3 values
3 values
Klimaangepasste Landwirtschaft zur Stärkung der Lebensgrundlagen von KleinbäuerInnen - Fortführung Preparing Communities for Climate Resilinet Agriculture, continuation Klimaangepasste Landwirtschaft zur Stärkung der Lebensgrundlagen von KleinbäuerInnen - Fortführung Preparing Communities for Climate Resilinet Agriculture, continuation Klimaangepasste Landwirtschaft zur Stärkung der Lebensgrundlagen von KleinbäuerInnen - Fortführung Preparing Communities for Climate Resilinet Agriculture, continuation
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
MEETMED II (Mitigation enabling Energy Transition in the Southern Neighbourhood) <p>Contribute to enhancing countries' energy security while fostering their transition to more stable, efficient, competitive and climate-resilient socioeconomic contexts, through (i) the massive deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in building and appliances¿ sectors; (ii) wider public awareness on energy' major stakes and challenges, thereby accelerating public and private sectors¿ involvement towards more energy efficient buildings and appliances sectors</p>
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Forest Carbon Partnership facility - readiness Fund The FCPF intends to assist developing countries in their efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD). It has the dual objectives of building capacity for REDD activities in developing countries and testing incentive payments
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Climate Change Cuba Miglioramento della resilienza e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici nell'Oriente di Cuba - Gestione diretta The project aims at improving the living standard of farmers in rural communities in semi-arid areas, increasing resilience to climate change, reducing their vulnerability and strengthening production sustainability.<br> Il progetto mira a migliorare la vita standard degli agricoltori nelle comunità rurali di aree semi-aride, aumentando la resilienza al clima cambiare, riducendo la loro vulnerabilità e rafforzare la sostenibilità della produzione. Il progetto mira a migliorare la vita standard degli agricoltori nelle comunità rurali di aree semi-aride, aumentando la resilienza al clima cambiare, riducendo la loro vulnerabilità e rafforzare la sostenibilità della produzione. Il progetto mira a migliorare la vita standard degli agricoltori nelle comunità rurali di aree semi-aride, aumentando la resilienza al clima cambiare, riducendo la loro vulnerabilità e rafforzare la sostenibilità della produzione.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Ukumari EU - Ecuador Forest Partnership : Traditional knowledge for forest conservation and bio-economy promotion The Overall Objective (Impact) of this action is to enhance traditional knowledge for forest conservation with bio economy promotion.The Specific Objectives (Outcomes) of this action are:1. To contribute to local revitalisation, the fight against climate change and the promotion of the circular economy by establishing development corridors related to the sustainable use and innovation of bamboo and its value chains as alternative seismic-resistant construction materials;2. To strengthen the local and national competent authorities¿ capacities to prevent, monitor, control forest fires and their causes, enhancing landscape connectivity, providing fundamental ecosystem services and contributing to improve the environment and the living conditions of local communities.The Outputs to be delivered by this action contributing to the corresponding Specific Objectives (Outcomes) are: Specific objective 1Output 1.1. The business environment, policies and regulatory framework for public and private sector investment are improved;Output 1.2. Bamboo for climate change mitigation, resilience building and general environmental stewardship is promoted;Output 1.3. The pro-poor SMEs value chain to improve livelihoods and employment opportunities is developed;Output 1.4. Knowledge management and learning are enhanced.Specific objective 2Output 2.1. National and local capacities to prevent, monitor, control and combat forest fires, implementing alternative practices to the use of fire in agriculture are increased; Output 2.2. Meaningful scientific research activities and innovative practices on ecosystem restoration and natural resources sustainable management through a successful intercultural dialogue with local knowledge systems are carried out.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Save the Children Sweden EU-Bangladesh 2015-16 - Save the Children Sweden EU-Bangladesh Rädda Barnen EU-Bangladesh 2015-2016 The project aims at institutionalising School Disaster Management in the Education Sector in Bangladesh. Projektet syftar till att institutionalisera katastrofhantering i utbildningssektorn i Bangladesh. Insatsen är av stödjande karaktär till Rädda Barnens ramprogram och totalsumman för bidraget understiger 5 miljoner SEK. Insatsen har därför inte beretts med en full beredning. Insatsen har bedömts grundligt av huvudfinansiären (EU) och Sida har därför valt att inte själva göra djupgående analyser av alla de områden som vanligtvis ingår i en beredning, utan att förlita sig på den bedömning som gjorts av EU. Insatsens totala budget är 882 353 EUR (motsvaranade ca 8 314 540SEK) och Rädda Barnen ansöker till Sida om bidrag för att täcka egeninsatsen om 15%, dvs 1 254 334 SEK. Insatsen syftar till att institutionalisera skolbaserad katastrofhantering i utbildningssektorn i Bangladesh, för att minska den negativa påverkan katastrofer har på skolgång och utbildning i Bangladesh.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Strengthening capacities of farmers and rural population on greenhouse - Phase II of TCP/TAJ/3603 Phase II
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Promotion of solar energy in Liambou, Pointe Noire Ausstattung des diözesanen Bildungszentrums in Liambou, Pointe Noire, mit einer Solaranlage Promotion of solar energy in Liambou, Pointe Noire Ausstattung des diözesanen Bildungszentrums in Liambou, Pointe Noire, mit einer Solaranlage Promotion of solar energy in Liambou, Pointe Noire Ausstattung des diözesanen Bildungszentrums in Liambou, Pointe Noire, mit einer Solaranlage
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Installation von Haushalts-Biogasanlagen in Sangkosh, Dhading-Distrikt Installation of Household Biogas Plants in Sangkosh, Dhading-District, Nepal Installation von Haushalts-Biogasanlagen in Sangkosh, Dhading-Distrikt Installation of Household Biogas Plants in Sangkosh, Dhading-District, Nepal Installation von Haushalts-Biogasanlagen in Sangkosh, Dhading-Distrikt Installation of Household Biogas Plants in Sangkosh, Dhading-District, Nepal
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
DIBE Soacha Aps and Acces2innovation - Water Refill Kiosks in Arua Uganda The purpose of the project is to establish 1-2 Kioo Water Re-fill kiosks producing and selling clean water. At the Re-fill kiosks clean drinking water can be tapped into existing bottles utilizing a new developed technology that can clean and disinfect the bottles, thus reducing cost for customers compared to new bottles as well as saving the environment from plastic bottle waste. The project will be based on an existing kiosk setup in Tanzania thus the needed knowledge is already at hand. Two different setup will be made for the kiosks – one with a new water kiosk and one where the tapping equipment is installed in an existing building/shop. Soacha Aps is interested in selling both water as well as a franchise model of the kiosks.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Energy: Village Network Upgrade The activity seeks to upgrade the power distribution network in identified villages in Tongatapu to improve safety, network efficiency and resilience to the environment and increase access to electricity.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
NORHED II Environmental Risk management The main objective of the Environmental RIsk Management Under ExTremes and Uncertainty-MERIT - project is to strengthen capacities of targeted south universities so to provide high quality education, research and outreach in the field of environmental risk and extremes that meet labour market demands, supports sustainable national socio-economic development and achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. MERIT is a partnership of five universities; Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway), Makerere University (Uganda), Uganda Marty’s University (Uganda), University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Haramaya University (Ethiopia). The regional level project responds to knowledge and capacity gaps with respect to environmental risk, increasing extremes and uncertainty linked to climate change and changing demographic and socio-economic conditions. The fundamental challenge which MERIT partnership seeks to address is to identify sustainable development paths for communities and ecosystems under increasing environmental risk, uncertainties and extremes. Our intended development impact is to provide East African countries with co-created new knowledge and tools that helps in propelling the resilience agenda and realization of the UN SDGs and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030). Our actions over a six-year period are central to NORHED II and include (i) training at postdoctoral, doctoral and masters level (ii) curriculum improvement (iii) infrastructure improvements (iv) creation of knowledge and policy products (v) initiate and carry out high quality research (vi) creation of knowledge hubs and centres (vii) initiate targeted efforts to integrate gender perspectives in research and education (viii) development of digital resilience tools. Our research will focus on unravelling complexities to provide the best possible scientific evidence and solutions to policy and practise for enhancing resilience.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Strategic Framework With British Red Cross 2009 - 10 To support the British Red Cross' contribution to strengthening the effectiveness of the international work of the Red Cross Movement in its core functions (emergency response, resilience building, and international humanitarian law
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
PTI-Haití: Aumentar la productividad agrícola y los ingresos de pequeños productores y productoras en Departamento Sudeste, Haití (COVID-19) PTI-Haití: Aumentar la productividad agrícola y los ingresos de pequeños productores y productoras en Departamento Sudeste, Haití Este proyecto está en línea con las prioridades y acciones de desarrollo agrícola que Cives Mundi y MIPROS llevan acabo en Haití, con el objetivo de aumentar la productividad agrícola y los ingresos y poder adquisitivo de 570 pequeños productores y productoras (255 mujeres y 315 hombres) a través de la construcción de un Centro de Procesamiento yComercialización de Productos Agrícolas con Servicios Integrados a partir de la capitalización de la experiencia del proyecto 2019/PRYC/000342 para la transformación de productos agrícolas de gran demanda como el maíz, mijo, ñame, cacahuete,
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Consumers and Retailers Driving Sustainable Food Market in Thailand in the Seafood, Chicken and Banana Supply Chains The project aims at creating demands of urban consumers and retailers in Thailand for sustainable food consumption, particularly in the seafood, banana and chicken chains and thereby driving the development of a food market system that requires environmentally sustainable and socially ethical produces.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Verbesserung der Ernährungssicherheit und des Haushaltseinkommens für benachteiligte Menschen, Fortführung Improving food security and household income for disadvantaged people, continuation Verbesserung der Ernährungssicherheit und des Haushaltseinkommens für benachteiligte Menschen, Fortführung Improving food security and household income for disadvantaged people, continuation Das Projektvorhaben will sicherstellen, dass jeder Begünstigte jederzeit Zugang zu nahrhaften und erschwinglichen Lebensmitteln hat. Es verbindet Maßnahmen zur Ernährungssicherung mit weiteren Aktivitäten zur Verbesserung der Lebensgrundlagen (Klimaschutz und Perspektiven zur Einkommenssteigerung, Partizipation von Frauen und jungen Menschen) für marginalisierte Dorfgemeinschaften, die unter einer wachsenden Armut leiden. The project aims to ensure that every beneficiary has access to nutritious and affordable food at all times. It combines food security measures with other livelihood improvement activities (climate change mitigation and income generation prospects, participation of women and young people) for marginalised village communities suffering from growing poverty.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Framework for Hydropower Assistance - technical assistance Capacity building within Ministry of Electric Power on: 1) hydropower development, 2) technical support, 3) Implementation support - electricity law and regulation, 4) hydropower standards, 5) strengthening of hydrological database for hydropower development.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
LIBERIA External Audit Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Gemeindebasierte Klima-Anpassung und Biodiversitätsschutz, Lake Tana-Biosphärenreservat, Äthiopien Community-based Climate Adaptation and Biodiversity Conservation, Lake Tana Biosphere Reserve, Ethopia Gemeindebasierte Klima-Anpassung und Biodiversitätsschutz, Lake Tana-Biosphärenreservat, Äthiopien Community-based Climate Adaptation and Biodiversity Conservation, Lake Tana Biosphere Reserve, Ethopia Gemeindebasierte Klima-Anpassung und Biodiversitätsschutz, Lake Tana-Biosphärenreservat, Äthiopien Community-based Climate Adaptation and Biodiversity Conservation, Lake Tana Biosphere Reserve, Ethopia
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
SP Initiativ för hållbar energi 2013 SP Initiative for Sustainable Energy 2013 Ett aktörssamverkansprojekt som syftar till etablering av ett svenskt-indonesiskt initiativ inom energipolicy för förnyelsebar energi i Indonesien. Förväntade resultat i december 2013: ett antal demo-projekt igång samt en plan för uppskalning inklusive långsiktig finansiering klar. A partner-driven cooperation project which aims to establish a Swedish-Indonesian initiative on renewable energy policy in Indonesia. Expected results by December 2013: several demonstratation projects up and running adn a plan established for scaling up, including sustainable long-term financing aspects.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Sustainable Development Solutions Network III Sustainable Development Solutions Network III UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon commissioned the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) in 2012 to mobilize universities, other knowledge institutions, and business to support the SDGs, both in their design (prior to 2015) and their implementation (2016-2030). To do this, the SDSN focuses on four core activity areas: (i) building a global network of knowledge partners organized into national and regional SDSNs with a particular focus on strengthening the capacities of institutions in developing countries; (ii) supporting the implementation of the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement through policy tools and analysis; (iii) using SDSN thematic networks to develop and promote practical solution initiatives for sustainable development; and (iv) building a global online SDG Academy for sustainable development and the SDGs to strengthen the capacity of universities. Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN eller UNSDSN) inrättades 2012 av FN:s dåvarande generalsekreterare Ban Ki-moon. Syftet var att mobilisera universitet, andra kunskapsinstitutioner och företag att stödja målen för hållbar utveckling och att delta i praktisk problemlösning på lokal, regional och global nivå. SDSN fokuserar på fyra prioriterade områden: (i) att bygga upp ett globalt nätverk av kunskapsinstitutioner organiserade i nationella och regionala SDSNs med särskilt fokus på att stärka kapaciteten för institutioner i utvecklingsländer; (ii) att stödja genomförandet av målen för hållbar utveckling och Parisavtalet genom politiska verktyg och analys; (iii) att utveckla och främja praktiska lösningar (Solutions Initiatives) för hållbar utveckling; och (iv) att bygga en global online SDG Academy för att stärka kapaciteten hos universiteten i världen. SDSN is working towards four sets of outcomes: • Outcome 1: Successful operationalization of the Sustainable Development Goals and the international agreement to curb human-induced climate change. • Outcome 2: A strong Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) with National and Regional SDSNs around the world to promote solution initiatives and support the implementation of the SDGs. • Outcome 3: Adoption of novel Solution Initiatives, including long-term pathways for transformations to sustainable development. • Outcome 4: World-class Education on Sustainable Development for Everyone.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Building Regional Adaptive capacity and resilience to climate variability and change in vulnerable sectors in the Andes BRAVA SDC contributes to the World Meteorological Organisation’s ENANDES project, aiming to increase the resilience of 6 Latin-American countries to climate change. With the support of Swiss researchers and experts from MeteoSwiss, the project will increase the predictive capabilities of the responsible national authorities and support co-design of Weather, Water and Climate Services across the region, to the benefit of the local population, including the most vulnerable.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Solid Waste Disposal Programm Programm Kommunale Abfallentsorgung (Müllverbrennung) Solid Waste Disposal Programm Das FZ-Vorhaben soll zu einer geordneten Abfallwirtschaft und damit zum Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz, insbesondere Städten der VR China, beitragen. Aus Programmmitteln sollen folgende Maßnahmen finanziert werden: Bau und Ausrüstung von Abfallverbrennungsanlagen in Beijing und weiterer Teilsysteme städtischer Abfallentsorgung, Consultingleistungen und Unterstützung der öffentlichen Projektträger bei der Umsetzung von komplexen technischen und organisatorischen Aufgaben, einschließlich der Vergabe des Betriebs an Unternehmen des Privatsektors. Für die Sachinvestitionen des Programms wurden 55 Mio. EUR als Verbundfinanzierung im Rahmen von Regierungsverhandlungen zugesagt. Die Mittel sollen für die Abfallverbrennungsanlage Nangong/Beijing verwendet werden. Die VR China wird zusätzlich 30 % als Eigenanteil zur Verfügung stellen, so dass die Gesamtkosten der Anlage Nangong in Höhe von ca. 78,6 Mio. EUR gedeckt sind. Solid Waste Disposal Programm Das FZ-Vorhaben soll zu einer geordneten Abfallwirtschaft und damit zum Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz, insbesondere Städten der VR China, beitragen. Aus Programmmitteln sollen folgende Maßnahmen finanziert werden: Bau und Ausrüstung von Abfallverbrennungsanlagen in Beijing und weiterer Teilsysteme städtischer Abfallentsorgung, Consultingleistungen und Unterstützung der öffentlichen Projektträger bei der Umsetzung von komplexen technischen und organisatorischen Aufgaben, einschließlich der Vergabe des Betriebs an Unternehmen des Privatsektors. Für die Sachinvestitionen des Programms wurden 55 Mio. EUR als Verbundfinanzierung im Rahmen von Regierungsverhandlungen zugesagt. Die Mittel sollen für die Abfallverbrennungsanlage Nangong/Beijing verwendet werden. Die VR China wird zusätzlich 30 % als Eigenanteil zur Verfügung stellen, so dass die Gesamtkosten der Anlage Nangong in Höhe von ca. 78,6 Mio. EUR gedeckt sind.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Centrale solaire NOOR Midelt II Contract related to: Centrale solaire NOOR Midelt II - Support blending operations in the Southern Neighbourhood
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Building Lesotho resilience through the upscale of Climate Smart Agriculture and functional DRR Land Resources Information Principal Objective: Increase the resilience of Lesotho food and nutrition security through the upscale of Climate Smart Agriculture and functional Land Resources Database (LRD).
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Gender Transformative Climate Adaptation Adaptation aux changements climatiques transformative pour le genre This project supports gender-transformative climate change mitigation and adaptation around Lake Tchad to increase climate-resilient food systems, livelihoods, and environmental and human well-being. The local project partners, Lutheran World Foundation Chad and Lutheran World Foundation Cameroon, jointly planned the project with Canadian Lutheran World Relief. The project engages with local, technical, and governmental partners to deliver at the landscape level. This project works towards the outcome of improved low-carbon, climate-resilient economies in the Logone-Chari River region for the enhanced well-being of communities, especially women, girls and other vulnerable groups. Project activities include: (1) provide training to community groups and governance bodies to support climate adaptation and nature-based solutions; (2) provide support to local communities to restore and upgrade local irrigation systems; and (3) provide support in identifying nature-based and solutions-based livelihoods opportunities, based on the financially viable and sustainable use of biodiversity for women, girls, and other vulnerable groups. The project directly targets 128,114 beneficiaries (46,847 women, 30,375 men, 20,108 boys and 30,124 girls). Le projet soutient l'atténuation et l'adaptation aux changements climatiques transformatrices en genre autour du lac Tchad afin d'améliorer les systèmes alimentaires, les moyens de subsistance et le bien-être environnemental et humain résilients au climat. Les partenaires locaux du projet, la Lutheran World Foundation Tchad et la Lutheran World Foundation Cameroun, ont planifié conjointement le projet avec Canadian Lutheran World Relief. Le projet s'engage avec des partenaires locaux, techniques et gouvernementaux pour livrer au niveau du paysage. Ce projet vise à améliorer les économies à faible émission de carbone et résilientes aux changements climatiques dans la région du fleuve Logone-Chari pour le bien-être des communautés, en particulier des femmes, des filles et d'autres groupes vulnérables. Les activités de ce projet comprennent : 1) fournir une formation aux groupes communautaires et aux organes de gouvernance pour soutenir l'adaptation au climat et les solutions fondées sur la nature; 2) apporter un soutien aux communautés locales pour restaurer et moderniser les systèmes d'irrigation locaux; 3) fournir un soutien pour identifier les opportunités de moyens de subsistance basés sur la nature et les solutions, sur la base de l'utilisation financièrement viable et durable de la biodiversité pour les femmes, les filles et d'autres groupes vulnérables. Le projet cible directement 128 114 bénéficiaires (46 847 femmes, 30 375 hommes, 20 108 garçons et 30 124 filles).
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
International Trade Centre - Institutional Support 2015 Centre du commerce international - Appui institutionnel 2015 This grant represents Canada’s institutional support to the International Trade Centre, the technical co-operation agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. The International Trade Centre uses these funds, along with other donors’ funding, to achieve its mandate. The International Trade Centre’s mandate is to support sustainable and inclusive trade promotion and export development within the global economy. It seeks to enable businesses in developing countries to increase exports, and helps developing countries and economies in transition to improve the use of trade as a tool for development. The Centre provides assistance by making policy environments friendlier for export business, by strengthening the institutions that provide support to exporters, and by assisting small export enterprises and communities to reach global markets with products and services. Its activities take into account crosscutting development issues such as gender equality, sustainable development and poverty reduction. Cette subvention représente le soutien institutionnel du Canada au Centre du commerce international, l’organisme de coopération technique de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce et de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le commerce et le développement. Le Centre du commerce international utilise ces fonds parallèlement au financement d’autres donateurs pour s’acquitter de son mandat. Le mandat du Centre du commerce international consiste à appuyer la promotion d’un commerce inclusif et durable et le développement des exportations sur le marché mondial. Le Centre cherche à encourager les entreprises des pays en développement à accroître leurs exportations et aide les économies en transition et les pays en développement à mieux utiliser le commerce comme outil de développement. Le Centre apporte une aide en rendant les contextes politiques plus propices aux exportations, en renforçant les institutions qui fournissent du soutien aux exportateurs et en aidant les petites entreprises d’exportation et les collectivités à pénétrer les marchés mondiaux avec leurs produits et leurs services. Les activités du Centre prennent en compte les thèmes transversaux liés au développement tels que l’égalité entre les sexes, le développement durable et la réduction de la pauvreté.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Schaffung beruflicher Perspektiven für Jugendliche und Kleinbauern in den Bezirken von Dale Wobera und Sedi Chanka in der Verwaltungszone Kellem Wollega Creation of professional prospects for youth and smallholder farmers in the districts of Dale Wobera and Sedi Chanka in Kellem Wollega Zone Schaffung beruflicher Perspektiven für Jugendliche und Kleinbauern in den Bezirken von Dale Wobera und Sedi Chanka in der Verwaltungszone Kellem Wollega Creation of professional prospects for youth and smallholder farmers in the districts of Dale Wobera and Sedi Chanka in Kellem Wollega Zone Schaffung beruflicher Perspektiven für Jugendliche und Kleinbauern in den Bezirken von Dale Wobera und Sedi Chanka in der Verwaltungszone Kellem Wollega Creation of professional prospects for youth and smallholder farmers in the districts of Dale Wobera and Sedi Chanka in Kellem Wollega Zone
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Adaptation to Climate Change in Jordan The main objective of the Action is to contribute to the mitigation of climate change risks. The aim is to reduce the vulnerability of farming communities in the Jordan Valley to the impact of climate change through improved supply of irrigation water by increasing the use of reclaimed water in the farms and thus saving valuable freshwater resources that can be used as drinking water in urban areas. The specific objectives of the Action are:-to reduce freshwater consumption for irrigation purposes and divert it to potable water supply;-to increase the use of treated wastewater in agriculture and reduce the amount of freshwater;-to provide farmers with stable water supply.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Förderung Erneuerbarer Energie und Energieeffizienz Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme Die Rahmenbedingungen für den Zugang zu sauberer Energie sind in ländlichen und stadtnahen Gebieten verbessert. The framework conditions for access to clean energy will be improved in rural and urban areas. Die Rahmenbedingungen für den Zugang zu sauberer Energie sind in ländlichen und stadtnahen Gebieten verbessert. The framework conditions for access to clean energy will be improved in rural and urban areas.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Adaptation to climate change through sustainable forest management Anpassung an den Klimawandel durch nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung Relevant staklholders are able to rehabilitate degraded forests considering conservation of biodiversity and climate change Umsetzung einer nachhaltigen Waldbewirtschaftung in wichtigen Wassereinzugsgebieten, um das Anpassungspotential der Wälder zu erhalten Relevant staklholders are able to rehabilitate degraded forests considering conservation of biodiversity and climate change Umsetzung einer nachhaltigen Waldbewirtschaftung in wichtigen Wassereinzugsgebieten, um das Anpassungspotential der Wälder zu erhalten
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Chereponi Farming Project Nansoni - Kapazitätsaufbau der Farmerkooperative zur Steigerung der Resilienz ökologischer und ökonomischer Systeme in Nansoni, Ghana Chereponi Farming Project Nansoni - Capacity building of the farmer cooperative to increase the resilience of ecological and economic systems in Nansoni, Ghana Chereponi Farming Project Nansoni - Kapazitätsaufbau der Farmerkooperative zur Steigerung der Resilienz ökologischer und ökonomischer Systeme in Nansoni, Ghana Chereponi Farming Project Nansoni - Capacity building of the farmer cooperative to increase the resilience of ecological and economic systems in Nansoni, Ghana Chereponi Farming Project Nansoni - Kapazitätsaufbau der Farmerkooperative zur Steigerung der Resilienz ökologischer und ökonomischer Systeme in Nansoni, Ghana Chereponi Farming Project Nansoni - Capacity building of the farmer cooperative to increase the resilience of ecological and economic systems in Nansoni, Ghana
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Streamlining of good quality seed and planting material production, quality assurance and marketing system To improve food security through increased productivity and production by using good quality seeds of major food crops and increased revenue through seed exports.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Contribution to UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol 2018, 2019, 2020 The purpose is to promote the goals for the climate convention and the Kyoto protocol
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Challenges and Policy Implications for Human RESEOURCES for Health (HRH) This activity (Challenges and Policy Implications for Human RESEOURCES for Health (HRH)) is a component of Policy Research Fund (PRF) for Human Resources for Health (HRH) reported by FCDO and a budget of £88,000.This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified.And works in the following sector(s): Medical research.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Technical Support to Water and Soil Rehabilitation for Improved Climate Resilience in Golestan, Khouzestan and Lorestan Provinces To increase the resilience of the local communities against the climate change and the natural hazards to ensure sustainable climate-smart water and soil management.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Water Management and Livelihoods for Underserved Communities in Jordan Jordan has attempted to implement water and agricultural management systems and policies in urban areas to face the challenge of limited natural resources. In Zubarieya Village, the community has created an environment where they manage their own ecosystems through a community-based approach. This project will focus on improving and maintaining the water supply system, and support local governance system to ensure proper water management and agriculture systems, protect groundwater and soil, and facilitate sustainable livelihoods.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Promoting Integrated Land Use Planning and Management in Myanmar Part of the EU action for sustainable landscape management initiative, CRIS number: ENV/2019/041-788
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Technical Assistance to develop GCF Climate Resilience project in Kagera and Geita Regions of Tanzania To assist the development of a focused funding proposal (FP) that will be submitted to the GCF. The TCP will support to identify and detail critical project intervention areas that would be the focus of full project proposal with the aim at following: Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture practices and other forms of agro-based innovations for adaptation benefits and mitigation contributions; Supporting sustainable ecosystems management to ensure flow of ecosystem goods and services for adaptation and mitigation; Promoting diversification of communities? livelihood in the context of the changing climate; Supporting agro-meteorological infrastructure and Services for climate resilience
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Mejora de la gestión del agua en arrozales de productores rurales peruanos empleando drones y satélites en el marzo del cambio climático (COVID-19)
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Improving legume-based crop productivity To be provided
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Sektorprogramm Frieden und Sicherheit, Katastrophenrisikomanagement Sector Programme Peace and Security, Disaster Risk Management Die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit hat zum nationalen und internationalen Agenda-Setting in den Themenfeldern Frieden, Sicherheit und Katastrophenrisikomanagement beigetragen. The German development cooperation will have contributed to a national and international agenda-setting in the thematic areas of Peace, Security and Risk Management Die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit hat zum nationalen und internationalen Agenda-Setting in den Themenfeldern Frieden, Sicherheit und Katastrophenrisikomanagement beigetragen. The German development cooperation will have contributed to a national and international agenda-setting in the thematic areas of Peace, Security and Risk Management
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Guyana Agricultural Sector Diversification Programme Increased aquaculture and (non-traditional) agricultural exports (into Caribbean, Europe and USA).
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Driving REDD+ consensus though national policy implementation - Myanmar Work towards recognition of community rights over forest lands. Dawei Research Assiciation (Tanintharyi), Karen Mapping Program (Tanintharyi), Kachin Conservation Group, Mohnyin/ Indawgyi Community Forestry CSO Network and Pauk Sa Community Forestry CSO. National level, with a focus on Indawgyi Lake watershed 7 Northern Mountain Forest Complex (Kachin state), and Karen -Tenasserim Ecoregion (Karen state, Tanintharyi region).
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Participation in the UNFCCC Process (A13054) The Trust Fund for Participation in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Process was set up to help developing countries participate in the negotiating process on climate change. It finances eligible parties to the UNFCCC to attend the annual COP and sessions of its subsidiary bodies.  New Zealand will provide a one-off contribution of NZ$100,000 to the Fund.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Indonesia Energy and Environment Partnership Energy and environment partnership with Indonesia to enhance wider use of renewable energy and cleaner technology as well as energy efficiency in the rural communities, especially among poor and women, and in the SME's. The programm will also contribute t o abatement of greenhouse gazes and mitigate climate change.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
SIDS Community-based Adaptation Program The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Community-Based Adaptation Program builds on and extends the existing Mekong and Asia-Pacific Community-Based Adaptation Programme which provides grants to communities to funds priority climate change adaptation activities at the local level. The existing Program (MAP-CBA) focuses on 14 Pacific Island Countries, the Mekong sub-region (Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam) and Sri Lanka. This new Program will extend support to the SIDS of the Caribbean and Indian and Atlantic oceans. This Program will also extend further funding to the Pacific Island Countries. The MAP-CBA is a new climate change adaptation funding window of the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (SGP) managed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and will be a key community-level activity under the International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative. The total value of this initiative is $12.0 million over 5 years, starting 2008-09.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Arctic Black Carbon impacting Climate and Air Pollution (ABC-iCAP) The overall objective is to contribute to reduced black carbon emissions from the target countries through exchange of expertice and analysis supporting knowledge-sharing and promotion of key practices and measures such as monitoring, emission inventories and application of Best Available Techniques for key emission sectors.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Schaffung von Lebensperspektiven durch Ernährungssicherung, Resilienzstärkung und Innovation Increasing food souvereignity, resliience, innovation, access to land and protecting natural resources Schaffung von Lebensperspektiven durch Ernährungssicherung, Resilienzstärkung und Innovation Increasing food souvereignity, resliience, innovation, access to land and protecting natural resources Schaffung von Lebensperspektiven durch Ernährungssicherung, Resilienzstärkung und Innovation Increasing food souvereignity, resliience, innovation, access to land and protecting natural resources
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Cooperation with major economies for the implementation of the Paris Agreement This action is designed to support the EU's international climate leadership through providing solid EU inputs to the efforts of key partner countries to implement their commitments to the Paris Agreement. It targets non-EU G20 members, with the exception of Turkey and with the addition of Iran. The action focusses on four priority areas: mitigation policy instruments, mid-century strategies & renewal/updating of Nationally-Determined Contributions (NDCs), transparency and adaptation planning.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
UNEP 2017 FN:s tredje miljömöte UNEP 2017 the third meeting with United Nations Environmental Assembly Contrib to the third meeting with United Nations Environmental Assembly Utvländers delt vid FN:s tredje miljömöte
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Representation of interests of small scale farmers groups and promotion of sustainable agriculture in Poroma and Sucre Municipalities, Bolivia Stärkung der kleinbäuerlichen Interessenvertretung und Verbreitung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft in den Munizipien Poroma und Sucre Representation of interests of small scale farmers groups and promotion of sustainable agriculture in Poroma and Sucre Municipalities, Bolivia Stärkung der kleinbäuerlichen Interessenvertretung und Verbreitung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft in den Munizipien Poroma und Sucre Representation of interests of small scale farmers groups and promotion of sustainable agriculture in Poroma and Sucre Municipalities, Bolivia Stärkung der kleinbäuerlichen Interessenvertretung und Verbreitung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft in den Munizipien Poroma und Sucre
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Regional programme on integrative and climate sensitive use of land resources in Central Asia Nachhaltige und klimasensible Landnutzung für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Zentralasien Integrated, sustainable, climate sensitive and economically viable landuse approaches, which were developed in a participatory way with landuser groups, state organizations, private sector and civil society are implemented in the Central Asian countries. Integrative, nachhaltige, klimasensible und wirtschaftlich tragfähige Landnutzungsansätze, die mit Beteiligung von Landnutzergruppen, Akteuren staatlicher Organisationen, des Privatsektors und der Zivilgesellschaft entwickelt worden sind, werden in den zentralasiatischen Staaten umgesetzt. Integrated, sustainable, climate sensitive and economically viable landuse approaches, which were developed in a participatory way with landuser groups, state organizations, private sector and civil society are implemented in the Central Asian countries. Integrative, nachhaltige, klimasensible und wirtschaftlich tragfähige Landnutzungsansätze, die mit Beteiligung von Landnutzergruppen, Akteuren staatlicher Organisationen, des Privatsektors und der Zivilgesellschaft entwickelt worden sind, werden in den zentralasiatischen Staaten umgesetzt.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Erhalt der Biodiversität und nachhaltigen Landnutzung in von Armut betroffenen Gemeinden im Munizip Pocoata im Norden von Potosí Integrated rural and sustainable development with emphasis on biodiversity protection and ecological land use for small farmer groups, Pocoata Erhalt der Biodiversität und nachhaltigen Landnutzung in von Armut betroffenen Gemeinden im Munizip Pocoata im Norden von Potosí Integrated rural and sustainable development with emphasis on biodiversity protection and ecological land use for small farmer groups, Pocoata Erhalt der Biodiversität und nachhaltigen Landnutzung in von Armut betroffenen Gemeinden im Munizip Pocoata im Norden von Potosí Integrated rural and sustainable development with emphasis on biodiversity protection and ecological land use for small farmer groups, Pocoata
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Asia LEDS Partnership Forum The Asia Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS) Partnership was launched in 2012 to promote and support low-emission development across the region. AusAID is a member of the Asia LEDS Forum Steering Committee. Funding under this initiative will support the forum to move from planning to implementing LEDS, and in finding best practice. Interactive sessions will focus on: sharing of good practices in low-emission development; building regional networks in key sectors such as energy, transport, agriculture and forestry; and skills training. The total value of this initiative is $30,000 to be expensed during the 2013-14 financial year.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
KAB-IWRA/IWRMP Integrated Water Resources Assessment and Management Plan for Uruzgan
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Global Water Partnership Organisation (GWP) erlagda skatter 2012 Global Water Partnership Organisation (GWP) paid taxes 2012 - Global Water Partnership Organisation (GWP) Global Water Partnership Organisation (GWP) tax contribution.GWP´s main area:water,climate food security, urbanisation. Global Water Partnership Organisation (GWP) tax contribution.GWP´s main area:water,climate food security, urbanisation.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
RaboBank Acorn Agroforestry Carbon Programme To support farmers in making the transition to agroforestry at scale, Acorn has built a global, transparent, and technology-enabled marketplace for carbon sequestration. The additional income generated by the carbon credits will make the transition to agroforestry more financially sustainable for the farmers. This programme presents a unique opportunity for FSD Africa to play a critical role in transitioning smallholder farmers in Africa towards more sustainable agricultural production systems whilst also potentially linking capital markets to natural capital.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Final Evaluation Timor-Leste EDF 11 Partnership for Sustainable Agro-Forestry (PSAF) between Timor-Leste, the EU, Germany and ILO <p>Final Evaluation Timor-Leste EDF 11 Partnership for Sustainable Agro-Forestry (PSAF) between Timor-Leste, the EU, Germany and ILO.</p>
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Tanzania Climate Change Institutional Strengthening Programme To improve Tanzania's access to climate finance and use it effectively to support climate change resilience and low carbon sustainable growth by securing international climate change funds both from multilaterals and bilaterals and by assessing targets annually which have been set in the National Climate Change Strategy.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Meer inwoners verwerven kennis en inzicht in duurzame ontwikkeling, mondiale tendensen en lokale realiteiten overal ter wereld, dankzij de mondiale journalistiek van Wereldmediahuis. Plus de personnes acquièrent des connaissances et un aperçu du développement durable, des tendances mondiales et des réalités locales dans le monde, grâce à Wereldmediahuis. Cet outcome "Plus de personnes acquièrent des connaissances et un aperçu du développement durable, des tendances mondiales et des réalités locales dans le monde, grâce à Wereldmediahuis (WMH)" est réalisé en partenariat avec WMH, afin que l'indépendance journalistique soit garantie dans l'information du grand public. Avec MO*, WMH réalise un projet médiatique journalistique sur les tendances mondiales et les réalités locales dans le monde entier, destiné à un public large et intéressé. Grâce à divers moyens journalistiques - magazine, site web, lettres d'information, médias sociaux, podcasts et événements - MO* rend le monde en mutation compréhensible, vivable et gérable. MO* contribue à un monde dans lequel la dignité humaine et la justice pour tous, la solidarité et une relation durable avec la planète sont réalisées. Le travail journalistique est inscrit dans une perspective de fond claire. Nous vivons dans un monde intensément connecté, où les réalités locales ne sont pas sé...(+3 characters extra in FundHub text) Le grand public: les habitants adultes de la Belgique néerlandophone dans toute leur diversité (sexe, origine, foi). Il n'y a pas d'accent spécifique sur l'âge, même si, lorsque des opportunités existent, des efforts supplémentaires seront faits pour rajeunir le lectorat actuel. Le deuxième résultat met l'accent sur les médias grand public en tant que groupe cible intermédiaire: presse écrite, médias audiovisuels et, de plus en plus, plateformes (d'information) numériques.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
EG-02 200 MW Wind Farm in Gulf of El Zayt - NIF contribution The specific objective is to construct a wind farm of up to 200 MW on the West bank of the Gulf of Suez . The measures comprise all activities required in the context of the construction and operation of the facilities. Supported KfW, EIB, EC.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
SWITCH-Asia - Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production (CfP 2020) The overall objective of the SWITCH Asia programme is to promote sustainable growth, to contribute to poverty reduction and to climate change mitigation while decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Partners for Resilience Philippines Partners for Resilience (PfR) is an alliance of humanitarian, development, climate and environmental civil society organisations (the Netherlands Red Cross (lead), the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, Cordaid, Care Netherlands and Wetlands International) and NGOs in the South. The alliance promotes the application of Integrated Risk Management (IRM) to strengthen communities 1 Harmonise the principal implementing regulations and other relevant policy instruments on DRM, climate change and environmental and coastal management, for promoting an enabling environment for adoption of IRM 2 National government agencies, local government units and multi-stakeholder alliances and platforms mainstream IRM in planning guidelines, local development plans and multi-stakeholder plans 3 The private sector increases investment and practice in Integrated Risk Management (IRM) 4 Increase access of target LGUs and CSOs to different funding opportunities for IRM initiatives Direct target groups: ADB, CCC, DENR, DILG, EU, Chamber of Commerce, League of Mayors, Manila Bay authorities (Major water investments, PRA, DPWH, Dutch Embassy,WB, ADB, DENR/Manila Bay Coordinating Office), LGUs (city/municipal), NCIP, Philippine Chamber of Commerce, Private Sector (CSRs) Religious organizations, ULAP, WB Indirect target groups: Academy/universities, CSOs, NGO, networks, Peoples Organizations, Regional Development Councils, Research organisations, etc.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Water quality, irrigation and on-farm controls for achieving global food safety and nutritional security Strengthening capacities and awareness of sustainable land and water management approaches for water quality, irrigation and on-farm controls for reducing incidence of foodborne illness at source.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Contract 447-948 - Contribution Arrangement with respect to the European Western Balkans Joint Fund under the Western Balkans Investment Framework - Allocation 2022 - 2023 for the Sustainable Transport Connectivity sector Contract related to: Contract 447-948 - Contribution Arrangement with respect to the European Western Balkans Joint Fund under the Western Balkans Investment Framework - Allocation 2022 - 2023 for the Sustainable Transport Connectivity sector - In October 2020 the European Commission adopted a comprehensive Economic and Investment Plan (EIP) for the Western Balkans3, which aims to spur the long-term economic recovery of the region, support a green and digital transition, foster regional integration and convergence with the European Union.The EIP is accompanied by the Guidelines for implementing the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB), which further detail investments and actions that can foster the green transition in the region under the EIP and beyond. With the EIP, the Western Balkans Agenda on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport and the Green Agenda, the EU provides strong support for economic recovery and reform for a modern, greener and more prosperous Western Balkans delivering better to their citizens on the road to the EU.The EIP also offers a path for a successful regional economic integration to help accelerate convergence with the EU and close the development gap between EU Member States and the Western Balkans region. The EIP will increase the competitiveness of the Western Balkans. Its implementation will have to be accompanied with the relevant reform measures.The EIP Communication identifies ten flagships with the expectation that these would unlock significant investments in particular in the field of digital, sustainable transport, clean energy transition and environment.To support the implementation of mature transport flagship projects, identified in the EIP, this Action foresees the provision of technical assistance and investment grants for the construction or rehabilitation of sustainable infrastructures in the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) in the period 2021-2027. It also supports the Poznan Summit commitment on the Western Balkans road and rail safety and reduction of travelling time.The Western Balkans Investment Framework members include the European Commission, member states, bilateral donors, financial institutions who altogether in partnership share the objectives of the Economic and Investment Plan for Western Balkans and together contribute to achieve common goals to spur the socio-economic cohesion of the region. In this context, the Western Balkans Investment Framework contributes to support the Team Europe Initiative.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Förderung von on- und off-grid Solartechnologien für eine inklusive Wirtschaftsentwicklung Support of on- and off-grid Solartechnology for inclusive economic development Die Vorraussetzungen zur Verbreitung von Solartechnologien für eine inklusive, klimafreundliche Wirtschaftsentwicklung sind in ausgewählten Provinzen verbessert. The conditions for the dissemination of solar technologies for inclusive, climate-friendly economic development have improved in selected provinces. Die Vorraussetzungen zur Verbreitung von Solartechnologien für eine inklusive, klimafreundliche Wirtschaftsentwicklung sind in ausgewählten Provinzen verbessert. The conditions for the dissemination of solar technologies for inclusive, climate-friendly economic development have improved in selected provinces.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Addressing the drivers of deforestation - support and global advocacy Project support, international advocacy and policy dialogue related to the Guyana and Peru component of the project.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Stärkung des agrarökologischen Anbaus und der Vermarktung Strengthening agro-ecological cultivation and marketing Stärkung des agrarökologischen Anbaus und der Vermarktung Strengthening agro-ecological cultivation and marketing Der Projektpartner arbeitet mit indigenen Gemeinden, um sie im Bereich der Bürgerbeteiligung, Kommunikation sowie Agrarökologie zu stärken. Mit im Fokus steht auch das Thema Gleichberechtigung in lokalen, politischen Entscheidungsräumen. Darüber hinaus geht es darum, dass Führungspersönlichkeiten der Guaraní Informationen zu Agrarökologie, Resilienz und Klimawandel verbreiten sowie darum, die Produktions- und Vermarktungskapazitäten entsprechend zu steigern.Hierzu werden u. a. Radioprogramme und Informationsmaterialien erstellt und verbreitet, Workshops und Erfahrungsaustausche durchgeführt. The project addresses indigenous communities to strengthen them in the areas of citizen participation, communication and agroecology. The focus is also on the issue of gender equality in local political decision-making spaces. In addition, Guaraní leaders disseminate information on agroecology, resilience and climate change, and increase production and marketing capacities accordingly. To this end, radio programmes and information materials are produced and disseminated, and workshops and exchanges of experience are held.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
CNVP Private Forestry Kosovo Phase 2 - CNVP wood biomass production and reducion of emissions CNVP Privat Skog Kosovo fas 2 Projektets huvudsakliga mål är att stötta privat och decentraliserad skogsutveckling i Kosovo och, för relevanta punkter, också på regional nivå. The project's main aim is to support private and decentralised forestry development in Kosovo and, for relevant issues, also at regional level Improved management of decentralized forests, which includes: Increased capacities of municipalities and forestry administration; Support adapted legal framework and strategy of forestry in decentralized forest management; and Joint forest management and practices supported. Improved management of private forests in Kosovo, which includes: Improved structure and functioning of National Associations of Private Forest Owners (NAPFO) and Associations of Private Forest Owners (APFO); Increased capacity and service delivery of associations; Increased capacities of women and youth in sustainable forest management and forest product value chains; and Inclusion of private forestry in forestry and rural development policies, programmes and legislation (including subsidy schemes). Increased application of renewable energy from wood biomass addressing environmental services and income generation, which includes: Capacity strengthened related to wood biomass for renewable energy; Good practise and innovative approaches developed for wood biomass and non-wood forest products (NWFPs) in agro-forestry and rehabilitation of degraded forests; and carbon sequestration (CS) assessed through measurements in different silvi-cultural models.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Sozio-ökonomische Widerstandsfähigkeit für Kleinbauern im Chimanimani Distrikt - Fortführung Socio-Economic Resilience of Small-holder Farmers in Chimanimani District - Continuation Sozio-ökonomische Widerstandsfähigkeit für Kleinbauern im Chimanimani Distrikt - Fortführung Socio-Economic Resilience of Small-holder Farmers in Chimanimani District - Continuation Der Projektpartner zielt darauf ab, die Resilienz der Kleinbäuer*innen im Projektgebiet gegenüber Katastrophen und sozioökonomischen Schocks zu erhöhen. Der Projektpartner legt dabei ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Stärkung der Ernährungsdiversität und eine Verbesserung der Gesundheitssituation der Zielgruppe. The project partner aims at increasing the smallholder famers' resilience against catastrophies and socioeconomic shocks. The project partner particularly focuses on improving nutrition diversity and the health situation of the target group.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Promoting sustainable urbanisation in China Aims to bring major city clusters of UK and China together to introduce UK best practice in coordinated development to China. Liaise with Northern Powerhouse on how best to achieve sustainable city cluster development
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Begleitforschung für landwirtschaftliche Innovationen Supporting research for agricultural innovation Begleitforschung für landwirtschaftliche Innovationen Supporting research for agricultural innovation Begleitforschung für landwirtschaftliche Innovationen Supporting research for agricultural innovation.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Restoring food security of vulnerable households affected by floods in Central provinces of Vietnam Restoring food security of vulnerable families affected by tropical storm and flood in Central provinces of Vietnam
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
LAIF contribution to the Facility for Performance Based Climate Finance in Latin America (¿PBC Facility') <p>The PBC Facility aims at supporting a sustainable and climate friendly development and transformation of defined sectors in Latin America through the implementation of performance based greenhouse gas mitigation activities. The PBC Facility is a direct continuation of the Latin America Carbon Finance Facility ('LACFF Facility') which is also supported by a LAIF contribution since the end of 2011.</p>
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Urban Water Sector Development in Southern Sudan Entwicklung des städtischen Wasser- und Sanitärsektors im Süd-Sudan Decision makers and sector professionals are better enabled to implement the water policy Der Zugang der städtischen Bevölkerung zu sauberem Trinkwasser und Sanitärleistungen ist verbessert. Decision makers and sector professionals are better enabled to implement the water policy Der Zugang der städtischen Bevölkerung zu sauberem Trinkwasser und Sanitärleistungen ist verbessert.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Resilience building for food and income security in shock-affected areas (PROACT) Enhanced resilience of targeted vulnerable and food insecure communities and Social Protection systems to drought hazard
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Building Resilience to the Impacts of Climate Change and COVID-19 Renforcement de la résilience aux effets des changements climatiques et de la COVID-19 This project aims to strengthen the resilience of agro-sylvo-pastoral communities in the Boucle du Mouhoun region, once known as “the breadbasket of Burkina Faso.” The region now struggles to play that role because of soil, forest and water resource degradation. In Burkina Faso, against a backdrop that already includes climate, security, and humanitarian shocks, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a negative impact on all activity sectors. The project focuses on greater empowerment through the mastery of practices and measures to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 and climate change. The project activities include: (1) developing and broadcasting radio shows, television spots, and microprograms on COVID-19 in local languages; (2) educating and training technical partners on COVID-19’s impact on various types of activities, notably the new constraints on women and youth, who will be trained on measures to prevent and mitigate the illness; (3) boosting households’ livelihoods by restoring 500 ha of land for agro-pastoral production; (4) enhancing 50 ha of rice-growing lowlands in support of women and youth; and (5) creating, rehabilitating, and securing 25 ha of nature conservation areas. Ce projet vise à renforcer la résilience des communautés agro-sylvo-pastorales de la région de la Boucle du Mouhoun, jadis appelée « le grenier du Burkina Faso ». Cette région peine aujourd’hui à remplir cette fonction en raison de la dégradation des terres, des ressources forestières et hydrauliques. La pandémie COVID-19 impacte négativement tous les secteurs d'activités dans un contexte déjà marqué par des chocs climatiques, sécuritaires et humanitaires au Burkina Faso. Le projet se concentre sur la maîtrise des pratiques et des mesures de mitigation des effets de la COVID-19 et des changements climatiques pour plus d'autonomisation. Les activités de ce projet comprennent : 1) concevoir et diffuser les émissions radiophoniques, les spots de télévision et les microprogrammes en langues locales sur la COVID-19; 2) diffuser les informations et les formations aux partenaires techniques à propos de l'impact de la COVID-19 sur les différentes catégories d'activités, notamment les nouvelles contraintes pour les femmes et jeunes, formés sur les mesures de prévention et de mitigation de la maladie; 3) renforcer les moyens d'existence des ménages par la restauration de 500 ha de terres pour la production agro-pastorale; 4) mettre en valeur 50 ha de bas-fonds rizicoles au profit des femmes et des jeunes; 5) créer, réhabiliter et sécuriser 25 ha de zones de conservation de la nature.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Early Recovery Food Security Somalia Provision of grant funding to Food Agriculture Organisation Somalia for Emergency Response Programme (ERP) to the humanitarian crisis in Somalia, funded under the Food Security through Rural Development II budget measure. This initiative provides critical food security and livelihood assistance to Somali farmers, herders and institutions to recover from the 2011 famine and drought while simultaneously building longer-term resilience. The total value of this initiative is $2.9 million during the 2011-12 financial year.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Green Climate Fund 2012 Gröna klimatfonden, GCF, 2012 Contribution for administrative costs related to build up of Green Climate Fund 2012. Bidrag till uppbyggnaden av Gröna klimat fonden, GCF 2012.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Activity under preparation EU4 Green Economy (Window 3 and Window 4) - AAP2024BA The Action paves the way for a just transition to a green economy in BiH by supporting energy transition in coal and mining areas, strengthening private sector capacities for the introduction of circular business models, promoting public-private partnerships in waste management at the local level. As such, the overall objective of the Action is to advance energy transition and improve business environment for low carbon and circular economy in BiH. The Action has 4 specific objectives: (1) Improved effectiveness and transparency of the just energy transition governance at the state, entity and local level, (2) Increased livelihoods and relevant labour market technical and soft skills of affected workforce, (3) Increased public and private investments for energy transition in the targeted coal mining regions stakeholder consultations/engagement improved and (4) Enhanced circular transition of MSMEs and entrepreneurs across different growth stages (including innovative start-ups) based on introduction of circular business models.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
CSO4G: Civil Society Organisations for Good Governance and Green Growth in Cambodia <p>The Civil Society Organisations for Good Governance and Green Growth in Cambodia (CSO4G) action is dedicated to improving the ability of Cambodian SelfHelpFarmers to access their socio-economic rights and to assume their roles as key actors in sustainable people-led agriculture development.</p>
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Erhalt der Ökosystemleistungen der Tropenwälder und Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen der ländlichen Gemeinden durch hachhaltiges Naturressourcenmanagement und angepasste Landnutzungsmodelle Conservation of ecosystem services of tropical forests and improvement of the living conditions or rural communities through sustainable natural resource management and appropriate land use models Erhalt der Ökosystemleistungen der Tropenwälder und Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen der ländlichen Gemeinden durch hachhaltiges Naturressourcenmanagement und angepasste Landnutzungsmodelle Conservation of ecosystem services of tropical forests and improvement of the living conditions or rural communities through sustainable natural resource management and appropriate land use models Erhalt der Ökosystemleistungen der Tropenwälder und Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen der ländlichen Gemeinden durch hachhaltiges Naturressourcenmanagement und angepasste Landnutzungsmodelle Conservation of ecosystem services of tropical forests and improvement of the living conditions or rural communities through sustainable natural resource management and appropriate land use models
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Expenditure Verification of AU Research Grant PANAF/2015/370-078 Contract related to: Expenditure Verification of AU Research Grant PANAF/2015/370-078 - The action aims at supporting African organisations, policy-makers and practitioners to make more effective use of Earth Observation data to develop relevant operational information services to support sustainable management of natural resources
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Cuamba landsbygdsel Cuamba rural electrification To support economic and social development in Mozambique through meeting the demand of electricity. Att möta efterfrågan på elektricitet för att stödja den ekonomiska och sociala utvecklingen i Moçambique. The main objective of the intervention was to extend the national electricity grid in Cuamba, Niassa province and rehabilitate the existing services, thereby provide adequate supply of electricity to support the growth of local industries, promote local trade and employment opportunities as well as social welfare for the population in the area through electrification of health and educational facilities.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Green Transformation Georgia (ECO.Georgia) Grüne Transformation Georgien (ECO-Georgia) CO2-emissions in the Georgian forestry sector are reduced. CO2-Emissionen im georgischen Forstsektor sind reduziert. CO2-emissions in the Georgian forestry sector are reduced. CO2-Emissionen im georgischen Forstsektor sind reduziert.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Ulaanbaatar District Heating Project <p>The main objective of the Ulaanbaatar District Heating Project is to reduce CO2 emissions and local air pollution in the City of Ulaanbaatar by improving the reliability of district heating supply and increasing the networks capacity. Its specific objectives (SO) are to: 1) Improve the reliability of existing and new district heating and hot water supply network; 2) Increase district heating networks capacity; and 3) Improve the corporate governance of the Ulaanbaatar District Heating Company.</p>
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
FATHUM: Forecasts for AnTicipatory HUManitarian action The programme has four focuses: disaster risk, subseasonal to seasonal forecasting, disaster risk monitoring, and the integration of these into practical decision making. The programme is targeting countries across subSaharan Africa and south Asia. Research and development activity contributing to the UK’s strategy to address key development challenges.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Short Study Call - NOC - Low laying regions International Partnership Programme (see Programme details section for individual project summaries) To provide access to otherwise difficult to access satellite-derived information about coastal vulnerability to environmental threats such as sea level rise, storm surges and extreme wind and wave events. Ultimately enable users to interrogate the information to inform assessment of current vulnerability of coastal regions and to evaluate future risks and adaption requirements.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
IGG Intensivering Water OS 3 IGG Intensivering Water OS III RvO. Het ondersteunen van de ambassades in de 10 water partnerlanden bij het uitvoeren van hun waterp rogramma's
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Zambia Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Transformation programme (ZE2ST) ZE2ST aims at mobilising end-use energy savings, energy services and demand side management and at promoting digitalisation to make energy efficiency count in Zambia.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Anti-Corruption Financial Contribution to NORAD This activity (Anti-Corruption Financial Contribution to NORAD) is a component of Anti-Corruption Joint EV Contribution reported by FCDO and a budget of £215,495.This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified.And works in the following sector(s): Anti-corruption organisations and institutions.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
KENYA CEREAL ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMME : CLIMATE RESILIENT AGRICULTURAL LIVELIHOODS WINDOW (KCEP-CRAL) Improve productive capacity and reduced risk of medium and small-scale producers
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Promoting long-term economic and financial sustainability in Indonesia Raising ambition and accelerating action to protect and restore forests
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Infrastructure Resilience Accelerator Fund Multi-Partner Trust Fund (IRAF) <p>The proposed action will engage with the national governments¿ and disaster management agencies in the SIDS region. The action will engage with national and regional agencies of key infrastructure sector (for e.g. energy, housing, transport, digital, water and health), private sector operators, development agencies, national and international financial institutions as well as local authorities and sector specific and community mobilisation civil society organisations.</p>
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Activity under preparation Programme d'accélération de l'Intégration économique des Comores Cette action d¿un montant de 8,1 millions d¿EUR soutient l¿accélération de l¿intégration économique des Comores dans le commerce mondial, en réponse à une très forte demande politique. L¿ambition est d¿accompagner le secteur privé à pleinement valoriser son potentiel en accédant à de nouveaux marchés nationaux, régionaux et mondiaux, avec un effet levier sur la croissance économique et l¿emploi décent. Elle contribuera à lever certains obstacles au commerce, améliorer le climat des affaires, notamment en termes de sécurité juridique, et à soutenir l¿écosystème d¿appui aux entreprises afin de faire levier sur l¿investissement direct étranger et national et les capacités commerciales. Elle est cohérente avec les objectifs de l¿approfondissment de l¿APE actuellement en cours de négociation et contribuera à la mise en application des engagements liés à l'environnement dans le chapitre sur le commerce et le développement durable de cet APE complet. Les trois composantes de l¿action visent à :Renforcer les dispositifs de mise en ¿uvre des procédures douanières.Renforcer l¿appui pour améliorer la sécurité juridique et la formalisation pour les entreprises qui investissent.Accroitre l'accès pour les femmes aux services d¿appui et aux opportunités entrepreneuriales dans le secteur de l'économie verte.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Frame Climate 2012 Parallel to the support to environment, Denmark has providing through Fast Start Climate Change Funding to Indonesia - and having granted 50 million DKK in 2011 to support the Harapan Rainforest programme in southern Sumatra -another 50 million DKK in 2012 from the Climate Fund to support the development of: (1) support to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation+ (REDD+) for the implementation of the national REDD+ strategy. (2) Forest Investment Programme, hereunder the development of up to 600 local Forest Management Units. In line with the gradual "shifting" of priorities of Indonesia´s environmental agenda towards climate change and the increased focus on mitigation of emissions from forests and peat lands through REDD+, a conceptual "merge" of the ESP3 fund with the Danish Climate fund from 2013 onwards. The Component 3 focuses on sustainable forestry and natural resource management. The climate fund is financing two sub-component of ESP3 Component 3: (1) REDD+ Support Facility (RSF), to be executed by the World Bank and sub-component (2) Forest Investment Programme (FIP) with focus on Forest Management Units partnering. The programme is partnering with Ministry of Environment and Forestry, bringing an institutionalized government structure to the protection and support of the forest. The program is a Trust Fund administered by World Bank
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Ffu - FAO Supporting climate change adaption in fisheries and aquculture The outcome of the project is: “Improved country capacity to develop and implement climate change adaptation plans and actions that promote socio-economic development with specific attention to poverty reduction and food security in the fishery and aquaculture sector”.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Energy and Environment Partnership Southern and East Africa Multidonor Trust Fund Eteläisen ja Itä-Afrikan energia- ja ympäristökumppanuusrahasto The proposed multidonor trust fund for the Energy and Environment Partnership in Southern and East Africa is designed to promote the use of renewable energy solutions in the target region in order to improve access to electricity reduce poverty and tackle climate change. The main beneficiaries of the trust fund concept are private sector actors operating in the field of renewable energy. The fund aims to support initiatives from all sectors of the renewable energy field (inc. solar small hydro wind geotherm al biofuels) as well as promote energy efficiency in the region. The fund is a continuation of the EEP Programme launched in 2010. Pohjoismaiden kehitysrahasto (Nordic Development Fund - NDF) hallinnoi eteläisen ja Itä-Afrikan maiden (15 maata) uusiutuvan energian ja energiatehokkuuden edistämisen energia- jaympäristökumppanuusrahasto EEP:tä. Rahasto on jatkoa vuonna 2010 ulkomi nisteriön käynnistämälle EEP:n vaiheille 1 ja 2. EEP on yksi Suomen merkittävimmistä yksittäisitä ilmastonmuutos-interventioista. Rahaston Impact-tason tavoitteena on tukea kestävän kehityksen tavoitteiden (SDGs) saavuttamista rahoitus kohdisteta an erityisesti SDGt 1 57 8 ja 13 saavuttamiseksi.Suomen rahoitus on yhteensä 15 milj. euroa v. 2018-2022. NDF on itse sijoittanut rahastoon 22 milj. euroa ja Itävallan kehitysyhteistyövirasto ADA 3 milj. euroa.Lisärahoitusta yhteensä 19 milj. euroa ha etaan hiljaisessa menettelyssä Suomen rahoitusosuuden kasvattamiseksi jotta NDF voi hyväksyä hakukierroksen 15 kaikki NDF:n tarkasti valitut hankkeet. 15. hakukierroksella oli erityisenä teemana sukupuolten välinen tasa-arvo. Ilman lisärahoitusta 4 h yvää hanketta jäisi ilman rahoitusta. Kyseisten hankkeiden odotetaan vähentävän päästöjä tuottavan uusiutuvaa energiaa luovan työpaikkoja säästävän energiaa sekä vivuttavan yksityisiä investointeja uusiutuvaan energiaan. Lisämyöntö on m ahdollista käsitella hiljaisessa menettelyssä.Esitetään että laaturyhmä puoltaa hiljaisella menettelyllä 1.900.000? lisämyönnön myöntämisen EEP-ohjelmalle kuluvan vuoden määrärahasta maa- ja aluekohtaisen kehitysyhteistyön momentilta 24.30. 66.2.1.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Climate Envelope 2016: Extension of Low Carbon Transition Unit (LCTU) - Danish Energy Agency Energy Partnership (DEA EP) Objective of allocation to Danish Energy Agency (DEA) is to assist China, Mexico, SA, Vietnam with transition to low carbon economies and prepare to enter into new global climate agreement
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective