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DK Support to Systematic Observation Financing Facility (SOFF) 2022-2025 The development objective (SOFF goal) is to strengthen climate adaptation and resilient development through improved weather forecasts, early warning systems and climate information services that save lives and livelihoods and protect property.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Strengthening the quality infrastructure for innovative energy services. Stärkung der Qualitätsinfrastruktur für innovative Energiedienstleistungen The government of Senegal has ambitious plans for the expansion of electrification and has stipulated a high share of renewable energies in political strategy papers. The climatic conditions are very well suited for the use of photovoltaic (PV) systems. So far, these have only been imported and their quality is not always sufficient. Confidence in the technology and thus also demand can be expanded. The module supports 2 university institutions in setting up PV testing laboratories, the networking of all stakeholders and the professional associations of companies active in the PV sector. Awareness raising activities for potential users up to ministries are also carried out. The aim of the module is to increase the dissemination of quality-tested PV systems to better supply the population with reliable renewable energy. Essential measures of the module are the equipment of the two testing laboratories, the implementation of technical trainings and in quality management, as well as the strategic cooperation of all stakeholders. The political partner is the MPE (Ministry of Energy) and ANER (National Renewable Energy Agency) is the implementing partner. The target group is the rural population, which until now has not had access to safe and reliable electricity supply. The module is implemented in Dakar mainly through the 2 laboratories that test the imports of PV components for the whole of Senegal. The two professional associations are also based in Dakar. Die Regierung des Senegals hat ehrgeizige Pläne für den Ausbau der Elektrifizierung vorgegeben und hier einen hohen Anteil mit erneuerbaren Energien in politischen Strategiepapieren festgeschrieben. Die klimatischen Gegebenheiten eignen sich sehr gut für die Nutzung von Photovoltaik (PV)-Anlagen. Diese werden bisher ausschließlich importiert und deren Qualität ist nicht immer ausreichend. Das Vertrauen in die Technologie und damit auch die Nachfrage sind ausbaufähig. Das Modul unterstützt 2 Universitätseinrichtungen beim Aufbau von PV-Prüflaboren, die Netzwerkbildung aller Stakeholder und die Berufsverbände der im PV-Sektor tätigen Unternehmen. Außerdem werden Sensibilisierungsmaßnahmen für potenzielle Nutzer bis hin zu den Ministerien durchgeführt. Ziel des Moduls ist die größere Verbreitung qualitätsgeprüfter PV-Anlagen zur besseren Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit zuverlässiger erneuerbarer Energie. Wesentliche Maßnahmen des Moduls sind die Ausstattung der beiden Prüflabore mit Geräten, die Durchführung technischer Trainings und im Qualitätsmanagement, sowie die strategische Zusammenarbeit aller Stakeholder. Politischer Träger ist das MPE (Energieministerium) und ANER (Nationale Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien) der Durchführungspartner. Zielgruppe ist die ländliche Bevölkerung, die bisher keinen Zugang zu sicherer und zuverlässiger Stromversorgung hatte. Das Modul wird in Dakar vor allem über die 2 Labore umgesetzt, welche die Importe von PV-Komponenten für den gesamten Senegal prüfen. Auch die beiden Berufsverbände haben ihren Sitz in Dakar. Sales of quality-assured photovoltaic systems and services have increased. Der Absatz qualitätsgesicherter Photovoltaik-Anlagen und -Dienstleistungen hat zugenommen.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Global Gateway: India The action is called `Global Gateway in action in and with India¿ as it intends to offer something different. The aim is to respond to EU, India and Global ambitions, at scale, on key green deal and other connectivity issues of high political relevance, with a view to benefiting both the peole and the planet, primarily in India, but also beyond India, in particular in Small Island Developing States. More precisely, the Specific Objective (Outcome) of the action is to mobilize EU investments to another level, both in volume, quality and depth terms, in and with India, on resilient infrastructure, just energy transition, sustainable urbanisation, resource efficiency and circular economy, water, migration and mobility as well as digitalisation, with demonstrated benefit for the people and the planet in at least one of the above mentioned sectors, by December 2027.  The driving force of the action is a systematic Team Europe Approach bringing together a variety of relevant and complementary EU players throughout the continuum of policy dialogue, pipeline identification and negotiation, investment decision-making, project implantation, monitoring and review as well as strategic communication and public diplomacy. Team Europe will bring as much and as many EU resources and expertise as possible, public and private, from the EU and its member states: investors, banks and other financial institutions, private companies, large, medium and small, research and innovation institutes; academia, think tanks and other relevant civil society actors, but also regions and cities, in a true spirit of partnership, creating links, not dependencies.A number of the action components build on the achievements and lessons learnt of previously-funded FPI policy dialogue project, which INTPA is now taking over. Within a Global Gateway/Connectivity Partnership framework, the action will facilitate both sectoral and cross-setoral quality, structured, multi-level, multi-stakeholder policy-specific dialogues so that relevant stakeholders can act on key challenges, in the most effective and sustainable manner possible, at their level, in their sectors and/or domains of competence.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Do past fires explain current carbon dynamics of Amazonian forests? This project aims to test whether the observed variation in forest dynamics, productivity, and above-ground biomass gains in long-term plots across Amazonia are influenced by a response to past disturbance by fire and by soil pyrogenic carbon (PyC) fertility effects. The results will have significant impacts in predicting the future magnitude and longevity of the Amazon carbon sink, understanding long-term fire effects, redirecting conservation practices, improving vegetation models, and affecting policy in South America. Research and development activity contributing to the UK’s strategy to address key development challenges.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Promoting low carbon development in Cape town Främjande av koldioxidsnål planering i Kapstaden Det föreslagna projektet syftar till att utveckla en detaljerad komponent för låga koldioxidutsläpp för integration i Kapstadens 'Energy and climate Change Action Plan' (handlingsplan för energi och klimatförändring. The proposed project aims at developing a detailed low carbon programmatic component to support Cape Town's Energy and climate Change Action Plan.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
PAPUA/FLC/Sustainable Livelihood outcomes for Carterets Islanders The Carterets Integrated Relocation Program will assist 200 people affected by climate change and people in one host community over a three year period.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Ministry of Environment Water and Natural Resources (MENR) energy for all
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Rehabilitation of Small Irrigation Schemes The project aims at improving income, food and nutrition security of smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. This will be done through the rehabilitation of small-scale irrigation schemes [1] and linking them to viable markets. SDC will contribute to a programme developed and coordinated by FAO and the Government of Zimbabwe, and will focus its support to the Masvingo Province which lies in the dry and arid region of the country. [1] For the purposes of this programme, small irrigation schemes are defined as communal schemes with irrigators having an average plot size of 0.5ha to 1.0 ha with a common water source and conveyance system and an area of 50 – 100 ha i.e. benefiting an average of 100 – 200 irrigators.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Multilaterala fonden (MLF) för Montrealprotokollet Multilateral Fund (for the implementation of the Montreal protocol) Kärnstöd till Multilaterala fonden för Montrealprotokollet Core support to the Multilateral Fund (for the implementation of the Montreal protocol)
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Nachhaltige Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien Sustainable Use of Renewable Energy Die Voraussetzungen für die langfristige Versorgung mit kostengünstiger, verlässlicher und nachhaltiger Energie in Tansania sind verbessert. The framework conditions for the long-term supply of affordable, reliable and sustainable energy in Tanzania have improved. Die Voraussetzungen für die langfristige Versorgung mit kostengünstiger, verlässlicher und nachhaltiger Energie in Tansania sind verbessert. The framework conditions for the long-term supply of affordable, reliable and sustainable energy in Tanzania have improved.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
TRANSLATION OF FREEDOM FROM OPPRESSION Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. Translation of Freedom from Oppression - Government Communication on Swedish Democracy Support
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
The Italian Contribution to National Electrification Project: Off Grid Component (NEP-IT) Contributo italiano al national electrification project - Component off-grid (NEP - IT) Multilaterale The aim of the NEP-IT General is to contribute to improving living conditions and reducing poverty levels of the rural population in Myanmar. ) The aim is Financing component 3 of the NEP (Project Management and Technical Assistance) through multilateral grant contribution to the WB of EUR 1,05 million. L'Obiettivo Generale del NEP-IT è contribuire al miglioramento delle condizioni di vita e alla riduzione dei livelli di povertà. L'iniziativa ha come componente di finanziamento 3 della NEP (Project Management e Assistenza Tecnica) mediante concessione multilaterale contributo alla WB di 1,05 milioni di euro;
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Transparency International Zambia Transparency International Zambia - Transparency International Zambia New The intervention constitutes core support to the Transparency International Zambia's strategic plan for the period 2018 to 2022. The focus of the intervention is to contribute to reducing corruption and promoting good governance in Zambia. The main objectives include empowering citizens to demand and take action against corruption; increasing awareness and capacity among citizens to demand accountability and transparency for the delivery of services; and enhancing the legal and policy environment as well as structures and enforcement mechanisms to promote good governance. Insatsen utgör kärnstöd till Transparency International Zambias strategiska plan för perioden 2018 – 2022. Syftet/insatsens fokus är att bekämpa korruption i Zambia genom att på olika sätt stärka medborgares möjligheter till ansvarsutkrävande och transparens, samt att på olika sätt bidra till god samhällsstyrning. To contribute to the reduction of corruption and promotion of good governance in Zambia.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Activity under preparation EU for Green Development in Armenia Activity still under preparation: EU for Green Development in Armenia-EU for Green Development in Armenia - EU for Green Development in Armenia
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Förderung einer nachhaltigen, an den Klimawandel angepassten Landnutzung von indigenen Gemeinschaften im Bastar-Distrikt, Chhattisgarh Promotion of a sustainable land use adapted to climate change for tribal families at the Bastar district, Chhattisgarh Förderung einer nachhaltigen, an den Klimawandel angepassten Landnutzung von indigenen Gemeinschaften im Bastar-Distrikt, Chhattisgarh Promotion of a sustainable land use adapted to climate change for tribal families at the Bastar district, Chhattisgarh Förderung einer nachhaltigen, an den Klimawandel angepassten Landnutzung von indigenen Gemeinschaften im Bastar-Distrikt, Chhattisgarh Promotion of a sustainable land use adapted to climate change for tribal families at the Bastar district, Chhattisgarh
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Ethiopia - Strategic Sector Cooperation on Water - Inception Phase Strategic Sector Cooperation Danish-Ethiopian Water Partnership. The specific objective(s) of the SSC project will be formulated during the inception phase the result of which is a phase I SSC
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Emergency response to mitigate multiple shocks impacting food security and nutrition,and enhance the resilience of livelihoods in Namibia To strengthen local and national capacities to mitigate multiple shocks while contributing to scaling out resilient livelihoods with special focus on youth and women-headed households, in complementarity to the ongoing collaboration with JICA?s N-SHEP.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Sistemas Agroecol¿gicos sostenibles en el Municipio de La Asunta (UNODC) <p><span style="color: black;">Apoyo a la transición hacia sistemas agroecológicos sostenibles y resilientes al cambio climático en Bolivia, con acceso a mercados, a través del fortalecimiento de alianzas público-privadas, contribuyendo a la implementación de la EDISC 2021-2025 en Bolivia.</span></p>
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
OS3 - Promoting decent work in Southern Africa (South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique) In South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe, targeted authorities and actors are mobilised around the need for decent work, social protection and recognition of health rights, while respecting gender equality and environment, thanks to the strengthening of capacities of partner organisations (trade unions, farmers organisations, networks, LGBTQI+ organisations and NGO’s) and their target groups in terms of organization, mutual cooperation, political advocacy and social dialogue. The outcome is linked to pillar 2 (labour rights) and pillar 3 (social protection) of the decent work agenda according to the ILO definition. For pillar 2, the intervention strategy focuses on two themes: flexibilisation and casualisation of labour and gender equality in the workplace. Both themes are looked at from partner organisations’ viewpoint and their target groups in the domestic workers, agricultural and light industrial sectors. The programme aims to strengthen the partner organisations and their target groups in their mobilising and advocacy capacities, to relevant authorities and actors. The intervention for pillar 3 focuses on contributing to stronger health models and strengthening sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). The partners and their target groups identified the following problems: lack of primary care, quality in care (including patient care), citizen participation in health, preventive health approach and attention for social determinants of health (such as food security) within health care policies. For SRHR: violence against women and access to SRHR for vulnerable groups as young women, LGBTI and sex workers. The programme aims to strengthen the partner organisations and their target groups in their (sexual and reproductive) health promotion and in policy influencing towards the public health institutions. A vital strategy is the capacity building of health activists, monitoring of health care services and participation in health (advise) committees. FOS Southern Africa and its partners decided to adopt a higher degree of focus on gender in the region. A Gender Focal Point, a partner with specific focus and knowledge on gender appointed in each country, will support the other partners in their respective countries on gender-specific work. The 3 Gender Focal Points will also facilitate the formation of a regional network to intensify the provision of gender-related support Workers in the agri-food sector (farm workers and their communities), domestic workers, light industry casualized workers, informal economy workers, subsistence famers Health activists, women activists, LGBTI, sex workers, young women.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung und Zertifizierung, Fortführung Forest for Life, Continuation Nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung und Zertifizierung, Fortführung Forest for Life, Continuation Das Projekt strebt an, Regenwaldflächen in der Western Province und der Choiseul Province der Solomon Islands gemäß des Protected Area Act 2010 dauerhaft als Naturschutzgebiet auszuweisen. Sieben Stämme sollen in die Lage versetzt werden, ihr Einkommen durch nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung zu erzielen. Zusätzlich werden die Stämme angeleitet, verfügbare finanzielle Mittel effizient einzusetzen. The project is on forest conservation and capacity building of tribal members of 7 tribes in Western and Choiseul Provinces of the Solomon Islands. Forest areas of the tribes are certified as legally protected under the Protected Area ACT 2010 while the tribes effectively use new proceeds from these protected forests to improve wellbeing in communities.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Nachhaltiges Flussraummanagement, Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Bangladesch Sustainable river basin management, adaptation to climate change in Bangladesh Nachhaltiges Flussraummanagement, Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Bangladesch Sustainable river basin management, adaptation to climate change in Bangladesh Etablierung eines nachhaltigen Flussraummanagements, das durch die Einbeziehung der Bewohner*innen sozial-verträglich gestaltet ist und somit die Lebensbedingungen der betroffenen Bevölkerung verbessert. Dies geschieht u.a. durch Mobilisierung und Stärkung von Basisorganisationen und Komitees, Aufbau, Mobilisierung und Stärkung von Jugendkomitees und finanzielle und technische zu angepassten Einkommensoptionen. Primäre Zielgruppe des Projekts sind 900 Haushalte. Letztlich wird die Maßnahme ca. 4,5 Mio. Menschen zugute kommen, die entlang der Ufer der Flüsse leben. Establishment of sustainable river basin management that is designed to be socially acceptable through the involvement of residents and thus improves the living conditions of the affected population. This is achieved, among other things, by mobilising and strengthening grassroots organisations and committees, establishing, mobilising and strengthening youth committees and providing financial and technical support for adapted income options. The primary target group of the project is 900 households. Ultimately, the programme will benefit around 4.5 million people living along the river banks.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Support livelihoods of drought affected households and resilience building of vulnerable groups in Warder and Kebredahar Woredas of Ethiopia`s Somali region Project Objective: Strengthen the resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities to reduce impact of droughts and climate risks in Warder and Kebredehar Woredas of Ethiopia?s Somali Region
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Green Climate Fund IRM The Green Climate Fund has been created as an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to support activities that help developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Solarstromversorgung der Gemeinde Nnudu Solar Power Supply, Community of Nnudu Solarstromversorgung der Gemeinde Nnudu Solar Power Supply, Community of Nnudu Solarstromversorgung der Gemeinde Nnudu Solar Power Supply, Community of Nnudu
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
5-year Global Programme for Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (TARGETED SUPPORT) Targeted support modality under the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) Multi-Partner Trust Fund (FAO and UNEP)
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
2010-2012, LVRLAC Climate Change CC - LVRLAC CC Evaluation 2010-2012, Samarb. kommuner runt Viktoriasjön: klimatförändringar LVRLAC CC LVRLAC is to implement a climate change response project entitled " Enabling local authorities to lead efforts in climate change response in the lake Victoria Basin (2010-2012)". The project proposes to facilitate adoption of climate change response strategies into the Local Authorities Environmental Plans within the Lake Victoria Basin The project is expected to result in reduced vulnerabilities to clima Projektet "Enabling local authorities to lead efforts in climate change response in the lake Victoria Basin (2010-2012" genomförs av LVRLAC i syfte att uppnå ökad miljömässig hållbarhet och motståndskraft mot miljöpåverkan. Sida supported the Lake Victoria Regional Local Authorities Cooperation (LVRLAC) through two program between 2010–2012. These supports were 1) a phase out support (LVRLAC cooperation; 5118001) and 2) this support (LVRLAC Climate Change (CC); 5105004401) which was part of the Swedish Governments Climate Change Initiative of a total of SEK 3 500 000. The two supports had separate agreements but has been followed up as one contribution. The purpose of the LVRLAC Climate Change project project  (51050044) was to to facilitate adoption of climate change response strategies into the Local Authorities' Environmental Plans within the Lake Victoria Basin. The project was expected to result in reduced vulnerabilities to climate change (reference is made to objective in PlanIt). The Regional Section at the Embassy in Nairobi was responsible for the two contributions from start but the responsibility was later transferred to the Regional section in Addis Ababa when the two sections were merged.  Hence follow-up was until august 2016 made by the Embassy in Nairobi and thereafter by the Embassy in Addis Ababa. Documents can be found in the two above mentioned archive cases.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Managing Climate Risks for Urban Poor This programme will help cities plan for and invest in reducing the impacts of weather-related changes and extreme events, through a partnership with the Rockefeller foundation and the Asian Development Bank, on 2 million urban poor and vulnerable people in 25 medium-sized cities in 6 Asian countries (initially Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Indonesia) by improving planning processes so that they consider climate change risks, for developing and funding new investment and infrastructure opportunities, and for knowledge and lesson sharing by 2022.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Dezentrale Stromversorgung mit Solarstrom zum Betrieb einer Kläranlage in einer ländlichen Gemeinde in Jordanien Decentralized solar energy supply for a wastewater treatment plant in a rural community in Jordan Dezentrale Stromversorgung mit Solarstrom zum Betrieb einer Kläranlage in einer ländlichen Gemeinde in Jordanien Decentralized solar energy supply for a wastewater treatment plant in a rural community in Jordan Dezentrale Stromversorgung mit Solarstrom zum Betrieb einer Kläranlage in einer ländlichen Gemeinde in Jordanien Decentralized solar energy supply for a wastewater treatment plant in a rural community in Jordan
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Joint Venture between ATEC and iDE Bangladesh to scale-up ATEC’s successful, world-leading biodigester technology in Bangladesh ATEC is a social enterprise that produces, sells and distributes the world’s first plug-and-play biodigester for small-scale farmers, combined with patented PAYGo technology. The partnership between ATEC Biodigesters International, iDE Bangladesh and IDCOL Partner Organisations intends to reach 1 million people in Bangladesh with clean cooking by 2030, including 100,000 people by the end of 2023. The partnership plans to sell 19.870 biodigesters in four years.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
World Resources Institute (WRI) 2023-2028 To promote and accelerate food systems and cities transitions, as well as national climate actions in ODA-eligible countries, with a primary focus on sub-Saharan Africa.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Vietnam Climate-Smart Coastal Communities Communautés côtières climato-compatibles au Vietnam This project aims to improve resilience to climate change of vulnerable coastal communities, particularly women, and enrich marine and coastal biodiversity in Vietnam. It supports the coastal provinces of Thua Thien Hue (North-Central), Binh Dinh (South-Central) and Soc Trang (Mekong Delta). They are highly vulnerable to climate change, specifically from natural disasters. They are experiencing biodiversity loss due to land transformation, overexploitation, climate change and pollution. Project activities include: (1) installing hydro-meteorological monitoring and early warning systems to provide climate and disaster risk information to selected communes; (2) creating start-up grants to support nature-positive business initiatives; and (3) planting and rehabilitating mangroves and coral reefs to protect and restore biodiversity, enhance the adaptive capacity of ecosystems and increase carbon sequestration. The project aims to reach 20,000 direct beneficiaries (75% women) engaged in and significantly depend on natural resources provided by coastal and marine ecosystems. It also intends to reach 200,000 indirect beneficiaries (50,000 households) in 17 communes, including villages and hamlets. The project seeks to rehabilitate 50,000 hectares of marine and coastal areas, which has the potential to affect neighbouring communities positively. Ce projet vise à améliorer la résilience aux changements climatiques des collectivités côtières vulnérables, en particulier des femmes, et à enrichir la biodiversité marine et côtière au Vietnam. Il soutient les provinces côtières de Thua Thien Hue (centre-nord), Binh Dinh (centre-sud) et Soc Trang (delta du Mékong). Ces provinces sont très vulnérables aux changements climatiques, en particulier aux catastrophes naturelles. Elles subissent une perte de biodiversité attribuable à la transformation des terres, à la surexploitation, aux changements climatiques et à la pollution. Les activités de ce projet comprennent : 1) l’installation de systèmes de surveillance hydrométéorologique et d’alerte précoce pour fournir des renseignements sur le climat et les risques de catastrophes aux communes sélectionnées; 2) la création de subventions de démarrage pour soutenir les initiatives commerciales favorables à la nature; 3) la plantation et la remise en état de mangroves et de récifs coralliens pour protéger et rétablir la biodiversité, améliorer la capacité d’adaptation des écosystèmes et augmenter le piégeage du carbone. Le projet vise à atteindre 20 000 bénéficiaires directs (dont 75 % de femmes) qui sont actifs dans le domaine des ressources naturelles fournies par les écosystèmes côtiers et marins et qui en dépendent de manière importante. Il vise également à atteindre 200 000 bénéficiaires indirects (50 000 ménages) dans 17 communes, y compris des villages et des hameaux. Le projet vise à remettre en état 50 000 hectares de zones marines et côtières, ce qui pourrait avoir une incidence favorable sur les collectivités voisines.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Financial assistance to the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO 5 million NOK (38% of the contribution) to the General Account of the Multi-Donor Special Account for the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) to support to capacity development activities of IOC in priority programmatic areas of science, services and ocean management applications, with particular focus on: - IOC tsunami ready community recognition program in Small Island Developing States and; - Capacity Development in Ocean Best Practices Pilot in the Caribbean with the goal of adopting and adapting best practices to regions of limited infrastructure to suit their capabilities and regional context, while maintaining, as much as possible, the interoperability across regions and countries using similar methods. 8 million NOK (62% of the contribution) to the sub-account dedicated to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (the Decade) 2021-2030 to support: - Ocean professionals in Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States by developing skills required to co-design and co-deliver ocean science in the context of the Decade and catalyze their involvement in the development of new Decade Actions, and their engagement in regional and national and coordination, structures based on agreed regional and national priorities. - Initial activities to conceptualize a new Ocean Decade programme to follow up the main recommendation from the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy to sustainably manage 100% of the ocean area under national jurisdiction, guided by Sustainable Ocean Plans, by 2025. - Support the Decade Coordination Unit through hiring of science officer. (This solution was decided upon after being unsuccessful in attracting candidates at IMR for a secondment at IOC Decade Coordination Unit in Paris- There were no interested researchers at IMR, we tried for almost 2 years).
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Enabling the diffusion of cash-based approaches to emergencies - Research This activity (Enabling the diffusion of cash-based approaches to emergencies - Research) is a component of Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme: greater use of evidence and innovation in humanitarian responses reported by FCDO and a budget of £896,316.This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified.And works in the following sector(s): Research/scientific institutions.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
GLA 2 - Philippines In order to address the problem of massive deforestation and human rights violations, the Philippine partners will work on 3 Pathways of Change. These are: (A) aiming at the recognition of the role of IPLCs in the protection of forests, including their rights to the forests and to their ancestral domain, and their contribution to climate change mitigation through the indigenous and community conserved areas (ICCA) and local community conserved areas (LCCA);(2) the regulation of drivers of deforestation and averting forest degradation and deforestation; and (3) the protection of environmental human rights defenders amidst a constricting civic space. The project also works for the increased role of women and youth in the decision-making and governance processes of the target landscapes. The overarching strategy to pursue these Pathways is the combination of Policy Influencing, Lobby and dvocacy (PILA). The foundation of these Pathways is building the capacity of IPLCs and CSOs and alliances for effective PILA.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Core support to IFAD 2020 Extra kärnstöd till IFAD 2020 Extra core support to IFAD 2020 Extra kärnstöd till IFAD 2020
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
AFD/EF Euroclima 2021 Contract related to: AFD/EF Euroclima 2021 - Thi phase of the regional climate change programme EUROCLIMA for Latin America and Caribbean will continue strengthening a process reinforcing resilience of the LA region to climate change and biodiversity.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Green Resilient Agricultural Productive Ecosystems (GRAPE) Foster climate resilient, green economic growth of two provinces-Green Resilient Agricultural Productive Ecosystems (GRAPE)
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Verbesserung des namibischen Schulspeisungsprogramms durch Einführung von Agroforstsystemen (Farm 2 Education) Improving the Namibian school feeding program through the introduction of agroforestry systems (Farm 2 Education) Verbesserung des namibischen Schulspeisungsprogramms durch Einführung von Agroforstsystemen (Farm 2 Education) Improving the Namibian school feeding program through the introduction of agroforestry systems (Farm 2 Education) Verbesserung des namibischen Schulspeisungsprogramms durch Einführung von Agroforstsystemen (Farm 2 Education) Improving the Namibian school feeding program through the introduction of agroforestry systems (Farm 2 Education)
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
S5-80 Shared Value Africa IAP Entreprenörsstöd S5-80 Shared Value Africa Entreprenurial support - S5-80 Shared Value Africa IAP Entreprenörsstöd Share Value Africa kommer genom sitt existerande outreach program, Trees on Farms, marknadsföra och sälja sina egna solenergilampor. The använder en innovation affärsmodell och kommer att basera distributionen och marknadsföringen på en kommisionsbaserd world of mouth lösning. Share Value Africa will through a pilote use their existing rural outreach programme, Trees on Farms, market their own brand of solar lights. They are using an innovative distrubution model based on marketing through commission-based world of mouth and a Lay-away system.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Ho Chi Minh City Bicycle Initiative In Ho Chi Minh City, while motorcycle remains the most popular means of transportation, the Department of Transport launched the first public bicycle service in December 2021. Implementing the public bicycle model will diversify urban transport modes in the city centre and create favourable health benefits for users. Moreover, it is more affordable, reduces traffic and air pollution and introduces new tourism products, contributing to the economic recovery and development of the city. In this context, the Netherlands Consulate General in HCMC will stimulate the process of strengthening the local government's knowledge of cycling and also explore the opportunities for collaboration and cooperation between the Netherlands and Ho Chi Minh City. That could be made possible by knowledge exchange from the Dutch cities that have been through similar developments. The Netherlands Consulate General plays a facilitating role in initiating potential connections with relevant local and international partners.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Ilocos Norte, Bangui Bay Wind Farm Project, Phase II The objective of the project is to establish and 8,25 MW wind farm at Bangui Bay in Ilocos Norte, 300 km north of Manila, and thereby ensure an economical development in the province through a clean and cost-efficient use of the wind resources.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Construction of Rail-cum-Road Bridge across the River Karnaphuli at Kalurghat Point, Chattogram Project To minimize traffic congestion and to ensure seamless railway transport by constructing a new railway cum road bridge
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
South Binh Duong Rubbish Treatment Plant Project The objective of the project is to construct a sanitary community waste landfill and treatment plant to mainly serve Thu Dau Mot Town Thuan An District and Di An District in Southern Binh Duong Province. The technical solution involves the use of the organ ic components of the rubbish to process high quality micro-organism fertilizers and the recycling of other materials such as glass paper and metals.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Politische Einflussnahme und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zugunsten einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft und des Konsums gesunder Nahrungsmittel in Bolivien Political influence and public relations work in favour of sustainable agriculture and the consumption of healthy food in Bolivia Politische Einflussnahme und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zugunsten einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft und des Konsums gesunder Nahrungsmittel in Bolivien Political influence and public relations work in favour of sustainable agriculture and the consumption of healthy food in Bolivia Das Projekt leistet einen Beitrag zur Stärkung und Konsolidierung der sozialen, politischen und wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft als ökologisch und wirtschaftlich sinnvolle Alternative zu konventionellen Ansätzen in Bolivien. The project contributes to strengthening and consolidating the social, political and scientific foundations of sustainable agriculture as an ecologically and economically viable alternative to conventional approaches in Bolivia.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
SUPPORT TO UNICEF FOR ITS WORK WITH IMPLEMENTING SCR 1882 AND SCR 1888. Support to UNICEF for its work with implementing SCR 1882 and SCR 1888. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
HPV Infection and Cervical Cancer in Senegal To support the development and effective use of a therapeutic HPV vaccine intended to clear high risk HPV infection and prevent progression of HPV-mediated disease such as high grade cervical neoplasia and cervical cancer.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Nature Power Foundation Solar panels San Juan de la Maguana, La Florida Nature Power Foundation Solarpaneele San Juan de la Maguana, La Florida Electrification of rural communities through acquisition and installation of solar panels. Villagers are trained in use and upkeep of the solar equipment. Elektrifizierung von Gemeinden mit großer Armut durch Beschaffung und Installation von Solaranlagen sowie Einweisung der Dörfler im Umgang und Wartung der Anlagen.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Building Opportunities for Refugee and Host Community Resilience and Self-Reliance <p>This action builds on programmes previously funded under the EU Trust Fund for Africa ¿ Horn of Africa window, supporting refugees and host communities in Kenya. As outlined in the multi-annual indicative programming for Kenya, support to the most vulnerable is key to unlocking the country¿s full development potential.</p><p>This action, implemented by UNHCR, has the Overall Objective (Impact) to contribute to an asylum space in which displacement affected communities (asylum seekers, refugees and the host community) participate in fostering their common socio-economic inclusion and self-reliance. The Specific(s) Objectives / Outcomes of this Action are:</p><p>(i) To improve national and regional policies and practice promoting a more inclusive approach for refugees</p><p>(ii) To enhance displacement affected communities¿ access to training and income-generating activities in the agricultural sector in Turkana County.</p><p>(iii) To enhance displacement affected communities¿ access to decent employment in Garissa County.</p>
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Sekundering OECD Paris - Miljö Secondment OECD Paris - Environment - Secondment OECD Paris - Environment, OG To analyse and assess the contribution of environmental and climate action towards advancing progress for sustainable development, and the role of development co-operation in this regard, including through the integration of environmental objectives into development strategies, planning and policies in developing countries. Miljö- och Klimatförändringsteamet/Environnet med särskilt fokus på att ytterligare främja policy, förståelse, bevis och praktik att integrera miljömålen i det internationella utvecklingssamarbetet för de 38 medlemsländerna som till stor del också finansierar FN:s arbete och internationellt utvecklingsarbete.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Support to IPLCs and Civil Society in Colombia The main goal is to support about 35-40 IPLCS and small, medium and bigger CSOs (40-55 projects or core supports including extensions) through longer term support (2-4 years) working for fulfilment of rights and for protection of biodiversity and reduction in loss of tropical forest in the country through open calls for proposals and calls by invitation with an objective selection process assuring local anchorage in the supported projects, based on an context analysis and mapping of CSOs and IPLCs. In addition to financial support, the project has a strong component on capacity-building, accompaniment and enabling environment for the communities, organizations with a focus on women.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Promotion of the Quality Infrastructure to support the measurement of consumption and quality of drinking water and waste water Förderung der Qualitätsinfrastruktur zur Unterstützung der Verbrauchs- und Qualitätsmessung von Trink- und Abwasser Water supply is high political priority in Bolivia. This is expressed in the ambitious goal of the Agenda Patriótica 2025, which envisages 100% water supply and sanitation coverage for the population by 2025. In 2014, the coverage rate for drinking water supply was 82%, that of sanitation infrastructure 57%. However, integrated wastewater management is still in its infancy, with only 30% of domestic wastewater being treated. Irrespective of the progressive supply of the population by means of drinking water systems, ensuring the health safety of the drinking water as well as checking the quality of the wastewater remain central challenges of water management. Here, the services of the quality infrastructure (QI) in the areas of drinking water and wastewater analysis as well as consumption measurement play a decisive role. In recent years, the quality infrastructure institutions (the National Metrology Institute, the Accreditation Body as well as the Standards Institute), together with other actors in the sector, have increased quality assurance in the drinking water sector and strengthened existing capacities. So far, however, only a few of the water supply companies apply quality assurance practices. Few have accredited testing laboratories, most of which cannot test all five basic parameters of the Bolivian drinking water standard NB 512. Die Wasserversorgung hat in Bolivien hohe politische Priorität. Dies drückt sich in dem ehrgeizigen Ziel der Agenda Patriótica 2025 aus, die eine 100%ige Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung der Bevölkerung bis zum Jahr 2025 vorsieht. 2014 lag der Deckungsgrad für die Trinkwasserversorgung bei 82%, die der Sanitärinfrastruktur bei 57%. Ein integriertes Abwassermanagement befindet sich jedoch erst im Aufbau, so werden lediglich 30% der häuslichen Abwässer gereinigt. Unabhängig von der fortschreitenden Versorgung der Bevölkerung mittels Trinkwassersystemen, bleiben die Sicherstellung der gesundheitlichen Unbedenklichkeit des Trinkwassers sowie die Überprüfung der Qualität der Abwässer zentrale Herausforderungen des Wassermanagements. Hier kommt den Dienstleistungen der Qualitätsinfrastruktur (QI) in den Bereichen Trink- und Abwasser-analyse sowie Verbrauchsmessung eine entscheidende Rolle zu. In den letzten Jahren haben die Institutionen der Qualitätsinfrastruktur (das nationale Metrologieinstitut, die Akkreditierungsstelle so-wie das Normungsinstitut), gemeinsam mit anderen Akteuren des Sektors, die Qualitätssicherung im Trinkwasserbereich erhöht und die vorhandenen Kapazitäten gestärkt. Bisher wenden jedoch nur wenig der Wasserversorgungsunternehmen (WVU) qualitätssichernde Praktiken an. Wenige verfügen über akkreditierte Prüflaboratorien, von denen die meisten nicht alle fünf Basisparameter der bolivianischen Trinkwassernorm NB 512 kontrollieren können. The quality of consumption measurements and quality analyses has been improved in the area of drinking water and wastewater supply through the strengthening of the Bolivian Metrology Institute (IBMETRO). Im Bereich der Trinkwasser- und Abwasserversorgung ist die Qualität der Verbrauchsmessungen und Qualitätsanalysen durch die Stärkung des bolivianischen Metrologieinstituts (IBMETRO) verbessert.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Erhalt der Biodiversität im Lake Nakuru Nationalpark Lake Nakuru Biodiversity Conservation Project Der Lake-Nakuru-Nationalpark (LNNP) ist einer der über 60 staatlich verwalteten Nationalparks und Reservate in Kenia. Neben global gefährdeten Tierarten, wie dem Spitzmaulnashorn und der Rothschild Giraffe, beheimatet der LNNP auch seltene und bedrohte Vogelarten. Der durch die Ramsar Konvention geschützte Nakuru See bildet das zentrale Ökosystem des Nationalparks und ist Grundlage für dessen einzigartige Biodiversität. Seit 2011 gehört der See als Teil des Kenianischen Seensystems im Great Rift Valley zum UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe.Die Stadt Nakuru, Hauptstadt des gleichnamigen Bezirkes, grenzt direkt an das Nordufer des Sees. Die Bevölkerungszahl der viertgrößten Stadt Kenias wird sich von knapp 400.000 Einwohnern in 2017 voraussichtlich bis 2045 verdoppeln. Daraus resultiert ein steigender Siedlungsdruck nicht nur im Stadtgebiet, sondern im ganzen Bezirk, der die einzigartige Flora und Fauna des LNNP massiv gefährdet. Die Verschmutzung des sensiblen Ökosystems Nakuru See durch Abwässer der Stadt Nakuru, die ungeklärt oder unzureichend geklärt in den alkalischen See fließen, stellt kurzfristig die größte Bedrohung dar. Der nachhaltige Schutz der Biodiversität im Lake Nakuru Nationalpark geht in diesem Vorhaben Hand in Hand mit Maßnahmen zur Stadtentwicklung in Nakuru. Im Rahmen des Vorhabens wird durch den Umbau und die technologische Aufwertung der Kläranlage Njoro sichergestellt, dass städtische Abwässer künftig dem kenianischen Standard entsprechend gereinigt werden. Zudem wird das Kanalsystem in Nakuru Stadt rehabilitiert und ausgebaut, um mehr Bewohnern die Möglichkeit zu geben, sich an das Abwassernetz anzuschließen. Die Gesamtkosten des Vorhabens betragen ca. 50,6 Millionen Euro. Lake Nakuru Biodiversity Conservation Project Hauptziel des FZ-Vorhabens ist der nachhaltige Schutz des LNNP und der dort existierenden Pflanzen- und Tierwelt (Outcome). Dies soll über die Minderung der Verunreinigung des Nakurusees durch Abwässer der Stadt Nakuru mittels einer verbesserten Siedlungswasserwirtschaft erreicht werden. Lake Nakuru Biodiversity Conservation Project
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Erneuerbare Energien Projekt Kostolac Renewable Energy Project Kostolac Im Rahmen des Vorhabens soll ein bis zu 66-MW-Windpark am Standort Kostolac gebaut werden. Der Windpark soll auf dem seit Jahrzehnten stillgelegten Abraumgebiet der Kohlemine Kostolac gebaut werden. Die Ziele der FZ-Maßnahme sind (i) die Erhöhung des Anteils erneuerbarer Energien an der Stromerzeugung Serbiens, (ii) die Vermeidung von klimawirksamen CO2-Emissionen und (iii) die Diversifikation der Energiequellen. Das entwicklungspolitische übergeordnete Ziel ist die Förderung des nachhaltigen wirtschaftlichen Wachstums und der sozialen Entwicklung, sowie der Umwelt- und Klimaschutz in Serbien.Die Zielgruppe bildet die an das Verbundnetz angeschlossene Bevölkerung Serbiens.Projektträger ist der staatliche Energieerzeuger und -verteiler Serbiens Electric Power Industry of Serbia - EPS. Die Gesamtkosten des Vorhaben inkl. der Kosten für den Durchführungsconsultant wurden auf rd. 96 Mio. EUR geschätzt, die mit einem FZ-Entwicklungskredit über 80 Mio. EUR finanziert werden. Der Restbetrag wird von der EPS selbst aufgebracht. Aufgrund des Pilotcharakters des Vorhabens und des fehlenden Know-Hows des Projektträgers in den neuen Technologien sind für eine Begleitmaßnahme Mittel in Höhe von 1 Mio. EUR vorgesehen Renewable Energy Project Kostolac Der Windpark trägt dazu bei, die serbischen Elektrizitätserzeugungsquellen zu erweitern und zu diversifizieren sowie mehr klimafreundliche Elektrizität in das serbische Verbundnetz einzuspeisen. Renewable Energy Project Kostolac
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Cultivating through Crises: Empowering African Small-Holders through Histories of Creative Emergency Response (CCEASH) CCEASH aims to adopt a historiographical approach in order to demonstrate how smallholder farmers in Elgeyo-Marakwet County (EMC), Kenya, innovate and respond in times of crisis. The recent surge in desert locust swarms, allied to flooding and drought, across East Africa present an unprecedented urgent threat to local livelihoods, where failed harvests and crop destruction, coupled with pandemic-related collapse of global market chains, has raised concerns surrounding food shortages and impending economic collapse. In response to these crises, the Kenyan Ministry for Agriculture has called upon farmers and other stakeholders to rapidly intensify production (http://www.kilimo.go.ke/covid-19/). COVID-19 The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Lesotho Rural Energy Hubs Programme The overall objective of the project is to provide consistent high-quality access to renewable household energy products in rural Lesotho, as well as associated after-sales services.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Territorial management and indigenous governance in the Rio Negro basin Institutional development of FOIRN, the five regional coordination offices and local associations with the aim to increase territorial management and indigenous governance in the Rio Negro basin. Setting-up of the Rio Negro Indigenous Fund.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Stärkung von Raumplanung und Landmanagement Strengthening Spatial Planning and Land Management Kommunale und nationale Institutionen erfüllen ihre Aufgaben im Bereich Raumplanung besser. Municipal and national institutions fulfill their tasks in planning better. Kommunale und nationale Institutionen erfüllen ihre Aufgaben im Bereich Raumplanung besser. Municipal and national institutions fulfill their tasks in planning better.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Support to the trout production sector to improve on-farm fish health management and phytosanitary standards To assist in developing measures/plans for improved fish health and introduction better management practices for fish health management, on-farm biosecurity and planning, and fish processing
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Support to Rice Production for Food Security in Senegal Appui à la production de riz pour la sécurité alimentaire au Sénégal The goal of the project is to help Senegal to achieve rice self-sufficiency and to reduce poverty by supporting the National Program for Rice Self-sufficiency. The purpose of the Program is to increase rice production in the self-managed perimeters of the Senegal River Valley to meet the needs of 600,000 people each year, especially in rural areas. The project revolves around two major components: (1) availability of funds for rice producers to procure inputs to increase their production; and (2) capacity building of rural organizations to develop effective procurement and marketing services. In addition, the project has a management component. Le projet vise à aider le Sénégal à atteindre l’autosuffisance en riz et à lutter contre la pauvreté en fournissant un appui au Programme national d’autosuffisance en riz. Ce programme a comme but d’accroître la production de riz dans les périmètres autogérés de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal afin de répondre aux besoins de 600 000 personnes sur une base annuelle, notamment en milieu rural. Le projet s’articule autour de deux grandes composantes : 1) la mise à disposition de fonds aux producteurs et productrices de riz pour l’achat d’intrants en vue de l’accroissement de leur production; 2) le renforcement des capacités des organisations paysannes à développer des services efficaces d’approvisionnement et de commercialisation. Le projet comporte également une composante de gestion.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Aalborg CSP Egypt Remote Areas Sustainable Development Development of Solar Thermal Desalination The scope of the project is to apply for professional experience with Concentrated Solar Power and Integrated Energy Systems for Egypts national development project in the regions of New Valley and Upper Egypt. The feasibility study project lies in the field of energy and water production. Since the planned locations for this IES plant are in areas with water wells and agriculture land, boosting the agriculture sector will also be a major part of the end goal.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Green Climate Fund Core Support 2015-2023 - Green Climate Fund Core support 2015-2023 (2022) Green Climate Fund Kärnstöd 2015-2023 (2022) Kärnstöd Core support
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Technical support Project for the development of actions towards the implementation of the National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) for Guinea-Bissau in the context of REDD+. To address and resolve the main technical obstacles that, in spite of political will and stakeholder engagement, prevent Guinea-Bissau from implementing a sustainable NFMS and materialize the preliminary steps of its M MRV systems. First, a collaborative and coordinated effort with the organization of a multidisciplinary group will be promoted.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
UK Expertise for Green Cities and Infrastructure Programme (GCI) To improve the impact and effectiveness of FCDO programming in climate resilient urban development infrastructure planning and delivery; to accelerate inclusive and sustainable economic growth by connecting people to labour markets and infrastructure services; to address the impacts of climate change through better urban planning and delivery of resilient infrastructure projects.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Activity under preparation Appui à la transition énergétique : énergies renouvelables et efficacité énergétique en Algérie La présente action vise à soutenir les efforts de l¿Algérie en matière de réduction de ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre liées au secteur de l¿énergie (Objectif General). A cette fin, les résultats attendus de l¿action sont : la part des énergies renouvelables dans le mix énergétique est augmentée (Objectif Spécifique 1) ; l¿efficacité énergétique est augmentée (Objectif Spécifique 2). Pour ce faire, cette action mettra en place les résultats suivants liés à l¿Objectif Spécifique 1 : (i) des outils pour favoriser et promouvoir le développement de projets d¿Energies Renouvelables (ER)&nbsp;ont été mis à dispositions des institutions algériennes; et (ii) des outils pour gérer efficacement l¿intégration des ER dans le réseau national ont étés mis à dispositions des institutions algériennes, et ; (iii) des informations et des outils essentiels pour promouvoir le développement d'une économie verte de l'hydrogène dans le respect des critères de durabilité ont étés mis à dispositions des décideurs politiques et économiques. Cette action mettra aussi en place les résultats suivants liés à l¿Objectif Spécifique 2&nbsp;: (i) des plans sont disponibles et des capacités ont été développées pour mettre en ¿uvre des mesures d¿efficacité énergétique dans les bâtiments et les entreprises publiques, et ; (ii) des outils pour surveiller et réparer les installations de production et de transport de l¿énergie, en particulier de gaz naturel, et augmenter les volumes de gaz non torchés et recouvrés sont disponibles.Ainsi, cette action contribue directement à l¿ODD 7 «&nbsp;Garantir l¿accès de tous à des services énergétiques fiables, durables et modernes, à un coût abordable » et indirectement à l¿ODD 12 « Consommation et production responsable » et l¿ODD 13 « Prendre d¿urgence des mesures pour lutter contre les changements climatiques et leurs répercussions ».Cette action sera mise en ¿uvre dans le cadre de l'Initiative « Équipe Europe », dont elle cible l¿objectif «&nbsp;soutien à la transition énergétique&nbsp;».
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Asia Regional Energy and Electricity Trade Expansion To expand trade in electricity and goods between Bangladesh and India and Nepal and India
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Sustainable agricuture and market-based income generation of mnembers of farmer union UOCB, North of Santa Fe Förderung nachhaltiger Bewirtschaftungs- und Vermarktungsprozesse von Mitgliedern des Kleinbauernverbandes UOCB in zwei Ökoregionen im Norden von Santa Fe Sustainable agricuture and market-based income generation of mnembers of farmer union UOCB, North of Santa Fe Förderung nachhaltiger Bewirtschaftungs- und Vermarktungsprozesse von Mitgliedern des Kleinbauernverbandes UOCB in zwei Ökoregionen im Norden von Santa Fe Sustainable agricuture and market-based income generation of mnembers of farmer union UOCB, North of Santa Fe Förderung nachhaltiger Bewirtschaftungs- und Vermarktungsprozesse von Mitgliedern des Kleinbauernverbandes UOCB in zwei Ökoregionen im Norden von Santa Fe
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Activity under preparation Appui à l¿augmentation des capacités de production d¿électricité d¿origine renouvelable Cette action vise à soutenir le développement de la capacité de production électrique d¿origine renouvelable (petit hydroélectricité, photovoltaïque, biomasse), par une opération de blending mixant une subvention d¿un montant de 4 millions d¿euros avec des prêts mis à disposition par une ou plusieurs institutions financières partenaires de l¿Union européenne. L¿action répond au besoin d¿ajouter des capacités de production dans des zones peu desservies par les grands réseaux d¿interconnexion en construction qui transportent l¿électricité produites par les grands barrages actuels et futurs (Nachtigal, Kikot).En effet, grâce à une interconnexion intérieure de ses réseaux prévue en 2025-2026, le Cameroun disposera d¿un réseau électrique haute tension pour alimenter de grandes portions du territoire. Le potentiel théorique de production d¿électricité peu carbonée par les barrages de grande capacité, suffisant pour accompagner le développement social et économique durable du pays, ne pourra pas atteindre à coût raisonnable l¿ensemble de son territoire. Aussi, il apparait nécessaire de considérer le besoin d¿ajout complémentaire de capacités de production d¿électricité d¿origine renouvelable (petite hydroélectricité, production photovoltaïque, biomasse) en mesure d¿alimenter le réseau sur certaines zones moins bien desservies et sur des réseaux isolés alimentés par des groupes diesels.Le développement de ces capacités de production électrique renouvelable présente l¿avantage d¿améliorer la fourniture d¿électricité tout en réduisant l¿impact sur l¿environnement, ainsi que s¿y est engagé le Cameroun en 2015 (25% du mix énergétique en énergie renouvelable ¿ petit hydro, photovoltaïque, biomasse). Cependant, 8 ans après, malgré la faisabilité technique et la rentabilité économique de nombreuses initiatives privées existantes de développement de projets, seul un projet de petite hydroélectricité a pu aboutir. L¿instruction administrative inefficace, peu coordonnée, ainsi que le financement difficile à obtenir pour &nbsp;ces projets sont les deux facteurs limitants essentiels qui expliquent la lenteur de leur développement.L¿action visera dans une première composante, le renforcement des capacités institutionnelles par la mise à disposition de moyens techniques nécessaires pour le suivi et l¿accompagnement des projets en cours ainsi que dans la réalisation d¿appels à concurrence pour le développement de nouveaux projets de production électrique d¿origine renouvelable connectée au réseau. Dans une seconde composante, il s¿agira d¿¿uvrer pour la mise à disposition des moyens financiers adaptés pour le financement de ces projets auprès de développeurs privés indépendants avec des prêts mis à disposition par une ou plusieurs institutions financières partenaires de l¿Union européenne
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Vietnam Climate Change Program Enabling Climate change has been identified as a strategic priority in Australia's strategic approach to aid in Vietnam 2010-15 in recognition that climate change poses a serious threat for Vietnam. Striking the right balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability will be a particular challenge as Vietnam advances toward its ambitions of becoming an industrialised country by 2020. The Vietnam Climate Change Program Enabling Initiative was first established to support the development of AusAID's new climate change portfolio and has since been expanded to include targeted research and technical assistance for the Government of Vietnam (GOV) to enable their climate change response. This includes: (i) technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to identify options for reducing GHG emissions in the agricultural sector through a value-chain approach; (ii) a feasibility study into the potential establishment of a Climate Innovation Centre in Vietnam to s
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der Resilienz von kleinbäuerlichen Familien gegenüber Dürrekatastrophen in ländlichen Regionen der Diözese Kitui Strengthening resilience of small scale farmer households against drought in rural areas of Kitui county Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der Resilienz von kleinbäuerlichen Familien gegenüber Dürrekatastrophen in ländlichen Regionen der Diözese Kitui Strengthening resilience of small scale farmer households against drought in rural areas of Kitui county Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der Resilienz von kleinbäuerlichen Familien gegenüber Dürrekatastrophen in ländlichen Regionen der Diözese Kitui Strengthening resilience of small scale farmer households against drought in rural areas of Kitui county
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Technical Assistance for the Development of a REDD+ Forest Reference Level (FRL) and National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) in Bhutan REDD+ Forest Reference Level (FRL) for Bhutan
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Kleinbäuerliche Aufforstung Gansu Smallholder Afforestation Project Gansu Das Projekt im Südosten der Provinz Gansu ist Teil des chinesischen Drei-Norden-Schutzwaldprogramms. Mit der Begründung bzw. Rehabilitierung von rund 38.000 ha Schutz- und Nutzmischwäldern sowie deren nachhaltiger Bewirtschaftung soll ein Beitrag zur Ressourcensicherung (Stabilisierung und Rehabilitierung ökologisch degradierter Vegetationszonen, Verbesserung des CO2- und Wasserhaushalts und der Biodiversität) sowie zur Armutsminderung geleistet werden. Smallholder Afforestation Project Gansu Projektziel ist die nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung der neu angelegten/ rehabilitierten Mischwäldern und Nutzhainen und der Frucht- und Nussbäumen und Gewürzsträuchern (Backyard Forestry- Armutsminderungskomponente) unter aktiver Einbindung der lokalen Bevölkerung. Smallholder Afforestation Project Gansu
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Systems Approach to Improving and Sustaining Food Security in West Africa Approche systémique pour améliorer et maintenir la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique occidentale The project aims to improve the food security status of people living in poor rural communities in Ghana, Mali, Sierra Leone and Senegal. The project will work to increase the adoption of agricultural practices that promote sustainable livelihoods; improve the utilization of health food especially by women and children; and, increase the effectiveness and use of agricultural extension services. Specific activities include: training farmers on best animal husbandry practices, seed production, pest management and early disease detection; as well as the training of government rural extension service staff in planning, implementing, and monitoring projects together with the participation of local communities and farmers. The project is expected to reach around 45,000 subsistence farmers and their families and around 1,400 members of farmer associations and purchasing groups, as well as local agriculture authorities. At the country level, World Vision Canada is working in partnership with local farm-based civil society organizations to implement this project. Le projet vise à améliorer l'état de la sécurité alimentaire des personnes vivant dans les communautés rurales pauvres au Ghana, au Mali, en Sierra Leone et au Sénégal. Le projet travaille à augmenter l'adoption de pratiques agricoles qui favorisent les moyens de subsistance durables, à améliorer l'utilisation des aliments sains, en particulier par les femmes et les enfants, et à renforcer l'efficacité et l'utilisation des services de vulgarisation agricole. Les activités spécifiques incluent la formation des agriculteurs sur les meilleures pratiques d'élevage, la production de semences, le contrôle des insectes et la détection précoce de la maladie, ainsi que la formation du personnel du service gouvernemental de vulgarisation agricole en milieu rural dans les domaines de la planification, de l'exécution et du suivi de projets, en collaboration avec la participation des communautés locales et des agriculteurs. Le projet devrait atteindre environ 45.000 petits agriculteurs et leurs familles, et près de 1.400 membres d'associations d'agriculteurs, de groupes d'achat, ainsi que les autorités agricoles locales. Dans chaque pays, Vision Mondiale Canada travaille en partenariat avec les organisations civiles locales axées sur l’agriculture locale pour mettre en œuvre ce projet.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Strengthening sustainable development, networking and civic participation of small scale farmer households in semi-arid regions of Rio Grande do Norte Nachhaltige Entwicklung sowie Stärkung der Netzwerkarbeit und politischen Partizipation von Kleinbauernfamilien in semiariden Regionen Strengthening sustainable development, networking and civic participation of small scale farmer households in semi-arid regions of Rio Grande do Norte Nachhaltige Entwicklung sowie Stärkung der Netzwerkarbeit und politischen Partizipation von Kleinbauernfamilien in semiariden Regionen Strengthening sustainable development, networking and civic participation of small scale farmer households in semi-arid regions of Rio Grande do Norte Nachhaltige Entwicklung sowie Stärkung der Netzwerkarbeit und politischen Partizipation von Kleinbauernfamilien in semiariden Regionen
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Adaption to climate change and strengthening resilience of the population in Moyan Cavally and Bas Sassandra Anpassung an den Klimawandel und Erhöhung der Resilienz der Bevölkerung in Moyan Cavally und Bas Sassandra Livelihoods of particularly vulnerable, including crisis-affected, population groups are adapted to climate change and resilience improved. Die Lebensgrundlagen besonders vulnerabler, einschließlich vom ivorischen Konflikt betroffener, Bevölkerungsgruppen sind an den Klimawandel angepasst und die Resilienz gestärkt. Livelihoods of particularly vulnerable, including crisis-affected, population groups are adapted to climate change and resilience improved. Die Lebensgrundlagen besonders vulnerabler, einschließlich vom ivorischen Konflikt betroffener, Bevölkerungsgruppen sind an den Klimawandel angepasst und die Resilienz gestärkt.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Support for One CGIAR Transition to support strategic, operational, governance, and resource mobilization reforms, positioning a consolidated, unified One CGIAR to provide leadership in research and innovation required to transform agriculture in response to climate change
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Sustainable and decentralized solar energy supply in 20 villages of West Medinipur district Förderung nachhaltiger Energieversorgung in 20 Dörfern des Distriktes West Medinipur, Westbengalen Sustainable and decentralized solar energy supply in 20 villages of West Medinipur district Förderung nachhaltiger Energieversorgung in 20 Dörfern des Distriktes West Medinipur, Westbengalen Sustainable and decentralized solar energy supply in 20 villages of West Medinipur district Förderung nachhaltiger Energieversorgung in 20 Dörfern des Distriktes West Medinipur, Westbengalen
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Abfallmanagement 2025 - Umsetzung des ukrainischen Gesetze von 2022 Waste Management 2025 - Implementation of the Ukrainian law of 2022 Abfallmanagement 2025 - Umsetzung des ukrainischen Gesetze von 2022 Waste Management 2025 - Implementation of the Ukrainian law of 2022 Das geplante Projekt schafft die Voraussetzungen für eine differenzierte, umweltschonende Entsorgung der in der Gesamtgemeinde Ivanychi anfallenden Haushaltsabfälle. Es orientiert sich an den Vorgaben (Gesetz zur Abfallentsorgung) des ukrainischen Ministerkabinetts, die Siedlungsabfälle unter den Gesichtspunkten Recycling, Biomasse und Restmüll zu entsorgen. Über allem steht aber die Sensibilisierung der Bevölkerung für die Optimierung der Entsorgung. The planned project creates the conditions for differentiated, environmentally friendly disposal of the household waste generated in the entire municipality of Ivanychi. It is based on the requirements (law on waste disposal) of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers to dispose of municipal waste in terms of recycling, biomass and residual waste. Above all, however, the aim is to raise public awareness of the need to optimise waste disposal.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
230000630 Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program through Climate Action Window Africans are heavily affected by climate change. They need to adapt but finance falls short. AfDB created the Climate Action Window (CAW) as a channel to address this finance gap. Through the adaptation component of CAW, NL supports AAAP. The overall goal of AAAP through CAW is to achieve a Climate-Smart, Resilient, Inclusive, and Integrated Africa. This is done by focusing on four pillars: 1. Food Security: climate-smart agriculture and resilient food systems. 2. Infrastructure and Nature Based Solutions: water, transport, energy, and urban systems. 3. Youth Entrepreneurship and Adaptation Jobs. 4. Adaptation Finance. The Netherlands is committed to double its adaptation finance by 2025. The support to AAAP through CAW is part of delivering on that commitment. In parallel, a grant will be awarded to the Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA), a co-creator of AAAP. GCA will provide knowledge and convening services for projects in the adaptation pipeline.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Investitionsfonds Abfallverwertung Zuschuss (Investitionszuschuss) &lt;![CDATA[Fonds d&apos;Investissement pour la Valorisation des déchets (Don)]]&gt; Das deutsche FZ-Engagement im Abfallsektor in Tunesien bestehend aus den Modulen Siedlungsabfalldeponien III und FIVAD soll die erfolgreiche deutsch-tunesische Zusammenarbeit im Abfallsektor in Form eines offenen Programms fortsetzen. Es beinhaltet die Vorbereitung und Durchführung von abfallwirtschaftlichen Investitionsmaßnahmen wie beispielsweise Bau und Ausrüstung von geordneten Deponien, Abfallumladestationen sowie von Verwertungs- und Behandlungseinrichtungen. Das Programm umfasst dabei einerseits die Vervollständigung der ersten Phase der landesweiten Implementierung einer geordneten Siedlungsabfallwirtschaft in Tunesien, andererseits Komponenten zur Weiterentwicklung des Systems hin zu einer umwelt- und ressourcenschonenden Kreislaufwirtschaft. Im Rahmen einer Begleitmaßnahme sollen investitionsbezogene Qualifizierungen den Träger insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Weiterentwicklung zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft und die damit verbundene Implementierung von Verwertungs- und Behandlungssystemen unterstützen.Das entwicklungspolitisch übergeordnete Ziel des FZ-Programms ist, einen Beitrag zum nachhaltigen Schutz der Umwelt, insbesondere zum Schutz der knappen Wasserressourcen, zum Schutz des Klimas sowie zur Verringerung der gesundheitlichen Risiken für die tunesische Bevölkerung im Programmgebiet zu leisten. Dies wird durch die Vervollständigung der geordneten Abfallentsorgung sowie durch die Einführung umweltfreundlicher Verwertungs- und Behandlungseinrichtungen erreicht. Weiterhin soll ein Beitrag zur Förderung einer umwelt- und ressourcenschonenden Kreislaufwirtschaft durch die Finanzierung von Investitionen zur stofflichen und energetischen Verwertung von Abfällen geleistet werden. Direkte Zielgruppe ist die in den jeweiligen Projektregionen (Gouvernoraten) wohnende Bevölkerung, die an eine geordnete Siedlungsabfallentsorgung angeschlossen wird, sowie die in der Abfallentsorgung Beschäftigen. Indirekte Zielgruppe sind die Bewohner Tunesiens, die durch das Vorhaben indirekt (z.B. auch durch die Einführung einer weitergehenden Kreislaufwirtschaft) vor negativen Umweltschäden und Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigungen geschützt werden. Fonds d'Investissement pour la Valorisation des déchets (Don) Förderung einer umwelt- und ressourcenschonenden Kreislaufwirtschaft Fonds d'Investissement pour la Valorisation des déchets (Don)
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Principal climate mitigation objective
Preventing demand for deforestation-causing biofuels in the aviation and shipping sectors The goal of this project is to prevent the adoption of policies that would drive the uptake of deforestation-causing biofuels in the aviation and shipping sectors in the EU, US and at international level.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Kreditprogramm Umweltschutz und erneuerbare Energien (IKLU - Rahmen) Prog. Cred. Ambiental y de Energ. Renov Das Vorhaben umfasst einen FZ-Entwicklungskredit an die nationale Entwicklungsbank El Salvadors Banco Multisectorial de Inversiones (BMI) in Höhe von EUR 19,5 Mio. (USD-Gegenwert: 27,3 Mio.). Hiermit sollen langfristige Kredite zur Refinanzierung von Umweltinvestitionen insbesondere kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen (KMU) (Komponente 1) sowie zur Refinanzierung von kleinen erneuerbaren Energieprojekten (Komponente 2) in El Salvador bedarfsgerecht und effizient vergeben werden. Damit sollen Beiträge zum Klimaschutz, zur Reduzierung der Umweltbelastung und zur effizienteren Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen durch Unternehmen geleistet werden. Die Zielerreichung wird durch eine FZ-Beratungskomponente (Fondo de Asistencia Técnica, FAT) in Höhe von EUR 0,65 Mio. zur Vorbereitung der Projekte sowie zur Beratung und Information der teilnehmenden Geschäftsbanken und Unternehmen unterstützt. Hierdurch wird eine strukturelle Wirkung auf die Umweltausrichtung des KMU-Sektors erzielt, weil mehrere neue Umweltberater für das FZ-Programm aus- und fortgebildet werden und zahlreiche Unternehmen effiziente Investitionsmöglichkeiten mit hohen Umweltwirkungen kennenlernen.Das Gesamtinvestitionsvolumen wird auf bis zu EUR 24,4 Mio. veranschlagt. Es soll aus einem aus Mitteln der Sonderfazilität Initiative Klima- und Umweltschutz (IKLU) finanzierten FZ-Entwicklungskredit (Zinsverbilligtes Darlehen) in Höhe von EUR 19,5 Mio. (inklusive EUR 4 Mio. Zinsverbilligung) sowie einem Beitrag der beteiligten Unternehmen (mindestens 20% der Investitionskosten, ca. EUR 4,9 Mio.) finanziert werden. Prog. Cred. Ambiental y de Energ. Renov Übergeordnetes entwicklungspolitisches Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme ist es, Beiträge zum Klimaschutz, zur Reduzierung der Umweltbelastung und zur effizienten Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen durch Unternehmen zu leisten. Programmziel ist die bedarfsgerechte und effiziente Vergabe langfristiger Kredite zur Refinanzie-rung von Umweltinvestitionen insbesondere kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen sowie zur Refinanzierung von kleinen erneuerbaren Energieprojekten in El Salvador. Prog. Cred. Ambiental y de Energ. Renov
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Anpassningsfonden (AF) kärnstöd 2019-2022 Adaptation Fund (AF) Core support 2019-2022 Kärnstöd 2019-2022 (beslutas i regleringsbrev varje år) Core support 2019-2022
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Verbesserung der Existenzgrundlagen durch nachhaltige Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft, Latehar, Indien Enhancing livelihoods through sustainable agriculture development in Latehar, India Verbesserung der Existenzgrundlagen durch nachhaltige Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft, Latehar, Indien Enhancing livelihoods through sustainable agriculture development in Latehar, India Verbesserung der Existenzgrundlagen durch nachhaltige Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft, Latehar, Indien Enhancing livelihoods through sustainable agriculture development in Latehar, India
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Resilience and social stability for vulnerable groups in Lebanon following the Syrian crisis. Resilienza e stabilità sociale per i gruppi più vulnerabili in Libano a seguito della crisi siriana The Programme contributes to the alleviation of the socio-economic shock of the Syrian crisis on the most vulnerable groups in Lebanon, by improving their access to income opportunities and public services. L'iniziativa, che sarà realizzata attraverso OSC selezionate tramite apposito Bando, intende contribuire a mitigare le conseguenze sociali ed economiche negative della crisi siriana sui gruppi più vulnerabili, migliorando il loro accesso al reddito e all'occupazione
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)-German Energy Programme ASEAN-Deutsches Energieprogramm Preconditions to implement measures for renewable energy and energy efficiency and conservation are improved on regional and national level. Auf regionaler und nationaler Ebene sind die Voraussetzungen zur Umsetzung von Maßnahmen zu Erneuerbarer Energie und Energieeffizienz und -einsparung verbessert. Preconditions to implement measures for renewable energy and energy efficiency and conservation are improved on regional and national level. Auf regionaler und nationaler Ebene sind die Voraussetzungen zur Umsetzung von Maßnahmen zu Erneuerbarer Energie und Energieeffizienz und -einsparung verbessert.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Asistencia tecnica para la preparaci n de las NDC e instrumentos de reporte conexos en los compromisos del Ecuador con la Convenci n Marco de Naciones Unidas para el Cambio Clim tico (CMNUCC) - (Recoded from Entity no. 674062 from biennium of funding 2016-17 to 2018-19) Contribuir a la mitigaci n y adaptaci n al cambio clim tico para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero generados por los principales sectores de la econom a nacional e incrementar la capacidad de adaptaci n de la poblaci n y de los sistemas humanos y naturales ante los efectos del cambio clim tico, mediante la preparaci n de instrumentos clave ratificados por el pa s en el marco del Acuerdo de Paris y otros documentos de reporte conexos.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Renforcement de la protection internationale et des solutions durables en faveur des r¿fugi¿s burundais dans le Sud Kivu Contract related to: Renforcement de la protection internationale et des solutions durables en faveur des r¿fugi¿s burundais dans le Sud Kivu - The regional Action follows the global commitments that the EU abides by and supports, notably in terms of the roll-out of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and its support to various partners working on durable solutions through funding received from the EU Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF) and national funding mechanisms. Migration and forced displacement are among the key priorities for the next EU programming period ¿ as demonstrated by Priority 6 ¿ Migration, mobility, and forced displacement ¿ under the SSA regional MIP 2021-2027. This Action focuses on Objective 2 in particular under the SSA-MIP ¿ ¿Address protection and long-term needs and support durable solutions for forcibly displaced populations and host communities.¿&nbsp;The approach outlined in this Action Document aligns with the broader EU approach to forced displacement and development and will facilitate implementation of the Global Compact for Refugees, as well as support the EU strategic approach to the application of the CRRF in the Horn and East Africa region and supporting the principles of the Nairobi Declaration. This regional Action is funded under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) and falls chiefly under SDG Target 10.7, which is the target most directly related to migration under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. SDG 10.7 calls on countries to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies. This action follows on to the regional action ¿Durable solutions for forcibly displaced populations in Sub-Saharan Africa¿, which provided similar support for the South Sudan and Central African Republic situations.&nbsp;The overall objective of the action is to bolster durable solutions for Burundian returnees and refugees and their host communities and reduce inequalities between these groups. The specific objectives of the action are to i) enhance the protection of Burundian refugees in the region and returnees in Burundi; ii) contribute to the resilience and self-reliance of refugees, communities hosting refugees and returnees as well as the reintegration (the economic empowerment and social reintegration) of returnees in Burundi; and iii) provide a basis for national and regional learning and exchanges on durable solutions and return.The main beneficiaries of this action are Burundian returnees and refugees, as well as their respective host communities, as well as relevant government institutions and members of local organisations (e.g. women's organisations, NGOs, community groups) engaged in issues related to durable solutions for returnees, refugees, and host communities. The specific geographical focus of this Action is Burundi as the context of return, and the DRC, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania as contexts of asylum.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Global Energy Efficiency and Construction Outreach Programme (GLECOP) GLECOP contributes to low-emission, energy-efficient and resilient development at a global scale. It supports two multilateral initiatives, the Energy Efficiency in Emerging Economies (E4) Programme implemented by the International Energy Agency and the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction. Through its support, Switzerland aims to enhance knowledge and capacities, to leverage successful practices and to strengthen policies on energy efficiency with a focus on the construction sector.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Enhancement of the production and processing chain of water buffalo milk in South Iraq Valorizzazione della filiera di produzione e trasformazione del latte di bufala nel Sud Iraq The project addressea to the rural areas of Dhi Qar Province in South Iraq, aims to develop the buffalo breeding sector Il progetto interviene nelle aree rurali della Provincia del Dhi Qar, nel sud Iraq, nella filiera basata sull'allevamento del bufalo
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Intra-ACP- Climate Services and related Applications Overall Objective of the programme is to strengthen the climate service value chain through building the capacities of decision-makers at all levels to make effective use of climate information and services.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
IUCN 2017 Intern. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources IUCN 2017 Intern. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Natural solutions within climate issues Naturbaserade lösningar i klimatfrågan och Parisavtalet
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
BIKE - Biofuels production at low - iLUC risK for European sustainable bioeconomy The BIKE project focuses on providing clear and scientifically robust evidence for the market uptake of low-ILUC-risk biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels. The work follows a system approach and evaluates three specific value chains sourced by different feedstock- agricultural management configurations: a. Perennial lignocellulosic crops, for sugar extraction and further fermentation for conversion into lignocellulosic fuels (e.g. bioethanol). b. Rotational, sequential oil crops to provide sustainable lipids to HVO/Green Hydrocarbons (including HEFA/Sustainable Aviation Fuels) process. c. Starch rich crops in cover cropping schemes on existing agricultural land to produce advanced biofuels without affecting food production system. The raw material supply will be aligned with sustainable agricultural practices and will research opportunities to produce it with low ILUC practices as they are addressed in the Delegated Act, i.e. i) yield increases, ii) potential for cultivation of unused, abandoned and degraded land as well as iii) opportunities for European small farm holders.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Update Hälso's webpage Uppdatera Hälsos hemsida Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. Update of website to be in-line with the Unit's policy Health is wealth.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Support to upgrade the value chain of Solid Waste Management and adoption of a Circular Economic Model The Action aims is to improve solid waste management and scale up circular economy, while boosting decent job creation, private sector development and green entrepreneurship.The Specific Objectives of this Action are to: 1.Strengthen the policy and regulatory role of the NWA in boosting waste management services and creating circular business opportunities.2.Strengthen the effectiveness of Luanda¿s provincial and municipal authorities¿ solid wastes management plans, including promoting sustainability and circular business models (including recycling and recovery of materials).3.Attract private sector capital for infrastructure projects and boost circular business opportunities.4.Stregthen formalisation and decent employment opportunities in the solid waste sector, incorporating the gender equality dimension.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Forest Footprint Disclosure Investers better able to assess how a company's activities contribute to deforestation
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Indonesia Disaster Fund (IMDFF-DR) The IMDFF-DR is a trust fund for disaster recovery established on 30 Dec 2009 through an MOU between Government of Indonesia, the World Bank and the United Nations. It is intended to fund implementation of the Government of Indonesia Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Action Plans. The focus area for this fund is early recovery, rehabilitation & reconstruction, housing, and livelihoods.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Well prepared Red Cross/Red Crescent societies for disaster response: Chad The purpose of the response preparedness programme in Chad is for the Netherlands Red Cross and Chad Red Cross to strengthen the capacity of the Red Cross national society in Chad. Chad is affected by natural disasters, such as floods and draughts, epidemics, and refugee displacement from its neighbours such Libya and Sudan, and internal instabilities. Food insecurity further complicates response preparedness in Chad where governmental and local responses are limited due to capacity. Chad Red Cross also lacks the capacity to effectively handle disaster and emergency response, resulting in affected populations failing to receive adequate assistance, multiplying the effects of disasters. The Netherlands Red Cross and Chad Red Cross will engage response-preparedness issues in Chad by: improving the function of Chad Red Cross’ national and local response mechanisms, strategically positioning and logistically supporting Red Cross relief stocks in Chad, strengthening Chad Red Cross’ human resource capacities for disaster management, and improving Chad Red Cross ‘ disaster management plan. The programme targets Chad Red Cross staff, and families in disaster-prone regions. National Disaster Team (NDRT)and Branch Disaster Response Team (BDRT) will be trained, and training will be carried out in 2012 and be followed-up with yearly refresher trainings from 2013-2015. Chad Red Cross’ 5 Disaster Management (DM) staff will be augmented, with other staff receiving yearly refresher trainings. 4,000 families in the 7 most disaster-prone areas, and in N’Djamena, will also be targeted in the form strategically-placed relief kits. The programme in Chad is implemented throughout the country.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
EU-South East Asia Cooperation on Mitigating Climate Change impact from Civil Aviation (EU-CCCA) The overall objective is to enhance political, economic and environmental partnership between the EU and partner countries in South East Asia in the areas of civil aviation environmental protection and climate change. The specific objectives are: SO1: To develop or support existing policy dialogues with partner countries on mitigating GHG emissions from civil aviation.SO2: To contribute to the 'CORSIA readiness' process of partner countries in South East Asia to implement CORSIA
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
WWX WOP Tanzania (WWN) Background Morogoro is a city in the eastern part of Tanzania. The city and its surroundings are growing rapidly. To adequately serve all inhabitants, drinking water production must be increased, the water supply network must be improved and expanded, and sanitation, wastewater collection and treatment need to be improved. MORUWASA is the water supply and sanitation authority of Morogoro. They strive to radically improve the availability of reliable and sufficient water and sanitation services in Morogoro, responding swiftly to the rapidly expanding demand for such services and growing challenges in accessing adequate financial resources for investment in the required infrastructure. Our impact This partnership aims to improve the livelyhood of communities in the Morogoro urban area, by focusing on improving the delivery of water and sanitation services, with attention given to the poorest. In Phase 2 of the WaterWorX programme (2022-2026), the partnership will focus on: Non-revenue water and cost recovery measures Connecting the disconnected by improving water services in low-income areas by rehabilitating water kiosks Climate proof watershed management and water production by preserving water resources and catchment areas by planting trees and implementing awareness training Organisational development in the field of human resources (including gender equality and social inclusion), and investment planning Activities Within this WaterWorX partnership between World Waternet and MORUWASA, the team will focus on the following activities: Improvement financial position by adjusting water production and sale Improving customer data management Development of long-term strategies in order to become a sustainable company Setup of investment programme and tariffs on a full cost-recovery basis Improvement of wastewater collection, treatment and possible re-use Implementation of pro-poor solutions (village pump and rehabilitation of water kiosks) Implementation of activities (trees planting, implementation of tree nursery) to conserve and restore water resources Implementation of GIS Developing awareness on the topics human resources, gender and HIV/aids
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Activity under preparation GET. Invest Nigeria Country Window <p>The GET.invest Country Window Nigeria will provide much needed support to private sector in mobilising investments from the private sector and also accessing European financing instruments under the Global Gateway initiative. The project will thereby significantly accelerate the development of renewable energy projects in Nigeria, facilitate the successful deployment of European Union financial instruments (such as in particular the EFSD+ instruments) and contribute to economic development and job creation across a variety of sectors, including the energy sector.</p>
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective