be as passionate and as meaningful for you as I know it will be for me . Jessica : I want that , too . You re really incredible . You know that ? Tico : I have to take this . Jessica : It s ok . I ll give you your privacy . Tico : Hello , Governor Brooks . Yeah , thank you . I could nt be happier . Jessica s the woman I ve dreamed of my entire life . Yes , I m now part of the Buchanan family . Mm - hmm . Things are falling into place beautifully . This is going to be an election day that Pennsylvania will never forget . John : What do you say we have a drink and celebrate ? Evangeline : You re on . John : Yeah ? All right , let s see what they got here . Handmade beers . Extra- dark stout cheddar , pumpkin ale ? Beetle nut beer ? I ve never even heard of beetle -- you know , what happened to good old - fashioned American beers ? What happened to them ? Evangeline : Let s get out of here . Let s get out of here . Let s just go to Rodi s . John : Whoa , wait a minute , what , are you saying I m not country club material ? Is that what you re trying to say to me ? Evangeline : I m saying that I should buy you a beer , and you should teach me everything you know about football . John : Oh , you got yourself a deal . Evangeline : Let s go . David : That s an N. Dorian : No , it s a V. David : No , that s an N. Dorian : David , it s a V. David : No , I can see the left leg and the right leg of the capital -- oh , I think you re right . Dorian : Letters do nt have legs . David : You go . Dorian : Adriana . I thought you were up in your room . I did nt know you had come downstairs . Adriana : Yeah , I m just working on my English lit paper , the significance of Hester Prynne s A. Dorian : The scarlet letter . Adriana : Yes . David : Old Hester was nt too bright , was she ? If I ever would ve earned an A , I would ve had a lot more fun . Dorian : David . David : Yeah ? Sorry . Dorian : So , have you been down here long ? Adriana : No . Actually , I did nt even know anybody was in the living room . Dorian : Ah . Hmm . Good , I was worried that our talking might have disturbed you . So you -- you did nt hear us , then , hmm ? Adriana : No , actually , just came down for some bubbly water . Dorian : Good . Hmm . Adriana : Well , I d better get back to work . Dorian : Ok . Dorian : Give me that , please ? Duke Buchanan ? I want you to leave my daughter alone . Sonia : Could nt you have picked a little more private place to meet ? R.J. : Well , the place picked me . I m meeting my granddaughter here . Maybe someday if you reproduce , you ll understand . Sonia : Do nt hold your breath . R.J. : Besides , the place is mostly empty . If we just keep our voices down -- Sonia : Well , I just thought you should know that our situation with Octavio Vigil will never be a problem . R.J. : Hmm . By situation , you mean my saving your ass . Sonia : Whatever . The case is closed . R.J. : Closed ? Sonia : Mm - hmm . R.J. : I thought good old Johnny , our ex - Federale , was running a fact - finding crusade . Sonia : Not anymore . Listen , R.J. , Since the last time we talked about the Santis , have you had any contact with anyone in the family ? Maybe -- maybe somebody that you used to do work for ? R.J. : No . Sonia : You re sure ? Nobody maybe working for the new boss ? R.J. : Why are you asking ? Sonia : I need to find something -- anything that could lead me to the identity of El Tiburon . Tico : Everything s going according to plan . Yes , it s going to be a wonderful November 2 . Thank you for well wishes , governor . Jessica has made me the happiest man in the world . And in honor of her and her mother , I will be donating an additional $ 1 million for heart disease research . Thank you again , Governor . Goodbye . That was Governor Brooks . Jessica : Oh . Tico : Yes . I know that you and your brother have had your differences lately , but I believe Kevin and Governor Brooks will make a great team , and I m encouraging them every chance I get . Jessica : Thank you . Kevin and I are nt getting along , but I love him . Tico : Well , I hope you two reconcile soon , because in the end , there s nothing more important than family . And I m very proud to be a part of yours . Natalie : Was that Carlotta ? Viki : Oh , yeah . Ooh , do nt you look pretty . Natalie : Well , thank you . Viki : I tell you , she is so upset about Antonio and just everything , the whole thing with Jessica and Tico , and , boy , I am , too . Natalie : I did nt really know that you knew . Viki : Knew what ? Natalie : Well , about Jessica and Tico getting married today . Viki : They what ? Viki : Jessica and Tico got married today ? I mean , that s not possible ! Natalie : Ok , but you said that Carlotta and you were upset about Jessica -- viki : I was thinking about the engagement ! I had no idea they got married ! Natalie : Oh , I m such an idiot . Uh -- Jess . Listen , I am sorry . I thought she knew . I m so -- um -- look , another box . Got to go to the carriage house . I ll let you two talk . Great . See ya . Viki : Jessica -- Jessica : Mom , I m sorry , ok ? I -- I did nt want you to find out this way . I wanted to be the one to tell you . That s why I came over . Viki : I ca nt believe you got married ! Natalie : Oh , my god . Paul stole the earrings that mom gave me . Paul : Rex , all I need is a name , all right , somebody that can fence those earrings for me . Rex : Forget it , dude . If you ca nt come up with your half of R.J. S money , that s not my problem . Paul : You re going to regret that . Rex : No , you know what I regret ? Ever agreeing to work with you in the first place . You re headed for a fall , man , and you re not taking me down with you . Evangeline : Football makes so little sense to me . John : How so ? Evangeline : Ok , ok , there s one team that s just for offense , one team just for defense , and a whole third team just for kicking ? John : Mm - hmm . Evangeline : Do nt these guys make millions of dollars ? John : Easily . Evangeline : Well , you d think for that kind of money , they d be a little bit more versatile . ( Looking over at Antonio ) He does nt look so good . Maybe you should go talk to him . John : Oh , I m probably the last person he wants to see . We have nt talked so much since Isabella Santi died , and every time I see him now , he s with Sonia . Evangeline : Do you think they re involved romantically ? John : Do nt know . He s -- he s cut everyone off from his life , even his little girl . Evangeline : Just because he found out he s Manuel Santi s son ? John : It s changed him . Evangeline : You think he s going to come out of this ? John : I hope so . R.J. : I wish I could help you . Sonia : I m not so sure about that . R.J. : Why would I have any idea who this El Tiburon is , hmm ? I told you , I have nt had any contact with a Santi . Sonia : Yeah . That s what you said . R.J. : I am only interested in my granddaughter , ok , so you can have the family Santi and the long - lost son of El Toro . Sonia : Do nt start on Antonio , ok ? R.J. : Oh , no . What , are you his protectoress now , hmm ? You know , it figures . It figures that he d be the discarded son of some drug - runner . Sonia : Antonio is a good man , regardless of who his father is . R.J. : You just keep saying that to yourself . Maybe you ll believe it . Ah , there s my little girl ! Carlotta : Hi ! R.J. : Hey ! Hey , you . Come on over here . How you doing ? Sonia : Hi , Carlotta . Carlotta : Hello . Sonia , could you take a message to Antonio for me ? Sonia : Sure . Carlotta : Could you tell him that his daughter needs her father ? And that whatever he feels about me or even Jessica , do nt take it out on a little innocent child . She loves her father , no matter what his new life is . Sonia : Right . I ll see you around . R.J. : Yeah . Hey , girl . So , little Tonio s off exploring his dark Santi roots , huh ? That s a pretty dangerous road . Sounds like that good catholic upbringing you slapped on him just did nt stick . Carlotta : Shut up , R.J. R.J. : Now , Carlotta , you are upset , huh ? Well , I m sorry . How about his fiancé ? How is she ? I ca nt imagine Queen Victoria s little princess marrying the long - lost son of El Toro Santi . Adriana : How could you do that ? Why would you do that ? Dorian : We laid down certain ground rules , which you agreed to . Adriana : I told you , Duke and I just friends ! How many times do I have to say it ? David : You know , you got to be a little careful because you re dealing with raging hormones . The more you try to push Adriana and Duke apart , the more you re really pushing them together . Dorian : Adriana . Dorian : Augustico . What a surprise . Tico : I hope it s not too late . Dorian : Not at all . Come in . Tico : Excuse me . Dorian : David ! Guess who s here ! Augustico . David : Ah , Gus . Can I get you some booze ? Are you a drinker ? Tico : No , thank you . Actually , I came to give you extraordinary news . Dorian and David : Oh ? Tico : Yes . Dorian : Great . What is it ? Tico : Jessica and I got married today . She s now Jessica Buchanan de Santi . David : Let me get this straight . You came to our house on your wedding day to tell us you got married ? Tico : I wanted to tell you personally . Dorian : Oh , Felicitaciones . Tico : Gracias . Dorian : Well , how did Viki react to this impromptu wedding ? Tico : Well , Jessica and I are both confident that Mrs. Davidson and the rest of the family will be as happy about our marriage as we are . I m very honored to be joining such a wonderful family as the Buchanans . Which brings me to why I m here . David : Well , why do nt we sit ? You , right over there . Tico : Thank you . David : Ahem . Tico : I understand from Kevin s son Duke that you re refusing to let Adriana see him . Dorian : That s right . Kevin also thinks it s a good idea . Tico : Well , I plan to talk to him about this , as well , but may I ask why you feel the way you do ? Because I do nt see any harm in Adriana and Duke being friends . Dorian : Augustico , I know that you have come to genuinely care about Adriana . Tico : Well , she s my sister , Dorian . Dorian : Half sister . And I am her mother . I am so sorry . I m going to have to ask you to stay out of this . Tico : Well , frankly , I do nt think I can . She s been so upset and so unhappy lately that -- Dorian : Oh . If you want to get involved with your precious new in - laws , the Buchanan family , that s fine with me . Go right ahead . If you want to forge this secret alliance with Kevin to get him elected as Lieutenant Governor , go right ahead ! That s also fine with me ! However , just know this -- Kevin is a viper . He nearly destroyed the lives of my daughter , my two nieces , and I will be damned if I m going to let his son do the same to Adriana . Tico : But duke is a polite , respectable young man . He s well - educated -- Dorian : Basta ! Leave my daughter to me . I think you should concern yourself with your new wife . Jessica : Mom , I did nt invite you because I did nt think that you would understand , and I knew that you would nt approve . Viki : Well , that s kind of beside the point , now , is nt it ? Jessica : I m sorry . Viki : Jessica , I do nt understand this . How in god s name could you marry somebody that you ve only known a few months ? Especially when you still love Antonio . Jessica : After Antonio found out who his biological parents were and after he completely shut me out of his life , he slept with somebody else , mom . Viki : I m very , very sorry , Jessie . I know how much Antonio has hurt you . But , darling , that s absolutely no reason to rush into marriage with another man . Jessica : Tico loves me ! He loves me and he gets me ! He understands me ! And , mom , when he asked me to marry him , it just -- it felt right ! And do you know what he told me ? He told me that the first moment he saw me , he -- he knew that he was in love with me . Do you know how that feels ? Viki : Yes , actually , I do . Jessica : Well , I m enough for him . You know , when Tico s with me , he s not distracted or -- there s no struggle . When I m with him , I m loved . Viki : That s all very nice , but how do you feel ? Jessica : I m happy . Viki : Honey , how do you feel about Tico ? Do you love him the way you love Antonio ? Dorian : Thank you for the unsolicited advice , but one more time -- I m Adriana s mother and I know what s best for her . Tico : Of course you do . So , I ve been told that the charity gala raised over $ 500,000 . It could nt have happened without you . David : That was one heck of a shindig . And I got to say , I am so impressed that you picked up that entire tab all on your own . You know what ? I m a little envious of all that money that comes from -- where is it , your mother s family ? Dorian : Oh , David , please . Tico : It s all right , Dorian . Dorian : Oh , no , no , no . David knows better than -- David : What ? Dorian : It s none of our business -- David : Ah . Dorian : Augustico s finances . Anyway , he s got no interest in money , right ? Did nt you say that , you know , those millions and millions of dollars of your father s , that you did nt want them ? Tico : Of course not . That money is dirty . David : Now , just between friends , do you think your dad has any more money stashed away ? Tico : Hmm . I have no idea , David . Like Dorian said , my father s world just does not interest me , and neither does his money . Dorian : Yeah , I really get where he s coming from , really , because I feel the same way . Evangeline : You do realize that if I m going to a football game with you -- John : Mm - hmm ? Evangeline : Something that you love , you re going to have to reciprocate . John : I do nt think I can do the lawyer convention . But I could probably sit through one of your trials . Evangeline : So you think that my work is the only thing I m passionate about ? John : Is it ? Evangeline : Oh , Lieutenant . John : Hmm . Evangeline : You have absolutely no idea what you re in for . John : And what am I in for ? Evangeline : So much . Natalie : I want them back . Paul : What back ? Natalie : My earrings that you stole from me ! [ Doorbell rings ] I ll be right there ! Ok , like , right now . Yes . No , I m sure everything s gon na be fine . We met for coffee yesterday . He s really cute . Ok , I ll talk to you later . Bye . Natalie : My mother gave me those earrings . They were my grandmother s . Paul : Natalie , I have nt stolen any earrings ! Natalie : You re lying ! Paul : Oh , come on ! Natalie : You re lying ! Paul : Chill out ! Natalie : Get up ! If i have to tell you one more time to give me back my earrings , I swear -- you lying son of a -- Paul : You -- Natalie : You -- Paul : Let go ! Stop it ! Natalie : Come on ! Rex : Hey , hey , come on ! Natalie : Give me back my earrings ! David : Man , I thought that guy would never leave . It was starting to look like he was going to spend his entire honeymoon in our living room . Dorian : Hmm . Adriana : Well , what is it that you want me to do for you ? Tico : Well , have dinner with me tonight at the country club . Adriana : Oh . That s it ? Tico : Well , there might be a surprise guest joining us . Adriana : Who ? Tico : Well , why do nt you just show up and find out yourself . 9 : 00 sharp , ok ? Adriana : I ll be there . Tico : Good . Jessica : Mom , Antonio and I are over , ok ? It does nt matter how I feel about him anymore . I m married to Tico now . And , yeah , ok , it was a little quick . Everything happened really fast . But it does nt make our feelings any less real . Viki : What do you know about this man , really ? Jessica : I know that he -- I know all I need to know . I know that he s giving me things that Antonio never could or would . Viki : You know that I love you more than anything on this earth , and all i have ever wanted for you is your happiness . And I hope to god I m wrong about this , but , sweetheart , I think this marriage is a terrible mistake . Jessica : Well , I m sorry that you feel that way . Antonio : Vega . Tico : [ Disguised voice ] hello , Antonio . Antonio : Who s this ? Tico : El Leon . Surely you know . Antonio : El Tiburon . What do you want ? Tico : You re going to be getting a very important assignment , the first of many . Antonio : When ? Tico : Soon . Daniel : I want you to figure out who you want to spend your time with . Paul : You want me to leave Natalie alone ? I can do one better . I can leave town . Viki : Are you asking me for money ? Kevin : I have an offer for you , and i think you re going to want to hear it -- unless , of course , you and Todd want to spend the rest of your lives in prison . ### Summary:
John tells Evangeline that he s ready to be in a relationship . They go to Rodi s to have a drink to celebrate their new status . Jessica withdraws from Tico when he begins to make love to her . He agrees to wait until she s ready . Viki is stunned when Natalie tells her about Jessica s wedding . Jess comes in and Viki tells her that she s sure that the marriage is a mistake . Antonio drowns his sorrows at the bar in Rodi s . Dorian and David receive a key from Mendorra that they believe will help them to find the Santi fortune . Adriana overhears them talking about the search for the money . Tico comes to LaBoulee to intercede on Duke and Adriana s behalf . Dorian tells him to mind his own business . He finds Adriana outside and invites her to dinner at the country club with a special guest . Natalie finds that Paul has stolen the earrings the Viki had given her . She tracks him down to Rodi s and begins to thrash at him screaming at him to give her back the earrings . Rex comes in and drags her off of Paul . Sonja asks RJ if he s heard from El Tiburon .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Aidan : This is how I always imagined you . Greenlee : I wish things could have been different . Aidan : Does nt matter now , does it ? Greenlee : I wanted us to work out , Aidan . Aidan : No little ones . Here you are , looking like a perfect mum . Greenlee : I did dream about our life together , house on the hill -- Aidan : It does nt matter , Greenlee . Why talk about something that s never going to happen ? Ryan : Do nt go to the police or your child will die . Annie : Oh , my God . Oh , my God , this ca nt be happening . Emma , oh , my God , Ryan ! Ryan : It s ok , it s ok . It s going to be fine . Annie : How is it going to be ok ? How are we going to get her back ? What are we going to do ? David : I should have been here for you , stopped this and save you . But I m here for you now , Babe , and I swear to you , the Chandlers wo nt get away with this . David : I loved you so much . All I ever did was push you away , hurt you . I just -- I just wanted what was best for you , darling . I just wanted you to be happy . Krystal : She was happy . She and J.R. were finally , really , truly happy . If you love Babe then let that be a comfort to you . David : I do nt want comfort . I want my daughter back . Krystal : David -- David : Get the hell away from me ! Leave us alone . Krystal : David , please . It s over . You have to let Babe go . Adam : Erica , you ca nt be gone . We could have had it all . We were so close . Frankie : Adam -- Erica : But so wrong . Adam : You re -- you re alive . Erica : Disappointed ? Because if I m still alive , so is your nasty little secret . Bianca : Mother ? Erica : Bianca . Zach : Mistake ? That s on you that you made a mistake . Huh ? Jake : I did everything I could to help her . Zach : Help her ? It has nothing to do with Kendall . It s all about you . Hot- shot doctor tries to pull off miracles , only this time it did nt work , and Kendall had to pay the price . Joe : Enough , Zach , enough . Jake : Excuse me . Zach : I m talking to you . Jake : Taylor ! Taylor . Taylor ? Can you hear me ? Joe : I need a backboard and a cervical collar , stat . Northwest stairwell , second - floor landing . How is she ? Jake : She hit her head pretty hard . I m concerned about her back . I m concerned about the way she fell down . I do nt want to take any chances . Joe : She fell down the stairs . We need a backboard . Jake : Taylor , can you hear me ? Erica : Bianca , what are you doing here ? What a wonderful surprise . Bianca : You re ok . I heard there was an accident . Erica : No , no , I m fine . I m feeling so much better now that you re here . Adam : And as beautiful as ever . Bianca : So , what happened ? Where -- where were you ? Erica : Oh -- oh , it does nt matter . Kendall and the boys , where are they ? How are they ? Bianca : The boys are ok , but , Mom , Kendall is in I.C.U. She s unconscious . Erica : All right , let s go , let s go . Krystal : Let s -- let s take her downstairs . David : You re as guilty as they are . Krystal : What ? David : You turned Babe against me . Krystal : You did that all by yourself . David : No , I loved her . Whatever I did was because I loved her . Krystal : Her husband threw himself out of a window , because of what you told him about her . David : It was a joke . And look who s still alive , the pathetic moron could nt even get that right ! Krystal : You interfered with her life , you interfered with her marriage -- David : She deserved far better ! Krystal : She was happy . David : She was trapped ! And you did absolutely nothing ! Krystal : I was by her side . David : You made sure from day one that I would never get close to her and then you made Babe hate me . Krystal : Oh , I made her hate you ? David : Yeah , yeah ! Krystal : You told her husband about her affair with Josh and then you lied to Tad , said that Emma was Kate . I had to tell her those things . David : You forced me out of her life and then you fed her to the Chandlers ! Now she s dead ! My daughter is dead ! Krystal : I lost her , too ! David : She s so beautiful . Nobody touches her but me , do you understand ? I ll take her back down . Krystal : We ll both take her down . Greenlee : It s amazing , is nt it ? This little girl was born in the middle of chaos and insanity and here she is asleep , at peace . Huh . Peace would nt be terrible . Aidan : No , it would nt . Greenlee : Kendall s fighting for her life , Emma s missing -- Aidan : Ca nt imagine what it s like to have your little girl disappear . Greenlee : I know you do nt like Ryan very much , but he and Annie need all the support they can get . Will you help them find Emma ? Aidan : Are you really asking me this ? Greenlee : Please , Aidan . Aidan : I have to go . Greenlee : Aidan . Aidan : I ll say a few prayers for Kendall . Ryan : We need to go to the police . Annie : What ? No , that s exactly what the note said not to do . Ryan : We ca nt do this alone . Annie : No , Ryan , they will kill her . Ryan : We can trust Jesse , ok ? Annie : No , no , no . Ryan : Yes . Annie : Ryan , this is like a test , ok ? Somebody is probably watching us . If we do nt do what they say , we ll never see our daughter again . Ryan : I am not going to stand around and wait for directions from this guy , Annie . Annie : No . No police . Ryan : This is a chance that we have to take , ok ? Annie : No , no ! No , Ryan , no , you do nt just get to take chances with my daughter . Ryan : Our daughter . Annie : I -- I know . No , I will not risk Emma . Ryan : This is what we have to do to get Emma back . Annie : Please , please , please , let s just do what they say . Please , Ryan , I do nt care what they want or who they are , please . No police . Let s just find our daughter . Jake : I need her out of these clothes . Start a line . She fell down a staircase , so I need X - rays , skull and spinal series , and prep her for a CAT scan , ok ? Out of the clothes , out of the -- Amanda : Oh , thank God . Jake : Hey . Hi . Amanda : What does a girl have to do around here to see a doctor ? Jake : Are you ok ? Amanda : Besides sleep with him . I was having a nightcap out on the deck . Jake : What -- what you were drinking outside on the deck in this weather ? Amanda : I love storms and I -- and next thing I know , whoosh , I m blown overboard . I had to swim to shore and -- ruined , and I m freezing . I m so glad to see you . Jake : I m glad to see you , too . I am , I really am . I , uh -- Amanda : Hmm , am I going to need stitches ? Jake : Well , you might , and Frankie here is the stitch master . Frankie : Huh ? Jake : Will you take a look out for her ? I just have somebody in here who s unconscious and critical . Amanda : Ok , all right . Well , maybe later I could get some bedside manner -- Frankie : You know , I could , uh , look at that for you . Amanda : Uh , no , no , I m fine , thank you . Jake : Taylor ? It s Jake . It s Jake , I m right here . Can you hear me ? Joe : It was an accident . Zach : It should nt have happened . Joe : No one s blaming you , Zach . Zach : And Kendall , that was an accident , too . So , I should nt blame Jake ? Joe : Look , he did what he needed to do . Now , go see your wife and do what Jake suggested . Stay out of the way . Erica : A skull fracture ? Bianca : Kendall and I barely had a chance to talk before the tornado hit . She got Spike and me under a table , but she was too worried about me . She was nt in a safe place . Zach found us , and Kendall was nt breathing . He resuscitated her . Erica : Oh , my God . Bianca : There were bone fragments in Kendall s brain . She would have died if Jake had nt operated . But -- Erica : But what ? Bianca : Another tornado hit and the hospital lost power . Erica : In the middle of the surgery ? Bianca : Jake did nt give up . He kept working until he got all the bone fragments out but -- Erica : My God . Bianca : She had a seizure and by now , she should have woken up . Erica : Well , Kendall will wake up . She ll wake up for me . Excuse me , I need a few moments alone with my daughter . Nurse : Of course . Erica : Bianca told me that you took on a tornado all by yourself . Your boys are safe and your sister s safe because of you . But now you have to wake up , honey . We have things to do . Adam confessed to everything . You were right . You were right all along , honey . It was Adam who tainted the perfume . You d think he d know better than to tangle with Kane women , right ? You and I , we re going to have to remind him of that . I ca nt do that alone , honey . I ca nt do that without you . Annie : If we want Emma back , we ca nt go to the police . Ryan : It s our best shot , Annie . Annie : What about Aidan ? Aidan could help us . Ryan : Uh , I do nt think so . Annie : But this is what Aidan does . He has a network and -- and -- and the resources . He s probably better than the police at this . Ryan : There is no way that Aidan s going to help us with this , ok ? Annie : Why ? But he saved your life , you saved his . What ? What , is there something else you re not telling me ? Ryan : Please , let s stay focused . Please , let s stay focused on getting our daughter back , ok ? Annie : Are you honestly going to let Greenlee get in the way of saving our daughter ? Ryan : Shh . J.R. : What are you doing , you son of a -- Tad : J.R. , J.R. , no . Not here , not here . Bianca : Babe ? No . It ca nt be . Tad : All right , enough . Give her to me , Hayward . David : Get away from her . Krystal : It s ok . It s ok . David : No . No ! No ! Annie : Aidan ? What ? Ryan : Aidan , what -- what are you doing , man ? What are you doing sneaking around like that ? Aidan : Greenlee thought you could use some help . Annie : Listen , we found Emma s hair ribbon in the Chandler tunnels . We got a phone call from her , and she said that she was here and then -- look -- look . Look at what we found . Please help us . Ryan : It s not a good idea , Annie . Annie : If -- if we go to the police , they re going to hurt her , or worse . Aidan : If they left a picture and a note , they might have bugged the place . Annie : See , this is why we need Aidan . Aidan : I can tap the phones . The ransom demand s probably next . I can set a trap for the drop . Ryan : You re not going to do anything . Annie : Ryan , let him help us . This is about what s best for Emma , not about you and Aidan fighting over Greenlee . Ryan : It s 100 % what s best for Emma and my answer stays the same . We do nt need your help . Annie : Emma does . Aidan : Ryan s probably right . Annie : What ? Aidan : The police are the way to go . They have the manpower . Annie : Ok , I do nt -- I do nt believe this . So you re saying do exactly what the kidnapper said not to do ? Ryan : Except we do it smart , and we ll have Emma back before we know it , ok ? I ll make a phone call to Jesse . Aidan : The chances are you re being watched , bugged . Let me do it . Ryan : I can handle it . Aidan : This needs to stay under the radar , Ryan . Let me meet Jesse , and you can take it from there . Ryan : Ok , do it . Frankie : Back s not broken . Jake : Yeah , but there s injury to the spine . Frankie : What are you thinking ? Jake : Well , we wo nt know till we test her . Frankie : Thanks , sir . Jake : Welcome . Hi . Taylor : My two favorite doctors . Do nt ask me to pick my favorite . I wo nt be able to do it . Jake : I just want to say that was a hell of a cartwheel you did . Sign you up for the circus . I ve never seen you head over heels about anything . Frankie : All right . Frankie : Feel this ? Taylor : Yes . I am never fighting your battles for you ever again . Jake : Did I ask you to help me ? I did not . Frankie : What about this ? Taylor : Yes . Clearly , you needed backup , clearly . Jake : All right , I m sorry . Frankie : Feel this ? Taylor : Yeah , I can feel the whole arm . Do nt apologize to me . It s not necessary . Actually , it s my fault . My foot just gave out , and I just -- I went down . But since you re here , and you are looking me in the eyes , admit it , you needed my help . Jake : Well , hmm -- Jake : Maybe a little -- no , not at all . I can take care of myself . Taylor : Take care of yourself . How could I forget ? The bra in your living room is evidence that you re very -- Jake : All righty , then . Do nt -- Frankie : Feel this ? Taylor : This what ? Frankie : Do you -- do you feel this ? Taylor : No . What s wrong with me ? Frankie : It -- it s , uh , typical for this kind of injury . Jake : You know , it s probably just temporary . Taylor : Please , guys , drop the pretense . What the hell happened to me ? Why ca nt I feel my foot ? Zach : Hey . Erica : I wo nt ask how you are . Zach : Uh , she wanted s m ores , so I went and got marshmallows . And when I got back , the beach house was gone . If I stayed , she would have been fine . Erica : She will be fine . She s definitely going to pull through this . She s got us , she s got you . You are the strongest man I know . I mean it , Zach . You see what needs to get done , and you get it done . She needs that . She needs you . Zach : What she needed was for me to be there when the tornado hit . Erica : Well , you re here now . And so am I and so is Bianca . And none of us is known for backing down . No , she is going to get through this . She s going to get back on her feet . The three of us are not going to give up until she s making our lives crazy again . Deal ? Zach : Deal . Erica : So now , where is my other daughter ? She seems to have vanished . Zach : Bianca s probably with the baby . Erica : What baby ? Tad : Bianca . Honey , you ok ? Bianca : No . Babe s dead . I -- I -- I just ca nt be here . I -- I have to go . Tad : Let -- let -- let me call your mom -- Bianca : No , no , no . I m ok , thank you . I just have to go . Krystal : I understand your grief and your pain , but you need to go , David , now . There s nothing for you here , there is no reason for you to stay . David : You -- you did this . Tad : Not now , David . David : You -- you bastard . Adam : My son just lost the mother of his child . David : Your son killed my daughter . Babe is dead because of you . Adam : Back off , Hayward . David : I ll kill you ! Adam : J.R. -- David : I ll kill you ! J.R. : Babe hated you , you son of a bitch ! David : The hell with you . You and your family -- Krystal : Stop it ! Stop it , David . Adam : Guard ? Guard ! David : I m going to get you . You re a dead man , Chandler . You hear me ? Dead ! J.R. : Oh , yeah ? Go to hell ! David : Now , before I send you , right ? Adam : I want this man arrested for assault and battery and attempted murder . David : No , no , no , no . You re the ones guilty of murder , all of you . Babe s blood is on your hands . You re going to pay . You hear me ? Tad : Get him out . David : All of you will pay ! Frankie : Here , here , and here you feel nothing , correct ? Taylor : Oh , damn . Jake : Listen . It s trauma due to the fall . You have swelling around the spine . Taylor : Swelling around the spine ? That sounds bad . Frankie : Well , in most cases , the feeling returns once the swelling subsides . Taylor : Most cases . Frankie : Yeah . With a little luck , we ll reduce the swelling and take it from there . Taylor : Well , you re talking to the right girl . I m -- I m lucky . I m feeling the luck already . Jake : Look , I m going to check on a couple of other patients , but I m going to stick my head in and see you , ok ? Taylor : You do nt have a rabbit s foot , do you , Jake ? Jake : Hi . Amanda : Hey . Jake : Hey . Amanda : You look like you ve been through a blender . Jake : I have been through a blender . Amanda : Is it Taylor ? Is she ok ? Jake : I do nt know . Hope so . How you doing ? You ok ? Amanda : Oh -- poked in the eye , blown overboard -- I m a walking disaster , but yeah . Yeah , I ll be fine . Jake : I m sorry I did nt take care of this for you . Amanda : No , it s fine . Two stitches -- not -- not exactly an emergency . But my shoulder s ok . I offered it to you before , but you really look like you could use it now . Come here . Annie : I hope this works . It has to . If we ve made the wrong choice -- Ryan : How s Kendall ? Greenlee : No change . What about Emma ? Any word ? Ryan : We re working on it . Greenlee : I m praying for you . Annie : If you two want to talk -- Greenlee : I ca nt imagine what you re going through . Annie : No , you ca nt . Ryan : You talked to Aidan ? Greenlee : Yes . Ryan : He stopped by . Greenlee : He s helping you ? Annie : You know what ? The less we talk about this , the better for Emma . Ok ? Aidan : You busy ? Jesse : Uh , yeah . Natural disaster . You ok ? Aidan : I ll survive . Bianca : When I saw David holding Babe s body -- Erica : Oh , honey , I m so sorry . Bianca : I ca nt believe she s gone . I wasted so much time being angry with her , not being able to forgive her and now she s dead . Erica : Bianca , honey , you did forgive her , and you forgave her for actions that , trust me , most people never would have forgiven her for . Bianca : I m sorry that she ll never know Babe . Erica : Well , forgive me if I m still a little bit in shock over this little one . Bianca : I should have told you . Erica : Well , it seems to me that the last time we spoke , I heard the words love of my life . Bianca : You did . Reese is it . Our life together with Miranda -- every day is such joy , so much so that we wanted to expand our family . I wanted to have the baby here with you and Kendall -- my family and friends all around . If this one had nt decided to come so early , Miranda and Reese would have been here , too . Erica : I see you in her -- the eyes . Bianca : A Kane woman . Erica : Well , half anyway . Who s the father ? Ryan : Ok , ok . It s almost time , Annie . Annie : All right , let s go . Ryan : No , no , no , I do nt think we should be seen together , ok ? Annie : Well , I m -- I m not just going to stay here . Ryan : We ca nt do anything to raise suspicion , all right ? Annie : A mother and father together , Ryan -- how is that suspicious ? Ryan : He could be watching , ok ? If we split up , it ll be more difficult for him to do that , do you understand ? To watch us both at the same time . Trust me , we got to do this the right way . Annie : Fine . I ll wait . Ryan : Ok . Be right back . Greenlee : I m sorry about Emma . Annie : We do nt have to talk . Greenlee : I want to apologize . I did nt believe that someone was following you , but if there s anything I can do to help , let me know . Annie : It s so easy for you , is nt it ? So generous and kind -- if I could just ignore the fact that you stole my husband and left Emma without her father . Ryan : Hello ? Man : Big mistake . I told you no police . Ryan : Damn ! Jesse : Ryan ? What the hell s going on ? What is this secret meeting in the stairwell ? What s -- Erica : Honey , it s -- it s not a trick question . It s just who -- just who s the father ? Bianca : Reese and I found a donor . Erica : Well , does he have a name or did you use X44 from a sperm bank ? Bianca : It s somebody that , uh -- that Reese and I know . Erica : Ok , honey , we can play this game all day long . Why do nt you just tell me his name ? You know I m going to find out sooner or later . Bianca : It was Zach . Zach is the father . Erica : Zach ? How did that conversation come about ? Bianca : Zach was in France on Cambias business , and Reese and I were looking for a donor . She completely charmed him . He saw how happy we were , and he agreed to help us out . Erica : Does Kendall know ? Bianca : Not exactly . I -- I wanted to tell her after I knew the pregnancy took . Erica : Well , it obviously did . Then why did nt you tell her ? Bianca : There were a lot of complications , and I just wanted to make sure that I would be able to carry the baby to term . Erica : I see . And Zach has kept this a secret all this time ? Bianca : He did nt know that I was pregnant either . I just decided that I would wait until closer to the delivery date to tell everyone . Erica : Everyone . Bianca : Yeah . What ? Erica : Well , uh , look , that story may fly with the rest of the world , but I would really like to know the truth . Ok , you made this huge decision secretly for another reason , right ? Bianca : Yeah . I just -- I did nt want to give Kendall the chance to say no . Erica : Well , it s way too late for that now . Bianca : I know . At the time , Zach showing up when he did and offering to do such a huge favor for us -- Zach is the greatest man I ve ever known , and he s Miranda s uncle , and Reese and I were just so desperate to have another child , it just seemed perfect . I do nt know , I just hope some day she ll be able to understand . Erica : Her husband is the father of her sister s baby . Bianca : Yeah . Reese will help . Kendall will love her -- so will you . I mean , Zach already does . She s amazing . Erica : Well , if she could convince Zach to father a baby , she must be . Jake : She acts so tough . I just hope she can walk in time for redeployment . Amanda : Well , if anyone can help Taylor , you can . Jake : Hmm . Zach : Hey . How s Taylor ? Jake : Well , at the moment , she s paralyzed , thanks to you . Zach : I want to go see her . Jake : I do nt think that s a good idea . Zach : I need to help her . Jake : Well , Slater , why do nt you just leave her alone ? She does nt want to see you . And while you re at it , stay out of my way , as well , ok ? Zach : You know what I was going to tell you ? Stay away from my wife , or I promise you will never practice medicine again . Amanda : Taylor will be fine . You will do your doctor magic , she ll probably be dancing by tomorrow -- marching , what -- whatever soldiers do . Jake : What did you hit ? You took quite a bump there . Amanda : Nothing a little powder ca nt cover . Jake : How about I take you down to the cafeteria , and I ll get you some soup ? Amanda : You have patients that need you , one in particular . Frankie : Hey , I thought we could talk to Taylor about options for reducing the swelling , monitoring the paralysis -- unless you re busy . I -- I can do it . Amanda : No , he s done here . Jake : No , I was going to take you to get you some soup . Amanda : I -- I m all better . Jake : All right . Taylor . Taylor : Get away from me ! Get the hell away from me ! Greenlee : I did nt steal your husband . Annie : Oh , like hell you did nt . Greenlee : We did nt sneak around . We did nt have an affair . Annie : Is that what you told Aidan ? Because he loved you , and you just blew it up . Aidan : I blew up my marriage , Annie . Annie : All right , Aidan , do nt just -- do nt just give her a pass . Aidan : Why do nt we stop arguing about it and try and find Emma ? Jesse : Is this about Emma ? You got something ? Ryan : I was hoping that you would have some progress on your end . Jesse : Ryan , you could have called me . Passing notes , meeting in the stairwell -- what s up with that ? Ryan : Do you have anything or not ? Jesse : No . I put out the A.P.B. Nothing has come back yet . Most cases like this , the kidnapper contacts the parents for ransom . You have nt been contacted , have you ? Ryan : No . Jesse : You would tell me if you were , right ? Ryan : Absolutely . Jesse : So , we re clear , then . Lines of communication -- open . You hear or see anything , you let me know . We ll bring this idiot down , right ? Ryan : I will let you know . Jesse : Yeah , ok . Adam : I m so sorry about Babe , J.R. I know how much -- J.R. : No , you hated Babe ! You re glad that she s dead . Adam : No , I -- no , I certainly am not -- J.R. : No , you know what ? Just get the hell away from me . Tad : J.R. , it s not your father s fault . J.R. : No , do nt . Please . Krystal : It s done . The police took David away . J.R. , I am -- I am so sorry . Devil that he is , David loved Babe . J.R. : He could nt stand that she was happy . He lived in our tunnels . He spied on our lives , and he could nt stand it . We gave Babe what he could nt . We made her happy , and given the chance , he would kill any one of you . Krystal : He s not going to get that chance , J.R. I am going to make sure of it . Officer : Sorry for your loss , but I got to lock you up . You post bail , you ll be out in no time . David : You better hope that does nt happen . If someone does , I m going to murder the bastard that killed my daughter . Erica : I m sorry about Babe . Bianca told me . Tony Dovolani : Oh , excuse me . Sorry , Ms. Kane . Erica : Oh , that s all right . Adam : J.R. was devastated . Erica : Yes , well , I m sure that you ll be there for him . I mean , who would have thought that we d be rescued from that horrible tunnel and find our worlds upside down ? Adam : Well , I m sure Kendall will pull through with you fighting for her . And to think that for a woman who s been in a tornado and a cave - in and an ambulance crash , you re looking pretty well yourself . Erica : And my memory s perfect , too . Adam : They were words uttered under duress . Erica : But it s your confession nonetheless . You sabotaged my daughter s company . Adam : Well , I am hoping that maybe you could , um , sort of keep that secret buried in the tunnel . Bianca : Hey . Zach : How s the baby ? Bianca : Good . She s sleeping . It s not the worst idea for you either . Zach : Later . I ll sleep later . Bianca : Zach , you should go home to Spike and Ian . I m sure they re scared to death . They need their daddy . Zach : They re going to take the tube out . Not going anywhere . Bianca : Joe had me and the baby admitted . It was just a precaution , but I ll be here . I ll talk to her . I ll hold her hand . I ll stay with her all night . I will call you if anything happens . Zach : Hey , Bianca , I m going to be here tonight , tomorrow , and the day after . I m going to be here until she wakes up . ### Summary:
Greenlee sits in a chair in the nursery at the hospital and holds Bianca s baby in her arms . Aidan stops by to see her . Greenlee remarks that she wished that things had worked out for them , but Aidan does nt want to discuss it . Ryan and Annie read a note from the kidnapper . Ryan , immediately wants to call the police , but Annie is completely against the idea . Ryan holds her close as she begins to cry . David spends some last moments with Babe as he holds her lifeless body in his arms . David vows that he will not let the Chandler s get away with this . Krystal urges him to let this go . Adam talks to someone on a gurney at the hospital . Adam thinks that the body is Erica s . Adam looks up and sees Erica coming toward him . He is relieved to see Erica alive . Zach argues with Jake over Kendall being in a coma which results in Zach knocking Taylor down the stairs . Jake hurries to Taylor s rescue while Joe calls for a backboard and a neck brace . Erica is surprised to see Bianca at the hospital . They hug . Erica questions her as to what she is doing here . Greenlee asks Aidan to help Ryan and Annie to find Emma . Amanda arrives at the hospital and meets up with Jake , but he spends very little time with her for he goes to check on Taylor . Bianca explains everything to Erica as to who the father of her baby is , is none other than Zach , as Erica holds the baby in her arms . Aidan visits Ryan and Annie and lets them know that he will help them find Emma . David attacks J.R. and Tad has to pull David off J.R. Taylor is paralyzed . Zach orders Jake to stay away from Kendall . Erica urges Kendall to come back to the . Greenlee offers her help to Annie in finding Emma . Annie refuses her help .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Reva : Jeffrey ? It s me again . I just thought maybe I d call and , um , remind you of that ... well , or to tell you that I ... can you maybe water my plants in the kitchen and give me a call sometime ? ( Sighs ) Alan : I m sure that your plants will be in good hands , Reva . Reva : Have you ever heard of knocking , Alan ? Alan : It s my house . Why should I ? Reva : : Common courtesy . Alan : Look , I ve got enough problems with Alexandra in the hospital without you bringing Jeffrey ONeill back into our lives . Reva : Our lives ? Alan : Yes , we re connected , whether you want it to be that way or not . Reva : You mean until we re sure no one digs up our dirty little secret . Alan : Do I need to start monitoring your calls , Reva ? Reva : Do you ever turn that thing off ? Alan : No . Reva : I ca nt take this any more . Alan : What , my company ? Reva : Everything . The chiming , the butlers in the halls sneaking up on me , the big brother intercom system all of it . Just ... I have to get out . I do . I have to get out . I have to get back to my life , back to house and Jeffrey because he deserves better than this . And you know something ? You ca nt do anything to stop me . Alan : I m sorry , Reva , were you saying something ? Coop : No word yet ? Nothing ? Yeah , okay . Look , we re going to find her . Look , I know we re going to find her because I just ... I just know , okay ? Call me back the minute you find something out , all right ? Thank you . Ava : Was that Frank on the phone ? Coop : Yeah , yeah . Marina is still missing and Harley s in New York . She s following some sort of lead . Ava : Well , what can I do ? I mean , to help you . Coop : Look , Ava , she is the chief of police s daughter . Do nt you think they re doing everything that they can ... Ava : I know that . Maybe my contacts at Spaulding can help . I just want to do something . Natalia : Was it 235 or 253 Main Street ? Rafe : Mom , relax , please . It s Tony s , right ? Natalia : Tommy s . Rafe : All right , so it s like right down the block . Plus you re 20 minutes early , so chill . Natalia : I know , I m sorry . I m sorry . I get ... I m nervous . I ve never had this much trouble trying to find a job before . Rafe : Mom , you ve also never had a butler before . You ve never lived in a mansion before . I do nt know , you think maybe this waitressing job is dumb ? Natalia : Please tell me you did not just say that to me . Rafe : It s true . Natalia : You know what ? First of all , we are not going to start relying on Alan Spaulding s money . We are guests in his home and we are going to pay our own way . Rafe : Okay . Natalia : Okay ? Rafe : Whatever , fine . Natalia : And speaking of jobs , I heard that Long s Grocery is hiring . Rafe : Oh , come on . Natalia : So I want you to go down there and fill out and application like a big boy . Okay ? Rafe : All right , but what about school ? Natalia : What about school ? You do your homework during the week and then on the weekend you bag groceries . Rafe : ( Sighs ) Natalia : Yeah . But just because Alan is now offering you country club memberships and big screen TVs and all that ... Rafe : Mom , fine . But while I m bagging groceries on the weekend , I ll just never be able to see Daisy , right ? Nurse : You can look now . All done . Daisy : Oh , wow , that did nt hurt . Nurse : Good . Daisy : So , how long do these test results take ? Nurse : An hour or two . You can go home when we re done and I ll call you . Daisy : No , I think I ll wait . Nurse : Is there anyone you want me to call ? Your parents ? Daisy : No . I mean , you do nt have to , do you ? Nurse : Legally I m not allowed to . I would like to talk to you , though , about safe sex practices . Daisy : I know it all , okay ? Nurse : I believe you , but I have to ask . Why are you worried that you re pregnant ? Daisy : Well , I was supposed to get my period a couple of weeks ago . Nurse : You know that at your age , cycles can be irregular , right ? Daisy : Yeah . But mine never is . Nurse : Daisy , did you practice unsafe sex ? I m not going to judge you , sweetie . I just need to know the facts . Did you and your boyfriend use a condom ? Daisy : I m not sure . It just happened . I mean , we bought them and there was a box and everything , but it was dark and ... Nurse : Let me get these to the lab . I ll be back . Daisy : We only did it once . It s crazy that I could ... Nurse : I ll let you know when the test comes back . Reva : Where s Hilda ? She stole my shirts . Alan : Will you stop being so paranoid ? Reva : I m not kidding about this , Alan . This is nt a joke . She took my shirts to be ironed and she never brought them back . I want you to find Hilda and then I want you to have her give me shirts back . I want you to call Jeremy , tell him to unlock the garage so I can get my car and be on my way . Alan : Why do nt you make yourself a bloody Mary and calm down , Reva ? We both know you re not going anywhere except perhaps jail , and I will not be joining you because I will never go there again . Reva : How can you be so nonchalant about this , about the fact that you killed a man and we buried him in the woods , Alan ? What are you looking at ? What is it ? Alan : It s a report from Tourmaline , California . They found the body . Reva : ( Sighs ) Reporter : The status of Detective Marina Cooper is still unknown at this time . Police have launched a full - scale investigation into her kidnapping . Mel : Here . Remy : Anything stronger ? Mel : I know . I could use a vodka chaser myself . Remy : I just keep thinking about Tammy . Mel : They re going to find her . Remy : You do nt know that . Mel : Yes , I do . Remy , look at me . Look at me . Honey , they re going to find Marina . Remy : Alive ? Mel : Yes , alive . They re going to bring her home . She s a cop ; she s smart . She s probably figuring out a way to free herself right now . There s someone who might be able to cheer you up . Remy : You think she saw me ? Maybe I can sneak out ... Mel : I thought you liked Lola . Remy : Yeah , I thought Lola was hot until she started stalking me and sending me her underwear . Mel : She does not send people underwear . Remy : Not people ; me . And did I mention she s psycho ? Mel : Okay , Lola is a very good clerk . Remy : She is a grade A freakity - freak . Mel : What are you talking about ? Lola : Hey , guys . Mel : Hey . ( Laughs ) Hi . Lola : Mel , I can not thank you enough for introducing me to your little brother . He s so cute and sweet . And he gets along with all of my friends from church so well . Mel : Oh . Lola : What do you guys want for lunch ? Mel : You re the freak . Natalia : And that was Tommy from Tommy s Pizzeria . The position has been filled . I do nt even need a resume because I m never going to get a job . Rafe : Did you let him know that you re the mother of Alan Spaulding s grandson . Natalia : No , and I do nt plan on it . Rafe : Look , whatever . Back to me , bagging groceries is nt going to keep me from seeing Daisy . Natalia : When was the last time you checked your sugar ? Rafe : Mom , come on . Natalia : Check it . Rafe : All right , fine . Whatever , I m on it . ( Mechanical whirring ) Natalia : That s good . That s very good . Rafe : See , look , I m ... I m not a kid . Daisy and I are responsible . We can handle stuff . Natalia : Can I help you ? Woman : Well , actually , yes . I m with the Juvenile Diabetes Awareness Association here in Springfield . Naomi Evans . Natalia : Natalia Rivera . Hi . This is my son Raphael . Rafe : Rafe , actually . Woman : Greta to meet you , Rafe . How old are you ? Rafe : I m 17 . Woman : This may sound crazy , but how would you feel about coming to work with me ? Going around to schools , talking to the kids , telling your story . We really need kids like you who have been diagnosed to be role models for other kids who have been . Natalia : He would love that . Rafe : Mom . Natalia : Well , you heard her . You could actually help people . Rafe : Yeah , I know . Why me ? Woman : Well , for starters , you re cute . ( Laughter ) Kids are going to listen to you . And plus ... Rafe : I m Puerto Rican ? Woman : Smart kid . Sure , it helps . Listen , would nt you have liked somebody your own age to talk to when you were first diagnosed ? Natalia : Rafe ? Rafe : Yeah . Okay , um , I ll give it a shot . But could I ask you a question ? Woman : Sure . Rafe : Does this thing pay because my mom wants me to bag groceries on the weekend . That s not cool . Natalia : We just got a better offer . Woman : Listen , here s my card . It s got all my numbers and my email . Actually , if you re not busy right now , I could give you your first assignment . Rafe : Yeah ? Woman : Sure . I met this kid last night at Cedars . He s just been diagnosed . He s really freaked . You want to come talk to him ? Rafe : Uh , Ma ? Natalia : Go . Rafe : Okay . Natalia : Make me proud . Ashlee : Dais ! ( Laughs ) I m sorry . What s the matter ? Are you okay ? Daisy : You scared me . Ashlee : Sorry , honey ? Daisy : What are you doing here ? Ashlee : Oh , I was just dropping off some soup for Mrs. Atkinson . Daisy : Oh . Ashlee : You know her . You know , the one with all the crazy hats who loves Buzz s chili . Well , she had a massive heart attack , probably from all of the chili . Daisy , what s wrong ? Is it Marina ? Daisy : No . It s nothing . Yeah . Ashlee : You know , I m your partner in crime . You can tell me anything , okay ? Daisy : Yeah . You re the best . Ashlee : Oh , honey , ditto . Is this about that night that you spent with vent boy ? Daisy : No , it s ... when I was a candy striper there was this patient , and he got really sick and I just found out from the nurse that he s not going to make it . Ashlee : I m so sorry . Daisy : Yeah , me too . Especially because he was so young and healthy . He was only 18 , you know , and everything was going really good , you know ? Things were just getting started and then , you know , bam , out of nowhere , this just changes everything . Ashlee : I know . I know , it s hard . Hey , why do nt we ... why do nt we get out of here ? Why do nt we go to Co2 and have Coop make you his famous hot chocolate . Daisy : Thanks , but I think I m just going to stay here for a while . Tell Coop to call me if he hears anything about Marina . Okay , I ll catch you later . Ashlee : Bye . Daisy : Damn it . Okay , chill out because this is probably just a false alarm , okay ? It s got to be . Oh , please , God , let this be a false alarm . That was fast . Nurse : I have the results from your blood test . Daisy , the test came back positive . You re pregnant . Mel : What am I going to tell Lola ? Remy : Tell her I died . Tell her I m gay . Whatever . Mel : You know what , what is wrong with you ? Remy : Do you want me to say it ? I m afraid . I am very afraid and ... and I m ... see ya . Lola : Where are you going ? Remy : I m ... I m really tired . Lola : I do nt want you to go . Remy : That s really nice . Lola : And so are you . I love when you get like this . Let s go back to my place . Do you think you can drive with me on top of you ? Remy : That s ... that s really unsafe . You know , I used to be a cop . Lola : So ? We ll share a seatbelt . ( Laughter ) Remy : Um ... Lola : Come on . Natalia : Remy ? What are you doing with her ? Remy : I was just ... Natalia : You were just what ? Get your hands off of him . Lola : You ca nt talk to me like that . Natalia : Oh yeah ? Do you know that we re together ? Do you know he took me ring shopping ? Get out , you bitch . Ava : Are you trying to drum up votes in Buzz s own restaurant ? Doris : Well , you know what , I figured I would hit them up while their heartburn was still fresh . Plus , Buzz is busy with his missing granddaughter . Ava : Nice sympathy . So , have you seen Ashlee ? Doris : No , but we do have plans for later . Ava : Sure you do . Doris : What does that mean ? Ava : You know she s going to cancel on you to go be with Coop . Doris : ( Laughs ) No , she wo nt . Ava : Yeah , you re probably right . Ashlee : Hi . Coop : Hey , how are you ? Ashlee : I m good . Coop : How s miss A. ? Ashlee : Oh , she was sleeping , so I left her soup with an orderly . Coop : That pretty much means that she s not going to get it . Ashlee : That s what I figured . So , is there any word about Marina ? Coop : No . Why do nt you have a seat . Ashlee : Okay . Coop : Um , if I tell you something , do you promise not to think I m crazy or ... Ashlee : Did you see Elvis in a potato chip again ? Coop : No , but that was pretty amazing . Ashlee : Yeah . Coop : I have to go on a trip . Ashlee : You re leaving ? Coop : No . No , it s not that kind of a trip . This is going to sound really weird . Ashlee : Well , it already does , so keep it coming . Coop : Yeah , um , when I was living overseas , Marina and I were , like , pen pals . We d write to each other , we d email each other all the time . Ashlee : Okay . Ashlee : And we ... we had this ... I do nt even know what you would call it . It was kind of like a plan B , just in case . Ashlee : In case of what ? Coop : Well , that s the thing , it was nt for anything . It s just we picked a place , a place that we would meet if one of us were o get in trouble or if something were to happen to one of us , we could just go there . You know , it sounds stupid . We were kids , you know , but we called it our fortress of solitude . Ashlee : Where is this fortress ? Coop : It s the Bauer cabin . It s up in the mountains , and I was hoping that you could come with me . Reva : So they found a body ? So what ? They have any suspects ? Alan : Not so far . Reva : Well , see , then they know that we did nt do it and they also know that there was absolutely no way we would have been in their town . What does the article say ? Alan : ( Sighs ) Reva : How can you be so calm about all of this ? Alan : Why should nt I be ? Reva : For the reason that they know how long the body s been there . They also know that the man was shot with his own gun . I m calling Jeffrey . Alan : You re to do no such thing . Reva : We need a lawyer , Alan . Alan : All we need is to be quiet until this blows over , Reva . Reva : And if it does nt ? Alan : It will . Reva : I m calling him . Alan : You do that and you will live to regret it . Reva : I guess there s no chance that I could convince you that I wo nt rat you out . Alan : No , there is nt . Reva : You saved my life , okay ? And as much as I d like to drive you out to some bad neighborhood and leave you there , that has to count for something . Alan : It should , but it does nt . I ve got to go make some phone calls . You stay very close and do nt try to call Jeffrey because I ve disconnected your phones . And I m going to disconnect this one as well . Good day . Reva : I m going to be in my room . ( Opera music playing ) Nurse : You ll need to make an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible . He or she will give you information on pre - natal care , changes you should expect to your body as well as options regarding ... why do nt I leave these with you . You get washed up and I ll call a taxi for you , if you want . Daisy : No , no . I ll walk . Nurse : Are you sure you do nt want me to call someone ? You parents , the father ? Daisy : Father . Nurse : Your boyfriend ? Daisy : No , no , please do nt do that . Nurse : You re going to need to talk to someone eventually . Daisy : Teen pregnancy . Do nt become a statistic . This ca nt be happening . Okay , there are false positives all the time , right ? Rafe . Rafe : Hey . Daisy : What are you doing here ? Rafe : What are you doing here ? Daisy : I asked you first . Rafe : Okay , um , actually I was visiting a kid here who has diabetes . Daisy : Oh , really ? Rafe : Yeah . I was ... I was .. I was walking down Main Street with my mom and this lady comes up to us and she offers me a job , like , working with her juvenile diabetes center or whatever . She wants me to go around schools and talk to kids . I mean , it s not that big a deal , actually . Daisy : No , it is a big deal . I m so proud of you . Rafe : Daisy , you okay ? Daisy : Oh , yeah , I m just really emotional . I guess after we ... I do nt know , I just really love you . Rafe : Oh , yeah . Daisy : Is that such a girl thing to say ? Rafe : No , me , too . This is probably the best week I ve ever had . It ca nt get any better than this . Come on , I want you to meet Bobby . Daisy : Who s Bobby ? Rafe : Bobby s the kid . He s , like , eight years old , like , the time ... the age I was when I first found out . Daisy : Oh , yeah ? Rafe : Yeah , he s a good kid . You know , it must be cool , you know , having a little brother or sister . I mean , you have Zach and Jude . You have people you can , like , teach stuff to . Daisy : That s great . But I ca nt go with you right now . I have to go see this patient from when I was a candy striper . So I ll call you later . Rafe : Okay . Okay , okay , later . Daisy : Rafe ? Pick up when I call , okay ? Rafe : Of course , yeah . Doris : So mommy will see you in a little bit , okay ? Okay , bye - bye . Ava : Very sweet . Doris : Aw , what are you , jealous because your mother did nt want you ? Ava : I have to admit , I find it quite endearing what you are willing to do for your daughter . Doris : Anything . Ava : I know . Like set up that poor counselor and have him sent to jail . Doris : Oh , come on , please . Ashlee was so nice to him and he was paid to be nice to her . Ava : You planted drugs on her first boyfriend . Doris : Oh , please . That cretin was probably using drugs anyway . Ava : I m not judging you , okay ? I m just saying maybe you re lost your edge . Doris : ( Laughs ) Is that right ? Ava : Have you seen the way that Ashlee looks at Coop ? She is hopelessly in love with him . Doris : Oh , it s just a crush . Ava : It s just a crush ? Well , she s going to be crushed when he gets tired of her . That s what he does . That s his M.O. Ask Lizzie Spaulding , ask me . He s a player . It s a challenge . I admit it , I like it . But she s going to be devastated when he gets tired of her , Doris , and now that they re so close to actually being a real couple ... Doris : Oh , a real couple ? Please . I just do nt see it . Sorry . Ashlee : The ladies at table two want forks . Coop : Ashlee , you still have nt answered me . Ashlee : Uh ... wait , about what ? Coop : About what ? About ... about magical thinking , the fortress . Ashlee : Oh , yeah . I ... I do nt think I can go . Coop : Is this because you think it s crazy to believe that Marina might have escaped , that she might have headed up there , that ... that , you know , she s waiting for her Uncle Coop to come rescue her ? I mean , you think that s crazy ? Ashlee : I do nt think it s crazy . I think it s you , Coop Cooper . Coop : Look , I just ... I just want you to come with me . Please . Ashlee : It s a long drive . We re going to have to spend the night . Coop : Yeah . Ashlee : And then they could find her here and then we d be up there and it would look really bad . Coop : So we ll just ... we ll drive back , all right ? We ll turn around , we ll come right back , okay ? Did you ever think that maybe this is my excuse to try and get you alone maybe ? Ashlee : You do nt need an excuse . Coop : Well , I do nt know . Every time we seem to get close these days , you seem to just kind of ... Ashlee : No , I ll do it . I d love to go with you . Coop : Good . Natalia : I have my resume right here . Do you think you could give it to your boss . Waiter : Well , I mean , we are kind of short staffed right now . Natalia : Oh , good , because I can do whatever . I can work in the kitchen , I can wait tables . I m your woman . Waiter : Okay . Do you work nights ? Remy : Nope . Sorry , but she has a kid and she needs to be home after school . Natalia : Wait . Wait , well ... I , you know ... flexible . Waiter : You know what ... look , I ll pass this along , okay ? Natalia : Thank you . So you want me to be free at night . Remy : Hell , yeah . Natalia : Uh - huh . Did you follow me here . Remy : Yeah . To say thank you for saving me from getting ice picked back there . Natalia : Yeah , that girl seems a little aggressive . Remy : No , Brian Urlacher is aggressive . Lola , she s a menace . And you got rid of her . Natalia : Well , it was the least I could do since I came very close to breaking my promise to you . Remy : What promise ? Natalia : The one I made about staying away from Gus . Remy : What does that mean ? Natalia : I will tell you all about it another time . I have to go find the manager , actually , so ... Remy : I ll let you go , but first you have to dance with me . Reva : Hey . Jeffrey : Hey yourself . Reva : You look really good . Jeffrey : Alan know you re here ? Reva : I do nt have to check in with him . Jeffrey : Right . Well , it is nice to see you . Reva : You , too . Thanks for coming . Jeffrey : So , have you finally decided to tell me why you re living with Alan Spaulding ? Reva : Jeffrey ... Jeffrey : Okay . ( Laughs ) What ? That sounds like an invasion ... forget it , I m out of here . Reva : No , no , wait , wait , wait . Just walk with me . There ... there is a reason I moved out . Jeffrey : No kidding . Reva : And it has nothing to do with what I told you before about being worried that I was going to screw things up with you the way I did with Josh . Jeffrey : No kidding . Reva : I want to tell you things . Need to tell you things . Jeffrey : As a lawyer or as whatever it is that we were . Reva : We were good . Jeffrey : Yes , we were . Reva : And I know you can keep a secret because I have , after all , trusted you with the greatest one I have . Jeffrey : Reva ... Reva : Alan and I did nt take that trip just to knock back a bunch of margaritas and play Texas Hold em . There was something else . Waitress : Hey , Daisy . Daisy : Oh , hey . Waitress : The usual ? Milkshake and cheese fries ? Daisy : No , actually , could I just have like a ginger ale , maybe a couple packs of crackers . Waitress : You okay ? Daisy : Oh , yeah , just a stomach bug . Reva : I have to go . Jeffrey : What are you talking about . Reva : It s Daisy . I m sorry , my granddaughter ... I ll call you . Or I ll stop by and see you , I promise . I miss you . Jeffrey : Right . Ashlee : I better go pack some things . Coop : Mmhmm , yes . Ashlee : I ll see you later . Coop : You better . All right , go . Doris . Hi . ( Laughs ) So , did you just get an eyeful or what ? Jeffrey : Changed her number . Of course . Well , there he is , Reva s partner in crime . Alan : What do you want now , ONeill ? Jeffrey : Do nt you think it s time we stopped the charade now that Reva has come clean ? Alan : What did she say ? Jeffrey : You mean what did nt she say . She hired me . She told me anything . Alan : Really ? Jeffrey : Maybe it s not so bad . Tell me your side of the story , let me be the judge . Maybe I can help . Alan : Nice bluff . Reva did nt tell you anything . But you have a nice poker face , Jeffrey . Jeffrey : I m going to find out sooner or later . Alan : If you say so . Waitress , put his drink and whatever else he had on my bill . Have a nice day . If you can . Reva : Daisy ? Daisy . Hey . Daisy : ( Cries ) Reva : Oh . Honey . Daisy : ( Cries ) Coop : Doris , you watching us was pretty creepy . But I m also glad it happened . Doris : You re glad ? Coop : Yeah , because now you can understand how happy your daughter makes me . Doris : Is that right ? Coop : Hmm . Marina s still missing , okay ? My family , it s not very easy for them right now . Having Ashlee in my life makes a huge difference , at least to me . Doris : I m happy for you . Do you know where she went ? We had plans . Coop : She did nt mention to me that she had any plans with you . You might actually have to cancel them . Ava : Hey , Ash . Ashlee : Hey , Ava . Ava : Your mom wanted to talk to you about something . Ashlee : Oh yeah , I forgot I ... I do nt have time now , though . Ava : Going somewhere ? Ashlee : Actually , yes . Coop and I are going away . Ava : Marina s still missing . Ashlee : It s a little hard to explain . Ava : I remember back in the day when Coop and I went away together . It was great . Yeah , and then we got back home and we broke up soon after that . It was ... I do nt know , it was like all of a sudden he just lost interest and then it was done . Have fun . Mel : What s this ? Jeffrey : It s a case I need your help with . You can put your clerk on it , if you want . Mel : Okay . Jeffrey : Alan Spaulding s jet . I want you to find out where it landed on 9/14/07 . And then I might be making a little trip . Remy : You ready to go ? Natalia : Yep . Actually , just going to go straight home . Remy : To Gus ? Natalia : I should nt have said anything . It was so stupid . It was ... Gus got the wrong impression . He thought that Alan was trying to ... Remy : Trying to what ? Natalia : Well , I mean , that s what it looked like . It made sense because he saw that Alan kissed me . Remy : Alan what ? Natalia : Calm down . It was nt like that . It was ... Remy : So it was like a ... it was like a peck . A peck on the cheek ? Natalia : Well , no . But it ... Remy : Well , no wonder Gus freaked . Did he smack him ? Natalia : No . Because he knows that it was nothing . Absolutely nothing . So we re all just going to forget about it , okay ? Remy : Yeah . Rafe : What s up , Mr. S. ? Alan : Oh , more than you will ever know , Rafe . Rafe : What s wrong , you worried about something ? Alan : You could tell ? Rafe : I guess . What s going on . Alan : Oh , just a typical day in the life of a Spaulding-- people trying to bring you down ; people jealous of your power , your success . Just another day being a Spaulding . Rafe : You talking about Daisy . Alan : Not just Daisy ; Harley , the Cooper s , the Lewis . Let me ask you something : Have you ever listened to opera ? Rafe : ( Laughs ) It s not exactly my thing . Rafe : Ah , now , come on , come on . You listen to this . You were meant for better things , son . Reva : Okay , you want to tell me what s wrong , sweetie ? Whatever it is , you can tell me . I mean , you ve been so quiet , and that s not like you . Daisy : Have you ever had something that you just ... happened to you and you wanted to take back or just go back and change it ? Reva : Oh , who do you think you re talking to ? My whole life has been filled with woulda , shoulda , couldas . What s wrong ? Is it Rafe ? Natalia ? Daisy : No . Reva : Okay . Look , you do nt have to tell me , but I ll tell you a little secret . I think that it s something that you want to tell me , but I think you re scared . And it s okay . It s okay . And whatever it is , I promise you we will figure out a way to fix it . Because I love you . Daisy : I m pregnant . ### Summary:
Daisy is pregnant ! Could the Cooper , Lewis , Spaulding , Rivera lives get anymore controversial ? Daisy is quiet and emotional as it sinks in she has made the same exact mistake that her parents and Rafe s parents made . After the Internet reports the body has been found , Reva and Alan disagree about telling Jeffrey the truth about what happened while they were out of town . Alan wants to keep quiet and lay low . Just let the whole thing die down Alan advises . Since Reva s conscience wo nt allow her to , she is busting at the seams with guilt . Reva almost tells Jeffrey , but she makes eye contact with Daisy and Daisy bolts . Reva knows something is wrong and runs after her granddaughter . When Reva catches up to the teen , Daisy hesitates but confides her problem to Reva who promises no matter what she will help young Daisy fix what ever is troubling her . I m pregnant . Reva just holds Daisy when she ca nt find any words . Jeffrey knows how close Reva was to spilling the beans and tries to bluff Alan , but it does nt work . Natalia is desperate to find a job so she can pay her way through life . She wants Rafe to find a job as well . When Rafe checks his blood sugar on Main Street , a woman with the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation asks him if he will come work with her as a role model for kids and teens who are diagnosed as diabetic . Natalia quickly agrees for her son . Rafe goes along with it and decides he really likes it after meeting an 8-year - old boy . Natalia runs into Remy who is trying desperately to escape the stalking clutches of Lola the law clerk . Natalia covers for Remy . Remy wants Natalia to hold off on job hunting for today , so they can have some time together . Natalia tells Remy that Alan kissed her and Gus took issue with it . Natalia thinks it was nothing , but Remy is angry . Coop invites Ashlee to go away with him . She would be glad to . Ava hints that Coop will drop her when he gets what he wants and that time came for her after going away for a trip . This makes Ashlee reconsider going to the Bauer cabin with him . Doris gets jealous when she sees Coop and Ashlee kissing . Ava is nt helping Doris anger and jealousy issues mend . Ava has set her sights on pitting mother against daughter to win Coop back .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Chelsea : ( Sighs ) See ? It s cute , right ? Chloe : Cute , bordering on precious . Oh , you know , its okay , though . We can just play up the whole granny - chic thing for photo shoots . Chelsea : We have nt even started making clothes yet , and you re already talking about photo shoots ? Chloe : Inside the designer s atelier . It s French for Workshop . Chelsea : As in Le kick - ass atelier ? Chloe : Exactly . What ? Chelsea : Adam and I have never used this place before . It s not like we have tons of guests wanting to use our cottage , but I could have sworn everything was covered in sheets before . Do you feel that ? Like someone s been here ? Chloe : I do nt know , but it s very brown . Chelsea : ( Chuckles ) That s true . It s cozy , though . Chloe : Yeah . Adam : Jack . Jackie ? Thought you were one of those First in the office , last to leave kind of-- kind of guys . ( Sighs ) Adam : ( Sniffs ) Phyllis : You know , Adam , go ahead , stay there . Snuggle up in the chair so you can feel closer to daddy . I wo nt tell anyone , but , um , just some advice . Do nt let Jack find you there . Adam : This chair has been mine more than once . You ve been V.P. of Research and Development ... never . Phyllis : I m gon na take an office pool-- how long it takes Jack to realize you re a snake and boot you out of here . Adam : ( Tsking ) Red , Red , Red . Phyllis : Junior , Junior , Junior . Adam : What do you say we just make peace , lay down our slings and arrows ? I intend to stay here . Not going anywhere . I m gon na make things work , and I m gon na do what Jack wants . Will you ? Jack : Bill . Billy : Hey , Chief . Whatever you have to say must be extremely sensitive for you to have me come here instead of just meeting me at the office . Jack : So how s Victoria doing ? Billy : She s good . She s a trouper , eating all the gelato in Italy , you know ? Jack : Gelato . ( Chuckles ) Billy : Mm . Jack : It s a nice detail . Kind of takes the lie to the next level . Billy : What -- what are you talking about ? Jack : You lied to me , Billy . You sent Victoria to Miami to screw me over . You betrayed me , Brother . And you broke my heart . Lauren : Hi . Your brow is extra furrowed . Let me guess-- Paul s case ? Michael : What are the chances that the judge will fall sick and another judge will come in and dismiss the case , just like Phyllis s ? Lauren : I do nt think that s a legal strategy you should be counting on . Michael : I ca nt figure out a way to help Paul . Lauren : Again , I m no legal expert , but-- Michael : If I -- if I could just find a way not to prosecute this case , if I could just find a way to avoid putting Paul on trial , I could turn a lose - lose situation into-- not a win - win , exactly , but , you know , a - a hard - fought tie . Heather : Michael , I need to talk to you about my dad . Michael : You know we ca nt talk about that case . Heather : Remember how you were worried that it would be too hard for me to be A.D.A. and stay away from my dad s case ? Michael : You said you could handle this . Heather : I was wrong . From now on , every second of every day has to be about clearing my dad of murder . I m requesting a leave of absence . Paul : And at some point , you ll go to Isabella s bungalow on Coronado ? Chris : Okay , and the bank in Berkeley , but both of those after I go to Ricky s old apartment in Evanston ... ( Sighs ) But , Paul , I know in my heart that Ricky saved that video of Rachel s murder . It exists , I know it , and I will find it . Paul : Yeah , well , it s the longest of long shots . I just do nt want you putting too much pressure on yourself . Chris : I know we hate to say it , but Ricky was a killer . Eden would be dead if you had nt pulled the trigger , and for them to accuse you and try you in court-- I have to do this . The clock is ticking . Paul : Trial starts sooner than I d like , that s for sure . Chris : I will move fast to find that video , but I will find it . Do you trust me ? Paul : Always and forever . Genevieve : Hey , Tucker . Hey , you got a minute ? Um , I d like to buy you a drink . Tucker : Oh , no , I better not . Who knows how much that drink would cost me ? Genevieve : I need your help , Tucker . Tucker : Bank s closed . Genevieve : No , it s not about money or payback . I need your help to find Colin . Tucker : Oh , you want to see your criminal ex again ? Well , is this about romance or , uh , did you dig yourself into a brand - new hole ? Ronan : Um , excuse me . Sorry to interrupt . Tucker : Yeah . Ronan : I have , uh , some more questions for you about this missing person case . Genevieve : You re gon na get the same answer over and over . Find Colin , and you ll find the woman . Ronan : You re gon na stick with that , are nt you ? Genevieve : Yes ! It s the truth . Ronan : Okay , okay then . I got a call just now about a body found in an alley not far from here , so I m gon na give you a chance to do this one more time , and hopefully , this time , you can tell me the truth . Michael : You want a leave of absence now ? Heather : Look , I - I know its short notice . Michael : Short notice ? It s no notice at all . Heather : Right . Michael : The reason I have A.D.A.s is so they can pick up the slack when I am entrenched in a case , like Paul s . I need you now . Heather : Not as much as my dad does . Chris is gon na follow Eden s leads , and she s gon na prove that Ricky tried to kill Rachel . I mean , he would have done the same thing to your sister . I have to go with Chris , with or without your permission , and if that means that you have to fire me , I totally understand . You brought me back when no one else would have , and I will always be grateful for that . But I ca nt choose helping my boss and my friend over saving my dad . Excuse me . Lauren : ( Sighs ) She s very brave . Please tell me that you understand that she has to defend her father . Michael : Yeah . Let s all take a leave of absence so we can help Paul . Tucker : Yeah . Genevieve : Well done . You found a body in the alley and you waste time on me instead of finding Colin . Ronan : Considering the fact that I did nt find his blood in her room , I think I m -- Genevieve : Look , he sent that woman here to torture me and my son . Then he got rid of her and he framed me . Ronan : Okay , he framed you . Why exactly is he setting all this in motion , then ? Genevieve : I - I do nt know . This is a man who set his own daughter s death into motion . You know , do nt ask me to explain why he does what he does . Find him and get the answers for yourself . Ronan : I know exactly what Atkinson is capable of , but you were the last one to see the victim . It was your fingerprints found on the bloody weapon inside that room . Genevieve : For all you know , that body in the alley is not even the same person . Ronan : ( Scoffs ) Okay . We re gon na make an I.D. on the body and we re gon na do it fast , and I m gon na come back here with an arrest warrant for you . Do nt leave the club . Billy : You set me up . You waved Miami underneath my nose , and you set me up . Jack : I gave you a chance , Billy . I asked you to your face if you had come aboard at Newman to help Victoria . You said no . No , it was for your children . For their legacy , you said . What , have you been playing poker so long , you thought you could bluff me like some drunk in a casino ? Yeah , I fed you false information . What did you do ? You went straight to Victoria with it ! Billy : I did . I went to my wife , a concept I m sure you do nt understand , because your wives do nt stick around that long . You wanted me to ... ( Chuckles ) Give you complete and total alliance like a good little soldier . Did you get that from Victor Newman ? That s his move . Jack : You could have walked away . Billy : It s a little hard when Lurch is telling you that you have to take one for the team in order to save your marriage . Jack : Victor was in on this ? You let that son of a bitch think you could all put one over on me , your brother ? Billy : Stop . Please do nt do that . Y - you ran your own sister off . Jack : I offered Ashley a job . Billy : You offered Ashley a demotion . You re the reason why she s in New York City . Jack : I should never have talked you into coming to Newman . You were right . You were right . What you and Victoria have makes you every bit as much a Newman as it makes her an Abbott . Billy : So what now ? Jack : You re fired , that s what . Billy : So that s it ? I m fired , no discussion ? Jack : You lied , we talked , you re fired . Billy : Thank you . Thank you . No , really , you just did the first decent thing you ve ever done for me . Now I can get the hell away from Newman and your silly little war and your obsession and your lectures . Jack : Oh , that s right , you re the victim here . You just stabbed me in the back . Now let s start whining about big , bad Jack . Billy : Hey , I got an idea . You already cut Ashley . Now me . Why do nt you force Traci into working for you so you could fire her , too ? You know , it s a real shame that Abby s already-- Jack : This is about you and me and no one else ! Billy : I know better than that ! I know it s not just about me . It s the fact that I helped Victor Newman s daughter . I did nt want to take this job ! I wanted to stay away from Newman and your stupid war , and I told you that and you knew it , and you know what ? You just proved me right . And I ll tell you something else , Jack . If Victoria can beat you , if she can get Newman back , then I am all for it , because that might be the only thing that ll save you from you . Genevieve : Tucker . Colin is nt gon na stop . He had that woman murdered so that he could shut her up and lock me away at the same time . He knows that I am the one who helped to put him away , so he wants to return the favor now . It s a game to him . It is , and the stakes are so high , it s -- it s my life , it s my freedom . Tucker : Shh , shh , shh . Slow down . You do nt even know if it was the same woman . Genevieve : ( Exhales slowly ) Please help me . Please . Tucker : I was this close to federal charges . I can not afford to rumble with the law right now or with your psycho ex . Genevieve : I never should have left the states ... and I never should have left you . Tucker : It s a little late for that pitch . Genevieve : ( Voice breaking ) I know . I m sorry . I know how much I hurt you , but please ... ( Normal voice ) Oh , Tucker , I ve never needed anyone as much as I need you now . Please help me . Tucker : I m sorry , Sweetheart . I ca nt . I ca nt do it . Genevieve : Tucker ... Jack : ( Exhales slowly ) Well , no knives , no blood . That s progress , particularly reassuring as I m gon na have to be away from the office for a while . Adam : Long lunch ? Jack : Medical procedure . Adam : What kind of medical procedure ? Jack : Oh , you know , precautionary measure . Doctors worry about the least little thing these days . Ideally , Billy would be filling in for me , but he s no longer a part of this company . Phyllis : Since when ? Jack : It does nt matter . He s not here anymore . Adam : Oh , Phyllis , somebody should have started a pool on how soon it would take Billy to split . Jack : As such , congratulations , Adam . You will be the acting C.E.O. during my brief absence . Phyllis : You re joking , right ? Jack : Adam , you all right with that ? Adam : You re trusting me with a great deal , Jack . Thank you . You go do what you have to do . Newman will be in good hands while you re gone . Chelsea : I mean , hair stuff , really ? ( Scoffs ) Chloe : Yeah , but that stuff s expensive . Yeah , I mean , what is all this-- I do nt underst-- oh , I like this color . Chelsea : Oh , good . I m glad you approve . Someone is living in my cottage . Chloe : Like a squatter ? A vagrant . Chelsea : A vagrant who buys $ 20 lip gloss ? Chloe : No , more like $ 30 . Maybe it s Genevieve Atkinson . Yeah , I mean , she got kicked out of the mansion . Maybe she just downgraded to here . Chelsea : Or there could be an entirely different explanation . Chloe : Like what kind of explanation ? Chelsea : I do nt know . Maybe Adam has the answer . Adam : So when you say procedure , you mean surgery ? Jack : As I said , it s a precautionary measure . Do nt worry , I wo nt be gone long enough for you to get used to this chair . Adam : Of course . Adam : Excuse me , I have to take this . Jack : Yeah , go ahead . ( Exhales slowly ) ( Grunting ) Phyllis : Please tell me this is a setup . You have T.N.T. under the chair and it s gon na explode . You -- you ca nt possibly trust that weasel . Jack : Adam is a figurehead to reassure our stockholders . He will have no more power while I m gone , and I will not be gone that long . Phyllis : An hour is too long with that freak in charge . Jack : Adam supported my takeover . He has made it very clear he wants this to work . Phyllis : Awesome , so he gets a paycheck as a thank - you . You know , I m not a huge Billy fan , but I would much rather have Billy sitting there in this instance than Adam . Jack : That s not an option . Adam s our guy . Adam : What s up , Chelse ? Sharon : Adam , Adam , it s me . Adam : What are you doing ? You re not supposed to be going up to the main house . Chelsea s liable to find you any minute . Sharon : Yeah , I know . She almost did at the cottage . She and Chloe walked in and I had to sneak out . Adam , what do I do ? Adam : Just -- just lay low . I ll figure something out . Sharon : Adam-- Adam : I ll keep you safe . Paul : You know , I m stuck . I really hate the idea that I ca nt leave town and I have to sit by and watch you do my job for me . Chris : No , it s my job now . It always was . I never should have gotten so sucked up in that Phyllis thing . Heather was right . When you were arrested , my attention should have been on you and only you . It never should have gotten this far . Paul : No , Heather did nt mean anything by it . She was , you know , she just loves her old man , that s all . Chris : Oh , we all do . Paul : ( Chuckles ) Heather : Hey . Chris : Hey . Paul : Hi . Just talking about you . Heather : Yeah ? It s , uh , it s all settled . I m coming with you . Billy : The jig is up , Baby . Jack knows you re in Miami and he promptly fired my ass . Victoria : Oh , my God . Are you kidding me ? How did he know ? Billy : He set us up . That s why you re not getting anywhere with that Miami department store guy . Victoria : ( Sighs ) I knew it the second I walked into his office . Something seemed off and he handed me a big bag of runaround . I m so sorry . This is so humiliating . Billy : I blew it for you . I m sorry . No more man on the inside . Victoria : How angry was Jack ? Billy : Oh , he was just a little bit ballistic . Ballistic , I can handle . It was the part where he said that , uh ... I broke his heart . That stung . Victoria : ( Sighs ) You wanted to quit and walk away , and I made you stay for my sake . Billy : You and the kids trump all . I told Jack that and I ll tell anyone else who asks , so pack your bags , come home . We need you here . Adam : You taking off for your procedure ? Jack : Like I told you earlier , do nt get too comfy in my chair , though I do nt imagine Phyllis is gon na let that happen . Adam : Checks and balances . Just how I like it . Phyllis : Well , it does nt really matter what you like , Adam , cause it s not up to you , right ? Jack : Okay , go at it , you two . Help yourselves . Frankly , I find it a little amusing , but be productive and be professional . Keep the money coming in . If you ll excuse me , I have a doctor to humor . Phyllis : I ll get my keys . Jack : No , you do nt need to drive me , and please God , no vigils in the waiting area . Last of all , no one outside of this room needs to know about this . Adam : Agreed . The public does nt need to know that the new Newman C.E.O. is in surgery . Jack : Thank you , Adam . Phyllis : Um , I ll wrap things up here and then I ll go to the hospital , okay ? Jack : I just said-- Phyllis : I - I -- one person is not a vigil , Jack . Jack : I ll see you later . Adam : You do nt appoint an acting C.E.O. , especially me , for a little nothing procedure . I think Jack is worried . Phyllis : Maybe he realized he hired you . Adam : Ha . You know , I enjoy a little playful banter every now and again , a crack or two ... but I intend to take this very seriously . What would it take to convince you that I want what s best for Newman ? Phyllis : Quit . Genevieve : ( Gasps ) Tucker : Come here . This is a great idea . You gon na skip town ? I m sure your son and his family will appreciate that . Genevieve : Actually , they will . Tucker : Yeah , and what about the police ? They do nt appreciate persons of interest taking off . ( Whispering ) I told you , I ve been on the wrong side of the law too much lately . Genevieve : What are you gon na do ? Are you gon na turn me in ? Oh , my God , do you hate me that much ? Tucker : Shh . Take this . You go , you go now . Do nt look back . Genevieve : Tucker-- Tucker : Go . Genevieve : Okay . I know how to disappear . Tucker : ( Normal voice ) I know you do . Genevieve : ( Sniffling ) Tucker : Take off , Kid . Genevieve : I love you . Phyllis : Seriously ? Billy : Oh , come on . Phyllis : Seriously ? Way to go . Quit Newman and leave me to deal with Adam . Billy : I did nt jump , Phyllis . I was pushed . My services were no longer required , so I was fired . Phyllis : You were fired by Jack ? He fired you ? What did you do ? It must have been horrible to make him mad enough to fire you . Billy : Well , I did nt run anyone down with my car , if that s what you mean . Phyllis : What d you do ? What d you do ? Billy : I betrayed my own brother for my own ends-- nothing that you have nt done to someone time and time again . Phyllis : Well , not to Jack . You just cant -- you cant-- you ca nt get the sleaze off of you , can you ? Billy : Look at the drool on the side of your mouth . You want all the little dirty details , do nt you ? Well , tough . Phyllis : Honestly ... ( Chuckles ) It s sort of like sweet revenge . It kind of makes me feel warm and fuzzy that you got fired by your brother , and you , in fact , fired me from the magazine that I created and built . Billy : You truly are a sweetheart , you know that ? Phyllis : Yeah , I am . You know , and I m gon na prove to you how sweet I am . Billy : ( Clears throat ) Phyllis : I do nt care what you have to do-- beg , plead , bribe somebody to get your job back at Newman , but I can not , can not work with Adam . Please . Billy : What do you mean , work with Adam ? Jack s in charge . Phyllis : He ca nt run Newman from surgery and recovery . Billy : I m sorry , what ? Jack s in surgery ? Phyllis : Wow , you must have really pissed him off not to tell you that . Chloe : Okay , when you figure out who crashed here without your permission , you re gon na haul off and you re gon na clock her . Okay , come on , did you come from a whole scary Grifter past ? I mean , come on , you can totally take her . Chelsea : Okay , it s -- its fine , all right ? I m sure it s probably nothing . Chloe : What did I say about the whole vanilla thing , okay ? This is your house . This is your turf . Okay , do you want me to stick around here ... ? Chelsea : ( Laughs ) No . Chloe : When Adam gets home ? Chelsea : Okay . Chloe : Do you want me to be here when you confront him about the uninvited guest ? Chelsea : I get it . I get it , no vanilla , and I will talk to Adam alone , and thanks for the vote of confidence in my scary grifter self . You re pretty scary , too . Chloe : We re not gon na hug now , right ? Chelsea : God , no . Adam : Ah , we have company . Chloe : Oh , I was just leaving . Adam : Did you find an investor to buy me out of TagNGrab yet ? Chloe : Oh , yeah , there was this guy on the side of the road . He offered me $ 15 million , but I did nt like his face . Bye . Chelsea : ( Clears throat ) What are you doing home ? Adam : Big news . Jack is , uh ... well , he s having to step out for a little while , so he s appointed me as acting C.E.O. Chelsea : Moving up the ladder . You must be so happy . Adam : You seem ... not happy . What s going on ? Chelsea : Who s the woman in our cottage ? Chris : Heather , I m committed to clearing your dad , so if you re leaving your job because you re concerned about that-- Heather : No , no , no , no , no , I know exactly how dedicated you are . You ve been proving that for months , but just-- maybe two of us can work that much faster . Paul : You know , between the two of you , with all your skills and credentials , there ll be so many doors you ll be able to open ... Heather : Yeah , hopefully . Paul : But I m worried about maybe , uh ... being able to open a certain safety- deposit box . Chris : No , if we find one , we ll open it . Heather : Yeah , absolutely . Paul : Well ... there s a team I can stake my life on . What about your job ? What did Michael have to say about all of this ? Heather : Oh , you know , that I m , uh , leaving him in a bind , that I should have given him more notice . It s all true . Chris : Okay , but is he gon na take you back when it s over ? Heather : I do nt know , but I can live with that . Michael : Hey . I m sorry . Excuse us . Lauren : Hi . Michael : Uh , you win . Your job will be waiting for you . My , um , better , prettier half reminded me that I failed to make that promise to you before you took off so , uh ... I m here to give you my blessing . Paul : Your blessing to trash your case against me . Lauren : ( Laughs ) Well , as his official off - the - record spokesperson , honestly , it could nt happen fast enough . Chris : Uh , we know . We have to go now , really . Heather : Yeah ? Chris : Yeah . Heather : Okay . Dad , when we get back , this will all be different . Paul : I love you . Heather : I love you , too . Chris : She s right , it will be . Paul : You know , I ca nt tell you what it means to have you both care the way you do . Heather : Hey , take care of him for us , okay ? Lauren : Yeah , you got it . Paul : Thank you . Chris : Thank me when we come home with that video . Billy : Hey . Jack : What are you doing here ? Billy : Oh , just passing through . What do you think ? My brother s having surgery . Jack : I m just getting the knife you stuck in my back removed . There s nothing for you to worry about . Billy : Ah , well , Phyllis must be confused . She seems to think that you re having a bullet removed from your spine . Jack : That was private information she was nt supposed to share with anyone . Billy : Oh , well , the funny thing is , she just did nt seem to think that Private meant from your own brother . Jack : Listen to me . You are not to tell Ashley or Traci or anyone else . You understand ? Billy : Come on , Jack . You did nt even tell Kyle . Jack : I will tell them when I am ready . Billy : Fine , not a word . Jack : Good . Now you can leave . Billy : No , actually , I ca nt , because my brother s about to get cut into , and I need to be here in case something happens . Jack : Nothing s gon na happen . It s a simple procedure . Billy : Good , that s the spirit . Keep telling yourself that . I need you to know that I feel awful about what I was doing with Victoria , and I feel even worse today , but right now , I m gon na try to be a good brother . I m gon na stay here , I m gon na tell you some really awful jokes until that-- Jack : I think I asked you to leave . Billy : Come on , Jack . Do nt hang up on this . You need your family . Jack : I needed my family when I asked you to work for me at Newman . I do nt need my family now . Go . Billy : I really am sorry , Jack . Be well . Phyllis : Hey , hey . What are you doing out here ? I sent you in there to be a decent brother for once . Billy : Yeah , well , I blew that before I walked in the door , so now it s up to you , Phyllis . You should be here for Jack because , uh ... he s certainly not gon na let it be me . Adam : This is not how it looks . Chelsea : Then tell me what it is . Adam : I ca nt , not yet . Chelsea : I m your wife , and you ca nt tell me about the woman living on our property ? Then I ll go find out for myself . Paul : Well , actually , it feels like I have a shot . I mean , if evidence exists that Ricky was the kind of person he was , I m sure that Heather and Chris will find it . Michael : Well , they better find it fast . Oh , I m sorry , I ve got ta take this . Lauren : Yeah , of course . Michael : Mm . Lauren : ( Sighs ) You know Michael never wanted to take this case . Paul : Hey , the guy s got ta do his job . I mean , there is material evidence . And , uh , to be honest with you , there s , uh , a part of me that felt guilty , you know , down in my soul . I failed as a father and maybe I should have been locked up . I ca nt tell you how many times Chris has talked me down off that ledge . Lauren : Chris , not Nina ? Paul : ( Chuckles ) Well , of course , Nina . Chris and Nina , too . Lauren : You know , Honey , you have really gone through pure hell the last couple months , and you ca nt go through something like that without coming out changed , you know , different feelings . Paul : Lauren , nothing s changed . Lauren : Yeah ? Paul : Yeah . Lauren : With that look in your eye ... Paul : ( Sighs ) Lauren : And the way you just watched Christine go just now ? Paul : Oh , that s -- all that was gratitude . Lauren : Paul . Paul : Okay . ( Sighs ) Whenever I m with Chris , it feels like 20 years ago and brand - new at the same time . Lauren : ( Chuckles ) Paul : It s wrong , and it s a disaster , but , uh ... ( Sighs ) I think I m falling for Chris again . Ronan : Tucker . Tucker : Yeah . Anything on that body in the alley ? Ronan : You got a badge I do nt know about ? Tucker : I m just trying to help . Ronan : Question for you now-- where s your friend Genevieve ? Tucker : Oh , she s in her room , I suppose . Ronan : Okay . Yeah , she s not in her room and she s not down here , and the last person I saw her with was you . Tucker : Well , wish I could help . But then , you re the professional . Ronan : ( Sighs ) Tucker : Well , look who s back , and as glorious as ever . ( Chuckles ) Phyllis : Hey , are you sedated yet , or should I come back when you are ? Jack : What did I tell you about keeping your mouth shut regarding the surgery ? Phyllis : Okay , in all fairness , I knew you were mad at Billy , but I did nt know he was part of the general public who did nt know you were having surgery . Jack : Okay , now you know . No one -- tell no one . Phyllis : He feels awful about what he did , just so you know . Jack : Already ? Phyllis : Just give me the word . Give me the word , I ll bust you out of here if you do nt want to do this . Jack : You d actually do that for me ? Phyllis : Absolutely not . You re having this surgery , but when you re better , out of surgery , you can yell at me about Billy . Jack : I m gon na hold you to that . Phyllis : Hey . You re gon na be fine , okay ? Billy : Hey , Vick . So , uh , news is Jack s going in for surgery , and I admit , I m a little freaked out ... ( Clears throat ) So I hope you re on the way to the airport , because I could really use seeing your face . Victoria : ( Screaming ) Sharon : Oh , Adam , thank God . Chelsea : Your sweet little mistress was just trying to defend your honor . Too bad you do nt have any . Nick : I did nt mean to pry . Avery : I want you to pry . Victoria : ( Grunting ) ### Summary:
As Chelsea look through the cottage with Chloe , she gets the feeling that someone has been living here . Sharon hides as she listens to the conversation . Adam walks into Jack s office but he s not there . Adam sits down in Jack s chair when Phyllis walks in and catches him . Jack asks Billy how Victoria s trip is going . When Billy tells him , Jack accuses him of lying and says that he fed him false information , and Billy betrayed his confidence . Lauren joins Michael at the coffeehouse and gives him a kiss . Heather walks in and informs Michael that she needs a leave of absence . Michael becomes upset and does nt want to give it to her . Christine and Paul have lunch and talk about Paul having to shoot Ricky . At the Athletic Club , Genevieve asks Tucker for help in finding Colin but he refuses . Ronan interrupts them and tells Genevieve that they found a body not too far from there . He then asks her more questions . Heather insists that she will leave anyway . Genevieve can not believe that Ronan is accusing her of killing this woman instead of trying to find Colin . Jack accuses Billy of going straight to Victoria to give her the information that he falsely fed to him . Jack fires Billy . Genevieve tells Tucker that Colin had this woman murdered and made it look as though Genevieve killed her . Genevieve once again asks for Tucker s help , but he refuses . Jack finds Adam and Phyllis in his office and informs them that , since Billy is no longer there , Adam is going to be the acting CEO until Jack s return . Phyllis can not believe what she is hearing . Chelsea finds a bag with a woman s belongings in it . Phyllis warns Jack about letting Adam be CEO but he refuses to listen . Sharon calls Adam to let him know that Chelsea is at the cottage . Adam tells her to lay low and he will help to keep her safe . Heather tells Paul and Christine that she is going with Christine to help find the videotape that will clear Paul . Jack tells Phyllis and Adam not to let anyone know that he is having surgery . Genevieve comes downstairs with her suitcase and looks around to see where Ronan is . Tucker catches her by the arm , then gives her money and tells her to disappear . At the coffeehouse , Phyllis blasts Billy for quitting Newman . Billy explains that he did nt quit , but rather was fired . Phyllis lets it slip about Jack having surgery . Adam comes home and lets Chelsea know that Jack made him acting CEO . Chelsea holds up the suitcase and asks to who it belongs . When Adam says he can not tell her right now , Chelsea walks out . Michael and Lauren join Paul , Heather , and Christine . Michael assures Heather that her job will be waiting for her when she returns . Heather and Christine tell Paul good - bye . Tucker sees Jill at the Athletic Club . Billy visits Jack in the hospital , but Jack orders him out . Billy sees Phyllis in the corridor . Paul lets Lauren know his feelings for Christine . Tucker questions Ronan about the dead body that was found . Ronan refuses to give him any information and asks Tucker where Genevieve is . Jack lashes out at Phyllis for letting Billy know about his surgery . Billy calls Victoria to come home , but in the hall , someone puts a cloth across her nose . Chelsea visits the cottage and finds Sharon there .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: David : This is for you . It s great . Thanks . Jake : I have been trying to call Amanda since yesterday . She has nt returned any of my calls . She has nt responded to any of my messages . David : She s fine , Jake . She s resting quietly . Do nt take it personally . She s just trying not to stress out . If she s pregnant , she wants to make sure that s she not gon na compromise it . Jake : If she s pregnant ? David : Yes . Jake : Well , she could nt be pregnant . I mean , how could she be pregnant ? I spoke to Dr. Hines , and she said she did nt perform the insemination . David : Yes , Jake , you re right . She did nt . I called her personally and told her that her services are no longer needed . Jake : Why would you do that ? Answer me . Why would you do that ? Tad : Just bring Kendall home , Zach . Zach : What are you not telling me ? It s Aidan , is nt it ? What is he doing with my wife ? Tad : It s not Aidan . Zach : It s not Aidan ? Tad : It s not Aidan , all right ? Aidan is just doing his job . All he wants to do is to protect Kendall , to keep her safe . Zach : I m gon na ask you one more time . What are you not telling me ? Kat : Well , I always knew you were clever , but this plan of yours , it s inspired . Aidan : Yeah . Let s just hope it works . Kat : Well , if it does , she s all yours . Aidan : You got the good stuff ? Kat : I have exactly what you asked for . Aidan : Well , you d better get out of here , because she could be back any minute . Kat ? Kat : What ? Aidan : Thank you . Hey , Kendall ? Is everything all right ? Kendall : No ! No , it s not . Actually , it s not . I have no idea where the hell I put that corkscrew . I do nt know where it is , but I got to find it . I m sure -- here . Take these . It s got to be around here somewhere . I m sure I left it somewhere . I do nt know . Aidan : Maybe you ve had -- maybe you ve had too much already . Kendall : I think maybe you are incredibly wrong . You re wrong . But you are actually right , as well . You are right . You re right , ok ? This is exactly what I needed . I needed to forget about everything , and I needed to relax and forget about what s going on at home . So -- which actually I am starting to , and that lovely wine is helping a little . I need more of it . I need more , and I got to open it . So -- the bathroom . I left it in the bathroom . Ok , I ll be back . Hold that thought . I ll be right back . Aidan : I ll pour a glass of wine . Adam : There s no reason I have to beg your forgiveness , Erica . I do nt deserve it . I just -- I need to tell you that I m -- how sorry I am . Erica , just -- there s nothing left for me now . I ve -- besides something I should ve done a long time ago : Admit that I -- that I killed my brother . Ryan : That s exactly what you re going to do , Adam . We re going to go down to the police station , and you are going to confess right now . Adam : It s time to put an end to all this . Erica : No , Adam . Do nt do it . Annie : I saw you pull that trigger . But I could nt erase it . So I just thought our love and this child and our marriage would make you see what a great man you are , and you would eventually be able to forgive yourself . I know you re hurt and you re angry , and you never want to see me again , and there s nothing I can do about that . But I will tell our son , or our daughter , that what we had was real and it was strong . I ll never stop loving you . It -- agh . Agh . No , no , no , no , no . Agh . Agh ! Agh ! Ohh -- ohh ! Oh , my God . Oh , my God . Help me . Ryan : Erica , what are you talking about ? Erica : Think about it . Think what it will do to him . Ryan : What ? Your -- your own daughter has been tortured . She s been on the run , because he has nt confessed to the murder . Erica : I know . I know . And I was furious . But it was nt murder . I mean , Adam was nt himself . Adam , I know how much Stuart meant to you . And I know you never would ve pulled that trigger if you d been in your right mind . And I know you never would ve covered up the truth once it came out if it was nt for her . She convinced you to do this . Annie is the one who is to blame here . She s to blame for what happened to Kendall . She s to blame for covering everything up out of selfishness . And Annie is the one who should pay the price . Adam : No , no . Ryan : She will -- she will pay . Ok ? She already has paid . She s lost Adam , and she s lost his power , his money . She ll never get near Emma again . Adam : I m the one ! Erica : Not enough . It s not enough . Annie should be in jail , not Adam . Adam : I m the one responsible for Stuart s death , and I m the one who s gon na pay for it . You told me what it was like when you shot your brother . You thought Jonathan was dead , and how it ate you up and devoured you ? Well , the same thing s happening to me , and I m gon na put an end to it . So call Jesse . Have him get the D.A. over here . Tell him you re bringing in Stuart s killer . David : Why do nt you just try and take it easy , Jake ? Jake : I asked you a question . David : I did nt use Dr. Hines , because she does nt have a very good track record when it comes to successful inseminations . There s an art to it , as you may well know . Jake : So you re just now knowing about Dr. Hines track record ? What did you -- why did you make this decision ? Who -- what doctor did you use ? David : A doctor I met at a conference several years ago whose success rate was double that of Dr. Hines . When I showed Amanda the stats , she was on board . Jake : Why did nt Amanda tell me about it ? David : Oh , I do nt know , Jake . Maybe because you ve been so overpowering lately , you know , so overprotective . Amanda wants this done . Do nt you get it ? She wants to have this baby and get on with her life with you . Maybe she does nt want to talk about it . My suggestion ? Do nt press her on the subject . You re only gon na stress her out . Jake : First of all , do nt talk down to me . Ok ? And I m not the reason that she s stressed out . Why did you switch doctors ? Why was nt I told ? Is there a reason ? Is there a reason that I was left out and was nt told ? David : This paranoia thing of yours is really getting boring . Amanda s fine , Jake . So why do nt you stop trying to find problems where there are nt any ? Jake : I m going to talk to Amanda . David : Fine . Go ahead , talk to Amanda . Perfect timing : Here she comes . Tad : Zach , do me a favor . Take it easy , please . I m not the enemy , so just back off with the attitude . All right ? I did exactly what I said I was going to . I tracked down Aidan . He s got the situation under control . Kendall is safe . He was a little upset , because I managed to find him . He figured if I could do it , then somebody else could . Either way , he s gon na keep her hidden until her name is cleared . Because he thinks it s too big a risk to bring her back before then , and I agree with him . I think that s what you , I think that s what all of us should be working on . Zach : You know what I think ? I think you re lying to protect your friend . Tad : Why would he need protecting ? Zach : Because he s trying to seduce my wife . Kendall : I would like to make a toast . To my new B.F.F. Aidan : Best friends forever . That s a long time . Kendall : No , no . No , no , no . Best fugitive friends . Kendall : You like that , huh ? I m pretty snazzy . It s good . Mmm ! God , you know , this is -- this is really something . This is -- this is good . It is . Aidan : Are you surprised ? Kendall : I m a little surprised . Yeah , I am . Oh , God . Aidan : Is it you re finally relaxing ? Kendall : I know . I am relaxing . But at the same time , I m happy . I m actually happy . Which is a hell of a lot better than being anxious and worried and freaked out and all of that stuff I ve been feeling since we started this horrible nightmare of a trip . Is that bad to say ? That I m happy ? Aidan : No . Happy : It looks good on you . Kendall : Yeah . I mean , I -- I pray for the day when I can get back to my family . But for the first time since I ve had to leave them all behind -- to being happy . Hmm . Ok . I know you . You ca nt -- you ca nt surprise me . I know exactly what you re up to . Jesse : So what have you come up with on James Beardsley ? Detective : We got a tail on him . Nothing unusual so far . Jesse : Madison North ? Detective : Nothing . D.A. Willis : I got your message . Where was she ? Jesse : Where was who ? D.A. Willis : Kendall Slater . Jesse : Kendall Slater is still at large . D.A. Willis : You told me you were bringing in Stuart Chandler s killer . Jesse : That s right . Adam : I m here to confess to the killing of my brother . Annie : [ Groans ] Agh ! Ugh ! Scott : Oh , God , Annie . Annie ? Annie ? Oh , my God . Erica : I could nt actually reach Zach , just his voice mail . Ryan : Well , do nt you worry . He s gon na find out soon enough , and then Kendall will finally come home . I got a feeling Zach knows exactly where she is . Erica : It s really over , is nt it ? Ryan : It looks like it . Yes , it does . Erica : He looks so lost . I wish there was something I could do for him . Ryan : He made it pretty clear that he does nt want any help , certainly not any protection from us . It s been eating him up inside ever since he pulled the trigger . He ca nt get Stuart s face or voice out of his mind , and he s got to do something before it drives him crazy . Jesse : Do you understand the rights I ve just read to you ? Adam : Yes . Yes , I do . And again , I do nt want a lawyer . I just want to pay for what I did to my brother . And so keep that rolling . Let s get it over with . D.A. Willis : All right , Mr. Chandler . Let s start at the beginning . Tell me everything you remember about the night your brother died . Natalia : Where s Jesse ? Ryan : He s in there . You ca nt go in there right now . Natalia : Well , an ambulance was just sent to the Chandler house . His wife is on her way to the hospital now . Ryan : The man is confessing to murdering his brother . Natalia : What ? Erica : Yes , it s true . Ryan : So whatever it is , it can wait . Ok , believe me , this is another one of Annie s attempts to stop Adam from telling the truth . That s all . Aidan : I plead ignorance . I m not up to anything , so I do nt know what you re talking about . Kendall : Really ? Really , now ? Ok . This . All of this stuff over here ? You did not do this to apologize to me . I know what you re doing . You re trying to get me drunk . Drunk as a skunk . Mm - hmm . Aidan : This is not the first bottle of red that we ve opened since we ve been on the run . If I remember correctly , you were the one putting an APB out for the corkscrew . Kendall : Oh , no , no , no . That was just your sneaky , passive - aggressive personality . Now , it s true . You knew exactly how long to protest before getting another bottle and opening it . That s right . You know me too well . You knew what I needed . You knew this is what I needed to , you know , get a bit drunk . You know , a sitting lily . You know , a sitting lily . A little silly . Whatever . Little silly lily . Singing lilies : Haa ! I do nt know . Oh , oh ! You know what ? This is -- this is working all too good . I got to tell you . Whew ! Aidan : Yep , you have gone from zero to silly in record time . Kendall : I do that sometimes . You know , I just had to get a little nutty . But -- ohh . You know what ? It s -- I m getting kind of hot . You kind of hot in here ? Aidan : I m fine . Kendall : No , I m -- I do nt know . I feel like I need some air all of a sudden . Oh . Yeah , maybe -- I need some air . I got to -- I just got to -- I feel like I got to just breathe a little bit , and then -- Aidan : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Kendall : I m good . I m good . Aidan : You ok ? Kendall : I m good . I m good ! Oh , look at you . Aidan : What ? Kendall : You re my hero again . You saved the day . Yay . Ohh . Tad : I understand where your concern over what happened between Aidan and Kendall comes from , but you re way off base . He s put his neck on the line to protect her . He helped her to escape . Ok , fine . I did nt see Kendall . I talked to Aidan . That was it . Zach : Where was she ? Tad : I do nt know . He s keeping her under wraps because of the FBI . I agree with him . It s too big a chance . Zach : And why would you lie to me ? Tad : Because you re suspicious of everything and everybody . Because I know the history between those two only makes you more paranoid . Zach : I do nt trust you , and I sure as hell do nt trust your friend . Tad : Then why d you send me out there ? Zach : Because you re the only one who could find them ! Unfortunately , you only believe everything that he tells you . Where are they ? Tad : I m sorry , I ca nt . I m sorry , Zach . You get like this , you ll go off half - cocked , you ll get them caught -- or worse . Zach : Get out . Out . Rachael ? Rachael : Yes ? Zach : Hey . How s Ian ? Rachael : Great . Got a movie going for him . Zach : Ok . I m gon na leave for a little while . I ll check in with you . Rachael : Ok . Jake : Well , how are you feeling ? Amanda : I m ok . David : I ll leave you two lovebirds . Got to go . Jake : Been trying to call you . A lot . Amanda : I know . I m -- I m so sorry for -- both for not calling you back and -- and for being so nervous yesterday . That s why I left Trevor with Krystal to come down here . It s definitely been a weird couple of days . Jake : Define -- define weird . Amanda : The whole baby thing . You know , I thought that I could deal with it ok , but it s -- it s definitely been tougher than I thought . So I just needed some time alone to sort things out . Jake : Well , he s gone . Talk to me . Amanda : I thought that s what we were doing . Jake : I mean you can talk to me . You can tell me anything . You do nt have to hide anything from me . Amanda : Hide ? I m not hiding anything . Jake : What about the two of you blowing off the fertility doctor ? Adam : It was like there was a deep gap in my memory . The pieces started coming back , though , and then -- but they did nt make any sense . They did nt fit together . And with what Kendall had admitted to in court , and Marian , what happened to her , I -- I need some water . Could I -- Jesse : I ll get you some . Erica : Jesse , is he all right ? Jesse : Relatively . He needs some water . Erica : Well , he does nt look good , Jesse . Maybe you should get a doctor here . Jesse : Well , considering what he did to Kendall , I m surprised you even care . Erica : I know . I m sure it sounds crazy to you , but of course , I care . I mean , Adam and I have been through a lot together , good and bad . And Kendall will come home , and I truly believe that Kendall will be able to get her family back . But Adam -- Adam will never get back what he s lost . David : All right . What do you got ? E.M.T. : First trimester pregnancy . Possible miscarriage . Pressure s 80 by palp . David : This is nt a normal bleed for this early a miscarriage . Get her typed and crossed . Nancy , I want a stat coag and iron studies . And I want a vaginal sonogram before we go into the O.R. I want to make sure this is nt a tumor , an aneurysm , or anything else . Ok . Come on . Let s go . Scott : David ? Is she going to be all right ? David : She s lost a lot of blood . You the one that found her ? Scott : Yeah . David : Well , let s hope you brought her here in time . Zach : Should I feel lucky ? You sure ? And Martin did nt know you were following him ? Dealer : He might have . Either that , or he was just taking precautions . I almost lost him a couple times , but finally found the place . It s a run - down boarding house . Zach : Who did Martin see ? Dealer : Devane . They talked . Martin left . Zach : But you did nt see her ? What did you see ? Aidan : Kendall , you need to lie down . Lie down . Kendall : No , no , no . I do nt want to -- ohh ! You re a party pooper . Aidan , I do nt want to lie down . I do nt want to lie down . This is the first time I ve had fun in forever . I want to dance with you . That s what I want . I want to dance . I want to dance ! I want to prance ! I want to dance all night . I do , I do , I do . Oh , I miss Zach . Oh , I miss Zach so much . I miss looking into his eyes , those beautiful eyes of his . It s like -- it s like I just get lost . I get so lost . I do . Sometimes when we dance , I close my eyes , and then he kisses me . Oh , those lips , those lips -- they re so soft . He s got such a strong face but such soft lips . I just -- [ Growls ] They get me all , you know , randy and feeling good . Ok , come on . Kiss me , Zach . Come on , kiss me . Come on , Zachy , give me a kiss . Mm - hmm . Aidan : Look , Zach ca nt kiss you , because he s not here . You ve had way too much wine , Kendall . I m gon na take you to bed . Kendall : No , no . No , I do nt want to go to bed . Aidan : Listen , I m not going to have you pass out down here . Kendall : I m not gon na pass out . I do nt want to go to bed . No , Aidan , come on . I m not a baby . Oh , God . I can go back and dance . I m fine . I do nt need to go to bed right now . Ryan : So where is she ? Hiding out with the doctor she paid off to raise the alarm ? Scott : No . No , she s not faking it , Ryan . There was blood everywhere . Ryan : What -- what happened ? Scott : They think it s the baby . But more than just a miscarriage , considering all the blood . You -- you ve been pushing her pretty hard for the last few months , trying to pin a murder on her that she did nt commit . You kind of led the pack that brought her down . I think you got your wish . She may not get back up this time . Ryan : Why ? Is that what the doctor said ? Scott : Please do nt pretend that you give a damn what the doctor said or what happens to her . All you care about is Kendall . Ryan : No . All I care about is the truth , Scott , which is what I ve been trying to find out all this time , which is exactly what Annie s been trying to prevent me from finding out . Ok , you got to remember Kendall is innocent . Scott : Yeah . So was that baby . Amanda : Look , I am sorry that I did nt return your phone calls right away . But do nt jump to the conclusion that I m keeping something from you . Jake : Why did you switch doctors ? Amanda : Because Dr. Hines does nt have a very good track record with successful inseminations . Jake : That almost sounds exactly the way David said it . Did he coach you on how to say that ? Amanda : No , he did nt . Oh , what s with you ? So I agreed to switch doctors . Big deal . Jake : Well , it s not just that . It s just the way that you re both behaving . I mean , David s acting like he wants everybody to get along . And -- he s also acting like he knows something that I do nt know , like he s the smartest guy in the room . And then he -- he said he was ok with you coming to stay with me , and you did nt want to take advantage of that . You were nt interested in that . When I tried to touch you yesterday , you did nt want me to . And you really did nt want me to touch you just now . I just -- I m afraid of what -- terrified of what the reason might be . There was no insemination , right ? Zach : What did Devane pay you ? Dealer : What are you talking about ? Zach : What did he pay you ? Those pictures are shopped . Why d you bring those to me ? Dealer : No , no , Mr. Slater . I swear . I did exactly what you asked me to do . I followed Martin . I never talked to Devane . Ugh ! I took those photos myself . I was across the street in a car . I have the negatives to prove it ! I m sorry , but it s the real thing . Zach : This is my wife . Aidan : Lay down , Kendall . Lay down . Get some sleep . Kendall : No , Zach . Why wo nt you kiss me ? Aidan : My name s not Zach . It s -- Kendall , Kendall , Kendall . Kendall : Come on , I just want to have a kiss right now . Aidan : I m putting you into bed , so you can get some sleep . All right ? Kendall : No , I m fine . I m fine . I just want you to stay with me and kiss me right now . Please , Zach ? Please . Where you going ? No , Zach , do nt leave . No , Zach , please come back ! Please -- Zach , I need you . Please , Zach ! Amanda : Of course , I was inseminated . That s -- that s why I ve been feeling so weird . Why are you doubting me like this ? Jake : I m not doubting you . I love you , and I m worried about you and whatever it is David s doing to you or whatever he s done . Amanda : Just please stop , Jake . Jake : And you re anxious . You re upset , and this ca nt just be because of whatever we re trying to do here . This has got to be -- there s something else . Since you went to the clinic yesterday , you -- you went missing . You were MIA . You would nt answer my calls . I called the clinic , by the way , and they would nt tell me whether you showed up or you did nt show up or nothing . And then you came back from wherever it was the two of you were , and you acted like you were falling apart at the seams . Amanda : I did what I needed to do . Jake : Well , what does that mean , exactly ? What does that mean ? Yesterday when you were supposed to be at the clinic , when you came back , you were -- you were behaving like you were raped , right ? You said that you felt like you were violated . That s what you said . Amanda : David did not ra -- I told you what happened ! Ok ? Why ca nt you just accept that ? Jake : I m not -- Amanda : You re making it harder for me ! Jake : I m not trying to make it harder on you ! I just love you ! I just want to help you ! That s all I m trying to do . Amanda : I do nt need this kind of help , Jake ! You know what ? In fact , I ca nt even be around you right now ! Lucretia : Mrs. Chandler ? Scott : No . She s still in surgery . I had to get out of there . Scott : Hey . Would you let me do that , ok ? You go home for the night . Ryan : Hey , how s Annie ? David : I m looking for family . Where s Scott ? Ryan : He left . What s her status ? David : I m not at liberty to discuss this with you , Ryan . Ryan : She s the mother of my daughter . Please , how is she ? David : She just came out of surgery . She lost the baby and a lot more blood than one would expect . She came in . She was nt in good shape . That , unfortunately , has nt changed . David : It s Annie . Amanda : David ! David : Yeah ? Amanda : Jake thinks you raped me . David : What ? Well , we both know that s not what happened . Amanda : Jake knows something happened . He knows I m keeping it from him . He s not going to stop until he gets the truth . Do you understand ? He s gon na hate me . He is never -- David : Jake is nt going to find out unless one of us tells him . All right ? Everything s -- Amanda : Do nt touch me ! Do nt ever touch me again . David : Ohh ! Annie : You re angry at me and hurt . You never want to see me again , and there s nothing I can do about that . But I will tell our son , or our daughter , that what we had was real and strong . And I will never stop loving you . Agh . No , no , no , no . Agh . Agh ! Ohh ! Scott : Hey . Yeah . How is she ? How s Annie ? Jesse : All right . Adam , I have to take you down to a cell now . Ok ? Erica : Jesse , wait . Adam , Annie was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance . And this time , it was nt an act . She lost the baby . And , Adam , that s not all . ### Summary:
Annie suffers a miscarriage plus some other major complications . Adam turns himself into the police and makes his statement with Jesse and D.A. present . Aidan pays Kat off to leave him alone with Kendall . Zach questions Tad as to where Aidan and Kendall are , but Tad refuses to tell him . At the hospital , Jake and David have a confrontation concerning Amanda . Jake finds out that David and Amanda changed doctors from Dr. Hines . Aidan drugs Kendall . Kendall comes on to Aidan thinking that he is Zach . Zach takes a pistol and goes in search of Kendall and Aidan . Zach goes to the casino and finds out where Kendall and Aidan are . David is the attending physician for Annie when she is brought into the hospital . Annie has emergency surgery . Scott tells Ryan that Annie lost the baby and she was not pretending this time because there was blood everywhere . David tells Ryan about Annie s condition that she lost the baby . Amanda and David argue and Amanda tells David that he will never touch her again . Jake rushes in and hits David . Adam is arrested . Zach finds Aidan and Kendall , kissing and partially clothed .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Lily : Choke ! [ Lily laughs ] Gotcha . Hello . Keith : Thanks for the advice . Lily : Any time . Keith : You know , it s dangerous sneaking around a place like this . Lily : Is that a fact ? Keith : Yes , and had I been playing for money here , which I m not , because I do nt gamble anymore . I gave up the greyhounds , as you know . Lily : Thank goodness . Thank you , thank you . Keith : But you could ve been in trouble . Lily : Maybe I am already . Keith : What are you talking about ? Something I do nt know about ? Lily : No . It s just everything . I m sorry for everything . Keith : You kind of lost me here . What do you feel that you re sorry about ? Lily : I m sorry about dragging you into all my problems and my family . I m sorry about it . Keith : You did nt drag me into anything . I came willingly . Lily : Still -- after everything that s happened , I would nt be surprised if you told me this was all a mistake . Will : Just back off , man . This is stupid , Casey . Casey : Back off ? Will : Casey ! Casey : You cost me my girlfriend ! Will : I was trying to protect you ! Casey : Yeah , right ! Celia : Hey ! Gwen : What the hell ? Celia : Stop it ! Stop it ! Both of you ! Will : Celia ? Celia , you okay ? Celia ? Jennifer : I m sorry . Dusty : Do nt apologize . You re a very brave woman . You can cry all you want to . Jennifer : I just feel so out of control . Dusty : That s okay . What s wrong with that ? I ll leave if it makes things easier for you . Jennifer : No . No . Please -- stay . Please . Craig : Rosanna , I m not going to let you go anywhere . I m not gon na let you . Rosanna : Please , Paul , I need to see you . I need to tell you the truth . Paul : Just calm down . You re not making any sense . Rosanna : Well , you ll understand everything when I tell you what s happened . Paul : Are you driving ? Rosanna : Yes . Paul : You need to calm down . And better yet , why do nt you just pull over to the side of the road ? Rosanna : Look , I ca nt . There s no time . Paul : What s going on ? Rosanna : Please , Paul . Can you meet me someplace ? Paul : It s Rosanna . Rosanna , listen . You got ta give me more than that . Rosanna : Look , Paul , you told me that if I ever needed you , that you would be there for me . Now , please , I need you now . Just meet me someplace . Please , help me . Paul : I ll come meet you . You got ta tell me where you are . Rosanna : I do nt know . I just started driving . I had to get away from Craig . Paul : Craig ? Why ? What did he do to you ? Rosanna : Look , just tell me where to meet you . Paul : Well , are you close to Java ? Rosanna : Yes . Paul : Fine . I ll be there as soon as I can . Rosanna : Please hurry ! Emily : Can I ask what s going on ? Paul : It s Rosanna . She s -- she s in some kind of trouble . I think Craig is after her . She said something about him chasing her . Emily : Okay , well , if that s the case , should nt she be going to the police ? Why is she calling you ? Paul : I do nt know . She s just -- she s very upset . I think she s in real trouble . I m only going because I think she s really in trouble . Emily : Okay . Okay , so , if she needs you , then I guess you got ta go . Paul : Well , it s not like she would make something like this up . Emily : You know her better than I do . Paul : Look , I ll be at Java . I ll just be there a few minutes to figure out what s wrong . And I ll try and calm her down . She asked me for my help . Emily : Okay , it s okay . Go , do what you need to do . I mean it , its okay . I m okay with it . If she s in trouble and she does nt have anybody else to call , obviously she needs you . So I guess you ve got ta go . Paul : Thank you . Will : Celia , are you all right ? Celia : What s wrong with you ? Both of you . Are you crazy ? Will : We had an argument and things got out of hand . Gwen : Out of hand ? You guys looked like you were gon na kill each other . Manager : What happened here ? What are you doing to my place ? Casey : We had a little accident . Sorry . We ll take care of it . Gwen : Good . It s about time you took care of something . Will : Are you sure you re okay ? That was a really mean fall . Celia : It just stunned me a little . I m fine . Now tell me what you were fighting about . Will : What do you think ? Everything . Gwen . The baby . It all just came to a head . Casey : And we lost it . Gwen : Why do guys always think they have to beat each other up to a bloody pulp to make a point , huh ? Manager : So , tough guys -- who s gon na pay for all the broken merchandise ? Will / Casey : He is . Jennifer : You know , you re the only one who seems to understand . Dusty : That s not true . Jennifer : No , it is true . Everybody else is just , they re walking on eggshells , trying to get me to be strong , giving me advice on how to get past my grief . As if skipping over it would really make it any less painful . Dusty : They re just trying to help . It s tough , you know , to know what to say . Jennifer : Yeah . You seem to , though . Dusty : That s cause I wing it . Jennifer : Well , you do a pretty good job . Maybe it was because you were there when he was born . You know that you and I are the only ones who knew him his whole life ? Dusty : That s true . I never thought of it that way . Jennifer : You even got to hold him in your arms . I did nt even get that . Dusty : You gave him life . I mean , you loved him more than anything in the world . Jennifer : Still -- do you think -- do you think that I m being punished ? Dusty : No . No way . For what ? Jennifer : For getting drunk and sleeping with Craig ? Dusty : You got pregnant , Jen , not punished . Jennifer : It was so stupid . And then I shut Craig out . And then you and I -- we set him up to get in trouble with the law just to keep him away from his own child . Dusty : It was the lesser of two evils . Jennifer : Yeah , but maybe I m just as bad as Craig . And maybe , maybe this is my penance for that . Dusty : God did nt kill an innocent baby to punish you for a mistake . Bad things happen . It may not be right . It may not be fair . But it s real . It s real . And you survive it . Jennifer : I do nt know if I can . Dusty : You will . I promise . I ll make sure of it . Rosanna : Paul ? I m on my way . Craig : It s not Paul . It s me . Now just hear me out . Rosanna : Craig , I do nt have anything more to say to you . Craig : I m trying to hold onto my son here . The only way I know . Rosanna : That s the problem . It s the only way you know . What you did is horrible . It s beyond forgiveness . Craig : Okay , okay . Look , I know you re upset . But think , all right ? We have a son . You ve held him , you love him . So why throw away a chance at a whole new life here ? Rosanna : We re talking about -- Jennifer thinks her baby is dead ! How monstrous can you be ? Craig : It s not my fault . One baby survived and one did nt . I did not make that happen . Rosanna : You deliberately switched those babies . Craig : Rosanna , we have a son who needs us . Who we love very much . Now , if you tell anyone about this , we will probably lose him forever . Do you want that ? Rosanna : Unlike you , I will not destroy another person s life just to get what I want . Craig : Just stop the car , will you , and pull over . We can work this out face to face . Rosanna : Look , there s nothing to work out . Wait a minute -- did you just tell me stop the car ? Where are you ? Oh , my God , are you following me ? Keith : Lily , you know , you ca nt scare me off . I love you . I will do and help you any way i can . Lily : Really ? Keith : Yes . Lily : Even if it means making enemies of my entire family ? Keith : Well , you know , your mother hates me and she has every reason , she s sick right now and she hates the world . And your son -- you know , his parents are getting divorced , so that s not good . That stinks in anybody s book . And here I come in . So I understand that . But what s important to me is how you feel . Lily : I feel stuck in the middle . I wanna be with you . But I do nt want to make everybody else miserable . Keith : Yeah , but you know , you ll drive yourself crazy if you try to make everybody happy . Lily : I ca nt be selfish . I have to be sensitive to my family and , of course , to you . Keith : Well , I m here as long as it takes . Cause I wanna be with you . I think we ought to dance . Lily : Okay . Keith : Come on . Luke : Forget it , man . This place blows . Let s go to another bar . Meg : Hello , Barbara . It s been a while . Barbara : Well , what a surprise . Meg . I did nt know you were back in town . Meg : I have nt been back that long . Barbara : I m surprised you came back at all . Meg : So am I. Barbara : What are you doing here ? Meg : I just came to pay my respects . I heard about Jennifer s baby . I m sorry . That s a terrible thing to have to face . Barbara : Yes , it is . Honey , I brought the car around . Dusty : Ready to go home ? Jennifer : Yeah . Where else am I going to go ? Barbara : I underestimated you . Dusty : Well , it would nt be the first time . Barbara : You ve been a very good friend to my daughter . Dusty : I hope so . I m here if you need me . Jennifer : Thank you . Barbara : Yes . Thank you , Dusty . Meg : Hey . Dusty : Hey . What are you doing here ? Meg : I was in the neighborhood . Dusty : I see . Meg : You okay ? Dusty : I do nt know . Meg : Would you rather be alone ? Dusty : No . Susan : Hi . Emily : What do you want ? Susan : Is Paul here ? Emily : No , Paul s not here . Susan : I did nt want to intrude . Emily : What are you doing ? Is everything okay with Alison ? Did she get off all right ? Susan : Oh , sure , sure . Her plane was delayed , but she s on her way to Seattle . I miss her already . Emily : Yeah , I miss her , too . But you did nt come here to tell me how much you miss Alison , so what do you want ? Susan : You re still upset about before . Emily : I m upset about a lot of things . But do nt worry , you re still at the top of my list . Susan : I know I am . Emily : You just drive me crazy ! Every time we get together , you hassle me about Paul , and it s , frankly , driving me crazy ! Susan : I know . I m sorry . That s why I came back . Where is he , anyway ? Emily : He went to go help a friend . Susan : Who ? Emily : What does it matter who ? Susan : Rosanna , by any chance ? Emily : Why would you say it like that ? Susan : From the look on your face . Emily : Did nt you just say something about an apology ? Susan : I m worried about you . Anything I say about Paul and about the way you re living your life , is only because I do nt wanna see you get hurt . And I m afraid you will be . Emily : What are you talking about ? Paul is not going to hurt me . Susan : Maybe not intentionally . But are nt you a little worried that his ex- wife , a woman he supposedly hates , is suddenly his best friend ? His friend in need ? She calls , he runs . And you re here , all by your lonely . Craig : Rosanna , this is nt doing either of us any good . Will you just pull over ? Rosanna ? Rosanna : Paul , it s me . Please hurry . Craig s following me . [ Car horn honking ] He s right behind me . Paul : Do nt panic . Tell me where you are . Rosanna : Um , High Street and Juniper . Paul : That s good . You re close to Java . You should be there in a minute . I m on high street , too , all right ? We should get to Java around the same time . If you do get there before me , though , you get into that lot , you keep the doors locked and you stay in the car , you got it ? Rosanna : Please , hurry ! Please ! He s catching up with me ! Paul : Well , do nt let him catch you . You stay ahead of him . You re almost there . Craig : Rosanna , pull over , will you ? You re going to get us both killed here . If you do nt stop the car , I m gon na have to make you ! Paul : Rosanna ? Are you there ? Rosanna : Craig , stop it ! Paul : Rosanna ? What s happening ? Rosanna : Stop it ! Paul : Rosanna , are you there ? Is that Craig ? What the hell s he doing ? Announcer : Coming up on As the World Turns -- Rosanna : Listen to me . Baby . Baby ? Dusty : You want some company ? Jennifer : Yeah , I would love some company . Paul : Hey , hey . Rosanna ? Hey , Rosanna ? Can you hear me ? Huh ? Open your eyes . Dusty : I mean , it s not like I m his father or anything . I just delivered this kid . I feel like I let him down . Meg : You brought him into this world . It s kind of like you helped bring him to life . Dusty : He s gone now . Meg : It s not your fault , Dusty . Or anyone s . Dusty : But he s gone . And he took a piece of Jen with him . She ll never get it back . Meg : No , she wo nt . You re right . Dusty : Everything can just happen -- just like that . Everything can just shift . Meg : Well , that s why you have to make the most out of every minute . Cause you never know . Dusty : Hold on to what matters , right ? Meg : What s important ? Dusty : Yeah . When did you get so smart ? Meg : Just playing it by ear . You know , once in a while , something hits . Dusty : Well , thank you . Meg : Can I buy you a drink ? You look like you could use one . Dusty : No . Another time . Meg : Are you sure ? Dusty : Yeah . Meg : I mean , I feel like you need a distraction . Dusty : No , that s the last thing I need . I think I m gon na do what you just said . I m gon na hold on to what s important . I ll see you . Meg : I hope so . Barbara : Let me just tuck in here . You tell me what I can get for you . Would you like some tea ? Maybe something to eat ? You have nt eaten all day , Jen . Jennifer : I m not thinking much about food , mom . Barbara : Well , that s why I m here . To do all your thinking for you . How about I get you some soup ? That would do you good . Jennifer : I m not hungry . I just wish I could sleep . Barbara : Well , just close your eyes . Close your eyes and sleep will come . Jennifer : That s just it . I do nt want to dream about him . Barbara : Honey , you need your rest . When you open your eyes , I ll be here . Jennifer : You finally get to take care of me . Barbara : Yes , I do . I just hate that it s under these circumstances . Jennifer : That s the kind of mother I wanted to be to Johnny . Like you . Remember when we were growing up and happy ? That s what I wanted for him . Barbara : Honey ? Honey , he is happy . And unlike the rest of us in this world , he ll always be that way . You hold on to that , Jen . Do nt let it go . Will : Luckily , I had one credit card left that my mom did nt cancel , so everything s settled up with the manager . Casey : I told you I d pay half . I just have to stop at home and get some money . Will : Look , it s taken care of , okay ? So let s just forget it . Casey : Stop doing me favors , Will . It s just screwing everything up . Will : Believe me , this is the last one . You ready to go ? Celia : Yeah . Gwen ? Gwen : Go on . You two go ahead . I m cool . You have fun ? Get it out of your system ? You feel better now ? Casey : This is your fault , not mine . Gwen : What are you saying ? I got myself pregnant ? You had nothing to do with it ? Grow up . Rosanna : Paul . Paul : Shh . Do nt talk , okay ? The paramedics are on their way . Rosanna : Listen to me . The baby -- baby -- EMT # 1 : Excuse me , sir , please step out of the way . Paul : I m going to be right here . They re going to take care of you . You re going to be okay . EMT # 1 : All right , sir . Let s go , let s go . Come on . Now . Paul : I will kill you for what you ve done . I swear , I will kill you . Lily : Thank you . Keith : You re welcome . Now , what are you thanking me for ? Lily : For helping me feel better . Helping me forget about everything for a couple of hours . Keith : Couple of hours ? I was hoping it was gon na be longer than that . Lily : I would love to spend the night with you . But I have to go home to see my kids . Keith : How s tomorrow look ? Lily : Tomorrow , I m spending the day with my mother . We re getting the results from her lumpectomy . You could come over for a late dinner , maybe . Keith : You know , I ca nt . Tomorrow , I got ta bow out . I have a flight . I m leaving town for a couple of days . Lily : Where you going ? Keith : I m flying some medical supplies down to the tropics . Lily : Oh . Keith : Yeah . No big deal . Lily : Well , how s the job ? It s good ? You like it ? Everything s working out ? Keith : It s okay . It s all right . It keeps me away from you , and I do nt like that . But I am saving some money , socking it away , so that I can pay you back . Lily : Forget that . I told you , you do nt have to pay me back . Keith : No , I -- no , I m paying you back . That s a fact , okay ? You ll get your money back , I promise you . Okay , so what do you think -- should we go , or can I get one more dance in ? Lily : No , I think we re done . Keith : No ? Dancing ? Done dancing ? Lily : I think we should go . Keith : I think you ve had enough of my dancing . Lily : Come on . Keith : Let s go . Kevin : Yo , Luke , what s with you ? We come here , we come back -- just make up your mind . Luke : There was somebody here I just did nt want to see , all right ? Now they re gone and we re cool . So let s go . Let s get you some brew . Mister ? I was wondering -- could you do us a really big favor ? Gwen : You spoiled rich kids are all alike . You expect everything in life to go your way , and when it does nt , it s never your fault . Always somebody else s . Casey : How is something I did nt even know about my fault ? Gwen : I m doing good , by the way , just in case you were wondering . I just had a baby and all , and I had to give it away , because I figured I d be a real lousy mom , cause my life s so screwed up . But I m good . Back in action . Good as new . Casey : Quit trying to guilt trip me , Gwen , all right ? You re the one who kept the baby a secret . You never told me I was the dad . You never gave me a chance , so do nt blame me . We both messed this up and you know it . Gwen : Yeah , I do . Let me ask you something . If I had told you from the beginning -- if you had known all along -- Casey : Do nt even go there . What s the point ? You did nt . I did nt . And this is where we are because of it . You gave our kid away , I lost my best friend and the girl I love . It all stinks . I wish we d never even met . Gwen : Yeah . Me , too . Emily : Paul is working through his anger towards Rosanna . I think he s come to terms with the fact that she did what she did because she was manipulated by James . He does nt hold it against her . I guess it was nt her fault . Susan : Am I missing something here , or are you ? Emily : What do you mean ? Susan : If James forced her to break up with Paul , then maybe she never actually fell out of love with him . And she certainly did nt marry Craig Montgomery for love . No way . So in this scenario , what s to prevent Paul and Rosanna from getting back together ? Emily : Me . Susan : So , Paul s fallen out of love with Rosanna and in love with you ? Is that what you re trying to tell me ? Emily : We re making a go of it , Mother . Susan : Making a go of it ? Emily : You know what , I m not having this conversation with you . I m not talking to you about this , because you twist my words every time . Susan : What about you and Hal ? Is there no going back ? Emily : Oh , Mother , it is over . It is over with me and Hal . It was over before we actually ended it . Susan : But you were so good together . Emily : Yeah , well , we could ve been . I mean , if it was nt for his job and his ex - wife and his children , maybe . Susan : Yeah , so now you re living with a man who runs every time his ex - wife calls . Emily : Paul told me he still has feelings for Rosanna . He also told me he s never going back to her . And guess what ? And I believe him . Susan : So why is he with her right now instead of here with you ? Emily : Because she needed him , so he went to her . I trust him , mother . I trust him completely . Craig : Get your hands off me ! Hal : Break it up . Break it up . Craig : Cuff him , Hal . He s out of control . Paul : He tried to kill Rosanna . He ran her off the road . I saw the whole thing ! Hal : Both of you , shut up and calm down . Craig : I need to see my wife . Hal : Let the EMT do their job . Now , I need to know what happened here . First your side of the story , then yours , Paul . Craig : We were on our way to the hospital , Hal , to see our son -- separate cars . Hal : Why ? Craig : Because I had somewhere to go afterwards and Rosanna wanted to go home . So , I followed her and she sped up and -- I do nt know . She was losing control of her car . So I caught up to her . Paul : That s a lie . Craig : And our cars collided . Paul : I saw the whole thing . He was in his car . He pulled his car up beside her car ! He tried to ram her with his car ! Craig : Why would I want to ram my wife ? Paul : She was running from you . She was terrified . Craig : Oh really ? EMT # 2 : Excuse me , we ve been able to stabilize her . She s in and out of consciousness , but she keeps asking for someone . Craig : I m her husband . Craig Montgomery . EMT # 2 : She s asking for someone named Paul . Just one person at a time , given the circumstance . Paul : Rosanna , I m right here . I m not going anywhere . Luke : Oh , man . I was just counting on scoring some beers . But vodka , my friend -- this is too good to be true . Kevin : It was the story about us needing to impress our girlfriends . That did the trick . Luke : A good friend of mine says that works quite often . Kevin : Well , I guess he was right . Hey , I m going inside to use the bathroom . Luke : What , are you crazy ? You ca nt go in there all messed up like that . They re gon na know you re drunk . Go to the dumpster . Kevin : Right . Keith : What s this ? What are you doing ? Dusty : Hey ? Jennifer : Hey . Dusty : You okay ? Jennifer : Yeah . I could nt sleep . I was having bad dreams . Dusty : Geez . Jennifer : I ca nt really breathe . Dusty : Take a breath . You re stressed out . You want me to get you some water ? Jennifer : No . No , thank you . Dusty : How about some company ? Jennifer : Yeah , I would love some company . Come here . Talk to me . Tell me a story . Anything . Not about him . Dusty : I was watching the news . There was a woman who hiked across the grand canyon and back . Took about two days , 40 miles total . She had gear , water , and she almost passed out halfway through . But she never gave up . The reporter asked why she did it . And she indirectly answered . She said by doing it , by finding herself in this amazing place , she realized that she was a part of something much bigger than herself . And by seeing other hikers out there , periodically , reminded her that she was never alone . Jennifer : That s an interesting thought to have . Dusty : Yeah . I thought it was a perfect answer . Jennifer : Yeah , I guess it is . Dusty : Why do nt you go to sleep now ? You re gon na get through the canyon . And I ll be waitin for you on the other side . Susan : I know you do nt believe me , but I want this to work out for you . I do . Emily : Yeah , and I want to believe you mean that , but you do nt . Susan : No . I know I m a little overly judgmental sometimes . Emily : Well , that is one way of putting it . Susan : But it s only because I really care about you . Emily : Mother , you are a worrywart . You love to worry . Susan : That , too . Emily : I ve made a lot of mistakes in my life , Mom . I got ta figure this one out on my own . Susan : Figure what out on your own ? Emily : Everything ! Me . My life . I mean , this is my life we re talking about . Where I m going , what I want . Susan : And who you re going to get there with ? Emily : That , too . Susan : And I understand . I do . Maybe you re right about Paul . Maybe you have a lot of things in common . You have these complicated pasts that you re trying to dig out of . Maybe you could build on that . Emily : Build on my lousy history ? That s great , thank you . Susan : I only want you to be happy , hon . But please , be careful . Emily : Listen to me , okay ? I know that we got together for the worst possible reasons . I do nt know , I got a funny feeling it s going somewhere . Susan : I hope so . Paul : Just you hold on , all right ? Everything s gon na be okay . We re gon na get you to the hospital , get you all fixed up . Rosanna : Do nt go . Paul : I m not going anywhere . I m right here . Rosanna ? Rosanna ? Hey , Rosanna ? Craig : Hal , I want to see my wife . Paul : She does nt want to see you ! Craig : This is outrageous . Paul : He tried to hurt her , Hal . I saw the whole thing . You keep him away from here ! Hal : You stay put , Montgomery . Paul : Rosanna , come on now . Come on , come on , stay strong , okay ? Stay strong . No , do nt even try and talk right now , okay ? Rosanna : Listen to me . It was wrong foot . Paul : I know , I know . We got off on the wrong foot . But everything s gon na be okay . They re gon na get you to the hospital , get you all fixed up . Rosanna : It was the wrong -- Paul : Rosanna ? Rosanna , do nt do this ! Rosanna ! Hey . Rosanna . Announcer : On the next As the World Turns -- Keith : Take a shot at me . Will : And you figured , why not use me to find out what s really going on between him and his ex ? Craig : Have you said anything to anybody about the baby ? Rosanna , tell me what you said . Tell me . Rosanna ? ### Summary:
At Yo s , Lily and Keith have a heart to heart about her family . Luke and his friend walk into Yo s , and just miss being seen by Lily and Keith . After Lily and Keith leave , Luke and his friend convince a stranger to buy them some liquor . Later , Luke gets busted drinking by Keith . Casey and Will come to blows over Celia and Gwen s pregnancy , and Celia gets caught in the crossfire . When Celia leaves with Will , Casey is bitter with Will and Gwen for blindsiding him , and now he has lost Celia and his best friend . He wishes he never met Gwen , to which Gwen feels the same . Dusty continues to support Jen who feels they are the only ones who truly understand about Johnny since they brought him into the world and had spent all of his life with him . Meg secretly watches how Jen and Dusty are growing closer . Later , Dusty turns down Meg s offer to get a drink to search out Jen . He realizes how much Jen matters to him , and decides when Jen gets through this he will be waiting for her . Paul leaves Emily to rush out to help Rosanna when she calls him . Emily ends up trying to justify Paul s actions to Susan , when she is nt thrilled about it herself . Craig tries to convince Rosanna not to tell anyone about the baby switch , but when he realizes she has involved Paul ; he tries to stop her by ramming her car off the road . Paul witnesses this . Hal arrives and Craig claims Rosanna simply had an accident on the way to the hospital to see their adopted baby . Paul claims Rosanna feared Craig and he tried to kill her . Rosanna tries to tell Paul about the baby switch , but Paul does nt understand what she is trying to say just as Rosanna loses consciousness .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Eddie : Thank you ... for agreeing to see me . Eve : What do you want , Eddie ? Eddie : Just to talk to you . I know how much pain you re in . Eve : The hell you do . Eddie : Paige was my daughter too . Eve : Right . It really must be a tragedy for you ... that the daughter that you abandoned ... to be gone . It must just break your heart into a million different pieces . Well , here is something I bet you did nt know about your daughter . She hated your guts as much as I do . Stefano : You will have to assure Chad that I will do everything , everything in my power , to protect him . Yes , sir . Stefano : And you must be careful . Use the secret tunnels to bring him here . It s not going to be a problem , sir . Stefano : Allez . Oh , whoa , wait . Before you go , there is one more thing that I want you to do . Andre : And what might that be ? Justin : I expect you to produce your client , Chad DiMera , as soon as possible . Aiden : Justin , you have my word . If and when Chad DiMera contacts me , I ll let you know . And if the police department locates him , I hope you ll let me know . Rafe : I will . Aiden : Good . I hate to think your men have the order to shoot first , ask questions later because my client is a DiMera . Rafe : Nothing is gon na happen to Chad ... as long as he does the right thing and turns himself in . Hope : [ Chuckles ] Well , Roman , I m sorry , but I had some personal stuff to take care of . Rafe is . Yeah , he is in charge of the search for Chad right now . And may I say , he s doing a damn good job . Believe me , I would nt have left him in charge if I did nt believe that . Sure , yeah . I ll check in later . Hey , I m so sorry for the interruption . But-- change of the subject , I m so excited and so thrilled that you agreed to be my matron of honor . Kayla : I would ve been hurt if you had nt ask me . I m honored to do it . Hope : Oh , my gosh , your support means so much to me . Thank you so much . Kayla : Oh , you are always there for me too . Look , I could nt help overhearing ... are you deliberately taking a back seat to an important case ? Steve : Thanks for meeting me here , Claudia . Claudia : When I got your message , Mr. Johnson , I thought about ignoring it . Steve : Mm . Sounds like you already know what I want from you . Claudia : I think I do . Why do nt you tell me and I ll tell you if I was right . Steve : Well , I want to know how you earned that tattoo . Mainly , I want to know what happened to a man named Bo Brady . Bo : [ Breathing heavily ] Adrienne : Ugh , Mom . Stop worrying about me , I m fine . And , uh , of course I ll think about it . Do nt I always do everything you ask of me ? Mom ... I love you . Adrienne : [ Sighs ] Claudia : I should ve follow my instincts . It was a mistake to come here . Steve : No , no , wait , wait . You do nt have to worry . No one s going to find out you talked to me . Claudia : Why should I believe one word out of your mouth ? Steve : You showed up here tonight . I think that means you care enough about Bo to want to help him . I want the same thing . I have no interest in hurting you . Claudia : You re telling me the truth ? Steve : Yes . Claudia : All right . I ll tell you what I know . Steve : Good . There s a story behind my skin . My only makeup ? True match . Eddie : You and I were both at fault for the failure of our marriage . I m sure you know that . Eve : I may not have been the perfect wife , but it s a little late for accusations , do nt you think ? Eddie : Yeah , you re right . Eve : Uh - huh . Eddie : It is . But I m -- I m here now . I m here ... and I do nt want you to have to plan and pay for our daughter s funeral all by yourself . Eve : Oh , damn . That s mighty big of you . Eddie : Eve . Once we bury our daughter , I promise , I wo nt bother you anymore . Eve : Why are you being so caring and sensitive all of the sudden ? [ Chuckles ] You re putting on a big show for your other kids , are nt you ? The ones that are still so very much alive . Claudia : I was paid to meet with your friend Bo . Told to pretend I was the daughter of a woman named Britta Englund . Steve : That s why you have the tattoo ? It d help you convince Bo that you were for real . Claudia : I was to tell Bo I got it to honor my mother . Steve : [ Sighs ] Go on . Claudia : I made contact with Bo . I told him my mother was still alive and I knew where she was hiding out . Steve : And then what happened ? Claudia : Nothing . I did what I was told and that was the end of it . Hope : If it looks like I am , uh , backing off , maybe-- maybe it s because I am . But just a little . It s to give Rafe the opportunity to remind Roman and the rest of the force what a damn good cop he is . Hope : Oops , excuse me . Hello ? Aiden : Hey , baby , I m at the police station , I m about to leave . Are you still at the martin house ? Hope : I am . Aiden : Oh , great . I m gon na meet you there . Hope : I ca nt wait for you to see it . Aiden : I ll see you in a bit . Love you . Hope : I love you , too . Kayla : Let me guess . Aiden is going to drop everything and come running over here . Hope : Guy is a keeper , is nt he ? Honestly , I never expect to get this lucky . Hope : Did I say something wrong ? Kayla : No , uh , it s just-- you should know that Steve left town today . Hope : Permanently ? Kayla : Uh - uh . Hope : [ Sarcastic laugh ] He s looking for Bo ? Kayla : He says he has a lead . Hope : Good old Steve . He said he was nt gon na drop it . Kayla : I m just wondering if maybe he s on to something . Bo : [ Grunts ] [ Breathing heavily ] [ Groaning ] [ Grunting ] Bo : [ Panting ] Lucas : Hey , Aiden . Hey , I m glad I ran into you . Um , I m meeting will . We re gon na play a little pick - up basketball . I do nt know if you have time-- we could use another body . Are you interested ? Aiden : Well , sounds great , but I m meeting up with hope . Lucas : Oh , what , are you gon na talk about the wedding ? Got a lot to plan . Aiden : Yeah , well , she wants to do the ceremony at the martin house , and she s going to give me a tour . I ll be honest with you , if she wanted to marry me in the alley behind Brady pub , I d do that , if it d make her happy . Lucas : That s cool . Aiden : Yeah . Lucas : Good luck . Good luck with the wedding . Aiden : Yeah , thanks . Lucas : And if you ever want to ball , let me know , man . Aiden : That sounds great . After the finger heals . All right . Aiden : Yeah , well , now is not a really good time . [ Chuckles ] Let me put it this way to you . It s not really a request , is it ? Stefano : Andre . Dear God . Andre : Yes . I ve been terribly worried about you , father . Stefano : Why the hell are you back ? I made it clear for you never to return to Salem . Andre : You did indeed , mon père . Nevertheless , it did occur to me , that given the DiMera family seems to be imploding with a vengeance ... I thought maybe you need my help . Stefano : You know something ? You thought wrong . Andre : Oh , come on , father . Ever since we found out that I was your biological son , we knew this moment was going to happen . Someone needs to step in and try to ... salvage what s left of this ... venerable dynasty . Stefano : Listen , do me a favor , will you ? Just stop with all this boloney , okay ? You re not safe here , André , you understand me ? Andre : Oh , come on , father . Do nt you know me by now ? That I m indomitable ? Invincible ? And I am worried about you . Stefano : Well , do nt be , all right ? Because it ll take more than a heart attack to bring me down . Andre : About this heart attack out of the blue ? Stefano : An argument with Chad . Andre : Oh . Let me guess . You were giving him holy hell for the killing of those two women , he had no alibi . Stefano : He did not kill anybody ! Andre : I see . Well , given that all the evidence seems to be pointing to him , I assume that someone is out there ... trying to destroy him ? Stefano : Exactly . Chad is a victim . Andre : Then it s a good damn thing that I decided to return . Is nt it ? Eve : Now that Rafe and Gabi are all grown up , are you hoping they ll take care of you in your old age , um ? It s that why you re playing at this ... grieving father ? Eddie : I m not playing at anything . Eve : You know what I-- what I love the most ? Is when you were telling me how you d never met anyone like me . And I was your soul mate . But you never bother to mention that you have a bunch of other kids . Eddie : Eve-- Eve : No , you know what ? You need to hear it . I want you to know exactly ... what our-- what Paige was like . On the anniversary of the day that you walked out on us , my little girl , my precious , precious baby girl ... she got me through that day . She was gon na make breakfast for me in bed . She burned the pancakes . Coffee was cold . But she did her damnedest , because she knew I was upstairs crying half the night . And every year after that , we decided ... that we were gon na take that rotten day and we were gon na make it our day . So we went shopping , we had lunch , we went to the movies , we had fun because of you . We had each other . And we did nt need you . We did nt need you in our lives anymore ! Eddie : She sounds amazing . And I ... [ Sighs ] I am so sorry . Eve : Yeah , you re sorry . You re about the sorriest son of a bitch I ve ever laid eyes on . Justin : Thanks for letting me know . Guess what ? Stefano s out of the hospital . If you had bothered to arrest Chad when I asked you to , he would be in custody right now . And we would nt have a serial killer on the loose . Rafe : Well , do nt worry . We will find Chad . Justin : Oh , I m worried . Stefano probably has him hiding right now . Or maybe , he s just keeping him safe , right here in Salem , just in case , you know , Chad wants to strangle a few more women . Rafe : You know , you still do nt have a single eye witness who saw Chad commit any of those murders . Justin : What do you call Marlena Evans ? She s so reliable that you asked her to profile the murderer , and then he tried to strangle her . Rafe : What Marlena said what that s who ever it was came at her from behind . Justin : Uh - huh . And when she woke up , Chad was kneeling over her with the neck tie still in his hand . Rafe : By the way , did it ever occur to you that maybe Chad interrupted the murderer ? Justin : Oh , for god s sake . Rafe : Well , then-- Justin : What the hell else do you need ? You find Chad DiMera , you arrest him , and you bring him in here . Hope : You were the last person I expected to buy into what Steve s been saying . Kayla : You know what I thought of this idea of his about finding Bo-- Hope : Yeah , you said it was just one more of his macho heroics . And you know what , Kay ? You were right . Kayla : I know , but then , we talked and ... I m starting to think that s not it . Hope : I can not believe that you re starting to buy what he s selling you . Kayla : He said it s his very last mission he s ever gon na go on . Hope : Kay , he is the same man that left you and Joey high and dry in Africa . And rejoined the ISA . Kayla : I m sorry . I know this is upsetting you , I just-- I just felt as your friend I could nt keep it from you . Hope : I hope Steve does find him . God ... I hope that . But does nt change the fact that he chose whatever he s working on over us . And now , I ... I ve met a wonderful , honorable man that loves me . And I love him . Andre : So , father , burning question . Does Chad know that I m his long lost brother ? Stefano : No ! And he must not find out . Andre : Oh , come now , father . Do nt you think it s a bit counterintuitive ? Given your unwavering devotion to family ? Stefano : [ Sighs ] Mr. Jennings , sir . Stefano : You may go . Aiden : [ Sighs deeply ] How you feeling , Mr. DiMera ? Stefano : Oh ... I ve had better days . But I m still kicking . [ Laughs ] And I still have my wits about me . Aiden : And you are ? Stefano : Never mind who he is , all right ? Where is my check ? Aiden : Excuse me ? Stefano : The one that you stole from the checkbook that was in that drawer over here . Aiden : [ Laughs ] You-- do you honestly think that I broke in here and I stole-- Stefano : I know you did , damn it ! Which is why I called the bank and stopped payment on that check . So do nt expect to see my funds showing up in your account at any time soon . Steve : I want to know the exact address you gave to Bo . I want to know where you sent him to met a woman that was nt going to be there . Claudia : That was a while ago . How am I supposed to remember something like that ? Steve : In other words , what s in it for you ? Claudia : Right . Steve : I ll make it worth your while . I promise . You get used to the lingering Aiden : You keep trying to dodge the fact that you and I had a deal . Stefano : [ Coughing ] Our ... [ Breaths deeply and coughs ] Deal ... [Coughing ] Is off . Aiden : No . Our deal ca nt be off . I lived up to my end of the bargain . Hope Brady fell for me . She divorced Bo . You re getting what you wanted . It s time for you to pay up . You need me to get you the check , so you can-- Andre : You son of a-- you just stay away from him . Stefano : You can collect your money in hell . And ... I m also firing you as my son s attorney . Now get the hell out of here ! Aiden : You re not gon na pay up ? Well , then you re leaving me with no choice , but to tell hope everything . Stefano : Oh , please . You and I both know that s never gon na happen . Kayla : I just want you to know that I - I do nt expect you to change your feelings about Aiden . I thought that you should know this , okay ? I- I m sorry . Maybe I should nt have said anything . Kayla : Oh . I , uh , I think I have to run . Hope : Is it from Steve ? Kayla : Um , no . Listen . I want you to know that I take this matron of honor stuff very seriously . And I m gon na do everything in my power to make sure this is the best wedding any bride could ever want . Hope : Thank you . Kayla : Oh , baby . Hope : I love you , Kay . Kayla : I love you . Claudia : You want to make it worth my while ? You could seduce me . Steve : Not interested . Claudia : [ Chuckles ] All I was supposed to give Bo was a phone number . I told him if he called it , someone would tell him where Britta Englund was . Steve : I do nt suppose you still have that phone number ? Claudia : I wrote it down . But that was over a year ago . I probably threw it away . Steve : Okay . Well ... would A ... thousand U.S. Dollars help you remember where that phone number was ? Aiden : You think you re calling my bluff , uh ? You re dreaming . Stefano : Uh - huh . Aiden : Yeah , I ll not only come clean to hope , I ll go to the cops . And maybe , they ll come to the conclusion that what happened between hope and me was just a subplot in a big picture directed by you . Stefano : And how do you think hope Brady will feel about you , after you tell her that you only took her to bed so that you could get money out of me ? Now , get the hell out of my house ! Andre : Charming fellow . Stefano : He is an idiot . Andre : Would you like me to take care of him for you ? Stefano : No . At the moment , Aiden Jennings is much more useful to us alive . Adrienne : Oh , my God ! What happened to your wrist ? Lucas : Ah , I just sprained it . I guess I was trying to play basketball still . Adrienne : [ Gasps ] I hope it s not too painful . Lucas : No , no , it s fine . Ah , how are things going with you and Justin ? Adrienne : Oh ... we re -- we re taking it slow . You know , trying to be careful with-- I do nt feel comfortable really , it s just-- Lucas : I dont -- I do nt think you should do this . I think you re making a huge mistake . Adrienne : [ Sighs ] Kayla : Lucas . Lucas : Hi . Kayla : You want to go to my office ? Adrienne : Yes , please . That would be great . I ll see you soon , okay ? Lucas : Yeah . See you later . Rafe : Justin said Stefano may have already shipped Chad out of the country . And as much as I hate to admit it , he may be right . Hope : I do nt think Chad would go along with that plan . It s like admitting he s guilty . Keep searching . And find more man power . Rafe : Yeah , where ? Hope : Ask Roman . Maybe he ll take people off other cases . Rafe : I think you d have better luck talking to Roman . Hope : Just ask . Rafe : Okay . Can I help you ? Lani : I hope so . My name is Lani price . Rafe : You re the transfer from Miami ? Lani : Right . Rafe : Well , you could nt have come at a better time . Rafe Hernandez . Lani : That s good to know . Rafe : Yeah . Why did you leave all that sunshine ? Lani : I have a secret agenda . Rafe : What ? Lani : Nah , I m just kidding . I m not supposed to start until tomorrow , but ... I figured it could nt hurt to show up a day early . Get the lay of the land . Maybe talk to commissioner Brady ? Rafe : I m actually waiting to talk to commissioner Brady myself . He s in a meeting . Lani : Well , maybe I can leave you my cell phone number and you could give it to him when you talk to him ? Rafe : No problem . Lani : He can leave a message for me at the Salem inn . Rafe : All right . Welcome to Salem P.D. I look forward to working with you , Lani . Lani : Thanks . Aiden : Chase ? Chase : Hi , dad . Aiden : What are you doing out so late ? Where is Jody ? Chase : She s inside getting me a smoothie . I wanted to get ice cream , but she said you might not like that . Aiden : Okay , well , um-- I tell you what , why-- why do nt you go back inside , tell her you saw me , and I m okay with the ice cream cone . Chase : Thanks . Aiden : All righty . And hey , I want you to wait for me , okay ? I m gon na give you a ride home . Chase : Okay . Aiden : Okay . All right . What the hell do you think you re doing ? I want you to stay away from my son . Let me put it like this . You got 24 hours to come up with what you owe my boss , or next time I bump into young chase , I ll be giving him a ride . And it wo nt be to your place . Steve : You re sure this is the phone number you gave to Bo ? Claudia : Yes . And I swear , it s all I was given . Steve : You better be telling me the truth . I know where you live . Claudia : I hope so . I hope you find your friend . I mean it . He seemed like a really decent guy . I do nt meet that many of those . Steve : John . Yeah , I just met with Claudia . She was hired to set Bo up . She sent him into a trap . I do nt know where . She said she was never given an address ; she just gave a phone number to Bo . Yeah , she actually gave it to me . John , you need to find out who had that number a year ago . I have a feeling Bo s life depends on it . Aiden : Hey . Sorry , I m late . I ran into chase and his sitter at the Horton town square-- I really wanted to give him a ride home . Hope : I am so excited for you to see this place . Are you ready for the tour ? Aiden : Baby , you know what ? I really do nt even need a tour . If this is what you want , then it s fine by me , really . I mean , ID ... marry you in a pup tent if that s what you wanted . Hope : [ Chuckles ] Really , do nt even want to look around ? Is something bothering you ? Aiden : Um ? No , no , no . It just has nt been one of my favorite evenings , you know . I got , uh -- Chad is on the run and Justin s screaming about it . Hope : Yeah , I know . Rafe told me . What are you going to do about it ? Aiden : Uh ... nothing . I was also summoned at Stefano DiMera s house so he could ... fire me as Chad s lawyer , so I ... Hope : Well ... that s Chad s problem . It s not yours . You have plenty of clients . Aiden , this is nt about Chad , is it ? Aiden : [ Exhales ] Hope : Hey . You look almost scared . Please , tell me , what s going on ? Eve : You want the high school chorus to sing ? What ? Eddie : Yeah . Paige was in that choir for , like , four years . I mean , you know , she must ve thought it was great . It was important to her . Eve : [ Stuttering ] You never went to one of her concerts-- Eddie : I thought you would like the idea , being a singer yourself , I mean . They could sing a song that she really loved . Eve : Are you out of your mind ? Eddie : All right , it was a bad idea . Eve : Yeah , it was a bad idea . Eddie : But we have to do something-- Eve : No , you know what ? We do nt have to do anything . You got that ? Nada . Justin : Well , is everything okay here ? What s going on ? Eddie : Oh , yeah , everything is fine , everything s fine . The funeral director is waiting to hear something . Justin : Who is he ? Eve : Nobody . Nobody . Justin : That guy ? He was Paige s dad ? Eve : Yeah , I havent-- I have nt heard from him in years . I never thought that I would even see him again . [ Sighs ] But I d never thought that I would lose my daughter . Kayla : So , you want to tell me what s , uh , going on ? Adrienne : [ Clears throat ] I was wondering if you know how to reach Steve . Um , I called him , but he did nt pick up . Kayla : Uh , he s out of town . Adrienne : Oh . Kayla : You want to tell me what s going on ? Adrienne : I - I talked to my mom yesterday . And , uh ... she went for her usual mammogram , but they saw something , so , uh , they did a biopsy , and it s malignant . Kayla : I am so sorry , Adrienne . Did they tell her what stage her cancer is ? Adrienne : No , she said that they told her they caught it in time . Kayla : That s good . Adrienne : Yeah , yeah . Kayla : That s good news . Adrienne : Oh , yeah . Kayla : I ll call her . Adrienne : Oh , no , she d love to hear from you . But that s ... not the reason why I came to see you , um ... Kayla : Well , your mammogram is up to date . I could order a breast sonogram-- Adrienne : No , no , no . That s not it . They said that I ... should be tested for the brca1 gene mutation . Frankly , that scares the hell out of me . Steve : John . What did you find out ? Bo : [ Breathing heavily ] Going somewhere ? ( Music plays ) Kayla : Adrienne , just because you have family history of that gene , does nt mean that you re going to get it . And even if you have it , does nt mean that you re gon na get cancer . Adrienne : No , I know , I know , but I - I - I thought about it and I want to know one way or the other . Kayla : I ll arrange for the test . Adrienne : [ Sighs ] Thank you . Thank you . Kayla : Oh , doll . [ Giggles ] Adrienne : On second thought , maybe you should nt say anything to Steve . That s hard news to hear when you re not close to home . Kayla : Right . Listen , do nt worry , all right ? I ll take good care of you . I promise . Oh , girl . Justin : Look , eve . You are living every parent s worst nightmare . If your ex- husband is making things worse for you , I can always ... trump up something to scare him out of town for a while . Eve : I wish you could . But the truth is I do nt think anything is going to make this bearable . I just -- I have to-- I have to find the strength to get through-- and then , hopefully , Eddie will leave . I mean , he s damn good at that . Justin : Is there anything I can do for you ? Eve : You re doing it . Just by being my friend . Thank you . Aiden : You re right . There is something wrong . [ Exhales deeply ] It s not about Chad . Hope : Aiden , my God . Whatever it is , please know that you can tell me , you can talk to me . Aiden : [ Exhaling shakily ] You know how much I love you . [ Sighs ] And that s why this is so hard for me . I have a confession to make . And you re not going to like what I have to say . Rafe : Tell me is about Chad DiMera . One of our snitches said a guy matching DiMera s description was spotted down near the docks . Rafe : Okay , give me the location and I ll meet you there . Order dispatch to send all available units . Andre : Here . A nice cup of chamomile tea . Stefano : Oh , boy , oh , boy , oh , boy , oh , boy . I d prefer a nice brunello . Andre : [ Laughs ] Stefano : Salud . Andre : Well , that will have to suffice . Stefano : You know something ? It really is good ... to have close by again , André . Really , I must tell you that . Andre : [ Chuckles ] A nice and comforting word . Stefano : Well ... Andre : I knew that would come ... eventually . Stefano : It is the danger that I m concern about . Andre : Mm . Stefano : All in good time , my son . All in good time . Kayla : Hi , Steve . Is , uh , everything all right ? Steve : Yeah , yeah . I m just calling to check on you , guys . How is Joe ? Kayla : Oh , well , uh , you know , he s been different since he came back . Steve : Different how ? Kayla : Uh ... not so angry . More like the Joey I used to know . What did you say to him ? Steve : I just told him all the reasons I have for loving you . Kayla : [ Sighs ] Really ? You did ? Steve : It s true . Kayla : Listen , I hope you did nt make Joey any promises that-- Steve : I do nt intend to keep ? Kayla : Yeah . Steve : I made my intentions very clear to our son . And I mean to live up to every word . Kayla : So , are you saying that ... after you finish this mission then ... I mean , if you do nt find Bo , you ll still , uh-- Steve : Be coming home ? Yeah . And , Kayla , I think it might be sooner than I expected . I made real progress today . I m a step closer to finding him . I really think I m on the right track . Bo : [ Breathing heavily ] [ Grunting ] Guess what ? You and me are going on a little trip . But first ... there s a little something you need for me to take care of . Bo : [ Breathing heavily ] ### Summary:
André DiMera returns , revealing to be alive as Stefano s son , surprising Stefano who warns him about the dangers of returning to Salem as André wants to help the DiMera family . Steve meets with Claudia , the woman who looks just like Britta Englund , and she reveals that she was hired to convince Bo that she was Britta s daughter and that she knew where Britta was to lure him in to a trap . Eve meets Eduardo at the club and questions him suddenly caring about Paige . Kayla tells Hope that Steve left town in search of Bo . Hope is surprised that Kayla is believing Steve . Rafe is in charge of the search for Chad which Hope encourages him on but Justin demands that Rafe find and arrest Chad . Stefano tells André that Chad must never find out that he is his long lost brother . Aiden is summoned to the DiMera Mansion where Stefano reveals he knows Aiden stole from his checkbook and that he already called to stop the payment . Aiden reminds Stefano of their deal but Stefano tells him it s off . Aiden argues that he lived up to his part in making Hope fall for him and divorce Bo like he wanted . Stefano fires Aiden as Chad s attorney so Aiden threatens to tell Hope everything but Stefano does nt believe he will . Steve pays Claudia $ 1000 to give him the phone number that she was told to give to Bo . Steve calls John to look in to it and they trace the phone to a monastery in Mexico as they wonder why Bo would be lured there . Aiden threatens to come clean to Hope and the cops but Stefano sends him out of his house . André questions what Stefano is up to in breaking up Hope and Bo to which Stefano responds all in good time . Adrienne finds Lucas at the hospital as he sprained his wrist playing basketball . Lucas tells Adrienne that he thinks she s making a huge mistake with Justin but Adrienne is pulled away by Kayla . Adrienne expresses her concern to Kayla about possibly having cancer due to her mother having it so Kayla agrees to test her . A new woman named Lani Price , a transfer from Miami , reports to the police department for work and meets Rafe . Lani seems to express interest in Abe as she looks at his photo and reads an article about him . Aiden finds the man who fractured his finger with Chase . The man warns Aiden that he has 24 hours to come up with what he owes his boss and threatens him . Eve and Eduardo continue to argue until Justin shows up as Eduardo leaves . Eve tells Justin that Eduardo is Paige s father . Justin wants to help as Eve thanks him for being a friend . Lucas enters the club and sees Justin hugging Eve . Aiden meets with Hope , who can tell something is wrong . Aiden admits to Hope that he has a confession and she is not going to like what he has to say . Steve calls Kayla , who is positive about the change in Joey since he talked with Steve . Steve assures Kayla that he s coming home even if he does nt find Bo but he thinks made real progress today and is on the right track . Bo breaks free and chokes out the prison guard but is caught by another man who pulls a gun on him . Bo is then strapped to a board with a knife held to his throat .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Nick : You sure you do nt want me to come with you to Daniel s hearing ? Phyllis : No . We ca nt even be in the room when he testifies . And I do nt want the whole cavalry coming , cause it s gon na look like we just expect the grand jury to indict him . Noah : Hey , Dad , Phyllis . Nick : Hey , Dude , what s up ? Phyllis : Hey , Noah . Okay , I have to go . Nick : Okay , keep me posted . Phyllis : All right . Bye . Nick : ( Sighs ) What are you doing here ? Why are nt you in school ? Noah : Well , first period s free . Plus , Eden and I are going Christmas shopping tonight . Nick : Okay , so you came for a withdrawal . Noah : My favorite bank . Nick : ( Chuckles ) Noah : Hey , I - I want to get Mom something really nice after the year she s had . Nick : How s she doing ? Noah : ( Sighs ) Honestly , she s been acting a little weird lately . Nick : Weird , in what way ? Noah : Just kind of keeping to herself , up in her room with the door closed , almost like she s hiding something , but I have no idea what s going on . Nick : ( Sighs ) Yeah , I think I might . Adam : Morning . Heather : Good morning . Beautiful flowers . Adam : Almost as beautiful as the woman they re for . Heather : Woman ? Adam : I told you I m seeing someone . Heather : Well , does she know about you and Rafe ? Adam : She understands what you wont-- that at a very low point in my life , when I was alone and afraid , I mistook feelings of friendship and gratitude for something else . I ve grown very close to a remarkable woman . If you ca nt be happy for me , the least you can do is not perpetuate these lies about my sexual orientation . Heather : I got it . Nick : I went up to the Abbott cabin with Phyllis and Summer . We put up a plaque with Faith s name on it . Sharon : You did ? Nick : Yeah . It was Phyllis idea . She wanted to surprise me with it . She knew how upset I d been over the baby s death . Sharon : Faith was my baby , too , and you made this decision without me . I mean , you-- it just shows how far apart that you and I have grown , and it was just very presumptuous of you , Nick . Sharon : ( Sighs ) Nick , I ve been thinking about our conversation . I may have overreacted . I overreacted when you told me about the plaque . If you want to stop by , maybe we can talk about it . Sharon . P.S ... Sharon : Hello ? Adam : Hey , gorgeous . Sharon : Adam . Adam : Excellent-- she remembers my name . Listen , I m in the neighborhood . Sharon : Oh , you are ? Adam : Well , not exactly . I can be . You just say the word . I m there . Sharon , you there ? Sharon : Um , okay . Uh , come on over . W - we just-- we have to make it short , though . Adam : Okay , I ll tell my driver to hurry . Victoria : It s not just a deposition , you know . I mean , it s a grand jury investigation in a murder case . J.T. : Just tell them what happened with the painting . End of story . Victoria : Mm - hmm . J.T. : Daniel s the one who s on the hook for this . You did nt do anything wrong . Why should you be worried ? Victoria : I m not saying that she s gon na go there , but Heather was a little nasty the last time I spoke to her . But what if she brings up Deacon and me and what happened-- J.T. : All right , let s just go to the courthouse ... Victoria : I m just saying-- J.T. : And get this over with , okay ? Victoria : I-- ( Sighs ) Jana : Well , he s got to be bloody terrified . I know I would be . Amber : Yeah , I ve been , uh , I ve been trying to stay strong for Daniel , but if things do nt go well today-- Jana : Good karma . Deacon : Well , in the event that , uh , you know , Daniel does wind up in jail , I d be glad to keep you warm at night . Oh ! Oh ! ( Tsks ) Come on . Amber : Get away from me , you creep ! Deacon : ( Chuckles ) So how come you re not down at the courthouse , uh , wet- nursing your friend , huh ? Amber : You know what ? Um , I will catch up with you later . Jana : Hi , there . Deacon : Hi , there . Jana : Do you see that sign ? Deacon : Yeah . Jana : You see what it says ? We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone . Deacon : Mm . Jana : Well , consider yourself refused . Deacon : ( Sighs ) Phyllis : Hey . Daniel : Mom , you did nt have to come down here . Phyllis : Of course I would come down here . Are they running on time ? Do you know ? Daniel : Some guy stuck his head out when I first got here . He said -- Mom , I m okay . Phyllis : Okay . Okay . Daniel : He -- he said that the Elkins trial was gon na be next . The grand jury s already in session . Phyllis : Dont -- dont-- do nt worry . You re innocent . You re innocent . You re not going to prison for a crime you did nt commit . I m gon na make sure of that . Kevin : How you doing , pal ? You hanging in ? Daniel : Yeah , trying . Phyllis : Where s Ryder ? Kevin : Uh , he must be stuck in traffic . Phyllis : Mm , on his way out of town , I m sure . Kevin : He ll be here . Phyllis : I ll believe it when I see it . Oh . Wrong brother . Michael : Oh , Daniel , uh , I was up pretty late last night going over your case . I want to change strategies . Phyllis : Wait a second . Why ? Daniel : What about all the time we spent preparing ? Michael : Well , it occurs to me that you have a right against self- incrimination , and I think you should use it . I want you to plead the fifth . Kay : Well , that was a splendid breakfast . Now what is the occasion , or do I already know ? Jack : Spending time with a dear friend is nt occasion enough ? Kay : ( Chuckles ) All right , Jack . Give me your pitch . In 25 words or less , tell me why you think I should invite you in on my I.P.O. Jack : No . Kay : What ? Jack : No , I m going to let somebody else do my talking for me . Kay : ( Chuckles ) Kay : My darling John , to say Congratulations seems far too mundane . Good luck implies you re in fate s hands , which is utterly preposterous . If ever a man were born to lead an empire , you re surely that man , and-- and you proved that today . Your friend , Katherine . My God . Jack : It is the letter you wrote to my father the day he broke ground on a Jabot Cosmetics building , telling him how proud you were of all that he d accomplished . Kay : Oh , my God , to think he just kept this . It just-- Jack : He treasured that , Katherine , just as he treasured your love and support till the day he died . I wish to God it was him here instead of me . I wish it was my father asking you to trust the Abbotts with a little more control , a little more ownership , in the company that was his legacy . You know how much it would mean to him , so here s what I m asking-- if you ca nt find it in your heart to do it for me , do it for my dad . Kay : Oh , Jack Abbott , you do nt play fair . Kevin : ( Sighs ) Amber : I do nt know . I - I still do nt get it , Michael . Why would nt Daniel just stick to the facts he s already given the police ? Michael : Because the more Daniel speaks on the record , the worse off he ll be . ( Sighs ) Listen , Daniel , any question put to you even remotely dealing with the victim-- when and where he died , how it happened , anything related to the murder weapon , you should refuse to answer the way I ve instructed you to . Phyllis : Daniel , maybe you should listen to Michael . Michael : Well , there s no Maybe about it . And remember , since I ca nt go in there with you , if there s any question that you re not sure how to handle , you have the absolute right to come out here and consult with your attorney . Do nt let anyone tell you otherwise . You understanding all this ? Daniel : I want the jurors to know that there was a third man in the alley . You keep telling me to plead the fifth . If I keep doing that , I m -- there s not gon na be any way for me to tell them that . Amber : Plus , wo nt it make it seem like he has something to hide ? Phyllis : All right , Mi-- come on , guys , Michael knows what he s doing . Daniel : What about the time-- all -- all the hours we spent going over my testimony ? This seems like it s coming out of nowhere . Why is it so dangerous for me to testify ? D - di -- I do nt know . Did something change ? Michael : I received new information yesterday . I ca nt tell you from whom , but the D.A. s office is so sure of an indictment that they ve already gone before a judge and gotten an arrest warrant . Phyllis : ( Sighs ) Daniel : ( Scoffs ) Michael : Now do you see why it s so important not to give them extra ammunition ? Kevin : Ryder . Dude , I thought you were gon na try and get here early . Ryder : Did nt think I d show ? Kevin : ( Stammers ) Heather : Mr. Callahan , good morning . You are my first witness in the Elkins case . Kevin : ( Exhales ) Ryder : Good luck . Daniel : ( Sighs ) Amber : You tell the truth . You tell them Daniel did nt do this . Nick : Your mom was upset that Phyllis had that plaque made . Noah : See , I - I dont-- I do nt get that . When you told me about it , my first thought was , wow , that s really nice of Phyllis . Nick : Yeah , I mean , she certainly meant well . And I agree with you-- it was a very loving and thoughtful thing for Phyllis to do , but ... you know , the more I think about it , us putting that marker up without talking to Sharon first probably made your mom feel like we were cutting her out of the picture . Noah : ( Sighs ) I guess . Nick : I should have given more thought to Sharon s point of view . Frankly , I owe your mother an apology . Sharon : Oh , my gosh , these flowers are beautiful . Uh , not that you had to do this . I-- Adam : Well , you inspire me . Sharon : ( Sighs ) Adam , um , I really like you a lot , and I had a great time the other night , but this is all just moving a little bit too fast for me . Adam : Why do you say that ? Sharon : Well , Noah almost walked in on us the other morning , and-- and that would nt have been cool , to say the least . Adam : Yeah . Yeah . You re -- you re being a responsible parent . I completely respect that . We can be as discreet as you need us to be . Sharon : Maybe just not see as much of each other for a while . Adam : One step at a time . Whatever makes you comfortable . Sharon : Great . Thanks for understanding . Okay , I m gon na put these in some water . Adam : Okay . Adam : ( Sighs ) Noah : Mom s home this morning if you want to go see her . Nick : Yeah , I think I m gon na give her some space , but I am gon na talk to her . So how much do you need ? Noah : For the , uh , loan we discussed ? Nick : Loan . ( Chuckles ) That s funny . This , uh , this enough ? Noah : Perfect . Thanks , Dad . Nick : No problem , Buddy . Nick : From Sharon . You want me to come over . Be a good time to talk to you , then . Sharon : Well , I ll have you over for dinner sometime soon-- you know , this time with Noah . Adam : Sounds like a plan . Sorry . I m sorry . Sharon : ( Sighs ) Adam : Um , I just got carried away . I - I just want you so damn much . Forgive me ? Sharon : This time . Adam : ( Chuckles ) Kay : Well , now , I ve promised a number of people to get in on the initial stock offering . Now -- so even if-- and if-- if I were to invite you in-- Jack : I realize that there are limitations , Katherine . It is nt like I m regaining control of the company , but a piece of the pie is better than no pie at all . Kay : ( Chuckles ) Jack : And we both know how much my dad loved pie , particularly your lemon meringue . Kay : It was coconut cream . Jack : Oh . Kay : All right , enough . Enough of the -- the John card . You wore me down . ( Chuckles ) Jack : Wait , d - does that mean-- Kay : Yes , yes , yes , Jack Abbott . ( Sighs ) You re in . Jack : Katherine , I promise you , you have just made the right decision . Victoria : Well , looks like we re in the right place , anyway . Victoria : Is that the call you were expecting ? J.T. : Yeah , it sure is . J.T. here . Tucker : Do it now . J.T. : Yes , Sir . Victoria : Is everything okay ? J.T. : Yeah . Listen , I , uh , I got ta take off . Victoria : What ? J.T. : Uh , you ll be fine , all right ? Uh , do nt worry about it , okay ? Victoria : No , uh-- J.T. : Good luck . Victoria : But I-- J.T. : Let me know when it s done . Victoria : ( Sighs ) Michael : Here . Get a grip , will you ? Phyllis : For the D.A. to want a warrant before they ve heard his testimony , is that legal ? Amber : Either way , it s totally unfair . Michael : As long as Daniel protects himself , he should nt do his case any harm . Daniel : So how would telling them that there was a third man in the alley hurt me ? Michael : You re just gon na have to trust me on this . Deacon : Hey , kids . Amber : This is a private conversation . Deacon : Mm . You know , your fetching wife and I were just discussing at the coffeehouse who d look after her when you re , um , locked up . Michael : Uh , no . No . Daniel : Excuse me one second . Michael : Let it go . Amber : No , no , no , no . Michael : Just let it go , all right ? Phyllis : Maybe Daniel has to let it go , but I do nt . Michael : What ? What ? Deacon : ( Sighs ) Amber : ( Laughs ) Daniel : ( Laughs ) Amber : I love it . Daniel : Nice going , Mom . Kevin : Hey . How d it go ? Ryder : Uh , I just -- I just want to get out of here . Kevin : Hey , wait up . Wait up . Deacon : Jeez . Heather : You re up , Mr. Sharpe . Deacon : Uh , yeah , you know what ? Um , I think I ve just been assaulted . Can I , uh , go and change my clothes , please ? Uh , can you call someone else ? Because I m drenched . Heather : Unless you take the stand this minute , you ll be held in contempt . Deacon : Really ? Heather : You re up next . Deacon : Excuse me . Victoria : ( Sighs ) Amber : ( Sighs ) God , I hate that man . Michael : Phyllis , really ? Phyllis : I thought he looked better damp . Amber : ( Chuckles ) Michael : Right . Let s just all simmer down . Mr. Sharpe and his pal Ryder will be on the stand being questioned soon enough . Daniel : I do nt want there to be a trial , Michael . Amber : No , no one wants that , baby . Michael : Hey , kiddo , if it was up to me-- Daniel : ( Sighs ) Victoria : Are things really that bad ? Phyllis : Oh , they re worse . Daniel : I ca nt go back to jail , Michael . I just ca nt do it again , all right ? I know I m not gon na make it this time . Victoria : ( Sighs ) Phyllis : Oh , hey . Amber : Oh , are you okay ? Victoria : Yeah , yeah . I m good . I m good . Phyllis : It looks like Heather put you through the wringer . Victoria : Yeah , well , it was a little intense . But , um , she was just doing her job . Phyllis : Yeah . Victoria : Do nt worry , Daniel . Itll -- youll be fine . Daniel : We ll see . Michael : What did she ask you ? Victoria : Well , I explained how Daniel and I worked together to put the real Terroni back into the museum , and , um , I told them what a good guy you are . Amber : He s one of the best . Daniel : I appreciate that . Victoria : Sure . Michael : Uh , what else-- what else did Heather ask you ? Victoria : Michael , listen , do you mind if I call you later and fill you in on it ? Cause I m a little-- I m just , you know , my head s swimming right now , yeah . Michael : Sure . Sure . Of course . Sorry . Yeah . Victoria : Yeah ? Okay , well , Daniel , good luck with your testimony . Daniel : Thanks . Victoria : Got ta go . Michael : All right . Thank you . Victoria : Yeah , I ll call you . Michael : Uh - huh . Victoria : ( Sighs ) Deacon : Hey , Vicki . I was , uh , I was just kind of curious if , uh , you mentioned anything about us . I mean , you were under oath . Victoria : Excuse me . Deacon : Everybody s so touchy . Heather : Daniel , come with me , please . When you were approached by this phony FBI agent , who we now know to be the victim , to forge a famous painting , a painting very widely known as stolen , what did you do ? Daniel : On the advice of my counsel , I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that my answer may intend to incriminate me . Heather : You agreed to paint the forgery , did you not ? Daniel : On the advice of my counsel , I refuse to answer that question-- Heather : However , before agreeing , you called the FBI to verify that there was an Agent Aucker on staff , correct ? Daniel : On the advice of my counsel , I refuse-- Heather : You refuse to answer . I got it . Do you intend to answer all of my questions by pleading the Fifth Amendment ? Daniel : I do nt know . I ca nt tell you until I hear each one of your questions . Heather : That s encouraging . So on the basis of one phone call , without checking to see if there was any more to this story or consulting , confiding in anyone else at all , about this rather startling offer that you received from a complete stranger , you decided to participate in a serious criminal activity-- art forgery , correct ? But because you had been told that a man by the name of Howard Aucker did indeed work for the FBI , you assumed you were cooperating with the authorities ? One of the good guys as it appears in your statements you provided for the police . Daniel : ( Sighs ) Heather : Does this seem like something an intelligent person would do , an intelligent person who has no other motive than to be a good , law - abiding citizen ? Daniel : ( Sighs ) Honestly , um , I kind of lost track of how many questions you just asked me , and -- and I can only answer one at a time . Heather : Or answer none , as the case may be . Daniel : Right . Heather : Why were your fingerprints on the murder weapon ? Daniel : Because-- um ... ( Chuckles ) On the advice of my counsel , I-- Heather : Let me rephrase this , Mr. Romalotti . The only fingerprints on the gun belonged to you . How is that possible ? Daniel : I refuse to answer that question . Heather : You must have handled the gun , right ? Daniel : I refuse to answer that question . Heather : In fact , the gun was yours , was nt it ? And you brought it with you to the alley that night in case the deal went south . And when it did , you pointed your weapon at Mr. Elkins , and you fired it . Daniel : No , no , no . No , I did nt . Heather : Then who did ? Daniel : I refuse to answer that question . Heather : Are you denying that it belonged to you ? Daniel : I refuse to answer that question . Heather : Because how else do you answer the question of only one set of fingerprints ? Daniel : Because there was a third man in the alley ... Heather : Really ? Daniel : And he was wearing gloves . Heather : How do you know ? Did you see him ? Daniel : Briefly . Heather : How briefly ? Daniel : I do nt know . It was like a flash . He was there , and then he was gone , and-- Heather : And yet , amazingly , almost superhumanly , you were able to tell that he was wearing gloves . Daniel : You know what ? I did nt kill Elkins . Heather : So this Third man , who was he ? Does he have a name ? Can you identify him to this panel ? Daniel : No . Heather : Then how do you expect us to believe that he exists ? Daniel : I - I picked up the gun after Elkins was shot . Heather : Did you drop it ? Daniel : No . Yes , I did . Heather : Which is it ? No or yes ? Daniel : Elkins was shot , he hit the ground . Then whoever shot him dropped the gun , and they ran off , and then I picked up the gun , and then I dropped it . Heather : After which instead of phoning the real FBI agent you d been working with , or waiting for the police to arrive , you fled the scene of a crime . You had to be tracked down later at your home because you were Cooperating with authorities ? Is that what you d like this jury to believe ? Jack : Oh , Katherine , this is more than an investment to me . I ve made a lot of mistakes in my life . Kay : ( Chuckles ) Jack : God knows . The biggest , perhaps , was convincing my father to take Jabot public . I should have known Victor would swoop in and try to do everything he could to steal the company . But my ego blinded me . Kay : Mm , well ... Jack : There s one moment I keep reliving over and over and over again , for years . Kay : What s that ? Jack : The moment my father realized that all of his life s work , a company he d spent his entire life building was no longer ours , the moment I broke his heart . Kay : Your father s business was never his heart . His family was . Jack : I know that . It s still my cross to bear . Kay : If having a small piece of Chancellor Industries will give you peace , I am so glad , so glad . Jack : It will , Katherine . It will give me peace like you do nt know . Kay : ( Chuckles ) Jack : I hope you have the most wonderful day . Kay : You , too . Kevin : Dude , would you stop busting my chops ? I said I knew you would show up . Ryder : Did nt seem that way . Kevin : You promised you would do the right thing and help Daniel . I believe you . Jana : Look , will one of you please tell me what happened ? Kevin : Nobody knows yet . People are still testifying . Ryder : Look , I had a rough morning . My stomach s a mess . I think I m -- I think I m gon na go home and lay down for a little bit , if that s okay with you . Kevin : Yeah . Yeah , go ahead . Ryder : Okay , thanks . Jana : ( Sighs ) Kevin : Poor guy . ( Sighs ) Jana : You know , it s Daniel we ought to be worrying about . I just hope Ryder came through the way he said he would . Kevin : ( Sighs ) I hope so , too . Phyllis : Hey , how bad was it ? Daniel : Bad . Amber : Oh , Sweetie . Michael : But you did what I told you , right ? You stood your ground . You did nt answer any questions . Phyllis : Oh , no . Michael : Oh , God . What happened ? Daniel : I , um , I tried pleading the fifth as long as I could , and I - I do nt know . I think I kinda freaked out , and Heather just kept coming at me , and she would nt stop . Phyllis : Oh , no . Daniel : And -- and she tried making me look like some kind of monster in front of the jurors . I m sorry . I tried listening to what you said , and I think I really may have screwed this one up . Phyllis : ( Exhales ) Michael : Okay . Well , calm down . Look , go home . Get some rest . We will figure things out . Amber : Um , let s -- let s get out of here , okay , baby ? Phyllis : It s gon na be fine . I m gonna-- I m gon na make sure it s fine . It s gon na be fine . Michael : ( Sighs ) Phyllis : You have-- you have to do something . Please ? Please , you have to save him . Please . Please , Michael . Michael : It s o - okay . Okay . Okay . Okay . Phyllis : Please ! Please ! Michael : Phyllis . Phyllis ! Listen to me . Phyllis : Okay . Michael : We re gon na handle this . We re gon na take it from here . Phyllis : I m counting on you . Michael : Likewise . Phyllis : Yeah . Michael : Hmm ? Heather : Thank you . Michael : Got a sec ? Heather : No . Michael : I m not proud of what I said to you last night . Heather : Refresh my memory . Michael : ( Chuckles ) Oh , threatening to tell your boss that you leaked confidential information about a case ... Heather : ( Chuckles ) Michael : To me , the defense attorney on the eve of a grand jury hearing . Heather : I did nt leak anything . You eavesdropped on a very private conversation . Michael : I accidentally overheard a sensitive conversation which you chose to have in a very public place . Heather : Well , I knew you would nt go through with it , anyway-- telling Owen . Michael : Oh , I m going through with it . Heather : What ? Michael : I m just not proud of myself . Yesterday , I would have dropped this as an F.Y.I. , but after you stepped all over my client s right to express his Fifth Amendment privileges-- Heather : I did no such thing . Michael : After you lined up that arrest warrant , if that does nt stink to high heaven , I do nt know what does . Heather : ( Chuckles ) Daniel answered my questions on his own . Michael : After you bludgeoned him for 45 minutes . How do you think your boss will respond when I lay out your obvious vendetta against him ? He Just happens to be a - a part of Victor Newman s extended family . And given your history of bad blood with them and your series of overzealous prosecutions , which I will describe in spectacular detail-- Heather : Be my guest , Michael . Michael : I think I m gon na make it my mission in life to make sure that your bitter , biased , incompetent butt is tossed out of that job that you are so unjustifiably proud of . And come to think of it , I think the state bar s disciplinary committee might want to weigh in on this , too . Heather : You-- you would nt do that . Michael : It s a tough job market out there . I hope you have something besides the law to fall back on . Heather : Okay , let s see . I assume you want transcripts in exchange for keeping quiet , right ? That sounds like blackmail , professional misconduct-- yeah , that s a checkmate . Michael : Mm ... if you were wearing a wire . Since you re not , I want you to tell me what Sharpe and Callahan said in there . I think it s the least you could do , considering how you railroaded Daniel . Heather : I ll think about it . Michael : Hmm . You walk away , I will go straight to your superiors . Heather : I ll take my chances . Michael : Owen Pomerantz . Yes , this is Michael Baldwin . Yeah , I ll hold . Your boss on speed dial . Convenient , no ? Heather : Hang up . Michael : Beg your pardon ? Heather : You heard me . I ll tell you what you want to know . Michael : Start talking . Phyllis : J -- hey , Jack . Jack : Hey , I m here to see Nick . I got in on the Chancellor I.P.O. , and I wanted to thank him for his nonexistent help . Phyllis : Great . He s not here . Jack : Any idea where he might be ? Phyllis : No , I have no idea . Go home , please . Jack : Wha -- bad timing ? Phyllis : You seem to always have bad timing . Sorry . I should nt snap at you . Come in . Jack : Apology accepted . Um , what is wrong ? Phyllis : Um , thanks for sparing Nick the other night . I really appreciate it . We were nt up for dealing with Sharon s latest crisis . Jack : I do nt think Nick is ever gon na be up for this one . Phyllis : What do you mean ? Jack : Sharon is seeing Adam . Phyllis : Uh , Seeing Adam , as in-- Jack : Meaning , they re involved . Phyllis : Wow . Wow , Sharon has hit an all - time low . Adam : Might be the last time we re alone for a while . I want to make every second count . Sharon : Now who s slowing things down ? Adam : Turn around . Sharon : ( Sighs ) Adam : It s like you said . Noah s at school . We have all day . We can just take our time . Nick : ( Sighs ) Nick : Sharon ? Amber : So Ryder s taking a nap ? Jana : ( Sighs ) Kevin : We all saw how wiped out he was . Jana : Well , I wish he would have at least given us a clue about how the testimony went . Coffee to go , officer ? Man : I m looking for Daniel Romalotti . Daniel : Yeah , can I help you ? Man : I need you to come with me . You re under arrest for the murder of Ray Elkins . Amber : ( Gasps ) No . Jana : My God , the grand jury indicted him ? Kevin : I m calling Michael now . Amber : Oh , my God . Man : You have the right to remain silent . Anything you say can be used against you in court . Victoria : ( Sighs ) Be there . J.T. : You have reached the voice mail of J.T. Hellstrom , head of security for Tucker McCall , unlimited . Please leave a message . Victoria : ( Sighs ) Hi . It s me . Um ... ( Sighs ) It s been a hell of a morning . I really need to hear your voice . Can you call me when you get this , please ? Okay . Kay : Well , J.T. , this is a surprise . I ca nt remember the last time you paid me a visit . J.T. : Well , actually , Katherine , I m here on business . Kay : Oh . J.T. : I do nt know if you ve heard , but I m working for Tucker McCall now . Kay : Really ? Well , my , that is a very high - powered territory you re in . J.T. : Yeah , well , Mr. McCall was very interested to hear you re taking Chancellor Industries public . Kay : Was he now ? J.T. : He d like to be included in a significant way . Are you interested ? Kay : Keep talking . Jack : It made me sick to my stomach walking in on the two of them kissing . I - it s like -- like he has poor Sharon mesmerized . Phyllis : Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . Poor Sharon ? You re -- you re not doing that again , please ? Jack : I m starting to think she s the blind one . She ca nt see that he s using her . Phyllis : But you didnt-- you did nt come over here to ask Nick to go save Sharon , did you ? Jack : ( Sighs ) Phyllis : Plea-- you did nt do that . Nick is no longer Sharon s Knight in shining armor , no longer , okay ? Those days are over . You know why ? Because he s my husband . He s my husband , and I really need him right now . Come in . Michael : Oh , hey . ( Sighs ) Phyllis : What ? What ? Michael : I just found out , and never mind how , Ryder and Deacon both plead the fifth . Jack : Wait -- wait a minute . What s going on ? Michael : The grand jury hearing today for Daniel . Jack : Wait , that s today ? Phyllis : Wait , wait . What -- what does this mean ? Michael : It ai nt good . Nick : Sharon ? Neil : Tucker McCall ? Kay : Mm - hmm . Neil : What did he say ? Kay : He wants in . Ashley : Well , what about your conversation with Katherine ? Jack : Something s going on . Sharon : Why did you just walk into my house ? Nick : You sent me an e - mail . Sharon : I never sent it . ### Summary:
Nick asks to go with Phyllis to Daniel s grand jury hearing , but Phyllis refuses . Noah walks in just as Phyllis leaves . Nick questions Noah as to why he is here . Noah informs him that he does nt have a class first period and he and Eden are going Christmas shopping for Sharon . Noah lets Nick know how weird that Sharon had been acting lately . Heather runs into Adam and comments on the beautiful flowers . Adam lets her know that they are for a beautiful woman . Heather inquires if the woman knows about him and Rafe . Sharon thinks about her conversation with Nick just as she gets a call from Adam , who wants to come over . Sharon , reluctantly agrees . Victoria is upset over the grand jury hearing because it is a grand jury investigation into a murder case . Jana knows that Daniel must be terrified . Amber lets Jana know that she had been trying to remain strong for Daniel . Deacon interrupts them and offers to keep Amber warm at night if Daniel goes to prison . Amber orders Deacon away from her . Everyone begins to gather for the grand jury depositions . Michael tells Daniel that he wants to change strategies . Kay and Jack meet for a business breakfast . Jack reads a letter that Kay had written to Jack s father years ago . Jack wears Kay down until she agrees to let him in on the deal . Sharon asks Adam for them not to see as much of each other for a while . Adam agrees . Jack visits Phyllis and lets her know about Sharon being involved with Adam . Sharon and Adam are becoming very intimate when Nick comes to visit . J.T. tells Kay about Mr. McCall s interest in Chancellor Industries going public .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Carly : Hello . Sonny : You like those shoes , huh ? Carly : I love them . Sonny : You want to keep wearing them ? Carly : Yeah , right up until my delivery date . Sonny : Oh , yeah , you re just going to teeter around , not knowing if you re going to fall or whatever , right ? Carly : Teeter ? Sonny : Yeah , teeter . Teeter - tot-- Carly : They do nt teeter . I have nt fallen in heels since I was 13 . Anyway , I have to have them because they go with this new outfit that I bought that I m going to wear once I have the baby and my body s back in shape . Sonny : What s so special about it ? Carly : It has a very , very short skirt . Sonny : Wow . I like to hear that . Carly : Yeah ? Well , if you re lucky , maybe I ll wear it for you . Sonny : Yeah ? Really ? Carly : Mm - hmm . Sonny : All right . Carly : Under one condition . Sonny : Why is there always a catch ? Carly : Because there is . Sonny : Nah -- Carly : Now , listen -- you need to stop policing my every move . Sweetie , I m fine . The baby is fine . Sonny : All right . Carly : Okay ? Nothing bad is going to happen to either of us . Sonny : Ah -- kicked , right ? Carly : Yes , because he agrees with his mother . Sonny : Yeah . Carly : Two against one . Sonny : Right , right , right . Courtney : Do nt you dare go anywhere near Carly , Faith . Zander : Do you know I knew your aunt ? She was a friend of mine . Her name was Kristina , too . You got a pretty crazy , messed - up family , kid . I m one to criticize . But Cameron , at least , you get to have for just a guardian . He was my dad . I do nt know what s going to happen with you . Your mama , she sure loves you , but she s in a lot of trouble . Scott : Now , you know the drill . You ve walked many a client through it . Take a statement , fingerprint you , mug shot you -- the works . Alexis : I was framed . Scott : That s what they all say . Cameron : I d like a moment with Ms. Davis . Scott : Why ? You re not her shrink . You re not her attorney . You re nothing . Cameron : Well , by all means , refuse the visit , but I ll need some documentation , which might be admitted to the court later as evidence that you violated her rights . Scott : She s not going to wiggle out of this on a technicality , so you go ahead and visit away . Cameron : Do you want me to call Dara Jensen ? Alexis : I d appreciate it . Cameron : How much contact did you have with this Cindy ? Alexis : As much as Stefan arranged . God only knows what else he s fabricated . Ric : Ms. Davis . Alexis : This is nt a good time , Ric . Ric : Well , I m afraid it s not going to get any better . I represent Edward Laurence Ashton . My client is suing you for libel , slander , and defamation of character . He s also seeking punitive damages in the amount of $ 10 million . Nikolas : I m showing good faith by making partial payment . I could just as easily take you to court . Lorenzo : You should make it a point to avoid legal difficulties whenever possible . This is a numbered account at Credit Suisse . I want the payments wired directly . Nikolas : My uncle signed the promissory note , not me . Lorenzo : Defaulting will cost you something you do nt want to lose . Jason : Why d you block him ? Nikolas : I just had a feeling he did nt have a gun . You do nt want a murder charge , and I do nt want to be an accessory to murder . Jason : Where s Emily right now ? Nikolas : She s supposed to be with Zander . Why ? Jason : What do you not want to lose ? Nikolas : He s going after her . Andy : Relax . Do nt make me hurt you . It s nothing personal . You re just sleeping with the wrong guy , that s all . He owes us money , and we collect by taking what he cares about most . Faith : You know what ? I guess you did nt learn anything from that little stay in South America , bunny rabbit . You re not nearly as tough as you think you are . Courtney : What the hell are you doing outside Carly s room ? Faith : Nothing . I have an appointment with my gynecologist . If you feel like playing girl detective , you re more than welcome to just follow along . Courtney : Get out of here , Faith . Go . Now . Faith : You know what ? You stopped me . Carly : All the hovering in the world is not going to make this baby come any faster . See , he s going to stay inside of me -- Sonny : Mm - hmm . Carly : And keep growing until he is ready to be born . That s how pregnancy works . Sonny : Hmm . Carly : Hmm . Sonny : I just want you to show a little caution , that s all . Carly : Oh , God . Staying at home with my feet up on the couch is not going to help anything . Courtney : Hey -- Sonny : I know that . Courtney : You re all set . Carly , look , the nurses said you could drop this off on your way out . Do you have everything ? Carly : Yeah , I -- Sonny : Is there a reason you re in such a hurry ? Courtney : Well , I know Carly wants to get home , and I just -- I thought that you would , too . Sonny : Did something happen on the way to where you were going ? Courtney : I ran into Faith in the hall . She said she had a doctor s appointment . Sonny : Okay , okay . Faith just happened to walk by Carly s room ? Carly : I m sure it s nothing . Sonny : Well , I m not . This is what I m talking about . I want you and the baby home safe . Nikolas : Where s Emily ? Zander : Why ? What happened ? She went to get baby things . Jason : Try her cell again . How long ago did she leave ? Zander : I do nt know . Jason : Where d she go ? Zander : What s going on ? Jason : Zander , tell me how long ago my sister left ! Zander : 30 minutes . Jason : Was she driving the S.U.V. ? Zander : Yes . Jason : Which direction was she headed ? Zander : I do nt know . She went to get baby stuff . Jason : Meyer , okay , she was driving the green S.U.V. The plate -- Zander , do you know the plate ? Zander : I do nt have any idea . Zander : Okay , you tell me what the hell is going on . Nikolas : Alcazar threatened to go after Emily . Zander : What -- you re going to get her killed . Do you realize that ? Nikolas : You were supposed to be keeping her safe , Zander . I told you Alcazar might go after her to get to me . You should nt even let her out of your sight for one second . Jason : Okay , and send somebody over to the warehouse complex . Hold on , Meyer , hold on . Zander : Hey . I m glad you re okay . Jason : She s okay . Sorry . False alarm . Nikolas : You do nt look surprised to see us . Emily : Someone grabbed me on the pier . He said if you do nt make the payments , they ll take me next time . Ric : My client has sustained lasting damage personally and professionally . Alexis : If you get a judgment for even 1/10 of your damages , it ll be put aside . I do nt have that kind of money . Ric : Well , whatever assets you do have are going to be served as a lien against the judgment . My advice to you is to tell your counsel that whatever work they will do for you is going to be pro bono . Scott : Look at the bright side . You get to change into a denim outfit . They re ready to process you . Come on . Skye : Look at her . She s starting already , playing victim , trying to blame this whole thing on Stefan . Ned : I realize that . Skye : Well , is it going to work ? Ned : I have two daughters . There s no way in hell I m going to overlook this or forgive her for framing me for rape . Cameron : You wrongfully prosecute Alexis while a man who shackled Carly Corinthos to a wall for months is free to practice law ? Scott : I go where the evidence takes me . There was nt that much against Ric . A lot more against Alexis . Easy win . I can taste it . Cameron : There s no question you ve been wronged . Skye : Now , there s an understatement . Cameron : Stefan s to blame , not Alexis . Ned : I defended Alexis at every turn , and this is where it got me -- arrested for raping a girl I never touched . Cameron : Does nt that sound like Stefan Cassadine to you ? Ned : Stefan , Alexis -- I do nt care which one thought of it or which one carried it out . All the evidence points to Alexis , and now she s going to pay . Cameron : What are you really after , Ned ? Justice ? Revenge ? You re just trying to make sure that Alexis can never take Kristina away from you . Ned : I ve already lost custody of Kristina . My only hope is to get her back . Cameron : And if you do nt , you re going to make damn sure that Alexis does nt get her , either . Is that it , Ned ? Skye : Why are you defending that woman ? She lied to you , too , Cameron . She used you . She d frame you for a minute for rape if she thought it would get her Kristina back . Cameron : There is such a thing as overkill , Skye . The woman s already been arrested . Is it really necessary to bankrupt her , too ? Ask yourself this , Ned -- years from now , you think Kristina s going to thank you for doing this to her mother ? Skye : I think she will . I think when Kristina s old enough to realize how close she came to being raised by such a self - centered , self - involved , unstable murderess , I think she ll be profoundly grateful that her father was there to protect her . Alexis : Your triumph is not nearly as complete as you ve envisioned . No matter how it turns out , I will always be Kristina s mother . I will always have legal rights to her . And by the time that she s old enough for me to explain this mess to her , she wo nt even remember who you are . Scott : Sorry to interrupt , but , Alexis , your ex - client would like a word with you . He s a little concerned that your arrest might throw a bit of a monkey wrench into his defense . Alexis : I have no desire to see Stefan . Scott : Well , he has a desire to see you , and I think you two deserve each other . So have a nice little chit - chat . Alexis : You must be very pleased with yourself . Stefan : I admit , it is gratifying to see you pay for your betrayal . Jason : You never saw his face ? Emily : No . He grabbed me from behind . He said -- he said the only way I d get hurt is if I tried to look at him , so I did nt . Jason : Okay . I m going to put a guard on you until this is taken care of . Emily : All right , I ll do whatever you want , Jase , but would nt it be simpler if -- if Nikolas just pays the money ? Nikolas : Emily , I ca nt do that unless Lydia and I have a child . Emily : Jason could lend it to you . Nikolas : No . Absolutely not . Emily : Just enough to cover the payments until the inheritance comes through . Nikolas : No , no . We ll have to find another way . Zander : It s a way so that Emily s not put at risk . You have the money , right ? Jason : I need to talk to Emily first . Outside . Zander : He ll give you the money . Do Emily a favor and take it . Nikolas : Look , I did nt want Emily involved in this . But I ll do whatever I have to do to protect her . Zander : What , you re going to talk about how you re going to nobly step aside and keep your distance ? Do nt bother . I gave Emily the chance to end our marriage so she could be with you . She s still here . Jason : All Alcazar wants is his money . And as long as Nikolas makes the payments , you re going to be safe . Emily : Thank you for all this . Jason : Look , I got my own problems with Alcazar , okay ? But even if I did nt , I would still help Nikolas because I ll pretty much do anything you ask me to do . Emily : I know . I m sorry if I m taking advantage , Jase . Jason : No , no , you re not . But you got to explain something to me . You said marrying Zander was about , you know , giving him a present , something good to remember . Emily : Yeah . It did nt work out that way . Jason : Because you lived , Emily . And that is the most important thing -- that you re alive . And now you have an advantage over other people . You ve come close enough to dying to know what truly matters . Carly : Thanks . Sonny : Okay , you know what ? The car was supposed to be waiting . Can you just wait right here for me ? Carly : Yeah , yeah . It s all right . Courtney : Look , I m sorry . I should nt have said anything about Faith . Carly : Do nt -- do nt worry . Sonny s just going to be worried till the baby is born . He s going to be tense , unreasonable -- Courtney : That ca nt be good . Carly : What ? Damn it . Sonny : I think it s best that you do nt go near my wife . Lorenzo : Protective is one thing . You re starting to sound paranoid . Sonny : When are you going to get it through your head , Alcazar ? We re married . Lorenzo : All I m doing is walking into a hospital . Sonny : Yeah ? Well , find another entrance . Carly : Okay , I m going to stop this . Courtney : No , no , no , Carly . Carly , come on . Getting in the middle is only going to make things worse . Carly : Courtney , please , just do me a favor and put my stuff in the car . Sonny : You said you wanted a truce , but you do nt honor it . Lorenzo : You re making unreasonable demands . Sonny : My terms have not changed . You do not run your product through my territory , you do nt interfere with my business , and most importantly -- Carly : Hey . Hey , honey , the car is over there . Maybe we should -- Sonny : Oh . All right , all right . Y mas importante , no te acercas a mi esposa . Lorenzo : Que sucede cuando ella se acerca a me ? Carly : Come on , Sonny , let s go . Sonny : Retirate mientras pueda . Lorenzo : Ella seria una viuda hermosa . Sonny : Ah . Tu no vas a vivir suficiente tiempo para verla vestida de negro . Adios . Lorenzo : Adios . Jason : Nikolas debt will be canceled . There s not going to be a threat against you or him . That s it . Emily : I ll still be married to Zander , Jason . Jason : Is that what you want ? Emily : If I broke Zander s heart to be with Nikolas , I would nt like myself , Jase . I mean , I feel -- I feel wrong and selfish . How can anything good come from that ? Zander : So far you almost got Emily murdered by your uncle , and now she s being threatened because you ca nt pay your debts . You want to help her , Nikolas ? You want to be noble ? Then leave her alone and stay gone . Nikolas : Emily married you , Zander . You said she wants to stay . I m not going to push her to betray herself . Jason : All right , I m going to give Nikolas the money to make the payments . Nikolas , it s just going to be best for everyone involved if you just take it , okay ? Nikolas : Okay , all right . I understand . Jason : Okay , and I m going to send somebody over to watch this place . Emily : I told him it would be all right . Zander : Well , then , I guess it is . Jason : There should nt be any more problems . Nikolas : I ll make sure of that . I wo nt come back here again . Jason : All right . Have a good night , okay ? Be careful . Emily : Good night , Jase . Zander : I m glad you re okay . Emily : Yeah . Hopefully , it s over . Zander : Hopefully . Stefan : Do you know who would enjoy this ? Helena . Alexis : How ironic . You re finally able to please your mother , and she is nt even here to see it . Stefan : She warned me you d betray me in the end . She was right . Alexis : You re my brother , and I came to you to help me save my daughter , and you framed me . Stefan : I did exactly what you wanted me to do . Alexis : I wanted my daughter back . I did nt want you to hurt Ned , I did nt want you to ruin his life , and I certainly did nt want you to frame him for rape . Stefan : Oh , you did nt ? Do you remember making me believe that Katherine Bell was my sister ? Or plotting with Luke Spencer to kill Helena ? Katherine fell from the parapet when you and your partner loosened the railing . I was tried for a crime I did nt commit . Now , you explain to me when you embraced your lofty principles , when you climbed above the muck the rest of us grovel in to become the bastion of righteousness you hold yourself to be . How could I know that you were too good to frame Ned for rape ? It seemed in perfect keeping with your previous crimes . Alexis : Try as you may , but there is no excuse for what you ve done . You murdered an innocent girl , not me . Stefan : Whatever I ve done has been purely for Nikolas . Ric : Well , I imagine the D.A. thinks he s going to offer a plea bargain to either Stefan or Alexis in exchange for testimony against the other . Mac : Hold it , Cassadine . Stefan : I need to speak to an attorney . Scott : Your attorney s behind you in the matching outfit . Stefan : Yes . For obvious reasons , my sister can no longer represent me . I d like to retain your services . Alexis : He s guilty . Stefan wanted Emily killed , and Summer got killed instead . Ric : Ms. Davis , you ve just breached the attorney - client privilege , all right ? That alone is going to get you disbarred . Although it s academic at this point because you re going to lose your license the minute you re convicted of criminal fraud . Congratulations , Mr. Cassadine . You got yourself a lawyer . Zander : How many bottles does one baby need ? Emily : I do nt know . I think we re supposed to sterilize them or -- I do nt know -- maybe -- maybe that s just for newborns . Zander : Is there directions ? I mean , we should probably just do it in case , you know ? Emily : Yeah . Maybe I should have asked Jason to stay . You know , he -- he took care of Michael when he was baby . He was great with him . Zander : Jason takes care of a lot of things , does nt he ? He s going to help you with your problems with Nikolas . Emily : Zander -- Jason did nt shoot you once because I asked . In the meadow on the way to Canada , for all he knew , you were just some desperate kidnapper . But he let you go , which probably changed my whole life . Because when you came back , I fell in love with you . Zander : Yeah , I know . Sometimes , I just -- I know it s crazy , but I wish we could go back . You know what I mean ? I was scared out of my mind , I could nt think of my life five minutes in front of me , but I had -- I had you to count on . Emily : You still do . Zander , I m here because I want to be . Being with you is the only way I can be true to myself . Ned : I ve been subpoenaed to testify against you . Alexis : No surprise there . Ned : And I plan on telling the truth . Alexis : Somehow I doubt that . Ned : I wo nt live in fear anymore . So you need to figure out what you want Kristina s future to look like and start working towards it . Skye : Ned , what did you mean , Live in fear ? Ned : I do nt want to lose Kristina , but I am done compromising myself . I am done placating Alexis to try and hold on to her . Cameron : I do nt imagine he ll be relenting anytime soon . Alexis : That s the beauty of Stefan s trap . Once it s sprung , he does nt need to lift a finger to help . Ned , Skye , and Scott will attack me for him . Scott : Mac , get the cuffs off of Cassadine . He s free to go . He made bail . Mac : I thought bail was denied . Ric : Yeah , it was , as the result of an improperly filed motion . In layman s terms , your sister tanked your case to keep you in lockup . Stefan : I assumed as much . In the future , you can spare me the layman s terms . Stefan : You remember when we were children ? I spent hours trying to teach you chess . You never had much enthusiasm for the game . How fortunate for me . Jason : Hey . Everything okay ? Courtney : Yeah , I hope so . Alcazar was coming in the hospital just as Sonny and Carly were leaving . Jason : Did they fight ? What happened ? Courtney : He and Sonny said some things in Spanish . They did nt sound very friendly . Jason : What are you still doing here ? Courtney : Oh , I volunteered to wait for Carly s vitamin prescription , thought that maybe I could con you into giving me a ride home . Jason : You know I ll give you a ride home . But you know what ? We should get you a new car . What do you think ? Courtney : I think I m not ready to drive yet , Jason . Jason : You know , I could ride with you till you learn how to trust yourself again -- Courtney : Yeah , well , it might be a while . I mean , come on , I made a huge mistake -- one of many . Jason : You fixed what you could . Courtney : So I m just supposed to let it go ? I was wrong , Jason . I was negligent and -- yeah , I know -- I know me going to jail or losing my license is nt going to -- it s not going to solve anything , but , God , I -- it s not right for me to do what I did and just walk away from it . Jason : What are you talking about ? You did nt walk away from that accident . You were willing to go to jail for it . I m the one who could nt let you . If Alcazar had nt arranged that cover - up , I was going to . So if you re feeling guilty , you blame me . Lorenzo : Is Julian in with her ? Faith : Yes . He claims she s making excellent progress . Does nt think he ll need to see her again . Lorenzo : Were there any problems getting her here ? Faith : One minor mishap . I accidentally went by Carly Corinthos room . Lorenzo : Accidentally ? Faith : Yes . Do you know how quickly I d be dead if Sonny knew that I was in on this with you ? The last thing I want is to go near his wife , okay ? I took a wrong turn . Unfortunately , his sister saw me . Lorenzo : Did she ask why you were there ? Faith : Well , actually , she was a little more hostile than that . Lorenzo : What did you say ? Faith : It s a hospital . I told her I was on the way to a doctor s appointment . She let me go . I m sure she ran straight to Sonny . Lorenzo : Good . Faith : Hmm -- sure . I ll be the one who gets shot if he does nt like the news . Lorenzo : I happened to pass Sonny on the way into the hospital . He s tense , edgy , waiting for disaster to strike . Faith : What if he decides to make the first move and take you out ? Lorenzo : His last pregnant wife died because he miscalculated . Ca nt let that happen again . He s got to be thinking of Lily constantly . All he needs now is to see her , face to face . Sonny : You said you were going to -- you were going to lie down . Carly : No . Sonny : No ? Carly : You said I should , and there s a difference . Sonny : Come on . You need to rest . Carly : No , you need to rest more . Did you even go to bed last night ? Sonny : Uh -- well , you know , I was downstairs on the couch . Carly : Did you sleep at all there , or did you just spend the whole night staring out the window into the darkness ? Sonny : There was a storm , thunder . Kind of sounded like an explosion . Carly : Sweetheart , why did nt you call me ? Sonny : Well , I did nt want to bother you . Carly : We could have talked . Sonny : Maybe it s -- you know , I do nt know . It s just -- you know how I feel about storms . And maybe it s nothing . Maybe it s just something that sounds or feels like something else . There was a time in my life , you know , where I had everything that I ever wanted right in my hands and I was very happy . And now it s like a trigger . I feel the happiness , and then I m just waiting for what s going to come next -- the sound , the light . And then you know , you know , it all just disappears . Carly : You re afraid that life and history is going to repeat itself . It wo nt . Sonny : Yeah , I m okay . Carly : You will be . And you know why ? Because it s my turn to take care of you . Sonny : How are you going to do that ? Carly : Well , I want all of your senses focused on the present -- sight , sound , touch . Taste . Sonny : Okay . No , do nt start something you ca nt finish . Carly : I can finish it . Sonny : Yeah ? Carly : Mm - hmm . Where will I -- ooh . Sonny : I do nt want to hurt the baby . Carly : I know you do nt . But Dr. Meadows said that we can make love until the delivery . So , if you do nt believe me , you know , I can always get you -- Sonny : No , no , no , I -- I think I believe . Nikolas : The funds will be transferred from an account in the Grand Keys . Once a month . Now , I want to hear from you personally each time the payment goes through . Thank you . I thought you were being held until the trial . Stefan : My new attorney secured my release . Nikolas : Alexis quit ? Stefan : No . Alexis was arrested for criminal fraud . It seems she paid a young woman to falsely accuse Ned Ashton of rape . Nikolas : That does nt sound like something Alexis would do . It sounds like something you would do . Stefan : Oh , well , you give your aunt too much credit . It turns out she was purposely mishandling my case . I could have been released within hours of my arrest had she not conspired to keep me locked up . Nikolas : Because she knows you re guilty , and so do I. Stefan : Well , then my attorney will have to prove you both wrong . Nikolas : You had to know that I would just hate your guts for trying to kill Emily , that there d be no forgiveness . Stefan : That s why I would never do it . Nikolas : You re lying , like always , hoping that I ll just trust you one more time . But you know what ? I finally figured it out . Did you really try to kill Emily for the money , or were you just trying to make sure that I d have no one left to love , no one left to believe in except for you ? Stefan : Do nt be ridiculous . I am guilty of nothing but wanting you to marry Lydia to save your life ! Nikolas : Well , my marriage to Lydia is completely unnecessary ! I m paying off the debt , and no one had to die for it ! Stefan : How did you raise the funds ? Nikolas : Private financing . Stefan : From whom ? Nikolas : Jason Morgan . Stefan : A gangster . Jason Morgan . Nikolas , do nt you remember ? You almost died when a rival gang tried to kill Morgan ? Any money that he s lending you is obviously from extortion or smuggling . How could you be so foolish ? Nikolas : Better the gangster I know than the one you re in debt to . Stefan : What are you talking about ? Nikolas : Your creditor -- the one who had me beaten up . Do you not even know his name ? Stefan : Yes , of course I do . He s a Russian financier . He s part of a consortium . Nikolas : Wow , wow , you must have been really desperate not to know you were dealing with a front man . Our creditor is Lorenzo Alcazar . Jason : You know , sometimes I think about when -- you know , when you were stripping at the Oasis and I was guarding you and how much you hated it . But you made yourself get through it because A.J. was your husband and you loved him . And I wonder how many things you get through because of me . You know , I think about how often I leave you waiting and , you know , I do nt say where I ve been , how much I ca nt tell you , and how you gave up your job at Kelly s for me . Courtney : Was nt that great of a job . Jason : But you liked it . Courtney : Yeah , sometimes . Jason : I m just -- I m just trying to say that I have a great life , you know , because I have you in it . And it s -- it s way more than I ever expected , and I know it s way more than I probably deserve , Courtney , but -- I mean , you re the one who keeps losing a piece of your freedom or a piece of your conscience , so you know what ? Look , if you want to go back to the police about this accident , I m going -- I ll stand by you , Courtney , if you want to go back -- Courtney : No , Jason -- no , I do nt want -- I do nt want to go back . I mean , I think that s why I feel so guilty . I want to take the easy way out . God , it means I get to stay with you . Jason : So you want to let the cover - up stand ? Courtney : Yeah . Yes . Jason : Okay . So do I. But now that we ve decided together , we re going to carry it together , okay ? Courtney : Thank you . Marcella : Come in . Lorenzo : How are you feeling ? Marcella : Fine . No pain at all . Lorenzo : Julian says you re healing beautifully . Marcella : I ll take his word for it . I have nt seen my reflection yet . Lorenzo : Worried about the results ? Marcella : You recognize yourself when you look in the mirror . I wo nt anymore . For you , this is some investment . For me , it s who I am . Lorenzo : I have at least as much riding on this as you do . I do nt even know if it s going to work . Now , show me that face Julian s so proud of . Marcella : Is something wrong ? Lorenzo : No , no , do nt . Nothing s wrong . You re beautiful . No . More than that , you re perfect . Sonny : Shh , shh . All right . Baby s first car ride . Carly : I ca nt wait to get him home . Look at him . Sonny : Ah , he s beautiful . Carly : Yeah , just like his daddy . God , I love him so much already . Just like I love you . Sonny : All right , come on . Sonny : Can you get him in the car seat ? Carly : Yeah . Been practicing . Woman : Sonny . Sonny : Lily ? Lily : Do nt get in the car . Sonny : No ! Carly : Honey -- honey , it s okay . It s okay , it s okay , it s okay . Come here . It was a bad dream . It s all right . You okay ? You okay ? Georgie : Dillon . A.J. : Dillon . Lorenzo : This needs to happen tonight . Courtney : I m sorry to bother you , but I need to see you right away . Jason : It s better to eliminate the threat . Faith : Quiet tonight , is nt it ? ### Summary:
Sonny arrives to take Carly home ; she tries to reassure him that she ll be safe but Courtney comes in the room and tells them she met Faith outside the room . Later , as they re leaving the hospital , they run into Alcazar . He and Sonny trade threats in Spanish . Alcazar goes on in the hospital to see Marcella , whose bandages have come off . He tells her she s not only beautiful , she s perfect . Jason and Nikolas realize Emily could be in trouble and rush to the cottage . As they re both calling to have people search for her , she comes in the door . She tells them that a man told her that if Nikolas does nt pay his debt , they ll take her . Zander is furious that Nikolas has put Emily in danger . Emily asks Jason to lend Nikolas the money to make the payments on his loan until he and Lydia have a child . He agrees and they leave . Emily assures Zander she is where she wants to be . At the PCPD , Alexis is in handcuffs – Cameron rushes in and asks if she s ok . He asks if she spent anytime with Cindy . She says that Stefan set this all up . Ric , Skye and Ned come into the station and Ric informs Alexis that Ned is suing her for ten million dollars . She meets with Stefan who reminds her that Helena told him she would betray him . Ric agrees to act as Stefan s attorney and gets him released on bail . Ned tells Alexis that he s been subpoenaed and he intends to tell the whole truth , that he s tired of living in fear and she needs to think of what she wants Kristina s future to be . At Windemere , Nikolas tells Stefan that Jason is loaning him the money to make payments on the loan . When Stefan calls Jason a gangster , Nikolas informs him that the person they really owe is Lorenzo Alcazar . Jason and Courtney meet outside GH and renew their commitment to each other . At home Sonny and Carly make love , then fall asleep – Sonny dreams that he s taking Carly and the baby home and they re blown up in a car . He awakes yelling , Carly comforts him .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Preacher : And by the power vested in me , I hereby pronounce you husband and wife . EJ , you may kiss the bride . EJ : [ Chuckles ] Preacher : Ladies and gentlemen , I give you Mr. and Mrs. Elvis DiMera . Chad : I guess now is when I say congratulations , huh ? EJ : Thank you , thank you . And listen , thank you for coming as well . I appreciate it . Taylor : You did it , Nikki . Nicole : I really did , did nt I ? Taylor : Yeah , all the best , sis , all the happiness in the world . Nicole : Thank you . Mm . Taylor : [ Sighs ] Philip : She s asleep now . Maxine : Oh , that s what she needs . Philip : Damn stuff was worthless . Maxine : Sorry ? Philip : The medication that Daniel prescribed . For postpartum depression . She takes it for , like , a day or two , then she tries to commit suicide ? Maxine : We do nt know that medication had any effect . Sometimes it takes a while for it to work its way into the system . The main thing now is that Chloe get lots of rest . She s on a suicide watch . We ll make sure that nothing happens to her while she s here . Philip : And what about when she goes home ? Melanie : Uh ... did you go to nursing school and not tell me ? Why are you wearing those scrubs ? Philip : Um ... it was kind of an accident . Bo : I ve got it ! Hey there , Roman . Roman : You alone ? Bo : Uh , yes , Ciara s upstairs with Hope . Roman : All right , good . We need to talk . Nicole : I am so glad you re here . Taylor : Oh , yeah , yeah . So am I. Nicole : So is EJ . Taylor : What ? Nicole : Glad you re here . Taylor : Oh ! Nicole : It s pretty obvious . Taylor : Right . Yeah , no , he s very nice . Nicole : Mm - hmm . Taylor : What , Nicole ? Why are you looking at me like that ? Nicole : Just curious ... when did you two meet ? How do you know him ? Taylor : [ Sighs ] Bo : What s wrong ? Roman : I tried calling your cell phone ; it kept going to voice mail . Bo : Yeah , I m recharging . But you could ve called the house or Hope s phone . Why did nt you do that ? Hope : Hey , look who s here . Roman : Hey . Hope : Hi , I thought I heard your voice . Is something wrong ? Melanie : What kind of accident ? Why are you wearing those ? Philip : I ... I jumped in the river . Melanie : Okay . All these cryptic answers , you re kind of freaking me out . Philip , what happened ? Chad : Look at your dad , all proud and happy . EJ : Aw , I certainly am . Are nt I , hmm ? Johnny : You got married . EJ : Did I ? I did , I did get married , yes . I m very proud of you . You re all dressed up . Looking like the fine young man that you are . I hope you behaved yourself , hmm ? Chad : It s nice being a dad , huh ? EJ : [ Sighs ] Yeah , it is . Taylor : Nicole , why is it important how I met EJ ? Nicole : Well , why would nt it be ? First of all , I just married the guy , and second ... you said you did nt know him and it turns out that you do . Chad : Congratulations , Mrs. DiMera . Nicole : Thanks . I m glad you could be here , Chad . Chad : Eh , look , I know we ve had our run - ins in the past , but , well ... I hope you re really happy . Nicole : We will be . Make no mistake about that . Lexie : Oh , EJ , you look happier than I ve seen you in years ! EJ : That s because I am . Abe : Hey . Lexie : Now listen , about this business with Nicole s sister ... Abe : EJ , congratulations . EJ : Abe , oh , thank you so much . I really appreciate you coming down , and you too , Theo . Theo : Wedding , yay ! All : [ Laughing ] Kate : Nicole . Nicole : Oh . Hello , Kate . Kate : Hi . Such a lovely dress . Really an original design that suits your body type . Nicole : Really glad you could be here , Kate . Kate : Thanks , I would nt have missed it . Hearing you and EJ exchange all kinds of vows of love and honor . I m sure you re going to be happily married for at least a couple of weeks . Nicole : Mm , well ... and just think , we ll be sharing that great big mansion that you adore so much . You know , with all that wretched , ugly artwork on the walls upstairs . Oh , gosh , speaking of wretched and ugly , where is Stefano ? Hmm ? Did someone need to be whacked and there was no one else to do the job ? Kate : Wow . [ Chuckles ] I do nt know , my guess would be that since you and EJ have kind of a been there , done that kind of thing , he knew how this story was gon na end . Maggie : Well , Mrs. DiMera , shall we go to the reception here ? Uh , oh . I mean the younger Mrs. DiMera . Kate : That s you . Nicole : That is me . Maggie : That is you , and-- Nicole : Excuse me . Kate : So ... are you here just for the wedding , or are you going to be staying ? Taylor : Oh , that depends . Kate : On ? Taylor : On whether or not my sister needs help with her monster-- oh , ha ! [ Laughing ] I mean , mother - in - law . EJ : [ Laughing ] Melanie : You re clearly upset . What happened ? Philip : It involved Chloe . Melanie : Did she fall in the river , too ? Philip : Yeah . Melanie : Were you guys on the pier ? Is she walking around in scrubs also ? Maxine : I m gon na go check on Chloe right now , see how she s doing . I ll let you know . Melanie : Wait a minute . Chloe s a patient ? What happened ? Maxine : I m sorry , I thought you already knew . Melanie : Oh , my God , she tried to commit suicide ? Roman : Actually , I have good news . Bo : Okay , let s hear it . Roman : The police review board has cleared you of all charges , Bo . Hope : Yes ! I knew it , I knew it ! This is great . Roman : The ruling says that they considered the jailbreak the equivalent of rescuing a hostage . You ll be reinstated in the morning , Commissioner Brady . Hope : Not soon enough . This is great news . Bo : Yeah , great news . Thanks , Roman . Hope : Oh , come on . Come on , where s the big smile ? Bo : Just waiting for the other shoe to drop . It s not all great news , is it ? Maxine : Excellent . We were a little worried about hypothermia . That river s awfully cold this time of the year . How you feeling ? Chloe : Better , actually . Things seem a little brighter . Maxine : Like a dark cloud is lifting ? Chloe : Yeah , just like that . Maxine : Good . That s what we want . Chloe : But I do nt know if I can trust what I feel , or if I m getting better . Maxine : Let me tell you something , honey . When my oldest boy was born , after a couple of nights I did nt wanna have anything to do with him . All I wanted was to go to bed . And then I decided that the best thing for everybody would be if I jumped out the window . Chloe : You had-- Maxine : Postpartum depression . Chloe : What did you do ? Maxine : My mother - in - law marched me to the doctor . I started taking medication and got better in no time . And you will too , just ... just hang on . Melanie : So Parker and Chloe were gone ? Philip : Well , there was just this note . She said she was sorry it had to be this way , please forgive me . Melanie : And you knew she was gon na try and kill herself ? Philip : And I also knew it was going to be at the pier . Well , that s where she said she first fell in love with Daniel . Melanie : [ Sighs ] Philip : When I got there , Parker was in his stroller . There was a note pinned to his blanket , and Chloe was out in the water , like , 30 feet . So I dove in , I got her back to the pier . And she did nt even put up a fight ; it was like she d given up . Melanie : Where s Parker ? Philip : He s fine . Melanie : We have to get him now . Philip , Chloe can not be allowed to raise that baby . She s insane . Maggie : Kate , should we reserve a chair for Stefano at the bride and groom s table ? Is he coming back ? Kate : I do nt know and I do nt care . Maggie : Really ? Kate : Maggie , wait . It s nice of you to ask me , but let me just explain something . When you re with a man like Stefano , or Victor , you just learn not to ask questions . Maggie : I m not with Victor . Kate : Right . It takes a certain kind of woman . I guess what I m really saying is that you and I are nothing alike . Which I m sure you know . So word to the wise about Victor . Chad : Mr. Mayor ? Thought I d say hello . Abe : Oh , hello . Nice to see you , Chad . Hey , you know , uh ... I hope I m not presuming when I say it s not too late . Chad : I m sorry ? Abe : To tell Stefano that you want no part of being a DiMera . To run for your life . Nicole : Hi , is Sydney still napping ? Great . Well , when she wakes up , tell her I ll be home soon with lots of stories to tell her about the wedding . Thank you , Mary . EJ : So you re feeling all right then , are you ? Your dizziness . Taylor : No , and I m fine , yes . EJ : Oh , good . Taylor : Well , congratulations . EJ : Thank you , thank you . Taylor : No , I m very happy for you and Nicole . Roman : Well , there is no easy way to say this . Hope , the board commends you on your work that you did in bringing down the organ - selling syndicate . Hope : But I m still a convicted felon . Roman : You are , I m sorry . Bo : So they re not gon na reinstate her . Roman : Hey , believe me , I gave them an earful and very loudly , I might add . But they think the precedent-- Bo : They re a bunch of cheap politicians with no spines whatsoever . She risked her life to stop the killing in that prison . And this is how they thank her ? This is their-- Hope : Bo . Bo : Idea of justice ? They should be giving her a damn medal . Roman : I could nt agree more . Hope : It s okay , it s okay . Bo : No , it s not okay . Hope : Yes , actually you know what ? [ Sighs ] It is , it s fine . I m actually happy . I m glad I wo nt have to be a detective anymore . It s okay . Melanie : Where is Parker ? Is he in the nursery ? Philip : Jennifer Deveraux is taking care of him right now . Wheeling him around so he can get some sleep . Melanie : Good , that means we can find him . Philip : Wait , wait , wait , wait , are we talking about taking care of him tonight ? Or forever ? Roman : You can pick up your firearm up in the morning . Congrats , little brother , welcome back . Bo : Yeah . In a funny sort of way , I m actually looking forward to seeing you at the station in the morning . Roman : You may change your tune there when you see all the paperwork that s piled up . Bo : Hey , you were supposed to be handling that . Roman : I was , but then I had to step aside for the manhunt because it involved you guys , and then Rafe wound up in that car accident . Bo : How s he doing ? Roman : Okay , I guess . When he comes back , he ll come back as detective . Hope : My old job . Roman : Right . Hope : Well , you know what , this is ... this is a great night . It is . Bo goes back to doing what he loves best . And everything s gon na work out just fine , you ll see . Believe me , it s gon na be fine . Roman : I hope so . Any rate , give Ciara a hug for me , I got ta go . Hope : So good to see you . Bo : Thanks , Roman . Roman : You bet . And ... it s great seeing you two together in the same house . Bo : Okay , let s hear it . How do you really feel ? Melanie : Philip , you re Parker s father , of course we re going to take him forever . Philip : And to hell with Chloe ? Melanie : Oh , I m sorry , but when a woman leaves their child in the freezing cold on the pier and then throws themself into the river , she does nt really get to decide anymore , much less get another chance to do it again . Philip : She could nt help herself . Okay ? She was depressed . She was on the wrong meds , okay ? Melanie : Come on , Philip , she was having problems before the depression . She was running around trying to get Daniel to take her back , acting desperate and pathetic . Philip : Just because she s having these problems-- Melanie : Problems ? Philip : Does nt mean that she ca nt get well . Or that she should have her son taken away from her . Once she s on the right meds , she ll be fine . Melanie : She did nt want Parker ever since the second my dad dumped her . All right , if she was any mother at all , she never would ve abandoned him . We have to take him . Philip : You just ca nt wait , can you ? Melanie : What ? Philip : Now I remember , not long ago , Chloe said you accused her of being an unfit mother . That she should nt be allowed to raise Parker . Melanie : Chloe said that , I denied it , remember ? Philip : Uh - huh . Melanie : Are you really gon na believe her over me ? Philip : Man , this is getting weird . I do nt know what to believe anymore . Lexie : Would you stop being so cynical ? Chad s EJ s best man for a reason . His brother reached out to him , do nt spoil it . Abe : My wife gets very sentimental at weddings . Lexie : Do nt . Abe : He needs to have a realistic point of view , honey . His future is at stake . You know , when Lexie first learned that she was a DiMera , believe me , those were not good days . And there were many times afterwards where she wished that she had never heard of Stefano DiMera . And I mean with a passion . Lexie : [ Sighs ] Abe : So I was nt kidding you when I said you should run for it . If it was up to me , my family would have nothing whatsoever to do with the DiMeras . EJ : I wanted to mention to you-- Maggie : Hi , come on . I m sorry to interrupt . EJ : No . Maggie : I wanted to just congratulate you . I have never seen Nicole look so happy . EJ : [ Chuckles ] No , neither have I. I m sorry , would you excuse me for a moment ? There s a telephone call I have to make . Maggie : Of course . EJ : Thank you for everything . Maggie : Oh . My pleasure . So handsome , mm - mm - mm . Taylor : Excuse me , I m feeling a little warm . I think I m gon na get some air . Sorry , Maggie . Maggie : Sure . Nicole : Taylor , Taylor . Hey . So we never finished our conversation about how you met EJ . Hope : You calling me a liar ? Bo : I d like you to tell me how you really feel . Being told you can never go back to the force , that s -- that s got ta hurt . Hope : I m not gon na let it hurt . I ve had a lot of sadness in my life lately , and so have you . So you know what ? I think we should look on the bright side . Glass half full . Bo , I am out of prison . Ciara has her mother back full - time . And you know what , I need to keep an eye on Maggie , not to mention help Jennifer get back on her feet . If I had a job , how could I do all of those things ? Bo : Okay , I get that . Hope : Ah ! There s one more perk . Bo : What s that ? Hope : I get to spend more time with you . Chloe : I still ca nt believe what I did . Philip : Yeah . As long as you re feeling better . Chloe : I am . You know , I m actually kind of surprised . I thought the medication would make me feel hazy , or like I m out of it . But I feel like I m starting to finally get focused again . Philip : You re not taking the same medication that Daniel prescribed ? Chloe : [ Exhales ] Philip : What ? Chloe : Nothing , I m just glad that I m feeling better . Philip : So they gave you a different medication then . Chloe ? Chloe : [ Sighs ] No . I did nt take the pills the first time . Philip : You did nt take the medication that Daniel prescribed ? You told me you were . Chloe : I know I said that-- I told you , I told Maggie-- I just did nt want you guys to get on me about it . I thought the pills would make me feel worse . Like I m lost in a fog or something . Philip : Why would you think that ? Chloe : I just -- I thought the pills would make me worse , and so I dumped them down a drain . Philip : I just do nt get it . You d never taken that kind of pill before . Did Daniel tell you there would be terrible side effects or something ? Chloe : No . Philip : Then who did ? Chloe : Your mother . Melanie : It s worse than we thought , Kate . Chloe tried to commit suicide . Kate : What ? Dear God , is Parker okay ? Melanie : Yes , but Chloe s in the hospital . And she left Parker on the pier in a stroller and then threw herself into the river . Kate : The river ? Oh , that s horrible . And she just left Parker there ? Melanie : Yeah , but Parker s fine . She s fine too , thank God . Philip jumped into the water and saved her . Kate : Okay , look , you stay there . I m on my way . Melanie : This is awful . But I am gon na get that baby . Kate : Sorry , something came up . Taylor : Oh . Bye , Kate . [ Chuckles ] Am I wrong , or did the room just get brighter ? Nicole : Nah , definitely . Okay , so talk to me now . Okay , look , you walked down the aisle . Taylor : Yeah . Nicole : You saw EJ and you literally stopped and stared . You both looked like you had seen a ghost . What is up with you two ? Taylor : Look , I already told you , Nikki , it s nothing . It s like he said . We were both just shocked because we had seen each other before , but I did nt know he was EJ and he did nt know I was your sister . Nicole : But that reaction was so ... how did you meet ? When ? Taylor : Oh , come on , Nikki , why does it matter ? Nicole : Oh , my God . You saw him on the internet , did nt you ? He popped up in an article about his past and that is why you stopped dead when you saw him . Taylor : No , that s not it . Nicole : Then what ? Taylor : Okay , fine , I might as well tell you . Bo : Spending more time with me ? That s something I like . A lot . Hope : Good . Bo : But you do remember , when I go back to being commissioner , I ll be on that crazy 24 - 7 schedule . And when you were a detective , you were down at the station , and we were always able to work things out . Hope : And now we ll make things work in a new way . Oh , just do nt expect me to greet you at the front door with beer and pretzels . Oh , or expect a gourmet meal . Gourmet , I do nt cook so that would never work , but ... Bo : Can I expect you to bring me my slippers ? Hope : You do nt wear slippers . Bo : Good point . Hope : You see , it s gon na be okay . I can handle this . And you know what , I m gon na prove it to you . I ll be right back , stay right there . Bo : You re -- kit-- do nt hurt yourself in there . Kate : Hi , hi . Where s Philip ? Melanie : With Chloe . Kate : Okay , and Parker ? Melanie : With Jennifer . And I tried to talk to Philip about taking Parker and raising him , but he would nt give me an answer . Kate : He s going to go for it , do nt worry . But you can help by getting Parker to Victor s and moving back into the mansion . Okay , all right . So go to Jennifer s , get Parker . I m going to go to Maggie s . I m going to get the rest of his things , I ll bring them over to the mansion too . And it s very important that you make Philip understand that all of this has to happen today . Before Chloe gets a chance to bat her eyes and say she s gon na be good . Melanie : Okay , I m on it . I just ca nt really believe this is happening . Philip : That s kinda weird . Kate : What is ? Philip : I never thought I d see you two getting along . Let alone happy as hell . Especially because something really terrible just happened . Kate : Oh , shh , shh , shh . Just keep your voice down . Philip : You do know that Chloe s accident could ve been a horrible tragedy , do nt you ? Melanie : Of course we do . Kate : Oh , come on , the diva took a dive off the pier . Obviously , she thought she was in one of her operas . Philip : Well , obviously , you do nt give a damn that she almost died . But that would ve been a wish come true for you . You would ve been thrilled if Chloe had drowned , would nt you ? Lexie : EJ , look , I m so sorry -- I hate to leave early , but Harold said that Father went into his room and said he did nt want to be disturbed . In case his diabetes is acting up , I think he might need some medical attention . EJ : Oh , sorry . I should have said something . I spoke to him earlier . He apologized for having to leave , but there s a business project that we re both working on -- something came up , he had to go home and take care of it personally , so ... Lexie : So he s fine ? EJ : Oh , yeah . Absolutely fine , yeah . Lexie : [ Sighs ] EJ : He s sitting back having a grappa with a big , fat cigar . Lexie : Oh , great ! Terrific choices , terrific . EJ : Anyway , he told me to enjoy my wedding , so that is exactly what I m going to do . Lexie : Oh , my little brother , mm ! Taylor : Stop worrying , okay , Nikki ? I did nt see anything about EJ on the internet , good or bad . It s just that we ve run into each other a couple of times since I ve been back . But neither of us had any idea who the other one was . That s all . Nicole : So all this stopping and staring during the ceremony , that was just because you were shocked ? Johnny : Nicole ! Nicole : Oh , my goodness , Johnny ! Oh , do nt ! Ay , ay , ay , my goodness . Honey , it s everywhere . Um , let s see . It s okay , buddy , you know what ? It was an accident . Johnny : I m sorry . Nicole : It s okay , it s okay . You know what , we ll fix it , right ? Maggie : Yes , we will . I m gon na get some towels , and Nicole s dress will be just as good as new in no time . How about that , okay ? Nicole : No more running with that , okay ? Taylor : You guys need me ? No ? All right , okay . Oh , God . Just go home . EJ : We need to talk . Taylor : About what ? EJ : You know about what . About you and about me . Hope : [ Clears throat ] Bo : [ Chuckles wow . Where d you get that ? Hope : What every housewife should own . Ciara insisted that I buy it at the church tag sale . Bo : Ah , nice . Hope : Well , I m glad you like it , because it is exactly what I will be wearing every evening you come home . Oh , and then I ll say , How was your day , dear ? Bo : [ Chuckles ] And I will say , oh , it was rough . The only way I made it through was thinking of you . Hope : And I ll be coy , and say , you are so sweet . Bo : And I will say , m not just being sweet . Hope : Ah ! [ Giggles ] Bo : It s the truth . I need you . Kate : Philip , how could you possibly say something like that ? Of course I did nt wanna see Chloe die . Philip : Well , you sure as hell did nt want her to get well . Kate : Oh . Well , that s a really , really terrible thing to say . Philip : You made her dump the medication that Daniel prescribed . You had her thinking that she would be better off without it , when she obviously needed it very badly . Kate : I did no such thing . Philip : You told her the pills would make her feel numb , lost in a fog , that she would nt care about anything anymore including losing Daniel . Kate : That s nonsense . Philip . Philip : She wanted to be a good mother . She did nt wanna feel numb . She wanted to get better . But that was nt possible , because you had her dump the pills down the drain . And she got more depressed than ever . Kate : Okay , look . This woman is delusional . None of that ever happened . I mean , why are you believing her ? Why do you n believe me ? Philip : Do I really need to tell you that , Mother ? And what about you ? Were you in on this ? Melanie : This is the first I m hearing about this . Philip : Right . That s why when I came out of Chloe s room , you two were acting all conspiratorial and very pleased with yourselves . Melanie : Please do nt misunderstand . Philip : Just no more talking . No more lies . You both stay away from Chloe . Both of you . Stay away . Melanie : Did you do that ? Did you talk Chloe into throwing away her pills ? Kate : [ Sighs ] Lexie : Okay , I think someone s a bit hyper , so Mary s waiting outside to take Johnny and Theo to the mansion , okay ? Johnny : No , I wanna stay here . Theo : Stay here , stay here ! Johnny : I do nt wanna go ! Theo : I do nt wanna go . Chad : Hey , you guys , you guys , come here , come here . All right , look . Come on up here , come on . All right . The wedding s over and I m kinda done here , so why do nt we just go back to the place and maybe we can hang out a little bit , read some stories , huh ? Johnny : Yeah ! Theo : Yes ! Chad : All right , that sounds awesome . You guys know what kind of stories I like ? Stories about dinosaurs . Rawr ! Johnny : [ Laughing ] Chad : Yeah , yeah ? You guys ready for that ? EJ : You were about to leave here , were nt you ? Taylor : Yes . EJ : Without telling Nicole ? Taylor : She just wo nt let it go . You know , how did you meet EJ ? When did you meet ? Where did you meet him ? Today s just not the day for that . EJ : You realize when I met you on the pier , I had no idea you were Nicole s sister . I mean , if I d known that , I would nt have ... Taylor : You never would ve what ? Lexie : I m gon na go help Mary get the boys in their car seats , okay ? Abe : Okay . Lexie : Be right back . Chad : Right behind you guys . I ll see you at the house , okay ? Lexie : Okay . Abe : Hey , you were terrific with the boys . It s just what they needed . Chad : Ah , it was no problem . They re great kids . Abe : Have you thought any more about what I told you earlier ? Chad : What , that I should run for my life ? Abe : Mm . Chad : Actually , yeah , I have . But I m a DiMera , whether I like it or not . And I m thinking if Dr. Carver , if Lexie can handle things , so could I. Abe : Yeah , you might be right . You know , since I m an old guy , and you re a young guy , my first assumption was he s not ready . But you seem to be able to read the situation . Chad : Hope so . Abe : Me too , Chad . Let me say for Lexie , Theo , and Johnny , too ... welcome ... to our dysfunctional family . Come on . Hope : Sorry . Sorry , I ... Bo : Too soon ? Hope : I - I - I ... I do nt know , I just-- I guess I m not ready for whatever is supposed to happen between us . What s supposed to happen next . Bo : But you re okay with where we are now ? Hope : Yeah , I m okay . Are you okay ? Bo : Mm - hmm . Do you think Ciara fell asleep or something ? Hope : She is kinda quiet , is nt she ? Bo : Yeah . Um ... Ill go check on her . Hope : Okay . Kate : Hey , let s remember the plan here , all right ? Chloe s unfit to be Parker s mother . We just need to prove that . Melanie : Chloe tried to kill herself . I mean , was that your plan all along ? Kate : Do you want that baby ? What do you care how it happens ? We ca nt get sidetracked by worrying about Chloe s health , Melanie . Melanie : We have to do this legally , Kate . Kate : Oh , legally ? You wanna do it legally ? How long do you think that s gon na take ? You know the problem here ? You need to make up your mind . Do you want Parker or not ? Chloe : Are you okay ? Philip : Yeah . Yeah , I m fine . Chloe : You ve hardly said a word since you came back in here . Philip : Just ... you know , work stuff . Chloe : You know what I was hoping for ? Philip : What s that ? Chloe : Is that you had gone to get Parker so that I could hold him again . Philip : Maybe not today . You need to concentrate on getting better . Chloe : I am . I m getting better , but -- Philip : But what ? Chloe : Is it too late ? Have I already lost my son ? Taylor : You never would ve what , EJ ? EJ : Does nt matter . Taylor : Oh , come on . No games . Have you been thinking about me since we first met ? Fantasizing ... the way I have about you ? Philip : Of all people , my God , how could you do that ? Gabi : I warned you , Melanie s nothing but trouble . Sami : What have you done ? ### Summary:
During EJ and Nicole s wedding , Abe spoke to Chad . Abe wanted to warn him not to have any part of the DiMera family . EJ wanted to make sure that Taylor was okay . She assured him that she was fine . She congratulated him on his marriage . Philip checked on Chloe at the hospital . Philip thought the medication that Daniel prescribed for her did nt work . Maxine told him that the medication takes time to work . She also told Philip that Chloe s on suicide watch . Melanie wanted to know why Philip was at the hospital . Philip was deliberately vague about what happened to Chloe . He ended up telling Melanie about the note he found and how he found her in the river . Melanie thought that Chloe should nt be the one raising Parker . Philip did nt agree with her . Melanie continued to convince Philip that Chloe should nt raise him . Later on , Chloe told Philip that she got rid of the pills . Philip wanted to know if Daniel told her there would be side effects . Chloe told him Kate told her to get rid of them . Melanie called Kate and told her that Chloe tried to commit suicide . Kate was on her way to the hospital . Roman showed up at Bo and Hope s house . Roman was surprised to see Hope there . Roman told Bo that he was reinstated . Bo was nt completely happy because Hope was nt reinstated . Hope was okay with it even though Bo was mad . Hope was happy to be out of prison . She wants to be able to spend time with him and Ciara . They have a playful conversation about working out his crazy schedule . They ended up kissing . Bo was nt sure if it was too soon for that . Hope was okay with it . Nicole noticed EJ and Taylor staring at each other and wanted to know what happened between them . Taylor insisted it was nothing at first , but wanted to tell her . Kate arrived at the hospital and Philip confronted her about what she did to Chloe . She insisted that she was trying to help Kate . Philip did nt believe her . Philip asked Melanie if she was in on what Kate did . Melanie said she did nt know anything about it . Philip did nt believe her and wanted both of them to stay away from Chloe . Taylor told Nicole how she ran into EJ a few times , but they did nt know each other . After Nicole left , EJ talked to Taylor . He wondered if she fantasized about him the way he has been about her . Nicole saw EJ and Taylor talking to each other .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Rex : You seriously think you can use what you did to Gigi to send her to jail . Stacy : I never said Gigi . Rex : You said the mother of my child . Stacy : I know what I said , and I was talking about me . I m the mother of your child . Gigi : Are you saying that Shane is your child ? Stacy : I do nt mean Shane . Gigi : Then what are you talking about , Stacy ? My God , you are so pathetic . Stacy : Do I look pathetic to you , Rex ? Because I feel like I look happy . Are nt I glowing ? Gigi : You re so crazy , I bet you glow in the dark . I m calling the cops . Rex : Do nt . Gigi : Why not ? I told her I would nt press charges if she just left town and left us alone . But this is like stalking . Stacy : Rex , you know , do nt you ? Gigi : What s she talking about ? What does Stacy think you know ? Natalie : We still have no power , and you wo nt send a truck . It s the Buchanan lodge , okay ? We re trying to have a party . Yes , I know we called before . You know what ? Just because the neighbors are nt having a power outage does nt mean there s not a line down , okay ? Jared : Sweetie , try the tree . Natalie : Maybe there s a tree that fell down . That s what s causing our power outage . Fine . No , we ll try again . Charlie : What , the power company wo nt come out ? Rachel : What , do they think you re lying ? Natalie : They said according to their grid , we should have power . So we need to check our breakers and wires . Jared : Which we already did . Charlie : And we will again . Shaun : It s nice with the candlelight . Jared : Yes . Look , we can make this work . The caterers left everything ready . The food s prepared . Natalie : Now all we need is the wedding parties . Rachel : Well , who are we missing ? My mom ? Natalie : And my mom and my dad . Brody : Hey , everyone . Anybody seen Jessica ? Natalie : And Jessica . Great . Brody : It s okay . I ll go find her . Jessica : Nash ? Nash . Jessica : Nash ? Matthew : I knew you d be on my side , Grandpa . You always told me to go for what I want , damn the cost . And suing mom and dad , I do nt like the way it s making me feel . I really wish you were here with me . I do nt know . Maybe it would be cool if you could send me a sign or something . Yeah , right . Grandpa send me a sign . Destiny : Who are you talking to ? Nora : No . Oh , voicemail . Oh , God . Hi , Bo . It s Nora . I was just calling to see if you got stuck at the office or stuck in traffic or stuck in general . I do nt know . You know , I know how much you love parties . Do nt want you to miss out on all the fun . Who am I kidding ? This is not fun . Not fun at all . Matthew said some horrible things . Clint s upset , the lights went out . Anyway , where are you , okay ? God , I wish you were here . I wish you were here . Is that wrong ? Bo : I do nt know . But I m here now . Nora : I was afraid you were nt coming . Viki : What do you think ? Clint : I think Asa forgot to give us a wedding present . Viki : And it s been here for over 25 years ? Clint : Well , it depends which wedding it was . Viki : Why did nt someone find it before now ? Clint : That I do nt know . Viki : Clint , this wrapping looks brand new . And this card is not yellowed . I mean , this must be a prank . Clint : Yeah . Well , this is definitely Pa s handwriting . Viki : I know . And it looks like he just wrote it . I mean , do you think this is maybe someone s idea of a joke ? Clint : Or maybe Asa s trying to tell us something . Matthew : My grandpa . He passed away a couple of years ago . Destiny : You miss him ? Matthew : A lot . He always -- he always knew what to do . Destiny : So do you . Trust yourself , Matthew . It s your body . What do you want to do ? Matthew : I want to walk . Destiny : Do you believe my brother Greg can help you ? Matthew : Yes . Destiny : Then there s your answer . Matthew : Thanks , Grandpa . Bo : What , are you kidding ? I m the best man , so . And you re getting married tomorrow , so of course I m here . This will be the second happiest day of your life . Nora : Well , that s nice . Do nt let Clint hear you say that . Bo : Why ? My brother in a bad mood ? Nora : Well , with just cause . Bo : Well , it s not me . Clint and I are good . Nora : I m glad . And what about us ? Are we okay ? Viki : What , you think that Asa s ghost is roaming around here somewhere ? Clint : Yeah , I do . I ve always believed that the hereafter would just bore the hell out of him . Viki : So you assume that he s with the angels , hmm ? Clint : Well , either way , I find it hard to believe that he would give up butting into my life . And you . You were his favorite daughter - in - law . Viki : Twice . Clint : Yeah . So maybe Asa could come back to get a message to you . Viki : You think we should open it ? Bo : We re fine , Nora . Are nt we ? Nora : Yes . Yes . Bo : Want to go in ? Nora : No . No . Bo : Rough night ? I heard part of that message . Nora : It started with a bang , and then Matthew arrived . Bo : I told you he would . Nora : Shaun had to carry him into the lodge . Bo : Ah , damn . Pa never had a reason to put in ramps . Nora : Oh , but he got carried in in front of his friend . Bo : Is he upset ? Nora : No . Determined , you know ? It was like he s gon na add it to his list of reasons why he should get this surgery , you know , even if it kills him . Bo : I do nt know how Téa Delgado sleeps at night . Nora : Oh , that was the other piece of great news that we found out tonight . It was nt Téa Delgado that convinced Matthew to sue us . Bo : Who was it ? Nora : Destiny . Destiny : Do nt be calling your grandpa in here on me . I do nt need more of your family mad . Matthew : What are you talking about ? Destiny : Did you see the look on your mom s face when she found out I was the one who told you to sue your parents ? She wanted to throw me out of the house . Matthew : I do nt get that . I mean , I m the one suing my parents . They ca nt blame you . Destiny : Sure they can . Matthew : You re really upset . Why ? Destiny : I want your parents to like me . Matthew : They do like you . Even if they did nt , it would nt matter . Destiny : Why not ? Matthew : Because I like you . Jessica : Who are you ? Brody : Jessica ? Jessica , what s wrong ? Jessica : I saw Nash . Brody : Jessica-- Jessica : I saw him . He was right over there by that tree , and when I walked over he was gone . Brody : Baby , Nash is dead . Jessica : I know . Brody : Do you ? Stacy : Do nt you feel it , Rex ? Gigi : Feel what ? Rex : Stop . Stacy : The connection between us was so strong and now there s living proof growing inside of me . Gigi : This is beyond sick . Stacy : But it s true and it s beautiful and perfect . Rex , I m pregnant . Gigi : Oh , my God , Stacy , you do know that we can prove that this is a lie . Stacy : It s not a lie . Here . Gigi : Okay , a few minutes ago this was a list of charges against me . Stacy : I wanted to wait for Rex to get here . I wanted him to hear the news first . Gigi : Okay , it says you re pregnant . It s still fake . Stacy : Call the lab if you do nt believe me . Gigi : And talk to your buddy Kyle , who already faked tests for you once ? What did you give him this time ? Do you have a pole set up right there in the lab ? Stacy : I ll take another test anywhere you want . You pick the lab . You can stand there while-- Gigi : Stop , stop . Listen . Even if you are pregnant , there s no way that Rex is the father . He never slept with you . Stacy : You told her that ? Gigi : Rex never slept with you . Join the real world . Get a life . Rex , say something . Stacy : Do you want to wait till our baby s born ? Gigi : Oh , God . Oh , it s true . You slept with her . Jessica : You think I m losing it , do nt you ? Brody : I did nt say that . Jessica : I saw Nash . Brody : All right . Tell me exactly what happened . Jessica : I saw someone upstairs . Someone was there . I came outside for some fresh air and I was looking up at the stars , and then I heard something behind me , like a branch snap or something , and I -- and when I turned around it was Nash . Brody : You saw his face ? Jessica : No . It was -- it was a glimpse . Brody : Then how do you know it was him ? Jessica : Well , we were talking about him before and it -- it felt like him , and I know how that sounds . Brody : No , it s okay . All right . You stay here . Jessica : Where -- where are you going ? Brody : I m gon na take a look around , see what I can find . Do nt move . I do nt have another flashlight . It s dark out here and I do nt want to lose you . Jessica : Okay . I ll stay put . Brody : Will you be all right alone ? Maybe you should go back to the house . Jessica : No , no . I want to stay . I want -- I want to see . Bo : Destiny told Matthew to take us to court ? Nora : Yeah . Bo : Why ? She seemed like such a sweet kid . Nora : Well , she is . I know . It s so much easier to be mad at Téa Delgado . Bo : Why would she tell Matthew to do something like that ? Nora : She believes in her doctor brother . She wants Matthew to be happy . Bo : What ? And we do nt ? Nora : No , I mean -- I just think that she truly believes that Matthew will never get a shot of happiness as long as he s sitting in that chair . Bo : She does nt see the risks . She does nt want to . She does nt realize how many great things Matthew still has in his life , you know ? Because she s a kid . They have no sense of time and what really matters . Nora : Do you think we do ? Bo : Yeah , we do . Yeah , that s why we have to call the shots , you know , as hard as it is . What ? Nora ? Nora : Are we making the right decisions ? I do nt want to hold Matthew back , but I m so scared of what could happen to him . Bo : Oh , hey , hey , come on . Nora : God , Bo , I m so scared for that kid . It s like no matter what we do , we could lose him . Bo : Nora , we are not gon na lose him . I promise you . Matthew : He was tough , funny , and really big . Destiny : Scary . Matthew : When he wanted to be , but he d always tell me the truth . Destiny : What do you think he d say about suing your parents ? Matthew : He d probably be ticked off and say something like , Buchanans stick together , boy . But then he d probably think about it and say , Unless one of them is being a jackass . Destiny : He d say that to you ? Matthew : That s the clean version . But then he d probably say something like , Roll the dice if you re willing to take a chance because in the end that s the only way you win . Viki : Will you look at that . Clint : Now we know which wedding . Viki : Fill this book with memories and milestones , kids who grow up too fast and bite back , grandkids who know you hung the moon , graduations , dances , vacations , weddings , barbeques . Build a family . Welcome , Victoria . You re a Buchanan , now and forever . Viki : Now and forever . Gigi : Oh , God . I ca nt breathe . Rex : Gigi , I am so sorry . Gigi : When I asked you , you lied . Rex : I -- I know . Gigi : You lied to my face . Rex : I -- I was stupid and scared . Breathe , honey , please . Gigi : I ca nt . Rex : Get her some water . Stacy : Excuse me ? Rex : Geeg , it was -- it was just one time , okay ? This cant-- Stacy : But it is . One time is all it takes . Right , Gigi ? Rex : It was one stupid time . I ran into Brody at the gym and I just got done busting him about you dumping him for Schuyler . Gigi : I was never with either one of them . Rex : Oh , but I did nt know that , okay ? All I knew was that you had dumped me to be with two other guys , and then Brody is saying , Trust Gigi . Stacy s trouble . Gigi : He was trying to warn you . Rex : But he did nt just tell me the truth . Nobody was . I was the only person in town who did nt know why you put our lives through the shredder . Gigi : It was her ! Rex : Okay . I know that now . But at the time the only person I thought I could trust was Stacy . Gigi : I m gon na be sick . Stacy : You can trust me , Rex . I am here and I love you . Rex : What happened with you is nothing . Stacy : That s a lie . Are you just trying to protect her ? Because it s better to be upfront . He came to me because he wanted to be with me . Rex : No . I was mad as hell and confused . Stacy : You broke his heart . He was done with you , Gigi . Rex : That s not-- Stacy : I asked him what he wanted . He could nt get my clothes off fast enough . Gigi : That s enough ! Stacy : We made love . Rex : It meant nothing . Stacy : Our child was conceived in love . Rex : I do nt even believe the child is mine . Brody : It s okay , Jess . You re all right . It s me . Jessica : Did you find him ? Brody : No . Jessica : Any sign of him ? Brody : Well , there were a couple of trails in the woods , but I could nt tell how fresh . I ran them down-- Jessica : Nothing ? Well , you believe me , do nt you ? Brody : That you saw somebody ? Absolutely . Jessica : But not that it was Nash . Brody : Jessica , do you really believe that ? Jessica : I know he s dead . I watched him die . I buried him , but I -- I know this sounds crazy , I just-- Brody : No , it makes sense . We were talking about Nash earlier . You just passed an anniversary . You had him on your mind when you saw whatever it was -- a neighbor or an animal . There are all kinds of deer tracks in there . It could have been anything . Jessica : You re right . Brody : You want to go inside ? They were going to start dinner by candlelight . Jessica : Yeah . That sounds nice . Viki : I still have to wonder how this got misplaced . Clint : It could have been done on purpose . I mean , on any given day I could have said or done something that set Pa off . Viki : As I recall , he gave us The Chronicle for a wedding present , so he must not have been too angry with you . Clint : On that day . But , you know , it could have been the day before or something . I could have done -- you know , if I had a dollar for every time that he said to me , you re dead in my eyes . Viki : You d be half as rich as he left you . Clint : That s true . Viki : Do you miss him ? Clint : Every day . That was some wedding . Viki : Bomb and all ? Clint : We survived . Viki : No , Clint . No , we thrived . How many albums did we fill , huh ? We have four beautiful children , and grandchildren . Clint : And grandchildren that we buried . Viki : And my illness , but there were so many happy memories . Clint : Viki , it was a big life . And all our kids -- they turned out great . Viki : Mm - hmm . Clint : They like us . And you and I -- we re still talking . Viki : I do nt regret a minute of it . Clint : Neither do I. Viki : Well , now we re starting a whole new chapter -- you and Nora . Clint : But are you sure ? Viki : Yeah . Charlie s a wonderful man . I could nt love him more . Clint : And he makes you happy ? Viki : Very , very . Clint : Well , then -- by the power vested in me , you have the Buchanan blessing . Clint : And you also have mine . Viki : Oh . Nora : I m sorry . Bo : You know , Matthew s gon na be okay , so I think you can give it a rest for a day . Nora : Yeah . Bo : Getting married tomorrow . Nora : I do nt do pre - wedding jitters . You know that . Bo : That s not how I remember it . Nora : What ? You mean , when I married you ? Oh , please . Bo : Well , then , why did we need the wedding police to drag us there ? Nora : I had never been more sure of anything in my life . For God s sake , I was marrying the man of-- Bo : The man of the hour . Nora : Yeah . You know better . Bo : Lights are still out . Nora : Well , just as well . Bo : Why ? Nora : The party was a disaster . Bo : Well , yeah , you said that , but you did nt say why . Nora : Oh , well , from the moment we arrived , you know , kids had gotten together and had a banner made up to congratulate the happy couples . Only when they opened up the banner , it said , Congratulations , Viki and Clint , Nora and Bo . Bo : What happened ? How did my name get-- Nora : I do nt have a clue . I have no idea . Maybe it was a sign . Bo : You think ? Nora : Oh , come on . You do nt even believe that kind of stuff . Bo : No , I do nt . But you do . So maybe it s a wake - up call . Nora : Yeah . Get a new printer . Bo : Do you really think that that s it ? Nora : Yeah . No . I do nt know what to think . Bo : Then do nt . Do nt think . Stacy : Rex , it was meant to be . I ve loved you since I was 13 . Everything since then has led us here . Rex : There is no us . Stacy : But there is now . Rex : No . I love Gigi . Stacy : But we re meant to be together . You made love to me . He told me over and over again how much he loved me . Rex : That s not true . Stacy : He said I saved him . Rex : Gigi . Gigi , wait . Stacy : Wait . I told you we re not over yet , Rex . Rex : Move , Stacy . Stacy : Let her go . It s over . Rex : I said move ! Rex : Gigi , where are you ? I could kill you . Stacy : Rex , you do nt understand . Rex : No , you do nt understand . I could kill you . Gigi ! Stacy : Why are you acting like this ? We made a baby . Rex : Stop . Are you insane ? Stacy : Rex , you re hurting me . Rex : I wish you had died when you fell down those stairs . Gigi ! Schuyler : Whoa . Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . Gigi ? Gigi : My fault . Schuyler : No . Gigi : I m sorry . Schuyler : Wait , wait . Just - stop , stop . What s wrong ? Destiny : Your granddad seems cool . I would have liked him . Matthew : Yeah , he would have liked you , too . Destiny : You think ? Matthew : Yeah . He probably would have said , That girl s got grit and gumption . She reminds me of me . Destiny : Man , he was old . Matthew : Yeah , but it s true . I mean , I d be nowhere without you . Destiny : I want to be here . Matthew : What ? Huh ? My parents are totally kissing right now . Destiny : What ? Get out . Nora : What was that ? Bo , I m getting married tomorrow . Bo : And after tomorrow you ll be married to my brother . Nora : Bo-- Bo : Nora , this thing has been sitting between us for months . Nora : We have just been spending a lot of time together because of Matthew . Bo : Well , that s what we say . Nora : It s true . Bo : It s part of the truth . Nora : We love our son . We used to love each other . It s just natural , that s all . Bo : Oh . Is it natural for me to think about you all the time ? I do . Nora : We are not going to hurt Clint . Bo : I d rather cut off my arm . Nora : Then what are you saying ? Bo : Nora , if I did nt kiss you tonight , if I did nt do something about the way I feel , I d regret it for the rest of my life . Jessica : Uncle Bo . Nora . Bo : Hi . Jessica : Glad you can make it . What s going on ? Destiny : Is nt your mom supposed to be marrying your uncle tomorrow ? Matthew : Yeah . Destiny : Then what s up with her and your dad ? Matthew : I do nt know . Destiny : You said it before . Matthew : Yeah , I know . But they just kept saying they were together because they were worried about me . I mean , that s why my dad was over all the time . Look , Destiny , you need to promise me you wo nt say anything to anybody . Destiny : I promise . It s none of my business anyway . Your mom already got mad at me once today . I do not need more . Are you gon na say something to her ? Matthew : Yeah . I m gon na say something to my mom and dad first thing in the morning . Charlie : Viki , I think we re all set for candles . Viki : Charlie . Hey . Look what we found . Charlie : What s that ? Viki : The ghost of weddings past . Clint : Yes . We found it in a drawer . Viki : Yeah , apparently Asa intended to give it to us when we were married way back in 1982 , but it somehow made a detour up here . Charlie : It s pretty . Viki : Whoa . Charlie : Oh , hallelujah . Natalie : Woo hoo ! Do you guys have light up there ? Viki : Yes , we do indeed . Natalie : Well , come on down . Let s get this party started . Viki : On my way , honey . Stacy : Look , I did nt get myself pregnant . You did that part , buddy . You could nt wait to be with me . Rex : Not true . Stacy : Look , the proof is right here , and it s beautiful , Rex . It s a baby . Rex : You planned this . Stacy : I could nt have . It was meant to be . It was meant to be , Rex . Rex : Stop saying that . Stacy : Stop fighting it . Gigi : What s wrong ? Oh , let me see . Stacy just told us that she s pregnant with Rex s baby . Schuyler : Oh . Wow . Gigi : You do nt seem surprised . Schuyler : I am so sorry . Gigi : You knew ? You knew ! Bo : Hey , Jess . I m glad to be here , too . Hey , Brody . Brody : Sir . Bo : So , what are you guys doing ? Out on a hike or something ? Brody : We thought there was a prowler . Nora : Really ? Brody : Well , Jessica saw somebody in the woods out that way . Is that the way you came in ? Bo : Uh , no , no . I just came in from the road here and backed in . Nora : Oh , maybe we should call the police . Jessica : No . No . Besides , we have the commissioner right here and the police department s newest recruit . We could nt be safer . Bo : You know , I ll bet it was old Burt probably walking his dog . He owns that field on the other side of the fence . Jessica : Probably . That was probably it . Brody : Look . The lights are back on . Nora : Oh , well , thank God . Bo : Well , let s get to that party , huh ? Jessica : Hey . Brody : Come on , babe . Jessica : You guys coming ? Nora : Yeah . Viki : Honey , everything looks so beautiful . Natalie : Well , thank heaven we have power again . Or should I say , thank Charlie ? Charlie : Well , I wish I could take credit for it , but , no , we just fiddled with the main breaker . Jared : Yeah , we were actually hoping we could find the problem when we were standing there looking not so smart . Viki : Hey . Charlie : Hmm ? What ? Charlie : What ? What do you need ? Viki : Has anyone told you today that you are a saint ? Charlie : Viki , I could live to be 100 and I would not earn that . Viki : Can we make you a prince ? Charlie : Okay . Maybe I ll take that one . Viki : Anyone else would have run from this crowd for the hills ages ago . Charlie : What ? Because of all your exes and the mix - ups and the fact that every time I turn around there s Clint ? Viki : Especially that . Charlie : I think that it speaks well of you that you two are still close . Charlie : You think Clint and Nora are gon na be okay ? Viki : I think so . Natalie : Okay ! Dad , Mom , are you guys ready ? I think we were toasting before , right ? Rachel : We were . Natalie : So , everyone want to grab a glass ? Let s get started . Jared : Yeah , well , should nt we wait for everyone ? Clint : Yeah , we are short one bride . Viki : Where s Nora ? Jared : Let me go find her . Clint : No , that s all right . Stay put . She ll show up . Natalie : Oh . Here . Clint : Ah . Natalie : Finally . Where were you ? Jessica : Uh , I went for a walk and I did nt realize I d gone so far . Brody : But we re all back safe and sound . Nora : Oh , and look who I found . Bo : Hi . Clint : The best man finally shows up , huh ? You know , Nora did nt want to start the toast until you got here . Gigi : When did Stacy tell you ? Schuyler : When you went to ultraviolet to tell Rex everything . Stacy came into Rodi s ready to rub your face in it . Gigi : And why did nt you anything ? Schuyler : Because I did nt know , okay ? I did nt know if it was even true . Gigi : But what ? You found out later that it was . Schuyler : I -- I guessed . And then Rex admitted it . Gigi : You talked to Rex about this and you still did nt tell me ? Schuyler : Gigi , it s not my place , okay ? I got in his face about it . I told him he should be straight with you . Gigi : Oh , God , that s why you asked me if I had forgiven him . You thought he had told me . You stood there and let me look like a fool ! Schuyler : You re mad at me ? Really ? Gigi : Yes ! No . I just -- why would nt he tell me ? Schuyler : Probably because he did nt this to happen . I mean , come on , who would want to break your heart ? He probably just hoped you d never have to know . Stacy : Just think , Rex . We ll have a baby . Rex : You ll have a baby . Stacy : Rex , you would never abandon your own child . Rex : That may not be my kid . Stacy : Well , it is . Rex : You sure ? You did nt get Kyle Lewis to do you one more favor ? Stacy : No . Rex : I m sure he would have loved that . Hey , for all I know , you could have gotten a sperm donor . Stacy : Rex , this is your baby , an innocent little boy or little girl that s coming no matter what you say or what you think of me . Rex , this baby needs his father . Natalie : Does everyone have a glass ? Viki : Yes . Bo : Hey , wait , wait . Where s , um -- where s Matthew ? Matthew : We re here . We re here . Bo : Oh . Matthew : You finally made it . Bo : Yeah , I , uh -- I got hung up on something . Natalie : Okay , now we got lights . I think we can all see each other , right ? Clint : Oh , yeah . Natalie : So , who wants to go first ? Viki : Well , sweetheart , why do nt you finish the one that you started ? Jared : Ah , she thought you d never ask . Natalie : All right . If you guys insist . I just have a few more things I want to say . Gotcha ! No , I think I ll just finish where I left off before . So , Mom and Charlie , Dad and Nora , I wish you all happiness , laughter , and love always . Bo : Hear , hear . Clint : Thank you , sweetheart . Gigi : It s not fair . After everything we went through to get rid of that psycho bitch , and now she s pregnant ? Schuyler : Yeah , well , it does nt have to change anything between you and Rex . Gigi : It changes everything . Rex : Yeah , but , it does nt have to . Gigi : Rex feels every day of Shane s life that he missed . He would never let that happen again with another child . Schuyler : Well , he ll still love you . And he s not gon na let it interfere -- I know . Okay . Gigi : If this is Rex s baby , things will never be the same again . Schuyler : That is probably true . Gigi : Stacy will be a permanent fixture in our lives , and we will never , ever be rid of her . Rex : You know what ? We re done . Stacy : What ? Rex : There s nothing to talk about until we know that you re really pregnant . Stacy : I am . Rex : We ll see . Pack your bags and get out . Stacy : You re throwing me out ? Rex : Uh , yeah . We re getting a restraining order . I do nt want you anywhere near me , my place , or my family . Stacy : And when I prove I m pregnant ? Rex : We ll get a paternity test . Stacy : And when that proves you re the father -- what then ? Come on , Rex . You missed this part last time with Shane . Do nt you want to feel it ? Rex : Do nt . Stacy : You ll come around . You have to . This is your baby . You have a responsibility . Stacy : My sister does nt want to see you right now . I d leave her alone . Rex : I love Gigi . No matter what , that will never change . Stacy : Your baby and I will be waiting . ### Summary:
The ghost of Asa is visiting all his family members that gather at the lodge . He indicates that he wants Viki to marry Clint instead of Charlie and Nora to marry Bo instead of Clint . He also causes Jessica to see and sense Nash there . Matthew also senses that he needs his grandfather s help in deciding whether to sue his parents . And he talks to Destiny about his grandfather . Stacy reveals to Rex and Gigi that she is pregnant with Rex s child . Gigi assumes that that is impossible since Rex told her that he never slept with Stacy . But he later reveals that he did once . At that point , Gigi is horrified that it could cause Stacy to ruin their lives forever if it s true . She runs into Schuyler and talks to him about it .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Skye : I am going to expose Alexis , whether you like it or not . Carly : Call someone ! Elizabeth , go ! Elizabeth : Ok . Oh . Carly : Elizabeth -- Ric : Elizabeth ? Agent Brown : We have a deal . Faith : I am in love with Ric ! Jason : Do you believe me now ? About Ric ? Sonny : He has her . We re going to get Carly back . Elizabeth : Carly -- Carly -- Skye : I had the most amazing day . A.J. : Yeah ? Skye : Yeah . I made a deal with Scott Baldwin . A.J. : Oh , no , Skye , what have you done now ? Skye : Oh , no , no , no , this is nt about me , except for the benefits that I stand to get . Can you say huge ? A.J. : Stop milking me . Bring it . Skye : Ok . I got Scott to agree to nail Alexis for murder one if I can get her to admit that she faked the D.I.D. A.J. : You re dreaming . Skye : Well , thanks for the vote of confidence . A.J. : Hey , I know how much you love Kristina and how desperately you want to get her away from Alexis . And even if you re right about the D.I.D , Alexis is way too clever to let her guard down , especially if you re anywhere around . Skye : Hmm . Well , then I guess I ll have to focus on Dobson . A.J. : Dobson ? What does -- what does he have to do with this ? Skye : Oh , I have nt even told you the best part . A.J. , hold on to your hat because what I m about to tell you is going to send you reeling . Alexis : Hi . Ned : Hi . Thank you for coming so quickly . Alexis : Is everything all right with Kristina ? Ned : Oh , she s fine . I m sorry , I did nt mean to alarm you . Alexis : I just did nt know what to think . You left a message saying something about Kristina s well - being , so -- Ned : Yeah . No , no , she s fine , she s fine . Here , can we sit down ? Alexis : Well -- why ? What is going on ? Ned : Humor me . Sit down . Would you like something to drink ? Alexis : No , no , thank you . I just want you to tell me what s going on . Ned : Ok . Well , I was just thinking that , you know , now is the time to probably discuss Kristina s future , and I wanted to do it away from all the craziness at the house . Alexis : Ok . What did you want to discuss ? Ned : Well , I want to discuss joint custody . I think it s time we start working out an agreement . Alexis : Have you completely gone insane ? Georgie : You lying little snake ! Maxie : Uh , me ? Georgie : I do nt see anyone else who s double - crossed me lately . How long did you wait until you told Mac I left with Dillon ? 20 minutes ? 10 ? Maxie , what happened to 24 hours ? Maxie : Ok , you know what , Georgie ? You never told me that you were taking off on a stolen bike . Georgie : Feel real good about yourself , Maxie . Because of you and your big mouth , Dillon s in jail . Elizabeth : Carly . Ric : Elizabeth -- Elizabeth , can you hear me ? It s -- it s Ric . You re -- you re in the hospital , honey . Elizabeth : Carly -- Ric : Shh . Do nt -- you had a -- you had a dream . You had a nightmare . You were calling out in the middle -- in your sleep . It s ok . It s ok . Ric : Why do nt you close your eyes and get some rest , all right ? We ll talk about it . That s it . I m begging you , sweetheart , forget about Carly . Carly : I m here , Sonny . I m so close , you have no idea . Jason : Do you see something ? Sonny : No , I just -- I got a feeling . Jason : What kind ? Sonny : I feel Carly . Carly : That s right . Oh , I m right here . Do nt give up on me . Come find me . A.J. : All right , just back up , back up . Dobson and Alice were kissing ? Skye : Well , it was more like Alice was kissing . Dobson was just kind of petrified . A.J. : Yeah , who can blame him , really ? Skye : Oh , not for the reason you think . Although , I do nt know . Who can really tell with that weirdo ? A.J. : Ok , so what happened ? Skye : Ok , ready ? A.J. : Yeah . Skye : So , Alice has Dobson in a hammerlock , right ? Decades and decades of sexual frustration just bubbling out all over the place . And then Dobson jumps back in alarm or horror -- I do nt know , whatever it was -- leaving his mustache planted squarely on Alice s face . A.J. : What ? Skye : Revealing none other than -- ta - da . A.J. : Who ? Who ? Skye : Oh , take a wild guess . Go ahead . A.J. : Uh -- Skye : No , no , no . You know what ? I want to tell you . Alexis . A.J. : Is Dobson ? Skye : Uh - huh . A.J. : You re kidding me . Skye : No , can you believe it ? She s been passing herself off as a man in this very house . A.J. : I ll be damned . I mean -- Skye , she had us all fooled . Skye : I know . A.J. : Faking a personality that happens to be your sister was like falling off a log . Skye : Thank you . A.J. : Yeah . Skye : Oh , wait till you hear this . A.J. : There s more ? Skye : Oh , icing on the cake . A.J. : Ok . Skye : After an otherwise dreadful day , I hit the mother lode -- or so to speak . A.J. : Yeah . Skye : I heard Cameron and Alexis talking , right ? She came right out and said it . Alexis said she faked the D.I.D. to beat the murder rap . A.J. : I do nt suppose the good doctor was shocked . Skye : Oh , please . The man is besotted . He s been helping her all along . A.J. : You have been a busy little bee . So , what other juicy little tidbits do you have for me , huh ? Is Alice working for the C.I.A. ? Reggie -- was he abducted by aliens ? Come on . Skye : You know what ? I would nt even blink an eye . A.J. : This is amazing , you know ? Amazing . Skye : What it is is unconscionable , A.J. Alexis feels justified in whatever crazy behavior she can come up with as long as she invokes motherhood as an excuse . I mean , really , I do nt know what s going to happen to that poor little girl , you know . There she ll be someday , maybe in a little playground fight , or some kid will look at her sideways , and here comes Alexis , swooping down like the wrath of God . Who knows what havoc she ll wreak ? A.J. : And we could nt have that , now , could we ? Skye : Absolutely not . It would be irresponsible of me to let Kristina s childhood to become another act in Alexis Davis sideshow of freaks . No , this has to end . And Dobson is the key . Ned : Then why are you acting like the idea of joint custody is something new ? Alexis : Because it is to me . I ve certainly never discussed this as any viable possibility . Why would I agree to give up half the time with my daughter ? Ned : So that your daughter s father could also have equal time ? Alexis : Ned , do I need to remind you that you are not Kristina s father ? Now , this is beginning to look more and more like some sort of delusional obsession with you . Ned : Delusional ? Delusional ? As in something that I just , what , made up in my head , as opposed to the fact that I have been taking care of this little girl for the last six months of her life ? Alexis : Which is , and was always meant to be , temporary . I ll tell you what . You look at this as childcare . If you want , you can send me a bill . Ned : Alexis , listen to me . You realize that you re being completely unreasonable ? Alexis : Yes , I know , I m always unreasonable . Good old unreasonable Alexis . All I ever wanted was to be able to take my daughter home and be her mother . And for a myriad of reasons , that has been impossible . So you can call me unreasonable , you can call me irrational , you can call me freaking out of my mind , but I gave birth to Kristina . She s mine . You need to stop projecting your mistakes with Brooke Lynn onto her . My daughter is not your path to redemption . Ned : See , you re wrong . You re wrong on so many levels , I do nt even know where to begin . So let s just stick to what s important , and that is Kristina is my daughter in every way that matters . And no one is going to take her away from me -- not even you . Maxie : Dillon s in jail because he stole Kyle s bike , Georgie . All Kyle did was report it . I mean , you ca nt blame us because Dillon s out of control . Georgie : Unbelievable . You open your mouth and Kyle s words come out . Maxie , you re pathetic . How long are you going to let this guy play you for a sucker ? Kyle : How was your first time in a motel room , Georgie ? Did Dillon deliver , or was he just another wimp like Lucas ? Scott : Hey , Ric , how s she doing ? Ric : Pulmonary embolism . Came out of nowhere . Scott : That s tough when that happens . Ric : My wife is beautiful , is nt she ? I mean , like this , just lying there all still . Scott : Listen , I got the bug out of your house that Jason put there . Ric : Good . Scott : But Sonny s there . He wanted to hang around and wait for you . Ric : My brother s at my house ? Sonny : I know there s nothing here that indicates Carly was ever in this house , but I m getting a -- I m getting a feeling , and I know it sounds crazy Jason : Not to me . And it would nt to Carly , either . Carly : You re right . You can feel me because we re connected . I m right here . Sonny : I do nt know , maybe I m losing it again . Oh , man . Anybody would if they had to live with Faith . I hate that tramp . The fact that she s living in my wife s house is wrong . Jason : You re just keeping your end of the deal with the feds . Sonny : Yeah , that s it . I know that , but what has it gotten me ? Faith in my face , no sign of Carly . What happened to the fancy forensics ? All the technology they were going to have to find my wife ? Carly : I knew it . I knew you d never forget me and move on to Faith , of all people . You re my heart , and I m yours . Jason : We re going to find Carly , and we re not going to stop until we do . Sonny : We ca nt because Carly is alive . And she s waiting , and she s willing me to find her . And that s what I m going to do , even if I have to walk through fire . I m going to stay here , wait for Ric , ok ? Jason : Good , you can work him for some information . Sonny : Ric is going to lead us to Carly , one way or the other . Jason : All right , I ll clear out . He ll shut down if I m here . Sonny : All right . Jason : Yeah ? Courtney : Guess who . Jason : Hey , how you doing ? Courtney : That s why I m calling . Look , I do nt want you to alarm Sonny . God knows he has enough on his mind . But , Jason , there s a serious problem on this island . Carly : I m right here , Sonny . Do nt give up . I am alive , and I am strong , and I am fighting for our child . And I swear , if you ca nt find me , I will find my way home to you -- somehow . Skye : Done . Judge Farmer will be here for dinner Friday night . Of course , Dobson will be serving . And then we ll wait for the opportune moment when we can reveal Dobson for the charade that she is . A.J. : Mm - hmm . It s going to be a lot of fun . But do nt lose sight of the big picture . The important thing here is to make Alexis mad enough and frustrated enough to admit that she faked the D.I.D. in front of the judge , ok ? Skye : Have you noticed how neurotic Alexis is ? I just walk into a room and the woman gets uptight . She hates me . All I have to do is use that . I may even -- I may even bring Kristina down and show the judge what a wonderful bond we share . A.J. : That s cold . Using a woman s own child against her . Skye : Look , it s a necessary means to an end , ok ? Ultimately , I am protecting that little girl . A.J. : She s lucky to have you . Skye : You mean that . A.J. : When this is all over , you re going to make a great mother . Alexis : You do nt want to have this battle with me , Ned . Ned : You re right , I do nt . I do nt want to fight about this , but I m not going to let you trample all over my rights . Being a parent is about more than just blood , ok ? I have loved this child before she was even born . And I love her more now . I mean , I ve taken care of her . Alexis : By taking care of her , does that mean you use her to play house with that thing you call a girlfriend ? Because that s grounds for calling social services . Ned : Look , I am not going to sit here and have a discussion about Skye because she has been wonderful to Kristina . She has been a constant in her life , which is more than I can say for you . For God s sake , Alexis , you act as if this whole situation is everyone s fault but your own . Do I really need to remind you that killing Alcazar is what made you lose Kristina in the first place ? Alexis : Yes , I know , and you ve taken advantage of that and exploited that at every turn . You are not going to appropriate my daughter so you and that thing can have an instant family . I m cutting you both out of her life as soon as possible . Ned : See , I would nt do that . Do nt do that . You re not going to want to do that . Alexis : Too late . I already have a meeting with judge Farmer to establish competency . This is going to stop . Ned : I m asking you -- I am begging you to reconsider . You ll be snatching Kristina from the only home she s ever known , from people who love her . Alexis : I ll tell you what . If you and Skye are so desperate to have a child , make one of your own . As far as the rest of this nest of vipers that you call a family , my daughter will clearly be much better without them . Ned : Alexis , whether you like it or not , Kristina has made attachments to us . Alexis : She ll get over it . Start preparing yourself to say goodbye . Maxie : Have you completely lost it , Georgie ? You just hit Kyle . What are you thinking ? Kyle : Obviously , Georgie s being influenced by her new boyfriend , the criminal . Georgie : Maxie , if you re expecting an apology , forget it . If you had any self - respect whatsoever , you would have slapped him a long time ago . He s a pig . He s not worth the skin he s wasting . And he s here at Kelly s probably whipping you into some sick game while Dillon -- Dillon rots in jail . Maxie : Yeah , well , you know what , Georgie ? You re just going to have to live with it . And by the way , you re not allowed to see Dillon . And in case you ve forgotten in all this excitement , you and I have been exiled to candy striper help for the rest of the summer . Georgie : If Mac thinks that I m going to just slap on some dumb uniform and fall in line like a good little soldier , he s got another think coming . And I intend to see Dillon , whether I m allowed to or not . Maxie : I should go after her . She s completely over the top . Kyle : Forget Georgie . You need to be that good little soldier . Maxie : What do you mean ? Kyle : Go sign up for your summer job , get in good with the supervisor . Maxie : Hello ? Who are you , and what have you done with the real Kyle ? Kyle : Want some advice from the master ? Everybody knows I get away with murder . You know why ? My parents think I walk on water , that I would nt do anything wrong . Once you have them in that mindset , you re home free , especially when Georgie s conveniently providing a distraction by flipping out . You got to use that stuff . Maxie : I get where you re going . Maxie Jones , cheerfully reporting for duty . Kyle : Having seen the error of her ways , you re not a problem anymore . And with Mac focusing on Georgie , you can do whatever you want . Audrey : My dear , darling girl . Oh , I am so sorry this happened . Especially now . Because , you see , I ve always prayed that you would find the kind of love and stability I had with Steve , and now , just as you found it -- well , it does nt matter . I mean , who knows better how strong and resilient you are ? I ve watched you bounce back from so many things , that indomitable spirit still intact . So you re going to come back from this , too , darling . But , Elizabeth -- Elizabeth , you must fight hard . Fight with everything you ve got . Darling , you have a husband -- and a grandmother -- who needs you here so very much . Ric : Scott Baldwin said that you were here . Why ? Sonny : Do you really have to ask ? The bug s gone , if that eases your mind . Ric : Well , that bug and getting Jason off my back mattered a lot more earlier today . But after what happened to my wife , I really do nt care about that much . Sonny : So , what exactly did happen ? Carly : Elizabeth found me and all of Ric s lies were exposed . Ric : A pulmonary embolism . It just came out of nowhere . Carly : Not out of nowhere , Ric . That was you . Ric : You know , I m not a good man . I know that . But everything I did from the day that Elizabeth agreed to marry me was try to make her happy , you know , to give her what she wanted -- a life full of love and trust that -- a family . And we were on our way , you know ? A few bumps in the road . All the darkness was starting to move out . Yeah , like a thunderstorm at the end of summer on the vineyard . There was light . Now , just like that , there s -- there s no light anymore in the world . Sonny : So what happened ? I mean , why are you talking about Elizabeth as if she s already dead ? Carly : Because she will be . She saw me , and now Ric s going to have to kill her . Ric : Yeah , you re -- you re right . You re right . What I am saying ? I mean , she s -- she s a fighter . She s not going to want to lose our life any more than I will . She ll heal , you know ? She ll -- she ll come back . It s not over . It ca nt be . Sonny : When you love a woman like that , you never give up . No matter how hopeless it looks , you just -- you just keep on fighting . Even if you have to go to hell and back -- whatever it takes -- to bring her back to you . Tell Elizabeth my thoughts are with her . Carly : No , Sonny , do nt go . Jason : Courtney . How is he ? Courtney : Oh , it takes a while to fall asleep . He s still having really bad nightmares . Hi . Jason : Oh , I ve missed you so much . Courtney : Yeah , every time you called , I had to stop myself from telling you how badly I wanted to come home . Jason : It helps , knowing that Michael s away from the worst of it and you re staying here to take care of him . Courtney : Yeah . Leticia and I can only do so much . I mean , Michael s ok during the day , you know ? I mean , he likes to swim and go on the boat . And he s still young enough to build sandcastles . But , I mean , he never forgets that Carly s gone . Jason , he s afraid to fall asleep at night . Jason : Yeah , I do nt blame him for being scared . I mean , how -- how can you believe in anything good when some sick bastard takes your mother away right in front of you ? Courtney : Michael trusts you and his father to make this right . I trust you , too . Will you carry Michael to bed ? I was afraid I d wake him up . Audrey : Well , I have to go , my darling . But I wo nt be far . Now you just rest . Faith : You know , I almost feel sorry for you , little girl . I told you you were out of your league with Ric . But did you listen ? No . Because you think you know everything . Look at you now . Faith : Well , you do nt have to worry . You can go in peace . I ll take care of Ric . I ll pick up right where you left off . And I can make him happier than you ever could . Because I know how to love him . I understand him . And I can give him everything that he needs . You know I m the one that should have been with him all along . And once again , the universe rights itself . Skye : What s wrong ? Ned : I ve just come from a meeting with Alexis . Need I say more ? Skye : Well , I guess I could nt ask for a better segue . Ned : Now what ? Skye : I realize you re a champion of fair play and all that . It s actually one of the things I like about you . But I ve come up with a plan . It s underhanded , mean - spirited , and deceitful . But the good news is it will give you full custody of Kristina and it ll get Alexis out of both your lives for good . What do you say ? Ned : Let s hear it . Jason : I told Leticia just to call us if he had a nightmare . Courtney : They re awful . Michael wakes up screaming and calling for Carly . I try to hold him and rock him back to sleep , and he keeps asking , where s mommy ? Over and over . Jason : I know -- I know you ca nt give him an answer . In some ways , it s got to be a lot harder than anything . Courtney : Yeah , I guess . Michael is nt any better at waiting than I am . You know , Carly tried to teach me . She told me to always stay patient . Yeah . And concentrate on the small things and never jump in with a plan that will make everything worse . I know . Jason : Carly never does that . Courtney : Yeah . No , I guess she was just trying to give me the benefit of her hard - won experience . And neither one of us thought I d be waiting to hear what happened to her . Jason : Hey , Carly s going to be ok . She s going to hold on until we find her . She will . Carly : You look like hell . Is guilt finally getting to you ? Ric : Do nt . Do nt start , ok ? I m not in the mood . Carly : No , I understand why , since you re responsible for what happened to Elizabeth tonight . Ric : Eat your dinner . Carly : Do you know that pulmonary embolisms can be a direct result of hormones ? Which you ve been -- Ric : Shut up ! Carly : Feeding to Elizabeth -- Ric : Shut up ! Carly : All this time ! You know , I find it so ironic , Ric . Here you love her so much , and you devise this extraordinary plan to give her my child , and now , because of your genius , she may die . Faith : What are you doing ? Do nt manhandle me . I was adjusting her pillow . She looked uncomfortable . Sonny : You were adjusting her pillow , huh ? Faith : Mm - hmm . Sonny : By putting it over her face ? You have a hell of a way of seducing a man . Like trying to kill his wife and coming on to his brother . Faith : Oh , please , do nt flatter yourself . I only came on to you to spice up a really dreary job . Living with you is like trying to have a picnic on Siberian Tundra . Sonny : Really ? Well , I guess I m not inspired . Faith : Well , you still have to keep your end of the bargain , do nt you ? Sonny : You know what ? Forget the deal . You got to listen to me . You , no doubt , are the woman that Ric deserves . Ok ? But I got nothing to do with that . You re going to stay away from Elizabeth . All right ? Her sudden , unexplained death is not something you want to be part of . Do you get what I m saying ? Faith : Perfectly . Sonny : Perfectly ? Faith : Mm - hmm . Sonny : You get it ? Yeah , good . Take off . Sonny : Hey . Elizabeth . I do nt know if you can hear me or not . But what put you here ? Is there something going on in that house ? Audrey : I ca nt tell you how pleased I am pleased that you and Georgie will be volunteering this summer . Maxie : Yeah , I ca nt wait to get started . Audrey : Thank you . Maxie : You ve probably already heard that I ve been making some mistakes lately . Audrey : Well , young people do . Maxie : Yeah , I m just hoping that getting out of myself and focusing on helping other people is the way to get me back on track . Zach : Yo , Kyle . Kyle : Yeah , let me give you a call back . What s up , Zach ? Zach : Are you as bummed as I am ? Kyle : What up ? Zach : This summer has been so dry . I ca nt buy a buzz anywhere . Kyle : Dry season s almost over , my friend . We re going to be getting high and staying there any day now . Zach : Yeah ? How ? Kyle : Maxie s totally into me , right ? Zach : Big time . Kyle : She s signing up as a candy striper as we speak . Zach : So -- Kyle : So where do candy stripers work ? Zach : Hospitals ? Kyle : And what can you get at hospitals ? Zach : Drugs . Skye : Precious . Oh , we need to get somebody to sleep soon , do nt we , huh ? We re just waiting for your little blanket . As soon as nasty old Dobson comes back with it , then we can get you to bed , huh ? Oh , just in time . Give me that , would you ? Thank you . Ned , we ll see you upstairs in about 10 minutes ? Ned : Yeah , I ll be up . Dobson ? Alexis : [ British accent ] Yes , Sir ? Ned : I need to ask you something . I know you have issues with Skye , but you must see just how wonderful she is with Kristina . Alexis : I find it shamefully inappropriate that she s allowed to spend more time with Kristina than the child s own mother . Ned : But there s a reason . You see , Kristina s mother is deeply disturbed . Alexis : So everyone says , Sir . Ned : No , you see , Alexis killed a man , and she s never shown one ounce of remorse . She has ice running through her veins . And do nt be fooled into thinking that she loves Kristina . She considers this child nothing more than her personal property . On the other hand , Skye genuinely wants what s best for this child . Courtney : Do you think that we d be together if it were nt for Carly playing matchmaker ? Jason : Yeah . Courtney : So do I. But do nt tell Carly that . She likes to take credit for everything . Jason : Yeah , I know . You remember that first night that you had me over for dinner ? And you spilled whatever on me , you know ? Carly -- you know , she kept giving me this lecture on how it was a date and do this and do that . And I did nt want to hear about it . Because I was trying not to let myself care about you . Trying not to let you matter more than anything . So I waited to tell you how I felt . I waited to believe it was real . I was fighting myself . And it was wrong . It was just a waste of time . Because anything can happen at any time . And what matters is who you love and if you say it and if you show it . And I love you . Ric : The hell with you . I love Elizabeth . Carly : Does nt matter . Because when Elizabeth wakes up , she is going to go to the cops . She s going to tell them . They re going to come here , they re going to find me , they re going to arrest you -- if Sonny does nt kill you first . Do nt you realize that this is out of control , Ric , and Elizabeth is paying the price ? Ric : Stop saying that . Carly : You have to decide , Ric -- what is more important , revenge on Sonny or saving Elizabeth s life ? Sonny : You and I used to be friends , Elizabeth . You trusted me . And then you hooked up with Ric . Just got mixed up with the wrong guy this time . Well , maybe I should nt say that so easily because everybody tells Carly the same thing about me . She did nt get herself kidnapped . Somebody took her to hurt me . Sonny : Hey , hey , hey . Do you know who took -- do you know who took Carly ? Elizabeth : Carly -- Sonny : Yeah , Carly . You know what happened to her , huh ? Elizabeth : Carly -- Sonny : Listen . Listen to me . Look at me , look at me . Did Ric -- did Ric take her ? Emily : I d like to -- to tell my story . Ned : You left Dillon in jail ? Scott : Quartermaine in a cage -- just the way I like them , punk . Michael : I remembered more things about Ric taking mommy . Ric : Why did you have to find out ? What am I supposed to do now , Elizabeth ? ### Summary:
Faith tried to kill Elizabeth by suffocating her with a pillow . Sonny stopped her though . Ric was worried when Carly pointed out that he would have to kill Liz to keep her from telling that she saw Carly . Sonny was at Ric s and said he felt close to Carly there . She realized that Sonny was using Faith to get to Carly . Ned tried to talk to Alexis about joint custody for Kristina . She said she did nt want to have it , because she did nt Skye in the baby s life , and as long as Ned was with Skye , she did nt want Ned involved either . Ned told Skye she could go ahead with her plan to get Alexis away from Kristina . Georgie yelled at her sister because Maxie told Mac that she ran away with Dillon . Since Maxie started to work at the hospital , Kyle thought up a plan to get her to steal drugs for him . AJ asked Coleman to take pictures of Sonny and Faith together , so that he could use them to get custody of Michael . Courtney called Jason to tell him that Michael was still having nightmares . Jason took off for the island to see what he could do .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Pilot : We re anticipating landing in Dublin 18 minutes ahead of schedule . Happy Thanksgiving . Ramsey : Where s my peanuts ? John : Have nt you heard ? Airlines are economizing . Ramsey : Exactly . What are you reading ? You hoping to make time with this woman by memorizing her dead husband s poems -- assuming we find her ? John : We ll find her . Ramsey : You do nt strike me as the poetic type , John -- fact is , you re downright close - mouthed . John : No , not true , Lee . I think words are terrific , they re sacred -- that s why I try not to waste them . Ramsey : Okay . Yes or no -- there s something in that book you think is going to lead us to Marty Saybrooke and her son , right ? Cole : Well , I always wanted to see Ireland , but not from the inside of a padlocked room . I really hate this place . Marty : Your father would hate to hear you say that . Cole : This is about him , is nt it ? Marty : Yes . Cole : What are nt you telling me ? Man : Well ? Cole : Well ? Well , what ? What do you want from us ? Marty : Cole , shh , please . Man : Your mom s had plenty of time to think about what I asked her . So now I ll be needing you to give us the names . Cole : Whose names ? Man : If I knew , you would nt be here . Marty : I ca nt help you . Man : Sooner or later , one way or the other , you will . I ll be back . Cole : What names , Mom ? Marty : I do nt know ! Cole : But you do know something ! Marty : Yes , yes , okay ? This is about your father . When he died , he died with a very big secret . Starr : Come on , come on , come on , come on , come on . Come on -- damn it ! Blair : Well , now , is that any way to talk ? Happy Thanksgiving . Starr : You guys got a flight home ? I ca nt believe it . Todd : Sorry it took us so long . Blair : It is Thanksgiving . Starr : No , it s okay . It s not like I have a whole lot to be thankful for . Blair : Well , we re here now , sweetheart , and we re not going anywhere , all right ? Nash : Your father and the previously undressed now well - dressed Dr. Lord are in there together . Natalie : Great . Ready for some fireworks ? Nash : Are you ? Natalie : What do you mean ? Nash : I need to talk to you about your Mr. Banks . Jared : Disposing of the evidence , Nigel ? Nigel : I m quite sure I have no idea what you re talking about . Jared : Well , either you re into bondage or -- Nigel : Or ? Jared : Look , I know everything , okay ? Nigel : I highly doubt that -- Sir . Jared : Oh . Well , I do know this much -- David Vickers is Asa s long - lost son , and you cut a deal with Asa s ex , number -- nine and 10 , was it ? -- Ms. Alex Olanov Vickers Buchanan soon - to - be Olanov again , just so she wo nt say a word . Nigel : I have no idea what you re talking about . Jared : Bad deal , Nigel -- I was outside listening to everything . Now , let s talk turkey . What are you going to do for me ? David : Whoa . Why so jumpy , pumpkin ? Where are you going ? Alex : Uh -- I m leaving you . David : Why is that ? Alex : You already cheated on me with Dorian Lord . Clint : What ? Dorian : I m leaving now . I hope you re happy . Clint : Happier than I ve been in months . David : Okay , fine , I slept with Dorian . I was weak . It did nt mean anything . Alex : That old line . David : Besides , it s not technically cheating , because you and I have nt slept together . Alex : But we took vows -- mere days ago . And now you re flouting them . David : Oh , but , honey , I only slept with Dorian because I was respecting your sexual addiction issues . Alex : My issues pale in comparison to your issues . David : But , Alex , I love you . Alex : Well , I am deeply wounded . So it s over . Excuse me . David : All right -- uh -- so our relationship is over . Um -- I m devastated , and I ll try to be strong and move forward . But since our marriage is over , are nt you forgetting something ? Alex : I do nt think so . I packed really light , with the exception of you . David : What about those papers in your bag ? Jared : Now , Alex got a yacht and an island to keep her trap shut . She s probably long gone by now . Nigel : If there is a God . Jared : No , I m just saying that your secret is safe with her . It s me you must deal with now . Nigel : I have been suspicious of you since you first showed up at the front door of Mr. Buchanan s home . It seems I was correct in my suspicions . Jared : You do have to admit , Nigel , I hold all the cards here . And , well , this family knows exactly what happened last time I played in a high - stakes game . Nigel : You want to bet the ranch ? Speak to Chuck . Jared : No living person who heard a secret like this would not use it to his advantage . Nigel : I would not . Jared : Maybe you re not human , then . Nigel : Are you ? Do you care anything for this family ? Jared : I do nt want to hurt Renee , or Natalie . Nigel : But for the right price -- Jared : This family owes me , Nigel . Nigel : What do you want in exchange for your silence ? Keeping in mind I m fresh out of land rights and yachts . Jared : What I want wo nt cost you a day s wage . Nigel : A loyal manservant for life , perhaps ? Jared : Not unless it s part of the package . Nigel : What package ? Jared : The envelope that Asa left you in his will . Nigel : That is to be guarded by me till such time I deem it appropriate to show it to his son . Jared : Hmm . I d say the appropriate time is now . Natalie : And what exactly do you think you re going to tell me about Jared that I do nt already know ? Nash : Well , I guess that depends if you ve bunked with him yet . Natalie : Okay , we ve all bunked with him the last couple of nights . Nash : Yeah -- no , I ve been living under the same roof with him . If you bunked with him , you know that he snores . You ll know that he leaves the lid open , and chews with his mouth open , that he eats anchovies on his pizza , that he watches golf on TV . Natalie : Great , thanks for the heads - up . Nash : Look , I know it sounds like superficial stuff . Natalie : Yeah . Nash : But it all leads to this . He is an inconsiderate , self - serving , tasteless son of a bitch . Natalie : Did you and Jess decide to tag - team me ? Because I got this same lecture from her a little while ago about how Jared s dangerous , bad news . Nash : You felt the same way until something happened last night . Natalie : I just -- I saw Jared in a different way . Just , he was different . He was different . Nash : And you thought that you could show him a different light ? Natalie : Yeah , maybe I can . Dorian : Okey - dokey . I m going to give you one last chance to talk me out of leaving . Clint : Well , I ca nt think of a single reason for you to stay . Dorian : Do nt you even want to give me a chance to tell my side of the story ? Clint : You have something new ? Because I ve already heard that you re oh so sorry for inviting David Vickers to climb into your bed . Dorian : I did nt invite him . Clint : In a house of mourning -- for God s sake , Dorian . Dorian : You did nt seem as if you were in mourning when you were kissing Nora , and believe me , if I had nt seen that -- Clint : Let s not do this , all right ? Because this is not how adults behave . Dorian : No , it is nt . Why did you kiss her ? Clint : I do nt know . It was a mistake . Dorian : Is that how you feel now ? Clint : I told Nora that I loved you . Dorian : Well , if that s true , then why are you so eager to have me leave ? Clint : Because I do nt want to be played for a fool . Dorian : I told you that going to bed with David was a mistake . Now , if that s an acceptable excuse for you , why does nt it work for me ? Clint : What you did was nt a mistake , it was a decision . You decided to retaliate by going to bed with a man that you know I despise . Vickers extorted me for $ 10 million to save my daughter . Dorian : Well , he gave it back , did nt he ? Clint : Let s just call this what it is , shall we ? Dorian : A big problem . But do nt we have the beginning of a solution ? Clint : No -- it s the end of us . Ramsey : You know , if we are working together , it might help if we actually shared information . John : Yeah , exactly , and I know you got a lot from Langley that you ai nt giving up . Ramsey : Classified . You re not F.B.I. anymore . John : First thing we do is , we find this informant of yours . Then we have a little face - to - face . Ramsey : That s your plan ? John : I got a plan . You ? Ramsey : Yeah . You follow my lead . Go back to your love poems . Cole : Why is this happening to us ? After all this time , why is this happening to us ? Marty : I do nt know , okay ? The guy outside is nt really rational ! I think he s living in a world before the ceasefire . Cole : How does he know Dad ? Mom ? Marty : I have been keeping something from you . I was trying to protect you , okay ? It s about how your father died . Cole : Dad died in a car crash . Marty : I wish I could make this easier for you . But your dad did nt die in a car crash . He was murdered . Starr : You know , I m glad you guys are here , but what about my baby brother ? Todd : Oh , well , I ve got PIs fanned out all over Texas and beyond . So if they find something concrete , I ll be right back out there . Blair : And by then , Cole should be home , you know ? Starr : You know , I set up this website to see if anybody s seen him . Blair : Well , I want to see it , okay ? Can you show it to me ? Starr : Yeah , I will . But nobody s posted anything . It s like he just vanished . Blair : Well , speaking of vanished -- where is Carlotta ? Starr : Oh , she had this family thing , and she wanted me to go . I just was nt up for it . Todd : And what happened to Dorian ? Blair : You know what ? I never would have left if I had known Dorian was going to traipse off to Texas to go hunt down Clint Buchanan . Dorian : It ca nt be the end . Not of us . Clint : It is , so let s just cut our losses . Dorian : Clint , all right , I -- I should have come here to Texas when you asked me to , but I just -- I was so worried about Langston . Clint : Yeah , where is Langston , by the way , huh ? Or does nt it matter quite so much once you decided that I was cheating on you with Nora , and you cut your losses ? Dorian , what you did , who you did it with -- I ca nt forgive that . And I sure as hell ca nt forget it . Alex : Papers ? What papers ? I do nt have any papers . David : Our prenup . Alex : Oh , that . David : Yeah . And do nt you try to wiggle out of it . There s no adultery clause in there for either one of us , so what s yours is now half mine . Alex : I suppose you want your half . David : [ Spanish accent ] Fork it over , chica . Alex : There s your copy . Is everything in order ? David : [ Normal voice ] Uh -- far as I can tell . Alex : Good . The only problem is , 50 % of nothing is nothing , is nt it ? Nigel : The bank of Buchanan is closed . Jared : I m not asking for money , Nigel . Nigel : The letter is safely locked away in a vault . Jared : Nigel , you lie . It s in your coat pocket . Nigel : Wherever the letter is , it is not meant for your eyes . It is for Mr. Buchanan s son , and you are not that . Jared : No , that is the man that Clint tried to kill this morning . Nigel : What ? Jared : Do nt you talk to the other servants ? He shoved a shotgun in the face of this Vickers guy after he found him in bed with Dr. Lord . Nigel : Good grief . Jared : And I think Clint should know that that s his brother before he tries killing him again , do nt you think ? Nigel : No , I do nt think . Jared : Oh . Bully for you . If you can stand strong , so can I. Nigel : Where are you going ? Jared : To explain to anyone who will listen that you ve decided to take matters into your own hands , and that you know that David Vickers is Asa s long - lost son , and you ve decided to keep it quiet , well , for their own good . Nigel : Wait . Jared : Ah . Marty s voice : And then I heard Patrick s voice . He was reciting from the poem that he had written me . Weep no more as I am beside you , always . Marty : And those were the last words your father said to me . Cole : So you heard them shoot him ? Marty : Yes . Cole : Why d you tell me it was an accident ? Marty : Because I did nt want that to be your last memory of him . He went to Ireland to protect us . I was trying to protect you . Cole : From what ? Marty : From this . Cole : So if we d never been kidnapped , what -- would you never tell me what really happened ? Marty : No , I had already decided that I was going to tell you . Cole : Why ? Marty : Because of John . Ramsey : What a surprise . Rubber chicken . Hmm . Any luck ? John : Oh , I like to make my own luck . Blair : Oh -- Todd : What kind of pie is that ? Blair : It s mincemeat . Todd : Ugh . It sucks . Blair : Well , do nt tell Carlotta that , okay ? Starr : Hey , Mom , is it true that every day that goes by , there s less of a chance of Cole being okay ? Todd : Well , you know , I was gone for some time , sweetheart -- I turned out okay . You know , Starr , I supported half the private investigators union thus far . I can certainly support the other half and go look for Cole . Starr : Really ? But I thought you hate Cole . Todd : Well , he s important to you , so it s important to me . Starr : Thanks , Dad . I love you . Blair : It s tough when you -- you love someone and they could be in danger , sweetie . Todd : Yeah . But do nt give up , okay ? You did nt give up on me , did you ? Do the same thing for him . Do nt give up on him . Natalie : I know that Jared s made you and Jess miserable . Nash : Miserable ? He threatened to send your sister to prison and separate her from her child . Natalie : Okay , but he s not going to do that . Nash : Oh , thank heavens . How about my shares of the vineyard ? You going to get me those back ? Natalie : I do nt know . But honestly , after what Tess did to him , do nt you think he deserves a little something ? Nash : Hmm . There it is . Tell me , while he was baring his soul to you underneath the stars , did he happen to mention anything about getting his job back at B.E. ? Natalie : No , actually , he did nt . All he wants is his old life back before Tess framed him . I do nt think there s anything wrong with that . Dorian : I m not asking you to forgive or forget . I m asking you for another chance . Clint : And I m saying no . Dorian : You know , there is one thing that I do nt understand . You say that you stopped what might have happened between you and Nora because you love me . Well , that was just last night . So when -- I mean , at what precise hour did you suddenly stop loving me ? Clint : I have nt . Not yet . But , Dorian , I hate the things that you do . You come all the way to Texas to be with me , and before you even say a word to me , you re in bed with David Vickers . Dorian : You were in the arms of another woman , a woman who s been trying to get between us ever since we got together . Clint : So you went to David -- for comfort , and/or revenge , and let s -- let s not even get into the fact that the man was just married . Dorian : Well , I -- I was nt thinking straight . Clint : Yeah , because you ca nt resist that guy . Dorian : Oh . You re jealous . Clint : And does that make you happy ? Dorian : Well , kind of . Because it shows you still care about me more than you want to . Clint : What about you and David ? Dorian : There is no me and David . Clint : Never again ? Are you sure about that ? David : You have nothing ? Alex : Tap city . David : You re bluffing . You re just jealous because I slept with Dorian , and now you re ego s bruised . Alex : Do you really think I m that fragile ? David : What about all that stuff you said about Dickie ? The penthouse ? The 90-foot yacht ? Alex : And you bought every word . Bye - bye . David : Wait -- hold on a second . Hold it . How did you pay your way into dreamland ? Alex : Sold my car . David : What about that wad of money you flashed in front of my face ? Alex : My last $ 300 , mostly ones . Look , I m broke . Here s my bank statement . David : $ 57 in checking ? Alex : My credit card statement . David : There s more than one comma . Alex : But the 20 % APR -- I think your half should put a nice dent in that . David : I owe you money ? Alex : Well , the prenup says -- David : Wait a second ! You married me so I d pay off your credit card bills ? Alex : Oh , no , no , no , honey . Of course not . I married you so that I could have all of this 24 hours a day . And I knew you liked money as much as I liked money , and I thought -- oh -- I lied . But I thought if we came here , maybe Asa had left me something , and then we could live happily ever after , but we were just out of luck . David : Oh . I m poor again . Alex : You really should nt have given Clint that last 10 mil . David : Now what the hell am I going to do ? Alex : Maybe you could ask the Buchanans for a loan . I mean , you gave half of your liver to Jessica already -- you re practically family . Jared : Did you read this ? Nigel : What do you think ? Well ? Jared : Nigel -- well , it s another seat on the Buchanan Enterprises board . Nigel : Good . Good for Mr. Asa . Jared : Ah , good for me . Nigel : How s that ? I m sure the letter expressly states the seat is for his son . Jared : I want it . Nigel : I m quite sure you do , but you ca nt have it . You re not Mr. Buchanan s son . Jared : No , but I could be . Nigel : You ca nt just be Mr. Buchanan s son . Jared : You should be thrilled , Nigel . I ve taken the responsibility of Asa s deep , dark secret completely off your head . Nigel : Are you telling me that you ll keep this information under the 10-gallon hat you ll be forced to don if I allow you to carry out this charade ? Jared : Well , that would solve everyone s problem , would nt it ? Nigel : Trading one charlatan for a bigger one ? Jared : Asa Buchanan was the biggest charlatan that ever lived . I m just a chip off the old block . Nigel : Give me one good reason why you make a better candidate to be the Buchanan heir than Mr. Vickers does . Jared : I ll give you 10 . One -- do you want B.E. to be a success , because I am an experienced businessman who actually knows what he s doing , unlike Vickers who will ask for the corner office so he can watch internet porn all day . Two -- I make Renee happy -- very , very happy . Nigel : Please , spare me the details . Jared : Bo and Clint and everyone else in this family hate Vickers . Nigel : Everyone in this family hates you , too -- at least Vickers saved Jessica s life . And what will you do when Ms. Olanov hears you have been proclaimed as the Buchanan heir ? Jared : I m guessing she s heading for a quickie divorce right about now so she s not forced to share the profits from the sale of the island and the yacht with Vickers . And if she finds out that I took Vickers spot , well , it ll be too late . She wo nt be his wife anymore . Nigel : What s number four ? Jared : You , Nigel -- you hold the cards now . And if I screw up , you can out me whenever your fancy strikes you . Nigel : Then the Buchanans will disown me forever . Jared : Still your choice -- ahem . Five -- do nt even get me started on the trouble I will cause for Jessica after what she did to me . As Asa always said , Keep your back to the wall and an open eye on everyone else . Six -- did I mention that -- Nigel : All right , all right . If anyone learns if I was a part of all this -- Jared : Who s going to say anything except me , and why would I do that ? I can so do this , Nigel . I m even a cowboys fan -- speaking of which , I m missing the game . Nigel : Everything s a game for you , is nt it ? Jared : Not this . You know , Renee keeps telling me how much I remind her of Asa . I m only surprised I did nt think of it sooner . It s perfect . Nigel : Is it ? I believe you re forgetting one thing . It s rather important -- or rather , she is . Natalie : Look , I m -- I m sorry . I know that you re just saying all this because you care . But you said so yourself -- you were a lot like Jared two years ago . I mean , did you really think that you were going to be a dad and a husband and a vineyard owner ? Nash : Hey , Jared s already a vineyard owner , is nt he ? Natalie : Oh . Yeah , cool , so when we get married , it ll be all back in the family . Nash : Married -- you crazy . Natalie : No -- listen -- all I m saying is you found Jessica . She changed your life . Nash : And you think you can do that for Jared ? Natalie : I know I can . Dorian : Yes , I am sure . It s just that last night , I felt so rejected and then David was there and I did nt feel so rejected anymore . Clint : All right , stop it . Stop this because for me , no amount of discussion can excuse what you did . We have got to stop talking -- or better yet , you need to start talking to David . Dorian : I do nt want to talk to him . I could ve married him if I wanted to , and I did nt . I do nt want him in my life -- ever again . Clint : Well , it s too bad you did nt realize that before you went to bed with him . David : I ca nt ask the Buchanans for a loan -- they despise me . Alex : What about Dorian ? Ask her . David : No , I ca nt do that , not after I ruined things between her and Clint . Alex : She ll forgive you . Whisk her away and woo her . She s loaded , right ? David : Why do you suddenly care what I do ? Alex : Just trying to help . David : Alex , after all the love that we shared over the last week , the least you can do is give me a lift out of here . I m going to go pack my bag . Alex : No , you re not who I m going to share my deserted island with . David : Island ? You have an island ? Blair : You know , you re looking mighty thin . Have you not been eating , Starr ? Starr : I just keep thinking about Cole and his Thanksgiving , Mom . He had this whole food drive at school and he raised canned goods and money for needy families , and now he could be dead , Mom ! Blair : Okay , Starr -- Starr : I do nt know what to do ! Blair : Starr , Starr , Starr . Pull it together , all right ? He would want you to take care of yourself . You got to eat . You got to eat . Starr : I know . I know . Um -- I m going to go outside and look at the stars . Maybe he ll be looking at them , too . Blair : And I m sure he ll be thinking of you . It s going to be okay . Starr : Hey , Dad ? Um -- thank you . And I ll wish on a star for baby brother , too . Blair : Got a pretty special daughter . Blair : I think it s going to be okay , you know , now that we re -- we re here . We re going to find your son , bring him home , and be here for our family , okay ? I promise you . Cole : Well , at least John knows everything you know , right , so he ll know where to start looking for us ? Marty : That is what I am counting on . Are you upset with me for keeping this from you ? Cole : You re all I ve got -- you and Starr . If anything -- anything happened to either one of you -- Man : It s Thanksgiving in America , is nt it ? You be thankful you re still alive , but you wo nt be tomorrow . Marty : Yeah , I know -- if I do nt tell you the names , but I do nt -- I do nt know . Man : Yeah . By crack of dawn , or one of you is going to watch the other die . Cole : Ah ! Cole : Mom , think ! What is he talking about ? Marty : Look , sweetie , I do nt know , okay ? Your father made sure to keep everything from me ! He did nt tell me anything -- I do nt know anything ! I do nt know what they want ! Dorian : So that s it ? Clint : We re going to run into each other from time to time . I d like to think that we can be civil . Dorian : You re really asking me to leave ? Clint : I should ve ended it a long time ago , because there is just too much history , too many obstacles for us to make it work . Dorian : Why did nt you ? Clint : Because I cared enough about you to give it a try . Dorian : Past tense ? Dorian : I cared enough about you , too , to give it a try . Dorian : I still do . Natalie : I guess it s safe to go check on my dad now . Nash : Good luck . Natalie : Thank you -- for everything . Nash : Be careful . Natalie : I will . Alex : My life -- my life was a deserted island and I was counting on you to heal me . David : Now it s my fault , huh ? So I get nothing , not even a ride out of here ? Alex : It was fun while it lasted . Good luck . David : Yeah , well , good luck to you , too , dropping that embarrassing addiction of yours . Alex : Thank you , darling . Do nt forget -- what does nt kill you makes you stronger ! Jared : Who s she ? Nigel : Do nt tell me this has nt entered your mind . Perhaps you re not as bright as all that . A woman who will be unavailable to you on any level if you will take on the mantle of Jared Buchanan -- who has a seat on the board herself , by the way . Are you willing to give up Ms. Natalie Buchanan for this ? Nigel : If you re Mr. Buchanan s son , surely you realize that makes you Natalie s uncle . Now , she enjoys living dangerously but not that dangerously . This will really crystallize your priorities , Mr. Banks . What s more important to you -- love , or money ? Natalie : Dad , you okay ? Clint : No , but I will be . Natalie : Want to talk to me ? Because , you know , I am the queen of broken hearts . Clint : You re going to be fine . Natalie : I know -- we both are . Clint : Why are you still here ? David : My wife left me . I have no way to get back to Llanview . Clint : Well , then you re still going to be staying somewhere in Texas , but it sure as hell wo nt be here . David : Not to worry -- I never stay where I m not wanted -- for long . Clint : Tell you what -- Dorian s on her way out of town . Why do nt you try and catch her ? Who knows -- maybe you ll get lucky again . David : Great idea . Alex : I wonder if they still have that cute masseur down there in St. Blazes . Alex : I do nt see anything . Oh . What s one more dead coyote ? Viki : Everything all right ? Charlie : I think she found my son . Natalie : What s the problem ? You change your mind about us ? Antonio : You can go home , too . Talia : And what if I d rather stay ? Cristian : I missed you . ### Summary:
John and Ramsey are on their way to Dublin , Ireland . David and Alex argue over the fact that they had just gotten married and he slept with Dorian . Nigel and Jared argue over the fact that Jared wants a piece of the Buchanan millions , but Nigel refuses to give him anything . Jared demands the envelope with the vital info in it that reveals who the real Buchanan heir is . Blair , Todd , and Starr eat breakfast together at Dorian s . Todd and Blair try to comfort Starr as she worries about the whereabouts of Cole . Clint lets Dorian know that it is over between them . Nash gives Natalie some very sound advice about Jared . Marty reveals to Cole how his father really died . John finds a microchip hidden in the booklet that he had been writing in . He carefully hides it from Ramsey . David finds out that Alex has an island , but when confronted about it , he carefully denies it . Nigel finally agrees to give Jared the envelope , but he asks Jared if it is worth losing Natalie in order to find out the truth . Clint calls it quits between him and Dorian and puts her out of his house . Alex hits Dorian with her car outside of Asa s mansion . The kidnapper tells Marty that she has until morning to tell him the other two names or one of them will watch the other one die .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ridge : Zende is the son of two designers . It s about time he took an interest . Steffy : He did nt want to overstep , but with this whole spectra fiasco -- Ridge : Yeah , I - I ca nt mentor him right now . There s too much going on . He shows promise , but it s not gon na happen overnight . You know that . Steffy : I tried to explain that to him the other day . Ridge : Well , let me explain it to him . Why do nt you text him , tell him to come up here ? Steffy : Okay . Ridge : Now ... speaking of spectra fiasco ... we re grateful to you , coco . I underestimated your loyalty . R.J. : Does that mean she can keep her internship ? Ridge : You can stay if you like . Coco : I would love to . Thank you . Ridge : [ Laughs ] Coco : Thank you . Thank you . And I - I promise I - I wo nt take my position here for granted . R.J. : So , dad , did you hear about Spencer sabotaging spectra ? Ridge : Yeah , Steffy told me . And as wrong as that was , it does nt condone what sally did . Steffy : Absolutely not . But we re glad to have you here , coco . You have a future in this business . But sally does not , not after what she did . Sally : Ah . So this is bachelor living , huh ? Thomas : At its finest , yes . It s , uh , it s not usually this messy . Actually , you should just close your eyes . Um , I can clean up really quick . Sally : It s okay . You should see my place . Thomas : Yeah ? What do you think ? Sally : I think that I m incredibly lucky . A little while ago , I was getting ready to pack my bags and possibly leave los Angeles , and then some awesome guy came along and changed all of that and made it so I could stay . Thomas : He did , huh ? Sounds like a keeper , and very handsome . Sally : Oh ! Really ? Thomas : Yeah . Sally : Well , you know , uh ... a place like this , loft in Venice beach , I do nt know , I think he might be . Zende : I can not believe that just happened . That -- that happened , right ? Nicole : Yes . I am so proud of you . Zende : I heard him right ? [ Chuckles ] It was nt a job offer or anything , but ... Nicole : No , but it is close enough . Ridge is giving you a shot at designing . Oh , speaking of jobs , heard you have yours . Coco : Mm - hmm . R.J. : Like there was any doubt . Hey , congratulations , man . Zende : Thanks , man . Coco : No , I m just -- I m really thrilled to be here . I was nt so confident after what sally pulled . Nicole : The Forresters were nt gon na hold you accountable for your sister s actions . Is nt that right ? Zende : Yeah , of course . Nicole : You have something you want to say to coco ? Zende : [ Chuckles ] Uh ... okay , uh , I can admit that I , uh , jumped to conclusions about you . Wrong conclusions . Nicole : See ? That was nt so hard . R.J. : [ Chuckles ] Zende : Your sister , however , that girl I am never gon na trust . Thomas : Truth is out . You only like me for my loft . Sally : [ Chuckles ] Well , you know , there are worse reasons to like a guy . Thomas : Ooh . Do nt tell her that this actually belongs to your dad . Sally : Ooh ! Ooh , yeah , you just lost major points , bucko . Thomas : Did I ? Sally : Yeah , you did . You did . But that s okay . You already have a lot , so , you know , it s not that big of a deal . Thomas : Oh , I do ? Sally : Yeah . Thomas : So you re keeping points ? Sally : That I am . Yeah . Thomas : And how many , uh , sally points do I actually have ? Sally : A lot . I would be facing criminal charges if it were nt for you , so ... Thomas : Hmm . Keeping a girl out of jail -- classic Thomas Forrester move . Chicks dig it . Sally : Hmm . Thomas : Mm - hmm . Sally : Well , I m trying to be serious . You saved me . And then you did again today , standing up to bill Spencer , telling the truth about that horrible review and handing C.J. That check , putting your money where your mouth is . Thomas : What ? I like a good investment . That s it . Sally : Yeah , one that will show a return , because I promise I wo nt let you down . Thomas : Oh , you d better not . I am keeping points , too . Ridge : Well , that must have made Zende s week . Steffy : Hmm . More like year . He was so happy . Hey , have you , uh , heard from Thomas ? I texted him , but he did nt get back to me . Ridge : Text him about what ? He s working on so many designs right now . Steffy : No , not about work . About sally . When he found out what bill pulled , he took off . Ridge : For spectra ? Steffy : Yeah , I m assuming . I do nt know . Maybe I should nt have told him . Bill : Forrester ! Ridge : Whoa , what the hell ! Bill : My thoughts exactly ! What the hell is wrong with your son ? ! Zende : So this one was one of my favorites . Nicole : And you made it just for me , right ? R.J. : You okay ? Coco : Yeah . Yeah . Why ? R.J. : Well , Zende s showing his designs , and you ca nt help but think about what happened ? Zende : Do nt go give these to sally , either . Nicole : Zende . Zende : I m kidding . Coco : [ Chuckles ] It s okay . I can take a joke . And do nt think that I did nt inspect my jewelry before coming in today . Nicole : Well , it s not like there s really a spectra to look out for anymore . Coco : Well , um ... R.J. : Is there something we should know ? Coco : Yeah . Yeah . Maybe . Uh ... it looks like spectra fashions is nt going anywhere any time soon . R.J. : How ? I mean , there s no money coming in . Coco : Oh , no . No , there is . Zende : Wait , I thought sally canceled the orders that she stole . Coco : She did . And -- and none of the money is from sales . Um ... it s from Thomas , actually . So thanks to him , spectra fashions is still in business . Thomas : For you . Sally : Thank you , sir . Were you nervous about giving C.J. That check earlier ? Thomas : No . You are a worthwhile investment . Sally : I mean nervous about bill . He totally could have unleashed on you . Thomas : Oh , come on . Bill Spencer ? I have been watching him huff and puff around this town for years . He tries to look intimidating , but the guy skips leg day all the time . His legs are so skinny . [ Deep voice ] And then intimidating , and he goes like this . His scowl on his face . Hmm ! Pencil pants ! [ Laughing ] You re so good at it . Sally : Do nt listen to the chip off the old halfwit , garrison ! It s a good deal ! It s a good deal ! Thomas : It s impressive . It s impressive the way you do that . Sally : I know . I know . I ve been practicing . I feel like it s my alter ego . Thomas : It s great . I am actually glad , though , that C.J. Took the check . Bill Spencer does not deserve that real estate after the stunt that he pulled . Sally : Yeah , well , I do nt know if I do , either . Thomas : Stop beating yourself up . I do nt condone what you did . But I understand it . You know , Forrester ... we were nt the only victim . You were bill Spencer s victim . Sally : I really appreciate that . Thomas : It s the truth . Sally : I am not sure your father will see it that way , or your sister . What do you think will happen when your family finds out ? Ridge : If you re gon na be R.J. S stepfather , which , by the way -- Bill : Not R.J. ! Captain pencil pants ! Do you have any idea what Thomas has been up to ? ! Ridge : Sure . He s designing his butt off because of what spectra stole from us . Why -- why did that happen ? Do you remember ? It was a bogus review by somebody . Bill : Since when is a little exaggeration bogus ? Steffy : It was cruel . Look , I m not a sally fan , but that was nt right . Bill : Oh , come on ! It was business , that s all ! I would think that , you know , the daddy and daughter C.E.O.S would understand that sometimes you got to get a little rough to get things done ! Steffy : Just for a building ? Bill : For the property ! And wait until you see the magnificent creature I m going to erect on that acreage . Ridge : Which I m sure is gon na happen really quick now that spectra s a thing of the past . Bill : Well , you d think so , would nt you ? Steffy : What s with the tone , bill ? Bill : I just came from there ! The deal was done ! I was all set to buy that property ! Garrison was foaming at the mouth to get his hands on my check ! All that was left was to kick sally and her band of bozos the hell out ! Ridge : Sounds like you did nt . Bill : I ll ask again . What is wrong with your dimwitted son ? Steffy : Oh , no . Bill : Yeah , oh , no . Prince poseur Jr. Showed up on his white horse ! Steffy : He went over there to tell her what you did . But that does nt stop you from closing the deal . Bill : He did a lot more than talk ! Tommy showed up with his big - boy checkbook in his lunchbox . Ridge : He what ? Bill : Spectra fashions has a new benefactor . Your idiot son is keeping them in business . Zende : So Thomas just handed over a check ? Nicole : For $ 100,000 ? Coco : It s crazy , right ? Zende : So spectra is still alive and kicking ? Coco : Yeah , for the time being , thanks to Thomas . R.J. : Dad s gon na be furious . Nicole : Steffy , too . Zende : Rightfully so . Look , sally stole from us , our entire line . Look , no offense , coco , but there should nt be any last - minute saving like this . Thomas is out of his mind . Coco : No , I get it . I get it . And I understand why you re so upset , why you would all be upset . But -- but , look , Thomas is nt out of his mind . He s in love . Ridge : You re lying . Bill : I never lie ! Okay , I m not lying about this ! Ridge : It does nt make sense ! Bill : It sure does nt ! That property was supposed to be mine ! I was this close to having it . But I have no patience for wannabe heroes trying to save the day ! Steffy : Wait , what exactly happened ? Bill : What happened ? Very simple . Thomas wrote a check with a 1 and a bunch of zeroes after it . Garrison took the check . That s what happened . Ridge : I do nt believe it . Bill : Believe it ! Steffy : Sally stabbed him in the back . Why would Thomas go and do something like this ? Bill : How naive could a person be ? ! I mean , sure , you can get conned once . I mean , that happens . Sally worked him , she took your designs . But anybody with common sense does nt let that happen again . Except for your son , right ? He goes crawling back , begging for more , writes her a check for 100 grand with Forrester money ! I mean , I d laugh , right ? I d rub it in if I was nt so freakin pissed . Steffy : They were supposed to be gone . That was the deal . Sally did nt go to prison , but spectra was supposed to close down . Bill : Tell that to your brother . But instead he s using Forrester money to keep them in business ! Ridge : All right , that s enough . Bill : Yeah , you re right ! It is enough ! Something has to be done ! Ridge : Something will be done . Steffy : [ Sighs ] Sally : Have you thought about what your family will say ? Thomas : No , not at all . I mean , the deal s done . What does it matter ? Sally : A lot . They re gon na be furious . Thomas : My family knows that I am sometimes very impulsive . It s part of my charm . And it s very charming , indeed . Sally : Is it ? Thomas : And at first there s this initial reaction and kind of scare to the whole thing . For instance , when I invited you to crash Steffy s wedding with me . There was a lot of hand - wringing and a lot of yelling and frustration . Ooh ! Thomas ! Why did you do that ? ! Ugh ! And then they relax . Besides , you came out to los Angeles to revive spectra , to start a legitimate fashion house with your own original designs . You need a real shot at doing that . How can they be mad at that ? Sally : Uh , well ... I did steal from you . Thomas : Oh , god . Yeah , I forgot about that . Sally : Yeah . Thomas : How could I forget about that ? Sally : I do nt know . I wish you would ve . I should nt have said anything . Rewind . Thomas : [ Groans ] Sally : Backtrack . Thomas : You were forced into a corner . You were pushed to the dark side by none other than the , uh , the dark lord himself , bill Spencer . Sally : Oh . Thomas : Now , that will never be happening again . Sally : Never . Never . No . I pro please stand by . Please stand by . Please stand by . Please stand by . Please stand by . Zende : I do nt care what feelings Thomas has for sally . She stole from us . She could have gone to jail . In fact , she should ve . R.J. : The only reason why she did nt is cause granddad dropped the charges . Zende : With the idea that spectra would fold . Was nt that a part of the deal ? Nicole : I do nt think legally . We all just assumed spectra would be done . Zende : Thomas just walks in , hands over a ton of cash , and what ? Spectra gets to see another day ? Coco : No , I know . It does nt seem fair . Zende : It does nt . R.J. : But Jarrett s review , if it was written by bill -- Coco : Then sally never really had a fair shot to begin with . And stealing s wrong , and she never should have resorted to that . But how else would she have a chance of going legit ? R.J. : And Thomas is giving her that chance . Coco : He s showing sally that he believes in her and that she does nt just have to be the knockoff queen . And I know it s a shock . And Steffy and ridge , they will be furious . But if Thomas and sally are going where I think they are , then -- then they re gon na look back on this , and this is gon na be the start of it all . Steffy : How could Thomas do this ? It s unbelievable . Bill : Believe it . There s not a Forrester man alive who does nt act like a little puppy dog when he s falling for a girl . Steffy : Do nt even go there . Bill : That s why he s throwing money at her ! Steffy : I know . I - I know . I know . Bill : I m not giving up . That property will be mine one way or another ! I do nt care how many checks Thomas writes . It makes no difference . Spectra is going down ! Steffy : Thomas wo nt be writing any more checks . Not after my dad is done with him . Sally : The way you trusted me , the way you believe in me ... Thomas : Yeah ? Sally : It s just -- it s a new feeling . I ve never ... Thomas : Never what ? Had somebody believe in you before ? Come on . Your grandmother believes in you . Sally : Yeah , but a man , I mean . It s not just about -- it s not just about belief . It s not just about trust . It s the way that you look at me . You do nt just say you re gon na forgive . You actually show it . And I can feel it . Thomas : It s new for you to get it . It s new for me to give . Sally , I believe in you because you make it impossible for me not to . Sally : [ Chuckles ] It s funny , because that s how I feel about loving you . Thomas : Impossible not to ? Sally : It s impossible . Thomas : Well , I think there might be a little something to this . We should probably figure that out . Come here . Ridge : Thomas ! Open the door ! Thomas : [ Sighs ] Sally : Is that your dad ? Thomas : Yeah , unfortunately . [ Pounding on door ] Hmm . Yep . I should , um ... I m gon na go check this . Sally : Should I hide ? Thomas : No . Ridge : Thomas ! Thomas : May-- no . You re fine . It s fine . Thomas : Yeah , hold on . Hey , what s going on ? Dad , hey . Ridge : What have you done ? Thomas : I ve done a lot today , actually . I -- Ridge : You . Out . Thomas : No , come on . Sally , just stay . Ridge : Her family has taken from us from day one , and what did you do now ? ! You gave her money ? ! Thomas : I invested in her company ! Ridge : You invested in this ? ! Thomas : Yeah , I did ! Ridge : What is wrong with you ? ! Thomas : Nothing ! Ridge : We were this close to getting rid of her family , of everyone in her family ! And then you have to come save the day ? ! Really ! ? And what is it about you ? ! What part of you and out do nt you understand ? ! Thomas : Stop ! Ridge : No one wants you here ! Thomas : You do not get to talk to her like that , dad ! Sally , you re fine . Stay . It s okay . Ridge : I m sorry . My fault . You can stay until you pay the money . And then you re out of here . Thomas : [ Scoffs ] Ridge : And just in case I m not making myself clear , this little romance is over ! Thomas : No , it s not over . Ridge : Quiet ! Do you really think I would let a Forrester , any Forrester , associate with this criminal ? It s not gon na happen . I m not gon na stand for it . ### Summary:
Steffy shows Ridge some of Zende s sketches . Ridge says he shows promise but they are too busy to oversee it now . He tells Coco that he underestimated her loyalty and she can stay on . Steffy agrees that Coco has a future in this business but not Sally after what she did . Zende tells Nicole that it was nt a job offer but it was close enough and he will continue . Nicole tells Coco that the Forrester s will not hold it against her for her sister s actions . Zende re - states that Thomas is out of his mind . Sally was wrong and did not deserve this save . Sally laments to Thomas that just a few hours ago she had her bags packed and was ready to leave but then some handsome guy came along and rescued her . He says her that the truth is out . She only likes him for his loft so he is racking up Sally points . She reminds him that he paid the check and stood up to Bill so he has made lots of points . Bill could have really unleashed on him . They laugh at him and his chip off the old blockhead speech . Sally was clearly his victim and he deserves to lose the building space . Bill breaks into the meeting with Ridge and says there is something the matter with his son .Captain Mr. Pencil Pants . Sometimes you have to get a little rough and they just need to wait and see this magnificent creature he is going to create . If the dimwits will get out then he can take charge . He tells them that Thomas showed up on his white horse and handed CJ a check and now they are back in business . Bill yells this property was his and he was this close until dimwit son showed up with Forrester money to keep them in business . Ridge tells him something will be done . Bill says it does not matter how many checks Thomas writes . The Spectra s are going down and that building will be his . Sally reminds Thomas that his family will be furious . He says yeah but that is part of his charm . In the end they will relax after a lot of screaming . She was only pushed into the corner by the Dark Lord himself and it will never happen again . They kiss on that . Coco points out that Thomas is only showing Sally that he believes in her . And if anything happens between them now this will be the start of it all . Sally says it is not just that Thomas believes in her but the way he looks at her . She says it is impossible not to love him . They kiss again and say they can figure this out . There is a big pounding on the door . Ridge charges in and says there is something in the hell wrong with Thomas all because of this girl who stole from them . He announces this little romance is over . She s a criminal and he will not stand for it .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Chad : What was that ? JJ : Hey , guys . Abigail : JJ , hi . Chad : Hey , I do nt know if we got our signals crossed , but we re actually meeting at the pub . JJ : Oh , for your party . I know . Abigail : You re gon na make it , are nt you ? Please tell me you re gon na make it . I really want you there . JJ : Oh , of course I m gon na be there , but that s not why I m here . Chad : Well , what s up ? What s going on ? JJ : It s Gabi ... it s not good . Gabi : Dario , what happened ? Dario : The news could be better . Gabi : Are you sure that you have the best lawyer money can buy ? Dario : Absolutely . Absolutely . When you look at the facts , Papi s going down . He really screwed himself this time . Gabi : Oh , my gosh , Dario . I just -- I feel like we re losing him all over again . Dario : Yeah , to federal prison , most likely . Gabi : So mama goes back to Mexico and she leaves him here and then-- Dario : We will survive . Gabi : We will ? Because our family s falling apart . Dario : Hey , I m still here . Gabi : Yeah , but for how long ? Dario : Forever . Gabi : Promise ? Dario : I promise . I will always be around to take care of you and Ari . Gabi : And I ll take care of you . Dario : I believe you will . We re in this together , sis . Sonny : One more serve , I would ve destroyed you . Paul : You ca nt be serious . Sonny : Oh , yeah , I would ve hit it to your backhand . It was getting weaker by the shot . Paul : Really ? Sonny : End of story . Paul : Really ? Sonny : Really . Absolutely . Game over . Paul : I can not wait for this rematch . Sonny : Name the time and place . I ll be there . Sonny : Oh ... hey , it s from Lucas . He s taking Ari tonight to give Gabi a break . This Eduardo thing s a mess . It s unbelievable , right ? Paul : Yeah , yeah . I heard that he s getting taken to a federal holding facility tomorrow . Sonny : Yeah . Gabi s gon na lose her dad all over again . Paul : My sources say ... he was set up by Deimos . Sonny : Yeah , a man I hate calling my uncle . Paul : Yeah , well , a man who equally is unhappy with you . Sonny : Meaning ? Paul : What if you re next ? Sonny : I can handle myself , Paul . Paul : Can you ? Sonny : Yes , I can handle myself . Why you got ta be so damn over - protective ? JJ : Eduardo s in custody . He hired some thug to steal treasury bonds . He got caught red - handed during the transfer . Deimos is involved . Three . Two . Abigail : How awful for her . I mean , I ca nt imagine losing her father all over again . Chad , are you okay ? Wyatt : Looking for other guys ? Ciara : Wyatt . Wyatt : That s me . Ciara : Hi , you showed up . Wyatt : Yeah , why ? Were you expecting someone else ? Ciara : No , I mean-- but you showed up . Wyatt : Well , I m a few minutes late , but ... I was the one who asked you out again , remember ? Ciara : Yes , you are . You did . I m just happy to see you . Wyatt : I m even happier to see you . Shall we ? Ciara : Yeah . Wyatt : Okay , you are acting a little weird . What is it you re not telling me ? Ciara : I just-- I thought-- I just thought that maybe you re too good to be true . Claire : Oh , my God , babe , this is awful ! This is disastrous ! Theo : Hello . Wha -- what s -- what s wrong ? Claire : So I posted two songs this morning and I have less than 500 views . Theo : Sounds like a lot . Claire : No , no , those are miserable numbers and you know that . Theo : No , I do nt . Claire : Well , like , Ariana Grande , she got over a million hits in five hours on her last single . Theo : Okay , well , Ariana Grande s a big star . Claire : And I m just a big nobody ? Is that what you mean ? Theo : No , no , of course not . No-- Claire : Theo , no , listen to me . One record label executive wrote me back yesterday . One . Everyone else sent rejection letters cause they do nt accept unsolicited material which is so dumb cause how are they supposed to find new talent ? I just--[Groans ] I tried calling and I left a message and just nothing at all ! Theo : Okay , Claire , look , if he reached out to you , it means he thinks you re good . Claire : Okay , well ... I wanna be great . Fantastic . Off - the - charts amazing . Cause good just does nt cut it in the music industry . Good is a dime a dozen . Theo , I m doomed ! Theo : Claire , stop . Just-- Claire : No , seriously ! How am I gon na get on the today show summer concert series ? Theo : Claire , there s no way you wo nt be , okay ? You re off - the - charts amazing . Claire : I am ? Theo : Yes . To everyone , but especially me . Claire : Wow ... that was very sweet , Theo . Theo : And I love you , so ... just try focusing on that . Claire : Theo , what s going on ? Theo : I want to go through with it . Claire : It ? Theo : I want us to be together . I wanna sleep together . Make love . Claire : Really ? Theo : Yeah . I want to take the first big step in us being together ... forever . Claire : Wait , uh ... did you just say forever ? Theo : Yeah . Abigail : Honey ? You okay ? Chad : [ Grunts ] Yeah . No . Yeah . No , I just ... feel terrible for Gabi . That s all . Ever since high school she never wanted to talk about her father cause , you know , she felt like he abandoned her . She gets close to him and he makes a bad decision and , you know , same thing happens , so ... I just feel bad for her . Abigail : Why do nt I text her I ll let her know that we re thinking about her . Chad : Okay . Abigail : Okay ? Chad : Wait , so , was Dario involved in the heist ? JJ : No , this was Eduardo all the way . Abigail : Dario was finally on good terms with his father . This is probably killing him . Chad : You should text him . Abigail : Um ... I could-- I mean , probably not a good idea . Chad : Why not ? You re just -- you re friends . Abigail : Yeah , but we kinda had some words after the charity event , so ... Chad : About what ? Me ? Abigail : No . No , it was nothing important at all really . Chad : Then I do nt understand . JJ : Look , I did nt mean to upset the two of you . I know you got a lot going on . I just thought you d want to hear about this in private . Chad : No , I appreciate it and , um , you know , Rafe , he s gon na take care of Gabi and Dario because they re family and that s what you do . You take care of your family . I m gon na take care of mine ... starting tomorrow . Renew my vows to this lucky lady . Lani : May I help you with something ? Eli : Well , it s somewhat of a zoo out there , so I thought I d work in peace and quiet , but ... Lani : I m actually done here . No worries . Eli : Thanks . Appreciate it . Lani : Now that you ve convinced D.C. That you should stick around here and work with us , I guess it s possible that we ll be running into each other . Eli : Highly possible . Even working together . Lani : Well , in the spirit of having civil work environment ... I promise I ll make nice . Professionally anyway . Eli : Great . What about personally ? Lani : I doubt you and I will be hanging together . Eli : Well , you mean ... except for tonight . Paul : I know you re capable of taking care of yourself , Sonny . Sonny : Except when it comes to Deimos ? Paul : But we ve seen what he s capable of doing , too . I mean , this set up of Eduardo , that s the least of it . [ Sighs ] If you keep pushing-- Sonny : I may find something ! Something to bury him with . Paul : Unless he buries you first . Sonny : That will not happen , Paul . Paul : But if it did ... Paul : I do nt know if I could go on . I ca nt even imagine my life without you in it . I love you , Sonny . Sonny : You re serious . Paul : Was it so hard to believe ? I mean , you and I made love . I figured it was implied . Sonny : Some things just need to be spelled out . Paul : Okay . I ... love ... you ... Sonny Kiriakis . I always have . Sonny : And for the record , I love you , too , Paul . Chad : You remember our vows ? Abigail : Of course . I love those words . But I am a different person now and I want these vows to reflect who we are and what we ve been through . Chad : We ve been through a lot . Abigail : Yeah . Chad : But we re stronger for it . Abigail : Mm - hmm . Chad : From now on , smooth sailing . Abigail : Okay . Chad : Mm - hmm . JJ : Maybe you should save all this for when you renew your vows . Abigail : Yeah . We probably should . JJ : See you at the pub . Chad : Wait . Hey , wait . Um , can you do me a favor ? JJ : Sure . Anything . Chad : Be a good brother and chauffeur this beautiful lady to the pub for the party ? I have an errand to run . Are you okay with that ? Abigail : How could I not be ? This guy ? It better be worth it , though . Chad : Oh , it will be . Abigail : Okay . JJ : You guys seem to be in a really good place . Abigail : Yeah , we are . We are . At least I hope we are . Lani : What do you think you and I will be doing tonight ? Eli : Going to Chad and Abigail s party ? Lani : You re going . Eli : Abigail is my cousin . And I assume that you ll be there with JJ ? Lani : I will . Eli : Then we will indeed be hanging out together . Lani : We ll be in the same place at the same time . It does nt mean we ll be ... hanging out . Eli : True . Lani : And I think it s best we do nt cause I just might be , you know , tempted to meddle in your business . Eli : Okay , about that . I know I came down on you kinda hard when you talked to me about my mom . I realize now that you re only trying to help . Lani : Is that an apology ? Eli : It is ... look , I m just hoping that we can start over . All right ? Try and be civil to each other and ... maybe even be friends . Lani : It would be a lot easier than holding a grudge . Eli : So , that a yes ? Lani : It is . Eli : Deal . Claire : Okay ... Theo : Did I say something wrong ? Claire : No , no , no , no , not wrong , Theo , but , um ... I just know that you get ... confused sometimes about saying what you really want . Theo : Okay , well , us being together forever that s -- that is what I want . Claire : I mean ... forever is , like , a long , long time and we re both so young-- thinking too far ahead . I just -- I do nt know . Theo : Well , I mean , if we re gon na be making love , do nt you think that should mean forever ? Claire : Wow . Theo : You know what ? Claire , look ... I love you , okay ? And we do nt have to sleep together , but I just-- I think you should know that I m all in . Claire : You know ... Yeah . I am , too . Theo : Yeah ? Claire : Okay ... Theo : Okay ? Claire : But like I said before , you know , I do nt want it to be here . Theo : Yeah . Claire : Worrying if somebody s gon na interrupt us again . So ... it has to be someplace ... incredibly romantic and special . Theo : Mm - hmm . Theo : I already thought of that . Claire : You did ? Oh . [ Chuckles ] Theo : Do you trust me ? Chad : Hey . Dario : Hey . Chad : Hey , you know what ? I m , um ... look , I m really sorry about your father . You know , I heard the news . Dario : Are you ? Chad : I am . Yeah , I know how close you and Gabi were to him-- sorry are . Are to him . Dario : So this is your heartfelt personal apology ? Be real , as a businessman ... you got ta be thrilled that one of your biggest competitors is out of the picture . Chad : Dario , I did nt go there . Dario : No , of course , but now that we are there , I m a let you in on a little secret . While my father s gone , I m going to turn GDR into the most successful business in this city . Chad : By any means necessary . Dario : With whatever it takes . Chad : You know , hey , just-- Dario , if I can give you a little advice , there s a lot of eyes on you in Salem right now , so make sure , you know , you re dotting your I s and crossing your T s because it would-- it would be a shame if Gabi lost another member of her family . Dario : Do nt you think you should start focusing on your wife instead of my little sister ? Chad : No , Da -- why do nt you worry about your own business and stay out of mine . Dario : You know , I do nt know how you live with yourself . Here you have the most loving , loyal wife in the world , and yet you are constantly betraying her by your feelings for my sister . And that is not fair . Abigail deserves more than this half - assed devotion . Not a man who probably fantasizes about another woman when he s in bed with her-- Chad : You need to start watching your mouth . Dario : Abigail should have a man who wants her and only her . A man who loves her ... Chad : [ Laughing ] What ? Dario : Appreciates her -- what ? Chad : Like you ? Dario : And yet she s given her heart to you . A man who will eventually break it into a million pieces . Wyatt : Okay , favorite Luke Bryan . One , two ... Both : Strip it down . Ciara : No , way ! Wyatt : Way . Ciara : I love Luke Bryan . Wyatt : Yeah , it s a shame he s not playing at that festival you told me about . Ciara : Yeah , but betty Dylan s there and I love them . Wyatt : Me , too . I ll buy tickets . Ciara : Okay . Wyatt : But that s not for a few weeks , but , uh ... before then , do you like ... fishing ? Ciara : Uh , yes . Ciara : My Grandpa Shawn taught me how to fish . He was a genius at it . I mean , we used to spend half our summers on the Salem river . Wyatt : Well , I bet you did nt know this : There is the most amazing inlet in this island up the river . Ciara : Smith island ? Wyatt : You know it ? Ciara : Yeah , my family owns a cabin up there . That s where I learned how to fish . I d love to take you up there sometime . Show you my stuff -- I mean , um ... just show you my gear . Yeah ... I have really great gear . I have a fin - nor reel . Wyatt : I ve never even seen one . Ciara : Well , now you will . Wyatt : Wow . Well ... on that note , I think it is time for another refill . How about a couple lattes with some cinnamon and chocolate sprinkles ? Ciara : That s my fave . Julie : Ciara ! Ciara : Grandma . Julie : Aw , sweetie pie . I was just shopping . I found this wonderful bauble for Abby s big day tomorrow . Well , may I join you ? Ciara : Yes -- I mean , no . I m sorry . I m -- you know I love you ... Julie : Mm - hmm . Ciara : It s just I m on a date right now . His name s Wyatt . Julie : Oh , wow . Ciara : Yeah . Julie : How nice . Where is he ? Ciara : He went to get us lattes . He knew exactly how to make mine . It s like we re totally in tune , you know ? Julie : You must be Wyatt . I am Julie Williams . I am this beautiful girl s grandmother . Wyatt : Oh , well , I see where she gets her beauty . Julie : [ Giggles ] Oh , oh , not only cute , he s really good with older women , too . Wyatt : It s nice to meet you , Mrs. Williams . Julie : My pleasure . Well , you two have fun and give me a call when you have a little time . Maybe we can make a plan and ... and maybe Wyatt and you would like to come to dinner at our house ? Sometime soon ? Wyatt : Yeah , sounds great . Ciara : Okay . Julie : Great . Okay , bye , sweetie . Ciara : Bye , grandma . Julie : Yup . Bye - bye . Wyatt : Wow , you got a really amazing family . Ciara : Yeah . Wyatt : They re really looking out for you . Ciara : Mm . Wyatt : But , hey , why would nt they ? You re amazing . Ciara : I m feeling pretty lucky . Theo : All right , and just stand here for a second . Claire : Okay . Theo : Do nt move cause I do nt want you to trip . Claire : Okay , I wo nt . Theo , where are we ? Theo : Just stand there for a minute , okay ? Claire : Okay . Hm , what is that ? I mean , it smells like Hawaii , but obviously it s not . Unless we time traveled . Theo : No , it s not Hawaii , but , um ... I really hope you like it . Claire : [ Gasps ] You set all this up ? Theo : Yeah . Cider ? Do you really like it ? Claire : It s like my pinterest board . Theo : Yeah , and I m sorry it s not green mountain lodge . Claire : Oh , my God , no . This is so much better . Theo : Really ? Claire : It s perfect . Abigail : Eli , thank you so much for coming . JJ : And thank you for bringing this one . Eli : Yeah , it s the least I could do now that we re ... friends ? Lani : Do nt push it . Abigail : Uh - oh . Sonny : Okay . Abigail : Well , that s my guy . Excuse me . Hey , how are you ? You okay ? How d everything go with your errand ? Chad : Uh , good . Sorry it took so long . Abigail : Oh , it s no problem . It s okay . JJ : Here you go . Abigail : Oh . JJ : For you . Chad : Thank you . Abigail : Thanks , bro . I guess I ll go ahead and get this show on the road ? Chad : Okay , I m ready . Abigail : Okay ? Ready ? So , can I have everybody s attention please ? Hey . [ Laughs ] Um , I m so glad to see all of you . Really . And while Chad kinda takes a moment to breathe here , I just wanted to thank all of you for always being so supportive of Chad and me . And tomorrow is gon na be a pretty intimate , family affair so tonight I wanted to celebrate with some of my closest friends . So I do nt know if you ve gotten a chance to meet Eli yet or not , he --this is my newest friend and cousin . He is the newest member of the Horton family . May I introduce a Mr. Eli Grant . Chad : Being married to a Horton you learn a few things . How important family is . You also learn that relationships are nt always easy , but with love and commitment ... you can work through the tough times and you re stronger for it . We ve been married for a while , but tomorrow we are renewing our vows which will symbolize a new beginning for us . And , you know , despite the difficult times we ve been through , we re still here . Together . Committed to each other ... and our son-- whom we love very much . He takes after her , thankfully . Chad : I love you more than ever . Abigail : I love you . Chad : I love you and to you . Abigail : No , to us . Chad : Okay , to us . Abigail : To us . All : Hear hear . JJ : Cheers . Paul : Great speech . Chad : Thanks , I winged it . JJ : You did wing it . I could tell . I could tell . Abigail : Gabi . Lani : What was that about ? Eli : She probably did nt wanna deal with anyone s questions about her dad . You know what ? I m gon na check on her . JJ : Thank you . I feel really bad for Gabi . She s going through hell right now . She feels alone . Chad : It s because of me . Eli : Hey ... this seat taken ? I ve heard I m a pretty good listener . Gabi : I m not feeling very social tonight . Eli : Gabi , what your dad did is not a reflection on you . He s a grown man and he made his own choices . Gabi : I was so foolish ... to think that he d be in my life forever ... and now-- [ Sobbing ] Abigail : Thank you . I ll see you soon . Bye . Hey . [ Giggles ] Chad : I m sorry . Abigail : No , honey , no . We re both really worried about Gabi and it s obviously gon na be a really hard time for her , but , um ... hopefully Eli can help her out . Gabi : Ugh , at least , uh ... one good thing came out of this : You wo nt have to investigate my father . Eli : That does make getting to know you less complicated , but ... I d choose complicated over the pain that you re going through . Sonny : Mind if I cut in ? Gabi : Hi . Sonny : You okay ? Gabi : Yeah , I m better now . Thank you . Eli : Looks like you re in good hands . I ll send you a text later and check in on you . Gabi : Okay . Sonny : Is that true ? You feeling better ? Gabi : I mean , I m hanging in there , you know ? There s not really a lot I can do . I just feel so stupid cause I thought that my dad had changed for-- for us , for Ariana , for me , but he-- Sonny : Hey , hey , hey , Ari has both of us so she will be loved like crazy . Gabi : Yeah . And I was nt talking about Eduardo . Where are you with your feelings for Chad ? Wyatt : How about another ? Ciara : No , too much caffeine will make me crazy . Wyatt : I bet crazy would look good on you . Wyatt : What ? Ciara : It s just ... you re such a nice guy and I know that we barely know each other , but I feel like you really get me . It s just ... you make me feel ... like , good about myself . Wyatt : Well , hey , that s my goal . Seriously , I th-- I think you re really amazing , Ciara . I mean it . I ve never met anyone quite like you . Theo : Are you sure ? Ciara : Yes . Yes , I am . I ve never wanted anything more . I ve got an angel Gabi : You want me to tell you how I m dealing with my feelings for Chad ? [ Sniffles ] Not well , Sonny . Not well . Sonny : I mean , do you wanna talk about it ? Gabi : Why ? ! So I can rehash how -- how miserable I am ? You know , tonight , walking into that party ... that celebration for Chad and Abigail , it really hit me harder than ever . Abigail is Chad s wife . The mother of his son . And she loves him as much as I do . I can not be the person to get in between that family . I ca nt . I wo nt be . Abigail : I m gon na go check on Thomas . Chad : Hey , uh , wait . Can you-- I ran into Dario when I was running my errand . Abigail : Oh , did you tell him how sorry we are about Eduardo ? Chad : He did nt believe me . Abigail : Well , at least you tried . Chad : Abby ... Abigail : My God , you re so serious . Chad : Do you two have , um ... feelings for each other ? Abigail : Me and Dario ? No . What would ever make you think that ? Chad : Earlier you were afraid to text him . Abigail : Yeah , because I said we had had some words lately . Chad : Well , he had a few choice words for me . Mainly about how bad I treat you . Or how bad he thinks that I treat you . And then all of a sudden there it was all over his face . He s in love with you . Chad : And based on the look on your face , I m guessing you already knew that ? Abigail : Okay , that s why we got in a fight , okay ? But look , no , I set him straight . I swear . Chad , look , when I came back to Salem , he was like a brother to me and ... I thought it was friendship and I desperately needed some friends . I did . So I told him he was mistaking his caring for love ... Abigail : And , Chad , I told him-- no , listen to me . I told him that you are my one , true love . You re all that I want . I do nt feel anything . I do nt feel anything for him . Chad : Then why would nt you text him earlier ? I mean , what were you afraid of ? Abigail : Because I did nt want to send a mixed message and ... I kinda just ... think I took it from your playbook with his sister that no contact was best . Abigail : I ll see you upstairs ? Claire : That was-- that was better than I even expected . Theo : [ Laughs ] Yeah . Claire : It was ... Claire : There are no words really . I mean , I guess there are , but ... I do nt know I m just none that would do it justice , right ? Theo : Right . You know , cause ... we re with the person we love . Ciara : You wanna come in ? I do nt know who s here . I have a ton of roommates . Wyatt : Let s save getting to know each other more for the next date . Yes ? Ciara : Okay , I d love that . Wyatt : I ll call you . Ciara : Good night . Wyatt : Night . Eli : So ... from what I ve gleaned from you and my investigating , it makes total sense why Deimos went after Hernandez . I mean , it makes it easier for him to consolidate his power . JJ : Question is , who s next ? Paul : We ca nt let that scum hurt anyone else we love . JJ : Look at us . Three white hats . Good guys . Trying to do the right thing . We need to make a vow that in the future the three of us will consolidate our power . And make sure of that . Paul : Damn straight . Eli : Hell yeah . Cheers . Sonny : So you ll be constantly looking over your shoulder ? Salem is not a big city . We all run in the same circles . Gabi : Well , then I ll run the other way . I have to for Chad to forget me . And for him to be out of my life , too . Sonny : I m so sorry , Gabi . I m so sorry . Gabi : Yeah , me , too . Chad : How is he ? Abigail : Sleeping . I gave him a kiss from both of us . Very gentle , because I did not want to wake him up . Chad : Oh , well , I have a feeling we ll be hearing from him in the middle of the night . Abigail : Yeah . Maybe a couple times . Chad : Hm . Well , why do nt we make the most of the peace and quiet while we got it then ? Abigail : Mm , yeah . Abigail : Chad , I know that everything did nt go the way that we expected this evening-- Chad : Sh . Nothing-- nothing does , okay ? Abigail : And all this with Dario-- Chad : Stop . After tomorrow no one will exist but us . And I shall love you forever again , Mrs. DiMera . Abigail : I love you , too . So much . Chad : Sleep with that outfit on ? Abigail : No . In fact , I ca nt wait to get out of it . Chad : I ca nt wait to watch you get out of it . Abigail : You know , after everything that s happened with us I just-- ### Summary:
JJ goes to tell Chad and Abigail about Eduardo s arrest and how it s affecting Gabi while Chad and Abigail continue to plan their vow renewal . Dario assures Gabi that he will always be there for her still . Paul continues to worry about Sonny going after Deimos which Sonny takes as him being overprotective but Paul tells Sonny that he loves him so Sonny smiles and says he loves him too . Ciara and Wyatt have another date and continue to relate on common interests as Ciara feels he s almost too good to be true . Julie passes by and meets Wyatt . Theo tells Claire that he s ready to make love and wants to be together forever . Eli and Lani agree to start over and try to be friends . Chad runs into Dario , who goes off on him for his treatment of Abigail while having feelings for Gabi leading to Chad realizing that Dario is in love with Abigail . Abigail and Chad host a party at the Pub prior to their vow renewal with JJ , Lani , Paul , Sonny , and Eli . Gabi walks in but turns around and runs out crying . Eli goes to check on Gabi and comforts her while Julie ends up seeing them together . Sonny comes and talks with Gabi about her feelings with Chad which Gabi admits are making her miserable but she ca nt interfere with their family . Chad talks with Abigail at home about Dario s feelings for her as Abigail assures that she set him straight on that . Theo and Claire have sex in a hotel room that Theo had set up . Wyatt walks Ciara home after their date then he sends a text message to someone , thanking them for giving him all the information on Ciara s interests and that it s working like a charm . Eli , JJ , and Paul agree to continue working together towards doing the right thing in the future . Abigail and Chad go to sleep for the night while Abigail is happy to find the ring that Chad got for her .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Zach : Is anybody out there ? We need help down here ! Kendall : Zach ? Zach ? Zach ? Simone : Help ! Kendall : Ryan , Ryan , you need to help . Ryan : Do you see anything ? Kendall : Oh , my God ! We have to find Zach ! Ryan : It s fine , it s going to be fine . Everybody s going to be -- he s going to be fine . Kendall : Ryan , Zach ca nt die ! Zach ! Ryan : Zach , can you see anybody ? Zach : Son , wake up , wake up . Tell your beautiful fiancée more about your wedding plans . Tell her about -- Simone : Stop it , Zach . He just looked you in the face and told you he would never forgive you . He does nt want you around . Leave him alone . You have made this worse . It s ok , baby . Tad : You see anything yet , guys ? Ryan : We re starting to get there ! Joe : Keep digging . Ryan : Hold on ! Babe : Mrs. Dillon , thank God that you found me . I just -- how is everyone ? Have you seen J.R. or Jamie ? Please tell me everyone s ok . My mom and my dad -- are they ok ? Janet : Slow down . Not an encyclopedia . I do nt have all the answers . Babe : I m -- I m sorry . It s just -- it s just I ve been really scared in here alone . If you could -- if you could just get me out , so I could see my family and hug my son . Janet : I have every intention of helping you , Babe . But you forgot to say the magic words . Babe : Thank you ? Thank you so , so very much . Janet : It s all right . You take your time . I m not going anywhere . Adam : Krystal ? Is that you ? Krystal : Where am I ? Adam : Your spirit , trapped in limbo . Fight the pull , go to the light . Krystal : Take this sheet off my face , and I ll be happy to . Adam : Krystal ? Krystal ! Oh . Adam : Oh , Krystal ! Dixie : Surprised ? Di : Uh -- try staggered . I think you re the last person I expected to walk in on . Di : Ahem . Dixie : I hope you do nt mind . Di : Of course not . You were at the ball . Dixie : Yeah . Yeah , this -- um -- dress looked a lot better in the store when I tried it on . Di : Well , you still manage to look beautiful , even after a huge explosion . You were nt hurt , you re fine . Dixie : How much -- how many lives do you think that leaves me ? Di : I guess that depends if you re ready to start a new one or here to claim an old one . I thought you said you were nt coming back to Pine Valley , Dixie . What are you doing here ? Tad : Be careful . Just be careful , you re going too fast . Tad : It s going to cave . Ryan : You know what ? It s just -- it s not big enough . The hole s not big enough . We need some equipment or something . Can we get – Zach : Ca nt you go any faster ? I ca nt feel a pulse . My son is dying ! Kendall : Oh , my God , it s not Zach . It s Ethan . Ryan : We re coming ! Tad : Pop , there s got to be something we can send down to help him . Julia : Me . Me . I -- I can . Tad : No . Julia : I can -- I can fit down there , and I can treat Ethan until you re ready for him . Tad : No , no , no , it s not safe . Aidan : You guys , you must be careful . This place could collapse at any time . Firefighter : No one goes down there until this place is secure . Julia : Ok , Ethan does nt have time to wait for a safety inspection . I m the only medical personnel we have that will fit . Joe : She did save Stuart . Julia : Please , do nt make me wonder what if for the rest of my life . Tad : Hand me your bag . Ryan : Be careful . Tad : I ll slide it down to you after you re ready . Ryan : Come on , careful , slowly . Tad : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Ryan : Just a moment , there s a piece of shield . You got it ? Jamie : Are your feet clear ? Julia : I got it . Jamie : Watch out for that beam . Ryan : God . Agh . Ryan : Do nt move ! Do nt move ! Kendall : Please be ok , please be ok . Please help him , Zach ! Julia : Ok , I got it . I m in , I need my bag ! Ok . Ethan , can you hear me ? Simone : He s been hallucinating , in and out . Zach : I did nt feel anything . Julia : It s hard to find , but it s there . Thanks . All right . Simone : Everything s going to be just fine . Julia : Ok . Hey , Simone ? Simone : Yeah ? Julia : You re small enough to fit through that opening . Why do nt you go up and get yourself checked out . Simone : No , I m not leaving him . Julia : Ok . Zach : What ? What s wrong ? Julia : Ok , I think we re looking at an open - book pelvic fracture . Zach : What the hell does that mean ? Julia : It means that he s bleeding internally , he s going into deep shock . Simone : Oh , God . Julia : I have to get him to a hospital , I ca nt treat him here . Tad ? Joe ? Tad : How does he look ? Julia : He s got a fractured pelvis , probably some spleen and liver tearing , heavy bleeds . We have to hurry . Joe : She s right , we ve got to get him out now . There s no way he s going to survive without surgery . Tad : If we move too fast , this whole place is going to implode . Ryan : I mean , is it just me ? This is a chance that we got to take . Am I right ? Come on . We re coming ! Come on . Babe : Look , I was never very good at these guessing games . Does this have something to do with Amanda ? Janet : Hmm ! Bingo , jackpot . Joker , joker , joker . Oh , finally . Babe : Amanda s the magic word ? Janet : You asked about everybody else at the ball but her . My little one was in the explosion , too . Babe : I m sorry , I -- I guess I figured since you were ok , she was ok , too . She is ok , is nt she ? Janet : Thank heavens , yes , she is . God really does look after my Mandy . Babe : I m very grateful that your daughter s safe , but I ca nt relax until I know that my family is safe , too . So , please , as one mother to another , can you help me get out of here and home to my son ? Janet : I do believe I can help you with that , Babe , but it is nt going to be as easy as you think . And while you may be feeling all right this minute , you know , in , like , 10 seconds you could just -- so , now , let s take this very slowly , shall we ? You ve suffered a terrible trauma . First thing we re going to do is make this hole a teensy - weensy bit bigger . Krystal : Ok , all right -- all right , all right , all right , all right , get -- get off , now , ok ? Adam : It s a miracle ! Krystal : Oh -- where -- are we in the hospital ? It s freezing . Why -- why is it so cold in here ? Adam : I am so relieved , baby . Krystal : Oh , gosh , you have pull in this joint . Ca nt you get them to spring for something more than just a sheet ? Where s my bed ? Adam : Um -- Krystal : Where s all the doctors and the nurses ? Why is it so -- quiet ? The -- the morgue ? The morgue ? Adam : It s just a slip - up , a little miscalculation . Krystal : Shut the front door , Adam Chandler ! I -- I knew you wanted me dead , but I never thought you d actually try to kill me ! Dixie : It s hard to believe that Edmund is nt alive . Even harder to believe my long - lost half sister is living in his house . Di : Yeah , well , I mean , Julia and I went through a pretty rough time together . It s hard not to bond . Dixie : Yeah . It seems like you ve been doing a lot of that since you ve been here -- bonding . Di : You know , I -- I did nt see you at the ball . Dixie : Well , I had a mask on so nobody would recognize me , but I got to see some people . Di : Such as ? Dixie : Well , Del and Jamie and Adam and Brooke , David , my very handsome , very mature son . Di : Yeah , J.R. is gorgeous . Dixie : I also got to see that woman , Babe , that you were telling me about . Di : Mm - hmm . That all ? Dixie : Oh , I saw Tad . Di : You did ? How was that ? Dixie : It was probably one of the more interesting parts of the evening . Dixie : What s the matter ? You look a little nervous . Is something bothering you ? Di : Uh -- no , no . No , of course not . I m just -- I -- you really -- you really threw me by showing up here . I m just -- I m surprised , that s all . Dixie : You re surprised ? You re not -- not scared ? Di : Why would I be scared ? Dixie : You stole my life . Joe : Is his collar secure ? Paramedic : Yes . Joe : All right , let s start some salines . Two IVs wide open . Draw blood for a trauma panel while you re at it . Kendall : Ryan , look at him . Look at him ! Ryan : He s a strong man with a lot to live for , Kendall . He s going to be fine . Aidan : Easy . Simone : Thank you . Where is he ? Tad : Right here . Simone : Where is Ethan ? Jamie : My grandfather -- he s taking care of him . Joe : We have to sarong him . We re going to need another sheet , so we can stabilize his pelvis . Simone : Your dad does this all the time , right ? It s a piece of cake for Doc Joe , right ? Tad : You bet , you bet . It s all right . It s ok . Kendall : Come on . Come on , Simone , come here . Come here , baby . Come on . Ryan : Just come with us . Kendall : Come with us , ok ? The doctors are going to take care of him . Come on . Zach : Where is he ? You can fix him , right ? Doc , you can fix -- Simone : I told you to stay away from him ! He told you a million different ways that you ruined his life , so just leave him alone ! Ryan : Come on , he gets the message . Simone : Get away ! Ryan : He s going to stay away . He s going to stay away from you and Ethan from now on . He is . It s ok . It s ok . Come on . Julia : Hey , let me take a look at that . Your stitches have opened up . Joe : Get him on the bus . I ll ride along . Have a Foley set up and ready to go . I ll do it in transit . Simone : Hey , he s going to be all right , right , Joe ? Joe : We have to take it as it goes . Jamie : Hey , that EMT over there said they just took up a young blonde woman to the hospital a few hours ago . J.R. : You think it s Babe ? Jamie : Sounded like it . J.R. : All right . You know , I m going to go check it out . You let me know if they find her here . Jamie : Yeah , of course . J.R. : I do care about her . More than I like to admit sometimes . Simone : No , but I have to ride with him , Joe . I ca nt leave him . I ca nt . Joe : Simone -- Simone -- Simone : Please ? Joe : You ca nt come with us . Simone : Please ? Joe : I m sorry , it s impossible . J.R. : You can catch a ride with me . I m going to the hospital , Simone . Simone : Oh -- I m going to be right there , baby . I love you so . You re going to be fine . Ryan : Ok , let s go . Zach : No ! We re done here . I m going to follow him . Julia : I ll take you . Ryan : You sure you got everything ? You sure you re all right ? Tad : Covered . Covered . Kendall , you ll be all right ? Kendall : I ll be fine if -- once we make sure Ethan s ok . Tad : We all will . Di : If you re waiting for some excuse -- a logical defense for me stealing your life , you re not going to get it . Dixie : Is this why you sought me out ? To play the loving , lost little sister ? Just get me to open up about every detail of my previous life ? At least I know why you were so desperate to find out whether I was coming back here or not . Di : No , you know what ? You did nt tell me why , but you just said you were -- you were dead set . You were not going to come back to Pine Valley . You -- you made me swear on the Bible never to tell anyone that you were alive . Dixie : So this gives you permission to steal my life ? To trick my son in believing that his mother is alive ? Di : His mother is alive . Dixie : If I had known that you were going to take my history and use it to manipulate people that I cared about , that I spent my life with , I never would have talked to you ! I never would have let you in the door . Di : I do nt know what you want me to say , Dixie . Nothing I m going to tell you is going to make this seem at all right . Dixie : Well , little sister of mine , you better damn well try . Krystal : You dirty , good - for - nothing maggot ! You lousy , bloodsucking bum ! Adam : Krystal , will you just let me -- Krystal , let me explain . Krystal : Of all the cruel , vicious , cold - blooded stunts you ve pulled -- Adam : You ca nt honestly believe I put you here . Krystal : This tops the whole stinking list , you skunk ! Adam : Will you just -- I did nt do it . You got -- you got it all wrong . Krystal : A toe tag ? Adam : Oh , no -- Krystal : You let them toe - tag me ? Adam : I did nt -- Krystal : You d better stop with the I didnts and you start with the I m sorrys , or you re going to be wearing this toe tag permanently . Adam : They told me you were dead ! I was devastated . How could I know they made a mistake ? Krystal : They ? What do you mean , the idiots that you paid off ? Your hired gun doctors ? Adam : I did nt pay anybody off ! I do nt want you dead . Making love to you in the debris of that mansion was absolutely mind - bending . Krystal : Fastest 15 seconds of my life . Adam : Oh , stop it . It was amazing . And you know it . After what we ve shared , do you honestly believe that I d want you to end up here ? Where are you going ? Krystal : I m going to go look for that mystery intern . The one who declared me a stiff . And if this has your fingerprints on it , Adam , you re going to wish that you were the dead one ! Janet : Whoa . Whoa , whoa , whoa -- honey , stop . Babe , you have got to let me guide you . Watch your arm ! Look , honey , I know you re impatient . This is my fifth rescue tonight . And if you could see the nasty gashes those other people have on their arms , because they were also impatient , you would be happy to do exactly as I told you . Babe : All right , I ll listen . Janet : Good . And you re going to follow my instructions to the letter , even once we are outside . Babe : No , no , the second I am out of here , I am going straight to see Mama and J.R. Janet : You ca nt do that . Honey , you can not just rush off without taking time to decompress . If you try to do too much too soon , you could be in terrible shape . Babe : Ok . Ok , I will do whatever you say . I wo nt go anywhere until we know that I am ok . Now , can you please just get me out of here ? Janet : Yes , I will help you . Now give me your hand . Di : When I asked you about your life in Pine Valley , it -- it was nt so that I could suck you dry of the details so that I could steal your life . I ve never had a family of my own . Not -- not a real one . I mean , I was -- I was fascinated by your life , by your history . I never intended to take it . Dixie : So it was all just one , big , crazy accident ? Di : No , no , actually , it was nt even my idea to begin with . It was David s . Dixie : David Hayward ? Di : Yeah , he wanted to mess with -- with J.R. and Adam , and Tad . Imagine that , huh ? He also wanted to help Babe get more time with her son . And I told him to kiss off at first , but he convinced me to become a nanny for Little Adam . And at that time , I did nt -- I did nt tell them whether I was you or me . They just knew me as Diana Cole . Dixie : Oh , a third personality ? Oh , this is great . This is great , Di . This just keeps getting better and better . Di : You know , Dixie , I called you . Do you remember ? I called you , and I asked you if there was -- if there was any chance of you changing your mind , if there was any chance of you coming back here to the people who loved you . No , Di . Let it go , Di . It s not going to happen . You did not say Maybe . You did not say I m thinking about it . There was no -- there was no possibly one day , I ll slip back into town when Erica s throwing a masquerade fundraiser . You gave me a definitive no . And by that time , I d come to know your family . And I d come to care about them . I mean , J.R. , Jamie , Little Adam , and Tad . Dixie : So why d you have to drag me into it ? Di : Because I could see what you could nt . They needed you , Dixie . You know , Diana , the helpful nanny -- that was nt going to do the trick . Neither was -- was some strange half sister they had never even laid eyes on called Di . They needed you . And the minute they got you , Dixie , things changed . You know , J.R. went from being this -- this stubborn , angry , mini -- mini - Adam to being a pretty compassionate young man . And Tad stopped being completely shut down . They -- they ache for you , Dixie . Especially J.R. You know , I saw the chance to give them what they were so desperate for , and I took it . Dixie : And after a few months of their clueless happy family reunion , you got found out . You broke their hearts . And everybody ended up worse than before . Honestly , Di , was it worth it ? Babe : Where are we going ? Janet : Babe , you promised that you were not going to fight me . You need to get your balance back . Babe : I can sit down right out here . Janet : You absolutely can not do that . You could go into shock sitting out here in the cold . Honey , just come in the shed and let me get you something warm to wear . I salvaged a whole bunch of coats from the coat room , just in case . I think one of them is yours . Now , come on . Come on . It ll only take a second . Krystal : All right , who is responsible for killing me ? And do nt you dare pretend like you do nt know what I m talking about . I want to know which bozo toe - tagged me ! Brooke : Oh , Krystal . You re alive ! What -- what happened ? Krystal : Well , my bloodthirsty hubby here decided it was time I met my maker . Adam : Will you please tell her that I had nothing to do with this ? Please ? You saw how distraught I was when that -- that twerp of an intern told me she was gone . Tell her . Brooke : Krystal , I m -- I m very glad to see that you re still breathing . Adam : Hey . Wait a minute , do nt go . Brooke : Oh , ho , ho . Adam : I need -- you re my alibi ! Krystal : Hello ? Who do I sue ? Joe : Call radiology . I want a fast exam , STAT , so we can see what we ve got . Get on the line to the blood bank , tell them I want six units of O negative now , type and cross for 10 more . Krystal : Babe -- where s Babe ? J.R. , where s Babe ? You ve seen her , have nt you ? Please , tell me she s ok . J.R. : I thought she was here . Joe : There s no time to move him to the OR . Page Anesthesia . Open a LAP pack . Clear the room . All right , let s move . Simone : You do nt understand . He kept talking to his mother . He said he could see her . He kept speaking to her as if she had nt been dead for 15 years , and she was standing right there . Kendall : Listen to me . Simone -- Simone , he was just out of it , ok ? Ryan : Yeah , I m sure -- I m sure -- listen , I am sure that it did nt mean anything at all . I m sure he s fine . Kendall : Yes . Julia : Hey , hey , hey . You ca nt go in there . They re performing surgery . Come on , now , let me take a look at that wound . Singer : They say the sun will never shine this way again . Lose too much time and all my friends , and I wonder why we gather near the end . And it s one , two , three . Oh , what you need , find the light , it s all you see . Celebrate your clean escape while they blow us away , and take me down to the river . Take me down , take me down to see what s wrong , what s wrong . Take me to the river to find out , my love . Take me down to see what s been going on with me , with me , with me , and they re telling us in God we trust . Killing us with forgiveness . It s all the things we will mistrust , and they lead us and plead , and it is one , two , three . Oh , what you need , find the light , it s all you see . Wo nt you celebrate your clean escape while they blow us away and take me down to the river , take me down , take me down to see what s wrong with you and me . Take me to the river to find out , my love . Wo nt you take me to find out , my love . Wo nt you take me to see what s wrong with you and me , and take me to the river . You ll find , my love , take me down to see . Yeah , what s going on , what s going on with me , with me . What s going on --- Janet : There you go , huh ? All nice and warm . Babe : Yes , I feel fantastic , well enough to go off on my own . Janet : Oh , well , that s what you think . Firefighter : The old lady is under some wreckage . We can use some more manpower . Jamie : All right , lead the way . Firefighter : Come on . Janet : Do you like the taste of dirt , Babe ? Babe : Um -- no , not really . Janet : Well , you certainly do seem determined to eat it . You know , the other people I rescued , too -- they were in a wonderful hurry , had to go home . Biggest mistake of their lives . Babe : Look , I do nt really know about the others , but I am fine enough to go off on my own . Thank you , really , for everything . Janet : Wait . You need to come with me . Babe : I really hope you do nt take this the wrong way , Mrs. Dillon , but I m not going anywhere else with you . Dixie : Yeah , you claim you re in love with my family . You only want what s best for them . Right ? So you trick them into believing that I m still alive only to make them grieve for me all over again ? Di : You know what , Dixie , your life was spared for a reason , and I do nt think that reason was to hide from the people you love . You know , J.R. , Jamie , Tad , Palmer -- you know , they do nt have to keep on hurting the way they are now . You can tell them you re alive , you re here . I mean , why do nt you just tell them ? Dixie : Oh , God , stop it . Do nt make this about me right now after what you ve done . Di : Well , you think I came out of this in one piece ? I m still paying for it . Dixie : Oh , really ? Di : You know what ? I did nt run when the truth came out . I stuck right here and took -- took the abuse that Adam and J.R. , even Tad , threw my way . I took it because it was coming to me . I did lie to them , I did hurt them . You know , but slowly by sticking around , by not running away , I am regaining some of their respect . Dixie : Yes , I was wondering how you d gotten Tad to be so forgiving . That kiss he planted on you did nt exactly scream Get lost , loser . Di : Is that what you re maddest about ? You caught me kissing Tad ? Tad : Dixie ? Tad : Oh . Brooke : I m sorry . Tad : Oh , Brooke , you scared the hell out of me . Brooke : It s a scary place to let your mind wander . I thought I heard you call me Dixie . Tad : Well , I was just daydreaming . Brooke : Wishing on a star ? Tad : Hardly . Want to help me with something ? How is it that on one of the darkest days in the history of this town I can take a trip into fantasy land ? Brooke : Is there some kind of way you re supposed to deal with a day like today ? Tad : I do nt know . I just think that after something like this , I mean , I ought to be thinking about -- thinking about moving on . Brooke : Just like that ? Tad : We re lucky to be alive . It s long overdue . You know it better than anybody . It s time -- time for Tad Martin to come up with a new life no matter what s yanking on his heart . Brooke : Boy , if that works , can I have the book rights ? Tad : Let s get out of here . Brooke : Hmm . Dixie : Let s just suppose that -- that I -- I did want to come back someday , you know , maybe today . Your selfish little scam has made that all but impossible . Di : You know , I m sorry , but you ca nt even go there . I -- Dixie , I begged you to let me tell them that you were alive . I made damn sure you knew just how broken they were , how desperately they needed you , and you told me to drop it , that it was nt going to happen . And -- and now here you are in Pine Valley , which is great . You ve decided to come back , and if you decide to -- to show yourself now , terrific . I m all for it . But you know , they -- they are going to freak out when they find out that you stayed away on purpose ; and when it comes out that I knew that you were alive all along . And that s not my lie . That was yours . Dixie : How was I supposed to know you were going to use it against me ? Come on . I mean , what s wrong with you ? Do you hate your own life that much ? Did you enjoy betraying me ? Oh -- and , you know , while we re at it here , little sis , with the old stabbing in the back , what did you tell them about my baby ? Joe : I m calling it . There s nothing more we can do . 5 : 27 p.m. Thank you , everybody . I know how hard you tried . Simone : Is he ok ? No , he -- no ! Kendall : Ok , shh , shh . Simone : No . Kendall : Wait -- Simone : You have no son . You never did . Get out . J.R. : Babe ! Babe Carey Chandler ! Are you in here ? Are you alive ? Babe : Get out of my way before I walk right through you . Janet : Babe ? I m going to overlook the harshness of your tone , because I do nt think you understand the gravity of your situation . It is absolutely imperative you come with me . Babe : No , absolutely imperative is that I get back to the people I love . Janet : Exactly . Oh , how can I make you understand ? What can I say that will convince you to do what I tell you -- I know . Say I had your son and that he looked really cute in his red PJs . The ones with the little mooses all over them , and say I forgot to give him his favorite stuffed animal -- champion Sophie , the Burmese mountain dog ? I wonder if that would make you listen to me , do what I want you to . Babe : I ll go anywhere you want . Janet : I thought you might . Di : You never told me anything about the baby . Dixie : This is not about what I told you . I want to know what you told Tad and the boys . Di : I told them that she died in the accident with you . Dixie : That s great . So not only did they have to find out that you were a fraud , they had to mourn Kate all over again ? Di : You know , I know this all sounds terrible , but for the short time that they believed they had you back , it made all the difference in the world . Dixie : This just never should have happened . Why could nt you have just been content to be their -- the nanny or their aunt ? I m sorry you never had a family of your own , I m sorry you never had children of your own , but this is not the way to get it . This was my life . I earned this life . And you just took it ! Di : I took it because you let it go . So , I mean , do -- do whatever you want . It s up to you to save your family . Winifred ( to the Chandlers ) : It s the baby ! Little Adam s gone ! Di ( Tad ) : You ve waited too long to give yourself a second chance at happiness , and I want to try and earn a place in your heart . ### Summary:
It looks like everybody has been rescued from the explosion . Right when Adam and the doctors assume that Krystal has died , she awakens in the morgue to reveal that some incompetent intern mistakenly declared her dead . Instantly , she blames Adam and accuses him of trying to kill her . Ethan , however , does not make it . They take him to surgery and try to save him . But Dr. Joe declares him dead . Simone is distraught . Ryan , Kendall and Zach are there and very upset to have lost him . Babe is all alone until she runs into Janet . At first , she s very happy to see her and believes Janet can save her . But Janet starts rambling and asks Babe to go with her many places and do things Babe does nt want to do . Babe protests that she just wants to make sure that her family is ok . But Janet motivates Babe by telling her that she knows how much Babe s son means to her . Dixie meets with Di and reveals that she is jealous of Di stealing her life , and most importantly stealing Tad . But Dixie tells Di that Dixie gave up her life and broke the hearts of all the people she loved when they thought she d died .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ana : Jett s been sick . He needed an operation , and a lot of follow - up treatments . I ve been helping him pay for it . Jett s also my father . Jett : Devon , I ca nt thank you enough for arranging all this , man . It s been a while since I ve been on the road . Devon : Oh , yeah . Hey , ana will get you back in your groove in no time . You ll be good . Jett : Okay . Judge sanders : Christian newman deserves to be raised in a safe and decent home , free from strife and bitterness . I am denying both of you custody . If there s a relative that i deem qualified , I ll ask social service to sign off on them . What does christian need ? Adam : A mother . Nick : I need to find someone who he will let be christian s guardian . Victoria : Are you asking me ? Kevin : What s happening ? Did you have another dream ? Billy : Delia wrote this . She s trying to tell me something . Billy : [ Sighs ] Kevin : Well , you still look like hell . Billy : Thank you . Do nt worry . I ll look better once i get some sleep tonight . Kevin : Yeah . No . That s not gon na happen . Not while you re still obsessing over delia . Billy : [ Sighs ] Kevin : Thinking she s trying to reach out to you when you know that s impossible . Billy : It s just ... adam being back in town , okay ? It s just seeing his face . Kevin : Billy , you got to stop this . Do nt let him do this to you . Do nt let him win . Billy : Trust me , that s not gon na happen . Kevin : Then listen to me . Because I ve been where you are , and I know what you have to do . Judge sanders : I ve heard the cases that you ve made on behalf of victoria newman and sharon newman as potential guardians for christian . I ve also reviewed the social worker s reports in order to learn more about both of them . Taking all that into account , this court hereby rules that it is in the best interest of the minor child that victoria newman be appointed his guardian . Nate : So , what are we celebrating ? Devon : [ Chuckles ] Elena : Devon and I are officially living together as a couple . Abby : [ Gasps ] Nate : Hey , that s great , man . Abby : Congratulations ! Elena : Oh , thanks . Abby : Oh , my goodness ! Wow ! Living together . That s a major step . Devon : It is . It is . And we re both pretty excited about it , I d say . Elena : Yeah . Nate : I think I speak for abby and myself when I say how delighted we are for you two . Devon : Oh , thank you . Same here , man . Seeing two of my favorite people together could nt be better . Nate : Well , it is all about making you happy . Elena : Hey , that is my job . Devon : Oh . You do a very good job at it , too . And , abby , hey , I m glad that you decided to come , with everything that s been going on . Abby : Ah . You know what ? Um , I could use a distraction . And spending time with some wonderful people is just what I need . Nate : I second that . Elena : Yeah . Good . Let s , uh , get right to it . Abby : Yes . Devon : Let s do it . Abby : Let s do it . Judge sanders : Victoria newman is family to both nick and adam newman . She has a longstanding , positive relationship with her nephew . Christian and her children are close . Victoria : I will take excellent care of him , your honor . Adam : You know what she really means by that ? That she will never let me see him . Judge sanders : Well , that s not ms . Newman s call . Brenda : Will you please clarify that , judge ? Judge sanders : I ve decided to grant both nick and your client supervised visitation . Ms. Newman or an authorized caretaker must be present whenever either of them is with the boy . Nick : Why would you block me from being alone with my son ? I m no threat . That does nt make any sense . Judge sanders : It s what i deem to be best for the child at this time . Nick : Well , you could nt be more wrong . My brother s the one who should nt be allowed anywhere near my son , even with supervision . Adam : My son , for the millionth time . And thank you for finally recognizing that I m his biological father , that I have rights . Judge sanders : Quiet down . Both of you , quiet down . Brenda : [ Sighs ] All right . I - I apologize for my client s outburst , your honor . I can assure you that he will abide by your decision . Judge sanders : Ms. Newman , the court directs that you take physical custody of the child this evening . Will that be a problem for you ? Nick : [ Sighs ] Victoria : Not at all . Judge sanders : Good . The social worker will come by your brother s home to ensure a smooth transition , and to verify for the court that the child is securely in your care . Adam : Your honor , may i please see christian before he goes home with victoria this evening ? Judge sanders : No , you may not . He ll have enough to deal with . You can wait for an agreed - upon time . Adam : Understood , your honor . Judge sanders : And I d like to say one final thing to you , mr . Newman . You never cared to know your son before your presumed death . Indeed , you went to great lengths to avoid taking any parental responsibility until now . This ruling granting you supervised visitation is an acknowledgment of your genetic connection to the boy , and should in no way be seen as an endorsement by this court . This hearing adjourned . I m a big kid now Additional sponsorship Kevin : I never told you this before because you were dealing with your own grief , and , well , we ve never been especially close , but ... I saw delia for months after she died . Billy : Really ? Kevin : In crowds . Walking down the street . Playing at a playground . I d call out her name . No one would answer . And then I would realize it was just some other kid who kind of looked like her . And my mind was playing tricks on me because I missed her so much and could nt handle her being gone . Billy : How long did that last ? Kevin : A couple months . Eventually it stopped . Billy : How did you move on from it ? Kevin : Well , I coped with it the way I cope with everything . I went online , I did some research . It turns out it s not exactly uncommon . People mourning someone , thinking that they see them amongst the living . And that helped me , knowing that . Billy : Yeah . I could imagine it would . Kevin : Also , I opened up about what losing delia did to me . How crushed I was . Billy : You opened up . Kevin : Yeah . I confided in michael , lauren . Even my mom . People I knew that I could talk to without feeling judged or pitied . Billy : It s just weird , you know ? I , uh , thought I had moved on from all this . Yet here I am . Kevin : Have you talked to victoria about any of this ? Billy : No . To be honest , everything s just so good with us right now . You know , I - I do nt want to ... I do nt want to dump this on her . Kevin : I get that . I have a thought . You may not like it -- Billy : You want me to see a shrink ? Kevin : Heh ... hey , or , if not a doctor , then at least someone who s trained so you do nt have to keep all of this bottled up inside . Because , billy , if you do nt get some help , it s going to overwhelm you . Billy : Pretty much already is . But I hear you . I do . And I appreciate it . You know , things are finally going in the right direction , and I do nt want my past to ruin what I have now . Chelsea : [ Sighs ] I m so sorry . I really thought this would all work out , and you would just be able to put it all behind you . Nick : Now I got to go and pack up christian s things . [ Chelsea sighs ] Send him home with victoria . I mean , him going home with you is a lot better than with adam , but I still ca nt believe I got to do this . He should be here with me , with his father . Victoria : Nicholas , this is only temporary , like you said . Chelsea : Yeah , uh ... appeal the ruling . Ask for a new court date , and you -- you can prove that christian belongs with you . Victoria : I have to believe that the judge would have ruled in your favor if adam had nt arranged for that video to be released . Nick : Definitely caught me off guard . But I m gon na use this time wisely . Gon na build an even stronger case . I still believe I can win this . Victoria : You can . You will . You have so much going for you . You have so many people in your corner who care . Nick : I will give adam the fight of his life . It s gon na be a long and hard battle , especially now that the judge said adam s allowed to spend time with christian . It makes me sick to think how he s gon na use that to his advantage . I would nt put anything past the guy . Adam : I was so hoping I would be allowed to bring christian home . That we d finally get a chance to be father and son . Sharon : You now have court - ordered visitation rights . That s huge . That ll allow you to build a real relationship with christian . And , in time , you and your lawyer can petition the court to revisit custody . You can demonstrate that you and your son have bonded , and you now deserve to have a key role in his life . Adam : Thank you for trying to make me feel better . Sharon : Well , somebody has to . Adam : [ Sighs ] However , well , going on faith that somehow things will be resolved in the end , and I will magically get justice does nt work for me . Sharon : Then what does work for you , adam ? What are you planning ? Nate : So , I walk in , and the guy s letting his 8-year - old son light sparklers left over from the 4th ... inside the waiting room . Abby : Mm ! Devon : Inside ? Abby : Oh , my god ! Devon : What the hell is wrong with people ? Elena : Trust me , out on the streets , riding in ambulances , you see some of the most bizarre behavior . Devon : I can imagine that . I mean , aside from that , I think everything at society s been pretty tame , unless there s something you re not telling me about , abby . Abby : No , nothing that crazy . Um ... but I do have some news to share . Nate : Uh , good news , I hope . Abby : I think so . I am partnering with the grand phoenix hotel to open the coolest , hippest lounge you can possibly imagine . Elena : Wow ! Devon : Hey . Give us the details about it . Abby : Well , the front desk is gon na be a bar . So , when you check in , you get your favorite libation -- complimentary , of course . Nate : And what about food ? Abby : Pick up any house tablet , and you can order room service right there . There s gon na be a pool table , big - screen tvs , killer sound system . Devon : Oh , I like that . That sounds amazing . Abby : Thank you . I hope you do nt mind . I decided to branch out on my own this time . Devon : Well , I mean , you know , as long as I get a vip invite to the launch party , I m fine with it . Abby : You got it . And thank you . Nick : What if he tries to turn christian against me ? Victoria : That s impossible . Nick : Like hell it is . He could start putting lies into the conversation , make christian question the way I feel about him . Or tell him that he can do things at his house that he ca nt do at mine , like have ice cream for breakfast or play violent video games . Make me out to be the bad guy . Victoria : Do nt forget , whenever adam stops by , I will be there . Or monique , or hannah . And we will shut him down if he tries to pull any of those stunts like that . I would nt normally disobey a judge s orders , but I will make it more difficult for adam to spend quality time with his son . And , naturally , my schedule would be much more open to you . Nick : Thank you so much for agreeing to be christian s guardian . Nick : I know you got a lot going on , vick . You re running newman , you got your own kids . While trying to make time for billy . I sure hope , when you get a chance to talk to him , he s cool with this . Chelsea : Billy does nt know ? Victoria : I ve left him messages , but he has nt responded . I m sure he ll be fine with it . He s gon na want to do everything that he can to help , because he feels the same way that we do . You have to do whatever you can for the people that you love . Nick : [ Sighs ] Adam : I did nt mean to make it sound like I was plotting something . Sharon : Okay , good . Because it kind of sounded like you did . Adam : I am just frustrated , okay ? I -- I - I m not one to just sit back and quietly take orders . Sharon : This is nt victor newman we re talking about . This is a court of law . And the judge has a lot more power than you do . Adam : Mm . Well , in theory . Sharon : Adam . Adam : What ? Sharon : I m serious . I ve seen how the system works up close . And if you do nt abide by the rules , I guarantee you , you will regret it . Adam : I hate -- i hate how things played out , okay ? I tried to reason with nick , and he would nt listen . And now christian is the one that s gon na suffer the most . Okay ? The judge said he was doing what s in his best interest , but the poor kid s only gon na be confused even more now . Sharon : As much as i sympathize with everyone involved , you need to take responsibility for the outcome . I mean , you talk as if you did everything aboveboard , but you did nt play fair , and you and I both know that . Abby : Everything was delicious . Nate : I need this stroganoff recipe . Devon : Yeah , okay . You got to ask the chef , here , cause I m just the prep and clean - up guy . Elena : Oh , that is not true . Devon helped the entire way . And we made a perfect team doing it . Nate : I ll , uh , return the favor once I m settled in . Uh , I make a mean standing rib roast . Abby : Ohh . Elena : Is there anything he ca nt do ? Abby : [ Chuckles ] Nate : Not really ? Devon : How s it going in the house , man ? Nate : Still unpacking boxes , moving furniture , hanging stuff on the walls . Still got a lot to do , but loving every second of it . Abby : I m amazed you found time to do all that . Nate : I always find time for what matters most to me . Devon : Well , I m happy that you ended up getting the place . It s a good thing that cane got out of there so he can finally move on . Nate : Yeah . Seems like we re all , uh , starting new chapters in our lives . Devon : Yeah . We should raise a glass to that . To , uh -- to bright futures . Elena : Cheers . Abby : Cheers . Devon : Cheers . Victoria : Is that christian s backpack ? Nick : Yeah . It s , uh ... it s got some toys and , uh -- and some of his books . [ Voice breaking ] The one about the silly penguin is in there , so ... he s been asking me to read that one to him a lot . Just , uh ... read it to him at bedtime . It ll make him smile . Victoria : I will . I will . And then I m gon na give him a kiss and tell him that his daddy loves him . Nick : I never thought I d have to do something like this again . Chelsea : I ca nt stand watching you go through this . Knowing it s my fault . That I could have stopped this from happening . Sharon : Are you planning on pulling any more dirty tricks ? Adam : What do you mean by more ? Sharon : I wish you would just be honest with me . That video of nick intimidating victor . You made sure it hit the news cycle right when it would do the most damage . Adam : Okay , well , however it came to light , it was the truth . The world got to see a side of nick newman that he likes to pretend does nt exist . Sharon : I know how desperate you are to be with your son . Adam : Oh , no . I want the life that is supposed to be mine . With my kids . To have a loving family . I have lost everything . I do nt have christian . Chelsea has kept connor from me . I mean , people think that I m heartless , but my heart bleeds just as much as theirs do , sharon . Sharon : I know that it does . But this rage you have inside you , it makes me worry about what it ll drive you to . What can I do ? Adam : Nothing . At least not right now . I just -- I - I need some time to be alone , all right ? Sharon : Well , I do nt want to lave you until I know that you re okay . Adam : Look , I can lie to a lot of people . But never you . I will be okay . I promise . Sharon : Call if you need me . Adam : I will . Kevin : Damn it . Christian should be with nick . Not that victoria wo nt make a fine guardian . Michael : Well , evidently the judge is so dismayed with both nick and adam that he s got them cooling their heels . Then whoever makes the best case that he should be allowed to raise christian , then ... Kevin : I could tell him that now . And you could have , too , if you did nt leave your client high and dry . Michael : Which I did to save you from making the legal blunder of your life . Kevin : So adam has you leave nick in the lurch , and I still end up having to appease that jerk and leak that video . Michael : Look , as crummy as I feel about nick not winning outright , I am more afraid of what adam may demand of us next . Kevin : I already told you . There s a way for us to put an end to this once and for all . This was me six years ago ... The young and the restless will continue . Elena : I would say our first official dinner party was a success . Devon : It s the first of many milestones in our life , baby . Ana : Are you kidding me ? No , I - I m glad you called . No , I ll pack a bag and head out tonight . I want to . Okay ? Whatever else I have going on here can wait . Of course . I - Ill see you soon . I love you , too . Devon : What happened ? Ana : That was my dad . He s in the hospital . Victoria : How can you blame yourself for any of this ? Chelsea : If I d gone back to adam with connor , he said he would drop the lawsuit against nick . Christian would nt be leaving his home tonight . Nick : Chelsea , no . I m not gon na let you think that for one more second . You do nt want to be with adam . You do nt want him having any influence over connor . And it was nt a real offer . It was a test . It was a mind game . Chelsea : But it would have bought us time . I could have stalled bringing connor here cause he s at camp . In the meantime , maybe I could have gotten through to adam , convinced him to drop this fight against you . Nick : No . You are powerful . And incredibly persuasive . But there is nt anything you could have done to get him to back off fighting for custody of christian . Victoria : Yeah , nicholas is right . You would just be demeaning yourself . And it would confuse connor , and you would gain nothing . Chelsea : I just wish I could have done something to help . Nick : You are . Just by being here . [ Cellphone rings ] Nick newman . Okay . Um ... we ll be ready . Social worker s on the way . It s time . Victoria : Billy , hey . It s me . Again . Um ... look , everything s okay , but I need to talk to you . It s important . So call me as soon as you get this . Sharon : This seat taken ? Billy : Hi . No . Please , have a seat . Take a load off . Sharon : Thanks . Billy : Uh , let me get you a drink menu . Sharon : Sure . Billy : How are you ? How s your day ? Sharon : Um ... eventful . Heh . I m sure you heard about the custody hearing . Billy : No , I have nt , actually . Did the judge make a decision ? My phone died a while ago , so I do nt know . Just please do nt tell me that adam ended up with custody of that sweet boy . Sharon : Neither nick or adam won . Billy : How is that possible ? Sharon : Well , it s complicated . But I really think victoria is gon na want to be the one to fill you in . Billy : Okay . I ll talk to her when I get home . Um ... I m actually glad you sat down . I was -- I was gon na reach out to you . Sharon : What s going on ? Billy : [ Sighs ] I have nt really told anybody about this at all . I have nt talked to anyone . But , uh ... adam being alive and back in town is really ... messing with my head . I m having some pretty heavy thoughts about delia s death . Sharon : I m so sorry to hear that . Billy : Yeah . You know , I ve tried to kind of just ... be normal and , you know , kind of bury the feelings . But , uh , it s not working . Sharon : Um ... well , how bad has it gotten ? Billy : A few nights ago , I got a gun out . I was nt gon na hurt myself . That was nt a thought . I did nt plan on using the gun at all , but ... you know , god help me , I sat there with it in my hands , and I fantasized about getting rid of adam . Kevin : I was nt suggesting we murder him . Given adam s track record , I do nt think it would stick , anyway . Michael : Mm . Good point . Kevin : I m talking about finding a way to get him off of our backs permanently . Adam thinks he s invincible . He s forgotten who we are and what we re capable of . I think it s time we remind him . If any two people can come up with a plan to put adam in his place , it s us . Michael : I have the perfect answer . Tell her you re leaving right now . I m jimmy dean and uh , Kevin : Michael , how can i leave when adam in const-- Michael : Yeah , forget adam . This is your chance to get away . Kevin : How do you figure ? Michael : Right now , he s preoccupied with the court ruling . You need to get to chloe and bella before he realizes you re gone and tracks you down again . You -- you use those identities you created , and you just -- you -- you vanish into thin air . Kevin : I ca nt abandon you to deal with him on your own . Michael : Sure you can ! Look , the only reason I agreed to do adam s bidding was to take the heat off of you so you could get back to your family . Kevin : [ Sighs ] I hate that you re in this position because of me . Michael : All right . You know what ? No more debates . The clock is ticking . Go . Grab your things . Go ! Go while you still can . Please , just go . Devon : I do nt get it . I thought that jett had surgery to fix his vocal chords . Ana : It does nt mean the nodules ca nt come back . Elena : What exactly did he say ? Ana : He was performing last night in lansing , felt his voice get rough and scratchy . This morning when he woke up , it was worse , so he checked himself in . Devon : Geez . Ana : The doctors ran some tests . I want to be there when the results get back . Devon : Yeah , so do I. Elena : Same here . Ana : No , you guys . I can handle this on my own . Devon : He s family to us all . Elena : Yeah . And technically , I m his nurse . And besides , I kind of want to boss the old man around again . Ana : I ll be sure to tell him you said that . Elena : No need to . I ll be there . Devon : Exactly . Why do nt you guys pack a bag . I ll call my pilot . Okay ? Ana : Look , I appreciate what you re willing to do , but you both have responsibilities here in town . Devon : It does nt matter , ana . Friends and family come first . Elena : Yeah . And I do nt think the hospital would mind if I took a couple of days off to go check on a former patient . Ana : I m floored by your generosity . Devon : It s not generosity . It s what we do for each other . It s normal . Get used to it . Ana : Love you . Sharon : So that s really all it was ? Just a fleeting thought ? Billy : Yes . It was . I - I just -- I found myself sitting there with a gun , having bad thoughts about adam . But then I -- I locked it away again . Sharon : Billy , when you found out that adam was responsible for delia s death , you held a gun to him , and you wanted him dead . Billy : I know , sharon . But I m not that guy anymore . I m not gon na kill anyone . Look , would my life be better without adam in it ? Yes . But I am not going to sacrifice what I have right now -- victoria and my kids , okay -- just to get rid of adam . I m not gon na do that . That s the truth . To be honest , I m more concerned about what happened since then . I m having these dreams about delia all the time , and I m waking up with anxiety and this overwhelming feeling like there s something wrong . Sharon : I ve had those dreams before . Right after cassie died . I still dream about her sometimes . Billy : Is that good or bad ? Sharon : Um ... I think it s good . It comforts me . Billy : Yeah , mine are different . They re ... pretty intense . And they stay with me for days . Sharon : I m so sorry . Billy : I kind of have this feeling like , uh , my daughter s haunting me . Like she s trying to tell me something . Sharon : How do you mean ? Billy : Well , um ... a few days ago , I went to the chancellor mansion , and I found her -- one of her favorite dolls , sitting there on the floor . Esther said that she had packed it away in the attic , but you know , there it was , just sitting there . And then I had this dream where dee had written daddy on the side of a - a piece of furniture . And then when I , you know , came to and woke up , I went and checked , and -- and there it was . Written in the exact same way in my dream . Sharon : Well , I can see how that would be disconcerting . Billy : And then I had a dream , um , where she wrote on the side of the wall , and kevin and I -- look , you get the gist of it , okay ? It just -- I ve had these , uh -- I do nt know . These ... eerie coincidences . Sharon : You know , billy , I really think a professional counselor could help you work through what you re experiencing . Billy : Yeah , I - I just do nt want to unburden myself to a stranger , you know ? I - I did that after delia -- after delia died . I did the whole group - therapy thing , and I , um ... I just do nt feel like telling my story to anybody else , and I know you , and you know me , and , you know , I trust you . Sharon : Yeah , but I m not a professional therapist . Billy : I do nt care about that . Sharon : Okay , I m not licensed . I honestly do nt know that I could really help . You know , I m not trained to work with patients . But I could recommend someone -- Billy : Can we just talk as friends or something , maybe , un - until I , uh -- until I have time to find an actual therapist ? Sharon : Yeah . I mean , you promise you re gon na do that ? Billy : Yeah . Absolutely . I will . I just -- I feel like I need a - a sounding board while I figure this out . Sharon : All right . I mean , if you think I can do any good in the short term , I m certainly willing to help if I can . Chelsea : Here we go . Nick : Hey , dude . Hey . Come sit down . I want to talk to you for one second . [ Sighs ] So , uh ... [ Sighs ] You re gon na go home with your aunt victoria tonight . Christian : Why ? Nick : Uh , you re just gon na -- you re gon na stay with -- with her and your uncle and your cousins for a little while . Um ... but do nt worry . Cause I m gon na see you all the time . And ... and monique s gon na be there . And of course , uh , you know , bearbear , he s gon na be there . And , uh ... you know , if you ever get sad or scared , you just -- you just hug him . [ Sniffles ] Cause I know he makes you feel better , right ? Come here . [ Sighs ] Now , you remember -- you re a newman . That means you re tough , right ? Yeah . So , you got all your stuff here . And I m counting on you to be a good boy for your aunt and your uncle . Christian : Okay . Nick : I love you . Victoria : You know , your cousins , they are gon na be so happy to see you . So excited . Nick : It s all right . Victoria : Here . I can carry this . Chelsea : Bye , christian . See you soon , okay ? Victoria : Okay . Let s go . We can get some ice cream . [ Nick crying ] I had a heart problem . Abby : Wow . You were nt joking about all the hard work you put into this place . I am impressed . Nate : Thanks . I , uh , have a lot of books , so I ll be putting in more bookshelves . Then it will feel even more like home . Where are my manners ? Can I offer you a drink ? Would you like to sit outside and talk some more ? Nate : Then what , uh ... Michael : Oh , you travel light . Kevin : Well , I never intended to stay this long . Michael : And here you go -- off to the unknown . Kevin : As thrilled as I am to have thousands of miles between adam and me , I m worried about you . Michael : [ Chuckles ] Do nt be . Kevin : You re replacing me as his flunky . How are you gon na extricate yourself ? Michael : Do nt worry about me , little brother . Just take care of that family of yours . Kevin : I was certain you could nt save me this time . And you found a way . Michael : It s what I do . Kevin : It s your superpower . Michael : Exactly . Now , chloe and your beautiful daughter are waiting . They need you . Kevin : Almost as much as i need them . I love you . Michael : Love you . Billy : [ Sighs ] Oh , my sweet girl . I miss you so bad . Maybe that s why I m having all these weird dreams . Maybe that s why I see all these messages that are nt there . Scary stuff . But I m gon na get some help . Cause I know that I ca nt let myself get all screwed up again . Or lose control again . I ca nt do that to victoria . Ca nt do it to johnny or katie . Or you . Knowing that you would never want -- [ Sighs ] Delia : Poor daddy . Billy : [ Exhales heavily ] ### Summary:
Nate , Abby , Devon and Elena celebrate that Devon and Elena are an official couple by having a dinner party at Devon s penthouse and once Nate takes Abby back to his place Abby is ready to make love . Ana gets a call from Jett telling her that he is in the hospital waiting on test results so she and Elena go to be with him . Billy takes Kevin s advice and decides to talk to Sharon about his dreams about Delia and the strange things that have been happening when he is awake . The judge decides to give temporary custidy to Victiria until Adam or Nick can prove that one of themn can be a good parent to Christian . The judge gives both of the brothers supervised visitation to both men . Nick says a painful goodbye to his little boy and gives him to Victoiria . Michael tells Kevin to take advantage that Adam is concentrating on the custody fight and return home and join Chloe and Bella and use their new identities to find a new place to l / ve far away from Adam . Billy visits Delia s grave and promises to get help for whatever is happening to him . Billy hears Delia s voice saying poor daddy .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Tammy : Choices , we make them every day , millions of them , what shoes to wear , which road to take to work . But some choices are tougher than others . Every action has a reaction . Every choice has consequences . Reporter : In this edition of Night On Springfield this is opportunity scandals that happen to all of us , the billionaire , the man of God , the sisters who led their men astray . Springfield s power players are going nose to nose as the battle heats up . Reva : Well , it could be worse . We look good . ( Laughs ) Tammy : How many times do we wish would could take something back ? Josh : Hey , it s a beautiful day out there , is nt it , folks , huh ? Reporter : Did you know about the switch ? Josh : God bless you all . Excuse me . Tammy : You tell yourself , I m doing it for love , to minimize the pain . But when the smoke clears and the fallout begins , you wish you had another shot at it . What would you do this time ? Josh : Well , hello there . It s good to see you all . Man : Josh . Josh : Ah , you know , I do nt have any excuses for you . I m sorry . I should have had more volunteers there for the soup kitchen on Saturday . Man : That s not why we re here . Josh : ( Sighs ) Yeah , I kind of figured that . Tammy : Take it from someone who knows , there s no going back . Reporter : Josh Lewis is nt talking , is there a gag order ? Jeffrey : No comment . Reporter : Maybe his wife s an old friend . Josh : Well , I think I know how Custer felt . Stephen : This is a difficult duty for us . Woman : Given the circumstances ... Man : The council voted unanimously . Stephen : You re suspended indefinitely . Woman : Pending a formal review . Man : Until a final ruling is made . Josh : Well , um ... when I took this job , I promised to do what s best for the church at all times . So ... I accept your decision . Tammy : Accepting and embracing are two different things . It takes time , and time does nt always make it better . Sometimes it s fear , sometimes it s anger , sometimes it s love . But whatever the reason , we make our choices . The best we can do is hope they work out . Reva : Huh ... I thought it was your dream to be a minister . So now you re going to let a bunch of stiffs take that away from you ? Josh : They did nt take it away from me , Reva . I threw it away . Thanks for coming by . Hey , maybe I ll be better off , huh ? Cassie : Hello . May I speak with the head mistress ? Cassie Lewis . Mrs. Dennis , hi . Um , I am the one who pulled my son Will out of your school , and I ve come to realize it was a mistake . And I am just kind of wondering if ... that would be great . I mean , if we leave right now , I think I could have him back there before lunch . Thanks . Will : Mom , do you think I m bad ? Cassie : No , sweetie , I do nt . I ... sit with me . I do nt think you re bad . I just-- I m sending you back to this school because I know that you need direction . And it s really not that far away . And we re going to be able to see each other all the time . Will , you trust me , do nt you ? Okay . Ms. Dennis and the rest of the staff have a plan . So as long as we follow that plan and stick with it . Will : I wo nt be crazy anymore . Cassie : Honey , nobody thinks you re crazy . Will : Maybe I am because I talk to her . Cassie : You talk to who ? Will : Tammy . Cassie : You talk to her like , you know , she s in heaven and you think about her ? Will : No . She s here when I m doing stuff , and I talk to her . Cassie : When you talk to her , does she talk back to you ? Will : She listens and then she says things and I feel better . Cassie : What kind of things does she say to you ? Will : She wants me to be good and take care of you because she s not here . And she wants us to be a family . Reva : Can I shut this door ? Unplug the phone . Jeffrey : That s not going to stop the reporters . Reva : Well , at least I know I can outrun them . I took a detour . I have a lot more experience running through the woods in stiletto heels than that chick from the news . ( Laughs ) Jeffrey : I think a simple no comment would have done it . Reva : Oh , do nt even ask what I wanted to say . Bunch of hypocrites . I mean , who made them judge and jury ? I mean , it s not like they ve never lied to protect a source . Jeffrey : Well , that s not a felony . Reva : Neither is protecting someone you love . And then there s this . Jeffrey : I was wondering when you were going to get to that . Reva : Yeah . I mean , can you believe how happy they look . But oh , they want to see Josh stumble . Jeffrey : Josh ? Well , what about ... Reva : Oh , no , I know Cassie s in-- she s in deep trouble , too , but , you know , she had the , what do you call it ? Jeffrey : Mitigating circumstances . Reva : Mitigating circumstances , yeah , she was out of her head with grief when she switched those paternity tests . But , you know , to listen to them , I mean , it s like-- now they want to go after Josh for trying to cover it up . Any judge would understand Cassie . Jeffrey : He was nt alone . Reva : Oh , he s alone now , though . You know , I just came back from the church . They were having a nice , polite burning at the stake . Guess who s toast ? Jeffrey : Reverend Lewis . Reva : Ex - Reverend Lewis . If those sanctimonious sheep have anything to say about it . They re suspending him for now , but they want blood . You can see it in their eyes , they want blood . And for what ? Because he stood by his wife , even though he disagreed with her ? He did all the wrong things for all the right reasons . And now they re going to drive him away from the pulpit , they re going to stomp on his dream , it s just not fair . Jeffrey : Are you done ? Reva : I m just getting warmed up . We have to do something ! We have to help him ! Can you hear me ? Jeffrey : They can hear you in the next county , Reva . By the way , there s a good chance that I might lose my job over this , too . Thanks for asking . Josh : Cassie ! Cassie : Come up . All right . ( Laughter ) Josh : What s going on ? Cassie : Oh , he s Lebron James . And I m ... who am I again ? Will : Dwayne Wade . Cassie : I m Dwayne Wade . Catch . ( Laughs ) Josh : Will , would you mind giving your mom and me a couple of minutes alone . Will : I did nt do anything wrong ! Josh : No . Nobody s saying that you did anything at all . Um , I ll tell you what , why do nt you take this , and why do nt you come back after you ve sunk ten in a row . Will : Okay . Josh : Okay . Cassie : I know what you re going to say . Josh : We decided together . It was nt me against you or me against Will . It was together . Cassie : Yes , and I was all set to take him to the school , when ... Josh : When what ? Cassie : When I started to have second thoughts . Josh : Well , you re always going to have second thoughts and third thoughts , but we both know what has to happen , Cassie . He made you feel guilty about it , did nt he ? Cassie : No , not on purpose . He just told me something that just cut really close to home , closer than he could know anything about . Josh : What ? Cassie : He said he is afraid he is crazy because he sees his sister . Josh : He sees Tammy . Cassie : He sees her , he talks to her , and she talks back to him . And what am I supposed to say to that , tell him that I see her , too , or that I saw her , too ? That that means that I m crazy , and someone should send me away ? Josh : Cassie , I ca nt pretend that I can understand for a minute how you get through a single day without your child . Cassie : No . And I hope you never find out . Josh : Look , Cassie , Cassie , wait , wait . Okay ? At some point you re going to have to stop letting Tammy s death dictate every decision that you make in your life . Cassie : Josh , losing a child is not something you ever get over . All it does is make me want to hold my other children all the more closely . I need to protect Will and R.J. You do nt know what it s like to be unprotected . You ve never been unprotected . I know what it s like . There was no one to protect me when I was Will s age , and so it kills me to see any child unsafe . Josh : And that s why you did what you did with Beth s paternity test , right ? Cassie : Yes . And I am sorry it all went wrong . Josh : Cassie , I just came from a meeting with the church board . I ve been suspended . I may never get my congregation back . There are consequences . Cassie : I m sorry , Josh , but I told you when you met these people , they re small - minded , narrow - minded people . Josh : No , no , no . No , do nt make it like this . This is not their fault . Cassie : If they have the courage to weigh all of the good you do against your involvement in this . Josh : Cassie , I would have done the same thing if I was in their shoes . I could have told the truth about Beth s baby , but I chose , I chose not to do that . Cassie : You chose to stand by your wife . And that meant a lot to me . I know you put me first . Josh : It does nt matter how you phrase it . I helped perpetrate a fraud , and I m going to have to pay for that . Cassie : And sending Will away is your way to make up for this ? Josh : This has nothing to do with that . Will has to go back to that school because it s what s best for him . It s what s best for us . Cassie : Oh , I want to believe that . Josh : I know that you love him . I know that you want him to be right here with you all the time . I get that . Cassie : Well , of course I want him to be right here with me all of the time . He s my son . And I sent him away once , and look how that turned out . Josh : If I believed for a minute that you could fix him , I would shut the hell up and I would let you do that . But you ca nt . Are nt you the slightest bit concerned for R.J. s safety ? Cassie : No . Josh , I told you , Will did not mean to hurt him . Josh : Well , he never means to hurt anybody , I m sure , Cassie . But you know what , people get pushed and they fall , and sometimes those people never get up again , ever . Now , is your conscience going to be able to handle that ? How are you going to live with yourself if somebody else gets hurt , especially if it s R.J. ? Cassie : I do nt want him to feel abandoned . Josh : The sooner he gets help , the sooner we ll be able to live together as a family . Cassie : Okay . I mean , that s what I want . I just , I want my family . So , I ll do this . I ll do it . Josh : I ll be here for you every step of the way , I promise . Will : No ! Cassie : Will , sweetie , it s going to be okay . Will : No , it is nt ! Cassie : Yes . Will : It is nt ! Cassie : It is , you just need to be a big boy right now . You be brave , okay ? I ll do this , but I need to do it alone . Okay , champ , you ready to do this ? Will : Mom , I ll be good , I promise . Cassie : I know . I know you ll be good , sweetie . But these people at this school , they re just-- they have a way to help you that I do nt . Will : I ll be nice to Josh . I ll keep away from R.J. s stuff . Cassie : Honey , do you hear yourself ? I do nt want you to keep away from your brother . I do nt want you to make an effort to get along with Josh . I want you to be a part of the family . I want you to be someone that we can trust , someone that you can trust . Will : But what if they lock me away ? Cassie : Honey , it s not like jail . They re not going to lock you in your room . It s a school . It s a special school . Will : For freaks ! Cassie : Do nt ever , ever think that . Sweetie , I love you just as much as I love R.J. , as much as I have ever loved Tammy . And all I want for you is to be safe and happy . That s all I ever want for you . Will : Can I pick the CD ? Cassie : Sure . What do you got there ? Jenny : Hi . Josh : How you doing ? Oh , man , it s cold , a cold day for running , do nt you think ? Jenny : I m Jenny . Josh : Josh Lewis . Jenny : I know . Is it true you ve been suspended ? Josh : Wait a minute . Are you a reporter ? Jenny : Let me tell your story , Reverend . Josh : No . You know what , you would nt be able to print my words . Reva : Get in ! Josh : What ? Reva : Get in ! She s gaining on you . Josh : Okay . Okay . Thank you . Nice meeting you . Jenny : Bye . Reva : Okay . It s clear . Josh : Are you sure about that ? Maybe the waitress is a reporter in disguise . Reva : Josh , it s just Gwen . You know Gwenny , she s all about the tuna melt . Come on . Josh : Okay , okay , okay . Where is everybody ? Reva : Looking for their pitchforks and torches to come after you . Josh : Excellent . Gwen : It s just like old times . Reva : Aw , thanks . Have you seen the news today , Gwen ? Gwen : Nah , nothing but bad news . Josh : I love you , Gwen , really . Gwen : Now he tells me . You look like you could use some water . Josh : Yeah , a big old glass of water would be great , and two beers , please . What are you having ? Cassie : Hi . Fill it up , please . Attendant : Yes , maam . Cassie : Thanks . Okay , sweetie , we ve got a little ways to go yet . So you want anything ? Will : Fruit punch . Cassie : All righty . One fruit punch coming up . Will : Can I get a bag of chips , some peanut butter crackers , candy , a license plate bingo game . Cassie : Okay . I think I got the idea . I ll be right back . Will : She looks too pretty for you . Man : Get back in the car , kid . Will : But maybe she d like you if you had some money . Man : Are you for real ? Will : How would you like to make $ 863.34 ? Cassie : Do not die on me ! I do nt understand this . We have a full tank of gas . I had the guy check the oil . What is going on ? Will : What s the matter , Mom ? Cassie : I wish I knew . This can not be happening . Will : Where are we ? Cassie : Ah , well , we re somewhere between the highway and the road your school is on . But that s why it s a good thing we have roadside assistance , huh ? Wait a minute . Oh , I do nt believe this . I do nt have my phone . Will : You must have left it at the house . Cassie : Yeah , with everything else that s going on today , maybe I did . But do nt worry , sweetie , I m going to get us out of this . Will : I m not worried . Cassie : Good boy . Maybe it s just a loose wire or something . Will : I tried to tell you , you should nt be taking me to that school . Cassie : Well , I do nt know what we re afraid of . We ve got food , we ve got water , and I always have a spare blanket in the trunk . Will : I m not afraid , are you ? Cassie : Of course not . It s not the busiest road , but I m sure somebody is going to drive by . Will : Let s go for a walk . Cassie : No , Will , we re not going for a walk . We re not going in the woods . We could easily get lost in there . Will : Fine by me . Cassie : Will , I know you do nt want to go to this school , but you do nt want to be stuck out here , do you ? Will : Ah , I d be with you . Cassie : Will , did you ... Will : Did I what , Mom ? Cassie : Ah , nothing . Will : What if I do nt go to that school ? How would you make me ? Jeffrey : I m sorry . I do nt pick up hitchhikers . Cassie : Jeffrey , how did you know we were out here ? Jeffrey : I did nt . For some reason , I decided to take the back road . Cassie : Well , thank goodness for us . Will : Lucky us . Jeffrey : All right , well , do nt just sit there freezing . Hop in . Josh : Gwen , love of my life , two more , please . Thank you . Reva : Ah , Reverend . Josh : Yeah ? Reva : Maybe we should call a halt . Josh : Wait , wait , wait a second . Who you calling Reverend ? Reva : You have been suspended . You have nt been defrocked . Thanks . Josh : Well , that s true , I m still frocked , are nt I ? Reva : You are totally frocked . Josh : Yeah , I would say so . Reva : ( Laughs ) Josh : Thanks . Reva : Hey , well at least you had the job . Josh : Yeah , for about a month . Reva : Well , I would have lasted probably a day . Josh : You would have lasted probably a minute . Reva : Okay , so I admit , the closest thing I ve ever gotten to missionary work was that time we ... Josh : No , no . Reva , do nt , do nt , do nt , do nt even finish that sentence . Reva : Okay , I have a better idea . What do you say we all leave tonight on a mission to some far away land . It sure beats the hell out of ... Josh : Why ? Reva : ... Going to jail . Josh : Why , why would I want to do that ? What are we afraid of ? Alan , he s certainly is not a vindictive person , is he , really ? Reva : Oh , he is a very reasonable guy . Certainly considering the fact that we were conspiring to keep him away from his baby . Josh : We were protecting Cassie . He ll probably admire us for that . Reva : Of course he will . ( Laughs ) Elliot : Hypocrite ! Josh : Huh ? Maybe we should order some coffee . What do you think ? Reva : It s probably a good idea . Elliot : That s right , Reverend , pretend I m not even here . Pretend nobody matters but you . Josh : Okay . Reva : No . Josh , Josh . Josh : No , no , no , Reva . Elliot : You preach love thy neighbor , and what do you do ? Steal babies ? Greg : Let s just have one day without any trouble , please . Josh : Look , if you guys want to talk , we can talk . Reva : Can we just ignore them ? Josh : Reva , no . I have nt been fired yet . I ca nt just ignore a member of my flock . Jeffrey : All right then . I ll wait in the car . Good luck , Will . Cassie : Will ... Jeffrey : It s okay . Cassie : Come here . Will : Mom , please do nt leave me here . Cassie : Will , I ca nt change my mind again . I wo nt . This is the right thing to do . Will : Jeffrey does nt know me , neither does Josh . You re the only one who knows me . You know that I m not bad ! Cassie : Sweetheart , I know you re not bad , but you do some bad things . Will : I ll stop . I promise . Cassie : Well , honey , you have to learn how to stop . And you have to learn why you started in the first place . And that s what this school is for . Will : Do nt send me away again . Cassie : I love you , sweetie . I will always love you . And we ll be back together again really soon , okay ? I promise . Mrs. Dennis : Hello , Will , welcome back . Cassie : Um , Mrs. Dennis , we re a little bit early . Mrs. : Dennis : It s better if you leave now , Mrs. Lewis . We ll take good care of him . Will : Mom ! Mom ! Mom , do nt leave me ! Mom ! Josh : It s Elliot , right , and Greg , the Michael s brothers . See , I m still learning the names . Elliot : Oh , do nt think you can charm me . Not after what you ve done . Josh : Look , I made a mistake . Elliot : Well , tell it to my wife . Greg : And my wife , too . Josh : Your wife ? Elliot : Janet . Greg : And Judy . Elliot : You may not remember them . Josh : Wait a second , what are we talking about right now ? Elliot : Our wives , they came home from one of your sermons and packed their bags and moved out . Greg : To make this perfectly clear , Reverend , they left us for each other . Reva : Ah , excuse me , gentlemen , but I do nt really quite understand what the Reverend would have had to do with that ? Josh : Reva , it s ... Elliot : She was my wife until he preached about , know yourself ! Greg : Yeah , and be true to who you are . And the next thing you know , they re both gone . Josh : Okay , okay . Guys , listen , can we just take this somewhere else , maybe do some counseling about this ? Elliot : I hope they take away everything you have , especially that wife of yours . Josh : Hey ! Okay . No , no , no . You know what , stand up ! No , Reva , I can ... Reva : Hey . Josh : No , no , it s okay . First of all , you re a lot bigger standing than you were sitting . But sometimes you ve just got to say , what the hell . So look . I ... Reva : Do nt , please . Elliot : Go ahead , Reverend , turn the other cheek . I dare you . Greg : I m begging you , turn the other cheek . Reva : You hit him , and you wo nt have any chance of getting your job back . Josh : Okay . Let s go . Elliot : What was her name , Tammy ? She does nt know how lucky she was . She s not around to see how her mother turned out . Greg : Look , just not in the face ! Reva : Wow , you ve got such a pretty face ! Greg : Come on , come on . Reva : I can not tell you how good that felt . Hallelujah ! Josh : Reva .... send the bill to the church . Thank you . Cassie : Jeffrey , I m fine . Jeffrey : I know you re fine , and so is Will . Cassie : I told myself I was nt going to cry . I m doing the right thing . Will needs help , and he needs the kind of help that I ca nt give him . So I ... I just do nt understand . I love my children , but I could nt save my daughter , and now my son . Jeffrey : Everything I know about kids can be summed up in two words : Sticky fingers . Cassie : I just keep hearing Tammy s voice in my head saying life is nothing but choices . Until I think what choices did I make ? What was the choice that made everything change , you know ? What was the tipping point to this ? Jeffrey : You re going to drive yourself nuts trying to figure that out . Come on . Cassie : Well , I have to know . I mean , what was it ? Was it , when I switched the paternity test results ? Was it falling in love with Josh ? Was it back further , sending Will back to his father ? Was it when I left you ? Jeffrey : Cassie , you can go all the way back to first grade , and you re never going to find the one , single moment that changed everything . Because it s not there . Everything matters . Every moment matters . Not just in the past , but also here and now . Cassie : Well , that sounds good , but ... Jeffrey : But what ? How do you do it ? How do you live it ? You just do , Cassie . You know , do nt look back . Do nt question what works . Just live it . Cassie : I wish I knew how to do that . Jeffrey : Well , you know what , I do . Cassie : You do ? Jeffrey : Yeah , it s one of the perks of being the district attorney . You get a get out of jail free card . Cassie : Oh , I get to shoot Alan ? ( Laughs ) Jeffrey : No , you ca nt shoot him and you ca nt burn down his house or run over his cat , but , well , maybe you can burn his cat . Cassie : ( Laughs ) Nah , I like cats . Jeffrey : Well , we re in . Cassie : All those years in special op s finally paid off , huh ? Jeffrey : Yeah . So now that we broke into the place , what s the plan ? Cassie : He s going to convince Beth to move in with this baby . Jeffrey : Odds are . Cassie : And he ll put the baby in here , and day after day , year after year , he will turn her into a Spaulding . Jeffrey : I do nt see how hey , I know . Why do nt you let it all out , huh ? Let s just like , trash the place . I ll help you . Go ahead . He s got insurance . Cassie : ( Laughs ) Oh , I ca nt . I ca nt . I ca nt let myself sink to his level . But , thank you for giving me the chance to choose . I am making a choice . I am making the choice to go home to my husband . Josh : In conclusion , I am not begging for another chance ! I m saying that I deserve another chance ! I ve given this church every part of me , the good and the bad , and I believe with all my ... with all my heart that the positives outweigh the negatives . All I ask ... what ? Reva : Oh , I m sorry . I was just having a little deja vu . You standing there with papers in your hand , and me here , reminded me of that day that you told me about your plans for the veteran s project , and I was going to tell you that I had cancer . Josh : Yeah . But you did nt . Reva : I made a choice . And it changed everything , for always . You re going to win this thing . You are . As soon as the whole story comes out , and people see you the way I see you . Josh : I think you re just prejudiced . Reva : You married my sister . I could easily go the other way . Josh : Why do nt you ? Reva : Good question . Josh : It looks like it s going to snow out there . Reva : Maybe you should get home before it gets dark . Josh : Yeah . Home . Reva : It s not here anymore . Josh : Then why is it that I somehow always end up here . Reva : Cassie needs you , especially having to send Will away . Josh : Will s only part of the problem . Reva : Well , you ca nt solve the problem here anymore . Josh : Are you trying to get rid of me ? Reva : You need to work things out with Cassie . And I need to go smoke the peace pipe with Jeffrey . Josh : Yeah , what s the forecast on that ? Reva : It looks like snow . Josh : Uh - huh . Reva : Uh - huh . Josh : Thank you . Reva : What d I do ? Josh : Oh , you stood up for me against that big giant man . I was scared . Reva : Big woozy . ( Both laugh ) You know what ? Let me give you a ride . Josh : Oh , that s right . I do nt have a car here . Reva : That s right . You do nt have a car . You ca nt drive in your condition and with everything else you ve got going against you . Besides , I need to stop by and see Jeffrey anyway . Josh : Maybe I should talk to him myself . See how much hot water we re all really in . Reva : You scrape the ice off the windshield , and I ll be happy to give you a ride home . If the world would just end it the world would just end Josh : ( Laughs ) What s he like when he wakes up ? Reva : Think grizzly bear , but not as furry . ( Laughs ) Josh : I think I ll just talk to him tomorrow . Reva : That s a good idea . Josh : I m going to go talk to Cassie . Reva : Okay . Good luck . Josh : Thank you . Um , thanks for smacking that guy with the tray . Reva : No problem . I d do it again . Josh : I bet you would . See you . Reva : Okay . Josh : Cassie ? Cassie ? Cassie , um ... look , I do nt know about you , but I need you right now . I need my wife . So no matter where you are , no matter what you re doing , know that I love you , and , please , just call me as soon as you can . And just in case you re wondering , yeah , it s Josh . Bye . Cassie : You do nt get to send your husband away and blame me for it , and then snap your fingers whenever you want him back . Your son is still alive . My daughter s dead . Your son comes back to you , and my son I have to send away . Do nt you have enough ! Oh . Go ahead , say something ! I dare you . Will ? Will : I ran away . Cassie : How did you even know that I d be here ? Will : Are you mad at Aunt Reva ? Cassie : I m a little mad at Aunt Reva . Will : She s causes trouble . I m mad at her , too ! Cassie : Will , Will , do nt throw , Will ! Stop throwing things ! Will ! Will ! Tammy : Sometimes you make a bad choice . And you just do nt care . Cassie : Will ! Will : No ! Somebody needs to protect you ! Cassie : Honey , that s not your job . Will : Where s Josh ? Cassie : I do nt know . Will : I m here . You do nt need anybody else . Cassie : Sweetie , I m going to make everything okay , for all of us . I am . I promise . Cassie : You really think Will would try to hurt you ? Jeffrey : We all know what Will has done , and it s going to stop right here , right now . Cassie : You re going to have him arrested ? How long have you two been planning this ? Lizzie : Jonathan and I are getting married . Bill : Well , I m glad you think so . But the guy he murdered probably would nt agree . ### Summary:
Josh is interviewed about the situation of Beth s baby s parentage and then is suspended from the church . Will is spying on everyone . Will asks Cassie if he s bad . She says no . The only reason he s going back to that school is to help him . Then he says people thinks he s crazy . Reva visits Jeffery to tell him of the latest . She tells him of Josh s suspension . And he tells her his job is in jeopardy . Josh finds Cassie and Will and asks Will to leave he and Cassie alone to talk . Cassie tells Josh she was set to take him to the school , then had second thoughts . Cassie says Will told her he sees Tammy and talks to her . Josh says he understands . But at some point she is going to stop . Cassie says she loves her children . And it kills her to see a child hurt . Josh tells her he s been suspended . Cassie calls the congregation mindless . Josh says it s not their fault , he could have told them about the situation , but did nt . Then the subject returns to Will . Cassie runs out of gas . And she does nt have her phone . Will says it s all because she is taking him to that school . Jeffery comes to their rescue . He tells Cassie he does nt usually take back roads . He tells them to jump in and he ll take them home . Meanwhile out with Reva , a male member of the church starts in on Josh . Josh has had enough and tries to start a fight . Reva stops him . Then Tammy and Cassie s names are mentioned and Reva starts a fight . Jeffery and Cassie break in to the Spaulding Mansion . Cassie sees the crib . And mentions that Alan is going to make that little girl a Spaulding . Reva wants to drive Josh home . But before that they go to Jeffery s office . He s asleep . Josh and Reva whisper . Josh says he ll go home and talk to Jeffery in the morning . Josh goes home to find Cassie gone . Meanwhile finally at home Will goes nuts . Cassie finally gets him calm and he says we do nt need anybody .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Gloria : Oh ! Well , what am I waiting for ? I ve got to give John the good news ! Michael : well , give your father my best , will you ? Jack : Uh , Michael-- Michael , wait just a minute . Michael : Yes , Jack ? Jack : Ashley and I would like to thank you . Michael : Well ... I felt terrible for a long time not being able to keep your father from going to prison in the first place . Jack : Well , maybe this ll make up for all that . Michael : Yeah , I hope so . Well ... um ... John Abbott s a good man . He does nt belong in prison . Hope it all works out . Ashley : Finally ! Finally ! We get to give Dad some good news ! Jack : Is it just me , or is this starting to feel like Christmas ? ! Let s go ! Let s go ! Ashley : Come on ! Here ! Jack : I ve got it ! Paul : Okay , what if those are license plate numbers ? It could be from the vehicle that , uh , took Sharon to wherever she s being held . JT : Yeah , but we do nt know if that s an E or an F. Paul : Try it again . JT : All right , I ll give it a shot . Paul : ( Sighs ) Kara , yeah , it s me again . Listen , I need you to run a couple of , uh , Ohio license plate numbers . Nick : Thank God Sharon s alive . Brad : She sounded pretty hysterical on the phone . Nick : Was she able to say anything ? Give you any clue as to where they were holding her ? Brad : No . They pulled it away before she had a chance say anything . ( Knock on door ) Victoria : Let s hope that s the art dealer . Brad : Mr. Arkadin , come on in . Victoria : Thank you for getting back to us so quickly . Arkadin : Well , for serious buyers such as yourselves ... Nick : You have the pieces ? Arkadin : Two shape reliquaries you wish to purchase ? Indeed I do . Nick : This is the amount we agreed on . You can count it if you like . Arkadin : I think I can trust you . Nick : Please inform the collecting community you have found buyers willing to pay anything for other pieces . Victoria : Specifically the Grugeon reliquary . Nick : Any price , sir . Brad : Good news . I have a text message . We may have found the piece we re looking for . Arkadin : It was good doing business with you . Perhaps I ll be in touch . Nick : What was that ? Saying you found the other piece ? Brad : I was lying . Nick : Why ? Brad : To put pressure on him . In case he does know where the Grugeon piece could be found . Victoria : You know ... there are a lot of similarities between these two pieces and the one we re trying to find . I printed up a picture of it that I found on the internet . Brad : What are you thinking ? Victoria : Well , I , uh ... I did some art restoration work while I was in Italy . Nick : So ? Where are you going with this ? Victoria : What if I use these two pieces to ... make a replica of the one that we need ? Brad : You can do that ? Victoria : I can try . Nick : Will it be close enough the kidnappers will think it s the real thing ? Victoria : ( Sighs ) the clock s ticking , Nicholas . We do nt have a lot of options . Gloria : Happy birthday ! John : Oh , thank you , Honey . Do you know that Katherine has been extolling your virtues ? Gloria : Oh ? John : Yes , she really likes you ! Gloria : Well , we re getting along very well , are nt we , Katherine ? Kay : Mm - hmm . John : Well , you could nt have picked a more perfect job ! Gloria : Well , it s no secret I love fashion ! But it is a wonderful challenge as well . John : You know , I m very proud of you . No , I know the opposition you face with Jack and Ashley . And you held your ground . Gloria : Thank you , John . Now ... enough about me . Look at me . I have some wonderful news . John : Well , you know , any news will lift my spirits in this place . Gloria : Michael says you may be released . John : What ? Well , how is that possible ? I ve only been here-- Gloria : So what ? So what ? He thinks the governor is going to commute your sentence to time served . Kay : Gloria , are you certain about that ? ! Gloria : Mm - hmm ! John : Well , how did it happen ? Gloria : Because Michael s a genius . And the decision could come down any day now ! John : Oh , my adorable ... this is just a ... a wonderful birthday present ! Wonderful ! Wonderful ! Kay : Oh , well , listen , now ... if -- if -- if that is the case ... it s true ? Then I want you to come back and run Jabot ! I mean , you ... you have been out of it far too long ! John ? Michael : Come here and kiss me in public . Lauren : Mmm ! Hi ! I got you coffee . Michael : Oh , excellent ! Lauren : How d it go ? Michael : How did it go ? How did it go ? Well , by the time left the Abbott house , the entire family was grinning from ear to ear . Lauren : Aw ! I bet they were surprised . Michael : Mmm . Flabbergasted is more like it . They had no idea I had been working behind the scenes to have John released . Lauren : No reason to get their hopes up , huh ? Michael : Mmm , uh , Jack thanked me . He shook my hand , if you can believe it . It was a minor historical moment . Lauren : Hmm . So , Michael ? Michael : So , Lauren ? Lauren : I did something . Michael : You did something ? Oh , did you forget to put oil in the engine and blow it ? Lauren : No , that would be you . Michael : That usually is me , you re right . Lauren : Mm - hmm . Michael : That s a bad example . Lauren : Right . Michael : Okay ... Lauren : Anyway , I have located an expert in reconstruction . Michael : Oh , Sweetie , that s not necessary . I like you just the way you are . Lauren : My God ! No , someone who specializes in restoring damaged documents . Michael : Oh ... oh , the diary ? Lauren : Right . This way , we can find out if it s really your grandmother s . And maybe it ll help us figure out what happened to her after her house was destroyed in New Orleans . Michael : Hmm . Lauren : But it s up to you . You know , it s up to you if you wanna pursue this . JT : That s the best I can do . Paul : Let me try . That enhancement program-- it s supposed to be top of the line . Paul : Mmm . That makes it worse . JT : That image is about as good as we re gon na get it . Paul : All right , any thoughts on what kind of room this might be ? JT : The walls look like they re some kind of metal . Paul : All right , so what kind of rooms have metal walls ? JT : A meat locker ? The shipping container ? Paul : Shipping container ... uh ... the trailer of a semi truck ? JT : Yeah , it could be , uh , a license plate number or the shipping container number , right ? ( Cell phone ringing ) Paul : Williams . Brad : Hey , listen up . I spoke with the kidnappers . I bought us a little more time . We do nt know where Sharon s being held , or we have to try and fool the kidnappers with a phony reliquary . Paul : Where are you gon na get a phony reliquary that ll pass for a Grugeon original ? Brad : Victoria s working on that right now . Even if she s successful , though , we still have to make the exchange . We have to get Sharon out without anyone being killed . Paul : We think it s possible they may be keeping Sharon in the back of a truck - trailer , or a shipping container . Brad : Why do you think that ? Paul : Well , we ve been studying an image from , uh , Sharon s videotape . And I also have an associate in Cleveland that is checking the DMV and shipping area . Brad : That s great . Good work , Paul . Keep me posted . Nick : What are you doing ? Brad : Sending my mother an e - mail . I need her to call me back on a safe line . Victoria : I located an art supply store nearby in the phone book . I d really much rather do this at home . Brad : We do nt have time for that Victoria : I know we do nt have time , okay ? I just hope this place has the material I need . I ll be back . Nick : What are you looking at ? Brad : Nick , I know you re angry . And you have every right to be . But we have to put aside any personal animosity . We have to trust each other . We have to be able to count on each other , or Sharon s as good as dead . Ashley : Well , it looks like your day for reading material . John : Oh , goodness ! Well , Katherine was here earlier . Jack : Wait , she gave you the same book ? Kidnapped ? Ashley : Can you believe that ? John : It s a rare edition , Jack . Ashley : Well , ours is illustrated , thank you very much . John : Rare , illustrated-- a man can not have too many copies of his favorite book . Jack : If you say so . Ashley : So , Daddy ? Did Gloria tell you the good news ? ! John : Well ... if it s true , I could nt be more thrilled ! Get out of here ? And what Katherine told me made it even better ! Jack : Wait , what s that ? Ashley : What ? John : She wants me to come back to Jabot and take charge again ! Ashley : Are you sure you wanna do that ? John : Oh , Honey , I ca nt wait to get back ! Ashley : Yeah ? Can you imagine ? We could be working side - by - side again , Dad . John : Oh , I know , Sweetheart . And , Jack ? If the lawsuit permits , I wanna bring you back to Jabot as well . Jack : Well , there s only one problem with that . John : What s that ? Jack : Until we get control of Jabot back from Katherine Chancellor , I wo nt make it past the reception desk in the lobby . Gloria : Ah ... it was so wonderful seeing John look so well ! Kay : Your son is quite a miracle worker . Gloria : Mm - hmm . Well , it s not 100 % , Katherine , but he feels pretty darn sure the governor is going to okay John s release . Kay : Really ? Well , we re going to have to throw something very special for John s homecoming , are nt we ? Gloria : I am counting the minutes . Kay : That s a very intriguing necklace . Is that new ? Gloria : Actually , it s a prototype I had made up for you and Jill to look at . Kay : Oh ? I did nt know Jabot was going into the jewelry business . Gloria : Yeah , well , I thought it s something we could use to promote a new fragrance . You know , charms as perfume bottles . Kay : Chanel is doing something like that . Gloria : Well , I m not saying it s an original idea by any means . But I thought that maybe-- just maybe-- we could take it a step further . Put the Jabot logo on the charms , and they could be attached to purses or necklaces or jackets or jeans ! Kay : Mmm . And always have a little spritz of fragrance ready when needed ? Gloria : You like the idea ? Kay : Who thought of it ? Gloria : You re looking at her . Kay : Excellent ! No , no , it s an excellent idea . Gloria : Do you think John will approve ? Kay : Well , if he does nt , he s certainly not as smart as I think he is . Michael : Well , if we did nt pursue it , I guess we would always wonder , huh ? Okay , all right , why do nt you give this guy the diary ? Lauren : I already did . Michael : What if I had said no ? Lauren : Well , I was pretty sure you would nt . And I know how much you wanna find out what happened to your father . Michael : True . Lauren : You would nt be human if you were nt concerned about your grandmother after Katrina . Michael : So does this reconstructionist think he can make the diary legible ? Lauren : Actually , he could nt make any promises . But he did say that he s worked on documents in worse condition . Michael : Hmm . Well , I would like this mystery solved . Especially since I m about to become a father myself . Lauren : I think you should be prepared for what we might find . Michael : I already knew he was a drunk when I was a kid . I do nt expect much . Hey ... look , whatever I find , good or bad , I honestly believe it ll help me relate better to my son . Lauren : And what makes you think we re having a boy ? Michael : Well ... look , boy or girl-- the point is ... I m ready for this adventure . I m ready to have it . And I m ready to have it with you . Brad : How s it going ? Nick : I found something very interesting . Brad : What s that ? Nick : There s a pattern of activity surrounding the collection . Brad : What kind of pattern ? Nick : Look at this-- every one of these purchases was made anonymously by corporations . Brad : Oh . So if we can link the corporations together somehow-- that might provide a money trail that leads us to the kidnappers . Nick : Yeah . ( Cell phone ringing ) Brad : Brad Carlton . Rebecca : Sweetheart , its Mom . Brad : Hey , Mom . How are you ? How are the girls ? Rebecca : We re fine , George . Brad : Mother , I need you to think . Is there anything that you forgot to mention-- anything you may have overlooked that could give us a clue as to who the kidnappers are ? Rebecca : I hate reliving those memories . But I ll do whatever it takes to help you find your friend . Kay : So you must be excited . Gloria : I am so excited , Katherine . Oh , hello , Ashley ! Katherine and I are having some tea . Care to join us ? Ashley : Oh , no , thank you . I have some work . Kay : What do you think about her idea for , um , a line of jewelry ? Ashley : Uh , no , actually , I missed that . Kay : Well , it s just a prototype right now . But I was thinking-- the idea is that , uh , to mass produce them and put a little fragrance in them . Who knows ? Maybe even a new perfume by Ashley Abbott . Ashley : Have you run it by Jill ? Gloria : I plan to , first chance I get . Kay : Well , knowing how Jill likes jewelry , I m sure she s going to love the idea . Ashley : Hmm , well , it sounds like it might have potential . Anyway , excuse me . I have work I have to do . Kay : Oh , Gloria , it looks like you-- you do have your work cut out for you . Proving to Ashley that you deserve to be a part of the company . Gloria : Mm - hmm . As long as you and Jill think I m doing a good job ... that s all that matters . Jill : I just saw Ashley leaving . I hope I did nt chase her off . John : Oh , not at all . Jack : No , she , uh , she had to go and deal with a couple of things . John : Look at you ! You look wonderful ! Jill : Oh , you are such a sweet man . Jack : Well , look , I ve got a couple of phone calls to make . I ll let you two talk for awhile . Jill : No , no , no , do nt let me chase you away . He still blames me for his being forced out of Jabot . John : I ve got news ! With a little luck , I may be out of here soon . Jill : You re kidding me ! John : No ! Jill : Oh , John , that s wonderful news ! John : Well , Gloria s son Michael has been doing some legal maneuvering and the governor may commute my sentence to time served . Jill : Oh , my God ! I could nt be more thrilled ! Oh , darling ... oh , oh , oh , I almost forgot ! Billy is coming home for a visit . John : Oh , my goodness . Oh , that just completes my birthday ! You know , he s been gone so long . I miss him so . Jill : I know you do . I do , too . John : You know ... he s the -- the special treasure that we share-- our son . Jill : Our son . We had some good times , did nt we , John ? John : Oh .. times I ll never forget . Jill : And now you have Gloria . And I know how much you love her . John : Oh , yeah . You know ... oh , goodness , as bizarre as it may sound from a man sitting in jail , this could be the best birthday I ve ever had . Lauren : Hey , what do you think about Trinity for a girl ? Michael : Is nt that the name of the woman in The Matrix ? Lauren : Yes . She was great . I like it . Michael : It was a lot of leather . I m gon na have to think about that . Lauren : All right , so for girls , we actually agree on-- Michael : Mm - hmm . Lauren : Hannah . Michael : Mm - hmm . Lauren : Eva and Madison . Michael : No , I m having second thoughts about Madison , too . Lauren : Oh , you got ta be kidding ! Why ? Michael : Madison Baldwin ? It just does nt sound very feminine . Lauren : Well ... all right , what if we add-- like , Madison Emily Baldwin ? What do you think of that ? Michael : Well , I guess she could use her middle name if she hates Madison . Lauren : Oh , come on ! I really like that . Michael : I know you do . Lauren : All right , so what about boys ? Michael : Bubba . Lauren : Bubba ? Michael : Bubba Baldwin . Lauren : Bubba Baldwin is better than Madison ? Michael : Yes , it is better . Lauren : Okay , great . Why do nt you get serious now ? Michael : I am serious . Lauren : Um ... what about Ethan ? Michael : Ethan Baldwin . I like that . Lauren : Yeah ? Michael : Yeah . Lauren : Jason ? Michael : No , not unless he s born on Friday the 13th . Lauren : Oh , great . So I guess Damien s out then ? Michael : Uh , yeah . And Freddy and Chucky . Lauren : No ! Those are two of my favorites ! Michael : I m sure they are cause you re twisted . Lauren : You know ... Michael : What ? Lauren : Nothing . No , no , it s not important . Michael : I think it is . What is it ? What s on your mind ? What ? What ? What ? Lauren : Well ... Michael : It would be easier to do all this if we knew the sex of the child ? Lauren : Yeah ! Michael : I was thinking the same thing . Lauren : Were you really ? Michael : I can call . I can call them up and find out right now . Lauren : We promised-- we promised that we would nt do that . Michael : We did nt exactly promise . It was more like a preference . You know , preferences change . Lauren : You know , that s true . That s true . Michael : Yes . It would cut our name picking time in half . Lauren : It sure would , would nt it ? Michael : Mm - hmm . Lauren : Okay , let s do it ! Nick : So what did your mom have to say ? Brad : Victoria ... remember I told you that my mother was forced to work at the concentration camp by the commandant ? And that she was a star witness at his war crimes trial ? He was executed . Victoria : So you think this kidnapping could be for revenge ? Brad : In some sick way , it makes sense . Nick : Yeah , but if that were the reason ... why would they ask for this reliquary ? Why did nt they just ask for your mother ? Brad : I do nt know . But I m gon na do some research on this commandant . John : Oh ... Jack : Pop ? You okay ? John : Oh , yeah , I am . Just a little headache . Probably all the excitement . Jack : Yeah . You ve had a big day . John : I m not getting any younger , am I , Jackie ? Jack : None of us is . John : Well , it sure will be wonderful getting out of this place . Let me tell you that . Jack : You and Gloria owe it to yourselves to take a nice , long vacation . John : Well , maybe someday . But right now , there s too much work to do to build Jabot back to its glory days . Jack : Hey , hey , I ve been thinking about that . Maybe this jumping right back into the fray is the last thing you need . John : Jack , I m excited about it . And I ca nt wait to meet with Jill , size up the situation and determine what has to be done . And let me make something else very clear to you , I plan to make sure my wife plays a bigger role at Jabot . Jack : That s a mistake , Dad . I ve seen her in action . John : Jack ... Jack : She s intrusive . She lacks basic business skills . She is much too emotional to make even the most rudimentary decision . John : All right , that is enough ! Must you ruin what s been a perfect day for me ? Now listen , if you plan to come back to Jabot , you better be prepared . You re gon na have to work with her . Because like it or not , she s a member of this family . Jill : Gloria , that is a terrific idea ! Gloria : Thank you ! Kay : We were hoping you would like the idea . Jill : Oh , like it ? I love it ! I want to put it into production right away ! Gloria : Yes ! Ashley : Do nt you think we should wait till my father gets home ? Gloria : Oh , but , Ashley , it s going to take time to manufacture the dies and set up the assembly . Ashley : Gloria ... Kay just told my father today that she wants him to take over Jabot again . Ca nt we wait till he gets settled in before we start committing to new products ? Jill : Excuse me ? ! John is gon na be in charge again ? Kay : Well , I thought it would boost his morale . Gloria : You obviously do nt like my idea . Ashley : That s not necessarily true . But my father might have a completely different opinion . That s all I m saying . Kay : Well , I ca nt imagine him having a problem with it , Ashley . Gloria : Excuse me , but I need some air . Jill : Could we just back up for a moment , please ? Kay : What s the problem ? Jill : Problem ? You just announced that you re giving John my job . Kay : Not to worry . I have plans for you , Jill . Big plans . Michael : Oh , here it is , I had it under her first name . Lauren : Okay , wait , wait , wait , wait , wait . Michael : What ? Lauren : Are we really doing this ? Michael : Well , it s not like seeing your bride before the wedding or walking under a ladder or something like that . Lauren : I know , I know . But should nt we be making a bigger deal out of this ? Michael : What ? You wanna buy a brownie and stick a candle in it ? Lauren : Honey , I m thinking maybe we should be doing this at home . Michael : Oh , I m telling you , we will have changed our minds before we got there . Lauren : You re right . You re right . Michael : Hmm ? Lauren : Okay , okay , let s bite the bullet or the rattle or whatever ! Okay , dial ! Michael : You re sure ? Lauren : Yeah , yeah , okay ! I mean , it would be so much easier , do nt you think ? Michael : Mm - hmm . Lauren : We ll know . We can get serious about clothes and names and the nursery-- the whole thing ! Okay ! Michael : All right . Lauren : All right , do it ! Michael : It s ringing . Ringing once . Lauren : Okay . Michael : Ringing twi-- oh , hey , yes , is Dr. Thompson available ? Yes , this is Michael Baldwin-- Lauren s husband . No , no , no , no , it s not an emergency . Right , terrific . She s gon na go get her . Lauren : Okay , but , you know , it does nt matter really . I just -- I think it ll be fun . I mean , to know if it s a boy . I ve been thinking boy . But girls are good , too , are nt they ? Michael : Shh , shh . Hello , yes , hi , Dr. Thompson , this is Michael Baldwin . Lauren : Okay , I changed my mind ! Michael : What ? Lauren : I changed my mind ! Michael : Huh ? Lauren : No , no , no , I do nt wanna know . It s a bad idea -- bad idea ! Michael : All right , all right , Sweetie . Yes , hi , Dr. Thompson , this is Michael Baldwin . I m so sorry . Um , we were actually just calling you to find out the sex of the child but , um ... yeah , we changed our mind . Happens all the time , right ? Okay , I am sorry . Yes , good - bye . Thank you . Lauren : Are you upset ? Michael : Come here , my little pumpkin . Kiss me . Lauren : I m sorry . Michael : Mnh - mnh . Never say you re sorry . Paul : All right , thanks . JT : Was that Kara ? Paul : Yeah , it turns out the number sequence does nt belong to any Ohio license plate . But it does match the numbers on a shipping container . JT : Who owns it ? Paul : Gerard Trucking-- in Cleveland . Brad : How s it going ? Is this gon na work ? Victoria : Do nt talk , please . It s difficult enough without you breaking my concentration . Brad : Sorry . Victoria : Oh ! Brad : What ? Victoria : I have to start over on that section . Brad : Sweetheart , listen ... take it easy . You can do this . I know you can . Victoria : But will I be finished in time ? Or is it gon na be too late to save Sharon ? Michael : What about Leslie ? Lauren : Leslie ? Michael : It s from Leticia . That means joy ! Lauren : Oh , someone s happy this evening . Gloria : Delirious ! Because thanks to my brilliant son , John may be released from prison very soon . Lauren : I know . Michael told me . I m so thrilled . Gloria : Mm - hmm . Michael : Lauren has some more good news . Gloria : More good news ? Michael : Mm - hmm . Grandmother Baldwin-- her diary ... or so we hope . Gloria : Your father s mother ? Michael : Yeah , as I recall , you did nt meet her , did you ? Gloria : No , never met her . Michael : Well , Lauren found out that she lives in New Orleans . So I took a little trip down there . I tried to dredge up dear old dad . Gloria : Michael , I do nt know why you re doing this . Because the man abandoned us . Lauren : Gloria , actually , we need to . I need Lowell Baldwin s medical history for the baby . Michael : You know , I found my grandmother s house . No one lives there anymore . It s a mess after hurricane Katrina . Lauren : Michael also found a diary in the debris . I mean , it s totally illegible . It was damaged in the flooding . Michael : Which just leaves more questions . Gloria : Mm - hmm . So what did happen to her ? Michael : Oh , who knows ? Maybe she resettled somewhere . Maybe she s one of those bodies that are still unidentified . Lauren : So naturally , we re concerned . Gloria : Yeah . Well , somebody said something about good news ? Michael : Lauren found an expert who said he might be able to restore the diary . Gloria : Michael , I understand why you re doing this . But I do nt think it s a good idea . Michael : Oh , my goodness , what an odd thing for you to say . Why ? Gloria : Because you are happily married . You re going to have a baby . You have a successful career . Why dredge up the past ? Forget all this stuff about your father . God knows ... I married the worst two men-- Lowell Baldwin , Tom Fisher . Lauren : Yes , but then there s John Abbott . Gloria : Yeah . Yeah , I finally did something right . And he may be coming home soon . Jill : You know , this is nt just about my position in the company . Jabot is in a very precarious state right now . I ve been working overtime trying to repair the damage to our reputation . Kay : And you are doing an excellent job ! Jill : Katherine ! I think that switching C.E.O. s at this particular time would do more harm than good . Kay : John knows Jabot inside out , for heaven s sakes ! There s going to be a very smooth ... it s going to be a very smooth transition , girls . Jill : Besides which , I think he should be taking it easy . He should be spending some time with Gloria . Ashley : I agree with you , Jill . I mean , it s gon na be culture shock enough for him to be getting out of prison . Katherine , he has a heart condition . I do nt wanna see my father my father collapse because he s jumped back into the stress of running a company before he s ready . Kay : You listen to me . Your father is a hell of a lot stronger than you give him credit for ! Jack : Dad , I hope I do nt have to remind you . Gloria is responsible for your being in prison in the first place . John : Oh , Jack ... Jack , I am sick and tired of you and your sister blaming my wife for everything that s gone wrong in our lives ! Jack : I m sorry ! I m sorry ! John : No , I do nt wanna fight with you ! Do nt you understand ? ! Jack : Okay , Dad , Dad , forget I said anything . Look , I love you too much to go against your wishes . John : You know , one day-- one day , you re gon na see that I m right about Gloria . Jack : I m gon na head home right now and start getting things ready for your return . We should get word from the governor s office any day now . Dad ? I m sorry , okay ? I mean it . Jack : Hey ! Happy birthday ! John : Oh ... ow ! Ow ! John : What ... Man : Okay , it s time to go back to your cell , Abbott . John : My right eye-- I have no vision out of my right eye ! John : What -- what s going on ? ! Paul : All right , so what did they say ? JT : Gerard trucking company has a fleet of shipping containers . Their main yard is on the Erieside near the port of Cleveland . Paul : Oh , wow ! That s just a few blocks from the warehouse where you and Sharon were being held . JT : Really ? Paul : But the problem is , if she is in one of those containers , she could be anywhere . Or they could be constantly on the move . JT : I still think it s the best lead we have . Paul : Face it , Buddy , it s the only lead we have . Victoria : I really am gon na need at least another day here . Brad : Victoria , we do nt have another day . We re on borrowed time as it is . Victoria : Okay , I realize that , all right ? Reminding me every two seconds is nt helping anything . ( Cell phone ringing ) Brad : Hello . Man : Hello , George . Where do things stand ? Brad : You said you d give us more time . Man : Your time just ran out . Either you have the reliquary , or you do nt . Brad : We have it . We re ready to make the exchange . Dru : I did nt say that ! Stop twisting my words ! Neil : I m just trying to show you just how far apart we are . Kevin : Alex was nt a threat anymore . Daniel : He came back . What makes you think he wo nt do it again ? Jack : Dad is being given a series of tests . Ashley : What kind of tests ? ### Summary:
Nick is upset thinking that he pushed too far and that he got Sharon killed in the process . Brad is sure that she is fine . The man calls back and admits to just scaring them . Sharon is put on the phone to prove she is alive . The man wanted to make a point . He gives them more time to find the reliquary but it wo nt be much . JT and Paul look at the numbers and letters that Sharon has written on the ground . They make a call to have someone check them out . The numbers belong to a shipping container for Gerard Trucking in Cleveland . The address is only a few minutes from where JT and Sharon were initially being held . Michael arrives at the Abbots all smiles . Gloria , Jack and Ashley were just getting ready to go and see John for his birthday . He tells that he has been working secretly and it looks pretty good that the governor is going to reduce John s sentence to time served and get him out of prison ! Jack thanks Michael warmly for his help . He visits with his father and when alone , he gets John angry when he shows displeasure at his father s request to give Gloria more to do at the company . Jack leaves , and John ca nt see out of his right eye . What is happening to me ? After Mr. Arkadin sells the trio his , Victoria decides to try to doctor it to look like the reliquary that the kidnappers want . She works but it is going to take more than a day to do the job . The kidnapper calls and says that time is up . Brad lies and says that they have what he wants and that they are ready to do a trade .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Nikki : Hey , you did all the work . All I did was show up . Summer : Looking awesome . When I get married , can I please have a Forrester original , too ? Eric : It would be my pleasure . Victoria : You know , if your father heard you planning that far ahead , he d probably have a heart attack . Nikki : Eric , it is so nice to have you here with us . Eric : It s wonderful to have something to celebrate ... and to see you in that dress . Summer : Yeah . It s sick . Nikki : Thank you . Summer : It s really sick . Victor : It s what ? Summer : Sick . You know , like a good sick . Victor : Oh . Summer : Like gorgeous . Victor : Oh , I see . So , you re reinventing the English language . You really mean Good . Nikki : Oh , let s see , now . What is that ? Another one of your surprises ? I think you ve outdone yourself . Victor : No , Sweetheart . I have no idea . Victoria : Maybe somebody sent another gift . I will check . Victor : Thank you . Victoria : Sharon . You need to go . Now . Sharon : Um , this wo nt take that long . Victoria : Another scene ? More theatrics , drama , arson ? Sharon : No . That s not why I m here . Nikki : Sweetheart , who is it ? Tyler : Hey . What is wrong ? I could barely understand a word you were saying on the phone . Leslie : Yeah . I need you to sit down . Tyler : Sit down ? What are you -- hey , what s going on ? Leslie : I saw Dad . Tyler : I thought I told you not to go to Milwaukee . What did he do to you ? What did he do to get you like this ? Leslie : He told me the truth . Nikki : Sharon , as you can see , we re very busy , so now is not the time to do whatever you had planned to do . Victor : Sweetheart , I ll deal with it . Sharon : Oh , please . Before you all make this into something that it is nt , I m here for Faith . Nick called . He said she s tired . Victoria : Oh , I see . So , the only way for you to do the hand - off was to bust in to a wedding reception . Nick : Here we go . I told you mommy was on the way . Sharon : Hi , Baby . Come here . Best wishes to you . I m sure you ll be happy in your beautiful new home . Victor : Good night , my sweetheart . You were the prettiest flower girl I ve ever seen . Nikki : Crisis averted . Let s get back to celebrating . Michael : I d like another one of these . If that s no problem . Bob : Sure thing . Phyllis : Is that why you re here ? To pull rank ? Your brother does nt need a bodyguard , Ashley . Ashley : Phyllis , so , you ve always had Jack s interests at heart , huh ? You have nt lied or cheated or walked away from him when he needed you ? Phyllis : Well , this time I was here for him , and where were you ? Oh , in New York . And you did nt even come back . If you re sporting some guilt about that , do nt dump it on me , okay ? Adam : Did you get the message I left ? There are things to be dealt with , Jack . Jack : Calm down . Calm down . Victor can huff and puff all he wants . Neither of us is gon na take heat for that poor woman s death . Adam : Oh , well , we do nt have to be worried about us . Because he made it clear he s gon na be coming after me . He claims to have a witness who s gon na say that they saw me deposit the body in the alley . Jack : Do you think that s possible ? Adam : Not even remotely possible . I think he just put that info out there to try and scare me , so I had to react . But with or without this fictional witness , he made it clear he s gon na be waging war , and he s doing it right after the wedding . Jack : That would be today . Adam : Well , then , it s time we get on the offensive . Faith : Dylan ! Dylan : Wow ! That is some dress . I did nt know it was gon na be so formal . Should I go home and put on a tie ? Faith : [ Giggles ] Dylan : Did you have fun at the wedding ? Faith : Mm - hmm . Dylan : Yeah ? What did you do ? Do any dancing ? Faith : Mm - hmm . I did lots of dancing . Dylan : You did ? Faith : With Avery and Daddy . Ashley : I meant what I said before , Phyllis . My family s very , very grateful to you for helping Jack during his recovery . Phyllis : Oh , that s sweet . What do you think I did , Ashley ? Hand him a sandwich and magazines and say , Buck up ? Do you know what it did to his mind , to his body ? It was shakes . It was hallucinations , sweats . He did nt trust anybody else to be at the cabin with him except me . That should tell you something . He trusted no one else . He raged and he screamed things at me that , honestly , I did nt want to hear , but I took it . [ Sighs ] I was there when he needed me . I - I m sorry . Where were you ? Ashley : Billy and Kyle thought it was best if Traci and I keep our distance . Phyllis : Oh , did he ? [ Chuckles ] So , if Billy had nt told you to stay away , you would have definitely been here with Jack s head on your lap while he was detoxing ? Ashley : Absolutely . Phyllis : Stroking his head ? Ashley : Absolutely . Phyllis : Absolutely . Sure . But now that he s better , you re here protecting him . Ashley : Well , if it was such a burden on you and it was so brutal -- Phyllis : I never said that . Ashley : Then what are you doing here now ? What do you want from Jack now ? Phyllis : I m his friend . Ashley : That s exactly my point . You see him as a friend , and he sees you as something entirely different , Phyllis . And it must be wonderful for you , right ? He s focusing all his attention on your needs . There s probably expensive dinners and gifts and flowers and champagne . Phyllis : I can buy gifts and flowers and champagne myself . Ashley : Of course you can , but you ca nt buy the adoration , can you ? He s trying to make you fall in love with him again . But you wo nt because you do nt feel that way about him . Do you ? And if not , you are setting him up to fail , and then what happens to strong and healthy Jack ? Jack : You have to hit Victor before he hits you . Adam : I ca nt imagine Dad wasting any time after the wedding . However fast he moves , I ll have to move faster . Jack : So what s the plan ? Adam : I ll let you know when I come up with one . But Dad better keep his guard up . He s got plenty of enemies . I m sure there will be several coming at him from all sides . Victoria : All right . That s your cue . Victor : Well ? May I have this dance , Mrs. Newman ? Nikki : I would be delighted , Mr. Newman . Nikki : You know , you re a very brave man to dance with me . Victor : The only thing I m worried about is ever letting go of you . My beauty . You look so beautiful tonight . Michael : Just another part of their dance . They ve been close and drifted apart , but in their hearts , they re always together , through joy and misery and leaving each other and then coming back . I get exhausted thinking about it . Lauren : It s a very rare occasion -- you do nt sound like a pure and utter romantic . Michael : It s very hard to toast to everlasting love when we re in limbo . Noah : Hey . Put it away . Summer : You ca nt tell me what to do , Noah . Noah : I have to . It s kind of a big - brother thing . Summer : All right , well , this text is kind of important . Noah : It s disrespectful to Grandma and Grandpa . Put it away . Who are you texting ? Summer : None of your business . Noah : Dad said something about Kyle Abbott . Is that who it was ? Summer : Look , I do nt even remember who , okay ? I could tell you if I could check my phone , but I ca nt , so -- Noah : You ca nt get involved with a guy like that . Summer : Okay , look , Noah , I appreciate this whole big - brother thing that you re doing , but I am not gon na take romantic advice from someone with a girlfriend like Adriana the fugitive . Tyler : The truth ? What , his version of the truth ? Come on . Do not tell me you fell for that , Sis . Leslie : After talking to him , I think Dad is innocent . Tyler : Do nt call him Dad . Were nt you just telling me to call him Inmate 553-whatever ? Leslie : Yeah , but he is our father . Tyler : The man choked the life out of our mother , bashed her against the wall . His name s Gus Rogan , and he deserves to rot in a cell . Leslie : Yeah , Tyler , listen to me . It was in his eyes , okay ? The truth . And the truth is , Dad was a bad man . He did a lot of bad things , but he -- he did nt kill Mom . Tyler : What was in his eyes when he was standing over Mom s dead body ? Or at the trial , glaring at us on the stand like he wanted us dead , too ? Leslie : Yes . Mom died in the worst way possible . He made her life miserable . He drank too much , and he gambled all their money away , but , Tyler , going in there , face - to - face with him -- I was nt some scared little kid anymore . I have seen too much in my life , and , one - on - one , I believe him when he was saying he did nt do it . He s telling the truth , Tyler . He deserves his freedom . And we deserve to know who really took our mom from us . Victor : We re very happy that the two of you came to this very special occasion . Summer : We would nt have missed it for anything . Nikki : Hey , I thought you were gon na bring a date . Where s your beautiful friend ? Summer : You know what ? We were just talking about her . Where is Adriana ? Noah : She could nt make it . Victor : Oh . But Katherine is not making her work today , do you think ? Noah : No , actually , I think it was something personal . Nikki : Wait a minute . With all the excitement going on , I did nt notice . Where is Katherine ? Victor : I know . I am sure that Katherine had a very good reason for not showing up , you know ? We ll hear from her tomorrow . Nikki : I do nt know . I think I m gon na call her . I have a feeling something s wrong . Victor : Sweetheart , do nt worry about it . Nikki : It ll just take me a minute . Victor : Okay . Ashley . Ashley : Hi . Victor : My goodness . Ashley : Look at you . You look happy . Victor : I m so happy you showed up . Ashley : I have to admit that Abby was a little forceful with her invitation . Victor : She was ? Ashley : Yeah . Sorry I missed your ceremony . I had to go say hi to Jack . Victor : Something wrong with Jack ? Ashley : You re very sweet to be concerned about Jack , but , um , the crystal bowl that I brought you -- that s gon na be the only gift I give you today . Victor : You brought me a crystal bowl ? Ashley : I did . Victor : I ll be damned . Ashley : You re gon na like it . Dylan : Oh . Two out of three . Here we go . Ready ? Kaagaz . Sharon : What ? What did you say ? Dylan : What ? Oh , I -- yeah , I picked up a few words back in Afghanistan . Pashto for Paper is Kaagaz . Sharon : Okay , Sweetie . Time to put our jammies on . Dylan : She s , uh -- she s a great kid . Sharon : She really is . She kind of reminds you of that little girl in Afghanistan you were telling me about , huh ? You know , the -- the one whose family took you in when you were injured . Maybe you do nt want to talk about it . Or ... maybe you do . Dylan : Her -- her name was Ara . And because her family helped me ... insurgents , uh , retaliated against her whole village ... and her family . Sharon : And Ara ? Dylan : She , uh -- she survived . I knew she could nt stay . I knew they d come back for her , so we ran . We hiked into the hills . I was trying to find a safe zone . It was a couple weeks . Sharon : Wow . How did you survive ? Dylan : [ Sighs ] Lots of Rock , paper , scissors . Sharon : But you led her to safety . Dylan : She was just a kid . She s got nobody left . Yeah , we -- we made it . And I got word that she s -- she s still safe . But the things she saw because of me ... Sharon : She would have died without you . Dylan : I would have died . I would have died without her . Lauren : You have nt said two words since we left the reception . Michael : Well ... I ca nt think of any new words to say . Lauren : I m home , Michael . It s progress . Michael : Is it ? Because it feels like ... [ Sighs ] You re across the universe . You re on one side , and I m on the other . And that s the way you like it . Lauren : There s nothing about this that I like . Michael : Me at a distance with a huge chasm of resentment between us . You re never gon na forgive me for Fenmore . Lauren : I will and I have . It s -- it s not that . Michael : Then what ? Lauren , what is it ? It s growing . You re feeding it -- this distance . It s huge and it s dark and it scares the hell out of me . How many times do I have to ask you ? How many ways ? Lauren : [ Sighs ] Michael : Just tell me . Tell me what s up with you . Lauren : I - I - I ca nt . I ca nt , Michael . Michael : Do nt . Wait ! Jack : Ashley left ? Phyllis : Oh . I did nt even notice she was here . Jack : Dare I ask what she had to say ? Phyllis : Nothing I did nt already know . Jack : She s protective . Do nt let her get to you . Phyllis : That s the thing . It s easy to say . Whatever . [ Sighs ] What makes me mad is I think she s right about me , about you . I m gon na screw this up . I think we both should listen to her . Ashley : So , look at you -- toasting Victor s wedding . Billy : At least I was never married to the man . Ashley : Well , at least he never locked me in a cell at Myanmar . Billy : Okay . Touché . Good point . But I bet it felt that way . [ Chuckles ] Ashley : [ Mimics chuckle ] Well , I do nt think about it ... Billy : Mm - hmm . Ashley : ... Much . You see , Billy , I ve evolved . Billy : Mm ? Ashley : My God , I sound just like Abby , do nt I ? Billy : Mm - hmm . Ashley : Speaking of family , how s Jack ? Billy : You mean the pills or Phyllis ? Because once he ditched one , he latched on to the other . I tried to warn him , but ... Ashley : You got to look out for him because Traci and I ca nt . Billy : Why not ? Ashley : Because I m not coming back to Genoa City . That s why not . You know that . Billy : I know . I had to try . I tried . I tried . Ashley : I know , and I love you for it . But please watch out for our big brother . I hate to see Phyllis jerk him around again . Billy : I m on it . Ashley : Okay . Billy : Do you remember the good old days when he was a cold - hearted womanizer ? Oh , I miss those days . Ashley : Well , you remember the womanizing . I just remember him being obsessed with Victor and getting Newman . Billy : And destroying every relationship in the process . Yeah . Ashley : Well , you and I can handle it . We hate it , but we can handle it . Jack ... I do nt know . I do nt want to see what Phyllis could do to him this time around . Eric : It s good to talk to you in person , Neil . I heard your name a lot when you were at Newman . Now you re at Jabot and you re in the fashion industry ? Neil : Yeah , that s right . It s a brand - new division , and we are just looking forward to emulating your success , my man . Eric : [ Chuckles ] Well , good . Have you signed anybody for your design team ? I can give you some insight into some of the players . Neil : Unh - unh - unh . Even you are gon na have to wait for the press release , right ? You know , build some anticipation . Eric : [ Laughs ] Okay . Eric : Good luck . Victoria : Um , excuse me , everyone . Can we please have your attention ? Nick : Yes . Please grab a drink . It is time to toast the bride and groom . Victoria : Uh , we re not gon na make any jokes about how they ve been here before . Nick : Nope . Not at all . Victor : No . Please do nt . Nikki : Thank you . Victoria : This marriage and this evening is a tribute to our mother and her grace and her strength [ Sighs ] And her patience . Nick : Yeah . It takes a lot of that with Dad . A lot . Victor : Well , I got the message the first time . Nick : A lot . Victoria : Anyway , aside from all of that , she s strong -- very strong . And brave . Nick : You need that with Dad , too . Victor : Son , I got the message . Victoria : She is as much of a warrior as any Newman could ever be , but she does it with style and with elegance . She , with her faith and love and family and joy , shows us how to cherish and embrace every moment . Because if we re not careful , what really matters can slip away . Nick : So raise your glasses . A toast ... to the happy couple . Victor : That was very sweet of you . Come here , my darling . All : Here , here . All : Here , here . Carmine : Lauren ! Lauren : Hi , Carmine . Carmine : How are you ? Lauren : I m good . You ? Carmine : That s how it s gon na be ? All official ? Lauren : Well ... Carmine : Or are you gon na run every time you see me ? Lauren : You know , I - I had an appointment , so ... Carmine : Oh . At this time of night ? Mm . [ Chuckles ] Take a seat with me . Lauren : You know I ca nt . Carmine : It s a public place . Do nt worry . I wo nt do anything crazy . Maybe make some small talk or big talk , if you need it . Either way , let me be the guy you talk to . Lauren : [ Sighs ] Jack : Listen to me . You are the gutsiest woman I know . You re a risk - taker . You re going off to Istanbul with me . That s a woman who takes risks . That s not a woman who backs off as soon as my sister blows into town . Phyllis : That s not why I m worried . You know that . We talked about that . Jack : I thought we were past that . Phyllis : We re not . [ Chuckles ] You know that . Jack : I know that we re both too difficult for most people to deal with . I m fine with that . In fact , I would nt have it any other way . If you re so bad for me , why am I sober and working and happier than I ve ever been ? Listen to me . Do nt do this . Do nt back away now . Not now . Do nt let fear get in the way of a good thing . Phyllis : Okay . Istanbul . That s as far as I ll commit . Jack : So , you wo nt go any farther than Turkey with me , huh ? Phyllis : [ Chuckles ] Jack : That s great . That s an excellent decision . We can prove , once and for all , we are good together . Kay : Oh , God . Billy : Since Reed is crashed out upstairs , I m gon na volunteer to take his piece of cake along with my own . Nikki : Oh , yeah ? Abby : Nikki , do you mind showing the younger generation how the cake cutting is done ? Victor : Of course . Summer : Wait , so smooshing cake in your loved one s face is bad ? Nikki : Oh , no , no , no . There will be no smooshing of anything today . Okay . Whoops . Victoria : Mom . I ll take it . Let me do it . Nikki : Unh - unh - unh . I can do it . Victor : No , no , no , no . That is -- the cutting of the cake is an honor that is reserved for my bride and me . Okay , my love . There we go . Look at that . Nikki : Okay . I did it . Victor : Another piece there . Sharon : That kitchen belongs in a magazine . I mean , I m almost glad a tree fell on my house . Dylan : Faith deserves all the credit . She s a great assistant . Sharon : When the job s done , are you still planning on leaving Genoa City ? Dylan : Job is done . And I have no -- no roots here . Sharon : Do you feel like you have roots back home ? Dylan : [ Sighs ] Well , my dad is gone . There s some loose ends I got to tie up in Chicago . I m thinking about going back to school to study architecture , so ... Sharon : Oh , that s -- that s wonderful . Dylan : Yeah . Yeah . Sharon : Going to something as opposed to away from something . As long as that s what you re doing . Dylan : Uh , are you -- are you doubting me ? Sharon : I m sorry . I just -- I saw the look on your face when Faith mentioned Avery and Nick dancing . Dylan : I m glad she had a good time . Faith , I mean . Okay , and the rest of them . I m -- honestly , I m not running from anything . I m just trying to move on . Everybody has to ... move on eventually , right ? Nick : You know , you re a tough one -- death - row lawyer , working at Newman , now you re braving a Newman wedding . Avery : Yes . And you d never guess which is the most stressful . Nick : And this dress -- mm , mm , mm . Avery : Wow . I may blush . [ Chuckles ] Nick : So , if I was to ask you again to drop Rogan s case ? Avery : I would thank you for worrying about me and tell you that I ca nt back down because too much is at stake . Nick : What s at stake is what scares me the most . I can not have you hurt . Avery : I will be careful . I promise . I have too much to live for . Alex : Is that a text from my sister ? That s very classy . Noah : It s not your concern . Alex : Oh , no , but it is . See , I m her older brother , so I protect her . Know what I mean ? I keep her from engaging in activities such as sending racy pictures to bartenders . Noah : You would nt know the first thing about being a big brother . Alex : Sorry . Was there a class or a seminar that I missed ? Noah : Adriana s trying to make it up to you . You wo nt even give her a chance . Alex : I ll give her a chance , okay ? But I m telling you , Noah , I know her better than you do , okay ? Do nt expect any change . Noah : She came back , did nt she ? You got your money , did nt you ? Alex : But did we get an answer for why she did it ? A believable one ? Noah : Maybe she came back to change her ways . Maybe she came back for love , for me . Alex : Oh . Look , you re a good guy , Noah , okay ? But what I told you months ago has nt changed . That girl s trouble . Noah : That girl is your sister . Tearing down your own family ? I think you missed the spirit of this event . Alex : Is she worth going to jail for ? Because that almost happened , okay ? It s gon na happen again . Noah : You lost your job . Nobody else s fault but your own . Alex : Oh , no , no , no . You screwed me because you were lying to me , and you were lying for her , Noah . Abby : Stop it ! Would you stop already ? ! Alex : [ Clear throat ] Leslie : I do nt know how to make you understand what I experienced in that room . Tyler : You ca nt make me understand , all right ? I will never waiver on this . That man murdered our mother . Leslie : You were nt there , Tyler . You did nt testify . I did . Tyler : Right . You saw it , so I do nt get how you can just change your tune now . Leslie : I m not changing my tune . I m just saying that my 15-year - old brain may have filled in the blanks for my eyes that day . I mean , I saw her lying on the ground , him next to her screaming , shaking her , going crazy . I mean , I thought , at the time , he was trying to hurt her . Tyler : You thought that because you know the man . You knew he was a criminal . Leslie : There was nothing in his record to suggest violence . Tyler : Come on , Les , we lived with him . We know he was violent . Leslie : Do we ? Really ? I mean , did he ever hit you ? Did he ever hit me ? Did we ever see him hit Mom ? Tyler : He was always yelling , hollering , threatening . Leslie : Yeah , he had a terrible temper , Tyler . So do you . Does that make you a violent criminal capable of murder ? Tyler : All right . All right . I see how it is . In order for me to Experience what you did , I ve got to be in the same room with the man ? You re telling me I got to look him in the eye ? Leslie : That s what did it for me , yeah . Tyler : [ Scoffs ] Well , then , I ll never know . Leslie : Tyler . Tyler ! Nick : You both need to chill out at my parents wedding . Noah : This guy is getting on my nerves , again . Alex : I m just speaking the truth , Noah . Nick : No , no , no , no , no . Noah : I m just sick of people taking shots at Adriana . She s -- she s trying to work it out . I m out of here . Abby : Not to be nosy , but why do you and my nephew want to kill each other ? Alex : I m gon na get a drink . Ashley : Charming . Abby : He is . Maybe not in that moment , but ... he s a doll . He s an officer of the law . He is the ultimate stand - up type guy . Ashley : Who , as you just put it , wants to kill your nephew ? Abby : I was defusing the tension with humor . Ashley : Abby , really ? Abby : I want to talk about New York and Aunt Traci and about my triumphant return to Genoa City with a wealth of business knowledge , thanks to you . Ashley : It s not your career that I m worried about . I really wish you d stayed in New York . Abby : So you can keep an eye on me ? You re just like Victor . I m an adult . Ashley : You are my daughter , and I worry about you . Do nt ever , ever compare me to Victor again . Are you sure you wo nt come to New York with me , please ? I m leaving pretty soon . Abby : Are you sure you wo nt stay here with me ? Ashley : [ Groans ] Abby : All right ! I know , Never , never , never again ! I will be fine . Ashley : You better be . Nikki : All right , Ladies . One last order of business . Victor : I see . Victoria : Mom , you do nt have to . Nikki : Honey , its okay . Throwing things is pretty much like dropping it , and I ve gotten very good at dropping things . Honey , it s fine . I promise . Summer : Yoo - hoo , Grandma . Over here . Over to me . To me . Nick : No , no , no . Let me , uh , switch you with you . Summer : But it s tradition . Nick : No , not gon na happen . Summer : I already picked out my dress . Abby : She s kidding . Do nt be a buzzkill . Mom . Come on . Ashley : Oh , I m sure Nikki really wants me to catch the bouquet . It s exactly how she envisioned this moment . Eric : [ Chuckles ] Go on . I never did get to see you as a bride . Go on . [ Chuckles ] Avery : Okay , I m , uh -- I m right in the way . I m going over here . Nikki : Okay . One ... two ... three ! Avery : Oh ! Avery : Okay . Carmine : Okay , how about this option -- no talking at all ? I mean , I buy you coffee or tea , and we take a seat here , stare at the room , look at all this nice decor , and after two minutes of doing that , I can show you my card trick again . This time , I can feel the magic . Besides , I ve had a crazy - lucky day today . You walked in the door , and I also won a raffle at work . Lauren : What was the prize ? Carmine : Well , the prize was a suite at the club for the night -- just waiting for me . Kay : Nikki . Katherine . Darling , I - I just got your message , and I m so sorry that I missed the wedding . I - I -- well , things have just been so chaotic around here . I m so sorry , Darling . I really am sorry . Billy : So , uh , Reed -- he s still crashed out ? Victoria : Yeah . Can you believe it ? I even offered him a piece of cake . Billy : [ Chuckles ] And no go ? Victoria : No . Billy : That is some jet lag . Poor little guy . So , Ashley at the wedding -- how about that ? That s a little wild . Victoria : Yeah , I know . A little wild . I guess if one of your siblings is gon na be here , then it -- Billy : It s better her than Jack , yes . Victoria : Exactly . Billy : I got it . Oh , wow . Speaking of unwelcome siblings . Not tonight . Go somewhere else . Adam : I ve come to give my regards to the happy couple , among other things . Billy : Adam , it looks like you came to get a boot up your backside . Why do nt you just move along ? Adam : FYI , Billy , you re not even wearing boots , so I do nt know if the grown- up who got you dressed this morning told you that . Billy : Okay . You got to leave . Adam : Okay . No . Not until I ve done what I came here to do . Billy : Yeah ? And what s that , Buddy ? Victor : Hello , Son . Adam : I ve come to toast the happy couple . Victor : Have you now ? Lauren : I should really be getting home . Carmine : If you change your mind , I ll be in Room 447 . Leslie : I believe my father is innocent and deserves to be released . Wheeler : Does your brother agree ? Adam : If everyone could join me and raise a glass , there are a few words I d like to say about my father . ### Summary:
At the wedding reception , Summer asks Eric for a Forrester original . Sharon appears at the door which unnerves everyone . She announces that she is only there to pick up Faith . Sharon wishes Victor and Nikki good luck and then leaves with Faith . In her hotel room , Tyler visits Leslie and finds out that she visited their father in prison . At Jabot , Phyllis and Ashley argue about who will take care of Jack . Adam lets Jack know that Victor is on to them and knows that Adam got rid of Stephanie s body . At Sharon s home , Dylan tells Faith how beautiful she is then plays a game with her while Sharon watches . Ashley tells Phyllis how grateful the Abbott family is to her for taking care of Jack while they could nt . Ashley asks Phyllis what she wants from Jack . Ashley surprises Phyllis when she asks if she loves Jack . Jack asks Adam what his plans are concerning Victor . Nikki and Victor have the first dance as husband and wife . Ashley appears at the wedding reception and is welcomed by everyone . Noah reprimands Summer for wanting to text while at the wedding . Summer resents his interference . Leslie tells Tyler that by looking into their father s eyes , she knows he did not kill their mother . Victor and Nikki wonder where Katherine is . Katherine sits alone as she tries to remember what she forgot . Ashley and Victor have a civil conversation . Faith hugs Dylan good night after Sharon tells her it is time for her to get her pajamas on . Dylan tells Sharon about his life overseas and how a girl named Ara saved his life . Michael senses the rift between himself and Lauren and the way she refuses to open up to him . Michael asks Lauren for the truth , but she refuses and just walks out . Jack finds Phyllis sitting on the sofa in his office . Phyllis tells Jack about her conversation with Ashley . Phyllis is apprehensive about her relationship with him . Ashley talks to Billy about Jack s addiction . Eric talks to Neil about the new fashion line at Jabot and offers to give Neil some pointers . Victoria and Nick propose a toast to Nikki and Victor . When Lauren enters the coffeehouse and sees Carmine , she starts to leave , but he stops her for a conversation . Jack tries to boost Phyllis morale without much luck . Nikki becomes so nervous while trying to cut the cake that Victor has to help her . Sharon is impressed by her new kitchen but is sad that Dylan is leaving town . Nick asks Avery to drop Gus s case , but she still refuses . Alex and Noah have an argument over Adriana , which Abby has to referee . Ashley tries to get Abby to go back to New York with her , but she refuses . Tyler refuses to go to see Gus . Avery catches the bridal bouquet at the wedding . Carmine and Lauren talk . The bartender watches the goings on at the reception . Adam arrives at the wedding to toast the happy couple .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ethan : May I have a moment , please ? Guard : Yeah . Rebecca : Thank goodness Ethan s finally here . And it s about time . Gwen : No , it does nt matter , Mother . He is nt here to help me . He s too late to help me . Theresa : I told you Ethan would choose me . He did nt show up to defend Gwen , because he is still in love with me . Judge : Mr. Winthrop , I believe you are on the docket as Mrs. Winthrop s attorney . Ethan : That s right , Your Honor . Judge : You re late . I ve already made my ruling in this case . Ethan : Your Honor , I can explain my tardiness . May I approach ? Judge : Come on , let s hear it . Ivy : I m sorry I am so late . Rebecca : Where were you ? Ivy : Oh , I got hung up with Sam and Jessica . Rebecca : Well , Ethan just got here . The district attorney has already presented his case , but Ethan was nt here to refute any of it . I m afraid my Gwen is done for . Ivy : No , oh , no . Gwen : Ivy , it s over . The judge revoked my bail . I am going back to jail today . Ivy : No , Gwen , it ca nt be over . It ca nt be too late . Ethan s here now is nt he ? And I m sure he s going to fight to keep you out Rebecca : Ivy , Ethan got here after the hearing was over . He just left Gwen hanging there . Look , and I really do nt know that he s going to do anything for her now . I do nt know whose side he s on , Gwen s or Theresa s . Ivy : Oh -- Veronica : Well , are nt you going to answer it , Fancy ? Fancy : Absolutely not . Veronica : But it s from Harmony again . I bet it s your mother . Fancy : Even more reason not to answer . Veronica : Why not ? Fancy : It s just a Hello from your mother obligatory call . Veronica : She s tried to call you twice in the last few minutes . Come on , maybe it s some kind of an emergency and she has to get in touch with you . Fancy : Nothing would induce her to call me in an emergency . That s what my brother s for . She s never needed to talk to me for any reason , and I m sure she s relieved I m not answering . She wo nt have to pretend to be the caring and concerned mother . Lester : Ned , you got 15 seconds to honor your debt . Ned : Or ? Lester : Or I ll be forced to take steps . Ned : You re in a time warp , Lester . Time s have changed , you know . These things are nt handled like they were back in the old days . Lester : Call me old fashioned . You owe me money , you pay , one way or another . You re down to seven seconds , Ned , and I know you do nt want time to run out . Mrs. Wallace : Oh -- oh . Did nt you hear what I said ? We ve got to move it , Bethie ! Beth : Mother , stop running around like a maniac . What did you say about Luis and Sheridan ? Mrs. Wallace : They know we were at the mansion last night with Alistair . We have got to get out of town , Bethie , now ! Beth : Well , how ? How did they find out ? Mrs. Wallace : It was Eve Russell . Beth : Oh -- Mrs. Wallace : I went to see her today . She let it slip that she saw us leaving the mansion . Oh , god . And you know it s going to take , oh , about five minutes for Luis to figure it out . He s a cop . He s going to put two and two together and realize that you got Alistair to help you kidnap Sheridan and steal the baby . He s going to know that everything Sheridan has said is right . Packing ! We ve got to get out of dodge right now ! Beth : Ok , just calm down . Just because Eve saw us leaving the mansion does not mean that she went and told Luis and Sheridan . Did she ask why we were there ? Mrs. Wallace : Oh -- oh , well , no . No , I did nt give her a chance . I got out of there as fast as I could . Bethie , I know she is going to tell Luis , and then the secret is going to be out . We have got to get out of Harmony ! We are done for , missy ! Sheridan : Come on , I want to go to Beth s right now -- Luis : Sher-- Sheridan : And get her to tell us the truth . Luis : Sheridan -- Sheridan , slow down , ok ? Now , we ca nt just go to Beth s making wild accusations without any proof . Sheridan : Why ? Eve Russell told us that she saw my father at the mansion with Beth and her mother . And so did the maid that we just talked to . All right , she also said that she heard them talking about some secret , something that my father did nt want anyone to know , so it s obvious that they re hiding something . Luis : Well , maybe . And I think that we should try and find out , but -- Sheridan : Oh , but look , you have been saying for a while now that you could nt possibly see how Beth could do all of this on her own -- kidnap me and steal my baby . And I have been saying that maybe she did nt , she had help . Someone such as my father . Luis : Well , I certainly can imagine your father doing some sort of thing like this . I mean , ever since we met , he s been trying to break us apart . Sheridan : Exactly . And the last thing he wants is your child as his grandson . Luis : But I can not imagine Beth being involved in such a diabolical plot , and once again , we still do not have any proof . Sheridan : Maybe not now . But I m going to Beth s , I am going to make her tell us the truth , and I am not leaving her house until she admits that she kidnapped me and stole my baby . Gwen : What s Ethan telling the judge ? Rebecca : Well , he must be asking her if he can present your case , right ? Ivy : Oh , yes , I m sure that s it . Ethan will never abandon you , Gwen . My son is determined to keep his vows to you , no matter what that tramp Theresa does . Pilar : What do you think they re talking about , mija ? Theresa : I m sure Ethan s explaining to the judge that he was late because he believes that Gwen should go back to jail . Whitney : You really think he s given up on Gwen ? I mean , he said he d never abandon her . Theresa : Whitney . He chose me . Judge : I ve just been told by Mrs. Winthrop s counsel that there s new evidence in the case . And in light of this new development , I m going to revoke my previous ruling until all the evidence can be heard . Theresa : What ? Gwen : Oh , thank god . Ivy : I knew Ethan would nt let you down , sweetie . Rebecca : So did I. Theresa : Well , what s -- what s going on ? What does this mean ? Prosecutor : It means Gwen is still free on bail for now . Theresa : No , no -- look , Ethan would nt do this to me , ok ? He s on my side . Prosecutor : Well , Ethan has obviously found some new evidence he thinks will help his wife . Theresa : No . Gwen : Oh , Ethan , I m so glad you re here . You did not desert me . Ethan : Honey , I told you I would nt . Judge : All right , Mr. Winthrop , you may present your evidence . Luis : I know that you think that you re finally going to prove that all these things you ve been saying about Beth are true . Sheridan : It is true . And now with my father in the picture , this makes perfect sense . Luis : Yes , but all we know for a fact is that your father and Beth are in cahoots . I do nt know , all right ? Look , I just -- I just think that we need to take this one step at a time . Sheridan : Ok . What is the first step ? Luis : I just think that you should stay here while I go and talk to Beth . Sheridan : No . Luis , no . Luis : Please -- Sheridan , please just listen to me for a minute . Beth is already upset at you for accusing her of terrible things . Sheridan : What ? Terrible things ? Oh , yeah , you mean like kidnapping me and stealing my baby . Luis : Yeah , but , Sheridan , we do nt have any proof , ok ? Now , if you go accusing her again , she s just going to go on the defensive and we re not going to get any answers . I will interview her to the fullest extent I promise . Sheridan : All right . You go alone . But do not let Beth talk her way out of this . Luis : I -- Sheridan : Because I know what she did . I know Marty is our son , and I know that this is going to prove it . Mrs. Wallace : Ugh . Oh , Bethie , will you hang up and pack up ? We ve got to get out of here ! Beth : Come on , Alistair , pick up the phone . Mrs. Wallace : You re calling Alistair ? Oh , god , he s not going to help us , you nitwit . He s going to lie right through his teeth to save himself . Now , let s get moving ! Beth : No , he will help us , or I ll make sure that he goes down right with us . Mrs. Wallace : Oh , shh , shh , shh . We do nt know if he has the place bugged or something . Beth : Where could he be ? Mrs. Wallace : Huh . He is probably on one of his fancy jets getting out of the country by now . Beth : Alistair Crane does nt run from anyone , Mother . Mrs. Wallace : Bethie , did nt you hear one word that Alistair said ? He does nt want anyone , anyone to know that you are his daughter and what if Sheridan finds out , hmm ? Beth : Look , we do nt even know if Luis and Sheridan know anything yet . You re getting hysterical over nothing , Mother . Mrs. Wallace : Oh , nothing ? You just do nt understand what has happened here , your connection to Alistair might get out and we have to get your bags , and let s hit the road , huh ? Beth : Oh . No . Actually , there is something else I can do . Mrs. Wallace : Oh , no . Not murder again ? Lester : Afraid your time is up , Ned . Ned : Look , you re a reasonable man , right ? I m sure there s something we can figure out without this . Lester : I am a reasonable man , but you ve already told me you re out of money . Now , how many other excuses are you going to come up with ? Time s up . Take him away . Fancy : Wait . Lester : I hope that s a request and not an order , because I do nt take orders from a Paris Hilton wannabe . Fancy : There s a lot of things I want to be , but Paris Hilton is nt one of them . In fact , Paris wants to be me . Lester : Oh , really ? Fancy : Yeah . Lester : Hmm . Fancy : See , I m a natural blond and prettier than she is . And her last two boyfriends dumped her for ... Theresa : Why is Ethan doing this ? Ethan : Your Honor , Gwen is a woman of exemplary character . She s usually calm and rational , she has never committed a crime , and she has no history of what she did . Prosecutor : But she did stab Theresa Lopez - Fitzgerald twice and kidnapped her baby . Theresa : And she should be put away forever ! Judge : We ll have no interruptions in this court , young lady . Ethan : So we have to ask ourselves , what would provoke that kind of crime she is being charged with ? I have here several medical studies that investigate the side effects of various medications and their interactions with each other . I d like to submit these into evidence , Your Honor . Mr. D.A. , the night that Gwen Winthrop attacked Theresa Lopez - Fitzgerald , she was given an anti- anxiety drug , an injection . Now , when taken alone , this medication is virtually harmless . The patient will usually just go to sleep . However , if this drug is taken in conjunction with any of the listed prescriptions on that page , it can have dangerous side effects . Judge : These appear the case . Ethan : Yes , maam . I ve additionally included Gwen Winthrop s personal medical history . As you can see , Mrs. Winthrop was already taking two , two of the prescription medications listed , either one of which , when taken in conjunction with that added medication , would cause aberrant behavior , mood swings , impaired judgment , and a potential loss of touch with reality . Ladies and gentlemen , it is our contention that when Gwen Winthrop was given that injection , that anti - anxiety medication , therefore , her behavior , mood swings , flawed judgment was a direct result of the drug that she was given . Theresa : I object ! Judge : Order ! The prosecution will restrain the claimant , or she ll be removed from this court . Prosecutor : They re going to throw you out of here if you do nt control yourself . Now , let me do the objecting . Theresa : Well , then do the objecting . Prosecutor : There s nothing to object to . Ethan has the right to present his evidence . Theresa : But that is a lie . Gwen knew exactly what she was doing when she attacked me . She tried to kill me twice with a scalpel . Gwen : Honey , thank you . Thank you so much . You know , when you did nt show up on time , I thought that you were abandoning me , that you were on Theresa s side . Ivy : You were wonderful , darling . Congratulations . Ethan : Thanks Rebecca : Oh , I knew it Gwennie . Ethan : I have nt done anything yet . Ivy : You will . Rebecca : Of course you will . I mean , now that the judge knows why Gwen was crazy -- I mean , you did lose it a little bit there , honey , but -- I mean , now she s going to just drop the charges and give you custody . Gwen : I am just so happy to finally know what happened . I mean , I hate Theresa , but even I ca nt believe that I actually tried to kill her . Ethan : That s because you never would have done anything like that in your right mind . You were coming off medication . That s when you returned to thinking rationally . Prosecutor : Your Honor , may I address the court ? Judge : You may . Prosecutor : While Mr. Winthrop s evidence is compelling , it is not conclusive . We all know that medical studies can be found to support just about any theory . This evidence just does nt contain enough documentation , and I m requesting that the evidence be disallowed . Gwen : Oh , god , please , no . Please , no . Fancy : So , are you going to call that Neanderthal off ? Lester : You re cute , but I m not intimidated Fancy : You re saying no to me ? Lester : Yes , I am . You seem surprised . Fancy : I m not used to being turned down , for anything . Lester : Well , there s a first time for everything Fancy : Hold it . I forgot to mention I m also smarter than Paris Hilton . I did nt expect you to let him go free for nothing . Veronica : Fancy , are you sure you want to do this ? That guy looks pretty scary . Fancy : I m sure . Why do nt you go . I ll see you later . I believe that little piece of jewelry should more than settle the man s debt , plus give you a nice profit . Lester : I believe you re right . Fancy : Good . So take the watch and we ll call it even . Ned : Whoa , wait , wait , wait . I do nt want anything from you . Fancy : It s my fault you lost all that money . Lester : If I ever see you in a game again , it s going to take more than a diamond watch to save you . Ned : I suppose I -- Fancy : Come on . Let s get out of here before is mind . You can buy me a drink . Prosecutor : The prosecution respects the findings of these institutions , but we contend we need more specific evidence . As Your Honor knows , drug addicts are sentenced every day for far less serious offenses . Theresa : See , Ethan tried . But the judge is going to throw it all out , I m sure of it . Gwen knew exactly what she was doing when she tried to kill me . Judge : Mr. Winthrop , the district attorney has a valid point . Ethan : Yes , your honor . However , I do have more evidence to submit . In addition to the case studies , there are shistories to support my drug interaction theory . In addition , I have an expert witness willing to testify today . Theresa : What witness ? Ethan : Thank you , Your Honor . Bailiff , call Dr. Eve Russell , please . Bailiff : Dr. Eve Russell . Mrs. Wallace : Oh , no . I do nt like that look in your eye . Who are you going to try and murder now ? Beth : No one . I have a better idea . Mrs. Wallace : Better than hitting the road ? What is it ? Beth : You ll see . Sheridan : Please call me the minute you get Beth to confess . Luis : I will let you know what happens . Luis : Detective Lopez - Fitzgerald . Beth : Luis , it s Beth . Luis : Beth , you sound upset . Is everything all right ? Is Marty all right ? Beth : No . Marty s fine . But you re right , I am upset . I have something to tell you . It s important . Can you come over ? Luis : Can you tell me over the phone . Beth : I d rather tell you in person . It s important . I have a confession to make . Luis : A confession ? Beth : I ve done something horrible to you and Sheridan . Bailiff : You swear to tell the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth , so help you god ? Eve : I do . Bailiff : State your name and occupation . Eve : Dr. Eve Russell -- Theresa : Why is your mom doing this ? Whitney : I do nt know . Pilar : Shh , Theresa , try to stay calm . Theresa : But I ca nt lose , Mama , I ca nt . Ethan : Dr. Russell , are you aware of the drug that was given to Gwen Winthrop the night she attacked Theresa Lopez - Fitzgerald ? Eve : Yes . It was an anti - anxiety drug . Ethan : Are you also aware of the side effects that the drug has when taken in conjunction with other drugs ? Eve : Yes . Ethan : Could you describe those side effects to the court . Prosecutor : Your Honor , we ll stipulate that we accept the medical studies already submitted , that the patient could lose touch with reality . Judge : Move on , Mr. Winthrop . Ethan : Yes , Your Honor . Dr. Russell , will you testify that you prescribed these two medications to Gwen Winthrop ? Eve : Yes , I prescribed them . Ethan : And were you the doctor that gave Gwen Winthrop the injection of the anti - anxiety drug that evening ? Eve : No . The on - call doctor in the E.R. gave her the injection . I would have never mixed the drugs because of the terrible side effects . Ethan : Mm - hmm . Your Honor , this is a statement from Dr. William Baird . He was on call in the E.R. that evening . He submits that he had no knowledge whatsoever that Gwen Winthrop was on those two prescription medications . Is that correct ? Eve : Yes , because I do nt think he would have given her the injection . He would know that it would make Gwen a danger to herself and to everyone around her . Theresa : Ethan , what are you doing ? Ethan : The on - call doctor saw Gwen s emotional state . He injected her with an anti - anxiety medication with no prior knowledge that she was taking the two medications that would have caused Gwen s behavior to be completely uncharacteristic of her ? Eve : Yes . Ethan : Could the side effects have induced her to go so far as to attempt murder , kidnap a baby ? Could it have been a direct result of the interacting of the drugs . Eve : Yes . Ethan : Dr. Russell , thank you . No further questions , Your Honor . Luis : Beth , you want to confess to something that you did to me and Sheridan ? Beth : Yes . Can -- can you come over right now ? Sheridan : This is too good to be true ! I ca nt believe this . She must know that we re on to her , so she figures that if she confesses now you ll go easy on her . Luis : My god , I ca nt believe this . I ve known Beth my whole life . Sheridan : Luis , do you know what this means ? Luis : It means she s done the things that you ve said she s done . Sheridan : Of course she did , with my father s help . Luis , we re going to get our son back . Luis : Yeah . Sheridan : This horrible nightmare is going to be over . Mrs. Wallace : You just told Luis that you are going to confess to everything ? Huh . Beth : What else could I do , Mother ? Mrs. Wallace : Angels in heaven , thank you ! Thank you for answering my prayers ! Bethie is finally going to confess her sins to Luis and Sheridan s going to get her baby back ! When you tell Luis everything , you ll let him know that I am innocent , that it was all you and Alistair , ok ? See , I m a victim here , an innocent bystander , huh ? Beth : Do nt worry , Mother . Ned : Look , I only let you settle my debt because I know you were the one who tipped off the other player that I did nt have a winning hand . Fancy : I know . But you ticked me off , so I got even . Ned : Wait ? You mean when I called you a hooker ? Fancy : That would be it , yes . Ned : Sorry about that . I was concentrating on the game . Fancy : You know , I m not used to being ignored like that . Ned : No , I m sure you re not but I am sorry . Fancy : I ll forgive you this time . Let s pretend we just met and start all over . Ned : All right . Oh , but I m still going to pay you back . Fancy : Hmm . He s cute , he s very sexy , and he s handsome and he s right here . Fancy : I was making some observations out loud . Does it bother you to be called cute and sexy ? Ned : Not at all . I am . Do you mind if I make some observations about you ? Fancy : Go ahead . Ned : Ok . She s beautiful , she s not easily intimidated , and she s obviously very rich if she can throw around diamond watches like confetti for some guy she just met . Fancy : I told you I felt responsible for your predicament . Ned : Still , it was a generous gesture . Fancy : It s just a watch , a gift from my father , who had no idea of what he d given me . His secretary buys the gifts he gives me . Ned : Sounds like dear old dad s a winner . Fancy : No , he s a character . He always has his secretary sign the card Love , Father . He would nt be able to tell you my birthdate if his life depended on it . He does nt know any of our birthdays . Ned : Family man , huh ? Fancy : Yes , as a matter of fact , my whole family is like him . Ned : It sounds familiar . So I take it you did nt have any sentimental value in that watch ? Fancy : It s just a watch . Ned : Nevertheless , I do nt want anyone else paying off my debts , even if you did , I m still going to repay you . Fancy : Hmm . Why do nt you start repaying me right now ? Theresa : Do nt let her off the stand without grilling her . You have got to do something and fast . Prosecutor : Theresa , to question Dr. Russell at this point wo nt do us any good . She s a credible witness . Theresa : So you re not going to do anything ? You re going to sit there and let them get away with this ? Prosecutor : We have to let the judge review the evidence and make a decision . Theresa : Excuse me , Your Honor , do nt listen to this ! In the hospital that night , Gwen tried to kill me twice . She knew exactly what she was doing . Judge : Ms. Lopez - Fitzgerald , sit down . Theresa : All this stuff that they re talking about , this drug stuff , it s just -- it s crazy ! They do nt have any real proof that that s why Gwen attacked me . Your Honor , she hates me . She s hated me for years . Prosecutor : Theresa , do nt do this . Theresa : I m not going to be shut down ! I need to tell her what really happened , since you re not doing it ! Judge : We have the testimony of a witness . Theresa : A former drug addict ? I mean , she s charged with attempted murder herself ! She s a suspected serial killer ! Whitney : Theresa , stop it . Theresa : It s the truth , is nt it ? I m sorry , Whitney , but this is about my child and my family ! I m fighting for my life here ! Judge : Mr. District Attorney , please get this woman under control , or I ll find her in contempt of court . Rebecca : Oh , my god . I mean now she s attacking her best friend . Ivy : Well , she ll certainly win the crown for Queen of Vicious . Eve : I hope I have nt made things worse for Gwen . Ethan : No . And thank you for being here . I m sorry you had to put up with Theresa s attack . Whitney : You know , Theresa , I know you re desperate right now , but what you said about my mother was wrong . Theresa : I had to do it , Mama . Pilar : How could you , Theresa ? How could you be so cruel , so vicious ? Gwen : Ethan , what do you think s going to happen ? Ethan : I do nt know . The judge has all the facts and all the testimony . We can just hope for the best . Fancy : Why do nt we get out of here , so you can pay off your debt in full ? Fancy : No , just -- oh . Ned : Is nt -- is nt that the area code for Harmony ? Fancy : Yes , it is . Do you know someone in Harmony ? Ned : Yeah , I do . Fancy : Amazing . It really is a small world , is nt it ? Whitney : Mom , are you ok ? Eve : Yes . Yes , sweetheart , I m fine . Whitney : Look , I m sorry you had to go through that . I mean , Theresa did nt mean anything she said . She s desperate right now . Eve : I know . Besides , she only told the truth , did nt she ? My past always comes back to haunt me , no matter how much good I may try to do . Whitney : Well , I m sorry . Eve : I do nt want you regretting your decisions the way I have . Whitney : Mother , please , we ve been through all of this . Eve : I know . But I am afraid that you re making a mistake in not telling Chad that he s the father of your baby and then by giving your baby up for adoption . I think these are mistakes that are going to haunt you forever . Whitney , you have nt even seen your baby and you have nt held him . Whitney : Why yes , I have , Mom . I ve seen my baby . I ve held him . I ve even nursed him . Eve : Oh , Whitney . Honey , that s wonderful . Now you know the miracle of the love that you feel , the bond that you have with your son that will never be broken . Honey , I know you just must be so happy . Whitney : No , no , Mom . Please stop it . I m not happy . There was no miracle , ok ? Nothing has changed . I never want to see my baby again . I ca nt . Judge : Order in the court . Does the district attorney have anything to add ? Prosecutor : No , Your Honor , not at this time . Judge : Mr. Winthrop , are you prepared to make your motion ? Ethan : I am , Your Honor . Ethan : Your Honor , in lieu of the evidence presented here today , the medical studies backed up by the case studies of similar incidents , as well as the expert testimony of Dr. Eve Russell , I respectfully move that all charges against Gwen Winthrop be dismissed . Furthermore , I move that full custody of my daughter , Jane Winthrop , be awarded to myself and my wife , Gwen Winthrop . Rebecca : So what do you think ? Is the judge going to rule in our favor ? Ethan : All we can do is hope . Sheridan : Oh , my baby . I m finally going to get you back . I knew I was right . I knew Beth was behind everything , all the horrible things . Luis is going to walk through that door with our son , and you will be home right where you belong , and no one is ever going to take you away from us ever again . Beth : Hey . Thanks for coming . Beth : Look , this is really difficult for me . You might want to sit down . What I have to tell you is going to shock you . You re not going to believe it . Sit . Mrs. Wallace : Boy , that s an understatement . Luis : So what Beth ? You said you had some sort of confession to make . Beth : I do nt know how but I ve done something terrible , something so horrible to you and Sheridan . Beth : My conscience wo nt let me live with this guilt . I have to confess . Sheridan : Once Beth goes to jail , he ll be bringing Marty home to us . Chad : The baby needs a name , and I want you to help me pick it . Ethan : That judge in there is going to change all of our lives any minute . Gwen : Actually , the judge has reached her decision . ### Summary:
Sheridan is itching to face Beth down with what they now know about her and Alistair , but Luis is still dragging his feet . However , a phone call from Beth gives him second thoughts and sends him running to her home to see what it is she has to confess . Sheridan does nt care , she just wants him to hurry home and bring their baby with him . Eve is Ethan s secret weapon in court , and she gives Gwen a medical excuse for trying to kill Theresa and kidnapping her baby . It s up to the judge now , but it was Ethan s motion to the court that stopped Theresa in her tracks - he wants the charges dropped against Gwen , and total custody of Jane for him and Gwen . Fancy saves Ned s neck by giving the loan shark her watch , worth much more than what he owed the man . Ned is shocked to see the Harmony area code on her phone when she receives a call she does nt answer . It s clear she is a Crane , but Ned s identity has nt been brought out yet . Can you say Noah Bennett ?
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Austin : Here we are . Carrie : Oh , I can not believe that you got me to stay up all night long . Thank you for the carriage ride . Oh , I used to love when we d come and watch the sunrise here , and you know I m not a morning person . Austin : Me neither . Carrie : Nice memories . Austin : Well , it s a perfect day to make new memories . It s a new dawn , a new day . Carrie : A new year . Austin : A fresh start . In a few hours , the deal I put together is gon na hit the Newswire , and right now I feel like I m king of the world . Carrie : I m so happy for you . Austin : Do you know what I m most happy about ? Carrie : Tell me . Austin : That you are back in my life . Marlena : Well , it looks like Claire is holding her own . Belle : Well , the liver transplant went well . Now we just have to wait and see what happens . Marlena : Shawn ... I m so sorry about Zach . Shawn D. : Thanks . It does nt even seem real . I just -- I just hope Claire s gon na be all right . Marlena : Yeah . Well , thanks to your parents and your entire family , she now has a chance . Belle : I m so grateful for that . I just wish that -- I really love having this blanket tucked around her . It s Zach s . Marlena : [ Groans softly ] Um , I heard that Philip and Victor took off somewhere . Belle : Yeah . They went to see a transplant specialist who s developed this new drug that may help prevent organ rejection . It s experimental . Shawn D. : Let s hope Claire does nt need it . Belle : I m hoping that , especially since it may not work with someone so young . Marlena : Let s not get ahead of ourselves , okay ? Because right now Claire is alive . You look so tired -- both of you . Shawn D. : Yeah . Yeah . No , I m fine . Actually , did you see Mimi when you came in ? Marlena : No . Shawn D. : No ? Oh . I thought she would be back by now . She went back to the loft to pick up some clean clothes for us . Marlena : Oh . Sweet . Lexie : Oh . Marlena . Good to see you again . Marlena : Good to see you , too . I hear the transplant went very well . Lexie : Yeah . Yeah . Why do nt the three of you wait outside while I see how she s doing ? Marlena : Sure . Thanks . Lexie : Mm - hmm . Belle : I m sorry , mom . How are you doing ? Dad told me that Alex tried to break into the penthouse ? Shawn D. : Yeah , I heard that , too . Are you okay ? Marlena : I m fine . I m fine . Alex would never ever hurt me . Belle : How can you say that ? According to dad , Alex was on the ledge outside your bedroom window with a gun . Marlena : You know , your dad tends to overreact sometimes . He shot Alex .... and right now Alex is in a hospital bed , fighting for his life . John : Thanks for coming with me , Abraham . Abe : I want to tell you , after everything that s going on , I m grateful for the distraction . John : Lexie tells me you might be a candidate for a corneal transplant ? Abe : [ Sighs ] You know , I do nt want to get my hopes up . I - I was so full of self - pity when I lost my sight . It took me a long time to realize just how damn lucky I am to have Theo , to have Lexie , especially after everything that happened last night . Anyway , buddy , it s good to feel useful again . Thank you . John : No . Thank you . Cause if anybody saw me go into North s room alone , they d probably think I was here to finish him off . Abe : [ Chuckles ] John : Come on . Abe : Oh , thanks . John : We need to make sure that he s out of commission and no threat to Marlena . Abe : And ? John : Yeah , he s still unconscious . Alex : [ Thinking ] Damn it , John . I m not a threat to Marlena . I never have been . Lois Banks is a threat . John : As long as he s out of it , now I can concentrate on my granddaughter . I m sorry , Abraham . I know much you loved Zach . Abe : And you . John : My heart goes out to Bo and Hope . Any word on the hit - and - run driver ? Abe : I guess you have nt heard the latest . John : What s that ? Abe : The police have evidence that points to Bo . John : What ? Abe : It was his car that hit Zach . John : Oh , my God . His own son ? Jennifer : Hope , you have got to close your eyes . Hope : I ca nt . Jennifer : Yes , you can . You need to rest . You do . Hope : I ca nt . How can I rest ? Every time I close my eyes , I see Zach lying in the street . [ Inhales sharply ] How could it have been Bo s car ? Jennifer : I do nt know . It does nt make any sense . Hope : The cops have to be wrong . And bo could nt have been involved -- he could nt . Oh , God . How could they say he s responsible ? Max : Why do you think it s your fault Zach s dead ? Chelsea : Because ... Max : What ? Chelsea : [ Sniffles ] The accident I had tonight -- I thought that I hit a pothole , but it was so -- it was so dark . And what if I -- what if I -- Max : No , no , no . You did nt . You could nt . Chelsea : I overheard the cops talking to Bo and Hope , and they said that they think that his S.U.V. was involved in the hit - and - run . And if it was , then that -- then that means -- Max : If it was , then ... you re the driver that killed Zach . Cop 1 : Excuse me . Max Brady ? Max : Yeah , that s me . Cop 1 : We need to ask you some questions . Bo : Chelsea , I want to know everything that happened when you took off in my truck , and do nt lie to me this time . Chelsea : I already told you . I was driving , and I had an accident , and that is why I called . Bo : You said you hit something -- a pothole , a bump . Chelsea : That s what I thought it was . Bo : Come on , Chelsea , think ! Damn it ! Think ! Did you hit Zach ? Chelsea : I do nt know ! I could nt see . It was dark , and maybe it was a dog . Bo : No , Chelsea , it was not a dog ! You hit my son ! You killed Zach ! Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of Our Lives . Hope : [ Cries ] Bo s a careful driver . There s -- there s just no way he could have hit Zach and not known . The police -- they ve got to be wrong . Jennifer : I know . I know . It s got to be a mistake , okay ? But you have just been through a terrible ordeal , and if you do not rest for a little while -- Hope : I ca nt . Jennifer , I ve got to find who did this to my son . Chelsea : I could nt have killed Zach . Bo : Oh , come on , Chelsea ! You said you did nt know what you hit , and the cops have evidence it was my truck that killed my son ! And we both know who was driving . Chelsea : I would nt have done that to Zach . Bo : I should nt have signed that temporary license -- what the hell was I thinking ? Chelsea : Dad , please . Bo : And then I hand you the keys to my car . How stupid could I be ? ! Chelsea : I could nt have done this . I could nt have . Bo : Oh , Chelsea , stop it ! Stop it ! The tire tracks at the scene are from my truck . The broken parking light at the scene was from my truck ! My truck is the one that killed my son , and you were driving it ! Chelsea : No ! God , no ! Dad , you have to believe me . I did nt mean to . Bo : I sat there and told you a car can be a deadly weapon , and then I gave you the keys . God . God . What did I do ? What did I do ? [ Crying ] My God , what did I do ? Zach , I m sorry . I m so sorry , Zach . Chelsea : Dad , he was my little brother . I would nt have done this . I loved him . Marlena : Look , there s no need for me to burden you with my concerns about Alex . Belle : No , I want to know . Come on . You really have no idea why he was outside your bedroom window ? Marlena : No , I do nt . I wo nt know till he wakes up and t-- and tells us -- that is , if he wakes up and tells us . See , that s the nightmare of all this . Belle : You really love him , do nt you ? Marlena : This is nt the time to talk about that . All I want to do right now is just say many , many prayers for Claire ... and for Zach . Belle : Gon na stay around for a while ? Marlena : You bet . I ll be in my office . I thought I d get off my feet for a while , and whenever you need me , I ll be right there . Belle : I ll let you know . Thank you for being here . I really appreciate it . Marlena : I would nt be anywhere else . Shawn D. : You okay ? Belle : [ Sniffles ] I guess so . Shawn D. : It s weird -- your mother not remembering the rest of the family . Belle : I know , and I just hope she starts getting it all back soon . I m hoping for a lot of things all at once . Shawn D. : Mostly for Claire . Belle : She has to make it . Shawn D. : Well , that s what I m praying for . That girl means the world to me . Belle : You ve shown me that in so many ways . Shawn D. : She s got to make it , right ? God would nt be that cruel . Lexie : Okay . Belle : So , how s Claire doing ? Lexie : I m sorry . I wish I had better news . Austin : What are you thinking ? Right now , what are you thinking ? Carrie : I m too scared to tell you . I do nt want to jinx things . Austin : Jinx -- jinx what ? Carrie : [ Exhales deeply ] But I m too cool to be superstitious , right ? So I ll tell you . Austin : You are supercool . Carrie : Oh , I have nt felt this happy in an awfully long time , and it makes me think that we really do have a chance to be together . Austin : Of course we do , and I m not gon na blow it this time . Carrie : It was nt just your fault . I d like to say that it was all Sami , but I made mistakes all by myself -- the biggest one being Mike . Austin : We re not gon na dwell on the screw - ups , okay ? Carrie : Okay . Austin : Okay , good . Carrie : But I think remembering them can keep us from repeating them , and I d like us to have a future together -- the kind of future that we used to dream about . Austin : I think we got a really good shot at it . Right now , I have a surprise for you . Carrie : Another one ? Great . I love surprises . Austin : Good . Good . Okay . [ Clears throat ] I know you do . Close your eyes . Carrie : Okay . Uh - oh . Blindfolding me ? Austin : Mm - hmm . Carrie : [ Chuckling ] Oh , my goodness . I think the last time I was blindfolded was Sally Keenan s sixth - grade birthday party . I pinned the tail on the donkey s forehead . Austin : Okay , I hope I could top that one . That sounds kind of tough . Hang onto me , okay ? Carrie : Okay . Austin : Okay . Carrie : Uh - oh . Marlena : [ Yawning ] Alex : So , you see , Marlena , I m not simply your husband -- the man who loves you -- I m also your psychiatrist . Marlena : But that s not a good idea . Alex : I know what you re thinking . Marlena : Oh , of course you do . It s a conflict of interest . Alex : Nonsense . Now , who could care more about your mental health than me ? Marlena : But st-- Alex : Unh - unh . I love you . I want to protect you . Therefore I must warn you . I do nt want you to believe one word that John Black says against me cause I am not a threat to you , but Lois Banks is . John : So , you tell me the cops think it was Bo s car that hit Zach ? Abe : They re sure of it . But Bo swears he was nt driving the car . John : Well , he would nt lie about something like this . So if he was nt driving it , who was ? Abe : That s a good question . John : Abe , listen , you agree that Bo would nt lie about something like this , especially when it s his own son . You know he would nt leave the scene of a crime . Abe : No , no , of course not . But I do think Bo knows more than he s saying , and I got to tell you -- it scares the hell out of me . John : Oh , man . What s this damn world coming to , anyway ? Earthquakes and tsunamis and hurricanes . Abe : Terrorists and new diseases , and who knows what s coming next ? John : Yeah , look what s happening in our own backyard -- Marlena s amnesia , Belle s daughter s fighting for her life , Zach s dead . Now you re telling me it s Bo s car . If DiMera were nt behind bars , I d think he were behind all this . Abe : Well , for once , I do nt think we can blame any of this on him . John : Of course , we thought this freak was safely behind bars tonight , too . But at least now we got him in a position where he ca nt hurt Marlena . Alex : [ Thinking ] Lois Banks is the one you should worry about . Lois : How is he ? John : Where d you come from ? Lois : I just wanted to check on Alex . I guess there s no change , huh ? John : He s still unconscious . Abe , I m sorry . This is Lois Banks . She s the woman that exposed Alex North for being a wife abuser . Lois Banks , this is Abe Carver . Lois : It s very nice to meet you . Abe : Well , you too . I take it you re not associated with University Hospital . Lois : No , I m from out of town . Anyway , I just wanted to check on Alex and see if he d regained consciousness . He s a very dangerous man , and I just wanted to make sure he was no longer a threat to any of us . John , where s Marlena ? Is she still resting in her office ? John : Why do you ask ? Alex : [ Thinking ] Because she wants to kill Marlena , you idiot ! You have to stop her . Lois : I m very concerned about my friend . That s why I ask . Marlena s the reason I came to Salem -- to make sure she was safe from Alex . John : As you can see , he s unconscious , so she s fine . Alex : [ Thinking ] Lois is trying to kill me , and Marlena is going to be next if you do nt protect her . John : The fact is , Marlena s had a pretty rough night . I think it s better if she just got some rest . Lois : Yes , of course . I ll let her sleep . Look at his hand . What s he trying to do ? John : It looks like he s coming around . Lois : I suggest he be put in restraints . If he wakes up , who s to say he s not gon na go after Marlena again ? John : I like the way you think . I ll get the nurse . Abe , wait here for me ? John : Yeah . Okay . All right . Just go on . Lois : The patient is getting restless . Abe : Well , like John said , maybe he s regaining consciousness . Lois : John needs to make sure he ca nt cause any more trouble . Abe : I m sure he will . Lois : Well , it s nice to meet you , Abe . I ve got some things to attend to . Abe : Oh , me too . I ll tell John that you left . Lois : Bye - bye . [ Thinking ] I was planning to kill Alex first , but he has company . Marlena , on the other hand , is alone and waiting for me . Alex : Marlena , are you listening to me ? You seem somewhat distracted . Marlena : I m sorry . What did you say ? Alex : This is a very serious matter . Lois Banks is a psychopath , and you are her target . So you have to watch out for her . Belle : What s wrong with Claire ? Lexie : I was hoping this would nt happen , but she s developed a high fever . Belle : No . Not again . God , is this ever gon na stop ? ! Shawn D. : Hold on . What does that mean ? Does she have another infection ? Lexie : Well , it means that her body may be rejecting the liver transplant . Belle : [ Crying ] Hope : [ Crying ] Why do these terrible things keep happening ? I told Shawn that he was wrong -- that he had to have faith -- but I do nt know . It s like we re cursed . Jennifer : Do nt say that . That is not true . Hope -- Hope : Zach just -- he just had his yearly checkup right before Christmas , and the doctor said he was the healthiest boy in Salem . [ Crying ] Is this my curse ? ! Am I being punished ? Jennifer : Listen to me , Hope . Hope : Was I too proud ? Was I too complacent ? Jennifer : No . God is not punishing you . You can not think like that . Hope : Oh , my God . He was my heart . How do I go on ? Jennifer : I know . Hope : How do I go on ? Jennifer : I know . I know how much you re suffering . I do . And Bo and Shawn -- they re suffering , too . But do you remember -- do you remember what Gran taught us ? That we are Horton women , and we need to be strong for our families . You know ? Remember ? So no matter how much we want to give in to our sadness , we ca nt . Chelsea : Dad , if I did hit Zach , it was an accident . I swear , I never even saw him ! Bo : How ? How could you not see a boy standing in the street ? I do nt give a damn how dark it was . Were you speeding ? Did you take your eyes off the road ? Yeah , you took -- because of your negligence , your little brother is dead . My sweet little boy is gone . Chelsea : I m sorry ! Dad , you have to know that . [ Crying ] I m sorry . Please do nt hate me . Bo : No . Come here . No . No . Oh , God , no . [ Cries ] I do nt hate you . No . I love you . I just -- I just wish that you would -- God , I ca nt even look at you . Chelsea : You re acting like I deliberately did this . I - I would never hurt Zach . Bo : This is a pattern with you . You re reckless and irresponsible . But so am I. So am I. Oh , God . [ Crying ] Oh , God . This is all my fault . Chelsea : Dad , it s nobody s fault ! It was an accident -- a horrible , stupid accident . Bo : Oh , my gosh . How am I gon na tell Hope ? How am I gon na tell Hope that my daughter killed Zach ? He was the light of her life . She s not gon na be able to take this . Chelsea : You ca nt tell her . You can not tell Hope . Carrie : [ Gasps ] Ah . I know where we are -- our fish place . Austin : It was dumb blindfolding you . Carrie : Yeah . As if I could forget this lovely smell . Austin : A lot of good memories . Carrie : Oh ! Great lobster rolls . Messy but delicious . And look -- the tank s in the same spot . Remember ? Waiter : You picked two beauties . I ll pack them up for you in a minute . Austin : Okay . No hurry . What are you doing ? Carrie : I m naming them . That one is Austin . Austin : Because ? Carrie : Because he s so handsome , of course . Austin : Is that a compliment ? Carrie : Yes . And he s also a fighter . Austin : Well , all lobsters are fighters . I read that somewhere . They re very territorial with each other . Carrie : Yeah , but , see , a bit of his claw s missing , so he s definitely a warrior . Austin : Yeah , he was like , hey , man , want a piece of me ? And , like , some other lobster obviously did . Carrie : [ Chuckles ] Austin : I m calling that one Carrie . That s Carrie right there . Carrie : Oh , naturally . Austin : Yeah , because she s a looker . She s like a red - hot mama , and she s gon na get even redder and hotter when we cook her up . Carrie : We ca nt cook them , Austin . Austin : We ca nt ? Carrie : No . That would be lobstercide . Austin and Carrie need to live happily ever after . Austin : Did you just say , lobstercide ? [ Exhales deeply ] Okay . All right . We ca nt cook them . You win . We ll set them free , all right ? St. Lawrence Seaway , here we come . Austin : Those were two lucky lobsters . Carrie : It felt good to put them back in the water . Austin : Yeah , commuting their death sentences . I felt like the governor or something . Carrie : I do nt believe it . Come here . Look . [ Gasps ] This is Austin . They must have caught him again . Austin : Well , no offense , Carrie , but that was a long time ago . Carrie : But a bit of his claw s missing . Austin : Oh , yeah , it is . Carrie : I swear that this is Austin . [ Gasps ] And he s separated from Carrie . [ Gasps ] We got to get them back together . Austin , please . Austin : Okay . Okay . Okay . Hold on right here . Uh , yes . I m sorry . Hi . The big lobster up against the side -- we ll take that one . Waiter : Oh . The jumbo ? Austin : Yes . Waiter : I m sorry , guy . It s already sold -- to Hector over there . I m about to boil it up for him . Carrie : Austin s gon na be eaten ? For breakfast -- a whole lobster ? Austin : Hector s a wide load and obviously a hungry load . Carrie : We ca nt let him cook Austin . What will Carrie do ? Austin : All right . Watch my back . Carrie : What are you doing ? Austin : I m gon na commit a lobsternapping . Carrie : [ Chuckles ] Abe : He seems to be getting agitated . John : Yeah . He probably feels the restraints . Too damn bad . I do nt want him waking up and going after Marlena again . Alex : [ Thinking ] If you did nt hate me so much , John , you d realize I m no danger to Marlena . If you do nt keep Lois Banks away from her , it s going to be too late . Lois : [ Thinking ] This should nt take long . Once I send Marlena to the other side , I ll go back and put Alex out of his misery , as well . [ Monitor beeping rapidly ] ( Laughs ) I think it s a couple of times a week . Something like that . Belle : Hey . Thank you for staying positive . Shawn D. : Yeah . Yeah , well , I believe what I said . As long as she s alive , she can keep fighting . Belle : She has to make it . Shawn D. : Yeah . Yeah . You hear your mother , Claire ? Belle : [ Sniffles ] Shawn D. : Zach gave you this blanket . It was his favorite . [ Sniffles ] He believed it had magical powers , so that s why he wanted you to have it . He wanted you to get better .. And now he gave you a part of him ... so I have to believe that this transplant is gon na make you feel better . Zach was a strong kid . And now that a part of him is with you , it s gon na make you stronger , too . Chelsea : Are you gon na tell the police that I was the one driving your car ? You know what ? It does nt even matter . Because if you do nt , then Hope will . Bo : I do nt know how this is gon na play out . I m not gon na make things worse by lying to my wife . Chelsea : So , what s gon na happen ? I m gon na be charged with murder , and I m -- I m gon na go to prison . If that happens , my whole life will be over . Hope : Zach . Oh , God , please do nt take him from me . Jennifer : Shh . It s okay . Jennifer : Hey . She just now fell asleep . She s been fighting it the whole time . My gosh , Bo , what happened ? Hope -- I ca nt even understand how your car was involved in this .. I ca nt understand it , either . Are the police right ? Is it your car that hit Zach ? Officer 1 : Detective Brady s car is being impounded . You should be at your garage when the forensic team arrives , and you better start cooperating . Understand ? Officer 2 : I just told the watch Commander we were gon na check in . We better go do that . Chelsea : Max , what are you doing ? Max , please , you can not turn me in . Carrie : [ Gasps ] Is that what I think it is ? Austin : Yep . My nautical namesake . Carrie : Oh , Austin , how did you do it ? Austin : Well , I made him an offer he could nt refuse . Hector : Thanks . I appreciate it . Austin : Hey , take care , man . It cost me a king s ransom , but hector agreed to eat some other creature of the deep for breakfast . Carrie : Uh - oh . How much did you pay ? Austin : Not to worry . It came out of the , the , um , Austin the lobster defense fund . Carrie : [ Chuckles ] Thank you . Now Austin can reunite with Carrie , just like Nemo did with his dad . Austin : Okay . [ Clears throat ] Okay , pal , here you go . May you and Carrie avoid all future lobster traps [ Chuckles ] And have a very long and happy life together . Carrie : Ooh . Austin : [ Sighs ] I want that for us , too , by the way . Max : I m not gon na rat you out to the cops . But they re impounding Bo s car , so I have to get back to the garage . Are you gon na be okay ? Chelsea : I do nt know . Everything depends on what my dad does . Bo : [ Sniffles ] I m sorry , Fancy Face . I m so , so sorry . Lois : [ Thinking ] You clumsy -- now look what you ve done . You re gon na pay for this . John : So , Abraham ... if Bo was nt driving his car when it hit Zach , who do you suppose was ? Abe : I wish I knew . John : Hmm . Well , all I know is it s gon na put a hell of a strain on their marriage . You hear so often about how losing a child can tear a couple apart . They re gon na need to be so strong through this . Abe : I m praying for them ... and for your daughter and her husband . John : Thanks , Abraham . Abe : So , what about this guy ? You think he ll come out of his coma ? John : Well , even if he does , he s going to prison for attempted murder . Abe : It sounds like he might be better off if he does nt survive . John : I m not shedding any tears for him . My main concern is Marlena . Now I know that she s safe . Alex : [ Thinking ] Safe ? ! She s not safe at all ! Carrie : Bye , Austin . Austin : Uhh ! Carrie : Oh ! You are my hero . Thank you for giving Austin the lobster his freedom . He had a close call . You know what ? Austin : What ? Carrie : I think that I m gon na swear off lobster rolls from now on . Austin : Wow . This is a day of new beginnings all around -- for you , for me , and for our lobster friends . Wow . Carrie : I think he ll find Carrie , do nt you ? Austin : Oh , I m sure of it . Carrie : Uh - oh . Could that be a bad sign ? It looks like rain . Austin : Well , I m sure it wo nt bother the lobsters or us . Carrie : Mmm . [ Inhales deeply ] Austin : I am never gon na lose you again . Carrie : Please do nt . Austin : You understand ? You understand ? Carrie : Mm - hmm . Belle : [ Sniffles ] I wish she could have known Zach . You would have really loved him . He really , really loved you . [ Sniffles ] And as sad as we are that he s gone , we just hope that his liver will help you live . And Shawn s right , you know ? Zach was a strong and healthy little boy , and we just pray -- just pray -- that his strength is gon na help make you better . Zach : Hi , Shawn . Hi , Belle . Do nt be sad . I m okay . Max : All right , look , I m leaving for the garage right now , so you can tell your crime - lab people I ll meet them there , all right ? Chelsea : Dad , please promise me that you wo nt tell Hope what I did . The truth is only gon na make it worse for everyone . Jennifer : Is she all right ? Lexie : Yeah , she s just exhausted . No wonder . Jennifer : Oh , Lexie , this is a mother s worst nightmare . Lexie : Yeah , I wish it were just a nightmare . Unfortunately , she s gon na wake up and realize it s real -- her little boy is gone . Chelsea : Daddy , please do nt tell Hope that I m responsible for killing Zach . She ll hate me , and she ll probably hate you for having me . We ll never be a family . She ll turn me in to the police . Dad , please , I m begging you . Do nt let them take me to prison . Carrie : Someone had to steal my company right from underneath me . I ca nt even imagine who would do something like that . Sami : I think that everyone should know that you are the one behind this takeover . Shawn D. : We had the same dream . Belle : Maybe it was nt a dream . Shawn D. : That you and I ... Belle : Were meant to be together . Bo : I know who it was . Billie : Who did this ? I know the person who killed detective Brady s son .. It was me . ### Summary:
Austin blindfolds Carrie and leads her to their favorite fish shack . There they find the same lobster they named Austin and set free years ago but discover the Carrie lobster gone . Austin gives in to Carrie s pleading , bribes the buyer to get Austin back , and he and Carrie set Austin free in the river . Lexie examines Claire and warns Belle that Claire s body may be rejecting the liver transplant . Zach comes to visit Shawn and Belle to assure them that he is okay . Jennifer comforts a grieving Hope . Hope refuses to rest until she finds out who killed Zach but eventually gives in to sleep . Bo confronts Chelsea about killing Zach . Chelsea tearfully defends her actions and insists that Bo ca nt tell Hope what she did . The cops warn Max that Bo s car will be impounded . Chelsea spots Max talking to the cops and beg him not to turn her in . Lois next attempt to kill Alex is thwarted by John bringing Abe into Alex s room . Alex tries to mentally warn John of Lois plans . Lois calls attention to Alex s moving hand but convinces John that Alex needs to be restrained . Marlena decides to catch some sleep in her office after visiting with Belle and Claire but dreams that Alex warns her about Lois . Lois heads to Marlena s office to kill her . Marlena unknowingly knocks the syringe out of Lois hand as she turns over in her sleep and thus ruins its potency .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Julie : Oh , there you are ! Happy thanksgiving . Hope : Oh , happy thanksgiving , julie . Julie : Happy thanksgiving . Rafe : Hi . Mwah . Julie : Hi , hi . Rafe : Hi . Julie : Okay , ready for some leftovers ? Hope : No , no , I-- Rafe : Yeah . Hope : What ? Rafe : No , I m -- Hope : I m -- I m so full , and-- are nt you full ? We ate so much at gabi and ariS. Rafe : Yes , but I definitely did save just enough room for a piece of lani s famous sweet potato pie . Julie : Ah , th you are in luck , because this year , you have two to choose from . Sheila , eli s friend ... Rafe : Yeah ? Julie : She made a sweet potato pie as well . Rafe : Oh . I guess I ll have to try both . Julie : Ah . That s what eli said . Hope : Where s daddy ? Julie : He s in the car , driving a huge platter of turkey and all the fixings over to the horton center . Hope : Of course he is . Rafe : Wow . Mm - hmm . Hope : Is ciara with him ? Julie : Ciara had dinner with you . Hope : What ? No . No , she insisted on celebrating the holiday with you and daddy . Julie : Well , she didnT. Rafe : Huh . Hope : Then where is she ? Ciara : What are you doing ? Tripp : What does it look like ? I m moving out . Ciara : Of my room ? Tripp : Out of the loft . Claire : Hey , ben , wait . Ben : What ? What ? What ? What ? What ? What do you want ? Claire : [ Chuckles ] What do I want ? Ben , ciara and tripp just broke up . Ben : So I heard . Looks like you got what you wanted . Claire : Ben , wait . Where are you going ? It s just ... now we can get what-- Ben : There s no we , okay , claire ? No we . Our little group effort , it s over . I want nothing to do with you anymore . Do you understand me ? Claire : No , okay , but you do -- you do want ciara , do nt you , okay ? And right now , she is sad and lonely ... and free . Ben : [ Scoffs ] Claire : So this is the perfect time to pounce . Will : You re -- you re here . Sonny : Yeah , yeah . My uncle vic said you needed to see me asap . So I flew straight home . I mean ... is everything okay ? Eric : [ Sighs ] Sarah : Did holly finally go to sleep ? Eric : She about did me in . Sarah : Well , you did give a very powerful reading-- or I m sorry , should I say performance of gobbles the turkey and his sidekick , wishbone . Eric : That story is classic . Sarah : [ Laughs ] Eric : But that was nt what kept holly up . It was nicole . She kept asking about her mother . That s the one thing I ca nt give her . Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives . Eric : You know , I read that story to her again . I got her water . And we -- we found her favorite stuffy . She said her prayers . I tucked her in , and then I kissed her good night . Then she looked at me with those big eyes and ... said , I want my mommy . Sarah : You know ... holly may be too young to understand what happened , but I think , on some deeper level , she senses that something is wrong . Eric : [ Chuckles dryly ] So we re lying to her . I m lying to her . Sarah : No , just until the right moment . Eric : When is the right moment to tell a little girl that ... her mommy is gone ? Sarah : What did you tell her ? Eric : That her mommy ca nt be here right now but there are a lot of people who are here and that love her . So I started , uh , rubbing her back the way nicole used to . I was humming a lullaby ... the way nicole used to sing it , and then she started drifting off . It s nicole who should be here . She s the one who should be singing songs with holly and saying her bedtime prayers and making eskimo kisses . I just look at that little girl , and it breaks my heart that she s not sharing these moments with her mommy . Never will . Sarah : Maybe not , but she does have the next best thing ... you . Will : I ca nt believe victor actually called you . Sonny : Yeah , why -- why not ? Will : Well , you know why . I m not exactly his favorite person , and he s not shy about telling me -- repeatedly . Sonny : Well , he called me and said you needed to see me in person , that it was extremely important . And I tried to get him to explain what was going on . He just said , get here right now , so I got on the jet . And I m -- I , like-- you re not saying anything . It s not ari , is it ? I mean-- Will : No , no , no . No , ari s fine . Sonny : Okay , is -- is it paul ? Did he have a setback or something ? Will : No , no setback . Sonny : Then what is it , will ? Why did you need to see me ? Will : Um , I wanted to talk about us . Hope : Ugh , straight to voice mail . Again . You know what ? I am -- I m gon na swing by the loft and see if she s there . Rafe : Well , I will come with you . Hope : No , no , no . Do me a favor ? Just stay here in case she shows up , okay ? Rafe : Okay . Hope : Okay . Rafe : As you wish . I m sure she s fine , though . Hope : Yeah , I know . I know . She s -- she s fine . I just need to see it with my own eyes . Save me a slice , okay ? Rafe : Mm . Hope : Mm . Rafe : If you re lucky . Hope : Of course I m lucky . Rafe : Have I told you how thankful I am for you ? Hope : Be awfully nice to hear it again . Rafe : When you get back . Hope : Okay . Bye . Julie : Bye , honey . Rafe : [ Sighs ] I was just -- I was just kidding about the pie thing . Like , you know , of course I m gon na save her a piece . Two pieces , actually . Julie : Cause things are going so swimmingly again . Rafe : Yeah . They are , actually . Better than ever , so ... Julie : Good . Rafe : Yeah . Julie : So I hope you do nt do anything else to screw it up . Rafe : Yeah . Tripp : You really do nt have to watch me pack . Ciara : Fine . I ll go . Tripp : I may have said the words , but you were already gone . And I m not the man you thought I was , remember ? And you actually think that i framed ben just to get you into bed . ThatS ... [Scoffs ] That s messed up . Ciara : It was about trust , tripp . I thought that I d finally found a man that I could trust . Tripp : And I d found a woman that I love . Turns out , I m not her first choice . Ciara : Wait . Would you stop ? You lied to me . Tripp : I wanted to protect you . Ciara : By framing an innocent man ? Tripp : An innocent man ! An innocent man . My god , do you have any idea how sick I am of hearing him described like that ? I mean , the guy s a serial killer , but gee , I - I hate to keep bringing it up to you , cause obviously you think I m a jerk to remind you of it . You know , what s the big deal ? You know , so he s taken a few lives . You know , we all have our faults . Ciara : Are you finished ? Tripp : I m sorry , did I offend you ? Ciara : We were talking about us . Tripp : No , we were talking about how ben has come between us . Someone who I , unlike you , have a hard time trusting , given the fact that he s done one of the worst , most horrendous , and , in my opinion , the most unforgivable thing you can do , and that s to take another person s life . You see it differently . You know ? You admire him for having the courage to repent or whatever the hell you admire him for . That s why I m moving out . Ciara : Wait . No matter what you may think ... I really did love you . And I m so sorry things had to end like this . Tripp : Me too . Ben : See , here s the thing you re missing , claire . Just because ciara and tripp broke up does nt mean she still does nt have feelings for the guy . Claire : Oh , come on , ben . She dumped his ass . So I think it s pretty clear she s over him or she will be very soon , and you can help her get there . Ben : No , I do nt want to help her get there . I m not even sure the girl has real feelings for me . Claire : All right . Then you help her figure it out . Ben : No , claire . No . I m not gon na help her figure it out either . There s no more games , no more agenda , no more maneuvers . I m out . If ciara s interested in me at all , it ll happen . Claire : See , ben , here s the thing , all right ? Ben : Oh , my god . Ciara : Sometimes -- sometimes people just need a little bit of a push . Ben : Like tripp ? I m assuming he did nt run directly into your arms after ciara dumped his ass ? Claire : You know , tripp is upset right now . All of this is still very fresh . Ben : Okay , or maybe he s just not that into you . Claire : Oh . [ Laughs ] Oh , trust me , ben , he was . And he will be again . Ben : You re relentless . Claire : It s -- Ben : My god . Claire : Ben , you and i are not quitters . Come on , just look at us . [ Laughs ] Ben , you killed people . You went to the loony bin . But , you know , now you -- you are trying so hard to make a life for yourself , even though no one really wants you here and no one will hire you . And -- and let s see . Me , ben ? Me ? I am a former internet sensation . [ Laughs ] I m a -- I m a singer with no place to sing besides the damn shower . Let s see . Um , I was dumped by theo . I ve been humiliated , and I ve been trolled . But I am still standing . And so are you , okay ? So this is nt the part when we quit , ben . This is the part when we fight even harder , because you know what ? We deserve this . I deserve tripp . And you deserve ciara . And we just might have to work a little bit harder to make it happen . Oh ! Ciara : [ Gasps ] Oh . Hope : [ Laughs ] Sorry . Ciara : Mama , you scared me to death . Hope : Oh , baby , I m sorry , sweetheart . Ciara : That s okay . Hope : I was worried about you . I called . I texted . No response . So when you did nt answer the door , I , um -- I used my key to let myself in . Ciara : Is everything okay ? Hope : I do nt know . You tell me . Julie said that you never showed up . What happened ? Ciara : Did I break some thanksgiving law or something ? Hope : No . Just concerned . Ciara : All good . I just ... I did nt want to be around anyone . Hope : Must be something pretty serious , huh ? Ciara : I just ... I was nt up for the third degree from the grandparents . Hope : About what ? Ciara : Tripp and I had an argument . We broke up . Hope : Oh , honey , I m so sorry . Oh , sorry , baby . May I ask what it was about , what happened ? Ciara : You re not gon na like it . Hope : Uh - oh . Try me . Ciara : It was about ben weston . Ben : You re delusional . Claire : No , no , ben , I just know what I want . Ben : Then go for it , girl . Just leave me the hell out of it , okay ? Claire : Excuse me , ben . I ca nt do this without you . We are partners in this . Ben : Until you find a better way to screw me over , right ? Claire : Come on , no . You know , I explained that . Ben : And that s why I m walking away . Claire : Hey , do nt leave me . Ben : Get off of me . Tripp : Hey , hey , is there a problem here ? Claire : This jerk was chewing me out for covering for you . Tripp : Oh , you want to get pissed at somebody ? Bring it . I m the one who set your ass up anyway . Ben : Why would you do that , tripp ? Tripp : I was trying to put a guilty man behind bars . Ben : Now , that s something I can get behind . Claire : What are you talking about ? Ben : Well , the only man guilty here -- boy guilty here of anything is tripp . Maybe it s time for a little justice . Claire : Ben , who are you calling ? Ben : The police . Eric : I promised nicole that I would take care of her daughter . Is that realistic ? Sarah : I do nt know . Is it ? What are your choices ? What s -- what s the reality ? Eric : Maggie ... which is an awesome grandmother , but I m gon na say it . She and victor really are nt in a place in their lives to start chasing after a toddler . Sarah : And imagine holly learning the dark arts at victor s knee . Eric : Yeah , there s that . Sarah : [ Laughs ] Eric : And then there s the rest of the family . Nicole s brother , brandon , he s in africa with theo carver . And then there s her sister , taylor , who s overseas . Which leaves ... Sarah : You . Eric : Yeah . You know , it was supposed to be nicole and I who were gon na raise holly together . Now I have to raise that little girl all alone . Sarah : You re not alone . I mean , my mom plans on being a huge part of her grandbaby s life , and -- and then there s me . And I totally am trying to be the best aunt ever . Eric : [ Laughs ] You already are . Sarah : This family is going to wrap themselves around that little girl and give her all the love that she needs . Eric : Yeah , that is the priority . I m gon na help her get through losing her mom . I want her to feel safe and loved . Sarah : You know , holly has a lot to deal with . But the more she s surrounded with love and support , the better it s gon na be for her . And if you want my opinion , you are the rock that she needs . So I think that the first and best step to help her is for you to become her permanent and legal guardian . Sonny : We ve already had this -- this conversation . We ve made up our mind . The decision s made . It s final . We need to stick to it . We are not breaking paul s heart . Will : Well , instead I - I broke yours . Sonny : Just go home , please . Be with paul . Will : I - I cant-- I ca nt do that . Sonny : Why not ? Will : Paul left town . Sonny : Paul left town ? You just got an apartment together . Why d he leave ? Will : He found out the truth about us . Rafe : No , I have not done anything to screw up my relationship with hope . Julie : Good . You know , that beautiful girl has a heart as big as it gets . But even hope s heart could not survive another ... dalliance . Rafe : [ Sighs ] What I did to hope ... is one of the biggest regrets that I have in my life . And I ve already had this conversation with doug , and I will promise you the same thing that I promised him . I will never betray hope again . Please believe me . Julie : Does nt matter what I believe . It s what hope believes . Rafe : Yeah . And hope knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is the only woman for me for the rest of my life . I got lucky . I did . I - I got really lucky . I know ... I was this close to losing her . But I didnT. And being that it s thanksgiving , I am thankful . I am thankful for a second chance . Julie : Let s have a toast . Rafe : Okay . Julie : You and me . Um ... let s drink to ... second chances . Rafe : Huh . Julie : Let s drink to ... gratitude . Let s drink ... to love . Hope : How did , um , ben come between you and tripp ? Ciara : Tripp thinks that I have feelings for ben . Hope : That s why you broke up ? Ciara : Yeah , there was a little more than that , but ... basically , yeah . Hope : [ Laughs ] That s crazy . I mean , that really is . Ciara , please , honey , tell me that it s crazy . That thug tried to set you on fire . Ciara : You go straight to that every single time , even though there s zero proof . Mama , whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty ? Hope : Yeah , well , he was proven guilty-- on multiple counts of murder . And the fact that you continue to defend him despite his history is very-- Ciara : All right , mom . Okay , I get it ! I get it . My boyfriend and I break up , and you d rather give me a hard time about ben . How about an , oh , gee , I m sorry , sweetie ? Hope : Baby , i am sorry . I said I was sorry . I m not apologizing , though-- not for being protective of my daughter when it comes to weston . Ciara : All he wants is a fair shot , to be given a chance . And not a single person in this town will make any effort . Hope : Except you ? At the risk of you throwing me out ... did ben s victims have a fair shot ? Ciara : See , this is exactly why I skipped out on family thanksgiving . Mama , the last thing that I wanted right now was to be grilled . Hope : About ben ... or tripp ? It would be a disaster if you got involved with that ... it would not be a good idea . Claire : Ben , you can not call the cops . Ben : The man committed a crime . Claire : I know , and he was trying to protect ciara . You know that . Ben : Was that all it was , tripp ? Or you just did nt like the way she looked at me ? Claire : Ben , he made a-- Ben : Is that what it was ? Claire : He made a mistake , and he lost ciara because of it . Is nt that punishment enough ? Ben : Is that punishment ? What about my pain and suffering , huh ? Your little stunt , tripp , it brought the salem pd down on me hard , okay ? It was all hope brady needed to dog my ass all over town . You proud of that ? Claire : He is so-- Ben : You proud of that ? Claire : He is sorry about that , all right ? He s sorry . He s really sorry . Are nt you , tripp ? Tripp : The hell I am . Go ahead . Call the cops . Claire : What ? You canT. You ca nt do this . Ben : No , no , you heard-- you heard the man . Claire : No . No , no , no , ben . We -- we had this conversation already , and you promised you would nt do this . Ben : There s no conversation . I think I just got permission . Claire : No , no , no , no , no . You see , tripp has a record . He will go to prison . Ben , please . Look at me . Please , please , please do not do this . Ben : Why should I care ? Claire : Because youve-- you ve been exactly where tripp is , all right ? Tripp : Mm , only one of us has strangled people to death . Claire : Would you shut up ? Come on , come on . You -- you re the one who s always talking about wanting people to give you a second chance , to do the right thing , right ? Right ? So cant -- cant you just do that for tripp ? Tripp : Hey , do nt do me any favors . Claire : Come on , tripp , you-- you are so not helping right now . You know , ben , you and tripp might not like each other , all right ? I get that . I do . But frankly , this is nt about him . It s about you , and it s about this whole karma thing , all right ? Listen . Listen to me , ben . If you are really ready to turn over this new leaf , then you should start here by letting it go , okay ? Come on . Ben : Fine . I wo nt call . Claire : Thank you . What do you say , tripp ? Tripp : I m late for my shift . Claire : Wow . He is so grateful . Ben , he is so grateful , really . I can tell . Thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you for not calling the cops . Ben : You know , somewhere amongst all the words that were spewing from your mouth , one thing made sense . I do want a second chance , even if it means giving it to somebody else-- a piece of trash like tripp dalton . Claire : Mm - hmm , yeah , you had me very worried for a second . Cause if you had called the cops , you could have ruined my shot with him . But now I ... talked you out of it , so I basically saved him . And he will remember that . Ben : It always comes back to you . Claire : You know , tripp is very important to me . And I know that I can make him happy . Ben : Well , good luck with that . And just so we re clear , now that I ve kept the man that you can make happy out of jail , our little tag team , it s over-- for good . Leave me ... the hell alone . Ciara : [ Sighs ] Would you just chill , okay ? Nothing s happened between ben and me . Hope : Do not tell me to chill when my daughter is at risk , ciara . Ciara : I m not at risk . Hope : After everything he has done to this family , everything -- to abigail-- Ciara : Ben is a different person now . How come everyone refuses to see that he s changed ? Hope : Because men like ben , they do nt change . [ Sighs ] I know he took care of you after the accident . You spent time together . But , ciara alice brady , please . If your father were here , he-- any relationship you d have with him , it would nt end well . Ciara : You did nt have a problem with tripp . Hope : He did nt murder people ! In cold blood ! Ciara : Okay , well , ben was sick . He -- he -- he got help , and -- and he worked hard , and he s fine . Hope : We thought the same thing about abigail . Look what happened . Ciara : Okay , but that s not gon na happen with ben . Hope : How do you know that ? Did he tell you that ? Ciara : Can we just drop this , please ? Hope : No , I can not . I will not . No . You are my daughter . You-- I do nt care . I dont-- it does nt matter how old you get . It does nt matter . It ll always be my job to protect you . Ciara : For the last time , mom , I do nt need protection . And I m just gon na get it all out there once in case you did nt hear me the first time I said it . I am not involved with ben , so this conversation is over now . Hope : Ciara , plea-- where are you going ? Ciara : I m going out , mom . Hope : Ciar-- I m just ... [ Sighs ] Trying to protect you . Sarah : I hope I did nt overstep . Eric : What do you mean ? Sarah : Well , by offering my opinion on what a rocking guardian I think that you would be , given the fact that we hardly know each other . Eric : I do nt know . I witnessed you throwing a shot of whiskey in a man s face . I shared my secret hangover cure with you and a major holiday , gobbles the turkey . So I say we re getting to know each other pretty well . Sarah : And you still have nt run away screaming yet . Eric : I m guessing there s a lot more to know . Sarah : Yes , like keeping me far away from your grandpa shawn s irish whiskey . Eric : [ Chuckles ] Sarah : Although that wo nt be a problem when I m back in chicago . Eric : So you re heading back soon ? Sarah : Yeah , I just got a text from the hospital administrator asking when I m coming back to work . Eric : You do nt seem excited . Sarah : After everything that went down with rex , the idea of going back to chicago just really is nt appealing . Eric : I mean , but you love your work . Sarah : I do , yes . Up until a few days ago , I thought that I had the perfect life . I had a job that I loved , man that I loved . And then when I found out the truth about my lying , cheating ex - fiancé , it just kind of feels like the life that I thought I had evaporated . Eric : Maybe you could stay here . Will : [ Sighs ] I was afraid paul read my journal . Everything I could nt say to you was on those pages . But , um ... turns out , brady told him that you and I were in love and decided not to be together for his sake . Sonny : I ca nt believe brady opened his big mouth . Will : I think he was just protecting his brother . Sonny : Yeah , but now he-- he broke his heart . Will : His heart was probably gon na be broken anyway . You know , maybe-- maybe brady did us a favor , you know , getting all of this out sooner rather than later . Sonny : So -- so when you-- when you talked to paul , I mean , how did he -- how did he react ? Will : He was -- he was amazing , of course , which made me feel like even more of a jerk . You know , I lied to him . I was lying to him , living a lie by -- by being with him . He had every right to-- to yell and scream and ... throw something , but ... instead he understood . He said it was clear that you and I were meant to be together and ... he was nt gon na stand in the way of that . Sonny : That must have been a very difficult conversation for the both of you . Will : Honestly , it felt kind of good , you know , being honest , getting everything out in the open . Part of me will always love paul , but ... in my heart and in my soul , there s only you . Sonny : And you . I - I still , uh-- I feel , like , a little guilty , though . Like , paul felt like he needed to leave town ? Will : Yeah , as in san francisco . Sonny : Oh , wow . Will : Yeah , his mom s there . And he got into a -- a program that could , you know , help him walk again . Sonny : Great . And you know paul . I mean , he s probably gon na , like , run a marathon in , like , six months . Will : [ Laughs ] I m so glad you re here . I ... I ca nt believe you left without saying anything . I mean , when -- when victor would nt tell me where you were and you were nt answering my-- you know , my calls , my emails , my texts -- I know it sounds crazy , but I was afraid I would never see you again . Sonny : I ran all the way across the globe . And I could not stop thinking about you . Will : Well , then promise me you ll never go away again . Sonny : I promise . I promise . Claire : Hey . You were in such a hurry to clock in that you did nt get a chance to thank me for stopping ben from calling the cops . Tripp : Thanks , but , uh , I m not sorry for trying to set up the guy . Claire : Yeah , I think that came through . Hey , just a little advice from me . Look , ben -- ben was cool just now , but I - I really would nt go out of my way trying to tick him off . Just cause I d hate it if he changed his mind . Tripp : I m done with weston and ciara-- all of them . [ Sighs ] I m looking for a new apartment whenever my shift is over . Claire : Tripp , what are you talking about ? You -- you ca nt do that . You re moving out ? Tripp : I ve already told ciara . Claire : That s just crazy , cause I m -- I m not gon na let you . Sarah : I love the idea of being a part of my little niece s life . It s just , my work is important to me , and my life-- or what s left of it-- is in chicago . So I m gon na have to settle for skype and holidays and long weekends . Eric : Yeah , well , holly will love every second she gets to spend with her aunt . Sarah : So are you going to talk to my mom about becoming her guardian ? Eric : Yes . And if maggie agrees , I will get the paperwork started . Sarah : You re gon na be the most amazing daddy . Eric : [ Sighs ] Well , I promised nicole that I would take care of her little girl . And with maggie s help and her blessing , I intend to do just that . Sarah : Holly is an extremely lucky little girl to have a man like you in her life . Sonny : What do you say we take this reunion someplace , you know , more private ? Will : Yeah . I , um ... well , I - I still got the keys to my apartment with paul , but-- Sonny : No , definitely-- definitely not gon na go there . Will : Um , we could-- we could go to a hotel ? Sonny : You know what ? The hell with it . I have waited for this moment for a very long time , and I m taking you to my place and to my bed . This holiday , no matter who s on your list , Tripp : That s very sweet of you , but me getting out of the loft is for the best . Claire : All right , well , maybe for ciara , yeah , but ... come on , you ca nt let her drive you from your own home . Tripp : Look , if this is about finding a new roommate-- Claire : No , tripp , it s about you ! I mean ... who else is gon na make perfect popcorn and-- and , you know , share his leftovers from this place ? I mean , we re friends . Tripp : Yeah , and there wo nt be any leftovers from this place if I do nt get back to work , because fran will fire me . Claire : Well , just please promise me that you ll think about staying . Tripp : I will . Claire : Okay . Ciara was stupid enough to let you get away , but there s no way that I m letting you go so easily . Hope : [ Grunts ] Sonny : Oh , thanksgiving is officially my new favorite holiday . Will : Mine too . Sonny : Shall we ? Will : Yeah , lead the waY. Yeah . [ Doorbell rings ] Oh , ignore it . Ignore it . Sonny : I ll just get rid of whoever it is . Take a second . ### Summary:
Hope went to Doug s Place and found out through Julie that Ciara lied to both of them about where she had dinner . Tripp packed his things to move out of the loft . Claire was happy about Ciara and Tripp breaking up . Ben was nt so happy about it . Hope went to find out what happened with Ciara . Ciara reminded Tripp that he was the one who ended their relationship . Tripp told her how she defends Ben considering what he did . He wanted to move out because she admired Ben for whatever reason . Ciara stopped him to tell him that she loved him . She was sorry that things ended the way they did . Ben was nt sure that Ciara was over Tripp . Claire thought that he could help Ciara get over Tripp . Ben was through with working with Claire . Claire explained everything she went through and felt that she deserved Tripp . Hope went to see Ciara . She wanted to know what happened . Ciara told her that she and Tripp broke up . Hope wondered what happened . Ciara told her that they fought over Ben . Ben wanted to stop working with Claire . Tripp showed up and Ben confronted him about framing him . He planned on telling the police on Tripp . Eric and Sarah talked about taking care of Holly . Sarah assured him that Holly would have a lot of family to take care of her . Sarah thought Eric should be Holly s legal guardian . Sonny and Will talked about Paul . Sonny did nt want to break Paul s heart . Will told him that Paul left town and that he found out about them . Rafe and Julie talked about his relationship with Hope . He assured Julie that he did nt break Hope s heart . Julie warned him that Hope could nt take it if he hurt her like that again . Rafe promised never to betray Hope again . Rafe said that Hope is the only woman for him . He was thankful to have a second chance with Hope . Hope thought that Ciara s breakup was about the fire . Ciara got offended and wanted her to have sympathy for her breakup . Hope refused to apologize for wanting to protect her daughter . Ciara thought Ben was nt given a fair shot . Hope wondered if Ben s victims had a fair shot . Claire played referee between Ben and Tripp . Ben wanted to call the police and Tripp wanted him to do it . Claire tried to stop Ben from calling the police . Claire wanted Ben to turn over a new leaf by letting Tripp go . Ben finally changed his mind . Tripp did nt care that he did nt do it . Tripp walked away from them . Claire thanked Ben for not calling the cops . Claire thought Tripp would remember that she saved him . She thought she could make Tripp happy . Ben told her they were finished working together . Hope reminded Ciara that Ben would nt change . Ciara thought he could do it . Hope told her that a relationship would nt work . Ciara told her how she accepted Tripp . Hope reminded her that he did nt kill people . They went back and forth about Ben until Ciara walked out . Sarah hoped that she did nt overstep her bounds by suggesting that Eric take Holly . He did nt have a problem with it . Sarah talked to Eric about how she thought she had the perfect life in Chicago . Eric suggested she stay in Salem . Will told Sonny how Brady told Paul about his feelings for Sonny . Will explained how Paul understood his feelings for Sonny . Will was thankful to get everything out in the open . He told Sonny how his heart belonged to him . Sonny felt guilty because Paul left town . They kissed each other . Tripp told Claire that he moved out of the apartment . Eric agreed to be Holly s guardian . Sonny wanted to take Will home with him . Claire tried to talk Tripp into staying at the apartment . He said he would think about it . Ciara ran into Ben outside of the pub . Hope went back to Doug s Place and someone snuck up on her . She punched the guy . Sonny and Will were about to go upstairs when someone knocked on the door . Leo was the person who knocked on the door .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Sami : No . Lucas : What ? What s the matter ? What ? Sami : I need an answer . Lucas : Wait a minute , what was the question ? Sami : [ Panting ] What do you want ? Willow : Problem solved . I figured out the best hiding place for my stuff -- on the top shelf of the closet where no one will see it . Is nt that perfect ? Shawn D. : Okay , well , how are you gon na get it down ? Willow : Well , I m gon na stand on a chair , silly . And ... a housewarming present . Shawn D. : What is it ? Willow : Open it . I m brilliant . You can say it . Shawn D. : A baby monitor . Okay ? Willow : Yeah , well , it s gon na impress the hell out of Belle that you thought to get a baby monitor to listen for Claire while you re watching TV . Shawn D. : That s fantastic , Willow , but Belle wo nt let Claire stay the night yet . Willow : Well , she ll see that you re thinking ahead of time . Women love that . And in the meantime , we can use it for an early - warning system . We ll leave one out here , and I ll take the other one in the bedroom , so if Belle or whoever is in the living room , I can hear them and crawl out the window and disappear down the fire escape , and no one will know I m crashing here . I will be the invisible woman . Bo : You said it was on the third floor . John : Got the quadrants . Frankie : Hey . Bo : Thanks for doing this . I wo nt forget it . Frankie : I ll forget you said it . Let s hope everyone will forget this . Okay , Mr. Avery , Mr. Fuller , that s what you need to get into E.J. s safe - deposit box . The bank s on the outskirts of town . Hopefully , nobody will recognize you guys , but if the cameras should get a good look at your faces , this unauthorized caper could get us all in hot water . John : Do nt worry about that . Security cameras will be cut before we ever go in . Frankie : Just get this guy . He almost killed our sister . Bo : Kayla s gon na be fine , and with John s help , Wells and Lockhart -- they ll get justice . Officer : Excuse me , sir . You ca nt go in there . Abe : It s all right . E.J. : Cameras , microphones , all planted in my apartment . Every damn room .. Abe : You know , the department has procedures for registering complaints , Mr. Wells . And if you suspect your place has been bugged and you have evidence , see the desk sergeant . E.J. : You d like me to be that dumb , would nt you ? Unfortunately for the Salem P.D. , I m suing this department for every penny in your little county war chest . Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of our Lives . Abe : It sounds as if you re accusing the Salem P.D. of bugging your apartment , which is not something we would do . We do nt operate that way . E.J. : Well , look at you , all holier - than - thou . Unfortunately for you , every man and his uncle knows that Bo Brady has a certain penchant for putting things that do nt belong to him in places they should nt be . Oh , and I see that John Black is now working for you . Abe : John s not on the force . E.J. : Yes , I know that . Does he ? Cause he seems to have his role cut out as some kind of undercover agent , a James Bond , if you will . Abe : Well , you seem to know it all E.J. , but I m busy . So , as I said , go see the desk sergeant . E.J. : I m quite sure that the district attorney will find this much more interesting . Abe : Go ahead . Make my day . Actually , I would pay to get you on the witness stand . Tek : [ Slurring ] Hello . May I buy you a drink ? Lexie : You should nt be here . Tek : There s no law against having a few drinks . Lexie : I think you ve had more than a few drinks , Tek . You re drunk . Tek : Not too drunk . Lexie : Look , there s a restraining order against you . Do you want to lose your job ? Tek : Yes , that s exactly what I want to do . Finally , someone understands me . Willow : Do you mind if I take a shower now ? Shawn D. : Sure . You do nt have to ask . [ Banging on door ] Hope : Police ! Open up ! We re coming in ! [ Banging continues ] Now ! Open up ! Hi . Shawn D. : Jeez . Hope : Gotcha , did nt I ? Hi , sweetheart . Wow , look at this place . Shawn , I am so proud of you . Wow , you re really growing up . Shawn D. : I was gon na get in the shower real quick . Hope : Oh , sorry . This wo nt take long . I ve got some news . Your dad moved back in . We re trying to work things out . I really want us to be a family . Shawn , I know you and your dad have fences to mend , but ... Zack s gone , but we re still a family , and now that you have Claire , that s more important than anything . Lucas : Oh , I want you . I want to get naked . I want to make you happy . I want to make love to you all night long . Sami : Wait . No . Lucas : What ? Wait , what ? Sami : We have to talk , Lucas . Lucas : What do you mean talk ? Talk about what ? Sami : I ca nt think . I ca nt think with you so close . Lucas : Good , cause every time we think , it gets us into trouble . Stop it . Sami : No , it s when we do nt think that we get into trouble . We do nt think about what we really want . Lucas : I want you . That s what I want . Come on , Sami . Sami : I love that . But if this is just a couple hours of meaningless , no- strings - attached pleasure , then I m totally into that . Lucas : Good , me too . Come on . Sami : Oh , god , no ! No , but if there s more -- if there s more than just sex between us , we have to talk about that , too . Oh , God , we ca nt . We have to talk with our clothes on . Lexie : Tek , listen to me . I just lost my job , okay ? It s not something you want to go through . If you go home , sleep it off , I wo nt mention to Abe that you violated the restraining order . Tek : I almost believe you care about me . Thanks . Lexie : Just go . Tek : I do nt want to go . There s nothing fun at home . I want to stay here . Lexie : You know what ? If you re serious about being unemployed , you just keep it up . Waiter ? Tek : I m taking home a paycheck , but I do nt have a job . I m sure your husband loves telling you how he humiliates me every day . He s got be pushing pencils like some kind of rookie or something . You want to forget it now , but there was a time when you could nt get enough of me , Lexie . I gave you what you wanted , but you got forgiven , so you hung on to your husband and kid , and you slap a restraining order on your lover . How come you get to have it so easy ? I do nt understand . E.J. : Exactly what evidence do you think you have against me ? Abe : Go to the D.A. There s a 50 - 50 chance I have nothing . And there s a 50 - 50 chance I could lock you up for life . E.J. : You re bluffing . You have no evidence that I ve committed any crime . Abe : [ Chuckles ] Well , that s funny , because you have no evidence that my police officers bugged your apartment . But if you would like to go ahead and take us to court , there s a file on E.J. Wells that I would love to put on the public record . E.J. : Hmm , well , do nt keep me in suspense , commissioner . What exactly is this explosive file of yours ? Abe : Well , please , have a seat , E.J. I d like to have a little chat about the DiMera family . E.J. : Why would I know anything about the DiMera family ? Abe : Well , you have it your way . So go to the D.A. and tell him you want to take me and my department to court . I just hope you re prepared to lose . Bank Manager : Here you go , Mr. Avery . Bo : Mr. Avery , I ve got the box . Bank Manager : Just one moment , gentlemen . I m afraid there s a problem with the documents . Hope : Are nt you gon na say anything ? Shawn D. : Does this mean that you re breaking things off with Lockhart , or is Lockhart part of the big , happy family ? Hope : Patrick is not part of this family , but he is this baby s father . That I ca nt change . Shawn , your father asked me -- he convinced me to give him another chance . Willow : Hey , Shawn , I could nt find the -- um , hi . I m Willow . Hope : Yeah , I remember . Willow : Um , okay , I m gon na get some clothes . Hope : After everything you said about being a responsible father ... Lexie : I have lost not only my job , Tek , but my reputation -- as a doctor , a wife , a mother . So , no , I do nt have it easy . Maybe you do nt care about losing your job , but my career meant everything to me , so please just leave me alone . Tek : You try and deny it , baby , but you re burning -- Lexie : Okay , stop it ! [ Murmuring ] Bartender : Hey , it s the bartender at Chez Rouge . I need a police officer . E.J. : You re clearly trying to set me up . I ve done nothing wrong . Officer : Commissioner , can I have a word with you , sir ? Abe : Yeah . I ll be right back . John : Is there a problem ? Mr. Perkins : Oh , I m so sorry , but the death certificate is unsigned . And until I have a signature , I ca nt allow you to have access to the contents of the vault . Mr. Jackson , please . John : It s okay , Jackson . Miss Post , you know , I ve been in the banking game a long time , and the way I see it , your institution here is run like a college frat house . Mr. Perkins : Excuse me ? John : Whenever I visit an unfamiliar bank branch , I check out procedure . Just a reflex . And I was appalled at the irregularities I saw in my short walk back here to your vault . Mr. Perkins : Irregularities ? John : For instance -- traveler s checks left laying out on the counter . Your tellers were buzzing one another in and out of the cage without proper I.D. Sloppy banking like that is inexcusable in times like these . The cash register drawers were left wide open . Mr. Perkins : I ca nt believe I m hearing this . John : Your head teller , Mr. Perkins -- I saw him give an audit key to unauthorized personnel . Mr. Perkins : Well , it s getting very close to the holidays . That s the only reason -- John : Bottom line , no reason is acceptable . Now , I can either call the front office , and I can explain in great detail how deplorable the management of this bank is , or you and I can do each other a good turn instead . Mr. Perkins : I m not allowed to do that . I mean , it would be out of character for me to do -- John : You and your character could be out of a job if you do nt take me up on this offer , whereas Mr. Fuller and I would simply be inconvenienced by the hour that it would take to acquire the appropriate signature , and since we are under the gun to view the contents of the safe - deposit box , we would be appreciative if you would continue to do your job and assist us instead of letting ... a small oversight stand in our way . Lucas : Do you have any idea what you re doing to me ? Sami : It s not like I want to stand here and chat either . Lucas : So why are we still vertical then ? Sami : Because we have to get a few things straight first . Lucas : I do nt think it can get any more straight than it already is . Sami : [ Laughs ] Lucas ! Lucas : It s not funny . A guy in my condition -- it could be dangerous . I could hurt us both right now . Sami : We ca nt , Lucas . Lucas : What ? What is it ? What do you want me to say ? Sami : Usually , I ca nt get you to shut up , and now you ca nt think of anything to say . Lucas : I can say that I want you . I want you in the bedroom right now . I ll take you right here if I have to . Sami : Oh , God . Lucas : See , I just told you two things that I want . I told you what I want and where I want it . Sami : Well , what about why ? Lucas : Why ? Is nt it obvious why ? Sami : No , no . It s not , and until you make it clear , we are not doing what you want anywhere . Shawn D. : Willow s not living with me . Hope : What , she just stops by when she needs to use the shampoo ? Shawn D. : She just needs a place to crash until she saves up enough money to get her own place . Hope : So she is living here . Shawn D. : Just until she gets her own place , yeah . Hope : And what would motivate her to move when she has a nice place to crash and a nice guy to crash with ? Does Belle know about this ? Shawn D. : No . Hope : Shawn . She does nt want your beautiful little girl hanging around a hooker . Shawn D. : I am just trying to help her out the same way she helped me out . I d appreciate if you would nt tell anybody about this . Hope : I thought you d finally grown up . Shawn D. : I m paying child support . I got a new job . Do nt I get some credit for that ? Hope : Your duty is to your child and her mother . Shawn D. : Yeah , just like your duty is to your baby and Patrick Lockhart ? Then why are you having dad move in with you ? You re living with one man while you re having another man s baby . You do nt sound so responsible yourself , Mom . How does it feel to have someone else judge you ? You know what you should do ? Clean up the mess that you made of your own life and stay the hell out of mine . Lexie : You re the biggest mistake I ve ever made in my life , Tek . I am ashamed of what we did . And whether you like it or not , I have a restraining order against you , so I want you to leave now . Tek : Lexie -- Lexie : No , I am not asking you . I m telling you . Tek : Well , okay . [ Chuckles ] Lexie : Okay , if you wo nt leave , I will . Tek : No , come on . I want to talk . Lexie : Let go of me ! Abe : Hey ! Get away from my wife . Tek : My wife , like you own the woman . I got what I wanted . I m gon na get more . Abe : You go home , you sleep it off , and we ll talk tomorrow . Tek : We re gon na talk tomorrow ? I m gon na go back to the police station that Abe Carver owns and listen to your crap , your holier - than - thou ? Oh , yeah . No , thank you . You know what ? Kill me . Fire me , kill me , do whatever you want . Here , take this . Good . Yeah , you guys -- making a big scene . Good . Mr. Perkins : I m obviously very conflicted about this . John : Just tell me where I can view the contents of this box , please . Mr. Perkins : This way . Bo : Nice going . [ Sneezes ] John : Handkerchief , Fuller . Mr. Perkins : If you need me , you can find me in my office . Bo : What do we have in here , huh ? John : Let s take a look . What the hell ? Just a bunch of envelopes . Bo : You were expecting ... ? John : Maybe a gun registered to E.J. Wells . Or how about a written confession ? Bo : How about Stefano DiMera s brain ? John : Yeah , or another part of his anatomy . Bo : All addressed to E.J. Wells right here in Salem . John : And they re all really recent . Who the hell s been writing to E.J. Wells ? Bo : Italian postmark . Ca nt make out the city , though . Do you know any Italian card games ? I got myself a joker here . John : What you got is a jester . I got the high priestess . Bo : You understand these things ? John : Enough to know that we have got tarot cards here , my friend , Italian style . Bo : Why would wells put tarot cards in a safe - deposit box ? John : I do nt know , but you re right . He went to a hell of a lot of trouble to hide them , which must mean they re damn important , even more so than that onyx ring . Bo : Well , we do nt have time to go through all these tonight . What do we do ? Just take them with us ? John : Nope , but we are gon na get everything that we need . Lucas : You know we re perfect for each other . They should write chemistry books about us . See , you ca nt resist me , either , can you ? Sami : Lucas ... Lucas : Ow ! What the hell was that for ? Sami : Did it hurt ? Lucas : Yeah , it hurt . That was my butt you pinched . Sami : I m just trying to prove a point , Lucas . This is how it always is with us . It starts off where we ca nt say no to what we really want . Lucas : So why are we fighting it , then ? Let s not fight it anymore . Sami : Because we always end up hurting each other a lot more than that pinch . And I have cried myself to sleep too many times over you . I ca nt keep doing it . Lucas : Come on . Sami : Look , Lucas , if this is just about whipped cream or breaking the bed and then we go our separate ways , I m cool with that , you know ? I can do that . I just wish I was the cold - hearted bitch that everybody thinks that I am . Cause then it would be so easy . Instead , I just ... I have this mushy heart with all these stupid feelings that spill out all over the place , and nowhere to put them . And I hate it . Lucas : Come on , it s not true , all right ? Sami : What s not true ? Lucas : You have somewhere , someone . Sami : Who ? Lucas , talk is cheap , especially coming from someone who s walked out on me before . Lucas : I can understand why you d feel that way . Sami : What about you ? What about the way that you feel ? Do you feel anything for me that does nt involve your lower anatomy ? Bo : We packing up these cards and taking them with us ? John : Oh , we re gon na take them with us , all right , but those cards are never gon na leave the box . Bo : All right , one tarot - card photo shoot coming up . I ll lay them out , you take the picture . Bank Teller : Here you are , sir . E.J. : Thank you . What the hell is going on ? Where is my safe - deposit box ? Bank Teller : I ll , uh , get the bank manager for you . Tek : Go ahead . Fire me , big man . Fire me . The only reason you did nt do it before is cause you did nt want me filing a lawsuit . That s right . Do it , big man . Do it in front of your people . How you doing ? Abe : That s enough . Tek : Hey , everybody , I got a nice piece of information about the old commissioner and his wife ... Abe : Oh ! You ve been asking for it . Tek : Get off me , man . Abe : Pour him into a cab and send him home . Well , you got your wish . You re fired . Tek : Good . Abe : Come in tomorrow and clean out your desk . Tek : I ca nt wait . Thank you , captain . You re fantastic . Good police work . Yeah , thank you . Help me up . That s good . Everybody , for the Commish . Fantastic job he s doing . Bang - up job , my man . Abe : Are you all right ? Lexie : Uh , define all right . Abe : Well , one thing that bastard was right about -- I should have fired him a long time ago . Lexie : How s your hand ? Abe : Well , it s never been better . Look , let me take you home . Lexie : No , I ca nt . Hope asked me to meet her here . Abe : Ca nt you cancel ? Lexie : No , honey , she said it was really important . Abe : You re sure . Lexie : Yeah , but I m fine . Okay ? Especially now . Thank you . Abe : Look , I m gon na go down to the station , and I m gon na start the process of getting rid of Mr. Tek Kramer . Lexie : Okay , but do nt arrest him , all right ? I mean , do nt escalate things , Abe . You re done with him , all right ? We both are . Lucas : Picked a hell of a time to put me on the spot . Sami : Strike while the iron is hot . That s what Grandma Caroline always says . Lucas : Can we not talk about grandmothers right now ? Please , I m not in the mood . Sami : Oh , okay . So you do nt want to talk . Well , then , let s just do it . What are we standing here for ? Lucas : What are you doing ? Stop that . Put your shirt back on . Sami : You said you do nt want to talk . You do nt want to think . Well , then , let s just do it . Look , Lucas , I m sorry . I did nt mean to put you on the spot like that . Lucas : Wait a minute . I am on the spot , all right ? What are you asking me ? Are you asking me if I m playing games or if I m serious , is that it ? That s it , right , Sami ? Sami : Lucas , I just want to understand what s going on here , cause here s the thing . I have feelings for you -- good feelings . And they ve been getting a lot stronger lately . And I m scared because we ve been here before , and we ve fooled around , and we have played for keeps . It just seems like no matter what we try , it always ends in a disaster . Lucas : Things got messed up . It was nt necessarily our fault . There were other people involved . My mom was at the top of that list . Sami : I m at the top of that list . Lucas : No , I am . I m the biggest idiot in Salem , not you . You ca nt steal my title from me . Sami : Thank you for saying that . So what do you think , Lucas ? You think we can make it work this time ? Make us work ? Look , I ll understand if you do nt want to try . Lucas : Listen to me . I want you to understand something . I have real feelings for you . It s not about sex . My feelings run very deep , so I do nt want to fight it anymore . I really do nt . Sami : You mean that ? Lucas : Yeah . Let s give it a go . Let s really try this time to make it work , okay ? Sami : Lucas ... Lucas : [ Moans ] Oh , your skin ... your skin is so soft . Sami : Thank you for understanding that we ca nt do this now . Lucas : What do you mean we ca nt do it now ? Everything s all settled . We just settled everything . Sami : I know . You are the most romantic man on the whole planet , Lucas Roberts . Lucas : Am I really ? Sami : Yeah . Cause , you know , we could go into the bedroom for a couple hours of fun and games . Lucas : Oh , yeah . Sami : But ... Lucas : No buts . Sami : Come on . It would be so different in the commitment we re actually making by not having sex right now . Lucas : No sex now ? Sami : [ Laughs ] No , cause that would ruin what we have -- ruin our chance for a real relationship . [ Laughs ] Willow : Sorry about your mom catching me here . Shawn D. : It s not just your fault . Willow : Yeah , but if she tells Belle , then you re gon na ruin your plans with seeing Claire . Shawn D. : It s not my mom s style . She s just gon na give me flak about it every time she sees me , so I m just not gon na see her very much . Willow : And that s gon na solve all your problems ? Shawn D. : No , damn it . It s not just my mom . It s everybody . Belle s got all these rules for me to follow . I have to hide you as if I were ashamed of something . I ca nt even go visit Max at the garage because my ex - wife got a job there , as if there s not hundreds of other places that she could have taken a job . I ca nt tell people about my job for E.J. I am sick of it . I want my frickin life back . Willow : So take it back . What s stopping you ? Hope : Sorry I m late . Lexie : Hi . Hope : Oh , gosh . I thought I had the bad day . What s wrong ? Or is that a stupid question ? Lexie : I was sitting here , waiting for you , and guess who showed up ? Hope : Oh , no . Lexie : Yep , Tek was drunk . I asked him to leave , but he would nt . He just would nt leave me alone , and then Abe showed up and fired him after punching him in the jaw . Hope : Lex , I m so sorry . Lexie : I ca nt live it down , Hope . Salem wo nt let me . Every hospital and clinic within a 20-mile radius has turned me down . The word is out on Lexie Carver , unethical doctor who cheats on her husband . Hope : It must have been very tough for you to hang around here after what happened . Thanks for waiting for me . Lexie : I ve got to learn to take it . Hope : Well , you know what ? Lexie : What ? Hope : I have news that might give you a reason to smile . I found you a job . Bank Manager : Is there a problem ? E.J. : Is there a problem ? My name is E.J. Wells , and I would like to know how somebody got into my safe - deposit box . Bank Manager : But you ca nt be E.J. Wells . He s dead . E.J. : I m dead , am I ? You re dead , sweetheart . You better find that box fast . Bank Manager : Follow me . E.J. : Excuse me . Bo : The only thing we forgot is forging the M.E. s signature on the death certificate . John : But other than that , it went off perfectly . Good job . Abe : Well , the gang s all here . Look , my news first . I had to fire Tek Kramer . John : Whoa . Abe : So , how d it go at the bank ? Bo : We got pictures of the contents of the safe - deposit box . Frankie : What was in it ? John : Tarot cards . Frankie : Wait a minute . We went to all that trouble for a bunch of cards ? Bo : Yep , they re right here . The lab just printed those out . Abe : And ? John : The writing was in Italian . The cards were in individual envelopes , all postmarked from Italy . Abe : DiMera s from Italy . And Kate found DiMera s ring in E.J. s apartment . Frankie : Then it was nt a waste of time , after all . Who s gon na translate ? Abe : I m on it . Sami : Look , Lucas , we can not ruin what could be the greatest romance of all time by cheapening it with casual sex . Lucas : No , we would nt want to do that . But , Sami , please . It feels so good . Sami : I know . Me too . I know . But , look , we ca nt be each other s transitional relationship , right ? I mean , I m so glad you understand why we ca nt do this . We have to make it work this time . We deserve it . Will deserves it . Lucas : Yeah , he sure does . Sami : Lucas , I adore you . Lucas : Sex ? Sami : Stop it . No . Lucas : Then I guess I could use a cold shower . Sami : Help yourself . Shawn D. : Take my life back ? Easy to say . Willow : Easy to do . Is nt there something that you want , besides time with your daughter ? You re earning money now . Is nt there something that you want , something that you dreamed of and never talk of because people give you crap ? Shawn D. : A convertible , 10-cylinder 8.3-liter engine with 19-inch mags . Willow : Sounds awesome . Shawn D. : Yeah , but I -- Willow : No buts ! Now , take some of that money you earned , and make your dreams come true . I have to get to work , but I will call before I get home in case Belle stops by , okay ? Shawn D. : Okay . Thank you . You re great . And I m gon na get some batteries for the baby monitor . Willow : Bye . Lexie : Look after Kayla ? I do nt understand . Hope : She needs a private nurse to take cake of her on a daily basis , otherwise , the hospital wo nt release her . I know you re overqualified for this , but I recommended you . I thought of you . Lexie : No , Hope , the Brady s would never let me take care of their daughter . Hope : They thought it was a great idea . They want you . Lexie : Really ? Hope : Really . Lexie : Well , um , tell the Brady s I wo nt let them down . Hope : So are you gon na take the job ? Lexie : Yeah , yeah , of course I ll take it . Uh , when do I start ? Hope : She s released tomorrow . Lexie : Okay , wow . I get to continue doing what I love . Thank you . Hope : I think we should toast . Lexie : Okay . Thank you , thank you , thank you . Hope : To new beginnings . Bank Manager : Are all your possessions there , Mr. Wells ? E.J. : They are . No thanks to your incompetence . However , somebody has been through everything . Frankie : Who is he calling ? John : Just a wild guess . Bo : He s got a relative who s kind of out there . Abe : I have a mother - in - law who s a wonderful woman , a doting grandmother , and she reads tarot cards . Oh , hello , Celeste . It s Abe . Look , um , we got something we d like to talk to you about . Bank Manager : The security tape will have photos of the men who did this .. E.J. : How the hell did you get this job ? How d you get this job ? Cause I m pretty sure the people who are smarter than you to do this had the brains to turn off the cameras . Frankie : I just hope that I can find what the two of you have . Shawn : I do , too , son . Bo : The authorities are closing in on Wells . I do nt want you to get caught in the cross fire . Billie : So this has all been just an act . How could he do that to Kayla ? Chelsea : Try your best not to dress like a loser , okay ? Nick : Oh , so I should nt wear my turkey costume ? ### Summary:
Sami and Lucas are close to lovemaking but Sami stops the lovemaking so they can talk about their feelings . They agree to take things slow and try and form a real relationship . Hope visits Shawn to tell him about letting Bo move back in but she accidentally runs into Willow . Hope and Shawn argue about being with the parents of their babies . Lexie slaps Tek when he tries to kiss her and Abe punches Tek before officially firing him when the bartender calls the police on Tek . Hope asks Lexie to be Kayla s private nurse with the Brady family s blessing . John and Bo don disguises and convince the bank manager to let them view the contents of EJ s safety deposit box . Inside they find several envelopes postmarked from Italy each containing a single tarot card . They take photos of the cards and Abe calls Celeste to help them translate . EJ brings the surveillance equipment to confront Abe and discovers a file on his safety deposit box within Abe s papers . EJ rushes to the bank and finds his box taken out and rifled through despite having all its contents still there .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Sami : Let me go , Lucas ! Lucas : You are not -- get in here ! Sami : No , please , I m serious , Lucas , let me go ! I have to stop John before he kills my mother ! Lucas : He is not going to kill your mother . Sami : But grandma said that he would ! Lucas : Listen , John is only going after her because he thinks she s the serial killer ! Ow ! No biting ! Sami : God , Lucas , I swear , I have to stop my grandma s prediction from coming true ! Lucas : Sami , what we have to do is stop the killer . You want her to strike again ? Do you want another murder ? Is that it ? Sami : Do you ? I swear to God , Lucas , if you do nt let me go , I will kill you myself ! Just let me out of here ! Lucas : You re not leaving ! Sami : Let me go ! Lucas : Sami , stop it ! Sami : Lucas , please ! Lucas : Calm down . Nicole : I came so close to getting away with murder . Why did that stupid shrink have to figure it out ? I mean , of all the damn bad luck . Marlena knows . Marlena knows that we got together to kill Victor . We made the world a better place . I should be getting a freakin medal , not a lethal injection . Jan : I ca nt -- I ca nt die like that , Nicole . What are we going to do ? Nicole : We ? I m covering my own butt . Jan : Nicole ! Nicole , come back ! Nicole ! Nicole , please , do nt leave me alone ! Nicole ! Shawn ? Shawn ? You saved me the last time I was in trouble , after Paul raped me . I need you even more now , Shawn . Killing Victor , it -- it was a one- time thing , honest . I m not a murderer in my heart , Shawn , please . Shawn ? I need you . John : Did you kill Alice Horton ? John : Oh , doc , what have you done ? Marlena : I was afraid this was going to happen . John : Is that an admission of guilt ? Marlena : John , it was my love that made you whole , and that s been taken away from you . Your suspicion of me , your need to hunt me down and prove that I m the killer -- it s Stefano s doing , do nt you see ? John , you understand what happened . He s programmed you to destroy the love of your life . Why else would you choose this bizarre behaviour ? Why else would you accuse me , your wife , of killing people we both love ? John : I got a call from Alice Horton a little while ago . She called to tell me that you are the serial killer . As much as I love you , doc , there is one thing that I know -- Alice Horton does not lie . That s why you had to take her out , is nt it ? So how d you do it ? How d you make sure Alice would keep her mouth shut ? Belle : [ Sighs ] I do nt know how my dad could be so wrong , but he has to be . My mom is not the killer , Shawn . There s no way . Shawn - D : You know , I just thought of something -- another one of Celeste s premonitions . Belle : Really ? What ? Shawn - D : Wtat did she say ? Lies will kill the love . I do nt know -- I do nt know what that means . Belle : Look , I do nt believe anything Celeste says , okay ? She also said that spirits told her my dad was going to kill my mom . You remember that ? Shawn - D : Yeah , well , look , I - I hope she s wrong , too , okay ? I mean , how can we stand to lose anyone else ? Listen , I m going to check in with my folks , all right ? Make sure they re okay . Hope : Shawn ? Shawn - D : Mom . What is it ? You sound like ... Hope : Honey , I m gran s . I need you to come over here right away . Shawn - D : Gran s ? Wait , m - m-- did the killer get to her ? Mom ? Is gran dead ? Nicole : Oh . Brady : What are you doing over there ? Liquor s over here . Nicole : Should nt you be in bed ? Brady : Well , I could nt sleep . Impending murder always gives me insomnia . So I came downstairs , and guess what I found . Nicole : Oh . Brady : Does that look familiar ? Nicole : Looks like the ... piece of the model to your precious opera house . What about it ? Brady : You burned it . So do nt even try to deny it . Listen , Nicole , you agreed to fully fund this opera house with a huge endowment from my grandfather s estate . You even signed the papers . But you know what kills me ? It does nt matter to you that this was supposed to be in honour of my mother . All you care about is keeping Chloe away from Salem . Nicole : Hmm . Poor Brady . Your precious Chloe is never coming home -- not ever . I did nt burn your stupid model . Brady : Do nt lie to me , and tell me the truth . Bo : It s okay . They re family . Shawn - D : Dad , is she going to make it ? Lexie : Uh , Bo ... I m sorry . She was a great lady . Shawn - D : No . Belle : Oh , my God . Lexie : There was nothing else I could do . Alice is gone . We ve lost her . Shawn - D : We knew we were going to lose her someday , but ... Hope : Oh , honey . Not like this , honey . Belle : I m so sorry , Shawn . Shawn - D : Remember -- remember when we got back from Puerto rico -- the ruby ? Alice : Oh , for heaven s sake . Tell me what it is . Shawn - D : Drum roll , please . Do you recognize this ? Alice : Oh . Belle : [ Sighs ] Hope : I m glad Shawn has Belle . I could nt get through this without you . Have you established the cause of death yet ? Lexie : Yeah , I , uh , have a preliminary finding of suffocation . Hope : Oh , my God . Lexie : There was a fragment lodged in her throat -- I guess it must have been a piece of a doughnut . It literally stopped her breath . Hope : A piece of a doughnut ? Bo : Obviously , this killer is a sick individual . Hope : There has never been a woman more decent as Alice Horton . She gave herself to all of us . She gave us love , Bo . She gave us guidance and hope when everyone around her had given up . She was such an inspiration to all of us . Bo : Yeah . I m sorry . I know how deep this goes for you . She meant an awful lot to you . When -- you know , when I thought I had lost you , you came back to Salem as Gina , I could nt trust it , but Mrs. H. -- She was the one who made us all believe it was you . Hope : Gran , gran , I m so glad you re here . Alice : Hope , what is it ? What are you doing here ? Hope : Gran ... I remember . I remember everything -- my whole past . Alice : You mean -- you re truly back . Back in mind as well as in body . Oh , my darling granddaughter . Hope : I love you . Alice : Well , I can see that there is a change . There s more of hope s spirit here , her soul . Tell me -- what do you remember ? Hope : All of it . Everything . Bo , the marriage , shawn - d s birth , his first steps , his first words , this room , this house . And you , gran , and all the special times that we ve spent in here with the family . I ll never see gran again . I ll never talk to her again . How do I go on without her ? Gran . Tom s voice : Alice , my love . Alice : Tom , my dear , you ve waited so patiently . Hope : Gran always wanted to be with grandpa , and now she is . Bo : Yeah . I m sure they re happy together now . Hope : I miss her so much already . Bo : I know . I know . Me too . Marlena : John . Marlena : I am the woman you married . I have lived our vows joyously . And if it s possible , I love you more now than the day we were married . And this -- this -- this killer , this man or woman , has certainly done the impossible . They have made you believe that I could be a cold , heartless killer . Do you -- do you really think that I could ever , ever hurt Alice Horton ? John : I do nt just think it , I know it . And I can prove that you killed Alice tonight . Brady : Nicole , I ve got a theory for you . It s kind of ingenious . It goes like this . You hired someone to kill my grandfather . Then you handcuffed yourself to me so that I could be your alibi . Nicole : Hello . Jan : Your worst nightmare calling . Nicole : What do you want ? Jan : I decided to go for a plea bargain . Nicole : You ca nt . Jan : I ve got tons of evidence against you . Remember all the stuff I pulled out of Mr. Kiriakis s safe ? Oh , the cops will thank me for handing them their Nicole kiriakis on a platter . Nicole : Do nt you dare . You try it , and -- Brady : Who are you talking to ? Is that your accomplice ? Let me see this thing . Nicole : Hey , Brady , what -- Brady : Let s see , star 69 -- that ll tell me who you were talking to . Nicole : Stop . Brady : What do you know ? John : There we are . No self - respecting murderer would go out without her gloves , right ? Marlena : I always carry gloves . John : Sugar . Just like I thought . Marlena : What are you talking about ? John : Bo told me that alice had powdered sugar around her mouth when they found her . Marlena : What does that prove ? John : You got powdered sugar inside your gloves , and when they make a match , that puts you at the scene of the crime . You re guilty , doc . Marlena : You ve become a very good detective . I just guess there s no point in lying about it . You re right . I killed Alice ... and the others . John , I m so sorry . I m so sorry . I m so sorry . I was so scared . I was so afraid . Oh , please , I need your help . John : I can -- Marlena : I need your help . John : I will -- I will help you -- doc ! Marlena : Looks like Alice wo nt be my last victim tonight . Last words ? Brady : Looks like your ... accomplice wants to remain anonymous . Nicole : May I have my phone back ? Brady : Yeah , sure . Go ahead , cuddle up with it and your partner in crime . Because , just for the record , I am through being there for you . Nicole : Why the hell did you call me ? You just ruined my one chance for happiness . Jan : You ruined your own life when you got me to kill your husband . Nicole : None of it matters anymore . Marlena s going to give us up . We re going to be sent up for murder one . Jan : No way . You promised you were going to get me Shawn . Nicole : That s what you get for being stupid . The only way you re ever going to get Shawn is in your dreams . But if you want to stay out of prison , haul your ass out of Salem and do nt ever come back . Jan : I wo nt . I ca nt lose Shawn . He s all I have to live for . Wait till you see what I ve got planned for you , Shawn . Shawn - D : Hey . It s going to be okay . You were with your mom when my grandfather was killed , so ... how could she be the murderer , right ? You know , tek actually thought that , uh , you might lie to protect your mom . The police may think that you may be saying that just so Marlena has an alibi , but I do nt . I know you d never lie to me about something like that . Bo : It s got ta be her . Hope : No , wait -- look , we all want to find the killer but to accuse Marlena -- I just ca nt see it . That would mean we d have to accept that she killed all of those other people , Bo . I wo nt believe that Marlena is capable of this kind of violence . Marlena : Move . I was untouchable . I never left a shred of evidence behind . Move it ! And the smartest thing I ever did was get you out of the penthouse . Because that would have been like living with a drug - sniffing dog . On the terrace , baby . Yeah . It would ve been hard to get away with murder with you around , watching my every single move . John : What are you going to do -- shoot me ? Marlena : No , I m not going to shoot you . You re going to jump . Ha ha ha ha . Good , huh ? Ha ha ha ha . You see , it s understandable -- you would be suicidal , thinking that your wife would be capable of murder . John : I still love you , doc . Marlena : Ha ha ha ha . I know . Two more steps . Do nt . John : You do nt want to kill me , doc , because deep down you still love me , too , but think it s too late , do nt you ? It s never too late for a love like ours cause ... it does nt matter if you kill me -- what s going on between you and me is eternal . It ll just ... last forever and ... ever . Ever ... Marlena : No ! John : Now stop it ! I got you -- aah ! Doc , no ! Marlena : I m not taking anything from you ! I m not going in ! I m not going to let you take me in ! Do you understand ? John : Stop ! Marlena : You re not taking me in ! Sami : Oh , my God ! Oh , my God , it s happening ! It s happening ! John s killing her ! Nicole : Take me away . Anywhere that s far -- far from sick square Salem , and fast . Oh , why do you have it in for me , God ? I mean , people commit crimes all the time and get away with it . Why ca nt I ? Brady : Where are you going ? Got a hot date ? Jan : It s all for you , Shawn . Everything I do ... everything that happens ... all out of love for you . And I ca nt live without you anymore , Shawn . Hope : Tek . Belle was with Marlena when my father was murdered . Tek : We ve only got her word for that . Hope : Well , that s good enough for me . Bo : There s a hell of a lot wrong with this picture , hope -- marlena s alibi included . Hope : In order for Marlena to be the killer , Belle has to be lying . Is that what you re saying ? Bo : Yeah . That s a possibility . Hope : I hope to God that you re wrong because that would mean my grandmother s death is a direct result of Belle s lie . Shawn would never forgive her . Bo : Hey , listen . You want to say goodbye to Mrs. H. Before ... Hope : I ll never say goodbye to her . She s always going to be with me , Bo , as long as I live . Everyone whose life was touched will cherish the memory of Alice Grayson Horton forever . Bo : Yeah , forever . Hope : I know she s at peace . I know that . Gran s finally with grandpa . These tears are for me , for all the times I m going to miss her . Bo : I ll find her killer ... I promise you . ### Summary:
Lucas brings Sami back to his apartment to try and keep her from going after John . They rush over to Alice s house when they hear the news . Lucas pays his respects as Sami urges Belle not to tell Shawn the truth . Sami gets frustrated and decides to head out in search of John . John confronts Marlena about killing Alice . Marlena insists that Alice lied about her being the killer . John neglects to tell Bo that he is with Marlena in order to give her a chance to prove her innocence . Marlena pretends to give a teary confession to John but suddenly grabs his gun . Marlena leads John out on the terrace and orders him to jump but John grabs the gun and they struggle . Marlena ends up being the one to fall off the balcony . Nicole deserts Jan , who begs for Shawn to help her . Jan fantasizes about what Shawn would do to her when he found out about Victor . Jan calls Nicole to declare her decision of taking a plea bargain by turning Nicole in . Brady confronts Nicole about the damaged model of the opera house . Brady steals Nicole s phone to figure out the identity of her accomplice . Nicole tries to head out of town but Brady stops her . Jan contemplates hanging herself . Bo and Hope find Alice still alive . Despite Lexie s aid , Alice dies . Belle refuses to believe that Marlena is the killer . As Shawn , Belle , Bo , and Hope remember their life with Alice , Hope sees Alice s spirit led to heaven by Tom . Lexie determines that choking on a donut killed Alice .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Carly : Oh , good . Okay , all right . Carly : Tru - test . Carly : Hi . Jax : What s in the bag ? Tracy : I just talked to your doctor . Luke : He give you the news ? Tracy : You agreed to surgery ? Felicia : Yes , St. Timothy s Church . We ll be waiting . The car is on the way . Maxie : I m going with Coop . Felicia : Are you sure ? Maxie : Yeah . You ll have Bobbie , you do nt need me . Felicia : Do you need help ? Felicia : It s beautiful . Maxie : Yeah , well , do nt bother searching the recesses of your mind trying to remember where you ve seen it before . You have nt -- it was Georgie s . Robin : I can -- I can put this up later . Mac : No -- no , it s okay . Hi . Robin : This is so wrong . Georgie had her whole life ahead of her . How can she be gone ? Mac : Georgie s dead because I failed her . Jax : Hi . Carly : Hi . Stop , stop , stop ! Nice try . Stop . Jax : What s the big secret ? Carly : Because I do nt want you to see that yet . Jax : Come on , you ve already brought , like , 9,000 ornaments home , okay ? It s not like -- because you ca nt resist buying them . I ve seen every ornament that they ve ever made . Carly : It s not an ornament . It s a small element in the big surprise I m planning for you . Jax : Hmm -- what if I do nt want to wait for the surprise ? Carly : But you have to wait ! It s not your choice , it s my surprise ! Show some of that restraint you keep bragging about . I m not kidding . I m going to be really mad if you ruin this surprise . Jax : Okay , fine . You know , with this kind of build - up , it must be really worth waiting for . Carly : It is . It s perfect and it s wonderful . Jax : Really ? Carly : Mm - hmm . Luke : You know me -- I m not exactly your garden - variety family man . Tracy : Agreed . Luke : I mean , family is not a dirty word or anything . It s just that -- well , I do nt go for that ties that bind thing . Tracy : Where are you going with this ? Luke : My daughter was here , flashing those beautiful eyes of hers , and I saw my whole history . I saw those same eyes looking at me when she was a baby . I saw her brother , her mother -- everyone I ever cared about . I saw you , wife , standing here day after day , willing me to live when I was half gone , ready to cash in . And I thought , No . I ca nt do this to these people . This is my family . I ai nt going to bail on them . Tracy : If I ever forget to be grateful to Lulu , please remind me . By the way , you wo nt regret it , I promise . Luke : I ll hold you to that . Dillon : Bad time ? Luke : Oh , young Spielberg . Tracy : How are you ? Luke : What a pleasure to see you . Sorry about the circumstances . Dillon : Oh , it s -- it s okay . I m all -- I m all right , I think . I mean , I m -- I seem to be getting to where I m supposed to be . I do nt know how . Tracy : That s enough . Dillon : How are you ? Luke : Peachy . Your mother assures me that I m going to be up and running on all cylinders soon . Tracy : You are . Luke : Hey , congratulations , son . Boy , my hat s off to you . You always knew what you wanted and you went right out there and got it . Tracy : I m proud of you . Dillon : Thank you . Lulu : Oh , wow . At least you re not alone . Luke : No , cupcake , I am not alone . Mac : I m the police commissioner . I should ve caught this bastard a long time ago . Instead , he s been free to roam , wreaking havoc . One of my daughters was attacked in my own living room . And now Georgie s dead . Robin : Okay , you have to listen to me . You did nt let Georgie down once . You were the one constant in her life -- and Maxie s d mine . You were the one who committed to raising us when our parents could nt or would nt . You were there -- telling us to eat broccoli and do our homework , dealing with our raging female hormones , making us know every single day that we were just as loved as any kid in any normal family . Think of the person Georgie was -- smart , compassionate , loving -- that did nt just happen . She was a reflection of the best of you , Uncle Mac . Mac : Whew . Robin : You can not control what s random . And believe me , you are the best parent any of us could ve asked for . Carly : You know , that should drape a little more . Jax : Oh , okay . How s that ? Carly : That s -- uh -- perfect . That is perfect . Jax : Now , all we need is the tree . When s it scheduled for delivery ? Carly : And lights -- we need lights . Jax : What are you talking about ? We have tons of lights . Carly : We have red lights , and I promised Michael that our tree would be all white , so we need white lights . Jax : You really think it ll make a difference ? Carly : Are you kidding me ? Nothing gets past Michael . Jax : He s not going to notice if there s different lights -- Carly : He s going to notice ! And , you know , after everything that happened , I think we deserve a magical Christmas . Do nt you think we all should have a magical Christmas this year , please ? Jax : Okay . When you re right , you re right . I will get lights . Carly : I have been telling you that for how long now ? Jax : You re going to be so impressed . Carly : Oh , yeah ? Hurry back , because the tree s going to be delivered , you re not going to be here with the lights , and it s going to be a whole mess . Jax : Tons of lights . Bye - bye . Carly : Bye . Carly : Hey ! Mercedes : Hey -- Michael : There he is . Carly : What s that ? Mercedes : We got the last sprig of mistletoe in Port Charles . Michael : Very last . Carly : Okay . Tracy : You got through to him . Thank you . Lulu : Huh . No backing out , right ? Luke : Not a chance , sweetheart . Dillon : I guess we should -- we should go . Tracy : Would you give my condolences , please , to Mac and Maxie ? Lulu : You re coming with us , right ? Tracy : No , no , I m going to stay here -- Dr. Julian s coming in . Lulu : Well , if Dr. Julian shows up , tell him to come back in an hour . There , problem solved . Tracy : I have no place at that funeral ; they would nt expect me to be there . Dillon : I would . I m not kidding , Mom . You -- you were awful to Georgie . I mean , you -- you did nt get to know her , you just judged her . The least you can do is spend an hour , pay your respect . Luke : Tracy , I wo nt let Julian say a word until you get back . Go , give your son what he needs . Edward : Hello , Felicia . You have really been missed . And I m just sorry that your homecoming was due to such tragic circumstances . Felicia : Thank you . I m sorry about Emily . Edward : It s another senseless tragedy . Mac : We re going to find who did this , I promise you that . Edward : Well , I hope so . But in the meantime , today is about Georgie and what an extraordinary little girl she was . Alice : You know , what Mr. Q really means is Georgie had no problem giving him an earful whenever he butted his nose too far into her business . Edward : If you re talking about my resentment of her marriage to Dillon , yes , I resented it because they were both too young . Mac : I -- I understand -- I chased Dillon off a few times myself . Edward : Good . We ll -- we ll see you . Ric : Well , speaks to his character -- I do nt know many teenage boys that would hang around if they knew that they were under the police commissioner s radar . I m really sorry , Mac . Mac : Thank you . Mayor Floyd : If there s anything at all that we can do , please do nt hesitate . Mac : Thank you , Mayor . Thank you . Mayor Floyd : All right . Mac : Skye . Skye : I m so sorry . Ric : I m sorry . Spinelli : I m devastated over your loss . Georgie was my dearest friend , and I ll miss her every day . Milo : I m sorry , Commissioner . You , too , Ms. Jones . Mike : Mac . Well , there was -- ahem -- quite an outpouring at Kelly s this morning . People kept coming by and -- and telling stories about Georgie , you know ? Felicia : Hmm . Mike : How she -- she went to check on an -- an elderly customer one day because that customer did nt show up for lunch . When business was slow at Kelly s and -- and the tips were -- were slim , she d go to all the waitresses and ask them if they needed extra cash . Felicia : Mm - hmm . Mike : And dozens of people told me how she knew all their names . Your daughter touched a lot of lives , just because of who she was , and I wanted you to know . Felicia : Oh – Maxie : Oh , thank you for picking me up . I do nt think I could sit in the car with my mother the whole way there , especially when I have to get up -- I do nt think I m going to be able to do this . Lainey : Everyone at the hospital is thinking about you . Epiphany : You ve got lots of friends to lean on . Robin : I know . Thank you . Lainey : Okay . Patrick : How are you ? Robin : I m fine . Patrick : Can you tell me the truth , Robin ? Minister : I need to go over a few details with you before we begin the service . Robin : Sure . Thanks for being here . Mac : She should be here by now . Felicia : She s having a hard time . Not that she opened up to me or anything , but she s really furious . Mac : I warned you . Felicia : I know . I guess I just never comprehended the depth of her anger . I probably should ve -- I -- I probably should ve a lot of things . I m so sorry , Mac . Mac : Hey , hey -- no , no , no . No , no , okay ? Do nt beat yourself up . Now is not the time , okay ? Georgie would nt want that . Felicia : Okay , okay . Mac : Okay ? Felicia : Yeah . Mac : Hey , where you been ? I ve been worried about you . Maxie : We ran into traffic . Thank you for the ride . Coop : Yeah , I m glad to help . Let me know if you need anything else , okay ? Commissioner . Mac : Uh -- everyone s here . Minister : As soon as the family is seated , we ll start . Mac : Oh , thank you . Well , this is it . Carly : It s leaning to the right . It is . Mercedes , will you back me up ? Is nt it leaning to the right ? Mercedes : Uh -- I think I hear the microwave . Carly : Chicken ! Michael : Okay . Jax : No , it looks straight to me . Carly : Yeah , really funny . Come on -- it s all bunched up with the lights at the top , you have to fix that . Jax : Do you know that your mom never really liked Christmas that much ? Michael : No ? Carly : That s because I did nt have a family of my own . Jax : But now she s a Christmas maniac . Carly : I want all of us to have a very memorable holiday -- for all of us , okay ? Michael : Yeah , well , all right . Jax : Okay , go make your mom proud , go fix those lights . Michael : You mean , I get to climb a ladder ? Jax : Climb a ladder , yes . Carly : Yes , you get to climb a ladder . Jax : Do nt hang on to the top of the tree so the whole thing -- Carly : And be careful , do nt knock it over . Jax : Falls over and you end up in the fireplace -- the whole thing will burn . Michael : This think is fake ! How s it going to burn ? Carly : Hey -- Jax : No , it ll -- it ll burn . Michael : It will ? Jax : You got to be careful -- yeah . Okay . There . Michael : How s that look ? Carly : See ? I think it is perfect . Jax : Good . Carly : What do you think , Morgan ? Luke : Natasha . Well , here s a nice surprise . Alexis : Well , thank you -- a little post - appendectomy checkup . I wanted to find out how you re doing . Luke : You had an appendectomy on top of everything else ? God , you re in worse shape than I am . Alexis : Good -- I m so glad I stopped by . Luke : Me , too -- I have nt felt this healthy in years -- but go ahead . Ask me how I m feeling . Alexis : Nah , I m not going to ask how you re feeling . What are you going to say -- I m busy confronting my own mortality ? It kind of sucks when your body turns on you , does nt it ? Luke : You got that right . Minister : At this time , Maxie Jones wishes to say a few words about her sister . Maxie : I look at all your faces , and I see the story of my sister s life . The people , the incidents that shaped Georgie into the incredible person that she was . My sister was relentlessly positive -- annoyingly so at times , or maybe that was just me . I m the reason the phrase black sheep was invented , but we all know that . It s just Georgie and I were so different . It was hard for me to believe that I was nt adopted . But the truth is we both were -- by an incredible guy who had no idea what he was signing up for . Nothing in Mac s life prepared him for fatherhood , but he hung steady . And I m speaking for Georgie when I say you made her feel special every day . You were so confident in her , it was impossible for her not to feel confident in herself . You were the greatest gift in Georgie s life . Dillon , I know I was never really nice to you , but I am indebted to you . Because you showed my sister true romantic love , and that is something that we all hope for , but some of us can never find . And Georgie held you in her heart until the day that she died . Bobbie , Georgie loved you . Not just as a surrogate mom , but as a friend and a confidante . You always stepped up when she needed you . Thank you for loving her with such an open heart . Robin -- you were always the sister that I could never get it together enough to be . Georgie knew that she could count on you . You were always there just to talk to her , laugh with her , or just give her really good advice . You graced her life , and I m grateful she had you . And , Spinelli -- Georgie had a lot of friends , but you were the best . Once she met you , she never felt alone because she knew you were there for her whenever she needed , day or night . And I know I was never really nice to you , either . But I m really glad that my sister found a friend who understood her . There s one more person that I would like to single out because , above anyone else , she deserves special attention -- our mother . Maxie : What can I say about our mother ? Let me think -- hmm . Well , not much , I guess , since she dumped us on Mac a few years back and never looked back . My mother is a Florence Nightingale -- she ran off to take care of our ailing great - grandmother . There s nothing wrong with that , except it was just an excuse , because the truth is our mom got bored with her family life a long time before she got on that plane to Texas . It probably started those nights she ran off to play mystery - solving adventure girl . We all knew it would nt be long before she wanted to take on that role permanently . She just needed to figure out a way to get rid of her inconvenient children . Mac : Maxie , stop . Bobbie : Do nt do this . Maxie : To me , getting dumped was nt the worst part . It was the way she forced my sister to be okay with the abandonment to make herself feel better . Keep believing she was progressive and unconventional , instead of just a selfish bitch who did nt want anything to do with her own children . Mac : Please , Maxie , that s enough . You re not honoring your sister by humiliating her mother . Maxie : Being abandoned by her mother was a fact of my sister s life and I think it needs to be addressed . And all of you can tiptoe around my mom and act like it s wonderful that she s here . But where the hell was she when it really mattered ? Felicia Jones decided a long time ago she did nt want to be a mom anymore -- and you do nt get to sail into my sister s funeral , pretending that you are one . You have no right to be here , so either you leave or I will . Carly : Hey , hey , you do nt need to worry about what s in that bag , come here . You know what ? I have a special ornament that only you can put on the tree . You guys made these when you were little -- well , you re still little , are nt you ? Michael , come here . I want you to see these . Michael : Why ? Carly : Do you remember making these ? Michael : Oh -- these ornaments are so lame . Carly : They re not lame ! This is my favorite one ever -- you made this for me when you were in preschool . Michael : I ca nt believe you found this . Jax : Hey . Carly : Hey . Jax : Are you ready to -- Carly : Hmm ? Jax : You ready to give me that surprise ? Luke : I m not used to depending on hospital food and medical personnel . I tell you , I really hate it . Alexis : I do nt imagine they re too fond of you , either . Luke : No . They re trying to kill me . Luke : Uh - uh . Alexis : Do you blame them ? Luke : No . Alexis : Do you kind of feel like you ve fallen down the rabbit hole -- into this parallel universe that none of the same rules apply ? You re reduced to the level of a 4‑year - old -- you re kind of wheeled around , managed , condescended to . Luke : You really do understand . Alexis : Which is why you need to believe me when I say to you that at some point , you re going to have to let go . You re going to have to allow yourself to be vulnerable and to let them help you . Luke : Why ? Alexis : Because you ll still be alive , and that s a lot better than the alternative . Dillon : Felicia -- Felicia , listen -- listen . Wait , stop -- stop , listen -- listen to me . Maxie had no right to say what she did , okay ? No -- no right . She was hurt and she was angry , but I ll -- I ll tell you something . I know for a fact -- I know for a fact that Georgie adored you . Dillon : And she looked up to you , and she did nt -- she did nt doubt for a second that you loved her . Not for a second . Luke : I hope you did nt just come from talking to my doctor . Tracy : No , I did not see your doctor , but I swear , Luke Spencer , you better make it through this surgery because I will not make it through another funeral . Luke : What happened ? Tracy : What happened ? Well , Maxie delivered the eulogy from hell . She started out fine . She thanked everybody that had a positive effect on Georgie s life , and then she turned on Felicia . And she ripped her to shreds . Luke : Felicia was there ? Tracy : She was . After that , I -- I do nt know where she is . Luke : Tracy , what s really bothering you about this ? Tracy : I suppose I can imagine Dillon or Ned doing the same thing to me , and why would nt they ? I deserve it . Carly : Come on , come on , come on , it s going to be a male - bonding experience you re going to treasure forever and you ll be eternally grateful to me . Michael : Okay , no one is this into Christmas . Something is going on . Jax : Hmm , I think I know what s going on . Carly : The only thing going on is you guys are going out back to get more holly . Michael : All right , all right . Jax : Our marching orders . Let s go . Come on , come on . Carly : Yeah . Okay . Carly : Oh . Who can it be ? Carly : Hey . Lulu : Hey . Carly : Are you okay ? Lulu : It was horrible . Carly : Oh . Funeral . Oh , sorry . They usually are pretty bad . Lulu : Yeah , well , it was nt just that . Maxie was making this really nice tribute to Georgie and then , all of a sudden out of nowhere , she started saying these awful things about Felicia -- how she abandoned her and she does nt have a right to call herself a mother . I do nt know , it just made me sick to my stomach , and I barely even know Felicia . Carly : My guess is Maxie was pretty sick to her stomach , too . And I doubt she found the satisfaction she was looking for . Lulu : Hmm . Carly : I think the best thing she could do for herself is to let go . Just accept the fact that her parents are human , they did the best they could , and move on with their life . I just do nt know if Maxie is going to be able to do that . Felicia : I would nt blame Georgie for resenting me for going away . I mean , it is a natural reaction . Dillon : Look , I m -- I m not going to lie and -- and say that she did nt miss you or want you around , because she did . She did . But , Felicia , there was no resentment . I mean , none . It was just the opposite . You re her hero . Do you know -- she and I would get ourselves into the craziest situations , you have no idea , and she would come up with something brilliant and get us out of it , and do you know what she d say later ? I learned that from my mom . I mean , Georgie did nt judge , she did nt -- she did nt hold on to negativity , and I think she got that from you . I -- I think you re the reason that she was so much happier than most people -- for no other reason than -- than waking up to a perfect day . I mean , what more can you ask from your mother ? Felicia : Thank you . Mac : Sweetheart , do you want to talk about it ? Maxie : I ca nt , Dad , not right now . Leo : We already know time is of the essence here and your latest test results indicate that you re set to go , so I scheduled your surgery for tomorrow . Tracy : That s Christmas Eve . Leo : Is that a religious issue ? Tracy : No , it s not a religious issue . I just do nt want you and your staff rushing through the procedure so you can get to some party and hit the eggnog . Leo : Oh , well , no problem . We ll just -- we ll bring the eggnog into the O.R. Tracy : If that s supposed to be funny , do nt quit your day job . Luke : Wife , wife , you have insulted this man and his entire profession , and you took it rather well . Tracy : Ca nt it wait another day ? Luke : No , I do nt want to wait another day , I might change my mind . Besides , being under heavy anesthesia during the dreaded Xmas appeals to me . Michael : Ooh . Cold . Carly : Hey . Wow , you guys did great . Michael : Is that enough ? Carly : Look at that . That s more than enough . It s perfect . Perfect . Jax : Yeah . Why do nt you guys get something to eat ? Michael : All right . Jax : Get Mercedes to fix you something , okay ? Michael : All right , come on . Jax : Come on . Michael : Hey , Mercedes , can we have hot chocolate ? Jax : Hey . Carly : Hey . Jax : Hey . You ve been crying , huh ? Everything okay ? Carly : It s just that , um , that Christmas surprise -- it s not going to happen . Jax : Okay . It s okay . Robin : I do nt know why I m here . It s not about getting back together . It s not about having a baby . It s not even about sex . I just feel -- I just feel so bad -- for Felicia , for anyone that had to sit through that horrible attack . Even for Maxie , and I was just thinking -- it would be really nice if you would just hold me . Felicia : Oh . Felicia : Oh . Oh , I d like to believe what Dillon said is true , that I made your life better , that I touched you in some positive way . I know , honey , I m not perfect and I ve made a lot of mistakes . But I d like to think everything balanced out . I m sorry . I m sorry I missed so much time . Singer : Another question hangs in midair Singer : There s an answer I know it s out there Singer : Will anyone be aware when confetti falls on my empty chair ? Like a one - two punch a surprise attack come at dawn will they miss me when I m gone ? Singer : Every day the search seems necessary Singer : The final play a desperate hail Mary Singer : There s so many things that I may have missed I hope the answer is as simple as this will my friends be brave till someone plays my favorite song ? Mac : I love you , you know ? I love you so much . I only want what s best for you . Singer : Will they miss me when I m gone ? Georgie : I know . And I love you , too . Thank you for being so understanding . Singer : Take a minute from their lives , one by one will they miss me when I m gone ? Bobbie : They re ready for you now . Leo : Here we go . Carly : She left you -- on Christmas ? Kate : Sonny ? ### Summary:
Jax is itching to know what Carly s secret surprise is , but she keeps her mouth shut except to say not yet . Tracy is delighted with Lulu , who convinced Luke to have the surgery he needs , but Alexis visit is the one that cheers him the most . Until Maxie delivers her eulogy , the funeral goes well , but then the girl goes off on her mother , forcing Felicia to leave the service in tears . It turns out , Carly is not with child , so no surprise for Jax . Robin melts down on Patrick s shoulder .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Eduardo : Eve ? Evie ? You did nt hear me calling your name ? Eve : I -- I heard my phone ping , you know , letting me know I had a message . For a minute there , I-- when I heard that sound , I thought , you know , maybe ... Eduardo : You thought it was Paige ? Eve : It was just the phone company letting me know how much they were gon na take out of my checking account for this month s bill . Eduardo : I m sorry . Eve : [ Sighs ] Well , I just wonder how long it s gon na take for it to really hit me that I m never gon na hear that phone bing with a text saying , Hey , Mom , you want to hook up for some coffee ? You know ? Eduardo : It s great that you had that with her . When I found out that Arianna had died , I realized I ... did nt even know what she looked like anymore . I always knew that I d pay for what I did to my children . I knew that wherever they were , they probably hated me and that I deserved it . But it did nt occur to me that my punishment would be to outlive them . Eve : Well ... I guess your conscience is clear now , right ? I mean , you paid for half of Paige s funeral expenses , and you put up 100 grand , you know , as a reward to bring Chad DiMera in , and now he s in custody and in a coma , so ... when are you leaving , Eddie ? Eduardo : I m not . I ve decided to stay in Salem . Adrienne : Whoa . Hi , Kayla . Kayla : I know . I know . Adrienne : I ca nt believe it . Kayla : I know . Adrienne : Not will . Kayla : So surreal . Adrienne : And I m so worried about Sonny . I know he s thinking that if he had nt left for Paris that he would have kept will from-- Kayla : You know what ? You know what ? I m worried about you . Adrienne : Me ? Why ? Kayla : Yes , because I gave you your test results back , and you have the brca-1 gene mutation like your mother , and honestly I thought that I would have heard back from you by now . Adrienne : Ah ... [ Sighs ] Kayla : You give any thought to what you want to do ? Adrienne : [ Sighs ] John : Want to thank you for trying to help me , Louise . Louise : I promise you , I ll go through every winterthorne yearbook from that period , and if this kid s picture is in it , I ll find it . John : I appreciate that . We were best friends . We lost touch , and reconnecting with him would really mean a lot to me . Louise : I ll do what I can . John : Thanks . Louise : Hello . Paul : Hi . John : Hey , kid , come on in . Good to see you . Paul : Yeah , good to see you too . John : What s going on ? Paul : I , uh -- I just came by to tell you how sorry I am about will . John : Yeah , yeah , that s -- that s a damn tragedy . Paul : Yeah . Yeah , it is . So , uh , if you do nt mind me asking , who s this guy that you lost touch with ? John : Oh , he s , um-- he s a missing piece from my past . Justin : Gabi ? Hey . If you re looking for Rafe , the desk sergeant told me he just left . Gabi : I m actually waiting for you . I called your office , and your secretary said that you were on the way over here . Justin : Okay . What s up ? Gabi : I want to do something , but Rafe said I should ask you first . Justin : Okay . What is it you want to do ? Gabi : I , um -- I want to go back inside will and Sonny s apartment . Sami : You wake up ! You wake up , you little bastard ! You wake up right now and you tell me what it was like to murder my son ! You and will were friends . You sat there at my kitchen table doing homework together , and I know how you like your damn pancakes . Who are you ? What turned you into this ? It s not like I do nt know . I know how this happened . I know when you were playing video games with will and talking about girls , you did nt know you were a DiMera . You did nt know what Stefano DiMera was capable of ... that he would use you to get even with me for taking Sydney and Johnny away from him . And I know how he did it too . Stefano has a million different ways of letting his sons know they are nt real men like he is . But EJ was different . EJ fought back . He became his own man . And he and I found true love , the kind that lasts forever . This is nt gon na stop you ! The cops just ca nt do anything , can they ? They have to treat you like you re innocent until proven guilty , and I promised my son justice ... if I have to do it with my bare hands . I m sorry , Chad . But I really am doing you a favor . Eduardo : Watching my daughter lowered into the ground opened my eyes to how much I ve thrown away . I look at Rafe , and I think , you know , maybe my son will give me a chance . I want that chance . I ca nt do anything for Paige now . Maybe there s still something I can do for my first family . I mean , I do nt know , but I m gon na see . Eve : And you think the Hernandez clan is just gon na welcome you back like you ve been off fighting a war or something ? Eduardo : Yeah , maybe not . Maybe they ll never forgive me , but if I do nt try to make up for what I did to them , I m not gon na be able to live with myself . Paul : I thought the only piece from your past that you did nt know about was me . John : No , my early life was even more complicated than that . Get you something to drink ? Paul : No , no , thanks . I ca nt stop thinking about will . This is so bad . John : Son , this is as bad as it gets . Paul : Yeah . I mean , I ca nt tell you how guilty I feel . If I d never come to Salem , Sonny and will would have been together , and that little girl would nt have lost her father . John : No , no , no , let me tell you something . If you never came to Salem , chances are , Sonny never would have got the blood he needed from the stabbing , and he would have died . Paul : Yeah , but still ... John : Will died because he got in the way of a serial killer . The only person who bears the guilt for that is Chad DiMera . We know that now . Adrienne : Frankly , I m just-- I m finding this whole thing kind of hard to process . Kayla : I know . Well , there s a lot of things that are going on right now . Adrienne : No , but I m fine . You know , my mammograms are fine . In fact , there s part of me that kind of wishes I did nt know . Sonny ? Sonny . [ Sobs ] Gabi : I , uh -- I just thought it would make things easier on Sami and Sonny if somebody else got will s things . And Rafe says that it might have something to do with evidence , and I really do nt know a lot about that . Justin : Forensics has got everything they need from the apartment , so they do nt need anything else . So if you want to go back there and do whatever you need to do , it s fine by me . Gabi : Oh , thank you . Thank you . Justin : Is it okay if I still think of Arianna as my granddaughter ? Gabi : Why would nt you ? Of course you can . Sonny is one of Arianna s daddies . Of course . Justin : Great . Thank you . Gabi : Are you prosecuting Chad ? Justin : Oh , of course I am . I ca nt bring will back to you , but I will make sure that Chad spends the rest of his life in prison . Marlena : God , Sami ! Sami : No , mother ! Marlena : Stop it ! Stop it ! Sami : No , no , please-- please dont -- no , no ! No , you ca nt ! Marlena : You ca nt do it . You ca nt do this . You ca nt do this . You ca nt do it . Look . Stop this right now . You ca nt do this . You ca nt do it . It wo nt solve anything . Sami : It will make him pay for what he did . Marlena : No . You know what ? Listen to me . Stop talking like that . There s a policeman right outside this door . I ca nt even believe that he let you in here . Sami : I told him that my father was the police commissioner and that he had said it was okay . Marlena : Oh , great . Your father would like to see you . He says you wo nt answer his calls , and now I know why . Step away . Sami : Is he alive ? Marlena : [ Exhales sharply ] He s alive . He s alive . Sami : You would have to walk in . Marlena : Sami ! Stop this . Stop this . Sami : I do nt need a lecture from you about how it wo nt bring will back , okay ? Can you maybe please just not do that ? Marlena : You have three children who need you very much right now . Sami : What about my first ? What about my son ? What does he need ? What should I be doing for him ? Because my son is gone . And do nt tell me you ve never wanted revenge against Stefano , because I ve been there , and I ve heard you say it . Marlena : I know about revenge . And what I know is that it never gives you the comfort that you think it s going to give you . Sonny : All right , ma . Ma , I ca nt breathe . Adrienne : Why did nt you tell me you were coming back ? When you did nt return my phone calls , I ... honey , I did nt know what to think . Kayla : Sonny , I , uh ... you know , I feel so awful about will . He was more than just a nephew to me . Sonny : I know . Kayla : I m glad to see you , though . I m sorry it s under these circumstances . Sonny : You know , I was -- I was planning on coming back here before this happened . Adrienne : You were ? Sonny : Will left me this message . And I listened to it over and over again . I started thinking , what the hell am I doing here ? I realized I still loved him and I needed to be here with him and Arianna . Adrienne : Honey . Sonny : But now I got to tell my two - year - old daughter that she s never gon na see her dad again . Adrienne : I know . Kayla : You know what ? I am going to leave you two . You need some alone time . Sonny : Thank you for everything . Kayla : If you need anything-- I mean it , a babysitter-- call me , all right ? Anything . And you too . Adrienne : I ll be in touch . Baby . Oh , baby . Oh . Eduardo : Me deciding to become a father to these children that I let my ex- wife raise all by herself ... I suppose you think that makes me a hypocrite , right ? Eve : I would have said that to you before . But now I know how important it is to keep your children close . You just -- you never know . Now , hey , I just -- I feel-- I feel sorry for you because you missed it . You missed all that time , all that time ... with that beautiful , loving , smart child we made . Eduardo : That s very generous of you . Eve : I got to piece my life back together , whether I want to or not . Truth is , I m just tired of all the anger . Paul : So this is the guy you re trying to find ? John : Yep . Paul : May I ask what you meant about this kid being a missing piece of your past ? John : The kid in that picture is me . You know , you and I are just getting to know each other . I m really not sure you re ready for this story yet . Paul : I m a part of you . I have to know . John : You re right . Especially since you are one of the main reasons I m back on this search . Sami : You . Marlena : No , Sami , no , no , no . Stefano : Hello , Samantha . Marlena . I m so sorry about William . Sami : Take your phony sympathy and you can shove it . Marlena : Sami . Sami . Stefano : You want to-- Sami : I can tell you right now , if your son manages to wiggle out of this , I will kill him myself and maybe you next . Justin : Where is he ? Sonny : Hey , Dad . Justin : Sonny . I m so sorry . Oh , God . [ Sighs heavily ] Sonny : I ca nt believe the way I ended things with will . Justin : You were just trying to put everything -- these-- these last few months behind you and heal . I mean , it s -- it s understandable . Sonny : I hope that s what it was . Adrienne : Honey , you should have had more time together . Sonny : But I did nt . Now he s gone . I mean , how am I supposed to live with that ? Daniel : Kayla , hey . I ve been leaving you messages since I found out . Kayla : Yeah , I really have nt had a chance to call anybody back . Daniel : I know . I understand . These young kids with so much to offer . It s a lot . Kayla : I know . Daniel : Yeah . But , um , I heard about your mom . She s been readmitted ? How s she doing ? Kayla : [ Exhales sharply ] Daniel , it s just-- it s been awful . She was talking to my father like he was still alive , and she did nt even know my name . But luckily , she s pulled out of it . Daniel : Really ? That s -- that s great . Kayla : Yeah , she seems like her old self . For now , anyway . Daniel : Is there something you re not telling me here ? Kayla : Yeah . It s , um -- it s something that I need to tell a colleague who is also a friend because it needs to stay between us . Daniel : Of course , yeah . Kayla : We got information about an experimental drug from a doctor who s developed it in Peru . Bo found him , and it s been known to reverse memory loss . Daniel : But Bo s been gone a long time . How do you know about it ? Kayla : He only contacted Victor . And he just said the name of the drug and the doctor , and then Victor tracked it down . Daniel : Wow , well , you said your mom s back to her old self . Is that because of the drug ? Kayla : Look , I know how unethical this is . Daniel : Okay , I - I do nt want to hear the details . I just want to know that your mother s doing better because of the medication . She s back to her old self , right ? Kayla : Seems like it . I just want you to know that that drug wo nt be listed on the chart . Daniel : Well , I m glad you told me about it . So how s , um-- how s your mom doing with will ? Does she -- does she even know ? Kayla : I have nt told her yet . Daniel , I just saw Sonny . He s just-- he s just devastated . And Sami , what , she lost EJ , what , like , a year ago ? And now will ? Daniel : I know . Come here . Kayla : Honestly-- honestly , I just-- why do these things happen to people ? Marlena : You know , honey , sometimes it s easier to feel enraged than to feel the pain of a loss . Sami : But will s not lost . He was murdered . Will has a-- had a husband and a daughter and a family who loved him . And that did nt matter at all to the bastard who killed him because he s a DiMera . After all this time , it s still them . And I just have to wonder who s next . And I wonder if it will be Allie because she s not one of theirs . And you wonder why I m angry ? Marlena : I m not concerned because you re angry . I m concerned because you re not expressing it . I m concerned because sometimes I look at you and-- and I think you re feeling hollow . I think you re not having any feelings at all . Sami : I m your daughter . I m not your patient . You said all these things to me when I lost EJ . You did nt change me then , and you are not going to change me now . And you just have to let me do this my own way . Marlena : Sami , no , please . Please , please , do nt go . I do nt want to be your therapist . I just want to be your mother . And all -- all the problems with DiMeras , I feel like it s because of john and me . And the odd thing is that you and I have exactly the same reaction to it . Sami : You go hollow too ? Marlena : Sometimes I ca nt ... bear the thought of all the pain of losing someone I love . John : I m gon na try to keep this to the point . When I first came to Salem , I did nt know who I was or where I came from . I was simply referred to as the pawn . That was my identity . Paul : Are you kidding me ? Who would do this ? John : Well , I was brought to Salem by an man named Ilya Petrov . Paul : So this guy Petrov , he -- he kidnapped you ? John : He worked for Stefano DiMera . Paul : DiMera ? Like Chad DiMera ? John : Father and son . Paul : Oh , my God . And what did this DiMera guy do to you ? John : Well , among other things , he programmed me to do whatever he wanted . Paul : I ca nt believe this . I mean , who d do that ? And how did you survive ? I mean , how are you the person that you are now ? John : Now , that s easy . I had the good luck of meeting Marlena . And she helped me find the strength to fight back . Paul : But you still do nt know your real name . How does this picture play any part of the story ? John : Well , years later , during one of my searches , I found out that a family by the name of Alamain ... they adopted me as a toddler . They named me Forrest . I ve had some meetings with family members over the years , and I found out that their young son Forrest supposedly drowned in a swimming pool accident . Paul : So they faked his death ? John : Yeah . Years later , they dug up the coffin , and it was just weighted down with sand . Paul : So what happened to Forrest ? John : Well , that s what I m trying to find out . I learned that the man who brought me to Salem , Ilya Petrov , was a teacher at the winterthorne academy in Vermont . I m trying to find out if maybe that s where he crossed paths with Forrest . The woman you saw me with , her name is Louise Ransil . She was also a professor there at that time . So she has agreed to dig up whatever she can on Petrov and find out if Forrest actually was a student there . Paul : Man . It really sounds like you went through hell . You sure that you want to learn the details ? John : I need to know . Paul : I m really glad that you told me all this . John : Yeah . I hope I m doing the right thing . Paul : You know , mom said so little about you when I was a kid . I used to imagine what you were like . Sometimes I pictured you as an astronaut . Sometimes you were a shortstop . John : I like that one . Paul : [ Chuckles ] And then I met you . And you turned out to be better than anything that I dreamt up . I hope that when you find out who your parents were , you get half as lucky as I did . Sonny : I ve never gone through anything like this in my life . I did nt know that I could feel this much hurt . Justin : How could you know ? You re so young . Adrienne : Too young to be going through something like this . Sonny : What am I gon na do ? Adrienne : Honey , honey , you re gon na find a reason to go on . Justin : Like Arianna . Adrienne : Exactly . Oh , honey , and eventually-- eventually ... you re gon na learn to live with the pain . You look so tired . Do you want to lay down for a little bit ? Do you want me to make you something to eat ? Sonny : [ Exhales deeply ] No . There s something I need to do . So if you do nt mind , I think-- I think I m gon na go do that . Adrienne : Okay . [ Sobbing ] Daniel : Why , uh -- why do nt you go home and I ll cover for you ? Kayla : No , you know , I want to stay close with my mom , and besides , if I go home , I ll just be staring at the wall , driving Joey crazy , and fighting with Steve . Daniel : Oh , things are still bad there ? Kayla : Well , let s just say that family is complicated . What else do you got ? Daniel : Well , there s work , friends . Kayla : Yeah , you re right . But there s nothing like family . Marlena : You know , when I first heard about will , I went straight into denial . I thought , this is ridiculous . This just does nt make any sense . This killer --this-- this killer is targeting women . And will is young , and he s strong , and he would have fought . He would have fought . I - I just felt so indignant . Sami : I know that one . Marlena : And then I realized , of course , that ... well , that is what happened . And I ca nt compartmentalize things . I - I ca nt just say , oh , well , I ll just think about that tomorrow , although , you know , that s really what I wanted to do . I just want-- and I said to myself , you know , I - I thought I d lost john so many times , and he always came back . Sami : But will s not coming back . Marlena : I know . It s like a punch in the gut . Sami : And that s what you want me to feel ? You want me to feel doubled over , powerless ? Marlena : I think that s all you can feel . Because he was your son , your little boy , yours and Lucas . He was my grandson . Sami : That s right , he was those things . And he s not anymore . And we have to live with that , all because the son of Stefano DiMera decided to kill him . Because that s what Stefano does . Stefano kills everything that s good . Paul : Did you say winterthorne academy ? John : Yeah , why ? Paul : A guy I used to room with in triple - a , I think that s where he said he went . John : Well , if you roomed with him in the minors , he went to winterthorne way after I did . He could nt have known Petrov . Paul : Yeah , but he said that he hated going to boarding school but it was a family tradition . His father went there too . He d probably be around your age , right ? John : You still stay in touch with this guy ? Paul : Not for a while . He plays for the cubs now , though . I mean , if you want , I can -- I can reach out to him . John : Yeah , thank you . I would appreciate that . Paul : You do nt have to thank me ; you re my dad . Eve : Hey , Justin . Justin : Eve . How are you doing ? Eve : I m holding up . It helps knowing that Chad DiMera s been caught . Justin : Yeah . I hope that helps Sonny too . I just left him . Eve : I heard about will . It s awful . Gosh , and now you re going through everything too . Justin : Yeah . Not in the same way you are , but ... Justin : Hold on . Eve : If you do nt mind , uh , I could buy you a cup of coffee or something stronger maybe . Justin : We have to do that , soon , but I just realized that I have to deal with something that I ca nt avoid any longer . Sonny : Hi . Gabi : [ Sobbing ] Stefano : Go . Go . Go . Wait -- wait for me outside , all right ? I m here . [ Chuckles ] Come on , papa is here . I do nt know if you ve ever Eduardo : Yeah , Rafe , it s your da-- it s -- it s Eduardo . Look , I , um -- I need to talk to you , so give-- will you give me a call as soon as you get this ? Thanks . Mr. Larson ? Eduardo : Yeah ? Would you care to make a statement about the capture of Chad DiMera ? Eduardo : Sure . Uh , I m relieved . I - I would nt want any other family to have to go through what my ex - wife and I had to go through . Thank you , Mr. Larson . Eduardo : Sure . And for the record , uh , my name s not Larson . It s Hernandez . Sonny : [ Sobbing ] Is this where they found his body ? Gabi : Yeah . Sonny : [ Sobbing ] Gabi : Do you want to be alone ? Sonny : [ Sobbing ] Do you mind ? Gabi : No . [ Sobbing ] No , I was just packing some things for Arianna . I can -- I can do that later . I m sorry . I m sorry . Sonny : I want to see her . Gabi : Yeah . Anytime . Anytime you want . Anytime . Okay . Sonny : Oh , Gabi . Adrienne : Justin . I thought you had a meeting . Justin : I canceled it . I had no business taking off after you told me that you needed to speak to me . Adrienne : I was nt angry . This is nt easy to talk about . Justin : What is it ? Is it about where you and I go ? Is it-- Adrienne : No , no , no , no . No , it s not that . It s ... [ Sighs ] No matter where we end up , Justin , I ve loved you since I was 17 . You re one of the most important people in my life . Justin : Why are you saying that ? Adrienne : Because I have a decision to make . [ Exhales deeply ] And I realize that I ca nt make it until I tell you what I m dealing with . Justin : What kind of decision ? Adrienne : My mom called a couple of days ago . She has breast cancer . Justin : Is she gon na be okay ? Adrienne : They think they caught it in time . Justin : Thank God . Adrienne : Um , they tested her for the breast cancer mutation gene . You know , the one that makes you more likely to have breast cancer . Ovarian cancer too . And she has it . So she asked me to be tested too , and I have it . Justin : Adrienne-- Adrienne : No , no . I - I was really upset at first , but , um , I m grateful I know now . You know , it s really important , and it s wonderful that they have those tests . Justin : Yes , it is . Adrienne : So I have a decision to make . Stefano : Keep fighting , huh ? Keep fighting , my son . Please , please , please , do not give up , all right ? I can not lose another child . No . John : Hey . Marlena : Oh , hi . John : Where have you two been ? Sami : I need a glass of water . John : How s she doing ? Marlena : Not well . I ll tell you about it later . John : Anything I can do to help ? Marlena : Just be there for her . Sami : I m gon na go get some rest . Marlena : Oh , uh , Sami , oh , you know what ? I m so sorry , sweetie . Um , I had sent this off to you , and then everything kind of got bounced back to me . I ve been holding on to it for you . Sami : Thanks . Marlena : Mm - hmm . Sami : I m gon na just get some rest . Marlena : Of course , of course . [ Sighs ] Sami : [ Exhales sharply ] [ Exhales sharply ] Oh , my God , it s from EJ . ### Summary:
Kayla went to see Adrienne and they briefly talked about Will as well as Adrienne s test results . Kayla wondered what Adrienne would do since she has the same gene as her mother . Adrienne did nt say anything because that s when Sonny walked in the room . Adrienne forgot about her problem and focused on Sonny . Sami snuck into Chad s room and smothered him with a pillow . Marlena showed up in time to stop Sami from killing Chad . Paul showed up at the townhouse to see John . Paul offered his condolences about Will . Paul felt bad about being with Will . He thought that Will and Sonny would still be together if he were nt with Will . John reminded Paul that Sonny would nt be alive if it were nt for him being in Salem . Sami walked out of Chad s room and saw Stefano . Sami threatened to kill Chad and Stefano . Justin and Adrienne tried to comfort Sonny . Kayla told Daniel about the drug that was used to help Caroline . Kayla was nt going to put the drug in Caroline s paperwork . Sami and Marlena talked in the park . Sami did nt want Marlena to treat her like a patient . Marlena did nt want to do that . She wanted to help Sami . John talked to Paul about his past and how important it was for him to find out about his childhood . Paul wanted to help John because his past affected him as well . Paul told John how he was lucky to meet him . Sonny told his parents about his grief . Marlena explained to Sami that she was in denial about Will at first . Sami was upset and said that Chad was like Stefano . John continued to talk to Paul about his past . Sonny went to his apartment and found Gabi . Stefano visited Chad . Stefano wanted Chad to wake up . Sonny started crying when he realized that Will died where he was standing . Gabi went to get Arianna . Paul showed up at the apartment . Adrienne told Justin that her mother has breast cancer and that she has the gene . Adrienne told Justin that she had a decision to make . Stefano begged Chad to wake up . Sami got a letter from EJ .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Summer : Are you avoiding me ? Billy : Now , why would I do that ? Could it be because you ve been running around here flirting with me ever since you got back ? You understand that I am your mother s boyfriend , right ? Phyllis : This is about more than just gambling . This is about your deceit . I wo nt live with a man I ca nt trust . Nick : She is better off without you around . And , frankly , so is phyllis . Summer : No ! Phyllis : Stop ! Stop it ! Summer : Stop it ! Phyllis : Stop it ! Stop it ! Stop , stop , stop , stop , stop , stop ! Tessa : You re not coming with me . Mariah : You need to find your sister . [ Voice breaking ] So take it and read it , and I just want you to remember how much you mean to me . Hilary : We do nt have much time . Summer : No coffee yet ? Mom ? Mo - om ? Okay . If you re asleep , then I should be , too . I m gon na call in sick . Phyllis : Just stop . I m not in the mood for your attitude right now . If you want to waste the rest of your life , I m not gon na stand for it . Sharon : I know it s senseless and awful , but there was nothing that anyone could have done for hilary , including you . Mariah : I could have spent less time resenting her . That s something I could have done , for sure . Sharon : Well , hilary was ... complicated . Mariah : Yeah , I m no picnic in the park myself . Sharon : What can I do to help you get through this ? Just ... tell me what to do . Mariah : My feelings do nt matter , okay ? Not compared to devonS. Poor , amazing guy . I -- I do nt even know what must be going on in his heart right now . Sharon : Well , his heart must be broken . And it s gon na take a long time for that to heal . But that does nt mean that you re not allowed to feel sad , too . Mariah : No . I m not going to sit around here moping . Hilary would not approve . Sharon : She would understand . Mariah : No , I need to do something positive . And -- and huge . Very , very ... hilary . Additional sponsorship Sharon : So ? What s your idea ? Mariah : Something massive yet simple . Wwhd . Sharon : What would hilary do ? Mariah : Yes . What would she do , indeed ? Sharon : Um ... I do nt know , to be honest . But obviously you have a plan , so I hope whatever it is will be a smashing success . Mariah : Yeah , so do I. Nick : Hey . Mariah : Hi , nick . Bye , nick . Sharon : [ Clears throat ] So . You ready to talk about it ? Nick : About what ? Sharon : Billy . And what happened to your face last night . Summer : I am so sorry that I came down here bitching about caffeine . I had no idea . Phyllis : I know , honey . Summer : [ Sighs ] I know that hilary meant a lot to you . I - I really admired her , too . You know , when I was away , i used the gc buzz website to keep tabs on things here . She was a really strong , dynamic woman . Phyllis : I know . We got really close when you were traveling . You know , we both got each other . On a basic level , we both thought life was this battle , and we were always ready to fight it , you know ? But no amount of fighting would -- would save her . It s just such a tragic loss of such a powerful life . Summer : Come here . Nate : Hey . I , uh ... look , I m so sorry I let you and hilary down , man . I - I did everything I could to save her . It was just -- Devon : We do nt need to talk about it . We really donT. Neil : Hey . Hey , listen . If there s anything that you need , anything at all , nate and I , we got it covered , man . Devon : Yeah . I do nt need anything . I appreciate it , though . Shauna : Hey . How s hilary doing ? Devon : Um ... why do nt we take a seat ? [ Clears throat ] There was a , um ... there was a post - op complication . And hilary passed away peacefully this morning . Shauna : She what ? [ Voice breaking ] She died ? [ Sobs ] Oh , my god . Oh , my god ! Devon : Shauna ... Shauna : I thought she was -- h - how could she just ... ? Devon : Listen . Hey . I want you to know that your home is still here . Okay ? I do nt want you to worry about that . Shauna : Hilary s dead . I ca nt think about me right now . Devon : It s okay . It s okay . Um ... I have some business to take care of , if you guys would excuse me . Neil : What are you talking about , business ? That should be the last thing on your mind . Devon : Obligations . We have obligations . I m not gon na ignore them , okay ? Shauna : Where are you going ? Neil : Man , you can -- Devon : I will be at the office if anyone needs me . Nick : I know for a fact it does nt look that bad . Sharon : [ Snorts ] Then you did nt pass by any mirrors on the way down here . Nick : If it did , I would have gotten one of those quirky but she left the room without giving it a second glance , so ... Sharon : She is preoccupied . She just got the news that hilary died in the hospital . Nick : [ Sighs ] How s she holding up ? Sharon : Well , she s trying to deal with it in a constructive way , but it s hit her hard . Someone with such forceful , young energy , gone forever . Nick : She survived a brutal car crash . Hours of surgery . It seemed like hilary could fight her way through anything . She was nt afraid to piss people off . Me . You . Mariah . My sisters . My whole family , really . She did nt deserve this . Sharon : Agreed . So ... what did you do to billy to deserve this ? Nick : Pfft . Not a whole lot . He threw the first punch . Sharon : Of how many ? Nick : Enough to get what he deserved . Sharon : Oh , gosh . I m glad faith s at camp and she is nt hearing this . Nick : You know what , he s doing a lot more than just running jabot . Sharon : Like what ? Nick : Well , he s on another self - destructive gambling binge . And it seems like misery loves company , cause he s intent on dragging phyllis down with him . Sharon : [ Scoffs ] She can take care of herself . Nick : And summer . Sharon : Okay . That s a different story . Nick : It s unacceptable , and billy needed a reality check . Sharon : [ Sighs ] You know what else is unacceptable ? Solving your problems with fist fights . Nick : Well , I m not backing down from any conflict , especially when it concerns my family . Sharon : What is this doing here ? Nick : What is it ? Sharon : It s mariah s duffel bag . With a train ticket . Chicago to santa fe . One - way . For today . She did nt mention a trip , did she ? Nick : No , but I had a conversation with her yesterday that seemed , uh ... oddly sentimental . Like , weird for mariah . Sharon : We had a very similar conversation . Nick : Do you think she was telling us goodbye ? Sharon : I do nt know . But I m not gon na take any chances . I m gon na go and find her . Neil : No , I know you do , lily . I do . Well , he may not want to hear condolences from anyone yet . Even family . Listen to me . Your brother , he might need some time . I d give him that space . Okay . All right . I love you , too . All right , baby . Bye . How s shauna ? Nate : She said she wanted some time alone . Neil : Yeah ? And do you really think that s good for either one of them right now ? Nate : Devon , he suffered two of the worst losses you can days apart . First his -- his baby , then his wife . Come on . A tragedy like that , you know there s no correct way to mourn . Neil : That s just it . He s not mourning at all . Nate : Well , it s still too fresh . You know , he s still in emotional shock . It s -- it s a form of denial . You know , it sets in deep , and there s no way to predict how long it will last . Neil : Hold that thought . Hi . Mariah : Hi . I , um ... I came to offer my condolences . And these brownies from crimson lights . Neil : Aw , that s really nice of you . I appreciate that . And so will devon , when he gets back . Mariah : Wait , he s not home ? Nate : No . He s , uh ... dealing with things in his own way right now . Neil : You know , I was gon na ask tessa to issue a statement about hilary to my staff and the gc buzz stuff , but then I got to work this morning , and on my desk was her resignation letter . Do you have any idea where it suddenly came from ? Mariah : Um ... yeah . Uh ... tessa got a last - minute opportunity to jump - start her music career . She had to take it , and there was nt a lot of time for goodbyes . And I know it s gon na be chaotic without her here right now . But the one thing that I do nt want you to have to worry about is gc buzz . I ve got it covered . In fact , I would like to do the live show today in tribute . Neil : Well , n-- uh , no . You do nt have to do that . I think it s too soon . Mariah : No . It s what hilary would have wanted . She wanted me to go on the day after the accident . And the last time we spoke , she asked me to keep gc buzz alive . So , in honor of the diva that had such a volcanic impact on all of our lives , I want to do a show that is a gift to her fans . And hopefully makes her proud from wherever she s watching . Billy : [ Sighs ] You okay ? What s going on ? It looks like , uh , something happened -- even more than yesterday s explosion . You been crying ? Phyllis : I ve had a really bad morning . Billy : Hilary . Phyllis : Thank you . Billy : I m sorry I did nt make it to the wedding . And , uh ... sorry about a lot of other stuff . Phyllis : How s your eye ? Billy : Eh . Phyllis : [ Inhales sharply ] Nick s got a mean right hook . Billy : I m sure he ended up worse . Phyllis : You should nt have started the fight . [ Billy sighs ] Seems to me like you re going down a familiar path . A dark path . You know , acting without thinking things through . Billy : [ Sighs ] You heard what he was saying , okay ? You heard the way he was trashing me , saying how I m not worthy of my father s legacy , and he deserved everything he -- Mariah : So , no matter how gutted and sad we all feel , we need to put our all into this show , and make it the best tribute for hilary that we possibly could . Okay . So , we have a show to do . Let s go . Hey . I -- I did nt know you were coming . Sharon : I had to . Were you really going to leave without saying goodbye ? Mariah : Um ... yeah . I was . Sharon : Why would you abandon your family like this ? It had to be tessa . Mariah : Yes , it was . But please listen . The plans changed . Tessa left alone . Sharon : And how did that happen ? Mariah : It was exactly like you just said . I could nt abandon my family . And despite all of the odds -- and I mean really all of the odds -- I ve managed to create a life for myself here . Sharon : So , where does that leave you and tessa ? She s not coming back , is she ? Mariah : No . She s not . And I ca nt give you any details . There s a reason why I kept it a secret . But tessa is gone . For good . Sharon : Sweetie , gosh . Losing tessa and hilary in the same day , how awful . Mariah : Yeah , I know . Which is why I am choosing to see tessa coming into my life as a positive thing . She showed me that love exists , and taught me to be a person that I did nt even think was possible . So no matter how hard this is , I m better for it . Please tell me you are buying this , because I have a pretty epic live show to do . Sharon : I am buying it . That s how confident and proud i am of you and what you re doing . And this tribute you re putting together is just more evidence that you should never , ever sell yourself short . As my daughter , you can accomplish anything . Billy : Nice shades , nick . Nick : I d like to speak with my friend . Billy : Maybe my girlfriend does nt feel like talking to you . Nick : You know , I d be careful throwing around that girlfriend word . You may want to check with phyllis first and just make sure your relationship status has nt gone down the toilet like the rest of your wasted life . Phyllis : Okay . You two need to stop , all right ? You re sounding like two pig- heads . Okay ? Right here , right now . Enough . Jack : Gee , I did nt realize this was an exes of phyllis meeting . Phyllis : Hi , jack . Jack : Hey . Nicholas and I have some business , but I thought maybe -- Billy : Oh , no , no . Do nt worry about me . I ll get out of here before things get a little too dull . Nick : Or you could stick around . You know , listen to the grown - ups talk . Maybe you ll learn something . Billy : And I might lose my breakfast . No thanks . Phyllis : Okay . Things are tense enough right now , so I do nt think I m gon na add an espresso to the mix . Nick : Wait , wait , wait . Before you go , I wanted to see you because I just wanted to say I m sorry about hilary . Phyllis : Thank you . Jack : Me too . Phyllis : Mm - hmm . Jack : I know you were close . She adored the heck out of you . Phyllis : Thanks . Jack : Ca nt believe she s gone . Phyllis : Me neither . Jack : Listen , I was gon na suggest , before billy interrupted , that maybe we should get together and raise a glass in hilary s honor . Phyllis : That sounds fabulous . Text me ? Jack : Will do . Phyllis : Thank you . Nick : You ready to dive in ? Jack : Yes , indeed . Let me start . If you are serious about fenmore s , I am on board . Nick : Look , jack , I hired you because I could really use your business expertise to help me make dark horse a company that my family and I can be very proud of . Jack : Yeah . I figured as much . Nick : But if you have some personal vendettas that you need to work out , then you re gon na have to take them elsewhere . That is not what dark horse is about . And if you think it is , then this arrangement is probably a mistake . The young and the restless will continue . Summer : Ouch . Billy : I ve had worse . Summer : Here . Let me get you some concealer . Billy : No . I ll , uh , pass . Thank you . Summer : Okay . Just wear the black eye as a badge of honor . Billy : I do nt regret smacking your dad , you know . Summer : Okay . I m gon na stay out of this little conflict for obvious reasons . Billy : I just hope you do nt believe nick s crap about me leading you astray . Summer : Well , yeah , my dad was obviously wrong about all of that . If anything , I m the one leading you astray . Trying , anyway . Devon : [ Sighs ] Neil : Hey . Devon : Hey . I m very busy , guys . I got really behind not being here , so I need to focus , if you do nt mind . Nate : That s cool . We just wanted to let you know that mariah came by the penthouse to offer her condolences . Devon : Okay . Thank you . Neil : She offered to do a special gc buzz episode today . As a tribute to honor hilary . You know , I told her to go for it . As long as you re cool with that . Devon : Uh - huh . Nate : Would you like to come up to the roof deck with us and watch the show live ? Devon : I do nt know what part of busy you guys do nt understand , but I have a company to run , and it ca nt wait , all right ? I m gon na be at the recording studio , actually . Neil : What are you talking about , the re-- devon ! Jack : I am not planning to use my position to settle scores , personal or otherwise . Though I am a little surprised by your attitude . Nick : How so ? Jack : Well , it seems to me dark horse was born of a vendetta -- a well- warranted one , against victor . Nick : That does nt mean i want our mission statement to be about revenge . Dark horse is for my kids , and for hopefully many generations of newmans . Jack : And you want to turn that name into a positive thing . Nick : You re damn right I do . And I m prepared to fight if that s what it takes . I ve spent far too long playing the nice guy and getting walked all over for it . That s over . I m in this for the long haul . I am going to make dark horse a force to be reckoned with . And I m gon na do it my way . Jack : I m glad to hear that . Today was a very painful reminder of just how short life is . You have to seize opportunities when they come . There is no time to waste . For what it s worth , this is kind of a fresh start for me , too . Whatever you need , you tell me , and it s yours . 100 % . Billy : Do nt you have something more pressing to do instead of hanging around here ? Summer : I m actually working . But , no . I d say that helping a close friend going through a tough time is more important than the latest in my inbox . Billy : Correction -- my face is going t .. I m not . And there is a difference . Summer : Okay . You can deny it all you want , billy , but I d say you re better off without my mom . Billy : Why would you say that ? Summer : It s about staying true to yourself . Now you can do whatever you want and not worry about how she ll react . Any impulses you have , you can act on them . Billy : My first impulse is to remind you that we ve had this conversation before . So why do you keep pushing ? Summer : Guess I just ca nt help it . Billy : Try harder . Summer : [ Scoffs ] I m sorry . But you re sharp . And you re hot as hell . And now that you re single , I do nt really see what s stopping us . Jack : To hilary . The woman , the friend , the life we were both privileged to be part of . How you doing ? I mean , beyond the obvious ? Phyllis : Beyond lousy ? Heh ... [ Sighs ] I m angry . I m scared , and I m worried . Jack : Okay . Phyllis : Just ... thinking about how quickly it can be over . For someone young or old , you know ? How important it is to clean up the messes with the people we care about . You know , no matter how challenging , no matter how screwed - up . Jack : Had a feeling you were dealing with a lot when I saw you at the coffeehouse . Just seemed , well , the wrong place to get into it . Phyllis : Yeah . Not in front of billy . Although I do nt know what I d say on the topic . Jack : You told me at your place you were gon na give him another chance . Phyllis : And I meant it when I said it . But he seems to be making it very difficult for me at the moment . Jack : How unlike billy . Phyllis : Yeah . He apologized to me . We had a nice moment , considering the circumstances . But ... you know , I love him . But I - I do nt know when his lying is gon na stop being a symptom of the gambling addiction and start becoming my own personal deal - breaker . Jack : Oh , geez . I m sorry you re dealing with all this on top of it all . Look , and I want to apologize for making that joke about phyllis ex club . Phyllis : [ Sighs ] It s okay . I was smiling on the inside . Jack : It is nothing short of amazing how close you have remained to all three of us . Phyllis : You make it easy . Jack : While billy ... Phyllis : DoesnT. We have nt even broken up yet . Again . [ Sighs ] Is billy ever gon na change ? Nate : How are you handling this , man ? Neil : I m okay . Nate : Come on . Come on . Neil : I -- yeah . What ? Nate : Come on . You were married to hilary . And history s tricky . Even so , her death must be hitting you hard on some level . Neil : I appreciate your concern . You know , right now , all I m worried about is devon . Nate : Okay . So you wo nt mind me taking an interest in your health , then . Both physical and emotional . Neil : It s a deal . Nate : All right . Listen , I know from bitter experience , everyone deals with grief in their own way . As long as you deal with it . Neil : Okay , look , I promise . I ll deal with it . As soon as devon does . Hey . Look . It s starting . Mariah : Welcome to a special and very sad live edition of gc buzz . I am heartbroken to report that our host and executive producer , hilary curtis - hamilton , passed away early this morning due to the injuries she sustained in the horrible car accident that we reported on previously . As you can imagine , everyone here at gc buzz is still reeling over the devastating news . But still , we came into work today to pay tribute to the woman who put this show on the map . She took it from a local wisconsin gossip tv show to the nationally syndicated positive force for good that it ultimately became . As her co - host for a while now , I can tell you that , even though hilary cleaned up her act , she was nt above the occasional dig . [ Voice breaking ] I m sure that if she were sitting next to me right now ... she would have some witty , hilarious comment about my wardrobe . And even though hilary could nt teach me her renowned and stunning fashion sense , she did teach me countless essential life lessons . Like how to invest in a story . The importance of a solid work ethic . And most obvious and tragic , that some of these stories do nt have the happy endings that they deserve . Summer : I think I first heard this in a country song , but it s pretty solid advice . Billy : Yeah ? What s that ? Summer : The best way to get over someone is to get under someone new . Billy : Stop . I m not doing this . I am not gon na do this , all right ? Even if phyllis and I are done -- and I m not saying we are -- I m not hooking up with her daughter . [ Sighs ] Okay ? That is not me . What are you doing ? Why are you smiling like that ? Summer : Cause I m pretty sure that you just said if i was nt phyllis daughter , that you and I would be here , and that our clothes would be there and there and there . Billy : But you are . Her daughter . So none of that matters . And I d appreciate it if you d stop . Okay ? Thank you . Summer : Whatever you say . Phyllis : I do nt know what s wrong with me . I do nt know why i seem to keep losing you people . Jack : You have nt lost everyone . I m not going anywhere . Phyllis : Then you are one of a kind . You know , I ... I - I think hilary would be cool with me promoting you to her spot . Jack : [ Gasps ] Best friend ? Phyllis : Yeah . Thank you . Jack : Best friend . Mariah : Despite the poise and the beauty that hilary radiated on camera , she did nt have the easiest life . Anything she accomplished , personal or professional , she fought hard for . So hard , in fact , that it would make any lesser person selfish , jaded , bitter . But not hilary . She found ways to pay forward her successes . Not publicly . Privately . Just ... pure , honest acts of generosity . And I know , if she were sitting right there beside me , that this is the part where we would cut to a pre - taped roll - in segment . But since she is nt here , I m gon na let you guys in on a couple secrets . It was thanksgiving , and we were doing an interview with a homeless former addict who had one wish -- to reunite with her family for the holidays . And hilary sent this woman an anonymous letter of encouragement and enough money to make that dream a reality . And that was just one example of many . Just recently , I witnessed hilary throw herself into a local mentoring program , forever changing the life of one very lucky , very grateful high - schooler . Who knows how many people hilary helped without taking any credit at all . And who knows how much more she would have done ? That s the terrible unfairness of hilary losing her life when she did . When , at long last , everything was going perfectly for her ... she was creating a future with the man that she loved . And I was honored to be at their recent wedding . I only wish hilary were here to do its glory justice . Goodbyes are usually hard . And the ones that mean the most always are . That s why it s so important to do them the right way . And I certainly hope that hilary would put this one in that category . Notes on my performance and all . But there is one thing that I can promise you , without a doubt -- is that hilary would have wanted us to keep on buzzing . So I will . If you will . I m mariah copeland . [ Sniffles ] Goodnight , hilary . And goodbye . Devon : [ Crying ] Mariah : Oh , my gosh , guys . Stop . Stop . I am seriously tapped out . So why do nt you guys go to the bar and get a drink on me . And on hilary . Okay . Tessa : The tribute show was phenomenal . Like you . Mariah : What are you doing here ? I mean , you have a very precise plan . You have a train in chicago to catch , leaving , like , n - now ! Tessa : Uh , yeah . There s one in a few hours . Crystal knows . I m still seeing her as planned . Mariah : Well , good . She needs you . Tessa : She s got me . Always will . Mariah : I mean , I hope that you physically changed your ticket . Tessa : Yeah . Yeah . I did . Uh , from one - way to round - trip . I thought I had to choose . But I do nt , really . So I m choosing not to choose . Mariah : Between what , exactly ? Tessa : Between my sister and my mariah . I ll take both , please . Mariah : I think that is the ... that is the perfect non - choice . Tessa : But , um , if you do nt hear from me for the next little bit , it s for safety . Yours , crystal s , and mine . But I m coming back soon . For you . I promise . ### Summary:
Hilary s friends and family are devestated by her death but at the same time it reminds them that life is too short to take the people you love forgranted . Nick is determined to protect Summer and Phyllis from Billy s downward spiral . Devon is in shock and dtermined to focus on his work but as hard as he tries to do that he ca nt take his mind off Hilary . Nick tells Jack that if he plans to settle vandetta s using Dark Horse then he can just quit now because he wants the company to be an honorable legacy for his family . Jack tells Nick he wants to leave the past behind him and get a fresh start with Dark Horse . Jack and Phyllis toast to Hilary and Phyllis tells Jack he is now her best friend since Hilary is gone . Summer goes after Billy one more time but Billy says that even if he and Phyllis never get back together he would never sleep with her because she is Phyllis s daughter . Mariah does a special live episode of GC Buzz focusing on Hilary s acts of kindness that the public never saw and she says a tearful goodbye to her friend and co host . The show is so touching that it allows Devon to cry a little and espress his grief over the death of his wife . Mariah is surprised to see Tessa after the show and Tessa tells her that after she gets her sister settleed she will return to Geneoa City because she does nt want to give up on their relationship .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Josh : Over the years , our family has turned to this book to find faith when things seemed bleak . Olivia : Yeah , I have nt always believed in you . But here s a chance to prove yourself . Ava : Gus , she s gone . Gus : What ? Ava : Olivia is gone from the hospital . She s disappeared . Gus : Well , I ll find her . Do nt worry . Olivia : Oh , thank you . Thank you . Bill : I m glad the hot water goes on and on . Lizzie : Agreed . Bill : I would love to take you to dinner or a movie , but I would much rather stay inside tonight . Lizzie : I think that s a fantastic idea . ( Laughter ) Bill : What s wrong ? Lizzie : They re having an auction at my house . Bill : They re have a what ? What ? Lizzie : I do nt know , I m looking . Today . Today ? All items seized by the U.S. Government will be sold off at the Spaulding mansion . Bill : I m sorry , baby . Whoa , whoa , whoa , wait a minute ? Where you going ? Lizzie : That s my house . I had my first birthday there , Thanksgiving-- Bill : You re talking about memories there . Lizzie : That s my stuff . That s the snow globe that my dad gave me , my ballet awards , my doll house ... Bill : Is there some kind of Barbie dream house or something ? Lizzie : I got it when I was eight . I loved that thing . It came with this furniture , but I made more with tissue boxes . The little mom doll would cook dinner , and the dad doll would come home-- Bill : And bark orders . Lizzie : Not all of my memories are bad . I ca nt have a stranger just walking in there and buying all of my stuff . Bill : I know , baby . I m so sorry . Just stay . Lizzie : It s not your fault . Alan : There must be a mistake there . My son , Gus Aitoro , took care of this . Waiter : I m sorry , sir . I think this one is on you . Dinah : Is everything okay ? Alan : Yes . I just seem to have picked up the wrong wallet when I left this morning . Dinah : Really ? You ve got different wallets for the different days of the week ? Alan : What business is it of yours , Dinah , and what do you want ? Dinah : I want to help , Alan . I know about your financial troubles . I can read the paper . And I also know what it s like to lose everything you ve got . This should keep you from having to do the dishes . Alan : Well-- I ll pay you back once the government mistake has been corrected . Dinah : It does nt matter . Alan : Well , it does to me . Dinah : Do me a favor , though , take the card and by yourself a new suit , okay ? You re welcome . Jeffrey : So what did you find out ? Officer : The witness said he was speeding on his motorcycle , running stop signs , and you know , red lights . The kid in the car tried to stop . Jeffrey : The kid ? Is he okay ? Officer : Yeah . He s just scared . He was driving on his learner s permit . You know , he was good to me when I first joined the force . Jeffrey : Well , thanks for the report . You can head back to the station . Rick : We have him stabilized for now . Jeffrey : Well , what do you think ? Rick : Look , I m getting him prepped for surgery . Do you know if anybody has shown up yet ? We really need these consent forms signed . Jeffrey : They re on their way . Is he awake ? Rick : Yes . Jeffrey : Can I ? Rick : You re going to have to make it quick . Jeffrey : Hey . You look like crap . Gus : Yeah ? What s your excuse ? How s Olivia ? Jeffrey : She s here . She s going to be okay . Gus : Good . Good . Jeffrey : We called Natalia . She s on her way . And Buzz went to get Harley . Gus : Okay . Jeffrey : Is there anyone else you want us to call , you know ? The Spaulding s , we can try to track down your sister . Gus : You do nt have to call my sister . It s too dangerous for her . You do nt have to call Alan . You do nt have to worry Olivia . I m going to be fine . Jeffrey : We ll take care of Olivia , all right ? You take care of yourself . Harley : Natalia . What happened ? Natalia : I do nt know , did you go inside ? Harley : Listen to me . Listen to me . He ll be okay . Okay ? He s very strong . Where s your money ? Here . He ll be okay . Natalia : Okay . Okay . Olivia : Hi . Gus : I was looking for you . That s where I was going . You do nt look so good . We do nt look so good . Olivia : Yeah , we do nt look so good . Gus : They have a heart . They said they got one . Olivia : It s delayed . There s a storm or something , but it s supposed to be coming . Gus : That s good . That s good . You should have seen me out there on Remy s bike . I was like Evel Knievel . But a little rusty . Olivia : ( Laughs ) I ll bet . Gus : I was going to scoop you up and put you on the back and I was going to save you . Olivia : You did save me . Gus , you did save me . Gus : Yeah . I wanted to be there for you . Olivia : You are . You are . And you have been . You see , this time together , it s changed everything . Gus : Yeah . It has , yeah . Olivia : I saw my park . It s the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me . Gus : You re a beautiful person . Sorry I could nt put the ring on my finger for you . Olivia : That s okay . Gus : I promised Natalia and I promised Rafe . Olivia : I understand , I do . Gus : But I wanted to do something to let you know that everybody loves you , Olivia . Harley : Rick ... Rick : I m glad you re here . Natalia : Where is Gus ? Rick : I need you to sign this consent for surgery . Natalia : Surgery ? Why surgery ? Is that bad ? Rick : He was wearing a helmet , but unfortunately he sustained a lot of head injuries , and he s lost a lot of blood . And we wo nt know the extent of his injuries until we get inside . Harley : But he s going to be okay , right ? Rick : I m not sure at this point . We do need to stop the bleeding . But I do need you to sign the consent form as soon as possible . Natalia : Rafe-- I have to tell my son . I do nt know how I m going to tell my son . Mallet : Wow , you look great . Dinah : Thank you . I wanted to look nice for our date . Mallet : Hmm . Is that what this is ? Dinah : If we want it to be . Yummy . Can you pass the ketchup , please ? Mallet : There you go . Sure . Dinah : Can I have the salt , too ? Mallet : Sure . There s the salt . Dinah : Honey , I meant the pepper . Give me the pepper . Mallet : If I did nt know better , I would think you wanted to sabotage my meal . Do you really want a bite of this burger ? Dinah : No . I just want us to spend as much time together as possible . Can I be honest ? Mallet : Please . Dinah : I miss you . And I want us to spend more time together . Mallet : Okay . I d like that , too . But you do know I just took over all of the Chief s duties from Frank ? Dinah : Yeah . Mallet : I m up to my eyeballs in work . Most noticeably , investigating Alan Spaulding , and I want to get Marina up and out and back to work again . Dinah : Okay . Yeah , I get all that . Mallet : Can I be honest ? Dinah : Yeah . Mallet : You know , when you and I get together , things combust , you know , and I do nt know if I can deal with any explosions right now , on top of everything else I ve got to do . Dinah : Okay . Mallet : Okay ? Dinah : Uh - huh . Mallet : I mean , I m not closing the door on us completely . I want you to know that . I think I should just deal with some more pressing matters that are on my plate right now . Dinah : Okay . Well , then , eat up . Mallet : Okay ? Dinah : Okay . Mallet : What are you staring at ? Dinah : I ve been lying to you . Waiter : This card has expired . Alan : Damn you , Dinah . Listen to me , sir . My name is Alan Spaulding . I ve had a table at this restaurant since before you were born . Now , I inadvertently picked up the wrong wallet when I left this morning-- Waiter : I m sorry , sir , but we re going to need to get this check taken care of . Alan : Listen to me . I m going to walk out of this restaurant with dignity . When my finances are settled with the government , I m going to come back and pay for this . Waiter : Sir , I-- Alan : Listen . As a matter of fact , when I come back , I might even-- I might even buy this restaurant . So if you want to keep your job-- Waiter : Sir , I m sorry . But I ca nt just let you walk out of here . Alan : Watch me . Gus : No , no , no . I do nt want any painkillers . I want to know what is happening . Harley : Hey , baby , it s okay . Nurse : Should I ... ? Gus : I want to know what s happening . I want to know what s happening . Happening ... Harley : It s okay , baby . It s okay . Dinah : Did you know that a Buzz burger contains 545 calories , 40 grams of carbohydrates and 31 grams of fat ? Mallet : Wow . Dinah : That s 13 points if you re doing Weight Watchers . Mallet : And what s the point of that ? Dinah : Quiche Lorraine , 600 calories . Can you imagine that ? 600 calories for an egg and pie crust . Mallet : Are you making this up ? Dinah : No . Crosswords , my favorite thing . 17 across , five letter word for light weight , ounce . Three down , nine - letter word for stupid person . Ignoramus . I m not an ignoramus . I m not an ignoramus ! Mallet : How did you do that ? How did you know that ? Dinah : Ask me something , anything . Mallet : The square root of 1,000 ? How about that one ? Dinah : 31.62 , with a bunch more numbers after that . ( Laughter ) Mallet : I m going to have to take your word on that one . Wow , what s up with you ? What s going on ? Dinah : I ve been doing my rehab , working hard all day and staying up late at night . Mallet : I d say so . Dinah : Yeah . And it s paid off . All because of you . Mallet : Me ? Dinah : Yeah , you . Because of your love and your support . You have motivated me . I have got a clean bill of health . Mallet : I d say so . You re thinking real clearly . Dinah : And I feel great . And , honey , I wanted to tell you , but we kept talking about you moving , and then you had to take over as Chief of Police , and there just was nt a good time . Mallet : Wow ! Wow . This is really good news . This is really , really good news . I m so happy for you . Dinah : I know . Mallet : Congratulations . Mm , that s good news . Dinah : I know . I know . I should go . Mallet : Yeah , okay . It s kind of late , is nt it ? Dinah : Yeah . Okay . Hey , you know a six letter word for lucky charm ? Mallet : No idea . Dinah : M - A - L - L - E - T. Lizzie : Excuse me . Have you seen Lillian Raines ? Nurse : She s dealing with an emergency . Lizzie : Ava . Ava : What do you want , Lizzie ? Lizzie : I was just wondering if you heard the news . Bill and I moved in together . Ava : Whatever . Lizzie : Hey , do nt be such a sure loser . I m sure there are plenty other rich men in this town you can throw yourself at . Stay away from Bill or you ll have a real fight on your hands . Ava : I have a fight . My mom is dying , Gus has been in an accident , and I could care less about you and your little world that you think revolves around you . Jeffrey : I have some news . Olivia , the heart is nt coming . You left the hospital , and the administrator of the donor list had no choice but to pass you by . They did nt know where you went or ... there was no guarantee that you would return . They could nt take the chance that the heart would go to waste . I m sorry . Natalia : Rafe , do you want to take a minute and then we can go inside ? Rafe : Mom , how did this ... Natalia : He was on a motorcycle . Rafe : Did you go in to see him yet ? Natalia : I ve been waiting for you . Rafe : Mom , I was supposed to see him today . Natalia : That s okay . Do nt worry about that . Rafe : What if I ... Natalia : It s okay . We ll go in together , okay ? It s okay . Rafe : Mom , I ca nt , all right ? Gus : I was thinking ... Harley : What , my love ? Gus : I never finished your house . Harley : You can finish it when you re feeling better . Gus : But the boys ? Harley : And the boys can help you . Gus : They re good helpers . Harley : They re very good boys . Gus : I m so cold . Harley : I ll just pull up the blankets , okay ? Gus : Does your car have gas ? Harley : Does my car have gas ? Yeah . Gus : The squad car needs gas . Harley : It s gassed up , my love . Gus : And my brother - in - law , Frank ... his car ... Harley : You do nt have to worry about Frank , my love . Wait , wait ! Wait , wait , wait , wait ! I m not kidding . I have to say something . I might not ... sweetie , Gus-- Gus Aitoro , listen to me . I have to tell you something . You re the love of my life , forever and ever and ever and ever , okay ? So you have to fight . You have to fight , my love , so we can be together . Gus : Come here . Come here . Harley : I m here . Gus : You re the love of my life , too . We almost got it right . I need to finish your house . Harley : ( Sobbing ) Dinah : I wish I could see Alan s face , watching his stuff get sold right under his nose . Bill : You really are enjoying this . Dinah : Yes . Bill : We have to lay low . I can not let Lizzie find out about this . I m sure Mallet would nt like it . Dinah : I know . But I m enjoying this . Bill : Let s just be satisfied with taking Alan down . And let s let Phillip take the blame for it , okay ? Dinah : I guess . Bill : It s smarter . Cyrus : I was so worried about you . I did nt know if you wanted me here or not . Harley : Would you just hold me ? Cyrus : Of course . Natalia : Nicky ? I m right here with you . I love you , and I m going to take care of you . We re all going to take care of you . You have to let all of us take care of you now , okay ? Just let go of all of your burdens , and let go of your pain . You need to let all of the people who you love , who you ve been taking such good care of , you ve got to let us take care of you now , okay ? I ve got to pay you back for your big , old heart . God knows you have a good heart , and he s going to watch over you . We all will . Gus : Do nt cry , peaches . Do nt cry . Natalia : ( Sobbing ) Hail Mary , full of grace , the Lord is with thee ... Rick : It s time . Natalia : Take care of him , okay ? Rick : Sweetheart , here are his things . Olivia : Hi . Buzz : You busy ? Olivia : I was getting ready to go for a run . Buzz : Can I get you anything ? Olivia : A heart would be nice . Buzz : I would give you my own . You know that . Olivia : Yes , I do . Buzz : I hear the food here is rotten . Olivia : Hey , is that tuna casserole warm ? Buzz : I ll heat it up for you , okay ? Olivia : I never meant to hurt you . I loved you so much . I hope you know that . I hope it did nt make you hate me . Buzz : I m here . Olivia : ( Sobbing ) Yes . Buzz : It s a long life , is nt it ? And it s just as full of great times and sad times . Olivia : What was I for you ? Buzz : You were the greatest of the great . Olivia : Thank you . How s Gus ? Buzz : Gus is in surgery . I ll be back . Ava : Hey . Olivia : Is Emma okay ? Ava : Yeah . Olivia : Listen , I want you to have fun with her . You hear ? Sleepovers , birthday parties , and let her eat ice cream even when she did nt finish her dinner . Just make sure she knows that I love her . Both of you . Baby , it s okay . It s okay . It s okay . It s okay . It s okay . It s okay . The water is cold he tells me he told me before I walk to the edge and I turn up the music once more and he drifts up and down like a fire too eager to burn and I lend up genuine beauty will fall by one wrong turn and I watch as the wake comes in fast but the animal instincts too slow and time stands still for one sunken angel yeah ... one sunken angel in spite of a chill and a turbulent wake he sings on he sings on louder and stronger to drown out the oncoming roar and with one final burst and a wave and a curse the desperate wonder I ve chose and I check my eyes and I pray that they lie but I fear Mississippi has sunk and I scream up and down the shore and I call out his name till I m sore . But time stands still for one sunken angel yeah ... one sunken angel . Rick : I tried . I did everything I could to stop his bleeding , but ... Natalia : No , no , no ... Rick : I had to stop . Harley : So what now ? Rick : He s hanging on . That s all I can say . I m sorry . Coming up on Guiding Light ... Natalia : Nicky ... Doctor : It s a domino effect , which makes it even harder for her to hold on . Ava : What about a blood transfusion ? Doctor : It was used up for a victim of a motorcycle accident . Olivia : Jeffrey , will you just check on Gus for me ? ### Summary:
Natalia goes to the house with Aitoro on it . She gets a phone call and leaves . While Bill and Lizzie are together she reads in the paper of an auction at the Spaulding Mansion . She gets up to dress , Bill stops her . She tells Bill how important that house is to her . She leaves to go to the house . Alan finds he ca nt pay for breakfast . Dinah catches him trying to figure out how to pay without money . She tells him she s been there . She hands him her credit card and tells him to buy a new suit . Doctor give Jeffery a report on Gus . Jeffery then visits an injured Gus . Natalia finds Harley . Harley reassures her Gus will be ok . He s strong , she tells her . Olivia ( in a wheelchair ) visits Gus . Dinah is driving those around her with food facts . Bill is at the Mansion looking at her doll house . While Lizzie goes to the hospital looking for her grandmother , Lillian Raines . Jeffrey talks to Gus about transplantation of organs . Rafe and Natalia are looking into Gus room from a window . Rafe is upset . Natalia sees Harley in Gus room and leaves the hallway . The nurse asks Harley to go . Harley begs to stay for just one moment . She tells Gus she wishes they were still together . Gus is wheeled away . Harley has a good cry and Cyrus catches it . He then holds her . Natalia visits Gus in his new room . She tells him she loves him . And that she ll be there for him . She prays over Gus . Gus is then moved again . Buzz visits Olivia . Ava comes in to tell them Gus is in surgery . Buzz then leaves Olivia s room and Ava stays . Ava tries to hug her mother , as Olivia caresses Ava hair . Bill brings Lizzie her doll house from the Mansion . She is pleased and happy to see it . Alan is seen outside the Mansion . Dinah is not far behind , but far enough she is not seen . She leaves and Beth arrives to comfort Alan . Gus surgery is over . Gus is wheeled back into his room . Rick tells both Harley and Natalia he tried everything he could .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Cassie : Jeffrey was shot at the courthouse , he is in ICU . Reva : I may need your services , for a wedding . I m gon na be right here when he wakes up . Cassie : Jeffrey really brings something out in her . She really wants to take care of him . I ve never seen that side of her before . Josh : It s there . Reva : At approximately 0235 hours , police were dispatched to a robbery at Corky s Bar and Grill . The suspect was described as a 68 chicken with a plastic drumstick . He crowed at the cashier , and then made a death threat . Police searched for five hours , and all they found were a few feathers , but no large chicken . ( Laughing ) The investigation is ongoing . You see everything you re missing ? ( Crying ) Daisy : Hello . Break time . Ashlee : What ? No , no ! We have another mile to go ! Daisy : In a minute . Let s sit . Ashlee : Okay , but just for one minute , okay ? So how are you holding up ? Have you heard any word from Rafe ? Daisy : No , no , I ca nt think about that . I just ca nt deal . Ashlee : Sorry . Well , what about your family ? Daisy : What family ? Ashlee : Uh , how about all of the millions of you running around this town ? Daisy : Well , listen to this . My mother ... she , uh , decided to go off and visit a friend . Does nt even say good - bye . Ashlee : Well , did hot Cyrus go with her ? Daisy : Weird . No . Ashlee : That is shady . Daisy : No , it sounds perfect Harley . She just dumped me again . Ashlee : Come on , come on . We ve got to walk this off . Let s go ! Come on , come on , come on ! Daisy : Where do you get all this energy ? How could this ever happen ? This unexpected blur . The future s gone . All that s left to hold onto are the times that were . A state of desperation . A painful resignation . A blood so red like I ve never seen . This cut was anything but clean . Reva : Look at that . Look at that , that computer that you ve always talked about that you wanted ? It s on sale ! 20 % off ! I d get it for you , if I was sure that ... ( sighs ) I m going to go get some coffee , okay ? Josh : Hey . Reva : Oh , hey . Josh : How s he doing ? Reva : About the same . Are you here to pray , or something ? Josh : Actually , I just came by to borrow the sports page , if you re done with it . Reva : Oh . Well , actually , I just read him the entire sports page . And the police blotter . Josh : How did that go ? Reva : Great . Josh : Good , good . So when did he propose to you ? Oh , wait , I m sorry , I forgot . You proposed to him . Reva : You have a problem with that ? Josh : Did you ever propose to me ? Reva : No . This is a first . And a last . My last wedding . Josh : Good . That s good . Reva : Thanks . Josh : I m sure you ll be very happy . Reva : Yeah , well , that s the plan . Josh : So , have you told the kids ? Reva : Uh , no , not yet . But I will , soon . Josh : Well , if you need any help with that ... Reva : Oh , I m sure they ll be fine . I mean , you and Cassie pretty much softened them up for this sort of thing . Josh : ( Laughs ) Reva : Here s that piece of the paper . Josh : Thank you . Reva : Here s the rest . Josh : Okay . Jeffrey : ( Hoarsely ) Anything but the business section . Reva : Oh , my God ! Oh , my God , you re awake ! Oh , my God ! Jeffrey : Aw ! Reva : Oh , I m sorry . I was so worried . ( Laughs ) Jeffrey : Do nt worry so tightly . Reva : I know , I m sorry , I really am sorry . Do you ... do you know where you are ? Do you know me ? Do you remember me ? Jeffrey : Nurse Wilson . Reva : Who ? Jeffrey : Last night ... Nurse Wilson ... with the big , you know . Sexy ... ( laughs ) Reva : That s not funny . That s not funny at all . Josh : Actually , I think it s very funny . Reva : It s not funny . Josh : It s funny . And welcome back . Jeffrey : I do nt feel back . I feel like someone sawed me in half . Reva : Shh ! Josh : I ll go tell the doctor . Reva : Thanks . What can I get you ? Anything ? What do you need ? Jeffrey : What happened ? Reva : You really do nt remember ? Jeffrey : Did I have an operation ? Reva : You were shot . Jeffrey : Shot ? Reva : But you re back now . You re back , and that s all that matters . Ashlee : You know , Harley always seemed like a mom to me . Daisy : Yeah . Until she s not . Ashlee : ( Laughs ) You do nt want to know how much I ve fantasized about being a Cooper . Daisy : Hey , you know what I was thinking ? You could be , if you married Coop ! Ashlee : ( Giggles ) But then , you d have to call me Aunt Ashlee . ( Laughter ) Yeah , there you go . So who s taking care of the boys ? Daisy : Um , well , my Uncle Frank and my Grandpa . Nobody seems all that concerned about me . Ashlee : I m sure they are . They just do nt want to hover over you , treat you like a kid . Daisy : Maybe I d like some attention ! Maybe my mom will send me a postcard from wherever she is . Ashlee : Oh ! I wish that Doris would go off somewhere far , far away and then send me a postcard . But no , she s here . Always ... here . ( Laughs ) Daisy : That sounds kind of nice . Ashlee : You want to trade ? ( Giggles ) I guess the mother you know is better than the mother you do nt ! ( Laughs ) Daisy : Okay , I miss Harley ! I do . And I do nt know what could have been so urgent that she had to leave . I mean , she knew I would be in a crisis about Rafe and everything else . Ashlee : Well , but , I thought that you and Rafe were nt together . Daisy : No , but still , I want him to be okay . Ashlee : Yeah . Yeah . So what now ? Do you want to go shopping ? Daisy : No , I just want to go home . Want to come over ? Ashlee : Uh , maybe later . Um , I ll give you a call and see if you re in a better mood . Daisy : Thanks . Ashlee : Yeah . Well , stay out of trouble . Josh : Wow . Did all of this come from the closet ? Cassie : Just so much stuff . I m just trying to clear it out and get some space . What to keep , what to donate , what to throw away . Just , I feel like we have a lot of stuff around here , and I think we could use a fresh start . Josh : This seems extreme . Cassie : Well , I have a system . You know , we ll give away the ballet recital costumes , and we ll just keep the slippers . Josh : Cassie , you do realize that you do nt have to give away anything that you re not ready to give away , right ? Cassie : I want to have the memories , I just do nt want this place to be a museum . Josh : Okay . Cassie : Jeffrey gave this to Tammy on one of her birthdays . ( Music box plays ) Josh : It s beautiful . You can thank him for it yourself . Cassie : Thank him ? Josh : He s awake . Cassie : Oh , my God ! Josh : Yeah , he was talking to Reva when I left . Cassie : Oh , my God ! I ca nt believe you did nt say this when you first walked in the door ! Josh : Sorry . Cassie : What did the doctor say ? Josh : It may take a while , but they think he s going to be okay . Cassie : ( Laughs ) Then I have to make him something ! I ... I ll make him huevos rancheros . He loves those . Josh : Uh , Cassie , you know , eggs get cold . They do nt really ... Cassie : Well , I ll just reheat them in the cafeteria . Let s see . Josh : Okay . Cassie : Um , when do you think we can see him ? Josh : Well , I do nt know . They might let us see him today , I guess . Cassie : Great ! Perfect . Josh : Cassie , what is all that stuff ? Cassie : Well , eggs , of course , and you know , I just had the cookies and the brownies already made , and lemon squares , because you just , you never know what somebody s going to want . Do you think that he can handle hot sauce ? Josh : I m not sure he can eat any of that stuff , Cassie . You know , maybe you should call the hospital before you head over there . Cassie : You said he s going to be okay . Josh : Well , I did nt get to spend much time with the doctors , but ... Cassie : Well , I ll call on the way there , and , you know , I just , I wo nt stay long . Josh : I ll meet you there later . Cassie : Okay , if you want . Oh , and there s some messages for you by the phone . Okay . Bye . Jeffrey : My eyes are fine , Doc . The bullet hit me about a foot south . Reva : So ? Dr. Tompkins : Do you like him ? Reva : Yes , I do . Dr. Tompkins : Good . Because he s sticking around . Reva : Oh ! Dr. Tompkins : I ll be back as soon as I look at your test results . Reva : Thanks . Jeffrey : I still do nt know what happened . Reva : You had two surgeries . One was to remove the bullet , and the second one was to repair a collapsed lung and stop the bleeding . Jeffrey : How long have I been in here ? Reva : Long enough for me to put dibs on that bullet , because it s going to make a really cool necklace . So if that detective tries to get it away from you ... Jeffrey : Whoa , what ? Reva : There s a detective ... Jeffrey : What detective ? Reva : Shh ! A detective is outside . He wants to ask you some questions about Rafe . Jeffrey : I was ... I was in the courtroom , preparing a speech about Gus . And then , uh ... Rafe walked in . Reva : Rafe ? Jeffrey : ... And that s all I remember . Reva : Rafe is the one who shot you . Jeffrey : Rafe ? Why ? Reva : I do nt know . I guess , maybe he thought he was protecting his daddy ? Jeffrey : Oh . I was trying to help his father . Reva : Did you tell Rafe that ? Jeffrey : I do nt know . I think so . Reva : Just give yourself some time . You re lucky to be here . ( Laughs ) Jeffrey : You call this lucky ? Reva : You should see how you look with all these things hooked up to you . Very sexy ! ( Laughs ) Jeffrey : Pretty bad , huh ? Reva : No ! No , I kind of got into counting your heartbeats . Jeffrey : Oh . Well , that sounds ... tedious . Reva : No , it made me feel better , knowing that you were here . That you were still here . Jeffrey : More or less . Reva : You know what ? If I had nt already asked you to marry me , I d ask you again . Right here , and right now . I do nt want to hurt you again . Does that hurt bad ? You know what I m going to do ? I m going to go find a doctor to hassle , so I can get a full report and come back to you with it . Do nt go anywhere . Ashlee : Yes , yes , yes ! Ashlee Wolfe is the greatest ever ! Whoo ! Oh , God ! Okay . Whoa ! Okay , ow , ow . G : Whoa , careful , tumbles ! Jeffrey : Hi . Daisy : Hey . Jeffrey : Where s ... Daisy : Oh , Reva s up the hall . She s talking to a doctor . Jeffrey : Oh , I must have dozed off . Daisy : Sorry . Jeffrey : No , it s all right . I m ... I slept enough . Daisy : So , how do you feel ? Jeffrey : How do I feel ? Pretty good . I do have a hole in my chest , but ... Daisy : About Rafe . He is a really good person . Gus dying really messed him up . Jeffrey : I know . Daisy : Yeah . And he did not mean to shoot you . He thought he was just going to ... Jeffrey : I know what he was thinking . Daisy : I mean , you re probably mad ... really mad . Yeah , I get that . Um , Rafe was out of his head with grief . He just ... he did nt mean to hurt you . I know that . He was confused , that s all . Jeffrey : Where is he ? Daisy : I do nt know . He ran . But he could come back , if you could cut him a break , because I know how sorry he is . I am , too . If you could just tell the police it was an accident ? Jeffrey : An accident ? Daisy : We could start over . I just ... it s a lot to ask , but I really love him , and you would , too , if ... ( knock on door ) I should get going . Ashlee : Thanks . I do nt know what happened . G : You tripped on something . Ashlee : ( Laughing ) Yeah , I m such a klutz . G : Well , lucky I was here . Ashlee : I could have fallen down , and , I do nt know , broken my head open , or something . G : Or that pretty little neck . Why do nt you put your head between your legs and breathe deeply ? Ashlee : No , I really feel much better now , actually . Oh , hey . Josh : Hello . Ashlee : Hi , Josh ! How are you ? I guess everyone s out for a walk today . Josh : Are you okay ? Ashlee : Yeah , I m fine . I m fine . I just tripped , and then this nice guy , he helped me . Josh : I m sorry . What guy ? Ashlee : Uh ... Cop : I just have a few more questions for you . Jeffrey : Okay , no problem . Cop : Where were we ? Right . You were telling me where you were . Jeffrey : Yeah . I was in the courthouse , I was preparing a statement to the press about Detective Aitoro . I wanted to clear his name . Cop : And why do you think his son tried to kill you ? Jeffrey : He did nt . I saw that he had a gun . I do nt know what he was doing with it . I ... you know , I just reacted , and I went to grab it , and as I grabbed it , it went off . You know , Rafe was as surprised as I was , and it was stupid . Cop : Do you have any idea where he got the gun ? Jeffrey : No . You know , I m sure that he did nt even know it was loaded . It s not like he threatened me with it or anything . Damn . You know , all my years-- years of training and undercover-- and I make a stupid mistake like that , you know ? It was ... it was dumb . I was clumsy . I just reacted . Cop : The gun was in your possession ? It was in your hands ? Jeffrey : When it went off ? Cop : Yes . Jeffrey : Yes . Hey , Rafe is a good kid . His father was a friend of mine . I m sorry that any of this happened . It was an accident , and I m not going to press charges . Cassie : Okay , that s it . Visiting hours are over . It s time for the patient to eat . Hello ! Hi , I m Cassie Lewis . Hi , nice to meet you . Would you like a cookie ? Cop : Um ... Cassie : Please . You two are about done here , right ? Because Jeffrey really needs to rest . Jeffrey : Uh , if I can help in any way , let me know . Cop : We ll be in touch . Jeffrey : Okay . Thank you . ( Laughs ) Were you always this bossy ? Cassie : Ha ! Do nt you ever pull a stunt like that again ! Do you know how much you scared me ? Jeffrey : Well , I m scared now . What s going on ? Cassie : How are you feeling ? Jeffrey : Well , like there s a piano on my chest . Cassie : When I heard that you were shot , I just ... I just started thinking about ... Jeffrey : What ? What were you thinking ? Cassie : Nothing . Nothing . I brought huevos rancheros . Jeffrey : Are you serious ? Cassie : They re still your favorite , right ? And I had eggs in the fridge , so I thought , why not ? Jeffrey : How did you get it by the nurse ? Cassie : ( Laughs ) I have my ways . Here , let me get that for you . Okay , but just go slowly . Jeffrey : Mm . Cassie : Do nt drink it too fast . Jeffrey : Yes , maam . Thank you . Cassie : I m a pretty good nurse , you know . Jeffrey : Yeah , I remember . Cassie : And I expect my patients to make a fast recovery . Jeffrey : Okay . I ll do my best . Did you bring the hot sauce ? Cassie : I did ! I did nt at first , and then I went back and I grabbed it ! ( Laughter ) Josh : Hey , lady , can I help you with that ? Reva : No ! No , I m okay . What are you doing back here ? Josh : Well , I had some things to do , but I thought I d stop by and see what the doctor had to say . Reva : Well , he s got a long road to go , but it looks good . Josh : Great . I m glad to hear it . Is Cassie in there with him right now ? Reva : Cassie . Um , no , not that I know of . Josh : She ... Daisy ? Hey . Reva : Daisy ? Daisy ? Honey ? Daisy , wait , wait ! Ugh ! You know what ? I should probably go check on her . ( Cell phone rings ) Josh : Well , what about Jeffrey ? Reva : Jeffrey . ( Cell phone rings ) Uh , shoot , wait a minute . You have got to be kidding me ! Josh : What ? Oh , it s the movie people . I was supposed to be over there for a rehearsal . Josh : Reva ? You know what ? They can live without you . Reva : You know what they re doing today ? ( Laughs ) They re doing that ... Josh : I m afraid to ask . What ? Reva : When Joshua finds out ... well , actually , when you found out that I married H.B. Josh : And then I go driving my car off into a tree ? Reva : Yeah , I think they re doing that tomorrow . Josh : Great , okay . Well ... Reva : ( Laughs ) Josh : ( Laughs ) I ca nt believe I m about to offer this , but do you want me to stop by and talk to them ? Reva : Uh , wow . Would you really do that ? Josh : Well , you ve got a lot going on , so ... Reva : Thank you . Yeah . That d be great . Josh : You take care of the present , I ll take care of the past , okay ? Reva : ( Laughs ) Josh : Okay . Reva : Do nt get into any trouble ! ( upbeat instrumental music ) You do nt know a good thing till the day it stops coming I just want to give my heart but it just is nt working it just wo nt stop running running running running . Reva : Whoo ! Hey . Daisy : Hey . Reva : What , are you speed walking ? ( Laughs ) What s up ? Daisy : I m sorry , I did nt want to bother you or ... are you okay ? Reva : I am okay , now that I know Jeffrey s going to be okay . Daisy : Yeah . I m really glad about that . Reva : So tell me . What are your plans , now that school s out ? Daisy : Ugh ! I do nt expect those kind of questions from you ! Reva : I ca nt be the cool one all the time . Daisy : Well , I got off the couch , did nt I ? Reva : What is wrong with you ? Daisy : Everything ! Everything s wrong . My mom . Uh , Rafe . This school thing . I just ... I feel like my life is over . Reva : Your life is just getting started . Daisy : Whatever you say . Reva : Oh , boy . You know what you have to do ? You just , you have to make a choice and just dive in . I mean , you can go to college ... Daisy : No , I ve been all over the college thing . Reva : Okay . Well , let s see . What did you want to be when you were little ? Daisy : A dinosaur ! Reva : Oh , geez ! Okay , how about a little older than that ? Hey , listen to me . We ve got ... we can come up with something here . I know . How about working on the election ? That would be fun . No ? Okay . Let s see . You could talk to the movie people , maybe , about a more permanent job ? Sweetie , you can be anything you want to be . A director ? An actress ? You could be a bridesmaid . Daisy : A bridesmaid ? Reva : ( Laughing ) Jeffrey and I are getting married , and I m offering you a position in my wedding party . Daisy : That s supposed to help me ? Reva : ( Laughing ) Oh , God ! Daisy : Hey , I look terrible in frilly yellow ! Reva : Oh , you can wear anything you want to wear . Daisy : Jeans ? Reva : No . You know what you have to do ? You just have to take each day as it comes , for what it s worth , and stop worrying so much . Life is a gift ! Just like you re a gift to me . Daisy : ( Laughs ) Reva : ( Growls ) Josh : So , uh , how do you like being me ? Mark : Just trying to give you a little edge . A little danger under the surface , you know ? Josh : You do understand that I m a minister , right ? Mark : But back then , when you found out that she married your father ? Josh : Right . Yes , I drove my car into a tree , and I was paralyzed for several months after that . That s not edgy enough for you ? Mark : No , no . That s good . It works . Josh : Okay . Mark : You guys had a lot of reunions , right ? Josh : Yes . Mark : Okay . Let s backtrack to you coming home from college . Josh : Okay , let s do that . Mark : How did it feel when you saw Reva again ? Josh : ( Laughs ) Uh , she was standing there in the doorway , and , um , all she said was , Hey , Bud . But her eyes , you know , her eyes , they said something entirely different . They ... Mark : Happens to me every Saturday night . Josh : Do you have any more questions ? Mark : Um , sure . Josh : Do you mind if I take a look at that ? Mark : Um ... Josh : Because I would really like to see the script . Jeffrey : I can ... I can still use a fork , you know . Cassie : You want more ? Jeffrey : Um , I do nt think so . No . Cassie : What , you do nt like them ? Jeffrey : Um , you know what ? I never really did . Cassie : What ? You said they were your favorite . Jeffrey : I know . But we were dating . Cassie : Unbelievable ! Jeffrey : Well , I hate to be the one to break it to you , but you know , guys say a lot of things when they want to , you know ... well , when they re dating . Cassie : So what have you been telling Reva ? Because she seems to want to marry you . Jeffrey : Well , I eat those damn barbecue pork chops every time . Cassie : ( Laughing ) Well , I think it s great . I think it s great , you two getting married . Jeffrey : You do ? Cassie : Yeah , sure . Jeffrey : I ve never been the marrying type . Cassie : You are the type . You just did nt want to admit it . Jeffrey : Who knows ? Josh : Hey . Cassie : Hi . Josh : You look much better than you did before . Cassie : Well , that just be my cooking ! Josh : ( Laughing ) I m sure . Cassie : What about you , have you eaten anything yet ? Josh : No , no . I m not hungry . Thank you . Cassie : Yeah , I m going to take him home and make him some dinner . Is there anything that we can get you before we leave ? Jeffrey : I m good . Cassie : Okay , well , we ll check in on you a little later , right ? Josh : Sure . Of course we will . Cassie : You take care of yourself . Jeffrey : I ll do that . Ashlee : Well , I guess I ll get the chain fixed . It would be a really nice thank - you gift . ( Rap music ) Cassie : Wow . Josh : Yeah . Cassie : Oh , my gosh ! Look at you ! You re hired ! Josh : This is all the stuff that I m going to be taking out to the barn later . Cassie : Not this , right ? I just think it s so pretty . I m going to have to ask Jeffrey where he got it . Josh : Listen , um , about dinner ? Cassie : Yeah . Uh , how about tacos ? And I could whip up some tortilla soup to go with it ? Josh : Well , actually , I kind of think you ve made enough Mexican food for one day . Why do nt you just let me take you out to dinner ? Cassie : Okay . Great . I ll go change . Josh : Okay . Cassie : You re right . It s been a really emotional day , and we should just relax and celebrate . ( Music box playing ) Cop : We need to look into it . We have the gun , and ONeill s prints are nt on it . Reva : ( Whispering ) Oh , dang . Ah . Jeffrey : Oh . Reva : Hey . Hey ! Jeffrey : How long was I out ? Reva : Oh , about an hour . Jeffrey : Same day ? Reva : Mm - hmm . Same day . I actually talked to some of your doctors , your test results look good . Jeffrey : I lied to the cops . Reva : What ? Jeffrey : About Rafe . Reva : Wow . Jeffery : I told them that I remembered what happened , when I do nt . Reva : Wow . Jeffrey : Daisy asked me to help her , and that s the reason why I did it . Reva : So you do nt really remember ? Jeffrey : No . Reva : Do you remember this ? ( Laughs ) Jeffrey : ( Laughing ) How could I forget ? Reva : You ready for some wedding talk ? Jeffrey : I do nt think men are ever ready for that ! Reva : ( Laughing ) Did you go and get shot just to get out of marriage ? Jeffrey : I want to get married . This is a big ... Reva , I just woke up . Reva : I know . I know . I know , I know . We ll talk later . Jeffrey : Hmm . Good idea . Reva : I m just glad you re here . Jeffrey : That s enough ? Reva : Of course it is . Coming up on Guiding Light ... Frank : Mallet resigned as chief . Dinah : Where are you going to go ? Mallet : A new town or a new relationship . I just know , right now this is what I need to do . And I need to do it alone . Dinah : Let me apologize . Mallet : Turn around . Turn around , and change direction . ### Summary:
Reva is with Jeffrey . Reva is happy that Jeffrey is conscious . Daisy and Ashlee go and share a beer . They do not know they are being watched . Josh tells Cassie that Jeffrey is awake . Cassie wants to go visit Jeffrey , Josh does nt think the doctors will let her yet . Jeffrey asks how long has he been in the hospital and what happened . Reva tells him the truth . She accepts his marriage proposal . Ashlee is doing some jogging and other things to loose wait . Daisy goes to visit Jeffrey . She tells him Rafe is really a good person , just that he was upset . And he would never have hurt Jeffrey . Jeffrey wo nt press charges . Reva and Daisy meet up outside at the park . Daisy seems down . Reva is trying to lift her up . Cassie and Josh visit Jeffrey in the hospital . Cassie tells him to take care . Now someone in a house is looking at Daisy . Cassie and Josh go home . She sees he has been working at getting stuff out of the barn . She gives him a kiss but he barely reacts . Josh is now sitting and listens to a music box . A cop watching Jeffrey is on the phone in Jeffrey s room . An hour later he wakes to find Reva sipping a soda . He asks how long he was out . She says an hour . She shows him a heart she made with their initials . They laugh .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Brooke : [ Gasps as she awakens ] Adam : Brooke , Brooke it s all right . Brooke : Oh , is it ever gon na go away ? Adam : It s ok . I m right here . AJ : You had the dream again ? About what happened at your engagement party ? Adam : [ Sighs ] Brooke : We lost so much , AJ . AJ : It was five years ago . The only way to deal is ... move on . Brooke : I know . I know . It s just ... it s just not that easy . Cara & David [ Kissing ] Griffin : You ready ? Cara : Yeah . Opal : Ohh . Oh , Palmer . Our baby boy is coming home today . Angie : Is that croissants and fresh coffee I smell ? Oh , baby . Jesse : Baby , look at you . You look so damn good . I mean , it s just amazing to me that , after all these years . You need to warn a man before you unleash all this . Angie : [ Laughs ] Jesse : Especially at this hour in the morning . Come on now . Hand to God , I got to be the luckiest man on this planet . Angie : No , I m the luckiest woman -- to have a husband who says these kind of things to her after all these years . And look -- all my favorites ! Jesse : Bam ! Angie : Right down to the strawberries and whipped cream . Jesse : Yes , indeed . And I whipped it myself . Angie : Oh , I bet you did . Jesse : Oh , listen to you . There is nothing too good for the love of my life . Angie : I know what you re trying to do . Jesse : Is it working ? Angie : Jesse I ca nt help it . I just ... I jus-- Pete : I am telling you Spence . It s all changing . Everyone s watching TV online now . I got to run . Opal : Look at you ! Look at you ! I hardly recognize you . Oh , my baby boy is home ... home again ! Pete : How you doing , Mom ? Opal : Well , all the better for seeing you -- I can tell you that . You are a sight for sore eyes . Pete : Aww , you re looking pretty spectacular , yourself . Opal : Gosh , you charmer , charmer . Ohh . Pete : Hey . Opal : I m sorry . It s just that , you know , with , uh , with Dad being gone ... Pete : Mom . Opal : Mm . Griffin : Hey . Cara : Hey . Griffin : Anything ? Cara : No . Griffin : It s a hell of a way to spend five years . Opal : I want to show you my latest project . Here it is . It s all about you . Here . Look at this . Look -- Peter Cortlandt , Silicon Valley s hottest young mogul . And then this one -- Cort apps poised to take over the world . Pete : [ Chuckles ] Opal : I m so proud of you . Just so proud . Look . Just look at pages and pages of all that you have achieved . It s just wonderful , and this , of course , is the spot -- I keep it blank cause this is where your diploma from Stanford would have gone . Pete : Come on , Mom . Do nt tell me you re still not over me dropping out to start my own company . Opal : Now , why would nt I be over it ? Because , diploma or not , you are a star , just like I told you , you would be , which is why I asked you to come home . I need you to bring Cortlandt Electronics back from the dead . Adam : You put your life on hold for me . Brooke : My life is with you . Adam : But I m not here . No . Not here at all . Brooke : But I love you . Adam : And I love you . It s time I made good on that love . Brooke : What are you saying ? Adam : I m saying -- I m not saying -- I m asking -- will you marry me ? AJ : Shit ! Miranda . Miranda : What ? I ve seen you play guitar a million times . AJ : You could have knocked . Miranda : Or had the butler announce me ? AJ : [ Sighs ] Privacy . You ever heard of it ? Miranda : Yeah , can we make this about me for a sec ? On my Facebook wall -- Is Miranda Montgomery a vag - etarian , or does she eat meat ? AJ : What ? Miranda : Such assholes . AJ : Oh , I am going to burn this loser . Miranda : What are you doing ? AJ : Just commenting that she s so stupid she ca nt spell STD . Miranda : No ! No ! AJ : Yes ! Miranda . Ugh . You are so bad . AJ : What no one messes with my people and you are -- my number - one people . Miranda : Do you remember when you punched out that boy for making fun of me for having two moms in Kindergarten ? AJ : See ? Miranda : God , I m probably gon na be getting vag - etarian cracks all day now . AJ : Yea , let em try . You know what ? They re a bunch of pea brains . You get it ? Vag - etarian -- Vegetarian . Pea brain ? Miranda : Wow , you are so not funny . Look , if you really want to help me out , you can start by explaining that whole polynomial thing from Haren s class . AJ : [ Sighs ] Miranda : Uh ... excuse me ? Help ? AJ : Excuse me . Getting dressed . Miranda : Oh , please . You , me naked in the pool since we ve had floaties . AJ : Miranda ! Miranda : Oh come on . It s not like I have nt seen it before . Angie : Mm . Jesse : Here you go , baby . Angie : Mmm . That is so delicious . Jesse : Just like my beautiful wife . Angie : Jesse , remember how Lucy insisted on having strawberry cupcakes for her birthday ? Jesse : 5 years old and already a little diva , huh ? Angie : That might have been the last birthday we d spend with her . Jesse : Baby , they moved to Portland , not Mars . We will be able to see them plenty , Angie : No , I m glad that Maya found a job that she s excited about . I just did nt expect it would be so soon after she graduated , or so far away . Jesse : Well come on now . We re living in the cyber age . You got your Facebook , your tweets , You got your uh whatever Skype . Angie : I know , but it s not the same as kissing Lucy to sleep at night , listening to her prayers . Jessie : Yeah . That little girl definitely was ... a bright light these last five years , huh ? Angie : Yeah , it s hard to believe it s been that long . Since -- Jesse : Pine Valley lost a part of its soul that night , but today , the sun is shining bright , and my beautiful wife loves me , and life is good ... Very good . And , now milady , I think it s time we stopped lollygagging and -- Angie : Hug ? Lollygagging ? Really ? Jesse : Yeah , I suggest you get dressed real quick and in a hurry cause I got a surprise coming for you . Angie : What kind of surprise ? Jesse : Now , if I told you what kind of surprise it was , it would nt be a surprise , now would it , woman ? Angie : You re just so damn cute when you try to be all mysterious . Well , I m going to be in the shower , and I m just saying , in case you want to tell me what that big surprise is about . Jesse , I miss Lucy so much , but we are so blessed . For Frankie , Natalia , Cassandra -- we just have the most incredible family . Jesse : Yes we do . Angela you have given me the most beautiful family . Angela Irene Baxter Hubbard , I love you . Angie : if you re talking about finally fixing that garage door , that ai nt no big surprise . Jesse : Oh , trust me , baby , this is big ... big like Christmas morning . Big like you and me . Angie : Well I do nt think I can take anything else big this morning . Jesse : Whoa ! Angie : I will be in the shower . Jesse : I think I might have to join you there . Uh , yeah -- Opal : Palmer told me you could fix everything . Peter : He did ? Opal : Yeah . Came to me in a dream you know how powerful my dreams are . Oh , my Petey . Always the smartest boy in the class . Pete : It s Pete , Mom . Opal : Yeah , well , you will always be Petey to me so you might as well get used to it . So ? Pete : It s not good . The receiver pretty much wants to close down all the unprofitable divisions , break up the company , sell what s left . Opal : Well , they ca nt do that . Pete : Yes , they can . Opal : No , they ca nt ! Pete : Maybe it s time to let Cortlandt go , Mom . Opal : How can you say that ? Pete : It s what Dad would have done . Opal : That company was your daddy s heart and soul . Now , you have that same kind of fight in you , and if anybody can save it you can . It would make your mama so happy if you would at least consider -- Pete : It s not like I m trying to make you unhappy . Okay . I promise you , I will visit as often as I can . Opal : Well , unfortunately your idea of often does nt exactly merge with mine . Pete : Come on , Mom . Opal : Well , it s true . I mean , it s taken the complete financial destruction of Cortlandt Electronics to get you back here . I m not gon na wait , until , what Armageddon before I see you again . Pete : I ve been on a plane all night . Opal : Well , your room is ready . Pete : I need to get some air . Opal : I ll get my purse . Pete : Alone . Brooke : You re asking me to marry you now ? Adam : Well , I - I know it s not very timely right now , but uh -- Brooke : O - Oh , a-- Adam . Adam : I love you . I love you more than I thought I could ever love another human being . Brooke : I love you , too . Adam : Is that a yes ? Brooke : Yes absolutely . Adam : I m glad because , um , I have a terrible favor to ask you . Miranda : I swear . AJ : I swear I do nt . Brooke : Hey . AJ : What , are you heading out of town soon , Grandpa ? Brooke : Oh , is nt he always ? Adam : Yeah . AJ : You and me-- War Demons rematch before you leave , ok ? Adam : You re on . Miranda : Oh , please . You are never going to beat him . Brooke : [ Chuckles ] Adam : My most charming fan . You need some cash ? AJ : I got my debit card . Brooke : How is Bianca ? Miranda : Uh , she is ok . I mean as ok as she ever is since the night where-- AJ : Can we let it go people ? It happened . It s over . We need to move on . We re late . Cassandra : [ Over phone ] This is Cassandra . Leave a message . Jesse : Hey , Darling , it s me . Uh , my app says that your flight from Paris has landed . So , when you re finished with customs , look for a driver . He s gon na have your name on a sign , all right ? Ca nt wait to see the look on your mother s face when you walk through the door . All right . AJ : You want to go over those polynomials at lunch ? Miranda : You gon na wear a towel ? AJ : What are you doing ? Miranda : Act natural . AJ : Huh ? Hunter : Hey . Miranda : Hey . Did you see that ? AJ : He said , Hey . Miranda : And he smiled . AJ : And he walked . All at once . Miranda : Hunter Morrison talked to me . Griffin : You know , you and this patient have a lot in common . Cara : Huh ? Griffin : David Hayward . You were both his problems . Cara : No . What I did-- Griffin : Had to be done . Cara : Griff , if David ever finds out the truth . Griffin : That s not gon na happen . Cara . David s buried behind bars for manslaughter . He is not getting out for a long , long time . David : My stuff ? Officer : Where are you heading ? David : Home sweet home . Pete : I predict that there will be 4.8 billion tablet users by the end of the year . So if Franklin s gon na compete he s gon na need a B2B app yesterday . and we re the company to do it . Hey , I ll call you back . Angie : I m gon na run out to the store , get something for dinner . Uh , not unless you got that surprise hiding around here somewhere . Jesse : That surprise will show up in its own time . Angie : Not even a hint ? Jesse : I ll give you one hint . Angie : What ? Jesse : You are gon na love me even more . Angie : Impossible . Jesse : Hm - hmm . Angie : [ Laughs ] You can come out now , wherever you are . Jesse : Not bad . Come on , Cassandra . Where are you ? You should be here by now . Pete : These yours ? Celia : Yeah . Thank you . Pete : Let me help you up . Celia : No it s ok . Pete : I m sorry . Celia : No . I m sorry . It s my fault . Pete : No , here . Let me help you up . Celia : Uh , my apple . mmm . I just ate an apple off the ground . You must think I am so weird . Pete : Actually apples are my new favorite fruit . Celia : I really have to go . Pete : What are you late for detention ? Celia : No , I m not a student . Pete : Oh , you just like plaid ? I mean it s definitely a good color on you . Celia : No , I m ... taking a gap year . I teach art history at my old high school . Pete : I took a gap year , too . Just lasted it a bit longer . Ended up dropping out of Stanford . Celia : Oh , so for good ? Pete : I started my own company in California . Celia : So , what are you doing in Pine Valley ? Pete : That s a good question . Celia : I really have to go . Thank you ... again . Pete : Hey ! What s your name ? Celia : Celia . Brooke : It s official . Are you sure about this ? Adam : You ran a national magazine with , um , great success . Who else would I choose ? Brooke : Well , is that the only reason that you chose me ? Adam : That , and I love you dearly . And I know you re the one person who would never betray me . Brooke : Never . AJ : Oh , you still tripping over Hunter ? Miranda : Oh , yes , he is such a-- AJ : Douche ? Miranda : Do you not get this ? He s the hottest guy in school , and he talked to me . AJ : He said , Hey . That s not exactly a conversation . Miranda : What is your problem ? Every girl in school freaks over him . AJ : You re not every girl in school . Miranda : What is that a dig ? AJ : He is a player . Miranda : Oh , and I am not cool enough ? AJ : You re gorgeous and smart , and talented , and you re -- He s not cool enough for you . Miranda : Is somebody jealous ? AJ : Get over yourself . Miranda : Oh , but did you see the way he smiled at me . AJ : I did nt notice . Miranda : I ll see you later . AJ : Whatever . David : You recognize me . You re right . I m that guy . Chandler Mansion , the shooting . That was me . Opal : That was some bit of air you took . Pete : Yeah , I took a drive by the old factory . Opal : Any particular reason ? Pete : There , uh , might be more potential than I thought . Opal : Wait a minute . Does that mean that maybe you wo nt be hopping on the next plane out of here ? Pete : I m going to stay a little bit longer . Opal : Ohh ! Pete : Just a few extra days , Mom-- that s all . Opal : Well , a few extra days , that s better than none . Pete : Right ? I just hope I get this kind of reception when I arrive at Cortlandt Electronics . Opal : Well , of course , you will . You re gon na get a hero s welcome , for sure . But now lets see . If you re only here a few days , we re gon na have to live large and savor every bit of it , every minute . Oh , well we can do some scrapbooking , oh you are going to love scrapbooking . Oh , and Tai Chi ! I do love me my Tai Chi ! I think you will , too . Oh , Petey . We re just gon na have the best time . Evelyn : You re late . Celia : Oh , I m sorry . I ll reschedule my tutoring session with my students . Evelyn : Yes . Yes . Yes , you will but before you do that , I d like you to explain this . Jesse : Hey , I m glad I caught you . I ve been calling Cassandra s cell , but I guess her battery died . How is the traffic ? You two almost here ? What do you mean she never showed up ? Where the hell is she ? David : I ve been behind bars for five years for what happened to you . But now I m back ... and there s gon na be hell to pay . ### Summary:
Dixie cries as she caresses a photo of her and Tad . Adam wakes Brooke up from a recurring nightmare involving the shooting by JR at their engagement party . AJ advises Brooke to just move on , but she is haunted by how much they lost that day . Adam asks her to marry him , and she accepts . Angie is happy when Jesse serves all her favorite foods for breakfast to make her feel better . She s sad that Lucy now lives in Portland and that Pine Valley lost part of its soul 5 years ago . After a few more kisses , Jesse urges Angie to get dressed for a surprise : Cassandra is coming from Paris . There s only one problem , she never arrived . At the hospital locker room , Cara recalls making passionate love to David until Griffin snaps her out of her reverie . In a hospital room , Griffin and Cara sadly stare at someone who s been there for the last five years . Griffin assures Cara that David will never find out , since he s behind bars for manslaughter . Now out of prison , David goes to a PV cemetery where he vows revenge . Miranda walks in on AJ playing air guitar naked . She s upset at the nasty comments she always gets about having two moms , but AJ promises to always defend her . At school , her crush on Hunter Morrison disturbs AJ . Looking at a picture of Palmer , Opal excitedly waits for her baby boy to come home . Meanwhile , Peter drives to Pine Valley while listening to Internet Killed the Video Star . Opal welcomes Pete with hugs and kisses then shows him her latest project , a scrapbook all about him : Silicon Valley s hottest young mogul . Her wish is for him to revive Cortlandt Electronics , but he advises her to let the company go . While out for some air , Pete sees a damsel in distress named Celia . He s impressed enough to stay in town a few extra days , which pleases Opal .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Cassie : All right . You can come out . I know you re there . Hello ? Police officer : Just doing my job . Cassie : Edgewater security . Danny Santos sent you , huh ? We re not going anywhere . So good night . Jeffrey : And image flies in front of me shadow dances of what used to be a burning feeling just from long ago now I wait for something to elevate my soul I believe , I believe in love and I believe in you and I believe that we can rise above , rise above and when we re in our darkest night I believe in love , love is light . Michelle : Saying good - bye to my baby also means saying good- bye to Danny . I just do nt know how I m going to do that . I just do nt know . Danny : So you have no listing under Michelle Bauer or Michelle Santos ? Okay . All right . Thank you . Thank you . Well , I ve tried every hotel . I do nt know where she is . Marina : Well I can tell you where she s not . I checked the airline , the train station , even the bus lines . Danny : I ca nt stand the fact that she s out there somewhere alone and she does nt even know that her baby is alive . Marina : I ca nt imagine what this would be like for her . Danny : The whole reason Michelle left town is because she thought she lost her baby . Now that we know the baby s ours ... I ve got to find her . This changes everything . Edmund : My lawyer will have me out of here in no time . You ll be sorry you ever met me . Police officer : Get inside or you ll wish you never met me . Edmund : I will have all of your badges ! Jeffrey ONeill framed me ! I m innocent ! Innocent ! Alan : Join the club . Jonathan : You are like an onion , Sandman . Every time I think I have you figured out , there s another layer . I found you . Tammy : Whoa , sorry , I was .... Ava : You re not dreaming . I m real . Sandy : Ava . Ava : Good . I m glad . I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me . Why are you looking so surprised ? Did you honestly think you could hide from me forever ? Sandy : No . How d you find me ? Ava : It was nt easy . It was nt , but it was important so just never gave up . Here you are . Sandy : I guess I always knew that .... Ava : Your past would catch up with you ? You were right . Here I am . Ava : You know , I heard about the accident . I was really surprised . You used to be so cautious , so meticulous . Sandy : I m not the same person anymore . Ava : People do nt change that much . Sandy : I ve tried . Ava : I m sure you have . Sandy : I ve traveled . I ve seen things , I ve done things . I ve been all over the world . Ava : Really ? Doing what ? Sandy : Searching . And I did nt even know what I was looking for until I found it . And it changed me . She changed me . Ava : She changed you ? Sandy : Ava , I ve found someone and she s my future . Ava : ( Laughs ) What makes you think you re entitled to one ? Sandy : All right ? You know what ? We can figure this thing out . Why do nt you just go home and I will contact you as soon as they release me , okay ? Ava : I m home . Sandy : Springfield ? Ava : Yeah , I ve been here for a while . I m surprised my boss did nt mention it to you . Sandy : Your boss ? Ava : Jonathan Randall . Tammy : What are you doing out here ? Jonathan : What else ? Lurking . Tammy : That s what I thought . What s that ? Jonathan : It s a fan mail from one of my customers at Outskirts . She wants my recipe for Sex on the Beach . Tammy : I have to go . Jonathan : What , are you going to feed Sandman ? When are they releasing him ? Tammy : Probably tomorrow . Jonathan : Is there somebody waiting for him back at his place ? Tammy : What do you care ? Jonathan : Is there a nurse or somebody to take care of him ? Tammy : Why do nt you ask what you want to know . Is Sandy coming home with me or are we still apart ? Jonathan : That s not what I was going to ask . Tammy : Sandy does nt need a nurse or anyone else . He has me . He needs me . And I need him , not ... Jonathan : Yeah . I guess it . Not me . Danny : ( Sighs ) You have not changed . You re the reason I have a daughter . Marina : , No I was nt ... Danny : Yes , you are . Marina , you are a major part of this baby s life and you always will be . Marina : Danny , I had a hunch , okay ? I went for it . Danny : You need a break . I m sorry . It s not fair for me to ask you to help me find Michelle . It s really not . Marina : You know what ? The sooner we find Michelle , the sooner we all know where we re going , okay ? Now , you know Michelle better than anyone . Where would she disappear to ? If you wanted to hide , where would you go ? Danny : There is one place . Alan : Bang , you re dead . Edmund : My God , Alan , you killed your son . I ve done nothing wrong , I do nt belong here . Alan : Neither do I but I m just here until they transfer me back to the hospital . Edmund : You mean back to the asylum for the criminally insane . Alan : Well at least I have an insanity defense . What s your excuse , Edmund ? Edmund : I m being persecuted by a man obsessed with Cassie . Jeffrey ONeill has filed false charged against me but my lawyer is going to take care of that and him ... Alan : Why do nt you tell me the name of your lawyer ? Edmund : Vincent Russo . He s good enough for you , he s good enough for me . Alan : ( Laughs ) Well , Edmund , perhaps you should rethink that choice . After all , look where we ended up . Edmund : Good point . All I tried to do , all I tried to do was give the woman I love the most she wants in all this world . Is that such a crime ? Alan : Why do nt you tell me what you did and maybe I ll be able to help you . Do nt you trust me ? Edmund : Why should I ? Alan : You should nt , anymore than I should trust you . But the charges are public record now so what have you got to lose , huh ? Edmund : Jeffrey ONeill . The problem is Jeffrey ONeill . Alan : I know . You keep saying that . Edmund : He s been fixated on Cassie for years , long before he came to Springfield . And he came determined to get rid of me . His sole purpose is to replace me . Now he has Cassie . He has the child that should be mine . Jeffrey : Trying to get her to sleep . Cassie : I think she likes your music . Do nt you ? Jeffrey : Well , she s a sucker for a love song , what can I say ? Cassie : Well , she is . Just like her ... I guess I ca nt say that anymore , huh ? I m not her mother . Jeffrey : Yes , you are . You fed her , you ve cared for her , you ve loved her . You are her mother . Cassie : Well , not for very much longer . I guess ... guess what I saw outside ? A guard . Jeffrey : What ? Cassie : I guess Danny was afraid that we were going to take off with her . Jeffrey : Oh , no . He s just ... he s just ... he s just trying to protect Hope from Edmund and , well , from me . Cassie : Part of me wants to , you know ? Part of me wants to take her away where no one knows who we are and no one knows she s not mine and no one will ask us any questions . Jeffrey : We could , you know . We could just go . Cassie : What ? Jeffrey : Yeah , sure . We could just skip out the back and we d be miles away before anyone even knew . Cassie : Are you serious ? Jeffrey : Who cares about DNA ? Who cares about who Hope is ? What we need to care about is what s best for her and what s best for us . Tammy : It does nt matter what I ... what we ... Jonathan : What we feel ? What we need ? What we want ? Look , damn it , Tammy , do you really think you re doing Sandy a favor by being so freaking noble ? Tammy : I am not being noble ! Jonathan : What are you doing , then ? Are you following your heart ? Come on , you ca nt look me in the eyes and tell me that you are , can you ? Tammy : Then I wo nt look at you . Jonathan : You do nt belong with Sandy . Tammy : I love him . Sandy : No , you love him like a friend . You love him like you love a loyal watchdog . You love him like a mother , like a brother . Tammy : You do nt know what my relationship with Sandy is like . Do nt pretend that you do . Jonathan : This is nuts . You ca nt pretend I do nt exist . Tammy : Watch me . Jonathan : This is a small town . We re going to run into each other . Tammy : All right . Then let s establish some rules . Jonathan : Rules ? Oh , right . Like when we say hi it wo nt really mean that I want you ? Like when we ask how s the weather it wo nt really mean that I am dying to be with you ? Like when we bump into each other , it absolutely wo nt mean that I ... Tammy : It does nt have to mean anything , all right ? We can adjust . I do nt care how hard it is . We can be casual . We can just be two people ... Jonathan : Who want to be together . Tammy : No . Jonathan : Who think about each other all the time . Tammy : No ! Jonathan : Who ca nt admit how they feel because if they do ... Tammy : I can handle it , okay ? It s not a problem for me , okay ? I can learn to live in a world with you in it . Jonathan : Yeah . Damn straight , because I m not going anywhere . Cassie : You d take Hope and you d run away with me ? Jeffrey : Sure I would . But there s Tammy to consider , and R.J. and ... well , you love your family and they re all here , are nt they ? Cassie : But you just said ... Jeffrey : I know what I said . I do nt want to lose Hope . But maybe we do nt have to choose between surrendering and running . Cassie : What are you talking about ? Jeffrey : Well , you know , before I was singing love songs to kids and changing their diapers I was actually a hell of a lawyer . We fought Danny before , you know what the result was . Cassie : So you re saying that um ... Jeffrey : It could get ugly , but losing Hope would be a lot uglier , would nt it ? Cassie : I feel like a prisoner in my own home . Can we get out of here for a little while ? Alan : You know , I ve been in your shoes before , Edmund . You re damned if you do , you re damned if you do nt . But I always say do . Edmund : I d do anything for Cassie . Alan : And I would do anything for the people I love . You know , most men are like sheep , they re followers . But you and I , we re rare . We re like the lion . Edmund : This is the jungle ? Alan : We re toughest on the ones we love the most , guiding them back home when they go astray . And sometimes we even have to bear our claws . Edmund : Oh , my God , is that it ? Is that what happened ? Phillip was out of control , he kidnapped his children and so you had to ... that s what happened , is nt it ? Alan : I would never have hurt my son . Edmund : Well , I would never hurt my daughter . I had no idea what love was until I had a child . Alan : Technically she is nt yours . But then again , Phillip is nt my flesh and blood , either . Edmund : Then you understand . You ll help me get out of here ? Rick : Where s my microscope when I need one ? I have nt seen two creatures without one heart since I studied amoebas in high school . Alan : I m nothing like him ! He d take a stick out of a lollypop and stab a child the heart ! ( Cell phone rings ) Rick : Hello ? Danny : It s Danny . Have you heard from Michelle ? Any chance she could be a the cabin ? Rick : I never thought about that . Michelle always loved going up to the cabin . Danny , it s worth a shot . Do you know how to get up there ? It s very simple . Okay , just please give me a call if you hear anything , okay ? All right . Thanks . Could you help escort Mr. Spaulding to my new examination room . Alan : Listen to me , Edmund ... Edmund : I thought you were on my side . Alan : I am on your side . Michelle is going to the Bauer cabin . Now , Danny will get there first . Danny : We ve tried everything we can think of . I think we should go check out the Bauer cabin . Marina : I m not going . Danny : Why ? Marina : You are right , Danny . This is one trip you re going to have to take alone . Sandy : Stay away from Jonathan . He s a user . Ava : He s been awfully nice to me . Sandy : Well do nt give him any information . Ava : Stop it , Xander . Sandy : Do nt call me that . Ava : Jonathan never asks about me , not where I came from , why I m in Springfield , nothing . He does nt care . Sandy : Consider yourself lucky . Know he is no good . Ava : He would say the same thing about you . Tammy : Okay , Mr. Foster , no more gelatin or canned food , I ve got burgers , I ve got french fries . Ava , what are you doing here ? Sandy : So you two know each other ? Ava : Not well . We officially met on the roof . Tammy : You never told me that you knew Sandy . Ava : Are you going to tell her or should I ? Tammy : Tell me what ? Ava : I was walking down the hall in the hospital and I saw this gorgeous guy and he was looking at magazines , so I just sort of popped my head in to give him a hand and he told me about the accident . Man , he s lucky that he did nt die . You must be feeling really lucky . Sandy : Lucky . Ava : He does nt look anything like the picture , either . This is your boyfriend , is nt it ? Tammy : Right . Ava : He s definitely a keeper . Tammy : Yeah . He is . Ava : Well , I guess I better fly out of here . When you get released , stop into Outskirts . The first round of drinks is on me . Tammy : Well , she seems nice . Sandy : ( Sighs ) Tammy : Are you okay ? Sandy : Great . Tammy : You look a little pale . You know , you should nt go home tomorrow if you re not ... Sandy : No , I m fine . I m going home . I have to get out of here . Tammy : All right . I do nt think you should be alone . I think you should check into the Beacon . Sandy : Waste of money . Tammy : My mom owns the place , it s not going to cost you a thing . Besides , I already reserved you a room . Sandy : You reserved a free room for me ? Tammy : Kind of . It s mine . Jonathan : Who are you , Sandman ? Who what are you hiding ? They all think you walk on water , but when I find out what you did I m going to bury you . Ava : What are you looking at ? Marina : I have to go to work , Danny , and I ca nt be late . So I ll tell you what , I ll check the database at the station and I ll see if I can find anything . Danny : That s not what this is about . It s okay . I do nt blame you for not wanting to be there when I tell Michelle about the baby . Marina : Okay . You re right . I m only so tough , Danny . And I m only so willing to share you . And when you tell her the good news and she throws her arms around you ... Danny : Hey ... I hate that this is so complicated . I really , really do . Marina : I know . I love you . Rick : Come on , Alan , let s go . I think it s time to have you cryogenically frozen . You re one in a million . Let s go . Alan : Rick , I m sorry , man . I have not been feeling well today Rick . Rick : Alan , please , last time I checked your blood pressure was better than mine . In fact , your vitals were so good the last time you did this ... Alan : My chest is hurting , it really is . Rick : Where ? Alan : Help me up . Oh ... Rick : You re having a panic attack . Alan : No . Rick : Yes , you are . Alan : My heart s pounding out of my chest . Rick : It s not your heart , it s your head . Danny : Okay . So I wo nt be gone long . Hopefully I ll find Michelle at the cabin , tell her about the baby . I ll call you and we ll meet up at home , okay ? Marina : Okay . Danny : I love you . ( Cell phone rings ) Hello ? Edmund : ( With southern accent ) Hi , this is Matthew at the Beacon , I m hoping I have the right number . Is this Mr. Santos ? Danny : Yes , who is this again ? Edmund : Matthew at the Beacon . Look , we have ourselves a pitiful situation here , Mr. Santos . There s this beautiful pretty thing she is in room 444 . She s ... she s just crying her eyes out , has been for a while . She s calling for you . Danny : Is her name Michelle ? Edmund : Michelle , yeah , that s it . Danny : I ll be over there . Do nt let her leave . Thank you . Danny : Michelle s at the Beacon . Marina : Good luck . Let me know how it goes . Danny : I will . I ll be back soon , okay ? Alan : Look , it s all right , Rick . I know it was nt a panic attack but part of me is ready to die . I ve been misunderstood my entire life . Rick : Do nt talk . You re giving me a splitting headache . Edmund : Hotel security , please . Hello , I do nt mean to alarm you but I believe you may have a serious problem . Danny : What s going on ? Cassie : We got away from your guard , sorry . Danny : Cassie , I did what I felt I needed to do . Cassie : Well , you do nt have to worry . Hope s not going anywhere . She s going to be here with her family . Jeffrey : She s asleep . Danny : Really ? I ll be right back . Cassie : Where s he going ? Marina : He had to go take care of some business . Cassie : What kind of business ? Jeffrey : Marina ? Marina : He ... he found Michelle . He s going to go tell her , Cassie . He s going to go tell her that Hope s her child . Danny : Michelle , the front desk called me . They said you were upset and wanted to see me . I need to talk to you . Michelle ? Come on , I have to talk to you . It s extremely urgent . All right , Michelle , Michelle , open up this door . Open . I m going to come in here , Michelle . I m going to open up . Michelle ? Michelle , why did nt you open ... Woman : No , no , get away ! Help ! Danny : I m sorry . Woman : Somebody , help ! Help ! Danny : I made a mistake , I m in the wrong room . I m leaving . Woman : He s a pervert . Danny : This is a huge mistake . Man : You got that right . Jeffrey : Where s Michelle ? Marina : Does it matter ? She s in town and he went to get her . ( Cell phone rings ) hello ? Yes , this is Cooper . I will be right there . It s dispatch . I ve got to go . Listen , Cassie , I m ... I ca nt even imagine what you re going through right now , but I wish that it could be different for all of us . Got ta go . Cassie : It s only a matter of time , you know . Danny s going to tell Michelle about Hope and they re going to come take her . I ca nt believe this is happening . I ca nt believe I m going to lose her . Jeffrey : Cassie , let me ask you a question . Do you believe that Danny and Michelle should raise this child ? Cassie : They re her parents . Jeffrey : That s ... that s not the question . Cassie : Okay . I think they re amazing with Robbie . On the other hand , I m a very good mother to Hope . I m the only mother she knows and I love her . Jeffrey : You know , I admire the fact that you do nt want to bad - mouth Danny and Michelle but you re still not answering the question . Do you think that Danny and Michelle can provide a stable environment , a loving home for Hope ? Cassie : Yes , of course they can . Jeffrey : Well , what about ... what about Danny ? You know that the organized crime unit has to keep tabs on Danny , right ? That every time there s a serious crime committed in Springfield , they have to verify his whereabouts . Cassie : What are you asking me , Jeffrey ? Jeffrey : What am I asking you ? I m asking you do you think there is any chance that Danny would ever return to a life of crime ? Sure , he s Mr. Nice guy now , Mr. Respectable Citizen , but what if he has a relapse ? What if he does go back ? Cassie : Stop ! Stop it . Danny s a good guy and we both know that . Jeffrey : Okay . What about Michelle ? Cassie : ( Sighs ) Jeffrey : Just a little while ago Michelle did nt even know who she was . She was engaged to Tony Santos . What happened to him ? Cassie : He died in an accident . Jeffrey : An accident ? We re not too sure it was an accident , are we ? And we re not sure Michelle is 100 % herself yet , either . Cassie , she did nt even know who the father of her baby was . Cassie : She s wonderful with Robbie . Jeffrey : Cassie , we re talking about Hope and what s best for Hope . Hope , who has been with you from the day she was born . Hope , who knows only you as her mother . So how is Hope going to feel ? How is hope going to react when she s taken from your arms ? Will she recover ? Will she be all right ? Cassie : I do nt know . I do nt know . Jeffrey : Well , that s why we re fighting . Because Hope needs you . Hope needs you as much as you need her . Edmund : Look , I have to get out of here . Every second counts ! There s a child s life at stake . Police officer : Stop crying , your bail has been posted . Edmund : My bail ... that s not possible . It was a sizable sum of money . There s no way my lawyer would come up with it on such short notice . Officer : He did nt . Edmund : Well , then who did ? Alan : Surprise . Sandy : It s a nice offer ... Tammy : I know you re mad at me . Sandy : It s not a good idea . Tammy : I know , it s a great idea . Sandy : Are those onion rings I smell ? Tammy : And extra fries . Sandy : Chocolate shake ? Tammy : Uh - huh . It s all in here and it s all yours as soon as say you ll stay with me . Sandy : Tammy ... Tammy : Sandy , do you remember the girl that you saved at the docks ? The one you pulled out of the water when Jonathan came to town and ... do you remember her ? Sandy : Of course I do . Tammy : I d never been more low in my entire life . I was scared and confused . But you took care of me and made me feel so safe . Let me do the same thing for you Sandy . Please . Ava : What are you doing ? Jonathan : Nothing . It s my shopping list . Ava : Oh . That s actually kind of weird that you re here . I was talking to you about one of your friends . Jonathan : What did Tammy say to about me ? Ava : It was nt Tammy . I was at the hospital and I ran into Sandy . Sandy what s his name ? Jonathan : Uh - huh . Ava : What s with the look ? He seemed nice to me ? Jonathan : Nice ? Ava : Yeah . Jonathan : It s not a great cover but it seems to work for him . Ava : Cover for what ? Jonathan : Look , stay away from him . That guy s like heroin , he sucks you in and gets you hooked and Tammy is like his little shadow . Ava : She was with him at the hospital . Jonathan : If I could open her eyes and make her see him the way I do . Ava : Have you tried ? Jonathan : It s no use . Ava : If you give it a shot I think you could ... Jonathan : It s no use . Look , I m not just fighting against Sandy . It s Tammy s guilt and I know that she wants to be with me but there s nothing I can do about that . Ava : There is something you can do about it . You need to keep him away from her ! Tammy : So you ll come home with me ? Sandy : Tammy , it does nt mean ... Tammy : I know it does nt . We ll take things one step at a time . Sandy : Okay . Tammy : Really ? Sandy : Yeah , yeah . I ve got to get out of here . The food s terrible . You never know what they re going to do to you in the middle of the night . Tammy : Same risk at my place . Sandy : Whoa ! Tammy ! Tammy : I ll go find a doctor and see if I ca nt spring you out of here a little early tomorrow . Finish those couple of fries . Sandy : Tammy , promise me something ? Tammy : Anything . Sandy : Stay away from Outskirts for awhile . Tammy : Do nt worry , I m not going anywhere near Jonathan . Sandy : It s not just him . It s the girl that was here a little while . Tammy : Ava , she seems so sweet . Sandy : Just stay away . Tammy : Okay . See you at 5 : 00 ? Sandy : Make it 4 : 00 . Tammy : I knew those french fries were a way to your heart . Sandy : Fallon , Sandy here . Ava s in town . I think you need to have a talk with her . Jonathan : What s the deal with you and Sandy ? Ava : You know what ? I told you , I just met him today . Jonathan : Why are you all about me keeping Tammy away from him , huh ? Ava : It s just that I ve been hurt before and I do nt want the same thing to happen to Tammy . Jonathan : How are you so sure that he d hurt her ? Ava : Well , you are , are nt you ? Jonathan : I asked you . Ava : ( Sighs ) You know , I do nt know what it was but when I saw them at the hospital today there was just about it , something that was nt right . Jonathan : You feel it , too ? Ava : Yeah , I do . And you know what ? You re right . It s like he s pretending to be something that he s not . Jonathan : Yeah ! Ava : Like he s too good or something . And if you care about Tammy , you ll protect her the same way you did with me . Jonathan : Before what ? Ava : Before something bad happens . Jonathan : Yeah , but how do you go against a guy who s about to leave the hospital in a wheelchair and every mother and golden retriever in town loves him ? Ava : Hmm , maybe you find out what he s hiding . Jeffrey : I did nt say what I said about Danny and Michelle to upset you . Cassie : I know that . I know you love Hope as much as I do . Jeffrey : I love both of you and I m going to do whatever it takes to keep both of you together . Legal or otherwise . Cassie : You sound like Edmund . Jeffrey : Well , I m not Edmund . Cassie : I know . Come on , Jeffrey . Let s say I do what you re suggesting and I ... I go to court and I win and I get Hope . What do I say to her when she grows up and she asks me why she was nt raised by her biological parents ? What do I say ? That I took her from them ? What kind of mother does that make he ? Jeffrey : Well , if you do nt fight for her you ll never know the answer to that . Danny : Hold on . Hold on . Just let me explain . My name is Danny Santos , I live here in the hotel . I got a call from the front desk that my ex - wife Michelle Bauer was in this room . I came to the room , she was upset and wanted to see me , she did nt answer the door so yes I force my way in and I made a huge mistake . I m sorry I upset you . Call the front desk . Call the front desk and ask him if he called me . ( Sighs ) I m sorry . Security : Did you call someone name Danny Santos about a Michelle Bauer or Santos ? That s what I figured . Danny : What ? Are you kidding me ? Oh , my God . I ve got to get out of here . I ve got to get out of here . Somebody has got my ex - wife . I ve got to find her . Marina : Hold it . Police . Edmund : Thank you . You re the last person in the world I expected to bail me out . Rick : If I ever had doubts you were insane , Alan , this seals the deal . Alan : Nonsense , Rick . Edmund is tormented by the love of a good woman . Edmund : How well you understand . Rick : And I m getting nauseous . Edmund : I suppose this is good - bye . Alan , chin up , in no time you ll be out of here for good behavior . Alan : Forget about that . I expect you to help me , I help you . You understand ? Edmund : When I take care of Michelle , I ll be at your disposal . This is it . Parting is such sweet sorrow . Rick : You two need to tie the knot . Really , very cute together . Edmund : So long , boys . Alan : So long . Rick : Boy , he seems awfully chipper for a guy who s lost everything . Alan : You know what they say . Rick : What do they say , Alan ? Alan : There s nothing so dangerous as a man with nothing to lose . Edmund : Lovely night for a drive . I ll go out to the cabin . Maybe my good friend Michelle is there . Michelle : I told everyone that I wanted to disappear , to be alone . But I lied . Oh , Danny , if I could wish on a star , if I could make it come true , all I d want is you . I just want you , Danny . Announcer : Next on Guiding Light ... Harley : I just wish there was one person in that company that I knew I could trust . Beth : And then when the real numbers come out , she s charged with inflating profits . Alan : Mrs. Spaulding , why do nt you go and help our little CEO along . Dinah : You let him go . You re a complete idiot . Why would you let Edmund back on the street ? Edmund : Michelle , what a pleasant surprise . Are you up here all alone ? ### Summary:
Tammy tells Jonathan that she can live without him . Ava tells Sandy that she found him and tells him she is making a life in Springfield and working with Jonathan . Tammy finds Ava in Sandy s hospital room but Ava covers but later tells Jonathan that he has to get Tammy away from Sandy . Tammy talks Sandy into moving in with her when he gets out of the hospital . Sandy calls Fallon and tells him he needs to go and have a talk with Ava . Danny has a security guard posted at Cassie s house and Jeffrey suggests that they do run off . He changes his mind later because of Cassie s family and says that they should just fight for custody . Edmund and Alan bond in a jail cell and Alan later bails Edmund out and tells him that Michelle may be at the Bauer cabin . Danny looks for Michelle and after an anonymous tip from Edmund goes to the Beacon and barges in on an unsuspecting stranger and is detained .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Walker : Hi , Starr . Starr : Mom , I want him out . Bo : We re talking about when is the best time to let Matthew know that I m his dad . Gabrielle : You re not going to wait on that ? Keri : I want you back . I want us back . Jessica : You did love her once . I mean , you have a baby together . I was just leaving . Antonio : Jessica -- Keri : I meant what I said . I still love you , Antonio , and I want us to try again . I just hope it s not too late . Antonio : I ca nt talk about this right now , Keri . Keri : Why ? Because of Jessica Buchanan ? You two have gotten close ? Antonio : Look , I ran into Jessica a few times right after I thought you were -- right after you let me believe that you and the baby were dead . She s been a real friend . Keri : Just friends ? Antonio : You do nt have the right to ask me that anymore . Keri : Okay . Maybe you had a chance to think about what I asked you the other night . We have a little girl , Antonio . Do nt you think she deserves a chance to have a family ? Cristian : So what did you say ? Antonio : I told her it was late and I did nt feel like getting into it again . Cristian : Look , Antonio , do nt take this the wrong way because , you know , I m glad that Keri and the baby are alive , of course . But are you supposed to just forget what she did to you ? Antonio : She told me she still loves me . Cristian : And do you love her ? Antonio : She wants us to be a family . Cristian : What about you ? What do you want ? Keri : All Antonio needs is some time , and that is the least thing I can do for him after everything that I put him through -- R.J. : You did what you needed to do to protect your daughter . You did nt do anything wrong . Have you forgotten why you were leaving Llanview in the first place ? Keri : No , I have nt . R.J. : No , right , because this boy right away sleeps with your mother then he lies for months while we all plan some wedding . Keri : R.J. , I mean it . Stop . I know you re just trying to be on my side here , but it s not helping me . I -- R.J. : I am on your side . Keri : Then why ca nt we all just admit that we all made mistakes ? I want the father of my child to be in her life . And I want the three of us to have a life together . R.J. : Keri , this family portrait you re painting in your mind -- exactly where do you have Jessica Buchanan standing ? Natalie : Hey . Sorry . How you doing ? So , you ve been up for a while . You read the paper yet ? Jessica : Yeah , I was just looking at -- Natalie : Mitch Laurence charged with multiple homicides . Jess , oh , my God . Jessica : Mark Solomon and Brian Edmunson . Natalie : They worked for Mitch ? Jessica : But now they re both dead , and it s -- it s because of me . Nora : Thank you very much for changing your mind and agreeing to testify against Mitch Laurence . Yeah , okay . Just a minute , Sweetie . We ll go . Blair : Well , I ll just do what I can do . You just make sure that freak -- just make sure that you put him away for good , forever , please . Nora : Okay . Matthew : Can we go , Mom ? Nora : Yeah , we -- we can go . I got a meeting with Bo , anyway . He hates going to these meetings with me , but his nanny s got a dental appointment , so -- Blair : Well , Matthew , you re welcome to stay here and play with Starr if you like . Matthew : Can we , Mom ? Nora : Hold on there , Tiger . I -- you sure you do nt mind ? Blair : Oh , it s fine . She s upstairs in her room . Go ahead . Nora : Hey , hey , hey , hey . Do nt forget your manners . Please , Thank you . Behave yourself . Matthew : I will . Nora : Okay . Bye . Matthew : Bye . Nora : Thank you . I ll -- I ll pick him up at 12 : 30 ? Blair : Sure . Just go and just make sure that you do nt let that animal out of his cage . Nora : Oh , do nt worry . Blair : Oh , but , Nora , I do worry . I do nt think I m going to be able to sleep a wink until we know that Mitch is gone for good . Jessica : I stole Mark s cell phone to call mom . And if I had nt have done that , he d still be alive . Natalie : Maybe . Or maybe Mitch would have killed them over some spilled wine . Either way , they chose to work for him . I mean , did nt it occur to them that they were working for a homicidal maniac ? Jessica : Brian knew . He -- he knew what kind of man Mitch was , but he helped me anyway . Natalie : Hey , why do nt I make you some tea ? Want some ? Jessica : Yeah , but , you know , I ll make it . Oh -- do you want some ? Natalie : No , thanks . Walker : It s quite a proposal . Dorian : Does that mean yes ? Walker : Means I m really interested . Dorian : Oh , now , I sense a lingering doubt . Why is that ? I think that you are a man who can definitely rise to a challenge . Walker : I like to think so . Dorian : Everything you need you were born with . As for the rest , with my experience , I ll teach you . Blair : Excuse me . What s going on here ? Natalie : Jess ? Oh , my God . Jessica : I m sorry . It was an accident . Natalie : What happened , Honey ? Jessica : I do nt know . I saw him . I saw Mitch . Natalie : Mitch ? In the mirror ? Jessica : So I -- so I picked this up and I grabbed it . Natalie : Okay , okay . All right , why do nt we just get out of this mess here , okay ? Natalie : Do nt worry . I m right here , okay ? Bo : Hey , Natalie . Natalie : Hi . Bo : How s your sister ? What happened ? Natalie : She thought she saw Mitch in the mirror . Bo : Ah , Jess . Come on . You okay ? You think maybe I could have a little one - on- one time ? Natalie : Yeah , I have to meet Cristian . Bo : I ll take good care of your sister , do nt worry . Natalie : Jess ? Honey , I m going to go out for a little while , okay ? Jessica : Yeah , okay . Natalie : All right . If you need me , just call my cell , okay ? Jessica : Okay . Natalie : I ll be home soon . Okay ? Jessica : Okay . Bo : Sit down . You know , maybe we ought to call your dad . No , I just -- I spoke to Clint just a while ago , and he s waiting for you to call . Jessica : Yeah -- Dad -- I should call him . Bo : Yeah , I ll get him on the phone . Jessica : No , wait . I do nt know what to say . Bo : Oh , Hhoney . Listen , you do nt have to say anything . You just have to know that if you ever need him , he s always going to be there for you . The same thing goes for me , too . We re your family . We really -- we love you . So we re always going to be here for you , anytime , day or night . Jessica : Okay . Thank you . Bo : You have to know that I think this is the time when you should just lean on the people that really care about you . Okay ? Antonio : It was Jessica who kept telling me -- who kept telling me not to give up on Keri . Cristian : Yeah , but Keri did take your little girl away from you . Do you think you can forgive her for that ? Antonio : I do nt know . I do nt know , but I want Jamie to have both parents . Cristian : It might not be that easy . Antonio : Maybe it is . Cristian : That s not what you said to me when I was going to marry Jen because she -- Antonio : Yeah , well , you were in love with someone else . Cristian : What about you ? You know , Antonio , you were right , man , when you told me not to marry someone out of guilt . I almost lost the person I really love . Antonio : Yeah , well , that s not going to happen . Cristian : Okay , so what are you going to do ? Antonio : I do nt know . I do nt know , Cris , because I do nt know what I want . R.J. : Everyone has seen them together , Antonio and Jessica . They ve been to Capricorn more than once . Keri : So they spent some time together . R.J. : Keri , you are much too intelligent a woman to live in that fantasy . The boy has moved on . Keri : I ll wait to see what Antonio has to say . R.J. : And while you wait , he could be out meeting with a lawyer to try to fight you for custody . Keri : He s not going to take our baby away , R.J. R.J. : Do you believe that ? Do you want to risk it ? Keri , cut him out of your life now while you have the time . Nora : You do nt quit , do you , R.J. ? You just ca nt leave her alone . Stop pestering her . R.J. : Nora , stay out of it . Nora : Oh , that s too late . I m in it . Dorian : Blair , good . You can help me convince our friend Walker to accept my proposition . Walker : Your aunt has offered me a job as a reporter at The Sun . Blair : What ? What do you think you re doing , Dorian ? Dorian : Making a very sound business decision . Walker is quite capable -- yes -- and he s worked on a weekly . Blair : Look , I am so sorry that my aunt misled you , but she could nt offer you a discount subscription to The Sun , much less a job . My ex - husband owns that paper . Dorian : Blair , it s really not healthy for you to keep pretending this way . As difficult as it may be , you have got to accept the fact that Todd is nt coming back . Blair : We do nt know that for sure , Dorian . Dorian : Nonetheless , there is a paper that needs to be run , and he s got wonderful journalistic credentials . And , what , with my experience running a tabloid , I would nt offer him the job if I did nt think he was a quick study . Blair : Okay , time - out here . You think you and Walker can just waltz into The Sun and run the paper and no one s going to call security , hmm ? Dorian : Why would they ? Blair : Because you do nt have the authority to tell people what to do , Dorian . That s why . Dorian : But you do . Blair : Oh -- Dorian : Hey ! We ll work together as a team . It s your paper . Blair : Oh , you think so ? Dorian : I know so , and I ll show you why . Blair : So , did you make your statement to the police ? It must have been really hard to testify against your own brother , I mean , after everything . Walker : Well , maybe he ll get the help he finally needs in prison . It was Jessica who suffered the most . I wonder how she s holding up . Starr : I hate him . Oh , he is so creepy . My mom said that he was living at The Palace . Come on , we ve got work to do . Blair : That s Todd s will . Where did you get that ? Dorian : Really , that s not the point . The point is located right here on page seven , paragraph four , regarding ownership of The Sun . Blair : Yeah , all right . It says right here that Starr gets it . Dorian : Mm - hmm . And you are Starr s legal guardian of all of her assets until she s 25 . Case closed . I nearly danced for joy . Blair : Okay , yeah , yeah . And did you read the second paragraph here ? Dorian : No . Why ? Blair : Well , it s named someone else as co - trustee of The Sun , and it is nt you , Dorian . Dorian : Viki . Antonio : I just came by to see Jessica . Bo : Yeah , me , too . I was just on my way out . Antonio : Oh , all right . So I guess I ll see you later , then . Bo : Well , I did want to talk to you . I was going to call you . I hate to do this here , but you re going to have to attend mandatory counseling . Antonio : Counseling ? Why ? Bo : Well , it s my call . Antonio , you ve been under a lot of stress lately . Antonio : Commissioner , I m fine . Bo : Look , if I had nt pulled you off Mitch Laurence , you would have beat him to death . Antonio : Yeah -- all right , look , maybe I got a little rough with him , okay , but he had it coming . You know that as well as anyone . With all due respect , Sir , I think counseling would be a total waste of time . Bo : Yeah , but , see , this is not negotiable . You have to be at Rae Cummings office this afternoon , her office at the hospital . Antonio : What if I forget to show up ? Bo : I guess you could always just turn in your badge . Antonio : Anything else ? Bo : Yeah . Jess is having a tough time right now , so , you know , just watch yourself . Antonio : Yeah . Yeah , I ll try to keep it under control . Antonio : Jessica ? How are you ? Jessica : Oh , Antonio , you ca nt be here right now . Antonio : Why not ? Jessica : Please . I mean , I appreciate all that -- for checking in on me and all that you ve done for me , but -- Antonio : But I have nt done anything -- Jessica : You risked your life for me . You saved me from Mitch . I do nt even know how to begin to thank you for that . Antonio : Jessica -- Jessica : Please , Antonio . The important thing is , is that Keri s alive and you have a baby now , so -- Antonio : That has nothing to do with you -- Jessica : Please , you have to go . I ca nt ruin anybody else s life . Please . Antonio : Well , you have nt done that . What are you talking about ? Jessica : Please , you have to go . Antonio : Jessica -- Jessica : Please . R.J. : Nora , we are in the middle of something here . Nora : No , you re in the middle of something . You re in the middle of Keri s life . She and Antonio are adults . They have a child now . R.J. : I am very well aware of that . Nora : Whatever they decide to do with their relationship is really between them . Keri : Thank you , Nora . Nora : Do nt mention it . R.J. : Oh , yeah , thank you , Nora , for setting me straight . Nora : Oh , my God . It s like banging your head against a brick wall with him , is nt it ? R.J. : You ca nt stay , can you ? Nora : See you later , though . R.J. : Bye . Bo : Hi . Nora : Hi . Bo : Sorry I m late . I stopped by to see Jess . Nora : Oh , gosh . Is she still -- oh , do nt worry , Bo , she ll pull out of it . In the meantime , I ve got some good news . I ve got people lined up around the block willing to testify against Mitch Laurence . Bo : You better get the lead out and get that trial going because he swears that cell wo nt hold him . Nora : He s still delusional , I see . Well , I m going to have a psychiatrist examine him . I m sure the defense is going to ask for a competency hearing . Bo : Oh , the guy s a nut , but I m not going to underestimate him . Keri : I ve got to get going . I got to check on Jamie . Keri : Hello ? Oh , hi . I was just on my way over to -- she s what ? Okay , do nt move . I ll be right there . R.J. : What s wrong ? Keri : The baby -- she s got a fever of 104 . Starr : Oh . Hi , Dr. Troy . Troy : Starr , Matthew . Matthew : Hi , Dr. Troy . Troy : Well , what are you doing here ? You re not sick , are you ? Starr : No . Troy : Well , then how come I do nt see anybody s mother ? Starr : Well , we took a cab . Troy : You -- you took a cab ? Starr : Yeah . Listen , Dr. Troy , I really need your help . My mom s hanging out with this guy named Walker . I hate him . He s really creepy . Troy : Yeah , well , I wish I could argue with you there . Starr : Well , you have to talk to her . Troy : I tried , Starr . Starr : What did she say ? Troy : Well , I m sorry , Honey , but I do nt think your mother s much interested in listening to what I have to say right now . Starr : She still likes you , does nt she ? Troy : I do nt think your mom wants to see me much anymore . Starr : That s dumb . You re the best . Matthew : I m hungry . Starr : Well , I guess we d better get going . Troy : Yeah . Starr : Could you drive us home ? Troy : Oh , Sweetheart , actually , I ca nt . I have to stay at work . Starr : Then I guess you re going to have to call my mom to come pick us up . Troy : Oh , you just do nt give up , do you ? Think you re so smart . You guys wait right here . Dorian : Viki , Viki , Viki ! When is that woman going to stay out of my life ? Blair : Just calm down . I m sure Viki has no interest in running The Sun . Dorian : Oh , please . That woman would love to head up a media empire -- Dorian : Right here in Llanview . Blair : Hello ? Troy : Hey , Blair , it s Troy . Blair : Hello . Troy : Look , I m sorry to bother you , but I just wanted to let you know that Starr showed up here at the hospital with Matthew Rappaport . Blair : Oh , my God . Troy : Well , no , no , do nt worry . They re fine , okay ? They came over here in a taxi . I think Starr just wanted to see me . Blair : I ll be right there . When Hedy gets back with Jack , tell her I ll be right back . Walker : Is everything okay ? Blair : Yeah , Starr is at the hospital , and she took Nora s little boy with her . Dorian : Are they all right ? Blair : They will be until I get there . Walker : I do nt follow . Dorian : It s just our little Starr is just a bit too independent for her own good . Walker : Oh . Hmm . So I ve noticed . Dorian : Yeah . You ve noticed a lot of things around here , and that s why I wanted you to work with me on The Sun . Walker : About that , Dorian -- it was an incredible offer . Dorian : Was ? Walker : Thanks anyway . Dorian : Was ? Was ? No , no , you are going to take that job . Walker : What are you going to do ? Dorian : I m going to have a little chat with Victoria Davidson . You just let me handle everything . Walker : I will . Dorian : I ll call you later . Walker : After you . Dorian : Uh - huh . Bye - bye . Blair : Starr Manning , you ca nt even begin to know how much trouble you are in , young lady . Matthew , Sweetie , are you all right ? Matthew : I m hungry . Blair : Well , you know what ? We ll get you a snack , okay ? Starr : Ice cream ? Blair : Fruit . Starr , it is bad enough that you run around here , but to take Matthew with you ? Now , do nt roll your eyes at me . Now , what if he had been hurt , huh ? Do you want to be the one to tell Nora about it , hmm ? Do you ? Starr : No . Blair : I did nt think so because we both know how she is . I m sorry , Matthew . Oh , Dr. Troy -- Troy : Here you go . Blair : Starr will not be bothering you at the hospital anymore . She promises . Is nt that right , Starr ? Troy : No , do nt -- do nt worry about it . It s good to see them . It s good to see you , too , Blair . Blair : Thank you . Troy : Right . Well , I better get back to work . Starr : Wait . Dr. Troy , maybe you can have lunch over at our house . Troy : Uh -- Blair : Starr , look , I really have a lot to do today . I do . Troy : Yeah , no , I -- I have a lot of patients I got to take care of anyway . But we ll see you another time . Bye , Matthew . Matthew : Bye , dr . Troy . Troy : Bye , Starr . Starr : Bye , Dr. Troy . Blair : Well , Matthew , I guess we better call your mama . Rae : Antonio , I realize this is the last place you would like to be right now . Antonio : Oh , whatever gave you that idea ? Rae : Well , since you have no choice in this , why do nt we try and make use of our time ? All right , then . Hey , we can sit here for 50 minutes silent . I get paid the same . But until you start talking , we are going to remain silent partners . Maybe one , maybe two days a week if I think that s necessary and for as long as I think it s necessary . Antonio : What do you want me to say ? Rae : Why do nt you start by telling me what happened when you arrested Mitch Laurence . Antonio : He resisted arrest , and he had to be restrained . Rae : And ? Antonio : And he was taken into custody . Rae : Well , only 47 minutes to go . Dorian : Hello , Jessica . I need to see your mother . Jessica : Um -- she s not here . She went to go visit Ben at the hospital . Dorian : Fine . I ll leave her a note , then . My goodness . What in the world happened here ? Come , my dear . Dorian : Look , I know that Mitch has dragged you through a living hell , and I m not going to minimize what he s done to you , but , really , you ca nt give in this way . Jessica : What way ? Dorian : Take it from me . I saw my two sisters driven over the edge by my mother , who was completely insane . She terrorized the three of us throughout our childhoods . My sisters , Melinda and Addie , have spent most of their lives in mental hospitals because of her . Jessica : Not you . Dorian : No . Because I would nt allow it . No , I was nt going to let my mother take my life away from me . Jessica : But how ? Dorian : You re strong . You have a choice here . Your mother s life was nearly ruined by her father . Do nt let Mitch do this to you . He s really not worth it . Fight . Fight , my darling . Dorian : Blair ? Blair , honey ? Blair ? You in here ? Hmm . That s funny . I could have sworn I heard something in here . Cristian : So , what have you been up to ? Jessica : Entertaining , I guess . You re , like , my fourth visitor today . Cristian : Popular . Jessica : Yeah . Well , that s not counting Natalie because I m assuming she s the one that s telling you about my -- my little breakdown . Cristian : Yeah , she told me you were upset . She s worried about you . We both are . Jessica : Actually , Dorian was just here , and she -- she gave me a pep talk . Cristian : Really ? Jessica : Yeah , it was good . But I just -- I just ca nt help reliving it , you know ? The other night , Antonio and I were dancing and -- you know , suddenly , Mitch was there , I mean , right there , and he was in the room with us . You ca nt understand . Cristian : Jess , Antonio understands what you re going through . Jessica : He -- he came by a little while ago , and I -- I did nt talk to him . I just -- I could nt , Cristian . Cristian : He s got a lot on his mind right now . Jessica : Yeah , and dealing with me is the last thing that he needs . Cristian : No , no , it s not like that . I actually think the two of you could help each other out . Rae : I heard about Keri . I ca nt imagine how you must feel . It s quite a shock . Everything that she put you through -- the guilt of not only her but of the baby . You thought you had lost her forever , that you were never going to see her again . Antonio : I would have given anything . I would have given anything to have just one more day with Keri , just -- just to see her face for one more minute . Anything . Then somebody -- somebody comes along and tells me everything s going to be okay , that things are going to get better , and I -- I start to care for that somebody . And then one day , there s a knock on the door . And it s Keri . She s not dead . And the baby ? The baby s alive , too . Oh , and by the way , Keri is the mother and she wants me back . Is that the most screwed - up thing you ve ever heard of ? Rae : Oh , well . At least we ve started on the problem . Troy : Well , we finally got her fever to break , but she does have a virus . Keri : Well , should nt she stay here overnight ? Troy : No , you can take her home , but I do want you to treat her temperature with this . Keri : Are you sure ? Troy : Yeah , I m positive . All the tests came back normal . She s fine , okay ? Now , just call me if there s any change , and I do want you to follow up with her regular doctor tomorrow . Keri : Okay . Troy : Okay . R.J. : Thanks , Doctor . Troy : No problem . Keri : Oh , God . R.J. : It s okay , it s okay . Antonio : Keri ? Keri : Oh . She s got a fever , and I -- Antonio . Nora : Well , thank you very much for bringing him over . I appreciate it . Blair : Okay . Talk to you later . Nora : All right . Blair : Walker . I was just leaving , actually . Walker : Why do nt you stay and have lunch with me . Blair : I -- I ca nt . Walker : Please ? Blair : Well -- Walker : You can fill me in on The Sun . Got to be interesting even if I do nt get the job . Blair : Okay . Walker : Sure , okay . Blair : Over here ? Walker : Yeah . Matthew : I win ! Nora : Score ! Yes ! Bo : Yeah ! Nora : Here . Whoo ! Bo : Let me get that . Nora : All right , here we go . Bo : Whoa ! Nora : Whoa ! Bo : I m sorry . Round of drinks ? You win . Gabrielle : Hi , everybody . Bo : Hi , Honey . Gabrielle : Hi . Wow , the three of you together again here at Rodi s . Is this your new favorite meeting place ? Nora : We should go . Come on , Matthew . Bo : Hey , hey -- I get a rematch , right ? Matthew : Yeah . Bo : All right . Later . Matthew : Bye . Nora : See you later . Bye - bye . Bo : Bye . You okay ? Hey , come on . What is it ? Gabrielle : Bo , I ve been lying again , to you and to myself , obviously . Bo : Lying about what ? Gabrielle : About you and Nora and Matthew , the time that you spend together . I know you need to be with your son . I understand that completely . I just keep trying to convince myself that it does nt bother me . Bo : But it does . Gabrielle : I wish it did nt , but it does a lot . Cristian : Antonio cares about you , Jess . Jessica : And I care about him , too . Cristian : So why do nt you go see him , talk to him ? Jessica : Keri and him were in love once . I mean , they were going to get married . Cristian : Yeah , but she called off the wedding . She cut him out of her life , and then she went off and made Antonio think that she was dead . Jessica : Yeah , but you do nt just shut feelings like those off . I mean , they have a baby now . Maybe they could work things out . Cristian : Jess , sometimes a baby is not a good enough reason to stay in a relationship . Jessica : But still , I ca nt be in the middle . Cristian : Look , all I m trying to say is if you and Antonio feel about each other like I think you feel , then you should nt just push it aside because of Keri and the baby . You do that , and everyone s going to end up hurt . Keri : Everyone thinks I m overreacting , but her whole body was so hot . She was burning up with fever . Antonio : You did the right thing , okay ? She s -- she s okay . Keri : I know , but I just know if something would happen to her , I do nt know if I could take it . Antonio : No , nothing s going to happen . Everything s okay now . Bo : Honey , it s okay . I m just glad you told me how you feel . Gabrielle : I m not glad . I m behaving like a selfish , petty person . Bo : No , you re not . No , you re behaving like a human being . I just find out that my ex and I have a son , and then you add in all the hours that Nora and I spend working together . Gabrielle : Which I know you ca nt help . I just miss you tremendously . Bo : I miss you , too . Bo : Oh . It s the department . Buchanan . Yeah . I ll take care of it . Tell them I m on my way . Gabrielle : Tell me it s the station , for good heavens . Bo : Talk about lousy timing . Gabrielle : Yeah . It s okay . I ll see you tonight . Bo : Count on it . Walker : I like the daily aspect -- more exciting pace . But my interest has always been investigative reporting . Blair : Really ? I do nt see you collecting bribes down at City Hall . Walker : Oh . What about you ? You think you re going to be back to work for The Sun ? Blair : Yeah . I m going to go big guns for my daughter s future . Walker : I d love to work with you . Blair : Dorian -- I do nt think Viki s going to let Dorian anywhere near The Sun myself . Walker : Your aunt seems pretty determined , especially since Mitch left her pretty much high and dry . Blair : Oh , pretty much ? You think pretty much ? Walker : She said something about some financial papers of his that she found when he was missing . I wonder if she got a chance to go through them . Blair : Oh , I m sure she would . Troy : Hey . Gabrielle . Gabrielle : Hi , Dr. MacIver . How are you ? Troy : Oh , please , no , no , call me Troy . I just got off this 14-hour shift . I need to forget about work for a little while , if you know what I mean . Gabrielle : Yeah . That s a very healthy attitude towards work , Troy . Troy : Well , I m trying . So , what are you doing here ? Are you meeting somebody ? Gabrielle : I was with Bo , but , oddly enough , he had to go back to work . Troy : Ah . Well , you know what ? Why do nt you let me buy a drink , then ? Gabrielle : Why not ? Dorian : Mitch Laurence , with a U , not a W. Still in custody ? You re quite sure ? Yes , well , thank you very much . Dorian : Oh . Starr . Sweetheart , are nt you supposed to be in your room ? Starr : I m sorry . Um -- I really needed to talk to you , Aunt Dorian . You need to get rid of Walker . He s creepy , and I do nt trust him . Dorian : Sweetheart , you re just going to have to let me handle Walker , okay ? And you re going to have to be a little bit patient . Now , Darling , did you touch my papers here , hmm ? Starr : Why would I touch your dumb papers ? Why do I get blamed for everything ? Dorian : Well , somebody s been touching my papers . Marcie : At least try and talk her out of this stupid marriage . Rex : Okay , are we all set ? Dorian : Hello , darling . How are you enjoying your new home ? Jessica : You came here for me ? Antonio : Oh , you bet I did . Cristian : So , what do you think ? Time to set a wedding date ? ### Summary:
Keri pleads with Antonio for another chance , but she guesses he s too involved with Jessica . Jessica s traumatized by what Mitch has done & blames herself for the deaths of two of his followers . Blair baby - sits Matthew . Dorian offers Walker a reporter s job at the Sun , but Blair reminds her that she has no authority at the paper . RJ tries to talk Keri into forgetting about Antonio . Starr says Walker creeps her out & she asks Troy to help her get rid of him . Bo insists that Antonio go to counseling with Rae for his temper problem . Dorian goes over to Llanfair to talk to Vicki , but runs into Jessica . She gives her a pep - talk about getting over Mitch . Walker breaks into Blair s safe , goes thru the papers there , & the ones on the desk . He then copies down some information . Keri s baby gets sick . Walker asks Blair out to lunch at Rodi s . Gabrielle confesses her fears about his time with Matthew & Nora , to Bo . Troy hits on Gabrielle , after seeing Blair & Walker together . Starr asks Dorian for help with getting rid of Walker . Dorian notices someone s been thru her papers .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Amanda : Because I m trying to be civil you think I m working you ? David : That blow - out with Jake . Was that for real ? There have been a lot of changes in a rather quick amount of time since you moved in . Just be honest with me , Amanda . What s the angle ? Annie : Adam ? Adam ? Amanda : Oh , my God . Annie : Adam ? Stuart : Adam ? What are you doing on the floor ? Did someone shoot you , too ? Adam : S - Stuart ? I do nt understand . Stuart ? Annie : Adam ? Adam , it s Annie . It s Annie , ok ? Are you all right ? Come here . It s ok . Come here . It s all right . You re ok . Tad : What happened ? Adam : Stuart was -- Annie : We just -- we just need a break , that s all . Ryan : Can I do anything ? Annie : Go away . Tad : You know , you do have a break in the bank . Why do nt you take it ? I got ta give big points for drama , but it s not exactly your style . Annie : It s ok . It s ok . We re fine , Tad . We re fine . Madison : You look so angry . Is that how you looked when you killed my husband ? Maybe you came out here to kill me , too . Is that it ? Madison : Here . I believe you re familiar with blunt objects . Hit me with your best shot . Come on . What are you waiting for ? Take it . Brot : Do nt do it , Randi . Randi : Go away . Brot : Put down the brick , Randi . Randi : She keeps coming back . And back . You wo nt listen . You wo nt stop . Madison : Go ahead . Make me stop . Brot : This is nt the answer . Walk away , Randi . For Frankie , for your family . She s not worth it . Brot : You know , you should go . Madison : Did the Hubbards get to you ? Tell you what a big , bad girl I am ? So mean to poor , sweet , Randi . Brot : The Hubbards are good people . No way they had anything to do with your husband s death . Madison : The good people obviously did nt tell you everything . Frankie : What are you still doing here ? Where s Randi ? Madison : Oh , your friend can tell you all about it . I m sure he ca nt wait . Me -- I ve had enough excitement for one night . You really do have wonderful hands . See you soon . Frankie : What happened ? Was Randi up here ? Brot : Yeah , she was . She was just about to bash in Madison s head with that brick down there until I stopped her . Frankie : Damn . Well , thanks for stopping her . Brot : Frankie , what the hell is going on , man ? Erica : Why would Adam say Stuart s name ? Ryan : It s the way that he looked at her when he said it . Is -- is there any chance at all that he knows that Annie is the one that killed his brother ? Erica : Oh , no , no . No way . I mean , Adam loved Stuart more than anyone in the world , and if he thought that Annie murdered Stuart , he d strangle her . He would nt put a ring on her finger . Ryan : So then maybe he just buried what happened that night , you know , and tonight he s exhausted . He s overheated a little bit . Maybe memories are starting to surface about what really happened , memories of Annie committing the murder . Erica : Well , that would certainly explain why Annie was so anxious to -- to get Adam away from everyone . Ryan : If Adam s memory s coming back , then we have to do everything we can do to help him remember what really happened . Erica : But you know that Annie s gon na do everything she can to help him forget . Ok , so we have got to get to Adam before Annie gets to him and makes him shut down . Adam : Ahh . My heart is fine . Scott : Are you all right ? David : Well , as he said , his heart is fine . Tad : He collapsed . David : Yeah , I know , but considering the hour , the heat , how long he s been standing -- all he needs is some rest . Annie : Ok , well , that s what we ll do then . We ll go home . Adam : No , we wo nt . I m not gon na leave the competition . Annie : Adam , please . No more dancing . For me . Adam : For you . All right . You do nt have to leave the competition . I know you want to win , and -- and you will win . Scott . Take over for me . Dance with Annie . Jake : So you let that be a lesson to you . It s kind of like licking a 9-volt battery . It s not all it s cracked up to be . Amanda : Hey . How is he ? Jake : Good . We just had a couple of beers and a smoke . Are nt you supposed to be dancing or something ? Amanda : Well , Adam kind of overdid it . David s checking in on him , so I only have a few minutes , but I totally blew it . David came straight out and asked me if I was playing him . Jake : Oh . Really . Well , that was kind of a fear of mine . An old fear of mine . My new fear is that he s actually playing you , and you re falling for it . Angie : Hey . I was wondering where you d gone off to . Randi : I almost did it . I almost killed her . I had a brick in my hand . She dared me . She gave it to me and Madison dared me to hit her . I almost killed her like Henry . Angie : No , you hit Henry in self - defense . He attacked you . Randi : Yeah . I keep telling myself that was self - defense , Angie . But -- but was it ? Maybe -- maybe I wanted him dead . Maybe I wanted him dead just the same way I wanted my past dead . Maybe I m a murderer . Angie : You re not a killer . Randi : I know you and Jesse think that Madison might have killed him , but I -- Angie : No , no , but -- but nothing . No matter what Madison did , Henry North attacked you . You protected yourself . You protected your baby . You had every right to do what you did . Randi : I overreacted . Angie : You know what ? I would ve done the same thing . There are too many women who do not fight back . I see it in the E.R. all the time . Black eyes , broken bones , and those are just the lucky ones . So many are too afraid to stand up for themselves . Sweetheart , you have nothing to feel guilty about . You did what had to be done in that moment . God knows what would ve happened if you had nt . Randi : Henry would still be alive . Angie : You do nt know that . [ Sigh ] Look ... if you question yourself , if you doubt yourself , if you convince yourself that you are no better than the life you left behind , then Henry North will have won . Do you understand ? You defended yourself against Henry North , because you are a strong woman . And tonight you walked away from his wife for the same reason . Brot : So , let me get this right . Randi left North in a hotel room , injured , and when she came back , he was dead . There s a time gap . Someone could ve come in , killed North , and then left . Jesse : That s exactly what we suspected . Brot : So -- and you think it could ve been Madison ? Frankie : I know it was . Brot : So the grieving widow s not only a killer , but she s trying to pin the murder on Randi and then putting your family through hell ? Jesse : You do nt seem surprised by the theory . Brot : I was chief interrogator with my unit in Iraq . I know faces . I know what they re feeling . I know what they re hiding . From what I saw in Madison on the rooftop , she s sitting on a lot of emotions . And grief was nt a part of the mix . She s afraid , and she s acting out to cover . Jesse : Well , now all we need is the evidence to prove it . Frankie : Yeah . Natalia : Ahem . All this man talk seems like all kinds of fun , but if we do nt hit the dance floor , we re gon na be disqualified . Come on . Frankie : Hey , hey . Thanks . Really . Natalia : Come on . Jesse : Man s got the heart of a cop . Tad : Adam , you ve already donated a huge chunk of change . Adam : This is for allowing my nephew the pleasure of dancing with my fiancée . Tad : Ha ha ha ha . Go ahead . Take your uncle s number . David : Oh , no , no , no . Wait a minute . You ca nt just let a fresh dancer come into the competition at this point . That s not right . Tad : Sure it is . Practically the American way . You go home , get on your computer , check out consignment and the Civil War . It s fascinating reading . In the meantime , why do nt you chill and remember it s all for charity . Everybody wins . Amanda : How could you in a million years think that I m falling for David ? I m -- I m just grateful , that s all . Jake : Stockholm syndrome , honey , where the hostage falls for the captor . Amanda : I m not a hostage . Jake : No ? Well , I guess it all depends on the way you look at it . See , if you wanted to leave David and live the life that you wanted to have , you d lose Trevor , and you d go to prison . In my book , that -- that makes you a hostage . I do nt get all the whole gratitude thing . How does that fit in , exactly ? Amanda : Tonight you were going to take off with Trevor . David could ve gotten the police involved . Instead , he chose to let you have time with our son . He s promised to let you come to the house . Jake : Woo - hoo . Whoa . What a big guy . Nice to let me spend a little time with my own wife and son . Big man . Amanda : Listen . Listen , he was pretty open on the dance floor . He s realized that his hostility towards you hurts Trevor , you know , and he just wants us all to get along , all to stop fighting for Trevor s sake . Jake : All this generosity and fair - mindedness ? It s a one - man show to get your attention . Do nt you see that ? Maybe you ll let your guard down . Maybe you ll soften up a little bit . Maybe you ll think he s a great guy . Maybe you ll come down the stairs one morning . You know what ? I ll make him his little cup of coffee the way he likes it , and you see across the room . You go , Wow , he s kinda cute the way he flubbity - flubs on Trevor s little belly and then , I do nt know , before you know it -- Amanda : What ? We re in bed ? In love ? My God , Jake , I love you . Jake : He s got Trevor . He wants you . How do you not see what he s doing ? I -- Amanda : What are you doing ? I love you . I married you . Jake : Really ? Then why am I the only one wearing a ring ? Why is that ? Amanda : Every time I look at this hand , I see a ring . My wedding ring . The ring that you put there . My husband . My best friend . My soul mate . David : Hey . I thought I d find you here . Amanda : Um , I was just visiting with Trevor . David : Yeah , I thought you would be . Listen , we really need to get back out onto the dance floor . Chandler threw in a -- a ringer and there s no way I m gon na let Chandler win , so ... come on . Jake : Right . It s just us again . Annie : Why did you say Stuart s name when you collapsed ? Adam : I saw him looking down at me . He asked me if I d been shot . Ha . I do nt know . I -- why I saw Stuart , I -- I have no idea . What that means , I do nt know . I wish to hell I did . Annie : Listen , why do nt we just go home ? I hate when you re sad . Let s go home . Relax . It ll make you feel better . Adam : If you win this -- this dance extravaganza with Scott , that will make me happy . So , let me go on home , take a little nap . Maybe I ll get another -- second wind . Probably about the third wind by now . And then I will come back , and I ll -- I will sweep you off your feet . Annie : Fine . I will dance with Scott , but it s not gon na be the same as being in the arms of the man I love . Adam : Ha ha ha ha . Tad : So , Krystal filled me in . Hayward s backing off and giving you a little Trevor time ? Jake : Yep . Tad : This is good . Jake : Yep . Tad : You believe him ? Jake : Nope . Tad : Thank God . For a minute , I thought he was gon na suck you in . Jake : I think I m gon na ask you a favor . Tad : Mm - hmm . Jake : Can you sit Amanda down and maybe explain the facts of life to her ? Because she , I think , in the bottom of her heart , in her soul believes that David is trying to make things better , trying to work things out , and she thinks I should do the same thing . I got it . I got it . Tad : This is bad . I want to see you happy . For you , happy is Amanda and this baby . I just got to figure out how to get you there . Jake : I ve been sitting around watching David seduce my wife , and it makes me sick . I honestly feel like leaving , doing what you did and just walking away . Tad : I did nt walk away . Jake : You did nt walk away ? You took Krystal and you put her on his doorstep , right , when you found out ? Is nt that what you did ? Tad : Come on . Jake : Is nt that what you did ? Tad : No . My situation and yours are totally different . Amanda loves you , not David . She wants to be with you , not David . You just remember that . David : So , did you and Jake have time to work out a good answer ? Amanda : About what ? David : About you playing me . Did the great plan maker tell you what to say ? Lie ? Deny ? Tell me I m all wrong ? Amanda : You re right . I was working you . David : Wow . Honesty . So is that the new plan ? Throw me off with the truth ? Amanda : You know , I do nt care if you believe me or not , all right ? You asked . I answered . It was a stupid idea , ok ? I just thought that if I got closer , maybe I could figure out what was going on in that head of yours . David : Any luck ? Amanda : I know that you love Trevor and you seem to want what s best for him . But , beyond that , I have no idea what you re planning . David : Maybe I m just living . Enjoying my son and his mother . Brot : You know , it s kind of nice dancing with you when you re awake . Natalia : What were you talking to my dad and brother about ? Brot : Nothing . They were just filling me in on Madison North . Natalia : Just like that ? They kept me in the dark forever . Brot : I just kind of stumbled into it . Jesse : And you did nt miss a step . Good police work . Natalia : Police work ? Brot : I mean , I did have a little training in Iraq . Natalia : Ahem . Annie : I -- I hope Adam s left for home . All this excitement s really not good for him . Scott : Away from the eyes and the comments and the questions . Annie : What is that supposed to mean ? Scott : Oh , just that you like to keep Adam to yourself . Not anyone around to fill his ears with doubts about you . Annie : Why does nt anyone believe that I actually love Adam very much ? I would be devastated if something happened to him . Scott : At least until after the wedding . Once you got that ring on your finger and you re in the will , you re not gon na be quite so worried about keeping Adam alive , will you ? Ryan : I heard you , Adam , say Stuart s name . I also happened to notice that you were looking at Annie when you said it . Adam : Yeah , I was a little light - headed . Ryan : Really ? Because it looked to me like you were afraid . Adam : Ah . Yes , of course . This is where I tell you what you want to hear -- that I m afraid of Annie , because I ve studied her and decided she killed Stuart . Ryan : A lot of people still think that she s the one that pulled the trigger . That s all I m saying . Adam : Yeah , well , if I thought she was , I d hang her up myself . Ryan : She s got you fooled , Adam . Adam : You want a theory ? How about Annie and I conspired to kill my brother ? Does that work for you ? Maybe you can get together with Zach and find a whole nother way to get Kendall out of prison . Ryan : You talk a good game , Adam . You always have , and you really have , but you re not a stupid man . You know that there s something up with Annie , something about that night . You know it . And if you know that , then why are you protecting her ? Natalia : Look , whatever you did , you impressed the hell out of my dad . Brot : I did nt do anything , ok ? I just walked into a situation . I dealt with it . Now it s over . Natalia : Look , we re not going anywhere , Brot , ok ? So why do nt you just tell me what you did . Brot : Look , all right , things were heating up between Randi and Madison , so I stepped in . No big deal . Anyone else would ve done the same thing that I did . It was just -- it was just my instinct . That s all it was . Natalia : My instincts suck . Brot : Do nt say that . Natalia : Yeah , I tried to stop Madison , and I blew it . I broke a mirror . [ Sigh ] I gave her even more to use against my family . Randi : You know , if Brot did nt stop me -- Frankie : You never would ve done it . Because you re not a killer , baby . Look , I think everything happens for a reason , and I m glad you did it . Randi : With Henry , at least when I hit him , it was a reflex . With Madison , I was really considering doing it . What s happening to me , Frankie ? Frankie : To us , baby . Madison is poison . She s crazy . And every time we try to stop her , she just comes back stronger . Randi : On that rooftop , holding that brick -- it s weird . I felt in control but at the same time out of control . Frankie : Yeah . I ve been there . And it s the out - of - control part that scares me . Annie : You think I m a gold digger ? Scott : Ah - ah - ah - ah . We do nt keep moving , we ll get disqualified and waste all that money Adam donated . Annie : You know what ? You used to stand up for me -- to Ryan , to J.R. Where is this coming from ? Scott : Just observing . Annie : Observing what ? How in love Adam and I are ? And it s killing you , because you want me , and you ca nt have me and you re ticked . Scott : I m not ticked . I know exactly where we stand , at least since the last time we kissed . Annie : Oh , stop it . I was fragile and -- and vulnerable , and I told you it will never happen again . Scott : I heard that one before . Annie : You know what ? Adam is ten times the man you are . He does nt play games . He does nt pretend to be my best friend one day and then be leading the torches and pitchforks the next . Scott : Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . Just relax . You re playing it safe . You want to make sure you re taken care of . Annie : Is that why you moved into the mansion , Scott ? The perfect nephew wants to be the first person in the will or -- Scott : No , I moved in because I m family , because Adam asked me to . Annie : I see the way you look at me when you do nt think I m watching , the way you rub up against me . You re not -- hanging around for family . You re hanging around for me . Do nt tell me this does nt turn you on . Ryan : Did you know that Annie is ready to pin Stuart s murder on Emma ? Adam : That s ridiculous . Ryan : That s what she told me tonight . That s what she wants me to believe . She wants me to believe my 7-year - old girl picked up a gun , pointed it at Stuart , and shot him . Now , what kind of mother pins a murder on her child in order to protect herself ? What kind of -- what kind of person , kind of woman would blame a murder on a child ? Adam : You ll say anything , anything to ruin what I have with Annie . Ryan : Just giving you the facts , Adam . That s all I m doing . And the facts are that Annie put it in Emma s mind to lie about Kendall being the killer , and now Annie s saying that those lies are just to protect the real killer , which is Emma . Adam : That s rubbish . Ryan : You ask her . Adam : No . I m not gon na interrogate her on the basis of your lies . No . Ryan : There is no possible way that you can believe Annie is innocent after what I have just told you . Krystal : How s Adam ? He dropped like a fly out there . Erica : I know . I mean , Adam is going downhill fast . Ahh . I think it s Annie . I think she s gon na be the death of him . Krystal : I -- I just can not believe he s gon na marry that girl . Erica : I could nt believe he married you . I mean , you were just so wrong for him . Not that you were a psychotic murderer or anything . I do nt mean that . Anyway , I know what s in it for Annie , but Adam ? Krystal : Perky smile ? Matching tatas ? Erica : The thing is , Adam s always been the one who s done the manipulating and maneuvering , and now she s just dragging him down the aisle , and he thinks it s his idea . I m worried . Krystal : Well , wait a minute . I do nt understand something . You and Adam -- you fight more than you get along . Why do you care what he does or does nt do with Annie Lavery ? Erica : Well , I know that we ve had our differences and all . It s just -- I guess some people are just a part of your life forever . Well , you know that as well as anyone . I saw you and Tad dancing . Krystal : Well , come on . It s a dance marathon . That s what people do . They dance . Erica : It looked like a lot more than that . Krystal : Tad and I are like you and Adam . We were married . There s a bond there that just does nt go away , and Jenny makes that even stronger . Erica : Well , from what I saw out there on the dance floor , it looked like a lot more was bonding you two than parenting . You still have feelings for Tad ? Krystal : Look , I know you ve never done anything wrong , but I slept with David . I lied to Tad . I left my baby . And I broke our marriage for something that did nt even exist . That s a lot of forgiving and forgetting , even for someone as forgiving as -- as Tad . Erica : Well , he genuinely seems to care for you . Krystal : Yeah , but what I did with David -- I -- I think that hurt us both so badly that there s nothing but ashes . David and I -- that was never gon na work . And Tad , he finally started seeing someone , but that seemed to be over before it even started . I think I hurt Tad so badly ... that he ll never be able to move on . Tad : [ Talking to Trevor ] What you looking at ? What are you looking at ? What are you looking at ? [ Indistinct ] Ha ha ha . That always gets a big response . Hey , hey . You know how you put a baby in space ? You rock - et . Get it ? [ Laughs ] Yup . Ha . I got a feeling this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship . Ha ha . Adam : It s obvious that you re so desperate to get Kendall out of prison that no lies are too despicable . Ryan : Like I said , just talk to Annie about Stuart s murder . Adam : Yeah . I m not gon na listen to any more of this . Ryan : You know what I think ? I think that you are in so deep with Annie that you know if you look too long and too hard , you will see the truth , and then you will never forgive yourself for falling in love with the woman who killed your own brother . Adam : [ Sighs ] Annie : Feels good , does nt it ? Scott : Ok . Ok . We re on television . Annie : I remember the first time you kissed me and the second . We keep telling each other that it wo nt happen again , but it will , because you wo nt stop until you have me . Scott : You re damn right , Annie . I want you . I want all of you , and I do nt want to wait for this body to be mine -- the things that I would do to you , for you . And not just for one night , either . Annie , we could have it all . We work together , we can take Adam down . We can grab his money . We could spend the rest of our lives exploring the world , exploring each other . And I know just where I d start . Annie : Do nt -- Scott : Oh , come on . It s what you want , right ? Me . Us . Wild , crazy , monkey sex and whatever happens after that , right ? Annie : You re an ass . Scott : Stop trying to manipulate me . It worked once . It wo nt work again . Brot : Look at us . Rocking the pledges . I bet you my Army boys are digging deep in those pockets for those dollars . Natalia : Oh , yeah , it could nt possibly be any of my friends from the police academy . Brot : I m sure it is . Yeah . Natalia : You think the academy is easy ? You re military so you think it s a piece of cake . You should join , Brot . I dare you . Let s see those instincts kick in -- how well you handle psychological training , marksmanship -- Brot : Whoa , whoa , whoa , hold on . Marksmanship ? Are you serious ? How many guns have you fired ? Natalia : [ Scoffs ] Plenty . Brot : Oh , so after a nice latte in the morning , you swing by the range for a little target practice ? I bet you those paper men are just shaking when you show up . Natalia : Look , I know you ai nt dissin me . Brot : All I m saying is I ve fired more guns , more kinds of guns , at all kinds of targets . Natalia : [ Chuckles ] So you think you re better . Aww . Fine . Great . Be better . Brot : You know what ? Do you want to lead ? Whoa . Amanda : I love him . Jake . David : I know . Amanda : Nothing -- no one -- will ever change that . David : I understand . Amanda : Good . Sorry . David : Look , why do nt we call it ? Amanda : What -- you want to quit ? David : Yeah . I mean , come on . You re exhausted . Your mind s on Jake , right ? Just go . Be with him . Spend the time . Amanda : Why ? What s the catch ? David : No catch . I said you could spend time together , right ? So why do nt you start right now ? I ll tell you what . Why do nt you get Trevor and go spend the night with Jake . Amanda : After all the rules , warnings , and threats , you would let us take Trevor for the night , without you ? David : That s the idea , yeah . Amanda : Are nt you afraid that we d disappear with the baby ? David : No , because I trust you . Tad : There you are . I ve been looking for you all over the place . Krystal : They need me on the phones ? Tad : No . I need you . I was kind of hoping we could finish that dance we started . Maybe you got the right idea , because stars beat a disco ball any day of the week . So , what do you say ? Krystal : I would love to dance with you , Tad -- but I ca nt . Not until I know that you can forgive me for everything that I ve done . And I do nt think you can . Yeah . That s what I thought . Natalia : So you think you re a better shot than me ? Brot : Any day , only because I ve had so much practice . Natalia : And all that psychological training . You better at that , too ? Brot : Yeah , because I ve had to use it -- Natalia : In the field . I know . The field . Where all you little soldiers line up and do what you re told . Us cops , we think on our feet , Brot . Brot : The five - second rule . Natalia : I know the rules . Brot : Then keep dancing unless you want to lose . Natalia : I m in it to win it . Brot : Oh , yeah ? Natalia : Uh - huh . Brot : Well , you keep running that little mouth of yours , you re gon na be exhausted when I m still dancing to the music . Natalia : You know what ? I m gon na win this competition and have the energy left to whoop your ass . Brot : Oh , is that right ? Ok , miss mouth . Last person standing . Unless you do nt think you can handle it . Natalia : Sure , if you can keep up . Brot : Ok . Randi : My feet hurt . When can we go home ? Frankie : Fifteen seconds . You ve had a night from hell and we ve done a lot to raise money for these kids . So , let s go home . If you re sure . Randi : Mm - hmm . Being in bed at home with you is about the only thing I can imagine . Frankie : Mm . Sleeping ? Randi : Eventually . Frankie : Mm . Let us make haste . Angie : Crazy - in - love couples drop out -- and the couples that are doing ten rounds just keep on going . Jesse : Brot has got some staying power . Gon na have to , to keep up with that one , huh ? And her temper , too . Angie : I think he s enjoying it . Ryan : Call me crazy , but I m actually happy to be back on the dance floor . Erica : You re crazy . Ryan : Yeah ? Well , maybe it s just the you - in - my - arms part that I was missing . Ok . Ahem . Scott : Yeah , ok . You had your fun . Annie : I m sorry . You just feel so ... good . Scott : I meant what I said , Annie . Stop with the seduction bit on and off the dance floor . People are watching . Ryan s voice : If you look too long and too hard , you will see the truth . Adam : You killed him , did nt you ? You killed my brother . Annie : I did not kill Stuart . I care about you . A lot . Jake : Hi . Amanda : Hey , little guy . Jake : So , what , did you win or is it over or what ? Amanda : Better . David is giving us the night together . You , me , and Trevor . Just the three of us . Jake : Just the three of us . You , Trevor , and me . Out of his sight . Why would he do that ? Amanda : Because I leveled with him . I told him the truth . I told him that I was working him . Jake : You told him that ? Amanda : Yeah . And I m kinda relieved . We should ve done this from the beginning if it was gon na make it easier . Jake : Truth , relieved , easier , honest , and David Hayward all in the same sentence . Hmm . Kind of sounds like a test , does nt it ? Or if it s not a test , it s a trap of some sort . Amanda : I really think that he trusts me . Jake : And if I were to rent us a jet to get us out of here tonight , just you , me , and Trevor , would you get on that jet with me ? Amanda : I ca nt do it . Jake : That s fantastic . That s just fantastic . Amanda : Jake , what is the problem ? This is the first time you and I have gotten to be together , and all of us . And this is just the start . Jake : You do nt see it , do you ? You just ca nt see that he s playing you . Amanda : You re wrong . Jake : Well -- Amanda : Come here , baby . Come here . Jake : I ca nt -- do this . And I -- not spending the night together . I do nt want to -- I do nt want to spend the night with you . ### Summary:
David questions Amanda if she is working him . Amanda confesses that she had been . Amanda sees Adam fall and wonders what is wrong with him . Adam falls to the floor and imagines that he sees Stuart , talking to him and asking Adam had be been shot too . Tad sees the commotion and questions Adam and Annie as to what is going on . On the roof , Madison and Randi have a confrontation . Madison picks up a brick and proceeds to give it to Randi and tells Randi to take her best shot . Randi raises back to hit Madison , but Brot stops Randi from doing anything crazy . Randi orders Brot to go away . Brot urges Randi to just walk away from Madison . Erica asks Ryan why Adam would call out Stuart s name when looking at Annie . Amanda spends time with Jake and Trevor . Randi confides to Angie that she had almost killed Madison . Jake accuses Amanda of falling for David . Amanda denies Jake s accusation . Natalia catches Brot in a private conversation with Jesse and Frankie . Jesse and Frankie confide to Brot what had happened in D.C. Frankie and Randi dance together and discuss Henry s murder and Madison seeking revenge . Scott accuses Annie of being a gold - digger . Scott and Annie dance together while Adam watches from a television monitor . Annie tries to come on to Scott . Natalia challenges Brot to join the police academy . David agrees to let Amanda spend the night with Jake and Trevor because David trusts Amanda . Amanda gives Jake the news , but Jake does nt quite believe her .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Greenlee : Valentine s Day -- it s perfect . Ryan : I know it s perfect . You ca nt get any more romantic than that . Right ? Am I right ? Greenlee : Well , there s only one problem . Ryan : What ? Greenlee : How am I gon na wait that long to marry you ? Erica : Ryan ? Ryan ? Wake up . Ryan : Oh . Hey . Erica : Hey . These were the only mugs I could find in your kitchen . How d you sleep ? Ryan : I slept , um , fine . Fine . Annie : Hey , do you know where Adam is ? Scott : No . He said something about an early meeting at ConFusion . Annie : Huh . It would nt happen to be with Barry , would it ? Scott : No clue . Annie : Come on , sweetheart . Let s go surprise your daddy . Come on . Good girl . J.R. : Adam . Eating alone ? Adam : I have a meeting . How about you ? J.R. : No . My date just arrived . Colby : Hi , Dad . Adam : Sweetheart . Sweetheart . Is everything all right now with your car ? Colby : Oh , thank God . According to the police , not a scratch on it . J.R. : What happened ? Colby : I ll explain over smoothies . See you . Adam : Uh - huh . Have fun . J.R. : Someone stole your car ? Colby : Yeah . Ok , I ll explain about that later . Now we need to deal with Dad . J.R. : It s not a coincidence we re all here . Colby : What do you think ? Tad : Thanks . I appreciate the help . No . Liza : Hey , hey , hey , hey , hey . Tad : Oh . Hey , listen . I ll talk later . Hey . Liza : Hi . Tad : Have a seat . Ok , listen . It s official . I have spoken to everybody I know , every contact I have , and nobody has seen hide nor hair of Hayward anywhere . Liza : Oh . You see ? Good . That threat of the lawsuit actually worked . Tad : Well , it looks like it . Liza : And how does your brother look ? Have you seen him ? Tad : Nope . I have nt talked to him . Liza : No ? Tad : I figured it s so early , he should be able to sleep in with his brand - new family . Liza : Well , good . He should be focused on his family and not getting back at David . Hmm . Jake : Buenos días , mi amor . Amanda : Ooh . Your accent is improving . Jake : Gracias . You think so ? Amanda : It is a good morning , right ? A new morning ? Jake : It is a great , great morning . Amanda : I m serious . This is it -- David out of our lives . Jake : I do nt know . But we re gon na find out . Greenlee : You can do this . You can do this . Ohh ! Ha . Looking good , huh ? Oh . I take it the truth did nt go over so well . Erica : I ca nt wait to go public today with our new product . I mean , it is the perfect direction for Fusion to go , you know ? Helping women who ca nt help themselves ? And soon we ll have Miranda Centers all over the country . Ryan : I m proud of you . Erica : Thank you . Erica : Well , I m gon na go take a shower , and I m gon na go get ready for the interview . Ryan : Ok . Ryan : I know that knock . Emma : Surprise ! Ryan : Hey , Princess ! It s the best surprise ever ! You re early . Thanks for bringing her by . Annie : Hold on . Can I come in ? Barry : Adam . Adam : Barry . Thank you for coming . Barry : My pleasure . Colby : I saw it in Dad s appointment book . J.R. : So he s meeting with Barry . Colby : Yeah . Here . Not at the house . You do nt think that s a little weird ? J.R. : No . Maybe Dad needed a breather from Annie . God knows I would . Colby : No . I think he was trying to keep a secret . J.R. : You know what I think , Colby ? I think I do nt want any part of this . Colby : Oh . So you do nt care if Annie gets everything ? J.R. : How do you even know that s what they re talking about ? Colby : Well , what else could it be ? This is nt good , J.R. Annie now has joint custody of Emma . What if Dad leaves her the house , the money , Chandler ? There ll be nothing to stop her -- J.R. : From what ? Colby : Killing Dad . I mean , she s already killed two people and counting . What if he s next ? Barry : You do realize , Adam , that this is highly unorthodox . Adam : I m simply doing what has to be done . Liza : So considering -- thank you -- the situation , it should be no trouble changing Trevor s last name . Tad : Jake got you to work on this pretty fast . You know that ? Liza : Well , actually , this was an anticipatory move . Yeah , you know , I figured that Jake should know just how lucky he is to have him and not focus on David . Tad : He will eventually . Liza ? Liza : Hmm ? Tad : Thank you . And not to completely change the subject , but what the hell happened to you last night ? Liza : Wow . You just completely changed the subject . What do you mean ? Tad : What do you mean , what do I mean ? I thought you were coming back to the house . As a matter of fact , I was kind of looking forward to it . You know , I -- I waited up for you . Liza : I did come back to the house . Yes , I did . And you and Krystal were having a little moment or something . Tad : A something ? Liza : A something . You were having a something . Tad : You saw something ? Liza : Yes . Tad : But it was -- just for the record , there was nothing going on . Liza : Really ? Why did nt you say anything ? Tad : You did nt give me the chance ! I did nt know you were in the house ! For the record , there was nothing going on . Liza : Oh , I ruined everything . Tad : No . Liza : No ? You and me ? Now look at us . We re back to zero . Tad : No . I just think we re kind of hovering limply around a four or a five . Liza : Ooh . A four or five ? Well , last night we were -- huh . We were hovering around a 10 . How do we get back there ? Tad : Something tells me that if we try really hard -- Liza : Yes ? Tad : We ll be able to find a shortcut . Woman : Available for immediate occupancy . Fully furnished . Get back to me . Hello . Are you interested in the house ? Jake : No . We re interested in the person that used to live here . Amanda : Dr. Hayward was an acquaintance of ours . We saw the vans outside . We had no idea he was moving . Woman : It all happened overnight , literally . Jake : Do you know where he is ? Woman : I do nt . Jake : Hmm . Well , do you know where all this stuff is being sent ? Woman : Even if I did , I could nt share that with you . Jake : Right . Of course . Sorry . Woman : Excuse me . Amanda : Why have nt you pack these ? Man : We got specific instructions to trash all photos . Woman : Mm - hmm . Jake : What are you thinking ? Amanda : I m thinking that David may actually be moving on with his life . David : Everyone despises me . End of story . That s quite a recovery . Greenlee : Are you mad I pushed you to tell them ? David : No . Amanda , Jake , Marissa -- they already knew . Greenlee : About Trevor ? David : Yep . Greenlee : How ? David : Amanda did some research on my blood disorder . Needless to say , it panicked her when she realized that it could be hereditary . Questions led to tests , which led to more questions . Greenlee : So they tested Trevor s DNA ? David : Yeah . He s Jake s . 100 % . Greenlee : So they got what they wanted . I mean , do nt get me wrong . What you did was messed up . But in your own twisted , David way , it was all out of love . If I can see that , eventually they will , too . David : Why ? I did nt . When Jake and Amanda took Trevor from me , I had no intention of forgiving them ever . I did nt care whether it was out of protection or out of love . All I saw was the deceit . Greenlee : But you did forgive Amanda . And let s be honest . They re nicer people than you . They ca nt stay angry forever . It s physically and mentally impossible . I mean , eventually they re gon na have to forgive you . David : I really like the improvement I m seeing here . Greenlee : So people are mad at you . So what ? You ll have to work harder to get through to them . David : No , Greenlee . I m done . No more creating drama . No more stirring up problems . Ok ? It s time I leave that town in peace . Greenlee : But you ca nt just patch me up and send me back on my own . David : Oh , yes . Actually , I can . My life in Pine Valley is over . Ryan : So this is the one you wanted . Right ? Emma : I ca nt wait to watch . Ryan : Oh , good . Annie : Sweetheart , why do nt you go get yourself some juice ? Ryan : Uh , yeah . Ok . You know what ? Also , I have some bagels already cut on the counter . If you want to go help yourself , you can . Want a bagel ? Ok . Is there something that you wanted to talk to me about ? Annie : Ah . Looks like somebody had an interesting evening . Ryan : I thought I was supposed to pick Emma up this afternoon . Annie : Well , it turns out I have an appointment this morning . And Emma was dying to see her daddy , so I thought the two of you could have breakfast together . But apparently you already ate . Table for two -- how cute . Huh . Sparkling cider . Let me guess . Ryan : Or not , considering it s none of your business . Annie : I m happy for you , Ryan , that you ve moved on . I m happy for the both of us . It still is strange , though . Ryan : What ? What is ? Annie : Just being here where the three of us used to live . So foreign , yet familiar . Emma : Daddy , where s the jelly ? Ryan and Annie : Bottom shelf . Annie : Oh . I guess some things you never forget . Anywho -- Ryan : Yeah , I have a pretty big day ahead of me , a lot of work to do . So -- Annie : Ok , great . I ll see myself out . Ryan : Ok . Annie : Ahh . So , um , same time next week ? Ryan : Yeah . Why do nt we call first ? Annie : You know what ? You re right . We should make that a rule from here on out . Ryan : Yeah . Sounds pretty reasonable . Annie : Ok . Tell Emma I ll call her tonight . Erica : Finally . I thought she d never leave . Greenlee : You re going to move away ? David : That s right . Greenlee : Just skulk off and hide ? David : Well , hopefully without the skulking part . Greenlee : That s so not you . You re a bring it on , give me more pain kind of guy . We ve always been alike that way . David : Yeah . Well , a lot has happened since you ve been gone . Greenlee : You ca nt let these people control you . David : No one s controlling me , Greenlee . I m leaving town by my own decision . Greenlee : Yeah . Well , you re making the wrong one . David : All right , you know something ? Here s an idea . Why do nt you focus on your therapy , ok , and leave my life to -- oh , I do nt know -- me ? Greenlee : Huh ? The way you did with mine ? David : Oh , come on . That was different , and you know it . You needed help . Greenlee : Exactly . Give me your phone . David : What for ? Greenlee : I ll call Jake , Marissa -- whoever I have to -- tell them what you did for me . David : That s a joke , right ? I mean , what could that possibly accomplish ? It s just one more lie I told added to the never - ending list . Greenlee : Not when they hear it was what I wanted . You saved me , protected me . You nursed me back to health , all the while urging me to be honest , but I would nt listen . David : Ok . See where the problem is with that story ? It never happened . Greenlee : So ? They do nt have to know that . Once they see how selfless you were , they will have no choice but to forgive you . Marissa especially . David : You re not calling anyone . Greenlee : Why not ? David : Because . I mean , coming back into town like this , before you re ready ? That was nt part of your plan . Greenlee : Plans change . David : No , Greenlee , you deserve to be fully recovered . All right ? You deserve to walk into your life on your own terms , not mine . Greenlee : I would nt have a life if it were nt for you . Like it or not , fate brought us together . David : Ok . So what ? Now we re a package deal ? Greenlee : Let me be clear . Do I want to go home ? Absolutely . But I m not going anywhere without you . Adam : Annie . Annie : Hey . Adam : What are you doing here ? Annie : Oh , I was just stopping in for some breakfast . Adam : Where s Emma ? Annie : Oh , I dropped her off with Ryan a little early . You know , goodwill gesture . Hi , Barry . It s good to see you . Barry : Likewise , Annie . Annie : I did nt know you had a meeting this morning . So what s on the agenda ? Or is it top - secret ? Adam : No . Actually , we just finished . You ll put those papers in order for me ? Barry : Of course , I will . Have a nice day . Adam : Thank you . Annie : You , too , Barry . Adam : Coffee ? Annie : No . Answers . What exactly are you up to ? Randi : She s late . Madison : Do nt worry . I m sure she ll be here . Man : We re on a tight schedule . Any idea when Ms. Kane plans to arrive ? Randi : Um , you know what ? I m sure she ll be stepping off the elevator any minute now . Do you think she forgot ? Madison : Maybe we should call her . Randi and Madison : Not it ! Ryan : Are you out of here already ? Erica : Yes . I m running a little bit late , and Emma does not need to know that I spent the night . I m sure you two have a lot of catching up to do . Ryan : Ok . I ll talk to you later . Erica : Ok . Maybe then you will feel like telling me what s on your mind . Ryan : Whoa , whoa , whoa . What ? Erica : You have been distracted since the moment you woke up this morning , and do nt even think about trying to hide it from me . Just a waste of your time . David : You act like I plan on abandoning you . I m gon na see you through till you heal . I promise . Greenlee : And then what ? David : And then we go our separate ways . Greenlee : That s full - on abandonment in my book . Who s gon na help me explain what happened ? I need you there to back my story . David : You re kidding , right ? Greenlee , no one in Pine Valley is gon na believe me . If these bruises prove anything , it proves that . Greenlee : Yeah , but I m gon na tell them that you helped me . David : Do nt you understand ? They do nt care about the truth . All they care about is crucifying me . So if you want to get back in the fold real quick , my suggestion to you is this . Tell them what they want to hear -- how I found you , how I kidnapped you , how I kept you in hiding all this time until you escaped my evil clutches . Greenlee : There s no way I m gon na say that . David : All right , you know -- damn it , Greenlee . Do you want to walk or not ? Greenlee : Yes ! David : All right , good ! Because that s what I m here to help you do . So why do nt we start ? Walk . Greenlee : Right now ? David : Yes ! Right now ! And without this . Greenlee : Oh , God . David , I m gon na fall . David : No , you re not . The Greenlee I know is too stubborn to fall . So let s see it . Walk . Greenlee : Ok . Ohh ! David : Now we re finally getting somewhere . Tad : Yeah , it s a private jet . It would be registered under the name of Dr. David Hayward . Liza : Uh - huh ? Wow . No -- wait , that is something . Tad : I did nt think so . Thanks anyway . Liza : I m gon na talk to you soon . Jake : Anything ? Tad : My friend at the airport . Hayward took off in his jet last night , but he could nt tell me where to . Jake : Oh , damn . Tad : Oh , come on . I just started digging . Liza : Ok , that was Marissa . Amanda : Oh . Any word ? Liza : Yes . She said that David left a good - bye note , said he was nt coming back . Amanda : You see ? There you go . Jake : Listen , I m gon na need you to step up the search . Ok ? Pay off whoever you have to pay off . Just find out the place that he went . And here s the favor I got to ask you . I m gon na need you to go there personally . Amanda : Ok , enough ! One more word , and I will scream . Adam : And I m just making some changes to my estate . That s all . Annie : Um , what -- what kind of changes ? Adam : Are you worried about this ? Annie : I m not worried , Adam . But why all the secrecy ? You can trust me with anything . You know that . Adam : Well , good . Good . Because I want to put together a dinner party . Annie : A party ? Adam : Yes . For this evening . I ll put together the guest list . Annie : Ok . Um , who -- who would you like to have over ? Adam : Well , Scott , Colby , J.R. , Marissa . It s just a little family affair . Annie : Adam , half those people have not stepped foot in our home . Adam : But in this case , I think they ll make an exception . Annie : I see . Adam : Mm - hmm . I was thinking about doing this some time ago . But , well , Colby and J.R. are looking at me with daggers in their eyes . So , clearly , I could nt wait and take any more time . Annie : Well , Adam , you keep referring to this . What is this ? Why ca nt you just tell me ? Adam : Patience , my precious angel . Patience . J.R. : This is ridiculous . Colby : J.R. , wait . J.R. : No , I do nt care what Adam does with his money ! Please , just leave me out of this . Adam : Ah , dinner at the mansion . I ll have Lucretia whip up some of your favorites . Colby : Mmm . Nice . J.R. : Is this some kind of joke ? Adam : No . Nothing of the kind . No , no , no . Make sure you bring Marissa . J.R. : Why do you think we would even have dinner with you ? Adam : Well , because Little Adam would benefit , for one thing , and I intend to give the big announcement . I m sure you ll be very pleasantly surprised . J.R. : Was it just me , or is he speaking in code ? What the hell is going on ? Colby : Well , there s only one way to find out . Randi : Ok . Madison : Really ? Randi : Yep . I m gon na have to call her . Erica : No need . I m here . Hello , everyone . Man : Hello , Ms. Kane . Will Mr. Lavery be joining us for your interview ? Erica : No . Not at all . No . This is my personal project . Randi : Here you go . Erica : Hmm . Thank you . Madison : In case you wanted to take a look at some talking points that Marketing set up ? Erica : I know exactly what I m gon na say . Huh . Randi : Nothing fazes that woman . Madison : Ever . Greenlee : No peeking . Ryan : I m not peeking ! I would never peek . Greenlee : Ok . You can open your eyes . Ta - da ! You like it ? Ryan : Wow ! Yeah ! It s -- it s beautiful . Where d you get it , the airport ? Greenlee : Ohh -- it s in honor of our wedding day . Valentine s Day -- ring any bells ? Ryan : We re getting married on Valentine s Day ? Greenlee : Heh heh heh heh ! Ryan : I m just kidding ! I remember ! I love this . I really do . I love it a lot . I love it so much , this is what I m gon na do , because I love it so much . I m gon na put it in the kitchen someplace that I can never find it , except for once a year on our anniversary I ll pull it out . Ok ? Greenlee : I can not wait to marry you . Ryan : What do you know ? That makes two of us . Ryan : Hey , Ems . Emma : Is that a new mug ? Ryan : This ? Um , you like it ? Emma : It s got a big , red heart for Valentine s Day . Ryan : It sure does . Well , it s all yours . Emma : Really ? ! Ryan : Yep . Go nuts . David : Ok , recess is over . Come on . Get up . Greenlee : I m too tired . David : Really ? And what happened to being a bring on the pain kind of person ? Ok , fine . Let s see it . Come on . Let s get back to work . Greenlee : Stop . I know what you re doing . It wo nt work . David : I m not the one playing games here , Greenlee . Tell me , exactly . What is your plan ? Hmm ? What , do you plan on hanging out in Gloucester for the rest of your life ? You think I m gon na be here watching over you when you know that all I want to do is disappear ? Greenlee : So disappear . No one s stopping you . David : You do nt really want to go back there , do you ? Greenlee : Of course , I do . David : Oh , really ? Fine . Then prove it . Get off your backside and walk . Unless you do nt have it in you ? Maybe you really are scared . Hmm ? Too weak . Greenlee : [ Sighs ] I did it . David : Again . A real step this time . Greenlee : Take that , Hayward . David : Gladly . Amanda : David is gone . Why ca nt we just leave it at that ? Jake : Because I do nt trust him . That s why . We ve been down this road . Amanda : It s over , Jake . We won . Why ca nt we just move on with our lives ? Jake : Because I would nt even know where to start , to be honest with you . Tad : Liza does . Here . Show them your magic papers . Liza : It s an official name - change request . Tad : Trevor s gateway into being officially called a Martin . Liza : I would hope that that makes you feel a little bit more secure . Amanda : It does . Thank you . What about you ? Does this make you feel more safe ? Secure ? Jake , please tell me that you re ready to let this go . Colby : You heard what he said . We will be pleasantly surprised . J.R. : Hmm . Colby : Maybe he s gon na kick Annie out of the house , his will , and his life . J.R. : I think you re dreaming . Colby : So dream with me . Besides , it s one dinner . And if he s gon na do what I think he s gon na do -- J.R. : I would nt want to miss it . Scott : Hey . Did you ever find Uncle Adam ? Annie : Yep . He s asked me to set up a dinner for tonight -- you , me , Colby , J.R. , Marissa . Scott : That s a guest list . Annie : Yeah . Tell me about it . Scott : What s the occasion ? Annie : I do nt know . But you ll come . Right ? Scott : Of course . Are you ok ? Annie : What ? Why ? Scott : I do nt know . You seem a little nervous . Annie : I m fine . Scott : And you really have no idea what tonight s about ? Annie : Something about his estate , making changes . You know , I really do nt like when Adam keeps me in the dark like this . And you know what ? He s been acting different since he came home from the hospital . Scott : Yeah . A brush with death will do that to a person . Annie : What if he s reprioritized ? What if he s decided his children are most important , and that s why he s shutting me out ? No . Adam would never do that . That s ridiculous . He loves me . He would never turn his back on our marriage . If there s any justice at all , he would turn his back on those idiots . I -- what ? Stop ! Annie : Well -- Scott : Oh , man . Annie : What -- Scott : Just so you know , my uncle can smell fear a mile away . Annie : Well , I would never show him fear . Scott : Good luck with that . Erica : I m taking Fusion into a brand - new arena . So come out in droves , ladies , and try our new line of products -- Miranda . It s nonprofit , so just think about it . Every time you apply a lipstick or a blush , you ll be helping a fellow woman in need . And what could possibly be more beautiful than that ? Man : And we re out . Wonderful job , Ms. Kane . Erica : Thank you . Thank you so much . Hi . How d I do ? Ryan : Hey . You did fantastic . You were incredible , as always . You really were . Erica : Thank you . Ryan : Hey , I ve been thinking about what we talked about earlier , and , um , you re right . I have been distracted . I have . My mind s been all over the place thinking about the joint - custody issue and all of that . And I have nt had enough time for you , which is why I think we should go away together , anywhere , for Valentine s Day . Just you and me , together , alone . What do you think ? Erica : I think wonderful . Ryan : I think it would be good to get away . Erica : So do I. David : So it was either I leave town for good or get dragged through court -- all my evil deeds made public knowledge . If it was just me , fine . But I ca nt do that to Marissa , not after everything I put her through . And my career . Well , forget about it . There s only so many times you can bounce back from a trashed reputation . So when I thought about it , what kind of life could I possibly have ? No family . No job . No friends to speak of . Greenlee : Since when have you had friends ? David : Very true . Greenlee : [ Chuckles ] Smile number two -- that must be some kind of record . David : Give me one of these . Greenlee : So basically what you re saying is no one at home needs you anymore . David : Mm - hmm . Greenlee : What if that s not true ? What if -- and brace yourself -- I need you more than ever ? Scott : Ahh . Annie : Have you composed yourself ? Scott : Yes . Annie : And are you ready to help ? Scott : Put me to work . Annie : Great . If you could just take this over to the -- whoa ! Ohh ! Ohh ! Whoa ! Adam : Well , I guess I know what my first order of business will be this evening . Scott : Ahem . Annie : Uh , thank you for catching me . That was nt really necessary . Scott : Yeah . Annie : Hi . So , um , is this a business dinner tonight ? You said it was a small family gathering . Adam : It s both . Are you surprised ? Annie : Adam , you re -- you re playing this so close to the vest , I do nt know what to think . You re -- you re meeting with lawyers , yet you re having several of your family members over tonight . Why do nt you just tell me what it is , whatever it is ? Adam : That would be telling . Ryan : I want to take you away because -- because it s gon na be fun . And we have nt been on vacation before , so , you know , I think it s the perfect time . Erica : Valentine s Day is the perfect time . Ryan : Great . Ok , good . I already checked the schedule , and Emma s with Annie that week , which is great . And I m sensing a little hesitation . I do nt know why . What s going on ? Erica : Ryan , it s been exactly a year . Why would I want to go away with you on the anniversary of Greenlee s death ? David : Trust me . I m the last person in the world you need . Everything I touch implodes . Ask around . Greenlee : I have nt imploded . Not yet , anyway . I walked today on my own because of you . David : Yeah . Well , you ll have Ryan there to pick up where I left off . Greenlee : And he ll be wonderful and sweet , and I ca nt wait to be with him . But I want you there , too . For some reason -- I do nt know . The thought of doing this without you -- what can I say ? You re my safety net . David : You re wrong , Greenlee . You ll be fine without me . You ve never really needed anyone before , and you do nt now . If I know anything about you , Greenlee , I know that . Greenlee : And I know you , David . There s a part of you that craves having people be dependent on you , indebted to you . That s what I m telling you I am right now , so why do you keep pushing me away ? Tad : Unbelievable . Liza : What ? Tad : I just got confirmation . Hayward s jet flew up to Gloucester last night . Liza : Ok . Tad : What is it about that place ? I mean , it s unbelievable . I m almost tempted to ask whether or not Dr. Doom and Ms. Bend - over - backwards have got a thing going , you know ? This is huge . I got to call Jake . I got to give him the update . Maybe not . Liza : Close your eyes . Tad : What ? Liza : Close your eyes . Tad : Ok . Games . I like games . Ok . Liza : Mm - hmm . Now , close your mouth . Tad : Close my mouth ? Liza : Mm - hmm . Now , close your ears . Tad : I -- I need two more hands . Liza : See no evil , speak no evil , hear no evil . Get it ? Tad : Got it . Liza : Good . Tad : Ok . All right . All right . I just got one more question , and it s not about David . Ok ? It s about you and me . Liza : I will allow it . Tad : Your place or mine ? Jake : He is asleep . Amanda : You re still looking for him , are nt you ? Waiting for David to pop up around every corner ? Jake : Well , I m assuming you d like to hear me say no . Huh . Amanda : No . All I want is the truth . Jake : The truth is I think it s gon na take a while , you know , to trust that he s actually gone . Amanda : That s fair . Jake : But I ll get there . You know , I ll get there for you , for our son . I will . I ll get there . Amanda : I know . Jake : I just -- I m so in love with you . I ca nt -- Amanda : I know that , too . ### Summary:
Ryan wakes up on the sofa after a night of partying with Erica . He rolls over and dreams of Greenlee , but he is really awakened by Erica giving him a cup of coffee . Annie questions Scott about Adam s whereabouts . J.R. and Colby join Adam in the Confusion bar . J.R. finds out that someone had stolen Colby s car . Tad and Liza kiss good - morning as they sit down at a table in the Confusion bar . Jake and Amanda wake up together . Jake kisses Amanda . Amanda wonders if they are really through with David . David watches as Greenlee tries to take her first step . Ryan is deep in thought as Erica tells him that she can not go public with her new ideas . Annie brings Emma home to Ryan . Annie asks if she can come in . Barry meets with Adam about his will . Adam signs the new will . Tad questions Liza as to why she had nt come back to the house , but Liza tells him that she had come back , but he and Krystal were sharing a moment . Jake and Amanda stops by Wildwind to finds movers there , moving out all of David s things . David lets Greenlee know what had happened in Pine Valley when he had told everyone the truth . David tells Greenlee that his life in Pine Valley is over . Annie notices that Ryan had had breakfast with someone . Annie claims that she is glad that he is moving on . David stands by Greenlee as she tries to walk on a walker . Greenlee wants to call Jake and Marissa and let them know what he had done for her . David refuses to let her call anyone . Greenlee tells David that she is not going anywhere without him . Annie join Adam and Barry to find out what is going on . Madison and Randi try to keep a client occupied until Erica gets there . Tad and Liza are on the phone , trying to find out where David had gone . Jake and Amanda join them . Jake demands to know where David had gone . Amanda orders him to stop or she will scream . Amanda urges Jake stop this vendetta between him and David . Erica and Ryan hold a press conference to announce their new fragrance line with the proceeds going to establish new Miranda Centers all across the country . Greenlee tries to get David to go back to Pine Valley with her , but he has second thoughts . Tad reveals to Liza that he had found that David had gone to Gloucester . Annie comes home and asks Scott what Adam could be up to by asking her to organize a dinner for all the family . Annie puts mini sandwiches on a tray and starts to hand them to Scott when she trips and falls into Scott s arms . Adam walks in on them . Annie questions Adam as to what is going on , but he refuses to tell her . Erica refuses to go away with Ryan for Valentine s day because it is the anniversary of Greenlee s death .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Stephanie : You know what you have to do . You re the only one that can save your brother , so end it ... end it ... Eric : Donna , what s wrong ? There is nt anything that you ca nt tell me . Now tell me what s happening . Donna : No , no . It s nothing . Eric : Yes , it is . It s definitely something . Now come on . I want to know what s going on , and I want to know right now . Stephanie : Lieutenant Baker , I m sorry , but Stephen Logan did nt shoot me . Lt . Baker : So -- so , what , you re having , like , memory flashes ? Stephanie : Yes . Lt . Baker : And you now realize that Stephen Logan was nt the shooter ? Stephanie : That s what I just said . Charlie : And those-- those memory flashes-- they just came to you , just like that ? Stephanie : Well , the doctors told me that that can happen sometimes after you ve experienced a trauma like I have . Lt . Baker : So what you re telling me is that if this goes to trial , even with all the evidence stacked up against him , that you can not or will not identify Stephen Logan as the shooter ? Stephanie : I ca nt , because it was nt him . Brooke : Stephanie has us right where she wants us . She ll give Storm his freedom if Donna leaves Eric . Brooke : You ca nt tell Eric why you re breaking it off . Donna : I ca nt tell Storm , I ca nt tell Eric . That s what happens when Stephanie gets control of your life . She corrupts everything you care about . Brooke : Just give her what she wants . She ll leave us alone . Donna : What about Eric ? It s only a matter of time before she uses the children to reel him back in . Brooke : He says that you ve changed him , so maybe it ll be different this time . Donna : It s never different with Stephanie . Look at me . I was determined to stand up to her , and now I m giving up the man I love so our brother does nt go to jail . Brooke : We ca nt let Stormy go to jail , at all costs . You have to give up Eric . I m sorry , sis , but it s the only way . Brooke : I know how difficult this is for you , sis , but if you do nt want Stormy to go to jail , you re gon na have to leave Eric tonight . Eric : Donna , what is this ? What s going on ? Donna : Look . This is just all too much for me . I did nt realize it until you actually proposed . Eric : What are you talking about ? Donna : Look . I m gon na blow this . I ve ruined every relationship , and I always hurt the person I love , and I-- Eric : No , no , no , no . Donna : I do nt want to hurt you , Eric . Eric : That s not what s going on , Donna . I know you too well . I want you to tell me what s going on . Donna : I , uh -- look . I - I - I - I do nt know . I - I - I just-- I ve never been married , Eric . You know , I m afraid of commitment . I - I just , you know , look . It s not you , it s me . I ve been diagnosed with a problem . Eric : A problem ? What is it ? I mean , what -- what-- what kind of a problem could there possibly be that you and I could nt work through together ? What is it ? Donna : I m a sex addict . Lt . Baker : If you re so sure that the shooter was nt Stephen Logan , then who was it ? Stephanie : It was nt Stephen Logan . Lt . Baker : Let me get this straight . You re having memory flashes of the night that you were shot . You realize that the shooter was nt Stephen Logan , but you ca nt tell us who it was . Stephanie : That s what I m saying . Charlie : Well , how can you be positive that these flashes you re having are actual memories , and not just your mind playing tricks on you ? Stephanie : With all due respect , I did nt come here to have a medical debate . I came down here to do what I believe is the right thing . I am not going to be responsible for sending an innocent man to prison . Lt . Baker : But-- Stephanie : But -- no buts . No ifs , ands or buts about this . I do nt believe he shot me . May I make a suggestion , Lieutenant Baker ? Lt . Baker : Oh , please do . Stephanie : Why do nt you ask him if he would be willing to take a lie detector test ? I bet he will , and I believe he will pass it . Lt . Baker : If we do this , I have no recourse but to go to the D.A. s office and report it . Are you sure ? Stephanie : I am sure . I am as sure about this as I have ever been about anything in my life . Eric : A sex addict ? What are you talking about ? How come you never mentioned this to me before ? Donna : Look . I ve known for a while . I - I - I just-- I was nt expecting to meet you and -- and fall in love . I - I thought I could control myself , but I ca nt . I love you , Eric , I - I - I really do , but I just-- I ca nt control my desires . They re overwhelming . Eric : But y - y - y ... you say that like it s a bad thing . Donna : No . You do nt understand . It s about the sacredness that we have . It s --it s beautiful , and I - I treasure it , but it s not gon na last . Look . Just the other day I was at the Insomnia , and this -- this really hot guy was in line in front of me , and I had this chemical reaction , and this desire just rushed over me , and I had to run out of there , Eric . If I didnt-- my God , the thoughts that were going on in my head , I-- Eric : Wait , wait . Donna , I ca nt believe you have nt said anything to me about this before . You know , there are-- there are programs out there that can help , you know . We can -- we can get through this sort of thing together . Donna : No , no , no . There s no help , Eric . I have suffered the embarrassment and the humiliation of being a sex addict for as long as I can remember , and I will not drag you into the depth of my sordid life . I can not hurt you like this . Eric : Donna , please-- Donna : Look . I love you , Eric , but this just-- this is nt working for me , and the closer we get , the worse it s gon na be . I ... just accept it that this relationship is over . Donna : It just has to be . Brooke : Stephanie , what s going on ? Stephen : Brooke , honey . Brooke : Dad . Charlie : Surprised ? Yeah , we were , too , but once we explained to the D.A. that Stephanie was nt going to testify , she realized she had no case . Lt . Baker : The judge has released your father on his own recognizance , pending the D.A. dismissing charges against him . You re free to go . Stephen : Oh , honey . Brooke : Oh , Dad . Stephen : Thank you for believing in me and making this happen . Brooke : I m so happy that you re free . I could nt stand the thought of you being in there . Stephen : It s all good now . I m out , thanks to you , and I promise you , honey , I promise from now on I m gon na be the father that you and your brothers and sisters need . I promise . I love you . Brooke : I love you , too . Stephen : I am so grateful , honey , that you were able to forget the past for a bit and do what you did for the good of the family . Brooke : All that matters , Dad , is that you re free . Stephen : Yeah , well , I m gon na set things right . I m gon na take the responsibility that I should have taken years ago . Stephen : Why do nt you go ahead and answer that ? I m gon na run upstairs and take a good , hot shower . Brooke : Okay . Brooke : Hello ? Stephanie : Brooke , look , I do nt want to mince words here , all right ? I ve kept my end of the bargain . Your father is free . Now do nt you forget to keep your end of the deal . Brooke : How could I not ? I m sure you would never let me forget . You know , this is going to devastate Donna . Stephanie : Why ca nt you think of this as a gift that I m giving you ? I m giving you back your family , and in return , I d like my family back . I d like my husband home with me . Believe me , this is the best thing for everyone concerned . Brooke : For everyone except Eric and Donna . Stephanie : I realize they think they re happy now , but it s not going to last . It never does with him , and one of these days , Donna s going to start looking around . She s going to see some handsome young fellow down by the pool , and she s going to realize she s married to a man old enough to be her father , and she will leave him , and then she will break his heart . Look . There are two families to put together here-- yours and mine . I want my family back . I want my husband home with me . I ve kept my end of the bargain . You keep yours . You make this happen , or I promise you your brother will go to jail . Donna : Do nt question me , Eric . I mean it . I ca nt bear to hurt you , and I will . I mean , there will be other lovers . I ca nt be monogamous with you or with any other man . You deserve better than that . You deserve better than me . Eric : Donna , where is this coming from ? Donna : It comes from inside , Eric . I mean , it s a horrible , shameful place that I hide from everyone , and I - I ca nt hide it from you any longer . Eric : Donna , please-- Donna : No , Stephanie calls me a slut , and it s true . I hate the word , but-- but she s right . They re all right . Eric : Now stop it , Donna , now whoa , whoa , you stop it . Do nt do that . You re a beautiful , caring , compassionate woman , and you re the woman I love . I love you . I m not gon na have you talking about yourself like that . Donna : But it s true , Eric . I mean , how can you be with me , knowing that I ll be with other men ? Eric : No , I ca nt . I ca nt . You re right about that . I would nt be able to tolerate that , but I m not gon na leave you-- not ever . We ll get through this . We ll get help . We will go to sexual addiction counseling , and we ll go together . Eric : Well , you re right about one thing-- I m not going to be willing to share you with another man , but your admission does not make me love you any less . It makes me love you more , because I see that you re willing to share with me your deepest , darkest secrets , and I m not going to walk away from you now-- not ever . Donna : No . No , how can you say that , Eric ? I m not worth it . Eric : Of course you are . You are so worth it . Donna : No , no . Eric : No , Donna , stop . You are going to be my wife . I m going to accept nothing less than that . Now , look . If this is a-- if this is a sickness , then we ll get through it together . In sickness and in health , and I m not walking away from you , not now . Not ever . Brooke : I understand what you re feeling right now , Dad . It s okay . You did nt belong in prison , and you did nt shoot Stephanie . Stephen : Storm does nt belong behind bars either , and Donna s the one who s suffering . It s diabolical , what Stephanie is doing , giving Storm and me our freedom and taking the one thing from Donna that she s looked for her entire life-- true love . Brooke : I know . Stephen : I owe you both so much , but what price are we asking her to pay ? Brooke : It s bittersweet . Your freedom , Stormy s freedom for Donna s happiness , but do nt blame yourself . Stephen : If she goes through with it and ends it with Eric-- Brooke : She s stronger than she knows-- stronger than we know . She realizes there s no other option than to do what s right . And she will . Donna : Excuse me . Donna : Uh , this is-- this is an important call . I m gon na take it outside for better reception , okay ? Eric : All right . Donna : What do you want , Stephanie ? Stephanie : Have you told him ? Donna : I have nt . Stephanie : Why not ? Donna : I - I - I tried , okay ? I really , really tried , but he s in love with me , Stephanie . Stephanie : He s caught up in something . I know that . But , Donna , you re the one that has to be cool - headed about this , or the deal is off . Believe me , I will call Lieutenant Baker and tell him it was your brother that shot me . Donna : No . No , no . Do nt do -- dont do that . Stephanie : I can and I will . Donna : Please , just , Stephanie , just wait . Stephanie : No . Look . I do nt care what you have to say or what you have to do , but you make Eric understand that it s over between the two of you . Donna : It s not that simple . Stephanie : Oh , yes it is , Donna . I ve kept my end of the bargain . Your father is free . Now you keep your end , and you send my husband home . Donna : Please , just please , Stephanie , cant-- ca nt there just be some other way , please ? Stephanie : No . Time s out , do it now . Donna : [ Sighs ] ### Summary:
Through tears , Donna hears Stephanie s words echoing in her ears – end it ! Eric senses her hesitancy and demands to know why . She tries to worm her way out by saying it is her , not him . She ruins all her relationships , she is afraid of commitment . Finally when he pushes more , she says she is a sex addict and she wo nt hurt him like this by dragging him down into her sordid life . He needs to accept it ; this relationship is over . He wants to get her help and work through this , but he wo nt ever leave her . Lt . Baker does nt believe Stephanie s revelation that she has had memory flashes and it was nt Stephen Logan as her shooter . But , despite all the physical evidence again him , Stephen is released just on Stephanie s word . Stephanie calls to remind Brooke that she has kept her end of the bargain , now she wants Brooke to keep hers – make this happen or her brother will go to jail . Donna s admission does nt make Eric love her any less and he vows to stick with her despite her telling him that she is not worth it . He will accept nothing less than her being his wife . He will never walk away from her . Donna gets a phone call and she takes it outside away from Eric . It s Stephanie putting pressure on her again to say she has told Eric and to make it clear , they have no future . She cries that she tried to tell him , but he s in love with her and would nt accept it . Stephanie reminds her that Stephen is free now and Donna has to send her husband home to her .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Nicole : Zipping the lip . I m zipping the lip . I m sorry . You know what ? From now on , you should only listen to father Eric . Eric : Yeah . [ Chuckles ] Johnny : She s funny . Eric : Yeah , sometimes she is . Johnny : You should marry her . Lucas : Hey , look who s awake . Will : Hey , dad . Lucas : How you doing ? Sami : Lucas , I m so glad you re here . Lucas : Yeah , obviously he s on the mend . Looking good . Sonny : He s gon na be good as new . Lucas : Excellent . That s excellent . Wow , look at her , huh ? Will : I know . Lucas : That is amazing . You must be popping stitches with pride right now , looking at that little baby . Look at those eyes . You got to meet your daddy . Nick : There s something I have to tell you about . [ Deep breath ] I-- I do nt even know how to say this . I just-- I m so ashamed . Gabi : What are you talking about ? Nick : It s time . It s way past time ... [ Sniffles ] For you to know the truth about me . Gabi : No , I do know the truth . Of course I know the truth . You re an amazing man with a great heart . And that we re gon na have a really great life together . Nick : Gabi , stop . Gabi : What ? Nick : You just think you know me . But you ca nt . I do nt even know who I am . John : You look like hell . What s happened ? Brady : What did you do tonight , dad ? With Kristen . Kristen : It s not fair . [ Crying ] It s not fair ! [ Sobs ] I told the truth . I told the truth . Bitch ! Marlena : Is nt that what payback is , Kristen ? Lucas : You know , I got all the details about what happened on smith island . It s pretty incredible . Will : I just did what I had to do , you know ? I learned that from you . Lucas : I do nt know about that . You did some wild and crazy things . I think you learned that from the blonde over there . Sami : [ Laughs ] Hilarious . Lucas : Thank you , Sonny . Thank you for bringing the baby here so will could see her . Sonny : We did nt do that . Will : Oh , um , Nick did . Gabi : You know what ? We should nt talk about this today because you ve had a really awful day . And you just need some sleep , that s it . Nick : Wait , no , no , Gabi . We have to do it now . [ Deep breath ] I - Ive been hiding stuff , okay ? And I ve been telling myself that -- I do nt know . That somehow it would evaporate or something . Or maybe I thought I could just lie forever . Gabi : No . No , we have nt lied . We ve told everything to each other . We have nt done that . Nick : Gabi , I lied about everything . Gabi : No -- like , what ? What ? What ? Nick : Everything , everything . I - I blackmailed will to give up his rights to the baby . I blackmailed him . Gabi : Okay , yes , I - I mean , I always thought that you had something over him . But that s because you were trying to protect me from Sami , that s -- Nick : No . [ Sniffles ] It had nothing to do with Sami . It s because will s gay . John : All I wanna know is : Are you okay ? Brady : And all I wanna know is what you did with Kristen tonight . Did you go to her room , dad ? Did you try to-- did you try to seduce her , dad ? Yes or no ? Kristen : You vicious , vindictive-- Marlena : Bitch . Yes , I know . You said that . Kristen : You ca nt help yourself , huh ? You had to come back and gloat ? Marlena : I did nt come back for you . I came to make sure Brady was okay . Kristen : No , he left . And he s not okay . You ruined his life , remember ? Marlena : I thought he had a right to know the truth . Kristen : Is that what you thought ? Are you sure you did nt think that you ve been trying to get revenge on me for 15 years , and now was your chance ? So what if Brady gets hurt in the process ? Marlena : That was never the intention . Kristen : Oh , really ? Well , now you re here . What do you want ? You want me on the ground again so you can kick me when I m down ? You know what ? I did nt think it was possible , but I hate you more than I ever did . I only have one regret-- that I did nt kill you when I had the chance . Nick : Look . The way I treated will and Sonny-- [ Sniffles ] It s not because I m religious . [ Deep breath ] In prison ... things happened ... that changed me . Gabi : Nick , I-- Nick : No , I just -- I-- [ Groans ] You need to let me get through this , okay , all of it . Because if I ca nt tell you-- [ Deep breath ] Life inside , Gabi ... you have no idea the things that can happen . When I got out , I was-- I was a wreck , you know ? I was lost . I was-- I was just faking everything , just to get through an hour . You know , and then to get through another hour . And I thought if I could just forget-- you know , if I could just wipe away everything that happened , that I would be okay . [ Crying ] And then -- and then I met you . Oh , my God . You were so wonderful and warm and sexy and loving . And I made a huge mistake . Gabi : What are you talking about ? Nick : I held on to you , Gabi . I held on to you for dear life . I made you my whole world . And I took everything that happened in prison and I put it in this box . And I just locked it away . And that s -- I thought I would be okay . I thought that you would save me . Because if as long as I had you , then I would nt have to deal with all my demons . [ Deep breath ] Oh , God . And then will-- will turned out to be the baby s father . And that s ... that s when some of those demons started to come out again . Gabi : Will and Sonny never did anything to hurt you . Nick : I know . But if I did nt treat them like dirt , how was I gon na justify all my -- all my dirty secrets ? I know this does nt make any sense , Gabi . But I could nt stop it from happening . And then--[Crying ] And then will-- will risked his life for me . He almost died trying to stop Jensen from killing me . And that s when I realized ... I got ta face what Jensen did to me in prison . I got ta face all of the lies . I m sorry . I m sorry , Gabi . I m so sorry . Nicole : So how was Johnny after I left ? Johnny : Nicole . I know she likes you . Eric : And what makes you think that ? Johnny : Cause she looks at you the same way she looked at my daddy when she liked him . Eric : Interesting . John : I need you to know that no matter what , I love you , son , more than anything in this world . Brady : Wow , that s reassuring , dad . Do I get my answer now ? Hope : Brady ? John : Hope , we re in the middle of something . Hope : Yes , so am I. I m sorry to interrupt . Brady , I need to ask you some questions about Kristen-- Kristen and Sy Miller . Marlena : Wow . [ Pop ] The real Kristen emerges . Hello again . Kristen : Go to hell . Marlena : You ve put on quite a show the last six months . But I never bought a ticket , because I know the truth about you , always have . Kristen : I think you and I need to have a little talk . I do nt think you know everything you think you do . Marlena : I do nt care what about what you say about anything or anyone . Kristen : Not even john ? Nicole : Johnny was interesting ? I , uh , would-- okay , what does that mean ? Eric : Yeah , um , you know that little boy . Nicole : Okay , whatever . I was just wondering , are you comfortable working here ? Nicole : Sorry ? Eric : I guess what I m trying to say is : Are you at peace , living here ? Nicole : At peace ? I do nt know what-- oh , man . Are you talking about that little comment that Johnny made earlier ? Eric : I m just concerned that maybe-- Kristen : You ca nt possibly think that I have feelings for you . That s crazy . What s the matter with you ? Sami : You know what ? Let s get the baby back to the nursery . I ll go with you , okay ? Sonny : Okay . Will : Here , take this . Sonny : I got it . Lucas : You get some rest , okay ? Will : Hey , um , dad ? Lucas : Yeah ? Will : Would you mind , uh , sticking around for a minute ? Lucas : Yeah , sure . Will : Okay . Sami : So , um , I really wanna hear every detail of what Nick said to you when he brought the baby in . Gabi : You said that I was someone you grabbed on to . Does that mean that what we had was nt real ? Nick : [ Sniffles ] When it all came flooding back , I realized ... I spent every day since I first met you pretending I was someone else . Gabi : So you never really loved me ? Nick : I - I thought I did . I wanted to . I was so confused . Gabi , I was lying so much to so many people . How could I know what I really felt ? Gabi : Nick , you swore you loved me . Nick : Honest to God , Gabi , I wanted my fantasy to be real . But you have to understand , in prison , I was so twisted that-- Gabi : Before we got married , Nick , I asked you-- I begged you to tell me what happened to you . Nick : I know , I know . And I could nt tell you . I could nt do it . I m sorry . Gabi : We got married . [ Crying ] We got married , Nick . And I just had a baby . What is it that you re trying to tell me ? Nick : [ Deep breath ] Jensen-- Jensen raped me , Gabi . He raped me and he beat me again and again and again and again . And after that--[Crying ] There was no me . Hope : That photograph will be key evidence . I ll need it . The man receiving money from Kristen , he s one of the muggers from the square , correct ? Brady : Yeah . And that s Kristen paying him off right there . Hope : You received that photograph from Marlena tonight ? Brady : Yes , I did . Hope : Has Kristen seen it ? Brady : Yes , she has . Hope : And what did she say ? Brady : She lied . She lied , just like the day in your office when I IDd this guy as one of the muggers . Hope : Exactly . When she insisted he was nt one of the muggers . Brady , what do you think now ? Brady : What do I think now ? I think she hired two men to stage an attack . I think she knew that I d follow her . She knew that I d rescue her . And she knew she could reel me in and then lie to me and then use me . That s what she did . Kristen : First of all , my condolences on your upcoming divorce . John told me . Marlena : Well , first of all , it s none of your business . And secondly , nothing s written in stone . Kristen : Mm . You crazy kids think you re gon na work things out ? Marlena : As I said , none of your business . Kristen : Hm , maybe . I ca nt help but be a little nosey , cause it s so weird . A couple hours ago , he was in my hotel room . Actually , he was on my bed . He had me on my back . Should I go on ? Enough about the book , I want to hear about your date . Sonny : Nick just showed Arianna to will , said he was sorry about everything . And will said he understood . Sami : Will was really amazing out there , was nt he ? Sonny : Yeah , that s who he is . Sami : It s a weird feeling , when you realize your child is a better person than you are . Sonny : You would nt have let Nick die , Sami , come on . You know you would ve done something too . Sami : No , I m not 100 % sure of that . What I really wanna know though is how that guy Jensen got out of prison in the first place . And look what he s done to Rafe , what he did to will , what he was going to do to Gabi . Man , somebody better have some answers . Will : I just wanna say that everything that you said was spot - on , about-- about , you know , me seeing my daughter for the first time . Lucas : Overwhelming , is nt it ? Will : I swear , it s like , when -- when I woke up and Nick was standing there and he brought me her , it was just like-- I mean , I swear , music started playing . Lucas : Yeah , she s beautiful , man . And so tiny , helpless . Will : Yeah , yeah . Lucas : And you got ta realize , you got ta know that you re responsible now . Will : Yeah . I m gon na do everything I can to give her the best life , you know ? I m not gon na let anybody hurt her . Will : That s how I felt when you were born . Nick : He raped me . I ve never ... said that out loud before . But that s what happened . That s real . And that s what I have to deal with now-- [ Sniffles ] What s real . I ca nt tell you how sorry I am that I used you , Gabi . Gabi : So you re saying that it was a fantasy , what we had ? Nick : It was so obvious what I was doing , you know ? Like , Sonny and will show up and I start in with the names and trashing them every chance I get . I hated them because of what Jensen did to me . It was sick . You know , Jensen was nt even gay . You know , in prison , it s not about being gay or straight . It s about violence and power . Gabi , I m so sorry . I wish you d never met me . Sami : Look who we have for you . Sonny : Hey , ready to check out little-- Sami : Arianna is here-- Sonny : I m sorry . Is this a bad time ? Sami : Um , you know what ? We ll just take the baby to the , um , nursery-- Gabi : No , no , no . Wait , wait . I wanna hold her . Sonny : Go to your mom . Sami : Is nt she precious ? Excuse me . Mrs. Fallon , I need your signature . Gabi : Okay . It s Arianna s birth certificate . Nicole : You are a piece of work . May I remind you-- since you ve hired me , and I admit we ve had our fights-- but I ve stood by you . And I ve tried to be the best friend I could possibly be . And what are you doing ? You re obsessing over what a child said . I mean , really , a child ? Thinking , ooh , Nicole ca nt keep her eyes off me . I m so irresistible to her . Eric : Nicole , I never-- Nicole : You were thinking it . Better get over yourself , Eric . Hope : Brady , I m so sorry . The photograph , I ll need it . Brady : Evidence . Take it . Hope : Thank you . We ll talk . Marlena : I think I ll pass on your stories about john . We all know you re incapable of telling the truth . I guess Brady found out the hard way , huh ? Kristen : Ask him . Marlena : Sorry ? Kristen : Ask john if he was nt on top of me , ready to go . Marlena : I think I ve heard enough . Kristen : And he s gon na tell you that he did it to save Brady . That he had to have sex with me so he could show Brady what a horrible person I am . And that s plausible , sort of . It s crazy , but I know john so well . I think I even know him better than you do . He has this way of doing things . You know , he convinces himself that he s doing them for the right reasons , that seducing me was okay because it was serving a higher purpose . Did you know that he s been coming on to me for weeks ? Marlena : Have you no shame ? Kristen : There s no shame in telling the truth , Marlena . Marlena : You re trying to fool yourself into thinking john would have anything to do with you at all . Kristen : Oh , honey , honey , sweetie , girlfriend , I do nt have to fool myself about anything . He was on top of me . Now granted , his pants were nt at his ankles . But woman - to - woman ... Marlena : Oh , my God . You ... Kristen : No , no , no -- he was ready . Marlena : Are disgusting . Kristen : Aw . Can I help it ? Can I help it if he still wants me ? Might be a little bit of emotional stuff there , but basically it s just sex . And I know that you re not exactly in touch with that part of yourself . You know and I know that when john and I are in the same room , sparks fly . You see it . It terrifies you , cause you know it s never going to die . Eric : Nicole , I think you may be reading too much into this . Nicole : You re reading too much into things . I mean , really ? A silly little comment from Johnny DiMera ? But you know what ? I know why . Because you re always judging me . And you re disappointed that I m an openly sexual person with healthy needs and desires . Eric : Nicole , I really do nt want-- Nicole : Okay , so why do nt you just face it , father , okay ? I can get those needs met anytime without your help . Okay , so stop assuming that you re on my radar , or that you ought to be . You know , in fact , if I m gon na continue working here , I want a full throated apology from you by tomorrow by noon . Sami : I d like to see that birth certificate . Nick : No , you would nt . Sami : Excuse me , Nick , but I have every right to look at it . Nick : There s no point , Sami . It has to be redone . The name of the father is wrong . I m sorry . The papers said you two are married . Nick : We are , but the name of the father is wrong . Gabi : The name of the father should read William Horton . Will : Everything s gon na be perfect now again . Lucas : [ Whispering ] You are gon na be a great father . Marlena : You know , if you re expecting me to have some apoplectic fit over your accusations , you re wrong . Kristen : Ask him ! Marlena : I wish you could understand how sick you really are . You are as sick as the day you tried to kill me . You re ranting , you re raving , you re out of control , you-- Kristen : I could ve destroyed all of you tonight-- you and john and Brady . All I had to do was let john do what he came to do , and make sure that Brady caught us in the act . Marlena : [ Exhales ] Kristen : It was nt a lie . I do nt care what anybody says . It was nt a lie . I changed . I changed . I changed because of Brady s love . I realized that no revenge in the world could ever give me the kind of joy that loving Brady gives me . [ Crying ] So I told john that I was leaving . I chose a wonderful man s love . I chose love . And then you came with that photograph . And you ruined all of our lives . Marlena : That s a heartbreaking story . And you brought it on yourself . Kristen : Shut up ! You smug , sanctimonious bitch . Get out ! But you just remember one thing . You remember what I told you about john . He was all over me . He was everywhere . Now you live with that the rest of your putrid little life . Brady : You never answered my question . John : You know the truth now . Is nt that all that matters ? Brady : [ Sighs ] So I do nt get an answer ... which is an answer . John : Son , Brady-- Brady : Get away ! Marlena : She has convinced herself that she s the victim . Hope : Of course she has . I saw Brady . Marlena : How is he ? Hope : About how you d expect . Marlena , you did the right thing . Kristen . Kristen : No , I can not deal with this right now . Hope : Well , unfortunately , you do have to talk to me ... about this . I think you know who gave it to me . I ll get this taken care of . Sami : Gabi , Nick , doing the right , that was-- thank you . John : You did it . You nailed Kristen . Marlena : She did that herself . All I did was show Brady the picture , and then she could nt lie her way out of it . John : Well , it s over , and we won . Brady knows the truth , and now we can just put things right . Hey . I got some great stuff , bro-- Durango dynamite . Takes you straight to happy . C - note makes you a winner again . You ready ? Brady : Mm . No . [ Scoffs ] Your loss , bro . Brady : [ Sighs ] Nicole : Brady , what are you doing here ? Hey . You look awful . What happened ? Something about-- Brady : [ Grunts ] Nicole : Oh , God . It s something about Kristen , is nt it ? What ? Tell me . Brady : [ Deep breath ] It s over . Sami : You know , I had this big revelation tonight . I had to tell Sonny . It s a crazy feeling when you realize your kid is a better person than you are . What do you think ? Lucas : I think our kid is a lot better person than you are . Sami : Lucas ! Lucas : What ? He s a better person than both of us put together . And that is just the way we should want it . Sonny : It s so incredible . You know , not so long ago , everything seemed so dark . Nothing to hold on to . But now , everything s gon na work out . We re gon na make it work , will . You and me , together . Gabi : Nick . We have a lot to think about . Nick : Get some rest . Gabi : [ Crying ] Do nt worry , sweetie . Your mommy s always gon na be here for you . And you re always gon na be loved . [ Deep breath ] Eric : [ Sighs ] Heavenly father , I-- please bless Nicole , whatever her needs . I also wanna pray tonight for my stepbrother Brady . Brady : I fell in love with a lie . I just-- I ve been so stupid . How could I have been so stupid ? I do nt understand . Nicole : Brady-- Brady : It was all just a joke . Nicole : I m so sorry . I m so sorry . Listen . Look , why dont-- why do nt you and me go somewhere , okay ? Brady : No , no-- Nicole : We ll go to a bar . We ll go to an all - night diner and we ll just talk until they kick us out , okay ? Look at me . Hey . You need a friend right now . And I can use one too , okay ? I m not gon na leave you alone tonight , I m serious . Brady : I m fine . Nicole : I am not going to leave you alone . You re not fine . I m so sorry . Marlena : What did you do tonight , john ? John : Well , it s complicated . Marlena : Always is . John : Look , doc , I m -- I m not sure what you heard-- Marlena : You know what ? Um ... I do nt wanna think about this tonight . Not about you or Kristen or what happened or what did nt happen . I do nt wanna give it one more ounce of my energy . Kristen : So , I do nt suppose you d be willing to call Brady for me , tell him how much I love him and I always will ? Hope : [ Chuckles ] No . I wo nt be doing that , Kristen . I m here to take you down to the station , where you ll probably be charged with conspiracy to commit aggravated assault ... a felony , that I m sure will stick . And I think you know that , because Brady will be testifying against you . ### Summary:
John wanted to know what was going on with Brady . Brady asked him what he did with Kristen . Kristen noticed Marlena at the mansion when she was freaking out . Nick wanted to tell Gabi what happened , but Gabi kept cutting him off . He wanted to tell her the real him . He told her how he blackmailed Will because he s gay . Brady asked John if he tried to seduce her . Kristen called Marlena a b*tch . Kristen yelled at Marlena for ruining Brady s life . Kristen told Marlena that she hated her and should have killed her when she had the chance . Nick told Gabi how he felt and why he treated Will and Sonny the way he did . John told Brady he loved him , but Brady wanted an answer . Hope interrupted them to ask Brady about Kristen and Sy . Marlena did nt want to hear anything Kristen had to say , but she reacted to Kristen mentioning John . Nick said he pretended to be someone else to get over the pain of what happened to him . He was confused about his feelings for Gabi . He all but said he used her . Gabi was upset that what they had was nt real . She wanted him to tell her what happened to him in prison . He told her that Jensen raped and beat him . Hope told Brady the picture would be key evidence . She questioned Brady about Kristen paying Sy to attack him . Brady said Kristen did hire Sy . Marlena and Kristen argued over John . Kristen told Marlena that John was with her at her hotel room . Nick told Gabi that he had to deal with what Jensen did to him . He apologized for using her . She wanted to know if what they had was a fantasy . He said he hated Will and Sonny because of what Jensen did to him . He told her how he wished she never met him . Sami , Sonny , and the nurse came in Gabi s room with the baby so Gabi and Nick could fill out the birth certificate . Brady gave Hope the evidence against Kristen . Marlena did nt want to hear what Kristen had to say , but Kristen told her to ask John . Kristen said John would say he seduced her for Brady . Marlena did nt believe anything Kristen said , but Kristen kept giving her details about what happened between her and John . Nick wanted Will s name to be on the birth certificate as the baby s father . Kristen and Marlena continued to argue over John trying to seduce Kristen . While they were arguing , Kristen said she loved Brady for why she did nt sleep with John . She blamed Marlena for ruining everything between her and Brady . She threw Marlena out , but before Marlena left , Kristen reminded her what John did in her hotel room . John did nt answer Brady s question . When John would nt answer the question , Brady walked away . John called out to Brady , but Brady did nt want to hear what he had to say . Hope showed up at the mansion to question Kristen about the picture . John ran into Marlena and was happy that she brought down Kristen . He wanted to put things right . She wanted to know what he did , but she did nt want to think about him and Kristen . Hope told Kristen that she was there to arrest her and that she would be charged with conspiracy . She also told her Brady would testify against her so the charges will stick .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Eli : [ Sighs happily ] I am so excited that we re getting married . Lani : Me too . Eli : I ca nt believe that we spent so much time being apart . Lani : Well ... that s all in the past now . We have the rest of our lives to make up for it . Gabi : Babe , what s wrong ? Jj : Breakfast . Crullers for me , and I m not gon na tell you what I got you . I know you like surprises . Lani : [ Chuckles ] Jj : You making any headway from the picture I took ? Lani : No , not really . I mean , I - I - it s helpful that we -- we know what the app icon looks like , but unless we can open that app ... Jj : Yeah , if only it had nt been double password protected . And I -- I saw that it sent gabi an alert . Radio waves detected . Lani : What does that mean ? Jj : There was also a notification when julie got a routine checkup . So obviously , gabi s getting pinged every time there s any activity on the device . Lani : I mean , I know that gabi can control julie s heart rate with that phone . She gave me a demonstration to prove that that app was lethal . Jj : When she forced you to dump eli . Lani : Right , but I thought maybe she was lying about getting a -- an alert whenever there s activity with the pacemaker . Jj : Well , clearly she s not . Look , lani , I think we re in over our heads here . We need to bring what we have to the police . I m gon na call hope right now . Lani : Yeah , no , no . Jj , I ca nt let you do that . Hope : [ Exhales ] [ Huffs ] Where are they ? I know they were here . Who the hell took my cigarettes ? Rafe : Shawn , thank you so much for coming . Shawn : Yeah . Absolutely . You said needed my help , and i hopped on the first plane out . Rafe : Well , I appreciate that . Shawn : Yeah . I mean , I still have nt forgiven myself for being halfway across the world when claire needed me . So I was nt gon na make the same mistake again . Rafe : Right . Shawn : Especially since you sounded so concerned . So what s up ? What s going on with my mom ? Marlena : Yes , my darling , I feel very safe . Hope is keeping an annoyingly close eye on me . And I know you have abe and roman doing the same thing . How are things there ? John : [ Inhales sharply ] Oh , hell , doc . Steve and I have been all over prague , but still no luck finding stefano . Marlena : Well , I -- I thought you had good intel from an isa operative . John : Yeah , but unfortunately , it did nt pan out . But we re staying on it . Like I told you before , that old man s no match for steve and me . So I do nt want you to worry , doc . We re gon na find him . And when we do , we re gon na lock him up for the rest of his ... [ Chuckles ] Well , whatever unnatural life he has left . Steve : [ Seethes ] John : Believe me , doc , there s no way that ugly bastard is ever gon na get his filthy hands on you again . Jj : Why do nt you want me to call the cops ? Lani : [ Sighs ] Jj , we have been over this . If gabi finds out that the cops are onto her , she will push a button and kill julie before they even arrest her . And knowing her , she would be angry enough to do it . Jj : So no cops . Lani : Not yet . Right now , it s just nice to know that my old partner still has my back and brought me A ... danish ? Jj : Nope . Lani : Croissant ? Jj : Try again . Lani : [ Laughing ] No . This is my favorite . Jj : Mm - hmm . Lani : Chocolate with rainbow sprinkles . Jj : Mm . I thought it might ... [ Clears throat ] Might take the edge off of the confession I m about to make . Lani : Uh ... jj , please tell me you did nt tell anyone else what gabi did to me . Jj : No , I would nt do that . But I was at the dimera mansion the other day . I found something out that I have nt had the heart to tell you . Lani : What ? Jj : Gabi and eli are getting married . Gabi : What was your dream about ? Eli : The wedding . Gabi : Must ve been a nice dream . Right before I woke you up , you had this huge smile on your face . Eli : Yeah . Why would nt I ? I get to wake up next the woman I love ... every single day of my life . John : Steve and I are working overtime , but I have nt stopped missing you for a second , sweetheart . Marlena : I miss you too . Oof . I just love you so much . John : [ Chuckles ] I love you too , honey . Yeah , I m getting plenty to eat . Do nt worry about it . In fact , there s a café just downstairs in the hotel here , and we re gon na go down and get a bite to eat , and I m assuming we might get some information that s gon na help us on our search . I ll keep you posted on that . Yeah . Lani : Eli and gabi are getting married ? Jj : I m sorry I did nt tell you right away , all right ? But ... I knew it d upset you-- Lani : Yeah . Yeah . Damn right I m upset ! I m -- I m furious ! N -- not at you , jj , but ... what the hell ? I mean , do nt you think that it s strange that -- that eli was just here and did nt say anything about that when he came to check on you the other night ? I mean , I was hiding right there , listening to you two talk all about his love life , and he does nt even mention that he and gabi are engaged ? Jj : They werenT. Not yet . Lani : What are you talking about ? Jj : Eli told me it was that conversation that made him decide to propose . Lani : Which part ? Jj : I do nt know . Some -- something about how I made him realize that you leaving him at the altar is in the past , so why should nt he walk down the aisle with gabi ? Lani : [ Huffs ] Wait , so you helped him make this horrible choice ? Y -- jj , you-- you put the idea in his head for him to-- to marry that two - faced bitch ? Jj : It gets -- it gets worse . He asked me to be his best man . Lani : And you said no . Jj : I said yes . Eli : I think we should set a date for the wedding . Gabi : Now ? Eli : If you ve got your calendar . Gabi : Well , yeah , I always have my calendar ! This is exciting . Okay . Babe , what about , um ... what about a summer wedding ? I ve always wanted to be a june bride . Eli : Why wait so long ? What about valentine s day ? That would be pretty romantic . Gabi : No , yeah . You re right . That would be , but ... I do nt know . The memory that I have of valentine s day is , uh , running interference with that slime leo stark so that will and sonny could have some alone time . Eli : How did you pull that off ? Gabi : Let s not talk about that , okay ? Eli : Okay . So ... I guess we ll pick another date ? Gabi : [ Sighs ] No . No , you re right . The sooner the better , and any valentine s day would be a great day to get married . Plus , I will erase those horrible memories from my brain , and ... we ll make some new valentine s day memories . Eli : We definitely will . Gabi : A valentine s day wedding . I love that idea . And I love you . Eli : I love you . John : How about I call you at 0700 ? Marlena : Please do . John , please be careful . John : Always , sweetheart . Love you . Whoa ! Hey ! What s going on , man ? Steve : [ Chuckles ] I ... I , uh ... I was getting a drink , and the -- the glass slipped . John : Yeah , well , let me get a bandage for you before you bleed out-- Steve : No , no , no , no . No , uh ... I can handle it , man . It s -- it s all right . Hey , why do nt you head down to the café , and ... I ll meet you down there , huh ? John : Yeah . Yeah , yeah , yeah . Steve : Ah . John : Yeah . Yeah . I ll , uh , order up an espresso for you , all right ? Steve : Yeah , that-- that d be good . John : Take care of that hand . See you downstairs . Steve : [ Exhales angrily ] [ Grunts ] So done with this . It is time ... to claim my queen . It is time ! Kate : Hey . Marlena : Oh ! I did nt see you there . Kate : You know , I could nt help but overhear ... john s out of town ? Marlena : Yeah . He s , uh -- he s with steve in europe . They re looking for stefano . Hope : Well ... if I can not smoke , I must do something to take the edge off . I do hate red , but I must . Hmm . Shawn : This is -- I mean , sloppy police work ? No , that s definitely not my mom . Rafe : I know . And as you can see , it s happened multiple times . I mean , she was questioning kate at a crime scene instead of bringing her down here . She s mishandling police work . I mean , she got her fingerprints all over a tiara I found at stefano s hideout . Shawn : Wait , you said there was odd personal behavior too , right ? Rafe : Mm . Yeah . Lots of that . She s been cold , defensive . I caught her smoking . Shawn : Smoking ? You serious ? Rafe : Yeah , and the weirdest of all ... she hit on john black . Shawn : You know what ? Listen , I think I know what s going on here . Gabi : I m so proud of you . I m so lucky . I m gon na be the wife of the extraordinarily handsome and charming , smart eli grant , whom I love very much with all my heart . Eli : And I love you with all my heart . Gabi : [ Giggles ] Eli : You know , what do you say we remove all distractions and stay in bed a little while ... longer ! Gabi : Wait , wha -- eli ! Stop ! Eli : No . No , look , we made a promise that we would nt do any phones in bed , right ? Gabi : Okay , but the cal ... Eli : Wait . Hold ... what is this about julie ? Lani : You agreed to be eli s best man ? Jj : I did nt want to . Lani : But you did , jj . So sit and explain yourself . Jj : Okay . Look , eli asked me , and before I could answer , he had to step out for a phone call . Kristen shows up and gets gabi out of there . I was there alone , and I was taking pictures of gabi s screen . Eli shows back up , asks me what I m doing . Lani : So he caught you . Jj : No . I made up an excuse and tried to get out of there . But then he said , hey , you did nt answer my question . He put me on the spot . Lani : So you said yes . [ Sighs ] You agreed to stand up with him while he makes that ... she - devil his wife . Jj : I did nt have a choice . Okay , look , I did nt have a good reaction when they told me , so if I said no , he ... he might get suspicious . Lani : You know what ? Maybe ... maybe we can use this to our advantage . Jj : The best man gig ? Lani : This gives you an excuse to be around those two , which will help us expose gabi for that homicidal bitch that she really is . Eli : I seriously can not believe this . Gabi : It s not what-- it s not what you think . Eli : What I think is that you re guilty . And what s on the screen proves it . You ve been texting my grandmother . What ? Are you guys making wedding plans without me ? Gabi : [ Laughs ] I ... yeah . You know , julie and I , we ve gotten so close , and she wanted to be involved . She really wanted to be , and I want her to be . Eli : Really ? Gabi : Yes . There are going to be some boundaries , of course , but , you know , after everything that julie and I have been through , it means a lot for me to have her support . Eli : Oh , it means a lot to me that you would include her . Let s see , here . It looks to me like you re free on valentine s day . Gabi : Right , and we need to get busy , because that is two weeks away . Eli : Listen , I ... I know it s soon , but it s not soon enough . I ca nt wait to put a ring on this finger . Steve : This masquerade has become unbearable . I ca nt wait to stop being the fool steve johnson ... put this ring back on my finger . [ Cell phone ringing ] Gina . Hope : I am bored out of my mind . I need an update . Steve : You want an update ? I almost just killed john black . Hope : You what ? Steve : Despite my overwhelming desire to cut his throat , I restrained myself . Hope : You had better , because that was not part of the plan . If you so much as harmed a hair on john s head-- Steve : He s fine . In fact , he s waiting for me now down in the café . Hope : Before you join him , I need to know that you are clear on our objectives . Steve : Yes . We make john believe marlena is dead and marlena believe john is dead . And then we both get what we want . Hope : And you will not go rogue and harm john in any way ? Steve : You have my word . As long as you are still committed to protecting marlena . Hope : Your queen of the night remains under police protection . However ... I am getting sick and tired ... of having her around . Steve : I have to go now and meet john and make my next move . So you , keep your pretty head about you and do nothing until you hear from me again . Gina ? Hope : All right . But you had better not keep me waiting . My patience is wearing thin , stefano . Marlena : Steve got a lead that , um , stefano had been seen in prague . So he and john went to try to find him . Kate : Okay . I just do nt understand why john could leave you here alone in salem , though , when-- when stefano is on the loose . Stefano could be back here right now . Marlena : Thanks for being concerned . But I have hope watching out for me . Kate : Hope is protecting you ? Marlena : Yeah . Well ... she is the police commissioner . So what could go wrong with that ? Rafe : Well , I m all ears . What do you think is going on with hope ? Hope : Did you go through my desk ? Did you ? Rafe : Why do you ask ? Hope : Something s missing . Did you take it ? Rafe : Oh . You mean these . Now , I know that I do nt have to remind the commissioner that it s illegal to smoke in all salem municipal buildings , including this one . Hope : Do nt get smart with me , detective . You said I d need grounds to fire you . I d say going through your superior s desk without permission is a damn good start , would nt you ? Rafe : I was just worried about your health . Hope : Keep pushing me . Why do nt you start worrying about your own health ? Shawn : Mom ? What s wrong with you ? Steve : John . I have another lead . John : And so do I. Turn around . Steve : Antony . Tony : Well , hello , steve . Long time , no see . Steve : Yeah . Too long . Um , what are you doing here ? Tony : Ah . I know all about your plan . Marlena : Well , it certainly would nt be my first choice , but why are you surprised that hope is protecting me ? Kate : Well , I mean , just her duties as police commissioner . I do nt see how she could give you that kind of attention . Marlena : Mm . Kate : No , marlena . Seriously . The two of you have some issues , right ? Marlena : Yes . But she apologized for that ridiculous pass she made at john . And we talked about it and cleared the air a bit . And john thinks that I should give her a second chance . Kate : Oy . So how s that going ? Marlena : Well ... it s not a perfect situation . Oh , honey . Look . I am so confident in my relationship with john that no woman , especially hope , is ever going to come between us . Kate : [ Sighs ] I m afraid that I know something about hope that you donT. Hope : Shawn . [ Chuckles ] Shawn : [ Chuckles stiffly ] Hope : My god . I didnt-- Shawn : Hey . Hope : ... See you there . What a wonderful surprise . Rafe : Yeah , it surprises me you walked into the same room as your son , who just flew in from asia , and you did nt even notice him . Hope : What brings you to salem ? Shawn : Well , is it a crime for a kid to pop in and visit his own mom ? I mean , I heard that you , uh-- you were gon na come to hong kong for the holidays , but then you changed your mind . Hope : What else have you two been talking about ? Shawn : I mean , n -- nothing really . We were just ... rafe and I were just catching up ; that s all . We have nt talked in a long time . Hope : Yeah , well , detective hernandez has done nothing but talk lately . But right now , he s got work to do . Now . Rafe : Oh . Right . Work . Hope : So , uh ... what else has rafe told you about me ? Lani : We have to find a way to open that app . Jj : Mm . We need someone a lot more tech savvy than us . Lani : No . Jj , we are not dragging anyone else into this . It s too risky . Jj : What about theo ? Lani : No . No . I am not dragging my brother into this . Jj : Well , he is a computer genius . And we can trust him to keep quiet . Lani : [ Sighs ] Okay . But that s as far as it goes . If gabi finds out what we are doing ... [ Sighs ] It can cost julie her life . Gabi : Open up , jj . Eli and I need to talk to our best man . Marlena : What is it ? Kate : Sorry ? Marlena : What do you wanna tell me about hope ? Steve : Go ahead . Do it . Call marlena , hmm ? She s going to want some information , and you will have to tell her that you ve known about me and gina for months . Hmm ? Do you think she ll be your friend then ? Hmm ? What about roman and john ? You think they ll ever speak to you again when they find that out ? And once the whole town realizes you ve been in league with gina and me , your life will be over . Kate : [ Sighs ] You know , I -- I probably should nt even be talking about this , but ... rafe told me that he s worried about hope , that she has nt been acting like herself for quite a while . Shawn : No . No , rafe didnt-- he did nt say anything else to me about you at all . Nothin . Hope : Okay . We both know that s not true . I am 100 % certain that he told you that I was acting like a different person , so much so that he felt that he had to start a file on me . I assume he showed it to you ? Shawn : Yes . Yes , rafe did show it to me . Okay ? He did . Hope : I ca nt believe he got you to come all the way here from hong kong . I m sorry . Shawn : He did nt get me to do anything , okay ? I came out here because I care about you . All right ? Now that I ve heard rafe s side of the story , I wanna hear yours . So tell me what is going on here . Hope : Nothing . Okay , I -- just ... the only thing that is going on here is that rafe is having ... I do nt know , he s having a very hard time letting go of our marriage and refuses to accept that it s over . Shawn : So he started a dossier on you ? Hope : Yeah . Can you believe it ? Try to prove I m crazy , out of my mind , because of course , in that small head of his , it s the only way I could possibly reject mr . Hernandez . Talk about a healthy ego . But you and I both know he has a very healthy one . I mean , does he not know his place ? Does he not understand that he s my subordinate ? Shawn : Okay , mom . Listen . Hey . I can that this upsets you , okay , so why do nt do nt we go to lunch ? Let me take you to lunch and we can talk about this in private . Hope : No . Well , I -- I canT. I have a million and one things to take care of . I do nt suppose rafe took time out from bashing me to tell you that stefano is back ? John : I called tony in vienna last night . Left him a message that we were here , looking for stefano . Anna : Tony and I are supposed to be in a cooking class right now . Schnitzel and strudel for beginners . But tony said we had to take a road trip . Tony : Yes , well , anna was very understanding . I thought it d be a good idea to see you in person . John : They re gon na try to help us out however they can . Steve : Well , I , uh-- I appreciate you both coming all this way . But you know , stefano is a master of stealth and deception . So what could either of you possibly know that would be of any use ? Tony : Oh , I think I have information for you that will be of great interest . Jj : Hey , guys . It s not a good time . Gabi : Well , it ca nt wait . Drumroll , please ! We have set a date for the wedding . Eli : Mark it down , cuz . We re tying the knot on valentine s day . Jj : Wow . It s s -- soon . Eli : Well , why wait when you ve finally found the person that you wanna spend rest of your life with ? Gabi : Is there something that you re hiding from us ? Jj : Mm - mm . Jj : Hiding something ? I do nt know what you re talking about . Gabi : Well ... [ Laughs ] I know this is nt yours . So you must have some company ? Anybody we know ? Jj : Not one to kiss and tell , but I did say this was nt a good time . Gabi : Oh . Right . Right . You did say that . I m just happy that you re moving on . You know , I ... I know how heartbroken you were when you lost haley . I do nt know . Eli and I , we re proof that you can find true love again . Eli : Hey , why do nt you invite this mystery woman to be your plus one at our wedding ? Gabi : Yeah . Jj : Uh , I dont-- I do nt think she s ready for that . Gabi : Oh , come on . You can talk her into it . And tell your new girl to stop by my shop , cause she s got some great taste in men , but in clothing , not so much . Eli : All right , well , look . We should bounce . And let s talk about those wedding details soon . Jj : Yeah . All right . Eli : All right . See you later . Lani : Oh , I will definitely take gabi up on her offer next time I want to dress like a lying slut . Marlena : That s it ? Kate : Should there be more ? Marlena : Well , um ... maybe . I do nt know . I ... I had the sense that there was more , and something perhaps you re not telling me ... you do nt wanna tell me . [ Chuckles ] Look , I know she flung herself at john . So I know that part . W-- what is it that s concerning rafe about her ? Kate : Oh ! Oh . Oh . I have to take my break . Actually , um , I have an errand to do too , so , um ... look , you are my dearest friend , all right ? And I am -- I am glad that hope has committed to protecting you . But if I were you , I would still watch my back with her . Hope : So I promised to protect marlena while john and steve are in europe , hot on stefano s trail . Shawn : Well , with black patch on the case , I kind of feel sorry for the old man or anybody dumb enough to get in their way . So listen . I know-- I know you re busy . So -- wait . Why do nt you let me take you to dinner tonight ? Hope : Um , I do nt know . Shawn : Mom , you ve got ta eat and it ll , uh , give us a chance to discuss your ... your new little vice . Hope : Shawn , give those to me . I gave up this filthy habit just as soon as I started . I just wo nt give rafe the satisfaction of admitting it . Shawn : Look , mom , I know you . I know the only way that you would ever take up smoking is if you were extremely stressed out . I mean , with the divorce , julie s health scare , and stefano being back ? I mean , that s a lot to take-- Hope : I ca nt do this now . All right ? Not now . Tell you what : Why do nt you text me , and if I can get away , we ll grab a bite at the pub . Shawn : Okay . Okay . Sounds good . Hope : Great . Good to see you , son . Great surprise . Steve : But you know , uh ... can we really trust anything tony says ? I mean , I doubt he d ever betray his old man , hmm ? Tony : Do you really think I d be here meeting steve johnson and john black if-- I mean , you were two of stefano s worst enemies-- if I still had any loyalty towards my father whatsoever ? Steve : You tell me . Tony : Oh , I pledged my allegiance to my father , to his business , to his cause . But after all these years , the treachery , the ... I just decided I did nt want any part of it . Did nt want any part of him . All I need is here right beside me . You see , my commitment is only to anna . Anna : It was nt easy , but I finally got him there . John : All right . So what do you say we get down to work here ? Can you fill steve in on your interaction with stefano ? Tony : Well , he reached out to me months ago . He wanted to procure my shares in the family business . But I smelled a rat when he refused to meet with me in person . Steve : Is nt it possible he was busy ? Tony : No . [ Chuckles ] No , not at all . No , it seemed rather urgent . And every time I mentioned to him to meet face - to - face , he turned me down . So I grew highly suspicious . And then I decided that I was gon na give my shares to my brother to help him in his fight against gabi . John : Interesting . So -- so tell me something . Could you make contact with your father again ? Anna : Well , he could . But he wonT. Gabi : Okay , so the photographer s gon na meet us tomorrow . I m still waiting to hear back from the caterer , the florist , and the dj . Eli : We also need a venue . Gabi : Right . Yeah . It s a lot . Look , we can totally have a small wedding , or we could just elope . It s fine . Eli : Gabriella hernandez , I want to marry you in front of all of my friends and family so they can see how happy you ve made me . Plus , julie would die if she did nt get to come to our wedding . Gabi : Yeah . Lani : Gabi does nt like my top ? You know , I wonder how she would feel about my shoe connecting with her-- Jj : I know you re upset . But you have to focus . Okay ? We know that they ve set a date . We have to act fast . Lani : Yeah . You re right . But man , I would really like to give that monster a piece of my mind . Anna : Stefano dimera is pure evil . And I do nt want that twisted old spider dragging tony back into his web . I mean , he does nothing but suck the life blood out of his children . And he does nt even have the guts to show his face ? Tony : All right , darling . It s all right , darling . Anna : No . All I ever wanted was to be with my tony . But stefano ruined it . He ripped my world apart . He s destroyed thousands of lives . And he s never even paid for any of it . Tony : Sweetheart , it s okay . Anna : No , tony . Nothing that snake ever did would be okay . And I said that to him the last time I saw him . He was locked up in a cage , like the animal that he is . I looked him right in the eye and I said , you re going straight to hell . And now I realize , I think he s already there . Because he s all alone . And even his own son is sickened by him . No , stefano dimera is nothing but a weak , pathetic coward . Steve : For god s sake , woman , would you just shut the hell up ? Marlena : Mm -- oh . John , would you give me a call as soon you can ? We , uh ... we ve got ta talk about hope . Hope : Finally . A moment of peace . Kate : I have had it . I wanna know what you and stefano are up to -- now . Rafe : Hey . Did you talk to your mother ? Shawn : Yeah . Yeah , I did . Rafe : Well , what d she say ? Shawn : She said that she thinks that you re having trouble getting over the divorce and , uh , you do nt wanna let her go . Rafe : Well , what do you think ? Shawn : I do nt think my mom s lying ... because I do nt think that that woman is my mother . ### Summary:
Eli had a dream he was still with Lani . He woke up with Gabi beside him and she noticed how happy he was while he was sleeping . They talked about setting a wedding date and he wanted to get married on Valentine s Day . The day reminded her of Leo Stark , but she was willing to do it . They kissed when he noticed her phone . He asked her why her phone had his grandmother s name on it . She got lucky because he only thought she was texting her about wedding plans without him . JJ and Lani talked about getting alerts from Julie s pacemaker . He thought they should tell the police , but Lani was against it . JJ told her that Eli and Gabi were engaged . She was upset about the news . He informed her that he agreed to be Eli s best man . She thought that could help them expose Gabi . JJ suggested getting Theo to break into the app . She agreed that it was a good idea . Gabi and Eli showed up so Lani had to hide . They told him the wedding date . He let them think he had company over so they could leave . They wanted him to bring her to the wedding . They left and Lani came back in the room . Needless to say , she was upset by what she heard . Shawn asked Rafe what was going on with his mother . Rafe told him about the things he s seen her do . He even told him about her smoking and flirting with John . Shawn suddenly realized what happened . Marlena and John talked about his trip . He was convinced that Stefano was no match for him and Steve . Stefano was watching him while he was talking to Marlena . He got upset when he heard John talking about him to her . He broke the glass he was holding . John walked off so Stefano realized it was time to get Marlena . Gina called Stefano and he warned her that he was ready to slit John s throat . They talked about their plan . Gina was tired of Marlena being around and wanted her gone . He told her not to do anything to Marlena until he got back to her . Stefano went to meet John and saw Tony and Anna . Tony said he knew about the plan . John told Steve they wanted to help find Stefano . Tony did nt want to be part of his father s treachery anymore . He just wanted to be with Anna . Tony told them how Stefano wanted his shares but refused to meet with him . John wondered if he could get in touch with him , but Anna did nt want Tony involved with Stefano . She insulted him until Stefano told her to shut up . Marlena talked to Kate at the pub . They talked about John looking for Stefano with Steve . Kate wondered if it was a good idea to leave her alone . She thought she would be safe since Hope was there . She told Kate that she and Hope made up . Kate said she knew something about Hope that she did nt know . She thought about Stefano threatening her so she told her Rafe was worried about Hope . She wanted Marlena to watch her back . Gina walked in the interrogation room demanding for Rafe to give her back her cigarettes . She was going go leave when Shawn asked her what was wrong . She hugged him and was surprised to see him . Rafe left the room and she wanted to know what he said about her . He told her that he saw the file , but he wanted to hear her side of it . She thought Rafe could nt accept that their marriage was over . Shawn wanted to take her out to eat , but she could nt go . She told him about Stefano and how she had to look out for Marlena . He wanted her to go to dinner with him . He realized she was stressed because she was smoking . She went to her office and found Kate there . Kate wanted to know about her plan with Stefano . Rafe met with Shawn to find out what he thought about Hope . Shawn realized that she s not his mother .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Rex : No , why ? Are you worried ? Gigi : I just hope she had a good time after the ball . That s all . Stacy : Do nt come down here . Nora : Oh , no . The room is spinning . Oh , shh , shh . Do nt make any noise . Nora : Do nt even move . Bo : Oh , never again . Oh . Nora : Clint ? Oh , no . How did we end up like this ? Clint s voice : That s what I d like to know . David : Is it morning ? Is it time for the Surya Namaskar ? Dorian : Zip me . David : Did we -- Dorian : Share an absolutely blissful experience last night ? Oh , we most certainly did . Blair : John , I need an aspirin , bad . Todd : Oh , yeah , baby . I ll get you an aspirin . I ll get you anything you need . Blair : Todd ? What the hell happened last night ? Marty : Wes . What did we do last night ? Marty : Wes ? Wes ? John : What , Marty ? Marty , open the door . Marty ? Layla : We raised big money last night . I m really proud of what we did . Talia : Me , too . I could have done without the bar fight , though . That was crazy , you know ? John and Marty , all of them . Layla : Please , that guy Marty was with ? I mean , I thought he was going to break Todd in two . Talia : Yeah , and it s going to be in all of the papers , probably . I just hope that the message about heart health does nt get lost in all that madness . Layla : Well , you know what they say . Even bad publicity is good publicity . Talia : Fish was kind of adorable , trying to break up that fight . Layla : Yeah , he was . What ? Talia : What s going on with you and Fish ? Layla : Well , I hardly even saw him last night . And after I got done working the room , he was gone . Talia : Well , he strikes me as an early to bed , early to rise kind of guy . Layla : Mm - hmm , that s cool with me . So the guy s growing on me a little . There s something about him that gets to you after a while . Gigi : Stacy , why ca nt we come down ? Stacy : Uh , I m not decent . Rex : Well , you re the only thing between me and my coffee , so what if I close my eyes ? Stacy : Okay , okay . Just a second . Stacy : Okay . Okay . Rex : Stacy , my eyes are closed because I m a gentleman . Gigi : Why are you sleeping on the floor ? Stacy : Oh , you know , it s good for my back . Gigi : Want some breakfast ? Stacy : Oh , yeah , sure . Gigi : Okay . Stacy : Okay . Okay , you -- Oliver : Why did you hide me ? Stacy : Because I do nt want to freak out my sister s kid . Come on , you ve got to get dressed before he comes downstairs . Oliver : All right , I m trying . Stacy : Here , here , come on . Let s go , let s go . Come on . Oliver : Listen , I just want to say that last night was amazing . Stacy : Yeah , uh - huh , yeah . Oliver : I really feel -- Stacy : Here s your coat . Yep , mm - hmm . Rex : Let me see if it s here yet . Stacy : Oh , were you looking for the newspaper ? Yeah , it s not here yet . Rex : So this is you decent . Clint : Neither one of you remembered what happened last night ? Nora : No . Bo : No , I do nt , I do nt . Do you ? Nora : Me ? Bo : Uh - huh . Nora : Uh , I do remember something about raiding Asa s wine cellar . Bo : Oh , yeah . Yeah , and we had toasts . Nigel : Many , many toasts . Burnt muffins and somewhat undercooked eggs . I m not fully operational this morning . Nora : It s all right , Nigel . Neither are we . What the heck is that ? Nigel : Oh , mummy s cure for a hangover . Banana shakes with a splash of Worcestshire sauce . Nora : I feel like I woke up in a dorm room . Bo : I feel like I spent the night in a chicken coop . Clint : Nigel , Nigel , does that stuff work ? Nigel : Not yet . Report back if it does anything for you , sir . Renee : Oh , oh , Nigel , is that a banana shake with Worcestshire sauce ? Renee : Under normal circumstances , I would swear off alcohol forever . But now that David Vickers is Asa s son , and may claim this entire estate -- Nigel : Perhaps Mr. Vickers will forgo his inheritance . Nora : And what ? Continue on his path to Buddhism ? Bo : Oh , right . Clint : Even if he wanted to , there s not a chance that his bride from hell would let him . Dorian : Oh , I m sorry , honey . David : So loud . Dorian : Oh , I m sorry , I m sorry . I like it better crushed . David : Am I really Asa Buchanan s son ? It s not a dream ? Dorian : Oh , it is a dream . It s just a wonderful dream . When I walked out of here last night , I really did nt know if it was going to come true . Whew . David : Yeah , you walked out on me . Dorian : Namaste . I wanted you to make the decision on your own . Take me along on this wonderful journey of yours , or divorce me . David : I thought long and hard about what you said . Dorian : And ? David : You married me for the wrong reasons . But you apologized and said that you were vindictive and mean . Dorian : Did I use those exact words ? David : Something along those lines . Dorian : You know , I could nt wait to stick it to Clint , but I had to let you make your decision on your own . After all , it is your newfound fortune , and it s your decision to make , what you do with it . David : Dorian . Dorian : Darling . David : Huh ? Dorian : We ll have everything now . David : Kind of looks like we already have . Todd : Ca nt remember anything , huh ? That does nt surprise me . I have never seen you that wasted , you know . Blair : Oh , shut up . Todd : That was great . John McBain dropped you like a bad habit when he found Marty needed him . Blair : How did I end up here ? Todd : Well , you confronted John when he went to Marty s defense . Blair : I know that part , Todd . Todd : And then you sidled up to the bar , and you started knocking them back . Todd : And then you told John to get lost . He tried to argue his case , but you would nt hear it . You froze him out . So he left . Blair : Look , this is nt a joke , Todd . How did I go from the bar to here ? Todd : A couple more drinks . Todd : Last call was 20 minutes ago . Blair : Then what the hell are you doing here ? I ve got to get home . Where s my parking pass ? Todd : What are you thinking ? Blair : I ve got to get home . Why do nt you go away ? Todd : My driver s downstairs . He ll give you a lift . Blair : Oh , the hell -- no , just -- Todd : Fine with me . Walk . Blair : Well , okay . Well , just wait a minute . Wait a minute . I ca nt walk -- wait , Todd . Blair : Why did nt you just take me straight to Dorian ? Todd : Because you were making a fool of yourself . It was terrible . I did nt want to take the risk of you embarrassing yourself in front of our kids . And anyway with Dorian , I d have heard from her . You ve got the restraining order -- Blair : Todd , how did I go from the bar to here , and end up in your bed ? John s voice : Marty ? Marty , what s going on in there ? Marty ? Open the door , Marty . Open the door . John : What the hell happened ? John : He s dead . Are you all right ? Hey , look at me . Look at me . Tell me , what happened ? Marty : I do nt know . John : What do you mean , you do nt know ? Marty : I do nt know . I woke up and he was like that . Wes was like that . He was just like that . Oh , my God . I m going to be sick . John : That s his knife . That s the knife he pulled on Manning last night . Want to tell me how it ended up in his chest ? Marty : I do nt know ! I was drunk . I just laid down . I passed out . John : Were you leaving him ? Marty : No , no . No , he was throwing me out . John : Easy . Take it easy . Just tell me what happened when you left the party ? Marty : We came back here . We had a fight . John : And then what ? Marty : Then -- Wes : Pack . Marty : Are nt we even going to talk about this ? Wes : What s to talk about ? Marty : I thought we were friends . Wes : I m not your friend , all right ? You drag me to that ball , lead me around by the nose , use me just to get in McBain s face , and what do I get for my trouble , huh ? Socked in the face a couple of times and accused of murder ? Marty : He told me that I was using him , and he was really furious with you for telling him that he killed Lee Halpern . He was -- and then I told him he was paranoid . And he got really , really angry . John : What did he say ? Marty : He said that -- John : What ? Marty : He said he remembered -- he said he remembered that he saw Lee the night that she was killed . Wes : I wanted to see her face and for her to see mine . So she could see exactly what she did to my family . Marty : Wes , I m sorry . You do nt need to explain . Wes : You know I knew just how to look for her . Because you told me about the safehouse the cops had her stashed at . John : That s all . Marty : Wes , I know you did nt kill her . Wes : And how could you possibly know a thing like that ? John : What are you telling me ? Blair : Oh , my God , what was I thinking ? Todd : You were nt . Neither was I , though . I was pretty wasted myself . I probably was nt the best host , was I ? Blair : Okay . Todd : Sit down . Blair : Okay , where do you want me to go ? Todd : I ve got five bedrooms , just pick one . Blair : Eeny , meeny -- Todd : Let s just take this one , shall we ? Blair : Which one ? Blair : This one here . Todd : Go on . Blair : I ve got to open the door . Todd : I got into bed . But then a little after that -- Blair : Oh . I m looking for the bathroom . Todd : And then you passed out on the bed . Blair : No . No , that is not what happened . Blair : I m just looking for the bathroom . Todd : Right there . Blair : Just -- this is what you call the master suite , huh ? This is girly . This is not a suite . Todd : Use the bathroom if you re going to use it . Blair : I recognize this . Wait a minute . I recognize this from The Intruder . Todd : So what ? Blair : Oh , my God , this where Marty -- you sleep in the same place where Marty sleeps ? You re sicker than I thought . Todd : Get out . Blair : I m going , okay ? I m go -- uhh ! So where s the bathroom ? Todd : Oh , please God , tell me we did nt do it . Clint : All right , we are not just going to sit around here and wait for David Vickers to come on over here and stake his claim . Nora : Honey , I m not really in the best shape for making -- for a strategy session . Bo : Can someone tell me how we got on the couch together ? Clint : Half naked , mind you . Renee : You do nt remember ? Nora : Do we want to ? Renee : Yes , we were clearing out Asa s wine cellar . And the guys were reminiscing about those great poker games that Asa used to have here . And one thing led to another . Clint : I ll see you and raise you 20 . Peeking is cheating , Nora . Nora : It was worth a shot . Clint : That s what this wine needs is a shot , like a bourbon chaser . Right , Nigel ? Nigel : How right you are , sir . Bo : I m out . Renee : Where are you going ? Bo : I m going out to the barn . I want to say goodbye to some old friends . Nora : You know , we probably all are going to have to fold soon . There ll be nothing left to bet but the clothes on our back . Clint : No , I m still in . Nora : What are you -- what are you going to do , ante up an empty wallet ? Nigel : As Ms. Hanen said , we still have our garments . Nora : Why , Nigel , are you suggesting we play strip poker ? Oh , my God . Say it is nt so . Nigel : Please say it is nt so . Renee : Very so . We just kept playing and drinking and drinking and playing . King high flush ! Nora : Oh , no . I m just starting -- Nora : Yes ! All off , drop em . Renee : Take it off , take it off , take it off ! A king high flush . Clint : I remember that flush . I also remember stumbling up the stairs . Nigel : I fell down attempting to get into bed . And I slept on the floor . Renee : And , Nora , you were a complete goner . I did not have the heart to get you upstairs and into bed . Nora : Sorry about that . What s a little lost dignity among relatives , you know , when we re about to lose the roof over our heads ? Dorian : Last night , we had une nuit du passion parfaite , with vintage champagne , fraises , pate , petit fours . But you , my darling , were the yummiest dish of all . Dorian : Mmm . Mmm . Dorian : Of course , none of this would have happened if you had nt forgiven me . We both want the same thing , David -- a marriage born of love . Of course , your inheritance makes a fabulous wedding gift . David ? You re so quiet . David : I was just thinking . I m going to miss my morning [ speaking Chinese language ] I find comfort in a simpler life . I see the world in a different way , and for the first time in my life , I have found peace . Am I really ready to give all of that up ? Yeah , absolutely . Who needs peace when you ve got all that Buchanan money , huh ? Gigi : Stacy , you were nt mad at me for leaving early , were you ? Stacy : No , of course not . Rex : Baby , you were upset . Stacy : You were nt mad at me for telling you the way I did , were you ? Gigi : I ca nt think of a good way to break that kind of news . Stacy : Gigi , I m really sorry I ruined your night . Gigi : It s okay . I mean , I asked about Mom and Dad . They were in a car accident . What are you supposed to say , they re fine ? Rex : Come on , let s get you home . Gigi : You re going to stay with us , right ? Stacy : You really do nt need the hassle right now . Gigi : It s not a hassle . God , you re the only family I ve got left besides Shane . And he s going to love you . Rex : He s going to get back from his sleepover and find out he has an aunt . Stacy : Are you sure ? Gigi : Yes . Rex : I ll get our coats . Gigi : Okay . Stacy : Um , look , I m going to stay here a while , give you two some time alone . Rex : I hope the party was nt too busted after we left . Stacy : I managed to entertain myself . Oliver : Hey . Layla : Hey , Fish . Oliver : Hi . I did nt think that anyone would be here . Layla : What are you doing here ? Oliver : Well , I lost my PDA . I think it might have fallen out of my pocket when I was , um -- Oliver : Leaving . Layla : I thought you came here to make good on that dance I promised you . Look , I know I was juggling a lot of things last night . And when that awful fight broke out and -- I m sorry you got in the middle of it , and -- Oliver : Yeah . Can I talk to you alone for a minute ? The thing is , last night I -- Layla : It s all right . Just say it . Oliver : I ca nt see you anymore . Dorian : What are you doing ? David : Getting dressed . Dorian : In that same old thing ? David : It s all I ve got . I gave everything else away , remember ? Dorian : Valentina , please . David : Who s Valentina ? Dorian : She s my personal shopper . Oh , hello , Valentina . This is Dorian Lord . David : Dorian Buchanan . Dorian : Right , Buchanan . I ll explain later . I am here in the conference room of the Palace Hotel . We need to talk . Blair : Did we or did nt we ? Todd : Give me a break . You were one drink shy of blacking out . I would nt take advantage of a woman in that condition . Blair : Oh , right , unless you called four of your buddies over . Todd : Ha . Blair : Ha . Todd : You know , I did nt bring you here so you could give me a hard time . I did nt want you driving into a ditch or something . You owe me a thank you , actually . Blair : Oh , I m not thanking you for anything . You know , I m the one that s keeping your daughter together after all the hell that you put her through . And the thought of even sleeping with you makes me sick , and it s never going to happen again . Todd : Well , you know , I m the least of your problems . John McBain was way more interested in Marty last night than he was with you . Well , I ll tell you , when he came to her rescue , I thought you were going to bust a gut . Blair : Oh , and you were just tickled pink with Marty and that Wes guy . She was all over him on the dance floor . But you know , I do nt blame her , you know . He s young and not hard to look at . Todd : Uh - huh , all right . It s over between Marty and me , anyway , so -- Blair : Oh , right . She did nt even blink an eye when he had that knife right to your throat . Todd : God , I wanted to kill him . Blair : Mm - hmm . If looks could kill , he d be dead . John : Did Wes threaten you ? Marty : I told him I knew he did nt kill Lee . And that made him angry . John : What did he say ? Marty : He said , How could you possibly know something like that ? But he was shouting , and I wondered , I remember wondering why is he acting like this ? John : Then what ? Marty : I do nt know . We were both so exhausted and so drunk . I just must have laid down . But -- John : What ? Marty : I remember wondering if maybe he did kill her . I was thinking that she d been here with me . The only witness that could have put Todd away for everything he d done to me . John : Yeah . Marty : Without her -- oh , what if I went crazy ? What if I went crazy ? What if I went crazy , and I killed Wes ? John : You did nt do this . Marty : How do you know ? John : I know you . Marty : I pulled a gun on you . I was ready to pull the trigger . John : You were told I was dangerous . You were trying to protect yourself . Marty : You do nt know who I am . You know who I was . And I am capable of killing someone . I got Todd up to that roof , and I made him jump . Two people were in this room last night . So if I did nt kill Wes , who did ? Todd : Here s your aspirin . Blair : Ah ! Todd : God , looks like you need it still . Blair : Do nt you even think about telling anybody that I spent the night here last night . I mean it . Todd : Well , who would care ? I mean , obviously you and John are finished . Blair : Do nt count on it . Valentina : Oh , that looks just fabulous . What would you like to try on next ? Dorian : Oh , who cares ? I m going to take them all . Yes , Liz , write them all up . Liz : Will do , Mrs. Buchanan . Dorian : Oh , thank you . David : Wool blend ? I want cashmere ! Ow ! Watch it with those things . David : Too wide , too senatorial , too inexpensive . Seriously -- paisley ? Valentina : So , do you want to put all those items on your charge ? Dorian : Oh , well , actually , my husband is going to be taking care of this . David : Hey , Dorian , look at that , huh ? Dorian : Hmm -- sweetheart ? I think you should try the one on in the box . David : Oh . David : Howdy , partner . Dorian : [ Southern accent ] Your Pa would be so proud of you . Stacy : So is that album the only thing you brought with you when you left home ? Gigi : Yep , that and my Raggedy Ann pillow . Stacy : I still remember that . Look , Gigi s got a mullet . Gigi : Did not . Rex : Uh , did , too . Stacy : I love that look . Business in the front , party in the back . Gigi : That was a five - minute phase , okay ? Wow , this is Christmas the year I turned 17 . This is the last photo I have of Mom and Dad . And she s wearing the sweater I got her . If I had known I was never going to see her again -- Stacy : Gigi , wherever they are , they know you love them . Gigi : I hope so . God , it s so weird . We were just talking about them , remember ? Rex : On our flight to Vegas . She said how she wanted to find them -- make up with them . Gigi : I just thought that they should be at our wedding . Stacy : You guys are getting married ? Rex : Uh , we ve been sort of tossing the idea around . Stacy : That s great . Gigi : Oh , I did nt even ask you . Do you have a special guy in your life ? Layla : I sort of ca nt believe this . Oliver : Yeah , this is awkward , but I ve met someone . Layla : What ? When ? Who ? Oliver : Well , it happened really fast . Layla : Uh , yeah . How ? Oliver : Last night , actually . You know , you were really busy . Oliver : Hey , how s it going ? Layla : Hey . Oliver : What about that dance ? Talia : Go . I got this . Layla : I ca nt . That would nt be cool . Stacy : I like a man who s not afraid to blush . It s cute . Oliver : Things sort of -- Layla : Sort of what ? Oliver : Well , they just sort of took off from there . Oliver : I -- I m really , really sorry , but I think I ve met the love of my life . Stacy : No , no man in my life right now . I m as single as it gets . Gigi : Well , there were some hot guys at the ball last night . Gigi : And by that I mean you , but you re taken . Rex : Right , I knew that s what you meant . Stacy : Yeah , no -- I think every guy that I talked to last night was a complete loser , so -- it does nt even matter anyway . [ Stacy laughs ] I m just here to reconnect with my sister . I m not here to hook up with some dude . Clint : So Nora is talking to legal about filing an injunction to keep Vickers from doing anything until we confirm his paternity . Nora : Done . And I will continue to contest the will . Bo : All right , good . I m running his name through the system . If he has so much as an unpaid ticket for littering , I ll bring him in . Clint : All right . Nigel : I ve hidden the silver . Renee : We could invite David to dinner , and I could get the cook to poison his food . Renee : Just a thought . Clint : Nigel ? Well , who could that be ? Bo : I think Vickers is here to tell us what he plans to do with all our money . John : Just do nt touch anything . Marty : Please do nt call the police , John . I m begging you , John , please . Please help me . Oliver : Look , you are a really great woman , and some guy is going to be so lucky to find you . I m really sorry things did nt work out . Layla : Okay . Talia : Fish , I found your PDA . Oliver : Thanks . Talia : You re welcome . Oliver : So yeah . I m sorry . Talia : Did I miss something ? Layla : Apparently I did , too . He just dumped me . Stacy : So tell me , when does Shane come home ? When do I get to meet my nephew ? Rex : Pretty soon . Gigi : He s going to be so excited to meet you . I wish he could have met his grandparents , too . Rex : That s not your fault , honey . Gigi : I should have tried harder . Rex : Hey , how can you be down on yourself ? I took off . Your dad kicked you out . Stacy : You know , he is right . Rex : You re still in a state of shock . You ca nt figure everything out in one day . It s going to take time . But you have that . You two found each other again . Stacy : Gigi , I ca nt tell you what happened inside of me when I saw you in Vegas . I just want to be your little sister again . I want to be Shane s aunt . Gigi : I want that , too . Nigel : Mr. and Mrs. Vickers . Dorian : Nigel , it s Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan now . David : Excellent , you re all here . I m sure this has been as shocking for you as it has been for me . Clint : Shocking is not the word I d use . David : Clint , you are a brother that a man can look up to . I m honored to share your blood . I mean that . Bo , I have always respected and admired you , even when you were slapping the cuffs on me . Nora , a sister - in - law before I even knew that I had one . Always very close to my heart . Nigel , you have served my family with grace and an admirable work ethic . And , Renee -- what can I say ? Radiant as always . Bo : Where are you going with this ? David : We re family . You should know how much you all mean to me . And now that you do , get the hell out of my house . John : We have to call Bo . We have to call the police . Marty : What am I going to say to him ? John : It s going to be okay . I ll be right here . Blair : For crying out loud . Operator , can you get me the police ? I want to report a murder . ### Summary:
Nora , Bo , Clint , Renee and Nigel all wake up hung - over after the night of the ball where David Vickers finds out that Asa left him everything . Knowing they wo nt have a cent to their name , they all wonder what to do . David and Dorian appear and tell them it s time to get the hell out of their home . Stacy stays at Gigi and Rex s home . But she brings Fish over . She has seduced him the previous night but does nt want anybody to know . At that point , he announces to Layla that he s found somebody else assuming Stacy is serious about him . Blair and Todd wake up together in his bed . She asks how that happened . He reminds her that he was nt going to let her drive home drunk , have their kids see her in the state she was in and he could nt go to Dorian s house since he has a restraining order . And they both know that John and Wes have been fighting over Marty . At Wes s , Marty awakens with blood on her hands and freaks when she sees that somebody stabbed Wes to death . John attempts to help her . Blair goes and observes them standing over Wes s dead body and calls the cops to report a murder .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Ridge : Well , we re just gon na have to table this discussion until you calm down . Thorne : Yeah , you know you ve gone too far , do nt you ? Ridge : I m just trying to keep you from making one hell of a mistake . Thorne : You mean from forcing the issue . Ridge : Forcing our father to choose between his sons . You may not think of me as his son , but he sure as hell does . Thorne : Well , you re not , Ridge . Are you ? Ridge : Biologically , no . But in every way that matters , yes I am . No one s gon na win here , Thorne . Thorne : No , Ridge , you re the one who s not gon na win . And that s what has your head spinning , because for the first time in your life , you re going to come out the loser . And I m sure you re just terrified . Ridge : Do I look terrified ? Thorne : Well , maybe you re just not smart enough to figure it out . Oh , I m sorry . Did I stoop to your level ? So unlike me . Ridge : I did nt create this situation . Your wife did . Thorne : You know what ? You leave Darla out of it , Ridge ! This is not about her any more , or your stupid line ! This is about you and me , and your attitude . I ve had it . I m fed up with it ! Ridge : Well , I think I ve been more than fair . Thorne : Oh , god . See , that s exactly what I am talking about ! You ve been so kind , have nt you ? So tolerant , so generous . Allowing me this office , huh ? Allowing me my success . Well , let me tell you one thing . I have earned every damn thing that I ve gotten , Ridge , in spite of you . And I am sick of you trying to bring me down . Ridge : Well , I just wanted to make sure that you did nt bite off more than you can chew , because we all have our limits , do nt we ? Thorne : Yes , we do . And you are mine . You ve been trying to push me down my entire life . No more , Ridge . Ridge : You really think Dad s gon na choose you ? You know what , Thorne ? I am the future of this company . Thorne : We can find another designer , Ridge . You tell me where he can find another first - born son ? Eric : Oh good , you re both here . Thorne : Not for long . Sephanie : You came . Felicia : Of course I came . Refusing a direct order is grounds for court- martial , right ? [ Stephanie chuckles ] am I the first ? Stephanie : The first ? Felicia : Yeah , to get here . The way you sounded on the phone , I thought there was some kind of family emergency . Stephanie : I just wanted to spend some time with my baby girl . Is that so strange ? Felicia : It s just you have nt called me that in a long time . Stephanie : If I remember correctly , you told me not to . Felicia : Did I ? Well , you should nt have listened to me . Stephanie : Shall we sit down ? So , how ve you been ? Felicia : You know , busy . On the go . Stephanie : And ? Felicia : And what ? Stephanie : Well , where have you been ? What have you been doing ? And who have you been doing it with ? Felicia : Wow . That s a flashback to my teenage years . Stephanie : I m just , you know , sort of playing catch - up . I mean , we have nt talked in a long time . Felicia : Have we ever ? Stephanie : Now , do nt joke . Felicia : Who s joking ? Stephanie : Oh , all right . Now that you re all grown up , I d just like to get to know you better . Felicia : Why ? Stephanie : You re my daughter . Felicia : Have been , since as long as I can remember . Let me just ask you something . In the past year , how many times have you called me ? Stephanie : Well , Felicia , if you needed me -- Felicia : No , no , no , no . I know better than to need you . That s Ridge s department . Stephanie : Well , your brother has gone through a major crisis . Felicia : Yes , and that takes precedence . Stephanie : Look , you ve been gone . You have absolutely no idea of , you know , the stress that we ve all been through . You could have called . Felicia : Sure . To hear the details . Stephanie : Am I supposed to know there s something wrong with you when you re halfway around the world ? What do you expect ? Felicia : This . This is what I expect from you . Stephanie : Stop . Felicia , if I have nt been as available for you as you might have liked , I m sorry . But , look , lot s of things have happened . Things that have absolutely nothing to do with you . And you ve just got to learn not take it so personally . Honey , you are not the center of my world . You have to learn to live with that . Felicia : Live with it ? No , I m not going to learn to live with anything . You know what ? You just take your maternal concern and shove it ! Thomas : That last wave was awesome . Amber : What about me ? Not bad for my first time butt - boarding , huh ? Thomas : See all the things you can learn from me ? Amber : Yeah , only problem is , I m not gon na be able to sit down for a week . Thomas : This was a great idea . Amber : Yeah . Well , figured you could use a pick - me - up after -- Thomas : You can say it . After Caitlin dumped me . I do nt know what she sees in Rick , but -- I m sorry . Amber : Well , Rick s an incredible guy . But so are you . Amber : Hey . What d I tell you about that ? Thomas : Did anyone ever tell you you think too much ? Amber : No . And I have to think about this . Thomas : No , you do nt . Come on , amber , what s the big deal ? All we re doing is messing around a little . Amber : Yeah , well , a little can lead to a lot . Thomas : That s the idea . Amber : Little Tommy Forrester is trying to seduce me ? Thomas : And it s working . Am I right ? Amber : I refuse to answer on the grounds that it might incriminate me . Thomas : Oh , I ll do that for you . Amber : In your dreams . Thomas : Well , you do nt want to get your back burned , do you ? Amber : I ll take my chances . Thomas : Okay . Have it your way . But do nt blame me when you get sun poisoning , and you re all red and blistery , and you ca nt sleep for days . Amber : Okay , fine . You win . Here . Thomas : All right . So , come on and have a seat here and be prepared for an experience -- Amber : What s that ? Thomas : Nothing . It s this bracelet I gave to Caitlin . She did nt want it anymore . Amber : Well , maybe she ll take it back some day . Thomas : Yeah . Amber : Ah , you kids . You think you know everything . You think you can predict the future . But you re wrong . You never know what might come your way , or when you might get a second chance . Stephanie : What is going on with you ? Felicia : What s going on with you ? All these questions , what , the sudden interest in my life ? Stephanie : I m worried about you . Felicia : Me ? No , you must have me confused with Ridge . Stephanie : Stop changing the subject . You re in trouble , and you do nt want me to know . Felicia : I am fine . Stephanie : No , you re not fine . That s quite obvious . Felicia : You think you can fix me now ? What , you think you have all the answers ? Well , you know what ? You do nt . And even if you did -- it s too late . Stephanie : It s too late ? What are you talking about ? What do you mean ? I m your Mother . I can help you . Just tell me the truth . Felicia . Felicia , are you doing drugs ? Eric : You ve been arguing . I thought I made it clear to both of -- Thorne : He barred Darla from the building . Eric : Is that true ? Ridge : She s a security risk . Thorne : Oh , give me a break . Ridge : We ve lost millions of dollars because of what she did . Thorne : That was an accident , Ridge . Ridge : Well , I ca nt take the chance of that accident happening again . Thorne : No , what you ca nt take is a woman who does nt think that the world revolves around you . Ridge : You see what I have to deal with ? Thorne : Yeah , well , guess what ? Not for long . Eric : What do you mean by that ? Ridge : Thorne has drawn a line in the sand , Dad . Either he goes , or I go . You choose . Felicia : You want to know -- Stephanie : I think I already do . Felicia : You re accusing me of -- ? Stephanie : This is not an accusation . Felicia : The hell it s not . Oh , my god . Stephanie : I have reasons to ask you . Felicia : What ? What , the track marks on my arms ? The white powder under my nose ? Stephanie : The pills in your purse ? Felicia : I do nt know what you re talking about . Stephanie : Then you would nt mind if I opened it . Felicia : Oh , god , Nick , I -- Stephanie : Felicia , I can get you the help that you need . Felicia : I am not hooked on pills , okay ? I just want you to leave me alone . You know , I do nt understand why you always have to think the worst . Stephanie : I wish I did nt have reason to . Felicia : You know what I said about picking up the phone and calling me sometime ? Do nt . Thomas : Do you really think people get second chances ? Amber : Otherwise , how could I get up in the morning ? Thomas : You re living on hope . That seems kind of sad . Amber : Well , you find ways to keep yourself busy . Thomas : Is that what I am to you ? Something to keep you busy ? Amber : Well , time does goes by faster when I m with you . Thomas : And that s a good thing , right ? Amber : God , you re sweet . Thomas : Sweet . Amber : Yeah . What s wrong with that ? Thomas : Caitlin thought I was sweet . Amber : Well , Caitlin did nt know what she had . Thomas : Apparently , neither do you . Amber : I do nt have you . Thomas : You could if you wanted to . Amber : Sunblock . You know , why be in such a rush ? Thomas : Why wait ? Amber : Ever heard the expression innocence is bliss ? Thomas : Oh , no , see that s ignorance is bliss . And I do nt want to be either one . So , how about it ? Amber : How about what ? Thomas : Put me out of my misery . Have sex with me . Eric : You want me to choose between you two ? Thorne : You and Mother . Ridge : Oh , there we go . The real motive comes out . Mother and I are on the outs , so you strike . Thorne : She s a founder of this company , Ridge . She has a say . Eric : She ll say the same thing I do . The two of you are going to sit down and work this thing out . Ridge : We re beyond that . Thorne : Way beyond that . Eric : Look , you re overreacting . Both of you . Now , Sally has our designs . I know , it s frustrating . Ridge : Not to him , though . He thinks it s great . That s probably why he let Darla get on his computer in the first place . Thorne : You know what , Ridge ? You ve going too far now . Ridge : Oh , I ve gone too far ? Thorne : You re damn right . When you question my loyalty to this company . Ridge : You re damn right I do , Thorne . You act like we re all in this business just to feed your ego . Thorne : Oh , my god . He wants to talk egos . Ridge : Yeah , that s right , I have one . But you know what ? I earned mine . Eric : All right , that s enough . I m tempted to fire you both . Ridge : Maybe I should nt have said that . Thorne : Why not , Ridge ? You ve been saying it ever since you came back in a hundred different ways . Everyone in this building -- hell , everyone in this industry knows what you think . You ve earned your place here , I have nt . You belong here , I do nt . You re taking us to the future , I m holding us back . Eric : Thorne , you ca nt let that -- Thorne : You know what ? Do nt tell me to suck it up anymore , okay ? Or to put up with it , it s just Ridge . I have been hearing that my whole life , and I ve been doing it my whole life . Well , I ca nt take it anymore . You hear me ? Not one more day ! You have to let one of us go , and you have till tomorrow . Amber : Okay , I think it s time for you to go home . Thomas : You said I was sweet . Amber : Yeah , and I want you to stay that way . Thomas : Oh , come on , what s the worst that could happen ? Amber : Thomas , this is a huge decision . And for you to take it so lightly -- Thomas : Well , I ve thought about it . I mean , it s practically all I ve thought about . And I m ready . Amber : Well , I m not . Thomas : I m not a kid , Amber . Amber : Yeah , you re more adult than some adults I know . Thomas : I just need someone to make it official . You know , bring me up to speed . Amber : Up to speed , huh ? Hmm . Well , see now , there s your first mistake . See , you do nt want to go too fast . Thomas : I do nt ? Amber : Hmm - mm . See , you want to time it right with the rhythm of your partner . Thomas : Like that ? Amber : You re a good student . Thomas : You re a good teacher . Amber : I should nt be doing this . Thomas : Do nt stop now . Amber : You know , your first time should be special . Thomas : And it would be , with you . Teach me . Eric : Look , there s no way I m going to choose between the two of you . Ridge : Well , you re gon na have to , because I ca nt work with this . Stephanie : What is going on in here ? I can hear you all the way down the hallway , and so can everyone else . Now this has got to stop . Thorne : Oh , it will . Tomorrow . Stephanie : What ? Eric : They want us to choose between them . Stephanie : Oh , for heaven s sake . Thorne : It s the only solution , Mother . Stephanie : One of you leaves the company ? What does that solve ? Ridge : Well , if it s Thorne , we can get back to business . Stop spending half our time coddling him . Thorne : It s not just business , Ridge , which is what you ve never understood . It s a family operation . It s for the family . Not the other way around . Eric : Exactly right . Which is why I do nt want this dividing our family . Thorne : No , we re already divided . That much is clear . The question is , which one of us is more valuable ? Stephanie : You are both valuable . Do nt put us in this position . Thorne : You know what , Mother ? I wish I did nt have to . I really do . But I ca nt take this anymore . And it s bad for this company , too . The people in this building know what s going on up here . They sense the tension . They re confused . They re taking sides . It s bad for morale . Eric : I m well aware of that . Thorne : Well , we did nt have these problems before he came back . Ridge : That s because there was no one to challenge you . Thorne : You know what , Ridge ? We were doing just fine while you were gone . Matter of fact , we were a hell of a lot better off . Ridge : You agree with that , Dad ? Thorne : You know , Dad , we all know how thrilled you are to have him back . But even you have got to see what it is doing to this company , to this family . We re at each other s throats here . Ridge : That s not my doing , that s Darla s . Eric : All right , that s enough ! Stop it . Thorne : I m your first - born son . And you will never have to doubt my allegiance . I will give you everything I ve got , dad , as I always have . Ridge : Well , therein lies the problem , Thorne . Because everything you ve got is just not good enough . Not to keep this business going . And that s just a fact . Because I m the one they ca nt afford to lose . Stephanie : We ca nt afford to lose either one of you . Now there has to be a way to resolve this . Ridge : Mother , I m sorry to put you in this position . Stephanie : Well , then do nt . And do nt ask us to make an impossible choice . Ridge : I ll be waiting for your answer . Stephanie : Thorne -- Thorne : No , Mother . I m not backing down . I have lived in his shadow long enough . Eric : And we have to bear some of the responsibility for that . Thorne : Yes , you do . And that s why you two have to end it -- tomorrow . Stephanie : What are we going to do ? ### Summary:
Darla pleads with Sally to tell the Forresters who gave her the Ingenue designs . Sally does nt want to but eventually tells that Darla gave them to her . Darla realizes there was a mistake and explains it . Thorne backs her up . Ridge is livid and yells at Darla . She rushes out and meets Thorne at home . She berates herself for being stupid . Meanwhile , the Ingenue show goes on , despite Ridge s wanting to cancel it . It is a big hit with everyone , except for Thomas , who saw Rick and Caitlin hug and then kiss . Rick goes on in Thomas place when he leaves .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Gabi : Hey , uh , do you have a minute ? Chad : Yeah , what s with the-- what s with the suitcase ? Gabi : Oh , well , now that the crisis is over , Ari and I are going to head back home . But I wanted to say thank you for letting us stay here . Chad : Yeah , that was-- I did nt think it was going to be so soon that you were going to be leaving . Gabi : Yeah , well , Arianna misses her room , so ... Chad : Yeah , right . Pfft . Of course . Uh ... Gabi : [ Chuckles ] Chad : Yeah , I dont-- I ve just got -- Ive gotten used to having , um , people around the house . And Thomas , you know , has gotten used to having-- having another kid around ... Gabi : Yeah . Chad : And he -- he lights up every time he sees Arianna , so it s -- uh , it s gon na be quiet . Gabi : Oh , come on , please . You re not glad that you re going to have some alone time ? Chad : Well , I m gon na miss you and-- Gabi : What ? Chad : I m gon na miss your company . Kate : So , what brings you by so early this morning ? Eduardo : Breakfast . Kate : How thoughtful . I do nt eat it . Eduardo : It s the most important meal of the day . Kate : Who says so ? Eduardo : Everybody . Kate : Well , I do nt care . Have you ever seen me consume anything other than black coffee before noon ? Eduardo : No , and it s a concern . Kate : Hmm . Why are you really here ? Eduardo : I m investigating , let s say . To see if you might be willing to ... change your ways . Kayla : Oh , is that for me ? Steve : Well , yes it is . It s not for me . Real men do nt drink soy lattes . Kayla : Ah , but you ordered it , and that s a step in the right direction . Steve : Mm . Kayla : And I can see that your manhood is still intact . Steve : Well , thank you . So how s Abe doing ? Kayla : Well , he had a rough night , but he s more stable now , so I think I can go down to the cafeteria and get something to eat . Steve : No , no , no , no . I brought you something . Look , come on . I made it myself . Why do nt you let me take care of you once in a while ? Kayla : Are you serious about that ? Steve : Yes , I m very serious . Kayla : Well , I do have something I want you to do for me . Eduardo : I suppose if I were being completely honest , I would admit that I am trying to score points with you , so to speak . Kate : With a breakfast burrito ? Eduardo : Oh , no , that s -- that s not just a breakfast burrito . That -- that remarkable item is blessed with the spirit of the great ghost pepper . Articulated in it is chipotle , cilantro , cumino , and garlic . It s guaranteed to keep your demons away all day . Kate : Do you think I need help with my demons ? Eduardo : We all need help with that . And I like you . And I want to spend time together . Kate : And what would your wife think of that ? Eduardo : She s my ex - wife , and she went back to Mexico . Kate : Permanently ? Eduardo : So it seems . Kate : So now you re looking for someone to spend the lonely hours with until your ex - wife changes her mind . Gabi : [ Chuckles ] You re gon na see me often . I mean , I work for you . Chad : As my image consultant , so as my image consultant , how many hours am I allowed to work you ? Gabi : Well , your image , specifically , needs a lot of fine tuning . So , trust me on that . Chad : I m very un - hip . I m aware of that . So as you re -- as you re dealing with this -- with this piece of work that s gon na be a lot of hours away from your regular life that you re gon na have to be here , so you re probably gon na have to bring Arianna by . I m very serious about that . Gabi : Oh , wow . Wow , you re a very considerate boss . Um , it s very different from working for Kate . Chad : Yeah , well , I only hire people who have had terrible experiences with other bosses . Gabi : Oh , so this whole entire staff-- this house must be ready to kiss your feet . Chad : They are , yes . As a matter of fact , look at my -- my breakfast tray that Harold made for me ... this morning . You see that fancy little napkin there ? Gabi : Oh . Chad : And then there s a little flower beside it right there , the purple one . So either he s incredibly grateful that he s not working for my father any more , or I think Harold wants to date me , try and seduce me , I think . Gabi : Oh . Okay , well , the flower is lavender . And it was me who put it there . Chad : Get out . Why -- he s not trying to seduce me ? What ? Gabi : Listen , Harold and Mary were giving the kids breakfast this morning , so I made the tray . And it -- do you not see it ? It s a bunny . Do you -- look at the ears . Chad : That s not a bunny . Gabi : I make it for Arianna all the time and she loves it . I thought it would make you laugh . Chad : Ha - ha . Gabi : And the lavender is because that s my favorite scent . Chad : Yeah ? Gabi : Yeah . Chad : It s beautiful . Gabi : I hope I was nt overstepping . Chad : No , you were nt . That was ... why ? Why did you , um , why did you do this ? Gabi : I mean , yesterday you told me you decided to rejoin the living . And -- and I figured that that was something to celebrate . Even at breakfast . Chad : That was very thoughtful of you . Thank you . Kate : Well , I have zero interest in being a consolation prize . Eduardo : No , no , no , do nt you see -- dont think about it like that . It s not about that . I mean , you know , we-- I made a family with that woman . So you ca nt be the mother of those children just like I ca nt be the father of Philip . I do nt see how it serves us to look back regretfully at something like that . We ca nt change it . Kate : So I guess becoming a new man did nt work out for you . Eduardo : Not so much . Kate : What are you going to be now ? Eduardo : I m going to go in business . Probably with my son Dario . Kate : Mm . What kind of business ? Eduardo : Well , uh , the details yet to be revealed , but , uh , it s about trying to build something that will -- thatll last me . Kate : Well , good luck with that . Eduardo : Thanks . Kate : I hope your children want to be part of this legacy that you re planning to build for them . But just so you know , children -- well , working with children , it s just not always rainbows and flowers . Eduardo : Is that why you re working for the DiMeras and Philip is working for the Kiriakis clan ? Kate : Philip is half Kiriakis , so that works for him . And actually , my children tend not to want to take orders from me . However , Chad DiMera , who is like a son to me , has no attitude whatsoever , so ... Eduardo : Wow . And how long do you suppose that s going to last ? Kate : Why would nt it last ? Eduardo : Well , he owns the company and you re working for him . What s to stop him once he s learned everything he can from you from cutting you loose ? Kate : I would have a company of my own right now if you had just invested in me when I asked you to . Eduardo : That s true . Let me make it up to you . Kate : How ? Eduardo : Come work with me . Blanca : Wow , amazing , yes ? Two days ago , Salem was being held at gunpoint , and today , it s decorated for Halloween . Dario : What about that guy Guillermo ? Is he still bothering you ? Blanca : No . Dario : Good . Blanca : Yeah . Dario : That means he left town like he said he would . Blanca : Well , you put the fear of god into him . Dario : That was the idea . Blanca : Listen , that was very sweet of you , really . But I mean , I could have handled Guillermo myself . Dario : Yeah , but I know how difficult those kind of guys can be to handle . Not that I m trying to be anybody s white knight . Blanca : Mm , so why are you checking on me ? Dario : I m not checking on you . Blanca : Oh , no ? Dario : No . No , no , no . I promised to take you dancing once I was back on my feet , which I am , thanks to your healing touch . Blanca : [ Chuckles ] Dario : So , what about tonight ? Blanca : Oh , tonight ? Uh , no . Dario : Yeah . Blanca : No , I have to work . Dario : Tonight ? Again ? Blanca : Yes , tonight , again . I mean , that s what you do when you work for a living . Dario : Okay , okay . Blanca : Right , you have to be there , you know , when they call you . Dario : Yeah . Blanca : Yeah . Dario : Well , I have a meeting that will be done in an hour . Blanca : What ? Dancing in the middle of the morning ? Dario : Maybe . Maybe not . Blanca : You re going to have to tell me more . Dario : You do nt want to be surprised ? Blanca : Not by a player like you . Dario : Actually , I ve been-- I ve been looking for a woman to help me change my ways . You think you re up for the job ? Gabi : You know , you should keep stuff like this around . It has a lot of healing properties . Chad : Is that right ? How do you -- how do you know all of that ? Gabi : Well , my mom , she really likes this stuff . She says it-- lavender makes you feel relaxed . Chad : Well , in that case , I m going to get a whole bushel barrel of it immediately . Harold ! Gabi : Yeah , after the-- the week we ve all had , we all need that . Chad : How -- how s JJ doing this morning ? Gabi : Better , according to Jennifer . Thank god . Chad : Good . Are you headed to the hospital now ? Gabi : Yeah . After I drop off Arianna at preschool , I m going to head over there . Chad : Can I -- can I-- can I come ? Tag along ? Gabi : You re not too busy ? Chad : Abby s brother ? No , no . Gabi : Yeah . Steve : So what can I do for you ? Kayla : Abe has a heart condition . And he s had it for a really long time . Steve : I did nt know that . Kayla : Well , neither did he . And if it was nt for that gunshot wound to the chest , we would nt have known that he has this problem . And guess what ? Sooner or later , his heart would have killed him . And you know why that is ? Because he had nt had a physical in over five years . He was nt taking care of himself . Steve : Oh , I know where this is going . Kayla : Yeah . How long has it been since you ve had a physical ? Steve : I feel great , baby . Kayla : Well , so did Abe . How long ? Steve : Okay , this is October , 2016 , so counting back , uh , I d have to say it was , um-- Kayla : Never , right ? Never . You ve never had one . Steve : Well , come on . I was married to a nurse who became a doctor . Every day was like a physical with you , baby . Kayla : [ Chuckles ] Funny . No , listen . If anything happens to you , I will not forgive myself . Steve : Nothing is gon na happen to me , baby . Come on . I am your one - eyed tomcat , remember ? I m invincible . Kayla : No , you re not . And you are my hero . And I want to keep you around for a while . Steve : Tell you something . I would nt be your hero , and I could nt have done any of those things without you by my side . Okay ? Kate : So you do nt really trust me with the details of what your-- your company s gon na do , but you want me to accept a job offer . Eduardo : Hmm . Kate : So what if that position compromises my ethics ? Eduardo : Well , the flexibility of your ethics is , uh , you know , why I want to be in bed with you . Metaphorically speaking . Kate : Is this your strange way of flirting with me ? Eduardo : Oh , please . Is it working ? Kate : You know , I think you may be right about my future with DiMera . But I m going to stick with him anyway . Eduardo : Well , sounds like you and I might be ... competitors . Kate : I m capable of handing you your head on a platter . Eduardo : Mm . Kate : You know , I dont-- I do nt know what s going on between the two of us right now . I do nt . But I think perhaps the smartest thing to do is to stop it right now before it gets too messy . Eduardo : Oh , is that what you really want ? Kate : Yeah , it s what I want . Ahem . Eduardo : Do nt give up on this . It s made of many ingredients . Including a few that are nt from the kitchen . Kate : Really ? Eduardo : Really . The most powerful ingredient is also the most secret . That s the one that chases away the bad spirits . Kate : What are you talking about ? Eduardo : The private acknowledgement , Katherine . That you and I are alike . Demons on the one hand , care and compassion on the other . All wrapped up together deliciously . You re going to enjoy it . Gabi : Hi . Jennifer : Hi . Gabi : How s he doing ? Jennifer : Well , Kayla said that he s not fully conscious , but -- but he s getting there . Chad : I m really glad to hear that , that s amazing . Jennifer : Yeah . Gabi : Thank god . Jennifer : So , um , he s sleeping right now . I was just going to bring him some ice chips cause his mouth is so dry , and I feel like this will help . Gabi : I m sorry , could I-- do you think that I could bring those to him ? Jennifer : Yes , of course . Please . Gabi : Thank you . Thank you . Jennifer : Hey . Chad : Hey . Jennifer : How you doing ? How s Thomas ? Chad : Um , yeah , I was-- I was actually gonna-- I was gon na talk to you about Thomas . Jennifer : Is he okay ? Chad : Tho -- Thomas is -- yeah , Thomas is -- Thomas is fine . And , um , you know , for the record , I am doing-- I m doing a lot better , as well . Um , I told Lucas and Adrienne that they could move out . And they moved out last-- last night . Jennifer : They did ? Chad : Yeah . I - I can take care of Thomas now . And Lucas and Adrienne never really wanted to be at the house , especially-- especially Lucas . And , um , really , I m sorry . I m -- I m kinda nervous . Uh , what -- what I meant to , uh , what I m trying to say is-- is , um , I m better . And I m ready to be a full - time father to Thomas . I was going to tell you , but with everything that happened with JJ , I just -- I just-- are you okay with this ? I want you to be okay with this , I really ... Gabi : Hey , hey . Hey , sleepy head . Oh , wow , it s about time you woke up . Um , I brought you some ice chips . JJ : Gabi ? Gabi : Yeah ? Yeah , it s me , I m right here . JJ : I m sorry . Gabi : No . No . N. Eduardo : Well , it s good to see you up and about . Dario : Thanks . Eduardo : You getting close to 100 % ? Dario : [ Groans ] Yeah . Must be . I m getting itchy to find a job . Eduardo : What s happening with the club ? Dario : It s full of workmen . It s not going to reopen for a while , so I was hoping you could tell me about this new business that you re starting . My part in it . Eduardo : Well , what I m imagining for the long run is that you would , uh , you would stay at the club . Dario : No , you see , I m not -- I m not interested in being a barista for the rest of my life . Eduardo : Yeah , I understand that . You would nt be . I want to tell you something that , uh , I have nt told anybody . But I need to know you ll keep it to yourself . Dario : Okay . Eduardo : Well , my -- my plan for the renovated club is that it ll be a front for this new venture . Be a delicate process . And I ca nt think of a better person to handle it than you . Dario : A front ? Eduardo : Yeah . Dario : Sounds like this new business you have in mind is not on the up and up . Eduardo : If I were to say you re right , would you have a problem with that ? Kayla : Mmm . Pretty good . Steve : Yeah , huh . Kayla : [ Chuckles ] Steve : I told you it would be good . I have a few specialties in the kitchen , you know ? And you ve taught me a few things . Kayla : Like what ? Steve : Well , um , I do nt put catsup on scrambled eggs anymore , do I ? Kayla : Thank god . Steve : All right . I have something else for you . Kayla : What s the occasion ? Steve : Just open it . Chad : You know , I - I know what we agreed to , but I just -- I f-- you know , Ive-- Jennifer : Things changed . And -- and you have changed , I - I can see that by looking at you . Chad : Yeah , I - I do nt have complete confidence in , you know , myself as a parent quite yet . Jennifer : No , I understand that , I know . I mean , nobody does with your first child . And -- and then being a single parent on top of that . Chad : With a ba -- um , Thomas was fussing this morning . When I went to go -- when I went to go check on him , and I picked him up , and the way he was looking at me and he had this huge grin on his face as soon as he saw me . Jennifer : Yeah , that s wonderful , right ? Chad : As I was like , that s my little dude . That s my man . Jennifer : I know . It s -- it s a wonderful feeling . And I really want to be a bigger part of Thomas s life very soon . Chad : I - I think that chances are pretty , pretty good . Jennifer : Well , I have to earn that , and I have nt done that yet . Chad : You do nt have to earn anything , Jenn . Jennifer : No , I do . It is part of this recovery process , and I want to do that . I just want you to know that I still have a nursery at the house for Thomas , and Doug and Julie are there with me , so I have a lot of people holding me accountable . Chad : I think -- I think they probably just want-- they want you back . They want the real Jennifer . I mean , look , you re really somebody to be admired . At least from -- at least from my point of view . Gabi : I - I do nt know what-- what you think you have to be sorry for , but , JJ , listen to me , you are a hero . Yes . Yes , you are . You are so brave . I love you so much . Dario : I should have known that this ... business of yours is on the shady side . That s why you re opening up to me instead of Rafe . Eduardo : You want to hear about the job ? Dario : Go for it . Eduardo : Okay , before I get into specifics , I should tell you I m not starting from scratch . I have a web of connections that will be highly useful once we get up and running . Dario : Okay , okay , what kind of connections ? Eduardo : Well -- well - well , hear me out . The first order of business is to determine how we re going to get our merchandise in and out of Salem . Dario : What -- what kind of merchandise are we talking about ? Eduardo : I ll get to that . Dario : All right , all right . Well , listen , getting stuff in and out of Salem , it s easy . You link up with the Kiriakis family . They control all the shipping here . Eduardo : Well , that used to be true , but ... DiMera enterprises has appropriated a significant chunk of their business since then . Dario : Yeah , yeah , and you think the Kiriakis family s gon na take that for long ? They re hungry . We ll get a better deal from them . Eduardo : You think ? Dario : I ran the office in Argentina for titan , remember ? I know how they do business . Eduardo : Oh . I hear you . Dario : You -- you hear me ? That is a first . Eduardo : I do nt want you to be a yes man , Dario . On the other hand , I do nt want you getting too cocky either . You know ? I got a project I m working on in my personal life right now , and I need to be careful with my public persona . Dario : Oh , you got a personal project . What s her name ? Eduardo : Oh , come on , man . Do nt do that . Dario : Hey , hey , hey . When we start working together , you re going to have to start being honest with me . Eduardo : Did you just say when ? Ladies and gentlemen , I believe he just said when . You said when we start working together . Whoa . Welcome ... to the team ... son . Chad : That s my desk . André : Where were you ? Chad : The hospital . André : Well , while you were visiting the sick , I was fielding calls from our overseas partners . They re not happy . Chad : Why ? André : Because of your decision yesterday to stop doing business with a major client . Chad : Doing business with that client is code for bribery and fraud with mobsters . Now , when you begged me to come back to the company , I told you exactly how things were going to be operated going forward , André . André : Begged ? When I helped you defeat Clyde Weston , I thought this was going to be renegotiated . Chad : And I m grateful for what you did , but you thought wrong . André : So your going after the Kiriakis shipping business does not offend your sense of ethics ? Chad : Aggressive , not illegal . André : Oh . I m sorry . I thought you were mildly interested in turning a profit . Chad : This is not up for a debate , André , okay ? You need to remember who s boss here . André : How can I forget when you take every opportunity to remind me ? Chad : When you asked me to come back here , I told you that this trust thing was going to be a two - way street . You seem to forget the last part . André : I do nt know what you mean . Chad : Yes , you do . Your secrets , all of your little secrets , I know you are still hiding some . Kayla : Oh . I hardly remember the woman who went through all this with you . Steve : I remember her . We ve had quite a history together , have nt we ? Some of the best times of my life . Kayla : I do . Steve : I gave you that because ... in a weird way , you know , all this stuff with Orpheus brought us closer together . Back then and now . Kayla : Those who can not remember the past are doomed to repeat it . I do nt know what else to say . Steve : I remember the past . And I do nt regret any of it . And now I want to look to the future . But you know what s most important to me ? Come here . I do nt ever want to forget this moment . This moment right now . André : So , what exactly am I keeping from you ? Chad : Well , every time you throw Clyde in my face , you seem to magically leave out the fact that you just happened to know where his hideout would be . André : What does it matter ? The man s in prison . Chad : Yes , and what -- see , what I m wondering is what else you re not telling me about your little relationship with Clyde Weston . André : You know , now that father and EJ and Kristen are no longer with us , you and Theo and Thomas are the only people I have left in my life . Chad : Ah , you are awfully sentimental lately . André : It s not sentimental , it s fact . Chad : [ Chuckles ] André : Turning on you would leave me totally alone in this world , and it also would be monstrously stupid . Can I propose a compromise ? Chad : Yes , sure , you can propose anything you want . André : I understand that you want to legitimize the business cause you want it as a tribute to your wife . Well , your late wife . But if we are going to leave Theo or Thomas something to inherit in business , you have to allow me at least , at some time , to be creative . Chad : Creative ? Creative how ? André : Well , within the confines of the law , of course . I mean , I learned while I was in prison about truth , and justice , and the American way . Chad : [ Laughing ] Good . That s good because , you know , I know that still have , um , you know , your little scores to settle around this town , especially with hope Brady , so if you get in trouble with the law again , you are going to be on your own just ... [Whooshing ] Twisting in the wind . André : So , I - I understand that we have a deal then ? How nice . Well , I have to go because I have some community service to attend to . Chad : [ Chuckles ] Community service , you ? Really ? Why ? André : Well , have you forgotten that the DiMeras are underwriting the annual Salem Halloween festivities ? Chad : Oh , yeah , no . I , uh , I think Halloween slipped my mind this year . André : Well , not to worry . I promised to attend . Chad : What are you going as ? Prince of darkness ? André : No . Both : [ Chuckling ] André : No , I m looking forward to ... shedding some light . Chad : Wow , that s creepy . Have fun . André : Ah , well , I intend to , thank you . Blanca : Ahem . I thought you were wanting me to help you change your ways . Dario : I do . Blanca : Okay , so what are doing in your room ? Dario : I promised you dancing . Blanca : No . Dario : Come here . Blanca : [ Chuckles ] Dario : Okay . Blanca : [ Chuckles ] Kayla : Ooh ! Steve : Are you feeling what I m feeling , baby ? Kayla : Oh , I m feeling it , but you know what ? I am still on duty . Steve : So what ? Kayla : Why , Mr. Johnson . What do you have in mind ? Steve : Stand right over there for a second . Kayla : Oh , God . Kayla : Are you kidding me ? Steve : [ Laughing ] Why are you laughing at me ? Man , I thought that would be so romantic . Kayla : No . It is really romantic . Steve : [ Moans ] Kayla : [ Laughing ] Steve : Can you get up there ? Kayla : I m already up here . Kayla : Uh , I m busy right now . Steve : No , no , do nt answer . Kayla : I m busy . Dr. Brady , are you all right ? Kayla : [ Exhales sharply ] Steve : No , no . No . I m sorry , Dr. Brady , but it s an emergency . Blanca : What am I doing ? Dario : Do nt you know ? Eduardo : Demons on the one hand , care and compassion on the other . All wrapped up together deliciously . You re going to enjoy it . Gabi : Should I go get a nurse or your mom ? JJ : [ Whispering ] Not yet . Gabi : Are you sure ? Are you sure you re going to be okay ? JJ , you do nt know how scared I ve been for you . When -- when I was talking on the phone with you and I heard that gunshot , I thought ... I love you so much . JJ : I love you so much , too . I always will . Chad : Look what Gabi got you for your first Halloween . Thomas : [ Gurgles ] Chad : Thank god she got one . I forgot . I promise I ll get you one next year . Thomas : [ Gurgles ] Chad : [ Exhales deeply ] Kayla : Ahem . Hi . I just got a call from the morgue downstairs . They say there s a body missing . Lazlo : I see the reports of your death are exaggerated . Orpheus : Greatly . You handled smuggling my body out of the hospital more with your usual flair . Lazlo : I was highly motivated . The timing for your resurrection could nt be better . Orpheus : Agreed . It s going to be a night full of tricks for some ... and treats for me . ### Summary:
Eduardo offered Kate a job working for him . Chad told Jennifer that he was going to be taking care of Thomas without Lucas and Adrienne . Eduardo met with Dario and told him about his new business . Dario realized that his business was nt legit . Jennifer was okay with Chad taking care of Thomas . She wanted to spend more time with Thomas , but she had to earn that . Chad thought she was doing a good job so far . Gabi visited JJ at the hospital . He apologized to her for something . Dario advised Eduardo that they should work with the Kiriakis family so they could get a deal with their business . Chad ran into Andre at the mansion . They got into an argument over how they should run the business . Chad reminded Andre that he was in charge of the business . Andre reminded him that he helped capture Clyde . Chad wondered if something was going on between Andre and Clyde . Steve and Kayla talked about how important they were to each other . Chad believed that Andre had secrets with Clyde . Andre denied working with Clyde . Chad warned Andre that he would nt help him if he got in trouble . Steve and Kayla were about to make out , but she had an emergency . Kate thought about Eduardo s job offer . Gabi let JJ know how much he was worried about him and that she loved him . JJ told her that he loved her too . A nurse told Kayla that a body was missing from the morgue . Orpheus ended up being alive after all .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Julian : Thank you . Thank you , my little squaw . It s been while since I fired my musket . Rebecca : It was my pleasure , Pookie . You can poke my hantas any time . Julian : Oh , you are a nasty little thing , are nt you ? That s why we always connect in bed . Rebecca : Mm , just admit it , Pookie . I m a thousand times better than that Eve , and she was a whore . Julian : That s enough . Eve was a wonderful lover and a joy to be with . You could learn so much from a woman like that . Rebecca : Oh , please , she s a woman whose whole life was filled with secrets and then lies to protect the secrets . Julian : All right , stop it . I wo nt stay here and listen to this . Rebecca : But wait , we were going to play Stuff the Turkey . Julian : I need some fresh air . It s suddenly very fowl in here . Rebecca : Damn that Eve . I hope she chokes on a chestnut . Then I d have something to be thankful for . Ah . Eve : I hope you re hungry . T.C .. : Eve , why d you go through so much trouble for me ? Eve : It s no trouble . Besides , it s Thanksgiving . And we have so much to be thankful for . You re on the mend , and Whitney is happy with Chad , and Simone is happy with Rae , and I m happy with you . T.C. : I m the luckiest man in the world . I still ca nt believe you came back to me . Eve : We re both lucky , T.C. we have each other , and we have two beautiful daughters , a beautiful grandchild . I think it s important that we realize each and every day just how fortunate we are . Man : Simone , is that you ? Simone : Yes , it s me , Father Lonigan . Father Lonigan : Bless you for once again helping to feed those in need on this day of Thanksgiving . Simone : Oh , you know I look forward to this every year . But should you be up while you re still recovering from being stabbed ? Father Lonigan : I m much better , thank you . God has not yet revealed to me why I was attacked . But I m sure there s a greater good behind it . Simone : It s like my father having his stroke . I mean , we were very upset , but I think it s gotten him and my mom closer together . Father Lonigan : Yes , I was very pleased to hear that . You re a friend of Simone s ? Rae : Yes , Father . My name is Rae . Father Lonigan : Welcome to St. Margaret Mary s , Rae . Rae : Actually , we already know each other . You gave me my first communion . Father Lonigan : Why is it that I sense you ve been absent from my flock for some time ? Rae : I stopped coming to mass when my parents told me I was no longer welcome here . Father Lonigan : Merciful heaven , why would they say such a thing ? Rae : Because I m a lesbian . Sam : Ivy , what are you doing here ? Ivy : Well , it s Thanksgiving . I did nt want you to miss Thanksgiving dinner , so I brought it to you with all the trimmings . Sam : Keep your food , ok ? I have a lot of work to do . Ivy : It s Thanksgiving . Why are you working ? Sam : I gave Luis the day off so he could spend with his family , so I could have Christmas off to spend with Grace and the kids . Ivy : I see . Sam : I do nt think you do . You know Grace and I have been apart for years thanks to you and your schemes . Your sick obsession with me all but destroyed my family . So if you think that I want to look at you , much less eat with you , then think again . The only thing that I m thankful for this Thanksgiving is that you re out of my life . Tabitha : Oh ! Endora . Oh , Endora , will you please trot these turkeys out of here before someone from outside at Kay s bridal shower looks in and sees what foul things you ve been up to ? You know , we could be outed as witches and burned at the stake before you ve said Salem , Massachusetts . Tabitha : Oh , my devil , Endora . You ve frozen time in the back yard . Granted . Well , at least Kay and company wo nt be able to witness all the witchiness that s going on in here . But , Endora , Endora , will you please get rid of these ghastly gobblers ? I mean , this is ridiculous . Oh ! Father Lonigan : Rae , your parents are wrong . It s true , the church considers homosexuality a sin . But gays and lesbians are among God s children and are always welcome here . Simone : Father Lonigan s right . He knows that I m a lesbian and I ve never felt shunned . Father Lonigan : God bless you both . Now , if you ll excuse me , I need to go check our volunteers out front . Simone : We ll finish setting up things to serve here , Father . Father Lonigan : Thank you , Simone , and you , too , Rae . Simone : Why were you so cold to Father Lonigan just now ? Rae : I think my parents are right . We re not welcome here , despite what he said . Simone : Rae , I disagree . St. Margaret Mary s has always been inclusive , not exclusive . Rae : But we re seen as sinners for loving each other , Simone . And love is not a sin . Simone : Jessica . Jessica : I hated being home alone and I did nt know where else to go . Simone : Why , what happened ? Jessica : I did a terrible thing at Kay s bridal shower . Rae : Terrible how ? Jessica : I do nt know what s wrong with me . I do nt know why I push away everyone I love , but I do . Nobody wants to be with me . Ivy : I know you re angry with me , Sam . Sam : Oh . Ivy : I know , but what I did , I did for love , our love . It was so perfect , and Grace had no right to come and steal you away from me . Sam : Grace is the one with amnesia , Ivy , not you . She did nt interfere with our relationship . You dumped me to go be with Julian long before I even met Grace , remember ? Ivy : No . Alistair and my father forced me to marry Julian , and I only went through with it because I thought you did nt love me anymore . I had no idea my father intercepted all those love letters until it was too late . Sam : Ivy , Ivy , none of that matters now . Ivy : It matters to me . I still love you , Sam . I will always love you . Sam : Ivy , do me a favor , ok ? Get out of here , ok , and get a life . You know what ? I would nt take you back if you were the last woman on this earth . Tabitha : I give up . These free - range fowl are out of control , and it s all your fault , Endora . Do nt you act innocent with me sweet pea . Who else do you think I m talking to ? You re the one who conjured up these cacophonous fowl . At least nobody out in the back yard is witnessing these Thanksgiving theatrics . But really , Endora , it is time to be done with this feathery flight of fancy . Otherwise , there s going to be really big trouble , Endora . Well , use your noggin , sweet pea . Thanksgiving and the dark side are completely incompatible . We dark - siders do nt give thanks . We give grief and heartache . Endora , rules are rules and if we do nt follow them , then bedlam is sure to ensue . Pilgrim : Pray tell , what be this place of turkeys ? Tabitha : Well , one guess where this is going . Pilgrim : Tabitha Lennox ? Thy clothes . This dwelling . Candles without flames . Flames that leap to life ? Water , from a pipe ? Once a witch , always a witch . Seize her . Tabitha : No . Nostradamus said there would be days like this . Keep your hands off me , you pesky pilgrim . Pilgrim : I condemn thee to burn at the stake . Tabitha : Oh , no , not again . Endora , Endora , you ve got to save me . Endora , do nt let them take me . Help , Endora , help ! Rebecca : Pookie , do nt leave now . We have nt even had dinner . Julian : I ve lost my appetite . It s Thanksgiving , and I m alone without friends or loved ones . Rebecca : Well , what am I , the ghost of Thanksgiving past ? Julian : Right now , you re a guest who has worn out her welcome . Please be gone by the time I return . Rebecca : How dare Julian treat me like that , like some sex toy that he can just toss aside when he s through playing with me ? I need a real man , a man who appreciates me for the nymphomaniac I am . J.T. : Is this a knockoff ? Hello ? Rebecca : Hi , J.T. It s Becky . I just called to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving . J.T. : Oh , Becks , you are as sweet as pumpkin pie . Rebecca : Mm , you know how food talk turns me on . J.T. : Yams , giblet gravy , hot buttered rolls . Rebecca : Mm , I want you more than ever . Too bad you re not here in Harmony . J.T. I am . Rebecca : You are ? J.T. : What would Thanksgiving be without my horn of plenty meeting up with your cornucopia ? Rebecca : Where are you ? J.T. : The wharf . Rebecca : Stay there . I ll be right there . J.T. : I ca nt wait for you to give Thanksgiving spread new meaning . Ivy : Sam , look , at least eat what I made for you . I was up half the night cooking it . Sam : Ivy , I said no . And I asked you to leave , and yet you re still here . Please leave , or I ll arrest you for loitering . Ethan : Mom , Dad , did nt expect to see you two here together . Are you patching things up , by any chance ? Sam : No , son , we re not . And yet your mom ca nt accept that . Ivy : I told him I did what I did because I love him . Sam : And I told your mom that Grace was coming home and we were going to pick up where we left off and try -- try -- to repair all the damage that she s caused . Ethan : Maybe you should nt be in Dad s face right now . Ivy : I just want him to understand . Sam : I get it . You do nt . Ivy , we are done , finished . Look , I asked your mom to move out , ok , and her things are still there . Look , maybe you can talk to her and tell her to leave me alone before I have to take out a restraining order against her . Ivy : Do you see how unreasonable he is being ? Sam : Do you see what I m up against here ? Now I do nt want you around when Grace gets home , ok ? I do nt want you around period . Grace : Ah , I ca nt wait to get home to Sam . We wasted so much time together because of Ivy . The children have suffered , too . Jessica s married to a pimp , Kay is engaged to Ivy s son , Fox . And Noah s at complete loose ends , no direction . That bitch , for mucking about with my family . Well , at least Sam has finally realized what a truly horrible woman Ivy is and kicked her out of the house . Oh . Hello ? How did you get this number ? Tabitha : You pious ninnies . Witches do nt get burned at the stake in this day and age . Pilgrim : Shut thee up , lying hag . Thou wilt soon be a fireball . Go forth . Find me a stake and firewood . Tabitha : Endora , Endora , you ve got to help me . These pesky pilgrims mean business and I do nt have the power to send them packing anymore . Tabitha : Yes , they also introduced religious intolerance to these shores under the guise of religious freedom ! Pilgrim : Lying witch . Tabitha : Hypocrites , the whole lot of you . I was there at Plymouth Rock , remember ? I saw how anyone who did nt embrace ye olde pilgrims playbook was either axed , pilloried , or dunked . Pilgrim : Nevertheless , thou art a witch . And you will burn . Tabitha : Endora , Endora , help me . Save me . Do nt let these pesky pilgrims fire your mummy up . Jessica : I do nt know why I do what I do sometimes , and I hate myself for it . Simone : Kay knows that you ve been through a lot lately . I m sure she wo nt hold what you did against you . Rae : You and Kay are sisters , Jess . You love her and she loves you . Jessica : Well , I hope I did nt cross the line with Kay tonight . If she does nt forgive me , I do nt know what I d do . Rae : They look like they could be trouble . Simone : Just ignore them , maybe they will go away . Rae : They ll leave , all right . I ll make sure of it . Simone : Rae , Rae ! Rae : This is a church , we do nt want any trouble . Female teen : You better lose that attitude , dude . Rae : I have a better idea . Why do nt you all leave instead ? Female teen : Girl , why do nt you get over yourself ? Rae : Look who s talking . Male teen : What makes you think we want to cause trouble ? Rae : What do you think ? Male teen : I m asking you . Rae : If you re looking for a fight -- Female teen : Chill , girlfriend . We re into loving , not fighting . You should try it sometime . Rae : What ? You think because I m a lesbian I go around with a chip on my shoulder ? Female teen : Do nt you ? Rae : That s it , get out , before I call the police . Julian : How could you choose a drooling invalid over me ? T.C .. : What was that ? Eve : I do nt know . I ll just go and have a look . Eve : Julian , are you out here spying on me ? Julian : I would never have believed it unless I d seen it with my own eyes that you d actually rather be spoon - feeding T.C. his dinner than having a wonderful time with me at the mansion . Eve : Yes , Julian , I would rather be with someone who accepts me than someone who runs my life like they own me . Julian : Are you saying I treated you like a slave ? Eve : No , I m saying that you always wanted me to be at your beck and call to do whatever you wanted to do whenever you wanted to do it . So , yes , ok , yes , you treated me like a slave . Thank God I m free at last . Pilgrim : There , ye witch is ready to burneth . Tabitha : Endora , sweet pea , you re naively oblivious to the jeopardy your mummy is in here . I suppose it s partly my fault for having shielded you from the harsh realities of this anti - witch world that we live in . But , Endora , you have got to help get me out of this mess . Tabitha : Endora , you ca nt reconstitute your mummy from ashes . These pilgrims , they re serious . They re going to burn me at the stake . Help , me , Endora , save me . Ethan : Look , Mother , if Dad does nt want you around , maybe it s best for everyone , especially you , if you give him the space he needs right now . Sam : Ethan s right , ok ? Do what he says . Ivy : No , I ca nt give you up , Sam . We belong together . That s why I did what I did , to make things right again . Sam : See , it s like talking to a brick wall . Ethan : Mom , I do nt think Dad can be more clear . I think he wants you to leave now . Ivy : No , no . Your father s a proud man . He s just too proud to admit that what I did had to be done to set things right . Sam : I managed to forgive you for keeping the fact that I m Ethan s father secret for a long , long time . But to expect me to forgive you for tricking Grace into believing that she was married to David Hastings ? I think it s a little much . You ripped my wife away from me , and you ripped my family apart in the process . Now , I m never going to forgive you . And trying to get me , too , is a waste of your time . Ivy : I love you , Sam . Sam : Ivy , do nt make me hate you any more than I already do . Take your food and leave . Ivy : Please -- Sam : Just get out , and stay out ! Grace : Leave me alone , do you hear me ? I wo nt be a victim anymore . Rebecca : J.T , J.T , I m here . Gobble , gobble . Where are you ? I ca nt believe it . I came all the way down here and he s a no - show . Ha ! Well ... J.T. : Becks , wait . Rebecca : Well , it s about time . I thought you stood me up . J.T. : Well , imagining you in that mink with nothing underneath is enough to make me stand up . Rebecca : Sorry to disappoint you . I m fully clothed . It s freezing out here . J.T. : I went to get this so we could play . I know how much you like Bens and Ulysses . Rebecca : Is nt that Gwen s bag ? J.T. : This is the loot she ended up giving me for me lying to Ethan about Phyllis the maid . Rebecca : So , most of the money in there is the money from my divorce settlement from Julian . J.T. : Your point being ? Rebecca : My point being that why do nt you just give me that money back , I mean , cause then you d still have the fortune you made from selling my poor dead mother s jewelry . J.T. : You re funny . You re funny , Becks . Funny and sexy . Rebecca : I m serious , J.T. I need this money . J.T. : You ca nt have it . Rebecca : Ok , half then . J.T. : Uh - uh . Rebecca : Third ? J.T. : Eh . Rebecca : 10 % ? J.T. : No sprechen sie deutsch . Rebecca : How can you be so mean to me ? J.T. : I m a shameless greedy bastard . Rebecca : No wonder you turn me on so much . J.T. : You are shameless , too , Becks . And sneaky . And I ve never wanted you more . Come away with me . Let s do it on every continent . We ll do it in the sea , on land , in the air . Rebecca : Well , as enticing as that sounds , we d run through that money in no time and then we d be stuck in a window in Amsterdam performing twice a day for tourists . J.T. : Hmm . Rebecca : Entertaining the masses , that would be obscene . J.T. : What if I told you I knew of a way to make even more money ? Rebecca : More money ? I d say tell me all about it , you sexy thing . Tabitha : Endora , Endora , things are heating up . Will you send these pesky pilgrims packing before the boys in the basement start calling me hotfoot ? Tabitha : Nothing happened . Tabitha : Oh , my devil , Endora . What have you done now ? Simone : Rae , do nt . Jessica : Ok , I ll hold her back while you leave . Male teen : Where s Father Lonigan ? Simone : Oh , my God , you guys came to finish him off ? Male teen : You ve been smoking , girl . Female teen : Yeah , dude , these chicks are whacked . Rae : Get lost . Male teen : No , you get out of our faces . Father Lonigan : Is that you , Will ? Will : Yes , father . My friends and I are here to help with anybody who needs Thanksgiving dinner . Jessica : You are ? Female teen : Yeah , Same as you . Simone : Oh . Rae : We did nt know . Male teen : A lot of people disrespect us on account of the way we look . Female teen : Do nt sweat it , Miss thing . We ve been dissed by better than you . Father Lonigan : It s easier for teenagers at risk to open up to young people who look more like them than straight - laced adults . Simone : That makes sense , does nt it , Rae ? Rae : Yes , I suppose it does . Julian : I may be a bit tipsy at the moment , but you , my dear , are stark raving mad . I never wanted to be your master . I wanted to be your partner , your equal in every way . How could you cast that aside and go back to some man who kicked you out of your own home when he found out that his perfect wife was nt just so perfect when she was growing up ? Eve : Julian , you listen to me . I hurt T.C. by lying to him day after day for all those years , just like when Ivy lied to you about Ethan . Remember ? You were furious . But now that time has passed , he s starting to realize that it was his putting me up on a pedestal as a perfect wife or a perfect mother that made it so hard for him to come to terms with what I had done . Julian : So I take it that you and T.C. are fine and dandy again . Eve : For now , yes . Julian : You re making the same mistake that Ethan is , Eve . Eve : What are you talking about ? What mistake is Ethan making ? Rebecca : More money , J.T. ? J.T. : Mm - hmm . Rebecca : Feel how my heart is pounding at the thought of all those greenbacks ? J.T. : Uh - huh . Rebecca : So , who are you blackmailing , you big , strong , rich man , you ? J.T. : No , sorry , Becks , trade secret . Rebecca : How about just a little hint , huh ? I ll make it worth your while . J.T. : A hint ? Rebecca : Mm - hmm . J.T. : Ok , being a crack investigative reporter from way back , I ve managed to dig up some dirt that people here thought was buried a long time ago . Rebecca : Ooh , dirty talk . Do nt stop now . J.T. : If I wanted to put the squeeze on a few people today , it would be a million bucks tomorrow . Rebecca : And nobody can squeeze quite like you , J.T. J.T. : You ve got a pretty good grip yourself , Becky . Rebecca : Mm , the better to pleasure you with . J.T. : Oh , before I forget ... yes . Rebecca : What s that ? J.T. : Just your average , everyday blackmail letter . Rebecca : Who are you blackmailing J.T. , who , who , who ? J.T. : Someone with a deep , dark secret is going to have to pay through the nose to keep it that way . Rebecca : Well , that could be anyone in Harmony . J.T. : Uh - huh . Pilgrim : Thou must stop trying to kill our fowl . Native American : These be our fowl . This be our land . Tabitha : Ha , it s a pity you people did nt get that in writing . Pilgrim : We art grateful for thine help thus far . But henceforth , we shall celebrate Thanksgiving on our own . Native American : Uppity pale face . Pilgrim : Rude savage . Tabitha : Excuse me , smoldering mother here . Native American : Kill the invaders ! Pilgrim : Smite ye locals . Tabitha : What is this , the early American version of Kill Bill ? Pilgrim : Lizbeth ! Lizbeth ! Tabitha : Endora , the fire , put out the fire ! Tabitha : Oh , oh , oh . Oh , thank you , Endora . That was a bit of a close call . Father Lonigan : Will , you and your friends can help in the kitchen serving Thanksgiving dinner . Will : Sweet . Female teen : Awesome . Will : Give me five , Padre . All : We gather together to ask the Lord s blessing . He chastens and hastens His will to make known Rae : I feel terrible . I judged those kids by the way they looked , which to me was threatening . I did the very thing I do nt want people to do to me -- label me as a gay woman and think that I m someone who wears flannel shirts and plays pool and changes the oil in my truck for fun . Simone : Rae , we all have preconceived notions about certain people . But I think the trick is just put aside those stereotypes and see people for who they really are . Rae : Like me judging Father Lonigan . Simone : Maybe you can cut him a break . Just because he wears a clerical collar does nt mean he ca nt be tolerant of who we are . Rae : You re right , Simone . I ll give the padre another chance . Judge not lest ye be judged . Simone : That s my good girl . And I bet Kay gives you another chance , too . Eve : Answer me , Julian . What are you talking about ? What mistake is Ethan making ? Julian : He is staying with Gwen out of guilt . Everyone , including Gwen knows that Ethan loves Theresa much more . Eve : So you think that I m staying with T.C. out of obligation . Julian : Well , that or guilt , whatever you want to call it . How can you honestly love T.C. more than me ? He s angry , he s unforgiving , he s judgmental . Eve : And you re not ? Julian : Fine , you stay here . You feed him , you wipe his drool , you change his diapers . I do nt give a damn . Eve : Julian . Julian ! Ethan : Mother , come on , let s go . Ivy : No , not with your father so angry with me . I love him so much . Sam , I really do , I always have . Sam : Ivy , listen , I m not going to go another round with you , ok ? Just do what Ethan says and leave with him now . Ivy : Where am I going to go , Sam ? What am I going to do ? Sam : I do nt know . Why do nt you call David Hastings ? Maybe you two -- Ethan : Dad , Dad , that s not helping , is it ? Sam : Look , Ivy , wherever you go , you need to move on with your life . Ivy : No . Sam : Yes . Ivy , I am going to be with Grace when she comes back , ok , and there s nothing you can do to change that . Ethan : It s time to go , come on . It s ok . Sam : Do nt you worry , Grace . Ivy s never going to come between us again . Grace : I m not going to listen to one more word that you say -- no . No ! My mind is made up and you are not going to stop me . Rebecca : Mm , oh , J.T. , would you give it up for your little Becky wecky ? J.T. : Ok , but make it quick . You know what the cold does . Rebecca : Not that . Tell me who you re blackmailing . J.T. : No , Becks , sorry , no can do . Rebecca : Ok , well , but what if something were to happen to you ? Would nt you want your work to go on ? J.T. : My unrelenting pursuit of the truth and the high price of keeping it quiet ? Rebecca : Exactly . Now , if you were to tell me who it is you re blackmailing , then if you suddenly turned up dead , I could make sure that the blackmail - ee still paid up . J.T. : Wow , no stiff could have a better friend than you . Rebecca : Aw , J.T. J.T. : But do nt worry . My life is not in danger because I ve got all the life insurance I need ... right here . Rebecca : But it s so small . J.T. : I told you , the cold -- oh , you mean this gizmo , yes . Rebecca : So , whatever s in there , it s really that valuable ? J.T. : Mm - hmm . You have no idea . Rebecca : Really . It s worth that much ? J.T. : And then some . Rebecca : Huh , imagine that . Tabitha : Endora , will you please curb your enthusiasm for Thanksgiving ? Halloween is our time to give thanks ... for ghouls and goblins and ghosts and gore . Will you please remember that and conduct yourself accordingly in future ? And listen , will you please get rid of these infernal turkeys now ? They re getting on my nerves . Tabitha : Oh , well done , well done , my little witchlet . Now , all we have to do is unfreeze everyone in the back yard and then we can pick up where we left off . Tabitha : Oh , bravo , Endora . Excellent rebooting of the time - space continuum . Ok , now I think everything is back on track . And no harm has been done . Wait a minute . Who is that out there in the back yard with Fox ? Yo bowl , zoom in . Zoom in closer on that companion of Fox s . Oh , hell s bells and buckets of blood . Endora , I think it s that woman , that blonde I saw earlier upstairs . Bowl , go closer , go closer . Oh , Endora . We re doomed . Endora : Oh no ! Tabitha : Charity is back in Harmony . Tabitha : If Charity is back in town , our days could be numbered . Charity : Hi , Kay . Kay : Charity ? Fancy : I m just trying to make things easier by steering clear of you . ### Summary:
Ivy tried to make amends to Sam by bringing a Thanksgiving meal to him at work , but he wanted none of it . He let her know he no longer wants to have anything to do with her , and once Grace comes home , he will be with her and his family again . Grace was packing to come home but got a phone call , probably from David , that she was nt happy to get . She told the caller there s nothing they can say to make her not go back to Harmony and her family . Eve fed Thanksgiving dinner to TC while trying to be fairly noncommital about how she feels about him . Julian , after spending some fun time with Indian Princess Rebecca , watched his love feeding her ex through their front window . He stumbled against something , alerting TC and Eve to his presence , and when Eve went out to see what was happening , his hurt showed once again at the fact she s with TC instead of him . Jessica , Simone , and Rae were at the church , helping Father Lonigan feed the poor and homeless . Rae thought she would nt be welcome because she s a lesbian , but Father Longigan let her know God loves all . Later , a group of tough - looking young people came in and Rae challenged them , telling them to leave because they did nt want any trouble there . After learning they were there to help , too , at Father Lonigans s request , Rae felt embarassed by her superficial judging of them . All turned out well in the end , tho . Endora zapped up some turkeys for Thanksgiving , and also some Pilgrims . They recognized Tabitha and soon had her bound to a stake and set fire to burn her . She begged her daughter for help , and Endora zapped up some indians , who started fighting with the Pilgrims , but Tabby was still burning . Finally Endora zapped up some rain clouds to douse the fire , and the fun and games was over .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Brooke : My son did not kill Phoebe . It was nt a crime . Stephanie : Well , that s for the police to decide , is nt it ? Brooke : What did you tell them ? You were there at the crash site . Did you make them suspicious ? Stephanie : They were already suspicious . They administered a breathalyzer test for him , and with good reason . He s been out of control for months . Now where is he ? Brooke : You re not going anywhere near him . Stephanie : Listen , you do nt want the police coming to the house , all right ? The pressll find out about it , and they ll have a field day . Let s do this quietly . I ll drive him down to the police station . You get a good lawyer , and he can make a statement . Brooke : No ! Just stay away from him . You just want somebody to be angry at . You want to blame Phoebe s death on somebody . Well , not my son , Stephanie . Do you hear me ? Not on your miserable life . Ridge : Steffy s gon na sleep on the floor in Thomas room tonight . Taylor : Okay . ( Sniffles ) Taylor : ( Sobs ) Taylor : Take me to where it happened . Ridge : Oh , Doc , no . Taylor : I need to . I need to . I need to see where Phoebe died . Eric : Rick ? Rick : ( Sniffles ) ( Sighs ) Eric : Can you tell me what happened ? Can-- how -- how you drove off the road ? Rick : She was angry with me , Dad . Eric : Why ? Because of , uh-- uh , because of you and Taylor ? Rick : ( Inhales ) Mm - hmm . Because of everything . Taylor and-- and the way I treated Ridge and the way I treated Steffy . Eric : Steffy ? Wha -- Rick : Yeah . I - I - I used her . I flirted with her . I - I used her . I - I kissed her . Eric : Used her ? Why ? Why did you use Steffy ? Rick : ( Sighs ) ( Sighs ) The same reason why I ve been doing everything , Dad . To get back at Ridge . To -- to get him to break up with Mom . And Phoebe was just so hurt . She was crushed . She was so angry with me , and -- and -- and she just-- she --she lashed out . I was -- I was-- I was driving the car , and I m not-- I m not blaming her . I do nt want this to seem like I m blaming her at all . But -- but I was-- I was just trying to get to the party , and -- and she jumped on me . And she s scratching my face , and she -- and she-- she grabbed the-- the steering wheel , and -- and then her foot got-- lodged on the acceler-- Eric : Okay . Okay . Okay . Eric : It s a terrible tragedy , this , for our family . Rick : ( Sniffles ) ( Sobs ) Eric : But it s not your fault , my boy . Now do nt do that . No one s gon na blame you for this . Stephanie : Phoebe would be alive if it were nt for Rick . Brooke : Oh , my God , you make this sound so malicious . Stephanie : I m not sure that it was nt . Brooke : Rick loved Phoebe . He would never do anything to deliberately hurt her . Stephanie : I m not sure what your son is capable of doing . I know that he wanted to get back at Ridge . He wanted to hurt him . Did nt he force that fight at the sky lounge ? And you know he s lied to you . He s been lying to you about-- about being crippled . He s not . And when he could nt break you and Ridge up , how do I know he-- Brooke : Stephanie ! Stephanie ! I know all this . Rick told me . Stephanie : You know , and you re not appalled ? Brooke : It does nt make what happened tonight a crime . Stephanie : But does nt it give you pause ? Does nt it make you think , how much further would he go ? He wanted to get back at Ridge . He wanted to get back at Taylor . Brooke : No ! Stephanie : No ? What do you mean-- he was driving erratically . He was swerving and skidding all over the road . Was he trying to hurt phoebe deliberately ? Brooke : Of course not . Stephanie : No ? I think that he was trying to get back at Ridge . He wanted to hurt him . He took his job . He took his office , and now he s taken his daughter . My -- she s dead . Brooke : Stephanie , stop it ! Stephanie : And her parents are going through hell , and I m not going to stop it , because I think she s dead because of him , and he s going to pay for what he s done . Rick : ( Sniffles ) Dad , I do nt care . I do nt care who blames me or who does nt blame me , for that matter . I blame myself . Eric : No , do nt do that . Do nt . Do nt . You should-- do nt do that . Rick : Yeah , but you do nt know what I ve done . What I did to Ridge . Oh , my God . Eric : That was my decision . Promoting you to president was -- was my decision . Rick : Yeah , but I made you feel guilty about that . I lied there , and I made you feel guilty because of my -- my -- my legs . Eric : Wait . Wait . Is that what you think ? Look , I love you , son , but I -- but I love my company way too much to-- to promote you as some kind of a -- as a - a-- some kind of a consolation prize . Rick : But I manipulated you , Dad . That s what I m trying to tell you . I manipulated you , and then I -- then I-- then I used my-- my new position of power to manipulate everybody . Everybody for-- Mom , Donna , Marcus , Steffy . Eric : Yeah . And that was wrong . Rick : ( Sighs ) I know . Eric : But I understand . I understand why it happened . I mean , you and Ridge have always had issues together , and -- and -- but-- and no matter how much resentment there has been between the two of you , you would -- you would never take that out on Phoebe . Rick : No . Eric : You would never want to hurt her . Rick : No . I never wanted to hurt Phoebe , Dad . Never . Rick : ( Moans ) Eric : Okay . Rick : ( Sobs ) Eric : Okay . Brooke : Rick is not responsible for this . Stephanie : Have you been to the accident site ? Have you seen the ditch where she landed ? Have you seen the bloody glass all around ? Have you -- have you looked at the tire marks on the road ? Brooke : I looked into Rick s eyes . Stephanie : Like you did when he lied about being crippled ? He s been lying to you . He could be lying now . Brooke : He is nt . Stephanie : Well , then let s get a bible and have him swear to that . Brooke : Damn it , Stephanie , he is not guilty . Stephanie : He s not guilty ? He s not responsible ? Well , then who the hell is ? Brooke : Wait . Let me explain . You do nt know what happened . Rick told me everything . He lost control of the car because Phoebe went into a rage . She was all over him . She was scratching his face , and she grabbed the wheel , and she slammed her foot onto the brake and then slipped on the accelerator . My God , Rick was trying to do everything he could to keep that car under control . She was attacking him . Stephanie : You re gon na say that this was Phoebe s fault ? Brooke : No . No . This was nobody s fault . This was just one big tragic accident . Why ca nt you see that ? Stephanie : Whether he was intentionally going to hurt that girl , or whether just by his behavior , he set this whole tragedy into motion . It all comes back to him ! Do you understand ? And if he s going to try to blame a dead girl for this , then he s more of a bastard than I even thought he was capable of being ! Rick : I just want to disappear , Dad , get the hell away . Eric : No . No . We re all gon na deal with this together as a family . You do not have to deal with this alone . You have the support of your-- your parents and your sister , everyone . Rick : ( Sighs ) What about Taylor ? How do I face her ? How ? Taylor : We need to plan a funeral . We need to do that . And I want it to have some of her favorite music , and I do nt even know how I m gon na find her friends . ( Sobs ) Ridge : We need to focus on Steffy and Thomas , and -- and you need to rest . Taylor : No , I need to plan the funeral . Ridge : You do nt have to handle everything , not right this minute . Taylor : I need to do it . I need to do it . Stephanie : How dare you imply-- how dare you even say or suggest or think that this could have been Phoebe s fault . My God ! Brooke : Stephanie , I know-- I know what you re going through . We re all in pain . The whole family . We lost an angel tonight . But pointing a finger at Rick , trying to blame somebody else , that s not gon na bring Phoebe back . Stephanie : I m not looking just for blame . I want the truth . Do nt you understand ? I m not gon na close my eyes to Rick and what he s done . They re gon na arrest him . And if justice is served , he s gon na go away a long , long time because that beautiful little girl is dead because of him . Brooke : Stop it . Stop saying that ! You are not going to turn this tragedy into another assault on my family . Do you hear me ? Phoebe s life was worth more than that . And Rick s life is worth more than that . So you stay away from my son . You are not going to do this to Rick . Ridge : Doc , wait . You re trying to be strong . You think that s what the family needs . But you need a chance to process this . Taylor : Process this ? Phoebe lying in the bottom of a ditch just down the street , and I was sitting right here . I was sitting right here . And I did nt know . I had no idea . Ridge : She wasnt-- she was nt suffering . She was nt afraid . Taylor : You do nt know what she felt . You do nt . ( Sobs ) Taylor : Hello ? Madison : Hey , Mrs. Forrester , it s Madison . Hello ? Hi . Um , I heard Phoebe s back in town , and , uh , I think she stopped by Forrester , but I missed her , so , uh-- oh , yeah , and I left a message on her cell phone , but I wanted to check at home first . Is she around ? Taylor : ( Sighs ) Uh , no . No , she s -- she s not home . Madison : Oh , okay . Can I leave a message maybe ? Taylor : No , you ca nt . Brooke : My son will not be your scapegoat . Stephanie : ( Scoffs ) Oh , now you want to protect him ? Where were you when you could have done some good ? You were so busy taking my family apart , you never saw the damage that you were doing to your own children . Who was there to teach him morality and ethics and personal responsibility ? He sure as hell did nt learn that from you . Brooke : Oh , so now you re blaming this on me . Stephanie : Well , what I think is he wanted to get back at Ridge so badly , he was willing to do anything . That s what I think . He was willing to sacrifice his relationship with you , his pride , his self - respect . Who the hell does that sound like ? Brooke : You . It sounds exactly like you . Stephanie : Brooke , he was so desperate all of his life for your attention . You do nt want to see what he s become , do you ? He s become you . Brooke : Shut up . Stephanie : No , he has . He s become you . He wanted what he wanted when he wanted it , and now he s destroyed a family , and that girl is dead , and you know what ? You re right . He is nt to blame . He is nt responsible . You are . You are . What you did to that boy-- you made him into the man that he is today . You re to blame . You killed my granddaughter . Stephanie : Yes . ### Summary:
Stephanie offers that she can drive Rick to the police station and he make a quiet statement , keep this out of the press . Brooke does nt buy her help and wo nt let Stephanie blame Phoebe s death on her son . Stephanie rails back that she thinks Rick is erratic and irresponsible and Phoebe is dead because of him and she is going to see that he pays for it . She s incensed when Brooke seems to be saying it was nt Rick s fault but Phoebe s . She will not let him blame a poor dead girl for her own accident . He really is a bastard if Rick is saying that . While Rick is having flashbacks , Eric questions him how all of this happened . How did he drive off the road ? Rick confesses all the things he has done lately to get back at Ridge . He was just trying to get to the party and Phoebe jumped in the car and attacked him . Eric comforts him and tells him that he is not responsible for her death . Rick says it does nt matter who blames him or not , but he blames himself . He manipulated Eric with his bad legs and then everybody else as well to get what he wanted . Eric tells him he does not have to face this alone . The entire family will be there for him . He wonders how he will ever face Taylor . Taylor wants to go to the site where Phoebe died . She takes yellow roses and spreads petals in the shape of a cross while Ridge comforts her . He agrees they need to plan a funeral , but Taylor and Steffy need her too so she needs to get rest . Brooke and Stephanie face off , but Brooke vows that Stephanie will not turn this into a vendetta against her family , she will not pin this on her son ! She will not let Stephanie make her son the scapegoat . Stephanie throws it in her face that Rick was so desperate that he wanted what he wanted when he wanted it , sounds like Brooke to her . Brooke made him into the man he is today . You killed my granddaughter .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Rutledge : The time has come for Cassie and Josh to exchange rings . May I have them , please ? A wedding ring is a symbol of eternity . You , Joshua , may now place the ring on the finger of your bride . Josh : Cassie , I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you . Rutledge : Cassie ? Cassie : Josh , I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you . Olivia : Alan , I m on my way . Rutledge : I just have to say that I ve been looking forward to this part all day . ( Laughter ) Josh , Cassie , would you please face me ? Josh and Cassie have consented together in holy wedlock , and by the authority vested in me as a minister of the gospel and by the laws of our state , I do pronounce ... ( brakes screech ) Lizzie : What was that ? Jeffrey : Frank , maybe we should ... ? Frank : Let s go . Cassie : Check it out . It sounded ... it sounded kind of bad . Josh : Are you sure ? Cassie : Yeah . I ll wait here and we ll finish what we started . Josh : I ll be as quick as I can . Blake : Honey , do nt look like that . He ll be back . Cassie : Yeah , I know . Everything will be okay . Blake : Yeah . No doubts . You are seconds away from being Mrs. Josh Lewis . Mel : I need an ambulance on Main Street now . I do nt want to move her . Frank : Olivia ? Mel : Her pulse is racing . She s unconscious , but she s still breathing . Josh : Thank God . Mel : Why do nt you go check on Olivia ? Josh : Reva , can you hear me ? Reva , darlin ? You hang in there , okay ? Hang on . Frank : Olivia , are you hurt ? Olivia , are you hurt ? Did you hit your head ? Jeffrey . This is Chief Cooper . Where the hell is the ambulance ? We re on Main Street . I got two trauma victims here . Jeffrey : What did you do ? Josh : Reva , listen to me now . You re going to make it through this , you re going to be okay . You just have to hang in there , okay ? Reva ? Cassie : Oh , my God . Josh : Can you hear me ? Cassie : Oh , my God ! Reva ! Oh , my God ! Lizzie : Hey . Why are you still here ? Everyone s left for the hospital already . Billy : Yeah . I do nt have a car , remember ? Lizzie : Oh . I ll drive you . Come on . Oh , I get it . You do nt want to go ... Billy : No . Lizzie : ... See Reva like that . I totally understand that . Billy : I know you do . Lizzie : Once you go to the hospital or the police station , it becomes real . Billy : Yeah , it does . Lizzie : She s going to be fine , she is . Did you see the way she fought that cancer and totally kicked its butt ? ( Laughter ) Billy : Yeah . Look , okay . I ll tell you what . You ... you get me to the hospital in one piece , I ll give you a raise . How s that ? Lizzie : Okay . That sounds good . Alan : I , uh ... I heard something about a wedding . Now , what happened ? Did Reva break it up before Josh and her sister said I do , is that it ? Billy : Back off ! Alan : Whoa . Oh , Billy . If I did nt know better , I d say you were drunk . Mel : We need some help here . Let s go . Her pulse is strong . We need a full body scan and a head CT , please . Okay ? Someone s going to need to go in with her , sit with her , answer questions , fill out forms . Josh : I ll do that . Well , we ll both do that . Mel : Okay . Cassie : Just tell us what we need to do . Mel : Just hang tight for now . They re going to run some tests and ... just to find out the best way we can help her , okay ? The good news is she does nt appear to be in shock . Her BP is strong , blood pressure is not dropping , okay ? Cassie : Okay . Mel : All right . Let s go . Nurse : Maam , you need to give us some space . Josh : Mel . Mel . Mel : Yeah . Josh : How bad is it , really ? Well , it s too soon to tell right now , okay ? But , you know what ? She kept breathing through the whole thing and that s a positive sign , right ? Let s just hope the car was nt going that fast , okay ? Josh : Okay . Cassie : We should go in there . We should ... we should be with her in case she wakes up . I do nt want her to be alone . Josh : Yeah . Cassie , it s not Tammy . Cassie : I know . I know it s not , I know . I just ... the sound and the crash and ... it s just too much like I imagined . But it s not Tammy , and Tammy did nt make it-- Reva will . Reva s going to be fine . So , let s just go in there and just be with her . She needs us . Josh : Okay . Olivia : Thanks for bringing me home , Frank . Frank : You re welcome . I ... I thought it would be easier if I questioned ... questioned you here instead of being at the station , so ... Olivia : You offer to give me a ride home so that you could question me , Frank ? I mean , do nt you think I ve had a bad enough day ? Frank : You hit Reva with your car , she s lying in a hospital bed unconscious right now . Who knows what kind of shape she s in . Olivia : But I thought ... she s breathing , right ? Frank : God only knows the extent of her injuries . Olivia , barely a month ago , you sent a guy to attack your own daughter . Now , what is going on with you ? Olivia : Frank , I owned up to that , okay ? I apologized for it . Why are ... ? What is this ? You do nt believe this was an accident ? Frank : Look , I do nt know what to believe right now . But I think it would be in your best interest to tell me the truth . Now , what exactly happened tonight ? Did you intentionally run your car into Reva Shayne ? Jeffrey : Do nt answer that . Cassie : Remember that time we got so drunk on margaritas that you actually convinced me to do karaoke with you ? The Wind Beneath My Wings ? And we were so drunk , I sounded horrible . We were so drunk those guys were booing us off the stage , only we did nt know they were ... we thought they were actually cheering us on . One thing I know is , next time , I m picking the song . Josh : You heard your sister . She needs you for the duet . Can you tell us anything at all about when she might come out of this ? Dr. Gunning : I m sorry . I need you to fill those out when you can . Josh : Okay . This is not at all how I wanted our wedding night to end . Cassie : Really ? Not like this ? Josh : Yeah , really . Cassie : ( Sighs ) Remember all those times I ve told you you ve saved me and given me my life back and given me my faith back ? Lend a little of that to Reva now . Olivia : You know , I told you you could go . Frank and I were just chatting . Jeffrey : Oh , really ? Well , it sounded like you were doing a little more than that . Frank : You know , ONeill , this is official police business . Jeffrey : Well , I m Olivia s lawyer . Olivia : You know , it s funny , I do nt remember hiring Reva s boyfriend as my attorney . Jeffrey . Jeffrey : Will you give us a minute , Frank , please ? Frank : Take a minute . Olivia : Get your hands off of me . I swear I will scream . Jeffrey : Well , go . Go ahead . Because Frank s just waiting to make an arrest of a hit - and - run driver . Olivia : I may have hit her , but I did not run . Although you would have liked that , would nt you ? Then , you could just drag me to jail without questioning me . If you re here to help Frank read me my rights and handcuff me , just do it . Get it over with . Jeffrey : No , no , no . Not until I hear the truth . The real truth , okay ? Not some twisted version of it , either . Did you do it ? Did you try to hit Reva with your car on purpose ? Olivia : I thought lawyers were nt supposed to ask whether you did it or not . Jeffrey : Yeah , well , I m asking . Did you do it ? Did you or did you not try to run Reva down ? Olivia : No . It was an awful , awful accident , but it s nice to know what you really think of me . Jeffrey : So , this is just one big mistake . Olivia : It was an awful mistake , accident , whatever you want to call it . I did not see Reva until it was too late . Billy : You re lucky I m not drunk , Alan . Let s go to the hospital . Alan : What , you re going to an AA meeting , Billy ? They re not going to let you in if you re drunk . Lizzie : Reva was hit , Granddad , by a car . I m driving Billy to Cedars . Alan : So she did crash the wedding , literally . Well , kudos to Reva . Lizzie : She was hurt . She could have been killed . Billy : Hey , sweetie , just ignore him , okay ? Ignore him . Alan : You re not going to go over there just yet , are you ? I mean , you do nt want your brother , the minister , to see you like this , do you ? Lizzie : Leave him alone . Alan : You re not protecting this drunk , are you ? Lizzie : He s not a drunk . Billy : No , it s okay . I am a drunk . I m a big , bad drunk and I m a mean drunk . Hey , you best remember what I did to Roger Thorpe . Alan : Elizabeth , it s time to go home . Jeremy s waiting for you in the limo . Lizzie : I am not going with you . Like I said , I am driving Billy to Cedars and then I m going to make sure that he gets home safely , just like he did for me . Alan : So , this is what you ve chosen for your life ? To tend to a degenerate like Billy Lewis ? Lizzie : You think Billy s a degenerate ? What , a loser , a failure , a nobody ? He could be passed out in a gutter unable to remember his own name and he would still be a better man than you . Mel : Hey . Good news , guys . Josh : What do you got ? Mel : Well , CT scan showed no signs of internal bleeding or damage to her organs , just a few cracked ribs . Now , she s bruised on her abdomen and her legs , but her breathing is strong and clear . Cassie : So , she s going to be okay . Josh : Is she awake ? Mel : No . No , not yet . And though we did nt detect any hemorrhaging in her brain , we wo nt know the full extent of damage , if any , until she s fully conscious , so it s sort of a wait - and - see situation . Josh : What ... what exactly does that mean ? Mel : Well , I ca nt tell you anything for sure , Josh . We did nt find any abnormalities or signs of swelling in her brain scan , so since the rest of her body took the brunt of the hit , we re hopeful . Okay , I ve got to go . I ve got to take this . Oh , congratulations , you guys . You re married , right ? Cassie : Um ... are we ? Josh : I ... I ... we did nt finish the ceremony . I never kissed the bride . Cassie : There was that small detail of the marriage certificate . We did nt get to that . Rutledge : Josh , Cassie , how s Reva ? Cassie : It sounds like she s going to be okay . Rutledge : I am so happy to hear that . I m thrilled . Josh : Thank you . So are we . Cassie : We actually have a question for you . The ceremony was kind of interrupted . Rutledge : Yeah , I think I remember that . Cassie : And you never pronounced us man and wife . Rutledge : Is that right ? Cassie : Also , we ... we never quite got to the marriage certificate . We thought we would do that , of course , right after cutting the cake . Rutledge : Yeah , I see . And ... and your problem is ... ? Josh : We re not actually officially married then , right ? Rutledge : Officially , no , I m a afraid not . But the good news is now you ll have an excuse to throw a second wedding . Listen , we could go ahead and make it official , but that would involve all of us going down to the courthouse . Josh : No , we ca nt leave the hospital , though . Rutledge : No , I ... I understand completely . Cassie : We do nt want to leave , in case she wakes up . We want to be here . Rutledge : Right , right . Well , listen . Just take your time and give me a call when you re ready . Josh : Okay . I ll ... I ll let you know about the retreat . Rutledge : Okay , good . And in the meantime , I ll be praying for Reva . And let me just say , if I have nt said it enough times , the two of you make a beautiful couple . It was a pleasure almost marrying you . Josh : Okay . Okay , it was nt officially done and no one heard us pronounced husband and wife , but as far as I m concerned , it s done . However , if you want to do this again , if you want to , you know , throw another big party , find yourself another dress , maybe a different caterer ... I m game . Cassie : You would do that ? Josh : Of course . Cassie : It s okay . It s really okay that you are so worried about Reva right now . It s okay that you care about her . It s even okay that , on our wedding day , you ended up with her instead of me . Really . It s okay because it s where you belong . It s where we both belong . That s just the kind of man you are . You re so full of love , you have to up and become a minister , you have so much to give . I know there s more than enough to go around . So , do nt you go making a fool of yourself trying to make it up to me somehow , because there is nothing to make up . And I love you more than I ever have right now . Dr. Gunning : Mr. Lewis . Josh : Yeah . Dr. Gunning : I have Reva s latest test results . Josh : Okay . Cassie : I m just going to call Blake and R.J. , and I will come right in . Josh : Okay . Let s go . Jeffrey : Thank you , Frank . Frank : Yep . So , is your client planning on making a statement tonight ? Olivia : No ! Jeffrey : Yes . Her official statement is that she was involved in a terrible accident . She did not see Reva until it was too late . She was traveling at the speed limit and obeying all traffic laws . May I remind you , Frank , that she remained in her vehicle and did not try to flee the scene of the accident . Frank : Is he accurately representing you ? Okay , then . Then , I will check in with both of you tomorrow . And , Olivia , if you know what s good for you , and that is questionable now , be here . Olivia : Thank you . For defending me . Billy : No , no , wait , wait . Look , maam , could you just find someone who could give me the correct info ? I m looking for info ... aw , damn . Alan : Oh , yes , that s a great idea . Sober him up . But be careful , he may take his anger out on you . Lizzie : You just do nt like to hear me defend him . Alan : I have seen Billy Lewis fall off the wagon so many times , ruin all of his marriages , and alienate his children . Lizzie : Unlike you , who has a great relationship with all your kids and grandkids . Alan : Elizabeth , you re still my granddaughter . Lizzie : The one who is nt good enough to work at your company . Alan : So that s what all this is about , the job . Is that it ? Lizzie : You threw me out of your office . You treated me like ... like the ash on the end of your cigar . I mean , do you want me to come crawling back to you ? Is that it ? Because it s never going to happen . See , Spaulding s do nt get stepped on and then come back for more . Wait , who taught that to me ? You did . Alan : Look , I am sorry if I was too harsh on you the other day . I was just trying to teach you how to be tough and resilient . I taught your uncles that , your father that . Lizzie : You had so many chances to believe in me , Granddad . You ... you just ... you hurt me over and over , and I just kept coming back for more , but that was nt enough . Billy , he has every reason to think that I would fail and he gave me a chance . Alan : You want a chance , Elizabeth ? I ll give you a chance . As a matter of fact , I ll have a contract drawn up immediately . I will call my lawyer right ... Lizzie : It s too late . Alan : Look , I know that you re in pain , but a good way for us to heal is working side by side the way we were meant to be . Lizzie : Nice try , okay ? I know that you offered that job to Natalia . She did nt take it , did she ? Smart girl . Just a tip : Next time you want to try to win me over , do nt offer me a job that somebody else already rejected . Alan : Natalia , it s Alan . Listen , I hope that you and Raphael will be able to have dinner with me tonight . Josh : Some good news from the doctor . Your organs are okay . You ve got some cracked ribs and some bad bruises , but nothing that Reva Shayne ca nt handle . When I saw you lying there on the street , I ... well , I guess you just never get used to that . Or this . Reva , I know you re really angry at me right now . I know you hate that I married Cassie , but we re going to have to deal with that another day . Right now you ve got to get on your horse and you ve got to come back to us , okay ? You know , you could have just objected when the reverend got to the part about speak now or forever hold your peace . I mean , that would have been a lot easier and probably less painful then throwing yourself in front of a car . But then again , that s not you , is it ? Okay , all right . If you could blink or open your eyes , that would be good . Something . Just give me a sign that you re getting some of this because , if not , the bad jokes , they re just going to keep on coming . Cassie : She s not talking back ? Josh : No , she s not . Tough crowd . Cassie : I ll sit with her . Why do nt you go see what you can find in the commissary ? We should try to eat something . Josh : Okay . Any requests ? Cassie : Um ... just one . Do nt be gone long . Josh : Okay . Cassie : You heard the man , Reva . Hurry up and open those eyes , because I want to talk to you . About Josh . Jeffrey : Yes , that s right , Reva Lewis hospital room . Roses would be fine . And do you have some sort of a Get Well Soon bouquet or something like hat ? Great . No , the card should read , From Jeffrey , that s all . That s right . Thank you . Hi . Ava : Hi . Is she okay ? Jeffrey : Olivia or Reva ? Ava : Both . Jeffrey : Well , let s see . Olivia is in her room , safe and sound . I wish I could say the same for Reva . Ava : Is she ... Jeffrey : She s alive and breathing , but nobody knows when she s going to regain consciousness . Ava : Olivia probably really needs us right now . Jeffrey : Okay , you know what ? You do what you need to do . I ve done my part , okay ? Ava : Wait . Thank you . Thank you for defending her and making sure she was nt thrown into jail . Thank you . Jeffrey : I did it for you . Ava : You do nt think she did it on purpose , ran Reva over in front of all of those wedding guests ? Jeffrey : She did it to you , did nt she ? Olivia : Alan ? Alan : Oh , Olivia . How was your trip ? Did you run into traffic or run over any people ? Olivia : Is that supposed to be funny ? Alan : ( Laughs ) Well , I heard about the excitement . It sounds like you almost made roadkill out of Reva . Olivia : Do nt . Alan , she s ... she s in the hospital . She has nt woken up yet . Alan : Well , then , why do nt you look more pleased with yourself ? Olivia : You think I did this on purpose ? You think I tried to gun her town ? Alan : Did nt you ? Olivia : No ! Alan : Well , then , why did you do it ? Olivia : I did nt do it , okay ? It was an accident . She ... she kidnapped Emma . Alan : She kidnapped Emma ? Olivia : Emma , your granddaughter . Alan : She kidnapped Elizabeth , too . Well , I can understand your sense of protection for your daughter , my granddaughter . I wish I could have protected my granddaughter Sarah more . Olivia : I m sorry for your loss . I wanted to gun her down , though . I have to be honest with you . I wanted to make her pay for every crappy thing that she has done to me , but , ironically , nobody believes me . Okay , I did nt do it . Nobody believes me-- not Jeffrey , not the police , no one . Alan : Well , I believe you and you ve come to the right place . If you need a strong defense lawyer or safe haven , I will support you any way I can . Olivia : Thanks . I appreciate that , against my better judgment . Alan : But before I help you there , I do have one question for you . Olivia : Why am I not surprised ? Alan : Why ? What restarted this heated battle between you and Reva ? I do nt ... Olivia : She has a thing for Jeffrey ONeill . Jeffrey and I have unfinished business , and I ... I need her out of the way , that s all . Alan : Well , I can understand that . Olivia : All right , Alan . I have to go . Emma s waiting . I do nt need a lawyer or a safe haven , but if I do I d like to come back to you . Let me think about it . Alan : Olivia , before you go , listen , why do nt you and Emma come over next Thursday night for dinner ? I want Emma to meet her new cousin , Raphael . Olivia : We can do that . Billy : Hey . Josh : Oh , hey . Billy : How is she ? Josh : Still unconscious . She has cracked ribs , some bruises . Mel says she s going to be okay , though . Billy : Oh , good . Gee , I was really worried there for a few minutes . Josh : Yeah . What ... what happened to you ? I kind of lost you when the ambulance showed up . Billy : Well , you know , I saw Alan over by the car and I thought , Well , you know , what s he doing there ? And I just wanted to me sure he was nt tampering with the evidence . Josh : Okay . Well , she s not awake but she ll want to know that you re here . Billy : You know , it was funny . When I looked over there and I saw it was Reva and that she d been hit by a car , suddenly I was right back in Oklahoma and it was just like I was in the accident where I caused it by drinking . Josh : Well , that was a lifetime ago , Billy . Billy : Yeah , I know , I know . Josh : Did you take a drink ? Billy : Yeah , actually . I had a little sip of champagne , but I threw it right away . Cassie : You know what I keep thinking about ? What I was thinking about when you were lying there in the street was the fight we had just before the wedding and how you told me you could nt be happy , you could nt even pretend to be happy for me and Josh . I need you there for me as my sister . And you know what ? I know you need me , too , because we both lost children this year and we ca nt afford to lose each other . So maybe this makes me a really awful person , but I ca nt help thinking , did you do this on purpose ? Did you do this intentionally ? Were you ... were you trying to stop Josh from marrying me ? I know it s awful of me even to say . I mean , considering the way Tammy died , there s ... how could you ... you could nt ... you could nt put me through that again . Not on purpose . Or would you ? Josh : Cassie ? Everything okay ? Cassie : Yeah , I m just a mess . One minute , we re getting married and the next this . Josh : I m sorry . Cassie : Do nt be . I have you , I have my sister . As long as both of those things are true , I have everything I need . Let s go find Mel . Josh : I think we need to get some food into you first . Come on . Lizzie : Okay , so this is the new drink menu . And I do nt want to serve all that fried food . It s totally fattening . Hold that thought , okay ? Any word on Reva ? Billy : She s going to be okay . Lizzie : See , I knew it . Told you-- she s a fighter . And , you know , she promised to go shopping with me and she s not going to bail on that . Billy : Ha - ha . Lizzie : You want to order one ? Billy : Yes , I do . Lizzie : Go ahead . Billy : Allie , can I have one of my usual , please ? Lizzie : I m sorry about what my granddad said . Billy : Well , he kind of hit the nail on the head , you know ? Frank : Hey , Jeffrey . You re not authorized to be around here , buddy . Jeffrey : I m just going to have a quick look , Frank . I m not going to tamper with any evidence , scout s honor . Frank : I was wondering when you were going to notice . Jeffrey : There are no skid marks . Olivia did nt even try to stop the car . Singer : You re never where you want to be your demons keep you restlessly searching for a silent place it s only that you need some space and do nt look back you are running from something with a stronger pull than my love for you drifting farther it s getting harder for me to reach you still , I m hopeful that you ll come through I m hopeful that you ll come to your senses before your dead end you hardly look me in the eyes you wait for me to criticize you re guilty but you wo nt confess you back up all that you posses and you do nt look back you are running from something with a stronger pull than my love for you drifting farther it s getting harder for me to reach you ... Olivia : Reva , it s me , Olivia . I do nt know if you can hear me , but if you can , I ... I did nt do this on purpose . I did nt ... I did nt even see you . Reva : I know you did nt , Olivia . But no one else knows that , do they ? Convenient , huh ? That s why I took that little leap onto your windshield . Guess who s the boss now ? Reva : You did nt really think that I was going to let you blackmail me forever , did you ? Jeffrey : I know she s your mother , but I need to walk away . I m sorry . Buzz : May the best man win . Ashlee : You re the one being manipulated . By Ava ? Jeffrey : Which one are you , the loving mother or the one who will take out her enemy with the blink of an eye ? Reva : So , you and Cassie are nt married ? Josh : No , not officially . Reva : Good . ### Summary:
Josh and Cassie are on the brink of being pronounced husband and wife when a car crash interrupts their ceremony . Frank and Jeffrey go to investigate and find Reva lying on the ground unconscious and bloody . Olivia is standing on the sidewalk in shock . Everyone assumes Olivia plowed Reva down on purpose . Olivia becomes defensive over the allegations . Jeffrey decides he will defend her although he believes she hit Reva intentionally . Olivia s past is nt looking so good for her now . Olivia goes to Alan to tell him about the kidnapping of Emma . Alan commends Olivia for trying to get rid of Reva . Alan and Olivia forge a mutual bond over the incident . Josh and Cassie sit diligently by Reva s bedside awaiting word from the doctors and for her to wake up . Both speak to her and ask her to fight and make it through . The initial tests results look good and a full recovery is expected . Cassie begins to believe Reva staged the incident just to keep her from marrying Josh . After visiting with Alan and realizing she could be in some big trouble Olivia goes to Reva s hospital room and says I do nt know if you can hear me but I did not intentionally run you down . Reva s eyes pop open she is not only awake but alert . I know , but I m the only one who knows . Pretty convenient is nt it ? Olivia is stunned . Billy really struggles with his drinking and Reva s fate as well as a ghost from his past . Alan firing jealous insults at him does nt help matters . What does help is his new friend Lizzie . Lizzie supports and helps Billy as well as finally take her own stand with Alan . Lizzie has chosen her path to follow , work with and be Billy s friend and abandon the Spaulding family and business . Lizzie feels Alan is the one who made that decision for her but she is glad now .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Babe : My God . Jamie : What was that ? Babe : Holy smokes . Jamie : Wow , that s ugly . Score one for baby Bess . Babe : J.R. is going to have a total meltdown . Look out . Jamie : No , J.R. s the one who s got to look out -- for me . J.R. : What was that ? Krystal : Well , it bore a strong resemblance to someone s favorite toy being blown to bits . Tad : J.R. , this yours ? J.R. : Oh . You bitch . Krystal : Well , that s just the beginning , J.R. As long as you insist on playing Where s the baby ? Your mother - in - law has a lot more where that s coming from . So why do nt you just tell us where Bess is right now . Aidan : Hey , how you doing ? Ethan : Oh , nice to see a friendly face . Aidan : Yeah , likewise . Ethan : You re here for the Miranda Montgomery fundraiser ? Aidan : The only person I m raising funds for is myself . I read my horoscope this morning , and it said something about going around in circles is nt paying off for me . So I figure there s a roulette wheel here with my name on it . Ethan : Well , good luck to you . Nice to be able to afford to live in a place that s not paid Sunday to Sunday . Aidan : Why , you should try your own luck . You never gamble ? Ethan : I m not in much of a gambling mood , to be honest . I do nt even know why I m really hanging around . Aidan : Hmm . Must be the beer , eh ? Ethan : The owner suggested I stick around . He said it would be unforgettable , whatever that means . Aidan : That sounds a bit cryptic , does nt it ? The owner of this place , huh ? Yeah , it s Zach -- Zach Slater . Is it ? I wonder what he knows about this party that we do nt . Ryan : Wait , wait , wait , wait , let me guess . Your hobby is selling surveillance photos of local residents to the tabloid press . No ? Well , then , why did nt you ask us to pose for these , because I got to tell you , I ve looked a lot better . Zach : You do nt get to ask me questions . Ryan : Well , I have a feeling I m not going to like the answer . Zach : Do you really think you can walk into my private office and play with things that do nt belong to you ? It might have worked with Cambias Industries . It s not going to work with me . Ryan : You know , it s funny you mentioned my company . Erica , Kendall , all these people that you happen to be fascinated with , they all seem to have a connection to the killing of Michael Cambias . So , what s your connection , Slater ? Greenlee : What are you talking about ? The end of what ? Kendall : No , this is all your fault , Greenlee ! Everything that s happened to me is your fault . It s all happened because of you . Now , if you disappear tonight , we would all be better off . Greenlee : Do nt even try to threaten me , Kendall . Kendall : Oh , oh , oh , oh , I am beyond threats . You broke into my room . Greenlee : I came here for the pictures . Kendall : I do nt know what you mean . Greenlee : The ones you promised to show Anita if Bobby refused to sleep with me . Kendall : Oh . Well , I guess Bobby told you about our little agreement . Pretty sad state when a guy has to be paid to sleep with you . Greenlee : It s blackmail , and it s scraping the bottom even for you , Kendall . Kendall : Yeah , I am scraping the bottom of my piggy bank . It costs a lot to have a guy in bed with you . Greenlee : He was desperate for the cash . And by the way , it did nt work . Kendall : Really ? Says who ? Greenlee : His conscience ended up being more important than your threats to ruin his marriage . Conscience , Kendall . Remember what that is ? Kendall : Yeah , well , I guess everyone makes their choice , and Bobby made his , so now it s his turn to pay the price . Greenlee : If you have the gall to show those pictures to Anita , he and I will tell her that we staged the whole thing . Kendall : No , that s weak and pathetic . She ll never buy it . Bobby s a player . He s a player . She knows that he ca nt be trusted around any woman , and , you -- everyone in town knows what a filthy liar you are . Greenlee : I ca nt believe that you would try to destroy their marriage . Kendall : Oh , do nt try and turn this around on me , Greenlee . This is about you and Ryan and your betrayal . Greenlee : So everyone around you has to suffer -- for what ? Kendall : So that Ryan can finally see you for who you really are . You know , you really should have just gone ahead and just had sex with Bobby . I mean , now it looks like you re not going to be having sex with anyone anytime soon . Greenlee : You know , I understand you going after what you want , but to hurt people just to see them in pain and to relish it , that s crossing the line . Kendall : No , Ryan drew the line , and you pushed me over . Greenlee : But this is way more than that . You re dragging in innocent people . It s pathetic . Kendall : Pathe-- you re the pathetic one ! You waltz in here acting like you care about Bobby Warner s marriage . The only marriage you re worried about is your own . Greenlee : You think that I m worried about you and Ryan and that little security monitor shot ? Kendall : Well , at least Bobby did nt completely rat out his end of the deal . Did you get a good look , Greenlee ? It must have been too hard to handle , huh ? Me in Ryan s arms , his lips wrapped around mine , same old intimate moment . That ll keep you up at night when you re lying in your bed all alone . Greenlee : Give me the pictures , Kendall . Kendall : You do nt care about any stupid pictures , Greenlee . You are scared to death . Sure , maybe you kept your word to Ryan and you did nt sleep with Bobby , but you are terrified that Ryan broke his word and slept with me . Zach : Well , that s quite a leap . You see pictures of Bianca s special guests , and now you re tying me into Michael Cambias murder ? Ryan : Yeah , so what s your connection ? Zach : Again , you do nt get to ask me questions about anything . Ryan : Spoken like a man with something to hide . You see , I knew the whole fundraiser thing was just a smokescreen . Zach : Stop wasting my time , ok ? Ryan : You re probably behind that guy coming to town , too . What s your connection to Ethan ? The long - lost Cambias heir recognized you and crashed the place . Zach : What s the matter ? Are you ok ? Are you afraid that you re going to lose all the stuff that you stole from Alexander Cambias ? Ethan : Who is this guy Slater ? What does he think I m going to find so interesting ? Aidan : I do nt know . How long have you known him ? Ethan : Barely met the guy . He does nt know me at all . Aidan : Well , I bet you the guy , that he s full of himself . Ethan : It s like he can help me prove who I really am . Jonathan : I ll tell you who you really are . You are a fraud , Ethan , who thinks he can stick it to my brother so he ll turn his money over to you . Ethan : It s Cambias money , not your brother s . Jonathan : Well , there are no Cambiases . They re all dead . Oh , and here s a little breaking news for you -- my brother s onto your game . We all are . We ve got some new information that was coming in , and it s all over for you , chap . Babe : Many more things may have to blow up before J.R. tells us where Bess is . I mean , he woke up handcuffed to me and he practically did nt even blink . Jamie : Well , blowing up his prized Duesenberg will make him think twice . Babe : Or it s just going to make him angrier . I just want to know that Bess is safe . Jamie : Hey , whatever J.R. is capable of , he would never do anything to hurt his little girl . We both know that . In the meantime , we just need another plan . So maybe we should consult the genius who incinerated his car . Babe : And that would have to be Mama . Jamie : Yeah . She should make you proud . Babe : Gosh . You should have seen what happened to the last guy who crossed us . I bet you anything his car still smells like sardines . I remember back in San Diego J.R. used to talk about that car a lot . My Duesey , he d say . She s got class . Never trust a guy who confuses a car with a real woman . You know , there were times that I thought that maybe J.R. loved that car more than he loved me . I guess he did . Jamie : J.R. got a shot of his own medicine . He saw what it was like to have something he loves ripped away . Babe : We should probably go downstairs and see how Mama s doing after this little stunt . Jamie : Oh -- Babe : Jamie , what ? Jamie : Oh -- noth-- I think I just popped a stitch . Babe : Well , here , let me see . Jamie : No , no , no . No . It s ok . I ll be fine . It s no big deal . Babe : Do nt you dare start getting all macho on me . I know some first aid . Just let me take a look at it , and I ll be the one to tell you if it s ok . Jamie : J.R. is a fool to care about that car more than you . A total fool . J.R. : That car was irreplaceable ! Krystal : And so is my little girl ! After what you did , you should be grateful I did nt blow up the whole damn garage and more . In fact , I could make good on that , and worse , unless you bring Bess home right now . J.R. : I told you she was on an outing with the nanny . It s a good thing , too , before you started setting off bombs in the backyard ! Krystal : What outing ? Where did they go ? J.R. : You do nt need to know , because you re not her mother . Tad : Oh , for God s sakes , stop it . Ca nt you see where this is going ? Just tell us where the baby is before it gets any uglier . J.R. : I m a little surprised about you , Tad . Blowing up cars really is nt your speed . Krystal : Tad did nt have anything to do with this . Tad : More s a pity . Though it s perfectly obvious you re doing a bang - up job all by yourself . J.R. : Then why do nt you do your squeeze here a favor and let her know what kind of people she s messing with . Tad : J.R. -- J.R. : I ve got to go put that fire out . Tad : If you ever threaten her in front of me again , I ll personally show you just how hot things can get . J.R. : You actually defend this ? You know , the fact that you even want to associate with a piece of trash like that is an insult to my mother . Tad : The only thing that s an insult to Dixie around here is the way you re acting . J.R. : I do nt take your guilt trips anymore , so why do nt you save your breath and get out of my way ? Tad : My God , she d be ashamed of you , because you willingly took a page from your father s book and took a baby from her mother . And you know how that feels , do nt you , J.R. ? You understand the level of suffering you re inflicting , do nt you ? J.R. : You know I do . Just like when Bianca took my baby . Tad : So bring her back , now . J.R. : It s not the same at all . Bess is fine , as she always will be as long as I m there to protect her . You know , it s a good thing that she was nt here before she started blowing cars up all over the lawn ! Tad : J.R. , think . You remember how angry you were when you found out that Adam took you from your mother ? Someday , Bess is going to be old enough to understand what you did here . How do you think she s going to feel about you when that happens ? J.R. : You know , your opinion does nt mean squat to me , because I have a father who loves me , supports me , and that would never take sides with outsiders . Tad : No matter how wrong you are . J.R. : You know what , man ? We have nothing more to talk about . You mean nothing to me . We re finished . Krystal : Tad , I m so sorry . Tad : No . You ok ? Krystal : You were right . Keeping a baby from its mother is as low as it gets , and I never should have let it happen . Tad : What are you talking about ? You can hardly blame yourself . Krystal : No , no , Tad . You do nt know . This is my fault . I set this whole disaster in motion . Ryan : So I m right , are nt I ? You had a part in Ethan staking his claim on Cambias . Zach : No , it was nt me , but it s not a bad idea . Ryan : Really ? Well , I will find out what your game is . Zach : Good luck to you . I already know yours . You re a superhero to all . Ryan : Yeah , I like to protect the people I care about . I like to protect them from you . Zach : I m not going to throw you out of my casino , because you re a doorman to Bianca s fundraiser ; but you will leave my office now . Ryan : Hey , you mind if I take some photos with me ? Zach : My life is not your business . Treat it like it is and you will regret it . Ryan : If any of the people in those photos get hurt -- Kendall : Awful , is nt it , Greenlee ? Not knowing if the man that you love slept with another woman . Greenlee : You must have me confused with someone who does nt trust Ryan , like you . Kendall : Oh , I can see right through you . You are dying to know what happened after Bobby turned that monitor off . Greenlee : Honest ? If I want to know , I ll just ask Ryan . But I do nt need to . Kendall : Sure about that ? Greenlee : Absolutely , without a doubt . Kendall : Why ? Because he kissed you last night under the stars ? I bet you re wondering how I know that . See , Ryan told me . He said he felt sorry for you , because you obviously had these incredibly deep feelings for him that he just could nt return , so he thought he d let you down easy . Greenlee : I m sorry you re doing this the hard way . Do nt say I did nt try . Kendall : Oh , wait , wait . What s the matter , Greenlee , huh ? Am I making you face the awful truth ? You finally have to admit that you got into this bogus marriage so that Ryan will fall in love with you , but you failed miserably . Greenlee : You re desperate . Kendall : Oh , honey , honey , honey , honey , I m not desperate at all . You re the one who s going to be desperate . See , as soon as we prove that Ethan is the Cambias heir , you will lose everything . You will lose your company , your billions , and your so - called husband . And this is the part that s really -- you re not going to like this at all -- you re going to lose it all to me . So , who s desperate now ? Oh , and you might as well take these , since I m getting everything I want . There . You do nt have to thank me . Greenlee : I had nt planned to . Kendall : By the way , when you see Bobby , maybe you can try to salvage something there . I mean , since you re already used to being second best , maybe he ll take pity on you . Babe : How does that feel ? Jamie : Pretty good . Babe : Well , your stitches are intact , but I think you could use a new bandage . Jamie : Well , I guess I wo nt be starting for the PVU football team anytime soon . Babe : I m sorry , Jamie . Jamie : No big deal . I probably would nt have made the cut anyways . Babe : No , I -- I mean I m really sorry . Jamie : It was nt you who put a knife in my gut . Babe : Well , might as well have been . Jamie : You re wrong . Babe : It s my fault that J.R. showed up at the jail . I never imagined for it to go this far . When Mama told me that you were in jail with that dealer and you were trying to get the goods on J.R. , it broke my heart that even my own mother was having doubts . And I just wanted to show her , just show everyone . But I guess I just proved how stupid I am . Jamie : What did you do ? Babe : I ran to J.R. and I told him . He really did seem upset . I just wanted everyone to finally see . But I guess I was the one who was fooled . Hate me if you want . I would nt blame you . I ll just go . Jamie : What I m feeling , Babe ? Hate is nt even on the list . Krystal : You try so hard to do what s right , to take care of your family the only way you know how . Tad : Krystal , stop , please . You re wrong . I know where you re going with this . Krystal : You do ? Tad : Sure . You figure if you d stuck by that nanny 24/7 , she d never would be able to get past you . And in normal circumstances , you d be right . These are nt normal circumstances . This is Adam s world . And around here , if he wants something to happen , it usually happens come hell or high water . So do me a favor , ok ? Do nt blame yourself . The good news is it does nt always end up in a Chandler win . And I , for one , am not about to stand by and let J.R. or Adam get away with this for long . Krystal : Tad , I do nt even care who wins anymore . I just want that little girl home . Tad : Exactly what I m talking about . We ca nt get the police involved officially just yet . But unofficially , I got an awful lot of friends that are willing to help off the clock . I called in every favor I got coming . There are plenty of them . We got ourselves a search party out there even as we speak . Krystal : You did all that ? Tad : Are you kidding ? I m not about to stand by and let Babe or you get hurt any worse than you already have been . Krystal : Tad -- I swear , you -- you just knocked me off of my shoes . Tad : Yeah . I know how you feel . Krystal : Oh , go . I love you , Tad . Jonathan : A couple of friends from Princeton live in England now , and one of them knows the name Ethan Ramsey , related to some sort of scandal lately . Now , would you care to elaborate ? Ethan : Why bother ? You make up your answers . Jonathan : Oh , well , they re going to check it out . And then once they get back to me on who you really are , Ryan will have the proof and -- you re history . Ethan : Does nt matter what you dig up . None of it has anything to do with me being a Cambias . Jonathan : A liar s a liar . Ethan : I m not a liar . And your brother promised me the opportunity to prove it . Jonathan : Oh . Old news , friend . I was just with Ryan , and he believes your story about as much as the rest of us . I mean , why should he believe your story ? If old man Cambias wanted you found , he would have found you . Oh , no , wait . Your mother did nt want you found . That s why she dumped you off on a friend . Rich old man like that , if he wanted to find a cockroach in a volcano , he could . Aidan : Hey , why do nt you just ease up , pal , all right ? Jonathan : This is between me and your friend . Ethan : It s all right . Jonathan : Why do nt you stay out of it ? Ethan : It s all right . He needs to get it off his chest . Jonathan : Does he know your story , Ramsey ? Hmm ? It s tragic . I mean , too bad it bombed at the box office and went straight to video . I mean , you know the story of what happens when the so - called hero has a deep , dark secret from his past . He ends up not being the hero . And that could happen to you , Ramsey . I mean , if I were you , I d make tracks now , get out of town , because this secret is going to come out . Ryan s voice : I m right , are nt I ? You got some part in Ethan s staking his claim on Cambias . Kendall : Please , please , please tell me you found out this guy is for real . Just tell me that Ethan Ramsey is Ethan Cambias and Ryan s about to lose everything . Please , please , Zach . My life depends on it . Zach : Would you like a drink ? Kendall : No , no . Zach : A sedative , maybe ? Just sit down , tell me about it . Kendall : I -- I -- I just said some really stupid things to Greenlee just now . I sounded like -- I sounded like a desperate , hysterical woman . I was hurt . I was hurt and angry , and I wanted her to feel the same way . But you know what ? I ll tell you what happened next . She ran straight to Ryan . She s probably with him right now , telling him everything that I said . And then he s telling her it does nt matter , Kendall does nt matter . Oh , God . Oh , God , no . I ca nt -- I ca nt let him win . I ca nt let either of them win . And you do nt -- no , do nt look at me like that , ok ? You have no idea . You ca nt even begin to understand . Zach : Try me . Kendall : Well , there were mistakes . There were a lot of mistakes , but I went and I told Ryan that I still loved him , and I asked for a second chance , and he married Greenlee anyway . And now -- now Ryan thinks that he has real feelings for Greenlee . It s ridiculous . I ca nt let that happen , Zach . I ca nt . I ca nt let them walk off into the sunset while I eat their dust . I wo nt survive this again . I wo nt . Zach : They re not going to win , Kendall . Ryan s not going to win . I can almost guarantee it . Kendall : How are you going to stop him ? Ryan : That s nice . Is that what you re wearing tonight ? It s beautiful . Greenlee : You re angry . I can tell by the trajectory on the brush . Ryan : No . Do nt sweat it . Greenlee : Is it because of what I said to you before about Jonathan , that his MBA stood for mighty bogus abbreviation ? Ryan : Oh , no . No , no , no . No , not even close . I m not angry at you , Greenlee . Greenlee : You might change your mind after I tell you something about last night . Ryan : That sounds heavy . Greenlee : Kind of . Ryan : You know , maybe we should wait till after the dinner , like we talked about . Greenlee : Sure . We can do that . Ryan : Ok . Greenlee : Oh , you know what ? It ca nt . It ca nt wait . I -- I have to tell you now . I kissed Bobby Warner . Ryan : Ok . Greenlee : And you kissed Kendall . Ryan : And how did you know that ? Greenlee : Take a guess . Ryan : Kendall . Greenlee : She set it up so that I would see the two of you together just the same way that she set Bobby up to sleep with me . Ryan : But he did nt . Greenlee : No , he did nt . How d you know ? Ryan : Well , because you made a promise to me , Greenlee , and I knew you would nt break that . Greenlee : Wow . So whatever happened after you kissed Kendall , you can just tell me . I ll believe whatever you say . Ryan : After Kendall kissed me , nothing happened . Not one single thing . Greenlee : Because we made a promise to each other . I knew it . Ryan : Our marriage is still intact . Greenlee : I do nt know how much longer I can do this . The marriage , I mean . You know , it s getting too hard . Ryan : Are you saying that you want out ? Greenlee : Yes . Ethan : You tell Ryan he can dig as deep as he wants . I know who I am , and I ll get what s mine . Jonathan : Look , kid , you are not going to hurt my brother . Fair warning . Aidan : That guy needs to lighten up . Ethan : He s had it in for me ever since I walked into Fusion . I thought his brother was different . Aidan : Well -- Ethan : Apparently not . Aidan : Just what a guy with a very short fuse wants you to know . Ethan : Yeah . I know enough . What I need now is to shut both their mouths and get what s owed to me . Aidan : Well , you re going to need proof to do that . Ethan : Have nt got time . Once they find out about -- Aidan : Wow , you really are keeping something buried , are nt you ? Krystal : It s true , Tad . I look at you now and all I can think is I really do love you . Tad : Yeah . Your last chance to take it back . Krystal : No , not if you paid me . Tad : Are you sure ? Because , I mean , right now we could just chalk it up to gratitude . Or being , you know , swept away by my outrageous good looks . Krystal : Well , that , too . You trying to make me regret speaking my mind ? Tad : Well , let s just say you managed to surprise me . Krystal : Honey , it snuck up on me . But I just realized that you may be the best thing that ever happened to me -- a true blue standup hero . I think of the things that you re willing to do for me , the way you fight for me , the way you listen to me , the way you believe in me -- Tad : Gosh , and here I was thinking I was the lucky one . So where s the girl that does nt believe in white picket fences or happy endings ? Krystal : She s still got her bags packed , ready to catch a plane in 10 minutes notice . Tad : Well , then , damn it , what s the point of getting me all charged up ? Krystal : Do I need to have a point ? Tad : Well , it would help . Krystal : Tad , however this may end -- you know , this week , next year , whatever -- I -- I want you to trust . I want you to believe that this moment right now , this is the real deal . I love you . Babe : Wait , wait . You do nt hate me ? Jamie : God , Babe , I m not even mad at you . I get why you did what you did . I hated to believe what J.R. was capable of just as much as you . I love my brother . But it was a drug dealer who put a shiv in me , not you . Babe : Yeah , but if I would nt have sent J.R. down there -- Jamie : We never would have found out the truth from Seth , and J.R. could have done something even worse for his next move . Babe : I never meant for you to get hurt . Jamie : I m fine . Look , see ? It s good as -- ok , almost . Never mind . The point is it was worth it . You re worth it . Babe : How did this all spin so out of control ? Jamie : Hey , if I had nt gotten stabbed , how else would you have gotten me to take my shirt off ? No , you ca nt fool me . I know that s what motivated you . Babe : Yeah , you totally got me . You discovered my plan . Jamie : See , I told you I d get you to laugh again . Ok . It s my turn to confess something to you . Tad : You know something ? When this is over , you and I are going to have a nice , long , slow , hot conversation about that white picket fence . Krystal : Well , I guess a girl s got to hope for something . Tad : Hmm , I m not joking . One way or another , I swear I m going to get you to stop hedging your bets . J.R. : What the hell are you trying to pull now , Tad ? Babe : What could you have to confess ? Jamie , you have nt done anything except get yourself put in the hospital for trying to protect me . You ve been nothing but a wonderful friend to me , even when I was accusing you of all kinds of horrible things . Jamie : I have nt forgotten . I was a pretty big part of what set J.R. off in the first place . Babe : Jamie , you did nt know . Jamie : Confession ? Even though all hell broke loose and it caused a lot of trouble , I have never regretted the night that I spent with you , and I never will . Greenlee : You know , I m not saying that I want out tonight . I would nt want to bring the board down on your head . I mean , the divorce would be proof that we got married for business reasons . I just -- I m thinking that maybe we should rethink this whole six - month agreement . Ryan : No , I get it . It s pretty clear . Greenlee : Really ? Ryan : Yeah , I ve been -- I ve actually been thinking I wanted to make some changes myself . Greenlee : Oh . Ryan : I mean , it s what I meant before when I said that we had stuff that we needed to talk about . I just -- I just was nt sure if you were ready to hear it . And maybe you re not ready to hear it , but I -- I really ca nt wait either , so I have to say it now . Greenlee : Ok . If that s what you want . Ryan : I mean , this is -- it s been strange for both of us , I guess . I mean , you re my best friend . You know ? And you ve been amazing , with everything that we ve been going through . I mean , no matter how bad it s got , you ve always been there and you ve been real . And you always make me laugh , and you always tell the truth . Greenlee : You made it easy . Ryan : Well , the thing is , is that -- well , I ve been -- I just realized that I never thought that I would be back in this place . Love -- real love -- I thought I was done with it . Greenlee : I thought you were done , too . That s what you said . Ryan : Yeah . But I was wrong . Greenlee , I m not done with it . It s -- those feelings -- they re not dead and buried . They re -- they re here . Greenlee : Please do nt say any more . Ryan : I -- I have to , Greenlee , and you may not want to hear this , you know , but it s because of you , Greenlee . This -- you make me feel this way . Greenlee : I m sorry . I do nt understand . Ryan : You , Greenlee . You did this to me . You made me feel this way . I walk into a room and you re there , and I feel that s my home . And I do nt want to let go of that feeling , not now , not ever . ### Summary:
Krystal finds a way to blow up JR s car , telling him until he returns Bess to her mother , he will find out what it s like to mess with his mother in law . Babe has a friendly encounter with Jamie , reveals to him that she told JR about his plan before she trusted him , assumes he d be angry at her , but finds out that he does nt blame her for anything . Kendall is still obsessed to create a nuisance for Ryan and Greenlee . Greenlee assumes that Ryan wants to divorce her , but he reveals that he loves her and wants their marriage to stay on track . Ryan questions Zack Slater about the black and white photos of all the people connected to the murder of Michael Cambias . But Zack will not tell Ryan anything .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Brooke : Did you have dinner ? Ridge : Nope . Brooke : Well , we still have some of that squash soup . Ridge : I m fine . It s been a long day . Brooke : Looks like you were in the middle of something . Ridge : Uh , I was meditating . Brooke : [ Chuckles ] Yeah . You ve never meditated a day in your life . Ridge : Well , it s not that hard . You just sit somewhere and stop talking , so it s -- it s easy . Brooke : The answer to your questions is yes . I was at bill s since you left . Ridge : I see . Brooke : Ridge , today could have turned out very differently . You could be in a holding cell , and I could be here , alone . I just thought it would be right to hear what bill had to say . Ridge : Let me see if I can sum up what he said . He is a new and improved person , and you are the reason why . Am I right ? Justin : She just now left . Bill : Nothing happened . Justin : But you know what she ll be walking into at home . Bill : She married the man . Justin : Just say the word , and he ll become a guest of los angeles county . Forrester has cheap - shotted you how many times ? Bill : I do nt know . Once , twice . But punches like a 4-year - old girl . Justin : And he had you thrown off of a balcony , had you stripped of your custodial rights to your kid , and now you become a turn the other cheek kind of guy ? Wyatt : Uh , we were kind of wondering about that , too . Quinn : Julius and vivienne are gon na be with rick and maya . Eric : Well , then we should definitely invite xander . He wo nt have any family here . Quinn : All right , well , then the guest list is complete . Eric : Good . Let me see . Wait , there s no pam and charlie on here . Quinn : I know . I know . I just , um ... Eric : Well , but they do the lion s share of the cooking every year . Quinn : I understand , and I m not arguing with you . I just thought maybe pam needed a break from us . Eric : Well , no , I ll put them on the list . Quinn : Fine . Eric : Yeah ? Pam : Oh , I m sorry . You re busy ? Eric : No , no . We re not actually working . What s up ? Pam : Well , I just had a break , and I was wondering if maybe I could see you ? Eric : Sure . Come in , come in . Pam : Well , I meant alone . There s something that I just have to talk to you about . Eric : Would you mind ? Quinn : I have a few phone calls to make . I ll be right back . Eric : We were just working on the list for thanksgiving . Pam : Oh , um , you know , charlie and I just decided to spend a quiet day alone . Eric : That s just nonsense . Now , come on . It would nt be thanksgiving without the two of you in the house . Please , reconsider , would nt you please ? Pam : Eric ... Eric : Look , you re on the list , here . Pam : Eric . Do you believe that there s powers outside of ourselves who watch over us , you know , like from another dimension ? Because sometimes I get the strongest feeling that steph is trying to communicate . Like , just earlier , I was sitting at my desk out there -- remember , the phones were all going crazy ? I finally pick up the last call , and who is it but donna , and then I look up , and suddenly , she s standing there , right over my desk in exactly the same way that steph did once when she was trying to get my attention . Eric : Yeah , well , I ll have to try that myself someday . Pam : I do nt think it was an accident , eric . I think steph is trying to tell us that the reason donna s back is you . Liam : I just want you to know that what ridge and that judge did to you was nt right . Justin : That s all I m saying . Bill : People get away with things that are nt right all the time . Wyatt : Right , but only if there s no one to hold them accountable , but this time , there is . There s you . Bill : It s not that I did nt want to put brooke s husband away . But I could nt do that to her . She can hold him accountable if she wants to . Brooke : Are you sure you re not hungry ? What ? Ridge : He s trying something new -- kindness and mercy , because he knows you love a grand , unselfish gesture . He wants you back . Honey treasures from whole blends . Eric : Some people have an inner voice that guides them . Other people go to seances . I do nt have anything like that . I think maybe my spirit world antenna is broken inside . Pam : Well , I just know that steph sees everything . [ Scoffs ] She sees me , she sees you , and ... she sees that donna really did love you . Eric : I think maybe these messages you re getting are from somebody other than stephanie because she was never one to procure other women for me . Pam : Oh , now , do nt make fun . Eric : I m not making fun . I just doubt that donna being here at this point in my life means anything more than just to be a really dear , dear friend . Pam : It s not just donna . Eric , you have been really patient and really kind , and you have given quinn a chance that nobody else would have given her , but ... I ca nt shake this urgent feeling of dark clouds on the horizon . For you and for the family , too . Because of her . Bill : Well , well , well . If you boys rushed over here with a burning desire to see ridge in jail , then things have really changed . I mean , a total 180 . Wyatt : I mean , we are nt exactly in a hurry to see him in an orange jumpsuit . Liam : We did assume you would be , though . Bill : I did nt have to resist the temptation . Justin : Oh , would you wise him up if you can ? Make fun of him if you canT. Just remember , when he dies , this will all be yours , mine , or who knows ? I m out . Bill : [ Sighs ] Wyatt : Should he be on blood pressure medication , or something ? Bill : It s been a long day , and I do nt have that many friends to spare . What is it , liam ? If you have something to say , spit it out . Liam : Hey , it -- you know , if your conscience has awoken from its rip van winkle slumber , then that s great . I m just -- I m not seeing any miraculous absence of self - interest . You re playing a long game . To get brooke back , if I m not mistaken . I think ridge sees that , too . Another married woman . The problem is , you have so much that the only things left for you to want are someone elseS. Brooke : [ Sighs ] Ridge ... you re jumping to conclusions , letting your feelings for bill get in the way . Ridge : It s late . I ve been sitting here waiting . Brooke : Okay , so ... ? What , you want to fight about it ? Ridge : No , I do nt want to fight with you , but I would like for you to recognize that the man who targeted my daughter five minutes ago is now targeting you . Brooke : [ Sighs ] Okay . Let me see if I can explain . Bill and I were married . Ridge : What does that mean ? That means he can kiss you whenever he wants , put his hands on you ? What does that mean ? Brooke : No , he ca nt do whatever he wants . It s just -- we have a relationship that ... it s just two people that have had a history , ridge . And if he feels things beyond politeness , I mean , what can i do about that ? That s really not a crime . Ridge : What things do you feel for him ? Brooke : Gratitude . And if I were you , I d feel the same thing . I mean , twice this month he could have had you put behind bars , but he didnT. And , you know what , I am so grateful to him for that . Eric : Pamela douglas , I need you to understand something . I do nt need a watchdog . What I need is for you to respect my choices and my feelings . I m married to quinn . That did nt happen by accident . I m very happy donna s here , but I love my wife . Now let s leave that subject behind us , all right ? Pam : I just wanted to let you know . Eric : Well , if stephanie is unhappy with me from the afterlife , she ll let me know with a thunderbolt or something . Pam : [ Chuckles ] [ Sighs ] I m sorry , steph . Quinn : You should be ashamed of yourself . I m the one you should be apologizing to . Stephanie is dead . She ca nt make eric happy now , and she ca nt protect you , either . Brooke : Bill could have gone to the police with what he knew about you and judge mcmullen . He could have had you behind bars , but he didnT. Ridge : Right , now I need to explain something to you . I -- I hope you understand that I did what I did for that little boy because he was trouble . That s why I talked to the judge . I did nt bribe him , I did nt threaten him . Brooke : [ Chuckles ] No , you leaned on him . I think that s the expression . Ridge : You do nt think your buddy spencer would have done the same thing ? How in all of this did you forget what a horrible person he is ? Brooke : I have nt forgotten . I do remember all the terrible things that bill has done . I m just saying that , uh , sometimes , bad people do good things , and sometimes good people ... do terrible things . Bill : There are three things I wanted to talk to you guy about when I saw you -- if I saw you again . Wyatt : Uh , what are you -- what are you looking for ? Bill : Well , when liam staged his mutiny here , there were a couple of non- profits he wanted to fund . Liam : I imagine you shredded them . Bill : [ Laughs ] No . I did not . Are there a couple of those that could use a downtown property and the means to fund them ? Liam : [ Scoffs ] Yeah , I mean ... yeah , this one and this one . Bill : I ll consider it . Wyatt : What downtown property are we talking about here ? Bill : The spectra lot . Wyatt : Well , what happened to sky and your spencer tower ? Bill : Yeah , it does nt really feel like the time for me to build a monument to myself . Wyatt : I mean , you could -- you could always give it back to spectra . Bill : A tax deduction , wyatt . I m not gon na lose that . I have nt gone completely around the bend . And , uh , yes , liam , I do think about brooke . How could I not ? My life went to hell when I lost her . But I do nt want to get back by sending her husband off to punch license plates for a couple of years . I want her to see that I m a changed man . The kind of man that she could love . The kind of man that my sons could love . The day after chemo might mean a trip back to Quinn : If you keep trying to turn the man I love against me , I will crack your crazy head open like an egg . Oh ! Oh , see , that s it . That s exactly what you want me to do , is nt it ? You want me to lose control , so all your crazy premonitions will come true . Well , I m not gon na give you that satisfaction . Pam : I would nt be so sure . Quinn : [ Scoffs ] You think i do nt know what you re doing here , pam ? Getting eric to rehire donna , knowing that she lives next door to us . Flaunting her in front of eric . Trying to drive a wedge between us . It s not gon na work . What eric and I have , there s nothing you can do to interfere with my marriage . Ridge : You think I m unreasonable . Brooke : In this case , yes , and I do nt see why you do nt see it yourself . Ridge : Maybe it s because i love you unreasonably . Brooke : [ Chuckles ] Well , I m not talking about us . I think we re fine . I think we re solid . Ridge : Are we ? Brooke : Yeah . You know we are . When we come back here to this room , you and me , together , we dress , we undress ... Ridge : Mm . Brooke : And then it s just you and me here , talking about ... what we re afraid of , Ridge : What are you afraid of ? Brooke : I m afraid of where your anger towards bill is gon na take you next . Ridge : Well , I can see his motives , brooke . Brooke : What are you afraid of ? Ridge : I m afraid of losing you . Brooke : There s no man that could ever turn me away from you . Ridge : No ? Brooke : You do that . You push me away , and I do nt want you to do that . Ridge : Can I tell you a secret ? Brooke : Yeah . Ridge : Sometimes ... when I do things to protect the people I love , I ... I do stuff that may not be that nice . Brooke : Well , I do nt need you to be perfect . I just need you to love me . Ridge : Oh , I do love you . So much . I just wish I were a little more lovable myself . Brooke : [ Giggles ] You are . Every time you walk into a room , any room , I say to myself , just like the first time that I saw you ... he s the one . [ Giggles ] I love you . Ridge : I love you . Liam : You said there were three things you wanted to talk to us about . Wyatt : Yeah , what are the other two ? Because things are getting a little weird around here . Bill : [ Sighs ] You know , I took off that damn sword necklace , but it does nt take away the shame that I feel for the way that I have treated both of you . And for what happened with steffy . And , liam , I -- I struck you . And of all the commandments that I ve broken ... violence against my son has got to be the worst one . Liam : It s not technically a commandment . Bill : Yeah , then why does my blood run cold -- Liam : Honor thy father . That s -- that s the commandment . Bill : Well , you both have , uh -- have done that . And I will keep apologizing until you can trust me again . And until I am the kind of father that you can actually honor . Liam : You know , you never could hurt me as much as you did ... ... if I did nt love you . . . . ### Summary:
Brooke tells Ridge that in case he wondered she was with Bill since he left . Things could have turned out much differently but he is a changed man now and she thought she owed it to him to listen more to what he had to say . Quinn makes out the Thanksgiving guest list but leaves off Pam and Charlie saying she thinks maybe they have seen too much of them lately . Eric says nonsense and he adds their name back on . Pam comes in and wants to speak to Eric alone . He asks if Quinn minds and she does but says sure she has some phone calls to make anyway . Pam goes on and on that she thought she and Charlie would spend a quiet day alone but Eric wo nt here of that . It would not be Thanksgiving without her . Then she goes on and on about Stephanie s presence being there and she thinks she is trying to tell them that Donna is back there for Eric . He says some people have inner voices or go to seances . Pam says Donna really does love him so do not make fun . Quinn is outside and hears this . He says Donna is here because she is just a very dear friend now . Pam says she can not help but think of dark clouds on the horizon for him and his family . Bill tells Liam and Wyatt that he has had a long day and he has no more to say . So if Liam does , spit it out . In a nutshell Liam says Bill has everything he wants so the only thing left is somebody else s . Brooke tells Ridge that Bill is just being friendly and twice this month he could have put Ridge behind bars and he did nt . She is so grateful for that and it does not mean she will let him kiss her again but it does no harm to offer him her friendship . Sometimes bad guys do good things and sometimes good guys even do terrible things . She gently nudges Ridge when she says this . Eric tells Pam that he does not need a watchdog . If Stephanie is upset with him she will make herself known and tell him herself . He loves his wife and he needs Pam to respect that choice . Pam runs into Quinn going out . Quinn tells her she should be ashamed . Stephanie is dead and as for herself she is going nowhere . There is nothing Pam can do to interfere with her marriage . And if she tries she will crack her head open like an egg . Wait a minute , that is probably what Pam wants so she will not give her that satisfaction . Brooke asks Ridge if he is afraid . He replies yes of losing her . She assures him no other man could do that . He says sometimes he does things that are not perfect to help others and he wishes he was more lovable when doing that . Bill tells his boys that he wants to do something with the Spectra land and it has nothing to do with Skye . He does not want a tribute to himself . And his sons have honored him and he will spend all the time he can apologizing to them until they can honor him again .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Sonny : Before anybody else leaves , I d like to say something . My son is gone . I ca nt believe he s gone . He s not coming back and I know half of you , or maybe even most of you , blame me . [ Voice breaking ] But you ca nt blame me any more than I blame myself . Morgan s life was not easy . [ Sobs ] He deserves to be at peace , but that ca nt happen because of me . Because of what I did . There s only one way he can be at peace , and I know how to make it happen . It s the only way I know how . Jason : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Nina : Come on , J. I promise , I have everything under control . Just stay at the restaurant and make wedding plans and just smile and nod and do everything the bride and her mom say . [ Chuckles ] I - I promise . I wo nt leave the office for the next hour . I promise . Do nt -- listen . Hey , hey . Stop . Do nt worry about me . I have everything under control . Laura : So , Hayden is stable now ? Oh , thank you so much , Dr. Finn . Yes , yes . Well , please keep me posted , and if there is anything at all that I can do , please let me know . Valentin : Hold on a moment . I do nt have keys yet . I was waiting for your caretaker . He does nt seem to be showing up , so lucky for me you came along when you did . May I ? Laura : It s your house now . Valentin : So it is . Please , after you . Scott : Okay . I m here for our secret meeting . I do nt know why you would pick a place that does nt serve alcohol . Ava : Oh . Well , I assumed you carry your own flask -- some bottom - shelf bourbon aged for a few months in a fine , plastic jug . Scott : Well , I do like the finer things in life . That s why I m hanging out with you . Ava : Eh . Scott : Not to mention the fact that you re rich and you re always in trouble . Why are you wearing black ? Ava : Well , I m -- I m actually thinking about attending Morgan s funeral . Scott : Well , you know , sometimes grief can make people more forgiving . I mean , I know that you switched out Morgan s medication for those dum - dum drops . But Carly and Sonny , they do nt . Ava : I think it s only a matter of time , though , before they find out . Jason : Sonny , what are you doing ? Dante : Sonny , come on . Sonny : My life has been smothered by so much violence , and that violence smothered my son s life . Morgan ... [ Sobs ] Morgan had his future in front of him . H - h - he had so much that he wanted to do , but that s -- he s not gon na have that chance because of me . And I want to make it clear ... ... that I m responsible for Morgan s death . Me , no one else . [ Sighs ] Jordan : Mr. Corinthos ... are you confessing to causing of the death of your son Morgan ? Sonny : I ll tell you everything . I just need to get this out . Jason : Hey , Sonny . Do nt do this . Do nt do it . Sonny : I can do it . I can do it . I just want to be able to tell -- I want to talk to the people who loved Morgan . Jason : Do you know what you re doing ? Sonny : Yes . I got it . I got it . Carly ... you came to me months ago , and you asked me to change after our son almost got shot and Kiki got shot saving him . You said to me that -- you asked me to stop the cycle of the violence , and I promised you that I would try . I m sorry , sweetheart . [ Voice breaking ] I broke that promise . Carly : [ Sobbing ] Sonny : And now , our beautiful boy has lost his life . Michael ... what you said was right . Morgan always forgave , just like you . Do nt beat yourself up because you did nt -- were nt there to protect him . That was my job . I was supposed to protect your brother . You know when parents -- you know when parents always say that when they lose a child , they wish that they could trade places ? I would give ... [ Sobbing ] [ Sniffles ] To trade places with him ... [ Sniffles ] ... So he could be sitting right here with us in church , sitting right next to his mama . That ca nt happen . That ai nt gon na happen . Nothing can change that . The only thing that I can change is to take responsibility for my action . And I will be sorry the rest of my life , and I will do everything I can to atone for this . Jason : Hey , hey , hey . Sonny : No , it s okay . It s okay . Cause I m not gon na need this where I m going . [ Sniffles ] [ Voice breaking ] Dante , my beautiful son ... go ahead . Do what needs to be done . [ Sniffles ] Laura : Alexis explained the legal situation to me . I ll be gone before the day s out . Valentin : Well , if that s your decision , I wo nt try to dissuade you . I was just trying to extend an olive branch . Laura : I think you know what you can do with that olive branch . Valentin : Fair enough . But if you should change your mind about wanting to stay here , I think I should be able to accommodate you . After all , we are family . In the meantime , I think this place will be more than adequate for me ... and my daughter . Nina : I got it . I m hanging up , okay ? Bye . [ Sighs ] I love my brother . I love him . He s a worrier , huge worrier , so while he s up there at the restaurant making wedding plans , you and I are going to play . What do you want to play first ? Charlotte : Paper dolls . Nina : Paper dolls ? Really ? Do you even know where you are ? I can definitely make that happen . Charlotte : Oh . Scott : So , Lucy saw you getting rid of Morgan s pill bottle . Ava : And she confronted me . And then , fortunately , she jumped to the wrong conclusion that the reason I had the meds in the first place was that Morgan and I had drifted into another illicit affair . Scott : Well , that could be reason enough for Morgan to take a mood stabilizer . Ava : Lucy , she promised to keep her mouth shut for now , but I m concerned that if I make one wrong move , you know , she ll run straight to Sonny and Carly . Scott : Right . So , if Lucy did nt have the lithium bottle of pills , you d have nothing to worry about . Ava : Shh ! But , Scotty , she does have the bot-- she has the bottle , with the pills still in it . And if she brings those pills to Sonny and Carly , and if they find out that those are placebos in that bottle , and Lucy tells them that she saw me throwing that bottle away ... Scott : Right . They would know that you had switched the pills . Ava : Exactly . And I ll be dead . Scott : Yeah . Well , if I was you , I d lay low . Ava : No , no , no . No , there s no statute of limitations with Sonny . Whether it s now or a month from now or a year from now or a decade from now , if he finds out what I did ... Scott : Yeah . Vengeance is his . Ava : Yes ! Right ! So , Scotty ... you know what needs to be done . Scott : I do . You need to get a new dye job and jump the first freighter to Cuba . Ava : Scotty , I need to get those pills from Lucy . And by I , I mean you . Jordan : Mr. Corinthos , you re not under arrest . Sonny : I just told you . Go ahead and take me out . Jordan : No . I m not gon na arrest you on the day of your son s funeral , okay ? I m gon na take you into the station for some questioning , and you can tell me what happened there . Okay ? Jason : Hey , Sonny . Do nt do this . You do nt understand what s going on . Jordan : Mr. Morgan ... hey . This is a police matter at this time . You re interfering . Sonny : Look , Commissioner , look , it s okay . Listen , I appreciate what you re doing , but this is the only way I know how to make it right . Michael : You okay ? Carly : I m fine . Your father made his choice . What s done is done . Laura : Your daughter ? Valentin : That s right . My little girl is charming . I ca nt wait for her to move in with me . Laura : In the house that you stole from my son , who you killed . Valentin : I wo nt take up any more of your time . Kevin : What the hell are you doing here ? Valentin : I live here . What are you doing here ? Oh , yes , that s right . Kevin : Are you all right ? Laura : Could nt be better . Valentin : Anyway , welcome to my home . Kevin : Just how is this your home ? Valentin : Well , I ll let Laura explain . This house belongs to the Cassadines . And although Laura dislikes me for admittedly valid reasons , she and I will always be connected through our family . Michael : Hey , Mom , Olivia just texted me . Joss is at her place . Should I go get her ? Carly : No . No . I m glad she s with Olivia . She can stay distracted , right ? I m so glad she was nt here when Sonny ... did what he did . The reception -- I have that room that I put on hold . Nelle : Y - yeah . I ll call the hotel and make sure it s canceled , okay ? Carly : Thank you . Thanks , Nelle . Nelle : Okay . Bobbie : We need to get you home , put you in to a nice , warm bath or bed . Jax : Bobbie s right . We should get you home . Carly : I do nt want to go anywhere yet . I do nt . I just wanted justice for Morgan , you know ? I m not really sure that s what I had in mind . None of this turned out like I thought it would . Sonny : Where do you want to do this ? Dante : You got to call Diane . You have to have your attorney in there with you when you re being questioned . Sonny : No . I do nt need my attorney . As soon as we get this out in the open , the better . Jordan : All right . Then you can wait in there . Hey , Dante , I need a word with you . Dante : We ll be right back . What s the problem ? Jordan : I just want to -- just talk with you about Sonny before he takes his statement . Hey , can you make sure that you watch the door ? Officer : Sure . Jordan : Thank you . Jason : Hey . Take a break . Officer : You got it . Jason : Sonny . Sonny : What are you doing here ? Jason : You re making a mistake . Kevin : How does he make a claim to any of this ? Laura : [ Sighs ] It s a very long , sad , chauvinistic story that ends with Valentin taking possession of this house and everything else . So , I have to move out now . Want to help me pack ? Kevin : Well , as fun as that sounds , I would wager that Valentin would nt mind if you just sent for your things . So , what do you say we get out of here ? Laura : [ Chuckles ] Yeah . Where do I go ? Kevin : To the mainland so we can brainstorm and figure out what for you to do next . Laura : Hmm . That does sound like a good idea . Kevin : Great . Let s go . Laura : Uh , except that I do know what I m gon na do . I m gon na move in with Dante and Lulu . Kevin : Yeah . Yeah . You mentioned that . Laura : What ? Kevin : Well , I was just thinking , you know , I have all this extra room . Well , you re welcome to stay with me . Nina : [ Gasps ] Purple ! You made a purple doll . Charlotte : Purple s my favorite color . Nina : Really ? Purple s my favorite color , too . Does your mommy dress you up in a bunch of purple outfits ? Valentin : What a wonderful surprise . Charlotte : Purple flowers are my favorite , and they re Nina s favorite , too . Valentin : Well , even better . I get to visit with not just one , but two beautiful young ladies . Scott : So , you want me to get the pills back from Lucy ? Ava : Yeah . Who better ? You have a history with Lucy , right ? You know what alcohol gets her drunk the fastest , you know where all of her sweet spots are , do nt you ? Scott : Yeah . I do know that . Ava : Okay . Well , then , it should nt be trouble for you to distract her long enough to find that bottle and pilfer it . Scott : Yeah . Well , I could get the pills just like that . [ Snaps his fingers ] Ava : Yeah . So ? You re saying you ll do it . Scott : I m not saying that at all . Ava : Then what are you saying , Scott ? Scott : What I m always saying to you , Ava ? What is in it for me ? Kiki : I m gon na go . Dillon : Do you want me to ... ? Kiki : No . No . It s fine . I just -- I need some time to myself to sit with my feelings and my memories . I just -- I need to say goodbye to Morgan in my own way . Does that make any sense ? Dillon : Yeah . Perfect sense . Kiki : I ll see you later . Nelle : Look , I m so sorry for the short notice , Braden , but I ll explain everything later . Okay . Just keep the food in the fridge , and we ll figure it out when I get back , okay ? Bobbie : [ Sighs ] So , uh , what do you think of her ? Michael : Nelle ? She s , uh -- she s great . And she s been very supportive of my mom , who really relies on her . Bobbie : Huh . Carly : I just ca nt believe Sonny confessed . Jax : Well , I guess he felt it was the right thing to do . Carly : Normally , I d agree with you . Just ... for Sonny to admit -- I mean , to admit that he caused Morgan s death , I did nt think he could say the words . Jax : You know , I knew within 10 minutes of meeting Sonny what he was all about . And in all the years , he never proved me wrong . I mean , he does nt like violence , but he has no problem using it to get what he wants , and he never considers the collateral damage , which is the part that astonishes me , because he s a smart guy , right ? Organized crime is deadly . It s not a hard concept to grasp . I do nt think he got that until today . Carly : I know Sonny confessing was his way to make things right , but what about Morgan s brothers and sisters ? I mean , at least Dante , Michael , and Kristina , they re adults . But what about Avery ? I mean , if she loses Sonny now , she may never remember him . And what about Ava ? If Sonny goes to prison , Ava gets full custody . That s the last thing that little girl needs . Jax : Yeah . Sonny confessing will hurt a lot of people , yes . Carly : [ Sighs ] Jax : But , look , I think he did the right thing . He always said he wants to protect his family , right ? Well , today he took the first steps to do that . Jordan : I can take it from here . Dante : What are you saying ? I ca nt be in the room ? Jordan : I m saying I m giving you the option to sit this one out . Jason : Okay , listen up now . We do nt have a lot of time . Do nt worry about what you said in the church , okay ? I called Diane . She s on her way . She s gon na get you out of this . Sonny : I do nt want to get out of it . I m gon na make a full confession , I m gon na plead guilty , then I m gon na go to prison for the rest of my life , and that does nt seem like enough . Jax : Sonny , please , under no circumstances should you plead guilty to any crime . Nina : What are you doing here ? Valentin : I wanted to thank you for your company last night . Nina : Oh , you re welcome . I m very , very busy right now . Valentin : Yeah , I can see that . Paper dolls , huh ? Nina : [ Chuckles ] Yeah . We re gearing up for the Milan runway issue , and we re working on Paris , as well . Valentin : Why do nt you go play ? Get ready for that Parisian runway . Nina : Your daughter s very happy to see you . Valentin : Not half as happy as I am to see her . I missed her every day that Claudette had her away from me . It s progress that we are in the city , but I wo nt rest until she s with me full time . Charlotte : I want to play a game . Nina : She s asking the right person . Valentin : I think that can be arranged . What do you want me to play ? Charlotte : War . Valentin : Yeah . Kevin : I really like to spend time with you . I mean , like , a lot . And I happen to have an extra room . Laura : That s a really sweet offer . I , uh ... I ve already made these arrangements . I m gon na stick with that . Kevin : Well , yeah . You told me . Laura : You know , we just restarted our relationship , and I do nt think that sharing the same space would necessarily be a great idea right now . It s just that the last thing I need in my life right now is for you to start resenting all my idiosyncrasies . Kevin : Well , idiosyncrasies make us who we are . Laura : Really ? Kevin : Really . Laura : What if I snore ? Kevin : You do . Hey , hey , I m just happy to be able to hear it at all , if you know what I mean . And time spent with you made it worth taking a bullet . Laura : Lulu ? Uh , how was the funeral ? Is everything all right ? Lulu : No . No , Mom . Far from it . Nelle : Okay , I canceled the reception . Michael : Oh , yeah . I heard . Thank you . Nelle : Oh , God . Was I being loud ? Bobbie : No . You were perfect , as usual . I need to get some air . Michael : What was that about ? Nelle : What do you mean ? Michael : Uh , nothing . Anyway , thank you . I know my mom s really been relying on you . Nelle : Well , it s my job . Michael : Yeah , well , you ve gone above and beyond . Nelle : Well , that s actually in my job description , Michael . I m serious . Anyway , I know how hard this has been for Carly , but what about for you , you know ? How are you holding up ? Michael : Uh , well , I m -- I m a Corinthos and a Quartermaine , so I do my falling apart in private . Well , at least usually . But , yeah , I still ca nt believe my dad confessed . Nelle : You know , uh , yesterday he told me something . He mentioned that he was planning something , but I did nt know what he meant . I thought that he meant that he was leaving . Um ... and you know what ? He actually gave me this to give to your mom . Michael : Oh , yeah . I mean , I understand why my dad felt he had to do this , but it set a lot of people s lives into a tailspin , especially my mother s . Carly : Excuse me for a second . Dr. Maddox ? What are you doing here ? Griffin : Nina , I m here to pick -- pick up Charlotte . What are you trying to pull ? Valentin : Can we be civil for la petite mademoiselle s sake ? Nina : Uh , everything is okay . We are just playing a game . Anna : Games seem to be your specialty , do nt they ? Valentin : I ll take that as a compliment . Anna : [ Chuckles ] Why not ? Valentin : How are you , Anna ? Anna : Me ? I am deeply concerned by your proximity to a small child . Valentin : Uh , that s my small child , my flesh , my blood . Anna : So you say . We re taking Charlotte home . Charlotte ? Valentin : By home , I hope you mean Wyndemere , because that s where I live now . Griffin : It s the hospital . I had them put a rush on the DNA test results . They re in . André : I understand how you feel about me , Mrs. Corinthos , but I still wanted to pay my respects . While I ca nt explain what happened with Morgan s medication , he and I did a lot of really good work together , and I wanted to honor that . Carly : Well , now you have . André : Very well . I do want to say , I did nt know Morgan very long , but I could see how much everyone here loved him . Their lives were made better because he was a part of them . You should hang on to that . Carly : Dr. Maddox ? Wait . Ava : I do nt even care what you want . I need that pill bottle , Scotty , and I ll be more than happy to make it worth your while . Scott : Anything , huh ? Ava : Anything . Art , money , a sports car , whatever your little heart desires . Just name your price . Scott : Hey , Lucy . Hey . Yeah . How you doing , pal ? I know . It s been a while . Listen . I was thinking , we get together tonight at stinger s , have some fun . Yes , I m buying . Oh , no , no . You know what ? Forget the Metro Court . I ll tell you what . Why do nt I swing by your place ? I ll get a bottle of champagne , some caviar . I know you do . You know I do , Lucy . Ava : Oh , good grief . Scott : All right . Listen , so I ll see you soon . Slip into something comfortable , okay ? Bye - bye . [ Sighs ] I will have the pills by the end of the evening . Ava : Yeah ? Scott : Yeah . Ava : We have nt even discussed the terms . Scott : No , we have nt . Ava : [ Laughs ] Well , are you gon na tell me what you want ? Or is a little mattress tag with Lucy reward enough ? Scott : I enjoy my time with Lucy . I really do . But I feel somewhat bad taking advantage of her to do your dirty work . But I do like the fact that you owe me a favor . See ya , Ava . Lulu : I hope I did nt chase Kevin off . Laura : Oh , no . Do nt worry about that . I will be seeing plenty more of Kevin . Lulu : Really ? Laura : [ Chuckles ] Yeah . Well , especially now that I wo nt have to take the launch to the mainland anymore . Lulu : Oh , no . Please do not tell me that -- Laura : I wish I did nt have to tell you , but yes , Valentin does have a claim to this property . Lulu : How ? ! Wait . Because Nikolas signed it over ? That was clearly coercion . Laura : As it turns out , Nikolas never really had this estate . Lulu : Of course , he did . He was the Cassadine prince . Laura : He had the title , but he did not have the estate . It was -- Nikolas grandfather Mikkos , he left everything in his will to his eldest living son . Stavros is gone , Stefan is gone , so that leaves only ... Lulu : Valentin . Laura : Right . Yeah . Yeah , it does nt matter now . It does nt . Helena is dead , the will resurfaced , Spencer lost his entire inheritance , and Valentin gets everything , including this house . I , uh -- I m afraid I do have to take you up on your offer to let me move in with you and Dante , just for -- Lulu : No . We want you to stay with us . Having you under our roof is going to make Dante and me almost as happy as it s gon na make Rocco . [ Laughs ] Laura : Well , I aim to please . Lulu : It ll be good for us to be around family , especially after today . Laura : Morgan was such a sweet boy . And Dante , to lose his brother like that , he must be devastated . Lulu : It got worse . At the end of the funeral , Sonny confessed that Morgan s death was his fault . Dante had to take him into custody . Dante : You re the commissioner , so I guess it s your call to make . That man in there is my father . That is a conflict of interest . Jordan : Your integrity and impartiality are not in question , Dante , but that man , your father , he s about to give us chapter and verse of how his actions directly led to your brother s death . Are you sure you re ready to hear that ? Sonny : Why ca nt I plead guilty ? Jason : You do nt have all the facts . Sonny : Well , enlighten me . Just say it . Jason : I m still working on confirming something . Sonny : You either know or you do nt . Jason : I found the guy who brokered the hit on Julian . Sonny : Yeah , yeah . Jason : I found Mezzo . I also found out exactly what happened the night Morgan died . Lulu : Mom , is this everything ? Laura : Uh , I m gon na take Kevin s advice and send for the rest of it . [ Sighs ] If I need something before then , I ll just buy a new one . I do nt think I want to come back here again . Let Valentin have the place . His castle . [ Chuckles ] His island . Let him rot . Lulu : Hey , hey . You okay ? Laura : No . I keep thinking about this thing that Valentin said to me . He looked at me and he said , We re always gon na be connected by family . Lulu : Mom , you ll always be Nikolas mother . You re Spencer s grandmother . Like it or not , Valentin is their relative . Laura : I - I guess that s probably what he meant . Nina : Okay . So , uh , what s going on here ? Valentin : Do nt keep us in suspense , Doc . What do they say ? Griffin : Valentin is Charlotte s father . Valentin : If all of you lovely people who are not related to Charlotte do nt mind , I d like to take my daughter home now . Anna : Actually , I do mind . Carly : I found some new information about Morgan . There was something going on with him before he died , and I d like to talk to you about that . André : Of course . Anytime . Carly : Thank you . Ava : Morgan . Kiki : Hey . Dillon : Hey . Kiki : I was nt expecting to see you here . Dillon : You re welcome to join me . You do nt have to . Kiki : You know what I keep thinking ? How did things get so bad so fast ? Morgan s gone . Now Sonny s going to jail . I mean , Carly lost a husband and a son , and Kristina and Michael and my baby sister , Avery , now are losing their father . If Sonny confessing his crime was the right thing for him to do , then why is nt anything good coming of it ? Dillon : I do nt know . Hopefully , in time , we will be able to move on . Kiki : Do you really believe that ? Dillon : I want to . Kiki : Thank you , Dillon . Dillon : For what ? Kiki : For this . For what you did at the funeral earlier . Just letting us be friends . For sitting next to me . Michael : Hey . Nelle : Hey . Michael : Do you need a ride or anything ? Nelle : You know , actually , I was thinking about going to the Metro Court . Michael : You canceled the reception . Nelle : I did , but we still have all of those flowers , and I was thinking maybe we could bring them to your mom s house . Unless that s embezzling , in which case ... Michael : I think it s fine . And I think it s very nice . I really -- I ca nt thank you enough for everything you ve done for my mom . Jax : You ready to go ? Carly : I do nt want to go . Because when I leave , it s the beginning of my life without Morgan . Jax : Then do nt go home for yourself . Go home for Josslyn . Show her how you live with grief . I know you can do that . You can do anything for your kids . Dante : What do you want me to say ? Am I looking forward to my father going over every detail ? Of course , I m not . Jordan : Then , why are you gon na put yourself through that ? Dante : Because I owe it to my brother . To bear witness to the truth of why he died . Sonny : I already know what happened . I called off the hit . It was too late to save my son . Jason : You know what ? You need to wise up and start listening to me . Because that s not what happened . That s not what happened at all . Elizabeth ( to Franco ) : Clearly something is wrong . What is it ? Nina ( to Valentin ) : You do nt need to feel sorry for Griffin Munro . Anna ( to Griffin ) : Being a parent is a forever job . Are you up to it ? Nelle ( to Carly ) : I have something for you . It s from Sonny . Dante : Sorry , Diane , but it s already too late . Sonny ( to Jason ) : I m not responsible for my son s death ? ### Summary:
Once Morgan s funeral is over , Sonny confesses that he s responsible for Morgan s death . Carly sobs when Sonny apologizes for not listening to her pleas to stop the cycle of violence . He begs Michael not to blame himself and now wants to atone by going to jail . Sonny asks Dante to take him in , but Jordan steps up and refuses to arrest him . She just wants to take him to the police station for questioning . Jason objects but Sonny wo nt listen to him . Although Sonny refuses to call his lawyer , Jason contacts Diane . Jordan advises Dante to spare himself and not to be present during Sonny s interview , but he wants to know the truth . Jason bribes himself into the interrogation room and urges Sonny to listen to him , because his hit on Julian did not cause Morgan s death . André approaches Carly with words of comfort and agrees to talk to her about what was going on with Morgan before he died . Carly finds it hard to leave the church , but Jax encourages her to go home for Josslyn s sake . Before giving Sonny s letter to Carly , Nelle opens the envelope , reads it , then reseals it . Dillon continues to support and comfort Kiki during and after Morgan s funeral . She thanks him for being there for her as a friend . Ava asks Scott to get Morgan s lithium prescription bottle filled with placebos from Lucy . Happy that Ava will give him anything to get his hands on that bottle , Scott makes a date with Lucy , devising to ply her with champagne and caviar . Once everyone has left the church , Ava sneaks in and says goodbye to Morgan . When Valentin moves into Wyndemere , Laura quickly packs her bags and relocates to Lulu and Dante s house , refusing Kevin s offer to stay with him . Laura is perturbed by Valentin s suggestion that they will always be connected . Nina is entertaining Charlotte in her office with paper dolls when Valentin arrives to take his daughter home to Wyndemere , but Anna and Griffin show up to stop him . Griffin gets the DNA results and is unhappy to learn that Valentin is Charlotte s father .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Steffy : Liam did nt betray you . The kiss was planned . It was a manipulation . Hope : So thomas told you to kiss liam , and you -- you just went along with it ? Steffy : Yeah . It was wrong , and I feel terrible . I -- I do nt know why I did it . My instincts took over . Hate me if you want , hope , but I had to come clean . I had to tell you the truth . Thomas : Hope was really listening to you . You know , I think you affected her . How amazing would that be , the three of us a family ? Douglas : Four with beth . Thomas : Yeah . Exactly . Brooke : What about beth ? Thomas : Oh . Nothing . She was just really tired , so we finally got her to sleep . Brooke : Well , I m here now , so ... Thomas : Okay . Great . Well , then we ll get out of your hair . Um , unless you have things to do . I mean , we could stay and watch her . Brooke : No . I m very happy to stay with beth . Besides , do nt you have things that you have to do to get ready for the big day ? The day that you ve been waiting for ? Your wedding to zoe . Thomas : Yeah . Shauna : Coffee break ? Ridge : Hey . Well , I never turn down free coffee , especially if it s brought in by a beautiful lady . Thank you . Shauna : You re welcome , and I never turn down free compliments , so we make quite a team . Ridge : Yeah , we do . Shauna : I can skedaddle if you re busy . Ridge : What s the point of taking a break if , um , I m not gon na stop working ? No , you should be here . Shauna : Okay . Well , I am happy to stay . Only if you have the time . Ridge : I always have the time for you . Shauna : So are you working on your speech ? Ridge : My speech ? Why ? Shauna : Best wishes , welcome to the family , lifetime of happiness . I heard that , uh , thomas wedding s happening asap . Ridge : Yes , it is . Tomorrow . It s quite a relief . Shauna : A relief ? Ridge : Well , as you know , thomas has been going through a bit of a rough time , but he s coming out on the other end . He s getting married to zoe . So that s -- that s a relief . And maybe some people will ... stop their suspicions . Shauna : Some people meaning brooke ? Ridge : Yeah . Brooke . Uh , brooke still does nt believe that thomas has moved on from hope . Thomas : You re right . Big day tomorrow . Long time in the making . Brooke : Right . Let s go with that . Bill : Hope . Brooke . I-- Brooke : Bill . Hi . Bill : I asked at the main house . They told me you were down here . My main man ! How s my favorite nephew ? Hey , buddy , how you doing ? Are you good ? Douglas : Yep . Bill : Are you positive ? You know what you need to do ? You need to ask this lo-- um , need to ask , uh , your mommy hope to bring you by to see me more often . How about that ? Thomas : Okay . Bill : Promise ? Thomas : Well , I think it s time for us to go . Bill : All right . Well , I ll see you soon . Thomas : Bill , always a pleasure . Let s do it . Bill : Pleasure s all mine , tom . Thomas : Ah , yeah , of course . Bill : So is it true ? Is he supposedly getting married tomorrow ? Brooke : Yeah . To zoe . Not that I believe that relationship is real . Bill : Why would you ? That diaper - wearing daddy s boy has nt been honest about anything in his life . Brooke : So you do nt believe him , either . Bill : Hell , no . Anyone who does is a fool . Liam : I called you as soon as steffy told me cause I wanted you to know right away . I want you to understand just how far thomas will actually go . He s still lying to you . He is still manipulating you . Steffy : Thomas has nt moved on . He s still obsessed with you . Hope : Well , he s not the only one . Steffy : Excuse me ? Hope : To not move on ? Steffy : I m sorry . I-- Hope : Sorry for what , steffy , that you did nt trap me in a gondola this time ? Liam : Whoa . Hope . Thomas is the one who-- Hope : Forget about thomas . If you want to talk about lies , if you want to talk about manipulations , I ... am looking at the master . Tired of clean clothes that just do nt smell clean ? Shauna : Do you think , if this wedding happens , that broke will still have her doubts about thomas ? Ridge : I do nt know why she should . She promised that if thomas moved on , if he married zoe , that she would accept him for who he is , maybe even forgive him . She gave me her word on that . But after what happened today , I m not sure that she s capable of doing that . Shauna : Sorry . I can see how disappointed you are . Hang in there . Maybe brooke means what she says . I have a feeling this wedding tomorrow is gon na change everything . Brooke : I want to believe thomas . Bill : And I want to believe in the tooth fairy , but reality steps in . Brooke : Yeah , but it would be so much easier , you know , if ridge was right and thomas really was moving on from hope . Bill : Guess you ll find out tomorrow . Brooke : Yeah . Maybe thomas will prove us wrong and he will get married to zoe , and then I ll be relieved cause I ll be able to tell ridge that he was right . Bill : Tooth fairy , brooke . Tooth fairy . Brooke : I know . How do you do it ? Bill : Hmm ? Brooke : How do you make me smile , even in the worst of times ? Bill : Oh . Well , is nt it good to know that there are some talents you never lose ? Brooke : Yeah . Well , I appreciate it . And I appreciate you . And I really have been feeling lonely , being the only voice of reason . Bill : You re never alone , brooke . I m here for you . I ll support you . Whatever happens at that wedding tomorrow , you re got a friend in me . Vinny : You really think hope will stop it ? Thomas : Yeah . Douglas played his part well , ah , begging her to marry me , making us a family again . Vinny : You sound confident . I ll give you that much . Thomas : Well , how s this for confident ? I already designed hope s wedding dress . Vinny : You mean zoe s , right ? Thomas : No . I mean hopeS. Uh , I made one for zoe , too . It s fine . But the one I designed for hope , that one I m proud of . I told everyone it s for hope for the future , but in reality it s for when we get married again . Zoe : Married again ? [ Chuckles ] Thomas , what are you talking about ? Thomas : Uh , vinny , I got to -- I got to go . I ll , uh , I ll call you tomorrow . Zoe : So who s getting , uh , married again ? Thomas : [ Chuckles ] You , um , you ruined the surprise . We are . Well , unless you think it s just way too cheesy , but tomorrow s ceremony s gon na be great , but it s really for-- for friends and family . I was thinking maybe we could do something a little more intimate , just the two of us , maybe like a renewal of vows on the beach on our honeymoon . Zoe : [ Laughs ] Cheesy ? No . I , uh , love it . Thomas : Great . Awesome . Steffy : Hope , I am truly sorry . I take full responsibility in my part in that misunderstanding . Yes , I got caught up in the moment in that kiss . You can forgive me or not , but you have to forgive liam . This is nt his fault . He was innocent . He was manipulated by thomas and by me . He loves you , hope . You have to forgive liam . You have to . As a caricature artist , Ridge : Have you always been this way ? Shauna : Uh , what way ? Ridge : Glass half full kind of person . Shauna : [ Chuckles ] Well , yeah . What kind of crazy person would want to be a glass half empty ? Ridge : Not me . But some people thrive on it . Shauna : Are we talking about brooke again ? Ridge : Yeah . I just-- I do nt remember her ever being so ... pessimistic about things , you know ? I just dont-- I do nt know where she went . Shauna : If you two are meant to be together , you re gon na be together . And brooke is so lucky to have you-- your -- your love , your commitment . And I do nt care if she s a glass half empty person or not . She knows a man like you only comes around once in a lifetime , so do nt you forget that . And do nt forget how special and hot you are . Brooke : You re a good man , bill spencer . Bill : Will you keep that down ? I ve got a reputation to protect . Brooke : My lips are sealed . Bill : Hmm . Brooke : Now , I know that you re busy and you ve got a lot going on , but I appreciate that you would want to stop by and check on me and make sure that I m okay . Bill : I ll always look out for you . You do know that , do nt you ? Brooke : I do . Bill : Good . I mean , just because we re not together anymore does nt mean that I do nt still , uh ... I do nt still care about you . I want to know you re okay , that you re happy . We did nt do marriage well , and I ll never ... understand why . But we did a damn good job of taking care of each other , and I ll take care of you until the day I die . You got it ? Brooke : Got it . Zoe : So , uh , vinny s not gon na take you out tonight ? You know , for , like , a little bachelor party or something before you re tied down to the old ball and chain ? Thomas : Yeah . Uh , no . No , no , no , no , no . I do nt want to show up hung over . Tomorrow s too important of a day . Zoe : Good . Well , in that case , I will be meeting with your grandfather and quinn , just to talk over some various details , so if you have any input , feel free to join . My only input is ... whatever my bride wants , my bride gets . Zoe : [ Chuckles ] Thomas , zoe : [ Chuckle ] Steffy : Please , hope , you have to forgive liam . Hope : I do nt have to do anything you say . Steffy : He was manipulated . Hope : Yeah , I m beginning to get that . You and your brother teaming up once again . Steffy : That s not how it is . I wanted to believe in my brother . I wanted to believe that he was over you and he was moving on with zoe . Yes , it took time , but then I finally-- I finally started to believe . Hope : Until he called you and told you to kiss liam when I showed up . I mean , did that clue you in ? Steffy : I wanted to trust my brother . I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt . Liam : Guys , we need to tell zoe about this . Steffy : Yeah , we do . I do nt know if she s gon na be receptive , but we have to stop this wedding . And you two need to get back on track . You now know the kiss was nt what you thought . Liam : Hope , look at me . Forget all that . We can be a family again , a family with beth and ... a family with douglas . These are real people , not actors , Brooke : It s just so hard to believe that so many people are willing to look the other way . Bill : It makes me freakin sick , brooke . I mean , this entire family of clowns is to blame . Every single one of them burying their heads in the sand . And ridge is the worst offender . After what thomas did to your daughter , terrorizing her all those months , and this is how he s treating you ? I mean , it ma-- all right . Uh , I m not gon na go there . I m just sorry that you ve been feeling so alone . And if there s anything I can do to help take that loneliness away , you let me know . Brooke : I-- you re already doing it , bill . It s been hard , you know . I just want to be there for my daughter , and I want to protect her . I want to help her through this , and it S ... I just worry about her , bill . Bill : Well , of course you do . Thomas is a monster . So I really want you to hear me . If ridge will not protect you and your daughter from thomas , I will . If you need me , I m here for you . Hope : You mean that ? Douglas , too ? Liam : Yeah . Steffy : Be a family . The two of you , beth , and douglas . Hope : What about thomas ? Steffy : Thomas will always be douglas father . But my nephew need stability . Thomas ca nt offer that , but you two can . The love you two share , it can get through anything . Liam : Hope . I m sorry that I hurt you when I kissed steffy . That is on me . Hey , I proposed to you before that kiss , remember ? I meant every word , and I still do . I-- [ Chuckles ] -- I m not giving this up . I will keep proposing to you . I will propose to you day after day after day until you say yes because we deserve this . We deserve a family-- a four - member family-- you , me , beth , douglas . We can take thomas down , and then we can protect douglas . We can have that . , You just have to say you ll do it with me . Hope : What are you asking ? Liam : I m asking you to marry me . I m asking you to spend the rest of your life with me . Now your job-- your job is very important . You have to say yes . Hope : Yes . Lia : K -- like , did you-- did you say yes ? That was a -- that was a yes ? Hope : Yes , liam . I love you . I want a family with you . I want a life with you . I want forever with you . Yes . Liam : Yeah ? Hope : Yes ! Hope : Yes . Liam : Yes ! Yes . Oh , my god , yes . Yeah . Hope : Yes . Liam : Oh , yes . Hope , liam : [ Laugh ] ### Summary:
At the beach house , Hope is shocked to learn that Thomas manipulated her and Liam , with Steffy s help , to break them up . Steffy tells her that Liam never stopped loving her . Steffy keeps apologizing for her part in the ruse . Both Liam and Steffy tell Hope that Thomas is still trying to use her . Hope blasts Steffy for her part in it . Steffy keeps apologizing . Liam says that they need to let Zoe in on what s been happening . He also tells Hope that they can be a family , with Beth and Douglas . Liam proposes to her , saying they can be a family and take down Thomas together . Hope happily says yes . She wants him forever and loves him . Back at the cottage , Thomas assures Douglas that his attempts to get Hope on their side is working . Brooke comes in and wonders what they re talking about . Thomas pretends to be innocent and sweet as he tells her that they got Beth to sleep . He offers to keep watching Beth if Brooke needs them to stay . She says that she can stay and asks if Thomas does nt have a lot of things to do for his big day tomorrow - his wedding with Zoe . Thomas agrees , but it s clear that he s not really thinking about his wedding . Bill drops by and says hi to Douglas and Brooke . Douglas runs over and they do a fist bump and hug . Bill says that he needs to come visit more often . All of the adults try to keep things polite , for Douglas sake , but there is a little sniping . Thomas and Douglas leave . Brooke and Bill discuss the wedding tomorrow , which they both know is not real . They wonder what will happen . Bill makes her laugh , and she wonders how he does that . Bill tells Brooke that he ll always be there for her and look out for her . They kiss . Someone watches them through the curtains . Shauna brings Ridge coffee at Forrester . He s grateful to have it . They flirt . She asks if he s working on his big speech for the wedding tomorrow . He admits that he s relieved that Thomas has moved on with his life , but he tells her that Brooke is nt so sure that he has . Ridge still has hope that Brooke will change her mind when Thomas marries Zoe . Shauna is supportive . In Thomas office , he tells Vinny on the phone that he designed two wedding dresses - one for Zoe , and one for Hope for the Future . He tells him that it s really for when he and Hope get married again . Zoe walks in and wonders what he means by married again . He hangs up with Vinny and lies to Zoe that he was planning to have a more private vow renewal on the beach later . She s touched .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Brady : Oh , that s terrific . Kayla , thank you so much . Caroline s gon na be fine . She s getting stronger by the hour . Maggie : Wonderful . Ah ! So Theresa s at the hospital ? Brady : Probably . Maggie : Hmm . Well , at least she had the courtesy to call me last night and tell me she would nt be back . I must say one thing for that girl . She s always been devoted to her grandmother . Brady : I do nt think Caroline s the only reason why Theresa did nt come home last night . Theresa : Hey , grandma . Hi , hi . How are you feeling ? Caroline : Oh ... Theresa : Grandma ? Caroline : Huh ? Actually , I feel pretty good , honey . [ Chuckles ] Theresa : Good . That s amazing . I mean , aunt Kayla said that you were gon na be fine , but I ve just been so worried . Caroline : [ Stammers ] Whoa , be careful . But your ankle . Where are your crutches ? Theresa : Maybe I exaggerated a little bit . Brady : It s called a lie . Theresa : Well , that s harsh , Brady . Brady : It s not harsh . A lie is a lie . You do nt have a broken leg , do you ? Theresa : Well-- um ... listen , about that ... Sonny : Thank you for doing this . The sitter s usually reliable , but lately-- Marlena : It s my pleasure . I had the morning free , and I know how much you and will want to go see Caroline . Is he still getting dressed ? Sonny : No , we re meeting at the hospital . He had an errand to run first . Marlena : Uh - huh . Everything okay with you two men ? Will : What the hell , Derrick ? You spent the night with Paul ? Derrick : Yeah . I thought everything was going really great , but-- Will : But what ? Please , tell me you used the information that I gave you . Derrick : Well , yeah , I mean , that s how I got as far as I did . Will : What the hell did you do to make him pull away ? Derrick : I -- he didnt-- look , will , I tried , okay ? You ca nt blame me if Paul s still in love with your husband . John : So I hear mad world is gon na make a bundle off those products you re endorsing . Paul : Well , that s the hype anyway . John : Trust me , with the name Narita , it s gon na make a killing . Kate : Oh . This is special , father - son breakfast . John : Yeah , special private father - son breakfast . Kate : Oh , relax , I m not gon na join you . I do hope you re proud of this young man , though . He s gon na do great things for mad world . But a word of advice . You need to move out of Salem inn . You need to find a place out of here . You know , you have to start thinking about your privacy , especially with that hot , new boyfriend . Hope : Hey . Morning . Rafe : Hi . Hey , there . Hope : How are you ? Rafe : Good . Hope : Good . Rafe : We re closed , you know . Hope : Yeah , but my ex - partner still has time to talk to an old friend , right ? Rafe : Right , yeah . Unless by talk , you mean grilling me about Clyde Weston or what you think I heard Aiden say about Clyde Weston , then no . Hope : You did hear something . Rafe : Okay , hope , listen to me . For the last time , drop it . Weston is Aiden s client . I am not going-- Hope : Was . Rafe : Was ? Hope : That s right . Not anymore , Aiden dropped him . So can we talk now ? Hmm ? Clyde : Yeah ? It s about time . Well , let me have it . What have you got for me on Aiden Jennings ? Kate : Uh - oh . You have nt told new dad about Derrick ? Paul : Kate , my personal life is none of your business . Kate : Okay . Now , I could nt agree with that more , and as long as you stay away from my grandson and his husband , I do nt care how many bellboys you sleep with . John : Oh , come on . Paul : It s okay . John : No , no , no , it s not . Excuse me for a minute . Kate , please ? What are you doing ? Come on , I want you just to back away from my son right now , okay ? Kate : All right . I have been nothing but supportive of Paul , including paying him a great deal of money . John : Which he s giving all to charity . Kate : Do you think I m playing a game here ? I m not . I m happy that he has an active love life , and that way , he ll stay out of sonny and will s . Now , I assume you and Marlena are on the same page when it comes to their marriage , right ? Yeah , of course you are . Have a nice day . Paul : Hey . Do nt worry about her . I never let her get to me . John : Good . Paul : She s just protective of will , same way that you re protective of me . John : Right . So this ... Derrick guy ? Paul : It s nothing special , never will be . John : You sound pretty sure about that . Paul : I am . Sonny : Things with will and I are fine . Really . And he loves the therapist you recommended , which is very helpful . Marlena : Oh , I m glad to hear that . Sonny : Mm - hmm . Marlena : I was also glad to hear that you and will went out with Paul and his friend . Sonny : Derrick . Yeah , he s a really great guy . He is , and what was pretty cool is that will s the one that wanted us to go out together . Marlena : Really ? Sonny : Mm - hmm . Marlena : Wow . That s big . Sonny : Yeah , yeah . I do nt think he feels threatened anymore around Paul . Will : What is the matter with you ? Why the hell would you say that Paul is still in love with sonny ? Derrick : Cause it s true . Will : It s not . He slept with you last night , for god s sake . Derrick : Nobody said he was a monk , will . Will : He ca nt . My God . Derrick : Hey ... I mean , I wish it was nt true . If I could have a real shot with Paul-- but I m not stupid . I ve seen the way that he looks at sonny ... how he reacts when sonny says something -- anything . He s in love with him . Will : Shut up . Derrick : You said so yourself . He went straight to sonny after he slept with me , just so sonny would nt think anything of it . Look , I ve read the background info that you sent me on Paul . Sonny is the love of his life , and he always will be . It s pretty clear to me . Paul s sorry as hell he did nt marry sonny when he had the chance . Theresa : Well , the stupid doctor overreacted . You know , he put a cast on me when he should ve just told me to go home and ice it . Can you believe that ? Caroline : I thought x - rays were taken . Theresa : Yeah , I guess . He was an intern , so ... anyway , enough about that . Let s talk about you . I m so glad that you re feeling better . Grandma , I do nt know what I would have done if-- Caroline : Oh . [ Scoffs ] Theresa : You know , my whole life , you re the only one I ve been able to go to , and you always stick by me no matter what . You re the only one who understands me . Caroline : You re not so hard to understand , honey , you just need so much . Theresa : Well , I m -- I m doing better . Caroline : Mm , yeah . Theresa : You know , I have Tate , and ... and you know , he s made me think about other people more , so ... Caroline : I m glad , cause you should be home with Tate . I mean , every time I woke up , you were still here . Theresa : I did nt want to leave you , I was so worried . Caroline : Well , I m fine . I m fine . But Tate , now , he needs you , really . You should go home . Maggie : I knew it . We knew it , we-- at least we suspected . Brady : I made her take the cast off sitting right there . Maggie : [ Sighs ] That girl , honestly . Brady : I mean , how many times has she come up with some kind of scheme in order to stay here ? Maggie : Brady , it s not her staying here . It s her staying here with you . Brady : I ... I know , I m aware of that . You know , Maggie , I went to the -- I went to the hospital last night to see Caroline . Theresa was sitting there with her , talking to her , even though Caroline was asleep . She was pouring her heart out ... talking about how unfair life is , lies that she s told , and her weaknesses . Maggie , it hit me . She ... she is so alone . Maggie : And you re worried about her . Brady : No . I m worried about my son . Marlena : If will has finally reached a place where he does nt feel threatened , well , that could be huge . Sonny : I know . I think he knows it too . It would be nice if we could all be friends , especially with Paul . Marlena : Oh . That would nt make you uncomfortable ? Arianna : Daddy ! Sonny : Somebody calls . Marlena : No , no , no , no , no . You go on , I ll get it . Go ahead . Sonny : Are you sure ? Okay . Marlena : Go , go , go , go , go . Sonny : Well , thank you again , and my phone s on if you need me . Marlena : [ Laughs ] Good - bye . Sonny : [ Sighs ] Will : Derrick , the research I gave you on Paul was from before he knew that sonny and I were married . Everything s changed now . Derrick : You think ? Will : He ll honor sonny s decision and the marriage . Derrick : Will , you slept with the guy . For you to do that means your marriage is already on thin ice . Will : No , no . No , sonny and I , we ve worked through all of that . Derrick : Oh , really ? Then why are you working your ass off to get me with Paul ? Will : Well ... you said you wanted a chance-- Derrick : Yeah , I said I wanted a chance , and you helped me get that chance , by giving me the info from Paul s file . Will : Derrick , you re not going to tell anybody about that . Derrick : No , man . I d never say it came from you . Besides , I d still like a chance with Paul . Will : Then go for it , Derrick , take that chance . Believe me , you have a good one . Just ... take it slow . Rafe : Wow . That is hard to believe that Aiden dropped Clyde . Hope : I know , I was shocked . Rafe : Well ... you re good . I ll give you that , hope , you re good . Hope : I just found out last night . He dropped Ben too . Since Aiden is bound by attorney - client privilege , he obviously ca nt talk about why he made that decision . Rafe : Hey , hope . Hope : What ? Rafe : Do yourself a favor . Let it go . Hope : There s something there , Rafe , you know there is . I know it and you know it . I ca nt keep going to Aiden . Learned my lesson there , believe me . Rafe : Right , right , right , but it s okay to keep coming after me ? Hope : Oh , my God , seriously ? What has happened to you ? You ve flipped on me . We both know that Aiden would never have dropped Clyde and Ben if he did nt find out something big . This changes everything . Rafe , please . You got ta help me out here . Please . Aiden : Huh . That s interesting . Clyde : Do you think I care ? You get yourself back out there and dig deeper then . Aiden Jennings made contact with people in Florida . I want to know who and I want to know why , so get on it . John : This -- this Derrick is just-- he s someone that you-- whoa . Strike that , okay ? Paul : What s wrong ? What happened ? John : Nothing . Nothing , and I want to keep it that way . If there s something that I ve learned from Brady , it s for me to stop sticking my nose in my son s life . So I just want you to be happy , Paul . Paul : I am , I m -- I m glad I came out , and I m happy that I m getting to know you . John : Right back at you . Paul : Actually , there s something I ve been meaning to ask , and-- ever since I found out that you were my father , I-- I mean , I hardly knew what to say , and --or what to call you , but now , I -- it kind of feels weird to call you john . John : Well , let s fix that . I would be honored if you would just call me dad . Paul : Sounds good . Dad . Marlena : Shh , shh , shh . Ari s asleep . Kate : And you re here because ? Marlena : Because sonny and will wanted to go see Caroline . Kate : Oh , that s right . That poor thing . Marlena : No , no , I think she ll be just fine . Kate : Okay . Well , I ll get going then . Marlena : No , you know , stay . She ll be up pretty soon , you can see her . Kate : Okay . Know what I really want to do ? I want to apologize for bringing up Clyde the way I did the other day . Marlena : Do you know how well I understand you ? I always have . And the truth is that I ... I empathize with you over this situation . Kate : My situation , a euphemism for me being involved yet again with another man who will probably break my heart , what there is left of it . Theresa : Tate does nt need me . Caroline : Oh . Theresa : He s got his nanny and Maggie and Brady-- Caroline : Oh , sweetheart , the most important thing in a child s life is his mother , so go home . Theresa : Uh , well , yeah-- Will : Who s ready for a visitor ? Caroline : Oh , yeah . Theresa : Oh , hey . Hey , guys . Will : Hey . Theresa : Hi . Will : Mwah . Caroline : Oh ! Theresa : Long time no see . Sonny : Hi , Theresa . How are you ? Will : Hey , there . Theresa : Hi . How s Arianna ? Will : She s doing great . How s Tate ? Theresa : He s good . He s really thriving , it s -- he could nt be better . Will : Oh , that s really good to hear , but the question that I have to have answered is , how is my great - grandmother ? Caroline : Oh , just fine , fine , but we do nt need to talk about me , and I have kept Jeannie Theresa here far too long . You should be home with Tate . Theresa : [ Groans ] Sonny : Do nt worry , we wo nt tire her out . Caroline : Now , go on , I mean it . Theresa : Uh ... [Chuckles ] Okay , well ... bye , grandma . Caroline : A sweet kiss from me , hmm ? Theresa : Okay . Just get better , all right ? Caroline : Every minute , every minute . Give him that kiss . Theresa : I will . Okay . Bye . Will : Bye , hon . Sonny : See you later . Caroline : Ahh . Theresa : [ Sighs ] Okay . No choice . Brady : I tried , Maggie , from day one to make clear boundaries . Maggie : I remember . She was gon na have her life , you were gon na have yours . The only important thing was Tate and his welfare . That was clear as a bell . Brady : Mm - hmm , apparently not to Theresa . Maggie : Well , maybe you should nt have been so considerate , letting her stay here to ease that transition . Brady : All I want now is to have her head out that door . I want her out . Maggie : Well , since her broken bone s been miraculously healed , looks like you re gon na get your wish . Honey , she is capable of living on her own . Brady . Brady : Maggie , she is-- she is so lost . She s lost . I mean , the idea of her being alone with my son ... for half the time with a joint custody agreement , I mean , she s gon na be raising him on her own . That s scary to me . I m not okay with it . Maggie : Well , Emma s gon na be with him . Brady : Even with the nanny there , I mean , I dont-- I do nt feel like my son is going-- Maggie : Safe . Safe . Brady : Think about it . I mean , the only two people that Theresa has to rely on in this whole world is ... her psycho sister eve and Anne Milbauer . Maggie : Well , that says a lot . As angry as I am with that woman because of-- well , gee , that list could take me all day-- the point is ... I am worried about her . I m also worried about you . Victor and I will follow your lead , no question . Brady : [ Sighs ] Maggie : But if you let her stay here , that s yet another mixed signal . Brady : You re -- you re right . Maggie : And that just tells her that she can pull any stunt that she wants and that you re gon na back down . Brady : True . Maggie : Okay , then she s got to understand , deep down , that unless she acts responsibly while she lives here , she s out the door . But ultimately , that s your call , Brady . You have to decide . Derrick : Good , you got my text . Thanks for coming . Paul : No problem . How are you ? Derrick : Fantastic . I had a great time last night . Paul : Yeah , you know , I m glad you brought that up , because I think it ll be good if we clear the air about some things . Marlena : So , the situation with Clyde is-- Kate : Is going downhill fast . Marlena : Oh , honey , I m so sorry . Kate : Oh , but I mean , it s not like it s big news . You know , it s not like I have a good track record with men . Victor , Stefano , Ian , and ... then I run into a good guy like Rafe , and what do I do ? I blow it . Marlena : Hmm . What now ? Kate : Well , it looks like I ve walked into it all over again , because Clyde is a dangerous man , most definitely . What are you thinking ? Marlena : I m thinking you know I ca nt answer that question . Kate : Yeah . Marlena : And you know I ca nt answer the question , but you know what I can say ? I m pleased to see how you are analyzing yourself and the situation . I like that , and I think you re learning a lot in the process . Kate : Let s hope so . Ugh , I really do have to go . Give Ari a kiss for me , okay ? Marlena : Oh , I will . She ll be so sorry she missed you . Kate : Ah . Thanks for listening . Marlena : Always . Rafe : Hope , I would help you out if I could . You know I would . There s nothing I can do . Hope : Then use Victor s people . He can get more intel in one day than the police can in a month . Rafe : Really ? Victor s people ? Hope : Yes . Rafe : Do you not remember that Victor told me to back off of Clyde Weston ? Hope : There are ways around that . Rafe : Hope , listen to me ! I mean it ! When -- no , if Victor ever changes his mind , the best thing for you is to stay totally out of the loop . Hope : Stop . Rafe : No , yeah . Hope : No , no , stop . Rafe : No , you stop . Hope : Rafe , stop , just-- Rafe : You took the words right out of my mouth . Detective , I ve got work to do . If you ll see yourself out . Hope : Rafe . [ Sighs ] Rafe : Thank you . Hope : Rafe , just-- Rafe ! Theresa : Okay , maybe I ll get lucky and no one will be home . Brady : Theresa . Stop . So you think this chip is nothing to worry about ? Paul : I guess my point is , do nt read anything into what happened between us . Derrick : Right . Yeah , no , we re just having fun . Paul : Thanks . I was hoping you d understand . Derrick : Yeah , sure , it s cool . So how was breakfast with your dad ? Paul : It was great , yeah . We re still getting to know each other , taking it slow . But we did take it up a notch , though . From now on , I m calling him dad . Derrick : Wow , that s -- that s a dream come true , right ? I mean , soon enough you ll be playing ball with him at golden gate park . Paul : Yeah , I always-- wait , how did you know that was my dream ? John : So do you need some information ? Aiden : Yeah , it s just ... something that could help a problem I m having . John : All right , well , I ll help if I can . Aiden : All right , well , it involves a case that you were working on a while back , a drug case . Kate : Thank you . And thanks for meeting me . Clyde : You do nt have to thank me , Kate . I d travel anywhere anytime to see you . I missed you last night . Kate : I know , I m sorry . I had one of those cannot - avoid - it meetings . Clyde : Well , just do nt make a habit of it , all right ? Kate : What s that supposed to mean ? Clyde : I like a woman who shows up when she says she s gon na . Kate : You know , I -- there is a time in a relationship when-- Clyde : Excuse me . Sorry . Yeah , what s going on ? Brady : Have a seat . Theresa : Wow . Listen , Brady , if you want to talk , that s fine , but I really should call eve , you know ? Go make arrangements-- Brady : That s gon na have to wait . How s Caroline ? Theresa : She s -- she s doing great . She s , uh , awake and alert . I mean , she s a little weak , but she s -- she s doing good . Brady : I m glad to hear that . Theresa : Thanks . When I thought she was nt gon na wake up , I ... Brady : It s pretty scary . I know . Theresa : Um ... well , uh ... now that grandma s doing better , I - I know you want me out of here . I should probably just go-- Brady : Theresa . Actually I want you to stay . about that dream-- golden gate park and the father you never had -- remember ? Paul : I do nt think so . Derrick : No ? Weird . I guess I must have read it in the article that will wrote . Paul : That was nt in the article . Derrick : Well , then I guess I was right the first time . You must have told me about it . Paul : What exactly did I tell you ? Derrick : That you had this fantasy as a kid that you d find your dad at golden gate park and you d play baseball with him . Paul : Derrick , I - I did nt tell you anything about that at all , and it was nt in the article . So you want to tell me how you knew ? Doctor s orders -- sorry-- no extended visits . Mrs. Brady needs her rest . Will : Got ya . Do that , okay ? Caroline : Yes . Will : Get some rest . We ll be back soon , and maybe next time , we can bring Arianna . Caroline : Oh , that would be heaven . Sonny : All right , then we ll make it happen . The important thing is to see that you re feeling better . You ve always been in our corner . We need you . I need you . You know how much I love you , right ? Caroline : Mm - hmm . Back at you , sonny . Sonny : Get your rest . Caroline : Thanks , thanks , thank you . Aiden : So the police became aware of an increase in drug trafficking back in the fall ? Is that-- John : Mmm , labor day , somewhere around there . I get back to the station , I ll check and let you know . Aiden : Okay , great . Thank you , I appreciate it . John : Yeah , no problem , but I got to get running . Uh , Aiden , quick question . I assume that this information is about a case you re handling ? Aiden : Well , not directly . Just trying to connect some dots . John : All right , well , if I run across something on file , I ll let you know . Aiden : All right , thanks again , john . John : You got it . Aiden : And thanks for stopping by . John : Yup . Aiden : [ Sighs ] Clyde : All right , you keep at it , and keep me up to speed . Yeah . [ Sighs ] Uh ... I am so sorry , Kate , but I m gon na have to cut this short . Kate : I just got here . Clyde : I know , and I hate putting you out like this , but I got ta take care of something and it just wo nt wait . I ll see you tonight , okay ? Kate : The hell you will . Clyde : What did you say ? Kate : It just seems that every time we meet lately , you have an excuse to go somewhere and do something else . Clyde : Sweetheart , it s not an excuse , it s business . Kate : You do nt listen to a word I say ! Clyde : Of course that s not true . Kate : Okay . You know , I guess what it is is I m just getting tired of feeling like I m an extra benefit in your life that you can take or leave . Clyde : I hate this . I hate seeing you upset like this . I wish I could fix it . But we both got business to take care of , and ... can we just set this aside for now and start over again tonight ? My place ? Rafe : Trouble in paradise ? Kate : [ Sighs ] Theresa : I ... I m a little lost , Brady . I mean , what s going on ? What made you suddenly change your mind ? Brady : I m gon na be very frank with you . I ve been thinking a lot about your latest ... stunt , Theresa , with your broken ankle . Theresa : Brady , I really-- I m sorry , I really-- Brady : Do nt apologize . That s not gon na help . I m sorry . I want to keep this civil with you , I really do . It s become very clear to me , Theresa , that you are willing to do anything you need to do to get what you want . Lie when it suits you . Threaten to leave the state . Force Melanie to ... in any case , I ve decided that I do nt trust you with our son . Theresa : What ? Brady : I m not going to change the custody agreement . At least not yet . I do nt think that has to be done . But because of your lies , because of your games , I ve decided that I can only have somebody that I know and that I trust to keep an eye on you at all times when you are with my son . And that is why I want you to continue living here in this house . Theresa : I -- okay . Listen , Brady , I promise that I m not gon na do-- Brady : I do nt want you to promise any -- you do nt need to promise me anything . I think we both know how much those are worth . And there s only one thing left to say , Theresa . It s from me to you , and I suggest you listen up . Brady : I love my son more than anything , but you ... you , Theresa , you ll never be anything to me but his mother . Theresa : Brady ... Brady : I will never forgive you for what you did to me , to Melanie , forcing her to leave . Theresa : But I didnt-- Brady : Not to mention all of the lies , so let me be clear . You are here as Tate s mother . Nothing more . Stay away from me . Stay out of my life . Theresa : I m still here . [ Laughs ] Marlena : Think we ll get those changed and-- Will : Hi ! Marlena : Oh , look ! Your daddies are home ! Will : Hey , sweetness ! How was your nap ? Marlena : I think it was pretty good . Sonny : Come here , sweetie . Marlena : How s Caroline ? Will : She s looking good . I think she s gon na come through this just fine . Sonny : You re kidding , right ? She ll be stronger than ever , assuming that s even possible . She s an amazing woman . Ooh ! Whoop ! Someone needs changed . Someone needs changed . Marlena : I was about to do that , really , I was . No , it s all yours , honey . You seem happy . Will : I am . Marlena : So can one assume that , I do nt know , you and sonny are getting back on a even keel ? Will : Well , even better than even keel . Things are great , really great . Derrick : Paul , come on , man . You must have told me about that dream . Paul : No , never . And this is nt the first time that you pulled stuff out of my past either . You ve known things about me that you could nt have . Derrick : All right , look , Paul . When I first met you , I thought you were really attractive and way out of my league and there was no way you d be interested in some bellboy , so I went online , and-- Paul : None of this is online . This is all totally personal . Derrick : Look , Paul . I was just trying to find a way to connect . All the snooping , it was-- it was nt my idea . Paul : Whose idea was it ? Will Horton . He knew those things , every one of them , and he told you to bring them up so you could get to me . Derrick : Okay , honestly ... will sent me the notes from his interview sessions with you . Paul : Seriously ? Derrick : Paul , I am so sorry , okay ? I - I would never share that information with anyone . It s still totally private , okay ? Paul : Unbelievable . Kate : Go ahead , dump on Clyde . Everyone else does . Rafe : Oh , no , no . No , thanks . Making a judgment on that guy ? It s not my call . Although I was hoping that by now you would have started to figure out what kind of guy Weston is . Kate : Ah , there it is . Well , excuse me if I do nt stick around and listen to it all . Although , FYI , maybe I m seeing a guy who s difficult at times ... Rafe : Mm - hmm ? Kate : But at least I m not pining away over someone who is completely unavailable . Rafe : Wait . What ? Hold on a second . What is that supposed to mean ? Kate : Oh , I think you know . Rafe : No , I-- Hope : Pretty cut and dried . Typical politician -- thinks he can skim and no one will ever find out . File s in my drop box if you want it . John : Yeah , unfortunately I think I might have to go over it , so I better get cracking . Thanks . Hope : Hey , welcome . John : Oh , listen , one thing . Could you do me a favor and tell Aiden something ? I just saw him but it slipped my mind . The venue for the little league game has changed to the middle school . Can you help me out ? Hope : Yeah , sure . I ll tell him . Oh , wait . So you saw Aiden ? John : Yeah , he wanted specifics on the Mendez investigation I was working on . Hope : The drug case ? John : Yeah , drug case . Hope : Yeah . John : Thanks . Hope : Bye . Clyde : Hello , Counselor . ### Summary:
Will met with Derrick at the park to talk about what s going on with Paul . Derrick wanted a relationship with Paul , but he s in love with Sonny . Hope met with Rafe at the club and told him that Aiden dropped Clyde and Ben as clients so she wanted to investigate Clyde again . Aiden shredded some files on Clyde and Ben . Clyde did a background check on Aiden . Will and Derrick s conversation got a little heated when Derrick threw up in his face that he slept with Paul too . Will wanted to make sure that Derrick kept quiet about him giving him the files on Paul . Hope wanted Rafe to help her figure out what Clyde did to make Aiden want to drop him as a client . Clyde wanted someone to find out why Aiden was investigating him . Brady and Maggie talked about Theresa lying about her ankle . Brady seemed to feel sorry for her . Maggie was also worried about Theresa . Rafe did nt want to help Hope investigate Clyde and wanted her to leave the club . Derrick met with Paul and let it slip that he knew about Paul s dream to meet his father . Paul knew that he did nt tell Derrick about it so he wanted to know how Derrick knew about it . Theresa arrived at the Kiriakis mansion and Brady stopped her to talk . Derrick told Paul that he told him about finding his dad , but he never said anything about it . Brady told Theresa that he does nt trust her around his son . Brady wanted her to stay at the mansion . Brady said that Theresa was nothing more than the mother to his son . Theresa was happy that she was able to stay at the mansion . Derrick lied and said he went online to find out the information , but Paul knew he did nt get his information from the Internet . Paul put two and two together and realized that Will was the one who gave him the information about his past . Derrick admitted that Will gave him information on Paul . Clyde was waiting for Aiden in his office . Clyde was reading a file that Aiden had on his desk .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: David : No one leaves ? Because you say so ? Krystal : Well , this is a lot better than some places I have nt been allowed to leave . But it does nt mean I want to stay . Adam : It s true . You are a moron . You really believe people will do what you say . Astounding . David : What ? What , now you want to dance with me ? Tad : No . I prefer it when my partners have at least half a clue . J.R. : Because you have all the answers ? Tad : No . Those labs do , or they will after they start working on the DNA samples supplied by our friend Di Kirby , aka Dixie Cooney , aka Diana Cole . Three different samples , three different labs , courtesy of my father , Aidan , and Brooke . Krystal : And Adam s goons . Adam : The firm of Shire , Bradley , and Jensen is beyond reproach , which is more than I can say for any of you . J.R. : We were all there , Tad . Just skip the rehash . Tad : J.R. , Think . You really want your friend here to slither out that door after he set you up with her ? What happens if he decides to stop by one of those labs and help out the test , considering he s such a pro ? Krystal : Yeah , well , do nt forget about me . Adam : Try it . I dare you . Tad : Who the hell do you think you re talking to ? Last thing I want to see is you out there roaming the countryside free to maim or blackmail some poor lab technician . Babe : Ok . So that s the plan . We stay here . Tad : Anyone who s got a dog in this fight -- the only way to make sure nobody s pooch is doped . Di : And you get the absolute truth about me . Tad : Exactly . Amanda : Finally . I was afraid you d gone monk , and I was too late . J.R. : When this test comes in , this woman will be my mother . Adam : Or not . J.R. : And no one gets to screw with the test . That includes you . David : Tad , you did the impossible . You got us all on the same page . Tad : Do nt kid yourself . There s no us . After what you ve accomplished , you re in a world of stink all on your own . Adam : He has company . J.R. : Do nt talk about what you do nt know . Adam : Well , here s what I do know . The next few hours may be the longest in your life . And the hours after , the most painful . Jamie : How long have you known ? Babe : About Di being Dixie or whoever she is ? Mama told me right before the family picnic on the Fourth of July . Jamie : So is that when you stopped trusting me ? Zach : Your last stay here was nt a pleasant one . This one will be . Staff will get you whatever you want . Kendall took care of everything . Kendall : And if the staff does nt come through , we ll take care of you . It s what we do . Ryan : The question is why . Greenlee : Ryan , do nt look a gift suite in the mouth . Kendall : No , it s ok , Greenlee . Ryan , I know I ve caused a lot of problems between the two of you , and I m done . No more . This is my apology . Greenlee : Which I accepted . Kendall : Can you , Ryan ? Please ? Ryan : Well , I am a dark chocolate kind of guy . Zach : We took care of it . Kendall : Yep , we got the chips , the full bar , and a fantastic room service menu . Zach : Enjoy your stay . Kendall : Hey , Enjoy your stay -- until she tells Ryan she s pregnant and it all goes to hell . God , how is this going to be ok ? Greenlee : That meant a lot to Kendall , and to me . Ryan : Yeah , well , you mean a lot to me . So how much longer do I have to wait for my big surprise ? Greenlee : Soon . Your surprise will come soon . Ryan : Soon , as in , like -- Greenlee : Patience . The best for last . Ryan : That would be you and me here -- no Erica TV show , no overprotective Jack , no marriage beyond all comprehension of Kendall and Zach . Just -- just you and me alone . Greenlee : This is our night , Ryan . Can you feel it ? Ryan : Depends on what you mean by it . Greenlee : It s been so hard for so long , and it started here , last September at the murder game . Tonight s our chance to get past all that . Ryan : It did nt start here . Greenlee , it started here . And it was there for a long time , and it finally came out . But , yes , I want to expect more for you , for us . And you think that you have a lock on our surprises . Amateur ! Greenlee : Kind of not . Pretty spectacular if I do say so myself . Ryan : Well , it was supposed to be a two - way street , and I ve been slacking off , but not anymore . Greenlee : Will I like it ? Ryan : You did on our wedding day . Greenlee : On our wedding day , we did nt drink champagne . Zach : You ca nt shake it , can you ? Kendall : There s a bomb in the VIP suite . You cut the green wire , you cut the red , either way the roof is going to blow off this joint . And then -- then there s Greenlee . I have no idea what to do with her . Zach : Hmm . Kendall : You know what ? This bubble water is just not cutting it either . Zach : Yeah . I m trying to figure out something . Is it -- is it the hair or the eyes ? Kendall : Back up and blink already . Zach : I think it s definitely the eyes . Got to be the eyes . Kendall : Did you just ogle me ? Because I swear to God if you did , then -- Zach : Your eyes -- they distract people so they do nt notice how huge your ego is . Kendall : Are you trying to pick a fight ? Is this what you re trying to do here ? You trying to make me forget that Greenlee is about to tell Ryan she s pregnant with his baby against his wishes ? Is this what you re trying to do ? Well , hello , I have not forgotten . So go ahead and save your insults for some other sucker . Zach : Eyes big , ego bigger . This is fascinating . Kendall : You know what ? Explain already before I severely hurt you . Amanda : Oh , the moves on you -- hot . Seriously , can you teach me that one ? Or do you know seven ways to kill a spy without making a sound ? Aidan : Eight . What are you doing here , Amanda ? Amanda : Admiring your skills . Was I too subtle ? Aidan : The door was locked . Amanda : And then it was open . I ve got some skills of my own . You impressed ? Ready to take me onboard , let me work for you and Tad ? Breaking and entering , my specialty . Aidan : Oh , really ? Felonies do nt phase you ? Amanda : Not unless I get caught , which I wo nt . Try me out anywhere . I can get in , get info , and get out , no trace . Aidan : Ok . Prove it . Amanda : I just did . Aidan : I need more . Amanda : They always do . Aidan : Let s see how fast you can get out of here without a trace . You ready ? Tad : You must ve been up in that cabin rubbing your palms together in glee , twirling your little mustache . David : Hey , I was just helping the woman I love return to her family . But why anyone would want to return to this sorry bunch -- J.R. : I ll break you . Tad : I ll help . Adam : I ll cheer . Di : Now , do nt tear him limb from limb just yet . Adam : Defending your partner ? J.R. : Yeah , what are you doing ? He tried to pin this whole thing on you . Di : Yeah , what do you expect ? It s David . Tad : And who , I wonder , are you ? David : That s exactly what I d like to know . Hey , I was deceived just like the rest of you . Adam : Shut your mouth before I shut it for you . David : Yeah . I m really worried , Adam . Go ahead , try and rough me up . You ll be lucky if you wrinkle my shirt before you stroke out . Di : Just leave him alone , at least until the DNA results get back . One way or the other , he ll get his . J.R. : Do nt worry . I intend to make certain of it . Babe : This was never about me not trusting you . Jamie : Which is how much exactly , scale of 1 to 10 ? Babe : I had a chance to get my mom out of prison . I had to take that . Jamie : And cut me out of the loop , go straight to Adam , use Di as bait ? Babe : I hated not telling you . But , Jamie , my mama -- she went to prison for me , so I could stay out here and be with you and Little Adam . Every day that she was in there was a day that I took from her . I had to at least try to get those back . Jamie : Oh , like I would ve blown it for you . Babe : Ok . So would you and Tad have given me enough time to cut the deal with Adam ? Jamie : Oh , and let that fake pose as Dixie one second longer ? Babe : You see ? That s exactly why I had to keep quiet for a little while . Jamie : So what if Adam turned you down ? Babe : I was coming straight to you and Tad . Jamie , the truth was coming out no matter what , I swear it . I just delayed it a few days . I owed Mama that much . Please just tell me you understand that . Jamie : I tell J.R. to take his deal and go to hell -- no college , no med school , no Phoebe s estate . All I need is a life of grease and gears , a life with you . And while I m doing that , you re getting down and dirty with Adam . Sure , I understand just fine . Babe : I told you to walk away from me . I want the world for you , Jamie . How could I blame you if you went for it ? But you stayed . You re the one that said that as long as we stayed together , everything would fall into place , and you wanted me to believe it , too , so I did . So has all of that changed ? Are you ready to reach out and get the life that you deserve ? Because if you are , you are free to make that deal with J.R. You are totally free to walk away from me , Jamie . Amanda : Look , do nt blow off a good deal . Ok , you re the big head guy . You and Tad need an underling to do the grunt work . Well , I would nt mind to be under you . Aidan : That s a nice offer , but I m not interested . Amanda : You ve forgotten already , have nt you ? SOS , the skeeve at the bar , the way I worked him ? Aidan : This is an office , ok ? A real job for real adults . Amanda : Hello -- full - grown woman here . Do nt tell me you did nt notice . Aidan : The kind of education that you need , I do nt have time to give you . Amanda : You sound mad . How d that happen ? Aidan : Because I do nt like the way you treated Lily . Amanda : That ? Ok , I will apologize to her again . Aidan : It d be nice if you meant it . Amanda : I am broke and practically homeless . Ca nt you cut me a break ? Aidan : Oh , come on , cheer up , Amanda . As long as you re working someone , you ve got it covered , right ? Amanda : That s what s making you mad , is nt it ? The whole bring it on , I can handle it routine ? Aidan , it is a put - on , ok ? Like the guy in the bar , it just a game . Aidan : Well , you -- you won , did nt you ? So , lucky girl . How about you come pay me a visit when you get a clue ? See you . Jamie : I never said that I would bail on you . That s not what this is about . Babe : But it s on your mind . How could it not be ? Jamie : This is about you and me , Babe , not about J.R. , not about Aunt Phoebe , or the rest of those people in that room . Babe : Jamie , I really want to make things right between us , please . Jamie : I have kept every secret that you have ever had . We were together no matter what , a team . Did I get that wrong ? Babe : And I have nt changed , I promise you that . Jamie : Well , maybe we changed , and I just did nt notice . Babe : But we agreed we all need to stay here -- Jamie : Let somebody try and stop me . Babe : Fine , then I ll grab my purse , and I ll go with you , and we need to talk about this , get back to a good place . You do nt want me to come with you . Jamie : You had your time to deal , Babe . Now it s my turn . Adam : Are they back yet ? Babe : Jamie left . J.R. : Oh , that s all right . I have him dragged back before he hits the gates . Di : No , no , leave him alone . Tad : She s right . He s got no reason to want to change the results . I think he s got something else on his mind . J.R. : Well , why ? What are you doing ? You re going to cut him slack ? David : So what else is new ? The rules are always different for the Martins . Adam : If Jamie gets within 100 yards of those test results -- Tad : Oh , shut up . Why do nt you just get drunk and pass out ? Krystal : I ll talk to Jamie , honey . I m the one he should blame , not you . Adam : You -- you are one cheap , brazen piece of work , honey . Krystal : Save the sweet talk , Adam . I know I just got out of prison , but I m not that hard up . Adam : If you and your spawn rigged this fiasco -- Krystal : Do nt you dare say another word about her . Babe : Let him . Who cares ? Adam : Is there no lie you will not tell , no depth to which you will not sink ? David : She is not going to sink to you . Adam : Oh , once again , why -- why is it you do nt take your adorable family straight to hell ? David : Because we re the only ones in this town with the brass to tell you Chandlers where you can go . Krystal : We are not family anymore , David . Do nt you forget that . Babe : You re as gone to me as when I did nt even know your name . Adam : If this woman turns out to be Dixie after all , the three of you are going to suffer until the day you die , which I will arrange as soon as possible . Babe : Why , because you re going to lose your son to his mother ? Come on , Adam . Krystal : Be the best thing that could happen to him . Adam : She d better be a fraud because J.R. belongs with me . Tad : Do nt be a fool . If she is a fraud , there wo nt be anything left for you to possess . J.R. will be destroyed . Ryan : Easy , easy . No pop , no bubbles , not with this bad boy . Let me get some glasses . Ahem . Greenlee : The same vintage as on our wedding day ? Ryan : Yeah , I thought it was fitting . I mean , it s the day that our life started together , and now here today , it starts again . Greenlee : I thought that was one of a kind . Cost a fortune . What , this must be , like , 50 bucks a sip ? Ryan : What are you saying , that my wife is not worth it ? You re my home , and you re my family , so to you and to us . Greenlee : To our family . Kendall : Would you please explain already ? Zach : You re certain that whatever you think is true -- if it has nt happened already , it will . Ergo , ego . You re sure that Ryan and Greenlee are going to crash and burn here tonight , right ? Kendall : Whoa , wait a second . You -- you re the one who told me that Ryan would freak out , and Greenlee would crumble , and I would need to be there to help her put it back together . Zach : But whatever is going to happen is going to happen . You ca nt change it , and you ca nt fix it no matter what your ego is telling you . Kendall : Ok , ok , well , if you would just stop annoying me , maybe I could figure this out . What are you trying to do to me ? Zach : I m trying to cheer you up . Kendall : Really ? Well , good job . Greenlee : Mmm . Ryan : Mmm . Ah . Ryan : As good as the last bottle ? Greenlee : Even better . This time we re for real . Greenlee : My nose is nt nearly tickled enough . More bubbly on this go - round . Ryan : Easy there , killer . We have nothing but time . Greenlee : Tonight and forever . Ryan : So what do you think ? Hot or cold ? Greenlee : Cold , very . Ryan : Our luck ? Greenlee : Oh . Oh , that . On fire . Ryan : Yeah . Greenlee : Nothing can stop us , Ryan . Nothing can hurt us , not if we let it . We are destined to win . Ryan : So is it time for my surprise , or what ? Greenlee : Nope , not quite yet . Ryan : You re really enjoying this , are nt you ? Greenlee : I want to make the absolute most out of tonight , get all we can while we possibly can . Ryan : Well , then let s hit it . Greenlee : Ok . Amanda : Great . Thanks . Jamie : So what s up ? Could nt find a new place to crash ? Amanda : I m officially a statistic -- totally homeless . Jamie : Check back later . I ll throw a pity party . Amanda : I hit up Aidan for a job with him and your dad . No deal . I m officially an undesirable hire . Jamie : Here . Dinner . Do nt say I never gave you anything . Amanda : What s your deal ? You re in a total mood . Jamie : I let you in , I give you dinner . If you want a chorus of Poor Amanda , hum it yourself . Amanda : Could you be crankier ? We re still cool , are nt we ? Jamie : Yeah , total BFFs . Now , either tell me everything you know about a 1999 Flarico 750 , or hit mute on your mouth . Amanda : I have never seen you like this . It s really weirding me out . Tell me what s up . I do nt just whine and moan , ok ? I can listen , too . Jamie : Really ? Here I was just waiting for the invite , ready to share my deepest thoughts with you . Amanda : Fine . You re still mad about me hitting on you , but that is over , ok ? And I am still here , and it is talk or explode . If I were you , I d choose talk . Babe : The first real thing that I knew about you was how much you missed your mom . I hope that she s real . But if she s not , I m really sorry that it happened this way . Even you do nt deserve to get her back and then maybe -- nobody deserves something like that . I did nt do that to hurt you . I just want you to know that . At least you ll have the truth soon . Tad : You look like you re one frayed nerve away from a full - fledged panic attack . Krystal : Ah . Nerves of steel . I meant to do that . Tad : You sure ? Looks like post - prison - partum anxiety . You had a rough day . Give yourself a break . Krystal : Déjà vu -- you , me , and DNA results . Tad : Yeah , well , you got to go with what you know . Krystal : Are you -- are you mad at Babe and me for keeping you out of the loop ? Tad : No . Babe just did what she did because she loves you . She wanted you out of prison . I intend to send her a red rose for every day you re not doing time . Krystal : No , no bruise yet . Tad : What bruise ? What , did somebody give me a shot and forget to tell me about it ? Krystal : Got knocked upside the head with serious reality . Tad : As far as I m concerned , the only reality that matters to me is you . Krystal : No , but , see , you proposed a prison wedding . The governor gave the go - ahead and here I am . That was nt exactly your plan . Tad : Sure it was . The plan was for you and me to both say I do . Krystal : Yeah , well , that s not reality . You know what all this really means ? Me being free ? It means that your proposal is null and void . The wedding s off . Zach : Whoa . I m going to go kill my dealers . Greenlee : It was such a mistake to let us in here . We ca nt lose . It s impossible . Zach : Will you try again , please ? Ryan : Excuse me , I m going to go cash the chips , get the evening started . Zach : I ll be back . Kendall : Is this real happy or tense , forced , freaked - out happy ? Greenlee : Real , but tense but excited . He ll know everything tonight . It s ok , Kendall , I m sure of it . We ve never been closer . Ryan : I cash in my chips , I have my beautiful wife on my arm , and I thought we should get this evening started , so it ll be perfect . Kendall : Well , perfect is what we live for . Be our guest . Zach : Is she ok ? Kendall : It could work -- this , them . Or is that my enormous ego talking again ? Oh , my God . I know your secret . Ryan : Keep your eyes closed . Whatever you do , trust me . Greenlee : Just give me a hint . Ryan : No , wait . Just wait and keep walking . Greenlee : Am I overdressed ? Ryan : Eyes closed . If you open -- Greenlee : Because one zip of this puppy -- Ryan : You re beautiful , you re beautiful . Now just stop and open . Greenlee : No . This is a mistake . We ca nt be here . We have to go . Ryan : What do you mean ? Look at the moon . The breeze is perfect . We re fine . Greenlee : We re fine ? We re fine ? You have a scar , Ryan . It ll never go away . That s -- that s where I held you when I screamed for help . Kendall had a gun . I had your blood on my hands . It was supposed to be a game . I almost lost you . Ryan : But it was nt a game , and it was nt Kendall . It was Jonathan . Greenlee , my own brother tried to shoot me , and I have to stand here , and I have to face that . Greenlee : We have to go back to our room , or our place , or anywhere but -- Ryan : No , it s got to be here , Greenlee . I have to be here to face my past and know if we have a future . Greenlee : Ca nt you take my word for it ? Ok . We ll stand here . You ll feel it . You ll know in your heart what I already know in mine . Ryan : It s got to be this way . I dare the ghosts of my family to try and take me back . Zach : All right . Pretty decent take tonight . Got six buses from the senior home . Kendall : Please . You would rather talk about gambling grannies than hear your secret ? Come on . Ask me what I know about you . Zach : I would think that in order for my secret to matter , I d have to uncover it myself . Kendall : Oh , see , there it -- there , that s it . That s your secret right there . You do this whole Zen , vague , man of few words , so I must be really smart thing . Zach : Thank you for the compliment . Kendall : Who does that ? Who lets their wife say I know your secret and then does nt even ask what the secret is ? Zach : Someone very smart , apparently . Kendall : You know what you suck at , besides everything ? Communication , which everyone knows is the key to a decent marriage . Zach : No , the key to a decent marriage is saying Yes , dear and I m sorry about six times a day . Kendall : You are such a jerk . Zach : Yes , dear , and I m sorry . I m going to go see the pit boss . Do nt miss me too much . Kendall : Wo nt miss you at all . Tad : Krystal , what are you talking about ? We re in the clear . Krystal : You proposed to a woman who was nt supposed to see daylight for nine years . And then there s me , Ms. Free with the rest of her life to fill . Tad : Yeah , I know . I remember her -- her and her leopard - print bra . Any chance you re wearing that ? Krystal : Just stop , ok , and listen to me . You re free , too . Tad : Yeah , I know . I do nt understand this conversation . We re running around in circles . You tell me you re free , I tell you I m free . Let s get married . I want to spend the rest of my life with you . You just handed me nine years . Why would I hand it back ? Krystal : Because you ve already got your hands full . David : I got to tell you , you got me good , Di Kirby . Di : You re taking all this pretty well . David : Hey , it s not much of a shock for me . I m the only one in this entire house that knew you were a con right from the beginning . Di : Oh . David : I just did nt know how good . I mean , the way you played Dixie to perfection , even you were taken in . Hey , forget the rest of these clowns , huh ? And then they say to you that you re busted , and what do you say ? Oh , wait , it s true . It s all true . Di Kirby is the fake . I m Dixie . Take me back and love me as your own . Ooh . Classic . Di : And true . David : Mm - hmm , of course it is . But the real kicker , you being the first one to ask for the DNA test -- now , that -- that was a stroke of genius . Di : They really need a TV in this room . David : All right , let s stop joking around here . Tell me . Tell me how you re going to rig that test to prove that you re Dixie . Amanda : Hey . Jamie : Hi . Amanda : I missed you . Jamie : I can feel it . Amanda : Tell me how many . Jamie : Lives saved or hours billed ? Amanda : Um , hours billed . Save something for later . Jamie : 18 . Amanda : Hmm . Jamie : So , what s the plan for tonight ? Amanda : Well , black tie at 8 : 00 and martinis right now . I said , martinis right now ! J.R. : My apologies , madam . Amanda : You think it s smart to make me wait ? J.R. : Of course not , madam . Stupid butler . Stupid butler . Stupid , stupid , stupid . Amanda : Who s trash now ? J.R. : I am , of course . Anything else I can do for you , sir ? Jamie : If there is , we ll let you know . J.R. : Very well . All right . Jamie : You are absolutely gorgeous . Amanda : Thank you . You do nt miss her , do you ? Jamie : Miss who ? Amanda : Chips and guac . Jamie : Oh , her . Not for a second . Amanda : Babe was all wrong for you . She stood between you and your dreams -- oh , and your Aunt Phoebe s money . Jamie : I could spend every single million trying to pay you back and not even get close . But I ll give it a shot . 18 -- lives saved . Amanda : 19 , including mine . Tad : Her ? Di , Dixie , whatever her name is ? You think my hands are full with her ? Krystal : Do nt shine me on , Tad . Her real name should be unfinished business . Tad : No , no , it s finished , believe me . You remember ? I thought she was Dixie when I proposed to you . She does nt want to have anything to do with me , and I do nt want to have anything to do with her . Krystal : And if the test comes back , and Di is really Di ? Tad : Then Dixie is well and truly gone , and Adam is going to do a dance in the end zone , and God help J.R. Krystal : And you ? No matter what Di s real name is , she pushed a button in you , Tad . Tad : No matter what Di s real name is , if she s not Dixie , and she was at that memorial service for Kate with me and my sons , I ll wring her neck . That does nt change anything between you and me . I m still making wedding plans . Krystal : Tad , talking about a wedding right now makes about as much sense as everybody sitting around holding hands and singing campfire songs with that whole group . Tad : Well , nobody said that we have to hang around with that whole group . There s no way Adam s guards are going to let us leave the property , but it does nt mean we ca nt take a walk . It s a beautiful night . We could sit under a tree and look at the moon . Krystal , why not ? For the first time in forever , we re both free . Krystal : I think I d better stay here . For Babe . Tad : Yeah . You do what you got to do . You know where I ll be . I definitely need to get some air . Di : Hmm . You hate that , do nt you ? David : What ? That you rigged those tests ? Di : That you underestimated me . David : It s not checkmate , darling . I just lost a piece . And now that I m onto you , it wo nt happen again . Di : You re doing it right now . David : Really ? All right , well , then why do nt you lay it all out for me . Tell me , exactly how smart are you ? Di : Well , I mean , I m not a brilliant cardiologist turned into a janitor , but , I mean , I catch on eventually . To think that I bought your line -- those days in your office ? You give meaning to my work . You thought I d do just what you wanted . David : That s good . Stay in character . Di : Oh -- David : These walls have ears . All right . So feel free to whisper . What about that test ? Di : Accept it , David . I took back my life from you , and I took back the heart that you brought back to life , and you re never going to have either one of them again . Greenlee : Are the ghosts back , Ryan ? Or are they gone forever ? Jamie : I had some work to do . You were in my way . If I snapped , I m sorry . So how about you just let it go , and we move on ? Amanda : I am not mad at all . I m just -- Amanda : Oh , I m such an idiot . I forgot what I wanted . Jamie : Step away from the fridge . Come and sit down . Amanda : I ca nt . Jamie : Ok , check me out . No more cracks , no more moods . I worked some magic , and I do nt want to punch a wall now , so just tell me what s got you wound up . Amanda : I should nt think these things , never mind say them out loud . Jamie : You were all pushy and upbeat a minute ago . How bad can it be ? Amanda : You tell me . I think I m falling in love with you . Everyone inside Chandler Mansion paces about nervously . ] Tad : You should have come when I first told you . Missed a heck of a show . All the stars , moon , clouds . Was a heck of a reveal . You could practically hear the violins . Di : I m a sucker for violins . Maybe next time . Kendall : They went to the gazebo where Ryan was shot . Ryan : I can feel it . I can beat it . The memories , the ghosts -- Jonathan , Braden , my father . Greenlee : I have faith in you , the man that you are deep in your soul . Always have , always will . You know that , do nt you ? Ryan : I m standing right here where it all happened , and I look around , and I do nt see them . I only see you , and -- and that s amazing . Greenlee : When you hold me , do nt let go . Ryan : I m not going to let go . I m never going to let go . We have everything . We have a future , we have a life that people would only dream about . Greenlee : I ve dreamed it , over and over again . Ryan : Well , starting tonight , we re going to make that real . I m ready for my surprise . Greenlee : Yes . I think you are . Amanda ( to Jamie ) : If I am falling in love with you , it s your fault . Babe ( to David ) : If J.R. does nt knock you out , I will . Di : You absolutely loathe the sight of me . Tad : That s not true . Zach ( to Kendall ) : What would you do if I hauled off and smacked you right in the mouth ? Ryan : Where d you hide my surprise ? Greenlee : It s right here with us . ### Summary:
Kendall and Zach arrange for Ryan and Greenlee to stay in the casino suite so that Greenlee can break the news to Ryan that she is pregnant . Kendall is very worried about what will happen . Greenlee tells Ryan she has a big surprise for him . He keeps asking what it is . When he tells her he s finally gotten rid of the ghosts of Jonathan , Braden and his father , she tells him she believes it is time to tell him the secret . At the Chandlers , everybody is awaiting the DNA test results which will confirm whether the woman who s been JR s nanny is really Dixie or if she is Di Kirby . Tad tells Krystal regardless of whom she is , he is ready to move on and marry Krystal . Jamie is disappointed in Babe for going behind his back to cut this deal with Adam Chandler . Amanda comes by to see Jamie and admits she is in love with him .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: MMMMM Provided by Boo Proofread by Brian Jax : You sure you re ok ? Courtney : You can stop apologizing , Jax . You know , we both said some things that we did nt mean . Jax : Well , you re my wife and I love you . The most important thing is seeing you smile . Nikolas : I think about you every second of every day . Allie : You have no idea what she s like , Jason . My own mother locked me in a cellar without even a hairbrush or a change of clothes . There are disgusting things that crawl around down here . Jason : There are crazier people than your mother . Allie : But not more desperate . My mother wants Andrew s money so badly ; she will do anything to get it . She s an amazing liar . Ok , that s right -- Sam is the smartest woman in the world and you know everything . Jason : I m not going to stand here and argue with you . Allie : Do you listen to anyone ? My mother has a gift for spotting weakness . She will find Sam s , zero in on it , take what she wants , and use it against her . Allegra : Go ahead . Stick the blade through my heart . Or slit my throat , whichever seems least distasteful . Before you do , will you promise me one thing ? Promise me you ll protect my darling Alicia ? That is your plan , is nt it ? To kill me and escape with the man you love ? Sam : If you do what we tell you , there will not be a problem . Carly : Congratulations , Charlotte , you got what you came for -- my life . Reese : Not even close , Caroline . Sonny broke up with me , so now you can celebrate , all right ? You finally got what you wanted . Carly : No , not this . Reese : You want me ? Come and get me . Carly : I guess you know when you re outmatched . Reese : Oh , you want an even playing field ? Let s do it . Get off me Mike : Hey , hey , wait , wait ! Justus : What ? Mike : Let them work this out . Ric : Reese came to town to solve the kidnapping . You did nt need to know the ins and outs of her personal life , and when the two of you finally became romantically involved , it was too late for her to tell you . Sonny : Why are you fighting so hard ? Ric : Because , because , Sonny , I do have empathy , all right ? Did you forget that I did nt tell you that I was your brother when I first came to town , for obvious reasons , because I thought it was the right decision at the time based on what I know about you ? But then the situation changed . All right , look , I realize it s not a perfect parallel , but I m just saying there were enough similarities for me to understand why Reese made the decisions that she did . And , yes , I m sorry , but when -- when she asked me to keep quiet , I agreed . I got a lot of faults , Sonny , but I d like to think that I m not a hypocrite . Sonny : Well , what do you call it when you swear your brother can trust you and then lie to his face about the woman he s sleeping with ? It was just a lie . Not really a lie because it s , what , a secret ? Ok , it s all about words with lawyers , so I m going to ask you straight up . What other secrets are you and Reese keeping from me ? Ric : Reese told you everything there is to know . I got nothing to add . Sonny : I see it in your face , Ric . You re hiding something . Jax : You almost jumped out of your skin . Courtney : Well , you know , we do nt live alone anymore , Jax . The couch is no longer fair game . Or the kitchen or any other room without a lock on the door . Jax : You know , some people find being discovered provocative . Courtney : Yeah , how about embarrassing ? Jax : Well , the other option is we could find out when Elizabeth is coming home , set a timer , and then proceed to make love in every room in the house . Courtney : You know , I have a better idea . Why do nt you and I get out of here ? Jax : Sure . Want to make a dinner reservation ? We could go downstairs . Courtney : No , no , I mean really out of here . Just you and I , you know , away from Port Charles . Nikolas : Hey . Emily : Nikolas , I thought I d be off early . Nikolas : You do nt have to make excuses . I m not here to pressure you . I have a board meeting . Emily : Oh , good , because I do nt want you to think that I signed up for this shift to avoid you . Nikolas : I do nt want you to think that I m breathing down your neck . What we need right now is space , because having to explain our every move to each other only creates stress for the both of us . Emily : Yeah , like there is nt enough to go around , huh ? Nikolas : Yeah . I m going to get to my meeting . Emily : Ok . Nikolas : Ok . Monica . Monica : You ok ? Emily : Yeah . Just guess I never thought it could happen . You know , Nikolas and I have become one of those couples who avoid each other while we pretend everything is fine . Jason : How do we get to the harbor ? Allie : How am I supposed to know where my mother hid your boat ? Jason : You know where she hid the boat . Just tell me . Allie : You are nuts if you think Sam is going to pull one over on my mother . Jason : Ok , ok , I get it . Just quit whining . Allie : How is Sam s relationship with her mother ? Jason : Sam s mother s dead . Allie : That s my mother specialty . She knows how to play - act at motherhood a whole better than the real thing . Jason : How far will your mother go to get her way ? Allie : You want to know if she ll kill Sam ? When someone ticks my mother off , she does nt just stop asking them to dinner . They pretty much disappear . Allegra : I m so ashamed it s come to this . I was raised with nothing but the best in life . I was so fortunate when others had so little . But there was one thing my mother always drummed into my head -- protect the family , protect our name at all costs . I doubt she ever imagined I d be kidnapping innocent lovers and threatening them . But , Sam , what else could I do ? Sam : My father always figured the next grift would be the one to save him . You want it so bad ; it twists you all up inside . Allegra : My poor Alicia . You know , all she ever wanted was a sweet man to love her . Because God knows she never got any love from me . My obsession with money stole that happiness from her . Sam : You know , it s not too late . Allegra : If I could just find some way out of all this mess . But I m already so deeply in it . The wedding preparations are made . No , there s only one way out for me that I can see . You go ahead . Do what you came here to do . Take away my pain and leave here with Jason . Get out while you can . Sonny : A lot s changed between us the last few months . Ric : Yeah , I noticed . Sonny : Even with all that , do nt think I ve forgotten how you blew into town with all your lies and betrayal . Ric : So you think I betrayed you again , huh ? Sonny : I do nt know . Did you ? Ric : Sonny , Reese and I are friends . We are business partners , ok , that s all . Sonny : Yeah , yeah , yeah . But , you know , she s a beautiful woman , you know , and you spend a lot of time together . Ric : Surely . Sonny : Who would blame you ? Ric : Well , but that would be insane now , would nt it , because I am a married man . I love my wife , as pointless as that may seem , and I m not going to damage the somewhat shaky bridge that we ve managed to build . And if those were nt reasons enough , Reese does nt want to be with anybody else , Sonny . She cares about you . She loves you . Sonny : That s meaningless . Ric : Well , not to Reese . You know full well that she would be here if you had nt thrown her out for telling the truth . Sonny : Two minutes of the truth does not make up for months of lies ! Ric : Then how is it that I m able to waltz in here and you not blow my head off ? Sonny : Because you re not out to destroy me anymore , Ric . Ric : Right . Sonny : You ve proven that . Ric : Good . Then why do nt you give Reese the same chance ? Let her prove to you that she s worth it . You know you care about her . Sonny : Ca nt trust her . Ric : Does nt anybody get a chance to make a mistake with you ? Sonny : Excuse me . Yeah ? Mike : Hey , it s me . Mike : Can you hear me ? Sonny : What s going on ? Mike : It s world war III down here , and it s getting ugly ! You got to get down here . Justus : Is he coming ? Mike : Yeah , I think I just threw gas on the fire . Dare we ? Justus : We d better . Mike : All right . Hey , no ! Carly : Let go of me , Mike ! Mike : What the hell is this about ? Carly : Ow ! Mike : You re not a couple of kids , you know . Carly : That s about when it started , did nt it , Charlotte ? Reese : It started when you slept with my father , you tramp ! Mike : All right , ok , ok , ok . Reese : You destroyed my family and you stole my life ! Carly : I took your name ! Big deal ! You ve done nothing but live a lie since then ! Reese : God , you still make me sick ! Carly : Ok , so why do nt you come and get me ? It ll just prove that I m right , that you came here to take Sonny and my kids and my life ! Reese : Oh , yeah , payback s a bitch , is nt it ? Let me go , Justus ! Justus : Take it easy , Reese ! Reese : She deserves everything she gets . Mike : All right , all right , can it , both of you ! Stop it ! Now , neither one of you is going to win here . You ve already lost the men you love . Reese : Oh , not men . One man , the same man . Is nt that right , Caroline ? This is all about Sonny . Just admit it . Lorenzo Alcazar is nothing to you , just another weapon ! Jax : Ok , pick a country , any country . Courtney : What ? Showoff . Jax : Come on . Courtney : I was talking about a few days getaway , not some global trek . Jax : Oh . What d you have in mind ? Courtney : I do nt know . I mean , I always loved the Bahamas . A.J. kind of ruined it for me , but what do you say you take me back there and make me fall in love with it all over again ? Jax : I like the sound of that . Courtney : Well , ok . I ve only got one more meeting , then the rest of my schedule s clear . We can leave tonight . Jax : Oh , no , the jet s being serviced . Courtney : Oh , my gosh . Come on , who said anything about needing a jet ? We ll fly like real people , Jax -- commercial airlines . Jax : Yeah , yeah , we can fly first - class . Courtney : I said real people . Jax : Hey , it s first - class or not at all , ok ? Come on . Courtney : Ok , fine . You twisted my arm . Jax : Ok . Well , I m closing a deal , but I can put it off for a few days . Courtney : Hmm . I only have one thing to say to the man that would drop everything just to make me happy . Will you marry me ? Jax : I m sorry , I ca nt . I m already married . Happily married . Emily : I had a talk with Elizabeth and I realize that I m not ready to give up on me and Nikolas . Monica : Well , that s great . So , what s wrong ? Emily : I ca nt say the same for him , mom . I mean , I m not very good company . Monica : Oh , Em , come on , you re getting over the biggest trauma of your life . Give yourself a break , ok ? Emily : Yeah , but I could nt blame him if he started to look around . Monica : What , at other women ? Oh , come on , that s not going to happen . Emily : I m not that easy to live with lately . Monica : Well , I know men who cheat . Well , I married one , so -- so maybe I m not the best judge of character , but believe me I know , Nikolas is not a philanderer . Emily : You never know , mom . Monica : Oh , come on . I m sure he is guilty of a lot of things , but infidelity is nt one of them . Emily : I hope you re right . Hey , Elizabeth . Elizabeth : Hi . Monica : Oh , hello . Emily : I do nt know what I d do without the two of you . See ya . Monica : See ya . The Windsor chart . Thank you . Is there something wrong ? Did she take a turn ? What ? Elizabeth : What you said about Nikolas ? You re wrong . Justus : Violence wo nt solve anything , ladies . Reese : Maybe not , but it sure makes me feel better . Mike : All right , what about the fact that your old best friend is still alive , Carly ? Does nt that mean something to you ? Carly : Yeah . Yeah , for a second , when it hit me , I was actually happy . Reese : Oh , you are such a liar ! Carly : And then I remembered how you tried to steal my son s affections , and finally how you slept with my husband -- Reese : Ex - husband , Carly ! Carly : All so you could make sure that I was nt happy ! Reese : Do nt you blame me for your screwed up marriage , Carly . When it comes to men , you re a wrecking ball . And you were a wrecking ball that night with my father , and that s what you ll always be . Sonny : Hey ! No , you do nt . Elizabeth : I saw Nikolas and Courtney kissing on the pier . Monica : What ? Elizabeth : I know , I know . There has been so much tension between Jax and Courtney over the surrogacy ; I think that Courtney and Nikolas turned to each other for comfort . And I do nt know whether I should say something to Emily or whether we have the right to interfere . It is just such a mess right now . Monica : Yes . Um -- thank you . Thank you for telling me and thank you for -- for your discretion . Oh , boy . I think at the moment -- at the moment , we ll just keep this between ourselves , ok ? Elizabeth : Ok . I should get back to work . Ok . Monica : Yeah . Courtney : Hey . Just the person I was looking for . Jason : You have a cell phone ? Allie : My mother took it . All the estate phones are hidden . There is one in the banister in the parlor . Allie : Could be Sam . Jason : No , no , no , or your mom . Hide . Allegra : How are you , Jason ? Jason : Where s Sam ? Allegra : You ll see her soon . We had a lovely talk . She s such a sweet girl , so sensitive . Jason : If she s hurt in any way -- Allegra : Now , why would I do that ? Actually , Sam s opened my eyes . She made me see what a mess I ve made of things . But I promised her , and I promise you now , you will not come to harm . Jason : No , I want proof that Sam s alive . Allegra : I could never kill Sam -- nor she me , as it turns out . We understand each other from the heart . But you re afraid for Sam , and I can understand that . Ever since her mother died , she s been yearning for a woman that she could feel a close connection to . And I feel as if I ve found the daughter I was always meant to have . Jason : Sam could spot your con a mile away . Allegra : What con ? Jason : The maternal angle . It s your specialty . Your own daughter filled me in . You know , the one you locked in the cellar ? I want to see Sam right now . Sonny : Enough , Reese ! Come on . Reese : Oh ! Sonny : Carly , come on ! Get up , get up ! Mike : All right , that s enough ! Sonny : You stand right here . Carly : Sonny , you do nt know what she s done . Sonny : I said enough , Carly ! Mike , I m sorry . I m going to pay for the damages . Mike : Hey , do nt worry . We ll work it out . Justus , come on , let s go . Reese : Justus , I m sorry . Carly : Sonny , Reese is crazy . Reese : Yeah , she should be committed . Carly : Thank God you showed up . Sonny : Are you hurt ? Carly : Ex-- excuse me ? Reese : Is it bad ? Sonny : No . Well , it s not great . Carly : What -- Sonny : Mike ? Got any ice ? Mike : Yeah , yeah , yeah , I got some right here . Here it is . Reese : Thanks , Mike . Mike : Justus -- Justus is fine . You want me to call an ambulance for Reese ? Carly : Yeah , here , over here . The mother of your grandchildren s doing fine , too , if you care . Sonny : Just put that on right here , ok , put some pressure on it , it ll stop the bleeding . Carly : To hell with all of you ! Oh , thank God . Lorenzo . Courtney : Yeah , I did nt know whether the board meeting was in the pediatric wing or in the big boardroom . Monica : Board meeting ? Courtney : Yeah , to set up the program for the children that slip through the health care system ? I mean , you were there when we agreed we needed to address it . I told you I wanted to represent my foundation . Monica : Yes , yes , well , I -- I forgot it was tonight . And , yes , I believe it is in pediatrics . Courtney : So you re not going to go ? Monica : Well , I ll see if I have time to stop by , yeah . Actually , Courtney , I m kind of surprised you d have time for all of this with pending motherhood and all . Courtney : Yeah , well , I m not necessarily needed right now . Monica : How are things going for you ? Courtney : They re -- they re wonderful . Jax ca nt wait . But please try and stop by if you can . Allegra : Sam is unhurt . Jason : Prove it . Allegra : Well , I d love to , but if you kill me , I ca nt quite do that , can I ? Dante : Let her go . Jason : Just drop the gun . Allegra : Dante will shoot you if you kill me . He ll have no reason not to . The only chance you have of seeing Sam again is to let me go now . Jason is a reasonable man . He just lost his way momentarily out of love for Sam . I d say his rougher edges are more suited to my own ungrateful daughter , but then that s another story . Jason : Just let me see Sam . Allegra : Dante , take Mr. Morgan to see Sam . Give them a moment or two to rekindle , and then bring him back down here . Sam has chosen to cooperate . I believe you will , too . Carly : I did nt realize Mike had called you . Lorenzo : He did nt . Carly : Well , it does nt matter . You re here now . I needed you . Oh , God , thank God , Lorenzo . Lorenzo : I m not here to rescue you , Carly . Carly : No , but did you see what -- look what Reese did to me . Lorenzo : I just came here to try to eat something . Carly : I get that you re mad at me , but do nt you care that she attacked me ? Lorenzo : You re not hearing me , Carly . I do nt care who attacked who . None of that matters to me . She s all yours , Corinthos . She s done nothing but lie to me . Carly : Ok . Are you going to let him talk to me like that ? Sonny ? Sonny : Come on , I ll take you home . Jason : Did they hurt you ? Sam : You ? What are you looking for ? Jason : Allie did nt lie . Listen for Dante . Woman : Good evening . May I help you ? Jason : Yes , yes , I need to dial a number in New York . Woman : Of course , sir . Your access word ? Jason : Access word ? Money . Woman : I ll need the correct access word to make your call , sir . Jason : Allegra s got this place locked down . What happened ? What happened to the plan ? Sam : I think it s going to be a whole lot easier just to do what she wants . Reese : Oh . Thank you . Sonny : So , how did is fight start ? Reese : The same it ended , with a cheap shot . Carly and I both show up at Kelly s and I make the mistake of telling her the truth , that you and I are done . And she blindsided me , true to form , just like -- just like she did all those years ago . Sonny : You two have a lot of unfinished business . It s amazing you re still alive , you know , because Carly is a street fighter . Reese : Yeah , well , so am I when I want to be . I m not so sure how much of that fight was about my rage against Carly and how much was just about the fact that I completely ran my own life into the ground . Sonny : Well , it s a little too late for regrets . Reese : Well , I ca nt help it . I finally met a man who had a lot of faith in me and trust , and I blew it . Sonny : It happens . Reese : What I really regret , Sonny , is hurting you . I love you too much to have let that happen . Sonny : You figured Carly could deliver your punishment . You were angry that you lied , and it was a lot easier than beating yourself up . Reese : I was angry that I blew our relationship before it even got a chance to get started . I mean , there s so much about you that I did nt have a chance to know yet . Yes , Carly is responsible for tearing my family apart all those years ago . But what happened between you and me , well , that s all on my head , Sonny . Anyway , thanks for the drink and the compress . And I guess I ll see you around . Sonny : Yep . Whoa , wait , wait , wait , wait . Lucky : Hey . I thought you were at a meeting . Nikolas : I did . I walked out . Courtney was there . I was nt even in there 15 minutes , Lucky , and I realized I could nt concentrate . Lucky : Well , so much for good intentions . Nikolas : Look , neither of us want to give into this . It s just , you know , she was there , I was there . So I made up some lame excuse and took off . Lucky : Yeah , well , whatever it takes . You know what , you ve just got to stay away from Courtney . Nikolas : I m trying . I m trying . Lucky : Elizabeth and I , we re on your side , and we know you have what it takes to make it . Nikolas : Yeah , what Emily needs right now is space and what I need is to clear my head , all right ? I got to figure out some way to focus all my energy on my marriage . Lucky : Ok , so what s your plan ? Nikolas : I do nt know , I think I m going to -- I think I m going to get out of town for a couple of days . Lucky : What s Emily think about that ? Nikolas : The less I bother her with details , the more she can deal with whatever it is she needs to deal with . So I m going to go to the airport and get on a plane and I m going to fly to the Bahamas and I m going to stare out at the ocean until the answer comes to me . Monica : Hi , sweetheart . Emily : What s wrong ? Mom , did something happen ? Monica : No . Well , yes . Oh , boy . Uh -- you know what we talked about earlier , about infidelity ? Well , I guess I m really not as intuitive as I thought I was . The fact is , Em , you know , anybody -- anybody is capable of it , including Nikolas . Emily : Mom , why would you even say that ? Monica : Oh , Em , I m so sorry . It s -- uh -- well , I think that it is possible that your husband and Courtney -- oh , I really hate this , Em . I m so sorry . Emily : Courtney ? I -- Monica : Elizabeth saw them on the docks kissing . Emily : Mom , Courtney s in love with Jax , mom . They have a baby coming , and Nikolas knows it . Monica : And I really do nt want to make any trouble , Em . But you -- you kind of sensed it yourself earlier when we were talking . You said that you were worried that -- well , that Nikolas might get tired of waiting for you , that he might just start looking elsewhere . Emily : But that s a far cry from what you re telling me . Monica : Well , I saw them , too . Emily : You what ? Monica : Here at the hospital . I mean , I did nt see anything really , except they were talking , it was very serious , and -- and he touched her and -- and the minute he saw me , he got out of this hospital as fast as he could . Emily : Ok . Mom , listen , I know that you re trying to help me somehow , but I m going to find Nikolas and I m going to straighten this all out . Monica : Ok , ok . Emily : Yeah . Monica : Darling , I know this is such a lot to absorb , believe me . If you need me , you know where I am , ok ? Emily : Ok . Thanks . Monica : Be strong , ok ? Emily : Hi . Nikolas : Hi . Emily : Where are you ? Nikolas : I m in seat 4-A. Emily : You re on an airplane ? Nikolas : Yeah . I have some business to do in New York . Emily : When are you going to be back ? Nikolas : A few days . Emily : Um -- listen , Nikolas -- will you call me from there ? Nikolas : You really want me to ? Emily : If you can . Yeah , sure . Ok , have a safe trip . Nikolas : Thanks . Pilot : Ladies and gentlemen , this is your captain speaking . We ll be taking off for the Bahamas in just a few moments . If you d like to follow our takeoff and landing , you can listen in on Channel 3 on your headsets . Courtney : How did you know -- Nikolas : I did nt , I did nt . It was just a spur - of - the - moment trip . Courtney : Well , so , what , what is this , like , kismet ? What ? Nikolas : Is that seat for Jax ? Courtney : Yeah . Yeah , he likes the window seat . Nikolas : Yeah , yeah , me too . Courtney : Hello ? Jax : Honey , do nt be upset . Courtney : Oh no , what happened ? Jax : It s just a small glitch . The deal I was planning to delay ? Well , it s going to go to hell if I do nt stay here for just tonight . Courtney : Just tonight ? Jax : Yeah , I can salvage it if I put off the trip until tomorrow . Courtney : Well , you know , I can just get off the plane and we can -- Jax : No , no , that s fine . No , you go ahead . You go ahead and go down there as planned and , you know , check out the hotel , check out all the good spots on the beach , and I ll come down first thing in the morning . Courtney : Ok . All right , if you want me to . Jax : I want you to . I love you . Courtney : You , too . Well , I guess it s just going to be the two of us . Jason : What do you mean , Do what she wants ? Sam : She was in tears , ok ? She totally gets how nuts this plan of hers is . She s looking for a way out . I do not think that our lives are in danger here , and if she was nt in such a panic , she would ve freed us on the spot . We just need a little bit more time right now . Jason : Do you believe her ? Sam : Yeah . Jason : Do you trust her ? Sam : No . No , Jason , but she is in a lot of pain , ok , and she realizes what she s done to her daughter and -- I mean , she kind of reminds me of my own mother , but Allegra is a lot of things and she s got a lot of problems , but a killer is not one of them . She is not a killer . Allegra : All you had to do was wait quietly in your little room . But you chose to make trouble , as usual . Allie : Well , you know how easily bored I am , mother . Allegra : Yes , when you re not wasting money or sleeping around . Allie : I learned from the best . Allegra : Whatever little scheme you and Jason cooked up , it s beside the point now . Allie : Did you do something to him ? Allegra : Do nt be ridiculous . Jason is far too valuable to get rid of now . It s no wonder Sam loves him . Allie : Have you twisted her arm yet ? Allegra : Sam is a dear , sweet girl -- a charming surprise , actually . No , it would seem that there s only one person on this island who no longer serves a purpose , and that s you . Carly : Oh , Lorenzo . Hi . Leticia : Hi . Carly , what happened to your face ? Are you ok ? Carly : Oh , oh , God , yeah , I -- I must look like a monster . Why do nt you -- why do nt you take him to Sonny s for the night ? Leticia : Ok . Ok . Take care of yourself , ok ? Carly : Uh - huh . Sonny : You do nt have to leave . I mean , you re hurt . There s a -- you can stay in one of the spare rooms upstairs if you want . Reese : Well , that s very kind of you , Sonny . But if I ever stay in this house again , it s going to be because I belong here , not as a guest . Singer : And I still believe in what we had more than just a dream you know , the moon is shining perfectly but my heart is crumbling can I hold on tight to the memory of you and I ? Can I hold onto you tonight and say goodbye ? Singer : Staring out my window following a ghost like the times I ve turned around and you re gone and I still believe in what we once had much more than you think even though the stars are all lit up tonight but my heart is crumbling can I hold on tight Reese : I want out of our partnership . Ric thinks that I should stay . What do you think I should do ? Lorenzo : What are you doing back here ? Carly : It s going to be like that now . Nikolas : I did nt have any idea that you were in the room across from me . Courtney : This is so weird . It s way too much of a coincidence . Jax : What brings you here ? Emily : Something . ### Summary:
Carly and Reese engage in a fistfight at Kelly s . Mike calls Sonny , who tends to Reese s wounds . Alcazar arrives and coldly rejects Carly , who ends up crying alone in her room at the Metro Court . Sonny tells Reese she can stay in one of his guestrooms . Reese wo nt stay at Sonny s as merely a guest and leaves in tears . Allegra plays with Sam s emotions and cons Sam into feeling sorry for her . Jason does nt buy Allegra s act . Sam is sure Allegra is nt dangerous and will release them . Allegra threatens to kill Ali . Elizabeth admits to Monica she saw Nikolas and Courtney kissing . After seeing Nikolas and Courtney at the hospital , Monica tells Emily that Nikolas and Courtney are having an affair . Courtney and Nikolas find themselves on the same plane to the Bahamas while Jax is detained in Port Charles .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Sharon : Hey . Um , I heard about Summer . I m really sorry . Nick : Thanks . She s at the hospital . I m gon na go pick her up . She s gon na be fine . Sharon : Well , that s a relief . Look , I m -- I m sure it was really terrifying , but it s not like it was with Cassie . She s gon na be okay . Nick : So Noah s getting settled in at the tack house ? Sharon : Yeah . ( Clears throat ) It s my new skill , driving people away , even my own son . Nick : No , I d say you ve gone pro . Sharon : Okay , well , so much for human decency and understanding . Nick : Is that what you expected ? Sharon : No . I expected to have to pay for my mistakes for all eternity . Everyone else can get a break , but Sharon has to pay and pay and pay until there s nothing left . Noah : Look who s ready to bolt . Summer : Pretend you re Dad and smuggle me out ? Noah : He ll be here soon enough . Summer : What if he s not ? What if it s her ? Noah : Oh , you re pissed at your mom , Kid . That s fine , but last night-- not the best way to handle it . Summer : Look , she cheated on Dad . She flaunted her boy toy around at her own trial . That woman is disgusting . She is the reason why I got so mad and drove off . Phyllis Newman is the cause of all misery . Noah : Summer Newman was the one who put the key in the ignition and drove off like a lunatic . Summer : ( Sighs ) Adam : Hey . Chelsea : Guess I overslept . Adam : Hey , you should have called me . I d have come up . How do you feel ? Chelsea : I m a little sore , but it helps , actually . Distracts me from the real ache . ( Sighs ) I never even met the baby , but somehow , I already miss him . ( Sighs ) Adam : It s okay . Give it time . The pain will fade . Chelsea : It sounds like you re trying to convince yourself of that , too . Adam : ( Exhales slowly ) Uh ... yeah , I got ta go right now . Um , is there anything you want before I leave ? Chelsea : Now ? Adam : Yeah , it-- there s some stuff I have to do . I did nt want to leave while you were asleep , so ... Chelsea : You really do nt want to talk about any of this ? Adam : Talk , Chelse ? Talking about my feelings is nt exactly ... my strong suit . I dont-- especially talking before noon about my feelings , so I just-- let s do a rain check , okay ? We ll talk later . Chelsea : Okay , later , but we do need to talk , Adam . It was nt just my baby . We can help each other get through this . Adam : We will , together . Chloe : Hey . You left before I got up . Kevin : That s the funny thing about coffee . People want it in the morning . Chloe : No , really ? I did nt know that . You know what else I m clueless about ? Whether or not we re okay . Kevin : What , because of yesterday ? Chloe : Because I ratted out your corpse - moving escapade to Michael , A.K.A. the D.A. who grilled you on the witness stand . You know , some people may think that I m a crappy wife because of that , but I happen to think that I am loving and just trying to be supportive and scared and a fan of C.Y.A. I mean , you re the husband . What do you say ? Kevin : I say , how can one person talk so much without taking a breath ? I say , yeah , we re okay . Chloe : ( Chuckles ) Kevin : It s a brand - new day without me being in jail for moving a corpse , so I have wisely decided to obsess about how I m gon na get Adam to sign off on some of my ideas at the meeting . That guy shoots me down every time I open my mouth , like I m supposed to just shut up and write code at his command . Chloe : Okay , you guys have made it work out so far . It ll be great . Kevin : Yeah , it better be . We are in too deep for this to tank . Jack : Should have told me you were coming , Junior . I would have had a spread ready for you . Adam : I came for tasty information , Jack , not arsenic - laced java . How soon are you making your move against Newman ? Victor : I understand . You let me know when you think Abbott is making a move , all right ? Nikki : Nothing ? Really ? ( Sighs ) Well , I m sorry , too . Thank you . Victoria : Obviously , it s just too much trouble for Abby to turn on her phone . Nikki : Is nt she in Chicago for Restless Style ? Victoria : Yes , but she s usually addicted to her phone , and we need her right now . Jack usually confides in her . Victor : Only when he needs her money . Nikki : I just do nt understand why Jack has nt made his move yet . Victoria : Well , maybe he does nt think he can pull off this takeover . Victor : He was here last night , gloating that he had Adam s shares in his pot . What does Billy say ? Victoria : I m sorry , Dad . Jack s not discussing it with him . Nikki : So he s shutting out his own brother ? Victor : He s a show boater . He s planning all this . He wants the eyes on him-- all the eyes on him when he tries to take me down . Nikki : Well , every second he waits is good for us . We just have to figure out how to stop him . Victor : Yeah . Genevieve : Good morning , Tucker . Beating the S.E.C. agrees with you . I m glad you came out on top . Tucker : Are you sure you were nt waiting to hear the crunch of my bones after you threw me under the bus ? Genevieve : ( Laughs ) Listen , uh , Jack really wanted you out of the way , so , you know , I had to comply-- against my better judgment , of course . Tucker : That s a nasty habit , not admitting when you screwed up . You know , if enemies were hundreds , you d be flush , Baby . Genevieve : I ve never been one to try to win a popularity contest . One good friend is all I need . Tucker : If you d played it straight with me , I d have been that guy . Genevieve : I think we can still be friends . Might just take a little more effort . Tucker : Good - bye , Genevieve . Cane : You do know he s right . You never take responsibility for your actions . There s always an excuse . It s always someone else s fault , which is why anyone who ever helps you will live to regret it . Do you know that , Mom ? Sharon : Oh , I m sorry , I ve just hit my limit on lectures from hypocrites today . Nick : Noah s not going back to New York , and he wo nt tell me why . Sharon : He s not sharing any information with me , but something must have happened for him to want to be there than here . Nick : Maybe he just wants to be around his family . Sharon : Um , you re talking about you , not me , because he obviously ca nt stand me right now . Nick : Look , I m not telling you anything you do nt already know . You re not exactly the most popular woman in Genoa City right now . Sharon : I do nt really care if you and the rest of the bloodsucking Newmans do nt like me , but Noah is my son . Nick : Then be a mother to him . Sharon : I ll make you a deal-- I ll worry about Noah and Faith , and you worry about your own daughter , who s in the hospital right now . It s a shame she inherited that hit - and - run gene from Phyllis . Nick : You know , Sharon , I do nt even recognize who you are anymore . Summer : Remember when you offered to take me to New York ? Let s go . We could be roommates . How fun would that be ? Noah : Yeah , you would love the police stations and hospitals in New York . Summer : Okay , shut up . I just had a bad week , was all . Look , I m totally ready for the big city . Noah : ( Chuckles ) I m not so sure the big city is ready for you . Summer : ( Sighs ) Noah : Besides , I m not going back . Decided to stick around for awhile . Summer : Does that mean that I can have your place in New York ? Noah : My place is a dirty couch in an east village walk - up that I shared with three other guys . Summer : All I know is that I have to get out of this town . Noah : Well , too bad you re not 18 . Ca nt go anywhere without Phyllis or Dad . Got ta figure out a way to deal , Kid . Summer : Maybe there s another way . Nick : Another way to what ? Summer : To get out of here . I just -- can we go ? This place is really depressing . Nick : Yeah , I ve got a couple documents to sign here , but it s not gon na be some big celebration . There are consequences for this . Noah : ( Singsong voice ) Someone s getting grounded . Nick : Hey , it s not a joke , Dude . Summer : You sound so weird . I do nt even know what the big deal is . No one got hurt . Nick : Yeah , no one got hurt . Chelsea : Sorry , Adam had to take care of something . Kevin : And did nt bother to tell us . Well , we re just his business partners . Chelsea : He ll reschedule ... and explain . Kevin : Or he ll just keep jerking us around , mention something about his money or his Harvard M.B.A. You know what ? That guy does nt care about TagNGrab because it was nt his idea . Chelsea : Hey ! We re going through something big right now , okay ? Kevin : Oh , big ? What , like your husband s ego ? I do nt know how that guy walks around under that thing . Well , I mean , he is a Newman , right ? Chelsea : ( Sniffles ) Chloe : Hey , are you okay ? Chelsea : ( Sobbing ) Adam : It s not a trick question , Jack . When are you making your move against Newman-- a move which my shares helped make possible ? Jack : And here I took you at your word when you said you no longer wanted to talk about Newman or your erstwhile family again . Adam : Give me an E.T.A. I want to have the popcorn ready when the big show goes down . Jack : Oh , then you re just here for the fun . Adam : I sold you my shares . I m Team Jack , and my brother and sisters-- that s an entirely different story . So I hope you do nt get all misty - eyed and keep them on , because there is one single immutable truth-- they have never been , nor will they ever be Team Jack . Jack : Have a seat , Adam . I think it s time we catch up . Nikki : This is exactly why your father has always refused to go public . Victoria : ( Sighs ) He had no choice , because Nick and Abby and I filed that lawsuit . Nikki : Honey , that is not true . This is nt your fault . The blame belongs completely to Sharon and Tucker for giving Jack this opportunity , and it s partly my fault . I think the minute I walked away from that marriage , Jack went looking for some way to best Victor again . Victoria : Jack has hated Dad more than he s ever loved anybody . This is all him , and you re right . Tucker probably went straight to Jack right after he got cleared of those charges . Nikki : Yeah , but for what ? To play second fiddle to Jack ? Victoria : I do nt know . Nikki : I do nt think so . There is something off about this whole thing . Victoria : I dont-- Mom , I do nt know , okay ? I can usually see what s coming . I - I - I do nt know what s happening now . I - I ca nt tell . I mean , there has to be some way for us to stave off a hostile takeover . Could we possibly lose Newman Enterprises ? Victor : Yes , we could . Man : Mr. Ashby . Cane : Mm . Thank you . Half past bunny time , possums by the moon , tea and bread and honey , sleep time soon . This ends today . Jack : My welcome mat is getting quite a workout today . I ca nt imagine what s made me so popular . Genevieve : ( Laughs ) Well , could it be that everyone knows that you re making a move against Newman , and we all want to join your cause ? Jack : I think you might be on to something . Genevieve : ( Laughs ) Yeah . I saw Adam leaving . So were you able to get Junior on board with this plan of yours ? Jack : Junior and I discussed a number of things . Genevieve : Oh , boy . I thought we were making some progress , Jack . You know ? I really went out on a limb for you regarding Tucker . Jack : Because you re Team Jack , right ? Genevieve : All the way . Jack : Today , right now . In the past , not so much . If you think for a moment we re even close to getting this-- Genevieve : I - I do nt think that . I think that we could be , if you would just give me the chance . Sharon : Hi . Noah : I m gon na get out of your way . Sharon : Hey , did you find the red shirt ? Noah : Yeah , yeah , I did . Thank you . Good news is you do nt have to fold my clothes ever again . Sharon : Noah , that is not good news . I ve missed so much time with you , and that s my fault , but every second that we spend arguing , that s another second that we re not gon na get back together . I love you and Faith so much . You re my whole world . Why do nt you just put your bag back up in your room , and if you want to still go tomorrow-- Noah : Mom , look , we -- weve been through all this . We -- we went over it yesterday . I just ... ( Sighs ) Sharon : Look , let s -- let s just talk , okay ? Hey , tell me about New York , and let me just be your mom . Noah : I - I - I got ta go . I got ta go . Kevin : We re so sorry . Chelsea : I told them . Chloe : We re so sorry about the -- if -- you know , if we had known-- Adam : That s okay . I m sorry that I forgot about the meeting . What s on the agenda ? Kevin : We can reschedule . Adam : We can . We wo nt . Chloe : No , it s fine . Let s just reschedule . Adam : I understand . Let s just move this forward . Chelsea : Adam , they offered to reschedule . Adam : Okay , then . Later , Kids . Chelsea : ( Sighs ) Chloe : Chelsea , I am so-- Chelsea : Thank you . I know . Thank you . Kevin : Um , I m sorry . Chelsea : Do nt , Adam . Do nt pretend like it does nt matter . Adam : People cope in their own ways . This is me coping . Chelsea : Yesterday , you told me that you did nt need anyone but me and our baby , and now he s gone , and I hate it ... ( Voice cracks ) But you and I are here . Adam : Yes . Chelsea : ( Sniffles ) Adam : Yes , we are . Chelsea : ( Sighs ) ( Sniffling ) Summer : Hi . I mean-- yeah , I m so sorry . Um , I was really stupid , and if you want to sue , which I totally get , sue my mom , because she got me all worked up , and I should have never gotten behind the wheel . Adam : No , you should nt have . Summer : Um , yeah , well , if there s any damage-- of course there s damage . Um , you know , we have insurance , so you could get it fixed , like it never happened . Chelsea : Like it never happened ? It was a baby , Summer , a little boy , and now he s gone because of you ! Cane : Now did she give you her name ? And she had long brown hair and glasses , right ? Man : Yes . Cane : Okay , and all she did was give you a 20 and this ? All right , did you see how she came in ? She came in through the lobby , through the gym ? Man : From upstairs , I think . Cane : Upstairs ? So she would be staying here . All right . Will you do me a favor ? Will you get security for me , please ? Man : Yeah . Cane : Thank you . Genevieve : ( Voice breaking ) I m lost , Jack . My own son does nt trust me anymore . ( Sighs ) I ve exhausted my funds and I do nt have a job . ( Normal voice ) I know I ve hurt you , but I think we ve hurt each other . ( Sighs ) ( Sighs ) I do nt know what it is , but I just ca nt walk away from you . I ca nt . I m not asking for anything . I m not , I just-- I do nt know , maybe-- maybe some conversation , maybe dinner . Jack : At Gloworm , maybe ? Our favorite table ? Perhaps Gloria still has a bottle of your , uh , special champagne stashed away . Genevieve : We could find out . Jack : You run ahead . I ll catch up with you . Genevieve : Jack , please . Jack : Dear , sad Genevieve . You are desperate and you are manipulative , and you will do just about anything to save your sorry behind and get some cash . Only now , in dealing with me ... you re out of your league , Sweetheart . Genevieve : ( Laughs ) Oh , wow , listen to you ... so smug and full of yourself . That s hubris , Jack , and it s gon na land you right on your ass . Jack : So glad we had this talk . Now get out . Genevieve : ( Sobbing ) Summer : I did nt know . Adam : Now you do . Summer : I am so sorry . Adam : I heard you the first time . So I guess we re done here . Summer : Uh , if there s anything that I can do-- Chelsea : You ca nt bring our baby back , so ... no , there s nothing you can do . Summer : ( Sniffles ) ( Sighs ) Adam : Come here . Chelsea : ( Sniffling ) Nick : Summer ? Hey , I got your message . Summer : Why did nt you tell me about Adam and Chelsea s baby ? I - I went there to tell them that I was sorry , and they just looked at me like I was Satan . Nick : Summer , I was going to , as soon as you got home and settled . I m sorry . Summer : Thank you for making me look like a heartless B. , just babbling about insurance . This is Mom s fault , cause she is the reason why that baby s gone . Nick : Okay , look , what happened was an accident . It was a terrible accident , but you blaming your mother or yourself is nt gon na fix anything . Summer : What is wrong with you ? Mom does not care about you or me or anyone other than herself . Okay , she ruined everything ! Jack : Nick , you got a second ? Nick : No . Jack : I was just about to call Victor s assistant to confirm that he was at the office . Uh , you might want to head over there , too . Nick : Jack , whatever your next move is , just leave it alone . Noah : Seriously , you re following me ? Sharon : Yes , I am , because I m your mother , and I m not going to just drop this . I want you to understand . Noah : You do nt want me to understand . You just want me to tell you that you re right and that I should be on your side . Sharon : I have made some mistakes , yes , but there were reasons . Noah : You always got reasons , Mom , a million reasons to justify everything that you do . Sharon : Okay , look , the things you said last night-- you were upset . I understand . What we need to do is just keep talking ... Noah : ( Laughs ) Sharon : Just communicate , you know ? Noah , we ve always had such a special bond . Noah : Yeah , Mom , you re right , we -- we do have a bond , and that should be strong enough to tell you I do nt like these things that you re doing . Sharon : Try to see things from my point of view . Noah : Mom , there is no point of view to justify marrying Adam or Grandpa , stealing the business from under everyone . Sharon : There were reasons . Noah : A few months ago , you had everyone believing that you were dead . What were your reasons for that ? Mom ... ( Sighs ) We do have a bond , but lately , I do nt even recognize you . ( Sighs ) Sharon : ( Sighs ) I ll have a vodka and soda . Make it a double . Man : Of course . Victor : There we go . Nikki : Thank you , Darling . Victor : All right . Nikki : The whole reason that we took a break was so you could get your mind off of what s going on at Newman , and here we are , sitting across the room from the cause of it . Victor : Well , I do nt give a damn about any of that . I m concentrating on you . Cane : This should flush her out , okay ? Keep your eyes open . Man : Excuse me , Miss , you need to leave . Sharon : I m not going anywhere . I d rather burn . Man : ( Whispers ) That s her . Cane : Hey , hey , hey , where do you think you re going ? Woman : Get your hands off me . Cane : Who the hell are you , what do you want , and why did you give me that note ? Woman : You people are insane . Leave me alone , or I m calling security . Cane : Why do nt you call security ? Actually , better yet , call the cops . They can charge you with stalking and harassment . You know what ? Actually , I m gon na do this for you . I ll make it easy . Woman : No , no , do nt , please . I ll tell you everything . Victor : I do nt think I ever had breakfast with more interruptions . Nikki : Mm . Man : Sorry for the false alarm , everyone . Victor : All right , thank you . Adam : You okay ? Sharon : Why would nt I be ? Life is so sunny and perfect for the town pariah . Adam : Been there , sister . Sharon : Is that why you re talking to me ? Gratitude for knocking you off the top of the most - hated list ? Adam : I ve felt Victor Newman s death glare before . It does nt tickle . Sharon : Victor Newman . ( Blows raspberry ) He s not my only hater . There s my family , my kids , the father of my children . Maybe I should start a list . You know , alphabetical , or I could put them in order of loathing , although that might take me all night . Adam : You re shaking . Sharon : Yeah . The alcohol is supposed to take care of that . Adam : Why do nt we get out of here ? Just go get a burger , talk . Sharon : With you ? Adam : The pariah club . I m the president . You could be V.P. if you wanted . Sharon : Should nt you be at home with your pregnant wife ? Chloe : Oh , my God . That was nine kinds of awkward . I mean , I know I m ... not the deepest well of sympathy in those cases , but jeez . Poor Chelsea . Kevin : Mm . Did you see Adam , though ? His eyes , man . That guy is cold . Chloe : Yeah , but we did nt really help . I mean , we started harassing a woman who just had a miscarriage . Kevin : ( Scoffs ) Well , the worst part about it is that now Adam is gon na be even more distracted . Chloe : Kevin , that is not the worst part . Kevin : I m sorry . Of course , I know , but ... TagNGrab is our future . To Adam , it s just an excuse to boss us around , but ... ( Sighs ) If he loses interest , the company , our future-- it does nt exist . Tucker : Are you still fetching your own coffee , Jack ? I expected you to be feet up in Victor s office , drinking his scotch by now . Jack : ( Stammering ) Could you keep your voice down , please ? I thought you were gon na remain behind the scenes . In fact , I admired your restraint . Listen , I have a question for you . What are your plans for Beauty of Nature now ? Tucker : Beauty of Nature ... the golden goose so many men desire . No decisions yet . Keep it , maybe . Chop - shop it for parts . Whatever makes the most fiscal sense . Jack : Wait , wait , wait . After all that , you would use the goose for soup ? Tucker : Well , sometimes the game is more fun than the prize , Jack . Are you ready to take the reins of an international empire ? Jack : I m back on top now , and the view is great . Cane : ( Sighs ) Genevieve : ( Inhales quickly ) Well , do nt leave on my account . Cane : So , uh , I caught her-- the woman who s , you know , pretending to be Samantha . Genevieve : You did ? Cane : Yeah . Genevieve : Where is she ? Cane : She s upstairs . Genevieve : Thank God you caught her ! How dare she impersonate Samantha ? Why would anyone do something like that ? Cane : Because you paid her . Genevieve : Is that what she said ? Cane : Uh - huh . Genevieve : That s ridiculous . Cane : I looked you in the eye and I asked you if you were behind this , and you denied it . Genevieve : I would never , ever treat Samantha s memory that way . Think , Ethan ! My God , if this is woman is -- is blaming me , it s because I m an easy target . You re smarter than that . Cane : Hey ... Genevieve : You do nt have to believe it . Cane : She s too scared to lie right now . Genevieve : She s faking it . She s faking it ! We have to dig in . We have to . We have to find out why she would torture you like this , torture us . Cane : You know , I always knew it was you . And now I just want to know why . Summer : My dad keeps calling and texting me to see if I m okay . I do nt know why he ca nt just leave me alone . Noah : What happened ? Summer : Does nt matter . I just -- look , I need to get out of this town , away from these people , away from Mom . I just -- I need your help , Noah . Noah : ( Sighs ) Like I said , you re not 18 , okay ? Summer : ( Sighs ) Noah : So just wait a couple years , and you can do whatever you want . Summer : Yeah , that s true , but a couple years seems like a long time , so ... Noah : ( Sighs ) Summer : I m gon na leave as soon as I file for emancipation . Chelsea : ( Sighs ) Adam , I really wish you d pick up . ( Sighs ) You know , not talking is ... fine . ( Sighs ) It s great . I love not talking , so ... come home , okay ? Come home so we can ... sit and not talk together . ( Chuckles ) ( Sighs ) Just call me , okay ? ( Sighs ) ( Scoffs ) Adam : Chelsea lost the baby . Sharon : ( Gasps ) Oh , God . I m -- I m sorry . Adam : No , you ... you did nt know . That s actually why I wanted to talk to you . Sharon : Really ? Me ? Why ? Adam : I ca nt help but feel like this is the universe s way of getting me back for what I did to you and Faith . Sharon : I thought you said you did nt believe in stuff like that . Adam : Something like this happens , it makes you question everything that you believe . I mean , there I was , I was at Fairview ... telling you you had lost your child . And I stand here now ... telling you I lost mine . Sharon : It does nt work that way . Adam , this is nt your fault , but I know that does nt make it hurt any less . I should go . I ... Victor : You all right ? Nikki : ( Clears throat ) Yes . Adam : Preparing your speech , farewell speech at Newman ? Victor : Not just yet , Son . Adam : Well , you ll bounce back , I m sure . You ve bounced back from death . What s a little hostile takeover compared to that ? Nikki : Obviously , this is what you ve been waiting for . Your father came to you for help , you could nt be bothered . So you must have gone straight over to Jack and thrown in with him . Adam : A lot of assumptions there . That s the funny thing about life and business-- things are rarely what they seem . Jack : Well , look who s not here . Funny how the tough ones always crumble in the face of defeat . Nick : Come on , Jack . Do you hear yourself right now ? Jack : Victoria , please get your father on the phone . He needs to be here for this , even if he s not up for it . Victoria : ( Sighs ) You have your shares in Newman . Just let that be enough . Nick : You re a good guy , Jack . I respected and admired you as your stepson , and as a friend and as a colleague . But I am asking you to please back off . You do nt need to take everything my father has built . Victoria : He s right , Jack . Just let it go . Jack : Call Victor . Avery : What is Ronan doing here ? Phyllis : Why do you care ? Avery : I just do nt know why you would give Nick ammunition to divorce you . Michael : You buried evidence to cover for Phyllis . Jack : I m not going after Newman Enterprises . I ve already got it . ### Summary:
Cane finds an Athletic Club employee who saw the woman who left him a card with a nursery rhyme on it . Cane pulls the fire alarm and asks the young man who saw the woman to identify her when she comes out of the building . Cane stops the young woman and threatens to press charges against her so she admits that someone hired her to pretend to be Samantha . Cane thinks the person who hired the Samantha imposter is Genevieve , but when he confronts her , she tells him that she did nt hire the imposter and they must work together to find out who would do this to them . Cane does nt believe Genevieve and wants to get her to tell him the truth . Summer goes over to apologize to Adam and Chelsea , but she does nt know that Chelsea miscarried her baby . Chelsea tells her what happened , and Summer leaves crying , and later asks Nick why he did nt tell her about the baby . Summer blames Phyllis for the car accident that caused Chelsea to miscarry although both Noah and Nick tell her to take responsibility for her actions . Adam does nt want to share his feelings with Chelsea about the loss of the baby but he does tell Sharon that he thinks the universe is paying him back for keeping Faith away from her for so long . Adam wonders when Jack is going to make his move on Newman Enterprises , because he wants to get the popcorn ready for the big show . A desperate Genevieve arrives at Jack s door asking him for a second chance . He senses that she is desperate , because she has nowhere else to go . Jack arrives at Newman Enterprises and tells Victoria and Nick to call Victor because he has a big announcement to make . Victoria and Nick asks Jack to be happy with his Newman stock and not take the company away from their family , but Jack does nt listen and picks up the phone and gives it to Victoria so she can call Victor .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Liam : No , no , no , no , no ! Hey ! Hope . Stop it ! Stop it ! Hope : Let me do it . Liam : You re not taking off your wedding ring , that s insane . Hope : I ca nt live with the pain , okay , liam ? I -- I could live with the grief , eventually , of losing our daughter , but I ca nt live with the guilt ! Liam : There is nothing to feel guilt about ! Steffy : Hope , let us help you . Hope : You can help me by doing what I ask , please . I mean , steffy , think of everything you ve been through . Think of the life that you could give those little girls . They need you , liam , and I -- I need you to do this . Quinn : I knew something was wrong when you said you wanted to see us . Wyatt : No , nothing is wrong , mom ! We re -- everything s great , actually . Eric : Well , is this something about the two of you ? Sally : Well , yeah , there s still some details that we have to work out , but ... Wyatt : Yeah , but we just wanted you guys to be the first to know . Um ... there s gon na be a major change in our lives . Katie : Seeing you and your father together , it means so much to me , honey . Will : I like all being together . Bill : Me too , pal . Some of the best times of my life . Katie : Yeah . Will : Then why d you split up ? If you were happy ... you say you loved each other . How does that happen ? Katie : Well , um , sometimes adults make different choices , and it leads them in different directions , and ... you hold for as long as you can , but it s ultimately best for everyone to separate . Bill : But , uh , we have you , all right ? And you re a spectacular kid . So the bond between mommy and daddy -- that could never be totally broken . Katie : It s true . We may have disagreements ... Bill : But we ve always found a way to work through them . Will : But you did nt get back together . Bill : But we re still a family . And with everything we ve been through , it s stronger than ever . Quinn : You two got engaged ? Really ? I -- come on , seriously ? You did nt even give her a ring . Wyatt : No , I did nt -- Sally : He did nt -- he did nt propose . Wyatt : Mom , I did nt -- we re not engaged , okay ? But we are forming another kind of partnership . At spencer publications . Eric : With your father . Quinn : Uh , I do nt understand . Wyatt : Well , um , dad asked me to come back to work with him at spencer , and I said only under one condition , that ... he do right by sally and resurrect spectra fashions . Bill : Hey , uh , you know , the lakers are in town this week . You want to catch a game with your dad ? Will : Could we ? Bill : Yeah , as long as you get your homework done . Will : I ll get it all done , i swear . & Katie : I will hold you to that . Will : Can mom come , too ? Katie : Oh , I -- I think that basketball is kind of something you and daddy do together . Bill : I do nt know about that . Maybe we need to switch that up here , turn boys night into family night . What do you say ? Liam : This is not the answer . You re not even thinking straight now , you re not . Hope : You could be with steffy and your daughter and phoebe . I m not stopping you . Liam : Yeah , except nobody actually wants that . Hope : They re babies , liam ! They re innocent babies , and i do nt want to be the reason that they grow up without a dad ! Steffy : Hope , the girls are fine . Liam : See ? They re fine ! They re totally fine ! You do nt need to do this ! Hope : Yes , I do ! Yes , I do , and so do you . I mean , it s -- it s the only thing that makes sense . You know , I do nt -- I ca nt go on like this , knowing that I m keeping you from them . Please , I mean , you need -- you just need to be together and love each other and make a family together . Quinn : So , you said yes . Eric : You re both leaving forrester . Quinn : Because bill agreed to revive spectra . Wyatt : Look , he s trying to be a better person , but , trust me , he s no eric forrester . Quinn : [ Scoffs ] Wyatt : Seriously . You have given me so much opportunity , and I am so grateful for everything . Like all your support and generosity . Like , you took a chance on both of us , you know ? All three of us , technically , if you think about it . Quinn : Mm . Eric : The two of you have made a big impact on forrester . On me , too . I understand why you want to do this . I think your mother does , too . Quinn : I wish I didnT. Really , I wish I could just tell you forget bill and stay here . Because it was so fun , you know ? It was like -- it was like old times working with you . But I get it , you know . I get why it s important for you to work with bill and be at his company . And you deserve it . You both do . I just hope he does nt hurt you again . Bill : You do nt trust me . Katie : Oh , to plan our next family outing ? Um , let s see -- laker game or how about a trip down to the los angeles port authority to watch international commerce at work ? Bill : Oh ! Oh , do nt tease me . Katie : I know . Bill : Do you have any idea how many teus the port processes every month ? I mean , that s pretty titillating stuff . Katie : Yeah , well , I think our son would actually enjoy that . Bill : Well , yeah . International commerce courses through his veins . Of course . Katie : He would like to do it because he wants to do things with you . Bill : Well , I feel the same way about him . Katie : I like seeing how happy he is , how confident . You know , it s important , with all the changes that are happening in his life . You ve really stepped up , you know , and it means more than i can say . Bill : Some of the happiest times in my life , katie , when i was with my best self , at peace and satisfied ... were times like these . Liam : You have got to start taking care of yourself . You are overwhelmed with grief and stress . Steffy : Spending time with phoebe and kelly , it seemed like a good idea . Hope : No , it made me see what I was taking away from them . Holding phoebe , I think about beth . I think about the life that i imagined for her . The simple things , you know ? Waking up in the morning , spending time on the bed together or playing outside , and ... mommy and daddy being there . Loving her every step of the way . And I did nt have that . And I -- I could nt give that to her . I never got the chance . But I can give that to you . I can give that to phoebe . I can give that to kelly . Please ... please just let me give them that . Liam : You ca nt just give me away . You ca nt take off your ring and end our marriage because you think it s what s right . You re wrong , it s not . I m -- I m sorry , I love you , and I m not going anywhere . Listen . I can be a good husband and a good father at the same time . I can . What I ca nt do is give up on us , and I m not gon na let you do that , either . Daisy , daisy sour cream Sally : As difficult of a decision as this was for wyatt , it was even harder for me . Eric : But reviving your great aunt sally s legacy , that s been your dream . Sally : Yeah , but , I mean , working at forrester creations , being on the same design team as eric and ridge forrester ? I mean , that was beyond anything I ever could have imagined . Eric : You should be very proud of everything you accomplished here . Sally : I am . And very thankful . I ve learned a lot from you , eric . Eric : You two both brought a fresh perspective to this company . Thank you for that . Much like , uh , my beautiful wife did when she first arrived . Quinn : Oh , I m gon na keep my talents right here , do nt you worry . Eric : Okay . Sally : Yes , and now I will be using mine to compete against you . Wyatt : Mm . Eric : I do nt mind a little competition , as long as it s fair . Sally : [ Chuckles ] It will be . No funny business . Eric : Uh - huh . Sally : You have my word . Eric : Then , uh , bring it on ! Wyatt : [ Laughs ] Eric : Look , um ... I m gon na miss you both . And your talent . I wish you a great deal of luck in your future endeavors . Okay . Sally : Well , I do nt know why I m getting so worked up . I guess I just ca nt believe this is my life . [ Sniffles ] You know , when I -- when I first came back to la , I had nothing , you know ? I was at rock bottom , and ever since I ran into this guy at bikini ... wyatt . What you have done for me ... risking your future with your father and at spencer ... putting your shot on the line to make sure that I got mine ... if that is not love , then I do nt know what is . Wyatt : I mean , I m not gon na argue with that . Sally : I know ! Bill : You know , I used to think that intimidation was my best look . I liked always getting what i wanted , winning . I never thought about the cost . Until it cost me my sons . Hard lesson to learn . Katie : But you took it to heart . Bill : Yeah . That s finally paying off . And not just with will . I mean , that was the beginning , getting things right with him . I was hoping he d see me the way he used to . Katie : I think he sees you completely differently now . You re not just somebody that he looks up to , you re somebody that he depends on . I think in a lot of ways , you re in a better place than you ever have been . Bill : What about us , katie ? Are we in a better place ? Because things were really good between us once . Liam : Hope , the way that you care about those girls , it -- it proves what kind of person you are . You re compassionate and you re stronger and you re selfless -- Hope : I am not . Liam : Yes , you are . Yes , you are ! Hope : No ! You have nt been listening ! I ca nt do it anymore . I ca nt live with the idea that I m taking you -- Liam : Hope ! Hope ! Kelly and phoebe are gon na have an incredible life ! Because I m gon na be there for them . And so will you . Steffy : Hope , you want the girls to be happy . They will be . Liam : They re gon na be fine . And someday ... we will , too . We lost a little girl together . We have to heal together . That was the promise I made on our wedding day , hope . Whatever the future holds , whatever lay ahead , we face it hand in hand . And do you remember what you said ? Because I do . I remember what you said . What -- what did you say gives you strength and courage ? Hope : Our love for each other . Liam : Damn right ! Our love for each other . That s right . That s right . Now , if you do nt mind , I d like to put this back where it belongs . I love you so much . Never forget that . Sally : So , what s next ? Wyatt : For us , or with dad ? Sally : Both . Wyatt : [ Chuckles ] I mean , I think we got the hard part out of the way . Sally : Telling eric ? Wyatt : No , my mom . Sally : She handled it pretty well . Wyatt : Oh , do nt let that tranquil accepting exterior fool you . Sally : Should I be worried ? Wyatt : [ Chuckles ] No . But dad should be if he decides to flake on us . Sally : You do nt think that would happen . Wyatt : Not if he wants any kind of relationship with me . I was very clear with him what my priorities were . Top three -- you ... you ... ... and you . Sally : Well , right back at you , cowboy . Wyatt : I mean , it s called a passion project for a reason , right ? Sally : Yes , but it was my passion , and you took it on when you did nt have to . Especially when it could have cost you something that you wanted very much . Wyatt : I know , I -- Sally : My life has never been so good , wyatt spencer . And I owe it all to you . Wyatt : [ Laughs ] Bill : You saw something in me that no one else did . Katie : You used to say i brought it out in you . Bill : [ Chuckles ] Well , maybe you did . Katie : No , it was always there . Maybe covered up under a little bravado or a little intimidation . Bill : Did nt intimidate you , though . Katie : You tried . Not so long ago , in fact . Bill : Yeah , well , that was the old bill . Katie : He was nt all bad . Bill : Better this way , though , right ? Katie : Mm , is that a question ? Bill : Not really , no . This is good . Being able to come here , see will , see you ... much better . Liam : Hey . We promised to take care of each other , and that s what we re gon na do . Steffy : That s phoebe . I ll be right back . Hope : I m sorry . Liam : Do nt be . Hope : I thought I knew what to do . I thought I could at least make one of us happy . You know , that I could give kelly and phoebe everything that we wanted for beth . Liam : They re gon na have everything they need . You do nt have to worry about that . Hope : I know I do nt have to worry . I mean , steffy is an amazing mother . I do nt know why I do . I do nt know . [ Sniffles ] I just know that ... I see those beautiful little girls ... and I just , I want to make -- I want to make everything okay for them . You know , I just ... Steffy : I do nt -- I do nt know if this is all right . Hope : It s fine . Steffy : Hey . You want to be happy , huh ? Safe and cared for . Like any child could be . You want to hold her ? Here . Here you go . [ Phoebe crying ] Oh , it s okay . Do nt worry . Here you go . It s okay ! Hope : Okay . [ Shushes ] Hope : [ Giggles ] You re so loved . Yeah , you are ! By so many people . And I m so sorry that you could nt have met beth . I think you would have been great friends . You have such a great future . A loving , supportive family , a secure , happy home , and ... a future that liam and I wanted for beth . One we could only imagine . So many things ahead of you , little girl . And your mommy is so lucky to have you . She loves you with all of her heart . Yeah ! So does liam . Yeah ! And so do I ! Okay , sweetheart ? I love you so , so much . ### Summary:
Will continues to grill his mom and dad if they love each other why they ca nt be a family now . Bill says they can indeed change things up and make their boy s night at the ballgame into a family night . He tells Katie that he hopes that she knows he is in a better place now . Katie tells him that people used to say she brought out the best in Bill . It was nt all bad . He says it is good now , coming here to see Will and to see her too , much better . Quinn misunderstands - she thinks Sally and Wyatt are engaged but she sees no ring . He says no , it s another sort of partnership . His dad has asked him to come back to Spencer Publications and it will include Sally as well . He tells Eric that Bill is no Eric Forrester but he is trying to be better . He is grateful to Eric for making a place for him and treating him so well . Quinn says it was wonderful for her to work with Wyatt here but she understands it is important for him to align himself with his own dad . He will work with him in the company that will be his one day . Eric wishes them well and says he does not mind a little competition . Hope is distressed and keeps arguing with both Liam and Steffy that nothing else makes any sense . He has to go live with Steffy and the two girls . She will not be the cause of them not having a father . She can give that to them and to Liam too . He says she can not just give him away . He is sorry but he is not going anywhere . He is not going to give up on them and he is not going to let her either . He reminds her that she lost a little girl but they will find the way out of this together . He reminds her of her wedding day and the vows .. their love for each other would be always . He puts the ring back on her finger and she finally accepts it . Phoebe cries and Steffy goes to her . Hope says she is sorry . Steffy is an amazing mother and things will be okay for them . But when Steffy comes out of the bedroom , Hope s entire attention goes to her and she ends up giving Phoebe the bottle . She smiles and says she wishes Phoebe could have met Beth . Steffy is lucky to have her . Liam and Steffy keep darting their eyes to each other while watching Hope .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: MELISSA BLOCK, host : From NPR News, this is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED. I'm Melissa Block. ROBERT SIEGEL, host : And I'm Robert Siegel. ROBERT SIEGEL, host : Next week, Georgia will officially grant a pardon to Lena Baker. It will be a posthumous pardon. Baker was executed 60 years ago for killing a white man. She was the only woman to die in the state's electric chair. Lena Baker's trial, conviction and execution took place in Cuthbert, in rural southwest Georgia. NPR's Kathy Lohr reports. KATHY LOHR reporting : Lena Baker had lived through the Depression, and it had been tough. She was born into a family of black sharecroppers. It was back-breaking work. African-Americans knew their place. Ms. LELA BOND PHILLIPS (Lena Baker Biographer) : She was a black woman. She was from the South. She was poor. She never had a chance in her life. LOHR : Lela Bond Phillips has written a book about Lena Baker. By the 1940s, Baker had picked cotton, cleaned houses and washed clothes to get by. But these jobs didn't bring in much money. She had three children to feed. Phillips said Baker's life was about to change when she got a position as a nurse to Ernest Knight, a white man who had broken his hip. Ms. LELA BOND PHILLIPS (Lena Baker Biographer) : I think probably that was the best job she ever had, and it was probably a fairly decent job for her for that time. He was called what one old sheriff around here called, told me, a pistol toter. And I think it developed into a sexual relationship. LOHR : At the time, intimate relationships between whites and blacks were not tolerated. Baker had worked for Knight for about two years, but the job had become her nightmare. Knight's son beat her. What happened on April 30th, 1944, the day Knight was killed, is unclear. LOHR : A block and a half from the town square in Cuthbert is Ernest Knight's mill. It's still standing, but barely. Scraps of wood, broken beer bottles and weeds litter the lot. A blue door still designates the spot where the office would have been. On that Sunday, 60 years ago, when most residents spent the day in church, the trial transcript shows Knight and Baker had been drinking and arguing. In fact, he had appeared at her home the day before. He had threatened her several times and forced her inside his mill, holding her prisoner all day long. Mr. JOHN COLE VODICKA (Director, Prison & Jail Project) : This is where Mr. Knight met his death. LOHR : John Cole Vodicka is the director of the Prison & Jail Project, an advocacy group that lobbied on behalf of a pardon for Lena Baker. Mr. JOHN COLE VODICKA (Director, Prison & Jail Project) : And this was where Ms. Baker said he had locked her in here for the better part of that day, April 30th, and then had come back and demanded that she have sex with him. And she refused. He picked up a metal pole or a metal pipe and was coming at her, and they wrestled over that. And then his gun was produced, and the gun went off, and he fell dead. LOHR : Just four months later, the case went to trial. The trial lasted four hours. Lena Baker was found guilty. No witnesses were called in her defense. She was sentenced to die in the electric chair. After the trial was over, Cole Vodicka says Baker's attorney withdrew from the case. Mr. JOHN COLE VODICKA (Director, Prison & Jail Project) : She had no defense, charged with capital murder, on trial for her life, sitting in a jail cell and then over in the state penitentiary, watching the hearse pull up to take her body back to Cuthbert. LOHR : The execution took place the following March, less than a year after Knight's death. The undertaker buried Baker's body five miles outside of town in an unmarked grave behind Mt. Vernon Baptist Church. Most of the townspeople never talked about it back then. Martin Nimbry(ph) is deacon here where Baker used to sometimes sing in the church choir. Mr. MARTIN NIMBRY (Deacon, Mt. Vernon Baptist Church) : There was, like, a hush-hush. They wasn't saying too much, you know, 'cause they were scared at that time, too. Black folks were scared something might happen to them. LOHR : People still don't want to dredge up the past in the black or the white communities. All of the jurors in the case are dead. Joanne Raye(ph) is a librarian and the daughter of the special prosecutor in the case. She was going into the first grade at the time of the murder. Ms. JOANNE RAYE (Daughter of Special Prosecutor) : I mean, I never heard any white people say anything. LOHR : What do people say today about the case? Ms. JOANNE RAYE (Daughter of Special Prosecutor) : People don't really say much. LOHR : But there are some in southwest Georgia who want to teach the younger generation about Lena Baker, among them Cuthbert Mayor Willie Martin, who says that while this may reopen some old wounds, it's a story that needs to be told. Mayor WILLIE MARTIN (Cuthbert, Georgia) : When there's an injustice done, I mean, you have to address those issues. And, you know, in the past, with the killers of Medgar Evers, they just recently brought them to trial, so things like this, you know, can help the healing process. LOHR : The Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles is granting Baker a pardon, saying the state committed a grievous error when it denied clemency in reviewing her case. Roosevelt Curry is Lena Baker's great-nephew. He says it took far too long for the state to recognize its critical error that cost his great-aunt her life. Mr. ROOSEVELT CURRY (Great-Nephew of Lena Baker) : It's the right thing. They can give me all the papers they want to. Everybody in this world can talk to me, but you cannot--remember that--you cannot mend a broken heart. LOHR : Lena Baker's grave, now designated by a simple concrete marker, sits in a far corner of the desolate graveyard behind Mt. Vernon Baptist Church on a country highway outside of Cuthbert, Georgia. Family members say they'd like to clean up this graveyard and create a memorial to Lena Baker to erase the shame associated with her name for the past 60 years. Kathy Lohr, NPR News. ### Summary:
A black maid executed in Georgia in 1945 is being granted a pardon by the state for killing a white man she said enslaved her. Lena Baker said she acted in self-defense, but a jury of white men convicted her after a one-day trial. Baker is the only woman to have been executed in the state's electric chair. On Aug. 30, Georgia authorities will present a proclamation to her descendants, including her grandnephew Roosevelt Curry, who led the drive to clear her name. For decades, Lena Baker was buried in an unmarked grave behind Mt Vernon Baptist Church, outside of Cuthbert, Ga. A simple headstone now designates her final resting place.
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Josh : Okay , then Tuesday it is . Yes , I know the rules . The new guy pays , right ? ( Laughs ) Okay . Right . Okay , thank you . Bye - bye . Wow . Fellowship week , whatever that is , it s going to be a lot of work . Cassie : Yeah ? So should we reschedule ? Josh : Wait a minute , what time s your appointment ? Cassie : It s in , like , 15 minutes . But if you re too busy ... Josh : No , no , no , not at all . After everything you ve done to help me make this place my own , are you kidding me ? Cassie : Josh , it s not like you owe me . Josh : Hey , that s not what I m trying to say here . It s , uh ... you want this so I want this . Cassie : Well , there s no guarantee . Josh : Cassie , we re going to have a baby together . ( Laughs ) Cassie : Okay , you may be a miracle worker but if we do nt get there in 15 minutes ... Josh : All right , all right all right , I m going , I m ready , I m ready . Let s go . Let s go , go , go , go ! You know , you can look at pictures if you want . Cassie : What pictures ? Josh : The ones you keep in your purse of R.J. and Will and Tammy . I know you re thinking about her today . Cassie : I m not trying to replace Tammy , you know . It would nt be fair to our baby . Josh : Forget fair , it s just human , that s all . Ever since you had to give up Will and then losing Tammy ... Cassie : Well , I have R.J. You know , no matter what happens - even if I can never have another child , I love that little boy with all my heart . Josh : ( Laughs ) I know you do . But I also know that you re missing your bigger family . Nurse : Um ... Mr . And Mrs. Lewis ? Cassie : Yeah , uh ... Nurse : Dr. Fields will see you now . Doctor Fields : First , let me say that we make advances in the field of fertility all the time . We ve come a long way since doctors told you could never carry a child to term . Cassie : So you think there s a good chance that I could become pregnant ? Doctor Fields : There s a chance . Josh : But there s also a possibility that she might not be able to ? Doctor Fields : Cassie , you have a condition called endometriosis . In your case , the scarring of the uterus is severe . Cassie : Yeah , I know , I know what I have , Doctor . The question is can you do something about it ? Doctor Fields : Well , there s a procedure called a Laparotomy . Josh : A surgery ? Doctor Fields : Uh - huh . We remove the scar tissue and if all goes well , Cassie may be able to sustain a pregnancy . Cassie : May ... may . Doctor Fields : Well , I ca nt promise , but we ve had excellent results . Now , I could schedule for tomorrow and you could go home the same day . Josh : Wow , tomorrow . Um ... do nt you want to think about this a little bit ? Cassie : What are the odds ? Doctor Fields : Well , we ve come a long way , but I wo nt lie to you , Cassie . You ve got a lot working against you . Josh : Yeah , well we ve got a lot working for us , too . Josh : When you wake up ... Cassie : Will you be here ? Josh : You re kind of stuck with me . ( Sigh ) Reva : Hey , stranger . What s up ? Josh : Um , how did you know ? Reva : Know what ? I m here for a Cancer Research Foundation meeting . What are you stalking me , Joshua ? Josh : ( Laughs ) No , no . I just thought ... Reva : Oh , you know what ? I forgot . I have pictures . Fabulous pictures of our daughter Marah at the spring fashion show in Paris . Josh : ( Laughs ) Oh , man . Reva : What about that daughter of ours ? Spring fashions in the fall , fall fashions in the spring . Josh : She s so beautiful . Reva : This is where you say how much she looks like her mom . Josh : Yes , she does . Reva : Thank you . Josh : I forget sometimes how much I miss them . Reva : Oh , you have nt said why you re here . You re okay , right ? Josh : Yes , I m ... I m fine . It s Cassie , actually . Uh , she s not , uh , sick or anything , she s just , uh ... Reva : She s what ? Josh : You know how much she wanted to have another baby ? Reva : And how much you do nt . Yes . Josh : Right . Well , we ve , uh , had a change of heart . Reva : We ? Josh : I have . In fact , she s in surgery right now , or going into surgery , anyway . Dr. Fields , uh , he s going to try to correct the problem that keeps her from carrying a pregnancy . Reva : Ah , a Laparotomy . Josh : You know about it ? Reva : Yes , I actually did a feature on it on my TV show . Does nt always work . Josh : We know that . But she ... I mean we want to do everything we possibly can . Reva : You re doing it again . Josh : Doing what ? Reva : Well , it s just like the time you went to prison for her , only this time you re giving up your life so that she can have her baby . Josh : Wait a minute . Wait a minute , you ca nt possibly compare ... Reva : Ca nt I ? How can I not compare ? Are you really willing to go through fertility tests and surgery and whatever else comes next ? I mean , would you do that if it were up to you ? Josh : It s called marriage . Reva : I ve experienced marriage on several occasions , thank you . Josh : I know that , Reva . I did nt mean anything by that , okay ? Reva : The point is , you have nt had a change of heart . You re just putting her needs ahead of your own . Josh : Like she s done for me a couple of hundred times . Reva : You know , I do nt know whether to call you a saint or a sap . Josh : Reva ... having kids was the greatest thing that ever happened in my life . I kind of like the idea of a new one . I ll see you . Reva : Well , thanks for giving me the heads up . Tammy : Whose turn is it to be it ? Will ? R.J. ? R.J. : Mom ! You , Mom ! Cassie : Me ? Why is it always me ? Oh , my gosh . Tammy : No peeking . Cassie : I do nt peek . I m not a peeker . Tammy : Spin her . One , two , three . Cassie : ( Laughs ) Okay . All right , ready or not , here I come . Tammy : Little hint . Okay . ( Laughter ) Tammy : You are cold , Mom ! You are so cold right now . Cassie : Oh , that s not fair . ( Monkey screeches ) Cassie : What do we have , monkeys ? ( Pig snorts ) Oh , pigs , I hear pigs . Tammy : I told you these brothers of mine are animals . R.J. : Look who s talking . Will : Yeah , look . Tammy : Grow up , Will . Cassie : Oh , Tammy , do nt even say that . I do nt want you to grow up for a second . I want you stay just as you are . Oh , I got you ! I got you ! ( Laughter ) Tammy : Okay . Whose turn is it to be it ? R.J. , why do nt you take off the blindfold ? R.J. ? What s wrong ? We ve got to go . Cassie : Where do you have to go ? We re just playing . Tammy : Come on , boys , quickly . I mean it , out of here . Cassie : Tammy , where are you taking the boys ? Tammy : Away from here , away from him . Cassie : Who ? Tammy : Alan . He s coming after us . Cassie : Tammy ? R.J. , Will , wait ! Wait ! Do nt run away . Come back ! I ll protect you ! No ! Stay away from my children ! Beth : Cassie , Cassie , hey , no one is going to hurt your children . Cassie : Oh , Beth . Beth : Rick said that I could come in and say hi while Josh was calling R.J. Cassie : Surgery . The surgery . Beth : Rick , uh ... Rick said that Dr. Fields will have the results tomorrow . Cassie : Uh . More waiting . Beth : Well I m certainly no doctor , but this seems like a good first step to me . Cassie : Yeah . A baby . Beth : I want this for you . Cassie : Thanks . Yeah , me , too . Beth : If this works , our youngest could be ... could be really close friends . Cassie : Really ? I do nt know . Beth : Come on . You ve got to be positive about this surgery . You know , before you know it , you could look like me . Cassie : No , I mean you and Alan . Beth : Alan ? What about Alan ? Cassie : He s always after the children . He s always after them . Beth : You re thinking about Tammy . Cassie : Your children , my children . But do nt worry , Beth . We wo nt let them take away our babies . Beth : No , no , no , no , no , no . Alan ... Alan could nt do that . Why would he want to ? Cassie : He s dangerous . When he finds out your baby s his . Beth : Cassie ... Cassie , you just said that ... Cassie : Kids . We re gon na play ... Beth : No , Cassie , Cassie , Cassie ... you just said this baby is nt Rick s . Cassie , you said ... Cassie ! Nurse : Mrs. Bauer ? Beth : Yes ... yes , of course . Rick : So , uh ... how s R.J. ? Josh : Uh , he s worried about his mom . But , you know , he does nt know exactly what s going on , so ... Rick : Right . Do nt want to get his hopes up about having a brother or sister possibly ? Josh : His or Cassie s . Rick : Yeah . She really wants to have this baby , does nt she ? Josh : We both do . At first I was nt really into it . You know , a new job and I ve got a lot going on . And I m old . ( Laughs ) Rick : I m old , too , young fella . We re both old . Josh : But then I started thinking about it and I kind of like the idea now . I just think a baby ... how could a baby not make our life better ? Rick : Yeah , well , it has for me . You know , it s worked out for me , too , thanks to you and Cassie . Josh : Right . What s done is done . I m still not sure that was the right thing but for Cassie s sake -- Beth ! Rick : Hey , sweetie . Josh : What s wrong ? Is there something wrong with Cassie ? Beth : No , no , no ... I m sorry . She s fine . She s , um , coming out of it slowly . Rick : Sweetheart , are you okay ? Something wrong ? Beth : It s , it s just , um ... I m sure it s just the anesthesia . She does nt know what she s saying . Josh : Cassie ? Rick : What did she say exactly ? Beth : ( Sighs ) It s ... it s stupid . She just ... she said that the baby is nt yours , that it s Alan s . See ? This is silly . I mean , why would she say something like that , right ? Rick : Why ? Well , sweetheart , you said it yourself , because of the anesthesia . Now , come on , I m a doctor , I know that stuff makes you say some really strange things . Beth : Just why did she say that of all things ? Rick : Well maybe she was dreaming or maybe in her head she thought you were Alan . There were all kinds of possibilities . Beth : She s never said anything to you like that , right , Josh ? Josh : No . No , I ca nt imagine ... I think Rick must be right . She must be , uh ... dreaming . Rick : Exactly . Cassie : R.J. R.J. : Josh called . He said they were fixing something . Cassie : Oh , yeah . It s just like , you know , when we take the car in the shop to get something fixed . It s no big deal . R.J. : Yeah , that s what Josh said . But I know when he s treating me like a kid , so I road my bike over . Cassie : You did ? Did you tell Mrs. Chitwood ? R.J. : I left her a note . You re my mom . Cassie : And you re my brave boy . R.J. : What s wrong ? Cassie : Oh , honey , there s nothing wrong . We just ... you know , the doctors thought that this could help me to have a baby . Would nt you like to have a new little brother or sister ? R.J. : Bobby Hendrix has a new dog . Cassie : ( Laughs ) Dogs are nice , sweetie , but ... wo nt you miss the way things were before , with Will and Tammy there ? R.J. : You mean I m not enough ? Cassie : No , honey , do nt you ever think that . Do nt you ever think that . You mean everything to me and to Josh . That s not it . We just ... we just want to have an even bigger family . That would give you someone else to love and to count on and , you know , someone to grow up , grow up loving you . Beth : I guess I m just being paranoid . ( Laughs ) Rick : Sweetheart , you re allowed to be paranoid . You re expecting a child , okay ? You re also allowed to have your cravings for jalapeños and pancakes . Beth : Hmm , pancakes . Yeah , speaking of which , that sounds good . I think I ll go have some and I m clear my head . So , um , give Cassie a hug for me , Dad . Josh : I will . Thank you . Rick : Thanks for covering for me . Josh : You mean lying . Rick : A necessary lie . Or maybe you would rather Cassie go to jail for switching the DNA . Josh : Rick , is that some kind of a threat ? Come on . Rick : No , Josh , it s just reminding you what s at stake . Josh : I know what s at stake . If I did nt know what was at stake ... R.J. R.J. : Do nt be mad , she wants to see you . Cassie : That boy of mine . Josh : Yeah , yeah . Boy , I m not the disciplinarian I used to be . Instead of punishing him I gave him five bucks for ice cream . Cassie : ( Laughs ) That s okay . I think he s just ... he s just worried about his mom . Josh : He s not the only one . Cassie : Why ? Why ? Why what did the doctors say ? Josh : We ll know more tomorrow . Cassie : Okay . Well , then what is it ? Josh : You do nt remember ? Cassie : I remember R.J. visiting me . Rick : Right . Cassie : Before that ... Josh : Beth . Cassie : Right . It was Beth . Beth came . That was really nice of her to check in on me . Josh : Cassie , you really do nt remember what you said to Beth ? You told her that Rick is not the baby s father , that Alan is . Cassie : Oh , my God , no , I did not . No ! Josh : It s okay . It s all right . Rick went into damage control . He convinced her it was because of the medication . Cassie : Oh , my God , no . What did you say ? Josh : I guess I could have told her the truth , maybe I should have told her the truth , but ... Cassie : But you did nt . I m sorry . I keep asking you to sacrifice little pieces of yourself for me . Josh : That s okay . It s not that drastic . It s not like I want that child to grow up with Alan as a father . Cassie : But you did it for met just like you re willing to have this baby for me . You would have told her the truth . Josh : Cassie , Cassie , it s okay . We make choices . We live with them . Cassie : Are you sure ? Josh : Positive . Josh : Finally , beloved , whatever is true , whatever is honorable , whatever is just , pure , pleasing , commendable , if there is any excellence and if there s anything worthy of praise , think about these things . Cassie : How s it going ? Josh : Well , I have till Sunday . Cassie : Whatever s true , whatever s just ... Josh : It s amazing , you know . Sometimes that weekly text hits me right between the eyes . Cassie : You re true and just . Josh : So were you . You did what you thought was right for that child . Cassie : Even if it goes against everything you believe in ? Josh : I believe in us . I believe in you . I believe in that baby we re going to have . Doctor Fields : The Laparotomy was even more successful than we d hoped ? Cassie : So there s nothing to prevent me from becoming pregnant ? Doctor Fields : Oh , you still have a long way to go . We ll start the IVF on the next cycle . Now Cassie , you ve been through this before with the injections and the pills . We need you to come in a couple times a week . Now we re hoping this takes place the first time , but I m willing to keep trying as long as you are . Getting pregnant is going to be a lot of hard work . I wo nt lie and no guarantees . Josh : Hey , we ll deal with that if and when we have to . Right ? Doctor Fields : Well , I ve prepared some literature to guide you through the process . It s , uh ... just a little light reading so you can catch up to your wife . Josh : ( Sighs ) I feel like I m a kid back at school carrying your books for you . But then again , now that I think about it , you probably were nt the kind of girl that let a boy carry your books . Cassie : I do nt want to do it . Josh : Do what ? Cassie : The testing , the injections , the monitoring , the whole long complicated thing . I do nt want to do it . Josh : Wait , wait , wait . Wait a minute now . I know it seems daunting right now , but it s going to be fine . We ll go through it together . Cassie : That s exactly deciding factor for me . You re willing to sacrifice your time and your responsibilities , your dreams for the small chance of mine happening . Josh : Cassie , it s not a sacrifice , I ve told you that . Cassie : But it is a sacrifice . Just like it was a sacrifice for you to not tell Beth the truth about me switching the test results and it s a sacrifice for you to go to jail for me when you thought I shot Alan . You re always put me first and this is a marriage , so now it s my turn to put you first . Josh : You do ! Come here , sit down with me , okay ? Look , you ve been with me 100 % ever since I decided to become a preacher . Cassie : Please , be honest . I do not make it easy for you . I make you ... compromise your principles . Josh : You do nt make me do anything . You re my wife . You come first before everything else . Cassie : Yeah , well , you re my husband and you come first before everything else for me . Josh : Wait , wait , wait . Cassie ... Cassie just ... Cassie : I want you to focus on the church and your job and your congregation . Josh : What about you ? What about what you want ? Are you telling me that you re going to just take your dreams , you re going to stuff them in some drawer somewhere ? You re going to give up on your desire to have a child ? Cassie : I do nt have to give up on anything . It does nt ... it does nt have to be a newborn . I ve made up my mind . I want to try to get Will back . Josh : If this is because you think you do nt deserve to have ... Cassie : No , I do deserve to have a child , my own . The one I had to send away . Josh : Will . Cassie : I know originally I thought it was best for him to grow up with his father in the palace where he can take his rightful place . Josh : So what s changed ? Cassie : Well , first it was just a feeling , little hints in his phone calls , the e - mails . Josh : Is he unhappy or home sick or ... Cassie : I think it s more than being home sick . Last time I saw him he was quiet and just so turned in on himself , and that s not Will . Josh : Well , I m guessing it s not easy to be a prince . Cassie : Just a little boy away from his whole family . Josh : He s with his father . Cassie : Yeah , that s another thing . Alonzo is completely preoccupied . I guess the island wants to end the monarchy for good . Josh : I ... I thought Alonzo did nt care about the crown and you know , stuff like that . Cassie : I guess it s growing on him . Josh : Well , that s too bad . Cassie : He takes off for weeks at a time . He lives Will alone in that palace with his tutors and his nannies and then he comes back and trots him out like a prop just to argue for the future of the crown . Josh : Wow . How is it that Alonzo has changed so much ? Cassie : I do nt know . I do nt know and I do nt care , but if he s using my son ... Josh : Wait , wait , wait . You realize what you re talking about here , right ? I mean , you signed legal documents . You gave up your rights to that boy . He s his biological father . Cassie : Yeah , well , that s what lawyers are for , right ? To find loopholes . Josh : ( Sighs ) Cassie : What ? Josh : I was just thinking , you know , what s worse ? A year of fertility injections or lunch with a lawyer ? Cassie : Josh ... Josh : I m kidding . It s a joke . This is going to be a fight . But I m ready for it . Cassie : And you do nt think I m asking for too much ? Josh : I think you want what s best for your son and that s not asking too much . And besides , it s , uh ... been a long time since I ve had a good fight with a prince , you know what I m saying ? Cassie : I love you , but in that case I think we better get us a good lawyer . Josh : Oh , come on . Come on . Thanks a lot . Cassie : In the meantime , I can go ahead and call Will and tell him to expect a visit ? Josh : Yeah . And while you re doing that , I ll make some calls of my own . Cassie : Josh ? Josh : What was that for ? Cassie : Not even hesitating . Josh : Call your son and tell him I say hi . Josh : It s Josh . Uh , Cassie needs something and as much as I hate to say it , that means I need something from you . Cassie : This is his mother , that s who . Who s this ? Look , either you put my son on the phone or you re going to have an international incident on your hands . Will : Mom ? Cassie : Will , is that you , sweetie ? I miss you so much . Will : I miss you , too . Cassie : How s school ? Will : Okay . Cassie : What about after school ? Um , is your father still taking you fishing ? Will : Um , I take fencing lessons , dad watches , when he s around . Cassie : But you still have your friends , right ? The other boys at school ? Will : I only have one friend . And I have to travel to see him . Cassie : Well , honey , what if you could have a whole bunch of new friends and have a normal life ? Like your brother , R.J. Will : How ? Cassie : We ll talk about it when I see you . I m going to come visit , Josh and I together . We ll come as soon as we can arrange it . I promise . It s a promise , honey . I love you . Will : Me , too . R.J. : Who s that ? Cassie : R.J. , You re going to give Mrs. Chitwood gray hairs if you keep this up . R.J. : She already has them . So who was on the phone ? Cassie : Your brother . R.J. : Oh . Cassie : How about some ice cream ? R.J. : It s always the ice cream when you and Josh have to tell me something . Cassie : You re right , sweetie , you re too old for that trick . Um , remember how I told you that Josh and I wanted to have a new baby ? R.J. : I still want a dog . Cassie : Well , we re not going to have a new baby . R.J. : Really ? Cool ! I saw this golden retriever puppy . Cassie : R.J. , I m talking about your brother Will . R.J. : What about him ? Cassie : Well , I do nt want to get your hopes up , but what if we could bring him home with us ? You have nt seen anymore a while , but I think once you spend some time together you ll get used to each other . It will be just like old times . R.J. : Old times ? Cassie : Yeah . Only better . You remember how much fun you guys used to have together , right ? Look . R.J. : I remember . Josh : The temptation to do evil is obvious , but the temptation to do good is even more insidious . Reva : Walk the talk , do nt talk it ? Josh : You stole my punch line . Reva : ( Laughs ) Well , I have a jump on your congregation . I used to sleep with the preacher . Josh : Is that why I never see you in church ? Reva : I m just getting used to seeing you up there on the pulpit . Josh : Well , that makes two of us . Reva : Well , it seems to me you re fitting right in . Josh : Yeah . I would nt mind having a , uh , a photo . You know , one of those ones that Marah just sent us from Paris . Reva : Right next to the new baby picture ? Josh : Yeah . About that . Um ... Reva : What ? You ve changed your mind , you and Cassie ? Josh : Sort of . We want to have a child but , um , one that comes factory equipped and ready to roll . His name is Will . Reva : Will ! Wow . I never did think he belonged at the palace . Josh : Apparently he agrees with you , Will does . Reva : He misses Cassie ? Josh : It s a little more complicated than that , actually . Um , Cassie thinks he s being used as a chip in some kind of high stakes political game . Reva : Well , then what are you waiting for ? Get him out of there , bring him home ! Josh : How did I know you were going to say that ? Reva : Well , what do you want know do ? How do I fit in ? Do you want know dust off my crown and go racing down San Cristobel ? Josh : ( Laughs ) Uh , maybe not right away . Let s just put that on hold for a minute . Right now what I need is someone to , um , plead the case , you know ? Someone who would be willing to , uh , throw himself through a brick wall for Cassie . Reva : Jeffrey ? Josh : Yes , Jeffrey . The problem is , uh , I ve been trying to get in touch with him and even his partner does nt know how to do that . So , uh ... Reva : Well , Mel does nt know everything about him . Josh : Yeah , well , I d rather not hear the details of any tattoos or body piercings if you do nt mind , but , uh , I would like to know how to find him . Reva : Well , you ca nt . Josh : I thought you said you wanted to help . Reva : I do want to help it s just ... he s on a secret assignment . Josh : What , for the government or something ? Reva : No , actually , it s more secretive than that , it s for me and I really ca nt talk about it . Josh : I see . Not even to your friendly neighborhood , uh , confessor ? Reva : Oh , my goodness . You ve been a lot of things to me over the years , Joshua , but that s not one of them . Can Cassie wait until Jeffrey gets back into town ? Josh : Yeah , I guess she ll have to . My understanding is no one knows the ins and outs of Will s custody arrangement better than Jeffrey does . Reva : Well , he helped put it together , he should be able to take it apart . Josh : Okay . Well , thank you . Reva : It s still a lot of work , though . Two boys can be a handful . Josh : Well , it s a good thing the lord gave me two hands then , is nt it ? ( Laughs ) Reva : ( Laughs ) You know , it s not just the office or the books or the certificates . You really do belong here , Joshua . Josh : Are you okay with that ? Reva : ( Whispers ) Of course I am . All I ever wanted was for you to be happy . Josh : Thank you . Reva : Tell Cassie that I will get Jeffrey on the case just as soon as he gets back to town . Josh : I will . Reva : Okay . Josh : And you tell Jeffrey that when it comes to the fee I ll be expecting a ... what do you call it ? A clergy discount . Reva : Hmm . Fat chance . Josh : Reva ? For the record , all I ever wanted was for you to be happy , too . ( Laughs ) Josh : Is nt it a little cold for fishing ? Cassie : Ha ! Shows what you know . Fluke season may be over , but the old guys , they re out here all winter long . Josh : ( Laughs ) Yeah , well somehow I do nt see you sawing through the ice for wall eyed pike . Cassie : Hey , you know , if it makes my son happy . Josh : Will ? Cassie : Yep . He used to love fishing with his dad . I guess he says Alonzo has him fencing now . Josh : That s not actually a real sport . Cassie : I would nt say that to the guy holding the sword . Josh : Yeah . ( Sighs ) So you , uh , you talked to Will ? Do you mind ? Cassie : ( Laughs ) Knock yourself out . Josh : How s he doing ? Cassie : Well , he did nt come right out and say it , but I think he s really lonely . He said he only has one friend and he does nt live anywhere nearby . Josh : Well , that s not a good thing . Cassie : So I bought him a new rod and reel and signed him up for fishing lessons . Josh : Cassie ... Cassie : I know we ca nt just snap our fingers and make it happen , but I want him to have a normal childhood . I do nt want him to be a prince in training . Josh : Well , if there s a way to do that , I m sure Jeffrey will figure it out . Cassie : Oh , did you talk to him ? Josh : No , he s apparently away on some legal thing for Reva , but she agreed to ask him . You okay with that ? Cassie : That you asked Reva ? Yeah , I love it . I ... after everything that s come between us , finally it s something we can agree on . Something we can all do together . Josh : Well , I figured , you know ... you know how Reva is when it comes to kids , so ... Cassie : You know what ? I feel really right about this . You know , after Tammy , I could nt believe in anything for a while . Josh : And now ? Cassie : Now I feel like there s this little piece of hope , this little spark that just wo nt let go . Josh : You better watch out for that . That might turn into belief , and that s a slippery slope , my friend . Cassie : ( Laughs ) Well , one thing I know for sure , I could never think of Will as a replacement for Tammy . Maybe I was kind of trying for that a little bit when I was so desperate to get pregnant . Josh : ( Whispers ) That s okay . Cassie : I know . But I let that go and Will is my son , he belongs with me . Josh : We ll just have to make sure that his father understands that . Cassie : We will . Stop me if you ve already heard this , Padre , but , uh ... I m starting to think that all that pain and suffering I went through and feeling so lost was there just to bring me here to this moment , to this new faith that my Will is coming home . Edmund : Whoo , careful . Will : Sorry , Uncle Edmund . Edmund : That s all right . One of these days I ll show you how to use that thing properly . That s what friends are for . Will : Oh , mom called . Edmund : Did she ? Did you tell her about me ? Will : You said not to . Edmund : Good boy . But you did tell her how much you wanted to come home , right ? It s only a matter of time . I ca nt wait until we see her again . ### Summary:
Josh and Cassie are excited to going to their first fertility appointment . The doctor tells them that Cassie must first undergo a procedure , minor operation to remove scar tissue from her uterus . Cassie wants to do it right away . As she comes out of surgery and is delirious Cassie accidentally tells Beth tat Alan is the father of her baby . Beth is upset and goes to josh and Rick . They lie and blame it on the medicines used during surgery . When the results of the procedure come back , Cassie makes a startling decision . She does nt want to have another baby , she wants to get Will back . Whatever Cassie wants Josh agrees to go along with . He thinks bringing Will home to Springfield is a great idea though it may be tricky from the legal standpoint . Josh calls Reva to enlist her and Jeffrey s help in the legal matters . Reva agrees to get Jeffrey on it as soon as he returns to town . Cassie calls Will to let him know she has some exciting news and will be visiting very soon . Cassie is anxiously awaiting the return of her son . For the first time in months Cassíe is really happy and beginning to have faith again . Will plays alone in a garage like area where he is met by his Uncle Edmund , apparently his only friend in the world . Edmund promises to get them both home to see Cassíe just as soon as he can . But for now he does nt want Will to tell Cassíe that they are talking .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Harley : Are you sure you want to go through with this ? Gus : Do I have a choice ? My family needs me . Harley : Then let me be the first to hug the new C.E.O. Of Spaulding Enterprises . Gus : Well do nt hug me too long . I mean nobody s voted yet , so ... Harley : Yeah , but it s between you and the guy in the sanitarium for killing his own son , so I think you got a shot at this . Gus : Yeah , well see . I do nt know . Blake : You guys are here ? Gus : Yeah , well , I called this shindig . Blake : Did nt you hear ? Harley : What ? Blake : Alan , he s been taken to Cedars . Harley : Why ? Blake : I do nt know . Gus : He heard about the board meeting . He s got something up his straightjacket sleeve , that s why . I ... Harley : Honey , honey , honey . You ll be late . Gus : What , they re going to start without me ? I do nt think so . Blake : Back in the Spaulding saddle again ? ( Gasps ) I see a hive . I think hives are popping out . Alexandra : Well , maybe he s gotten cold feet . Lizzie : I doubt it ; he really wants this . Alexandra : No he does nt . He has this misguided notion that we need him . Lizzie : Maybe we do . Alexandra : What s more , unless this is company into complete ruination I do nt think the board will vote him C.E.O. Lizzie : I know one thing I m not letting my mom get this job . Alexandra : Listen to me . There are more than two candidates for this job , you know . And people far more qualified than Gus and your mother . Lizzie ? Lizzie : Yes , Aunt Alex ? Alexandra : What have you done ? Alan : India . India : Do nt worry . You re not dead . But before I m finished with you , you ll wish you were . Cassie : Hey . What s all this ? Jeffrey : Hi . It s the Ferguson counterfeiting case , starts tomorrow . Cassie : Are you okay ? Jeffrey : Yeah , yeah , fine . I m just ... I have a cold . The guy came into my office the delivery guy and sneezed right on top of me . Cassie : You look terrible . Wow , you re hot . Jeffrey : So are you . Where s Hope ? Cassie : I passed Edmund on the way in he wanted some father / daughter bonding time . Edmund : You re my little girl . You re my princess . And your mother and I could nt love you more . If you were our own flesh and blood . But that s our little secret . And everything is going to be just fine . As long as nobody ever finds out where you came from , okay ? Dinah : Let s see . Robberies , good . Fires , okay . Bauer - Santos newborn killed in a crash . Michelle ? Michelle : Danny , I ca nt stay here . I ca nt . I have to put some distance between me and what I lost . Danny : Michelle , Robbie needs you here . I need you . Michelle : Hey . What s this ? Robbie : A surprise . Michelle : Really ? Danny : Yeah , it was his idea . We were having a mini barbecue since you missed the big one . Michelle : Oh , what a great idea . Danny : Tell Mommy what we re having ? Robbie : Were having hamburgers , hot dogs , cookies and ice cream ! Danny : I hope you re very hungry . Michelle : You know I am . This is just what I need . Danny : Why do nt you go into the house and get the flag . You know where Uncle Rick keeps it , right ? Okay , go ahead . Run , run , run . Michelle : Thank you . Danny : For what ? Come on . Michelle : God , this place brings back so many memories , you know ? Our wedding . Danny : Yeah . Michelle , you are going to make a lot more memories here . You do nt have to go away . Come on , Robbie would be heartsick if you left again . Michelle : I do nt want to leave him , Danny . This is really hard . Danny : I know , but running away is not the answer . Edmund : Daddy is taking care of everything . Well , almost everything . Michelle , the nice woman who gave you to me , your biological mom ? Well , she has to go away very soon , but she loves you very much . And that pesky Jeffrey ONeil , he has to go away , too . And once all that s taken care of , you , your mom and I can all live happily ever after . Alan : You re obviously upset about Phillip . India : Upset ? I m upset when I exceed my credit limit . You killed the one man I ever loved ... who loved me back . Alan : Oh , please . Phillip never loved you , he ditched you as fast as he could say , Beth . India : Oh , right . Beth . The fair - haired simpleton . Alan : Careful . You re talking about Mrs. Alan Spaulding . India : Oh , I m supposed to be impressed by that ? Did nt waste any time brainwashing the little twit . But then again , she always was malleable . Alan : I ll have you know that Beth married me of her own free will . Now , why do nt you tell me what you want . You usually do nt show your face around Springfield unless you re pressed for cash . India : This time I m here to make sure that Spaulding Enterprises closes it s door to you forever . And if that means voting for your son , so be it . Alan : Gus does nt have the votes . India : And you do ? Alan : Do nt forget my new bride . India : If only I could . But this time even Beth ca nt save you . You re going to die in prison , Alan . A dried up powerless little man . Alan : We ll see , India . We ll see . India : You know , I never thought I d say this , but you make Alexandra look like Mother Theresa . Rot in hell . Alexandra : Okay , Lizzie , are you going to tell me what you ve done ? Lizzie : Well , if mom ca nt make it to the board meeting then she and Granddad ca nt pull their strings . Alexandra : And why would nt she make it to the board meeting ? Lizzie : Oh , because her flight s been redirected to Boston . So I ve heard . Alexandra : ( Laughs ) Oh , how could that happen ? Lizzie : How everything else happens in this family . Alexandra : Oh , well , Boston . It s not so bad this time of year . Harley : Do nt do that . Blake : Do what ? Harley : Do nt create drama where there is nt any . Blake : Oh , come on you re telling me that you actually want Gus to run this place ? Harley : I m saying that I want what Gus wants . Blake : Honey , you can just feed him that stand by your man routine to your little hubby , but I m your girlfriend . I know what I see . Harley : What do you see ? Blake : Fear . And for good reason , too . You ve lost a few good men to this place . It s not too late . You can tell Gus how you feel . We have nt even started this meeting yet . Harley : Please , that ball is already rolling . Blake : Interesting . This must be the new passive Harley speaking . Harley : That person does nt exist . It s just that this is something that Gus feels he needs to do . Blake : What do you need ? Harley : I need to stand by him and support him if I can . Hey , as long as he does nt turn into one of them . I ve seen what this place can do to people . Blake : So have I. But Gus is different , right ? Harley : Right . Yeah . Guard : I m afraid he s not allowed visitors . Gus : That s all right , I m his son . Alan : Well , what are you doing here , Gus ? Gus : That s funny , I was going to ask you the same question . Jeffrey : Look who s here . Edmund : You look terrible Mr. ONeil . Jeffrey : I ve got a cold . Edmund : No touchy the baby , eh ? Cassie : I ll make sure he stays away from Hope . Jeffrey : Any word from Dinah ? Edmund : Not even a postcard . There you go . Cassie : You know , I am really , really worried about her . We have to find her . Edmund : We will . I have to get going . I have a very busy day and you have a good day , Daddy loves you very , very much . He loves you more than anything else in the whole wide world . And you have a good day , too , and call me when Hope s doctor s appointments . Cassie : I will . Edmund : And keep your germs to yourself . Jeffrey : Such a nice guy . Cassie : He s right , though . You have to stay away from Hope . Just until your cold is gone . Jeffrey : So you re slapping me in quarantine , huh ? Cassie : Why do nt you go home and rest ? Where is that pit - bull Doris when you need her . Jeffrey : She s on vacation . Besides , this is a high profile case . I do nt want the whole thing getting flubbed up . Cassie : Go to the doctor and get something for that cold . Let s go , Sneezy . ( Jeffrey sneezes ) Dinah : Wow . Michelle , I feel terrible for you . I know what it s like to lose a baby . I do nt understand it . I do nt know why people like Cassie get what they want in this life and the rest of us suffer . Well , I guess nobody said that this life was going to be easy . Or fair to us . Michelle , to us . We deserve better things . And may things turn around for both of us as soon as possible . Ross : Thank you , Robbie , I ll be out here . Danny : Hey , Ross . Ross : Hi . So , you re having a picnic ? Danny : No , we re just have a little Bauer barbecue reenactment . Michelle : It s nice to see you . Ross : I m here to check up on you , actually . Michelle : I m fine . Ross : Are you ? Michelle : I will be , I promise . How are you ? You look a little tired . Ross : I am tired . And discouraged as Dinah s gone missing . Do nt ask me how she did it , but she left the night that the baby was born . Michelle : You have nt talked to her ? Ross : No and I m getting very worried because not only the birth of course but she had to leave the baby behind and I m sure it s taking a toll . I m sorry , Michelle , this is the last thing you need to hear . Michelle : It s fine ; it s fine . I ve actually been thinking a lot . Have you seen her ? Ross : Yes . We were at the house shortly after she was born . Michelle : That s wonderful . Tell me about her . I want to hear everything there is to know about little Hope . Gus : You re here because of the board meeting . Alan : There s a board meeting ? Gus : Yes , there s a board meeting . I m taking over . Alan : Good luck , Son . Gus : That s it , no fight , right ? Alan : Not at all . As a matter of fact , I need a little rest if you do nt mind . Gus : You got it . You know , I m just trying to save this family and this company that you practically destroyed , okay ? Alan : Good , give it your best shot . I just hope Harley is as supportive of this company when it destroys your marriage . Gus : Yes , she s very supportive , thank you . Alan : I m just telling you what you always love to hear , I m the devil s advocate , right ? I do nt blame you for having doubts . You and I both know this is not a very good idea . Gus : I think it is . I think it s a great idea . Alan : Let me remind you being at the top gives you different priorities . Gus : Kind of like it did for you . Alan : Harley is going to lose all respect for you , it ca nt help but happen . Gus : In your dreams , dad , in your dreams . Alexandra : The plane is on the ground in Boston ? No , no , it s not a problem , not at all . Thank you . Well , well , well . If it is nt India . Look what the cats have dragged in . India : What can I say . The cats are smart . Alexandra : Yes . Still the same old charming witty India , yes , or something . India : And you , Alexandra , still the heartless shrew you always have been . Alexandra : Oh , please , I do nt mince words with you . India : I already warned yours snake of a brother . Alexandra : You saw Alan . India : But you have nt . Alexandra : Not yet . India : I ca nt say I m surprised . Business comes before dying in Spauldingland . Alexandra : He s faking . India : Would it really matter if he was nt ? Hello , Blaze . Blake : India , ca nt you come up with something more original ? India : Why ? Even after all these years it still amuses me . Hello , Harley . Harley : India . India : You look good . Harley : Thank you . India : I suppose the fourth time really is a charm . Congratulations on your new marriage . Where is your husband ? Harley : He s off running errands . India : Errands ? Harley , that s what assistants are for . Harley : Yes . Well , it s not that kind of errand . India : Let me give you a piece of advice . If Gus wants to run this company , he s got to at least pretend to schmooze . Me , I blow in here every now and then , but the old guard ... Blake : She does have a point . Harley : Thanks , Blake . You remember what you were saying before ? About something else ? Gus : Hello , everybody , I m sorry I m late . Harley : Hi , Sweetie . How did it go ? Gus : Great . Let s get started , shall we ? Danny : Sorry to drag you away like that . I m just trying desperately to get Michelle to stop obsessing about Cassie s baby . Ross : Maternal instinct . Luckily she has Robbie . Danny : She s just ... I know she s been through a lot , but she not thinking very clearly right now . Ross : Good thing she has to you keep an eye on her . I have to stop by the police station file a report . Danny : Of course . Ross : Good luck . Michelle , Robbie , I m going to take off . You guys take care of yourselves . Michelle : You , too . I hope you find Dinah . Dinah : You re back . Edmund : You know , Jeffrey ONeil could have malaria and Cassie still would nt be able to stay away from him . What hold does he have on her ? Dinah : Richard s face . Well he does . Edmund : Fine . Fine . I m going to win her back . Just need to get Jeffrey away from her and then Cassie and I can raise our child together . Dinah : Your child ? What are you talking about ? I do nt even care , as long as you let me out of here I do nt care what you do . Edmund : I m sure you do nt . Dinah : I ll keep my mouth shut . If that s what you want . I can do that . Ever since I came back to this God forsaken town I have been your friend and a damn doom good one . Edmund : I m sorry I left your trophy in the car . Dinah : While you re out there maybe some more magazines , maybe some more newspapers , like this . Not that it s that uplifting . Did you hear about Michelle ? Edmund : What are you talking about ? Cassie : Hey , Ross . Jeffrey : Mr. Mayor . Cassie : Something wrong ? Ross : It s just heartbreaking reading about another Springfield tragedy . Jeffrey : Excuse me . Ross : Bless you . Cassie : Rick stopped by earlier . I just feel horrible for Michelle . Ross : Yeah , I know that . With Ed being away I feel this responsibility to look after Michelle . Cassie : That s what makes you such a great man . Ross : It s not all together selfless . With Dinah gone missing I am dealing with guilt of my own . Cassie : You have nt heard from her at all ? Ross : No , not a word . That s why after I checked in with Danny and Michelle , I filed a missing person report . Cassie : That s good . You know , every time I look at this baby I feel so guilty about Michelle . Ross : Cassie , do nt feel that way . Michelle is happy for you . Cassie : I know . I just wish there was something I could do for her . Michelle : That was nice of you , he always reminds me of my dad . Danny : He was happy to see you , too . Michelle : Just sorry he is so upset by Dinah . God , she s always been a handful . Danny : I do nt really know her , but stories are impressive . Michelle : She s got a good side to her . I mean , Edmund has ... Danny : What ? Michelle : I m just saying I think everyone deserves a chance , you know . Danny : I do nt know what happened to Robbie . I ll go check on him . He better not be on that step stool getting more ice cream out of the freezer . Your brother taught him that trick . Michelle : Danny ? Danny : Yeah . Michelle : On the way to the park , can we stop by and see Cassie s baby ? I m dying to see little Hope . Danny : Michelle , I do nt think it s a good idea to visit Cassie s baby . Michelle : Why ? What s wrong with wanting to visit a friend ? Danny : Honey , come on . It s more than that . I know what you re going through , I do , but do nt you think right now it would be so much better for you to focus on Robbie ? Michelle : I love Robbie more than anything in the world . Danny : I know and he s so happy that you re home . Michelle : He s happy to have both his parents . Danny : I really wish that you would just for now drop this idea of going out of town . This is your home . Michelle : I m just so surprised . I would think you d want me gone after ... Danny : What ? Why ? Michelle , come on . That is the last thing in the world that I want . What ? What are you thinking ? Michelle : I m just thinking if the baby had lived , things would be different between us . Danny : We do nt know that . Michelle : Come on , Danny , just be honest with me . If the baby was here , would things be different between us ? Danny : We do nt even know if the baby was mine . Michelle : No . But if she was , would we be a family again ? Danny : Michelle , I ca nt ... I got to go check on Robbie . Okay ? Dinah : Have nt you read about the story ? After giving birth at the scene Michelle Bauer - Santos managed to escape from the car . Her infant , minutes old , perished in the flames . Mrs. Santos was confused , said firefighter Herb Long , She believed that the baby was alive . That s horrible . She must be a wreck and that s only been ... ( gasps ) You ... you took Michelle s baby ? You did ? You found her on some road and you took the baby from her . Edmund : I did nt just happen down the road , and pluck the baby off the street as though it might be a bunch of flowers . This was a very well orchestrated plan . Dinah : You re not even denying it . Edmund : Why should I ? Who are you going to tell ? Besides , I ve been dying to tell someone . And who better than someone who can appreciate all the hard work I put into it . Come on , Dinah , sit down , relax and I ll start at the beginning tell you the whole story about how I got our beautiful daughter and put her in Cassie s arms with a little help from my new best friend Michelle Santos . Our daughter came into the world right on schedule . Blake : Ross . Ross , I m glad you re here . Hi . Alexandra : Ross . Lovely to see you , but what are you doing here . Ross : Alan - Michael and Amanda sent me their proxies . He told me that he had broken up with Lucy which I found sad . I thought they were going to make it . Harley : So did I. Lizzie : I have Mindy s proxy . Alexandra : Well , looks like everyone is here and accounted for let s sit down . Take our seats . Ross : India . India : Hello , Darling . Ross : Good to see you . You look great . India : Same to you . Gus : You all know that I have tried my hand at this before and I did nt cut it . But times change . I ve changed . I think it s fair to say that my family-- the Spaulding family-- was a little off course the last year or so . And as a result of that , Spaulding Enterprises has also been off course . But I think you will see in the document that I have prepared I have a plan , a solid plan to get the company back on track and I m going to need your support for that . To make it a reality , I m going to need your help . It s an important decision that we all need to make together . It s a decision that we need to make together because it s important ... how can you seriously expect to pull this off ? Harley : ( Clears throat ) Gus . Gus : Yeah , sorry . So to continue ... you are an idiot if you do nt listen to me . Look at your wife . Does she look like she wants this ? She said she did nt mind . You are an idiot ! She did nt mean that . You re not real I was nt finished . Alan was right . If you go through with this , Harley will leave you . Trust me . I know . Harley : Are you all right ? Gus : Yeah . I need to ... I need to get a little air . India : I should ve made popcorn . This is better than last time . Lizzie : We know how to put on a show . Alexandra : India , you re out of order . Well now , since my nephew was nt able to continue I suggest we call for a vote . Harley : Alex , can I say something ? Alexandra : Technically , no . India : I vote to let Harley speak . Blake : I second that move . Alexandra : Very well , you have the floor . Harley : Yes . Gus would not want to you vote without hearing more about what he plans to accomplish here . I mean let s face it . There s nothing exciting happening here . Nothing new . And no offense , but when I think of Spaulding Enterprises I think starchy . I think yesterday s news . We have to redefine ourselves for the generation to come . We have to really look how we portray ourselves in a digital age . I ca nt believe I actually just said that , but it s true . I mean honestly , when people think Spaulding Enterprises , they think corporate greed . They think old boys network . They think selfish , nasty people who care about nothing except power and control . There are other things . There s honesty , there s decency . The company will continue to move forward with those things . People will want to be associated with the Spaulding name . They will trust in Spaulding . Take a risk , tell your shareholders that you plan to do the right thing . This company is capable of making a difference in the world in people s lives . And not just ours . But generations to come . Gus thanks you . Alexandra : Well , thank you , Harley , for that . Now I would like to call a vote . Harley : Cast my vote for me , please . I ve got to find Gus . Oh , good , they re just getting ready to vote . Gus : Do nt worry about it . I do nt want it any more . Harley : You do nt want it ? Oh , boy . Edmund : Oh , come on , Dinah . If you stop to think about it , there s a happy ending for everyone . Michelle does nt have the burden of raising a child on her own without a father . And Cassie and I get to give Hope a wonderful life she deserves . Dinah : What about my happy ending ? Edmund : Well , almost everyone . Come on , do nt think for a minute that I do nt appreciate all your hard work . You ve been amazing . Dinah : Damn you ! You can not do this to me ! This is it ? Edmund : Dinah ? Dinah : I m never getting out of here ? Edmund : Please . I have a lot on my mind . Edmund : I do nt care . Dinah : You know what ? Why do nt you kill me . Kill me . Hit me over the head . Smother me . It does nt matter . Put me out of my misery because I swear to you if you do nt do it I m going to ! Edmund : Dinah , no one is going to kill anyone . Dinah : I ca nt do this . I ca nt . I ca nt . Edmund : Okay , you re having a panic attack you just need to calm down . Dinah : Oh ! I ca nt do this ! I need help ! I need help . I ca nt do this ! Edmund : All right , I ll help you . Dinah : I do nt have-- listen to me . Only thing that helps me is these . And I need them . They help me with my anxiety and they help me sleep . Could you please refill them ? Edmund : Absolutely not . You just talked about killing yourself . Dinah : I do nt care ! You can regulate my dosage ! You can keep my pills ! I need them ! Edmund : Okay ! Anything to get you calmed down . Dinah : Thank you . Go . Edmund : Save my wine . Dinah : You leave the hysterics to me Edmund because next time you come by for a drink I will make you go to sleep in a hurry . Cassie : Are nt you glad we let Mel check you out . I love the smiley face band- aid she put right where she gave you the shot . That was fun . Jeffrey : Oh you like that , huh ? Yes . I just love being poked and prodded by Dr. Mel Bauer . Cassie : Well , you know what ? At least now we know you have a sinus infection . It will be gone in a couple of days . What did you want ? Did you want nature to take its course ? Jeffrey : I think nature already has taken its course . ( Cell phone rings ) Sorry . Cassie : You re not supposed to use that in a hospital . Jeffrey : Jeffrey ONeill . Yeah , yeah , I got it . It s in my briefcase which is at Company . Look , I m going to have to call you back . Okay , you got it . Cassie : You have to go ? Jeffrey : Yeah , I got to go across the street . Back to Company . Want to come ? Cassie : No . I ca nt . It s almost time for Hope s appointment with the pediatrician . So we re going to hang here . Jeffrey : Okay , well you ladies behave yourselves . You take care of your mommy . Do nt let her flirt with the doctors . Cassie : I do nt know if that s possible . I mean who can resist the two of us ? Jeffrey : Not me . Danny : You got these delivered . Michelle : What is it ? Danny : It s a white rose bush . Michele : Peace . Danny : Yeah . I thought we could , you know , plant it in memory of the baby . Michelle : Oh , Danny . Danny : The nursery just delivered it . Michelle : When did you even have time to ... Danny : This morning . I ordered it . I thought it would be a good idea to plant it and say a few words , that way every spring when it blooms , we ll know that the baby is always here . Michelle : Oh . Danny : What ? Michelle : Nothing . Danny : Michelle , what ? Michelle : I m fine . I m actually fine . Danny : You re not fine . We need to get you checked out . Michelle : No reason to . Danny : You just got out of the hospital . Get in the car ; I ll ask Rick to watch Robbie . Alan : Beth , I ve been calling you why have nt you picked up ? Boston ? Have the driver get you here as soon as possible . They could be taking the vote as we speak . Harley : I m sorry . I just wanted to give you a shot . Gus : Do nt worry about it . They re not going to vote me as their new C.E.O. , Okay ? I walked out on them . Harley : I was pretty good . Gus : It was good . But me , I m a lost cause . I m going to get a sandwich from the cafeteria . You want something ? Harley : You re going to the cafeteria now ? Gus : They re going to be awhile I got to eat . I wo nt be long . Blake : They re ready for you . Harley : Already ? Ross : Yes . Everything is all settled . Listen , I have to go around the city . You call me at the office , okay ? Harley , good luck . Harley : What ? Gus is in the cafeteria . Blake : It s all right . You can come in . It s okay . Alexandra : The board has voted and new C.E.O. has been chosen . Harley : Alex , my turn to be out of order . Gus is right downstairs . He s in the cafeteria . Alexandra : Do nt worry about it , Harley . Gus will find out soon enough . The board has voted and made a decision and it s you , Harley , Spaulding Enterprises new C.E.O. Dinah : Edmund ? Here s to the next cocktail we re going to enjoy . Sooner or later I ll be walking out of here a free woman . And I m going to make you pay for all of the pain that you ve caused me . Yeah . See , Sweetie , you re not the only one with a plan . Jeffrey : Sorry . Edmund : Thank you , Mr. ONeil , that s mine . Jeffrey : Wait a minute . It s not yours , that s Dinah s . It was filled today . Michelle : Danny , there s nothing wrong me , really . I know my body ; it was just a cramp . Danny : Then you have nothing to worry about . We ll have somebody check you out and we ll get out of here . Look , please , do it for me . Okay ? We ll see if Mel s here . I ll have her paged . Michelle : Cassie . Hi . Cassie : Hi . _ Announcer : Next on Guiding Light ... _ Lizzie : Meet the new boss . Harley : No , no , no . This is a mistake . Gus is supposed to be the C.E.O. Alan : I can not wait to celebrate . Edmund : I need them . I m hooked . Michelle : I want to see your baby . Do you mind if I hold Hope ? Cassie : Hope , this is Michelle . Dinah : Cassie lives happily ever after with Michelle s baby . ### Summary:
Harley and Gus both make speeches to the Spaulding board . One of them surprisingly gets elected as the new CEO . Alan gets a visit from his son as well as India in the hospital . Danny and Robbie have planned a surprise BBQ for Michelle to try and lift her spirits . Michelle wants to see Cassie and finally meet Hope , even though Danny does nt think it s a good idea . Jeffery is sick , and finds Edmund with a prescription for Dinah . Ross fills out a missing persons report on his daughter . Dinah realizes what Edmund has done in order to secure a baby for himself and Cassie .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: B : <gap> A : <vocalsound> B : <vocalsound> B : How do you wear this thing ? A : Hmm . Mm mm mm . A : <vocalsound> B : Not too many cables and stuff . D : <gap> B : <vocalsound> B : <vocalsound> A : <vocalsound> B : <vocalsound> B : Original . <vocalsound> A : <vocalsound> A : Is recorded ? Okay ? A : Okay so welcome everyone . A : So we are here for the kickoff meeting of uh the process of designing a new remote control . A : So I will first start with a warm welcome opening <vocalsound> stuff , B : <vocalsound> A : then uh we will uh see what will be uh our product and what will be the different step we will have to design it . A : And uh then we will uh discuss if we have few ideas A : and we will uh end uh by uh dispatching the different task you will be <disfmarker> you will have to fulfil to complete this process . A : So <disfmarker> B : Uh . Just one thing . B : Uh , you said twenty-five minutes , B : but I have something else to do uh , so gotta have another meeting uh soon , A : <vocalsound> B : so maybe you could hurry up a bit <disfmarker> A : <vocalsound> sorry ? B : It's true . B : I have another meeting B : so if you could uh <disfmarker> A : You have another meeting soon ? B : Yeah . C : <vocalsound> A : So you have to be quick . B : Yeah , B : for the lawnmower project . A : Okay . B : Okay . A : So the the goal is to have a remote control A : so to have an advantage over our competitors we have to be original , we have to be trendy and we have to also try to be user-friendly . B : <vocalsound> A : So uh the design step will be divided in three uh main points . A : First it will be the functional design . A : Third is the conceptual design A : and then is the desired design . A : So the functional design is to identify the main user needs , the technical function the remote control should fulfil . A : And then we will move to f conceptual design where we'll specify the different component involved , what kind of user interf interface we want and what are the different uh trend in user interface and stuff like that . C : <vocalsound> A : And then the desired devi design will consist in uh specifically implementing <vocalsound> and detailing the choice we've uh made in the second point . A : So I will now ask you which is very important for the design of a new remote control for to uh each of us to to draw uh your favourite animal on the white board . B : <vocalsound> What an original idea . A : <vocalsound> A : Do you have any idea of which animal you want to show us ? <vocalsound> B : Orangutan . A : Okay <vocalsound> that's good . C : <vocalsound> B : <vocalsound> C : No no n A : <vocalsound> n n <gap> B : Can I give you the A : You should <disfmarker> B : <disfmarker> no ? B : But I don't have to say anything . When I'm drawing the orangutan . A : <vocalsound> A : <vocalsound> A : If you want to react uh about this wonderful drawing uh <vocalsound> I'll let you uh comment . B : <vocalsound> B : <vocalsound> C : <vocalsound> D : <vocalsound> B : It's an abstract drawing of an orangutan . A : Okay it's an abstract drawing . B : Yes . A : I think it's nice and original . <vocalsound> C : <vocalsound> You should write y the name I think . <vocalsound> D : <vocalsound> B : I don't have a red colour . B : Usually orangutans have red hair B : so this is a very important B : but I don't have red pen , so <disfmarker> A : Okay . B : <vocalsound> Yes . A : You want to draw something Christine ? <vocalsound> D : <vocalsound> <vocalsound> B : <vocalsound> D : Okay D : uh sorry . D : You have to imagine a little bit <vocalsound> um . A : <vocalsound> D : This <disfmarker> A : Of course your animal is recorded so it's not lost . <vocalsound> D : <vocalsound> Sorry too <vocalsound> uh . B : Yes . B : I know . A : <vocalsound> D : <vocalsound> B : <vocalsound> C : <vocalsound> D : <vocalsound> B : <vocalsound> A : Is this uh <disfmarker> B : Wha what is this strange beast ? D : Is it beautiful ? <vocalsound> C : <vocalsound> A : <vocalsound> B : Is it a monster ? A : <vocalsound> D : Do you know ? D : It's a cat . C : <vocalsound> B : It's a cat ? D : <vocalsound> Isn't it ? <vocalsound> B : I thought these things did not exist . D : <vocalsound> Yes yes A : <vocalsound> C : Me <vocalsound> D : is it <disfmarker> like that . D : Is it better ? C : Ah yeah . Yeah . B : Ah yeah <vocalsound> A : Ah okay A : it's pretty . <vocalsound> D : <vocalsound> Okay . D : <vocalsound> It's my cat . A : <vocalsound> Okay it's your cat . <vocalsound> B : Does have a name ? D : <vocalsound> Yeah . <vocalsound> C : <vocalsound> D : The name is Caramel . B : Caramel . Ah-ha . C : Caramel . D : Yeah . <vocalsound> A : Okay . A : Olivier , do you want to <vocalsound> C : <vocalsound> And you <vocalsound> <vocalsound> C : I think I'm too short for the cables . <vocalsound> D : <vocalsound> A : <vocalsound> Okay I go , A : but next time you'll do something I'm sure . B : Next time I concentrate . A : <vocalsound> <vocalsound> I'm a bit short on cable . C : <vocalsound> A : Okay . So what could I draw ? A : <vocalsound> Maybe I can draw like a very simplified cow . <vocalsound> A : I don't know if it looks like a cow <vocalsound> D : <vocalsound> B : He looks like a bong . C : <vocalsound> A : Like a what ? <vocalsound> B : Okay . B : Sorry . B : No . C : Quite squarey . B : Scary ? A : <gap> <vocalsound> D : <vocalsound> C : He also . <vocalsound> A : I dunno it it looks more like a donkey in fact <vocalsound> I would say . B : <vocalsound> D : <vocalsound> B : <vocalsound> I I think we will be finished this uh <disfmarker> C : Mm . A : Okay so I hope that it helps you uh in the process of designing a remote control . B : Is it for uh for putting a <disfmarker> for logos , no . A : <vocalsound> Okay . B : <vocalsound> That's <disfmarker> A : Let's move on . A : So <disfmarker> Here the uh financial objective of our project . A : That is to say to to have a production cost lower than twelve point five Euros A : and have a selling price of twice that price t in order to target a profe profit of uh fifty uh million Euros . B : I is there a matter for a new remote control ? A : <vocalsound> Yeah if it's trendy , original I d fulfil the user needs . B : Is it uh a single device remote control or is it a multi-device remote control ? A : We have to discuss that point . B : Ah B : this is not defined at all ? A : On <disfmarker> A : yeah you you can suggest points like this . B : Ah , okay . A : So what what <disfmarker> A : so we have to decide for example if it can control one device or multiple . B : <vocalsound> A : So what's <disfmarker> what are your ideas about that ? A : Maybe I can have the <disfmarker> your opinion from the marketing side ? B : Well uh do we sell other stuff ? B : Uh if if we bundle the remote control with something uh to sell then it could be a single device , otherwise it could be programmable one B : otherwise who would buy a remote control from us . A : Okay , so if it selled uh by its own i it it would rather be for multiple device . B : Yeah . A : <vocalsound> Do you agree ? C : Mm-hmm . A : Yeah . A : So maybe it should be for multiple devices . A : And uh do you have any ideas um of uh design ideas or any uh uh technical requirement we we should uh fulfil ? C : <vocalsound> I think we shouldn't have too many b for my part . I think <disfmarker> B : No , I couldn I cannot fi think of any requirements right now . C : If we don't have so many buttons could be nice . B : <vocalsound> A : <vocalsound> Few buttons . Okay . B : <vocalsound> A : And do you have it also to be <disfmarker> to be lighted in order to be used in the dark ? A : Might be a good idea . C : <vocalsound> Yeah . A : Okay . A : And do you have any um any uh idea of the trend <disfmarker> the trend in domain , what it shouldn't <disfmarker> it should look like , or things like that ? C : <vocalsound> C : Something which is not squarey maybe uh , not a box . B : Mm . A : With rou okay . A : Like for <disfmarker> okay . B : Something like that , least fits in your hand . C : Yeah . B : <vocalsound> Yeah . A : Okay . B : The basic requirement . A : So . Fit in your hand , yeah . B : <vocalsound> Only a buck . A : And also it have , i it may be <vocalsound> it may be important for the remote control to be uh <disfmarker> To , to resist to various shocks that can happen if it fall . B : <vocalsound> C : Mm-hmm . B : Waterproof . <vocalsound> A : <vocalsound> Water-proof as well . C : <vocalsound> And I think we should have a device <disfmarker> D : <vocalsound> B : <vocalsound> A : Maybe it is original because you can uh use it in your uh <disfmarker> in your bath whereas the others can't . A : Maybe water-proof would be very original . D : <vocalsound> C : Sorry . <gap> A : Havin having a water-proof remote control so that the people can uh use it in their bath . B : Mm . A : That could be uh <disfmarker> B : B it seems uh so , B : but uh if you don't have an waterproof remote control it means you can just cover it with some plastic and you can sort of f A : Yeah but , it is still something uh you have to buy A : and that is um not maybe very <disfmarker> B : And , and that's one of the <disfmarker> that's one of the shock <disfmarker> I mean there are people that have a remote control and they are worried that it's going to break and they put some extra plastic around it . A : Yeah , mayb B B : That's people <gap> they actually do it themselves . A : But maybe we can bulk it with uh already this plastic thing and uh the waterproof uh stuff as well . C : Yeah . C : <gap> directly . B : I it will look a bulky in that case . A : Yeah . C : Yeah . A : Maybe we can sell uh all that together , so so plastic protection and uh and a waterproof box as well . A : That might be good uh track to follow . B : Like as an optional thing . A : Optional or selled with it ? C : <vocalsound> And I I think we should have something , C : most of the time I I lose my remote control . C : We should have s uh special bu button on the T_V_ to make the remote control beeping . A : Yeah . A : Maybe we can have uh <disfmarker> A : But we don't design the T_V_ . D : <vocalsound> C : Ah yeah . A : Maybe we can have uh something you whistle and uh the remote control uh beep . D : <vocalsound> C : Yeah . <vocalsound> B : Barks . C : <vocalsound> Barks . A : Yeah , barks , yeah . A : So we can uh have a whistle uh remote control ? C : Yeah . C : Yeah whistle . A : I don't know , whistle-able ? <vocalsound> C : Whistle tracking . <vocalsound> A : Th A : <vocalsound> Whistle tracking yeah . A : Whistle tracking remote control . A : That's a good idea , that's very original and that's can uh improve . B : <vocalsound> B : That's that's quite cool , B : but uh of course we <disfmarker> you don't normally need uh any audio uh recording stuff on your remote control right ? A : Yeah d d uh . B : So i it's just going to add t to the cost . A : Yeah but s still we have to mm we have to <vocalsound> have an advantage over our competitors . A : I think this is a good advantage . B : <vocalsound> It's cool . B : I think I like the idea , B : but I'm not sure about the what you , B : who is giving <disfmarker> who's giving who's giving our budget . Who's <disfmarker> A : Yeah . We have to ask <disfmarker> A : Yeah . We have to ask the quest of that's uh design to the uh Industrial um Designer . B : Yeah . Yeah . C : Yeah . <vocalsound> yeah <vocalsound> A : <vocalsound> Which is you . B : 'Kay . <vocalsound> A : <vocalsound> Okay so try to find that for next meeting . <vocalsound> C : Okay . <vocalsound> A : Okay . So A : next meeting is in thirty minutes or A : so uh . <vocalsound> Don't pani . C : <vocalsound> Don't panic . <vocalsound> A : So so I will ask the Industrial Designer to find out more about this industrial design so any working <disfmarker> any working function we have discussed . C : Mm-hmm . A : So then I will ask the User Interf Interface Designer to to think about the point we discussed like the number of buttons , the the fact that is lighted or not , things like that , and what would be convenient for the user . B : Mm-hmm . A : And also um <vocalsound> I will ask the Market Expert to uh try to find out what are the absolute requirements , what is absolutely needed in a remote control uh for the user . A : So . A : And then uh I will uh just ask you to think about that A : and uh look at your mail because you will receive uh some good advice soon . <vocalsound> B : Mm . A : So . A : Thank you A : I think that's all for this point . B : Good . C : Mm-hmm . B : <vocalsound> D : Thank you <vocalsound> B : Uh , so we come back in five minutes ? B : Half an hour . A : Anyway you will receive some messages . A : <vocalsound> A : Be careful . A : You eat it ? A : Does it move uh ? A : Okay , but I don't know if it uh is still correctly uh <disfmarker> A : We'll see . C : Ah . <gap> ### Summary:
The Project Manager introduced the project to the group and gave a timeline for the project. The group trained themselves to use the meeting room tools by drawing on the whiteboard. The Project Manager presented the project budget and the projected price point and profit goals. The group discussed several of their initial ideas for the features of the product. They discussed making the remote able to control multiple devices, protection from water or from dropping the remote, and a locator function. The Project Manager then instructed the User Interface Designer to research users' requirements, and instructed the Industrial and User Interface Designers to research the functions and usability features that were discussed in the meeting. The Industrial Designer will do research on the whistle tracking locator function and other functional components. The User Interface Designer will research the necessary amount of buttons and the lighted interface that were discussed during the meeting and other usability features. The Marketing Expert will research users' requirements for a remote control device. The group would like the remote to control multiple devices and have optional water and other damage protection. The group will research the possibility of integrating a locator function into the design. NA.
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Steve : [ Laughs ] Kayla : You know what I feel like ? Steve : What do you feel like , baby ? Kayla : I feel like I ve died and gone to heaven . Steve : Yeah ? Kayla : Yeah . This is what I could nt forget -- this connection between us , the passion , the love . That s why I could never give up . Steve : Thank God you did nt . I know these last few months must have been hell for you . Kayla : It s been longer than a few months . I lost you such a long time ago . But I never lost hope that I d see you again ... I do nt know , this life or maybe the next . That s why I never really could be with anybody else . Steve : I know you said it was hard for you to move on , but ... Kayla : I tried once with someone , but it did nt really work . And I realized that I just could nt do it . Steve : So you really have nt been with anyone else ? Kayla : Unh - unh . You re the only man for me ... and definitely worth the wait . Max : [ Clears throat ] Mimi : Excuse me , Kate . Do you have a minute ? Kate : Actually , I m busy . Max : It s about Philip . Kate : What about him ? Mimi : Um , this photo that you showed Belle . Kate : [ Sighs ] She let you see that . Max : Mimi and I did some digging . It s confirmed that the man in the photo is Philip . He re - enlisted under a fake name -- Andrew Spivey . He was hurt -- badly wounded . Kate : Oh , my God . Where is he ? Mimi : They re claiming that any information regarding his whereabouts is classified . Kate : Well , when Victor finds out about this , it wo nt be classified much -- Max : He already knows . Kate : What ? Max : Mm - hmm . He s known all along . Kate : That Philip was hurt ? Does he know where he is ? Mimi : I think Victor knows exactly where Philip is . Belle : [ Laughs ] Victor , thank you so much for everything you did to bring her back the other day . Shawn D. : I still ca nt understand how she ended up in that woman s car . Her story does nt make sense . Belle : But why would she kidnap Claire for just a couple of hours and then bring her back and still not want the reward money ? Shawn D. : I do nt know . Victor : Well , I m just sorry you had to go through such a terrible ordeal , Belle . Belle : Me too , but I definitely learned a valuable lesson . I will never , ever let her out of my sight again . Victor : Except when she s with me , of course . Belle : Well , she certainly seems to have a special relationship with you . Victor : Ever since Philip left , this little angel has meant everything to me . Shawn D. : Victor , you should know that Belle and I -- we ve decided to work things out between us , for Claire s sake . Victor : Good for you . Shawn D. : Yeah , I m looking forward to spending time with my daughter the way that a father should . Victor : There s plenty of time for that . Shawn D. : Yeah . Um , until Claire is more used to me and accepts me as a father , Belle and I have decided that it ll be best if we cut your visits down with Claire in the immediate future . Marlena : [ Sighs ] We are on our honeymoon . I ll give you a euro for your thoughts , but I think I know what s on your mind . John : Sorry . Marlena : [ Chuckles ] John : The ceremony was a dream , was nt it ? Marlena : Our wedding was beautiful . And you did every bit of it yourself . I ll never forget that as long as I live ... the courtyard fountain , the wonderful champagne , Stefano s empty crypt . John : Yeah . I guess peering into DiMera s tomb was nt the most romantic way to start this new chapter in our life . Marlena : You think ? I had a thought about this . See , just because Stefano s body was not in the crypt does nt mean that he s not dead . He could be dead and buried any number of places . John : [ Sighs ] Marlena : I think they re just playing mind games with us because they know if we ca nt find the body , we ca nt confirm that he s dead . John : Stefano is alive . I can feel it . Marlena : You know , your close , personal friend , that lovely man who attended our wedding , did say that he was dead . John : Stefano knows I m on to him , Doc . Marlena : Which means that we know he s on to us , too . He knows we re after him . He knows he does nt want to be found , which makes him a very dangerous man . Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of our Lives . Mimi : We think Victor is the one who took Philip out of the hospital . Kate : Why would nt Victor tell me ? Mimi : Because he s hiding something or someone . Max : We think Victor has Philip stashed away someplace . Mimi : And we need your help to find him . Victor : You want to curtail my visits with Claire ? Belle : Just until she has time to bond with Shawn . Victor : Claire and I have already bonded . Belle : Yes , and you mean the world to her , and we re very grateful for that . Victor : And this is the way you express your gratitude ? I have done everything you ve asked . I ve complied with every rule . Belle : You did nt do anything wrong . Victor : Have you thought what it would do to Claire if I just vanished from her life ? Belle : You re not gon na vanish from her life . We just need some time to bond as a family . Victor : I understand that , but you re making a serious mistake that could have dire consequences . Victor . : I m sorry you feel that way , but in case you need reminding , you re lucky Belle -- Belle : Victor , please , just try to understand and respect our wishes . Victor : Claire had a father the first year of her life , the only father she s ever known -- Philip . Where s your respect for him ? Steve : How could I forget your eyes ? The way your skin feels ? How could it have taken so many years for me to get my memory back ? Kayla : I do nt even want to think about the years we lost . The miracle I prayed for is here , and he remembers me . Steve : Kayla , when I said I remembered everything , I meant my past before I disappeared from that coffin . But there are years I ca nt account for . Kayla : Maybe when we get back to Salem , you can see a specialist , and they can help you sort through it . Steve : No , no , I ve wasted too much time on too many couches . I ca nt do that again . It would nt do any good . My point is -- somebody went to a lot of trouble to keep me in the dark . Kayla : I do nt want to think about that . Steve : We have to think about that . When word gets out that I started remembering things again -- Kayla : Come on . You re scaring me . Steve : I do nt mean to scare you , baby . I wo nt put you in danger again . But if it comes to that , you have to be strong enough to let me go . Rico : [ Grunting ] John : [ Grunting ] Rico : What s going on ? John : Well , Rico , what took you so long ? John : All right , Rico . You re gon na tell me where DiMera is , and if you say , I do nt know , those are your last words . Rico : I swear . El capo e muerto . Dead . John : Same as I do nt know . Arrivederci , pal . Rico : Whoa ! John : I was at the mausoleum . The tomb was empty . Marlena : Please , John . Do nt kill him . Listen , Rico , for heaven s sake . You know we were there . John left his calling card . He wrote on the wall John Black was here .. John : El capo knows I m breathing down his throat , so he sent you here to kill us . Rico : No , I am ... hired hand . John : Bad career move , Rico . Now , you ve got to the count of three to tell me where he is , or I m gon na cut you ear to ear . One , two , three ! Rico : Please , señor , I beg you ! [ Knock on door ] Police : Polizia . Marlena : It s the police . The police are here . John : Get rid of them . Marlena : How do I do that ? John : I do nt care . Just get rid of them . Rico : [ Choking ] Marlena : Oh , buona sera . Is there a problem ? Police : We have a complaint of fight in your room . Marlena : In our room ? Oh , no , no , no . Police : Si . Crashing , groaning . Marlena : Oh , no , it s a misunderstanding . You see , it s our honeymoon , and that was actually -- that was just rough amore . Max : This is the date and time that Philip was transferred from the V.A. Hospital , and if we re right about this , Victor s private jet had to have left Salem and returned the same day . Mimi : We were hoping you could get your hands on the flight plan . Kate : Oh , no , I can do better than that . Hey , Lucas . It s me . Listen , I need to talk to Victor . It s very important . Do you know where he is ? Okay , great . Thanks , honey . He s having an early dinner at Chez Rouge . Max : But , Kate , you re not supposed to know about this . Mimi : Yeah , if you ask him where Philip is , then he ll know we blabbed . Kate : I m gon na be a lot more subtle than that . I ll get the information . This is my son . I m not gon na let him down . Shawn D. : We have all the respect in the world for Philip . He was a good father until he found out Claire was nt his . Victor : He did nt abandon her . He could nt bear to lose her . Belle : I told Philip that he would always be a part of Claire s life . Victor : Well , apparently , the part you offered was nt enough . Shawn D. : It was Philip s choice to leave . Victor : Would you have stayed around and watched another man raise your child ? Shawn D. : I was watching another man raise my daughter -- a fact that you deliberately kept from me . Belle : Okay , can we please just keep our voices down ? Claire needs to know who her parents are . She needs structure , she needs stability , and we will provide that for her . Victor : You re married to Philip , squatting at your parents home . Shawn is shacked up with a prostitute and working for a man who s being investigated by the police . Neither one of you are fit to be Claire s parent . Shawn D. : I do nt have to sit here and be insulted . Victor : But you do nt mind insulting me , is that it ? I am the only stable influence in Claire s life . She needs me , and I am not going to let you push me out . Kayla : You want me to be strong enough to walk away ? Steve : I m serious . Kayla : I can see that you are , but it s not gon na happen . Steve : What if I did bad things ? What if I m some kind of criminal ? Kayla : Then I ll be there at the jail , holding a cake with a file in it . Steve : What if I was married , had a whole gaggle of kiddies ? Kayla : Then I ll kill you . Steve : [ Chuckles ] That s not funny . Kayla : Come on . Let s just stop talking about what - ifs . Listen , the two of us will just face whatever comes our way . But I am not walking away from you . Steve : Now that I know how precious you are to me , I m always gon na worry about losing you again . Kayla : You are never going to lose me . Never . Belle : Nobody is questioning how much you love Claire . Victor : Do you have any idea the legacy your daughter stands to inherit ? Shawn D. : This is nt about money . Victor : Oh , grow up , Shawn . Stop looking at the world through the windows of the Brady Pub . Money buys dreams . It buys education , opportunity . I ve already established a quarter - of - a - million - dollar trust fund so that Claire can go to college . Can either one of you do that now or ever ? Shawn D. : Yes , college is years away . Belle : We are very grateful for that . Victor : I am the only chance that Claire has , and I am not going to let you take that away from her . Shawn D. : We are her parents . You are only her great - grandfather , okay ? We decide what is best for Claire . Victor : We ll see about that . Waiter : Oh , good evening , Mrs. Roberts . Dining alone ? Kate : Good evening . Um , actually , no . I m not dining at all . I came here to give a message to Mr. Kiriakis , but I see that he s very busy . I really hate to disturb him . Do you think it would be okay if I just slipped a message into his coat pocket ? It s that fabulous topcoat with the velvet collar . Waiter : I remember . I ll go get it . Kate : Thank you . Ah , perfect . Oh , thank you so much . I ll just slip it into the inside pocket , and he ll be sure to find it . Thank you . Waiter : Great . Kate : Oh , Victor . Now I ll find out what secret you ve been keeping from me . Kayla : Mmm . You smell good . Steve : So do you . Kayla : [ Giggles ] You know , I used to lie in bed . I would remember how you smelled , the way your body felt next to mine . Steve : That sounds like a lot of lonely nights . Kayla : It was . But I had my memories . Steve : We re gon na make new memories , sweetness . You ll never be lonely again . Marlena : My husband is molto appassionato . I m sorry if we disturbed anybody . I can pretty much assure you that wo nt happen again . Thank you for your concern . Police : The guidelines require me to inspect the premises , make sure everything is okay . Con permesso . Marlena : Uh , of course . Of course . Come on in . Darling . John : What s going on ? Marlena : This gentleman would like to examine the premises . John : Why s that ? Marlena : I do nt know exactly . [ Chuckles ] [ Chuckles ] Congratulations . John : Thank you . [ Chuckles ] [ Chuckles ] Marlena : Oh , my gosh . Where s Rico ? John . John : Rico . Housekeeper will find him in the morning . Marlena : Do nt you want to question him any further ? John : When you were talking to the cops , I got everything I needed . I know where Stefano is . Marlena : He s alive ? John : Apparently so . Marlena : Where ? John : No , you are out of this . I do nt want to hear another word about it . Marlena : John , we re married . We re a partnership . We are -- John : As close as two people can get . Marlena : Unless there s some kind of danger , and I have some risk of being injured . John : I m not gon na apologize for wanting to protect the one woman I love more than anyone in this world . Marlena : That s how I feel about you , too . John , listen to me .. When I went to New Jersey , I went to try to prove to my family , to everybody that I could take care of myself and my loved ones . John : You ve done that a thousand times over . Marlena : Tony and Stefano took years off my life . They almost cost me my soul . John : Stefano trained me to be an assassin , his pawn , so I know . I know how you feel better than anyone . Marlena : I know you re stronger than I am , and you re better - trained than I am . But I am just as smart as you are , and if Stefano is alive , he s dangerous . He s deadly for us . John : Do you understand what transpired here tonight ? Do you know a hired assassin came in and tried to kill us ? That s why I do nt want you to have anything more to do with this -- because I do nt know what I would do if I lost you . Marlena : I do nt know what I would do if I lost you , either . John : Come on , baby , nobody s gon na lose anybody . Nobody s gon na die here . I m just gon na find Stefano . I m gon na talk to him . Marlena : Not without me . No ! I love my life ! I love my family , and I would walk through the gates of hell just to spend one more day with you . But Stefano is deadly to us . John , if he s alive and he s out there , you need me . God knows I need you . Do nt do this . Do nt fight me . Just say it s okay . Say we re doing this together . Steve : Mmm . Kayla : Listen , I think that we need to talk about something for a second , so come on . Sit right here . Steve : You were just kissing me over here . Kayla : It s all right . Steve : What ? Kayla : Listen , I know that you and Billie have feelings for each other . Steve : Come on , Kayla . It s not like that . Kayla : No , come on . We can talk about this . I mean , how could she not fall for you ? When you met her , I meant nothing to you . Steve : Kayla . Kayla : She s in love with you , is nt she ? Steve : [ Sighs ] It never got that far . Kayla : But you wanted it to , did nt you ? Steve : Maybe Nick did . Kayla : You re not two different people . Nick is you . Steve : Oh , come on , baby . No . That Nick dude had no history , no past , no family . He was practically dead inside . But not me . Not now . Truth be told , I am two different people . I m the man I was before I met you and the man I was after . I m sorry to say I was nt as good as you , because there were other women . Kayla : I know . You told me in Cincinnati . Steve : The thing is -- when I was out there in limbo land , I liked to keep things casual and in - the - moment , you know ? And I think Billie did , too . That s maybe what we had in common . I guess we were both trying to avoid getting hurt . You should know -- I told Billie I was planning on ending things with you , and when I got back to Salem , I d be free and clear .. Kayla : Wow . You know , I m not gon na pretend that Billie s my favorite person in the world , not after everything that she did to come between Bo and Hope . But , you know , I do nt want to see her get hurt , and I think she s gon na be devastated . Steve : I do nt think so . I think she s been expecting this all along . Max : [ Clears throat ] We did the right thing . Mimi : I m not so sure . Victor warned us to keep our mouths shut . Max : Yeah , but not about leaking CIA information . I mean , that guy has something else going on . He thinks he s the king of the world . What about Kate ? Does nt she have a right to know where her son is ? Mimi : Yeah , I ca nt imagine having a baby and watching him grow up , become a man . No matter how old he d get , he d always be my little boy . I d always want to know where he was . Max : Do you regret not having a baby ? Mimi : You mean with Shawn ? Max : I know the embryos were switched , but if they had nt -- Mimi : Then I would be having a baby with a man who was in love with someone else . Proof that things happen for a reason . Shawn D. : Are you threatening us , Victor ? Victor : I m telling you that if you and Belle deny me my great - granddaughter , I ll have no choice but to take action . Belle : What do you mean ? Shawn D. : That s it . We re done here . Just stay out of our life . You re not family . Would you give me a minute to speak with him alone ? I wo nt be long . Belle : Okay . I ll take Claire to go look at the Christmas tree . Come on , sweetie . Come here . Hi , come here . Oh , that s my girl . Victor : So , once again , you re going to do your imitation of a man ? What s the plan this time ? Drive another car through my house ? Or maybe a knife through my heart . Shawn D. : I want you to back off . Victor : So you can play daddy ? You ll never be the father to Claire that Philip was , or the man . Shawn D. : I am as much of a Kiriakis as Philip is . Victor : Oh , now , you sound almost proud of it . I thought you despised everything about me . Shawn D. : Look , I missed a year of my daughter s life because of you . Victor : She belongs to Philip . It s his name on the birth certificate . Shawn D. : Philip is gone . He walked out on Belle and Claire and you , too , old man . I m still here . Victor : And you wrote me off , as I recall . So you mean nothing to me . And you re going to regret this . Shawn D. : I do nt think so . You re overreacting to a simple request for space . It proves me right . You re a bad influence . Victor : Claire adores me . Shawn D. : She s gon na forget all about you before she gets to the parking lot . Victor : And you , on the other hand , are going to remember this night for the rest of your miserable life . Thank you . Where are my keys ? Housekeeper : I do nt know . Oh , they must have fallen out when Ms. Roberts left her note . Victor : Kate was here ? Housekeeper : Yes , she did nt want to disturb you , so she left a note in your coat pocket . Victor : Thank you . Everything seems wrong when everything seems wrong I still can breathe when you are gone , my love and everything seems wrong Kate : Philip ? Max : Yeah , I guess you re better off not having a baby with a man whose heart belongs to someone else , huh ? Mimi : Yeah . I just , um -- I hope that the baby is better off . So what about you , huh ? Max : What do you mean ? Mimi : You want kids , do nt you ? Max : I do nt know if I d be a good father . Mimi : Are you kidding me ? Look at this place . It s like a little boy s heaven . Max : Oh , well , what if I have a girl , then ? Mimi : Who s your biggest competition on the racetrack ? Max : Stephanie . Touche . But I would nt let my daughter race cars . Mimi : See , you re already acting like a father . You just do what you do best . You d love her , you d protect her , you d stand up for her no matter what . She d be the luckiest little girl in the world . John : Marlena ... you know that this is nt just some chest - beating exercise in male dominance , right ? Marlena : I know it s because you love me and because you want to protect me . John : Then let me do that . Marlena : I ca nt sit in a Tuscan hotel room , waiting to see if you come back alive or not . John : I got a cellphone . I ll put it on speaker . You can listen to my little conversation with Stefano , okay ? Marlena : What do I do when the line goes dead ? Do I call the Italian police ? Do I call the embassy ? Because Stefano has all of them under his control already . John : And with that said , you still want to go with me . Marlena : I ll do anything . I will live by whatever rules you lay down . John : Damn . It s against my better judgment . Okay , you win . We will go speak with El Diablo together , okay ? Marlena : Oh , thank you . John : Just in case , I want you to put this in your purse . John : I understand if you re having second thoughts . Marlena : What do I need to know about this ? John : Right now , the safety is on . If you need to fire , push this button . Red means hot . Marlena : Where is Stefano ? John : Well , according to our friend Rico , he s under armed guard at a Parish Hospital in a town called Petacchi . Marlena : How far away is that ? John : 200 miles South . Marlena : If we leave now , we can get there by dawn , so we d better go get packed . John : Hell of a woman , Doc . Marlena : Is nt that why you married me ? Steve : Yeah , Billie said all along that I would eventually get my memory back and forget about her . I did nt believe it was possible . Kayla : What -- to get your memory back or forget about her ? Steve : Get my memory back . Kayla : Hmm . Steve : But I wo nt pretend that Billie has nt been supportive -- the way she visited us in that aquarium . Kayla : Visited you . Steve : [ Sighs ] Kayla : Are you sure this is what you want ? Steve : This ? Kayla : Me . Max : That s about one of the sweetest things I ve ever heard from anyone . Mimi : Well [ Chuckles ] It s true . You have a big heart . And if it were nt for you , I do nt know where I d be . Max : Oh , come on . Mimi : I mean it . You stood by me even when it cost you Shawn s friendship , and if I have nt told you lately how much I appreciate it , well , then , here it is . You re one in a million . You re a definite keeper . Belle : So , did you say everything you needed to say ? Shawn D. : Oh , yeah , and so did Victor . According to him , I m never gon na be the man or the father that Philip was . Oh , yeah , and I mean nothing to him . Belle : I m sure he did nt mean that . Shawn D. : No , he did . He was furious , Belle . He s coming after me . Kate : Philip ? Philip , are you there ? Victor : Kate ! I know you re here . Kate : Oh , Philip . Philip ! Steve : Kayla , how can you ask me if I m sure about what I want after everything that s happened here ? Kayla : I do nt know . It s all so new to you . Steve : No , it s not new . I told you . It s like I never left you . I m your patch man . I m your husband . Kayla : Steve . Steve : You re it for me , sweetness . You always have been . I m home . Kayla : [ Giggles ] Steve : Back where we started . Max : [ Clears throat ] Mimi : It s my mom . I should -- Max : Yeah , you should probably go . I got work to do , too . You know . Mimi : Well , promise to call me if you hear anything about Philip . Max : You know I will . Mimi : All right , well , see ya . [ Laughs ] Max : Yeah , see you around . Belle : What do you mean Victor s coming after you ? Shawn D. : He warned me that I would always remember this night . Belle : Well , of course you will . We made a simple request , and he went completely ballistic . But we did the right thing . We did what s right for our daughter , for our family . Shawn D. : I m gon na get my life together , all right ? I m gon na deal with Willow and E.J. , and I m gon na make you proud of me . Belle : The way you just handled Victor , I already am . Shawn D. : Come here . Hi . Belle : Hi . I ... Kate : Open the door , Victor . When everything seems wrong when everything seems wrong yeah , I still can breathe when you are gone , my love [ Music stops ] Kate : Philip . My beautiful , beautiful boy . I ve ... I ve missed you so much . Please do nt go away again . Please . Marlena : Are you sure that he can breathe in there ? John : I do nt really give a damn . You got everything ? Marlena : Our bridal bouquet . Gun in my bag . I am good to go . John : I never should have agreed to this . Marlena : I know you re worried about me , and that s a good thing . John : Yeah , how do you figure ? Marlena : Because you wo nt do anything to endanger me , so if you protect me , you protect yourself . John : People actually pay you for that kind of logic ? Marlena : I cure people all day long . John : Just keep in mind that Stefano is not an inner demon . He s the real thing . Marlena : Honey , I am stuck to your side like glue from now on .. Patrick : Mom ripped me off again , and if I do nt get my money back , I m gon na call the cops . Victor : I filed a custody suit on Philip s behalf , and Shawn and Belle are going to lose any claim they had to that little girl . Bo : Claire is my granddaughter . I got to get to the bottom of this . Patrick : Our trip is all set . Tickets and itinerary . First class all the way . ### Summary:
Max and Mimi bring their information about Philip to Kate and ask for her help . Kate convinces the hostess at Chez Rouge to give her Victor s coat long enough for her to swipe his keys and leave a note alerting him to the fact that she knows about Philip . Victor rushes home and reluctantly allows Kate to see Philip when he finds her outside Philip s door . Shawn and Belle request that Victor cut back on his visits with Claire so that they can bond as a family and Victor gets so angry that he threatens to come after Shawn . Max and Mimi talk about what it would be like to be parents . They almost kiss but are interrupted by a call from Bonnie . Rico picks the lock on John and Marlena s hotel room and tries to stab them to death in their sleep . John and Marlena were expecting Rico and are able to hold him at knifepoint long enough to get answers about Stefano s true whereabouts . Marlena begs John to be allowed to go with him to talk to Stefano and John reluctantly agrees . Steve and Kayla talk about their relationship and Steve pledges his love to Kayla .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Oliver : Tell me you forgive me , please ? Hope : ( Sighs ) Mm . I - I wish that I could , Oliver . ( Sighs ) And I m not-- I m not saying that I wo nt . It s just ... you have to give me some time . Oliver : I was so worried . You were nt answering my calls . Hope : Oh . Oliver : I - I was nt sure where you were . Hope : No , I - I was safe . I - I stayed at Bridget s last night . Oliver : That s good . Hope : Yeah . Looks like we have a lot more in common now than ever before , huh ? Whip : So Steffy was down here earlier with , uh , some computer guy . ( Clears throat ) Taylor : Yeah , she s determined to prove she s innocent . Whip : It was her voice , right ? Taylor : Yes , but I believe her . Well , at least , I m trying to . Steffy : I m not lying . Taylor : I did nt say that I think you re lying . Steffy : ( Sighs ) Taylor : Um , I invited your father over this morning . Steffy : What ? Taylor : You two need to work things out . Steffy : Um , uh , Dad fired me . What is there to work out , Mom ? Taylor : Your father s had a night to gain a little perspective . Let s try to give him a chance , okay ? Hello . Good morning . Ridge : Good morning . Taylor : Come in . Steffy : Look , Dad , before you say anything , you should know that I have somebody looking into what happened . The I.T. department s involved , too . I m not the one who revealed your wife s disgusting secret . Dad , I m gon na prove it to you . Stephanie : Well , I ve spoken to the newspaper delivery service and told them to drop a second paper at the guesthouse . Now is there anything that you can think of that we might have forgotten for the guesthouse ? Linda : I can add some fresh - cut flowers . Stephanie : You re a gem . Thank you , Linda . Linda : Of course . Brooke : Oh . Linda : Uh , morning , Mrs. Forrester . Stephanie : Oh , I did nt see you , Brooke . Uh , Linda , will you put those flowers in the guesthouse right now ? Linda : Yes , definitely . Stephanie : Thank you . Brooke : ( Sighs ) So Pam s moving back in ? Stephanie : No , actually , it s someone else who needs my protection , well ... ( Chuckles ) Much more than Pam does . Brooke : ( Sighs ) Okay . I ll bite . Who is it ? Stephanie : Your daughter . Ridge : Steffy , I just do nt want you wasting everybody s time . Steffy : Well ... I m not . Someone changed what I made . Dad , I swear I would never embarrass you like that . It s just-- it s important for me that you know that . Ridge : Sweetheart , I would be thrilled to find out that you were nt involved in what happened . But the truth is , that s almost irrelevant . Steffy : What ? Ridge : Because either way , your -- your hatred towards Brooke has consumed your life . And honestly , I do nt really want you back at the company until you ve gotten control of that anger . Brooke : You d better be talking about Bridget . Stephanie : Hope . Brooke : What ? ! Stephanie : Well , you did nt think that she was going to live with you after you had sex with Oliver . Brooke : I told you to stay away from her . Stephanie : Did you want me to turn her away ? She came here . Listen , she ll have a safe and warm and loving home here with Eric and me . I think you should be very appreciative . Brooke : I d rather she be raised by wolves . Damn you , Stephanie , for meddling in this ! Hope : Hmm . Oliver : Thanks for coming over . Hope : Yeah , well , you know , Stephanie said I should . She s pleading your case . Oliver : Really ? Hope : Yeah . But , you know , do nt be too flattered . I mean , she enjoys adding people to her list of my mother s victims . It gives her material to rant about . Oliver : I ve provided ammunition to last a while . Hope : Yeah , big - time . Oliver : So what did she say ? Hope : That I should forgive you . Oliver , you ve got ta understand . You know , I - I want to . But it -- it s all too much for me right now . Oliver : I mean , as long as it s possible , that s all that matters . Hope : Look , if it helps , um , I do nt believe that you hurt me on purpose . Oliver : I did nt . Hope : Okay , but you have to understand . I - I ca nt wrap my brain around that , okay ? I do nt understand how that could have happened , or how you thought ... ( Sighs ) ( Sighs ) I just -- I do nt get it . And I do nt think I ever will . Ridge : Steffy , you ve been lying . You ve been threatening my wife , blackmailing her . Steffy : She cheated on you . When are you gon na stop forgiving her ? Ridge : Would you mind giving us a couple minutes here ? Whip : Yeah , of course . ( Clears throat ) Ridge : Steffy , listen to me . I want you to respect my wife . I want you to respect that I love her . Steffy : No matter the mistakes she makes ? Ridge : No , because that s what love is , sweetheart . Do nt I do the same for you ? Steffy : Obviously not , because you fired me , and you wo nt even hear my side . I am innocent , Dad , and you do nt even care . You re too busy forgiving your wife for everything she does . Ca nt you see how frustrating that is ? Dad , just ... just let me come back to the company . Let me help the family . You need me . You know you do . Ridge : Sweetheart , I m afraid what you consider to be helping has actually been hurting a lot of people lately . And , no , I ca nt allow you to come back until you realize that . Stephanie : I m not getting into this with you . Brooke : You better stay away from my daughter . Stephanie : ( Sighs ) Brooke : I m gon na talk to Eric , and I m gon na make sure that Hope does not move in here . Stephanie : She s not a child . She can live wherever she pleases . Brooke : What have you been saying to her , Stephanie ? Stephanie : Just the truth-- that you probably did target Oliver ... Brooke : ( Scoffs ) Stephanie : Just the way you targeted her father while he was still married to Bridget . You re a whore , and your little girl finally knows it . Oliver : We can get through this . Hope : I hope so . Oliver : I mean , we can . Just -- just tell me what to do . Hope : Nothing . I think this is just something I have to work through . Oliver : Let me help , okay ? Please . I m the one that caused this . Hope : ( Sighs ) Maybe if you told me how , Oliver . I mean , I thought you knew me , the real me , who I am and what I d want . I mean , I - I have been picturing my first time-- you know , imagining it , how romantic you d be . You know , the -- the kissing and the undressing and -- and your touch , and I assumed that we were on the same page . Oliver : We are . Hope : Okay , but we re not . You were completely fine with just taking me out to some balcony and having my first time be some anonymous encounter that did nt last the length of a song . Oliver : You re right . Okay , it never should have happened that way , and it wo nt , I promise ... if you ever give me that chance . Hope : That s a big if right now . Oliver : Look , Hope , I m a guy , all right ? I m not -- I m not gon na pretend that I ve been imagining rose petals and candles when I think about our first time . That s just not how I think . You want to know how I let it happen ? Hope : ( Sighs ) Oliver : Cause I want to be with you ... bad , however and wherever you want it to be , and I do know you . I mean , I thought it was kind of weird when you said you were ready at the party , but ... I , uh ... ( Sighs ) I do nt know . Come on . It s not that unbelievable . You said you were gon na be ready , and you said that you had a present for me , something personal . And we started dancing ... I mean , I thought it was you . And it was getting pretty hot , so I just went with it . I ve been waiting for that moment for such a long time , and I did nt want to question it . I m sorry . I am so-- I m so sorry . Hope : Well , um , for the record , I will want candles . Oliver : You got it . Hope : And rose petals . Oliver : Done . Hope : And I want romantic music playing with each song specifically picked out with meaning to us . Oliver : D - does that mean ... Hope : It means that I want to move forward . I - I want to believe in us , Oliver , and you re helping me realize that I - I can . Mm . ( Sighs ) Brooke : ( Sighs ) I just ca nt believe that you said that to my daughter . Stephanie : Well , I had to . It s the truth , and she s got ta get away from you as soon as she can . Otherwise , she s going to end up just like you . You do nt want that . I m not gon na let you hurt her any more than you already have . I m just not gon na let you do that . Hope : Who are you texting ? Oliver : A friend . He was here before you came . He went down to the beach . Now he s on his way back to do a little favor for me . Hope : A favor ? What s going on ? Oliver : Well , you said you wanted me to plan some romantic music for when we ... you know . Hope : Yes , yes . Oliver : So I ve been working on some song ideas . Hope : What are you talking about ? Jason : Hey , how s my timing ? Oliver : Perfect . Hope : Oh , my God . ( Giggles ) Oliver : Jason Castro , this is my girlfriend Hope . Hope ... Jason Castro . Jason : Hi , Hope . Hope : Hi . It s nice to meet you . Jason : Likewise . I ve heard a lot about you . Hope : Oh , wow . Jason : Oliver says you like my music . Hope : Um , yeah . ( Laughs ) Jason : Well , he asked me to play a few songs . Is that okay , or ... Hope : Yes . Yes , that would be awesome , of course . Jason : Great , uh , what would you like to hear first ? Hope : Um ... how about ... Love Uncompromised ? Jason : Sure . Hope : Yeah ? Jason : Sure . Hope : ( Laughs ) Oh , my God . I ca nt believe that you did this . Oliver : It s no big deal . Jason s in town for a few days . Hope : No , Oliver . This is a big deal . You re always surprising me . ( Sighs ) Jason : I ll make you up and then I ll dress you down , and I m gon na kiss you all over this town , yeah , and I m gon na teach your love a lesson cause , baby , you re everything I ve been missin so kiss me with your heart , touch me with your eyes , and love me with your soul . I ll never compromise . Holding your hand shouldering your pain oh , I ll give you love like a year like a year of rainy days . Yeah , ooh . So kiss me with your heart , touch me with your eyes , love me with your soul , never compromise . Your hand , your pain . I ll give you love like rainy days , like rainy days , like rainy days . I ll make you up and then I ll dress you down Hope : Thank you . ( Chuckles ) ( Sighs ) Steffy : What s that ? Taylor : I do nt know what your father is thinking , but if you tell me that you did nt have anything to do with that videotape or exposing Brooke , then that s good enough for me . ( Sighs ) I do nt know . It s the story of your father s life . He just does nt seem to get it . I do nt think he understands that it is nt your anger towards the Logans that is causing this family to go down . It s his complacency and it s his pattern of looking away every time Brooke makes a mistake or some indiscretion or some scandal . ( Sighs ) And your grandmother has seen it for years . I ve seen it for years . And now you see it . That s why I think , um ... I think it s only right that -- that you have this . Go ahead . Open it . Steffy : What ? Transfer ... wait , Mom , I - I dont-- I do nt understand . Taylor : It s because of you that the Forresters have gotten their company back . So it s only fair that you have part of it as an owner . Steffy : But , Mom , what about -- what about Thomas ? Taylor : I trust you that much to give you this complete 25 % just to you . And I trust that you will give Thomas his -- his share , whatever he needs to be compensated for . Steffy : Mom . Thank-- Mom , thank you . Thank you so much . Thank you . Hope : Oh , God . That was unbelievable . Oliver : I told you he was my friend . Hope : I - I should start taking you seriously more often . Oliver : You really should . I do nt lie to you , Hope , not about anything . Hope : Hey , I ... I meant what I said , okay ? I do nt want to give up on us . Oliver : I love you . Hope : I love you , too . Oliver : Is something wrong ? Hope : Um ... uh , no , no . No , I m sorry . I just , um ... ( Sighs ) Hope : Oh , God . Oh , God . Oliver : What ? What s going on ? Hope : ( Sighs ) Hope : I , um , I ca nt . Oliver : Hope ? Hope : I - I ca nt do this . Oliver , I m so sorry , but I ca nt do this . I ca nt . I ca nt do this , Oliver . I m so sorry . Oliver : Hope ! Hope ! Brooke : I am going to say this one more time . I did not seduce Oliver ! And it really infuriates me that you re trying to convince my daughter that I did . It was an accident , Stephanie . Stephanie : See , this is exactly what I am talking about . Brooke : ( Sighs ) Stephanie : ( Laughs ) This is exactly what I was explaining to Hope about these profound , deep issues that you have with men . How many accidents can one woman have in one lifetime ? Brooke : ( Scoffs ) Stephanie : Come on . Face it . Just accept the truth . Your daughter has , and it s gon na make her a better person . Brooke : You know what ? I can take this from you . I -- you can call me whore every single day of my life . I could really care less . But you are not-- you re not gon na say this filth to my daughter . Stephanie : ( Grunts as she falls unconscious when she hits her head on the floor ) Brooke : ( Gasps ) Stephanie ! Oh , my God . ( Whimpers ) Stephanie ! ( Sighs ) ### Summary:
Oliver asks Hope to forgive him . She says she is not saying she wo nt , but he has to give her some time . She does nt believe that he hurt her on purpose or know how it happened , and she s not sure she will ever understand . He wants to help ; help her get through this . She tells him perhaps if they relive that moment . She thought he knew her and what she would want , but apparently not if he thought she would want her first time sex during a three minute song outside on the wall . Steffy is upset when her mom tells her that she invited Ridge over . They need to work this out . Steffy tells Ridge that she has turned to I. T. to help solve this . She is going to prove to him once and for all that she did not sabotage the Brooke video . She would never embarrass him like that . He says he would be thrilled if he found that out , but it is moot now . He does not want her back at the company until she can control her anger against Brooke . Steffy lashes out that Brooke cheated on him and she thinks he needs to stop defending her . He needs to see how frustrating that is when he defends Brooke yet fires Steffy . He tells her again that he ca nt let her come back until she realizes what she has done . Brooke shows up at Stephanie s and is shocked to find that Stephanie is meddling once again and has invited Hope to stay there . Oliver calls Jason Castro and Oliver explains to Hope that he s arranged for Jason to play them a few songs just as she ordered for their first romantic time together . The music apparently works and they are together again . Taylor tells Steffy that she does nt know what Ridge still believes , but if Steffy says she did nt have anything to do with the Brooke tape , then she believes it . Ridge seems to always look the other way when it comes to Brooke s behavior . She thinks it is only right that Steffy has this – she hands her the packet that holds the 25 % of shares in FC . Steffy is speechless . Oliver and Hope kiss and she seems into it , but then keeps having a flashback of seeing her mother on the terrace with Oliver . She pulls back and tells him that she can not do this , and rushes out . Stephanie tells Brooke that she had to get Hope away from Brooke , otherwise she will end up just like her . She knows Brooke does nt want that and Stephanie wo nt allow that either . The end up arguing the same point – how many accidents can one woman have in one lifetime ? Brooke rails at Stephanie and even moves forward and gives her a slight push . Stephanie falls backward with her head hitting the edge of the fireplace tiles .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Hope : What do you think , important for us to support each other , right ? Ciara : Mm - hmm , right . You re right , mom . I ve learned to not get hung up on my petty problems . And it may have taken a while , but I can finally appreciate claire for the person she really is . Claire : Aw . Eve : You enjoying your accommodations ? Ben : Is it time for my arraignment ? Eve : Arraignment ? Arraignment , what s an arraignment again ? I m sorry , I m kind of new at this job . Ben : You ca nt keep me here without an arraignment . I have rights . Eve : You gave up those rights when you murdered my daughter . You may have gotten away with that , but you re not gon na get away with this because I already had proof that you had means and opportunity to set that fire that nearly killed haley and tripp . But now guess what . Hey . I ve nailed down your motive . Ben : I want to call my lawyer . Eve : Oh , oh , I m sorry . Phone lines are down . Sarah : Here , just now , watching you pray , I just thought that s it , that s where he gets his strength from . Eric : What strength ? Sarah : The strength that everyone depends on . Especially your mom and sami . Eric : Yeah , well I do nt think I ve been very much use to anybody . Not for a while now . I mean , talk about strength , you and rex , you , uh ... you made it . Sarah : No , we just-- we did our jobs . Eric : Above and beyond the call of duty . Sarah : Actually we would nt have been able to do it if xander had nt given us rolf s diary . Eric : No , the hell with xander . You ... you did it . Thank you . I m very grateful . Rex : Hey there , beautiful . What are you smiling about ? Sami : Come on , eric , ca nt we be done ? We got most of it . Ca nt we just pack it in ? Eric : Grandma always said today s dirty dishes should be dealt with today . Sami : No , that was about today s problems . Eric : Face a new day with a clean slate . Sami : Ca nt believe we re never going to see her again . Eric : Yeah , well we need to take comfort that she lived a full life . Sami , she was dearly loved . Sami : And she d want us to focus on will and his miraculous recovery . Eric : Thank god for that . Sami : Yeah , I m not just thanking god . I am thanking everyone involved , including that creepy xander cook . I do nt care why he decided to hand over rolf s diary . I m just glad he did . Xander : Hey , it s me . Kristen : Just get in here already . I ca nt take the chance on anyone seeing me . Xander : Well , you would nt have to worry if you d leave your face on . Kristen : Are you kidding me ? I have spent so much time as that simpering idiot I m starting to lose brain cells . Xander : That must be why you summoned me . So tell me , how can I help ? Kristen : We need to deal with the ted laurent problem . Ted : [ Groaning ] What ? What happened ? Where the hell am I ? Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives . Claire : Hey . Tripp : Hey . How was the wake ? Claire : It was heartbreaking and really , really sad . Tripp : I m sorry . Claire : Just thinking about my poor grandma . Cold and alone . Just really glad I m here . With you . Tripp : [ Chuckles awkwardly ] Yeah , hey , look , we , uh ... we need to talk . Claire : Oh . Oh , this is about what happened with eve , is nt it ? Tripp , I told you , she was pressuring the hell out of me . I literally had no choice , okay ? I had to tell her that you were the one who framed ben . Tripp : It s okay . It s okay . I mean , she s the police commissioner , so I could nt ask you to lie to her . That would be breaking the law , and I know that you would never do that . Claire : Yeah . Okay , so if it s not about that , then what do you want to talk about ? Come on , just tell me . Whatever you want to say , just say it . Ben : Ciara , hey . Hey , you should nt be in here . Ciara : Do nt worry . Nobody s gon na know . Ben : I would nt be so sure about that . Eve was just in here . If she finds out that you came to see me-- Ciara : What I meant was , that nobody is gon na know that I was here because I m not here as ciara brady . I m your new attorney . Ben : None of the cops just saw you ? Ciara : Nope . Just the one by the desk and luckily he s new . Ben : I got ta tell you that you are a big improvement from my old lawyer , ted laurent . Ted : [ Groans ] The last thing I remember ... I was with Nicole walker . Wait , you do nt want me to tell hope about holly ? Kristen as Nicole : I do nt want you to tell anyone . Ted : Why not ? I know it must have been a shock and it s a lot to take in , but this is a miracle . Your daughter is alive . We need to shout it from the rooftops . Kristen as Nicole : No . We donT. Ted : [ Yelps ] I had just given her the good news about holly . Why would she attack me ? Kristen : You recognize this ? Xander : Holly s autopsy report . Kristen : Bingo . So maybe you can tell me why ted laurent had this in his grubby little hands . Xander : Well , I assure you it was not my plan-- Kristen : I do nt care ! Thanks to your carelessness , that sleaze was about to tell all of salem that holly did not die in the crash . Xander : That was unfortunate-- Kristen : No , unfortunate is the hairstyle I m forced to wear as Nicole . You not destroying that report was gross incompetence . And you re anything but incompetent . So as far as I can tell , the only reason you re keeping that is you were going to use it against me , were nt you ? Kristen : We ve talked about this . People finding out that Nicole s child is still alive spells disaster for us . So if you re planning on crossing me , remember what happened to ted laurent . Xander : Well , you still have nt told me . What did you decide to do with the former da ? Kristen : Now there s nothing to decide . There s only one option . Ted laurent has to die . Eve : Hope . Hope : I m in a rush . Eve : Do you want to hear how I m doing at my new job ? I actually accomplished something that you could nt accomplish . Hope : I m not interested , but congratulations . Eve : Are nt you just a little bit curious ? Maybe you would be if you knew it was about ben weston , your daughter s boyfriend . Hope , I got him locked up , and this time the charge is gon na stick . Ben : I have to tell you it was very smart of you to tell the guards that you re my lawyer . Ciara : Thank you . Ben : You even dressed the part . Ciara : This ? Ben : Yeah . Ciara : Oh , no , I , uh ... I m actually wearing this because I just got back from my grandma s wake . Ben : Wake ? Ciara : Yeah . My loving , sweet , amazing , grandma caroline . I had nt seen her in a while . She s been living in california with my aunt kim . But just knowing that she was there gave me a lot of comfort , you know , and now it s like ... Ben : I m sorry . Ciara , I m so sorry . Eric : For you . Sami : Thank you , dear brother . Mm . Eric : For grandma . For me . Sami : Okay . Ready ? To grandma . She was a wise woman . But her true gift was that she knew how to love . Eric : Yeah , I wish she had passed that gift down to me . Sarah : Uh , I m just-- I m happy about will . Rex : I know . Sarah : His scans came back , and the tumor has gotten even smaller , and IM ... I m just happy . Rex : Well , I know a way that we can be even happier . Like I said before , now that will is out of the woods , you and I can get married . Sarah : Right , right , we can start finalizing our plans . Rex : Yeah , I was actually thinking more along the lines of throwing those plans out the window and getting married right now . I comparison shop for everything to get the best deal . Gas is 6 cents cheaper here . Sale rack ! No ! And , for loans , I go to lendingtree . Com . I wanted to consolidate my credit cards in to a personal loan to pay them off faster . Lending tree made lenders compete for my business and I ended up with a loan that saved me over $ 9000 and no more credit card debt . I mean $ 9000 ! It s a lot of money . Lending tree , may the best loan win . Once - daily toujeo helps you Eve : Thanks to me , ben weston is gon na be behind bars , locked up for the rest of his life where he belongs . Hope : Yeah , well you have a lot to learn . The case you built is entirely circumstantial . Eve : What , are you kidding me ? Eli caught that bastard at the scene of the crime with a lighter in his hand . Any judge would see he had motive , means , and opportunity . Hope : Well , good luck in finding a competent da . Eve : You re bitter . Hope : I m not bitter , eve . Eve : No , no , listen , I get it , I get why you would be bitter , losing your job the way that you did . If you would just take a minute here and set aside that resentment , you would see that you should be down on your knees thanking me . Ben weston took my daughter away from me , hope , and I m trying to save you from that same fate . Ciara : So many sweet memories of my grandma . Like when I was a little girl , she would make christmas cookies in the pub s kitchen , while she and claire and I sang christmas carols . Well , claire sang them . I mostly just kind of like screeched them . [ Laughs ] Later she would let us put icing on the cookies and ... claire and I were so close back then . I m sorry . I should probably get going . I just came to bring you up to speed . Ben : No , thank you . So is everything else going according to plan ? Ciara : Yeah , so far . Ben : Okay . Ciara : As much as tripp did not want to believe that claire was guilty , I somehow convinced him . And we , uh -- we both agreed on the perfect way to get claire to confess . Ben : Yeah . Good . How ? Ciara : Tripp and I are gon na get back together . Tripp : Okay , the thing is , I do nt think we should get back together . Claire : What ? Why ? Why , tripp -- oh , is this because of haley ? Are you guys together now ? Tripp : No , no , there was never anything between haley and me , all right ? This is about me . Okay ? I m still processing everything that happened . I mean , ben weston tried to kill me for god sakes and ciara too . Claire : Okay , well what does that have to do with you and me ? Tripp : It s just she and i were both traumatized . Yeah , and I m really gon na need to be there for her . Ciara s gon na need somebody to lean on right now , and frankly , so am I. And so we need each other . Claire : Okay , wait a minute . Stop , wait . You and ciara . Hope : I understand what it s like to lose a child . We both carry that pain with us every single day . Eve : Yes , we do . And I do nt know if I ll ever be truly happy . It s more -- it s more about surviving . But I do take solace in knowing that I have finally gotten my daughter the justice she deserves . If only the interim da , aka your boyfriend , hadnt-- Hope : He s not my-- Eve : Okay , well , he quit out of loyalty to you . Otherwise ben weston would have already been locked up for good by now . Hope : I understand you offered ted his old job back . Eve : I did . And I am hoping that he ll make the responsible choice and accept it for your sake more than mine . Hope , it s too late for my daughter . But there is a chance that you can save yours . Ted : I got ta get out of here . Oh . Damn . Oh , god . Xander : You want to kill ted ? Kristen : He s obviously outlived his usefulness to us . In fact , he s a liability now that he s trying to score points with hope brady by coming forward with the truth about holly . Much like you were with sarah horton , when you gave her rolf s diary . Xander : That s not why I-- Kristen : Easy , tiger . I do nt give a damn about the old witch doctor s journal . I just want you to remember where your loyalties lie . And forget about getting the good doctor back into your bed . Sarah : You -- you want to get married right now ? Rex : Yeah , why not ? I mean , I have our marriage license and , oh , I took the liberty of picking up our wedding bands . Sarah : Wow , you ve had those on you all day . Rex : Mm - hmm , well , I figured they would be on our fingers soon enough anyways . So here s the plan . So you have a break coming up , so we can go grab the chaplain , and then mosey on over to the chapel and tie the knot . What do you say ? Sarah : I ... I say no . Sami : You know , I saw you and that sarah horton in the chapel at the hospital . Eric : And what ? Sami : I do nt know , just maybe sensed that maybe ... Eric : Maybe ... sarah is engaged to rex , my brother . Your brother , our brother . Sami : Our brother . Engagements can be broken . Eric : Why would you say that ? Sami : Well because I want you to be happy . And she seems great , and if you feel some sort of connection to her , I do nt know , judging by the way you were sitting next to each other , it seemed like maybe you were into each other . Eric : All right , can you just please drop this ? Please , please . Sami : I know it s a fraught subject for you because you almost lost your relationship with brady because of what happened with Nicole , but come on . I do nt want to ask . Do nt ask , sami , please donT. Eric : No , go ahead . Why not ? Sami : Why are nt you with her now ? Eric : I would be . But we lost holly . I did nt protect her . That s the way Nicole sees it , all right ? Sami : Kay , but that was nt your fault . Eric : Yeah , but I let chloe have holly , and so , in her eyes , I was nt there for holly . I did nt protect her , and Nicole ... she blames me for her death . And so I finally accepted that this is just the way it s gon na be . Even though I still love her , we re never gon na be together . Sami : Wait , what ? Say it again . Nicole and I-- Eric : Sami-- Sami : Nicole and I are never gonna -- never gon na be together ? Eric : Sami-- Sami : Never gon na be together ? Ah , that s the best thing I ve ever heard ! Oh , eric ! ( Meg vo ) I can just suck up my endometriosis pain ... Sami : Whoo - hoo ! Awesome ! This is the best news i have ever heard , yes ! Eric : No , no , no . You can stop now . Sami : I m not gon na stop ! This is very exciting . You just admitted that you and Nicole are never gon na be together , hallelujah ! Eric : Can you just stop rejoicing ? I mean , this is really hard for me . Sami : It s not hard for me . Okay , sorry , sorry , sorry ! But think about it , come on . Nicole walker is a totally screwed up human being . Eric : Okay . Sami : Okay ? And I know you two had , you know , whatever chemistry , but was it really more than that ? No . She s not worthy of a great guy like you . And now that you re free and clear , you can , you know , go after sarah horton . Rex : What , you do nt want to marry me ? Sarah : No , not right now . Rex : Why not ? Sarah : Because it s crazy ! We ca nt get married on my ten minute break ! ThatS ... [Stammering ] I mean , that s nuts ! And what about my mom and your parents . Even if we could get them here in time , they re expecting a big wedding . Rex : I know this and I ve thought about this , so hear me out . My dad , he just lost his mom , and my mom is still emotionally crazed because of will and all of the health problems that he has been through and your mom , she s going through a terrible time , and even if she was nt , planning our wedding would nt exactly be her favorite thing in the world because she hates me . Sarah : She does nt hate you . Rex : All right , you re right . She does nt hate me , but she thinks I m not worthy of you . Sarah , think about it . We do nt need anybody else because we have each other . Hope : Ted would never work for you and jack . Eve : Well , I m not so sure about that . I mean , I put a phone call into him , he has nt called me back , so I m assuming he s still thinking about it . Hope , when s the last time you talked to him ? Hope : Why are you asking ? Eve : Only because , unless you ve heard otherwise , who knows , maybe ted is reconsidering his options , personally and professionally . Ted : Hello ? Is anybody here ? Hello ! Kristen : [ Sighs ] Ted has left several potentially incriminating messages for Nicole , which , of course , i deleted . And now hope brady has made several attempts to get in touch with him , and she is unlikely to give up . Xander : Well , her situation will have to be dealt with . Kristen : Yes , right . But first , ted needs to be dealt with . You can use the tunnels to go in and out . Xander : You re the one that wants ted laurent dead . Why do I have to kill him ? Why do nt you do it yourself ? I wanted more from Xander : After all , you re highly capable of murder , quite the expert , in fact . Stands to reason you should be the one to off teddy , especially seeing as he presents more of a problem for you than he does for me . Kristen : Oh , dear , oh , dear . Are you refusing to do what i asked ? Have you , god forfend , been hit by the same fatal strain of moral compass that infected ted laurent ? I sure as hell hope not . I sure as hell hope that , since ted got those autopsy reports from you , that you acknowledge that this is your mess , and that you re going to clean it up . Ben : So you and tripp are gon na pretend that you re getting back together ? Ciara : Right . Ben : Yeah , I really do nt like this idea , ciara . Ciara : No , ben , tripp and i are just friends , okay ? I promise . You should know by now that i only want to be with you . Ben : I am not upset because I m jealous , okay ? I m worried about you . You provoke claire like this , she might try and hurt you again . Claire : You know , i completely understand that ciara s going through a rough time and all , but she has a lot of other people that she can lean on . She has her mom , my dad , rafe , me . Like , we have nt always been there for each other or gotten along , but I will definitely be there to support her now . Tripp : I know you will . I know you will . It s just you and the rest of your family have nt gone through what ciara and I did , all right ? It s like we have this bond , you know ? We both had this horrible experience of someone trying to kill us , my god , to burn us alive . Claire : Oh , I am so sorry ! You re right ! Oh , my god , I ve never been caught in a cabin fire . But now I do know exactly what it feels like to get burned . Tripp : Come on , claire . Claire : I seriously can not believe that you re doing this to me right now . Really , on the same day of my great grandmother s wake ? I mean , how cruel can you be ? Tripp : I m not trying to be cruel-- Claire : Damn it , like i really needed you there today . I really did . More than ciara or haley or anyone else in the world . But instead of being there for me , you just left me to fend for myself . And you know what ? You know what , that is totally fine . Because I am more than capable of taking care of myself , and i damn well will from now on . Oh , you are gon na be so sorry that you ever hurt me . Ben : If anything happens to you ... ciara , claire already tried to kill you once . As much as I want to get the hell out of here , you rattling her cage like this , it s not worth the risk . Ciara : Yes , it is . Ben : No , ciara , it s not . Ciara : Ben . I am not gon na let even claire lock you away for something that you did nt do . Ben : Well , I appreciate that , but this ... it s really dangerous . Ciara : I know . I know it is , but it s also the only way . I promise I will be careful . I m just counting down the minutes until I get to be with you again . Ben : Me too . Ciara : I should probably go . Thank you for being there for me today . Ben : Always . Eve : Look , I do nt care if the assistant da can fill in . You tell the judge that we need to postpone ben weston s arraignment . What -- because I said so , that s why ! [ Door opens ] Damn it ! Hey ! What the hell are you doing here ? Ciara : I just came back from my grandma s wake . And being there , it reminded me how much my grandma loved will and then that got me thinking about how wrong I was about ben weston in the first place . So I came here to give the bastard his key back . Eve : His key ? Ciara : To his place . Cleared out all my stuff . Told him I basically never want to see him again . And I owe you an apology . Eve , with everything that paige went through , I just -- it must have been so hard for you to just watch me give ben the benefit of the doubt and I am so sorry for that . And I m grateful for you and what you did . Thanks to you , I finally know the kind of man ben weston really is . Tripp : Hey , claire , come on . You need to calm down just as little bit , all right ? Claire : Oh , do nt touch me ! Rex : Sarah , I ve made all the arrangements . You do nt have to do anything . You just -- you have to show up at the altar , that s it . Hey , honey , do nt you think we ve waited long enough ? I mean , do you really care about a big wedding ? Sarah : No , I donT. You know I donT. Rex : Okay . Then what is it ? Is there some other reason that you do nt want to marry me ? Sami : Come on , time to go . You have to go find sarah , win her over . Eric : Did you not hear what i said ? She s with rex . Sami : Oh , to hell with rex . Did nt he cheat on her anyway with her sister or something ? Eric : How did you know that ? Sami : Oh , I have my sources . This is about you , eric . I want you to be happy . And I think sarah could make you happy . She seems lovely , so you should go after her . Okay , well at least promise me that you ll think about it . Eric : I -- Ill think about it . Sami : That s what I like to hear . Okay , I have to get back to check on will , and then I am going to go home to ej . Eric : Well , listen , I wish we would have gotten together under better circumstances but it s great to see you . Sami : Back at you . Eric : And I did nt even have a chance to ask you , how s ej doing ? Sami : Well , he s okay , you know ? Not the same , but then of course how could he be after what kristen dimera put him through . If I ever get my hands around that woman s neck ... Eric : Sami , I do nt think that s possible . Sami : I do nt know . I mean , everyone thinks she died in that fire , but a lot of people survived that fire that we thought did nt so who knows ? Eric : Anything is possible . Sami : Exactly . But maybe I will never see that bitch again . I mean , if she s not rotting in hell , she s for sure a million miles away from salem . Kristen : Sorry , Nicole . Looks like your precious holly died in the car crash after all . Hope : Nicole ? It s hope brady . I m looking for ted laurent . Ted : I m trapped in here . Hello ! Kristen as Nicole : Oh , hope . What are you doing here ? Hope : Wh -- Nicole , I m sorry to bother you , it s just-- I am looking for ted . Kristen as Nicole : Ted laurent ? No , I have nt seen him . Why would you think he d be here ? Hope : Because he left me a message saying that he had good news about you . Kristen as Nicole : Oh . Oh , I dont -- I do nt know what that could be . If you ll excuse me , I am very late for an appointment . Hope : But , Nicole-- Kristen as Nicole : I m sorry . I m so sorry . Hope : If I could-- Kristen as Nicole : Thank you . Hope : Come on , ted , pick up . Wherever you are , just pick up . Ted : Xander . It s Nicole . She knocked me out . I ended up locked in here . I do nt know how or why , but I m glad you found me . Xander : Mate , you might want to rethink that sentiment . Ted : What ? Xander : Cause I m not to rescue you . I m here to end you . Ted : Look ... Ciara : Hey . Tripp : Hey . Ciara : Where s claire ? Tripp : In her room . Ciara : Do I even want to know ? Tripp : I told her we could nt be together anymore . She did nt take it that well . Ciara : Surprise , surprise . Tripp : Now we re ready for phase two . What do we do ? Ciara : I went to update ben . I only got caught when I ran into the new commissioner . Do nt worry . I came up with a cover story , okay ? Eve does nt suspect a thing . Eve : I just ran into ciara . Looks like she s kicked you to the curb cause she s finally realized what kind of monster you really are . Ben : Yeah . Yeah , she did . Eve : Mm , could nt happen to a nicer guy . By the way ... I ll take the key . Ben : The key ? Eve : Yeah , the key . She told me that she dropped off the key to your place , and you ca nt have sharp objects in your cell . What , you do nt have it ? Hmm , well I guess I m gon na have a lot of questions for your supposedly ex- girlfriend about why she lied to me-- Ben : She was nt lying . Eve : Then give me the key . Ciara : Mm . I almost forgot . Here , take this . Ben : What s this ? Ciara : My cover . In case eve finds out I was here . Ben : Is something wrong ? Rex : Well , give me one good reason why you do nt want to marry me right now . Kristen as Nicole : Oh , I m sorry-- Sami : Who the hell do you think you are ? ### Summary:
Eve went to see Ben . He wanted to know when he was getting his arraignment . She said he gave that up when he killed her daughter . She said she said he had a motive to kill Tripp and Haley . He wanted to call his lawyer . She said the phone lines were down . Kristen wanted to talk to Xander about what to do about Ted . Tripp wanted to talk to Claire . She thought he wanted to talk about how she sold him out to Eve . He said that was nt what he wanted to talk about . Ciara went to see Ben . Ted woke up in the DiMera dungeon . Ted wondered why Nicole would attack him when he told her Holly was alive . Kristen wanted to know why Xander had the autopsy report . Before Xander could answer , she yelled at him for not getting rid of the evidence . She thought he was going to use the evidence against her . Xander wondered what Kristen was going to do to Ted . She said Ted had to die . Eve told Hope that she had Ben locked up and the charge was going to stick . Ciara told Ben that her grandmother died . Hope told Eve that her case over Ben was circumstantial . Eve told Hope that she should be glad that she was going after Ben . Eve said it would keep him away from Ciara . Ciara told Ben that their plan was working . She said that she and Tripp came up with a way to get Claire to confess . Ben wanted to know how . She said she and Tripp were getting back together . Tripp told Claire that they were nt getting back together . He told her that he had to be there for Ciara . Claire was upset about it . Hope told Eve that she knew what it was like to lose a child . Eve said that she got justice for her daughter . She said if Ted did nt quit , Ben would be in jail . Eve told her that there was a chance to save her daughter . Xander could nt believe that Kristen wanted to kill Ted . She said he wore out his usefulness to them . She said that he would tell Hope about Holly . She told him to get Sarah back in the bed . Rex asked Sarah to marry him that day . She did nt want to . Sami and Eric talked about Nicole . She wanted to know why they were nt together . He said Nicole blamed him for Holly s death . Rex tried to convince Sarah that they should get married without other people around . Eve wanted to know when Hope talked to Ted last . Eve thought Ted was considering taking his job back . Kristen told Xander that Ted tried to call Nicole . Kristen said that Hope was trying to call Hope , which would cause suspicion . She told him to kill Ted . Xander told her to kill him herself . She ordered him to kill Ted . Claire told Tripp that she would be there for Ciara . She was upset that he would want to be with Ciara . She warned him that he was going to be sorry that he hurt her . Ben told Ciara that it was nt worth it to upset Claire . Ciara did nt want him to get locked up for something he did nt do . She thought it was the only way to help him . Hope went to see Nicole . Hope wanted to know if Ted was with her . Nicole / Kristen said he was nt . She rushed off while Hope was trying to talk to her . When Hope called Ted , she heard his phone ring in Nicole s room . Xander told Ted that he was going to kill him . Ciara went to see Tripp . He told her what happened with Claire . Eve taunted Ben about Ciara dumping him . Kristen ran into Sami .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: Katie : [ Sighs ] Ivy : Eric s looking at your designs right now ? Katie : Yeah . Yeah . Um , Eric and -- and Ridge . Quinn is showing them . Ivy : All of them ? Katie : No , no . Just the ones that she thinks are the best -- and the waist chains . She was nt sure about those , but I think I convinced her . Ivy : Well ... I hope Eric and Ridge like them . Katie : I hope they do , too . God ! I feel so nervous ! [ Chuckles ] I feel like I m in high school , waiting to see if the teacher likes my essay . It s just that working here at Forrester with you and with Quinn and learning about this -- it s just been this jolt that I needed , and I had a really rough year last year , and I kind of lost my way , and ... I found it ... right here at Forrester . Eric : My , my , my . Quinn : I know . Eric : Now I understand what your concerns were . Ridge : It s not that her designs are bad . They re -- Quinn : They re bad . Ridge : [ Groans ] They re just not Forrester . A little experience , I think she ll be all right . Eric : No . I do nt think so . Look , let s face it -- Katie belongs more in a board room than in design . Well , we all know what has to happen here . Nicole : Infertility ? But that does nt make any sense . Dr. March : You have uterine scarring . Nicole : I had a baby . Dr. March : You might have a condition called secondary [ Echoing ] Infertility . Rick : Hey , Nicole . Nicole : Rick ? I thought I dialed Maya . Rick : You did , but she s actually at a photo shoot . Nicole : Of course . What is she doing today -- skipping around the Eiffel tower ? Rick : [ Chuckles ] No . Actually , she s at Notre dame , and I can not wait to see the proofs . Nicole : Okay . Well , when the fashion model eventually gets back , can you have her call me , please ? Rick : Is something wrong ? Nicole : I do nt know , rick . You tell me . Is there something wrong with the way that I m taking care of Lizzy ? Rick : What ? Nicole : Cause , for some reason , Maya has Pam scheduled to look after her , which does nt make any sense , and , if I m honest , it s insulting . Nicole : I carried Lizzy for nine months before handing her over to the two of you , so should nt it be understood that I m the one to watch her if you guys are nt available to -- I mean , especially if this is going to keep happening ? This is not what I expected when I gave her to the both of you . I expected Maya to be a mother and not fit Lizzy in between pursuits of fame . Rick : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Just back it up a second . What are you talking about , exactly ? Nicole : Listen , if you need someone to watch Lizzy , do nt go to pam . Go to the woman that gave birth to her , all right ? Lizzy : [ Crying ] Pam : Yoo - hoo ! Mail call . Katie , what did you do -- buy out a store or something ? These are all for you . Ohh . Katie : Awesome ! They got here really fast . I got some hardware so that we can hit the ground running if , uh , Eric approves of the waist chains . Speaking of waists , um ... are you part of our security detail now ? Pam : Oh . [ Chuckles ] This ? No . Katie : [ Chuckles ] Pam : Charlie had a steam - room break , and so he left his gun on my desk , and I thought , well , we should nt have it lying around , so -- ooh ! Is that one of your new chains ? Katie : Yes ! Pam : Wow ! Katie : Do you want to try one on ? Pam : Me ? Katie : Yeah ! Come on ! Pam : Oh ! Well , what the heck ? I mean , you got to get out of your comfort zone every once in a while . Am I right ? Katie : Exactly ? Okay , so I m gon na put this over your head . Pam : All right . Katie : So , this is one of my favorite ones because it s super versatile . I mean , basically , you re wearing something very casual right now , right ? You could wear this also with a couture gown and just add a little sparkle . Pam : Okay . Katie : Something like that , you know ? What do you think ? Pam : You have any with pearls ? Katie : [ Laughs ] Pam : Ooh ! That s my Lizzy alarm ! Gosh ! Katie : What s going on ? Pam : Well , Maya -- Maya set up this schedule because she s staying in Paris later than she thought that she would , and so it s my turn for Lizzy right now , so I got to go , but you know what ? It s ... different . [ Laughs ] Good luck with it , Katie . Katie : Thank you . Pam : Got to run . Sorry . Ivy : Well , I think she liked it . Katie : Yeah ! Well ... I hope Eric and Ridge do , too . Ridge : You re gon na fire Katie ? Eric : I do nt want to , but it makes no sense to keep her on just because she s our friend . Quinn : But you said that she s better off in the board room than she is in design . Maybe we can find someplace else for her here . Eric : If something comes up in the future in that regard , of course I would consider Katie , but we do nt have anything like that right now . Ridge : All right . Then we ll keep her in jewelry , and we ll help her out . We ll help her and teach her -- Eric : Look , keeping her in jewelry makes no sense , either , if we re not going to show her designs . It would make a lot more sense if she worked at some company that actually took advantage of her skills . It would be a much better fit . You let her know , all right , Quinn ? Quinn : You want me to tell her ? Eric : It s your department . It s sort of the protocol . There s a problem ? Quinn : No . No , no , no , no , no , no -- no problem at all . Eric : Good . Good . Ridge : I think Katie s gon na be surprised by this . Quinn : She s really been enjoying working here . Eric : I m sure she ll be surprised . But Katie s a rational person . She has to know this is nt working . Look , I ll step in afterwards if necessary , but I think she ll take it well coming from you -- one professional to another . Quinn : Okay . Right . Ridge : I ll go with you . Come on . Eric : No , no . No . Uh ... let Quinn do it . I do nt want Katie to feel ganged up on , all right ? It s your job . You take care of it . Maya : And we would have kept going , but daylight was fading , so , um , we re just gon na have to make it up tomorrow , or add a day or two , which I really hope we do nt have to do , because I m having so much fun on this shoot , but I really miss Lizzy . Rick : Yeah . Maya : Obviously , you understand . Rick : I certainly do . Maya : You okay ? Rick : Your sister called . It was weird . She was upset . Maya : Something about Lizzy ? Rick : She was upset that we ve been asking other people to babysit . She wants us to talk to her first . Maya : I tried to explain to her that I just do nt want her to get -- Rick : I know . I know . But she said she gave birth to Lizzy and she wants to be the one that we turn to . Maya : Okay . Okay . I - I - I get that . That makes sense . Rick : Yeah , but what does nt make sense ... was her attitude . It s like she was questioning us as parents . Coco : Hey . Are you okay ? Nicole : Hey . Yeah . Yeah , I m fine . Coco : Look , I - I overheard a little bit . Are you mad at me because Maya asked me to help out with Lizzy ? Nicole : No , no . I m not mad at you . I m mad at the situation . I mean , Maya s organizing this whole schedule , asking all these people to look after Lizzy , and I m the only one that needs to be on that schedule . No one loves this girl more . Ridge : [ Sighs ] Eric : You seem concerned . Ridge : Well , I - I just do nt think that firing Katie is necessary . Eric : Well , it s not right to keep her in a job where she does nt belong . Ridge : That s true , but -- Eric : And it does nt benefit her for us to create a position that we do nt need . It ll just make her feel useless . Katie needs -- she needs to be respected . She does nt want to be pitied . You know that . She wants a position of power and purpose . We need to let her go so she can find that . Katie : Oh , hi ! You re back . That took a lot longer than I expected . Quinn : Uh , there was a lot to discuss . Ivy , would you mind giving us a few minutes ? Katie : So , what did Eric say ? Quinn : Well , he looked everything over , and ... he took a lot of time considering . Katie : Right -- which pieces to use ? Quinn : Well -- Katie : I mean , certainly , we do nt have to use everything in this collection . We can use it in the next collection . Quinn : Well , that s -- that s not gon na happen . We re not gon na be using any of them . Katie : No . No , Eric said last night -- Quinn : Yeah , well , that was before Eric ... saw your designs . Look , Katie , everybody s got their own special skill set , and Eric thinks that maybe yours is not in design . Maybe you re more of the executive type . Katie : So , he s -- he s changing my position ? Quinn : No . No . He s , uh -- he s letting you go . Maya : You must have misunderstood . Rick : Yeah . I do nt think so . She said , I thought Maya was planning on being a mother , not fitting Lizzy in between pursuits of fame . Maya : What ? Are you kidding ? Rick : I m afraid not . Maya : I am a working mom , like countless other women . How can Nicole possibly think that -- you know what ? I am not gon na get offended . I am sure she s just -- she s just stressed out . Rick : And understandably . We re asking a lot of her . Maya : Yeah . Okay . So , let s just finish up here . You finish your meetings , I ll finish this campaign , and when we get home , we ll be with Lizzy . Nicole can relax and focus on her life with Zende . Lizzy : [ Fussing ] Pam : I m here . I m here . I m so sorry . Hello ! Nicole : It s okay . I was gon na put Lizzy down for a nap . Pam : Oh . Yeah , really ? Would you mind , then , just waiting for five seconds ? I m gon na run back to my desk , get my bag , and that way I can crochet when she s taking a nap . Nicole : Oh , no . I mean , you can go stay at your desk . I ve got Lizzy . Pam : You sure ? Cause , you know , I m scheduled . Nicole : Yep . Pam : Well , you want me to call Maya and -- Nicole : I ve already spoken with Maya . It s all set . Do nt worry about it . I m taking care of Lizzy . Pam : Okay . Eric : Katie values honesty . I m not gon na lie to her and tell her that she has a future as a jewelry designer . Ridge : No , and I get that , and you do nt want to gang up on her . I get that , too . But to send Quinn in there by herself , I just feel like something could go terribly wrong . Katie : I m fired ? Quinn : Fired is a really harsh word . I think you re just -- you re being let go . Katie : [ Chuckles ] I ca nt believe you re doing this . Quinn : This is not me . Katie : Oh , it is . Eric would never do something like this to me . He s my friend . Quinn : No . Eric -- that s why he s doing this . He assumes you re gon na understand because he s doing what s best for the business . Finding the right fit for you here -- Katie : Is there a fit for me at Forrester ? Quinn : Not right now . I mean , Eric was nt specific , but at the moment , there really is nt . Katie : You are unbelievable ! Quinn : Look , Katie , try not to take this personally . Katie : Oh , no . It s certainly not personal . Quinn : The jewelry line is not big enough right now to justify -- Katie : Justify what , Quinn ? Quinn : I think you re better suited for a position that s more about numbers and budgets , but creatively speaking -- Katie : You re telling me that I do nt belong here ? Quinn fuller ... Quinn : No , Quinn Forrester . Katie : ... Is telling me that I m not wanted ? How dare you dictate to me , fire me ? You re the one who does nt belong here . You re the one who does nt deserve to step foot in this building -- you ! [ Breathing heavily ] Quinn : Katie , I know you re upset . Katie : Okay , how does this keep happening ? How ? ! How do people like you always get what they want ? ! It does nt matter that you hurt people , that you lie , you cheat , you steal . Quinn : I never meant to hurt anybody . Katie : You always get to win ! I do my best . I do my best to be good and play by the rules , and it does nt matter because I lose ! [ Voice breaking ] I lose every time ! You get to be evil and commit crime after crime , and it does nt matter . No punishment . You get rewarded . You get to live in a house with a man who loves you . I asked for one thing -- one thing that s mine . Quinn : Not everyone is cut out for jewelry design . Katie : This has nothing to do with the jewelry line . This has to do with you . You ruin everything . Maya : I guess I just jumped to conclusions with Nicole . She s a newlywed . She s got a full - time job . I just assumed she would nt want the responsibility of taking care of Lizzy . I understand why she s hurt and probably lashing out a little bit . It s actually sweet that she wants to be so involved . Rick : She did nt sound so sweet on the phone . I think we should call her back . Maya : No . I think we should let it lie . Hey , do nt worry . I ll smooth things out when we get back home . Nicole : Hey , there . Pam thought she was gon na take you today . Lizzy : [ Fusses ] Nicole : I know , as if you need to be passed around from person to person . No more . Lizzy : Mama ! Ma - ma - ma - ma ! [ Fusses ] Nicole : [ Chuckles softly ] Lizzy : Mama ! Nicole : I m here . Mama s right here , sweetie . I m right here . Eric : She ll understand . Ridge : I m just wondering if I should be there in case there s a problem . Eric : You know something I do nt ? Ridge , no . I - I know it s your instinct to run in and save the day , but you do nt need to do that . Leave it up to them . Katie and Quinn might surprise you . Katie : [ Sighs ] Quinn : Katie , let me see what I can do . There has to be something here for you at Forrester . Katie : Oh . You think that you re gon na find me another meaningless job to placate me so I ll keep my mouth shut ? Quinn : That s exactly what Eric was thinking . Katie : Do nt you remember ? I know -- I know -- your dirty little secret . I thought you were smarter than this . I thought you knew that if you manipulated Eric into firing me , I would never keep quiet . Quinn : No . You re keeping quiet because that is what we all agreed to do for Eric s sake . Look , you are gon na get another job . Katie , you will -- maybe something here at Forrester . I ll do everything I can . Katie : I suppose it s good I do nt have to answer to you anymore , you know -- a woman who has caused so much pain , who is morally bankrupt . Quinn : Okay , Katie . Katie : Integrity , decency , goodness -- they mean nothing to you because you think that you ll never have to pay for what you ve done , but you will because judgment day is coming , sooner rather than later . You are going to pay for every horrible thing you ve ever done ! Quinn : Back up , Katie . I mean it . Katie : I m gon na make sure of it ! Maybe someone should just get rid of you ! Quinn : Katie , just stop ! God ! [ Sighs ] [ Gasps ] Oh , my god . Katie ... put that down . Katie : Winners and losers -- that s the kind of world we live in ... a world where people like me ... are alone ... and people like you ... go home to a beautiful house ... to a beautiful man who loves her . You have no idea ... what it s like to lose . Maybe I should change that . Maybe I should just do it and get rid of you once and for all . Quinn : No . ### Summary:
Katie anxiously waits with Ivy for Quinn to show her designs to Eric . Both Ridge and Eric have reservations . He tells Quinn and Ridge they will have to fire Katie if they can not use her designs and there is no place else in the company right now for her . He wants Quinn to tell her . Not even Ridge can go with her . He does not want Katie to feel ganged up on . Ridge shows his reservations but Eric stands firm that they can not just create another position where Katie is not needed . She will know . Nicole calls Maya but she gets Rick instead since Maya is on a photo shoot . He senses something is wrong and Nicole admits it is insulting for Maya to just leave and go where she wants and asked Pam to watch Lizzy instead of her who carried her for nine months . Pam stops by to see Ivy and just happens to have Charlie s holster with gun around her hips . Seems Charlie is in the steam room on his break . Pam takes it off long enough to admire some of the jewelry . Then she gets an urgent call and has to go . Quinn goes in to talk to Katie after excusing Ivy . Gently she tells her they are not going to use her jewelry designs and they have no more room for her in any executive position so they are letting her go . Rick explains to Maya how upset Nicole is about her working and then not asking Nicole to care for Lizzy . Rick says they are asking a lot of Nicole and she is just upset . Nicole tells Pam that she can go back to her desk as she is taking care of Lizzy just fine . Ridge tells Eric that he is just afraid with Quinn going in to see Katie alone that something could go wrong . Katie blames it all on Quinn as she knows Eric would never fire her . Quinn says she need not take this personally . It was Eric s decision . Katie gets all fired up and laments that Quinn always gets what she wants . She says she does her best to play by the rules but she loses every time to evil people like Quinn . This has nothing to do with the jewelry line . Quinn just manages to ruin everything . Nicole responds to Lizzy calling out mama and says that she is being passed on from person to person but no more . Eric tells Ridge that he might be surprised how well this will go with Katie . Quinn assures Katie that she will get another job . Katie rants that she knows her dirty little secret and she will pay and she will make sure of it . They struggle and shove each other . Katie falls backward and she lands in the chair right next to the gun . She picks it up and with shaking hands aims it at Quinn while ranting maybe she should do everyone a favor once and for all .
<s>### Instruction: You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only. ### Dialogue: J.R. : Would you look at those reflexes . Guess we re going to have to sign you up for peewee lacrosse here soon , huh ? Nanny : You need me , Mr. Chandler ? J.R. : Not anymore . Nanny : Excuse me , sir ? J.R. : How about two weeks pay with no notice ? Nanny : Mr. Chandler , I -- I do nt understand . Little Adam and I get along very well . J.R. : Not when you re singing . It s like fingernails on a chalkboard . Nanny : Since when is a good singing voice a requirement ? I -- I have worked for the best families . J.R. : Not this one . Now , if you re packed by noon , I will give you a good recommendation , and I ll leave out the part about being tone deaf . Nanny : I -- I have never . J.R. : Now you have . Do nt worry . We ll find a nanny who does nt have a voice that sounds like a blender . Yeah . Babe : Yes , hi , I was just calling to check on visiting hours . Ok . Got it , thanks . Babe : Good morning . Brooke : I hope so . Uh , have you seen Jamie this morning ? I just wanted to talk to him . Babe : I wish I could say yes . Brooke : Well , at least you did nt say , I do . Sorry . Babe : I m getting a little worried . He left , he was pretty angry . But I know you re glad how it turned out , so -- Brooke : Look , it s not you exactly . You re just -- you re so young . Babe : And way past my quota of mistakes ? Brooke : Hey , I do nt want either one of you to get hurt , ok ? Tad : Brooke ! Want some breakfast ? Sugarcoated critters and sliced - up quackers bar . Did I miss something ? Babe : It s ok . Really , I understand . Tad : What the hell s that ? Brooke : I do nt know . Sounds like a motorcycle . Babe : What ? Brooke : Oh , my God . Oh , my God ! Babe : Oh , whoa ! Brooke : Who are you ? Put her down ! Tad , do something . Do something ! Babe : Put me down ! Brooke : Who are you ? I mean it , tell me who you are . I m calling the police . If you do nt put her down , I m calling the police ! Babe : I m serious � Brooke : Tad , what s the matter with you ? Tad : Now , about that cereal � Reggie : So , Lily , you still want me to take you to your Life Skills classes ? Lily : Yes . I ve missed six assignments . I need to catch up . Reggie : You ll be back on schedule in no time . You know , I m really glad you re going back . Lily : I need to get my jacket . It s supposed to be 52 degrees outside , no rain , slight breeze . Reggie : Do nt forget your maps . Reggie : Where do you get off showing your face around here ? Jack : Whoa , whoa , Reggie , it s ok . I asked Aidan to come by . Reggie : What for ? Jack : Well , ever since Lily made headlines as an eyewitness to Edmund s murder , Aidan s going to put a little more security on her . Reggie : But Lily did nt see anything , and Zach the ripper , he s behind bars , so what s the deal ? Jack : Well , Zach s not the only threat in this town . There s someone else who likes to hurt the women in our family . Greenlee [ sleeping ] : Ryan ? Ryan ? Ryan , I ca nt move . Can you hear me ? Ryan , say something , please . Ryan -- Ryan , turn around quick ! It s Braden ! Ryan ! Ryan ! Ryan : Now , is that any kind of way to treat your husband ? Greenlee : I had a bad dream . Ryan : You did ? You ok ? Greenlee : I am now that you re here . Ryan : The question is , why are you here ? I told you to stay at Jack s or at your old place . Greenlee : I feel safe here . It s home . Besides , waking up at Chez Lavery has its perks , especially when you re here . Ryan : Well , I m sorry I ca nt stick around and perk with you . I ca nt stay long . Greenlee : Braden . You still want to find him . Ryan : Jonathan is trying to contact him right now . So far , nothing . Greenlee : Good . Let the cops deal with him . Ryan : I will as soon as I talk to him . Greenlee : Braden shoots first , talks later . Ryan : Not this time , Greenlee , ok ? Look , it s my fault that he skipped out five years ago . I have to finish this . None of us have any kind of future until I do . Jack : No , I got nothing new on Braden Lavery , not a damn thing . Aidan : You think Braden s still out there waiting for another shot at Ryan ? Jack : Well , according to Jonathan , he is . Not the most reliable source , but he s all we ve got , now is nt he ? Aidan : Listen , I want to coordinate with you about Lily , all right ? Reggie : She is coordinated . I got her back 24/7 . I mean , I m taking her to her classes , I m picking her up afterwards until this whole thing is over . Aidan : Well , then she s in good hands . Reggie : You got that right . Aidan : Hi , Lily . Do nt worry , I m -- I m just leaving . Jack , I ll take care of Lily , all right ? Jack : Thank you . Reggie : Come on , Lily , we got to bounce . I mean , we got to go . Lily : We have 23 minutes until the bell . Reggie : Oh , we d better get a move on , then . Catch you later , J. Lily : Bye , Dad . Jack : Bye , sweetheart . Hey . Be safe , ok ? I love you . Adam : That s the third nanny you ve fired in as many weeks . J.R. : You know what they say -- Good help is hard to find . Adam : They all had impeccable credentials . They re perfectly qualified to take care of little Adam . J.R. : On paper . That is not good enough . Adam : That one was the best of the lot . J.R. : Obviously , you did nt hear her concert . She sounded like she was a bullfrog in heat . My son has a very good ear for music , and he deserves to have a nanny that can carry a tune . Do nt you ? Do nt you , buddy ? See , watch this . See ? Watch this . J.R. : See ? He loves it . See that smile ? Yeah . Adam : J.R. , you ca nt keep firing these women because they re not your mother . Babe : Well , that was some up and at em , Tarzan . Where are we ? Jamie : We re home . My buddy Gary got married and moved west . His dad , Ben , he owns this place and the garage downstairs . He gave me a job . I can fix bikes , cars , computers , whatever they need . Salary includes rent . So , what do you think ? Babe : You re not still mad at me for calling off the wedding ? Jamie : I was . But I took it out on a couple hundred miles of road . Babe : I never meant to hurt your feelings . Jamie : Know what really made me mad was all that stuff about you not being good enough , and I was equally as ticked at myself . I totally sprang that wedding on you . Babe : It was romantic . Jamie : Yeah , but how am I supposed to offer you a future with zero way of making it happen ? After the wedding night , then what ? But now I ve got a job and a place to live . A fresh start , just the two of us . Babe : Jamie , this is awesome , but I still do nt think I m ready to get married . Jamie : Babe , do you see the justice of the peace anywhere around here ? We re not getting married . Well , not yet . I want us to have a plan , something that we can build on so we get the future that we want . Krystal : What the -- Woman : Oops . Krystal : All right , you just hold it right there . Woman : You got a problem ? Krystal : Are you clumsy , or do you just like to eat off the floor ? Woman : You got a mouth . Krystal : Yeah , and I can count , too . And this is the third time somebody s messed with me today , and it s not even noon . Woman : It was an accident . Do nt bust my chops . Krystal : Oh , like hell it was . You and your pals have been nonstop since I checked in . You think I m going to crack , you got another thing coming , all right ? So why do nt you just pick on somebody your own size -- like a cockroach . Woman : You ai nt seen nothing yet , kitty cat . You got something real special coming your way . Brooke : So when did my son become Darth Vader ? Tad : Sometimes bold action is warranted . Brooke : Mm - hmm . Tad : You sure you do nt want a bite ? It s skim milk . Brooke : No , thank you . It s not a joke , you know . Tad : I know it s not . To young love , with a touch of the dramatic . Brooke : Well , that comes from your side , does nt it ? Tad : Hey , you re the one that taught him to ride a motorcycle in the first place . No , tell us all all over again about how you peeled into town and burnt rubber in Phoebe s driveway . Brooke : Well , first of all , Aunt Phoebe tells that story more than I do . Tad : Brace yourself , Bridget . The costume routine worked with Dixie . Brooke : Please tell me that my son is not eloping . They have more than their share of problems . Tad : Yeah , do nt we all . You know , if Dixie were still around , we d probably have a few less . One thing s for sure -- she would ve squeezed the Chandler right out of J.R. , made sure he grew up with a heart . Then again , if Dixie were still around , I d be a different man . J.R. : You know , I dreamed about Mom the other night . It was so real , like she d never left . She smiled at me and she picked up little Adam and she put him on her lap , like she used to put me on her lap . And she sang . She sang that song . And her voice was so beautiful and so clear . I forgot how much I loved to hear Mom sing . And it was so pure , I just -- I just could nt get enough of it . Adam : Dixie was a wonderful mother . Obstinate and wrong - headed about half the time , but nobody ever loved you more than she did . J.R. : I do nt know what I would ve done without her . My father was a cold- hearted snake . Adam : Well , no one s ever accused me of oozing maternal warmth . Dixie was one of a kind , no doubt . Which is why no one can take her place . Jamie : Here , take it . That s my last five bucks . And -- that s 37 cents . Wait . And a mint . Babe : And what is this for ? Jamie : Security deposit . It s everything I have , and it s yours . Babe : But I have all I need . Jamie : No , you have this whacked idea that if I marry you , I ll be sorry somewhere down the line . Babe : Jamie , if you look at it , our lives have been nothing but crazy . I -- ok , if we start living normal , you realize it might do us in , and , yes , you think that my tomato soup is really cute and my guac is killer , but a month , even a year from now , you might want to just chuck it out the window . Jamie : I m going to prove to you we re going to last . So here s the deal -- we give it six months . In six months , if I do nt love you as much as I love you right now , we pack it in . And that goes both ways . You can bail , too . But in six months , if we ve fallen deeper and harder in love , we set a date . No fear , no regret . Deal ? Babe : Do I get to keep the mint ? Deal . Ryan : Very nice . The only thing missing is a matching set of luggage . Greenlee : I wo nt stay at Jack s . Ryan : I want you safe . Greenlee : Oh , while you play bait for Braden ? Ryan : No , it s not going to be like that . It s not going to be like I ll be all by myself . Jonathan will be there with me . Greenlee : If you tell me he s got your back , I ll barf . Ryan : Greenlee , I actually got through to him last night . He understands that we have to bring Braden in , and the only way to do it is to flush him out in the open . Greenlee : Well , maybe he s flushed himself right out of town . Have you talked to your sister ? Maybe Erin s heard from him or something . Ryan : I called her a couple times , no answer . Greenlee : Not even a machine ? Oh , my God , you do nt -- you do nt think that Braden would go after her , too , would he ? Ryan : No . No , what he wants is right here . It s in Pine Valley . Greenlee : I ve been here . The good guys do nt always come back . Ryan : I ll get it . Greenlee : No , I m not going to hide , not in my own home . Ryan : Who is it ? Jack : Ryan , it s Jack . Hey , sweetheart . Greenlee : If you re here to make me move to your place , forget it . Jack : We ll talk about that in a minute . Right now , I need to talk to you about Braden . Ryan : Hey . Ok , I ll be there very soon . Will you watch her , take care of her ? Jack : Whoa , I need some answers when it comes to your brothers , because right now , I got to tell you , you are the only Lavery that I do nt want to see locked up . Greenlee : Who was that ? Ryan : Everything is going to be fine . Hey . I love you . Jack : Every time I come over here , the guy s leaving . What the hell s going on ? Greenlee : Ryan s going to finish it -- today . Adam : Money can buy a lot of things , but never a mother s love . So if you want our namesake to have the best , it s going to take a lot more than cash . J.R. : Like what , extra vacation days , a plasma screen ? Adam : It s a beautiful morning . Why do nt you take my grandson , put him in a stroller , and take him on a walk around the park , hmm ? There s no better way for a rich , handsome , young , single daddy with an adorable son to bring out a whole conga line of mommy wannabes . J.R. : You have got to be kidding me . Adam : It s like chumming for sharks . J.R. : No one ever accused you of being romantic , either . Adam : Well , look where romantic got you . A country song on platforms who thought you were the brass ring for the Dynasty life . J.R. : Thank you for the advice . I have work to do . Adam : Revenge can be a full - time job . You ve certainly thrown yourself into it , getting Jamie expelled and buying that apartment building out from under him . J.R. : Yeah , well , everyone needs a hobby , Dad . Adam : Is that what it is ? Or do you still have feelings for Babe ? Babe : You know , it s bigger than half the places that I ve lived in . Jamie : Not much . You know there s no washer or dryer ? Babe : Yep . Passed a Laundromat on the way . Jamie : The kitchen sink leaks , the bathroom s got more mildew than it does tile . Babe : Nothing a little elbow grease wo nt fix . Jamie : Ben did say we could paint . Babe : You know , that s a good idea . There s this stenciling thing that I ve really wanted to try . We could it , like , there and we could do , well , the bright colors to sass up the wall . Jamie : I wanted our first place to be special . Babe : It already is . It s perfect , and it s home . You know , we lived on the road in so many stinky motels , but this one is ours , and nobody can take it away from us . Jamie : It still could get kind of noisy . The garage is right downstairs . Babe : Means you could come home for lunch , Mr. Sexy Wrench , every day . Jamie : There s nothing like a hot lunch to keep a guy going . Babe : Hmm . Ok . So it s all set . When we can we move in ? Jamie : How about today ? Babe : Are you serious ? Come here ! It s really ours ? We ll have our own homecoming tonight , and then I ll go -- I can get candles and tablecloths and we can make dinner ! Visiting hours . I m sorry . I m sorry . Mama s going to be waiting . I ll be back . Guard : Visiting hours start in 20 . You d better shine . Krystal : Nothing but razzle - dazzle . Guard : Do nt stop now . Krystal : Listen , I get that I m the new kid on the block , all right , and I could take a little hazing just as well as the next person , but these ladies have it in for me extra special . Guard : It s not a sorority . Krystal : Yeah , I know that . I get it . And I know the rules -- you keep your head down and you stay under the radar . But it ai nt working , all right ? They re not letting me sleep , they re putting cockroaches in my bed , they re putting red pepper in my food , and there s an awful lot of talk about some kind of a blanket party . And something tells me it has nothing to do with beaches or bingo . Guard : Oh , it s a party , all right , yeah . One day , you ll walk along under that radar you re so worried about . All of a sudden , a blanket will go over your head and you ll get the spit kicked out of you by assailants unknown . Ca nt ID what you ca nt see . Krystal : I was afraid of that . Any idea why me and what I can do about it ? Guard : Mind over matter . I do nt mind . You do nt matter . Now clean the floor . Krystal : It s finished . Guard : Keep trying . Ryan : Braden said he was going to meet you here ? Jonathan : Any time now . Ryan : All right . You ready to do this ? Jonathan : I m ready . Ryan : And you remember , you hold him down , you pin him down . Jonathan : I know . We d better get in there . Hey -- I ve made every wrong choice I could . It s all in the past , ok ? I m going to make it up to you , Ryan . I just want us to be ok again . Ryan : All right , let s do this . Jonathan : Someone s coming . Jack : Ryan s going to let Braden go , is nt he ? Greenlee : No , he wo nt . He promised he wo nt let Braden go . His word is gold , you know that . Jack : As far as Ryan s brothers are concerned , I do nt know anything . Greenlee : Hey , wait a minute . Jack , he flew to Vegas to get Erica , he gave Cambias to Miranda and Ethan , and he swore he d help Jonathan . He keeps his word no matter what . I hate it sometimes , but I love him . I have to trust him . Jack : And what about his promise to take care of you ? He s doing a bang - up job there , now is nt he ? Greenlee : He s doing it the only way he knows how . I had to let him go . Jonathan : Lily -- Lily : No . Jonathan : Lily , I just wanted to say that I was -- Lily : Do nt touch me . Jonathan : What ? Lily : No , do nt touch me ! Aidan : Hey , get away from her ! Get away from her ! Jonathan : I m not going to hurt her ! I m not going to touch you , Lily ! Ryan : Lily , it s ok . Lily : No , do nt touch me ! Ryan : Lily , it s all right . Everything s ok . Lily : No ! No ! No , do nt touch me ! Aidan : Count down from 100 . 100 , 99 -- Lily : No ! No ! No ! Aidan : 98 , 97 , 96 -- J.R. : That s a good one , Dad , really . Adam : Well , I m glad I m entertaining you . J.R. : The only feelings that I have for Babe are disgust , revulsion , and maybe a slight hint of nausea . Adam : Well , I had to ask . Love can be fickle . J.R. : It s -- it is not about love . I would throw a party if Baby Doll , Skank Mama , and Dr. Daddy fell off the face of the earth . Only they ve got gravity on their side . I want -- I want to make sure that they do not have a nanosecond of happiness or peace . Adam : You re off to a brilliant start . J.R. : The plan is simple , really . For every time they made us suffer , I m going to make sure that I multiply it by infinity . But the genius part about it is that Babe and David think they re going to get off because Krystal took the rap . But when I m done with them , they re going to wish that they had a cozy little cell that they could curl up into and die . Adam : Living with Jamie Martin might be punishment enough for Babe , or vice versa . J.R. : Those idiots ca nt keep their hands off each other . But that s not going to last , and I m going to make sure of it . Tad : Kudos on the Evel Knievel routine . Kind of reminds me of my chicken suit proposal to Dixie . Jamie : Well , I happen to prefer leather over feathers . Tad : Yeah . That s a nice touch . Jamie : Well , learned from the best . Just I toned down the goof factor a little bit . Tad : Well , that s your mistake . Do nt ever underestimate the goof factor . I ll tell you something , as soon as Dixie saw me in feathers , I have never seen a person laugh so hard in my entire life , no . She saw me dressed as a chicken , I knew I had her . Speaking of which -- this is the new love nest , hmm ? Jamie : That another chicken joke ? Tad : I got a million of them . Jamie : So , I got expelled , I did time , got a low - wage job , and I m shacked up with the town outcast . Want to tell me how disappointed you are ? Go ahead , Dad . Lay it on me . Reggie : What did you do to her ? Did you hurt her ? Jonathan : What ? Aidan : Reggie , she s all right . Reggie : I swear to God I ll bust you up . Ryan : Reggie , Reggie , relax , ok ? Nothing happened . It was an accident . We did nt mean to scare her . It was an accident . Reggie : You re so lucky you got your big brother to hide behind . Lily : 75 , 74 , 73 -- Aidan : What happened , Reggie ? I thought you were supposed to pick her up from school , like you said . Reggie : Yeah , that was the plan . When I got there , she already left . I know she likes this place , so I just took a chance . Jonathan : Now you all can leave . Reggie : Since when is this a private club for freaks ? Aidan : I think it s best that you take her home . Lily : 58 , 57 , 56 -- Reggie : Sure . We re out of here . Come on , Lily , let s go get something to eat . Jonathan : What are you waiting for ? Aidan : Who , me ? What , you want me to leave , miss all the fun ? There s nothing like a stake - out in early spring -- new flowers , fresh air , and Braden . Am I right ? Jonathan : No thanks to you . You blew it ! How could you be so stupid ? Babe : You look good , Mama . Krystal : Must be the tanning booth and the weekly massage . Babe : How are you doing , really ? Krystal : Good . Really , pretty good . Babe : And the guards ? How are they treating you ? Krystal : Well , they re -- they re pretty strict . I mean , it is a prison , after all . But , you know , they have their soft spots , and they gave me an extra blanket . And they re giving me all the cushy jobs . I mean , I have nt even broken a nail since I got here . Babe : I hate that you re in here . If I could just trade places with you , I would . Krystal : Please , and gyp me out of learning a second language ? Baby doll , this time is going to whiz by . I m going to be out of here before you know it . Babe : Yeah . Well , it s already been way too long . Krystal : All right , look , enough about me , ok , and the lux life here . How s our little peanut ? Have you seen him ? Babe : I m trying . J.R. is giving me heck every single step of the way , and the lawyers , they already stalled my first visit , but -- Krystal : Do nt you worry , honey . You have every legal right to your three hours . When you see that little tyke , I just want you to just -- just smother him with kisses from his grandma . Babe : I will . Krystal : How about you and Jamie , huh ? Babe : Oh -- Krystal : You guys treating each other good ? What s going on ? I can tell by the glow on your face it s going good . Babe : Seriously , you wo nt even believe what he did for me today . Guard : Time s up , Carey . Krystal : I have nt had my 20 minutes yet . Guard : We ve got floors for you to scrub . Krystal : Come on , this is my first visit with my daughter . Guard : Another word out of you and you wo nt see her or talk to her for a month -- no visitation , no phone privileges . Your choice . Jonathan : He ruined everything ! Braden s long gone by now ! Aidan : You know , you re lucky no one s taken you out , Jonathan . What kind of guy knows who shot his brother and poisoned the man s wife and does nothing , huh ? When were you going to say something ? When one of them ended up in the morgue ? Ryan : Ok , all right , let it go , Aidan . Come here . The last thing he needs right now is a lecture . He knows that he screwed up , you understand ? Aidan : So what do you mean , he s learned his lesson , he promises to be a better person ? Ryan : I will make sure that Jonathan pays for everything he s done , and Braden , both of them , but they re my blood . I do it my way . Aidan : All right . But when you re done , I want a piece of Braden for all kind of reasons , and then I want to settle the tab with Jonathan . Jack : Greenlee , you nearly died . You re still not safe . You know what , maybe if you had nt married Ryan , none of this would be happening ! Greenlee : You re the one person I expect to get this . Hello ? Erica ? She flipped out and she went to Vegas and you had to let her go , and I watched you upset every single day . But you had to let her go and fight her own battles and win on her own terms . That s exactly what I ve got to do with Ryan . Jack : I just do nt understand how someone who loves you could put you through this , especially after what you went through with Leo . Greenlee : The only way we come out the other side , I let him do what he s got to do . It sucks . But it s the only way I can get him back home . Jack : Look , Greenlee , I just -- I just want you to be happy and safe . Greenlee : We ll be fine . It ll be great again . We re going to have a couple dogs and a barrel full of kids and -- maybe one or two . But no matter how big our family , we re going to be happy . Babe : Hey , it s ok , Mama . I ll go . I do nt want them mad at you . Oh , wait , wait , wait . I brought you something , and I got it screened outside , so they said that it was fine . Remember this ? Oh , come on . Remember ? You won it for me at that fair in Pocatello . Krystal : You saw that thing and you just had to have it . Yes , and I threw my arm out getting it for you . Babe : I want you to sleep with it . I want you to remember all our good times and dream about all the ones we have to come as soon as we re done with all this mess . Guard : Time to say bye - bye . Babe : I ll see you soon , Mama . Love you . Krystal : I love you , too , baby doll . Guard : That needs to be screened . Krystal : It already was . She could nt have gotten it in here if it was nt . Guard : You d be surprised the contraband people smuggle in . Krystal : Since when is a little bit of carny souvenir contra anything ? Guard : You sure you want to have this conversation ? Krystal : Wait , what are you doing ? What the � Guard : False alarm . Now clean it up , then get back to your cell . Krystal : All right , what the hell is going on ? Jamie : Where s the whole thing about me moving in with Babe is the biggest mistake of my life ? Tad : You know something -- some of the world s greatest romances started with people s biggest mistakes . You marry Babe , it might be the best mistake you ever make . Jamie : I m still chewing on the last mistakes we made -- J.R. on the warpath , half the town ready to lynch Babe . Kind of a mess . Tad : Take it slow . You ll get through it . You can survive anything as long as you got love and laughter . J.R. : Did you know that your grandma was from Pigeon Hollow ? And every year , they d have this great , big pig roast . And I got to tell you , every time I thought about that pig , it used to make me cry . And you know what your grandma did to me ? She d put me on her lap and she would say , This little piggy went to market , and this little piggy stayed home . And this little piggy had roast beef , and this little piggy had none . But this little piggy went , Wee , wee , wee , wee , all the way home to Pine Valley . Yeah . Krystal : I mind my business , I do my work , and I stick by the rules , and I all I get is spit on ! What did I ever do to you , huh , or you or the rest of you ? Not a damn thing , all right ? So I want to know what the hell is going on ? Woman : I ll tell you . Lily : I told them , but they would nt stop asking me . Reggie : Told who what ? Lily : I did nt see anyone hit the man in the wheelchair . Reggie : Your friends -- they were hassling you about that newspaper article , huh ? Lily : They would nt stop . They would nt listen to me . Reggie : That s cold . I mean , their attitude , not the weather . Lily : I did nt see anyone hit the man in the wheelchair . Reggie : Lily , I believe you . Look , why do nt we eat this food , ok , before it gets cold . Ca nt forget your green ketchup . Lily : He was nt in a wheelchair . Reggie : What d you say ? Jonathan : Come out . It s a waste . He s not coming . Ryan : Just give it a little more time . Jonathan : He would ve been here by now , Ryan . Probably caught the show here with double-0 zero and his girlfriend and split . Aidan : You re such an idiot , you know that ? Ryan : Relax , relax . It s obviously a bust . He s right , it s a bust . Jonathan : If Braden knows I screwed him over , Ryan , he s capable of anything . Babe to Jamie : Mama needs me , and the only way I can help her right now is if I m in prison with her . Krystal to Tad : I appreciate you coming and visiting me , but do nt come back . J.R. to David : It s like you traded in your surgical scrubs for some community - service khakis . Jonathan to Ryan : You betrayed me ? ### Summary:
Ryan tells Greenlee she needs to stay at Jack s . When she sees her father , he tells her that maybe she made a mistake to marry Ryan and that d the whole reason she s in danger in the first place . But she still wants to make her marriage work . Ryan and Jonathan go to the boathouse in search of Braden . But instead of finding him , they run into Aiden , Lily and Reggie who demand to know what they are up to . Aiden confronts Ryan about how he s failed to prevent his brother from endangering people in the past and how he might again . JR reveals to his father that he is missing his mother . He fires every nanny he hires to take care of his child . He also reveals that he will never give up on making Babe and Jamie lives miserable . Jamie gets a lowly job and he and Babe agree to be together permanently . Babe goes to visit her mother in jail . Everybody is picking on Krystal in her cellblock , even more than they normally would . She demands to know why . A woman steps up and is ready to tell her why .